Case Son Limited Private Library Shelf A BCSB LIBRARY STUDIES IN THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. Edinburgh ; Printed by Tltomas and Archibald Constable, FOH DAVID DOUGLAS. LONDON HAMILTON, ADAMS, AND CO. CAMBRIDGE MACMILLAN AND BOWES. GLASGOW . .... JAMES MACLEHOSE AND SONS. STUDIES IN THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY BEING A LIST OF NEARLY 4000 NAMES OF PLACES WITH REMARKS ON THEIR ORIGIN AND MEANING, AND AN INTRODUCTOR Y ESS A Y BY SIE HERBERT EUSTACE MAXWELL, BAKT. OF MONREITH M.P., F.S.A., F.S.A. SCOT., F.L.S., ETC. : Disce, docendus adhuc quce censet amiculus, ut si Ccecics iter monstrare relit." HORACE, Epist. i. 17. 3. EDINBURGH: DAVID DOUGLAS MDCCCLXXXVII. 10 3Detitcateti TO THE COUNTESS OF GALLOWAY BY HER PERMISSION. CONTENTS. PAGE PREFACE, . ix AUTHORITIES QUOTED, . . xi KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS, . . ... xiv STUDIES IN THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY, . . 1 THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY, . . .45 ADDENDA ET EMENDENDA, . ... 313 APPENDIX A. DESCRIPTION OF GALLOWAY, BY JOHN MACLELLAN, 323 APPENDIX B. ERSE AND GAELIC WORDS ENTERING INTO PLACE- NAMES, . . .... 327 PREFACE. THE collection of materials for the following pages was suggested some years ago by the perusal of an early edition of Dr. Joyce's Irish Names of Places. The identity apparent between many of the local names sifted and interpreted by that learned writer and those of Galloway, seemed to point to the possi- bility of some advance being achieved by the classifica- tion and comparison of all the names in that province. To any student who may in future approach the task more fully equipped with that knowledge of Celtic literature in which the present writer confesses him- self in limine sadly imperfect, it may at least be serviceable to find nearly four thousand names of places alphabetically arranged. The agitated course of politics during the twelve months commencing in August 1885 (involving three elections for the county of Wigtown), and almost incessant parliamentary and official work subsequently, have interfered considerably x PREFACE. with the attention due to the revisal of proofs, and I gratefully record my sense of the patience shown by Mr. David Douglas in conducting the work through the press. To Mr. Carrick Moore of Corswall, also, to whom I was permitted to submit the proofs, and to whom many valued suggestions are owed, I wish to offer my sincere thanks. MONBEITH, May 1th, 1887. AUTHORITIES QUOTED. ABBREVIATIONS. .-1 S. Professor Stephens of Copenhagen is of opinion that the lost letter after T is I, which would, if restored, give a name which is not uncommon, viz., TilferJ? (meaning good-peace). It occurs in the oldest documents variously written Tilfri]?, TilfriS, Tilfrith, Tilferd, TilferS, and Tilfer]?. It is probably the name of the man in whose memory the stone was erected, and the formula appears, from analogy, to have run somewhat in this way " (This stane cefter) TilferJ? s(ette)" Of the inscription on the other cross also unhappily only a fragment remains. In this case, however, the damage has not been wanton, but accidental. Among the interesting dis- coveries recently made in St. Ninian's Cave, and since the TOPO GRAPH Y OF GALL OWAY. 19 publication of its first exploration, 1 was that of a cross richly carved with an intricate design of interlaced Celtic character. The lower part of the carved face was occupied by a tablet, the greater portion of which had been broken off by the fall of a huge mass of rock from the cliff above. The inscription appears to have been in one line only, of which the final word remains, reading equivalent to WBOTE, i.e. wrought, worked, made. " Thus," writes Professor Stephens, " some such common formula, in stave-rime, as (^Efter Warince Wulfstari) wrote. Consequently both ristings are in old north English, Northum- brian, most likely of the sixth century." Besides these two inscriptions only four others referable to such an early date are known to me as having been identified in "Wigtonshire, and they afford no clue to the spoken language of the district, being in Latin ; one on a cross near Whithorn, one on a slab in the pavement of St. Ninian's Cave, and two in the old churchyard of Kirkmadrine. But there may be others in the Stewartry, and it is almost certain that the diligent inquiry now being made into such matters in the district will result in bringing to light more. To this Anglo-Saxon or Early Northern English dialect are to be assigned most of the words ending in -et (such as Aiket, Blaiket, Birket), a syllable which represents the A.S. wudu, a wood ; in rig, A.S. Jiric, a back or ridge (corresponding in sense to Erse druim, Welsh cefri), such as Brannet Eig, Eldrig, etc. ; in ton, A.s. ttin, an enclosure, a dwelling, Br. Scots toun, cognate with Erse dtin, Welsh din. But there are other names of Teutonic form not directly refer- Middle Northern able to Anglo-Saxon, but framed in Middle Northern English. English. Thus Tod Eig and Toddly, the ridge and the "lea," or field of 1 Proceedings of Soc. Scott. Antiq., vol. vii., New Series, p. 83. Collec- tions Ayr and Galloway Arch. Assoc., voL v. p. 1. 20 STUDIES IN THE the fox, contain the word tod, fox, which is of Scandinavian origin, borrowed by Northern English speakers directly from that source, and unknown in Anglo-Saxon. Such names must be considered some centuries younger than the other Teutonic forms. Lastly, there is the Scandinavian element to deal with. The Norsemen began in the eighth century to be the terror of the Celtic and aboriginal tribes inhabiting Scotland and Ireland. They formed settlements, and occupied fertile districts on the seaboard at various points of our coast. Ignorance of their language, which is most nearly represented by the Icelandic speech of the present day, debars the present writer from ventur- ing far towards the solution of those names in Galloway which seem to be referable to this people. But several are clearly capable of explanation by comparison with Icelandic forms, and it is hoped that attention may be paid by some capable student to the names in the list ending in -wick and -by. To sum up the data available for the present inquiry, it seems probable that we have First, a number of names surviving from aboriginal Iverian speech, incapable at present of any solution, and probably greatly altered in form by Celtic tongues, and subsequent reduction into English writing. These may be referred to a period anterior to the Christian era. Second, the bulk of the names in the district framed in the Goidhelic branch of Celtic, a dialect of which was probably spoken by the Cruithne or Picts of Galloway from, say, the second century down to the sixteenth, but the majority of which probably date from the first ten centuries of that large space of time. Third, a limited number to identify which no attempt has hitherto been made of names in the Brythonic branch of Celtic, imported from the neighbouring Province of Strathclyde in the interval between the sixth century, when St. Kentigern recon- TOPO GRAPH Y OF GALL OWAY. 21 verted the Galloway Picts to Christianity, and the eleventh, when Brythonic speech had probably died out in Central Scotland. Fourth, names in Anglo-Saxon or Old Northern English, which are not likely to have been established earlier than the sixth or later than the ninth century. Fifth, those in the Scandinavian tongue, proceeding from the marauders of the eighth and two following centuries ; and Sixth, names in Middle English or Broad Scots, not older than the thirteenth century. Of course besides these there are a considerable number, but not so large as might be supposed, of what may be called modern names, both in Broad Scots and English, but the meaning of these is readily ascertained. Place-names mav be arranged in two classes Simple and Construc- tion of place- Compound. Erse or Gaelic names of the first class consist either of a substantive indicative of some natural feature as Clone (cluain, a meadow), Drum (druim, a ridge), Blair (bldr, a plain) or of an adjectival derivative from the name of some animal, plant, mineral, or natural feature which dis- tinguished the locality, as Brockloch, a place of badgers (broc- lach, badgery) ; Clauchrie, a stony place (clacharach or cloich- reach, stony) ; Gannoch or Genoch, a sandy place (gaineach or gainmheach, sandy). Such names almost invariably have the stress on the first syllable. Names of the second class consist of a substantive, generally, compound according to Celtic construction, occupying the first place, and a qualitative, either an adjective in the nominative, or a noun in the oblique case, with or without the definite article. Thus Blairbuy represents Udr, a field, and luidhe, yellow (the d being silenced by the aspirate). Auchenshinnoch is little altered from the original achadh, a field (the d silent as before), an sionaich, of the fox (s before a diphthong, of which the first vowel is e or a, is sounded like our sh\ or achadh na sionach, field of the foxes. 22 STUDIES IN THE In many names the article is omitted, as in Balgown, from baile, the ground or house, gobhain (bh sounds v or w), of the smith ; and often the place of qualitative is occupied by the name of an individual, as in Balmurrie, i.e. baile, the ground or house, Muireadhaich (Murragh), of Murray. In these com- pounds the stress will generally be found on the first syllable of the qualitative ; so, although we speak of Tannoch, which is tamhnach [tawnagh], a word for a meadow not found in modern Gaelic, with the stress on the first syllable, it is trans- ferred in Tannyflux (i.e. tamhnach fliuch, wet meadow) to incidence the last as the qualitative. By observing the incidence of the stress in local pronunciation of names, valuable assistance is derived in arriving at a conclusion as to their original form. For example, in a name like Cullendeugh or Cullendoch, it might be inferred that the syllable deuch or dock represents the adjective dubh [dooh], black or dark, and that the meaning was cuileann dubh, the dark holly-tree. But the incidence of the stress on the first syllable points to its being a simple name, cuileanach, a place of hollies an adjectival form from cuileann. The d has been inserted in these two names in Girthon, Kirk- mabreck, and New Abbey parishes ; while in Balmaghie it remains, as Cullenoch, in nearly its original form. This rule is very constant, even where the name becomes much corrupted and disguised. There are two places called Inshanks, one in Kirkcowan, the other in Kirkmaiden. It is a corruption of uinnsean [inshan], the ash-trees ; and the stress remains to this day on the first syllable, though it might be expected to travel to the second when the meaning of the word was so completely lost, and when it assumed such a mis- leading form. The position of the stress as indicative of simple and com- pound names is not peculiar to Celtic speech. In Teutonic languages the qualitative is placed first. Thus, Whithorn = A.S. hwit oern, the white house, retains the stress on the TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLO WA Y. 23 adjective ; Stoneykirk = Steenie's or St. Stephen's church, on the qualitative proper name. In both of these names the change according to rule from the narrow a or e sound to the round o may be noticed. Sometimes, for no particular apparent reason, the usual order in Erse compounds is reversed, and the qualitative is placed first. Instances of these exceptional cases are Auchness, i.e. each innis, the horse pasture ; Duloch, i.e. dubh loch, the black lake ; Camelon and Camling, i.e. cam linn, the crooked pool ; but in every case the stress follows the qualitative syllable. Compare its position in lincom, i.e. linn cam, the crooked pool, the exact equivalent of Camling. In the language of the Irish Celts which is referred to throughout as Erse the stress is said to have been laid on the latter part of the simple words of more than one syllable, whereas in the dialect of the Scottish Gael it is supposed to have moved forward towards the beginning. This causes names of places in Ireland to have been somewhat differently Anglicised from the same names in Scotland. For example, suidheachan [seehan], a little seat, a residence, becomes Seeghane in Dublin and See- hanes in Cork, appearing in Galloway as Sheuchan, with the stress on the first syllable. A somewhat unusual example of the Irish stress remains in Knockan, the name of a field in Kirkinner, i.e. cnocdn, diminu- tive of cnoc, a hill. The farm of which it is a part bears the name of Little Hills, which is a translation of the Celtic. According to the usual position of the stress in Gallovidian speech, this name would have become Knockan, like Knock - ans in Minnigaff and Lochans in Inch, but for some unknown reason the local population have handed down the Irish pro- nunciation, and not the Scottish. In like manner Mahaar in Kirkcolm, representing the Erse machair, has the stress on the last syllable, while Macher in Inch, and all the many names beginning with this word, have the stress on the first. 24 STUDIES IN THE In compound names the prefix is usually easily identified. Of hill names druim and cnoc rival each other in frequency. The low glaciated " sow-back " ridges, so characteristic of the undulating plain districts, are appropriately denominated " drums " the Erse druim being closely cognate with the Latin dorsum, a back. 1 Cnoc, of which the initial hard c, for- merly sounded, has become silent, expresses a more isolated circular or precipitous eminence. Upwards of two hundred and twenty hills in Galloway rejoice in the prefix Knock ; and it may be remarked that their distribution, though appar- ently capricious, must have depended on circumstances which can only now be surmised. The parishes of Stoneykirk and Sorby are not unlike in natural features. Both consist of undulating lowland, yet the former seems to have been inhabited more persistently by a Gaelic-speaking race than the latter ; for, whereas in Stoneykirk there are twenty-six names beginning with Knock, in Sorby there is not one. Next in frequency among hill-names comes barr, which means the top of anything. Sliabh, pronounced Slieve in Irish, becomes Slew in Scottish names. In Scotland the meaning also varies, signifying a moorland rather than a hill or moun- tain, as it does in Ireland. Meall, a hill, and maol, bald (a bald hill or headland) are difficult to distinguish from each other in Anglicised names, but both are common in the Province, the former generally forming the prefix Mill, the latter Mull. Hcann and JBeanndn are easily recognised in the syllables Ben and Bennan ; cruach, a stack-like hill, as Croach, etc. ; mullach, learg, leargaidh, leacdn, sron, ceann, muine, gob, are of 1 It is worthy of notice that of the many hundred names in Galloway beginning with Drum, Pont notes only a very few. There can be no doubt that the names existed in his day, but he seems to have disregarded those that were not also the name of a house or farm. Cefn, the Welsh equiva- lent of druim, a back or ridge, is preserved in several names in the Brythonic district of Strathclyde. Thus Giffen, in North Ayrshire, is a ridge which forms a sharply defined feature descried for many miles in the flat land- scape around it. TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLO WA Y. 25 frequent occurrence, while ros, roine, teanga, and rudha indi- cate points of land or headlands. In the prolific Celtic root carr, a stone, may be traced carraic and creag (the former referring exclusively to sea-cliffs), Angli- cised with little change as Carrick and Craig. Cam also, a word existing in all Celtic dialects, is from the same root. It means primarily a heap of stones, and generally is limited to the heap over a grave ; but sometimes it means a hill. Clack or dock, leac or liag, present themselves with little disguise. The latter (becoming leek or lick), with the literal meaning of a flag or flat stone, often signifies a burial-place, from the flat stones used in making cists ; while the former bears a variety of meanings, from the simple one of " a stone," through all the various objects for which stones were employed, either as memorials, tombstones, worshipping stones (as in Clachanarrie), foundation stones of huts, Christian churches, etc. Flat lands, fields, and enclosures are prefixes by such Fields and pieties. familiar words as achadh, meaning arable land ; faithche, a " green," whence our Broad Scotch " fey" ; Udr, a plain ; mach, also a plain, becoming Mye or May, and its derivative machair, which in modern Gaelic is limited in meaning to flat land bordering on the sea, but which formerly had a more general application. Tamhnacli, mentioned above as a word unknown to modern Highlanders, appears as a prefix in numerous places throughout the Province, and means a wet mowing meadow. The commonest prefix denoting water, whether as a stream water. or as a pool, is the Celtic pol. It may be recognised in names beginning Pol, Pal, Pil, Pul, Phil, Phal, Fil, Fal, Fauld, and even Pen and Pin. The obsolete Celtic dohhar, dur, gives the initial syllables Dar, Der, Dir, so common in the hilly and moorland districts ; while allt, which bears the original meaning of " a height," has come, as shown in the Glossary, to mean a glen or stream, in which sense it is usually found in Galloway. 