/ilterpatipi^ (Jepcratiops a Study of 0^\ Qalls apd WITH COLOURED (Jail plies ILLUSTRATIONS OF 42 SPECIES orni Adler & Sir at n ALTERNATING GENERATIONS ABLER 4- S TEA TON £on6on HKNRY FROWDE Oxford University Press Warehouse Amen Corner, E.C. (Jim ?)orR MACMILLAN & CO., 66 FIFTH AVENUE PUte I (JujL GaU^ >7/,,v "West , Newmaai CJhrcuno. U.ncvtrrsi.ty Presft Oxfotyi- Alternating Generations A Biological Study of Oak Galls and Gall Flies 7 '^ / By Hermann Adler^ M.D. Schleswig TRANSLATED AND EDITED HY CHARLES R. STRATON F.R.C.S. Ed., F.E.S. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS Oxford AT THE CLARENDON PRESS 1894 VKINTEIJ AT THE CLARENDON PRESS BY HORACE HART, PRINTER TO THK VNIVERSITY EDITOR'S PREFACE While pursuing the study of galls as a branch of comparative pathology, I was fortunate enough to become acquainted with Dr. Adler's monograph of Alternating generations in oak gall-flies. The originality of the matter, and the important light which it threw on some of the great biological problems of the day, induced me to ask his permission to publish it in an English dress. I have to thank him for the generous manner in which he placed his work, and the beautiful drawings which accompanied it, at my disposal. Unfortunately the stones from which the illustrations were printed had been broken up, but I venture to think that they have been very faithfully reproduced. In the Introduction, and especially in the description of Cynips Kollari in the Appendix, I have used freely the writings of Dr. Beyerinck and Professor Mayr. 1 have added an analytical table of galls, a short bibliography, and a list of the Cynipidae. I have enclosed my own notes to the text in brackets, and in these I have given the synonyms of each species, its popular name, the inquilines and parasites which vi Editor s Preface. have been reared from it, and the species of oak on which it is recorded as having been found. My grateful acknowledgements are due to Dr. Adler, Mr. E. A. Fitch, and Mr. A. Ehrmann for their assistance in correcting the proofs, and to Professor Mayr and Baron C. R. Osten-Sacken for information on special points. C. R. S. West Lodge, Wilton, Salisbury. CONTENTS PAGE Introduction ...... By tlic Editor ix Description of Plates . . . . . . . . xli Alternating Generations in Oak Gall-Flies. By Dr. Adler i Chapter I. Early Observations and Methods of Research i II. Descriptions OF Cynipidae Observed. Table of Alternating Generations ... 9 III. On Gall Formation ..... 97 IV. The Ovipositor and the Egg . . .110 V. Grouping of the Cynipidae . . . 129 VI. Alternating Generation, and Cyclical Propagation ...... 149 Pediaspis aceris and Bathyaspis aceris . . . 159 Cynips Kollari ...... By the Editor 163 Synoptical Table of Galls .... „ 168 Classification of the Cynipidae ... „ 172 Bibliography ....... ,, 182 Index ............ 191 INTRODUCTION A GALL is an abnormal growth of plant tissue produced by animal agency acting from within. All the natural orders of plants include species which are liable to be made use of by insects in this way. Each is visited by its own special gall-maker, which need not necessarily belong to the Cynipidae, for gall-makers are also found among the Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera, Nematoda\ and in other classes. Any organ of the plant may become the seat of this hyperplasia, but the form which the gall ultimately assumes is governed by the potentialities of growth in the part attacked, and by the nature of the animal excitation present. The rose and some Compositae produce well known galls, but the oak is the favourite home of the Cynipidae. In this monograph Dr. Adler has described those oak-galls and gall-flies most commonly found in this country, with the exception of Cynips Kollari, the Devonshire marble-gall, which does not occur in Germany north of the Elbe ; as it is however one of the most familiar galls on English oaks, a description of it has been added in the appendix. Before Dr. Adler ' H. Charlton Bastian, ' Monograph of the Angulllulidae,' Lin. Soc. Trans, vol. xxv, 1866. X Introduction. had demonstrated the existence of cycHcal propagation, many curious explanations were offered, in order to account for the lengthened interval that elapses between the death of one generation and the appearance of the next. The currant-gall, for example, appears on the male catkins of the oak in May, the fly quits the gall in June, lives for a few days only, and nothing more is seen until the male catkin appears again next May. What had become of the eggs in this long interval ? Spontaneous generation of the insect, within a gall that had no external opening, had its advocates. Later it was believed that a form of metempsychosis took place, and galls were among the stepping-stones in the path of organic evolution, by which the vegetable passed into the animal soul. By some it was supposed that the eggs, found in the fly in June, reached the ground, whence they were drawn up, mingled with the sap, and arrested next spring in the leaves or flowering catkins, there to form the currant-galls again. Dr. Adler, by proving the existence of cyclical propagation, has shown that the interval between the appearance of the currant gall-fly in one spring, and its reappearance in the next, is occupied by another agamous generation. But while he showed that this rule holds good for the majority of species, he has also demonstrated that, in some at least, no sexual generation now exists. Pliny ' knew that a fly was often produced in a gall, but he did not associate it with the cause of gall-growth ; on the contrary, he thought galls grew in a night, like fungi. Many early observers, however, considered them as insect productions and were aware that a variety of insects emerged from them ; but the attention which some of these authors bestowed upon this subject was ^ Pliny, Nat. Hist. xvi. 9, lo ; xxiv. 5. Marcellus Malpighi. xi not always due to its biological interest. Mathiolus, one of the best of the commentators of Dioscorides, and a believer in spontaneous generation, declared that weighty prognostications as to the events of the year could generally be deduced by observing whether galls contained spiders, worms, or flies. Most of the older writers describe gall-flies, which are now known to be agamous, as possessing males ; but their descriptions are often perfectly clear, and the flies can be recognized as the males of one of the Torymidae, or of some other species of parasite. There is no reason to think that any males of agamous species were actually in existence at the time when these authors wrote. The earliest systematic writer on galls was Marcellus Malpighi, Physician to Innocent XII. He was Professor of Medicine at Bologna, and afterwards at Messina, and his treatise ^ ' De gallis,' published in 1686, gives an extremely accurate description of the galls then found in Italy and Sicily. Dr. Derham, Canon of Windsor, in the notes to his Boyle Lectures •(1711-1712) compares Malpighi's account with the galls then found in England, and says, ' I find Italy and Sicily more luxuriant in such productions than England, at least than the parts about Upminster (where I live) are. For many, if not most, of the galls about us are taken notice of by him, and several others besides that I have never met with, although I have for many years as critically observed all the excrescences and other morbid tumours of vegetables as is almost possible, and do believe that few of them have escaped me ^.' Malpighi's work does not appear to have been known either to Linnaeus or Fabricius ; they include ' Dioscorides, i. 146, Paris, 1549. * W. Derham, F.R.S,, Physico-theology , iii. c. 6. xii Introduction. inquilines and parasites under the genus Cynips, indeed St. Hilaire, Latreille, and Olivier reserve the name Cynips for certain Chalcididae, and use Diplolepis for the true gall-maker, but with few exceptions subsequent writers have applied the general name Cynips to the gall-makers. It is well, however, to bear this change of nomenclature in mind, when the males of certain species are said to have been found \ Reaumur has left excellent descriptions and drawings of many species of galls '", but the first to bring order out of the confusion in which the Cynipidac still remained, was Theodor von Harlig of Brunswick^. He greatly improved the existing classification of this family and carefully pointed out the true relationship which the various dwellers in galls bore to each other. He arranged gall inhabitants into three classes ; first, the gall-makers which he com- pared to the actual householders ; secondly, inquilines, guest-flies, cuckoo-flies or lodgers, who take up their quarters uninvited within the gall, and live on its food stores, but do not directly aim at the gall-maker's life ; and thirdly, parasites who deposit their eggs on the larvae of their host or his lodgers, with the object of destroying them, and who are therefore murderers. Besides those living in a state of symbiosis, there are also true commensals in some galls. It is the simultaneous presence of these various classes that frequently gives rise to confusion in carrying out breeding experiments. Synergi among inquilines re- semble true gall-making species so closely, that caution ' Westwood, Zoological Journal, No. 13 ; Cameron, P., British Phyt. Hymen, vol. iii. p. 140. '' Reaumur, Me'nioires pour servir d Vhistoire des insectes, 1734-42. ■ Hartig, ' Ueber die Familien der Gallwespen,' Gerniar^s Zeitschr. f. d. Ent. II. Heft i. p. 176, 1840; III. 322-358, 1841 ; IV. 395, 1843. Gall- Dwellers. xiii is always necessary to see that the gall-maker, and not a Synergus, has been obtained \ Both Malpighi and Canon Derham were aware of the attacks of parasites, and actually saw galls pierced by them. The latter says, ' I apprehend we see many vermicules, towards the outside of many oak-apples, which I guess were not what the primitive insects laid up in the gem from which the oak-apple had its rise, but from some supervenient additional insects, laid in after the apple was grown, and whilst it was tender and soft'.' Ratzeburg, a forester like Hartig, in his beautiful * Forstinsekten ' " corro- borated Hartig's division of gall-dwellers. Giraud, Schenck, Reinhard, Taschenberg, Schlechtendal, Wachtl, Forster, and Lichtenstein, have since each advanced our knowledge of the Cynipidae, and the history of galls generally has been admirably written by Lacaze-Duthiers. The entomologists of America have not been behind those of Europe ; Baron C. R. Osten- Sacken, before he quitted America in 1877, had discovered eighteen new species ; Bassett, thirty species, and Walsh and Riley had each added much to our knowledge. Professor Gustav Mayr of Vienna has not only increased largely the work of previous observers, but has arranged all that is known of gall-makers and gall- dwellers in a series of admirable monographs * and has ' See Walker, But. Mag. vii. p. 54. ' Derham, Physico-theology, iii. p. 389. ' Ratzeburg, Die Forstinsekten, vol. iii, Berlin, 1844. * Mayr, G., Die initteleuropdischen Eichengallen in Wort und Bilderu, Wien, 1870-71 ; Die Einmiethler der niitteleuropdischen Eichengallen, Wien, 1872; Die europdischen Cynipiden-Gallen tnit Ausschluss der auf Eichen vorkoynmenden Arten, Wien, 1876 ; Die europdischen Toryniiden . Wien, 1874; Encyrtiden, 1876; Olinx, 1877; Eurytonta, 1878: Telenotniis, 1879; Die Genera der gallenhewohnenden Cynipiden,'W\^n, 1881 ; Die europdischen Arten der gallenhewohnenden Cynipiden, Wien, 1882. xiy Introduction. drawn up excellent analytical tables of species. In this country Westwood, Halliday, Walker, and Fitch have all done good work, and Mr. Peter Cameron^, in his account of the Phytophagous Hymenoptera, just completed for the Ray Society, has brought together an immense amount of valuable material, new and old. Dr. Adler began his observations on gall-flies in 1875, and added certain new species described in these pages. His important work, however, was the unfolding of their life-history ; proving that while many species were linked together in alternate agamous and sexual genera- tions, others remained wholly agamous. Among biologists theories of dimorphism and meta- genesis had been discussed in connexion with the Cynipidae and were current as early as 1865 '^ ; in 1873 Bassett announced his theory of seasonal dimorphism^ ; and in the same year Riley established the existence of alternation of generations between Cynips operator and Cynips opcratola\ The numerous publications of Thomas and Frank have cleared up many special points, and Beyerinck ^ in an admirably illustrated monograph, full of original work and careful reasoning, has added much both from a botanical and zoological point of view. The existence of alternating generations in living ' Peter Cameron, A Monograph of the British Phytophagous Hymenoptera, 4 vols. 1882- 1893. Ray Society. '' Reinhard, ' Die Hypothesen iiber die Fortpflanzungsweise bie den eingeschlechtigen Gallwespen,' Berlin. Ent. Zeitschr. vol. ix. 1865. ■' Bassett, Canadian Entomol. vol. v, pp. 91-94, May, 1873. * Riley, American Naturalist, vol. vii. p. 519, 1873. ' Beyerinck, Dr. M. W., ' Beobachtungen iiber die ersten Entwick- lungsphasen einiger Cynipidengallen,' Natnurk. Verh. der Koninkl. Akademie, Deel xxii. Cyclical Propagation. xv organisms was first discovered by Chamisso', the author of Peter Schlemihl,' who in 1815 accompanied the Chan- cellor Rumjanzow's expedition as naturalist in a voyage round the world. He noticed that among the Salpae a solitary salpa gave rise to a generation of a different form, united in chains of twenty or more, and that each link of this ' associated ' form again produced the ' solitary ' form. He concluded that all solitary salpae produced chains, and on the other hand that all those in associated chains were the parents of solitary ones ; so that a salpa mother was not like its daughter or its own mother, but