''^^wm irMQ, s?^ %. '^^mf^Si ^mi ■'^1 56th Congress, / HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, j Document 2d Session. \ \ No. 516. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS DIVISIOX OF .MAPS AND CHART'S A LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA LIBRARY OF CONGRESS PKEC'EDED BY A LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO CARTOGRAPHY BY P. LEE PHILLIPS, F. R. G. S. Chief of tlxe Division of ]VXaps ttncl Clia-rts WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 19 01 SCiENCES LIBBARY INTRODUCTIOX. This publication constitutes a subject-chronological monograph relating to the maps of America in the Library- of Congress. Many maps of rare interest are buried in books and atlases, and difficult to find when most wanted. They are often torn from their original places, their history becomes a question of doubt, and they are sold at a greater price than the atlas in which the}' were originalh^ found. These I have endeavored to identif3^ The manuscript maps of the Revolutionar}' war, contained in the Faden, Force, and Rocham- beau collections, man}' of them unknown to the historian, are in the Library and here noted. The maps in atlases are each separately catalogued. A large number of old state and county maps and plans of cities are f ulh' described. The original spelling in the titles of old maps has been retained. The measurements of the maps are in inches. I have prefaced this volume with a list of works relating to cartography. This list onl}' includes such maps as were in the Library at the time of the opening of the new building, in November, 1897. The large increase since then will eventualh' result in a supplemental volume. Some important titles of recent dat€, however, have been inserted. P. Lee Phillips, Chief of Division of Maps and Cliarts. Herbert Putnam, Librarian of Congress. Washington, D. C, July 1, 1901. ^ ^ rf— vt A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CARTOGRAPHY. [L, C. indicates that the work is in the Library of Congress.] >• ■*' , - •> -, > Ackermann (Karl). Eepertorium der landeskundlichen litteratur fiir dtenPtetis- sischen regierungsbezirk Kassel. 1 1. 15-175 pp. 8°. [Cassel, C. Eichartz, 1884]. [Bibliotheca Hassiaca]. l. c. Eepertorium der landeskundlichen litteratur f iir den Preussischen regierungs- bezirk Kassel, das ehemalige kurfiirstenthum Hessen. g. n. letzter nach- trag. 15 pp. 8°. Kassel, 3899. Adelung (J. C.) Kritisches verzeichniss der landkarten und vornehmsten topo- graphischen blatter der chur- und fiirstlich Sachsisehen lande. 8°. ]\Ieis- sen, 1796. Africa (Cartography). Bartholomew (John George) . The mapping of the world. Part 2. Maps of Africa. [With a map]. [In Scottish (The) geographical magazine. 8°. Edinburgh, T. & A. Con- stable, 1890. V. 6. pp. 575-597]. l. c. The cartography of Africa from 1492 to 1600. [In his A report of the kingdom of Congo and of the surrounding country, drawn out of the writings and discourses of the Duarte Lopez, by Filipino Pigafetta, in Eome, 1591. Xew translated from the Italian (etc.) by Margarite Hutchinson. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1881. pp. 140-145]. L. c. (Map of, 1591). Pigafetta (Felipe). On the map of Africa published in Pigafetta' s "Kingdom of Congo" in 1591. By E. H. Major. [In Eoyal geographical society. Proceedings. Session 1866-67. 8°. Lon- don, 1867. V. 11. pp. 246^251]. l. c. (West coast). Bellin (Jacques Nicolas). Eemarques sur la carte des cotes occidentales d'Afrique depuis le detroit de Gibraltar jusqu'a Sierra Leone. 18 pp. 4°. Paris, 1753. Bellin (Jacques Nicolas). Eemarques sur la carte des cotes occidentales d'Afrique, depuis I'equateur jusqu'au cap de Bonne-Esi^erance. 7 pp. 4°. Paris, 1754. Agnese (Baptista). Winsor (Justin). Baptista Agnese, and American cartography in the sixteenth century. 167 pp. 8°. Cambridge, 1897. [Eeprint from Massachusetts historical society. Proceedings, may 1897] . L. c. Alaska (Cartography). Dall (William Healy) and Baker (Marcus). Partial list of charts, maps, and publications relative to Alaska and the adjacent region, from Puget sound and Hakodadi to the Arctic ocean between the Eocky and the Stanovoi mountains. • [In United States. Coast and geodetic survey. Pacific coast pilot. 2d series, pp. 163-223]. l- c. 5 b BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CARTOGRAPHY. Alaska (Cartography). Phillips (Philip Lee). Alaska and the northwest part of North America, 1588-1898. IMaps in the Library of Congress. 119 pp. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1898. Note. — Another copy interleaved with additions to 1901. l. c. (Sailing charts). United States. Treasury department. Coast and geodetic survey. Pacific coast pilot. Alaska. Pt. 1. fol. Washington, govern- ment printing office, 1883. './ t ';-^SraTEJ. — Contains from pp. 215-246 "List of charts useful for navigation in the region covered by part 1 of the Alaska pilot." l. c. Ale:xftli l. c. The mapping of the world. Part 1. Topographical maps of Europe. [With a map]. [In Scotish (The) geographical magazine. 8°. Edinburgh, T. & A. Con- stable, 1890. V.6. pp. 293-305]. l. c. The mapping of the world. Part 2. Maps of Africa. [With a map]. [In Scottish (The) geographical magazine. 8°. Edinburgh, T. & A. Con- stable, 1890. V. 6. pp. 575-597]. l. c. The mapping of the world. Part 3. Map of Asia. [With a map]. [In Scottish (The) geographical magazine. 8°. Edinburgh, T. & A. Con- stable, 1891. V. 7. pp. 124-152]. L. c. The mapping of the world. Part 4, Maps of North America. [With a map]. [In Scottish (The) geographical magazine. 8°. Edinburgh, T. & A. Con- stable, 1891. V. 7. pp. 586-611]. l. c. Baschin (Otto, editor) . See Bibliotheca geographica. l. c. Baudet (P. J. H.) Leven en werken van W. Jzn. Blaeu. 8°. Utrecht, 1871. Bavaria (Cartography). Beitriigezur landeskunde Bayerns; Karten [Jahresbericht der geographischen gesellschaft zu Miinchen, VIII, 1884. pp. 1 et ss.] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CARTOGRAPHY. 15 Bavaria. Gruber (Chr.) Die landeskundliche erforschung Altbayerns im XVI, XVII, und XVIII jahrhundert. [Forschungen. t. VIII, fasc. 4. pp. 189-359]. reach (Capt. William D.) Military map-reading, field, outposts and road sketching for noncommissioned officers. 83 pp. incl. 1 map. 16°. Kansas City, Mo., Hudson-Kimberly publishing CO. 1897. l. c. Beat de Lieb ana (Saint). Avezac de Castera-Macaya (Marie-Armand Pascal d'). La mappemonde du VIII'' siecle de Saint Beat de Liebana. 20 pp. Paris, Challamel aine, 1870. Note. — Extrait des Annales des voyages de la geographic, de I'histoire et de I'archeologie, juin 1870. l. c. Beazley (C. Raymond) . The dawn of modern geography. A history of explora- tion and geographical science, from the conversion of the Roman empire to A. D. 900. [etc.] xvi, 538 pp. 29 maps & pi. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1897. l. c. Beers (J. B.) & co. Catalogue of maps & atlases. 11 pp. 18°. New York, J. B. Beers & co. [189-]? l. c. Behaim. (Martin) . Ghillany (Friedrich Wilhelm) . Geschichte" des seefahrers rit- ter Martin Behaim nach den altesten vorhandenen urkunden bearbeitet. Eingeleitet durch eine abhandlung: ueber die iiltesten karten des neuen continents und den namen Amerika von Alexander v. Humboldt, v, 122 pp. 1 port. 1 pi. 2 maps. 4°. Niirnberg, Bauer & Raspe, 1853. L. c. Behaim globe, 1492. Wagner (H.) Die reconstruction der Toscanelli-karte v. j. 1474 und die pseudo-facsimilia des Behaim-globus v. j. 1492. Vorstudien zur geschichte der kartographie HI. [Nachrichten K. ges. d. wiss. zu Gottingen, phil.-hist. kl. 1894. no. 3. pp. 208-312]. Beitrag-e zur landeskunde Bayerns; karten [Jahresbericht der geographischen gesellschaft zu Miinchen, VIII, 1884. pp. 1 et as.] Belgium. Ministere de la Guerre. Institut cartographique militaire. 28 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, 1894. Belle-Isle (Strait of). Bellin (Jacques Nicolas). Remarques sur le detroit de Belle- Isle et les cotes septentrionales de la Nouvelle France, depuis la riviere St. Jean jusqu'au cap Charles. 16 pp. 4°. Paris, 1768. l. c. Bellin (Jacques Nicolas) . Observations sur la carte du golfe du Mexique et des isles de I'Amerique. 17 pp. 4°. Paris, 1749. Observations sur la carte generale des cotes de Guinee. 8 pp. 4°. Paris, 1754. Observations sur la construction de la carte de 1' ocean meridional, ( en tre I'Afrique et I'Amerique). 18 pp. 4°. Paris, 1739. l. c. Observations sur la construction de la carte des mers comprises entre r Asie et TAm^rique appellees par les navigateurs mer du Sud et Pacifique. 20 pp. 4°. Paris, 1741. Remarques sur la carte de I'Amerique Sept. comprise entre le 28'^ et le 72'' degre de latitude. 131 pp. 4°. Paris, 1755. Remarques sur la carte de la presqu'isle de I'lnde. 16 pp. 4°. Paris, 1766. 16 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF OAETOGRAPHY. Bellin (Jacques Nicolas). Remarques sur la carte des cotes occidentales d'Afrique depuis le d^troit de Gibraltar jusqu'a Sierra-Leona. 18 pp. 4°. Paris, 1753. Remarques sur la carte des cotes occidentales d'Afrique, depuis Tequa- teur jusqu'au cap de Bonne-Esperance. 7 pp. 4°. Paris, 1754. Remarques sur la carte des isles Philippines. 7 pp. 4°. Paris, 1752. Remarques sur la carte du golfe Saint Laurent, isle de Terre-Neuve. etc. 11 pp. 4°. Paris, 1754. Remarques sur la carte reduite de I'oc^an septentrionale compris entre TAsie et TAmerique, suivant les decouvertes qui ont et6 faites par les Russes. 8 pp. 4°. Paris, 1766. l. c. Remarques sur le d^troit de Belle-Isle et les cotes septentrionales de la Nouvelle France, depuis la riviere St. Jean jusqu'au cap Charles. 16 pp. 4°. Paris, 1768. l. c. Bergliaus (Herman). Kritischer wegweiser im gebiete der landkartenkunde nebst andern nachrichten zur beforderung der mathematisch-physikalischen geographie und hydrographie. 7 v. 8°. Berlin, 1829-1835. Bering Sea. United States. Treasury department. Coast and geodetic survey. Geographical explorations. Early expeditions to the region of Bering sea and strait. From the reports and journals of Vitus Ivanovich Bering. Translated by William Healy Dall. Appendix no. 19. Report for 1890. 1 p. 1. 759-774 pp. 2 fold. maps. 4°. Washington, government printing office, 1890. L. c. Berkenmeyer (Paul Ludolph), Le curieux antiquaire, ou recueil geographique et historique des choses les plus remarquables qu'on trouve dans les quatre parties de I'univers, tirees des voiages de divers hommes celebres. 3 v. 8°. Leide, P. van der Aa, 1729. Note. — "La 2« partie du t. 3 contient la description de 1' Am^rique. A la fin de ce tome se trouve: catalogue des cartes g^ographiques des villes tant en plan qu'en profil, et d'autres estampes qui se trouve a Leyde chez P. van der Aa." l. c. Bertelli (P. T.) Studi storici intorno alia bussola nautica. [Memoria della Pont, accad. dei nuovi Lincei, t. IX, 1893. I. pp. 77-178. II. pp. 131-218]. Berthaut (Henri Marie Auguste). La carte de France, 1750-1898. Etude de his- torique, avec preface de m. le general de la Noe. 2 v. x, 341 pp; 585 pp. 4°. Paris, imprimerie du service geographique, 1899. Note. — Reviewed in "Bulletin astronomique," for dec. 1899. pp. 460-472. Bertius (Pierre). 1565-1629. A biographical sketch. [In Walckenaer (C. A.) Vies de plusieurs personnages celebres. 12°. Laon, Melleville, 1830. v. 1. pp. 350-353]. l. c. Beughem (Cornelius). Bibliographia historica, chronologica et geographica, novis- sima perpetuo continuando sive conspectus primus, [etc.] Janssonio, 1685. Note. — No more i)ubljshed. l. c. Bibliotheca geographica. Herausgegeben von der Gesellschaft fiir erdkunde zu Berlin. Bearl>eit«t von Otto Baschin unter mitwirkung von dr. Ernst Wagner. Jahrgang 1891-1895. v. 1.-4. 8°. Berlin, W. H. Kiihl, 1895- 1898. L. c. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CARTOGRAPHY. 17 Bibliotheca geographico-statistica et oeconomico-poiitica; oder, systematisch geordnete uebersicht der in Deutschland und dem auslande aiif dem gebtete der gesammten geographic, statistik, und der staatswissen schaften neu erschienenen biicher, herausgegeben von dr. W. Miildener. Jahrgang 10, heft 1; 11, heft 2; 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, heft 1. 12°. Gottingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1862-1870. l. c. Bibliotheque royale (Geographical collection). Joniard (Edme Frangois). De la collection geographique creee a la bibliotheque royale; examen de ce qu'on a fait et de ce qui reste a faire pour completer cette creation et la rendre digne de la France. 104 pp. 8°. Paris, D'E. Duverger, 1848. L. c. Bidrag till Nordens aldsta kartografi. 8°. Stockholm, 1892. [Sallskapet for antropologi og geografi]. Bittner (M. ) and Tomaschek (W.) Die topographischen capitel des indischen seespiegels Mohit. Uebersetzt von dr. M. Bittner . . . mit einer einlei- tung V. dr. W. Tomaschek . . . festschrift zur erinnerung an die eroff- nung des seewegs nach Ostindien durch Vasco de Gama, 1497. Hrsg. v. der k. k. geog. ges. Wien, 1897. fol. 92 pp. xxx pi. Black Forest (Orography). Neumann (Ludwig). Orometrik des Schwarzwaldes, (4) , 50 pp. 8°. Wien, 1886. Blaeu (William Jannson). Baudet (P. J. H.) Leven en werken van W. Jzn. Blaeu. 8°. Utrecht, 1871. Blakie (W. B. ). How maps are made. From the Smithsonian report for 1893. 1 p. 1. 419-433 pp. 2 pi. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1894. Note. — Read at a meeting of the Royal geographical society in Edinburgh and Glasgow, april, 1891, and published originally in Scottish geograph- ical magazine, 1891. v. 7. pp. 419-434. l. c. Bliss (Richard) . Classified index to the maps in Petermann's Mittheilungen, 1855-1881. 8°. Cambridge, issued by the library, 1884. [Harvard university. Library. Bibliographical contributions, no. 16]. L. c. — : Classified index to the maps in the publications of the Geological society of London, 1811-1885. 20 pp. 8°. Boston, 1887. [Boston (City of) . Public library. Bibliography of special subjects, no. 4]. L. C. Classified index to the maps in the Royal geographical society's publications. 1830-1883. 43 pp. 8°. Cambridge, Mass., issued by the library, 1886. [Havard university. Library. Bibliographical contributions, no. 17]. L. c. Blundeville (Thomas). A brief description of universal mappes & cardes, & of their use, and also the use of Phtolemey, his tables. 4°. London, 1589. Bom (G. D. ). Bijdragen tot eene geschiedenis van het geslacht **Van Keulen" als boekhandelaars, uitgevers, kaarten instrument-makers in Nederland enne biblio-cartographische studie. 4 p. 1. 120 pp. 1 1. front. 8°. Amsterdam, H. G. Bom, 1885. l. c. H. Doc. 516 2 18 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CARTOGRAPHY. Borgen (Vilhelm). Catalogue of a most valuable collection of rare atlases and separate maps carefully described. 4 1. 188 pp. 8°. Copenhagen, L. Jrgensen, 1899. Note. — Title also in French. l. c. Boscovich. (Roger Joseph) . 1711-1787. A biographical sketch. [InWalckenaer(C. A.) Vies de plusieurs personnages celebres. 12°. Laon, Melleville, 1830. v. 1. pp. 356-359]. l. c. Boston. PubUc library. Bulletin, no. 38, 39, 41, 187H-77. 8°. Boston, 1876-77. CONTEXTS. No. 38. Early explorations and maps, 1494-1510. pp. 103-106. No. 39. Maps and explorations, 1510-20, 1532-36. pp. 136-139. No. 41. Maps of America, 1540-1600. pp. 205-207. L. C. Monthly bulletin, v. 4, no. 10. October, 1899. 8°. Boston, the trustees, 1899. Note. — Contains Bibliography of Boston, part II. A list of maps and views of Boston and Boston harbor, 1633-1899. l. c. Boston, Mass. (Cartography). Boston. Public library. Monthly bulletin, v. 4, no. 10. October, 1899. 8°. Boston, the trustees, 1899. Note. — Contains Bibliography of Boston, part II. A list of maps and views of Boston and Boston harbor, 1633-1899. l. c. — Shurtleff (Nathaniel Bradstreet). A topographical and historical description of Boston. 8°. Boston, city council, 1871. Note. — Contains from pp. 92-105, a list of maps relating to Boston and harbor. The Massachusetts historical society. Proceedings, v. 6. pp. 35-40; v. 7. pp. 361-362, 476-477, also contains a list. A new edition was published in 1891. L. c. Boston harbor (Cartography). Boston. Public library. Monthly bulletin, v. 4, no. 10. October, 1899. 8°. Boston, the trustees, 1899. Note. — Contains Bibliography of Boston, part II. A list of maps and views of Boston and Boston harbor, 1633-1899. l. c. AVinsor (Justin). The earliest maps of Massachusetts bay and Boston harbor. [In his The memorial history of Boston. 8°. Boston, J. K. Osgood & co. 1880. V. 1. pp. 37-67]. l. c. Boulangier ( Le commandant ) . Nouvelle methode de cartographie. 220 pp. illus. & plans. 8°. Paris, Societe d'editions scientifiques. Bourinot (John George). Historical and descriptive account of the island of Cape Breton and of its memorials of the French regime, with bibliographical, historical, and critical notes. 183 pp. 13 maps & ill. 4°. [Montreal, 1893]. Note. — The inspection of early cartography exhibits Cape Breton in many changing guises. All these references are collected and compared, l. c. Bradford (The) map. Andrews (William Loring) . James Lyne's survey; or, as it is more commonly known the Bradford map. A plan of the city of New York at the time of the granting of the Montgomery charter in 1731. An appendix to an account of the same compiled in 1893. 5 p. 1. 38 pp. 2 fold. maps. 12°. New York, Dodd, Mead & co. 1900. Note. — Originally imblished in the Bookman, for July, 1900. L. c. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CARTOGRAPHY. 19 Bradford (The) map. Andrews (William Loring). The Bradford map. The city of New York at the time of the granting of the Montgomerie charter, A description thereof, to accompany a facsimile of an actual survey made by James Lyne and printed by William Bradford in 1731. xv, 1 1. 19-115 pp. 1 facs. 1 plan. 9 pi. 12°. New York; DeVinne press, 1893. l. c. Brazil. Instituto historico, geographico e ethnographico Brasileiro. Catalogo das cartas, geographicas, hidrographicas, atlas, pianos e vistas existentes na bibliotheca do Instituto historico, geographico e ethnographico Brasileiro. 1 p. 1. iii, 118 pp. 12°. Rio de Janeiro, typographia perseveran^a, 1885. " L. c. Phillips (P. Lee). A list of books, magazine articles, and maps relating to Brazil. 1800-1900. A supplement to the handbook of Brazil ( 1901 ) com- piled by the Bureau of the American republics. 145 pp. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1901. l. c. Brevoort (James Carson) . Yerrazano the navigator, or, notes on Giovanni da Yer- razano, and on a planisphere of 1529, illustrating his American voyage in 1524. With a reduced copy of the map. 159 pp. 1 1. 1 map. 8°. New York, [Albany, the Argus press], 1874. l. c. Briet (Philippe). 1601-1668. A biographical sketch. [InWalckenaer (C. A.) Yies de plusieurs personnages celebres. 12°. Laon, Melleville, 1830. v. 1. pp. 354-355]. l.c. Brinton (Daniel Garrison). The linguistic cartography of the Chaco region. 30 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1898. [Proc. of the Am. philos. society, v. 37]. L.c. British, museum. Catalogue of maps, prints, drawings etc. forming the geographi- cal and topographical collection attached to the library of his late majesty king George the third, and presented by his majesty king George the fourth to the British museum. 2 v. 2 p. 1. 732 pp; 535, clxxxiv pp. 8°. London, trustees, 1829. l. c. Catalogue of the manuscript maps, charts and plans, and of the topo- graphical drawings in the British museum, v. 1 & 2. 8°. London, by order of the trustees, 1844. l. c. ■ Catalogue of the printed maps, plans, and charts in the British mu- seum. 2 v. 1 p. 1. 2252 pp; 2253^648 pp. 4°. London, printed by order of the trustees, 1885. l. c. Brittany (Cartography), Yignols (L. ). Listes des pieces composant ma col- lection de cartographie Bretonne anterieure a 1790. 8°. Rennes, 1896. Brodhead (John Romeyn) . Observations respecting the two ancient maps of New Netherland found in the royal archives of the Hague in 1841, by J. Romeyn Brodhead. [In New^ York historical society. Proceedings, 1845. 8°, New York, for the society, 1846, pp. 183-192]. l.c. Brooklyn institute of arts and sciences, Brooklyn, N. Y. Catalogue of the exhibition of geographical appliances used in schools or libraries; collected from various countries and exhibited by the department of geography of the Brooklyn institute, Brooklyn. 1891. 1 p, 1. 85 pp. 8°. [Brooklyn, Brooklyn eagle book printing dep't, 1891]. l. c. 20 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CARTOGRAPHY. Brownell (F. C.) How to use globes in the school and family. 2d ed. 12°^. New York and Chicago, 1860. l. c. Bruce (Edward) and Bruce (John) . An introduction to geography and astronomy, with the construction of maps, [etc.] 4th ed. 12°. London, 1813. Brussels — Concours international, 1888 (Cartography). Hennequin (E. ) Notice sur les cartes, documents & objets exposes au grand concours interna- tional de Bruxelles en 1888. 32 pp. Bruxelles, 1888. [Belgium. Institut cartographique militaire]. Buache (Philippe) . 1700-1773. A biographical sketch. [In Walckenaer (C. A.) Vies de plusieurs personnages celebres. 12°. Laon,, Melleville, 1830. v. 1. pp. 368-371]. l. c. Buchon (J. A. C.) and Tastu (S. C. A. V.) Notice d'un atlas en langue Catalane, manuscrit de I'an 1375, conserve parmi les mss. de la bibliotheque royale. 144 pp. 6 maps. 8°. Paris, imp. ,roy. 1839. Note. — Same publication in Institut de France. Paris. Academie des' inscriptions et belles-lettres. Notices des manuscrits. 4°. Paris, 1841. V. 14. 2^ partie. pp. 1-152. 6 pi. Buckinck (Arnold) . A biographical sketch. [In Walckenaer (C. A.) Vies de plusieurs personnages celebres. 12°. Laon,, Melleville, 1830. v. 1. pp. 338-340]. l. c. Bunbury (Sir Edward Herbert) . A history of ancient geography among the Greeks and Romans from the earliest ages till the fall of the Roman empire. 2 v. XXX, 666 pp. 10 maps; xviii, 743 pp. 10 maps. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1879. l. c. Buy de Mornas. 17 — ?-1783. A biographical sketch. [In Walckenaer (C. A. ) Vies de plusieurs personnages celebres. 12°. Laon,. Melleville, 1830. v. L p. 372]. l. c. Bynneman (Henry) . Certaine briefe rules of geographie seruing for the under- standing of maps and charts; collected by D. P. 8°. London, 1573. Cabot (John). Horsford (Eben Norton). John Cabot's landfall in 1497, and the site of Norumbega. A letter to chief -justice Daly. 42 pp. 6 maps. 2 plans. 1 plate. 4°. Cambridge, J. Wilson & son, 1886. l. c. O'Brien (Cornelius, archbishop). Cabot's landfall and chart: some criticisms answered. [In Royal society of Canada. Transactions. 1899. 8°. Ottawa, J. Hope & son, 1899. V. 5. 2d series, section 2. pp. 427-455]. l. c. Cabot (John and Sebastian). Dawson (Samuel Edward). The voyages of the Cabots. Latest phases of the controversy. (Read June 23, 1899). [In Royal society of Canada. Transactions. 1897. 8°. Ottawa, J. Durie & son, 1897. V.2. 2d series, section 2. pp. 139-268]. l. c. Harrisse (Henry). Jean et Sebastien Cabot, leur origine et leur voyages. Etude d'histoire critique, suivi d'une cartographie, d'une biblio- graphic et d'une chronologic des voyages au nord-ouest, de 1497 k 1659. D'apr^s des documents inedits. 8°. Paris, 1882. Note. — With facsimile of the North American section of the Cabotian plani- sphere of 1544. L. c. (Sebastian). Harrisse (Henry). Sebastien Cabot, pilot major de I'Espagne consid^'r6 comme cartographe. [Revue de geographic, V. 40, 1897. pp. 401-407; v. 41, 1897. pp. 36-43]. l. c. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CARTOGRAPHY. 21 Cabot's mappemonde. Deane (Charles). Remarks on Sebastian Cabot's mappe- monde. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the American antiquarian society, for april, 1867. 1 p. 1. 80 pp. 12°. Cambridge, [Mass.], J. Wilson & son, 1B67. l. c. Smith (Charles C. ). Cabot's mappemonde. Remarks [in commu- nicating from the papers of the late Charles Deane, copies of the Spanish and Latin inscriptions on Cabot's mappemonde, now in the National library at Paris, with a translation of them into English]. 35 pp. 8°. [Boston, 1891]. [Reprinted for private distribution from Mass. hist. soc. Proceedings, feb. 12, 1891]. L. c. California. Rowell (Joseph Cummings). List of printed maps of California (Supplement to the report of the secretary of the board of regents) . 33 pp. 8°. Berkeley, 1887. [University of California. Library bulletin, no. 9] . l. c. California State library. List of printed maps contained in the map department. 43 pp. 8°. Sacramento, A. J. Johnston, 1899. [California State library. Nov. 1899. Special bulletin, no. 1]. l. c. Campbell (Albert H.) The lost war maps of the Confederates. [In Century (The) illustrated monthly magazine. 8°. New York, the Century CO. Jan. 1888. v. 35. pp. 479-481]. l. c. Canada. Estampes comprenant cartes, plans, vues, portraits, etc. [In Gagnon (Phileas). Essai de bibliographic Canadienne. 8°. Quebec, 1895. pp. 659-695]. l. c. (Cartography). Scadding (Henry, d. d.) On the early gazetteer and map literature of western Canada. [In Canadian (The) journal of science, literature and history. New series. 1876-78. 8°. Toronto, Canadian institute, 1878. v. 15. pp. 23-15]. L. c. Caneiro (Nicolas de). Gallois (Leonard). Une nouvelle carte marine du 16''siecle. Le portulan de Nicolas de Caneiro. Extrait du '' Bulletin de lasociete de geographic." 23 pp. 2 fold. maps. 8°. Lyon, E. Vitte, 1890. l. c. Canto (E. do). Quem deu o nome ao Labrador? [Archivo dos Azores, t. XII, nos. 70, pp. 353-371, et 72, pp. 529-530. 1894]. Canzler (F. G. ). Literaturarchiv fiir landkarten, seekarten, pliine, vol- kertrachten . . . u. dahin gehorige nachrichten fiir 1793. 8°. Berlin, 1795. Cape Breton Island. Bourinot (John George) . Historical and descriptive account of the island of Cape Breton and of its memorials of the French regime, with bibliographical, historical, and critical notes. 183 pp. 13 maps & ill. 4°. Montreal, 1893. Note. — The inspection of early cartography exhibits Cape Breton in many changing guises. All these references are collected and compared. l. c. Carpenter (Nathaniel). Geography delineated forth in two bookes. Containing the sphsericall and t6picall parts thereof. 2 v. 9 p. 1. 274 pp; 8 p. 1. 286 pp. sm. 4°. Oxford, J. Lichfield & W. Turner, 1625. l. c. Cartier (Jean Jacques). Avezac de Castera-Macaya ( Marie- Armand Pascal d'). Bref recit et succinte narration de la navigation fait en 1535 et 1536 par le capitaine Jacques Cartier aux iles de Canada, Hochelaga, Saguenay et autres[etc.] 8°. [Lyon, Perrin], 1864. Cartographical work in Russia in 1884. [anon.] [In Nature. 1885. v. 33. p. 92.] • l. c. 22 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CARTOGRAPHY. Cartograpliy. Canzler (F. G.) Literaturarchiv fiir landkarten, seekarten, pliine, volkertrachten . . . u. dahin gehorige nachrichten fiir 1 793. 8°. Berlin, 1795. Manual (A) of geographical science, mathematical, physical, historical and descriptive, xvi, 445 pp. 8°. London, J. W. Parker & son, 1852. CONTENTS. Ansted (D. T.) Physical geography. Jackson (J. R.) Chartography, Nicolay (C. G.) Theory of description and geographical terminology. O'Brien (M.) Mathematical geography. L. C. Mehedinti(S.) Ueberdie kartographischeinduktian. Inaucr^J-ral-dissertation zur erlangung der doktorwiirde bei der hohen philosophischen fakultiit der universitiit Leipzig. 51, (1) pp. 8°. Leipzig, Sellmann & Henne, 1899. L. C. Mountaine (William). A short dissertation on maps and charts. [In Royal society, London. Philosophical transactions. 1758. v. 50. pt. 2. pp. 563-568]. L. c. Sautrez (Eugene). Etude sur la lecture des cartes topographiques et g^o- graphiques. 4°. Paris, Sautrez & cie. 1862. Schworella (R. ). Kritischer leitfaden der kartographie. Mit riicksicht auf das • bediirfniss des unterrichtes in der erdkunde. 2te verb. aufl. vi, 137 pp. 1 map. 8°. Wien, Schworella & Heick, 1883. Ville d'Avray (H. C. Thierry de). Signes conventionnels et lectures des cartes, Fran^aises et ^trangeres. 125 pp. 18°. Paris, 1890. (Bibliography). Beughem (Cornelius). Bibliographia historica, chrono- logica et geographica, novissima perpetuo continuando sive conspectus pri- mus. 7 1. 788 pp. 12°. Amstelodami, Janssonio, 1685. Note. — Xo more published. l. c. Bibliotheca geographica. Herausgegeben von der gesellschaf t fiir erd- kunde zu Berlin. Bearbeitet von Otto Baschin unter mitwirkung von dr. Ernst Wagner. Jahrgang 1891-1895. v. 1-4. 8°. Berlin, AV. H. Kiihl, 1895-1898. L. c. Petzhold (J.) Kritische uebersicht der kartographischen biblio- graphie. [Xeuer anzeiger fiir bibliographie und bibliothekwissenschaft, 1863. 8°. Dresden, pp. 1-6 und 42-47]. l. c. Thacher (Joseph Boyd). The continent of America; its discovery and its baptism. An essay on the nomenclature of the old continents. A critical and bibliographical inquiry into the naming of America, and into the growth of the cosmography of the New World [etc.] xvii, 270 pp. 4 pi. 1 port. 2 facs. 19 maps. 4°. New York, W. E. Benjamin, 1896. Note. — A most valuable and interesting addition to the bibliography of car- . tography. Chapter II contains "Cartography of the World." Facing p. 195 is the map of Juan de la Cosa, drawn about 1500 on ox-hide, and at end "A series of fourteen maps from 1478 to 1570, showing the gradua growth of the geographical knowledge of the New World." l. c (Bibliography — Germany). Engelmann (Wilhelm). Bibliotheca geogra- phica. Verzeichniss der seit der mitte des vorigen jahrhunderts bis zu ende des jahres 1856 in Deutschland erschienenen wt^rke iiber geographie und reisen, mit einschluss der landkarten, pliine und ansichten. vi, 1225 pp. 8°. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1856. l. c. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CARTOGRAPHY. 23 Cartograpliy (European). Vivien de Saint-Martin (Louis). De I'etat actuel p. 1 map. 8°. London, J. W. Parker & son, 1854. l. c. The history of maritime and inland discovery. A new ed. 3 v. 16°. London, Longmans, 1846-48. [Lardner's cabinet cyclopaedia, v. 7-9]. l. c. Coote (C. H. ). Bibliography of Schoner's works. [In Schoner ( Johann ) . Johann Schoner, professor of mathematics at Nurem- berg. A reproduction of his globe of 1523 long lost, [etc.] 12°. London, H. Stevens, 1888. pp. 147-170]. l. c. Maps of the XVIIth century, illustrating the cartography of Aus- tralia, twenty maps with notes, in portfolio. Amsterdam, 1895. Note. — Includes reproductions of the Dutch ms, map of the discoveries in 1623, of Tasman's discoveries, 1642-44, etc, Cosmas. The christian topography of Cosmas, an Egyptian monk. Translated from the Greek by J, W. McCrinde, xxvii, 398 pp, 4 pi, 8°. London, society, 1897. [Hakluyt society. Works no. 98] . l. c. Cosmography. Cunningham (Dr. William, of Norwich). The cosmographical glasse, conteinyng the pleasant principles of cosmographie, geographic, hydrographie, or navigation . . . Londini, in officina Joan Daij, 1559. Phillips (Henry), jr. An account of an old work on cosmography. (Read before the American philosophical society, January 16, 1880.) 9 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1880]. l. c. (History). Santarem (Manuel Francisco de Barros e Sousa, visconde de). Essai sur I'histoire de la cosmographie et de la cartographie, pendant le moy en-age, et sur les progres de la geographic apres les grandes decouvertes- duXV^siecle. 3 v. 8°, Paris, Maulde, 1849-52, l, c 30 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CARTOGRAPHY. Cotta (Bernhard). Geognostische karten unseres jahrhunderts. 60 pp. 8° Frei- berg, Saxony, 1850. Crace (Frederick). A catalogue of maps, plans, and views of London, West- minister & South wark. Edited ])y his son John Gregory Crace. xxii, 696 pp. 1 port. 8°. London, 1878. l. c. Crook (H. T. ). Maps of the ordnance survey, as they are and as they ought to be. 42 pp. roy. 8°. London, Simpkins, 1892. Cuba (Cartography). Phillips (Philip Lee) and Griffin (Appleton P. C.) List of books relating to Cuba, by A. P. C. Griffin, with bibliography of maps by P. L. Phillips. 61 pp. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1898. [U. S. Senate. 55th congress, document no. 161]. l. c. Cundall (Frank). Jamaica cartography. Chronological list of the maps of Jamaica in the library of the Institute of Jamaica, both on separate sheets and in books; with some notes on the history of the parishes of the island. 15 pp. 1 fold, table. 8°. Kingston, Jamaica, inst of Jamaica, [1897]. Note. — Reprint from "Handbook of Jamaica" for 1897. l, c. Cunningliani (Dr. William, of Norwich). The cosmographical glasse, conteinyng the pleasant principles of cosmographie, geographie, hydrographie, or navigation . . . Londini, in officina Joan Daij, 1559. Dacier ( ). Eloge de m. D'Anville. [In Manne (Louis C. J. de) and Barbie du Bocage (Jean Denis). Notice des ouvrages de m. D'Anville. 12°. Paris, Fuchs, 1802. pp. 17-44]. L. c. Ball (William Healey) and Baker (Marcus). Partial list of charts, maps, and pub- lications relating to Alaska and the adjacent region, from Puget sound and Hakodadi to the Arctic ocean, between the Rocky and the Stanovoi mountains. [In United States. Coast and geodetic survey. Pacific coast pilot. 2d series, pp. 163-223] . l. c. Dalorco (Angellinus de). Maghnaghi (A. ). Angellinus de Dalorco, cartografo Italiano della prima meta del secolo XIY. [Riv. geog. ital. IV, 1897. pp. 282-294, 361-369]. b. Carte nautiche esistenti a Volterra. [Ibid. pp. 34-40]. l. c. Daly (Charles P.) Annual address: the early history of cartography, or what we know of maps and map-making before the time of Mercator. 4 p. 1. 40 pp. 2 port. 19 maps. 8°. New York, for the society, 1879. [American geographical society. Bulletin, no. 1]. Note. — An abridgment of this, called " INIaps and map making before Mer- cator," is found in Popular science monthly, v. 16. 1880. p. 478. l. c. Dawson (Samuel Edward) . The line of demarcation of Pope Alexander VI. in A. D. 1493 and that of the treaty of Tordesillas in A. D. 1494; with an inquiry concerning the metrology of ancient and medi. 1. 149-178 pp. 1 map. 8°. AVashington, the society, 1894. [National geographic society. The national geographic magazine. Novem- ber, 1894. V. 6]. • L. c. BIBLIOGEAPHY OF CARTOGEAPHY. 33 District of Columbia (Cartography). Phillips (Philip Lee). List of maps and views of Washington and District of Columbia in the Library of Congress. 77 pp. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1900. Note. — Another copy interleaved with additions to 1901. l. c. Dix (Thomas, of Oundle). A treatise on the construction and copying of all kinds of maps. 8°. London, 1805. Donis (Nicolas). A biographical sketch. [In Walckenaer (C. A. ) Vies de plusieurs personnages celebres. 12°. Laon, Melleville, 1830. v. 1. pp. 341-345]. l. c. Drake (Sir Francis). Christy (Miller). The silver map of the world. A contem- porary medallion commemorative of Drake's great voyage [1577-80]. A geographical essay including some critical remarks on the Zeno narrative and chart of 1558 and on the curious misconception as to the position of the discoveries made by Martin Frobisher in 1576-7-8, [etc.] xii, 71 pp. 10 maps & plates. 8°. London H. Stevens, son & Stiles, 1900. l. c. Drapeyron (L. ) Commemoration du cinquieme centenaire de 1' enfant dom Henri de Portugal, dit le navigateur. [1394-1460] au nom de la societe de topographie de France. [Revue de geog. mai 1894. pp. 321-336]. J. A. Rizzi Zanoni, geographe italien [1736-1814]. Son sejour en France [1757-1776]. [Rev. de geog., 1897. v. 41. pp. 401-413]. Jean Fayen et la premiere carte du Limousin, 1594. [Bull. soc. arch^ol. du Limousin, 1894. v. 42. 50 pp. avec un facsimile de la carte]. Notre premier atlas national et la Menippee de Tours sous Henri IV. [Troisieme centenaire] . [Revue de geog. dec. 1894. pp. 433-445]. l. c. Ducatel (Julius T.) Report of the geologist [regarding new map of Maryland]. [In Alexander (John Henry). Report on the new map of Maryland, 1835. 8°. pp. 35-84]. L.c. and Alexander (John Henry) . Report of the engineer & geologist, in rela- tion to the new map, to the executive of Maryland. 90 pp. 7 maps & plans. 8°. Annapolis, W. McNeir, 1836. l. c. Dudley (Robert, duke of Northumberland) . Hale (Edward Everett) . Early maps [of America] in Munich. [Also] Notes on Robert Dudley, duke of North- umberland, and his Arcano del mare. [In American antiquarian society. Proceedings. Oct. 21, 1873. 8°. Wor- cester, C. Hamilton, 1874. v. 61. pp. 84-96]. Note. — Also separately printed, Worcester, 1874. 16 pp. 8°. l. c. Dufaud ( ) . Maniere de construire les cartes a fresque. 32 pp. 8°. Paris, Delagrave, 1875. Dufosse (E.) Americana. Bulletin du bouquiniste Americain et colonial. 7*^ serie; no. 2; lO*-* serie, no. 7-12. 8°. Paris, Dufosse, n. d. l. c. Americana. 6^^ serie, no. 2. Nouvelle serie, XXI*' annee, XXIV^ annee. [Cartes et plans relatifs aux deux Ameriques, aux Antilles, etc.] 3pts. 8°. Paris, E. Dufosse, n. d. l.c. Du Fresnon (Nicolas Lenglet). See Lenglet du Fresnon (Nicolas). H. Doc, 516 3 34 BIBLIOGEAPHY OF CARTOGRAPHY. Dulceri (Catalan map of). Marcel (Gabriel). Note sur une carte Catalane de Dulceri, ant^rieure a 1' atlas Catalan de 1375. Lue a la sodiet^ de g^ogra- phie de Paris dans sa seance du 7 Janvier 1887. 12 pp. 11. 8°. Paris, societe de g^ographie, 1887, l. c. Dulcert de Majorque (Angelino). Hamy (Ernest Th^odor). La mappemonde d'AngelinoDulcertde Majorque (1339). 15 pp. 8°. Paris, 1887. l.c. Dutouret (Vincent). Examen sur toutes les cartes generales des quatre parti de la terre, mises an jour par feu Delisle, depuis 1700 jusqu'en 1725, pour servir d'^claircissement sur la geographic. 8°. Paris, J. B. Lamesle & Briasson, 1728. Du Val (Pierre). La connoissance et P usage des globes etdes cartes de geographie. 12°. Paris, 1654. Les tables de geographic r^duite en un iev de cartes. Pariss, 1669. fol. [c-2-50bis]. Eames (Wilberforce). A list of editions of Ptolemy's geography. 1475-1730. 2 p. 1. 45 pp. 8°. New York, 1886. l. c. East Jersey. Whitehead (William Adee). East Jersey under the proprietary government. 8°. Newark, M. R. Dennis, 1875. Note. — Map references on pp. 28, 33, 119, 163. l. c. Ebeling: (Christoph Daniel) . Erdbeschreibung und geschichte von Amerika. 7 v. 16°. Hamburg, 1793-1816. Note. — Contains considerable American cartography. l. c. Edrisi. A biographical sketch. [In Walckenaer (C. A.) Vies de plusieurs personnages celebres. 12°. Laon, Melleville, 1830. v. 1. pp. 323-330]. l.c. Elizabetlian cartographers, [anon.] [In Antiquary (The). Nov. 1883. London, E. Stock, 1883. v. 8. pp. 212-215]. * L.c. Engrelmaim (Wilhelm) . Bibliotheca geographica. Verzeichniss der seit der mitte des vorigen jahrhunderts bis zu ende des jahres 1856 in Deutschland erschienenen werke iiber geographie und reisen, mit einschluss der land- karten, plane und ansichten. vi, 1225 pp. 8°. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1858. L. c. Engravers (18th century) . Andrews (William Loring) . Fragments of American history illustrated solely by the works of those of our own engravers who flourished in the 18th century, xvi, 68 pp. 1 1. 2 col. pi. 12°. New York, priv. prtd. for W. L. Andrews, 1898. L. c. j^tienne de Byzance. A biographical sketch. [In Walckenaer (C. A.) Vies de plusieurs personnages c616bres. 12.° Laon, Melleville, 1830. v. 1. pp. 116-118]. l.c. Eudoxe de Cyzique. A biographical sketch. [In Walckenaer (C. A.) Vies de plusieurs personnages c^ldbres. 12°. Laon, Melleville, 1830. v. 1. pp. 106-109]. l.c. Europe (Cartography). Bartholomew (John George). The mapping of the world. Part I. To})Ographical maps of Europe. [With a map]. [In Scottish (The) geographical magazine. 8°. Edinburgh, T. & A. Con- stable, 1890. V. 6. pp. 293-305]. l.c. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CARTOGRAPHY. 35 Europe (Cartography). Hiibner (J.) Museum geographicum of aanvijsinge der beste landkaarten, in Duitschland, Yrankrijk, Engeland en Holland in koper gebragt. 8°. 's Gravenhage, 1735. [anon.] London, 1877. V. 4. pp. L. C. Maunoir (C.) L' Europe topographique. Tableau des principales cartes d'etat-major. 8°. Paris, J. Dumaine, 1872. Note. — Extrait du "Journal des sciences militaires." ■ Official European cartography in 1875-' [In Geographical (The) magazine. 1877. 8° 104-106]. (Map of). Hertslet (Edward). The map of Europe by treaty; showing the various political and territorial changes which have taken place since the general peace of 1814. AVith numerous maps. 3 v. 8°. London, But- terworth, 1875. l. c. (Topography). Derrecagaix (Victor Bernard). Des cartes topographiques Europeennes. 103 pp. 8°. Paris, 1891. lEutliyinene. A biographical sketch. [InWalckenaer (C. A.) Vies de plusieurs personnages celebres. 12°. Laon, Melleville, 1830. v. 1. pp. 110-113]. l. c. Uvelyn (John, f. r. s.) Of a method of making more lively representations of nature in wax than are extant in painting, and of a new kind of maps in bas relief; both practiced in France. [In Philosophical transactions of the Royal society. 4°. London, 1665. V. 1. no. 6. p. 99]. L. c. Taden collection. Hale (Edward Everett). Catalogue of a curious and valuable collection of original maps and plans of military positions held in the old French and revolutionary wars; with plans of different cities, and maps of the country. Most of these are original manuscripts, drawn at the time, by officers of the English army, [anon.] 13 pp. 8°. [Boston, J. Wilson & son, 1862]. Note. — Known as the Faden collection and purchased from E. E. Hale by the United States. l. c. Tar mer (Silas). The history of Detroit and Michigan. 4°. Detroit, 1884. Note. — Contains from pp. 32-35, 697-699, an account of the maps of Detroit and Michigan. l. c. I'ayen (Jean). Drapeyron (L.) Jean Fayen et la premiere carte du Limousin, 1594. [Bull. soc. arch^ol. du Limousin. 1894. v. 42. 50 pp. avec un facsimile de la carte]. Penning' (Daniel). A new and easy guide to the use of the globes and the rudi- ments of geography. 7th ed. Corrected and improved by Joseph Moon [etc.] xii, 213 pp. 6 maps. 16°. Dublin, P. Wogan, 1797. l. c. Per (Nicolas de). Introduction a la geographie, avec une description historique sur toutes les parties de la terre. 197 pp. 9 pi. 5 maps. 8°. Paris, I'auteur, 1717. L. c. Pern^ndez Duro ( Cesareo) . Noticia de las cartas existentes en la biblioteca de 8. m. el rey. 99 pp. 8°. Madrid, 1889. Juan Cousin, verdadero descubridor de America segun el cap. Ingles Gambler. [Boletin de la sociedad geogrdfica de Madrid, 1894. v. 36, pp. 84-93]. l. c. 36 BIBLIOGEAPHY OF CAETOGEAPHY. Few (A) jottings about maps, [anon.] [In Chambers' Edinburgh journal. New series, 1853. 8°. Edinburgh,, 1853. V.19. Nov. 1853. pp. 309-311]. Note. — On the production of maps. l. c. Figrueiredo (A. C. Borges de). Indices e catalogos. A bibliotheca. II. Mappas. 99 pp. 8°. Lisboa, imprensa nacional, 1891. [Sociedade de geographia de Lisboa]. l. c. Fiorini (Matteo). II mappamonde di Leonardo da Vinci ed altre consimili mappe. [Riv. geog. ital. t. IV, avril 1894. pp. 213-223]. Le projezioni per ribaltamento nella cartografia. 8°. Firenze, 1896. Le sfere cosmografiche e specialmente le sfere terrestri. [Boll. soc. geog. ital. Oct.-nov. 1893; janv., fevr., avril, mai, juin 1894, en tout 91 pp.] Sopra tre speciali projezioni meridiane e i mappamondi ovali del secoli XVI. Roma, 1895. Fisher (T.) Beitrilge zur geschichte der erdkunde und der kartographie in Italien. in mittelalter. 8°. Venedig, 1886. Flanders (Map of, 1538). Traeger (E.) Eine karte von Flandern vom jahre 1538. [Petermann's Mittheilungen, 1894. no. 4. pp. 90-92]. l. c. Van der Beke (P. ). Carte de Flandrede 1538, publieeaGand. Reproduction de Fexemplaire du Germanisches national museum k Nuremberg. Avec texte explicatif par le capitaine F. van Ortroy . . . Traduction N^erlandaise par A. van Werveke. iv, 37 pp. 4 pi. Gand, V. van Doosselaere, 1897. l. c. Florida (Cartography). Lanzas (Pedro Torres). Relacion descriptiva de los mapas, pianos, etc. de Mexico y Floridas existentes en el Archivo general de Indias. 2 v. 223 pp; 201 pp. 16°. Se villa, imp. de El Mercantil, 1900. L. c. Fournereau (Lucien). Marcel Gabriel. Notice sur quelques cartes relatives aa royaume de Siam. Extrait du "Siam ancien." title, 38 pp. 3 1. 16 facs. maps. 4°. Paris, E. Leroux, 1894. l. c. France. Catalogue gen^rale des livres composant les bibliotheques du departement de la marine et des colonies. 4 v. 8°. Paris, imprimerie royale, 1840. Note.— V. 3, pp. 145-180, ''Cartes et atlas." l. c. (Cartography) . Dh^rissart (Ed.) Cartographie simple et facile de la France. 12°. Paris, 1887. Netscher (P. M.) Repertoire des cartes de T empire Frangais, pubM par I'institut royal des ing^nieurs N^erlandais. 8°. La Haye, 1856. (Hydrography) . Catalogue par ordre geographique des cartes, plans, vues de cotes, memoires, instructions nautiques, etc. qui composent I'hydrogra- phie Frangaise. 8°. Paris, 1893. [Marine et colonies. Service hydrographique. no. 739]. L. c. (Map of.) Berthaut (Henri Marie Auguste). La carte de France, 1750-1898. £tude historique, avec preface de m. le g^n^ral de la Noe. 2 v. x, 341 pp; 585 pp. 4°. Paris, imprimerie du service geographique, 1899. Note. — Reviewed in "Bulletin astronomique," for dec. 1899. pp. 460-472. Delesse (Achille). Carte agricole de la France. 24 pp. 1 map^ 8°. Paris, E. Martinet, 1874. BIBLIOGKAPHY OF CAKTOGRAPHY. 37 Trance. Ministere de la marine et de colonies. Depot des cartes et des plans de la marine. Catalogue par ordre geographique des cartes, plans, vues de cotes, memoires, instructions nautiques etc. qui composent 1' hydrographie Fran^aise. no. 514. viii, 296 pp. 8°. Paris, imprimerie nationale, 1873. L. c. Catalogue par ordre geographique des cartes, plans, vues de cotes, memoires, instructions nautiques, etc. qui composent 1' hydrographie Fran- ^aise. no. 515. viii, 296 pp. 8°. Paris, imprimerie nationale, 1873. L. C. Catalogue par ordre geographique des cartes, plans, vues de cotes, instructions nautiques, memoires, etc. qui composent!' hydrographie Fran- ^aise au 1" Janvier 1898. 8°. Paris, 1898. l. c. : Catalogue des cartes, etc. qui composent 1' hydrographie Frangaise. 423 pp. 8°. Paris, 1892. Catalogue chronologique des cartes, plans, vues de cotes, memoires, instructions nautiques, etc. qui composent T hydrographie Frangaise. no. 684. 2 1. 207 pp. 8°. Paris, imprimerie nationale, 1886. l. c. Catalogue par ordre geographique des cartes, plans, vues de cotes, memoires, instructions nautiques, etc. qui composent 1' hydrographie Fran- gaise. no. 657. viii, pp. 1 1. 340 pp. 8°. Paris, imprimerie nationale, 1883. L. c. Frauenstein (G. M. ). Primitive map-making. [In Popular science monthly, v. 23. p. 682]. l. c. Fremont (John Charles) . Geographical memoir upon upper California, in illustra- tion of his map of Oregon and California. 67 pp. 8°. Washington, Wendell & Van Benthuysen, 1848. [U.S. 30th Congress. 1st session. Senate. Misc. doc. no. 148]. l. c. Frescura (B.) and Mori (A,) Un atlante Cinesedella Magliabecchiana di Firenze. [Rivista geografica Italiana. 1. fasc. VII, pp. 417-422, et VIII, pp. 475-486]. Friesland (Cartography). Nijenhuis (J. T. Bodel) and Eekhoff (W.) De alge- meene kaarten van de provincie Friesland verzameld en beschreven. 8°. Leyden, 1846. Fry (Joshua). Deane (Charles). Account of John Smith's and Joshua Fry and Peter Jefferson's map. [In American antiquarian society. Proceedings. Oct. 21, 1864. 8°. Bos- ton, J. Wilson & son, 1864. v. 41. pp. 79-80]. l. c. Gair (Robert). Descriptive catalogue of territorial and celestial educational globes. 66 pp. obi. 12°. New York, R. Gair, [1897]. l. c. Gallatin (Albert) . A memoir on the northeastern boundary, in connection with mr. Jay's map; together with a speech on the same subject, by Daniel Webster, delivered at a special meeting of the New York historical society, april 15, 1843. 1 1. 74 pp. 1 map. New York, 1843. l. c. Gallois (Leonard). Les geographes Allemands de la renaissance, xx, 226 pp. 6 maps. 8°. Paris, E. Leroux, 1890. l. c. Une nouvelle carte marine du 16'°« siecle. Le portulan de Nicolas de Canerio. Extrait du ''Bulletin de la societe de geographic." 23 pp. 2 fold. maps. 8°. Lyon, E. Vitte, 1890. l. c. 38 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CARTOGRAPHY. Galton (Francis). On stereoscopic maps, taken from models of mountainous, countries. [In Royal geographical society. Journal. 1865. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1866. V. 35. pp. 99-106]. l. c. Gannett (Henry). Boundaries of the United States and of the several states and territories, with a historical sketch of the territorial changes. 135 pp. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1885. [United States. Department of the interior. Geological survey. Bulletin. no. 13]. L. c. Ganong (William F.) A monograph of the cartography of the province of New- Brunswick. 313-427 pp. 2 maps. 8°. Ottawa, J. Durie & son, 1897. [In Royal society of Canada. Transactions. Second series. 1897-98. v. 2. section II. Engl. hist. lit. archseol. etc.] l. c. A monograph of historic sites in the province of New Brunswick. [In Royal society of Canada. Transactions. 1899. 8°. Ottawa, J. Hope oth practised in France. [In Philosophical transactions of the Royal society. 4°. London, 1665. V. 1. no. 6. p. 99]. L. c. Harden (Edward B. ) and Harden (John H.) The construction of maps in relief. Illustrated. 23 pp. 1 pi. 8°. Author's edition, 1887. [Transactions American institute of mining engineers, Duluth meeting, July, 1887]. L.c. Howell (Edwin E.) Relief maps. 1 1. unp. 8°. [Washington^ 1897]. L.C. BIBLIOGKAPHY OF CARTOGRAPHY. 75 Relief maps. On model-mapping or relief maps, [anon.] [In Penny (The) magazine. Dec. 24, 1842. pp. 497-499]. l. c. Red way (Jacques W.) The reproduction of geographical forms. 1. Sand-and clay-modelling with respect to geographical forms. 2. ]Map- drawing and map projection. 84 pp. 1 map. 16°. Boston, D. C. Heath & CO. 1890. L. c. Stiibel (Alphons). tJber relief-karten. 11pp. fol. [Dresden, E. Blochmann & sohn, 1867]. Ribero (Diego). Sprengel (Matthias Christian). Ueber J. Ribero's iilteste welt- charte. 77 pp. 1 fold. map. 8°. Weimar, Industrie-comptoir, 1795. L. c. Riccardi (P. ) Carte e memorie geogratiche e topografiche del Modenese. Modena, 1877. 4°. [Estr. degli Atti della r. accademia di scienze, lettere ed arti in Modena. XVII]. Rice (C. H. ) Surveying and mapping a city. [In Engineering magazine, v. 9. no. 6. September, 1895. pp. 1066-1071]. L. c. Richter (Paul Emil). Bibliotheca geographica Germanise. Literatur der landes- und volkskunde des Deutschen reichs, bearbeitet im auftrage der zentral- kommission fiir wissenschaftliche landeskunde von Deutschland. x^ 841 pp. 8°. Leipzig, ^^\ Engelmann, 1896. Note. — With separate author index. l. c. Rio Grande do Sul (Map of). Montenegro (J. Arthur). Notas para a carta geographica do Rio Grande do Sul. 60 pp. 8°. Rio Grande, C. Pinto & c. successores, 1895. l. c. Ripley (E. L. ). Ripley's system of map drawing. 11 pp. 14 ^A. 4°. New York, A. S. Barnes & co. 1866. l. c. Robert de Vaugondy (Didier, fils). Essai sur I'histoire de la geographic ou sur son origine, ses progres et son etat actuel. xii, 422 pp. 12°. Paris, A. Boudet, 1755. Lettre au sujet d'une carte systematique des pays septentrionaux de I'Asie et de I'Amerique. [Precis de I'ouvrage de m. Engel sur cette- matiere]. 4°. Paris, 1768. Memoire sur une question de geographie pratique: Si I'aplatissement de la terre pent etre rendu sensible sur les cartes, et si les geographes peu- vent le negliger sans etre taxes d' inexactitude? 4°. Paris, A. Boudet, 1775. Rome (Cartography). Stevenson (E. ). Piante e vedute della citta di Roma. [Monstra della citta di Roma alia esposizione di Torino nell' anno 1884]. 4°. Rome, 1884. Romer (Wolfgang Wilhelm). Memorial, p. 681, and account of maps, p. 676. [In Brodhead (John Romeyn). Documents relative to the colonial history of the state of New York. 4°. Albany, 1854. v. 4]. l. c. Rosenthal (Ludwig). Catalogue XLYI de la librairie ancienne de Ludwig Rosen- thal. L'Amerique, I'Asie, I'Afrique, les terres Australes. Histoire et geographie, cosmographie [etc.] 240 pp. 8°. Munich, G. Messer (M. Specht), [n. d.] l. c. 76 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CARTOGRAPHY. K-ostoff (Alexandre Labanoff de). See Lobanov-Rostovsky (Aleksander Ivan- ovich, prince). R-ouby (Ed.) La cartographie au depot de la guerre; notice historique et descrip- tive. 8°. Paris, 1876. Howell (Joseph Cummings). List of printed maps of California (supplement to the report of the secretary of the board of regents) . 33 pp. 8°. Berkeley, 1887. [University of California. Library bulletin, no. 9]. l. c. Royal geographical society. London. Bliss (Richard). Classified index to the maps in the Royal geographical society's publications. 1830-1883. 43 pp. 8°. Cambridge, Mass. issued by the library, 1886. [Harvard university. Library. Bibliographical contributions, no. 17]. L. c. Catalogue of map room of the Royal geographical society, march, 1881. 404 pp. 8°. London, 1882. l. c. List of maps and other illustrations contained in the "Journal" and ''Proceedings" of the Royal geographical society. [In Royal geographical society. Journal. 1880. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1880. V. 50. pp 206-230]. l. c. List of papers in the ''Journals" and "Proceedings." List of maps and other illustrations. Alphabetical list of the authors of papers. [In Royal geographical society. Journal. 1880. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1880. V. 50. pp. 153-242]. l. c. Ruge (Sophus). The development of the cartography of America up to the year 1570. From the Smithsonian report for 1894. pp. 281-296. 1 p. 1. 281-296 pp. 29 pi. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1896. Note. — Translated from A. Petermann's Mitteilungen, 1892. l. c. Die entwickelung der kartographie von Amerika bis 1570. Fest- schrift zur 400 jiihrigen feier der entdeckung Amerikas. 1 1. 86 pp. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1892. [Erganzungsheft no. 106 zu "Petermanns Mitteilungen"]. l. c. First essay in map-making. Development of map-making among the Greeks. Map-making among the Romans. Map-making in the middle ages. Map-making among the Arabians. Nautical maps. The revival of Ptolemy. Mercator and his successors. Period of transition. The period of triangulation and geodetic survey. [In Encyclopaedia (The) Britannica. 9th ed. 4°. Edinburgh, A. & C. Black, 1883]. Note. — This article in the American edition has Ptolemy's map of the world composed with the actual position. After H. Kiepert. l. c. Russia (Cartography). Cartographical work in Russia in 1884. [anon.] [In Nature. 1885. v. 33. p. 92]. l. c. Michow (H.) Die tiltesten karten von Russland; ein beitrag zur historischen geographic. 8°. Hamburg, 1884. Muller (Frederick). Essai d'une bibliographie N^erlando-Russe. Catalogue d'une collection remarquable de livres, atlas, cartes, portraits, planches, manuscrits Hollandais, et de plusieurs livres Strangers, tons concernant la Russie et la Pologne [etc.] viii, 174 pp. 1 1. 8°. Amsterdam, F. Muller, 1859. l. c. Hydrographic ofQ.ce. Katalog, atlasov, kart, planov, vedov, resoonkov flagoverookovodstvdliaplavania. 3 v. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1879 [-1899]. L. c. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CARTOGRAPHY. 7T Russo de Messine (Giacomo). Hamy (Ernest Theodor). Note sur une carte- marine inedite de Giacomo Eusso de Messine (1557) . 16 pp. 8°. Paris, 1888. L. c. Rut (John), Voyage of. De Costa (Benjamin Franklin). The Northmen in Maine. 146 pp. 12°. Albany, J. Mimsell, 1870. CONTENTS. Chart of the Zeno brothers. Voyage of John Rut. Voyage of Andr6 Thevet, &c. &c. L. C. St. Gall, Switzerland (Topographical map of) . Ziegler (J. M. ) . Ueber die zeichnung und gebirgsdarstellung der topographischen karte der kantone St. Gallen und Appenzell. 12 pp. 12°. [Aus den Mittheilungen der Ziirch. naturf. gesellschaft. no. 64]. l. c. St. Lawrence (Gulf of). Bellin (Jacques Nicolas). Remarques sur la carte du golfe Saint Laurent, isle de Terre-Neuve, etc. 11 pp. 4°. Paris, 1754. (Cartography). Ganong (W. F. ). The cartography of the gulf of St. Lawrence, from Cartier to Champlain. [In Royal society of Canada. Transactions, v. 8, sect. 2. pp. 17-58. Montreal, 1890]. l. c. Salkeld (J. ) . Maps and charts of America. London, 1877-1881. [In Bibliotheca Americana, pt. 1, p. 39, and pt. 2, p. 42]. Sanson (Nicolas) . Description de tout I'univers en plusieurs cartes et en divers^ traitez degeographie et d' histoire, ou sont decris succinctement ses empires, ses peuples, etc. on a ajoute un traits des globes celeste et terrestre. 4°. Amsterdam, F. Halma, 1700. Santa Catharina, Brazil (Cartography). Lange (Henri). Contributions a la cartographic de la province Bresilienne de Santa-Catharina. [In Societe de geographic. Bulletin. 6«serie. 1879. v. 18. pp. 430-437]. Santarem (Manuel Francisco de Barros e Sousa de Mesquita de Macedo Leitao e ('arvalhosa, visconde de). Essai sur 1' histoire de la cosmographie et de la cartographic pendant le moyen-age, et sur les progres de la geographic apres les grandes d^couvertes du XV^ siecle. 3 v. 8°. Paris, Maulde, 1849-52. L. c. Note sur la publication de 1' atlas compose de mappemondes et de portulans et d'autres monuments geographiques, depuis le VI® siecle de notre ere jusqu'au XVII''. [In Nouvelles annales des voyages, 1855. 8°. Paris, A. Bertrand, [1855]. V. 2. pp. 145-162]. L. c. Researches repecting Americus Vespucius, and his voyages. Trans- lated by E. V. Childs. 221 pp. 16°. Boston, C. C. Little, 1850. Note. — Chapter VI contains an account of the maps of America, especially^ in connection with the name. l. c. Sanuto (Livio). A biographical sketch. [In Walckenaer (C. A.) Vies de plusieurs personnages celebres. 12°. Laon, Melleville, 1830. v. 1. pp. 346-349]. l. c. Saunders (T.) A catalogue of maps of the British possessions in India and other parts of Asia. 8°. London, 1870.— A continuation. 8°. London, 1872. Sautrez (Eugene) . 6tude sur la lecture des cartes topographiques et geographiques. 4°. Paris, Sautrez & cie. 1862. 78 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CARTOGEAPHY. Saxony (Cartography). Adelung (J. C.) Kritisches verzeichniss der landkarten und vornehmsten togographischen blatter der chur und fiirstlieh-Sachsi- schen lande. 8°. Meissen, 1796. Scadding' (Henry, d. d.) On the early gazetteer and map literature of Western Canada. [In Canadian (The) journal of science, literature and history. New series. 1876-78. 8°. Toronto, Canadian institute, 1878. v. 15. pp. 23-45]. l. c. Scaife (Walter B.) America; its geographical history, 1492-1892. Six lectures delivered to graduate students of the Johns Hopkins university, with a supplement entitled, Was the Rio del Espiritu Santo of the Spanish geog- raphers the Mississippi? 5 1. 176 pp. 8°. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins press, 1892. [Johns Hopkins univ. studies in hist & polit. science. Extra volume XIII] . L. c. Scliniidt (Ludwig). Kurfiirst August von Sachsen als geograph. Ein beitrag zur geschichte der erdkunde. 18 pp. 13 pi. fol. Dresden, W. Hoffmann, 1898. • L. c. SchOner (Johann). Coote (C. H. ). Bibliography of Schoner's works. [In Schoner (Johann). Johann Schoner, professor of mathematics at Nuremberg. A reproduction of his globe of 1523 long lost, [etc.] 12°. London, H. Stevens, 1888, pp. 147-170]. l. c. Johann Schoner, professor of mathematics at Nuremberg. A repro- duction of his globe of 1523 long lost, his dedicatory letter to Reymer von Streytperck and the **De Moluccis" of Maximilianus Transylvanus, with new translations and notes on the globe by Henry Stevens; edited with an introduction and bibliography by C. H. Coote. xlv, [1] pp. 24 1. 95- 206 pp. 1 1. 3 maps in pocket. 1 port. 12°. London, H. Stevens, 1888. L. C. SchOner globe, 1520. King (Edmund Fillingham). Ten thousand wonderful things, xvi, 684 pp. 16°. London, G. Routledge & sons, [1859]. Note. — On page 148 "In the town library (Stadtbibliothek of Nuremburg) is preserved an interesting globe made by John Schoner, prof, of mathe- matics in the gymnasium there A. D. 1520. It is very remarkable that the passage through the isthmus of Panama, so much sought after in later times, is on the old globe carefully delineated." l. c. Schropp (Simon) & cie. Catalogue des cartes & ouvrages geographiquee qui com- posent le cabinet de Simon Schropp & compe. a Berlin, xvi, 317, 191 pp. 12°. Berlin, S. Schropp & cie. 1817. l. c. .Schulten (Adolf). Die mosaikkarte von Madaba und ihr verhaltnis zu den iiltesten karte und beschreibungen des Heiligen landes. Abhandlungen der K. Gesellschaft der wissenschaften zu Gottingen: philologisch-historische klasse. Neue folge. v. 4. no. 2. 1900. Schworella (R. ). Kritischer leitfaden der kartographie. Mit riicksicht auf das bediirfniss des unterrichtes in der erdkunde. 2te verb. aufl. vi, 137 pp. 1 map. 8°. Wien, Schworella & Heick, 1883. Scotland (Ordnance survey). Great Britain. Ordnance survey. Catalogue of the maps and plans and other publications of the ordnance survey of Scot- land, to 1st October 1880 [to 1st february, 1884, to June, 1892; & 2 sup- plements for 1881 & 1884]. 5 pms. 8°. London, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1880 [-1892]. L. c. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CARTOGRAPHY. 79 Shurtlefif (Nathaniel Bradstreet). A topographical and historical description of Boston. 8°. Boston, city council, 1871. Note. — Contains from pp. 92-105, a list of maps relating to Boston and harbor. The Massachusetts historical society. Proceedings, v. 6. pp. 35-40. v. 7. pp. 361-362, 476-477, also contains a list. l. c. Siam (Cartography). Fournereau (Lucien). Gabriel Marcel. Notice sur quelques cartes relatives au royaume de Siam. Extrait du "Siam ancien." t. p. 38 pp. 3 1. 16 facsim. maps. 4°. Paris, E. Leroux, 1894. Silver (The) map. Christy (Miller). The silver map of the world. A contemj^o- rary medallion commemorative of Drake's great voyage [1577-80]. A geographical essay including some critical remarks on the Zeno narrative and chart of 1558 and on the curious misconception as to the position of the discoveries made by Martin Frobisher in 1576-7-8. [etc.] xii, 71 pp. 10 maps & plates. 8°. London, H. Stevens, son & Stiles, 1900. l. c. Simancas map. De Costa (Benjamin Franklin). The Simancas map. [In New England historic genealogical register. 1892-93. v. 46-47]. l. c. Smith. (Charles C). Cabot's mappe-monde. Eemarks [in communicating from the papers of the late Charles Deane, copies of the Spanish and Latin inscrip- tions on Cabot's mappe-monde, now in the National library at Paris, with a translation of them into English]. 35 pp. 8°. [Boston, 1891]. [Reprinted for private distribution from Mass. hist. soc. Proceedings. Feby. 12, 1891]. l. c. Smith (J. L. ). Catalogue of maps, atlases & globes. 108 pp. 16°. Phila- delphia, J. L. Smith, [n. d.] l. c. Catalogue of maps, atlases, globes, drawing-paper, &c. 36 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Allen, Lane & Scott, 1874. l. c. •Smith (John). Deane (Charles). Account of John Smith's and Joshua Fry and Peter Jefferson's map. [In American antiquarian society. Proceedings. Oct. 21, 1864. 8°. Bos- ton, J. Wilson & son, 1864. v. 41. pp. 79-80]. l. c. Smith (John Russell). Bibliotheca Americana. A catalogue of a valuable collec- tion of books, illustrating the history and geography of North and South America and the West Indies, vii, 234 pp. 8°. London, A. R. Smith, 1871. L. c. Bibliotheca Americana. A catalogue of a valuable collection of books, pamphlets, manuscripts, maps, [etc.] 4 p. 1. 308 pp. 12°. London, A.G.Allen, 1865. l. c. Smith (R. Pearsall). [The county maps of the United States]. 3 pp. 8°. [n. p. 1864]. Note. — Read before the Am. philosophical society, march 18, 1864. l. c. South America. Demersay (A. ). line mission geographique dans les archives d'Espagneetde Portugal, 1862-1863. 45 pp. 8°. Paris, 1864. Note. — Renseignements sur I'Amerique meridionale. (Cartography). Uricoechea (Ezequiel). Mapoteca Colombiana. Coleccion de los titulos de todos los mapas, pianos, vistas etc. relativos d la America Espaiiola, Brasil e islas adyacentes. xvi, 215 pp. 12°. Londres, Triibner & cia. 1860. l. c. Spain. Admiralty. Catalogo de las cartas etc. existentes en el deposito hidro- grdfico. 129 pp. 8°. Madrid, 1893. 80 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CARTOGRAPHY. Spain. (Cartography). Torres Villegas (F. J. ), Cartografia hispano-cienti- fica 6 seo los mapas Espaiioles, en que se representa d Espana bajo todas sus diferentes fases. 2*^ ed. 2 v. 4°. Madrid, 1857. Note. — "Conteniente Mapamundi de todas las posesiones Espanoles en los siglos 16 y 17." (Geological map of). Castro (Manuel Fernandez de). Notas para un estudio bibliografico sobre los origenes y estado actual del mapa geologico de Espana. viii, 164 pp. 8°. Madrid, M. Tello, 1874. [Del Boletin de la comision del mapa geologico de Espana] . l. c. (Hydrography). Catdlogo de las cartas, pianos, vistas, estampas, instruc- ciones, derroteros y demas obras naiiticas pertenecientes d la Direccion de hidrograffa. 8°. Madrid, 1857. Spitzbergen. Hamy (E. T. ) Les Frangais au Spitz berg au XVII® siecle. 28 pp. 1 map. 8°. Paris, imprimerie nationale, 1895. Sprengel (Matthias Christian). Ueber J. Ribero's alteste weltcharte. 77 pp. 1 fold. map. 8°. Weimar, Industrie-comptoir, 1795. l. c. Stanford (Edward). A catalogue of atlases, books, and other publications. [Stan- ford's catalogue, pt. 3]. Oct. 1894. 2 pi. 62 pp. 8°. London, E. Stanford, 1894. l. c. A catalogue of atlases, books and other publications. [Stanford's. catalogue, pt. 2]. title. 54 pp. 8°. London, E. Stanford, 1897. l. c. A catalogue of maps, atlases, books and other publications. Sept. 1890. xxiv, 176 pp. 1 map. front. 8°. London, E. Stanford, 1890. L. C. Catalogue of maps and books for tourists. 48 pp. 5 maps. 16°. London, E. Stanford, 1897. l. c. A catalogue of maps, charts, and globes. 3 1. 104 pp. 8°. London,. E. Stanford, 1894. l. c. A catalogue of maps, charts, and globes. 4 1. 104 pp. 8°. London, E. Stanford, 1898. l. c. A catalogue of maps, charts, and globes. With an illustrated supple- ment on methods of map mounting, and a geographical index. 4 1. 104 pp. 1 map. 8°. London, E. Stanford, 1900. l. c. A resum^ of the publications of the ordnance & geological surveys of England & Wales, with indexes to the 1-inch maps of the British isles, and a supplement on methods of map mounting. 56 pp. 3 maps. 8°. London, E. Stanford, 1900. l. c. Stanford's supplementary catalogue of maps, plans, & charts pub- lished by the admiralty, the India office, and the intelligence division of the war office; [etc.] 31 pp. 8°. London, E. Stanford, 1899. l. c. Stanford's supplementary catalogue of maps, plans & charts published by the ordnance and geological survey, the admiralty, the India office, [etc.] Dec. 1894. 1 pi. 60 pp. 1 map. 8°. London, E. Stanford, [1894]. L. c. Steigerwalt (Charles). A fine collection of early American maps and plans. 8 pp. 8°. Lancaster, Pa. [n. d.] l. c. Stereoscopic maps. Galton (Francis). On stereoscopic maps, taken from models of mountainous countries. [In Royal geographical society. Journal. 1865. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1866. V. 35. pp. 99-106]. l. c. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CARTOGRAPHY. 81 Stevens (Henry) . Bibliotheca geographica & historica, or a catalogue of a nine days sale of rare and valuable ancient and modern books, maps, charts [etc.] very many relating to Xorth and South America, [etc.] Parti, title. 15, 362 pp. 1 1. 1 pi. London, H. Stevens, 1872. l. c. Catalogue of the American maps in the library of the British museum at Christmas, 1856. 17 pp. 8°. London, C. Whittingham, 1856. Historical and geographical notes. 1453-1530. On the earliest dis- coveries in America. 54 pp. 6 pi. 8°. New Haven, office of the Ameri- can journal of science, 1869. l. c. translator. See Schoner (Johann). Johann Schoner, professor of mathematics at Nuremberg. A reproduction of his globe of 1523 long lost, [etc.] with new translations and notes on the globe, [etc.] 12°. London, H. Stevens, 1888. l. c. Stevenson (E. ). Piante e vedute della cittu di Roma. [Mostra della citta di Roma alia esposizione di Torino nell' anno 1884]. 4°. Roma, 1884. Strom (G. ) . Om opdagelsen af " Nordkap " og veien til det " Hvide hav." [Norske geogr. selskabs Arbog. v. 1893-1894]. Stiibel (Alphons). Uber relief-karten. 11 pp. fol. [Dresden, E. Blochmann & sohn, 1867]. . l. c. Sur une carte de PAlgau d' Achilles Gassarus. [Sechszehnter bericht iiber die dr. J. M. Zieglersche kartensammlung, 1893-1894. Bdle, 1894]. Surveying". Rice(C. H.) Surveying and mapping a city. Engineering Maga- zine. V. ix. no. 6. September, 1895. pp. 1066-1071. Sweden (Cartography). Repertoire des cartes de la Suede, de la Norv^ge et du Danemark, publ. par I'institutdes ingenieurs Neerlandais. 8°. La Haye, 1859. Tidander (L. G. ). Anteckningar om Svenska kartverk. 8°. Gefle, 1888. Swinstead (P. E. ). How to draw a map from memory. 4°. London, Simpkin, 1885. Switzerland (Cartography). Graf (J. H. ). Bibliographie nationale Suisse. II b. Cartes speciales et locales du territoire Suisse. 8°. Berne, 1892. — II c. Plans de villes et de lieux habites. 8°. Berne, 1893. Tanner ( Henry S. ) An alphabetical index to the four sheet map of the United States. V pp. 1 1. 99 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, Rackliff and Jones, [n. d.] l. c. Geographical memoir. [In his A new American atlas, fol. Philadelphia, H. S. Tanner, 1823. pp. 1-18]. Note. — An extensive list and criticism of the early state maps of the United States. L. c. Terrestrial globes (Use of). Gregory (John). The description and use of the terrestrial globe. 1663. H. Doc. 516- 6 82 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CARTOGRAPHY. Thacher (Joseph Boyd). The continent of America; its discovery and its baptism. An essay on the nomenclature of the old continents. A critical and biblio- graphical inquiry into the naming of America, and into the growth of the cosmography of the New World [etc.] xvii, 270 pp. 4 pi. 1 port. 2 facs. 19 maps. 4°. New York, W. E. Benjamin, 1896. Note. — A most valuable and interesting addition to the bibliography of carto- graphy. Chapter II, contains ' ' Cartography of the world. ' ' Facing p. 195 is the map of Juan de la Cosa, drawn about 1500 on ox-hide, and at end "A series of fourteen maps, from 1478 to 1570, showing the growth of the geographical knowledge of the New World." l. c. Thierry de Villa d'Avray (Henri Charles). See Ville d'Avray (Henri Charles Thierry de) . Thomassy (Marie Joseph Raymond). Cartographic de la Louisiane (extrait de la G^ologie pratique de la Louisiane). 2 p. 1. 205-226 pp. 4°. Nouvelle- Orl^ans, chez I'auteur, 1859. l. c. G^ologie pratique de la Louisiane. Ixviii, 264 pp. 5 maps. 2 pi. 4°. Nouvelle-Orleans, chez I'auteur, 1860. Note. — Contains also * * Cartographie de 1' ancienne Louisiane. ' ' pp. 205-226. L. c. Les papes geographes et la cartographie du Vatican. 140 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Bertrand, 1852. 2\^0TE. — Reprinted in his works entitled "Rapports de la religion avec la g^ographie." l. c. Rapports de la religion avec la geographie. 124 pp. 8°. Toulouse, [impr. Douladoure-Privat] , 1898. l. c. Thoroddsen (Th. ). Geschichteder Islandischen geographie; autorisierte ueber- setzung von A. Gebhardt. Ite band: die Islandische geographie bis zum schlusse des 16. jahrhunderts. xvi, 237 pp. 8°. Leipzig, B. G. Teub- ner, 1897. Thoulet (J. ). Les oceanographes de France. Marsigli. [Rev. maritime, 1897. vol. 134. pp. 542-575]. Tidander (L. G. ). Anteckningar om Svenska kartverk. 8°. Gefle, 1888. Topo^aphical maps. Instruction pour la lecture des cartes topographiques. [anon.] 12°. Paris, Dumaine, 1872. Jusselain (Armand). De la reproduction des cartes topographiques pendant la guerre en Provence, 1870-71. 12°. Paris, Dumaine, 1873. Muret (C. g^ometre de la ville de Paris). La lecture des plans et cartes topographiques enseignee u I'aide d'un texte, d'une carte et d'un relief. 12°. Paris, Delagrave & cie. 1873. Peiffer (Edouard). Conferences sur la lecture des cartes topogra- phiques. 8°. Paris, Delagrave, 1874. (Europe, etc.) Wagner (Hermann). Uebersichts-karten (index charts, tableaux d' assemblage, quadri d' unione) fiir die wichtigsten topo- graphischen karten Europas und einiger anderer lander. Zusammenge- stellt fiir das geograpjiiache jahrbuch. 28 pp. 8°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1894. L. c. BIBLIOGPwAPHY OF CAKTOGRAPHY. 83 Topographical surveying-. Van Ornum (J. L. ) . Topographical surveys, their methods and value. 331-369 pp. 8°. :^Jadison, Wis. the university, 1896. [Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin. Engineering series, v. 1. no. 10]. L. c. Wilson (Herbert M. ) Topographical surveying. Including geo- graphic, exploratory, and military mapping, with hints on camping, emergency surgery, and photography. 1st ed. xxx, 910 pp. 205 ill. pi., etc. 8°. New York, J. Wiley & sons, 1900. l. c. Torres Ijanzas (Pedro) . See Lanzas (Pedro Torres) . Torres Villegas (Francisco Jorge) . Cartografia hispano-cientifica 6 seo los mapas Espanoles, en que se representa d Espafia bajo todas sus diferentes fases. 2» ed. 2 V. 4°. Madrid, 1857. Note. — "Conteniente: Mapamundi de todas las posesiones Espaiiolas en los siglos 16 y 17." Toscanelli map. Wagner (H. ). Die reconstruction der Toscanelli-karte v. j. 1474 und die pseudo-facsimilia des Behaim-globus v. j. 1492. Vorstudien zur geschichte der kartographie. Ill, [Nachrichten k. ges. d. wiss. zu Gottingen, phil.-hist. kl. 1894. no. 3., pp. 208-312]. Tournay, Belgium (Plans). Dejardin (Ad.) Plans et \nies de la ville de Tournai. 8°. Tournai, 1879. [Extr. des Bulletins de la societe historique et litteraire de Tournai. XVII] . Tozer (Henry Fanshawe). A history of ancient geography, xix, 387 pp. 10 maps. 12°. Cambridge, [Eng.] at the university press, 1897. [Cambridge, geographical series] . l. c. • Traeg-er (E. ) . Eine karte von Flandern vom jahre 1538. [Petermann's Mittheilungen, 1894. no. 4. pp. 90-92]. l. c. Trautwine (William). Some old maps of Philadelphia. 8°. Philadelphia, 1887. TJkert (Friedrich August). Geographic der Griechen und Homer von den fruhesten zeiten bis auf PtolemSus. 4 v. 8°. Weimar, 1816-43. TTlpius globe. De Costa (Benjamin Franklin). The globe of Ulpius. [In Magazine of American history. 1879. 4°. New York and Chicago, A. S. Barnes, 1879. v. 3. pp. 17-35. 1 map. 1879]. l. c. United States (Boundaries). Gannett (Henry). Boundaries of the United States and of the several states and territories with a historical sketch of the territorial changes. 135 pp. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1885. [United States. Department of the interior. Geological survey. Bulletin, no. 13]. L. c. (Cartography). Catalogue of maps of the United States and terri- tories, coast survey and northern and northwestern lakes, 1862. 8°. Washington, H. Polkinhorn, 1862. Winsor (Justin). The westward movement. The colonies and the republic west of the Alleghanies. 1763-1798. With full carto- graphical illustrations from contemporary sources, viii, 595 pp. 8°. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin & co. 1897. l. c. 84 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CARTOGRAPHY. United States (County maps). Smith (R. Pearsall). [The county maps of the United Stated]. 3 pp. 8°. Note. — Read before the American philosophical society, march 18, 1864. L. c. Department of the Interior. Geological survey. List of publi- cations of the United States geological survey. 1897, 1898, 1900. 3 v. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1897 [-1900]. l. c. (Exploration). Kohl (Johann Georg). History of discovery and exploration on the coasts of the United States. [In United States. Coast and geodetic survey. Report of the superintend- ent. June 1884. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1885. pp. 495-617]. • L. c. (Geography). Baker (Marcus). A century of geography in the United States. Annual presidential address, delivered before the Philo- sophical society of Washington, april 2, 1898. pp. 223-239. 8°. Wash- ington, the society, 1898. [Philosophical society of Washington. Bulletin, v. 13]. l. c. (Map of). Tanner (Henry S.) An alphabetical index to the four sheet map of the United States, v pp. 1 1. 99 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, Rackliff and Jones, n. d. l. c. (Maps — Revolutionary period). Winsor (Justin). Maps of the revo- lutionary period. [In his The memorial history of Boston. 8°. Boston, J. R. Osgood & co. 1881. V. 3. pp. i-xii]. l. c. Navy department. Bureau of navigation. • Hydrographic ofl8.ce. Catalogue of charts and books, [plans, sailing directions, and other publications] for 1871, 72, 73, 75, 76, 79, 84, 86, 87, 90, 96, 99. 12 v. 8° & 4°. Washington, government printing office, 1871 [-1899]. l. c. Catalogue of charts, plans, and sailing directions issued to vessels on the North Atlantic station. 95 pp. 8°. Washington, govern- ment printing office, 1884. l. c. Catalogue of charts, plans, and sailing directions issued to vessels on the Pacific station. 100 pp. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1885. l. c. Index sheets to publications for 1896-1900. l. c. (Northeastern boundary). Gallatin (Albert). A memoir on the northeastern boundary, in connection with mr. Jay's map; together with a speech on the same subject, by Daniel Webster, delivered at a special meeting of the New York histoiical society, april 15, 1843. 1 1. 74 pp. 1 map. New York, 1843. l. c. Northeastern boundary. Winsor (Justin). The cartographical his- tory of the northeastern boundary controversy between the United States and Great Britain. 24 pp. 8°. Cambridge, J. Wilson & son, 1887. [Massachusetts historical society. Privately reprinted from the Proceedings, October, 1887]. ' l. c. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CARTOGRAPHY. 85 TTnited States. Treasury department. Coast and g-eodetic survey. Bibliog- raphy. Descriptive catalogue of publications relating to the U. S. coast and geodetic survey, 1807 to 1890 [etc.] Compiled by Edward Goodfel- low, C. H. Sinclair and J. B. Baylor. Appendix no. 11. Eeport for 1891. 1 p. 1. 365-474 pp. 8°. Washington, government printing otSce, 1892. L. c. Catalogue of charts, [coast pilots, and tide tables] for 1884, 86, 87, 90, 92, 93, 94, 96, 97, 99. 10 v. 4° & fol. Washington, gov- ernment printing office, 1884 [-1899]. l. c. Catalogue of charts and other publications. 1896. 142 pp. 4°. Washington, government printing office, 1896. Note. — Various catalogues were published previous to the above. l. c. Catalogue of hydrographic maps, charts, and sketches. 1866, 72, 75, 77. 4 v. 4°. Washington, government printing office, 1866 [-1877]. L. c. Geographical explorations. Early expeditions to the region of Bering sea and strait. From the reports and journals of Vitus Ivano- vich Bering. Translated by William Healey Dall. Appendix no. 19. Report for 1890. 1 p. 1. 759-774 pp. 2 fold. maps. 4°. Washington, government printing office, 1890. l. c. Pacific coast pilot. Alaska. Y>t. 1. fol. Washington, gov- ernment printing office, 1883. Note. — Contains from pp. 215-246 ''list of charts useful for navigation in the region covered by part 1 of the Alaska coast pilot. " l. c. (State maps). Tanner (Henry S.) Geographical memoir. [In his A new American atlas, fol. Philadelphia, H. S. Tanner, 1823. pp. 1-18]. Note. — An extensive list and criticism of the early state maps of the United States. L c. War department. Corps of engineers. Geographical surveys west of the 100th. meridian. List of reports and maps of the Ignited States geographical surveys west of the 100th meridian. 36 pp. 12°. Washington, government printing office, 1878. l. c. Library. Subject catalogue no. 3. Index of publications, articles, and maps relating to Mexico in the war department library. 3 1. 120 pp. 4°. Washington, government printing office, 1896. l. c. University of California. Ro well (Joseph Cummings). List of printed maps of California (Supplement to the report of the secretary of the board of regents). 33 pp. 8°. Berkeley, 1887. [Library bulletin, no 9]. i^- c. Uricoecliea ( Ezequiel) . Mapoteca Colombiana. Coleccion de los titulos de todos los mapas, pianos, vistas etc. relativos ^ la America Espanola, Brasil e islas adyacentes. xvi, 215 pp. 12°. Londres, Triibner & cia. 1860. l. c. Valentini (Philipp F, J.) A new and ancient map of Yucatan. [In Magazine of American history. 1879. 4°. New York and Chicago, A. S. Barnes, [1879]. v. 3. pt. 1. pp. 294-299]. Note.— The map referred to is entitled "Mapa de la peninsula de Y'ucatan. Por Joaquin Hiibbe y Andres Azuar Perez, 1878." l. c. 86 BIBLIOGEAPHY OF CAETOGRAPHY. Van der Beke (P. ). Carte de Flandre de 1538, publiee a Gand. Reproduction de I'exemplaire du Germanisches national-museum, a Nuremberg. Avec texte explicatif par le capitaine F. van Ortroy. . . . Traduction Neer- landaise par A. van Werveke. iv, 37 pp. 4 pi. Gand, V. van Doos- selaere, 1897. l. c. Van Keulen. See Keulen (Van). Van Ornum (J. L. ). Topographical surveys, their methods and value. 331-369 pp. 8°. Madison, Wis. the university, 1896. [Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin. Engineering series, v. 1. no. 10.] L. c. Velarde (Murillo). La carte des Philippines du pere Murillo Velarde. [1734]. Par m. Gabriel Marcel. [In France. Ministe^e de 1' instruction publique et des beaux-arts. Comite des travaux historiques et scientifiques. Bulletin de geographie historique et descriptive. Annee 1897. no. 1. 8°. Paris, 1897. pp. 32-54]. l. c. Velde (C. W. M. van de). Notes on the map of the Holy Land. 2d ed. title. 48 pp. 8°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1865. l. c. Venezuela (Cartography). Phillips (Philip Lee). Guiana and Venezuela carto- graphy, title. 681-776 pp. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1898. [From Annual report of American historical association for 1897]. l. c. Venice (Cartography). Marinelli (Giuseppe) and others. Saggio di cartografia della regione Veneta. xiv, 444 pp. 8°. Venezia, a spese della societa, 1881. [Regia deputazione Veneta di storia patria. Venice. Monumenti storici. Miscellanea. 4th series, v. 1]. l. c. Vermont (Cartography). Vermont (State of). Maps covering Vermont in whole or in part. [In Records of the governor and council of the state of Vermont, v. 8. pp. 432-436. 8°. Montpelier, J. Poland, 1880]. l. c. Verrazzano (Giovanni da). Bibliography of Verrazzano. By B. F. De Costa. [In Magazine of American history. March, 1881. 4°. New York, A. S. Barnes & co. 1881. v. 6. pp. 68-70]. l. c. Brevoort (James Carson). Verrazzano the navigator, or, notes on Giovanni da Verrazzano, and on a planisphere of 1529, illustrating his American voyage in 1524. With a reduced copy of the map. 159 pp. 1 1. 1 map. 8°. New York, [Albany, the Argus press], 1874. l. c. Murphy (Henry C.) The voyage of Verrazzano: a chapter in the early history of maritime discovery in America. [With the 4 pp. supple- ment issued in 1876]. viii, 198, 4 pp. 4 maps. 8°. New York, [J. Munsell], 1876. l. c. Scritti geografici. 1. La parte cosmographica della relazione di Giovanni da Verrazzano. 40 pp. 8°. Torino, 1894. (Map of). De Costa (Benjamin Franklin). The Verrazzano map. [In Magazine of American history. 8°. New York and Chicago, A. S. Barnes & CO. [1878]. V. 2. no. 8. Aug. 1878. pp. 451-469. 1 map]. l. c. Verzeicliniss der blicher und kartensammlung des reichspostamts, Berlin. 1889-1894. 2v. 8°, et suppl. Vespucci (Giovanni). Hughes (L. ). Giovanni Vespucci. Note biografiche e storiche. 22 pp. 8°. Casale, Cassone, 1897. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CARTOGRAPHY. 87 Vespucius (Americas). Santarem (Manuel Francisco de Barros e Sousa, visconde de). Researches respecting Americus Vespucius and his voyages. Trans- lated by E. V. Childs. 221 pp. 16°. Boston, C. C. Little, 1850. Note. — Chapter VI contains an account of the maps of America, especially in connection with the name. l. c. Victoria. New South Wales. Public library. Catalogue. 8°. Melbourne* 1880. Note. — Contains from pp. 1801-1842, catalogue of globes, maps, charts and • surveys. l. c. Vignols (L. ). Listes des pieces composant ma collection de cartographie Bre- tonne anterieure a 1790. 8°. Rennes, 1896. Ville d'Avray (Henri Charles Thierry de). Signes conventionnels et lectures des cartes, Frangaises et etrangeres. 125 pp. 18°. Paris, 1890. Vinci (Leonardo da) Mappemonde. Fiorini (M. ). II mappamondo di Leo- nardo da Vinci ed altre consimili mappe. [Ri vista geografica Italiana. v. 4, 1894. pp. 213-223]. Virginia (Cartography). McDonald (A. W. ). Virginia's claim to the Poto- mac river. Report. [In Historical magazine. 4°. New York, 1865. v. 9. pp. 13-24]. Note. — Gives an account of Virginia maps. l. c. Phillips (Philip Lee). Virginia cartography, a bibliographical description. 85 pp. 8°. Washington, published by the Smithsonian institution. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections. 1896. v. 37. no. 1039. • L. c. Vivien de Saint-Martin (Louis). De I'etat actuel de la cartographie en Europe et particulierement en France. 8°. Paris, chez I'auteur, 1855. Etudes de geographic ancienne et d'ethnographie Asiatique. 2 V. 3 p. 1. 351 pp; 330 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Bertrand, 1850-52. Vosges (Cartography). Haillant (N. ). Bibliographic des cartes et plans geographiques des Vosges. 8°. Epinal, 1887. Wagner (Hermann). Die reconstruction der Toscanelli-karte v. j. 1474 und die pseudo-facsimilia des Behaim-globus v. j. 1492. Vorstudien zur ge- schichte der kartographie. III. [Nachrichten von der konigliche gesellschaft der wissenschaften zu Gottingen, philologisch-historische klasse 1894. no. 3. pp. 208-312]. Ubersichts-karten (Index charts, tableau d'assemblage, quadri d' unione) fiir die wichtigsten topographischen karten Europas und einiger anderer lander. Zusammengestellt fiir das geographische jahrbuch. 28 pp. 8°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1894. . l. c. Walckenaer ( Charles Athanase, baron ) . Catalogue des li vres et cartes g6ographiques de la bibliotheque de feu m. le baron Walckenaer. [etc.] xv, 550 pp. 8°. Paris, L. Potier, 1853. Note. — Cartes et atlas geographiques. pp. 231-265. l. c. Warren (G. K. ). Maps of the Mississippi. [In United States. Senate, 45th congress, 2d session. Ex. doc. no. 69. Report on bridging the Mississippi river. 1878. pp. 231-232]. l. c. Washington, D. C. See District of Columbia. 88 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CARTOGRAPHY. "Waters-Winthrop map of New England. Green (Samuel Abbott). Some remarks on the Waters- Winthrop map [of New England]. 4 pp. 8°. [Boston, 1892]. [Reprinted from the Mass. hist, society. Proceedings, 1892]. l. c. Wauwermans (H. E.) Histoire de I'ecole Anversoise de geographie. [Bulletin de la Societe de geographie de Anvers. 1894. v. 19. fasc. 1, 2, 3. pp. 73-375]. Weimar, Germany. Landes-industrie-comptoir. Verzeichniss einer sammlung geographischer und astronomischer karten und atlanten, welch e zu den beigesetzten ermiissigten preisen gegen bare zahlung durch das Landes- industrie-comptoir in Weimar zu erhalten sind. 28 pp. 8°. Weimar, Landes-industrie-comptoir, 1851. l. c. Westerman brothers (G. & B. ) Complete catalogue of books, maps, etc. published in Germany during the months of july-december 1851, giving full infor- mation about their size, prices and publishers. With a scientific index, xlviii, 296 pp. 12°. New York, [1852?]. L.r. Wlieeler (George M.) Facts concerning the origin, organization, administration, functions, history and progress of the principal government land and marine surveys of the world, being extracts from the report of the third international geographical congress and exhibition, vii, 13-16, 76-569, xiii pp. 7 pi. 4 maps. 4°. Washington, government printing oflBce, 1885. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers]. l. c. Whitefield (E. ). Instructions in map drawing, with colored plates; forming a complete guide to that useful art. 15 pp. 8°. Chicago, S. C. Griggs & co. 1864. L. c. "WTiiteliead (William Adee). East Jersey under the proprietary government. 8°. Newark, M. R. Dennis, 1875. Note. — Map references on pp. 28, 33, 119, 163. l. c. "Wiener (L.) Essai de cartographie de la Lorraine. 8°. Nancy, 1896. [Extr. des Memoires de la soc. d'archeologie Lorraine]. Williams (George H. ) Maps of the territory included within the state of Mary- land, especially the vicinity of Baltimore. With an introductory note by president Gilman. 37-44 pp. 4°. Baltimore, 1893. [Johns Hopkins university circulars, v. 12. no. 103]. l. c. Wilme (Benjamin P. ). Handbook for mapping, engineering, and architectural drawing, in which maps of all description are analyzed and their uses explained. 7 p. 1. viii, 69 pp. 4 1. 43 pi. 2 pp. 4°. London, for the author, 1846. Wilson (Herbert M. ) Topographic surveying. Including geographic, exploratory, and military mapping, with hints on camping, emergency surgery, and photography. 1st ed. xxx, 910 pp. 205 ill. pi. etc. 8°. New: York, J. Wiley & sons, 1900. l. c. Winsor (Justin). Baplista Agnese, and American cartography in the sixteenth century. 167 pp. 8°. Cambridge, 1897. [Reprint from Mass. hist, society. Proceedings, may 1897]. l. c. A bibliography of Ptolemy's geography. 42 pp. 8°. Cambridge, Mass. J. Wilson & son, 1884. [Harv'ard university. Library. Bibliograpliical contributions, no. 18]. L. c. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CARTOGRAPHY. 89 "Winsor (Justin). The Cabot controversies and the right of England to North America. 16 pp. 8°. Cambridge, J. Wilson & son, 1896. [From Proc. of Mass. hist, society, 1896]. l. c. Cartier to Frontenac. Geographical discovery in the interior of North America in the historical relations. 1534-1700. With full carto- graphical illustrations from contemporary sources. viii, 379 pp. 8°. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin & co. 1894. l. c. The cartographical history of the northeastern boundary controversy between the United States and Great Britain. 24 pp. 8°. Cambridge, J. Wilson & son, 1887. [Massachusetts historical society. Privately reprinted from the Proceed- ings, October, 1887]. l. c. Cartography of Louisiana and Mississippi basin, under the French dominion. [In his Narrative and critical history of America. 4°. Boston and New York, 1887. v. 5. pp. 79-86]. l. c. The earliest maps of Massachusetts bay and Boston harbor. [In his The memorial history of Boston. 8°. Boston, J. R. Osgood & co. 1880. V. I. pp. 37-67]. l. c. The Kohl collection of maps relating to America. 70 pp. 8°. Cam- bridge, Mass. issued by the library, 1886. [Harvard University. Library. Bibliographical contributions, no. 19]. Note. — This collection is in the United States department of state. l. c. Maps of the revolutionary period. [In his The memorial history of Boston. 8°. Boston, J. R. Osgood & co. 1881. V. 3. pp. i-xii]. l. c. The Mississippi basin. The struggle in America between England and France, 1697-1763. With full cartographical illustrations, ix, 484 pp. 8°. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin Paris, J. G. Merigot, 1781. v. 8. facing p. 284]. Karte vom Amazonen strome. 15 x 25. [In Spix (J. B. v.) and Martins (C. F. P. v. ) Reise in Brasilien. fol. Miin- chen, 1823-34. atlas]. Esquisse des bouches de I'Amazone et des cotes voisines pour servir a la recherche de la situation veritable de la riviere de Vincent Pinion. Par m. d'Avezac. 1857. [In Revue coloniale. 2« serie. v. 19. p. 396. 8°. Paris, 1858]. Der Amazonen strom innerhalb des Brasilianischen gebietes nach den durch die Brasilianische regierungs-expedition aufgenommenen stromkarten reducirt von H. Kiepert. 8 x 49. [In Gesellschaft fiir erdkunde zu Berlin. Zeitschrift. 1867. 8°. Berlin,, 1867. V. 2. pi. 5]. Amboy. See Perth Amboy, N. J. Amelia island, Fla. Plan of Amelia island in east Florida. A chart of the mouth of Nassau river with the bar and surroundings. A chart of the entrance into St. Mary's river. By Wm. Fuller, col. 20 x 24. London, T. Jef- ferys, march 26, 1770. [In Faden (William editor). The North American atlas, fol. London, for W. Faden, 1777. ed. B. no. 26]. Same. [In Atlas of battles of the American revolution, fol. London, 1770-1793. no. 29]. Amelia harbor and bar, Fla. A plan of Amelia harbour and barr, in East Florida. Surveyed in jan. 1775, by Jacob Blamey. 16 x 23. London, Laurie ofe Whittle, 12 may, 1794. [In North American pilot. A new ed. much enlarged of the second part of the North American pilot, fol. London, R. Laurie & J. Whittle, 1800.. no. 19]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. ; , 1«01 America. Geschichte des seefahrens ritter Martin Behaim nach den iiltesten \qr- handenen urkiinden bearbeitet von dr. F. W. Ghillany. ^i'ftge^^itet; durcft eine abhandlung: ueber die iiltesten karten des neuen continents und den namen Amerika von Alex. v. Humboldt, mit einer genauen abbildiing des Behaim' schen globus vom jahre 1492, [etc.] 4 p. 1. 122 pp. 5 maps. 1 port. 1 pi. 4°. Xiirn berg, Bauer & Raspe, [1853]. Geschichtliche entwickelung der staaten Amerikas. lOJ x 8J. [In Brockhaus' konversations-lexikon. 14te aufl. 8°. Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1896. v. 1. bet. pp. 516-517]. Derrotas que siguio Christobal Colon hasta su recalada a las primeras islas que descubrio en America. Segiin dr. Martin Fernandez de Navarrete publicado por Otto Neussel. lOij x 7^. [In Diccionario enciclopedico Hispano-Americano. 8°. Barcelona, Mon- taner & Simon, 1890. v. 5. pt. 1. p. 480]. Chart to illustrate the Landfall of Columbus 12 October, 1492, ])y A. B. Becher, captain r. n. 1856. 16 x 24J. [In Royal geographical society. Journal. 1856. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1856. V.26. p. 189]. Note. — Inset map of "The Crooked isles; proposed Fragrant isles of Co- lumbus 1492." ''VVatling island by mr. E. Barnett, r. n. 1816. The San Salvador of Columbus, 1492. The Landfall." Same. [In Becher (A. B. ) The landfall of Columbus on his first voyage to America. 8°. London, 1856]. Extrait de la carte du premier voyage de Christophe Colomb. Pressee par m. de Navarette. 8^ x 12^. [In Nouvelles annales des voyages. [2'' serie]. 8°. Paris, 1828. v. 9. p. 299]. Parte correspondiente a la America de la carta general de Juan de La Cosa, piloto en el segundo viage de Cristobal Colon en 1493, y en la expedicion de Alonzo de Hojeda en 1499. Calcada sobre la original que posee el sr. baron de Walckenaer. Paris, 1837. 23 x 34. [In Sagra (Ramon de la). Historia fisica, politica y natural de la isla de Cuba. fol. Paris, A. Bertrand, 1842. v. 2]. — Michael Lok civis Londinensis banc chartam dedicabat 1582. [^lap of Michael Lok, 1582, containing John Cabot's chart of 1497]. 10 x 9. [In American (The) geographical society of Ne^v York. Bulletin. 1885. 8°. New York, for the society, [1885]. v. 17. p. 46]. Note. — To accompany an article. Map of the new discoveries, drawn in colour on oxhide in the year 1500 by the pilot Juan de La Cosa. 18 J x 14. [In Fiske (John) . The discovery of America. 8°. Cambridge, 1892]. El mapa mas antiguo de America. Parte occidental del mapa terrestre dibujado por Juan de la Cosa en el ano 1500. El original, en perga- mino existe en el museo naval de Madrid. Facsimile de ^ de la altura del original. 11 x 14. [In Diccionario enciclopedico Hispano-Americano. 8°. Barcelona, Mon- taner & Simon, 1890. v. 5. pt. 2. bet. pp. 1192-1193]. • Karte von Amerika auf dem jahre 1500 entworfen von Juan de La Cosa. Aufgefunden von Alexander von Humboldt. 13 x IO5. [In Ghillany (F. W.) Geschichte des seefahrens ritter Martin Behaim. 4°. Niirnberg, Bauer & Raspe, 1853]. IQi- id': ' I^IST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. '^.i^Hca. ,: Lenouveau continent. Figure dans la mappemonde de Juan de La Cosa ■■■■''' en 1500. A moitie de I'^chelle de la carte originale coneervee dans la bibliotheque de m. le baron Walckenaer. 19 x 14. [In Humboldt (A. de). Examen critique de I'histoire de la geographie du nouveau continent. 8°. Paris, 1839. v. 5]. I. Cantino's West Indies. II. Juan de la Cosa's West Indies. 8i x 8|. [In American (The) geographical society of New York. Bulletin. 1889. 8°. New York, for the society, [1889]. v. 21. p. 180]. Note. — To accompany an article ''The Portuguese in the track of Columbus (1493), by dr. P. J. J. Valentini." 1. Cantino chart. 2. Ptolemy 1508. 3. Ptolemy 1513. 4. Schoener 1520. SI X Sh [In American (The) geographical society of New York. Bulletin. 1889. 8°. New York, for the society, [1889]. v. 21. p. 56]. Note. — To accompany an article "The Portuguese in the track of Columbus [1493], by dr. P. J. J. Valentini." Atlas zur entdeckungsgeschichte Amerikas [15037-1592]. Aus handschriften der K. hof. und staats bibliothek der K. universitaet aus des haupt conser- vatoriums der K. B. armee. Herausgegeben von Friedrich Kunstmann, Karl von Sprunen, Georg M. Thomas, title. 13 maps. fol. Miinchen, F. Schleicher, [1859]. Note. — In this atlas are inserted notes by Kohl. CONTENTS. PI. 1. Kartes des Pedro Reinel, die ostkiiste der insel Neufundland und die kiiste von Labrador. 25i x 22. PI. 2. Karte einzelner theile von Nord- und Sud-Amerika; im Norden ein theil von Canada, und der lander an der Davisstrasse, im Siiden die kiiste Paria im heutigen Venezuela bis zum flusse Cananea in Brasilien, 22 x 28. PI. 3. Karte jihnlichen inhaltes; im Norden sind die bereits angegebenen lander wieder- holt, im Siiden beschriinkt sie sich auf die kiiste vom Cap S. Roque bis zum flusse Cana- nea. 29 X 15. PI. 4. Karte iihnliclien inhaltes; im Norden ist aueh die kiiste von Florida angegeben, im Siiden ist die kiiste von Yucatan bis zum Cap Sta. Maria in Uruguay abgebildet. 26 x 21. PI. 5. Karte des Vesconte de Majolo, die Antillen und das Festland von Honduras bis zum Cap Sta. Maria in Uruguay. 24 x 18. PI. 6. Karte einzelner theile von Amerika. Von Nordamerika enthalt sie die ostkiiste von Newyork an bis Mexiko, von Mexiko auch die westkiiste mit Californien und die lander bis zur landenge von Panama, von Siidamerika, Neugranada und Venezuela, die kiiste von Peru und die strasse des Magalhaes mit dem Feuerlande. 11^ x 19. Note.— By the Italian Baptista Agnese. PI. 7. Karte der ostkiiste von Amerika von der Hudsonsbay bis zum Feuerlande. Hi x 16. Note.— By Baptista Agnese. PI. 8-12. Karten des Vaz Dourado. Note.— The plates numbered 8-12 give a universal map of America according to the tradi- tions of the Portuguese. It is a grand and much adorned picture of the whole of Amer- ica, in five partitions. It was made in 1580, by the Portuguese Vaz Dourado, PI. 8. Karte de Ost- und Westkuste von Siidamerika vom 30°-60° S. B. Note.— See note to pi. 8-12. PI. 9. Karte von Siidamerika von der landenge von Panama bis zum 34° S. B. Note.— See note to pi. 8-12. PI, 10, Karte der ostkiiste von Amerika von Neubraunschweig bis zum Amazonenstrome. Note.— See note to pi. 8-12. PI, 11. Karte der ostkiiste von Nordamerika vom 80° N. B, bis Neubraunschweig. Note.— See note to pi. 8-12. PI. 12. Karte von Californien und der westkiiste von Mexiko. Note.— See note to pi. 8-12. Pi. 13. Karte von Thomas Hood, die ostkiiste von Nordamerika bis zur landenge von Panama. 13 x 24, LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 103 America. Mapa de B-uysch, que lleva por titulo Nova et universalior orbis, cogniti, de 1508; el mas antigiio de la America antes que se hubiese hallado el de Juan de la Cosa. 13 x 7i. [In Sagra ( Ramon de la) . Historia fisica, politica y natural de la isla de Cuba, fol. Paris, A. Bertrand, 1842. y. 2. pi. 2]. Karte von Amerika gazeichnet von Ruysch und beigegeben der Rianir^chen ausgabe von Pfolemaus vom jahre 1508. 10 x 10. [In Ghillany (F. W. ) Geschichte des seefahrens ritter ^Martin Beliaim. 4°. Xiirnberg, Bauer & Raspe, 1853]. Tabvla terre nove. Fac simile de la carte de I'Amerique du Ptolemie de 1513. 16 X 18. ' [In Yarnhagaen (F. A. de). Le premier voyage de Amerigo Vespucci, fol. Vienne, 1869]. ]Maiollo, or INIaggiolo, 1527. 9 x llh. [Map of MaioUo's Verrazano, 1527]. 11^ x 9. [In American (The) geographical society of Xew York. Bulletin. 1885. 8°. Xew York, for the society, [1885]. v. 17. p. 58]. Note. — To accompany an article. Die beiden illtesten general-karten von Amerika. Ausgef iihrt in den jahren 1527 und 1529 auf befehl Kaiser Karl's Y. Im besitz der grossherzog- lichen bibliothek zu Weimar. Erliiutert von J. G. Kohl, x, 185 pp. 2 sheets, fol. Weimar, geographisches institut, 1860. i Note. — Carta universal, en que se contiene todo lo, que del mundo se a descu- bierto fasta avra Hizola un cosmographo de sv majestad anno ]M.D.XXYII. en Sevilla. — Carta universal en que se contiene todo lo que del mundo se ha descubierto fasta agoro, Hizola Diego Ribero cosmographo de su magestad: ano de 1529. Charte von Amerika aus der idtesten nach unedirten weltcharte de^ Diego Ribero, cosmographs Karl Y.vom jahr 1529 ausgehoben und nach dent handschriftlichen originale in gleicher grosse gezeichnet von F, L. Giisse- feld. 26 X 19. Weimar, 1795. [In Sprengel (M. C. ) Ueber J. Ribero' saltesteAvelt-charte. 12°. Weimar,, 1795. front.] La carta universale della terra ferma & isola delle Indie Occidentali, [etc. 2 M.D.XXXIIII. Del mese di decembre. Fac-simile by I. Harris.. 20^ X 17. [In Anghiera (P. M. d'). Svmmario de la generale historia de 1' Indie Occi- dentali. sm. 4°. Vinega, 1534]. Perv. Brevis exactaq^ totivs orbis eivsq^ insvlarvm descriptio recens a loan Bellero edita. 9h x 5}. [In Boileau de Bullion (Gilles). La sphere des deux mondes, composee en Frangois, par Daniel pasteur des Amadis. [pseud.] sm. 4°. Anvers, I. Richart, 1555. 1. 56]. Note. — The whole of South America and the southeast coast of the United States. • Mundo Novo. 4J x 7. [In Medina (Pietro da). L'arte del navegar. 4°. Yenetia, G. Pedrezano, 1555. Sig. E.] Novveav Monde. Par N. Nicolai du daulphine, geographe du roy. 9| x 14|. [In Medina (Pedro de). L'art de navigver. Tracluit de castillan en Fran- cois, par Nicolas de Nicolai. 8°. Lyon, G. Roville, 1569. bet. pp. 48-49]. 104 LIST OF MAPS OF AMEBIC A. America. Americse sive novi orbis nova descriptio. 14 x 19. [In Ortel (Abraham). Theatrum orbis terrarum. fol. Antwerpise, apud ^gid Coppenium Diesth, 1570] . Note. — Same map without changes found in various other editions. Figvra della America. 5 x 6|. [In Rosaccio (Gioseppe). II mondo e sve partie cioe Evropa, Affrica, Asia, et America. 16°. Fiorenza, F. Tosi, 1595. pp. 158-159]. Americse nova descriptio. Petrus Kserius excudit, Amsterodami, 1614. Abraham Goos sculpsit. 17 x 21|. ■ Carte de .I'Am^riqve. Corrig^e et augmentee, dessus toutes les aultres cy deuant faictes par P. Bertius, [1616]. 15 x 20. The north part of America. E,. Elstracke, sculpsist. 11 J x 13|. [In Purchas (Samuel). Purchas his pilgrimes. 3d part. fol. London, for H. Fetherstone, 1625. pp. 852-853]. Note. — By Henry Briggs. America with those known parts in that unknowne worlde both people and manner of buildings. Described and inlarged by I. S. ano 1626. Abraham Goos, Ams. sculpsit. 15^ x 20. [In Speed (John) . A prospect of the most famovs parts of the world, fol. London, I. Dawson & G. Humble, 1631. pp. 9-10]. Americse sive Indise occidentalis tabula generalis. 11 x 14. [In Laet (Joannes de). Nieuvve wereldt ofte beschrijvinghe van West- Indien. Tweede druck. fol. Leyden, bij de Elzeviers, 1630. at beg.] Note. — This map is not found in the edition of 1625. America sine India Nova ad magnse Gerardi Mercatoris aut vniversalis imi- tationem in compendium redacta. Per Michaelem Mercatorem Duys- burgensem. 14^ x 18. [In Mercator (Gerhard). Atlas. Ed. 10° [11th ed.] fol. Amsterodami, sumptibus H. Hondij, 1630]. America nouiter delineata. 13 x 17. [In Abelin (Johann Philipp), Newe welt vnd Americanische historien. Durch Johan Lud wig Gottfriedt. [pseud.] fol. Franckfurt, 1631. p.l]. Vmericse descrip. 5| x 7|. [In Roberts (Lewes). The merchants mappe of commerce, fol. London, ^ 1638. p. 53]. XoTE. — Gives the western coast and peninsula of Lower California. (arte de I'Am^rique. Corrigee et augmentee, dessus toutes les autres cy deuant faictes I'annee 1640. 15 x 20. [In Avity (Pierre d') . Description g^n^rale de 1' Ameriqve. fol. Paris, C. ^ Sonnius & D. Bechet, 1643. front.] Carta prima generale d' America dell' India Occidentale e mare del Zur. Afo. Lucini, fecit. 19 x 27^. [In Dudley (Robert, duke of Northumberland). Dell' arcano del mare, fol. Firenze, F. Onofri, 1646. book 2. p. 40]. America. Petrus Kserius Cselav. anno do 1646. 3J x 4f ; [In Speed (John). A prospect of the most famous parts of the world, [anon.] obi. 18°. London, by M. F. for W. Humble, 1646. p. 44]. La division de I'ocean du nouveau monde. 71 x 5^. [In Briet (Philippe). Parallela geographise veteris et nova), sm. fol. Paris, S. & G. Cramoisy, 1648. bet. pp. 144-146]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 105 America. Ameriae descriptio nova imijrensis Henrici Seile. Will: Trevethen sculp. 1652. 13 X 161 [In Heylin (P.) Cosmographie : the fourth book. j^t. 2. fol. London, for H. Seile, 1652. p. 95]. America noviter delineata. Amstelodami, excudit loannes lanssonius. 15 X 20. [In Jansson (Jan). Nuevo Atlas, fol. Amsterdam, J. Jansson, .1653. V. 2]. Amerique autrement Novveav Monde et Indes Occidentales. Par P. Du Val d'Abbeuille. 14 J x 15. Paris, I'autheur, 1655. America nouiter delineata. 14 x 18. [In Abelin (Johann Philipp). Newe welt und Americanische historien. Durch Johann Ludvvig Gottfriedt. [pseud.] fol. Franckfurt, bey denen Merianischen erben, 1655. facing p. 1]. Americ^e deecrip. 6 x 7|. [In Gage (Thomas). A new survey of the West Indias. 2d ed. fol. Lon- don, J. Sweeting, 1655. front.] Note. — On this map California is represented in its correct geographical bearing as a peninsula. De Carybsche eylanden van de Barbados tot de bocht van Mexico toe nu eerst uytgegeven door Arnold Colom tot Amsterdam op het water by de nieu- webrugh in de Lichtende Colom. 21 J x 25. [In Colom (Arnold). Zee-atlas, ofte water-wereldt [etc.] fol. Amster- dam, in de Lichtende Colom, [1656?] no. 17]. Xovissima et accuratissima totius American descriptio per X. Yisscher, [1660?] 17 X 211. Novo totivs Americae descriptio. Auct. F. de Wit. 1660. 17x22. [f Am- sterdam, F. de Wit, 1660]. Tabula geographico-hydrographica motusoceani, currentes, [etc.] 13 x 21^. [In Kircher (Athanasius). Mundus subterraneus. fol. Amsterodami, typis J. Janssonii & E. Weyerstraet, 1665. pp. 124-125]. ]Mappa fluxus et retiuxus rationes in Isthmo Americano in f reto ]Magellanico, cseterisque Americse littoribus exhibens. 13| x 16. [In Kircher (Athanasius). Mundus subterraneus. fol. Amsterodami, typis J. Janssonii & E. Weyerstraet, 1665. p. 144]. '— Americse nova tabula. Auct. Guiljelmo Blaeuw. 16 x 21^. [In Blaauw (W. J.) and Blaauw (Jan). Le grand Atlas, ov cosmographie Blaviane, contenant 1' Amerique. fol. Amsterdam, J. Blaeu, 1667. v. 12. bet. pp. 1-11]. Xovissima et accuratissima totius Americj* descriptio per Johanem Ogiluium. F. Lamb sculp. 17^ x 21. [In Ogilby (John). America, fol. London, for the author, 1671. p. 1]. Xovissima et accuratissima totius America? descriptio per Gerardvm A. Schagen. 17 x 21. [In Montanus ( Arnoldus). De nieuwe en onbekende wereldt. 4°. t' Ams- terdam, J. Meurs, 1671. front.] Note, — Same map in Ogilby' s America, 1671. 106 LIST OF MAPS OF AMEEICA. America. Land en volk-ontdekking in't noorder gedeelte van America, door P.. Marquette en Joliet; gedaan in't jaar 1673. 85 x 11. [In Galerie (La) agreable du monde. fol. Leide, P. Vander Aa, [1729?] v. 1. Amerique. pi. 20a]. (West coast). A chart of the south sea. By John Seller. 17 x 21. [In his Atlas maritimus, or the sea atlas, fol. London, J. Darby, for the author, 1675. no. 49]. America. 3^ x 2h. [In Seller (John). A pocket book. 18°. London, J. Seller, 1678]. A chart of the sea coasts of Europe, Africa and America, from the north parts of Scotland, to Cape Bona Esperanfa, and from Hudsons straits to ye Magellan straits, according to Mr. Wrights projection, vulgerly called Mercator's chart. By lohn Thornton. 17| x 21. London, I. Thornton, [168-]? [American maps. v. 4. no. 3]. Note.— Published probably between 1682-1690. A new mapp of America, devided according to the best and latest observa- tions and discoveries wherein are described by their proper names the severall countries that belong to ye English, which are wholly left out in all French and Dutch maps. viz. New Scotland, Long Island, N. York, N. Jarsey, Mary Land, Pensilvania, Carrolina, etc. Philip Lea excudit. James Moxon, sculp. 19 x 22. London, P. Lea & I. Overton, [1685?] [American maps. v. 4. no. 2] . Americse. Harrewyn f[ecit]. 5| x lOf. [In Peeters ( Jaques). L'atlas en abrege, ou nouvelle description du monde,. [etc]. 12°. Anvers, J. Peeters, 1692. bet. pp. 16-17]. Planisfero del Mondo Nuovo. 17J x 23. [In Coronelli (Vincenzo). Atlante Veneto. fol. Venetia, 1695-97. v. L bet. pp. 24-25]. Mare del Nord. 17^ x 23. [In Coronelli (Vincenzo). Atlante Veneto. fol. Venetia, 1695-97. v. 2. pt. 2. pp. 88-89]. Eecentissima novi orbis, sive Americse Septentrionalis et Meridionalis tabula ex officina Caroli Allard. Ph. Tuleman del. G. v. Gouwen sculp. 19J X 23. [In Allard (Carel). Atlas minor, fol. Amstelodami, ex officina Caroli Allard, [1696?] no. 138]. Note. — The date 1696 is found on the map entitled "L'isle de Re," no. 20^ & also on no. 21, "La Bretagne," also no. 31, "La Provence." America. 4\ x 4|. [In Morden (Robert). Geography rectified, sm. 4°. London, for R. Mor- den, 1700. p. 542]. The north west part of America, by R. Morden. 4^ x 5\. [In Morden (Robert). Geography rectified, sm. 4°. London, for R. Mor-^ den, 1700. p. 619]. Totius Americte descriptio. T. Ch. fc. 7^ x 5^. [In Campanius Holm (Thomas). Kort beskrifning om provincien Nya. Severige. sm. 4°. Stockholm, S. Wankijfs, 1702. p. 1]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 107 America. America. 14 x I65. [In Heylyn (Peter). Cosmography, fol. London, for E. Brewster, 1703. 4th book. i\ 941]. Joutel (Henri). Carte nouvelle de la Louisiane, et de la riviere de Missis- sipi, decouverte par feu mr. de La Salle, es annees 1681 et 1686, dans TAmerique septentrionale, et de plusieurs autres rivieres jusqu'icy incon- nues, qui tombent dans la baye de St. Louis. 1713. loh x 14}. [In his Journal of La Salle's last voyage; with map of original French edition, Paris, 1713, in facsimile. Chicago, the Caxton club, 1896. p. 1]. A map of the West Indies or the islands in the North sea; with ye adjacent countries, explaining what belongs to Spain, England, France, Holland, etc. also ye trade winds and ye several tracts made by ye galeons and flota from place to place. By Herman Moll. 38x40. [London] , for T. Bowles & I. Bowles, 1715? [American maps. v. 1. no. 13]. A map of America. According to ye newest and most exact observations. By Herman Moll, geographer. lOy x 7. [In Atlas geographus: or, a complete system of geography, for America, sm. 4°. Savoy, E. Xutt, for J. Nicholson, 1717. v. 5. p. 22]. A new map of America. Rev. by I. Senex. I. Harris fecit. 19 x 22. [In New (A) general atlas, [anon.] fol. London, for D. Browne, 1721. facing p. 236]. A new map of the most considerable plantations of the English in America. Dedicated to his highness, William, duke of Glocester. Sulton Nicholls, sculp, [anon.] 14 x 19. London, 1722. Note. — From Wells (E.) A new sett of maps. fol. London, for R. Bon- wicke, etc. 1722. Descripcion de las Yndias Ocidentales. Entre los dos meridianos senalados se contiene la nauegacion y descubrimiento que compete a los Castellanos. 8| X 12i [In Torquemada (Juan de) . Primera parte de los veinte i un libros rituales, i monarchia Indiana, sm. fol. Madrid, N. Rodriguezfranco, 1723. v. 1. opp. p.l]. America in praecipuas ipsius partes distributa ad observationes academism regime scientiarum, et exquisitissimas tabulas, qu?e nunquam antehac lucem viderunt, excusa a Petro Yander Aa, . . . L' Amerique selon les nouvelles observations de mess'rs de 1' academic des sciences, etc. a Leide chez Pierre Yander Aa. 18^^ x 26. [In Galerie (La) agreable du monde. fol. Leide, P. Yander Aa, [1729?] V. 1. Amerique. map. la]. Nouvelle carte de 1' Amerique, avec tons ses royaumes, etats, iles, ports, bayes et rivieres, dressee suivant les plus nouvelles decouvertes par les plus habiles geographes et tout nouvellement mise en lumiere par Pierre Yan- der Aa. 17 x 21. [In Galerie (La) agreable du monde. fol. Leide, P. Yander Aa, [1729?] V. 1. Amerique. pi. 1]. L' Amerique Meridionale et Septentrionale. Dressee sur les nouv'les decouv'tes et dernieres relations des meilleurs navigateurs de ce temps, conformes aux observations astronomiques par J. Luillier, mise au jour par le sr. Guin'e Danet a Paris, 1731. 19i x 28. Paris, 1731. 108 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. <* America. A map of the British empire in America with the French and Spanish settlements adjacent thereto. By Henry Popple, 21 sheets fol. London, W. H. Toms & R. W. Searle, 1733. America. By H. Moll. 8 x 10^ London, [1736]. Note. — From his "Atlas minor." 1736. Ristretto della carte presentate all' Accademia delle scienze di Parigi negli anni 1737 e 1752 dal sig. di Buache. Rappresenta la situazione delle sec- che, e bassi fondi fra 1' Affrica e 1' America, [etc.] 9^ x 11^. [In Carli (Dionigi). Delle lettere Americane. [anon.] 12°. Cosmopoli, 1780]. Note. — The library also has the English and French editions of Carli. A new and correct map of America laid down according to the accurate improvements of Senex, Moll and other modern geographers. 1738. 22 x 18i [In Keith (SirWm.) The history of the British plantations in America. pt. 1. 4°. London, 1738]. Note. — Inset "The North Pole" and "A view of a stage." Carte d'Amerique. Par Guillaume Delisle. 19 x 23J. iVmsterdam, J. Covens & C. Mortier, 1739. [In his Atlas nouveau. fol. Amsterdam, J. Covens & C. Mortier, [1741?] V. 2. no. 28]. America mappa generalis secundum legitimas projectionis stereographicae regulas relationesque recentissimas et observationes socioru acad. reg. sequse Parisiis est aliorumque auctorum nee non secundum mentem D. I. M. Hash m p. p. in partes Huas methodicas divisa nunc concinnata et delineata ab Aug. Gottl. Boehmio. col. 18x21. [Niirnberg], in lucem proferentibus Homannianis heredibus, 1746. [American maps. v. 1. no. 18]. America? mappa generalis secundum legitimas projectionis stereographicse regulas relationesque recentissimas et observationes sociorum acad. reg. sequie Parisiis est aliorumque auctorum nee non secundum mentem D. I. M. Hash, m. p. p. in partes suas methodicas divisa nunc concinnata et deli- neata ab Aug. Gottl. Boehmio, phil. magistro. In lucem proferentibus Homannianis heredibus, 1746. col. 18 x 21. [In Homann (J. B.) Atlas geographicus maior. fol. Norimbergie, Homan- nianis heredibus, 1759. V. 1. no. 136]. L'Ameritjue Septentrionale et Meridionale divisee en ses principales parties par les srs. Sanson; rectifiee suivant les nouvelles d^couvertes et assu- jettie aux observations astronomiques, par le sr. Robert, 1749. Gabin sculp. 19Jx26. [Paris, 1749]. [American maps. v. 2. no. 19]. A new general map of America. By Eman. Bowen. 14 x 17. [In his A complete atlas, fol. London, for W. Innys, [etc.] 1752. no. 51]. • Carte von America. 7J x 5J. [InSchroter (Johann Friedrich). Algemeine geschichte der lender und volker von America. Nebst einer vorrede. Siegmund Jacob Baumgartens. [anon.] 4°. Halle, J. J. Gebauer, 1752. v. 1. p. 12]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 109 America. Jefferys (Thomas) . A chart of North and South America inchiding the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, with the nearest coasts of Europe, Africa, and Asia. 6 sheets. London, T. Jeffervs, 1753. ■ North and South America, in six sheets. By John Green. [In Jefferys (Thomas). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, forE. Sayer & f. Jefferys, 1768]. Note. — A separate copy also, and the text entitled "Remarks, in support of the new chart of North and South America;" in six sheets. By J. Green, esq. iv, 48 pp. 4°. London, 1753. ■ L' Amerique. Dresseesur les relations les plus recentes rectifiees sur les der- nieres observations dediee et presentee a sa maieste tres Chrestienne Louis XV par son tres humble tres obeissant et fidel sujet I. B. Nolin, geogra- phe, a Paris, 1755. 52 x 54. Paris, Crepy, 1755. Atlas geographico de la America Septentrional y ^Meridional. Dedicato a la catholica sacra real magestad de el rey nuestro senor don Fernando VI por su mas Immilde vasallo Thomas Lopez, eng. title. 7 p. 1. 116 pp. 1 port. 38 maps and plans. 18°. Madrid, A. Sanz, 1758. Hemisphere occidental ou du nouveau monde. Par le sr. d'Anville. 1761> 24 X 24. [Paris, I'auteur, 1761]. [In his Atlas general, fol. Paris, 1727-80. no. 1]. A new and accurate map of America. J. Gibson sculp, [anon.] 11 x 13^. [In American (The) gazetteer, [anon.] 12°. London, for A. Miller, [etc.} 1762. v. 1. front.] Carte de 1' Amerique et des mers voisines. 1763. 17| x 12. [In Bellin (Jacques Nicolas). Le petit atlas maritime [etc.] fol. 1764. V. 1. no. 2]. A general map of America. By Eman. Bowen. 14 x 17. [In Universal history. The maps and charts of the modern part of the Uni- versal history, fol. London, for T. Osborne, 1766]. Nieuwe kaart van America, uitgegeven te Amsterdam ])y Isaak Tirion. Ilxl2|. [In Hedendaagsche historie of tegenwoordige staut van Amerika. [anon.] 8°. Te Amsterdam, I. Tirion, 1766. v. 1. p. 1]. (North west coast). Map of the discoveries made by the Russians on the north west coast of America. Published by the royal academy of sciences at Petersburgh. [anon.] London, republished by T. Jefferys. [1768]. [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 12]. (North west). A map of the n. e. parts of Asia and n. w. parts of America, shewing their situation with respect to Japan. Taken from a Japanese map of the world, brought over from Kempfer and late in the museum of sr. Hans Sloane. [anon.] [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 12a]. A map of North & South America, with part of Europe, Asia, and Africa. By the American traveller. 20 x 27. [In Cluny (Alexander). The American traveller. 4°. London, for E. & C. Dilly, 1769]. 110 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. America. L'Amerique M^ridionale et Septentrionale. Dressee sur les nouv'les decouv'tes et dernieres relations des meilleurs navigateurs de ce temps con- formes aux observations astronomiques corrig^e et augmentee par L. C Desnos, a Paris, 1772. 18| x 28. ■ — w A map of the whole continent of America, divided into North and South and West Indies. With a copious table fully shewing the several posses- sions of each European prince and state, as settled by the definite treaty concluded at Paris, feb. 10, 1763, the clauses of which relative thereto are inserted. Compiled from d' Anville's map of that continent. 1772. 41 x 47. London, for E. Sayer, 1772. [American maps. v. 2. no. 31-32]. L'Amerique suivant le r. p. Charlevoix, jte. mr. de la Condamine, et plu- sieurs autres nouv'les observations, [anon.] 19 x 25. Paris, 1774. Same. 19 x 25. Paris, Le Rouge, 1777. [In Le Rouge ( Georges Louis) . Atlas Ameriquain Septentrional, fol. Paris, Le Rouge, 1778-[1792?] no. la]. The American atlas; or, a geographical description of the whole continent of America. By Thomas Jefferys. title. 1 p. 1. 32 maps. fol. London, R. Sayer & J. Bennett, 1776. The American atlas; or, a geographical description of the whole continent of America, and chiefly the British colonies [etc]. Engraved on forty-nine copper plates, by the late mr. Thomas Jefferys, and others, fol. Lon- don, R. Sayer & J. Bennett, 1776. ■ Carte de I'empire Espagnol dans les deux Ameriques en 1776 a I'epoque de la fondation de la vice royaute de La Plata. Par le dr. Y. Martin de Moussy, 1867. 20 x 17. [In Martin de Moussy (V.) Description geographique et statistique de la Confederation Argentine, fol. Paris, Didot, 1873. p. 2]. r'.Iap of the gulf of Mexico, the islands and countries adjacent. For the rev. dr. Robertson's history of America. By Thomas Kitchin senr, fold. . 13 X 20. [London,] W. Strahan & T. Cadell, 1777. Nuova ed esatta carta della America. 13 x 11. [In Atlante deir America, [anon.] fol. Livorno, 1778. no. 1]. A chart of the north west coast of America and the north east coast of Asia, explored in the years 1778 & 1779. [anon.] 8^ x 14. London, A. Hegg, [1779?] Carte d'Amerique, divisee en ses principaux pays, dressee sur les memoires les plus recents et sur differents voyages [etc.] i)ar m. I'abbe (.louet. 1782. La America dividida segun lo dilatado en sus principales partes. 1 sheet, fold. 38 x 50. [Paris, 1782]. Note. — Border illustrated with plates. Text in French and Spanish. America, North and South, and West Indies, [etc.] By Samuel Dunn. 12 X 17. London, for R. Sayer, 1786. [In Dunn (Samuel). A new atlas of the mundane system. 3d. ed. fol. London, Laurie & Whittle, [1786-89]. map 38]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Ill America. A new map of the whole continent of America, divided into Xorth and South and West Indies. Wherein are exactly described the United States of North America as well as the several European possessions according to the preliminaries of peace signed at Versailles, Jan. 20, 1783. Compiled from mr. d'Anville's maps of that continent with the addition of the Spanish discoveries in 1775 to the north of California and corrected in the several parts belonging to Great Britain, from the original materials of governor Pownall. col. 41 x 47. London, for E. Saver, 15 aug. 1786. (Xorth-west). A chart of the north west coast of America, in 1786 & 87, by Nathaniel Portlock. 19 x 36. [In Portlock (N, ) A voyage round the world. 4°. London, 1789]. Xouvelle carte des parties occidentales du monde; servant a indiquer les navigations, decouvertes et etablissements des Hollandois en Amerique. 13 X 14. [In Genty (L. ) L'influence de la decouverte de 1' Amerique. 8°. Paris, 1788]. ( North). Clark (Matthew) . Chart of the coast of America. 1 p. 1. 9 sheets, fol. Boston, M. Clark, 1789. Note. — From Cape Breton to the gulf of Mexico. Carte des Seches & des Bas Fonds entre 1' Afrique et 1' Amerique. 6} x 6. [In Laborde (J. B. de). Histoire abregee de la Mer du Sud. 8°. Paris, 1791. V. 1. p. xii]. Amerique ou Indes Occidentales, avec les nouvelles decouvertes du capitaine Cook, depuis le detroit de Behrings ou du Nord, dans 1' ocean Pacifiquedu Nord et Sud. Par C. F. Delamarche. 21 x 25^ Paris, 1792. [Inserted in Le Rouge (Georges Louis). Atlas Ameriquain Septentrional, fol. Paris, Le Rouge, 1778. no. 1]. Mapa del Nuevo-Mundo. 12i x 15. [In Muiioz (Juan Baut.) Historia del Nuevo-^Mundo. sm. fol. Madrid, 1793. V. 1]. An American atlas. Engraved by J. Russell, title. 9 maps. fol. London, H. D. Symonds, 1795. Map of America with the new discovered islands. Neele sculp. 7j x 7. [In Trusler (John). The habitable world described. 8°. London, for the author, 1797. v. 20. p. 408]. Carte generale et politique de 1' Amerique par E. Mentelle, et P. G. Chanlaire. An VI [1798]. col. fold. 13 x 17. Paris, chez les auteurs, an VI [1798]. Map of America, by A. Arrowsmith. c-ol. fold. 45 x 56. Philadelphia, Kimber and Conrad, [18 — ]. Portulano de la America Setentrional. Construido en la direcion de los tra- bajos hidrograficos. 2 p. 1. 16, 46, 34, 16, 9 maps. obi. fol. Madrid, 1809. 1809. aumentado y corregido en 1818. Nouveau continent. Dresse par P. Lapie. 1810. Grave par J. B. Tardieu. 18 X 18. [In Lacroix (S. F.) Introduction a la geograpliie. 8°. Paris, 1847]. 112 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. America. Atlas to Thompson's Alcedo; or dictionary of America & West Indies; collated with all the most recent authorities, and composed chiefly from ' scarce and original documents for that work by A. Arrowsmith, London. 1 p. 1. 5 maps on 19 sheets, fol. London, G. Smeeton, 1816. A geographical map of America. In the margin will be found a description of that country, [etc.] 18 x 25 J. Printed by R. Juigne. [In Las Casas (E. A. D. M. J. de). Le Sage's [pseud.] historical, genealog- ical, chronological, and geographical atlas, fol. London, for H. Ber- thoud, 1818. no. 13]. Geographical, historical, and statistical map of America. Young & Delleker, sc. 8| X 15*. North America, drawn from the most recent authorities with the tracks of Columbus & Cortez. Improved to 1821 by E. Paguenaud. — South America, with the conquests of Pizarro, for the elucidation of Lavoisne's . . . atlas. By J. Aspin, improved to 1821 by E. Paguenaud. [In Lavoisne (C. V. ) A complete genealogical, historical, chronological, and geographical atlas, [etc.] 3d American ed. rev. fol. Philadelphia, M. Carey & sons, 1821]. Geographical, statistical, and historical map of America. 8J x 15. [In Complete (A) historical, chronological, and geographical American atlas, fol. Philadelphia, H. C. Carey & I. Lea, 1822. no. 1]. Carey ( H. C. ) & Lea ( I. ) A complete historical, chronological and geograph- ical American atlas, being a guide to the history of North and South America and the West Indies. 3d ed. 3 p. 1. 53 sheets, fol. Philadel- phia, H. C. Carey & L Lea, 1827. Atlas von Amerika, in 30 charten und einem erliiuternden texte entworfen von W. C. A. von Schlieben. 2 p. 1. 54 pp. 1 1. 30 maps. 4°. Leip- zig, G. J. Edschen, 1830. America. By J. Arrowsmith. Geographical miles: 60=one degree. English mile: 69.1 =one degree. London, 1832. 23^x19. [In Arrowsmith (John). London atlas. [Consisting of folded maps in 4 cases]. 8°. London, J. Arrowsmith, [1832-1846]. v. 4. no. 39]. Note.— Date altered to 1834. Amerique historique, phisique et politique actuelle. 19 x 25. [In Las Casas (E. A. D. M. J. comte de) . Atlas historique. fol. Paris, 1835. no. 33]. L' Amerique actuelle avec ses nouveaux etats. Grave par Moisy. Ecrit par Benard. 18| x 11. [In Las Casas (E. A. D. M. J. comte de). Atlas historique, genealogique, chronologique et geographique de A. Le Sage, [pseud.] fol. [Paris, Delloye, 1835. no. 33]. Map of the western coast of America with the extended track of the steamers from New York to the isthnms of Panama and from Panama along the western coast northerly as far as California and southerly as far as Con- ception, doc. 322. h. r. [anon.] col. 7x13. Washington, lith. by P. Haas, [1839]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of Congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 121]. LIST OF MAPS OE^ AMERICA. 113 America. Carte des parties de la Russie Americaine exjjlorees de 1842 -X 1844 par m. Zagoskine. 14 x 16. [Nouvelles annales des voyages. [S*-' serie]. 8°. Paris, 1850. v. 1. p. 5]. Carte d'une partie des possessions Russes sur la cote nordouest deJ'Ame- rique pour servir a rintelligence du voyage de Glasimow. 11 x 19. [Nouvelles annales des voyages. [4*'serie]. 8°. Paris, 1841. v. 1. p. 5]. America. By J. Arrowsmith. 18J x 23^. London, J. Arrowsmith, 1844. [In his London (The) atlas of universal geography, fol. London, J. Arrowsmith, 1842 [-1850]. no. 39]. ]Map of the United States. The British provinces, Mexico, the West Indies, and Central America, with part of New Granada and Venezuela. Pub- lished by J. H. Colton. fold. 33 x 42. Xew York, J. H. Colton, 1848. Map of America. 21 x 23. London, J. Wyld, [1854]. [In Wyld (James). A new general atlas, fol. London, [1854]. no. 57]. America. Drawn & engraved by J. Dower. 16 x 13, [In Teesdale (Henry) & co. A new general atlas of the world, fol. London, [1854]. map 35]. Mitchell's new national map, exhibiting the United States with the Xorth American British provinces. Sandwich islands, Mexico and Central America, together with Cuba and other West India islands, col. 63 x 63. Philadelphia, S. A. Mitchell, 1856. Colby (Charles). The world in miniature, with descriptions of every nation and country. Together with a treatise on physical geography. Western hemisphere. 229 pp. 56 maps. sq. 12°. Xew Orleans, A. B. Griswold, 1857. Colby (Charles). The diamond atlas. With descriptions of all countries, exhibiting their actual and comparative extent, and their present political divisions^ founded on the most recent discoveries and rectifications. The western hemisphere, ill. title. 329 pp. 54 maps. sq. 12°. Xew York, S. X. Gaston, 1857. America. Bearbeitet und gezeichnet von H. Kiepert. Revidirt v. C. Griif, 1858. 25 X 20. Weimar, geographisches institut, 1858. Colton' s map of the United States, the British provinces, Mexico, the West Indies and Central America, with part of Xew Granada and Venezuela, [etc.] fold. 47 X 41. Xew York, H. Thayer, 1861. Carte des possessions Hollandaises en Asie, en Afrique et en Amerique, d'apres la carte de mr. P. baron Melville van Carnbee. 12^ x 19j. [In France. Ministere de la marine et des colonies. Revue maritime et coloniale. Janv.-avril 1862. 8°. Paris, [1862]. v. 4. p. 268]. The American continent. Topographical and railroad map of the United States, British possessions, West Indies, Mexico and Central America. Compiled by R. Rosa. col. fold. 37 x 46. Xew York, C. Lubrecht & CO. [1864]. Colton' s American map; showing our whole country, also Xorth America and South America, [etc.] J. H. Colton, proprietor, fold. 68 x 72. Xew York, P. Wyckoff, 1864. H. Doc. 516 8 114 LIST OF MAPS OF AMEBIC A. America. Colton (George W.) Colton's atlas of America, illustrating the physical and political geography of North and South America and the West India islands. Accompanied by descriptions geographical, statistical and his- torical, by Kichard Swanson Fisher. 151 pp. ill. title incl. 43 maps, fol. New York, J. W. Colton, 1864. Case's map of the United States, British provinces, Mexico and part of the West Indies, col. fold. 60 x 70. Hartford, O. D. Case & co. 1874. Williams' copper-plate map of the United States, Granada, Mexico, Central America, West Indies, etc. col. fold. 60 x 64. Philadelphia, J. M. Atwood, [1876]. Bartholomew (John). Philip's handy general atlas of America, comprising a series of detailed maps of the United States, Canada, etc. With index and statistical notes. 18 pp. 22 maps. fol. London, G. Philip & son [1879]. American express company. American express company's official list of offices and map of routes. Engraved and manufactured by G. W. & C. B. Colton & CO. 24 X 42. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. [1874]. — Map showing the lines of the American express company. 1880. 28 x 44. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. [1880]. American river, Cal. Positions of the upper and lower gold mines on the South fork of the American river, California. July 20, 1848. [anon.] 9 x 18. [1848]. Amesbury, Essex county, Mass. Map of the towns of Salisbury & Amesbury, Essex county, Mass. Surveyed and drawn by E. M. Woodford, col. 34 X 53. Philadelphia, R. Clark, 1854. Anderson county, S. C. General descriptive map of Anderson co. S. C. by S. M. Pegg. 1877. col. fold. 28 x 40. New York, C. Hart, 1877. Androscogg-in county. Me. A topographical map. From actual surveys by J. Q. Page. fold. 52 x 52. Philadelphia, J. Chace, jr. 1858. Angruilla, West Indies. Chart of the islands and channels of St. Bartholomew, St. Martin, Anguilla, Dog, and Prickly Pear, etc. from the surveys and observations of mr. Samuel Fahlberg. [London, Whittle & Laurie, 1818]. [In Whittle (J.) and Laurie (R. H.) The AVest India atlas, fol. Lon- don, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 19]. Anian. See North America. Annapolis, Md. The harbor of Annapolis. Founded upon a trigonometrical sur- vey under the direction of A. D. Bache. The hydrography under the direction of George M. Bache. 15 x 17. [Washington, 1846]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey] . Annapolis, Nova Scotia. Plan of Annapolis Royal in Nova Scotia, nis. [anon.] col. 19 X 26. [1744?]. Plan du Port Royal dans I'Accadie appell^ aujourd' paries Anglois Annapo- lis Royale. Par N. B[ellin. anon.] 1744. 7J x 11. [In Charlevoix ( P. F. X. de) . Histoire et description de la Nouvelle France. 16°. Paris, 1744. v. 1. opp. p. 180]. A general i)lan of Annapolis Royal as surveyed by capt'n. Hamilton in 1753. ms. 26 X 29. [1753]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 115 Annapolis, Nova Scotia. A plan and section of the old wharf, with ye design of a new dock for the navy at Annapolis Royal in Nova Scotia. 1756. Matthew Dixon, engineer, ms. col. 21 x 29. [1756]. Annapolis harbor, Nova Scotia. An actual survey of the sea coast from New York to the I. Cape Briton, with tables of the direct & thwart courses & distances from place to place, by capt. Cyprian Southack. Illustrated with particular plans of the harbours of New York, Boston, Canso bay & Annap- oKs Royal. 41 x 72. London, I. Mount, [etc. 1733?]. Annapolis river. Nova Scotia. A map of the river of Annapolis Royal. Sur- veyed by order of the hon, Lawrence Armstrong, ms. [anon.] 18 x 90. [1732?]. Note. — This map is the outline sketch of the following jjlan. Planof the river of Annapolis Royal in Nova Scotia, America, ms. [anon.] col. 19x95. [1732?]. Plan of the river of Annapolis Royal in Nova Scotia, ms. [anon.] col. 9x42. [1757]. Annapolis Royal. See Annapolis, Nova Scotia. Anne Arundel county, Md. Martenet's map of Ann Arundel co. Md. Shore lines, soundings, etc. etc. from U. S. surveys. 1, 2, 3, & 8 districts sur- veyed by Geo. W. Beall. 4 & 5 districts surveyed by Amos R. Harman. Under the direction and drawn and published by Simon J. Martenet. col. fold. 44 X 33. Baltimore, S. J. Martenet, [I860]. Hopkins (G. M.) Atlas of fifteen miles around Baltimore including Anne Arundel co. Md. 77 pp. 8 1. inch 24 maps. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1878. Hopkins (G. M.) Atlas of fifteen miles around Baltimore including How- ard CO. Md. 77 pp. 8 1. incl. 24 maps. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hop- kins, 1878. Annisquam harbor, Mass. Ipswich and Annisquam harbors, Mass. From a trig- onometrical survey under the direction of A. D. Bache. Hydrography by the parties under the command of lieuts. M. Woodhull, S. D. Trenchard & C. R. P. Rodgers. 1857. Electrotype copy no. 5 by G. Mathiut. 19 x 29. [Washington, 1857]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey] . Antietam, Va. Plan of the battlefield of Antietam. Fought on the 16 & 17 sept. 1862. [In Bechler (Gustavus R.) Atlas showing battles, engagements, and impor- tant localities connected with the campaigns in Virginia, obi. 12°. [Phil- adelphia], 1864. pi. 13]. Antigua, W. I. [Distant views of Antigua and Aruba. ms. [anon.] 13x22. 17-]. A new and accurate map of the island of Antigua. By Eman. Bo wen. 9 X 12^. [In his A complete atlas, fol. London, for W. Innys, 1752. no. 67]. [A map of the island of Antigua, anon.] [In Jefferys (T. engraver) A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 93]. 116 LIST OF MAPS OF AMEBIC A. Antigru-a-j W. I. A new and exact map of the island of Antigua in America, accord- ing to an actual and accurate survey, with the different parishes, the churches, divisions, boundaries, and a plan of English harbour. Jno. Lodge sculp, [anon.] 11 x 14^. London, J. Bew, Jan. 31, 1782. [In Political (The) magazine, 8°. London, for J. Bew, 1782. v. 3. Jan. 1782. opp. p.39]. Charte von Antigua entworfen in Westindien von Johann Luffman in den jahren 1787 und 1788. 10x12. [In Luffmann (Johann). Kurze beschreibung der insel Antigua. Aus dem Englischen iibersetzt von J. H. Wiedmann. 16°. Leipzig, 1790. at end] . Antigua, surveyed by Robert Baker; engraved and improved by Thomas Jefferys. Imp. ed. 1810. London, Laurie & Whittle, 1810. [In Whittle (J.) and Laurie (R. H.) The West India atlas, fol. London J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 21]. Antilles. See West Indies. Antilles (Sea of the). See Caribbean Sea. Antisana, Ecuador, S. A. Carte geologique du nevado de Antisana esquissee sur les lieux par Alex, de Humboldt. 10 x 13|. [In Humboldt (F. H. A. ) and Bonpland (A. ) Atlas geographique et physir- que des regions equinoxiales du nouveau continent, fol. Paris, Gide, 1814-34. pi. 26]. Apache and Black Range mining districts, Socorro co. N. M. Irumbor (W. H.) and Beebe (George A.) Plat of the Apache and Black Range mining districts. Black Range Mts. Socorro co. N. M. fold.. 25 x 36.. [n. p. 1882]. Aransas county, Tex. Aransas co. 16 x 19. [St. Louis, lith. by A. Gast & co.. 1880]. [Texas. General land office]. Aransas Pass, Tex. Sketch 1. no. 3. Aransas Pass, coast of Texas> 1851. 8x8.. [Washington, 1851]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey] . Archer county, Tex. Map. 19 x 16. St. Louis, lith. by A. Gast & co. [1879]. [Texas (State of) General land office]. Arctic regions. Carta de navegar de Nicolo et Antonio Zeni. 1380. 11 x 14J. [In Massachusetts historical society. Proceedings, 1873-75. 8°. Boston,. 1875. V.13. p. 352]. Poll Arctici, et circumiacentium terrarum descriptio novissima sumptibus^ loannis lanssonii. 18x20. [Amsterdam, 1650?]. A map of the North Pole and the parts adjoining. 18 x 23. [In Pitt (Moses). The English atlas, fol. Oxford, for M. Pitt, 1680- v.l. p.l]. Terre Artiche. 17 J x 23. [In Coronelli (Vincenzo). Atlante Veneto. fol. Venetia. 1695-97. v. 2. pt. 2. bet. pp. 164-165]. A physical planisphere wherein are represented all the known lands and seas with the great chains of momitains which traverse the globe from the North Pole. Adapted to monsr. Buache's memoire, read at the R. academy of sciences. B. Cole sculp, fold. 13x12. [n.p. 17— ]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 117 Arctic regions. Hemisphere septentrional pour voir plus distinctement les terres Arctiques. Par Guillaume Delisle. 18 x 18. [In Bernard ( J. F. ) Recueil de voyages au nord. Xouv. ed. 16° Amster- dam, 1731. V. 1. front.] Carte du nord est & du nord west du pole. 13 x 20. [In Bernard (J. F.) Recueil de voyages au nord. Nouv. ed. 16°. Amster- dam. 1732. V. 2. front.] A new and accurate map of the North Pole. By Eman. Bowen. 15 x 1 7. [In his A complete atlas, fol. London, for W. Innys, [etc.] 1752. no. 70]. A map of the Icy sea in which several communications with the land waters and other near discoveries are exhibited. Andr. Bell, sculp. 7| x 7|. [In Scots (The) magazine. 1760. 8°. Edinburgh, [1760]. v. 22]. A map of the discoveries made by capts. Cook and Clerke in the years 1778 & 1779 between the eastern coast of Asia and the western coast of Xorth America when they attempted to navigate the North sea. Also mr. Hearn's discoveries to the northwestward of Hudson's bay in 1772. J. Scott sculp, [anon.] 7j x 11. [In Carey (M.) Carey's American atlas, fol. Philadelphia, M. Carey, 1795. no. 20]. A chart of Baffin bay, with Davis & Barrow straits; by capt. Ross & lieut. Parry in 1818, 19 & 20, and the discoveries of capt. Parry in 1822 & 23; capt. Lyon in 1824; & dr. Rae in 1847. 24 J x 18. London, admiralty, 1822-47. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Accounts and papers. 1847-8. v. 41]. Charts of the discoveries and routes of his majesty's ships Hecla and Griper in search of north west passage, under the command of lieut. [now cap- / tain] Parry in the years 1819 & 1820. And drawn under his immediate inspection by John Bushnan. 9 x 37. London, J. Murray, 1821. Chart of the discoveries in the Arctic sea, from Behring strait to Baffin's bay. 1819 to 1854. 14 x 25. [In Belcher (sir E.) The last of the Arctic vovages. 8°. London, 1855. V. 1]. A chart of the discoveries and route of the northern land expedition, under the command of capt. Franklin, in the years 1820 & 21. By John Mur- ray. 19 X 33. London, J. Murray, 1823. Chart of the North Polar sea. Published at the hydrographic office of the admiralty, June 29, 1835. Corrected to 1847. 24 x 24. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Accounts and papers. 1847-8. v. 41]. Davis strait. Cumberland isle. From the observations of capt. Penny of the Greenland ship Neptune of Aberdeen; and from the information of Enoolooapeek an intelligent Esquimaux. 1839. 19J x 15. London, admi- ralty, 1840. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Accounts and papers. 1847-8. v. 41]. — Arctic America. Sheet 1-2. London, admiralty, 1845. each 18J x 24. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Accounts and papers. 1847-8. v. 41]. Sheet 1. Cape Barrow to Cape Krusenstern. Sheet 2. Barrow strait. Prince Regent inlet, etc. 118 , LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Arctic regions. Carte des decouvertes Arctiques provoquees par la recherche de sir John Frankhn, 1845-1859. Par V. A. Malte-Brun. 9 x 13. [In Nouvelles annales des voyages. Redigees par V. A. Malte-Brun. [6"^^ serie]. 8°. Paris, 1859. v. 3. p. 257]. A chart illustrative of the cruise of the American Arctic expedition in search of sir John Franklin, in the years 1850 & 51. Fitted out by Henry Grin- nell, commanded by E. J. De Haven. Compiled by Geo. P. Welsh, U. S. n. under the direction of M. F. Maury, col. 24 x 26. New York, Disturnell & Schroeter, 1853. [United States. Navy department. Bureau of navigation. Hydrographic office]. Arctic America. Discoveries of the searching expeditions under the com- mand of capt. H. T. Austin & capt. Penny. 1851. 14 x 16. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Parliamentary papers. 1852. v. 50]. Arctic regions. 8J x 11 J. [In Lowry (J. W.) Lowry's table atlas. 4°. London, Chapman & Hall, [1852]. no. 84]. Note. — Gives "Russian America" and boundary. Polar chart, illustrating A. Petermann's paper on the opening into the i>olar sea between Spitzbergen and Novaia Zembia. 13 x 13. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Parliamentary papers. 1852. v. 50]. Chart exhibiting the discoveries of the second American Grinnell expedi- tion in search of sir John Franklin by E. K. Kane. 11 x 18. [New York, 1853]. Die entdeckungen der Amerikanischen expedition unter dr. E. K. Kane, 1853-55, nordlich von Smith-sund. Von A. Petermann. 9 J x 7^. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1856. [In Petermann (A.) Mittheilungen. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1856. pi. 2. p. 84]. The Arctic shores of America and part of Asia [etc.] Drawn from official documents by John Arrowsmith. 8 x 24. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Reports from committees. 1854-5. v. 7], Note. — Gives course of the Yukon. Entdeckungen im Arktischen Polarmeer in folge der aufsuchung der Frank- linschen expedition bis 1854. 13 x 17. [In Gesellschaft fiir erdkunde zu Berlin. Zeitschrift. 1855. 8°. Berlin,. 1855. V.5. pi. 1]. Discoveries in the Arctic sea up to 1854. Engraved by J. & C. Walker. 38 x 46. London, hydrographic office, Jan. 20, 1855. [Great Britain. Admiralty. Hydrographic office]. Disturnell (J. ) Chart of the recent search for a north west passage. Also the coast explored in search of sir John Franklin between the years 1848 &1854. [anon.] fold. 10x15. [New York, J. Disturnell, 1854]. Note. — From the Geographical and commercial gazette, v. 1. no. 1. New York, 1855. Behring's sea and Arctic ocean, from surveys of the U. S. North Pacific sur- veying expedition in 1855, commander John Rodgers, commanding, and from Russian and English authorities. Compiled by E. R. Knorr. Drawn by Louis Waldecker. 30x34. [n. p. 1855]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 119 Arctic regions. Karte des Arktischen archipel's der Parry-inseln nach den bis zuni jahre 1855 gewonnenen resultaten Englischer aufnahmen gezeichnet von A. Petermann. 9^ x 22. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1855. [In Petemiann (A.) Mittheilungen. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1855. pi. 8]. Carte des regions Arctiques et du passage nord-ouest d'apres la dernier carte de ramiraute Britannique (20 Jan. 1855). Par V. A. Malte-Brun. S x 18. •[In Xouvelles annales des voyages. [6" serie]. 8°. Paris, 1S55. v. 1. p. 257]. Opt. MacClintock's entdeckung der iiberreste von sir John Franklin's Nordpolar expedition. Nach der von J. Wyld piiblicirten carte reducirt. . 6Jx4J. [In Gesellschaft fiir erdkunde zii Berlin. Zeitschrift. 1859. Xeue folge. 8°. Berlin, 1859. v. 7. pi. 4]. A chart of the Arctic regions. Projected from Berghaus & Petermann. The chart of E. K. Kane. Materials in the British hydrographic offices, etc. I. I. H. Projected and engraved for Hayes' Arctic boat journey. [In American geographical society. The Polar exploring expedition. A special meeting. 1860. 8°. New York, 1860. p. 40]. Das nordlichste land der erde entdeckt 1616 bis 1861. Nach den original quellen gez. von A. Petermann. 10 x 17. [In Petermann (A.) Mittheilungen. 1869. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1867 pi. 6]. Specialkarte des nordlichen theiles von Ost Gronland. Von A. Petermann. 9J X 7f . Gotha, J. Perthes, 1868. [In Petermann (A. ) Mittheilungen. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 186S. pi. 17. pp. 332-333]. tJbersichtskarte des Europaischen eismeeres zur orientirung des verlaufes der Deutschen expedition vom 24 mai-28 juni 1868. Von A. Petermann. 9J x 7|. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1868. [In Petermann (A.) Mittheilungen. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes. 1868. pi. 16. p. 332]. Karte der Nordpolar-lander. Entworfen und bearbeitet von dr. Heinrich Kiepert. Nebst darstellung der warmeverbreitung von H. W. Dove. Ber- lin, D. Reimer, 1868. 19 x 23i [In Gesellschaft fiir erdkunde zu Berlin. Zeitschrift. 1868. S°. Berlin, 1868. V. 3. pi. 5]. tJbersicht des kurses und der tiefsee-messungen der Schwedischen expedition unter Nordenskiold & v. Otter, 20 juli-19 oktober 1868. Nach der Schwedischen karte von A. Petermann. 9J x 7J. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1870. [In Petermann (A. ) Mittheilungen. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1870. v. 16. pi. 8]. Lamont's reise, mai-aug. 1871. Construirt nach seinem tagebuch von A. Petermann [etc.] 19 x 13. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1871. [In Petermann (A.) Mittheilungen. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1871. v. 17. pi. 22]. Die entdeckungen der Amerikanischen Nordpolar-expedition unter kapitan C. F. Hall. 1871-73. Von A. Petermann. 17 x 10. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1874. [In Petermann (A.) Mittheilungen. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1874. v. 20. pi. 13]. 120 LIST OF MAPS OF AMEEICA. Arctic regions. Die entdeckungen der Amerikanischen Nordpolar-expedition unter capitan C. F. Hall, 1871-73. Nebst skizze der entdeckungen der Englischen expedition unter kapt. Nares, 1875-76. Von A. Petermann. 17 X 10. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1876. [In Petermann (A.) Mittheilungen. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1876. v. 22. pi. 25]. Originalkarte der trift der Amerikanischen Nordpolar-expedition unter kapitan C. F. Hall, 1872-73. von. 80° bis 53° nordl. breite, und stand- punkt der kenntniss von West-Gronland und dem Arktischen Nordost- Amerika in 1873. Von A. Petermann. 21 x 8. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1873. [In Petermann (A.) Mittheilungen. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1873. v. 19. pi. 21]. Endgiiltige karte von Franz Josef land entdeckt von der 2. Osterr-Ungarn. Nordpolar expedition 1873 & 74. Aufgenommen von Julius Payer. 15 x 9. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1876. [In Petermann (A.) Mittheilungen. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1876. v. 22 pi. 11]. Die entdeckungen der Englischen expedition ''Alert" & ''Discovery" unter sir George Nares, 1875-6. Nach der Englischen otfiziellen admiralitiits karte von A. Petermann. 12^ x 9J. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1877. [In Petermann (A.) Mittheilungen. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1877. v. 23. pi. 2]. Skizze der entdeckungen der Englischen Polar-expedition unter Nares, 1876. Von A. Petermann. 10 x 6. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1876. [In Petermann (A.) Mittheilungen. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1876. v. 22. pi. 24]. Die westkiiste Gronlands zwischen Godhaven. v. Proven. Nach den auf- nahmen von R. Hammer & K. I. V. Steenstrup, 1875-1880. 10 x 7J. [In Petermann (A.) Mittheilungen. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1883. v. 29 pi. 5]. The countries round the North Pole. 25 x 25. London, E. Stanford, 1878. [In Young (Sir Allen). The two voyages of the "Pandora" in 1875 and 1876. 8°. London, E. Stanford, 1879]. Provisorische karte von lieuts. Schwatka's expedition zur aufsuchung der reste von sir John Franklin's expedition auf King William Land 1879 & 1880. Nach H. W. Klutschak's karte. 9 J x 8. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1880. [In Petermann (A.) Mittheilungen. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1880. v. 26. pi. 20]. Die westkiiste Gronlands zwischen Godthaab und Frederikshaab. 10 x 12. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1880. [In Petermann (A.) Mittheilungen. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1880. v. 26. pi. 5]. AV'rangel land und die curse der Amerikanischen dampfer, "Corwin" & "Rodgers" 1880-81. 9^x7^. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1882. [In Petermann (A.) Mittheilungen. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1882. v. 28. pi. 2]. Bryan (J. S.) Circular Polar chart. Arctic sea. [anon.] 20x23. Pitts- burgh, O. Krebs lith. [1882]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMEKICA. 121 Arctic regions. Die ehemalige verbreitung der Eskimo im Arktisch-Amerikan- ischen archipel. 7 x 13. [In Gesellschaft fiir erdkunde zu Berlin. Zeitschrift. 1883. 8°. Berlin, 1883. V. 18. pi. 2]. Kiiste des Arktischen Amerika von 75°-104° u. L. v. Gr. zur darstellung der Eskimo-wohnsitze und ihrer verbindungs-wege. 7 x 85. [In Gesellschaft fiir erdkunde zu Berlin. Zeitschrift. 1883. 8°. Berlin, 1883. V. 18. pi. 3]. Die Eskimo-liinder nordlich der Hudson-strasse. Zur iibersicht der neu- esten aufnahmen unter capt. Hall, Schwatka, Spicer & Keeney, Boas, und anderen. 8| x 14. [In Petermann (A.) Mittheilungen. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1885. v. 31. pi. 19]. '- The Arctic regions with the tracks of search parties and the progress of dis- covery. Compiled from the latest information. 1896, 40 x 40. Wash- ington, 1896. [United States. Navy department. Bureau of navigation. Hydrographic office. Chart no. 1531]. Note. — Gives the north part of Alaska. Physical chart of North Polar regions. 1897. By J. G. Bartholomew. 21 X 20J. [In Nansen (Fridtjof ). Farthest north. 8°. New York, Harper & brothers, 1897. V. 1. at end]. Argentine Republic. Plata Americse provincia. 9 x 11. [In Wytfliet (Cornelius) and others. Histoire universelle des Indes. fol. Douay, F. Fabri, 1605. opp. p. 81]. Carte du Paraguay, du Chili, du Detroit de Magellan, etc. dressee sur les descriptions des pp. Alfonso d'Ovalle & Nicole Techo, et sur les relations et memoires de Brouwer, Narborough, mr. de Beauchesne, & par Guil- laume de I'Isle. 19i x 25. Paris, I'auteur, 1703. [American maps. v. 1. no. 7]. La Plata, col. 20x27. [In Pinkerton (John). A modern atlas, fol. Philadelphia, T. Dol)Son, 1818. no. 49]. The provinces of La Plata, the banda orientale del Uruguay and Chile. Chiefly from ms. documents communicated by sir Woodbine Parish. By John Arrowsmith. 19|^ x 24i. London, J. Arrowsmith, 1842. [In his The London atlas of universal geography, fol. London, J. Arrow- smith, 1842-[1850]. no. 50]. Paraguay und der nordliche theil der Argentinischen republik vorziiglich nach den aufnahmen der Nordamericanischen expedition unter Th. J. Page. 1853-56. Entworfen v. H. Kiepert. 12J x 16. [In Gesellschaft fiir erdkunde zu Berlin, Zeitschrift. 1859. Neue folge. 8°. Berlin, 1854. v. 7. pi. 7]. Der untere stromlauf des Parana und Urucuay im gebiete der Argentinischen republik nach der aufnahme des It. Th. Page commandeur des Nord- americanischen kriegschiffes Waterwitch. 1855. 16^ x 19. [In Gesellschaft fiir erdkunde zu Berlin. Zeitschrift. 1858. Neue folge. 8°. Berlin, 1858. v. 5. pi. 6], 122 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Argentine Republic. Map of the basin of La Plata, based upon the resuUs of the expedition under the command of Thos. J. Page, U. S. n. In the years 1853-54-55 & 56. And of the adjacent countries compiled from the best authorities, [anon.] col. 26 x 36. fold. 16°. New York, engraved on stone by J. Bien, [1856]. Der staat Buenos Ayres und der siidliche theil der Argentinischen republik. Yon H. Kiepert. 9 x 12. [In Gesellschaft fiir erdkunde zu Berlin. Zeitschrift. 1858. 8°. Berlin, 1858 Neue folge. v. 4. pi. 2]. Karte des fiir das eisenbahnproject Cordova-Jujuy in der Argentinischen republik im jahre 1866 durch die civil ingenieur Pompeo Moneta und Chs. Campbell vermessenen landstriches. Nach der durch hrn. dr. Burmeister eingesandten copie der originalzeichnung auf | reducirt. 17^ X lOi [In Gesellschaft fiir erdkunde zu Berlin. Zeitschrift. 1868. 8°. Berlin, 1868. V. 3. pi. 4]. Originalkarte des nordwestlichen theiles der Argentinischen republik [pro- vinzen Tucuman & Catamarca] nach den handzeichnungen & beschreibun- gen von prof. dr. H. Burmeister red. von A. Petermann. 11 x 10. Gotha, J. Perthes. [In Petermann (A.) Mittheilungen. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1868. p. 41]. Description geographique et statistique de la Confederation Argentine. Par V. Martin de Moussy. Atlas. 2« ^d. 20 pp. 30 pi. fol. Paris, F. Didot freres, fils & cie. 1873. Mapa original de la repiiblica Argentina y estados adyacentes compren- diendo las republicas de Chile, Paraguay y Uruguay. Por el dr. A. Peter- mann. 23J X 19. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1875. [In Petermann (A.) Mittheilungen. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1878. v. 9. no. 39. p. 24]. Mapa general de la repiiblica Argentina y pafses limftrofes. col. 56 x 42. Nueva York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. [1879]. Mapa general de la repiiblica Argentina y pafses limftrofes. Hecho segun datos oficiales los mds modernos y en vista de los recientos pianos y cr6quis del sr. d. F. P. Moreno y del teniente coronel M. J. Olascoaga, jefe de la oficina topoga. militar. Por G. W. & C. B. Colton & cia. Nueva York. 56 x 56. Rio de la Plata, Buenos Ayres, impreso por orden de d. A. Estrada, [1880]. — Die Argentinischen territorien der Pampa, des Rio Negro, etc. Nach den aufnahmen der expeditionscorps gegen die Indianer unter gen. D. J. A. Roca. 7^ X 9|. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1881. [In Petermann (A.) Mittheilungen. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1881. v. 27. pi. 5]. Skizze eines theils der Sierra de Cordoba. Nach trigonometrischen aufnah- men von dr. Brackebusch und dr. Seelstrang in Cordoba. 11 x 8. [In Gesellschaft fiir erdkunde zu Berlin. Zeitschrift. 1882. 8°. Berlin, 1882. V. 17. pi. 1]. Institute geogrdfico Argentino, Buenos Ayres. Atlas de la Repiiblica Argen- tina, construido y publicado por el ** Institute geogrdfico Argentino " bajo los auspicios del excmo. gobierno nacional. 2 p. 1. 26 pp. 29 maps. fol. Buenos Aires, J. Ruland, 1898. See also Cordillera mountains. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 123 Arizona. K. P. Kelley's map of the territory of Arizona. Compiled from his pri- vate notes taken while XJ. S. surveyor and from the latest official reports in the departments at Washington. By Arthur de Witzleben. 17 x 30. St. Louis, T. Schrader, 1860. Watson's new county, railroad and distance map of Arizona and New Mex- ico, col. 13 J X 16 J. [New York, G. Watson, 1875]. Bancroft's map of California, Nevada, Utah and Arizona, col. 27 x 31. fold. 18°. San Francisco, A. L. Bancroft & co. 1876. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed map of Arizona [etc.] 6 pp. 1 map 12 x 19. fold. 18°. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1876]. Territory of Arizona. 1876. Compiled from the official records of the general land office and other sources by C. Roeser. 23 x 29. New York, photo, lith. by J. Bien, [1876]: [United States. Department of the interior. General land office]. Map of Arizona. Prepared specially for R. J. Hinton's hand book of Arizona, col. fold. 34 x 24. San Francisco, Payot, Upham & co. 1877. New map of the territory of Arizona, southern California and parts of Nevada, Utah and Sonora. Compiled by lieut. J. C. Mallery and J. M. Ward. 1876, 1877. col. 42 x 33. San Fi-ancisco, Britton, Rey & co. lith'rs. [1877]. Official map of the territory of Arizona. Compiled by E. A. Eckoff and P. Riecker. 1880. 32x27. New York, the Graphic co. [1880]. Official map of southern Arizona and of the states of Sonora, Chihuahua, Sinaloa, Durango. Prepared specially for the Mining record. Compiled from surveys, reconnaissances and other sources by Guillermo Rose. 1882. 26 X 34. New York, J. Bien, photo. [1881]. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed county and township pocket map and ship- pers' guide of Arizona. 18 pp. 1 fold. map. 16°. Chicago and New York, Rand, McNally & co. [1892]. Same. 17 pp. 1 fold. map. 16°. Chicago and New York, Rand, McNally & CO. [1893]. See also Tombstone mining district. Pima county, Arizona. Arkansas. Sketch map of the military bomity lands in the Arkansas territory. Laid down on a scale of twelve miles to an inch. The spaces left blank are either fractions, low swampy lands unfit for cultivation, or the surveys were not completed when the materials for this map were collected. Each township or square contains thirty six sections or twenty three thousand and forty acres, numbering from the north east corner, as will appear by reference to the south west corner of this map. Military and general agency, Washington City, 6th december, 1820. Jno. Watson, ms. 22J X 17i Geographical, statistical, and historical map of Arkansas territory. Drawn by S. H. Long. 14^ x 15. [In Complete (A) historical, chronological, and geographical American atlas, fol. Philadelphia, H. C. Carey & I. Lea, 1822. no. 35]. Map of the states of Missouri & Illinois and territory of Arkansas. Taken from recent surveys in the office of the surveyor general at St. Louis. By E. Browne and E. Barcroft. col. 60 x 41. Philadelphia, J. Warr^ [1825]. 124 LIST OF MAPS OF AMEEICA. Arkansas. Map of Mississippi, Louisiana & Arkansas. Exhibiting the post offices, post roads, canals, railroads, etc. By David H. Burr. col. 48 x 36. [n. p. 1829]. The traveller's pocket map of Arkansas with its canals, roads & distances; by H. S. Tanner, col. 10^ x 13. Philadelphia, H. S. Tanner, [1832]. Map of the Arkansas surveying district showing the extent of public surveys in said district on the 31. oct. Surveyor's office, Little Kock, 31. oct. 1837. 25. cong. 2d sess. 13 x 18. Washington, 1837. [In United States. Congress, A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 140]. Map of Arkansas surveying district, showing the extent of public surveys in said district on the 30 sept. 1839. 16 x 16. Little Rock, [1839]. [In L^nited States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 86]. A new map of the state of Arkansas, constructed principally from United States surveys, exhibiting countries, townships & sections. By H. S. Tanner, 1839. 20J x 23^ [In Tanner (Henry S.) A new American atlas, fol. Philadelphia, H. S. Tanner, 1839]. A new map of the state of Arkansas, constructed principally from United States surveys, exhibiting counties, townships & sections. By H. S. Tanner. 1839. 20 x 24. Philadelphia, H. S. Tanner, [1839]. Map of the state of Arkansas; showing the topography of the country and united surveys [etc.] Prepared at the general land office for and at the request of the hon. Solon Borland, of the Senate. June 1848. 14 x 15. [Washington, [1848]. [United States. Department of the interior. General land office]. '■ Arkansas. Map of the Arkansas surveying district, showing the extent of public surveys in said district, oct. 30, 1850. 16 x 22. [n. p. 1850] . [United States. Department of the interior. General land office] . Schonberg's map of Arkansas, col. fold. 11x13. [New York, Schdnberg &co. 1866]. Johnson's Arkansas, Mississippi and Louisiana, col. fold. 23 x 17. New York, A.J. Johnson, [1866]. Note. — Nos. 44 and 45 of Johnson's new illustrated family atlas. Colton's new sectional map of the state of Arkansas, col. fold. 30 x 37. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton, 1871. Map showing crevasses and devastation from overflow of the Mississippi river in Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi. From notes compiled and furnished by T. S. Hardee. 1874. 21^ x 36. New Orleans, H. Lewis, 1874. New township map of the state of Arkansas. Geo. N. Walkley, del. 16 x 16. Little Rock, T. B. Mills & co. [1875]. Watson's new county, railroad and distance map of Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi, col. 26 x 16. [New York, G. Watson, 1875]. New township map of the state of Arkansas. 15 x 15. Little Rock, Ark. T. B. Mills & CO. 1875. Arkansas. By Frank A. Gray. col. 16 x 24. Philadelphia, 0. W. Gray & son, [1876]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 125= Arkansas, Exhibit G. [Map of part of Missouri and Arkansas, anon.] coL 16 X 18. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. [1878]. Post route map of the state of Arkansas, and of the Indian territory with adjacent portions of Mississippi, Tennessee, Missouri, Kansas, Texas and^ Louisiana. By W. L. Nicholson. 1879. 2 sheets, fold. fol. [Wash- ington, 1881]. [United States. Post office department. Topographer's office]. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed county map of Arkansas. 32 pp. 1 map 18°. Chicago, Rand, McXally & co. [1881]. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed county and township map of Arkansas. 82 pp. 1 col. map. fold. 18°. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1883]. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed county and township pocket map and ship- pers' guide of Arkansas. 34 pp. 13 x 19. fold. 16°. Chicago, Rand, McNally & CO. [1884]. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed county and township pocket map and ship- pers' guide of Arkansas. 44 pp. 1 fold. map. 16°. Chicago and New York, Rand, McNally & co. [1892]. Same. 44 pp. 1 fold. map. 16°. Chicago and New York, Rand, McNally &co. [1893]. Shewey's guide & map of the hunting and fishing grounds of Missouri and. Arkansas. 56 pp. 1 fold. map. 16°. St. Louis, A. C. Shewey, [1892]. See also Jefferson co. Ark. and Sebastian co. Ark. Arkansas river. A map of the Arkansas river. Constructed by H. S. Tanner.. 9f X 19^. [In Nuttall (Thomas). A journal of travels into the Arkansas territory in. the year 1819. 8°. Phila. 1821. front.] Military reconnaissance of the Arkansas, Rio del Norte and Rio Gila, by W. H. Emory, made in 1846-7 with the advance guard of the army of the w^est under command of brig. gen. Stephen W. Kearney. Constructed under the orders of col. J. J. Abert, 1847. Drawn by Joseph Welch. 30 X 65. Washington, C. R. Graham, 1847. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers. ] Armstrong county, Penn. Map of Armstrong co. Pennsylvania. From actual sur- veys by G. M. & H. W. Hopkins, fold. 56 x 47. Philadelphia, A. Pomeroy & S. W. Treat, 1861. Arredondo grant, Alachua county, Fla. 23 x 21. [St. Augustine, 1846]. Note. — This map is in conformity with the field notes of the survey and division thereof made under the direction of the commissioners appointed by the superior court of the district of east Florida, at the June term of 1846. Signed David H. Burr & Henry Washington. Aruba, W. I. [Distant views of Antigua and Aruba. ms. [anon.] fold. 13x22. [17-]. Ascot gold and mining company. The Ascot gold fields. Lower Canada. Drawn,, engraved by G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. fold. 18 x 15. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. [1865]. Ashburton coal company. Map of the property of the Ashburton coal company (part of the west Hazleton & Catawissa falls estate) in SchuylkiU and Luzerne counties. Pa. From surveys by W^. F. Roberts. 7x17. New- York, lith. by Dodge & Gratton, [1864?]. 126 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Ashland county, Ohio. Map of Ashland co. Ohio, 1861. Surveyed, drawn and published by John McDonnell, fold. 53x50. [Philadelphia], J. McDonnell, 1861. Nunan's map. Showing the sections, farms, lots and villages. From actual surveys by Philip Nunan & H. S. Plumb, col. fold. 56x41. Pitts- burgh, W. Schuchman, [1861]. Ashland, Wis. Kennan (K. K.) Map of Ashland, Ashland co. Wis. Accord- ing to the recorded plats of Ashland and its additions. Scale, 300 ft. to an inch. fold. 29 x 48. [Milwaukee], the Milwaukee litho. and eng. co. [1883]. Assung-uy, Brazil. Map showing the position of the colony of Assunguy. 11x14^ [In Great Britain. Parliament. Accounts and papers. State papers, 1875, V. 82]. Atascosa county, Tex. 21 x 23. St. Louis, lith. by A. Gast & co. [1879]. [Texas. General land office]. Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad. A correct map of the United States, showing the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad and connections, col. fold. 15x27. Chicago, Rand, McNally & CO. [1882]. _ Map showing the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad system. With its connections, fold. 28J x 33. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. [1883]. Athens county, Ohio. Lake (D.J.) Atlas of Athens county, Ohio. 88 pp. incl. 26 maps & 32 pi. 2 fold, maps at end. fol. Philadelphia, Titus, Sim- mons, & Titus, 1875. Atlanta, Ga. Map showing the operations of the national forces under the com- mand of maj. gen. W. T. Sherman during the campaign resulting in the capture of Atlanta, Ga. sept. 1, 1864. Drawn by E. Hergesheimer. 20 x 14. [Washington, 1864]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey] . Map illustrating the siege of Atlanta, Ga. by the U. S. forces under com- mand of major gen. W. T. Sherman, from the passage of Peach Tree creek, July 19, 1864, to the commencement of the movement upon the enemy's line of communication south of Atlanta, aug. 26, 1864. Reduced and engraved from an original prepared under the direction of capt. O. M. Poe, on gen'l. Sherman's staff. 39th congress. 1st sess. Report of the chief engineer, no. 2. 11| x 21. Philadelphia, Bowen & co. [1865]. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers]. Map showing route of the marches of the army of gen'l. W. T. Sherman from Atlanta to Goldsboro, N. C. To accompany the report of operations from Savannah, Ga. to Goldsboro, N. C. 39th cong. 1st sess. Report of the chief engineer, U. S. A. no. 3. 10 x 16. Philadelphia, Bowen & co. [1866]. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers] . Hopkins (G. M.) City atlas of Atlanta, Ga. 81 pp. incl. 22 sheets fold. [Philadelphia], for the southern and southwestern surveying co. 1878. I^tham (E. B.) and Baylor (H.B.) Atlas of Atlanta, Ga. 1893. 1 p. 1. 40 sheets, fol. [Atlanta, Ga. 1894]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 127 Atlantic and Pacific railroad. Map showing the new transcontinental route of the Atlantic & Pacific railroad and its connections. Prepared by G. W. & C. B. Colton & CO. fold. 15 x 32. New York, G. AV. & C. B.' Colton & CO. [1883]. Atlantic City, N. J. Map of Atlantic City, N. J. From actual surveys and official records, col. fold. 46 x 60. Philadelphia, J. D. Scott, 1877. Xew map of Atlantic City made by Fowler & Lummis, civil engineers, Philadelphia, 1880. Engr. by C. E. Ruff. 12 x 23. [Philadelphia, 1880]. Atlas of Atlantic City, X. J. including South Atlantic City, Chelsea, Vent- nor, Oberon and Longport. Compiled and drawn by Ellis Kiser and O. Barthel. 1 p. 1. index map. 19 pi. fol. Philadelphia, A. H. ^Mueller & CO. 1896. Atlantic coast (United States) . An actual survey of the sea coast from Xew York to the I. Cape Briton with tables of the direct and thwart courses and dis- tances from place to place, by capt. Cyprian Southack. Illustrated with particular plans of the harbors of Xew York, Boston,.Canso bay& Annapolis Royal. 41 x 72. London, I. Mount, [etc.] about 1733. A new chart of the coast of Xorth America from cape Hatteras to Egg river, including Chesapeak bay. Drawn from the latest authorities by Samuel Lambert, fold. 26 x 38. [Salem, Mass.] 1822. Atlantic county, N. J. Topographical map. From recent and actual surveys under the direction of F. W. Beers, col. fold. 67 x 64. Xew York, Beers, Comstock & Cline, 1872. Atlantic ocean. A chart of the Western ocean. By John Seller. 17x21. [In his Atlas maritimus, or the sea atlas, fol. London, J. Darby, for the author, 1675. no. 39]. Mare del Xord. 17 J x 24^ [In Coronelli (Vincenzo). Atlante Veneto. fol. Yenetia, 1695-97. v. 1. bet. pp. 78-79]. A new and correct chart showing the variations of the compass in the West- em and Southern oceans as observed in the year 1700, by his majestie's command. By Edm. Halley. 19 x 23. [In English (The) pilot. The fourth book. fol. Dublin, B. Grierson, 1767. opp. p. 3]. Chart of the Atlantic ocean with the British, French and Spanish settle- ments in North America and the West Indies, as also on the coast of ^ Africa. By Thos. Jefferys. [In Jefferys (T., engraver). A general topography of Xorth America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 13]. Note. — Another copy in separate form. Hydrographical map of the Atlantic ocean, extending from the southermost part of North America to Europe. 14 x 24. [In Brahm (John Gerard William de). The Atlantic pilot. 8°. London, 1772]. A chart of North and South America, including the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, with the nearest coasts of Europe, Africa and Asia, [anon.] London, R. Sayer & J. Bennett, June 10, 1775. [In Jefferys (T.) and others. The American atlas, fol. London, R. Sayer & J. Bennett, 1776. no. 1-3]. 128 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Atlantic ocean Carte generale de 1' ocean Atlantique ou Occidental, dressee au depot general des cartes, plans, et journaux de la marine et publiee par ordre du ministre pour le service des vaisseaux Fran^ais en 1786. Eevue et corrigee en 1792. 5« ed. fold. 24 x 36. [Paris, 1792]. [Rochambeau: 1]. A new general chart of the Atlantic or Western ocean and adjacent seas, including the coasts of Europe and Africa, from 60° north latitude to the equator, and also the opposite coast of America. By mr. de Fleurieu. 2 sheets. London, for R. Sayer, 1793. [In Jeff erys (Thomas). The West India atlas, fol. London, for R. Sayer^ 1794. no. 2-3]. A new general chart of the Atlantic or Western ocean and adjacent seas, including the coasts of Europe and Africa from 60° north latitude to the equator, and also the opposite coast of North America. Drawn and regu- lated by the most accurate astronomic observations, and the journals of the most experienced navigators, [anon.] 2 sheets each 20 x 55. Lon- don, Laurie- & Whittle, may 12, 1794. [In North American pilot. A new ed. much enlarged, of the second part of the North American pilot, fol. London, R. Laurie & J. Whittle, 1800. no. 2-3]. A new chart of the Atlantic or Western ocean. Improved by W. Heather. Engraved by J. Stephenson, 1814. Revised and corrected by J. W. Norie. fold. 37x49. London, W. Heather, [1814]. General chart of the Atlantic ocean. By John Purdy. 2 sheets. London, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, oct. 12, 1812, additions to 1817. [In Whittle (J. ) and Laurie (R. H. ) The West India atlas, fol. London, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 1-2]. Blunt' s new chart of the South Atlantic ocean. Revised, improved and engraved according to the latest Spanish and other surveys. Published by Edmund M. Blunt, fold. 34x50. [New York], for W. Hooker, 1824. Blunt' s new chart of the Atlantic or Western ocean, extending from the equator to lat. 74° 40^ n. long. 31° 45^ e. to long. 91° w. col. fold. 36 x 49. New York, E. M. Blunt, 1826. Wind and current chart of the North Atlantic, by M. F. Maury. Drawn by It. W. B. Whiting, 1848. 