1 Linn 1 See under " Aldergowan." 26 STUDIES IN THE Dwellings. Qualitative suffixes. signifies a pool in a river, and tidbar, a well, assumes the forms tibber and chipper. Habitations and strongholds are indicated by the prefixes Dun, Car, Bal or Bally, Ty, Bo, from the Erse dun, and cathair, a fort ; baile, literally a townland, but the meaning of which became transferred to the house on the land ; teach, gen. tighe, a house, and both, a hut. But cathair [caer] is readily confused with ceathramhaidh [carrou], a land-quarter, which the process of phonetic decay has reduced to a single syllable ; indeed, in the absence of old written forms, it is identify cathair as a prefix in more than two or three Galloway names. Another syllable which is hard to assign to one of three or four words is that which appears as the prefix Gal, Cul, or Kil. Cul, a back (in respect of position) ; cuil, a corner ; coill, a wood, and till, a cell or chapel, all melt indiscriminately into one of these forms, and it is by local characteristics or history that they must be referred to their proper signification. In this way it is safe to translate Culmore coill mor, the great wood, for a large part of that farm is flat land containing innumer- able trunks and roots of oak-trees ; Kildarroch is probably coill darach, the oak wood, though it may stand for cuil darach, the corner of the oaks, or cul darach, the hill-back of the oaks. But in almost every case where Kil antecedes a proper name it is safe to assume that the name is not older than the sixth century, and that the name signifies the cille or cell of an early saint. Such names are Kilmorie, Kildonan, Kilcormack. Difficult as the task sometimes proves to unravel the first part of compound place-names, it is simplicity itself compared with that involved in the solution of suffixes, which are usually the qualitative of the first word. Not only has the usual effect of the invariable tendency to economise labour in pronuncia- tion to be considered, a tendency which leads, as a rule, to the abbreviation of the original form, but the peculiar liability to aspiration which marks the Celtic consonants b, c, d,f, g, m, TOPOGRAPHY OF GALL O WA Y. 27 p, s, t. The aspirate, which in Erse literature is indicated by a The aspirate, dot over the letter, appears in written Gaelic as h following the aspirated consonant. Its effect upon d, f, s, and t is to silence them, or to reduce them to a slight h or y sound ; bh and mh are sounded like v or w, and in some cases become almost silent, as in diibh [dooh], black ; AmhalgJiadh [Owlhay], Aulay ; while ph has much the same value as in English. The difficulty of recovering the consonant silenced by the aspirate is well shown in the name Barnolas, a hill in Tung- land parish. It is only by comparison with the names Bar- soles, Barsolis, and Barsolus (the latter of which names is actually written by Pont Barolis), that it becomes apparent that the original form was Barr an sholais, the beacon-hill ; the initial s, being aspirated in the oblique case, has left no trace in the Anglicised orthography. Ch and gli in Erse have the same value of guttural spirants as they have in Broad Scots. They are often represented in modern forms of place-names by h, as in Barhapple (Font's Barchapil), i.e. barr chapul, hill of the horses. When ch, pro- nounced as in English church, occurs in a name of Celtic origin, it is perfectly certain that the original consonant was not c or ch, but a dental followed by a diphthong. Thus Challoch stands for tealach, and Chipper for tiobar. The letter h has no organic existence in the Celtic alpha- bets, therefore, when it occurs at the beginning of a syllable, it either marks the alteration of a lost consonant by aspiration, or is redundant, marking, in some cases, the accent of the tone syllable. 1 The student's first business, then, is to determine what consonant, if any, has disappeared ; aided by analogy of other forms of the word, in names either in the locality under consideration, or in other Celtic districts, he will arrive at the correct solution in many more cases than might at first seem possible. 1 Rhys's Lectures on Welnh Philology, p. 262. 28 STUDIES IN THE Eclipse. Another process which results in disguising the meaning of Celtic compounds is that known to Irish grammarians as edipsis, in respect of which Professor Rhys's language deserves attention. " There is nothing," he says, 1 " in eclipses which may be regarded as peculiar to the Celtic languages; but I will only cite from other languages just a sufficient number of analogous instances to indicate some of the quarters where more may be found. You may have wondered how such Eng- lish words as the following, now pronounced dumm, lamm, clime, came to be written dumb, lamb, climb. The answer of course is, that the & in them was formerly pronounced, and that this is merely another case of spelling lagging behind the pronunciation litera scripta manet. To this class of words may be added the modern woodbine, which at an earlier stage of the language was written wudubind ; and, to come down to our own day, all of you have heard London called Lunnun. Beyond the Tweed this and more of the kind may be con- sidered classic: witness the following stanza from Burns's 'Five Carlins': ' " Then neist came in a sodger youth, And spak wi' modest grace, An' he wad gae to Lotion town If sae their pleasure was." Here may also be mentioned that there are German dialects which habitually use kinner, vninner, wennen, unner, brannimn, for the book forms kinder, wunder, wenden, unter, branntwein. Similarly in Old Norse liann and lann are found for band and land, not to mention the common reduction of ?i5 into nn, as in finna, ' to find ' ; annarr, ' other ' (German, ander) ; munnr, ' mouth ' (German, mund), and the like." But our difficulty in dealing with this process in Anglicised forms of Galloway names is that " litera scripta non manet." The names never were written in the original Erse ; all that 1 Op. at. p. 55. TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 29 remain are letters to represent the sound of the names in the fifteenth, sixteenth, or seventeenth centuries. So in Dunman and Lagniemawn we are led by the analogy of Dunnaman and Dunmany in Ireland to supply the eclipsed b in dtin m-beann (the m which eclipses the b being the residuum of nam, the genitive plural of the definite article), the fortress of the peaks or gables, and by that of Cornaman in Cavan, and Eilean-nam-ban in lona, to supply it in lag na m-ban, the hollow of the women, and thus arrive at the meaning. In the most ancient instances of eclipse, dating, in all pro- bability, from a time before Celtic speech . was written, the eclipsed and silent consonant does not appear even in the earliest spellings. Thus mna, the genitive singular of ban, a woman, stands for m-bana. The initial k of knock, the common name for a hill, is still retained in our writings, for although it is now silent, it is pronounced in the Gaelic cnoc, and struck the ears of those who first committed local names to writing, in addition to which the similarity to the English knock, a blow, would tend to the identity of spelling in the two words. The consonants most liable to disappear by eclipse are b eclipsed by m c, d, and g n s t. The latter case is frequently the cause of obscurity, as in the names Baltier and Knocktaggart, which stand for baile t-sair, western townland, cnoc t-sagairt, the priest's hill. The use of the definite article and its preservation in com- The article, pound place-names is uncertain. Sometimes it remains com- plete, as in Ilan-na-guy, oittan na gaethe, island of the wind ; sometimes it is reduced to a single vowel, as in Knockiebae, cnoc na beith, hill of the birches ; sometimes to a single con- sonant, as in Arndarroch, ard na darach, height of the oaks, where it eclipses the preceding consonant ; often it is absent altogether, as in Barhullion, ban- chuileann, hill of hollies. 30 STUDIES IN THE The employment of the English definite article before some names in Galloway has been the subject of speculation. It has been suggested that its presence denotes that the name which it precedes is a simple word in the original Celtic, expressive of some natural or artificial feature, without qualitative. Thus we hear country people talk of the Deny, the Airlour, the Knock, the Larroch, the Lochans, the Barr, etc. ; but never of the Monreith, the Barlae, the Knockcrosh, the Glenhowl. It seems to me, however, that its use depends upon the position of the stress. Names accented on the first syllable or mono- syllabic names are those which take the definite article. I cannot recall a single instance of a name accented on the second or following syllable which is ever used with the definite article. The stress in compound place-names is nearly always found, as has been pointed out, on the first syllable of the qualitative, or, in an uncompounded name, on the first syllable of that name. Several compounds may be mentioned before which the article is commonly used, as the Dhuloch, the Dowies, the Glaisters, but in all these the qualitative, contrary to the usual custom, precedes the substantive ; and in Teutonic compounds, as the Eldrig, the article is again found in use. It appears then, that it is used merely for euphony, a certain difficulty, having to be overcome in commencing a name with the stress syllable. Beasts. Animals whether domestic or of the chase give, as might be expected, names to many places. Gabhar or gobJiar [gower] is limited in meaning among the Irish and Highlanders to the goat ; but in early times it was equally used for the horse. Cormac gives gdbur, a goat, and gobur, a horse ; and in the many names in Galloway which contain this word it is im- possible to say with certainty which animal is referred to. Where the aspirated form is preserved, as in Auchengower, Craignegowrie (creag na goibhre), Inchnagour, etc., it may be surmised that the name is more recent than the use of gobur TOPO GRAPHY OF GALL OWAY. 31 for a horse ; but names like Blairnagobber and Barngaber point to the earlier form, without the aspirate, of which the sense is ambiguous. The commonest names of the horse are 6ck and capul, appear- ing in Auchness (ech inis), Barneight (barr n-ecti), etc. ; and in Craignagapple, Fannygapple (faithche na-gcapul) ; the aspirated form giving names like Barhapple and Port Whapple. Lair, a mare, gen. laira, comes to us in Auchenlarie (achadh na laira), Garthlearie, Craiglarie, etc., and searrach [sharragh], a foal, in Balsarroch and Barsherry. Cattle are indicated by the words bo, as in Darnimow (dobhar na-7ribo) ; crock, cattle, as in Dirnow, formerly Dyrnagrow (dobhar na crock) ; mart, an ox, as in Ardnimord (ard na na- mart) ; laoch, a calf, as in Ballochalee (bealach na laoch). Sheep are usually designated caera, forming part of many names, e.g. Drumacarie, Culgary, Lumagary. The pig seems to have been the favourite eponymus among domestic animals, numerous places retaining muc and mudach in their names, such as Culmick, Clachanamuck, Muclach, Drummuclach. Other names for swine are tore, a boar, preserved in Glenturk; arc or ore a pig or other large animal, in Craiggork ; banbh [banniv], a young pig, in Auch- nabony. The commonest designation for a dog in Irish is cu, gen. con, but it is not to be recognised in names in this district, unless Carrickcone and Port Mona, both in Kirkmaiden, may be taken as compounds of con, the latter being called by Pont Port-na-mony-a-Koane, which may be a contraction of port na monadh a' con, port of the moor of the dog. The dog was so indispensable and highly-prized an animal among Celtic races, who were dependent, to a large extent, upon the chase for their subsistence ; it appears so frequently in their earliest literature, and bears so important a part in tradition, that we must suppose it to have borne another name in Galloway. 32 STUDIES IN THE Accordingly we find many names containing rtiadadh [maddy], which is another name for a dog ; although some of them may refer to wolves, which bore, among other names, that of madadh fael. Drummoddie, Claymoddie, Craigmoddie, Dal- vadie, etc., may therefore be held to be designated either from dogs or wolves. It can hardly be supposed that animals so hurtful, and, at the same time, so plentiful as wolves were during the early and Middle Ages, can have been exterminated without leaving their name associated with some of their haunts ; yet it is not easy to identify in the names of places in the district any of the usual words meaning " wolf " in Erse, namely, fael, breach, or mac-tire. It is possible that the latter word is preserved in Drummatier, and breach may survive in some of the numer- ous names ending in brake or breck, though these syllables may be generally assumed to refer to the surface of the land, i.e. brdc, brindled or variegated. The wolf's near relative, the fox, must always have been plentiful, for we frequently find the common name for him, sionach [shinnagh], distinguishing natural features ; as Blair- shinnoch, Auchenshinnoch, Inchshannoch the latter place hav- ing the alternative name in the present day of Foxes' Battle. 1 The older form of the word, sindach, is retained in Craigshindie and Craigsundie. It is well to remember, however, that some of these appellations may have been taken from the names of men, who, after the fashion of most barbarous or semi-civilised races, appropriate or receive the names of animals, in virtue sometimes of personal qualities, sometimes from an assumed cognisance. Auchenshinnoch may thus be either the field of the fox or Sionach's field. In Ireland, a numerous family of Sionachs assumed the name of Fox in obedience to the pre- scriptive laws which compelled them to relinquish their Celtic appellation, and by the latter name their descendants are still 1 Rattle, a mass of fallen debris at the foot of a cliff. TOPOGRAPHY OF GALL O WA Y. 33 known. 1 It is, of course, impossible at the present day to decide whether such place-names derive from the animal or from the individual who was called after the animal. Another wild animal, which is, however, wellnigh extinct in Galloway now, is the eponymus of a large number of places, namely, the badger, whose name broc, is the same in Celtic and Anglo-Saxon speech. This beast was a favourite article of diet ; to the present day badger hams are considered a delicacy in parts of Ireland ; consequently it is not surprising to find many places bearing the names of Brockloch (broclach, a badger warren), Cairnbrock, Killbrocks (coill broc, badger wood), and so on. Eilte, gen. eilidh, a hind, is probably the origin of Kilhilt {coill eilte), wood of the hinds, Craignelder, and other names ; dordn, an otter, of Puldowran and Aldowran ; cat, the wild-cat, 2 of Drumwhat, Alwhat, Cairn-na-gath. En, a bird, may be recognised in Barnean, Dernain, Knock- Birds - nain ; iolare [illery], the eagle, in Benyellary ; fitheach [feeach], the raven, in Craigenveoch ; seobhag [shog], the hawk, in Garn- shog ; faeildn , the sea-gull, in Derwhillan; coileach, a cock (pro- bably a heathcock or grouse), in Craigenholly. Fish are commemorated in Lochanscadden and Culscadden, Fish, rep- tiles, and from sgaddn, a herring ; in Lochenbreck and Altibrick, from insects. brec, a trout ; in Lanebreddan, from braddn, a salmon ; frogs in Lingloskin and Darloskine, from losgdn, a frog ; and even the insect world seems to have given names to Barnshangan, Dernashangan, and many other places, from seangdn [shangan], an ant. The latter name, however, meaning literally the 1 Dr. John Stuart mentions the application of an equivalent soubriquet in English-speaking times : " One of the monks who bore the body of St. Cuthbert to the grave was guilty, says Reginald, of hiding a cheese from his brethren, and was believed for a time to have been changed into a fox, whence his descendants were named Tod, ' quod vulpiculam sonat.' " Book of Deer, cvi. 2 The domestic cat was probably unknown in North Britain in Celtic times. 