resembled its granddaughter and its grand- mother. At first the accuracy of Chamisso's observations was doubted, chiefly for the reason that no similar phenomenon was then known in nature. By degrees, however, facts began to accumulate ; in hydroids and flukes similar generation-cycles were observed, and in 1842 Steenstrup^ collected all that was known on the subject of alternating generations into a monograph published in Danish and subsequently translated into German and English. He described this mode of reproduction as ' a peculiar form of fostering the young in the lower classes of animals.' In 1849 the late Professor Owen^ suggested the existence of a residual germ-force in the cells of the apparently asexual generation, and thought that alter- nating generations were due * to the retention of certain of the progeny of the primary impregnated germ-cell, or in other words to the germ-mass, with so much of the spermatic force inherited by the retained germ-cells from ' Adalbert de Chamisso, De Animalibus, Fasc. i, De Salpa, Berlin, 1819. ^ J. J. S. Steenstrup, Ueber den Generationswechsel, Kopenhagen, 1842, and Ray Society, T845. ^ R. Owen, Parthenogenesis, 1849. xvi Introduction. the parent cell or germ-vesicle, as suffices to set on foot and maintain the same series of formative actions as those which constituted the individual containing them ' : and this may be taken as the earliest suggestion of the continuity of the germ-plasm. Fresh instances of this class of phenomena have steadily accumulated, in which the life-cycle of the species may be represented by two or more generations, differing in form and organization, existing under different conditions, and reproducing themselves in different wa3's. The simplest cyclical rhythm occurs in reproduction by metagenesis, where a sexual and asexual form alternate ; this is the law of development in Medusae and Trematoda. In heterogenesis a sexual and an agamous generation alternate, and in this rhythm the agamous may be juvenile or adult ; in Cecidomyia, for example, the parthenogenetic generation reproduces itself when still immature, while in the Cynipidae, on the other hand, it does so only when perfectly developed. Another variety occurring between one hermaphrodite and one sexual form, is seen in Angiostomiirn nigro- venosum, the lung parasite of the frog ; and a still more perfect alternation is found in the thread worm of the snail, Leptoptera appcndiculata, where two perfectly formed sexual generations are linked in a cycle. Sometimes the sexual or asexual member of the cycle may be complex. The liver-fluke of the sheep gives rise to an active ciliated aquatic embryo, which, after a time, pierces and enters a water-snail to become a passive sporocyst; from its germ-cells fcdiaesLve formed within the sporocyst, and after several asexual genera- tions, they give rise to minute ccrcariae, which leave the snail and creep up the stalks of grass ; here they The Larval Theory. xvii become encysted, are eaten, and grow within the sheep to become adult sexual flukes. In this series the Cercaria and fluke form members of the sexual division; all the others are members of the asexual division of the cycle. In all C3'clical propagation, whether in the animal or vegetable kingdom, there is a tendency for one genera- tion to become subordinated to the other. In flowering plants the sexual is subordinated to the asexual, and even some ferns exhibit a similar tendency, a fern- plant rising vegetatively from the prothallus ; while in other ferns there is a tendency to apospory, a fern- prothallus springs from the site of the spores, and the asexual becomes subordinated to the sexual. In flukes, in the same way, rcdiac ma}^ be budded off frofn the sporocyst and the species be continued without ever attually becoming sexual. In the Cynipidae it will be seen that in some, like Cynips Kollari, the sexual genera- tion has been wholly subordinated to the asexual, and in others, like Rhodites rosae, this process is still going on and males are becoming functionless and extinct. Leuckart^ regarded interpolated generations as larval states, and following his teaching, Lichtenstein ^ looked upon the agamous as larval stages of the sexual species. He believed that the biological evolution of a gall-fly extended from the time when a female emerged from a true egg in a condition to be fecundated by the male, until another egg was reached presenting the same con- ditions. All other stages he considered as larval, al- though in them reproduction by budding was possible, and he held that in this way insects might go on re- producing themselves indefinitely without ever reaching ' R. l^QucksLtX, Znr Keniitiiiss d. Generationswcchscls ltd. Parthenog. b. d. Insektcn, 1858. - J. Lichtenstein, Les Cyutpides, 188 1, p. x. b xviii Introduction. the perfect state. Certain Phylloxeridae reproduce themselves by subterranean budding, without ever arriv- ing at the winged and sexual forms : he regarded this as analogous to the multiplication of plants by suckers, without the intervention of seed. He compared the life-history of gall-flies with that of Phylloxera, and gave it as his opinion that, among the gall-flies, the individuals o^ Neuroterus lenticular is had been mistaken for females, because they possessed an ovipositor and eggs, that, properly speaking, they had no sex, but were only larval forms of Spathegaster baccarum, their so-called eggs being gemmations. It is difficult to regard species which have a perfect female form, and ovaries filled with perfect eggs, as being perpetually in the larval state, because they are wholly agamous and have no males. In Rhodites rosae, as has been said, the few males found are functionless, and are disappearing; it seems therefore more in accordance with facts to speak of the individuals of agamous species as females, the males of which have ceased to appear. Although the Aphides are scarcely comparable to the Cynipidae, since they possess a form which is asexual, they may nevertheless be arranged, like the Cynipidae, in alternate generations, without having recourse to the larval theory. The importance of sexual reproduction has been greatly exaggerated, and there seems no good ground for assuming that a generation ought to extend from one fecundated egg to another. In Cynips Kollari, and many others, no sexual generation is known ; the flies all possess perfect female forms, but they are agamous and have the power of reproducing themselves by parthenogenetic eggs. At the same time it is difficult to believe that the agamous can be the primitive Advantages of Parthenogenesis. xix form ; or that perfectly formed sexual organs could have been evolved unless the sexual had been the earlier generation. The power of producing parthenogenetic eggs is widely distributed among the arthropods, and appears to come into operation whenever it secures the existence of the species more effectually than sexual reproduction. When at one season of the year sexual, and at another agamous, reproduction is the more beneficial, then heterogeny will be found to prevail. In one group amphimixis has been wholly abandoned, but its members are enormously prolific, and their eggs have the power of resting over more than one year. By means of partial parthenogenesis, a much more rapid increase is ensured than could have been possible, in the same time, by sexual reproduction only. Every individual of the winter generation, unhindered by the require- ments of fertilization, is engaged in laying eggs ; the number of the sexual individuals hatched from these eggs is consequently enormously greater than it could have been, had only half the winter generation been of the female sex, and had that half, in order to be fruitful, been dependent on the chances of fecundation. When generations alternate, there are alternating advantages to the species. The winter generations emerge from the gall at a time when pairing is not easy, and it is a distinct gain to the race when every individual has the power of reproducing itself inde- pendently. The summer generations, on the contrary, appear in halcyon days, when there is nothing to mar their nuptial flight, and then the species obtains greater variation, and those physiological advantages of amphi- mixis which parthenogenesis cannot afford. But amphimixis is in no way essential to heredity. b2 XX Introduction. The oak gall-flies about to be described will be found to afford examples of heredity occurring among purely agamous species, as well as among those which alternate between an agamous and a sexual generation. The characters of each generation are inherited and passed on in two perfectly distinct streams. The advance which has in recent times been made towards a clearer comprehension of heredity, is in great measure due to the influence of Weismann ', who, by discarding the idea that sexual reproduction is in any way funda- mental or essential to life, has led us to regard the facts of heredity wholly untrammelled by it. Amphi- mixis undoubtedly has its advantages, but descent may be continuous in the female line, or there may even be a male parthenogenesis ^ To understand the mechanism by which alternation of generations is brought about, it is necessary to recall the minute structure of the sexual cells, and especially the behaviour of their nuclear contents ; and to observe the difference in the extrusion of the polar cells, as occurring in the eggs of parthenogenetic and sexual species. The changes in the ovum during nuclear division are briefly these '. After a resting stage the chromatin granules, which there is reason to believe are the material bearers of hereditary qualities, appear as a thread, apparently, spirally coiled within the nucleus. An accessory nucleus forms and divides into two ; at each pole of its achromatic spindle is placed a centrosome with its surrounding attraction-sphere ; the nuclear membrane disappears ; the chromatin ' Weismann, Essays on Heredity, vol. ii. p. 86, 1893. - Ibid. vol. i. p. 253 ; Schenck, Handbitch dcr Botaitik, Bd. ii. p. 219. ^ Weismann, Essays on Heredity, vol. ii. p. 118. spermatogenesis. xxi granules become aggregated into rod-like chromosomes of equal length and of constant number in each species ; these are formed at the equator of the spindle, and split by longitudinal fission, so that their number becomes doubled. One star of chromosomes is drawn to the centrosome at each pole of the spindle, and thus two daughter-nuclei, which for convenience I will term oocytes, are formed, of unequal size ; the smaller one being extruded as the first polar body. In the parthenogenetic egg this completes the division, but in the sexual egg a second nuclear division follows immediately on the first without a resting stage ; the oocyte divides into two oozoa, and one oozoon, contain- ing half the chromosomes, is extruded as the second polar body. The oocyte which forms the first polar body is observed to split into two oozoa after extrusion. In this way three of the oozoa which have arisen from the division of the primitive germ-cell have become polar bodies, while the remaining oozoon, containing one half the number of chromosomes which the primitive germ-cell contained, is left in the nucleus, functional or capable of development. Within the spermatic tubes of the male, corresponding changes take place in the primitive sperm-cell. Its chromosomes are doubled and it divides into two sper- matocytes (spermatogens), each of which again divides without a resting stage into two spermatides (spermato- blasts). The four spermatides undergo various changes during which they become elongated, the nucleus, containing the chromatin elements, becomes the head of a spermatozoon and ends in a motile barb. The protoplasm of the cell-body is drawn out into a sheath through which the filament passes, and is continued beyond as the vibratile tail. xxii Introduction. We have therefore this arrangement of parts in the male and female cells, to which for convenience of comparison I will apply these names. I. Primitive germ-cell. = Primitive sperm-cell. II. Two oocytes of = Two spermatocytes, which one forms the first polar body. III. The oocytes dividing = The spermatocytes di- into four oozoa, of viding into four sper- which two are pri- matides, each becoming marily functional a spermatozoon, two of in the partheno- which may become re- genetic and one in productive in a male the sexual egg. parthenogenesis, one is primarily functional in the sexual egg. There seems little doubt that the chromosomes containing the germ-plasm of the species, are identical in the maternal and paternal reproductive cells, and that so long as their number is complete or sufficient to enable conjugation to take place, it is immaterial from which parent they may come. Boveri ' succeeded in denucleat- ing the egg o^ Echinus microtuberculatus and introducing spermatozoa of another species, Sphaerechinus granu- laris ; when the egg developed, the larva was found to belong to the latter species, although living on the vitellus of the former. This was a case of male parthenogenesis. It however appears certain that one oozoon or spermatozoon requires conjugation with one other oozoon or spermatozoon before development can take place. * Boveri, ' Ein geschlechtlich erzeugter Organismus ohne miitter- liche Eigenschaften, ' Gesells./. Morph. u. Phys. Munchen,Ju]y i6, 1883. The Germ-Plastn. xxiii According to Weismann, the chromosomes are 'idants,' formed of smaller groups called 'ids'; these are made up of ' determinants,' which are again composed of ' biophors ' or ultimate units. The biophors are more or less equivalent to the ' physiological units ' of Herbert Spencer, the 'plastidules* of Haeckel, the ' gemmules ' of Darwin, and the ' pangenes ' of De Vries ; although these variants are not exactly analogous to each other, they are all ultimate molecules of inherited plasm ^. The nuclear thread is, so to