34 x 72. [Washington, 1848]. [United States. Navy department. Bureau of navigation. Hydrographic office] . Pilot chart of the North Atlantic, by M. F. Maury, 1849. Series C. sheet no. 1-2. each 25 x 35. New York, engraved by Sherman & Smith, [1849]. Same. 1853. 2d ed. Series C. no. 1-2. each 25 x 35. New York, eng. by Sherman & Smith, [1853]. [United States. Navy department. Bureau of navigation. Hydrographic office.] Pilot chart of the South Atlantic, by M. F. Maury. 1850. Series C. no. 1. 35 x 23. [Washington, 1850]. Same. 1853. Series C. no. 1-2. each 35 x 23. [Washington, 1853]. [United States. Navy department. Bureau of navigation. Hydrographic office]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 129 Atlantic ocean. Wind and current chart of the North Atlantic, by 31. F. Maury. Drawn by It. Benj. S. Gantt. 1850. Series D. Thermal sheet no. 1-8. each 36 x 24. [Washington, 1850]. [United States. Navy department. Bureau of navigation. Hydrographic office]. Chart of the North Atlantic ocean, from the most recent surveys. 1851. Drawn and eng. by Chas. Copley, fold. 44 x 60. New York, E. & G. W. Blunt, 1851. Trade wind chart of the Atlantic ocean, by M. F. Maury, col. 24 x 36. [n. p. 1851]. [United States. Navy department. Bereau of navigation. Hydrographic office]. Wind and current chart of the North Atlantic, by M. F. Maury. 1852. Thermal sheet no. 1-8. Series D. each 24 x 35. [Washington, 1852]. [United States. Navy department. Bureau of navigation. Hydrographic office] . Wind and current chart of the north Atlantic. By M. F. Maury. Drawn by It. W. B. Whiting. 1852. 3d. ed. 1852. Series A. no. 1-8. col. tracks, each 35 x 25. [Washington, 1852]. [United States. Navy department. Bureau of navigation. Hydrographic office]. Wind and current chart of the South Atlantic, by M. F. Maury. 1852. Series D. no. 1-4. each 35 x 24. [Washington, 1852]. Same. 1853. Series A. no. 1—4. each 35 x 24. [Washington, 1853]. [United States. Navy department. Bureau of navigation. Hydrographic office] . Storm and rain chart of the North Atlantic, by M. F. Maury, 1853. Series E. 24 X 35. [Washington, 1853]. United States. Navy department. Bureau of navigation. Plydrographic office. Storm and rain chart of the South Atlantic, by M. F. Maury. 1854. Series E. 24x35. [Washington, 1854]. [United States. Navy Department. Bureau of navigation. Hydrographic office] . — : Gnomonic chart. Middle and upper part of the north Atlantic ocean. Com- piled for use in great circle sailing by Gustave Herrle c. e. 28 x 36. [Washington, 1880]. Atlantic HigMands, Monmouth, county, N. J. Nobles (John C. ) Map of the Atlantic Highlands, Monmouth co. New Jersey, [anon.] Scale, 400 ft. to 1 inch. col. fold. 15x26. New York, photo lith. by K. A. Welcke, [1883]. Atlantic, Mississippi & Ohio railroad. A map showing the Atlantic, Mississippi and Ohio r. r. and its connections, from Norfolk to Cumberland Gap via Bristol, fold. 20 x 33. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co, 1867. Attakapas region, La. Outline extract from Hardee's new map of Louisiana now in course of publication, A. D. 1870. showing the Attakapas region and parish of St. Landry. 20 J x 27. [New Orleans], engraved for D. Den- nett, [1870]. H. Doc. 516 9 130 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Attleboro', Mass. Walker (Geo. H.) & co. Atlas of Attleboro' town, Mass. 80 pp. incl. 14 maps. fol. Boston, G. H. Walker & co, 1880. Auburn, N. Y. Hopkins (G. M.) City atlas of Auburn, N. Y. title, index map. 16 sheets, fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1882. Audrain county, Mo. Baker (Charles W.) Map of Audrain county, Missouri, showing one hundred miles of first class railroad and furnishing cheap ' transportation to the best markets. 8 x 10^. St. Louis. A. L. Thornton. [1880]. Augusta, Ga. Map of the City of Augusta, Ga. By A. H. Davidson. Drawn for the Augusta trade issue. 1881. fold. 14 x 19. [Augusta, 1881]. Augusta, Me. (City of). Map. From recent and actual surveys. Under the superintendance of W. A. Sherman, col. fold, 50 x 50. New York, Comstock & Cline, 1875. Austin, Tex. (City of) . A topographical map. Revised, corrected and enlarged from actual surveys, by Reuben W. Ford. Jan. 1872. fold. 40 x 36. Austin, De Cordova & Withers, [1872]. Same. fold. 18x14. Austin, De Cordova, [1872]. Map of the city of Austin. Drawn under the direction of C. D. Anderson, by Louis Klappenbach. 30 x 27. [Austin], lith. by A. Askenold, [1876]. Austin county, Tex. [Map]. 23 x 22. St. Louis, lith. by A. past & co. [1879]. Avila (Province of) . See Ecuador, S. A. Azilia (Margravate of) , South Carolina. A plan representing the form of settling the districts, or county divisions in the margravate of Azilia. 11^ x 11^. [In Montgomery (Sir Robert). A discourse concerning the design' d estab- lishment of a new colony to the south of Carolina. 18°. London, 1717]. Azores. Chart of the Agores (Hawks) islands, called also Flemish and Western islands, [anon.] 18 x 28. London, Laurie & Whittle, 12 oct. 1797. [In North American pilot. A new ed. much enlarged, of the second part of the North American pilot, fol. London, R. Laurie & J. Whittle, 1800. no. 4]. Note. — Inset "Observations of The Formigas," by capt. Nath. Simpson, 1783. Laurie & Whittle's new chart of the Azores or Western islands, Madeira, the Canary islands, and part of the coasts of Portugal and Africa between the Borlings and cape Bojador. John Purdy delin. London, R. Laurie & J. Whittle, June 12, 1807. 2d. ed. 1811. [In Whittle (J.) and Laurie (R. H.) The West India atlas, fol. London, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 3]. Baboul bay. See Bull's bay, Newfoundland. Babylon, N. Y. Wendelken & co. Atlas of the towns of Babylon, Islip and south part of Brookhaven, in Suffolk co. N. Y. 2 p. I. 17 sheets, fol. New York, Wendelken & co. 1888. BaflB.n's bay. A particular maj) of Baffin and Hudson's bay. London, for R. Sayer & J. Bennett, feb. 1777. [Faden (William, editor). The North American atlas, fol. London, for W. Faden, 1777. On no. 1-2, Pownall (T.) A new and correct map of North America]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 131 Bahama islands. A chart of the Bahama islands with a description of the gulf of Florida and Windward passage, &c. By J. C. 7j x 12. [In C. (J.) A description of the Windward passage and gulf of Florida. [By J. C. anon.] 2d ed. sm. 4°. London, J. Applebee, 1739]. Chart of part of the Bahama islands, showing the track ascribed to Columbus on his discovery of the new world. Compiled and drawn under the direction of W. T. Bright, in charge of drawing division U. S. coast and geodetic survey office, by T. J. O'Sullivan, draughtsman, april, 1881. fold. 22 X 36. [Washington, 1881]. A chart of the island Cuba. The gulf of Florida, with the Bahama islands, and ye Windward passage, [anon.] 17 x 21. [London, about 1680]. [American maps. v. 4. no. 35] . Note. — Attributed to John Thornton. A new chart of the Bahama islands and the Windward passage. 17 x 20. [In English (The) pilot. 4th book, [anon.] fol. London, for W. & J. Mount, 1758. p. 47]. A plan of the straights of Bahama, through which the expedition fleet was conducted in the year 1762 against the Havana, [anon.] 4 x 7h. [In London (The) magazine. 8°. London, for R. Baldwin, [1763]. v. 32. Jan. 1763. opp. p. 40]. A new chart of the Bahama islands and the windward passage. By Samuel Thornton. 16J x 20. [In English (The) pilot. 4th book, [anon.] fol. Dublin, B. (xrierson, 1767. p. 49]. A map of the isle of Cuba, with the Bahama islands, gulf of Florida, and the Windward passage. Drawn from English and Spanish surveys. [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 79]. Pais cedes, sheet 2, containing the peninsula & gulf of Florida, with the Bahama island. By Thos. Jefferys. [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 67]. The coast of West Florida and Louisiana [&] The peninsula and gulf of Florida or channel of Bahama with the Bahama islands. By Thos. Jefferys. London, for R. Sayer, feb. 20, 1775. [In Faden (William, editor). The North American atlas, fol. London, for W. Faden, 1777. no. 34]. The coast of west Florida and Louisiana [&] The peninsula and gulf of Florida and channel of Bahama with the Bahama islands. By Thos. Jefferys. London, for R. Sayer, feb. 20, 1775. [In Jefferys (T.) and others. The American atlas, fol. London, R. Sayer & J. Bennett, 1776. no. 25]. Same. Carte de la Floride Occidentale et Louisiane [&] La peninsule et golfe de la Floride ou canal de Bahama avec les isles de Bahama. Tra- duite de Jefferys. 18^ x 47. Paris, Le Rouge, 1777. [In Le Rouge (Georges Louis). Atlas Ameriquain Septentrional, fol. Paris, Le Rouge, 1778 [-1792?] no. 22]. 132 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Bahama islands. The peninsula and gulf of Florida, or New Bahama channel, with the Bahama islands. By Thos. Jefferys. 24 x 36. London, Laurie & Whittle, 12 may, 1794. [In North American pilot. A new ed. much enlarged, of the second part of the North American pilot, fol. London, R. Laurie & J. Whittle, 1800. no. 20]. Laurie & Whittle's new chart of the Windward passages and Bahama islands, with the islands of St. Domingo, Jamaica, Cuba, etc. Compiled from a great variety of topographic surveys and nautical details. By John Purdy. 3d ed. improved. 1818. London, R. Laurie & J. Whittle, sept. 2, 1811 [1818]. [In Whittle (J.) and Laurie (R. H.) The West India atlas, fol. London, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 11-12]. Map of the Bahama islands from official documents. Compiled by John Arrowsmith. 19 x 24. London, J. Arrowsmith, 1848. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Accounts and papers. Colonies. 1847-48> V.46]. Bahia, or SSo Salvador, Brazil. Planta della citta di S. Salvadore, c^pitale del Bresile. 7^ x 11^. [In Atlante deir America, [anon.] fol. Livorno, 1778. no. 49]. See also Sao Salvador, Brazil. Bahia de Todos-os-Santos, Brazil. Sinvs Omnium Sanctorv. Bahia de Todos- OS Santos, no. 31. 15J x 19^. [In Blaauw (W. J.) and Blaauw (Jan). Le grand atlas, ov cosmographie Blaviane, contenant 1' Amerique. fol. Amsterdam, J. Blaeu, 1667. v. 12. bet. pp. 257-258]. Sinvs Omnium Sanctorv. [By William Janszoon Blaauw. [anon.] 15x20. Amsterdam, 1667?]. [American maps. v. 4. no. 15] . Note. — Text in Latin and Dutch. No. 31 at right corner. From ''Blaauw's- Le grand atlas." Kaart van de Aller-Heiligen baay. 13 x 16. [In Hedendaagsche historie of tegenwoordige staat van Amerika. [anon.} 8°. Te Amsterdam, 1767. v. 2. opp. p.345]. Bahia Honda, Cuba. Plan of Bahia Honda. [By Fran. Math. Cell, anon.] [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 84]. The harbours of Port Antonio, in Jamaica [&] Plan of Bahia Honda, on the north side of Cuba. [In Whittle (J. ) and Laurie (R. H. ) The West India atlas, fol. London, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 47]. Bahias del Almirante. See Almirante (Bahiasdel). Ballston, N. Y. Map of Saratoga and Ballston, with surroundings. By J. B. Beers & co. col. 25 x 26^. fold. 18°. New York, J. B. Beers & co. [1875]. P>eers (F. W\) and Cramer (Louis H.) Combination atlas of Saratoga and Ballston. 86 pp. inch 18 maps. fol. New York, J. B. Beers & co. 1876. Baltimore, Md. [Ville, post et rade de Baltimore dans le Maryland, anon. ms. col. fold. 10x14. 177-]? [Rochambeau: 13]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 133 Baltimore, Md. A map exhibiting the different stage routes between the cities of New York, Baltimore, and parts adjacent. To which is added as an his- torical companion the operations of the British army from their landing at Elk river in 1777, to their embarkation at Xevisink in 1778. By John Hills, col. fold. 11 X 60. Philadelphia, E. Savage, 1800. Plan of the town of Baltimore and its environs. Dedicated to the citizens of Baltimore. Taken upon the spot by their most humble servant A. P. Folie. fold. 21 x 24. Philadelphia, J. Poapard sculpsit, 1792. Warner & Hanna's plan of the city and environs of Baltimore respectfully dedicated to the mayor, city council, and citizens thereof by the proprie- tors, 1801. 18J X 27i [Baltimore, 1801]. Baltimore. Annapolis and adjacent country. 5J x 31. [In Melish (John). A geographical description of the United States. 3d ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1818]. Maryland. By F. Lucas, jr. Cone & Freeman sc. 11 x 20. Baltimore, F. Lucas, jr. [1819]. Note — Contains also a plan of the "City of Baltimore." This plan of the city of Baltimore as enlarged & laid out under the direction of the commissioners appointed by the general assembly of Maryland in feby. 1818, is respectfully dedicated to the citizens thereof by their obt. servt. T. H. Poppleton, surveyor to the board. C. P. Harrison script, sculp. New York, 1823. 43J x 49^ Note. — Pictorial margin containing views of Baltimore in 1822, 1752, and plan of city in 1729. Baltimore. 5x9. [In Tanner (H. S.) The American traveller. 16°. Philadelphia, 1834]. Baltimore. [View]. Drawn by J. R. Smith. 5^x7^. [In Malte-Brun (Conrad). A system of universal geography. 8°. Boston, S. Walker, 1834. v. 2. p. 222]. [Map of the cities of New York, Philadelphia, Boston, and Baltimore. By J. Doggett, jr. J. M. Atwood, sc. 11^ x 12J. New York, J. Doggett, jr. 1842]. Map of the city and county of Baltimore, Maryland, from original surveys by J. C. Sidney & P. J. Browne, fold. 43 x 32. Baltimore, J. :\I. Ste- phens, [1850]. Plan of the city of Baltimore, Maryland. Compiled from records & surveys . by Sidney & Neff. fold. 34 x 42. [Camden, N. J.] L. Van Derveer, 1851. Plan of Curtis' creek wharf and railroad comp'ys improvements. 1854. William Sides, civil engineer. 22 x 30. Philadelphia, lith. of Wagner & McGuigan, [1854]. Fort no. 1. West defences of Baltimore, Md. lOJ x 16f Baltimore, E. Sachse&co. [1863]. City of Baltimore, col. 14 x llf. [In Martenet (Simon J. ) Martenet's map of Maryland. Atlas edition. 4°. [Baltimore, 1866]. Tyson (Henry). Design for the improvement of the channel of Jones Falls and drainage of the adjacent portion of the city. col. 21 x 35. Balti- more, lith. by J. Hoen & co. [1868]. ' 134 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Baltimore, Md. E. Sachse & co.'s bird's eye view of the city of Baltimore, 1869. fold. 64 X 127. [Baltimore, E. Sachse & co. 1870]. Weishampel (John F. jr. ) New and enlarged map of Baltimore including Waverly, Hampden, [etc.] 24J x 29. 11 sheet fold. 18°. Baltimore, J. F. Weishampel, jr. 1872. Sachse (E.) & co. Map of the city of Baltimore. Showing the most direct routes to the principal public buildings & parks, and the different lines of city pas. s. railway's. 1875. 18 x 22. Baltimore, E. Sachse & co. [1875]. Gray's new map of Baltimore. By Frank A. Gray. col. 15 x 12. Phila- delphia, O. W. Gray & son, [1876]. Note. — Another copy in his Atlas of the United States. Hopkins (G. M.) City atlas of Baltimore, Md. and environs. 2 v. 127 pp. incl. 35 maps; 91 pp. incl. 35 maps. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hop- kins, 1877. Map of the city of Baltimore, Maryland. 1877. Compiled expressly for this work by G. M. Hopkins. 14 x 23. [Philadelphia, 1877]. Hopkins (G. M.) Altas of fifteen miles around Baltimore, including Anne Arundel 90. Md. 77 pp. 8 1. incl. 24 maps. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1878. Hopkins ( G. M. ) Altas of fifteen miles around Baltimore, including Howard CO. Md. 77 pp. 8 1. incl. 24 maps. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1878. Hull (T. B.) & CO. Map showing Baltimore harbor, approaches and pas- sage of railroads through the city, location of depots, elevators, etc. 6^x9 J. [Baltimore, 1878]. Robinson (E. ) Map of the city of Baltimore and vicinity. Engraved by A. H. Mueller. Scale: one inch=l,200 ft. col. on rollers. 64 x 64. New York, E. Robinson, 1882. AVitteman (Adolph). New bond paper map of Baltimore. 1 sheet fold. 18°. 14 x 18. New York, 1886. Baltimore county, Md. Hopkins (G. M. ) Atlas of Baltimore co. Md. 77 pp. 5 1. incl. 23 maps. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1877. Baltimore and Ohio railroad. Map of the country embracing the various routes surveyed for the Bait. & Ohio railroad by order of the board of engineers. Drawn by It. J. Barney. 23 x 10. [Baltimore, 1836?]. Note. — To the subscribers of the "American" from Dobbin, Murphy & Bose. Map and profile of the location of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad from Cumberland to Wheeling. Showing the various routes surveyed from the year 1836 to the final establishment in 1850. Drawn by Albert Fink, Bal- timore, 1850. fold. 34 X 60. Baltimore, lith. by A. Hoen & co. [1850]. Bandera county, Tex. Map. 16 x 29. [St. Louis, lith. by A Gast & co. 1879]. [Texas. General land office] . Baracoa (Bay of), Cuba. Plan of puerto de Baracoa. [anon.] [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T; Jefferys, 1768. no. 81a]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 135 Baracoa (Bay of) , Cuba. Plan of Baracoa [&] Plan of BahiaXagua. [anon. Lon- don, Laurie & Whittle, n. d;] [In Whittle (J.) & Laurie (R. H.) The West India atlas, fol. London, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 51]. Barbados. The island of Bermudas [&] The island of Barbados. By John Thorn- ton and by Will. Fisher. 17 x 20*. [London, 1680?]. [American maps. v. 4. no. 33]. A new map of the island of Barbados, wherein every parish, plantation, watermill and cattle-mill is described with the name of the present pos- sessor and all things else remarkable according to a late exact suryey thereof. By Philip Lea, and by lohn Sellers. 19 x 22. [London, 1690?]. [American maps. v. 4. no. 38]. An accurate map of the island of Barbados. By Eman. Bowen. 14 x 17. [In his A complete atlas, fol. London, for W. Innys, 1752. no. 69]. Carta esatta rappresentante 1' isola di Barbados. 9x7. [In Atlante deir America, [anon.] fol. Livorno, 1778. no. 26]. Barbadoes, surveyed by WilKam Mayo, engraved and improved by Thomas Jefferys. Improved ed. London, Laurie & Whittle, march 12, 1810. [In Whittle (J.) & Laurie (R. H.) The West India atlas, fol. London, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 26]. A topographical map of the island of Barbados, based upon Mayo's original survey in 1721, and corrected to the year : 8 16. By sir Robert Schom- burgk. col. 35^ x 48. fold. 4°. London, Longman, Browne & co. 1847. Note. — Autograph presentation copy by the author. Plan of Carlisle bay, Barbados. Shewing the city of Bridgetown, the har- bour, bay road & garrison of Saint Ann's [and] Plan shewing the pro- posed harbour of refuge at Bridgetown, Barbados. Signed W. C. Ward, 1851. J. Arrowsmith lith. 15^ x 20. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Accounts & papers. [4.] Colonies. 1851. V. 34]. Barnstable county, Mass. Map of the counties of Barnstable, Dukes and Nantucket, Massachusetts. Based upon the trigonometrical survey of the state, the details from actual surveys under the direction of Henry F. Walling, 1858. fold. 56 X 60. Boston, D. R. Smith & co. 1858. ^ Walker (Geo. H.) & co. Atlas of Barnstable co. Mass. 84 pp. incl. 37 maps. fol. Boston, G. H. Walker & co. 1880. Barracoa. See Baracoa, Cuba. Barren hill, Phila. Lafayette at Barren Hill. [In Carrington (Henry B.) Battle maps and charts of the American revo- lution. 8°. New York, 1881]. Sketch of Fayette's position at Barren hill. Engraved for Stedman's His- tory of the American war. 7 x 82. [In Stedman (C. ) The history of the origin, progress, and termination of the American war. 4°. London, for the author, 1794. v. 1. face p. 377]. Barry county, Mich. Map of the counties of Eaton and Barry, Mich. Drawn by Geil & Jones. 1860. 46 x 54. Philadelphia, Geil, Harley & Siverd, 1860. Map of the counties of Eaton and Barry, Mich. Published by Geil, Harley & Siverd. col. 45 x 53. Philadelphia, Geil, Harley & Siverd, 1860. 136 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Basse-terre, Guadeloupe, W. I. Plan of the attack against Basseterre on the island of Guadaloupe, by a squadron of his majesty's ships of war, com- manded by commodore Moore on ye 22d of Jan. 1759 [etc.] Drawn on the spot by lieut. col. Eycaut of the marines. 12| x 18J. London, T. Jefferys, 1760. [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 97]. ■ — Plan of the town of Basse Terre, the capital of Guadaloupe, from authentic surve3^ 13 x 9. [In Jefferys (T.) The natural and civil history of the French dominion in N. & S. America, fol. London, 1760. pt. 2. opp. p. 107]. Plan of the town of Basse-terre, the capital of Guadaloupe, from an authentic survey. [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 96]. Baton Rouge, La. (Fort). Plan of Fort Baton Rouge. 6 x 11. [In Collot (Victor). Voyage dans I'Amerique Septentrionale. 4°. Paris, A. Bertrand, 1826. pi. 35]. Bayah.a. See Dauphin (Fort), Haiti. Beau-Bassin. See Chignecto bay, Nova Scotia. Beaufort, N. C. (Harbor). Beaufort harbor. North Carolina. Surveyed by order of the hon. J. K. Paulding, sec'y of the navy. Executed by lieuts. James Glynn [etc.] Drawn by H. C. Flagg. fold. 33 x 24. Washington, lith. of P. Haas, [1839]. [United States. Navy department. Bureau of navigation. Hydrographic office]. Same. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. [Washington, 1843]. no. 108]. Preliminary sketch of Beaufort harbor, North Carolina. From a trigo- nometrical survey under the direction of A. D. Bache. Hydrography by the party under the command of lieut J. N. Maffitt. 1851. 18 x 14. New York, D. McLellan, [1851]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. Beau Sejour (Fort), Canada. Fort Beau Sejour, and the adjacent country, taken possession of by col. Monckton in June, 1755. 13 x 23. [In Mante (Thomas). The history of the late war in North America. 4°. London, 1772. p. 17]. Beaver county, Penn. Map of Lawrence and Beaver counties. From actual sur- veys by N. S. Ames. 50 x 53. Philadelphia, W. J. Baker, 1860. Becouya. See Becuia, W. I. Bedford (Fort), Penn. Fort Bedford. [In Rocque (John, compiler). A set of plans and forts in America, reduced from actual surveys. 1763. [anon.] sm. 4°. obi. [London, J. Rocque, 1763]. no. 14]. Bedford county, Penn. Beers (F. W. ) County atlas of Bedford, Pa. 96 pp. incl. 34 maps. fol. New York, F. W. Beers & co. 1877. Bedloes island (formerly Kennedy's), N. Y. Plan of Governor's, Kennedy's and Brown's islands, with Paulus and Red Hook, together with part of the bay and soundings, shewing the position they bear to each other and to New York. [By John Montresor. anon.] ms. 39 x 33. [1766]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 137 Bee county, Tex. Map. 25 x 22. St. Louis, lith. by A. Gast & co. [1879]. [Texas. General land office] . Bering sea. Behring's sea and Arctic ocean from surveys in the U. S. North Pacific surveying expedition in 1855, commander John Rodgers, U. S. N., com- manding, and from Russian and EngUsh authorities. Compiled by E. R. Knorr. Drawn by Louis Waldecker. 35x33. [Washington, 1855]. [United States. Navy department. Hydrographic office] . Behring's sea and Arctic ocean. From surveys of the U. S. North Pacific surveying expedition in 1855, commander John Rodgers, U. S. N. com- manding, and from Russian and Enghsh authorities. Ed. of feb. 1887. Drawn by Louis Waldecker. 34x33. [Washington, 1887]. [United States. Navy department. Hydrographic office, no. 68]. Bering" strait. Carta del viaggio di Lorenzo Ferrere Maldonado nel 1588. 9 x 18^. [In Maldonado (L.F.) Yiaggio del mare Atlantico al Pacifico. 4°. Bologna, 1812]. Wrangel-land und iibersicht der entdeckungsgeschichte im Eismeer nordl. der Bering-strasse. 1648-1867. Yon A. Petermann. 10 x 12. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1869. [In Petermann (A.) Mittheilungen. 1869. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, [1869]. V. 15. pi. 2]. Ristretto della carte presentate all' Accademia della scienze di Parigi negli anni 1737 en 1752, dal sig. di Buache. Rappresenta la situazione delle secche, e bas si fondi fra' I'Affrica, e I'America. [etc.] 9J x llj. [In Carli (Dionigio) . Delle lettere Americane. [anon.] 12°. Cosmopoli, 1780]. Nouvelle carte des decouvertes faites par des vaisseux Russians aux cotes inconnues de I'xlmerique Septentrionale avec les pais adiacents. 1758. 17^ X 24i [In Muller (G. F.) Voyages et decouvertes faites par les Russes. 16°. Amsterdam, 1766. v. 2. at end]. A map of the discoveries made by the Russians on the north west coast of America. Published by the royal academy of sciences at St. Petersburg. London, republished by T. Jefferys. 18| x 24. [In Muller (G. F. ) Voyages from Asia to America. 4°. London, 1761]. Carte de la partie septentrionale et orientale de I'Asie, qui comprend la grande Tartaric, le Kamschatka et Jesso avec la mer Glaceale et ses cotes dressee en 1764. Par mr. • * * * 19 x 23. [InEngel(S.) Memoires et observations geographiques. Par mr. * * * [anon.] 4°. Lausanne, 1765]. Krenitzin's and Levasheff's voyage to the Fox islands in 1768 & 1769. 8 x 24. [In Coxe (William). Account of the Russian discoveries between Asia and America. 4°. London, 1803. p. 192]. A map of North and South America with part of Europe, Asia, and Africa. By the American traveller. 20 x 27. [In Cluny (Alexander). The American traveller. 4°. London, for E, & C. Dilly, 1769]. 138 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Bering" strait. A map of the new northern archipelago discovered by the Russians, etc. 8 X lOi [In Stsehlin Storksburg (J. von). An account of the new northern archi- pelago. 12°. London, 1774]. Carte reduite des parties septentrionales du globe, situees entre I'Asie et I'Amerique. Par m. Bellin. A. v. Krevelt sculp. 1777. 8 x 13. [In Histoire generale des voyages. 4°. Amsterdam, E. van Harrevelt, 1777. V. 22. p. 275]. Carte de la cote n. o. de I'Amerique et de la cote n. e. de I'Asie reconnues en 1778 et 1779. Par m. Bonne. 9 x 13. [In Atlas encyclopedique. 4°. Paris, hotel de Thou, 1788. map 131]. Note. — Encyclopedic methodique. [Map and adjoining coast, no title. 8^x15]. [In Neue nordische beytriige. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1783. v. 4. at end]. A chart of the northern Pacific ocean, containing the n. e. coast of America, explored in 1778 & 1779, by capt. Cook and further explored in 1788 & 1789, by John Meares. 17 x 23. [In Meares (John). Voyages made in 1788 and 1789. 4°. London, 1790]. Carte de 1' entree de Norton et du d^troit de Behring ou Ton voit le cap le plus oriental de I'Asie et la pointe la plus occidentale de I'Amerique. Par m. Bonne. 9 x 13. [In Atlas encyclopedique. 4°. Paris, hotel de Thou, 1788. map 130]. Note. — Encyclopedic methodique. A map comprehending Behrings strait, with the adjoining coasts of America. 7^x8. [In Treesler (John). The habitable world described. 8°. London, 1789. v. 5. p. 98]. Behrings strait. 6 x 5. [In Luff man (John). Select plans of the principal cities, harbours, ports, etc. in the world, sm. 4°. London, 1801. v. 2]. A chart of the strait between Asia and America. Drawn by A. Arrowsmith. 16 x 24. [In Sauer (M.) An account of a geographical and astronomical expedition to the northern parts of Russia. 4°. London, 1802.] Chart of the Russian and English discoveries in the north Pacific ocean. 12 X 20. [In Coxe (William). Account of the Russian discoveries between Asia and America. 4°. London, 1803. p. 17]. Siberia. 6^ x 9J. [In Coxe (William). Account of the Russian discoveries between Asia and America. 4°. London, 1803]. Chart of the Russian & English discoveries in the North Pacific ocean. 12 X 20. [London], T. Cadell & W. Davies, 1803. [In Burney (James). A chronological history of northeastern voyages of discovery. 8°. London, 1819]. Charte von der Behrings strasse nach Merkators projection. 1816. 15 x 15. [In Kotzebue (Otto von). Entdeckungsreise in des Siidsee und nach der Berings strasse. 8°. Wien, 1825.] LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 139 Bering strait. Map of the countries around the North Pole. 7x7. [In Barrington (D.) The possibility of approaching the North Pole asserted. 8°. New York, 1818. Chart of the north coast of Asia and of the sea to the north of Berings strait. 9x16. [In Burney (James). A chronological history of northeastern voyages of discovery. 8°. London, 1819. Chart of the discoveries in the Arctic sea, from Behring strait to Baflfin's bay. 1819 to 1854. 14 x 25. [In Belcher (sir E.) The last of the Artie voyages. 8°. London, 1855. v.l]. Map of the north-east part of Siberia to illustrate the narrative of the expe- dition to the Polar sea in 1820, 21, 22, & 23. Commanded by lieut. Fer- dinand von Wrangell. 15^ x 24. [In Wrangell (Ferdinand von). Narrative of the expedition to the Polar sea. 12°. London, 1844. at end]. Carte du detroit de Behring. 7J x 8. [In Nouvelles annales des voyages. Publiees par mm. J. B. Eyries et Malte- Brun. 8°. Paris, 1822. v. 13. p. 132]. Mappe-monde pour F intelligence du voyage autour du monde de la corvette Seniavine. 1826-1829. 14x18. [InLutke(F. ) Voyage autour du monde. 8°. Paris, 1835. v.l. at end]. Carte generale de la mer de Behring. 13 x 19. [In Lutke (F.) Voyage autour du monde. 8°. Paris, 1835. v. 3]. Chart of the North Polar sea. Admiralty office, 1835. 24 x 24. [InScoresby (W.) The Franklin expedition. 8°. London, 1850. Chart of the Arctic discoveries including those by capt. Rosse. 5^ x 9^. [In Williams (E.) Na,rrative of the recent voyage of capt. Rosse to the Arctic region. 16°. New York, 1835]. Chart of the Arctic shores of the American continent. From Baffin bay to Behring strait. From the Admiralty surveys corrected to feb. 1850. [In Shillinglaw (J. J.) A narrative of Arctic discovery. 12°. London, 1850]. Polar chart illustrating dr. P. C. Sutherland's account of capt. Penny's expe- dition and showing the chief physical features of the Arctic region, by A. Petermann. 10 x 10. [In Sutherland (P. C. ) Journal of a voyage in Baffin's bay. 1850-51. 12°. London, 1852. v.l]. Map of the countries round the North Pole. Prepared by lieut. R. S. Males- worth. 8i X 12. [In Simmonds (P. L. ) Sir John Franklin and the Arctic regions. 12°. Buffalo, 1852]. Chart illustrating lieut. Hooper's narrative, showing the country of the Tuski. 8^ X lOJ. [In Hooper' (W. H.) Ten months among the tents of the Tuski. 8°. London, 1853]. Behrings strait. 7 x 23, [In Miertsching ( J. A. ) Reise-tagebuch. 2teaufl. 8°. Gnadau, 1856. at end]. 140 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Bering strait. The straits of Seniavine, Behring's straits. By the U. S. ship Vin- cennes, lieut. John Rodgers, sept. 1855. Projected by E. R. Knorr, Reduced from engraving by C. Mahon. Views by Wm. Brenton Boggs. 18 X 22. Washington, S. Siebert's establishment, 1855. [United States. Navy department. North Pacific surveying expedition] . The Arctic shores of America and part of Asia; shewing the tracks and dis- coveries of h. m. s. Hecla & Griper. 8i x 25. [In Brown (John, f, r. g. s.) . The north west passage. 2d ed. 8°. Lon- don, 1860. at end]. A chart of the Arctic regions. Projected from Berghaus & Petermann, etc. 13J X 13J. [In Hayes (I. I.) An Arctic boat journey. 12°. Boston, I860]. Belknap county, N. H. Map of Belknap co. N. H. Compiled and drawn from surveys by E. M. Woodford, col. fold. 52 x 52. Philadelphia, Smith & Peavey, 1860. Bellaire, Zanesville and Cincinnati railway. Map showing the route and con- nections of the Bellaire, Zanesville and Cincinnati railway. Prepared by G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. fold. 22 x 26. New York. G. W. & C. B. Colton & CO. 1883. Bell county, Tex. [Map]. 23 x 27. St. Louis, lith. by A. Gast & co. [1879]. [Texas. General land office]. Bellefontaine cemetery, St. Louis, Mo. Bellefontaine cemetery, St. Louis, Mo. 1875. Published by Jno. McKittrick & co. col. 38 x 31. St. Louis, J. McKittrick & co. 1875. Belle Isle (Straits of). A chart of the straits of Bell isle with part of the coast of Newfoundland and Labradore. From actual surveys published by per- mission of the right hon. the lords commissioners of the admiralty and taken in 1766, by James Cook, and by Michael Lane in 1769. 24 x 43. London, Laurie & Whittle, 12 may, 1794. [In North American pilot. The first part of the North American pilot. A new ed. fol. London, R. Laurie & J. Whittle, 1806. no. 20]. Bellevue, N. Y. (Village of). Map of the villages of Bellevue, Niagara Falls and Elgin. T. D. Judah, civil engineer. 1854. 30 x 42. Buffalo, lith. of Compton & Gibson, [1854]. Bemis Heights, N. Y. Battle of Bemis' Heights, N. Y. [In Carrington (Henry B. ) Battle maps and charts of the American revo- lution. 8°. New York, 1881]. Plan of the encampment and position of the army under gen. Burgoyne at Brsemus heights and Hudson's river near Stillwater, sept. 20, with the position of the detachment, etc. in the action of the 7th oct. & the position of the army on the 8th oct. 1777. Drawn by W. C. Wilkinson, ms. [anon.] 13 J x 14. [1777?]. Same. Plan of the encampment and position of the army under gen. Bur- goyne at Br?emus Heights on Hudson river near Stillwater, sept. 20 with the position of the detachment etc. in the action of the 7th oct & the position of the army on the 8th oct. 1777. Drawn by W. C. Wilkinson. Engraved by Wm. Faden. London, W. Faden, feb. 1, 1780. [In Burgoyne (John) State of the expedition from Canada. 2d ed. 8°. London, for J. Almon, 1780. no. 3]. Same. [In Atlas of battles of the American revolution, fol. [London, 1770-1793]. no. 33]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 141 Bemis Heights, N. Y. Map of the battle ground on Bemis Heights 19th sept. & 7th oct. 1777, the British and American camps, inchiding a part of the surrounding country as it was at the time. By Charles Neilson. 13i x 16. Albany, lith. by J. H. Hall, [1844]. [In Neilson (Charles). An original, compiled and correct account of Bur- goyne's campaign. 12°. Albany, J. Munsell, 1844]. Bennington, Vermont. Battle of Bennington. [In Carrington (Henry B. ) Battle maps and (;liarts of the American revolu- tion. 8°. New York, 1881]. Position of the detachment under It. Baum & attacks of the enemy on the 16. aug. at Walmscock near Benington, 1777. [By] lieut. Durnford. ms. 12x15. [1777]. [Faden collection, no. 65]. Same. Position of the detachment under lieut. col. Baum at Walmscock, near Benington, shewing the attacks of the enemy on the 16 aug. 1777. Drawn by lieut. Durnford. Engraved by Wm. Faden. 1780. London, W. Faden, feb. 1, 1780. [In Burgoyne (John). State of the expedition from Canada. 2d ed. 8°. London, for J. Almon, 1780. no. 6]. Same. [In Atlas of battles of the American revolution, fol. London, 1770-1793. no. 30]. Bennington county, Vermont. ]Map of Bennington co. Vermont. From actual surveys by E. Rice & C. E. Harwood. 1856. col. fold. 41 x 55. New York, C. B. Peckham, 1856. Atlas of Bennington co. Vermont. From actual surveys by and under the direction of F. AV. Beers & others. 30 pp. 4 p. 1. incl. 23 pi. fol. New York, F. W. Beers & co. 1869. Bentonsville, N. C. Map of the battlefield of Bentonsville, N. C. may 19, 1865. Compiled by Edward Ruger. 8x9. Cincinnati, R. Clarke & co. [1875]. Note. — From Atlas [map no. 21] to "Van Home's History of the army of the Cumberland." Bequia, West Indies (Island of). Bequia or Becouya, the northermost of the Granadilles. New ed. [anon.] London, Laurie & Whittle, march 12, 1810. [In W^hittle (J.) & Laurie (R. H.) The West India atlas, fol. London, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 28]. Berbice. See Guiana (British). Bergen, N. J. A plan of Paulus Hook with the road to Bergen and parts adjacent in the province of New Jersey. Surveyed by I. Hills. 1781. ms. 23x23. [In his A collection of plans, etc. of the province of New Jersey, ms. fol. n. p. 1776-1782. no. 18]. Note. — Showing the works erected for the defence of Paulus Hook. See also Jersey City, N. J. Bergen county, N. J. Map of Bergen co. New Jersey; and a part of Rockland co. N. Y. Arranged, drawn & published by A. M. Clay. col. fold. 51x21. New York, A. M. Clay. 1874. . Walker (A. H.) Atlas of Bergen county, N. J. 167 pp. incl. 60 maps. fol. Reading, Pa., C.C. Pease, [1876]. 142 LIST OF MAPS OF AMEEICA. Berks county, Penn. Map. From actual surveys by L. Fagan. col. fold. 55 x 64. Philadelphia, H. F. Bridgens, 1860. Berkshire county, Mass. Map. Based upon the trigonometrical survey of the state. The details from actual surveys under the direction of Henry F. Walling, fold. 60x60. New York, H. F. Walling, 1858. Beers (F. W.) Coiuity atlas of Berkshire, Mass. 116 pp. incl. 60 maps. fol. Xew York, R. T. White & co. 1876. Bermuda. Mappa ^stivarum insularum alias Bermudas. A mapp of the Sommer islands. Abraham Goos, Amst. sculp. 16x21. [London], G. Humble, 1626. [In Speed (John). The theatre of the empire of Great Britaine. fol. Lon- don, G. Humble, 1631. pp. 41-42]. Note, — The engraved title-page has the date of publication, 1627, followed by a second title, "A prospect of the most famous parts of the world, 1631." Same. Mappa ^Esti varum insularum alias Bermudas dictarum [etc.] A mapp of the Sommer islands once called the Bermudas, lying at the mouth of the bay of Mexico in the latitude of 32 degr. 25 mi. distant from England, viz. from London, toward the west-south-west 3300 miles, and from Roa- noke in Virginia toward the east-south-east 500 miles exactlie surveyed. Abraham Goos, Amstelodamensis sculpsit. [anon.] 16x21. [London], Tho. Bassett & Ric. Chiswell, [1676]. * [American majis. v. 4. no. 37]. Note. — Showing the division of the island into eight tribes, with the names of the proprietors and their land located by numbers. Text in Latin and English. This survey of Norwood's was often reproduced, viz. by Hondius, Blaauw, Jansson, and a facs. of edition of 1626 is given in Leroy's Memo- rials, etc. of the Bermudas, v. 1. The above map is taken from John Speed's The theatre of the empire of Great Britaine, new ed. 1676. Mappa iEstivarum insularum alias Bermudas dictarum. 15 J x 20. Amstelo- dami, apud Henricum Hondium, [1633]. Note. — From Mercator and Hondius's Atlas novus, 1633. Mappa ^stivarum insularum alias Bermudas dictarum. 15^ x 20. Amste- lodami, apud loanniem lanssonium, [1653]. [In Jansson (Jan). Nuevo atlas, fol. Amsterdam, J. Jansson, 1653. v. 2]. Mappa ^sti varum insularum alias Bermudas dictarum [etc.] Amstelodami, Guiljelm Blaeuw excudit. 16 x 21. [In Blaauw (W. J.) and Blaauw (Jan). Le grand atlas, ou cosmographie Blaviane, contenant I'Amerique. fol. Amsterdam, J. Blaeu, 1667. v. 12. bet. pp. 99-100]. Mappa ^stivarvm insularum alias Bermvdas dictarum ad ostia Mexican! estury jacentium in latitudine graduum 32 minutorum 25. Ab Anglia, Londino scilicet versus Libonotum 3300 miliaribus Anglicanis, et a Roa- noack (qui locus est in Virginia) versus euronotum 500 mill, accurata descripta. 9J x 13^. [In Montanus (Arnoldus). De nieuwe en onbekende weereld. 4°. t' Am- sterdam, J. Meurs, 1671. l)et. pp. 170-171]. .Note. — Same map in Ogilby's America. 1671. The island of Bermudas [&] The island of Barbados. By John Thornton and Will. Fisher. 17 x 20^ [London, 1680?]. [American maps. v. 4. no. 33]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 143 Bermuda. jEsti varum insulie ao Barmudas. Lat. 32 d. 25. m. 3,300 miles from London, 500 from Roanoak in Virginia, by R. Morden. 4 x 5^. [In Morden (Robert). Geography rectified, sm. 4°. London, for R. Morden, 1700. p. 574]. A map of ye island of Bermudos, divided into its tribes, w'th the castles, forts &c. By H. M[oll. anon] 7x4. , [In Atlas geographus: or, a compleat system of geography, for America, sm. 4°. Savoy, E. Nutt, for J. Nicholson, 1717. v. 5. p. 694]. Bermudes, on iles de Sommer, dans 1' Amerique Septentrionale, avec le regis- tre des departemens de ce pays 'aux peuplades Angloises, donnees nou- vellement an public par Pierre Vander Aa. 11^ x 14. [In Galerie (La) agreable du monde. fol. Leide, P. Vander Aa, [1729?]. v. 4. Amerique. pi. 72]. The island of Bermudas divided into its tribes with the castles, forts, etc. By H. Moll. 8 x 10^. [London, 1736?]. Note. — From his "Atlas minor," 1736? A new & accurate map of Bermudas or Sommer' s islands. By Eman. Bo wen. 8J x 14. [In his A complete atlas, fol. London, for W. Innys, [etc.] 1752. no. 64]. Carte des isles Bermudes ou de Sommer. Tire de I'Anglois. 8 x 13. [In Bellin (Jacques Nicolas). Le petit atlas maritime [etc. ] fol. [Paris], 1764. V. 1. no- 48]. The Bermudas or Sonlmer's islands. From a survey by C. Lempriere. A new ed. considerably improved. London, Laurie & Whittle, Jan. 1810. [In Whittle (J.) and Laurie (R. H.) The West India atlas, fol. London, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 5]. Ocean Atlantique. lies Esparses. lies Bermudas d'apres les travaux les plus recents. Depot-general de la marine. 1852. 18 x 12. [In France. Depot general de la marine. Annales hydrographiques. 1852. 8°. Paris, P. Dupont, 1852. v. 7. p. 207]. Note. — Inset "Entree du mouillage de Murray. 1/54,400." Berrien county, Michig-an. Maps of the counties of Cass, Van Buren, and Berrien, Mich. From special surveys & official records by Geil t^ Jones, col. 64 x 41. Philadelphia, Geil, Harley & Siverd, 1860. Bessemer, Colo. See Pueblo, Colo. Bethlehem., N. H. Map of Bethlehem, N. H. Engraved expressly for "The AVhite mountain echo" by Struthers, Servoss & co. N. Y. fold. 7x9. [New York, 1883]. Beverly, Mass. Hopkins (G. M.) Atlas of the town of Beverly, Mass. 55 pp. inch 14 maps. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1880. Beverly, N. J. Map of Beverly, New Jersey, and surroundings including P^dge- water. From actual surveys by J. H. Phillips. 1874. col. 34 x 52. Philadelphia, E. W. Smith, 1874.' Bexar county, Texas. Map. 22 x 25. St. Louis, lith. by A. Gast & ct). [1879]. [Texas. General land office]. Big Bone liick, Boone county, Ky. Map of Big Bone Lick. I. ('ozzins delin. 10x7. [In Monthly (The) American journal of geology and natural science. 8°. Phila. 1831. v. 1. no. 4]. 144 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Big- Sandy creek, Lake Ontario. Map of the mouth of Big Sandy creek exhibit- ing the obstructions at its entrance, with a plan for their removal, by F. W. Maurice, cap'n. eng. corps. W. Harrison sc. 15 x 19. [Wash- ington, 1829]. [United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 39]. Billings, Montana. Bromley & Devine. Plat of the town of Billings and addi- tions, Custer CO. Montana territory. Rand, McNally & co. engravers, Chicago, col. fold. 34x36. [Billings, Bromley & Devine], 1882. Billing-sport, N. J. Plan and sections of the redoubt at Billingsfort and plan of the rebel fort marked yellow, ms. [anon.] 10x15. [1777]. Les marches du corps de lord Cornwallis de Billinsport jusqu'a Philadel- phia au mois de novembre 1777. ms. [By V. Wangenheim. anon.] 13x21. [1777]. [Faden collection, no. 8O2]. Bing-hampton, N. Y. (City of). Map. From special surveys & official records by A. G. Bardin. Under supervision of H. C. Merrick, col. fold. 55 x 57. Philadelphia, T. C. Van Arsdale & co. 1872. Hopkins (G. M. ) Atlas of the city of Binghampton, N. Y. title, index map. 19 pi. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1885. Birming-ham, Ala. Beers, Ellis & co. Atlas of the city of Birmingham and suburbs. 55 pp. incl. 16 sheets, fol. New York, Beers, Ellis & co. 1887-8. Black Hills, Dakota. The graphic map of the Black Hills gold region and the surrounding country in Dakota, Wyoming and Nebraska, exhibiting all the existing lines of communication and every topographical feature of interest to science and industry. Prepared from official reports and sur- veys. 1875. 19x29. New York, the Graphic company, [1875]. Kand, McNally & co.'s new map and guide to the Black Hills, shewing most direct railroad and wagon routes, and route of Custer's expedition [etc.] 32 pp. 1 map. 17 x 18^ fold. 18°. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1875]. Black Hills map, including Nebraska and part of Dakota, Wyoming, Colo- rado and Kansas. 16 x 30. Burlington, Iowa, D. N. Smith, 1876. Rand, McNally & co.'s map of the northern portion of the Black Hills. Compiled from actual survey and observations by Geo. Henckel. 1877. 23 X 27. fold. 18°. [Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. 1877]. Rand, McNally & co.'s map of the northern portion of the Black Hills. Compiled from actual survey and observation l)y Geo. Henckel. fold. 34 X 44. [Chicago], Rand, McNally & co. 1877. Map of the Black Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming with full descriptions of mineral resources, etc. By Samuel Scott. 1 p. 1. 140 pp. 1 fold, map. 12°. [Philadelphia, E. P. Nail & co.] 1897. Black Horse, N. J. Hills (John). Sketch of the road from Black Horse to Crosswick. By I. H. 1778. [anon.] ms. col. 18 x 24^. [1778]. Note. — Contains a "Sketch of Allen's town." LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 145 Black Horse, N. J. Sketch of the road from Black Horse to Crosswick. By I. Hills. June, 1778. ms. 19 x 21 J. [In his A collection of plans, etc. etc. etc. in the province of New Jersey, ms. fol. [1776-1782]. no. 7]. Hills (John) Sketch of the road from Penny Hill to Black Horse through Mount HoJy. 1778. By I. H. [anon.] ms. col. 19^x26^. [1778]. Note. — Contains a "Sketch of Haddon field." Same. Sketch of the roads from Penny Hill to Black Horse through Mount Holly. By I. Hills. June, 1778. ms. 19 x 26i [In his A collection of plans, etc. etc. etc. in the province of New Jersey, ms. fol. [1776-1782]. no. 6]. Bladensburg, Md. Sketch of the march of the British army under gen. Ross, from the 19th to the 29th aug. 1814. From a sketch hy D. Evans. 14 x 18. [n. p.] military depot, quarter mas'r. gen'l. office, horse guards, oct. 19, 1814. Note. — Contains a "Sketch of the engagement, aug. 24, 1814, between the British and American forces," around Bladensburg. The affair at Bladensburg, aug. 21, 1814. 6x7. [In Wilkinson (James). Diagrams and plans illustrative of the principal battles and military affairs treated of in Memoirs of my own times. 4°. Philadelphia, 1816. no. 17]. Blair county, Penn. Map. From special surveys by Geil & Freed, col. fold. 57 X 46. Philadelphia, authors, 1859. Blakely, Ala. Rebel lines of works at Blakely, captured ])y the army of west Miss, april 9, 1865. Position & approaches by the union forces. 39th cong. 1st sess. Report of the chief engineer, IT. S. A. no. 7. 10 x 15. Philadelphia, Bowen & co. lith. [1865]. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers]. Blanco county, Texas. Map of Blanco county. March, 1880. 17x25. St. Louis, lith. by A. Gast & co. [1880]. [Texas. General land office]. Block Island, R. I. Map of Block island. Drawn by J. C. Thompson. lU x 14. fold. 16°. [Providence, 1882]. Note. — Copyright by S. T. Livermore. Bluefields lagoon, Central America. A draught of Blewfield's lagoon on the Moskito shore, [&] A plan of Truxillo bay, called also St. Giles's bay, taken in the King's ship Nautilus in 1766. 9 x 7 & 7 x 9. [In Whittle (J.) and Laurie (R. H.) The West India atlas, fol. Lon- don, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 40]. Bocatoro. See Almirante (Bahias del). Bocca Chica, West Indies. A jilan of Bocca Chica. 1742. ms. [anon.] 15x20. [1742]. Note. — Showing the attack of the English. Bodie mining" district, Mono county, Cal. Map of Bodie mining district. Com- piled from latest authentic data, by Henry Phillips, and drawn by Wm. P. Humphreys. 20 x 33. San Francisco, Le Count bros. 1878. H. Doc. 516 10 146 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Bodie mining district, Mono county, Cal. Map of Bodie mining district, Mono CO. California. Surveyed and compiled by C. L. Anderson. Illustrated and published by Edward Eysen, 1880. 44 x 61. San Francisco, lith. M. Schmidt & co. for sale by Payot, Upham & co. [1880]. Map of the principal mines in Bodie mining CO. Cal. May, 1880. Compiled by H. F. Baker. 18 x 35. San Francisco, lith. Britton & Rey, [1880]. Bolivia, South America. Peru & Bolivia. By J. Arrowsmith. 19 x 23^. Lon- don, J. Arrowsmith, 1842. [In his The London atlas of universal geography, fol. London, J. Arrow- smith, [1842-1850]. no. 48]. Peru and Bolivia. Drawn & engraved by J. Dower. 13 x 16. [In Teesdale (Henry) & co. A new general atlas, fol. London, 1854. map 41]. Mapa; mandado publicar pr. el gobierno de la nacion en la administracion del presidente doctor Jos^ Maria Linares [etc. ] levantado y organisado en los anos de 1842 a 1859 por Juan Ondarza, Juan Mariano Mujia y Lucio Camacho. fold. 69 x 58. [n. p. 1859]. Skizze des litorals von Bolivia. Von H. Wagner. 9^ x 7^. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1876. [In Petermann (A.) Mittheilungen. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1876. v. 22. pi. 17]. To accompany a report to the governments of Bolivia and Brazil on the route to " Bolivia via the river Amazon " by George Earl Church. 1877. 19^ x 14. [In Church (George Earl). The route to Bolivia via the river Amazon. 8°. London, AVaterlow & sons, 1877. p. 132]. Carte de la Bolivie et des regions voisines d'apres les atlas de Stieler et Phihp, [etc.] 15 x 14i [In Bresson (A.) Bolivie. 8°. Paris, 1886]. Bonavista ( Port ) , Newfoundland. Cattalina harbor [&] Port Bonavista. [anon. ] eachl0xl2i [n. p. 1680?]. [American maps. v. 4. no. 13]. Bond county, 111. Atlas of Bond co. and the state of Illinois. 93 pp. inch 53 mai)s. fol. Chicago, Warner & Beers, 1875. Bonhamtown, N.J. Sutherland (A.) Sketch of Bonham town. Redoubts for its defence in the winter 1776-77. 7^ x 12. [In Hills (John). A collection of plans, etc. in the province of New Jer- sey, ms. fol. [1776-1782]. no. 2]. Boone county, 111. Illustrated atlas of Winnebago and Boone counties. 120 pp. 1 fold, map incl. 52 maps. fol. Chicago, H. R. Page & co. [1886]. Bordentown, N. J. JNIap of the residence & park grounds, near Bordentown, New Jersey, of the late Joseph Napoleon Bonaparte, ex-king of Spain, to ])e sold at auction, by Anthony J. Bleecker, on Friday, 25th June, 1847, at 1 o'clock p. m. on the premises. 26^ x 16f. New York, Miller's lith. [1847]. Bosque county, Tex. [Map]. 22x27. St. Louis, lith. by A. Gast & co. [1879]. [Texas. General land office]. Boston, Mass. A new mapp of New England from c&pe Codd to cape Sables (U'S('ri])eing all the sands, shoals, rocks and difhcultyes together with a sand draft of the Mattathusetts bay. Exactly surveyed by the author Tho. Pound. J. Harris sculp, col. 27x34. [London], P. Lea, [etc. 1692?]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 147 Boston, Mass. — Continued. Note. — This map is dedicated to Charles, earl of Macclesfield, who was appointed privy councillor and lord president of the marches o: Wales in feb. 1688-9. See also a short account of Pound in Charnock's Biographia navalis, V. 2, p. 401, & ** Notes and queries," 2d series, v. 12, p. 310, where his name is spelt Pond. Besides the seacoast of New England, this map gives ' ' Mattathusetts bay, ' ' with soundings and towns thereon, including Boston and suburbs. Carte de la ville, baie et environs de Baston, par Jean Baptiste Louis Fran- quehn, hydrographe du roy, 1693, verifiee par le sieur de la Motte, [dont r original appartient aux archives du depot de la marine, sous le no. pf. 135, division 6, piece 6]. 23i x 32. [In Pinart (Alphonse L. ) Kecueil de cartes, plans et vues relatifs aux Etats-Unis etau Canada [etc.] obi. fol. Paris, E. Dufosse, 1893. no. 4]. Bonner (John). Water front, with the wharves from Long Wharf to Wind- mill point and the names of the owners, etc. 11 ^ x 18. [In Massachusetts historical society. Proceedings, v. 7. 1863-64. 8°. Boston, 1864. p. 477]. The town of Boston in New England. By capt. John Bonner. 1722. llf x 8 J. Boston, F. Dearing, 1722. [Reprint]. [In Oilman (Arthur). The story of Boston. 12°. N. Y. 1889. opp. p. 187]. To his excellency William Burnet, esq. this plan of Boston in New England is humbly dedicated by his excellency's most obedient and humble serv- ant Will Burgiss. lOj X 14}. Boston, engraved by Thos. lohnson, [1728]. Note. — For description of this map see "Memorial history of Boston," V. 2, p. liii; also Shurtleff's Boston. Shurtleff calls this "evidently a corrected and improved copy" of John Bonner. Same. [In Shurtleff (N. B.) A topographical and historical description of Boston. 8°. Boston, 1871. bet. pp. 20-21]. Price (William). A new plan of ye great town of Boston in New England in America. With the many additionall buildings & new streets to the year 1743, 16^ x 23J. Boston, W. Price, 1743. Note. — A reissue of John Bonner's map of 1722. Grundriss von der stadt Boston. 8 J x 10. [In Allgemeine historic der reisen zu wasser und lande. 4°. Leipzig, Arkstee & Merkus, 1758. v. 16. p. 587]. Carta rappresentante il porto di Boston. G. M. Tierreni sc. 8^ x 7. [In Gazzettiere (II) Americano. 4°. Livorno, M. Coltellini, 1763. v. 1. p. 42]. Plan de la ville de Boston. 8^ x 6. [In Bellin (Jacques Nicolas). Le petit atlas maritime [etc.] fol. [Paris], 1764. V. 1. no. 31]. A view of part of the town of Boston in New England and the British ships of war landing their troops, 1768. Engraved, printed & sold by Paul Revere, Boston. 4J x 6|. [In Magazine (The) of American history. Edited by Martha J. Lamb. ' sm. 4°. New York, 1886. v. 15. p. 12]. Note.— To accompany an article by E. H. Goss on "Paul Revere." 148 • LIST OF MAPS OF AMEBIC A. Boston, Mass. A new plan of ye great town of Boston, New England in America; with the many additionall buildings & new streets, to the year 1769. By William Price. 17 x 24. Boston, W. Price, [1769]. Note. — Known as the Bonner map, 1769. [Map of Boston & harbour, ms. anon. 13 x lOf. 1775]. Note. — Title in pencil. [Map of roads adjacent to Boston, ms. anon. 45x21. 1775]. Note. — From the Neck to Sudbury and vicinity. [Plan of a temporary project for a star redoubt to contain 150 men, at the Neck on the south, ms. anon. 8 x 13. 1775]. A plan of the bay and harbour of Boston, surveyed agreeably to the orders and instructions of the right honorable the lord commissioners for trade and plantations. By messrs. Wheeler and Grant, ms. col. 23x22. [1775?]. [Plan of the ''Neck" and fortifications, col. ms. anon. 8x14. 1775], Note.— "Deliv"^. to H. E. G*. Gage, June 30'^ 1775.— J. M." i. e. John Montresor. [Plan of the ''Neck" and environs, giving distances in yards to Foster's hill and "Roxbury meeting." ms. anon. 10^x16^. 1775]. A plan of the town of Boston and its environs, with the lines, batteries and incampments of the British and American armies. [By lieut. Page. ms. anon. 18x25. 1775]. Note. — Drawn after the castle was "demolished," before Dorchester Heights were fortified. [Faden collection, no. 33]. [Rough draught of Boston and environs, ms. anon. 17x21. 1775]. Note.— Without title. [Faden collection, no. 36]. A chart of the coast of New England, from Beverly to Scituate harbour, including the ports of Boston and Salem. J. Lodge sculp. [anon.} 7i x 9^. [In London (The) magazine. 8°. London, for R. Baldwin, 1774. v. 43. April, 1774. opp. p. 165]. Note. — Inset plan of Boston. A new and accurate plan of the town of Boston in New P]nglanuO-iyu»)." LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. l7l Brazil, South. America. A chart of the sea coast of Brazil, from cape St. Augustine to the straights of Magellan & in the South sea, from the latitude of eight degrees, to the said straights. Made by John Seller. 17 x 21. [In his Atlas maritimus, or the sea atlas, fol. London, J. Darby, for the author, 1675. no. 48]. A new and accurate map of Brasil. Divided into its captainships. By Eman. Bowen. 14 x 17. [In his A complete atlas, fol. London, for W. Innys, [etc.] 1752. no. 52]. Kaart van de Aller-heiligen baay waar aan de hoofdstad legt van Brazil. 13^ X 16. [In Hedendaagsche historic of tegenwoordige staat van Amerika. [anon.] 8°. Te Amsterdam, Isaak Tirion, 1767. v. 2. p. 345]. Note. — Inset " Grondtekening van de stad San Salvadore." Bresil et pays des Amazones. ire_2»'e. feuille. Par m. Bonne. 2 sheets, each 9 x 14. [In Atlas encyclopedique. 4°. Paris, hotel de Thou, 1788. map 107-108. Encyclopedic methodique] . Brazil. 6x5. [In Luff man (John). Select plans of the principal cities, harbours, forts etc, in the world, sm. 4°. London, 1801. v. 2]. Map of Brasil. [Also] Sketch of the town and harbour of Rio Janeiro. R. Scott sc. 12 X 8. [In Scots (The) magazine. 1808. 8°. Edinburgh, for A. Constable & co. 1808. V. 70. p. 1]. Carte der neuen strasse von villa de St. Jose do Porto- Alegre nach Minas Novas welche im jahre 1816 durch die wiilder gebrahnt ward vom col. Bento Lourengo Yaz de Abreu e Lima. 10 x 14^. [In Maximilien (Prince). Voyage au Bresil. Atlas, fol. Paris, A. Ber- trand, 1822]. Geographical, statistical, and historical map of Brazil. Drawn by J. Finlay- son. 11 x 11. [In Complete (A) historical, chronological and geographical American atlas, fol. Philadelphia, H. C. Carey & I. Lea, 1822. no. 48]. Ostkiiste von Brasilien. Von Arrow-Smith. 2 maps. [In Maximilien (Prince). Voyage au Bresil. Atlas, fol. Paris, A. Ber- trand, 1822]. Karte von Ost-Brasilien. Carte geographique de la partie orientale de I'empire du Bresil. Par Guill. de Eschwege et Ch. Fr. Ph. de Martins. 4 sheets, each 19 x 18. [In Spix (J. B. von) and Martins (C. F. P. v.) Reise in Brasilien, 1817-20. fol. Miinchen, 1823-34. Atlas]. Karte der Brasilian" proving Minas Geraes aufgenommen auf befehl der provinzialregierung in den jahren 1836-1855 mit benutzung iilterer karten u. neuerer vermessungin u. beobachtungen, unter specieller leitung des civil-ingenieurs H. G. F. Halfeld entworfen u. gezeichnet von Friederich Wagner. 21 x 17. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1862. [In Petermann (A.) Mittheilungen. 4°. Gotha, 1865. v. 3. p. 42]. Bresil. Par Th. Dewotenay. 9 x 7i. [InUnivers (L'). 8°. Paris, F. Didot, 1839. v. 24]. 172 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Brazil, South America. Bresil. N. B. — Cette carte fait partie d'lm Atlas publie par Ch. Pi(;quet. 10 X 8. [In Say (Horace). Histoire cles relations commerciales entre la France et le Bresil. 8°. Paris, Guillaume, 1839. at end]. Brazil. By J. Arrowsmith. 18J x 23^. London, J. Arrowsmith, 1842. [In his London (The) atlas of universal geography, fol. London, J. Arrow- smith, 1842-[1850]. no. 49]. Chart of the coast of Brazil, from Maranham to the river Plate. J. Arrow- smith lith. 16^ X 43. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Reports from committees. African slave trade. 1850. v. 9]. Pilot chart of the coast of Brazil, by lieut. M. F. Maury. 1849. 2d ed. 1852. 30 X 26. New York, eng. by Sherman & Smith, 1852. [United States. Navy department. Bureau of navigation. Hydrographic office]. Brazil. Drawn & engraved by J. Dower. 16 x 13. > [In Teesdale (Henry) & co. A new general atlas, fol. London, [1854]. map 42] . Pilot chart of the coast of Brazil, by lieut. M. F. Maury. 1854. 2d ed. 1852. 30x25. [Washington, 1854]. [United States. Navy department. Bureau of navigation. Hydrographic office]. Blunt (E. & G. W.) The coast of Brazil, each 30 x 46. New York, E. & G. AV. Blunt, 1854-58. SUMMARY. Sheet 1. From lat. 0° 25' S. to lat. 8° 50' S. 1858. Sheet 2. From lat. 8° S. to lat. 20° 40' S. 1854. Sheet 3. From lat. 20° 10' S. to lat. 28° 10' S. 1854. Brazil and Paraguay. By Sidnev Hall. 20 x 16^. London, Longman & co. [1857]. [In Hall (Sidney). A new general atlas, fol. London, [1857]. no. 51]. Karte des Jacuhy thales mit den Deutschen colonien in der Siidbrasilian- ischen provinz Rio Grande do Sul. Aufgenommen 1859 von K. Stichs, Ober-lieut. Woldemar Schultz [etc.] 9 x 25. [In Gesellschaft fiir erdkunde zu Berlin. Zeitschrift. Neue folge. 8°. Berlin, 1860. v. 9. p. 256]. Karte der kiiste der Capitania de S. Paulo nach einer ms. karte der marine bibliothek zu Rio Janeiro [copirt von It. Woldemar Schulz]. 6 x 23. [In Gesellschaft fiir erdkunde zu Berlin. Zeitschrift. Neue folge. 8°. Berlin, 1860. v. 9. p. 336]. Stromkarte des Rio de Sao Francisco reducirt nach der aufnahme des inge- nieurs. Wilh. Ferd. Halfeld [mitgetheilt von It. Woldemar Schulz]. 10 X 24. [In Gesellschaft fiir erdkunde zu Berlin. Zeitschrift. 1861. Neue folge, 8°. Berlin, 1861. v. 10. pi. 2]. Die Deutschen colonien im urwald der Brasilianischen provinz Rio Grande do Sul und dr. R. Hensel's reiseroute iiber die Serra Ceral im jahre 1865. Gezeichnet von B. Hassenstein. 10 x 16^. [In Gesellschaft fiir erdkunde zu Berlin. Zeitsclirift. 1867. 8°. Berlin, 1867. v. 2. pi. 3]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 173 Brazil, South America. Mendes de Almeida (Candido). Atlas do imperio do Brazil. 36 pp. 24 maps. fol. Rio de Janeiro, instituto philomathico, 1868. Carta physica. Mostrandoos systhemas orographico e hydrographico d'esta regiao por F. J. M. Homemde Mello. col. 31 x 26. [n. p. 1875]. Carta do imperio do Brasil organizada pela commissao da carta geral gob a presidencia do general Henrique de Beaurepaire Rohan. 1875. 48 x 50. [n. p. 1875]. Map of the ^Madeira and Piinis, from an official Brazilian ms. map com- municated by G. E. Church. 22i x 20. [In Geographical (The) magazine. April, 1877. 8°. London, 1877. v. 4. p. 65]. See also Rio Grande do Sul. Breed's hill. See Bunker Hill. Brewerton (Fort), N. Y. Sketch of Fort Brewerton, at the ^vest end of Oneda lake. [In Rocque (John, compiler). A set of plans and forts in America, reduced from actual surveys. 1763. [anon.] sm. 4°. obi. [London, J. Rocque, 1763. no. 11]. Bridg-eport, Conn. Harbors of Black Rock and Bridgeport. Founded upon a trig- onometrical survey under the direction of F. R. Hassler. Hydrography by the party under the command of lieut. G. S. Blake. 18 x 14. [Wash, ington, 1848]. [United States. Treasury dejiartment. Coast survey]. Atlas of the city of Bridgeport, Conn. From actual surveys by and under the direction of H. G. Scofield. title, index map. 13 sheets. 5 pi. fol. New York, J. B. Beers & co. 1876. Official land map of the town of Bridgeport, Conn. Executed and pub- lished by H. G. Scofield and J. P. Bogart. 6 sheets, fol. New York- J. Bien, 1880. — Hopkins (G. M.) Atlas of the city and town of Bridgeport, Conn, title. 24 pi. 1 1. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1888. Atlas of the city of Bridgeport, Conn. From official records [etc.] by Roger H.Pidgeon[etc.] Ip. 1. 31 pi. fol. Philadelphia, D. L. Miller & co. 1896. Bridgewater, Canada. Battle of Bridgewater. View 1-4. 4 sheets each 10 x 6^. [In Wilkinson (James). Diagrams and plans illustrative of the principal battles and military affairs treated of in Memoirs of my own times. 4°. Philadelphia, 1816. no. 12-14A]. Bridgewater, Mass. Combined map of towns of Bridgewater, East Bridgewater and West Bridgewater, Plymouth co. Mass. From actual surveys by and under the direction of F. W. Beers, col. 16 x 43. New York, F. W. Beers & co. 1873. Brimston hill, Guadeloupe, West Indies. Plan de siege de Brimston hill. ms. [anon.] col. 14x20. [177-?]. Note. — French forces commanded by Bouille and Damas. Original ms. drawing. [Faden collection, no. 100]. Bristol county, Mass. Beers (F. W.) & others. Atlas of Bristol co. Mass. 50 pp. inch 32 maps. fol. New York, F. W. Beers c^ co. 1871. 174 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Bristol county, Mass. Everts &. Richards. New topographical atlas of surveys, Bristol CO. Mass. 181 pp.. inch 45 maps. fol. Philadeli>hia, Everts & Richards, 1895. ♦ British. America. See Canada. British. American tunnel, Colo. Locke (Brad. H.) Map of the British- American tminel. Gilpin & Clear Creek counties. Colorado, 1881. 26^x40. Bos- ton, Forbes co. [1881]. British Columbia. ^ Karte des San Juan- od. Haro-archipels. Nach den aufnahmen der Eng. admiralitiit unter Kellett, Richards & co. 1847, 1858, und 1859. Von A. Petermann. 10 x 7^. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1859. [In Petermann (A.) Mittheilungen. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1859. pi. 19. p. 532.] Karte von Britisch-Columbia [friiher New Caledonia] Vancouver i. und dem nordlichen theil von Washington territorium. A"on A. Petermann. 9| X 13i Gotha, J. Perthes, 1858. [In Petermann (A.) Mittheilungen. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1858. i>1.20]. • Karte eiiies theils von Britisch Columbia nach offiziellen quellen. Gez. von E. G. Ravenstein. London, 1859. 8 x 9J. [In Gesellschaft fiir erdkvmde zu Berlin. Zeitschrift. 1859, 8°. Berlin, 1859. Neuefolge. v. 6. pi. 7]. Map of a portion of British Columbia. Compiled from the surveys & explorations of the royal navy & royal engineers, at the camp near West- minster, nov. 24, 1859. John Arrowsmith, litho. 1860. 11 x 19^ [In Great Britain. Parliament. Accounts and papers. I860, v. 44]. The provinces of British Columbia, & Vancouver island. AVith portions of the United States & Hudson's bay territories. Compiled from original documents, by John Arrowsmith. 23 x 20|. London, J. Arrowsmith, 1859. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Accounts and papers. 1859. v. 22]. Reduced map of a portion of British Columbia. Compiled from the surveys & explorations of the royal navy & royal engineers at the camp near West- minster, nov. 24, 1859. John Arrowsmith, litho. 1861. 11 x 17. [In Great Britain. Pa:*liament. Accounts and papers. Colonies; 1862. V.36]. Sketch showing the different routes of communication with the gold region on Frazer river; chiefly compiled from the routes of A. C. Anderson & mr. McKay. J. Arrowsmith litho. 15 x 19J. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Accounts and papers. Colonies. 1859. V.17]. British Columbia. Reduced copy of the map referred to in the despatch of gov. Douglas, dated 16 July, 1861. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Accounts and i)apers. Colonies. 1862. v.36]. Reduced sketch oi i)art of British Columbia, by P. H. Nind. To accompany despatch no. 33. 2 may, 1861. John Arrowsmith, litho. 12 x 14J. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Accounts and papers. Colonies. 1862. v.36]. iFor >i list of nmp.s of British Columbia, .see luy paper entitled "Alaska and the northwest part of North America. ir)88-1898." LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 175 British. Columbia. British Colum])ia. Coast lines from admiralty charts, interior from explorations by royal engineers and others up to 1862. North of Frazer river from mr. Arrowsmith, east of Columbia river from capt. Pal- liser. Prepared under the direction of capt. Parsons, at the office of lands and works, New Westminster, aug. 1862, by order of col, R. C. Moody. Reduced & drawn by J. Conroy. 15 x 18i. [n. p. 1862]. Xarte des San Juan- od. Haro-archipels mit den neuen grenze nach der sc'hiedsriohterlichen entscheidung des Deutschen kaisers am 21. okt. 1872. Von A. Petermann. 9| x 7i Gotha, J. Perthes, 1873. [In Petermann (A.) Mittheilungen. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1873. v. 19. pi. 4]. North America, west coast. Queen Charlotte islands and adjacent coasts of British Columbia. 18| x 25*. London, admiralty, 1880. Corrected 1881. [Great Britain. Admiralty. Hydrographic office. Charts, no. 2430]. Sketch map of the southern portion of British Columbia indicating chief means of communication, llf x 16. Gotfred Jorgensen, draughtsman. [In Beanlands (Rev. Arthur). British Columbia, [anon.] 8°. Victoria, 1^93. front.] Map of the province of British Columbia. Compiled by direction of the hon. G. B. Martin. Compiled and drawn in the department of lands and works by Gotfred Jorgensen. 45j x 52. Montreal, Sabiston lith. & pub. co. [1895]. See also Canada. Britisli Guiana. See Guiana. Brooke county, "W. Va. Beers (F. W. ) Map of the "Pan handle" embracing counties of Hancock, Brooke, Ohio and Marshall, West Virginia, col. mounted. 65 x 33. [New York], F. W. Beers & co. 1871. Brookfield, Mass. Craig (George A.) Atlas of Brookfield, West Brookfield and No. Brookfield towns, Mass. 83 pp. inch 12 maps. fol. Boston, G. H. Walker tSc co. 1885. Brookliaven, N. Y. Wendelken & co. Atlas of the towns of Babylon, Islip, and south part of Brookhaven, in Suffolk co., N. Y. 2 p. 1. 17 sheets, fol. New Y^ork, Wendelken & co. 1888. Brookline, Mass. Hopkins (G. M.) & co. Atlas of the town of Brookline, Mass. 61 pp. inch 15 maps. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1874. Hopkins (G. M. ) Atlas of the town of Brookline, Mass. title, index map. 20 pi. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1884. Brooklyn, N. Y. [Old map of Brooklyn and greater part of King's county, Long Island], ms. 14} x 9. [177-?]. Plan of Brooklyn and Williamsburg. [Inset Smith (J. Calvin). Map of Long Island. New York, J. H. Colton c^co. 1837]. ■ Iligginson (J. H.) New map of Brooklyn, Williamsburg, Bushwick, & (Treen Point as united in one citv nov. 1853. 23 x 33. New York, J. H. 176 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Brooklyn, N. Y. Map of the city of Brooklyn as consolidated by an act of the legislature of the state of New York. Including Brooklyn, Williamsburg, Green Point & Bushwick. Published by J. H. Colton. 37 x 50. New York, J. H. Colton & co. 1855. Plan. By William Perris. col. 60x80. [Brooklyn], 1855. Note. — Showing the ancient farm boundaries, etc. New map as consolidated by an act of the legislature of the state of New York. 30x37. New York, J. H. Higginson, 1858. Map of the consolidated city of Brooklyn. For Bishop's manual of the cor- poration. 18 x 23. New York, A. Brown & co. 1861. Johnson (A. J.) New York and Brooklyn. 23 x 17. [New York, Johnson & Ward, 1866]. Daily Argus map of Brooklyn and environs, 1874. col. 23 x 33. [New York, G. AVatson, 1874]. Farm line map. From official records and surveys compiled and drawn by Henry Fulton, col. 56 x 84. New York, J. B. Beers & co. 1874. Map of Kings county including the city of Brooklyn. 25J x 46. New York, J. B. Beers & co. 1875. Map of Kings county showing the avenues, streets, basins, bulkhead lines, railways, etc., of the county towns [as laid out by the town survey commission] in connection with those of Brooklyn. col. 25 x 30^. Brooklyn, McElroy, son & Brown, 1875. Map of the Brooklyn water front. Published by Van Hoesen & bro. col. 20 X 38. New York, Van Hoesen & bro. [1875]. Watson's new map of Brooklyn. 34 x 26. New York, G. Watson, 1876. Watson's new map of Brooklyn including Kings co. From the latest official surveys. 32 x 29. New York, G. Watson, 1876. Watson's new map of New York and adjacent cities. 56 x 37. New York, G. AVatson, 1876. Watson's new map of New York, Brooklyn, Jersey City, etc. col. 27 x 37. New York, G. Watson, 1876. Map of the city of Brooklyn and village of Williamsburg, showing the size of blocks and width of streets, [etc.] Compiled by Richard Butt. 1846. col. 46 X 31. New York, B. S. Demarest, [1877]. Hopkins ( G. M. ) Detailed estate and old farm line atlas of the city of Brook- lyn. 6 V. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1880. Bradley's map of the Brooklyn water front for masters and pilots, col. 6J X 26. New York, D. L. Bradley [1881]. Bradley's map of the water front of New York, Brooklyn and Jersey City. Rev. and published annually, col. 21 x 31. New York, D. L. Bradley, [1882]. Note. — Printed on both sides. Robinson (Elisha) and Pidgeon (R. H.) Robinson's atlas of the city of Brooklyn, N. Y. 1 p. 1. map. 40 pi. fol. New York, E. Robinson, 1886. Hobbs (C. W. ) New guide mai> and street directory of Brooklyn, [anon.] title. 30 pp. 1 sheet. 16 x 17. fold. 18°. [Brooklyn, 1887]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMEBIC A. 177 Brooklyn, N. Y. Robinson (Elisha). Certified copies of important maps of wards 8, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25, city of Brooklyn, filed in the office of reo:ister. Kings CO., N. Y. 2 p. 1. 42 pi. fol. New York, E. Robinson, 1889. Brooks harbor, Alaska. Sketch of port Etches, situated 5 leagues nne of cape Hinchingbrook; together with a sketch of Brooks harbour, by Nathaniel Portlock, 1787. 8 x 11. London, 1787. Note. — From Portlock' s A voyage round the world, p. 226. Broome county, N. Y. Map of Broome county. New York. From actual surveys by Franklin Gifford and Emile Wenig. 38 x 60. Philadelphia, A. O. Gallup &co. [1855]. Brown county, S. Dak. Poore & Church. Brown county, Dakota. Scale 13 miles to 1 inch. 13 J x 20 J. [St. Paul], St. Paul eng.'co. [1882]. Brown's island. See Ellis's island, New York. Brunswick. See New Brunswick, N. J. Bryn Mawr, Penn. Hopkins (G. M.) Atlas of Bryn Mawr and vicinity or of properties along the Pennsylvania r. r, title, index and fold. map. 27 pi. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1881. Bucks county, Penn. Map of Bucks co., Pennsylvania. From surveys under the direction of W. E. Morris. • 53 x 36. Philadelphia, R. P. Smith, [1850]. Buena Vista, Mexico. Frazer (Hiram) and Hanner (William). Ever memorable battle of Buena Vista, fought on 22d & 23d feb. 1847, between gen. Tay- lor & Santa Anna, [anon.] 19x24. Cincinnatti, Klauprech & Men- zel's lith. CO. [1847]. Plan of the battle ot Buena-Vista, fought, feb. 22, & 23, 1847. Surveyed by capt. Linnard and lieuts. Pope & Franklin. Drawn by capt. T. B. Linnard. 8 X 10. New Orleans, Fishbourne's lithog. [1847]. A key to the battle of Buena Vista, [anon.] 8 x 20. [n. p. 1847]. Buenos Ayres (City of). Piano topografico de la ciudad de Buenos Aires y de todo su municipio; incluyendo parte de los partidos de Belgrano, San Jose de Flores y Barracas al sur construido y dibujado por Carlos Glade. Gravado por Julio Vigier, 1867. 41 x 60. [Buenos Aires, 1867]. [Buenos Ayres. Departamento topografico] . (Province of). Registro gr^fico de las propiedades rurales de la provincia de Buenos Ayres. 1864. 53x72. [Buenos Aires, 1864]. [Buenos Ayres. Departamento topogrdfico]. See also Argentine republic. Buffalo, N. Y. Map of the country embracing the several routes examined with a view to a national road from Washington to Buffalo. 16 x 35. [In United States. Congress. House of representatives. Road from Wash- ington to Buffalo. 8°. Washington, 1827]. Note. — Through Maryland, Pennsylvania and New York. Buffalo, from Lake Erie. . . Pain*^. by W. J. Bennett from a sketch by J. W. Hill. Engraved by W. J. Bennett. 19 x 25^. New York, J. Megarey, [1836]. Projects for an outer harbor for Buffalo, N. Y. to accompany the report of the board of engineers dated may 21, 1845. 15 x 26. Philadelphia, P. S. Duval's press, [1845]. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers] . H. Doc. 516 12 178 LIST OF MAPS OF AMEBIC A. Buffalo, N. Y. New subdivision map. Shewing all the canal and harbor improve- ments, buildings, etc. From an actual survey by P. Emslie & T. H. Kirk, col. 45 X 42. Buffalo, Jewett, Thomas & co. 1850. Chart of Buffalo harbor and head of Niagara river with the outlet of lake Erie. Compiled from the surveys of capt. AY. G. Williams with recent corrections and additions by capt. J. C. AVoodruff. 1856. 22 x 20. [Washington, 1857]. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers. Lake survey, 1857], Buell's miniature & distance map embracing the whole territory of the city of Buffalo as authorized under the acts of 1853 & 1856. Drawn by G. vom Berge. col. 34 x 24. [Buffalo], J. S. Buell, 1857. Map. Showing all the territory including the upper and lower villages of Black Rock, Cold Springs, etc. Surveyed and drawn by G. vom Berge. col. 100 X 62. Buffalo, Buell, Moore & Quackenboss, 1856. Whitetield (E.) Whitefield's new map of Buffalo, N. Y. 5^x7. [Buffalo, 1865]. The Buffalo courier's new map of the city of Buffalo, showing the boundaries of the new city park. 16J x 23. Buffalo, Warren, Johnson & co. [1869]. Reese & Kaye' s new map of the city of Buffalo, showing location of new wards and park. col. 16 x 23. Buffalo, Clay, Cosack & co. [1871]. Hopkins (G. M. ) & co. Atlas of the city of Buffalo, Erie co. N. Y. 105 pp. inch 30 maps. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins & co. 1872. Topographical and revised geographical map of the city of Buffalo, N, Y. embracing the entire territory within the city limits. Ordered in the common council and executed under the supervision of G. E. Mann. 1874. 80 x 125. New York, Am. photo-lithographic co. [Osborne's process], 1874. Hammond (Frank). Guide map of the city of Buffalo. 5jx8f. [Buffalo], Buffalo photo, eng. co. [1877]. Wm. P. Northrup & co. 's map of the city of Buffalo. 9 x 5i Buffalo, W. P. Northrup&co. [1880]. Worthington & Still. Map of the district south of Buffalo river between South channel & Peck slip. 16^ x 41. Buffalo, Worthington & Still, dec. 1, 1880. Map of Buffalo N. Y. showing the entire city as it is. Drawn under the supervision of Jas. D. Hawks, civil engineer, by W. C. Pickup, col. 20J x 31i Buffalo, A. J. Hawks, 1881. Hopkins (G. M.) Atlas of the city of Buffalo, N. Y". title, index map. 35 pi. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1884. Hopkins (G. M. ) Atlas of the city of Buffalo, N. Y. title. 38 maps. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1891. Hopkins (G. M.) Atlas of the vicinities of the cities of Niagara Falls, North Tonawanda and Buffalo, N. Y^. 2p. 1. index map. 33 pi. fol. Phila- delphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1893. Bull Run, Va. Battlefield of Manassas Plains or Bull Run. July 21, 1861. [In Bechler (Gustavus R.) Atlas showing battles, engagements, and impor- tant localities connected with the campaigns in Virginia, obi. 12°. Phil- adelphia, [1864]. pi. 3]. p LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. l79 Bull Run, Va. Corbett (V. P.) Map of the seat of war showing the battles of July 18th & 21st, 1861. 18 J x 20. Washington, V. P. Corbett, [1861]. Corbett (V. P.) ]\Iap of the seat of war, showing the battles of July 18th, 21st, & oct. 21st, 1861. 21^ x 25. Washington, V. P. Corbett, [1861]. ■ (Second ])attle of) . Plan of the battle of Groveton near Bull Run fought on the 30th aug. 1862. Gen. Pope's campaign. [In Bechler (Gustavus R. ) Atlas showing battles, engagements, and impor- tant localities connected with the campaigns in Virginia, obi. 12°. Philadelphia, [1864]. pi. 12]. Bulls bay, Newfoundland. Harbor Grace [&] Bay Bulls, [anon.] each 9 J x 13. [n. p. 1680?]. [American maps. v. 4. no. 14]. Bulls bay, S. C. Bull's bay coast of South Carolina. Reconnoissance by the party under the command of lieut. J. N. Maffitt, 1849. 2d ed. 9 x 8^ [Washington, 1851]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey] . Bunkers hill, N. Y. Bunker's hill on N. York island. [View], ms. 7 x 20. [177-?]. Note. — On the reverse side is the name of Montresor. Bunker hill, Charlestown, Mass. The battle of Breeds hill or Bunker hill. [In Carrington (Henry B.) Battle maps and charts of the American revo- lution. 8°. New York, 1881]. Centennial map of the city of Charlestown, 1875. A complete guide to strangers, representing Charlestown as it is today, in combination with a plan of the battle of Bunker hill. Drawn by James E. Stone. 25 x 27. Boston, L. Prang & co. [1875]. A correct view of the late battle of Charlestown, June 17, 1775. Aitken sculp, [anon.] 7 x 10. [n. p. 1775?]. Note. — A separate copy taken from Pennsylvania magazine for June, 1775. An exact view of the late battle at Charlestown, June 17, 1775. B: Romans in ?ere incedit. 8| x llj. [In Frothingham (Richard). The centennial: battle of Bunker Hill. 16°. Boston, 1875]. Major gen. Howe's encampment on Bunker's Hill at Charles T. June 1775. ms. [anon.] 8 x 12. [1775]. [Map]. 6x7i [In Ellis (George E.) Sketches of Bunker Hill battle, [anon.] 16°. Charlestown, 1843]. [Map]. 5x7. [In Ellis (George E.) History of the battle of Bunker's [Breed's] Hill on June 17, 1775. 8°. Boston, Lockwood, Brooks & co. 1875. front.] [Plan of attack before Charlestown. ms. [anon.] 11x17. 1775]. Note. — Numbered in pencil, 35. Sketch in ink. Plan of Charlestown, with the intrenchments and encampment of his majesty's troops, after the action of the 17 June 1775. ms. [anon.] 2 copies. 14 X 17 & 13 X 20. [1775]. Note. — One copy has no title. [Faden collection, no. 27-28]. 180 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Bunker Mil, Charlestown, Mass. A plan of the action at Bunkers hill, June 17, 1775, between his majesty's troops, under the command of major general Howe, and the rebel forces. By lieut. Page of the engineers. N. B. The ground plan is from an actual survey by capt. Montresor. Engraved for Frothingham's history. 20 x 14. Boston, O. Petton & W. E. Goldsmith, [1851]. Note. — This map is found in "History of the siege of Boston etc 2d ed. By Richard Frothingham, jr," with an account of the battle on page 196. A plan of the action at Breeds hill, on the 17th of June 1775. Between the American forces, and the British troops. D. Martin sculp, [anon.] 8x9. [In Smith (Charles, of N. Y. d. 1810.) The monthly military repository. 8°. New York, for the author, 1796. v. 1. pi. 1. opp. p.9]. Plan of the action which happened 17 June 1775, at Charlestown, N. America. ms. [By lieut. Page, anon.] col. 9x15. [1775]. Note. — Rough draft in water color drawn after the battle before the new works were erected by the English. [Faden collection, no. 25]. A plan of the action at Bunker hill on the 17th of June, 1775, between his majesty's troops, under the command of major gen. Howe, and the rebel forces, by lieut. Page. N. B. The ground plan is from an actual survey by capt. Montresor. ms. 19 x 17. [1775]. Note. — The plate of this map was used by Stedman in 1794, for his history,, with the names of the engineer and surveyor suppressed, and with a few verbal alterations. [Faden collection, no. 26]. A plan of the action at Bunkers hill on the 17th of June, 1775, between his majesty's troops under the command of major general Howe, and the American forces: engraved for Stedman' s History of the American war. [By lieut. Page, anon. ] Published by the author, april 12, 1793. 16^ x 19. [In Stedman (C.) The history of the origin, progress, and termination of the American war. 4°. London, for the author, 1794. v. 1. opp. p. 127]. Note. — Bunker hill is called Breeds hill. By lieut. Page. 16= A plan of the action at Bunker Hill, 17 June, 1775. [etc.] Engraved for Frothingham's history. 19 x 17. [In Frothingham (Richard). The centennial battle of Bunker Hill Boston, 1875]. A plan of the action at Bunker's Hill, on the 17th of June 1775. Engraved for Stedman's History of the American war. [By John Montersor, anon.} {London], author, april 12, 1793. [In Atlas of battles of the American revolution, fol. [London, 1770-1793]. no. 1]. [Plan of the battle of Bunker hill. Scale of 300 yards, nis. [anon.] 19x23. 1775]. Note. — Title in pencil. Plan of the heights of Charlestown, etc. De( lieut. r. w. f. Boston, dec. 13, 1775. anon.] [Faden collection, no. 29]. Plan of the town of Boston with the attack on Bunkers hill in the iHjninsula of Charlestown 17 June 1775. 5} x llj. [In Murray (John). An impartial history of the present war in America. S°. Newcastle upon Tyne, for T. Robson, [1778-80]. opp. p. 431]. 13, 1775. ms. [By R. W. col. 9 x 14. Boston, 1775. I LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 181 Bunker liill, Cliarlestown, Mass. Plan of the town of Boston with the attack on Bunkers hill in the peninsula of Charlestown, the 17th of June 1775. 11^ X 5^. Reissued. Printed for T. Robson, Newcastle upon Tyne. [In Pulsifer (David) . An account of the battle of Bunker Hill. 18°. Bos- ton, A. Williams & co. 1872. front.] Plan of the town of Boston with the attack on Bunkers-Hill in the peninsula of Charlestown the 17th of June 1775. 14 x 17J. [In Wheildon (W. W.) New history of the battle of Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775. 8°. Boston, 1875. at end]. Sketch of Bunker Hill battle. By S. Swett. Annin & Smith sc. 12 x 18i. [InSwett(S.) History of Bunker Hill battle. 2d ed. 8°. Boston, Mun- roe & Frances, 1826]. Sketch of the action between the British forces and American provincials, on the heights of the peninsula of Charlestown, the 17th June, 1775. [By] lohn Humfrey. 1775. ms. col. 14 x 12. [1775]. Note. — Drawn before the English camp was established on Bunker's Hill. It gives precise exhibition of the places of different regiments. [Faden collection, no. 30]. Sketch of the action on the heights of Charlestown, June 17, 1775, between his majesty's troops under the command of major gen. Howe, and a large body of American rebels. Copied by I. A. Chapman from the original sketch, taken by Henry De Berniere. 13^ x 20. [In Analetic magazine. 1818. 8°. Philadelphia, 1818. v. 12. p. 150]. Note. — Another copy in separate form. Sketch of the action on the heights of Charlestown, 17 June, 1775, between his majesty's troops under the command of genl. Howe and a large body of American rebels. Drawn by Hen'y De Bernier, 10th regt. infy. 12 x 19i. [In Port folio (The). 4th series. March, 1818. 8°. Philadelphia, H. Hall, 1818. V. 19. p. 184]. View of the attack on Bunker's Hill, with the burning of Charles Town, June 17, 1775. 4^ X 8. [In Cockings (George). The American war, a poem, [anon.] 8^ Lon- don, by W. Bichardson, for the author, 1781]. [View of the attack on Bunker's Hill.] 4x5. [In Coolidge (George A.) Brochure of Bunker Hill. obi. 16°. Boston, 1875]. Note.— Plate from Cockings's "The American war. 1781." View of Bunker's Hill. From a drawing in possession of the rev. mr. Elder- ton. 4^^ X 6f. [In Gentlemen's (The) magazine. 1790. 8°. London, 1790. v. 60. pt. 1. p. 140]. Bureau county, 111. Map of Bureau county, 111. with sketches of its early settle- ment. By N. Matson. 88 pp. 8 pi. 26 sheets, sm. 4°. Chicago, G. H. Fergus, 1867. Warner & Beers. Atlas of Bureau co. and the state of Illinois. 93 pp. inch 70 maps. fol. Chicago, Warner & Beers, 1875. Burlington, N. J. Map of the road taken by the British troops from New Bridge to Burlington, [anon, ms.] 12x18. [1776]. 182 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Burlington, N. J. A plan of the island of Burlington, and a view of the city from the river Delaware. Designed & published by W. Birch, enamel painter & sold at M. Carey's. . . 16 x 20. Philadelphia, 1797. Map of the city of Burlington and vicinity. From actual surveys by Harry C.Woolman. col. 48x57. Burlington, H. C. Woolman, [1875]. Burlington county, N. J. Map, From original surveys by J. \V. Otley & R. Whiteford. 34 x 67. Philadelphia, Smith & Wistar, 1849. New map. From actual surveys & official records. By Wm. Parry, Geo. Sykes, F. W. Earl. col. 55x48. [Philadelphia], R. K. Kuhn.& J. D. Janney, 1858. Burlington and Missouri river r. r. Map of the state of Nebraska. Showing the lands of the Burlington & Missouri riv. r. r. co. in Nebraska. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton, 1876. Correct map of the Burlington and Missouri river r. r. The Burlington route and its connections, col. 17 x 37. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1882]. Burrells ferry, James river, Va. The landing at Burrell's april 17th, 1781. 7x9. [In Simcoe (J. C. ) A journal of the operations of the queens rangers. 4°. Exeter, [1787]. p. 132]. Bushy Run, Westmoreland county, Penn. Plan of the battle near Bushy-Run, gained by col. Bouquet, over the Delawares, Shawanese, Mingoes, Wyan- dotts, Mohikons, Miamies, & Ottawas, on the 5th and 6th of aug. 1763. Surveyed by Thos. Hutchins. [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 53]. Note. — A copy of this map also in "Smith's Relation historique de 1' expe- dition contre les Indiens de I'Ohio en 1764." Butler county, Ohio. Map of Butler co. Ohio. By John Crane, col. 47 x 59. Hamilton, J. Crane, 1855. Butler county, Penn. Hopkins (G. M.) & co. Combination atlas of the county of Butler and the state of Pennsylvania. Ill pp. 1 1. inch 33 maps. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins & co. 1874. See also Clintonville district, Penn., and Third Sand oil belt, Penn. Butte City, Mont. Baker & Harper. Map of the mines in the vicinity of Butte City, M. t. 15 X 21. [Butte City, 1881]. Note. — From the Holiday inter mountain, jan. 1, 1882. Butte county, Cal. Official map of the county of Butte, California. Carefully compiled from actual surveys, 1877. Published by James McGann. 62 x 56. San Francisco, lith. Britton, Rey & co. [1877]. Butte la B-ose (Fort), La. Approaches to fort Butte la Rose, Louisiana. Captured by the U. S. fleet, co-operating with the forces under the command of major gen. N. P. Banks, april 20, 1863. Surveyed by J. G. Ottmans, act- ing under orders of major gen. N. P. Banks. 13 x 16. [Washington, 1863]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. Buzzards bay, Mass. Buzzard's bay and part of Martha's Vineyard. 19 x 24. New York, E. &. G. Blunt, 1857. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 183 Buzzards Bay, Mass. Eldridge's chart no, 10. Buzzard's bay, from the United States coast and George Eldridge's surveys. 30 x 36. Boston, Thaxter & son, 1874. Cabot, Vt. Plan of the town of Cabot, Vermont, ms. [anon.] 10x8. [1786?]. Cairo and Fulton railroad. Map showing the line of the Cairo and Fulton rail- road and its connections. 24 x 22. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton &C0. [1871]. Caldwell county, Tex. Map of Caldwell county, Texas. 16 x 19. St. Louis, lith. by A. Gast, [1880]. [Texas. General land office]. Caledonia county, Vt. Map of Caledonia co. Vermont. From actual surveys under the direction of H. F. Walling, 1858. 54 x 54. New York, Baker & Tilden, 1858. County atlas of Caledonia, Vt. From actual surveys by and under the direction of F. W. Beers. 99 pp. incl. 34 maps. fol. New York, F. W. Beers & co. 1875. Calhoun county, Mich. Map of Calhoun co. Michigan. From actual surveys & county records by Bechler & Wenig. 56 x 54. Philadelphia, Giel, Harley & Siverd, 1858. Beers (F. W.) Atlas of Calhoun co. Mich. 91 pp. incl. 39 maps. fol. New York, F. W. Beers & co. 1873. Calibog-ue sound, S. C. A plan of the river and sound of Dawfoskee in South Carolina. Survey' d by captain John Gascoigne. 18 x 25i. London, Laurie & Whittle, 12 may, 1794. [In North American pilot. A new ed. much enlarged of the second part of ^ the North American pilot, fol. London, R. Laurie & J. Whittle, 1800. no. 17]. I California. Carta de los reconocimientos hechos en 1602, por el capitan Sebastian Vizcayno formada por los pianos que hizo el mismo durante su comision. .14 X 14. [In Alcala Galiano (D.) Kelacion del viage en el afio de 1792. fol. ]Mad- rid, 1802. cartas no. 4.] Granata Nova et California. 9 x 11. [In Wytfiiet (Cornelius) and others. Histoire universelle des Indes. fol. Douay, F. Fabri, 1605. opp. p. 113]. Americse descrip. 6 x 7f . [In Gage (Thomas) . A new survey of the West Indes. 2d ed. fol. Lon- don, J. Sweeting, 1655. front.] Note. — On this map Lower California is represented in its correct geograph- ical bearing as a peninsula. Passage by land to California discover' d by father Eusebius Francis Kino, between the years 1698 & 1701, containing likewise the new missions of the Jesuits. 9x8 inches. [In Lettres edifiantes & curieuses. Travels of the Jesuits. By mr. Lockman. 2d ed. 8°. [London], T. Piety, 1762. v. 1. p. 395]. The passage by land to California, discovered by Eusebius Francis Kino between the years 1698 and 1701. London, for R. Sayer & J. Bennett, feb. 1777. [In Faden (William, editor). The North American atlas, fol. London, for W. Faden, 1777. No. 1-2. Inset to Pownall (T.) A new and correct map of North America]. 184 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. California. Passage par terre a la Californie decouverte par le rev. pere Eusebe- Frangois Kino depuis 1698 jusqu'a 1701. 8^ x 9J. [In Lettres ^difiantes & curieuses. Nouv. ed. Memoires d'Amerique. 18°. Paris, J. G. Merigot, 1781. v. 8, opp. p. 52]. [Map of the coast of California south of San Francisco, ms. [anon.] 21 X 37. [1775?]. Tabula Californi?e, anno 1702. Ex autoptica observatione delineata a R. P. Chino E. S. I. 14 x 8^ [In Neue (Der) welt-bott. Zusammengetragen von Joseph Stocklein, [etc], fol. Augsburg, 1726-58. v. 1. pt. 2. p. 74]. Mer du Sud ou Pacifique, contenant I'isle de Calif orne, les costes du M^xique, du Perou, Chili, et le detroit de Magellanique, etc. [anon.] 23 x 29. Amsterdam, P. Mortier, [1725]. La Nouvelle Grenade et la Californie, [&] Carte dese extremites de la partie occidentale de la Californie. [In Engel (S.) Memoires et observations geographiques. Par mr. . . . [anon.] 4°. Lausanne, 1765]. Kaart van het westelyk gedeelte van Nieuw Mexico en van California. 12J x 13i Te Amsterdam, I. Tirion, 1765. [In Hedendaagsche historie of tegenwoordige staat van Amerika. 8°. Te Amsterdam, I. Tirion, 1766. v. 1. p. 243]. Carte de la Californie d'apres les observations le plus exactes. A. v. Krovelt sculp. Amsteld. 1777. 12 x 8. [In Histoire generale des voyages. 4°. A Amsterdam, E. Van Harrevelt, 1777. V. 22. p. 237]. Californias; antiguaynueva. Diego Froncoso sc. Mexico, a° 1787. 10xl3J. [In Palou (Francisco). Relacion historica de la vida y apostolicas tareas del Junipero Serra. sm. 4°. Mexico, 1787. at end]. Carta esferica de los reconocimientos hechos en la costa n. o. de America en 1791 y 1792, por las goletas Sutil y Mexicana. 19 x 15. [In Alcala Galiano (D. ) Relacion del viage en el ano de 1792. fol. Madrid, 1802. cartas]. Carta esferica de los territorios de la Alta y Baja Californias y estado de Sonora. Construida por las mejores noticias y observaciones propias del Teniente de navio d. Jose M. Narvaes, ailo de 1823. ms. 42^ x 40|. [1823]. Upper California to illustrate the paper by dr. Coulter. 10 x 4. [In Royal geographical society of London. Journal. 8°. London, 1835. V. 5]. Mitchell (S. A. ) A new map of Texas, Oregon and California with the regions adjoining. 20x22. col. fold. 18°. Philadelphia, S. A. Mitch- ell, 1846. Note. — With * 'Accompaniment " of 40 pages. ]Map of Oregon and upper California. From the surveys of John Charles Fremont and other authorities. Drawn by Charles Preuss. 1848. 27 x 33. Baltimore, lith. by E. Weber, [1848]. [United States. Congress. Senate]. Topographical sketch of the gold & quicksilver district of California. July 25, 1848. E. O. C. O., It. U. S. \. [anon.] 15 J x 21 ^ [n. p. 1848]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 185 California. Map of the emigrant road from Independence, ]Mo. to St. Francisco, Cal. By T. H. Jefferson. 4 parts in 1 v. 4°. New York, author, 1849. Carte de la Cahfornie; extrait de la grande carte, par ni. Duflot de Mofras. 11 X 15. [In Xouvellef^ annales des voyages. [5*" serie]. 8°. Paris, 1849. v. 1. p. 195]. Mapa de California conforme a los ultimos clocumentos. Senalando todas rutas que elevan por mar y tierra a la region del oro. [By] J. R. Desfon- taines. 12 x 17. [n. p.] Rabouin, editor, [1849]. Map of upper California by the best authorities. 1849. 8? x 11^. [In Wilkes (Charles). Western America. 8°. Philadelphia, Lea & Blanch- ard, 1849. p. 32]. A correct map from actual surveys and examinations embracing a portion of California between Monterey and the Prairie butes in the valley of the Sacramento, shewing the Placeres, 1849. Drawn by F. D. Stuart. 24^ X 17. [In Wilkes (Charles). Western America. 8°. Philadelphia, Lea & Blanch- ard, 1849]. Map of the United States, the British provinces, Mexico, etc. Showing tne routes of the U. S. mail steam packet to California, and a plan of the gold region. Drawn & engraved by J. M. Atwood. 18 x 24. New York, J. H. Colton, 1849. Butler (B. F.) Map of the gold region, California. 1851. col. 14 x 16. San Francisco, B. F. Butler, 1851. Map of the mining district of California by Wm. A. Jackson, col. 17 x 20. New York, Lambert & Lane, [1851]. Note. — Containing an ''Appendix." 2d ed. 16 pp. A new map of California. By Charles Drayton Gibbes. From his own and other recent surveys and explorations, col. 29 x 34. Stockton, Cal. C. D. Gibbes, 1852. New map of California, Oregon, Washington, Utah and New Mexico. Com- piled from the latest authorities & surveys and engraved by G. Schroeter. 23 X 26. New York, J. Disturnell, 1853. General map of a survey in California in connection with examinations for railroad routes to the Pacific ocean made by order of the war department, by lieut. R. S. Williamson. Drawn by Charles Preuss. 24 x 72. New York, lith. of Sarony & co. [1855]. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers] . Karte des states California nach der officiellen karte des state surveyor- general W. M. Eddy gezeichnet von H. Kiepert. 1856. 17 x 13. Berlin, D. Reimer, 1856. [In Zeitschrift fiir allgemeine erdkunde. Neue folge. 8°. Berlin, 1856. V. 1. p. 208]. Britton's and Rey's map of the state of California. Compiled from the U. S. land & coast surveys, [etc.] By George H. Goddard. col. 31x25. San Francisco, Britton & Rey, [1857]. 186 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. California. Map of public surveys in California to accompany report of surveyor gen'l. 1862. H. r. ex. doc. no. 1. 37th cong. 3d sess. 30 x 35J. New York, J. Bien, [1863]. [United States. Department of the interior. General land office]. Carte du pays parcouru par I'abbe L. Rossi dans la Calif ornie. 10^ x 10. [In Rossi (L.) Six ans en Amerique. 2«ed. 8°. Paris, 1863. opp. p.218]. Bancroft's map of California and Nevada. 31 x 28. San Francisco, H. ^. Bancroft & co. 1868. Township and county map of central part of California. Exhibiting the U. S. land surveys, schools, land districts, [etc.] Carefully compiled from U. S. surveys and personal observations. Drawn and published by A. J. Doolittle. col. 40 x 30. San Francisco, A. J. Doolittle, [1868] . Holt (Warren). Map of the states of California and Nevada. Carefully compiled from the latest authentic sources. California by Julius H. von Schmidt, Arthur W. Keddie and C. D. Gibbes. Nevada by Chas. Drayton Gibbes. [etc.] col. 44 x 54^ San Francisco, W. Holt, 1869. Colton's California and Nevada. 23 x 16. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & CO. [1873]. — Map of California and Nevada. Drawn and compiled by Geo. H. Baker. 18 X 15. San Francisco, Dewey & co. [1875]. Watson's new county, railroad and sectional map of California and Nevada. col. 26 X 16. [New York, G. Watson, 1875]. Bancroft's map of California, Nevada, Utah and Arizona. 27 x 31. col. San Francisco, A. L. Bancroft & co. 1876. Map of California to accompany printed argument of S. O. Houghton as to the rights of the Southern Pacific r. r. co. of Cal. to government-lands under acts of congress passed July 27, 1866, and march 3, 1871, made before the committee on the judiciary of the senate and ho. of reps, in may 1876. Prepared by G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. col. 16 x 23. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & CO. [1876]. State of California. 1876. Compiled from the official records of the general land office and other sources by C. Roeser. 30 x 34. New York, photo, lith. & print by J. Bien, [1876]. [United States. Department of the interior. General land office] . Gold fields of California. No. 1 of the series. Amador and Calaveras coun- ties. Compiled from official and authentic private surveys by H. F. Terry. 14 X 16. San Francisco, A. L. Bancroft, [1877]. New map of the territory of Arizona, southern California and parts of Nevada, Utah and Sonora. Compiled by lieut. J. C. Mallery and J. M. Ward. 1876,1877. col. 42x33. San Francisco, Britton, Rey & co. [1877]. North America — west coast. Anchorages on the coast of California and Ore- gon. From the United States surveys, 1874-5. 19 x 24. Ix)ndon, admi- ralty, 1878. [Great Britain. Admiralty. Hydrographic office. Charts, no. 455]. Rand, McNally & co.'s county and railroad map of California and Nevada. title. 19 X 23 J. Chicago, Rand, McXally & co. [1878]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 187 California. Tourist's map of California. Issued by the Erie railway company. 6 X 6*. Chicago, Rand, McXally & co. engrs. [1878]. The Weekly Call map of California and Nevada, 1878. col. 27 x 22. San Francisco, lith. by M. Schmidt & co. 1878. Same. 3d ed. 22x27. San Francisco, M. Schmidt, [1878]. Karte zur iibersicht der verbreitung der Indianer-stiimme in California. Xach Stephen Powers. 12 x 9f . Gotha, J. Perthes, 1879. [In Petermann (A.) Mittheilungen. 4°. Gotha, 1879. v. 25. pi. 13]. Map of California and Nevada. Drawn by F. v. Leicht and A. Craven. 3d ed. col. 34 X 40. San Francisco, AV. D. Walkup & co. 1880. [California. State geological survey]. Bancroft's new map of California and Nevada. Compiled from the latest and most reliable official sources, and special surveys. 1882. Scale: 12 miles=l inch. col. 50 x 60. San Francisco, A. L. Bancroft & co. [1882.] The AVeekly Call map of California and Nevada, 1882. col. 22 x 28. San Francisco, lith. M. Schmidt & co. [1882]. Rand, McNally & co.'s large scale map of southern California; embracing the counties of Santa Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, and San Diego. 30 x 38. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. 1888. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed county and railroad pocket map and shippers* guide of California [etc.] 69 pp. 1 fold. map. 16°. Chicago and New York, Rand, McNally & co. [1892]. The cyclers' guide and road book of California. Containing map of Califor- nia, [etc.] Compiled by Geo. W. Blum. 80 pp. 8 fold. map. 16°. San Francisco, G. W. Blum, [1895]. See also Alameda county; Amador county; Butte county; Los Angeles county; Lower California; Nevada county; Surprise caiion, Panamint district; Tuolumne county. California and Nevada railroad. Map shewing the California and Nevada rail- road and its extensions and connections. Drawn, engraved & printed by G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. 15 x 37. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton &CO. [1882]. I' Callahan county, Tex. Map. 22 x 17. St. Louis, lith. by A. Gast & co. [1879]. [Texas (State of). General land office] . Callao, Peru. The port of Callao, in the South sea; with the adjacent islands^ rocks & coasts, to windward and leeward, and the soundings in fathoms. T. Jefferys sculp. 8 x 14. [London, T. Jefferys, 1768?]. Callao. P. L. Feuillee, delin. P. Giffart sculp. 3 maps. 7 x 13 & 9 x 12*. [In Feuillee (Louis). Journal des observ^ations physiques. 4°. Paris, P. Giffart, 1714. v. 1]. Plan of the town of Callao as it was before the earthquake in 1746. B. Cole sculp, [anon.] plate 3. 7x9. [n. p. 1748?]. Calvary cemetery, New York city. Index map of Calvary cemetery. Specially drawn for guide to Calvary cemetery, by Frank INI. Leonard. From maps and surveys by Edward Boyle. 11 x 15^. New York, Fisk & See, [1876]. Cambria county, Penn. Map of Cambria co. Penna. Published by R. Pearsall Smith, col. fold. 54x31. Philadelphia, R. P. Smith, [1850?]. 188 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. •Cambria county, Penn. Illustrated historical combination atlas of Cambria county, Penn. From actual surveys by & under the direction of J. A. Caldwell. 194 pp. inch 52 pi. & 61 maps. fol. Philadelphia, atlas pub- lishing CO. 1890. •Cambridge, Mass. References. A. A view of one of the floating batteries or gondolas built at Cambridge by the rebels. B. Shows the manner in which the entrances into the works of the rebels are closed and defended by drawbridges. C. D, E. Represent the different kinds of spears in use in the rebel army. ms. 11^x16. [1775].- Hopkins (G. M.) Atlas of the city of Cambridge, Middlesex co. Mass. 69 pp. inch 19 maps. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins & co. 1873. Plan of Cambridge. Prepared by W. A. Mason & son, for Greenough & co. 1878. 17 X 26. Boston, Greenough & co. 1878. Hopkins (G. M.) Atlas of the city of Cambridge, Mass. title, index map. 27 pi. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1886. Camden, N. J. [Map of the environs of Camden, N. J. ms. anon. 8 x 10. 1778?]. Note. — Gives roads to Haddonfield, Burlington, Gloucester, etc. Hopkins (G. M.) City atlas of Camden, N. J. 77 pp. 1 1. incl. 19 maps. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1877. Baist (G. Wm.) Atlas of the city of Camden, N. J. title, index map. 21 pi. fol. Philadelphia, G. W. Baist, 1886. Camden, S. C. Battle at Camden. [In Carrington (Henry B. ) Battle maps and charts of the American revo- lution. 8°. New York,. 1881]. Plan of the battle fought near Camden, aug. 16, 1780. Engraved for Sted- man's History of the American war, jan. 20, 1794. 7J x 8^. [In Stedman (C.) The history of the origin, progress and termination of the American war. 4°. London, for the author, 1794. v. 2. opp. p. 210]. Plan of the battle fought near Camden, aug. 16, 1780. 7^ x 8|. London, march 1, 1787. [In Tarleton (Sir Banastre). A history of the campaigns of 1780 and 1781 in the southern provinces of North America. 4°. London, for T. Cadell, 1787. opp. p. 108]. Plan of the battle fought near Camden, aug. 16, 1780. ms. [anon.] 14x11. [1780]. [Faden collection, no. 51]. Battle of Guildford, [N. C] fought on the 15th of march 1781. [&] Plan of the battle fought near Camden, aug. 16, 1780. [anon.] London, march 1, 1787. [In Atlas of battles of the American revolution, fol. [London, 1770-1793]. no. 7-8]. Sketch of the battle of Hobkirk's Hill, near Camden, on the 25th april, 1781. Engraved by Wm. Faden. Drawn by C. Vallancey. London, W. Faden, aug. 1, 1783. [In Atlas of battles of the American revohition. fol. [London, 1770-1793]. no. 9]. V^-"^ '^"^'-.o^, LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. \w^'>'v<,rsity ot C^^^l- Canaan, Conn. A view in Canaan, between the green woods and Salisbury, Conn. 4x7. [In Columbian (The) magazine. March 1789. 8°. Philadelphia, for J. Trenchard, 1789]. Canada.^ Nova Francia et Canada, 1597. 9 x 11. [In Wytfliet (Cornelius) and others. Histoire universelle des Indes. fol. Douay, F. Fabri, 1605. opp. p. 123]. Figvre de la Terre Nevve. Grande Riviere du Canada, et cotes de 1' ocean en la Novvelle France. Ian Sweline fecit. 7 x 17^. [In Lescarbot (Marc). Histoire de la Novvelle France. 2*^ ed. 16°. Paris,, 1611]. Le Canada ou Nouvelle France, etc. Par N. Sanson. 1657. 8^ x 12, [In his L'Ameriqve en plvsievrs cartes. 4°. Paris, I'avtheur, 1657. no. 2].. Extrema American versus Boream, ubi terra nova Nova Francia, adjacentiaq.. 17^ X 22. [In Blaauw (W. J.) and Blaauw (Jan). Le grand atlas ou cosmographie- Blaviane, contenant I'Amerique. fol. Amsterdam, J. Blaeu, 1667. v. 2. bet. pp. 1-2]. Partie occidentale du Canada ou de la Nouvelle France ou sont les nations- des Ilinois, de Tracy, les Iroquois, et plusieurs autres peuples; avec la Louisiane. Par p. [Marco Vincenzo] Coronelli. 1 sheet. 17^x23. Paris,, J. B. Nolin, 1688. Partie de la Nouvelle France. Par Hubert laillot. 18 x 26. Paris, H. lail- lot, 1695. [In his Atlas Francois, fol. Paris, Jaillot, 1695. no 11]. Canada orientale nell' America Settentrional. 17^x23. [In Coronelli (Vincenzo). Atlante Veneto. fol. Venetia, 1695-97. v. 2.. pt.2. bet. pp. 158-159]. A new & correct map of Canada, with a perspective view of the town of Montreal on the river St. Lawrence. R. Bennett, sculp, [anon.] 8 x 9^. [1759]. Note. — From the Grand magazine, London. Carte du Canada ou de la Nouvelle France et des decouvertes qui y out ete faites. Par Guillaume De I'Isle. 19| x 25^ Paris, I'auteur, 1703. [American maps. v. 1. no. 10]. Carte du Canada ou de la Nouvelle France, & des decouvertes qui y ont 6t6^ faites. 16x21. [In Chatelain (H. A.) Atlas historique. [anon.] fol. Amsterdam, 1705- 1720. V.6. opp p. 82]. Les cotes de la Virginie, les detroits de Frobisher et de Hudson. 6x9. [In Bernard (J. F.) Recueil de voiages. 16°. Amsterdam, 1732. v. 3. p. 397]. L'ile de Terre Neuve et le golfe du Saint Laurent. 8 x 12. [In Bernard (J. F.) Recueil de viages. 16°. Amsterdam, 1732. v. 3. p. 357.] ^For a further list of maps of northwestern Canada, see my paper entitled "Alaska and the north- west part of North America, 1588-1898." 190 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Canada. Carte du Canade ou de la Nouvelle France et des decouvertes qui y ont et4 faites. Par Guillaume de I'Isle. 19 x 22. Amsterdam, I. Covens & C. Mortier, [1733?]. [In his Atlas nouveau. fol. Amsterdam. J. Covens & C. Mortier, [1741?]. V.2. no. 30]. The New England coasting pilot from Sandy Point of New York, unto cape Canso in Nova Scotia, and part of island Breton. With the courses and distances from place to place, and towns on the sea board, [etc.] By capt. Cyprian Southack. 3 p. 1. 7 sheets, fol. [London, 1734?], Carte du d^troit entre le lac Superieur et le lac Huron, [etc.] Par N. B. B[ellin. anon.] 1744. 8^ x 6i [In Charlevoix (P. F. X. de). Histoire et description de la Nouvelle France. 16°. Paris, 1744. V. 1. opp. p.287]. Carte des lacs du Canada. Par N. Bellin. 1744. 14 x 17^. [In Charlevoix (P. F. X. de). Histoire et description de la Nouvelle France. 16°. Paris, 1744. v. 6. opp. p. 2]. Carte de la partie orientale de la Nouvelle France ou du Canada. Par N. Bellin. 1744. 15^ x 21. [In Charlevoix (P. F. X. de). Histoire et description de la Nouvelle France. 16°. Paris, 1744. v. 1. opp. p. 1]. Karte von dem ostlichen-stucke von Neu-Frankreich oder Canada. Durch N. Bellin, 1744. 16 x 24. [In Allgemeine historie des reisen zu wasser und lande. 4°. Leipzig, Arkstee & Merkus, 1756. v. 14. p. 256]. A new and accurate map of the islands of New-foundland, Cape Breton, St. John and Anticosta; together with the neighbouring countries of Nova Scotia, Canada, etc. By Eman. Bowen. 13^ x 17. [In fiis A complete atlas, fol. London, for W. Innys, [etc.] 1752. no. 63]. A new map of Nova Scotia and Cape Breton island with the adjacent parts of New England and Canada. By Thomas Jefferys. London, R. Sayer & J. Bennett, June 15, 1775. [In Jefferys (T.) and others. The American atlas, fol. London, R. Sayer & J. Bennett, 1776. no. 14] . -^ Nouvelle Ecosse ou partie orientale du Canada. Traduite de TAnglois de la carte de Jefferys publi6e a Londres en mai, 1755. 18 x 23. Paris, Le Rouge, [1777?]. [In Le Rouge (Georges Louis). Atlas Am^riquain Septentrional, fol. Paris, LeRouge, 1778 [-1792?]. no. 8]. Note. — Containing a "Table comparative," and also many additions not in the English original, also some notes in German. Canada, Louisiane et terres Angloises. Par le sr. d'Anville. 1755. 35 x 45. [Paris, I'auteur, 1755]. [In his Atlas g^n^ral. fol. Paris, 1727-80. no. 32-33]. A new map of Nova Scotia and Cape Britain, with the adjacent parts of New England and Canada, composed from a great number of actual surveys, [etc.] 18x23^. London, T. Jefferys, 1755. [In Great Britain and France. The memorials of the English and French commisaariea, concerning the limits of Nova Scotia. 4°. London, 1755]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 191 Canada. Map of Canada, copied from the 2d ed. of Mitchell's map of the British Colonies of North America. 16 J x 23. [In Cavendish (Sir Henry). Government of Canada. 8°. London, Ridg- way, 1839]. Portion of the map of Canada. Copied from the 1st ed. of Mitchell's map, published in 1755. 12J x 7. [In Cavendish (Sir Henry). Government of Canada. 8° London, Ridg- way, 1839]. Partie occidentale de la Nouvelle France on du Canada. Par mr. Bellin, pour servir ji 1' intelligence des affaires et de I'etatr present de TAmerique, com- muniquee au public par les heritiers de Homann en I'an 1755. 17 x 21. [In Homann (J. B.) Atlas geographicus major, fol. Norimbergse, Homan- nianis heredibus, 1759. v. 1. no. 146]. Partie orientale de la Nouvelle France ou du Canada. Par mr. Bellin, pour servir A 1' intelligence des affaires et de I'etat present en Amerique com- muniquee au public par les heritiers de Homann en I'an 1755. 17 x 21. [In Homann (J. B.) Atlas geographicus major, fol. Norimbergae, Homan- nianis heredibus, 1759. v. 1. no. 145]. Partie orientale du Canada. Traduite de I'Anglois de la carte de Jefferys publiee a Londres en mai, 1755. 20 x 24. Paris, Le Rouge, [1777?]. [Rochambeau: 2]. Karte von den seen in Canada. Von M. B. 1757. 7i x 11. [In Allgemeine historic des reisen zu wasser und lande. 4°. Leipzig, Arkstee & Merkus, 1758. v. 16. p. 680]. A map of New England and Nova Scotia, with part of New York, Canada and New Britain & the adjacent islands of New Found land. Cape Breton, etc. By T. Kitchin. 10^ x 13. [In London (The) magazine. 8°. London, for R. Baldwin, [1758]. v. 27. Sept. 1758. opp. p. 440]. A map of Canada and the northern part of Louisiana with the adjacent countrys. By Thos. Jefferys. 12 x 21. [In Jefferys (T.) The natural and civil history of the French dominion in North and South America, fol. London, 1760. opp. p. 1. pt. 1]. Carte de la Nouvelle France pour servir a 1' etude de I'histoire du Canada depuis sa d^couverte jusqu'en 1760. Par P. M. A. Genest. col. 37^ x 59. Montreal, la compagnie de lithographic Burland-Desperats, [1875]. Plan of a route undertaken in winter, jan. 26, from Quebec, the capital of Canada, to the frontier settlements of the township of Topsham, near Brunswick Fort, on the river Ammerascaegin in the province of New Hampshire, feb. 20, 1760. John Montresor, sub. eng'r & lieu't. Scale of miles 3 to an inch. ms. 8^x41. [1760]. A new map of Nova Scotia, and Cape Britain, with the adjacent parts of New England and Canada. 18 x 24. [In Jefferys (T.) The natural and civil history of the French dominion in North and South America, fol. London, 1760. pt. 1. opp. p. 119]. An accurate map of Canada, with the adjacent countries, exhibiting the late seat of war between the English & French in those parts. R. W. Seale del. et sculp, [anon.] 10 x 13 J. [In Universal (The) magazine. 8°. London, J. Hinton, 1761. v. 28. feb. 1761. opp. p. 57]. 192 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Canada. A map of Canada and the northern part of Louisiana, with the adjacent countrys. By Thos. Jefferys. 14 x 31. London, T. Jefferys, 1762. [In Muller (G. F.) Voyages from Asia to America. 4°. London, 1761]. Note. — Extending to the Pacific ocean. A map of Canada and the northern part of Louisiana with the adjacent countrys. By Thos. Jefferys. London, T. Jefferys, 1762. [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 14], A new and correct map of the isles of Newfoundland, Cape Breton etc. with the province of Nova Scotia. J. Gibson sculpt, [anon.] lOJ x 13. [In American (The) gazetteer, [anon.] 12°. London, for A. Millar, [etc.]. 1762. V. 3]. A new and correct map of the provinces of New England, New York and Canada or New France. J. Gibson sculpt, [anon.] 11 x 13i. [In American (The) gazetteer, [anon.] 12°. London, for A. Millar, [etc.]; 1762. V. 2]. Louisiana, as formerly claimed by France, now containing part of British America to the east & Spanish America to the west of the Mississippi. By T. Kitchin. 7 x 9. [In London (The) magazine. 8°. London, for R. Baldwin, [1763]. v. 34. June, 1765. opp. p. 276]. A chorographical map of the country between Albany, Oswego, Fort Fron- " tenac, and Les Trois Rivieres; exhibiting all the grants made by the French governors on lake Champlain; and between that lake and Montreal. Drawn from authentic surveys by Thomas Jefferys. 27 x 21. [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 33]. Same. [American maps. v. 2. no. 4]. A new map of Nova Scotia and Cape Britain, with the adjacent parts of New England and Canada. [By Thomas Jefferys. anon.] 18^ x 24. [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and. the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 21]. The provinces of New York, and New Jersey, with part of Pensilvania and the government of Trois Rivieres and Montreal; drawn by capt. Holland. Engraved by Thomas Jefferys. 54 x 20. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, [1768?]. Nieuwe kaart van Kanada, de landen aan de Hudsons-baay en de noordweste- lyke deelen van Noord-Amerika. 12 x 17. Te Amsterdam, I. Tirion, 1769. [Hedendaagsche historic of tegenwordige staat van Amerika. [anon.] 8°. Te Amsterdam, I. Tirion, 1769. v. 3. p. 427]. Etats Unis. Partie septentrionale. [Comprising Canada, part of New Eng- land, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland and the territory bordering on lakes Michigan, Huron, Erie, etc. anon.] ms. 20 x 26^. [177-?]. [Rochambeau: 35]. Operations in Canada. [In Carrington (Henry B.) Battle maps and charts of the American revo- lution. 8°. New York, 1881]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 193 Canada. A map of the present seat of war on the borders of Canada. 6 x 16. [In Pennsylvania magazine. Oct. 1775. 8°. Philadelphia, B. Aitkin, 1775. opp. p. 463]. An exact map of Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, gulf and river St. Laurence and coast of Labradore. From the latest surveys. 1777. 8x10. [In Russell (Wm.) The history of America. 4°. London, for Walker, 1800. V.2. p. 245]. ■ A map of the inhabited part of Canada, from the French surveys, with the frontiers of New York and New England; from the large survey by Claude Joseph Sauthier. Engraved by Wm. Faden, 1777. 22 x 34. London, W. Faden, feb. 25, 1777. [In Faden (William, editor). The North American atlas, fol. London, for W. Faden, 1777. no. 4]. Same. [American maps. v. 3. no. 22. also v. 5. no. 18b]. Carta rappresentante i cinque laghi del Canada. 10 x 7^. [In Atlante dell' America, [anon.] fol. Livorno, 1778. no. 5]. An exact map of the province of Quebec, with part of New York & New England from the latest surveys. 8 x 10^. [In Russell (Wm.) The history of America. 4°. London, 1778. opp. p. 401. V. 2]. A new and accurate map of the province of New York, and part of the Jersies, New England and Canada, shewing the scenes of our military operations during the present war. Also the new erected state of Ver- mont. Jn. Lodge sculp, [anon.] lOf x 15. London, J. Bew, oct. 31, 1780. [In Political (The) magazine. 8°. London, for J. Bew, [1780]. v. 1. oct. 1780. opp. p. 670]. L'isle de Terre Neuve, I'Acadie, ou la Nouvelle Ecosse, I'isle St. Jean et la partie orientale du Canade. Par m. Bonne. 8 x 12 J. [In Raynal (G. T. ) Histoire philosophique et politique. 4°. Geneve, 1780. Atlas, no. 44]. Partie occidentale du Canada, contenant les cinq grands lacs, avec les pays circonvoisins. Par m. Bonne. 8^ x 12J. [In Raynal (G. T. ) Histoire philosophique et politique. 4°. Geneve, 1780. Atlas, no. 45]. Carte des frontieres Frangoises et Angloises dans le Canada depuis Montreal jusques au fort du Quesne. 12 x 17j. [In Pouchot (M. — .) Memoires sur la derniere guerre de TAmerique Septentrionale. 16°. Yverdon, 1781. v. 1. at end]. Carte du Canada, de la Nouvelle Ecosse et de I'Acadie. 9 x 12^. [In Hilliard d'Auberteuil (Michel-Rene). Essais historiques et politiques sur les Anglo- Americains. Gravures et cartes. 4°. Bruxelle«, 1782. pi. 2]. A new & accurate map of the province of Canada, in North America; from the latest and best authorities, [anon.] 10 x 13. London, J. Bew, 31 July, 1782. [In Political (The) magazine. 8°. London, for J. Bew, [1782] . v. 3. July, 1782. opp. p. 409]. H. Doc. 516 13 194 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Canada. The United States of America with the British possessions of Canada, Nova Scotia A Newfoundland, divided with the French; and the Spanish terri- tories of Louisiana and Florida, according to the preliminary articles of peace signed at Versailles, the 20th of jan. 1783. [anon.] col. 18 x 20. [London] for R. Sayer & J. Bennett, 9th feb. 1783. [In Jefferys (T. ) and others. The American atlas, fol. London, R. Sayer & J. Bennett, 1782. no. 7] . Canada. Par m. Bonne. H^risson del. 9 x 13.^ [In Atlas encyclopedique. 4°. Paris, hotel de Thou, 1788. map 120]. Note. — Encyclopedie methodique. Sketch of the western countries of Canada, degree, ms. [anon.] 8 x 12. [1791]. 1791. Geog^ miles 60 to a Map of the Northwest territory of the province of Canada, from actual survey during the years 1792 to 1812. By David Thompson. Traced from the original. 4 sheets. [In Henry (Alex, the younger) and Thompson (David, 1770-1857). New light on the early history of the great northwest. Edited by Elliott Coues. 8°. New York, F. P. Harper, 1847. v. 3. at end]. A new map of Upper & Lower Canada. 1798. 7x9. London, J. Stock- dale, 1798. [In Weld (Isaac). Travels through the states of North America. 8°. London, 1810. v. 1]. A plan of the rivers Scoodic and Magaguadavic with the principal branches including the bay of Passamaquoddy and the adjacent sea coast and islands. Compiled and formed by order of the honble. board of com- missioners appointed pursuant to the 5th article of the treaty of amity, commerce & navigation between her britannic majesty & the United States of America. By George Sproule, esq. surveyor general of New Bruns- wick, from the actual survey of those rivers made under the authority of the said board in the years 1796-7-8 and from the survey of Passamaquoddy bay & islands made by mr. Wright 1772. ms. 58x78. [1798]. Note. — Signed by the commissioners, Tho. Barclay, David Howell, Egbt. Benson. Witnessed by Ed. Winslow. A new map of Upper and Lower Canada. By John Cary. 1807, col. 18 X 20. London, J. Cary, 1807. [In Cary (John). Cary's new universal atlas, fol. London, for J. Cary, 1808. no. 53]. British colonies in North America. Drawn by J. Russell. 15^ x 18. [In Guthrie (William). A system of modern geography. 7th ed. 8°. London, 1811]. Map of the British settlements, and the United States, from the coast of Labrador to Florida. 14 x 14. [In Lambert (John). Travels through Canada and the United States. 2d ed. 8°. London, 1813. v. 1. front.] A map of the located districts in the province of Upper Canada, describing all the new settlements, townships, etc. with the adjacent frontiers, com- l)iled and corrected from the latest surveys in the surveyor-general's office, by William Chevvitt. 33 x 45. London, W. Faden, 1813. LIST OF MAPS OF AMEKICA. 195 Canada. Map of Upper Canada, describing all the new settlements, townships, &c. with the countries adjacent from Quebec to lake Huron. By David Wil- liam Smyth, surveyor general. With additions and corrections from Holland's three sheet map. Engraved by Jas. D. Stout, 21 x 33. New York, Prior & Dunning, 1813. A new correct map of the seat of war in Lower Canada. Protracted from Holland's large map compiled from actual survey made by order of the provincial government; by Amos Lay. H. S. Tanner sculp, col. 21x33. Philadelphia, A. Lay & J. Webster, [1814]. Canada. Engraved by Sid'y. Hall. 8 x 10. Edinburgh, A. Constable & CO. 1817. [In Arrowsmith (Aaron). A new general atlas. 4°. Edinburgh, A. Con- stable & CO. 1817. no. 49]. British possessions in North America, col. 20 x 27. [In Pinkerton (John). A modern atlas, fol. Philadelphia, T. Dodson, 1818. no. 46]. A map of Cabotia; comprehending the provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, New Brunswick, etc. and including also the adjacent parts of the United States. Compiled by John Purdy. 4 sheets. London, R. H. Laurie, 1821. Map of Upper Canada. Neele & son sc. 14 x 19J. London, Longman & co, dec. 1, 1821. . [In Gourlay (Robert). Statistical account of Upper Canada. 8°. London, 1822. V. 1. front.] Geographical, statistical and historical map of Upper and Lower Canada, and the other British possessions in North America. Drawn by F. Lucas, jr. 10 X 14. [In Complete (A) historical, chronological and geographical American atlas, fol. Philadelphia, H. C. Carey & I. Lea, 1822. no. 4]. A map of Cabotia; comprehending the provinces of Upper and Lower Canada [etc.] Compiled by John Purdy. Improved ed. with additions, 1825. 4 sheets, each 24 x 31 i London, R. Laurie, 1821. [Reprint, 1825]. Map of the United States; and the provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia, compiled from the latest surveys and other authentic information. By John & Alex. Walker. 2 sheets. Lon- don, J. & A. Walker, 1827. Map of the British possessions in North America, compiled from the docu- ments in the colonial department, to accompany the report of the emigra- tion committee. A. Arrowsmith sculp. 15 x 26. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Parliamentary papers, 1827. v. 5]. British possessions in North America, from the report of the emigration com- mittee of 1827. Corrected to 1831. 13J x 26. London, Longmans, 1832. [In McCulloch (J. R.) A dictionary, etc. of commerce. 8°. London, 1832. p. 321]. Map of part of the province of Upper Canada, shewing the territory situate in the London and western districts lately purchased by government from the Indians and the block or tract of 1,100,000 acres part thereof selected by the Canadian company in lieu of the clergy reserves. 11x18^. [Lon- don?], Grey & Madeley, lithog. strand [1830?]. 196 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Canada. Lower Canada, in counties, as previpus to act of 1829. [&] Lower Canada, as divided by act of 1829. 20 x-16. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Parliamentary papers. Sess, 1840. v. 31]. Sketch of the seigniory of La Prairie, and of those adjoining it. Surveyor general's office, Quebec, jan. 1830. J. Bouchette. 11 x 16. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Parliamentary papers. Session 1834. v. 44]. Map of the provinces of Lower & Upper Canada, Nova Scotia, New Bruns- wick, [etc.] With a large section of the United States. By Joseph Bou- chette, jr. Engraved by J. & C. Walker. 38 x 74. London, J. Wyld^ 1831. Map of Upper and Lower Canada. 12^ x 21. [In Picken (A.) The Canadas. 16°. London, E. Wilson, 1832. front]. Map of the British North American provinces und adjoining states. 1833. Engd. by J. Moffat. 15^ x 26. Edinburgh, W» Blackwood, 1833. [In Fergusson (Adam). Practical notes made during a tour in Canada. 2d ed. 16°. Edinburgh, W. Blackwood, 1834]. Canada and part of the United States. 10 x 16^. [In Mathison (John). Counsel for emigrants. 2d ed. [anon.] 12°.' Aberdeen, J. Mathison, 1835]. [Canada and United States boundary. 1838]. Showing lines claimed by Great Britain, by the United States and line as proposed by the king of the Netherlands. Copied from a plan drawn in transfer lithography by L. J. HerbeH, horse guards. 13 x 16^, [In Great Britain. Parliament. Parliamentary papers. Sess. 1837-8. v. 39. pt. 1]. Upper & Lower Canada. Compiled & drawn in transfer lithography by L. J. Herbert; and printed at the lithographic establishment quarter master generals office, horse guards. 1838-39. Map of Canada, copied from the 2. ed. of Mitchell's map of the British colo- nies of North America. Published July 1, 1839, to illustrate sir Henry Cavendish's debates in the house of commons on the Quebec government bill of 1774. R. Chambers delt. 16x23. [n. p. 1839]. North American boundary. Maps A and B. Appended to the report of the British commissioners, appointed in 1839, to survey and explore tlje ter- ritory in dispute between the governments of Great Britain and United States of America, under the second article of the treaty of 1783. 2 maps. 8°. [London, eng. by J. Wyld, 1840]. . [Great Britain. Foreign office]. Upper Canada, in counties and ridings as at present divided. 12 x 16J. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Parliamentary papers. Sess. 1840. v. 31]. Canada, divided into counties and ridings as per union bill. John Arrow- smith. 12 X 29. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Parliamentary papers. Sess. 1840. v. 31]. North America. British provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, & part of Canada, col. 18 x 26. London, V. H. Nelson, [184-?]. V LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 197 Canada. Map to illustrate the boundary established by the treaty of Washington of the 9th of aug. 1842. between her majesty's colonies of New Brunswick and Canada and the United States. 13 J x 16. London, printed from stone by Harrison & co. 1842. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Parliamentary papers. Sess. 1843. v. 61]. Note. — The same map is found in v. 25. Accounts and papers. 1845. v. 53. Map of the United States and Canada, and a large portion of Texas; showing the base meridian and township line of the U. S. surveys, the lands allotted to the Indian tribes west of the Mississippi, [etc.] Compiled from surveys at the United States land office, [etc.] by J. Calvin Smith. 64 x 81. New York, Sherman & Smith, 1843. Lower Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edwards I. Newfound- land, and a large portion of the United States. By J. Arrowsmith. 19 x 24. London, J. Arrowsmith, 1846. [In his The London atlas of universal geography, fol. London, J. Arrow- smith, 1842-[1850]. no. 42]. Upper Canada, etc. By J. Arrowsmith. 19 x 23i. London, J. Arrow- smith, 1846. [In his The London atlas of universal geography, fol. London, J. Arrow- smith, 1842-[1850]. no. 41]. Photo-lithographic copy of the detailed map of the north west boundary from Point Roberts to the Rocky mountains between the United States and the British possessions, under the treaty of June 15, 1846. Showing monuments, cuts and other marks. Archibald Campbell, U. S. com'r n, w. boundary. Enlarged to twice the scale of the original drawings. 7 sheets, each 27 x 70. New York, New York litho. eng. & print co. 1846]. Harper's map of the United States and Canada. Showing the canals, rail- roads and principal stage routes. By Samuel Breese. 36 x 48. New York, Harper & brothers, 1847. Sketch of the contemplated railroads in British North American colonies. Ordered, by the house of commons, to be printed, 21 July 1847. J. Arrow- smith lith. 19^ X 29. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Accounts and papers. Railways. 1847. V. 63]. Note. — The same map is found in v. 25. Accounts and papers. 1845. v. 53. Sketch explanatory of the contemplated line of railway, from St. Andrews to Quebec. 16 x 20. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Reports from committees. 1847. v. 6]. Map of the British possessions in North America, shewing the manner in which it is intended to direct the trade of Canada to Portland and Bos- ton. 10 x 11. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Reports from committees. 1847. v. 6]. :Map of Canada east and west. Drawn & engraved by J. M. Atwood. 24 x 36. New York, Ensigns & Thayer, 1848. A map of Canada, compiled from the latest authorities. By Edward Stavely. 1848. 19x36. Montreal, for Armour & Ramsay, [1848]. 198 LIST OF MAPS OF AMEKICA. Canada. Nova Scotia, New Brunswick & part of Canada, shewing the explored route for the proposed trunk Hne of railway from Halifax to Quebec. By capt. Robinson & capt. Henderson. 31 aug. 1848. J. Arrowsmith lith. 19 x 30. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Accounts and papers. Colonies. 1849. V. 35]. A map of Canada. Compiled from the latest authorities. By Edward Stavely. 1848. 19 x 36. [In Canadian (The) guide book, [anon.] 16°. Montreal, Armour & Ram- say, 1849. at end]. Map (on Mercator's projection) shewing the several proposed lines of rail- roads in the North American provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and part of Canada. John Grant, c. e. J. Arrrowsmith lith. 15^ x 19^. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Reports from committees, v. 2. 1849]. Carte du Canada et des pays limitrophes en 1850. 8 x 26. [In Rameau (E.) La France aux colonies. 8°. Paris, 1859. at end]. British North America. By J, Arrowsmith. 19 x 23^. London, J. Arrow- smith, 1850. [In his The London atlas of universal geography, fol. London, J. Arrow- smith, 1842- [1850]. no. 40]. Map to illustrate a scheme for settling the boundaries of Canada and New Brunswick referred to by us in our report to earl Grey of 17 april 1851. Stephen Lushington, Travers Twiss. John Arrowsmith lith. 16^ x 20. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Accounts & papers [6]. Colonies. 1851. V. 36]. Map of part of Canada West, compiled from the most recent authorities and surveys. 15 x 18j. [In Scobie (Hugh). Scobie's Canadian almanac. 1851. 8°. Toronto, H. Scobie, 1851]. Sketch explanatory of the contemplated line of railway from St. Andrews to Quebec. J. Arrowsmith lith. 19^ x 28. [In Great Britain. Parliamentary papers. Session 1852. v. 48]. Disturnell (J.) Map of the United States in part and Canada. Showing all the canals, railroads, navigable rivers, etc. 33 x 52. New York, J. Dis- turnell, 1852. A map of the province of Upper Canada, describing all the new settlements, from Quebec to lake Huron. Compiled from the original documents in the surveyor-general's office. By James Wyld. 22^ x 34^. London, J. Wyld, [1854]. [In Wyld (James). A new general atlas, fol. London, 1854]. A new map of the province of Lower Canada describing all the seigneuries, townships, grants of land, etc. compiled from plans deposited in the pat- ent office, Quebec; by vSamuel Holland. [Also] a plan of the river Scou- diac & Magaguadaviac surveyed in 1796, 1797, & 1798, by order of the com- missioners appointed to ascertain the true river St. Croix intended by the treaty of peace 1783 between his B. M. and the U. S. 22^ x 34J. London, J. Wyld, [1854], [In Wyld (James) . A new general atlas, fol. London, 1854]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 199 Canada. Colton's map of the United States of America including Canada and a large portion of Texas. Showing the base, meridian and township lines of the U. S. surveys, the lands allotted to the Indian tribes west of the Mississippi, the various international improvements, etc. By J. Calvin Smith. Rev. ed. col. 66 X 82. New York, J. H. Colton & co. 1854. Canada, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. 13 x 16. Drawni & engraved by L. Dower. [In Teesdale (Henry) & co. A new general atlas, fol. London, [1854]. map 36]. Colton's railroad & township map of New England, with portions of the state of New York, the British provinces, etc. Compiled & drawn by Geoi^e W. Colton. col. 46 x 52. New York, J. H. Colton & co. 1854. The British possessions North America, with part of the United States. 13 x 24. [In Smith (J. Calvin). Harper's statistical gazetteer of the world. 8°. New York, 1855. p. 319]. William's commercial map of the United States and Canada, with railroad routes and distances, col. 35 x 50. Philadelphia, W. Williams, [1855]. Map of the north west part of Canada, Indian territories & Hudson's bay. Compiled & drawn by Thos. Devine. 57 x 60. Toronto, Maclear & co. 1857. [Canada. Crown lands department]. Map of the north west part of Canada, Hudson's bay & Indian territories. Drawn by Thos. Devine. March 1857. 22 x 19. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Reports from committees. Hudson's bay co; 1857. V. 15]. Canada, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. By Sidney Hall. 16^ x 20. London, Longman & co. [1857]. [In Hall (Sidney). A new general atlas, fol. London, 1857. no. 48]. Map and profile of the valley of the St. Laurence river & lake country extending from lake Superior to the gulf of the St. Laurence. 19 x 30. [In Disturnell (John). A trip through the lakes of North America. 12°. New York 1857. at end]. Map of the United States, British and Central America. From state docu- ments & unpublished materials by professor H. D. Rogers, of Boston, U. S. and A. Keith Johnston, geographer to the queen 1857. Engraved by W. & A. K. Johnston, col. 54 x 67. Edinburgh, W. & A. K. Johnston, [1857]. Railroad map of the eastern, western, and northern states and Canada. Con- structed by W. Williams. 48 x 28. Philadelphia, W. Williams, 1857. Rail road map of the United States and the Canadas. Compiled, drawn and published by J. H. Higginson. 6 sheets, each 40 x 26. New York, J. H. Higginson, 1857. Karte eines theiles von Britisch America zur iibersicht der resultate der forschungs-expedition unter befehl von capt. John Palliser 1857-8. Nach den vom topographical depot. War department, veroffentlichten karten zusammengestellt von E. G. Ravenstein. 8 x 19. [In Gesellschaft fiir erdkunde zu Berlin. Zeitschrift. 1859. Neue folge. 8°. Berlin, 1859; v. 7. pi. 5J. 200 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Canada. Copy of Thompson's map shewing the different tracks of the Saskatchewan and Assiniboine exploring expedition, in charge of prof. H. Y. Hind, June 14 to sept. 4, 1858. John Arrowsmith lith. 1858. 12 x 16. [In Great Britain. ParHament. Accounts and papers. 1859. v. 22]. British North American exploring expedition. Country between the Red river settlement and the Rocky mountains. Showing the various routes of the expedition under the command of capt. John Palliser. 1857 & 1858. 12 x 32. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Accounts and papers. 1859. v. 22]. . Map of the country between Red river & lake Winnipeg, on the east and the elbow of the south Saskatchewan, on the west, explored by the expedi- tion under the charge of Henry Y. Hind. 1858. J. Arrowsmith litho. 1860. 15 x 20. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Accounts and papers. 1860. v. 44]. Copy of sketch shewing the region explored by S. J. Dawson & party between Red river and the great Saskatchewan, July 1, 1858. John Arrow- smith lith. 19 J X 16. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Accounts and papers. 1859. v. 22]. Map of part of the valley of Red river, north of the 49th parallel to accom- pany a report on the Canadian Red river exploring expedition by H. Y. Hind. J. Arrowsmith lith. 1858. 11 x 25. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Accounts and papers. 1859. v. 22]. Plan showing the proposed route from lake Superior to Red River settlement. Compiled from the maps of messrs. Dawson and Napier. T. Devine sur- veyor. Toronto, 1858. J. Arrowsmith lith. 15 x 25. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Accounts and papers. 1859. v. 22]. Saskatchewan rivers and Rocky mountains. Routes of the British North American exploring expedition under the command of capt. John Palliser. 1858-59. 16 X 21. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Accounts and papers. 1860. v. 44] . The Kootanie and boundary passes of the Rocky mountains. Explored in 1858 by capt. Blackiston. John Arrowsmith, litho. 1860. 10^ x 16. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Accounts and papers. 1860. v. 44]. H. V. Poor's new and complete map of all the railroads in the United States and Canadas, in operation & progress. 37 x 44. New York, J. H. Schultz &CO. [1858]. British North America. By J. Arrowsmith. 19 x 24. London, J. Arrow- smith, 1859. Sketch map showing the routes of capt. Palliser and mr. Sullivan during 1859. John Arrowsmith litho. 1860. 11 x 19f [In (ireat Britain. Parliament. Accounts and papers. 1860. v. 44]. J. Sage & sons' new & reliable railroad map comprising all the railroads of the United States and Canadas, with their stations and distances, col. 44 x 56. Buffalo, N. Y., J. Sage & sons [1858]. CJovernment map of Canada, from Red river to the gulf of St. Lawrence. Compiled by Thomas Devine. Nov. 1859. col. 30 x 67. Quebec & Toronto, Thompson & co. [1859]. [Canada. Crown lands department]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 201 Canada. Track survey of the Qu' Appelle or Calling river and valley, by Henry Y. Hind. J. Arrowsmith litho. 1860. Hi x 34. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Accounts and papers. 1860. v. 44]. • Map of the country from lake Superior to the Pacific ocean, showing the western boundary of British Columbia, also the fertile belt stretching from the Lake of the Woods to the Rocky mountains. Drawing by J. Arrow- smith. 1860. 10 X 20. ■ [In Great Britain. Parliament. Accounts and papers. 1860. v. 44]. Die region der Canadischen seen im nordwesten des lake Superior zusammen- gestellt von E. G. Ravenstein. 9 x 14}. [In Gesellschaft fiir erdkunde zu Berlin. Zeitschrift. 1860. Neue folge. 8°. Berlin, 1860. v. 8. pi. 3]. Map of the boundary line between British America & the United States, showing the proposed route from Fort William to Arrow lake, thence to Rainy lake via the Old north west company's route. J. Arrowsmith nth. 11^ X 32. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Accounts and papers. 1860. v. 44]. '- G. Woolworth Colton's new guide map of the United States & Canada, with railroads, counties, etc. 30 x 35. New York, G. W. Colton, 1861. Goldthwait's map of the United States & Canada, exhibiting the railroads with their distances, single and double tracks & width of gauge. By J. H. Goldthwait. col. 27 x 32. New York, G. L. Colton, 1861. Karte der steinol-region in ober-Canada. Yon W. Wagner. 7} x 7}. [In Gesellschaft fiir erdkunde zu Berlin. Zeitschrift. 1862. Neue folge. 8°. Berlin, 1862. v. 12. pi. 5]. Tremaine's map of Upper Canada. Compiled & drawn by Geo. R. Tre- maine. col. 65 x 89. Toronto, G. C, G. R. & G. M. Tremaine, 1862. Schonberg's imperial map of the United States and Canada. Drawn by Frederick Couette. col. 62 x 56. New York, Schonberg & co. 1865. New & reliable railroad & telegraph map comprising all the railroad and telegraph lines in the United States and Canadas. col. 35 x 48. Indi- anapolis, Asher & Adams, [1866]. ~ Asher & Adams, publishers of J. Sage & sons' new and reliable railroad & telegraph map comprising all the railroad and telegraph lines in the United States and Canadas, with their stations & distances, col. 35 x 44. Indian- apolis, Ind. published by Asher & Adams. Engraved, printed & mounted by Sage, sons & co. Buffalo, N. Y. [1866]. Schonberg's map. [East], col. 11 x 13. [New York, Schonberg & co. 1866]. Schonberg's map. [West], col. 11 x 13. [New York, Schonberg & co. 1866]. Colton (G. W. & C. B.) & co. Colton' s railroad & commercial map of the United States & Canada. 66 x 66. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. 1867. Johnson's Canada West. col. 17x23. New York, A. J. Johnson, [1867]. Lloyd's merchant's & traveler's railroad map of the United States & Cana- das. 48 x 59. New York, H. H. Lloyd & co. 1867. 202 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Canada. Map of a projected overland railroad through British North America, by Alfred Waddington, sept. 1868. 10 x 26*. London, Judd & Glass, 1868. [In Waddington (Alfred). Overland route through British North America. 8°. London, 1868]. New map of the dominion of Canada. 22 x 31. 1 sheet. Montreal, Daw- son brothers, 1870. Map shewing line of route between lake Superior and B,ed river settlement, compiled from S. J. Dawson's exploring surveys and maps in depart, of crown lands O. by A. L. Russell. 1870. 25^ x 52^ [In Great Britain. Accounts and papers. Colonies. 1871. v. 48]. Note. — Gives U. S. boundary. Map of the dominion of Canada, shewing the position of the canals con- structed by the government of Canada for connecting the lakes with the ocean by the valley of the St. Laurence, and also the enlargement and extension of the canal system recommended by the canal commissioners and the other proposed improvements referred to in their letter to the sec- retary of state, dated 24 feb. 1871. Compiled by order of the canal com- missioners under the direction of the secretary. Samuel Keefer, m. inste. c. P. B. Symes draughtsman, 1871. col. 20 x 46. [Montreal, Burland^ Lafrican & co. 1871]. [Canada. Canal commissioners] . Colton's railroad & commercial map of the United States and Canada. 1871. col. 68 X 72. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. 1871. Watson's new county and railroad map of the United States and Canada. col. 37 X 52. Chicago, Watson's western map depot, 1871. A map of Canada and the northern part of Louisiana with the adjacent country s. By Thos. Jefferys. 12 x 20^. [In Mills (David). A report on the boundaries of Ontario. 8°. Toronto, 1873]. Cram's railroad and county map of the United States, Canada, and Mexico. 38 x 54. Chicago, G. F. Cram, 1874. Note. — On the reverse side is an historical map of the world. Dominion boundary, from the L. of the Woods to long. 107 W. to illustrate reports by capt. Anderson. 16 x 9. [In Geographical magazine. Oct. 1874. 8°. London, 1874. v. 1. p. 284]. Watson's new business man's county & railroad map of the United States and dominion of Canada. 41 x 54. New York, G. Watson, 1874. Centennial American republic and railroad map of the United States and of the dominion of Canada, col. 37 x 51. [New York, G. Watson, 1875]. — Walker & Miles. The new standard atlas of the dominion of Canada. Ivi, 151, X pp. inch 47 maps. fol. Montreal and Toronto, Walker & Miles, 1875. Watson's new commercial, county and railroad map of the north eastern states [U. S.] and dominion of Canada. 1875. col. 21 x 27. [New York, G. Watson, 1875]. Watson's new township and railroad map of the dominion of Canada. With plans of Montreal, Toronto, Quebec, and Ottawa, col. 31 x 42. Boston, Perry & Spaulding, 1875. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 203 Canada. Chas. Lubrecht's centennial county railroad & distance map of the United States and the dominion of Canada. Compiled and drawn by J. K. Hare. col. 36 X 54. New York, Haasis & Lubrecht, [1876]. G. Wool worth Colton's guide map of the United States & Canada. With railroads, counties, etc. 30 x 35. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & CO. 1876. Rand, McNally & co.'s new^ railroad and county map of the United States and Canada, col. 54 x 96. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1876].- Same. [East of the Rocky mountains], col. 55 x 76. Chicago, Rand,, McNally & co. [1876]. Williams' (G. W.) copper-plate map of the United States, Canada, Mexico^ Central America, West Indies, etc. col. 63 x 63. Philadelphia, J. M. Atwood, [1876]. Watson's new illustrated county, railroad and distance map of the United States and dominion of Canada 1876. 38 x 56. New York, G. Watson, 1876. Chart of inshore & deep-sea fishing grounds on the Atlantic coasts of Canada and within the gulf of St. Lawrence. 24 x 26. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Accounts and papers. 1878. v. 80]. New railroad map of the United Sta-tes and dominion of Canada, shewing the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific r. r. By Emil Heubach. 20 x 41. [n. p.] 1879. Map of part of the North West territory including the province of Manitoba. Shewing an approximate classification of the lands. Compiled and drawn by J. Johnston. Preliminary ed. col. 18 x 25. [Montreal], under the supervision of J. Johnston, [1879]. [Canada. Department of the interior]. Cram (George F. ) New pictorial county & railroad map of the United States and Canada, col. 36 x 57. Chicago, G. F. Cram, [1880]. Note. — On reverse side is an "Historical map of the world." Haskell bros. The lightning-quick town finder. A county railroad, distance and index map of the United States and Canada, with maps of Europe, the world. South America, etc. col. 38 x 39. Chicago, Haskell bros. [1880]. Note. — Printed on both sides. " Our country," a new illustrated county, railroad and distance map of the United States and dominion of Canada. 37 x 56. New^ York, G. Watson, [1880]. Rand, McNally & co.'s new oflScial railroad map of the United States and Canada, col. 26 x 42. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1880]. Watson's new illustrated county, railroad and distance map of the United States and dominion of Canada. • 1880. 37 x 56. New York, G. Watson„ [1880]. Note. — On reverse side is a map of the world, etc. Watson's railroad and distance map of the United States and txie dominion of Canada, col. 40x58. New York, G. Watson, [1880]. ^04 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Canada. Cram's new indexed, county and railroad map of the United States, Canada and Mexico. Compiled from official records of the land depart- ment of Washington, D. C. Drawn and engraved by G. F. Cram. 49 x 80. Chicago, G. F. Cram, 1881. Watson's great republic map. A new illustrated county, rail road and dis- tance map of the United States and dominion of Canada. 39 x 55. New York, G. Watson, 1882, [1881]. New county and railway map of the United States and the dominion of Canada. Compiled from information obtained from official sources. Showing the lines of the Chicago and Alton r. r. and its connection. Kand, McNally & co. engravers, col. 38 x 53. Chicago, Rand, McNally &CO. [1883]. Rand, McNally & co.'s new commercial map of the United States and Can- ada. Showing all the railroads, counties, [etc.] Scale 55 miles to 1 inch. 36 X 53. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. 1883. A new map of the province of Canada East, Canada West, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Isd., New Foundland, etc. 32x38. New York, J. H. Coltori & co. 1885. Map of dominion of Canada and Newfoundland. Compiled from the latest government surveys. English miles 69. 16 to a degree. 56 x 82. Toronto, the Copp, Clark co., ltd. [1899.] See also British America; British Columbia; Cape Breton; Carleton county, Canada; Manitoba; Montreal; New Brunswick; Nova Scotia; Quebec; Ontario; Prince Edward county, Canada; St. Francis district, Canada. Canada southern railroad. Rand, McNally & co. Map shewing the Canada southern connections at Buffalo, Suspension bridge and Niagara. 3^ x 6J. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1876]. Canada river. See St. Lawrence river. Canaveral ( Cape ) , Florida. Reconnoissance of Cape Canaveral shoals on the eastern coast of Florida. By the hydrographic party under the command of John Rodgers. 20 x 15. [Washington, 1850]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. Cannelton, Ind. Map of Cannelton and its environs. Surveyed and drawn under the direction of col. Long, by Charles A. Fuller. 1848. 27 x 46. Louis- ville, Ky. Milne & Bruder, [1848]. Canso bay, Nova Scotia. An actual survey of the sea coast from New York to the L Cape Briton, with tables of the direct and thwart courses & distances from place to place, by capt. Cyprian Southack. Illustrated with partic- ular i)lans of the harbours of New York, Boston, Canso bay, & Annapolis Royal. 41 x 72. London, I. Mount, [etc. 1733?]. Canso harbor, Nova Scotia. A draught of the harbour of Canso. Done ])y order of his excellencv Montagu Wilmot, bv Cha. Morris, 1764. ms. 29 x 20. [1764]. Canso, Nova Scotia. [Northern })art of the Gut of Canso with part of the island of Cape Bocton, by Charles Morris, 1764. ms. anon. 20 x 37. 1764]. Note. — Purchased out of Lord Colvil's collection, oct. 28, 1787. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 205- Canso, Nova Scotia. A draught of the gut of Canso, between Xova Scotia and Cape Breton island, surveyed by the king's ships in 1761. [anon.] 13 X 20. London, Laurie & Whittle, 12 may, 1794. [In North American pilot. The first part of the North American pilot. A new ed. fol. London, R. Laurie & J. Whittle, 1806. no. 13]. Note. — Inset "A plan of Port Dauphin, surveyed in 1743," and "A plan of Murgain or Cow bay, surveyed in 1760." ■ A new pilot for the south east coast of Nova Scotia, Chedabucto bay, gut of Canso, bay of Fundy and round the isle of Cape Breton, surveyed by Thomas Backhouse. 2 p. 1. 15 maps. fol. London, R. Laurie & J. Whittle, 1798. Canton, Ohio. ^lap of the city of Canton, including proposed extensions. Pub- lished in 1882 by Sam. J. Roberts. J. H. Hall, engineer. Andrew Chof- fin, draughtsman. 18 x 22. Cleveland, O. photo-lith. W. J. Morgan & & CO. [1882]. Cape Ann, Mass. A plan of the harbour and peninsula of Cape Ann in North America. Drawn from a survey; the soundings & naval observations by lieut. Henry Mowat, commander of his majesty's armed ship Canceaux. Surveyed by Samuel Holland. P. d'Auvergne fecit. 1776. ms. 19 x 14. [1776]. Cape Breton, Canada. A plan of the island of Cape Breton reduced from capt. Holland's survey. N. B. The soundings and naval observations were taken by lieut. Henry Mowat, commander of his majesty's armed ship Canceaux and the officers of the ship under his direction, ms. 34 x 25. [1776]. Map of the island of Cape Breton as laid down by the sieur Bellin. 1746. Seale sculp. 9^ x 10. [In Bollan (William). The importance and advantage of Cape Breton, [anon.] 12°. London, for J. & P. Knapton, 1746]. A plan of the coast of Gabarus bay from the west end of Kennington cove ta White Point. Shewing the several batteries and retrenchments made by the French to oppose the landing of his majesty's troops [1758]. By C. G. Kennedy, ms. 12 x 55. [1758?]. A new & correct map of the isles of Newfoundland, Cape Breton, etc. with the province of Nova Scotia. J. Gibson sculpt, [anon.] 10^ x 13. [In American (The) gazetteer. [anon.] 12°. London, for A. Millar, [et€.] 1762. V. 3]. Map of Nova Scotia, or Acadia; with the islands of Cape Breton and St. John's, from actual surveys, by capt. Montr^sor, 1768. 39 x 55. London, A. Dury, [1768]. [In Faden (William, editor). The North American atlas, fol. London, for W. Faden, 1777. no. 6-7]. Same. [American maps. v. 5. no. 7-8]. A new map of Nova Scotia, and Cape Britain, with the adjacent parts of New England and Canada. [By Thomas Jefferys. anon.] [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 21]. 1206 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Cape Breton, Canada. A new map of Nova Scotia and Cape Breton island with the adjacent parts of New England and Canada. By Thomas Jefferys. 18^ X 24. London, R. Sayer & J. Bennett, June 15, 1775. [In Jefferys (T.) and others. The American atlas, fol. London, R. Sayer & J. Bennett, 1776. no. 14]. Same. [In Faden (William, editor). The North American atlas, fol. London, for W. Faden, 1777. Ed. B. no. 7]. A new chart of the coast of Nova Scotia with the south coast of New Bruns- wick; including also part of the islands of St. John and Cape Breton; and the coast of New England. Regulated and ascertained by astronomical observations. By capt. Holland. 28 x 58. London, Laurie & AVhittle, 12 July 1798. [In North American pilot. The first part of the North American pilot. A new ed. fol. London, R. Laurie & J. Whittle, 1806. no. 10]. A new pilot for the south east coast of Nova Scotia, Chedabucto bay, gut of Canso, bay of Fundy, and round the isle of Cape Breton, by Thomas Backhouse. 2 p. 1. 15 maps. fol. London, R. Laurie & J. Whittle, 1798, Cape Cod, Mass. A map of Cape Cod, and the parts adjacent. 12^ x lOJ. [In Massachusetts (The) magazine. Jan. 1791. 8°. Boston, I. Thomas & E. T. Andrews, 1791. v. 3. p. 25]. Cape Fear harbor, N. C. Plan of the entrance into Cape Fear harbor. North Carolina. 10 x 14. [In Speer (Joseph Smith). The West India pilot, fol. London, for the author, 1771. no. 16]. •Cape Fear river, N. C. A new and exact plan of Cape Fear river from the bar to Brunswick, by Edward Hyrne. 1749. 15^ x 12J. [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 63]. A plan of Cape Fear river from the bar to Brunswick, [anon,] 14 x 20. London, Laurie & Whittle, 12 may, 1794]. [In North American pilot, A new ed. much enlarged of the second part of the North American pilot, fol. London, R. Laurie & J. Whittle, 1800. no, 14], Cape Fear river, North Carolina, surveyed in conformity to an act of con- gress and executed by lieut, James Glynn, commanding [etc.] July 1839. 21 x 92. Washington, lith. by P. Haas, [1839]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 103]. A chart of the entrance of Cape Fear river. Surveyed by order of the hon. J. K. Paulding, sec. of the navy. Executed by lieut, James Glynn, com- manding, [& others], 1839. 46x79. Washington, lith. by P. Haas, [1839]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol, Washington, 1843. no. 113]. Continuation of the survey of Cape Fear river executed in 1839 by lieut. James Glynn, U. S. navy. 21 J x 40. Washington, lith. by P. Haas, [1839], [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of Congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 107]. LIriT OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 207 Cape Fear river, N. C. Sketch of Frying-pan shoals and Cape Fear river. By the hydrographic parties under the command of Ueuts. T. A. Jenkins & J. N. Matfit. 1851. 15 X 12. New York, J. Ackerman, 1851. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. Cape FraiKjois, Santo Dom.ing'G. Carte des environs du Cap Francois et des paro- isses qui en dependent. Pour joindre au vingt septieme volume des Lettres edifiantes & ca. 1749. 8 x 12^. [In Lettres edifiantes et curieuses. Nouvelle ed. Memoires d'Amerique. 18°. Paris, J. G. Merigot le jeune, 1781. v. 7. opp. p. 185]. An authentic plan of the town and harbour of cap Frangois in the isle of San Domingo. 13 x 19. [In Jefferys (T.) The natural and civil history of the French dominion in N. & S. America, fol. London, 1760. pt. 2. opp. p. 69]. A plan of the road of Port Paix in the island of Hispaniola [&] A plan of the town and harbour of Cap Francois in the island of St. Domingo. [In Whittle (J.) & Laurie (R. H.) The West India atlas, fol. London, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 55]. Cape Girardeau, Missouri. Plan of Cape Girardo. 7^ x 11. [In Collot (Victor). Voyage dans I'Amerique Septentrionale. Atlas. 4°. Paris, A. Bertrand, 1826. pi. 26]. Cape Girardeau and state line railroad. See Illinois, Missouri and Texas railway. Cape May county, N. J. Topographical map, from recent and actual surs^eys under the direction of F. W. Beers, col. -51 x 48. New York, Beers, Comstock & Cline, 1872. Cape May roads. Cape May roads, including Crow shoal, Del. bay [sept. 1836] and shewing the plan of an artificial harbor proposed for that place. Surveyed and drawn by Hartman Bache, topogl. engn, majr. 25th cong. 2d sess. W. J. Stone sc. 25 x 45. [Washington, 1837]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. ixiblished by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 152]. Cape Sable island, Nova Scotia. The island of Sable. T. Jefferys sculp, [anon.] 11 x 14^. London, Laurie & Whittle, 12 may, 1794. [In North American pilot. The first part of the North American pilot. A new ed. fol. London, R. Laurie & J. Whittle, 1806. no. 11]. Note. — With observations and sailing directions. Cape Verde islands. Laurie & Whittle's new chart of the Cape Verde islands. Jno. Purdy delin't. 2d ed. improved 1812. 27 x 19^. London, R. Laurie & J. Whittle, may 12, 1809, improved 1812. [In Whittle (James) and Laurie (R. H.) The West India atlas, fol. Lon- don, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 4] . Captains island (East & West), Connecticut. Harbors of Captain's island East and Captain's island West. [Harbors of refuge no. ]. From a trigo- nometrical survey under the direction of F, R. Hassler. Hydrography by the party under the command of lieut. G. S. Blake. 14 x 17. [Washing- ton, 1849]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. Caracas (The). See South America. 208 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Carbon county, Penn. Map of the counties of Monroe and Carbon, Penn. From surveys under the direction of H. F. Walling, col. 54x54. New York, Loomis, Way & Palmer, 1860. Beers (F. W.) County atlas of Carbon, Pa. 82 pp. incl. 25 maps. fol. New York, F. W. Beers & co. 1875. Cardenas bay, Cuba. Chart of Cardenas bay, by capt. Samuel Smith. 21 x 24. .Joston, J. H. Bufford's lith. [I860]. Caribbean sea. Spherical chart of the sea of the Antilles, and of the coast of Terra Firma, from the island of Trinidad to the gulf of Honduras. Constructed in the hydrographical department, by order of the Spanish government. 1805. 23 X 34J. London, republished by W. Faden, april 12, 1806. [American maps. v. 1. no. 30]. Caribbee islands, West Indies. A correct chart of the Caribbee islands. 17 x 21. [In English (The) pilot. 4th book. fol. London, for W. & J. Mount, 1758. p. 31]. The Caribbee islands; traced from a manuscript chart of the world preserved in the British Museum and considered to have been executed previous to the year 1536. 8^ x 5. [In Schomburgk (Sir Robert H.) The history of Barbados. 8°. London, 1848. p. 252]. An accurate map of the Caribby islands, with the crowns, etc. to which they severally belong. By T. Kitchin. 9^ by 7. [In London (The) magazine. 1759. 8°. London, R. Baldwin, 1759. v. 28. p. 120]. The Caribbee islands and Guayana. Drawn by L. Delarochette. [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 91]. The Caribbee islands and Guayana. Drawn by L. Delarochette. Engraved by Thomas Jefferys. 23^ x 21. London, W. Faden, feb. 1, 1776. [In Faden (William, editor). The North American atlas, fol. London, for W. Faden, 1777. Ed. B. no. 27]. See also West Indies. Carillon. See Ticonderoga, N. Y. Carleton county, Canada. Map of the county of Carleton, Canada West. From surveys under the direction of H. F. Walling. Surveyed and drawn by 0. W. Gray. col. fold. 54 x 54. Prescott, C. W. D. P. Putnam, 1863. Carlton county, Minn. Merritt & co. New sectional map of St. Louis & Carlton counties. Scale 4| miles to 1 inch. 32 x 13. Duluth, Merritt & co. 1887. Carolina. Carolina described 1666. Home. 6x8. Note. — The first map of Carolina, reproduced from the original in "Brief description of the province of Carolina." [anon.] London, for Robert Home, 1666. Same. [In Hawks (Francis L.) History of North Carolina. 8°. Fayetteville, N. C. 1858. V. 2. p. 42]. Note. — A facsimile of the first map of Carolina to accompany "A brief description of the province of Carolina. 1666." The Library of Congress has the anonymous pamphlet but without the map. LIST OF MArS OF AMERICA. 209 Carolina. A new description of Carolina. [1671]. By order of the lords proprie- tors. James Moxon, scul. 16 J x 21. [In Wilson (Samuel). An account of the province of Carolina, sm. 4°. London, G. Larkin for F. Smith, 1682. front.] Note. — Inset draught of Cooper and Ashley river. Same map in Speed's "The theatre of the empire of Great Britaine." 1676. Originally made for Ogilby's America 1671. A new discription of Carolina. By order of the lords proprietors. A. D. 1671. 7f X 6i. [In Hawks (Francis L.) History of North Carolina. 8°. Fayetteville, N. C. 1858. V. 2]. This map in every particular copied with a pen from an old plat of Charles Town dated 1671, found in a book of plats of various parts of U. S. A. Printed in London, 1671. 7 x 10. [In Charleston, S. C. (City of). Yearbook. 1880. 8°. Charleston, 1880- p. 240]. Note. — Title "Carolina" extends across the map. A map of the whole territory traversed by lohn Lederer in his three marches. [1672]. 7x8. [In Hawks (Francis L.) History of North Carolina. 8°. Fayetteville, N. C. 1858. V. 2]. A new description of Carolina. By order of the lords proprietors. 1672. 16 x 20i [In Charleston, S. C. (City of). Yearbook. 1886. 8°. Charleston, 1886. p. 248]. A new map of Carolina. 21i x 17|. London, Geo. Willdey, [1685?] Note. — Insets "A table of the names of such settlements as are upon Ashly and Cooper rivers & other adjacent places" and "A perticuler map for the going into Ashley and Cooper rivers." A new map of Carolina. By Philip Lea. [1695]. 18x14^. [In Charleston, S. C. (City of). Yearbook. 1883. 8°. Charleston, 1883. p. 377]. Note. — Contains "A table of the names of such settlements, etc." [Map of the improved part of Carolina, with the settlements down to 1715. By Her. Moll]. 11x17. [In Charleston, S. C. (City of). Year book. 1886. 8°. Charleston, 1886. p. 280]. A map of the province of Carolina. Divided into its parishes, etc. accord- ing to the latest accounts 1730. By H. Moll. 14 x 16. [In Humphreys (David ) . An historical account of the incorporated society for the propagation of the gospel in foreign parts. 8°. London, J. Down- ing, 1730. p. 81]. [Map of the eighth part of Carolina granted to John lord Carteret] . 11 x 11 J. [London], engraved by W. H. Toms, 1774. [In Carolina. Grant and release of one eighth part Carolina, from his majesty to lord Carteret, sm. 4°. London, 1744]. The Carolinas, with part of Georgia. T. Conder sculpt. London. 14 x 14 J. [In Gordon ( William, d. d. ) ■ The history ... of the independence of the United States. 8°. London, 1788. v. 3]. See also North Carolina; South Carolina. H. Doc. 516 .14 210 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Carolina, Cumberland gap and Chicag-o railway. Carolina, Cumberland gap and Chicago railway, fold. 22 x 27. Chicago, engraved and printed by Rand, McNally & co. [1882?]. Caroline county, Md. Map of Caroline county, Maryland. By John B. Isler. 1875. 37 x60. [n. p. 1875]. Caroni, Venezuela, S. A. Map of the missions of the Caroni. J. P. 1818. 7^ x 9. [In Quarterly (The) journal of science, literature and art. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1820. v. 8-9]. ^ Note. — To accompany ** Journal of an excursion from St. Thome de Angos- tura, in Spanish Guay^na, to the Capuchin mission of the Caroni. ' ' Carroll county, Md. Map of Carroll co., Md. [By W. O. Shearer, anon.] 53 x 53. [Philadelphia, 1863]. CarroUton, La. Williams (William H.) Map of CarroUton, Greenville & New Carrollton, accompanied by a chart of New Orleans and vicinity. Jan. 1855. [anon]. 18 x 23. New Orleans, lith. by J. Manouvrier, [1855]. Cartagena, Colombia, S. A. (Province of). Mapa geografico de la provincia de Cartagena. Su autor don Juan Lopez, pensionista por S. M. C. ; individuo de la real academia de Buenas Letras De Sevilla, de la sociedad Viscon- gada y de la Asturias. afio 1787. ms. 25 J x 16. [1787]. Note. — Now the province of Bolivar. (City of). Carthagene. P. L. Feuillee del. 7x12*. [In Feuillee (Louis). Journal des observations physiques. 4°. Paris, P. Giffart, 1714. v. 1. p. 96]. Cartagene avec ses ports, et ses forts. 8 x 12. [In Coreal (Frangois) . Voyages. 16°. Amsterdam, 1722. v. 1. opp. p. 116]. Plan du port de la ville, et des forteresses de Carthagene, representant exacte- ment la vue de la flotte angloise, le long de la cote, dans la baye proche la ville etc. suivant le dessein apporte et repr^sente a la regence et aux sei- gneurs de I'amiraute d'Angleterre par le capitaine Guillaume Laws. — Plan van de haven, stadten, kasteelen van Cartagena, col. 19 x 22. Amster- dam, Covens & Mortier, 1741. [In Delisle (Guillaume). Atlas nouveau. fol. Amsterdam, J. Covens & C. Mortier, [1741?]. v. 2. no. 40]. A new plan of the harbour, city & forts of Cartagena; with the progress of the British fleet in their several stations & attacks from the 4th of march 1741, till the 1st of april, when capt. Laws came away. Sent over by mr. Rich- • ardson from on board the Norfolk. Thos. Smith sculp. 6J x 11. [In Scots magazine. 1741. 8°. Edinburgh, 1741. v. 3. p. 228]. A plan and prospect of the harbour, town, & castles of Carthagena. By capt. Ph. Durell. 1741. AV. H. Toms sculp. Taken from the general plan brought over by admiral Vernon 1742. col. 20 J x 29^. [London], W. H. Toms, april 4, 1743. [American maps. v. 2. no. 17. v. 3. no. 27]. A map of the port of Cart\'gena. Surveyed by Michelot & Bremond, and engrav'd by Thos. Kitchin. 4^ x [In London magazine. 1762. 8°. London, K. Baldwin, [1762]. v. 3. p. 107]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 211 Cartag-ena, Colombia, S. A. Carthagena in de Spaansche West-Indien. 7 x lOJ. [In Hedendaagsche historie of tegenwoordige staat van Amerika. [anon.] 8°. Te Amsterdam, I. Tirion, 1766. v. 1. p. 321]. Plan van de haven van Carthagena. 7 x 10. [In Hedendaagsche historie of tegenwoordige staat van Amerika. [anon.] 8°. Te Amsterdam, I. Tirion, 1766. v. 1. p. 375]. Plan of the city and suburbs of Carthagena. [anon.] [In Jefferys (T. engraver) . A general topography of North America and the West Indies, iol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 77]. Plan of the harbour of Carthagena. [By Juan de Herrera. anon.] [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 76a]. Piano della citta, sobborghi di Cartagena. 7J x 10. [In Atlante deir America, [anon.] fol. Livorno, 1778. no. 36]. Carthagena. 6x5. [In Luff man (John). Select plans of the principal cities, harbours, forts, etc. in the world, sm. 4°. London, 1801. v. 2]. Plan of the bay and town of St. Martha [anon. &] Plan of the harbour of Carthagena, by don Juan de Herrera. [In AVhittle (J. ) and Laurie (R. H. ) The West India atlas, fol. London, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 37]. [ Carthage & Adirondack railway, N. Y. Colton (G. W. & C. B.) & co. Map showing the property of the Magnetic iron ore co. and the route of the Carthage & Adirondack railway. 21^ x 22J. New York, C. W. & C. B. Colton & CO. [1883]. Cascaskies. A plan of Cascaskies. Thos. Kitchin sculpsit. 10 x 18. [In Pittman (Capt. Philip) . The present state of the European settlements on the Mississippi. 4°. London, for J. Nourse, 1770. opp. p. 42]. Casco bay, Maine. Southack (Cyprian). The harbour of Casco bay and islands adjacent. 17^x21. London, R. Mount, [etc.] 1720. [In English (The) pilot. 4th book, [anon.] 'fol. London, for W. & J. Mount, [etc.] 1758. p. 7]. Preliminary chart no. 8. Casco bay, INIaine. From a trigonometrical sur- vey under the direction of A. D. Bache. Hydrography by the parties under the command of lieuts. M. Woodhull, S. D. Trenchard, W. S. Tem- ple, [etc.] 21 X 30. [Washington, 1863]. ' [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey] . Cass county, Mich.. Map of the counties of Cass, Van Buren, and Berrien, Michi- gan. From special surveys & official records by Geil & Jones, col. 64 X 41. Philadelphia, Geil, Harley & Siverd, 1860. Cass county, N. Dak. Ensign (D. W. ) & co. Plat book of Cass county, N. D. 138 pp. inch 61 maps. fol. Philadelphia, D. W. Ensign & co. 1893. Castine (Fort). Penobscot river and bay, with the operations of the English fleet, under sir George Collyer, against the division of Massachusetts troops act- ing against fort Castine, aug. 1779. With full soundings up to the present site of Bangor, ms. [anon.] 18x57. [1779]. Note. — Original ms. drawing. 212 LIST OF MAPS OF AMEEICA. Castle Pinckney, Cliarleston, S. C. Plan of Castle Pinckney in the harbor of Charleston, S. C. 1810. 10 x 18^ [In Charleston, S. C. (City of). Year book. 1883. 8°. Charleston, 1883. p. 482]. Castls William (Island of), near Boston, Mass. A general & particular plan of the island of Castle William near Boston, shewing the works in their orig- inal & present state, together with sections thro' the same. Carried on and surveyed under the direction of and by John Montresor. ms. 30 x 45. • [1770]. Castle William (Fort). A plan of Castle William, ms. [anon.] 19x28. [1770]. Cat island, Gulf of Mexico. Cat and Ship island harbors. From a trigonomet- rical survey under the direction of A. D. Bache. Hydrography by the party under the command of C. P. Patterson. Electrotype copy no, by G. Mathiot. 17 x 34. New York, Sherman & Smith, 1850. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. Catalina harbor, Newfoundland. Cattalina harbor [&] Port Bonavista. [anon.] each 10x12 J. [n. p. 1608]. [American maps. v. 4. no. 13]. Catalina harbor, Cal. Reconnaissance of Catalina harbor and the anchorage on the n. e. side of the island. California. By the hydrographic party under the command of lieut. James Alden. 1852. Electrotype copy no. 1, by G. Mathiot. 15 x lOJ. [Washington, 1852]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. Cataraugus harbor. See Cattaraugus harbor. New York. Catawba river. Sketch of the Catawba river at McCowans ford. Engraved for Stedman's History of the American war. Feb. 6, 1794. 6| x 7. [In Stedman (C.) The history of the origin, progress and termination of the American war. 4°. London, for the author, 1794. v. 2, opp. p. 329]. Catawissa, Williamsport & Erie railroad. Map of the Catawissa, Williamsport & Erie railroad. Showing its connections with the north and west by the Williamsport and Elmira railroad & its connection with Philad'a & New York by the Reading & Lehigh valley r. rd. [anon.] 24x29. [n. p. ' 18-]. Catersville and Van Wert railroad. Map of the Catersville & Van Wert railroad of Georgia and its connections. Prepared by G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. 17 x 25. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. [1870]. Catskill mountains. Map of all points of interest within four miles of the Catskill mountain house. Surveyed and drawn by Walton Van Loan. 1876. 