34 STUDJES IN THE slender or wee fellow, may very likely have been the name of individuals. Vegetation. "Woods, trees, and plants, naturally present themselves in all countries as distinctive features of locality ; accordingly our place-names contain a vivid portraiture of the primitive vegeta- tion of the land. Coill, a wood, appears both as a prefix, as in Culmore, coill mdr, the great wood, and as a suffix, as in Glen- whillie, gleann choille, the glen of the wood. The Scots pine is plentiful in our bogs, and was freely used in the construc- tion of crannogs or lake-dwellings; it is therefore somewhat strange that the only place which seems to have taken its name from that tree is Loch Goosey, in Kells parish, from guithseach [geusagh], a pine. Probably the most important tree, and not the least com- mon, was the oak, which accounts for the innumerable places named from dair, dara, darach, an oak, such as Auchendarroch, Drumdarrochy, Kildarroch; while doire [dirrie], meaning a wood generally, but also specially an oak wood, gives Derry, Blairderry, etc. Both these words, however, in composition are difficult to distinguish in Anglicised names from the form assumed by dearg, red. Beith [bey], the birch seems to have been as common as the oak, and may frequently be recognised in the syllable -bay or -bae, as in Polbae, Falbae, Knockiebay, or aspirated Width [vey], as in Auchenvey; and the adjectival form leithach [bayoch], a place of birches, yields Beoch. Other trees are fuinnsean, uinnsean, or uinnseog [inshan, inshog], the ash, as in Inshanks, Drumnaminshog ; fearn, the alder, as in Balfern, Drumfarnachan ; cuillean, the holly, as in Barhullion, Collin Island; from whence comes cuillcanach, a place of hollies, giving Cullenoch and Cullendoch; saileach [sallagh], the willow, giving Barsalloch; coll, a hazel, Barquhill, and the more modern form caldtun, Caldons ; leamh [lav] the elm, as in Lavach, or combined with coill, as in Barluell (barr leamh- TOPO GRA PHY OF GA LL O WA Y. 35 chuill [lavwhill], hill-top of the elm wood). There is also an alternative form sleamh, or sleamhdn [slav, slavan], which remains in Craigslouan (creag sleamhan, crag of the elms). Sceithdg [skeog], the hawthorn, comes often in such names as Skeog, Drumskeog, Auchenskeoch. Humbler vegetation suf- ficed to distinguish Barnernie, from airne, a sloe-bush ; Drangan and Cardryne, from droiccheann or droineann, the black thorn ; Smirle, from smeur, smeurlach, a bramble ; Auchendolly, from dealg [dallug] a thorn ; Auchengilshie, Tarwilkie, Knockgulsha from giolc, the rush; Freuch, from fraoch, heather; Drum- rannie, from raineach, fern. Offices and occupations are largely represented; e.g. ri, a king Offices and or chief, as in Ardrie ; Grennan, being greandn, the chief resi- trades ' dence where he dwelt ; lard, a rhymer, in Dirvaird and Barn- board ; goWia [gow], gen. gobhan [gown], a smith, in Balgown ; Challoch, from tealach, the smith's forge, and Drumacardy, from cearda [carda], also a forge or workshop. Grtsach, a cobbler or embroiderer, is retained in Balgracie (baile gresaich, the cob- bler's house); while mills were plentiful, as shown by the many names containing muilean, as Drummullin, four times in Wigtonshire alone, Dernemullie, and so on. The advent of Christianity introduced a new element. Christian Words descriptive of ecclesiastical offices or rites were adapted t^. euc from the Latin to suit Celtic lips. Sacart or sagart, the priest (fromLat. sacerdos), built himself a till, a cell or chapel (Lat. cello); so to this day Altaggart (allt sliagairt, the priest's stream) flows past the site of Kilfeather (till Pheaduir, Peter's cell). Easpug, a bishop (Lat. episcopus), abb, an abbot, cUreg, a cleric, manach, a monk (monachus), brathair [braar], a friar, cailleach, a nun (this last not being a borrowed word), all have their memories perpetuated in Gillespie, Balnab, Portaclearys, Kermauachan, Altibrair, and Portencalzie. The Celtic till passed insensibly into the old Northern English kirk (A.-S. cirece, E. church). So we find such names as Kirkpatrick written indifferently Kil- 36 STUDIES IN THE patrick and Kirkpatrick, in both of which forms the Celtic con- struction, with the qualitative last, is retained. The low Latin capella, a chapel, passed into the Erse caipeal, and survives not only in names like Chapelrossan and Barcaple, but as in alternative forms like Chapelheron or Chipperheron, in which caipeal, a chapel, and tiobar, a well, seem to compete which shall commemorate St. Kieran. Celtic hagiology is as slippery a subject as Celtic etymology, but there are many early dedications which cannot be mistaken. The name of the earliest evangelist of Galloway, St. Ninian, appears in many places, as Ninian, Eingan, and Dingan. The great missionary of the rival church of Ireland, Columba, has left his name ineffaceably stamped in the name Kirkcolm a parish which, as early as Edward Second's reign, was pro- nounced as now, Kircum. 1 In the same parish, Killiema- cuddican probably represents an endearing appellation after St. Cuthbert (rille ma Cudacain), whose name appears with more propriety in the written form of Kirkcudbright, though even there the pronunciation goes far to disguise it Kirk- coobrie. St. Peter, St. Fillan, St. Martin, St. Mary, St. Win- nock, St. Bricius, St. Kennera, and a host of minor person- ages, are commemorated in Kilfeather, Kilfillan, Kirkmadrine, Kilmorie, Kirkgunzeon, Kirkmabreck, Kirkinner, and other ecclesiastical sites. The name of the Saviour himself seems to be preserved in Clachaneasy (clachan losa) and Kirkchrist, while the lurid light of an earlier and more savage faith lingers round Beltane Hill. Clachanarrie, the stones of worship, may denote a pagan monument where the converted Gael bowed to the new religion, whose priests knew how to take a right advantage of the habits of devotion associated with certain localities. As the symbol of the new faith grew to be a familiar landmark in the eyes of the people, the cross became a fre- 1 See Kirkcolm in Glossary. TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 37 quent component in local names, as is testified by names like Craigencrosh, Balnacross, Crosherie, and, in one place at least, Clayshant (clack scant, the holy stone), the Latin sanctus pre- serves, in Celtic dress, very much of its original appearance. The surface of the land was designated garbh [garriv], rough, or carrach, with the same meaning, in Garvilland or Knocken- harrie ; min [meen] or reidh [ray], smooth, as Barineen, Drum- rae. Hills were m6r, great, or beag, little, as Drummore, Drum- beg. When land grew light-coloured grass it would be apt to be described as ban, white, like Drumbain, fionn [finii], white, like Blairfin, or buidhe [bwee], yellow, like Drunibuie; when heather grew dark upon it, don, brown, would give the name Drum don ; and when peat or bog gave it a still darker hue, it would come to be known as dubh [dooh], like Drumdow. Green pasture is spoken of as glas, green, as in Barglas, while grey cliffs, or land strewn with boulders, is Hath [lee], grey, as Craiginlee, or riabhach [reeagh], grey, as Drumreoch. Odhar [owr] is another word signifying grey, which appears in many names, such as Drumours. Eedness from any cause, whether from peculiar vegetation, red soil, or, in some cases, from blood- shed, is expressed by one of three words, namely, dearg, giving Baryerrock and Barjarg ; ruadh [roo], in Teroye and Tannie- roach, or corcor, corcorach, in Barncorkrie. Dappled or varie- gated places are called brec or ceannfhionn [cannon], as Knock- break and Knockcannon. In short, every possible characteristic, whether of position, size, shape, colour, vegetation, consistency, every well-known variety of animals fed or hunted on the land, all customs reli- gious or otherwise, all occupations or handicrafts, as well as names of individuals, readily lent themselves as definitions of locality, and were applied by the early inhabitants in precisely the same simple, practical, and occasionally imaginative way, as is practised by people of the present day. From the time of Ptolemy nearly twelve hundred years 38 STUDIES IN THE Early topo- elapsed from which we glean nothing, except incidentally, of Gaiioway. the topography of Galloway. About the year 1250 Matthew Paris compiled his Abbre- viatio Chronicorum, 1 in which he gives an interesting map of Great Britain, 2 the whole of Scotland, in accordance with the error prevalent among geographers from the days of Ptolemy, being represented as deflected to the east, Galloway occupying the north-west extremity ; the province (Galeweia) is placed north of the river making Clydesdale (fluvius faciens Cludes- dale), and it contains no names of places. Next in order of antiquity is a map 3 which hung until the middle of the eighteenth century in the Bodleian Library, and to which Mr. Cosmo Innes assigned a date earlier than A.D. 1330. It contains Great Britain and part of Ireland. Galloway is here treated in greater detail; in common with the whole island from Kent to Caithness, it is sparsely sprinkled with quaint red-roofed houses. The following names of places are given : Candida casa (Whithorn). mons crefel (Criffel). fluv. dee (R. Dee), loghdone (Loch Doon). f. loghenawe (probably Lochnaw, for although placed N.E. of the Dee, it is near the head of Loch Eyan, which is represented as running east and west). Then we have a map from the MS. of John Hardyng, 4 author of the Rhyming Chronicle, who was employed by Henry vi. for various political purposes in Scotland, A.D. 1437-1460. In 1 Cott. MSS., British Museum, Jul. D. vii. fol. 50, B. 2 Reproduced in the National Manuscripts of Scotland, vol. II., plate V A . 3 Ibid. vol. in., plate ii. 4 Hardyng's Chronicle ; Selden MSS. B. 10 (3356), Bodleian Library. This map is reproduced in the National Manuscripts of Scotland, vol. u. plate Ixviii. TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 39 Galway (Galloway) appear the names Kirkubrigh, Treve (Threave), and Sulway (Solway). Besides these there exists a report upon the Western Marches of Scotland, prepared probably by an English official between the years 1563 and 1566. 1 The first portion of the MS. has disappeared ; it begins in a most tantalising way in the middle of a description of the coast of Galloway, and an estimate of the force required to seize and hold it. Wigston (Wigtown), Cardines, Crukilton, Kirkcowbright, and other places are described with the utmost minuteness, and the views are carefully drawn and vividly coloured. The name of the writer and artist is not preserved. Towards the close of the century a complete and laborious Timothy survey of the province was for the first time undertaken. No one who has made a study, however limited, of the topography of Galloway, can fail to pay a tribute of praise to the memory of Timothy Pont. The labour involved in the production of his maps and writings would have been meritorious even had he been able to command modern appliances of survey and locomotion. But when it is remem- bered that Scotland in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries was traversed by few roads, and was in a condition varying between civil war and constant social disturbance, one cannot but marvel at the patience with which he prosecuted his task, and the completeness to which he brought it, and, at the same time, feel regret that he did not live to see his work in the hands of the public. Timothy Pont was the eldest son of Mr. Eobert Pont, a minister of the Church of Scotland immediately after the 1 Cott. MSS., British Museum ; Titus, c. xii. fol. 76 to 87. This docu- ment has been printed in the History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale, and the Debateable Land, by K B. Armstrong (Edinburgh, 1883), Part I., App. p. cvi. The coloured drawings of Cardiness (Cruggleton ?) Castle, Kirkcudbright, Carlaverock Castle, and Annan, are beautifully executed in facsimile. 40 STUDIES IN THE Eeformation. He and his brother Zachary matriculated in St. Leonard's College, St. Andrews, in 1579-80, and graduated in 1583-84. In 1574 Timothy's father, who was Provost of Trinity College, Edinburgh, granted him, while still a schoolboy, a charter of the church lands of Strathmartin and of Pentempler. Timothy was appointed minister of Dunnett, in Caithness, in 1600, and notices of him as parson of that parish are found down to the year 1610. He seems, however, to have travelled in person over the greater part of Scotland, including the Isles, and to have collected a vast amount of material, topographical, historic, and antiquarian. His death must have taken place between 1610 and 1614, in which latter year Mr. William Smith was in occupation of the benefice of Dunnett, but, minute as are the circumstantial details of many ignoble lives and deaths in all periods of our history, Timothy Font's ener- getic soul passed away without record, and no man knows where his bones were laid. But a noble monument was reared to his memory by his own hands. His maps and papers passed into the hands of Kobert Gordon of Straloch, geographer and antiquary, " second son of Sir John Gordon of Pitlurg, who was directed by Charles I. to aid the Blaeus of Amsterdam with such information as the writings of Pont afforded, to further their project of publishing an atlas of Scotland in their great work of an Atlas of the World, which they undertook in 1655." 1 Fifty years or thereby after his death the results of Font's labours were given to the world in Blaeu's magnificent Atlas, wherein, enshrined in time-mellowed vellum, is stored a mass of information such as has rarely been committed to the hands of a single publisher. Four maps are devoted to Galloway, one containing the whole Province, another the Sheriffdom of Wigton, a third the western half of the Stewartry of Kirk- cudbright, and a fourth showing the eastern half. They are 1 Font's Cuninghame TopographlseJ, Introd., p. viii. TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 41 accompanied by an extract from Camden descriptive of the Province, and also by an article from the pen of Mr. John Maclellan, a translation of which is given in the Appendix. Many of the names contain misprints ; others, owing to the maps having been engraved in Amsterdam, have received a Dutch complexion, which may be recognised in variations such as Boirlant for Bordland (or Boreland, as it is now written) ; nevertheless, making every allowance for this, as well as for the arbitrariness of the spelling of the period, the value of Font's rendering of the names as they sounded in his ears in 1600 and the ten succeeding years, cannot be exag- gerated in relation to an attempt to interpret them. The vernacular of Galloway is said to have continued Erse or Gaelic until about the time of the geographer's birth. He probably encountered it still lingering in the wild districts of the Glenkens, Glentrool, and the moorland districts of Wigton- shire, and even if he were ignorant of it at the commencement of his work, his incumbency of the Highland parish of Dunnett must have given him a familiarity with its sound and sense. In his "Alphabet!" of places in Cuninghame, he interprets many Gaelic names, consequently his rendering of place- names in Galloway is infinitely more valuable than if they had been written down by a scribe ignorant of the speech in which they are framed. But though we accept gratefully their written forms of names, the greatest care must be exercised in accepting the etymologies of early writers. There seems to be a fascination in the pursuit of the idea conveyed in a local name, which, from the earliest times, has prevailed to lead sober-minded historians into rash speculations. Even the earnest Pont waxes almost waggish in his glee at having hit upon a connection between Ptolemy's Lucopibia and Whithorn : " Neirtmto this (Vigtoune) Ptolemee placed the city Leuco- phibia, therafter the episcopall seat of St. Ninian, wich Beda calleth Candida Casa, and wee now in this same sense Whit- 42 STUDIES IN THE home. Quhat say you then if Ptolemee, after his maner, translated that name in Greeke \evica oiKiSia, that is, Whitt- houses (instead quhereof the transcribers have thruste upoiie us Leucophibia), wich the picts termed Candida Casa." 1 It is perhaps hardly necessary to remark that Ptolemy wrote three centuries before Ninian built his Candida Casa. The name doubtless expressed the appearance of the first stone- and-lime building in these parts, as distinguished from struc- tures of dry stone, wood, or wattle. Among the crofters of the West Highlands at this day the distinction is well under- stood between a " black house " of dry stone and thatch, and a " white house " of stone and mortar with slate roof. Further, Ptolemy did not write Leucophibia, but Lucopibia, and as the locality he assigned to this place is extremely vague, it is much more probable that the name contains the original form of the name now written " Luce." Another instance of wild identification of places is given by Peter Heylin, who in his Cosmography (London, 1669) speaks of " the Novantes, containing Galloway, Carrick, Kyle, and Cun- ningham. Principal places of the which were Liwopibia, now Whithern, and Berigonium, now Bargenie" (Lib. i. 285). Having rendered Ptolemy's Rerigonium into Berigonium, and found Bargeny to correspond to the sound of the erroneous rendering, he unhesitatingly identified one with the other. In the seventeenth century several topographical treatises on Galloway were compiled. Of these there survive the follow- ing: Description of the Stewartrie of Kircudbright^ Description of the Parish of Kirkpatrick Durham? Description of the Parish of Minygaff* Description of the Shcriffdom of Wigtoun, by Sir Andrew Agnew of Lochnaw, and David Dunbar of Baildon ; 5 1 Font's MS., Advocates' Library, 33. 