speak, the web of the individual's destiny, and the ids which it contains are the inherited working plans of its architecture. As development advances, the ids are disintegrated into determinants, and the determinants into biophors, each group getting smaller until every biophor ultimately reaches and controls its own cell. The way in which the germ-plasm assumes the direction of ontogeny resembles a battalion marching to outpost duty. The main body steadily proceeds to distribute itself accord- ing to a predetermined plan ; the battalion splits into half-battalions, the half-battalions into companies, the companies into pickets, and the pickets tell off their sentries, until each man at last finds himself at the post he has to guard. And just as a line of communica- tion is always maintained through the battalion, so each nucleus is kept in touch with its cell, and each cell with the cells around it, by means of a fine protoplasmic reticulum which passes through the cell-walls'-. It is obvious that influences affecting any stage of develop- ment must affect larger or smaller groups of deter- minants, just as any command given by an officer will ^ Weismann, Germ-plasm, p. 41. ^ Sedgwick, Monograph of the development of Peripatiis capensis, p. 41. xxiv Introduction. affect the number of men particularly under him, and may alter their original course. In cases of alternation of generations, and in those cases in which the two generations do not differ from each other in the full-grown condition, but in which the eggs develop differently, Weismann holds that there must be two kinds of germ-plasm, each containing the determinants of one form, and that these two must be passed separately along the germ-tracks, from one generation to another, so that each must always contain the other, stored away in an inactive condition \ In the case of gall-flies there is often a well-marked difference of structure between the females of the two alternating generations. The wing determinants in the winged Trigonaspis crustalis (Plate II, fig. i8 a) must have been modified in the wingless Biorhiza renum, (Plate II, fig. i8), but they appear again in Trigonaspis crustalis. It is improbable that lost determinants would be redeveloped in this way, and therefore there must be two alternating sets of determinants. These, Weismann holds, are contained within the same germ- plasm, but never become active at the same time ^ I believe that in the function of the polar bodies we possess the simplest explanation of the problem of alternating determinants in the Cynipidae. According to Weismann's earlier views ^, the first polar body removed ovogenetic nuclear substance which, after the maturation of the egg, had become superfluous and injurious ; while the second polar body removed as many different kinds of idioplasm as were afterwards introduced by the sperm-nucleus. He has abandoned this view of the function of the ' Weismann, Germ-plasm, p. 176. ^ Ibid. p. 178. ^ Essays on Heredity, vol. i. p. 365, Oxford, 1891. Function of Polar Bodies. xxv first polar body, and, according to his later views, the extrusion of both polar bodies is a provision for with- drawing promiscuously certain ids of germ-plasm for the purpose of securing variation. He says : 'I consider this remarkable and apparently useless process of the doubling and two subsequent halvings of the idants, as a method of still further increasing the number of possible combinations of idants in the germ-cell of one and the same individual ' ' ; the three quarters of the mass of germ- plasm which passes into the polar bodies, he regards as being 'again lost",' while what is left in the ovum, after being increased by one spermatozoon, is halved by the first nuclear division ; one half going to direct ontogeny, and the other half going to form the primary sexual cells : but as these last divide and behave at first like other somatic cells, they must, he thinks, possess active idioplasm as well as unalterable germ-plasm, and they must therefore contain more ids in their nuclear matter than do somatic cells ^ I incline to the view that these cells in the Cynipidae remain somatic, and simply form the rudiments of the sexual organs, but that the function of the polar bodies is to provide the primitive reproductive cells. These bodies contain the inactive germ-plasm, historically prepared for this very purpose, and it is scarcely possible to imagine that nature would create this phyloge- netic epitome of the species to be extruded as func- tionless, or to be broken up and again lost *. It is undeniable that they are of great value in promoting variation. The first division of the nucleus into two oocytes is not a reducing division, but results, so far as the germ-plasm is concerned, in two equivalent cells. ' Weismann, Gerni-plastn, p. 247. - Ibid. p. 248. ^ Ibid. p. 192. * Ibid. p. 248- xxvi Introduction. In the sexual egg, however, the second division follows immediately upon the first, and the extrusion of one oozoon reduces the chromosomes by half their number, which is again made good by those of one spermatozoon. While, therefore, in the parthenogenetic egg those 'material bearers of ancestral qualities' remain the same from generation to generation, they are changed in the sexual generation by each cross fertilization, and in this exists the advantage of amphimixis. For the evolution of species, individual variation is essential, and those individuals who derive half their germ-plasm from one parent, and half from another, each bringing in different lines of ancestors, must present greater variation than those who derive their germ-plasm from one parent and one ancestral line. Sexual reproduction is thus of advantage to the species in so far as it helps to increase inherent tendency to variation, and enables evolution to take place by the steady accumulation of slight beneficial differences '. The random withdrawal of the ids of ancestors by a species of lot, as laid down by Weismann, must be considered simply as a provisional hypothesis ; and it seems, according to Prof Hartog, that mathematically its effect, if it took place at all, would be the opposite of what Weismann expected "^ Although the polar bodies were first noticed by Miiller in 1848, their importance has only been recently appreciated. Balfour^ considered their extrusion as the removal of part of the constituents of the ger- minal vesicle which are necessary for its functions as a complete and independent nucleus to make room for equivalent parts of the spermatic nucleus ; and he con- ' Darwin, Origin of Species, p. 132. 2 Prof. Hartog, Nature, vols, xliv and xlv, 1893. ^ F. M. Balfour, Comparative Embryology, vol. i. p. 63, 1880. Embryonic Germ- Cells. xxvii sidered that the function of forming polar cells had been acquired by the ovum for the express purpose of preventing parthenogenesis. Van Beneden * and Minot''' regard the polar bodies as male elements removed from a hermaphrodite cell. Butschli, Hertwig ^, and Boveri incline to regard them as abortive ova and an atavistic reminiscence of primitive parthenogenesis. Geddes and Thomson * consider their extrusion due to the tendency of every cell to divide at the limit of growth, but favour the view that the process may be an extrusion of male elements. They consider, however, that these cells have no history, though they occasionally linger on the outskirts of the ovum, are seen to divide, and be penetrated by ' misguided ' spermatozoa ^ The homologous character of oozoa and spermatozoa has been pointed out, and these so far retain the habits of their protozoan ancestors as to require conjugation: in the parthenogenetic form, the two oozoa conjugate in each oocyte, in the sexual form one oozoon and one spermatozoon unite to form the fertilized ovum or oosperm, but I believe the three oozoa which form the polar bodies, unite together or conjugate with three spermatozoa, previous to that repeated division by which those bodies are prepared to be received as the earliest embryonic germ or sperm-cells into the rudimentary germ-tracks''. ^ E. Van Beneden, ' Recherches sur la fecundation,' Arch, de Biologie, iv, 1883. ^ C. S. Minot, 'Theorie der Genoblasten,' Biol. Coitialbl. ii. p. 365. ^ O. Hertwig, Die Zelle und die Gewebe, Jena, 1892. * Geddes and Thomson, Evolution of Sex, p. 107, 1892. * Ibid. p. 105. ® H. Henking, Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zoologie. liv. 89 ; V. Graber, ' Keimstreif der Insecten,' Denkschrift d. K. K. Akad., Math.-Nat. CI, Wien, Ivii, 1890. xxviii Introduction. The division of the primitive sperm-cell into four takes place in the seminal tubes, each fourth becoming subsequently a spermatozoon ; while the corresponding division of the primitive germ-cell is that associated with the extrusion of the polar bodies. As soon as one spermatozoon enters the ovum, Fol describes the vitelline membrane as appearing to rise up, to prevent the entry of other spermatozoa into it. The polar bodies lie above this membrane, and between it and a thinner layer, so that even if this were the case, other spermatozoa are not hindered from reaching them. Spermatozoa in numbers are constantly seen entering the ovum, and especially the polar eminences. In order to trace the disposal of the germ-plasm present in the nucleus, the egg of Ascaris niegalo- cephala {hivalens) may be taken as the most thoroughly worked out. In it the primitive sperm-cell contains four chromosomes, which become doubled in the first spindle, after which the cell divides into two sperma- tocytes, each containing four chromosomes and their respective centrosomes. Each spermatocyte divides into two spermatides, and each of the four sperma- tides becomes a spermatozoon with two chromosomes. In the primitive germ-cell the four chromosomes become doubled in the first spindle, the nucleus divides into two (oocytes we may term them for convenience), one oocyte remains in the ovum with four chromo- somes, and the other oocyte with its four chromosomes becomes the first polar body, which breaks up into two oozoa with two chromosomes in each. The oocyte remaining in the nucleus, without any resting stage, undergoes a second division into two oozoa : one oozoon containing two chromosomes is extruded as the RedB Fig. I. Diagram of the formation of spermatozoa in Ascaris 7)iegalo(ephala, var. bivaletis. (Modified from O. Hertwig.) A. Primitive sperm-cells. B. Sperm-mother-cells. C. First nuclear division. D. The two daughter-cells, or spermatocytes. E. Second ' reducing ' division. F. The four grand-daughter cells, the sperm-cells, or spermatides, each becoming a spermatozoon. To/ace p. xxviii. Red.i Fig. II. Diagram of the formation of ova in Ascaris megalocephala, var. bivalens. A. The primitive germ-cell. B. Fully (leveloped germ- mother-cell, with chromosomes doubled. C. The first nuclear division. Jh One daughter-cell (oocyte) extruded as the first polar body. E. The second or reducing division ; the retained, and the extruded oocyte, dividing, and forming four grand-daughter cells (oozoa). F. The ripe egg-cell, the functional oozoon ; the oilier oozoa, 2, 3, and 4, being the polar bodies. Conjugation of Polar Bodies. xxix second polar body, and one oozoon is left containing the remaining two chromosomes. Assuming that the egg of one of the parthenogenetic species of Cynipidae had the same number of chro- mosomes as the species of Ascaris just described, four chromosomes would be extruded as the first polar body and four would remain in the nucleus. In that of a sexual species, on the contrary, six chromosomes would be found in the polar bodies and only two in the nucleus ; but when fertilization took place, two chromosomes would enter the ovum with one spermatozoon, and six chromosomes would be added to the polar bodies when three other spermatozoa united with them. Thus the polar bodies of one egg of the parthenogenetic generation would contain four chromosomes available for the supply of germ-plasm to the next generation ; while the polar bodies of a sexual egg would afford twelve chromosomes for the germ-plasm of the generation that follows. It is clear that if the polar bodies contain the germ-plasm of the next generation they must be fertilized by three spermatozoa, since in the sexual generation male and female characters are equally transmitted. If this be the case, we ought to find the eggs of the parthenogenetic generation much more numerous than those of the sexual, because the parthenogenetic germ-tracks have received the produce of twelve, while the germ-tracks of the sexual generation have only received that of four chromosomes ; and it is to be presumed that the ova produced from them would bear something like this proportion to each other, if this theory held good. What are the facts ? The summer sexual generations, whose germ-plasm has been received from the parthenogenetic polar body, produce from 200 to 400 eggs ; while the winter agamous generation, which receives its germ- XXX Introduction. plasm from the fertilized polar bodies of the sexual generation, produces from i,ooo to 1,200 eggs; or in an approximate proportion to the number of chromosomes postulated as present. The impression which long prevailed that one sperma- tozoon was equal potentially to one ovum, led observers to regard the presence of more than one spermato- zoon as an act of ' polyspermy,' as abhorrent to nature, and a cause of monstrosity \ But Kupffer, Benecke and others record the fact that spermatozoa do enter the ' peculiar protoplasmic protuberances/ many appearing to form pronuclei after gaining access to the ovum, so that in numerous species polyspermy appears to be the rule. A great deal has recently been done in working out the development of the reproductive rudiment in insects, and it seems that the cells which become the ova, and which I believe to be chiefly those primarily set aside in the polar bodies with or without corresponding spermatozoa, can be