14x26. [n. p. 1876]. Map of the Catskill mountains, by A. Guyon. Drawn by Ernest Sandoz. col. 15 X 21. New York, engraved by J. Schedler, 1879. Map of the heart of the Catskill mountains. Surveyed & drawn by Samuel E. Rusk, to accompany Rusk's illustrated guide to the Catskill mountains. 1879. 9 X 25}. Catskill, N. Y. S. E. Rusk [1879]. Barritt (Leon). Map of the great summer resort among the Catskills. Drawn and engraved for Leon Barritt. Showing railroads, driveways, [etc.] 21 X 28. Saugerties, N. Y. L. Barritt, 1883. Cattalina harbor. See Catalina harbor, Newfoundland. LIST OF MAPS OF AMEEICA. 213 Cattaraugus county, N. Y. Map of Cattaragus co. New York. From the county records & actual surveys. By Samuel Geil. Surveys by S. K. Godshalk. col. 58 X 58. Fredonia, X. Y. J. M. Tiffany, 1856. Beers (D. G. ) & co. Atlas of Cattaraugus co. N. Y. 98 pp. incl. 40 maps. fol. Xew York, D. G. Beers & co. 1869. Cattaraug-us county, Penn. Map showing portions of Allegany, Cattaraugus, McKean and Potter counties. By J. Opperman. 27 x 39. New York, Am. photo, litho. co. [1881]. Cattaraug-us harbor, N. Y. Cataraugus harbor and the public works in progress therein. W. J. Stone sc. Copied in part from a map drawn for the N. Y. & Erie r. r. co. by I. H. Simpson. 13 x 17. [Washington, 1838]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 45] . Note. — Accompanying report 1838. W. G. Williams, capt. topi. engs. Cavanas (Port), Cuba. Plan of Puerto de Cavaiias. [By Fran. Math. Celi. anon. ] [In Jefferys (T. engraver) . A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 84a]. Plan of port Cavanas [&] Plan of port Mariel, Cuba. [In Whittle (J.) and Laurie (R. H.) The West India atlas, fol. London, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 48] . Cawkins island, Conn. Harbors of Sheffield island and Cawkin's island. From a trigonometrical survey under the direction of F. R. Hassler. Hydrog- raphy by the party under the command of lieut. G. S. Blake. 18 x 14. XWashington, 1848]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. Cayenne, S. A. The island and colony of Cayenne, subject to the French, on the continent of South America. By Thomas Jefferys. 14 x 17^. [In Jefferys (T.) The natural and civil history of the French dominion in N. & S. America, fol. London, 1760. pt. 2. opp.p. 146]. Plan of the town of Cayenne and fort St. Michael. Drawn by the cheva- lier de Mareechais. 12^ x 14. [In Jefferys (T.) The natural and civil history of the French dominion in N. & S. America, fol. London, 1760. pt. 2. opp.p. 203]. Carte de I'isle de Cayenne et de ses environs. 8 x 11^. [In Bellin (J. N.) Description geographique de la Guiane. 4°. Paris, 1763. p. 165]. Carte de I'isle de Cayenne. Par le sr. Bellin, 1762. 9 J x 12i [In Bellin (J. N.) Description geographique de la Guiane. 4°. Paris, 1763. p. 180]. Port de Cayenne et son entree. 8j x 7. [In Bellin (J. N.) Description geographique de la Guiane. 4°. Paris, 1763. p. 279]. Carte de I'isle de Cayenne et de ses environs. 8 x 11. [In Chambon ( ). Le commerce de I'Amerique par Marseille, [anon.] 4°. Avignon, 1764. v. 1. p. 261]. Land-kaart van het eiland en de volkplanting van Cayenne. 14 x 1 7. [In Hedendaagsche historie of tegenwoordige staat van Amerika. [anon.] 8°. Te Amsterdam, 1767. v. 2. opp.p. 345]. I: 214 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Cayenne, S. A. The island and colony of Cayenne, subject to the French on the continent of South America. By Thomas Jefferys. [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for K. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 106]. Plan of thie town of Cayenne and fort St. Michael. Drawn by the chevalier de Mareechais. [Renaud des Marchais] . [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 107]. A sketch of the island [& plan of the town and fort] of Cayenne, [anon.] London, for R. Laurie & J. Whittle, feb. 16, 1796. [Whittle (J.) and Laurie (R. H.) The West India atlas, fol. London, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. Inset to no. 34. New (A) chart of Guayana. anon.] Cayenne. [Plan of the town] . 6x5. [In Luffman (John) . Select plans of the principal cities, harbours, forts etc, in the world, sm. 4°. London, 1801. v. 2]. Cayenne, St. Christopher, W. I. Combat de Cay onne. [View, anon.] 9x13. [n. p. 17-?] [American maps. v. 4. no. 28]. Cayuga county, N. Y. Map of gen. Sullivan's march from Easton to the Seneca & Cayuga countries, ms. [anon.] 28 x 30. [1779?]. Map. From actual surveys, col. 56 x 36. Philadelphia, S. Geil, 1853. Map of Cayuga and Seneca counties. New York. From actual surveys by 0. W. Gray. col. 58 x 58. Philadelphia, A. R. Z. Dawson, 1859. Beers (F. W.) County atlas of Cayuga, N. Y. 147 pp. incl. 37 maps. fol. New York, Walker & Jewett, 1875. Cedar county, Iowa. Map of Cedar co. Iowa. Compiled from the official sur- veys of the United States and county records and from personal reconnois- sance, by"^ Wells Spicer. 50 x 39. Pittsburgh, Pa. W. Schuchman, [18-]. Cedar Keys, Florida. Reconnoissance of vicinity of Cedar Keys, coast of Florida, by F. H. Gerdes. 1851. Sketch F. no. 4. 8^x8. [Washington, 1851]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. Reconnoissance of channel no. 4 Cedar Keys, Florida. By F. H. Gerdes. 1852. 9^x11. [Washington, 1852]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. Cedar Mountain, Va. Plan of Cedar mountain and north east vicinity with refer- ences to gen'l Pope's campaign. [In Bechler (Gustavus R.) Atlas showing battles, engagements, and important localities connected with the campaigns in Virginia, obi. 12°. [Philadelphia], 1864. plate 9]. Cedar Swamp, Maryland. Plan of Patuxet river & Cedar swamp, ms. [anon.] 13x17. [1843]. Note. — A true copy of the original in the hands of Daniel Young, of Norwich, Conn. Henry Stevens, jr. 1843. Central America. Ivcatana regio et Fondvra. 9 x 11. [In Wytfliet (Cornelius) and others. Histoire vniverselle des Indes. fol. Douay, F. Fabri, 1605. opp. p. 105]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 215 Central America. Audience de Guatimala. Par N. Sanson, 1657. 7} x lOf. [In his L'Amerique en plvsievrs cartes. 4°. Paris, I'autheur, 1657. no. 6]. Yvcatan conventus iuridici Hispani?e novte pars occidentalis, et Gvatimala conventvs ivridicvs. 16^ x 20^. [In Blaauw (W. J.) and Blaauw (Jan). Le grand atlas, ov cosmographie Blaviane, contenant I'Amerique. fol. Amsterdam, J. Blaeu, 1667. v. 12. bet. pp. 63-64]. Central America. 9 x 11. [In Coronelli (Vincenzo). Atlante Veneto. fol. Venetia, 1695-97. v. 2. p. 156]. Carte des isles de I'Amerique et de plusieurs pays de terre ferme situes au devant de ces isles & autour du golfe de Mexique. Par le sr. d'Anville. 1731. 12 x 17. [In his Atlas general, fol. Paris, 1727-80. no. 36]. Spanish dominions in North America. Southern part. col. 20 x 27. [In Pinkerton (John). A modern atlas, fol. Philadelphia, T. Dobson, 1818. no. 45]. Central America and the West Indies. From the latest and best authorities. 12 X 21. London, Longmans, 1832. [In McCulloch (J. R. ) A dictionary, etc. of commerce. 8°. London, 1832. p. 324]. Map of Central America to illustrate the papers of capt. Bird Allen, [etc.] 16^ X 15. [In Royal geographical society. Journal. 1841. 8°. London, 1841]. :Map of the Mosquito coast. T. R. Harrison litho. 30 x 20J. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Accounts and papers. State papers. 1847-8. V.65]. [Map of the tract of land to which New Granada and Central America, lay claim]. T. R. Harrison, litho. 12^x16. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Accounts and papers. State papers. 1847-8. V. 65]. C«ntral-Amerika und Westindien. 16 x 22. Berlin, D. Reimer, 1849. [In Ritter (Carl) . Geographischer atlas, fol. Berlin, 1851. p. 23]. Central America. 12^ x 16. [In Sharpe's student's atlas, fol. London, Chapman & Hall, 1850. no. 44]. Map of Central America, [etc.] Shewing the proposed route between the Atlantic & Pacific oceans, by way of Tehuantepec, Nicaragua, & Panama. Engraved from the original drawing of John Baily. 26 x 40. London, T. Saunders, 1850. Map of Central America, shewing the different lines of Atlantic & Pacific communication. By James Wyld. 1850. Ex. doc. no. 75. 1st sess. 31st cong. col." 23 x 32. Baltimore, lith. by E. Weber & co. [1850]. ^ A new map of Central America, shewing the different lines of Atlantic & Pacific communication, col. 23 x 33. New York, J. Disturnell, 1850. Map of the West Indies & Central America, shewing the countries where the mahogany & other fine forest trees abound; also the projected pass- ages across the great American isthmus. Drawn & engraved for Chaloner & Fleming, by Trelawny Saunders. 1851. 18 x 25. [In Chaloner (Edward) & Fleming ( ). The mahogany tree. 8°. Liverpool, [1851]. at end]. 216 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Central America. Map of Central America, shewing the different Unes of Atlantic and Pacific communication. By James Wyld. 222^ x 31. [London, J. Wyld, 1854]. [In Wyld (James). A new general atlas, fol. London, 1854]. Note. — Contains a colored map of " Isthmus of Panama." Map of Central America. Compiled from materials furnished by the com- mittee on foreign relations of the senate of the U. S. Executed at the office of the U. S. coast survey, under special direction of capt. W. E. Palmer, U. S. top'l eng'rs. March 1856. L. D. Williams draught^ U. S. C. S. 41 X 43. New York, lith. by J. Bien, [1856]. Map of central America, etc. Shewing the routes between the Atlantic & Pacific oceans. Edited by Trelawney Saunders from the original draw- ings of John Baily, with additions, etc. London, E. Stanford, 1856. Reproduced in 1879. 14 x 21. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Accounts and papers. 1881. v. 99]. tjbersicht der hauptverbindungswece des Atlantischen und Stillen oceans durch Central America, entworfen von H. Kiepert, 1857. 16 x 18. [In Zeitschrift fiir allegemeine erdkunde. Neue folge. 8°. Berlin, 1857. V. 11. p. 288]. Map of the United States, British & Central America. From state docu- ments & unpublished materials by professor H. D. Rogers of Boston, U. S. and A. Keith Johnston, geographer to the queen. 1857. Engraved by W. & A. K. Johnston, col. 54 x 67. Edinburgh, W. & A. K. Johnston, [1857]. Mexico und die republiken von Central America. Bearbeitet von C. Griif. 22 X 25. Weimar, geographisches institut, [1858]. H. Kiepert' s karte des nordlichen tropischen America. A new map of trop- ical America north of the equator comprising the West Indies, Central America, Mexico, New Granada, and Venezuela, col. 38 x 63. Ber- lin, D. Reimer, 1858. H. Kiepert' s neue karte von Mittel- America. A new map of Central America. Engraved on stone by Ed. Kolitz. col. 36 x 40. Berlin, R. Reimer, 1858. Carta de los estados de Centro-America con todos los proyectos de las diversas vias de comunicacion inter-oceanica desde la punta de Anton- Lizardo en Vera-Crux hasta el cabo Corrientes en Nueva-Granada. For- mada por A"" E. van de Gehiichte y dibujado por Er^» Vital J. van- de-Gehiichte, segiin, el orijinal e el dejado por su difunto padre. Escalos. 1:2,000,000 de la dimension natural, ms. 36 x 40J. Gautemala, 1862. Johnson's Central America, col. 11 x 16. New York, A. J. Johnson, [1867]. General map of the American isthmuses showing the various lines proposed for interoceanic comnumication. Compiled by admiral C. H. Davis. 20 X 24. [In Davis (Charles Henry). Report on interoceanic canals and railroads between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. 8°. Washington, 1867. map 1]. The granger's map of the United States, British provinces, West Indies, Mexico and Central America. [By Gaylord Watson, anon.] 38 x 50. Chicago, Watson's Chicago branch, 1874. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 217 Central America. Williams' (G. W.) copper-plate map of the United States, Canada, Mexico, Central America, West Indies, etc. col. 63 x 63. Phila- delphia, J. M. Atwood, [1876]. Colton's Central America. Scale of statute miles, 60 to one inch. col. 14 X 26. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. 1883. ' Central American railway. Map of the Mexican Pacific railway, connecting ciudad Yucatan with Merida, Campeche, Vera Cruz, Mexico, and Aca- pulco and of the Central American railway, connecting ciudad Yucatan with Valladolid, Belize, [etc.] Prepared by G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. 21^ X 28. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. [1877]. Central Pacific railroad. Rand, McNally & co. Central Pacific r. r. and leased lines. Southern Pacific r. r. and connections. Sept. 1882. col. 26 x 31. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1882]. Map showing the route of the Central Pacific railroad from San Francisco to the Mississippi river. 17 x 40. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. 1887. Central Park, N. Y. Hinrichs' guide map of the Central park. By Oscar Hin- richs. 10 X 26. New York, Mayer, Merkel & Ottmann, [1875]. Cientral railroad extension company of Long- Island. Map showing the route & connections of the Central railroad extension company of Long Island. Prepared by G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. 15 x 25. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & CO. [1873]. Central transit route, Mexico. Map illustrating the advantages of the Central transit route through Mexico to the Pacific ocean. Prepared by J. B. Moore, c. e. 1860. 16^ x 20. Philadelphia, Bowen & co. [I860]. Cerrillos (Los) mines, Santa Fe county, N. Mex. Los Cerrillos mines, Santa Fe county. New Mexico. Surveyed by J. L. Hayward. 22 x 32. Boston, photo-lith. Forbes co. 1880. Cerro Gordo, Mexico. Battle of Cerro Gordo, april 17tb & 18th, 1847. From surveys made by major TurnbuU & capt. McClellan. Drawn by capt. McClellan. 12x18. [Washington, 1847]. [UAited States. War department. Corps of engineers]. Chagres, Colombia. A plan and prospect of the river, town & castle of Chagre. By lieut. P. Durell. 13 x 20. London, W. Mount & T. Page, 1740. [American maps. v. 2. no. 14]. Plan of the town, road, and harbour of Chagre. [By Fran. Math. Cell. anon.] [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 75]. Note. — With soundings. Plan of the road and harbour of Chagre with the town and castle [&] A draught of the Bahias del Almirante named by the buccaniers Bocatoro. [In Whittle (J.) and Laurie (R. H.) The West India atlas, fol. London, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 39]. De stad, reede, haven en rivier van Chagres, in de Spaansche Westindien. 10 X 6i [In Hedendaagsche historie of tegenwoordige staat van Amerika. [anon.] 8°. Te Amsterdam, I. Tirion, 1766. v. 1. p. 317]. 218 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. CJiagres, Colombia. Piano della cittii, rada e porto di Chagre. 10 x 7^. [In Atlante deir America, [anon.] fol. Livorno, 1778. no. 33]. Chaleur bay, Canada. A plan of Chaleur bay in the gulf of St. Laurence, surveyed by his majesty's ship Norwich in 1760. [anon.] 13^ x 21. London, Laurie & Whittle, 12 may, 1794. [In North American pilot. The first part of the North American pilot. A new ed. fol. London, R. Laurie & J. Whittle, 1806. no. 17]. Chalmette's plantation, La. Laclotte (Hyacinthe). Key of the print represent- ing the attack made by the British army under sir Edward Packenham, on the lines of entrenchments of the American army, commanded by major general Andrew Jackson in the plain of Chalmette's plantation, on the left bank of the Mississippi, five miles east of New Orleans. [8th jan. 1815]. 14x20 J. [New Orleans, 1815]. Champaign county, Ohio. Map. Compiled from Armstrong's map and recent surveys & record by F. Hess. col. 42 x 40. [Cincinnati], S, H. Matthews, [1858]. Champlain (Lake), N. Y. Carte de la riviere de Richelieu et du lac Champlain. Par N. B[ellin. anon.] 12 x 5i [In Charlevoix (P. F. X. de). Histoire et description de la Nouvelle France. 16°. Paris, 1744. v. 5. -opp. p. 177]. A survey of lake Champlain, from Crown Point to Windmil Point, and from thence to St. lohns. Survey'd by order of his excellency major gen. Amherst, commander in chief of his majesty's forces in North America, anno 1762. By Wm. Brasier, deputy draughtsman, in the ofiice of ord- nance. Scale 2 miles to an inch. ms. col. 51 x 15. [1762]. [Faden collection, no. 20^]. A survey of lake Champlain, including lake George, Crown Point and St. John. Surveyed by order of major-gen. sr. Jeffery Amherst. By William Brassier, 1762. 26 x 19. London, for R. Sayer & J. Bennett, aug. 5, 1776. [American maps. v. 2. no. 24. also v. 6. no. 12]. Same. [In Jefferys (T.) and others. The American atlas, fol. London, for R. Sayer & J. Bennett, 1776. no. 18]. A survey of lake Champlain, including lake George, Crown Point and St. John. By AVilliam Brassier, 1762. col. 19 x 26. London, for R. Sayer & J. Bennett, aug. 5, 1776. [In Sayer (Robert) and Bennett (John), editors. The American military pocket atlas, [anon.] 8^. London, for R. Sayer & J. Bennett, [1776]. no. 6]. The attack and defeat of the American fleet under Benedict Arnold, by the king's fleet, commanded by sir Guy Carleton, upon Lake Champlain, the , 11th. oct. 1776. From a sketch taken by an officer on the spot. Engraved by Wm. Faden. ms. 10 x 17. [London], W. Faden, 1776. Note. — Drawn to be engraved by Wm. Faden and afterwards published. [Faden collection, no. 21]. The attack and defeat of the American fleet under Benedict Arnold by the king's fleet commanded by capt. Thos. Pringle, upon Lake Champlain. Oct. 11, 1776. From a sketch taken by an officer on the spot. Engraved by Wm. Faden. [anon.] 10 x 16^. London, W. Faden, dec. 3, 1776. [In Faden (William, editor). The North American atlas, fol. London, for AV. Faden, 1777. no. 16]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 219 Champlain (Lake), X. Y. A topographical map of Hudsons river, and the country adjacent, from Sandy- Hook, Xew York and bay of Fort Edward, also the communication with Canada by Lake George and Lake Champlain as high as Fort Chambly, on Sorel river. By Claude Joseph Sauthier. Engraved by William Faden. 21 x 20i London, W. Faden, oct. 1, 1776. [In Faden (William, editor). The North American atlas, fol. London, for W. Faden, 1777. no. 15]. Lake Champlain and lake George, and the country between the Hudson and the lakes on the west, and Connecticut on the east. Finely drawn, ms. 25 X 12. [1777]. Note. — This map was drawn by mr. Med calf e, afterward engraved by Wil- liam Faden, and published in Burgoyne's "A state of the expedition from Canada." 2d ed. 1780. [Faden collection, no. 62-63]. ■ Plan Lake Champlain from fort St. John's to Ticonderoga with the sound- ings, rocks, shoals and sands. Surveyed in 1778, 1779. Scale of one mile to one inch. ms. [anon.] 32 x 100. [1779]. Note. — Showing the operations of the forces under Burgoyne. [Faden collection, no. 64]. Tinting (W.) Rough sketch of the country from lake Champlain and the river Sorett, extending to the eastward as far as the river St. Fran9ois and the Cohos on the Connecticut. Showing the marches of 21 officers & Canadians in oct. and no v. 1780, under the command of lieut. col. Carleton in order to discover a road cut by the rebels under the direction of col. Hazen in 1778 & 1779. ms. 18x22. [1780]. Plan of the siege of Plattsburg and capture of the British fleet on lake Champlain, sept. 11, 1814. To accompany B. Tanner print of Macdon- ough's victory. 10 x 8. [n. p. 1814]. ^lap of lake Champlain and route between Albany and Montreal. 5 x 2f]. [In HoUey (O. L.) The picturesque tourist. 16°. Ne-sv York, 1844. opp. p. 89]. Chancellorsville, Va. Topographical features near Ely's Banks & U. S. ford on the Rappahannock river including the main positions of the U. S. army at the battle of Chancellors ville, Va. Gen. Hooker's campaign. [In Bechler (Gustavus R.) Atlas showing battles, engagements, and important localities connected with the campaigns in Virginia, obi. 12°. [Philadelphia], 1864. pi. 15]. Charleston, S. C. A plan of Charles Town. Copied with a pen from an old dilap- idated plat without a date. J. Lodge sculpt, no. 45. Shoe Lane, Lon- don. Jas. Sanson scribe. 10 x oh. [In Charleston, S. C. (City of). Yearbook. 1880. 8°. Charleston, 1880. p. 256]. ^lap of Charleston and its vicinity showing the original settlement of 1670 at Albemarle Point, the Oyster Point settlement of 1672 and subsequent extension of 1783 and 1849, prepared to accompany mayor Courtenay's centennial address, aug. 13, 1883. 28 x 26. [In Charleston, S.C. (City of). Yearbook. 1883. 8°. Charleston. 1883. front.] 220 LIST OF MAPS OF AMEKICA. Charleston, S. C. This map in every particular copied with a pen from an old plat of Charles Town dated 1671. found in a book of plats of various parts of U. S. A. printed in London. 1671. 7 x 10. [In Charleston, S.C. (City of). Yearbook. 1880. 8°. Charleston, 1880. p. 240]. — ■ [Plan of the inland navigation between South Edisto and Charleston, ms. [anon]. 9 x 14^. [17—]. The town and harbour of Charlestown in South Carolina, [anon.] 4^ x 6. [n.p.l7-]. A plan of Charlestown, from a survey of Edw. Crisp in 1704. 9 x 11^. [In Ramsay (David). The history of South Carolina. 8°. Charleston, 1809. V. 2. front.] A plan of Charles Town from a survey of Edw'd Crisp, esq. in 1704. 6 x 10. [In Charleston, S.C. (City of). Yearbook. 1880. 8°. Charleston, 1880. p. 242]. A plan of Charlestown from a survey of Edw'd Crisp in 1704. Engraved by James Akin. 9 x 11^. [In Ramsay (David). A history of South Carolina. 8°. Charleston, for the author, 1809. v. 2. front.] A draught of ye town and harbour of Charlestown. [American maps. v. 1. no. 12. Inset Moll (H.) A new and exact map of the dominions of the king of Great Britain on ye continent of North America. London, 1715]. Early survey of and rough draft made in 1730 of a journey from Charleston to the head waters of the Savannah river with the supposed connections with the Mississippi, extending from Charleston to the river. By George Hunter, ms. 19 x 26. [1730.] Note. — Ms. notes added in 1757. The iconography of Charles Town at high-water. G. H. delin. AY. H. Toms sculpt. 17 X 21. Pubhshed June 9, 1739, by B. Roberts & W. H. Toms. [In Charleston, S.C. (City of). Yearbook. 1884. 8°. Charleston, S. C. 1884. front]. An exact prospect of Charlestown, the metropolis of the province of South Carolina, [anon.] 7 x 20^^. [London, engraved for the London maga- zine, 1762]. Same. [American maps. v. 2. no. 2a] . Note. — Eng. to face page 296 of the London magazine for June, 1762. Same. An exact prospect of Charlestown the metropolis of South Carolina. [anon.] 7 x 20. [In Charleston, S. C. (City of). Year book. 1882. 8°. Charleston, 1882. p. 340]. Note. — Originally published in the London magazine for June, 1762. The bar and harbor of Charleston. [From actual surveys by Henry Mouzon and others], London, R. Saver & J. Bennett, may 30, 1775. [Faden (William, editor). The North American atlas, fol. London, for W. Faden, 1777. no. 29-30. Inset Mouzon (H.) and others. An accurate map of North and South Carolina]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 221 Chaxleston, S. C. Barre et port de Charlestown leve en 1776, avec les attaques du Fort Sulivan du 28 juin 1776 par I'escadre Anglaise commandee par P. Parker, [anon.] 18 x 24. Paris, Le Rouge, 1778. [In Le Rouge (Georges Louis). Atlas Ameriquain Septentrional, fol. Paris, Le Rouge, 1778-[1792?]. no. 21]. An exact plan of Charleston bar and harbour. From an actual survey. With the attack of fort Sulivan on the 28th of June 1776, by his majesty's squad- ron, commanded by sir Peter Parker, [anon.] 20 x 27. London, for R. Sayer, jan. 1, 1791. [In North American pilot. A new ed. much enlarged, of the second part of the North American pilot, fol. London, R. Laurie & J. Whittle, 1800. no. 15]. A plan of Charles town, the capital of South Carolina with the harbour, islands, and forts, the attack on Fort Sulivan by his majesty's ships under sir Peter Parker, in 1776; the position of the land forces under gen. Clin- ton, and the rebel camp and intrenchments. Exactly delineated. Jno. Lodge sculp, [anon.] 5^ x 11. [In Political (The) magazine. 8°. London, for J. Bew, [1780]. v. 1. Feb. 1780. opp.p. 171]. View of Charlestown from on board the Bristol commodore sir Peter Parker taken in Five Fathom Hole the day after the attack upon fort Sulivan. By col. Thos. James. 8^ x 12*. London, W. Faden, aug. 10, 1776. [In Atlas of battles of the American revolution, fol. [London, 1770-1793]. no. 28]. A plan of the attack of fort Sullivan, the key of Charlestown in South Carolina, on the 28th of June 1776. By his majesty's squadron commanded by sir Peter Parker. By an officer on the spot, [anon.] col. 21 x 16. London, for R. Sayer & J. Bennett, 1776. [Plan of Charleston and harbour, ms. anon. 20 x 28. 1777?]. Note. — Topographical drawing finished in colors. [Faden collection, no. 40]. The harbour of Charles town in South Carolina from the surveys of sr. Jas. Wallace & others with a view of the town from the south shore of Ashley river. 33 x 24^ London, J. F. W. Des Barres, 1777. [In Des Barres (Joseph F. W.) The Atlantic Neptune, fol. London, 1780-81]. Barre et port de Charlestown. [Le Rouge (Georges Louis). Atlas Ameriquain Septentrional, fol. Paris, De Rouge, 1778-[1792?]. Inset to no. 19-20. Mouzon (H.) and others. An accurate map of North and South Carolina]. Charles-town, capitale de la Caroline. [Plan, anon.] 4h x 7. [n. p. 1780]? [Rochambeau: 45]. Plan d'Amboy. Vues de la rade de Charles-town, et du fort Srlivan. Mai, 1780. 'anon. 9 x 14. [n. p. 1780]. [Rochambeau: 19]. Plan de la ville de Charlestown, de ses retrenchmens et du siege fait par les Anglois en 1780. [anon.] ms. 13x17. [1780]. [Rochambeau: 46]. 222 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Charleston, S. C. A plan of the town, bar, harbour and environs of Charlestown ir. South Carolina, with all the channels, soundings, sailing-marks etc, from the survey made in the colony; engraved by William Faden. 1780. [anon.] 19| x 26J. London, W. Faden, June 1, 1780. [In Atlas of battles of the American revolution, fol. [London, 1770-1793]. no. 19]. * A sketch of Charleston harbour shewing the disposition of the British fleet under the command of vice adml. Mariot Arbuthnot upon the attack on Fort Moultrie on Sulivan island in 1780. Abernethie sculpt, [anon.] 7 X 11. [Charleston, 1785]. [In Eamsay (David). The history of the revolution of South Carolina. 8°. Trenton, I. Collins, 1785. v. 2. opp. p. 59] . The plan of Charles Town with its entrenchments and those made during the siege by the English, 1780. 7j x 10. [In Charleston, S. C. (City of). Year book. 1880. 8^^. Charleston, 1880. p. 264]. ' ■ Siege of Charleston. [In Carrington (Henry B, ) Battle maps and charts of the American revo- lution. 8°. New York, 1881]. Sketch of the coast from South Edisto to Charles Town, 1st march, 1780. With sketch of the rebel redoubt on Stono river, ms. 14x10. [1780]. [Faden collection: no. 46]. A sketch of the environs of Charlestown in South Carolina. By capt. Geo. Sproute, assistant engineer on the spot. 15 x 21. [n. p.], published 1st June, 1780. Note. — Apparently printed for the information of the government, before Charleston surrendered. The later positions of the troops are added in a subsequent edition. [Faden collection, no. 48]. Sketch of the harbour of Charles town as described by capt. Durfie. 1 march, 1780. ms. 11x7. [1780]. [Faden collection, no. 50]. A sketch of the operations before Charleston, the capital of South Carolina 1780. Abernethie sculpt. 10 x 14. [In Ramsay (David). The history of the revolution of South Carolina. 8°. Trenton, L Collins, 1785. v. 2, opp. p. 43]. A sketch of the operations before Charlestown, S. C. 1780. 6J x 11^. [In Gordon (William.) The history, etc. of the independence of the U. S. 8°. London, 1788. v. 3]. A sketch of the operations before Charlestown, the capital of South Carolina. Sir Henry Clinton's map. 1780. 26 x 19. [In Charleston, S. C. (City of) . Yearbook. 1884. 8°. Charleston, 1884. p. 361]. Note. — Page 371. "When sir Henry Clinton effected his landing before Charleston he sent a complete corps of engineers in the advance of which major Moncrieffe was an experienced officer. . . . their diary kept by an officer is now in possession of the Pennsylvania historical society, and its examination has shown the daily and accurate progress of the details of the ac('omi)anying maj). Sir Henry Clinton's map may therefore be con- sidered as the most accurate view of their territory, etc The original is preserved in the mayor's office, city hall." LIST OF MAPS OF AMEEICA. 223 Charleston, S. C. A sketch of the operations before Charlestown, S. C. 1780. T. Conder sculpt. London. 8 x 6^. [In Gordon (William, d. d.) The history ... of the independence of the United States. 8°. London, 1788. v. 3. p. 358]. [Plan of the investment of Charleston by the English army in 1780. With the position of each corps, ms. anon. 27 x 20. 1780]. [Faden collection, no. 49]. A sketch of the operations before Charlestown, the capital of South Carolina. 61 X 29. [In Des Barres (Joseph F. W.) The Atlantic Neptune, fol. London, 1780-81. V. 2] . Plan of the siege of Charlestown in South Carolina, [anon.] London, march 1, 1787. [In Atlas of battles of the American revolution, fol. [London, 1770-1793]. no. 10]. Plan of the siege of Charlestown in South Carolina. 10 x 11^. Lo'ndon, march 1, 1787. [In Tarleton (Banastre). A history of the campaigns of 1780 and 1781 in the southern provinces of North America. 4°. London, for T. Cadell, 1787. opp.p. 32]. Plan of the siege of Charlestown in South Carolina. Engraved for Stedman's History of the American war. 10 x Hi. [In Stedman (C.) The history of the origin, progress and termination of the American war. 4°. London, for the author, 1794. v. 2. opp. p. 184]. Plan of the siege of Charlestown in South Carolina. Tanner sc. 10 x llj. [In Smith (Charles, of X. Y. d. 1810). The monthly military repository. 8°. New York, for the author, 1796. v. 1. opp. p. 301]. Charleston harbour. 6x5. [In Luffman (John) . Select plans of the principal cities, harbours, forts, etc. in the world, sm. 4°. London, 1801. v. 2]. Plan of the siege of Charleston in S. Carolina. Drawn by S. Lewis. Tanner sc. 9J X 14. Philadelphia, C. P. Wayne, [1807]. [In Marshall (John). The life of George Washington. Maps. 4°. Phila- delphia, C. P. Wayne, 1807. pi. 10]. Charleston harbour and the adjacent coast and country of South Carolina. Surveyed at intervals in 1823, 1824 and 1825 by Hartman Bache, James D. Graham, C. M. Eakin, [etc.] W. J. Stone sc. 50 x 61. [Washington, 1825]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 102]. ^ [Fort Sumter and Charleston harbor. Prepared at the U. S. topographical bureau, [anon.] 3 charts. [Washington, 183-]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 69-71]. Map of comparison of Maffitt's channel, Charleston harbor. By the hydro- graphic party under the command of lieut. J. N. Maffitt. 1856. 19 x 19. [Washington, 1856]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. 224 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Charleston, S. C. Perry (George T.) Part of Charleston harbor, embracing forts Moultrie, Sumter, Johnson and Castle Pinckney, also Sullivan, James, & Morris islands and showing the position of the Star of the West when fired into from Morris island. 15 x 19. Philadelphia, lith. P. S. Duval & son, [1861]. Note. — Inset portrait of major Anderson. E. & G. W. Blunt's map of Charleston and vicinity. 18 x 20. [New York], E. & G. W. Blunt, 1862. Map of the operations against the defenses of Charleston harbor, 1863. Showing batteries covering the descent upon Morris island, July 10. 8x29. [In Charleston, S. C. (City of). Year book. 1884. 8°. Charleston, 1884. p. 353]. Map of Charleston and its defences. Compiled from surveys of portions of St. Andrews and Christ parish by lieut. John Johnson, [etc.] under the direction of major Wm. H. Echols, by Wm. A. Walker. Drawn by John R Key. Nov. 28, 1863. 19^ x 25. [In Charleston, S. C. (City of). Yearbook. 1885. 8°. Charleston, 1885. p. 352]. Charleston harbor and its approaches. Shewing the position of the rebel batteries, 1863. 24 x 20. [Washington, 1863]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. Tomlinson (G. W. ) New map of Charleston harbor, showing the scene of the great naval contest between the iron clad monitors and the rebel bat- teries, also the lines of fire, forts, obstructions, inlets, princ'l plantations, etc. col. 18 X 24. Boston, G. W. Tomlinson, [1863]. Usser (T. B.) Charleston harbor and city defences, col. 16 x 23. [New York?], T. B. Usser, [1864]. Note. — Containing key. Copyright by D. N. Dobelmann & G. Huck. Charleston. 8x7. [In Hall (Edward H.) Appleton's hand-book of American travel. 12°. New York, D. Appleton & co. 1866. p. 60]. Map of Charleston, South Carolina. Published for the Charleston city direc- tory, by Thad. C. Jowitt. 1869-70. 19 x 14. [Charleston, 1870].' • Map of the city of Charleston, S. C. Reprinted from Walker, Evans & Cogs- well. Issue of 1877. 9^ x 6^ [In Charleston, S. C. (City of). Year book. 1880. 8°. Charleston, 1880. p. 280]. Map of Charleston, the harbor and vicinity. Copied from chamber of com- merce map for mayor Courtenay's annual reports. 1880. 18^ x 9. [In Charleston, S.C. (City of). Yearbook. 1880. 8°. Charleston, 1880. front] . Charleston harbor, S. C. from surveys made under the direction of col. Q. A. Gillmore. [etc.] 1886. 19 x 35. [Jn Charleston, S.C. (City of). Yearbook. 1885. 8°. Charleston, 1885. front.] See also Moultrie (Fort); Sullivan (Fort). Charleston, W. Va. Insurance map of Charleston, W. Va. [By] Freedley & Morris. 33x35. [Charleston, W. Va. 1874]." LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 225 Charleston, Cecil county, Md. A plan of Charles-ton, Cecil county, Maryland, ms. [anon.] 2 sheets. 21 x 14 & lOi x 7*. [17—]. Charlestown, Mass. Sketch of the ground about Charles Town. ms. [anon.] 12 X 18. [1775?]. Plan of the peninsula of Charlestown shewing the three posts that his majesty's troops have kept and fortified with buildings therein for guard rooms. Boston, 3 dec. 1775. A scale of 900 feet. [By] John Montresor. ms. 12 X 18. [Boston, 1775]. Note. — Autograph dedication "To his excellency major-general Howe, com- mander in chief of his majesty' rces." Plan of Charlestown peninsula in the state of Massachusetts, from accurate survey, by Peter Tufts, jr, 1818. 17 x 21. Boston, engraved by Annin & Smith, [1818]. Centennial map of the city of Charlestown, 1875. A complete guide to strangers, representing Charlestown as it is to day, in combination with a plan of the battle of Bunker hill. Drawn by James E. Stone. 25 x 27. Boston, L. Prang & co. [1875]. See also Bunker Hill. Charlotte county, N. Y. Part of the counties of Charlotte and Albany, in the province of New York; being the seat of war between the king's forces under lieut. gen. Burgoyne and the rebel army. By Thos. Kitchin. 10 X 7i [In London magazine. 1778. 8°. London, R. Baldwin, 1778. v. 47. p. 51]. Charlotte, N. C. (City of). Map. From recent and careful surveys. By F. W. Beers, col. 59x50. [New York], for the southern and southwestern surveying and pub. co. 1877. Chatham county, Ga. Map of Chatham co. state of Georgia. Compiled exclu- sively from certified plats and maps of the most local surveyors by Charles G. Platen. 13 x 9. [n. p. 1875]. Map. Compiled exclusively from certified plats and maps of the most eminent local surveyors by Charles G. Platen. 48 x 34. [n. p. 1875]. Same. col. 50x40 [n. p. 1875]. Chattanooga, Tenn. Battlefield of Chattanooga with the operations of the national forces under the command of major gen. U. S. Grant during the battles of nov. 23-25, 1863. col. 14 x 17. [Washington], coast survey otfice, [1863]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey ] . Battlefield of Chattanooga with the operations of the national forces under the command of major gen. U. S. Grant, during the battles of nov. 23, 24, & 25, 1863. Compiled by Edward Ruger. 8 x 9f . Cincinnati, R. Clarke &CO. [1875]. Note. — From Atlas [map no. 10] to "Van Home's History of the army of the Cumberland." Map exhibiting the Chattanooga & east Tennessee campaigns in conj miction. Compiled by Edward Ruger. 16 x 19. Cincinnati, R. Clarke & co. [1875]. Note. — From Atlas [map no. 9] to "Van Home's History of the army of the Cumberland." H. Doc. 516 15 22B LIST OF MAPS OF AMEBIC A. Chattanooga, Tenn. Map showing the mineral resources of Chattanooga and vicinity. Designed and published by S. B. Lowe. 26 x 32. Chattanooga, S. B. Lowe, 1873. Hopkins (G. M.) Atlas of the city of Chattanooga, Tenn. index map. 16 pi. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1889. Chaudiere river, Canada. A map of the sources of the Chaudiere, Penobscot, and Kennebec rivers. By [col. J.] Montresore. ms. 222^x19. [1761]. KoTE. — Montresor's Journal of this«expedition from Quebec into Maine is found in Maine historical society collections. 1831. v. 1. pp. 341-357. Chautauqua county, N. Y. Map of Chautauque co., New York. From actual surveys by S. M. Rea & A. Y. Trimble, col. 52 x 52. Philadelphia, C. G. keeney, 1854. Beers (F. W. ) & co. Illustrated historical atlas of the county of Chautau- qua, N. Y. 137 pp. incl. 71 maps. fol. New York, F. W. Beers & co. 1881. Chautauqua lake, N. Y. Map of Chautauqua lake and vicinity. From actual surveys. 2 sheets, each 22 x 15. New York, J. W. Vose & co. 1888. Chedabucto bay. Nova Scotia. A new pilot for the south east coast of Nova Sco- tia, Chedabucto bay, gut of Canso, bay of Fundy and round the isle of Cape Breton surveyed by Thomas Backhouse. 2 p. 1. 15 maps. fol. London, R. Laurie & J. Whittle, 1798. Chelsea, Mass. (City of). Map, from actual surveys, 1867. [anon.] col. 17x22. [Chelsea?], J. Mayer & co. [1867]. Map of the city of Chelsea, from actual surveys 1876. Joseph R. Carr, jr., surveyor, col. 16x20. [Chelsea], J. Sale, [1876]. Chemung county, N. Y. Beers (F. W.) & others. Atlas of Chemung co., N. Y. 29 pp. 4 pi. incl. 18 maps. fol. New York, F. W. Beers, [etc.] 1869. Cherokee county, Kans. See Short Creek mining region. Cherokee county, Tex. Map. 1879. 26 x 17. St. Louis, lith. by A. Gast & co. [1879]. [Texas. General land office]. Cherokee county, Ala. Map of the Cherokee cession in Alabama, no. 10. doc. 11. [Washington, 1837]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by ' order of Congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 145]. Cherokee county, N. C. A draught of the Cherokee country, on the west side of the twenty-four mountains, commonly called Over the Hills; taken by Henry Timberlake when he was in that country, in march 1762. 15^ x 9J. [In Timberlake (Henry). The memoirs of lieut. Henry Timberlake. 8°. London, for the author, 1765]. A sketch of the Cherokee country. Engraved by J. Lodge. 15| x 11. [In Mante (Thomas). The history of the late war in North America. 4°. London, 1772. p. 286]. A draught of the Cherokee country on the west side of the Twenty four mountains, commonly called Over the Hills, taken by Henry Timberlake, in mareh 1762. Likewise the names of the principal, or head men of each town. [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. L9ndon, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 64]. Note. — Formerly a part of South Carolina. LIST OF MAPS OF AMEBIC A. 227 Cherokee county, N. C. A new map of the Cherokee nation with the names of the towns and rivers. They are situated on n°. lat. from 34 to 36. Engraved from an Indian draught by T. Kitchin. 7x9. [In London (The) magazine. 8°. London, for R. Baldwin, [1760]. v. 29. Feb. 1760. opp. p. 96]. Cherokee nation. The Cherokee land lottery, [etc.] With an engraved map of each district. By James E. Smith. 414 pp. 59 maps. 8°. New York, Harper & brothers, 1838. Chesapeake bay. Nona terr?e Marian tabula. T. Cecill sculp. 11 ^ x 15. [In Relation (A) of Maryland, [anon.] sm. 4°. London, W. Peastley, 1635]. Note. — A revised edition of this map is found in Ogilby's America, 1671. Same. Nona terrge Marine tabula. T. Cecill sculp. 11^ x 15. [In Relation. (A) of Maryland, reprinted from the London ed. 1635. [anon.] sm.4°. :Jsew York, J. Sabin, 1865]. Virginia, Maryland, Pennsilvania, East & West New Jarsey. 20 x 31. [In English (The) pilot. 4th book. fol. London, for W. Mount, [etc.] 1758. p. 23]. Operations in Chesapeake bay. [In Carrington (Henry B. ) Battle maps and charts of the American revo- lution. 8°. New York, 1881]. Carte de la bale de Chesapeake et de la partie navigable des rivieres James, York, Patowmack, Patuxen, Patapsco, North-East, Choptank et Poko- mack. Redigee pour le service des vaissaux du roi, par ordre de m. de Sartine, d'apres des plans anglois et particulierement ceux d'Antoine Smith. 1778. 23x34. [Paris, 1778]. [France. Departement de la marine] . Note. — Containing also "Plan de la bale Herring en Maryland." A new and accurate chart of the bay of Chesapeake, with the shoals, chan- nels, islands etc. as far as the navigable part of the rivers Patowmack, Patapsco, and North-east. Drawn from several draughts made by the most experienced navigators, chiefly from those of Anthony Smith. 37 X 59. London, for R. Sayer & J. Bennett, 1776. A plan of the entrance of Chesapeak bay, with James and York rivers; wherein are shewn the respective positions [in the beginning of oct.] 1st. Of the British army commanded by lord Cornwallis, at Gloucester and York in Virginia. 2nd. Of the American and French forces under gen. Washington. 3rd. Of the French fleet under count de Grasse. By an officer, ms. [anon.] 16 x 20. London, W. Faden, 1781. Note. — Ms. for engraving. A plan of the entrance of Chesapeak bay, with James and York rivers; wherein are shewn the respective positions [in the beginning of oct.] 1st: Of the British army commanded by lord Cornwallis, at Gloucester and York in Virginia. 2nd. Of the American and French forces under gen. Washington. 3rd. Of the French fleet under count de Grasse. By an officer, [anon.] London, W, Faden, nov. 20, 1781. [In Atlas of battles of the American revolution, fol. [London, 1770-1793]. no. 24]. Chart showing the depth of the James and York rivers as they enter Chesa- peake bay, with towns adjacent, [anon.] ms. 18J x 14^. [1781?]. 228 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Chesapeake bay. Map of the peninsula between Delaware & Chesopeak bays with the said bays and shores adjacent. Drawn from the most accurate surveys by John Churchman. 22 x 17. [n. p. 1788]. Note. — Dedicated to the American philosophical society. A new and accurate chart of the bay of Chesapeake, with the shoals, chan- nels, islands, entrances, soundings, and sailing-marks, as far as the navi- gable part of the rivers Patowmack, Petapsco and North-east. Drawn from several draughts made by the most experienced navigators, chiefly from those of Anthony Smith, pilot of St. Mary's; and compared with the modern surveys of Virginia and Maryland, [anon.] 2 sheets, each 19 X 55. London, Laurie & Whittle, 12 may, 1794. [In North American pilot. A new ed. much enlarged of the second part of the North American pilot, fol. London, R. Laurie & J. Whittle, 1800. no. 11-12]. A survey of the Chesapeake. By Anthony De Mayne, R. N. 1814. 38 x 24^- London, admiralty, 1820. [Great Britain. Admiralty. Chart no. 355]. A new chart of the coast of North America from cape Hatteras to Egg river including Chesapeak bay. Drawn from the latest authorities by Samuel Lambert. 26 x 38. [Salem, Mass. 1822]. Reconnoissance of the entrance of Chesapeake bay, Virginia. By the hydro- graphic party under the command of lieut. B. F. Sands. 1851. 11 x 12. [Washington, 1851]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. Preliminary chart of Delaware and Chesapeak bays and the sea coast from cape Henlopen to cape Charles. From a trigonometrical survey under the direction of F. R. Hassler and A. D. Bache. Published in 1855. [C. no.. 3]. 24| X 31. New York, Browne & Hasbrouck, 1855. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. El'dridge's chart of the Chesapeake bay with the James, York, Rappahan- nock and Potomac rivers. Compiled from the latest surveys. 32 x 36. [Boston], S. Thaxter & son, 1868. Coast chart no. 33. Chesapeake bay. Sheet no. 3. Potomac entrance, Tangier and Pocomoke sounds. From a trigonometrical survey under the direction of A. D. Bache. Issued aug. 1877. 25 x 38. [Washington, 1877]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey] . Note. — Copy of the map accompanying the award of the commissioners to settle the boundary line between Maryland and Va. filed Jan. 1877. Chesapeake city, Md. Plan of Chesapeake city. Situate at the western debouche- of the Chesapeake & Delaware canal, [anon.] 18 x 23. Philadelphia, Watson's lith. [1855?]. Chesapeake and Ohio canal. Map of the country between Washington & Pitts- burg referring to the contemplated Chesapeake and Ohio canal and its general route and profile. Oct. 1826. Reduced from the general map, annexed to the report upon the contemplated canal & drawn by lieut. Far- ley, U. S. A. Etched by Wm. Harrison, Georgetown, D. C. Lettered by D. R. Harrison. 17^ x 25. [Georgetown, D. C. 1826]. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 229 Chesapeake and Oliio canal. Map of the country through which a canal to con- nect the waters of the Chesapeake and Ohio is prepared to pass and of the national road between Cumberland and Wheeling. By James Shriver. 19 X 28. Baltimore' F. Lucas, jr. [1830?]. A complete set of maps, drawings, and tabular statements, relating to the locations of the canal and railroad, from the Point of Kocks to Harpers Ferry; showing the independent and conjoint location of all the parts in collision and the cost of the independent and conjoint construction of each, with tables of references and bench marks, for retracing each line. Done under an order of the chancellor of Maryland. By commission. Nathan S. Eoberts, commissioner on the part of the Chesapeake & Ohio canal company, ms. 23 1. 34 pi. obi. fol. Georgetown, D. C, 1830. Canal de la Chesapeake a I'Ohio. [In Poussin (Guillaume Tell). Travaux d' ameliorations interieures pro- jetes ou executes par le gouvernement general des Etats-Unis. fol. Paris, 1834], Cheshire, Mass. Miller (D.L.) Atlas of the towns of North Adams, Williams- town, and Cheshire, Berkshire co. Mass. title. 19 pi. 11. 4°. New York, D. L. Miller & co. 1894. Cheshire county, N. H. Atlas of Cheshire county, N. H. From recent and actual surveys & records. Under the superintendence of C. H. Rock wood. 49 pp. 2 1. incl. 12 maps. fol. New York, Comstock & Cline, 1877. Chester, N. Y. Map of that part of Orange county lying to the north of the mountains of the high lands; shewing that Chester is a much more cen- tral & convenient spott to all the country whereon to erect the new court house than that vulgarly known by the name of Goshentown. Protracted by a scale of 100 chains to an inch. ms. [anon.] 26x38. [1788?]. Chester coanty, Penn. Map. From original surveys by S. M. Painter & J. S. Bo wen. col. 40 x 48. Westchester, [Pa.] T. J. Kennedy, 1856. Map of Chester co.,Penn. From actual surveys. 1860. col. 54x54. [Philadelphia, T. J. Kennedy, I860]. Bridgens (H. F.) & others. Atlas of Chester co.. Pa. title. 59 pp. incl. 58 maps. fol. Safe Harbor, Pa. A. R. Witmer, 1873. Chester river. Mouth of Chester river [Harbor of refuge no. — ]. From a trigo- nometrical survey under the direction of A. D. Bache. Hydrography by the party under the command of W. P. McArthur. 18 x 14. [Washing- ton, 1849]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. Chester, Iron mountain and western railroad. Map of the Chester, Iron mountain & western railroad and its connections. 21 x 28^. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. [1881]. Chibenauadie river. Nova Scotia. Chibenauadie river from its source to its dis- charge into Minas bay, being 44 miles long. ms. [anon.] 68 x 19. [176-?]. Note.— Probably the Shubenacadie river. Chicago, 111. Chicago in 1812. 7^ x 4^. [InBlanchard (Rufus). The discovery and conquest of the northwest. 8°. Chicago, 1850. p. 280]. 230 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Cliicago, 111. Map showing the position of Chicago in connection with the north west & the principal Hnes of railroads, canals, navigable streams and lakes together with the most important towns and their distances from Chicago, [anon.] 16 J x 25i Chicago, lith. by E. Mendel, [185-?]. Map of Chicago and vicinity. Compiled by Kees & Rucker, land agents. Drawn by AVm. Clogher. 34 x 46. St. Louis, J. Hutawa, 1849. Chicago harbor & bar, Illinois. From survey made in april 1857, under the direction of brevet lieut. col. J. T>. Graham. Accompanying It. col. Graham's annual report [no. 200] to the chief top. engineers dated Chi- cago, sept. 30, 1857. Map G. no. 52. 32 x 50. [Chicago, 1857], [United States. War department. Corps of engineers] . Kerfoot (S. H.) & co. New counting-house map of Chicago. 27x40. [Chicago, 1862]. [Map]. Drawn from Davie's atlas with the latest recorded subdivisions by W. L. Flower and J. Van Yechten. col. 75 x 45. Chicago, J. Van Vechten, 1863. Map. Compiled, drawn and published by J. Van Vechten. col. 84 x 67. Chicago, J. Van Vechten, 1871. — Rand, McNally & co.'s guide map to the business district of Chicago, 1875. 22 X 17. [Chicago, Rand, McXally & co. 1875]. • Map of Chicago and adjacent towns in the counties of Cook, Lake, McHenry, Kendall, Grundy, Kane, Du Page, Kankakee, etc. By Emil Heubach. 1876. col. 20x13. [Chicago, 1876]. Park & guide map. col. 42 x 34. Chicago, J. Van Vechten & L. M. Snyder, 1877. Rascher's fire insurance map of Chicago. Surveyed & published by Rascher & Stiernberg. 1877. col. 34 x 25. Chicago, Rascher & Stiernberg, 1877. Merchants' and shippers' railway guide map of Chicago, col. 30 x 30. New York, D. A. Edsall & co. 1878. • New guide map of Chicago, col. 38 x 22. [Chicago], H. R. Page & co. 1879. Atlas of Chicago, title & index map. 40 sheets, fol. Chicago, H. R. Page & CO. 1879. * • Rand, McNally & co.'s historical description and guide map of Chicago. 53 pp. 17x23. Chicago, Rand, McNally & CO. [1880]. Cozzens (Jas. G.) Cozzens' map of the principal business portion of Chi- cago. Subdivided by deed. Corrected to Jan. 1, 1881. Comprising all that part of the south town, north of Van Buren street. With assessed valuation of ground and improvements on each lot, for 1880 to 1883 inclu- sive. 42x48. [Chicago, 1881]. Gray's new map of Chicago. By Frank A. Gray. col. 12 x 15. Philadel- phia, O. W. Gray & son, [1881]. Glossop (Frank). Glossop's south division map, Chicago. Correctly locat- ing all the railroad depots, hotels, theatres [etc.] 15 x 20. Chicago, F. Glossop, 1881. Map of the railroads centering in Chicago, embracing parts of Illinois, Wis- consin, Michigan, Indiana, with portions of adjoining states, [etc.] col. 16 x 26. Philadelphia, O. W. Gray & son, [1881]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 231 Chicago, 111. Rand, McXally & co.'s street number guide and map of Chicago. 70 pp. 1 map. 18°. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1881]. Guide map of Cook, Dupage and parts of Will & Kane counties, Illinois, also part of Lake co., Indiana. Showing the suburban towns of Chi- cago, col. 25 X 29. Chicago, Van Yechten & Snyder, 1881. XoTE. — Inset "Map of Chicago." Real-estate map of Chicago. Compiled and published from the latest recorded subdivisions by L. M. Snyder & co. Scale 500 ft. = one inch, col. 67 X 84. Chicago, L. M. Snyder & co. 1882. Chicago and environs. A new ed. corrected to date with all the railroads. col. 25 X 26. Chicago, Van Vechten & Snyder, 1882. Mehring (Frederick T. ) Guide map for the location of school sites [in Chi- cago] on the basis of eight schools to each square mile. Adopted by the board of education of Chicago. Aug. 31, 1882. [anon.] 25 J x 28|^. [Chicago, 1883]. Mehring (Frederick T.) Map of school dist. boundaries as fixed by the board of education for districts organized before aug. 31, 1882. [anon.] 25^x28J. [Chicago, 1883]. Park and guide map of Chicago with official street guide indexed. Scale i mile to the inch. col. 33 x 48. Chicago, L. M. Snyder & co. 1883. Real estate map of the adjacent suburbs of Chicago, including the towns of Evanston, Lake View, Jefferson, Norwood Park, and the east half of Leyden, Cicero, Riverside, and the east half of Proviso, the north half of Hyde Park, the east two thirds of Lyons, and town of Lake, Cook county, 111. Scale: 4 inches to the mile. col. 68 x 68. Chicago, L. M. Snyder & CO. 1883. Chicago and environs, a sectional guide map of Cook, Dupage and parts of Will & Kane counties, Illinois, also part of Lake co., Ind. Showing the suburban towns of Chicago. A new ed. col. 26 x 33. Chicago, L. M. Snyder & co. 1883. =^ Greeley, Carlson ^& co.'s atlas of the city of Chicago. 152 sheets, fol, Chicago, Greeley, Carlson & co. 1884. Greeley-Carlson co.'s second atlas of the city of Chicago, v. 1. fol. Chicago, Greeley-Carlson co. 1891. Donnelley' s sectional atlas of the city of Chicago. Compiled from public records by Chas. W. F. Grossmann. Upon a scale of four hundred feet to the inch. 4 p. 1. 2 index maps. 192 sheets, fol. Chicago, R. H. Don- nelley, 1891. Atlas of Chicago. Scale 50 ft. to an inch. v. 3. fol. Chicago, Rascher publishing co. [1891]. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed county map and shippers' guide of Ontario, [etc.] 36 pp. 1 fold. map. 16°. Chicago and New York, Rand, McNally & CO. [1892]. Tillotson's pocket map and street guide of Chicago and Evanston. xxx, 131 pp. 16°. Chicago, M.D.Tillotson, [1895]. Note.— Hurlbut's Chicago antiquities, Chicago, 1881, contains a chapter upon the first maps of that place. 232 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Chicago and Alton railroad. New county and railway map of the United States and the dominion of Canada. Compiled from inform? tion obtained from official sources. Showing the lines of the Chicago and Alton rr. and its connection. Kand, McNally & co. engravers, col. 38 x 53. Chicago, Hand, McNally & co. [1883]. Chicago and north-western railway. Chicago and north western railway adver- tiser. By G. W. Terry, col. 32 x 40. Chicago, Horton & Leonard, [1869]. Map of the American overland route via the Chicago and north-western rail- way and its connections. 1877. [By W. H. Stennett. anon.] 7 x 13. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1877]. A new and correct map of the Chicago and north-western railway and west- ern connections, col. 15 x 21^. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. 1882. Correct map of Dakota. Nov. 1, 1882. 18 x 24. Chicago, Rand, McNally &C0. [1882]. Note. — No text on reverse side. Correct map of Dakota. Nov. 1, 1882. 18 x 24. Chicago, Rand, McNally & CO. 1882. Note. — Text on reverse side in Danish. A new and correct map of the Chicago & north-western railway and western connections, col. 7^x46. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1882]. A new and correct map of the Chicago & north-western railway and west- ern connections, col. 15x21^. Chicago, Rand, McNally & CO. [1882.] Geographically correct map of the Chicago & north-western railway and its principal connections. Correctedto July 1, 1882. col. 15x46. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1882]. Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railroad. Map of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy r. r. and its connections. Designed & engraved by Emil Heubach. col. 27 X 41. Chicago, Shober & Carqueville lith. co. [1879]. Page (H. R.) & co. Traveler's own map of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy r. r. Burlington route from Chicago to'Omaha. 8 x 19. Chicago, H. R. Page & CO. [1879]. Map. Designed & engraved by Emil Heubach. 11 x 26. [n. p.] 1880. Cram (George F.) Correct map of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railroad and its principal connecting lines. 26 x 36. Chicago, G. F. Cram [1881]. Correct map of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy r. r. and connecting lines. col. 17 X 37. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1882]. Note. — No text on reverse side. Correct map of the Chicago, Burlington, & Quincy r. r. and connecting lines. col. 26 X 44. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1882]. Correct map of the Chicago, Burlington, & Quincy r. r. and connecting lines. [Winter ed. 1882-3]. col. 17 x 37. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1883]. Map of the " Burlington route." C. B. & Q. r. r. across the continent, col. 12 X 19. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1883]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 233 diicag-o grand trunk railway. Map of the Chicago and Grand trunk railway line. 13 x 24. Chicago, Rand, McXally & co. [1882]. Chicagro, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad. Map of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul r'y, and its connections from the Atlantic to Idaho. Jan. 1, 1880. Emil Heubach, designer and engraver. 15 x 36. [Chicago, Cameron, Amberg & co. 1880]. Map of the railways and extensions of the Chicago, Milwaukee & S. Paul railway company. 31 x 43. New York, G. W. urgheim (M.&R. ) Guide map of Cincinnati and suburbs; also Coving- ton, Newport, Bellevue, Dayton, Ludlow and Bromley, [etc.] 1 map. Cincinnati, M. & R. Burgheim, [1882]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 237 Cincinnati, Oliio. McCready (J. ) Block map of the business centre of Cincinnati from Main to Central avenue, and from the river to 5th st. [anon.] col. 34x44. [Cincinnati, 1882]. Spencer & Craig printing works' fire alarm map of Cincinnati, Lewis B. Fol- ger, eng. 12 x 19. [Cincinnati, 1883]. Robinson (E.) and Pidgeon (R. H. ) Atlas of the city of Cincinnati, O. title. fold. map. 27 pi. fol. New York, E. Robinson, 1883-4. Burofheim (M. &R. ) Centennial illustrated guide map of Cincinnati and suburbs; Covington, Newport, [etc.] title. 7 1. unp. 1 map. 27x31. fold. 12°. Cincinnati, M.& R. Burgheim, [1888]. Indexed commercial map and guide of Cincinnati, Ohio. 1 p. 1. 206 pp. fold. map. 16°. New York, American publishing co. [1890.] Cincinnati, Virginia and Carolina railway. Colton (G. W. &C. B.) & co. Map of the Cincinnati, Virginia & Carolina railway and its connections. 16 X 20. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. [1881]. Cinq Combles, St. Christopher, West Indies. Combat des Cinq Combles. [View, anon.] 9x13. [n. p. 17 — .] [American maps. v. 4. no. 27]. Clark county, Ind. Map. From the latest official surveys & records. Drawn & compiled by George W. Davis, col. 54 x 68. [Indianapolis], C. A. McCann & D. S. Koons, 1875. Clarke county, Ala. Clarke co. Alabama and its surroundings. [By T. H. Ball, anon.] 23x11. Chicago, H. Korf, lith. [1879]. ' Clarksburg, "W. Va. Map. By Gittings & Dunnington. Aug. 1867. 24 x 34. New York, heliotype co. 1867. Clay county, Tex. Map of Clay co. Feb. 1880. 18 x 29. St. Louis, A. Gast & co. lith. [1880]. [Texas. General land office]. Clear Creek county, Colo. Map of the Colorado gold region in Gilpin and Clear Creek co's. Compiled from gov'm't surveys and the most authentic sources, by M. K. Couzens. 8 J x lOJ. [n. p. 1880]. Cleveland, Ohio. (City of.) Map of Cleveland and its environs, surveyed and published by Ahaz Merchant, October, 1835. 20^ x 28i. New York, N. Currier's lith., 1835. The only correct map of the city of Cleveland. Issued in 1876, by Robison, Savage & co. 15 x 29. Cleveland, Robison, Savage & co. [1876]. Map of the city of Cleveland, Ohio. Prepared by W. J. Moulton. col. 35 X 46. Cleveland, published by W. J. Moulton, lith. by W. J. Morgan & CO. 1880. Hopkins (G. M.) City atlas of Cleveland, Ohio. 165 pp. incl. 41pl. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1881. Map of the city of Cleveland, Ohio. Prepared by W. J. Moulton. col. . 18 X 23. 18°. ' Cleveland, W. J. Moulton, 1881. Burrows brother's co. Map of the city of Cleveland, title. 16 pp. 1 map.. 23x26. fold. 18°. Cleveland, the Burrows brother's co. [1886]. The new street and avenue guide and map of Cleveland. A hand-book. 63 pp. 1 fold. map. 16°. Cleveland, Cleveland directory co. 1888. 238 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Cleveland, Ohio. Cram (Geo. F. ) & co. Atlas of Cuyahoga county and the city of Cleveland, Ohio. 134 pp. inch 64 maps & 12 portraits, obi. fol. Chicago, G. F. Cram & co. 1892. Atlas of Cleveland, Ohio. Showing wards & precincts. 2 p. 1. 23 sheets. obi. fol. Cleveland, H. B. Stranahan & co. 1894-95. Clinton county, Micli. Map of the counties of Clinton and Gratiot, Michigan. From official records & special surveys by D. S. Harley, J. P. Harley, [etc.] under the direction of Geil & Harley. 50x42. Philadelphia, S. Geil, 1864. Clinton county, N. Y. Beers (F. W.) Atlas of Clinton co. N. Y. 38 pp. 2 pi. incl. 19 maps. fol. New York, F. W. Beers, [etc.] 1869. Clinton county, Penn. Map of Clinton co. Pennsylvania. From actual surveys under the direction of H. F. Walling. Drawn by F. W. Beers, col. 53 X 56. New York, Way, Palmer & co. 1862. Clinton (Fort), West Point, N. Y. [Plan of Webbs redoubt, Williss, fort Put- nam, and fort Clinton. West Point, N. Y. [anon.] ms. 4x6. 1770]. Plan of the attack of the forts Clinton & Montgomery, upon Hudson's river, which was stormed by his majesty's forces under the command of sir Henry Clintoij, on the 6th of oct. 1777. Drawn from the surveys of Verplank, Holland & Metcalfe. By John Hills. London, W. Faden, June 1, 1784. [In Atlas of battles of the American revolution, fol. London, 1770-1793. no. 17]. Plan of the attack oi the forts Clinton & Montgomery, upon Hudsons river which were stormed by his majesty's forces under the command of sir Henry Clinton, on the 6th of oct. 1777. Engraved for Stedman's History of the American war. Published by the author, april 12, 1793. [By John Hills, anon.] 19^ x 25 J. [In Stedman (C.) The history of the origin, progress and termination of the American war 4°. London, for the author, 1794. v. 1. opp. p. 363]. Plan of the attack of fort Clinton and Montgomery which where (sic) stormed by his majesty's forces under the command of sr Henry Clinton, the 6th of oct. 1777. Copied from the surveys of Verplank, Holland Matcalve, &c. By lohn Hill, royal Welch fusileers. 1782. ms. col. 35 x 22. [1782]. " [Faden collection, no. 73] . A plan of the forts Montgomery & Clinton as taken by his majesty's forces under the command of gen. sir Henry Clinton, oct. 6, 1777. Surveyed by major Holland, ms. col. 15 x 20 J. [1777]. [Faden collection, no. 70]. -' [Rough sketch of the attack upon forts Clinton & Montgomery, ms. By V. Wangenheim. [anon.] 14 x 20. 1777]. [Faden collection, no. 72], Sketch of forts Clinton & Montgomery, stormed the 6th of oct. ^777, by the troops under the command of sir Henry Clinton, ms. [anon.] 22 x 40. [1777]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 239 Clinton (Fort), "West Point, N. Y. Sketch of forts Clinton & Montgomery stormed "the 6th oct. 1777, Vjy the troops under the command of sir Henry CHnton. ms, [By y. Wangenheim. anon.] 12 x 21. [1777]. [Faden collection, no. 71]. Attack of forts Clinton and Montgomery. [In Carrington (Henry B.) Battle maps and charts of the American revolu- tion. 8°. New York, 1881]. Clintonville district, Venango and Butler counties, Penn. Heydrick & Sher- man's map of Clintonville district. Venango & Butler cos. 9 x 29. Kit- taning. Pa. electric pen print, [1879]. Coal and iron railway company. Map showing the road of the Coal and iron railway co. and the coal and iron ore lands along its line. Drawn, engraved & printed by G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. 24 x 3H- New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. [1882]. Cobscook bay. Me. Cobscook bay, Maine. Surveyed in 1836 under the direction of It. col. S. H. Long, by lieuts. J. F. Cooper & J. L. Donaldson. 25 cong. 2 sess. C. 14 X 17. [Washington, 1837]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 160]. Cod (Cape), Mass. A map of the extremity of cape Cod including the townships of Provincetown & Truro; with a chart of their sea coast and of cape Cod harbour, state of Massachusetts. Executed under the direction of major J. D. Graham, U. S. top. eng's, during portions of the years 1833, 34 & 35. Engraved by order of the house of representatives under the direction of the bureau of topographical engineers to accompany doc. 121. 25 cong. 2d sess. W. J. Stone sc. Washington. Drawn from the original proj- ects and notes, by J. E. Johnston [& others]. Reduced from the original by Wash. Hood 1836. 56 x 70. [Washington, 1836]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 112]. Chart of cape Cod harbour and the adjacent coast of Provincetown & Truro. Reduced from the original of major D. Graham and published under the patronage of the Boston marine insurance companies by J. W. P. Lewis. 1841. 28 x 33. [n. p. 1841]. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers]. Coeur d'Alene gold mines, Idaho. Official map of Cceur d'Alene gold mines. Compiled and published by Chas. H. Williamson. 1 sheet. 19 x 28. Portland, O. 1884. Cohoes, N. Y. Map of Cohoes, New York. Drawn by J. Gould. Lith. of Sarony & Major, New York. 30 x 40. New York, Gould & More, [1856?] Note. — Insets — " Cohoes village as seen from Prospect Hill. Great Cohoes Falls." Cohoes falls, N. Y. A view of the Cohoes or great falls of the Mohawk river, [anon.] ms. 7^ x 10. [n. d.] Note. — Pen and ink sketch. Coleman county, Tex. Map. 25 x 18. St. Louis, lith. by A. Gast & co. [18f9]. [Texas (State of). General land office]. Colestown, N. J. A map of Colestown church graveyard, 1744, and Golestown cemetery, 1855. Made for Cooper's history. By Fowler & Lummis. 17 X 26. Philadelphia, 1881. 240 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Colombia, South America. Carte du cours du Rio Apure et d'une partie de la chaine des montagnes de la Nouvelle Grenade, dressee par Alexandre de Humboldt. Redige et et dessine par J. B. Poirson 1813. 12 x 24. [In Humboldt (F. H. A. ) and Bonpland (A.) Atlas geographique et phisique des regions equinoxiales du nouveau continent, fol. Paris, Gide, 1814-34. pi. 17]. Carte du Rio Grande de la Magdalena depuis le 4° de latitude jusqu'a son embouchure. Dressee par Alexandre de Humboldt. Par E. H. Michaelis. 25 x 19. [In Humboldt (F. H. A. ) and Bonpland (A.) Atlas geographique et phisique des regions equinoxiales du nouveau continent, fol. Paris, Gide, 1814-34. pi. 24]. Carte speciale de la partie du Rio Apurise comprise entre la ville de Sn. Fer. nando et I'embouchure de la riviere, dressee sur les lieux a I'epoque des basses eaux mois d'avril 1800 par Al. de Humboldt. [&] Cours du Rio Guaviare esquisse d'apres les journaux de route des p. p. Bartholome Mancilla et Francisco Pugnet par Alex, de Humboldt. Redigee par J. B. Poirson 1814. 13 x 16. [In Humboldt (F. H. A.) and Bonpland (A.) Atlas geographique. fol. Paris, Gide, 1814-34. pi. 21]. Carte du cours de Rio Meta et d'une partie de la chaine orientale des mon- tagnes de la Nouvelle Grenade. Dressee sur des observations astrono- miques et (quant au Meta) d'apres une carte manuscrite de dn. J. Cortes Madariaga. Par A. de Humboldt. Redige d'apres des esquisses de m. de Humboldt par J. B. Poirson 1817. 9 x 19^ [In Humboldt (F. H. A.) and Bonpland (A.) Atlas geographique. fol. Paris, Gide, 1814-34. pi. 19]. Colombia. Taken from Humboldt, [etc.] 21 x 24. [In Letters written from Colombia, [anon.] 8°. London, 1824]. Carte generale de Colombia dressee par A. H. Brue. Gravee en Janvier 1825. 13^x19. [In Humboldt (F. H. A.) and Bonpland (A. ) Atlas geographique et phisique des regions equinoxiales du nouveau continent, fol. Paris, Gide, 1814-34. pi. 22]. Geographical, statistical, and historical map of Colombia. Drawn by J. Finlayson. 17 x 20 J. [In Complete (A) historical, chronological and geographical American atlas, fol. Philadelphia, H. C. Carey & I. Lea, 1822. no. 47]. Map of Colombia, compiled by A. H. Brue. 13 x 19. [In Humboldt (A. von) and Bonpland (A.) Personal narrative of travels to the equinoctial regions of the new continent. 1799-1804. Translated by H. M. Williams. 8°. London, 1826. v. 6. pt.l]. Colombia. By J. Arrowsmjth. 18^ x 19^. London, J. Arrowsmith, 1842. [In his The London atlas of universal geography, fol. London, J. Arrow- smith, 1842-[1850] . no. 47] . Colombia, taken from Humboldt and other recent authorities. A. Arrow- smith sculpt. 1826. 15 x 19. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Parliamentary papers. Session 1826.. v. 4. p. 378]. Note. — Boundary line from Morocco creek along west side of Essequebo. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 241 Colombia, South America. A new map of Colombia with its departments & prov- inces: compiled principally from the manuscript map, drawn by order of the Colombian government, and other authentic information. Constructed by & drawn under the direction of H. S. Tanner. 2 sheets, each 24i x 18. [In Tanner (Henry S. ) A new American atlas, fol. Philadelphia, H. S. Tanner, 1839]. Map of an exploration for an interoceanic canal by way of the rivers Atrato and San Juan in New Granada, S. A. Laid down from observa- tions made by John C. Trautwine in 1852. 19^ x 13, [In Davis (Charles H.) Report on interoceanic canals, and railroads between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. 8°. Washington, 1867. map 10]. Carta jeogrdfica de los estados unidos de Colombia, Antigua, Nueva Grenada! Construida a ordem del gobierno jeneral con arrezlo a los trabajos coro- graficos del jeneral A. Codazzi i a otros documentos oficiales por Manuel Ponce de Leon . . . i Manuel Maria Paz, Bogota, 1864. 60 x 65^. Paris, grabado por E. Schieble, 1865. ^ Hohenmessungen in Ecuador und Colombia ausgefiihrt 1871-72 von dr. Beiss und dr. Stiibel auf grund der karten von Villavicencia und Codazzi zusammengestellt von H. Kiepert. 7^ x 20. [In Gesellschaft fiir erdkunde zu Berlin. Zeitschrift. 1876. 8°. Berlin, 1876. V. 11. pi. 3]. Der staat Antroquia in Colombia. Reducirt von den originalkarten von C. S. de Greiff und Villave'ces. [etc.] 17^ x 14. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1880. [In Petermann (A.) Mittheilungen. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1880. v. 26. pi. 3]. F. von Schench's Reisen in Colombia. 1878-1880. 3 sheets, each 9 x 15. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1883. [In Petermann (A.) Mittheilungen. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1883. v. 29. pi. 37, 13]. Karte de Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, staat Magdalena, Colombia. Auf grund der karte von Simons und nach eigenen aufnahmen gezeichnet von dr. W. Sievers. 1888. 2 sheets, each 17^ x 20|. [In Gesellschaft fur erdkunde zu Berlin. Zeitschrift. 1888. 8°. Berlin, 1888. V.23. pi. 1,3]. See also Veragua, Colombia; New Granada. Colorado. Map of Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado. 11^x14. [Philadelphia, S. A. Mitchell, jr. 1861]. Map of Colorado territory. Sept. 1, 1862. Ho. reps. ex. doc. no. 1. 37th cong. 3d sess. 16 x 22. [Washington, 1863]. [United States. Department of the interior. General land office]. Map of Colorado territory, embracing the central gold region. Drawn by Frederick J. Ebert under the direction of the governor Wm. Gilpin. 25 X 35. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. 1866. Colton' s sectional & topographical map. col. 30 x 40. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton, 1871. H. Doc. 516 16 242 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Colorado. Thayer's sectional map of Colorado. Compiled from the plats and records of the surveyor general's office, Denver, Col. and drawn by H. L. Thayer. Scale 12 miles to one inch. col. 25 x 34. 18°. Denver, H. L. Thayer, 1871. Map of Colorado with plans of its principal towns. Compiled from official authorities by J. H. Bonsall, E. H. Kellogg. 1872. col. 35 x 37. Den- ver, 1872. Colorado, from the latest authorities, by J. H. Bonsall and E. H. Kellogg Denver, 1873. col. 13^x17. [Denver, 1873]. Map of Colorado showing all the latest government surveys, compiled from official sources bv J. H. Bonsall. col. 35 x 37. Denver, 1873. Thayer (H.L.) Thayer's map of Colorado. 4th ed. col. 13 x 17J. Den- ver, Richards & co. 1873. ■ Same. 5th ed. col. 13 x 17i 18°. Denver, H. L. Thayer & co. 1875. Watson's new county, railroad and distance map of Wyoming, Utah and Colorado, col. 13 x 16. [New York, G. Watson, 1875]. Colton's Wyoming, Colorado and Utah. col. 16 x 24. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & CO. 1876. Territory of Colorado. 1876. Compiled by C. Roeser. 23 x 30. New York, J. Bien, 1876. [United States. Department of the interior. General land office]. Geological and geographical atlas of Colorado and portions of adjacent terri- tory. By F. Y. Hayden. 2 p. 1. 20 sheets, fol. New York, J. Bien, 1877. [United States. Department of the interior. U. S. geological and geograph- ical surveys of the territories] . Thayer's new map. Compiled from official surveys and explorations. Drawn by Edward Rollandet. col. 25 x 32. Denver, Col. H. L. Thaver, 1877. Williams tourist's map of Colorado, San Juan mines and routes of travel to the health and pleasure resorts of the Rockv mountains. 25 x 35. [New York, H. T. Williams, 1877]. Colton's new sectional map of the state of Colorado, col. 25 x 40. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. 1878. Cram's railroad "254 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Cuba. A new chart of the seas, surrounding the island of Cuba, with the soundings, currents, ships courses etc. and a map of the island itself, lately made by an officer in the navy, [anon.] 10^ x 14. [London], for the London magazine, 1762. An accurate map of Cuba, and the adjacent islands. Engraved A. B. [A. Bell]. A plan of the city and harbour of Havana. 7 x 16. [In Scots (The) magazine. 1762. 8°. Edinburgh, W. Sands, [etc. 1762]. V. 24. p. 476]. Carta esatta rappresentante 1' isola di Cuba estratta dalle carte del sig. Poppler. G. M. Terreni sc. 10 x 12^ [In Gazzettiere (II) Americano. 4°. Livorno, M. Coltellini, 1763. v. 1. p. 140]. A map of the isle of Cuba, with the Bahama islands, gulf of Florida and Windward passage Drawn from English and Spanish surveys [anon]. 13 X 19. [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 79]. The island of Cuba with part of the Bahama banks & the Martyrs. By Thos. Jefferys. 18^ x 24^. London, for R. Sayer, 1775. [In his The West India altas. fol. London, for R. Sayer & J. Bennett, 1775. no. 7]. Carta esatta rappresentante 1' isola di Cuba. 10 x 18. [In Atlante dell' America, [anon.] fol. Livorno, 1778. no. 18]. Laurie and Whittle's new chart of the Windward passages and Bahama islands, with the islands of St. Domingo, Jamaica, Cuba, etc., etc. Com- piled from a great variety of topographic surveys and nautical details. By John Purdy. 3d ed. improved 1818. 37 x 49. London, Laurie & Whittle, sept. 2, 1811 [1818]. [In Whittle (J.) and Laurie (R. H.) The West India atlas, fol. ' London, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 11-12]. Geographical, statistical, and historical map of Cuba and the Bahama islands. B. Tanner sc. 9^ x 14. [In Complete (A) historical, chronological and geographical American atlas, fol. Philadelphia, H. C. Carey & I. Lea, 1822. no. 40]. Carte de I'isle de Cuba. Redigee sur les observations astronomiques des navigateurs Espagnols et sur celles de mr. de Humboldt. Par P. L. Lapie. 1826. 12J X 24^. [In Humboldt (F. H. A.) and Bonpland (A.) Atlas g^ographique et phy- eique des regions ^quinoxiales du nouveau continent, fol. Paris, Gide, 1814-34. pi. 23]. He de Cuba. Ecrit par Hacq. 9 x 13. [In Huber (E.) Aperyu statistique de I'ile de Cuba. 8°. Paris, P. Dufart, 1826]. Piano comparativo de la configuracion de las costas de la extremidad occi- dental de la isla de Cuba, representadas en la gran carta de Barcelona de 1831 y en la del deposito hydrografico de Madrid de 1837. 9 x 17. [In Sagra (Ramon de la). Historia ffsica politica y natural de la isla de Cuba. fol. Paris, A. Bertrand, 1842. v. 2. pi. 9]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 255 Cuba. Piano geografico de la isla de Cuba. 1841. 21 x 36. [In Sagra (Ramon de la). Historia fisica politica y natural de la isla de Cuba. fol. Paris, A. Bertrand, 1842. v. 2, at end]. Wilson's statistical map of Cuba. 1850. 12 x 17^. New Orleans, Thomas William Wilson, [1850]. New map of the island of Cuba showing the present theatre of war. 15 x 20. New York, T. Schedler, 1851. Chart of the island of Cuba. John Arrowsmith, litho. 11^x24. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Reports, committees. 1852-3. v. 39]. Ensign, Bridgman & Fanning. Map of the island of Cuba. Compiled from the most reliable Spanish authorities, col. fold. 26 x 34. New York, Ensign, Bridgman & Fanning, 1855. Map of the island of Cuba. Compiled from the most reliable Spanish authorities. 1855. [anon.] 25 x 33^. [New York, 1855]. Mapa fisico politico e itinerario de la isla de Cuba. Acompanado de varios pianos particulares y de noticias estadisticas, por d. Jose Maria de la Torre. 49 X 67. Nueva York, J. H. Colton, 1861. Mapa de la isla de Cuba en 1872. Arreglado u la ultima division territorial, [etc.] Por d. Enrique de Arantave. 12 x 18. Madrid, J. M. Penulas, grabo, 1872. Cuba. Western portion. Republished from Brit, adm.y chart no. 2579, corrected to nov. 1873. 24J x 37. Washington, 1873. [United States. Navy department. Hydrographic office. Chart no. 516]. Cuba. Eastern portion. Republished from Brit, adm.y chart no. 2580, corrected to Jan. 1878. 24^ x 37. Washington, 1878. [United States. Navy department. Hydrographic office. Chart no. 517]. Schedler (J.) Topographical map of the island of Cuba, [etc.] 22x33. 4°. New York, E. Steiger, 1874. Carta geo-topografica de la isla de Cuba. Por d. Esteban Pichardo. 34 of the 36 sheets, each 21 x 28. [Habana, 1875]. Note. — Sheets 33-34 wanting, i. e. title page and Puerto Rico. Gran carta geogrdfico-enciclopedica de la isla de Cuba. Compilada por d. German Gonzales. Grabada por G. Pfeifer. Lit. de G. Pfeifer, Madrid. 33 X 62. Habana, publicada por la propaganda literaria, 1881. Pianos de comunicaciones de las provincias de la isla de Cuba con otros datos relativos al ramo de correos por el sub inspector dn. Sebastian Acosta Quintana. title. 5 maps & 5 tables, fold. sq. 18°. Habana, J. Menendez & brothers, 1884. Island of Cuba. Cape San Antonio to longitude 76° west with adjacent part of Great Bahama bank. Compiled from the latest British and Spanish charts. 1885. Ed. of aug. 1886. 24 x 43. Washington, 1886. [United States. Navy department. Hydrographic office. Chart no. 947]. Mapa de la isla de Cuba, por doctor Manuel Pruna Santa Cruz. Habana, 1894. 9^ X 24. Habana, Castro, Fernandez & c®. 1894. The island of Cuba. 2 sheets, each 29 x 42. Washington, 1896. [In United States. Navy department. Hydrographic office]. ■ Cuba en 1896. Publicado par la imprenta ' 'America. " 14 x 19. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. 1896. [In Pierra (Fidel G.) Cuba. 8°. New York, S. Figueroa, 1896]. 256 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Cuba. Map and history of Cuba from the latest and best authorities. By E. Han- naford. 32 pp. 1 fold. map. 18°. Springfield, 0. Mast, Crowell & Kirkpatrick, 1897. Mapa de la isla de Cuba. col. 18 x 34. Philadelphia, J. L. Smith, 1897. Mapa del teatro de la guerra de Cuba comprendiendo la mitad oriental de la isla desde Santa Clara hasta la punta Maysi. Dibujado por d. Jose Riuda- vets y Cudury segiin los datos m^s completos publicados hasta "el dia y editado por la empresa de la ilustracion Espafiola y Americana. 2 sheets, each 19 x 31. Madrid, Rivadeneyra, [1897]. Atlas of ports, cities and localities of the island of Cuba. Containing repro- ductions o*f maps, charts and plans obtained from the United States Con- gressional library, Coast and geodetic survey, Hydrographic office. Engineer dept. U. S. army; also Pichardo's map of the island of Cuba, and other sources. 2 p. 1. 7 1. 61 maps. obi. fol. Washington, 1898. [United States. War department. Adjutant general's office]. Culebra. Culebra id. The whole [Large Harbor] will accommodate the navies of France & England combined, ms. 24^ x 36. [187—?] Note. — Autograph copy signed "David D. Porter, admiral." Mar de las Antillas. Carta de la isla Culebra levantada en 1852. Por los oficiales Lawrance y Parsons de la marina real Inglesa. 24^ x 35J. Madrid, direccion hidrografia, 1878. Culpeper, Va. Plan of Ceder Mountain and north east vicinity, with references to gen'l Pope's campaign. [In Bechler (Gustavus R.) Atlas showing battles, engagements and impor- tant localities, connected with the campaigns in Virginia, obi. 12°. [Philadelphia] , 1864. plate 9] . Cumberland county, Ky. Map. By Watson A. Fox. 18 x 16. New York, F.Wogram, [1865]. Cumberland county, Me. Atlas of Cumberland co. Maine. From actual surveys by and under the direction of F. W. Beers and others. 62 pp. incl. 45 maps. fol. New York, F. W. Beers, [etc.] 1871. Cumberland county, N. J. Map of Cumberland co. New Jersey. From actual surveys by S. N. & F. W. Beers, L. B. Lake, & C. S. Warner, col. 60 X 55. Philadelphia, A. Pomeroy, 1862. Cumberland county, Penn. Map of Cumberland co. Pennsylvania. From actual surveys, by H. F. Bridgens. 1858. col. 46 x 63. Philadelphia, 1858. Beers (F. W.) Atlas of Cumberland co. Pa. 48 pp. 2 pi. incl. 33 maps. fol. New York, F. W. Beers & co. 1872. Cumberland harbor, Cuba. Piano di Guantanimo, chiamato dagl' Inglesi porto di Cumberland. 10 x 8. [In Atlante dell' America, fol. Livorno, 1778. no. 12]. See also Guantanamo, Cuba. Cumberland river. [Survey of Cumberland river, from Cowan's shoals to Bartlett's creek island, [anon.] 12 charts. Washington, 183-]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. [Washington, 1843]. no. 79]. » LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. . 257 Cumberland river. Map of the Cumberland river from the falls to Nashville. Made to accompany a report on the improvement of that stream for the navigation of it by steamboats; in obedience to a resolution of congress dated april 26, 1834. By Howard Stansbury. Taken from Matthew Rheas map of Tennessee, drawn by Randolph Coyle. 20 x 28. [Washington, 1834]. ^ [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. [Washington, 1843]. no. 76]. — ; — Survey of the Cumberland river from the falls to Nashville, with a view to the removal of the obstructions to steamboat navigation between those points. Made under the direction of Howard Stansbury, by John P. Bailey and George O'Driscoll, 1834. 22* x 45. [Washington, 1834]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps etc, published by order of congress, fol. [Washington, 1843]. no. 77-78]. Cumberland (Fort). See Beau Sejour (Fort), Canada. CuraQoa, West Indies. Cura<;'ao, from the Dutch originals of Gerand van Keulen. New ed. 18 x 24. London, Laurie & Whittle, march 12, 1810. [In Whittle (J.) and Laurie (R.H.) The West India atlas, fol. London, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 32]. Curtis creek wharf and railroad company, Baltimore, Md. Plan of Curtis' creek wharf and railroad company's improvements 1854. William Sides, civil engineer. 22x30. Philadelphia, lith. of Wagner &McGuigan, [1854]. Custer county, Colo. See Silver Cliff, Colo. Cuyaliog-a county, Ohio. Map of Cuyahoga co. Ohio. From actual surveys & county records, under the supervision of G. M. Hopkins, jr. 54 x 54. Philadelphia, S. H. Matthews, 1858. Cram (Geo. F. ) & co. Atlas of Cuyahoga county and the city of Cleveland, Ohio. 134 pp. incl. 64 maps & 12 portraits, obi. fol. Chicago, G. F. Cram & co. 1892. Cuylers harbor, San Miguel island, Cal. Reconnaissance of Cuyler's harbor, island of San Miguel, California. By the hydrographic party under the command of lieut. James Alden. 1852. 17 x 13 J. [Washington, 1852]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey] . Dakota. Military map of Nebraska and Dakota. By lieut. G. K. Warren, from the explorations made by him in 1855-6 and in 1857. Exhibiting also routes reconnoitred & surveyed by capts. Lewis & Clark, major S. H. Long, [etc.] 32 X 43. [Washington], printed by order of the U. S. senate, [1858]. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers]. Map of the ceded part of Dakota territory. Showing also portions of Minne- sota, Iowa & Nebraska. Compiled by B. M. Smith and A. J. Hill, 1861. col. 17 X 22. St. Paul, lith. by L. Buechner, [1861]. Ceded part of Dakota territory. Showing progress of U. S. land survey during 1862. Under the direction of the surveyor gen., G. D. Hill. And localities for which estimates are presented for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1864. House ex. doc. no. 1. 37th cong. 3d sess. 13^ x 14. [Washington, 1863]. [United States. Department of the interior. General land office]. H. Doc. 516 IT 258 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Dakota. Sketch of the public surveys in Iowa and Dakota. Oct. 10, 1862. House ex. doc. no. 1. 37th cong. 3d sess. 17 x 19^ [Washington, 1863]. ' [United States. Department of the interior. General land office]. Chapman's sectional map of the surveyed part of Dakota, col. I65 x 27. Milwaukee, S. Chapman, 1869. Map of Dakota. Drawn from official plats of surveys and published by Jas. S. Foster. 18 x 21. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [187-]. Watson's new county, railroad and distance map of Dakota and Nebraska. col. 16 X 13. [New York, G. Watson, 1875]. Colton's Dakota. 1876. col. 15 x 12. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & CO. [1876]. P. P. Mast & co.'s new map of Kansas, Nebraska & southern Dakota. Pre- , pared by Henry S. Stebbins. col. 40 x 27. Toledo, O. H. S. Stebbins, [1878]. Rand, McNally & co.'s township county and railroad map of Dakota, title. 18x21. fold. 18°. Chicago, Rand, McNally & CO. [1879]. Post route map of the territory of Dakota with adjacent parts of Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska, Iowa and Minnesota and portions of the dominion of Canada. By W. L. Nicholson. 1879. 2 sheets. [Washington, 1881]. [Ujiited States. Post office department. Topographer's office]. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed county and township map of Dakota, [etc.] 15 pp. 1 map 18 x 20^ Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1881]. Geographically correct sectional map of the golden northwest and great wheat region of North Dakota. 1882. Compiled and drawn by Heinze bros. and E. P. Adams. Scale 1 in. =12 miles. 20x21. Jamestown, Da. E. P. Wells & Dudley, 1882. Rand, McNally & co. Correct map of Dakota. Nov. 1, 1882. Published for the Chicago & northwestern railway. 18 x 24. Chicago, Rand, McNally & CO. [1882]. Note. — No text on reverse. Rand, McNally & co. Correct map of Dakota. Nov. 1, 1882. Published for the Chicago & northwestern railway, fold. 18 x 24. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1882]. Note. — Text on reverse in Danish. See also Brown county; Ramsey county; Spink county; Stutsman coun'-y. North Dakota; South Dakota. Dakota county, Minn. Map of Dakota county, Minn. Compiled and drawn by Ed. A. H. Hoenck, 1874. 35 x 29. St. Paul, Hoenck & Roosen, [1874].' Danbury, Conn. [Map of the route of gen. William Tryon's expedition to Dan- bury, ms. [anon.] 18 x 14. 1777?]. Note. — On the reverse is the name of Montresor. Numbered in pencil, 264. Hopkins (G. M.) Atlas of Danbury, Conn. 55 pp. incl. 13 maps. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1880. Danville, Olney and Ohio river railroad. Colton (G. W. & C. B.) & co. Map of the Danville, Olney & Ohio railroad and its connections. 2U x 27. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. [1881]. Darien (Isthnms of). See I'anama (Isthmus of). I LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 259 Darke county, Ohio. Map of Darke co. Ohio, from surveys and county records by J. Chace, jr. 55 x 43. Philadelphia, 8. H. Matthews, 1857. Griffing, Gordon, & co. Atlas of Darke co. Ohio. 76 pp. 6 1. incl. 38 maps. fol. Philadelphia, Griffing, Gordon & co. 1888. Dauphin county, Penn. Map. From actual surveys by J. South wick. fold. ■]. 38 X 58. Philadelphia, W. J. Barker, [1858].' Dauphin (Port), Haiti. Plan of the bay and town of Port Dauphin in the island oi Hispaniola. [&] A plan of -Monte Christe bay with the Seven Brothers on the north coast of St. Domingo. 8| x 6| & 6| x 9}. [In Whittle (J.) and Laurie (R. H.) The West India atlas, fol. Lon- don, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 56]. Davidson county, Tenn. Map. From actual surveys made by order of the county court of Davidson co. 1871. Surveyed and mapped by Wilbur F. Foster, col. 58 X 48. :New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. 1871. Davis strait, North America. Preliminary sketch showing the position of Davis's south shoal and other dangers recently discovered by the coast survey [etc.] 18 X 19. New York, J. Ackerman, [1851]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. Dawfoskee river and sound. See Calibogue sound, South Carolina. Deerfield township, Warren county, Penn. Map of the oil lands of Dennis run and vicinity, Deerfield township, Warren county. Pa. From actual sur- veys by J. P. Gould, col. 31 x 34. New York, F. Mayer & co. lith. [1866]. Be Kalb county. 111. Map of De Kalb co. Illinois, by Daniel W. Lamb. 40 x 28. [DeKalb, I860?]. Ensign (D. W. ) & co. Plat book of De Kalb county, Illinois. 131 pp. incl. front. & 46 col. maps. fol. [Chicago, D. W. Ensign & co.] 1892. De Kalb county, Ind. Map of De Kalb co. Indiana. From government & recent surveys, compiled, drawn and published by E. B. Gerber & C. A. O. McClellan. col. 44 x 51. Philadelphia, E. B. Gerber & C. A. O. McClellan, 1863. Delancy farm, New York city. Map of Delancy farm, "eastern part." Lying in the present 11th and 13th wards. Drawn by dr. Heinrich Wind wart. 1880. 43 X 37. New York, J. B. Beers & co. [1880]. Delavan, Wis. (Village of). Kelsey (S. C. ) Map of Delavan, Wisconsin. Diawn from accurate survey. 1860. [anon.] col. 30 x 42. Milwaukee, lith. by L. Lipman, [1861]. Delaware. A map of parts of the provinces of Pennsylvania and Maryland with the counties of Newcastle, Kent and Sussex on Delaware according to the most exact surveys yet made, drawn in the year 1740. 18 x 21. [In Pennsylvania archives. 2d series. The breviate in the boundary dis- pute between Penn' a and Maryland. 8°. Harrisburg, 1891. v. 16]. Note. — By Benj. Eastburn. A map of Pensilvania, New Jersey, New York, and the three Delaware counties. By Lewis Evans. 1749. L. Herbert sculp. 19 x 25. Phila- delphia, L. Evans, 1749. 260 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Delaware. A map of Maryland with the Delaware counties and the southern part of New Jersey, etc. By T. Kitchin. 6^ x 9. [London], for R. Baldwin, [1757]. [In London (The) magazine. 8°. London, for R. Baldwin, [1757]. v. 26, aug. 1757. opp. p. 376]. Campaigns of 1776-1777. [In New York, New Jersey, 1776; Pennsylvania and Delaware, 1777. anon.] 17^x21. [London, 1777?]. [Rochambeau: 24]. Note. — This map is found in capt. John Hall's The history of the civil war in America, [anon.] v. 1. front. 1780. A plan of Delaware river from Chester to Philadelphia. Shewing the situa- tion of his majesty's ships &c. on the 15th nov. 1777. Surveyed and sounded by lieut. John Hunter. 30 x 21. [In Des Barres (Joseph F, W. ) The Atlantic Neptune, fol. London, 1780-81]. A map exhibiting the different stage routs between the cities of New York, Baltimore, and parts adjacent; to which is added as an historical com- panion the operations of the British army from their landing at Elk river in 1777, to their embarkation at Nevisink in 1778. By John Hills, col. 11 X 60. Philadelphia, E. Savage, 180). [Map of proposed roads through the south east part of Pennsylvania and the north part of Maryland and Delaware, ms. anon. 12J x 15. 178-?] To the American philosophical society this map of the peninsula between Delaware & Chesopeak bays with the said bays and shores adjacent drawn from the most accurate surveys is inscribed by John Churchman. 22| X 17. [Baltimore, 1788]. Note. — Another copy in separate form. [Rochambeau: 8]. Delaware. 6x7. [In Scott (Joseph). The United States gazetteer. 16°. Philadelphia, 1795]. The states of Maryland and Delaware, from the latest surveys. 1795. B. Martin sculp. 14 x 17. [In American (The) atlas, fol. New York, J. Reid, 1796. no. 13]. Delaware, from the best authorities. W. Barker sculp, [anon.] 9 x 16. [In Carey (Mathew). Carey's American atlas, fol. Philadelphia, M. Carey, 1796. no. 11]. Delaware. 7x6. [In Scott (Joseph). A geographical description of the states of Maryland and Delaware. 18°. Philadelphia, 1807]. Geographical, historical and statistical map of Delaware. Drawn by F. Lucas, jr. 11 X 9^. [In Complete (A) historical, chronological and geographical American atlas, fol. Philadelphia, H. C. Carey & I. Lea, 1822. no. 19]. Tanner (H. S. ) Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware, exhibiting the route of the James river & Kanawha improvement. 20 x 29. Philadelphia, H. S. Tanner, [1833]. Virginia, Maryland and Delaware. 1839. 20 x 28. [In Tanner (Henry S.) A new American atlas, fol. Philadelphia, H. S. Tanner, 1839]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 261 Delaware. A new map of ^Maryland and Delaware. By H. S. Tanner. 10| x 13^. Philadelphia, Carey & Hart, [1841]. [In his A geographical, etc. view of the United States. 16°. Philadelphia, 1841]. A map of the state of Delaware. From original surveys. By Jacob Price & Samuel M. Rea. 54 x 33. Philadephia, R. P. Smith, 1850. Map of part of Virginia, ^Maryland, and Delaware from the best authorities. Compiled from official sources & drawn by Charles Heyne. 26 x 38. New York, E. & G. W. Blunt, 1861. Colton's new topographical map of the states of Virginia, Maryland and Dela- ware, showing also eastern Tennessee, & parts of other adjoining states, all the fortifications, military stations, [etc.] col. 31 x 44. New York, J. H. Colton, 1862. Johnson (A. J.) Johnson's Virginia, Delaware, Maryland & AVest Virginia, col. 17 X 23. [New York, Johnson & Ward, 1864]. Boughman, Thomas & co.'s map of the peninsula embracing Delaware and the eastern shores of Maryland & Virginia. Compiled from the United States coast surveys and other actual surveys by D. G. Beers, col. 40 X 26. Wilmington, Boughman, Thomas & co. 1868. Johnson's Delaware and Maryland, col. 11 x 17. New York, A. J. Johnson, [1868]. New railroad map of the states of Maryland, Delaware, and the District of Columbia. Compiled and drawn by Frank Arnold Gray. col. 15 x 24. Philadelphia, O. W. Gray & son, 1876. Colton (G. W. & C. B.) & co. Colton's new topographical map of the states of Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland & Delaware and portions of the adjoining states, col. 30 x 43. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. 1882 [1881]. Post route map of the states of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland and of the District of Columbia, [etc.] By W. L. Nicholson. The 1st ed. was issued in 1869. Drawn by C. H. Poole. Engraved by D. McClelland. 4 sheets, fol. [Washington, 1881]. [United States. Post office department. Topographer's office]. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed county and township map of Maryland and District of Columbia, [etc.] 43 pp. 1 map. 12i x 19. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1881]. See also Kent count v: Newcastle countv. Delaware bay and river. Nova Svecia hodie dicta Pensylvania. Anno 1654 och 1655. Ardenna nova [etc.] of P. Lindstrom. Th. Campanius Holm fecit. lOi x 5. [In Nouvelles annales des voyages. [4®. serie]. 8°. Paris, 1843. p. 37]. Note. — Reference to this map on p. 259 of "Nouvelles annales." Operations on the Delaware. [In Carrington (Henry B.) Battle maps and charts of the American revo- lution. 8°. New York, 1881]. 262 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Delaware bay and river. The course of Delaware river from Philadelphia to Chester with the several forts and stackadoes raised by the Americans, and the attacks made by his majesty's land and sea forces. 2d ed. [anon.] 17 J X 26f. London, for W. Faden, jan. 1, 1785. [In Atlas of battles of the American revolution, fol. [London, 1770-1793]. no. 20J. A chart of Delaware bay and river, containing a full & exact description of the shores, creeks, harbours, soundings, shoals, sands and bearings of the most considerable land marks from the capes to Philadelphia. Taken from the original chart published at Philadelphia by Joshua Fisher. Engraved by William Faden. 18| x 27. London, "VV. Faden, march 12, 1776. [In Faden (William, editor). The North American atlas, fol. London, for W. Faden, 1777. no. 26]. A chart of Delaware bay and river, containing a full & exact description of the shores, creeks, harbours, soundings, shoals, sands and bearings of the most considerable landmarks from the Capes to Philadelphia. Taken from the original chart published at Philadelphia by Joshua Fisher. Engraved by William Faden. 18^ x 27. London, AV. Faden, march 12, 1776. [In Atlas of battles of the American revolution, fol. [London, 1770-1793] . no 31]. = Same. A chart of Delaware bay and river. Taken from the orginal chart published at Philadelphia by Joshua Fisher. W. Haydon sculpt, col. 8 X 26. London, A. Drury, 30 nov. 1776. [American maps. v. 6. no. 17]. Same. Baye de la Delaware avec les ports, sondes, dangers, bines, etc. depuis les caps jusqu'a Philadelphie, d'apres la carte de Joshua Fisher publiee a Philadelphie. 18 J x 25. Paris, Le Rouge, 1777. [In Le Rouge (Georges Louis ) . Atlas Ameriquain Septentrional, fol. Paris, Le Rouge, 1778-[1792?]. no. 15]. Fisher (Joshua). Chart of Delaware bay and river, from the capes to Phil- adelphia, being part of the province of New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Copied from the original by I. Hills 1777. ms. 24^ x 55. [In Hills (John). A collection of plans etc. etc. etc. of the province of New Jersey, ms. fol. [1772-1782]. no. 16]. Note. — The name of the author is not on the map, but is given on, the gen- eral table of contents of the collection. The course of Delaware river from Philadelphia to Chester, exhibiting the several works erected by the rebels to defend its passage with the attack upon them by his majesty's land & sea forces. Engraved by William Faden. 18 x 27. [London], W. Faden, 1778. Note. — The first ed. of a printed map, with a large ms. addition in red ink for a second. With a plan of Mud island, with fort Mifflin, and part of Carpenter's island. [Faden collection, no. 84]. Same. [The course of Delaware river from Philadelphia to Chester, ms. By Wm. Faden. [anon.] 17 x 27. 1778?]. Note. — Inset sketch of Mud island with fort Mifflin. [Faden collection, no. 83]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 263 Delaware bay and river. To the American philosophical society this map of the peninsula between Delaware & Chesopeak bays, with the said bays and shores adjacent, drawn from the most accurate survey, by John Church- man. 22x17. [Baltimore, 1788]. [Rochambeau: 8]. A chart of Delaware bay and river, containing a full and accurate description of the shores, creeks, [etc.] faithfully coppied from that published at Phila- delphia. By Joshua Fisher, together with the tide table from the capes to Philadelphia, and the set of the tides on the several quarters of the flood and ebb. 19 x 27. London, Laurie & Whittle, 12 may, 1794. [In North American pilot. A new ed. much enlarged of the second part of the North American pilot, fol. London, R. Laurie & J. Whittle, 1800. no. 10]. A survey & soundings of the waters between the island and New Jersey shore opposite the city of Philadelphia compleated by us the 24 dec. 1818. Signed Lewis Wernnag, John Bannan, Isaac Nathans, ms. col. 25 x 52. [1818]. A map of the original settlements on the Delaware by the Dutch and Swedes. 12^ x 7i [In Ferris (Benjamin). A history of the original settlement on the Dela- ware. 8°. Wilmington, 1846]. Preliminary chart of Delaware and Chesapeake bays, and the sea coast from cape Henlopen to cape Charles. From a trigonometrical survey under the direction of F. R. Hassler and A. D. Bache. Published in 1855. [C. no. 3] . 24| X 31. New York, Brown <)rtion8 of Maryland and Virginia. W^ashington, W. F. Roberts, [1896]. Road book of District of Columbia division of league of American wheel- men, containing also some of the principal routes in Maryland and Vir- ginia, [etc.] 1st ed. 3 p. 1. 76 pp. 3 fold. maps. obi. 12°. [Wash- ingtx^n, G. E. Williams, 1897]. See also Washington, D. C. Dog Island, West Indies. Chart of the islands and channels of St. Bartholomew, St. Martin, Anguilla, Dog and Prickly Pear, etc. from the surveys and obsers'ations of mr. Samuel Fahlberg. 19 J x 27i. [In Whittle (J. ) and Laurie (R. H.) The West India atlas, fol. I^ondon, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, IHIS. no. 19]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 267 Dolores, Colo. Map of Red mountain and the mining region of San Juan, Ouray, San Miguel, and Dolores counties, Colo. By Emil Fischer, 1886. 30 x 32J. St. Louis, A. Gast, [1886]. Dolores mines, Ouray county, Colo. Map of the Dolores mines situated in Pio- neer mining district, Ouray county, Colorado. Compiled from actual sur- veys by J. F. Wannemaker [&] Wm. Munro. 1880. 27 x 32. Chicago, Rand, McXally & CO. [1880]. Dominica (Island of), West Indies. Dominica, by Thomas Jefferys. 24f x 19. [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 99]. A map of the island of Dominica, taken from an actual survey; also part of Martinico & Guadaloupe. Shewing their true bearing & distances from each other. By Thos. Bowen. 7 J x 9^. [In Gentleman's (The) magazine. 8°. London, for D. Henry, [1778]. v. 48. Dec. 1778. opp. p. 603]. L'isle de la Dominique. Par m. J. 'SI. [anon.] 24 x 18f. Paris, Lattre, . 1779. [Inserted in Jefferys (T.) and others. The American atlas, fol. London, R. Sayer & J. Bennett, 1776. no. 27c]. Dominica from an actual survey. An improved ed. [anon.] 24 x 18^. London, Laurie & Whittle, march 10, 1810. [In AVhittle (J. ) and Laurie (R. H. ) The West India atlas, fol. London, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 23]. Donolio battery. See Fishing battery, Chesapeake bay. Dorcliester, Mass. [View of the fortifications around Dorchester, ms. anon. 6x19. 1776?]. Douglas county, Kans. Beers (F. W.) Atlas of Douglas co. Kansas. 60 pp. incl. 19 maps. fol. New York, F. W. Beers & co. 1873. Doug-las county, Nebr. Map. Compiled, drawn and published by Andrew Rose- water, col. 30 X 64. Omaha, Neb. A. Rosewater, [1868]. Drummond island, Mich. Map of the south west end of Drummond island, show- ing British occupation 1815-1828. 14 x 16^. [In Cook (Samuel F.) Drummond island. 8°. Lansing, Mich. 1896].' Map of Drummond island and the island adjacent ^Michigan. 31 x 50. New York, for S. Whitney by J. H. Colton & co. 1856. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. Dubuque, Iowa. Map of the mineral region of Dubuque & vicinity. Compiled and published by H. De Werthes. 23 x 29. [Dubuque, H. De Werthes, 1858]. Dukes county, Mass. ^lap of the counties of Barnstable, Dukes and Nantucket, Mass. Based upon the trigonometrical survey of the state, the details from actual surveys under the direction of Henry F. Walling. 1858. 56 x 60. Boston, D. R. Smith & co. 1858. Duluth, Minn. Roe (Frederick B.) Atlas of the city of Duluth, St. Louis county, Minn. 2 p. 1. index map. 30 pi. fol. Philadelphia, F. B. Roe, 1890. Duluth land district, Minn. Lumberman's map of the Duluth land district of Minnesota. Compiled from the plats of United States surveys and drawn by Elmer, Newell & son, 1876. 276 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Essex county, Vt. Map of the counties of Orleans, Lamoille, and Essex, Vermont. From actual surveys under the direction of H. F. Walling 1859. 54 x 54. New York, Loommis & Way, 1859. Map. col. 54 X 48. New York, F. W. Beers & co. 1878. Etclies (Port), Alaska. Sketch of port Etches, situated 5 leagues nne of cape Hinchingbrook; together with a sketch of Brooks harbour, by Nathaniel Portlock, 1787. 8 x 11. London, J. Stockdale, 1789. Note. — Taken from Portlock's "A voyage round the world, 1785-1788." Eureka district, Nev. Map of Eureka district, Nevada. March 1878. T. J. Read c. e. 20 X 26. [San Francisco, W. P. Dewey, 1878]. — Dewey (W. P.) Map of Eureka district, Nevada. Jan. 1882. T. J. Read„ c. e. [anon.] 20 x 26. San Francisco, lith. Britton & Rey, [1882]. Eutaw Springs, S. C. Battle of Eutaw Springs. [In Carrington (Henry B.) Battle maps and charts of the American revo- lution. 8°. New York, 1881]. Evanston, 111. Snyder (L. M.) & co. Town of Lake View. [&] Town of Evans- ton, Cook CO. 111. Scale: 4 inches to the mile. col. 25 x 32. Chicago,, L. M. Snyder & co. [1883]. Evansville, Ind. Evansville courier company. A map of the lower Ohio valley, showing the city of Evansville to be the center of a territory richer than the valley of the Nile in agricultural products, [etc. ] 8 x 10. [Evans- ville, 1882], Everett, Middlesex county, Mass. Atlas of Everett, Middlesex co. Mass. 1896. 2 p. 1. index map. 22 pi. fol. Boston, G. H. Walker & co. 1896. Fairfax county, Va. Sketch of the seat of war in Alexandria & Fairfax cos. By V. P. Corbett. 11 x 15. Washington, 1861. Hopkins (G. M. ) Atlas of fifteen miles around Washington, including the counties of Fairfax and Alexandria, Va. 77 pp. 4 1. incl. 49 maps. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1879. Fairfield county. Conn. Clark's map of Fairfield co. Connecticut. From actual survey by & under the direction of J. Chace, jr. & W. J. Barker. 59 x 52. Philadelphia, R. Clark, 1858. Fairfield county, S. C. Map. Surveyed by Wm. B. & B. E. Elkin. col. 18 x 24. Philadelphia, J. L. Smith, 1876. Fairmount park, Philadelphia, Penn. Plan of Fairmount park as adopted by city councils. With the proposed addition of the west bank of the river Schuylkill. By Andrew Palles. 1859. col. 20 x 28. Philadelphia, L. N. Rosenthal, [1859]. Map and pictorial guide to Fairmount park. col. 26 x 28. Philadelphia,. 0. S. Senter, [1872]. Topographical map of Fairmount park. Showing the situation of the grounds and buildings of the international exhibition in 1876. By E. W. Smith. 24 x 16. Philadelphia, E. W. Smith, [1876]. Falkland islands. A chart of Falkland's islands, named by the French Malouine islands, and discovered by Hawkins in the year 1593. 6 x 8|. [American mai)S. v. 2. no. 28-29. Inset to Anville (J. B. B. d'). A map- of South America]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 277 Falkland islands. Hawkins's Maiden-land called afterwards Falkland's islands. By Thomas Jefferys. 10^ x 13^. [Inserted in Jefferys (T.) and others. The American atlas, fol. London, R. Saver & J. Bennett, 1776. no. 31]. Chart of the Faulkland Islands, as surveyed by capt. Chas. H. Barnard. 12 X 16. [In Barnard (Charles H.) A narrative of suffering and adventures. 8°. New York, 1829. front.] Pall River, Mass. City of Fall River, col. 26 x 20. Boston, Sampson, Daven- port & CO. [1874]. . Walker (Geo. H.) & co. Atlas of Fall River city, Mass. 91 pp. incl. 19 maps. fol. Boston, G. H. Walker & co. 1883. Tails county, Tex. Map. 16 x 23. St. Louis, lith. by A. Gast & co. [1879]. [Texas (State of) . General land office]. False Dungeness harbor. Wash. Reconnaissance of False Dungeness harbor, Washington, by the hydrographic party under the command of lieut. James Alden, 1853. Electrotype copy no. 1. 9x11. [Washington, 1853 J. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey] . Pargo, N. Dak. Morton & co.'s map of the city of Fargo. Scale 400 ft, to the inch. col. 33 x 45. Fargo, Grant & Polk, [1882]. J. B. Weaver & co.'s map of the city of Fargo, Dakota territory. 1882. Scale 600 ft. to the inch. col. 23^* x 33. [St. Paul], St. Paul lith. co. 1882. Parmington and Hampshire and Hampden canals. Map exhibiting the Farm- ington & Hampshire & Hampden canals, together with the line of their proposed continuation through the valley of the Connecticut river, to Can- ada. Surveys furnished by Davis Hurd. Engraved and published by N. & S. S. Jocelyn. col. 62 x 16. New Haven, N. & S. S. Jocelyn, 1828. Payette county, Penn. McLaughlin & Kinter. Map of Fayette county. Pa. 1 sheet. 36 x 56. Philadelphia, W. J. Barker, [1858]. [With WaUing (H. F.) and Gray (0. AV. ) Xew topographical atlas of Penn- sylvania, fol. Philadelphia, 1872]. Map. From actual surveys by McLaughlin & Kinter. 37 x 57. Philadel- phia, W. J. Barker, [1858]. Note. — Printed on both sides. Hopkins (G. M.) & co. Atlas of the county of Fayette and the state of Pennsylvania. Ill pp. incl. 33 maps. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hop- kins & CO. 1872. Payetteville, N. C. This plate of the town of Fayette ville, North CaroUna, so called in honor of that distinguished patriot and philanthropist gen. La Fayette is respectfully dedicated to him by the publisher. 16 x 21. Payetteville, published by John McRae, [182-]. Note. — Inset portrait of La Fayette, and view of La Fayette hotel. Pear (Cape) , N. C. Plan of the entrance into Cape Fear harbour, N. C. 10 x 14. [In Speer (J. S. ) The West India pilot, fol. London, 1771]. 278 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Fergus Falls park region, Minn. Map showing the Fergus Falls ' ' park region, ' ' embracing also the whole of Otter Tail County, Minn, and Wilkins, and portions of Douglas, Grant, Traverse and Clay counties. [By George B. Wright, anon.] 16 x 23. Minneapolis, Johnson, Smith & Harrison, [1880]. Fisher county, Tex. Fisher co. 18x22. St. Louis, lith. by A. Gast & eo. [1880]. [Texas. General land office]. Fisher (Fort), N. C. Plan and sections of fort Fisher, carried by assault by the U. S. forces, major gen. A. H. Terry commanding, jan. 15, 1865. Forwarded to engineer dept. with letter of this date, C. B. Comstock, It. col. a. d. c. etc. 39th cong. 1st sess. Report of the chief engineer, U. S. A. no. 6. 10^ X 15. Philadelphia, Bo wen & co. lith. [1865]. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers]. ■ Sketch of vicinity of fort Fisher, surveyed under the direction of brevt. brig. gen. C. B. Comstock, chief engineer, by Otto Julian Schultze, private 15th N. Y. v. eng. 39th cong. 1st sess. Report of the chief engineer, no. 5. 9^ X 14^. Philadelphia, Bowen & co. lith. [1865]. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers]. Fishers island, N. Y. Fisher's island sound. Founded upon a trigonometrical survey under the direction of F. R. Hassler. Hydrography by the party under the command of G. S. Blake. Republished in 1847, with additions. 15 X 17. [Washington], coast survey office, 1847. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. Fishing- battery, Chesapeake bay. Showing proposed site for a light at Fishing or Donoho battery, Chesapeake bay, by It. com. J. J. Almy, 1851. Sketch C. no. 3. 7^x9. [Washington, 1851]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. Fishkill, N. Y. [Map of Fishkill and vicinity]. Done by a scale of 40 chain to an inch. By Jona Hampton, survr. 1753. ms. 21x55. [1753]. Topographical map of Fishkill on the Hudson and Matteawan, Dutchess CO. New York. From surveys by James P. Kirby. col. 57 x 41. New York, F. W. Beers & co. 1872. Fitchburg, Mass. Map. From recent and actual surveys by F. W. Beers, col. 46 X 38. New York, F. W. Beers & co. [1871]. Miller (D. L.) Atlas of the city of Fitchburg, Worcester co. Mass. 1 p. h 11 pi. fol. New York, D. L. Miller & co. 1895. Flatbush, Long Island, N. Y. Topographical map of Flatbush and vicinity, ms. [anon. 9x7. 1776?]. Note. — The American army was defeated here in 1776. See also Long Island, N. Y. Flattery (Cape ), "Wash. Cape Flattery and Ne^-ah harbor, Washington. Hydrog- raphy by the party under the command of lieut. James Alden, 1853. Electrotype coi)y no. 1 by G. Mathiot. 14 x 17. [Washington, 1853]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. Flemish islands. See Azores. Flint, Mich. Map. Compiled l^y order of the common council by G. T. Clark and Stephen Mathewson. col. 50 x 56. Flint, 1873. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 279 Florence, Ala. Map of the country, embracing the several routes examined with a view to a national road from Zanesville to Florence. For It. col. Longs brigade, compiled from the most authentic maps. Del. by It. Walter Gwynn. Drawn on stone by James Eddy. 8| x 52. Boston, Pendleton's lithography, [184-?] [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. publislied by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 38]. Florida. Carte de la Floride Frangaise (1562-1568). Dressee par Paul Gaffarel d'apres de Laet, Bellin, Le Rouge, Wilson, Poussielgne, Stieler, etc. 11* X 7*. [In Gaffarel (Paul). Histoire de la Floride Fran^aise. 8°. Paris, 1875. at end]. Floridae Americse provincia recens et exactissima descriptio auctore Jacobo le Moyne cui cognomen de Morgues [etc.] [1564]. 14i x 17. [In Gaffarel (Paul). Histoire de la Floride Fran(;aise. 8°. Paris, 1875. at end]. Le Moyne de Morgues (Jacob). Florida? Americ?e provincisp recens & exactissima descriptio. [1564]. 14x17^. [In Shipp (Barnard). The history of Hernando de Sota and Florida. 8°. Philadelphia, 1881]. Note. — Also a separate manuscript tracing of this map. Zee en land togten der Franzsen gedaan na, en in't Americaans gewest van Florida, aller-eerst door loh. Pontius ontdekt. Vytgeroerd te Leyden door P. Vander Aa. 6^ x 9. [In Yerscheyde scheeps-togten na Florida, door Pontius, RibaUl, Laudon- niere, Gourgues en andere: gedaan in het jaar 1562, en vervolgens. 16°. Te Leyden, 1706]. Florida et Apalche. 9 x 11. [In AVytfliet (Cornelius) and others. Histoire universelle des Indes. fol. Douay, F. Fabri, 1605. opp. p. 117]. Figure et description de la terre reconnue et habitee par les Francois en la Floride et audeya, gisante par 30, 31, et 32 degrez. 6J x 8. [In Lescarbot (Marc). Histoire de la Nouvelle France. 30 ed. 12°. Paris, A. Perier, 1618]. XoTE. — From Port Royal to Calos. Virginise partis australis, et Floridte partis orientalis, interjacentium regio- num nova descriptio. 15 x 20. [In Jansson (Jan). Nuevo atlas, fol. Amsterdam, J. Jansson, 1653. v. 2], Virgini?e partis australis, et Floridse partis orientalis, interjacentium regio- num nova descriptio. 15 x 19*. [In Blaauw (W. J.) and Blaauw (Jan). Le grand atlas on cosmographie Blaviane, contenant I'Amerique. fol. Amsterdam, J. Blaeu, 1667. v. 12. bet. pp. 25-26]. La Floride. Par X. Sanson. 1657. 7 x 10. [In his L'Amerique en plvsievrs cartes. 4°. Paris, I'avthevr, 1657. no. 3]. Yirginiae partis australis, et Florida? partis orientalis, interjacentiumq,, regionum nova descriptio. 15 x 20. [In Allard (Carel) . Atlas minor, fol. Amstelodami, ex officina Caroli Allard, [1696?]. no. 141]. Note. — The date 1696 is found in the map entitled "L'isle de Re," no. 20, and also in 21, "La Bretagne," also no. 31, "La Provence." 280 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Florida. Carte du Mexique et de la Floride des terres Angloises et des isles Antilles du cours et des environs de la riviere de Mississippi. Dressee sur un grand nombre de m^moires, principalement sur ceux de mms. D' Iberville et le Seur. Par Guillaume de I'lsle. 18 J x 23 J. Amsterdam, I. Covens & C. Mortier, 1722. [In his Atlas nouveau. fol. Amsterdam, for I. Covens & C. Mortier, [1741?]. V. 2. no. 39]. Carte des isles del'Amerique et de plusieurs pays de terre ferme situes au devant de ces isles & autour du golfe du Mexique. Par le sr. d'Anville. 1731. 12 X 17. [In his Atlas general, fol. Paris, 1727-80. no. 36]. Map of the coast of Florida, from Talbot island to the mouth of Musquitta river; with plan of St. Augustine, showing the position of gen. Ogle- thorpe's camp, etc. ms. [anon.] col. 19 x 55. [1740]. Fort Frederik a French incroachment built 1731 at Crown Point or rather Scalp Point. From a French draught, [anon.] 8x11. [1755]. [American maps. v. 3. no. 23-24]. Note. — Inset to "A map of the most inhabited part of New England." Charts of the coast of Florida. By John Gerard William de Brahm. mss. fold. [1765]. CONTENTS. Section 8. Chart of the sea coast from latitude 27° 00' 00" to 27° 20' 00". Section 9. Chart of the sea coast from latitude 26° 10' 00" to 27° 00' 00". Section 10. Chart of the sea coast from latitude 26° 20' 00" to 26° 40' 40". Section 11. Chart of New inlet. Section 12. Chart of Middle inlet. Section 13. Chart of Cape Florida. Note. — In mr. de Brahm' s letter of 1765. A new and accurate map of East and West Florida, drawn from the best authorities, [anon.] 7 x 8^. [In London (The) magazine. 8°. London, for R. Baldwin, [1763]. v. 34. March, 1765. opp. p. 120]. Florida from the latest authorities, by T. Jefferys. 15 x 14. [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 65]. Pais cedes, sheet 1st, containing the coast of Louisiana and Florida. By Thos. Jefferys. 19 x 25. [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 66]. Pais ced^s, sheet 2, containing the peninsula & gulf of Florida, with the Bahama islands. By Thos. Jefferys. 18| x 25. [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and The West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 67]. East Florida, from surveys made since the last peace, adapted to dr. Stork's history of that country. By Thomas Jefferys. 13^ x 16. [In Stork (William). A description of East Florida. 3d ed. 4°. London, W. Nicoll, 1769. front.] A map with part of the Florida coast from Cape Blaise to Apalachie with the boundaries betwixt east & west Floridas. 160 yards across the river call'd Apalachiola. Robt. Kowley of hs. ms. sloop Druid fecit September the 4th, 1769. ms. 18 x 29J. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 281 Florida. The bay of Espiritu Santo, on the western coast of East Florida. [&] Plan of the town of St. Augustine the capital of East Florida. T. Jefferys sculp. 8 X 10} & 8J X Hi. [In Faden (William, editor). The North American atlas, fol. London, for W. Faden, 1777. no. 35]. Plan of Amelia island in east Florida; A chart of the mouth of Nassau river with the bar and soundings. A chart of the entrance into St. Mary's river. By Will'm Fuller, col. 20 x 24. London, T. Jefferys, march 26, 1770. [In Faden (William, editor). The North American atlas, fol. London, for W. Faden, 1777. ed. B. no. 26]. Same. [In Atlas of battles of the American revolution, fol. [London, 1770- 1793]. no. 29]. The ancient Tegesta, now promontory of East Florida. By Wm. Gerar de Brahm. 177L lOf x 18. [In Brahm (John Gerar William de). The Atlantic pilot. • 8°. London, 1772]. Chart of the south end of East Florida and Martiers, by William Gerar de Brahm. 11 x 17. [In Brahm (John Gerar William de). The Atlantic pilot. 8°. London, 1772]. [Chart of the coast of East and West Florida]. To the Marine society of the city of New York, this chart is humbly inscribed by their most obed't servant B. Romans. B. Romans inv. delin. & in sera incidit. 3 sheets. fold. 21 X 90; 29 x 56; 26 x 65. [New York, 1774]. Note. — To accompany his "A concise natural history of East and West Florida." This map is so rare that bibliographers have doubted its existence. The coast of west Florida and Louisiana. [&] The peninsula and gulf of Florida or channel of Bahama with the Bahama Islands. By Thos. Jefferys. 18^ x 48^. London, for R. Sayer, feb. 20, 1775. [In Faden (William, editor). The North American atlas, fol. London, for W. Faden, 1777. no. 34]. Same. [In Jefferys (T. ) and others. The American atlas, fol. London, R. Sayer & J. Bennett, 1776. no. 25]. Same. Carte de la Floride Occidentale et Louisiane. [&] La i>eninsule et golfe de la Floride ou canal de Bahama avec les isles de Bahama. Traduite de Jefferys. 18^x47. Paris, Le Rouge, 1777. [In Le Rouge (Georges Louis). Atlas Ameriquain Septentrional, fol. Paris, Le Rouge, 1778-[1792?]. no. 22]. Carta rappresentante la penisola della Florida. 9 x 8|. [In Atlante deir America, [anon.] fol. Livorno, 1778. no. 13]. Map of the province of West Florida. By Thos. Kitchin, sr. 7^ x 9J. [In London (The) magazine. 8°. London,' forR. Baldwin, [1781]. v. 50. May 1781. opp. p. 248]. The peninsula and gulf of Florida, or New Bahama channel, with the Bahama islands. By Thos. Jefferys. 24 x 36. London, Laurie & Whit- tle, 12 may, 1794. [In North American pilot. A new ed. much enlarged of the second part of the North American pilot, fol. London, R. Laurie & J. Whittle, 1800. no. 20]. 282 LIST OF MAPS OF AMEBIC A. Florida. Florida. [1796-1800]. [In Ellicott (Andrew). The journal. 4°. Philadelphia, 1803]. Carte detaillee de la Barre-Louisiane et Floride Occidentale. 7^ x 16. [In Berquin-Duvallon ( — ) . Vue de la colonic Espagnole du Mississipi. 8°. Paris, 1803]. Carte des deux Florides et de la Louisiane inferieure. Dress^e pour les voyages de mr. Robin dans les annees 1802-6, par J. Poirson. 16 x 26. [In Robin (C. C. ) Voyages dans I'interieur de la Louisiane [etc.] 8°. Paris, 1807. v. 2. at end]. Carte generale du territoire d' Orleans comprenant aussi la Floride Occidentale et une portion du territoire du Mississipi. Dressee d'apres les observations les plus recentes, par Bmi. Lafon, ingenieur geographe a la Nile. Orleans. 34 x 50. Nouvelle Orleans, 1806. Latour (Arsene Lacarriere). Atlas to the historical memoir of the war in West Florida and Louisiana, title. 8 maps. 8°. Philadelphia, J. Conrad & co. 1816. The coast of west Florida and Louisiana. By Thos. Jefferys. 18| x 24J. [In Whittle (J.) & Laurie (R. H.) The West India atlas, fol. London. J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 43]. A map of Mexico, Louisiana and the Missouri territory, including also the state of Mississippi, Alabama territory, east & west Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, etc. By John H. Robinson. 66 x 90. Philadelphia, eng. by H. Anderson, [1819]. A map of the states of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia; comprehending the Spanish provinces of east and west Florida; exhibiting the boundaries as fixed by the late treaty of peace between the United States and the Spanish dominions. Compiled from late survey & observa- tion by Joseph Purcell. 11 x 14. [n. p. 1820]. Note. — This map is also found in Morse's The American geography. A new ed. 4°. London, J. Stockdale, 1794. p. 475. Geographical, statistical, and historical map of Florida. Drawn by F. Lucas, jr. 11^ x 9^. [In Complete (A) historical, chronological and geographical American atlas, fol. Philadelphia, H. C. Carey & I. Lea, 1822. no. 37]. An accurate chart of the coast of west Florida, and the coast of Louisiana; from Sawaney river, on the west coast of east Florida, to 94° 20^ west longitude. Describing the entrance of the river Mississippi, bay of Mobile, Pensacola harbour, &c. Surveyed in the years 1764, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 70, & 71, by George Gauld, under the direction of the right honourable the lords commissioners of the admiralty. 4 sheets, each 23 x 31. [London], W. Faden, 1823. [Great Britain. Admiralty. Chart no. 524 +]• Map of Florida, compiled and drawn from various actual surveys & observa- tions; by Charles Vignoles. 1823. Engraved by H. S. Taiiner & assist- ants. 27i X 23J. Philadelphia, H. S. Tanner, 1823. Florida. Young & Delleker sc. 9^ x 7^. [In Armroyd (George). A connected view of the whole internal navigation of the United States, [anon.] 8°. Philadelphia, H. C. Carey & I. Lea, 1826]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMEEICA. .283 Florida. Map of Florida, constructed principally from the authentic documents in the land office at Tallahassee. By J. G. Searcy, col. 32^ x 47^. Talla- hassee, I. G. Searcy & F. Lucas, jr. Ballimore, [1829]. Note. — Inset " Plan of the city of Tallahassee." Map of the territory of Florida. From its northern boundary to lat: 27° 50^ n, connected with the delta of the Mississippi. Annexed to the report of the board of internal improvement. Feb. 19, 1829. Drawn and com- piled by W. H. Swift. AV. J. Stone sc. 28 x 65. [Washington, 1829]. Same. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 115]. Tanner (Henry S.) Florida. lOf x 13^. Philadelphia, H. S. Tanner, [1833]. Note. — Inset plans of "Pensacola," "Tallahassee," and "Harbour of St. Augustine. ' ' Map of Florida according to the latest authorities. 11 x 9. [In Cohen (M. M.) Notices of Florida. 16°. Charleston, S. C. Burges & Honour, 1836. front.] A map of the seat of war in Florida. 1836. [&] Copy of a map of the seat of war in Florida forwarded to the war department by gen. W. Scott. Mil. aff. no. 738. v. 7% 7^ 14 x 24*. Philadelphia, Bowen& co. [1836]. A map of the seat of war in Florida, 1836. 16 x 13J. [In War (The) in Florida. By a late staff officer, [anon.] 16°. Baltimore, Lewis & Coleman, 1836. front.] Map of Florida. By J. Lee Williams. 1837. 29 x 33. New York, lith. by Greene & McGowrall, [1837]. Note. — To accompany his book "The territory of Florida," 1837. A plat exhibiting the state of the surveys in the territory of Florida. Sur- veyor's office, Tallahassee, oct. 20, 1837. 25 cong. 2d sess. 9 x 24. [Washington, 1837]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. W^ashington, 1843. no. 146]. An accurate map of the state of Alabama and West Florida; carefully com- piled from the original surveys of the general government; designed to exhibit at one view each section and fractional section, so that each person can point to the tract on which he lives: by John La Tourrette. Scale 6 miles to the inch. Engraved by S. Stiles & co. New York, 1838. 53- x 62. [New York], printed by Colton & co. [1838]. Map of the seat of war in Florida. Compiled by order of the hon. Joel R. Poinsett, under the direction of col. J. J. Abert, from the reconnoissance of the officers of the U. S. army by Wash. Hood. W. J. Stone sc. 34x 21. W^ashington, bureau of U. S. topographical engineers, 1838. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers]. Same. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 171]. Map. Exhibiting the post offices, post roads, canals, railroads etc. By David H. Burr. col. 48 x 36. [Washington, 1839]. '284 tilST OF MAPS OF AMEBIC A. Plorida. Map of Florida. By H. S. Tanner. 1839. 27 x 21. [In Tanner ( Henry S. ) A new American atlas, fol. Philadelphia, H. S. Tanner, 1839]. Map of the seat of war in Florida compiled by orders of gen. Z. Taylor, principally from the surveys and reconnaissances of the officers of the U. S. army, by capt. John Mackay and lieut. J. E. Blake, 1839. 41 x 29. [Washington, 1839]. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers] . Portion of middle Florida, shewing the seat of hostilities between Seminole Indians, and United States. 11 x 12^. [In Marryat (Frederick). A diary in America. 4°. London, 1839. v. 2]. A plat exhibiting the surveys as they are of the territory of Florida. Sur- veyor general's office. Tallahassee, oct. 1839. 9x21. [Tallahassee, 1839] . [United States. Department of the interior. General land office]. Same. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 87]. A plan exhibiting the state of the surveys in the territory of Florida. Sur- veyor general's office, Tallahassee, oct. 1841. 27th cong. 2d sess. W. J. Stone sc. 11 x 23. [Washington, 1841]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 128]. Arredondo grant. [Map]. 23 x 21. [St. Augustine, 1846]. Note. — The above map is in conformity with the field notes of the survey and division thereof made under the direction of the commissioners appointed by the superior court of the district of east Florida, at the June term of 1846. Signed David H. Burr & Henry Washington. The state of Florida. By J. Goldsborough Bruff. 1846. 42 x 38. [Wash- ington, 1846]. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers] . Showing the progress of the survey in section 6, with a grand reconnois- sance of the west coast of Florida. 1848-51. Sketch F. 23 x 16J. New York, J. Ackerman, [1851]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey] . A plat exhibiting the state of the surveys in the state of Florida with refer- ences. Surveyor general's office, St. Augustine, sept. 30, 1849. D. McClel- land sc. 22 X 25. [Washington, 1849]. [United States. Department of the interior. General land office] . A plat exhibiting the state of the surveys in the state of Florida with refer- ences. Sept. 30, 1850. 7 x 12. [n. p. 1850]. [United States. Department of the interior. General land office] . La Tourette's map of the state of Alabama and west Florida. Carefully compiled from the original surveys of the general government; by D. H. Cram. col. 63 x 43. Montgomery, [J. La Tourette], 1856. Military map of the peninsula of Florida south of Tampa bay. Compiled from the latest and most reliable authorities by lieut. J. C. Ives, top. eng. under the general direction of capt. A. A. Humphreys, by order of hon. Jefferson Davis, secretary of war. April 1856. 42 x 34. New York, J. H. Colton&co. [1856]. [In Ives (J. C.) Memoir to accompany a military map of the peninsula of Florida. 8°. New York, M. B. Wynkoop, 1856. Note. — See 1875 for a reproduction of this map. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 285' Florida. Johnson (A. J.) Johnson's Florida. 11 x 15. [New York], Johnson & Ward, [1863]. Northern part of Florida. Drawn by H. Lindenkohl. col. 17 x 23. [Washington], United States coast survey office, 1864. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. Schonberg's map of Florida, col. 22 x 13. [New York, Schonberg & co. 1866]. Colton's new township map. 28 x 28. New York, G. AV. & C. B. Colton. & CO. 1868. Drew (Columbus). Drew's new map of the state of Florida. Showing the- townships by the U. S. surveys, the completed and projected railroads, the different railroad stations and growing railroad towns [etc.] 1874. col. 24^ X 25. Jacksonville, C. Drew, 1874. Map of the state of Florida compiled in the bureau of topog'l eng'rs from the- most recent authorities, and prepared by order of the hon. Jeff. Davis,, secretary of war, in conformity with a resolution of the senate of the 11th feb. 1856. Eeproduced in 1875. 36 x 38. [Washington, 1875]. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers] . Note. — See 1856 for the first edition of this map. Rand, McNally & co.'s guide map of Florida. 12^ x 16. [Chicago, Rand,_ McNally &CO. 1875]. Watson's new county, railroad and distance map of Florida, col. 16 x 15. [New York, G. Watson, 1875]. Colton's township map of the state of Florida. Drawn, engraved and pub- hshed by G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. col. 16 x 26. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & CO. [1876]. Route followed by N. H. Bishop in duck-boat Centennial republic in 1876. 4^ X 6^. [Boston, Lee & Shepard, 1876]. State of Florida. 1876. Compiled from the official records by C. Roeser. 24 X 27. New York, J. Bien, 1876. [United States. Department of the interior. General land office]. Preliminary post route map of the state of Florida with adjacent parts of South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama; showing also the neighboring West India islands. By W. L. Nicholson. The 1st ed. was issued in 1876. Drawn by Chas. E. Gorham. 2 sheets, fol. [Washington, 1881]. [United States. Post office department. Topographer's office]. Apthorp's standard map of Florida. Constructed from the latest United States surveys and from other officiale and local sources by Wm. Lee Apthorp. 1877. Scale 15 miles to an inch. col. 31^x31^. New York, F. Mayer, lith. [1877]. North America, east coast. United States Georgia & Florida. St. Andrew sound to St. John river. From the United States coast survey 1853-74. Published by the United States government in 1875-6. 25 x 37^. Lon- don, admiralty, 1879. [Great Britain. Admiralty. Hydrographic office. Charts, no. 853]. Rand, McNally & co.'s county and railroad map of Florida. 12 x 19. Chi- cago, Rand, McNally & co. [1879]. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed map of Florida. 10 pp. 11. 1 map. 12 x 19.. fold. 18°. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1879]. 286 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Plorida. Colton'snewsectionalmapof the eastern portion of Florida, col. 24x30. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. 1881. Colton' s map of the state of Florida. Presented by P. Lorillard & co. Scale 18 miles to one inch. col. 19 x 26. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & CO. [1882]. Bradley & co. County map of Florida, [anon.] col. 10 x 14. [Phila- delphia, Bradley & co. 1882]. Cook (Thomas) & son. Map of Cook's tours to Florida and the tropics. 8^ X 12. . [New York, 1882]. Map of the state of Florida to accompany a descriptive pamphlet of Florida issued by the state board of immigration, 1882. A, A. Robinson commis- sioner. Drawn, engraved and printed by G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. Scale 18 miles to one inch. col. 26^ x 26^ New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & CO. [1882]. Granville's railroad and township map of Florida. By Charles Granville. 22 x 30. New York, south publishing co. 1886. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed county and township pocket map and ship- pers' guide of Florida. 31 pp. 1 fold. map. 16°. Chicago and New York, Rand, 'McNally & co. [1892]. See also Hillsboro county; Volusia county. Florida (Gulf of). A chart of the island Cuba. The gulf of Florida, with the Bahama islands, and ye Windward passage, [anon.] 17 x 21. [Lon- don, 1680?]. [American maps. v. 4. no. 35]. Note. — Attributed to John Thornton. A map of the isle of Cuba, with the Bahama islands, gulf of Florida, and AVind ward passage. Drawn from English and Spanish surveys, [anon.] 13^ X 19. [In Jefferys (T, engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 79]. Florida transit and peninsular railroad. Maps showing the Florida transit and peninsular railroad and its connections. Prepared by G. W. & C. B. Col- ton & CO. 18 J X 26. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. [1882]. Fogo harbor, Newfoundland. Fogo harbour. [&] Shoal bay. [Chart]. Sur- veyed by Michael Lane, 1785. ms. 19 x 20. [1785]. Ford county, Kans. Map of Ford county, Kas. Compiled from authentic sources. By E. J. Beard & W. D. Shain. 19 x 27. Kansas City, Mo. Ramsey, Millett & Hudson, [1886]. Forest county, Penn. Irwin's map of Forest co. Pa. col. 19 x 31. Philadelphia, J. L. Smith, [1876]. A map of the original warrants of portions of Warren & Forest counties. Carefully compiled from the original drafts and warrants. By John Gardiner. 31 x 42. [Harrisburg, Pa. 1881]. Map showing portions of McKean, Warren, Forest and Elk counties. By J. Opperman. 34 x 39. New York, Am. photo, litho. co. [1881]. Smith (J. L.) Map of the oil fields of Warren and Forest counties, Penn. Scale, one and a quarter miles to the inch. col. 31^ x 37^. Philadelphia, J. L. Smith, [1882]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 287 Fort Edward, N. Y. Map of Sandy Hill and Fort Edward with the towns of Kingsbury and Fort Edward. From actual surveys, col. 38 x 62. New York, F. W. Beers & co. 1875. Fortress Monroe. See Monroe (Fortress). Fort Royal, Martinique, "West Indies. Fort Royal in Martinico. [anon.] oh x 5. [n. p. 176-?]. Plan of the town and citadel of Fort Royal, the capital of Martinico. With the bay of Cul de Sac Royal. By mr. de Caylus. 12 x 14. [In Jefferys (T.) The natural and civil history of the French dominion in X. & S. America, fol. London, 1760. pt. 2. opp. p. 146]. Plan of the town and citadel of Fort Royal the capital of Martinico. With the bay of Cul de Sac Royal. By mr. de Caylus. [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer& T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 101]. A plan of the town and citadel of Fort Royal in Martinico, the last landing place of our army and country, through which it marched to the attack, [anon.] 7^ x 10. [In London (The) magazine. 8°. London, forR. Baldwin, [1762]. v. 31, april 1762. opp. p. 208]. Fort Royal, Nova Scotia. See Annapolis, Nova Scotia. Fort Scott, Topeka and Lincoln railroad. Colton (G. W. & C. B.) & co. Col- ton's map of the United States showing the route & connections of the Fort Scott, Topeka & Lincoln r. r. 30 x 39. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & CO. 1883. Fort Wayne, Ind. Fort Wayne guide map, being a plat of the entire business portion of the city, [etc.] Compiled and published by Harvey C. Low- rie. 18 x 21^. col. [Fort Wayne], H. C. Lowrie, 1871. Fox river. Wis. Map of the Neenah or Fox river, w4th the proposed improve- ments for the navigation. Drawn on a scale of 6 miles to one inch. Langtree & O. Sullivan, AVashington, D. C. To accompany doc. 102. ho. of reps. 25 cong. 3d sess. 13 x 15. [Washington, 1839]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 72]. Head of Green bay and entrance to Fox river, Wisconsin. Surveyed in 1845. by capt. W. G. Williams and lieut. J. W. Gunnison with correc- tions to date by lieut. W. F. Raynolds, under the orders of capt. J. N. Macomb. 1853. 20 x 26. [Washington, 1854]. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers. Lake survey, 1854]. FranQois (Cape), San Domingo. West Indies. An authentic plan of the town and harbour of Cap. Frangois. By Thomas Jefferys. 13 x 18|. [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 88]. Frankford (Philadelphia), Penn. Map of Frankford and vicinity. Published by J. Albert Brous, surveyor & draughtsman, col. 28 x 32. [Philadel- phia], J. A. Brous, [1873]. Frankfort, Waldo county, Me. Map of the town of Frankfort, Waldo co. Maine. From actual survey by D. S. Osborn. col. 38 x 48. Philadelphia, E. M. Woodford, 1855. 288 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Franklin, Tenn. Battlefield in front of Franklin, Tenn. nov. 30, 1864. Compiled under the direction of col. W. E. Merrill, by Edward Ruger. 5x8. Cincinnati, R. Clarke & co. [1875]. Note. — From Atlas [map no. 17] to Van Home's History of the army of the Cumberland. Franklin county, Me. Topographical map of Franklin co. Maine. From actual surveys drawn and engraved under the direction of H. F. Walling. 54 x 54. New York, W. E. Baker & co. 1861. The lakes of Franklin and Oxford counties, Maine. From actual surveys made during the winter of 1876. Surveyed by Harry P. Drill. 34 x 27. Phillips, Me. H. P. Drill, [1876]. Franklin county, Mass. Map of Franklin co. Massachusetts. Based upon the- trigonometrical survey of the state, the details from actual surveys under the direction of H. F. Walling. 1858. 50 x 60. Boston, Smith & Ingra- ham, 1858. Beers (F. W.) Atlas of Franklin co. Mass. 52 pp. incl. 36 maps. fol. New York, F. W. Beers & co. 1871. Franklin county, Ohio. Map of Franklin co. Ohio. From actual survey & rec- ords by John Graham. 38 x 53. Philadelphia, R. C. Foote, jr. 1856. Schueller (Ernest). Map of Franklin county, Ohio. 3i x 4^. [Colum- bus, 1878]. Brand (G. J.) & co. Map of Franklin county, Ohio. Scale 1 mile to 1^^ inches. R. R. Marble, del. 28 x 34. Columbus, O. published by G. J. Brand & co. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. engravers, 1883. Franklin county, Penn. Map. From actual survey by D. H. Davison. 54 x 57.. Greencastle, Pa. Riley & Hoffman, 1858. Franklin county, Tex. Map. 19 x 18. St. Louis, lith. by A. Gast & co. [1879].. [Texas. General land office]. Franklin county, Vt. Map of the counties of Franklin and Grand Isle, Vt. From actual surveys under the direction of H. F. Walling. 54 x 54. New- York, H. F. Walling & co. 1857. Atlas of Franklin and Grand Isle cos. Vt. From actual surveys by and. under the direction of F. W. Beers. 46 pp. incl. 29 maps. fol. New York, F. W. Beers & co. 1871. Fraser river, British Columbia. Plan of part of Eraser's river, shewing the cl acter of the ground from the entrance to the site of old Fort Langley. John Arrowsmith lith. 11 x 15^. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Accounts and papers. 1859. v. 22]. Frederick city, Md. Map. Surveyed and published by Henry Hamilton Pittar.. 30 X 28. Baltimore, H. C. Pittar, [1853?]. Frederick county, Md. Map. Accurately drawn from correct instrumental sui veys of all the county roads, etc. by Isaac Bond. col. 44 x 34. Balti- more, E. Sachse & co. [1858]. Frederick (Fort), Albany, N. Y. Plan of Fort Frederick, at Albany. [In Rocque (John, compiler). A set of plans and forts in America, reduc from actual surveys. 1763. [anon.] sm. 4°. obi. [London, J. Rocque,,; 1763. no. 13]. i LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 289 Frederick (Fort), Crown Point, N. Y. Fort Frederick at Crown Point built by the French 1731. 2^ x 2f. [Inset to A map of the British and French settlements in North America. Universal magazine. 8°. London, J. Hinton, 1755. v. 17. p. 145]. See also Crown Point, New York. Frederick (Fort), St. Johns river, Canada. A plan of Fort Frederick, situated at the entrance of St. John's river. [In Rocque (John, compiler) . A set of plans and forts in America, reduced from actual surveys. 1763. [anon.] sm. 4°. obi. London, J. Rocque, 1763. no. 12]. Fredericksburg, Va. Sketch of the road from Fredericksburg to Norfolk in Vir- ginia, [anon.] ms. 9 x 15. [17 — ]. Sachse (E.) & co. View of Fredericksburg, Va. nov. 1862. 9 x 16^ Bal- timore, hth. & print by E. Sachse & co. [1862]. Currier & Ives. Battle of Fredericksburg, Va. dec. 13, 1862. 9 x 12f . New York, Currier & Ives, [1862]. — Principal features of the battle of Fredericksburgh, dec. 13, 1862. Burnside's campaign. [In Bechler (Gustavus R.) Atlas showing battles, engagements and impor- tant localities connected with the campaigns in Virginia. obi. 12°. [Philadelphia] ,1864. pi. 14] . Sketch of the battle of Fredericksburg, Saturday dec. 13th, 1862. Right wing C. S. A. It. gl. Jackson's corps. By Jed. Hotchkiss, t. e. 2d. corps A. N. Va. 9 X 12i [n. p. 1863?]. Fredericksburg- and Gordonsville railroad of Virginia. Colton (G. AV. & C. B.) & CO. Maps showing the Fredericksburg & Gordonsville railroad of Virginia. 23 x 35. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. [1869]. Freehold, N. J. Hills (John). Sketch of part of the road from Freehold to Middle Town, shewing the skirmish between the rear of the British army under the command of his excellency genl. sir Henry CHnton and the advanced corps of the rebel army, June 28th, 1778. Scale: 800 paces to an inch. [By I. H. anon.] ms. 16^x20^ [1778]. Note.— Inset "Sketch of Middle Town." Same. By I. Hills, July 1778. Scale: 800 paces to an inch. ms. col. 19^x26. [1778]. Note. — This map is numbered "10" in ink. Sketch of part of the road from Freehold to Middle town shewmg the skirmish between the rear of the British army under the command of his excellency gen' 1 sir Henry Clinton and the advanced corps of the rebel army. June 28, 1778. By I. Hills, ms. 17 x 22^ [In his A collection of plans etc. in the province of New Jersey, ms. foL [1776-1782]. no. 9]. Freeman's farm, N. Y. Battle of Freeman's farm. [In Carrington (Henry B.) Battle maps and charts of the American revo- lution. 8°. New York, 1881]. The encampment & position of the army under It. gl. Burgoyne, at Sword's and Freeman's farms, on Hudson river near Stillwater 1777. By Wm. Cumbd. Wilkinson, ms. col. 27 x 43. [1777]. H. Doc. 516 19 290 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Frio county, Tex. Map. 22 x 22. St. Louis, lith. by A. Gast & co. [1879]. [Texas (State of).. General land office]. Frogr's Neck, N. Y. A survey of Frog's Neck and the route of the British army to the 24th of oct. 1776, under the command of gen. William Howe. By Charles Blaskowitz. Scale of 2,000 feet to one inch. ms. col. 29 x 16. [1776]. [Faden collection, no. 57.] Frog's Point, N. Y: A plan of the country from Frog's Point to Croton river shewing the positions of the American and British armies from the 12th of oct. 1776, untill the engagement on the White Plains on the 28th. Drawn by S. Lewis. 16^ x 9. [In Marshall (John). The life of George Washington. Maps. 4°. Phil- adelphia, 1807. pi. 3]. Frontenac, Canada. A plan of the fort and bay of Frontenac with the adjacent countries. 4| x 7. [In London (The) magazine. 1758. 8°. London, R. Baldwin, 1758. v. 27. p. 552]. Plan of Fort Frontenac. [In Rocque (John, compiler). A set of plans and forts in America. 1763. [anon.] sm. 4°. obi. London, J. Eocque, 1763. no. 28]. Fryer Hill, Leadville, Colo. Map of a portion of the underground workings of Fryer hill, Leadville, Col. 1881. Made by George H. Robinson. Scale 80 ft. to 1 inch, on linen. 33 x 39. [Leadville, 1881]. Frying-pan shoals, N. C. Sketch of Frying-pan shoals and Cape Fear river. By the hydrographic parties under the command of lieuts. T. A. Jenkins & J. N. Maffitt. 1851. 15 x 12. New York, J. Ackerman, 1851. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. Fuca (Strait of San Juan de). See Juan de Fuca (Strait of) . Fulton, N. Y. Map of the village of Fulton. A. C. Scott, draftsman. By Peter Schenck, surveyor, col. 42 x 35. Philadelphia, Gillette, Mathews : 2 . [In English (The) pilot. 4th book, [anon.] fol. London, for W. ik J. Mount, 1758. p. 46]. Karte von dem eylande Jamaica, durch den hrn. Bellin. 1758. 7^ x 12. [In Geschichte der kriege in und ausser Europa. [anon.] 4°. Nurnberg, G. N. Raspe, 1782. 26. theil]. A new map of the island of Jamaica divided into its parishes [etc. ] By Thos. Kitchin. 12 x 16. [In London (The) magazine. 8°. London, for R. Baldwin, [1763]. v. 32. July 1763, opp. p. 348]. The island of Jamaica. 16 x 20. [In English (The) pilot. 4th book, [anon.] fol. Dublin, B. Grierson, 1767. p. 48]. [A new and correct map of the island of Jamaica, anon.] 20 x 26. [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & f. Jefferys, 1768. no. 86].- Carta rappresentante 1' isola della Giammaica. 8 x 12. [In Atlante deir America, [anon.] fol. Livorno, 1778. no. 22]. L'isle de la Jamaique, par m. T. J. ingenieur Anglois. [Thomas Jefferys. anon.] 19 x 28. Paris, Lattre, 1779. [Inserted in Jefferys (T.) and others. The American atlas, fol. London, R. Sayer & J. Bennett, 1776. no. 27a]. A chart of Port Royal and Kingston harbours in the island of Jamaica. 29 X 40. [In Des Barres (Joseph F. W.) The Atlantic Neptune, fol. London, 1780-81]. • A chart of the island of Jamaica, with its bays, harbours, rocks, soundings, etc. Jno. Lodge sculp. [anon.] 10 x 15. London, J. Bew, 31 aug. 1780. [In Political (The) magazine. 8°. London, for J. Bew, [1780]. v. 1. Aug. 1780. opp. p. 549]. 342 LI^T OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Jamaica. Jamaica from the latest surveys; improved and engraved by Thomas Jefferys. A new ed. 18 x 24. London, Laurie & Whittle, may 12, 1810. [In Whittle (J.) and Laurie (R. H.) The West India atlas, fol.' London, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 16.] Laurie & Whittle's new chart of the Windward passages and Bahama islands, with the islands of St. Domingo, Jamaica, Cuba, etc. Compiled from a great variety of topographic surveys and nautical details. By John Purdy. 3d ed. improved 1818. 37 x 49. London, R. Laurie & J. Whittle, sept. 2, 1811. [1818]. [In Whittle (J. ) and Laurie (R. H. ) The West India atlas, fol. London, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 11-12]. Geographical, statistical and historical map of Jamaica. Drawn by J. Fin- lay son. 11 X 12. [In Complete (A) historical, chronological and geographical American atlas, fol. Philadelphia, H. C. Carey & I. Lea, 1822. no. 41]. Map of Jamaica. Compiled chiefly from the manuscripts in the colonial office and admiralty. By John Arrowsmith. 1839. 13 x 23^. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Parliamentary papers. 1839. v. 35, p. 230]. Map of Jamaica, by John Arrowsmith. 1848. 13 x 24. London, J. Arrow- smith, 1848. [In his The London atlas of universal geography, fol. London, J. Arrow- smith, 1842-[1850]. no. 64]. Jamaica. John Arrowsmith litho. 7^ x 12. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Accounts and papers. Colonies. 1854. V. 43]. Island of Jamaica. By G. H. Swanston. 5^ x 9J. [In Gazetteer (A) of the world. 8°. Edinburgh, A. Fullarton & co. 1856. V. 7. at end] . — The county of Surrey, Jamaica. Shewing the various marches of troops &c. during the late rebellion; from information collected by Edward J. Castle, It. r. e. 15^ x 27. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Reports from commissioners. Jamaica. 1866. V. 30.] A map of the county of Surrey in the island of Jamaica. Shewing its topographical features, the lines of march of the troops and maroons and the situation of the several villages burnt or partially so during the dis- turbances in Oct. and nov. 1865. Prepared by John Penny. 1866. 28 X 45. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Reports from commissioners. Jamaica. 1866. V. 30]. Jamaica from the latest surveys; improved and engraved by Thomas Jefferys. A new ed. 18 x 25. London, R. H. Laurie, 1856. Jamaica. Pedro Bluff to South Negril point. Surveyed by lieuts. J. F. Pullen, A. Channer, A. B. Greenfell and J. C. Roughton. 1876-8. 28 x 38. London, admiralty, 1880. [Great Britain. Admiralty. Hydrographic office. Charts. 448]. Outline map of Jamaica, to accompany report of West India royal com- mission. 1882. 12 x 30. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Reports. 30. 1884. v. 64]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 348 Jamaica. Map of the island of Jamaica. Prepared for the Jamaica handbook under the direction of Thomas Harrison by Cohn Liddell. 1893. 11^ x 24J. [In Ward (Charles J.) Jamaica at Chicago. 8°. New York, W. J. Pell, 1893. at end]. Map of the island of Jamaica. By Colin Liddell. 1893. 11^ x 24J. [In Handbook (The) of Jamaica for 1894. Compiled by S. P. Musson and T. L. Roxburgh. 8°. London, 1894]. Jamaica, liOng- Island, N. Y. Map of the village of East New York, Kings co. and part of the town of Jamaica, Queens co. Long Island. Compiled, surveyed and drawn by J. C. E. Hinrichs. col. 33 x 58. New York, Endicott & co. liths. 1871. James island, S. C. Plan of an enclosed battery for eight guns, proposed to be built on the publik lands on James island near the place of the old fort Johnston, 1787. Ch. Senf, col. engineer. 16 x 12J. [In Charleston, S. C. (City of). Yearbook. 1883. 8°. Charleston, 1883. p. 472]. James river, Va. [Chart showing the depth of the James and York rivers as they enter Chesapeake bay. anon. ms. 18x14. 1781?]. A plan of the entrance of Chesapeak bay, with James and York rivers; wherein are shown the respective positions [in the beginning of oct.] 1st. Of the British army commanded by lord Cornwallis, at Gloucester and York in Virginia. 2nd. Of the American and French forces under gen. Washington. 3rd. Of the French fleet under count de Grasse. By an officer, ms. [anon.] 16 x 20. London, W. Faden, 1781. Note. — Ms. for engraving. [Faden collection, no. 90]. Same. A plan of the entrance of Chesapeak bay, with James and York rivers; wherein are shown the respective positions [in the beginning of oct] 1st. Of the British army commanded by lord Cornwallis, at Gloucester and York in Virginia. 2nd. Of the American and French forces under gen. Washington. 3rd. Of the French fleet under count de Grasse. By an officer, [anon.] London, W. Faden, nov. 20, 1781. [In Atlas of battles of the American revolution, fol. [London, 1770-1793]. no. 24]. Jamestown, N. Y. Beers (F. W. ) and others. Atlas of Jamestown, N. Y. title. 17 sheets. 1 1. fol. New York, J. W. Voge & co. 1888. Jamesto-WTi, Va. Desandrouins ( ). Plan du terrein a, la rive gauche de la riviere de James vis-a-vis Jamestown en Virginie oii s'est livre le combat du 6 juillet 1781, entre I'armee Americaine commandee par le m'is de la Fayette et I'armee Angloise aux ordres du lord Cornwallis. ms. col. fold. 18x19. [1781]. [Rochambeau: 51]. Jasper county. Mo. See Short Creek mining region . Jay county, Ind. Griffing, Gordon & co. Atlas of Jay county, Ind. 52 pp. 6 I. incl. 26 maps. fol. Philadelphia, Griffing, Gordon & co. 1887. JeflFerson county. Ark. Map. Drawn & published by W. H. D. Wilson, col. 38 X 38. Pine Bluff, Ark. W. H. D. Wilson, 1872. Jefferson county, N. Y. Jefferson co. New York. From actual surveys by Mor- ris Levey 1855. col. 52 x 50. Philadelphia, J. B. Shields, 1855. 344 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Jefferson county, N. Y. Robinson's atlas of Jefferson county, N. Y. title, map. 33 pi. fol. New York, E. Eobinson, 1888. Jeflferson county, Ohio. Map of Jefferson co. Ohio. From actual survey by Jas. Keyly. Rev. and corrected by Jos. M. Rickey, col. 55 x 36. Phila- delphia, Lee & Marsh, 1856. Beers (F. W.) & others. Atlas of Jefferson co. Ohio. 37 pp. incl. 29 maps. fol. New York, F. W. Beers & co. 1871. Jefferson county, Va. Map of Jefferson co. Virginia, by S. Howell Brown. From actual survey with the farm limits. 1852. col. 38x52. [Staunton, 1852]. Jefferson, 111. (ToMn of). Snyder (L. M.) & co. Leyden, Norwood Park. Town of Jefferson, Cook co. 111. Scale: 4 inches to the mile. col. 25 x 38. Chicago, L. M. Snyder & co. [1883]. Jeffersonville, Ind. Map of Jeffersonville enlarged. Surveyed and delineated by H. L. Barnum, 1837. 28 x 20. Cincinnati, engraved by Doolittle & Mun- son, [1837]. Jekyl sound and island, Ga. Plan du port de Goudaquini now called Jekil sound in the province of Georgia. lOJ x 14^. [In Speer (J. S. ) The West India pilot, fol. London, 1771]. Jersey City, N. J. Jersey City, N. J. [View]. 2| x 4. [In Lumiere (The). Containing a variety of topographical views in Europe and America. 12°. New- York, for the proprietor, by H. R. Piercy & CO. 183L p. 26]. A map of Jersey City, showing the untaxed corporation property. Pre- pared by G. P. Robinson, for the Jersey City Evening Journal. 13| x 14.' [Jersey City, N. J., 1873]. — Topographical map of Jersey City, Hoboken and the adjacent country, describing minutely the course of rivers, brooks, [etc.] From an actual survey by L. F. Douglass, engineer, 1841. Published by the author. 32 X 53. New York, Benj. S. Demarest, 1876. Note. — Copyright in 1841 in New Jersey by L. F. Douglass. AVatson's new map of New York, and adjacent cities. 56 x 37. New York, G. Watson, 1876. Watson's new map of New York, Brooklyn, Jersey City, etc. col. 27 x 37. New York, G. Watson, 1876. — Fowler (L. D. ) Title & assessment map of that part of Jersey City which constituted the city of Bergen. Prior to consolidation in 1870. From the records, and verified by surveys, 1882. [anon.] Scale: 200 ft. = l inch. 6 sheets, fol. New York, photo-lith. by R. A. Welcke, [1883]. Map of that portion of Jersey City formerly known as Greenville, showing all property lines, dimensions, [etc.] By A. E. Schlegel, del. L. D. Fowler, surveyor. 52 x 76. Jersey City, N. G. Vreeland, 1881. Bradley (D. L.) Bradley's map of the waterfront of New York, Brooklyn and Jersey City. Rev. and published annually, col. 21 x 31. New York, D. L. Bradley, [1882]. Note, — Printed on both sides. Official assessment map of Jersey City, N. J. 1894. M^de by L. D. Fowler. title-index map. 63 sheets, fol. New York, R. A. Welcke photo-lith. [1894]. See also Paulus's Hook. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 845 Johnson (Fort), Charleston, S. C. Plan of fort Johnson on James island in Charleston harbour. 4 oct. 1800. 16 x 12. [In Charleston, S. C. (City of). Yearbook. 1883. 8°. Charleston, 1883. p. 474]. Fort Johnson, section of map of the defences of Charleston harbor, S. C. Surveyed between march 7th and may 20th 1865. Under the direction of gen. R Delafield. 12 x 16. [In Charleston, S. C. (Citv of). Year book 1883. 8°. Charleston, 1883. p. 476]. Jones county, Tex. Map. 21 x 16. St. Louis, lith. by A. Gast & co. [1879]. [Texas. General land office]. Jonesboro, Ga. (Battle of). Currier & Ives. The battle of Jonesboro', Georgia, sept. 1, 1864. 9 x 12^ New York, Currier & Ives, [1864]. Jorullo, Mexico. Plan du volcan de Jorullo esquisse sur les lieux par A. de Hum- boldt. 19^ X 9. [In Humboldt (F. H. A. ) and Bonpland ( A . ) Atlas geographique et physique des regions equinoxiales du nouveau continent, fol. Paris, Gide, 1814-34] . Juan de Fuca (Strait of). North America. West coast. Strait of Juan de Fuca and the channels between the continent & Vancouver id. Showing the boundary line between British & American possessions, from the admiralty surveys by captains H. Kellett, 1847 & G. H. Richards, 1858-62. Drawn . by Edward J. Powell. 29 x 44. London, admiralty, nov. 1872. [Great Britain. Admiralty. Hydrographic office]. Juniata county, Penn. Map of the counties of Perry, Juniata and Mifflin, Pa. From actual surveys by and under the direction of G. M. Hopkins. 58 x 58. Philadelphia, Smith, Gallup & Hewitt, 1863. Juniata river, Penn. Passage of a branch of the river Juniata across a chain of mountains uninhabited and covered with wood. 7^ x 11. [In Coxiot (Victor). Voyage dans I'Amerique Septentrionale. Atlas. 4°. Paris, A. Bertrand, 1826. pi. 23]. Kalamazoo county, Mich. Map of Kalamazoo co. Michigan. From special sur- veys and county records under direction of Geil & Harley. Surveys by I. Gross, drawn by S. L. Jones. 47 x 47. Philadelphia, Geil & Harley, 1861. Beers (F. W.) Atlas of Kalamazoo co. Mich. 95 pp. incl. 36 maps. fol. ■ New Yorlj:, F. W. Beers & co. 1873. Kalkaska county, Mich. Kalcaska co., Mich. [Map by H. J. Frost, anon.] 15 X 15. [n. p. 1878]. Kane county. 111. Map of Kane co. Illinois. From original and recent surveys by, and under the direction of Adin Mann. 55 x 53. Philadelphia, Matthews, Crane & co. 1860. Ensign (D. W. ) & co. Atlas of Kane co. Illinois. 86 pp. incl. front. & 50 maps. fol. [Chicago, D. W. Ensign & co. 1892]. Kankakee county, 111. Map of Iroquois and Kankakee counties. 111. Compiled from the U. S. surveys & personal examination by John Wilson, col. 41 X 34. [n. p. I860]. Kansas. Map of Nebraska and Kansas territories. Showing the location of the Indian reserves according to the treaties of 1854. Compiled by S. East- man. 24 X 37. Philadelphia, Lippincott, Grambo & co. 1854. 346 LIST OF MAPS OF AMEEICA. Kansas. Map of eastern Kansas. By E. B. Whitman & A. D. Searl. 1856. 21 x 27. Boston, J. P. Jewett & co. [1856]. Halsall (John). Sectional map of the territory of Kansas. Compiled from the field notes in the surveyor general's office, col. 20 x 26. Saint Louis, J. Halsall, 1857. Kansas and Nebraska. By J. H. Colton & co. 26 x 17. New York, J. H. Colton & CO. [1857]. MacLean & Lawrences sectional map of Kansas territory. Compiled from the U. S. surveys by C. P. Wiggin. col. 37 x 37. Pittsburgh, Pa. W. Schuchman & bro. lith. [1857]. — : Sectional map of the territory of Kansas. Compiled from the field notes in the surveyor general's office. Published by J. H. Colton & co. 27 x 21. New York, J. H. Colton & co. 1857. Mitchell's sectional map of Kansas, compiled from the field notes in the sur- veyor general's office, by David T. Mitchell. Showing the U. S. land survey up to 1859. Scale 9 miles to one inch. col. 23^x29^. Cincinnati, Middleton, Strobridge & co. [1859]. Map of Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado. Drawn and engraved by W. H. Gamble. 11^ x 14. [Philadelphia, S. A. Mitchell, jr. 1861]. Map showing progress of the public surveys in Kansas and Nebraska, to accompany annual report of the surveyor general, 1862. House ex. doc. 701. 37th cong. 3d sess. 20 x 23. [Washington, 1863]. [United States. Department of the interior. General land office]. Johnson (A. J.) Johnson's Missouri and Kansas, col. 17 x 23. [New York], Johnson & Ward, [1865]. Colton' s township map of Kansas. Drawn, engraved and published by G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. 18 x 24. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & CO. [1866]. A new sectional map of the state of Kansas; showing the route of the Union Pacific railway — e. d. to Denver City, Col. and complete system of pro- jected railroads. Infofmation compiled and corrected from the depart- ments of the government at Washington, D. C. and other authentic sources by W. J. Keeler. Nov. 1866-67. Scale 4 miles to an inch. Charles Du Bois, draughtsman, col. 42 x 60. Washington, D. C. J. F. Sedney, [1867]. Colton' s new sectional map. Compiled from the United States surveys and other authentic sources. 27 x 48. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & CO. [1867]. The combination map; being a sectional map of Kansas and Nebraska to the 6th principal meridian, and western Iowa and Missouri, combined with a general map of the western states & territories. Compiled by Snyder brothers, col. 68 x 66. Chicago, Snyder brothers, 1870. Johnson's Kansas and Nebraska. 16 x 23. New York, A. J. Johnson, [1870]. Ross (E. H.) New railroad & sectional map of Kansas, col. 24 x 38. St. Louis, E. H. Ross, 1870. Sectional map. Compiled and published by George F. Cram. col. 28x37. Chicago, G. F. Cram, 1872. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 347 Kansas. Asher and Adams' new commercial and topographical railroad map and guide of Kansas. 11 p. 1. 1 map. 15i x 22. New York, American r. r. map and guide publishing co. [1874]. Watson's new county, railroad and distance map of Kansas and Indian ter- ritory, col. 16 X 13. New York, G. Watson, 1875. Cram's new sectional map of Kansas. Compiled and published by George F. Cram. col. 29 x 39. Chicago, G. F. Cram, 1876. New sectional & tow- nship map of Kansas, col. 17x36. Chicago, Higgins bro. & CO. 1876. State of Kansas, 1876. Compiled from the official records of the generai land office and other sources by C. Roeser. 21 J x 30. New York, photo- lith. by J. Bien, [1876]. [United States. Department of the interior. General land office] . Fish brothers & co.'s railroad and county map of Kansas and Missouri. Prepared by Henry S. Stebbins. col. 26 x 39. Toledo, O. H. S. Steb- bins, [1878]. New sectional map of Kansas, presented by Weir plow co. Prepared by Henry S. Stebbins. col. 32 x 40. Chicago, H. S. Stebbins, [1878]. P. P. Mast & co.'s new map of Kansas, Nebraska & southern Dakota. Pre- pared by Henry S. Stebbins. col. 40 x 27. Toledo, O. H. S. Stebbins, [1878]. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed map of Kansas. 21 pp. 1 map. 12^ x 19. fold. 18°. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1878]. Map of Kansas. For the eclectic geographies. Russell Hinman, del. 9 x 11 J. [Cincinnati, Van Antwerp, Bragg & co. 1879]. Rand, McNally & co.'s new indexed sectional map of Kansas, col. 38 x 51. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1879]. Rand, McNally & co.'s new sectional map of Kansas. Compiled from the latest government and local surveys. 18 pp. col. map. 29 x 52. fold. 8°. [Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. 1879]. Rand, McNally & co.'s township, county and railroad map of Kansas. title. 1 map. 12^ x 19. fold. 18°. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1880]. Gray's new map of Kansas. By Frank A. Gray. col. 16 x 27. Phila- delphia, O. W. Gray & son, [1881]. Preliminary post route map of the states of Kansas and Nebraska, with adja- cent parts of Missouri, Iowa, Dakota, Colorado, Texas and Indian terri- tory. By W. L. Nicholson. The 1st ed. was issued in 1875. Drawn by A. F. Dinsmore. fol. [Washington, 1881]. [United States. Post office department. Topographer's office]. ' Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed county and township map of Kansas. 33 pp. 1 map. fold. 16°. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1881]. Rand McNally & co.'s indexed county and township pocket map and ship- per's guide of Kansas. 32 pp. 1 map. 12J x 19^. fold. 16°. Chicago, Rand McNally & co. [1883]. • Map of Kansas. Issued by the state board of railroad commissioners^ 13 X 20. [In Guerrier (George P.) Kansas in a nutshell. 12°. Cambridge, 1889].. 348 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Kansas. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed county and township pocket map and shippers' guide of Kansas. 48 pp. 1 fold. map. 16°. Chicago and New York, Rand, McNally & co. [1892]. Same. 48 pp. 1 fold. map. 16°. Chicago and New York, Rand, Mc- Nally & co. [1893]. Map of foreign settlements in Kansas. Compiled by W. H. Carruth. 12 X 19^. Buffalo, Matthews-Northrup co. [1894]. [In Kansas (State of). State board of agriculture. 9th. biennial report. 8°. Topeka, 1895]. See also Douglas county; Ford county; Shawnee county; Sumner county. Kansas and gulf shore line railroad. Map showing the Kansas and gulf shore line r. r. and the Texas & St. Louis r'y. with its branches, extensions and con- nections. Prepared by G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. 30 x 30. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. [1881]. Kansas City, Kans. Map. By D. O' Flaherty. Aug. 1879. col. 21x31. [Kan- sas City, 1879]. [Kansas City. Kansas. Council]. . Hopkins (G. M.) A complete set of surveys and plats of properties in Wyandotte co. and Kansas City, Kansas, title, index map. 23 sheets, fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, [1887]. Atlas of Kansas City, Kansas, [etc.] Scale 50 ft. to an inch. 3 p. 1. 150 sheets, fol. Chicago, Rascher insurance map publishing co. [1893]. Kansas City, Mo. Wright's new map and guide for Kansas City, Mo. Kansas City and Wyandotte, Kans. 14 1. unp. 1 map. fold. 18°. Kansas City, Mo. H. T. Wright, [1884]. Hopkins (G. M.) A complete set of surveys and plats of properties in the city of Kansas, Mo. title, index map. 37 pi. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1886. Same. 2d ed. title, index map. 36 pi. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hop- kins, 1887. Hopkins (G. M. ) Atlas of the environs of Kansas City in Jackson co. Mo. title, index map. 14 pi. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1886. Hopkins (G. M.) A complete set of surveys and plats of properties of Kan- sas City, Mo. 3d ed. 1 p. 1. index map. 43 pi. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, [1891]. Karnes county, Tex. Karnes co. 22 x 23. St. Louis, lith. by A. Gast & co. [1880]. [Texas. General land office]. Katahdin, Me. Map of routes to Kaadn, to accompany paper in "Appalachia." J. W. & J.Sewall. Appalachia. v. 2. pi. 9. 14x16. [Boston], photo, lith. Forbes co. [1881]. Kearney county, Nebr. Sears (J. H.) Historical atlas of Kearney co. Neb. 91 pp. incl. 25 maps. fol. Minden, J. H. Sears, 1894. Kendall county, Tex. Map. 18 x 19. St. Louis, lith. by A. Gast&co. [1879]. [Texas. General land office]. Kennebec county, Me. Map of Kennebec co. Maine. From actual surveys by Baker & co. 54 x 54. Philadelphia, and Augusta, Me. J. Chace, jr. 1856. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 349* Kennebec county, Me. Map, from actual surveys by Baker & co. 55 x 55. Philadelphia and Augusta, Me. J. Chace, jr. 1858. Kennebec river. A map of the sources of the Chaudiere, Penobscot, and Kenne- bec rivers. By [col. J.] Montresore. ms. 22^ x 19. [1761]. Note. — Montresor's Journal of this expedition from Quebec into Maine is found in Maine historical society. Collections, 1831. v. 1. pp. 341-357. Plan of Lovejoy's narrows, from a survey of the Kennebeck river, by lieuts. J. K. Findlay, N. B. Bennett & H. A. Wilson under the orders of lieut. col. J. J. Abert, U. S. t. e. 1826. Drawn by H. A. Wilson and engraved by B. Chambers. 20 x 21. [Washington, 1826]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 50]. Survey of Kennebec river, by I'ts J, K. Findlay, N. B. Bennett, & H. A. Wilson. Drawn by lieut. N. B. Bennett. 6 maps. [Washington, 1826?]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 59-64]. The Kennebec river and adjacent country showing the routes examined for a road from Augusta to the Canada line in the direction of Quebec. Recon- noissance made in 1834, by Hartman Bache. Outline drawn and cor- rected from Greenleaf's state map of Maine by lieuts. Wood and Cooper. 24 X 35. [Washington, 1834]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 55]. Chart of Kennebeck river from Augusta to Gardiner. 1837. 25th cong 2 sess. 17 X 26. [Washington, 1837]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 161]. Preliminary chart of Kennebec river, Maine, from entrance to Bath. From a trigonometrical survey under the direction of A. D. Bache. Hydrog- raphy by the parties under the command of lieuts. S. D. Trenchard, and J. Wilkinson 1861. 30 x 16. [Washington, 1861]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. Kennedy's Island, New York harbor. Plan of Governor's, Kennedy's, and Brown's islands and Red Hook, together with part of the bay and sound- ings. Shewing the position they bear to each other and to New York. September 18th, 1766. By order of his excellency major general Gage, commander in chief of his majesty's forces in North America, by John Montresor, engineer. Scale 400 feet to an inch. ms. col. 28^ x 29. [1766]. [Fad en collection: no. 96]. Kent county, Del. Map. From actual surveys under the direction of J. H. French, col. 58 x 52. Philadelphia, A. D. Byles, 1859. Kent county, Mich. R. L. Polk & co.'s illustrated historical atlas of Grand Rapids and Kent co. Mich. 72 pi. fol. Grand Rapids, [1893]. R. L. Polk & co.'s illustrated historical atlas of Kent county, Michigan. 1894. 40 pp. pi. 60-72. incl. 33 col. maps. fol. Grand Rapids, R. L. Polk & CO. [1893]. Kentucky. This map of Kentucke, drawn from actual observations is inscribed to- the hon. congress [etc.] by John Filson. ms. facs. 18^ x 20. [In Filson (John). The discovery, settlement and present state of Ken- tucke. 8°. Wilmington, [Del.] J. Adams, 1784]. 350 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Kentucky. Map of Kentucky drawn from actual observations. By John Filson, [1784]. 18 X 19. [London], J. Stockdale, nov. 23, 1793. [In Morse (Jedidiah). The American geography. A new ed. 4°. Lon- don, for J. Stockdale, 1794. opp. p. 505]. A map of Kentucky drawn from actual observations. By John Filson. 18 X 19i [London], J. Stockdale, 1793. [In Morse (Jedidiah). Maps of America, to accompany "The American geography. A new ed." [anon.] 12°. London, for J. Stockdale, 1792- 1794. no. 24]. A map of Kentucky, by John Filson. 7x5. [In Perkins (J. H. ) Annals of the west. 8°. Cincinnati, 1846. p. 137]. This map of Kentucke, drawn from actual observations is inscribed to Geo. AVashington, by John Filson. 10 x 9. Printed by T. Rook for the author, 1784. [In Milburn (William H.) The lance, etc. 4°. ^ew York, [1892]. p. 212]. A map of Kentucky. By John Filson. 5x7. A second map of Kentucky, drawn by John Filson. 1784. [In Milburn (William H.) The lance, etc. 4°. New York, [1892]. p. 223]. This map of Kentucke, drawn from actual observations is inscribed to the hon. congress of the United States, [etc.] by John Filson. Philadelphia, engraved by H. D. Pursell & printed by T. Rook, for the author, 1784. [Reprint]. 18 J x 20. [In Durrett (R. T.) John Filson. 4°. Louisville, Ky. for the Filson club, 1884. opp. p. 28. Filson club publications, no. 1]. Note. — Also a reprint in Z. F. Smith's History of Kentucky. 1886. Kentucky. Baines, sculp. 4x7. [In Toulmin (Harry). A description of Kentucky, [anon.] 8°. [Lon- don]. 1792. bet. pp. 68-69]. Note. — The name Kentucky is printed across the center of the map. A map of the state of Kentucky, drawn from the best authorities. 1793. ms. [anon.] 17 x 21. 1793. Note. — Enlarged from Imlay, edition of 1793. A map of the state of Kentucky, drawn from the best surveys. 1793. 6x7^. [In Filson (John). The discovery, settlement and present state of Ken- tucky. 16°. New York, S. Campbell, 1793. v. 2]. A map of Kentucky from actual survey, by Elihu Barker. 17 x 40. Phila- delphia, engraved for & sold by M. Carey, [1794?] [Rochambeau: 10]. Map of the state of Kentucky; with the adjoining territories. By J. Russell. 1794. 15 X 17|. [In his An American atlas [etc.] and a })lan of the city of Washington, fol. London, H. D. Symonds & J. Ridgway, 1795. no. 8]. A map of the state of Kentucky from actual survey, by Elihu Barker. 