2. 27, No. 14. 2 Sibbald MSS., Advocates' Library, Jac. v. 1.4. 3 Macfarlane MSS., vol. i. p. 510 ; Advocates' Library, Jac. v. 4. 19. 4 Ibid. vol. L p. 517 ; Advocates' Library, Jac. v. 4. 19. 5 Sibbald MSS., Advocates' Library, Jac. v. 1. 4. TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLO WA Y. 43 Further Account anent Galloway, by Dr. Archbald. 1 These tracts are printed in the Appendix to Symson's Description of Galloway? It is to be understood that no more is claimed for the The present following pages than to be a contribution to the study of the tentative, local names of Galloway. Difficulties, in themselves most forbidding, and almost sufficient to stop even an accomplished Celtic scholar on the threshold, might well have deterred an humble student such as the present writer. But it seemed to him that some portion of what has been done for Ireland by the labours of O'Donovan, Beeves, Joyce, and others, may some day be accomplished for Scotland ; and if the collection and systematic arrangement of names, and their collation with those conferred in Ireland by a people speaking the same language and leading similar lives, should prove an assistance to those who in future may undertake the work with higher qualifica- tions for success, then it may be that the labour connected with the task has not been altogether wasted. Most of the names in the Glossary will be found in the Ordnance Survey maps, but many which the surveyors have omitted have been copied from estate maps in private hands. My grateful thanks are due to those who have kindly assisted me in the search for these names, which are in danger of being lost sight of ; and I will thankfully receive any further contri- butions of names not recorded in these pages. Other names I have received orally, which do not appear in any maps or documents which I have seen. Some of them are interesting: Scrabba, for example, the name of two strips of pasture, one in Mochmm, the other in Glasserton parish, is the Erse scrath bo [scrawbo], cows'-grass, and corresponds with Scrabo in Ireland. 1 Sibbald MSS., Advocates' Library, W. 5. 17. This Tract refers almost exclusively to the natural history of the district. 2 A Large Description of Galloicay, by Andrew Symson, Minister of Kirkinner, MDCLXXXTV., with an Appendix containing Original Papers from the Sibbald and Macfarlane MSS. Edinburgh, 1823. 44 TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. The supposed derivations and meanings are, of course, with very few exceptions, stated tentatively. Where the sense and origin are very doubtful, a note of interrogation [?] follows the Celtic words ; the explanations in these cases are intended purely as suggestions. Dr. Joyce's work on the Origin and History of Irish Names of Places has been constantly referred to, as being the most complete study on topographical nomen- clature known to me. The Irische Texte, mit Worterbuch of Professor Windisch, has been relied on for Old Erse forms, while Dr. Reeves's monumental work, Adamnan's Life of St. Columba, and Dr. O'Donovan's Annals of the Four Masters have been found a perfect treasure-house of learned information. An attempt has been made to show the origin and con- nection of many of the words entering into our topography, and their connection with other branches of Aryan speech. In this I have relied mainly on Professor Skeat's Etymological Dictionary of the English Language, while Dr. Jamieson's well- known Dictionary of the Scottish Language is freely quoted in explanation of many Lowland or Broad Scots words applied to features of land, although the advance of Comparative Etymo- logy since the days of the last-named writer has rendered his derivations almost useless. AN TIK-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL AN TlR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL (THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY). ACHIE HILL (P. Achy). < Kells.' Achadh [aha], a field ; trans- lated campulus by Adamnan. Pont explains achadh, as " ane Irich vord signifies a folde or a crofte of land gained out of a vyld ground of before vnmanured." Cuninghame, p. 50. Origin uncertain, but possibly connected with Lat. ager, a field. It is liable to confusion in compound names with ath, atha [ah, aha], a ford. Cf. AUCHIE ; also Agha, a parish in Carlo w, and many names beginning with Ach, Auch, Agh, Augh, Auchie, and Aghy, in both Scotland and Ireland. ACQUAINTANCE HILL. ' Carsphairn.' Cf. QUANTAN'S HILL. ADDERHALL. ' Penninghame.' Eadar glwbhal [1] [howl], between the forks. Cf. Addergoole, Adderagool, Addrigoole, Adrigole, Edergole, and Edergoole in various parts of Ireland, i.e. eadar gabhal [adder gowl], between the (prongs of a) fork (of a river, roads, etc.); or perhaps like Adderwal in Donegal (eadar bhaile, mid-town), in which sense see BALMINNOCH. Joyce, i. 529, ii. 444. AGGISTON. * Sorbie.' AIKET HILL (Inq. ad Cap. 1550, Aikhead). ' Urr.' A.S. dc wudu, oak wood. A.s. dc gives BR. so. aik, and (by change of long a according to rule into oo), M.E. oke, ook, E. oak + DU. eik + iCEL. eik+DAN. eeg, eg+SWED. ek + G. eiche, from Teut. type aika (Skeat, s. v. oak). A.S. wudu (whence M.E. wode, wde, E. wood, BR. sc. wud) + iCEL. vfor, a tree, wood + DAN. and SWED. ved+ M.H.G. wife, O.H.G. witu + 'ERS'E and GAEL, fiodh + w. gwydd. Skeat suggests original sense was " twig," mass of twigs, bush, connected with E. withy *Jwi, to twine. AIKEY BUSH (P. Oakybuss, Akybuss). ' Balmaclellan.' Aiken bush, oak wood. The second syllable -ey is the remains of the suffix -en ; BR. sc. aiken (Jamiesori), A.s. dcen (Bosworth), of or belonging to the oak. AIKIEHEAD. ' Penninghame.' BR. SC. aiken head, hill of oaks. 48 AN TJR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. AIKIE SLACK. 'Colvend.' BR. sc. aiken slack, oak hollow. " Slak, slack, slake, an opening in the higher part of a hill, where it becomes less steep, and forms a sort of pass." Jamieson. A.S. sleac, slack, slow; M.E. slak, E. slack-}- ICEL. sfa&r+swED and DAN. sZa/;+PKOV. G. schlock, slack + M.H.G. slack, O.H.G. slah. All from a TEUT. base slaka, slack. The idea of slack used topographically seems to be intermission, relaxation, where the hill "leaves off" being steep, or where the effort in climbing is " slackened." AIMEY HILL. * Kirkcowan.' AIRD (Inq. ad Cap. 1623, Aird ; 1668, Aird). ' Inch.' Ard, high, a height. The same in ERSE, GAEL., c., and M. + LAT. arduus. AIRDRIE. ' Kirkbean.' See under ARDRIE. AIRDS (Inq. ad Cap. 1576, Airdis ; P. Airds). 'Girthon,' * Kells,' ' Berwick,' ' Troqueer.' The heights. See AIRD, to which E. plural has been added. AIRIE. ' Balmaghie,' ' Kells.' Airidh [airie], a shieling, a hill- pasture. " Airghe, a place for summer grazing in the moun- tains." Lluyd. This word does not seem to have survived in Irish place-names, but in the Martyrology of Donegal it is preserved in several, as Airidh Locha Con, the shieling or pasture of Loch Conn ; Airidh fotha, the long or far shieling ; Airiud bainne, Ariud-Brosca, Airidh-indaich, Ariudh-mmlt, etc. AIRIEBENNAN. ' Kells.' Airidh [airie] beannain, shieling or pas- ture of the hill ; dim. of beann, or airidh bennan, shieling of the calves; "bendan (bennan?"), O'Dav. p. 57. See under BENNAN. AIRIEGLASSEN (Inq. ad Cap. 1698, Whytharriglassen vel Whyte- darriglassen). ' Kirkcowan.' Airidh [airie] glasan [?], green hill-pasture. The terminal an is often added without a diminutive signification. Lluyd gives glasuaine, green, as equivalent to glas. " Some nouns ending in an and og do not always express diminutive ideas." O'Donovan. The meaning may also be airidh glaisin, hill-pasture or shieling of the streamlet (c/. Ardglushin in Cavan, the height of the streamlet); or again, Glasan's shieling, from a man's name. Glasan and Glaisin from glas, green, are mentioned by O'Donovan as one of the numerous names of men formed from adjectives denoting colour (Topographical Poems, p. 55). AIRIEHASSAN (P. Aryhassen). ' Kirkinner.' Airidh chasain [?] [hassan], shieling of the pathway. A farm on the old pack- horse track from Mochrum to Wigton. Cf. BALHASIE, THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 49 CULQUHASEN; also Cassan in Fermanagh, Cussan in Kilkenny, Cossaun in Gahvay, Ardnagassan in Donegal, Ardnagassane in Tipperary, etc. GAEL, casan, a path, perhaps akin to E. cause- way, in which mistaken etymology has introduced wa; formerly causey (Milton, P.L., x. 415, and cause Barbour's Bruce, ed. Skeat, xviii. 128, 140) o.F. caucie (F. chaussde, SPAN. cahada) LOW LAT. calciata (calciata via), a causeway LAT. calx. AIRIEHEMMING (Inq. ad Cap. 1628, Areheman ; P. Aryhaman ; Inq. ad Cap. 1650, Aricheman ; 1663, Arihemmane). 'Old Luce.' Cf. AREEMING. AIRIELICK (P. Airluick). ' Mochrum.' Airidh ttc or lie, shieling of the flat stones (or tombs). Flags used to be quarried here, a wall of which was found encircling a crannog or lake- dwelling in the moss, which was excavated in 1884. Coll. A.G.A.A., vol. v. p. 114; o. ERSE lee, ERSE leac [lack], lie [lick], Hag [leeg], GAEL, leac, w. Ihechen + LAT. lapis + GK. \i6o<>. For gen. plur. Uc, cf. " O etrochta lee I6gmar." Fis Adamndin (from Lebor Brec) 18, 1. 30, Windisch, p. 182 ; but in the Lebor na hUidre the same passage is given, " O etrochta le"ac logmar," showing the alternative form. AIRIELIG (Inq. ad Cap. 1692, Arielig ; 1667, Arilig; P. Ariluig, Erluganair, Arylaganair). ' Kirkcowan.' Airidh luig, shiel- ing of the hollow, or of the loch. Loch, gen. locha or luig. " Luig, the gen. of loch, An luig, of the lake." Lluyd. Arylaganair looks like airid-h luig an air, shieling of the hollow of slaughter, or of the ploughing. AIRIE5LLAND (Inq. ad Cap. 1668, Ardowland ; P. Aryoullan ; Symson, Ariullan ; Inq. ad Cap. 1697, Arioland ; Inq. ad Cap. 1628, Areulanes). ' Mochrum,' ' Old Luce/ ' Stoneykirk.' AIRIEQUHILLART [pron. Airiewhillart], (P. Arychollart; Inq. ad Cap. 1664, Airiquhillart). 'Mochrum.' Airidh abhal- ghoirt [1] [airy oulart], shieling of the apple-garden. Cf. Bally whollart in Down, Ballinoulart in Wexford and King's County, Oulart in Wexford, and Knockullard in Carlow. o. ERSE aball, uball, ERSE abhal, GAEL, ulhall + w. afal, B. aval + ICEL. epli + DU. appel + o. FRIES, appel + A.S. ceple ceppel (whence M.E. appel, appil, E. apple) + SWED. dple, apple + DAN. able + O.H.G. a,pJwl, G. apfel + RUSS. jabloko + LITH. obulys. AIRIES (IV . P. MSS. Areiss ; P. Aiyes, Aries ; Inq. ad Cap. 1568, Airie ; 1625, Airie). ' Kirkcolm,' ' Kirkirmer.' Aros, a D 50 AN TJR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. house, a dwelling. " Aras, a room, a house." Lluyd. This word does not appear in Irish names. AIRLESS (P. Airlyis). ' Kirkinner.' AIRLOUR (P. Arlair; Inq. ad Cap. 1684, Aulare vel Airlare). ' Mochrum.' Urldr [1], a floor ; hence a flat piece of land. Cf. Urlar in Sligo and Urlaur in Mayo. AIRY HILL (P. Ary). ' Berwick.' See under AIRIE. AIRYLAND (Inq. ad Cap. 1605, Arilane; P. Arylane). 'Kelton.' Airidh leathan [airie lahan], broad hill-pasture. Leathan ' is often shortened to lane, especially in the north (of Ireland) : as in Gortlane, near Cushendall, in Antrim, Lislane in Deny and Tyrone.' Joyce, ii. 418. See under AUCHLANE. AKEWHAN FORD (on the Dee). ALCHERRY CLEUGH. ' Carsphairn.' The prefix appears to be aill, a cliff, or perhaps allt, a glen or stream. See under CLEUGH. ALDERG6WAN. ' Colvend.' Allt an gobhan [gown or gowen], the smith's glen. In primitive times the smith or worker in metals occupied an important office, and the word gobha [gow] gen. sing, gobhan, gobha, gabond, enters into innumerable place- names in Scotland and Ireland ; 0. ERSE goba, O. w. gob, \v. gof, C. and B. gof. O. ERSE alt, "cliff or height," ab altitudine (Corm. Transl., p. 56) ; GAEL, "allt, a river with precipitous banks ; a river, a brook." Macalpine. In Galloway and Ulster, it nearly always means a glen, or the stream that runs within the glen. The change of meaning has been progressive, from the height to the valley between the heights, thence to the stream in the valley. There are many words meaning " hill " that come to mean " hollow," and vice versa. ALi>6uRAN. ' Leswalt.' Allt ddran, glen of the otters, otterburn. Cf. POLDOWRAN, PULDORES. Ddran = dobharan [doveran, doran], the water-animal ; ERSE dobharchu, the water-dog, w. dyfrgi, C. dourghi, B. durki, Id dur. The idea is the same in Celtic and Teutonic languages. Thus otter A.S. otor + DU. otter + ICEL. otr + DAN. odder + SWED. utter + G. otter + Russ. vuidra + LITH. udra + GK. vSpa, a water-snake. The common Teutonic type is utra, answering to Aryan udra, standing for orig. wadra ; it is closely related to water. The sense is ' water-animal.' (Skeat.) THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 51 ALHANG (a hill 2100 ft.) (P. Aldhing). ' Carsphairn.' Faill, or aill, a cliff or precipice. Usually faill in the south of Ireland becomes fhaill [ail] in the north. Cf. 0. ERSE ail, a stone. ALG6WER STRAND ' Girthon.' Allt, or aill gabhar [gower], the glen or cliff of the goats. Cf. Allagower in Dublin county). "Strand, a rivulet." Jamieson. A.s. strand, a margin. Gabhar or gobhar, a goat, gen. goibhre, 0. ERSE gabar, a horse or goat + W. gafar + C. gauvr + B. gauvr + LAT. caper. The word was originally applied both to the horse and the goat. Cormac gives gabur, a goat, gobur, a horse. In Colgan's Life of St. Aidus Loch-gabhra is translated Stagnum- equi. In mod. Gael, gobhar means a she-goat as distinct from boc, a he-goat. In this case, and many others, owing to the wild, rugged ground, and to the fact that wild goats exist in considerable numbers still, the name may be safely assumed as having been given in reference to goats rather than to horses. ALLANBANK. ' Buittle.' ALLANBAY. ' Minigaff.' Aill an beith [bey], cliff of the birch- tree, or eilean beith, island or river-meadow of the birches. Beith or beth, w. beduen. B. bezo, bedho -}- LAT. betula. ALLAN'S CROSS. ' Berwick.' ALLANc6o. ' Leswalt.' Eilean dubh [allan doov or doo], black isle. o. ERSE oiUn, ERSE oiUan, GAEL, eilean + A.s. igland (whence M.E. Hand, ylond) + DU. eiland + ICEL. eyland, G. eiland, etc. Means primarily an island, but, like innis (BR. sc. inch, and isle), is often applied to pasture beside water. Neither oilman nor E. island are at all related, except in sense, to E. isle LAT. insula. Dubh is a very common word in composition, assuming the various forms of duff, doo, dow, dhu, dew, dee, etc. It is used both as prefix and suffix, w. du. C. diu, B. deia. ALLANEASY. ' Leswalt.' There is an island of the same name on the West Highland coast, on which are remains of a chapel, and which bears the sense of eilean losa [eesa], isle of Jesus. Cf. CLACHANEASY. ALLANGIBBON (an island in the Ken). 'Dairy.' Eilean, an island. ALLEN HEAD. ' Kirkmaiden,' ' Whithorn.' Aillean [?], the cliffs. See under ALHANG. ALMORNESS [pron. Ammerness]. ' Buittle.' 52 AN TIR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. ALMANACK HILL. ' Inch.' Allt manach []], the glen of the monks. Close by is Auld Taggart, q.v. ERSE, C., and B. manach, w. mynach LAT. monachus (whence A.S. munec, E. monk) + GK. fjiova^of, solitary, deriv. of /ioi>o9, alone. Difficult to distin- guish, in some names, from meadhonach [minnach]. ALR!ITH. ' Carsphairn.' A ill raith []], cliff of the fort. See under WRAITH. ALT, The. ' Glasserton,' ' Kirkinner.' Allt, a height. The primitive meaning seems to have been retained in each of these places. See under ALDERGOWAN. ALTADOCH BURN. ' Kirkmaiden.' ALTAGGART BURN (P. Alt. Taggart). * New Luce.' Allt shagairt [haggart], the priest's glen. o. ERSE sacard (Cormac, sacart) LAT. sacerdos (lit. " a presenter of holy offerings "), from LAT. base SAC, which, being nasalised, gives sancire, to establish, confirm, of which past part, sanctus gives F. saint, E. saint. In this word the s in composition often disappears (as in this name) by aspiration, or is eclipsed by t, as in BARTAGGART. Of. Carrickataggart, in Donegal, and many other names in Ireland. ALTAIN. ' Kirkmaiden.' Alltdn, a little glen or streamlet ; dim. of allt. ALT GLEN, The. ' Mochrum.' Allt, a glen ; the pleonastic name of the glen at Alticry. ALTIBEASTIE (P. Alaveisty). ' Kells.' Allt a' biasta (gen. of beist), glen of the beast, or of the serpent. Cormac, be'ist = LA r r. bestia ; W. bwyst (in bivyst-fil). Ponfs writing shows the aspirated form of genitive, bheiste. Cf. BALLOCHABEASTIE ; also Altnapaste in Ireland, Knockuabeast in Koscommon, Lisnapaste in Donegal and Mayo, Tobernapeastia in Kilkenny. ALTIBRAIR. 