traced to the rudiment of the germ and sperm-tracks of the embryo. These germinal track- cells, formed by the first segmentation, surround the primitive germ-cells to form with them the rudimentary reproductive organs. In the germogen one germ-cell and a nutritive circle of germinal epithelium cells form a cluster, and these grow forward together, the ger- minal epithelium growing in between each batch. In the upper part of the developing egg-tube, each batch is very small, but as it advances it increases steadily in size. In the egg-tube of the Cynipidae the egg-stalk curves round the next egg, and the clubbed end of the stalk gives the appearance of a large and small eg'g alternating. In some asexual species of Hemiptera the oocyte, ^ Selenka, Y.., Befntchtung des Etes, 1871. Alternating Streams. xxxi which would become in an agamous species the first polar body, is not actually extruded but may be seen as a smaller cell lying close to the nucleus ; and in some sexual eggs, both polar bodies are similarly retained. It will be apparent how simply this view of the functions of the polar bodies in Cynipidae accords with the facts of alternating generations. The fly which emerges from the gall of SpatJicgaster baccarum in June is sexual, and lays an ^^^ which extrudes two polar bodies. The germ-plasni in these polar bodies after being united with that of three sperma- tozoa, is received by the embryo germ-tracks of this egg, and when from that egg the agamous Nciirotcrus lenticularis emerges in April, it is this germ-plasm which forms the nuclei of the ova contained in its tubes, consequently these ova can only reproduce the sexual flies of SpatJicgaster baccarum. Again, the agamous Neuroterus lenticularis lays an egg which extrudes one polar body. The germ-plasm in this polar body is received by the germ-tracks of the embryo, and, when from that egg the sexual Spathegaster baccarum fly emerges, it is this germ-plasm which forms the nuclear matter of the ova and spermatozoa contained in its tubes, and consequently these ova and spermatozoa can only reproduce the agamous fly of Neuroterus lenticularis. The two streams of germ-plasm are thus going on independently, and are each capable of acquiring and' accumulating beneficial variations, so that the general dictum of Weismann is correct : 'the basis of the alterna- tion of generations as regards the idioplasm, must, in all cases, consist of a germ-plasm composed of ids of at least two different kinds, which ultimately take over the control of the organism to which they give rise.' In xxxii Introduction. this way we have a means not only of securing variation, but of maintaining the fixity of species, which is equally important. Alternating generations disappear as we ascend higher in the animal and vegetable scale, or as life lengthens beyond the period when seasonal alternation could be of advantage; then the purpose in view seems to be the approximation and assimilation of consecutive genera- tions, and the continuous uniformity of the species. It is not quite clear how this result is attained, but the polar bodies cease to monopolize the transmission of the unalterable germ-plasm; probably another nuclear division, after fertilization and before ontogeny has begun, is added to them \ and well marked atavism is only found as a pathological occurrence when the assimilating forces fail. It is next of interest to inquire how the various structures of the gall came to be evolved. It may be taken as perfectly certain that the tree does not form them in a disinterested manner for the sake of the Cynips, Darwin says : ' If it could be proved that any part of the structure of an}' one species had been formed for the exclusive good of another species, it would annihilate my theory, for such could not have been produced through natural selection -.' So far as galls ace concerned, Darwin's theory is perfectly safe. The 'excitatory emanations,' as Professor Romanes^ aptly calls them, which lead to gall-growth, can only have arisen by gradual and increasing improvements in the initial stages of their formation, acting through natural selection, over an unlimited period of time, and through numerous consecutive species ' Weismann, Germ-plasm, p. 192. - Darwin, Origin of Species, chap. vi. ^ Romanes, Nature, vol. xli. p. 80, 1889. Classification of Galls. xxxiii Galls may be arranged in groups of gradually increasing complexity, beginning with those like Spathc- gaster baccarum, and leading up to the complicated structure of Cynips Kollari. Beyerinck's classification following that of Lacaze-Duthiers, is into five groups : — 1. Simple galls, consisting of nutritive tissue enclosed in thin-walled parench3^ma with vascular bundles : Neuroterus ostreus, Spathegastcr albipes, S. baccarum, S. Aprilinus. 2. Galls similar to these, but having the nutritive tissue first enclosed in sclerenchyma, which forms an ' inner gall ' : Neuroterus lenticularis, N. laeviusculus, N. numismatis, N . fumipennis, Aphilotrix Sieboldi, A. autumnalis, A. radicis, A. globuli, Andricus curvator, Biorhiza renum, B. aptera. 3. Galls possessing an inner gall like the last, but having it surrounded by thick-walled parenchyma : Dryophatita longiventris, D. divisa. 4. Galls with the inner gall enclosed in a spongy layer of branched parenchyma, with wide intercellular spaces, and having the surface covered with a differentiated epidermis : Unilocular. Dryophanta scutellaris. Multilocular. Teras tcrminalis. 5. Galls which have the inner gall enclosed in thick- walled parenchyma, and then in spong}' tissue ; and which have a diiTerentiated epidermis : Cynips Kollari. Besides these histological differences, the outward characters are also of varying complexity ; each infini- tesimal improvement, which has been of service as a protection against parasites, or has been successful in securing natural conditions favourable to the life and xxxiv Introduction. growth of the larva, has been preserved, and has formed the starting-point of further beneficial variations. It is always that larva which has been able to induce successful morphological abnormalities, which is re- produced to continue the race ; the unsuccessful perish. The ruling force is natural selection ; it is impossible that intelligence or memory can be of any use in guiding the Cynipidae ; no Cynips ever sees its young, and none ever pricks buds a second season, or lives to know the results that follow the act. Natural selection alone has preserved an impulse which is released by seasonally recurring feelings, sights, or smells \ and by the simultaneous ripening of the eggs within the fly. These set the whole physiological apparatus in motion, and secure the insertion of eggs at the right time, and in the right place. The number of eggs placed is instinctively proportionate to the space suitable for oviposition, to the size of the fully grown galls, and to the food sup- plies available for their nutrition. Dryophanta sciitcllaris will only place from one to six eggs on a leaf which Neuroterus lenticularis would probably prick a hundred times. The veins and petiole of the leaf carry onwards water and salts derived from the soil, and return the organic products of the leaf-cells ; and these food currents render them desirable situations for gall- growth. The under surface of the leaf is folded out- wards in the bud (vernation conduplicate), so that it is the first part reached, when buds are pricked. When expanded leaves are pricked, the spongy meso- phyll of the under surface is much more easily penetrated than the upper surface, which is covered with the cuticle of an epidermis, that rests on closely ^ Weismann, Essays on Heredity, vol. i p. 95. Evolution of Galls. xxxv packed palisade cells ; the lower surface is consequently the situation most in favour. Whatever form the gall takes, the potentialities of the tissue-growth exhibited by it, must be present at the spot pricked by the fly. It is not necessary to assume, with De Vries, that every vegetable cell contains the potentialities of every other cell in a latent condition. The conical growing point in every bud contains the germ-plasm of the next shoot, and consequently of the whole plant. The potentialities of growth being present, they are called into activity by the larva, a result advantageous to the larva and sometimes described as disinterested and self-sacrificing on the part of the plant \ We have just seen that, so far as the larva is concerned, the peculiar structures of the gall owe their origin to their success in feeding and defending it ; and so far as the plant is concerned, these structures have been evolved in consequence of their value in enabling the plant to repair injuries in general, and the injuries inflicted by larvae in particular. If John Doe raises a cane to strike Richard Roe, and Richard throws up his arms intuitively to parry the stroke, the action does not indicate a prophetic arrangement of molecules to frustrate John in particular, but an inherited action of defence. The first act of an injured plant is to * St. George Mivart, Nature, Nov. 14, i88g. ' Now surely it is too much to ask us to believe that the germ-plasm of the plant, in the first instance, before even, say, a single cynips had visited it, had in the complex collocation of its molecules, an arrangement such as would compel the plant which was to grow from it, to grow those cells and form a gall.' And in a note he adds : ' It would be very interesting to know how natural selection could have caused this plant to perform actions which, if not self-sacrificing (and there must be some expenditure of energy), are at least so disinterested.' C 2 xxxvi Introduction. throw out a blastem, and only those larvae survive to hand down their art, which emerge from an egg so cunningly placed as to excite the growth of a nu- tritive blastem. It is not always possible to keep the besiegers from using the waters of the moat, although there is no disinterested thought of the besiegers' wants when the ditches are planned. So in the war- game that goes on between insect and plant, natural selection directs the moves of both players, but there is nothing generous or altruistic on either side. The means of defence against parasites which have been evolved by galls are many of them very curious. Aphilotrix Sieboldi and some others^ secrete a sweet glutinous secretion which, like honey dew, is particu- larly attractive to ants, and leads them to act as senti- nels in guarding the galls from parasites. Occasionally ants will go so far as to cover the secreting galls over with a concrete made of sand, leaving only a tunnel by which they pass up to reach the stores of honey dew. A glutinous secretion is sometimes found on long tufts of hair growing from the gall. A defence of this kind is used by Andriciis ramuli, and forms a stockade which entangles parasites before they reach the gall. A layer of thick-walled parenchyma affords a protection to some larvae, such as Dryophanta longiventris ; in others a thick layer of spongy parenchyma, as in Teras ierminalis, serves the same purpose ; in Cynips Kollari both these layers are present ; and in addition, these and many other galls, have an inner gall of stony hardness which guards the larva like a shirt of mail. 1 Cynips glutinosa glues small insects to the gall ; and a sweet secretion is found on Cynips calycis, growing on Q. pedunculata. Giraud, Verh. z.-b. Ges. zii Wien, 1859 ; Dr. E. Rathay, Nature, vol. xlv. p. 546, 1892. Defensive Characters. xxxvii Great size, as in Aphilotrix radicis, occasionally puts the larva beyond the reach of the parasite, while the very opposite condition protects by insignificance. Another effective protection is found in Andricits ciir- vator, where the inner gall lies in a large hollow chamber, an arrangement which makes the work of the parasite difficult and uncertain. Outside enemies such as tits, pheasants, and squirrels are as much to be feared as parasites. The larvae are defended from these, sometimes by the nature of the outer gall, which in Aphilatrix fecundatrix consists of closely imbricated scales resembling a hop strobile. In A. Sieboldi the outer gall is hard and stony ; in Cynips Kollari and Trigonaspis crustalis, the tannin which is contained in the tissues renders them dis- tasteful. As the galls mature the percentage of tannin becomes less, but the hardening of the epidermic layers which then takes place affords a new line of defence. After the gall has fallen another set of influ- ences secure its safety by the changes they produce in its surface-colouring. The galls of Andricus ostreus, Biorhtza renuni, and many others, are supplied, as Beyerinck has pointed out, with certain hydrocarbon compounds, which absorb moisture and undergo mole- cular changes after they reach the ground ; with these chemical changes the growth of the larva and the devel- opment of protective coloration in the gall take place. Cymps Kollari, Dryopliania scutellaris, and a few other gall-larvae and gall-flies, have the power of emitting a disagreeable bug-like odour, which is not sexual, since agamous species possess it, but probably protects the flies to some extent from birds. Certain galls have a fruity and aromatic smell ', the use of which does not ' Paszlavszky, IVicn. Ent. Zcit., 1883. p. 130. C3 xxxviii Introduction. seem quite clear, unless they can be swallowed and voided undigested by a temporary host. It is remarkable that characters, closely resembling those acquired by fruits, should have been evolved from a totally different cause. In the case of fruits these characters have been of service in securing the dis- tribution of the seeds ; in the case of galls, in securing the safety of the larvae ; but in both cases it has been their fitness that has brought them into existence. Darwin and all writers before him held that the force calling out gall formation was due to a chemical secretion injected by the gall-mother. Malpighi