14 X 30. London, J. Debrett, 1795. Note. — Engraved for Imlay's American topography. London, 1797. Kentucky. 6x7. [In Scott (Joseph) . The United States gazetteer. 16°. Philadelphia, 1795] . LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 351 Kentucky. Map of the state of Kentucky; with the adjoining territories. 1795. A. Anderson, 1795. [In American (The) atlas, fol. New York, J. Reid, 1796. no. 15]. Kentucky, reduced from EUhu Barker's large map. W. Barker sculp. 9i X 20. [In Carey (Matthew). Carey's American atlas, fol. Philadelphia, M. Carey, 1796. no. 17]. A map of the state of Kentucky, from actual survey by Elihu Barker of Philadelphia. 14 x 16. London, J. Debrett, 1795. [In Imlay (Gilbert). A topographical description of the western territory of North America. 3d ed. 8°. London, 1797]. . A map of the state of Kentucky and the Tennessee government. Compiled from the best authorities. By Cyrus Harris. Engraved by A. Doolittle. 7^xlH. [In Morse (Jedidiah). The American universal geography. 3d ed. 8°. Boston, I. Thomas & E. T. Andrews, 1796. Part 1. p. 633]. Kentucky. Drawn by S. Lewis & eng'd by W. Harrison, junr. 7f x 9|. [In Arrowsmith (Aaron) and Lewis (Samuel). A new and elegant general atlas. 4°. Philadelphia, J. Conrad, 1804. no. 51]. Kentucky. J. Vallance sc. 7J x 15. [In Melish (John). Travels through the United States. 8°. Philadelphia, 1815. V. 2. opp.p. 177J. A map of the state of Kentucky, from actual survey. Also part of Indiana and Illinois, compiled principally from returns in the surveyor general's office, by Luke Munsell. col. 38 x 91. Frankfort, author, 1818. Kentucky. Gridleysc. 10^x181. [Philadelphia, 1818]. Note. — From Carey's general atlas. 1818. Geographical, statistical, and historical map of Kentucky. Drawn by F. Lucas, jr. 11 x 18. [In Complete (A) historical, chronological and geographical American atlas, fol. Philadelphia, H. C. Carey & I. Lea, 1822. no. 27]. Road from limestone to Frankfort in the state of Kentucky. 14J x 15. [In Collot (Victor). Voyage dans I'Amerique Septentrionale. Atlas. 4°. Paris, A. Bertrand, 1826. pi. 22]. Kentucky and Missouri. Young & Delleker sc. 72 x 9. [In Armroyd (George). A connected view of the whole internal navigation of the United States, [anon.] 8°. Philadelphia, H. C. Carey & 1. Lea, 1826]. A new map of Kentucky. By H. S. Tanner. Tanner's universal atlas. ' Engraved by W. Brose. lOf x 13. Philadelphia, H. S. Tanner, [1833]. Kentucky and Tennessee. By H. S. Tanner. 1839. 20^ x 27^ [In Tanner (Henry S. ) A new American atlas, fol. Philadelphia, H. S. Tanner, 1839]. Lloyd's official map of the state of Kentucky. Showing every railroad & railroad station, with the distances between each station, [etc.] 1862. J. T. Lloyd, publisher, col. 31x43. New York, J. T. Lloyd, 1862. Geological map of Kentucky, exhibiting the locations of the counties, cities, [etc. ] Geological formations delineated by Nelson Sayler. col. 22 x 23. Cincinnati, E. Mendenhall, 1865. 352 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Kentucky. Johnson (A. J.) Johnson's Kentucky and Tennessee, col. 17x23. [New York], Johnson & Ward, [1865]. Map of Morgan, Johnson and Magoffin, and a portion of Carter, Rowan, Bath, Wolfe, Floyd and Laurence counties. 32 x 25. New York, G. F. Nesbitt & CO. [1866]. Schonberg's map of Kentucky and Tennessee, col. 13 x 21. [New York, Schonberg & CO. 1866]. Gray's atlas. New railroad map of Kentucky and Tennessee. 1873. 14x23. [New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. 1873]. Watson's new county, railroad and distance map of Kentucky and Ten- nessee, col. 16 X 26. [New York, G. Watson, 1875]. Gray's new map of Kentucky and Tennessee. By Frank A. Gray. col. 16 X 26. Philadelphia, 0. W. Gray & son, [1876]. Note. — On reverse is a plan of Louisville and Memphis. Railroad map of Kentucky and Tennessee. By Frank A. Gray. col. 16 X 25. Philadelphia, 0. W. Gray & son, [1876]. A n^w map of Kentucky made for the bureau of agriculture, horticulture and statistics. Prepared by O. W. Gray & son. col. 10 x 24. [Phila- delphia, O. W. Gray & son, 1877]. A new map of Kentucky with reference to the Richmond, Irvine and Three Forks railroad, its connections, and the country, tributary to it. Prepared by O. W. Gray & son. col. 10 x 26. Philadelphia, O. W. Gray & son, [1877]. Map of Kentucky and Tennessee for the eclectic geographies. Jacob Wells, del. 12 x 19. [Cincinnati, Van Antwerp, Bragg & co. 1878]. Cram's railroad and township map of Kentucky and Tennessee. Scale 19 miles to an inch. col. 17 x 26. Chicago, Get). F. Cram, 1878. County map of Kentucky and Tennessee. [By Samuel Augustus Mitchell. anon.] col. 15 x 23. [Philadelphia, 1879]. A new map of Kentucky prepared for this atlas. [By Frank W. Gray. anon.] col. 14 x 21. [Philadelphia, O. W. Gray & son], 1879. Rand, McNally & co.'s county and railroad map of Kentucky and Tennes- see. 12 X 19. [Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. 1879]. Post route map of the states of Kentucky and Tennessee, with parts of adjacent states. By W. L. Nicholson. The 1st ed. was issued in 1878. Drawn by Charles E. Gorham. 4 sheets, fol. [Washington, 1881], [United States. Post office department. Topographer's office]. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed county map of Kentucky. 32 pp.. 1 map. 18°. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1881]. Plum (W. B. ) Theatre in central Kentucky and middle and eastern Ten- nessee, also in Missouri and Arkansas. 4x7. Chicago, Emil Heubach, designer & engraver, [1882]. Colton' s Kentucky and Tennessee, col. 16 x 25. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & CO. [1883]. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed county and railroad pocket map and ship- pers' guide of Kentucky. 50 pp. 1 fold. map. 16°. Chicago, Rand, McNally & CO. [1892]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 353 Kentucky. See also Big Bone Lick, Boone county; Cumberland county; Hancock county. Keokuk county, Iowa. Map. By S. A. James, col. 45 x 50. Philadelphia, R. L. Barnes, 1861. Kerr county, Tex. Map of Kerr county, Texas. 19 x 27. St. Louis, lith. by A. Gast & CO. [1879]. [Texas. General land office]. Keweenaw point, Mich. Copper harbor, Manitou island & Point Kewaiwona. By T. S. Thompson. 7 x 12. [n. p. 1861]. Geological map of the trap range of Keweenaw Point, lake Superior, by Wm. »H. Stevens, Samuel W. Hill & C. P. Williams, col. 19 x 49. Philadel- phia, R. L. Barnes, [1863]. Key "West harbor, Fla. Preliminary chart of Key West harbor and approaches. From a trigonometrical survey under the direction of A. D. Bache. Hydrography by the party under command of It. J. R. Rodgers. 1851. 15'x 17. New York, D. McLellan, [1851]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. Key West harbor and its approaches. From a trigonometrical survey under the direction of A. D. Bache. Hydrography by the party under the com- mand of lieut. John Rodgers. 1855. Electrotype copy no. 1, by G. Mathiot. 25 x 35. [Washington, 1855]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. Kimble county, Tex. Map. 16 x 28. St. Louis, lith. by A. Gast & co. [1879]. [Texas (State of). General land office]. Kings county, N. Y. Higginson (J. H.) Higginson's map of Kings and a large part of Queens counties, from actual surveys, col. 29 x 32. New York, J. H. Higginson, 1860. Topographical map of the counties of Kings and Queens, New York. From surveys under the direction of H. F. Walling 1859. col. 59 x 61. New York, W. E. & A. A. Baker, 1859. Beers (J. B. ) & co. Map of Kings county including the city of Brooklyn. 25^ X 46. New York, J. B. Beers & co. 1875. McElroy, son & brown. Map of Kings county, showing the avenues, streets, basins, bulkhead lines, railways etc. of the county towns [as laid out by the town survey commissioners] in connection with those of Brook- lyn, col. 25 X 30^. Brooklyn, McElroy, son & Brown, 1875. Property map showing streets and avenues laid out by the town survey commission of Kings co. in part of the towns of Flatbush, Flatlands, Graves- end and New Utrecht with Prospect park and vicinity in the city of Brooklyn. Published by McElroy, son & Brown, col. 54 x 39. Brook- lyn, McElroy, son & Brown, 1875. Bien (J. R.) and Vermeule (C. C.) Atlas of the metropolitan district and adjacent country comprising the counties of New York, Kings, Richmond, Westchester, [etc.] 2 p. 1. 13 maps. fol. New York, J. Bien & co. 1891. [1900]. ■ Robinson's atlas of Kings county, New York, title, index map. 32 pi. fol. New York, E. Robinson, 1890. H. Doc. 516 23 354 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. King's county, N. Y. Kenna (Thomas J.) The land map of the county of Kings, N. Y. V. 1-2 in 1 v. 3 p. 1. 56 sheets, fol. New York, Sanborn-Perris map CO. [1894]. Kings Ferry, N. Y. Position des armees Ameriquaine et Francoises a Kings-ferry, Peaks hill. Crompond et Hunts-taverne au 17 septembre au 20 octobre 1782. [anon.] ms. 22x36. [1782]. [Rochambeau: 33]. Kings mountain, N. C. Map showing the route of over-mountain men to battle of King's mountain. Prepared by C. H. Nimson. 27 x 18^. [n. p.] 1896. [Scotch-Irish society of America] . Kingsbridge, N. Y. Sketch of the heights of Kingsbridge with the proposed redouts coloured yellow, ms. [anon.] 18 x 26. [1777?]. Note. — On the reverse is the name of Montresor. — Sketch of the road from Kingsbridge to White Plains, ms. [anon. ] 29 x 20. [1776]. Sketch of the heights of Kingsbridge, 1777, With the proposed redoubts colored orange, old rebel w^orks coloured black, ms. [anon.] 18 x 26. [1777]. Ambuscade of the Indians at Kingsbridge, aug. 31, 1778. 6x8. [In Simcoe (J. G. ) A journal of the operations of the queen's rangers. 4°. Exeter, [1787]. p. 54]. Kingsbury, N. Y. Map of Sandy Hill and Fort Edward with the towns of Kings- bury and Fort Edward. From actual surveys. By F. W. Beers & co. col. 38 x 62. New York, G. W. Beers & co. 1875. Kingston, Jamaica. To his excellency Edward Trelawny, esq. capt. general, gov- ernor & commander-in-chief of his majesty's island of Jamaica, [etc.] this plan of Kingston is humbly dedicated by Mich. Hay. 13 x 16. [n. p. 1745?]. A draught of the harbours of Port Royal and Kingston, in Jamaica. With the fortifications correctly laid down [etc.] Jno. Lodge sculp, [anon.] 10 X 14i London, J. Bew, 28 feb. 1782. [In PoUtical (The) magazine. 8°. London, for J. Bew, [1782] v. 3. Feb. 1782. opp. p. 98]. Map of the environs and harbour of Kingston in Jamaica. J. Arrowsmith litho. 11 X 19. [In Great Britain, Parliament, Accounts and papers. Colonies. 1854. V. 43], Kingston, N. Y. Combined map of Rondout, Kingston and Wilbur, New York, From recent and actual surveys by Geo. P. Sanford. col. 49 x 61. New York, F. W. Beers & co. 1870, Kinney county, Tex. Map, 20 x 32, St, Louis, lith. by A. Gast & co. [1879]. [Texas (State of). General land office]. Kip's bay farm. New York city. Map of Kip's bay farm. Showing the original farm lines, subdivisions into lots and parcels and the old streets and the present streets and avenues. Accurately plotted from the original deeds and compared with the old surveys. By J. B. Holmes. April 12, 1864. 27 x 42. [New York, 1864]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 355 Xip's bay farm, New York city. Abstract of title of Kip's bay farm in the city of New York, with all known maps relating thereto, together with the water grants on the East River adjoining said farm, and releases from the city on the eastern post road, etc., etc., etc. also, the early history of the Kip family and the genealogy as refers to the title. By John J. Post. 2 p. 1. X, 2056 pp. front. 33 maps. 4°. New York, S. V. Constant, 1894. Knox county, 111. Map of Knox co. Illinois. Compiled, drawn and published from county records, actual surveys and personal examination by M. H. Thompson, col. 64 x 48. [n. p.] M. H. Thompson, 1861. Knox county, Tex. Knox county. March 24, 1880. St. Louis, lith. by A. Gast & CO. [1880]. [Texas. General land office] . Knyphausen ( Fort ) . See Washington ( Fort ) . Ktaadn, Me. See Katahdin. Ijabrador. A chart of part of the coast of Labradore, from the straights of Bell Isle to Cape Bluff, surveyed by Joseph Gilbert in 1767, and engraved by Thomas Jefferys. 18 x 21 ^ [In North American pilot. The first part of the North American pilot. A new ed. fol. London, R. Laurie & J. Whittle, 1806. no. 21]. — A chart of part of the coast of Labradore, from Grand Point to Shecatica. Surveyed by Michael Lane in 1768 and engraved by Thomas Jefferys. 20 X 20. [In North American pilot. The first part of the North American pilot. A new ed. fol. London, R. Laurie & J. Whittle, 1806. no. 22]. — A chart of part of the country of Labrador. Taken by order of commodore Shuldham, in a town up the coast in the year 1773. By lieut. Roger Curtis. 21 X 22i [In Royal society. Philosophical transactions. 4°. London, for L. Davis, 1774. V. 64. pt. 1. p. 384]. A chart of part of the coast of Labradore from cape Charles to Sandwich bay. Surveyed by order of the hon. commodore Byron, in the years 1770 and 1771. By Michael Lane. Engraved by Wm. Faden, 1777. col. 24 X 35i London, W. Faden, 1777. [In Faden (William, editor). The North American atlas, fol. London, for W. Faden, 1777. ed. B. no. 2]. A chart of the straights of Bellisle with part of the coast of Newfoundland and Labradore. From actual surveys, published by permission of the right hon. the lords commissioners of the admiralty and taken in 1766, by James Cook, and by Michael Lane in 1769. 24 x 43. London, Laurie & Whittle, 12 may, 1794. [In North American pilot. The first part of the North American pilot. A new ed. fol. London, R. Laurie & J. Whittle, 1806. no. 20]. Die kiiste von Labrador. Von A. Petermann. 9f x 7^. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1861. [In Petermann (A.) Mittheilungen. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1861. pi. 9. p. 248]. Xa Cole mill, Canada. Disposition of the American troops, march 30, 1814, before La Cole mill. 4^ x 7^. [In Wilkinson (James). Diagrams and plans illustrative of the principal battles and military affairs treated of in Memoirs of my own times. 4°. Philadelphia, 1816. no. 9]. 356 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Lia Crosse, Wis. Map of the city of La Crosse, by H. 1. Bliss, city surveyor, 1880. 8 J X 14. [Milwaukee], the Milwaukee litho. & engr. co. [1880]. Same. 1881. 10^ x 13. [n. p. 1881]. Map of the city of La Crosse, Wisconsin, surveyed, drawn and published by H. I. Bliss. Assisted by Otto A. Mueller. 400 feet to an inch. 30 x 65. Milwaukee, lith. by Seifert & Schoeffel, 1883. La Crosse and Milwaukee railroad. Map of the La Crosse and Milwaukee rail- road and connections. Engraved & printed by J. H. Colton & co. 24 x 39. New York, J. H. Colton & co. [1855]. Lafayette, La. See New Orleans, La. La Guaira, Venezuela. Plan of the road and town of La Guayra, by an officer in admiral Knowles's squadron [anon. &] Plan of Puerto Cavello, by It. Jones in 1741. 7 x 7 & 7 x lOJ. London, Laurie & Whittle, march 12, 1794. [In Whittle (J. ) and Laurie (R. H. ) The West India atlas, fol. Londonr J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 36]. Lake, 111. Snyder (L. M. ) & co. The north half of Hyde Park, the east two thirds of Lyons and town of Lake, Cook co. 111. Scale 4 inches to the mile. col. 30 x 42. Chicago, L. M. Snyder & co. 1883. Greeley, Carlson & co.'s atlas of the town of Lake. v. 1. 73 sheets. foL Chicago, Greeley, Carlson & co. 1883. Lake county, Colo. Boehmer's map of Lake county, Colorado. Compiled from IT. S. government surveys and from surveys made in oct. 1879, and in sept. 1880 by Max Boehmer. 21 x 24. New York, Am. photo, litho. co. [Osborne's process], [1880]. Boehmer (Max) . Boehmer's map of mining claims in Frying-pan Colorado, Henriette-park and Lake-Fork gulches. Independent mining district. Lake county, Colorado. 1881. 29 x 36. [Leadville, Col. 1881]. Lake county. 111. Map. From actual surveys. By George Hale & J. M. Trues- dell. col. 50 X 36. St. Louis, L. Gast bro. & co. 1861. Lake county, Ind. Van Vechten's map of Cook and Du Page counties, [111.] also the northern portion of Lake co. Indiana, col. 57 x 47. Chicago, J. Van Vechten, 1872. Van Vechten & Snyder's real estate map of Cook and Du Page counties [Illinois] and part of Wills co. Ills; also part of Lake co. Ind. col. 72 X 62. Chicago, J. Van Vechten & L. M. Snyder, 1875. Lake county, Ohio. Map of Goauga and Lake counties, Ohio. [By S. H. Matthews]^ col. 59 X 44. Philadelphia, S. H. Matthews, 1857. Lake George, N. Y. See George (Lake), N. Y. Lake View, 111. Snyder (L. M.) & co. Town of Lake View [&] Town of Evans- ton, Cook CO. 111. Scale: 4 inches to the mile. col. 25' x 32. Chicago, L. M. Snyder & CO. [1883].' Lamoille county, Vt. Map of the counties of Orleans, Lamoille and Essex, Ver- mont. From actual surveys under the direction of H. F. Walling. 1859. 54 X 54. New York, Loomis & Way, 1859. Lampasas county, Tex. Map 1879. 18 x 24. St. Louis, lith. by A. Gast & co. [1879]. [Texas. General land office]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 357 I^anark county, Canada. Map of the counties of Lanark and Eenfrew, Canada West. From actual surveys under the direction of H. F. Walling. Sur- veyed and drawn by O. W. Gray. col. 55 x 55. Prescott, C. W. D. L. Putnam, 1863. ' Lancaster, Penn. Plan of Lancaster city. A correct survey of the whole; repre- senting all the streets, lots, roads, [etc.] By J. Franklin Reigart. 33 x 41. Philadelphia, P. S. Duval's lith. press, [1850]. XoTE. — Containing descriptive text. I/ancaster county, Penn. Scott (Joshua). Scott's map of Lancaster county, Pennsylvania. 1842. 4 sheets, each 25 x 18. [n. p. 1842]. Lapeer county, Mich. Beers (F. W. ) Atlas of Lapeer co. Mich. 78 pp incl. 38 maps. fol. New York, F. W. Beers & co. 1874. Iia Plata (Basin of), S. A. Map of the basin of La Plata, based upon the results of the expedition under the command of Thos. J. Page, U. S. n. in the years 1853, 54, 55 &^6. And of the adjacent countries, compiled from the best authorities, [anon.] col. 26 x 36. New York, engd. on stone by J. Bien, [1856]. See also Argentine Republic; Rio de la Plata. Lasalle county. 111. Warner & Beers. Atlas of La Salle co. and the state of Illinois, [etc.] 115, 93 pp. incl. 82 maps. fol. Chicago, Warner & Beers, 1876. Xiawrence, Mass. Plan of Lawrence, Mass. [anon.] 4 x 5^. [n. p. 1848]. Map of the city of Lawrence. Drawn and engraved by H. F. Walling. col. 13 X 13. Boston, Sampson, Davenport & co. 1875. Hopkins, (G. M.) City atlas of Lawrence, Mass. 75 pp. incl. 18 sheets. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1875. Ijawrence county, Ohio. Map of Lawrence co. Ohio. Drawn for the Ironton register, by Ben F. Thomas, 1878. col. 20 x 19. Cincinnati, Strobridge & CO. [1878]. Xiawrence county, Penn. Map of Lawrence and Beaver counties. [Penn.] From actual surveys by N. S. Ames. 50 x 53. Philadelphia, W. J. Bar- ker, 1860. Xieadville, Colo. Baldwin's map of mining claims, near Leadville. California mining district. Lake co. Colorado. F. L. Sizer, draughtsman. 1879. 26 X 37. Cleveland, O. lith. J. W. Morgan, [1879]. Boehmer's topographical map of the carbonate regions, in the vicinity of Leadville, showing location of mines and prominent prospects from actual surveys made in oct. 1879, by Max Boehmer. 21 x 33. Chicago, lith. by J.W.Weston, [1879]. Map of the mining claims adjoining Leadville. Compiled from official sur- veys and records, by Page, Nichols & co. 1880. 38 x 51. [Leadville, Colo. 1880]. Map of a portion of the underground workings of Fryer hill, Leadville, Col. 1881. Made by George H. Robinson. Scale, 80 ft. to 1 inch, on linen. 33 X 39. [Leadville, 1881]. lieavenworth, Kans. Plan of the city of Leavenworth, Kansas, 1876. By Ado K Hunnius. 27 x 22. [Leavenworth, 1876]. i 358 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Liebanon, N. H. Map of the town of Lebanon, Grafton co. N. H. Surveyed and drawn by W. C. Eaton. 24 x 44. Philadelphia, E. M. Woodford, 1855. liebanon county, Penn. Map. Surveyed and published by Hy. F. Bridgens. col. 45 X 55. Philadelphia, H. F. Bridgens, 1860. Beers (F. W.) Comity atlas of Lebanon, Pa. 81 pp. incl. 33 maps. foL Philadelphia, F. A. Davis, 1875. Lee county, 111. Pin ckney (Eugene). Pinckney's map of Lee county, 111. 6x;10. [Dixon, 111. 1874]. Lee (Fort), N. Y. [Plan of the country at and in the vicinity of forts Lee and Inde- pendency; showing the position of the British army. ms. anon. 12 xl5i 177-]. Leeds county, Canada. Map of the united counties of Leeds and Grenville, Can- ada West. From actual surveys under the direction of H. F. Walling. Surveys by O. W. Gray. col. 60 x 60. Kingston, C. W. Putnam & Walling, 1861. Leelanaw county, Mich. Hayes (E. L.) Atlas of Leelanau co. Mich. 37, viii pp> incl. 19 maps. fol. Philadelphia, C. O. Titus, 1881. Leeward islands. Map of the Leeward islands [etc.] Compiled principally from documents in the colonial office and admiralty. By John Arrowsmith. Ordered by the house of commons to be printed, 1839. I85 x 23. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Accoiuits and papers. [8] Colonies. foL London, 1839. v. 37]. See also West Indies. Lehigh coal and navigation company, Penn. A map of the Lehigh navigation above Mauch Chunk, and of the railroad from White-Haven to the Susque- hanna, showing those portions of the three great anthracite coal fields of Penna. and of an extensive lumber district, which are mainly depending on the works of the Lehigh coal and navigation company for an outlet to the markets of Philadelphia & New York. 13 x 15^. Philadelphia, lith. of T. Saunders, [1840-49?]. Lehigh county, Penn. Map. From original surveys by G. A. Aschbach. col. 58 X 69. Philadelphia, G. A. Aschbach, 1862. Davis (F. A.) New illustrated atlas of Lehigh co. Pa. 72, 37 pp. incl. 50' maps. fol. Reading, Pa. Reading publishing co. 1876. Lenawee county, Mich. Map of Lenawee co. Michigan. From actual surveys by G. R. Bechler & E. Wenig. col. 39 x 58. Philadelphia, Bechler, Wenig & CO. 1857. Map of the counties of Washtenaw and Lenawee, Michigan. From special surveys and official records by G. R. Bechler & E. Wenig. col. 56 x 56. Philadelphia, S. Geil, 1864. Leogane, Haiti. Leogane and Port Au Prince [&] A plan of cape Nicola mole, from a French survey. 6| x 9J & 6f x 8f . [In Whittle (J.) and Laurie (R. H.) The West India atlas, fol. London^ J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 54]. Leominster, Mass. (Town of). Map, from actual surveys by W. C. Eaton. coL 42 X 37. Philadelphia, E. M. Woodford, 1855. Miller (D. L.) Atlas of the town of Leominster, Worcester co. Mass. 1 p. L 8 pi. 1 1. fol. New York, D. L. Miller & co. 1895. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 359 Leon county, Tex. Leon county, Texas. 19 x 22. St. Louis, lith. by A. Gast & CO. [1879]. [Texas. General land office]. Levis (Fort), St. Lawrence river. A plan of the attack upon fort Levi. 12} x 10}. [In Mante (Thomas). The history of the late war in North America. 4°. London, 1772. p. 303]. Plan des attaquesdu fort Levis surle fleuve St. Laurens par I'arm^e Angloise commandee par le general Amherst, defendu par m. de Pouchot du 16 au 26 aoust, 1760. [In Pouchot (M. — ). Memoires sur la derniere guerre de I'Amerique septentrionale. 16"^ Yverdon, 1781. v. 2. p. 308]. Lewis county, N. Y. A topographical map of Lewis co. New York. From actual surveys by A. Ligowsky, 1857. 54 x 48. Philadelphia, S. & R. S. Taintor, jr. & co. 1857. Leyden, 111. (Town of). Snyder (L. M.) & co. Leyden, Norwood Park. Town of Jefferson, Cook co. 111. Scale: 4 inches to the mile. col. 25 x 38. Chicago, L. M. Snyder & co. [1883]. Licking- county, Ohio. Beers (F. W.) Atlas of Licking co. Ohio. 44 pp. incl. 35 maps. fol. New York, Beers, Soule & co. 1866. Ligonier (Fort), Penn. Plan of the entrench'd camp at Fort Ligonier. [In Rocque (John, compiler) . A set of plans and forts in America, reduced from actual surveys. 1763. [anon.] sm. 4°. obi. [London, J. Rocque, 1763. no. 20]. Lima, Peru. Plan de la ville de Lima, capitale du Perou, P. L. Feuillee del. P. Giffart, sculpt. 8J x 12. [In Feuillee (Louis). Journal des observations physiques. 4°. Paris, P. Giffart, 1714. v. 1. p. 499]. Map of part of the audience of Lima in Peru, [anon.] pi. 1. 7} x 8. [n. p. 1746?]. Plan of the city of Lima capital of Peru, [anon.] pi. 4. 7} x 9. [n. p. 1748?]. Platte grond van Lima de hoofstad van Peru. 7 x 10}. [In Hedendaagsche historie of tegenwoordige staat van Amerika. [anon.] 8°. Te Amsterdam, I. Tirion, 1767. v. 2. p. 13]. Piano scenografico della citta dei Re, o' sea di Lima, capitale del regno del Peru. 10 X lOi [In Atlante dell' America, [anon.] fol. Livorno, 1778. no. 39]. Limon bay, Colombia, S. A. Chart of the bay of Limon, or Navy bay. Surveyed in h. m. s. Victor, by J. A. Lloyd. 1829. 7} x 9^ [n. p. 1829]. Lincoln, Nebr. (City of.) Pocket map of Lincoln, Neb. With environs. Pre- pared and issued by J. P. Walton. 31 x 31. Philadelphia, Evarts & Kirk, 1887. Pocket map of Lincoln, Neb. with environs. Prepared and issued by J. P. Walton. 16 x 20. [Lincoln 1888]. Lincoln county. Me. A topographical map of Lincoln co. Maine, from actual sur- veys by G. M. Hopkins, col. 57 x 57. Philadelphia, Lee & Marsh, 1857. 360 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Linville, N. C. Sketch of the country embracing several routes from Portsmouth, Ohio, to Linville, N. C. and exhibiting the relative positions of the con- templated road, and various important points situated between the Atlan- tic ocean and the northern lakes. Drawn by lieut. F. L. Daney, under the direction of It. col. S. H. Long. [Feb. 26, 1836]. 12 x 41. [Wash- ington, 1836]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 99]. liitchfield county, Conn. Clark's map of Litchfield co. Connecticut. From actual surveys by G. M. Hopkins, jr. col. 61 x 52. Philadelphia, K. Clark, 1859. County atlas of Litchfield, Conn. From actual surveys by and under the direction of F. W. Beers. 76 pp. incl. 42 maps. fol. New York, F. W. Beers & co. 1874. Beers (J. B.) & co. Map of the counties of Dutchess, N. Y. and Litchfield, Conn. 18 J x 23. [New York, J. B. Beers & co. 1888]. Little Egg harbor, N. J. Little Egg harbor. Founded upon a trigonometrical survey under the direction of F. R. Hassler. Hydrography by G. M. Bache. 18 x 14. [Washington, 1846]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. Little Falls, N. Y. (Village of). Map. From actual surveys made by E. S. Cary and J. A. Allen. 1875. col. 52 x 52. [n. p. 1875]. Live Oak county, Tex. Map. 26 x 17. St. Louis, lith. by A. Gast & co. [1879]. [Texas (State of). General land office]. Livingston county, Mich.. Beers (F. W.) Atlas of Livingston co. Mich. 86 pp. incl. 30 maps. fol. New York, F. W. Beers & co. 1875. Topographical map of the counties of Ingham & Livingston, Mich. From special surveys & county records by Geil & co. and A. Jackson, col. 55 X 70. Philadelphia, Geil, Harley & Siverd, 1859. Livingston county, N. Y. Map. From actual surveys by Rea and Otley. col. 52 X 38. Philadelphia, Smith & Gillett, 1852.' Gillette's map of Livingston co. New York. From actual surveys under the direction of J. H. French. 60 x 58. Philadelphia, J. E. Gillette, 1858. Beers (F. W.) Atlas of Livingston co. N. Y. 45 pp. incl. 30 maps. fol. New York, F. W. Beers & co. 1872. Llano county, Tex. Map. 19 x 19. St. Louis, lith. by A. Gast & co. [1879]. [Texas. General land office]. Lloyds Neck, Queens county, N. Y. Map of Queen's Village or Lloyd's Neck in Queen's county on the north side of Long Island in the province [now state] of New York. Situated near the parallel of 41 degrees north lati- tude, [anon.] ms. 25 x 36. [1780]. [Rochambeau: 22]. Logans Crossroads, Tenn. Map of battlefield of Logan's Crossroads, or Mill Spring, Jan. 19, 1862. Compiled by Edward Ruger. 5x8. Cincinnati, R. Clark & co. [1875]. Note. — From atlas [map no. 2] to Van Home's History of the army of the Cumberland. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 361 liOng Beach, Long- Island, N. Y. Long Beach forty five minutes from Xew York via the Long Island railroad. [By G. W. & C. B. Colton & co.] 9 X 12. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. 1880. Xong Branch, N. J. ]Map of Long Branch, N, J. and surroundings. Compiled from actual surveys for Frank G. & Davison Brown. 1873. 22 x 40. [New York], J. Bien photo, lith. [1873]. Map of Long Branch, N. J. Surveyed by W. J. Hubard, for the historic^ & biographic' atlas of N. J. coast, col. 18 x 38|. [Burlington, X. J. Woolman & Rose, 1877]. Baist (G. Wm.) Atlas of Long Branch, N. J. title, index map. 18 pL fol. Philadelphia, J. L. Smith, 1886. [1885]. Xiong Island, N. Y. A plan of the Narrows of Hells gate in the East river near which batteries of cannon and mortars were erected on Long Island, with a view to take off the defences and make breaches in the rebel fort on the opposite shore, to facilitate a landing of troops on New York island. Drawn by Chas. Blaskowitz. ms. col. 18 x 23. [1776?]. Sketch of New York, Narrows & part of Long Island with the roads, ms. [anon.] col. 34 x 19. [1776?]. Attaque de I'armee des provinciaux dans Long Island du 27. aoust 1776. Dessin de I'isle de New York et des Etats, Par un otficier de I'armee. [anon. ] 13 x 14. Public a Londres par acte du Parlement du 24 8bre 1776. et k Paris chez Le Rouge [1777?]. [Rochambeau: 25]. The seat of action, between the British and American forces; or an authentic plan of the western part of Long Island, with the engagement of the 27th august 1776, between the kings forces and the Americans: containing also Staten island, and the environs of Amboy and New York, with the course of Hudsons river, from Courtland the great magazine of the American army, to Sandy Hook, from the surveys of major Holland. 17^ x 15}. London, for R. Sayer & J. Bennett, 1776. Note. — Inset " Road from Amboy to Philadelphia." Plan of the attack [of] the rebels on Long Island by an officer of the army. ms. [anon.] 15 x 13. [1776?]. Note, — With references, etc. [Faden collection, no. 56]. A plan of New York island, with part of Long Island, Staten Island & east New Jersey, with a particular description of the engagement on the Woody heights of Long Island, between Flatbush and Brooklyn aug. 27, 1776; between his majesty's forces commanded by gen. Howe and the Americans under gen. Putnam; shewing also the landing of the British army on New York island and the taking of the city of New York, etc. sept. 15, following, with the subsequent disposition of both the armies. Engraved by Wm. Faden. 19 x 16|. London, AV. Faden, oct. 19, 1776. [In Faden (William, editor). The North Amerioan atlas, fol. London, for W. Faden, 1777. no. 18]. Note. — Contains descriptive text. Battle of Long Island. [In Carrington (Henry B.) Battle maps and charts of the American revo- lution. 8°. New York, 1881]. 362 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. liOng Island, N. Y. Map showing line of defence, battle of Long Island. 9 x 14. [In Sons of the revolution. [N. Y. state]. Year book. [1896]. New York, 1896. p. 42]. A plan of New York island, part of Long Island, &c. shewing the position of the American and British before, at, and after the engagement on the Heights, aug. 27, 1776. Drawn by S. Lewis. J. H. Seymour sculp. 10 X 16. Philadelphia, C. P. Wayne, [1807]. [In Marshall (John). The life of George Washington, maps. 4°. Phila- delphia, C. P. Wayne, 1807. plate 2]. Sketch of the country illustrating the late engagement m Long Island. [anon.] 7| x 12J. [In Gentleman's (The) magazine. 8°. London,for D.Henry, [1776]. v. 46. Oct. 1776. opp. p. 452]. Map of Queen's village or Lloyd's Neck in Queens county on the north side of Long Island in the province [now state] of New York. Situated near the parallel of 41 degrees north latitude, [anon.] ms. 25x36. [1780?]. [Rochambeau: 22]. Environs de New York, de Long Island, etc. [anon.] ms. 13^ x 21^. [178-]. Note. — Showing roads, etc. [Rochambeau: 31]. Reconnoissance juillet 1781. Plan d'une batterie de Long Island, destin^e a battre le continent, anon. ms. 13x14. 1781]. [Rochambeau: 30]. Reconnoissance juillet 1781. [Ouvrages et redoutes — Morisania [conti- nent], lies de New York, Montresor et Buchanan, anon. ms. 12 x 15. 1781]. [Rochambeau: 29]. Sketch of general Grant's position on Long Island. Engraved for Stedman's History of the American war. 10^ x 14. [In Stedman (C.) The history of the origin, progress and termination of the- American war. 4°. London, for the author, 1794. v. 1. opp p. 195], Plan of the battle of Long Island. 5^ x 8. [In Bailey (J. T.) An historical sketch of the city of Brooklyn. 12°. Brooklyn, author, 1840. front, p. 55]. Map of Long Island, with the environs of New York and the southern part of Connecticut. By J. Calvin Smith. 34 x 53. New York, J. H. Colton & CO. 1837. Note. — Inset plans of Brooklyn, New Haven, Newark, etc. Western part of the southern coast of Long Island. From a trigonometrical survey under the direction of F. R. Hassler and A. D. Bache. Hydrog- raphy by T. R; Gedney. Electrotype copy no. 2, by G. Mathiot. 25 x 35. [Washington, 1851]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. Beers (F. W.) Atlas «of Long Island, N. Y. 192 pp. incl. 97 maps. foL New York, Beers, Comstock & Cline, 1873. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 368 Long Island, N. Y. South part of Connecticut and Long Island, [anon.] 4 x 7^. [n. p. 1881]. XoTE. — Copyright by Mrs. E. H. Schenck, of Southport, Conn. Colton (G. W. & C. B.) & co. Map of Long Island showing the Long Island railroad and its leased lines, [anon.] col. 7| x 21. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & CO. [1882]. Long Island City, Queens county, N. Y. Map of Long Island City, Queens co. N. Y. Published by E. Whitney, surveyor. 25 x 20. Astoria, L. I. E. Whitney, 1876. • — Watson's new map of Xew\ York and adjacent cities. 56x37. New York, G. Watson, 1876. Long Island sound. Long Island sound from New York to Montock point, sur- veyed in the years, 1828, 29, & 30. By Edmund Blunt. 21^ x 80. New York. E. & G. W. Blunt, [1830]. Eastern part of Long Island sound. From a trigonometrical survey under direction of F, B. Hassler. Sheets 2, 3, & 5. each 25 x 34. [Washington, 1848]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey.] Chart, including Fishers Island sound. With all the harbours on the sounds. Drawn & published by Paul Rogers, jr. 18 x 75. New London, Conn. P. Rogers, jr. 1857. Lookout (Cape), N. C. A survey of the coast about cape Lookout in North Caro- lina, taken the 29th of June, 1756. By Arthur Mackay. col. lOJ x 14. [London, 1768]. [American maps. v. 5. no. 27]. Same. A survey of the coast about cape Lookout in North Carolina, taken the 29th of June, 1756. By Arthur Mackay. 14 x lOf. [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 58]. Lorain county, Ohio. Map of Lorain co. Ohio. From actual surveys by John F. Geil. 1857. col. 56 x 47. Philadelphia, Matthews & Taintor, 1857. Los Angeles, Cal. Map of the county of Los Angeles, Cal. Compiled by J. H. Wildv and A. J. Stahlberg. 1877. col. 50 x 46. [n. p.] J. Bien, lith. [1877]. Stoll & Thayer's reference street map of the city of Los Angeles, Cal. Scale 1,000 ft. to an inch. 21 x 21. Los Angeles, Stoll & Thayer, 1886. Loudon (Fort), Penn. [Map of a route through southwest Pennsylvania from fort Loudon, Franklin co. to fort Pitt, Pittsburgh, [anon.] A scale of six miles to an inch. ms. 20x9. 176-?]. Loudoun county, Va. Map of Loudoun county, Virginia. From actual surveys by Yardley Taylor. 35 x 48. Philadelphia, T. Reynolds & R. P. Smith, [i853]. Louis (Fort), Guadeloupe. See George (Fort). Louisburg, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Le plan de Louisbourg dans I'lsle Royale au Canada. Dessine par J. Seibel B^bardier. 14 x 9. Mayence, Contgen, [1758?]. 364 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. liOuisburg, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. A plan of the city and fortification of Louisburg; from a survey made by Richard Gridley, lieut. col. of the train of artillery in 1745. 15 x 24. [London], T. Jefferys, 1757. Note. — Insets, "A plan of the city and harbor of Louisburg" and "A map of Gabanis bay. ' ' Same. A plan of the city and fortifications of Louisburg; from a survey made by Richard Gridley in 1745. 15 x 24^. [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 23]. Same. A plan of the city and fortifications of Louisburg, from a survey made by Richard Gridley 1745. 11 x 14. [In Universal magazine, London. May 1758]. Same. A plan of the city and fortifications of Louisburg, from a survey made by Richard Gridley in 1745. [Also] A plan of the city and harbour of Louisburg. [And] A map of Gabarus. 15 x 24. [In Canada. Sessional papers. 12b. v. 20. no. 11. 1887]. A plan of the city and harbour of Louisburg; shewing that part of Gaba;rus bay in which the English landed, also the encampment during the siege in 1745. [anon.] 8x10. [n. p. 1745]. A plan of the city and harbour of Louisburg in which are pointed out the principal places mentioned in the account of the siege of that fortress by the New Englanders in 1745. [Also] A map of Cape Breton. 7 x' 9. A. Bell & compt. sc. [In Scots (The) magazine. 1762. 8°. Edinburgh, W. Sands, [etc.], 1762. V. 20. p. 132]. A plan of the city & harbour of Louisburg, shewing that part of Gabarus bay in which the English landed, also their encampment during the siege in 1745. 7^ x 10. [In Accurate (An) authentic account of the taking of Cape Breton, in the year 1745. [anon.] 12°. London, for J. Staples, 1758. p. 22]. Note. — Inset ''A map of the island of Cape Breton." Plan of Louisburg when taken by the English in 1745. 8 x 11. [In Accurate (An) and authentic account of the taking of Cape Breton, in the year 1745. [anon.] 12°. London, for J. Staples, 1758. p. 40]. ■ A plan of the town and harbour of Louisbourg in the island of Cape Breton. Taken from ye French on June 17, 1745 by ye New England men under ye command of general Pepperell, assisted by ye British fleet commanded by admiral Warren. 5^ x 5|. [In Bo wen (Emanuel). A complete or distinct view of the known world, fol. London, for W. Innys, [etc.] 1752. no. 66]. A plan of the city and fortifications of Louisburg. [&] A map of the har- bour of Louisburg. [anon.] each 4^ x 7. [In London (The) magazine. 8°. London, for R. Baldwin, [1758]. v. 27. Aug. 1758. opp. p. 384]. A plan of the harbour and town of Louisbourg in the island of Cape Breton, drawn on the spot. 6| x 10|. [In Authentic (An) account of the reduction of Louisbourg in June and July, 1758. By a spfctator. [anon.] 8°. London, for W. Owen, 1758. at end]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 365 Louisburg, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. A plan of the city & fortifications of Louisburg. For the Lond. mag. 4J x 7. [In Authentic (An) account of the reduction of Louisbourg in June and Julv, 1758. By a spectator, [anon.] 8°. London, for W. Owen, 1758. p. 33]. Plan de la ville de Louisbourg dans I'lsle Royale. 8^ x 13|. [In Bellin (Jacques Nicolas). Le petit atlas maritime . . . fol. [Paris], 1764. V. 1. no. 24]. Attack on Louisbourg. [Boscawen and Amherst] . Engraved by T.* Kitchin.. 23i X llf . [In Mante (Thomas). The history of the late war in North America. 4°. London, 1772. p. 109]. A plan of the city and harbour of Louisburg with the French batteries that defended it. 15 x 24. [In Jefferys (T. ) The natural and civil history of the French dominion in North and South America, fol. London, 1760. pt. 1. opp. p. 125]^ Plan of the city and fortress of Louisburg with the attacks. [In Rocque (John, compiler). A set of plans and forts in America. 1763. [anon.] sm. 4°. obi. London, J. Rocque, 1763. no. 24]. A plan of the city of Louisbourg, with its fortifications. J. Gibson sculpt. 2^ X 4i. [In World (The) displayed. 3d ed. [anon.] 18°. London, for Newberry & Carnan, 1769. v. 5. p. 74]. Louisburg harbor, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. A map of the harbour of Louis- burg and parts adjacent. For the London mag. 4^^ x 7. [In Authentic (An) account of the reduction of Louisbourg in June and July 1758. By a spectator, [anon.] 8°. London, for W. Owen, 1758. p. 23]. Port de Louisbourg dans I'Isle Royale. 8| x 12^. [In Bellin( Jacques Nicolas). Le petit atlas maritime . . . fol. [Paris]^ 1764. V. 1. no. 23]. A survey of Louisburg harbour ... by Thos. Backhouse. 18^ x 25. London, Laurie & Whittle, 1798. [In Backhouse (Thomas). A new pilot for the south east coast of Nova Scotia, . . , fol. London, R. Laurie & J. Whittle, 1798. no. 15]. Louisiana. Tab via Novae Francise anno 1660. 13 x 17. [In Du Creux (Frangois). Historiae Canadensis, sev Novse-Franciae libri decern. 4°. Parisiis, 1664]. Note. — One of the earliest maps on which the Falls of Niagara are marked. They are here called ''Ongiara cataractes," and the geography of the whole region is fairly correctly laid down. Tab via Novse Francise anno 1660. Facsimile de la carte de I'ouvrage du p. Ducreux: Historia Canadensis a p. Creuxio, s. j. 1664. 13 x 17. [In Bressany (R. P. F. J. ) Relation abregee de quelques missions des peres de la compagnie de Jesus dans la Nouvelle France. 8°. Montreal, 1852]. Carte pour suivre le relation des voyages de cavalier de La Salle 1669-1682. 7x6^ [In Soci^te de geographie. Bulletin, nov. 1880. 8°. Paris, 1880. v. 20]. Extrait de la carte des voyages de m. de fta Salle, par Franquelin. 1684. [In Thomassy (P.) Geologic pratique de la Louisiane. 4°. Nouvelle Orleans, 1860. pi. 1]. B66 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. liOuisiana. Extrait de la carte des voyages de La Salle, par Franquelin, 1684. [Archives scientifiques de la marine]. 6^^ x 8. [In Gravier (Gabriel). Decouvertes et etablissements de cravelier de la Salle dans I'Amerique du Nord. 8°. Paris, Maisonneuve & ce. 1870. p. 186]. * Franquelin (Jean Baptiste Louis). Carte de la Louisiane ou des voyages du sr. de la Salle et des pays qu'il a decouverts depuis la Nouvelle France jusqu'au golfe Mexique, les annees 1679, 80, 81, & 82. Paris, 1684. 20^ x 16. [In Jesuit relations. 8°. Cleveland, Burrows bros., 1900. vol. 63. opp. title-page]. Extrait de la carte de la Louisiane, par Minet [mai 1685]. [Archives scientifiques de la marine]. 2^ x 5^. [In Gravier (Gabriel). Decouvertes et etablissements de cavelier de la Salle dans I'Amerique du Nord. 8°. Paris, Maisonneuve & ce. 1870. p. 284]. Extrait de la carte de la Louisiane par Minet, may 1685. [In Thomassy (P.) Geologie pratique de la Louisiane. 4°. Nouvelle Orleans, 1860. pi. 1]. Partie occidentale du Canada ou de la Nouvelle France oii sont les nations des Ilinois, de Tracy, les Iroquois et plusieurs autres peuples; avec la Louisiane. Par p. [Marco Vincenzo] Coronelli. 17j x 23. Paris, J. B. Nolin, 1688. Nuova Francia e Luigiana. 8| x 11^. [In Zani (Valerio). II genio vagante. Biblioteca curiosa di cento, e piii relazioni di viaggi [etc.] raccolta dal signor conte Aurelio degli Anzi, [pseud.] 12°. Parma, per I. & F. M. Rosati, 1691-1693. pt. 2. bet. pp. 422 & 423]. La Louisiana, parte settentrionale. 10^ x 16^. [In Coronelli (Vincenzo Maria). Atlante Veneto. fol. Venetia, 1695-97. V. 1. pt. 2. bet. pp. 28-29]. Carte du Canada ou de la Nouvelle France et des decouvertes que y ont ^t^ faites. Par Guillaume Del' Isle. 19^ x 25J. Paris, I'auteur, 1703. [American maps. v. 1. no. 10]. Note. — In Milburne's book entitled "The lance, cross and canoe," bet. pp. 72-77, is a reduced copy of this map with the following border note: "The manuscript from which the above map was prepared, was found in the ' Bibliotheque du roi,' in Paris in a volume of La Harpe's journeys of 1718-1722. It is said to bear date the year 1700. If so, it is evident that after the original preparation and before publication some one had added matter subsequently ascertained, for the map above contains items of as late date as 1717. Also is to be noted the fact that while all the other parts of the map are in the French language, one single English phrase is to be found in the lower right-hand corner, to wit: *De Soto landed 31 may, 1539.' This would indicate that some one other than the original draftsman had taken part in its creation and at a time subsequent to its original preparation." LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 367 XiOuisiana. A new map of the country of Louisiana and of ye river Mississipi in North America discou'd by mons. de la Salle in ye years 1681 and 1686 as allso of several other rivers beiore unknown and falling into ye bay of St. Louis. By the sr. Joutel, who perform'd that voyage 1713. 14 x 15J. [In Joutel (Henri). A journal of the last voyage perform'd by monsr. de la Salle. 8°. London, for A. Bell, 1714]. !&^OTE. — Inset picture of Niagara falls. The facsimile ed. published by the Caxton Club has the French map. Joutel (Henri). Carte nouvelle de la Louisiane, et de la riviere de Missis- sippi, decouverte par feu mr. de la Salle, les annees 1681 et 1686, dans I'Amerique septentrionale, et de plusieurs autres rivieres jusqu'icy incon- nues, qui tombent dans la baye de St. Louis. 1713. 15^ x 14^. [In his Journal of La Salle's last voyage; with map of original French edi- tion, Paris, ,1713, in facsim. 8°. Chicago, The Caxton club, 1896. p. 1]. Carte de la Louisiane et du cours du Mississipi. Dressee sur ur grand nombre de memoires entrau'tres sur ceux de mr le Maire. Par Guil- laume Delisle de I'academie r'le. des sciences. 19^ x 252- Paris, I'auteur, 1718. Note. — Inset "Carte particuliere des embouchueres dela rivie. S. Louis et la Mobile." Same. Carte de la Louisiane et du cours du Mississipi, dressee sur un grand nombre des memoires, entr'aatres sur ceux de mr. le Maire, par Guil- laume De I'lsle. 14 x 16. [n. p. 1718?]. [Rochambeau: 11]. Note. — Another copy in separate form. Same. Carte de la Louisiane et du cours du Mississipi. Dressee sur celle de Guillaume de L'Isle. 14 x 20. [In Gravier (Grabriel). Decouvertes et etablissements de cavelier de La Salle dans I'Amerique du Nord. 8°. Paris, 1870. at end]. Same. Carte de la Louisiane et du cours du Mississipi. Dressee sur un grand nombre des memoires entr' autres sur ceux de mr. le Maire. Par Guil- I'me de I'Isle. 17^ x 23^ Amsterdam, J. Covens & C. Mortier, [1733]. [In his Atlas nouveau. fol. Amsterdam, for J. Covens & C. Mortier, [1741?]. V. 2. no. 38]. Same. Carte de la Louisiane et du cours du Mississipi. Par Guillaume De L'Isle. [Reprint]. 13^ x 16. [In French (B. F. ) Historical collections of Louisiana. 8°. Phila. 1850. pt. 2]. Same. Carte de la Louisiane et du cours du Mississipi. Dressee sur un grand nombre de memoires entr' autres sur ceux de mr. le Maire. Par Guillaume De I'Isle. 14 x 16. [In Tonti (Le chevalier). Relations de la Louisiane. [anon.] 16°. A Amsterdam, J. F. Bernard, 1720]. Carte de la Louisiane, cours du Mississipi et pais voisins. Par N. Bellin 1744. Dheulland sculp. 15^x22. [Paris, 1744]. Lovisiana, by de riviere Missisippi. 7 x 6. [In Groote (Het) tafereel der dwaasheid. [anon.] fol. Amsterdam, 1720]. 368 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Louisiana. Carte de la Louisiane et du cours du Mississipi. Par Guillaume De risle. 14 X 16. [In Bernard (J. F.) Recueil de voyages au nord. 3^ ed. 16°. Amster- dam, J. F. Bernard, 1734. v. 5. front.] Same. Carte de la Louisiane et du cours du Mississipi. Dressee par Guil- laume De risle. 14 x 16. [In French (B. F.) Historical collections of Louisiana. 8°. Philadelphia^ 1850. pt. 2j. Lovisiana by de riviere Missisippi. 7x6. [In Law (John). Aanmerkingen over den koophandel in het geldt. 16°. te Amsterdam, 1721]. A map of Louisiana and of the river Mississipi. By lohn Senex. 19 x 23. [In New (A) general atlas, [anon.] fol. London, for D. Browne, 1721. opp. p. 248]. A new map of Louisiana and the river Mississipi. 10 x 9. [In Ker (John). The memoirs and secret negotiations. 8°. London^ 1776. pt. 2]. Carte de la coste de la Louisiane depuis F embouchure de la riviere de Micissipi jusques a la riviere de S. Martin. 8^ x 192. [In Laval (Antoine). Voyage de la Louisiane. 4°. Paris, 1728. opp. p. 252]. Carte des isles de I'Amerique et de plusieurs pays de terre ferme situ^s au devant de ces isles & autour du golfe de Mexique. Par le sr. d'Anville. 1731. 12 x 17. [In his Atlas general, fol. Paris, 1727-80. no. 36]. Carte de la Louisiane. Par le sr. d'Anville. Dressee en mai 1732. Publi^e en 1752. 21 x 36. [Paris], G. de la Haye, 1752]. Same. Carte de la Louisiane. Par le sr. d'Anville. Dressee en mai 1732. Publiee en 1752. 21 x 36. [Paris, I'auteur, 1752]. [In his Atlas general, fol. Paris, 1727-80. no. 35]. Carte de la province de la Louisiane et ses dependan'es avec le cour du fleuve Saint Louis autrefois dit Missisipi. ms. 10 x 15. [In Dumont de Montigny ( ). Histoire de la Louisiane, poeme. ms. fol. [1736]. Note. — Date on legion in map, 1740. Carte de la Louisiane, cours du Mississipi et pays voisins. Par N. Bellia 1744. 15J X 22. [In Charlevoix (F. X. de). Histoire et description g^n^rale de la Nouvellc France. 4°. Paris, Nyon fils, 1744. front.] Note. — Another copy in separate form. Karte von Louisiana, dem laufe des Mississipi und den benachbarten laen- dern. Durch N. BeUin. 1744. 16 x 24. [In Allgemeine historie des reisen zu wasser und lande. 4°. Leipzig, Arkstee & Merkus, 1756. v. 14. p. 308]. Partie de la coste de la Louisiane et de la Floride depuis le Mississipi jusqu'i St. Marc d'Apalache. Par N. B[enin. anon.] 1744. 8 x 17J. [In Charlevoix (P. F. X. de) Histoire et description de la Nouvelle France. 16°. Paris, 1744. v. 6. opp. p. 252]. A new and accurate map of Louisiana with part of Florida and Canada, and the adjacent countries. By Eman. Bowen. 13^ x 16J. [In his A complete atlas, fol. London, for W. Innys, [etc.] 1752. no. 59], LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 369 Louisiana. Same. A new & accurate map of Louisiana with part of Florida and Canada, and the adjacent countries. Drawn from surveys, assisted b}* the most approved Enghsh & French maps ^ charts, by Eman. Bo wen. col. 12J X 16i [In Bo wen (Emanuel). A complete atlas or distinct view of the known world, fol. London, for AV. Innys, [etc.] 1752. no. 57]. Carte de la Louisiane. Dressee et gravee par Chambon. 7x9. [In Butel-Dumont ( ). Memoires historiques sur la Louisiane. Com- poses sur les memoires de m. Dumont, par ^I. L. L. 31. [Le Mascrier. anon.] 16°. Paris, C. J. B. Bauche, 1753. v. 1. p. 2]. Carte generalle de la Nouvelle France. 5 x 6h [In Bacqueville de La Potherie ( de). Histoire de I'Amerique Sep- tentrionale. 16°. Paris, 1753. v. 2], Canada, Louisiane et terres Angloises. Par le sr. d'Anville, 1755. 35x45. [Paris, I'autheur, 1755]. [In his Atlas general, fol. Paris, 1727-80. no. 32-33]. A part of Louisiana from the map of North America, by dr. .Mitchelle, Corrected in 1776, by Brigadier Hawkins. Translated from the English by Le Rouge. 1777. 17i x 18^. [In Shipp (Barnard). The history of Hernando de Soto and Florida. 8°. Phila. 1881]. A map of Louisiana, and the course of the Mississipi [etc.] 10 x 13. oh x 7. [In Le Page Du Pratz ( ). The history of Louisiana. 8°. London, 1774]. A map of Canada and the northern part of Louisiana with the adjacent countrys. By Thos. Jefferys. 12 x 21. [In Jefferys (T. ) The natural and civil history of the French dominion in North and South America, fol. London, 1760. parti, p. 1]. Same. A map of Canada and the northern part of Louisiana, with the adja- cent countrys. By Thos. Jefferys. 12^x30}. London, T. Jefferys, 1762. [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, forR. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 14]. Same. A map of Canada and the northern part of Louisiana, with tlie adja- cent countrys. By Thos. Jefferys. 12 x 20J. [In Mills (David). A report on the boundaries of Ontario. 8°. Toronto, 1873]. Same. A map of Canada and the north part of Louisiana with the adjacent countrys. By Thos. Jefferys. 14 x 31. London, T. Jefferys, 1762. [In Muller (G. F.) Voyage from Asia to America. 4°. London, 1761]. Note. — Extending to the Pacific ocean. Louisiana as formerly claimed by France, now containing part of British America to the east & Spanish America to the west of the Mississipi. By T. Kitchin. 7x9. [In London (The) magazine. June 1765. 8°. London, for R. Baldwin, [1765]. V. 34. opp. p. 276]. Carte de la Louisiane et pays voisins. 8^ x 11^. [In Chambon ( ). Le commerce de I'Amerique par Marseille, [anon.] 4°. Avignon, 1764. v. 2. p. 81]. Note. — Extends to New Mexico. H. Doc. 516 24 370 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. liOuisiana. La Louisiane et pays voisins. 8j x ISj. [In Bellin (Jacques Nicolas) . La petit atlas maritime [etc. ] fol. [Paris], 1764. V. 1. no. 40]. Pais cedes, sheet 1st containing the coast of Louisiana and Florida. By Thos. Jefferys. 19 x 25. [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer and T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 66]. The coast of west Florida and Louisiana [&] The peninsula and gulf of Florida or channel of Bahama with the Bahama islands. By Thos. Jefferys. 18| x 49. London, for R. Sayer, feb. 20, 1775. [In Jefferys (T. ) and others. The American atlas, fol. London, R. Sayer & J. Bennett, 1776. no. 25]. Same. The coast of west Florida and Louisiana [&] The peninsula and gulf of Florida or channel of Bahama with the Bahama islands. By Thos. Jefferys. 18^ x 48|. London, for R. Sayer, feb. 20, 1775. [In Fad en (William, editor). The North American atlas, fol. London, for W. Faden, 1777. no. 34]. The western coast of Louisiana and the coast of New Leon. By Thos. Jef- ferys. 18J X 24i London, for R. Sayer, 1775. [In Jefferys (T.) The West India atlas, fol. London, for R. Sayer & J. Bennett, 1775. no. 2]. Cjirte de la Floride Occidentale et Louisiane. [&] La peninsule et golfe de la Floride ou canal de Bahama avec les isles de Bahama. Traduite de Jefferys. 18J x 47. Paris, Le Rouge, 1777. [In Le Rouge (Georges Louis) . Atlas Ameriquain Septentrional, fol. Paris, Le Rouge, 1778-[1792?] . no. 22] . Carte de la Louisiane et de la Floride. Par m. Bonne. 12 x 18J. [In Raynal (G. T.) Histoire philosophique et politique. 4°. Geneve, 1780. Atlas, no. 46]. Carte de la Louisiane et du cours du Mississipi avec les colonies Anglaises. Par Guillaume Delisle. Revue, corrigee et augmentee en 1782. 19 x 25. Paris, [1782]. Kaart van Louisiana, en Florida. 12^ x S\. [In Bachiene (W.A.) Atlas tot opheldering der hedendaagsche historic, fol. te Amsterdam, M. Schalekamp, 1785. Aanhangzel]. Piano figurativo de los trenta leguas planas de tierras; con Cedidas at senor marquis de Maison Rouge: no. in cluidos los terren's. o cupados conti- tulos anteriores. Luisiana ano 1797. Puesto de Ouachitta. 12| x 7f [In American state papers, fol. Washington, Gales & Seaton, 1834. Pub- He lands. V. 2. p. 774]. Louisiane et pays voisins, d'apres les relations et les cartes les plus recentes. Par L. Collin.' 9\ x 14. ' [In Baudry des Lozecres ( Louis Narcisse) . Voyage a la Louisiane. Par B***D***. [anon.] 8°. Paris, 1802]. Carte r^duite roprietors and tombs. 5th ed. 13 x 14^. Boston, N. Dearborn, 1843. Note. — Map only. LIST OF MAPS OF AMEBIC A. 455 Mount Auburn, Boston, Mass. Sketch of the cemetery of Mount Auburn and vicinity. 1877. 19 x 29. [Boston, 1877]. Mount Clemens, Mich. (Town of). Brennan (James F.) Mt. Clemens and vicin- ity, [anon.] 2^x5. [Mt. Clemens, Mich. 1882]. Mount Holly, N. J. Hills (John). Sketch of the road from Penny Hill to Black Horse through Mount Holly 1778. By I. H. [anon.] ms. col. 19^ x 26i [1778]. Note. — Inset ''Sketch of Haddonfield." Same. Sketch of the road from Penny Hill to Black Horse through Mount Holly. By I. Hills. June 1778. ms. 19 x 26J. [In his A collection of plans &c. &c. &c. in the province of New Jersey, ms. fol. [1776-1782]. no. 6]. Mount Pleasant, N. J. Bird's eye view from part of Mount Pleasant, to the east- ern point of Long Island. By col. Thos. James. 7 x 23. London, W. Faden, 1776. Note. — Showing the plan of the British attack upon fort Moultrie. Mount Vernon, Va. View of Mount Vernon, the seat of gen. Washington. 62 x 9. London, J. Stockdale, 1798. [In Weld (Isaac). Travels through the states of North America. 8°. London, 1810. v. 1. p. 92]. A plan of part of Mount Vernon lands north west of the road leading from the Gum Spring ... September 20th, 1799. G. Washington. 26 J x 14^. [Reproduction]. Note. — Entered according to act of congress in the clerk's office for the east, dist. of Penn. 1850, by Jacob Troth. A plan of part of Mount Vernon lands northwest of the road lea,ding from the Gum spring, or Little Hunting creek to the ford of run. [etc.] The whole being laid down by an actual, & accurate survey. Sept. 20, 1799. G.Washington, facs. 14 J x -26. [n. p. 1876]. Note. — Copyright by Isaac Shivers. Map of George Washington's land at Mount Vernon. As it was & as it is. Laid down from old maps made by G. Washington, and from actual sur- veys by ^Y. Gillingham. [1799]. 16 x 24. [Baltimore, 1859]. ■ A map of general" W^ashington's farm of Mount Vernon, from a drawing transmitted by the general. [1799]. 15 x 21. Philadelphia, S. W. F. Weaver [1876]. Mount Vernon the seat of the late president Washington. 5^ x 7J. [In Janson (C. W.) The stranger in America. 4°. London, 1807. opp. p. 211]. Tomb of Washington. Drawn by G. Fairman from a sketch by AY. Bawle. Eng'd by G. Murray. 7^ x 4J. [In Port folio (The).' New series. [3d.] Dec. 1810. 8°.' Philadelphia, Bradford & Inskeep. v. 4. p. 19]. Mount Vernon the seat of the late general Washington. 4x6. [In Mackenzie (E. ) An historical, etc. view of the LTnited States. 8°. Newcastle, 1818. opp. p. 224]. ' AVashington's mansion, Mount Vernon. Birch del. Gilbert. 4 J x 3j. [In Casket (The) ; flowers of literature, wit & sentiment. 1829. 8°. Phila- delphia, S. C. Atkinson, 1829. p. 505]. 456 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Mount Vernon, Va. U. S. frigate Potomac, passing Mount Vernon. 4J x 5^. [In American (The) magazine of useful and entertaining knowledge. [1834- 1835]. 8°. Boston, the Boston Berwick co. 1835. v. 1. p. 526]. ■■ — The new tomb of Washington. 5| x 5^. [In American (The) magazine of useful and entertaining knowledge. [2d ed. 1837]. 8°. Boston, J. L. Sibley, 1837. v. 1. p. 105]. The tomb of Washington, Mount Vernon. 7^ x 4|. [In American scenery. From drawings by W. H. Bartlett. The literary departmentbyN. P. Willis. 4°. London, G. Virtue, 1840. v. 1. p. 114]. Washington's house, Mount Vernon — Maison de Washington, Mont Ver- non — Washington's haus und der Vernon. 7^ x 4|. [In American scenery. From drawings by W. H. Bartlett. The literary departmentbyN. P.Willis. 4°. London, G. Virtue, 1840. v. 2. p. 38]. Tomb of Washington. 4^ x 5. [In Bradford (T. G.) and Goodrich (S. G.) A universal illustrated atlas, fol. Boston, C. D. Strong, 1842. front.] Bird's-eye view of Mount Vernon, the home of Washington. On stone, by J. Cameron. C. Currier, lith., N. Y. 13 x 16^ [New York], R. Yale & T. M. Evans [1852]. Washington's house. Mount Vernon. [View], 4x6. [In Dana (Charles A.) The United States illustrated. 2v.ini. 4°. New York, H. J. Meyer, [1855?] v. 1. p. 83]. Mount Vernon. From a photograph taken on the spot expressly for the ''Record." 11^ x 8i [In Illustrated (The) Mount Vernon record. 4°. Philadelphia, Devereux &C0. 1858-1859. v. 1. front.] View of Mt. Vernon, the homestead of Washington. Lith. of G. W. Lewis. 12 X 16i [New York], T. Rand, [1859]. Mount Vernon. [View.] Drawn on the spot and in colors by C. H. Wells. Printed in oil colors by J. H. Byram. 15 x 20. Philadelphia, J. H. Byram [1859]. Mud Island, Penn. Plan of fort Mifflin on Mud island with the batteries on Province island, ms. [anon.] 9x6. [177-?]. A plan of the attack against fort Mifiin on Mud island; which surrendered 16th nov. 1777, to the king's troops under the command of the hon. sir William Howe. Drawn by T. Wheeler, ms. 30 x 20. [1777?]. Note. — On the reverse is the name Montresor. Plan of the city of Philadelphia and its environs shewing the defences dur- ing the years 1777 & 1778. Together with the siege of Mud island. By John Montresor. ms. 42 x 34. [1778]. View of Mud island before its reduction, 16th nov. 1777, under the direction of John Montresor. Taken from the dyke in the front of the six gun bat- teryon Carpenter's island. 11 x 30. [n. p. 1777]. A plan of fort Mifflin on Mud island, with the attacks made by the king's troops and vessels, [anon. ] 10 x 9^. London, for W. Faden, jan. 1, 1785. [In Atlas of battles of the American revolution, fol. [London, 1770-1793]. Inset to no. 20: The course of Delaware river from Philadelphia to Chester. 2d ed. anon.] See also Mifiin (Fort), and Philadelphia. Murfreesboro, Tenn. Currier &. Ives. The great battle of Murfreesboro, Tenn. Jan. 2nd, 1863. 9 x V2L New York, (^urrier ct Ives, [1863]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 457 Murfreesboro, Tenn. Topographical sketch of the battle field of Stone river. Drawn by It. C. R. Dahl. 13^ x 17. Chicago, C. Shober's lith. [1863]. Muskegron, Mich. (City of). Map. Ordered by the common council by an ordi- nance first published jan. 8, 1873, Re-surveyed and drawn by Thomas Smalley. col. 43x50. [Muskegon, 1874]. Muskegron county, Mich.. Beers (F.W.) County atlas of Muskegon, Mich. 114 pp. inch 39 maps. fol. Xew York, F. W. Beers & co. 1877. Musking-um county, Ohio. Beers (F.W.) & others. Atlas of Muskingum co. Ohio. 37 pp. incl. 31 maps. fol. New York, Beers, Soule & co. 1866. Musking'uni river. A map of the country on the Ohio & Muskingum rivers, shew- ing the situation of the Indian towns with respect to the army under the command of colonel Bouquet. By Thomas Hutchins, ass't engineer. 14i X 12. [In Smith (William, d. d. 1727-1803). An historical account of the expedi- tion against the Ohio Indians, in the year 1764. [anon.] sm. 4°. Philadelphia, printed; London, re-printed for T. Jefferies, 1766. front.] Note. — Same map found in the French translation of 1769. Same. A map of the country on the Ohio & Muskingum rivers. Showing the situation of the Indian tribes with respect to the army under the com- mand of colonel Bouquet. [&] A survey of that part of the country through which colonel Bouquet marched in 1764, By Thomas Hutchins. 14i X 12i. [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T, Jefferys, 1768, no, 52]. Same. A map of the country on the Ohio & Muskingum rivers, showing the situation of the Indian towns with respect to the army under the com- mand of col. Bouquet. By Thos, Hutchins, 14 x 12. [In Hildreth (S, P,) Pioneer history, 8°. Cincinnati, 1848], Mystic Valley, Conn. Gallup and Adam's map of Mystic Valley, Conn, from actual survey. Surveyed and drawn by P. Gallup. 38 x 25, [New York], H, G. A, O, Adams, 1866. Nahant, Mass. Hopkins (G. M.) Atlas of the town of Nahant, ]Mass. title. 59 pp. incl, 14 maps. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1880, Nantasket Beach, Mass. Guide map of Nantasket Beach from actual survey. F. M. Hersey, c. e. 19 x 29. Boston, T. Marsh & co. [1881], Nantucket, Mass. Map of the island of Nantucket. 8 x 10^, [In Crevecoeur (J, Hector St. John de). Letters from an American farmer, 8°, London, 1782]. Same. Carte de I'isle de Nantucket. 8 x lOf. [In Crevecoeur (J. Hector Saint John de). Lettres d'un cultivateur Am^ri- cain. 8°, Paris, Cuchet, 1787. v, 2. opp. p. 99]. Nantucket harbor. From a trigonometrical survey under the direction of A. D, Bache. Hydrography by the party under the command of C. H, Davis, 15 X 17, [Washington, 1848], [United States, Treasury department. Coast surv^ey]. Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket sound. 21 x 39. New York, E. & G. W, Blunt, 1857, [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey], Map of the counties of Barnstable, Dukes, and Nantucket, Massachusetts, Based upon the trigonometrical survey of the state, the details, from actual surveys under the direction of Henry F, Walling. 1858. 56 x 60. Bos- ton, D, R, Smith & co, 1858, 458 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Nantucket, Mass. Chart of Vineyard sound and Nantucket shoals. Surveyed by George Eldridge. 40 x 60. Boston, S. Thaxter & son, 1865. New map of the streets of Nantucket Mass. With location of public build- ings and places of interest. From designs by E. K. Godfrey. Wm. E. Codd, del. 10 J x 15. [n. p. 1882]. Napa, Cal. Official map. Scale one inch to one mile. By Geo. G. Lyman and S. R. Throckmorton, jr. col. 50 x 43. Napa and. St. Helena, D. L. Haas, 1876. Revised map of the city of Napa and the surroundings. 1879. Compiled & drawn by W. A. Pierce. 38 x 27. Napa, D. L. Haas, [1879]. Map of the central portion of Napa valley and the town of St. Helena. Com- piled by M. G. King and T. W. Morgan. 1881. col. 54 x 62. St. Helena, F. W. Woodward & co. [1881]. Narragansett bay. Map of Narraganset bay with soundings, including Newport harbour &c. Charles Blaskowitz del. ms. col, 16 J x 13}. [1778?]. [Faden collection, no. 89]. A map of the bay of Narraganset with the islands therein and part of the country adjacent, ms. [anon.] 17 x 13. col. [1778?]. [Faden collection, no. 87]. A topographical chart of the bay of Narraganset in the province of New England, with all the isles contained therein, among which Rhode Island and Connonicut have been particularly surveyed. By Charles Blasko- witz. Engraved for Wm Faden. 25 x 37. [London], for W. Faden, July 22, 1777. [In Faden (William, editor). The North American atlas, fol. London, for W. Faden, 1777. no. 10]. Same. [American maps. v. 1. no. 27; also v. 6. no. 4]. - Same. [In Atlas of battles of the American revolution, fol. [London, 1770- 1793]. no. 22]. Chart of Narraganset bay surveyed in 1832 by capt. Alex. S. Wads worth [etc.] by order of hon. Levi Woodbury, sec. of the navy. W. J. Stone sc. 53x43. [Washington, 1832].' [United States. Navy department. Bureau of navigation. Hydrographic office] . Same. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 114]. Thompson (J. C.) Ribbon map of the shores of Narragansett bay. 2^ x 32. Providence, R. I. J. C. Thompson, [1873]. Narrows, N. Y. See East river, N. Y. Nashville, Tenn. A map of the city of Nashville with public buildings, &c. Planned and published by J. P. Ayres. Surveyed by Smith Criddle. col. 16 X 24. Cincinnati, engraved by Doolittle & Munson, [1831]. Battlefields in front of Nashville where the" United States forces commanded by major genl. Geo. H. Thomas, defeated and routed the rebel army under general Hood, dec. 15th & 16th 1864. Reduced and engraved in the engineer bureau. Surveyed and drawn under the direction of gen. Tower by M. Peseux. 39th cong. 1st sess. Report of the chief engineer U. S. A. no. 4. 12 J X 15}. Philadelphia, Bowen & co. [1865]. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers]. •LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 459 Nashville, Tenn. Plan of the dbr of Nashville and vicinity. [By] W. F. Foster, col. 19 X 26. Nashville, Marehall c'fe Bruce, [1877]. Map of the battlefields in front of Nashville, dec. 15th & 16th, 1S64. Com- piled from gen. Tower's map by Edward Ruger. 8x9. Cincinnati, E. Clarke & co. [1875]. Note. — From Atlas (map no. 18) to Van Home's *' History of the army of the Cumberland." Hopkins (G. M.) Atlas of the city of Nashville, Tenn. title, index map. 19 pi. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1889. Kassau river, Fla. Plan of Amelia island in East Florida. A chart of the mouth of Nassau river with the bar and soundings. A chart of the entrance into St Mary's river. By Willm. Fuller, col. 20 x 24. Lx)ndon, T. Jefferys, march 26, 1770. [In Faden (WilUam, editor). The North American atlas, fol. London, for W. Faden, 1777. ed. B. no. 26]. Same. [In Atlas of battles of the American revolution, fol. [London, 1770-1793]. no. 29]. The mouth of Nassau river. [In North American pilot. A new ed. much enlarged of the second part of the North American pilot, fol. London, R. H. Laurie & J. Whittle, 1800. Inset to no. 18: Holland (Capt. N.) A new chart of the coast of North America]. Natchez, Miss. Town and fort of Natchez. 7| x 11. [In CoUot (Victor). Voyage dans I'Amerique Septentrionale. atlas. 4°. Paris, A. Bertrand, 1826. pi. 34]. Natdck, Mass. (Town of). >Iap. From actual surveys by F. C. Tucker, col. 50 X 45. New York, J. B. Beers & co. 1874. Navarro county, Tex. Navaro county. 19 x 24. St. Louis, lith. by A. Gast c^ CO. [1880]. [Texas. General land office]. Navy bay. See Limon bay, Colombia, South America, Nebraska. Map of Nebraska and Kansas territories. Showing the location of the Indian reserves according to the treaties of 1854. Compiled by S. East- man. 24 X 37. Philadelphia, Lippincott, Grambo & co. 1S54. Kansas and Nebraska. By J. H. Colton & co. 26 x 17. New York. J. H. Colton & CO. [1857]. Map of Nebraska from explorations of It. G. K. Warren topi, eugrs. in 1855, 56 & 57, and other authorities. N. H. Hutton c^ J. H. Snowden, asst. topi, engrs. 9 x 10. New York, lith. of J. Bien. [1857?]. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers]. Sectional map of Nebraska territory. Compileil from the lield notes in the surveyor general's oflice, by Robert L. Ream. col. 18 x 1*5. Cincinnati, E. Mendenhali, 1857. Colton' s new sectional map of Nebraska. Published by J. H. Colton cN: co. col. 29 X 22. New York, J. H. Colton »t co. 1858. 460 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA; Nebraska. Military map of Nebraska and Dakota. By lieut. G. K. Warren, from the explorations made by him in 1855 and in 1857. Exhibiting also routes reconnoitred and surveyed by capt. Lewis & Clark, major S. H. Long, etc. 32 X 43. [Washington] , printed by order of the U. S. Senate, [1858] . [United States. War department. Corps of engineers] . Map of Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado, llj x 14. [Philadelphia, S. A. Mitchell, jr. 1861]. Map showing the progress of the public surveys in Kansas and Nebraska, to accompany annual report of the surveyor general. 1862. House ex. doc. no. 1, 37th cong. 3d sess. 20 x 23. [Washington, 1863]. [United States. Department of the interior. General land office]. Johnson (A.J.) Johnson's Iowa and Nebraska. 17x23. [New York], Johnson & Ward, [1864]. Note. — From his atlas. Colton's new sectional map of Nebraska. [By G. W. & C. B. Colton]. 28 x 37. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton, 1866. Colton's township map. 18 x 24. New York, G. AV. & C. B. Colton & co. 1867. Chapman (Silas). Chapman's sectional map of the surveyed part of Nebraska, col. 23 x 32. Milwaukee, S. Chapman, 1869. The combination map: being a sectional map of Kansas and Nebraska to the 6th principal meridian, and western Iowa & Missouri, combined with a general map of the western states and territories. Compiled by Snyder brothers, col. 68 x 66. Chicago, Snyder brothers, 1870, Johnson's Kansas and Nebraska. 16 x 23. New York, A. J. Johnson, [1870]. Note. — From his atlas. Mendenhall (E.) Kailway and township map of Nebraska, col. 16x23. Cincinnati, E. Mendenhall, 1871. Sectional map of Nebraska. Compiled and published by George F. Cram. col. 31 X 39i Chicago, G. F. Cram, 1874. Colton's Nebraska. Map of the land grant of the Union Pacific railroad in Nebraska. 15 x 26. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. [1875]. Colton's new sectional map of the state of Nebraska, col. 27 x 60. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. 1875. Watson's new county, railroad and distance map of Dakota and Nebraska. col. 16 X 13. [New York, G. Watson, 1875]. Map of the state of Nebraska. Showing the lands of the Burlington & Mis- souri riv. r. r. co. in Nebraska. 15 x 26. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & CO. 1876. New sectional and township map of Nebraska. Published by Higgins bro. & CO. col. 14 X 38. Chicago, Higgins bro. & co. 1876. State of Nebraska. 1876. Compiled from the official records of the general land office and other sources by C. Roeser. 21 x 31. New York, photo, lith. by J. Bien, 1876. [United States. Department of the interior. General land office]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 461 Nebraska. Wight (L. W.) New sectional and township map of Nebraska, col. 14 X 38. Chicago, L. W. Wight, 1876. Map of the state of Nebraska. By Geo. L, Brown. 1877. col. 11 x 15. [Omaha, Neb. 1877]. New sectional map of Nebraska, presented by Weir plow co. Prepared by Henry S. Stebbins. col. 32 x 40. Chicago, H. S. Stebbins, [1878]. P. P. Mast & co's new map of Kansas, Nebraska & southern Dakota. Pre- pared by Henry S. Stebbins. col. 40 x 27. Toledo, O. H. S. Stebbins, [1878].' Map of Nebraska [Sectional]. Compiled from official records in the sur- veyor general's office and other authentic sources by Charles Brewster, col. 24 X 45. Chicago, H. R. Page & co. 1879. Preliminary post route map of the states of Kansas, and Nebraska with adjacent parts of Missouri, Iowa, Dakota, Colorado, Texas, and Indian territory. By W. L. Nicholson. The first edition was issued in 1875. Drawn by A. F. Dinsmore. 4 sheets, fol. [Washington, 1881]. [United States. Post office department. Topographer's office.] Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed county and township map of Nebraska. 20 pp. 1 map. 18°. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1881]. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed county and township map of Nebraska. 20 pp. 1 map. fold. 18°. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1883]. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed county and township pocket map and ship- pers' guide of Nebraska. 21 pp. 1 map. 12^ x 19^. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1884]. Everts & Kirk. The official state atlas of Nebraska. 207 pp. incl. 62 maps. fol. Philadelphia, Everts & Kirk, 1885. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed county and township map and shipper's guide of Nebraska. 29 pp. 1 fold. map. 16°. Chicago and New York, Rand, McNally & co. [1892]. Same. 29 pp. 1 fold. map. 16°. Chicago and New York, Rand, McNally &CO. [1893]. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed sectional map of Nebraska, showing the rail- roads, counties, organized townships, sections, rivers and creeks. 20 pp. 1 fold. map. 16°. Chicago and New York, Rand, McNally & co. [1893]. See also Douglas county; Kearney county. Neenah. river. See Fox river, Wisconsin. Nevada. Map of public surveys in Nevada territory to accompany report of sur- veyor general, 1862. E. F. Beale, U. S. surv. gen'l Nevada terr'y. Ho. reps. ex. doc. no. 1, 37th cong. 3d sess. 20 x 30. [Washington, 1863]. [United States. Department of the interior. General land office]. Map of the silver mines of Nevada, Compiled, engraved and published by G. W. & C. B. Colton. 12^ x 13. New York, G. AV. & C. B. Cokon, 1865. ■ Bancroft's map of California and Nevada. 31 x 28. San Francisco, H. H. Bancroft & co. 1868. ■ Map of the states of California and Nevada. Carefully compiled from the • latest authentic sources. California by Julius H. von Schmidt, Arthur W. Keddie and C. D. Gibbes. Nevada by Charles Drayton Gibbes. [etc.] 44 X 52^ San Francisco, W. Holt, 1869. 462 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Nevada. Colton's California and Nevada. 23 x 16. New York, G. W. and C. B. Colton & CO. [1873]. Watson's new county, railroad and sectional map of California and Nevada. col. 26 X 16. [New York, G. Watson, 1875]. Map of California and Nevada. Drawn and compiled by Geo. H. Baker. 18 X 15. San Francisco, Dewey & co. 1875. Bancroft's map of California, Nevada, Utah and Arizona, col. 27 x 31. San Francisco, A. L. Bancroft & co. 1876. State of Nevada 1876. Compiled from official records of the general land office and other sources. By C. Roeser. 24 x 31. New York, J. Bien, [1876]. [United States. Department of the interior. General land office]. New map of the territory of Arizona, southern California and parts of Nevada, Utah and Sonora. Compiled by lieut. J. C. Mallery and J. W. Ward. 1876, 1877. col. 42 x 33. San Francisco, Britton, Rey & co. [1877]. Rand, McNally & co.'s county and railroad map of California and Nevada. 19 x 23^. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1878]. ' The Weekly Call map of California and Nevada. 1878. col. 27 x 22. San Francisco, lith. by M. Schmidt & co. Same. 3d ed. col. 22 x 27. San Francisco, M. Schmidt & co. [1878]. Map of California and Nevada. Drawn by F. v. Leicht and A. Craven. 3d ed. col. 34 X 40. San Francisco, W. D. Walkup & co. 1880. [California state geological survey] . Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed county and township map of Nevada. 14 pp. 1 map. 18°. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1881]. Bancroft's new map of California and Nevada. Compiled from the latest and most reliable official sources and special surveys. 1882. Scale: 12 miles one inch. col. 50 x 60. San Francisco, A. L. Bancroft & co. [1882]. The AVeekly Call map of California and Nevada. 1882. col. 22 x 28. San Francisco, lith. M. Schmidt & CO. [1882]. Rand, McNally &' co.'s indexed county and township pocket map and ship- pers' guide of Nevada. 15 pp. 1 fold. map. 16°. Chicago and New York, Rand, McNally & co. [1892]. See also Cometock lode; Eureka district; 'Washoe mining claims. Nevada county, Cal. Map of Nevada county, Cal. Compiled from the latest authentic sources, showing towns, villages, roads, streams, mining ditches etc. By J. G. Hartwell, county surveyor. 1880. col. 38 x 60. San Francisco, hth. W. T. Galloway, [1880]. Nevis, West Indies (Island of). Nevis, by Thomas Jefferys. S^ x 7^. London, Laurie & Whittle, 1810. [In Whittle (J.) and Laurie (R. H.) The West India atlas, fol. London, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. Inset to no. 20. Ravell (Anthony). St. Christophers island]. Newark, N. J. A map of the town of Newark in the state of New Jersey. Pul)- lished in 1806. Chas. Basham, del. A. Anderson, sc. 11 x 15. [Reprint]. [In New Jersey historical society. Collections. 8°. Newark, 1864. v. 6]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 463 Newark, N. J. Map of the city. Surveyed by Alex. Martin. 10 x 13. [Ill Newark, X. J. Directories. 1836^7. By B. T. Pierson. 16°. New- ark, 1836. Map of the city of Newark, N. J. 1858. Made by Dunn and Thompson, surveyors, col. 52 x 57. New York, J. H. Higginson, 1858. Higginson' s map of the city of Newark, N. J. Drawn by P. AVitzel, c. e. col. 49 X 56. New York, J. H. Higginson, 1865. Holbrook's map of the city of Newark, N. J. 1867. 15 x 21^. [Newark], A. S. Holbrook's printing office, 1867. Hopkins (G. M. ) Combined atlas of the state of New Jersey and the city of Newark. 113 pp. 3 1. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1873. Rowe (JohnE.) Guide chart [with key] of the city of Newark, [anon.] col. 16^x20. [Newark], Newark daily adveitiser office, [1873]. Atlas of the city of Newark, N. J. From official records, etc. by Scarlett ik Scarlett, title, index map. 36 pi. fol. Newark, Scarlett & Scarlett, 1889. Newark bay, N. J. Chart of Newark bay. Extract from the U. S. coast survey. 24 X 53. Washington, W. J. Stone sc. [1839]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 111]. Newayg-o county, Mich. Hayes (E. L.) Atlas of Newaygo co. Mich. 71, viii pp. incl. 34 col. maps. fol. Philadelphia, C. O. Titus, 1880. New Bedford, Xass. The harbor of New Bedford. Founded upon a trigono- metrical survey under the direction of Alex. D. Bache. Hydrography under the direction of G. S. Blake. 18 x 14. [Washington, 1846]. [ United States. Treasury department. Coast survey] . Map of the city of New Bedford, Bristol co. Mass. By Wheeler & Cogges- hall. col. 45 X 31. New Bedford, Wheeler & Coggeshall, 1875. Walker (Geo. H.) Atlas of New Bedford city Mass. 79 pp. incl. 17 maps. fol. Boston, G. H. Walker & co. 1881. New Bridge, N. J. Sketch of the road trom Paulus Hook and Hobocken to New Bridge. By I. Hills. 1778. ms. 23^ x 28. [In his. A collection of plans &c. &c. &c. of the province of New Jersey, ms. fol. 1776-1782. no. 17]. New Brighton, Penn. [Plan of New Brighton & vicinity. Pennsylvania. By M. R. Stealey. 6 x 12. Pittsburgh, Molineaux sc. [1833]. New Brunswick, Canada. A new and correct chart of the coast of New England and New York with the adjacent parts of Nova Scotia and New Bruns- wick, from cape Sable to the entrance of Hudson's or North river. By capt. [N.] Holland. 2 sheets, each 21 x 55. [In North American pilot. A new ed. much enlarged, of the second part of the North American pilot, fol. London, R. Laurie & J. Whittle, 1800. no. 5-6]. — A new chart of the coast of Nova Scotia with the south coast of New Bruns- wick, including also part of the islands of St. John and Cape Breton and of the coast of New England. Regulated and ascertained by astronomical 464 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. New Bruns-wick, Canada — Continued. observations. By capt. Holland. 28 x 58. London, Laurie & Whittle, 12 July, 1798. [In North American pilot. The first part of the North American pilot. A new ed. fol. London, R. Laurie & J. Whittle, 1806. no. 10]. Map of Maine and New Brunswick. By Moses Greenleaf. col. 50 x 42. Portland, Shirley & Hyde, 1829. • Extract from a map of the British and French dominions in North America, by Jno. Mitchell. [Published in 1755]. 13 x 13. [n. p. 1843]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 148]. Note. — Used in connection with the United States and Great Britain, eastern boundary question. Map of the northern part of the state of Maine and of the adjacent British provinces, shewing the portion of that state to which Great Britain lays claim. Reduced from the official map A with corrections from the late surveys, by S. L. Dashiell, [Washington, 1830]. B. Chambers. 15^ x 17. AVashington, 1830. -, Same. W. J. Stone sc. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 149]. Map of the state of Maine. With the province of New Brunswick. By Moses Greenleaf. 3d ed. Jan. 1844. col. 50 x 42. Philadelphia, J. H. Young & F. Dankworth, 1844. Diagram of proposed railways, shewing the distances in New Brunswick. 8^ X 12. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Reports from committees. 1847. v. 6]. Map of New Brunswick, exhibiting the probable route of the proposed rail- road from Saint John to Fredericton, Woodstock, and Grand Falls. J. Arrowsmith lith. 18^ x 21. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Reports from committees, v. 2. 1849]. Watson's map of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, of the dominion of Canada, also Newfoundland and Prince Edward I. col. 13 x 17. [New York, G. Watson, 1875]. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed county map and shippers' guide of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island. 21 ^ 18, 7 pp. 16°. Chicago and New York, Rand, McNally & co. [1892]. New Brunswick, N. J. [Plan of New Brunswick, N. J. ms. [anon.] 13 x 19. 1777?]. Note. — On the reverse is the name John Montresor. Plan de notre camp k New Brunswick, le 12 juin, notre marche le 14 k Mid- dlebush, la situation du camp le 15 juin, et celle du gen'. Washington a Boundbrook, le poste que le gen'. Sullivan occupoit le 15 dans le nuit pour couvrir Philadelphia, se postant sur le route de Pennington. Par V. Wangenheim, 1777. ms. 12 x 20. [1777]. [Faden collection, no. 76]. Sutherland (A.) Sketch of Brunswick. ' ms. 8^x10^. [In Hills (John). A collection of plan's &c. &c. &c. in the province of New Jersey, ms. fol. [1776-1782]. no. 3]. Note. — Containing descriptive text. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 465 New Brunswick, N. J. Map of New Brunswick, Middlesex co. X. J. Surveyed & published by M. Hughes, 1866. 55 x 48. Philadelphia, M. Hughes, 1866. ■ See also Trenton and New Brunswick turnpike road. Newburg, Essex county, Mass. Map of mining lands at Newburg, Essex co. Mass. [By N. Little, jr. anon.] 18 x 22. Boston & New York, the Hatch lith. co. [1875]. Newburgh, N. Y. (City of). Map. From recent and actual surveys by Charles Caldwell, col. 62 x 54. New York, F. W. Beers & co. 1870. Newburyport harbor, Mass. Newburyport harbor, Mass. From a trigonomet- rical survey under the direction of A. D. Bache. Hydrography of the party under the command of lient. M. AV^oodhuU. 1855. 17 x 24. [AYashington, 1855]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. New Caledonia, Colombia, S. A. The Scots settlement in America called New Caledonia. A. D. 1699. 8 x lOj. According to the original draught by H. Moll. [London, 1736]. NoTE.^From his "Atlas minor" 1736. Newcastle county, Del. Map. From original surveys, by Saml. ]\I. Rea ilot. The first part of the North American pilot. A new ed. fol. London, R. Laurie k co. [1900]. [Independent (The) course]. See also Albany county; Allegany county; Broome county; Cattaraugus county; Cayuga county; Chautauqua county; Chemung county; Clinton county; Columbia county; Cortland county; Delaware county; Dutchess county; Erie county; Essex county; Fulton county; Greene county; Herki- mer county; Jefferson county; Kings county; Lewis county; Livingston county; Madison county; Monroe county; Montgomery county; Niagara county; Oneida county; Onondaga county; Ontario coimty; Orange county; Orleans county; Oswego county; Otsego county; Putnam county; Queens county; Rensselaer county; Rockland county; Saratoga county; Schoharie county; Schuyler county; Seneca county; Steuben county; Suffolk county; Sullivan county; Tioga county; Tompkins county; Ulster county; Warren county; Washington county; Wayne county; Westchester county. New York city. Map of the original grants of village lots from the Dutch West India company to the inhabitants of New-Amsterdam (now New- York) lying below the present line of Wall street. [1642-1664]. Located by David T. Valentine, clerk of the common council of the city of New York, A. D. 1857. 16 X 19|. [In Valentine (D. T. ) Manual of the corporation of the city of New- York for 1857. 12°. [New York, 1857]. p. 498]. t'Fort nieuw Amsterdam op de Manhatans. 4| x 3 J. [In Beschrijvinghe van Virginia, Nieuw Nederlandt, Nieuw Engelandt. [etc. anon.] sm. 4°. t' Amsterdam, Joost Hartgers, 1651. p. 21]. Note. — Generally considered the first view of New York city. t'Fort nieuw Amsterdam op de Manhatans. 3^^ x 5. [In Donck (Adriaen vander). Beschryvinge van Nieuw Nederlant. sm. 4°. t' Amsterdam, E. Nieuwenhof, 1655. p. 9]. Note. — This view, considered the second of New York city, is found in page 9 of this first edition and not in the second edition published in 1656. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 519 New York city. Xieuw Amsterdam op t Eylant Manhattans. [In Donck (Adriaen vander). Beschryvinge van Nieuw Nederlant. 2den druck. sm. 4°. t' Amsterdam, E. Nieuwenhof, 1656]. , Note. — Inset at the foot of the map entitled " Xova Belgica sive Nieuw Nederlandt. ' ' The map is placed after the poem signed * ' E. Nieuwenhof. ' ' This name is found at the foot of the map but spelt with twof's at the end. "Pag: 1 " is printed at the top left-hand corner. The view in page 9 of the 1655 edition is omitted in this edition. Same. Map of New Netherlands, with a view of New Amsterdam (now New York) A. D. 1656. Copied for the N. Y. hist. soc. from the map of A. Vander Donck. Lane S. Hart, state printer, 1877. 12 x 7. [In Pennsylvania archives. 2d series. Edited by J. B. Linn c^ W. H. Egle. v. 5. 8°. Harrisburg, L. S. Hart, 1877. p. 233]. Note. — From the map in the 2d edition of Donck. Same. Dutch map of the province and city of New York, 1656. 4 x 6^. [In Magazine (The) of American history. Edited by Martha J. Lamb. sm. 4°. New York, 1892. v. 28. p. 5]." Note. — Copy of the map originally published in the 2d edition of Donck' s "Beschryvinge van Nieuw Nederlant." Same. New Amsterdam, now New York taken from a Dutch map of 1656. 3| X 8J. [In Bowden (James). The history of the society of friends in America. 8°. London, 1850. v. 1. p. 309]. Niew Amsterdam op t' eylant Manhattans. [View]. 12x3. [Inset to Yisscher (N. J.) Novi Belgii nov;i?que Anglise nee non patis Vir- gini?e tabula multis in locis a Nicolao Joannis Visschero. 18| x 12J. Amsterdam, 1659]. Note. — A reproduced facsimile from the original engraved copy. A description of the towne of Mannados: or New Amsterdam as it was in September 1661, Annodomini, 1664, "The Duke's plan." facs. 22 x 27|. New York, lith. for D. T. Valentine's manual, by G. Hayward, 1859. Note. — Another copy with the additional text, "From the original fac-simile in the possession of George H. Moore." Novum Amsterdamun. 6^ x 5. [InMontanus(Arnoldus). Denieuweenonbekendeweereld. 4°. t' Amster- dam, J. Meurs, 1671. p. 125]. Note. — Same map in Ogilby's America, 1671, and in "La Galerie agreable du monde." v. 2. 1729? View of the city of New Amsterdam (now New York). Copied (in facsimile) from the plate in Montanus' Nieuwe en onbekende weereld (in state library). 6^x4}. [1671]. [In O'Callaghan (E. B. ) The documentary history of the state of New York. 4°. Albany, C. Van Benthuysen, 1851. v. 4. p. 76]. New York in 1673. 9 x 16. [In Moulton (Joseph White). New York 170 years ago. 8°. New York, W. G. Boggs, 1843. opp. title]. New York. [View]. 3 x 12. [In Seller (John). Atlas maritimus, or the sea atlas, fol. London, J. Darby, 1675. map 44]. Note. — Inset to the map entitled "A mapp of New Jarsey." Differs from the 1687? view. 520 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. New York city. New York. [View]. 3^x11. [Inset to Seller (John) and Fisher (William). A mapp of New Jersey in America.] Note. — This view differs from the one in Seller's Atlas maritimus, 1675. The map has no date, but it was probably published about 1687. Plan de Manathes ou Nouvelle York. Verifiee par le sr. de la Motte. 7^x11. [1693]. [In American geographical society of New York. Bulletin, 1894. 8°. New York, for the society, 1894. v. 26. no. 1. p. 82]. Note. — Reduced by a fourth from a map in ''Atlas de reproductions de cartes et de globes relatifs k la decouverte de F Amerique. Par G. Marcel." Same. Le plan de Manathes ou Nouvelle- Yore, [verifie par le sieur De La Mothe, 1693. Ce plan, fort curieux, fait partie de la Carte de la cote de la Nouvelle- Angleterre, depuis le cap Anne jusqu'a la pointe Nevresing, ou est compris le chemin parterre et par mer de Baston a Manathes, par J.-B.-L. Franquelin, hydrographe du roy, qui appartient aux archives du Depot de la marine, sous le n° pf. 135, division 1, piece 1]. Eschelle de 100 toises. 13|: X 19i [In Pinart ( Alphonse L. ) Recueil de cartes, plans et vues relatifs aux Etats Unis et au Canada, obi. fol. Paris, E. Dufosse, 1893. no. 3]. Note. — Pis. 1 and 2 contain views of New York in 1651 and in 1656, respec- tively. The fort in New York. 8|: x 10. [1695]. [In Miller (Rev. John). A description of the province and city of New York; with plans of the city and several forts as they existed in the year 1695. 8°. London, T. Rodd, 1843. p. 10]. New York. Lith'd by I. Harris. 10^ x 16i [In Miller (Rev. John). A description of the province and city of New York; Avith plans of the city and several forts as they existed in the year 1695. 8°. London, T. Rodd, 1843. p. 10]. Nieuw- Amsterdam onlangs Nieuw Jorck genamt, ende hernomen bij de Nederlanders op den 24 aug. 1673 eindelijk aan de Engelse weder afges- taan. 3 x 15. [1696]. [In Allard (Carolus). Atlas minor, fol. Amstelodami, ex officina Caroli Allard, 1696]. Note. — This atlas has no date on title page. The date 1696 is found on the map entitled L'isle de Re, no. 20 and also in 21 & 34 entitled " La Bre- tagne ' ' and ' ' La Provence. ' ' The view of New York in an inset to the map entitled ' ' Totius Neobelgii nova et accuratissima tabula. ' ' [Map showing present Bowery, N. Y. between Chatham square and Grand St. ms. 12| X 19. 1700?] Note. — Stamped on face — Montresor; probably owned by him, but too inac- (rurate to be the work of an engineer. Probably early \n 1700. Nieu Amsterdam, een stedeken in Noord Amerikaes Nieu Hollant, op het eilant Mankattan: namaels Nieu Jork genaemt, to en het geraekte in't gebietderEngelschen. [View]. Pet: Schenk. Amsteld. C. P. 8J x 10. [In Schenk (Peter). Petri Schenkii hecatompolis. obi. 4°. [Amsterdam], 1702. pi. 92]. A plan of the city of New York from an a(;tual survey made by James Lyne. New York city as it was in 1728. A fac-simile of the first official map of New York city (in 1728) showing the extent of the city at that date. A H(;ale of feet, 660 foot one 8' of a mile. 16i x 21 1. [New York], O. Van- l. 3. at end]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 555 NicaragTia, Central America. The Mosquito coast of Nicaragua and adjacent ter- ritory. Design, by Christ. Weber. 12 x 11. [In American geographical society of New York. Journal. 1893. 8°. New York, for the society, 1893. v. 25. p. 288]. Panoramic view of the Nicaragua canal. 7i x I05. [In Bureau of the American republics. Nicaragua. Bulletin no. 51. Rev. to aug. 1, 1893. 8°. Washington, 1893. pp. 42-43]. • Chart of the world showing distances saved by the maritime canal of Nica- ragua. 16 X 16*. [In Schroeder (John). Costa Rica. 12°. San Jose, tip. nacional, 1894]. Map of the Mosquito coast, Nicaragua, C. A. Compiled by H. G. Higley, assisted by Sam D. Spellman. Bluetields, Nic'a, 1894. 40 x 26. New York, G. W. -"» '^*'^--^,^ LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Norfolk, Va. Ft. Monroe, Xorfolk, and vicinity. 6| x 5|. [In Bechler (Gustavus R.) Atlas showing battles, engagements, and im- portant localities connected with the campaigns in Virginia, obi. 12°. Philadelphia, [1864]. pi. 4]. Cotton-port map. Published by ''Norfolk landmark." 10^x8. [Xorfolk, 1874]. ■ Map of the cities of Norfolk and Portsmouth. Surveyed by J. F. Dezen- dorf. col. 56 x 43. New York, F. W. Beers & co. 1876. Hopkins (G. M.) Atlas of the city of Norfolk, Ya. including the city of Portsmouth, index map. 17 pi. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1889. Bowman (Sam. W. ) Atlas of Norfolk, Portsmouth and Berkley, Ya. Includ- ing Lambert's Point, Norfolk on the Roads, South Norfolk, Pinner's Point, West Norfolk, town of Hampton Roads, etc. etc. From actual surveys, oflSicial records & private plans approved by Walter H. Taylor, jr. ass't city engineer, title. 32 maps. fol. Norfolk, Ya. S. AY. Bowman, 1900. Norfolk and Cincinnati railroad. Map showing the Norfolk and Cincinnati rail- road, and its connections. Drawn, engraved & printed by G. W. & C. B. Colton & CO. 1882. Norfolk and "Western and Shenandoah, valley railroads. Colton (G. W. & C. B. ) & CO. Map showing the line of the Norfolk and western and Shenandoah valley railroads and their connections with the Yirginia, Tennessee & Georgia air line. 19 x 25i. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. [1881]. Norristown, Penn. Map. Surveyed & published by Thomas A. Hurley. 60 x 76. Freehold, N. J. T. A. Hurley, 1857. North Adams, Mass. Miller (D. L, ) Atlas of the towns of North Adams, Adams, Williamstown and Cheshire, Berkshire co. Mass. title. 19 pi. 1 1. 4°.. New York, D. L. Miller & co. 1894. North. America.^ Aboriginal America. 13 x 17. [In Marryat (Frederick). A Diary in America. 12°. London, 1839. v. 2].. Aboriginal America east of the Mississippi. 6^ x 4^. [In Harris (N, S.) Journal of a tour in the "Indian territory." [anon. J 8°. New York, 1844]. Same. Aboriginal America east of the Mississippi. 6j x 4^. [In Friends (Society of). Some account of the religious society of friends towards the Indian tribes. 8°. London, E. Marsh, 1844]. Aboriginal maps of North America, denoting the boundaries and the loca- tions of various Indian tribes. John Arrowsmith lith. col. 18 x 22. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Reports from committees. Hudson's bay CO. 1857. V. 15]. Same. Aboriginal map of North America, showing the boundaries and the- locations of various Indian tribes. 19 x 22. [In Hudson's bay co. Report from the select committee. 1857. fol. Lon- don, 1857]. Linguistic stocks of American Indians north of Mexico. By J. W. PowelL Compiled under the direction of Henry Gannett. Sackett & Wilhelms litho CO. N. Y. 21i x 17^ Note. — To accompany Smithsonian Institution. 7th annual report. Bureau* of ethnology. ^All maps prior to 1776 of the country now known as the "United States" are included under- " North America." For a separate list of maps relating to the northwest part of North America, see my paper entitled "Alaska and the northwest part of North America, 1588-1898." 558 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. North America. General chart exhibiting the discoveries of the northmen in the Arctic regions and America, during the 10th-14th centuries. 9| x lOJ. [In Beamish (X. L.) The discovery of North America by the Northmen. 12°. London, 1841]. Epoch maps illustrating American history. By Albert Bushnell Hart. 3 p. 1. 14 col. maps. obi. 8°. New York, Longmans, 1891. North America, showing the progress of discovery. 12^ x 10. [In Gover (Edward). Atlas of universal historical geography, sm. fol. London, 1854. no. 27]. European discoveries in North America. 5J x lOf . [In Gage (William L.) A modern historical atlas, for the use of colleges, schools, and general readers. 8°. New York, D. Appleton & co. 1869]. Cortes' march to Mexico. Early explorers of the Atlantic coast. Explora- tions of Hudson and Champlain. De Soto's march from Tampa bay to the Mississippi. 8^ x 5|. [In Labberton ( R. H. ) New historical atlas. 4°. New York, T. Mac Coun, 1886. pi. 59]. Karte zur erlauterung der geschichite des golf-stroms von Columbus bis Franklin zusammengestellt von I. G. Kohl, gezeichnet von H. Kiepert. Die fahrten des ersten dritten-jahrhunderts [1492-1525] in rother farbe. 11^ X 15. ' [In Gesellschaft fiir erdkunde zu Berlin. Zeitschrift. neue folge. 8°. Berlin, D. Reimer, 1861. v. 11. pi. 4]. 1. Sketch of coast from the map of Hieronimo da Yerrazano 1529 from Flor- ida to the gulf of St. Lawrence. 2. The coast according to Ribero 1529 from Florida to Labrador. 8 x 6^. [In Magazine (The) of American history. Edited by John Austin Stevens, sm. 4°. New York, A. S. Barnes, 1878. v. 2. p. 257]. Note. — To accompany article by B. F. De Costa on "The voyage of Yer- razano." Route of Ferd*! de Soto. A. D. 1539. 7 x 10. [In McCulloh (J. H. ) Researches, philosophical and antiquarian concern- ing the aboriginal history of America. 8°. Baltimore, 1829]. Conibas regio cum vicinis gentebus. 1597. 9 x 11. [In Wytfliet (Cornelius) and others. Histoire vniverselle des Indes. fol., Douay, F. Fabri, 1605. opp. p. 117]. Limes occidentis' Quiuira et Anian, 1597. 9 x 11. [In "Wytfliet (Cornelius) and others. Histoire vniverselle. fol. Douay, F.^ Fabri, 1605]. Norvmbega et Virginia. 1597. 9 x 11. [In Wytfliet (Cornelius) and others. Histoire vniverselle des Indes. fol. Douay, F. Fabri, 1605. opp. p. 121]. Map of the Indian tribes of North America about 1600 A. D, along tl Atlantic; & about 1800 A. D. westwardly. Published by the Americ antiquarian society: from a drawing by hon. A. Gallatin, col. 15 x 16j [In American antiquarian society & Archselogia Americana. Transactioi and collections. 8°. Cambridge, for the society, 1836. v. 2. opp. 265]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 559 North America. Same. Carte des tribus Indiennes de 1' Amerique du Xord vers 1600 A. D. le long de FAtlantique, et vers 1800 A. D. a I'ouest. D'apres un dessin de mr. Gallatin. 14^ x 16^. [In Vail (Eugene A.) Notice sur les Indiens de F Amerique du Nord. 8°. Paris, A. Bertrand, 1840]. King James' patent of 1606, dividing Virginia into two parts. Reorganiza- tion of the Plymouth company in 1620, as the council of Plymouth for New England. 8j x 5|. [In Labberton (R. H.) New historical atlas. 4°. New York, T. Mac Coun, 1886. pi. 60]. Route of the Champlain expedition — 1615. 7h x 5. [In ^lagazine (The) of American history. Edited by John Austin Stevens, sm. 4°. New York, A. S. Barnes, 1878. v. 2. p. 472]. Note. — To accompany article by O. H. Marshall on "Champlain's expe- dition of 1615." Figure et description de la terre reconnue et habitee par les Francois en la Floride et au-dega gisante par les 30-31- et 32 degrez. De la main de m. Marc Lescarbot. 6| x 8}. [In Lescarbot (Marc). Histoire de la Novvelle France. 3'' ed. 16°. Paris, A. Perier, 1618. bet. pp. 596-597]. Americse Septentrionalis pars. From the West-Indische paskaert. Be- schreven door A. Jacobsz. 1621. From the original on vellum in the collection of E. B. O'Callaghan. Reproduced by Lane S. Hart, 1877. 16 X 19i [In Pennsylvania archives. 2d series. 8°. Harrisburg, 1877. v. 5. p. 17]. Same. Americse Septentrionalis pars. From the West Indische paskaert. Beschreven door A. Jacobsz, 1621. 15 x 19. [In Valentine (D. T.) Manual of the corporation of the city of New York. 1858. 16°. New York, 1858. p. 448]. Various English grants. 1625-1649. 8^ x 5|. [In Labberton (R. H.) New historical atlas. 4°. New York, T. Mac — Coun, 1886. pi. 61]. • Nova Anglia, Novvm Belgivm et Virginia. 11 x 14. [In Laet (Joannes de). Nieuvve wereldt ofte beschrijvinghe van West- Indien. Tweede druck. fol. Leyden, bij de Elzeviers, 1630. bet. pp. 88-89]. Note. — This map is not found in the edition of 1625. Carta particolare della nuoua Belgia e parte della nuoua Anglia. La longi- tudine cominca da 1' isola di Poco d' Asores. A. E. Lucini fece. 17i x 14. [In O'Callaghan (E. B. ) The documentary history of the state of New York. 4°. Albany, AVeed, Parsons & CO. 1850. v. 1. front.] Note. — "The map facing the title of this volume is taken from one of North America engraved by Lucini, an Italian artist, originally on four sheets, three of which belong to the Warden collection of the state library. It will be perceived from its title that it is a map of New Belgium (now New York) and part of New England, the former of which provinces was claimed at the time to extend from Cape Cod to the capes of Delaware. The absence of any date renders it difficult, however, to ascertain pre- cisely the year it was engraved, and this point can be determined only by other evidence. Boston, which was settled in 1630, is found laid down, but there is no mention of Maryland, the province of Virginia forming the 560 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. North America. Carta particolare, etc. — Continued. southern boundary of New Belgium. As Maryland was first granted in 1632, it is evident the date of this map must be some year between that and the settlement of Boston. Most probably it was engraved in 1631. In point of time, it may be considered the third oldest map of the province extant, having, as far as yet known, been preceded by only two Dutch maps, one of 1616 and one of 1618, transcripts of which are in the office of the secretary of state, and of one of which this Italian map is evidently an improved copy." Septentrio America. Jodocus Hondius excudit Amsterodami. 14^ x 15J. [In Mercator (Gerhard). Atlas, ed. 10a. fol. Amsterdami, sumptibus H. Hondij, 1630. p. 380]. Champlain's map of New France 1632. Reduced from the original in the state library for doc. hist, of N. Y. v. 3. 10| x 17^. [In O'Callaghan (E. B.) The documentary history of the state of New York. 4°. Albany, Weed, Parsons & co. 1850. v. 3. front.] Fac-simile of part of the Champlain map of 1632. 7 x 4J. [In Magazine (The) of American history. Edited by John Austin Stevens, sm. 4°. New York, A. S. Barnes, 1877. v. 1. pt. 1. front] Note. — The map from the original which accompanies the edition of the voy- age of Champlain in New France, printed at Paris in 1632. To accompany an article on '^Champlain's expedition of 1615 against the Onondagas." Carte seconda generale dell' America. Af. Lucini, fece. 18 x 14J, [In Dudley (Robert, duke of Northumberland). DelF arcano del mare, fol. Firenze, F. Onofri, 1646. book 2. p. 47]. Carte des tribus Indiennes de I'Amerique du Nord (Versant de I'Atlantique) vers le milieu du XVI P siecle. Dressee par L. Simonin, d'apres des documents Americains, 1869. 7| x 6. [In Societe de geographic. Bulletin. 5® serie. 8°. Paris, 1870. v. 19. at end]. North America, 1650, showing claims arising out of exploration and occu- pancy. 5i X 5^. [In Hart (A. B.) Epoch maps illustrating American history, obi. 12°. New York, Longmans, Green & co. 1891. no. 2]. Amerique Septentrionale. Par N. Sanson d' Abbeville. A. Peyrounin sculp. 16 X 21^. Paris, chez I'auteur, & P. Mariette, 1650. Novi Belgii. Tabula ad N. J. Visscheri delineationem repetitaquse ex XXX aliis tabulis colligi potuerunt additis lapidi incisa dirigente G. M. Asher. 18 x 2U. [1650-55]. [In Asher (G. M. ) A list of the maps and charts of New-Netherland. sm. 4°. Amsterdam, F. Muller, 1855. at end]. Note. — Inset: "View of New York city." America Septentrionalis. Amstelodami, excudit loannes lanssonius. 18i X 21i [In Jansson (Jan). Nuevo atlas, fol. Amsterdam, J. Jansson, 1653. v. 2]. Nova Belgica et Anglia Nova. Amstelodami, Johannes Janssonius, excudit. 15 x 19J. [In Jansson (Jan). Nuevo atlas, fol. Amsterdam, J. Jansson, 1653. v. 2]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 561 North America. Virginise partis australis, et Florida partis orientalis, interjacen- tiumqe regionum nova descriptio. 15 x 20. [In Jansson (Jan). Xuevo atlas, fol. Amsterdam, J. Jansson, 1653. v. 2]. Siilpitian and Jesuit missions among the Iroquois from 1656 to 1684 as located by John S. Clark. Auburn, N. Y. 1886. 6i x 10. [In Donohoe (Thomas). The Iroquois and the Jesuits. 12°. Buffalo, 1895. p. 20]. Map of New Netherlands, with a view of New Amsterdam, (now New-York,) A. D. 1656. Copied for the N. Y. hist. soc. from the map of A. Vander Donck. Lane S. Hart, state printer, 1877. 12 x 7. [In Pennsylvania archives. 2d series. Edited by J. B. Linn & W. H. Egle. V. 5. 8°. Harrisburgh, L. S. Hart, 1877. p. 233]. Pascaarte van Brazil en Nieu Nederlandt van Cuorvo en Flores tot de Bar- bados nu eerst uytgegeven door Arnold Colom tot Amsterdam opt' water by de nieu we brugh in de Lichtende Colom. 21| x 25. [In Colom (Arnold). Zee-atlas, ofte water- wereldt. fol. Amsterdam, in de Lichtende Colom, [1656?]. no. 15]. Pascaarte van Nieu Nederlandt uytgegeven door Arnold Colom. t' Amster- dam opt water by de nieuwe brugh in de Lichtende Colom. 21^ x 25. [In Colom (Arnold), Zee-atlas, ofte water- wereldt. fol. Amsterdam, in de Lichtende Colom, "[1656?]. no. 19]. Americque Septentrionale. Par le sr. Sanson d' Abbeville. A. Peyrounin, sculp. 7f x lOf. [In Sanson (Nicholas). L'Amerique en plvsievrs cartes. 4°. Paris, I'au- thevr, 1657. no. 1]. Le Canada, ou Nouvelle France, &c. Par N. Sanson. 8^ x 12. [In his L'Amerique en plvsievrs cartes. 4°. Paris, I'authevr, 1657. no. 2]. Novi Belgii Novseque Anglise nee non partis Yirginise tabula multis in locis emendata a Nicolao Jj3annis Yisscliero. Amsterdam, 1659. [Repro- duced]. 18^x22. Note. — Inset: ''Nieuw Amsterdam op t'eylant Manhattans." Tabula Novse Francise, anno 1660. 13 x 17. [In Du Creux (Frangois). Historise Canadensis, sev Nov8e-Franci?e libri decern. 4°. Parisiis, 1664]. Note. — One of the earliest maps on which the Falls of Niagara are marked. They are here called " Ongiara catarractes, " and the geography of the whole region is fairly correctly laid down. Same. Du Creux (Francois). New France in 1660. (Reduced facsimile from Historise Canadensis, Paris, 1664). 9 x 6|. [In Jesuit relations. 8°. Cleveland, Burrows bros. 1899. v. 46. opp. title- page]. Extrema Americse versus Boream, ubi terra nova Nova Francia, adjacentiaq^. 17^ X 22. [In Blaauw (W. J.) and Blaauw (Jan). Le grand atlas, ov cosmographie Blaviane, contenant I'Amerique. fol. Amsterdam, J. Blaeu, 1667. v. 12. bet. pp. 1-2]. Nova Belgica et Anglia Nova. 15 x 19j. [In Blaauw (W. J.) and Blaauw (Jan). Le grand atlas, ov cosmographie Blaviane, contenant I'Amerique. fol. Amsterdam, J. Blaeu, 1667. v. 12. bet. pp. 17-18]. H. Doc. 516 30 562 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. NortH America. Virginise partis australis, et Floridse partis orientalis, interjacen- tiumqe regionum nova descriptio. 15 x 19^. [•In Biaauw (W. J.) and Blaauw (Jan). Le grand atlas, ov cosmographie Blaviane, contenant TAmerique. fol. Amsterdam, J. Blaeu, 1667. v. 12. bet. pp. 25-26]. Amerique Septentrionale. Par N. Sanson. Reveue et ehangee en plusieurs endroits suivant les memoires les plus reeents. Par G. Sanson. 15^ x 22. Paris, Pierre Mariette, 1669. Carte pour suivre la relation des voyages de cavelier de la Salle, 1669-1682. 7x6i [In Societe de geographic. Bulletin. 6« serie. 8°. Paris, 1880. v. 20. at end] . A new mapp of America Septentrionale. Designed by monsieur Sanson, and revised into English, and illustrated by Richard Blome. 15 x 22. Lon- don, for R. Blome, 1669. [In Blome (Richard) . A geographical description of the four parts of the world, fol. London, for R. Blome, 1670. pi. 4]. Early French missions in the remote western regions of Canada or New France. Copy of the map attached to the relations of the Jesuits of New France in 1670 & 1671. 4J X 7i [In Monette (J. W.) History of the valley of the Mississippi. 8°. N. Y. 1846. p. 1. V. 1]. Novi Belgii quod nunc Novi Jorck vocatur Novseq*^ Anglise & partis Virginise accuratissima et novissima delineatio. 11^ x 13^. [In Montanus (Arnoldus). De nieuwe en onbekende weereld. 4°. t' Am- sterdam, J. Meurs, 1671. bet. pp. 122-123]. Note. — Same map in Ogilby's America, 1671. Joliet (Louis). Nouvelle decouverte de plusieurs nations dans la Nouvelle France en I'annee 1673 et 1674. Gaston Morel lith. (Reduction fac- simile). Imp. E. Cagniard a Rouen. 16 x21j. [In Magazine (The) of American history. Edited by John Austin Stevens, sm. 4°. New York, A. S. Barnes, 1882. v. 9. p. 273]. Note. — To accompany article on the "Discovery of the Mississippi," by A. P. C. Griffin. Same. Joliet (Louis). Nouvelle decouverte des plusieurs nations dans la Nouvelle France, en I'annee 1673 et 1674. 21 x 15|. [In Jesuit relations. 8°. Cleveland, Burrows bros. 1900. v. 59. p. 86]. A chart of the coast of America from New found land to cape Cod, by lohn Seller. 16^ x 21. [In his Atlas maritimus, or sea atlas, fol. London, J. Darby, for the author, 1675. no. 41]. A chart of the north part of North America. Describing the sea coast of Groenland, Dauies streights, Baffins bay, Hudson streights. Buttons bay and James bay. By John Seller. 17 x 21. [In his Atlas maritimus, or the sea atlas, fol. London, J. Darby, for the author, 1675. no. 37]. A (;hart of the sea coasts of New England, New Jarsey, Virginia, Maryland and Carolina, from c. Cod to c. Hatteras. By John Seller. 17 x 21. [In his Atlas maritimus, or the sea atlas, fol. London, J. Darby, for the author, 1675. no. 43]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 563 Uorth. America. A map of New England and New York. 15 x 21. [In Speed (John). The theatre of the empire of Gt. Britaine. new ed. fol. London, T. Basset, 1676. bet. pp. 45-46]. Note. — Coast to Chesapeake bay. A chart of ye north part of America. For Hudsons bay comonly called ye North west passage. By lohn Thornton. 17 x 21. [London, 1680?]. [American maps. v. 4. no. 9]. L'Amerique septentrionale, suivant les nouvelles observations de mess", de I'academie royale des sciences, etc. Augmentees de noiiveau. 8f x llf. A Leide, chez Pierre vander Aa. [In Hooge (Romein de). Les Indes orientales et occidentales et autres lieux. obi. 4°. Leide, Pierre vander Aa, 1680? pi. 9]. Carte de la decouverte faite I'an 1673 dans I'Amerique Septentrionale. Liebaux sculp. 62^ x 16. [In Thevenot (Melchisedech), Recueil des voyages. 16°. Paris, E. Michal- let, 1681]. Note. — To illustrate "Decouverte dans I'Amerique Septentrionale par le p. Marquette. ' ' Franquelin (Jean Baptiste Louis) . Carte de la Louisiane ou des voyages du sr. de la Salle & des pays qu'il a decouverts depuis la Nouvelle France jusqu'au golfe Mexique, les annees 1679, 80, 81 & 82. 20^ x 16. Paris, 1684. [In Jesuit relations. 8°. Cleveland, Burrows bros. 1900. v. 63. opp. title-page]. Carte vniverselle du monde vulgairement dite la mappe monde, avec de nouvelles observations touchant les navigations de long cours. Par P. Du-Yal. 16 X 22. Paris, I'autheur, 1684. [American maps. v. 4. no. 7]. America Septentrionale colle nuoue scoperte sin all' anno 1688. 2 sheets, each 24^ X 17|. [In Coronelli (Vincenzo Maria). Atlante Veneto. fol. Yenetia, 1695-97 V. 1. bet. pp. 56-57 & 60-61]. Partie occidentale du Canada ou de la Nouvelle France oil sont les nations des Ilinois de Tracy, les Iriquois, et plusieurs autres peuples; auec la Louisiane. Par p. [Marco Yincenzo] Coronelli. 17^ x 23. Paris, J. B. Nolin, 1688. Morden (R. ) A map of ye English empire in ye continent of America viz. Yirginia, Maryland, Carolina, New York, New larsey. New England, Car- olina, Pennselvania. W. Binneman sculpsit. 19i x 23. London, R. Mor- den, [1690?]. [American maps. v. 4. no. 5]. Nuova Francia e Luigiana. 8| x 11^. [In Zani (Yalerio). II genio vagante. Biblioteca curiosa di cento, e piii relazioni di viaggi [etc.] raccolta dal signor conte Aurelio degli Anzi [pseud.] 12°. Para, per I. & F. M. Rosati, 1691-1693. part 2. bet. pp. 422-423]. Carte generalle de la Nouvelle France ou est compris la Lovisiane, Gaspesie et le Nouveau Mexique avec les memoires les plus nouveau 1692. I. Rouillard delineavit. L. Boudan sculp. 13 x 19. [In Le Celercq (Christian). First establishment of the faith in New France. 8°. New York, 1881. v. 2. p. 8]. Note. — " Some copies of the map are said to bear the date 1692. The last figure has something of the appearance of a 2, but seems to be really 1, and has probably been read differently." 564 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. North. America. Mare del Svd, detto abvrimenti mare Pacifico. 17^ x 24^. [In Coronelli (Vincenzo). Atlante Veneto. fol. Venetia, 1695-97. v bet. pp. 78-79]. A new map of the English empire in America, viz. Virginia, Maryland, Caro- lina, New York, New larsey. New England, Pennsylvania, Newfound- land, New France, &c. by Rob Morden. I. Harris sculp. 20 x 23. London, R. Morden & C. Brown, [1695?]. Amerique Septentrionale divisee en ses principales parties, ou sont distin- gues les vns des autres les estats suivant qu'ils appartiennent presentement aux Francois, Castillans, Anglois, Suedois, Danois, Hollandois. Tiree des relations de toutes ces nations par le s^ Sanson. 18 x 25. Paris, H. laillot, 1695. [In Jaillot (C. H. A.) Atlas Francois, fol. Paris, Jaillot, 1695. no. 10]. America Septentrionalis. Amstelodami, excudit loannes lanssonius. 18^ x 20i [In AUard (Carel). Atlas minor, fol. Amstelodami, ex officina Caroli Allard, [1696?]. no. 139]. Note. — The date 1696 is found in the maps entitled "L'isle de Re," no. 20, "La Bretagne," no. 21, and "La Provence," no. 31. Totius Neobelgii nova et accuratissima tabula. Typis Caroli Allard. Ams- telodami. 18|: X 21f . [In Allard (Carel). Atlas minor, fol. Amstelodami, ex officina Caroli Allard, [1696]. no. 140]. Note. — Inset: " Nieuw-Amsterdam onlangs Nieuw Jorck genaemt, ende her- nomen by de Nederlanders op den 24 aug. 1673 eindelyk aan de Engelse weder afgestaan." The date 1696 is found in the maps entitled " L'isle de Re," no. 20, " La Bretagne," no. 21, and "La Provence," no. 31. Carta geographica de un pais que nuevamente se ha descubierto en la. America Septentrionale entre el mar Glacial, Florida y nuevo reyno Mexi- cano, y que comprehende mas terreno que la Europa, corriendo por el caudoloso rio navegable llamando Meschasipi. Delineada por el teniente general de la artilleria d. Antonio Marquina, discipulo de el author. 14^ X 17. [In Hennepin (Louis). Nouvelle d^cpuverte. 16°. Utrecht, 1697]. Note. — French copy in ed. 1704. Carte d'un nouveau monde entre le nouveau Mexique et la Mer Glacialle. 11 X 18. [In Hennepin (Louis). Nouveau voyage. 16°. A Utrecht, A map of the English possessions in North America and New Foundland as it was presented and dedicated to his most sacred maj. King William. 1699. [anon.] ms. col. 13 x 16. [1699]. Note. — A beautiful ms. map in relief. L' Amerique Septentrionale. Dressee sur les observations de m"* de 1' Acad^- mie royale des sciences & quelques autres, & sur m^moires les plus r^cens. Par G. de I'Isle. 19 x 24. Paris, I'autheur, 1700. [American maps. v. 1. no. 5]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 565 North America. Carte nouvelle de TAmeriqiie Angloise, contenant la Ylrginie, Mary-land, Caroline, Pensylvania, Nouvelle lorck, N: larsey, X: France, et les terres nonvellement decouverte dresse, e sur les relations les plus nouvelles. Par le sieur 8. [Nicolas Sanson, anon.] 23 x 39. Amster- dam, P. Mortier, 1700]. A map of Florida and ye great lakes of Canada. By Rob't Morden. 5x5. [In Morden (Robert). Geography rectified, sm. 4°. London, for R. Morden, 1700. p. 587]. English colonie.-, 1700, showing extent of actual jurisdiction. 7j x 5^. [In Hart (A. B.) Epoch maps illustrating American history, obi. 12°. New York, Longmans, Green & co. 1891. no. 3]. Virginise, N. Anglise, N. Hollandipe nee non Novae Svecise delineatio. T. C. H. sc. 5 X 5J. [In Campanius Holm (Thomas). Kort beskrifning om provincien Nya Severige. sm. 4°. Stockholm, S. Wankijfs, 1702. p. 12]. An exact mapp of New England and New York, llj x 14. [In Mather (Cotton). Magnolia Christi Americana: or, the ecclesiastical history of New England, fol. London, for T. Parkhurst, 1702. p. 1]. Carte du Canada ou de la Nouvelle France et des decouvertes qui y ont ete faites. Par Guillaume Del 'Isle. 19 J x 25^. Paris, I'auteur, 1703. [American maps. v. 1. no. 10]. Carte du Mexique et de la Floride, des terres Angloises et des isles Antilles, du courss et des environs de la riviere de Mississipi. Dressee sur un grand nombre de memoires principalem* sur ceux de m"" d' Iberville et Le Seur. Par Guillanme De I'Isle. 19 x 25. Paris, I'auteur, 1703. [American maps. v. 1. no. 8]. Carte d'un tres grand pais nonvellement decouvert dans I'Amerique Sep- tentrionale entre le Nouveau Mexique et la Mer Glaciale avec le cours du grand fleuve Mesckasipi. Par Louis Hennepin. 14 x 16. Leiden, P. Vander Aa, 1704. [In Gedenkwaardige (De) West Indies voyagien. 4°. Te Rotterdam, 1704]. Amerique Septentrionales. Carte d'un tres grand pays entre le Nouveau Mexique et la Mer Glaciale. Par Louis de Hennepin. Leide, P. Yander Aa, 1704. 16J x 20^. [In Gedenkwaardige (De) West Indies voyagien. 4°. Te Rotterdam, 1704]. L' Amerique Septentrionale. 7 J x 65. [In Bellegarde (Jean Baptiste de). Histoire universelle des voyages. 12°. Amsterdam, P. Humbert, 1708. p. 156]. North America as held by English, French and Spanish colonies. From a map drawn 1710. 8^ x 5 J. [In Gage (William L.) A modern historical atlas, for the use of colleges, schools, and general readers. 8°. New York, D. Appleton & co. 1869]. A new map of ye north parts of America claimed by France under ye name of Louisiana, Mississipi, Canada & New France, with the adjoining terri- tories of England & Spain. By H. Moll. 8 x 10 j. [London, 171-]. 566 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. North. America. North America. Corrected from the observations communicated to the Royal society at London and the Royal academy at Paris. By lohn Senex, Cha. Price & lohn Maxwell. 1710. lohn Senex sculpt. 25^ x 37. [London, 1710]. North America. Corrected from the observations communicated to the Royal Society at London, and the Royal academy at Paris. By lohn Senex. col. 25 x 37^ [London, 1710]. [American maps. v. 3. no. 14]. Same. North America. By John Senex, 1710. 25^x37. [London], for T. Bowles, [etc. 1710]. [In his Modern geography, fol. [London], for T. Bowles, etc. 1725? no. 6]. Same. North America. Corrected from the observations communicated to the Royal society at London, [etc.] By John Senex, 1710. 22 x 17. [In Mills (David). A report on the boundries of Ontario. 8°. Toronto^ 1873]. A new map of the country of Louisiana and of ye river Missisipi in North America discouerd by mons^ de la Salle in ye years 1681 and 1686. [etc.] By the sr: Joutel. 1713. 14 x 16. [In Joutel ( — ). A journal of the last voyage performed by m. de la Salle. 12°. London, 1714]. Note. — Inset: Engraving of Falls of Niagara. Moll ( Herman ) . Map of North America. B. Lensdelin. G. Vertue, sculpt. 23 X 38. [In his The world described, fol. London, 1710-1720. no. 7]. Same. Map of North America. By Herman Moll. B. Lensdelin. G. Vertue sculp. 23 X 38. [London, H. Moll, etc. 1715]. Same. [American maps. v. 1. no. 16]. Moll (Herman). A new and exact map of the dominions of the king of Great Britain on ye continent of North America. 24 x 38. [In his The world described, fol. London, 1710-20. no. 8]. A new map of North America. According to the newest observations. By H. Moll, geographer. 7 x 9|. [In Atlas geographus: or, a compleat system of geography, for America, sm. fol. Savoy, E, Nutt, for J. Nicholson, 1717. v. 5. p. 452]. New England, New York, New Jersey, and Pensilvania, &c. By H. Moll, geographer. 7 x 10. [In Atlas geographus: or, a compleat system of geography, for America, sm. 4°. Savoy, E. Nutt, for J. Nicholson, 1717. v. 5. p. 732]. Carte de la Louisiane et du cours du Mississipi, dressee sur un grand nombre de m^moires entrau tres sur ceux de mr. le Maire, par Guillaume De I'Isle. 14x16. [n. p. 1718?]. [Rochambeau: 11]. Carte tres-curieuse de la Mer du Sud, contenant des remarques nouvelles & tres-utiles non seulement sur les ports & iles de cette mer, mais aussi sur les principaux. pais de I'Amerique tant Septentrionale, que M^ridionale. [etc.] 4 sheets, each 15 x 17. [1719]. [In ChAtelain (H. A.) Atlas historique. [anon.] fol. Amsterdam, 1705-20. v. 6 p 117]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 567 North America. Carte contenant le royaume du Mexique et la Floride. 16 x 21. [1719]. [In Chatelain (H. A.) Atlas historique. [anon.] fol. Amsterdam, 1705-20. V. 6. p. 101]. Carte qui contient une description des iles & terres que les Anglois possedent dans I'Amerique Septentrionale [etc.] 16x21, [1719]. [In Chatelain (H. A.) Atlas historique. [anon.] fol. Amsterdam, 1705-20. V. 6. p. 100]. Carte de la Nouvelle France ou se voit le cours des grandes riviere de S. Laurens & de Mississipi, aujourd'hui S. Louis, aux environs des-quelles se trouvent les etats nations, peuples, &c. de la Floride [etc.] 16 x 19. [1719]. [In Chatelain (H. A.) Atlas historique. [anon.] fol. Amsterdam, 1705-20. v. 6. p. 91]. Carte particuliere du fleuve Saint Louis, dressee sur les lieux avec les noma des savages du pais, [etc.] 15 x 18. [1719]. [In Chatelain (H. A.) Atlas historiques. [anon.] fol. Amsterdam, 1705-20. V. 6. p. 90]. Note. — Lake region. Carte du Canada ou de la Nouvelle France & des decouvertes qui y ont et6 faites. 16x21. [1719]. [In Chatelain (H. A.) Atlas historique. [anon.] fol. Amsterdam, 1705-20. V. 6. p. 82]. A new map of the English empire in America, viz. Virginia, Maryland, Carolina, Pennsylvania, New York, New larsey, New England, Newfound- land, New France &c. revis'd by Ino. Senex. 1719. I. Harris sculpt. 20 X 23. [In New (A) general atlas, [anon.] fol. London, for D. Browne, 1721. opp. p. 236]. Amerique Septentrionale. Par N. Sanson. 7^ x 11. [In Gage (Thomas). Nouvelle relation. 16°. Amsterdam, 1720. v. 11]. A new map of the north parts of America claimed by France under ye names of Louisiana, Mississipi, Canada and New France with ye adjoining ter- ritories of England and Spain. By H. Moll. 24 x 38. [In his The world described, fol. London, 1710-20. no. 9]. Same. A new map of the north parts of America claimed by France under ye name of Louisiana, Mississipi, Canada and New France with ye adjoin- ing territories of England and Spain. By H. Moll. 1720. 24 x 40. London, H. Moll [etc. 1720]. To his sacred & most excellent majesty George, this map of North America corrected from the latest discoveries and observations is dedicated by George Willday. H. Terasson, delin et fecit, London. 24^ x 37. [Lon- don, G. Willday, 1720?]. Note. — Same map as " North America. By John Senex, Chas. Price & John Marwell." 1710. Karte des abendlaendischen weltmeeres, und eines theils von dem mitter- naechtigen America: gezeichnet zum niihern verstiindniss der im jahr 1720 gethanen reise desehrw: vaters de Charlevoix priesters der gesellschafft Jesu, in die lander Canada, Louisiana und San Domingo: durch N. Bel- lin, 1744. 8| x 14^ [In Schroter (Johann Friedrich). Algemeine geschichte der lander und volker von America. Nebst einer vorrede Siegmund Jacob Baumgartens. [anon.] 4°. Halle, J. J. Gebauer, 1753. v. 2. p. 478] . 568 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. North America. A new map of New England according to the latest observa- tions, 1720. Printed for I. Clark, R. Ford, and R. Cruttenden. 9 x 14. [In Neal (Daniel). The history of New England. S"". London, for J. Clark & R. Cruttenden, 1720. v. 1. front.] Note. — Inset: ''The harbour of Boston" and "Part of the northern hemisphsere. ' ' A map of Louisiana and of the river Mississipi. By lohn Senex. 19 x 23. [In New (A) general atlas, [anon.] fol. London, for D. Browne, 1721. opp. p. 248]. Carte du Mexique et de la Floride des terres Angloises et des isles Antilles; du cours et des environs de la riviere de Mississipi. Dressee sur un grand nombre de memoires principalement sur ceux de m" d' Iberville et le Seur. Par Guillaume De I'Isle. 18^ x 23|. Amsterdam, I. Covens & C. Mortier, 1722. [In his Atlas nouveau. fol. Amsterdam, for J. Covens & C. Mortier, [1741?]. v. 2. no. 39]. A new map of the most considerable plantations of the English in America. Sutton Nicholls sculp. 14 x 19. [In Wells (Edward). A new sett of maps. fol. London, for R. .Bon wicke, 1722]. Same. A new map of the most considerable plantations of the English in America. Dedicated to his highness William, duke of Glocester. Sutton Nicholls sculp, [anon.] 14x19. [London, 1722]. [iimerican maps v. 1. no. 2]. A new map of North America: shewing its principal divisions, chief cities, townes, rivers, mountains, &c, Delin. M. Burg sculp. Univ. Oxon. 14^ X 19i [In Wells (Edward). A new sett of maps. fol. London, for R. Bonwicke, 1722]. Same. A new map of North America, shewing its principal divisions, chief cities, townes, rivers, mountains, &c. Dedicated to William, duke of Glocester. Delin. M. Burg, sculp. Univ. Oxon. 14J x 19. [London, 1722]. [American maps. v. 1. no. 3]. Note. — Insets : ' ' Carolina, " " New Scotland, " " Island of Jamaica, " " Ber- mudas, ' ' and ' ' Island of Barbados. ' ' Mer de Sud ou Pacifique, con tenant I'isle de Calif ornie, les costes de Mexi- que, du Perou, Chili et le destroit de Magellanique &c. [anon.] 23 x 29. Amsterdam, P. Mortier, [1725?]. L'Am^rique Septentrionale, suivant les nouvelles observations de mess'rs de I'acad^mie royale des sciences, etc. Augmentees de nouveau il Leide chez Pierre Vander Aa. 13 x 15^. [In Galerie (La) agreable du monde. fol. Leide, P. Vander Aa, [1729?]. v. 1. Amerique. map 9]. A new and exact map of the dominions of the king of Great Britain on ye continent of North America. Containing Newfoundland, New Scotland, New England, New York, New Jersey, Pensilvania, Maryland, Virginia and Carolina. By Herman Moll, 1715. 24 x 40. [London], T. Bowles, [etc. 1730]. hame. [American maps. v. 1. no. 12]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 569 north. America. A map of New England, New York, New Jersey and Pensilvania. By H. Moll, 1730. 14 x 16. [In Humphreys (David). An historical account of the incorporated society for the propagation of the gospel in foreign parts. 8°. London, J. Down- ing, 1730. pp. 144-145]. A map of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama islands with the adjacent parts. 17 X 23. [In Catesby (Mark). The natural history of Carolina, &c. fol. London, 1731. V. 1. front.] Note. — As far east as cape Charles and west as far as the Mississippi river. Carte du Canada ou de la Nouvelle France et des decouvertes qui y out ete faites. 19 x 22. Amsterdam, I. Covens & C. Mortier, [1733?]. [In his Atlas nouveau. fol. Amsterdam, J. Covens & C. Mortier, [1741?]. V. 2. no. 30]. L'Amerique Septentrionale. Par G. de I'lsle. 18 x 23. Amsterdam, I. Covens & C. Mortier, [1733?]. [In his Atlas nouveau. fol. Amsterdam, J. Covens & C. Mortier, [1741?], V. 2. no. 29]. — ^ [Map of North America]. 5^ x 7|^. [In Martyn (Benjamin). Reasons for establishing the colony of Georgia. [anon.] 4°. London, for W. Meadows, 1733. front.] Note. — No title to the map. Same. [Map of North America]. 5^ x 7^. [In Smith (Samuel, lecturer of St. Albans). A sermon preached before the trustees for establishing the colony of Georgia. 4°. London, J. March, 1733]. Carte de la Louisiane et du cours du Mississipi. Dressee sur un grand nombre de memoires entr' autres sur ceux de mr. le Maire. Par Guill""'^ de risle. 17^ x 23^ Amsterdam, J. Covens & C. Mortier, [1733?]. [In his Atlas nouveau. fol. Amsterdam, J. Covens & C. Mortier, [1741]. V. 2. no. 38]. A map of the British empire in America, with the French, and Spanish set- tlements adjacent thereto. By Henry Popple. 21 sheets, fol. London, engrav'd by W. H. Toms & R. W. Searle, 1733. Note. — Inset views of Fall of Niagara, Mexico, Quebec, New York, and S^ Charles Wager's engagement, Placentia, Annapolis, Royal, Charlestown harbors, Bermuda, St. Augustine, and Providence harbors, etc. Another copy engraved by W. H. Toms alone. Same. America Septentrionalis. A map of the British empire in America, with the French and Spainish settlements adjacent thereto. By Hen. Popple. W. H. Toms sculp. 19 x 23. [London], S. Harding &^V. H. Toms [1733]. [American maps. v. 1. no. 17, & also v. 2. no. 8 & 9]. Note. — Index map to his large map of the same title. — Same. A map of the British empire in America, with the French, Spanish, and Holandish settlements adjacent thereto, by Henry Popple. Nouvelle carte particuliere de I'Amerique. 6 sheets. Amsterdam, for I. Covens & C. Mortier, [1734?]. [In Delisle (G.) Atlas nouveau. fol. Amsterdam, J. Covens & C. Mortier, [1741?]. V. 2. no. 32-37]. Note. — Each sheet forms a whole, having its own border and French title in two lines. 570 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. North America. Carte particuliere de I'Amerique Septentrionale. A map of tile- British empire in America, [etc.] by Henry Popple. col. 19 x 19. Amsterdam, for J. Covens & C. Mortier, [1734?]. [In Delisle (G.) Atlas nouveau. fol. Amsterdam, J. Covens & C. Mor- tier [1741?]. V. 2. no. 31]. Note. — Index sheet. The New England coasting pilot from Sandy Point of New York, unto cape Canso in Nova Scotia and part of island Breton. With the courses and distances from place to place and towns on the sea board, [etc.] By capt. Cyprian Southack. 3 p. 1. 7 sheets, fol. [London, 1734?]. An actual survey of the sea coast from New York to the i. Cape Briton, with tables of the direct and thw^art courses & distances from place to place. By capt. Cyprian Southack. Illustrated with particular plans of the har- bours of New York, Boston, Canso bay & Annapolis Royal, on a large scale, as also a new chart of the Atlantic Ocean. 4 sheets. London, W. Herbert & R. Sayer, [1734?]. [American maps. v. 5. no. 10-13]. Le cours du fleuve Missisipi, selon les relations les plus modernes. [anon. J 14 X 17^. Amsterdam, J. F. Bernard, 1737. [Rochambeau : 15] . Note. — Taken from La Vega (Garcelassade). Historic des Yncas. 4°. Amsterdam, J. F. Bernard, 1737. A small map of the sea coast of New England together with the outlines of several of the provinces lying thereon. 1738. [anon.] 11x21. [n. p.] 1738. Note. — This curious map gives the grants, with dates of division, made by the crown to the various proprietors. Delisle' s map of North America &c. 1739. 6f x 9. [In Mills (David). A report on the boundaries of Ontario. 8°. Toronto, 1873]. Moll (Herman). A new map of the north parts of America claimed by . France under ye names of Louisiana, Mississipi, Canada and New France, with the adjoining territories of England and Spain. 24 x 39. [Dublin^ G. Grierson, 1740]. A map of Carolana and of the river Meschacebe. 17 x 21^. [In Coxe (Daniel) . A description of the English province of Carolana. 8°. London, 1741]. A new map of part of North America from the latitude of 40 to 68 degrees. By Joseph La France, 1739-1742. 12^ x 18^ [In Dobbs (Arthur). Remarks upon capt. Middleton's defence. 8°. Lon- don, 1744]. ■■ — L'Am^rique Septentrionale qui fait partie des Indes occidentales. 6^ x 8 J. [In Rougset de Missy (Jean). Nieuwe astronomische gebgraphische en his- torische atlas, nar. 12°. t' Amsterdam, H. de Leth, [1742?]. no. 9]. Carte de I'Amerique Septentrionale. Par N. B[ellin. anon.] 1743. 11 x 14. [In Charlevoix (P. F. X. de). Histoire et description de la Nouvelle France. 16°. Paris, 1744. v. 5. opp. p. 1]. Carte de I'Amerique Septentrionale. Dress^e par N. Bellin, 1743. 10 x 10. [In Bonnechose (Charles de). Montcalm et le Canada Fran^ais. 12°. Paris, 1877. at end]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 571 North America. Carte des costes de la Floride Frangoise. Par N. Bellin. 8x6. [In Charlevoix (P. F. X. de). Histoire et description generale de la Nou- velle France. 16°. Paris, 1744. v. 1. opp. p. 40]. Carte de la Louisiane, cours du Mississipi et pais voisins. Par N. Bellin, 1744. 16 X 20. [In Charlevoix (P. F. X. de). Histoire et description de la Noiivelle France. 16°. Paris, 1744. v. 4. opp. p. 162]. Carte des lacs du Canada. Par N. Bellin, 1744. 14 x 17i. [In Charlevoix (P. F. X. de). Histoire et description de la Nouvelle France. 16°. Paris, 1744. v. 6; opp. p. 2]. Partie de la coste de la Louisiane et de la Floride depuis le Mississipi jusqu'a St. Marc d'Apalache. Par N. B[ellin. anon.] 1744. 8 x 17^! [In Charlevoix (P. F. X. de) . Histoire et description de la Nouvelle France. 16°. Paris, 1744. v. 6. opp. p. 252]. A map of North America. With the European settlements & whatever else is remarkable in ye West Indies. R. W. Seale delin. et sculp. 15 x 18. [In Rapin de Thoyras (Paul). The history of England. Continued by N. Tindal. fol. London, 1744. v. 3]. Map of the French, English, and Spanish possessions in North America in 1745. 8x8. [In Monette (J. W. ) History of the valley of the Mississippi. 8°. New York, 1846. v. 1. front.] Amerique Septentrionale. Par le sr. d'Anville, 1746. 34 x 35. Paris, I'au- teur, [1746]. [In his Atlas general, fol. Paris, 1727-1780. no. 10-11]. Same. Amerique Septentrionale. Par le sr. d'Anville, 1746. Grave par le sr. Major. 2 sheets, each 17^ x 342. [In Anville (Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d' ). [Atlas general], fol. [Paris, 1743-1780]. pi. 27]. A new chart of the British empire in North America; w^ith the distinct colo- nies granted by letters patent from cape Canso to St. Matthias river, 1746. A scale of 300 miles. By capt. Cyprian Southack. 26 x 31. [n. p. 1746]. ■ A map of the French settlements in North America. By Thos. Kitchin. 7x7. [In London (The) magazine. 8°. London, for R. Baldwin, [1747]. v. 16,. dec. 1747. opp. p. 545]. A map of Pensilvania, New Jersey, New York, and the three Delaware counties by Lewis Evans. 1749. L. Herbert, sculp. 25 x 19. Philadel- phia, L. Evans, 1749. Note. — "All our great storms begin to Leeward: thus a NE storm shall be a day sooner in Virginia than Boston. ' ' The above is considered to be the first statement in literature of the fact that our storms travel in an easterly direction. [Faden collection, no. 7.] Carte d'un voyage fait dans la Belle riviere en la Nouvelle France, 1749.. Par le reverend pere Bonnecamps, Jesuitte mathematicien. 5 x 5|. [In Magazine (The) of American history. Edited by John Austin Stevens. sm.4°. New York, A. S. Barnes, 1878. v. 2. p. 29]. Note. — The map prefixed is a reduced photographic copy of a part of father Bonnecamp's manuscript map of the route of de Celoron's expedition, now deposited in the archives of the Departement de la marine in Paris. To accompany an article by O. H. Marshall on " De Celoron's expedition to the Ohio in 1749." 572 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. North. America. A cliorographical map of the northern department of North Amer- ica. Drawn from the latest and most accurate observations. Engraved, printed and sold at New Haven. Reduced from the original in the office of the state engineer and surveyor. 10 x 12J. [1749]. [In O'Callaghan (E. B. ) The documentary history of the state of New York. 4°. Albany, C. Van Benthuysen, 1851. v. 4. p. 331]. A map of the British American plantations, extending from Boston in New England to Georgia, including all the back settlements in the respective provinces as far as the Mississipi. By Eman. Bowen. 8^ x 11. [In London (The) magazine. 8°. London, for T. Astley [1749]. v. 18. July 1749. opp. p. 308]. To his excellency William Shirley, esq. capt. general and commander in chief, in and over his majesty's province of the Massachusets bay in New England, &c. this draught of the northern English colonies together with the French neighbouring settlements, taken partly from actual sur- veys; and partly from the most approved draughts and other accounts, done at your excellency's request, is most humbly dedicated, by Charles Morris. Boston, aug. 16, 1749. I. R. delin. 21 x 30. [In Pote (William). The journal. 1745-1747. 8°. New York, 1896]. Note, — '*A reproduction of the Morris map, done by pen, now in the Lenox library, and, so far as known, now for the first time published." Carte des nouvelles d6couvertes au nord de la Mer du Sud, tant k Test de la Siberie et du Kamtchatka, qu'a I'ouest de la Nouvelle France. Dressee sur les memoires de m. De I'lsle, par Philippe Buache. 1750. 18 x 25. [In Delisle (Guillaume). Mappemonde a 1' usage du roy. 1720. Aug- men tee en 1755. Par Philippe Buache. fol. Paris, 1755. no. 68]. North America, 1750, showing claims arising out of exploration and occu- pancy. 5^ X 5^. [In Hart (A. B.) Epoch maps illustrating American history, obi. 12°. New York, Longmans, Green & co. 1891. no. 4]. Carte min^ralogique ou I'on voit la nature des terreins du Canada et de la Louisiane. Dressee par Philippe Buache, de I'ac. des sciences sur les recherches et pour un memoir de mr. Guettard de la meme acad'e 1752. lOJ X 12. [In Academie (L') royale des sciences. Histoire. 4°. Paris, I'imprimerie royale, 1756. p. 220]. — A new and accurate map of Louisiana with part of Florida and Canada, and the adjacent countries. Drawn from surveys, assisted by the most approved English & French maps & charts, by Eman. Bowen. 13J x 16*^. [In Bowen (Emanuel). A complete or distinct view of the known world, fol. London, for W. Innys, [etc.] 1752. no. 57]. America das mitterniichtige nach der zeichnung des herrn Wilhelm Delisle in verlag Joh. Justin Gebauers. 11 J x 15^. [In Schroter (Johann Friedrich). Algemeine geschichte der llnder und v6lker von America. Nebst einer vorrede Siegmund Jacob Baumgartens. [anon.] 4°. Halle, J. J. Gebauer, 1753. v. 2. front.] [Map of the northwest territory, showing the Hohio to the mouth of the Ouback and Oucspere or Cutawai rivers. Giving roads to Loggs T., etc. Scale, 69 miles to a degree of latitude. 20 x 29. ms. anon. 1753?] LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 57.S North. America. A chart of North and South America. 6 sheets. [With Green (John). Remarks, in support of the new chart of North and South America; in six sheets. 4° & fol. London, for T. Jefferys, 1753.] Note. — See 1768 for later edition. North America. J. Gibson sculpt. 11 x 12^. [In Salmon (Thomas). The universal traveller, fol. London, for R. Bald- win, 1753. V. 2. p. 669]. Mapa de la America septent'l Asia oriental y mar del sur intermedio formada sobre las memorias mas recientes y exactas hasta el alio de 1754. 11^ x 14. [In Yenegas (Miguel). Noticia de la California, sm. 4°. Madrid, viuda de M. Fernandez, 1757. v. 3. p. 436]. An accurate map of the English colonies in North America bordering on the river Ohio. 8 x Qj. [In Universal (The) magazine. 8°. London, J. Hinton, 1754. v. 15. p. 241]. Map of the western parts of the colony of Virginia as far as the Missisipi. 9J X 13*. [In Washington (George). The journal of major George Washington sent by the hon. Robert Dinwiddle to the commandant of the French forces on Ohio. [Reprint]. 8°. New York, 1865]. Note. — This map with extracts from the journal was first published in London magazine, 1754, and enlarged for London ed. of Washington's Journal, 1754. Canada, Louisiane et terres Angloises. Par le sr. d'Anville. 1755. G. De-la-Haye. 3 sheets, 19 x 22, 19 x 22^, 15} x 25^ [In Anville (Jean BaptisteBourguignon d'). [Atlas general], fol. [Paris,. 1743-1780]. pi. 28-28a-28b]. Note. — A collection of his maps without title-page. — A map of the British and French dominions in North America, with the roads, distances, limits, and extent of the settlements. Humbly inscribed to the right honourable the earl of Halifax, and other right honour- able the lords commissioners for trade & plantations. By their lord- ships most obliged and very humble servant Jn** Mitchell. Thos. Kitchin, sculp. English miles 69J to a degree. 72 x 40. London, printed for Jefferys & Faden, feb. 13th, 1755. Note. — "This map was undertaken with the approbation and at the request of the lord commissioners for trade and plantations; and is chiefly composed from draughts, charts and actual surveys of different parts of his majesty's colonies & plantations in America; great part of which have been lately taken by their lordships orders, and transmitted to this oflSice, by the gov- ernors of the said colonies and others. John Pownall, secretary. Plan- tation office, feb. 13, 1755". — Same. Extract from a map of the British & French dominions in North. America by Jno. Mitchell. [1755]. 13^ x 13. [In Massachusetts (State of) . Legislature. Report and resolves in relation to the north-eastern boundary. 8°. Boston, 1838. Senate, no. 67. at end]. — Same. Mr.- Jay's map. Extract from a map of the British & French dominions in North America by Jno. Mitchell. [1755]. Drawn for the New York historical society, may 1843. 12f x 12|. [In Gallatin (Albert). A memoir on the north-eastern boundary in con- nection with mr. Jay's map. 8°. New York, for the society, 1843. front.] 574 . LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. ^orth America. Same. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 148]. Note. — Maine and British provinces, boundary question. Same. Extract from a map of the British & French dominions in North America by Jno. Mitchell. 13J x 13. [In American state papers. 2d series, fol. Washington, Gales & Seaton, 1859. Foreign relations, v. 6. p. 821]. Same. Amerique Septentrionale avec les routes, distances en miles, villages et etablissements Francois et Anglois. Par le docteur Mitchel. Traduit de r Anglois a Paris par Le Rouge. Corrigee en 1776 par m. Hawkins. 8 sheets, fol. Paris, Le Rouge, 1756-[1776]. Same. Amerique Septentrionale avec les routes, distances en miles, villages et etablissements Fran^pois et Anglois. Par le docteur [John] Mitchell. Traduit de 1' Anglois a Paris, par le Rouge. Corrigee en 1776 par m. Hawkins. 3 sheets. Paris, Le Rouge, 1777-[1783?]. [In Le Rouge (Georges Louis). Atlas Ameriquain Septentrional, fol. Paris, Le Rouge, 1778-[1792?] no. 3-6]. Note. — Also German title, and corrections to 1783. A French translation of John Mitchell's map of 1755. — Same. A part of Louisiana, from the map of North America, by dr. Mitchell. [1755]. Corrected in 1776 by Brigadier Hawkins. Translated from the English by Le Rouge. 1777. 17^ x 18^ [In Shipp (Barnard). The history of Hernando de Soto and Florida. 8°. . Philadelphia, 1881]. A map of the British and French settlements in North America. T. Bowen sc. Pt. 1-2. 2 sheets, each 7| x 19. [In General (A) magazine of arts and sciences. By Benjamin Martin, 1755- 1756. 8°. London, W. Owen, 1759. Miscellaneous correspondence. V. 1. p. 69]. Same. A map of the British and French settlements in North America. T. Bowen sc. Pt. 1-2. 16 x 19. [London, 1755]. [American maps. v. 2. no. 10]. Note. — From The general magazine of arts and sciences. By Benj. Martin. V. 1. May 1755. A map of the British and French settlements in North America. 11 x 15. [In Universal (The) magazine. 8°. London, J. Hinton, 1755. v. 17. p. 145]. Note. — The boundaries are given, together with all the forts built by the French on the Ohio and Mississippi. With explanatory text. Insert view of Crown Point. A map of the British and French settlements in North America. T. Phinn scul. 11 X 15. rin Scots (The) magazine. 1755. 8°. Edinburgh, 1755. v. 17. p. 369]. An accurate map of North America. Describing and distinguishing the British, Spanish and French dominions on this great continent, exhibiting the present seat of war and the French encroachments; also all the West India islands, belonging to and possessed by the several European princes and states. By P^man Bowen and John Gibson, col. 41x46. [London], for R. Sayer, [1755?]. [American maps. v. 1. no. 20]. LIST O'F maps of AMERICA. 575 North America. A new and accurate map of North America, [etc.] Humbly inscribed to the hon. Charles Townshend by Huske. Thos. Kitchin sculp. 16 X 14. London, R. & I. Dodsley, 1755. [In Douglass (William, m. d.) A summary historical and political of the first planting, [etc.] of the British settlements in North America. 8°. London, for R. & J. Dodsley, 1760. v. 1]. Canada, Louisiane et terres Angloises. Par lesr. d'Anville. 1755. 35x45. [Paris, I'autheur, 1755]. [In his Atlas general, fol. Paris, 1727-80. no. 32-33]. A map of Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, ^laryland with part of New Jersey, etc. 8^ x 10. [In London (The) magazine. 1755. 8° London, for R. Baldwin, 1755. V. 24. p. 312]. A map of the British & French plantations in North America, [anon.] 8x 10. [In London (The) magazine. 8°. London, for R. Baldwin, 1755. v. 24. Aug. 1755. opp. p. 360]. A general map of the middle British colonies, in America; viz. Virginia, Mariland, Delaware, Pensilvania, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut and Rhode Island; comprehending Aquanishuonigy proper, their place of residence, Ohio and Tiuxsoxruntie, their deer hunting countries, Couxsax- T-Age and Skaniadarade, their beaver hunting countries, of the lakes Erie, Ontario and Champlain, and of part of New France. Engraved by Jas. Turner, Philadelphia. By Lewis Evans. 1755. 20 x 26. Philadelphia, L. Evans, and sold by R. Dodsley, London & by the author in Philadel- phia, 1755. Note. — Bound with text entitled Geographical, historical, political essays. The first, containing "An analysis of a general map of the middle British colonies." By Lewis Evans. 2d ed. See 1758 for Jefferys', and 1776 for Pownall's revised edition. Same. A general map of the middle British colonies in America. By Lewis Evans. 1755. 20 x 27. Philadelphia, engraved by J. Turner, London, L. Evans, 1755, and sold by R. Dodley & by the author in Philadelphia. Reprint. [In Pennsylvania archives. 3d series. Appendix 1-X. Maps]. A map of the five great lakes, with part of Pensilvania, New York, Canada and Hudson bay territories, etc. [anon.] 8^ x 10. [In London (The) magazine. 8° London, for R. Baldwin, 1755. v. 24. Sept. 1755, opp. p. 432]. A new and accurate map of the English empire in North America, repre- senting their rightful claim as confirm 'd by charters and the formal sur- render of their Indian friends; likewise the encroachments of the French, with several forts they have unjustly created therein. By a Society of antigallicans. [anon.] 18 x 20. [London], W. Herbert & R. Sayer, dec. 1755. [American maps. v. 2. no. 21]. Carte des possessions Angloises & Francoises du continent de TAmerique Septentrionale.— Kaart van de Engelsche en Fransche bezittingen in hets vaste land van Noord America, 1755. Milles d'Angleterre de 69 au degre. 16 X 22}. A Amsterdan, R. et J. Ottens, [1755]. 576 LIST OF MAPS OF AMfelCA. North. America. North America, from the French of mr, D'Anville. Improved with the back settlements of Virginia and course of Ohio. Illustrated with geographical and historical remarks. 18 x 20. [In Jefferys (T. ) The natural and civil history of the French dominion in N. & S. America, fol. London, 1760. pt. 1. opp. p. 134*]. Same. North America from the French of mr. [Jean Baptiste Bourguignon] d'Anville. Improved with the back settlements of Virginia and course of Ohio. Illustrated with geographical and historical remarks. 18 x 20. [London], T. Jefferys, 1755. The territory of the present United States during the French-Indian wars, 1755-1763. The country east of the Mississippi during the French- Indian war. 1755-1763. 8 J x 5|. [In Labberton (R. H.) New historical atlas. 4°. New York, T. Mac Coun, 1886. pi. 63]. A map of the British plantations on the continent of North America, accord- ing to the notes and improvements of mr. Bolton, made in the original of mr. Danville with the history of each colony in the margin. To his sacred majesty. King George lid, the most heroic, truly great and best of princes, this map is dedicated, by his most devoted subject & servant Henry Overton. R. W. Scale, sculp. 20 x 30. London, [1755-1760]. America Septentrionalis a domino d'Anville in Galliis edita nunc in Anglia coloniis in interiorem Virginiam deductis nee non fluvii Ohio cursu aucta notisQe geographicis et historicis illustrata sumptibus Homannianorum Heredum Noribergse ao 1756. English miles 69^ to a degree. 18 x 20. An accurate map of his majesty's province of New Hampshire in New Eng- land & all the adjacent country northward to the river St. Lawrence, & eastw^ard to Penobscot bay. Containing the principal places which relate to the present war on the continent of North America, viz. Hudson's river from Albany to lake George, the situation of the French forts at Ticonderoga & Crown Point, lake Champlain & a sketch of the river St. Lawrence from Montreal down to Quebec; & exhibiting those parts of his majesty's northern colonies which lie most exposed to the encroachments of the French in Canada. To which is added a general map of the river St. Lawrence above Montreal to lake Ontario & the adjacent country westward from Albany and lake Champlain to the late English fort at Oswego. Made from a great number of attested plans of particular parts of the province of New Hampshire & other general & particular maps of undoubted authority; as well as several exact observations & measure- ments made by the author. Humbly presented to his excellency Benning Wentworth, esq. his majesty's governor, together wath the hon. his majesty's council, & the house of representatives of sd. province, bj^ their most obedient servt. Saml. Langdon. A. D. 1756. ms. 29 x 27^. 1756. [Faden collection, no. 9]. Note. — This map differs considerably from the map of New Hampshire,, made by Blanchard and Langdon, published in Jefferys's "A general topography of North America, 1768." Map of North America, shewing the possessions claimed by France in 1756. 19 x 22. [In Mills (David). A report on the boundaries of Ontario. 8°. Toronto, 1873]. A map of that part of North America which was the principal seat of war in 1756. [anon.] 9 x 13. [n. p. 1756]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 577 North. America. A new and accurate map of the present war in North America. R. \V. Seale sculp. 11 x H. [In Universal (The) magazine. 8°. London, J. Hinton, 1757. v. 20. may 1757. opp. p. 193]. L' Amerique Septentrionale, dressee sur les memoires le plus recens des meil- leurs geographes, & publics par Covens hia, M. Carey & son, 1818. map 18]. A map of the states of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Geor- gia; comprehending the Spanish provinces of east and west Florida; exhibiting the boundaries as fixed by the late treaty of peace between the United States and the Spanish dominions. Compiled from late survey & observation, by Joseph Purcell. 11 x 14. [n. p. 1820?]. Note. — Originally published in Morse's The American geography. 1792. A new chart of the coast of North & South Carolina, Georgia . Browne, 172L oj)p. \). 254]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 653 Panama. Carte de I'isthme de Panama et des provinces de Viragua, Terre Ferme. Par m. Bellin. 1754. 8 x 12. [In Histoire generale des voyages. 4°. A La Haye, P. dB Hondt, 1758. V. 16. p. 246]. An exact draught of the gulf of Darien & the coast to Porto Bello with Panama, in the south sea & the Scotch settlement in Calledonia. 17^ x 21. [In English (The) pilot. 4th book, [anon.] fol. London, for W. & J. Mount, 1758. p. 59]. Carte de I'isthme de Panama. 8^ x 12, [In Bellin (Jacques Nicolas). Le petit atlas maritime, fol. [Paris], 1764. V. 2. no. 12]. Carte de I'isthme de Panama et des provinces de Veragua, Terre Ferme et Darien. Croisey [sculp.] 8 x 11^. [In Bellin (Jacques Nicolas). Le petit atlas maritime*, fol. [Paris], 1764. V. 2. no. 10]. Carte de la baye de Panama dans I'Amerique meridionale. 8| x 6f . [In Bellin (Jacques Nicolas). Le petit atlas maritime, fol. [Paris], 1764. V. 2. no. 85]. Isthmus of Darien from 77° 20' to 80° 10^ Compiled at the U. S. naval observatory, from various authorities including maps of 1764. 19 J x 33. [In Davis (Charles Henry). Report on interoceanic canals and railroads between the Atlantic and Pacific. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1867. map 13]. Kaart van de landengte van Panama. 10^ x 12. [In H«dendaagsche historie of tegenwoordige staat van Amerika. [anon. ] 8°. Te Amsterdam, I. Tirion, 1766. v. 1. p. 321]. A map of the isthmus of Panama, drawn from Spanish surveys, [anon.] Si X llf. [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 74a]. The isthmus of Panama with the coast from Great river on the Moskito shore to Cartagena. By Thos. Jefferys. 18^ x 24^. London, for R. Sayer, 1775. [In Jefferys (Thomas, engraver). The West India atlas, fol. London, for R. Sayer & J. Bennett, 1775. no. 15]. Carta rappresentante I'istmo di Darien o sia di Panama. 10 x 8. [In Atlante dell' America, [anon.] fol. Livorno, 1778. no. 31]. Description de la provincia del Darien 6 gran Castillo de Oro, comentada para inteligencia del mapa de sus interioridades, y nuevos descubrimientos, hechos por su gobernr. dn. Andres de Ariza, quien nuevam. te arreglado d ellos, lo corrige de ordn. del exmo sor. virrey dn. Manl. Anto. Flores, afio 178L 13^x22. [In Davis (Charles Henry). Report on interoceanic canals and railroads between the Atlantic and Pacific. 8°. Washington, 1867. map 14]. The isthmus of Panama. 5x6. [In Luffman (John). Select plans of the principal cities, harbours, forts, &c. in the world, sm. 4°. London, 1801. v. 2]. Chart of the West India island and aldjacent coast. Drawn by A. Arrow- smith. 1809. Additions to 1811. 39^ x 52. London, A. Arrowsmith, 1811. Note. — The original title of this map has been replaced by a manuscript one entitled "Map of the American isthmus from various and late author- ities 1850". It has several manuscript insets and the face of the map is almost entirely changed by manuscript additions. 654 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Fauaxua. The isthmus of Panama. By J. Luffman, geogr. 7x9. London, J. Luffman, 1816. [In Luffman (John). Luffman' s geographical & topographical atlas. 2 v. in 1. 4°. London, J. Luffman, 1815-16]. The isthmus of Darien, between Chagres, Porto Bello and Panama. Drawn from the survey of J. A. Lloyd, f. r. s. made in 1828-29. 8| x 5f . [In American (The) magazine of useful and entertaining knowledge. [1834- 1835]. 8°. Boston, Boston Berwick CO. 1835. v. 1. p. 523]. Plan of that part of the isthmus of Panama, eligible for effecting a commu- nication between the Atlantic & Pacific, from observations & surveys performed in the years 1828 & 1829. By J. A. Lloyd. Engraved by J. Gardner. 17j x 15^. [In Royal society of London. Philosophical transactions. 1830. 4°. London, 1830, pt. 1. p. 68]. Note. — To accompany an article entitled '* Account of levellings carried across the isthmus of Panama. By John Augustus Lloyd ' ' . The volume for 1829 contains also a copy of the map. Same. Plan d'une partie de I'isthme de Panama ou Ton propose d'etablir une communication entre les oceans Atlantique et Pacifique d'apres lea observations faites par J. A. Lloyd et les nivellenemens ^xecut^s par lui pendant les annees 1828 et 1829. 11 J x 9|. [In Societe de geographic. Bulletin. 8°. Paris, 1830. v. 14. at end]. Note. — Inset: ''Plan de la cite de Panama." Same. Plan of that part of the isthmus of Panama eligible for effecting a communication between the Atlantic & Pacific from observations & sur- veys performed in the years 1828 & 1829. By J. A. Lloyd. Reduced from the map published in the Transactions of the Royal society. Doc. 322 h. r. 8U X 10. Washington, Hth. by P. Haas, [1839]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 122]. The isthmus of Darien between Porto Velo, Chagres, & Panama, by J. A. Lloyd, f. r. s. 1829. 8^ x Tf. [In Nautical (The) magazine. 1832. 8°. London, 1832. v. 1. p. 516]. Map of a carriage road in the isthmus of Panama, draw^n by order of the government by Maurice Falmark, 2d commindant of engineers. Scales—* geographical miles of 60 to a degree. English miles 69^ to a degree. [1838]. 14| X 19^. [In United States. Congress. House of representatives. 25th congress. 2d sess. Doc. no. 228]. Map of the proposed rail road route across the Isthmus of Panama. Con- structed from the m. s. s. & drawn by J. P. Lesley, Milton, Mass. 14 x 19. Philadelphia, P. S. Duvall's lith. press, [1839?]. Map of the western coast of America with the intended track of the steam- ers from New York to the isthmus of Panama, and from Panama along the western coast northerly as far as California and southerly as far as Conception. Doc. 322 h. r. [anon.] col. 7 x 13. Washington, lith. by P. Haas, [1839]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 121]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMEKICA. 655 Panama. Map shewing the route from New York to the isthmus of Panama and from Lima to Austraha with the proposed steam communication to Peru, ChiU and Mexico. Doc. 322 hs. reps. 7 x 14^. Washington, hth. by P. Haas, [1839]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by- order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 120]. Mapa corogrufica de un camino carretero en el istmo de Panama levantado de orden del gobierno. Por Mauro. Falmark. Doc. 322 h. r. 3d sess. 25th cong. 7 x 9^ [Washington, 1839]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 119]. Same. Mapa corografica de un camino (;arretero en el Istmo de Panama levantado de orden del gobierno. Por Maur". Falmark. Lithographed for colonel Charles Biddle by Lehman & Duval, Philadelphia. Escales. — Millas geograficas de 60 por grado. Millas Inglesas de 69^ por grade. 15 X 19^. [1839?]. West Indies. Isthmus of Panama. J. & C. Walker, sculp. 10^ x 17^. Lon- don, admiralty, 1843. [Great Britain. Admiralty. Chart no. 1493]. Carte topographique de la partie de Fisthme de Panama comprise entre Panama et Chagres avec le trace du canal maritime propose pour la jonc- tion de I'ocean Atlantique etde I'ocean Pacifique a I'echelle de 1 a 200,000. dressee en 1844, par Napoleon Garella. 1845. 15 x 18^. [In Garella (Napoleon). Projet d'un canal de jonction de I'ocean Pacifique et de I'ocean Atlantique. 8°. Paris, 1845]. Map of the isthmus between Chagres and Panama. By chief engineer Napoleon Garella. 1845. 18^ x 29. [In Davis (Charles H. ) Report on interoceanic canals and railroads between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. 8°. Washington, 1867. map 5]. Central America. West coast. Panama bay. Surveyed by capt. sir Edward Belcher in h. m. s. Sulphur. 1837. J. & C. Walker, sculp. 24J x 18J. London, admiralty, 1849. [Great Britain. Admiralty. Chart no. 1544]. Panama rail road. Surveyed by col. G. W. Hughes. 1849. 17^ x 23 J. [In Davis (Charles Henry.) Report on interoceanic canals and railroads between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. 8°. Washington, 1867. map 6]. Isthmus and railroad of Panama from the survey executed in 1849, by col. G. W. Hughes. [Inset: Kiepert (H.) H. Kiepert's neue karte von Mittel-America. obi. 4°. Berlin, R. Reimer, 1858]. Map of Central America, shewing the different lines of Atlantic & Pacific communication. By James Wyld. 1850. Ex. doc. no. 75. 1st sess. 31st cong. col. 23 X 32. Baltimore, lith. by E. Weber & co. [1850]. Carte topographique d'une partie de I'isthme de Panama. Comprenant le bassin de la riviere de Chagres et la route de Chagres a Panama. H. F. Grave par Alexis Orgiazzi. 6 x 3|. [In Ferry (Hypolite). Description de la Nouvelle Californie, geographique, politique, et morale. 12°. Paris, L. Maison, 1850. p. 339]. 656 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Panama. Central America. Panama railroad. Surveyed by coP. G. H. Hughes, engineer. 1849. Engraved by J. & C. Walker. Scale for the plan, 1 mile=.05o of an inch. 17^ x 23f . London, admiralty, 1850. [Great Britain. Admiralty. Chart no. 2021]. Plan of the city of Panama by H. Tiedemann. Engraved on stone by J. Schedler, N. York. 11 x 16. [New York], E. Autenrieth, 1850. Isthmus of Panama. The map drawn & engraved by J. Rapkin. The illustrations by H. AVarren, & engraved by J. Wrightson. 9^ x 15. [In Tallis's illustrated atlas, fol. London, and New York, J. Tallis & co. 1851]. The isthmus of Panama and Darien. By dr. E, L. Autenrieth, New Orleans. 18j x 25i. New York, engr. on stone by J. Schedler, 1851. Note, — Inset: ''Sketch of proposed line of communication between the Atlantic & Pacific ocean through Nicaragua." Map of the isthmus of Panama, shewing the course of the river Chagres, with its tributaries, and the various villages, resting places, &c. &c. on the route. S. C. & J. R. H. New York, lith. Jan. 1851. 14^ x 19. New York, lith. of C. Currier, [1851]. Map of the isthmus of Panama to illustrate the paper by capt. Robert Fitz Roy. 1851. 8 x 11^. [In Royal geographical society. Journal, 1851. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1851. V. 20. p. 161]. The road from Chagres to Panama, according to N. Garella, Falmar and others by H. Tiedemann. 15J x 11. New York, published by E. L. Autenrieth, engr. on stone by J. Schedler, 1851. Darien ship navigation. Topographical map of a portion of the isthmus of Darien in site of proposed inter-oceanic navigation. Aug. 1852. [In Gisborne (Lionel). The isthmus of Darien in 1852. 12°. London, 1853. 4 maps]. Part of the isthmus of Darien. 15 x 13. [In Royal geographical society. Journal. 1853. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1853. V. 23. p. 172]. Note. — "The coast lines and detail are correct, but the interior, the moun- tains, hills, and rivers are only approximately placed, from old Spanish documents, lent by mr. Arrowsmith to captain Fitz-Roy." Chemin de fer de I'isthme de Panama. 5 J x 4. [In Saint- Amant (Pierre Charles de). Voyages en Califomie et dans 1' Ore- gon. 8°. Paris, L. Maison, 1854. p. 1]. Isthmus of Dariei^ Map showing the route of commander Prevost, from Rancho no. 1 on the Savana, to Rancho no. 12, beyond Prevost river, to which are added the surveys and sections of the isthnms. By Lionel Gisborne. 1854. 18 x 27^. [In Davis (Charles Henry). Report on interoceanic canals and raUroads between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. 8°. Washington, 1867. map 8]. Same. Map showing the route of commander Prevost from Rancho no. 1, on the Savana river, to Rancho no. 12, beyond the Prevost river with sections of the isthmus. By Lionel Gisborne, 1854. 8 x 10. [In Royal geographical society. Journal. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1854 . v. 24. p. 256]. Note. — Same map puVjlished in the Journal for 1857. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 657 Panama. Central America. West coast. Sheet 1. Gulf of Panama, from Cape Marzo to Mariato Point. Surveyed by capt". Henry Kellett r. n. c. b., and com'. James Wood. 1849. J. c't C. Walker, sculpt. 18| x 25. Lon- don, admiralty, 1854. [Great Britain. Admiralty. Chart no. 2267]. Central America. West coast. Sheet 2. Gulf of Panama to Parida. Sur- veyeil by capt". Henry Kellett, r. n. c. b. and com^ James Wood. 1849. Engraved by J. c*fe C. Walker. 25 x 19}. London, admiralty, 1854. [Great Britain. Admiralty- Chart no. 2264]. Central America. West coast. Panama bay. Surveyed by capt". Henry Kellett, r. n. c. b. and com^ James Wood. 1847. Engraved by J. c't C. Walker. 24 x 37J. London, admiralty, 1854. [Great Britain. Admiralty. Chart no. 2261]. Map and profile of the Panama rail road and adjacent country exliibiting the Rio Chagres & mule roads from Corgomi c't Cruces to Panama, [etc.] 12 X 39 J. [1855]. [In United States. Navy department. General information series. 1885. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1885. v. 4. at end. pi. 4]. Map of the isthmus of Panama representing the line of the l*anama rail road as constructed under the direction of Geo. M. Totten. Reduced and com- piled from the original surveys by Thos. Harrison, 1857. Scale 8,000 feet to one inch. 27 J x 36. New York, lith. of Endicott *& co. [1857]. Carte du grand-isthme de I'Am^rique Centrale pour servir ii 1' intelligence des diff^rents projets de comuuinication interoceanique par V, .V. Malte- Brun. 1857. 9^ x 13. [In Nouvelles annales des voyages. 6""*" sorie. 8°. Paris, 1857. v. 9. p. 5]. Note. — Insets: "Carte de I'Atrato et du Truando pour rintelligence du projet de IVJ. E. Kelley de New York. (Cette carte est empruntce u une carte Espagnole)." " Chemin de fer de Panama." Karte des isthmus von Panama und Parien reducirt imvh der original-karte A. Codazzi's, obrist im ingenieur-corps der republik Neu-Granada von H. Kiepert. Massstab 1:800,000. 17 x 21^ [In Gesellschaft fiir erdkunde zu Berlin. Zeitschrift. Neuo folgo. 8°. Berlin, D. Reimer, 1857. v. 2. pi. 8]. Map showing the route of commander I^evost from rancho no. 1 on the Savanna river, to randio no. 12, l^eyond Provost river; to whit'h are added the surveys and sections of the isthmus by Lionel Gisborne, esq'r, c. e. 1854. 8 x 10. [In Royal geographical society. Journal. 1857. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1857. V. 27. p. 191]. Note. — Same map published in the Journal for 1854. Skizze des isthmus von Panama und der iiber f iihrenden eisenbahn ( Nach Englischen aufnamen) . 10 x 8. [In Wiillerstorf-Urbair (B. von). Reise der (Esterreichischen fregatte Novara um die erde, in den jahren 1857-1859. 8°. Wien, 1862. v. 3. p. 381 J. Central America. West coast. Parida ife Palenque anchorages. Surveyed by capt". Henry Kellett, r. n. c. b. ct com^ James Wood, r. n. 1848. Engraved by J. & C. Walker. 18i x 24. London, admiralty, 1861. [Great Britain. Admiralty. Chart no. 2816]. H. Doe. 516 42 658 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Panama. Central America. West coast. Plans in the bay of Panama. Surveyed by csLpV. H. Kellett, r. n. c. b. and the officers of h. m. s. Herald, 1847. Engraved by J. & C. Walker. 19 x 25. London, admiralty, 1861. [Great Britain. Admiralty. Chart no. 2798]. Central America. West coast. Panama road. Surveyed by commander E. Belcher in h. m. s. Sulphur. 1837. Additions by capt°. Kellett and mr. Hull, mast. r. n. in march & april 1858. J. & C. Walker, sculpt. 24i X 18|. London, admiralty, 1861. [Great Britain. Admiralty. Chart no, 1544]. Central America. West coast. Panama bay. Chame bay. Surveyed by capt". H. Kellett, r. n. c. b. and the officers of h. m. s. Herald, 1847. Engraved by J. & C. Walker. 18| x 25. London, admiralty, 1861. [Great Britain. Admiralty. Chart no. 2748]. Der Isthmus von Panama im maassstabe von 1: 200,000. Nach der grossen aufnahme von G. M. Totten, 1857. [etc.] Von A. Petermann. 1861. 9| X 17. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1861. [In Petermann' s mittheilungen. Erganzungsband 1. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1860-61. no. 5. p. 26]. Note. — Another copy 1862. General sketch of the survey for an interoceanic ship-canal near the isthmus of Darien via the rivers Atrato and Truando made in accordance with the act of congress of march 3, 1857, under the direction of the hon. secreta- ries of war and the navy, by lieut. N. Michler, [etc.] 1858 & 59. Scale = 1 : 80,000. [Senate ex. doc. no. 9. 2d sess. 36 cong.] 24 x 40. [Wash- ington, 1861]. [United States. Congress]. Carte panoramique de I'lsthme de Darien central (Etats-Unis de Colombie). Publiee par la Societe international du canal Colombien. D'apres la carte de mr. L. de Puydt, chef des expeditions scientifiques en Colombie pen- dant annees 1861-1865 & 1866. 23| x 16^. Paris, imp. Lemercier & cie. 1866. Der isthmus von San Bias nach einer handschriftlichen karte von dr. Moritz Wagner mit benutzung anderer quellen von A. Petermann. 7^ x 10. Gotha, J. Perthes, [1862]. p. 160]. [In Petermann's mittheilungen. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1862. p. 160]. Karte des departements Chiriqui (staat Panama). Nach handschriftlichen zeichnungen & aufnahmen von Codazzi und Obaldia, und nach eigenen beobachtungen entworfen von dr. Moritz Wagner. Den Englischen & Franzosischen kiistenaufnahmen adjustirtvon A. Petermann. A.Welcher del. Massstab 1:1,000.000. 7J x 9i [In Petermann's mittheilungen, 1863. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, [1863]. v. 9. p. 40]. Carta corografica del estado de Panama. Construida con los datos de la comision corografica. I de orden del gobierno jeneral, por Manuel Ponce de Leon, injeniero i Manuel Maria Paz. Bogotd, 1864. Grabada por Erhard Schieble. 23 x 36. Paris, imprenta Monrocq, 1864. Map and profile of the route and construction of a ship canal between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. A. McDougal, chief-engineer, [etc.] 1864. 16 X 23J. [In Davis (Charles Henry). Report on interoceanic canals and railroads between tlie Atlantic and Pacific oceans. 8°. Washington, 1867. map 7]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMEKICA. 659 Panama. Carte des isthmes de Panama et Darien d'apres A. Codazzi, avec rectifica- tion sur la ligne du canal d'apres les travaux de mrs. Gisborne, Prevost et H. Bourdiol. Dressee sous la direction de mr. V. A. Malte-Brun. Eschelle au 1:1.960.000«™«. Grave chez Erhard. 10| x 16|. [In Xouvelles annales des voyages. 6'"'' serie. 8°, Paris, 1865. v. 42. p. 380]. Note. — Inset: "Plan general du canal interoceanique de Barien. D'apres mr. H. Bourdiol, ing'r civil." The isthmus of Panama to illustrate the paper by I^aurence Oliphant, esq' re. 5x7. [In Royal geographical society. Journal. 1865. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1866.' V. 35. p. 143]. Map of part of the isthmus of Darien. By dr. CuUen. 17j x 27. [In Davis (Charles Henry). Report on interoceanic canals and railroads between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. 8°. Washington, 1867. map 9]. Map of a part of the isthmus of Darien to accompany the paper by m. Lucien de Puydt. 7J x 11^. [In Royal geographical society. Journal. 1868. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1868.' V. 38. p. 69]. Same. Carte d'une partie de I'isthme de Darien avec le trace du canal-inter- oceanique projete par mr. Lucien de Puydt, 1868. 9 x 12. [In Annales des voyages. Dirigees par V. A. Malte-Brun. Annee, 1869. 8°. Paris, Challamel ain^, 1869. v. 4. p. 4]. XoTE. — D'apres la carte du journal (tome 38) de la Societe Roy'le geog'que de Londres. Esquisse d'un itineraire de Panama a Managua par Paul Levy, 1869. 7 x IIL [In Societe de geographic. Bulletin, b"" serie. 8°. Paris, 1869. v. 18. p. 256]. Note. — Inset map of "Trajet du chemin de fer et du canal projete a travers I'isthme de Panama. l/550.000a." Central America. West coast. Anchorages in Panama bay. Republicdtion of the Brit. Adm^J". charts nos. 2748 & 2797, corrected to 1874. 37 x 24. Washington, 1874. [United States. Navy department. Hydrographic office. Chart no. 554], Sketch map of the isthmus of Darien and valley of the Atrato. From the surveys of comdr. T. O. Selfridge and various authorities [To accompany the paper of lieut. CoHins]. Two large fold. maps. [In American geographical society. Journal. 1874. 8°. New York, 1874. v. 5. pp. 138 & 146]. Carte generale du Darien meridional. Par Lucien N. B. Wyse. 1876-77. 