'New Luce.' Allt a' brathair [braar], the friar's glen. Close to Kilfeather and Altaggart, Cf. PORTBRIAR : also, in Cork county, Garranabraher. Brathair, a brother, hence a friar, w. brawd, plur. Irodyr, C. bredar + A.S. br6thor, whence M.E. brother + ICEL. brodir + GOTH, bi'dthar + O.H.G. pruoder+RUSS. brat' + LAT. j "rater +GK. (frparrfp + SKT. bhrdtri >^BHAR, to bear. ALTIBRICK STRAND. ' Kells.' Allt na breac [brack], stream of the trouts. Breac, a trout = bre"c, spotted; the spotted fish. ALTICRY (Inq. ad Cap. 1582, Alticray; P. Aldchry). 'Mochrum.' THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 53 ALTIGOUKIE (P. Altigobraide). ' New Luce.' ALTIVOLIE. ' Stoneykirk.' Allt na bhuaile [voolie], glen or stream of the cattle fold. Cf. Ballyvooley in Antrim, etc. Buailf, deriv. of bo, a cow. " The term booley was not confined to the mountainous districts, for in some parts of Ireland it was applied to any place where cattle were fed or milked, or which was set apart for dairy purposes." Joyce, i. 229. ALTIWHAT. ' Girthon.' Allt na chat, glen of the wild cats. See under ALWHAT. ALTON (Ing. ad Cap. 1629, Auldtoun ; 1630, Auldtoune ; 1636, Altoun ; P. Esschonne, from easdn, dim. of eas [ass], a cascade). ' Kirkmaiden.' Alltdn, a streamlet, dim. of allt, see ALTAIN. ALT6GUE [pron. Alchogue], (Inq. ad Cap. 1697, St. John's Croft, adjacens Culgroat, vocata Altileog; 1636, Crofta Sancti Johannis adjacens vocata Altichoge ; P. Aldtewick). ' Stoneykirk.' Alltog, dim. of allt. ALWHANNIE (a hill, 1200 ft.). ' Carsphairn.' A ill, a cliff, per- haps fheannogh, of the carrion crows, like Mullanavannog in Monaghan. Cf. BARWHANNIE. ALWHAT (a hill, 1937 ft.). ' Carsphairn.' Aill chatt [haat], cliff of the wild cats. Cat (GAEL, and ERSE), a word of un- known origin, exists in many languages ; DU. hit + ICEL. Tcottr + DAN. kat + SWED. katt + O.H.G. kater, cfiazzd + G. kater, katze + w. cath+ BRET. caz+LATELAT. catus + nuss. kof, koshka + ARAB. qitt + TURK. kedi.+A.s. cat, catt. (Skeat.) Cf. DRUMWHAT, CAIRN-NA-GATH ; also Roscat in Carlow, and other places in Ireland. ALWHIBBIE. ' Stoneykirk.' Allt, a stream or glen. ALWHILLAN. ' Kells.' Aill chuileainn [liwillan], cliff of the holly bush. Cuileann, w. celyn, celin, B. kelen. In the E. holly the final n (retained in SC. hollin) has been dropped; M.E. holyn A.s. holen (this M.E. form produces holm oak (quercus ilici- foliits), the holly-leaved oak) -f DU. hitlst + G. hiilse, holly -f r. houx ; perhaps the base KUL, HUL is connected with LAT. culmtn, a peak (culmus, a stalk), from the pointed leaves. (Skeat). ANABAGLISH (P. Ennabaguish). ' Mochrum.' Eanach logluasgach or bogghluiseacM, the floating bog or morass ; a sufficiently close description of the place. Cf. Annaghbeg, in Ireland, and many other places in that country with names begin- 54 AN TIR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. ning Annagh, Anna, and Anny. Eanach, a moor, a marsh (O'fieilly) ; bogghluiseachd, floating, moving (O'Reilli/) ; GAEL. bogluasgach ; waving, floating, softly moving (Macalpine). Deriv. of bog, soft ; bogach, a bog. See under BOGUE. ANN AT HILL. * Kirkinner.' Annoid [annud], a church. This is on the farm of Kirkland of Longcastle, which accounts for the name. ANNATLAND (near Sweetheart Abbey). * New Abbey.' Church land. See under ANNAT HILL. ANSTOOL (P. Amstel). ' Balmaghie.' ANWOTH { Cap. 1575, Anuecht). (A parish in the Stewartry.) APPLEBIE (Inq. ad Cap. 1598, Aplebie ; W. P. MS. Apilbie ; P. . Apleby). ' Glasserton.' ARBIGLAND (P. Arbiggland ; Sibbald MS. Arbiglam). ' Kirkbean.' ARBRACK (Inq. ad Cap. 1625, Arbrok; W. P. MS. Arbrok; P. Arbrock). ' Whithorn.' ARDAcHTE (Ing. ad Cap. 1633, Ardachir vel Aldachie). 'Kirk- cowan.' Ard achadh [aha], high field. Cf. Ardagh and Ardaghy, commonly in Ireland, written by the Annalists Ardachadh. See under ACHIE and AIRD. ARDNIM6RD (Inq. ad Cap. 1614, Ardnamoird; 1692, Ardenmort; 1627, Ardinmorde ; P. Arynamoirt). ' Kirkcowan.' Ard na mart, height of the oxen, or (if Font's spelling be the original), airidh na mart, hill-pasture of the oxen. Cf. Stranamort in Cavan, and Cahernamart (the old name of Westport) in Mayo. ARDOCH (P. Airdoch). ' Dairy.' See under ARDACHIE. The old name of Craufurdland, in Kilmarnock parish, was Ardach, of which Pont says, " Aaird-dach, or Ard-daach, as some inter- pret it ; a heigh plott, or daach, of land layand vpone a know." CuningJuime, p. 55. ARDRIE. ' Kirkcolm.' Ard righ, height of the king or chief (see under AUCHENREE), or perhaps ard reidh [ray], high plain, smooth height. " Reidh is usually applied to a mountain flat, or a coarse, moory, level piece of ground among hills." Joyce, i. 427. B. reiz. Cf. AIRDRIE. See under AUCHENREE. ARDWALL (P. Ardwel, Ardwell). 'Anwoth,' 'Borgue,' 'New Abbey.' Ard gall [?], the stranger's height, or height of the standing stones. The change from g to w is according to rule. ARDWELL. ' Kirkcolm,' ' Stoneykirk.' See under ARDWALL. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 55 AREEMING (Inq. ad Cap. 1604, Arreimein; Macfarlane MS., Arim- ing). ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' Cf. AIRIEHEMMING. ARGRUSK, ISLE OF (in the Dee). ' Minigaff.' ARKLAND (Inq. ad Cap. 1604, Arkland ; P. Arckland). ' Gir- thon.' ARMANILLIE. ' Balmaclellan. ARNDARROCH (P. Arndarrag, Arndarrach). 'Dairy.' Ard na darach, height of the oaks. O. ERSE dair, gen. daro, dara, darach, GAEL, darach, W. derw, C. dar, B. derven + GOTH. triu, gen. trims, a tree + SWED. trd + DAN. tree + ICEL. ire, timber +A.S. tred, a tree (whence E. tree). All from TEUT. type trewa, a tree + RUSS. drew, a tree + GK. 8/91)9, an oak, Bopv, a spear shaft + SKT. dru, ddnt, wood. (Skeat, s.v. Tree.) ARNGRENNAN (Inq. ad Cap. 1604, Argranane; P. Ardgrenen). ' Tungland.' Ard an grianain [greenan], the height of the castle. See under GRENNAN. ARNMANNOCH (P. Ardmannoch, Armaunoch). ' Kirkgunzeon.' Ard na manach, height of the monks. Close by is a ruined church. See under ALMANACK. ARROW (Inq. ad Cap. 1600, Arrow; P. Arrow; W. P. MS. Arrow). ' Glasserton.' Arbha [1] (arva, arwa, arroo), corn. Cf. ARVIE and ERVIE, also Clonarrow in King's Co., and Derryarrow in Queen's County. ARTFIELD (P. Artfell). ' Old Luce.' ARVIE. (P. Aruy, Erby, Errby). ' Kirkcolm,' 'Parton.' See under ARROW. ASHIEFANE. ' MinigaflF.' Ass OF THE GILL (a ravine on the Cree, about a mile above Newton-Stewart). 'Minigaff.' A compound of three lan- guages. GAEL, eas [ass], a cascade, SCAND. gil, a ravine. First came the Celt, who spoke of it as eas, then the Norse invader who called it gil, finally English speech united the two by interposing preposition and article. AUCHABRICK. ' Kirkmaideo.' Achadh Me [aha breck], dappled, brindled field. A common epithet of variegated, brindled land (see FLECKEDLAND). o. ERSE brdc, ERSE and GAEL, breac, w. brech, brith, formerly brida (Rhys, p. 62), B. briz+iCEL. freknur, pi. freckles + SWED. friikne, a freckle + DAN. fregne + E. freckle, freckly + GK. irepicvos, spotted + SKT. 56 AN TfR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. AuCHENCliRN (Inq. ad Cap. 1575, Auchincairne; P. Achincairn). 'Berwick.' Achadh an cairn, field of the cairn. "I went ... to Aghakern, or the field of the cairn, a village so called from a cairn near." Letter from Bishop Pococke to his sister, A.D. 1760. O. ERSE carnd earn, card, a heap of stones, espe- cially over a grave. GAEL., ERSE, w., M., c., B. earn. The root-sense seems to be "stone," not "heap;" probably from a root car. whence carraig, creag, a cliff or rock, carrach, rocky (cara i. clocha, O'Dav., p. 63), B. karrek. a rock in the sea, ERSE ceart, a pebble, E. chert. The genitive of earn is now chuirn, but the old genitive was cairnd or chairnd : " Doberat cloich each fir leo do chur chairnd." Leabhar na h-Uidre, p. 86 b , 40. AUCHENCL6Y (Inq. ad Cap. 1543, Auchincloye ; P. Achincloy). ' Girthon,' ' Stoneykirk.' Achadh na cloicJie, field of the stone. Many townlands in Ireland bear the name of Aghnacloy. Cf. Auchencloich in Kilbirnie parish, Ayrshire, translated by Pont, " Ye fold of stones, or stoney fold." Cuninghame, p. 48. AUCHENDARROCH (P. Assindarroch). ' Inch.' Achadh na darach, field of the oaks, oakfield. Cf. Auchendarroch in Ayrshire, and Aghindarroch in Tyrone. See under ARNDARROCH. AUCHEND6LLY (P. Achindoly). * Crossmichael.' Achadh na dtulach [?], field of the hillocks, or achadh na dealg [dallig], field of the thorns. Cf. AUCHENTALLCCH and CLAUCHEN- DOLLY, and, in Antrim, Ballynadolly. AUCHENFAD. ' Eerwick,' * Troqueer.' Achadh fada, long or far field. " Fad, fada, long, tall." O'Reilly. AUCHENFRANCO (P. Achinfranco). 'Loch Button.' Achadh an Francaich, the Frenchman's field. Cf. FRANCO HILL, also, in lona, Port na bhfrancach. ERSE Francach, w. Frennig, C. Frinkak. + O.H.G. franko, a Frank, a free man. " The origin of the name Frank is obscure." Skeat. AUGHENFL6wER (P. Ach-na-flowir). ' Kirkcudbright.' Perhaps to be compared to Flowerhill in Sligo, which is a semi- trans- lation of cnoc an lobhair [lour], the leper's or sick man's hill. Cf. DRUMFLOWER. See under BARLURE. AUCHENGALIE (P. Achingailluy). * Mochrum.' AUCHENGASHELL. ' TAvynholm.' Achadh an gcaiseail [aha an gashell], field of the stone fort (castle). ERSE caiseal, \v. castell, C. costal + A.S. castel + 'LAT. castelhim, dim. of castrum, a camp. AUCHENGILSHIE (now called Gilshie Feys). 'Kirkinner/ THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 57 Achadhdn giolchach [ahaan gilhya], rushy field. Cf. KNOCK- GILSIE, KNOCKGULSHA, CASSENGILSHIE, TARWILKIE. " Giolc, a reed or cane." Lluyd. In Southern Ireland giolc means broom, and also sometimes in the North ; e.g. Giltagh, in Fermanagh, which is called " Giltagh or Broomhill " in the Grand Jury Map of Devenish. Joyce, ii. 335. AUCHENGIBBERT (P. Achingibbert). ' Urr.' Acliadh an tiobair, field of the well. (See under AUCHENTIBBERT.) Tobar or tiobar, a well, often appears as chipper, kibber, or kipper, in compound as well as in simple place-names ; e.g. KIBBERTIE KITE WELL, CHIPPERMORE, CARRICK KIBBERTIE. AUCHENGOOL. ' Berwick.' Achadh na gabhal [gowl] ; literally the field of the fork (as the dividing of streams), (gabhal, furca, Ir. Gl.) ; but in MOD. GAEL, gabhall means " a portion of laud done by cattle in ploughing." Macalpine. O'Clery also gives gabhail, i. creach, plunder. See under ADDERHALL. AuCHENG6\VER. ' Kirkcolm.' AcJiadh na gobhar [aha na gowr], field of the goats. See under ALGOWER. AUCHENGRAY. ' New Abbey.' Achadh na gre"aich [1], field of the level moor or high flat. See under IRONGRAY. Auchengree, in Dairy parish, Ayrshire, written Achin-gray by Pont, is rendered Achadh na criadh, clay field, by his editor, Dobie. (CuningJiame, p. 48.) AUCHENHAY (Inq. ad Cap. 1604, Auchinhey ; MS. 1527, Auchin- hay; P. Achinhae). 'Borgue,' 'Colvend,' 'Kirkpatrick Dur- ham.' Achadh na haithe [aha na haye], field of the kiln. Aith'[ah] a kiln for drying corn. " It is generally found in the end of names, joined with na, the gen. fern, of the article, followed by h, by which it is distinguished from ath, a ford, which takes an in the genitive." Joyce, i. 377. Cf. Annahaia and Annahaigh in Monaghan and Armagh, Bally- nahaha and Ballynahaia in Limerick ; Lisnahay in Antrim, Gortnahey in Londonderry, and Auchnahay in Antrim, etc. AUCHENHILL. 'Colvend.' Achadh an chuill [aha an hill], field of the hazel bush. o. ERSE collde (" coll, corylus," Ir. Gl.), w. coll (Bhys), c. goluidhen, B. Muedhen, GAEL, calllun + LAT. corylus (cosulus) + DAN. and S\VED. hassel + ICEL. hasl + A.S. hcesel, whence M.E. hasel and E. hazel. Hazel-nuts, in pre- historic times, formed an important article of human diet. When Barhapple Loch, in Old Luce, was drained, a very large crannog or lake-dwelling was exposed, the lee shore of 58 AN TIR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. the lake (N.E., according to the prevailing S.w. wind) was found strewn with immense quantities of broken nut-shells. See under INCH. AUCHENINNES (Cluirter 1696, Auchinfines). 'Urr.' An island in the "Water of Urr. Achadh an inis (dative case), field in the island. AUCHENLARIE (P. Achinlary). ' Anwoth.' Achadh na laira, field of the mare. ERSE larach, o. ERSE lair (Ir. Gl. 294), GAEL. lair. AUCHENLECK (P. Achinlick). ' Minigaff.' Achadh na Uc [lack], field of the tombs (lit. flat stones). See under AIRIELICK. Cf. AUCHLEACH. AUCHENL6SH (MS. 1527, Auchinlosh). ' Colvend.' Achadh na lus [1], field of herbs. Lus, porrum (i.e. a leek), Ir. GL 810 ; w. llys, C. lysaan, B. luzauan. Cf. Auchinloss, in Ayr- shire. AUCHENLOY. ' Glasserton.' AUCHENMALG (P. Achinmalg). ' Old Luce.' AUCHENREE. ' Port Patrick.' Achadh an righ [ree], the king's field. O. ERSE ri, gen. rig, w. rhuy, O.w. rhi, 0. ruy, B. rue, plur. rovanet+uw. rex, gen. regis + GOTH. raTrs + SKT. rdjan. Ri or righ, translated king, " is often," says O'Donovan (Hy ' Many, 64 note), " applied to a petty chief of one barony." AUCHENREOCH. ' Urr.' Achadhan riabhach [ahaan reeugh], little grey field. " Riabhach, brindled, tabby, grey." OReilly. AuCHENRdcHER (Inq. ad Cap. 1661, Ardcrocher [i.e. hangman's hill] ; P. Acchrocchyrr). ' Inch.' Achadh an cwchadhair [croghar], the hangman's field. Deriv. of crock, lit. a cross, the gallows. Cf. Ardnagroghery in Cork, Knockcrogherie in Connaught, etc. AUCHENSHEEN (Inq. ad Cap. 1604, Auchinschine ; P. Auchim- sheem). ' Colvend.' Achadh na sion (?), [aha na sheen], field of the foxgloves. For the gen. plur. of this word, which takes its name from sith, a fairy (GAEL, lus-nam-ban-sith, plant of the fairies), cf. " Is dath sion and cech gruad," Tochmarc Elaine, p. 132, 1. 25 (Windisch). In Irish names the s is generally eclipsed by t, thus Gortatean in Antrim (gort a t- sian), Mullantine and Drumanteane in Armagh ; Carricka- teane in Cavan, etc. The foxglove seems indelibly connected in the popular mind with fairies, for although the E. word is THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 59 not, as has been erroneously alleged, from " folk's glove," but from A.S. foxes glofa (cf. NORW. revhandskje, from rev, a fox) ; it goes also by the name of " fairy-fingers." Perhaps achadh an sidheain [sheean], the field of the fairies' palace. Cf. Aghin- tain in Tyrone (in which s is eclipsed by t). Sidhean [sheean] gives names to many places in Ireland, Sheean, Shean, Sheaun, Sheehaun. Joyce, i. 187, and ii. 329. Cf. Fairy Knowes. AUCHENSHINNOCH. ' Dairy.' Achadh na sionnach [aha na shin- nagh], field of the foxes, o. ERSE sinnach, sindach; ERSE and GAEL, sionnach. Cf. BLAIRSHINNOCH, INSHANNOCH, KIRSHINNOCH, CRAIGSHUNDIE, BENSHINNIE, CRAIGSHINNIE, TODDLY, etc.; and, in Ireland, Aghnashannagh, Monashinnagh, Coolnashinnagh in Tipperary, and Coolnashinny in Cavan, etc. AuCHENSKE6cH (Inq. ad Cap. 1604, Auchinskeoche ; 1605, Auchinskeaucht; M.S. 1527, Auchinskeauch; P. Achinskioch). ' Colvend.' Achadh na sceithidg [skeyoge], field of the hawthorns. Cf. in Ireland, Aghnaskeagh and Aghnaskew, etc., and Auchen- skeith in Dairy parish, Ayrshire. See under SKEOG. AUCHENTALLACH. ' Twynholm.' Achadh an tealaich [tyallagh], field of the forge. See under CHALLOCH. AUCHENTIBBERT (P. Achyntybert). ' Port Patrick.' Achadh an tiprat or tiobraid [tibbred], field of the well. Cf. WELLFIELD and AUCHENGIBBERT ; also Auchintibber in Ayrshire, Aghin- tober and Aghatubrid in Ireland. See under TIBBERT. AUCHENVEAN (Inq. ad Cap. 1646, Auchinvea ; 1656, Auchinvain). ' Inch.' Probably the same as Auchenvey, q.v. ATJCHENVEY (Inq. ad Cap. 1607, Auchinvay). ' Par ton.' Achadh an Width [ahanvey], field of birch tree. See under ALLANBAY. AUCHESS. ' Kirkcowan. AUCHIE. ' Inch.' Achadh [aha], a field. See under ACHIE. AtiCHiE GLEN. ' Kirkmaiden.' See under AUCHIE. AUCHLANE. ' Kelton.' Achadh leathan [lahan, lane], broad field. Cf. Auchleand. o. ERSE lethan, W. llyddn, C. and B. ledan, GAEL, leathan + LAT. latus. AUCHLANNOCHIE. ' Minigaff/ AUCHLEACH [pron. lee-ach], (Inq. ad Cap. 1543, Auchsleoch). ' Stoneykirk.' Kirkcolm ' (twice). See under AUCHENLECK. 60 AN TIR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. AUCHLEAND [pron. Aghlyaun], (P. Achleaun). 'Wigtown.' Achadh leathan [aha lahan], broad field. See under AUCHLANE. AUCHMANISTER or AucHENMANiSTER. ' Old Luce.' Achadh an mainisdir, the field of the monastery, close to the Abbey of Luce. Cf. Aghmanister, in Abbeymahon parish, Cork ; Drummanister, etc. From LAT. monasterium (whence E. minster, not akin to minister) GK. fjLovacmjpiov fAOvacn")]?, dwelling alone /u,ovdeiv fiovos. See under ALMANACK HILL. AUCHMANTLE (P. AchmantU). ' Inch.' AUCHNAB6NY. ' Rerwick.' Achadh na banbh [bonniv], field of the young pigs ; swine pasture. Banb, a pig (Cormac) ; w. banw. Cf. Drumbonniff in Down, Drumbanniv in Clare, Drumbannow in Cavan, etc. AuCHNASSY (P. Achtasy). ' Kirkcolm.' AUCHNEEL (Inq. ad Cap. 1668, Auchmaneil; P. Achneil). 