con- sidered that it acted as a ferment on juices existing in the plant ; and this was the view of Reaumur, but he added to it the thermal effect of the egg, and the nature and character of the wound, which varies according to the shape of the ovipositor of each species. Dr. Derham thought the formation was * partly due to the act of the plant, and partly to some virulency in the juice or egg, or both, reposited on the vegetable by the parent animal; and just as this virulency is various according to the dif- ference of its animal, so is the form and texture of the gall excited thereby.' Darwin speaks of galls as produced ' by a minute atom of the poison of a gall-insect/ and com- pares them to the specific local processes of zymotic diseases. Sir James Paget, writing in 1880, said that 'the most reasonable, if not the only reasonable theory, is that each insect infects or inoculates the leaf or other structure of the chosen plant with a poison peculiar to itself.' This may be taken as the view accepted by scientists^ until in the following pages Dr. Adler showed conclusively that there was no foundation for supposing ' See ' Galls,' Encyclop. Briiann. ed. 9, where the same view is expressed. Excitatory Emanations. xxxix that the gall-mother injected any irritating secretion whatever, and Beyerinck ' proved that the fluid ejected by the gall-fly is without taste or smell, and absolutely unirritating if injected under the skin. It is probably nothing more than a very mild antiseptic dressing applied to the wound made in the plant. Both these authors show plainly that it is not in the gall-mother, but in the larva, that we must seek for the cause of gall-growth; and that it is the nature of the salivary secretion, and the manner of feeding of the larva, peculiarities inherited by each species, which give the characteristic growth to the gall. The fact that some- times a blastem has actually begun to form before the egg-shell has ruptured, proves that one of the exciting causes must be a chemical fluid, secreted by the salivary glands, and possessing amylolytic and proteolytic ferments. This fluid is capable of passing through the cell-walls and producing effects at a distance of several mm. beyond actual contact with the larva \ The necessity for the continuance of the excitation during the whole period of gall-growth is shown by its cessation when the larva has perished by parasites. In some galls, however, the parasites are evolving the power of prolonging gall-growth beyond the death of the gall-maker, although they have not yet actually acquired the art of initiating it. The duration of gall-vitality is shortest in succulent galls, such as Spathegaster baccarum, S. albtpes, S. tricolor, and 5". verrucosus, growing from leaves ; or such as S. Taschenbergi, S. similis, and Trigonaspis crustalis, growing from dormant buds. Galls which grow within the leaf substance, like Spathegaster vesicatrix and ' Beyerinck, Uber die ersten Entwickl. einiger Cynipidengallen, p. 179. " Hoffmeister. xl Introduction. Andricus curvator, live as long as those leaves of which they form part. Aphilotrix fecundatrix and Cynips Kollari die at the end of the first summer ; Dryophanta longiventris, Aphilotrix coUaris, A.globuli, A. autumnalis, and Ncuroterus ostreus, perish during the first winter ; the spangle-galls and Biorhiza renum live till spring ; Aphilotrix radicis, A. Sicboldi, and Biorhiza aptera do not die till the second winter ; while Andricus inflator may almost be termed perennial, since new oak-buds are developed upon it in the following year. DESCRIPTION OF PLATES^ PLATE I. Fig. I. Galls of Neuroterus lenticularis. Fig. i". Galls of Spathegaster baccarum, on the leaf and flowering catkin. Fig. 2. Galls of Neuroterus laeviusculus. Fig. 2*. Galls of Spathegaster albipes ( x 2). Fig. 3. Galls of Neuroterus numismatis, one gall enlarged. Fig. 3". Galls of Spathegaster vesicatrix, one gall enlarged. Fig. 4. Galls of Neuroterus fumipennis. Fig. 4"^. Galls of Spathegaster tricolor. Fig. 5. Galls of Aphilotrix radicis. One in the fresh state, the other in section, after maturity. Fig. 5". Galls of Andricus noduli. One shoot bears the fresh galls, the other the galls of the previous year. Fig. 6. Galls of Aphilotrix Sieboldi. On one stem the galls are fresh, on the other mature and woody. Fig. 6". Galls of Andricus testaceipes. Fig. 7. Galls of Aphilotrix corticis. One portion of the bark exhibits the fresh, the other the mature galls. Fig. 7*. Galls of Andricus gemmatus, showing the holes through which the flies have emerged. Fig. 8. Galls of Aphilotrix globuli. The woody inner gall shown at maturity. * The galls were drawn from fresh specimens by Herr O. Peters, Gottingen. xlii Description of Plates. Fig. 8". Galls of Andricus inflator. Section showing the inner gall chamber. Fig. 9. Galls of Aphilotrix collaris. Fresh galls shown in the bud and detached. Mature adherent galls are also shown. Fig. 9". Galls of Andricus curvator on the leaf and twig. Section showing the inner gall. Fig. 10. Galls of Aphilotrix fecundatrix, showing the inner gall detached. Fig. 10". Galls of Andricus pilosus ( X3). PLATE II. Fig. II. Galls of Aphilotrix callidoma. Fig. ii''. Galls of Andricus cirratus (natural size and x 3). Fig. 12. Galls of Aphilotrix Malpighi. Fig. 12". Galls of Andricus nudus ( X2). Fig. 13. Galls of Aphilotrix autumnalis, showing the mature gall detached. Fig. 13". Galls of Andricus ramuli. Fig. 14. Galls of Dryophanta scutellaris. Fig. 14*. Galls of Spathegaster Taschenbergi, at maturity after the escape of the flies. One fresh gall enlarged. Fig. 15. Galls of Dryophanta longiventris. Fig. 15*. Galls of Spathegaster similis. One on the twig, one showing through the bud, and one enlarged. Fig. 16. Galls of Dryophanta divisa. Fig. 16". Galls of Spathegaster verrucosus. One on the leaf and one on the petiole. One on a leaf, and one escaping from a bud, enlarged ( X2). Fig. 17. Galls of Biorhiza aptera. Fresh galls of the first year (experimentally grown) ; beneath, a mature woody gall. Fig. i7\ Galls of Teras terminalis ; the lower is a mature gall in section. Fig. 18. Galls of Biorhiza renum, with the fly magnified. Fig. 18*. Galls of Trigonaspis crustalis. Flies, male and female, magnified. Fig. 19. Galls of Neuroterus ostreus. Fig. I9'\ Galls of Spathegaster aprilinus. Fig. 20. Galls of Aphilotrix seminationis on the leaf and flowering catkin. Fig. 21. Galls of Aphilotrix marginalis. Fig. 22. Galls of Aphilotrix quadrilineatus. Fig. 23. Galls of Aphilotrix albopunctata. Description of Plates. xliii PLATE III. All the figures in this plate are drawn from photographs. The egg when accompanying the ovipositor is drawn to the same scale. Ovipositors belonging to alternating generations bear the same numbers. Fig. 1. Ovipositor of Andricus cirratus, X55. The terebra is with- drawn, that the two plates, the muscles, and the seta, may be more clearly displayed. 1-5. The five muscles described in the text as moving the terebra. h. The posterior plate, v. The anterior plate, b. The arch. c. The horn. s. The seta. p. The anal papilla, st. The sheath of the terebra. Fig. 2. Ovipositor of Neuroterus laeviusculus, with egg ( x 30). Fig. 2". Ovipositor of Spathegaster albipes, with egg ( X36). Fig. 3. Ovipositor of Neuroterus fumipennis (X36). Fig. 4. Ovipositor of Aphilotrix radicis, with egg (X25). Fig. 4". Ovipositor of Andricus noduH, with egg (X36). The serrated spiculae are withdrawn. Fig. 5. Ovipositor of Dryophanta scutellaris, with egg ( X30). Fig. 5". Ovipositor of Spathegaster Taschenbergi, with egg ( X36\ Fig. 6. Ovipositor of Biorhiza renum (X36). Fig. 6». Ovipositor of Trigonaspis crustalis ( X30). Fig. 7. Ovipositor of Teras terminalls ( x3o\ Fig. 8. Egg of Biorhiza aptera taken from the ovary direct ; the adjoining figure exhibits one with the embryo ( x 200). The egg- stalk is cut short. Fig. 9. Egg-tube from the ovary of Neuroterus fumipennis. Three eggs are seen in the course of formation ( x 100). In the last, which is the most developed, the formation of the egg-stalk is distinctly seen. Fig. ID. Egg of Aphilotrix autumnalis, taken from a bud ten hours after oviposition ( x 200"). The egg-stalk is shut oif from the egg-cavity. Its whole length is not shown. ALTERNATING GENERATIONS IN OAK GALL-FLIES CHAPTER I. Introduction. — Earlier Views. — First Observations on Alter- nation OF Generations. — Methods of Investigation. The curious fact that in many species of oak gall-flies female specimens alone were found, long attracted entomologists to a closer study of this interesting family. But T. von Hartig ^ was the first to demonstrate by experimental breeding, after having reared many thousands of flies, that there are numerous species in which none but females exist; and that these when they emerge from the gall have their ovaries filled with perfectly developed eggs, which they at once proceed to deposit. Although the occurrence of partheno- genesis in these species had been placed beyond doubt by these experiments, there was much in the life * L/bey die Famtlien d. Gallwespen. German's Zeitschr. f. d. Entomol. 1840-43, vol. ii. pp. 176-209; vol. iii. pp. 322-358; vol. iv. pp. 395-422. B Q, Earlier Views. history both of the agamous and of the sexual forms still left to be elucidated. There was no means by which this could be done satisfactorily except by direct experimental breeding. In carrying this out, however, many, practical difficulties occurred, as constantly happens in experiments of this nature, and these served for a long time to delay the solution of the problem ; so for a season at least it was necessary to rest satisfied with a provisional explanation which was in reality little better than a simple hypothesis. In the year 1861 an entirely new theory was propounded by Osten-Sacken \ whose investigations into the history of the numerous species of North American oak gall-flies are well known to the scientific world. He believed he had discovered that those species which had hitherto been considered agamous were in reality sexual, but that the males were developed from differently formed galls. If this theory were correct all that remained to be done was to discover which were the associated gall-forms. But further observation did not confirm this view, and Osten-Sacken had to abandon it. Some time afterwards, in 1864, Walsh ^, an American entomologist, advanced a totally different opinion. Walsh had obtained out of apparently exactly similar galls, on one occasion individuals of Cynips spongifica of both sexes, and on another occasion females only, but of Cynips aciculata which are quite different in form. Had this observation been correct, and had it been * Stettiner Entomolog. Zeit. 1861, vol. xxii. pp. 405-423. * Proceedings of the Entomological Society, Philadelphia, vol. i. Earlier Views. 3 true that from the same gall there had emerged not only one male but also two different female forms, it would have been fatal to the theory of partheno- genesis in the agamous Cynipidae. All the agamous species would come at once to be regarded as dimorphous female forms, and it would only be necessary to ascertain which were the allied female forms. It looked as if we had here among the gall- flies a phenomenon analogous to that which Wallace had discovered among the Malay Papilionidae, where females of the sam^e species are found of two or even three entirely different forms. Walsh's theory, how- ever, received but little countenance, and in Germany it was refuted by Reinhard ^ who succeeded in estab- lishing in the most satisfactory manner that partheno- genesis undoubtedly did exist among many species of Cynipidae. After this the subject seems to have dropped, and I am not aware of any researches, either in favour of or against the views of Walsh, having been made for a considerable time. Indeed it was not until 1873, after Walsh's death, that his fellow-country- man Bassett ^ published some fresh observations on the propagation of Cynipidae, of which the most interesting is the following : — Bassett had repeatedly found enormous numbers of a gall belonging to a species of Cynips, on a small oak {Quercus bicolor). These galls appeared with the leaves, causing shapeless swellings of the petiole and midrib ; they contained ' Reinhard, ' Die Hypothesen iiber die Fortpflanzungsweise der eingeschlechtigen Gallwespen,' Berl. Entom. Zeitschr. 1865, \'0l. ix, ^ Canadian Entomol. (May, 1873, vol. v. pp. 91-94). B 2 4 Earlier Views. a large number of larvae, and in June there emerged flies of each sex in nearly equal proportion. Late in the summer there was formed on the points of the young shoots of the same oak tree, a differently shaped gall in which the flies passed the winter. This latter species occurred in the female sex only. It closely resembled the former species, but was somewhat larger. From this observation Bassett arrived at the conclusion that each species of Cynips which is found occurring exclusively in the female sex is succeeded by another generation which is bisexual : and this he contended was entirely opposed to Walsh's hypothesis. Bassett concluded by saying that it would not surprise him if it were proved that every species of the genus Cynips had each year two generations differing in the manner indicated by him. Had I been acquainted with Bassett's work in the year 1875, when I began to investigate the Cynipidae more carefully, I should probably more easily have found the key to the mysterious problem of their propagation. A lucky chance led me to select the species of Neuroterus for my first experiments : these galls are easily collected in large numbers, and there is little difficulty in rearing the flies. In every case I made a point of breeding the flies from the galls, so that I might be absolutely certain of the species. The flies emerge in March and April from Nciirotcriis galls which had matured in autumn, and they proceed at once to lay their eggs in the buds of the oak. It struck me as remarkable that although the ^^% was laid so early, the gall did not develop until July : and it was the strangeness of this First Experiments. 