21 x 33. [InWyse(L. N. B.) Canal interoceanique. 1876-77. 4°. Paris, A. Chaix & cie. 1877. front.] Same. Carte generale du Darien meridional. Par Lucien N. B. Wyse, lieutenant de Yaisseau commandant 1' expedition de 1876-77. Eschelle de 1:250.000. 21x32. [In Societe de geographic. Bulletin. 6" serie. 8°. Paris, 1877. v. 14. at end]. The isthmus of Panama. Showing the lines of canal referred to by lieut. Lucien N. B. Wyse. 10^ x 16^. [In Geographical (The) magazine. Edited by Clements R. Markham, 1878. 8°. London, Triibner & co. 1878. v. 5. p. 81]. 660 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Panama. Isthme de Panama d'apr^s N. Wyse et A. Reclus. Eschelle de 1/400,000. 5^x7. [In Societe de geographie de Lyon. Bulletin. Avril-juin, 1879. 8°. Lyon, societe, 1879. v. 2. no. 14. at end]. Plan panoramique du canal interoc^anique a niveau et t\ ciel ouvert, suppose acheve, de la baie de Limon ii la rade de Panama, [etc.] D'apres les plans adoptes en 1879, par le congres du canal interoceanique [Projet Wyse et Reclus] et les etudes definitives executees en 1881-82. 7 x 30. [In Wyse (N. B.) Le canal de Panama. 8° Paris, Hachette & cie. 1886. pi. 1]. Central America. Isthmus of Panama. Showing the proposed Panama canal and the railway. Engraved by Edw*. Weller. 18J x 25f . Lon- don, admiralty, 1885. [Great Britain. Admiralty. Chart no. 657]. Compagnie universelle du canal interoceanique de Panama. Trace du canal et situation des travaux en cours d' execution au 1^"" juin, 1885. 8^ x 15^. [In Societe de geographie de Lyon. Bulletin. Janvier, 1886. 8°. Lyon, societe, 1886. v. 6. Premiere livraison. at end]. Note. — To accompany article ' ' Le canal de Panama. Conference faite le dimanche 15 novembre, 1885. Par m. Simonin, ingenieur civil des Carte gen^rale de I'isthme Colombien. 1885. 22 x 31. [In Wyse (N. B.) Le canal de Panama. 8°. Paris, Hachette & cie. 1886. front.] Specialkarte des Panama kanales. Nach einem dem officiellen bericht von lieut. Rodgers. 8 x 21. Gotha, J Perthes, 1885. [In Petermann's mittheilungen. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1885. v. 31. pi. 11]. Plan of the city of Panama. 20J x 22^. [In United States. Navy department. General information series. 1885. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1885. v. 4. at end. pl.3]. Central America. United States of Colombia. Panama road. From the latest British surveys, with additions by the Panama canal company in 1885. Drawn by G. F. Pohlers. Engraved by E. Enthoffer and V. L. Ourdan. 29| x 23. Washington, 1887. [United States. Navy department. Hydrographic office. Chart no. 1042]. Pocket-map of the isthmus of Panama. 6 x 38J. New York, Arrr. photo lith.co. [1886]. United States of Colombia. North coast of Panama, Porto Bello. From an old Spanish plan corrected for the latest information. 1886. Drawn by G. F. Pohlers. Engraved by M. Franke and C. A. Kolb. 16\ x 10^. Washington, 1886. [United States. Navy department. Hydrographic oflace. Chart no. 958] . The Panama canal. 4 J x 7}. [In Manchester geographical society. Journal. 1886. 8°. Manchester. Eng. for the society, 1886. v. 2. p. 50]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 661 Panama. Copp & Young. Pocket map of the isthmus of Panama, [anon.] ill. cover. 9 x 34. Xew York, Am. photo-lith. co. [1886]. Vue g^nerale panoramique du canal interoceanique de Panama. Dufour sc. 7| X 2^. ■ [In Bresson (A.) Bolivie. 8°. Paris, 1886]. Central America. North coast of Panama, Port Chagres. From a British survey in 1829 & 1840, and a survey in 1875 by the officers of the IT. S. S. Canandaigua, capt. E. Barrett, U. S. N. comdg. Drawn by G. F. Pohlers. Engraved by W. P. Sefton and H. E. Gash. 9| x 11^ Washington, 1887. [United States. Navy department. Hydrographic office. Chart no. 997]. North America. West coast of Central America. Morro Puercos to Cocalita Point (Gulf of Panama). From British surveys in 1849, corrected for the latest information. Drawn by C. P. BoUes. Engraved by S. J. Kiibel and A. C. Ruebsam. 28| x 38. Washington, 1887. [United States. Navy department. Hydrographic office. Chart no. 1019]. Canal de Panama. Piano general. Escala 1/200,000. 13 x 17i [In Sociedad geogrdfica de Madrid. Boletin. Enero, febrero y marzo, 1888. 8°. Madrid, Fortanet, 1888. v. 24. no. 1-3]. Central America. Cape la Vela to Chagres with the southern coast shewing the gulf of Panama. Compiled chiefly from Spanish government charts. The gulf of Panama by captain Henry Kellett, r. n. c. b. & commander James AVood, r. n. 1849. The topography of the isthmus from surveys of the United States expedition under commr. T. O. Selfridge, U. S. N. 1870-71. With additions & corrections to 1891. Engraved by Davies & company. 25^ x 38^. London, admiralty, 1892. [Great Britain. Admiralty. Chart no. 396] . Trazado del canal de Panama. 8 J x 6. [In DiccionarioenciclopedicoHispano- Americano. 8°. Barcelona, Montaner & Simon, 1894. v. 14. p. 730]. Central America. Colombia. Gulf of Panama. San Miguel bay and Darien harbor with the Savannah and Tuyra rivers. Compiled from the latest information. Drawn by L. Dessez. Engraved by R. A. Daniel and V. L. Ourdan. 25 x 22|. AVashington, 1894. [United States. Navy department. Hydrographic office. Chart no. 1410]. Nicaragua- und Panamakanal. Massstab 1 : 1,500,000. 8^ x 5 J. [In Brockhaus' konversations-lexikon. 14te aufl. 8°. Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1895. v. 12. p. 314]. • Panama-kanal unvollendeter bau 1 : 300,000. Im f iinfmal grosseren massstab , als Nicaraguakanal. 8i x 2^. [In Meyers konversations-lexikon. 5te aufl. 8°. Leipzig und Wien, bibliographisches institut, 1897. v. 17. p. 691]. [■ Central America. Pacific coast of Panama. Chame bay. From a British survey in 1847. Prepared by H. P. Simpson. Engraved by C. G. Dougherty, W. P. Sefton and L. B. Diggins. 19J x 25|. Washington, 1899. [United States. Navy department. Hydrographic office. Chart no. 1790]. 662 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Panama. West coast of Central America. Plans in the bay of Panama. From British surveys in 1847 and 1858. Prepared by H. P. Simpson. En- graved by R. A. Daniel and A. C. Ruebsam. 19^ x 35^. Washington, 1899. [United States. Navy department. Hydrographic oflfice. Chart no. 1789.] Compagnie nouvelle du Canae de Panama. Notes techniques concernant r expose des dispositions adoptees pour la solution de divers problemes particuliers de I'execution du canal. 1 p. 1. 123 pp. 4°. & Atlas of 17 pi. fol. Paris, societe anonyme de publications periodiques, 1899. CONTENTS. 1. Plan g6n6ral du canal. 2. Profils en long. 3. Profils en travers types du canal. 4. Plan g6n6ral de la region de Bohio. 5. Ecluses de Bohio. 6. Barrage de Bohio. 7. D^versoirs de Bohio. 8. Ecluse de Paraiso. 9. Barrage & d<§versoir d'Alhajuela. 10. Plan g6n6ral du haut Chagres avec indications des traces de la Rigole d'alimentation et du chemin de fer. 11. Rigole d'alimentation. Profil en long sch^matique. 12. id. id. Profils en travers types et ouvrages d'art principaux. 13. Chemin de fer de Gamboa a Alhajuela. Profil en long schematique. 14. id. id. id. Profils en travers type et Pont metallique sur le Chilibre. 15. Plan g6n6ral figurant la situation des voies a un moment donne des travaux. Plan d6taill6 des chantiers d'attaque a une phase donn^e de I'execution. 16. Schema figuratif des phases successives d'ex6cution. 17. I. Graphique figuratif des nombres joumaliers d'ouvriers ordinaires et d'ouvriers masons n6cessaires pour I'execution des travaux. II. Graphique figuratif de la repartition des depenses sur un delai total de dix ans. United States of Columbia. Panama road and the dredged channel leading to La Boca at the entrance to Panama canal. From a survey in February and March 1900, by the officers of the U. S. S. Ranger. 37 x 28. Wash- ington, 1901. [United States. Navy department. Bureau of equipment. Chart no. 1950]. Panamint district, Cal. See Surprise canyon, Panamint district, Cal. Pan Handle railroad. Map of the ' ' Pan Handle, ' ' embracing counties of Han- cock, Brooke, Ohio and Marshall, West Virginia, col. 65 x 33. [New York]. F. W. Beers & co. 1871. Paraguay, South America. Paragvay, 6 pro v. de Rio de la Plata: met de aenpa- lende landen van Tvcvman, ende Sta. Crvz de la Sierra. 11 x 14. [In Laet (Joannes de). Nieuvve wereldt, ofte beschrijvinghe van West- Indien. fol. Leyden, J. Elzevier, 1625. bet. pp. 394-395]. Note. — This map is also found in the translated editions of de Laet, 1633 and 1640, and in the Dutch edition of 1630. l*aragvay, 6 prov. de Rio de la Plata cum regionibus adiacentibus Tvcvman et Sta. Crvz de la Sierra. Amstelodami, excudebat loannes lanssonius. 14J X 19. [In Jansson (Jan). Nuevo atlas, fol. Amsterdam, J. Jansson, 1653. v. 2]. Le Paraguay subdivise en ses principales parties, suivant les dernieres relaons. Par N. Sanson. 1657. 8 x lOf . [In his L'Am6rique en plvsievrs cartes. 4°. Paris, I'authevr, 1657. no. 14], LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 663 Paraguay, South America. Paraqvaria vnlgo Paragvay cum adjacentibus. Gerard (Joeck sculpsit. loannes Blaeu exc. Amstel^edami. 18 x 21. [In Blaauw (W. J.) and Blaauw (Jan). Le grand atlas, ov cosmographie Blaviane, contenant I'Amerique. fol. Amsterdam, J. Blaeu, 1667. v. 12. bet. pp. 211-212]. Same. Paraqvaria vulgo Paragvay cum adjacentibus. 11^ x 13^. [In Montanus (Arnoidus). De nieiiwe en onbekende weereld. 4°. t' Am- sterdam, J. Meurs, 1671. bet. pp. 554-555]. Note. — Same map in Ogilby's America, 1671. Same. Paraqvaria vulgo Paragvay cum adjacentibus. Gerard Coeck sculpsit. loannes Blaeu exc. Amstelodami. 172- x 21^. [In Allard (Carel). Atlas minor, fol. Amstelodami, ex officina Caroli Allard, [1696?]. no. 149]. Note. — The date 1696 is found in the maps entitled "L'isle de Re," no. 20, "La Bretagne," no. 21, and "La Provence," no. 31. A map of the provinces of Paraguay and Tucuman with tbe river Plate. 6x 11. [In Voyages and discoveries in South America, [anon.] 16°. London, for S. Buckley, 1698. pt. 2. p. 1]. Chili and Paragay by Rob't Morden. 4^ x 5. [In Morden (Robert). Geography modified, sm. 4°. London, for R. Morden, 1700. p. 520]. Carte du Paraguay, du Chili, du Detroit de Magellan &c. dressee sur les des- criptions des pp. Alfonso d'Ovalle, et Nicolas Techo, et sur les relations et memoires de Brouwer, Narbourough, mr. de Beauchesne &c. par Guil- laume de I'Isle. 19^ x 25. Paris, I'auteur, 1703. [American maps. v. 1. no. 7]. Paraguaria ou Paraguay, avec les pays qui Fenvironnent, dans I'Amerique Meridionale. Dresse sur les memoires les plus exacts de ceux qui Font decouvert et nou vehement mis au jour par Pierre Vander A a. 11^ x 14. [In Galerie (La) agreable du monde. fol. Leide, P. Vander Aa, [1729?]. V. 4. Amerique. pi. 67]. Paraquaria in qua rr. pp. Soc. Jesu suas missiones promovere auct. dno. d'Anville geographo regip. 1733. [In Neue (Der) welt-bolt. [Zusammengetragen von Joseph Stocklein]. fol. Augspurg, 1726-58. v. 4. pt. 28. p. 1]. A new and accurate map of Paraguay, Rio de la Plata, Tucumania Guaria &c. Laid down from the latest improvements, and regulated by astrono- mical observations by Eman. Bo wen. English miles 60 to a degree. 13| xl6i [In Bo wen (Emanuel). A complete or distinct view of the known world, fol. London, for W. Innys, [etc.] 1752. no. 51]. Carte du Paraguay et des pays voisins. 8 x 12. [In Bellin (Jacques Nicolas) . Le petit atlas maritime [etc.] fol. [Paris], 1764. V. 2. no. 60]. Carta esatta rappresentante il corso del fiume Paraguay e di paesi ad esso vicini. 9 x 10. [In Atlante delF America, [anon.] fol. Livorno, 1778. no. 43]. 664 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Paraguay, South America. Paraguay. By J. Luffman, geogr. 9| x. 7|. [In Luff man (John). Luffman' s geographical & topographical atlas, [etc.] 2 V. in 1. 4°. London, J. Luffman, 1815-16]. Carte geographique, statistique et historique du Paraguay. 16 J x 12|. [In Buchon (Jean Alexandre C.) Atlas geograpkique, statistique, histori- que et chronologique des deux Ameriques. fol. Paris, J. Carez, 1825. no. 60]. Brazil with Guiana & Paraguay. 12| x lOf. [In Greenleaf (Jeremiah). A new universal atlas, new ed. rev. fol. Brattleboro, Vt. G. R. French, 1842. p. 62]. Map of the republic of Paraguay, with the adjacent territories of Brazil, Uruguay and the Argentine republic; showing the valley of the Rio de la Plata. Compiled from the labors of Cabrer, d'Azara, Leverger, Lopez, Monteiro, Bellegarde & Borges, with additions by Edward A. Hopkins, U. S. consul to Paraguay, 1851. 20i x 13^. [In American (The) geographical and statistical society. Bulletin. 1S52. 8°. New York, G. P. Putnam, 1852. v. 1. front.] Paraguay und der nordliche theil der Argentinischen republik vorziiglich nach den aufnahmen der Nordamericanischen expedition under Th. J. Page, 1853-56. Entworfen v. H. Kiepert. to^^oFo* 12^ x 16. [In Gesellschaft fiir erdkunde zu Berlin. Zeitschrift. 1859. neue folge. 8°. Berlin, 1859. v. 7. pi. 7]. Brazil and Paraguay. By Sidney Hall. 20 x 16^. London, Longman & CO. [1857]. [In Hall (Sidney) . A new general atlas, fol. London, [1857]. no. 51]. Paraguay. Drawn by Geo. Schroeter. 6^ x 5. [In American (The) geographical and statistical society. Journal. 1859. 8°. New York, J. H. Schultz & co. [1859]. v. 1. no. 1. p. 11]. Der stat Paraguay mit angabe der neueren niederlessungen und grenzer- weiterungen vdrzuglich nach Alfred du Graty. [La republique du Para- guay, Bruxelles, 1862]. 15^ x 14. [In Gesellschaft fiir erdkunde zu Berlin. Zeitschrift- 1862. neue folge. 8°. Berlin, 1862. v. 13. pi. 1]. Teatro de la guerra en el Paraguay. The seat of war in Paraguay. Taken from the balloon. 14 x 19. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Parliamentary papers. Accounts and papers. State papers. 1867-8. v. 73]. Croquis de Humaita. Representando cortar la comunicacion de la fortaleza con el interior del Pais y Asalto. R. A. Chodasiewiez. 12 x 18. [In Great Britain. Parliamentary papers. Accounts and papers. State papers. 73. 1867-68]. Atlas historico da guerra do Paraguay. Organisado pelo E. C. Jourdan. 2 pi. 16 sheets. 1 pi. fol. Rio de Janeiro, E. Rensburg, 1871. Carta do territorio da repu})lica do Paraguay onde se derao as batalhas entre o exercito desta repul)lica e os das na(;6es alliadas, imperio do Brazil, confederayao Argentina e republica do Uruguay, desde 1866 at^ 1870; confeccionada por i)ropo8ta ai)provada })or avizo do ministerio da guerra de 3 de septembre de 1869, do connnandante geral do corpo de enge- nheiros, marechal de campo, conselheiro de guerra, Antonio Nunes de Aguiar, pelos ofRciaes empregados no arcbivo militar. 1871. Escalas: 10 legoas metricas (de 4000 metres). 92| x 22 J. [Rio de Janeiro?], litho- graphia do archivo militar, 1871. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 665 Parag-uay, South. America. A sketch map of Paraguay compiled from the works of Azara, Page, Dugraty, Mouchez and Wisner and from personal observa- tions by Keith Johnston, in 1874-5. J. Bartholomew, litho. 22 x 17. [In Geographical (The) magazine. Edited by Clements R. Markham. 1875. 8°. London, Triibner & co. 1875. v. 2. p. 264]. Paraguay to illustrate paper from official sources through mr. J, Parlane, j. p. consul for Paraguay. 7 x 45. [In Manchester geographical society. Journal. 1888. 8°. Manchester, Eng. for the society, 1888. v. 4. p. 268]. Mapa de la repiiblica del Paraguay. 8J x 7j. [In Diccionario enciclopedico Hispano-Americano. 8°. Barcelona, Mon- taner & Simon, 1894. v. 14. p. ^856]. Paraguay river. Le Paraguay 011 les r.r. p.p. de la compagnie de Jesus ont repandu leurs missions. Par le sr. d'Anville. 1733. llf x llf. [In Lettres edifiantes et curieuses. Nouv. ed. Memoires d'Amerique. 18°. Paris, J. G. Merigot, 1781. v. 9. opp. p. 254]. Der fluss Paraguay von Asuncion bis Corrientes. Xach den Englischen aufnahmen unter lieut. G. F. Day, 1853. Maassstab 1: 1000.000. 9^ x 7^ [In Petermann's mittheilungen. 1857. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, [1857]. V. 3. p. 456]. Note. — Inset: "Der fluss Uruguay von Paysandu bis Martin Garcia. Xach den Engl, aufnahmen von Sulivan u. Sidney 1847 u. 1856 gez. von A. Petermann." Track survey of the river Paraguay. Surveyed by com. Th\ J. Page, U. S. S. Water Witch 1855. Sheets 2, 10-15, each 41 x 27. [Washington, 1855]. [United States. Navy department. Bureau of navigation. Hydrographic office]. South America. Paraguay. Sketch of the river Paraguay from 26° y. south to 21° 40^. south. From a track survey checked by meridional and chrono- meteric observations by commr. T. J. Page in U. S. S. Water Witch 1855. Nat. scale 1/100 000. Engraved by J. & C. Walker. 3 sheets, each 37^ x 25. London, admiralty, 1858. [Great Britain. Admiralty. Chart no. 2594]. CONTENTS. Sheet 1. Parts I, II. From Oliva to Rio Paraguaymi. Sheet 2. Parts III, IV. From Rio Paraguaymi to Concepcion. Sheet 3. Parts V, VI, VII. From Concepcion to 21°. 40' south. South America. Rio de la Plata. Sketch of the river Paraguay, Corrientes to Asuncion. From a track survey by lieut. G. F. Day in h. m. s. Locust. 1853. Engraved by J. & C. Walker. 2 sheets, each 38 x 25J. London, admiralty, 1856. [Great Britain. Admiralty. Chart no. 2444]. CONTENTS. Sheet 1. Parts I, II, III, IV. Corrientes to ViHafranca. Sheet 2. Parts V, VI, VII, VIII, IX. Villafranca to Asuncion. Der stromlauf des Paraguay oberhalb des einflusses in den Parana nach der aufnahme des It. Page commander des Nordamericanischen schiffes AVaterwitch. Atls dem original in 1/100,000. auf /1, 1,000,000 reducirt. 35^ x 6i [In Gesellschaft fiir erdkunde zu Berlin. Zeitschrift. Neue folge. S°. Berlin, D. Reimer, 1858. v. 5. pi. 4]. 666 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Parag-uay river. Carte du fleuve Paraguay, depuis son embouchure et Corrientes jusqu'aux batteries d'Humaita. (Extrait de la carte inedite du Paraguay- par mr. E, Mouchez). 16 J x 14. [In France. Ministere de la marine et coloniale. Sept.-dec. 1866. 8°. Paris, 1866. v. 18. p. 896]. Planta hydrographica do Passo da Patria, incluindo o canal privado dos Para- guayos e uma parte do rio Paraguay desde as Tre-Bocas ate u lagoa Serena ou Sirena; com as posigoes da esquadra imperial Brasileira nos combates de margo e abril de 1866. Levantada por ordem do illm. e exm. sr. vice- almirante visconde de Tamandare. Mandada lithographar pelo exm. sr. conselheiro Affonso Celso de Assis Figueiredo. Ministro e secretario d'estados dos negocios de marinha. 1866. Construida e desenhada por Hoonholtz. 4 sheets, each 22 x 28. Eio de Janeiro, lithographia do imperial instituto artistico, 1866. Parahiba, Brazil. Praefecturse de Paraiba, et Rio Grande. 16| x 21. [In Blaauw (W. J.) and Blaauw (Jan). Le grand atlas, ov cosmographie Blaviane, contenant I'Amerique. fol. Amsterdam, J. Blaeu, 1667. v. 12. bet. pp. 263-264]. Paraiba. See Parahiba, Brazil. Paramaribo, Dutch. Guiana. Plan de la ville de Paramaribo suivant les plans Hollandois. 8J x 6i [In Bellin (J. N.) Description geographique de la Guiane. 4°. Paris, 1763. . p. 112]. Parana river, South. America. Track survey of the rivers Salado, Parana and Colastine. Surveyed by commander Thos. J. Page, U. S. S. Water Witch. 1855. 37 X 27. [Washington, 1855]. [United States. Navy department. Bureau of navigation. Hydrographic office]. Mouths of the Parana and Uruguay, Sheet no. 1 . Martin Garcia and Mar- tin Chico channels. [Colonia to Higueritas]. Surveyed by commander Thos. J. Page. U. S. S. Water Witch. 1855. 41 x 28. [Washington, 1855]. [United States. Navy department. Bureau of navigation. Hydrographic office]. Track survey of the river Parana. Surveyed by commander Thos. J. Page, U. S. S. Water Witch. 1855. Sheets 1-9, each 26 x 40. New York, engraved by G. Stern, [1855]. [United States. Navy department. Bureau of navigation. Hydrographic office]. Paranag-ua.bay, Brazil. Part of the bay of Paranagua. 6 x 10. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Accounts & papers. (26. p. 2). 1851. v. 56. pt. 2]. Pasquotank river, N. C. Pasquotank river. From a trigonometrical survey under the direction of A. D. Bache. Hydrography by the party under th'e com- mand of W. P. McArthur. Electrotype copy no. 1. by G. Mathiot. Scale 1:60,000. 14 x 17. [New York], engraved by W. Smith & S. T. Pettit, [1850]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey chart no. 407]. Passaic falls, N. J. Prospect of the Paysaick falls in New Jersey. 3^ x 6J. [In Columbian (The) magazine. April, 1789. 8°. Philadelphia, for J. Trenchard, 1789]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 667 Passaic river, N. J. Passaic river and its tributaries. 8x6. [In Maenab (J. A. ) Song of the Passaic. 4°. New York, 1890]. Passamaquoddy, Me. A map of Passamaquoddy bay, from actual survey. 12i x 9. [London] J. Richardson, 1808. [In Atcheson (Nathaniel). American encroachments on British rights. S°. London, 1808. p. 45]. A map & chart of the bays, harbours, post roads and settlements in Passa- maquoddy & Machias with the large island of Grand Manan. Compiled from actual surveys by B. R. Jones, surveyor. 21 x 17. Boston, eng. by T. Wightman, [1818?]. Sketch map of Passamaquoddy bay showing proposed boundary with alter- nate lines below and above Lubec. 9x6 inches. [In American antiquarian society. Proceedings. New series, oct. 1896. 8°. Worcester, 1897. v. 11. pt. 2. p. 208]. Note. — To accompany "Twenty unsettled miles in the north east bound- ary." By T. C. Mendenhall. Patag-onia, South. America. United provinces Chili & Patagonia. J. H. Young, sc. 9| X 8. [In Malte-Brun (Malthe Conrad Bruun, called). A new general atlas, exhibiting the five great divisions of the globe, fol. Philadelphia, J. Grigg, 1828. no. ^0]. Same. United provinces Chili & Patagonia. J. H. Young sc. 8 x 9f . [In Malte-Brun (Malthe Conrad Bruun, called). A new general atlas, exhibiting the five great divisions of the globe, fol. Philadelphia, (irigg & Elliot, 1832]. United provinces of Chili & Patagonia. 10x8. [In Bradford (Thomas Gamaliel). A comprehensive atlas geographical, historical & commercial. 4°. Boston, American stationers' co. 1835. p. 76]. Sketch of the Rio Negro from the journal of don Basilio Yillarino. 5 x 12. [In Royal geographical society. Journal. 1836. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1836. V. 6. at end]. United provinces Chili & Patagonia. J. H. Young sc. 9| x 8. [In Malte-Brun (Malthe Conrad Bruun, called). A new general atlas, exhibiting the five great divisions of the globe, fol. Philadelphia, Grigg & Elliot, 1837. no. 40]. River Santa Cruz [Patagonia]. 2^ x 9|. [In Royal geographical society. Journal. 1837. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1837.' V. 7. p. 126]. Buenos Ayres, Chili & Patagonia. 12^ x lOf . [In Greenleaf (Jeremiah). A new universal atlas, new ed. rev. fol. Brattleboro, Vt. G. R. French, 1842. p. 63]. Map of part of Patagonia, by Henry L. Jones esq'r, to accompany his notes. 6| X 9i [In Royal geographical society. Journal. 1861. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1861'.* V. 31. p. 204]. Das Patagonische kiistenland zwischen Rio Colo-rado & Rio Chubut. Maassstab 1 : 3,000,000. 7\ x 5}]. [In Gesellschaft fiir erdkunde zu Berlin. Zeitschrift. 8°. Berlin, D. Rei- mer, 1867. v. 2. pi. 4]. 668 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Patag-onia, South. America. Patagonia to illustrate capt'n Muster's route, 1869-70. 7i X 12. [In Royal geographical society. Journal. 1871. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1871. V. 41. p. 59]. Carte de la Patagonie donnant I'itineraire du cap'ne Musters. 7| x 4. [In Societe de geographic. Bulletin. 6« serie. 8°. Paris, 1872. v. 3. p. 592]. Francisco P. Moreno's erforschung eines theiles von Patagonien. 1876 & 1877. Mit benutzung iilterer quellen haupsiichlich reducirt von Moreno's originalkarte. [Buenos Aires, 1879]. Maassstab 1: 1,750,000. 7^x9^. [In Petermann's mittheilungen. 1879. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, [1879]. V. 25. pi. 22. at end]. Patagonien. Ubersicht der neuesten forschungsreisen und der Chilenisch- Argentinischen-grenze vom 23. juli 1881. Gezeichnet von O. Koffmahn. Maassstab 1:7,500,000. 10 x 7^ Gotha, J. Perthes, 1882. [In Petermann's mittheilungen. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1882. v. 28. pi. 3]. Port Gallegos. (Patagonien). Massstab 1: 1,081,000. 2x2. [In Petermann's mittheilungen. 1889. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, [1889]. v. 35. pi. 8. at end]. Port Sta. Cruz. (Patagonien). Massstab 1: 1,000,000. 2J x 2. [In Petermann's mittheilungen. 1889. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, [1889]. V. 35. pi. 8. at end]. Originai-karte des Limay-gebietes in Nordwest-Patagonien. Nach eigenen aufnahmen entworfen und gezeichnet von dr. Josef v. Siemiradzki, 1891. Massstab 1:1,000,000. 19 x 16. [In Petermann's mittheilungen. 1893. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, [1893]. V. 39. pi. 5. at end]. Sketch map of south-western Patagonia from a survey by Otto Nordensjold. Natural scale 1: 600,000 or 9.47 miles— 1 inch. 8^ x 14. [In Royal geographical society. Journal. 1897. 8°. London, 1897. v. 10. p. 464]. Note.— Inset: Map of south Patagonia. Patapsco river. Patapsco river and the approaches. From a trigonometrical sur- vey under the direction of F. R. Hassler and A. D. Bache superintendents of the survey of the coast of the United States. Triangulation by J. Fergu- . son, assistant. Topography by F. H. Gerdes, R. D. Cutts, H. I. Whiting & J. B. Gliick assists. Hydrography by the parties under the command of lieuts. G. M. Bache, C. H. MacBlair & R. Wainwright, U. S. n. assists. Scale 1:60,000. 17J x 27^. [Washington], 1856. Paterson, N. J. Map of the town of Paterson, New Jersey. From actual survey by C. S. Van Wagoner. May 1, 1840. 26 x 40. New York, C. Hay ward's lith. [1840]. Map of the city of Paterson, N. J. From surveys by J. H. Goetschius, city surveyor. Official map. col. 50 x 55. [Paterson], J. E. Crowell & co. 1870. Robinson (E.) and Pidgeon (R. H.) Atlas of the city of Paterson, N. J. title, index map. 23 pi. fol. New York, E. Robinson, 1884. Patuxent river, Md. Plan of Patuxent river & Cedar swamp, ms. [anon.] 13x17. [1843]. Note.— A true copy of the original in the hands of David Young, of Nor- wich, Conn. Henry Stevens, jr. 1843. k LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 669 Pataxent river, Md. Patuxent river, Maryland. Upper part. From a trigono- metrical survey under the direction of A. D. Bache superintendent of the survey of the coast of the United States. Triangulation by lieut. J. P. Roy U. S. a. & J. Farley assts. Topography by I. Hull Adams, assist. Hydrog- raphy by the party under the command of comdr. W. T. Muse U. S. n. asst. Issued in May 1881. C. P. Patterson, superintendent. Verified by J. E. Hilgard assistant in charge of office. (Date of first publication I860.) Scaleyoio(j- 19^x22. [Washington, 1881]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast and geodetic survey. Chart no. 387]. Faulus Hook, N. J. Plan of Governor's Kennedy's and Brown's islands, with Paulus and Red Hook, together with part of the bay and soundings, shew- ing the position they bear to each other and to New York. [By John Montresor. anon.] ms. 39x33. [1766]. Note. — Map similar to this is found in Faden collection, no. 96. Sketch of the road from Paulus Hook and Hobocken to Xew Bridge. By I. Hills. 1778. ms. 23^ x 28. [In his (A) collection of plan's, &c. &c. &c. in the province of Xew Jersey, ms. fol. [1776-1782]. no. 17]. [Plan of Paulus's Hook and fortifications, col. ms. anon. l-^\ x 15J. 1779?]. Note. — Numbered "46" in pencil. [Plan of Paulus Hook and fortifications, ms. anon. 14 x 16. 1779?]. Note. — Numbered **286" in pencil. A view from Paulus hook, of Horsimus on the Jersey shore & part of York island, ms. [anon.] 10 x 17. [1778]. Note. — On reverse is the name " Montresor." Plan of Paulus Hook shewing the Avorks erected for its defence 1781-2. Survey'd by I. Hills, lieut. 23d regt. ms. 14 x 18^ [In his A collection of plan's &c. &c. &c. in the province of New Jersey. ms. fol. [1776-1782]. no. 19]. Note. — Containing references. A plan of Paulus Hook with the road to Bergen and parts adjacent in the province of New Jersey. Survey'd by I. Hills. 1781. ms. 23 x 23. [In his (A) collection of plan's &c. &c. &c. in the province of New Jersey. ms. fol. [1776-1782]. no. 18]. Note. — Showing the works erected for its defense, 1781-2. Pawtucket, R. I. Atlas of the town of Pawtucket, R. I. From actual surveys and records by G. M. Hopkins. 87 pp. incl. 25 maps. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1880. Peaks hill, N. Y. Position des armees Ameriquaine et Francois a Kings-ferry, Peaks hill, Crompond et Huntstaverne du 17 septembre au 20 octobre 1782. [anon.] ms. 22x36. [1782]. [Rochambeau: 33]. Pembina county, N. Dak. Ensign (D. W.) & co. Plat book of Grand Forks, Walsh and Pembina counties, N. D. 122 pp. 1 fold. map. incl. 76 maps. fol. [Philadelphia], D. W. Ensign, 1893. Pennsylvania. Draughts of the proprietory manors in the province of Pennsylva- nia, as preserved in the land department of the commonwealth. 76 fold, maps. [In Pennsylvania archives. 3d series. Edited by W. H. Egle. 8°. Har- risburg, C. M. Busch, 1894. v. 4. at end]. 670 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Pennsylvania. Historical map of Pennsylvania. Showing the Indian names of streams and villages, and paths of travel; the sites of old forts and battle fields; the successive purchases from the Indians; and the names and dates of counties and county towns; with tables of forts and proprietary names. Edited by P. W. Sheafer and others. 26 pp. 11. 1 col. map. 23 x40. fold. 8°. Philadelphia, publication fund of the historical society of Pennsylvania, 1875. Nova Svecia hodie dicta Pensylvania. Anno 1654 och 1655. Ar denna Novse Svecise carta med dess riviers och landz situation ock beskaffenhet aftagen ock till corts ford af P. Lindstrom. Th. Campanius Holm fecit. lOJ X 5. [In Campanius Holm (Thomas). Kort beskrifning om provincien Nya Swerige. sm. 4°. Stockholm, S. Wankijfs iinkia, 1702. tab. v. p. 37]. Same. Nova Svecia hodie dicta Pensylvania. Anno 1654 och 1655. Ar denna Novae Svecise carta med dess riviers och landz situation, och bes- kaffenhet aftagen och till corts f6rd af P. Lindstrom. 10^ x 5. [In Pennsylvania historical society. Memoirs. 8°. Philadelphia, 1834. V. 3]. Same. Nova Svecia hodie dicta Pensylvania. Anno 1654 och 1655. Ar denna Novse Svecise carta med dess riviers och landz situation ock beskaffenhet aftagen och till corts ford af P. Lindstrdm. 10^ x 4|. [In Nouvelles annales des vovages. 4™'' serie. 8°. Paris, 1843. v. 13. p. 37]. Note. — To accompany an article on p. 259 entitled "Notice sur la colonie de la Nouvelle-Suede." By Ternaux-Compans. A mapp of ye improved part of Pensilvania in America, divided into coun- tys, townships and lotts. Surveyed by Tho: Holme. 19 x 21. London, Geo. Willdey, [1681?]. Note. — Containing the counties of Chester, Bucks & Philadelphia; w^ith plan of the city of Philadelphia. [Faden collection, no. 8]. Same. A map of the improved part of the province of Pennsilvania in America. Begun by William Penn, proprietor and governor thereof anno 1681. A map of the province of Pennsilvania, containing the three coun- ties of Chester, Philadelphia and Bucks. By Tho. Holme, survey, gen. London, K. Greene & J. Thornton, [n. d.] Fac-simile of Holme's map of the province of Pennsylvania, with the names of the original pur- chasers from William Penn begun in 1681. Reproduced from the original in the Philadelphia library by the anastatic process. 200 copies only printed. 33 x 56. Philadelphia, anastatic printing office, and by L. P. Smith, 1846. Same. A map of the improved part of the province of Pennsilvania in America. Begun by William Penn proprietor and governor thereof anno 1681. By Theo. Holme. London, R. Greene & J. Thornton. Repro- duced from the original in the Philadelphia library. 33 x 56. [In Pennsylvania archives. 3d series. Appendix 1-X. maps]. Same. Facsimile of Holme's map. 33 x 57. Philadelphia, republished by C. L. Warner, 1870. A map of some of the south and east bounds of Pennsylvania in America, being partly inhabited. [By John Thornton and John Seller]. 16i x 20J. London, J. Thornton & J. Seller, [1683?]. [American maps. v. 4. no. 18]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 671 Pennsylvania. A new map of the sea coast of Newfoundland, new Scotland, new England, new Jersey, Maryland, Pennsilvania, and part of Carolina. By lohn Thornton. 17 x 21. [London, 1685?]. [American maps. v. 4. no. 11]. A new map of New England, and New York, New larsey, Pensilvania, Mary- land, Virginia. [By lohn Thornton, Robt. Morden and Philip Lea]. 18 X 21. London, I. Thornton, [etc. 1690?]. [American maps. v. 4. no. 16]. Virginia, Maryland, Pennsilvania, east & west New Jarsey. By John Thorn- ton and Will Fisher. 20x31. [London, 1690?]. [American maps. v. 4. no. 8]. Note. — Coast chart with soundings. Pennsylvania and West Jersey. 5j x 65. [In Thomas (Gabriel) . An historical and geographical account of the prov- ince and country of Pensilvania. 16°. London, A. Baldwin, 1698. [Reprint]. New York, H. A. Brady, 1848]. A new map of New Jarsey and Pensilvania. By Rob't Morden. b^ x 4 J. [In Morden (Robert). Geography rectified, sm. 4°. London, for R. Morden, 1700. p. 597]. Novae Svecise tabula ex Nic. Visscheri del. 5i x 3i. [In Campanius Holm (Thomas). Kort beskrifning om provincien Nya Swerige. sm. 4°. Stockholm, S. Wankijfs iinkia, 1702. p. 26]. A new map of Virginia, Mary land and the improved parts of Pennsylvania & New Jarsey. 1719. Revised by I. Senex. 19 x 22. [In New (A) general atlas, [anon.] fol. London, for I). Browne, 1721. opp. p. 240]. The boundary lines between the provinces of Maryland & Pennsylvania, including the three lower counties of Newcastle, Kent & Sussex forming now the state of Delaware as defined by the agreement of 1732, the decree of lord chancellor Hardwicke of may 1750, and the agreement of 1760. Lith. of Ed. Mendel, Chicago. 10^ x 7^ [In Graham (Col. J. D. ) Messages from the governors of Maryland and Pennsylvania, transmitting the reports of the joint commissioners, and of lieut. col. Graham. 2d ed. 8°. Chicago, F. Fulton & co. 1862. at end]. [Map prepared as an exhibit in the suit brought by the Penns against lord Baltimore to determine the boundary line]. 16^ x 14^. [In Maryland and Pennsylvania. Articles of agreement made and con- cluded upon between the right honourable the lord proprietary of Mary- land, and the honourable the proprietary s of Pensilvania, &c. touching the limits and boundaries of the two provinces, [etc. ] fol. Philadelphia, B. Franklin, 1733]. — [Original draft of Thomas Freame's land in Penn. 10,000 acres awarded him by William Penn. ms. anon. 8^x13. 1734?]. Note. — Above title in lead pencil. New England, New York, New Jersey and Pensilvania. By H. Moll. 8xlOJ. [London, 1736?]. Note. — From his ** Atlas minor" 1736? 672 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Pennsylvania. A map of part of the province of Pennsylvania and of the counties of Newcastle, Kent and Sussex on Delaware: Showing the temporary limits of the jurisdiction of Pennsylvania and Maryland, fixed according to an order of his majesty in council dated the 25th day of may in the year 1738. Surveyed in the year 1739. A scale of English miles sixty nine and a half in one degree of latitude. 13^ x 14. [In Pennsylvania archives, by Samuel Hazard [1667-1747]. v. 1. 8°. Philadelphia, J. Severns & co. 1852. p. 594]. [Lord Baltimore's boundary map]. 14 x 9. [1740]. [In Pennsylvania archives. 2d series. Edited by W. H. Egle. v. 16. 8°. Harrisburg, E. K. Meyers, 1890. front.] Note. — No title. A map of parts of the province of Pensylvania and Maryland with the counties of Newcastle, Kent and Sussex on Delaware according to the most exact surveys yet made. Drawn in the year 1740. [By Benjamin Eastbum]. 18x21. [In Pennsylvania archives. 2d series. The breviate in the boundary dis- pute between Penn. & Md. 8°. Harrisburg, 1891. v. 16]. Pensylvania, Nova Jersey et Nova York cum regionibus ad fluvium Dela- ware in America sitis, nova delineatione ob oculos posita per Tob. Conr. Lotter. Milliaria Anglica, quoru 60 in uno gradu. Tob. Conr. Lotter, sculps. Aug. V. 22^x19^. [1748?]. The map or draught to which the within deed refers. Aug. 2, 1749. no. 2. 12^ x 18J. [In Pennsylvania archives By Samuel Hazard [1748-1756]. v. 2. 8°. Philadelphia, J. Severns & co. 1853. p. 34]. Note. — To accompany an article on ''Indian deed for lands between Dela- ware & Susquehanna, 1749." A map of Pensilvania, New Jersey, New York, and the three Delaware coun- ties: by Lewis Evans. 1749. L. Herbert sculp. 25 x 19. Philadelphia, L. Evans, 1749. Note. — '' All our great storms begin to leeward: thus a n. e. storm shall be a day sooner in Virginia than Boston." The above is considered to be the first statement in literature of the fact that our storms travel in an easterly direction. [Faden collection, no. 7]. Same. A map of Pensilvania, New Jersey, New York and the three Dela- ware counties: by Lewis Evans. 1749. L. Hebert, sculp. 26J x 19^. [Facsimile] . [In Pennsylvania archives. 3d series. Appendix 1-X. Maps]. A map of the most inhabited part of Virginia, containing the whole province of Maryland, with part of Pensilvania, New Jersey, and North Carolina. Drawn by Joshua Fry & Peter Jefferson in 1751. Engraved by Thos. Jefferys. 31 x 50. London, T. Jefferys, [1755]. Note. — Revised edition by J. Dalrymple. See 1775 for other copies. Same. [American maps. v. 3. no. 26]. Same. A map of the most inhabited part of Virginia, containing the whole province of Maryland, with part of Pensilvania, New Jersey and North Car- olina. Drawn by Joshua Fry & Peter Jefferson, in 1751. [1755]. 31 x 48J. [In Jtifferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for K. Saver & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 54-57]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 673 Pennsylvania. A new and accurate map of New Jersey, Pensilvania, New York and Xew England, with the adjacent countries. By Eman Bowen. 13^ x 17. [In his A complete atlas, fol. London, for W. Innys, [etc.] 1752. no. 62]. Outline map of Virginia claims in southwestern Pennsylvania. Scale 16 miles to one inch. Drawn by J. Sutton Wall. [1754-99]. 10| x 8^. [In Pennsylvania archives. 3d series. Edited by W. H. Egle. 8°. Harris- burg, CM. Busch, 1894. V. 3. p. 482]. — [Mrs. Armstrong's rough draft of the country to the west of Susquehanna. ms. Ill X 15. 1755?]. Note. — Gives Ft. Cumberland and Ft, du Quesne with roads and distances. Carte de la Pensilvanie. 9x7. [In Smith (William, d. d. ) Etat present de la Pensilvanie. [anon.] 16°. Paris, 1756]. A map of the province of Pensilvania. By T. Kitchin. 7 x 8^. [London], for R. Baldwin, 1756. [In London (The) magazine. 8°. London, for R. Baldwin, [1756]. v. 25. Dec. 1756. opp. p. 599]. [Map of the Alleghany & Monongahela river region with approaches to Fort Pitt. ms. anon. 22^ x 16i. 1758?]. ■ Virginia, Maryland, Pennsilvania, East & West New Jarsey. [anon.] 20 X 31. [London], W. Mount & T. Page, [1758]. [In English (The) pilot. The fourth book. fol. London, for W. Mount [etc.] 1758. opp. p. 23]. To the honourable Thomas Penn and Richard Penn, this map of the improved part of the province of Pennsylvania is humbly dedicated by Nicholas Scull. A scale of British statute miles, 69^ to a degree. 29* x 58*. Phila- delphia, engraved by J. Turner, and printed by J. Davis, for the author, 1759. Note. — See 1770 for new edition of this map. Same. Map of the improved part of the province of Pennsylvania. By Nicholas Scull. 29^ x 585. Philadelphia, author, jan. 1, 1759. [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London,forR.Sayer&T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 38-43]. Same. To the hon. Thomas Penn and Richard Penn, esq. [etc.] this map of the improved part of the province of Pennsylvania is humbly dedicated by Nicholas Scull. Philadelphia, engraved by Jos. Turner & printed by J. Davis, for the author, [1759. Facsimile]. 29^ x 58^. [In Pennsylvania archives. 3d series. Appendix 1-X. ^laps]. A map of the province of Pensylvania intended chiefly to illustrate the account of the several Indian purchases made by the proprietors of the said province, the claims made by the Indians, [etc.] T. Jefferys sculp. 7^ X 13. [In Thomson (Charles, 11. d. ) An enquiry into the causes of the alienation of the Delaware and Shawanese Indians from the British interest, [anon.] sm. 4°. London, 1759]. [Map of a route through south west Pennsylvania, from Fort Loundon, Franklin co. to Fort Pitt, Pittsburgh. A scale of six miles to an inch, anon. ms. 9 x 20. 176-]. H. Doc. 516 43 674 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Pennsylvania. Map accompanying agreement between 1*^. Baltimore & T. & R. Penn, July 4, 1760. 9| x 14. [In Pennsylvania archives. 8°. Philadelphia, 1853. v. 4]. A new and accurate map of the provinces of Pensilvania, Virginia, Maryland and New Jersey. J. Gibson sc. [anon.] 10| x 13^. [London, 1762]. [In American (The) gazetteer, [anon.] 12°. London, for A. Millar [etc.] 1762. V. 3]. Carte de la Nouvelle Angleterre, New York, Pensilvanie et Nouveau Jersay suivant les cartes Angloises. 13| x 14|. [In Bellin (Jacques Nicolas). Le petit atlas maritime, fol. [Paris], 1764. v. 1. no. 29]. Disposition of the Pennsylvania troops in the western district for the winter season, 1764. 12^ x 18. [In Pennsylvania archives, by Samuel Hazard. [1790]. 8°. Philadelphia, J. Severns & co. 1856. v. 12. front.] A map of that part of America where a degree of latitude was measured for the Royal society by Cha: Mason & Jere: Dixon. J. Mynde, sculp. 6 J x 4. [In Philosophical transactions. 1768. 4°. London, 1769. v. 58. p. 325]. • Carte de la Pensilvanie. 10 x 7i. [In Rousselot de Sugy (Jacques Philibert). Histoire naturelle et politique de la Pensylvanie. [anon.] 16°. Paris, 1768]. The provinces of New York, and New Jersey, with part of Pensilvania and the governments of Trois Rivieres, and Montreal; drawn by capt. Holland. Engraved by Thomas Jefferys. 54 x 20. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, [1768?]. Same. The provinces of New York and New Jersey, M'ith part of Pensil- vania and the governments of Trois Rivieres and Montreal; drawn by capt. Holland. Engraved by Thomas Jefferys. 432^ x 20^. [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 33-34]. Note. — Running title at head of map, "A chorographical map of the coun- try between Albany, Oswego, Fort Frontenac, and Les Trois rivieres." To the honorable Thomas Penn and Richard Penn, esquires, true and abso- lute proprietors and governors of the province of Pennsylvania and the territories thereunto belonging and to the honorable John Penn, esquire, lieutenant governor of the same, this map of the province of Pennsyl- vania is humbly dedicated by their most obedient humble serv't AY. Scull. Henry Dawkins sculp' t. 27 x 32. Philadelphia, James Nevil, for the author, april Ist, 1770. Same. To the hon. Thomas Penn and Richard Penn. [etc.] this map of the province of Pennsylvania is humbly dedicated by W. Scull. Philadelphia, by J. Nevil, for the author, 1770. 21 x 32. [In Pennsylvania archives. 3d series. Appendix 1-X. Maps]. Note. — See 1759 for first edition of this map. — Same. A map of Pennsylvania, exhibiting not only the improved part of that province, ])ut also its extensive frontiers: laid down from actual sur- veys, and chiefly from the late map of W. Scull published in 1770. English miles, 69^ to a degree. 27 x 53. London, for R. Sayer (k J. Bennett, June 10, 1775. [In Faden (William, editor). The North American atlas. London, forW. Faden, 1777. no. 24]. Note — Another copy in separate form. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 675 Pennsylvania. Same. A map of Pennsylvania, exhibiting not only the improved part of that province, but also its extensive frontiers: laid down from actual surveys, and chiefly from the late map of W. Scull published in 1770. 27 X 53. London, for R. Sayer & J. Bennett, 1775. [In Jeff erys (T.) and others. The American atlas, fol. London, R. Sayer & J. Bennett, 1776. no. 20]. Same. A map of Pennsylvania exhibiting not only the improved parts of that province, but also its extensive frontiers: laid down from actual surveys and chiefly from the late map of W. Scull published in 1770. 27 x 53. [London, for R.* Sayer & J. Bennett, 1775]. [American maps. v. 1. no. 19. also v. 5. no. 21. & v. 6. no. 14]. Same. A map of Pennsylvania: laid down from actual surveys and chiefly from the late map of W. Scull, published in 1770. — La Pensilvanie entrois feuilles. Traduite des meilleures cartes Anglaises. 26 x 52. Paris, Le Rouge, [1777]. [ In Le Rouge ( Georges Louis) . Atlas Ameriquain Septentrional, fol. Paris, Le Rouge, 1778-[1792?]. no. 14]. Same. A map of Pennsylvania exhibiting not only the improved parts of the province, but also its extensive frontiers: laid down from actual sur- veys and chiefly from the late maps of W. Scull, published in 1770. — La Pensilvanie en trois feuilles. Traduite des meilleures cartes Anglaises. Paris, Le Rouge. [Facs.] 24 x 49. [In Pennsylvania archives. 3d series. Appendix 1-X. Maps]. [Map of the country between and bordering the Delaware river and Chesa- peake bay, showing roads to Philadelphia and localities, ms. anon. 7\ X 12i. 177-?]. A map of the most inhabited part of Virginia containing the whole province of Maryland, with part of Pensilvania, New Jersey, and North Carolina. Drawn by Joshua Fry & Peter Jefferson in 1775. [Engraved by Thos. Jefferys]. 31 x 48^ London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, [1776]. [In Faden (William, editor). The North American atlas, fol. London, for W. Faden, 1777. no. 27-28]. Note. — See 1755 for revised edition by J. Dalrymple, of which this is a reprint. Same. col. 31 x 48^ London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, [1776]. [American maps. v. 1. no. 25. also v. 6. no. 18-19]. Same. A map of the most inhabited part of Virginia containing the whole province of Maryland with part of Pensilvania, New Jersey and North Carolina. Drawn by Joshua Fry & Peter Jefferson in 1775. [Engraved by Thos. Jefferys]. 31 x 48^ London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, [1776]. [In Jefferys (T. ) and others. The American atlas, fol. London, R. Sayer & J. Bennett, 1776. no. 21-22]. — A map of the province of New York, with part of Pensilvania, and New England, from an actual survey by captain Montresor, 1775. col. 36 x 56. London, A. Dury, 1775. [American maps. v. 5. no. 17-18]. Same. [In Faden (William, editor). The North American atlas, fol. London, for W. Faden, 1777. no. 13-14]. Same. 36 x 57. London, A. Dury, 1775. Republished, 1777. [American maps. v. 1. no. 24. also v. 6. no. 6-7]. 676 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Pennsylvania. A map of the country round Philadelphia including part of New Jersey, New York, Staten island, & Long Island, [anon.] 7 x 8|. [In Gentleman's (The) magazine. 8°. London, for D. Henry, [1776]. V. 46. Sept. 1776. opp. p. 396]. — A map of the country from Rariton river in East Jersey to Elk Head in Maryland, shewing the several operations of the American and British armies in 1776 & 1777. Drawn by S. Lewis from surveys made by orders of G. Washington. Engraved by I. H. Seymour. 9| x 15^. Philadel- phia, C. P. Wayne, [1807]. [In Marshall (John). The life of George Washington. Maps. 4°. Phil- adelphia, C. P. Wayne, 1807. pi. 5]. The province of New York and New Jersey; with part of Pennsylvania, and the province of Quebec. Drawn by major Holland. Corrected and improved by govern"" [Thomas] Pownall. 1776. col. 52 x 20. [London^ for R. Sayer & J. Bennett, 1776]. Same. [American maps. v. 2. no. 34]. Same. The provinces of New York and New Jersey, [etc.] Drawn by capt. Holland. Engraved by Thomas Jefferys, and improved from the modern surveys of those colonies down to the year 1776. 21 x 53, Lon- don, for R. Sayer & J. Bennett, 1775. [1776]. [American maps. v. 1. no. 26]. Same. The provinces of New York and New Jersey; with part of Pensil- vania, and the province of Quebec. Drawn by major Holland. Corrected and improved, from the original materials, by govern"" Pownall. 1776. 53^ x 20i London, for R. Sayer & J. Bennett, aug. 17, 1776. [In Jefferys (T.) and others! The American atlas, fol. London, R. Sayer & J. Bennett, 1776. no. 17]. Note. — Insets: A chart of the mouth of the Hudson's river from Sandy Hook to New York. '* A plan of the city of New York." " Plan of Amboy." Campaigns of 1776-1777. [In New York, New Jersey, 1776; Pennsylvania and Delaware, 1777. anon.] 17 J x 21. [London, 1777]? [Rochambeau: 24]. Note. — This map is found in capt. John Hall's The history of the civil war in America, [anon.] v. 1. front. 1780. Seat of war in the environs of Philadelphia. By Thos. Kitchin, sen'r hydrographer to his majesty. English miles 69 to a degree. 7^ x 9^. [In London (The) magazine. 1777. 8°. London, for R. Baldwin, 1777. V. 46. p. 592]. Same. Seat of war in the environs of Philadelphia. By Thos. Kitchin,. senr. For the London magazine 1777. 7^ x 9|. [In Pennsylvania archives. 2d series. 8°. Harrisburg, 1875. v. 3]. A map exhibiting the different stage routs, between the cities of New York, Baltimore, and parts adjacent. To which is added, as an historical com- panion the operations of the British army from their landing at Elk river in 1777, to their embarkation at Nevisink in 1778. By John Hills. coL 11 X 60. Philadelphia, E. Savage, 1800. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 677 Pennsylvania. A plan of part of the provinces of Pensylvania, and East & West New Jersey, shewing the operations of the royal army under the com- mand of their excellencies sir Will"*. Howe & sir Henry Clinton, from the landing at Elk river in 1777, to the embarkation at Navisink in 1778. By John Hills. 9 x 28J. London, W. Faden, June 1, 1784. [In Atlas of battles of the American revolution, fol. [London, 1770-1793]. no 23]. A new map of the western parts of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland and North Carolina; comprehending the rivers Ohio and all the rivers which fall into it; part of the river ^Mississippi, the whole of the Illinois river, lake Erie; part of the lakes Huron, Michigan &c. and all the country bor- dering on these lakes and rivers. By Thos. Hutchins. Engraved by T. Cheevers. 35 x 43. London, T. Hutchins, 1778. Note. — To accompany the text entitled " A topographical description of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland and North Carolina. "^ame. [American maps. v. 6. no. 20]. Same. A new map of the western parts of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Mary- land, and North Carolina, [etc.] By Thos. Hutchins. 36 x 44. London, T. Hutchins, 1778. [Rochambeau: 48]. '" Same. Partie occidentale de la Virginie, Pensylvanie, Maryland, et Caroline Sept'** la riviere d'Ohio, [etc.] Par Hutchins. 19 x 23. Paris, Le Rouge, 1781. [Rochambeau: 49]. [^Nlap showing proposals for improving the inland navigation of Pennsyl- vania and Maryland, by opening a communication between the tide- waters of Delaware and Chesapeak bay]. 14 x 17. [In American philosophical society. Transactions. 2d ed. corrected. Phil- adelphia, R. Aitken & son, 1779. v. 1. p. 367]. [Map of the region between the East and West branch of the Susquehanna, showing roads and forts, ms. anon. 24| x 32. 1779?]. [Map of proposed roads through the south east part of Pennsylvania and the north part of Maryland and Delaware, ms. anon. 12 J x 15. 178-?] . A new and accurate map of the province of Pennsylvania in North America, from the best authorities, [anon.] 10^ x 13. [In Universal (The) magazine. 8°. London, J. Hinton, [1780]. v. 66. April 1780. opp. p. 169]. A new and accurate map of Virginia, and part of Maryland and Pennsyl- vania. Jno. Lodge sculp, [anon]. 11 x 15. London, J. Bew, 31 dec. 1780. [In Political (The) magazine. 8°. London, for J. Bew, 1780. v. 1. Dec. 1780. opp. p. 787]. Map showing location of the donation lands in Pennsylvania. Compiled from the drafts of surveys on file in the department of internal affairs by J. Sutton Wall. Scale of 4.3 miles per inch. 23 x 35}. [1781-1792]. [In Pennsylvania archives. 3d series. Edited by W. H. Egle. 8°. Harris- burg, C. M. Busch, 1894. v. 3. in pocket]. 678 LIBT OF MAPS OF AMEEICA. Pennsylvania. Carte de la Pensylvanie et du Nouveau Jersey. 9 x 12^. [In Hilliard d'Auberteuil (Michel Rene). Essais historiques et politiques sur les Anglo Americains. Gravures et cartes. 4°. Bruxelles, 1782. pi. 6]. [Cote de York-town a Boston. Marches de I'arm^e. anon. ms. col. 17 x 65. 1782]. [Rochambeau: 65]. Same. [Differents camps de I'armee de York-town k Boston, anon. 10ix36i n. p. 1782]. [Rochambeau: 64]. Pennsylvania depreciation lands. Surveyed in 1783-1785. 7^ x 11. [In Pennsylvania archives. 3d series. Edited by W. H. Egle. 8°. Harris- burgh, C. M. Busch, 1894. v. 3. at end]. We do hereby certify this to be a true map of the boundary line between the states of Pennsylvania and New York, from the river Delaware to the Ninetieth mile stone as run and marked by us, witness our hands October 12th 1786. And'w Ellicott, Com. from Penna. James Clinton, ) ^ _ , .^ ^^ , o- T^ iTtT-A VComm — 2 from New York. Sniieon DeWitt. / 2 sheets, each 13^ x 48^. [In Pennsylvania archives, by Samuel Hazard [1786-1790]. 8°. Phila- delphia, J. Severns & co. 1855. v. 11. pp. 522-526]. This map of part of the northern boundary of Pennsylvania is most humbly inscribed to the supreme executive council of that commonwealth by their humble serv't Benj'n Elhcott. 41 x 35. [1787]. [In Pennsylvania archives, by Samuel Hazard [1786-1790]. 8°. Phila- delphia, J. Severns & co. 1855. v. 11. at end]. To the patrons of the Columbian magazine this map of Pennsylvania is dedicated by their obliged and obed't serv'nts the proprietors. 11 x 21. [1788]. [In Columbian (The) magazine. 1788. 8°. Philadelphia, for T. Seddon, 1788. V. 2. front.] Note. — Another copy in separate form. — A map of Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey & Maryland, with the part& adjacent. Thackara sc. Engraved for R. P.'s History of Penna. 12 x 15^. 8°. Phfladelphia, 1789. v. 2]. [In Proud (Robert). The history of Pennsylvania]. Meridian of the west end of lake Ontario state of New York. 18 miles & 525 chains from the north boundary of Pennsylvania, august 23' d 1790. B. Ellicott sculp. Territory annexed to the state of Pennsylvania. North latitude 42°, 16' 13'^ variation 25 west. 35 x 32^. [In Pennsylvania archives, by Samuel Hazard [1790]. 8°. Philadelphia, J. Severns & co. 1856. v. 12. p. 104]. A map of Pennsylvania, & the parts connected therewith, relating to the roads and inland navigation, especially as proposed to be improved by the late proceedings of assembly. 1792. [Copied from his larger map] by Reading Howell. J. Trenchard, sculp. 18 x 26. [Philadelphia, 1792]. Same. Howell (Reading). A map of Pennsylvania, and the parts connected therewith, relating to the roads and inland navigation especially as proposed to be improved by the late proceedings of assembly. [Copied from his larger map] by Reading Howell, in conformity to the act of Congress of LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 679 Pennsylvania — Continued. the United States, entitled, An act for the encouragement of learning by- securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and pro- prietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned. 18 x 25^. [In American state papers, fol. Washington, Gales & Seaton, 1834. Mis- cellaneous. V. 1. p. 830]. Same. A map of the state of Pennsylvania, by Reading Howell, 1792. Scale of miles, 69 to a degree. 37^ x 64. London, for the author, by J. Phillips, 1792. Same. A map of the state of Pennsylvania, by Reading Howell, 1792. Scale of miles 69 to a degree. 2 sheets, each 37^ x 32J. London, for the author, by James PhiUips, 1792. [Re-print, 1806]. Note. — Registered and copyright secured agreeable to act of congress, august 11th 1806. D. Caldwell, clerk of the district of Pennsylvania. Same. A map of the state of Pennsylvania. By Reading Howell. 1792. 37 x 64. [Facsimile]. [In Pennsylvania archives. 3d series. Appendix 1-X. Maps]. Same. The state of Pennsylvania. Reduced with permission from Reading Howells map by Samuel Lewis. Scale of American miles 69i to a degree, llj x 18. [In Carey (Mathew). Carey's general atlas, fol. Philadelphia, M. Carey, 1796. map 33]. Same. The state of Pennsylvania. Reduced with permission from Reading Howell's map, by Samuel Lewis. 11^ x 18^. [In Carey (Mathew). Carey's American atlas, fol. Philadelphia, M. Carey, 1796. no. 10]. Same. A map of Pennsylvania & the parts connected therewith relating to the roads and inland navigation. By Reading Howell, copied from his larger map. 18 x 26. [In Schuylkill and Susquehanna, and Delaware and Schuylkill navigation companies. An historical account, &c. 4°. Philadelphia, 1795]. Map, exhibiting a general view of the roads and inland navigation of Penn- sylvania, and part of the adjacent states. Respectfully inscribed to Thomas Mifflin, governor, by John Adlum, and John Wallis. Scale of miles, 69 to a degree. 33 x 36. [Philadelphia, 1792?]. Note. — Inset: " Perspective view of part of a canal with locks." Same. Map exhibiting a general view of the roads and inland navigation of Pennsylvania, and part of the adjacent states. Respectfully inscribed to Thomas Mifflin, governor, and the general assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, by John Adlum and John Wallis. Scale of miles 69 to a degree. 29 x 33i. [1792?]. [In Pennsylvania archives. 3d series. Edited by W. H. Egle. 8°. Harris- burgh, C. M. Busch, 1894. v. 1. front.] A map of Pensylvania, and part of the adjacent states, from the last surveys. 0. Carleton delin. 7x8. [In Morse (Jedidiah). The American universal geography. 8°. Boston, T. Thomas & E. T. Andrews, 1793. p. 469]. Pennsylvania. 6 x 7^. [In Scott (Joseph). The United States gazetteer. 16°. Philadelphia, 1795]. • Pennsylvania. Drawn from the best authorities. By Cyrus Harris. Engraved by Doolittle. 7^ x 13. [In Morse (Jedidiah). The American universal geography. 3d ed. 8°. Boston, I. Thomas & E. T. Andrews, 1796. pt. 1. p. 533]. 680 LIST OF MAPS OF AMEEICA. Pennsylvania. The state of Pennsylvania, from the latest surveys. D. Martin, set. American miles 69^ to a degree. 12| x 18. [In Reid (John, publisher). The American atlas, fol. New York, J. Reid, 1796. no. 12]. Pennsylvania entworfen von D. F. Sotzman. 16 x 28. Hamburg, C. E. Bohn, 1797. [Map of the townships between the north east branch qf the Susquehanna and the north west branch, ms. anon. 16 x 19. 18 — ]. [Map of the roads throughout the south eastern part of Pennsylvania, ms. ' anon. 23^x37. 1804?]. Pennsylvania. Drawn by S. Lewis. Eng'd by D. Fairman. 7| x 9|. [In Arrowsmith (Aaron) and Lewis (Samuel). A new and elegant general atlas. 4°. Philadelphia, J. Conrad, 1804. no. 44]. A map of Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey & Maryland, with the parts adjacent. Thackara sc. 12 x 16. [In Camac (Turner). Facts and arguments respecting the great utility of an extensive inland navigation in America, [anon.] 8°. Philadelphia, 1805]. A map of the Alleghany, Monongahela and Yohiogany rivers. 13 x 9. [In Harris (Thaddeus Mason). The journal of a tour into the territory northwest of the Alleghany mountains. 8°. Boston, 1805]. A map of the state of Pennsylvania. By Reading Howell. 1811. Engraved by F. Vallance. col. 21 x 33|. Philadelphia, Kimber & Conrad & Johnson & Warner, [1811]. A map of the state of Pennsylvania. By Reading Howell. Philadelphia, 1817. 21 X 33. Philadelphia, Kimber & Sharpless for Emmons Kimber, [1817]. Pennsylvania. 11^ x 17f . [In Carey (Mathew) & son. Carey's general atlas, fol. Philadelphia, M. Carey & son, 1818. map 14]. Geographical, statistical, and historical map of Pennsylvania. 12 x 18. [In Complete (A) historical, chronological, and geographical American atlas. fol. Philadelphia, H. C. Carey & I. Lea, 1822. no. 18]. Map of Pennsylvania. Constructed from the county surveys authorized by the state; and other original documents by John Melish. col. 50 x 74. [Philadelphia, J. Melish, 1822]. Same. Engraved by B. Tanner. Corrected and improved to 1826. col. 63 X 77. Philadelphia, published by B. Tanner, [1826]. Carte geographique, statistique et historique de la Pensylvanie. 11^ x 17. [In Buchon (Jean Alexandre C.) Atlas geographique, statistique et chron- ologique des deux Am^riques. fol. Paris, J. Carez, 1825. no. 22]. Pennsylvania and New Jersey. N. & S. S. Jocelyn sc. 7J x 9|. [In Morse (Sidney E. ) A new universal atlas of the world, on an improved plan [etc.] 4°. New Haven, N. & S. S. Jocelyn, 1825]. Note. — Inset: " Philadelphia and its vicinity." Map of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware. Constructed fropi the latest authorities. 1826. D. H. Vance, del. J. H. Young, sc. 17 x 21 1. [In Finley (Anthony). A new American atlas, [etc.] fol. Philadelphia, A. Finley, 1826. no. 6]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 681 Pennsylvania. Map of the country embracing the several routes examined with a view to a national road from A\Jashington to Buffalo. 15J x 34. [In United States. War department. Corps of engineei-s. Road from AVashington city to Buffalo. 8°. Washington, 1827]. [Map of the central portion of Pennsylvania, showing roads and localities, bordering on and from the Delaware and Susquehanna rivers, to Pitts- burg and Kittanning, etc. ms. anon. 25x71. 183-?]. Map of the states of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. 9| x 15. Engraved & printed by Fenner Sears & co. London, I. T. Hinton & Simpkin & Marshall, 1832. [In Hinton (J. H. ) The history and topography of the United States. 3d ed. 4°. London, J. Dowding, 1842. v. 1. opp. p. 176]. Note. — Inset: Plan of Philadelphia. Pennsylvania and New Jersey. 5x6. [In Baird (Robert). View of the valley of the Mississippi. [By R. B. anon.] 16°. Philadelphia, H. S. Tanner, 1832. p. 95]. Note. — Introduction signed R. B. Plan and section of a survey for a canal commencing at Fair Mount Dam and extending along the western slope of the river Schuykill to Mill creek. Laid down from surveys made during the year 1833, By J. Edgar Thom- son, civil engr. Drawn by John C. Trautwine, assist, engr. 10 x 16^. ms. [1833]. A map of the canals & railroads of Pennsylvania and the adjoining states. By H. S. Tanner. 1834. 20 x 27. [In Tanner (Henry S. ) A brief description of the canals and railroads of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. 18°. Philadelphia, author, 1834]. Pennsylvania and New Jersey. 7^ x 10. [In Bradford ( Thomas Gamaliel ) . A comprehensive atlas, geographical, his- torical & commercial. 4°. Boston, American stationers' co. 1835. p. 33]. A new map of Pennsylvania with its canals, rail-roads & distances from place to place along the stage roads, by H. S. Tanner, col. 10 x 13^. Philadelphia, H. S. Tanner, [1836]. Map of the state of Pennsylvania. Compiled from the latest authorities. Philadelphia, published by Edward C. Biddle^ 1837. 8 x lOi. [In Eaton (Rebecca). A geography of Pennsylvania. 12°. Philadelphia, E. C. Biddle, 1837. front.] Pennsylvania. Engraved by G. W. Boynton. 11^ x 14^. [In Bradford (Thomas Gamaliel.) An illustrated atlas, geographical, sta- tistical, and historical of the United States and the adjacent countries, fol. Philadelphia, E. S. Grant & co. [1838]. p. 74]. Pennsylvania. 1838. Engraved by G. W. Boynton. Hi x 14^. [In 'Bradford (Thomas Gamaliel) and Goodrich (Samuel Griswold). A universal illustrated atlas [etc.] fol. Boston, C. D. Strong, 1843. bet. pp. 74-75]. A map of the canals & railroads of Pennsylvania and New Jersey with the adjoining states. By H. S. Tanner. 1839. 20| x 27. [In Tanner (Henry S.) A new American atlas, fol. Philadelphia, H. S. Tanner, 1839]. 6 §2 LIST OF MAPS OF AMEBIC A. Pennsylvania. Map of New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Exhibiting the post offices^ post roads, canals, rail roads, ^c. By David H. Burr. col. 35 x 48. [Washington, 1839]. A new map of Pennsylvania with its canals, railroads & distances from place to place along the stage roads. By H. S. Tanner. Tanner's universal atlas. 10^ X 12^. [In Tanner (Henry S.) A description of the canals and railroads of the United States. 8°. New York, T. R. Tanner, 1840]. Pennsylvania. J. H. Young sc. 13 x 19. [In Tanner (Henry S.) A geographical, historical and statistical view of the central or middle United States. 18°. Philadelphia, H. Tanner, jr. 1841. p. 3]. A new map of Pennsylvania with its canals, rail roads & distances from place to place along the stage roads. By H. S. Tanner. 11 x 13. Philadelphia, ' H. S. Tanner, [1840]. [In his A geographical, etc. view of the United States. 16°. Philadelphia,, 1841]. New Jersey and Pennsylvania. 6x4. [In Monthly (The) chronicle of events, discoveries, improvements and opinions. 8°. Boston, S. Smith, 1842. v. 3. p. 97]. Note. — To accompany an article on ** Pennsylvania improvements." Pennsylvania. 12^ x lOf. [In Greenleaf (Jeremiah). A new universal atlas [etc.] new ed. rev.^ fol. Brattleboro, Vt. G. R. French, 1842. p. 39]. Buckley (R.) Map embracing rail-roads & canals in connection with parts of the state of New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, [anon. ] 19 x 30. [n. p. 1843]. The key stone state, Pennsylvania, and her eminent men. [Map]. Com- piled & drawn by A. W. Harrison, col. 43 x 54. Philadelphia, A. W. Harrison, 1847. Map illustrative of the statistics of the coal trade of Pennsylvania. Showing the relative positions of the various anthracite & bituminous coal fields. Also the rail roads, canals & navigable waters, by which they are inter- sected, forming their respective avenues to market. Prepared by B. C. Taylor. 1848. W. Dreser, ft. To accompany the report of Dauphin and Susquehanna coal company. lOJ x 15. Philadelphia, lith. of T. Sinclair, [1848]. The tourist's pocket map of Pennsylvania, exhibiting its internal improve- ments, roads, distances, &c. By J. H. Young, col. 12 x 15. Philadel- phia, S. A. Mitchell, 1848. Map of the anthracite regions of Pennsylvania, embracing the first and second, and part of the Wyoming coal fields, and Montour iron ore range. By W. F. Roberts, col. 28 x 80. Philadelphia, P. S. Duval's lith. press, 1849. Map of Pennsylvania, constructed from the county surveys authorized by the state; and other original documents. Revised and improved under the supervision of Wm. E. Morris, civil engineer, upon data procured in each county. Approved by the Philadelphia county board under author- ity of the legislature. Statute miles of 1760 yards. 50^ x 73J. Philadel- phia, R. L. Barnes, 1849. LIST OF MAPS OF AMEKICA. 683 Pennsylvania. A map of the meetings of friends, and some other places in Penn- sylvania and New Jersey. 8 x 125. [In Bowden (James). The history of the society of friends in America. 8°. London, 1850. v. 2. p. 1]. Note. — Inset: "A plan of the city of Philadelphia with the country adja- cent. 1760." A new county map of the state of Pennsylvania and adjoining states, show- ing the route of the Central & other rail roads. &c. &c. Reduced from the large map of J. W. Otley. col. 25 x 37. Philadelphia, R. L. Barnes, 1852. Thayer (Horace) & co. Township map of Pennsylvania. 20 x 27. New York, H. Thayer & co. [1852]. Pictorial map of Pennsylvania. Published by Ensign, Bridgeman & Fanning. 33 x 25. New York, Ensign, Bridgeman & Fanning, [1855]. County, township & railroad map. col. 33 x 50. Philadelphia, R. L. Barnes, 1856. County and railroad map of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. With portions of the adjoining states. Constructed and engraved by W. Williams, col. 32 X 52. Philadelphia, W. Williams, 1856. Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Drawn & engraved by J. Bartholomew. Printed in colors by Schenck & Macfarlane, Edinburgh. 10| x 15. [In Black (Adam & Charles). Black's atlas of North America, [etc.] foL Edinburgh, A. & C. Black, 1856. no. 7]. Geological map of the state of Pennsylvania, constructed from original sur- veys made between the years 1836 and 1857, under the superintendence of Henry D. Rogers. To accompany the final report on the geological survey of the state, 1858. col. 55 x 69. [Edinburg, 1858]. Geological and topographical map of the anthracite fields of Pennsylvania, constructed from original explorations and instrumental surveys conducted by Henry D. Rogers. Scale, 2 miles to the inch. 1858. col. 27 x 69. [Edinburg, 1858]. Note. — Accompanying "The final report on the geological survey of the State, 1858. 4°. Atlas, Edinburg, 1858." A map of the anthracite collieries and the Pottaville, Lehigh, Mahanoy & Shamokin coal basins in Schuylkill, Dauphin, Northumberland, Carbon & part of Luzerne counties, Pa. By P. W. Sheafer. 1859. col. 24 x 38. Philadelphia, Herline & Hensel, 1859]. Barrington's new and reliable rail road map and shippers & travellers guide of Pennsylvania, col. 46 x 42. Philadelphia, J. M. Duncan, 1860. Topographical map of the state of Pennsylvania. Drawn from actual sur- veys by H. F. Walling. 64 x 64. New York, Smith, Palmer & co. 1862. Johnson (A. J.) Johnson's Pennsylvania and New Jersey. 17x23. [New York], Johnson & Ward, [1864]. Note. — From his atlas. Beers (F. W.) & others. Atlas of the oil region of Pennsylvania. 4 p. 1. 38 maps. 7 1. at end. obi. fol. New York, F. W. Beers, A. D. Ellis & G. G. Soule, [1865]. 684 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Pennsylvania. Colton's new township map of Pennsylvania & the southern counties of New York. PubUshed by G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. col. 24 X 48. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. 1866. Colton (G. W. & C. B.) Colton's new township map of the eastern counties • of Pennsylvania, col. 27 x 39. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton, 1866. Colton (G. W. & C. B. ) Colton's new township map of the western counties of Pennsylvania, col. 26^ x 37. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton, 1866. Iron, railroad, canal & coal map of Pennsylvania, &c. 30 x 42. Pottsville, P. W. Sheafer, 1867. New Map. 20 x 35. New York, H. H. Lloyd, & co. 1868. Pennsylvania. 10| x 15J. [In Beers (F. G.), Sanford (George P.) and others. Atlas of Bradford county, Penn. fol. New York, F. W. Beers, A. D. Ellis & G. G. Soule, 1869. p. 6]. The Pennsylvania oil region. Showing each farm up to the present time as well as all developments. By Henry E. Wrigley. [map] . col. 50 x 50. Philadelphia, P. S. Duvall & son, 1869. Map of the first and second anthracite coal fields of Pennsylvania. Com- prising the Lykens Valley, Lorberry, [etc.] ByStrauch & Cochran. New York, Am. photo-lith. co. 1870. Hopkins (G. M.) & co. Atlas of the county of Montgomery and the state of Pennsylvania. Ill pp. incl. 36 maps. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins & co. 1871. Map of the Pennsylvania oil region, comprising Venango, with part of Craw- ford, Erie, Warren, Forest, Armstrong, Butler, Clarion, Lawrence, and Mercer counties. Showing the county tow^nship and tract lines [etc.] By Henry E. Wrigley. 64 x 49. [Philadelphia, 1871]. Hopkins (H. W. ) Outline map of the state of Pennsylvania. 14J x 23|. [In Hopkins (G. M. ) & co. Atlas of the county of Montgomery and the state of Pennsylvania, fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins & co. 1871. pp. 74-75]. Map of the state of Pennsylvania. Scale: 21| miles to the inch. 10 x 15. [In Beers (F. W.) Atlas of Indiana county, Penn. fol. NewYork, F. W. Beers & CO. 1871. p. 6]. Blodget (Lorin). Climatological map of Pennsylvania, showing the average temperature, amount of rainfall &c. 9| x 16^. [In Walling (Henry F. ) and Gray (O. W.) New topographical atlas of the state of Pennsylvania, fol. Philadelphia, Stedman, Brown & Lvon, 1872. p. 18]. Hopkins (H. W. ) Outline map of the state of Pennsylvania. 14|^ x 23|. [In Hopkins (G. M.) & co. Atlas of the county of Fayette and the state of Pennsylvania, fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins & co. 1872. pp. 74-75]. Walling (Henry F. ) and Gray (O. W.) New topographical atlas of the state of Pennsylvania. With descriptions, [etc.] 110 pp. 10 1. 1 fold. map. fol. Philadelphia, Stedman, Brown & Lyon, 1872. Hopkins (G. M.) & co. Atlas of the county of Fayette and the state of Pennsylvania. Ill pp. incl. 33 maps. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins & CO. 1872. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 685 Pennsylvania. Lesley (J. Peter). Topographical map of Pennsylvania, colored* for the principal geological formations. 10 x 16. [In Walling (Henry F.) and Gray (O. W.) New topographical atlas of the state of Pennsylvania, fol. Philadelphia, Stedman, Brown & Lvon, 1872. p. 12]. ISIap of the state of Pennsylvania. Scale 21J miles to the inch. 10 x 15. [In Beers (F. W.) Atlas of Susquehanna county, Penn. fol. New York^ A. Pomeroy & co. 1872. p. 7]. Map of the state of Pennsylvania. Scale 21^ miles to the inch. 10 x 15. [In Beers (F. W.) Atlas of Wayne county, Penn. fol. New York, A. Pomeroy & co. 1872. p. 8]. Walling (Henry F. ) and Gray (O. W. ) New topographical atlas of the state of Pennsylvania, with descriptions historical, scientific and statistical together with a map of the United States and territories. 2 p. 1, 6-110, [120] pp. inch 25 maps. fol. Philadelphia, Stedman, Brown & Lyon, 1872. County map of the state of Pennsylvania. 10 x 13i. [In Beers (D. G. ) Atlas of Luzerne county, Penn. fol. Philadelphia, A. Pomeroy & co. 1873]. — Frank Cowan's map of south w^estern Pennsylvania. Coal, iron, oil, rail- roads, rivers, towns, &c. 31 x 26. [Pittsburgh, Pa. 1874]. Hopkins (G. M.) & co. Combination atlas of the county of Butler and the state of Pennsylvania. Ill pp. 1 1. incl. 33 maps. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins & co. 1874. Hopkins (H. W.) Outline map of the state of Pennsylvania, l-i^ x 23|. [In Hopkins (G. M. ) & co. Combination atlas of the county of Butler and the state of Pennsylvania, fol. G. M. Hopkins & co. 1874. pp. 74-75]. Map of the state of Pennsylvania. Scale 21^ miles to the inch. 10 x 15. [In Beers (F. W. ) County atlas of Carbon, Penn. fol. New York, F. W. Beers & co. 1875. p. 13]. Map of the state of Pennsylvania. Scale 21J miles to the inch. 10 x 15. [In Beers (F. W. ) County atlas of Lebanon, Penn. fol. Philadelphia, F. A. Davis, 1875. p. 18]. Map of the state of Pennsylvania. Scale 21J miles to the inch. 10 x 15. [In Beers (F. W.) County atlas of Monroe, Penn. fol. New York, F. W. Beers & co. 1875. p. 15]. Railroad and county map of Pennsylvania. Prepared for the annual report of the secretary of internal affairs of Pennsylvania, [part 4] . For the year 1875. Compiled and drawn by F. A. Gray. col. 15 x 24. Phila- delphia, O. AV. Gray & son, [1875]. Smith ( J. L. ) Smith's new map of Philadelphia and vicinity, col. 25 x 42. Philadelphia, J. L. Smith, 1875. Watson's new county, railroad and distance map of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, col. 12 x 16. [New York, G. Watson, 1875]. Map of the state of Pennsylvania. Scale 21J miles to the inch. 10 x 15. [In Beers (F. W.) and Cochran (A. B.) County atlas of Schuylkill, Penn. fol. New York, F. W. Beers & co. 1875. p. 8]. ■ Map of the state of Pennsylvania. Scale 21^ miles to the inch. 10 x 15. [In Walker (G. H. ) and Jewett (C. F. ) County atlas of Tioga, Penn. foL New York, F. W. Beers & co. 1875. p. 16]. 686 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Pennsylvania. Map showing the relative position of the Cornwall ore banks. Scale 400 feet to the inch. 14i x 21^. [In Beers (F. W.) County atlas of Lebanon, Penn. fol. Philadelphia, F. A. Davis, 1875. p. 75]. Pennsylvania. Copyright 1875 by O. W. Gray & son. 15J x 24J. [In Scott (J. D.) Combination atlas map of Bucks county, Penn. [etc.] fol. Philadelphia, J. D. Scott, 1876. pp. 4-5]. Gray (F. A.) Railroad and county map of Pennsylvania. By O. W. Gray & son, Philadelphia. 15^ x 24^. [In Davis (F. A.) New illustrated atlas of Lehigh county, Penn. fol. Reading, Pa. Reading publishing house, 1876]. Harper & brothers. Harper's school geography. [Pennsylvania ed.] 1 p. 1. ii, 124, 9 pp. + 1 1. incl. 29 col. maps. 4°. New York, Harper & brothers, 1876. Harper & brothers. Harper's school geography. [Pennsylvania and Dela- ware ed.] 1 p. 1. ii, 124, 72 pp. +2 1. incl. 30 maps. 4°. New York, Harper & brothers, 1876. Map of the state of Pennsylvania. Scale 21J miles to the inch. 10 x 15. [In Beers (F. W.) County atlas of Somerset, Penn. fol. New York, F. W. Beers & co. 1876. p. 15]. Map of the state of Pennsylvania. Scale 21J miles to the inch. 10 x 15. [In Walker (G. H.) and Jewett (C. F.) Columbia and Montour counties, Penn. fol. New York, F. W. Beers & co. 1876. p. 13]. Outline map of the state of Pennsylvania. 14| x 23|. [In Hopkins (G. M.) Atlas of the county of Allegheny, Penn. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1876]. Caldwell (J. A.) Railway map of the state of Pennsylvania. 1876. col. 15 X 24. Pittsburgh, Pa. O. Krebs, [1876]. Pennsylvania. 15 j x 24^. [In Hopkins (Griffith Morgan). Atlas of Delaware county, Penn. [etc.] fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1876. pp. 10-11]. — Wickersham (J. P.) A geography of Pennsylvania. 12 pp. incl. 1 col. map. 4°. Philadelphia, J. H. Butler & co. [1876]. [With Mitchell (Samuel Augustus) . Mitchell's new intermediate geography. Pennsylvania ed. 1876]. Centennial map of Pennsylvania, showing counties, townships, etc. 1876. [By] Haasis & Lubrecht. col. 30 x 38. New York, Haasis & Lubrecht, [1876]. Colton's new township railroad map of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, col. 28 x 42. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. 1876. Gray's railroad and county map of Pennsylvania. Compiled and drawn by F. A. Gray. col. 15 x 24. Philadelphia, 0. W. Gray & son, 1876. Railway map of the state of Pennsylvania. 1876. Engraved & printed by Otto Krebs. 15 x 24. Pittsburgh, Pa. O. Krebs, [1876]. Hayes (E. L.) Illustrated atlas of the upper Ohio river and valley from Pittsburgh, Penn. to Cincinnati, Ohio. 2 p. 1. 5-231 pp. incl. 67 maps & 73 pi. fol. Philadelphia, Titus, Simmons & Titus, 1877. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 687 Pennsylvania. Hopkins (H. W.) Outline map of the state of Pennsylvania. 14^ X 24. [In Hopkins (G. M.) Atlas of Philadelphia and environs, fol. Phila- delphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1877. pp. 86-87]. Map of the state of Pennsylvania. Scale 21 J miles to the inch. 10 x 15. [In Beers (F. W. ) County atlas of Bedford, Penn. fol. New York, F. W." Beers & co. 1877. p. 13]. Harper & brothers. Harper's school geography. [New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware ed.] 126, 4, 8, 2 pp. inch 31 col. maps. 4°. New York, Harper & brothers, 1877. Same. [New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware ed.] 1 p. 1. ii, 128, 5, 7, 2 pp. inch 31 col. maps. 4°. New York, Harper & brothers, 1878. County map of New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Prepared for the Union sec- tional map CO. by H. H. Lloyd & co. col. 11 x 17. New York, H. H. Lloyd & CO. [1877]. ^lap of the northern oil field in Pennsylvania and New York. From actual surveys by Geo. T. Keith and H. F. Northrup. 31 x 35. New York, the graphic CO. photo-lith. [1877]. The anthracite coal fields of Pennsylvania with their outlets to market. By Geo. B. Strauch and A. B. Cochran 1878. 18 x 40. Philadelphia, f. Sinclair & son. lith. [1878]. Map. col. 42x70. Philadelphia, J. H. Butler & co. [1878]. New school map of Pennsylvania. Published by Thompson Wachob. col. 45 X 69. Pittsburgh, Pa. T. Wachob, [1878]. Rand, McNally & co.'s county and railroad map of Pennsylvania. 12 x 19. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1878]. Haasis & Lubrecht. New map of Pennsylvania showing counties, townships, railroads, post oflBces, etc. col. 26 x 36. New York, Haasis & Lubrecht, [1881]. 3Iap of the northern oil fields embracing the counties of "Warren, McKean, Forest and Elk in Pennsylvania. Compiled from actual surveys by Jno, Morgan, c. e. and from advance sheets of 2nd geological survey of Pa. by C. A. Ashburner. col. 46 x 56. Philadelphia, J. L. Smith, 1881. Post route map of the states of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland and of the District of Columbia, [etc.] By W. L. Nicholson. The 1st ed. was issued in 1869. Drawn by C. H. Poole. Engraved by D. McClelland. 4 sheets. foL [Washington, 1881]. [United States. Post office department. Topographer's office]. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed county map of Pennsylvania, [etc.] 136 pp. 1 map. 12 J X 19. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1881]. Bradley & co. County map of Pennsylvania, [anon.] col. 15 x 22. [Philadelphia, Bradley & co. 1882]. Butler (E. H.) & co. Map of Pennsylvania, col. 42 x 70. Philadelphia, E. H. Butler & CO. [1882]. Plum (W. R.) Theatre of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia campaigns. 4^ x 7. Chicago, Emil Heuback, 1882]. Note. — Copyright by W. R. Hum. 688 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Pennsylvania. Hopkins (G. M.) Atlas of properties along the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore railroad and the Philadelphia & Westchester railroad, from Philadelphia to Chester, title. 28 maps. fol. Philadel- phia, G. M. Hopkins, 1882. Hopkins (G. M. ) Atlas of properties near the north Pennsylvania rail road from Wayne June*, to Penllyn sta°. title. 23 maps. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1883. Kirk (W. H.) & co. Chester county, Pennsylvania. 265 pp. incl. 80 maps. fol. Philadelphia, W. H. KiVk & co. 1883. [Breou's official series of farm maps]. Gray's new map of Pennsylvania. By Frank A. Gray. col. 16 x 26. [Philadelphia, O. W. Gray & son, 1883]. Opperman (J.) Opperman's map of the middle oil region. 30x35^. New York, J. Bien & co. lith. [1883]. Railway map of the state of Pennsylvania. 15 x 23. [In Caldwell (J. A.) Illustrated historical combination atlas of Cambria county, Penn. fol. Philadelphia, atlas publishing co, 1890. pp. 167-8]. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed county and railroad pocket map and ship- pers' guide of Pennsylvania. 176 pp. 16°. Chicago and New York, Rand, McNally & co. [1893]. Pennsylvania. Written by Pennsylvania educators, [anon.] 10 pp. incl. 1 map. [In Frye (Alex. Everett). Complete geography. [Pennsylvania ed.] 4°. Boston, Ginn & co. 1895]. Bien (Joseph R. ) Atlas of the state of Pennsylvania, prepared from orig- inal surveys and various local surveys revised and corrected. Based on \ the triangulations and surveys of the U. S. geological survey, U. S. coast and geodetic survey, U. S. lake survey and the second geological survey of Pennsylvania. 2 p. 1. ii-xx pp. 47 maps & 1 chart, fol. New York, J. Bien & co. 1900. Railroad and post office map of Pennsylvania. Scale 1 inch = 8 miles. 1:506,880. 27x40. [In Bien (Joseph R.) Atlas of the state of Pennsylvania, prepared from original surveys and various local surveys revised and corrected, fol. New York, J. Bien & co. 1900. bet. pp. xx & 1]. See also Adams county; Allegheny county; Armstrong county; Beaver county; Bedford county; Berks county; Blair county; Bradford county; Bucks county; Butler county; Cambria county; Carbon county; Chester county; Clinton county ; Columbia county; Cumberland county; Dauphin county; Elk county; Erie county; Fayette county ; Forest county; Frank- lin county; Huntingdon county; Indiana county; Juniata county; Lan- caster county ; Lawrence county; Lebanon county ; Lehigh county; Lyco- ming county; McKean county; Mercer county; Mifflin county; Monroe county; Montgomery county; Montour county; Northumberland county; Petry county; Pike county; Potter county; Schuylkill county; Somerset county; Sullivan county; Susquehanna county; Tioga county; Union county; Warren county ; Washington county; Wayne county; Westmore- land county; Wyoming county; York county. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 689 Pennsylvania and Ohio canal. Map & profiles of the Pennsylvania and Ohio canal, from Akron on the Ohio canal by the vallies of the Cuyahoga and Mahoning on the Shenango. Located in 1828 under the direction of lieut. col. Kearney, U. S. top. eng. by lieut. Dumestie Farley, and Euring. Copied by David H. Burr. Engraved by J. Y. X. Throop. 19 x 31. [n. p. 1828]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 117]. Pennsylvania oil regions. Henderson (Albert X.) Henderson's map oi the Pennsylvania oil regions showing the best oil lands and great oil basin in Warren, Venango and Crawford counties. 15 x 20i. Buffalo, X. Y. A, X. Henderson, 1865. Condensed map of the Pennsylvania oil region 1874. Compiled from sur- veys and accumulated records by Henry E. Wrigley. 80 x 38. Xew York, Am. photo-lith. co. [1874]. Map of districts E, F, G, H, J, K, of the sections upper 1 and 2. Pensyl- vania oil region. Comprising the counties of Warren & McKean and part of Chatteraugus co. X. Y. to accompany and complete the map of 1874. Compiled by Henry E. Wrigley. 33 x 56. Xew York, Am. lith. co. [1876]. Map showing the position of tankage and pipe lines in the Pennsylvania oil regions, by Henry E. Wrigley, July 28, 1876. 25 x 47. X'^ew York, Am. photo-lith. CO. [Osborne's process], [1880]. Pennsylvania railroad. ^lap of Pensylvania railroad with its connections, show- ing the different routes, projected or constructed between the seaboard & the western states, [anon.] 23 x 55. Philadelphia, Friend & Aub, lith. engravers, [1851]. Hopkins (G. M.) Atlas of Bryn Mawr and vicinity or properties along the Pensylvania r. r. title, index & fold. map. 27 pi. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1881. Penny Hill, N. J. Sketch of the roads from Penny Hill to Black Horse through Mount Holly. By I. Hills. June 1778. ms. 19 x 26^ [In his A collection of plan's &c. &c. &c. in the province of Xew Jersey, ms. fol. [1776-1782]. no. 6]. Same. Hills (John). Sketch of the road from Penny Hill to Black Horse through Mount Holly. 1778. ByT.H. [anon.] ms. col. 19|x26i. [1778]. XoTE.— Inset: "Sketch of Haddon Field." Penobscot (Fort), Me. Plan of fort Pownal at Penobscot, Maine, built 1759. ms. [anon.] 13 x 18. [1759?]. Attack of the rebels upon Fort Penobscot in the province of Xew England in which their fleet was totally destroyed and their army dispersed the 14 aug. 1779. By an oflicer present, [anon.] 14 x 15. [Inserted in Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of Xorth America and the West Indies, fol. London, for K. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 109]. Note. — Under date of 31 may, 1780, Gen. Heath wrote Washington as fol- lows: Capt. La Fouche, of his most christian majesty's frigate, the Har- mione, in his late cruise, ran into Penobscot bay, where he lay some time, and took a plan of the works, which he has forwarded to the minister at Philadelphia. Penobscot county. Me. Topographical map of the county of Penobscot, ]Maine. From surveys under the direction of H. F. Walling. 1859. col. 60 x 60. Xew York, Lee & Marsh, 1859. H. Doc. 516 ^ 690 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Penobscot county, Me. Atlas of Penobscot co. Maine. From recent and actual surveys & records, under the superintendence of W. A. Sherman. 105 pp. 4 1. incl. 48 maps. fol. New York, Comstock & Cline, 1875. Penobscot river. A map of the sources of the Chaudiere, Penobscot, and Kenne- bec rivers. By [Col J.] Montresor. ms. 22^ x 19. [1761]. Note. — Montresor' s Journal of this expedition from Quebec into Maine, is found in Maine historical society collections, 1831. v. 1. pp. 341-357. Penobscot river and bay, with the operations of the English fleet, under sir George Collyer, against the division of Massachusettes troops acting against fort Castine, aug. 1779. ms. [anon.] 18 x 57. [1779]. Note. — Original ms. drawing. With full soundings up to the present site of Bangor. [Faden collection, no. 101]. Pensaeola, Fla. Plan de la baye de Pensacola. Par N. B[ellin. anon.] 1744. 8x11. [In Charlevoix (P. FX. de). Histoire et description de la Nouvelle France. 16°. Paris, 1744. v. 6. opp. p. 266]. A perspective view of Pensacola. 5 x 10. [In Universal (The) magazine. 8°. London, J. Hinton, 1764. v. 34. p. 36]. ■ A plan of the town of Pensacola, 1767. ms. anon. col. 7 x 10^. [1767]. Note. — With the building lots severally numbered. A north view of Pensacola, or the island of Santa Rosa, drawn by Dom. Serres. 6| x 10 J. [In Jefferys (T. engraver) . A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 68] . — Plan of the Harbour and settlement of Pensacola. T. Jefferys sculp. 7ix lOi. [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 68a]. Gezigt van't Spaansche vlek Pensacola, aan de baay van dien naam in de golf van Mexiko, beoosten den uitloop van de rivier Missisippi. Naar een tekening, die op de plaats zelve, in't jaar 1743, is gemaakt. 6 x 10. [In Hedendaagsche historic of tegenwoordige staat van Amerika. [anon.] 8°. Te Amsterdam, I. Tirion, 1769. v. 3. p. 314]. Piano del porto degli stabilimenti di Pensacola. 7'x 10. [In Atlante dell' America, [anon.] fol. Livorno, 1778. no. 14]. A Plan of Pensacola and its environs in its present state. From an actual survey in 1778. By Joseph Purcell. Scale of 220 fathoms or ^ of a mile 69J to a degree, ms. 20 x 29. 1778. Note. — Inset: References. [Plan of Fort George, Pensacola with reference. Scale 50 feet to an inch. ms. anon. 12^x9. 1781?] Plan of fort George and adjacent works at Pensacola in West Florida. Scale, 150 feet to an inch. ms. [anon.] 28 x 18. [1781?]. Plan of fort George at Pensacola. Scale 50 feet to an inch. ms. [anon.] 26 X 14. 1784. Note.— References signed "C. Towne, 9th October 1784. W. W." LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 691 Pensacola harbor and bar. A plan of Mobile bar [&] Plan of the harbour of Pen- sacola. By B. Romans, 1771. 7 x 10^. [In Whittle (J.) and Laurie (R. H.) The West India atlas, fol. London, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 45]. A chart of the bay and harbour of Pensacola in the province of West Florida. Surveyed by George Gauld. Published by command of government by J. F. W. Des Barres. 20i x 28i. [London], 1780. [In charts of the coast and harbors of Xew England from surveys taken by Sam'. Holland and Geo*". Sproul, Cha*. Blascowitz, Jam^ Grant and Tho^ AVheeler his assistants for the use of the royal navy of Great Britain by J. F. AV. Des Barres. nar. fol. [London], 1780. no. 21]. — Pensacola harbor and bar, Florida. Surveyed in 1822 by major James Kear- ney, topo. engineers, assisted by lieut^ Thompson, Turnbull and Butler. Drawn by lieut. Turnbull. W. J. Stone sc. 46 x 58. [Washington, 1822]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published 1 )y order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 116]. Pensacola harbor & bar surveyed in 1822 by major James Kearney, U. S. t. e. assisted by lieut^ Thompson, Turnbull and Butler. Reduced from the original and drawn by lieuts. Wash. Hood and Rich'* S. Smith. 23|x28. [Washington, 1835] . [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 100]. ' Pensacola harbor and bar. Florida. Surveyed in 1822 by major James Kearney. Drawn by lieut. Turnbull. 57x46. [Washington, 1822]. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers] . Skeleton map showing the rail roads completed and in progress in the United States, and their connections as proposed with the harbor of Pensacola. Prepared by order of the house of representatives, 1st sess. 30th cong. 46 x 36. Washington, C. B. Graham's lith. [1848]. [United States. Congress. House of representatives] . Chart of Mobile, Perdido & Pensacola bays. Bj' Wm, Darby. 8x8. [In Darby ( William) . The emigrant's guide. 8°. New York, 1818. p. 34]. Peoria county, 111. ]Map of Peoria co. Illinois. From original and recent surveys compiled and drawn by D. B. Allen. 50 x 50. Philadelphia, Matthews, Crane & co. 1861. Pernambuco, Brazil. Pernambuco. 8 x 12^. [In Reys-boeck han het rijecke Brasilien, [etc. anon.] sm. 4°. Graven- Haghe? I. Craven, 1624]. Preefecturae Paranambucse pars borealis, una cum prjefectura de Itamaraca. 16^x21. [In Blaauw (W. J.) and Blaauw (Jan). Le grand atlas ov cosmographie Blaviane, contenant TAmerique. fol. Amsterdam, J. Blaeu, 1667. v. 12. bet. pp 261-262]. Prpefectur^e Paranambucie pars meridionalis. I65 x 17^. [In Blaauw (W. J.) and Blaauw (Jan). Le grand atlas ov cosmographie Blaviane, contenant I'Amerique. fol. Amsterdam, J. Blaeu, 1667. v. 12. bet. pp 262-263]. Perry county, Penn. Maps of the counties of Perry, Juniata and ^MifHin, Penn. From actual surveys by and under the direction of G. M. Hopkins. 58 X 58. Philadelphia, Smith, Gallup & Hewitt, 1863. 692 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Perryville, Ky. Map of the battlefield of Perryville, Ky. Compiled by Edward Ruger. 8i x 8i. Cincinnati, R. Clarke & co. [1875]. Note. — From Atlas [map no. 5] to Van Home's History of the army of the Cumberland. Perth. Amboy, N. J. Plan of Amboy, with its environs, from an actual survey, [anon.] 9x9. London, for R. Sayer & J. Bennett, aug. 17, 1776. [In Jefferys (T.) and others. The American atlas, fol. London, R- Sayer & J. Bennett, 1776. Inset to no. 17: Holland (S.) The provinces of New York and New Jersey]. Grant ( ). Plan of Perth Amboy from an actual survey, ms. 8x9. [In Hills (John). A collection of plans &c. &c. &c. in the province of New Jersey, ms. fol. [1772-1782]. no. 1]. Position de notre camp le 24 juin 1777 a Perth Amboy. ms. By V. Wan- genheim. [anon.] 12 x 13. [1777]. [Map of the roads from Elizabeth town Point to Perth Amboy. ms. anon. 24 x I'Oi 1778?]. Note. — Numbered in pencil "166." [Plan d' Amboy. Vues de la rade de Charles-town et du fort Sulivan. Mai 1780. anon. 9x14. 1780]. [Rochambeau: 19]. Map of Perth Amboy showing the manner in which it was originally laid out and located. W. A. W. delt. 7| x 10. [In Whitehead (William Adee). Contributions to the early history of Perth Amboy and adjoining country 8°. New York, D. Appleton & co. 1856. bet. pp. 8-9]. Map of the city of Perth Amboy as it was in 1823. Reduced from the origi- nal survey of F. W. Brinley. W. A. W. delt. 7| x 10. [In AVhitehead ( William Adee) . Contributions to the early history of Perth Amboy and adjoining country 8°. New York, D. Appleton & co. 1856. bet. pp. 56-57]. Peru, South. America. Ttahuantin-Suyu or the empire of the Yncas (except Quito and Chile) in its four great divisions of Chincha-Suyu, Cunti-Suyu, Anti- Suyu, CoUa-Suyu with their tribes and aylius or lineages also the routes of the Yncas conquerors. By Clements R. Markham, c. b. 25 x 26. [In Royal geographical society. Journal. 1872. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1872. V. 42. p. 513]. Perv. Brevis exactaq^ totivs orbis eivsQg insvlarvm descriptio recens a Ivan Bellero edita. 9^ x 5^. [In Boileau de Bullion (Gilles). La sphere des deux mondes, composee en Francois, par Daniel, pasteur des Amadis. [pseud.] sm. 4°. An vers, I. Richart, 1555. 1. 56]. Note. — The whole of South America and the southeast coast of the United States. Pervani regni descriptio 1597. 9 x 11. [In Wytfiiet (Cornelius) and others. Histoire vniverselle des Indes. foL Douay, F. Fabri, 1605. opp. p. 87]. Perv. 11 x 14. [In Laet (Joannes de). Nieuvve wereldt, ofte beschrijvinghe van West- Indien. fol. Leyden, J. Elzevier, 1625. bet. pp. 298-299]. Note. — This map is also found in the translated editions of de Laet, 1633^ and 1640, and in the Dutch edition of 1630. LIST OF MAPS OF AMEKICA. 693 Peru, South America. Perv. 15 x 19. [In Jansson (Jan). Nuevo atlas, fol. Amsterdam, J. Jansson, 1653. v. 2]. ].e P^rou, et le cours de la riv^ Amazone. Par X. Sanson, 1657. 8x11. [In his L'Amerique en plvsievrs cartes. 4°. Paris, Tauthevr, 1657. no. 11]. Perv. Amstelodami, Guiljelmus Blaeuw excudit. 15 x 19. [In Blaauw (W. J.) and Blaauw (Jan). Le grand atlas, ov eosmographie Blaviane, contenant TAmerique. fol. Amsterdam, J. Blaeu, 1667. v. 12. bet. pp. 135-136]. Perv. Il|xl3i [In Montanus (Arnoldus). De nieuwe en onbekende weereld. 4°. t' Am- sterdam, J. Meurs, 1671. bet. pp. 294-295]. Note. — Same map in Ogilby's America, 1671. Perv. Amstelodami, apud loannem lanssonium. 14i x 19. [In Allard (Carel). Atlas minor, fol. Amstelodami, ex officina Carol i Allard, [1696?]. no. 147]. Note. — The date 1696 is found in the maps entitled "L'isle de Re," no. 20, "La Bretagne," no. 21, and "La Provence," no. 31. Carte particuliere du Perou, plan de la ville de Lima, description de quelques plantes, animaux &c. 19 x 15. [In Chatelain (H. A. ) Atlas historique. [anon.] fol. Amsterdam, 1705-20. V. 6. p. 134]. A map of Peru and the west part of the country of the Amazones. By H. Moll, geographer. 10 x 7. [In Atlas geographus: or, a compleat system of geography, for America, sm. 4°. Savoy, E. Xutt, for J. Nicholson, 1717. v. 5. p. 164]. ]^e Perou dans I'Amerique Meridionale, dresse sur les divers relations des Flibustiers et nouveaux voyageurs. Par N. de Fer, geographe de sa ma- jestecatolique. P. de Rochefort inv. et s. 19 x 22i. Paris, I. F. Benard^ 1719. Carte du Perou, du fleuve des Amazones et du Bresil. 15 x 19. [In Coreal (Francois). Voyages aux Indes Occidentales. 16°. A Amster- dam, 1722. V. 1. p. 178]. Le Perou, grand pays de I'Amerique Meridionale, dresse sur les observations de ceux qui Font decouvert, et tout recemment donne au public par Pierre Vander Aa. 11 J x 14. [In Galerie (La) agreable du monde. fol. Leide, P. Vander Aa, [1729?]. V. 2. Amerique. pi. 38]. A new and accurate map of Peru, and the country of the Amazones. By Eman. Bowen. 13j x 16|. [In his A complete atlas, fol. London, for W. Innys, [etc.] 1752. no. 55]. ^Mission of the Moxos, or Moxes: settled by the Jesuits in Peru. E. Bowen sculp. 7x5. [In Lettres edifiantes & curieuses. Travels of the Jesuits. By mr. Luck- man. 2nd ed. 8°. London, T. Piety, 1762. v. 1. p. 437]. * ■ Suite du Perou audience de Charcas. 8^ x llf. [In Bellin (Jacques Nicolas). Le petit atlas maritime [etc.] fol. [Paris], 1764. V. 2. no. 75]. Suite du Perou audience de Lima. 8 x llh. [In Bellin (Jacques Nicolas). Le petit atlas maritime [etc.] fol. [Paris], 1764. V. 2. no. 74]. 694 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Peru, South America. Suite de la province de Quito au Perou. 7i x 14. [In Bellin (Jacques Nicolas). Le petit atlas maritime [etc. ] fol. [Paris], 1764. V. 2. no. 83]. A map of the north part of Peru from the best authorities by mr. B . . . Jn'o Lodge, sculp. 6^ x 7i. [In Russell (William). The history of America, sm. 4°. London, for Fielding & Walker, 1778. v. 1. p. 415]. Kaart van Peru, met een gedeelte van de landen ^en oosten gelegen. 12^ x 8. [In Bachiene (W. A.) Atla^ tot opheldering der hedfendaagsche historie. fol. te Amsterdam, M. Schalekamp, 1785. Aanhangzel]. Perou et pays circonvoisins. Par mr. Bonne. Andree sculp. 13J x 9. [In Bonne (Rigobert) and Desmarest (Nicolas). Atlas encyclopedique. 4". Paris, hotel de Thou, 1788. v. 2. no. 105]. — Peru. 15 X 10^ [In Carey (Mathew) larbor of Rio Janeiro. From the latest British and French charts. Fort Villegagnon'( Flagstaff) lat. 22° 54^ 46'' s. long. 43° 09^ 29^'' w. Prepared by Max Franke. Heliogravure: Leggo bros., N. Y. 21 x 15. Washing- ton, 1885. [United States. Navy department. Hydrographic office. Chart no. 972] . Lageplan von Rio de Janeiro. Massstab 1:116,000. 4| x 5. [In Meyers konversations-lexikon. 5te aufl. 8°. Leipzig und Wien, bibli- ographisches institut, 1896. v. 14. p. 779]. B-io de Lsa Plata, South America. Plan de la riviere de I^ Plata. P. Giffart sculp. 8^ X 12^ [In Feuillee (Louis). Journal des observations physiques. 4°. Paris, P. Giffart, 1714. v. 1. p. 283]. Plan de la riviere de La Plata. 8^ x 12J. [In Coreal (Francois). Voyages. 16°. Amsterdam, 1722. v. 1. opp. p. 256]. De ingang van Rio de La Plata, waar aan de stad Buenos Ayres legt, in Zuid-Amerika. 7^ x 12. [In Hedendaagsche historic of tegenwoordige staat van Amerika. [anon.] 8°. Te Amsterdam, I. Tirion, 1767. v. 2. p. 167]. Rio del Norte, Tex. See Rio Grande. Rio Gila, New Mexico and Arizona. Military reconnaissance of the Arkansas, Rio del Norte and Rio Gila, by W. H. Emory, made in 1846-7, with the advance guard of the army of the west under command of brig. gen. Stephen W. Kearney. Constructed under the orders of col. J. J. Abert. 1847. Drawn by Joseph Welch. 30 x 65. Washington, C. R. Graham, 1847. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers]. Rio Grande. Military reconnaissance of the Arkansas, Rio del Norte and Rio Gila, by W. H. Emory, made in 1846-7, with the advance guard of the army of the west under the command of brig. gen. Stephen W. Kearney. Constructed under the orders of col. J. J. Abert. 1847. Drawn by Joseph Welch. 30 x 65. Washington, C. R. Graham, 1847. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers]. Rio Grande and Pecos railway company. Map of the Rio Grande and Pecos railway showing its connections with the Texas Mexican, Texas Mexican short line, Mexican national, Texas & St. Louis and Denver & Rio Grande narrow gauge systems, [etc.] 1882. 16 x 16. New York, J. Bien & co. [1882]. Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Prsefecturse de Paraiba, et Rio Grande. 16 J x 21. [In Blaauw (W. J.) and Blaauw (Jan). Le grand atlas, ov cosmographie Blaviane, contenant TAmerique. fol. Amsterdam, J. Blaeuw, 1667. v. 12. bet. pp. 263-264]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 751 B-io Grande do Sul, Brazil. Karte des oberen Rio Uruguay mit dem angrenzenden thielender municipien Passo Fundo Palmeria u. Sto. Angelo, provinz Rio Grande do Sul. Yon Max Beschoren. 1879. 13 x 14. [In Gesellschaft fiir erdkunde zu Berlin. Zeitschrift. 1880. 8°. Berlin, 1880. V. 15. pi. 4]. Ristigouche liarbor. See Restigouche harbor. Riverside, 111. (Town of). Snyder (L. M.) & co. Proviso, Riverside, town of Cicero, Cook co. 111. col. 25 x 37. Chicago, L. M. Snyder &co. [1883]. Roanoke inlet and sound. Survey of Roanoke inlet and sound by lieuts. Boyce and Wragg, under the direction of Hartman Bache. Drawn by lieut. J. D. Graham. Reduced from the original map and drawn by J. McClellan. 15 x 17. [Washington, 183-?]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of map, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 164]. Roatan (Island of). See Ruatan (Island of). Rochester, N. Y. City of Rochester revised and corrected. Showing area & and all additions. W. J. Stewart del. 1875. 21x16. [Rochester], Benford & Stewart, [1875]. Hopkins (G. M.) City atlas of Rochester, X. Y. 152 pp. 1 1. incl. 38 maps. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1875. Map of the city of Rochester. AVm. M. Combs del. 23 x 20. Rochester, N. Y. Drew, Allis & co. 1878. Rpckford, 111. Roe (Frederick B.) Atlas of the city of Rockford, Winnebago CO. Illinois, and vicinity. 26 pi. fol. Philadelphia, F. B. Roe, 1892. Rocking-liani county, N. H. Map of Rockingham co. X. H. From actual surveys by J. Chase, jr. col. 56 x 56. Philadelphia, Smith & Coffin, 1857. Rockingliani county, Va. Map of Rockingham co. Yirginia: with parts of adja- cent counties: showing the location of the coal and iron lands and pro- jected railroad of the Royal land company of Yirginia. By Jed. Hotchkiss. 1877. col. 17 X 20. [Staunton, Ya. 1877]. Rock island rapids, Mississippi. Map of the Rock island rapids of the Mississippi river. Surveyed by It. R. E. Lee [& others] sept, c^ oct. 1837. 24 x 52. [Washington] 1837]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 155]. Note. — No. 2, of survey of the Mississippi river. Rockland county, N. Y. Map. Surveyed and published by R. F. O'Connor. 53 X 39. New York, R. F. O'Connor, 1854. ]\Iap of Orange and Rockland cos. N. Y. From actual surveys by F. F. French, W. E. Wood & S. N. Beers. 64 x 60. Philadelphia, Corey & Bachman, 1859. Map of Bergen co. New Jersey; and a part of Rockland co. N. Y. Arranged, drawn and published by A. M. Clay, col, 51 x 21. New York, A. M. Clay, 1874. ■ Beers (F. W.) County atlas of Rockland, N. Y. 114 pp. incl. 33 maps. fol. New York, W^alker & Jewett, 1875. 752 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Rockland, Me. Chart exhibiting the position, form & dimensions, of a breakwater for the improvement of the harbour at E. Thomaston, Maine, [anon.] 29 X 22. [n. p. 1853?]. Note. — Rockland formerly East Thomaston. Map. From actual survey by D. S. Osborne, col. 36 x 51. Philadelphia, E. M. Woodford, 1855. Rockland harbor and vicinity, Maine. From a trigonometrical survey under the direction of A. D. Bache. Hydrography by W. S. Edwards. 1863. 21 X 18. [Washington, 1863]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey] . Rockland, Mass. Sherman ( W. A. ) Atlas of Abington and Rockland, Mass. 39- pp. incl. 9 maps. fol. New York, Comstock & Cline, 1874. Rockport, Mass. Rockport harbor, Massachusetts. From a trigonometrical sur- vey under the direction of A. D. Bache. Hydrography by the party under the command of lieut. comdg. C. R. P. Rodgers. 1859. 17 x 14, [Washington, 1859]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey] . Hopkins (G. M. ) Atlas of the city of Gloucester and town of Rockport, Mass. title, index map. 23 pi. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1884. Rockwall county, Tex. Rockwall co. 16 x 20. St. Louis, lith. by A. Gast & CO. 1880. [Texas. General land office]. Rocky mountains. Gibson, Draper <^ Smith's map of the Rocky mountains gold regions. Drawn from sketches & notes of J. W. Gibson, by E. W. Sin- clair, col. 46 X 60. Chicago, C. Shober, [1861]. Climate map of the eastern slope of the Rocky mountains. By Chas. Deni- son. 21 X 10. Chicago, Shober & Carqueville lith. co. [1877]. Rondout, N. Y. Combined map of Rondout, Kingston and Wilbur. New York. From recent & actual surveys by Geo. P. Sanford. col. 49 x 61. New York, F. W. Beers & co. 1870. Rosalie ( Fort) , La. Plan du Fort Rozalie des Natchez avec ses environs. 5x6. [In Butel-Dumont ( — ). M^moires historiques sur la Louisiane. 16°. Paris, C. J.' B. Bauche, 1753. v. 2. p. 94]. Plan of fort Rosalia. Thos. Kitchin sculp. 7^x9. [In Pittman (Capt. Philip) . The present state of the European settlements. 4°. London, for J. Nourse, 1770. opp. p. 96]. Round Lake, N. Y. Plan of the Round Lake camp meeting ground made by H. Drube. 16 x 21. Albany, Weed, Parsons & co. [1868]. Roxbury, Mass. [Map of the environs of Roxbury showing roads to Jamaica, Cambridge, Dorchester, Milton, etc. ms. anon. 10^ x 19^. 1776?]. View of Roxbury from the advanced guard house at the lines, ms. [anon.] 7 X 13. [1776?]. Note. — British ms. map showing "rebel encampments." Ruatan (Island of), Honduras, Central America. Ruatan or Rattan, surveyed by lieut. Henry Barnsley, with improvements by Thomas Jefferys. Im- proved ed. 1810. 18 X 23J. London, Laurie & Whittle, may 12, 1794. [1810]. [In Whittle (J. ) and Laurie (R. H. ) The West India atlas, fol. London, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 15]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 753 Bunnells county, Tex. Map. 22 x 17. St. Louis, lith. by A. Gast & co. [1879]. [Texas. General land office]. Russian America. See Alaska. Rutland county, Vt. Atlas of Rutland co. Vermont. From actual surveys by and under the direction of F. W. Beers & others. 37 pp. 4 pi. incl. 30 pi. in pp. fol. New York, F. W. Beers, [etc.] 1869. Sabine river. Map of the river Sabine from its mouth on the gulf of Mexico in the sea to Logan's Ferry in latitude 31° 58^ 24'^ north. Shewing the boundary between the United States and the republic of Texas, between said ports, as marked and laid down by the survey, in 1840, under the direction of the commissioners appointed for that purpose, under the 1st article of the convention signed at Washington, april 25, 1838. Surveyed in 1840. Drawn by lieut. T. J. Lee. 5 sheets, col. each 30 x 34. Washington, lith. in colours by P. Haas, [1840]. Same. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 172]. Map of the river Sabine from Logan's Ferry to 32nd degree of north latitude. Shewing the boundary between the United States and the republic of Texas, between said points, as marked and laid down by survey in 1841, under the direction of the joint commission appointed for that purpose under the 1st. article of the convention signed at Washington, april 25, 1838. Drawn by A. B. Gray. 18^ x 26^ [Washington, 1841]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 173]. Part of the boundary between the United States and Texas. Drawn from the notes of survey and copied for the use of the commissioners under the convention of 25th april 1838, by J. Edmd. Blake. 3 maps, each 19 x 28. [Washington, 1841]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 174-176]. CONTENTS. A2. From Sabine river, northward to the 36th mile mound. B2. North of Sabine river from the 39th to the 72d mile mound. , C'. North of Sabine river from the 72d mile mound to Red river. Sabine pass and mouth of the river Sabine in the sea. Surveyed under the direction of major J. D. Graham, V. S. topi. engs. by lieut. T, J. Lee U. S. topi. engs. and capt. P. J. Pillans, Texan army, attached to the joint commission for marking the boundary between the United States and Texas 1840. Drawn by heut. T. J. Lee. 18 x 25^ [Washington, 1841]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 177]. Sable (Island of). See Cape Sable island. Nova Scotia. Sachems Head, Conn. Hart & City island [&] Sachem's head harbor. From a trigonometrical survey under the direction of A. D. Bache. Hydrography by the party under the command of lieut. G. S. Blake. Electrotype copy no. 1, by G. Mathiot. 15 x 17. [Washington, 1851]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey] . Sacramento, Cal. Plan of Sacramento city, state of California. Original survey by capt. AV. H. Warner, U. S. A. in dec. 1848; extended by the city charter, adopted by the people octr. 13th, 1849 and surveyed by Clement W. Coote c^y. eng^ dec"". 1849. Copied by H. Ehrenberg, surveyor. New York, lith. by W. Endicott & co. 1850. H. Doc. 516 i8 754 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Sacramento, Cal. Sacramento city, Ca. From the foot of J. Street, showing I. J. & K. sts. with the Sierra Nevada in the distance. Drawn dec. 20th, 1849 by G. V. Cooper. Lith. of Wm. Endicott & co. N. York, 12| x 23. New York, Stringer & Townsend, [1850]. Sacramento city in California, as it was in the year 1850. [View]. 4^ x 6J^. [In Dana (Charles A.) The United States illustrated. 2 v. in 1. 4°. New York, H. J. Meyer, [1855?]. v. 2. p. 151]. Home directory company. Map of Sacremento. Compiled by Wm. Mul- leney, city surveyor, 1900. Scale 500 ft. to 1 inch. 26^ x 33^ [Sacra- ment, home directory co.] 1900. Sacramento river, Cal. Chart of the Sacramento river from Suisun city to the American river, California, by Cadwalader Einggold. 1850. Projected, constructed & drawn by Fred D. Stuart. Sheet no. 4. 20 x 30. Wash- ington, C. B. Graham, [1851]. [United States. Navy department. Bureau of navigation. Hydrographic office]. Map of Sacramento river, showing the different landings, ranches & shippers' names from Sacramento City to Rio Vista. [By F. A. Carleton. anon.] 21 X 10. [San Francisco, 1878]. Sagadahoc county. Me. Map. From actual surveys. Under the direction of J. Chace, jr. 1858. 55 x 50. Philadelphia, J. Chace, jr. 1858. Saginaw, Mich. Survey of a road route from Saginaw to Makinac M. t. Executed by lieut. Poole, 3d. arty. 25 cong. 2d sess. 19 x 26. [Washington, 1837]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 153]. Map of Saginaw, comprising the cities of Saginaw and East Saginaw, Michi- gan, 1882. By Charles Holmes and Harrison Gary. 53 x 53. New York, Am. photo. -lith. co. [1882]. Same. Map of Saginaw, comprising the cities of Saginaw and East Saginaw, Michigan, 1882. By Charles Holmes and Harrison Gary. 24 x 28. New York, Am. photo. -lith. co. [1882]. Saginaw bay. Saginaw bay and part of lake Huron. Projected from a trigono- metrical survey under the orders of capt. G. G. Meade in 1857 & 1858. 29 X 44. [Washington, I860]. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers. Lake survey I860]. Saginaw river, Mich. Preliminary chart, lower reach of Saginaw river and bar in front, [Saginaw bay, lake Huron]. Surveyed under the direction of capt. J. N. Macomb. 1856. 23 x 38. [Washington, 1869]. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers. Lake survey 1867]. Sagrua la Grande (Harbor of), Cuba. [Map] from acttial survey. 20 x 28. New York, E. & G. W. Blunt, 1858. Saguenay river, Canada. Carte du cours de la riviere du Saguenay, appelee par les sauvages Pitchitaouichetz. Par N. Bellin. 1744. 8 x 11. [In Charlevoix (P. F. X. de). Histoire et description g^n^rale de la Nou- velle France. 16°. Paris, 1744. v. 1. opp. p. 16]. St. Andrews shioals, Ga. Reconnoissance of St. Andrew's shoals at the entrance of St. Andrew's sound, Georgia, by the party under the command of lieut. John Rodgers. 1850. 12 x 10. [Washington, 1850]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 755 St. Augustine, Fla. A draught of St. Augustine and its harbour. 3x5. [In American maps. v. 1. no. 13. Inset to Moll (H. ) A map of the West Indies. London, 1715?]. La ville, le chateau et le village de St. Augustine en Amerique. 10^ x 14. [In Galerie (La) agreable du monde. fol. Leide, P. Vander Aa, [1729?]. V. 1. Amerique. pi. 22]. A view of the town and castle of St. Augustine, and the English camp before it June 20, 1740, by Tho^ Silver, llj x 6^. [In Impartial (An) account of the late expedition against St. Augustine, under general Oglethorpe, [anon.] 12°. London, for J. Huggonson, 1742]. Same. A view of the town and castle of St. Augustine, and the English camp before it June 20, 1740. by Thos. Silver. 9^ x 11. [In Stevens (William Bacon). A history of Georgia. 8°. New York, D. Appleton & co. 1747. v. 1. opp. p. 174]. [Map of the coast of Florida, from Talbot island to the mouth of Masquitta river, with plan of St. Augustine, shewing the position of gen. Oglethorpe's camp &c. ms. anon. col. 19 x 55. 1742?]. [Faden collection, no. 43]. ■ Harbour of St. Augustine. 2^ x 2|. [In Bo wen (Emanuel). A complete or distinct view of the known world, fol. London, for W. Innys, [etc.] 1752. no. 66]. Plan du port de St. Augustin dans la Floride. 8^ x 6^. [In Bellin (Jacques Nicolas). Le petit atlas maritime, fol. [Paris], 1764. V. 1. no. 39]. St. Augustine the capital of East Florida. T. Jefferys sculp. 8i x llj. [In Stork (William). A description of East Florida. 3d. ed. 4°. Lon- don, W. Nicoll, 1769. opp. p. 7]. The bay of Espiritu Santo, on the western coast of East Florida. [&] Plan of the town of St. Augustine the capital of East Florida. T. Jefferys sculp. 8 x lOi and 8^ x 11^ [London], for W. Faden, [1777]. [In Faden (William, editor). The North American atlas, fol. London, for W. Faden, 1777. no. 35]. Piano della citta, e porto di Sant. Agostina. 8 x 11. [In Atlanta deir America, [anon.] fol. Livorno, 1778. no. 15]. A plan of the harbour of St. Augustin in the province of Georgia, composed & published from surveys deposited in the office of the right honourable the lords of trade, by J. F. W. Des Barres. 29 x 41. [In Charts of the coast and harbors of New England from surveys taken by Sam^ Holland and Geo^. Sproul, Cha'. Sproul, Cha'. Blascowitz, Jam^ Grant and Tho^ Wheeler, his assistants for the use of the royal navy of Great Britain, by J. F. W. Des Barres. fol. [London], 1780. no. 18]. St. Augustine and its environs. 1782. ms. [anon.] 14 x 18. [1782]. Note. — Numbered in pencil "219." Plan of the harbour of St. Augustine. 5J by 8. [In North American pilot. A new ed. much enlarged, of the second part of the North American pilot, fol. London, R. Laurie & J. Whittle, 1800. Inset to no. 18. Holland (Capt. N.) A new chart of the coast of North America]. 756 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. St. Augustine, Fla. St. Augustin. Engrav'd & publish'd jany. 1, 1802, by J. Luff- man, 6x0. [In Luffman (John). Select plans of the principal cities, harbours, forts &c. in the world. 2 v. sm. 4°. London, J. Luffman, 1801-[1802]. v. 2. no. 54] . View of the public square, ("Plaza de la constitucion " ) St. Augustine, east Florida; embracing the old Spanish government house, monument, and cathedral. 5J x 9. [In American (The) magazine of useful and entertaining knowledge. [1834-1835]. 8°. Boston, Boston Berwick co. 1835. v. 1. p. 492]. Plan of a part of the front of the city of Saint Augustine, Florida and of Fort Marion and the sea-wall. Scale 4 feet per inch. 8 x llf. [1835]. [In American state papers, fol. Washington, Gales & Seaton, 1860. Mili- tary affairs, v. 5. p. 461]. A map of St. Augustine & vicinity. From actual surveys & recorded plots. 11 X 15. [St. Augustin], St. Augustine imp. co. 1888. Note.— Copyrighted 1887. St. Bartholomew, "West Indies. Chart of the islands and channels of St. Bar- tholomew, St. Martin, Anguilla, Dog and Prickley Pear, &c. from the- surveys and observations of mr. Samuel Fahlberg. 9^^ x 27|. [In Whittle (J. ) and Laurie (R. H. ) The West India atlas, fol. London, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 19]. St. Christopher, West Indies. Carte de lisle de Sainct Christophle scituee ii 17 degrez 30 minutes de lat. septentrionale. A. Peyrounin sculp. 12 x 16^. Paris, P. Mariette, [1664]. [American maps. v. 4. no. 25]. The island of St. Chistopher's alias St. Kitts. By H. Moll. 8 x 10^ [Lon- don, 1736?]. Note. — From his ''Atlas minor." 1736? An accurate map of the island of St. Chistopher, vulgarly called St. Kits. By Eman. Bowen. 8J x 14. [In his A complete atlas, fol. London, for W. Innys, [etc.] 1752. no. 64]. St. Christophers, surveyed by Anthony Ravell. 18^ x 24. [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Say er & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 92]. An accurate map of the islands of St. Christophers and Nevis, in the West Indies. By an officer. With the position of the English and French fleets. Feb. 7, 1782. J. Cary sc. [anon.] 12 x 15. [In European (The) magazine. 8°. London, for J. Fielding, 1782. March 1782. opp. p. 187]. St. Christophers, or St. Kitts, surveyed by Anthony Ravell. Engraved by Thomas Jefferys. Improved ed. 1810. 18 x 23 J. London, Laurie & Whit- tle, march 12, 1810. [In Whittle (J.) and Laurie (R. H. ) The West India atlas, fol. London, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 20]. Note. — Inset: Nevis, by Thomas Jefferys. See also Cayenne; Cinq Combles; Pointe de Sable; Pointe des Palmistes. ' St. Clair county, 111. Map of Saint Clair county, 111. Published by J. W. Holmes. 1863. 53 x 60. Buffalo, N. Y. lith. Sage, sons & co. [1863]. Map. Published by J. W. Holmea. col. 56 x 59. Buffalo, J. W. Holmes^ 1863. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 757 St. Clair county, Mich. Map of the counties of Macomb & St. Clair, Michigan. From special surveys & county records, by Geil & Jones. 53 x 62. Phil- adelphia, Geil, Harley & Siverd, 1859. St. Clair, Mich. Map of St. Clair, St. Clair county, ]\Iich. Surveyed & published by Will'". Hancock. 22 x 31. St. Clair, W. Hancock, [1854]. Birds eye view of the rail and water routes to the celebrated mineral springs at St. Clair, Michigan, [anon.] 8 x 17. Detroit, the Calvert lith. co. 1882. St. Clair jlats, Mich. Chart of the St. Clair flats reduced from the original surveys of capt. George G. Meade, under the direction of lieut. col. J. Kearney. Showing also the improvement of the mouth of the South Pass now being effected by the United States. 27 x 25. [Washington, 1857]. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers. Lake survey. 1857]. St. Clair river, Mich. ]Map of the delta of the St. Clair, surveyed, projected and drawn by lieutenants J. N. Macomb and W. H. Warner, under the direc- tion of captain W. G. Willaims, corps of topi. engs. 1842. W. T. Stone sc. 28x48. [Washington, 1842]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 106]. South end of lake Huron and head of the St. Clair river. Projected from a trigonometrical survey executed under the orders of capt. Geo. G. Meade in 1859. 27 x 27. [Washington, 1861]. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers. Lake survey. 1861]. St. Croix, West Indies. L'isle de Ste. Croix scituee a 18. degr. 48 minutes de lat. septentrionalle, gouuernee depuis 12 ans par m. du Bois. 1671. Lapointe f. 8 J x 12. [Paris], 1671. [American maps. v. 4. no. 24], Note. — Inset: Maison du gouverneur. ^ Tilforladelig kort over eylandet St. Croix undi America. Tegnet af I. M. Beck. 19 x 29. Haffni^, O. H. de Lode, 1754. Plan of the island of St. Croix (or Santa Cruz). From an actual survey made in 1794-1799 by P. L. Oxholm. Scale of 1 Danish mile or 24,000 feet. 19i x 25. London, Laurie & Whittle, June 20, 1804. [In Whittle (J. ) and Laurie (R. H. ) The West India atlas, fol. London, J. Whittle & K. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 17]. St. Eustatius, West Indies. View of St. Eustatius, West Indies. Pencil sketch in ms. anon. 12 x 19. [17 — ]. Vedvta di S. Evstachio. [View]. 7 x 13. [In Atlante deir America, [anon.] fol. Livorno, 1778. no. 23] St. Francis district, Canada. Map of the district of St. Francis, Canada East. From special surveys & observations under the direction of O. W. Gray, col. 61 X 61. [n. p.] Putman & Gray, 1863. St. Francis river, Quebec, Canada. A plan of a survey made to explore the country for a road between Connecticut river & St. Francis. By Hugh Finlay. [anon.] ms. 2 sheets, each 9 x 15. [1773-1774]. Plan of the route from St. Francis to Connecticut river. By Hugh Finlay. ms. 14 X 14^ [1773-1774]. 758 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. St. Georges bank. A chart of George's bank, including Cape Cod, Nantucket and the shoals lying on their coast with directions for sailing over the same, &c. Surveyed by capt. Paul Parkham. Engraved by Amos Doolittle for E. M. Blunt. 24 x 33. Newhaven, 1797. St. Georg-es shoal and bank. Chart of Georges shoal & bank, surveyed by Charles Wilkes, lieut. commandant [& others] in U. S. brig Porpoise, schooners Maria & Hadassah. Drawn by J. Alden and W. May. Engraved by S. Stiles, Sherman & Smith, New York. By order of the hon. Mahlon Dickerson, secretary of the navy. 39 x 42. [New York], published under the direction of the navy commissioners, 1837. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 110]. St. Helena, Cal. Map of the central portion of Napa valley and the town of St. Helena. Compiled by M. G. King and T. W. Morgan. 1881. col. 54 x 62. St. Helena, F. W. Woodward & co. [1881]. St. Helena district, La. St. Helena district, La. 25th. cong. 2nd sess. 6 x 10. [Washington, 1837]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 143] . St. Helena district, La. 1st. oct. 1841. 27 cong. 2d sess. W. J. Stone sc. 6x9. [Washington, 1841]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 133]. St. Helena sound. Map of St. Helena sound, and the coast between Charleston and Savannah. Compiled from the U. S. coast survey. Published by A. Williams & co. 9 x 11. Boston, A. Williams & co. 1861. St. Jago de Cuba. See Santiago, Cuba. St. Jolin river, Canada. Survey of the river St. Johns from fort Friedrick in the bay of Fundy to the river Medanesgua with the lake Temescouata and the grand Portage from thence to the river St. Lawrence, [anon.] ms. 21 X 30. [175-?]. A sketch of St. John's harbour, and a part of the river. Scale of 4 miles. ms. [anon.] 25 x 11. [176-?]. A sketch of St. John's harbour and part of the river; surveyed by mr. Hol- land, drawn by Cha\ Morris. 1761. Scale of 10 miles, ms. 28 x: 12. [1761]. Map of the river St. John in the province of Nova Scotia; exhibiting the grant to officers &c. in 1765 with other patents. From the survey of mr. Cha^ Morris, and other surveys, by Guy Johnson. Scale of 12 miles, ms. 26x17. [1765?]. St. Johns, Quebec, Canada. A view of St. John's, upon the river Sorell, in Can- ada, with the redoubts, works, &c. Taken in the year 1776, during the late war in America, [anon.] 8 x 16. London, W. Lane, Jan. 1, 1789. St. Johns harbor, Newfoundland. A chart of St. John's harbour, in Newfound- land, surveyed in oct. 1798, by Francis Owen. 17J x 25. London, R. Laurie & J. Whittle, 12 jan. 1799. [In North American pilot. The first part of the North American pilot. A new ed. fol. London, R. Laurie & J. Whittle, 1806. no. 6]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 759 St. Johns island, Newfoundland. Map of Nova Scotia or Acadia: with the island of Cape Breton and St. John's, from actual surveys, by capt. Montresor. 1768. 39 X 55. London, A. Dury, [1768?]. Same. [American maps. v. 5. no. 7-8]. Same. Map of Nova Scotia, or Acadia; with the islands of Cape Breton and St. John's, from actual surveys, by capt. Montresor. 1768. 35 x 55. London, A. Dury, [1768?]. [In Faden (William, editor). The North American atlas, fol. London, for W. Faden, 1777. no. 6-7]. A new chart of the coast of Nova Scotia with the south coast of New Bruns- wick, including also part of the islands of St. John and Cape Breton, and of the coast of New England. Regulated and ascertained by astronomical observations. By capt. Holland. 28 x 58. London, Laurie & Whittle, 12 July, 1798. [In North American pilot. The first part of the North American pilot. A new ed. fol. London, R. Laurie & J. Whittle, 1806. no. 10]. Sketch of the town of St. John's. Shewing the extent of the district [In Great Britain. Parliament. Accounts & papers (6). Colonies, 1851. V. 36]. . See also Prince Edward island. St. Johns river, Florida. Preliminary chart of the entrance to St. John's rivar, Florida. Hydrography by the party under the command of lieut. T. A. Crave. 1853. 18 x 14. [Washington, 1853]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. A new and accurate detail map of the St. Johns river, Florida. For the use of tourist travelers. Drawn by F. H. Taylor, title. 1 map. fold. 8°. New York, Leve & Alden, [1882]. St. Joseph, Fla. Chart of the bar and bay of St. Joseph, West Florida. Surveyed april, 1841, by L. M. Powell, lieut. commanding U. S. brig Consort, under the instructions from the hon. the board of navy commissioners. 22 x 35. . Washington, lith. by P. Haas, [1841]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 104]. St. Joseph county, Mich. Map of St. Joseph co. Michigan. From actual survey & county records by Geil & Jones. 62 x 59. Philadelphia, Geil, Harley & Siverd, 1858. Noll (E. P.) & CO. Property atlas of St. Joseph county, Michigan, fol. Philadelphia, E. P. Noll & co. 1893. St. Joseph, Mo. Floyd (Wm. H. jr.) & co. Atlas of the city of Saint Joseph, Buchanan co. Mo. 67 pp. incl. 17 maps. fol. St. Joseph, W. H. Floyd, jr. & co. 1884. St. Joseph and Denver city railroad of Kansas. Colton (G. W. & C. B.) & co. Maps showing the route of the St. Joseph and Denver city rail road of Kansas. And its connections. 22^ x 31. New York, G. W. & C. B. Col- ton & co. [1869]. St. Kitts island. See St. Christopher, West Indies. 760 LIST OF MAPS OF AMEKICA. St. Liandry, La. Outline extract from Hardee's new map of Louisiana now in course of publication. A. D. 1870. Showing the Attakapas region and parish of St. Landry. 20^ x 27. [New Orleans], engraved for D. Den- nett, [1870]. St. Lawrence river. A new exact draught of the river Canada aproved by the hon^'. sr. Will. Phipps, at his expedition to Quebeck Humbly dedicated, and presented to their majesties King William and Queen Mary. By John Thornton. A scale of 40 english leagues. 17x30. [London, 1692?]. . [American maps. v. 4. no. 20]. Carte del' isle d' Orleans et du passage de la traverse dans le fleuve St. Lau- rent. Par N. Bellin. 1744. 7^ x 10|. [In Charlevoix (P. F. X. de). Histoire et description de la Nouvelle France. 16°. Paris, 1744. v. 6. opp. p. 192]. Anville (J. B. B. d').^ Le fleuve Saint Laurent, represente plus en detail que dans I'etendue de la carte. . 18 x 22. [Paris, I'auteur, 1755?]. [In his Atlas general, fol. Paris, 1727-80. no. 34]. An exact chart of the river St. Lawrence, from fort Frontenac to the island of Anticosti, shewing the soundings, rocks, shoals, &c. with views of the lands and all necessary instructions for navigating that river to Quebec. By Thos. Jefferys. 23 x 27. London, T. Jefferys, 1757. Note. — See 1768 for later edition. Karte von dem laufe des fiusses St. Laurenz von seiner miindung: an bis iiber Quebec. Yon M. B[ellin. anon.] 1757. 7^ x 12. [In Allgemeine historie des reisen zu wasser und lande. 4°. Leipzig, Arkstee & Merkus, 1758. v. 16. p. 666]. Fernerer lauf des flusses St. Laurenz von Quebec bis an see Ontario. Von M. B[ellin. anon.] 1757. 7j x 11. [In Allgemeine historie des reissen zu wasser und lande. 4°. Leipzig, Arkstee & Merkus, 1758. v. 16. p. 676]. A new chart of the river St. Lawrence from the island of Anticosti to lake Ontario. 7 x 10. [In Scots (The) magazine. 1759. 8°. Edinburgh, [1759]. v. 21]. An authentic plan of the river St. Lawrence from Sillery to the falls of Mont- morenci, with the operations of the siege of Quebec, under the command of vice adm. Saunders & maj. gen. Wolfe, down to the 5th sept. 1759. Drawn by a captain in his majesty's navy, [anon.] 7^ x 10. [n. p. 1768]. Same. An authentic plan of the river St. Lawrence from Sillery, to the fall of Montmorenci, with the operations of the siege of Quebec under the command of vice adm, Saunders & maj. gen. Wolfe, down to the 5th of sept. 1759. Drawn by a captain in his majesty's navy. [anon. Engraved by Thos. Jefferys]. 13 x 18^ [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer &T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 17]. Same. An authentic plan of the river St. Lawrence from Sillery to the falls of Montmorenci with the operations of the siege of Quebec under the com- mand of admiral Saunders & gen. Wolfe, down to the 5th of sept. 1759. Drawn by a captain in his majesty's navy. 13 x 18^. [In Jefferys (T. engraver). The natural and civil history of the French dominions in Nr & S. America, fol. London, 1760. pt. 1. opp. p. 131]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 761 St. Lawrence river. Same. An authentic plan of the river St. Lawrence from Sillery to the fall of Montmorenci, with the operations of the siege of Quebec under the command of vice adml. Saunders and maj. gen. "Wolfe down to the 5th of sept. 1759. Drawn by a captain in his majesty's navy, [anon.] col. 13 x 19. London, T. Jefferys, [1768?]. [American maps. v. 5. no. 5]. A map of the several dispositions of the English fleet & army, on the river St. Lawrence, to the taking of Quebec, [anon.] 7| x 10. [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America, and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 19]. A new chart of the river St. Lawrence from the island Anticosti to lake Ontario. By T. Kitchin. 7i x 10. [In London (The) magazine. 8°. London, for R. Baldwin, [1759]. v. 28. sept. 1759. opp. p. 464]. A new chart of the river St. Laurence, from the island of Anticosti to the falls of Richelieu: with all the islands, rocks, shoals, and soundings. Also particular directions fo. navigating the river with safety. Taken by order of Charles Saunders, esq"", vice-admiral, and commander in chief of his majesty's ships in the expedition against Quebec in 1759. Engraved by Thomas Jefferys. Published by command of the lords commissioners of the admiralty. Scale: Marine leagues 20 to a degree. 12 sheets. [London, 1760]. [American maps. v. 3. no. 1-12]. Same. 3 sheets. London, Laurie & Whittle, 12 may, 1794. [In North American pilot. The first part of the North American pilot. A new ed. fol. London, R. Laurie & J. Whittle, 1806]. A plan of the river St. Lawrence, from the falls of ^Montmorenci to Sillery; with the operations of the siege of Quebec, [anon.] 7 x 10. [In London (The) magazine, nov. 1759. 8°. London, for R. Baldwin, [1759]. V.28. opp. p. 608]. The river Saint Lawrence from lake Ontario to the island of ^Montreal. 29J X 4i [In Mante (Thomas) . The history of the late war in North America. 4°. London, 1772. p. 301]. River St. Lawrence, from Montreal to the island of St. Barnaby on the south side, and the island of Jeremy on the north side. Engraved l)y Thos. Kitchin. 67i x 12. [In Mante (Thomas). The history of the late war in North America. 4°. London, 1772. p. 333]. An exact chart of the river St. Lawrence, from Fort Frontenac to the island of Anticosti. Shewing the soundings, rocks, shoals, &c. with views of the lands and all necessary instructions for navigating that river to Quebec. By Thos. Jefferys. col. 23 x 37. [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 15-16.] Note.— See 1757 for early edition. Same. [American maps. v. 2. no. 22 & 25]. 762 LIST OF MAPS OF AMEBIC A. St. Lawrence river. Same. An exact chart of the river St. Lawrence, from Fort Frontenac to the island of Anticosti. Shewing the soundings, rocks, shoals, &c. with views of the lands and all necessary instructions for navi- gating that river to Quebec. By Thos. Jefferys. col. 23 x 37. London, for E. Sayer, 25 may, 1771. [American maps. v. 5. no. 3]. Same. An exact chart of the river St. Lawrence, from Fort Frontenac to the island of Anticosti. Shewing the soundings, rocks, shoals, &c. with views of the lands and all necessary instructions for navigating that river to Que- bec. By Thos. Jefferys. 23 x 37. London, for R. Sayer, may 25, 1775. [In Jefferys (T.) and others. The American atlas, fol. London, R. Sayer & J. Bennett, 1776. no. 9.]. A chart of the gulf of St. Laurence, composed from a great number of actual surveys and other materials, regulated and connected by astronomical observations, [anon.] 24 x 19^. London, R. Sayer & J. Bennett, march 25, 1775. [In Jefferys (T.) and others. The American atlas, fol. London, R. Sayer & J. Bennett, 1776. no. 10]. Same. [In Faden (William, editor). The North American atlas, fol. London, for W. Faden, 1777. ed. B. no. 4]. Course of the river St. Laurence, from La Valterie to Quebec. 7 x 7^. Lon- don, for R. Sayer & J. Bennett, 16th feb. 1776. [In Faden (William, editor). The North American atlas, fol. London, for W. Faden, 1777. Inset to no. 3: Carver (J.) and others. A new map of the province of Quebec]. Carte rappresentante il golfo del fiume S. Lorenzo. 10 x 7h. [In Atlante dell' America, [anon.] fol. Liverno, 1778. no. 9]. A chart of the gulf of St. Laurence, composed from a great number of actual surveys and other materials, regulated and connected by astronomical observations, [anon.] 24x19. London, Laurie & Whittle, 12 may, 1794. [In North American pilot. The first part of the North American pilot. A new ed. fol. London, R. Laurie & J. Whittle, 1806. no. 14]. Note. — See 1775 for other edition. Blackford's new chart of the river St. Laurence, from cape Roziers to Que- bec taken from an original French survey, accompanied with many important remarks & observations of capt. John Kirby. Engraved by S. Stockley. 20 x 25. London, R. Blackford, 1811. [Imperfect; part wanting]. Sketch of the St. Lawrence from Cornwall to Grand river. 4J x 6. [In Wilkinson (James). Diagrams and plans illustrative of the principal battles and military affairs treated of in Memoirs of my own times. 8°. Philadelphia, 1816. no. 8]. Part of the river St. Lawrence. [Point proposed by gen. Armstrong, for a post, to command the river]. 4^ x 7 J. [In Wilkinson (James). Diagrams and plans illustrative of the principal battles and mihtary affairs treated of in Memoirs of my own times. 8°. Philadelphia, 1816. no. 7]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 763 St. Lawrence river. Sketch of the rivers St. Lawrence and Soriel, from their con- fiuence, up to Laprarie & St. Johns. 4} x 7i. [In Wilkinson (James). Diagrams and plans illustrative of the principal battles and military affairs treated of in Memoirs of my own times. 4°. Philadelphia, 1816. no. 1]. St. Lawrence bay showing Lutke's harbor. By the U. S. ship Vincennes, lieut. John Kodgers, sept. 1855. Projected by E. R. Knorr. Sketches by Wm. Brenton Boggs. Reduced for engraving by Louis Waldecker. 13 X 16. [Washington, 1855]. [United States. Navy department. North Pacific surveying expedition]. Plan of river St. Lawrence between Prescott and Montreal. Shewing the rapids, and provincial canals, to improve the navigation. Draftd. by H. H. Killaly, jun. 1856. [In Canada. Parliament. Legislative assembly. Maps, reports, estimates, &c. relative to improvement of the navigation of the river St. Lawrence, [etc.] fol. Toronto, J. Lovell, 1856]. North America, gulf of St. Lawrence entrance. St. Johns [Newfoundland] to Halifax [Nova Scotia] with the outer banks. 1877. 25 x 38J. Lon- don, admiralty, 1878. [Great Britain. Admiralty. Hydrographic office. Charts no. 2666]. Coast telegraph chart of the gulf and lower St. Lawrence and maritime prov- inces. Delineated under the direction of hon. P. Fortin by L. N. Dufresne, 1876. With additions to april, 1882. col. 20 x 27. M.ontreal, the Bur- land nth. CO. [1882]. The phat boy's (E. F. Babbage) bird's eye chart of the St. Lawrence river. Published by E. F. Babbage and drawn by scale from the United States coast survey, by Geo. D. Ramsdell. 6| x 105. Rochester, N. Y. post express printing co. 1886. St. Louis, Mo. Saint Louis 100 years ago. Fac simile of a plat made by Aug. Chouteau in 1764. 26 x 40. St. Louis, F. L. Ohmann, [1876]. Same. Chouteau ( Aug. ) Saint Louis des Ilinois. Fortifie par m. don Fran- gois de Cruisat, en 1780. [Facsimile] . Saint Louis 100 years ago. 20 x 40. [St. Louis, 1870]. Plan of St. Louis, including the late additions. Engraved for Beck's gazet- teer 1822. 7 x 17. [In Beck (Louis C. ) A gazetteer of the states of Illinois and Missouri. 8°. Albany, 1823. p. 326]. St. Louis and adjacent country. 6^ x 4. [In Melish (John). A geographical description of the United States, with the contiguous countries including Mexico and the West Indies. New ed. 8°. Philadelphia, by the author, 1822. p. 372]. Environs of St. Louis. 2^ x 3. [In Baird (Robert). View of the valley of the Mississippi. [By R. B. anon.] 16°. Philadelphia, H. S. Tanner, 1832. p. 228]. Note. — Introduction signed R. B. St. Louis & vicinity. 2 x 2^. [In Bradford (Thomas Gamaliel). A comprehensive atlas geographical, historical & commercial. 4°. Boston, American stationers' co. 1835. p. 56]. 764 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. St. Xiouis, Mo. Map of the harbor of St. Louis, Mississippi river, oct. 1837. Sur- veyed by It. E,. E, Lee, [etc.] Drawn by It. Meigs. Copied from the original by M. C. Ewing. W. J. Stone sc. no. 3. 20 x 46. [Washing- ton, 1837]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no, 54]. Note. — No. 3, of the survey of the Mississippi river. [Map of the city of St. Louis, Mo. and its vicinity]. Compiled and drawn by Edward Charles Schultse. Engraved by J. H. Fisher. 9 sheets, each 18 X 31. St. Louis, Leffingwell & Elliot, [1852]. The city of St. Louis, Missouri. Entered according to act of congress in the year 1855 by J. H. Colton & co. 7 x 11. [In Colton (George W.) Colton's atlas of the world, illustrating physical and political geography, fol. New York, J. H. Colton & co. 1856. v. 1. map 45] . Same. The city of St. Louis, Missouri. Entered according to act of congress in the year 1855 by J. H. Colton & co. 7 x 11. [In Colton (G. Wool w^orth). Colton's general atlas, fol. New York, J. H. Colton & CO. 1858. map 47]. Same. The city of St. Louis, Missouri. Entered according to act of congress in the year 1855 by J. H. Colton & co. 7 x 11. [In Colton (G. Woolworth). Colton's general atlas, fol. New York, G.W. & C. B. Colton & CO. 1873. map 68]. Same. The city of St. Louis, Missouri. Entered according to act of congress in the year 1855, by J. H. Colton & co. 7 x 11. [In Colton ( G. Woolworth ) . Colton' s general atlas of the world, fol. G. W. & C. B. Colton & CO. 1876. map 71]. Note. — Same map without any additions is found in the edition of 1878. The court-house in St. Louis. [View]. 4^ x 6^. [In Dana (Charles A.) The United States illustrated. Edited by Charles A. Dana. 2 v. in 1. 4°. New Y^ork, H. J. Meyer, [1855?]. v. 2. p. 129]. San Louis (Mississippi). [View], 4^ x 6^. [In Dana (Charles A.) The United States illustrated. Edited by Charles A. Dana, 2 v. in L 4°. New York, H. J, Meyer, [1855?]. v. 2. p. 102]. ]Map of the city of St. Louis, Missouri. Compiled & drawn under the direc- tion of C. Th. Uhlmann. 3d ed. 33^ x 59|. [St, Louis], T, Schrader, 1859. The city of St. Louis, Missouri. — The city of Chicago, Illinois. 11 J x 14. [In Colton (George W. ) Colton's atlas of America, [etc. ] fol. New York, J. W. Colton, 1864. no. 46]. Note. — Maps copyrighted in 1855. Map of the city of St. Louis, Missouri. Compiled & drawn under the direc- tion of L. J. Zwanziger. 7th ed. 36x61, [St. Louis], T. Schrader, 1869. St. Louis, the metropolis of the great west, the proposed future capital. The St. Louis nmtual life insurance company, llj x 18|. St. Louis, R. P. Studley & co. lith. [1871]. Note. — Copyrighted by Wm. N, Benton, 1871. LIST OF MAP8 OF AMERICA. 765- St. Louis, Mo. Map of the city of St. Louis 1874. Compiled and drawn from authentic sources, by E. A. Garvey and P. Maccallum. 53 x 48. [St. Louis], St. Louis lith. co. 1874. Bellefontaine cemetery, St. Louis, Mo. 1875. PubHshed by Jno. McKittrick & CO. col. 38 X 31. St. Louis, J. McKittrick & co. 1875. Hopkins (G. M.) Atlas of the city of St. Louis, Missouri, title. 45 maps. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1883. St. Louis. Scale. — The squares represented on the side of the map by 1, 2,. 3, A, B, C, are one mile apart. Fisk & co. engr's. 11| x 8 J. [In DePuy (William H. editor). The people's atlas of the world. 8°.. Boston, Toronto, M. Garrison & co. [1885]. pp. 540-541]. Same. St. Louis. Scale. — The squares represented on the side of map by 1, 2, 3, A, B, C, are one mile apart. Fisk & co. engr's. 11| x 8|. [In DePuy (William H. editor). The universal guide and gazetteer to the- countries, peoples and governments of the world [etc.] fol. New York, Phillips & Hunt, 1887. pp. 523-524]. Revised map of the city of Saint Louis showing blocks numbered. 24 J x 34. St. Louis, Jno. C. Bloomfield & co. [1885]. Street railroad map of St. Louis. X. Georget. 9^ x 12J. [St. Louis, J. F. Aglar, 1885]. Note, — Copyrighted 1885 by J. F. x\glar. Map of the city of St. Louis. 26 x 74. St. Louis & New York, A. Gast,,. bank notes & litho co. [1888]. Note.— Copyright 1888. Rand, McNally & co.'s new map of St. Louis. 12| x 9^. [Chicago Rand,. McNally & co. 1888]. Note. — Copyright 1888, by Rand, McNally & co. Saint Louis. 15^ x 12^. [In Brown (Milton R.) The continental atlas, fol. Philadelphia, M. R.. Brown, 1889. p. 153]. Higgins' map of St. Louis county and city including East St. Louis. S5 x 36. St. Louis, Higgins & co. [1890]. Note.— Copyright 1890. Shewey's map of the city of St. Louis and suburban towns. Compiled from- the latest official sources. 77 x 108. St. Louis, A. C. Shewey & co. [1890]. Note. — Copyright secured, 1890, by A. C. Shewey & co. Shewey's map city St. Louis. 25 x 36^. St. Louis, A. C. Shewey & co.. [1890]. Higgins' map of St. Louis and vicinity. Map includes St. Louis county and part of St. Charles county, in Missouri, and part of Monroe, St. Clair, Madison, and Jersey counties, in Illinois. 38 x 46. St. Louis, Mo. Hig- gins & CO. [1891]. Higgins' map of East St. Louis & St. Louis. 15 x 12. St. Louis, Higgins . & CO. [1891]. Higgins' school map of St. Louis. Scale 2i inches per mile. 39 x 17^ St.. Louis, Higgins & co. [1891]. 766 LIST OF MA.P8 OF AMERICA. St. Xiouis, Mo. Higgins' map of the manufacturing districts of East St. Louis and St. Louis, with their railway terminal & river transportation facilities. 77 X 58. St. Louis, Higgins & co., [1891]. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed atlas of the world. Map of St. Louis. Scale: Statute miles, 69.16=1 degree. 26 x 19. [Chicago, Rand, McNally & CO. 1891]. Shewey's new map of the city of St, Louis. 36 J x 25 J. St. Louis, A, C. Shewey, [1891]. Shewey's map of the city of St. Louis and suburban towns. Compiled from the latest official sources. 39| x 58. St. Louis, A. C. Shewey &co. [1891]. Map of the city of St. Louis and vicinity. Compliments of E. S. Guignon &bro. Rev. ed. Fred. Graf litho. 30 x 22|. [St. Louis, F. Graf, 1892]. Note. — Copyrighted 1892 by Fred. Graf, St. Louis, Mo. On reverse: St. Louis daily globe-democrat, dec. 11, 1892. Map of St. Louis. Scales: Statute miles 69.16=1 degree. 26 x 19. [In Rand, McNally & co. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed atlas of the world, [etc.] fol. Chicago and New York, Rand, McNally & co. 1892. pp. 266-267]. Suburbs of St. Louis along the Missouri Pacific and Frisco railroads. Scale: 20 chains to 1 inch. [Helfensteller &c. 1892]. 28x68. [St. Louis, E. Helfensteller, jr. 1892]. Note. — Blue print. Higgins' political map of St. Louis showing the new precincts and wards, also the representative, senatorial, and congressional districts. 14 J x 34. [St. Louis], Higgins & co. [1892]. Note. — Copyrighted 1892 by Higgins & co. Gould's map of the city of St. Louis, Mo. 49 x 92. [St. Louis], Gould directory co. [1893]. Map of the city of Saint Louis and its western suburbs. 22 x 34 J. St. Louis, Heinicke-Fiegel litho co. [1893]. Note. — Copyrighted 1893, by Helfensteller as proprietor. Higgins' ward & precinct map of St. Louis. 6J x 11. St. Louis, Higgins & CO. [1893]. Higgins' map of the Burlington suburban system for St. Louis. 21^ x 11. St. Louis, Higgins & co. [1893]. Higgins' map of the city of St. Louis and western suburbs. Scale, 1320 feet per inch. 2 sheets, each 34 J x 27. St. Louis, Higgins & co. [1893]. Map of St. Louis, Mo. 12 x 9J. Buffalo and New York, Matthews-North- rup CO. 1893. Woodward's latest revised map of the city of St. Louis and suburban towns. Compiled from the latest official sources, including all changes to January 1893. 8 sheets. St. Louis, Woodward & Tiernan printing co. [1893]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 767 St. Louis, Mo. Map of St. Louis. Scales: Statute miles 69.16=1 degree. Kilo- metres 111.307=1 degree. 26 x 19. [In Eand, McNally & co. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed atlas of the world, [etc.] fol. Chicago and New York, Rand, McNally & co. 1894. V. 2. pp. 398-399]. Same. Map of St. Louis. Statute miles 69.16=1 degree. 26 x 19. [In Rand, McNally & co. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed atlas of the world. Complete in eight parts, fol. Chicago, Rand, McNally c^ co. 1894. [v. 4J. pp. 398-399]. Weingaertner and Shumate's map of St. Louis. 1894. 30i x 50. [St. Louis? Weingaertner & Shumate, 1894] . [Map of the city of St. Louis, Mo.] 20 x 33*. St. Louis, Weingaertner & Shumate, 1897. St. Louis. Scales: Statute miles, 69.16=1 degree. 25f x 16. [In Rand, McNally & co. Rand-McNally new international indexed atlas of the world, fol. Chicago and New York, Rand, McNally & co. 1898. pp. 352-353]. Higgins' index map of St. Louis. 18 x 30. St. Louis, Higgins & co. [1899]. Higgins' map of St. Louis, indexed by streets & city blocks & colored by wards. 67 x 121. [St. Louis], Higgins & co. [1899]. Map of the main portion of St. Louis. 12^ x 9j. [In Rand, McNally & co. Cyclopedic atlas of the world, [etc.] fol. Chicago, New York, Rand, McNally & co. 1900. p. 49]. St. Louis, Mo. 26 x 19. [In Rand, McNally & co. Rand, McNally & co.'s enlarged business atlas and shippers' guide [etc.] fol. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. 1900. pp. 262-263]. St. liouis (Fort), Haiti. An exact plan & profile of fort St. Louis, on the south side of the island of Hispaniola, as it was when taken by rear admiral Knowles, the 8 of march 1748. Survey'd upon the spot by Archd. Bontein. ms. col. 20x28. [1748]. A plan of fort St. Louis harbour. [&] Petit Guave. 9x7. [In Whittle (J.) and Laurie (R. H.) The West India atlas, fol. Lon- don, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 53]. St. liOuis county, Minn. Merritt & co. New sectional map of St. Louis & Carl- ton counties. Scale 4| miles to 1 inch. 32 x 13. Duluth, Merritt & co. 1887. St. Louis county. Mo. New topographical map. Surveyed by Gustavus Waagner. col. 51 x 33. Saint Louis, Schaerff & bro. [1857]. St. Louis national stock yards, East St. Louis, 111. Map of the St. Louis national stock yards East St. Louis, 111. Original survey made by H. Koch & Henry A. Luebbers. 21 x 64. [St. Louis], St. Louis lith. co. [1874]. St. Louis river. See Mississippi river. St. Lucia, West Indies. Karte von insel St. Lucia von m. B. [Bellin. anon.] ing. de la marine, 1758. 7^ x 11^. [In Geschichte der kriege in und ausser Europa. [anon.] 4°. Niirnberg, G. N. Rasp^, 1779. 19er. theik pi. 143]. 768 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. St. Lucia, West Indies. Plan of the west coast q£ the island of Saint Lucia. Engraved by Thos. Jefferys. 1773. 15^ x 25. [In Mante (Thomas). The history of the late war in North America, 4°. London, 1772. p. 387]. Sketch of part of the island of Ste. Lucie. Computed at about 2,500 feet to 1 inch. 18^ X 19. London, published by James Wyld, 177-?]. [In Atlas of battles of the American revolution, fol. [London, 1770- 1793]. no. 14]. Note. — With extracts from gen. Grant's letter to lord George Germain dated Mourne Fortune, Ste Lucie, dec. 31, 1778: giving an account of the attack on the island by the British. Plan of St. Lucia, in the West Indies: shewing the position of the English. & French forces, with the attacks made at its reduction in dec. 1778. T. Bowen sc. [anon.] 7^ x 10. [In Gentleman's (The) magazine. 8°. London, for D. Henry, [1779]. v. 49. April 1779. opp. p. 184]. Island of St. Lucia. Island of St. Vincent. Chart of part of the Wind- ward Is. By T. Kitchin, sr. Island of Barbados. 9^ x 7^. [In London magazine. 1782. 8°. London, R. Baldwin, 1782. v. 51. p. 176]. St. Lucia; done from surveys and observations made by the English whilst in their possession, by Thomas Jefferys. new ed. 24 x 18. London, Laurie & Whittle, march 12, 1810. [In Whittle (J.) and Laurie (R. H.) The West India atlas, fol. London, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 25]. Topographical map of Saint Lucia. By Detaille and Jamet. 1847. J. Arrowsmith lith. 16 x 12. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Accounts and papers. Colonies. 1847-48. v. 46]. St. Marks, Fla. Reconnaissance of the bar and channel of St. Marks, on the west coast of Florida. By F. H. Gerdes. 1852. 16^ x 13. [Washington,. 1852]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey] . St. Martin, West Indies. Chart of the island and channels of St. Bartholomew^ St. Martin, Anguilla, Dog and Prickley Pear, &c. from the surveys and observations of mr. Samuel Fahlberg. 19^ x 27. [In Whittle (J. ) and Laurie (R. H. ) The West India atlas* fol. London,. J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 19]. St. Marys harbor. Nova Scotia. [Map of St. Mary's and Petit d'Grat harbour. By Charles Morris. A scale of two miles, ms. [anon.] 13x20. 176-?]. St. Marys river, Canada. Sketch of the navigation through East Neebish. rapids, river St. Mary. From surveys by capt. E. P. Scammon. [etc.] 1853. Reduced for engraving by F. Herbst, draughtsman, 1854. 14 x 19. [Washington, 1854]. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers. Lake survey. 1854], Map of the St. Mary's river from lake Superior to lake Huron. Compiled from the U. S. Government surveys by lieut. A. L. Magilton. 1855^ 18 x 25. New York, by J. H. Colton & co. for S. Whitney, [1855]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 769 St. Marys river, Canada. Sketch of the navigation through east Neebish rapids, river St. Mary. From surveys by capt. E. P. Scammon, under the direc- tion of capt. J. X. Macomb. 1853. 20 x 14. AVashington, 1854. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers. Lake survey. 1854] Chart no. 1. of river Ste Marie from Point Iriquios to east Neebish, sur- veyed under the direction of capt. J. X. Macomb in 1853, 1854 & 1855, with additions to date under the orders of capt. G. G. Meade, 1857. 24 X 32. [Washington, 1858]. [United Stafes. War department. Corps of engineers. Lake survey. 1858]. Chart no. 2. of river Ste Marie including the part from the entrance of Mud lake to the East Neebish. Surveyed under the direction of capt. J. N. Macomb in 1853, & 1854. Reduction for engraving under the direction of capt. G. G. Meade, in 1858. 24 x 24. [Washngton, 1858]. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers. Lake survey. 1858]. St. Marys river, Fid,. Plan of Amelia island in east Florida. A chart of the mouth of Nassau river with the bar and soundings. A chart of the entrance into St. Mary's river. By Willm. Fuller, col. 20 x 24. Lon- don, T. Jefferys, march 26, 1770. [In Faden (W^illiam, editor). The North American atlas, fol. London, for W. Faden, 1777. Ed. B. no. 26]. Same. [In Atlas of battles of the American revolution, fol. [London, 1770- 1793]. no. 29]. The mouth of the St. Mary's river. 4x4. [In North American pilot. A new ed. much enlarged, of the second part of the North American pilot, fol. London, R. Laurie & J. Whittle, 1800. Inset to no. 18: Holland (Capt. N.) A new chart of the coast of North America]. St. Marys strait. A plan of the straits of St. ^lary, and Michilimakinac, to shew the situation & importance of the two westermost settlements for the fur trade, [anon.] 9^x13. [175-?]. St. Nicolas, Haiti. Leogane and Port Au Prince [&] A plan of c^pe Nicola, from a French survey. 6| x 8f . [In Whittle (J.) and Laurie (R. H.) The West India atlas, fol. London, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 54]. St. Paul, Minn. Rice & Bell's counting house map of the city of St. Paul. 16 X 20J. [St. Paul, Rice & Bell, 1869]. Map. Compiled & drawn by J. R. King. col. 58 x 79. St. Paul, G. S. Hollister, [1872]. Halsted's map of St. Paul, Minneapolis & vicinity, Minnesota. Compiled from official records and personal surveys by J. T. Halsted. 10 x 8. St. Paul, G. J. Rice, [1874]. Map of the city of St. Paul & West St. Paul, :Minnesota. 1874. Draughted by Edward Hoenck, surveyor. 20 x 21. St. Paul, Minn. Berlandi & Knarr, [1874]. Rice (G. Jay). Map of St. Paul, Minneapolis & vicinity, Minnesota. 1876. 7 X 10. [St. Paul], St. Paul lith. co. [1876]. Curtice's standard map of the city of St. Paul, Minnesota. Drawn and pub- lished by D. L. Curtice, col. 61 x 73. [St. Paul, D. L. Curtice, 1880]. H. Doc. 516 49 770 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. St. Paul, Minn. Wendell (A. C.) Business map of St. Paul, Minn, [anon.] 3^x6. [St. Paul, 1880]. Richardson & Buckhout's twin city map. [Minneapolis & St. Paul]. 6^x10. Minneapolis, 1883]. Note. — Copyright by C. Wright Davison and James H. Bishop. Curtice's standard map of the city of St. Paul, Minnesota. Drawn and pub- lished by D. L. Curtice, col. 24 x 31. St. Paul, H. Warwick & co. lith. [1883]. R. L. Polk & co.'s city directory map St. Paul, Minn. Warwick & Costello, lith. St. Paul. 17^ X 27. St. Paul, D. L. Curtice, [1883]. D. L. Curtice's standard map of the city of St. Paul, Minn. Warwick & Costello lith. St. Paul. 17 J x 21 J. St. Paul, D. L. Curtice, [1884]. Curtice's standard map of the city of St. Paul, Minnesota. Drawn and pub- lished by D. L. Curtice, civil engineer & surveyor. Scale 400 feet to one inch. 65 x 75. [St. Paul], D. L. Curtice, [1884]. R. L. Polk & co.'s city directory map of St. Paul, Minn. Warwick & Cos- tello, lith. St. Paul. 17^ x 21^ St. Paul, D. L. Curtice, [1884]. Hopkins (G. M.) Atlas of the city of St. Paul, Minn, title, index map. 30 pi. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, [1884]. — Hopkins (G. M.) Atlas of the environs of St. Paul, including the whole of Ramsey CO. Minn. 1 p. 1. index map. 23 pi. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1886. Election districts, city of St. Paul, 1888. Scale: 1200 ft. =1 inch. D. L. Curtice. 32| x 44J. [St. Paul], H. M. Smyth print co. [1888]. z — City of St. Paul, annual report 1890, city engineer's office. From D. L. Cur- tice's map by permission. Lith. by the H. M. Smyth print co. Scale 1600 ft. to an inch. 24^ x 32^ [St. Paul], city engineer's office, 1890. Curtice's standard guide map of the city of St. Paul, prepared especially for R. L. Polk & co.'s city directory, 1890. Drawn & published by D. L. Curtice, c. e. Lith. by the H. M. Smyth print co. Scale 1900 ft. to 1 inch. 24i x 32. [St. Paul], D. L. Curtice, 1890. Election districts, city of St. Paul, November, 1890. Scale, 1200 ft.=l inch. 32 X 43|. St. Paul, the H. M. Smyth print co. 1890. Rand, McNally & co.'s map of St. Paul for the N. E. A. July 4th to 11th 1890. lOi^ X 9. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. 1890. — Rice's index map of St. Paul. 1890. Scale 2| inch, one mile. 231^ x 29. St. Paul, the St. Paul litho. eng. & publishing co. 1890. Election districts, city of St. Paul, 1892. By D. L. Curtice. Scale, 1200 ft.=l inch. 2 sheets, each 32^ x 23. [St. Paul], the H. M. Smyth print CO. 1892. Donnelley's atlas of the city of St. Paul, Minn. v. 1. 4 p. 1. 29 sheets. fol. Chicago, R. H. Donnelley, 1892. The Matthews-Northrup up-to-date map, St. Paul. 9^ x 12. [Buffalo], the Matthews-Northrup co. [1893]. [Indexed vest-pocket series]. Curtice's standard guide map of the city of St. Paul. Drawn ct published by D. L. Curtice, c. e. Scale 1600 ft. to an inch. 24^ x 32|. [St. Paul], D. L. Curl ice, [1895]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 771 St. Paul, Minn. Map of central business district of St. Paul, Minn, showing pub- lic and important buildings, etc. Drawn and published by Jos. Lonegren. 21 X 31. St. Paul, J. Lonegren, 1896. Curtice's standard guide map of the city of St. Paul, prepared specially for E. L. Polk & CO. 's city directory, 1899. Scale 1600 ft. to an inch. 24^ x 33. [St. Paul], D. L. Curtice, 1899. Gt. Peters river, Minn. A reconnoissance of the Minnay Sotor Watapah; or St. Peter's river to its sources; made in the year 1835, by G. W. Featherston- haugh. 23x42. [n. p. 1835]. Note. — To accompany a "Report of- a geological reconnaissance made in 1835 from the seat of government, by way of the Green bay and the Wis- consin territory, to the Coteau de Prairie, an elevated ridge dividing the Missouri from the St. Peters river. By G. W. Featherstonhaugh. 1836. 168 pp. 24th cong., 2d sess. Senate Ex. Doc. 333. £t. Thomas island. West Indies. Carte de I'isle St. Thomas I'une des Vierges. 8| X 14. [In Bellin (Jacques Nicolas). Le petit atlas maritime, fol. [Paris], 1764. V. 1. no. 78]. Dansk Americansk optaget i 1835-39 ved barometer og vinkel maaling af H. B. Hornbeck, m. d. tegnet i 1845 af J. Chr. Petersen. Tegner ved sokaart archivet. 15^ x 25i. Kjobenhavn, J. C. Petersen, 1846. Same. St. Thomas Dansk Americansk optaget i 1835-39 ved barometer og vinkel maaling af H. B. Hornbeck, m. d. tegnet i 1845 af J. Chr. Petersen. 6^ X 12^ [In Knox (John P.) A historical account of St. Thomas, W. I. 12°. New York, C. Scribner, 1852]. North America. West Indies. Virgin passage with St. Thomas and adja- cent islands, compiled from the latest inforanation 1886. Drawn by L. Dessez. Engraved by S. J. Kiibel and J. L. Hazzard. 34 x 27. Wash- ington, 1886. [United States. Navy department. Hydrographic office. Chart no. 965]. St. Thomas harbor, West Indies. Harbour of St. Thomas. Baily sculp. Pocock del. 5x9. [In Naval (The) chronicle. 1811. 8°. London, for J. Gold, 1811. v. 26. p. 240]. Harbour of St. Thomas, by L. I. Rohde, commodore in the royal Danish navy and harbour master 1822. J. & C. Walker sculpt. 10^ x 16. Lon- don, admiralty, 1851. [Great Britain. Admiralty. Chart no. 481]. West Indies. Virgin Islands. Harbour of St. Thomas, surveyed by lieut. G. B. Lawrance, r. n. 1851. J. & C. Walker. 25 x 37. London, admi- ralty, 1853. [Great Britain. Admiralty. Chart no. 2183]. West Indies. Virgin Islands. Harbor of St. Thomas, from an English survey in 1851 w^ith corrections made in 1873. 20 x 29}. Washington, 1885. ' [United States. Navy department. Hydrographic office. Chart no. 977]. 772 . LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. St. Vincent, West Indies. St. Vincent, from an actual survey made in the year 1773, after the treaty with the Caribs. New ed. [anon.] 24x18. Lon- don, Laurie & Whittle, march 12, 1810. [In Whittle (J.) and Laurie (R. H.) The West India atlas, fol. London, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 27]. St. Yago. See Santiago de Cuba. Salem, Mass. Plan of the city of Salem. 1836. Published by Henry Whipple. C. W. Boynton sc. 3 x 5^. [Salem, H. Whipple, 1836]. Hopkins (G. M.) Atlas of the city of Salem, Mass. 79 pp. incl. 19 maps. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1874. Map of the city of Salem. ' Surveyed, drawn, and engraved by H. F. Wall- ing, col. 11 X 15. Boston, Sampson, Davenport & co. [1874]. Same. col. 11 x 15. Boston, Sampson, Davenport & co. [1876]. Map of Salem and surrounding towns. 1881. Prepared and published for the Naumkeag directory. 29| x 41^ Salem, H. M. Meek, 1881. City of Salem. 17 J x 26. [Boston, G. H. Walker & co. 1891]. Note. — **Part of the Massachusetts atlas." Salem county, N. J. A map of the counties of Salem and Gloucester, New Jersey. From original surveys. By Alex. C. Stansbie, James Keily & Samuel M. Rea. 38 x 54. Philadelphia, Smith & Wistar, [1849]. Saxsm harbor, Mass. Salem harbor, Mass. From a trigonometrical survey under the direction of A. D. Bache. Hydrography by the party under the com- mand of lieut. C. H. McBlair. 1853. Electrotype copy no. 2, by G. Mathiot. 21 x 28. [Washington, 1853]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. Saline county, Mo. Map of Saline county, Missouri, compiled from U. S. surveys and other official sources. By M. J. Alexander. 1871. col. 35 x 44. St. Louis, A. McLean lith. [1871]. Salisbury, Essex county, Mass. Map of the towns of Salisbury & Amesbury, Essex county, Mass. Surveyed and drawn by E. M. Woodford, col. 34 X 53. Philadelphia, R. Clark, 1854. Salmon river, N. Y. Plan of a portion of the pier, in water of less depth thai^ four feet, at the mouth of Salmon river, Richland, Oswego co. New York. 1837. Wash. Hood del. 12 x 15. [Washington, 1837]. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers]. Salt Lake City, Utah. Plat of Salt Lake city. B. A. M. Froiseth, draughtsman. 4 X 5i. [n. p. 1870]. Crofutt's new map of Salt Lake City, Utah. Drawn by B. A. M. Froiseth. Expressly for Crofutt's trans-continental tourists guide. 9i x 13. New York, engraved by the actinic engraving co. [1871]. Map of Salt Lake City and suburbs. 27 x 33J. Salt Lake City, Utah, pub- lished by John L. Burns, 1871. Salt Lake City, Utah. Drawn for the chamber of commerce by Edmund Wilkes, civil engineer. 1887. The Denver litho co. Denver, Colo. 16J x 22 J. Salt Lake City, Lynch & Glasmann, [1887]. Map of Salt Lake city and vicinity, Utah. Compiled from official records and actual surveys by Browne and Brooks, feb. 20th, 1888. 49 x 55. [New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. 1888] LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 773 Salt Lake City, TJtali. Salt Lake City, Utah. Compiled from the records and actual surveys by Simon F. Mackie, civil engineer. Everts & HoAvell, engravers, Philadelphia, Pa. 20 J x 28. [Salt Lake City], W. H. Whit- ney, 1889. Map of Salt Lake City, and environs, Utah. 1890. Compiled by Jesse W. Fox, jr. city surveyor. Published by W. H. Whitney. Scale 660 feet to the inch. L. H. Everts & co. Phila. 69 x 86. Philadelphia, L. H. Everts & CO. 1890. Salvador, Central America. Carte de I'etat de San Salvador et d'une partie de celui de Honduras, indiquant le trace du chemin de fer projete inter- oceanique de Honduras par E. G. Squier. 1853. 15| x 17f. [In Squier (E. G.) Notes sur les etats de Honduras et de San Salvador. 8°. Paris, L. Martinet, 1855]. Same. Carte de I'etat de San Salvador et d'une partie de celui de Honduras (Amerique Centrale) indiquant le trace du chemin de fer j^rojecte inter- oceanique de Honduras par E. G. Squier, 1853. 15^ x 17|. [In Society de geographic. Bulletin. 4'' serie. 8°. Paris, 1855. v. 10. p. 332]. The state of San Salvador and the proposed Honduras rail road, from the surveys made in 1853 by E. G. Squier and W. N. Jeffers. 14| x 13. [Inset to Kiepert (H.) H. Kiepert's neue karte von Mittel America, fold, obi. 4°. Berlin, R. Reimer, 1858]. Der staat San Salvador und die projectirte Honduras eisenbahn nach den aufnahmen von W. N. Jeffers, 1853. 14 x 12i. [In Gesellschaft fiir erdkunde zu Berlin. Zeitschrift. 1857. Neue folge. 8°. Berlin, 1857. v. 3. pi. 3]. Ma a general levantado por Maximilian v. Sonnenstern por orden de su excelencia sr. don Rafael Campo. 21 x 29. East New York, Long Island, N. Y. G. Kraetzer, 1858. Karte des states San Salvador im auftrage des praesidenten don Rafael Campo von Maxim, v. Sonnenstern aufgenommen nach der zu New York 1859 erschienenen originalkarte. -7^ x l-i^. [In Gesellschaft fiir erdkunde zu Berlin. Zeitschrift. Neue folge. 8°. Berlin, 1860. v. 9. at end]. Watling island to accompany mr. Major's paper. 7i x 4^. [In Royal geographical society. Journal. 1871. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1871.* V. 41. p. 193]. West coast of Central America. Harbor of La Libertad [San Salvador]. Surveyed by the officers of the U. S. S. Ranger, 1883. 20 x 14^ Wash- ington, 1885. [United States. Navy department. Hydrographic office. Chart no. 939]. Republique de Honduras et du Salvador. Par F. Bianconi. CoUaborateur pour le Honduras: Gaubert. 26 pp. 1 map. fold. 232^ x 33?. 4°. Paris, imprimerie Chaix, 1891. [Collection des etudes geographiques. 7"'*' serie. no. 4] . Map of the republics of Honduras and Salvador. 9J x 17. [In Bureau of American republics. Honduras. Bulletin no. 57. Revised to March 1, 1894. 8°. Washington, 1894]. Note. — Same map in Salvador. Bulletin no. 58. Central America. Salvador. Jiquilisco bay. (Port El Triunfo) . From a survey in 1897. 30 x 23J. Washington, 1897. [United States. Navy department. Hydrographic office. Chart no. 1677]. 774 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Salvador, Central America. tJbersichts-skizze der vulkane in San Salvador & Siidost-Guatemala. Massstab 1:1,500,000. 11x20. [In Petermann's mittheilungen. 1897. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, [1897]. V. 43. pi. 1. at end]. Saxuana, Santo Domingo. Peninsula and bay of Samana in the Dominican repub- lic by sir Robert H. Schomburgk 1853. 7x9. [In Royal geographical society. Journal. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1853. V. 23.' p. 204]. San Bias (Isthmus of) . See Panama. San Dieg-o, Cal. Piano del puerto de S. Diego en la costa sentent^ de Californ^ levantado par el 2" piloto de la armada d. Juan Pantola aiio 1782. 8^ x 7. [In Alcala Galeano (D.) Relacion del viage en el ano de 1792, para reconocer el estrecho de Fuca. fol. Madrid, 1802. Cartas] . San Diego entrance and approaches, Cal. From a trigonometrical survey under the direction of A. D. Bache. 13 x 13. New York, D. McLellan, 1851. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. Wadleigh's map of the city of San Diego. 30x24^. San Diego, C. B. Wadleigh, 1888. Santo Domingo. Hispaniola insvla. 9 x 11. [In Wytfliet (Cornelius) and others. Histoire vniverselle des Indes. fol. Douay, F. Fabri, 1605. opp. p. 99]. La Spagnuola. 9 x 11^. [In Coronelli (Vincenzo). Atlante Veneto. fol. Venetia, 1695-97. v. 2. pt. 2. p. 163]. Isle de S. Domingue et debouguemens circonvoisins. [By Amedee Franyois Fr^zier]. 16^ x 24. [n. p. 1724]. Note. — Inset plan of the city of San Domingo. Carte d'isle de Saint Domingue dressee en 1722 pour 1' usage du roy sur les memoires de mr. Frezier, et autres. Par G. Delisle. 19 x 24^. Paris, I'auteur, 1725. [American maps. v. 2. no. 12]. Same. Carte de I'isle de Saint Domingue, dressee en 1722 pour I'usage du roy sur les memoires de mr. Frezier et autres. Par. G. de I'lsle. 18^ x 23^. Amsterdam, J. Covens & C. Mortier, [1741?]. [In his Atlas nouveau. fol. Amsterdam, J. Covens & C. Mortier, [1741]. V. 2. no. 41]. Note. — This map is found also in the edition of 1733. A new & accurate map of the island of Cuba. A new & accurate map of the island of Hispaniola or St. Domingo and Porto Rico. By Eman. Bowen. 13^ X 161 [In his A complete atlas, fol. London, forW. Innys, [etc.] 1752. no. 65]. A map of the island of Hispaniola or St. Domingo. By T. Kitchin. 7 x 10. [In London (The) magazine. 8°. London, forR. Baldwin, [1758]. v. 27. Dec. 1758. opp. p. 640]. Piano della citt/i di S. Domingo. 7^ x 10. [In Atlante deir America, [anon.] fol. Livorno, 1778. no. 21]. Carta esatta rappresentante 1' isola di S. Domingo o sia Hispaniola. 10 x 12. [In Atlante deir America, [anon.] fol. Livorno, 1778. no. 20]. An authentic plan of the town and harbour of Cap Francois in the isle of St. Domingo. By Thomas Jefferys. 13x19. London, T. Jefferys, 1760. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 775 Santo Doming'O. The island of Hispaniola called by the French St. Domingo. 13 X 19. [In Jefferys (T. ) The natural and civil history of the French dominions in N. & S. America, fol. London, 1760. pt. 2. opp. p. 3]. Same. The island of Hispaniola called by the French St. Domingo, subject to France & Spain. By Thomas Jefferys. 13 x 19. [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of Xorth America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 87]. Plan of the city of San Domingo, [anon.] 7h x lOJ. [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 89]. Esquisse du plan de la ville du Mole Ti St. Domingue. 1774. ms. [anon.] 14* X m. 1774]. San Domingo. [Plan of city]. 6x5. [In Luff man (John) . Select plans of the principal cities, harbours, forts &c. in the world, sm. 4°. London, 1801. v. 2]. The island of San Domingo. 6x5. [InLuffman (John). Select plans of the principal cities, harbours, ports, &c. in the world, sm, 4°. London, 1801. v. 2]. Carte de la partie Fran^oise de St. Domingue, faite par Bellin, et aug- mentee par P. C. Varle et autres ingrs. A map of the French part of St. Domingo. 15 x 19. Philadelphia, J. T. Scott sculp. [1802]. Laurie & Whittle's new chart of the Windward passages and Bahama islands, with the islands of St. Domingo, Jamacia, Cuba, &c. &c. Compiled from a great variety of topographic surveys and nautical details. By John Purdy. 3d. ed. improved 1818. 7j x lOi. London, R. Laurie & J. Whittle, sept. 2, 1811. [In Whittle (J.) and Laurie (R. H.) The West India atlas, fol. London, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 11-12]. Geosrraphical, statistical, and historical map of Hispaniola, or St. Domingo. Drawn by E. Lucas, jr. llj x 18. [In Complete (A) histt)rical, chronological and geographical American atlas, fol. Philadelphia, H. C. Carey & I. Lea, 1822. no. 42]. Mapa de la isla de Santo Domingo segun las autenticissimas autoridades, y las numerosas personales observaciones hechas por el seiior Robert H. Schomburgk. Publicada por los cuidados del senor blendes, y segun las ordenes del excellentissimo presidente de la republica Dominicana. 1858. 37^ X 71. Paris, grave par Reginer et Dourdet, 1858. XoTE. — Inset: '' Plan de la ciudad de Santo Domingo y de suyos contornos." Geological map of the republic of Santo Domingo by Wm. ^I. Gabb, geolo- gist in chief. Aided by A. Pennell, C. Runnebaum and L. Pennell, topo- graphical assistants. Prepared and published by order of his excellency Buenaventura Baez, president of the republic. INI. M. Gautier, minister of the interior. The topography is mostly from new surveys by the party. Some additions to the coast line from recent local coast surveys by V. S. and H. B. M. naval officers: part of the province of Axua and all of Hayti copied from the map of sir Robert Schomburgk. 1872. 15J x 24|. [In American philosophical society. Transactions, new series. 