'Les- walt.' Achadh Niaill, Neil's field. Auchmaneil, from the Rolls, indicates the patronymic. Pont interprets Ardneill in Ayrshire as "Neel's knope." (Cuninghame, p. 56.) AUCHNEIGHT [pron. Aughneagh], (Inq. ad Cap. 1610, Auchnaucht). ' Kirkmaiden.' Achadh n-ech, field of the horses. AtlCHNESS or ACHNESS (P. Achnish). ' Glasserton,' ' Kirk- maiden,' ' Mochrum.' Each inis, horse pasture. The same word as Aughinish and Aughnish in various parts of Ireland, which the Four Masters write Each-Inis (inis meaning a water- side pasture as well as an island ; see INCH), o. ERSE ech + LAT. equus + GK. i7T7ro5+A.S. eoh+SKT. acva. AuCHNiEBtrr. ' Kells.' Achadh na boc [1], field of the he-goats. -Boc+B. and w. bwch, a buck ; C. byk, boch, a he-goat +A.S. bucca (whence M.E. bukke, E. buck)-\-vu. bok, a he-goat +ICEL. bukkr, a he-goat +O.H.G. poch, a he-goat, a buck+SKT. bukka, a goat. AuCHNdTTEROCH (Inq. ad Cap. 1616, Auchoteroch; 1668, Auch- riostroch ; P. Atnottroch). ' Leswalt.' Achadhdn dchtarach [ahanoghteragh] upper field ; O. ERSE liachtarach, adj. from s. liachtar, 6chtar ; ERSE and GAEL, tiaclidar, W. uch, uched, uchel, high, uchder, uchdra, height ; c. ehical ; B. uhel, high. AUCHRAE (P. Achre). ' Dairy.' Achadh reidh [ray], smooth field. AUCHREOCH [pron. ree-agh], (P. Achreoch). ' Balmaclellan.' Achadh riabhach [reeagh], grey field. Cf. AUCHENREOCH ; also Aghareagh in Ireland. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 61 AUCHTEN. ' Port Patrick.' AUCHTRIEVANE (from estate-map of Cuil). ' Kirkmabreck.' Uachdarachd bhdn [vane], white upper land. See under AUCH- NOTTEROCH. AULDBRECK (Inq. ad Cap. 1620, Olbreck. P. Ulbreck. W. P. MSS. Olbrek). ' Whithorn.' Allt breac, trout stream. See under ALTIBRICK. AULD HILL. ' Penninghame ' (twice). Allt, a height. See under ALDERGOWAN. AULD TAGGART. ' Inch.' Allt shagairt, the priest's glen (the aspirate silences the s). See under ALTAGGART. AULD WIFE'S GRAVE. ' Inch.' AWHIRK (Inq. ad Cap. 1637, Auchork; 1543, Aquhork; P. Acchork). ' Stoneykirk.' Achadh a' cheorce []] [hurkya], oatfield. See under BARN KIRK. BACHLA. ' Kirkmaiden.' " Bachlach, mann mit einem stocke (bacJmll) " ( WindiscTi), man with a stick. " A herdsman, a rustic." O'Reilly. From bachall, a staff, especially a crozier; w. baglL,A.T. baculus. Cf. Moyvoughey, in Westmeath, written by the Four Masters Magh-bhachla, the field of the crozier. Bachlach was probably used to designate a rock in the same way as buachail, a boy, in Ireland. See under BOWHILL. BACK DRUM [M.S. 1527, Backlauch, (i.e. back law, or hill)]. ' Kirkmabreck.' English prefix to GAEL, druim, a ridge. See under DRUM. BAD'S KNOWE. ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' BAIL FELL. ' Colvend.' See under BELTONHILL. BAILIE HILL. ' Stoneykirk.' " Baillie, meaning doubtful, perhaps a court or enclosure." Jamieson. MOD. GAEL, baile [bally], a town or village, also a farm ; aig baile, at home. Baile, a measure of land, a holding, a townland. " As an existing element, it is the most prevalent of all local terms in Ireland, there being 6400 townlands, or above a tenth of the sum total, into whose names this word enters as an element." Reeves. It receives the gloss locus in the Book of Armagh, Cormac's Glossary, and the Book of Lecan, also Cormac gives baile as the equivalent of rath ; hence it appears to have been originally 62 AN TtR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. applied specially to the dwelling-place and house, then gener- ally to the land. The old form was bale : " In bale athera- su frim-sa dul it chomdail, ragatsa." Serglige Conculaind, 39. " Mr. O'Donovan, in his edition of the Battle of Magh Lena, gives probably the oldest view of these land divisions over all Ireland, as it is attributed to the same Finntan who is said to have preserved the record of the ancient mythic colonisation of Ireland." Skene, Celt. Scot. iii. 154. The poem, of which two or three stanzas here follow, is well worth the study of any one interested in the subject 1 How many Trichas in noble Erinn, How many half -Trichas to accord, How many Bailes in linked array, How many doth each Baile sustain. 2 How many Bailes and Tricha-ceds, In Erinn the abundant in wealth, I say unto thee an assertion with sense I defy all the learned to confute it. 4 Ten Bailes in each Tricha-ced, And twenty Bailes (thirty in all), it is no falsehood ; Though small their number to us appears, Their extent forms a noble country (crick). J 5 A Baile sustains three hundred cows, With twelve Seisrichs it is no lie ; Four full herds may therein roam, With no cow of either touching the other. ***** 11 Twenty Bailes, too, and five hundred, And five thousand (5520 in all), it is no falsehood, Since I have taken to divide them To the number of Bailes in Erinn. " The word baile, which now means a village, town and townland, is frequently used in the Irish annals to denote the residence of a chieftain, a castle, or military station, as in the following example in the Four Masters, at the year 1560 : " Do chdidh ar bhdrr an bhaile, agus ro fhuaccair go riabhe an caisUn ar a chumus ;" i.e. " he went up to the top of the baile, and proclaimed that the castle was in his power." It seems to be derived from the same source as the Greek vroXf?, the Latin villa, and the French ville." Hy Fiachmch, 210, note. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 63 BAILIEWHIRR (Inq. ad Cap. 1600, Balzequhir; W. P. MSS. Balle- quhir ; Galloway Estate Map, Balzeuchar ; P. Balwhyr). ' Whithorn.' The z in the variant forms represents a y sound, not a sibilant. BAINLOCH or BEINLOCH. ' Colvend.' BALANNAN (Inq. ad Cap. 1604, Ballannane). ' Tungland.' BALCARRY (Inq. ad Cap. 1628, Balcarrie vel Ballincarrie ; P. Bar- kery). ' Old Luce.' Baile caithre [1] [carey], house or land of the standing stones. BALCARY. Cf. BALCARRY. ' Eerwick.' BALCRAIG (P. Balkraig, W. P. MSS. Balcreg). ' Glasserton.' Baile creige, house or townland of the crag. Cf. BALGREGGAN ; also, in Ireland, Ballynacragga, Ballynacraig, Ballynacraigy, Bally- nacregga, and Bally nacregg. BALCREY. ' Whithorn.' BALCULLENDOCH. ' Penninghame.' Baile cuileannach [cullenagh], townland of the holly wood. See under CULLENDOCH. (P. Baldun). ' Wigtown.' Baile duine, townland of the fort. There is a large fort here. Dun, a fort ; W. din, a hill-fort ; GAEL, dun + A.S. tun, a fort, enclosure, town, whence, by transferred sense, E. down, a hill, from a hill being usually chosen for a stronghold ; and also adv. and prep. down, a contraction of M.E. a-down = A.S. of dune, off the hill (Skeaf). Cf. Ballindoon, in Ireland. BALENSACK. ' Borgue.' BALFERN (Inq. ad Cap. 1608, Balfairne ; P. Balfairn). 'Kirk- gunzeon.' Baile fearn, townland of the alders. o. ERSE ferndg (Ir. Gl. 558), ERSE and GAEL, fearn, fearnog, W. gwern, B. and C. guern. BALGERRAN. ' Crossmichael.' BALGOWN (Inq. ad Cap. 1600, Bellingowyne ; P. Balgawin). ' Kirkcolm/ ' Kirkmaiden.' Baile gobhan [gown], the smith's house or townland. See under ALDERGOWAN. Cf. Bally- gowan, Ballygow, Ballingowan, frequently in Ireland. BALGRACIE (P. Balgresy). ' Leswalt.' Formerly Larbrax Greesie. See LARBRAX. Baile greusach [gressegh], the cobbler's house. GAEL, greusach, a shoemaker O. ERSE gre"ss, greas, " any arti- 64 AN TIR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. ficial work in the execution of which trade or art is required." O'Don. Suppl. " Greis, needlework, embroidery, fine clothes, furniture." O'Reilly. GAEL, greas, embroidery. BALGREDDAN (P. Balgreddan; Inq. ad Cap. 1604, Balgredden ; MS. 1527, Balgredane). 'Kirkcudbright.' BALGREGGAN. ' Stoneykirk.' Baile gcreigain []] [greggan], house of the little crag. Cf. BALCRAIG. BALHASIE. ' Kirkmabreck.' BALIG. ' Rerwick.' Baile luig, townland of the hollow. (See under LAG.) Cf. Ballinlig, Ballinlug, Ballinluig, Ballylig, and Ballylug, common townland names in Ireland. BALKAIL (P. Balkel). ' Old Luce.' Baile caol [1] [keel], narrow townland. Cf. Ballykeel in Ireland. See under CARSKEEL. BALKELLY. ' Kirkmaiden.' BALKERR (Inq. ad Cap. 1600, Balker). 'Inch.' BALLAIRD (P. Balard). ' Kirkinuer.' Baile ard, high house or townland. Cf. Ballard, in Ireland. BALLANC6LLANTIE (P. Bhellanheullanduy). ' Old Luce.' See under BALCULLENDOCH. BALLINCLAUCH (the old name of Glenluce village). ' Old Luce.' Baile na clock, town of the stones, stone town. Cf. Ballina- clogh, Bally clogh, Bally clohy, Bally naclogh, and Ballynacloghy, frequent names in Ireland. BALLINGAIR. ' Dairy.' BALLINGEAR (Inq. ad Cap. 1571, Ballingae). 'Kells.' BALLOCH (a valley between Barncorkrie and Cairn Fell). ' Kirk- maiden.' Bealach [ballagh], a pass, a road, a gap. Fdg-a- bealach [faugh-a-ballagh], clear the road ! is the slogan of the Connaught Eangers. As a prefix bealach and beul atha [bel- aha], ford mouth, are often indistinguishable in composition. Cf. LOCH VALLEY. BALLOCHABARGIN. ' Inch.' BALLOCHABEASTIE (the name of a gateway on the farm of Culroy). ' Old Luce.' Bealach a biasta, pass of the beast. See under ALTIBEASTIE. BALLOCHADEE. ' Kirkcowan.' Beul atha duibh [belahadee]. mouth of the black ford. o. ERSE bel, ERSE be"al, b6ul, " a mouth, an THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 65 orifice, a hole." O'Reilly. See under ALLANDOO and CARSNAW. BALLOCHAD60N. ' Inch.' Bealach a duin or beul atha duin, the road, pass, or ford-mouth of the fort. Cf. Bealach-duin (Four Masters, 770, 778, 855, etc.). BALLOCHAHEATHERY. ' Old Luce/ BALLOCHALEE. ' Stoneykirk.' Bealach na laegh [lea], pass of the calves. Laegh generally becomes lee in composition, " and the articled terminations -nalee and -nalea are of frequent occur- rence. Ballinalee, in Longford and Sligo, is properly written in Irish Bel-atha-na-laegh, the ford-mouth of the calves." Joyce, i. 470. Cf. Clonleigh, i.e. Cluain-laegh (Four Masters, 1480). w. llo, c. leaugh, B. lue, GAEL, laoch. BALLOCHANAMOUR or BALLOCHANARMOUR. ' Kirkmabreck/ Bealach an amuir, pass of the trough or hollow place. "Ammor, amor, a trough." Corn. Iran. p. 1 5. Cf. LAGANAMOUR, and in Ireland, Lugannamer and Leganamer in Leitrim, Bohammer in Dublin, Glenannummer in King's County, and Glennanam- mer in Koscommon. BALLOCHAN6UR. * Kirkmabreck/ BALLOCHAR6DY. ' Kirkcolm/ BALLOCHGUNION. ' Kirkmaiden/ BALLOCHJARGON. 'Old Luce/ Bealach deargdn [dyargan], red pass or road ; or perhaps bealach Deargain, Dergan's pass. The initial d before a diphthong passes into English _;' in composition. BALLOCHMYRE. ' Penninghame/ BALLOCH o' KIP. ' Kirkcolm/ Bealach a' dp [kip], the pass or road of the tree trunk. Cf. Knockakip, in Clare County, spoken of by the Four Masters (1573) as "mullach cnuic beoil an chip," i.e. top of the hill of Belankip (beul an chip, ford mouth of the tree trunk), o. ERSE cep, a post, a block + LAT. cippus. BALLOCHRAE. ' Kirkcowan/ Bealach reidh [ray], smooth pass. BALLYFERRY. ' Inch/ Baile foithre [1] [bally fihra], townland of the copse. See under WHERRY CROFT. BALLYMELLAN. ' Mochrum/ Baile muileain [meulan], mill house or townland. o. ERSE muilend (retaining d from LAT. molendi- num), w. melyn, c. belin, melin, B. mul, melin. The E. mitt, E 66 AN TJR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. (properly miln, as in BR. sc.) is descended from LAT. molina ,^/MAR, to grind. BALMACLELLAN (P. Ballmacklellann). A parish in the Stewartry. Baile Madellan, Maclellan's land or house. Named from John Maclellan, who, "in February 1466, obtained a charter from King James in. of the lands and village." M'Kerlie. BALMACRAIL. ' Kirkmabreck.' BALMAE (P. Balme). ' Kirkcudbright.' BALMAGHIE [pron. Magee], (P. Balmagy). A parish in the Stewartry. MacGhie's land. BALMANGAN (P. Balmangan). ' Berwick.' BALMEG (Inq. ad Cap. 1698, Tarhouse in Air (vel Tarhirismore) aliter vocata Balmeg, both the first names being misreadings of Torhousemuir). ' Wigtown.' Baile mbeag [meg], little house. Of. Balbeg, in Ayrshire. Of. " mil m-bec," little beast, Compert Conculaind, L. U.5. " In miol m-becc," little beast, Eg. (Windisch, 139). o. ERSE bee, bec-c, ERSE beag + 'w. bach, bychan, C. bian, bihan, B. bihan ; perhaps akin to GK. j3aios, LAT. ve- in composition, and possibly E. wee, though Skeat gives the latter as being a form of way. BALMESH (Inq. ad Cap. 1633, Balmasche; 1668, Balmass; P. Bal- mess). ' Old Luce.' BALMINNOCH (P. Balmeanach ; Inq. ad Cap. 1625, Balmanocht). ' Kirkcowan.' Baile meadhonach [minnagh], mid-house or townland. Cf. Ballymena in Antrim, and Ballymenagh in other parts of Ireland. Meadhonach o. ERSE meddn-\-A.S. mid, midde -\-ICEL. mi'Sr + SwED. and DAN. mid - (in composi- tion) + GOTH, midja + O.H.G. wii/i + LAT. meditis + GK. /Ltecro?, ^Eolic yu-eo-cro? ( = yu-e^.709) + SKT. mddhya. All from an adjectival base, MADYA, root unknown. (Skeat.) BALMIJRRIE (Inq. ad Cap. 1628, Balmurran; P. Balmoory). '-New Luce.' Baile Muireadhaich [Murragh], Murray's house. No fewer than sixty-nine personages of this name are men- tioned in the Annals of the Four Masters, the earliest being Muireadhach Tireach, who, in A.D. 326, is said to have expelled Colla Uais, king of Ireland, into Alba (Scotland) with three hundred followers. Cf. Ballyrnurry, seat of the O'Murry's, in Roscommou. BALNAB (P. Balnab ; W. P. MSS. Balnab). 'Inch,' 'Whithorn.' Baile an abadh [abba] or an aib, the abbot's house. Near THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 67 Saulseat and Whithorn Priories. In the former case it is referred to in Inq. ad Cap. 1600, as an appanage of Glenluce Abbey: " alia domus vulgo vocata the Abbot of Glenluce's Skait- house." Abb~LA.T. abbas, abbot SYEIAC abba, father. Cf. Ballinab, in Waterford. BALNACR6SS or BARNCR6SH (P. Barncrosches, Barncroshes). ' Tungland.' Baile na crois, house of the cross. GAEL, croich, gallows, crock, to hang, crois, a cross; w. crog, a cross, crwg, a crook, crogi. to hang ; c. croiss, B. croas, ERSE crock, a gallows, cros, a cross + LAT. crux. (Skeat, s.v. Crook.) Cf. Ballyna- cross, in Ireland. BALNEIL (P. Balneel). 'New Luce.' Baile Niaill, Niel's house. Cf. AUCHNEEL, DRUMNEIL, etc. BALQUHIRRIE \jpron. whirrie], (Inq. ad Cap. 1616, Balquhirrie; 1661,Ballquhirre; P. Balwhyrry). 'Kirkcolm.' Baile choire [?] [hurrie], place of the glen. Coire, lit. a caldron, hence a place resembling a caldron, a dell ; see under CORRA POOL. Perhaps more likely baile fhoithre [hwihra], land or house of the copsewood. See under BALLYFERRY, WHERRY CROFT. BALRAGGAN. ' Minigaff.' BALSARROCH (P. Balsyrnoch ; Inq. ad Cap. 1624, Balseroch). ' Kirkcolm.' Baile sairach or sairthach [sairagh] [?], eastern place ; apparently a derivative from o. ERSE sair, east (Windisch), as iarthach or iarach, from iar, west. Oir, thoir, soir, are all forms of the word occurring in old Irish MSS., as well as the derivative form oirtJiear [urher]. Per- haps baile searrach [sharragh], townland of the foals. See under BARSHEKRY. Cf. Balsarroch in Ayrshire. BALSCALLOCH (Inq. ad Cap. 1600, Balstalloch ; P. Barskalloch). ' Kirkcolm.' Baile sceilig, place of the rock. Cf. The Skelligs, two rocks off the coast of Kerry which give the name to Ballinskelligs, which is another form of Balscalloch. " Scei- lig, a rock." O'Eeilly. " Scillic, a splinter of stone." Cormac. " Sceillic, a sea rock." 'Donovan (in notes on Four Masters), w. skol. See under SCAUR. BALSHERE. ' Kirkmaiden.' Baile siar [shear], west house or place. Cf. Clonshire, cluain siar, a meadow west of Adare in Limerick. Iar [eer], siar [sheer], both O. ERSE forms signi- fying "west." Joyce (ii. 451) says the primary meaning is " hinder " or " posterior " + SKT. avara, posterior. Whitley Stokes suggests this as the origin of Eriu (which we now 68 AN TfR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. write Erin, from the gen. 'Erenri), Ireland, of which the old Celtic form seems to have been Everis or Iveris. See his Three Irish Glossaries, p. Ixiii., note. Derivative forms iarach, iarthach [eeragh], and siarach, for which see BLAWWEARY, BARSHERRY, etc. Cf. BALTIER and BALSHERE. BALSIER [pron. seer], (P. Balsyir). ' Sorbie.' See under BAL- SHERE. BALSMITH ( W. P. MSS., Balsmy the). ' Whithorn. ' Probably either a semi-translation of BALGOWN (q.v.), or a mediaeval appella- tion from a person named Smith to distinguish it from BALNAB, close by. BALTERSAN. ' Penninghame/ Baile tarsuinn, the house ath- wart, or at the crossing. ERSE trasnu, tarsna. Cf. CRAIG- TARSON, CRAIGTERSAN ; and, in Ireland, Ballytarsna, Bally- tarsnay, Ballytrasna, Ballintrasna, Baltrasna. BALTIER (P. Bantyre ; W. P. MSS. Balteyre). ' Sorbie.' Baile ttar [tear], west house. See under BALSIER. Tiar = t-siar, t-iar, westward. " Atat ar in dorus tiar insinnait hi funend grian Graig n-gabor n-glas, brec a mong, is araile corcordend." Sergigle Conculaind, 33, 18. BALT6RRENS. ' Kirkcowan.' Baile terrain, house or place of the hillock KNOWE VILLAGE, in the same parish is the Scotch equivalent. Cf., however, Ballytoran, in Tipperary, baile tedrrann, the town of the boundary, and Knocktoran in Limerick. BALUNTON. ' Minigaff.' BALYETT (P. Balyett). ' Inch.' BALZIELAND [pron. Bailie-land (the z has a y sound)], (Inq. ad Cap. 1661, Balyelland M'Kellie ; 1610, Balzelland M'Kellie). 