5 circumstance, added to a desire to investigate the method of gall formation, that led me to undertake my first direct experiments in breeding. These afforded me the surprising result that from the eggs laid by Neuroterus there appeared a totally different generation, one so wholly tinlike its parent that it had been described hitherto as of another genus (Spafliegaster). This fact was published by me in 1877 \ and what Bassett had only thrown out as a conjecture in 1873 was now proved and demonstrated in one species at least. It is not then correct to affirm that Walsh had previously discovered this alternation of generations. Walsh had only broached the theory that to one male form might belong two entirely different female forms which had until then been described as distinct species : but it is clear that the alternation of generations in the Cynipidae, as discovered by me, had nothing whatever in common vv'ith Walsh's supposed dimorphism. After I had once discovered this remarkable alternation of generations in Neuroterus it was interesting to investigate the propaga- tion of the remaining genera and species. The fauna of this locality (Schleswig) includes about forty species, and this fairly represents the oak gall-flies of North Germany ; to these therefore I steadily extended my observations. But before I go into any account of these species in detail, it may be well first to describe shortly the method which I adopted in carrying out my experiments. In order that the results which I obtained might be unquestionable it was necessary to select a method ^ Deutsche Entomolog. Zeitschr. i8t], Heft I. 6 First Experiments. which provided against every possible source of error. This could only be satisfactorily accomplished by watching the development of the gall of each species, from the time when the egg was laid until the gall reached maturity. Unfortunately, however, this peculiar difficulty exists, that the most important phase of de- velopment, viz. that during which the eggs of the fly are buried in the bud or tissues of the oak, must unavoid- ably be hidden from direct observation. Indirect observation alone is available, for any actual examina- tion of the eggs when laid must necessarily end in their destruction. Thus if a gallfly lays its egg in a bud, one can predict with certainty what gall will be produced, so long as care is taken that the same bud is not pricked either before or afterwards by another fly. Breeding experiments must therefore be so arranged as to enable each species to be isolated and watched while actually depositing the egg,. For this purpose I had a quantity of little oak trees planted in numbered pots, each pot serving for experi- ments with flies of the same species. The experiments were made in a room, and the flies were carefully watched from the time they were placed upon the tree until they began to prick the buds : those buds which had been undoubtedly pricked were then marked by means of a thread tied around them. It was naturally impossible to go on watching the flies for many hours together, and I adopted the plan of covering the trees over : in this way flies placed on the trees were pre- vented from escaping, and at the same time those of other species were kept away. At first I used glass Methods of Investigation, 7 protectors, but afterwards I found covers made of gauze and provided with a glass top were more suitable : they can easily be made of any size, are convenient for observation, and allow of free ventilation ; besides under them a tree can be watched for days together, whereas a bell-glass protector soon becomes dimmed with moisture and requires frequent cleaning. The oak saplings I have sometimes grown and some- times obtained from nurserymen. The four to six year old saplings are to my mind the most convenient size, and a large choice of them makes experimental breeding much more easy. I employed almost entirely Quercus sessiliflora. It is essential that a sapling about to be used in an experiment should have its buds well developed, as these are always preferred by the flies. There is a difficulty in rearing species which only prick flower-buds, since young saplings which do not produce flowering catkins are useless for the purpose. The only way to rear those species is to make the experiments on full-grown trees in the open air, taking every means to guard against possible error \ On the other hand it is very easy to make experiments on saplings with species which prick the leaves or bark. Such briefly was the plan adopted by me in investigating the development of the species which I am about to describe. As it is very difficult, and in some cases almost impossible, to distinguish the flies of nearly related species from each other, any illustrations of the insects [^ Dr. Beyerinck used for this purpose cubes of wire covered with muslin and tied round the branch.] 8 Methods of Investigation. themselves would be practically useless. But all the species can be distinguished without difficulty by means of their galls, and these have been drawn as faithfully as possible from fresh typical examples. The galls of associated generations have been marked in the plates by the same number, the generation occurring only in the female sex being marked thus, ' i,' and that in which both sexes occur thus, * i^ '. For greater convenience of reference, I have arranged the species in the following groups : — I. Neuroterus. II, Aphilotrix. III. Dryophanta. IV, BlORHIZA, CHAPTER II. Description of the Species of Cynipidae observed, with a view TO determining their Alternation of Generations. I. Neuroterus Group ^ 1. Neuroterus lenticularis. 01." Gall. The gall appears on the under surface of the oak leaf, and occurs frequently in large numbers, forty to fifty on one leaf. It is circular, 4-6 mm. in diameter; the under surface which is in contact with the leaf is smooth and flattened, and of a whitish colour; the upper surface has a slightly conical prominence in the centre, and is of a pale yellow or reddish colour with brown stellar hairs. The galls appear in July, mature in September, and fall to the ground at the end of September or beginning of October. (Fig. i.) Rearing the Fly. The mature galls are collected at the time when they begin to detach themselves from the leaves. The larva, which may be seen lying in a small cavity in the centre of the gall, is still very minute and requires a certain degree of moisture for its further development. The galls should therefore be [1 Neuroterus, Hartig; Spathegaster, Hartig ; Anicristus, Foerster; Manderstjernia, Radoszkowsky. ^ Cynips lenticularis, Olivier ; Neuroterus Malpighii, Hartig, Tasch., Thorns.] lo Observations on Cynipidae. laid on damp sand, but the airiest possible situation must be chosen, to avoid mildew. If the galls are kept in a room, the larvae develop much more quickly than they do in the open air, in consequence of the higher temperature, and in the course of about four weeks they are fully grown. Then if the galls are prevented from shrivelling, by keeping them on damp sand or over water, the first flies may be obtained in about four weeks more. In this way I have hatched flies in November and December, but it was soon apparent that these premature specimens were little fitted for experimental breeding. They were much weaker and more puny than those developed under natural con- ditions, and it is consequently preferable to leave the galls to pass the winter in the open air. This may very simply be done in the following way. Half fill a flower-pot with earth or sand, spread the galls upon this, and cover them over with a layer of moss. Then for greater protection tie a piece of gauze firmly over and plunge the pot up to its rim in the ground. This method of wintering is to be recommended for all galls, as they are thus placed under natural conditions, and it is certain that the development of the flies is left to follow its normal course. In this experiment the flies emerged mostly in April, but a few not until May. For this variation in the time of their appearance I believe that temperature is alone responsible. Fly. Size 2-5-3 mm. Colour black ; thorax dull, rough and finely punctate; abdomen shining; almost round when looked at from the side, somewhat com- pressed. Legs lighter ; of a brownish red colour, Neuroterus lenticular is. ii except the coxae and the base of the femora which are brown. The antennae are fifteen jointed, the first two joints being yellowish. Experimental breeding. My earliest attempts at breeding on a large scale were made in 1875 with Neuroterus lenticularis. These experiments are easy enough with this species if only a sufficient number of flies are available. As soon as they leave the gall they begin to deposit their eggs in the oak buds. It had hitherto been taken for granted that this species produced a gall resembling that from which it emerged ; many points nevertheless remained obscure and puzzling. It had been long known for example that the gall of Neuroterus lenticularis did not appear until July, but as the eggs were deposited by the flies in April, three months must have passed away before any trace of gall formation had become visible. It was assumed therefore that the embryonic development of the larva demanded this lengthened period ; and this was quite possible, since other species seemed to require an incubation of even longer duration. For example Andricus curvator emerges in June and lives for two or three weeks during which it lays its eggs, but the galls do not appear until early in the following year. This could only be explained by supposing that the egg remained dormant during the winter, and did not develop until next spring, as is known to be the case with the eggs of many butter- flies. The three months' egg-rest of Neuroterus lenticu- laris therefore was not unprecedented. More conclusive evidence in support of this supposition was wanting ; but even if it were correct it failed to explain another 12 Observations on Cynipiaae. phenomenon. We sometimes find on a single oak leaf from loo to 150 Neurotcrus galls, therefore there must have been the enormous number of 100 to 150 eggs laid in a single bud ; and these eggs must have been accurately deposited on the rudimentary leaf while it was yet folded in the bud. This was a supposition that seemed very improbable. My breeding experiments soon threw a flood of light on these apparently mysterious phenomena. In the year 1875, as soon as a sufficient number of flies had emerged from the galls, I began in March to place them on the oak saplings and watched to see them prick the buds, I was soon able to satisfy myself as to how a fly proceeds when it deposits its eggs. It first examines the buds carefully with its antennae until it finds one that suits it, when it takes up a different position. It advances towards the apex of the bud and pushes its ovipositor down under one of the bud-scales. After several attempts the ovipositor is forced in and glides down under the bud scales to the base of the bud- axis which it penetrates from without inwards. This can only be accomplished by imparting to the ovipositor a direction at an obtuse or right angle to the course it followed when entering. The natural curvature of the ovipositor here stands the fly in good stead, but it requires a vast expenditure of time and strength before it can penetrate the heart of the bud. In order to investigate satisfactorily the various steps constituting the act of ovipositing, it is a good plan to fix the fly in the very act by dipping it into chloroform or ether. During my experiments in 1875 one oak sapling had Neuroterus lenticularis. 13 thirty-four buds pricked between March 28 and April 6. Of these buds only nineteen developed, and as they unfolded and their leaves became visible I examined their surfaces with the greatest care for any sign of the eggs which had been deposited in the bud. I was at first unsuccessful, but after a long search I discovered at last five of the young shoots exhibiting traces of gall formation on their leaves. They were small round excrescences, rich in sap, which grew tolerably quickly, and were soon recognizable as the galls oi Spathegastcr baccarum. Thus in spite of taking every precaution to ensure that the buds were pricked by Neuroterus lenticularis, a perfectly different gall had been formed from the one out of which this Neuroterus had emerged. I did not rest satisfied with this one attempt, but continued for many years to make experiments with this and many other species of Neuroterus. It is remarkable in experimental breeding how small is the number of galls that actually develop compared with that of the eggs deposited in the buds. Many of the buds themselves come to nothing, but even in those which grow there are a great number in which the galls do not form. For example in 1877 I made an experi- ment in which the results were particularly unfavourable. An oak was pricked abundantly by Neuroterus lenticu- laris, and yet only a single Spathegaster baccarum gall was formed. In such experiments it very probably happens that the conditions of life natural to the flies have not been successfully reproduced, and consequently many of the eggs laid fail to develop. I have, however, 14 Obseruaiions on Cynipidae, observed the same thing happen wheh oaks growing in the open air have been pricked, and I am therefore compelled to attribute to meteorological conditions a most important influence over the development of the egg. The appearance of the flies almost always takes place about the same time, and embryonic development begins immediately after the eggs are laid. Absolute rest in the evolution of the egg never occurs, for even if the temperature should be very low the formation of the blastoderm begins at once. Naturally this proceeds more slowly in a cold than in a warm season. I have satisfied myself by various experiments that when pricked buds are kept in a warm room the several stages of embryonic development run their course much more quickly than they do in buds kept in the open air. In any case the embryo reaches its full development in a few weeks. It may happen, however, that at the particular time when this takes place vegeta- tion may be backward, and the circulation of the sap may not yet have begun in the tree, nevertheless the time when the development of the embryo is completed is just the time when gall formation should make a beginning. As long as the embryonic envelopes remain intact gall formation does not begin, but it starts the moment the larva frees itself from the egg coverings. Around the larva cell proliferation now commences and this corresponds to the first beginning of gall formation. But the production of this cell proliferation is con- ditional, and depends on the state of vegetable growth ; the sap, the pabulum of which the cells are formed, must be in circulation. When cold weather retards Spathegaster baccarum. 