4°. Philadelphia, by the society, 1881. v. 15. end of pt. 1]. Note. — To accompany article 4. "On the topography and geology of Santo Domingo. By William M. Gabb." pp. 49-259. Second copy of map colored to show geological formations. 776 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Sandusky bay, Oliio. Chart of the entrance of Sandusky bay, Ohio bureau of U. S. topographical engineers 1838: reduced from the original survey of lieut. C. Graham of 1826, under the direction of col. Jno. J. Abert, by Wash. Hood. 2sess. 25th cong. doc. no. 399 h, r. 16x21. [Washington, 1838]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 68]. Sandyliill, N. Y. Map of Sandy Hill and Fort Edward with the towns of Kings- bury and Fort Edward. From actual surveys. Published by F. W. Beers & CO. col. 38 X 62. New York, G. W. Beers & co. 1875. Sandy Hook, N. J. Plan of the situation of the fleet within Sandy Hook. Jn. Lodge sculp. 15 x 14|. London, for J. Almon, 1779. [In O'Beirne (Thomas Lewis). A candid and impartial narration of the transaction of the fleet under the command of lord Howe, [anon.] 8°. London, 1779]. San Fernando de Omoa, Honduras, Central America. . Plan of the harbour of San Fernando de Omoa. [By lieut. Young, anon.] 8 x 11. [In Jefferys (T. engraver) . A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 74]. A draugh of the harbour of San Fernando de Omoa taken in the king's ships Viper and Nautilus in 1759 & 1767 [&] Plan of the road and j^ort of La Vera Cruz, surveyed in 1740. 7x9. [In Whittle (J.) and Laurie (R. H.) The West India atlas, fol. London, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 41]. San Francisco, Cal. San Francisco in 1846. [View]. Lith. of Sarony & Major. 3| X 5. [In Colton (Rev. Walter, U. S. N.) Deck and port, or, incidents of a cruise on the United States frigate Congress to California. 12°. New York, A. S. Barnes & co. 1850. p. 386]. • View of San Francisco, California. Engraved expressly for the Souvenir. 3^ x 6J. [In Antiquarian (The) and general review. 1849. Edited by W. Arthur. 8°. Lansingburg, N. Y. Harkness & Kirkpatrick, 1849. v. 4. front.] San Francisco in July 1849. From present site of S. F. stock exchange. [Colored view]. Geo. H. Burgess, pinxit. 17^ x 36. San Francisco, H. S. Crocker co. [1894]. Note.— Copyright 1894, Elisha Cook. Otflcial map of San Francisco, compiled from the field notes of the official re-survey made by William M. Eddy. 1849. S. W. Higgins draft". Copied l^y P. M. McGili. 19 x 25. Washington, C. B. Graham, lith. [1849]. Map of the emigrant road from Independence, Mo. to St. Francisco Cali- fornia, by T. H. Jefferson. 4 sheets, each 14^ x 20^. fol. New York, published by the author, 1849. Map of Vera Cruz, Alvaradu & Hautubco. Shewing the new route of the steamer for San Francisco from the gulf of Mexico to the Pacific. 1850. [anon.] 21 x 17 J. New York, sun lith. establishment, [1850]. Vue de San-Francisco en 1850. Gravee par Outhwaite. 5^^ x 3^. [In Ferry (Hypolite). Description de la Nouvelle Califomie, g^ographique, politique, et morale. 12°. Paris, L. Maison, 1850. p. 251]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. YVT San Francisco, Cal. San Francisco. [View]. 4| x 6^. [In Dana (Charles A.) The United States illustrated. Edited by Charles A.Dana. 2v.ini. 4°. New York, H. J. Meyer, [1855?]. v, 2. p. 17]. San Francisco [View]. Roargue sc. 4x6. [In Malte-Brun (Conrad). Geographie universelle. 8°. Paris, Furne & cie. 1857. v. 6. p. 521]. City of San Francisco and its vicinity, Cal. Topography by A. F. Rodgers, hydrography by the party under the command of lieut. R. M. Cuyler. 23 X 35. [Washington, 1859]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey] . Vue gen^rale de San-Francisco. 5J x 185. [In Mornand (F.) and Vilbort (J.) Voyage illustre dans les deux mondes. fol. Paris, Le Chevalier, 1862. pp. 358-359]. Official map of the city and county of San Francisco, prepared by William P. Humphreys, cit}^ & county surveyor, as per order 966 of the board of supervisors approved October 26, 1870. Scale 1000 feet to one inch. 39I X 54. San Francisco, Britton & Rey, 1870. Bancroft (A. L.) & co. Bancroft's official guide map of city and county of San Francisco, compiled from official maps in surveyor's office. 24 x 30. San Francisco, A. L. Bancroft & co. 1873. Map of San Francisco from the latest surveys. Engraved expressly for the San Francisco directory. 1873. 17 x 20. San Francisco, lith. Britton & Rey, [1873]. Birdseye view of San Francisco and surrounding country. Drawn by G. H. Gooddard. col. 31 x 46. & Key. 9 x 15. San Francisco, Snow & May, [1876]. New and improved street map of the city of San Francisco. Drawn, com- piled and published by Frederick Thomas Newbery. col. 38 x 26. [San Francisco, F. T. Newbery, 1877]. Bancroft's official guide map of city and county of San Francisco, compiled from official maps in surveyor's office. 23i x 295. San Francisco, A. L. Bancroft & co. 1877. Note. — Inset: '' Skeleton map showing the relative position of San Fran- cisco to the surrounding country. ' ' Erie railway company. Map of the city of San Francisco, [anon.] 6 x 6J. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1878]. Hill (John B.) Map of the city of San Francisco, with key. 11 x 14. [San Francisco], methodist book depository, [1880]. Map of the city and county of San Francisco. Drawn by J. C. Henkinus. 52 X 63. San Francisco, V. Holt, 1881. Disturnell (W. C.) Map of the city of San Francisco. Showing distances to different points by half mile circles from new city hall. 8J x 8^. [San Francisco, 1882]. 778 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. San Francisco, Cal. Faust (H. W.) The people's map and guide of San Fran- cisco and directory of the city and vicinity. Compiled by P. Spitze, c. e. Issued in editions of 10,000 copies. 20 x 26|. San Francisco, H. W. Faust, 1882. Note. — Directory on the margin and back. San Francisco stranger's guide co. Reference map of the business section of the city of San Francisco. 18 x 23^^. San Francisco, San Francisco strangers' guide publishing co. 1884. Note. — From San Francisco strangers' guide. San Francisco. Scale: The squares represented on the side of the map, by A, B, C, 1, 2, 3, &c. are one mile apart. 11 x 9^. ' [In De Puy (William H. editor). The people's atlas of the world. 8°. Boston, Toronto, M. Garrison & co. [1885]. pp. 552-553]. Same. San Francisco. Scale: The squares represented on the side of the map, by A, B, C, 1, 2, 3, &c. are one mile^ apart. 11 x 9^. [In De Puy (William H. editor). The universal guide and gazetteer to the countries, peoples, and governments of the world [etc.] fol. New York, Phillips & Hunt, 1887. pp. 535-536]. Contour map of San Francisco, California, showing the several distributing reservoirs of the Spring Valley water works and the district supplied by each. 17 x 15|. New York, the Sanborn-Perris map co. ltd. 1887. City of San Francisco. 14^ x 9. [In Brown (Milton R. ) The continental atlas, fol. Philadelphia, M. R. BroWn, 1889. pp. 168-168]. Note. — Inset to map of "California." Dakin's block map of the principal business & residence portions of San Francisco, Cal. 1889, Compiled from official sources and actual surveys. Scale: 1000 ft.=l inch. 27 x 40^. San Francisco, Dakin publishing co. 1889. . Bancroft's map of the cable railway systems and connections of San Fran- cisco. 1890. Compiled and drawn by F. G. Burgess. 9 x 15J. [San Francisco], the Bancroft co. 1890. Faust's map of city and county of San Francisco, California. 23 x 29. [San Francisco], H. W. Faust, 1890. Map of San Francisco, California. 9^ x 12. [Buffalo, the Matthews-Northrup CO. 1891]. Map of San Francisco. Scales: Statute miles, 69.16=1 degree. 19 x 26. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1892]. Note. — Inset: "Map of San Francisco and vicinity." Guide map of the city of San Francisco, compiled from the official surveys & engraved expressly for Langley's San Francisco directory 1892. Scale 2000 ft. to one inch. 19| x 24|. [San Francisco, G. B. Wilber, 1892]. Map of San Francisco. Scales: Statute miles 69.16=1 degree. Kilometres, 111.307=1 degree. 19 x 26. [In Rand, McNally & co. Rand, McNally & co's indexed atlas of the w^orld. [etc.] fol. Chicago and New York, Rand, McNally & co. 1892. pp. 346-347]. LIST of MAPS OF AMERICA. 779 San Francisco, Cal. Map of San Francisco. Scales: Statute miles, 69.16=1 degree. Kilometres, 111.307=1 degree. 19 x 26. [In Rand, McXally & co. Rand, McXally & co.'s indexed atlas of the world, [etc.] fol. Chicago and New York, Rand, McXally & co. 1894. V. 2. pp. 446-447]. Same. Map of San Francisco. Statute miles 69.16=1 degree. 26 x 19. [In Rand, McXally & co. Rand, McXally & co.'s indexed atlas of the world. Complete in eight parts, fol. Chicago, Rand, ^NlcXally & co. 1894. [v. 4]. pp. 246-247]. Indexed plan of the California midwinter international exposition. 1894. Drawn and compiled from official and personal survey by Wm. Dubois, c. e. 13 X 20. San Francisco, AV. DuBois, 1894. Plummer's reference map to the city and country of San Francisco, Cali- fornia. Scale: 800 feet to one inch. 50 x 60^. San Francisco, A. Plum- mer, 1894. The Matthews-Northrup up-to-date map of San Francisco, California. 9| X 12. [Buffalo], the Matthews-Xorthrup co. [1895]. San Francisco bay and vicinity. 16 x 14^. San Francisco, the union photo- engraving CO. [1895]. XoTE. — Pictorial margin. San Francisco entrance, California. Scale 1/40,000. 31^ x 41. Washing- ton, [1897]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast and geodetic survey. Chart no. 5581]. Lageplan von San Francisco. ^Massstab 1 : 210000. 3\- x 5. [In Meyers konversations-lexikon. ote aufl. 8°. Leipzig und Wien, bibliographisches institut, 1897. v. 15. p. 226]. Map showing routes from San Francisco to Alaska and the Klondike. 19^ X 25. San Francisco, Dakin pub. co. [1897]. San Francisco. Scales: Statute miles, 69.16^1 degree. Kilometres, 111.307=1 degree. 19 x 26. [In Rand, McXally & co. Rand, McXally new international indexed atlas of the world [etc.] fol. Chicago and Xew York, Rand, McXally & co. 1898. pp. 356-357]. XoTE. — Inset: " Map of San Francisco and vicinity." De Witt's indexed map of San Francisco, California. 9f x 12. [Buffalo, the Matthews-Northrup co. 1898]. De Witt's indexed map of the city of San Francisco, compiled from the latest official data. Scale 2000 ft. to 1 inch. 20 x 24f . San Francisco, F. M. De Witt, [1899]. Up-to-date map of San Francisco, Cal. 12| x 15i. San Francisco, A. Cur- rier, 1900. Rand, McXally & co.'s map of the main portion of San Francisco. 12^ x 9}. [In Rand, McXally & co. Cyclopedic atlas of the world, fol. Chicago, Xew York, Rand, McXally & co. 1900. p. 70]. San Francisco. 26 x 19. [In Rand, McXally & co. Rand, McXally erior; embrac- ing Superior, St. Louis and Allouez bays and the St. Louis river to the head of navigation. Projected from a trigonometrical survey executed under the orders of capt. Geo. G. Meade in 1861. Reduced for engravings under the direction of col. J. D. Graham in 1863. 28 x 37. [Washington, 1863]. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers. Lake survey, 1863]. H. Doc. 516 53 834 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Superior (Lake). Sailing chart of south shore of lake Superior. Reduced from surveys by T. S. Thompson. 15 x 24. [n. p. 1861]. L' Anse, including Portage entry and part of Keweenaw bay, lake Superior. Projected from a trigonometrical survey under the orders of col, J. D. Graham, in 1863, and of col. W. F. Raynolds, in 1864 & 1865. 34 x 22. [Washington, 1866]. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers. Lake survey 1866]. Farmer's map of lake Superior and the mining regions. Showing geological formations, mines [etc.] 21 x 36. Detroit, S. Farmer & co. 1867. Farmer (Silas) & co. Farmer's map of lake Superior and the mining regions. Showing geological formations, mines, [etc.] 24 x 32. Detroit, S. Farmer & CO. 1872. Township map of lake Superior region and upper Mississippi. Compiled from government surveys. 16 x 27. Philadelphia, J. Disturnell, 1872. Sectional map of the copper, iron and silver region of lake Superior, embrac- fng the counties of Marquette, Houghton, Baraga, Keweenaw, Ontonagon, Isle Royal and parts of Delta, Menomonee & Schoolcraft, col. 22 x 31. Philadelphia, J. Disturnell, 1875. Colton's lake Superior and the upper peninsula of Michigan. 17x25. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. 1876. North American lakes. Lake Superior. The Canadian shore from the admi- ralty survey of lieut. H. W. Bayfield. 1823-5. The coast and plans of the United States government surveys of 1855-72. 24^ x 38. London, admiralty, 1878. [United States. Admiralty. Hydrographic oflice. Charts, no. 320]. Reed & Breese. Map showing lake Superior iron mines. .5^ x 6^. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1881]. Lewis & McNair. Map of the head of lake Superior. Scale one inch = one mile. Drawn by J. J. Durage. 42 x 42. Duluth and Superior, Lewis & McNair, 1888. Surinam, Dutch Guiana. Landkaart van de volkplantingen Surinam en Berbica. 13 X 16. [In Hedendaagsche historie of tegenwoordige staat van Amerika. [anon.] 8°. Te Amsterdam, I. Tirion, 1767. v. 2. opp. p. 511]. A map of Surinam. T. Comder sculpt. 7| x 17J. [In Stedman (J. G.) Narrative, [etc.] 4°. London, for J. Johnson, 1796]. See also Guiana. Surinam river. A new chart of Surinam river and the coast approaching to Para- maribo. 1801. [anon.] 17 J x 22^. London, Laurie & Whittle, 1802. [In Whittle (J.) and Laurie (R. H.) The West India atlas, fol. London, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 35]. Surprise canyon, Panamint district, Cal. Map showing the principal mines of j Surprise caiion, Panamint district, California. [By] Hoffman & Craven, i 13 x 15. San Francisco, lith. Britton, Rey & co. [1875]. j Susquehanna county, Penn. Map of Susquehanna co. Pennsylvania. From actual survey by G. M. Hopkins, 1858. 54 x 57. Philadelphia, Lee & j Marsh, 1858. ! LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 835 Susquehanna county, Penn. Beers (F.W.) Atlas of Susquehanna co. Penn. 45 pp. incl. 34 maps. fol. New York, A. Pomeroy & co. 1872, Susqueh.anna river. [Plat of Daniel Sullivan's tract on the Susquehanna river. Surveyed sept. 7, 1777. ms. 8 x 13. 1777]. Sussex county, N. J. Map of Sussex co. New Jersey. From actual surveys & records under the direction of G. M. Hopkins, jr. col. 54 x 50. Phila- delphia, C. Allen, m. d. 1860. Sutro tunnel, Nev. W. Rose's chart of the Comstock mines and Sutro tunnel, state of Nevada. 1878. 22 x 32. San Francisco, P. T. Upham & co. [1878]. Swampscott, Mass. Hopkins (G. M.) Atlas of the town of Swampscott, Mass. 39 pp. incl. 9 maps. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1880. Swatara coal region, Penn. Map of the Swatara coal region, by Henry K. Strong, prepared for the legislature of Pennsylvania, in compliance with a resolution of a state convention of delegates that assembled at Harris- burg, dec. 4, 1838. 32 x 47. Philadelphia, P. S. Duval, lith. [1838]. Swords farm, N. Y. The encampment & position of the army under It. gl. Burgoyne at Swords' and Freeman's farms, on Hudson's river near Still- water 1777. By Wm. Cumbd. Wilkinson, ms. col. 27 x 43. [1777]. [Faden collection, no. 69^]. Plan of the encampment and position of the army under gen. Burgoyne at Swords' house, on Hudson's river near Stillwater, sept. 17, with the posi- tion of that part of the army engaged on the 19 sept. 1777. Drawn by W. C. Wilkinson. Engraved by Wm. Faden. 12i x 13i London, W. Faden, feb. 1, 1780. [In Atlas of battles of the American revolution, fol. [London, 1770- 1793]. no. 32]. Same. [In Burgoyne (John). A state of the expedition from Canada. 2d ed. 8°. London, for J. Almon, 1780. no. 2]. Same. Plan of the encampment and position of the army under gen. Bur- goyne at Sword's house, on Hudson's river near Stillwater, sept. 17 with the position of that part of the army engaged on the 19 sept. 1777. Drawn by W. C. Wilkinson. 13 x 13. London, W. Faden, 1780. Note. — Engraved for Burgoyne' s State of the expedition from Canada. [Faden collection no. 68.] Syosset bay. See Oyster bay. Syracuse, N. Y. (City of). Bird's eye view of Syracuse, N. Y. Designed & drawn by J. C. Laass. 52 x 78. Baltimore, Md. lith. & printed by E. Sachse & CO. [1868]. City of Syracuse, and village of Geddes. [N. Y.] By H. Wadsworth Clarks. col. 22 X 22. [Syracuse, 1875]. Yose (J. W. ) & CO. Atlas of the city of Syracuse, Onondaga co. N. Y. 2 p. 1. map. 24 sheets, fol. New York, J. W. Yose & co. 1892. ■Tabasco river, Mexico. Sketch of the river Tabasco, from Devil's Bend to St. Juan Battista. Shewing the landing and march of commre. Perry's forces, June 16, 1847. [anon.] 7 x 10. [n. p. 1847]. 836 LIST OF MAPS OF AMEBIC A. Tacoma, "Wash.. Pocket map of Tacoma and Puget sound. 18 x 11^. [Tacoma, E. L. Herriff, 1889]. Talioe (Lake), Cal. Topographical map of lake Tahoe and surrounding country, compiled from the best authorities, by Ferdinand von Leicht & J. D. Hoffmann. 1874. 21 x 24. San Francisco, G. T. Brown & co. lith. [1874]. Tallahassee, Fla. Plan of the city of Tallahassee. 13 x 18}. [Inset to Searcy (J. G.) Map of Florida, col. 32^ x 47i Tallahassee, I. G. Searcy & F. Lucas, Baltimore, 1829]. Tamaqua, Penn. Plan. By D. H. Goodwin. 1858. col. 45 x 58. [Philadel- phia, D. H. Goodwin, 1858]. Tampa bay. Plan of the entrances of Tampa bay, on the west coast of east Florida. [&] Plan of Lucia harbour and Mantega bay in Jamaica. 7| x 9|. [In Whittle (J. ) and Laurie (R. H.) The West India atlas, fol. London, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 46]. The bay of Espiritu Santo, in East Florida. T. Jefferys sculp. 8 x 10. [In Stork (William). A description of East Florida. 3d ed. 4°. London, W. Nicoll, 1769. opp. p. 34]. The bay of Espiritu Santo, on the western coast of East Florida. [&] Plan of the town of St. Augustine the capital of East Florida. T. Jefferys sculp. 8 X 10. [London], for W. Faden, [1777]. [In Faden (William, editor). The North American atlas, fol. London, for W. Faden, 1777. no. 35]. Tampico, Mexico. Plan du port et des environs de Tampico trace a I'etat major [iv* section] de la republique Mexicaine. Dessin^ a Mexico 1827. Grave a Paris par Berthe, 1833. 10 x 13. [In Humboldt (F. H. A.) and Bonpland (A.) Atlas geographique et phy- sique des regions equinoxiales du nouveau continent, fol. Paris, Gide, 1814-34. pi. 12]. Tarpaulin cove, Dukes county, Mass. The harbor of Holmes' Hole. [&] The harbor of Tarpaulin Cove. Founded upon a trigonometrical survey under the direction of A. D. Bache. Hydrography by the party under the com- mand of G. S. Blake. 18 x 14. [Washington, 1847]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. Taunton, Mass. Map of Taunton. Published by Sampson, Davenport & co. col. 16 X 10^. Boston, Sampson, Davenport & co. [1876]. Walker (Geo. H.) & co. Atlas of Taunton city, Mass. 1 pi. 66 pp. incl. 19 maps. fol. Boston, G. H. Walker & co. 1881. Tawas harbor, Mich. Preliminary chart of Tawas harbor. [Harbor of refuge. Lake Huron]. Surveyed under the direction of capt. J. N. Macomb. 1856. 24 X 29. [Washington, 1857]. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers. Lake survey, 1857]. Taylor county, Tex. Map. 19 x 17. St. Louis, lith. by A. Gast & co. [1879]. [Texas. General land ofhce]. Tehuantepec, Mexico. Isthme de Tehuantepec dans lequel se trouve la conces- sion faite en 1828 par le gouvernement de la republique du Mexique, [etc.] 16 X lOi. [In Brissot (Anacharsis). Voyage aux Guazacoalcos, etc. 8°. Paris, 1837]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 837 Tehuantepec, Mexico. Same. Isthme de Tehuantepec dans lequel se trouve la concession faite en 1828 par le gouyernement de la republique du Mexique k m M. Laisne de Villereque. [anon.] 11 x 16. Washington, lith. by P. Haas, [183-]. [In United States. Congress, A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. "Washington, 1843. no. 123]. Isthmus of Tehuantepec surveyed for the proposed railway by col. Barnard, 1851. 11 X 5. [Inset to Kiepert (H.) H. Kiepert's neue karte von Mittel-America. Ber- lin, R. Reimer, 1858]. Tennessee. Aboriginal map of Tennessee. 8 x 20^. [Nashville, the Goodspeed publishing CO. 1886]. A map of the Tennassee government formerly part of North Carolina, taken chiefly from surveys by gen. D. Smith & others. T. Conder sculp. 6J X 16. London, J. Debrett, 1795. [In Imlay (Gilbert). A topographical description of the western territory of North America. 3d ed. 8°. London, 1797]. Same. A map of the Tennassee government formerly j^art of North Carolina from the latest surveys. 1795. B. Tanner del. & sculp. 7 x 15j. [In American (The) atlas, fol. New York, J. Reid, 1796. no. 19]. S. W. territory. 6 x 72- [In Scott (Joseph). The United States gazetteer. 16°. Philadelphia, 1795]. A map of the Tennassee government formerly part of North Carolina taken chiefly from surveys by genl. D. Smith & others. J. T. Scott sculp. 9* X 20. ' . [In Carey (Mathew). Carey's American atlas, fol. Philadelphia, M. Carey, 1796. no. 18]. Same. A map of the Tennassee state formerly part of North Carolina taken chiefly from surveys by gen'l D. Smith & others. J. T. Scott sculp. A scale of 22 miles to the inch. 9i x 20^ [In Carey (Mathew). Carey's general atlas, fol. Philadelphia, M. Carey, 1796. map 41]. A map of the state of Kentucky and the Tennessee government. Compiled from the best authorities. By Cyrus Harris. Engraved by A. Doolittle. 7* X Hi [In Morse (Jedidiah). The American universal geography. 3d ed. 8°. Boston, I. Thomas & E. T. Andrews, 1796. pt. 1. p. 633]. Bridgman's historical, railroad, distance and county map of Tennessee from the latest official and other authentic sources. 1796-1896. 40 x 81. New York, E. C. Bridgman, 1896. Tennessee. Drawn by S. Lewis. Engraved by Lawson. 8 x 9|. [In Arrowsmith (Aaron) and Lewis (Samuel). A new and elegant general atlas. 4°. Philadelphia, J. Conrad, 1804. no. 52]. A map of the Tennassee government from the latest surveys 1810. Engd. for the New encyclopjedia published by E. Low, N. York. A scale of 55 miles. 7 x 15. [New York, E. Low, 1810]. Note. — Same as the map of 1795, in Imlay' s North America. The state of Tennessee. 9J x 20^. [In Carey (Mathew) & son. Carey's general atlas, fol. Philadelphia, M. Carey & son, 1818. map 22]. 838 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Tennessee. Geographical, statistical, and historical map of Tennessee. Drawn by F. Lucas, jr. 11 x 18J. [In Complete (A) historical, chronological and geographical American atlas, fol. Philadelphia, H. C. Carey & I. Lea, 1822. no. 28]. Carte g^ographique, statistique et historique du Tennessee. 11 x 18. [In Buchon (Jean Alexandre C.) Atlas geographique, statistique, his- torique et chronologique des deux Ameriques. fol. Paris, J. Carez, 1825. no. 32]. Kentucky and Tennessee. N. & S. S. Jocelyn sc. 7^ x 9|. [In Morse (Sidney E. ) A new universal atlas of the world, on an improved plan [etc.] 4°. New Haven, N. & S. Jocelyn, 1825]. Map of Kentucky and Tennessee, compiled from the latest authorities. D. H. Vance del. J. H. Young, sculp. 17 x 21|. [In Finley (Anthony). A new American atlas [etc.] fol. Philadelphia, A. Finley, 1826. no. 10]. The travellers pocket map of Tennessee with its roads and distances from place to place along the stage & steam boat routes, by H. S. Tanner. Engraved by J. & W. W. Ware. lOJ x 14. Philadelphia, H. S. Tanner, 1830. Note. — Insets: "Environs of Nashville." " Environs of Knoxville." Kentucky and Tennessee. 5 x 6^. [In Baird (Robert). View of the valley of the Mississippi. [By R. B. anon.] 16°. Philadelphia, H. S. Tanner, 1832. p. 176]. Note. — Introduction signed R. B. A new map of Tennessee.. By H. S. Ta,nner. Tanner's universal atlas. lOf X 13. Philadelphia, H. S. Tanner, 1833. Tennessee. 7f x 9|. [In Bradford (Thomas Gamaliel ) . A comprehensive atlas, geographical, his- torical & commercial. 4°. Boston, American stationers' co. 1835. p. 47]. Tennessee. Engraved by G. W. Boynton. 11 x 14^. [In Bradford (Thomas Gamaliel). An illustrated atlas, geographical, sta- tistical and historical of the United States and the adjacent countries, fol. Philadelphia, E. S. Grant & CO. [1838]. p. 128]. Tennessee. 1838. Engraved by G. W. Boynton. llj x 14. [In Bradford (Thomas Gamaliel) and Goodrich (Samuel Griswold)> A universal, illustrated atlas, fol. Boston, C. D. Strong, 1843. bet. pp. 128-129]. Kentucky and Tennessee. By H. S. Tanner. 1839. 20^ x 27^. [In Tanner (Henry S.) A new American atlas, fol. Philadelphia, H. S. Tanner, 1839]. Diagram of the surveying district south of Tennessee. Surveyors oflSce, oct. 1,1841. Jackson, Tenn. 27th cong. 2d sess. W. J.Stone sc' 13 x 17. [Washington, 1841]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 129]. Map of the states of Kentucky, and Tennessee. 9| x 15}. Engraved & printed by Fenner Sears & co. London, [1842]. [In Hinton (J. H.) The history and topography of the United States. 3d ed. 4°. London, J. Dowding, 1842. v. 1. opp. p. 421]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 839 Tennessee. A new map of Tennessee with its roads and distances from place to place along the stage & steam boat rentes. 11 x 15J. [Philadelphia?], T, Cowperthwait & co. 1854. — Kentucky and Tennessee. Drawn & engraved by J. Bartholomew. Printed in colors by Schenck & Macfarlane, Edinburgh. lOf x 15. [In Black (Adam & Charles). Black's atlas of North America. foL Edinburgh, A. & C. Black, 1856. no. 12]. ^- Colton's Tennessee. 1861. 15 x 27. New York, J. H. Colton, 1861. Colton's new topographical map of the states of Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware, showing also eastern Tennessee & parts of other adjoining states, all the fortifications, military stations, [etc.] col. 31 x 44. New York, J. H. Colton, 1862. The middle Tennessee and Chattanooga campaigns of june-aug. 1863. title. 8 maps on 7 sheets, fol. [Washington, government printing office, 1891]. Note. — Compiled from a map published in 1863. Mountain region of North Carolina and Tennessee. Compiled by W. L. Nicholson & A. Lindenkohl. 1863. col. 22 x 38. [Washington, 1863]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. Johnson (A. J.) Johnson's Kentucky and Tennessee, col. 17 x 23. [New York], Johnson & Ward, [1865]. Note. — From his atlas. An outline geological map of Tennessee including portions of Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia. Geological formation delineated and classified by Nelson Sayler. col. 16 x 27. Cincinnati, E. Mendenhall, 1866. Schonberg's map of Kentucky and Tennessee, col. 13 x 21. [New Y^ork, Schonberg & co. 1866]. Colton's Tennessee. 1866. 10* x 22|. New York, J. H. Colton, 1866. Colton (G. W. & C. B. ) & co. Colton's map of the state of Tennessee. 21 x 48. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. 1867. Geological map of the state of Tennessee, prepared with reference to the development of the mineral & agricultural resources of the state. By Jas. M. Safford, state geologist. 21 x 38^. Nashville, J. F. Wagner's lith. [1869]. Gray's atlas. New railroad map of Kentucky and Tennessee. 1873. 14 X 23. [New York, G. W. &. C. B. Colton & co. 1873]. Map exhibiting the Chattanooga & east Tennessee campaigns in conjunction. Compiled by Edward Ruger. 16 x 19. Cincinnati, R. Clarke & co. [1875]. Note. — From "Atlas [map no. 9] to Van Home's History of the army of the Cumberland." Watson's new county railroad and distance map of Kentucky and Tennessee. col. 16 X 26. [New York, G. Watson, 1875]. Gray's new map of Kentucky and Tennessee. By Frank A. Gray. col. 16 X 26. Philadelphia, 0. W. Gray & son, [1876]. Note. — On reverse is a plan of Louisville and Memphis. 840 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. I Tennessee. Map of Kentucky and Tennessee, for the eclectic geographies. Jacob Wells, del. 12 x 19. [Cincinnati, Van Antwerp, Bragg & co. 1878]. Lindsley (John Berrien). A geography of Tennessee. 12 pp. incl. 1 col. map. 4°. Philadelphia, J. H. Butler & co. [1878]. [WithMitchell (Samuel Augustus). Mitchell's new international geography. Tennessee ed. 1879]. Railroad map of Kentucky and Tennessee. By Frank A. Gray. col. 16 X 25. Philadelphia, O. W. Gray & son, [1878]. County map of Kentucky and Tennessee. [By Samuel Augustus Mitchell. anon.] col. 15 x 23. [Philadelphia, 1879]. Map of Tennessee, reduced from large map by J. B. Killebrew. 9 x 23. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1879]. Rand, McNally & co.'s county and railroad map of Kentucky & Tennessee. 12 X 19. [Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. 1879]. Post route map of the states of Kentucky and Tennessee with parts of adja- cent states. By W. L. Nicholson. The 1st ed. was issued in 1878. Drawn by Charles E. Gorham. 4 sheets, fol. [Washington, 1881]. [United States. Post office department. Topographer's office]. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed county map of Tennessee. 34 pp. 1 map. 18°. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1881]. Plum ( W. R. ) Theatre in central Kentucky and middle and eastern Ten- nessee, also in Missouri and Arkansas. 4x7. Chicago, Emil Heubach, designer & engraver, [1882]. Colton's Kentucky and Tennessee, col. 16 x 25. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton&co. [1883]. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed railroad and county pocket map and ship- pers' guide of Tennessee. 37 pp. 13 x 20. fold. 16°. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1884]. Agricultural and geological map of Tennessee, issued by B. M. Hord, com- missioner of agriculture, statistics, mines and immigration. J. M. Safford, state geologist. 1888. Scale 12 miles = 1 inch. 15x41^. [Chicago, Rand, McNally & co.] 1888. New map of West Tennessee, showing all the streams on the west of the Tennessee ridge which flow into the Mississippi and all those on the east of the same ridge which empty into the Tennessee. Also, all the railroads built and projected and the two surveyed routes of the proposed "Ten- nessee and Mississippi river canal" and their connecting water ways. Prepared and drawn by J. Jay Williams, c. e. 23^ x 25|. n. p. J. J. Williams, 1891. Note. — Blue print. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed county and railroad pocket map and ship- pers' guide of Tennessee. 49 pp. 1 fold. map. 16°. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. 1892. Same. 52 pp. 1 fold. map. 16°. Chicago and New York, Rand, McNally & CO. [1893]. (iarrett (W. R.) Kentucky. By Ed. Porter Thompson. Tennessee. By W. R. Garrett. 20 pp. incl. 2 maps. 4°. Boston, Ginn & co. 1896. [With Frye (Alex. Everett). Complete geography. Kentucky and Ten- nessee ed. 1896]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 841 Tennessee. Tennessee, western part — Tennessee, eastern part. Scale, 22 J English miles to one inch. 15 x 10^. [New York, the century co. 1897]. Note. — No. 41 of the Century atlas. Western part of Tennessee. — Eastern part of Tennessee. 10 x 13. [Chi- cago], J. ^y. AVhite, 1899. Safford (James M. ) Geography of Tennessee. 4 1. incl. map. [In Redway (Jacques AV.) and Hinman (Russell). Tennessee advanced geography, l)eing a special edition of the natural advanced geography. 4°. New York, [etc.] American book co. [1899]. See also Davidson countv, Tenn. Terminos (Laguna de), Mexico. Plan of Port Royal Laguna, commonly called the Logwood creeks, [anon.] 8 x 11. [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 73a]. Terre au Bceuf (adjacent New Orleans, La.) A map of the river Mississippi and territory adjacent to N. Orleans illustrating the military position and camp at Terre au Bceuf. Scale 2000 toises to an inch, [anon.] 8 x 15. [n. p. 1812?]. Texas. The western coast of Louisiana and the coast of New Leon. By Thos. Jef- ferys. 182^ X 24|. London, for R. Sayer, 1775. [In his The West India atlas, fol. London, for R. Sayer Sc J. Bennett, 1775. no. 2]. ]\Iap of Texas with parts of the adjoining states. Compiled by Stephen F. Austin. 29 J x 24. Philadelphia, H. S. Tanner, [1830]. Texas. Engraved by G. W. Boynton. 14^^x11. [Boston? T. G. Bradford, 1833]. Texas, by David H. Burr. Engraved by S. Stiles & co. N. York. 17i x 21. New- York, J. H. Colton & co. 1834. Note. — Inset: " Plan of the port of Galveston, made by order of the Mexican government, by Alexander Thompson, of the Mexican navy, 1828." Texas. 7f x lOi [In Bradford (Thomas Gamaliel) . A comprehensive atlas, geographical, his- torical & commercial- 4°. Boston, American stationers' CO. 1835. p. 64a]. Note. — Gives the various land grants. A new map of Texas, with the contiguous American & Mexican states. By J. H. Young. Engraved by J. H. Young, col. 12^ x 15. Philadelphia, S. A. Mitchell, 1835. Texas in 1836. 8^ x 9. [In Monette (J. W.) History of the valley of the Mississippi. 8°. N. Y. 1846. V. 2. front.] 3Iap of Texas with j^arts of the adjoining states. Compiled by Stephen F. Austin. Engraved by John & AVm. W. Warr, Philad'a. 30 x 24^. Philadelphia, H. S. Tanner, 1836. Note. — Copyrighted, 1835, by H. S. Tanner. Map of Texas, containing the latest grants & discoveries by E. F. Lee. 12 X 8*. Cincinnati, J. A. James cl co. 1836. L 842 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Texas. The state of Texas, 1836-1845. By David H. Burr. Engraved by S. Stiles & CO. N. York. 17^ x 21|. New York, R. S. Fisher, 1845. Note. — Inset: "Plan of the port of Galveston, made by order of the Mexi- can government. By Alexander Thompson of the Mexican navy in 1828. " Texas. 8 x 10*. [In Bradford (Thomas Gamaliel). A comprehensive atlas. 4°. Boston, American stationers' co. [1838]. pi. 64a]. Texas. Engraved by G. W. Boynton. 14^ x 11, [In Bradford (Thomas Gamaliel). An illustrated atlas, geographical, sta- tistical and historical of the United States and the adjacent countries, fol. Philadelphia, F. S. Grant & co. [1838]. p. 164]. Texas. 1838. Engraved by G. W. Boynton. 14 J x 11. [In Bradford (Thomas Gamaliel) and Goodrich (Samuel Griswold). A uni- versal, illustrated atlas, [etc.] fol. Boston, C. D. Strong, 1843. bet. pp. 164-165]. A map of Mexico and the republic of Texas. 1838. T. Turchell sc. 13 X 16i [In Niles (John M.) History of South America. 8°. Hartford, H. Hunt- ington, 1839. V. 2]. Map of the river Sabine from its mouth on the gulf of Mexico in the sea to Logan's Ferry in latitude 31° 58' 24^'' north. Shewing the boundary between the United States and the republic of Texas, between said ports, as marked and laid down by survey in 1840, under the direction of the commissioners appointeti for that purpose, under the 1st article of the con- vention signed at Washington, april 25, 1838. Surveyed in 1840. Drawn by lieut. T. J. Lee. 5 sheets, col. each 30 x 34. Washington, lith. in colours by P. Haas, [1840]. Same. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 172]. Map of the river Sabine from Logan's Ferry to the 32d degree of north lati- tude. Shewing the boundary between the United States and the republic of Texas between said points, as marked and laid down by the survey in 1841, under the direction of the joint commission appointed for that pur- pose under the 1st article of the convention signed at Washington, april 25, 1838. Drawn by A. B. Gray. 18i x 26^. [Washington, 1841]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 173]. Part of the boundary between the United States and Texas. Drawn from the notes of survey and copied for the use of the commissioners, under the convention of the 25th april 1838, by J. Edmd. Blake. 3 maps, each 19 x 28. [Washington, 1841]. CONTENTS. A2. From Sabine river, northward to the 36th mile mound. B2, North of Sabine river from the 39th to the 72d mile mound. C3. North of Sabine river from 72d mile mound to Red river. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 174-176]. ;Map of Texas with parts of the adjoining states. Compiled by Stephen F. Austin. 1839. Engraved by John & Wm. W. Warr. Phila.' 29 x 23^. [In Tanner (Henry S. ) A new American atlas, fol. Philadelphia, H. S. Tanner, 1839]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 843 Texas. Sabine pass and mouth of the river Sabine in the sea. Sun^eyed under the direction of major J. D. Graham, U. S. topi. engs. by heut. T. J. Lee, U. S. topi. engs. and capt. P. J. Pillans, Texan army attached to the joint com- mission for marking the boundary l^etween the United States and Texas. 1840. Drawn by lieut. T. J. Lee. 18 x 25*. [Washington, 1841]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. AVashington, 1843. no. 177]. INIap of the southern part of Texas. 12 x 17. New York, E. S. Mesier lith. [184-?]. Carte du Texas, extraite de la grande carte du Mexique par A. Bru4 geographe du roi; re\Tie, corrigee et considerablement augmentee, d'apres des documens recens et des renseignemens fournis par mr. le docteur Fc. Leclerc, par Ch. Piquet, 1840. Lith. de Thierry freres a Paris. 11 x 12|. Paris, C. Picquet, [1840]. Map of Texas. J. & C. Walker litho. Drawn by A. Ikin. 8 x 9. [Lon- don], Sherwood & co. [1841]. [In Ikin (Arthur). Texas: its history, topography, [etc.] 18°. London, Sherwood, Gilbert, & Piper, 1841. front.] Map of Texas, compiled from surveys recorded in the land office of Texas and other official surveys. By John Arrowsmith. 19^ x 23. London, J. Arrowsmith, 1841. [In Kennedy (William). Texas: the rise, progress and prospects of the republic of Texas. 8°. London, R. Hastings, 1841. v. 1. opp. p. 1]. A map of the republic of Texas and the adjacent territories, indicating the grants of land conceded under the empresario system of Mexico. 15 x 12J. [In Kennedy (William). Texas: the rise, progress and prospects of the republic of Texas. 8°. London, R. Hastings, 1841. v. 1. p. 336]. Map of Texas, compiled from surveys recorded in the land office of Texas, and other official surveys, by John Arrowsmith, London. English miles: 69-one degree. London, 1841. 24 x 19i. [In Arrowsmith (John) . London atlas. 4 v. [Consisting of folded maps in 4 cases]. 8°. London, J. Arrowsmith, [1832-1846]. v. 4. no. 43a]. Mexico & Texas. Drawn & engraved by J. Archer. 9 x 11}. [In Mudie (Robert). Gilbert's modern atlas of the earth [etc.] fol. Lon- don, H. G. Collins, [1841?]. p. 187]. Mexico and Texas in 1842. 9 x 10. New York, C. J. Folsom, [1842]. [InFolsom (Geo.) Mexico in 1842. 18°. New York, 1842. front.] A new map of Texas, 1841. 15 x 16i. [In Maillard (N. Doran) . The history of the republic of Texas. 8°. Lon- don, Smith, Elder & co. 1842. front.] Texas, compiled from the latest and best authorities. 12f x lOf. [In Greenleaf (Jeremiah). A new universal atlas. New ed. rev. fol. Brattleboro, Vt. G. R. French, 1842. p. 64]. Map of Texas, compiled from surveys recorded in the land office of Texas and other official surveys, by John Arrowsmith. 24} x 19i. London, J. Arrowsmith, 1843. [In Arrowsmith (John). The London atlas of universal geography, fol. London, J. Arrowsmith, 1842-[1850]. no. 63]. Note. — Inset: " Plan of Galveston bav from a ms." 844 LIST OF MAPS OF AMEEICA. Texas. A new map of Texas, with the contiguous American & Mexican states. By J. H. Young. Engraved by J. H. Young. 12^ x 15. Philadelphia, S. A. Mitchell, 1843. Note.— Copyright, 1835, by S. A. Mitchell. Texas. 15 x 12. [In Morse (Sidney E. ) and Breeze (Samuel). Morse's North American atlas, fol. New York, Harper & brothers, 1842]. Note. — Map copyrighted in 1844. ]Map of Gilliam's travels in Mexico including Texas and part of the United States. 19 x 18^. [In Gilliam (Albert M.) Travels over the table lands and cordilleras of Mexico. 1843 and 44. 8°. Philadelphia, 1846]. Map of Texas and the countries adjacent: compiled in the bureau of topo- graphical engineers, from the best authorities for the state department, under the direction of col. J. J. Abert, by W. H. Emory. 1844. 21 x 32. [Washington, 1844]. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers]. Map of Texas from the most recent authorities. Drawn & engraved by J. H. Young, col. Hi x 14i Philadelphia, C. S. Williams, 1845. Note. — Inset: '* Texas north of the Red river." A new & correct map of Texas. Compiled from the most recent surveys & authorities to the year 1845. By James T. D. Wilson. 22 x 28. New Orleans, R. W^ Fishbourne, 1845. Mitchell (S. A. ) A new map of Texas, Oregon and California with the regions adjoining, col. 20 x 22. Philadelphia, S. A. Mitchell, 1846. Note. — * 'Accompaniment " of 40 pages. Texas nach den besten quellen entw. u. gez. von hauptm. Radefeld. 1846. Geographische meilen 15 auf 1 grad. Englische meilen 69^ auf 1 grad. 11^ X 13|. Hildburghausen, Stich, druck und verlag des bibliographi- sches instituts, [1846]. Note. — From Meyer's Handatlas. no. 103. J. De Cordova's map of the state of Texas. Compiled from the records of the general land office of the state by Robert Creuzbaur, Houston, 1849. Engraved by J. M. Atwood, New York. 33 x 36. [Houston, Texas], J. De Cordova, [1848]. Note. — Copyrighted, 1848. Texas and part of Mexico & the United States, showing the route of the first Santa Fe expedition. 16 x 11 J. [In Kendall (George Wilkins). Narrative of the Texan Santa Fe expedi- tion. 6th ed. 8°. New York, Harper & bros. 1850. v. 1. front] J. De Cordova's map of the state of Texas. Compiled from the records of the general land office, by Robert Creuzbaur. 1851. col. 30x33. New York, engraved by J. M. Atwood, [1851]. Map of Texas. Compiled from surveys of the land office of Texas, by K. W. Pressler & W. Volker. 17^ x 24. [In Ross (George M. von). Der Nordamerikanische freistaat Texas. 8°. Rudolfstad, G. Froebel, 1851. at end]. ]Map of Texas, compiled from surveys recorded in the general land office. . By J. Eppinger & F. C. Baker. 1851. col. 24 x 30. [n. p. 1851]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 845 Texas. Map of the State of Texas. 8 x lOJ. [In Mitchell (Samuel Augustus). Mitchell's school atlas. [4th ed. rev.] 4°. Philadelphia, Thomas, Cowperthwait & co. 1852. no. 13]. J. De Cordova's map of the state of Texas. Compiled from the records of the general land office of the state by Robert Creuzbaur, Houston, 1853. Engraved by J. M. Atwood, New York. 33 x 36. [Houston, Texas], J. De Cordova, [1853]. Note. — Copyright, 1848, by J. De Cordova. See 1848 for first edition. Map of the state of Texas from the latest authorities, by J. H. Young, col. 12 X 15. Philadelphia, Thomas Cowperthwait & co. 1853. Texas. S\ x lOi. [In Lange (Henry). Atlas von Xord-Amerika. obi. 4°. Braunschweig, G. Westermann, 1854. pi. 12]. J. De Cordova's map of the state of Texas. Compiled from the records of the general land office of the state by Robert Creuzbaur. Rev. and cor- rected by Charles W. Pressler. col. 35 x 32. Xew York, J. H. Colton & CO. 1856. New map of the state of Texas. Compiled from J. De Cordova's large map. 17 X 25i New York, J. H. Colton & co. 1857. Note. — Copyright, 1856, by J. H. Colton & co. Texas, part of New Mexico &c. Drawn & engraved by J. Bartholomew. Printed in colors by Schenck & Macfarlane, Edinburgh. 11 x 14|. [In Black (Adams & Charles), Black's atlas of North America, fol. Edinburgh, A. & C. Black, 1856. no. 17]. Map of Texas and part of New Mexico compiled in the bureau of topo- graph'! eng'rs chiefly for military purposes 1857. Scale 1/1500 000. Printed at H. F. Walling's map establishment. New York. Lith. of Richie & Dunnavant. 33 x 36^. New York, H. F. Walling, [1857]. [United States. War department]. J. De Cordova's map of the state of Texas. Compiled from the records of the general land office of the state by Robert Creuzbaur. Revised and corrected by Charles W. Pressler. 35 x 38. New York, J. H. Colton & CO. 1857. Note. — Copyright, 1848, by J. De Cordova. Map of the state of Texas. Engraved to illustrate Mitchell's School and family geography. Engraved by J. H. Young. 8x10^. [Philadelphia], S. A. Mitchell, 1858. Pressler' s map of the state of Texas. Compiled from the records of the general land office of the state and various other sources by Chas. W. Pressler, principal draughtsman. Scale of statute miles, 16 miles to an inch. 46 x 51. Strand Galveston, Jones Root & co. 1858. Note. — Insets: "Map of the old colonies" and "Map of original land districts." Map of the military dep't. of Texas. Being a section of the map of the territory of the U. S. from the Mississippi river to the Pacific ocean; com- piled from all the reliable data. By G. K. Warren, under the direction of capt. A. A. Humphreys, 1859. col. 21 x 24. [Washington, 1859]. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers]. 846 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Texas. Richardson's new map of the state of Texas including part of Mexico. Com- piled from government surveys and other authentic documents. 28 x 35. Philadelphia, C. Desilver, 1859. Note. — Inset: "Map showing the proposed route of the Arkansas railroad and its connections with the eastern roads." Same. Richardson's new map of the state of Texas including part of Mexico. Compiled from government surveys and other authentic documents. Cor- rected by H. Wickeland. 26 x 34. Philadelphia, C. Desilver, 1861. Colton's new map of the state of Texas. Compiled from J. De Cordova's large map. 24 x 16. [In Colton (George W.) Colton's atlas of America, [etc.] fol. New York, J. W. Colton, 1864. no. 35]. Note. — Map copyrighted in 1855. Map of the state of Texas prepared under direction of brv't ma'j G. L. Gil- lespie, cap.* eng.""^ U. S. A. chief engineer mil. division of the Gulf. Com- piled and drawn oct. 1865 and for stone June 1867 by Helmuth Holtz. 83^ X 76. [n. p. 1867]. Richardson's new map of the state of Texas. Corrected for the Texas almanac. 17 x 2^. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. 1866. Johnson's Texas, col. 17 x 23. New York, A. J. Johnson, [1866]. Note. — From his atlas. 8chonberg's map. col. 11 x 13. [New York, Schonberg & co. 1866]. Richardson's new map of the state of Texas. Corrected for the Texas almanac to 1867. 16 x 24. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. 1867. Map of the route of b'vt. maj. A. Moore's scout. April 11th to June 12th 1869, by b'vt. maj. James N. Morgan, U. S. A. Scale: 10 miles to the inch. 23i x 39|. Philadelphia, J. L. Smith, [1872]. Note. — Copyright, 1872, by Peter Gallagher. International railroad map of Texas. E. H. Gushing, Houston, Texas, 1871. 12 X 15. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton, 1871. Note. — Inset: General map showing the route & connections of the inter- national railway. Colton's map of the state of Louisiana, and eastern part of Texas. Com- piled from United States surveys and other authentic sources, shewing the counties, townships, sections, fractional sections, settlement rights, railroads, &c. 30 x 39. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. 1871. Ross (E. H.) Ross' new connected county & rail road map of Texas and Indian territory, col. 27 x 40. St. Louis, E. H. Ross, 1871. ('olton's new map of the state of Texas, the Indian Territory and adjoining portions of New Mexico, Louisiana and Arkansas. Compiled from the official county maps of the general land office, the personal reconnai- sances and geological explorations of prof. A. R. Roessler, the surveys of the Mexican boundary commission, U. S. engineers, U. S. coast survey, U. S. general land office, the various railroad cos. information furnished by mr. Pressler, and other authentic materials by G. Woolworth Colton. Scale of statute miles 24=one inch =1520.640 of nature. 31 J x 37. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton, 1872. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 847 Texas. Erforschung von Nord west-Texas durch dr. O. Loew & A. R. Roessler, 1872. Maassstab 1:2500.000. 9^x7^ [In Petermann's mittheilungen. 1873. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, [1873]. V. 19. pi. 23. at end]. Orientirungskarte, [aus Petermann's neuer 6 blatt-karte der Yereinigten Staaten, in Steiler's hand-atlas]. Maassstab 1:3700.000. 6^ x 7^. [In Petermann's mittheilungen. 1873. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1873. V. 19. pi. 23. at end]. Richardson's new map of the state of Texas. Prepared for the Texas alma- nac. 1873. Drawn, engraved & printed by G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. 18^ x 25|. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. [1873]. Note.— Copyright, 1872, by G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. Colton's Texas. 18 x 28. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton ik co. [1873]. A map of the Indian Territory, northern Texas, and New Mexico. By Josiah Gregg. 12 x 15. [In Mexico (Republic of). Reports of the committee of investigation, sent in 1873, by the Mexican government to the frontier of Texas. 8°. New York, 1875. opp. p. 248]. "Texas New Yorker's" railroad map of Texas, showing all complete and proposed routes, with principal rivers, county boundaries and county-seats, railroad stations and distances, congressional districts, United States mili- tary telegraph line and frontier posts. Compiled from the latest official sources, and published as a regular supplement to the Texas New Yorker. 21 X 23^. New York, G. H. Sweet, 1874. A. R. Roessler' s latest map of the state of Texas. Exhibiting mineral and agricultural districts, [etc.] Compiled and drawn by M. Y. Mittendorfer. 1874. col. 38 X 42. [New York, A. R. Roessler, 1874]. New map of the state of Texas as it is in 1874. Prepared expressly for Mor- phis' History of Texas. Drawn, engraved, by G. W. & C. B. Colton & CO. col. 17 x 25. New York, U. S. publishing co. [1874]. Note. — Inset: "Texas as it was in 1835 under Mexican rule." Watson's new county, railroad and distance map, of Texas, col. 17 x 13. [New York, G. Watson, 1875]. New map of the state of Texas, prepared and published for Albert Hanford's Texas state register for 1876 by A. R. Roessler, civil and mining engineer. 18 X 19. New York, A. R. Roessler, 1875. Rand, McNally & co.'s guide map of Texas. 24 pp. 1 map. 19 x 24 J. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. 1876. Colton's map of the state of Texas. 1877. Scale 1: 3,168,000. 15x15^. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. 1877. Colonists' and emigrants' route to Texas. [By John Z. Miller, anon.] 16 x 24. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1877]. Colton's map of the state of Texas, col. 14 x 16. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & CO. 1877. Gray's railroad map of Texas. 1877-8. col. 27x16. Philadelphia, O. W. Gray & son, [1877]. Map of the state of Texas. Published by the International and gt. northern railroad "Lone star route." [Compiled by Rand, McNally & co.] col. 35 X 48. [Chicago], International and great northern railroad, [1878]. 848 LIST OF MAPS OF AMEKICA. Texas. Rand, McNally & co.'s county and railroad map of Texas and Indian t'y. 25 X 19. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1878]. Fish brothers & co.'s new railroad and county map of Texas. Prepared by Henry S. Stebbins. col. 38 x 27. Toledo, O. H. S. Stebbins, [1878]. Fish brothers & co.'s new railroad and county map of Texas. 30^x22^. Toledo, O. H. S. Stebbins, [1878]. Map of the state of Texas. Published by the International and Gt. North- ern railroad. ' * Lone Star route. " 33 x 45. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. 1878. Pocket map of the state of Texas. Reduced from their original map of the state and drawn by Charles W. Pressler & A. B. Langermann. 1879. col. 23^ X 25. New York, Am. photo, litho. co. Osborne's process, [1879]. Post route map of the state of Texas with adjacent parts of Louisiana, Arkan- sas, Indian territory and of the republic of Mexico. By W. L. Nicholson. The 1st ed. was issued in 1878. 41^ x 56|. [Washington, 1881]. [United States. Post office department. Topographer's office]. Rand, McNally & co.'s new map of Texas, prepared for Burke's Texas almanac for 1880. 25 x 19. Houston, Texas, J. Burke, jr. [1880]. Colton's new map of the state of Texas, the Indian territory and adjoining portions of New Mexico, Louisiana and Arkansas. By G. Woolworth Col- ton, col. 32 X 36. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. 1882. [1881]. Colton (G. W. & C. B.) & co. Colton's "new medium" map of the state of Texas, the Indian territory, etc. col. 24 x 27. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & CO. 1881. Southwestern (The) immigration company. New map of the state of Texas for 1881. Published by the southwestern immigration company, Austin, Texas. Prepared by G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. col. 19 x 36. [New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. 1881]. Neue karte des staates Texas fiir 1881. Herausgegeben von der Sud west- lichen einwanderungs-gesellschaft. col. 19 x 26. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & CO. [1881]. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed county map of Texas, [etc.] 56 pp. 1 map. 19 X 24 J. fold. 18°. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1881]. Colton (G. Woolworth). Colton's new map of the state of Texas, the Indian territory and adjoining portions of New Mexico, Louisiana and Arkansas, col. 32 x 36. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. 1882. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed county and township map of Texas, [etc.] 47 pp. 1 map. fold. 16°. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1882]. Official map of the state of Texas, to accompany the statistical and descrip- tive work, "Resources, soil and climate of Texas," prepared under the direction of A. W. Spaight, commissioner of insurance, statistics and his- tory. December 1st, 1882. 30^ x 32|. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. 1882. Colton's "new medium" map of the state of Texas, the Indian territory, [etc.] col. 24 X 27. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. 1883. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed county and railroad map of Texas. 51 1 map. 25 x 29. 16°. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1883]. pp. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 849 Texas. Rand, McNally & co.'s 'indexed railroad and county map of Texas and Indian territory. 11 pp. 1 map. 24J x 19. 18°. Chicago, Rand, McXally & co. [1884]. Military map of western Texas. 1884. 22 x 33|. New York, Am. photo- lith CO. 1884. Map of Texas. For the eclectic geographies. By Russell Hinman. Scale. As 1 is to 3,600,000. 11 x 15. Buffalo, the Matthews-Northrup co. [1884]. County map of the state of Texas, photo-engraved from a pen drawing, for the Texas live stock journal, showing the number of cattle, sheep, horses and hogs, rendered for taxes in each county, as reported by the state comptroller for 1887. 12 x 19. [n. p. 1888]. Latest map of Texas published by the immigration bureau of the state of Texas. 1888. Rand, McNally & co. printers and engravers. 30^ x 32J. Austin, the state bureau of immigration, 1888. Texas. [By J. Monteith]. 11 x 17. [New York, J. Monteith, 1888]. Banking map of Texas, compiled by A. Hansl, showing: all towns with banking or exchange facilities, also capital & surplus of national banks, computed from statement of 12/12, 1888, also the immediate banking fields of the respective towns by radiating lines. 16 x 15. [Austin?], A. Hansl, 1888. Note. — Blue print. Texas and the Indian territory. Natural scale 1: 2,851,200. 16^x26}. [In Brown (Milton R. ) The continental atlas, [etc.] fol. Philadelphia, M. R. Brown, 1889. pp. 106-107]. Note.— Inset: " The city of Galveston. Scale 1 : 28,800." Statistical banking map of Texas. Compiled by A. Hansl. Showing all towns with banking or exchange facilities, also the aggregate national banking capital and surplus as employed at the several points. January 1890. Compliments of the bankers and merchants national bank. Rand, McNally & co. engravers, Chicago. Austin, A. Hansl, .1890. Map of south east Texas, by Eley Jackson & co. lOf x 6 J. Galveston, E. Jackson & co. 1890. Map of Texas. 12| x 19i [Springfield, O. Mast, Crowell & Kirkpatrick, 1890]. Texas. 11 x 17. New York, J. Monteith, 1890. Note. — From Monteith's geography. 1890. Rand, McNally & co.'s new enlarged scale railroad and county map of Texas. 44 X 57. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1891]. Rand, McNally & co.'s Texas. Statute miles, 69.16=1 degree. 19x26. [Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. 1892]. Rand, McNally & co.'s new enlarged scale railroad and county map of Texas. Scale of statute miles. One degree=69.16 miles. 44 x 57. [Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. 1893]. — Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed county and railroad pocket map and ship- pers' guide of Texas. 76 pp. 1 fold. map. 16°. Chicago, and New York, Rand, McNally & co. [1893]. Map of Texas, Oklahoma and Indian Territory. 20 x 12. [Buffalo, the Matthews-Northrup co. 1895]. H. Doc. 516 54 850 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Texas. Brennan (Edward A.) Texas. 12 pp. incl. 1 map. 4°. Boston, Ginn & CO. 1895. [With Fry e (Alex Everett). Complete geography. Texas ed. 1895]. Geography of Texas and Oklahoma. 10 pp. incl. 1 col. map. [With Monteith (James). Barnes' complete geography. [Edition for Texas and Oklahoma]. 4°. New York, etc. the American book co. 1896]. • Texas. [With Rand, McNally & co. Woodward & Tiernan's Texas ed. of the Rand, McNally grammar school geography. 4°. St. Louis, Woodward & Tier- nan printing co. [1898]. pp. 173-182]. The century atlas. Texas, western part and Panhandle. 15 x 10^. [Buf- falo, the katthews-Northrup co. 1897]. Post route map of the state of Texas, showing post offices with the nterme- diiate distances on mail routes in operation on the 1st of December, 1897. Published by order of postmaster general James A. Gary, under the direc- tion of A. von Haake, topographer p. o. dept. 49 x 64. Washington, 1897. [United States. Post office department]. Same. Post route map of the state of Texas showing post offices with the intermediate distances on mail routes in operation on the 1st of Decem- ber, 1898. Published by order of postmaster general Charles Emory Smith, under the direction of A. von Haake, topographer p. o. dept, 49 x 64. Washington, 1898. [United States. Post office department] . Same. Post route map of the state of Texas showing post offices with the intermediate distances on mail routes in operation on the 1st of March, 1899. Published by order of postmaster general Charles Emory Smith under the direction of A. von Haake, topographer p. o. dept. 49 x 64. Washington, 1899. [United states. Post office department]. Texas. 16i x 22|:. [Chicago, G. F. Cram, 1899]. Texas. 9^ x 131^. [n. p.] the Austin national bank, 1899. Note. — Copyrighted by J. W. White. Shows location of bank towns. See also Aransas county; Archer county; Atascosa county; Austin county; Bandera county; Bee county; Bell county; Bexar county; Blanco county; Bosque county; Caldwell county; Callahan county; Cherokee county; Clay county; Coleman county; Colorado county; Comal county; Comanche county; Concho county; Denton county; Dewitt county; Dimmit county; Duval county; Eastland county; Encinal county; Falls county; Fisher county; Franklin county; Frio county; Gillespie county; Gonzales county; Grimescounty; Guadalupe county; Harrison county; Haskell county; Hays county; Jack county; Jackson county; Jones county; Karnes county; Kendall county; Kerr county; Kimble county; Knox county; Lampasas county; Leon county; Live Oak county; Llano county; McClennan county; McMuUen county; Mason county; Maverick county; Medina county; Menard county; Montgomery county; Morris county; Navarro county; Nolan county; Nueces county; Orange county; Palo Pinto county; Rains county; Red River county; Rockwall county; Runnels county; San Jacinto county; San Saba county; Shackelford county; Shelby county; Smith county; Stephens county; Stonewall county; Taylor county; Throckmor- ton county; Titus county; Travis county; Waller county; Wharton county; Williamson county; Wilson county; Wise county; Young county; Zavalla county. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 851 Texas and Pacific railway. Map of tiie Texas and Pacific railroad and its con- nections. Prepared by G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. 17 x 33. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. [1876]. Texas and St. Louis railway. Map showing the Kansas & gulf shore line r. r. and the Texas & St. Louis ry. with its branches, extentions and connec- tions. Prepared by G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. 30 x 30. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. [1881]. Third Sand oil belt, Butler county, Penn. Map of petroleum oil lands known as the Third Sand oil belt in Butler co. Pa. Hydrick bros. & Stevenson, surveyors. 10 x 82. [n. p. 1876] . Thomaston, Me. Map of the town of Thomaston, Lincoln co. Maine. From actual survey by D. S. Osborne, col. 44 x 56. Philadelphia, E. M. Woodford, 1855. Thousand Islands. Map of part of the Thousand Islands of the St. Lawrence river near Alexandria bay, N. Y. Corrected from an old Canada map of 1815-16. Names as known in 1874-75. [anon.] col. 12 x 19. [n. p. 1875]. Note. — Copy by Geo. Rockwell. Rockwell (George). Map of part of the Thousand islands of the St. Law- rence river near Alexandria bay, N. Y. Based upon English charts from surveys of capt. W. F. W. Owen, r. n. 1818. Corrected from U. S. govt, charts of 1876. [new ed.] col. 17 x 23. [Alexandria bay, N. Y. Cornwall bros. 1879]. Throckmorton county, Tex. Throckmorton county. ]\Iarch, 1880. 19 x 23. St. Louis, lith by A. Gast & co. [1880]. [Texas. General land office]. Throgs Neck. See Frogs Neck. Throcks Neck. See Frogs Neck. Thunder bay. Lake Huron. Thunder bay, lake Huron. Projected from a trigo- nometrical survey executed under the orders of capt. Geo. G. Meade in 1858. 29x39. [Washington, I860]. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers. Lake survey, I860]. Ticonderog-a, N. Y. A plan of the town and fort of Carillon at Ticonderoga, with the attack made by the British army commanded by genl. Abercrombie, 8 July 1758. Scale of 150 fathoms. Engraved by Thos. Jefferys. [anon.] 14^ X 18i [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 36]. Same. [American maps. v. 5. no. 20]. The attack on Ticonderoga. 18^ x 14^. [In Mante (Thomas). The history of the late war in North America. 4°. London, 1772. p. 144]. A plan of the country from the landing place with the encampmts. and marches of the troops under major general Abercrombie at the attack of Ticonderoga. T. Phinn sc. 4i x 7^. [In Scots magazine. 1758. 8°. Edinburgh, Sands, etc. 1758. v. 20. bet. pp. 436-437]. 852 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Ticonderog-a, N. Y. Skinner (H. ) Plan of Ticonderaga, [&] A prospective view of lake George. 6 x 10. [In Universal (The) magazine. 8°. London, J. Hinton, 1759. v. 25. Nov. 1759. opp. p. 265]. Plan of the fort at Ticonderoga at the head of lake Champlain, 1759. Scale 400 feet to an inch. 5 x 6^. [In Rocque (John, compiler) . A set of plans and forts in America, reduced from actual surveys. 1763. [anon.] sm. obi. 4°. [London, J. Rocque,. 1763. no. 9]. [Plan of the attack on Fort William Henry and Ticonderoga, showing road from Fort Edward, Montcalm's camp and wharf of landing, &c. 1759]. . The scale 8 miles to an inch. ms. 12^^ x 7|. [1759]. Note. — Probably by col. James Montresor. Project for the attack of Ticonderoga, proposed to be put in execution a& near as the circumstances and ground will admit of. May 29'*' 1759. W. B. delt. ms. col. 15 x 12. [1759]. [Faden collection, no. 24]. Note. — With inset manuscript references. Ticonderoga as it was in 1759. ms. tracing, [anon.] 6x6. [n. d.] A view of the lines and fort of Ticonderoga taken from a hill on the side of South bay in 1759. ms. [anon.] 8 x 12^ [1759]. Note. — Numbered "22" in ink on reverse, and "252" in pencil on face. Ticonderoga & its dependencies, aug. 1776. J. T. 8^x11^. [In Trumbull (John). Autobiography. 1756-1841. 8°. New York & London, Weley & Putnam, 1841. p. 33]. Fort Ticonderoga on lake Champlain. Drawn by H. Reinagle. 5| x Sh. [In Port (The) folio. 4th series. September, 1818. 8°. Philadelphia, H. Hall, 1818. V. 20. p. 62]. Ruins of Fort Ticonderoga, New York. 4 x 5J. Engraved & printed by Fenner Sears & co. London, I. T. Hinton & Simpkin & Marshall, 1831. [In Hinton (J. H.) The history and topography of the United States. 3d ed. 4°. London, J. Dowding, 1842. v. 1. opp. p. 250]. Tienderog-a. See Ticonderoga, N. Y. Tierra Firma. See Venezuela; Colombia; South America. Tierra del Fuego, South America. A map of Terra del Fuego and of the straita of Magellan & Le Maire with the new islands of Anycan and Beauchene. E. Bowen sculp. 5J x 10. [In Letters ^difiantes & curieuses. Travels of the Jesuits. By mr. Lock- man. 2ded. 8°. [London], T. Piety, 1762. v. 2. p. 34]. Tioga county, N. Y. Map of Tioga co. New York. From actual surveys by Samuel Geil. 59 x 40. Philadelphia, E. D. Marsh, 1855. Beers (F. W.) Atlas of Tioga co. N. Y. 32 pp. 4 pi. incl. 20 pi. in pp. fol. New York, F. W. Beers, [etc.] 1869. Tioga county, Penn. Walker (G. H. ) and Jewett (C. F.) County atlas of Tioga, Pa. 109 pp. incl. 44 maps. fol. New York, F. W. Beers & co. 1875. Titus county, Tex. Titus county. 14^ x 22^. St. Louis, lith. by A. Gast & co. 1880. [Texas. (General land office]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 853 Tobago, West Indies. Tobago, by Thomas Jefferys. [London], T. Jefferys, 1765. 19 X 24i * . ' [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 105]. Plan of the island of Tobago, laid down by actual survey under the direction of the hon. the commissioners for the sale of lands in the ceded islands, by John Byres. 1776. I. Bayley, sculp. 24 x 36. London, S. Hooper, 1776, [American maps. v. 1. no. 21]. A map of the island of Tobago, drawn from an actual survey, by Thos. Bowen. 1779. 7^ x 9i [In Gentleman's (The) magazine. 8°. London, for D. Henry, [1778]. v. 48. opp. supplement for 1778], Tobago from actual surveys and observations, by Thomas Jefferys. New ed. 18* X 24. London, Laurie & Whittle, 1810. [In Whittle (J.) and Laurie (K. H.) The West India atlas, fol. London, J. Whittle & R, H. Laurie, 1818. no. 30]. Toledo, Ohio. Map of Toledo, Lucas co. Ohio. 1874. From special surveys and official records by J. B. Marston. 20 x 26. Toledo, J. J. Brown, Eager & CO. [1874]. Map of Toledo, O. from special surveys and official records, by J. B. Mars- ton. Published exclusively for R. L. Polk & co.'s Toledo city directory, 1877. 19 X 12. Toledo, R. L. Polk & co. 1877. Hopkins (G. M.) City atlas of Toledo, Ohio. 147 pp. incl. 35 pi. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1881. :Map of Toledo. Scales: Statute miles 69.16 = 1 degree. 12} x 19. [In Rand, McNally & co. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed atlas of the world, fol. Chicago and New York, Rand, McNally & co. 1892. p. 199]. :\Iap of Toledo. 12} x 19. [In Rand, McNally & co. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed atlas of the world, fol. Chicago and NeM* York, Rand, McNally & co. 1894. v. 2. p. 344]. Toledo and Saginaw bay railway. Colton (G. W. & C. B. ) & co. Map show- ing the Toledo and Saginaw bay railroad and its connections. 20 x 22. New York, G. W. & C. B, Colton & co. [1881]. Toledo, Ann Arbor and Grand Trunk railway. Colton (G. W. & C. B.) & co. Map showing the Toledo, Ann Arbor and Grank trunk railway and its connections. 20 x 22|. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. [1881]. Toledo, Cincinnati and St. Louis railroad. Maps showing the Toledo, Cin- cinnati & St. Louis railroad and its connections. Prepared by G. W. & C, B, Colton & CO. 25 x 40. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. [1881]. Toledo, Delphos and Burlingi;on railroad. Maps showing the Toledo, Delphos & Burlington railroad and its connections. Prepared by G. W, & C. B. Colton & CO. 25 x 40. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. [1881]. Toledo, Peoria and Warsaw railway. Map showing the Toledo, Peoria & War- saw railway, and its connections. 16 x 50. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & CO. [1867], 854 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Tombstone mining' district, Pima county, Ariz. Plan of Tombstone mining district, Pima co. Arizona. By Alexr. Jas. Mitchell. 23 x 36. San Fran- cisco, lith. Britton & Key, [1879]. Map of the Tombstone mining district, Cochise co. Arizona. Compiled by M. Kelleher & M. R. Peel. Designed and drawn by Frank S. Ingoldsby, 1881. Scale 1200 ft. to one inch. col. 45 x 63. San Francisco, lith. H. S. Crocker & CO. [1881]. Tompkins county, N. Y. Map. From actual surveys by L. Fagan. col. 41 x 57. Philadelphia, H. & C. T. Smith, 1853. Tonawanda, N. Y. Map of the village of Tonawanda in the counties of Erie and Niagara, N. Y. Drawn from a trigonometrical survey by Tobias Witmer, 1857. 26 X 44. Buffalo, N. Y. lith. J. Sage & sons, 1857. Worthington & Still. Map of harbor and lumber district, Tonawanda, N. Y. [anon.] Scale, 150 ft. per inch. 37 x 47. [Buffalo, N. Y. 1882]. Toueka, Kans. Needham's pocket map of the city of Topeka and suburbs. 7^ X 10. Topeka, H. A. Needham, 1882. Topsham, Me. Montresor (John). Plan of a rout undertaken in winter, Jan. 26, from Quebec the capital of Canada to the frontier settlements of the town- ship of Topsham, near Brunswick fort on the river Amnerascaegin in the province of New Hampshire, feb. 20, 1760. Scale of miles, 3 to an inch, ms. 8x41. [1760]. Torrington, Conn. Map of the town of Torrington, Litchfield county. Conn, from original surveys by John Houston. 32 x 44. Philadelphia, E. Clark, 1852. Trail creek, Ind. Survey of the mouth of Trail creek, Indiana. Surveyed by lieuts. J. M. Berrien and C. Fetterman. Drawn by lieut. A. J. Center. 1834. Scale 24 inches to 1 mile. 17 x 19. [n. p. 1834]. [United States. AVar Department. Corps of engineers] . Travis county, Tex. Map of Travis county, Texas. Compiled and drawn by Reuben W. Ford. Begun June 15, 1877. 1880. 53 x 65. [St. Louis], lith. by A. Gast & co.'s new process, [1880]. Trenton, N. J. Trenton. [Dec. 26, 1776]. 4 x 4^ [In Carrington (Henry B. ) Battle maps and charts of the American revolu- tion. 8°. New York, 1881]. Plan of the battles of Trenton and Princeton. 6 x 3i. [In Hall (Samuel Reed) and Baker (A. R.) School history of the United States, new ed. 12°. Andover, W. Peirce, 1839. p. 217]. Trenton and vicinity. 4| x 7^. [In Carrington (Henry B.) Battle maps and charts of the American revo- lution. 8°. New York, 1881]. Map of the road taken by the British troops from New Bridge to Burling- ton, N.J. [anon.] ms. 12x18. [1776?]. Sketch of Trenton as it was, dec. 26, 1776. 4} x 7^. [In Wilkinson (James). Diagrams and plans, illustrative of the principal battles and military affairs treated in Memoirs of my own times. 4". Philadelphia, 1816. no. 2]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 855 Trenton, N. J. Sketch of the engagement at Trenton, given on the 26th of deeem- ber 1776 between the American troops under command of general Wash- ington, and three Hessian regiments under command of colonell Rail, in which the latter a part surrendered themselves prisoners of war. [By] Wiederholdt, lieut. from the Hessian regmt. of Knyphauss. ms. 9 X 14i [1776]. [Rochambeau: 18], Plan of the operations of general Washington, against the kings troops in New Jersey from the 26 dec. 1776 to the 3d jan. 1777. By William Faden. 11^ X 15. London, W. Faden, 15 april, 1777. [American maps. v. 3. no. 16]. Plan of the operations of gen. Washington, against the king's troops in New Jersey, from the 26th of dec. 1776 to the 3d jan. 1777. By William Faden. 11^ X 15. London, W. Faden, april 15, 1777. [In Faden (William, editor). The North American atlas, fol. London, for W. Faden, 1777. no. 23]. Note. — With descriptive text. View of the triumphal arch, and the manner of receiving general Washing- ton at Trenton, on his route to New York, april 21, 1789. 3| x 65. [In Columbian (The) magazine. May, 1789. 8°. Philadelphia, for J. Trenchard, 1789]. Map of the city of Trenton, N. J. From actual surveys by J. C. Sidney. 25 X 36. Phiiadelphia, M. Dripps, 1849. Map of the vicinity of Philadelphia and Trenton. From actual surveys by D. J. Lake and 's. N. Beers. 62 x 62. Philadelphia, C. K. Stone [c^-] A. Pomeroy, 1860. Map from actual surveys by and under the direction of F. W. Beers, col. 65 X 50. New York, F. W. Beers & co. 1870. A new real estate and insurance map of the city of Trenton, including Cham- bersburg, Millham and parts of Ewing, Lawrence and Hamilton town- ships, Mercer county, N. J. Compiled from official records, plans and surveys and published by C. C. Haven. 76 x 84. Philadelphia, engraved, printed, colored & mounted by E. P. Noll & co. [1882]. Trenton and New Brunswick turnpike road. A map of the Trenton and \ew Brunswick turnpike road, [anon.] ms. 10 x 30. [1777?]. Trinidad, "West Indies. Plan of the isle of Trinidad, from actual surveys made in the year 1797. Engraved by George Allen. 19x25. [anon.] London, R. Laurie & J. W^hittle, 1809. [In Whittle (J. ) and Laurie (R. H. ) The AVest India atlas, fol. London, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 31]. The island of Trinadad, South America. J. Stephenson, sc. 25 x 30^. London, W. Heather, 1802. [In Heather (William). The marine atlas, or seaman's complete i»ilot for all the principal places in the known world, comprising a new and elegant collection of charts, fol. London, W. Heather, [1803]. map 43]. The island of Trinidad, from the latest surveys, by Joseph Basanta, survr. genl. Showing the line of railway proposed to be constructed by the Trinidad railway co. Ordered by the house of commons to be printed, July 21, 1847. 18 x 2U. London, J. Arrowsmith, 1842. [Great Britain. Parliament. Accounts and papers. Railways. 1847. V. 63]. 856 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Trinidad, "West Indies. The island of Trinidad, from the latest surveys, by Joseph Basanta. 18^ x 23. London, J. Arrowsmith, 1853. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Accounts, papers. Colonies. 1852-3. V. 67]. Trinidad bay, Cal. Reconnaissance of Trinidad bay, California. By the hydro- graphic party under the command of lieut. James Alden, 1851. 9 x 10^. New York, D. McLellan. [1851] [United States, Treasury department. Coast survey]. Trinity cliurch property, New York city. Map of Trinity church property between Fulton and Christopher strs. Broadway and Hudson river and adjoining estates, etc. as named in the appendix. Compiled from actual searches by Arnold Dulon. Rev. by A. F. Shyrma. In three parts. 27x37. NewYork, J. Laing, [1877].' Trinity harbor, Newfoundland. A new survey of Trinity harbor, in Newfound- land, communicated by our worthy friend Francis Owen, master of the navy, 1801. Engraved by I. Tuppen. 12J x 18. London, Laurie & Whittle, march 12, 1801. [In North American pilot. The first part of the North American pilot. A new ed. fol. London, R. Laurie & J. Whittle, 1806. no. 5]. Troy, N. Y. Map of the vicinity of Albany and Troy. From original surveys by J. C. Sidney, assisted by W. Arrott. 42 x 37. [Philadelpnia], W. A. Young, 1851. Hopkins (G. M.) City atlas of Troy, N. Y. 85 pp. incl. 21 maps. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1881. Trudruflfrin, Paoli, Penn. British camp at Trudruffrin from the 18th to the 21st of sept. 1777. With the attack made by major gen. Grey against the rebels near White Horse tavern, ms. [anon.] 10x19. [1777]. Same. British camp at Trudruffrin from the 18th to the 21st of sept. 1777. With the attack made by major gen. Grey against the rebels near White Horse tavern, on the 20th of sept. Drawn by an officer on the Spot, [anon.] 10 x 19. Engraved by W. Faden. London, W. Faden, 1778. [In Atlas of battles of American revolution, fol. [London, 1770-1793]. no. 5]. Note. — Another copy in separate form. [Faden collection, no. 81]. Trumbull (Fort), Conn. A sketch of New London & Groton with the attacks made on forts Trumbull & Griswold by the British troops under the command gen. Arnold, sept. 6, 1781. (A scale of one mile.) ms. [anon.] col. 16x11. [1781]. Note. — Original ms. drawing. [Faden collection, no. 98]. Trumbull county, Ohio. Map of Trumbull co. Ohio. From actual surveys of P. J. Browne. 38 x 60. Philadelphia, Gillette, Matthews & co. 1856. Truro, Mass. A map of the extremity of cape Cod including the townships of Provincetown & Truro: with a chart of the sea coast and of Cape Cod harbour, Mass. Executed under the direction of major J. D. Graham, U. S. top. engs. during portions of the years 1833, 34 &. 35. Engraved by order of the house of representatives under the direction of the bureau of topographical engineers to accompany doc. 121. 25 cong. 2d sess. W. J. Stone sc. Drawn from the original by Wash. Hood. 1836. 56 x 70. [Washington, 1836]. [In United States congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 112], LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 857 Truxillo bay, Central America. A draught of Blewfields lagoon on the Moskito shore. [&] A plan of Truxillo bay called also St Giles's bay taken in the kings ship Nautilus in 1766. 7x9. [In Whittle (J.) and Laurie (R. H.) The AVest India atlas, fol. London, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 40]. Tuolumne county, Cal. Map of the principal quartz and gravel mines in Tuo- lumne CO. Cal. By J. P. Dart. 27 x 24. San Francisco, A. L. Bancroft & CO. lith. 1879. Turks islands, Bahamas. Turks islands, from a survey made by the sloops I'Aigle and I'Emeraude, by order of the French governor of Hispaniola, with improvements from observations recently made by English and Spanish officers, [anon.] 18 x 12. London, Laurie & Whittle, sept. 12, 1810. [In Whittle (J.) and Laurie (R. H.) The West India atlas. London, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 6]. Turner county, S. Dak. Rowley and Peterson. Atlas of Turner County, S. D. 1 pi. 54 pp. incl. 21 maps. fol. Vermillion, S. D. 1893. Tuscola county, Mich.. Topographical map. From recent and actual surveys and records under the superintendence of F. W. Beers, col. 60 x 51. New York, F. W. Beers and co. 1875. Ulster county, N. Y. Map of Ulster co. New York. From actual surveys under the direction of J. H. French. 58 x 58. Philadelphia, Taintor, Drawson & CO. 1858. County atlas of Ulster, N. Y. From recent and actual surveys and records, under the superintendence of F. AV. Beers. 140 pp. incl. 52 maps. fol. New York, Walker & Jewett, 1875. Plan of Sullivan co. [&] Plan of Ulster co. N. Y. Published by J. B. Beers & co. 17 x 25. New York, J. B. Beers & co. 1880. Umpqua river, Oreg. Preliminary survey of the entrance to Umquah river, Oregon. Hydrography by the party under the command of lieut. T. Alden, 1854. Electrotype copy no. 1. By G. Mathiot. 17x18. [Wash- ington, 1854]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey] . Union county, 111. Lake (D. J. ) & co. An atlas of Union county, Illinois. From actual surveys under the direction of B. N. Griffing. 49 pp. incl. 17 maps. 3 maps at end. fol. Philadelphia, D. J. Lake & co. 1881. Union county, Ky. Lake (D. J. ) & co. An illustrated historical atlas of Henderson and Union counties, Kentucky. From actual surveys under the direction of B. N. Griffing. 74 pp. incl. maps & illustr. 3 maps. fol. Phila- delphia, D. J. Lake & co. 1880. Union county, Ohio. Map. From recent and actual surveys by Andrew S. Mowry. col. 57 x 50. [New York], F. W. Beers & co. 1870. Union county, Penn. Map of Union co. Penn. Entirely from original surveys by Thomas H. Paschall & James Keily. col. 28 x 40. Philadelphia, [T. H. Paschall c*t J. Keily], 1856. Union Pacific railroad. Colton's Nebraska. Map of the land grant of the Union Pacific railroad in Nebraska. 15 x 26. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & CO. [1875]. Map showing the Union Pacific railway and connecting railroads. Pre- pared by G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. 1882. Statute miles 60 to one inch. 22J X 33. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. 1882. 858 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. United States.^ Aboriginal America. 13 x 17. [In Marryat (Frederick). A diary in America. 12°. London, 1839, v. 2]. Aboriginal America east of the Mississippi. 6^x4^. [In Friends (Society of). Some account of the religious society of friends toward the Indian tribes. 8°. London, E. Marsh, 1844]. Note. — This map also in N. S. Harris's Journal of a tour in the "Indian territory. ' ' Historical and chronological United States from 986 to 1886. Designed to simplify the study of history. [In Cram (George F. ) Cram's unrivalled atlas of the world. 4°, Chicago, H. S. Stebbins, 1887. pp. 127-160]. Indian wars in the west and conquest of California. 26 x 26. [In Goff (E. A. VV.) and Goff (H. S.) The United States and her neigh- bors. 4°. N. Y. G. F. Cram, 1893. p. 358]. Map of the Indian tribes of North America, about 1600 A. D. along the Atlantic; & about 1800 A. D. westwardly. From a drawing by hon. A. Gallatin. 16 x 16. [In American antiquarfen society. Archseologia Americana. Transactions and collections. 8°. Cambridge, 1836. v. 2]. Hart (Albert Bushnell). Epoch maps illustrating American history. 3 p. 1. 14 maps. 1 1. at end. obi. 8°. New York, Longmans, Green & co. 1891. Smith (Lucien Herbert). Historical and chronological atlas of the United States. 19 1. unp. inch 8 maps. 4°. Washington, national republican printing and publishing co. 1881. The country between New York and Philadelphia. Theatre of war in the south. 8j X 5|. [In Labberton (R. H.) New historical atlas. 4°. New York, T. Mac- Coun, 1886. pi. 65]. Etats Unis. Partie Septentrionale. [Comprising Canada, part of New Eng- land, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, and the territory bordering on lakes Michigan, Huron, Erie, etc. anon.] ms. 20 x 26 J. [1708?]. [Rochambeau: 35]. — Battle maps and charts of the American revolution with explanatory notes and school history references. By Henry B. Carrington. 88 pp. incl. 5 port. & 41 maps. 8°. New York, A. S. Barnes & co. [1881]. Map of the American revolution. 1775-1781. [By] Mahlon F. Baldwin. 75 X 30. Chicago, G. W. Terry, [1878]. Status of slavery in the United States. 1775-1865. 5J x 8. [In Hart (A. B. ) Epoch maps illustrating American history, obi. 12°. New York, Longmans, Green & co. 1891. no. 8]. Operations in Southern States. [1775-1781]. 8| x 4 J. [In Carrington (Henry B. ) Battle maps and charts of the American revo- lution. 8°. New York, 1881]. Die Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika seit 1776. 3 x 4|. [In Putzger (F. W.) Historischer schul-atlas. 17te aufl. 8°. Bielefeld, Velhagen & Klasing, 1891. no. 31]. ' All maps of the country now known as the United States, prior to 1776, are listed under the title " North America." This Includes also a number of maps relating to the Revolutionary war. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 859 United States. Map showing the acquisition of territory and its distribution ainong political divisions, 1776-1874. 10 x 7}. [In American (The) geographical society of New York. Bulletin. 1882. 8°. New York, for the society, [1882]. v. 14. pp. 204-205]. Map of a part of New Jersey, Penn. & Delaware. 3^ x 6. [In Hall (Samuel Reed) and Baker (A. R.) School history of the United States. New ed. 12°. Andover, W. Peirce, 1839. p. 238]. A map exhibiting the different stage routs, between the cities of New York, Baltimore, and parts adjacent. To which is added, as an historical com- panion, the operations of the British army, from their landing at Elk river in 1777 to their embarkation at Nevisink in 1778. By John Hills. I. H. Seymour sc. col. 11 x 60. Philadelphia, E. Savage, 1800. Carte du theatre de la guerre actuel entre les Anglais et les treize colonies unies de I'Amerique Septentrionale. Dressee par J. B. Eliot, ingenieur des Etats Unis. 1778. Echelle lieues d'une heure de 20 au degre. 28 x 21. Paris, Mondhare, [1778]. Note. — The earliest map in the collection which has the title "United States." A new map of the western parts of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland and North Carolina, comprehending the rivers Ohio, and all the rivers, which fall into it; part of the river Mississippi, the whole of the Illinois river, lake Erie, part of the lakes Huron, Michigan &c. and all the countries bor- dering on these lakes and rivers. By Thomas Hutchins. 35 x 43. Lon- don, T. Hutchins, 1778. Note. — To accompany his work entitled "A topographical description of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and North Carolina." Same. [Rochambeau : 48]. Same. [American maps. v. 6. no. 20]. Same. Partie occidentale de la Virginie, Pensylvanie, Maryland et Caro- line Sept »? la riviere d'Ohio [etc.] Par Hutchins. 19 x 23. Paris, le Rouge, 1781. [Rochambeau: 49]. An exact map of the five great lakes with part of Pennsylvania, New York, Canada and Hudson's Bay territories. From the best surveys. 8 x 10. [In Russell (William). The history of America, sm. 4°. London, for Fielding & Walker, 1778. v. 2. p. 338]. An exact map of New England, New York, Pensylvania c^ New Jersey from the latest surveys. J. Lodge, sculp. 7J x 10. [In Russell (William). The history of America from its discovery by Columbus to the conclusion of the late war. sm. 4°. I^ndon, for Field- ing & Walker, 1778. v. 2. p. 172]. An exact map of New Jersey, Pensylvania, New York, Maryland & Virginia, from the latest surveys. J. Lodge, sculp. 7h x 9|. [In Russell (William). The history of America, sm. 4°. London, for Fielding & Walker, 1778. v. 2. p. 267]. An exact map of North and South Carolina c^ Georgia, with East and West Florida, from the latest discoveries. J. Lodge, sculp. 8 x 10. [In Russell (William). The history of America, sni. 4°. London, for Fielding & Walker, 1778. v. 2. p. 296]. 860 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. TJnited States. Carta della Nuova Inghilterra, Npova lorke, Pensilvania. 8 x 11 J. [In Atlante deir America, [anon.] fol. Livorno, 1778. no. 2]. Carta rappresentante i cinque laghi del Canada. 10 x 7^. [In Atlante delF America, [anon.] fol. Livorno, 1778. no. 5]. Special karte von den mittleren Brittischen colonien in Nord Amerika. 15 X 12. [In Leise (Christian). Beschreibung des Brittischen Amerika. 16°. Ham- burg, 1778]. Map of the southern parts of the United States of America. By Abraham Bradley, jr. 7| x 15. [In Morse (Jedidiah). The American gazetteer. 8°. Boston, 1779]. Carte de la partie nord des Etats Unis. Par m. Bonne. 8J x 12J. [In Eaynal (G. T.) Histoire philosophique et politique. 4°. Geneve, 1780. Atlas, no. 48]. Carte de la partie sud des Etats-Unis. Par m. Bonne. 8^ x 12. [In Raynal (G. T.) Histoire philosophique et politique. 4°. Geneve, 1780. Atlas, no 48]. Carte des Etats-Unis de I'Amerique Septentrionale. Par m. Brion de la Tour. 9 X 10. [In Brion de la Tour (Louis). Almanach interessant. 18°. Paris, 1780]. Bowles's new pocket map of the following independent states of North America, viz, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Pensylvania, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut & Rhode Island. Comprehending also the habi- tations & hunting countries of the confederate Indians; by Lewis Evans. British statute miles, 69 to a degree. 19J x 26. London, for C. Bowles, [178-?]. Carte pour servir au journal de m. le marquis de Chastellux. Redigee par m. [Pierre Marie Felicite] Dezoteux. Aldring sculp. 2 maps. 7J x lOJ, 7^ X 91 [In Chastellux (Francois Jean, marquis de). Voyages dans I'Amerique Septentrionale dans les annees 1780, 1781 & 1782. 8°. Paris, Prault, 1786. v. 1-2]. Carte pour servir Ti T histoire de la guerre de I'independance Americaine pendant lacampagne de I'annee 1781. Par Thomas Balch. 14 x 16. [In Balch (Thomas). Les Fran^ais en Amerique. 8°. Paris, 1872]. United States, showing accession of territory. 3 pi. [In American ( The) geographical society of New York. Bulletin. 1896. 8°. New York, for the society, [1896]. V. 28. pp. 252-273]. Note. — To accompany "A graphic history of the United States. By Henry Gannett." — ^ Map showing the territorial growth of the United States. Struthers, Servoss & co. pr's &. engr's. New York. 8J x 6. [In Magazine (The) of American history. Edited by Martha J. Lamb, sm. 4°. New York, 1886. v. 16. p. 333]. A map of the province of Massachusetts Bay,- and colony of Rhode Island, with part of Connecticut, New Hampshire and Vermont. London, J. Bew, 1782. 11 X 14 J. [In Political (The) magazine. April 1782. 8°. London, for J. Bew, [1782]. V. 3. p. 171]. Carte de I'Amerique Septentrionale, depuis la baye d' Hudson jusqu'au Mis- sissipi. 16 X 15. [In Hilliard d'Auberteuil (Michel Ren4). Essais historiques etpolitiques sur les Anglo-Am^rieains. Gravures et cartes. 4°. Bruxelles, 1782]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 861 United States. [Cote de York-tt)\vn a Boston. Marches de I'armee. anon. ms. col. 17x65. 1782]. [Rochambeau: 65]. Same. [Different^ camps de I'armee de York-toMn a Boston, anon. 10ix36i 1782]. [Rochambean: 64], Carte generale des treize Etats-Unis d'apres mr. Bonne. 1782. H. Klock- hoff sculp. Amsterdam. 16 x 16. [In Cluny (A.) Le voyageur Americain. [anon.] 8°. Amsterdam, J. Schuring, 1782. front.] Amerique campagne 1782. Plans des differents camps occupes par I'armee aux ordres de mr le com tede Rochambeau. ms. [anon.] title. 54 col. plans, fol. mx8}. [1782]. CONTENTS. Plan 1. Camp a Drinking-Spring Le 1" Juillet 8 milles de Williamsburg. 2. Camp 2 milles au de la de Byrd's Tavern Le 2 Juillet 8 milles de Drinking .Spring. 3. Camp a Rattelasse House le 3 Juillet 7 Milles de Byrds Tavern. 4. Camp a Hartfield Le 4 Juillet 7 Milles ^ de Rattelasse house. 5. Camp a New Castle 7 Milles ende^a de la ville Le 5 Juillet 19 milles de Martfield. , Le 6 s^jour. 6. Camp a, Hannover Town un Mille aude la de la Ville Le 7 Juillet 7 Milles de New Castle. 7. Camp a Peage's Bridge on Graham's house. Le 8 Juillet 10 Milles de Hannover town. 8. Camp a Burck bridge ou Kenner's Tavern Le 9 Juillet 12 Milles de Peages Bridge. 9. Camp a Bowling-green Le 10 Juillet 9 Milles de Burck bridge. 10. Camp a Charles Thoon's-Ton's house Le 11 Juillet 8 Milles i de Bowling-green. 11. Camp a Falmouth le 12 Juillet 14 milles de Charles Thoon's-Ton's house le 13 sejour. 12. Camp a Garrot's tavern Le 14 Juillet 13 milles de Falmouth (les Eaux n'etans pas assez abondante-s, les divisions suivantescamperent trois milles plus a Peyton's tavern.) 13. Camp a Dumphris le 15 Juillet 10 Milles de Peyton's Tavern et 13 milles de Garrot's Tavern. 14. Camp a Colchester Le 16 Juillet 10 Milles de Dumphris. 15. Camp a Alexandrie le 17 Juillet 15 Milles de Clochester. 16. Camp a 1 Mille i au de la de George's Town. 17. Camp a Blanden'sburg Le 19 Juillet 8 Milles de Georges Town le 20 et 21 Sejour. 18. Camp a Snowden-iron-Work le 22 Juillet 13 Milles de Blanden'sburg. 19. Camp a Spurier's tavern Le 23 Juillet 9 Milles de Snowden iron Work's. 20. Camp a Baltimore Le 23 Juillet 13 Milles ^ de Spurier's Tavern. Sejour ius(iuau 24 Aoust. 21. Camp a la forges de White marsh Le 24 Aoust, 12, Milles i de Baltimore. 22. Camp a Bush Town Le 25 Aout 12 milles i de la forge de White Marsh. 23. Camp a Lower Ferry Le 26 Aoust, 12 Milles de Bush Town, le 27 Sejour. 24. Camp a Head-of-Elk Le 28 Aoust 15 milles de de Lower ferry. 25. Camp a Newport Le 29 Aoust 16 Milles i d'Head-of-Elk. 26. Camp a Chester Le 30 Aoust 15 Milles de Newport. 27. Camp a Philadelphie Le 31 Aoust, 16 Milles de Chester, Le 1 Septembre Sejour. 28. Camp a Read Lion T. Le 2, Septembre 15 milles de Philadelphie. manq[ue]. 29. Camp a Trenton Le 3 Septembre, 16 Milles de Read Lion Voyez Campagne 1781, 2.5en>e Camp. Le 4, 5, et 6 Sejour. 30. Camp a Prince-Town le 7, Septembre, 12 Milles de Trentown. Voyez Campagne 1781, 24* camp. 31. Camp a Sommerset Court house le 8 Septembre 16 milles de Prince-Town. 32. Camp a Bullion's Tavern Le 19 Septembre 13 milles de Sommerset-Court-house. 33. Camp a Wyspany le 10 Septembre 16 milles de Bullion's Tavern. Voyez la Cam- pagne 1781, 21*. Camp. (Le 11 Sejour.) 34. Camp a Pompton-Meeting house Le 12 Septembre, 15 milles de Wyspany. 35. Camp a Suffrantz le 13 Septembre 15 milles de Pompton-Meeting-house. 36. Camp a Hawer-Straw le 14 Septembre, 15 milles i de Suffrantz le 15 et 16 sejour. 37. Camp a Peak's Kill, le 17 Septembre 9 milles k de hawer Straw Sejour jusquau 23 Septembre. 38. Camp a Huntz Tavern le 24 Septembre, 8 milles de Peak's Kill Sejour jusquau 21 Octobre. 862 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. United States — Continued. CONTENTS — continued . Plan 39. Camp a Salem le 22 Octobre, 13 milles i de Huntz Tavern. 40. Camp a Dambury le 23 Octobre, 11 milles de Salem. 41. Camp a New Town le 24 Octobre 12 milles de Dambury; Voyez la Campagne 1781 lO Camp (Le 25 Sejour). 42. Camp a Break Neck le 26 Octobre, 15 milles de New Town, Voyez, Campagne 1781 9« Camp. 43. Camp a Barn's Tavern, le 27 Octobre, 13 milles de Break-Neck Voyez Campagne 1781. 8* Camp. 44. Camp a Farmington le 28 Octobre, 13 milles de Barn's Tavern. 45. Camp a East Hartford Le 29 Octobre, 12 milles i de Farmingtown Sejour jusqu'au 4 Novembre. 46. Camp a deux Milles audela de Bolton Meeting house le 4 Novembre 14 Milles d'East Hartford. 47. Camp a Windham le 5 Novembre, 16 Milles i de Bolton le 6 Sejour. 48. Camp a Cantorbery le 7 Novembre, 10 milles de Windham. 49. Camp a Walen Town le 8 Novemibre, 10 Milles de Cantorbery. 50. Camp a Waterman's Tavern, le 9 Novembre 10 Milles de Walen Town, Voyez Cam- pagne 1781, 2« Camp. 51. Camp a Providence le 10 Novembre 15 milles de Waterman's Tavern, I'arm^e sur deux lignes dans lancien camp de la Brigade Soissonnois, Voyez les campagnes 1781 1« Camp 52. Camp a Providence sur Le chemin de Boston, le 13 Novembre, 4 milles de Lancien Camp. 53. Camp a Wrentham 1' Decembre 16 milles du Camp de Providence. > 54. Camp a Dedam le deux Decembre, 16 milles de Wrentham. Map of the original thirteen United States of America as settled by the treaty of peace of 1783. Rev. ed. from original survey, published by Bancroft, Beebe & Jones. 8 x 10. Philadelphia, Bancroft, Beebe & Jones, [1875]. A map of the United States of America, as settled by the peace of 1783. 8 X 9|. [In European (The) magazine, and London review. 1783. 8°. London, for J. Fielding, 1783. v. 4. p. 337]. A map of the United States, as settled by the peace of 1783. 8 x 10. [In Andrews (John). History of the war with America. 8°. London, 1786. V. 2. p. 217]. The United States of America with the British possesions of Canada, Nova Scotia & of Newfoundland, divided with the French, and the Spanish territories of Louisiana and Florida according to the preliminary articles of peace signed at Versailles the 20th of jan^ 1783. English miles 69^ to a degree, [anon.] col. 18 x 20. [London], for R. Sayer & J. Bennett, 1783. [In Jefferys (T. ) and others. The American atlas, fol. London, R. Sayer & J. Bennett, 1782. no. 7]. Note. — Another copy in separate form. Map of the United States in North America: with the British, French, and Spanish dominions adjoining according to the treaty of 1783. By Thomas Kitchin. 13 x 20. [In Raynal (G. T. F.) A i)hilosophical and political history. 2d ed. 8°. London, 1798. v. 6]. The United States of America laid down from the best authorities, agreeable to the peace of 1783. Published by the proprietor, John Wallis, 1783. 18 X 22. [In Jones (Thomas). History of New York. 8°. N. Y. 1879. v. 2. opp. p. 313]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 863 United States. Bowles (Carington). Bowles' new map of North America and the West Indies, exhibiting the British empire therein with the limits and boundaries of the United States. As also the dominions possesed in that quarter, by the Spaniards the French & other European states. The whole compiled from the best surveys and authentic memoirs which have appeared to the present year 1783. col. 39 x 45. London, C. Bowles, 1783. Bowles's new pocket map of the United States of America; the British pos- sessions of Canada, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland with the French and Spanish territories of Louisiana and Florida, as settled by the preliminary articles of peace, signed at Versailles the 20th jan'y 1783. British statute miles, 69J to a degree. 18| x 20J. London, for C. Bowles, [1784]. Map of colonies during the revolutionary war. By Russell Hinman, c. e. 6i X 8. [InThalheimer(M. E.) The eclectic historical atlas. 8°. Cincinnati, Van Antwerp, Bragg & co. [1885]. map 22]. North America indicating the United States according to the treatv of 1783. 81: X 5i. [In Gage (William L. ) A modern historical atlas, for the use of colleges, schools and general readers. 8°. New York, D. Appleton & co. 1869]. The territory of the thirteen original states in 1783. 4x6. [In Labberton (R. H. ) New historical atlas. 4°. New York, T. ^NlacCoun, 1886. pi. 66]. The United States, 1783, subdivisions as claimed by the states. 7^ x 5i. [In Hart (A. B.) Epoch maps illustrating American history, obi. 12°. New York, Longmans, Green & co. 1891. no. 6]. The United States of America. 6^ x 8|. [In Workman (Benjamin). Elements of geography. 14th ed. 18°. Phila- delphia, W. M'Culloch, 1811. p. 93]. The territory of the present United States after September 3, 1783. 4x6. [In Labberton ( R. H. ) New historical atlas. 4°. New York, T. MacCoun, 1886. pi. 64]. Territorial growth of the United States of America. 1783-1866. 5i x 8. [In Hart (A. B. ) Epoch maps illustrating American history, obi. 12°. New York, Longmans, Green & co. 1891. no. 7J. An accurate map of the United States of America. According to the treaty of peace of 1783. A. Anderson, sculpt. Published by Smith, Reid and Wayland. 14^ x 18. [In Reid (John, publisher). The American atlas, fol. New York, J. Reid, 1796. no. 3]. Same. An accurate map of the United States of America, according to the treaty of peace of 1783. Russell del. et sculp. 14^ x 18^. [In Russell (J.) An American atlas, fol. London, H. D. Symonds tats Unis a fait prisonnier le general Cornowalis. Le 19 octobre 1781 et le plan d'attaque d'Yorck et de Glocester. Par les generaux Washington et Rochambeau.** LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 865 XTnited States. Charte iiber die XIII Yereinigte Staaten von Nord-America, ent- worfen durch F. L. Giissefeld und herausgegeben von den Homaennischen erben mit Romisch ka\'serl. Allergn. Freyheit, ao 1784. Geographische meilen 15 auf 1 grad. 17| x 22f. [Nuremberg, 1784]. Note. — Title also in French. German text. A correct map of the United States of North America, including the British and Spanish territories, carefully laid down agreeable to the treaty of 1784. by T. Bowen, geogr. 12| x 17|. [In Bankes (Thomas), Blake (Edward Warren) and Cook (Alexander). A new, royal, authentic and complete system of universal geography, antient and modern. 2 v. fol. London, printed for J. Cook, [1787-1810?]. vol.2. bet. pp. 492-493]. A new map of North America with the West India islands. Divided accord- ing to the preliminary articles of peace, signed at Versailles, 20, Jan. 1783, where in are particularly distinguished the United States, and the several provinces, governments, &ca. which compose the British dominions, laid down according to the latest surveys and corrected from the original mate- rials, of gove^ Pownall, mem^^ parlia"*. 2 sheets, each 20 x 47i. Lon- don, Laurie & Whittle, 1794. [In Kitchin (Thomas, sr.) and others. A new universal atlas. 7th ed. fol. London, R. Laurie & J. Whittle, 1805. nos. 61-62]. Note. — Insets : ' 'A particular map of Baffin and Hudson' s bay. " " The pas- sage by land to California, discovered by father Eusebius Francis Kino." A new^ map of the w^hole continent of America, divided into North and South and West Indies, wherein are exactly described the United States of North America as well as the several European possessions according to the preliminaries of peace signed at Versailles, jan. 20, 1783. Compiled from mr. D'Anville's maps of that continent, with the addition of the Spanish discoveries in 1775 to the north of California & corrected in the several parts belonging to Great Britain, from the original materials of governor Pownall, m. p. 2 sheets, each 20i x 47. London, Laurie & Whittle, 1794. [In Kitchin (Thomas, sr.) and others. A new universal atlas. 7th ed. fol. London, R. Laurie & J. Whittle, 1805. nos. 65-66]. Note. — Inset: "The supplement to North America containing the countries adjoining to Baffins & Hudson's Bay." Carte generale des treize Etats-Unis independants de I'Amerique Septentrio- nale. 1785. 15^ x 16. [In Mandrillon( Joseph). Le spectateur Americain. 2«ed. 8°. A Amster- dam, E. Flon, 1785]. Kaart van het der noordlyk gedeelte der Vereenigde Staaten van Noord Amerika. 8^ x 12^. [In Bachiene (W. A.) Atlas tot opheldering der hedendaagsche historic, fol. te Amsterdam, M. Schalekamp, 1785. Aanhangzel]. A map of the United States of North America. Philada. engraved by H. D. Pursell for F. Bailey's Pocket Almanac. 5| x 7. [In Bailey's pocket almanac. 1785. 24°. Philadelphia, F. Bailey, [1785]. front. ] The United States of North America with the British & Spanish territories according to the treaty of 1784. Engrav'd by Wm. Faden, 1785. [anon.] col. 21 X 24i [London], W. Faden, 1785]. H. Doc. 516 55 866 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. United States. A map of the federal territory [Ohio] from the western boundary of Pennsylvania to the Scioto river laid down from the latest informations and divided into townships and fractional parts of townships agreebly to the ordinance of the honle. congress passed in may 1785. 26 x 19. [n. p. 1787]. Note. — The map to accompany Menassah Cutler's "An explanation of the map which delineates that part of the federal lands," &c. [anon.] Salem, 1787. A new map of the United States of North America with the British dominions on that continent, &c. By Samuel Dunn. Improved from the surveys of capt. Carver. 18| x 12. London, for R. Sayer, 1786. [In Dunn (Samuel). A new atlas of the mundane system. 3d ed. fol. London, Laurie and Whittle, [1786-89]. map 40]. Carte generale des etats de Virginie, Maryland, Delaware, Pensilvanie, Nouveau Jersey, New York, Connecticut et Isle de Rhodes, ainsi que des lacs Erie, Ontario et Champlain d'apres la carte Ameriquaine de Louis ^vans et la carte Anglaise de Thomas Jefferys. 19 x 25J. [In Crevecoeur (J. Hector Saint John de). Lettres d'un cultivateur Ameri- cain. 8°. Paris, Cuchet, 1787. v. 2. front.] Carte reduite du nord des Etats-Unis avec I'int^rieur du pays. Copi^e par permission de mgr. le marechal De Castries. Sur le no. l''"' du Neptune. Americo-Septentrional. 192^ x 22|. [In Le Boucher (Odet-Julien). Histoire de la derniere guerre, entre la Grande-Bretagne et les Etats TTnis. [anon.] Atlas. 4°. Paris, Brocas, 1787. no. 1"]. Carte, reduite du sud des Etats-Unis avec I'interieur du pays. Copiee par permission de mgr. le marechal De Castries Sur le no. 2 du Neptune. Americo-Septentrional. 21 x 17^^. [In Le Boucher (Odet-Julien). Histoire de la derniere guerre, entre la Grande-Bretagne et les Etats Unis. [anon.] Atlas. 4°. Paris, Brocas, 1787. no. 2]. Le Boucher (Odet-Julien). Histoire de la derniere guerre, entre la Grande- Bretagne et les Etats Unis. [anon.] Atlas. 7 maps. 4°. Paris, Brocas, 1787. A map of the country between Albemarle sound and lake Erie, compre- hending the whole of Virginia, Maryland, Delaware and Pensylvania, [etc.] 23 X 23. London, J. Stockdale, 1787. [In Jefferson (Thomas) . Notes on the state of Virginia. 8°. London, 1787]. A map of the United States of N. America. Philada. engraved by H. D. Pursell. 5J x 7. [In McCulloch (John). Introduction to the history of America, [anon.] 12°. Philadeli)hia, 1787. front.] Moss' historical map, showing the territorial growth of the United States of America since July 13, 1787, to illustrate "The story of a hundred years," by William P. Moss, Chicago. A. Zeese & co. engrs. 12J x 12|. [Chi- cago, 1887]. North America including the British colonies and the territories of the United States. S. HoUingsworth fecit. D. Lizars sculpt. 12 J x 18^. [In HolHngsworth (S.) The present state of Nova Scotia. 2d ed. [anon.] 8°. Edinburgli, for W. Creech, 1787]. Note. — Gives " Boundary of the United States." I.IST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 867 United States. Pownall (Thomas). The Atlantic ocean. PubUshed 20th sept^ 1787, by Rob^ Sayer, London. 19^ x 25. [In Pownall (Thomas). Hydraulic and nautical observations on the cur- rents in the Atlantic ocean, forming an hypothetical theorem for investi- gation. 4°. London, for P. Sayer, 1787. front.] Les Etats Unis de I'Amerique Septentrionale, partie occidentale. Par m. Bonne. Andre sculp. 13^ x 9^. [In Bonne (Rigobert) andDesmarest (Nicolas). Atlas encyclopedique. 4°. Paris, hotel de Thou, 1788. v. 2. no. 118]. Les Etats Unis de 1' Amerique Septentrionale, partie orientale. Par m. Bonne. Andre sculp. 13^ x 9^. [In Bonne (Rigobert) , and Desmarest (Nicolas). Atlas encyclopedique. 4°. Paris, hotel de Thou, 1788. v. 2. no. 117]. The United States of America. T. Conder sculpt. London. 11 x 12. [In Gordon (William, d. d. ) The history ... of the independence of the United States. 8°. London, 1788. v. 1. front.] Clark (Matthew). Chart of the coast of America, p. 1. 9 sheets, fol. Boston, M. Clark, [1789]. Note. — From Cape Breton to the Gulf of Mexico. A map of the northern and middle states comprehending the western terri- tory and the British dominions in North America compiled from the best authorities. 12^ x 16. New Haven, delineated & engraved by Amos Doo- little. [In Morse (Jedidiah). The American geography. 12°. Elizabethtown, S. Kollock, 1789]. A map of the states of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, comprehending the Spanish provinces of East and West Florida [etc.] by Joseph Purcell. 12| x 15. New Haven, A. Doolittle, 1788. [In Morse (Jedidiah). The American geography. 12°. Ehzabethtown, S. Kollock, 1789]. Note. — See 1783 for this title duplicated. A survey of the roads of the United States of America. By Christopher CoUes. 1789. C. Tiebout sculpt. 1 p. 1. sheet 1-8.6. [wants sheets 34-39]. sq. 12°. [New York, 1789]. CONTKNTS. Sheet 1-7. From New York to Stratford. 8-13. From New York to Poughkeepsie. 14. From Poughkeepsie to Albany. 15-20. From Stratford to Poughkeepsie. 21-25. From Poughkeepsie to Albany. 26-33. From Albany to Newborough. 34-39. Wanting. 40. From New York to Elizabethtown. 41-42. From New York to Brunswick. 43. From New York to Kingston. 44. From New York to Trenton. 45. From New York to Bristol. 46. From New York to Frankford. 46.* From New York to Allentown. 47. From New York to Philadelphia. 47.* From New York to the Blackhorse. 48. From New York to Mount holly. 49-50. From New York to Philadelphia. 51-61. From Philadelphia to Annapolis, Md. 62-63. From Annapolis to Bladensburg. 64-65. From Annapolis to Alexandria. 868 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. TTnited States — Continued. CONTENTS — eontiniied. Sheet 66. From Annapolis to Dumfries. 67-68. From Annapolis to Fredericksburg, Va. 69. From Annapolis to Todd's Ordinary. 70. From Annapolis to Bowling-green Ordy. 71. From Annapolis to Head Lynchs Ordy. 72. From Annapolis to Hanover court-house. 73. From Annapolis to Hanover & Newcastle. 74-75. From Annapolis to New Kent court-house. 76-77. From Annapolis to Williamsburgh. 78-79. From Annapolis to York. 80-81. From Williamsburgh to Ayletts warehouse. 82. From Williamsburgh to Sneed's Ordinary. 83-84. From Williamsburgh to Port-Royal. 85-86. From Williamsburgh to Hooe's ferry. Note. — Prospectus attached to inside cover: Proposals for publishing a survey of the roads of the United States of America. By Christopher Colles, of New York. CONDITIONS. That the work shall be neatly engraved upon copper, each page containing a delineation of near 12 miles of the road upon a scale of about one inch and three quarters to the mile, and particularly specifying all the cross roads and streams of water which intersect it, the names of the most noted inhabitants of the houses contiguous to or in view of the road; the churches and other public buildings; the taverns, blacksmith's shops, mills, and every object which occurs to render it a useful and entertaining work, and in every respect equal to the specimen of the three first pages annexed. That a set of general maps shall be made upon a small scale with references from them to the particular page where the description of any road is to be found; these maps will then answer as an index and will be found more convenient than any other index that . can be made. That each subscriber shall pay one quarter dollar at the time of subscribing (to defray several incidental charges necessary for the work) and one eighth of a dollar upon the delivery of every six pages of the work: but such gentlemen as are willing to advance one dollar will be considered as patrons of the work, and will not be entitled to pay any more till the value thereof is delivered in. That subscribers shall pay 20 cents for each of the general maps and three cents for each sheet of letter press in the alphabetical lists of other necessary explanation of the drafts. That each subscriber shall be considered as engaging to take 100 pages. That non subscribers shall pay three cents for each page of the work. These surveys are made frbm actual mensuration, by a perambulator of a new and conven- ient construction, invented by said Colles, and very different from any hitherto used, which determines the number of revolutions of the wheel of a carriage to which it is fixed, and it is found by experiment to ascertain the distance to a much greater degree of accu- racy than could be expected; the direction of the road is determined by a compass like- wise afl&xed to the surveying carriage. ACCOUNT OF THE ADVANTAGES OF THESE SURVEYS. A traveller will here find so plain and circumstantial a description of the road, that whilst he has the draft with him it will be impossible for him to miss his way: he will have the satisfaction of knowing the names of many of the persons who reside on the road; if his horse should want a shoe, or his carriage be broke, he will by the bare inspection of the draft be able to determine whether he must go backward or forward to a blacksmith's shop: Persons who have houses or plantations on the road may in case they want to let, lease, or sell the same, advertise in the public newspapers that the place is marked in such a page of Colles's Survey of the roads; this will give so particular a description of its situation that no difficulty or doubt will remain about it. If a foreigner arrives in any part of the Continent and is under the necessity to travel by land, he applies to a book- seller, who with the assistance of the index map chooses out the particular pages which are necessary for his direction. It is expected many other entertaining and useful purposes will be descovered when these surveys come into general use. Subscription papers will be sent to most of the Booksellers on the continent LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 869 United States. A school book entitled "Elements of geography designed for young students." By Ben AVorkman. 2d ed. Phila. 1790. Note. — Inset map of the United States in which lower ^Michigan is termed Cherronesus; Wisconsin, Michigania, &c. A map of the Genesee tract, in the county of Ontario & state of New York; shewing its distance from & water communication with New York, Phila- delphia & Baltimore; also its distance from the new city of Columbia, or the proposed seat of government of the United States, [anon.] 14 x 8^. [n. p. 1791]. Map of the middle states of North America, shewing the position of Geneseo country comprehending the counties of Ontario & Steuben as laid off in townships of six miles square each. [anon.] 15 x 15^. New York, Maverick sculpt. [1791]. Four maps illustrating the war of 1812. Four maps illustrating our Indian wars. 8^ x 5|. [In Labberton ( R. H. ) New historical atlas. 4°. New York, T. MacCoun, 1886. pi. 88]. Map of the middle states of North America with part of Canada shewing the situation of the principal towns, viz. Columbia, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Newport, Boston & ^lontreal also their several communica- tions with respect to lake Ontario, [anon.] 15^ x 12. [n. p. 1791]. A map of the northern and middle states; comprehending the western ter- ritory and the British dominions in North America. From the best authorities. G. Gonne sculp'. Engraved for Morse's Geography. Pub- lished by John Jones. Dublin, 1792. 12 x 15. [In Morse (Jedidiah) . The American geography. 8°. Dublin, for J. Jones, 1792]. Maps of America, to accompany "The American geography. By Jedidiah Morse." A new ed. [anon.] 24 maps. fold. 12°. London, J. Stock- dale, 1792-94]. CONTENTS. A map of the world. 1794. A new map of North America. 1794. A map of South America. 1794. A map of the back settlements. 1794. A map of East and West Florida. 1794. Plan of the city of Washington. 1794. A map of Pennsylvania. 1794. A map of New Jersey. 1794. A map of the state of New York. 1794. A map of Connecticut. 1794. A map of Rhode Island. 1794. A map of Massachusetts. 1794. A map of the Tennessee government. 1794. A map of New Hampshire. 1794. A map of Vermont. 1794. A map of Newfoundland. 1794. A map of Nova Scotia. 1794. A new map of Upper & Lower Canada. 1794. A map of Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware. 1794. A map of the West Indies. 1794. A map of North Carolina. 1794. A map of South Carolina. 1794. A map of the northern and middle states. 1792. A map of Kentucky. By John Filson. 1793. 870 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. United States. New map of the states of Georgia, South and North Carolina, Vir- ginia and Maryland including the Spanish provinces of West and East Florida. Cornelius Tiebaut sculp. N. York, llf x 14^. [In Imlay (G. ) A topographical description of the western territory of North America. 16°. New York, S. Campbell, 1793]. A map of the northern and middle states; comprehending the western ter- , ritory and the British dominions in North America. Compiled from the best authorities. 13 x 16. [In Morse (Jedidiah). The American universal geography. 8°. Boston, I. Thomas & E. T. Andrews, 1793. p. 309]. An accurate map of the United States of America, according to the treaty of peace of 1783. 14^ x 18. London, H. D. Symonds, 1794. Carte des ^tats mitoyens de I'Amerique Unie, dressee d'apres les autorites les plus nouvelles et les mieux choisies par Thos. Conder. 12 x 18. [In Cooper (Thomas, m. d. 1759-1839). Renseignemenssur I'Amerique. Traduits de FAnglois. 8°. Hambourg, P. F. Fauche, 1795]. A map of the middle states of America, drawn from the latest and best authorities; by Thomas Conder. 12 x 18. London, J. Johnson, 1794. A map of the middle states of America. Drawn by Thos. Conder. 12 x 17i. [In Cooper (Thomas). Some information respecting America. 12°. Dublin, 1794]. A map of the northern and middle states: comprehending the western ter- ritory and the British dominion in North America. 12^ x 16. [In Morse (Jedidiah). The American geography. A new ed. 4°. Lon- don, J. Stockdale, 1794. opp. p. 273]. A map of the states of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia; comprehending the Spanish provinces of East and West Florida; exhibit- ing the boundaries as fixed by the late treaty of peace between the United States and the Spanish dominions. Compiled from the late sur^^eys and observ^ations by Joseph Purcell. Engraved for Morse's geography. 12 X 14. [London], J. Stockdale, Jan. 25, 1792. [In Morse (Jedidiah). The American geography. A new ed. 4°. Lon- don, for J. Stockdale, 1794. opp. p. 475]. Part of the United States of North America. 16 x 18. [In Loskiel (G. H.) History of the mission of the united brethren among the Indians of North America. 8°. London, 1794]. Note. — Extending to lake Erie, Kentucky river, and Georgia. [Diagram showing the lines proposed by lord Grenville from the Lake of the Woods to the Mississippi]. 12 J x 6 J. [In American state papers, fol. Washington, Gales & Seaton, 1832. For- eign relations. V. 1. p. 492]. Note. — To accompany "Remarks on that part of the second article of the project of a treaty for terminating all differences between Great Britain and the United States of America, which purports a cession or dereliction by the latter of the country lying to the westward and north- ward of either of the two lines therein proposed and described." Map of the middle states of America. Comprehends New York, New Jer- sey, Pennsylvania, Delaware and the territory n. w. of Ohio. By J. Rus- sell. U\ X 18}. [In Russell (J.). An American atlas, fol. London, H. D. Symonds & J. Ridgway, 1795. no. 6]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 87 1 TJnited States. A map of the United States: compiled chiefly from the state maps, and other authentic information, by Sam'l Lewis, 1795. 24^ x 35 J. [In Carey (Mathew). Carey ' s general atlas, fol. Philadelphia, M. Carey, 1796. map 24]. A map of the United States. 11 x 15. [In Scott (Joseph). The United States gazetteer. 16°. Philadelphia, 1795]. A map of the western part of the territories belonging to the United States of America. T. Conder sculp. 13 x 14. London, J. Debrett, 1795. [Imlay (Gilbert). A topographical description of the western territory of North America. 3d ed. 8°. London, 1797]. Map of the northern, or, New England states of America, comprehending Vermont, New Hampshire, district of Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. By J. Russell. 14} x 18. [In Russell (J.) An American atlas, fol. London, H. 1). Symonds, & J. Ridgway, 1795. no. 5]. Map of the southern states of America, comprehending ^Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, territory s^^ of the Ohio, North Carolina, Tennessee govei'nm^ South Carolina & Georgia. By J. Russell. 14} x 20. [In Russell (J.) An American atlas, fol. London, H. D. Symonds & J. Ridgway, 1795. no. 7.] N. W. territory. 6 x 7^. [In Scott (Joseph). The United States gazetteer. 16°. Philadelphia, 1795]. Russell (J.) An American atlas containing, 1 map of North America [etc.] and a plan of the city of Washington, title. 9 maps. fol. London, H. D. Symonds, 1795. United States & Mexico after the termination of the revolution & Indian wars to 1795. 8x9. [In Hunt (F. W. ) J. H. Colton's historical atlas. A practical class-book of the history of the world, fol. New York, .Ivison, Phinney & co. 1860. pi. 2]. An accurate map of the United States according to the treaty of peace of 1783. A. Anderson sculp. 14 x 18. [In American (The) atlas, fol. New York, J. Reid, 1796. no. 3]. A map of the north western territory. S. Hill, sc. 7 x 9^. [In Morse (Jedidiah). The American universal geography. 3d ed. 8°. Boston, I. Thomas & E. T. Andrews, 1796. pt. 1. p. 573]. Map of the United States exhibiting the post roads, situations, connections & distances of the post-offices, stage-roads, counties, ports of entry, and delivery for foreign vessels, and the principal rivers. By Abraham Brad- ley jun^ W. Barker sculp, col. 35x37. [Philadelphia, 1796]. A map of the United States of North America. Drawn from a immber of critical researches. By A. Arrowsmith. 48 x 56}. London, A. Arrow- smith, 1796. Additions to 1802. Note. — Title duplicated under 1802. Reid (John). The American atlas. 1 p. 1. 21 maps. fol. New York, J. Reid, 1796. Note. — Atlas to ** Winterbotham's history of America." 872 LIST OF MAPS OF AMEKICA. United States. The United States of America. B. Tanner sculpt, [anon.] 6^x8^. New York, C. Smith, [1796]. [In Smith (Charles, of N. Y. d. 1810). The monthly military repository. 8°. New York, for the author, 1796. v. 1. opp. pp. 9]. Map of the northern part of the United States of America. By Abraham Bradley, jr. Callender sc. 8 J x 15^. [In Morse (Jedidiah). The American gazetteer. 8°. Boston, S. Hall, 1797]. Map of the southern parts of the United States of America. By Abraham Bradley, jun'r. 7f x 15. [In Morse (Jedidiah). The American gazetteer. 8°. Boston, S. Hall, 1797]. Wilkes (J.) United States of America, col. 7^x9^. London, J. Wilkes. 1797. Chart of the coast of America from Cape Hateras to Cape Roman. From actual surveys of D'. Dunbibin. 20^ x 31^. [In Norman (William, publisher). The American pilot, containing the navigation of the sea coast of North America, fol. Boston, W. Norman, 1798. no. 4]. Map of dr. Burnaby's travels through the middle settlements of North America. 14 x 14. [In Burnaby (Andrew) . Travels through the middle settlements of North America. 4°. London, 1798]. Map of the middle states of North America with part of Canada, shewing the situation of tlie principal towns, viz, Columbia, Baltimore, Philadel- phia, New York, Newport, Boston & Montreal, also their several com- munications with respect to lake Ontario. 15^ x 12. [n. p. 1798?]. Part of the United States of North America, [anon.] 16x18^. [London], J. Stockdale, 1798. A plan of the rivers Scoodic and Magaguadavic with the principal branches including th^ bay of Passamaquoddy and the adjacent sea coast and islands. Compiled and formed by order of the honble. board of commis- sioners appointed pursuant to the 5th article of the treaty of amity, com- merce & navigation between her bri tannic majesty & the United States of America. By George Sproule, esq. surveyor general of New Brunswick, from the actual survey of those rivers made under the authority of the said board in the years 1796-7-8 and from the survey of Passamaquoddy bay & islands made by Mr. Wright 1772. ms. 58 x 78. [1798]. Note. — Signed by the commissioners, Tho. Barclay, David Howell, Egbt. Benson. Witnessed by Ed. Winslow. To navigators this chart, being an actual survey of the sea coast and inland navigation from cape Henry to cape Roman is most respectfully inscribed by Price & Strother. Published agreeable to act of congress. Engraved by W. Johnston, New-Bern, North Carolina, 1798. 14 x 38. Carte des Carolines Meridionale et Septentrionale, la Georgie, la Floride, orientale et occidentale, les pays des Cherok^es, la vaste contr^e des Mus- cogulges, on la confederation des Creks et pays des Chataws. Par J. B. Poison. 1799. 24 x 17^. [In Bartram (W. ) Voyage dans les parties sud de rAm^rique Septen- trionale. 8°. Paris, an VII [1799]. v. 1]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 873 United States. Carte reduite des cotes orientales de rAmerique Septentrionale contenant partie du Xouveau Jersey, la Pen-sylvanie, le Mary-land, la Vir- ginie, la Caroline Septentrionale, la Caroline Meridionale et la Georgie. Assujettie any observations les plus reeentes et aux cartes de detail les plus estimees. Dressee au depot general des cartes, plans et journaux de la marine. 21^ x 34. [In Atlas maritime, fol. Genes, Y. Gravier, 1801. map 32]. Note. — Gio: Brun scupix in Roma 1799. INIap of the United States, Canada, &c. Smith & Jones sculp. 16 x 13. London, R Phillips, 1799. [In La Rouchfoucault Liancourt. (F, A. F. due de. ) Travels through the United States. 2d ed. 8°. London, 1800. v. 1.] United States of America. 13i x 15|. [In Cruttwell (Clement). Atlas to Crut well's gazetteer, fol. London. printed for G. G. & J. Robinson, [1799]. no. 7]. An exact map of the five great lakes with part of Pensilvania, New York, Canada, [etc.] Jno. Lodge sculp. 82^ x 10. [In Russell (William). The history of America. 4°. London, for Walker, 1800. V. 2. p. 338]. Louisiane et pays voisins. Par L. Collin. 9 x 14. [In Baudry de Lozieres ( L. X. ) Voyage a. la Louisiane, 1794 a 1798. Par B. D. [anon.] 8°. Paris, 1802]. Note. — Contains the western part of California. A map exhibiting the different stage routs, between the cities of New- York, Baltimore, and parts adjacent. To which is added, as an historical com- panion, the operations of the British army, from their landing at Elk river in 1777, to their embarkation at Nevisink in 1778. by John Hills. I. H. Seymour sc. col. 11 x 59. Philadelphia, E. Savage, 1800. Map of the northern provinces of the United States. Printed for R. Phillips. Russell, junior, sculp^ 12| x 20. [In La Rouchefoucault Liancourt (F. A. F. due de). Travels through the United States. 2d ed. 8°. London, 1800. v. 3. bet. pp. 16-17]. Note. — Another copy in separate form. ^lap of the southern provinces of the United States. Printed for R. Phillips. Russell sculpt 13 x 20. [In La Rochefoucault Liancourt (F. A. F. due de). Travels through the United States. 2d ed. 8°. London, 1800. v. 4. bet. pp. 16-17]. A map of the United States of America, with part of the adjoining prov- inces. T. Conder sculpt. 8 x 10. [In Wilkinson (Robert). A general atlas, fol. London, 1800]. United States of N'th America. Carte des Etats-Unis de 1' Amerique Septen- trionale. Copiee et gravee sur celle d'Arrowsmith. Corrig^e et consid^- rablement augmentee d'apres les renseignemens les jjIus authentiques par P. F. Tardieu, graveur, editeur-proprietaire. 59 x 55. Paris, P. F. Tar- dieu, 1820. Note. — Inset: "Plan de la ville de Washington situee sur le territoire de Columbie cede par les etats de Yirginie et Maryland aux Etats Unis d' Amerique et etabli par eux comme le siege de leur gouvernement depuis I'annee 1800." See 1808 for earlv edition. 874 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. United States. The territory of the present United States after february 1, 1801. 4| X 6. [In Labberton (R. H. ) New historical atlas, 4°, New York, T. MacCoun, 1886. pi. 66]. The United States, march 4th, 1801. 7^ x 5i [In Hart (A. B. ) Epoch maps illustrating American history, obi. 12°. New York, Longmans, Green & co. 1891. no. 9]. A map of the United States of North America. Drawn from a number of critical researches. By A. Arrowsmith. 48 x 56J. London, A. Arrow- smith, 1796. Additions to 1802. Note. — Title duplicated under 1796. The territory of the present United States after april 30, 1803. 4J x 6. [In Labberton (K. H. ) New historical atlas. 4°. New York, T. MacCoun, 1886. pi. 67]. Carte des etats du centre, de I'ouest et du sud des Etats Unis. Dessin^e par Dupuis fils an XII. [1804.] 14 x 20. [In Michaux (F. A.) Voyage a I'ouest des monts Alleghanys. 8°. Paris, 1804]. Map of the United States, exhibiting the post-roads, the situations, connec- tions & distances of the post-offices stage roads, counties, & principal rivers, by Abraham Bradley jun'r. Engraved by Francis Shallus, Philadelphia. 38 X 53i [Philadelphia, F. Shallus, 1804]. Note. — Copyrighted, 1804, by Abraham Bradley. First ed. published in 1796. Inset: "Map of North America." 18x16. Map of the northern parts of the United States. By Abraham Bradley, jr. Corrected by the author. 8^ x 15. [In Morse (Jedidiah). The American gazetteer. 2d ed. 8°. Charlestown, for Thomas & Andrews, 1804]. Map of the southern parts of the United States of America. By Abraham Bradley, jr. Corrected by the author. 7 x 15. [In Morse (Jedidiah). The American gazetteer. 2ded. 8°. Charlestown, 1804]. Map of the United States of North America. J. Bye sculp. 17 x 21^. [London], J. Johnson, 1804. [In Volney (C. F. ) View of the climate and soil of the United States. 8**. London, for J. Johnson, 1804. pi. 4. at end]. Patterson (Rev. E. ) United States of America. Hewitt, sculp. 8 x 10, Richmond, Surrey, E. Patterson, 1804. United States. Drawn by S. Lewis. Tanner, sc. 7| x 9f . [In Arrowsmith (Aaron) and Lewis (Samuel). A new and elegant general atlas. 4«. Philadelphia, J. Conrad, 1804. no. 35] A map of Lewis and Clark's track, across the western portion of North America, from the Mississippi to the Pacific ocean by order of the execu- tive of the United States, in 1804-5 & 6. Copied by Samuel Lewis from the original drawing of W". Clark. 12 x 28. [Philadelphia], S. Harri- son sc. [1806]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 875 United States. Carey's American pocket atlas. 3d ed. 119 pp. 2 tables. 20 maps. 8°. Philadelphia, M. Carey, 1805. CONTENTS. Map of the United States. Map of Vermont. Map of New Hampshire. Map of Maine. Map of Massachusetts. Map of Rhode Island. Map of Connecticut. Map of New York. Map of New Jersey. Map of Pennsylvania. Map of Delaware. Map of Ohio, Indiana, and n. w. territories. Map of Maryland. Map of Virginia. Map of Kentucky. Map of North Carolina. Map of Tennessee. Map of South Carolina. Map of Georgia and Mississippi. Map of Louisiana. Kaart van de noordlijke [&] zuidlijke provincien der Vereenigde Staaten. A. Loosjes pz. exe. 2 sheets, each 12^ x 19i. [In Marshall (John). Het leven van George Washington. 8°. Te Haar- lem, A. Loosjes, 1805. v. 1-2]. A map of the United States. Ralph sc. 10^ x 14. [In Scott (Joseph). A geographical dictionary of the United States. 8°. Philadelphia, 1805]. A new map of part of the United States of North America, exhibiting the western territory, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, &c. also ■ the lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Ontario & Erie, with upper and lower Canada etc. From the latest authorities by John Cary, engraver. 1805. 18 X 20. London, J. Cary, 1805. [In Cary (John), Cary' s new universal atlas, fol. London, for J. Cary, 1808. no. 56]. . A map of part of the continent of North America, between the 35th and 51st degrees of north latitude, and extending from 80 degrees of west longitude to the Pacific ocean. Compiled from the authorities of the best informed travellers by M. Lewis. Copies by Nicholas King, 1806. Scale 50 miles to an inch. 20^ x 29. [Washington, 1896]. Note. — Photo-reproduction. A map of the United States and Canada, New-Scotland, New Brunswick and New-Foundland. ^ Carte des Etats-Unis, avec le Canada, la Nouvelle Ecosse, le Nouveau Brunswick & Terre-Neuve. Dressee par Lapie. [1806] . Gravee par P. A. F. Tardieu. Ecrit par J. J. Pachoux. 35 J x 29i. Paris, P. A. F. Tardieu, [1806]. Note. — Subtitle, Map of the West Indies [etc.] A new map of part of the United States of North America, containing those of New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Ptnnsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, ^laryland and Vir- ginia. From the latest authorities by John Cary, engraver, 1806. 18 x 20^. London, J. Cary, 1806. [In Cary (John). Cary's new universal atlas, fol. London, for J. Carey, 1808. no. 55]. 876 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. United States. A new map of part of the United States of North America, con- taining the Carolinas and Georgia, also the Floridas and part of the Bahama islands &c. From the latest authorities, by John Gary, engraver. 1806. 18 X 20. London, J. Gary, 1806. [In Gary (John). Gary's new Universal atlas, fol. London, for J. Gary, 1808. no. 57]. A new map of the United States of America, from the latest authorities. By John Gary, engraver, 1806. 17f x 20. London, J. Gary, 1806. [In Gary (John). Gary's new universal atlas, fol. London, for J. Gary, 1808. no. 54]. The United States of America. 7 x 8|. [In M'Gulloch (John). A concise history of the United States. 3d ed. 16°. Philadelphia, 1807. front.] Note. — Not the same map as in his *' Introduction to the history of America. 1787." Garte des Etats-Unis copiee et gravee sur celle d'Arrowsmith. Gorrigee et considerablement augmentee par P. F. Tardieu. 48 x 56. Paris, G. Pic- quet, 1808. Note.— Inset: "Plan de la ville de Washington." Notes in French. Text in English. See 1820 for new edition. Part of North America. [New England states and New York]. 9| x 6. London, Mathews & Leigh, 1808. [Smith (Joshua Hett). An authentic narrative of the (!auses which led to the death of major Andre. 12°. London, 1808]. Map of the country inhabited by the western tribes of Indians. Neele sc. 9j X 8. London, Longman & co. 1809. [In Lewis (Meriwether). The travels of capts. Lewis & Glarke. 8°. Lon- don, for Longmans, 1809]. A map of the United States: compiled chiefly from the state maps and the authentic information, by Samuel Lewis. 1809. 24^ x 35. Philadelphia, M. Garey, [1809]. Map of the United States. 12 x 16. [In Bradbury (John). Travels in the interior of America. 1809-1811. 8°. London, 1819]. Map of the United States including Louisiana. 16 x 18J. I. Scoles, sculp. [In Schultz (Ghristian). Travels on an inland voyage. 8°. New York, 1810]. A map of the internal provinces of New Spain. The outlines are from the sketches of, but corrected and improved by captain Zebulon M. Pike, who was conducted through that country in the year 1807 by order of the com- mandant general of those provinces. 17| x 18^. [In Pike (Z. M. ) An account of expeditions to the source of the Missis- sippi. 12°. Philadelphia, 1810]. Note. — Another copy in separate form. Part of the United States of North America. 16 x 18. [In Weld (Isaac). Travels through the states of North America. 8**. London, 1810. v. 1]. ifctats-Unis de I'Am^rique Septentrionale. Dress^e par P. Lapie. 1810. Adam et Giraldon direc'. 8^ x n|. [Paris? 1810]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMEKICA. 877 United States. Carte des Etats-Unis de rAmerique-Xord. Pour serviraux obser- vations geologiques par W. Maclure. Grave par E. Callin. 16| x 21 J. [In Journal de physique, de chimie, d'histoire naturelle et des arts. Par J. C. Delametherie. Janv. 1811. 4°. Paris, Courcier, [1811]. v. 72. J). 192]. Carte de la partie occidentale des Etats-Unis, dressee pour servir a intelli- gence des decouvertes des Americains dans cette partie et notamment pour celles de mm. Hunt et Stuart faites en 1811-1813, par le chev. Lapie. 1821. 9^ X 16. [In Nouvelles annales des voyages. Publiees par mm. J. B. Eyries et Malte- Brun. 8°. Paris, 1821. p. 21]. A new map of part of the United States of North America, containing those of New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusets, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia. From the latest authorities by John Cary, engraver, 1811. British stat- ute miles 69^ to a degree. 18 x 20^. [London, 1811]. A map of part North America from the Pacific to the Atlantic ocean and from north latitude 19° 0'' 0^ to 43° CK^ 0^ west, longitude 78° 0'^ 0' to 113° (Y^ (V. [anon.] ms. Cop'd from an original in the possieson [sic] general Salcedo at Chihuedo in Biscay. By John Hills, Phila. 1811. 33x65i [1806-11]. States of America, drawn from the best authorities by J. Russell. 16 x 18. [In Guthrie (William). A system of modern geography. 7th ed. 8°. London, 1811. p. 884]. Note. — East of Mississippi. A map of the United States and Canada, New-Scotland, New-Brunswick and New-Foundland. Carte des Etats-Unis, avec le Canada, la Nou- velle Ecosse, le Nouveau Brunswick & Terre-Neuve. Dressee par Lapie. Gravee par P. A. F. Tardieu. Ecrit par J. J. Pachoux. 19^ x 29|. Paris, P. A. F. Tardieu, [1812]. Carte pour servir a I'histoire de la guerre entre les Etats-Unis d'Amerique et I'Angleterre pendant les annees 1812-15. 9 x 13. [In Brackenridge (Henry M.) Histoire de la guerre entre les Etats-Unis et I'Angleterre, 1812-15. 8°. Paris, Corbet, 1820. v. 1. front.] Map to illustrate the war of 1812. By Russell Hinman, c. e. 6J x 8. [In Thalheimer (M. E.) The eclectic historical atlas. 8°. Cincinnati, Van Antwerp, Bragg & co. [1885]. map 23]. A new map of the seat of war [1812-15]. S. Lewis del. J. Bower set. 13 X 18. [Philadelphia, 1815?]. A correct map of the seat of war. [1812-15]. Drawn by Sam'l Lewis. Sam'l Harrison, sc. 16 x 23. Philadelphia, J. Conrad & F. Lucas, [1814]. A new improved map of the seat of war. D. Haines sc. 13 x 18. Phila- delphia, W. M'Carty, 1814. [In History of the American war of 1812. 3d ed. [anon.] 12°. Phila- delphia, M'Carty & Davis, 1817. front.] United States of America, exhibiting the seat of the war on the Canadian frontier for 1812 to 1815. 9^- x 13^ [In Talbot (John). History of North America. 8°. Leeds, 1820. v. 1]. Note. — A copy in separate form has the date of publication 1816. H. Barnes, publisher. 878 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. United States. An improved map of the United States, by Shelton and Kensett. 19 X 21, New Haven, engraved by A. Doolittle & T. Kensett, Cheshire, [1813]. Map of the American coast, from Lynhaven bay to Narraganset bay, by John Melish. Engraved by H. S. Tanner. June 1813. 15| x 18. Phila- delphia, J. Melish, 1813. [In Melish (John). A military and topographical atlas of the United States. 8°. Philadelphia, G. Palmer, 1813. p. 1]. Map of the British settlements, and the United States of North America, from the coast of Labrador to Florida. Intended to illustrate the travels of mr. Lambert through those countries, col. 15 x 15. London, Cra- dock & Joy. [In Lambert (John). Travels through Canada and the United States. 8°. London, 1813. v. 2. front.] A map of the southern section of the United States including the Floridas & Bahama islands, shewing the seat of war in that department. Drawn by John Melish. Engraved by H. S. Tanner. March 1813. 16 x 20^. Philadelphia, J. MeHsh, 1813. [In Melish (John). A military and topographical atlas of the United States. 8°. Philadelphia, G. Palmer, 1813. no. 5]. Melish (John). A military and topographical atlas of the United States; including the British possessions & Florida; [etc.] To which is added a list of the military districts, a register of the army, and a list of the navy of the United States. 6, 34, 29, 44 pp. incl. 8 maps. 8°. Philadelphia, G. Palmer, 1813. CONTENTS. 1. Map of the seat of war in North America. 2d ed. with additions & improvements. 15i X 21i. 2. View of the country round the falls of Niagara. J. Vallance sculpt. 6i x 4^. 3. Plan of Montreal. 6^ x 4^ 4. East end of lake Ontario. 6i x 4^. 5. A map of the southern section of the United States. 16 x 20^. 6. Map of the American coast, from Lynhaven bay to Narraganset bay. 15J x 18. 7. Map of Detroit river and adjacent country, from an original drawing by a British engineer. 22J x 17. 8. Plan of Quebec and adjacent country shewing the principal encampments & works of the British & French armies during the siege by general Wolfe in 1759. Reduced from the m.s.s. map of capt. J. B. Glegg, by John Melish. 15 x 20. Carte des Etats-Unis, dress^e par P. Lapie, g^ographe, directeur du cabinet topographique du roi, 1814. Grav^e par Blondeau. 12| x 18. [In Beaujour (Louis Felix de). Apergu des Etats-Unis, au commencement du XIX« si^cle, depuis 1800 jusqu'en 1810. 12°. Paris, L. G. Michaud, 1814. front.] Map of the United States. 13 x 18. [In Melish (John). Travels through the United States. 8°. Philadelphia, ; 1815. v. 1. front.] Note. — For Melish' s large map, see 1818. Latour (Arsene Lacarriere). Atlas to the historical memoir of the war in west Florida and Louisiana, title. 8 maps. 8°. Philadelphia, J. Con- rad & CO. 1816. A map of the United States of North America. Drawn from a number of critical researches. By A. Arrowsmith, Jan. 1, 1796. Additions to 1802- 1816. 4 sheets. [In Arrowsmith (Aaron). Atlas to Thompson's Alcedo. fol. London, G. Smeeton, 1816. Map. 4-7]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 879 United States. The United States of America. Wiglitman sc. lOi x 7| . [In Cummings (Jacob Abbot). School atlas to Cummings' ancient & mod- em geography. 4th ed. 8°. Boston, Cummings & Hilliard, [1816]. map 3] .. Note. — Same map found in 8th ed. [1825?]. A diagram of the triangulation for the survey of the coast of the United States made in 1817 and 1833, and the secondary triangles made in 1833 & 1834 in Connecticut & upon Long Island. 13 x ITj. [In American state papers, fol. Washington, Gales esten quellen entworfen und gezeichn't A'on hauptm. Radefeld. 1847. Meyer's Handatlas. [Supplm. 10]. no. 110. Hi X 14. Stich, druck and verlag des bibliographisches zu Hildburghauses, [1847]. Traveller's map of the middle, northern, eastern states and Canada. 18 x 23. Xew York, J. Disturnell, 1847. [In Disturnell (J.) Disturnell's guide through the niiddle, northern and eastern states. 16°. Xew York, 1847]. Disturnell (John). Traveller's map of the middle, northern, eastern states and Canada. Showing all the rail road, steamboat, canal, and principal stage routes. 17 x 23. Xew York, J. Disturnell, 1848. Ensigns & Thayer. Ornamental map of the United States and Mexico. 21 X 30. Xew York, Ensigns & Thayer, [1848]. Ensigns & Thayer. Pictorial map of the great west. 20 x 28. Xew York, Ensigns & Thayer, [1848]. Map of the route surveyed for the south-western railroad from Macon to the Chattanooga river. Surveyed by F. P. Holcomb. 21 x 28. [In American railroad journal. 4°. Phila. 1848. 2d quarto series, v. 4]. Skeleton map showing the railroads completed and in progress in the United States and those projected through the public lands and their connection with the principal harbours on the lakes and on the seaboard. Printed by order of the senate of the United States, the 9th. sess. 31st cong. 1848-9. Accompanied with a report from hon. Sidney Breese, for granting land to the state of Illinois. 45 x 36. Washington, C. B. Graham's, lith. [1849]. , 900 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. United States. Map of the emigrant road from Independence, Mo. to St. Francisco, Cal. By T. H. Jefferson. 4 sheets, obi. 4°. New York, author, 1849. Die Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika. 16 x 22. Berlin, D. Reimer, 1849. [In Hitter (Carl). Geographiscer atlas, fol. Berlin, 1851. p. 22]. Map of the United States, the British provinces, Mexico, &c. Showing the routes of the U. S. steam packets to California, and a plan of the gold region. Drawn & engraved by J. M. Atwood. 18 x 24. New York, J. H. Colton, 1849. Map of a reconnoissance between fort Leavenworth and Missouri river and the Great Salt lake in the territory of Utah, made in 1849 and 1850 under the order of col. J. J. Abert. By col. Howard Stansbury. col. 29 ± 68. New York, Ackerman, [1849-50]. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers]. Note. — To accompany "Exploration and survey of the valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah." 32d cong. spec. sess. senate ex. doc. 3, in v. 2. Telegraphic and railroad map of the United States, the British provinces, &c. 20 x 25. New York, J. H. Colton, 1849. [In Fisher (Richard S.) The book of the world. 8°. New York, J. H. Colton, 1849. v. 1. at end]. Graphische darstellungen der bevolkerungs-verhaltnisse &c. in den Vereinig- ten Staaten von Nord Amerika, nach dem neuesten census [1850]. Ge- zeichnet von A. Petermann. 9| x 15. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1855. [In Petermann's mittheilungen. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1855. v. 1. p. 148].. Map of the United States and their territories between the Mississippi and the Pacific ocean; and of part of Mexico, 1850. 43 x 39. Washington, [1850]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey] . Map of the railroads in the United States in operation & progress. Drawn, and engraved under the direction of the editor of the American railroad journal, [anon.] 32 x 42. New York, D. McLellan lit^ [185-?]. Map of the United States and Canada. lOJ x l/^. [In Smith (R. C.) Smith's atlas. Improved ed. 4°. New York, Gady & Burgess, 1850]. Mitchell's new traveller's guide throughout the United States, showing the railroads, canals, stage roads, &c. with distances from place to place. Drawn and engraved by Ira S. Drake. 21 x 28. Philadelphia, Thomas Cowperthwait & co. 1850. [In Mitchell (S. A.) Mitchell's new travellers guide through the United States. 18°. Philadelphia, T. Cowperthwait & co. 1850]. Reconnoissances of the western coast of the United States from Monterey to the Columbia river: in three sheets. By the hydrographic party under the command of W. P. McArthur, 1850. Ist. ed. 3 sheets, each 20 x 18. [Washington, 1850]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. Note. — With sailing directions of 4 pages. Table [with map] showing the estimated surface of the territories of the United States, north and west of the regularly organized states of the Union, and the portions of territory thereof, situated north and south of the parallel of 39° 30' north latitude. E. Gihnan, draftsman, col. 14 x 31. [Philadelphia, P. S. Duvall's lith. [185-]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 901 United States. Etats-Unis. Dresse par A. H. Dufour. 8 x 10, [InBalbi (Adrien). Abrege de geographie. S-'ed. 8°. Paris, J. Renoiiard & cie. 1850. p. 979]. Uuited States. Map 1-9. [In Smith (R. C.) Smith's atlas. Improved ed. 4°. New York, Cady & Burgess, 1850]. United States and Texas. By A. K. Johnston. Engraved by W. & A. K. Johnston. Geographical miles 60 to a degree. English miles 69 to a degree. 18J x 23i [In Johnston (Alexander Keith). The national atlas of historical, com- mercial and political geography [etc.] fol. Edinburgh and London, W. Blackwood & sons, 1850. no. 39]. Carte des nouveaux etats et territoires annexes aux Etats-Unis. Extraite de la carte generale des Etats-Unis publiee a New- York en 1851 par H, S. Tanner. 15J x 19. [In Societe de geographie. Bulletin. 4'' serie. 8°. Paris, 1851. v. 2. at end]. Mitchell's new atlas of North and South America. 1 p. 1. 43 maps. fol. Philadelphia, Thomas Cowperthwait & co. 1851. Mitchell's reference & distance map. By. J. II. Young col. 55 x 76. [Philadelphia], S. A. Mitchell, 1851. A new map of the United States, upon which are delineated its vast works of internal communication, routes across the continent, &c. Showing also Canada and the island of Cuba. By W. Williams, col. 29 x 34. Philadelphia, Lippincott, Grambo & co. 1851. Reconnoissance of the western coast of the United States from Monterey to the Columbia river. In three sheets. By the hydrographic party under the command of W. P. McArthur [etc.] 3d ed. 3 sheets, each 20 x 17. [Washington, 1851]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. Special karte der Vereinigten Staaten von Nord Amerika nach Smith Tanner, [etc.] Von L. HoUe. Map of the United States. 25 x 34. Wolfenbuttel, L. Holle, 1851. [In Fleischmann (C. L.) Wegweiser und rathgeber nach und in den Vereinigten Staaten. 16°. Stuttgart, 1852]. Williams (W.) A new map of the United States, upon which are delin- eated its vast works of internal communication, routes across the conti- nent, &c. 34 x 30. Philadelphia, Lippincott, Grambo & co. 1851. [In Williams (W.) The traveller's and tourist's guide. 16°. Philadel- phia, 1851]. No. 1. Map exhibiting the southern boundary of New^ Mexico as respectfully claimed by the United States & the Mexican commissioner under the 5th article of the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Accompanying commissioner Bartlett's letter to the secretary of the Interior of dec. 28th, 1850. 11^ x 7^. [In United States. Congress. Senate. Executive documents. Istsess. 32d congress. 1851-52. 8°. Washington, A. B. Hamilton, 1852. v. 14. doc. no. 119]. Note.— This and the following six titles accompany "A resolution of the Senate calUng for information in relation to the commission appointed to run and mark the boundary between the United States and Mexico, July 26, 1852." 902 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. United States. No. 2. DisturneH's map exhibiting the error in the Rio Grande's position. Accompanying commissioner Bartlett's letter to the secretary of the Interior of dec. 28th 1850. 8x11. [In United States. Congress. Senate. Executive documents. Istsess. 32d congress. 1851-52. 8°. Washington, A. B. Hamilton, 1852. v. 14. doc. no. 119]. Mexican boundary. Sketch A. Referred to in colonel Graham's report to the hon: the secretary of the Interior, of august 16th, 1851. 18^ x 5. [In United States. Congress. Senate. Executive documents. Istsess. 32d congress, 1851-52. 8°. Washington, A. B. Hamilton, 1852. v. 14. doc. no. 119]. Mexican boundary B. Extract from the treaty map of Disturnell of 1847. Referred to in col: Graham's report to the hon: the secretary of the Interior of aug'st 16th 1851. 9 x 15^. [In United States. Congress. Senate. Executive documents. Istsess. 32d congress. 1851-52. 8°. Washington, A. B. Hamilton, 1852. v. 14. doc. no. 119]. That part of Disturnell' s treaty map in the vicinity of the Rio Grande and southern boundary of New Mexico as referred to by U. S. surveyor in communication to commissioner July 25, 1851. 8^ x 11. [In United States. Congress. Senate. Executive documents. Istsess. 32d congress. 1851-52. 8°. Washington, A. B. Hamilton, 1852. v. 14. doc. no. 119]. No. 1. Accompanying commissioner Bartlett's letter to the secretary of the Interior, dated '* Santa Rita del Cobre, august 8th, 1851." 8x8. [In United States. Congress. Senate. Executive documents. Istsess. 32d congress. 1851-52. 8°. Washington, A. B. Hamilton, 1852. v. 14. doc. no. 119]. No. 2. [From Emory's map]. Accompanying commissioner Bartlett's let- ter to the secretary of the Interior, dated ** Santa Rita del Cobre, august 8th, 1851." 8| X 14. .[In United States. Congress. Senate. Executive documents. Istsess. 32d congress. 1851-52. 8°. Washington, A. B. Hamilton, 1852. v. 14. doc. no. 119]. Disturnell (J.) Map of the United States, in part and Canada. Showing all the canals, railroads, navigable rivers, &c. 33 x 52. New York, J. Disturnell, 1852. General chart of the coast from Gay Head to cape Henlopen. From a trigonometrical survey under the. direction of F. R. Hassler and A. D. Bache. Electrotype copy no. 1 . By G. Mathiot. 31x37. [Washington,. 1852]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. Map of the great west. Embracing Illinois, Missouri, Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota, col. 48 x 34, New York, Ensign, Thayer & co. 1852. A new map of the United States, [etc.] By W. AVilliams. 24 x 29. Phil- adelphia, Lippincott, Grambo & co. 1852. Boundary between the United States and Mexico, shewing the initial point under the treaty of dec. 30, 1853. Astronomically determined and sur- veyed in 1855, under the direction of William H. Emory. Projected & drawn by F. Herbst. 24 x 36. [Washington, 1855]. [United States. Department of the interior]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 908 United States. INIap illustrating the disputed boundary between the United States and Mexico. Compiled from authentic maps & drawn by G. Schroeter. 8J X 15*. Xew York, Disturnell & Schroeter, 1853. ]Map no 2. Eio Bravo del Xorte section of boundary between the l.^nited States & Mexico agreed upon by the joint commission under the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo; surveyed in 1852-3 under the direction of lieut. W. H. Emory. 25 x 38. [Washington, 1853]. [United States. Department of the interior]. ^lap no 3. Boundary between the United States & Mexico, agreed upon by the joint commission under the treaty of dec. 30. 1853. Surveyed in 1855, under the direction of major W. H. Emory. 25 x 38. [Washing- ton, 1855]. [United States. Department of the interior]. Map no 4. Boundary between the United States et Mexico agreed upon by the joint commission under the treaties of Guadalupe Hidalgo; and dec. 30. Surveyed in 1849 and 1854-5. John B. Weller, U. S. comm--. in 1849 & W". H Emory in 1854 c% 55. 25 x 38. [Washington, 1855]. [United States. Department of the interior]. Karte von einem theile des felsengebirges mit dem Siid-Pass und den Parks, so wie von grossen Saln-see und dessen umgebungen. 10^ x 12. [In Olshaesen (Theodor). Das Mississippi thai. 8°. Kiel, 1853. v. 1. at end] . Map of the proposed northern route for a railroad to the Pacific, by Edwin F. Johnson. 1853. 21 x 32. [In American rail road journal. 4°. New York, 1853. 2d quarto series. V. 9. no. 721]. New map .of California, Oregon, Washington, Utah, and New Mexico. Compiled from the latest authorities & surveys, by G. H. Schroeter. col. 27 X 23. New York, J. Disturnell, 1853. North America. P^ngraved by Sidney Hall. 14^ x 10. [In Encyclopaedia (The) britannica. 8th ed. 4°. 1853. v. 2. pi. 22]. Note. — Gives boundary settled 1825, Russia-Great Britain. Map of the United States and Canada. [And] :Map no. 1-10. United States. [In Smith (RoswellC.) Smith's atlas of modern and ancient geography. 4°. New York, D. Burgess & co. 1853]. — Neueste eisenbahn-kanal u. post karte fiir reisende in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nord Amerika. etc. Nach J. Calvin Smith. H. S. Tanner, etc. 28 x 22. [In Bromme (Traugott). Hand- und reisebuch fiir auswanderer und rei- sende nach Nord Mittel- und Sud Amerika. 12°. Bamberg, 1853]. Reconnaissance of the western coast of the United States from Gray's Har- bor to the entrance of Admiralty inlet. By the hydrographic party under the command of lieut. James Alden. 1853. 15 x 17. [Washington, 1853]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. Skeleton map exhibiting the route explored by capt. J. W. Gunnison 38 parellel of north latitude [1853] also that of the 41 parellel of latitude explored by lieut. E. G. Beck with. [1854]. Drawn by J. W. Egloffstein. 25 X 38. [n. p. 1855]. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers] . 904 LIST OF MAPS OF AMEEICA. United States. Territory of the United States from the Mississippi river to the Pacific ocean; originally prepared to accompany the reports of the explora- tions for a Pacific railroad route; made in accordance with the 10th & 11th sections of the Army appropriation, act of March 3rd, 1853; compiled from authorized explorations and other reliable data by lieut. G. K. Warren, topi, eng'rs. In the office of Pacific r. r. surveys, war dept. under the direction of bvt. maj. W. H. Emory, topi, eng'rs in 1854, capt. A. A. Humphreys topi, eng'rs in 1854-1858. Recompiled and redrawn under the direction of the chief of corps of engineers by Edward Freyhold, • 1865-66-67-68. 57 x 46|. New York, engraved & printed by Julius Bien, N. Y. [1868]. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers] . Note. — Gives north west boundary line. And in corner "Territory of Alaska, ceded by Russia to the United States, 1868." Reconnaissance and survey of a railway route from Mississippi river near 35th parellel north lat. to Pacific ocean. Made under the direction of the secy, of war, by lieut. A. W. Whipple. Drawn by M. von Hippel. Map no. 1-2. 1853-4. each 26 x 76. [n. p. 1855]. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers] . Blunt (E. & G. W. ) The coast of the United States. Sheet 1-2, each 32 x 46. New York, E. & G. W. Blunt, 1854-58. SUMMARY. Sheet 1. From Point Judith to Cape Lookout. 1854. 2. From Cape Lookout to Cape Carnaveral. 1858. Coast of the United States, from the U. S. coast surveys by Charles Copley. 1855. 35 X 48. New York, C. Copley & sons, 1855! Colton's map of the United States of America including Canada and a large portion of Texas. Showing the base meridian and township lines of the U. S. surveys, the lands allotted to the Indian tribes west of the Mississippi the various international improvements, &c. *By J. Calvin Smith, rev. ed. col. m X 82. New York, J. H. Colton & co. 1854. Ivarte der quellgebiete der fliisse Wichita, Brazos, Colorado &c. im innern von Nord-Amerika. Hauptsachlich nach den aufnahmen des capt. R. B. Marcy, 1854. [&] Karte des nordwestlichsten theile von Nord-Amerika. Yon A. Petermann. 9^ x 7|. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1859. [In Petermann' s mittheilungen. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1859. pi. 2. p. 48]. Lange (Henry). Atlas von Nord Amerika. 3 p. ]. 28 pp. 18 maps. obi. 4°. Braunschweig, G. Westermann, 1854. Map of the territory of the United States from the Mississippi to the Pacific ocean ordered by the hon. Jeff'n Davis, secretary of war, to accompany the reports of the explorations for a railroad route. Made in accordance with the 10th and 11th sections of the army appropriation act of march 3, 1853. Compiled from authorized explorations and other reliable data by lieut. G. K. Warren. In the office of Pacific r. r. surveys, war dept. under the direction of bvt. maj. W. H. Emory in 1854 and of capt. A, A. Hum- phreys 1854-5-6-7. 44 x 46. [n. p. 1857]. Mai) o^ the United States, with the railways. 18 x 21. [In Routledge's American handbook. 16°. London, 1854. at end]. Map of the United States. Pu])li8hed by Adolphus Ranney. 22x30. New York, A. Ranney, [1854]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 905 United States. A new map of our country present and prospective. Compiled from government surveys and other reliable sources. Published by Gas- ton & Johnson. 56 x 62. New- York, Gaston & Johnson, 1854. Route of a survey from the Pimas villiages on the Rio-Gila to Mesilla on the Rio-Bravo del Norte with a view to determine the practicability of a railroad from the Mississippi to the Pacific ocean through that region made by lieut. Jno. G. Parge, under orders from hon. Jefferson Davis 1854. Drawn by H. Custer. 26 x 67. [n. p. 1854]. . [United States. War department. Corps of engineers] . — The United States & the relative position of the Oregon & Texas. By James Wyld. 15 X 21 J. London, J. Wyld, [1854]. [In Wyld (James). A new general atlas, fol. London, J. Wyld, 1854]. — The United States, including the recently acquired territories. Drawn & engraved by J. Dower. English miles 69 to a degree. 16 x 13. [In Dower (John). A new general atlas of the world, compiled from the latest authorities both English & foreign [etc.] fol. London, H. Tees- dale & co. [1854]. no. 37]^ Note. — Known as Teesdale's Atlas. ■ Entwurf von linien gleichzeitig emtretender fluth Nordamerikanischen kiiste des Stillen meers, nach A. D. Bache's kiistenaufnahme. Maassstab 1:10,000,000. 1855. 7| x 4|. [In Gesellschaft fur erdkunde zu Berlin. Zeitschrift. 8°. Berlin, D. Reimer, 1856. v. 6. pi. 2]. Der golfstrom nach den unter leitung von prof. A. D. Bache, U. S. coast survey superintendent angestellten untersuchungen. Aus der im report of the superint. of C. S. Washington 1855, enthalten karte auf die hiilfte des massstabs (1:10,000,000) reducirt. 7^ x 6. [In Gesellschaft fiir erdkunde zu Berlin. Zeitschrift. 8°. Berlin, D. Reimer, 1856. v. 6. pi. 2]. Geologische Karte der Vereinigten Staaten und Britischen provinzen von Nord Amerika. Von Jules Marcou. juli 1855. 9 J x 15i. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1855. [In Petermann's mittheihmgen. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1855. v. 1. p. 172]. Williams' commercial map of the United States and Canada, with railroad routes and distances, col. 35 x 50. Philadelphia, W. Williams, [1855]. Smith (J. Calvin). Map of the United States. Showing the railroads. 21x27. [In Smith (J. Calvin). Harper's statistical gazetteer of the world. 8°. New York, 1855. p. 1778]. Traveller's map of the middle, northern, eastern states and Canada. Show- ing all the railroad, steamboat, canal and principal stage routes. 19 x 23. New York, J. Disturnell, [1855]. [In Disturnell (John). The traveler's guide to the Hudson river. 16°. New York, 1864]. The United States, march 4, 1855. 5J x 8. [In Hart (A. B.) Epoch maps illustrating American history, obi. 12°. New York, Longmans, Green & co. 1891. no. 12]. United States. Drawn & engraved by J. Dower. 10^ x 8. [In Petermann (August Heinrich) and Milner (Thomas). The library atlas of physical and political geography [etc.] fol. London, W. S. Orr, 1855. no. 39]. 906 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. TTnited States. The United States of America, col. 17 x 26. New York, J. H... Colton & CO. 1855. [In Goodrich (S. G. ) The world as it is and as it has been. 4°. New York, 1855. at end]. Black's atlas of North America. A series of twenty maps constructed and engraved by John Bartholomew. 39 pp. 20 maps. fol. Edinburgh, A. & C. l^lack, 1856. Map shewing the railways in the United States and Canada. To accompany capt. Gal ton's report to the lords of the committee of privy council for trade, 1856. Drawn by F. McKenzie. 20^ x 26. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Reports, accounts and papers. 1857. V. 16]. Mitchell's new national map, exhibiting the United States, with the North ^American British provinces. Sandwich Islands, Mexico, and Central . America, together with Cuba and other West India islands, col. 63 x 63. Philadelphia, S. A. Mitchell, 1856. Ranney (A.) National political map of the United States, col. 29x36.. New' York, A. Ranney, [1856]. Reynolds's political map of the United States. Designed to exhibit the comparitive area of the free and slave states, and the territory open to slavery or freedom by the repeal of the Missouri compromise. (;ol. 27 X 30. New York, W. C. Reynolds & J. C. Jones, [1856]. United States railway map, showing all the railways completed in progress and proposed in the United States and Canadas. Together with a map of routes for a Pacific railway. Carefully compiled from government sur- veys, col. 63 X 72. Cincinnati, Middleton, Wallace & co. 1856. Die verbreitung der hauptsiichlichsten kultur-produkte der Vereinigten Staaten von N. Am'erika. Entworfen und gezeichnet von A. Petermann.. 10 X 24i. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1856. [In Petermann's mittheilungen. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1856. pi. 20-34]. Aboriginal map of North America, denoting the boundaries and the location of various Indian tribes. John Arroyvsmith lith. col. 18 x 22. [In Great Britain. Parhament. Reports from committees. Hudson's bay CO. 1857. V. 15]. Colton' s map of the United States, the Canadas &c. showing the railroads^ canals, & stage roads. 25 x 30. New York, J. H. Colton & co. 1857. [In Fisher (Richard S.) Colton's traveler and tourist's guide-book. 16°. New York, 1857]. Map and profile of the valley of the St. Lawrence river c^ lake country extending from lake Superior to the gulf of St. Lawrence. 19 x 30. [In Disturnell (John). A trip through the lakes of North America. 16°. N. Y. J. Disturnell, 1857. at end]. Ensign, Bridgmau ik Fanning. A new map of the western states. Eng^. by W. Hatfield, col. 24 x 32. New York, Ensign, Bridgman ik, Fan- ning, 1858. Map of the Dubuque and Pacific railroad and its connections. 9 x 9^. [In American railroad journal. 4°. New York, 1857. 2d series. 4°. v. 13. p. 592]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 90 T United States. Map of the Milwaukee & Mississippi railroad and its connections. 94 X 12. [In American railroad journal. 4°. New York, 1857. 2d series. 4°. v. 13. p. 176]. Map of the United States, British i& Central America. From state docu- ments & unpublished materials by professor H. D. Rogers, of Boston, IT. S. and A. Keith Johnston, geographer to the queen. 1857. Engraved by W. & A. K. Johnston, col. 54 x 67. Edinburgh, W. & A. K. John- ston, [1857]. A new and complete railroad map of the United States, compiled from reli- able sources by William Ferris. 32 x 40. [New York, 1857]. H. V. Poor's new and complete map of all the railroads in the United States & Canadas in operation & progress. 37 x 44. Xew York, J. H. Schultz &CO. [1858]. Railroad map of the eastern, western and northern states and Canada. Con- structed by W. Williams. 48 x 28. Philadelphia, W. Williams, 1857. Railroad map of the United States and the Canadas. Compiled, drawn and published by J. H. Higginson. 6 sheets, each 40 x 26. Xew York, J. H. Higginson, 1857. J. Sage & sons' new and reliable railroad map comprising all the railroads in the United States and Canadas, with their stations and distances, col. 44 X 56. Buffalo, N. Y. J. Sage & sons, [1858]. United States. By S. Hall. English miles 69=1 degree. 16J x 20. Lon- don, Longman & co. [1857]. [In Hall (Sidney). A new general atlas, fol. London, Longman, Brown,, Green & Longmans, [1857]. no. 43]. Wood's historical map; showing all places of historical importance [etc.} Designed by William H. Wood. col. 57 x 63. Nev/ York, J. H. Colton, 1857. Map of the United States and their territories, between the Mississippi and the Pacific ocean and part of Mexico. Compiled from survey made under the order of W. H. Emory, [etc.] Projected and drawn under the super- vision of ]t. N. Michler by Thomas Jekyll. 1857-8. 20 x 22. Washing- ton, S. Siebert's printing establishment, [1858]. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers]. — Die Yereinigten Staaten von Norclamerika. Ostlicher theil. Bearbeitet von C. Griif. 25 x 22. Weimar, geographisches institut, [1858]. Karte zur iibersicht der neuestenforschungen im innern Xord Amerika's bis zuni ostrande der Rocky mts. Gez. v. A. Petermann. 7h x 9J. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1858. [In Petermann's mittheilungen. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1858. pi. 10. p. 306]. Map of the country from lake Superior to the Pacific ocean. From the latest explorations and surveys to accompany the report of the New York cham- ber of commerce. April, 1858. 22 x 44. New York, drawn, engraved, printed & colored at Colton's geographical establishment, 1868. Sketch exhibiting the routes between fort Laramie and the Great Salt Lake. Drawn by E. Freyhold. Jan. 1858. 20 x 32. [Washington, 1858]. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers]. 908 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. United States. Die Vereinigten Staaten von Nord America nebst Canada. Bear- beitet und gezeichnet von H. Kiepert. Revidirt 1858. Weimer, geo- graphisches institut, 1858. Civilized America. Del. & litho. by James Wyld. London. 15 x 21^. [In Grattan (Thomas CoUey). Civilized America. 8°. London, Bradbury & Evans, 1859. v. 1]. 5 — Lloyd's American railroad map. Showing the three proposed roads and the overland mail route to the Pacific. 24 x 36. New York, R. Smith, 1859. INlap of the free states of N. America, shewing the railways. 1859. 11 x 23. [In Hancock (William). An emigrant's five years in the free states of America. 12°. London, I860]. ]\lap of the military dep't of Texas. Being a section of the map of the terri- tory of the v. S. from the Mississippi river to the Pacific ocean. Compiled from all the reliable data by It. G. K. Warren under the direction of col. A.A.Humphreys. 1859. col. 21x24. [Washington, 1859]. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers] . Map of boundary line. 4J x 6J. J. Wyld del. [In Grattan (Thomas Colley) . Civilized America. 8°. London, Bradbury & Evans, 1859. v. 1. at end]. Map of the United States and Mexico. Published by Johnson & Browning under the direction of col. Carlos Butterfield, dec. 1859. col. 30 x 36. [New York, 1859]. Preliminary chart no. 3 of the sea coast of the United States from Cape Small Point, Maine, to cape Cod, Mass. From a trigonometrical survey j under the direction of A. D. Bache. 36 x 28. [Washington, 1859]. I [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. The province of British Columbia & Vancouver island. With portions of the United States & Hudson's bay territories. Compiled from original documents by John Arrowsmith 1859. 23 x 20^. London, J. Arrowsmith, 1859. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Accounts and papers. 1859. v. 22]. Map of the southern states of North America with the forts, harbours & military positions. James Wyld, geographer to the queen. 25| x 39. London, J. Wyld, [186-]. Johnson (A. J.) Johnson's new railroad & country copper plate map of the southern states, col. 25 x 33. New York, Johnson & Browning, 1860. ]Map of the boundary line between British America & the United States, showing the proposed route from Fort William to Arrow lake, thence to Rainy lake via the Old north west company route. J, Arrowsmith lith. lU X 32. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Accounts and papers, 1860. v. 44]. Colton's new railroad & county map of the United States, the Canadas &c. 31 x 39. New York, J. H. Colton, 1860. Note. — Inset: "Colton's map of the United States showing the proposed railroad routes to the Pacific ocean." ]\Iap of the United States exhibiting the military dep'ts & posts 1860. 12J x 19J. Scale 1: 10,000,000. New York, J. Bien lith. [I860]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 909 United States. Physikalische karte des Alleghany-systeius. Nach alien vorhand- enen messungen und untersuchungen gezeichnet von Ernst Sandoz. Massstab 1:6,000,000. 9J x 16. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1860. [In Petermann's mittheilungen. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1860. v. 6. p. 284]. The Washington map of the United States. By M. F. :Maury. col. 65 x 65. Washington, W. G. Bond, [I860]. Illustrating the civil war. By Russell Hinman, c. e. 6^ x 8. [1860-65]. [In Thalheimer (M. E.) The eclectic historical atlas. 8°. Cincinnati, Van Antwerp, Bragg & co. [1885]. map 24]. Colton's map of the United States, Mexico, the West Indies, &c. 1861. col. 30 X 37. New York, J. H. Colton & co. [1861]. Colton's map of the southern states. Including Maryland, Delaware, Vir- ginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, [etc.] col. 38 X 54. New York, J. H. Colton, 1861. Colton's township and railroad map of the United States, including a large portion of Canada, New Brunswick &c. 81 x 84. New York, J. H. Col- ton, 1861. Colton's United States shewing the military stations, forts &c. col. 16 x 26. New York, J. H. Colton, 1861. G. Woolworth Colton's map of the country 500 miles around the city of Washington. Showing the seat of war in the east. 20 x 30. New York, G. W. Colton, 1861. G. Woolworth Colton's new guide map of the United States & Canada, with railroads, counties, etc. 30 x 35. New York, G. W. Colton, 1861. Goldthwait's map of the United States & Canada, exhibiting the railroads with their distances, single and double tracks & width of gauge. By G. H. Goldthwait. col. 27 x 32. New York, G. W. Colton, 1861. Lloyd's map of the southern states. Showing all the railroads, their stations & distances, also the counties, towns, [etc.] 1861. col. 38 x 56. New York, J. T. Lloyd, 1861. Lloyd's military map and gazetteer of the southern states. [Weekly. Sept. 7, 1861]. 4 sheets. 27 x 20. New York, J. T. Lloyd, 1861. Lloyd (H. H.) & co. Military portraits, map of the seat of war, uniforms, arms, &c. col. 27 x 35. New York, H. H. Lloyd & co. [1861]. Map showing the distribution of the slave population of the southern states of the United States. Compiled from the census of 1860. Engr. by Th. Leonhardt. Drawn by E. Hergesheimer. 27 x 33^. Washington, D. C. H. S. Graham, 1861. Note. — Sold for the benefit of the sick and wounded soldiers of the U. S. army. Mitchell's military map of the United States. Showing forts, &c. With separate maps of states, vicinities of cities, &c. 23 x 25. Philadelphia, S. A. Mitchell, jr. [1861]. Preliminary chart of the Atlantic coast from cape Hatteras to cape Florida. 1861. Autographic transfer 1861. 38 x 20. [Washington, 1861]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. ^10 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. United States. Sketch of the Atlantic coast of the United States from Savannah river to St. Mary's river, embracing the coast of the state of Georgia. 1861. Drawn by A. Lindenkohl. 28 x 40. [Washington, 1861]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey] . Thayer's statistical and military map of the middle and southern states. Pubhshed by H. Thayer. 21 x 29. New York, H. Thayer, 1861. The United States, July 4, 1861. 5^ x 8. [In Hart (A. B.) Epoch maps illustrating American history, obi. 12°. New York, Longmans, Green & co. 1891. no. 13]. 'Jie Vereinigten Staaten von Nord America nebst Canada. Maassstab in 1/8.000.000. Bearbeitet und gezeichnet von H. Kiepert. Revidert 1861. Gestochen von C. Poppey, jun. 21 x 25. Weimar, geographisches institut, [1861]. Cowles (Calvin D.) Atlas of the war of the rebellion. Giving Union and Confederate armies by actual surveys by the Union and Confederate engineers. Compiled by capt. Calvin D. Cowles. Rev. for publication by J. A. Caldwell. This volume contains over seven hundred maps, showing all the battlefields from 1861-1865. 3 p. 1. 