'Kirkmaiden.' The old name of Logan. See under BAILIE HILL. BANDOLIER SLUNK (a gulley on the sea-coast). ' Stoneykirk.' " Slunk, a slough, a quagmire." Jamieson. The word is applied in Galloway as equiv. of slouch, a gulley on the sea- coast. ERSE slochd, sloe. See under SLOCK. BANKBEN, a hill of 800 ft. (P. Banck). Twynholm.' BAR or BARR, in many parishes, generally with the definite article prefixed, and often with pleonastic " Hill " or " Fell " added. Ban; the top of anything, hence a hill + A.S. beer, bare, bare+ THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLO WA Y. 69 ICEL. berr, bare, naked, O.H.G. par, G. Sar+LiTH. basus, bare- footed + SKT. bhds, to shine ; applied hence to a hill in the same way as maol, bald (see MEAUL). BAR ALLAN. 'WigtoAvn.' Barr dhallain [allain] [?], hill-top of the standing stone. Of, Pairc an dhallain, in Cork. Or perhaps barr Alain, Alan's hill-top. BARBAE (P. the same). 'Borgue,' ' Kirkcowan,' ' Stoneykirk.' Barr beith [bey], hill of birches. Cf. BARBETH and BARBAY. See under ALLANBAY. BARBAIN. ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' Barr bdn [bane], white top. BARBEGS. ' Port Patrick.' Barr beag [beg], little hill. BARBETH (Inq. ad Cap. 1616, Barbeth (' Kirkcolm') ; P. Barbetth (' Kirkcolm ')). ' Kirkcolm,' ' New Abbey.' Barr beithach [beyach], birchen hill, adjective from beith; or possibly from the substantive beith (see BARBAE), by restoration of the silent thy as in rath or rdlth. (See WRAITHS.) BARBEY. ' Urr.' See under BARBAE. BARBUCHANY (P. the same; Inq. ad Cap. 1685, Barbuchannan). ' Port Patrick.' Barr bothanach [bohannagh] [?], hill of the booths or huts; adj. from bothan. Bothdn, casa (Ir. Gl. 120), dimin. of both, a hut. See under Bow. BARBUIE. 'Kirkpatrick Irongray.' Ban' buidhe [buie, bwee], yellow-top, o. ERSE bude, buide + LAT. badius. An extremely common qualitative of place-names. BARBUNNY (Inq. ad Cap. 1610, Barbundie ; P. Barbunduy). 'Kirk- cowan.' Barr buin duibh [?] [doo], hill of the black bottom, or bun dubh, black stumps. Bun, the antithesis of barr; as in GAEL. " cha'n fhag e bun na barr," he will leave neither bottom nor top (root nor branch) Macalpine ; and the Irish, " gan bhun, gan bharr," without head or tail. " Bun, root, stock, bottom." O'Reilly, w. bon, a root ; GAEL, bonn, the sole of the foot, a foundation, the bottom + DU. boden + ICEL. botn + DAN. bund + SWED. bolten + O.H.G. podam + G. boden + LAT. fundus + GK. TTvOfMJv + SKT. budhna, depth. Cf. Bunduff, in Donegal, which, however, does not mean " black bottom," but " end of the river Duff." BARBUSH. ' Troqueer.' BARCAPLE (P. Barkapil). ' Tungland.' Barr caipeail, hill-top of the chapel. See under CHAPELROSSAN. 70 AN TfR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAWHEL. BARCHAIN. 'Kelton.' BARCHESKIE. ' Berwick.' Barr deasgadh or demeart [?], southern hill-top, o. ERSE, des-cert dess, the right hand, or south, from the south being on the right of a person facing the east ; ERSE and GAEL, deas + w. dehen + LAT. dexter + GK. Se^to? SKT. dakshina, on the right + O.H.G. zeso, on the right + GOTH, taihswa + RUSS. desnitza, the right hand. Cf. SKT. daksha, clever, dexterous. Or possibly barr sescinn, hill-top of the marsh. Sescenn gives names to many places in Ireland, e.g. Sheskin and Seskin, Seskinrea and Ballinteskin. Deriv. from siosg, a sedge. Of. Ballinteskin, in Leinster. Cf. BAR- TASKIE and BARHASKINE. BARCHESNIE. ' Balmaghie.' BARCHESSIE. 'Penninghame.' See under BARCHESKIE. BARCHLY (Inq. ad Cap. 1625, Barincla). ' Kirkcowan.' Barr cladh [claa], hill-top of the mounds, or graves. See under CLY. BARCLAY (Inq. ad Cap. 1608, Barclay). ' Berwick.' See BARCHLY. BARCL6SH (P. Barclossh). ' Kirkgunzeon.' Barr dais [clash], hill-top of the trench, pit, or grave, o. ERSE class, a word which Joyce says is extremely common in the south of Ireland, but seldom met with in the north. It is, however, of fre- quent occurrence in Galloway. Cf. CLASHMURRAY. BARCLAY (P. Barcloy). ' Colvend,' ' Kells.' Barr cloiche, hill-top of the stone. See under AUCHENCLOY. BARCLY (P. Barchly). ' Kirkgunzeon.' See under BARCHLY. BARDARROCH (P. Bardarach). ' Kirkpatrick Durham,' ' Minigaff.' Barr darach, hill-top of the oaks. See under ARNDARROCH. BARDENNOCH, a hill of 1081 feet (P. Bardannoch). ' Carsphairn.' BARD6NACHIE. ' Kirkcowan.' Barr Donnachaidh [Donnaghy], Duncan's hill-top. The Erse form of this ancient name is Donnchadh. BARDRESTAN (Inq. ad Cap. 1601, Bardrestoune; 1607, Bard estane). ' Urr.' Barr Druist, Drest's or Drostan's hill-top. " In the Liber Hymnorum, or Book of Hymns of the Ancient Church of Ireland, edited by liev. Dr. J. H. Todd, there is a hymn or prayer of St. Mugint, and the scholiast in the preface narrates the following tradition : ' Mugint made this prayer in Futerna THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 71 (\Vhithorn). The cause was this : Finnen of Magh Bile went to Mugint for instruction, and Eioc and Talmach, and several others with him. Drust was king of Uretan then, and had a daughter, viz., Drusticc was her name, and he gave her to Mugint to be taught to read.' . . . Dr. Todd considers . . . that the Drust of the legend is one of these two Drusts who reigned from 523 to 528. . . . This Drust is therefore clearly connected with Galloway ; and we thus learn that when two kings appear in the Pictish Chronicle as reigning together, one of them is probably king of the Picts of Galloway." Celt. Scot. i. 135. King Drust is thus re- ferred to in a poem quoted by O'Clery in his Martyrology of Donegal : " Truist, king of the free bay on the strand, Had one perfect daughter Dustric, she was for every good deed renowned." Liber Hymnorum, p. 117. Stuart (Sculptured Stones, vol. i. p. 31) mentions Trusty's Hill as one of the Boreland Hills in Anwoth parish, but it does not appear to be given in the Ordnance map. Cf. TROSTAN, BARTROSTAN. Some of these places may take their names from Drostan, the disciple of St. Columba, who accompanied him in his voyage to Scotland. Drum parish, in Eoscommon, was formerly called Druim Drestan. BARDRISTAN. ' Kirkmabreck.' See under BARDRESTAN. BARDRdCHWOOD (P. Bardrochat). ' Minigaff.' Barr droicheaid [droghed], hill-top of the bridge (nothing to do with " wood "). An immense number of places in Ireland and Scotland are named from bridges, e.g. Drogheda in Ireland, i.e. droichead atha [drohed-aha], the bridge of the ford ; and in Galloway cf. Droch Head, Kildrochat, Drumdrochat, etc. o. ERSE drochet, droichet. BAREAN (P. Barren). 'Colvend.' Bairghin [bareen], a cake. " A piece of land approaching a circular shape is sometimes called bairghin. The complete word is exhibited in Barreen, in Kildare." Joyce ii. 56. o. ERSE bargen. w. B. and C. bara, bread + A.s. bread + DU. brood + ICEL. brauZ. Skeat quotes Pick's suggestion of a connection with root of E. brew (from the fermentation of bread in baking) A.s. bredwen + O.H.G. pruwan + G. brauen + ICEL. brugga + SWED. brygga A/BHRU, to brew ; BHUR, to boil. BAREND. ' Balmaghie,' ' Parton,' ' Berwick.' See under BAREAN. 72 AN TJR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. BAREND BAR. ' Colvend.' See under BAREAN. BARENESS. Scand. berr nes, bare headland. ' Colvend.' BAREWING (P. Ewinstoun). ' Balmaclellan.' Barr Iain, John's or Ewen's hill-top. BARFADDEN. ' Dairy.' Barr feadain [fadden], hill-top of the streamlet ; or perhaps barr Fadain, Fadan's, or the long man's hill-top, a man's name (now written Fadzean), deriv. from fada, long ; or barr Phaidin, the hill top of Paidin, or little Patrick. Feaddn, a streamlet, is a deriv. offead [fad], a pipe, tube, or whistle, " whence, in a secondary sense, it comes to be applied to those little brooks whose channels are narrow and deep like a tube." Joyce, i. 458. Cf. Faddan, Feddan, Fiddau, Fiddane, etc., in Ireland. BARFALLS. ' Penninghame.' The " faulds " (folds or enclosures) of Barr. BARFILL (P. Barfill). ' Old Luce,' Urr.' Barr phuill [fill], hill of the hole, pool, or water of any sort. ERSE and GAEL, poll, gen. puill, phuill, a hole, pit, mire, bog, pond, pool, and even a stream (occurring most frequently in the latter sense in Galloway place-names) ; W. pwll, c. pol, M. poyl, B. pmtll + LAT. palus, a marsh, + GK. ^77X09, mud. From the Celtic comes A.s. p6l and G. pfuhl, from the former of which M.E. pol, pool, E. pool. BARFLAWEN. ' Kirkcowan.' BARFRAGGAN. ' Kelton.' Barr fraechan [I], hill of the blaeberries or whortleberries. From this plant are named Frehans, Freahanes, and Freffhanes in Ireland ; Lyrenafreaghaun in Limerick, Kilnafrehan in Waterford (same meaning as Hurt- wood, near Leith Hill in Surrey), Kylefreaghane in Tipperary, Binnafreaghan in Tyrone. GAEL, fraochag, deriv. of fraoch, heather. BARG!LY [pron. Bargawly], (P. Bargaly; Macfarlane MS. Burgally). 'Minigaff.' Borg Amhalghaidh [owlhay] [?], Aulay's house. " Brug, brugh : a palace, a grand house or building ; a royal residence ; a town, a borough ; a fortified place " O'Reilly. "Borg, a village." Idem. See under BORGUE and MAC- HERALLY. BARGATTON (Inq. ad Cap. 1637, Bargaltoun; P. Bargatoun). ' Balmaghie.' BARGESKIN. ' Balmaclellan.' See under BARCHESKIE. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 73 BARGLASS (P. Barglash). * Kirkinner.' Barr glas, green hill. " Glas is commonly translated green, and this is its usual acceptation, for we find it often applied to express the green of grass or foliage. But the word was also used to designate a greyish or bluish green, or rather a greyish blue, a shade of colour having in it little or none of what we should call green. For instance glas was often applied to a greyish blue eye, and also to the colour of the water-wagtail. In its topographical application, however, it must generally be understood to mean grass-green." Joyce, ii. 281. w. B. and C. glas. " Glas, green, verdant, pale, wan, poor." O'Reilly. Prob. akin to LAT. glaucus, bluish GK. fyXau/co?, gleaming, silvery, bluish. BARGRENNAN. ' Minigaff.' Barr grianain [greenan], hill of the house or palace. See under GRENNAN. BARGRUG (P. Bargrugg). ' Kirkgunzeon.' Barr gruaig []], hill top of the grass. Gvuag, hair, " by a natural extension of meaning is applied to long hair-like grass growing in a marshy or sedgy place. Hence we have in various parts of Ireland Grogach, Grogey, Grogan, Groggan, Grogeen, and Gruig, all signifying sedge a place producing long sedgy grass." Joyce, ii. 339. BARHAMMER. ' Parton.' Close by is a place called Gamer, of which hammer seems to be the aspirated form. BARHAPPLE (Inq. ad Cap. 1610, Barquhapple; 1624, Barquhapill). ' Kirkcowan.' ' Old Luce.' Barr chapaill, hill-top of the horse. Cf. PORT WHAPPLE. Perhaps sometimes barr chapeail, from the late Latin capella. The next hill to Barhapple in Kirk- cowan, is called Chapel Hill. ERSE and GAEL, capall, a horse (in some places limited in sense to a mare), w. ceffyl+LAT. caballus (whence ITAL. cavallo, F. chevafy-\-GK. Ka/SaXXo?, a horse+RUSS. kobuila, a mare+iCEL. kapall,& horse. BARHARROW (Inq. ad Cap. 1599, Barharrow). ' Borgue.' Barr charrach [harragh], rough hill-top. Carrach, stony, rough car, cara, a stone, or gharbh [harriv, harve], rough. Cf. Bar- garriff, in Ireland. BARHARRY. ' Balmaclellan.' ' Kirkcowan.' See under BAR- HARROW. BARHASKIXE (P. Barchaisken). ' Old Luce.' Cf. Barcheskie. BARHASTRY. ' Buittle.' BARHINXIGANS. 'Balmaclellan.' Barr Fhionnagain [hinnigan], Finnigan's hill. A man's name, formed from fionn (o. ERSE finn, find}, white. 74 AN TfR-CHUNNTAS GALLGATDHEL. BARHdlSE \pron. Barhoshe], (Inq. ad Cap. 1609, Barquhoyis). ' Kirkcowan.' ' MinigafF.' This name is the same as Barcosh, in Dairy parish, Ayrshire, written by Pont Barqu- hoise. Cuninghame, p. 83. BARH6LM (P. Barhoom). ' Kirkmabreck.' BARHtlLLiON (P. Baryillen). ' Glasserton.' Barr chuileann [hwillanl hill-top of the hollies. See under ALWHILLAN. Cf. Bohul- lion (both chuillinn, hut of the holly), in Donegal. BARJARG. ' Kirkinner.' Barr dearg [dyarg], red hill. See under BARYERROCK. BARlAs (P. Barle; MS. 1527, Barley). 'Kirkcowan.' 'Kirk- inner.' ' Penninghame.' Barr Hath [lee], grey hill-top, or laegli [lay], hill-top of the calves. See under BALLOCHALEE. BARLAMACHAN. ' Penninghame/ BARLAUCHLIN (P. Barlachlan). ' Penninghame.' Barr Lochlinn, Lauchlan's hill-top. Lochlainn, lord of Corca-Modhruaidh, is mentioned by the Four Masters as dying in 983, and another of the name, the son of Macleachlainn, was slain, 1023. The origin of this name may have been Lochlannoc/i, a Norseman. The names O'Loughlin and MacLauchlan are still common. BARLAY (P. Barley). ' Balmaclellan.' ' Colvend.' ' Girthon/ See under BARLAE. BARLEDZIEW [pi-on. Barleddy], (Inq. ad Cap. 1620, Barladzew; W. P. MS., Bardlodzew). < Sorbie.' BARLEACH [pron. Barlee-ach]. ' New Luce.' Barr Hag, hill-top of the flat stones, or tombs. See under AUCHLEACH and AIRIELICK. BARLENNAN (P. Barlenan). ' Kirkcowan.' BARLdcco (Inq. ad Cap. 1508, Barloko ; P. Barlocco). 'Borgue/ BARL6CHAN (P. Barlochenn). ' Buittle.' Barr lochain, hill-top of the lakelet. BAR16CKHART (P. Barlockhart). ' Old Luce.' ' Borgue.' Cf. BARLOCCO and BARLUKA. BARLtrE. ' Balmaghie.' BARLIJELL. ' Old Luce.' Barr leamh chuill [lavhwill, loughil], hill of the elm wood. Cf. Laughil, Loughill, Laghil and Cloonlaughil in Ireland. ERSE leamh, usually leamhdn [lavaun] in the south of Ireland, and sleamhdn [slavan] in the north. W. llwyf, llwyfan, B. uloch. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 75 BARLUITH. ' Urr.' BAELUKA. ' Twynholm.' Cf. BARLOCCO and BARLOKE. BAELURE (P. Barlune misprint). ' New Luce.' Barr lobhair [?] [louer], hill of the leper, or infirm person. 0. ERSE lobor, lobur, infirmus, debilis (Zeuss, 781), ERSE and GAEL, lobhar + LAT. lepra, leprosy + GK. XeVpa, leprosy GK. Xe-Trpo?, scaly, scabby GK. Xevro?, a scale \e7reiv, to peel+RUSS. lupiti, to peel + LITH. lupti, to scale. , BARLYKE. ' Kirkcowan.' BARMAGACHAN (P. Barmakgachin). 'Borgue.' Barr mic Eochagain, M'Geachau's hill. The Irish form is Macgeoghegan. Cf. Ballymagautry, in Down, formerly Balimacgehan. EARMARK (P. Barmarck). ' Balmaclellan.' BARMAIN. ' Old Luce.' Barr meadhon [men], middle hill. See under BALMINNOCH for 'meadhonach, of which this is the simpler form. It appears in Irish names such as Inishmaan, Inish- meane, Inishmaine, Kilraain, etc. BAUMEAL [pron. Barmale], (Charter 1586 Ballmiell ; P. Barmeill; Jr. P. MSS. Barmaill). ' Glasserton.' Barr mdel, bald or bare hill-top ; see under MEAUL. Cf. BENMEAL. BARMEEN. ' Kirkcowan.' Barr min [meen], smooth hill ; cf. Barmeen in Antrim. BARM6FFITY (Inq. ad Cap., 1604, Barmoffate). ' Kirkpatrick Dur- ham.' BARMORE (P. Barmoir). ' Kirkcowan,' ' Minigaff.' Barr m6r, great hill-top. ERSE m6r-\-\f. maivr, c. and B. maur, vaur, vear. BARM6RROW. ' Balmaclellan.' BARMULLIN. ' Kirkinner.' Barr muileain, mill hill. See under BALLYMELLAN. - BARNAER (P Barnawyr). ' Old Luce.' Barr an air, hill-top of the ploughing, or of the slaughter. Ar, ploughing, and dr y slaughter, are indistinguishable in composition. " o.w. air, w. ae r, a battle = agr- of the same origin as the Greek aypa, a catching, hunting, the chase." Rhys, p. 64. " \v. ar, ploughed land + ERSE arathar, a plough + GK. ap6a>, I plough + LAT. aro + GOTH. arjan, to plough + E. to ear, earth, that which is eared or ploughed." Pihys, p. 92. 76 AN TJR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. BARNAGEE. ' Glasserton.' Bearna gaoithe [barnageeha], gap of the wind. Cf. Barnageeha in Mayo ; written in the Annals Bearna-na-gaoithe {Four Masters, 1590). See under CURGHIE. BARNAM6N. ' Stoneykirk/ Barr na mban [man], the hill-top of the women. Cf. LIGNAMAN; also, in Cavan and Leitrim, Cornaman [i.e. cor na mban]. o. ERSE ben, gen. mnd, w. buu, C. banen. BARNAUGH. ' Portpatrick.' BARNBARROCH (Inq. ad Cap. 1560, Barnbaroch ; Sibbald MS. Barinbaro; P. Barnbarraugh Castle, Barbarraugh). ' Col vend,' ' Kirkinner.' BARNBAUCHLE. ' Loch Eutton.' Barr an buachail [1] hill-top of the herdsman, or standing stone. Buachail, a boy or cow- herd; from bo, a cow. See under BOWHILL. But compare Bearna baeghail, the gap of danger, " used in the Irish Annals to denote a perilous pass where the chief usually placed guards to prevent his enemies from making irruptions into his territory. The Irish to this day use the saying, ' td s6 a m-bedrna an bhaoghail,' i.e. ' he is in the gap of danger,' when they see a man in danger of being ruined. For a beautiful description of what the Irish and Highlanders called ' a gap of danger ' in the Highlands of Scotland, the reader is referred to Waverley, by Sir Walter Scott, vol. i. c. 15." Hy Fiachrach, 211, note. BARNBOARD (Inq. ad, Cap. 1599, Barnebard). ' Balmaghie.' Barr na bard, hill-top of the rhymers. This name appears to be taken from the gen. plu., like Derrybard, in Tyrone. Gener- ally the aspirated gen. sing, appears, as in DIRVAIRD (q.v.), Gortavard in Donegal, Aghaward in Eoscommon, Glenaward in Meath, Ballyward in Down, Tyrone, and Wicklow. When the gen. plu. appears, the b is generally eclipsed by m, thus Aghnamard (i.e. achadh na mbard), Latnamard (i.e. leacht na mbard), both in Monaghan, etc. etc. \v. bardd, ERSE and GAEL, bard, c. bardh, B. barz ; a Celtic word which has been borrowed by E. speakers. BARNCALZIE. 