15 vegetation so that the bud gets little or no nutritive material, gall formation cannot begin and the larva perishes. Accordingly we find in a cold and late Spring the galls of those flies which prick buds early are very sparingly found. It happened, for example, that the Spring of 1877 '^^^^'^ cold and very late, and the early galls were unusually scarce. This interfered with experimental breeding and made my investigations exceptionally difficult. If in every case where a bud had been pricked by a gall-fly, a gall could be unfailingly collected, then it would be easy to prove the succession of the several generations ; unfortunately, however, many of these experiments fail. In order if possible to guard against this, I had the oaks which had been pricked brought into a warmer room, so as to force them to shoot ; but even then I was scarcely more successful. In some species cer- tainly the development of the galls was hastened, but in others on the contrary the results were negative only. [The Common Spangle is found on Quercus pedunculata, Q. sessili- Jlora, and Q. pnbescens. Inquiline. Synergtts Tscheki in April. Parasites. Eurytoma sigitaia, Torymus auraius, T. hiberna»s, T. sodalis, Syntomaspis fasfitosus, S. candata, Pleurotropis rosarttm, in May. Pteromalns dissecfus, P. tibialis, Decatovna bigntiata, Peso- ntachus gallarum, Pleurotropis sosarmus, Entedon flavoniaculaia, and Megasiigmus dorsalis.'] P. Spathegaster baccarum \ L. Gall. Spherical, 3-5 mm. in diameter ; of a greenish colour, often studded with small red spots ; of soft, [' Cytiips quercus- baccarum, Lin. ; Spathegaster interrupter, Hartig ; Neuroterus lentiatlaris, sexual form, Cameron ; Neuroterus baccarum, Mayr.] i6 Observations on Cynipidae. sappy consistence ; the gall grows through the leaf, its larger segment projecting from the lower surface of the leaf. This gall not only occurs on the leaves but is found also on the peduncles of the male catkin, and is then smaller and of a pale reddish colour. (Fig. i^) Ply. Size, 3-5 mm. ; of a black colour ; thorax dull, slightly rough ; legs and coxae yellow, as also the basal segments of the antennae. Abdomen distinctly pedun- culate. The male has fifteen, the female fourteen joints to the antennae. The wings are long, broader towards the tip, and longer than the body. Rearing the Ply. The fly emerges from th? begin- ning to the middle of June. Owing to the sappy nature of the galls it is not wise to collect them too long before the flight time of the fly, otherwise it is difficult to prevent the galls from shrivelling and drying. In order to hatch the flies satisfactorily it is absolutely essential to keep the galls fresh : it is scarcely possible to do this for longer than eight days in closed tin or glass vessels. Since these flies occur in both sexes it is necessary to see that they copulate before ovipositing. I have been in the habit of spreading the galls out on damp sand as I collected them, and placing over them a gauze covering. The males are usually the first to appear, and as soon as the females emerge fecundation takes place, but generally too rapidly for this to be actually observed. To demonstrate that it has occurred it is necessary to prepare the rcceptaciila semtnts of some of the females for microscopical examination. If these are found filled with spermatozoa it may be taken as Spathegaster baccarnm. 17 probable that most of the females of the brood have been fertilized, and breeding experiments may be proceeded with. The female flies are then placed on oak saplings, care being taken that the leaves are tender and in actual growth, as it is only in that condition that they can be pricked. Unless leaves in this state can be provided, no results need be expected. I made my first observations on ovipositing in Spathe- gaster baccarum in the open air. In the year 1875, from June 18 to 21, I watched many of the females creeping about on the tender oak leaves and pricking them on the under surface. Having marked the pricked leaves by tying a thread around the leaf-stalk, I waited for the development of the galls. In about three weeks the beginning of gall formation was observable, and the galls could soon be recognized as those of Neuroterus lenticularis. In June, 1876, I placed flies, reared by myself, on an oak sapling and repeated this same experiment under more exact control. Two leaves were pricked, and at the end of twenty days I recognized the first beginning of gall formation, and the galls again proved to be those of Neuroterus lenticularis. Now the mystery was completely solved, and I had discovered what became of the eggs laid in the buds by Neuroterus lenticularis, and why the galls appearing in July are found in such numbers on a single leaf. [The currant gall is found in May on Qttcrctis pednncidata, Q. sessiltflora, and Q. pubescens. Inquilines. Synergus albipes in May and June. S. facialis and S. radiatus in June. 5. apicalis, S. ntficomis, S. thaumacera. C 1 8 Observations on Cynipidae. Parasites. Toryums abdoniinalis, T. incertus, T. regius, and T. auratus in May and June. Ewytoma rosae and Pteromalns imniacu- latus in July. Tetrastichus atrocaeruleus, Eupelmus annulatus, and according to Barrett the Tortrix, Zeiraphera coutmtmaiia.'] 2. Neuroterus laeviusculus. Schenck \ Gall. Cup-shaped, the edges thinned and incurved ; in the centre there is a small but distinct boss sur- rounded by a circle of brownish hairs ; diameter 2-3 mm. The form of the gall is often irregular, the rim bent ; colour pale or reddish. The gall appears in July and matures in September. (Fig. 2 ^.) Rearing the Fly. When the mature gall falls from the leaf, its under surface will be found to be distinctly swollen. In order to observe the development of the flies indoors the galls must be kept on damp sand. Their progress may be forced, and in a room they will emerge in November, but in the natural course they do not appear until March of the following year. The earliest date on which I have found them in the open air was March 9. Ply. Size, 2-4 mm. ; black ; thorax smooth and shining; abdomen much compressed, elongate; legs distinctly paler, white or yellowish, coxae and base of femora dark. Experimental breeding. I have made experiments in breeding with Neuroterus laeviusculus in the same [1 Neiiroferus pezizaeformis, Schtdl.] ^ This gall is frequently confused with that of Neuroterus fitmu pennis. I myself made this mistake, and in my earlier publications these two names must therefore be transposed, but the facts remain unaffected. Spathegaster albipes. 19 way as with the former species, and have frequently succeeded in getting the flies to prick the small oaks. The first accurate experiments were made in March, 1875. Between March 14 and 26, thirty-six buds in all were pricked by a large number of flies. On the unfolding leaves there appeared in May the gall of a totally different fly, Spathegaster albipes. From the strict control exercised there could be no doubt that these galls proceeded from Neuroterus laeviusculus. From my first experiment I obtained thirty-six galls, but from others made in 1877 I only got two galls. As a rule experiments made with these flies are pretty certain to succeed. [The smooth spangle gall is found on Q. pedunculaia. Inquiline. Synergus Tscheki in April. Parasites. Torynttis sodalis in March and April. T. hibernans. The spangle galls live about nine months.] 2^. Spathegaster albipes. Schenck\ Gall. Size, 1-2 mm. in length; oval with a short apical point, of a greenish yellow colour, smooth or thinly set with solitary hairs. The galls are sessile on the leaves, which they deform more or less, causing indentations or sinuosities and often stunting them in their growth. This is due to the mode of origin of the gall which is formed on the rudimentary leaf while yet in the bud. The area occupied by the gall in the bud is of course small, but the effect upon the leaf when it expands is much more marked. (Fig. 2^.) Fly. Size, 1-2 mm. long ; black ; thorax smooth \} Neuroterus laeviusculus, sexual form, Cameron. Neuroterus albipes Mayr.] C 2 30 Observations on Cyniptdae. and shining; abdomen distinctly pedunculate. Legs pale, only the coxae and bases of the femora dark. The flies emerge at the end of May or beginning of June. Experimental breeding. I observed these flies for the first time on June 3, 1875, while they were busy in the open air pricking the under sides of the tender oak leaves. They are very delicate little flies, and can only be kept alive for a few days, but it is not difficult to observe them ovipositing if they are provided with very tender leaves. They are first seen to move about actively and examine the under surface of the leaves carefully with their antennae. They then direct the point of the abdomen perpendicularly to the surface of the leaf, the terebra is pushed into it, and an ^^^ glides down into the channel thus pierced. This fly can deposit a large number of eggs in the leaf in a short space of time. The first traces of gall formation are found at the end of three weeks as little hairy spots which soon develop into the galls oi Neurotcrus lacvius- culus. Of these there may be as many as 200 on a single leaf. [Schenck's gall is found in May on Quercus sessiliflora and Q. pedun- culata, Inquiline. Synergus apicalis.'\ 3. Neuroterus numismatis \ 01. Gall. Very pretty circular galls, like buttons covered with brown silk, with a shallow depression in the middle. Diameter, 2 mm. They mature in the autumn with the preceding {Neuroterus) gall. (Fig. 3.) \} Cynips numismatis, Oliv. Neuroterus Reaumuri, Hartig.] Spathegaster vesicatrix. 21 The flies are reared in exactly the same way as Neuroterus lenticular is. Fly. 2-5 mm. in length ; black ; thorax dull, finely punctate ; scutellum somewhat closely haired. The colouring of the legs variable, yellowish brown, bases of the femora mostly dark. Abdomen, looked at from the side, almost round ; basal joints of the antennae dark, which is the only character by which this fly is distinguished from Neuroterus lenticularis. Experimental breeding. Experiments, in the manner described above, were also made with this fly, the first being in March, 1875. From this first attempt, in which thirty-two buds were pricked, I obtained in all five galls which were formed under the leaf surface and proved to be those of Spathegaster vesicatrix. In 1876, I repeated the experiment with the same result. Later also an English entomologist Fletcher ^ obtained from similar experiments the same species oi Spathegaster. [The silk button spangle galls appear in July on Quercus sessiliflora, Q. pedtinculata, and Q. pubescens. Inquiline. Syttergns Tscheki, March to June. Parasites. Torynms ntutabilis, June — August, T. inconstans, T. fusckrux, T. geranii in July. Platymesopus tibialis in June. Eurytoma curta,E. aethiops. Pieromalitsdomesticus in ]uly. Eupelmtts urozonus. Pleurotropus sosamtus.'] 3**. Spathegaster vesicatrix. Schltdl.^ Gall, These galls are inconspicuous and are em- bedded in the substance of the leaf, which they resemble. They project only slightly above the level of the surface. ^ J. E. Fletcher, Entont. Month. Mag., vol. xiv. p. 265 (May, 1878). \^ Ncuroto-us fiumismatis, sexual form, Cameron, Neuroterus vesicatrix, Mayr.] 22 Observatmis on Cynipidae. Each bears in its centre a little conical projection from which ra3's run out to the margin of the gall. (Fig. 3".) The flies emerge in June, and are very easily reared if the galls are collected shortly before they mature. Fly. Size, 2 mm. ; black ; thorax shining ; legs yellowish, coxae and bases of femora dark. Male and female similar. Experimental breeding. As it is very difficult to collect the flies of this species in large quantity, I have only once been able to make an experiment in breeding, and that was in the open air. On June 20, 1875, I observed several females creeping about on the under surface of the oak leaves and laying their eggs. I marked eight leaves which had been pricked, by tying threads upon them. After three or four weeks small round galls appeared which proved to be those of Neuroterus nimiismatis. [The blister-gall occurs in May on Qnercus sessiUJlora and Q. pedun- culata. A different but similar gall appears on Q. pitbescens and Q. cerris. Inquiline. S'p.l oi Synergits. Parasites. Sp. ? of Torymus. This gall continues to live after its gall-maker has emerged.] 4. Neuroterus fumipennis. Htg.^ Gall. Generally circular, with the edges often in- curved and emarginate. The gall is of a pale or reddish colour with delicate brown stellar hairs. (Fig. 4.) This gall has a certain resemblance to that of Neuroterus lenticiilaris, but has more frequently been [• Spathegaster varius, Schenck.] Neuroterus fumipennis. 