40 maps. 12 pi. fol. New York, atlas publishing co. 1892. [ United States. AVar department] . Note. — To accompany the official record of the Union and Confederate armies 1861-65. series I. Civil war. 1861-1865. 22x23. [In Goff (E. A. W.) and Goff (H. S.) The United States and her neigh- bors. 4°. N. Y. G. F. Cram, 1893. p. 278]. Theatre of war in the United States. 1861-1865. Theatre of war in the east. 5| X 85. [Jn Labberton (R. H. ) New historical atlas. 4°. New York, T. MacCoun, 1886. pi. 71]. Carte generale des Etats-Unis et du Mexique comprenant 1' Amerique Centrale et les Antilles. Dressee par A. Yuillemin. 24^ x 36. Paris, E. Andri- veau-Goujon, 1862. [Atlas universel. no. 48]. Historical sketch of the rebellion. July 1862. col. 18x17. [Washing- ton], office of the U. S. coast survey, 1862. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. Hazard's railroad & military map of the southern states prepared by the committee on inland transportation of the board of trade of Philadelphia, from the latest accessible authorities. The coast accurately drawn from the U. S. coast surveys and by the war department as the official map for government use, 1862. Draw^n & engraved by P. Duval & son, lith'rs. Philad'a. 31 x 50i. Philadelphia, W. P. Hazard, 1862. Note.— Copyrighted in 1862 by Thomas Kimber, jr. Mitchell's new national map, exhibiting the United States with the North American British provinces. Sandwich islands, ^Mexico, and Central Amer- ica, together with Cuba and other West India islands. 60 x 60. Phila- delphia, S. A. Mitchell, 1862. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 911 United States. Lloyd's new map of the United States, the Canadas and New Bruns- wick, from the latest surveys showing every railroad & station finished to June, 1862 and the Atlantic and gulf coasts. From United States superin- tendent's official reports of the coast survey by order of congress. 1862. Statute or American miles 69.1 to a degree. 37 x 50. New York, J. T. Lloyd, [1862]. The new naval and military map of the United States hy J. Calvin Smith. 65 X 65. Philadelphia, J. Baker, [1862]. Note.— Copyrighted 1862 by Kobert P. Smith. Giving "the census 1860 in advance of official publication. Inset: View of Washington city. Illus- trated border of portraits. Hail road map of the southern states shewing the southern & southwestern railway connections with Philadelphia 1862. Prepared by Thomas Kim- ber, jr. chairman of the committee on inland transportation of the board of trade of Philadelphia. From the latest accessible authorities. The coast accurately drawn from the U. S. coast surveys. Drawn & engraved by P. S. Duval & son, lith'rs, Philad'a. 30J x 52^ [1862]. The Washington map of the United States, by the superintendent U. S. national observatory Washington, D.C. 1862. Scale 1/3. 000. 000. 67x66^. Philadelphia, S. Taintor & co., and London, Holmes, Harrison & co. [1862]. Note. — Copyrighted, 1861, by Robert P. Smith. Bancroft's map of the Pacific states. Compiled by W. H. Knight. Scale 24 statute miles to an inch. 59| x 50|^. San Francisco, H. H. Bancroft & CO. 1863. Central map of the United States. W. Hughes. 9 x 12. [In Bartlett (W. H.) and Woodward (B. B.) The history of the United States. 8°. London, Virtue & co., [1863]. v. 2. p. 501]. G. Wool worth Colton's series of railroad maps no. 3. New railroad map of middle states including New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Dela- ware, Maryland, Ohio and Canada, drawn, engraved & published by G. Woolworth Colton, 1863. Scale 20 statute miles to an inch. 38 x 29. New Ybrk, G. W. Colton, 1863. Extract from a map entitled Portions of the military departments of the Cumberland (which includes Tennessee west of the Tenn. river (except Forts Henry and Donelson) and the northern portions of Alabama and Georgia), of the south (which includes South Carolina, East Florida, and part of Georgia) and of the gulf (which comprises all the coast of the gulf of Mexico west of Pensacola harbor, and so much of the gulf states as may be occupied by gen'l Banks' forces, also West Florida, and Texas). Com- piled in the bureau of engineers, war department 1863. Denis Callahan delt. Lith. by J. Bien, New York. Scale of miles 1 : 350,000 or 5,524 stat. miles to 1 inch. 37 x 48. New York, J. Bien, [1863]. Historical sketch of the rebellion. Drawn by H. Lindenkohl. 1 map. 18 X 18. [Washington], office of the U. S. coast survey, [1863]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. Lloyd's new map of the United States, the Canadas, and New Brunswick. From the latest surveys, showing every railroad, & station finished to June, 1863. col. 37 x"^49. New York, J. T. Lloyd, 1863. 912 LIST OF MAPS OF AMEKICA. United States. Map to accompany "My diary north & south." 22 x 20. [In Russell (W. H.) My diary north and south. 12°. London, 1863, front.] Parts of southern states bordering on gulf of Mexico. J. Wells del. Rae Smith, sc. 6J x 9^ [New York] , Virtue, Yorston & co. 1863. Phelps & Watson's historical and military map of the border & southern states. 35 pp. I col. map. 24x35. 18°. New York, Phelps & Watson, 1863. United States. 9 x 12}. [In Bartlett (W. H.) and Woodward (B. B.) The history of the United States. 8°. London, Virtue & co. [1863]. v. 1. p. 587]. • Wall atlas. Constructed & drawn under the direction of A. Guyot. By Ernst Sandoz. Large series, col. 64 x 80. New York, C. Scribner, 1863. Whitney (William H.) Union and Confederate campaigns in the lower Shenandoah valley illustrated. Twenty years after — at the first reunion of Sheridans veterans on the fields and m the camps of the valley, title. 66 pp. 25 maps. fol. Boston, W. H. Whitney, 1883. Note. — Blue prints. The American continent. Topographical and railroad map of the United States, British possessions. West Indies, Mexico and Central America. Compiled from the best authorities, by ft. Rosa. 37 x 46. New York, C. Lubbrecht & co. [1864]. Same. The American continent. Topographical and railroad map of the United States, British possessions, West Indies, Mexico and Central America. Compiled from the best authorities by R. Rosa. 37 x 46. New York, Lubbrecht & co. 1865. Note. — Copyrighted 1864. Bancroft's map of the Pacific states. By W"". H. Knight, col. 46 x 65, San Francisco, H. H. Bancroft & co. 1864. Bechler (Gustavus R.) Atlas showing battles, engagements, and important localities connected with the campaigns in Virginia, completing the cam- paign map. 4 p. 1. 16 pi. obi. 12°. Philadelphia, G. R. Bechler, [1864]. Carte du th^Atre de la guerre aux Etats-Unis. 1864. 13 x 12. [In France. Ministere de la marine et des colonies. Revue maritime et coloniale. Sept.-d6c. 1864. 8°. Paris, 1864. v. 12. p. 860]. The Confederate States, with the border states «& the adjoining portion of the federal states. By J. Bartholomew, title. 20J x 24. 12°. London, G. Philip & son, [1864]. [Philip's series of travelling maps]. Colton (George W.) Colton's atlas of America, illustrating the physical ■jid j>olitical geography of North and South America and the West India Islands. Accompanied by descriptions geographical, statistical, and his- torical, by Richard Swanson Fisher. 151 pp. ill. title, incl. 43 maps, fol. New York, J. H. Colton, 1864. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 913 United States. Colton's condensed octavo atlan of tlie Union. 8 pp. 51 maps. 8°. New York, J. H. Colton, 1864. Colton's county & township map of the eastern c'fe middle states, showing the New England states, New York, Pennsylvania, [etc.] 29 x 40. New York, J. H. Colton, 1864. Colton's county and township map of the states of Illinois, Wisconsin, Min- nesota, Iowa and Missouri: With parts of Indiana, Michigan, Kansas and Nebraska. 36 x 27. New York, J. H. Colton, 1864. Colton's map of the states and territories west of the ^lississippi to the Pacific ocean. Showing the overland routes [etc.] 27 x 40. New York, J. H. Colton, 1864. . — Colton's traveler's map of the United States, showing the (M)unties, railroads, &c. 29 X 33. New York, J. H. Colton, 1864. Grenzen der neuen territorien im westlichen Nordamerica. 8J x 8^. [In Gesellschaft fiir erdkunde zu Berlin. Zeitschrift. Neue folge. 8°. Berlin, D. Reimer, 1864. v. 17. pi. 3]. Johnson's California, with territories of Utah, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona. 17 x 23. New York, Johnson & Ward, [1864]. Note. — From his atlas. Johnson (A. J.) Johnson's United States. 17 x 23. [New York], John- son & W^ard, [1864]. Note. — From his atlas. Map of the United States showing the territory in possession of the federal union, Jan. 1864. 18 x 27. [In Massie (J. W.) America. 12°. London, J. Snow, 1864]. Les materiaux de cette reduction sont empruntes pour le rio Colorado, :\ la belle carte de I'expedition Americaine sous les ordres du lieutenant Sit- greaves, et pour les bords du rio Gila, a, une carte des etats de Sonora et le Chihuahua de m. de Fleury, assez riche en details mais qui ne pent avoir les memes pretentions a une exactitude geographique. Paul Chaix. 15i x 1 7 J. [In Societe de geographic de Geneve. Memoires. 8°. Geneve, 1864. v. 4], Mendenhall (E. ) Railway and county map of the southern states, embrac- ing the States of N. Carolina, S. Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Tennessee, col. 18 x 32. Cincin- nati, E. Mendenhall, 1864. Mendenhall (E. ) Traveling map of the western states, exhibiting the counties, towns, and villiages, the railways, rivers, canals, [etc.] col. • 22^x29^ Cincinnati, E. Mendenhall, 1864. New outline and military map. By S. Agassiz ]Murphy. col. 55x72. St. Louis, C. Robyn & co. [1864]. Statistical map of the United States of America. 15 x 20. Philadelphia, Bowen & co. [1864]. [United States. Treasury department]. Appleton's railway map of the United States and the Canadas, representing railways in actual operation and those in course of construction. Also, map of the territories, showing the Pacific railroad, gold regions, &c. Carefully compiled by G. F. Thomas. 21 x 27. New York, D. Appleton & CO. [1865]. H. Doc. ol6 -58 914 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. United States. Map of the public land states and territories constructed from the public surveys and other official sources in the General land office. DrawTi by J. H. Hawes and T. Franks, 1865. Engraved by D. McClelland AVash'n D. C. 27 x 44. Philadelphia, Bo wen & co. lith. [1865]. Note. — To accompany * 'Annual report of the comm' r gen. land office. ' ' 39th cong. 1st sess. — Map of the territories & Pacific states to accompany "Across the continent ' by Samuel Bowles. 14 x 18. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton, 1865. Copyright by J. H. Goldthwaite. Note. — Inset: "Plan of California on an enlarged scale." ' New England and New York. Drawn by J. H. Higginson. Presented by the Niagara fire ins. co. 19 x 24^ [New York, 1865]. Note. — Copyright by P. Notman, 1165. New map of the U. S. territories and Pacific states. F. Bourquin, lith. 37^ X 32i New York, H. H. Lloyd & co. 1865. Part of the military department of the South. Embracing portions of Georgia and South Carolina. Compiled and engraved in the Engineer bureau, war department 1865. Scale: 1:350,000=5.524 miles to one inch. 38 X 46. [Washington, 1865]. [United States. War department. Bureau of engineers]. Physical map of the United States by A. Guyot. J. Schedler sc. E. Sandoz del. (tol. 4 X 65. New York, major Knapp, [1865]. Schonberg's imperial map of the United States and Canada. Drawn by Frederick Couette. col. 62 x 56. New York, Schonberg & co. 1865. [Southern States]. U. S. Coast survey. A, D. Bache supdt. 1865. Drawn by A. Lindenkohl. Scale, 1 inch =10 miles. 4 sheeets, each 23 x 34. Washington, D. C. the Norris Peters co. photo-lith. [1865]. A statistical map showing area & population of the British North American confederacy, and the United States, including British Columbia and Hud- son's Bay territory, showing the true and only practicable route from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean. Prepared from the latest authentic maps by Thomas Rawlings. 1865. 20 x 27. [In Rawlings (Thomas). The consideration of the British North American provinces. 8°. London, 1865]. Ashef & Adams. New & reliable railroad & telegraph map comprising all the railroad and telegraph lines in the United States and Canadas. col. 35 x 48. Indianapolis, Asher & Adams, [1866]. Asher & Adams, publishers of J. Sage & sons' new & reliable rail road & telegraph map comprising all the rail road and telegraph lines in the United States and Canadas, with their stations & distances, col. 35 x 44. Indianapolis, Ind, published by Asher & Adams, engraved, printed & mcjunted by Sage sons' & co. Buffalo, N. Y. [1866]. ■ liancroft's map of the Rocky mountain states and the Pacific coast. Com- l)ilel. 18. at end]. :\rap of the United States. 13x22. [In Beers (F. W. ) Atlas of Ionia county, Michigan, fol. New York, F. W. Beers mix)sing each political division at regular periods from 1776 to 1876." Historical map of the United States showing the early Spanish, French and English discoveries and explorations, also forts, towns & battle fields. Edited by Rufus Blanchard. 1876. col. 54 x 58. [Chicago, 1876]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 927 United States. Hitchcock (Charles H.) Gray's geological map of the United States. 16^ x 26*. [In Gray (0. AV. ) & son. New illustrated atlas of Dutchess county, X. Y. fol. Reading, Pa. Reading publishing house, 1876. pp. 32-33. sup.] Same. Hit(;hcock (Charles H. ) Gray's geological map of tlie United States. 16^ X 27. [In Gray (O. \V.) & son. New topographical atlas of Essex county, X. Y. fol. Philadelphia, O. ^V. Gray & son, 1876. pp. 32-33. sup.] The Indianapolis journal map. Prepared by H. H. Lloyd t'>c co. col. 27 X 37. Xew York, H. H. Lloyd ik co, [1876]. Lane & Bodley co., map of the states from the lakes to the gulf. Designed by Henry S. Stebbins. col. 27 x 38. Xew York, prepared at H. H. Lloyd & co.'s map establishment, [1876]. Lloyd's dollar map of the north eastern states, col. 27 x 38. New York, H. H. Lloyd & co. [1876]. Lloyd's dollar map of the southern states, col. 27 x 38. New York, H. H. Lloyd & CO. [1876]. Lloyd's dollar map of the south-western states, col. 38x27. New York, H. H. Lloyd & co. [1876]. Lloyd's dollar map of the western states, col. 27 x 38. New York, H. H. Lloyd & CO. [1876]. Lloyd's dollar map of the United States, col. 26 x 37. New York, H. H. Lloyd & CO. 1876. Lloyd's office map of the north west. col. 30 x 26. New York, H. H. Lloyd & CO. 1876. Chas. Lubrecht's centennial county railroad & distance map of the L'nited States and the dominion of Canada. Compiled and drawn l)y J. K. Hare, col. 36 X 54. New York, Haasis & Lubrecht, [1876]. Map of the United States. 1876. 14^^ x 32. [In Burgett (H. W.) & co. Illustrated topographical and historical atlas of the state of Vermont, fol. New York, H. W. Burgett >k co. 1876. pp. 10-11]. Map of the United States. 14i x 23 J. [In Lake (D. J.) and Griffing (B. N. ) Atlas of Brown county, Ohio. fol. Philadelphia, Lake, Griffing & Stevenson, 1876. at end] . Map of the United States and territories. 15^ x 25. [In Hopkins (Griffith Morgan). Atlas of Delaware county, Penn. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1876. pp. 6-7]. Map of the United States showing the area, acquisition & transfer of territory [By] G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. col. 12 x 15. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & CO. [1876]. P. P. Mast & (to.'s new railroad and county map of the central states. Pre- pared by H. H. Lloyd & co. col. 38 x 27. New York, H. H. Lloyd & CO. [1876]. P. P. Mast & co.'s new railroad and county map of the middle states. Pre- pared by H. H. Lloyd & co. col. 27 x 38. New York, H. H. Lloyd & CO. [1876]. 928 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. United States. P. P. Mast & co.'s new railroad and county map of the north-west. Designed by Henry S. Stebbins. Prepared by H. H. Lloyd & co. col. 34 X 26. New York, H. H. Lloyd & co. [1876]. Our republic. A new steel plate county and railroad map of the United States, with the adjacent countries & islands. By E. C. Bridgman. col. 40 X 56. New York, E. C. Bridgman, 1876. Note. — On reverse is a map of the world. Rand, McNally & co.'s new railroad and county map. Compiled from the latest government surveys, col. 54 x 96. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1876]. Same. [East of the Rocky Mountains], col. 55 x 76. Chicago, Rand^ McNally & CO. [1876]. Rand, McNally & co.'s new map of the territories and Pacific coast, col. 54 X 58. [Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. 1876]. Traveler's railroad map of the United States to accompany "Boston to Washington," Riverside series centennial guides, Hurd & Houghton. Engraved, printed etc. by G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. 28 x 38. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. [1876]. United States. 9 x 12. * ' [In Virginia: A geographical and political summary, embracing a descrip- tion of the state, its geology, soils, minerals, etc. 8°. Richmond, Va. R, F. Walker, 1876. front, pi. 4]. United States of America. 15| x 27. [In Gray (O. W. ) & son. New topographical atlas of Essex county, N, Y. fol. Philadelphia, 0. W. Gray & son, 1876. pp. 24-25. sup.] William's (G. W. ) copper-plate map of the United States, Canada,, Mexico,, Central America, West Indies, etc. fol. 63 x 63. Philadelphia, J. M. Atwood, [1876]. Watson's new illustrated county, railroad and distahce map of the United States and dominion of Canada. 1876. 38 x 56. New York, G. Watson, 1876. Rand, McNally & co.'s business atlas: containing large scale maps of each state and territory of the great Mississippi valley and Pacific slope. 116- pp. 2 fold. maps. fol. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. 1876-7. Brown's corn planter map. Designed by Henry S. Stebbins. Toledo, Ohio, col. 27 X 37. [New York, H. H. Lloyd & co. 1877]. Fish brothers & co.'s railroad and county map of the middle and southern, states. Prei>ared by Henry S. Stebbins. col. 38 x 27. Toledo, 0. H. S. Stebbins, [1877]. Fish brothers & co.'s new railroad and county map of the western states. Prepared by Henry S. Stebbins. col. 38 x 25. Toledo, O. H. S. Steb- bins, [1877]. Lane & Bodley co. map of the great central and southwestern states. Designed by Henry S. Stebbins. col. 46 x 37. New York, H. H. Lloyd & CO. [1877]. Map of the central states. Presented with compliments of Kingman & co. Designed by Henry S. Stebbins. col. 37 x 27. [New York, H. H. Lloyd & CO. 1877]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 929 United States. Map of the central slates. Presented by the Moline plow company. Designed by Henry S. Stebbins. col. 37 x 27. Toledo, O. H. S. Steb- bins, [1877]. ■ Map of the United States. 1877. 14* x 23. [In Lake, Griffing & Stevenson. Atlas of Wicomico, Somerset & Worcester counties, Maryland, fol. Philadelphia, Lake, Griffing & Stevenson^ 1877. at end]. Mitchell, Lewis & co. railroad and county map of the interior states. Designed by Henry S. Stebbins. col. 38 x 27. [New York, H. H. Lloyd & CO. 1877]. Mitchell, Lewis & co. new railroad and county map of the south-west. Designed by Henry S. Stebbins. col. 38 x 27. [New York, H. H. Lloyd & CO. 1877]. New map of Kellogg's lists. Illustrating the situation and distribution of the newspapers of his Chicago, St. Louis and Cleveland lists. 10 x 18. Chicago, A. N. Kellogg, [1877]. The new people's map of the United States. By H. H. Lloyd & co. col. 37 X 55. New York, H. H. Lloyd & co. 1877. Nichols, Shepard & co. "vibrator" map of the Central states. [By] Henry S. Stebbins. col. 39 x 27. Toledo, O. H. S. Stebbins, [1877]. Der ostliche theil von Nord-Amerika zur iibersicht rica, 1650. "^ ^ LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 969 Venezuela — Continued. CONTEXTS— continued. 30. Sanson. Map of Guiana and Caribana, 1656. 31. Robert de Vaugondy. Part of his South America. 1750. 32. Delamarche. Part of his map of South America, [1767?]. 33. Popple. Map of Surinam, 1733. 34. Popple. Map of the British Empire in America, 1733. 35. Popple. Part of above enlarged. 1733. 36. Delisle. Part of his map of South America, 1700. 37. Delisle. Part of northern portion of South America, 1703. 38. Delisle. Part of his map of America, 1722. 39. D'Anville. Map of South America, 1748. 40. D'Anville. Part of above, enlarged, 1748. 41. Jefferys. Part of his chart of the Guiana coast, 1775. 42. Jeflferys. Part of his chart of the Guiana coast, 1781. 43. Thompson. Part of his chart of the Guiana coast, 1783. 44. Jefferys. Part of northern coast of South America, 1792. 45. Jefferys. Part of his chart of the Guiana coast, 1795. 46. Bouchenroeder. Map of a part of Guiana, 1798. 47. Arrowsmith. Map of part of Colombia, 1832. 48. Arrowsmith. Part of his map of South America, 1840. 49. Schomburgk. Part of the Great Colonial map, 1875. 50. Cruz Cano y Olmedilla. Part of his South America, 1775. 51. Bonne. Map of South America, 1781. 52. Bellin. Map of Guiana, 1763. 53. Giissefeldt. Part of his map of America, 1796. 54. Hartsinck. Map of Guiana, 1770. 55. Mannert. Part of his map of South America, 1803. 56. Gumila. Map of the Jesuit Missions of Xew Granada, 1741. 57. Van Petten? Cayenne, [1598?] . 58. Van Petten. The Gulf of Paria, 1598. 59. Maas. Essequibo, 1706. 60. Storm van's Gravesande. Essequibo, 1748. CI. Storm van's Gravesande. Orinoco-Essequibo Region, 1750. 62. D'Anville inset in Bercheyck. Guiana, [1761?] . 63. Heneman. The mouth of the Cuyuni, 1772. 64. Heneman. Essequibo and Demerara, 1775. 65. Heneman. Boundary -line of Spanish and Dutch Guiana, [1776?]. 66. Siraut-Destouches. Essequibo, 1779. 67. Siraut-Destouches? Essequibo, [1780?]. 68. Chollet. Coast region of the Essequibo Colony, 1791 or earlier. 69. Chollet. The Pomeroon coast region, 1794. 70. Bouchenroeder. Essequibo and Demerara, 1795. 71. Surville. Nueva Andalucia, 1778. 72. Anonymous. Capuchin Missions of Guayana, [1735?]. 73. Fr. Carlos De Barcelona. Capuchin Missions of Guayana, 1771. 74. Fr. Carlos De Barcelona. Capuchin Missions of Guayana, 1779. 75. Anonymous. Capuchin Missions of Guayana, [1789?]. 76. Early Spanish Map of Guiana, [15 — ] . INIapa de los estados unidos de Venezuela. Tornado del annario estadistico ofieial de 1889. 7 x 8|. [In Diccionario enciclopedico Hispano-Aniericano. 8°. Barcelona, ]\Ion- taner & Simon, 1897. v. 22. p. 324]. [Les pretentions de I'Angleterre et du Venezuela en 1897]. oh x 4|. [In Questions diplomatiques et coloniales. 3^ annee. Xov. 1899. 8°. Paris, 1899. v. 8. no. 65. p. 261]. Note. — To accompany an article " La fin du conflit Anglo- Venezuelien." Originalkarte der canos im oriente von Venezuela. Xach eigenen reisen und Richard Ludwigs aufnahmen gezeichnet von ^y. Sievers. Massstab 1:425,000. 9^x7^ [In Petermann's mittheilungen. 1898. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, [1898]. V. 44. pi. 10. p. 120]. 970 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Venezuela. Le con teste Anglo- Venezuelien. 5x4. [In Questions diplomatiques et coloniales. 3* annee. Nov. 1899. S°, Paris, 1899. v. 8. no. 65. p. 259]. Note. — To accompany an article '* La fin du conflit Anglo- Venezuelien." Sketch map of part of rio Orinoco and rio Cuchivero from a survey by major Stanley Peterson. Nat. scale 1 : 8,000,000 or 12 miles— 1 inch. 8^ x 8^ [In Royal geographical society. Journal. 1899. 8°. London, E. Stan- ford, 1899. V. 13. p. 104]. Venezuela-Guiana boundary award, 1899. 6^ x 5. [In Statesman's (The) year-book for 1900. Edited by J. Scott Keltic. 16°. London, Macmillan & co. 1900. pi. 3]. Vera Cruz, Mexico. Plan del puerto de Vera Cruz, [anon.] 7 x 10. [n. p. 176-?]. A prospect of the town Sc harbour of la Vera Cruz Novo with the shoals adjacent, [anon.] A scale of 1 mile. 19 J x 24. [n. p. 176-?]. [American maps. v. 2. no. 6]. Note. — Inset ''A prospect of the town of La Vera Cruz." La Vera Cruz or St. Juan de Ulua. 7 x 4J. [In London magazine. 1762. 8°. London, R. Baldwin, [1762]. v. 31. p. 384]. Plan of la Vera Cruz, from Spanish draughts, [anon.] 8^ x 9^. [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jeffreys, 1768. no. 73]. Plan of the road and port of la Vera Crui. [By le sieur Bully, anon. ] 8 x 12. [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no^ 72a]. Note, — With soundings. De reede en haven van Vera Cruz. 7 x 10. [In Hedendaagsche historic of tegenwoordige staat van Amerika. [anon. J 8°. Te Amsterdam, I. Tirion, 1769. v. 3. opp. p. 157]. De stad Vera Cruz in Nieuw Spanje. 7 x 8^. [In Hedendaagsche historie of tegenwoordige staat van Amerika. [anon.] 8°. Te Amsterdam, 1769. v. 3. opp. p. 151]. Piano della rada, edella citta della Vera Cruz. 9x7. [In Atlante deir America, [anon.] fol. Livorno, 1778. no. 28]. A draugh of the harbour of San Fernando de Omao taken in the king's ships Viper and Nautilus in 1759 & 1767. [&] Plan of the road and port of La Vera Cruz, surveyed in 1740. 7| x 12. [In Whittle (J.) and Laurie (R. H.) The West India atlas, fol. London, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 41]. Plan of the port of Vera Cruz, from the Spanish chart of dn. Bdo. de Orta. London, Laurie and Whittle, 1816. 6x8. [Whittle (J.) and Laurie (R. H.) The West India atlas, fol. London, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. Inset to no. 42: Jefferys (T.) The coast oi Mexico]. ■ Landing of the troops on the 9th & bombardment of Vera Cruz, on the 22d, 23d & 25th of march 1847. Copied by H. L. Edwards, from a draft drawn by order of lieut. col. H. Wilson, military & civil governor of Vera Cruz. 19 x 25. Philadelphia, P. S. Duval, [1847]. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 971 Vera Cruz, Mexico. Siege of Vera Cruz by the U. S. troops under general Scott, in march, 1847, from surveys made by major Turnbull, [etc.] Drawn by capt. McClellan. 16 x 25. [n. p. 1847]. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers]. Veragua, Colombia, South. America. Planta de la provincia de Veragua [etc.] Hecha por el gobernado Lorenzo del Salto. [Alio, 1620]. Entdeckt und nach dem originale, welches sich im archive von Indien in Seville befindet, durch gezeichnet von Manuel de Peralta. Veroffentlicht. von H. Pola- kowsky. 1884. 12 x 21. [In Gesellschaft fiir erdkunde zu Berlin. Zeitschrift. 1884. 8°. Berlin, 1884. V. 19. pi. 5]. Verapaz, Guatamala. The territory of Verapas, ceded by the federal government of Central America. 19^ x 23. [In Eastern coast of Central America commercial and agricultural co. Brief statement. 8°. London, Whittaker & co. 1839]. Verina, South Am.erica. See Venezuela. Verm.ilion county, Ind. Map. Compiled and drafted from original surveys and records of the county. By Jas. Tarrance, 1872. col. 58 x 25. [n. p. 1872]. Vermilion iron rang-e, Minn. Sectional map of the Vermilion iron range. 12J x 32. Duluth, Merritt & co. [1887]. Vermilion lake, St. Louis county, Minn. Map of Vermilion lake, St. Louis co. Minn. From official surveys & other sources. Compiled and drawn by A. J. Hill, march, 1866. 17 x 23. Chicago, Western engraving co. [1866]. Vermont. A chorographical map of the country between Albany, Oswego, Fort Frontenac, and Les Trois Rivieres: exhibiting all the grants made by the' French governors on lake Champlain, & between that lake & Montreal. Drawn by Thomas Jefferys. 26| x 2O2. [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the- West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 38]. Note. — Running title of the map entitled "The provinces of New York, and New Jersey. By Capt. Holland." Same. [American maps. v. 2. no. 4]. A map of the country in which the army under It. gen. Burgoyne acted in the campaign of 1777, shewing the marches of the army & places of the principal actions. Drawn by mr. Medcalfe & engraved by Wm. Faden. 22^ X 10|. London, W. Faden, 1780. [In Atlas of battles of the American revolution, fol. [London, 1770-1773]. no. 35]. Same. [A map of the country in which the army under It. gen. Burgoyne acted in the campaign of 1777, showing the marches of the army & the places of the principal actions. By mr. Medcalfe. ms. [anon.], 23 X 11. [1777]. [Faden collection, no. 62, 63]. Same. [In Burgoyne (John). A state of the expedition from Canada. 2d ed. 8°. London, for J. Almon, 1780. no. 1]. 972 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Vermont. New Hampshire, Vermont, &c. T. Conder, sculpt. 14 x 13. fin Gordon (William). The history, etc. of the independence of the U. S. 8°. London, 1788. v. 2]. A map of the State of Vermont, hy J. Whitelaw 1793. Callender sc. Bos- ton. 10 X 13. [In Williams (Samuel). The natural and civil history of Vermont. 8°. Walpole, N. H. I. Thomas & D. Carlisle, 1794]. State of Vermont. 6 x 7^. [In Scott (Joseph). The United States gazetteer. 16°. Philadelphia, 1795]. Vermont. Delineated c^ engraved by Amos Doolittle. 12 x 15. [In Carey (Mathew). Carey's American atlas, fol. Philadelphia, M. Carey, 1795. no. 4]. Same. Vermont. From actual survey. Delineated & engraved by Amos Doolittle. N. H. Engraved for Carey's Am. ed. of Guthrie's geography, improved. 12 x 15. [Philadelphia, M. Carey, 1795]. [Rochambeau: 47]. A correct map of the state of Vermont. From actual survey; exhibiting the county and town lines, rivers, lakes, ponds, mountains, meeting houses, mills, public roads &c. By James Whitelaw, 1796. 45 x 30. New Haven, A. Doolittle, 1796. A map of the states of New Hampshire and Vermont. By J. Denison. Doolittle, sculp' t. 7^ x 9^. [In Morse (Jedidiah). The American universal geography. 3d ed. 8°. Boston, I. Thomas & E. T. Andrews, 1796. pt. 1. p. 348]. Vermont, from the latest authorities. Roberts, sc. 16J x 13^. [In Reid (John, publisher). The American atlas, fol. New York, J. Reid, 1796. no. 7]. Vermont. From actual survey. Delineated & engraved bv Amos Doolittle. N. H. 14^ X 12. [In Carey (Mathew). Carey's general atlas, fol. Philadelphia, M. Carey, 1796. map 25]. N'ermont entworfen von D. F. Sotzmann. P. Schmidt, sc. col. 18 x 27. Hamburg, C. E. Bohn, 1796. Dean (James). An alphabetical atlas, or, gazetteer of Vermont; affording a summary description of the state, its several counties, towns, and rivers. Calculated to supply, in some measure, the place of a map; and designed for the use of offices, travellers, men of business &c. 43 pp. 8°. Mont- pelier, S. Goss, for the author, 1808. Vermont. Drawn by S. Lewis. Eng'd by D. Fairman. 9^ x 7|. [In Arrowsmith (Aaron) and Lewis (Samuel). A new and elegant general atlas. 4°. Philadelphia, J. Conrad, 1804. no. 39]. Vermont from actual survey. Delineated & engraved by Amos Doolittle, N. H. 14i X 12. * [In Carey (Mathew) &, son. Carey's general atlas, fol. Philadelphia, M. Carey & son, 1818. map 6]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 978 Vermont. Vermont from actual survey Avith all the late additions ik improvements by James Whitelaw, late surveyor general. M. M. Peabody sc. Scale 3| miles to one inch. 45 x 30. Hartford, Vt. E. Hutchinson, 1821. Note. — Inset: " View of the village of Montpelier taken from Mill Point in Berlin. By Mrs. S. I. Watrous." Geographical, statistical and historical map of Vermont. Drawn by F. Lucas, jr. 12 x 9. [In Complete (A) historical, chronological, and geographical American atlas. fol. Philadelphia, H. C. Carey & I. Lea, 1822. no. 15]. Note. — See 1827 for third edition. Vermont. Engraved for Thompson's gazetteer of Vennont. Peabody sc. 8| X 5f . [In Thompson (Zadock). A gazetteer of the state of Vermont. 16°. Montpelier, E. P. Walton, 1824. front.] Carte geographique, statistique et historique du Vermont. 12 x 8^. [In Buchon (Jean Alexandre C.) Atlas geographique, statistique, histo- rique et chronologique des deux Ameriques. fol. Paris, J. Carez, 1825. no. 19]. Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. N. & S. S. Jocelyn, sc. 9| x 7|. [In Morse (Sidney E. ) A new universal atlas of the world, on an improved plan. 4°. New Haven, N. & S. S. Jocelyn, 1825]. Map of Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont, compiled from the latest authorities. D. H. Vance del. J. H. Young sc. 17 x 21^. [In Finley (Anthony). A new American atlas, fol. Philadelphia, A. Fin- ley, 1826. no. 3]. ;Map of Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. 14 x 10. Engraved & printed by Fenner Sears & co. London, I. T. Hinton &, Simpkin & ]Mar- shall, 1832. [In Hinton (J. H.) The history and topography of the United States. 3d ed. 4°. London, J. Dowding, 1842. v. 1. opp. p. 110]. ■ Vermont. Engraved by G. W. Boynton. 14j x llj. [In Bradford (Thomas Gamaliel). An illustrated atlas, geographical, statis- tical and historical, of the United States and the adjacent countries. foL Philadelphia, E. S. Grant & co. [1838]. p. 43]. Map of the state of Vermont. By Zadock Thompson. Eng. by J. H. Hills. 11 X 7. [In his History of Vermont. 8°. Burlington, for the author, 1842]. Vermont and New Hampshire. 12^ x lOf. [In Greenleaf (Jeremiah). A new universal atlas, new ed. rev. fol. Brattleboro, Vt. G. R. French, 1842. p. 35]. Vermont. 1838. Engraved by G. W. Boynton. 14^ x 11. [In Bradford (Thomas Gamaliel) and Goodrich (Samuel Griswold). A universal, illustrated atlas, fol. Boston, C. D. Strong, 1843. bet. pp. 42-43]. New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Massachusetts & Con- necticut. Drawn & engraved by J. Bartholomew. Printed in colors by Schenck & Macfarlane, Edinburgh. 16^ x 21^. [In Black (Adam & Charles). Black's atlas of North America, fol. Edin- burgh, A. & C. Black, 1856. no. 5]. ^74 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Vermont. Morse's railroad and township map of Vermont and New Hampshire, col. 28x20. NewYork, A. Ranney, [1856]. . Vermont. 1856. 16x12*. New York, J. H. Colton & co. [1855]. Note. — Copyright 1855. Map of the state of Vermont from surveys under the direction of H. F. Wall- ing. Drawn, engraved, printed, colored and mounted at H. F. Walling' s map establishment. New York. Scale 1/160,000. 63^ x 63^ New York, Johnson & Browning, [1859]. Note. — Inset: "Geological map of the state of Vermont. Compiled by Albert D. Hager, 1859;" also view, "New state capitol, Montpelier." Johnson's new copper plate rail-road & township map of Vermont, from county maps & actual surveys. 38 x 29. New York, J. H. Colton, 1860. Johnson's Vermont and New Hampshire, col. 17 x 23. NeM' York, A.J. Johnson, [1867]. Note. — From his atlas. Township map. col. 26 x 15. Boston, E. P. Button & co. 1868. Township map of Vermont and New Hampshire. By E. P. Drtton & co. 29 X 22. Boston, E. P. Dutton & co. 1868. Burgett (H. W.) & co. Illustrated topographical and historical atlas of the state of Vermont. 163 pp. incl. 24 maps. fol. New York, H. W. Bur- gett & CO. 1876. Note. — Errors in pagination. Map of the states of New Hampshire and Vermont. 22| x 15^. [In Rockwood (C. H.) Atlas of Cheshire county, N. H. fol. New York, Comstock & Cline, 1877. p. 57]. Special geography of the state of Vermont: a supplement to Monteith's Comprehensive geography. 6 pp. incl. 1 col. map. 4°. New York, [etc.] A. S. Barnes & co. [1878]. [With Monteith (James) . The independent course. Comprehensive geog- raphy, Vermont ed. 1878]. Post route map of the states of New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut and parts of New York and Maine. By W. L. Nicholson. The 1st ed. was issued in 1866. Drawn by P. Goepel. Eng. by D. McClelland. 2 sheets, fold. fol. [Washington, 1881]. [United States. Post office department. Topographer's office]. Bradley & co. County and township map of Vermont and New Hampshire. [anon.] col. 15 x 21^. [Philadelphia, Bradley & co. 1882]. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed county and township pocket map and ship- pers' guide of Vermont. 19 pp. 1 fold. map. 16°. Chicago and New York, Rand, McNally & co. [1892]. Map of Vermont. Geo. H. Walker & co. lith. Boston. 54 J x 35|. Boston, G. H. Walker & co. 1896. -• Post route map of the state of New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut. Showing post offices with the intermediate distances on mail routes in operation on the 1st of June, 1900. Published by order of postmaster general Charles Emory Smith under the direction of A. von Haake toiK)grapher. 58 J x 38^. [Washington, 1900]. [United States. Post offitte department]. Note. — Inset: "City of Boston and vicinity." LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 975 Vermont. Rand, McNally & co's indexex.1 county and township pocket map and shippers' guide of Vermont. 22 pp. 1 fold. map. 18°. Chicago and New York, Rand, McNally & co., [1900]. See also Addison county; Bennington county; Caledonia county; Chittenden county; Essex county; Franklin county; Grand Isle county; Lamoille county; Orange county; Orleans county; Rutland county; Washington county; Windham county. Vernon county, Wis. Hood (Edwin C.) Plat book of Vernon county, Wiscon- sin. Drawn from actual surveys and the county records. 62 pp. inch 36 maps. fol. Minneapolis, Minn. C. M. Foote & co. [1896]. Verplanks point, Westchester county, N. Y. A plan of the surprise of Stoney Point, by a detachment of the American army conmianded by brig. gen. Wayne on the 15th of July, 1779. Also of the works erected on Verplanks Point, for the defence of King's Ferry, by the British forces in July 1779. From the surveys of Wm. Simpson and D. Campbell, by John Hills. 19| X 27^. London, for W. Faden, 1784. [In Atlas of the American revolution, fol. [London, 1770-1793]. no. 4]. Sketch of Stoney and Verplank's points upon the North River as taken possession of, and fortified by sir H. Clinton in June 1779. ms. [anon.] , 19x23. [177-9?] Versailles, Mo. Map of Versailles. Scale 20 rods per inch. 16 x 12i. [In Higgins (R. Thornton). Map of Morgan co. Mo. col. 26x36. [Chicago], J. S. & R. T. Higgins, 1880]. Vicksburg, Miss. Map illustrating the operations of the U. S. forces against Vicksburg. 20 x 19. [Washington, 1863]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey] . The siege of Vicksburg. Representing the position of maj. gen. John A. Logan's division of major gen. J. B. McPherson's army corps. Sketched by A. E. Mathews. ]8 x 24. Cincinnati, Middleton, Strobridge & co. lith. [1863],. Tomlinson (G. W. ) New map of Vicksburg, showing the scene of gen. Grant's operations, together with all the fortifications, batteries, rifle pits, etc. 17 X 22. Boston, G. W. Tomlinson, [1863]. Vigo county, Ind. Map. From actual surveys under the direction of H. F. Walling. 1858. 50 x 58. New York, W. C. Peckham, 1858. Vineland tract, N. J. Map of the settled parts of the Vineland tract. Compiled from the most authentic sources and published by A. F. Wrotnowski. col. fold. 35 X 42. Vineland, N. J. A. F. Wrotnowski, 1867. Vineyard sound, Mass. Chart of Vineyard sound and Nantucket shoals. Sur- veyed by George Eldridge. 40 x 60. Boston, S. Thaxter & son, 1865. Vinland. A map of Vinland from accounts contained in old-northern mss. 8 x 10. [In Rafn (Charles Christian). Antiquites Americaines. 4°. Copenhague, soci^te, 1845. at end]. See also Massachusetts. Vinton county, Oliio. Lake (D. J.) Atlas of Vinton county, Ohio, to which is added a township map of the state of Ohio, also an outline and railroad map of the 'United States. 2 p. 1. 15 maps. 3 pi. at end. fol. Philadelphia, Titus, Simmons & Titus, 1876. 976 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Virgin islands, West Indies. An hydrographicall chart of the Virgin Islands, wherein all the islands, keys, rocks, and reefs, from the east end of Porto Eico to the east end of Virgin Guarda, are laid down, as they were surveyed and collected, by mr. Joseph Atkinson, and others. Contracted from the original drawings & connected with Santa Cruz & St. Christopher's by C. Mortimer, 1739. Scale of ten leagues. 17^ x 22. London, W. Mount & T. Page, [1739]. Carte des isles de Vierges. Par le sr. B, ingenr. de la marine. 8 x 9^. [In Bellin (Jacques Nicolas). Le petit atlas maritime, fol. [Paris], 1764, V. 1. no. 77]. The Virgin islands from English and Danish surveys, by Thomas Jefferys. 18 X 24. London, for R. Sayer, 1775. [In his The West India atlas, fol. London, for R. Sayer & J. Bennett, 1775. no. 18]. Same. The Virgin islands from English and Danish surveys, by Thomas Jefferys. Corrected and improved by captn. James Wiring. 1797. Statute mile 69j in a degree. 18 x 24. London, Laurie & Whittle, [1797]. The Virgin islands as trigonometrically surveyed and adjusted by accu- rate astronomic observations. Engraved by Alexr. Findlay. [anon.] 18| X 26. London, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1816. [In Whittle (J.) and Laurie (R. H.) The West India atlas, fol. London, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 18]. The Virgin islands shewing the set of the tide amongst them. 7i x 16. [In Royal geographical society. Journal. 1835. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1835. V. 5. at end]. Note. — To accompany Remarks on the heavy swell along some of the West India islands. By Robert H. Schomburgck. West Indies. Virgin islands. Sheet II. Sir Francis Drake's channel, sur- veyed by lieu^ G. B. Lawrance, r. n. 1848. Engraved by J. & C. Walker. 18| X 25. London, Admiralty, 1850. [Great Britain. Admiralty. Chart no. 2019]. West Indies. Virgin islands. Surveyed by lieut't G. B. Lawrance. J. Par- sons, master; & J. Tuson, mate, R. N. 1848-52. natural scale: 1/70,000. 3 sheets, each 38i x 26. London, Admiralty, 1868. [Great Britain. Admiralty. Chart no 106-106b]. Note. — "Transferred upon stone from plates nos. 2008, 2019 & 2453." Dansk Vestindien med tilgraendsende Spanske of Engelske kolonier. 1849.^ Rettet til 1852. Severin sc. 24 J x 35. [n. p. 1852]. The Virgin islands. 26 x 37. London, J. Imray & son, 1855. Note. — Inset: Tlie east part of Porto Rico. Dansk Vestindien med tilgraendsende Spanske og Engelske kolonier. 1849. Rettet til 1865. Severin sc. 24^x35. [n. p. 1865]. West Indies. The Virgin islands. From British surveys, corrected to 1872. Eastern sheet. 38i x 25|. Washington, Hydrographic office, 1872. Cor. 1876. [United States. Navy department. Hydrographic office. Bureau of navi- gation. Chart no. 326a] . Note. — Insets: "Santa Cruz" and "Christianstaed harbor, Santa Cruz." LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 977 Virg-inia.^ Americae pars, nunc Virginia dicta, primum ab Anglis inuenta sumtibus Dni. Walteri Raleigh, anno dni M. DLXXXV. Autore loanne With sculptore Theodore de Bry, qui et excud. Scalle of 25 leages. Hi xlSJ. [In Harriot (Thomas). Admiranda narratio fida tamen, de commodis et incolarvm ritibvs Virginiae. fol. Francoforti ad Moemvm, tipis loannis Wecheh, svmtibvs vero Theodori de Bry, 1590. pi. 1]. Note. — This first map of Virginia was made in 1585, by John With, who accompanied the second expedition sent out by Raleigh. The map first published by De Bry in 1590 was the forerunner of all maps of Virginia published in atlases and elsewhere up to John Smith's map in 1608. The same liberty was taken with this map up to the one made by Augustine Herman in 1670. Herman's map was then copied to 1751, the date of the first issue of Fry and Jefferson's great map, revised in 1755, by John Dalrymple and reissued in 1775. These four maps, made from original surveys, contain all which the student can learn from maps of Virginia to 1751. After that the Indian, followed by the Revolutionary war, made the country better known with more cartographical information, the result. Norvmbega et Virginia. 1597. 9x11. [In Wytfliet (Cornelius) and others. Histoire vniverselle des Indes. fol. Douay, F. Fabri, 1605. opp. p. 121]. Same. Norumbega et Virginia, 1597. 9 x 11. [In American (The) geographical society of New York. Bulletin. 1885. 8°. New York, for the society, [1885]. v. 17. p. 71]. Note. — To accompany an article "John Cabot's Landfall, site of Norumbega, by prof. E. N. Horsford." Virginia. Grauen by William Hole. 12^ x 16. [In Smith (Capt. John). A map of Virginia. With a description of the covntrey. sm. 4°. At Oxford, J. Barnes, 1612]. Same. Virginia. Grauen by William Hole. 12^ x 16. [In Smith (Capt. John). Works, 1608-1631. Edited by Edward Arber. 12°. Birmingham, 1884: The English scholar's library, no. 16. p. 384]. Note. — Reproduced from Purchas. Same. Nova Virginise tabula. 15 x 19. Amstelodami, ex officina, Henrici Hondii, [1619?]. Note. — Reproduction of the Smith map. Same. Virginia. Discoured and described by capt. John Smith. Grauen by William Hole. 12^ x 16. [In Purchas (Samuel). Purchas his pilgrimes. fol. London, W. Stansby, for H. Fetherstone, 1625. v. 4. pp. 1692-1693]. Same. Virginia discovered and described by capt. John Smith 1606. Grauen by William Hole. 12^ x 16. [London, 1625]. [American maps. v. 2. no. 1]. ;Nqte _This map is probably the 2nd impression; engraved for Purchas' s Pilgrimes. "Sparkes Poynt" and "41 Smith" do not appear. The numbers 1692 and 1693 at the right and left corners of this map refer to the Purchas pagination, ed. 1625. Same. Smith (Capt. John). Virginise item et Floridse Americ?e provin- ciarum, novo descriptio. [anon.] 13 x 19. [In Mercator (Gerhard). Atlas, ed. 10a. fol. Amsterdam!, sumtibus H. Handij, 1630. p. 385]. iFor a separate list of maps of Virginia see my paper entitled "Virginia cartography; a biblio- graphical description." 1896. H. Doc. 516 62 978 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Virg-inia. Same. Virginia erforschet und beschriben durch Johan Schmidt. 11 X 14, [In Abelin (Johann Philipp). Newe welt und Americanische historien. Durch Johan Ludwig Gottfriedt, [pseud.] fol. Franckfurt, 1631. pp. 558-559]. Same. Smith (Capt. John). Nova Virginise tabula. Amstelodami, ex ofRcina Henrici Hondii. [anon.] 15x19. [In Janseon (Jan). Nuevo atlas, fol. Amsterdam, J. Jansson, 1653. v. 2]. Same. Virginiaerforschet und beschriben durch capitiin lohan Schmidt. 11 X 14. [In Abelin (Johann Philipp). Newe welt und Americanische historien. Durch Johann Ludwig Gottfriedt. [pseud.] fol. Franckfurt, bey denen Merianchen erben, 1655. opp. p. 167]. Same. Smith (Capt. John). Nova Virginise tabula, [anon.] Hi x 13|. [In Ogilby (John). America, fol. London, 1671. p. 192-193]. Nova Virgina? tabula. Ex officina Guiljelmi Blaeuw. [anon.] 14^ x 18 J. [In Blaauw (W. J.) and Blaauw (Jan). Le grand atlas, ov cosmographie Blaviane, contenant I'Amerique. fol. Amsterdam, J. Blaeu, 1667. v. 12. bet. pp. 21-22]. Note. — Reproduction of the Smith map. Virginse partis australis, et Floridse partis orientalis, interjacentiumq, regionum nova descriptio. 15 x 20. [In Jansson (Jan). Nuevo atlas, fol. Amsterdam, J. Jansson, 1653. v. 2]. Same. Virginise partis australis, et Floridse partis orientalis, interjacen- tiumqg regionum nova descriptio. 15 x 20. [In Blaauw (William Janszoon) and Blaauw (Jan) . Le grand atlas, ov cos- mographie Blaviane, contenant I'Amerique. fol. Amsterdam, J. Blaeu, 1667. V. 12. bet. pp. 25-26]. Nona terrpe Marise tabula. T. Cecill sculp. 11^ x 15. [In Relation (A) of Maryland, [anon.] sm. 4°. London, W. Peasley, 1635]. Note. — A revised copy of this map is found in Ogilby' s America. 1671. bet. pp. 182-183. Same. Nona terrse Mariae tabula. T. Cecill sculp. 11 J x 15. [In Relation (A) of Maryland, reprinted from the London ed. of 1635. [anon.] sm. 4°. New York, J. Sabin, 1865]. Virginia. Ralph Hall sculpsit. 1636. 6^ x 9. [In Mercator (Gerhard). Historia mondi; or Mercator's arras. By Ivdocvs Hondy. Englished by W. S. [Wye Saltonstall] . fol. London, 1635. [1637]. p. 904]. Note. — A reduced copy of Smith's map much distorted. A mapp of Virginia discouered to ye falls, and in it's latt: from 35 deg: & i neer Florida, to 41 deg: bounds of new England. 2 maps. 10 x 13 & lOi X 13. Note. — Photographic reproductions of the two maps are inserted in my paper entitled "Virginia Cartography," from the work entitled "Virginia in America, richly valued: more especially in southerne parts." By Edward Williams. Ixjndon, printed for John Stephenson, 1651. Third edition. The Lenox library, N. Y. has a copy with the two maps, one without the oval portrait of sir Francis Drake, and without some of the names of places which are added in the other, with the imprint "John Farrer, Esq Colle- git. Are sold by I. Stephenson, 1651. John Goddard sculp." The other has a portrait of sir Francis Drake, the imprint "Domina Virginia Farrer Collegit. Are sold by I. Stephenson, 1671." LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 979 Virginia. Nova Virginia? tabula, llj x 13i. [In Montanus (Arnoldus). De nieuwe en onl3ekende weereld, 4°. t' Am- sterdam, J. Meurs, 1671. bet. pp. 134-135]. Note. — Same map in Ogilby's America, 1671. Both reproductions of Smith's map. Virginia and Maryland as it is planted and inhabited this present year 1670. Surveyed and exactly drawne by the only labour & endeavor of Augustin Herrman. W. Faithorne sculpt. [London], 1673. 31i x 37^. [London, reproduced, 1896]. Note. — This reproduction from the only original known in the British museum was made at my request through the State department. The influence of Herman's map is seen in all maps of Virginia and Maryland up to Fry and Jefferson's in 1755. The only reproduction in this country is found in a reduced form in Maryland and Virginia boundary report for 1873. Same. Virginia. Fac-simile of a portion of a map of Virginia and Maryland made by Augustin Herrman, from hisown surveysin 1670. This map, upon which the position of Cape Henlopen, at the entrance to Delaware bay, is correctly shown, was engraved by W. Faithorne and published in London in 1673. 13 x 22^. [In Calvert (The) papers. 8°. Baltimore, 1894, Maryland historical society. Fund-publication, no. 34. no. 2. p. 136]. Virginiae partis australis, et Floridfe partis orientalis, intema centiumqg regionum nova descriptio. 11|^ x 13^. [In Montanus (Arnoldus). De nieuwe en onbekende weereld. 4°. t' Amsterdam, J. Meurs, 1671. bet. pp. 142-143]. Virginije partis australis, et Floridae j^artis orientalis, interjacentiumqtis regionum nova descriptio. 15 x 20. [In Allard (Carel). Atlas minor, fol. Amstelodami, ex officina Caroli Allard, [1696?]. no. 141]. Note. — The date 1696 is found in the maps entitled " L'isle de Re," no. 20, "La Bretagne," no. 21, and "La Provence," no. 31. A map of Virginia and Maryland. F. Lamb, sculps. 15 x 21. [In Speed (John). The theatre of the empire of Gt. Britaine. new ed. fol. London, T. Basset, 1676. opp. p. 43]. A map of Maryland and Virginia, in 1682. 10^ x 8. [In Bowden (James) . The history of the society of friends in America. 8°. London, 1850. v. 1. p. 339]. A new map of the sea coast of New foundland, new Scotland, new England, new Jersey, Virginia, Maryland, Pennsilvania, and part of Carolina. By John Thornton. 17 x 21. * [London, 1685?]. [American maps. v. 4. no. 11]. A new map of New England and New York, New larsey, Pensilvania, Maryland, and Virginia. [By lohn Thornton, Robt. Morden and Philip Lea]. 18 X 21. London, I. Thornton, [1690?] [American maps. v. 4. no. 16]. Virginia, Marvland, Pennsilvania, east & west New Jarsey. By John Thorn- ton and Will. Fisher. 20 x 31. [London, 1690?]. [American maps. v. 4. no. 8]. A new map of Virginia. By Rob't Morden. 5 x 4|. [In Morden (Robert). Geography rectified, sm. 4°. London, for R. Morden, 1700. p. 591]. 980 LIST OF MAPS OF j\MERICA. Virg-inia. A new map of Virginia and Maryland, By H. Moll. 10 x 7. 4|In Oldmixon (John). The British empire in America. 12°. London, for J. Nicholson, 1708. v. 1. p. 209]. A new map of Virginia and Maryland. By H. Moll, geographer. 10 x 7. [In Atlas geographus; or a compleat system of geography, for America. 4°. Savoy, for J. Nicholson, 1717. v. 5. p. 700]. A new map of Virginia, Mary-land and the improved parts of Pennsylvania & N. New Jarsey. 1719. Revised by I. Senex. 19 x 22. [In New (A) general atlas, [anon.] fol. London, for D. Browne, 1721. opp. p. 240]. Nouvelle Holland, {k present Nouvelle-York) Nouvelle-Angleterre, et une partie de la Virginie, dressees sur les propres manuscrits de ceux qui en ont fait la decouverte, et mises en lumiere par Pierre Vander Aa. llj X 14. [In Galerie (La) agreable du monde. fol. Leide, P. Vander Aa, [1729?]. V. 2. pi. 28]. Partie m^ridionale de la Virginie, et la partie orientale de la Floride, dans I'Amerique Septentrionale, suivant les memoires les plus exacts de ceux qui les ont d^couvertes, de nouveau mises en lumiere par Pierre Vander Aa. Hi X 14. [In Galerje (La) agreable du monde. fol. Leide, P. Vander Aa, [1729?]. V. 1. Amerique. pi. 21]. Virginie, grande region de I'Amerique Septentrionale, avec tons ses bourgs, hameaux, jivieres et bays, suivant les recherches exactes de ceux qui I'ont decouverte, et nouvellement mise au jour par Pierre Vander Aa. Hi X 13i. [In Galerie (La) agreable du monde. fol. Leide, P. Vander Aa, [1729?]. V. 2. Amerique. pi. 25]. Note. — The Smith map reproduced. Les cotes de la Virginie, les detroits de Frobisher. et de Hudson. 6x9. [In Bernard (J. F.) Recueil de voiages. 16°. Amsterdam, 1732. v. 3. p. 397]. A map of Virginia according to Captain lohn Smiths map published anno 1606 also of the ajacent country called by the Dutch Niew Nederlanc anno 1630. • By John Senex. 15 x 19. [In Short (A) account of the first settlement of the province of Virginia,, Maryland, and New York, [anon.] 4°. London, 1735. at end]. Virginia and Maryland. By H. Moll. 8 x 16^ [London, 1736]. Note. — From his "Atlas minor." 1736. The courses of the rivers Rappahannock and Potowmack in Virginia, as surveyed according to order in the years 1736 & 1737. A scale of miles, 69i in one degree of latitude, [anon.] 12 x 14. [n. p. 1737?]. Note. — In Winsor (Justin, editor). Narrative and critical history of America, v. 5, p. 276. "Another question of bounds in Virginia was the western limits of the northern neck. It passed as a dower with Culpep- per's daughter Catherine to Thomas, lord Fairfax, and from him it passed to the 6th lord, Thomas, who petitioned [1733] the king to have commis- sioners appointed to run the line between the rivers. Of this commission was Wm. Byrd, and an account of their proceedings is given in the 2d vol. of the Byrd mms. [p. 83], as edited by Wynne." A map of the tract wasi made at this time, which was called " The course of the rivers R. & P.'* i LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 981 Virgrinia. Same. A survey of the northern neck of Virginia, being the lands belong- ing to the rt. honourable Thomas, lord Fairfax, baron Cameron,, bounded by & within the bay of Chesapoyocke and between the rivers Rappahan- nock and Potowmack: with the courses of the rivers Rappahannock and Potowmack in Virginia, as surveyed according to order in the years 1736 &1737. 12x14. [n. p. 1737]. ^ A new map of Virginia, humbly dedicated to Thomas, lord Fairfax. 1738. 13 X 8i [In Keith (Sir William). The history of the British plantations in America, pt. 1. 4°. London, 1738]. A map of the most inhabited part of Virginia, containing the whole province of Maryland, with part of Pensilvania, New Jersey and North Carolina. Drawn by Joshua Fry & Peter Jefferson in 1751. Engraved by Thos. Jefferys. 31 x 50. London, T. Jefferys, [1755]. Note. — Revised by j. Dalrymple, 1755. See 1775 for other copies. Same. A map of the most inhabited part of Virginia, containing the whole province of Maryland with part of Pensilvania, New Jersey and North Carolina. Drawn by Joshua Fry & Peter Jefferson, in 1751. 31 x 50. [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 54-57]. Note. — Revised by J. Dalrymple, 1755.. Same. [American maps. v. 3. no. 26]. Note. — Revised by Dalrymple, 1755. A new and accurate map of Virginia & Maryland. Laid down from surveys and regulated by astron'l observat'ns by Eman. Bov/en. 12f x 9. [In Bowen (Emanuel). A complete or distinct view of the known world, fol. London, for W. Innys, [etc.] 1752. no. 59]. A map of the western parts of the colony of Virginia. J. Gibson sculpt. 7^ X 4|. [In London (The) magazine. 1754. 8°. London, for R. Baldwin, 1754.. V. 23. p. 272]. Note. — To accompany "Some extracts from the journal of major George Washington, sent by Robert Dinwiddle, esq. etc." This map was after- ward enlarged and published in the London ed. 1744, of Washington's journal. Same. Map of the western parts of the colony of Virginia as far as the Mississippi. 9 x 14. [In Washington (George). The journal of major George Washington. [Reprint]. 12°. New York, for J. Sabin, 1865]. A map of Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Maryland with part of New Jersey &c. English miles 69 to a degree. 8i x lOi. [In London (The) magazine. 1755. 8°. London, for R. Baldwin, 1755. V. 24. p. 312]. A draught of Virginia from the capes to York in York river and to Kuiquo- tan or Hamton in James river. By Mark Tiddeman. 18 x 23. [In English (The) pilot. 4th book. fol. London, for W. Mount, 1758. p. 23]. Note. — See 1767 for same map. 982 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Virginia. Virginia, Maryland, Pennsilvania, East & West New Jarsey. [anon.] . 20 X 31. [London], W. Mount & T. Page, [1758]. [In English (The) pilot. The fourth book. fol. London, for VV. Mount, 1758. opp. p. 23]. Virginia, Marylandia et Carolina in America Septentrionale Britannorum industria excultse reprsesentatse a loh Baptist Homann. col. 19 x 23. [In Homann (J. B.) Atlas geographicus maior. fol. Norimbergse, Ho- mannianis heredibus, 1759. v. 1. no. 143]. A new and accurate map of the provinces of Pensilvania, Virginia, Mary- land and New Jersey. J. Gibson, sc. 10 x 13 J. [In American (The) gazetteer, [anon.] 12°. London, A. Millar, 1762. V.3]. Virginia. Scala leucarum & semi leucarum. 12| x 8. [In Gronovius (J. F. the younger). Flora Virginica exhibens plantas, quas Johannes Claytonus in Virginia crescentes observavit, collegit & obtulit. [Edited by L. T. Gronovius]. 4°. Lugguni Batavorum, 1762]. Carte de la Virginie, Mari-Land &ca. Tiree des meilleures cartes Angloises. 7^ X 12. [In Bellin (Jacques Nicolas). Le petit atlas maritime, fol. [Paris], 1764. V. 1. no. 35]. A draught of Virginia from the capes to York in York river and to Kuiquo- tan or Ham ton in James river. By Mark Tiddeman. 18 x 22. Dublin, G. Grierson, [1767]. [In English (The) pilot. The fourth book. fol. DubHn, B. Grierson, 1767. opp. p. 25]. Note. — See 1758 for same map. A map of that part of America where a degree of latitude was measured for the Eoyal society by Cha. Mason & Jere Dixon. J. Mynde sculp. 6J x 4. [In Philosophical transactions. 1768. 4°. London, 1769. v. 58. p. 325]. A map of the most inhabited part of Virginia, containing the whole province of Maryland, with part of Pensilvania, New Jersey and North Carolina. Drawn by Joshua Fry & Peter Jefferson in 1775. [Engraved by Thomas Jefferys]. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, [1775]. Note. — See 1755 for early edition of this map. Same. [American maps. v. 5. no. 21-22. also v. 6. no. 18-19]. Same. [In Jefferys (T. ) and others. The American atlas, fol. London, R. Sayer & J. Bennett, 1776. no. 21-22]. Same. A map of the most inhabited part of Virginia, containing the whole province of Maryland, with part of Pensilvania, New Jersey, and North Carolina. Drawn by Joshua Fry & Peter Jefferson in 1775. [Engraved by Thos. Jefferys. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys]. [In Faden (William, editor). The North American atlas, fol. London, for W. Faden, 1777. no. 27-28]. Same. Virginie, Maryland, en 2 feuilles par Fry et Jefferson. Traduit, cor- rig^, augments. 26 x 38. Paris, Le Rouge, 1777. [In Le Rouge ( Georges Louis ) . Atlas Am^riquain Septentrional, fol. Paris, Le Rouge, 1778-[1792?]. no. 16]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICAc 983 Virginia. Map of the maritime parts of Virginia, exhibiting the seat of war, and of Id. Dunmore's depredations in that colony. P. E. D. dehnt. R. A. sculp, [anon.] col. 10 x 10*. [Philadelphia, 1776]. [In Pennsylvania (The) magazine. April, 1776. 8°. Philadelphia, R. Aitken, [1776]. v. 2. p. 184]. To the American philosophical society this map of the peninsula between Delaware & Chesapeak bays, with the said bays and shores adjacent, drawn from the most accurate surveys is inscribed by John Churchman. 22J X 17. [Baltimore, 1778]. [Rochambeau: 8]. Note. — Smaller copy in separate form. A new map of the western parts of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland and North Carolina, comprehending the rivers Ohio and all the rivers which fall into it; part of the river Mississippi, the whole of the Illinois river; lake Erie; part of the lakes Huron, Michigan, &c. and all the countries bordering on these lakes and rivers. By Thos. Hutchins, engraved by T. Cheevers. 35 x 43. London, T. Hutchins, 1778. Note. — To accompany text, entitled "A topographical description of Vir- ginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and North Carolina." Same. [American maps. v. 6. no. 20]. Same. [Rochambeau: 48]. Same. Partie occidentale de la Virginie, Pensylvanie, Maryland et Caroline Sept'^ la riviere d' Ohio [etc.] Par Hutchins. 19x23. Paris, Le Rouge, 1781. [Rochambeau: 49]. A new and accurate map of the province of Virginia, in North America. [anon.] 11 x I35. [In Universal (The) magazine. 8°. London, J. Hinton, 1779. v. 65. Dec. 1779. opp. p. 281] . Part of the province of Virginia. [Princess Ann county, Norfolk county and part of Nansemond county, ms. anon. 14x19. 1779?]. A new and accurate map of Virginia and part of ]\Iarylanc'. and Pennsyl- vania. Jno. Lodge sculp, [anon.] 11x15. London, J. fcew, 1780. [In Political (The) magazine. 8°. London, for J. Bew, 1780. v. 1. Dec. 1780. opp. p. 787]. [Chart showing the depth of the James and York rivers as they enter Chesapeake bay with towns adjacent along the border, ms. anon. 18i X 14|. 1781]. Sketch of the road from Fredericksburg to Norfolk in Virginia, [anon.] ms. 9x15. [1781?]. La Fayette in Virginia. 5x8. [In Carrington (Henry B.) Battle maps and charts of the American revo- lution. 8°. New York, 1881]. Same. La Fayette in Virginia. Compiled and drawn by col. Carrington. ^ X 7i [In Magazine (The) of American history. Edited by John Austin Stevens, sm. 4°. New York, S. A. Barnes, 1881. v. 6. p. 345]. 984 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Virginia. A map of the seat of war in the southern part of Virginia, North Carolina, and northern part of South CaroUna. By Thos. Kitchin, sen'r, hydrog- rapher to his majesty. 10^ x 13J. [In London (The) magazine. 1781. 8°. London, for R. Baldwin, 1781. V. 50. p. 291]. Plan des environs de Williamsburgh, York, Hampton, et Portsmouth. [anon.] ms. 11 x 12. [1781]. [Rochambeau: 56]. Carte detaillee de West point sur la riviere d'York au confluent des rivieres de Pamunkey et Matapony. [anon.] ms. col. 12^ x 13. [1781]. [Rochambeau: 54]. [Cote de York-town a Boston. Marches de I'arm^e. anon. ms. col. 17x65. 1782]. [Rochambeau: 65]. Same. [Diff^rents camps de I'arm^e de York-town a Boston, [anon.] lOi X 36i n. p. 1782]. [Rochambeau: 64]. Carte de la Virginie, du Maryland et de I'etat de Delaware. 9 x 12 J. [In Hilliard d'Auberteuil (Michel Rene). Essais historiques et politiques sur'les Anglo- Americains. Gravures et cartes. 4°. Bruxelles, 1782. pi. 5]. Map, showing the various boundaries of the colonies of Virginia and Mary- land, from 1603 to 1783. lOJ x 15|. [Washington, D. C. M. Benjamin, 1783?]. Note. — Printed for a paper pubHshed by the Society of colonial wars in the District of Columbia. By Marcus Benjamin. A map of the country between Albermarle sound and lake Erie, compre- hending the whole of Virginia, Maryland, Delaw^are and Pensylvania, with parts of several other of the United States of America. [From Fry and Jefferson and Scull]. 23| x 23 J. Engraved by S. J. Neele. London, J. Stockdale, 1787. [In Jefferson (Thomas). Notes on the state of Virginia. 8°. London, 1787]. A view of the Natural bridge in Virginia. 7^ x 5^. [In Columbian (The) magazine. 1787. 8°. Philadelphia, for T. Seddon. 1787. V. 1. p. 617]. A map of the states of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, comprehending the Spanish provinces of East and West Florida, [etc.] By Joseph Purcell. 12J x 14^ New Haven, A. Doolittle, 1788. [In Morse (Jedidiah). The American geography. 8°. Elizabethtown, S. Kollock, for the author, 1789]. Note. — Also in the Dublin ed. 1792. The part of Virginia which was the seat of action. 7 x 10. [In Gordon (William). The history, etc. of the independence of the U. S. 8°. London, 1788. v. 4]. A map of Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey & Maryland with the parts adjacent. Thackara sc. Engraved for R. P's history of Penn. 12 x 15^. [In Proud (Robert). The history of Pennsylvania. 8°. Philadelphia, 1789. V. 2]. Note. — Gives the whole course of the Potomac and mentions "Federal City." LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 985 Virginia. A map of the states of Virginia, North Carolina, South CaroUna and Georgia, [etc.] By Joseph Purcell. Taylor sculp. 12 x 14. 1792. [In Morse (Jedidiah). The American geography. 3d ed. 8°. Dublin, for J. Jones, 1792]. Note. — See 1788 for early edition. Map of Virginia, Maryland and Delaware. I. Mutlow sc. 10 x 18^. Lon- don, I. Stockdale, 1794. [In Morse (Jedidiah). Maps of America. A new ed. [anon.] 12°. Lon- don, J. Stockdale, 1792-94. pi. 19]. New map of the states of Georgia, South and North Carolina, Virginia and Maryland including the Spanish provinces of West and East Florida. From the latest surveys. Cornelius Tiebout sculp. N. York, llf x 14J. [In Imlay (G.) A topographical description of the western territory of North America. 16°. New York, S. Campbell, 1793]. The state of Virginia, from the best authorities, b;, Samuel Lewis. 1794. 14 X 20. [In Carey (Matthew). Carey's American atlas, fol. Philadelphia, M. Carey. 1795. no. 13]. Same. The state of Virginia from the best authorities. By Samuel Lewis. 1794. American miles 69^ to a degree. 13| x 20. [In Carey (Mathew). Carey's general atlas, fol. Philadelphia, M. Carey, 1796. map 36]. Virginia. 6^ x 7^. [In Scott (Joseph). The United States gazetteer. 16°. Philadelphia, 1795]. The state of Virginia, from the best authorities. 1796. B. Tanner, sculp' t. American miles 69^ to a degree. 13 x 18J. [In Reid (John, publisher). -The American atlas, fol. New York, J. Reid, 1796. no. 14]. ■ Virginia. Hill, sc. 5| x 7^. [In Morse (Jedidiah). The American universal geography. 3d ed. 8°. Boston, I. Thomas & E. T. Andrews, 1796. p. 1. p. 602]. The state of Virginia, from the best authorities, by Samuel Lewis. 1794. Smithers sculpt. Engraved for Carey's American ed. of Guthrie's Geog- raphy improved. 13f x 20. [In Jefferson (Thomas). Notes on the state of Virginia. 3d Am. ed. 8°. New York, M. L. and W. A. Davis, 1801]. Virginia. S. Lewis, del. 7f x 9|. [In Arrowsmith (Aaron) and Lewis (Samuel). A new and elegant atlas. 4°. Philadelphia, J. Conrad, 1804. no. 47]. A map of the country betwixt Chowan and Nansemond rivers, shewing the tract of a canal proposed to be cut from Bennett's creek to Suffolk. Vide. Acts of the Virginia and North Carolina assemblies passed at the session of 1804-5. 13^ X 12J. [In American state papers, fol. Washington, Gales & Seaton, 1834. Mis- cellaneous. V. 1. p. 764]. Virginia. W. Barker sculp. 6x8. [In Carey (Mathew). Carey's American pocket atlas. 3d ed. 8°. Phila- delphia, M. Carey, 1805. pi. 14]. 986 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Virginia. A map of those parts of Virginia, North CaroHna, South CaroUna & Georgia which were the scenes of the most important operations of the southern armies. Compiled by S. Lewis. Engraved by Frances Schallus. 10 J X 14. Philadelphia, C. P. Wayne, [1807]. [In Marshall (John). The life of George Washington. Maps. 4°. Phila- delphia, C. P. Wayne, 1807. pi. 8]. A correct map of Virginia. 12| x 18|. [In Carey (Mathew) & son. Carey's general atlas, fol. Philadelphia, M. Carey & son, 1818. map 17]. A map of Virginia, formed from actual surveys, and the latest as well as the most accurate observations, by James Madison, d. d. With extensive additions & corrections to the year 1818. Published 1807. [Drawn by William Davis], col. 45x68. [Richmond, 1818]. A map of the states of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia; comprehending the Spanish provinces of east and west Florida, exhibit- ing the boundaries as fixed by the late treaty of peace between the United States and the Spanish dominions. Compiled from late survey & obser- vation by Joseph Purcell. 11 x 14. [n. p. 1820?]. Note. — Same map published in Morse's American geography, 1789 & 1792. Geographical, statistical, and historical map of Virginia. 12 x 18. [In Complete (A) historical, chronological and geographical American atlas. fol. Philadelphia, H. C. Carey & I. Lea, 1822. no. 22]. Note. — See the 1827 edition of this work, for another copy of this map. Le Rockbridge. [Natural Bridge] . 4x3. [In Nouvelles annales des voyages. 1^ serie. 8°. Paris, 1824. v. 23. p. 270]. Map of Virginia and Maryland. 'Construct^ from the latest authorities. 1824. Drawn by D. H. Vance. Engraved by J. H. Young. 17 x 21f. [In Finley (Anthony). A new American atlas, fol. Philadelphia, A. Finley, 1826. no. 7]. Note.— Inset: "Plan of Washington city & Georgetown." Carte geographique, statistique et historique de la Virginie. 12 x 17^. [In Buchon (Jean Alexandre C.) Atlas geographique, statistique, his- torique et chronologique des deux Ameriques. fol. Paris, J. Carez, 1825. no. 26]. Virginia, Maryland and Delaware. N. & S. S. Jocelyn sc. 7| x 9^. [In Morse (Sidney E.) A new universal atlas of the world, on an improved plan. 4°. New Haven, N. & S. S. Jocelyn, 1825]. A map of the State of Virginia. Constructed in conformity to law from the late surveys, authorized by the legislature. By Herman Boye. Scale, American miles of 1760 yards, col. 60x93. [Philadelphia], engraved by H. S. Tanner, [1826]. Note. — Insets: "View of Richmond, from the west," & "University of Virginia." Virginia, Maryland and Delaware. J. G. Melish del. 7^ x 9J. [In Armroyd (George) . A connected view of the whole internal navigation of the United States, [anon.] 8°. Philadelphia, H. C. Carev & I. Lea, 1826]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 987 Virginia. Map of the states of Virginia and Maryland. 9f x 15J. Engraved & printed by Fehner, Sears & co. London, I. T. Hinton & Simpkin & Mar- shall, 1831. [In Hinton (J. H. ) The history and topography of the United States. 3d ed. 4°. London, J. Dowding, 1842. v. 1. opp. p. 17]. Note. — Inset: *'Plan of Washington and Georgetown." Virginia, Maryland and Delaware. 5x6. [In Baird (Robert). View of the valley of the Mississippi. [By R. B. anon.] 16°. Philadelphia, H. S. Tanner, 1832. p. 117]. Note. — Introduction signed R. B. Map of the routes examined and surveyed for the Winchester and Potomac railroad, state of Virginia, under the direction of capt. J. T>. Graham. 1831 and 1832. Surveyed by Its. A. ©. Mackay and E. French assistants in 1831, and Its. French and J. F. Izard assistants in 1832. Submitted to the bureau of topographical engineers, with reports dated march 31, & sept. 22, 1832. Drawn from the original plot by It. Humphreys. 21 x 27. Washington, W. Stone sc. [1832]. Tanner (H. S. ) Virginia, Maryland and Delaware. Exhibiting the route of the James river and Kanawha improvement. 20 x 29. Philadelphia, H. S. Tanner, [1833]. A new map of Virginia. By H. S. Tanner. Tanner's universal atlas. lOf X 13. Philadelphia, H. S. Tanner, [1833]. Virginia, Maryland and Delaware. 7^ x 10. [In Bradford (Thomas Gamaliel). A comprehensive atlas, geographical, historical & commercial. 4°. Boston, American stationers' co. 1835. p. 36]. Map of the counties of Monongalia, Tyler, Harrison, Wood, Lewis & Ran- dolph, the north western portion of Virginia, one of the United states of North America. Shewing the situations of lands for sale by private con- tract. J. R. Jobbins, litho. & draft' n. 21 x 24^. [In Sketch of western Virginia. For the use of British settlers in that coun- try, [anon.] 16°. London, E. Bull, 1837. front.] Virginia. Engraved by G. W. Boynton. 11 x 15^. [In Bradford (Thomas Gamaliel). An illustrated atlas, geographical, statis- tical and historical of the United States and the adjacent countries, fol. Philadelphia, E. S. Grant & co. [1838]. p. 110]. Same. Virginia. 1838. Engraved by G. W. Boynton. lU x 14^. [In Bradford (Thomas Gamaliel) and Goodrich (Samuel Griswold). A universal, illustrated atlas, fol. Boston, C. D. Strong, 1843. bet. pp. 110-111]. Map of Virginia, Maryland and Delaware exhibiting the post offices, post roaas, canals, rail roads, &c. by David H. Burr. 35f x 48^. [Washington, D. H. Burr, 1839]. Virginia, Maryland and Delaware. 1839. 20 x 28. [In Tanner (Henry S.) A new American atlas, fol. Philadelphia, H. S. Tanner, 1839]. The Natural Bridge in Virginia. Gez. v. Graham. 6x4. [In Our globe. A universal picturesque album, obi. 4°. Philadelphia,, edited by the North- American bibliographic institution, 1840? p. 49]. ^88 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Virginia. Virginia. J. H. Young sc. 13 x 18^. [In Tanner (Henry S.) A geographical, historical and statistical view of the central or middle United States. 18°. Philadelphia, H. Tanner, jr. 1841. p. 389]. Virginia. 12| x lOf. [In Greenleaf (Jeremiah). A new universal atlas, new ed. rev. fol, Brattleboro, Vt. G. R. French, 1842. p. 42]. A new map of Virginia, with its canals, roads & distances. By H. S. Tanner. lOi X 14. Philadelphia, Carey & Hart, [1841]. [In his A geographical, etc. view of the United States. 16°. Philadelphia, 1841]. Virginia. J. H. Young, sc. 12f x 18|. Philadelphia, H. S. Tanner, [1844]. Note. — Cover title: Tanner's pocket map of Virginia for travellers 1844. A map of the internal improvements of Virginia. Prepared by C. Crozet, under a resolution of the general assembly, adopted march 15, 1848. col. 19 X 32. Philadelphia, engraved at P. S. Duval's lith. establt. [1848]. Virginia, Maryland & Delaware. Drawn & engraved by J. Bartholomew. * Printed in colors by Schenck & Macfarlane, Edinburgh. lOf x 15. [In Black (Adam & Charles). Black's atlas of North America, fol. Edinburgh, A. & C. Black, 1856. no. 10]. Map of the state of Virginia. Containing the counties, principal towns, rail- roads, rivers, & all other internal improvements. Prepared by L. Bucholtz. col. 25 X 36. Richmond, Ritchie & Drunnavant, 1858. Note. — Inset: View of Capitol Square, Richmond. Middle Virginia and North Carolina. Drawn by H. Lindenkohl. 22 x 19. [Washington, 186-]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. Army map of the seat of war in Virginia, showing the battle fields, fortifica- tions, etc. on & near the Potomac river. Drawn by J. G. Bruff. col. 25x27. New York, J. Disturnell, [1861]. Bufford (J. H.) Map showing the war operations in Virginia & Maryland. col. 25 X 36. Boston, J. H. Bufford, [1861]. Col ton's new topographical map of the eastern portion of the state of North Carolina with part of Virginia & South Carolina. 28 x 40. New York, J. H. Colton, 1861. Corbett (V. P.) Map of the seat of war, showing the battles of July 18**^ & 2V' 1861. m X 20. Washington, V. P. Corbett, [1861]. Corbett (V. P.) Map of the seat of war, showing the battles of July IS^'', 21", & oct. 21"' 1861. 21^ x 25. Washington, V. P. Corbett, [1861]. The key to east Virginia showing the exact relative positions of Fortress Monroe, Rip- Raps, Newport News, Sewalls Point, Norfolk, Gosport navy yard and expressing the soundings of every part of Hampton roads & Elizabeth river. Compiled from government surveys & drawn by M. K. Couzens. Litho. Lang & Laing, N. Y. 23^ x 18J. New York, W. Schaus, [1861]. Lloyd's official map of the state of Virginia. From actual surveys by order of the executive 1828 & 1829. Corrected and revised by J. T. Lloyd to 1861. col. 34 x 47. New York, J. T. Lloyd, [1861]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 989" Virginia. Map of part of Virginia, Maryland and Delaware, from the best authori- ties. Compiled from official sources, by Charles Heyne. 26 x 38. New- York, E. & G. W. Blunt, 1861. Map of Virginia showing the distribution of its slave population from the census of 1860. Washington, June 13th, 1861. Drawn by E. Herges- heimer. 19 x 27. [Washington], H. S. Graham, 1861. Note. — "Sold for the benefit of the sick and wounded of the U. S. Army." New county map of Virginia. Published by 0. N. Snow & co. 20 x 26. New York, 0. N. Snow & co. [1861]. Schonberg & co. Eastern Virginia and part of Maryland, col. 20 x 25.. New York, Schonberg & co. 1861. Sketch of the seat of war in Alexandria & Fairfax cos. By V. P. Corbett. 11 X 15. Washington, 1861. Sketch of the country occupied by the federal & confederate armies on the- 18^^&21«* July 1861. Taken by capt. Saml. P. Mitchellof P* Virginia regiment. Lithographed by F. W. Bornemann, Charleston, S. C. 1 1^ x 15. Richmond, Va. W.H. White, [1861?]. Colton's new topographical map of the states of Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware, showing also eastern Tennessee & parts of other adjoining states, all the fortifications, military stations, [etc.] Compiled from the- latest & most authentic sources on a scale of 12 miles to the inch. col. 31 X 44. New York, J. H. Colton, 1862. Coast of North Carolina & Virginia. Compiled at the coast survey office,. feb. 1862. Drawn by A. Lindenkohl. 48 x 34. [Washington, 1862]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey] . Lloyd's new war map of Virginia, col. 16 x 27. New York, H. H. Lloyd & CO. 1862. Map of eastern Virginia. Compiled by W. L. Nicholson, col. 24 x 18. [W^ashington, coast survey office, 1862]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey] . Map of part of south eastern Virginia. Compiled at the U. S. coast survey office. Drawn by A. Lindenkohl. 21 x 27. [n. p. 1862?]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. Map of western Virginia. Compiled from the best authorities and printed at the coast survey office. Compiled by W. L. Nicholson, 1862. col. 22 X 19. [Washington, coast survey office, 1862] . [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey] . Prang (L. ) & co. War telegram marking map. 22 x 33i. Boston, L.. [Prang&co. [1862]. "Surveys for military defences." Map of n. eastern Virginia and vicinity of Washington compiled at topographical engineers office at division head quarters of gen. Irvin McDowell, Arlington, Jan. 1, 1862. From published and manuscript maps corrected by recent surveys and reconnaissances 49 X 66. New York, engraved on stone by J. Schedler, [1862]. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers] . County map of Virginia and West Virginia. Drawn & engraved by W. H» Gamble. 11^ x 14. [Philadelphia, S. A. Mitchell, 1863]. 990 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Virginia. Map of the state of Virginia. Compiled from the best authorities at the coast survey office. July 1863. Compiled by W. L. Nicholson, col. 22 X 34. [Washington, 1863]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey]. Military map of south eastern Virginia. Compiled at the U. S. coast survey office. Drawn by A. Lindenkohl. 32 x 29. [Washington, H. Linden- kohl & C. G. Krebs lith. 1863?]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey] . New map of the seat of war in Virginia and Maryland. Drawn by J. G. Bruff. col. 26 x 28. New York, J. Disturnell, i863. Bechler (Gustavus R.) Atlas showing battles, engagements, and important localities connected with the campaigns in Virginia, completing the cam- paign map. 4 p. 1. 16 pi. obi. 12°. Philadelphia, G. R. Bechler, [1864]. Carte du theatre de la guerre en Virginie. 15^ x 14. [In France. Ministere de la marine et des colonies. Revue maritime et coloniale. Sept. -dec. 1864. 8°. Paris, 1864. v. 12. p. 24]. Johnson (A. J.) Johnson's Virginia, Delaware, Maryland & West Virginia. col. 17 X 23. [New York], Johnson & Ward, [1864]. Military map of south eastern Virginia. Drawn by A. Lindenkohl. col. 18 X 32. [Washington], H. Lindenkohl & C. G. Krebs lith. [1864]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast survey] . Military topographical map of eastern Virginia. Showing the routes taken by the several corps & the battles fought in the present campaign of 1864, under It. gen. U. S. Grant. Compiled & drawn by Charles Shell. 35 x 22. New York, R. Chauncy, [1864]. Schonberg's Virginia campaign map, 1864. col. 13 J x 20. New York, Schonberg & co. 1864. Extract of military map of n. e. Virginia, showing forts and roads. Engi- neer bureau, war dept. 1865. 39 cong. 1^^ sess. Report of the chief engineer, no. 1. 16^ x 23|. Philadelphia, Bowen & co. [1865]. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers]. Region embraced in the operations of the armies against Richmond and Petersburg. 1865. 39th cong. 1*' sess. Report of the chief engineer, no. 12. 24 X 32. Philadelphia, Bowen & co. lith. [1865]. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers] . Schonberg's map of Virginia east & west. col. 11 x 15. [New York, Schonberg & co. 1866]. Virginia military institute map of Virginia. Compiled chiefly from C. L. Ludwig's map, and from other more recent data to accompany preliminary report of the physical survey of Virginia by M. F. Maury. Eng'd by C. L. Ludwig, Richmond, Va. 1868. 19 x 35J. [In Maury (M. F.) Physical survey of Virginia. 8°. Richmond, W. A. R. Nye, 1868. front.] Boughman, Thomas & co.'s map of the peninsula, embracing Delaware, and the eastern shores of Maryland & Virginia. Compiled from the United States coast surveys and other actual surveys by D. G. Beers, col. 40 X 26. Wilmington, Boughman, Thomas & co. 1868. LIST OF MAPS OF AMEKICA. 991 Virginia. Map of Virginia and West Virginia. Constructed on the rectangular tangential projection, by J. H. Waddell, asst. prof, of drawing, prepared under the instructions of M. F. Maury, prof, of physics, Va. mil'ty institute. 22i X 34^. [New York, D. Van Nostrand, 1869]. ■ Mendenhall (E.) Map of the states of Virginia, West Virginia and Mary- land. Exhibiting the counties, cities, [etc.] col. 15 x 23. Cincinnati, E. Mendenhall, 1871. Map of Virginia, constructed on the rectangular tangential projection, by J. H. Waddell. Prepared under the instructions of M. F. Maurv, 1871. 16^ x 31. [In Maury (M. F. ) Physical survey of Virginia. 8°. Richmond, 1878. front.] Map' of Virginia. By Jed. Hotchkiss. no. 1. 10 x 19. Staunton, Va. 1874. Map of Virginia. By Jed. Hotchkiss. no. 2. col. 10 x 19. Staunron, Va. 1874. Map of Virginia. By Jed. Hotchkiss. Staunton, 1874. The geology by prof. William B. Rogers, col. 9^ x 22. Richmond, lith. by A. Hoen roposed continuation of the canal at the Little Falls of Potomack to the navy yard in the city of Washington. Benj. Henry T^trol)e, oh(\. Dec. 1803, 1804. col. ms. 4 sheets, each 21J x 32^. [1803-1804]. Note, — Sheets 3-4 give intersecting streets in Georgetown with plats and names of owners. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 1007 Wasliiiigrton, D. C. The traveller's directory; or, a pocket companion, shewing the course of the main road from Philadelphia to New York; and from Phila- delphia to Washington: with descriptions of the places through which it passes. From actual survey. By S. S. Moore and T. W. Jones. 2d ed. title. 37, 19 pp. 23 pi. 8°. Philadelphia, for Matthew Carey, 1804. Note. — Plan of Washington on sheet 23. First edition published in 1802. Plan of the Washington canal. B. H. Latrobe, engineer. Feb. 5, 1804. col. ms. 2 sheets, each 21 x 31|. [1804]. Note. — Gives intersecting streets and plats. Ground plan for the Capitol. Designed by dr. Thornton showing how the project for putting oflEices under the Hall of representatives might be effected. Mr. Jefferson on putting this plan into my hands stated that he had communicated with dr. Thornton on the plans submitted by me for putting a story of offices under the Hall of representatives, & that dr. Thornton had in consequence given him this plan as showing how the project might be effected. But at that time my plan was already in progress. B. H. Latrobe, feb. 1st, 1805. Rec'd by B. H. Latrobe from President U. States, jan'r 12th, 1805. ms. 18x21. [1805]. Division of prints. Front view of the President's house, in the city of Washington. [On title-page of Janson (Charles William). The stranger in America. 4°. London, Cundee, 1807]. Plan of the principal story, as proposed to be altered. B. Henry Latrobe, surv. pub. bldg. TJ. S. 1807. A manuscript plan of the White House interior and exterior, showing diagram of rooms, south & north entrance, etc. 17^ X 13^ [1807]. View of the east front of the president's house with the addition of the north & south porticos. B. H. Latrobe. 1807. S. P. B. U. States, col. ms. 13^ X 17f. [1807^. Division of prints. Elevation of the south front of the President's house copied from the design as proposed to be altered in 1807. Jan. 1817. B. H. Latrobe. 13^ x 18. col. ms. [1807-1817]. Division of prints. Plan de la ville de AVashington situee sur le territoire de Columbia cede par les etats de Virginie et Maryland aux Etats Unis. 9j x 12i. [Inset to Arro wsmith (Aaron ) . Carte des Etats Unis, copiee et gra vee sur celle d'Arrowsmith. Par P. F. Tardieu. Paris, 1808]. Note. — See 1820 for another copy of this plan. South elevation of the Capitol U. S. Washington. Scale 16 feet to an inch. B. H. Latrobe, 1810. col. ms. 19x29. [1810]. Division of prints. Graduation of 17th street Avest, showing the continuation of the war oifice drain. N. King. 11th may, 1805. ms. 15 x 20. [n. p. 1811]. The part of a circle at the meeting of Pennsylvania ct Kentucky avenues on the Eastern branch. Calculated march, 1811. [anon.] ms. 13 x 18. [n. p. 1811]. Proposed designs for U. S. Capitol by architect Benjamin H. Latrobe, 1811. West elevation of the Capitol U. S. Washington. B. H. Latrobe, feb. 4, 1811. col. ms. 18J X 29i [1811]. Division of prints. 1008 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Wasliington, D. C. George-Town and the city of Washington. Engraved by George Cooke, from a large print, by permission of mr. Nightingale. London, pub- lished by Longman, Hurst, Reese, Orme & Brown, Paternoster Row, June 1, 1812. 5^ X 7i [In Pinkerton (John). A general collection of the best and most interest- ing voyages and travels. 4°. London, for Longman, [etc. ] 1812. p. 343]. The affair of Bladensburg, aug. 21, 1814. 6x7. [In Wilkinson (James). Diagrams and plans illustrative of the principal battles and military affairs treated of in Memoirs of my own times. 4°. Philadelphia, 1816. no. 17], Capitol, after its destruction by the British — aug. 24th, 1814. 3^ x 6. ^ [In Washington, D. C. Capitol centennial committee. Centennial anni- versary of the laying of the corner-stone of the National Capitol, sept. 18, 1793. 12°. Washington, 1893. p. 6]. The Capitol in 1814, from Pennsylvania avenue. 3 x 5|. [In Washington, D. C. Capitol centennial committee. Centennial anni- versary of the laying of the corner-stone of the National Capitol, sept. 18, 1793. 12°. Washington, 1893. p. 5]. President's house, after its destruction by the British. 3^^ x 5. [1814]. [In Watterson (George). New guide to Washington, R. Farnham, 1847-8. p. 57]. Sketch of the march of the british army under gen'l Ross. From the 19th to the 29th august, 1814. From a sketch by D. Evans, It. 3d. dr'ns as't qr. mas'r gen'l. Military depot quarter mas'r gen'l office horse guards, oct'r 10th, 1814. J. Wyld, [engraver, London]. 18^ x 13f. [1814]. Note. — Inset: " Sketch of the engagement on the 24th of august 1814 between the British and American forces." Original engraving. Same. Sketch of the march of the British army under gen' 1 Ross. From the 19th to the 29th august, 1814. From a sketch by D. Evans, It. 3d. dr'ns. dy. ast. qr. mas't gen'l. Military depot quarter masr. gen'l office horse guards, oct. 10th, 1847. J. Wyld. T. Sinclair's lith. Phila. 18J x 13|. [In Ingraham (E. D. ) A sketch of the events which preceded the capture of Washington. [By E. D. I. anon.] 8°. Philadelphia, Carey & Hart, 1849. front.] Note. — Inset: ' ' Sketch of the engagement on the 24th of august, 1814 between the British and American forces." Map of maj. gen. Ross' route, with the British column from Benedict, on the Patuxent river, to the city of Washington, aug. 1814. 13J x 15. [London], W. James, may 11, 1818. [In James (William), A full and correct account of the military occur- rences of the late war between Great Britain and the United States. 8°. London, for the author, 1818. v. 2. opp. title-page]. Map of maj : gen: Ross's route with the British column, from Benedict, on the Patuxent river, to the city of Washington, aug. 1814. 14 x 16. [In Wilkinson (James) . Diagrams and plans illustrative of the principal battles and military affairs treated of in Memoirs of my own times. 4°. Philadelphia, 1816. no. 16]. A view of the Capitol of the United States after the conflagration of the 24th august, 1814. G. Munger, del.— W. Strickland, sculp, col. IH x 17. [1814]. Division of prints. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 1009 Washing-ton, D. C. View of the capitol of the United States, after the conflagra- tion in 1814. Alex'r Lawson sc. 4 J x 7^. [In Torrey (Jesse). A portraiture of domestic slavery. 8°. Philadelphia, author, 1817. front.] A view of the President's house in the city of Washington after the confla- gration of the 24th august, 1814. G. Munger, del. W. Strickland, sculp, col. ms. 10^x17. [1814]. Division of prints. 3Iap, exhibiting the property of the V. S. in the vicinity of the Capitol, col- ored red, with the manner in which it is proposed to lay off the same in building lots, as described in the report of the supt. of the city to which this is annexed. B. W. Latrobe, one of the surveyors of the city of Washington. Dec. 3, 1815. ms. 18^x23. [1815].' Territory of Columbia. Drawn by Andw. Ellicott. Engraved bv P. A. F. [In AVarden (D. B.) A chorographical and statistical description of the District of Columbia. 8°. Paris, Smith, 1816]. XoTE.— The Ellicott topographical map, 1793? The author, on p. 34, men- tions the "plan of major L'Enfajit, engraved at the expense of the gov- ernment on a scale of a hundred poles to an inch." Between pp. 34-35 is a view of the Capitol, 3^ x 8^. Detournelle del. et sculp. A^iew of the Capitol. Detournelle, del. et sculp. [1815]. [In Warden (D. B.) A chorographical and statistical description of the District of Columbia. 8°. Paris, Smith, 1816. bet. pp. 34-35]. Same. The Capitol— Washington, 1816. Detournelle del. et sculp. 2| x 6. [In Ayashington, D. C. Capitol centennial committee. Centennial anniver- sary of the laying of the corner-stone of the National Capitol, sept. 18, 1793. 12°. Washington, 1893. p. 8]. Plan of the west end of the public appropriation in the city of Washington, called the Mall, as proposed to be arranged for the site of the university. To the committee of the h. of r. of congress. B. H. Latrobe, surveyor of the city of Washington. Jan. 1816. col. ms. 12^x18^ [1816]. The plan of the principal floor of the Capitol U. S. 1817. Those parts which are colored light red denote the walls remaining, and carried up since the conflagration of 1814. Those of a deeper red, the work commenced for the completion of the wings, agreeably to the suggestions of both houses of Congress. Those colored grey, are not ultimately determined and are submitted to the President, U. S. March 18, 1817. 21 x 30h. [1817]. Division of prints. Plan of the principal story of the north wing of the Capitol U. S. as authorised to be built, 1817. F. C. De Krafft, delin. col. ms. 19J x 31. [1817]. Division of prints. Plan of the principal floor of the south wing of the Capitol as authorized to be built, 1817. B. H. Latrobe, scul. Wm. Blanchard, del. col. 21 x 29^. [1817]. Division of prints. Plan of wharfing, by B. H. Latrobe, surveyor city of Washington, march 3, 1817. ms. 17x22. [1817]. Plan of the city of Washington. 5 x 7J. [In Mackenzie (E.) An historical, etc. view of the United States. 8°. Newcastle, 1818. opp. p. 319]. H. Doc. 516 U 1010 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. "Washing'ton, D. C. Same. Plan of the city of Washington. 5x7. [In Mackenzie (E. ) An historical, topographical, and descriptive view of the United States. 2d ed. 8°. Newcastle upon Tyne, Mackenzie & Dent, 1819. opp. p. 319]. Ground floor, principal floor, attic floor of the treasury and war office. Drawn by Wm. Blanchard, 1819. ms. 19^ x 16^ [1819]. Plan of the city of Washington and territory of Columbia. Engraved by W. & D. Lizars, Edinr. 13^ x 13^. [In Warden (D. B. ) A statistical, political and historical account of the United States. 8°. Edinburgh, 1819. v. 3. front.] Bird's eye view of the new congress hall, showing the plan of the room and the position of the floor of the different members of the house of repre- sentatives. 4| X 7. [In Analectic (The) magazine, new series. March, 1820. 8°. Philadel- phia, J. Maxwell, 1820. v. ir no. 3. p. 240]. A correct map of the city of Washington. Engd. by W. I, Stone, Wash. 16 x 21. [In National (A) calendar for 1820, By Peter Force. 18°. Washington, Davis & Force, 1820]. Note. — Inset views of "West front of. the Capitol" and " North front of the President's house." A front view of the president's house, Washington. Geo. Catlin, del. I. L. Frederick sc. 3j x 5|. [In Analectic (The) magazine, new series. April, 1820. 8°. Philadel- phia, J. Maxwell, 1820. v. 1. no. 4. front.] Plan de la ville de Washington situee sur le territoire de Columbia cede par les etats de Virginie et Maryland aux Etats Unis d'Amerique etetabli par eux comme le siege de leur gouvernement depuis I'annee 1800. 9 x 12|^. [Inset to Arrowsmith (Aaron). United States of N"\ America. Carte des Etats-Unis de I'Amerique Septentrionale, copi^e et gravee sur celle d' Arrowsmith, corrigee et considerablement augmentee d'apres les ren- seignemens le plus authentiques par P. F. Tardieu, graveur. Paris, P. F. Tardieu, 1820]. Note. — See 1808 for another copy of this map. West front of the Capitol. Engraved for the National calendar, 1821. Drawn by C. Bullfinch, surveyor of the Capitol. 3^ x 6. [In Washington, D. C. Capitol centennial committee. Centennial anni- versary of the laying of the corner-stone of the National Capitol, sept. 18, 1793. 12°. Washington, 1893. p. 10]. District of Columbia. Drawn by J. Melish. 6| x 4. [In Melish (John). A geographical description of the United States. A newed. 8°. Philadelphia, author, 1822. p. 97]. Facciata del campicoglio di Washington. S. Marceau, dis. A. Rivelanti, inc. 2i X 3i. [In Compagnoni (G.) Storia del P America, [anon.] 16°. Milano, Fusi, Stella & CO. 1822. v. 14. p. 58]. Geographical, statistical, and historical map of the District of Columbia. 11 X lOi. [In Complete (A) historical, chronological and geographical American atlas, fo'l. Philadelphia, H. C. Carey & I. Lea, 1822. no. 21]. Note. — See 1827 for third edition. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 1011 "Wash.ing'ton, D. C. ^orth front of the president's house. 3 x 5|. [In National (The) calendar. 1822. By Peter Force. 18°. Washington, Davis & Force, 1822. front.] Note. — Also views of the president's house, state, treasury, war and navy departments on p. 227. Perimetro della citta di Washington. S. Marceau, dis. A. Rivelanti, inc. 3x3i [In Compagnoni (G.) Storia del I'America. [anon.] 16°. Milano, Fusi, Stella e co. 1822. v. 14. p. 58]. Plan of the city of Washington, seat of government of the United States. Entered according to act of Congress on the 12 day of nov. 1822, by S. A. EUiot of the District of Columbia. 16| x 21. [In Elliot (William). The Washington guide, [anon.] 18°. Washing- ton, S. A. Elliot, 1822]. Note. — The author states in preface " It was, no doubt, through the influ- ence of general Washington, that the seat of the national government was established here; but it required the fostering hand of every successive administration to keep alive and nourish what he had so wisely planted. Happily this has been done to the extent of every reasonable man's expectation. The city was laid out during the administration of John Adams; of which the map in the front is a correct copy, and was signed by himself." Plan shewing the present & proposed direction of the canal between 3d & seventh streets. Scale 200 ft. to an inch. F. C. de K[rafft. anon.] Aug. 7, 1822. ms. 18 x 23. [1822]. Plan shewing the present and proposed directions of the canal between 3d & 7th street west on the Mall. The above is a true copy from the original by F. C. de Krafft. Aug. 27, 1822. Scale 200 feet to an inch. ms. 15 x 17. [1822]. Square A. & B. [Plan]. Original by F. C. de Krafft. Sept. 16th 1822. ms. 16^x20f [1822]. The Capitol, Washington. [View]. 3x4^. [In Worcester (J. E. ) Sketches of the earth and its inhabitants. 12°. Boston, Cummings, Hilliard & co. 1823. p. 92]. Plan of the principal floor of the Capitol. 6x8. [In National (The) calendar for 1823. By Peter Force. 16°. Washington, Davis & Force, 1823. front.] Carte geographique, statistique et historique du District de Colombie. 10| X 10. [In Buchon (Jean Alexandre C). Atlas geographique, statistique et chro- nologique des deux Ameriques. fol. Paris, J. Carez, 1825. no. 25]. Dimensions of that part of the Center Market square requiring to be filled in the 22nd June 1824. ms. 11^ x 15|. [1824]. Map of Virginia and Maryland, constructed from the latest authorities. 1824. Drawn by D. H. Vance. Engrav'd by J. H. Young. 17 x 22. [In Finley (Anthony^). A new American atlas, fol. Philadelphia, A. Finley, 1826. no. 7]. Note. — Inset: "Plan of Washington & Georgetown." Plan of the city of Washington. Laid down agreeably to the surveyor's returns. F. C. de Krafft, S. C. W. 1824. 16 sheets, fol. [1824]. Note. — Manuscript. Title on back of cover, ** Plats of Washington 1-16." 1012 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Wasliiiigton, D. C. [Plats of Washington, anon.] 30 sheets, fol. Note. — Manuscript without date, title, or surveyor' s name. Title from cover. Presumably by F. C. de Krafft, surveyor, 1824. Oestliche fronte des capitols von Washington [&] Grundriss des capitols. C. Ermer sculp. 9 x 7J. [In Bernhard (Carl, herzog von Sachsen Weimar Eisenbach). Reise durch Nord Amerika in 1825 und 1826. 8°. Weimar, W. Hoffmann, 1828. v. 1. p. 270]. The Capitol at Washington. 4x8. [Inset to Huntington (E.) and Williard (A.) Map of the United States. Hartford, 1826]. Isometrical view of the President's House, the surrounding public buildings and private residences, [anon.] ms. 20| x 33. [1825?]. Map of reconnaissance exhibiting the country between Washington and New Orleans with the 1-outes examined in reference to a contemplated national road between these two cities. 20x26. [1826]. Note. — Map to accompany doc. no. 156 [45] 19th. cong. 1st sess. Ho. of repts. Dept. War Road from Washington to New Orleans. 28 pagefe Washington, 1826. Page 11 states "A general map has been compiled from Tanner's atlas, and drawn by lieuts. Jefferson Vail and W. Williams of the infantry. The projection is that employed by Delille and Danville, and adopted by mr. Tanner, for his atlas; the scale is 10 miles to an mch." Map of the country between Washington & Pittsburg referring to the con- templated Chesapeake & Ohio canal and its general route and profile, oct. 1826. Reduced from the general map, annexed to the report upon the contemplated canal & drawn by lieut. Farley. Etched by Wm. Harrison. Georgetown, D. C. 17 x 25^. [Georgetown, 1826]. Note. — Map 16, by E. H. Courtney, accompanying doc. 83. 18th congress. 2d sess. House of Representatives. 1825. Plan of the grounds adjacent to the Capitol, shewing the projected alteration of the canal & the amount of land proposed to be laid into building lots. Scale 200 ft. to an inch. F. C. de Krafft. [anon.] ms. 18^ x 28. [1826]. Note. — Has newspaper cutting pasted on side explaining conditions of the sale. Plan of the present situation of the city hall on the square between north D & E streets & between 4th and 5th streets w^est. F. C. de Krafft, sur- veyor c. Washington. Aug. 8, 1826. ms. 14 x 20. [1826]. Plan of squares marked A. &, B. in mr. Bulfinch's plan. Scale 100 ft. to an inch. F. C. de K[rafft. anon.] ms. 15 x 18. [1826]. Map of the country embracing the several routes examined with a view to a national road from Washington to Buffalo. 16 x 35. [In United States. Congress. Ho. of rep. Road from Washington to Buf- falo. 8°. Washington, 1827]. Note. — Through Maryland, Pennsylvania, and New York. Plan of the city of Washington, seat of government of the United States. 17 X 21. [In Washington, D. C. Directories. 1827. 16°. AVashington, S. A. Elliott, 1827]. Note.— The i)lan copyrighted no v. 12, 1822, by S. A. Elliott. LIST OF MAPS OF AMEEICA. 1013 Wasliing^on, D. C. Geographical, statistical and historical map of the District of Columbia. Engraved by Young and Delleker. 16^ x 20i (including mar- ginal text). [In Complete (A) historical, chronological and geographical American atlas. 3d ed. fol. Philadelphia, H. C. Carey, & I. Lea, 1827. Xo. 21]. Note. — Marginal text. See 1822 for another copy. Map of the country embracing the several routes examined with a view to a national road from Washington to lake Ontario. Compiled by A. J. Stansbury. 35 x 17. Georgetown, D. C. engraved by W. Harrison, [1827?]. ' East elevation of the Capitol. Completed 1828 under the supervision of mr. Chas. Bulfinch and according to the design of architect Benj. H. Latrobe. col. 13| X 19i [1828]. Division of prints. Map of the city of Washington. Published by John Brannan. 1828. Drawn by F. C. de Krafft, city surveyor. Engd. by mr. W. I. Stone. 16 x 20f . [Washington, published by J. Brannan, 1828]. Carte du pays compris entre Washington et Pittsburg, offrant le trace general du canal de jonction de la baie de Chesapeak a la riviere d'Ohio, et ses profils. 10| x 16. [In Society de geographic. Bulletin. 8°. Paris, 1829, v. 11 at end]. United States capitol. C. Bullfinch delt. Childs dir. [0[n Maas (Jacob). The Jackson wreath. 8°. Philadelphia, J. Maas, 1829. p. 87]. Note. — Text descriptive of the Capitol follows. Capitol, Washington, 18-30. From a sketch by Davis, N. Y. 3J x 6. [In Washington, D. C. Capitol centennial committee. Centennial anniver- sary of the laying of the corner-stone of the National Capitol, sept. 18, 1793. 12°'. Washington, 1893. p. 12]. Capitol. West front, 1830. 3,J x 6. [In Washington, D. C. Capitol centennial committee. Centennial anniver- sary of the laying of the corner-stone of the National Capitol, sept. 18, 1793. 12°. Washington, 1893. p. 14]. A map of Georgetown in the District of Columbia by William Bussard, 1830. Scale 100 yards to an inch. 23^ x 29. Washington, engd. by W. Harri- son, [1830]. Capitol at Washington. [View]. 3| x 7. [In Lumiere (The) containing a variety of topographical views in Europe and America. 12°. New York, H. Piercy & co. 1831. p. 9]. Capitol of the United States, Washington. Engraved & printed by Fenner, Sears & co. Drawn by H. Brown. London, I. T. Hinton & Simpkin & Marshall, 1831. 3| x 6. [In Hinton (J. H.) The history and topography of the United States. 3d ed. 4°. London, J. Dowding, 1842. v. 2. opp. p. 527]. Capitol of the U. S. Washington. West front. 4^ x 5f . Engraved & printed by Fenner, Sears & co. Drawn by W. Goodacre, N. Y. London, I. T. Hinton & Simpkin & Marshall, 1831. [In Hinton (J. H.) The history and topography of the United States. 3d ed. 4°. London, J. Dowding, 1842. v. 1. opp. p. 458]. 1014 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. "Washington, D. C. The department of state, Washington. Engraved & printed by Fenner, Sears & co. Drawn by C. Burton, N. Y. 4 x 5f . London, I. T. Hinton & Simpkin & Marshall, [1831]. [In Hinton (J. H.) The history and topography of the United States. 3d ed. 4°. London, J. Dowding, 1842. v. 1. opp. p. 458]. Map of the states of Virginia and Maryland. 9| x 15^^. Engraved & printed by Fenner, Sears & co. London, I. T. Hinton & Simpkin & Marshall, 1831. [In Hinton (J. H. ) The history and topography of the United States. 3d ed. 4°. London, J. Dowding, 1842. v. 1. opp. p. 17]. Note. — Inset: "Plan of Washington and Georgetown." Modern atlas on a new plan to accompany the system of universal geography; a new ed. improved by William Channing Woodbridge. 4th ed. 3 p. 1. 8 col. maps, front. 4°. Hartford, O. D. Cooke & co. 1831. Note. — Inset views of the Capitol and White House on frontispiece. The president's house, Washington. Engraved & printed by Fenner, Sears & CO. Drawn by H. Brown. 4x6. London, I. T. Hinton & Simpkin & Marshall, 1831. [In Hinton (J. H.) The history and topography of the United States. 3d ed. 4°. London, J. Dowding, 1842. v. 1. opp. p. 458]. AVoodbridge's school atlas; an improved ed. By William Channing Wood- bridge, title. 9 maps. 4°. Hartford, O. D. Cooke & co. 1831. Note. — At end: "Washington city and its environs." Also found in the editions of 1833 and 1835. Washington city and its environs. 4 x 3^. [In Woodbridge (William Channing). Woodbridge' s school atlas. Im- proved ed. 4°. Hartford, 0. D. Cooke & co. 1833]. Capitol of the United States, Washington. H. Brown, del. 5J x 8J. [In Malte-Brun (Conrad). A system of universal geography. 4°. Boston, S. Walker, 1834. v. 2. front.] Capitol of the United States, Washington. J. Andrews, sc. Carter Andrews & CO. H. Brown, del. Boston. 5^ x 8. [In Hinton (J. H.) The history and topography of the United States, newed. 4°. Boston, Samuel Walker, 1834. v. 1. opp. p. 220]. City of Washington. From beyond the Navy Yard. Published by Lewis P. Clover. Printed by G. Cook. Engd. by W. J. Bennett. Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1834 by Lewis P. Clover in the clerk's office of the district court of the southern district of New York. [View], col. 18J x 24J. [1834]. Division of prints. The president's house, Washington. J. Andrews, sc. Carter Andrews & co. H. Brown, del. Boston. 5J x 8. [In Hinton (J. H.) The history and topography of the United States, new ed. 4°. Boston, Samuel Walker, 1834. v. 1. opp. p. 240]. The president's house, Washington. H. Brown, del. J. Andrews, sc. 5J X SI [In Malte-Brun (Conrad). A system of universal geography. 8°. Boston, S. Walker, 1834. v. 2. p. 218]. Washington. [View]. Drawn by J. R. Smith. Engraved by J. D. Neagle. 5|x8. [In Malte-Brun (Conrad). A system of universal geography. 8°. Boston, S. Walker, 1834. v. 2. bet. pp. 222-223]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 1015 Washington, D. C. Front view of the Capitol. Washington. 5| x 9. [In American (The) magazine of useful and entertaining knowledge. [1834- 1835]. 8°. Boston, Berwick co. 1835. v. 1. p. 519]. District of Columbia. 10 x 7^. , [In Bradford (Thomas Gamaliel). A comprehensive atlas, geographical, historical & commercial. 4°. Boston, W. D. Tichnor, [1835]. no. 37]. Engraved for the gazetteer of the state of Virginia, exhibiting its internal improvements, roads, distances (fee. by J. H. Young. 12 J x 15. Phila- delphia, S. A. Mitchell, 1835. [In Martin (Joseph). A new and comprehensive gazetteer of Virginia and the District of Columbia. 8°. Charlottesville, J. Martin, 1835]. Note. — Inset: "District of Columbia." pp. 471-512 contain descriptive text relating to Washington, Georgetown, and Alexandria. City of Washington. 11 j x 14 J. [In Tanner (H. S.) A new universal atlas. 4°. Philadelphia, author, 1836. no. 66]. Note. — Inset: "Plan of the principal floor of the Capitol." Department of state at Washington, D. C. 3i x 5^. [In American (The) magazine of useful and entertaining knowledge. [2d ed. 1837]. 8°. Boston, J. L. Sibley, 1837. v. 1. p. 317]. Routes between New York & Washington. Drawn by I. Smith. 4J x 23. New York, J. Disturnell, 1837. [In Disturnell (John). A guide between New York, Philadelphia. 18°. New York, J. Disturnell, 1837]. View of the Capitol at Washington. 5^ x 8J. [In American (The) magazine of useful and entertaining knowledge. [1837]. 8°. Boston, J. L. Sibley, 1837. v. 3. p. 26]. View of the president's house, at Washington. 4x6. [In American (The) magazine of useful and entertaining knowledge. [1837]. 8°. Boston, J. L. Sibley, 1837. v. 3. p. 78]. View of the city of Washington. The metropolis of the United States of America. Taken from Arlington house, the residence of George Wash- ington P. Custis, esq. P. Anderson, del. On stone by F. H. Lane. 15 X 36i Boston, T. Moore, [1838]. Washington. 6x7. [In Bradford (Thomas Gamaliel). An illustrated atlas, geographical, statis- tical and historical of the United States, fol. Boston, Weeks, Jordan & CO. 1838. p. 33]. Note. — On the illustrated title-page is a view of the Capitol and on pp. 33-34, descriptive text. The Capitol. East view, 1839. 3^ x 6. [In Washington, D. C. Capitol centennial committee. Centennial anni- versary of the laying of the corner-stone of the National Capitol, sept. 18, 1793. 12°. Washington, 1893. p. 16]. The president's house, from Washington. 4| x 7J. [1839]. [In American scenery. From drawings by W. H. Bartlett. The literary department by N. P. Willis. 4°. London, G. Virtue, 1840. v. 2. p. 32] 1016 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Washington, D. C. Principal front of t^ie Capitol, Washington. 5x7. London, G. Virtue, 1839. [In American scenery. From drawings by W. H. Bartlett. The literary department by N. P. Willis. 4°. London, G. Virtue, 1840. v. 2. p. 55]. View of the Capitol at Washington. 5x7. London, G. Virtue, 1839. [In American scenery. From drawings by W. H. Bartlett. The literary department by N. P. WiUis. 4°. London, G. Virtue, 1840. v. 1. p. 36]. Washington, from the president's house. — Vue de Washington, pris de la maison du president. — Washington vom hotel des priisidenten gesehn. W. H. Bartlett. H. AVallis. 11^ x 8|. London, Geo: Virtue, 1839. [In American scenery. From drawings by V7. H. Bartlett. The literary department by N. P. Wilhs. 4°. London, G. Virtue, 1840. v. 2. p. 49]. Ascent to the Capitol, Washington. 10^ x 8. [In American scenery. From drawings by W. H. Bartlett. The literary department by N. P. Willis. 4°. London, G. Virtue, 1840. v. 1. title- page]. The Capitol. From the Virginia side of the Potomac, 1840. 3^ x 6. [In Washington, D. C. Capitol centennial committee, Centennial anni- versary of the laying of the corner-stone of the National Capitol, sept. 18, 1793. 12°. Washington, 1893. p. 18]. View of the city of Washington. 3 x 3|. [In Haas (P.) Public buildings and statuary of the government. 18°. Washington, P. Haas, 1840. opp. p. 44]. The Capitol of the United States in Washington. H. Brown, del. 3^ x 6^. [In Our globe. A universal picturesque album, obi. 4°. Philadelphia, edited by the North-American bibliographic institution, 1840? p. 81]. The president's house, Washington. C. C. Wall. 5^ x 8 J. [In Mirror (The) of literature, amusement, and instruction. Sept. 4, 1841. 8°. London, H. Cunningham, 1841. v. 38. p. 147]. Note. — With descriptive text pages 147-149, signed E. T. C. On page 323, sept. 20, 1841, is a picture of Mount Vernon, to accompany a text entitled Rambles round Washington, signed with the same initials. Capitol. South west view, 1841. 3^ x 6. [In Washington, D. C. Capitol centennial committee. Centennial anni- versary of the laying of the corner-stone of the National Capitol, sept. 18, 1793. 12°. Washington, 1893. p. 22]. View of the White House. 2\ x 3|. [In Buckingham (J. S.) America. 8°. London, Fisher & co. 1841. v. 1. p. 310]. Capitol, Washington. 5J x 7^. [In Bradford (Thomas Gamaliel) and Goodrich (Samuel Griswold). A universal, illustrated atlas, fol. Boston, A. D. Strong, 1842. front.] Interior of the house of rej^resentatives, AVashington. Drawn by W. Good- acre, N. Y. Engraved and i)rintey L. S. De La Rochette. 1784. W. Palmer sculp. 18 x 20. Lon- don, W. Faden, 1784. A compleat map of the West Indies containing the coasts of Florida, and Terra Firma; with all the islands. By Samuel Dunn. 12 x 17J. Lon- don, for R. Sayer, 1786. [In Dunn (Samuel). A new atlas of the mundane system. 3d ed. fol. London, Laurie & Whittle, (1786-89). no. 41]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 1059 West Indies. Carte reduite des isles dii Vent. Copiee avec permission de mgr. le marechal De Castries. Sur le no. 75, de I'hydrographie Fran^oise, tome 11. 23| X 14}. [In Le Boucher (Odet-Julien). Histoire de la derniere guerre, entre la Grande-Bretagne, et les Etats-Unis. [anon.] atlas. 4°. Paris, Brocas, 1787. no. 3]. The West Indies, exhibiting the English, French, Spanish, Dutch & Danish settlements with the adjacent parts of North and South America, from the best authorities. 7j x 11. [In Bankes (Thomas), Blake (Edward Warren) and Cook (Alexander). A new, royal, authentic and complete system of universal geography ancient and modern; [etc.] 2 v. fol. London, printed for J. Cook, [1787-1810?]. V. 2. bet. pp. 516-517]. A new^ general chart of the West Indies from the latest marine journals and surveys, regulated and ascertained by astronomical observations. 27} x 39}. Boston, W. Norman, 1789. [In Norman (William, publisher). The American pilot, containing the navigation of the sea coast of North America, fol. Boston, W. Norman, 1798. no. 2]. An accurate map of the West Indies. NV. Harrison sculp. 8 x 10. Lon- don, R. AVilkinson, 1794. [In Wilkinson (Robert). A general atlas, fol. London, 1800]. Jefferys (Thomas) . The West-India atlas. 3 p. 1. 28 pp. 61 sheets, fol. London, for R. Sayer, 1794. Note. — Each map separately catalogued under subject. The firm of Laurie & Whittle, pasted over that of Robert Sayer. An accurate map of the West Indies with the adjacent coast of America; by J. Russell. 13| X 19J. [In his An American atlas, and a plan of the city of Washington, fol. London, H. D. Symonds & J. Ridgway, 1795. no. 3]. A new and improved chart of the West India or Carribbee islands, drawn from the best authorities by William Heather. 31 x 24f . London, author, 1795. [In Heather (William). The marine atlas, or seaman's complete pilot for all the principal places in the known world, comprising a new and elegant collection of charts, fol. London, W. Heather, [1803]. no. 44]. West Indies. 7^ x 12}. [In Walker (John, m. d. 1759-1830). The universal gazetteer. 8°. Lon- don, Darton dk Harvey, 1795. pi. 28]. West Indies from the best authorities. Doolittle, sculp. 7^ x 12. [In Morse (Jedidiah). The American universal geography. 3d ed. 8°. Boston, I. Thomas & E. T. Andrews, 1796. pt 1. p. 760]. A chart of the West Indies, from the latest marine journals and surveys. W. Barker sculp. Philad'a. 11 x 16. [In Carey (Mathew). Carey's general atlas, fol. Philadelphia, M. Carey, 1796. no. 43]. Same. A chart of the West Indies, from the latest marine journals and surveys. W. Barker sculp, [anon.] 11 x 16. [In Carey (Mathew). Carey's American atlas, fol. Philadelphia, M. Carey, 1796. no. 21]. 1060 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. West Indies. An accurate map of the West Indies with the adjacent coast of America, 1796. D. Martin, sculp' t. 14 x 17|. [In Reid (John, pubUsher). The American atlas, fol. New York, J. Reid, 1796. no. 20]. West Indies, from the best authorities. 7^ x 12^. [In Morse (Jedidiah). The American gazetteer. 8°. Boston, 1797]. A correct chart of the West India islands. S. H. sculpt. 6^ x 9. [In Malham (John). The naval gazetteer. 1st Amer. ed. 8°. Boston, W. Spotswood & J. Nancrede, 1797. v. 1. p. 515]. A new chart of the West Indies including the Florida gulf and stream. Drawn from the latest authorities by W. Heather. 30J x 73^. London, author, 1797. [In Heather (William). The marine atlas, or seaman's complete pilot for all the principal places in the known world, comprising a new and elegant collection of charts, fol. London, W. Heather, [1803]. no. 45]. The West Indies. Neele sculpt. 14 x 18|. [In Cruttwell (Clement). Atlas to accompany Cruttwell's gazetteer, fol. London, printed for G. G. & J. Robinson, [1799]. no. 24]. The West Indies and gulf of Mexico, from the latest discoveries and best observations. Jno. Lodge sculp. 9 x 14. [In Russell (William). The history of America. 4°. London, for Walker, 1800. V. 1. p. 517]. A new and correct general chart of the West Indies including the gulf of Mexico & bay of Honduras, &c. Collected from the journals, surveys and astronomical observations of the most celebrated navigators, by William Heather. 30^ x 49. London, author, 1801. [In Heather (William). The marine atlas, or seaman's complete pilot for all the principal places in the known world, comprising a new and elegant collection of charts, fol. London, W. Heather, [1803]. no. 46]. A new map of the West India isles, from the latest authorities. By John Gary, engraver, 1803. 18 x 20. London, J. Cary, 1803. [In Gary (John). Gary's new universal atlas, fol. London, for J. Gary, 1808. no. 58]. Note. — Gives north part of South America. West Indies. Marshall sculp. 8 x 9f . [In Arrowsmith (Aaron) and Lewis (Samuel). A new and elegant general atlas. 4°. Philadelphia, J. Conrad, 1804. no. 58]. AVest Indies, from the best authorities. Grilbey sc. 7 x 12. [In Morse (Jedidiah). The American gazetteer. 2ded. 8°. Charlestown^ 1804]. Portulano de la America Setentrional. Construido en la direccion de tra- bajos hydrograficos. 2 p. 1. 16, 46, 34, 16, 9 maps. obi. fol. Madrid, 1809, aumentado y corregido, en 1818. A new atlas of the British West Indies. Engraved to accompany the Phila. ed. of Edward's History of the West Indies. titFe. 11 maps. 4°. Charleston, E. Morford, [etc.] 1810. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 1061 West Indies. Chart of the AVest India island and adjacent coast. Drawn by A. Arrowsmith. 1809. Additions to 1811. 39 J x 52. London, A. Arrow- smith, 1811. Note. — The original title of this map has been replaced by a manuscript one entitled "Map of the American isthmus from various and late authori- ties 1850." It has several manuscript insets and the face of the map almost entirely changed by manuscript additions. West Indies, drawn from the best authorities by J. Russell. 14 x 18i. [In Guthrie ("William). A system of modern geography. 7th ed. 8°. London, 1811. p. 934]. A new chart of the West Indies, gulf of Mexico, and northern provinces of South America; compiled from the most recent Spanish and other surveys, by Joseph Dessiou. Improved ed. with additions to 1818. 48 x 56. London, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1813. [In Whittle (James) and Laurie (Richard Holmes). The West-India atlas, fol. London, 1818. no. 28]. The West Indies. By J. Luff man, geogr. 10| x 7\. [In Luffman (John). Luffman's geographical & topographical atlas. 2 v. in 1. 4°. London, J. Luffman, 1815-16]. Chart of the West Indies and Spanish dominions in North America. By A. Arrowsmith. 1803. Additions to 1810-1816. 2 sheets. 48 x 56. [In Arrowsmith (Aaron). Atlas to Thompson's Alcedo. fol. London, G. Smeeton, 1816. nos. 12-13]. West Indies. Engraved by Sy. Hall. 8 x 10. Edinburgh, A. Constable & CO. 1817. [In Arrowsmith (Aaron). A new general atlas. 4°. Edinburgh, A. Con. stable & CO. 1817. no. 52]. Laurie & Whittle's new chart of the Caribbee or AVest India islands, from Porto-Rico to Trinidad inclusive; with the coasts of the Spanish Main, thence to Guayra. Improved by various emendations and additions, from the chart constructed under the orders of the Spanish government, by don Cosme Churruca, and don Joaquin Franco. Fidalgo. John Purdy delint. G. Allen, sculp'. 3d ed. 1817. 39i x 28. London, R. Laurie c<: J. Whit- tle, 1810. [1817]. [In Whittle (J. ) and Laurie (R. H. ) The West India atlas, fol. London, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. nos. 9-10]. A new chart of the West Indies, gulf of Mexico and northern provinces of South America; compiled from the most recent Spanish and other surveys by Joseph Dessiou. Improved edition, with additions to 1818. 45| x 56 J. London, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1813. [1818]. [In Whittle (J.) and Laurie (R. H.) TheAVest India atlas, fol. London, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. nos. 7-8]. Riley (Isaac, publisher). A new atlas of the West India islands, title. 10 maps. 4°. Philadelphia, I. Riley, 1818. The West-India atlas: comprehending a complete collection of accurate charts of the navigation of the West Indies and gulf of Mexico, etc. The whole newly arranged, and including the large chart of the Atlantic ocean, by John Purdy; the new general chart of the West Indies, by Joseph Dessiou; and the improved editions of the maps, by the late Thomas Jefferys, with several others recently published, title. • index. 57 maps, fol. London, J. AVhittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. Note. — The maps in this atlas are separately catalogued under subjects. 1062 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. West Indies. AVest Indies. 9^ x 15^. [In Carey (Mathew) & son. Carey's general atlas, fol. Philadelphia, M. Carey & son, 1818. no. 30]. West Indies. 20 x 27. [In Pinkerton (John). A modern atlas, fol. Philadelphia, T. Dobson, 1818. no. 47]. Carey (H. C. ) and Lea (I.) A complete historical, chronological, and geo- graphical American atlas being a guide to the history of North and South America and the West Indies, [etc.] According to the plan of Le Sage's atlas and intended as a companion to Lavoisne. 3 p. 1. 67 sheets, inc. 46 maps. fol. Philadelphia, H. C. Carey & I. Lea, 1822. Note. — See 1827 for third edition. Carte geographique, statistique et historique des Indes Occidentales. 12 x 15. [In Buchon (Jean Alexandre C. ) Atlas geographique, statistique, his- torique et chronologique des deux Ameriques. fol. Paris, J. Carez, 1825. no. 45]. West Indies. N. & S. S. Jocelyn, sc. 7| x 9|. [In Morse (Sidney E. ) A new universal atlas of the world, on an improved plan. 4°. Xew Haven, N. & S. S. Jocelyn, 1825]. The West Indies from the best authorities. J. H, Young, sc. 9| x 16J. [In Finley (Anthony). A new American atlas, fol. Philadelphia, A. Finley, 1826. no. 14]. Carey (H. C. ) and Lea (I.) A complete historical, chronological, and geo- graphical American atlas, being a guide to the history of North and South America, and the West Indies. 3d. ed. 3 p. 1. 53 sheets, fol. Phila- delphia, H. C. Carey & I. Lea, 1827. Note. — See 1822 for early edition, West Indies. J. H. Young sc. 8 x 9^. [In Malte-Brun (Malthe Conrad Bruun, called). A new general atlas, exhibiting the five great divisions of the globe, fol. Philadelphia, J. Grigg, 1828. no. 36]. Same. West Indies. J. H. Young sc. 8 x 9|. [In Malte-Brun (Malthe Conrad Bruun, called). A new general atlas, exhibiting the five great divisions of the globe, fol. Philadelphia, Grig^ & Elliot, 1832]. West Indies, by J. Arrowsmith. London, 1832. 18^ x 23^ [In Arrowsmith (John). London atlas. 4 v. [Consisting of folded maps in 4 cases]. 8°. London, J. Arrowsmith, [1832-1846]. v. 4. no. 45]. Note. — Date altered in 1834. Mexico, Guatemala, and the West Indies. 10 x 7J. [In Bradford (Thomas Gamaliel) . A comprehensive atlas, geographical, his- torical & commercial. 4°. Boston, American stationers' CO. 1835. p. 65]. West Indies. 7i x 9J. [In Bradford (Thomas Gamaliel). A comprehensive atlas, geographical, his- torical & commercial. 4°. Boston, American stationers' co. 1835. p. 68], West Indies. J. H. Young sc. 8 x 9J. [In Malte-Brun (Malthe Conrad Bruun, called). A new general atlas, exhibiting the five great divisions of the globe, fol. Philadelphia, Grigg & Elliott, 4837. no. 36]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 1063 West Indies. West Indies. Engraved by G. W. Boynton. llj x 14}. [In Bradford (Thomas Gamaliel). An illustrated atlas, geographical, statis- tical and historical of the United States and the adjacent countries, fol. Philadelphia, E. S. Grant & co. [1838]. p. 166]. Same. West Indies. 1838. Engraved by G. W. Boynton. 11} x 14. [In Bradford (Thomas Gamaliel) and Goodrich (Samuel Griswold). A universal, illustrated atlas, fol. Boston, C. D. Strong, 1843. bet. pp. 166-167]. Map of the West Indies & Bahama islands, with the adjacent coasts of Yuca- tan, Honduras, Colombia, &c. 20 x 29. [In Tanner (Henry S.) A new American atlas, fol. Philadelphia, H. S. Tanner, 1839]. West Indies, Guatimala, etc. Drawn & engraved by J. Archer. 9 x 11}. [In Mudie (Robert). Gilbert's modern atlas of the earth, fol. London, H. G. Colhns, [1841?]. p. 188]. West Indies. 12J x 10|. [In Greenleaf (Jeremiah). A new universal atlas, new ed. rev. fol. Brattleboro, Vt. G. R. French, 1842. p. 58]. Map of the Windward islands; comprising Barbados, St. Vincent, Grenada, Tobago, St. Lucia & Trinidad. By John Arrowsmith. 18J x 24. Lon- don, J. Arrowsmith, 1842. [In his The London atlas of universal geography, fol. London. J. Arrow- smith, 1842-[1850]. no. 66]. Map of the Leeward islands; comprising Antigua, Montserrat, Barbuda, St. Christopher, Nevis, Anguilla, Virgin islands & Dominica. By John Arrowsmith. 18 x 23^. London, J. Arrowsmith, 1842. [In his The London atlas of universal geography, fol. London, J. Arrow- smith, 1842-[1850]. no. 65]. Central America and the West Indies, from the latest and best authorities. New York, Harper & brothers. 12} x 19^ [In M'CuUoch's universal gazetteer. 8°. New York, Harper & brothers, 1844. V. 2. p. 9]. Note. — Inset: '*The harbour and city of Havanna." West Indies. By J. Arrowsmith. 18i x 24. London, J. Arrowsmith, 1847. [In his The London atlas of universal geography, fol. London, J. Arrow- smith, 1842-[1850]. no. 45]. West India islands, by A. K. Johnston. Engraved by W. & A. K. John- ston. Geographical miles 60 to a degree. English miles 69 to a degree. 19f X 24. [In Johnston (Alexander Keith). The national atlas of historical, commer- cial and political geography, fol. Edinburgh and London, W. Black- wood & sons, 1850. no. 40]. West India islands, etc. [Showing lights and light houses]. 12 J x 14. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Accounts and papers. 1850. v. 53]. Map of the West Indies & Bahama islands with the adjacent coasts of Yuca- tan, Honduras, Caracas, &c. Scale of British miles, 69} to a degree. 21 X 30^ London, published by J. Wyld, 1851. [In Wy Id (James). A new general atlas, fol. London, [1854]. no. 63]. 1064 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. West Indies. West Indies. Brawn & engraved by J. Dower. 13|^ x 16^. [In Dower (John). A new general atlas of the world, compiled from the latest authorities both English & foreign, fol. London, H. Teesdale & CO. [1854]. no. 39]. Note.— Known as Teesdale' s atlas. West Indies. Drawn & engraved by J. Dower. 8 x 10. [In Petermann (August Heinrich) and Milner (Thomas). The library atlas of physical and political geography, fol. London, W. S. Orr, 1855. no. 46]. Central America, Mexico & West Indies. Drawn & engraved by J. Bar- tholomew. Printed in colors by Schenck & Macfarlane, Edinburgh. 101 X 15i [In Black (Adam & Charles). Black's atlas of North America, fol. Edinburgh, A. & C. Black, 1856. no. 19]. West Indies. By Sidney Hall. English miles 69 to a degree. French leagues 25 to a degree. Spanish leagues 16 to a degree. 16i x 20. [In his A new general atlas constructed entirely from new drawings, fol. London, Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans, [1857]. no. 47]. Piano de las islas Mona y Monito levantado por los alfereces de navio del vapor Bazan d. Juan Fernandez Paredes y d. Tomds Bryant de orden del sr. brigadier de la rl. armada d. Nicolas de Manterola. Afio 1858. Escala 1:58.000. 11^x13. [In Sociedad geogrdfica de Madrid. Boletin. Julio-die. 1879. 8°. Madrid, Fortanet, 1879. v. 7. at end]. H. KiepeH's karte des nordlichen tropischen America. — A new map of trop- ical America north of the equator, comprising the West Indies, Central America, Mexico, New Granada, and Venezuela, col. 38 x 63. Berlin, D. Reimer, 1858. West Indies. Harrison sc't. 9^ x 16. [In Cyclopaedia (The) or, universal dictionary of arts, sciences, and litera- ture. By Abraham Reese. 1st American ed. 4°. Philadelphia, S. F. Bradford, 1860. v. 6]. Colton's map of the United States, Mexico, the West Indies, &c. 1861. col. 30 X 37. New York, J. H. Colton & co. [1861]. Das Diinische Westindien. Maassstab 1 : 1,500.000. 3 x 2^. [In Petermann's mittheilungen. 1862. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, [1862]. V. 8. p. 240]. Colton's new map of the West Indies, showing also part of Central America, the U. S. of Colombia, Venezuela, etc. 38 x 56. New York, J. H. Colton, 1862. Johnson (A. J.) Johnson's West Indies. 14 x 21. [New York], Johnson & Ward, [1864]. Note. — From his atlas. Kaart van de West Indie met bijzondere kaarten van de Nederlandsche Antilles volgensde beste Spaanscheenanderegegevens. 1868. 12J x 24. [In Koninklijkinstituutvoordetaal-, land- en volkenkunde van Nederlandsch Indie. Bijdragen. 1868-69. 3de volg. 8°. Amsterdam, F. Muller, 1868. V. 3]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 1065 West Indies. Case's map of the United States, British provinces, Mexico and part of the West Indies, col. 60 x 70. Hartford, 0. D. Case & co. 1874. The granger's map of the United States, British provinces, West Indies, Mexico and Central America. [By Gaylord Watson, anon.] 38 x 50. Chicago, Watson's Chicago branch, 1874. William's (G. W. ) copper-plate map of the United States, Canada, Mexico, Central America, West Indies, &c. col. 63 x 63. Philadelphia, J. M. Atwood, [1876]. West India islands and Caribbean sea. Sheet 1. Comprising Florida strait, Bahama islands, and the Greater Antilles. 1876. 25^ x 37^. London, admiralty, 1876. [Great Britain. Admiralty. Chart 761]. Carte des colonies Franyaises aux Antilles. 11^ x 11^. [In Fisquet (Honore Jean Pierre). Grand atlas departemental de la France de I'Algerie et des colonies. 2 v. obi. fol. Paris, A. Le Vasseur, [1878]. V. 2. no. 98]. Antilles. Echelle du 15.000.000«. Grave et imprime par Erhard, 1886. 9^ X 6i. [In Grande (La) encyclopedie. 8°. Paris, H. Lamirault & cie. [1885-98]. V. 3. p. 204]. America Central y las Antillas. Escala 1: 9.250.000. 9| x 7^ [In Diccionario enciclopedico Hispano- Americano. 8°. Barcelona, Mon- taner & Simon, 1887. v. 2. p. 314]. Antillen. Massstab 1: 10.000.000. 8i x lOf. [In Brockhaus' konversations-lexikon. 14te aufl. 8°. Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1896. v. 1. bet. pp. 692-693]. Westindien und Zentral-Amerika. Massstab 1: 12000000. 8 x 10^ [In Meyers konversations-lexikon. 5te aufl. 8°. Leipzig und Wien, bibliographisches institut, 1897. p. 17. bet. pp. 690-691]. "Westchester county, N. Y. Beers (J. B.) & co. County atlas of Westchester, N. Y. 2 p. 1. 44 maps. fol. New York, J. B. Beers & co. 1872. XoTE. — Errors in pagination. Bien (Joseph R. ) Atlas of Westchester county, N. Y. 2 p. 1. 32 maps. fol. New York, J. Bien & co. 1893. Westchester, Penn. Kiser (Ellis), Barthel (Otto) and Ogier (St. J.) Atlas of properties on line of Pennsylvania r. r. from Rosemont to Westchester. 20 maps. fol. Philadelphia, A. H. Mueller & co. 1897. Westfield, Mass. Walker (George H.) & co. Atlas of Westfield town, Mass. 45 pp. incl. 11 maps. fol. Boston, G. H. Walker & co. 1884. Westmoreland county, Penn. Map. From actual surveys by D. J. Lake & N. S. Ames. col. 44 x 58. New York, W. J. Barker, 1857. West Orange, N. J. Hopkins (G. M.) City atlas of Orange and township of West Orange, N. J. Ill pp. incl. 29 maps. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1878. West Philadelphia. See Philadelphia. West Point, N. Y. [Plan of Webb's redoubt, Williss, fort Putnam, and fort Clin- ton, anon. ms. 4x5. 177-]. 1066 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. West Point, N. Y. Sketch of the rebel works at West Point as taken from the description of them given by a deserter who came to Stoney Point, 9 June, 1779. ms. [anon.] 8Jx'l5. [1779?]. Plan des forts, batteries et poste de West Point. 1780. 6 x 4J. [In Barbe-Marbois (Frangoise marquis de). Complot d' Arnold. 8°. Paris, 1816]. Plan de West-Point leve a viie. 8^ x 6. [In Magazine (The) of American history. Edited by John Austin Stevens, sm. 4°. New York, A. S. Barnes, 1880. v. 4. p. 304]. West Point. Surveyed ii coup d'ceil the 24 oct. laid down the 27 oct. 1783, by John Hinncks.' ms. 23 x 19. [1783]. Note. — Drawn in pencil. Numbered in pencil " 153." Same. West Point. [By Hinncks. ms. anon. 20 x 18^ 1783?]. Note. — Drawn with pen and ink. Numbered in pencil " 154." Sketch of West Point. 1783. ms. [anon.] 13x22. [1783]. West Point, viewed from the north as it appeared at the close of the war. H. Livingston del. C. Tiebout sculp. 7 x 3f . [In New York (The) magazine; or, literary repository. 8°. New York, T. & S. Swords, 1891. v. 2. p. 123]. Military academy. West Point, N. Y. [View]. 3} x 6^. [In Analetic (The) magazine. New series. Aug. 1820. 8°. Philadelphia, J. Maxwell, 1820. v. 2. no. 2. bet. pp. 170-171]. West-Point. 1830. T. B. Brown, del. W. P. E. Prud'homme, sc. N. Y. S. Valentine, p^int^ 7^ x 6. [n. p. 1830]. Military School, West Point, N. Y. J. Archer sc. 5i x 7^ [In Hinton (J. H.) The history and topography of the United States. New ed. 4°. Boston, Samuel Walker, 1834. v. 2. opp. p. 270]. View from West Point (Hudson river). 7 x 4^. [In American scenery. From drawings by W. H. Bartlett. The literary department by N. P. Willis. 4°. London, G. Virtue, 1840. v. 1. p. 6]. West-Point (Hudson). [View]. 4^ x 6\. [In Dana (Charles A. ) The United States illustrated. Edited by Charles A. Dana. 2 v. in 1. 4°. New York, H. J. Meyer, [1855?]. v. 1. p. 39]. West Point, New York. 1883. Engraved from the original sheet by H. C. Evans. Title and lettering by E. A. Maedel. Scale, 1:4800. 28x22. [Washington, 1883]. [United States. Treasury department. Coast & geodetic survey, no. 3057]. West Point, Va. Batteries de West Point au haut de la riviere d'York. [anon.] ms. 12^ X 15. [1781?]. [Rochambeau: 55].' Carte detaill^e de West-point sur la riviere d'York au confluent des rivieres de Panmnkey et Metapony. [anon.] ms. col. 12^ x 13. [1781?]. [Rochambeau: 54]. Main features of the country between Williamsburg, West Point, Charles City & White House relative to the i)eninsula campaign. 7 x 6|. [In Bechler (Gustavus R.) Atlas showing battles, engagements, and important localities connected with the campaigns in Virginia, obi. 12°. [Philadelphia], 1S(>4. j)!. «]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMEEICA. 1067 Westport, Conn. Map of the town of Westport, Fairfield county, Connecticut. Compiled, drawn and published from actual surveys, by G. M. Hopkins. Scale 80 rods per in. col. 40 x 46. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1879. West Roxbury, Mass. Richards (L. J.) Atlas gf Dorchester, West Roxbury and Brighton, city of Boston. Comprising forty-one plans compiled from official records, private plans and actual surveys, by a corps of twelve sur- veyors and draughtsmen, title. 2 p. 1. 41 col. pi. fol. Boston, L. J. Richards, as. J. P. Brown & co. 1899. West Seneca, N. Y. Map of the town of West Seneca, Erie co. N. Y. Showing the original & sub division lines of each lot, [etc.] Drawn from actual surveys & records on file in Erie co. clerks office. By Richard Johnson, col. 29x48. [n. p. 1871]. West Virg-inia. County map of Virginia and West Virginia. Drawn & engd. W. H. Gamble. IH x 14. [Philadelphia, S. A. Mitchell, 1863]. Hunt (J. P.) Map of the oil regions of Ohio & West Virginia. 22 x 30. Pittsburgh, Pa. J. P. Hunt, [1864]. Johnson (A. J.) Johnson's Virginia, Delaware, Maryland, & West Vir- ginia, col. 17 X 23. [New York], Johnson & Ward, [1864]. Note. — From his atlas. Richardson's map of West Virginia, showing the principal creeks, rivers and line of internal improvements. 2ded. 24 x 17. New York, J. N. Olcott, [1864]. Colton's map of the southern portion of West Virginia comprising twenty- six counties. Published by J. H. Colton. 24 x 37. New York, J. H. Colton, 1865. Colton's map of the state of West Virginia and parts of adjoining states. Published by J. H. Colton. 24 x 28. New York, J. H. Colton, 1865. Colton's map of the oil district of West Virginia and Ohio. Published by J. H. Colton. 28 x 32. New York, J. H. ColtoA, 1865. J. H. Colton's map showing the oil region of West Virginia and the location therein of the lands belonging to the Little Kanawa & Elk river petroleum and mining company & their relative position to those parts of west Penn- sylvania, eastern Ohio and Kentucky where oil is found. 20 x 17. New York, J. H. Colton, 1865. Title map of the coal fields of the Great Kanawha valley. West Virginia. By John S. Swann. col. 52 x 56. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & CO. [1867]. Map of the "Pan Handle" embracing counties of Hancock, Brooke, Ohio and Marshall, West Virginia. From ac^tual surveys and records by F. AV. Beers, c. e. assisted by Jas. M. Lathrop. Louis E. Neuman engraver, Chas Hart, lithographer. Scale one inch to the mile. 84 x 33. [New York], F. W. Beers & co. 1871. Mendenhall (E.) Map of the states of A^irginia, West Virginia and Mary- land. Exhibiting the counties, cities, [etc.] col. 15 x 23. Cincinnati, E. Mendenhall, 1871. Mitchell's county and township map. Collected & compiled by M. Wood White, Grafton, col. 51 x 62. Philadelphia, S. A. Mitchell, 1872. 1068 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. West Virginia. White (M. Wood). White's new county and district atlas of the state of West Virginia, comprising fifty-four counties; from the most recent surveys and authentic sources. Maps drawn by William H. Gamble. Philadelphia, Penna. Examined and corrected by M. A. Miller, top. eng. Staunton, Virginia, title. 4-74, 28 pp. 5 1. incl. 29 maps & 1 pi. fol. Grafton, W. Va. M. W. White, 1873. White (M. Wood). White's county and distance map of the state of West Virginia, col. 34 x 50. Grafton, W. Va. M. W. White, 1875. Same. White's county and distance map of the state of West Virginia. [Reduced from the large ten dollar map to a pocket ed.] col. 25 x 34. Grafton, W. Va. M. W. White, 1879. Pendleton (W. K.) A geography of West Virginia. 8 pp. incl. 1 col. map. 4°. Philadelphia, J. H. Butler & co. [1876]. [With Mitchell (Samuel Augustus). Mitchell's new intermediate geog- raphy. West Virginia ed. 1877.] Gray's new topographical map of Virginia and West Virginia. By Frank A. Gray. col. 16 x 24. Philadelphia, O. W. Gray & son, [1877]. Same. Gray's new topographical map of Virginia and West Virginia. By Frank A. Gray. 1:1,000,000. 16^x27. Philadelphia, 0. W. Gray & son, [1877]. [In Lathrop (J. M.) and Dayton (A. W.) An ptlas of Frederick county, Vd. fol. Philadelphia, D. J. Lake & co. 1885. pp. 52-53]. Colton's new topographical map of the states of Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland & Delaware and portions of the adjoining states, col. 30 x 43. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. 1882. [1881]. Preliminary post route map of the states of Virginia and West Virginia, together with Maryland and Delaware, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee and North Carolina. By W. L. Nicholson. Drawn by C. H. Poole. 4 sheets, fol. [Washington, 1881]. [United States. Post office department. Topographer's office]. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed county map of West Virginia. 24 pp. 1 map. 18°. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1881]. Lewis Baker & co.'s new railroad, county and district model map of West Virginia and the adjacent counties of the adjoining states. 35 x 42. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1882]. Rand, McNally & co.'s new railroad, county, township and district map of West Virginia and the adjacent counties of the adjoining states. Showing every county, township, railroad station and post office in the state; also the congressional and senatorial districts, the area in square miles in each county, its population in 1880, its vote, and its political com^>lexion. 34 x 42. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1883]. Colton's map of the state of West Virginia, and portions of adjoining states. Scale of statute miles 12 to one inch. 23^ x 29. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & CO. 1884. Rand, McNilly & co.'s new map of West Virginia. 13 x 19 J^. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1888]. Note. — Text at margin and on reverse. Copyrighted by the Caxton co. 1892. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed county and railroad pocket map and ship- pers' guide of West Virginia. 40 pp. 1 fold. map. 16°. Chicago and New York, Rand, McNally & co. [1892]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 1069' West Virginia. The geography of West Virginia. By A. E. Kenney. 92 pp. 1 fold. map. 12°. Chicago, New York, the Werner co. [1895]. [West Virginia state series] . Armstrong (Kobert A.) Geography of West Virginia. 6 pp. incl. 1 map.. fol. [New York, American book co. 1899]. Post route map of the states of Virginia and West Virginia showing post offices with the intermediate distances on mail routes in operation on the 1st of June, 1900. Published by order of postmaster general Charles Emory Smith under the direction of A. von Haake, topographer P. O. dept. Scale: eight miles to the inch. 4O2 x 59^. [Washington, 1900]. ^United States. Post office department]. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed county and railroad pocket map and ship- pers' guide of West Virginia. 49 pp. 1 fold. map. 18°. Chicago and New York, Rand, McNally & co. [1900]. See also Brooke county; Hancock county; Marshall county; Ohio county. Wetzel county, W. Va. Hunt's improved map. 1865. Compiled chiefly from notes of actual survey showing the water courses, township lines, and the principal county roads by Thomas Tucker, col. 25 x 32. Pittsburgh, Pa. J. P. Hunt, 1865. Weyer's cave, Augusta county, Va. A ground plan and section of Weyer's cave, Augusta co. Va. Designed and drawn by Robert L. Cooke. 19 x 28. Philadelphia, Childs & Lehman, lithrs. [1835?]. Whale sound. Map of Whale sound and Inglefield gulf. Showing additions made by the north Greenland expedition of 1891-92. The shore line of the entire north side of Whale sound and Inglefield gulf, as well as the south side from the head of the gulf of Olrik's bay, is from the recent survey. 5x9. [In American (The) geographical society of New York. Bulletin. 1892. 8°. New York, for the society, [1892]. v. 24. p. 535]. Note. — To accompany an article "The North Greenland expedition of 1891-92, by R. E. Peary, U. S. N." Map of Whale sound, Greenland. From surveys by civil engineer, R. E. Peary, U. S. N. assisted by Hugh J. Lee, 1894-'95. 13J x 15^ [In American (The) geographical society of New York. Bulletin. 1896. 8°. New York, for the society, [1896]. v. 28. p. 21]. Note. — To accompany an article "Work in north Greenland in 1894 and 1895, [by] civil engineer R. E. Peary, U. S. N." Wharton county, Tex. Map of Wharton county. Jan. 1880. 23 x 27. St. Louis, lith. by A. Gast & co. [1880]. [Texas. General land office]. Wheeling, W. Va. Map of the national road between Cumberland and Wheel- ing. 6 X 11. [In Melish (John). A geographical description of the United States, with the contiguous countries including Mexico and the West Indies, new ed. 8°. Philadelphia, by the author, 1822. p. 107]. Wheeling in Virginia. [View]. 4^ x 6^. [In Dana (Charles A.) The United States illustrated. Edited by Charles: A.Dana. 2v.inL 4°. New York, H.J. Meyer, [1855?]. v. 2. p. 31].- 1070 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Wheeling:, W. Va. Map of the city of Wheeling, South WheeUng & La Grange, W. Va. From actual surveys and records Jas. Gilchrist, col. 76 x 43. [New York], F. W. Beers & co. [1871]. Wheeling' and Cincinnati mineral railway. Map showing the route and connec- tions of the Wheeling and Cincinnati mineral railway. Prepared by G. W. & C. B. Colton & CO. Map designed by Thos. R. Sharp. 22 x 26. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. 1882. White county, Ga. See Georgia mining districts. White county, Ind. Ogle (Geo. A.) & co. Standard atlas of White county, Indi- ana. 69, xiii pp. incl. 20 col. maps. fol. Chicago, G. A. Ogle & co. 1896. Whitehall, N. Y. Topographical map. From actual surveys. Published by F. W. Beers & co. col. 45 x 48. New York, F. W. Beers & co. 1875. White Horse tavern (near Paoli, Penn.) British camp at Trudruffrin from the 18th to the 21st of sept. 1777. With the attack made by general Grey against the rebels near White Horse tavern, on the 20th of September. Drawn by an officer on the spot, [anon.] Engraved by W. Faden. 10 X 19. . London, W. Faden, July 1, 1778. [In his Atlas of battles of the American revolution, fol. [London, 1770- 1793]. no. 5]. Note. — Another copy in separate form. British camp at Trudruffrin from [the 18th to the 21st of sept. 1777]. With the attack made by major general Grey against the rebels near White Horse tavern, ms. [anon.] 10x19. [1777]. [Faden collection, no. 81]. White mountains, N. H. Map of the White mountains, N. H. Drawn by Frank- lin Leavitt, guide. 1852. 19 x 35. Boston, J. H. Bufford's lith. [1852]. The White mountains of New Hampshire. 7 x 7^. [In Disturnell (J.) Springs, water-falls, etc. 16°. New York, 1855]. Map of the White mountains. New Hampshire. From original surveys by Harvey Boardman. 19^ x 22. [Griswold, Conn. 1858]. A complete map of railway and stage routes to & around the White moun- tains. 1861. ]li:X6|. [In Bradlee (John E.) Bradlee's pocket guide for the use of travellers to the White mountains and lake Winnipiseogee. 16°. Boston, J. E. Bradlee, 1861. front.] Map of the White mountains. New Hampshire. From original surveys by Harvey Boardman. 1858. Revised by H. S. Fifield, 1871. 20 x 23. Boston, J. H. Bufford, [1871]. Map of the White mountains and vicinity. N. H. Prepared for Eastman's White mountain guide by C. H. V. Cavis. lOf x 13. Concord, N. H. E. C. Eastman, [1872]. Leavitt (Victor). Leavitt's map with views of the White mountains. New Hampshire. 20 x 30. Lancaster, N. H. Leavitt, 1882. [1881]. Map of Cook's tours in the White mountains. 8 J x 12 J. New York, T. Cook & son, [1882]. Map of the White mountains. New Hampshire. Fisk&co. engr's. 9 x 6J. [In I)e Puy (WilUam H. editor). The people's atlas of the world. 8°. Boston, Toronto, M. Garrison & co. [1885]. p. 569]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 1071 White mountains, N. H. Same. Map of the White mountains. New Hamp- shire. Fiske & CO. ener's. 9 x 6}. [In De Puy (William H. editor) . The universal guide and gazetteer to the countries, peoples, and governments of the world, fol. New York, Phil- lips & Hunt, 1887. pp. 551-552]. Map of the White mountains of New Hampshire. 28 x 21 J. [Boston, Clarke & Carruth, 1887]. [Appalachian mountain club]. White Plains, N. Y. Sketch of the road from Kingsbridge to White Plains, ms. [anon.] 29x20. [1776]. Battle of W^hite Plains. 5 x 10^. [1776]. [In Hamilton (John C. ) History of the republic of the United States. 8°. New York, D. Appleton & co. 1857. v. 1. p. 133]. Plan of the battle of White Plains, oct. 28, 1776. 6 x 3^. [In Hall (Samuel Eeed) and Baker (A. R.) School history of the United States, newed. 12°. Andover, W. Peirce, 1839. p. 209]. The engagement on the White Plains the 28th of oct. 1776. D. Martin sculp, [anon.] 7 x 8^. [New York], C. Smith, [n. d.] [In Smith (Charles, of N. Y. d. 1810). The monthly military repository. 8°. New York, for the author, 1796. v. 1]. A plan of the operations of the king's army under the command of gen. sir. William Howe in New York and East New Jersey, against the American forces commanded by gen. Washington, from the 12th oct. to the 28th nov. 1776. Wherein is particularly distinguished the engagement on the White Plains, the 28th oct. ms. [By C. J. Sauthier. anon.] col. 29 x 20. [1776]. Same. A plan of the operations of the king's army under the command of sir gen. William Howe, in New York and East New Jersey, against the American forces commanded by gen. Washington, from the 12th oct. to the 28th nov. 1776. Wherein is particularly distinguished the engagement on the White Plains, the 28th oct. By Claude Joseph Sauthier. Engraved by Wm. Faden, 1777. 29 x 19^. London, W. Faden, 1777. [In Faden (William, editor). The North American atlas, fol. London, for W. Faden, 1777. no. 17]. Same. A plan of the operations of the king's army under the command of gen. sir. William Howe, in New York and East New Jersey, against the American forces commanded by gen. Washington, from the 12th oct. to the 28th nov. 1776. Wherein is particularly distinguished the engagement on the White Plains, the 28th oct. By Claude Joseph Sauthier. Engraved by Wm. Faden, 1777. 19^ x 29. London, W. Faden, feb. 25, 1777. [In Atlas of battles of the American revolution, fol. [London, 1770-1793]. no. 34]. Note. — Another copy in separate form. Same. [American maps. v. 3. no. 21]. Same, [anon.] Engraved for Stedman's History of the American war, published by the author, april 12, 1793. 19 x 22^ [In Stedman (C. ) The history of the origin, progress, and termination of the American war. 4°. London, for the author, 1794. v. 1. opp. p. 215]. 1072 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Wliite Plains, N. Y. Sketch of the White Plains, by capt. Blaskowitz. Scale 500 feet to an inch. ms. 18 x 22. [1776?]. WMteside county, 111. Warner & Beers. Atlas of Whiteside county and the state of Illinois, to which is added an atlas of the United States, maDS of the hemispheres, &c. xxxix, 4-95 pp. inch 62 maps & 14 pi. fol. Chicago, Warner & Beers, 1872. Whitestown, N. Y. Whitestown in 1802. 4^ x 7. [In O'Callaghan (E. B.) The documentary history of the state of New- York. 4°. Albany, Weed, Parsons & co. 1850. v. 3. p. 687]. Wilbur, N. Y. Combined map of Rondout, Kingston and Wilbur. New York. From recent & actual surveys by Geo. P. Sanford. col. 49 x 61. New York, F. W. Beers & co. 1870. Wilkesbarre, Penn. Sturdevant (Wm. Henry). Atlas of the city of Wilkes Barre, Pa. 1894. 3 p. 1. 20 sheets, fol. Philadelphia, J. L. Smith, 1894. Will county. 111. Van Vechten & Snyder's real estate map of Cook and Du Page counties, and part of Will co. Ills; also part of Lake co. Ind. col. 72 x 62. Chicago, J. Van Vechten & L. M. Snyder, 1875. Ogle (Geo. A.) & co. Plat book of Will county, Illinois. 3-81 pp. incl. 57 maps. fol. Chicago, G. A. Ogle & co. 1893. William Henry (Fort), N. Y. Plan of ^fort William Henry and camp at lake George. W. Eyre, eng^ I. Heath, d*. Scale of 700 yards, ms. col. 14 X 13. [1755]. Note. — Descriptive text below the map. [Faden collection, no. 22]. A plan of fort William Henry, and the intrenched camp of the English; with the camps of the French. A scale of 400 yards, ms. [anon.] 19 X 21. [1845]. Note. — Copied from the original by J. G. Bruff, march 1845. A plan of fort William Henry and the English camps & intrenchments with the French different camps and attacks there upon. A scale of this plan of 100 yards. 5x6. [In Rocque (John, compiler). A set of plans and forts in America, reduced from actual surveys. 1763. [anon.] sm. 4°. obi. [London, J. Rocque, 1763]. no. 21]. Same. Plan of the attack on fort William Henry, 1757. [anon.] 5x7. [In Bancroft (George). History of the United States. 8°. Boston, 1852. V. 4. bet. pp. 262-263]. Capt. Israel Putnam's horn made at fort Wm. Henry nov. the 10th A. D.. A plan of the stations from Albany to lake George. 7^ x 9^. [In American (The) pioneer. 8°. Cincinnati, J. S. Williams, 1843. v. 2. front.] [Map showing the attack on Fort William Henry and Fort Edward, ms. anon. 24 x 13J. 1757-1758]. [Plan of the attack on Fort William Henry and Ticonderoga, showing road from **F. Edward," "wharf of Montcalm's landing," &c. 1759. ms. 12ix7|. 1759]. Note. — Probably by col. James Montresor. Fort William Henry. 6 x 4^. [In Rocque (John, compiler). A set of plans and forts in Amerca, reduced from actual surveys. 1763. [anon.] sm. 4°. obi. [London, J. Rocque,. 1763]. no. 2]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 1073 Williamsburg Va. Desandrouins ( ). Carte des environs de Williamsburg en Virginie ou les armees Fran^oise et Americaine ont campe's en septem- bre 1781. Armee de Rochambeau, 1782. ms. col. 26 x 36. [1782]. [Rochambeau: 57]. Plan des environs de Williamsburg, York, Hampton et Portsmouth, [anon.] ms. 11 X 12. [1781?]. [Rochambeau: 56]. "Williamson county, Tex. Map of Williamson county. Nov. 1880. 20 x 28i St. Louis, lith. by A. Gast & co. [1880]. [Texas. General land ofl&ce]. Williamstown, Mass. Miller (D. L.) Atlas of the towns of North Adams, Adams, Williamstown and Cheshire, Berkshire co. Mass. title. 19 pi. 1 1. 4°. New York, D. L. Miller & co. 1894. Williamsville, N. Y. Map of the village of WilHamsville, in Erie co. N. Y. Drawn from actual survey by Tobias Witmer. 1854. 30 x 41. Buffalo, lith. by Berggoetz & co. 1854. Williss (Fort), West Point, N. Y. [Plan of Webb's redoubt, Williss, fort Put- nam, and fort Clinton, West Point, N. Y. anon. ms. 4x6. 177-]. Wilmington, Del. Plan du camp retranche a Wilmingtown pour couvrir notre hospital apres la battaille de Brandy wine. ms. [By V. Wangenheim. anon. 17 x 10. 1777?]. [Faden collection, no. 80]. Perspective view of the country between Wilmington and the Delaware. Taken from the hill s. w. of the academy. 7i x 14J. [In Columbian (The) magazine. 1787. 8°. Philadelphia, for T. Seddon, 1787. V. 1. p. 351]. Hopkins (G. M.) City atlas of Wilmington, Del. 81 pp. incl. 20 maps. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1876. Hopkins (G. M.) Map of the city of Wilmington, Delaware. From official records, private plans & actual surveys. Engraved by Walter S. Mac Cor- mac. 38 x 50. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1883. Baist (G. Wm.) Atlas of the city of Wilmington, Del. and vicinity, title. index map. 18 pi. fol. Philadelphia, G. W. Baist, 1887. Wilson county, Tex. Map. 22 x 22. St. Louis, lith. by A. Gast & co. [1879]. [Texas ( State of) . General land office] . Winchendon, Mass. Walker (Oscar W. ) & co. Atlas of Winchendon town, Mass. 63 pp. incl. 10 maps. fol. Boston, O. W. Walker & co. 1886. Winchester, Conn. Map of the town of Winchester, Litchfield county. Conn. From original surveys by E. M. Woodford, surveyor. 34 x 44. Philadel- phia, R. Clark, 1852. Winchester and Potomac railroad, Virginia. IVIap of th'- routes examined and surveyed for the Winchester and Potomac railroad, state of Virginia: Under the direction of capt. J. D. Graham. 1831 and 1832. Surveyed by Its. A. D. Mackay and E. French, assistants in 183i, and Its. E. French and J. T. Izard, assistants in 1832. 21 x 27. [Washington, 1832]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 65]. Note.— Submitted to the bureau of topographical engineers, with reports dated march 31 & sept. 22, 1832. H. Doc. 516 68 1074 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Windliam county, Conn.' Map of Windham co. Connecticut. From actual survey by E. P. Gerrish, W. C. Eaton & D. S. & H. C. Osborn. 1855. col. 7'x 44. Philadelphia, E. M. Woodford, 1856. Windham county, Vt. Atlas of Windham co. Vermont. From actual surveys by and under the direction of F. W. Beers & others. 39 pp. 4 pi. incl. 31 maps, fol. New York, F. W. Beers, 1869. "Windsor county, Vt. Map of Windsor co. Vermont. From actual surveys by J. Chace. 56 x 45. [Philadelphia, 1856]. Atlas of Windsor co. Vermont. From actual surveys by and under the direction of F. W. Beers & others. 47 pp. incl. 35 maps. fol. New York, F. W. Beers, 1869. Windward islands, West Indies. Map of the Windward islands. By John Arrowsmith. Ordered by the house of commons to be printed 1839. 24 X 13. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Accounts and papers. 1839. fol. Lon- don, 1839. V. 36]. Windward islands and the Spanish Main. [By E. & G. W. Blunt]. 49 x 44 New York, E. & G. W. Blunt, 1860. Windward passage. A map of the isle of Cuba, with the Bahama islands, gulf of Florida and the Windward passage. Drawn from English and Spanish surveys, [anon.] Engraved by Thomas Jefferys. British miles 69 J to a degree. 13^ x 19. [In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and the West Indies, fol. London, for R. Say er & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 79]. Laurie and Whittle's new chart of the Windward passages and Bahama islands, with the islands of St. Domingo, Jamaica, Cuba, &c. &c. Com- piled from a great variety of topographic surveys and nautical details. By John Purdy. 3d ed. improved 1818. 37 x 49. London, R. Laurie & J. Whittle, 1811. [1818]. [In Whittle (J.) and Laurie (R. H.) The West India atlas, fol. London, J. Whittle & R. H. Laurie, 1818. no. 11-12]. Winnebago county. 111. Page (H. R.) &co. Illustrated atlas of Winnebago and Boone counties, Illinois, containing maps of every township in counties, with village and city plats, also maps of Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Mon- tana, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas and Washington territory. 1 map. 1-120 pp. incl. 52 maps & 19 pi. fol. Chicago, H. R. Page & CO. 1886. Winnepesaukee (Lake), lU. H. A complete map of railway and stage routes to& around the White mountains. 1861. llj x 6|. [In Bradlee (John E.) Bradlee's pocket guide for the use of travellers to the White mountains and lake Winnipiseogee. 16°. Boston, J. E. Brad- lee, 1861. front.] Map of lake Winnipesaukee. Published by Edson C. Eastman, 1878. 10 X 12. Concord, N. H. E. C. Eastman, 1878. Winneshiek county, Iowa. Warner (George E.) and Foote (Charles M.) Plat book of Winneshiek county, Iowa. Drawn from actual surveys and the county records. 46 pp. incl. 32 maps. fol. Minneapolis, Warner & Foote, 1886. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 1075 D^Tinona, Minn. The city of Winona, its railroad connections. [By D. Sinclair & CO. anon.] 10x8. [Winona, D. Sinclair & co. 1874]. Foote (Charles M.) and Henion (J. W. ) Plat book of Winona county, Minn. Drawn from actual surveys and the county records. 60 pp. inch 38 maps. fol. Minneapolis, Minn. C. M. Foote & co. 1894. "Winter hill, Somerville, Mass. Plan of the rebels works on Prospect hill and Winter hill. ms. [anon.] 14x20. [1775?]. Winthrop beach, Mass. Guide map of Revere and Winthrop beaches. From actual surve5\ C. W. Drake, c. e. 14 x 35. Boston, T. Marsh & co [1881]. IVisconsin. Map of the territories of Michigan and Ouisconsin. By John Farmer, col. 40 X 34. Detroit, J. Farmer, 1830. Map of the route passed over by an expedition into the Indian country in 1832 to the source of the Mississippi. To accompany the claim of H. R. Schoolcraft. 15^ x 19. [n. p. 1832]. Note. — To accompany Schoolcraft's Report of an expedition among north- western Indians, dated dec. 3, 1832. 16 pp. 22d cong. 2d sess. house doc. 125, in v. 3. Map of the surveyed part of Wisconsin territory. Compiled from public surveys as returned to the surveyor general's office. 22 J x 16^. [In American state papers, fol. Washington, Gales & Seaton, 1861. Public lands, v. 8. p. 12]. [Wisconsin territory] . 12| x 8f . [In American state papers, fol. Washington, Gales & Seaton, 1861. Public lands, v. 8. p. 12]. Improved map of the territories of Michigan and Ouisconsin. By John Farmer. 1835. 20 x 34. Albany, N. Y. engraved by R. Clark & co. 1835. Map of Illinois with parts of Indiana, Ouisconsin &c. By David H. Burr. 1836. 18 X 12. [Washington, 1836]. Same. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 165]. Map of the settled part of Wisconsin territory, compiled from the latest authorities. Engraved by J. H. Young. 21^x17. [Philadelphia], Hin- man & Dutton, 1837. Note, — Inset: "The entire territory of Wisconsin as established by act of congress, april 10th, 1836." Map of the territory of Wisconsin, by David H. Burr. 1836. To accompany the hon. Z. Casey's report, col. 20 x 27. [Washington], 1836. Same. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 51]. Map of part of the Wisconsin territory. Compiled from Tanner's map of U. S. from surveys of public lands [etc.] 22 x 18. [In Lea (A. M.) Notes on Wisconsin territory. 18°. Philadelphia, H. S. Tanner, 1836]. Map of the western land district, Wisconsin. Published by Leander Jud- son. 27x37. New York, L. Judson, [1836]. 1076 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Wisconsin. Sketch of the pubUc surveys in Wisconsin territory. 25th cong. 2d sess. 9x13. [Washington, 1837]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 138] . Iowa and Wisconsin. Engraved by G. W. Boynton. 14^ x 11^. [In Bradford (Thomas Gamaliel). An illustrated atlas, geographical, statis- tical and historical of the United States and the adjacent countries, fol. Philadelphia, E. S. Grant & co. [1838]. p. 156]. Same. Iowa and Wisconsin. 1838. Engraved by G. W. Boynton. 14J x llj. [In Bradford (Thomas Gamaliel) and Goodrich (Samuel Griswold). A universal, illustrated atlas, [etc.] fol. Boston, C. D. Strong, 1843. bet. pp. 156-157]. Map of the Wisconsin land district. Correctly delineating the ranges east and west of the 4th principal meridian line, [etc.] Compiled from actual surveys, and official documents, by Stephen Taylor. 33 x 43. Philadel- phia, Lehman & Duval, lith. [1838]. Map of the settled part of Wisconsin territory. 21 x 17. Philadelphia,^ Hinman & Button, 1838. [In Smith (William R.) Observations on the Wisconsin territory. 16°. Philadelphia, E. L. Carey & A. Hart, 1838]. Sketch of the public surveys in Wisconsin and Iowa territories. 1838. By S. Taylor. 17 x 24. [Philadelphia, 1838]. Map of Michigan & part of Wisconsin territory, exhibiting the post offices^ post roads, canals, rail roads, &c. By David H. Burr. col. 36 x 50. [n. p. 1839]. A new & authentic map of the state of Michigan and territory of Wiscon- sin. By Thomas R. Tanner. 1839. col. 24 x 30. [In Tanner (Henry S.) A new American atlas, fol. Philadelphia, H. S. Tanner, 1839]. Sketch of the public surveys in Wisconsin territory. 26th cong. 1st sess. 12x19. [n. p. 1839]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 89]. Sketch of the public surveys in Wisconsin territory. 27th cong. 2 sess, W. J. Stone, s. c. 13^ x 19. [Washington, 1841]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of congress, fol. Washington, 1843. no. 125]. Wisconsin and Iowa. 10^ x 13. [In Greenleaf (Jeremiah). A new universal atlas, new ed. rev. fol. Brattleboro, Vt. G. R. French, 1842. p. 65]. Iowa and Wisconsin. Chiefly from the map of J. N. Nicollet, [anon.} 12 X 15. [In Morse (Sidney E. ) and Breese (Samuel). Morse's North American atlas. New York, Harper & brothers, 1842]. Note. — Map copyrighted in 1844. Wisconsin, a sectional map with the most recent surveys, by I. A. Lapham, 1846. Scale 10 miles to an inch. 22J x 22J. Milwaukee, P. C. Hale,. 1846. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 1077 Wisconsin. Wisconsin. Southern part. 1847. 12 x 15. [In Sketches of the west or the home of the badgers, [anon.] 8°. Mil- waukee, I. A. Hopkins, 1847]. Farmer's 4th sheet or map of Wisconsion, Iowa and northern part of IIU- nois from actual survey exhibiting the sections by John Farmer, of Detroit, 1848. 25| X 21i. [Detroit], J. Farmer, 1848. \ Map of the states of Missouri, Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin, the territory of Minnesota and the mineral lands of lake Superior. Compiled by I. S. Drake, col. 20^ x 28. Philadelphia, Thomas, Cowperthwait & co. 1849. Public surveys of the state of AVisconsin and territory of Minnesota. 1849. 18x23. [n. p. 1849]. [United States. Department of the interior. General land office]. The state of W^isconsin. Compiled from the latest authorities, and pub- lished by I. A. Lapham. 50 x 50. Milwaukee, I. A. Lapham, 1849. Public surveys in the state of Wisconsin and territory of Minnesota. Nov. 11, 1850. 18 x 22. [n. p. 1850]. [United States. Department of the interior. General land office] . Colton's township map of the state of Wisconsin, compiled from the United States surveys & other authentic sources. Drawn by George W. Colton. Engraved by J. M. Atwood, N. York. 24f x 21 i New York, J. H. Colton, 1851. Geological map of Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota; exhibiting also the extension of the Iowa coal field into Missouri, and its relations to the Illi- nois coal fields. Constructed from observations by the United States geological corps under instructions from the secretary of the treasury, by David Dale Owen. 1851. 44x27. [Washington, 1851]. [United States. Treasury department]. Thayer (Horace) & co. Map of Wisconsin, col. 16 x 21. New York, H. Thayer & co. 1852. Note. — Inset: Plan of Milwaukee. Township map of the states of Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin & Minnesota. Published by J. H. Colton, New York, 1852. 18^ x 17. [In Curtiss (Daniel S.) Western portraiture. 12°. New York, J. H. Colton, 1852. front.] Wisconsin, a sectional map with the most recent surveys. Scale 10 miles to an inch. 21 x 30. Milwaukee, S. Chapman, 1853. The state of Wisconsin, compiled from the latest authorities. Scale 6 miles to one inch or 1/380 160. 49J x 53. Milwaukee, I. A. Lapham, 1853. — Same. The state of Wisconsin, compiled from the latest authorities. Scale 6 miles to one inch or 1/380 160. 27 x 47f . Milwaukee, I. A. Lapham, 1854. A geological map of Wisconsin. By I. A. Lapham. col. 15 x 11. [New York, J. H. Colton & co. 1855]. A map of the countries of Milwaukee, Waukesha, Racine and Kenosha with a part of Walworth. Scale 2 miles to an inch. 27 x 24. Milwau- kee, S. Chapman, 1855. 1078 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Wisconsin. Colton's township map of the state of Wisconsin, compiled from the United States surveys, & other authentic sources. Drawn by George W. Colton. Engraved by J. M. Atwood, N. York. 21^ x 24^. New York, J. H. Colton & CO. 1856. Wisconsin, Iowa & Minnesota. 25J x 33|. New York, Ensign Bridgman & Fanning, 1855. Note. — Inset: "Milwaukee." Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa & Minnesota. Drawn & engraved by J. Bar- tholomew. Printed in colors by Schenck & Macfarlane, Edinburgh. lOf X 15. [In Black (Adam & Charles). Black's atlas of North America, fol. Edinburgh, A. & C. Black, 1856. no. 9]. Farmer's township map of Michigan and Wisconsin embracing part of Iowa,, Illinois and Minnesota, with a chart of the lakes. Prepared, engraved and published by the author at Detroit. 1857. 25 x 28|. Detroit, S. Farmer, 1857. Morse's map of Wisconsin. 16| x 12|. New York, Morse & Gaston, [1857]. Sewall (J. S.) and Iddings (C. W. ). Sectional map of the surveyed portion of Minnesota and the northwestern part of Wisconsin. Drawn by A. J. Hill. C. A. Sweet, engraver, Boston, Ms. Scale 12 miles to one inch, col. 24 X 32. [Saint Paul, J. S. Sewall & C. W. Iddings, I860]. Note. — Copyrighted in 1857. Township map of Wisconsin shewing the Milwaukee & Horicon railroad and its connections, 1857. Jesper Vliet, chief eng. col. 18 x 16. New York, lith. F. Mayer & co. 1857. By state authority. Wisconsin & Michigan. Agencies of the ^tna insur- ance CO. Drawn by Wm. H. Martin. Klauprech & Menzel's lith. Cin- ( cinnati. 28^ x 35|. Hartford, Conn, ^tna insurance co. 1858. Map of the states of Michigan and Wisconsin, embracing a great part of Iowa, Illinois & Minnesota; and the whole mineral region, with charts of the lakes, exhibiting the sections, the soundings, [etc.] Projected, engraved and published by John Farmer. 65 x 67. Detroit, J. Farmer,, 1858. Same. Farmer's 4th sheet. 25| x 21|. Detroit, J. Farmer, 1859. Sketch of the public surveys in the state of Wisconsin and the state of Minnesota. Oct. 10, 1862. House ex. doc. no. 1. 37th cong. 3d sess. 17 X 22. [Washington, 1863]. [United States. Department of the interior. General land office]. Johnson's Wisconsin and Michigan. 15| x 22. [New York], Johnson and Ward, [1864]. Note. — From his atlas. Colton's Wisconsin. 1864. 13J x 11. New York, J. H. Colton, 1864. Note. — Inset: "Vicinity of Milwaukee." Farmer's new sectional map of Wisconsin, embracing part of Illinois, Mich- igan & Minnesota. Projected and engraved by John Farmer. 59 x 48. Detroit and Milwaukee, S. Farmer & co. 1865. Farmer's new railroad and township map of Wisconsin, with portions of the surrounding states. 26 x 24. Detroit, S. Farmer & co. 1867. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 1079 Wisconsin. A new geological map. Prepared mostly from original observations, by I. A. Lapham. 1869. Scale, 15 miles to 1 inch. col. 26 x 20. Mil- waukee, 1869. Guide map of Wisconsin, showing the railroads, counties, cities, villages, [etc.] Compiled by Rufus Blanchard. title. 2 pi. 1 map. 20^ x 15^. fold. 18°. Chicago, R. Blanchard, [1870]. Sectional map of the states of Michigan and Wisconsin, embracing part of the states of Illinois, Iowa and Minnesota. Compiled by Edward Molitor. col. 40 X 49. Detroit, Calvert lith. and pub. co. 1871. Chapman's new sectional map of Wisconsin. Scale 10 miles to an inch. 32^ X 30. Milwaukee, S. Chapman, 1872. Farmer's rail road & township map of Wisconsin and chart of the lakes. 31i X 22i Detroit, S. Farmer & co. 1872. Railroad and post office map of Wisconsin and Michigan. 35 x 26. New York, H. H. Lloyd & co. 1872. Chapman (Silas). Sectional map of Wisconsin. Scale 6 miles to the inch. col. 48 x 58. Milwaukee, S. Chapman, 1873. Gray's atlas. New railroad map of Wisconsin 1873. 23^x17. [New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. 1873]. Cram's new sectional map of the state of Wisconsin. Compiled & published by Geo. F. Cram. col. 40 x 31. Chicago, G. F. Cram, 1874. Watson's new county, railroad and distance map of Minnesota and Wiscon- sin, col. 16 x 26. [New York, G. AVatson, 1875]. Cram's rail road & township map of Wisconsin, col. 16 x 21. Chicago, G. F. Cram, 1876. Map of Michigan and Wisconsin by A. von Steinwehr. 11^ x 18. [Cincin- nati, Van Antwerp, Bragg & co. 1877]. The Pioneer press premium map of the northwest, col. 33 x 26. St. Paul, Pioneer press co. [1877]. P. P. Mast & CO. 's new map of Wisconsin, Minnesota & northern Iowa. Pre- pared by Henry S. Stebbins. col. 40 x 27. Toledo, O. H. S. Stebbins, [1878]. Nash & Morgan's sectional map of Wisconsin. Published by Nash & Morgan. 1878. Scale 10 miles to the inch. 34 x 28|. [In Nash (G. V.) and Morgan (F. B.) Atlas of Pierce county, Wisconsin, fol. Milwaukee, Wis. G. V. Nash & F. B. Morgan, 1877-78* -■ Snyder, Van Vechten & co. Historical atlas of Wisconsin, embracing com- plete state and county maps, city & village plats, together with separate state and county histories; also special articles on the geology, education, agriculture, and other important interests of the state. 322 pp. incl. 108 maps & 34 pi. front, fol. Milwaukee, Snyder, Van Vechten & co. 1878. ■ State of W^isconsin. 1878. Compiled from the official records of the general land oflSce and other sources by C. Roeser. Photo lith & print, by Julius Bien, N. Y. Scale 12 miles to 1 inch. 28 x 25. [United States. Interior department. General land office]. 1080 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Wisconsin. Map of Michigan and Wisconsin. Compiled from the latest authentic sources. Published by H. E,. Page & co. col. 37 x 52. Chicago, H. R, Page & CO. 1879. Rand, McNally & co.'s township county and railroad map of Wisconsin. 14 X 19. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1879]. St. Paul book & stationery co. New sectional & rail road map of Minnesota and N. W. Wisconsin with correct topography and latest surveys. 1880. 4 sheets. St. Paul, published by St. Paul book & stationery co. engraved & printed by the merchant's lithographing co. 1880. ■ Gray's new map of Wisconsin. By Frank A. Gray. col. 16 x 22. Phila- delphia, O. W. Gray & son, [1881]. Park (William J.) & co. Dissected map of Wisconsin from oflQcial records. 1881. 15 X 16. Madison, Wis. W. J. Park & co. 1881. > Post route map of the states of Michigan and Wisconsin with adjacent parts of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa and Minnesota. By W. L. Nicholson. The 1st ed. was issued in 1871. Drawn by C. H. Poole. 2 sheets fold, fol. [Washington, 1881]. [United States. Post office department. Topographer's office]. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed county and township map of Wisconsin. 38 pp. 1 map fold. 16°. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1881]. Railroad map of Wisconsin. Prepared for the railroad commissioner. Cor- rected to January 1, 1882. 32 x 26. [Milwaukee], the Milwaukee litho. & engr. co. 1882. Railway postal diagram of the state of Wisconsin. Prepared for the use of the railway mail service. W. L. Nicholson, topographer P. O. dept. 1882. Tho's Hunter photo lith. Phila. 31^x25^ [Washington, 1882]. [United States. Post office department]. Note. — "The railroads and post offices on this map are shown as at the date of July 1st, 1882." Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed county and township map of Wisconsin. 37 pp. 1 map. fold. 16°. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1883]. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed county and township pocket map and ship- pers' guide of Wisconsin. 38pp. Imap. 19x12^. fold. 18°. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1884]. Map of Wisconsin. 22J x 16^. [In Bussell (Charles E. ) Bussell's atlas of the city of Eau Claire, Wiscon- sin, fol. Eau Claire, Wis. C. E. Bussell, 1888]. Gray's new map of Wisconsin. By Frank A. Gray. Natural scale — 1:1,200,000. 16x24. [In Foote (Charles M.) and Brown (W. S.) Plat book of Waupaca county, Wis. fol. Minneapolis, Minn. C. M. Foote & co. 1889. pp. 6-7]. Rand, McNally & co.'s new business atlas map of Wisconsin. 26 x 19. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1890]. Watson and Adams new topographical, township sectional, & railroad map of Wisconsin. From official records and surveys. Scale five miles to the inch. col. 67 x 58^. New York, G. Watson & Adams & co. 1890. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 1081 Wisconsin. Wisconsin. 16J x 22. [In Foote (Charles M. ) and Henion (J. W. ) Plat book of Columbia county, Wis. fol. Minneapolis, Minn. C. M. Foote & co. 1890. pp. 6-7]. Rand, McNally & co.'s sectional map of Wisconsin, Scale, eight miles to the inch. 52 x 38. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. 1893. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed county and township pocket map and ship- pers' guide of Wisconsin. 50 pp. 1 fold. map. 16°. Chicago and New York, Rand McNally & co. [1893]. Wisconsin. Showing the northwestern portion of Michigan. 22J x 16. [In Polk (R. L.) & CO. R. L. Polk & co.'s illustrated historical atlas of Kent CO. Mich. fol. Grand Rapids, 1893. pi. 70]. AVisconsin. 16^ x 22. [In Foote (Charles M.) and Henion (J. W.) Plat book of Manitowoc and Calumet counties, Wis. fol. Minneapolis, Minn. C. M. Foote & co. 1893. pp. 64-65]. Bridgman's new topographical, township sectional, & railroad map of Wis- consin. From official records and surveys. Scale, five miles to the inch, col. 67 x 57|. New York, E. C. Bridgman, 1894. The Matthews-Northrup up-to-date map of Wisconsin. Scale, 25 miles to the inch. 20 x 12. Buffalo, N. Y. the Matthews-Northrup co. [1894]. Wisconsin showing north west portion of Michigan. 22 x 16. [In Polk (R. L. ) & CO. R. L. Polk & co.'s illustrated historical atlas of Kent county, Michigan, fol. Grand Rapids, Mich. R. L. Polk & co. 1894]. The Matthews-Northrup up-to-date map of Wisconsin. Scale, 25 miles to the inch. 20 x 12. Buffalo, N. Y. the Matthews-Northrup co. [1895]. Rand, McNally & co.'s cycling & wagon road map of south eastern Wiscon- sin. 32^ X 31. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1895]. Wisconsin. 16J x 22. [In Foote (Charles M. ) and Henion (J. W. ) Plat book of Lafayette county. Wis. fol. Minneapolis, Minn. C. M. Foote & co. 1895. at end]. Wisconsin. 16^ x 22. [In Hood (Edwin C.) Plat book of Richland county, AVis. fol. Minne- apolis, Minn. C. M. Foote & co. 1895. at end]. Collie (George L. ) Michigan. By C. N. Kendall. Wisconsin. By George L. Collie. 19 pp. incl. 1 map. 4°. Boston, Ginn & co. 1896. [With Frye (Alex. Everett). Complete geography. Michigan and Wiscon- sin ed. 1896]. Map of the state of Wisconsin. Compiled from official records of the Gen- eral land office and other sources under the direction of Harry King, c. e. 1896. Scale, 12 miles to 1 inch. Compiled, drawn and lettered by M. Hendges. The Friedenwald co. photo-lith. Baho. 28^ x 25|. [United States. Interior department. General land office]. Wisconsin. 21^ x 16^. [In Pinkney & Brown. Plat book of Saint Croix county, Wisconsin, tol. Philadelphia. Printed by F.Bourquin, 1897. pp. 42-43]. Tunison's new railroad distance township and sectional map of Wisconsin. From latest surveys. 39 J x 84. Jacksonville, 111. [etc.] H. C. Tunison, 1899. 1082 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. Wisconsin. Wisconsin. 12^ x lOJ. [Chicago], J. W. White, [1899]. Wisconsin. 22 x 16^. [In Foote (Charles M.) and Hood (Edwin C.) Plat book of Jefferson county, Wisconsin, fol. Minneapolis, Minn. C. M. Foote pub. co. 1899. pp. 48-49]. Post route map of the states of Michigan and Wisconsin. Showing post offices and the intermediate distances on mail routes in operation on the 1st of June, 1900. Published by order of postmaster general Charles Emory Smith, under the direction of A. von Haake, topographer P. 0. dept. 55Jx59^. [Washington, 1900]. [United States. Post office department]. Tunison's new railroad distance township and sectional map of Wisconsin and upper peninsula of Michigan. From latest surveys. 41 x 33^. Jack- sonville, 111. H. C. Tunison, 1900. See also Fox river. Wis.; Marathon county; Milwaukee county; Waukesha county. Wise county, Tex. [Map]. 23 x 17. St. Louis, lith. by A. Gast & co. [1879]. [Texas (State of). General land office]. Woburn, Mass. Hopkins (G. M.) Atlas of the town of Woburn, Mass. 67 pp. 1 fold. map. incl. 17 sheets, fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1875. Wood river region, Idaho. Scott's new pocket map of the Wood river region of central Idaho. Prepared by Frank J. Scott. 15 x 26. New York, Fords, Howard & Hulbert, 1882. Woodford county, 111. Warner & Beers. Atlas of Woodford county and the state of Illinois, to which is added an atlas of the United States, maps of the hemispheres &c. xxxi, 5-95 pp. incl. 60 maps& 6 pi. fol. Chicago, Warner & Beers, 1873. Woodford, county, Ky. Beers (Daniel G. ) & co. Atlas of Bourbon, Clark, Fay- ette, Jessamine and Woodford counties, Ky. From actual surveys and official records. 77 pp. incl. 22 maps. fol. Philadelphia, D. G. Beers & CO. 1877. Woodstock, Penn. [Plan of the town of Woodstock, Penn. By Benjamin Hart. ms. 13 X 21i 1812]. Wooster, Oh.io. Plan. From recent & actual surveys by F. W. Beers, col. 41 x 41. New York, F. W. Beers & co. 1870. Worcester county, Md. Lake, Griffing & Stevenson. Atlas of Wicomico, Somer- set & Worcester counties, Maryland. Compiled, drawn & published from actual surveys. 60 pp. incl. 36 maps. 5 maps at end. fol. Philadel- phia, Lake, Griffing & Stevenson, 1877. Worcester county, Mass. Putnam (Gen. Rufus). A new plan of several towns in the county of Worcester. March 30, 1785. 7x4. [In Bodge (Geo. Madison). Soldiers in king Philip's war, 8°. Leomin- ster, Mass. author, 1896. p. 111]. Note. — From a ms. in possession of Mass. hist. soc. and published in Pro- ceedings for 1893. Map of Worcester co. Massachusetts. Based upon the trigonometrical sur- vey of the state. The details from actual surveys under the direction of Henry F. WalHng. 1857. T. W. Baker, draughtsman, col. 64 x 64. Boston, W. E. Baker & co. 1857. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 108^ Worcester county, Mass. Beers (F. W.) Atlas of Worcester co. Mass. 99 pp. incl. 85 maps. 1 pi. fol. New York, F. W. Beers & co. 1870. Plan of Worcester county, Mass. 14 x ±1. [In Beers (F. W.) & others. Atlas of the city of Worcester, Worcester county, Mass. fol. New York, F. W. Beers & co. 1870. p. 5]. New bicycle and driving road map of Worcester county, Mass. 26 x 21. [In Walker (Oscar W.) & co. Atlas of Winchendon town, Mass. foL Boston, 0. W. Walker & co. 1886. bet. pp. 6-7]. Worcester, Mass. Plan of the village of Worcester. 6J x 5J. [In Worcester (The) almanac, directory, and business advertiser, for 1850. 18°. Worcester, H. J." Howland, 1849]. Beers (F. W.) & others. Atlas of the city of Worcester, Worcester county, Mass. 33 pp. inch 19 maps. fol. New York, F. W. Beers & co. 1870. Map. Drawn & published by C. W. Burbank. col. 33 x 26. Worcester, C. W. Burbank, 1872. Drew, Allis & co. Map of the city of Worcester, Worcester co. Mass. S. P. Triscott, civil engineer, col. 16^ x 18. [Worcester], Drew, Allis & co. 1882. Hopkins (G. M.) Atlas of the city of Worcester, Mass. title. 29 maps. fol. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins, 1886. World. The discoveries of the Spaniards and Portuguese in the 15th and 16th cen- tury. 8^ x 5f . [In Labberton (R. H.) New historical atlas. 4°. New York, T. MacCoun, 1886. pi. 57]. Mappemonde de Martin Behaim. [Hemisphere-occidental. — Hemisphere oriental]. 2 maps, each 22 x 22. [In Jomard (Edme Francois). Monuments de la geographie. fol. Paris^ Dtiprat, [1852-64]. pi. xv^^]. Same. Martin Behaim' s globe, 1492. 5^ x 5 J. [In Keltic (John Scott). The partition of Africa. 2d ed. 8°. London, E. Stanford, 1895. p. 40]. Same. Pars globi terrestris anno 1492 a Martino Behaim Equite Lusitano Norimbergse confecti delineavit Christoph. Theoph. de Murr. 1778. 21 x 14. [In Chadera (C.) Investigaciones historicas. 8°. Madrid, 1794]. Same. Pars globi terrestris ao 1492 a Martino Behaim equito lusitano Norim- bergse confecti. Delineauit Christoph. Theop. de Murr. 1778. 24 x 17, [In Murr (Christoph. Gottlieb von). Diplomatische geschichte des portu- giesischen beruhmten ritters Martin Behaims. Aus originalurkunden. 2te sehr verm. aufi. ausg. 8°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1801. at end]. Same. Part of Martin Behaim' s globe, a. d. 1492. 12^ x 14^ [In Royal geographical society. Journal. 1897. 8°, London, 1897. v. 9. p. 692]. Note. — Inset "Reduction of Juan de la Cosa's map of south coast of Newfoundland. ' ' Same. Part of a terrestrial globe made at Nuremberg in 1492. By Martin Behaim, in which it is supposed the islands are laid doviin in the same way as in the map used by Columbus in his first voyage. 7x7. [In Royal geographical society. Journal. 1848. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1848. V. 18. at end]. 1084 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. World. Sebastian Cabot's map of the world, 16th century. 11^ x 15. [In American (The) geographical society of New York. Bulletin. 1879. 8°. New York, for the society, [1879]. v. 11. p. 38]. Cosa (Juan de la). World map of Juan de la Cosa, A. D. 1500. Reduced by photo-lithography to a little less than half size from the fac-simile in Jomard's Monuments de la geographie. 19 x 35. [In Royal society of Canada. Transactions. 1897. 8°. Ottawa, J. Durie & son, 1897. V. 3. 2d series, section 2. opp. p. 269]. Same. Trois fragmens de la mappemonde de Juan de la Cosa. Trac^e en 1500 et conseivee dans la bibliotheque de m. le baron Walckenaer, 14 X 18i [In Humboldt (A. de). Examen critique de I'histoire de la geographie du Nouveau Continent. 8°. Paris, 1839. v. 5]. Same. Fragment de la mappemonde. Dessinee au port de Santa Maria I'an 1500, par Juan de la Cosa. Cette carte est conservee dans la bibliotheque de m. le baron Walckenaer. [In Humboldt (A. de). Examen critique de I'histoire de la geographie du Nouveau Continent. 8°. Paris, 1839. v. 4]. Carta da nauigar per le isole nouam*^ tr [ovate] in le porte de 1' India: dono Alberto Cantino al s. duca Hercole. llf x 12|. [In American geographical society. Bulletin. 8°. New York, for the society, 1889. v. 21. no. 2. June 30, 1889. opp. p. 286]. Universalior cogniti orbis tabula ex recentibus confecta observationibus [Fragmentum depromptum ex.] ed. Geogr. Ptolemsei Romse 1508 in folio. lOJ X 14. [In Humboldt (A. de). Examen critique de I'histoire de la geographie du Nouveau Continent. 8°. Paris, 1839. v. 5]. Ptolemaeus (Claudius). Universalior cogniti orbis tabula, ex recentibus confecta observationibus. 22 x 16. [In his Geographia. fol. Rome, per Bernardinu Venutii de Vitalibus, 1508]. Note, — This map is designed on the conical projection of Johann Ruysch, a German, who had visited the American shores, & contains the first printed delineation of the newly discovered lands. The Lenox globe. [1510-11]. 14^x5. [In Magazine (The) of American history. Edited by John Austin Stevens. sm. 4°. New York, A. S. Barnes, 1879. v. 3. p. 529]. Note. — To accompany an article by B. F. De Costa on ** The Lenox globe." ["A remarkable globe map of the sixteenth century. By A. E. Norden- skiold"]. 13x9. [In American (The) geographical society of New York. Bulletin. 1884. 8°. New York, for the society, [1884]. v. 16. p. 222]. Note. — The conclusions reached by the author as to date and authorship are as follows: "That the globe map here in question is drawn and engraved in Ingolstadt; that it is not composed by Apianus; that it ia of a later date than 1511; that a common original has served as a foundation for this map and for Schoner's globe of 1515, and that the globe map is composed earlier than * Newe zeytung auss Presillg landt,' and also Sch6nel-'8 ' Luculentissima qusedam terrse latius description' had become more widely known." LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 1085 World. Mappemonde, by Leonardo da Vinci. [1513-14]. pi. 1 & 2. Photo, lith. by Day & Son. [In Society of antiquaries of London. Archseologia. 4°. London, Nichols & sons, 1846. v. 40. pp. 2-3]. The western half of the globe constructed in 1520 by John Schdner. Trans- lated from the Latin and published to accompany the comprehensive geo- graphy. Drawn on stone by N. Friend, Philad' a. 33^x23. Philadelphia, printed by L. N. Rosenthal, [1864]. Note. — Copyrighted by J. B. Lippincott & co. 1864. No. 1. Outline of the map of Hieronymus da Verrazano, 1529, in the Museum of the Propaganda, Rome. Size: 102 x 51 inches. No. 2. The North American coast line of no. 1, with the names from the original and now first published. No. 3. The Northern section of Reinel's map, correspond- ing with New Foundland section shown in no. 2. No. 4. Section of a map in the Ptolemy of 1513, from which was derived the outline and several names for the Florida section in no. 2. No. 5. Section of the globe of Vlpius, 1542, after the Verrazano map. No. 6. Section of the Gastaldi- Ramusio map, from Verrazano. No. 7. Section from the map of Allfonsce, 1543, after Verrazano. No. 8. Section of Lok's map 1582, copied by him from the Verrazano map presented to Henry VIIL Note. — All except no. 1 are shown on a scale one-fourth of the original. 10^ x 8. [In Magazine (The) of American history. Edited by John Austin Stevens, sm. 4°. New York, A. S. Barnes, 1878. v. 2. p. 449]. Note. — To accompany an article by B. F. De Costa, on ''The Verrazano map." Copy of part of the mapamundi drawn by Hieronimus de Verrazano about 1529. To illustrate a paper read before the Am. geographical society, nov. 28th, 1871. By J. C. Brevoort. 12 x 19^. [In American (The) geographical society of New York. Journal. 1873. 8°. Albany, for the society, 1874. v. 4. p. 296. pi. 1.]. Note. — "Hieronimvs de Verrazano faciebat. The original planisphere, from which this extract has been taken, is in the museo Borgiana of the collegio de propaganda fide, in Rome and was designed about the year 1529. It is 260 centimetres in length and 130 in heigh th, or 102 J by 51^ English inches." Same. Reduced copy of the mapamundi drawn by Hieronimus de Verra- zano about the year 1529. From photographs of the original, preserved in the museo Borgiano at the collegio Romano de propaganda fide in Rome. J. Bien lith. 6| x 13^ [In American (The) geographical society of New York. Journal. 1873. 8°. Albany, for the society, 1874. v. 4. p. 296. pi. 2.]. Typvs cosmographicvs universalis. 14 x 21^. [In Grynseus (Simon). Novvs orbis regio. fol. Basilese, apvd To. Her- vagivm, 1532]. Bordone (Benedetto). Isolario. Nel qual si ragiona di tutte I'isole del mondo, [etc.] 101. Ixxxiiii 1. numb. sm. fol. [Vinegia, N. d'Aris- totile, 1534]. Note. — Besides a general map, including the New World, there is a view of Mexico, and some maps of the West Indies. 1086 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. World. Globe terrestre de la premiere moitie du xvi*" siecle, conserve a Francfort- sur-le-Mein. [In Jomard (Edme Francois). Monuments de la geographie. fol. Paris, Duprat, [1852-1864.] pi. 17]. Mappemonde turk du xvi** siecle. 6j x 6^. [In Soci^t^ de geographie. Bulletin. 5« serie. 8°. Paris, 1864. v. 10. at end]. The Nancy globe. Delineavit Forfillier. Sculpsit Raimond, Nanceianus. [1540?]. 6^ X 6i [In Magazine (The) of American history. Edited by John Austin Stevens. sm. 4°. New York, A. S. Barnes, 1881. v. 6. p. 184]. Note. — To accompany the article on "The Nancy globe." By B. F. De Costa, pp. 183-187. The globe of Vlpius— 1542. 9x9. [In Magazine (The) of American history. Edited by John Austin Stevens. sm. 4°. New York, A. S. Barnes, 1879. v. 3. p. 17]. Note. — To accompany an article by B. F. De Costa on ' ' The Globe of Vlpius. ' ' Map of the world by the Spanish cosmographer Alonzo de Santa Cruz. 1542. Reproduction in phototypic facsimile by the printing office of the Swedish staff-general with explanations by E. W. Dahlgren. 47 pp. 8°. & Atlas. 2 p. 1. 5 pi. fol. Stockholm, royal printing office, 1892. Mappemonde peinte sur parchemin par ordre de Henri I, roi de France. [In Jomard (Edme Francois). Monuments de la geographie. fol. Paris, Duprat, [1852-64]. pi. xix, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]. Note. — **Cette carte a ete executee, des indices certains, en I'annee 1542; en sorte que le titre a lui donner est plutot celui de Mappemonde royale de 1542." Cabot (Sebastian). World map of A. D. 1544. (Sebastian-Cabot map). Reduced by photography to a little less than half size. From a negative taken from the original at Paris by order of the minister of agriculture and statistics. 22^ x 35. [In Royal society of Canada. Transactions. 1897. 8°. Ottawa, J. Durie & son, 1897. V. 3. 2d series, section 2. opp. p. 269]. Mappemonde, de S^bastien Cabot, de la premiere moitie du xvi^ siecle. [In Jomard (Edme Francois). Monuments de la geographie. fol. Paris, Duprat, [1852-1864]. pi. xx, 1, 2, 3, 4]. Universalis cosmographia. 1546. 5| x 6\. [In Vadiano (Joachim). Epitome trivm terrse partivm Asise, Afriese et Europae. 16°. Tiguri, apvd Frosch, 1548. v3]. At the death of Charles V. 1551. 11x8. [In Gage (W. L. ) A modern historical atlas. 8°. New York, D. Apple- ton & co. 1869. pi. 9]. Vniversalis cosmographia. 4| x 9^. [In Boileau de Bullion (Gilles). La sphere des deux mondes, compos^e en Frangois, par Darinel, pasteur des Amadis. [pseud.] sm. 4°. An vers, I. Richart, 1555. 1. 48]. TypvH cosmographicvs universalis. 14 x 22. [In Grynaeus (Simon). Novvs orbis regionvm ac insvlarvm veteribvs incognitarvm, &c. fol. Basilia?, apud lo. Hervagivm, 1555]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 1087 "World. Mappemonde de Gerard Mercator. Duisbourg, 1569. [In Jomard (Edme Frangois). Monuments de la geographie. fol. Paris, Duprat, [1852-64]. pi. xxi, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]. Mercator's map of the world, A. D. 1569. 10 x 16. [In American (The) geographical society of New York. Bulletin. 1879. 8°. New York, for the society, [1879]. v. 11. p. 38]. Typo dela carta cosmographica de Gaspar Vopellio Medelbvrgense. 11 x 16. [In Girarva (Hieronimo). La cosmographia, y geographia. sm. 4°. Vene- tia, I. Zileti, 1570]. Typhus orbis terrarum. 13j x 19 j. [In Ortelius (Abraham). Theatrum orbis terrarum, fol. Antverpiae, 1570. Note. — This map is reproduced in the editions of 1571, 1572, 1575, and 1585. A general map made onelye for the particular declaration of this discovery. 9 x 13. [In Gilbert (Sir Humfrey). A discourse of a discouerie for a new passage to Cataia. 12°. London, for R. Ihones, 1576. Sig. B]. Les trois mondes. 6^ x 9. [In La Popelliniere (H. L. de). Les trois mondes. 18°. Paris, P. I'Huil- lier, 1582. p. 3]. Orbis terrae compendiosa descriptio quam ex magna vniuersali Gerardi Mercatoris Domino Richardo Gartho, geographie ac ceterarum bonarum artium amatori ac fautori summo, in veteris amicitie ac familiaritatis memoria Rumoldus Mercator fieri surabat ao M. D. LXXXVII. 11 1 x 20. [In Mercator (Gerard). Atlas si ve cosmographicse meditationes de fabrica mvndi et fabricati figvra. Editio decima. fol. Sumptibus et typis seneis Henrici Hongij, Amsterdami, 1628]. Universalis orbis descriptio. 10 x 15. [In Myricio (Giovanni). Opvscvlvm geographicvm. fol. Ingolstadii, W. Ederi, 1590. pp. 60-61]. Orbis terrarvm typos de integro multis in locis emendatus auctore Petro Plancio. 1594. 16 x 22. [In Linschoten (Jan Huyghen van). Historie de la navigation. 3'' ed. fol. A. Amsterdam, E. Cloppenburgh, 1638]. [The eastern and western hemispheres] . 5f x 11. [In Hudson (Henry) . Descriptio ac delineatio geographica detectionis freti. 4°. Amsterodami, H. Gerardus 1612. at end]. Arcs de meridiens et arcs de paralleles mesures sur le globe terrestre. 1615-1890. 10 X 14^. [In Societe de geographie. Bulletin. 7« serie. 8°. Paris, 1891. v. 12. p. 188]. Orbis terrarum descriptio duobis planis hemisphseriis comprehesa. 16^ x 22^. Amstelodami, excubebat Joannes Janssonius, 1618. Nova totivs terrarvm orbis geographica ac hydrographica tabvla. Auct: Henr: Hondio. Amstelodami excudit, loannes Janssonius. 15 x 21J. [In Jansson (Jan). Nuevo atlas, fol. Amsterdam, J. Janssonia, 1653. V. 1. bet. pp. 1-2]. 1088 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. World. [Terra Australis, Africa, Asia, Europa, America Meridionalis et Septentrio- nalis]. Petrus Kaerius caelavit. 6^ x 7^. [In Hall (Joseph). Mundus alter et idem. By Mercuric Britannico. [pseud.] 24°. Ultraiecti, apud Joannem a Waesberge, 1643. bet. pp. 32 & 33]. Hoc est puctum quod inter tot gentes f erro et igne dividitur. O quam ridiculi sunt mortalium termini. 6^ x 7^. A Paris, Chez Mich, van Lochom. [In Briet (Philippe). Parallela geographiae et novse. sm. fol. Paris, S. & G. Cramoisy, 1648. bet. pp. 98-99]. La division de nostre ocean. 5^ x 7\. [In Briet (Philippe). Parallela geographise veteris et novse. sm. fol. Paris, S. & G. Cramoisy, 1648. bet. pp. 135-137]. Vetus oceani divisio. 5| x 7|. [In Briet (Philippe). Parallela geographise veteris et novse. sm. fol. Paris, S. & G. Cramoisy, 1648. bet. pp. 100-102]. L'hydrographie ou description de I'eau c'est a dire des mers, golfes, [etc.] Par le sr. Sanson d' Abbeville. 16 x 20^. Paris, chez I'auteur, 1652. [Inserted in Linschoten (Jan Huyghen van). Histoire de la navigation. 3^ ed. fol. A. Amsterdam, E. Cloppenburgh, 1638]. Colom (Arnold). Zee-atlas, ofte water- wereldt. Inhoudende een korte beschryvinge van alle de bekende zee-kusten des aardtrycks. 2 p. 1. 18 maps. fol. Amsterdam, in de Lichtende Colom, [1656?]. iSova totius terrarum orbis tabula auctore F. de Wit. 17 x 22. t' Amster- dam, F. de Wit, 1660. Blaauw (Willem Janszoon) and Blaauw (Jan). Le grand atlas. 12 v. fol. Amsterdam, J. Blaeu, 1667. Note. — Volume twelve devoted to America. Each map separately cata- logued. Atlas maritimus, or, the sea atlas; being a book of maritime charts. By John Seller, ill. title. 2 p. 1. 12 pp. + 1 1. 49 col. sheets, fol. Lon- don, J. Darby, 1675. Nouvelle mappe-monde, recemment mise en lumiere par Pierre Vander Aa. 10 X 13|. (pi. 6]. [In Hooge (Romein de). Les Indes orientales et occidentales, et autres lieux. obi. 4°. Leide, Pierre Vander Aa, 1680?]. ' Nova totius terrarum orbis geographica ac hydrographica tabula. By Johannes Jansonius & sons, Moses Pitt, and Steven Swart. 15| x 21. [In Pitt (Moses). The English atlas, fol. Oxford, 1680. v. 1. no. 2]. Orbis terrarum nova et accuratissima tabula. Auctore Joanne a Loon. 17i x 21. [In Pitt (Moses). The Enghsh atlas, fol. Oxford, 1680. v. 1. no. 1]. A new mapp of the world according to mr. Edward Wright commonly called Mercator's projection. By John Thornton. la. Clark sculp. 17 x 27. London, J. Thornton, 1683]. [American maps. v. 4. no. 1]. Carte vniverselle du monde vulgairement dite la mappemonde, avec de nou- velles observations touchant les navigations de long cours. Par P. Duval. 16 X 22. Paris, I'autheur, 1684. [American maps. v. 4. no. 7]. Note. — Wanting all but portion relating to North America. I LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 1089 World. [Map of the hemispheres] . P. I. Peeters. Harrewyn fecit. 5| x lOf. [In Peeters (Jaques). L' atlas en abrege, ou nouvelle description du monde, 12°. Anvers, J. Peeters, 1692]. Peeters (Jaques). L'atlas en abrege, ou nouvelle description du monde, tiree des meilleurs auteurs de ce siecle. ill. title. 2 p. 1. 82 pp. 1 1. 42 maps. 12°. Anvers, J. Peeters, 1692. Coronelli ( Vincenzo Maria). Atlante Veneto, nel quale si contiene la descrit- tione . . . degl' imperij, regni, provincie, e stati dell' universo. 2 v. in 3. fol. Venetia, a' spese dell' autore, 1695-97. Note. — Vol.2 is in two parts (2 v.) entitled: Isolario dell' Atlante Veneto. parte 1-2. Allard (Oarel). Atlas minor, sen universi terrarum orbis geographicum compendium, recentissimas, &a. Probandis auctoribus editas tabulas exhi- bens. ill. title & title. 150 col. maps. fol. Amstelodami, ex otficina Caroli Allard, [1696?]. Note. — The date 1696 is found in the maps entitled " L'isle de Re," no. 22, "La Bretagne," no. 21, and "La Provence," no. 31. Planisphperium terrestre sive terrarum orbis planisphyerice constructi reprsesentatio quintuplex. Adjunctis aliquibus astronomicse geographise tyrociniis. Auctore Carolo Allard, Amstelo-Batavo. 20^ x 23. [In Allard (Carel). Atlas minor, fol. Amstelodami, ex otficina Caroli Allard, [1696?]. no. 3]. Note. — The date 1696 is found in the maps entitled "L'isle de Re," no. 20, "La Bretagne," no. 21, and "La Provence," no. 31. A new and correct map of the world laid down according to the newest observation & discoveries [etc.] W. Goodson delint. 25 x 37. Lon- don, G. Willdey, [171-?]. ^ Tabula totius orbis terrarum exhibens declinationes magneticas, ad annum 1700, composita ab Edmundo Halleyo, simul cum inclinationibus a Poundio observatis et ventis universalibus. 7| x 19. [In Musschenbrock (Petro van). Elementa physic£e. Editio altera. 12°. Lugduni Batavorum, apud S. Luchtmans, 1741. pi. 9. at end]. A new and correct map of the world. Laid down according to the newest observations & discoveries in several different projections; including ye trade winds, monsoons, variation of the compass, and illustrated with a coelestial planisphere, the various systems of Ptolemy, Copernicus, and Tycho Brahe, together w^'* y^ apearances of the. planets, &c. W. Godson, delink 25^ x 37^ [London, G. AVilldey, 1702?]. Atlas geographus: or, a compleat system of geography . . . Illustrated with about 100 new maps, done from the latest observations by Herman Moll, [anon.] 5 v. sm. 4°. Savoy, J. Nutt, 1711. CONTEXTS. V. 1. Europe. V. 2. Europe. V. 3. Asia. V 4. Africa. V. 5. America. Moll (Herman) . The world described; or, a new and correct sett of maps. title. 30 fold. maps. fol. [London, 1715-1720]. A new & correct map of the whole world. By Herman Moll, 1719. 27 x 47. [London, H. Moll, 1719]. H. Doc. 516 69 1090 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. World. Erdkarte zum vergleich der continentalkarten J. B. Homanns mit den heutigen. 13 x 18f . [In Gesellschaft fur erdkunde zu Berlin. Zeitschrift. 8°. Berlin, D. Keimer, 1886. v. 21. pi. 5]. Anville (Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'). Atlas general. 46 maps on 51 sheets, fol. Paris, 1727-1780. Note. — A collection of d' Anville maps without a general title-page. CONTENTS. No. 1. Hemisphere occidental ou du nouveau monde. 1761. Hemisphere oriental ou de I'ancien monde. 1761. 2. Premiere partie de la carte d' Europe. 17M. 3. Seconde partie de la carte d' Europe. 1758. 4. Troisi^me partie de la carte d' Europe. 1760. 5. Premiere partie de la carte d'Asie. 1751. 6. seconds partie de la carte d'Asie. 1752. 7. Troisieme partie de la carte d'Asie. 1753. 8-9. Afrique. 1749. 10-11. Amerique Septentrionale. 1746. 12-13. Amerique Meridionale. 1748. 14. La France. 1780. 15. L'ltalie. 1743. 16. Les c6tes de la Grece et I'Archipel. 1756. 17. Detroit des Dardanelles. 1756. 18. L'Euphrate et le Tigre. 1779. 19-20. Carte de I'Inde. 1752. 21. Coromandel. 1753. 22. Essai d'un nouvelle carte de la mer Caspienne. 1754. 23. Golfe Persique. 1776. 24. Golfe Arabique ou mer Rouge. 1765. 25. Egypte. 1765. 26. L'Ethiopie occidentale. 1732. 27. Carte de I'Ethiopie orientale. 1727. 28. Carte particuliere de la cote occidentale de 1' Afrique. 1751. 29. Carte particuliere des royaumes d' Angola, de Matamba et de Benguela. 1731. 30. Carte particuliere du royaume de Congo. 1731. 31. Guinee. 1775. 32-33. Canade, Louisiane et terre Angloises. 1755. 34. Le fleuve Saint Laurent, [n. d.] 35. Carte de la Louisiane. Dressee en mai 1732. Publiee en 1752. 36. Carte des isles de 1' Amerique. 1731. 37. Orbis veteribus notus. 1763. 38. Orbis Romani pars occidentalis. 1763. 39. Orbis Romani pars or ien talis. 1764. 40. Gallia antiqua. 1760. 41. Tabula Italise antiqua geographica. 1764. 42. Grsecise antiquse specimen geographicum. 1762. 43. Asiae et Syriae. 1764. 44. La Palestine. 1767. 46. ^gyptus antiqua. 1765. 46. Ad antiquam India geographiam tabula. 1765. 47. Patriarchatus Constantinopolitani tabula. 1741. 48. Patriarchatu.s Antiochenus. 1732. 49. Patriarchatus Hierosolymitanus. 1732. 50. Patriarchatus Alexandrinus. 1731. 51. Germanie, France, Italic, Espagne, Isles Britanniques. 1771. » Mappe-monde, ou description g^nerale du globe terrestre et aquatique. Selon les nouvelles observations de mess'rs de I'academie des sciences, etc. a Leide chez Pierre Vander Aa. 19^ x 26. [In Galerie (La) agrdable du monde. fol. Leide, P. Vander Aa, ri729?]. V. 1. Portugal & Algarve. pi. 2*]. LIST OF MAPS OF AMEEICA. 1091 "World. Xouvelle mappe-monde, recemment mise en liimiere par Pierre Vander Aa. lOi X 13i [In Galerie (La) agreable du monde. fol. Leide, P. Vander Aa, [1729?]. V. 1. Portugal & Algarve. pi. 2]. Klaproth (Heinrich Julius von). Notice d'une mappemonde et d'une cos- niographie Chinoises, [publiees en Chine I'une en 1730, I'autre en 1793]. 89 pp. 1 fold. map. 8°. Paris, imprimerie royale, 1833. Note. — Extrait du Xouveau journal Asiatique. Part of the title in brackets from Didot. Planisphere chinois. Traduit par m^ Kloproth. 10 x 18. [In Kloproth (Heinrich Julius von). Notice d'une mappemonde et d'une cosmographie chinoises, [publiees en Chine I'uneen 1730, 1' autre en 1793?]. 8°. Paris, imprimerie royale, 1833. at end]. Anville (Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'). [Atlas general]. 1 p. 1. 30 maps. fol. [Paris, 1743-1780]. A new & accurate chart of the world. Drawn from authentic surveys assisted by the most approved modern maps & charts. 1744. By Eman. Bowen. 14|: X 17i. [In Bowen (Emanuel). A complete or distinct view of the known world, fol. London, for W. Innys, 1752. no. 1]. Planiglobii terrestris mappa universalis utrumqg hemisphgerium orient, et occi- dentale reprsesentans ex iv. mappis generalibus Hasianis composita et adjectis ceteris hemisphseris designata a G. N, Lowizio excudentibus Homanianis heredibus. 1746. 18 x 22. [In Franz (J. M. ) Abhandlung von den grenzen der bekannten und unbe- kannten welt alter und neuer zeit. 4°. Niirnberg, G. P. Monath, 1762]. Versuch von einer kurzgefassten karte welche die bekannten theile der erd- kugel enthaelt dem hrn, grafen von Maurepas [etc.] zugeeignet von N. Bellin. 19i x 27^. [In Nederlandsche reizen. Zevende deel. 8°. Amsterdam, Petrus Con- radi, 1785. opp. p. 1]. Bowen (Emanuel). A complete atlas or distinct view of the known Avorld; exhibited in sixty-eight maps. 4 pp. 69 maps. fol. London, for W. Innys, 1752. A new & accurate map of the known world. Drawn from the latest and most authentic surveys assisted by the best & most approved modern maps charts &c. By Eman. Bowen. 12^ x 21. [In Bowen (Emanuel). A complete atlas or distinct view of the known world, fol. London, for W. Innys, 1752. no. 2]. Planisphere physique ou I'on voit du pole septentrional ce que I'on connoit de terres et de mers; avec les grandes chaines de montagnes qui traversent le globe. Dresse pour le memoire lu a I'assemblee publique de I'academie le 15 novembre 1752 par Philippe Buache. Grave par Desbruslins. 12i x 12. [In Academie (L') royale des sciences. Histoire 1752. 4°. Paris, I'im- primerie royale, 1756. p. 416]. 1092 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. World. An accurate chart of the world with the new discoveries; also a view of the general & coasting trade winds, monsoons or shifting trade winds & the variations of the compass; from the latest and best authorities. By T. Kitchin, geographer. 12 x 17. [In London (The) magazine. 1758. 8°. London, for R. Baldwin, 1758. V. 27. p. 64]. Bellin (Jacques Nicolas. Le petit atlas maritime, recueil de cartes et plans des quatre parties du monde. 5 v. fol. [Paris], 1764. CONTENTS. V. 1. Am^rique septentrionale et Isles Antilles. V. 2. Amerique m^ridionale. Mexique, Terre-Ferme, Bresil, P^rou, Chily. V. 3. Asie et Afrique. V. 4-5. Europe et les 6tats qu'elle contient. Carte reduite du globe terrestre. 8| x 13. [In Bellin (Jacques Nicolas). Le petit atlas maritime, fol. [Paris], 1764. V. 1. no. 1]. Same. Carte reduite du globe terrestre. 8| x 13^. [In Bellin (Jacques Nicolas). Le petit atlas maritime, fol. [Paris], 1764. V. 2. no. 1]. * An accurate map of the world, drawn from the best authorities. G. Rollos sculp' t. 5^ X 5^. [In Brookes (R.) The general gazetteer. 2ded. 8°. London, for J. New- bery, 1766. front.] Brion de la Tour (Louis). Atlas general, civil et eccl^siastique, methodique et eMmentaire pour I'etude de la geographic et de I'histoire. [etc.] title. 10 pp. + 52 1. & 52 maps. 4°. Paris, A. P. D. R. 1767. Soci^t^ de geographic. Stance extraordinaire pour le centenaire de Cook 14 f^vrier 1879. Voyages de Cook 1768-1779. 10 x 17. [In Soci^t^ de geographic. Bulletin. 6*^ serie. 8°. Paris, 1879. v. 17. at end]. Nieuwe en naukeurige kaart der gantsche bekende werreld. Door Eman. Bowen, verbcterd door W. A. Bachiene. J. van Jagen fecit. 1772. 12J X 21^ [In Bachiene (W. A.) Atlas tot opheldering der hedendaagsche hjstorie beschreeven door cen gezelschap van gelccrde mannen in Engeland. fol. te Amsterdam, M. Schalekamp, 1785. no. 1]. Nieuwe en" naukeurige kaart des geheelen Aardbodems, opgemaakt uit de echste beschry vingen en de beste heedendaagsche land en zeekaarten en in ordre gebragt volgens sterrekundige waarnccmingen. Door verscheide ervaarene zeelieden gedaan omtrent den jaare 1744. Door Eman. Bowen, verbcterd door W. A. Bachiene. J. van Jagen sculps. 1772. 14 x 17. [In Bachiene (W. A.) Atlas tot opheldering der hedendaagsche historic beschreeven door cen gezelschap van gelccrde mannen in Engeland. fol. te Amsterdam, M. Schalekamp, 1785. no. 2]. A new map of the world, drawn from the best authorities by Thos. Kitchin geogr. 10^ X 5i. [In H. (T. ) A new introduction to the knowledge and use of maps. [By T. H. anon.] 12°. London, printed for the author, 1773. bet. pp. 22-23]. NoTK. — Dedication signed T. H. LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 10S3 World. A chart of the southern hemisphere, according to the latest discoveries; with the tracks of the Resolution, capt. Cook; and the Adventure, capt. Fur- neaux 1772, to 1775. B}^ George Forster, f. r. s. Engraved by William Whitchurch. 26} x 25}. [London], march 10, 1777. [Inserted in Jefferys (T.) and others. The American atlas, fol. London, R. Sayer & J. Bennett, 1776. no. 32]. JL chart of the world upon ]Mercator's projection. Describing the tracks of capt. Cook in the year 1768, 69, 70, 71 and in 1772, 73, 74, 75, with the new discoveries, [anon.] 15} x 18. London, W. Faden, 1775. [In Jefferys (T. ) and others. The American atlas fol. London, R. Sayer • & J. Bennett, 1776. at beg.] The world, from the best authorities. T. Kitchin sculp. 7x7. [In Guthrie (William). A new geographical, historical, and commercial grammar, A new ed. 8°. London, for John Knox, 1777. front.] A Mercator chart of the world. By Thos. Bowen. 13 x 18. [In Middleton (Charles Theodore). A new and complete system of geog- raphy, fol. London, for J. Cooke, 1778. v. 1. p. 1]. The world with the latest discoveries from the best authorities. J. Lodge, sculp. 10} X 10}. [In Russell (William). The history of America, sm. 4°. London, for Fielding & Walker, 1778. v. 1. front.] Bachiene' (W. A.) Atlas tot opheldering der hedendaagsche historic be- schreeven door een gezelschap van geleerde mannen in Engeland . . . , en gegraveerd door J. van Jagen. 3 p. 1. 60 maps. fol. te Amsterdam, M. Schalekamp, 1785. Mappemonde ou carte reduite des parties connues du globe pour servir au voyage de La Perouse fait dans les annees .1785, 86, 87 et 88. 23 x 36^ [In La Perouse (Jean Francois Galaup de) . Voyage autour du monde. Atlas, fol. Paris, I'imprimerie de la republique, 1797. no. 1]. Voyages de La Perouse, 1785-1788. 10 x 16. [In Societe de geographic. Bulletin. 7« serie. 8°. Paris, 1888. v. 9. p. 393]. Voyages de d'Entrecasteaux, 1785-87; 1791-93 par le baron Hulot. 1893. J. Hansen. 5^ x 10}. [In Societe de geographic. Bulletin. 7« serie. 8°. Paris, 1894. v. 15. p. 402]. Note. — Les itineraires de 1785 et de 1791 n'ont pas ete reconstitues entre Brest et le cap de Bonne-Esperance. Mappe-monde suivant les nouvelles observations. Par mr. I'abbe Clouet. 1786. 9 X 18. [In Clouet (Jean Baptiste Louis, I'abbe). Geographic moderne. fol. [Paris], 1791. no. 20]. Faden (William). A new general chart of the world, exhibiting the whole of the discoveries made by the late captain James Cook, with the tracks of the ships under his command: also those of captn. Phipps, (now lord Mulgrave) in his expedition to the North Pole. col. 16^x22^. London, W. Faden, 1787. 1C94 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. World. Bankes (Thomas), Blake (Edward Warren) and Cook (Alexander). A new, royal, authentic and complete system of universal geography, antient and modern: including all the late important discoveries made by the English and other celebrated navigators and containing a history and description of the whole world. Likewise the essence of the voyages of the most enterprising navigators from Columbus to captain Cook. To which is added, a complete guide to geography, astronomy, the use of the globes, maps, &c. with an account of the rise, progress and present state of navigation. Containing every important discovery throughout the whole of captain Cook's voyages round the world. Together with those of all other circumnavigators round the globe, particularly those of Byron, Mulgrave, King, Clerke, Gore, Carteret, Wallis, Bougainville, '&c. 2 v. iv, 460 pp. front. 18 maps & 49 pi. ; title. 462-990 pp. 3 1. at end. front. 15 maps & 39 pi. fol. London, printed for J. Cook, [1787-1810?]. A new & complete chart of the world; displaying the tracks of captn. Cook and other modern navigators. Drawn & engraved by T. Bo wen. 13 x 181. [In Bankes (Thomas), Blake (Edward Warren) and Cook (Alexander). A new, royal, authentic and complete system of universal geography, antient and modern. 2 v. fol. London, printed for J. Cook, [1787- 1810?]. vol. 1. bet. pp. 100-101]. The world, including the late discoveries by capt. Cook and other circum- navigators. Carefully laid down to the present time by Thos. Bowen. 11 X 18. [In Bankes (Thomas), Blake (Edward Warren) and Cook (Alexander). A new, royal, authentic and complete system of universal geography, antient and modern. 2 v. fol. London, printed for J. Cook, [1787- 1810?]. bet. pp. 106-107]. Bonne (Rigobert) and Desmarest (Nicolas). Atlas encyclopedique, con- tenant la geographic ancienne et quelques cartes sur la geographic du moyen age, la geographie moderneet lescartes relatives a la geographic physique. 2 V. 1 p. 1. 65 pp. front. 77 maps. 110 pp. 1 1. front. 73 maps. 4°. Paris, hotel de Thou, 1787-1788. To George Washington, president of the United States of America this magnetic atlas or variation chart is humbly inscribed by John Church- man. 26 X 26. [In Churchman (John). An explanation of the magnetic atlas or variation chart. 8°. Philadelphia, James & Johnson, 1790. front.] Hydrographical chart of the known parts of the globe between the seven- tieth parallel north and the sixtieth south. Constructed by C. F. Beau- temps Beaupre. 13 x 29. [In Fleurieu (Charles Pierre Claret). A voyage round the world performed during the years 1790-1792, by Etienne Marchand. 4°. London, Long- man, 1801. Charts &c. v. 3]. Clouet (Jean Baptiste Louis, I'abbe). Geographic moderne. Corrig^e et augment^e des nouvelles decouvertes du celebre capitaine Cook et des changements arrives dans I'Amerique Septentrionale 1791. 2 p. 1. 64 col. maps with text. fol. [Paris], 1791. Note. — Maps 19, 20 & 64 relate to America. The world from the best authorities. 8 x 16. [In Morse (Jedidiah). The American universal geography. 8°. Boston, L Thomas & E. T. Andrews, 1793. front.] LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 1095 World. A general chart of the world, shewing the course of the gulph stream and various tracks to and from the East Indies, China, Europe, &c. By capt. Truxtun. 18 x 34. [In Truxtun (Thomas). Remarks, instructions, and examples relating to the latitude and longitude, fol. Philadelphia, T. Dobson, 1794]. Carey (Mathew). Carey's general atlas, title. 45 maps. fol. Philadel- phia, M. Carey, 1796. A chart of the world according to Mercators projection. Shewing the latest discoveries of capt. Cook. William Barker sculp. 14^ x 18^. [In Carey (Mathew). Carey's general atlas, fol. Philadelphia, M. Carey, 1796. no. 2]. Chart of the world on Mercator's projection. Doolittle, sculp: New Haven. 7x10. [In Morse (Jedidiah). The American universal geography. 3d ed. 8°. Boston, I. Thomas & E. T. Andrews, 1796. pt. 1. p. 786]. A map of the world according to Mercator's projection. Showing the dis- coveries of capt. Cook. 14^^ x 18^. [In Payne (John). Geographical extracts forming a general view of earth and nature. 8°. London, for G. G. & J. Robinson, 1796. front.] A map of the world from the best authorities. Thackara & Valance sc. lOi X 20^. [In Carey (Mathew). Carey's general atlas, fol. Philadelphia, M. Carey, 1796. no. 1]. A general chart of the world, on Mercator's projection exhibiting all the new discoveries and the tracks of the different circumnavigators. 13 x 17^. J. Norman, sc. [In Malham (John). The naval gazetteer. 1st Amer. ed. 8°. Boston, W. Spotswood & J. Nancreed, 1797. v. 1. front.] Mappemonde ou carte reduite des parties connues du globe pour servir au voyage de La Perouse fait dans les annees 1785, 86, 87 et 88. 23 x 36^. [In La Perouse (Jean Francois Galaup de). Voyage autour du monde. ■ Atlas, fol. Paris, I'imprimerie de la republique, 1797. no. 1]. Cruttwell (Clement). Atlas to Cruttwell's gazetteer, title. 26 maps. fol. London, printed for G. G. & J. Robinson, [1799]. Note. — To accompany his "The new universal gazetteer." 1798. Karte zur iibersicht von A. v. Humbolt's reisen in der Alten & Neuen Welt, 1799-1829. Zusammengestellt von A. Petermann. Maassstab im iiquator 1:40.000.000. 9| x 20. [In Petermann's mittheilungen. 1869. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, [1869]. V. 15. p. 292]. Select plans of the principal cities, harbours, forts &c. in the world. By John Luffman. 2 v. 1 p. 1. 80 plans. 11.; 1 p. 1. 80 pi. 1 1. sm 4°. London, J. Luffman, 1801. Note. — Published at various times from 1799-1802. Atlas maritime, ill. title. 24 maps on 35 sheets, fol. Genes, Yves Gra- vier, 1801. Same. 2 p. 1. 63 maps. 4°. Same. 2p.L 63 maps. 4°. Same. 2p.l. 63 maps. 4°. 1096 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. World. Entwurf des weges der ersten reise um die welt nach der beschreibung des ritters Anton Pigafetta. 8 x 20. [In Pigafetta (Anton). Beschreibung der von Magellan unternommenen ersten reise um die welt. Aus dem Franzosischen. 8°. Gotha, J. Per- thes, 1801. front.] A new chart of the world, on Mercator's projection: exhibiting the tracks & discoveries of the most eminent navigators, to the present period. By John Gary, engraver, 1801. 18 x 20. London, J. Gary, 1801. [In Gary (John). Gary's new universal atlas, fol. London, for J. Gary, 1808. no. 3]. Heather (William). The marine atlas or seaman's complete pilot for all the principal places in the known world, comprising a new and elegant col- lection of charts, accurately drawn and engra'ved from the most approved surveys and publications, exhibiting, on a large scale, the discoveries and improvements of celebrated navigators. 2 p. 1. 52 charts, fol. London, W. Heather, [1803]. Arrowsmith (Aaron) and Lewis (Samuel). A new and elegant general atlas, comprising all the new discoveries, to the present time; containing sixty-three maps. 2 p. 1. 63 maps. 4°. Philadelphia, J. Gonrad & co. 1804. Boston, Thomas & Andrews, 1805. Boston, Thomas & Andrews, 1812. Boston, Thomas & Andrews, 1819. Gary (John). Gary's new universal atlas containing distinct maps of all the principal states and kingdoms throughout the world. 5 p. 1. 56 maps on 60 sheets, fol. London, for J. Gary, 1808. Arrowsmith' s map of the world on a globular projection, exhibiting partic- ularly the nautical researches of captain James Gook, [etc.] The whole engraved under the immediate superintendence of, corrected and improved by Samuel Lewis, col. 36 x 72. Philadelphia, T. L. Plowman, 1809. Evans (Rev. John). A new royal atlas, illustrative of the various divisions which comprise the surface of the globe; intended also as an interesting companion to Bigland's view of the world, and the new geographical gram- mar. 2 title pp. 20 maps. 8°. London, for J. Gundee, [1810]. Ghart of the world, according to Mercator's projection shewing the tracks & discoveries of capt. Gook. 13^ x 18. [In Guthrie (William). A system of modern geography. 7th ed. 8°. London, 1811. p. 1009]. Map of the world, shewing the tracts and discoveries of capt. Gook. Drawn from the best authorities of J. Russell. 14 x 26. [In Guthrie (William). A system of modern geography. 7th ed. 8°. London, 1811]. Luff man (John). Luff man's geographical & topographical atlas, consisting of maps of countries, plans of cities and forts, ports and harbours, battles, &c. 2 v. in 1. 3 p. 1. 172 maps. 5 1. 1 pi. 4°. London, J. Luff- man, 1815-16. Bru6 (Adrien Hubert). Grand atlas universel, ou collection de cartes ency- protypes, g^n^rales et d6taill^es des cinq parties du monde. 3 1. unp. 17 maps on 41 sheets, fol. Paris, Desray, 1816. m LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. 1097 World. Mappe-monde en deux hemispheres, carte encyprotype. 15^ x 26|. Paris, Desray, 1816. [In Brue (Adrien Hubert). Grand atlas universel. fol. Paris, Desray, 1816]. Mappe monde sur la projection de Mercator. Carte encyprotype [etc.] H. Brue, dir. 4 sheets, each 22^ x 31. Paris, Desray, 1816. [In Brue (Adrien Hubert). Grand atlas universel. fol. Paris, Desray, 1816. nos. 2, 3, 4, 5]. Same. Mappe monde sur la projection de Mercator. Carte encyprotype reduite de celle sur 4 feuilles du meme auteur. H. Brue dirext. 21 x 29|. Paris, Desray, 1816. [In Brue (Adrien Hubert). Grand atlas universel. fol. Paris, Desray, 1816. no. 1]. The world. T. Wightman, sc. 8 x 16. [In Cummings (Jacob Abbot). School atlas to Cummings' ancient & mod- ern geography. 4th ed. 8°. Boston, Cummings & Hilliard, [1816]. map 1]. Note. — Same map found in 8th ed. [1825?]. Cummings (Jacob Abbot). School atlas to Cummings' ancient & modern geography. 4th ed. title. 8 maps. 8°. Boston, Cummings & Hilliard, [1816]. Same. 8th ed. title. 8 maps. 8°. Boston, Cummings & HiUiard, [1825?]. Arrowsmith (Aaron). A new general atlas, constructed from the latest authorities. Exhibiting the boundaries and divisions, also the chains of mountains and other geographical features of all the known countries in the world. Comprehended in fifty-three maps from original drawings. 2 p. 1. 53 maps. 1 1. at end. 4°. Edinburgh, A. Constable & co. 1817. Carey (Mathew) & son. Carey's general atlas, improved and enlarged; being a collection of maps of the world and quarters; their principal empires, kingdoms, &c. 3 p. 1. 58 maps. fol. Philadelphia, M. Carey & son, 1818. A chart of the world, according to Mercator's projection. Shewing the latest discoveries of capt. Cook. J. Yeager sc. 14J x 18. [In Carey (Mathew) & son. Carey's general atlas, fol. Philadelphia, M. Carey & son, 1818. map 2]. A map of the world from the best authorities. J. Bower, sc. 10 x 10. [In Carey (Mathew) & son. Carey's general atlas, fol. Philadelphia, M. Carey & son, 1818. map 1]. The world on Mercator's projection, revised and improved to 1818 by John Melish. col. 35x47. Philadelphia, J. Melish & S. Harrison, [1818]. Hansteen (Christopher). Magnetischer atlas gehorig zum magnetismus der erde. title. 7 pi. obi. fol. Christiania, 1819. Lavoisne (C. V.) A complete genealogical, historical, chronological, and geographical atlas; being a general guide to ancient and modern history. 3d Am. ed. 5 pi. 71 sheets incl. 28 maps. fol. Philadelphia, M. Carey & son, 1821. 1098 LIST OF MAPS OF AMERICA. World. Morse (Sidney E. ) A new universal atlas of the world, on an improved plan; consisting of thirty maps carefully prepared from the latest authori- ties, with complete alphabetical indexes, ivpp. 27 1. 30 maps. 4°. New Haven, N. & S. S. Jocelyn, 1825. Mappe monde pour 1' intelligence du voyage autour du monde de la corvette S^niavine, 1826-1829. 14 x 18. [In Liitke (Fedor Petrovitch). Voyage autour du monde. 8°. Paris, 1835. V. 1. at end]. Malte Brun (Malthe Conrad Bruun, called). A new general atlas, exhibit- ing the five great divisions of the globe, Europe, Asia, Africa, America, and Oceanica, with their several empires, kingdoms, states, territories and other subdivisions, corrected to the present time. Drawn and engraved particularly to illustrate the universal geography. 2 p. 1. 40 maps. fol. Philadelphia, J. Grigg, 1828. Same. 2 p. 1. 40 maps. fol. Philadelphia, Grigg & Elliot, 1832. Same. 2 p. 1. 40 maps. fol. Philadelphia, Grigg & Elliot, 1837. , Die oestliche und westliche halbkugel der erde, entworfen und gezeichnet von C. S. Wieland. 21 x 28. Weimar, geograph. institut, 1830. A new and authentic map of the world; embracing all the recent discover- ies, and exhibiting particularly the nautical researches of the most distin- guished circumnavigators, col. 35 x 66. [Philadelphia], H. S. Tanner, 1831. Map of the world on a globular projection. By A. Arrowsmith, 1832. 38 X 77. London, S. Arrowsmith, 1832. The world on Mercator's projection. 14^^ x 22. [In McCuUoch (J. R. ) A dictionary, etc. of commerce. 8°. London, 1832. front. ] Arrowsmith (John). London atlas. 4 v. [Consisting of folded maps in 4 cases]. 8°. London, J. Arrowsmith, [1832-1846]. Note. — Volume four devoted to America. Bradford (Thomas Gamaliel). Atlas designed to illustrate the abridgement of universal geography, modern & ancient. Chiefly compiled from the Abreg^ de geographie of Adrian Balbi. title on cover. 4 p. 1. 32 maps. 4°. Boston, W. D. Ticknor, 1835. Bradford (Thomas Gamaliel). A comprehensive atlas geographical, his- torical & commercial. 2 p. 1. 180 pp. incl. 74 maps & 6 pi. 4°. Boston, American stationers' co. 1835. Same. 2 p. 1. 180 pp. incl. 74 maps & 6 pi. 4°. Boston, W. D. Ticknor, 1835. Bradford (Thomas Gamaliel). An illustrated atlas, geographical, statistical and historical, of the United States, and the adjacent countries, ill. title. 2 p. 1. 170 pp. 39 maps. fol. Philadelphia, E. S. Grant & co. [1838]. Kouma(C. M.) XapTr/(; tcov dvovutdcpaiptaov dia rr/v V7to K. M. Kovjua, Feooypcxipiav rov A. BaXfJi. Bievvr/, 1838. 16^ x 8^. [In BaXfii {Adpiavo). FEooypacpia eKreOeida juev ypaXXidri vito A. B. kpiiiT}vEvf)Ei6a d€ Sta XftV^i^ i^oov 'EXXr/yaov vito K. M. Kov/xa. 12°. Ev Bievvrj TTjL\.ECH 2, 1901.— Presented l)y Mr. Lodge, referred to the Committee on Library, and ordered to be printed. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1901. INTRODUCTION. In the compilation of this list no effort has been made to go beyond the resources of this Librar3^ It embodies a considerable collection of native literature gathered by Dr. Friedenwald upon the occasion of a visit to the island in 1898. Appended is a list of Porto Rican administrative documents, reports of local organizations, etc. The spelling "Porto Rico" is in conformit}^ with the rule adopted by Congress and accepted by the Board on Geographic Names. A. P. C. Griffin, Chief of Division of Bibliography, Herbert Putnam, Lihrarian of Congress, 3 POETO EICO. BOOKS RELATING TO PORTO RICO. Abad, Jose Ramon. Puerto Rico en la Feria-exposicion de Ponce en 1882. Memoria redactada de orden de la junta de la misma. Ponce, P, B,: Estahl. tip, ''El Camercio;' 1885. 331 pp. 8^, Abbad y Lasierra, Inigo. Historia geogTafica. civil y politica, de la isla de S. Juan Bautista de Puerto Rico. Dala a luz Don Antonio Yalladares de Sotomayor. Con Privilegio real. Madrid: JIDOC. LXXXYIII. En la iwqyrenta de Don Antonio Espinosa. viii, 1^.03 pp. 8^. Historia geografica. civil }' politica de la isla de San Juan de Bautista de Puerto Rico. Dala a luz Don Antonio Valla- dares de Soto Mayor. Impresa en Madrid: Ano de M. DC C. LXXXYIII. Puerto Rico: Ano 1831. Peimpresa. en la oficina del gohierno a cargo de D. Yaleriano de Sanmillan. {In Cordova, Pedro Tomas: Memorias geogi^aficas . . . de la isla de Puerto Eico . . . vol. 1. Puerto Rico: En la oficina del gobierno; a cargo de D. Valeriano de Sanmillan, 1831. 8°.) Historia geografica, civil y natural de la isla de San Juan Bautista de Puerto Rico. Xueva edicion, anotada en la parte historica y continuada en la estadistica y economica por Jose Julian de Acosta y Calbo. Puerto-Pico: Inip>renta y lihreria de Acosta^ 1866. 568 ])p. Facsimile . 4-^. The Abolition of slavery in Cuba and Porto Rico, by several Cuban and Porto-Rican abolitionists. Xeiv Yo9'k: Win. C. Bryant c5 Co., printers, 1866. 3^ p)p>' ^°. Acosta, Jose Julian. Apuntes para la historia de Puerto-Rico. Articulos publicados en "El Agente.'' Con motivo del proyecto de '* Escuela filotecnica '' en la ciudad de Mayagiiez. Puei'to-Pico : Imprentaylihrereade Acosta, 1879. 22p>p. 12^. '6 LIST OF BOOKS ON PORTO EICO. Acosta, Jose Julian. Discurso leido el dia 28 de Noviembre de 1882 en la solemne apertura del institute civil de segunda ensenanza de la provincia de Puerto-Rico. Pitei'to-I^ico : ImjjrentaylibreriadeAcosta^lSS^. 10 pp. 8^, Discurso leido en la solemne apertura del curso academico de 1883-84: del Institute civil provincial de segunda ensenanza de Puerto-Rico. Pu€frto-Rico : Imprenta de ''''El Asimilista^'' 1883. 12 pp. 89. Tratado de agricultura teorica. Con aplicacion a los cultivos intertropicales. . . . Tomo 1. Puerto Rico: Acosta, 1862. 8^. El Agente. El proceso de "el Agente. Articulo denunciado, defensa, sentencia (absolutoria). Puerto-Rico : Imp}, de el Agente^ 1881. 29 pp. 16^. Alfan y Baralt, Antonio. Los partidos Antillanos. Estudio politico, Puerto Rico: Jose Gonzalez Font., 1886. 23 pp). 8^. Amadeo y Antomarchi, Jesus Maria. Una plaga social y la plegaria de una virgen. Ensayo cientifico social. Puerto-Rico: Tip. ''''La Correspondenda^'' 189 J/.. 3 lit. pp, 16"^. American Art Association, New York. Catalogue of 500 large pho- tographs . . . views taken by the special photographic outfit with the United States Army during 1898 and 1899, illustrating the scenic beauty of Porto Rico. . . . ' New Ym-h: American Art Association^ 1899. 5Jf,pp. Plates, Angelis, Pedro de. Miscelaneas puertorriqueSas. Coleccion de arti- culos historicos biograficos. Piierto Rico: Tip. de Ferrera^^ 189 i. 65 pp. 12^, Apuntes para la flora y fauna de Puerto-Rico. {In Anales de la Sociedad Espanola de historia natural, vol. 10, 1881.) Arecco y Torres, Domingo. Recopilacion de disposiciones oficiales. Contiene esta obra las leyes, reales ordenes y disposiciones mas notables, publicadas en la "Gaceta oficial" desde el 1** de Enero de 1878 hasta fin de Diciembre de 1887 arregladas per orden alfabetico y de materias, con su indice corres- pondiente. Tomo I. Mayaguez: Imprenta de Arecco Mjo., 1889. F^. LIST OF BOOKS ON PORTO EICO. 7 Asenjo y Arteaga, Federico. El catastro de Puerto Rico. Necesidad de su formacion y posibilidad de elevarlo a cabo. Piierto-Bico: C. B. 2feltz, 1890. IJ^S 2)J>. 8"". Baldorioti de Castro, Roman. Las facultades omnimodas en 1811 y los diputados de Puerto Rico en 1869. Reminiscencia. Madrid: Im^?. de la Gaceta de los Caminos de Ilierro^ 1869. 16 pp. JfP. (Asuntos de Puerto-Rico. Reconstitucioii social, polftica y eco- nomica de la isla. vol.2. Sept., 1869.) Bald-win, James. Our new possessions: Cuba, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Philippines. Wew Toj^h: American Book Co., 1899. 32 px?. llliis. 8^. Bemi^r, Felix Matos. Recuerdos benditos. Ponce, Puerto Pico: Tip. ''' El Telegrafo^^ 1895. SIJ^, vipp, BidTvell, C. T. Account of the aborigines of the island of Porto Rico. Compiled by C. T. Bidwell, Her Majesty's consul, from "La Historia geografica, civil y politica de Puerto Rico," by Fray Inigo Abbad; published at Mexico in 1788. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1879, vol. 72. Reports of Her Majesty's consuls, vol. 26, pp. 1616-1622.) Report by Consul Bidwell on the trade and commerce of the island of Puerto Rico, and on the produce and trade of the province for 1878, with reference to preceding j^ears. [In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1879, vol. 72. Reports of Her Majesty's consuls, vol. 26, pp. 1622-1660.) Blanch, Jose. Directorio comercial e industrial de la isla de Puerto Rico para 1891:. Puerto Pico: Tip. al vap. de la Correspondencia, 189 Jf. 190, {2)p>p>. Folded map. 8^. Blanco y Sosa, Julian E. Enmiendas a la constitucion organica del partido autonomista Portorriqueno presentadas a la asem- blea de Mayaguez que debera celebrarse el l"* de Abril. Ponce: Tij^ografia de la Pevista de Puerto- Pico, 1891. (2), 137 pp. 16"^. Veinte y cinco aiios antes, apuntes para la historia, coleccion de ai-ticulos publicados en El Progreso y La Voz del Pais. ... Puerto Rico: Sucesimx de J. J. Acosta, 1898. mil, 253 pp. 2 portraits. 8^. \ 8 LIST OF BOOKS ON POETO EICO. Boletin Eclesiastico de la diocesis de Puerto Rico. 1860, no. 1, 2; 1861-64; 67-68. Semi-monthl}-. Puerto Eico: D. L Guasp,\1861-68\ 6 v, in 3. 8^. Brau, Salvador. Las Clases jornaleras de Puerto Rico . . . memoria . . . premiada en el certamen del Ateneo puerto-riqueno ... Puerto Pico: Lnjyrenta del ""Boletin Mercantile'' 1882. (^), 86pj>. i^o. Ecos de la batalla. Articulos periodisticos. Primera serie. Con un prologfo-semblanza del Manuel Fernandez Juncos. * Puerto-Pico: Imjyr. y lihreria de J. G. Font^ 1886. xviii, Lo que dice la historia. Cartas al senor ministro de ultra- mar por el director de "el Clamor del Pais." . . . Madrid: Tip. de los Ilijos de M. G. Hernandez, 1893. J^S pp. W. Dos factores de la colonizacion de Puerto-Rico. Conferencia publica en el Ateneo de San eluan. Puerto-Pico: Sucesion de J. J. Acosta,1896. 30pp. 12^. Bryan, William S. Our islands and their people as seen with camera and pencil; introduced by . . . J. Wheeler, with special descriptive matter and narratives by J. de Olivares . . . Photographs by W. B. Townsend . . . Parts 1-24. jSt. Louis, Mw Ym^k: ^ D. Thompson Puh. Co., [1899- 1900]. 24, ;7fe. Plates. Pm^traits. Map. F^. Una Campana parlamentaria. Coleccion de proposiciones presen- tadas y discursos pronunciados en las Cortes espanolas de 1872-73. Por la diputacion radical de Puerto-Rico. Madrid: Imprenta de M. G. Hernandez, 1873. 395, (^) pp. 8^. Contents: Al lector, (signed) Varios amigos de la reforma colonial; A los electores de Puerto Rico (memorandum), por Rafael M. de Labra. Discursos: Las elecciones de Puerto Rico, discurso por Joaquin M. Sanromil, 10 Oct. 1872; La casacion criminal en ultramar, por Jos6 F. Cintron y R. M. de Labra; El codigo en Ultramar, porR. M. de Labra; La diputacion de Puerto-Rico ante las reformas ultramarinas, por R. M. de Labra; La abolicion de la esclavitud en Puerto-Rico, discursos por Joaquin M. Sanromd, Jos4 F. Cintron, R. M. de Labra y Jos4 Alvarez Peralta; Los sucesos de Camuy por R. M. de Labra; La reforma electoral, por Luis Padial y R. M. de Labra; Publicacion de leyes y reglamentos, por R. M. de Labra; Proposiciones de ley y dictdmenes. LIST OF BOOKS ON POETO RICO. 9 Campos, Ramou Morel. Guia local y do comercio de la ciudad de Ponce ... Ponce: ''El Telegrafo,'" 1895. US ]:)p. 8-. El porvenir de Utuado, estudio, historico, descriptivo y csta- distico . . . con un prologo de Marcelino Andino. Fo}ice: ''M Vapor,'' 1896. ^^o pp. 8^. Canini, Italo Emilio. Four centuries of Spanish rule in Cuba; or, why we went to war with Spain. A historical sketch, with illus- trations from old and modern authorities, and the latest official statistics about Cuba, Porto Rico, and the Philip- pines. Chicago: Laird <& Lee .^ 1898. 2W p)p>. 16^. Cardenas, Francisco. Estado de la poblacion y del trabajo en las islas de Cuba y Puerto Rico. {In Memorias de la Eeal academia de ciencias, vol. 4, pp. 419-454. Madrid, 1883.) Carroll, Henry K. Report on the island of Porto Rico, its population, civil government, commerce, industries, productions, roads, tariff, and currency, with recommendations . . . Re- spectfully submitted to Hon. William McKinlej- . . . October 6, 1899. Washington: Government p)rinting office, 1899. 813 pj). 8^. Cepeda, Francisco. Propaganda autonomista. Conf erencias de Abuli celebradas con el jef e de la minoria autonomista parlamenta- ria Rafael M. de Labra sobre politica Antillana. . . . Ponce: Tip. de la'' Pevistadela Puerto-Rico,'' 1890. xxxii, SOJ^pj). W. Chicago. Exposicion universal de Chicago de 1893. Adicion al catalogo de la seccion Espanola comprende las islas de Cuba, Puerto-Rico y Filipinas, publicada por la Comision general de Espana. Madrid: Lmprenta de Ricardo Rojas, 189 J^. IJ^, {2), 12.!{,p)p. ^^. Church, A. M., editor. Picturesque Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii, and the Philippines: a photographic panorama of our new possessions . . . Springfield, Ohio: Mast, Crovjdl c6 ICtrlipatricl^, 1898. 121 pp. Illiis. JiP. {Farm a7id fireside lihrary, no. 168.) 10 LIST OF BOOKS ON PORTO RICO. ClifiFord, George, Sd Earl of Cumherland. The voyage to Saint John de Porto Eico, by the Eight Honorable, George, Earle of Cumberland, written by himselfe. ( Jn Purchas His pilgrimes. The fourth part. (Liber vi.) Chapter II. pp. 1150-1154. London: Printed by William Stansby for Henrie Fetherstone, and are to be sold at his shop in Paul's Church- Yard, at the Signe of the Rose. 1625. F°.) Coggeshall, George. Thirty-six voyages to various parts of the world, made between 1799 and 1841. Selected from his ms. jour- ^ nals of eighty voyages. 3d edition with illustrations. In one volume. Eevised, corrected and enlarged, with addi- tional notes and explanations. JSfew York: ^tiblislied hy and for the author^ 1858. 583 pp. Plates {lithographs). 8^. Contains accounts of several voyages to Cuba and Porto Rico. Coll y Toste, Cayetano. La ciudad de San Juan. {In Infiesta, A. Lealtad y heroismo .de la isla de Puerto Rico, pp. 307-333, Plan of Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico: 1897.) Colon en Puerto Eico. Disquisiciones historico-filologicas. Puerto Pico: Tip. al vapor La Correspondencia^ 1893. viii^ 195 pp.. 8"". Cronicas de Arecibo (Apuntes historicos). Areciho: Salicrup y Co. .^ 1891. iv^95pp. 8^. Contreras, J. M. Gonzalez. Guia oficial general de Puerto Eico. Puerto Rico: Imprenta de La Gaceta^ 1897. 636 p)p. Portraits. «5°. Copeland, Thomas Campbell. American colonial handbook. A ready reference book of facts and figures, historical, geograph- ical, and commercial, about Cuba, Puerto Eico, the Philip- pines, Hawaii, and Guam. JSfew Yorh and London: Funk d; Wagnalls Co.., 1899. 180^ (1) pp. Maps. 16^. Cdrdova, Pedro Tomas de. Memorias geograficas, historicas, econo- micas y estadisticas de la isla de Puerto Eico. Ano de 1831-1833. En la oficina del gohiemo a cargo de D. Yaleriano de Sanmilldn. Puerto Pico. 6 vols. 8^. Vol. 1, 1831, contains a reprint of ''Historia geogrdfica, civil y polf- tica de la isla de San Juan Bautista de Puerto Rico, por Fray Ifiigo Abbad y Lasierra . . . Madrid, 1788." Vols. 2-6 (Puerto Rico. 1831-1833.) contain Sr. C6rdova's continuation of Fray Ifiigo' 8 work up to the year 1833. LIST OF BOOKS ON PORTO EICO. 11 Corton, Antonio. Las Antillas. Cuba, Puerto-Rico, La Martinica, Santo Domingo, Haiti, Jamaica, Guadalupe, San Thomas, Trinidad. Barcelona: Jaime Je2yus^ 1898. {2)^ 80 pp. 8^. Puerto Rico, pp. 19-40. Davis, Richard Harding. The Cuban and Porto Rican campaigns. Illustrated. Nev^ York: Charles ScriJmer'^s Sons, 1898. xiU, (7), 360 pp. Folded map. 8^. Dcwell, James D. Down in Porto Rico with a kodak. New Haven: The Becord Ful. Co., 1898. 102 jjp. lUus, Maj?. 5^. Diaz Agero, Ricardo. Discurso leido por Ricardo Diaz Agero, Pre- sidente de la Audiencia territorial de Puerto Rico, en el solemne acto de la apertura de los tribunales de la isla en 2 de Enero de 1891. Fuerto Fico: Tipograjla del " Boletin Mercantil,''^ 1891. 25, {Pliyp. 2 folded sheets. 5°. ' Diaz Caneja, Ignacio. La cuestion ultramarina; bosquejo critico e historico, politico y gubernativo, administrativo }' econo- mico. Fuerto Fico: Iraprenta del ^'' Boletin Mercantil,^^ 1886. xi, (1), 337 pp. 6"°. Las reformas del Sr. Maura. Estudio critico. Fuerto Fico: Tip. del " Boletin Mercantil,'' 1893. .66pp. Fart. 8^. Waterloo politico: examen critico de las principales teorias sobre que descansa el edificio politico moderno. Fuerto Fico: Tip. del Boletin Mercantile 1891. (8), 200pp. 8^. Din\7iddie, William. Porto Rico: Its condition and possibilities. With illustrations from photographs by the author. JVew York: Hqrpei^ c5 Bros., 1899. vii, (3), 299pp. 8 \ ' Dumont, Enrique. Ensayo de una historia medico-quirurgica de la isla de Puerto Rico. T. 1, 2, entrega 1-1. Hdbana: Imp. ^^ La Antilla^^ de N. Cacho-Negrete, 1875-76. 2v. 8"". Vol. 2 lacks all after p. 160. 12 LIST OF BOOKS ON PORTO EICO. Eden, Charles Henry. The West Indies. London: Sampson Low (etc.), 1880. viii^ 239 pj). Folded map. 16^. {Foreign coioiitries and British colonies.) The islands of Cuba and Puerto Rico, pp. 145-171. Elias, Jose. ' ' La vacuiia. " Re vista que en conmemoracion del primer centenario de su descubrimiento. (Puerto Rico, 14 de mayo de 1896.) Puerto Blco: Linp. del '^ Boletin Mercantil^^'' 1896. 23 j^P- Portrait. ^°. Elzaburu, Manuel. El Ateneo. Discurso leido en el Ateneo puerto- rriqueno ... el dia 29 de Enero de 1887; con motivo de la distribucion de premios obtenidos en los certamenes de aquel centro correspondientes a 1885 y 86. Puerto Pico: J. G. Font, 1888. 19 pp. "8^. La instruccion de ensenanza superior de Puerto-Rico. Dis- curso leido en el Ateneo puertorriqueiio . . . la noche del 10 de octubre de 1888 . . . Puerto- Pico: Lmprentade Jose Gonzalez y Font ^1888. Ji.8 p>p, Una relacion de la historia con la literatura; discurso leido en el Ateneo puertorriqueiio . . ; la noche del 20 de Febrero de 1888 ... Puerto Pico: J. G. Font, 1888. 18 p>p. 8^. Enamorado Toral, Julio. Garnet del dependiente de comercio. Coleccion de reglas, tablas y demas datos utiles a los que se dedican a tareas comerciales en la isla de Puerto Rico. • Tauco, P. P.: Est. tip. '' Borinqnen^' 1896. 57 pp. 2 tables. 16"^. Eves, Charles Washington. The West Indies. Published under the auspices of the Royal colonial institute. 1th edition. London: 1897. xxxi, (1), 35 J^ pp. Plates {photographs). Folded maps. 16^. Porto Rico, pp. 288-289. Fenix (El). Periodico local, instructivo, mercantil y de avisos. (Weekly.) Oct. 13, 1855; April 26, 1856; May 24, 1856; July 12, 1856-June 27, 1857; July 1, 1857-Dec. 26, 1857: Jan. 2, 1858-Dec. 23, 1858. Ponce, Ihierto-Pico, 1855-59. JfP. With El PonceHo, Ponce, Puerto-Rico, 1854. 4°. Fernandez Juncos, Manuel. (Galeria Puerto-Riquena.) Costum- ])res y tradiciones. Puerto Pico: El Biiscapie, 1883. viii, 232 pj). 8^. t LIST OF BOOKS ON PORTO EICO. 13 Ferrer Hernandez, Gabriel. La instruccion publica en Puerto-Rico. Su pasado, su presente 3^ modo de mejorarla en lo futuro. Puerto- Rico: Imp. de Jose Gonzalez Font., 1885. 206 j>P' 16^. La mujer en Puerto-Rico. Sus necesidades presentes y los medios mas faciles 3^ adecuados para mejorar su porvenir. Puerto Pico: El Acjente, 1881. xvi, 7'2 p)P' ^q- 1'2^. Pisher, H. N. Principles of colonial government adapted to the present needs of Cuba, Porto Rico, and of the Philippines. Boston: L. C. Paged; Co., 1900. 56pp. 8-. Fiske, Amos Kidder. The West Indies. A histor3- of the islands of the West Indian archipelago, together with an account of their ph3"sical characteristics, natural resources, and pres- ent condition. J^ew York: G. P. Putnamh Sons., 1899. xii, (^), ^7^ p)p. Plates {photo-gravures). Folded maps. 8^. Contains chajDters on the physical characteristics of Puerto Rico; history and Spanish government of Puerto Rico; ports and towns of Puerto Rico; social and economic conditions in Puerto Rico; Puerto Rico in American hands. Fleites, Jose Rodriguez. Manual de procedimientos en materia criminal, para los f uncionarios 3" agentes de policia, guardia civil, jueces 3^ fiscales municipales 3^ juzgados de instruccion, con apendices de distintas le3^es 3^ disposiciones vigentes ... red. Puerto Rico: Imp. del ''Boletin Mercantile'' 1896. 207, (5) pp. 1 tah. Jf^. Flinter, George Dawson. An account of the present state of the island of Puerto Rico. Comprising numerous original facts and documents illustrative of the state of commerce and agriculture, and of the condition, moral and ph3^sical, of the various classes of the population in that island, as com- pared with the colonies of other European powers; demon- strating the superiorit3^ of the Spanish slave code, the great advantages of free over slave labour, etc. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, {etc.), 1831^. 392 p>p). 8^'. Examen del estado actual de los Esclavos de la Isla de Puerto Rico bajo el gobierno espanol: en que se manifiesta la impolitica 3^ peligro de la prematura emancipacion de los esclavos de la India Occidental. Mceva-York: 1832. 124 pp. 8^. 14 LIST OF BOOKS ON PORTO RICO. Flinter, George Dawson. A view of the present condition of the slave population in the island of Puerto Rico, under the Spanish government. Showing the impolicy and danger of prema- turel}^ emancipating the West India slaves. With observa- tions on the destructive tendency of injudicious reform and revolutionary principles on the prosperity of nations and colonies. Philadelphia: Printed hy Adam Waldie, 1832. (^), 117 pjp. 8^. Franck, — . Margarita. Escenas de la vida intima. Mayagilez^ P. B.: Imp. de- Arecco hijo^ 1889. 17Jf.) {3) pp.., 2 1. 8^. {Bihlioteca puerto-riquena.) G-age, Thomas. The English- American; his travail by sea and land: or a new svrvey of the West-India's, containing a journall of three thousand and three hundred miles within the main land of America. . . . Also a new and exact discovery of the Spanish navigation to those parts, and of their dominions, government, religion, forts, castles, ports^ havens, commodities, fashions, behaviour of SjjaniardSy priests and friers, blackmores, mulatto's, mestiso's, Indians; and of their feasts and solemnities. With a grammar, or some few rudiments of the Indian tongue. London: Printed hy P. Cotes ^ and are to he sold hy Humphrefy Blxmden., and Thomas Williams., 16JtS. (10), 218, {12) pp. A new survey of the West India's : or the English- American^ his travail by sea and land : containing a journal of three thousand and three hundred miles within the main land of America. Second edition enlarged by the author, and beautified with maps. London: Printedhy E. Cotes, M.DC.LY. {10), 220, {12) pp. Maps. F"". Gandia, Zeno. La Charca. Cronicas de un mundo enfermo. Ponce: M. Lopez, 189Jf.. 291, {2) pp. 5^. Gautier Benitez, Jose. Poesias de Jose Gautier Benitez. Puerrto Bico: Sucesion de J. J. Acosta, 1892. {4), 176, {3) pp. Portrait. 3 plates. 12^. George, Marian M. A little journey to Puerto Rico. For inter- mediate and upper grades. Chicarjo: A. Flanagan company, \1900\ 95 pp. Bhistrated in text. 12 \ {The plan hook series.) List of reference books on p. 80. LIST OF BOOKS ON PORTO EICO. 15 Goenaga, Francisco R. de. Los sepultureros de Espana en Puerto- Rico 6 sea Macias, su Ayudante Cervera, Camo y su tiempo. Puerto Rico: Boada y Comp,, 1899. 9^ pp, 12'^. {Nota% para la Mstoria.) Gomez, J. G., and Sendras y Burin, A. La isla de Puerto-Rico. I. Bosquejo historico desde la conquista hasta principios de 1S91. Madrid: Jose Gil y JS'avmn^o, 1891. (2), 199, (9) pp. 8"^. Granier de Cassagnac, A. Voyage aux Antilles. Paris: Pauvin et Fontaine, 181^2, 18 U. 2 vols. 8^ Vol. 2, pp. 185-200 on Puerto Rico. Great Britain. Foreign office. Annual series, 1891, no. 816. Report for the year 1889 on the trade of Porto Rico. London: 1891. {2), 7pp. 8"". 1893, no. 1306. Report for the year 1891. London: 1893. {2), 9 pp. 8^. Hall, A. D. Porto Rico; its histor}^ products, and possibilities. jVew York: Street & Smith, {l898\ 171p>p. 12^. {Hist(yri- ccd series, no. 3.) Halstead, Murat. Our new possessions. Natural riches, industrial resources ... of Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii, the La- drones, and the Philippine Islands . . . Chicago: The Pominion Co., 1898. Jf.00 p)p' Plates. Por- traits. Map). 5^ )0 Pictorial history of America's new possessions, the isthmian canals and the problem of expansion . . . with chap- ters on the policy of American expansion, contributed by . W. McKinley, G. Cleveland . . . and others. Chicago: The Pominion Co., 1898. 681pp. Illus. Jp. Hamm, Margherita Arlina. Porto Rico and the West Indies. London and New Tori: F. T. Neely,\1899\ 230pp. Plates, Portrait. 12^. Hardie hrothers. Photo-gravures of picturesque Puerto Rico. 1899. Hardie brothers, San Juan, Puerto Pico. 72 plates, obi. 12^. Henry, Guy V. Remarks on the financial administration of colonial dependencies [Puerto Rico]. {In American social science association. Journal, Dec, 101)9, j^p. 158-163. ) 16 LIST OF BOOKS ON PORTO EICO. Herrera y Tordesilla, Antonio de. Cronica general de las Indias. Lo ref erente a la isla de Puerto Rico. Desde la decada 1* ^ hasta la 5^. {In Tapia y Eivera (Alejandro), editor. Biblioteca historica de Puerto Rico . . . pp. 91-121. Puerto Rico: Imprenta de Marquez, 1854. 8°.) Herrmann, Carl Stephen. From Yauco to Las Marias, being a story of the recent campaign in western Puerto Rico by the Independent Regular Brigade, under command of Brigadier- General Schwan. Boston: Hichard G. Badger i& Co., 1900. Plates, and2yoTt' of Theodore Schwan. 109 2)P' 8^. Hill, Robert Thomas. Cuba and Porto Rico, with the other islands of the West Indies. Their topograph}^, climate, flora, prod- ucts, industries, cities, people, political conditions, etc. NewYorh: Century Co.., 1898. xxviii, Ji^9pjy. Plates. 8^. Notes on the forest conditions of Porto Rico. Washington: 1899. JtS jpi?. Ma^DS and jplates. ( United States Department of Agricidture, Division of Forestry. Bidle- tin No. '25.) Hitchcock, Frank H. Trade of Puerto-Rico. Washington: Government printing office, 1898. 8Jf. j9jj>. 8^. ( United States. Department of Agriculture, Section of for- eign markets. Bulletin no. 13.) [Imray, James]. A sailing directory for the West India islands; con- taining instructions for navigating among the islands of Porto Rico, Hay ti, Jamaica, Cuba, &c. , and for the various ports in the Bay of Honduras and the Gulf of Mexico. Carefully compiled from the most recent surveys made by order of the British, French, American, and Spanish gov- ernments. 6th edition. London: James Tmray, 1851. viii, ^279 p>p>. 8^. Sailing directions for Porto Rico and the Caribbce islands: compiled from the latest English, French, and Spanish sur- veys. 3d edition. London: James Imray, 1852. iv, 100 p>p>. 8^. Infantes y Perez, Leopoldo Lopez. Guia do la policia judicial ante los delitos pu])licos en las islas de Cuba y Puerto Rico. Matanzas: Estahlecimiento tip)ogrdfi.co '"' Galeria literaria^'' 1895. 103, {3)p>x>. 8-. t LIST OF BOOKS ON PORTO RICO. 17 Infiesta, Alejandro. La exposicion de Puerto Rico. Memoria redac- tada, segun a cuerdo de la junta del c^ntenario. Puerto Pico: Imp. del ''Boletin Mercantile' 189o. {2), 312 j>j}. Plates. Portraits. 8^. Contains: Part I. — Chapter I. Sintesis de los principales aconteci- mientos de la historia de Puerto Eico. II. Geografia de la isla, . . . geoloofia. Meteorologia. Fauna y flora . . . III. Poblacion . . . Instruccion popular. Comercio, agri- cultura e industria. Riqueza de la isla. Part II. — La exposicion. Chapter IV. Los certumenes. Obras premiadas por el Ateneo, la economica y el- bien publico . . . la antologia puertorriqueiia . . . Part III. — . . . Chapters II, III. Ciencias, literatura, miisica, imprenta. IV. Trabajo de mujer ... V. Productos agrico- las. VI. Artes usuales, frutos tropicales. VII. . . . Instruc- cion publica. VIII. Comercio . . . Lealtad ^^ heroismo de la isla de Puerto Rico, 1897. Puerto Pico: A. Lynne e Hijos de Perez Moris., 1897. vii^ 367 ijp. Plates, Portraits. 8^. Memoria con los cuadros de ensenanza y estadisticos corres- pondientes que sobre el estado de la instruccion primaria en el distrito sud de esta provincia . . . Puerto-Pico: Tip, ''^El Comercio. '^ 1886. 2 parts in 1 vol- ume. Folded sheets. F^, Instituto de segunda ensenanza de Puerto-Rico. Memoria del curso de 1893 a 91:, leida en la solemne apertura del de 1891 a 95 por Santiago Hita y Comas. Precedida del discurso . . . por Jaime Comas y Muntaner. Puerto -Rico: Imjrrenta del ^^Boleti.i Mercantile' 1895. 219., {2) pp. 8^. Same. 1894 a 1895. Puerto-Pico: "Boletin Mercmitiie' 1896. 68, (2) pp. 12^. Same. 1895 a 1896. Barcelona: A. Lopez Pohert, [1896']. 67, (1) pp. <5-. Memoria correspondiente al curso academico de 1896 a 1897. [Barcelona: A. Zopez Pohert,t?npresor^ 1896.] 76, (2) pp. 8^. Instituto geografico y estadistico de Espana, Madrid. Resena geografica y estadistica de Espana, por la direccion general * del Instituto geografico 3^ estadistico. Madrid: Imprenta de la Direccion general del Instituto gco-' grdfico y estadistico, 1888. xxiv, 1116, (1) pp. Folded map. F^. Puerto Rico, pp. 1065-1069, viz: Geography, geology, orography and hydrography, climate, flora; civil, judicial, military, maritime, ecclesiastic, and university divisions; population. 18 LIST OF BOOKS ON POETO EICO. Instruccion para la cobranza por la via de apremio de los debitos a favor de los ayuntamientos 3^ para la gestion de las diputa- ciones provinciales aprobada por Real decreto de 25 de Julio de 1885. Ponce: Tij). de la Bevista de Puerto- Eico^ 1891. 8 jy^- 16^- Janer y Soler, Felipe. Elementos de cosmografia y geografia par- ticular de la isla de Puerto-Rico. Puerto Bico: Gonzalez d; Co., 1883. 101 j^p- 12-. Jeflferys, Thomas. A description of the Spanish islands and settle- ments on the coast of the West Indies, compiled from authentic memoirs revised by gentlemen who have resided many years in the Spanish settlements, and illustrated with thirty-two maps and plans. London: 1762. {6), xxi/v, 106, iPi j^p. If". Pp. 95-97 on Puerto Rico. With plans, "San Juan" and "Aguada Nueva. ' ' Kellogg, Eva M. C. The war islands. Cuba and other islands of the sea. Edited by Larkin Dunton. Silver, Burdett d; comjxiny. New Ywk, 1898. JfJ/B ])P' Illus. Maps. 12^. Krug, L. Indianische alterthiimer in Porto Rico. {In Zeitschrift fiir Ethnologie, 1876. Heft 6, pp. 428-437.) Labra, Rafael Maria de. A los electores de Sabana Grande (Puerto- Rico). . . . Madrid: M. G. Hernandez, 187 S. 59 jyp- 8"", (Cuestiones de ultramar.) La cuestion de Puerto-Rico. Madrid: J. E. Morete, 1870. 119 pp. 8-. Laet, Jan de. Historia de nuevo mundo, 6 descripcion de las Indias occidentales. . . . {In Tapia y Rivera (Alejandro), editor. Biblioteca historica de Puerto Rico . . . pp. 123-227. Puerto Rico; Imprenta de Marquez, 1854. 8°.) Lavall^e, Francis. Esquisse historique et geographique de Tile de Puerto-Rico. Avec une carte. {In Bulletin de la Society de g^ographie. 5^ s^rie. vol. 2. pp. 81-96. Paris, 1861. ) Layfield, John (?) i>. i>. A large relation of the Porto Ricco voiage; written as is reported, b}^ that learned man and reverend Divine Doctor La} field, his Lordship's chaplaine and attend- ant in that expedition; veiy much abbreviated. (7?i Purchas His pilgrimes. The fourth part. (Liber vi.) Chap- ter III. pp. 1155-1176. London: Printed by William Stansby for Henrie F^therstone, and are to be sold at his shop in Paul's Churchyard, at the signe of the Rose. 1625. F°.) LIST OF BOOKS OX PORTO EICO. 19 Ledru, Andre Pierre. Reise nach den Inseln Teneriffe, Trinidad, St. Thomas, St. Cruz und Porto Rico . . . aus dem Franzosischen iibersetzt. Mit einer Charte der Insel Porto-Rico. 'Weima?\' Yerlag des II. S. prh'. land. Indmt. Comjptoivs^ 1812. OCX, 322 xyp^ J%>- 8-. Pp. 195-305, Porto Rico. Viage a la isla de Puerto Rico en el afio 1797 ejecutado por una comision de sabios Franceses . . . con objeto de hacer indagaciones y colecciones relativas a la historia natural . . . traducido al castellano por D. Julio L. de Vizcarrondo. Puerto-Rico: J. Gonzalez, 1863. 268 2)J>. 8-. Voyage aux iles de Teneriffe, la Trinite, Saint Thomas, Sainte Croix, et Porto Rico . . . ouvrage accompagne de notes et d'additions par M. Sonnini. Avec tres belle carte gravee par J. B. Tardieu, d'apres Lopez. Paris: ArtJiur Bertrand, 1810. 2 vols. 8^. Vol. 2, pp. 46-278, Porto Rico. Ijeslie's official history of the Spanish- American "war. A pictorial and descriptive record of the Cuban rebellion, the causes that involved the United States, and a complete narrative of our conflict with Spain on land and sea; supplemented with fullest information respecting Cuba, Porto Rico, the Philippines and Hawaii. Compiled from the official records at Washington. [WasJmigto^i^limOO]. 612, {2) j^p. Hhis. F-. El Liberal. Periodico republicano-autonomista. June 30-December, 1886. 2Iayagu€z, P. B.: 1886. F-. Ijobo, Miguel. Historia general de las antiguas colonias Hispano- Americanas desde su descubrimiento hasta el ano mil ocho- cientos ocho. Madrid: Imj?. de Miguel Guijanx>, 1875. 3 vols, 8^. Vol. 1, pp. 304 et seq., Puerto Rico. Lofling, Peter. Reisebeschreibung nach den spanischen Landern in Europa und America in den Jahren 1751 bis 1756, nebst Beobachtungen und Anmerkungun liber die merkwlirdig- sten Gewachse, herausgegeben von Carl von Linne. Aus dem Schwedischen iibersetzt von Alexander Bernhard Kolpin. Mit Kupferstichen. 2te Auflage. Be}'lin: 1776. In Yerlag Gottl. Ang^ost Lange. 16, (16), 20 LIST OF BOOKS ON POETO EICO. Lopez de Velasco, Juan. Geografia y descripcion universal de las- Indias, recompilada por el cosmografocronista Juan Lopez de Velasco desde el ano de 15T1 al de 1574, publicada por primera vez en el Boletin de la Sociedad geografica de Madrid, . . . por Don Justo Zaragoza. Madrid: JEstdb, tij:). de Fortanet^ 189 Jf,. xiii^ (J), 808 pjj. Folded map. 8^, Contents: Corografia de la isla de Cuba, pp. 110-119. Descripcion de la isla San Juan de Puerto Rico, pp. 126-134. Corografia de las islas Filipinas, pp. 581-591. Lopez Tuero, Fernando. Isla de Puerto Rico. Estudios de economia rural. Puerto Rico : ' 'Boletin Jfercantil, " 189S, U2 i^xy. 12"^. Isla de Puerto Rico. La reforma agricola. Fuerto Rico: Til?, del ''Boletin Mercantile'' 1891, 202 pp. W). ^^. . Tratado de cultivos tropicales. ... 2* edicion. Puerto Rico: Imprenta del "Boletin Mercantile' 1896. 272 pp. 8"^. Luechetti, M. Puerto-Rico. Exposicion al congreso de Washington con respecto al regimen administrativo y economico que ha de establecerse en Puerto Rico. Puerto-Rico: F. J. Marxuach^ 1898. 39 pp. Folded map. 8^. MacG-regor, John. Hayti and the foreign West Indies. (Com- mercial tariffs ... of the several states of Europe and America . . . Part XX.) {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers. 1847. vol. 64. London, 1847.) Pp. 119-144, Puerto Rico. Magalhaes, Miguel de, compiler. Colonial business directory of the island of Puerto Rico. (1898.) Neio York: 1898. 8^. Marin, Ramon. La villa de Ponce considerada en tres distintas epocas. . . . Editoriales publicados en el periodic© ''La Cronica." . . . I'^nce: "El Vapor," 1877. U6 pp. 16^. Martin Sanchez, Francisco. Discursos y rectificaciones . . . pro- luuiciados en el congreso de los diputados. . . . 1895. Madrid: IFjos de J. A. Garcia, 1895. 1^8 p>P' 1'^^^ LIST OF BOOKS ON PORTO RICO. 21 Mason, Otis T. The Latimer collection of antiquities from Porto Rico in the National Musemn and the Guesde collection of antiquities in the Pointe-a-Pitre, Guadeloupe, West Indies. Washington: Puhlished hy tlie SmitJison Ian Institution, 1899. V, 372-837 2yi>' 8'-. (From the Smithsonian Reports for 1876 and 1884.) Memoria de los trabajos realizados por la seccion Puerto Rico del Partido revolucionario Cubano, 1895 a 1896. Imprenta de A. W, Howes, New Yorh City: \1898\ ^Jfd 2^P' Plate. S-. Memoria sobre las obras publicas de la isla de Puerto-Rico en el ano de 1875 a 1876. {Iir" Revista do obras piibUcas," vol. 6. Madrid, 1878.) Millspaugh, C. F. Plantas utowan^e. Plants collected in Bermudas, Porto Rico, St. Thomas, Culebras, Santo Domingo, Jamaica, Cuba, the Caymans, Cozumel, Yucatan, and the Alcran shoals. December, 1898, to March, 1899. The Antillean cruise of the yacht Mowana. Chicago: 1900. 110 2W' ^(^P- ^^- {Field ColumUan Museum. Publication Jf3, Botanical series, vol. ii, no. 1.) " Botanical collections made on a yachting trip through the West Indies." Minguella y Arnedo, T. Carta pastoral que el ilmo. Sr. obispo de Puerto Rico, dirige al clero y iieles de su diocesis. Puerto- Eico: Imjyrenta del Boletin 2ferca7itil, 1897, 23 2>J>' Morris, Charles. Our island empire. A hand-book of Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii, and the Philippine islands. PhiladeljMa: J. B. Lijypincott comjyany, 1899. mi, 7-JfS82yp>' Ma2). 8-. Moschler, H. B. Die Lepidopteren-Fauna der Insel Porto-Rico. Mit dem Bildnisse des Verfassers und einer Tafel. {In Senkenberger naturforschende Gesellschaft, Frankfurt a. ]M. Abhandlungen, vol. 16, 1890: 69-360.) Un Negrdfilo concienzudo. Cuba y Puerto Rico. Medios de con- servar estas dos Antillas en su estado de esplendor, por . . . Madrid: Jose Cruzado, 1866. 159 2)P' S^. 22 LIST OF BOOKS ON POETO EICO. Neumann-G-andia, Eduardo. Benefactores y hombres notables de Puerto-Rico. Bocetos biograficos-criticos, con un estudio sobre nuestros gobernadores generales. Obra exornada con fotograbados. Vol. I. Ponce: 1896. ''La Lilertady xi, (i), J^OJ^, (3) pp. Por- traits. 8^. Gloriosa epopeya. Sitio de los Ingleses de 1797, con datos hasta ahora no publicados. Ponce: "Za Zihertad,'' 1897. o^ pp. Portrait. <§^. Sitio de los holandeses. In Infiesta, A. Lealtad y heroismo de la isla de Puerto Rico, pp.. 261-274. North-American and West Indian G-azetteer. Containing an authen- tic description of the colonies and islands in that part of the globe, showing their situation, climate, soil, produce and trade; with their former and present condition. Also, an exact account of the cities, towns, harbours, ports, bays, rivers, lakes, mountains, number of inhabitants, etc. Illus- trated with maps. The second edition. London: Printed for G. Pobinson^ 1778. (6), xxiv., {216} pp. 16^. Ober, Frederick A. Puerto Rico and its resources. With maps and illustrations. JVew Yorlc: D. Appleton and company^ 1899. viii^ (4), 282' pp. Plates {photogravures). Folded map. 12^. The storied West Indies. J^ev) York: D. App>leton c& Co., 1900. xx, 291 pp. 8^. Osgood, Daniel. A letter on the yellow fever of the West Indies. M-w York: Published ly Plain Bliss, 1820. 72pp. 12^. Oviedo y Valdes, Gonzalo Fernandez de. Fragmentos de la historia general y natural de las Indias. Libro 16, y algunos capi- tulos de otros libros referentes a Puerto-Rico. {Ill Tapia y Rivera (Alejandro), editor. Biblioteca historica de Puerto Kico. . . . pp. 7-90. Puerto Kico: ImprentadeMar- quez, 1854. 8°.) Packard, R. L. Education in Cuba, Porto Rico, and the Philippines. (//i United StateH ComniiHsioner of Education. Report, 1897-98,. V. .1. 1 , pp. 909-967. Washington, 1899.) LIST OF BOOKS ON PORTO RICO. 23 Partido autonomista Puerto-riqueno. Exposicion que dirigen al Excmo. Sr. Presidente del consejode ministros por conducto del Excmo. Sr. Gobernador geneml de Puerto Rico y del ministro de ultramar el directorio y la delegacion del Par- tido autonomista Puerto-riqueno. Madrid: Jose Gil y Navarro, 1888. J^9, {2) pj^- -^^^• Partido revolucionario cubano. La seccion Puerto Rico. Memo- ria de los trabajos realizados por la seccion Puerto Rico del partido revolucionario cubano. 1895 a 1898. A, W, Howes, Neio York City: [1898]. 250pp. 5^. Peiiaranda, Carlos. Cartas Puerto-Riquenas . . . 1878-1880. Madrid: '''' Sucesores de Bivadeneyra,^'' 1885. 195 pp. Por- trait. 8^. Perez Moris, Jose, y Luis Cueto y G-onzalez Quijano. Historia de la insurreccion de Lares, precedida de una resena de los tra- bajos separatistas. Barcelona: Narciso Baniirezy Ca.,187'2. xii, 13-3J^2, {l)pp. 8^. Porto Rico. Estadistica general del comercio exterior de la pro- vincia de Puerto-Rico correspondiente al ano natural de 1890. Puerto-Rico: 1891. (5), 193 pp. Jf, Presupuestos generales de gastos e ingresos de la isla de Puerto Rico para el ano economico de 1878-79. Madrid: 1878. 115, {2) p)p>. ^^. Same. 1886-87. 2fadrid: 1886. ^^. La situacion de Puerto-Rico; las falacias de los conservadores y los compromisos del partido radical. Por un Puerto- Riqueno. Madrid: 1873. Imprenta de J. Nogicera a cargo de M. Mar- tinez. 79 pp. 8^. Pireccion de instruccion piiUica. Programas de Ingles para oposiciones al grado superior y elemental. Puerto Rico: Boletin 21ercantil, 1898. 10 j^p- 16^* Junta insular de instruccion. Teachers' manual for the pub- lic schools of Puerto Rico; issued under the authority of the Insular board of education, by the president of the board. Manual del maestro para las escuelas publicas de 24 LIST OF BOOKS OK POETO RICO. Porto Rico — Continued. Puerto Rico; publicado bajo los auspicios de la Junta insu- lar de instruccion, por el presidente de la junta. Silve7\ Burdett d; Co., New YorJc: 1900. xv, (1), 595 jyp. Plates. 8'-^. Purdy, John. The Columbian navigator. Volume I. A sailing director^" for the Bermuda Islands, the eastern and southern coasts of the United States, and the State of Texas. Being Part II of the sailing directories for the eastern coasts and islands of America. Second edition, improved and corrected from numerous sources, by Alex- ander Findlay. London: Printed for BicJiard Holmes Laurie, 18Ji7 . 19Jf,jjp. Folded map. Plates. 8^ >o Volume II. The Columbian navigator. A sailing directory for the northern part of the West Indies, and the Mexican sea; comprising the islands of Porto Rico, Hayti, or St. Domingo, Jamaica, Cuba, and the Bahama Islands, and the coasts of the Yucatan and Mexico, from Cape Catoche to the Rio del Norte, including the description of the Florida or Gulf stream. Being Part III of the sailing directories of the eastern coasts and islands of America. Fourth edi- tion, improved and corrected from numerous sources, by Alexander G. Findlay. London: Printed for Picliard Holmes Laurie. Additions to 1856. xx,308p2?. Plates. 8"". Volume III. The Columbian navigator; or, sailing directory for the American coasts and the West Indies. Comprehending: I. Descriptions of the winds, seasons, tides, and currents, and directions for the passages to and among the islands, and to the ports of Guyana, &c. 2. The general naviga- tion of the Caribbean or Colombian sea, from leeward to windward, &c. 3. The island of Porto-Rico, the Virgin islands, and St. Croix. 4. The Caribbee or Windward islands, from Sombero to Trinidad. 5. The coast and rivers of Guyana, from the equator and the Maranon, westward, to the gulf of Paria. 6. The Colombian or Leeward islands, from Margarita westward. 7. The coast of Venezuela, from the gulf of Paria to La Guayra. 8. The coasts from La Guayra to St. Juan de Nicaragua. 9. The islands and shoals between Jamaica and Nicaragua. 10. Mosquitia or the Mosquito shore, from Nicaragua to Cape Honduras, II. The Bay and Gulf of Honduras, &c., from Cape Hon- LIST OF BOOKS ON PORTO RICO. 25 Purdy, John — Continued. duras to Cape Catoche and Cape Antonio, including the Golfo and Rio Dulce. 12. Temperatures of air and water in the West Indies: Preservation of health: Spanish names and pronunciation. Composed and arranged from a great variet}^ of documents, as enumerated in the work, including most especially, a corrected translation of the ' Derrotero de las Antillas,' b}^ Capt. Andr. Livingston, and the contri- butions of many other intelligent navigators. Second edi- tion; materially improved, revised, and enlarged. London: Printed for R, H, Laurie^ 1839. xxiv^ 338 pp. Ill lis. (icoodcuts). Plate. 8^. Quimones, Francisco Mariano. Historia de los partidos ref ormista y conservador de Puerto Rico. Jtfayaguez : Tip. Co?nercial, 1889. iv, 61 pp. 8^. Ramos, F. Prontuario de disposiciones oficiales. Redactado por . . . F. Ramos . . . Aprobado y dispuesto su publi- cacion por el gobierno superior civil de esta isla. Contiene las disposiciones mas notables del gobierno superior de la isla, desde el aiio de 1821 hasta tin de Marzo de 1865 . . . Puerto- Rico: 1866. Trap), de Gonzalez. 531 pp. F^. Rector, Charles H. The story of beautiful Porto Rico. A graphic description of the garden spot of the world by pen and camera. Comprising the history, geography, soil, climate • . . . Profusely illustrated. Chicago: Laird c§ Lee^ 1898. 18 Ip lyp. Folded map. 12^. La Reforma agiicola; organo de la Asociacion de agricultores de Puerto-Rico. Puerto- Eico: 1896-97. 2 vols, s^- Regnault, Elias. Histoire des Antilles et des colonies fran^aises, espagnoles, anglaises, danoises et suedoises. Saint-Do- mingue, Cuba et Porto-Rico. . . . Paris: Firinin Didot freres, 181^9. (-^), 160 pp. 8^. {FUnivers, vol. 26.) Repertorio historico de Puerto-Rico. Aiio 1, Xumero 1-3, Noviem- bre, 1896-Dic 15, 1897. Puerto Rico: Lie. J. J. Acosta, 1897. Jf!^. Robinson, Albert Gardner. The Porto Rico of to-day. Pen pictures of the people and the country. 2^ew York: Charles Scrihner's sons, 1899. xiv, {2), 24.0pp. Plates (photogravures). Maps. 12^. 26 LIST OF BOOKS ON PORTO RICO. Sama, Manuel Maria. Bibliografia Puerto-Riquena. Mayagiiez^ P. R. : Tipografia comercial, 1887. 159 pjp. 8^, Sanroma, Joaquin Maria. Puerto-Rico j su hacienda. Madrid: T. Fcrrtanet, 187 S. 96 pp. 8^. Santacilia, Pedro. Lecciones orales sobre la historia de Cuba, pro- nunciadas en el Ateneo democratico Cubano de Nueva York. Nuefva-OrleaTis: L. E. del Cristo, 1859. xi, 220 pp. ' 8^. Santaella, Herminio W. Geograf ia astronomica y politica de Espana y sus posesiones ultramarinas. 2* edition. Fo7ice, Puerto Rico: M. Lopez, 1887. ISl pp. 16^, Scherzer, Karl vo^i. Reise der osterreichischen Fregatte "No vara" um die Erde . . . 1857-1859. Statistisch-commercieller Theil. Wien: K. K. Hof und Staatsdnockerei. 1865, 2i}ols, Map. 8^. Porto Rico, vol. 2, pp. 467-495 (with map). Schoelcher, Victor. Colonies etrangeres et Haiti; resultats de Femancipation anglaise. Paris: Pagnerre, 18i3. 2 vols. 8^. Vol. I: pp. 309-345, on Porto Rico; pp. 349-358, Cuba. Sichar y Salas, Mariano. El porvenir de Ponce. Po7ice: M. Lopez, 1889. 59 p>p. 8^. Viaje por la costa noroeste de la isla de Puerto-Rico . . . Conferencia leida en el circulo militar de la capital de la misma. Piterto Rico: ''Boletin Mercantile' 1886. 55 pp. 8^. Sievers, W. Zur Kenntniss Puerto-Ricos. Mit einer Karte. {In Mittheilungen der Geographischen Gesellschaft in Hamburg, 1891-92.) Simpson, Charles Torrey. Distribution of the land and freshwater nioUusks of the West Indian region and their e\idence with regard to past changes of land and sea. (7/t U. S. National IVIuseum. Proceedings, vol. 17, pp. 413-450. AVashington. 1895. Plate. 8°.) 8ituaci6n (La) de Puerto Rico. Las falacias de los conservadores y los coniproniisos del partido radical jDorunPuerto-Riqueno. Madrid: J. N(Hj%iei\> a cargo de M. Martinez.^ 1873, 79 pp, {Pro2>agaihda reforrriista.) LIST OF BOOKS ON PORTO RIOO. 27 Spain. Aranceles generales para el cobro de derechos de importacion y exportacion en todas las aduanas de los puertos habili- tados de la isla de Puerto-Rico, aprobados por S. M. en Agosto de 1849, y reformados con sujecion a las bases pres- criptas en reales ordenes de 8 de igual mes de 1851 y 5 de Octubre del corriente ano. Puerto- Rico: Imjyrenta de Acosta^ 1857 . {92) j)^). F^. Constitucion autonomica. Decreto sobre igiialdad de derechos politicos y ley electoral de Puerto-Rico. Puerto-Rico: Imprenta ''El Pais,'' 1898. (^), 29 pp. 16^. Constitution establishing self government in the islands of Cuba and Porto Rico. Promulgated by royal decree of November 25, 1897. [Translated.] Division of customs and insular affairs, War Department, August, 1899. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1899. 2Jf,jpp. 8^. Instruccion reglamentaria aprobada por S. M., para el ser- vicio de las aduanas en los puertos habilitados de la isla de Puerto-Rico. Mandada observar por real orden de 5 de Octubre de 1857. Puerto- Rico : Imprenta de Acosta, 1857 . {Jf), 51 2)p>' F^. Ley para el ejercicio del derecho de asociacion mandada obser- var en las islas de Cuba y Puerto-Rico por real decreto de 13 de Junio de 1888. Puerto-Rico: Lnjyrenta de Gobierno, 1888. 6 pp- 8^. Ministerio de \dtranicvr. Regimen del gobierno y administra- cion civil de la isla de Puerto-Rico. Reformas planteadas con arreglo a la ley de bases de 15 de Marzo de 1895. Leyes y decretos. Edicion oficial. Madrid : Imjprenta de la viuda de 2finiiesa de los Rios., 1897. W6pp. 5°. Presupuestos generales de ingresos y gastos de la isla de Puerto-Rico para el ano economico de 1878-79. Afadrid : Imprenta de Manuel Ginesta, 1878. 115., (2) jpp. Same. 1886-87. Madrid: 1886. J^^. Real decreto de 25 de Noviembre de 1897 adaptando la ley electoral de 26 de Junio de 1890 a las islas de Cuba y Puerto-Rico. liahcma: Tmjyrenia del gohierno y capitayiia general, 1898. 28 LIST OF BOOKS OIS" PORTO EICO. Spain. Reglamento provisional para la adaptacion de la ley electoral de 26 de Junio de 1890 a las islas de Cuba v Puerto-Rico. Puerto-Rico : Tipografia de la Biicesidn de J. J. Acosta^ 1898. H),31pp. 8°. Suplemento a la instruccion reglamentaria j aranceles gene- rales que rijen en las aduanas de la isla de Puerto Rico, mandado publicar j observar en las mismas aduanas por disposicion de la intendencia. Edicion oficial. Puerto Pico: Imj^renta de Acosta, 186 Jf,. 71, (1) pp, fol. Stone, Roy. Agriculture in Puerto Rico. {In United States: Department of Agriculture, Yearbook, 1898. pp. 505-514. Washington, 1899. 1 plate. ) Tapia y Rivera, Alejandro. Bibli'oteca historica de Puerto Rico que contiene varios documentos de los siglos xv, xvi, xvii, y xviii. . . . Puerto Pico: Imprenta de Marqu£z, 185^. 687,lJf.2)j). 8^. Camoens. Drama original en tres actos. Refundido j corre- gidopor el autor, para esta segunda edicion: la prime ra fue hecha en Madrid en 1868. Puerto Pico: Est. tii?. de Acosta, 1878. 76, {1) j^P- 1^^- Conferencias sobre estetica y literatura, pronunciadas en el Ateneo Puerto-Riqueno. Puerto Pico: Tip. de Gonzalez ih Co., 1881. 3112^2)- 1^^- Miscelanea. Novelas, cuentos, bocetos y otros opusculos. Puerto Pico: Gonzalez di Co. , 1880. (^), 260, {2) 2yp' 1'^^- Koticia historica de D. Ramon Power, primer diputado de Puerto Rico, con un apendice que contiene algunos de sus escritos y discursos. Puerto Pico: Est. tqy. de Gonzalez, 1873. Jfd 2>P' -?^'^- Postumo el transmigrado; historia de un hombre que resus- cito en el cuerpo de su enemigo. Putn^to-Pico: J. G. Eont, 1882. 2 2Xirts in 1 vol. 8^. Note. — Title of part 2 reads: "Postumo envirginiando; 6 historia de un hombre que se colo en el cuerpo de una mujer." Tejada, L. d(». Dcscripcion del huracan del 13 de Setiembre de 1876 en la isla de Puerto-Rico. {In Revi.sta de obras publicas, V(j1. 25. ^Madrid, 1877.) LIST OF BOOKS ON PORTO RICO. 29 Ubeda y Delgado, Manuel. Isla de Puerto Rico: estudio historico, geogralico y estadistico. Porto Bico: Establecimiento ti]), del Bolethi, 1878. 290 ^>/j). "En tres secciones divide su o bra el Sr. Ubeda. En la primera ociipase de la historia de la isla desde su descubrimiento hasta nuestros dias, consultando la Historia geogrufica, civil y natural de Puerto Rico, del sabio benedicto Fray liiigo Abad; las Memo- rias de Don Pedro Tomas de Cordoba, y la Historia de la insu- rreccion de Lares. En la segunda seccion trata de la organizacion de Puerto-Rico; y en la tercera ofrece una descripcion geogrdfica de la isla en general, y datos estadisticos, historicos, etc. etc., sobre todos y cada uno de los pueblos en particular ..." United States. 56th Congress^ 1st session. House document no. 69Ji.. Relations of Puerto Rico to the Constitution. Letter from the Assistant Secretar}^ of War, transmitting a reply to the resolution of the House of Representatives of March 30, 1900, relating to an}' opinion or opinions of a law officer of that department on the relations of the island of Puerto Rico to the Constitution. IT pp. 8^. RotLse report ^4:9. Ways and means committee. Re- port of S. E. Payne submitting H. 8245, to regulate trade of Puerto Rico, as a substitute for H. 6883; with views of minority, Feb. 8, 1900. 32 pp. 8-. To regulate the trade of Puerto Rico, and for other purposes. [Mr. Payne's report from the committee on ways and means (to accompany H. R. 8215), with views of the minority.] Feb. 8, 1900. ^ 32 pp. 8-. 56th Congress., 2d session. House document no. 136. Dis- bursements by the Treasurer of Porto Rico, May to Sep- tember, 1900. 31 pp. House document no. 137. Reports of the Auditor of Porto Rico of receipts and disbursements. May to October, 1900. 112 pp. House document no. 171. Agricultural resources and capabilities of Porto Rico. Report by special agent in charge of agricultural investigations in Porto Rico. Decem- ber 11, 1900. 32 pp. 7 plates. 8-. War Department. Proclamation (to people of Porto Rico). Nov. 21, 1898. Puerto Princijye: 1898. Broadside. Li Spanish and English, (Proclamation concerning the overtaking of the government of the province of Puerto Principe by Brig. Gen. L. A. Carpenter.) 30 LIST OF BOOKS ON POETO EICO. United States. War Department. Adjutant- GeneraVs Office. Mil- itary Information Division. Military notes on Puerto Rico. Washington: Government Printing Office^ 1898. 75 pp. 12 folding m.aps. Small 8^. Department of Porto Pico. Inauguration of the first civil governor of Porto Rico. May 1, 1900. [San Juan, Porto Pico.] Puhlis/ied hy direction of the com- manding general. Department of Porto Pico. 1900. 35 Pp. 19-35 contain Spanish text with separate title-page. Director of Censics of Porto Pico. Report on the cen- sus of Porto Rico, 1890. Lt. Col. J. P. Sanger, director. Henry Gannett, Walter F. Willcox, statistical experts. Washington: Govefrnmeiit Printing Office.^ 1900. 1^,17 p>p. Plates. Colored maps. 8^. Report of Brig. Gen. George W. Davis, U. S. V., on civil affairs of Puerto Rico, 1899. Washington: Government Printing Office.^ 1900. 3Ji,2pp. 8^. Customs tariff and regulations for ports in Porto Rico in possession of the United States. Washington: Government Printing Office., 1898. Jf^pp. <§°. Division of Customs and Insular Affairs. Amended customs tariff and regulations for ports in Porto Rico. Washington: Government Printing Office., 1899. 108pp. 8^. Immigration regulations for the island of Porto Rico. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1899. 9 pp. 8^. (Reports under Circular No. 10.) Puerto Rico, embracing the reports of Brig. Gen. George W. Davis, mil- itary governor, and reports on the districts of Arecibo, Aguadilla, Cayey, Humacao, Mayaguez, Ponce, San Juan, Vieques and the subdistrict of San German. Arranged by topics. Washington: Government Printing Office., 1900 . 9Jf,pp. 8^. Translation. Laws relating to the civil admin- istration and government of the island of Porto Rico. Wa.^hi?igto?i: Govermnent Printing Office, 1899. 53pp. 8^. Translation. Compilation of the organic pro- visions of the administration of justice in force in the Span- ish colonial provinces, and appendices relating- thereto. (1891.) ^ Washington: G^wu^rnment Printing Office, 1899. 170 pp, 8^. LIST OF BOOKS ON PORTO RICO. 31 United States. War Department. Divisimi of Customs and Insular Affairs. Translation of the civil code in force in Cuba, Porto Rico, and the Philippines. Washington: Government Printing Office., 1899. 322 p}^- ^^- Translation of the code of commerce in force in Cuba, Porto Rico, and the Philippines, amended b}' the law of June 10, 1897, including the commercial registry regulations, exchange regulations, and other provisions of a similar character, with annotations and appendices. Washington: Government PHnting Off ce^ 1899. iv^ 291 pp. Translation of the notarial laws in force in Cuba and Porto Rico. 1888. Washington: Government Printing Off ce.^ 1899. 58 pj). 8^. Translation of the penal code in force in Cuba and Porto Rico. Washington: Government Printing Off ce^ 1899. 176 p)p. 8^. Translation of the provincial and municipal laws of Porto Rico. Washington: Government Printing Offce^ 1899. 58 p)p>. 8^. Translation of the law of civil procedure for Cuba and Porto Rico, with annotations, explanatory- notes ... Washington!: Government Printing Off ce, 1901. x, (2), 544 pp. 8^\ Translation of the law of railroads for the island of Puerto Rico, granted to the island by roj^al decree of December 8, 1887, and promulgated in Puerto Rico on January 10, 1888. Washington: Government Printing Offce., 1899. J{S pp. 8^, Translation of the mortgage law for Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. (1893.^ Washington: Government Printing Offce, 1899. 90pp. 8^. Translation of the police law of railroads of Puerto Rico, and regulations for its application, promulgated on the 17th of February, 1898. Washington: Govermnent Printing Offce, 1899. 37 pp. 8^. Division of Insular Affairs. Report of Brig. Gen. George W. Davis on the industrial and economic conditions of Puerto Rico. Washington: Government Printing Off ce, 1900. Jt^ pp. ^^. 32 LIST OF BOOKS 01^" POKTO EICO. Valiente, Porfirio. Keformes dans les iles de Cuba et de Puerto Rico. Paris: A. Chaix et cie.^ 1869. xx, ^12 pp. 8^. Valle Atiles, Francisco del. . El campesino Puertorriqueno, sus con- diciones fisicas, intelectuales y morales. . . . Puerto Pico: Jose Gonzalez Font., 1887. 167 pp. 8^. Valle, Jose G. del. Un ciudadano modelo. [F. Asensio y Arteaga.] Puerto Pico: Tip. al vapor de '^Za Correspondencia^'^ 1896. 28 pp. i^°. {Bihliografiaportorriquefia.). Puerto Rico. Chicago. Trabajos descriptivos y de investi- gaciones criticas. Prologo de Alejandro Ynfiesta. [Puerto-Pico:^ 1895. xi, 233, {8) pp. W. Valle, Rafael del. Poesias. Con un prologo de A. Valdivia. A. SalicTup, Areeibo, P. P. : 188i. xix, 206, (8) pp. 8^. Valle y Soriano, Sebastian del. Manual para el puntual cumplimiento de varias de las obligaciones de los ayuntamientos de la provincia de Puerto Rico. Puerto Pico: Imprenta de Gonzalez, 1882. xviipp. 8^. Vines, Benito. Apuntes relativos a los huracanes de las Antillas en setiembre y octubre de 1875 y 1876. Discurso leido en la Real Academia de ciencias medicas, fisicas y naturales de la Habana. Ilabana: Tipografia El Iris, 1877. 256pp. Folded raap. 8^. Investigaciones relativas a la circulacion y traslacion ciclonica en los huracanes de las Antillas. Primera edicion. Ildbana: Imp. del ''Arrisador Comer cial^'' de Pulido y Diaz, 1895. 79 pp. Portrait. 5°. Vivian, Thomas J. , and Smith, Ruel P. Everything about our new possessions. Being a handy book on Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii, and the Philippines. Wew York: P. F. Fenno c& Co., 1899. 182 pp. 12^. Vizcarrondo, Julio L. de. (Puerto Rico, geography and history.) Puerto Pico? [186-?'] 106 pp. 12"". Title-page missing. Walton, Clifford Stevens. The civil law in Spain and Spanish Amer- ica, including Cuba, Puerto Pico, and the Philippine islands; and the Spanish civil code in force; annotated and with references to the civil codes of Mexico, Central and South America. . . . Was/iingtmi: W. II. Lowdermilk <& Co., 1900. xix, 672 pp, 8^. LIST OF BOOKS ON POETO KICO. 33 Wilson, H. M. Water resources of Puerto Rico. Washington: Govermnent Printing Office^ 1899. JfS JJP' Plates. Maps. 8^. (United States Geological Survey. AVater supply and irrigation papers, no. 32. ) Voyage aux Antilles espagnoles, a Porto-Rico, Cuba et au Mexique. Considerations sur I'influence fran^aise dans ces regions. (D'apres le "B. S. Etudes colon, et marit.") J. Claine. Pul. Union GeograjMque cho Non^d de la Prance, vol. H: ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS. 1834. Flinter's account of Porto Rico. Monthk/ review^' vol. 135 (iVb^., 183 J^): Ipll. 1835. Flinter's account of Porto Rico. Edinburgh review^ vol. 60 {Jan.^ 1835): 328. 1844. Commerce with Porto Rico. Ilunfs merchcmts^ magazine, vol. 10 {Apr. , 18JiJi) : 327. 1847. Turnbull's Porto Rico and Cuba. Southern quarterly review, vol. 12 {July, 18Ji7) : 91. 1883. Porto Rico. H. Eggers. Nature, vol. 29 {Dee. 6, 1883): 129. 1888. Literature from Porto Rico. Literary world, vol. 19 {Jitne 9, 1888) : 189. 1891-1892. Zur Kenntniss der Insel Puerto Rico. Geographische Gesellschaft, Hamburg. Mittheilungen, 1891- 1892, pp. 217-236. 1893. Porto Rico. J. Claine. Tour du monde, vol. 66 {1893): Jf,17-J^32. IIL maps. '*A visit to Porto Rico in 1892, with numerous well-chosen illustra- tions." 1894. Le monde antilien: Cuba, Puerto-Rico. C. de Varigny. Eevtce des deux mondes, J^^ pjeriode, vol. 121 {Jan., 189 Jf): 167. 1894. Depth of the ocean near Porto Rico. The physical condition of the ocean. W. J. L. Wharton. Geographical journal, vol. IV {Sept., 189 Ji): 255. 1896. Politische geographische Betrachtungen iiber Puerto Rico. E. Deckert. Geographische Zeitschrift, vol. 2 {1896): 138. 1898. Le chalutage sur les cotes de Porto-Rico. A. Nobre. Revue raarlttme {1898): 618-621. { War DejMrtment.) 1898. Bombardment of San Juan. H. Martin. » Harper's weekly, vol. 1^2 {May 28, 1898): 507. 34 LIST OF BOOKS ON POETO EICO. 35 1898. With Admiral Sampson's fleet. The bombardment of San Juan. C. T. Chapman. Harper^ s vjeeUy^ vol. J^2 {June ^, 1898): 638. 1898. The San Juan bombardment. E. Emerson, jr., and others. Leslies' weekly, vol. 86 {June 9, 1898): 378. 1898. Porto Rico as seen last month [June, 1898]. E. Emerson. American revieuj ofrevievjs, vol. 18 {July, 1898): 1^2. 1898. The economic condition of Porto Kico. Board of trade journal, vol. 25 {July^ 1898): 26-30. 1898. Porto Rico and the capture of San Juan. W. Winthrop. QutlooTc, vol. 59 {Jidy 16, 1898): 675 1898. Forcible annexation. Nation, vol. 67 {July 28, 1898): 65. 1898. Porto Rico. A. Solomon. Independent, vol. 50 {July 28, 1898): 25Jf-255. 1898. Porto Rico: its natural history and products. Scientific American supplement, vol. 1^.6 {July 30, 1898) : 18880, 1898. The island of Porto Rico. F. A. Ober. Century, vol. 56 {Aug., 1898): 546-554; {Oct., 1898): 957. 1898. Same. Article condensed. Living age, vol. 218 {Aug. 13, 1898): 4,78-^79. PuUic opinion, vol. 25 {Aug. 11, 1898): 169. 1898. The island of Puerto Rico. W. P. Wilson. Curi'ent literature, vol. 24 {Aug. , 1898) : I40. 1898. Porto Rico: Spain's last outpost. Gunton^s magazine, vol. 15 {Aug., 1898): 95. 1898. Campaign in Porto Rico. With map. Independent, vol. 50 {Aug. 4. 1898): 290-291. 1898. Our reception in Porto Rico. Puhlic opinion, vol. 25 {Aug. 11, 1898): 164- 1898. Imprisonment of W. F. Halstead. Illustrated American, vol. 24 {Aug. 12, 1898): 105. 1898. The Puerto Rican expedition. T. D. Walker. Harper's %oeeUy, vol. 4^ {^^ug- ^0, 1898): 827. 1898. Saint Thomas and San Juan. F. A. Ober. Independent, vol. 50 {Aug. 25, 1898): 54^3-545. 36 LIST OF BOOKS ON PORTO RICO. 1898. Alone in Porto Rico. E. Emerson, jr. Century, ml. 56 {Sept., 1898): 666-667. 1898. Our new island, Puerto Rico. E. Deland. Chautauquan, ml. 27 {Sept., 1898): 669-672. 1898. The commercial promise of Cuba, Porto Rico, and the Philip- pines. G. B. Waldron. McClure, vol. 11 {Sept., 1898): JtSl-^. 1898. Miles takes Porto Rico. E. A. Walcott. Overland, n. s., vol. 32 {Sept., 1898): 257. 1898. Porto Rico. With map. Journal of education, vol. JfS {Sept. 1, 1898): IJfi. 1898. Educating the Cubans and Porto Ricans. PiMic opinion, vol. 25 {Sept. 1, 1898): 262. 1898. The occupation of Ponce. C. T. Chapman. Ilarj^er's weekly, vol. ^2 {Sept. 3, 1898): 863. 1898. How the stars and stripes came to Arroyo. C. T. Chapman. Harper's weeUy, vol. i2 {Sept. 3, 1898): 87 J^. 1898. Dramatic reception of peace news. W. E. W. MacKinlay. Leslie's weekly, vol. 87 {Sept. 22, 1898): 23 J^. 1898. A dramatic interruption. T. D. Walker. [The end of the war in Porto Rico.] Harper's weehly, vol. J^^ {Sept. 2Jf,, 1898): 939-9i,2. 1898. The Puerto Rico campaign. J. M. A. Darrach. Harper's weekly, vol. ^2 {Sept. 2i, 1898): 9^2. 1898. Porto Rico as a field for investors. A. Solomon. Independent, vol. 50 {Sept. 29, 1898): 903. 1898. Porto Rico as it is. Current literature, vol. 2Jf, {Oct., 1898): 338. 1898. Porto Rico. New United States colony. P. MacQueen. National magazine, vol. 9 { Oct. , 1898) : 3. 1898. Peace in Puerto Rico. T. D. Walker. Harjyer's weekly, vol. ^ {Oct., 1, 1898): 958. 1898. Typhoid fever in Porto Rico. N. Senn. Scientific American suppleinent, vol. Jf.6 { Oct. 1, 1898) : 19032, 1898. Porto Rico to-day. G. G. Baldwin. Independent, vol. 50 {Oct. 6, 1898): 96 J^. LIST OF BOOKS ON PORTO RICO. 37 1898. A snap-shot at Porto Kico. P. MacQueeii. Leslie's weeUy, vol. 87 {Oct. 13, 1898): 29o, 1898. From Guaj^ama to St. John. M. Wilcox. Harper' sioeehly, vol. 4^ {Oct. 15, 1898): 1010. 1898. A glimpse of interior Porto Rico. P. MacQueen. Leslies weeUy, vol. 87 {Oct. 20, 1898): 315. 1898. A Puerto Rican problem. The crowded prisons. M. Wilcox. Harper's weekly, vol. Jf2 {Oct. 29, 1898): 1055. 1898. Occupation of Ma3^aguez. R. F. Zogbaum. Harper's iceeUy, vol. Jf2 {Oct. 29, 1898): 1067. 1898. In Porto Rico with General Miles. W. P. Sutton. Cosmop^olitan, vol. 26 {JYov., 1898): 13-22. 1898. The closed door in Porto Rico. R. Ogden. Nation, vol. 67 {Nov., 1898): 383. 1898. The Porto Rican campaign. R. H. Davis. Scrihner's magazine, vol. 2Jf, {JVov. , 1898) : 515-527. 1898. Character of the Porto Rican market. FuUic opinion, vol. 25 {Nov. 10, 1898): 601^. 1898. The "black hand" in Puerto Rico. J. H. Thacher. Harper's weekly, vol. Jf2 {Nov. 12, 1898): 1100-1102. 1898. The evacuation of Porto Rico. W. Dinwiddle. Llarper'stceeBy, vol. 1^2 {Nov. 19, 1898): 1139. 1898. The closed door in Porto Rico. Nation, vol. 67 {Nov. 21^, 1898): 383. 1898. Puerto Rico. The military road. W. Dinwiddle. Harjyer's weekly, vol. Ji-2 {Nov. 26, 1898): 1163. 1898. Puerto Rico and public instruction. C. E. Waters. Education, vol. 19 {Dec, 1898): 239-21^2. American review of reviews, vol. 19 {Jan., 1899): 92. 1898. Financial wrong in Porto Rico. C. Wiener. North A?nerican revieiv, vol. 167 {Dec, 1898): 754--755 Pullic opinion, vol. 25 {Dec 29, 1898): 806. 1898. Cock-fighting in Puerto Rico. W. Dinwiddle. Harper's %i^eeMy, vol. 1^2 {Dec 3, 1898): 117J^. 1898. Porto Rico, Cuba and the Philippines. H. A. Herbert. Indejyendent, vol. 50 {Dec 8, 1898): 16Jf,6. 38 LIST OF BOOKS ON PORTO EICO. 1898. Puerto Rico. The home life of the people. W. Dinwiddle. Harper's weeUy, ml. i2 {Dec. 10, 1898): mil. 1898. Porto Rico, a mission field. G. G. Groff. Independent, vol. 50 {Dec. ^2, 1898): 1881. 1898. The water works of San Juan. W. Dinwiddle. Harper's weekly, vol. Jf2 {Dec. H, 1898): 1271. 1.898. Garrisoning Cuba and Porto Rico. T. G. Steward. Independefiit, vol. 50 {Dec. 29, 1898): 1927. 1898. The money of Puerto Rico. AV. Dinwiddle. Harper's weekly, vol. J^2 {Dec. 31, 1898): 1286. 1898. The book trade in Porto Rico. PuUisher's weeUy, vol. 5^ {Dec. SI, 1898): 1176. 1899. Hawaii and Porto Rico. Independent, vol. 51 {Jan. 5, 1899): 77. 1899. Porto Rico. Industrial possibilities of the island. W. Din- widdle. Harper's weekly, vol. J^3 {Jan. 28, 1899): 101; {Feb. U, 1899): 122. 1399. The exploitation of electric tramways in Porto Rico. A. Mattel Lluveras. With map. Engineering magazine, vol. 16 {Feb. , 1899) : 799. 1899. School sj^stem of Porto Rico. A. P. Gardner. Fc/mm, vol. 26 {Feb.^ 1899): 711. 1899. Archbishop Chapelle's mission. Independent, vol. 51 {Feb. 2, 1899): 358. 1899. First missionaries to Porto Rico. S. T. Willis. Independent, vol. 51 {Feb. 2, 1899): 371. 1899. Church of Christ in our new possessions. Independent, vol. 51 {Feb. 9, 1899):Jt31. 1899. Coffee culture [in Porto Rico]. W. Dinwiddle. Harper's weeTcly, vol. JtS {Feb. 11, 1899): llfi. 1899. Observations in Porto Rico. W. H. Ward. Independent, vol. 51 {Feb. 16, 1899): 1^63. 1899. Catholic problem in Porto Rico and Cuba. Independent, vol. 51 {Feb. 16, 1899): i99. LIST OF BOOKS ON PORTO RICO. 39 1899. Sugar-culture [in Puerto Rico]. W. Dinwiddie. Harjyeih weekly^ vol. J^S {Feb. IS, 1899): 167. 1899. Tobacco-culture [in Puerto Rico]. AY. Dinwiddie. Harper's weekly, vol. Jf3 {Feb. 23, 1899): 193. 1899. Porto Rico, the land and the, people. W. H. Ward. Independent, vol. 51 {Feb. 23, 1899): oJ^3. 1899. The condition of Porto Rico. W. H. Ward. American revieio of reviews, vol. 19 {Mar., 1899): 313. 1899. New customs tariff of Porto Rico. Board of trad^ journal, vol. 26 {Mar., 1899): 321. 1899. Porto-Rico. Configuration and geolog}'. R. T. Hill. National geographical magazine, vol. 10 {JIar., 1899): 93. 1899. Gen. Henry's policy in Porto Rico. Independent, vol. 51 {Feb. 2, 1899): 310; {Mar. 2, 1899): 61^3. 1899. Fruit-raising, market gardening and horticulture [in Puerto Rico]. W. Dinwiddie. Harper's weekly, vol. ItS {Mar. Jf, 1899): 217. 1899. Byways in Porto Rico. Anne Rhodes. Outlook, vol. 61 {Mar. Jf, 1899): 502-509. 1899. With General Miles in Porto Rico. B. T. Clayton. Independent, vol. 51 {Mar. 9, 1899): 679. 1899. The church property in Porto Rico. Independent, vol. 51 {2Iar. 9, 1899): 711. 1899. Physical features of the island [Puerto Rico]. W. Dinwiddie. Harper's weekly, vol. 4^ {Mar. 11, 1899): 2U' 1899. Military government in Porto Rico. S. S. Tuthill. Independent, vol. 51 {Mar. 16, 1899): IJ^B; {Mar. 23, 1899): 818. 1899. Puerto Rico's cabinet. Harper's weekly, vol. JtS {Mar, 18, 1899): 258. 1899. Prevalent diseases in the island [Puerto Rico] and hygienic precautions. Geology. W. Dinwiddie. Harper's weekly, vol. Jf3 {Mar. 18, 1899): 265. 1899. The great caves of Puerto Rico. AY. Dinwiddie. Harpei^'s weekly, vol. h3 {Mar. 25, 1899): 293. 40 LIST OF BOOKS OIT PORTO EICO. 1899. Puerto Rico and the Puerto Ricans. W. H. Sloane. Missionary review, ml. 2^ (Apr., 1899): 2SS-258. 1899. No church unity in Porto Rico. Independent, ml. 51 {Aj?r. 6, 1899): 97 J^.. 1899. Revenue and taxes. W. pinwiddie. Harper' siceeJcly, ml. JfS {Apr. 8, 1899): SJfS. 1899. Destitution in Porto Rico. Independent, vol. 51 (Ajyr. 13, 1899): 993. 1899. Marriage reform in Porto Rico. Independent vol. 51 {Apr. W, 1899): 1099. 1899. The peasants of Puerto Rico. W. Dinwiddie. Harper's weehly, vol. JfS {Apr. 29, 1899): J,.2Jf. 1899. Difficulties confronting the United States. W. V. Pettit. Atlantic monthly, vol. 83 {May, 1899): 63Jf-6U' 1899. Burden-bearing in Puerto Rico. W. Dinwiddie. Harper's weekly, vol. J^3 {May 6, 1899): Ji58. 1899. Needs of the Porto Ricans. L. M. Rivera. Independent, vol. 51 {May 11, 1899): 128 J^. 1899. Cities of Puerto Rico. W. Dinwiddie. Harper's weekly, vol. 1^3 {May 13, 1899): JfSl. 1899. The value of Porto Rico. R. T. Hill. Forum, vol. 27 {June, 1899): 4,14,-419. 1899. Campaign in Porto Rico. H. C. Lodge. Harper's moyithly, vol. 99 {June, 1899): 63-77. 1899. The penal code of Cuba and Porto Rico. Lloyd McKim Garrison. Harvard law review, vol. 13 {June, 1899): 124- 1899. Americanizing Porto Rico. G. V. Henr^ . Independent, vol. 51 {June 1, 1899): 1475. 1899. Trade with Porto Rico. Independent, vol. 51 {June 8, 1899): 1585-1586. 1899. The engineering development of Porto Rico. Herbert M. Wilson. Engineering magazine, vol. 17 {July, 1899): 602^21. 1899. The currency of Porto Rico. J. D. Whelpley. Forum, vol. 27 {July, 1899): 564-569. LIST OF BOOKS ON PORTO RICO. 41 1899. Need of good roads. Mumey^ vol. 21 {July, 1899): Jf.86. 1899. Insular commission on church and state. Independent, ml. 51 {July 13, 1899): 189Ii.-1895. 1899. Insular police of Porto Rico. S. S. Tuthill. Independent, vol. 51 {July 20, 1899): 1922. 1899. Case of Porto Rico. Independent, vol. 51 {July 27, 1899): 2031. 1899. Porto Rico from a woman's point of view. Mrs. G. V. Henr}^. American review of revieivs, vol. 20 {Aug. , 1899) : 177-180. 1899. Americanizing the church in Cuba and Puerto Rico. Harper's toeekly, vol. JfS {Aug. 5, 1899): 777. 1899. Sanitary work in Porto Rico. L. P. Davison. Independent, vol. 51 {Aug. 10, 1899): 2128-2131. 1899. People of Porto Rico. L. Amadeo. Independent, vol. 51 {Aug. 21^, 1899): 2285-2286. 1899. Puerto Rico's disaster. [The hurricane of July, 1899]. W. S. Post. Harper's weeJdy, vol. lyS {Aug. 26, 1899): 850. 1899. Sanitary work in Porto Rico. L. P. Davison. Scientific American supp>lement, vol. JfS {Aug. 26, 1899): 19787. 1899. The flag and trade: a summary review of the trade of the chief colonial empires. A. W. Flux. Royal statistical society. Journal, vol. 62 {Sejyt., 1899): Porto Eico, pp. 512-513. 1899. Reise Eindriicke aus Puerto Rico. Th. Hiibener. Globus, vol. 76 {Sejyt. 2, 1899): 133-138. 1899. How shall Puerto Rico be governed? PMic opinion, vol. 27 {Sept. 7, 1899): 29^. 1899. Future of Porto Rico. Independent, vol. 51 {Sep>t. 28, 1899): 2633-263^. 1899. Geologic formation of Porto Rico. Public opinion, vol. 27 {Sej^t. 28, 1899): 399. 42 LIST OF BOOKS ON PORTO RICO. 1899. Porto Rico and the Portoricans. M. W. Harrington. Catholic world, vol. 70 {Wov., 1899): 161-177. 1899. How shall Puerto Rico be governed? H. K. Carroll. Forum, vol. 28 (JVov., 1899): 257-267. 1899. Our duty in Porto Rico. G. V. Henry. Micnsey, vol, 22 {Wov., 1899): 233-21,9. 1899. Religious question in Porto Rico. H. K. Carroll. Independent, vol. 51 {Rav. 2, 1899): 2935-2937. 1899. How shall Puerto Rico be governed ? Independent, vol. 51 {Nov. 23, 1899): 3180. 1899. What has been done for Porto Rico under military rule. H. K. Carroll. American revieuj of reviews, vol. 20 {Dec, 1899): 705-709, 1899. Status of Porto Rico. H. G. Curtis. Forum, vol. 28 {Dec, 1899): JfjOS-^ll, 1899. Economic condition of Porto Rico. L. Amadeo. Independent, vol. 51 {Dec 28, 1899): 3 1^78-3 J^SO. 1899. Puerto-Rican insular police. T. M. Alexander. Harper's weekly, vol. 43 {Dec 30, 1899): 1327. 1899. Puerto Rico's needs: a practical suggestion. Roy Stone. Outlook, vol. 63 {Dec 30, 1899): 1023-1025. 1900. Report of Dr. Carroll on Porto Rico. Independent, vol. 52 {Jan. 4, 1900): 75-77. 1900. Colonial government for Porto Rico. G. G. Groflf. Independent, vol. 52 {Jan. 11, 1900): 102-105. 1900. Our policy towards Porto Rico. Independent, vol. 52 {Jan. 18, 1900): 161. 1900. Trade and industry in Porto Rico. Scientific American supplement,, vol. Jf9 {Jan, 20,, 1900^:20120, 1900. Free trade with Porto Rico. Independent, vol. 52 {Jan. 25, 1900): 221, 1900. Porto Rico. Territory or a province? Independent, vol, 52 {Jan. 25, 1900): 265. 1900. Agricultural outlook in Porto Rico. Scientific American, n. s., vol. 82 {Jan. 27, 1900): 50, LIST OF BOOKS ON PORTO RICO. 43 1900. The Porto Rican tariff. IndejMudent, vol 52 {Feb. 1, 1900): 285; {Feb. 8, 1900): 3Jf5," {Feb. 15, 1900): U^; {Mar. 1, 1900): 517, 559; {Mar. 8, 1900): 605, 613; {Mar. 15, 1900): 6Jfi, 665; {Mar. 22^ 1900): 727. 1900. Shall simple justice be done to Porto Rico? Independent, vol. 52 {Feb. i, 1900): 325-327. 1900. Suffrage in Cuba and Puerto Rico. Public opinion, vol. 28 {Feh. 1, 1900): 136. 1900. Protectionists' victorj^ Public opinion, vol. 28 {Feb. 8, 1900): 165. 1900. The Porto Rican inhumanity. I^ation, vol. 70 {Feb. 15, 1900): 122. 1900. Is Porto Rico a part of the United States ? J. D. Richardson. Independent, vol. 52 {Feb. 22, 1900): Ii.67-JiB9. 1900. Morals of the Porto Rican question. Nation, vol. 70 {Feb. 22, 1900): 1J,D. 1900. The Porto Rican tariff bill. OutlooTi, vol. 6^{Feb. 2J^, 1900): 569; {Apr. U, 1900): 8J^l-8Jt3. 1900. Christian missions in Porto Rico. Missionary revieuj, vol. 23 {Mar. , 1900) : 205. 1900. The President and Porto Rico. Nation, vol. 70 {Mar. 1, 1900): 158. 1900. The debate on the Porto Rican tariff bill. Public opinion, vol. 28 {Mar. 1, 1900): 259-260. 1900. Deeds, not words. Nation, vol. 70 {Mar. 8, 1900): 178. 1900. The act of the House on the Porto Rican tariff' bill. Public opinion, vol. 28 {3Iar. 8, 1900): 292. 1900. Bishop Blenk in Porto Rico; the carnival. S. S. McKee. Harper's %oeekly, vol. U i^^r. 10, 1900): 220. 1900. Congress and the Porto Ricans. Outlook, vol. 6Jf {Mar. 10, 1900): 57^-576. 1900. Duty of the Senate in tariff issue. Independent, vol. 52 {Mar. 15, 1900): 671-672. 44 LIST OF BOOKS ON PORTO RICO. 1900. Effects of the proposed Porto Rican tariff. A. Ames. Independent, ml, 52 {Mar. 15, 1900): 637-61^0, 1900. Taxing Porto Rico. Outlook, vol. 6 If. {Mar. 17, 1900): 616. 1900. Our treaty relations to Porto Rico and the Philippines. J. Ross. Independent, vol. 52 {Mar. 22, 1900): 693. 1900. Secretary Long's speech [about the tariff]. Nation, vol. 70 {Mar. 29, WOO): 236. 1900. Status of Porto Rico and Hawaii. American revieiv of reviews, vol. 21 {Apr., 1900): 387-389. 1900. Porto Rican relief bill. A. J. Hopkins. Forum, vol. 29 {Apr., 1900): 139-U6. 1900. Porto Rico under the United States. J. M. McElhinney. Missionary review, vol. 23 {Apr., 1900): 270-275. 1900. United States and Porto Rico. J. B. Foraker. North American review, vol. 170 {Apr., 1900): Jf,6Jf,-Jf71. 1900. Citizenship for Porto Rico. Independent, vol. 52 {Apr. 5, 1900): 81^5. 1900. Bishop Blenk in Porto Rico. Independent, vol. 52 {Apr. 5, 1900): 852. 1900. What the press thinks about the Puerto Rico tariff. literary digest, vol. 20 {Apr. 7, 1900): il3. 1900. The President and the tariff bill. Independent, vol. 52 {Apr. 12, 1900): 899. 1900. The government of Porto Rico. Independent, vol. 52 {Apr. 19, 1900): 958. 1900. The Porto Rican bill. Nation, vol. 70 {Apr. 19. 1900): 29 Jf. 1900. Home life in Puerto Rico. Harper's Bazar, vol. 33 {April 21, 1900): 34S. 1900. Franchises in Porto Rico. Public ophiion, vol. 28 {Apr. 26, 1900): 519. 1900. How Porto Rico will ])e governed. American review of reviews, vol. 21 {May, 1900): 517. LIST OF BOOKS ON PORTO RICO. 45 1900. Charles H. Allen, the first governor of Porto Rico. H. Macfarland. Americati review ofrevieivs, vol. 21 {May, 1900): 563-565. 1900. The Porto Rican tariff bill. Chcmtaiiqiian, vol. 31 {2fay, 1900): 118-120. 1900. An humiliating situation. Populcu' science monthly, vol. 57 '{May, 1900): 100. 1900. The civil government of Porto Rico. Protectionist, vol. 12 {May, 1900): 3Jf. 1900. The Porto Rico tariffs of 1899 and 1900. E. B. Whitney. Yale laio journal, vol. 9 {May, 1900): 297. 1900. Porto Rican question. H. E. W. Outlook, vol. 65 {May 5, 1900): 91. 1900. Governor Allen inaugurated. Outlook, vol. 65 {May 12, 1900): 95. 1900. Government of Porto Rico. American review of reviews, vol. 21 {June, 1900): 65 Jt.. 1900. Porto Ricans and the Constitution. G. H. Smith. Arena, vol. 23 {June, 1900): 626-63^. 1900. In Porto Rican streets. A. Halliday-Antona. Independent, vol. 52 {June U, 1900): UJi3-lU5. 1900. The Porto Rican tariff upheld. Outlook, vol. 65 {June 23, 1900): m. 1900. The first Fourth. F. A. Ober. St. Nicholas, vol. 27 {July, 1900): 795-796. 1900. Government of Porto Rico. Charles H. Allen. Independent, vol. 52 {July 19, 1900): 1709. 1900. Porto Rico as a mission field. H. K. Carroll. Missimuiry Review, vol. 23 {Aug., 1900): 588-593. 1900. Porto Rico and its future. Roy Stone. Munsey, vol. 23 {Aug., 1900): 620-635. 1900. After two years' work in Porto Rico. G. G. Groff. Independent, vol. 52 {Aug. 9, 1900): 1913-1915. 1900. Religion in Porto Rico. Outlook, vol. 65 {Aug. 25, 1900): 950. 46 LIST OF BOOKS ON PORTO RICO. 1900. The financial problem in Porto Rico. J. D. Whelpley. Indepmdeiit, vol, 52 {Aug. 30, 1900): M01-M03. 1900. Porto Rican discontent. PuUic opinion, vol. 29 {Sept. 6, 1900): 296. 1900. United States commerce with Porto Rico. Scientific American sujyplement, vol. 50 {Sept. 8, 1900): 2064S. 1900. The last Spanish budget in Porto Rico. J. D. Whelpley. Independent, vol. 52 {Sept. IS, 1900): 2206-2209. 1900. Education in Porto Rico. Outlook, vol. 66 {Sejjt. 1, 1900): 6. Fcypum, vol. 30 {Oct., 1900): 229-237. 1900. Ex-President Harrison on Porto Rico. JS^ation, vol. 71 {Oct. 18, 1900): 302. 1900. Political beginnings in Porto Rico. J. Finley. Americmi review of reviews, vol. 22 {JSFov., 1900): 571-575. 1900. The needs of Porto Rico. Ramon B. Lopez. Independent, vol. 52 {ISTov. 29,1900): 2857. 1900. Some reasons for the high death rate of Porto Rico. P. R. Egan. Sanitarian, N. Y., vol. J^5 {Dec, 1900): 528. 1900. Porto Rico and our tariff. Public opinion, vol. 27 {Dec. 21, 1900): 773. 1901. Porto Rico and a necessary military position in the West Indies. W. A. Glassford. Journal of the Military service institution, vol. 28 {Jan. 1901): 15. 1901. The American impasse. W. Clarke. Speaker, n. s., vol. 3 {Jan. 26, 1901): J^6. 1901. Status of Porto Ricans in our policy. S. Pfeil. Forum, vol. 30 {Feb., 1901): 717. 1901. The constitution in Porto Rico. Le Roy Parker. Yale law journal, vol. 10 {Feb. 1901): 136. 1901. Military training as a factor in the civic reorganization of Porto Rico. American review of reviews, vol. 23 {Mar., 1901) : 334- 1901. The first Porto Rican legislature. T. S. A. JVation, vol. 72 {Mar. 7, 1901): 191. PORTO RICAX ADMINISTRATITE DOCUMENTS, REPORTS OF LOCAL ORGANIZATIONS, ETC. Porto Rico. Asociacion de agrimiUwes. Estatutos j reglamento. Puerto- Rico: Sucesion de J. J. Acosta, 189 J},. 26 j>2^' 16^- Exposicion elevada por el consejo de direccion al excmo. sr. ministro de ultramar, solicitando la rebaja en este aiio 3^ la supresion absoluta en adelante, de los derechos de exportacion sobre el cafe . . . Puerto Eico: Tip. del ''BoletiiiMetxcmtil,'' 1893. 22 pj^- S^- Memoria j liquidacion de las cuentas del afio ultimo y proyecto de presupuestos para el ano proximo, que se lee- ran en la junta general de 15 de Julio de 1895. Puerto Pico: Sucesion de J. J. Acosta, 1895. Ji9 pp. 8^ ?o Adviinistradon general de comunicacimies. Anuario oficial de comunicaciones de la provincia de Puerto-Rico . . . Ano I. P^uerto-Pico: Imprentade gohie7mo^l890. vi, {2)., 168 2^2^- 8^. Anuario oficial de comunicaciones de la provincia de Puerto-Rico . . . Puerto Pico: Tip. del "-Poletin Mercantile'' 189^,. 8-. Escalafon general del cuerpo de comunicaciones, cre- ado en Puerto Rico por decreto de 9 de febrero de 1870. Puerto Pico: Tip. de J. G. Font, \1889\ 6 p^p. 16-. Reglamento organico del cuerpo de comunicaciones . . . Aprobado por real orden no. 233 de 17 de junio de 1891 que rige desde el 11 de julio del mismo ano. Puerto Pico: Imp. del '' Boletin Mercantile'' 1891. 16 pp, <§°. Instruccion aprobada provisionalmente por decreto del gobierno general de 22 Enero de 1875, relativa al modo de proceder para hacer efectivos los debitos a favor de la hacienda publica. Edicion oficial. Pu^to Pico: Imp. de Sancerrit, 1875, 37, (1), (2) pp. 5^. 47 48 LIST OF BOOKS ON POKTO EICO. Porto Rico. Banco espanol. El canje de la moneda en Puerto-Rico. La opinion del Banco espanol de esta isla. Puerto-Rico: Tip. at vapor '^ Leo Correspondencia^'^^ 1898. H Estatutos del Banco espanol de Puerto-Rico aproba- dos por real decreto de 5 de mayo de 1888, que acordo su creacion. Puerto-Eico: ''Boletin Mercantile'' 1888. JfS pj). 12"^. Estatutos y reglamento. Puerto- Rico: Sucesion de J. J. Acosta^ 189 1^,. SI jpp. 12^. Memoria[s]. 1891-1896, 1898. Puerto-Rico: Sucesion de J. J. Acosta^ 1891-1898. 7 jppJis. 8^. Reglamento, aprobado por real orden de 22 de No- viembre de 1893. Puerto Rico: '' La Cooper ativa,'' 1893. 79pp. 12^. Banco territoricd y agricola. Estatutos. Puerto- Rico: Sucesion de J. J. Acosta, 189 Jf. SS pp. 8^. Memoria[s]. 1891-1897. Puerto- Rico: Sucesion de J. J. Acosta, 1895-1897. Jf, pphs. 8^. Capitania general. Cartilla del voluntario de la isla de Puerto Rico. Puerto-Rico: J. J. Acosta, 1893. 133pp. 12^. Reglamento para los cuerpos de voluntarios de la isla de Puerto-Rico. Aprobado por real orden de 10 de Julio de 1888. Puerto-Rico: Lnprenta del "" Boletin Mercantile''' 1888. 56 pp. 16^. Carahineros de real hacienda. Reglajnento constitutivo del cuerpo de carabineros de real hacienda de la isla de Puerto- Rico, ano de 1839. Puerto- Rico: Lmp>renta de S. DalmaUe \1839\ 3 If, pp. 12^, Census. Memoria ref erente a la estadistica de la isla de Puerto - Rico, espresiva de las operaciones practicadas para llevar a cabo el censo de poblacion que ha tenido lugar en la noche del 25 al 26 de diciembre de 1860. Adicionada con la descripcion geografica, historica, fisica y politica de la enun- ciada isla y su depend iente la de Vieques. I\ierto-Rico: D.I. Guasp,1861. 67 pp. 8 sheets {7 folded). LIST OF BOOKS ON PORTO RICO. 49 Porto Rico. Colegio. Lista de los abogado.s del ilustre ooegio del Puerto Rico . . . Puerto-Rico: Gonzales. lS7o. 1 vol. (1876). J2-. CoDipania an onim a de la 1 uz electriea de Pan ce. Menior ia le ida en la junta general ordinaria de accionistas de la compania anonima de la luz electrica de Ponce, el dia 10 de Enero de 1899. PoThce: Tix>.de^^La Democraeiay 1899. ISjyj^- Jf,taUes, 8^. Comjpania delos ftrrocar riles de Puerto- Pico. Indicador oticial de los ferrocarriles de Puerto-Rico. 1*" ed. April, 1897. Puerto-Pico: Imjrr. del ''Boletin Mercantii:'' 1897. 67 JU^- F-. CmnjKinia de ferrocarriles de via estrecha de Mayagiiez. ]Menio- ria presentada a la junta general de accionistas por el con- sejo de la misma en 13 de Marzo de 1898. MayagiXez: Pnj). ''El Progreso.'' 1898. o2 x>l>' 8^. Pp. 41-52, Lmea de Aiiasco li Lares. Concursos agricolas. Junta edificadora. Programa para el que ha de celebrarse el 25 de Ma^'o de 1876, en la ciudadde Ponce. Puerto- Pico: Tip. al vapor de ''"La Corresjyondencia^'^ 1896. 12 fx?. 8-. Memoria presentada a la Junta caliticadora por . . . J. G. delValle Puerto-Pico: J. J. Acosta, IWJf. 2o j)}^- 8-. Constitidion. 1897. Constitucion autonomica, politica, administrativa de las islas de Cuba }' Puerto Rico. [Puerto- Pico']: Sucesion de J. J. Acosta, 1897. 67 2}j}. 8^. Constitucion autonomica; decreto sobre igualdad de derechos politicos j ley electoral de Puerto Rico. Puerto Pico: Imp. '' El Pais,'' 1898. 29 2^^ 16' New constitution establishing self-government in the islands of Cuba and Porto Rico. (Authorised translation of the preamble and royal decree of November 25, 1897 . . .) With comments by Cuban autonomists on the scope of the plan ... Netv Tori: At the office of '' CuJja:' 1898. 75 jyj). l^""- Diindacion provincial. ]\Iemoria relativa (\ la escuela de artes X oficios. Puerto Pico: Tij)- de la Escuela de artes y oficios, 1898. 2Jf.-31 pp. 8-. 50 LIST OF BOOKS ON POETO RICO. Porto Rico. Diputacion provincial. Memoria, 1897 a 1898. Puerto- Bico: Tip. de la Escuela de artes y qficios., 1898. 31 pp. 8^. Memoria sobre la administracion del asilo de benefi- cencia, 1872-73. Fuerto-Mco: Gonzalez, 1873. U pp. 6 tables. 12^. Direccionde administracion local. Reglamento general de beneficencia. Puefi^to-Rico: Gonzalez^ 1868. (^), 12 pp. 12^. . Director of public instruction. The school laws of the island of Porto Rico, enacted by order of General Guy V. Henry . . . May 1, 1899. Ban Juan.) Porto Pico: The San Juan News Power Print .^ \1899\ iSpp. ^Jf,"". Direcdon de instruccion publica. Leyes escolares de la isla de Puerto-Rico decretadas por orden del General Guy V. Henry . . . Mayo 1% 1899. Puerto-Rico: Im.prenta de " El Pais,'' 1899. 51pp. 2JiP. Programas de ingles para oposiciones al grado supe- rior y elemental. Puerto Rico: '' Boletin Mercantile'' 1898. 10pp. 16^. Reglamentos de escuelas publicados por el periodico "la Instruccion Publica." Puerto-Rico: Tipografia de Gonzalez d; co., 1882. 126, (1) pp. W. Escuela de artes y oficios. Memoria leida en el solemne acto de la apertura inaugural de la escuela de artes y oficios de Puerto-Rico. [Puerto-Rico'\: Imp. del '' Boletin Mercantile" 1886. 12 pp. 8^. Same. 1886-87. Escuela prof esional. Memoria leida en el acto solemne de la apertura del curso de 1884 a 1885 de la escuela profesional de Puerto-Rico. [Puerto- Rico]: Imp. de Jose Gonzalez Font, 188^. 12, (2) pp. 8^. Same. 1885-1888. 3 pphs. Gohierno general. Bando de policia y bue« gobierno. [Puerto-Rico, 18^1 f] J^O pp. 2JiP. LIST OF BOOKS ON PORTO RICO. 51 Porto Rico. Gohierno general. Instruccion para la cobranza por la via de apremio de los debitos a favor de los ayuntaniientos y para la gestion de las diputaciones provinciales. Ponce: '' Bevista de Puerto Rico^^^ 1891. 8 pp. 16^. Ley de Puertos vigente en la isla de Puerto Rico Puerto Pico: J. G. Font, 1886. 32 pj>. 12"^. Ley para el ejercicio del derecho de asociacion. Puerto- Pico: Imp. de gobierno^ 1888. 6 pp. 8^. Loteria real pai*a satisfaccion de atrasados que debe establecerse en la isla de Puerto-Rico con arreglo a lo dis- puesto por s. m. en real orden de 31 de Enero de 1818. Reglamento que ha de gobernar: formalidades que ban de observarse en los sorteos; y finalmente metodo que ha de seguirse en el pago de creditos, contra la real hacienda. Dispuesta por la intendencia de la misma isla. Ano de 1829. Impreso en Puerto-Pico. 2Jf,pp). 12^. Reglamento economico-administrativo del ramo de caminos vecinales. Puerto- Pico: Tip. del Boletin Mercantile 1879. Jf3,12p2). 8^. Reglamento interior de la secretaria del gobierna general de Puerto-Rico. Phierto Pico: Pnp. de Larroca, 1875. 12pp. 12^. Intendencia general de hacienda. Disposiciones oficiales de Puerto Rico. Ano que comprende desde I'' de Julio de 1870 a 30 de Junio de 1871. Impn^enta de Gonzalez. Puerto- Pico: [1871]. 2 parts in 1 vol. 12''. Intendente de ejercito y superintendente delegado de hacienda. Balanza mercantil de la isla de Puerto Rico. 1851-52. Puerto-Pico: Imp. de Mdrquez.^ 1852-53. 2 voh. F^. Junta central del partido oportunista. Manifiesto-programa. Puerto- Pico: Tip. al vapor de ''''la Cm^respondencia^^^ 1898. 25 pp. 8-. Junta provincial de registros y amillaramicmtos. Ganaderia. [Resumen de la ganaderia existente en esta isla.] Puerto-Pico: Imp. de gobiemo, 1896. 5 pp. OU. 16^. Junta superior directiva de hacienda. Reglamento para la administracion y rejimen de la renta de penas de camara y gastos de justicia de la isla de Puerto-Rico. Puerto-Rico: Imprenta de D. Francisco Mdrquez^ 1850. 15^ (l)pp. 12^. 52 LIST OF BOOKS ON PORTO EICO. Porto Rico. Marimt de la provincia. Junta economica de subastas. Numero trescientos cuarenta y siete. Contrata para el suministro del pan fresco, buques de guerra de este puerto. [Puerto Eic6\. 1887. Upp. 8-. Oh'as publicas. Reglamento general para la nueva organiza- cion y servicio de las obras publicas. Piierto-Bico: Gonzalez, 187Jf. 92pp. ^^^. Relacion circunstanciada de todas las obras publicas que se ban emprendido y continuado en la isla de Puerto- Rico, en el ano de 1829, por disposicion del excmo. d. Miguel de la Torre . . . Puerto- Rico: Imprenta del gohierno, 1830. 3Jf pp. 8^. El partido autonomista. Constitucion organica del partido autonomista puertorriqueno reformada en la asamblea de Mayagiiez. Puerto-Pico: Tipografia de A. Cordova, [1887\ 28,{l)pp. Programa de nociones de agricultura, industria j comercio. Puerto- Pico: Imp. del ^^Boletin Mercantil,^^ 1898. 8 pp. Secretaria de hacienda. Aranceles de aduanas para la pro- vincia de Puerto Rico, aprobados por real orden 28 de Julio de 1882. Puerto- Pico : Imjjr. ylibr.de Acosta, 1882. 67,{Ji)pp. F^. El cabotaje con la peninsula y el tratado de comercio con los Estados-Unidos de la America del Norte Puerto-Pico: Imp. de gobierno, 1891. i, (^), ^^7, {2) pp. 8^. Cartilla-guia para los comisiones, sub-comisiones y ayuntamientos de la isla de Puerto-Rico para la contribucion territorial. Puerto-Pico: J. J. Acosta, 1899. ^6 pp. TahUs. 8^. Estadistica general del comercio exterior de la pro- vincia de Puerto-Rico correspondiente al ano de 1887. Puerto-Pico: Imprenta de Jiacienda, 1888. JiP. Estadistica general del comercio exterior de la pro- vincia de Puerto-Rico Puerto- Pico: Imp. de hacienda, 1897-1898. 2 vols. F^. Instruccion provisional para el regimen del tesoro publico de esta isla, aprobada por el . . . gobernador superior civil a propuesta de la intendencia general de hacienda publica en 25 de eTulio de 1867. Puerto- Pico: Imp. dri gohierno, 1867. 32pp. 8?* LIST OF BOOKS ON PORTO RICO. 53 Porto Rico. Secretaria de hacienda. Rej^lamento para los colectores de rentas internas. Puerto Eico: A. Lyinehij OS de Pertz 2£orU, 1899. IJypp. 8^. Reglamento provisional para la imposicion, adniinis- tracion y cobranza de la contribucion territorial en la isla de Puerto Rico. Paerto-Rico: Irnj?. de Jmcienda^ 1880. 28 j)}). 9 taUes. 8^. Reglamento que ha de servir de guia a las comisiones municipales y ayuntamientos, para el impuesto de la con- tribucion a la riqueza urbana. Piterto Pico: J. J. Acosta^ 1899. 16 jyp- 2 tables. 8^. Reglamento sobre pesas y medidas del sistema metriccs decimal para la isla de Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico: J. J. Acosta., 1899. oO^xlilj^J^' 2 tables. 8^. Tabla de valor es para la estadistica comercial y el arancel de aduanas . . . ed. oficial. Puerto-Rico: ImprentaylihreriadeAcosta^ 1881. ^Ijyj). 8^. Tarifas de los haberes, sueldos y gratificaciones que deben abonarse a los dif erentes cuerpos que existen en la isla de Puerto-Rico, con las notas y explicaciones que en cada uno debe tenerse presente, segun sus particulares^ reglamentos y reales ordenes vigentes que en ellas se citan; con otras noticias que se ponen para facilitar las operaciones de la contaduria de esta provincia en ajustamientos. [Puerto-Rico: 18—.^ {^) VP- IS taUes. 8'-. San Juan de Puerto-Rico. Ateneo jntertoy'riqiteho hihlioteca. Catalogo por orden alfabetico de autores 5" de mater ias de las obras existentes en la biblioteca del Ateneo puertorriqueno. Puerto-Rico: Tip. de ''El Pais;' 1897. 63pp. 8-. Ayuntamiento. Informe . . . sobre el balance del pre- supuesto de gastos e ingresos correspondiente al ano de 1884-85. [SanJuan]: J. G. Font, 1885. 27 pp 8' .QO Memoria de la administracion municipal de la ciudad. Puerto-Rico: Tip. de Gmizdlez, \1873\ 82 pp. 12^. Reglamento del personal de servicio . . . [Puerto-Rico'\: Imp. del ''• Boletin Mercantile'' 1887 . 15pp. 2JfP. 54 LIST OF BOOKS ON PORTO EICO. San Juan de Puerto-Rico. Cdmara de comercio. Exposicion que acerca de la cuestion monetaria . . . Fuerto-Rico: Tip. del '^Boletin Mercantil^^' 1891t„ (^), 10 Memorias Puerto-Rico: Tip, del "- Boletin Merccmtil,''' 1888-98, 10 nos. Resrlamentx) . . . Puerto-Rico: Imp, del ^' Boletin Mercantile'''' 1887, 51 ^ (!) pp. ^ip. PJxposicion, 1893. Cuarto centenario del descubrimiento de Puerto-Rico. Exposicion para 1893. Reglamento. Puerto- Rico: Tip, del "' Boletin Mercantile'''' 1893, 16 pp. Junta de ohras del puerto de San Juan de Puerto Rico, Memoria relativa a ... las obras de este puerto . . . 1894 a 1895. Puerto- Rico: Tip, del " Boletin Mercantil^^'' 1896. 13Ji, pp. Table. JfP, Policia. Instrucciones para la guardia de orden publico . . . 1889. {In San Juan de Puerto Rico. Policfa. Reglamento . . . pp. 17-28. Puerto Rico: 1895. 8°.) • Reglamento para la reorganisacion Puerto-Rico: Imp. del ^^ Boletin Merca7itil^'' 1895, 28 pp, 8^. Sociedad abolicionista espanola. La abolicion de la esclavitud en Puerto-Rico. Re Madrid, 1873, 8"", Puerto-Rico. Reunion celebrada, 25 de Enero de 1873. Sociedad andnima de credito mercantil. Memoria sobre las opera- ciones. 1878 (Mayo-Die); 1879-84. Puerto Rico: Gonzalez, 187 8-8 J,,. '2 vols. 8^, 1878 and 1883 lack some numbers. Sociedad cooperativa el Ahorro colectivo. Estatutos. Puerto- Rico: A. Cordova, 1893. 12, {i) pp. 16"^, Sociedad de credito agrlcola e industrial. Liga defensiva de los agricultores. Ptoyecto. Puerto-Rico: Sucesion de J. J, Acosta, 1897. 20 pp, 8^, LIST OF BOOKS ON PORTO RICO. 55 Sociedad de instruccion y recreo "la Nueva Aurora," Puerto- Principe. Reglamento. Puerto- Principe: 1886. llij^V- -^^"- Same. 1888. Sociedad de socorros mutuos "Los amigos del bien publico." Reglamento, 1873. Puerto Rico: '^La cooj^erativa^^^^ 1893. 1^,1.^ iji) pjp. 8^. ^ — Reglamento para las operaciones de prestamos de la sociedad, 1893. [Puerto- Rico, 1893.] {7) J>P' ^^' Sociedad de socorros mutuos "La Esperanza," Puerto-Principe. Reglamento. Puerto Principe: ''El Progreso^' 1887. (^), W j^l^- ^^''• Sociedad do socorros mutuos " El Porvenir." Reglamento. Puerto Priiicipe: ''El Progreso,'' 1887. (2), 21 jyp. 16^. Same. 1888. Sociedad de socorros mutuos " San Eugenio de la Palma." Reglamento. Puerto-Principe: "El Progreso,'' 1888. 26 pp. 16-. Sociedad Montepio medico-farmaceutico. Estatutos j reglamento general. Puerto-Rico: Sucesion de A. Cordova., 189 Jf. 8^. Sociedad popular de Santa Cecilia. Reglamento. Puerto- Principe: "El Progreso,''^ 1886. 20, {Jt) pp. 16^. Sociedad protectora de la inteligencia. Memoria leida por el presi- dente, 31 diciembre 1883 [29 de diciembre, 1881]. Puerto-Rico: Imp. de "El Agente,'' 1881^, 85. 2 vols. 2}iP. 56th Congress, | SENATE. J Document M Session. ] \ No. 223. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, DIVISION OF BIBLIOGRAPHY. A LIST OF BOOKS (WITH REFEREXCES TO PERIODICAES) ON THE DANISH WEST INDIES. BY A. T, C. G-R.IFFIlSr, CHIEF OF DIVISION OF BIBLIOGRAPHY. March 2, 1901. — Presented by Mr. Lodge, referred to Committee on the Library, and ordered to be printed. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1901. INTRODUCTION. The only authority in English dealing exclusively with the Danish TVest Indies appears to be C. E. Taylors ''Leaflets from the Danish West Indies: Descriptive of the social, political and commercial con- dition of these islands." The author was for many 3'ears a resident of St. Thomas, and his work has the value of affording information acquired at first hand. The geographic manuals like Reclus's ''The Earth and its inhabitants" and Stanford's "Compendium of geography and travel" give good summary accounts of the history and natural features of the islands. The negotiations for the purchase of the islands in 1865-1869 are well set forth in James Parton's "The Danish islands: Are we bound in honor to pay for them?" and in briefer form in Curtis's "The United States and Foreign Powers" and Wharton's "A Digest of the international law of the United States." The proceedings of the Danish parliament are printed in the " Rigsdagtidende." A pamphlet by Dixon, "The St. Thomas treaty. A series of letters to the Boston Daily Advertiser," reports the proceedings in Washington while the treaty was pending, and also contains the text of the treaty. The Danish colonial fiscal S3'stem in the West Indies is the subject of an essay by C. W. Tooke, printed in "Essays in colonial finance by the members of the American Economic Association." The tabulated statistics of the commerce and commercial regulations of the islands ma}' be found in the publications of the Bureau of Sta- tistics of the Treasury Department and the Foreign Commerce Bureau of the State Department. The publications of the Statens statistiske Bureau of Denmark include statistical tables of imports and exports, merchant marine, and navigation. The various reports from our con- suls at St. Thomas have been noted in their proper place in this list. A. P. C. Griffin, Chief of Division of Bihliogrcqyhy. Herbert Putxam, Lihraricm of Ckmgress. BOOKS. Bates, H. W. Central America, the West Indies and South America. With an ethnological appendix by A. H. Keane. Map and illustrations. London: Edward Stanford^ 1878. xviii^ (2), 571 2^J>' 12^- {Stanford's compendium of geography and travel.) Pp. 141-151, general description of the West Indies; pp. 176-178, St. Thomas, Santa Cruz. Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Le petit atlas maritime; recueil de cartes et plans des quatre parties du monde. Paris: 176Jf. 5 vols. Maps. Plans. F^. Vol.1: no. 75, St. Croix; no. 77, St. Jean; no. 78, St. Thomas. Borgesen, F. , and O. Paulsen. Om Vegetationen paa de Dansk Vest Indiske Oer. Kjohenhavn: E. Bojesen^ 1898. llSpp. Figures. Plates. 8^. Catteau-Calleville, J. P. G. Tableau des etats danois, consideres sous le rapport du mecanisme social. Paris: Treuttel et Wilrtz, 1802. 3 vols. 8-. Curtis, William Elero}'. The United States and foreign powers. JSTevj York: C. Scribner's sons, 1899. vi, 9-3U2^P' 1^^- Pp. 126-131, The annexation of St. Thomas. JDay, Susan De Forest. The cruise of the Scythian in the West Indies. Fully illustrated. F. Tennyson Neely., ^?2^JZ«'«A^?'.' London. Neio YorJc. Chi- cago. [1899.] (2), 297pp. Plates {photogravures). 8^. Pp. 28-51, St. Thomas; pp. 52-72, Santa Cruz. Delitsch, Otto. Westindien und die Siidpolar-Liinder. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1871. ociv, 1201-216Jf pp. 8^. {Stein C. G. D.^und Ferd. Horschelmann. Ilandbnch der Geographie und Statistih. Siebente Auflage. Bd. 1, Alth, Jf.) Diinisehe Besitzungen, pp. 2106-2115. b LIST OF BOOKS ON THE DANISH WEST INDIES. Devritz, A. von. In Danisch-Westindien. Hundert und fiinfzig- Jahre der Briidermission in St. Thomas, St. Croix und St. Jan . . . Mesky: [H. Ender\ 1882, mil, S7Jt,pp. Plates, i^^. In Danisch-Westindien. Anfange der Briidermission in St. Thomas, St. Croix und St. Jan von 1732-1760. Herrnhut: Missionsbuchhandhmg, 1899. 322 pj>. 8^. "Eine sehf griindliche und gediegene Festschrift zum 150 jahrigen Jubiliium der Briidermission in Westindien erscheint hier nach des Verfassers Tode in nnveriindertem Abdruck. Es ist zn bedauern, dass diese treffliche Arbeit noch nicht weiter gefiihrt ist. Das Buch gehort zu den wichtigsten Quellen der Gesehiehte Westindiens. Ein Kartenblatt mit den drei genannten Inseln im Massstab 1: 250,000, in guter Ausfiihrung, ist beigegeben." [Dixon, pseud.] The St. Thomas treaty. A series of letters to the Boston Daily Advertiser. Mw York: 1869. 2Jfpj). 8^. Pp. 22-24, text of the treaty. Fischer, H. M. W. Om Dansk Vestindien. Kjobenhavn: Gyldeiidal^ 1896. 50 jjj). 8^. Granier de Cassagnac, A. Voyage aux Antilles. Paris: Dauvin et Fontaine^ 18Ji,2-J{.J}.. 2 vols. 8^. Vol. II, pp. 161-184, St. Thomas. Great Britain. Ilydrogra/phic office. The West India pilot. Vol. II. The Caribbean sea, from Barbados to Cuba. . . . Origi- nally compiled by E. Barnett. 1th edition. Londmi: 1887. 8"^. Pp. 158-191, St. John, St. Thomas, and Santa Cruz. Gumey. Joseph John. Familiar letters to Henry CJay of Kentucky, describing a winter in the West Indies. I^ew Tm^h: Press of Mahlon Pay c§ co., 181fi. 203 j?}^. 8^. Pp. 11-20, Santa Cruz; pp. 21-30, Saint Thomas and Tortola. Hill, Robert T. Cuba and Porto Rico, with the other islands of the West Indies. Their topography, climate, flora, products, industries, cities, peoples, political conditions, etc. I^ew York: The Century company, 1898. xxviii, 4^9 pp. Plates. 8^. Pp. 25, 26, 306, 309-316, Danish West India islands. Host, Georg. Efterretninger om den Sanct Thomas og dens Gou- verneurer, optegnede der paa Landet fra 1769 indtil 1776. K'iohenliavn: NicolausMoUer og son., 1791. xx,203pp. 8^» I LIST OF BOOKS ON THE DANISH WEST INDIES. 7 Hovey, Sylvester. Letters from the West Indies: relating especially to the Danish island St. Croix, and to the British islands Antigua, Barbados, and Jamaica. NewYorli: Gould and N^ewman^ 1838. iv^lo-212 jy}}- 16^- Knox, John P. A historical account of St. Thomas, W. I. , with the rise and progress in commerce; missions and churches; climate and its adaptation to invalids; geological structure; natural histor}^ and botany: and incidental notices of St. Croix and St. Johns, slave insurrections in these islands; emancipation and present condition of laboring classes. New York: Charles Scribner^ 1862. 271 pp. Folded map. Plate. 12''. [Labat, Jean Pierre.] Nouveau voyage aux isles de PAmerique. A la Haye: Chez P. Russmi. \etc.'\ M.DCC.XXIX. 2 vols. Plates. 21a/ps. Plans. J^P. St. Croix, Vol. I, pt. 1, p. 78; pt. 2, pp. 73, 74. Vol. II, pp. 196, 197, 215. St. Thomas, Vol. II, pp. 12, 285-292. Ledru, Andre Pierre. Voyage aux iles de Teneriffe, la Trinite, Saint- Thomas, Sainte-Croix et Porto-Ricco, execute par ordre du gouvernement fran^ais, depuis le 30 Septembre 1796 jusqu'au 7 juin 1798, contenant des observations sur le climat, le sol, la population, I'agriculture, les productions de ces iles, le caractere, les moeurs et le commerce de leurs habitants. A Paris: chez A. Bertrand^l810. 2 vols. Folded map. 8^. — Reise nach den Inseln Teneriffa, Trinidad, St. Thomas, St. Cruz und Porto-Rico . . . aus dem Franzosischen iiber- setzt. Mit einer Charte der Insel Porto-Rico. Weimar: Verlag des H. /S. priv. Landes- Industrie- Comptoirs., 1812. XX, 32Jf2yp' S'^i Pp. 160-188, Danish West Indies. Le G-ras, A. Mer des Antilles et Golfe du Mexique. 2*^ partie com- prenant les petites Antilles . . . Paris: Ait Depot de la marine, 1875. 8^. Lennep Coster, G. van. Aanterkeningen, gehouden gedurende mijn verblijf in de West-Indien, in de jaren 1837-1840. Met platen. Te Amsterdam: hij J. F. Schleijer, 18Jf^. vii, 359 p>p). 8^. 8 LIST OF BOOKS ON THE DANISH WEST INDIES Letters from the Virgin islands: illustrating life and manners in the West Indies. Lmidon: John Van Vom-st, 184^. x, 286 pp. Chart. 12"^. Morris, Henry Crittenden. The history of colonization. New York: The Macniillan company, 1900. 2 vols. 12^. Vol. II: pp. 284-286, Danish colonization in the West Indies. Oldendorp, Christian Georg Andreas. Oldendorp's Geschichte der Mission der evangelischen Briider auf den Caraibischen Inseln S. Thomas, S. Croix und S. Jan. Herausgegeben durch J. J. Bossart. Barhy: C. F. Laux, 1777. 2 vols. Maps. Plates. 16^. Fuldstsendigt Udtog af C. G. A. Oldendorp's Missions-Histo- rie om de evangeliske Brodres Mission paa de caraibiske Oer St. Thomas, St. Crux og St. Jan, udgivet paa Tydsk i to Dele. Jijohenhavn: 1784- Tryht paa Christ. L. Buchs Forlag hos J. Rud. Thiele. (5), 212pp. 16^. Historisk Beretning om de hedenske Neger-Slavers Omven delse paa de Danske Oer i Vestindien, som et Udtog af C. G. A. Oldendorps de evangeliske Brodres Missions- Historie . . . Oversat af det Tydske. Kjobenliavn: 17 8^. Tryht p)aa C. L. Buchs Forlag hos Joh. Bud. Thiele. {2), 18^, (2) pp. W. Bound with the preceding. Oxholm, Peter Lotharius. De Danske Vestindiske Oers Tilstand i Henseende til Population, Cultur og Finance-Forfatning, i Anledning af nogle Breve f ra St. Croix. Kiobmhavn: 1797, J. F. Schultz. 84p>p. Plates. W. Parton, James. The Danish Islands: are we bound in honor to pay for them ? Boston: Fields, Osgood d3 CO., 1869. 76pp. 8^. The Present state of the West-Indies: containing an accurate description of what parts are possessed b}^ the several powers in Europe. . . . Illustrated with a complete map of the West-Indies done from the latest observations. London: Printed for R. Baldwin, MDCCLXXXVIIL (^), 95 pp. Jf^. Pp. 72-74, The Virgin Islands; pp. 93-94, St. Thomas, St. John, Santa Cruz. LIST OF BOOKS ON THE DANISH WEST INDIES. 9 Ra3mal, Guillaume-Thomas. A philosophical and political histoiy of the settlements and trade of Europeans in the East and West Indies. . . . Newly translated from the French, by J. O. Justamond. 2d edition. Londmi: Priritedfor A. Strahan,[etc.']179S. G mh. Mai^s. Vol. lY: pp. 256-265, Danish settlements in St. Thomas, St. John, and Santa Cruz. The Library has several editions of Raynal. Reclus, J. J. Elisee. Virgin Islands and Santa Cruz. {In Eeclus, J. J. E. The earth and its inhabitants, vol. 17, pp. 430-436. London, 189—. 8°.) Pp. 430-433, St. Thomas; p. 433, St. John; pp. 433-435, Santa Crnz. Reinhardt, J. , og C. F. Liitken. Bidrag til det Vestindiske Origes og navnligen til de Dan sk- Vestindiske Oers Herpetologie. {In Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra den naturhistoriske Forening i Kjobenhavn. 1862, pp. 153-291.) [Rochefort, C. de.] Histoire naturelle et morale des isles Antilles de I'Amerique. . . . Avec un vocabulaire Caraibe. Se- conde edition. A Roterdam, chez Arnaut Leers. M.DC.LXV. (34), o8S^ (13) jpjp. Plates. 8^. Rohr, J. P. B. von. Anmerkungen liber den Cattunbau. Mit einer Vorrede von P. G. Hensler. Altona und Leipzig : 1791-1793. 2 parts. 8^. Part 1: Zum Xutzen der Diinischen AVestindischen Colonien auf Allerhochsten Koniglichen Befehl geschrieben. Scherzer, Karl von. Die westindischen Inseln St. Thomas, Haiti, Porto Rico und Cuba. Mit einer Karte. {In Reise der osterreichischen Fregatte Xovara um die Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859 unter den Befehlen des Commodore B. von Wullerstorf-Urbair. Statistisch-commercieller Theil von Dr. Karl von Scherzer. ZweiterBand. pp. 467-495. Wien, 1865. 4°.) Schiitz-Holzhausen, Damian, and R. Springer. Cuba und die iibrigen Inseln Westindiens. Mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der politischen und socialen Verhaltnisse. Mit Illustrationen und Karte. Wurzhunj: L. Woerl, 1896. xil, 388j>lJ> i^^. Se"ward, William H. The diplomatic histor}^ of the war for the Union, . Boston: Houghton.^ ALiffiin and corajxiny.^ 1884-. {2), vlii., 626 2>p. Portrait. 2Iap. 8^. (Worl's^ vol. 5.) Pp. 28-29, The Danish Islands. 10 LIST OF BOOKS ON THE DANISH WEST INDIES. Sloane, Sir Hans. A voyage to the islands Madera, Barbados, Nieves, S. Christophers, and Jamaica . London: For the author, 1707-25. 2 vols. Plates. F^. Smith, James. The winter of 1840 in St. Croix, with an excursion to Tor tola and St. Thomas. JVei/j York: PriJitedfor the author, ISIfi. l^Jf^pj?. 12^. Stenzel. Die Insel St. Thomas. [With tables and chart.] ( In Annalen f iir Hydrographie und maritime Meteorologie. Berlin, 1886. Vol. XIV, pp. 353-359.) "Seit der Aufhebung der Sklaverei und dem Ueberhandnehmen der Dampfschifffahrt hat sich der Character der Insel vollig geandert. Die Zuckerpflanzungen sind verschwunden, der Boden ist so gut wie unbebaut, eine Vermittelung des Handels zwischen den Kiisten Mittel- und des nordlichen Siidamerikas mit den Vereinigten Staaten und Europa findet nicht mehr statt. Jetzt ist St. Thomas nur noch ein Knotenpunkt der Dampfschifffahrt nach Westindien. Die einzige Ortschaft ist Charlotte Amalie mit stationiirer Bevolkerung ( ca 12000) , Die Gezeitenstromungen sind so unregelmiissig, dass eine richtige Hafenzeit nicht angegeben werden kann." Contents: Allgemeines, Hydrographisches, Lotsendienst, Gezeiten- stromungen, Meteorologisches, Ausrii stung und Reparaturen, Wasser, Kohlen, Postverbindung. Stoddard, Charles Augustus. Cruising among the Caribbees. Sum- mer days in winter months. Illustrated. New York: Charles Scrihu'er'' s sons, 1895. x, (2), 198 pp. Plates (photogravures). 6"". Pp. 23-50 contain: "The Virgin Group, St. Thomas and its people, Santa Cruz." Taylor, C. E. Leaflets from the Danish West Indies: descriptive of the social, political, and commercial condition of these islands. London : Dawson cfe sons^ 1888. xv, 228 pp. Plates {wood cuts). 8"^. Thaarup, Frederik. Veiledning til det Danske Monarkies Statistik. 2den. Udg. Kioheiiltami : 179Jf.. vrll, 768, 96 2^P' Engraved title, Talles. 12^. Tooke, C. W. The Danish colonial tiscal s^^stem in the West Indies. {In Essays in colonial finance by the members of the American Economic Association. August, 1900. pp. 144-167. New York: Published for the American Economic Association by the Macmil- lan company. [1900.] 303 pp. 8°.) LIST OF BOOKS ON THE DANISH WEST INDIES. 11 Trollope, Anthony. The West Indies and the Spanish Main. 2d edition. Lmidon: Chapman di Hall, 1860. iv,{2),395p2^. Map, 8^. Pp. 8, 235-241, St. Thomas. United States. Twenty-first Congress^ second session. House of Rep- resentatives. Report no. IIT. Concerning the commerce of the United States with the island of St. Croix. March 2, 1831. 2 pp. 8^\ Executive document no. 21. Message from the Presi- dent of the United States, transmitting copies of a corre- spondence between the Secretary of State and the minister of Denmark, in relation to the commercial intercourse between the said States and the Danish West India Islands, &c. elan. 3, 1831. 15 pp. 8°. Also printed in the British and foreign state papers, 1830-1831 [vol. 18], pp. 1164-1181. London, 1833. 8°. Thirty -seventh Congress.^ second session. House of Representa- tives. Miscellaneous document no. 80. Emplo3^ment of laborers of African extraction in the island of St. Croix. Correspondence between the State Department of the United States and the charge d'affaires of Denmark, in rela- tion to the advantages offered by the island of St. Croix for the employment of laborers of African extraction. June 10, 1862. 12 pp. 8°. West, H. Bidrag til Beskrivelse over Ste. Croix med en kort Udsigt over St. Thomas, St. Jean, Tortola, Spanishtown og Cra- : beneiland. Kiohetihavn: 1793. Trykt hos Friderik Wilhelm Thiele. (8), 363, (1) pp. Folded sheets. i^°. Be^^trage zur Beschreibung von St. Croix. Nebst einer kurzen Uebersicht der benachbarten Inseln, St. Thomas, St. Jean, Tortola, Spanishtown und Krabbeneyland. Aus dem Dani- schen, mit Verbesserungen und Yermehrung des Verf assers. IZopenhagen: 17 9 J}.. Bey C. G. Prost^ Soh7i und conipagnie. Wharton, Francis. A digest of the international law of the United States, . Washington: Govefimnient printing office., 1896. 3 vols. S^. {United States. Department of State. ^ Vol. I, pp. 416-417, Danish West Indies. 12 LIST OF BOOKS OK THE DANISH WEST INDIES. A Winter in the West Indies and Florida; containing general observations upon modes of traveling, manners and cus- toms, climate and productions, with a particular description of St. Croix, Trinidad de Cuba, Havana, Key West, and St. Augustine, as places of resort for northern invalids. By an invalid. ' New ITork: Published hy Wiley and Putnam^ 18S9. 199 2>J>' ARTICLES IX PERIODICALS. 1861. St. Thomas; Jahresbericht des preussischen Konsiiltats fur 1860. Preusssiclies TlandeU-AvcMv^ 1861, no. 22^ j)p' oJf.O-oJfl. 1863. Ein Schreiben aus St. Thomas in Westindien liber die freien Neger. Glohm, vol. 4 {1863), 179. 1864. Die danische Insel St. Thomas in West-Indien. C. von Scherzer. Ausland, 1861^,., no. 31. 1864. Die Insel St. Thomas in West Indien. Glohm, vol. 5 (1864), loJf. 1868. Die Westindische Insel St. Thomas. Globus, vol. 12 {1868), SJP'. 1869. The Danish muddle. (The purchase of St. John and St. Thomas.) The Nation, vol. 8 {Ajyril 1, 1869), 21^8. 1874. St. Thomas. (Descriptive sketch.) Cornhill Magazine, vol. 30 {Aug., 187 Jf), 163. Every Saturday, vol. 17 {Aug. 29, 187 Jf), 230. Eclectic Magazine, vol. 83 {Oct., 187 Ji), JfOl. LitteWs Living Age, vol. 122 {Aug. 29, 187It), 609. 1887. The Hurricane Island. Herbert H. Smith. Cosmopolitan, vol. J^ {Sej^t., 1887), 65. 1887. A diplomatic episode. Illustrated. Olive Risley Seward. Scrihner^s Magazine, vol. 2 {N'ov., 1887), 285. 1893-96. Momenter af Vestindiens Geografi. Troperne i Alminde- lighed. Barbados. Trinidad. De danske westindiske Oer. H. Lassen. Geografish Tidskrift, vol. 12 {1893-91,), 63; vol. 13 {1895-96). 60. 13 14 LIST OF BOOKS ON THE DANISH WEST INDIES. 1897. Politisch-geographische Betrachtungen iiber Westindien. Emil Deckert. Geographische Zeitschrift, vol. 3 {1897)., 121. 1898. Danish West Indies. Harper's ^Yeehly, ml. J^ {April 23, 1898), 395. 1898. Danish rule in St. Thomas. H. Martin. Harper's Weekly, vol. ^2 {Ajjril 30, 1898), 4,16. 1898. Proposed purchase of St. Thomas. Public Opinion, vol. 2 J,. {April 7, 1898), J^23. 1898. Saint Thomas and San Juan. F. A. Ober. Independent, vol. 50 {Aug. 25, 1898), 5^3. 1899. What about the Danish West Indies % J. Moritzen. GuntovbS Afagazine, vol. 17 {Dec, 1899), Jf62. Same article condensed. PiMic Ojyinion, vol. 27 {Dec. 11^,, 1899), 740. 1900. Danemarks westindische Besitzungen. Export, vol. 22 {July 26, 1900), 4^12. 1900. St. Thomas. Gateway of the Caribbean. W. Drysdale. Harper's Weekly, vol. U {Jo.n. 20, 1900), 51. 1900. The Danish West Indies. Independent, vol. 52 {Jan. 11, 1900), 135. 1901. Porto Rico and a necessary military position in the West Indies. W. A. Glassford. Journal of the rnilitary service institution, vol. 28 {Jan., 1901), 15. Same article condensed. American Monthly Review of Reviews, vol. 23 {Feb., 1901), 216. On the strategic importance of St. Thomas. 1901. The proposed purchase of the Danish West Indies. PMic Opinion {K Y.), vol. 30 {Jan. 10, 1901), 39. 1901. Again, the Danish islands. American Montldy Review of Reviews, vol. 23 {Feb., 1901), 150. 1901. My house in the West Indies. Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 169 {Feb., 1901), ARTICLES IN UNITED STATES CONSULAR REPORTS. 1881. History, products, and commerce of St. Thomas. Eeport by Victor Thompson, October 1, 1880. Vol. 2, no. 3, January, 1881. pp. 48-56. 1881. St. Thomas as a port of call. Eeport by V. V. Smith, October 26, 1881. Vol. 4, no. 14, December, 1881. pp. 710-720. 1882. St. Thomas as a port of necessity. Eeport by V. V. Smith, May 12, 1882. Vol. 6, no. 20, June, 1882. pp. 204-210. 1885. Saint Thomas. Eeport by V. V. Smith on tariff and ship dues, November 18, 1885. Vol. 18, no. 61, February, 1886. pp. 462-468. 1887. Danish West Indies. Santa Cruz. Sugar production and trade. Eeport of Mortimer A. Turner, September 16, 1887. Vol. 24, no. 86, November, 1887. pp. 254-261. 1888. Banana culture in St. Thomas. Vol. 27, no. 95, July, 1888. p. 17. 1889. Trade of St. Thomas, West Indies. Eeport by Mortimer A. Turner, August 28, 1889. Vol. 31, no. 109, October, 1889. pp. 219-220. 1889. Trade of Santa Cruz. Eeport by Mortimer A. Turner, August 28, 1889. Vol. 31, no. 109, October, 1889. p. 221. 1890. Steamships in the West Indies. Eeport by Mortimer A. Turner, December 27, 1889. Vol. 32, no. 114, March, 1890. pp. 403-404. 1890. Trade and commerce of St. Thomas. American coal, etc. Eeport by Mortimer A. Turner, August 30, 1890. Vol. 34, no. 121, October, 1890. pp. 247-248. 1890. Products of Santa Cruz. Eeport by Mortimer A. Turner, August 30, 1890. Vol. 34, no. 121, October, 1890. pp. 301-302. 15 16 LIST OF BOOKS ON THE DANISH WEST INDIES. 1891. Foreign trade of Santa Cruz. Report by Samuel B. Home, August 21, 1891. Vol. 38, no. 136, January, 1892. pp. 11-15. 1891. Danish West Indies. Report by Samuel B. Home, August 18, 1891. (Includes statement of municipal expenses, etc.) Vol. 37, no. 134, November, 1891. pp. 369-379. 1892. Commerce of the Danish West Indies. Reports by Samuel B. Home, July 26, 1892; William F. Moore, June 23, 1892, and Joseph L. Taylor, June 23, 1892. Vol. 40, no. 145, October, 1892. pp. 305-314. 1893. Danish West Indies. Report of Samuel B. Home, October 16, 1893. Vol. 43, no. 159, December, 1893. pp. 441-442. 1894. St. Croix. Christiansted. Fredericksted. Extension of markets for American flour. Report of William F. Moore, January 15, 1894. Vol. 45, no. 164, May, 1894. pp. 155-156. 1894. St. Thomas. Extension of markets for American flour. Report of J. H. Stewart, January 10, 1894. Vol. 45, no. 164, May, 1894. p. 157. 1900. Trade in the Danish West Indies. Report of Mahlon Van Home, April 23, 1900. Vol. 63, no. 238, July, 1900. pp. 284-285. 1900. Trade in the Danish West Indies. Report of Mahlon Van Home, May 16, 1900. Vol. 64, no. 240, September, 1900. pp. 126-127. ARTICLES, ETC., IN DANISH OOTERNMENT PUBLICA- TIONS, 1868-18:0. RELATIVE TO NEGOTIATIONS FOR SALE TO UNITED STATES. (With references to statistical reports, etc.) Denmark. Rigsdagstidende. Forhandling-er paa Folkethinget. Or- dentlig Samling 1867-68. 1. Bind. No. 1-166. Kjobenhavn: Tryht i Bianco Liinos Bogtryhheri ved E. A. Schmelling, [1868]. IfP. Forelbhig Meddelelse af Udenrigsministeren om, at der den 24de October, 1867 er undertegnet en Tractat angaaende Afstaaelsen af St. Thomas og St. Jan til de Forenede Stater af Amerika. Anmeldt Sp. 454; fremlagt Sp. 460-61. Meddelelse om Afstem- ningen paa Oerne Sp. 947. At Afstemning skal skee, Sp. 461, dennes Kesultat, Sp. 947, 1034. Forslag til Beslutning om Samtykke til Conventionen af 24de Octo- ber f. A. med de Forenede Stater af Amerika. Anmeldt Sp. 947; fremlagt Sp. 1033-35; Forslaget i Till^eg A. Sp. 1569-76, cfr. Sp. 1591-92. Behandlingsmaaden vedtagen, Sp. 1045; Thinget sammentraadt som Udvalg. Udvalgets Betsenkning i Tillaeg B. Sp. 69-70; Iste Behandling Sp. 1063-65; 2den Behandling Sp. 1067. Sagens Behandlingsmaade, Sp. 1035, 1045, 1063. Eegjeringens Bevseg- grunde til Afstaaelsen, Sp. 1064-65. Anordninger for St. Croix, samt Budgetter for St. Croix og St. Thomas med St. Jan Communer 1867-68. Anmeldte Sp. 1833, jfr. Tiling A. Sp. 1817-1846. — Rigsdagstidende. Forhandlinger paa Landsthinget. Ordent- lig Samling 1867-68. Kjobenhavn: Tryht i Bianco Lunos Bogtrylikeri ved E. A. Schmelling, [1868\ 2 vols. J/P. Foreldbig Meddelelse om, at der den 24de October 1867 er afsluttet en Tractat angaaende Afstaaelsen af St. Thomas og St. Jan til de Forenede Stater af Amerika. Anmeldt Sp. 254; forelagt Sp. 257-58; Meddelelse om den stedfundne Afstemning paa Oerne Sp. 493. Forslag til Beslutning angaaende Kigsdagens Samtykke til en med de Forenede Stater af Amerika under 24de October 1867 afsluttet Convention. Oversendt fra Folkethinget Sp. 598; Forslaget i Till£eg A. Sp. 1591-92, jfr. Sp. 1569-70; Behandlingsmaaden ved- tagen Sp. 652; Thinget constitueret som Udvalg; Udvalgets Beta^nkningi Tillteg B. Sp. 97-98. Iste Behandling Sp. 659-61; 2den Behandling Sp. 718. 17 18 LIST OF BOOKS ON THE DANISH WEST INDIES. Denmark — Continued. Anordninger, vedrorende St. Croix, Sp. 14, jfr. Tillseg A. Sp. 1065-72. Regnskabsover&igter for St. Thomas og St. Jan for 1865-66. Sp. 33-34, jfr. Till^eg A. Sp. 1073-1116. Budget for St. Croix Commune for 1867-68, med Tillsegsbevilling. Anmeldt Sp. 1329, jfr. Tillseg A. Sp. 1817-30. Budget for St. Thomas og St. Jan for 1867-68. Anmeldt Sp. 1329, jfr. Tiling A. Sp. 1835-46. Anordninger for St. Croix. Anmeldt Sp. 1329, jfr. Tillseg A. Sp. 1831-34. Regnskabsoversigter for Communerne St. Croix og St. Thomas med St. Jan for Finantsaaret 1866-67, med tilhorende Kassebehold- ningsregnskaber. Anmeldte Sp. 3086, jfr. Tillseg A. Sp. 3019-68. Rigsdagstidende. Forhandlinger paa Folkethinget. Ordent- lig Samling, 1868-69. Kjobenhavn: TryTct hos J. H. Schultz^ [^1869\ 2 vols. JiP. TiUasgsartikel af 15de October 1868 til Conventionen af 24de Octo- ber 1867 angaaende Salget af St. Thomas og St. Jan. Sp. 1149. Anordninger for St. Thomas, St. Croix og St. Jan Sp. 4861, jfr. Tiling A. Sp. 2685-2722. Rigsdagstidende. Forhandlinger paa Land sthinget. Ordent- lig Samling 1868-69. No. 1-141. KjobenJmvn: Trykt hos J. R, Schultz, \1869\. JiP. TiUaegsartikel af 15de October 1868 til Conventionen af 24de Octo- ber 1867 angaaende Salget af St. Thomas of St. Jan. Sp. 362. Anordninger for Set. Thomas, Set. Croix og Set. Jan. Sp. 1859, jfr. Tiling A. Sp. 2685-2722. Rigsdagstidende. Forhandlinger paa Folkethinget. Ordent- lig Samling 1869-70. Kjobenhmn: Tryht hos J, H. Schultz, [1870\. 3 vols. JfP. Meddelelse af Conseilspraesidenten angaaende Tractaten om Salget af St. Thomas og St. Jan. Sp. 5777-79, cfr. -Sp. 5393, 6156-57. Udgifler i Anledning af Conventionen om St. Thomas og St. Jan, Sp. 5953-55, 5957-59, 5960-64, Tillseg B. Sp. 1187-91. Anordninger, Budgetter og Tillaegs-Budgetter for St. Thomas, St. Croix og St. Jan. Sp. 93, cfr. Tillseg A. Sp. 1461-1532; Sp. 3897, cfr. Tillseg A. Sp. 2819-94. Rigsdagstidende. Forhandlinger paa Landsthinget. Ordent- lig Samling 1869-70. No. 1-216. Kjdbenhav7i: Trykt Jws J. H. Schultz^ {1870]. J^^. Meddelelse af Conseilsprsesidenten angaaende Tractaten om Salget af de vestindiske Oer. Sp. 2405-8, cfr. Sp. 2075. Anordninger og Budgetter for de vestindiske Oer. Sp, 18, cfr. Tillseg A. Sp. 1461-1531; Sp. 1507, TilL^g A. Sp. 2819-94. 1 fi ft ==; ?i II 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED EARTH SCIENCES LIBRARY This book is due onTIhe lastTOit^raittpea below, on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. 0^1 3^£& ^mp. iMii coqas '^^13S 1Xp.44pi