23 mistaken ior Neuroterus laeviusculiis. Indeed, as I have already said, I myself at the outset confounded laevius- culiis v^\\h fumipennis. Rearing the Fly. The galls are collected when they mature in the beginning of October, and are preserved through the winter in the same way as Neuroterus lenticularis. In one point however they differ essentially ; in lenticularis the development of the larva begins and continues without intermission from the time the galls fall to the ground, but in fumipennis on the contrary there is a complete winter rest. If a gall oi fumipennis be opened in the month of March, the larva will be found to be absolutely at the same point of development that it had reached in the autumn ; whereas in the other Neuroterus galls the larva is by that time fully grown or has even assumed the pupa-state. It is only during the month of March that larval development ht^vci^'vafumipenniSf towards the end of April it becomes a pupa, and the perfect insect appears in May. But the actual date of its appearance varies from two to three weeks according to the temperature. It is not possible with this species, as with the others, to hasten the development of the larva by keeping the galls in a warm room during the winter months. Fly. This fly is easily distinguished from all the other species of Neuroterus. Size, 2 mm. ; thorax dull, black ; base of abdomen orange ; legs, including the femora, orange ; wings, especially at the tips, smoky. Experimental breeding. When the fly makes its first appearance in May it finds the oak buds already well developed and beginning to swell, while the scales 24 Observations on Cynipidae. are becoming less tightly imbricated. It is thus com- paratively easy for it to insert its terebra into the bud. I made my first experiments in May, 1875, and I re- peated them in May, 1876. They are very active little flies, and in this respect differ from the former species ; they are continually running from side to side and flying from one shoot to another. When the buds begin to loosen, they are able without much effort to insert their terebra and deposit their ^gg. It often happens that several eggs are deposited on the same leaf, while later we find from three to five galls grow- ing there, and the leaf distorted and puckered. The gall produced by this species is that of Spathcgaster tricolor. [The cupped spangle gall is found in August on Qtterais pedun- culata and Q. sessiliflora ; occasionall}^ on the upper surface of the leaf Inquiline. Synergus Tscheki in March of second year. Parasite. Torymns sodalis.'\ 4*. Spathegaster tricolor. Htg.^ Gall. Soft and sappy ; of a pure white or slightly greenish yellow colour ; round, somewhat flattened at the summit, covered with simple upright white hairs, which usually fall off when the gall is mature, and it is then liable to be confused with Spathegaster baccarum. (Fig. 4^) The gall does not mature until July, and the fly emerges from the beginning to the middle of July. Fly. Size, 2 mm. ; black ; thorax slightly shining, somewhat punctate; legs reddish yellow; abdomen dark brown, reddish yellow at the base ; wings cloudy, [^ Nettrotenis tricolor, Maj'r.] Spathegaster tricolor. 25 particularly at the tips ; basal joints of the antennae pale ; male and female similar. Experimental breeding. I made, in 1875, some ob- ser\'ations on the manner in which this species pricks the buds. On July 17 I found several females busil}^ hunting about on the under surfaces of the oak leaves which they finally began to prick, and during the month of August the galls of N euroteriis fiimipennis developed on the pricked leaves. I have not made any further experiments with this species. [The hairy pea gall is found in June on Quercus pednnculata and Q. sesstliflora. Inquilines. Synergns albipes, S. facialis, and S. thanmacera all in June and July. Parasites. Eurytoma rosae and species of Totymus and Pteromahis in July. This gall is often found on Lammas shoots.] The Ncuroterns and Spathegaster forms just de- scribed had formerly been considered as belonging to different genera, because it was not known that they were alternate generations of the same insect. This view was perfectly justifiable since very important differences exist between the two generations. A com- parison of the galls of the two generations would not lead us to associate the two species with each other, for the difference between them is often much greater than between two wholly distinct species, such as Neuroterus lenficularis and Neuroterus numismatis. I will refer later to the important distinction that the flies in the one generation belong to both sexes, and in the other exclusively to the female sex. The parthenogenetic propagation of Neuroterus is constant, and is now so satisfactorily established that it requires no further proof. 26 Observatio7is on Cynipidae. If we compare the flies of the two generations belonging to any of the species above described, we shall find the differences at first sight very slight. The difference of colouring is unimportant, and is chiefly observable in a slight variation in the colour of the legs ; nor is the size of the body very different, while the form and surface markings agree in many points. At the same time it is not difficult to distinguish the one generation from the other, indeed if the two were placed side by side it would be difficult to mistake them, their bodily conformation being totally different. The Neuroterus is more compressed, the abdomen much more developed, the wings shorter than the length of the body, the antennae about two-thirds of the latter. The Spathegaster, on the contrary, is more slender, has longer and narrower wings, which always exceed the length of the body ; the antennae are somewhat less than two-thirds of the length of the body; and lastly the abdomen is not so strongly developed. The configuration and size of the abdomen depend entirely on the size and form of the ovipositor. When the ovipositor is of great length, as in Neuro- terus laeviiisculus, it lies in repose spirally coiled in the abdominal cavity; and from the greater space which such an ovipositor requires, a larger abdomen becomes necessary. In Spathegaster, the alternate generation, the ovipositor is totally different, being small and slender; and since it occupies little room within the body we naturally find the abdomen altered in form. This difference in the form of the ovipositor is a constant one, even when the two generations are otherwise much Spathegaster tricolor. 27 alike. Thus for example Nettroterus fumipennis and Spathegaster tricolor resemble each other so much in size and colouring, that from a superficial examination they might easily be confounded ; but if we take into consideration their whole structure, the form of the abdomen, the length and shape of the wings, and lastly the ovipositor, the difference between the two generations is found to be sharply defined. I will return hereafter to the consideration of the interesting variations in the ovipositor, on account of the importance of that organ. The principal forms exhibited in the illustrations (Plate III) are ac- curately drawn from photographs, so that the various details will be found given in their proper relative proportion. As the two generations, just described as species of Neuroterus and Spathegaster, belong to the same insect, I felt strongly inclined to drop the usual practice of designating them as of two genera ; but I have retained these names, for the present at least, in order to avoid confusion. In the earlier descriptions of these two genera the number of joints in the palpi were used as distinctions between Neuroterus and Spathegaster. In Neuroterus the maxillary palpi were said to be four-jointed and the labial palpi two-jointed : and in Spathegaster they were said to be respectively five and three-jointed. But a closer examination of these forms has convinced me that the maxillary palpi have invariably four, and the labial palpi always two joints. 28 Observations on Cynipidae. II. Aphilotrix Group. The genus Aphilotrix includes a large number of gall-flies among which I have been able to establish a similar alternation of generations. Like Neuro- tcrus the genus Aphilotrix is found only in the female sex. 5. Aphilotrix radicis. Fbr.^ Gall. The gall is many-chambered, occurs on the roots and lower part of the trunk, and varies in size from a cherry to a man's fist. At first the gall is pale, almost pure white when formed underground and excluded from the light, and in consistence it resembles a potato. Later it becomes brown and woody until it is perfectly hard especially at its base. When it reaches maturity the upper surface has a fissured and uneven appearance and is of a brownish or black colour. On section it shows innumerable round larva chambers. (Fig. 5.) Rearing the Fly, The mature galls which are found in the autumn are collected and kept through the winter in a cool place. The flies are perfectly developed in autumn, as may be proved by opening some of the cells, but they winter in the gall and do not emerge until the following spring, about the end of April or beginning of May. Fly. Size, 5-6 mm. ; reddish brown ; the mesonotum is marked by three darker longitudinal stripes, one median and two lateral, and there is also a transverse [' Cynips radicis, Fbr. Andncus radicis, Mayr.] Aphilotrix radicis. 29 line in front of the scutellum ; further the metathorax, and an irregular blotch on the first segment of the abdomen, are also dark, as well as the bases of the coxae and tibiae of the hind legs, and the claws. The thorax is closely covered with silky pubescence : the antennae are variously coloured, but the basal four joints are reddish brown, and the apex dark. Experimental breeding. After the flies quit the galls they usually rest a few days before beginning to lay their eggs. When I first made experiments with this species in 1875 I expected them to select the roots or the lower part of the trunk to lay their eggs in, but I soon discovered that they always creep up the trunk in search of the buds. After they have carefully examined the buds with their antennae they begin to prick them. They do this just as it is done by a Neiiroterus, but the fly takes up its position nearer to the base of the bud. It drives its terebra under one of the bud scales until it reaches the foot of the bud-axis. Thence it directs the channel not towards the centre of the bud, in which lie the rudimentary leaves, but below this point, and the tip of the terebra thus enters tissues from which later shoots are de- veloped. Some eggs may, it is true, come to lie upon the base of the rudimentary leaves, but the greater part will be found lower down, and there are usually no galls found on the leaves themselves. When the buds that have been pricked begin to shoot, a long interval takes place before there is any sign of gall formation. The earliest symptoms recog- nizable are a delay in the development of the bud, 3© Observations on Cynipidae. and the presence of more or less deformity and swell- ing. A section through the parts exhibits little larva cells lying in the swelling. From my first experiments in breeding in 1875 I obtained undeniable evidence that those galls which had hitherto been described as belonging to Andricus noduli were produced by Aphilotrix radicts. In the following year I repeated the same experiment with the like success ; indeed this species commends itself to the experimentalist, for with it failure hardly ever occurs. As 3. v\x\q Ajidricus noduli galls lie within the shoot, but occasionally they are found in the petiole, because, as I have already observed, the eggs of Aphilotrix radicis sometimes come to lie within the range of the rudi- mentary leaves. It is worthy of remark that occasion- ally specimens of Aphilotrix radicis appear very late, at the end of May or the beginning of June. By this time the buds have expanded before they are pricked by the flies, consequently a large quantity of eggs are laid in the same shoot, giving it the appearance after- wards of being perfectly covered with little nodidi galls. From such a distorted shoot, scarcely an inch long, sometimes as many as 200 flies will emerge. It is hardly possible that so large a number of eggs could have been laid in an unexpanded bud. [The trufiBe gall occurs in September on Quercus sessiliflora, Q. pedunculata and Q. pubesccns. Inquiline. Synergus incrassatus which forms larva chambers around the gall maker. Parasites. Torymiis nobilis, T. erticanim, T. amoenns, T. radicis, Ptcromalus querciuus, Tciras/ic/ius qucrcHs, Etoytoma rosae.'] Andriciis noduli. 31 5'^. Andricus noduli. Htg.^ Gall. The gall is scarcely 2 mm. long, and lies within an oak-shoot of that year's growth, but is often only recognizable from without by small round eleva- tions of the bark. The mature galls form hollow cavities in the substance of the wood, lined with thin membranes. They are not unfrequently found in the leaf stalks, which then appear thickened and swollen. They give rise to more or less deformity (see Fig. 5 ^). Bearing the Ply. To obtain the flies with certainty the shoots on which the galls are formed should not be collected too long before the flight time, otherwise the wood is apt to become too dry. The time when the flies emerge is variously stated, but I have con- vinced myself by many experiments that they begin early in August and go on to the middle of that month. It may, however, happen that a few flies do not appear until the next year, these may come from late individuals of Aphilotrix radicis, but in any case they are a small minority. Fly. Size, 2 mm. ; males and females differ in colouring. Female. Thorax black, dull, sometimes streaked with orange; abdomen orange with a black blotch on the back of the first segment ; the tip of the ab- domen and ventral sheaths black. Legs testaceous, the hind coxae dark ; antennae dark, at the base testaceous. [' Andricus irilineatus, Htg. .<4«rf/Va