'Kirkpatrick Durham.' Barr na cailleaich, the hill- top of the nun, or old woman, o. ERSE caiUeck, a nun, an old woman (JFindisch), ERSE and GAEL, cailleach, with the same alternative meaning. Deriv. unknown ; that from caille, a veil, being suspicious. See under CRAIGENCALLIE. BARNCAUCHLAN. ' Minima ff.' THE TOPOGRAPHY OF G ALLOW A Y. 77 BARNCLEUGH. ' Kirkpatrick Irongray.' BARNCORKRIE. ' Kirkmaiden.' Barr an corcoraichdh [corkeragh], hill-top of the ruddiness, or (plur.) barran chorcrai, ruddy hill- tops. There is a mass of ruddy granite exposed here, where the cliff abuts on a bay called PORTENCORKRIE, q.v. o. ERSE corcur (subst.), corcra (adj.), w. porfor, ERSE corcar, GAEL, cor- cttr + M.E. purpre (whence E. purple, by substitution of I for r, as in marble for M.E. marbre, and in Molly, Dolly, for Mary, Dorothy (Skeat) + LAT. purpura=GK. iropfyvpa, the purple- fish ; 7rop(f)vpeovpeiv, to grow dark, used of the surging sea, a reduplicated form of (frvpeiv, to mix up, to mingle, orig. to stir violently */ BHUR, to move about quickly, whence SKT. buranya, to be active, LAT. furere, to rage. A.S. purpur, is borrowed directly from Latin." Sfaat, s.v. Purple. The interchange of p and c is according to well-known rules. BARNCROSH (P. Barncrossches, Barncroshes). 'Tungland.' See BALNACROSS. BARNEAN (P. Barneen). * Old Luce.' Barr n-e"n [nane], hill-top of the birds. Cf. Ardnaneane in Limerick, o. ERSE and ERSE en, GAEL, eun, w. edn, C. edhyn, B. eddn, ezn. BARNECALLAGH. ' Old Luce.' See under BARNCALZIE. BARNECONAHIE. ' Old Luce.' Barr na ceannaiche [kennaghie], hill-top of the merchants or pedlars. This word appears in several Irish names, e.g. Bellanaganny, in Meath, which the Four Masters (anno 1482) call Ath-na-gceannaigheadh, the ford of the pedlars. Cf. also Annagannihy in Cork. o. ERSE cennaige, a buyer ; ERSE ceannaighe or ceannaidhe ; GAEL. ceannaiche. BARNEIGHT (P. Barnacht). ' Kirkcowan.' Barr n-ech, hill of the horses. See under AUCHNESS. BARNERNIE [pron. Barnairney], (P. Barneirny). ' Kirkcowan.' Barr n-airne [airnie], hill-top of the sloes. Cf. Killaruey, three times in Ireland, Magherarny, Clonarny, and Mullarney. BARNESS (P. Barness). ' Kirkinner.' Barr n-easa, hill-top of the torrent. It is upon the Bladnoch river. BARNEYCLEARY. ' Old Luce.' Barr na' clerech, hill of the clergy. Cf. CLARY and CLARY PARK, and PORTACLEARYS. Also, iu 78 AN TlR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. Ireland, Farrancleary, in Cork, Ballynaglerach, in Clare, Tipperary, and Waterford. This word ( LAT. dericus) appears in old Irish Texts, " Clerich hEreun." Fiacc's Hymn, i. 6 (A.D. 540); also in Fis Adamndin, 31 (date variously estimated from A.D. 800 to 1000). c. doireg, B. doarec. BARNEY HILL. ' Kirkcowan.' BARNFAULD (from estate-map of Cuil). ' Kirkmabreck.' BARNEYWATER. ' Girthon.' Btarna uachdar, upper gap or pass. Uachdar is corrupted into water in some Irish names, e.g., Clowater in Carlow, dock uachdar. See under AUCH- NOTTEROCH. O. ERSE berna, a cleft ; GAEL, beam, a small gap, a fissure. BARNF06T. ' Girthon.' BARNGABER. ' Borgue.' Barr na gabar, hill of the goats ; the old unaspirated form of gabhar. See under ALGOWER. BARNG6UF. ' Crossmichael.' BARNHILLIE (Macfarlane MS., Barnkylie). ' Balmaclellan.' Barr na choille (hillie), hill-top of the wood. The sixteenth century form, Barnkylie, shows the original unaspirated genitive coille. ERSE coill, GK. v\ij, LAT. silua. Eoot unknown, and the connection of LAT. and GK. not established. BARNH6URIE (Inq. ad Cap. 1560, Barnchwry; 1602, Barnhowrie). ' Colvend.' Barr n-huidhre [1] [hoorie], hill-top of the dun cow, gen. of odhar. " Odhar [owr] is often applied to a cow ; and several places have derived their names from legendary cows with this designation." Joyce, ii. 287. Cf. Monahoora in Down, Loughnaheery and Essnaheery in Tyrone. The celebrated MS. Lebdr na h-Uidre, the book of the brown cow, is said to have been named from the skin of the animal that covered it. BARNIE HILL. ' Penninghame.' Be"arna, a gap, a pass. See under . BARNEYWATER. BARNIGHLEA. * Kirkcowan.' BARNKIRK (P. Barnkerk). ' Barr na coirce [kirkya], hill-top of the oats. Of. BARNKIRKY, CULQUHIRK, and in Ireland Lissacurkia, twice in Eoscommon, Farranacurky in Fermanagh. Coirce, oats + W. ceirch, B. Jcerch, c. kerh, perhaps from /^/GAR, to grind, whence LAT. gramim + GK. yvpis, meal, + RUSS. zerno, corn. + ICEL., DAN., and SWED. korn + A.S. corn (E. corn) + GOTH, kaurn + G. korn. Possibly this word is barr na circe THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 79 [kirky], hill-top of the heath-fowl, from cearc, a hen; thus, Castlekirk on Lough Corrib is called Caislen-na-circe by the Four Masters. BARNKIRKY. ' Girthon.' See under BARNKIRK. BARN6LAS. 'Tungland.' Barr an sholais [olas], hill-top of the light or the beacon. Cf. BARSOLUS (P. Barolis), BARSOLES, BARSOLIS, BARNSOUL. Also, in Ireland, Ardsollus in Clare, Drumnasole in Antrim, Rossolus in Monaghan, and several places name Assolas and Athsollis, atha solais, the ford of the light, from a light being shown to guide people over the ford. Lights were shown in old times as beacons on hill-tops. A striking picture of a Red Indian signalling with a light on a hill-top was exhibited in a gallery of American and Colonial pictures in London in 1886. The primitive mode of obtaining fire by friction was practised until compara- tively recent times in some parts of Scotland. " When a contagious disease enters among cattle, the fire is extinguished in some villages round. Then they force fire with a wheel, or by rubbing a piece of dry wood upon another, and there- with burn juniper in the stalls of the cattle, that the smoke may purify the air about them. . . . This done, the fires in the houses are rekindled from the forced fire. All this I have seen done." Shaw, p. 290. 0. ERSE sollus (adj.) bright, prob. akin to LAT. sol, the sun, ^SWAR, to glow. BARNS, THE. Whithorn.' BARNSALLIE (In q. ad Cap. 1668. Barnsullye; P. Barnsuille). 'Old Luce.' Barr no, seilach [sallagh], hill of the willows. Cf. BARSALLOCH, also Ardsallagh in Meath. o. ERSE sail, ERSE and GAEL, sail, sell, saileach, w. hdyg (plur.) + LAT. salix + GK. e\iKij + ICEL. selja + SWED. salg + DAN. selje + G. sahlweide ( O.H.G. salohd), whence M.E. salwe, E. sallow, sally, and BR, sc. sauch. The root meaning is the " water-tree," cf. SKT. sari, water, saras, a pond, sarasiya, the lotus, sarif, a river, ^ SAR, to flow. (Skeat, s.v. Sallow.) BARNSHALLOCH. ' Ealmaclellan,' ' Kirkpatrick Irongray.' Barr na sealg ["?] [shallug], hill of the hunting. Cf. Drumna- shalloge in Tyrone, Derrynashallog in Monaghan, Ballina- shallog in Derry, Drumashellig in Queen's County, i.e. druim- na-sealg, etc. o. ERSE selg, ERSE and GAEL, sealg, the chase. BARNSHANGAN. ' Stoneykirk.' Barr na seangan [shangan], hill of the ants. ERSE seangan [shangaun], an ant, is a derivative 8o AN TIR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. of seang, slender, O. ERSE segon (Cormac). The Ulster pro- nunciation omits the middle intrusive n, and is as if written shaghan. Pismire Hill, near Louth, is the modern name of Cnoc-na-seangan,ihe hill of the ants (Four Masters, A.D. 1148), but it is quite probable that in other instances it may be from a proper name of an individual, Seangdn, from seang, slender. Cf. BARNSHANNON, DALSHANGAN ; also Auchenshangau, near Ardrossan (Cunninghame, p. 49), and Knocknashagan in Donegal and Fermanagh, Knocknaseggane in Armagh, etc. BARNSHANNON (Inq. ad Cap. 1668, Barnsangan, ml Dalsangand; P. Barnshangan). ' New Luce.' See under BARSHANGAN. BARNSLADIE. ' Kirkcowan.' Barr an slaide [?], hill of the slaughter, o. ERSE slaide, to slay, GAEL, slad, carnage + ICEL. sld + DAN. slaae + SWED. sla + GOTH, slahan + G. schlagen ( O.H.G. slahan) + A.S. slean (whence M.E. sleen, slee E. slay, slaughter} from Teut. base slah, to smite. BARNSH6T. ' Balmaclellan.' BARNs6uL. ' Kirkpatrick Irongray.' See under BARNOLAS. BARNST6BRICK (P. Barstobberick H.). ' Tungland/ BARNULTOCH (P. Barnulte ; Inq. ad Cap. 1668, Barnulto ; 1623, Barmulto). ' Inch.' Barr an Ultaich, the Ulsterman's hill. Cf. Knockanulty in Clare, Ardultach in Galway, and Ballinulty. BARNIINAN. ' Stoneykirk.' BARNWALLS. ' Balmaclellan/ BARNYARD. ' Kirkpatrick Irongray.' Bearna ard, the high pass or gap. See under BARNEYWATER. BARNYCL!GY. ' Penninghame.' Barr na claigean [claggan], hill- top of the skulls. " Applied to a round, dry, rocky hill." Joyce, ii. 428. Cf. Claggan, Clagan, and Claggan in Ireland. Claigean also means in Mod. Gael, an arable field (Macalpine). BARR. ' Loch Button,' ' Berwick.' See under BAR. BARRACHAN (Inq. ad Cap. 1612, Barqurochane ; P. Barchracchan). ' Mochrum.' In Renfrewshire a place of the same name is pron. Barrachan. BARRACK SLOUCH (pron. Sloogh). 'Kirkcolm, s.c.' GAEL. " bearradh [byarra], the brow of a hill, a precipice." Mac- THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 81 alpine. " Slouch (gutt.), a deep ravine or gully." Jamieson. A name applied to gullies on a rocky coast GAEL, slochd, a den, a pit. BARRAER. ' Penninghame.' See under BARNAER. BARREID. ' Penninghame/ BARREL HILL. ' Inch.' BARSALLOCH (P. Barsalloch, Balsallach). ' Penninghame,' ' Moch- rum.' See tinder BARNSALLIE. Or barr salach, miry hill. It is impossible to distinguish between salach, miry, and seileach, a willow, in compound names. Barr in some districts of the Highlands bears the secondary meaning of " a road." In Lochaber barr salach would mean " the miry road," and this possibly may be the sense here. BARSCARROW (MS. 1527, Barskarauch). ' Stoneykirk.' Barr sceirach, rocky hill-top. See under LOCH SKERROW. BARSC6NE. ' Buittle.' BARSCRAITH. ' Col vend.' Barr scratha or scrath [scraa or scrau], hill of the sod or sods. " Scraw, a thin turf, Gall., Dumfr." Jamieson. " Scraws, thin turfs, pared with flaughter spades, to cover houses." Mactaggart. Cf. NOGNIESCRIE, SCRABBA ; also in Ireland, Ahascragh and Ballinescragh. BARSHERKY. ' Balmaclellan.' Barr searrach [sharragh], hill-top of the foals. Cf. BALSARROCH ; also Aillenasharragh in Clare, Clonsharragh in Wexford, Carrigeensharragh in Tipperary. BARSKE6GH (P. Barskyoch ; MS. 1527, Barskeauch). 'Buittle,' ' Kells,' ' Penninghame.' Barr sceithidg [skeyoge], hill-top of the hawthorns. See under AUCHENSKEOCH. BARS6LES. ' Buittle,' ' Old Luce.' See under BARNOLAS. BARSOLIS. ' Crossmichael.' See under BARNOLAS. BARS6LUS (Inq. ad Cap. 1629, Barsoullis ; 1623, Barsollis; P. Barolis). ' Inch.' See under BARNOLAS. BARSTIBLY. ' Tungland.' BARTAGGART (P. Bartaggart; MS. 1527, Barnetagart). 'Balma- clellan.' Barr-t-sagart [bartaggart], hill-top of the priests. In the MS. of 1527 Barnetagart [barr na-tsagari\, shows it is the hill of the priests, not of the priest. See under ALTAGGART. BARTASKIE. ' Kirkcowan.' See under BARCHESKIE. BARTR6STAN (P. Bartrostan). ' Penninghame.' See under BAR- DRESTAN. F 82 AN TIR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. BARVALGANS. ' Penninghame.' Ban Bholgcain [?] [volgan], Bolcan's hill. Cf. Bovolcan in Antrim, which Colgan writes Both Bolcain (Bolcan's hut) ; Drumbulcan, Drumbulcaun, and Drumbulgan, in other parts of Ireland ; also Trabolgan in Cork harbour, called Mur Bolcan in the Book of Rights. {Joyce, ii. 22), and Doonbolgan in Eoscommon. BARVENNAN (P. Baruennan). 'Penninghame.' Barr bheannain [vennan], top of the hillock. Beanndn, dim. of beann, a hill. See under BENAILSA. BARVERNOCHAN (P. Barvarranach). ' Kirkinner.' BARWHANNY (P. Barwhony). ' Kirkinner.' Barr bhainne [?] [wanny, vanny], hill of the milk. This is a very doubtful suggestion, but the names Tawnawanny in Fermanagh, Tullinwannia in Leitrim, Tullinwonny in Fermanagh, and Coolavanny in Kerry, are referred by Joyce, ii. 206, to this origin. ERSE bainne, milk, from bdn, white. Cf. MILKING HOLES, MILKING LOAN, and MILKY BRAES. BARWHAR (P. Barwhar). ' Loch Button.' Barr ghar [1] [haar], near hill- top. O. ERSE gar, near (0' Donovan, Grammar, p. 122), ERSE gar, ERSE and GAEL, gearr, short + w., B., and c. byr, short; gar, ger, near (prep.), C. and B. ber, short, liars, near (prep.). BARWHILLANTIE (P. Banvhillenty). 'Parton.' Cf. BALLAN- COLLANTIE. JSkRWrnL (Charter 1586,Barquhulle). 'Girthon,' 'Kirkcowan.' Barr chuill [hwill], hill of the hazel bush. See under AUCHENHILL. BARWHINNIE. ' Buittle.' Barr mbuine [1] [vinnie, winnie], hill- top of the brake or thicket (0' Donovan). An old word in Irish MSS. appearing as a prefix to a great many Irish names. See under DALMONEY. BARWHINNOCK. ' Twynholm.' See under BARWINNOOK. BARWH!RRAN. ' Penninghame.' Barr chaerthinn [hirren], hill-top .of the rowan trees (Joyce, i. 513). Cf. Attachoirinn in lona, Drumkeeran in Leitrim, Fermanagh, and other parts of Ireland. BARWICK. ' Dairy.' BARWINNOCK (Inq. ad Cap. 1616, Barvanock; 1620, Barvennag ; P. Barwannach, W. P. MS. Barvannok, Barvennik). 'Glasser- ton.' Barr bhfeannog [?] [vannog], hill-top of the carrion crows. Cf. CORBIESTANE and BARWHINNOCK ; in Ireland, Mullanavannog in Monaghan, and (without eclipse of / by THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 83 bh) Toberfinnock in Wexford. Perhaps barr mheadhonach [veannagh], middle hill. BARYERROCK (P. Balyerrack). ' Kirkinner.' Barr dliearg [yerrug], red hill-top. o. ERSE derc, derg, red. Cf. PORT- YERROCK, and, in Ireland, Lickerrig (i.e. lie dhearg), in Galway, Rathe rrig (i.e. rath dhearg), in Queen's County. BATWELL. ' Kirkmaiden.' BAWNHEAD. ' Carsphairn.' A hybrid word bdn [bawn], lea-land, with E. substantive. A word applied to grass-land from its pale colour. See under WHITELEYS. BAZARD LANE (a stream). ' New Luce.' Cf. BIZZIARD FELL. BAZARD HILL. ' New Luce.' BELGAVERIE. ' Kirkcowan.' The prefix is obscure ; the latter moiety of this name is apparently aimhreidh [avrea], i.e. not smooth, uneven, from aimh, a negative prefix, and reidh [ray], smooth. Cf. TYDAVERIES, and, in Ireland, Lackavrea, a mountain on Loch Corrib ; Ouvry, in Monaghan, formerly Eaverie ; Avery, an island on Connemara coast ; Owenavrea in Mayo, etc. BELLERIG. See under BELTON HILL. ' Kelton.' BELLEW, CRAIG or. 'Minigaff.' Beul umha [bel ooa], cave mouth. Cf. BELLOUE, BILEOW. See, for various forms of uamh, a cave, Joyce, i. 438. O. ERSE uam. BELL6UE CAVE. ' Port Patrick, s.c.' E. cave, added pleonasti- cally. See under BELLEW. BELLYMACK (Inq. ad Cap. 1548, Ballemak). ' Balmaghie.' BELSHORE. ' Colvend.' BELT HILL. ' Balmaclellan.' See under BELTONHILL. BELTONHILL (P. Beltanhill). ' Terregles.' Beail teine, Baal's fire. " Bdalteine, the first day of May ; so called from the fires lighted on that day by the pagan Irish in honour of the god Beal." O'Reilly. " Belltaine, i . bU tene . i . tene shoinmech . i . ddthene dognitis druidhe triathaircedlu (no cotinchetlaib) mdraib combertis na cethrai arthedmannaib cacha bliadna cusnattndtibsin." " Biltene, i.e. a goodly fire, i.e. two fires which Druids used to make through incantations (or with great incantations), and they used to bring the cattle to those fires against the diseases of each year." Cormac, p. 6. " On the 1st of May they (the Highlanders) offered sacrifice for the preservation of their cattle ; and that day was held sacred to Pan or Baal, 84 AN TtR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. and wais commonly called La Baal-tine, corruptly ' Beltan- day,' i.e. the Day of Baal's Fire. Clear remains of that superstition I have been present at when a young boy. Upon Maundy-Thursday the several herds cut staves of service-wood about three feet long, and put two cross- sticks into clefts in one end of the staff. These staves they laid up till the 1st of May. On that day several herds met together, every one had two eggs and a bannock, or thick cake of oatmeal, crusted over with the yolks of eggs. They raised a pile of dry wood or sticks on a hillock ; then they made the Deas Soil thrice round the fire, after which they roasted their eggs, and ate them with a part of the bread. The rest of the bread they brought home to be eaten by the family ; and having adorned the heads of their staves with wild herbs, they fixed them on the tops, or above the doors of their several cotes ; and this they fancied would preserve the cattle from diseases till next May." Shaw, p. 282. Whitley Stokes, however, rejects the derivation from Baal ; " the root of Belt-aine (as I divide the word) is per- haps the same as that of the Lith. baltas, white ; the aine is a termination as in sechtmmne, ' week.' " Cf. BARNOLAS, KNOCKTINNEL. BENAILSA. ' Minigaff.' ERSE beann, GAEL, beinn ( + LAT. pinna), a peak, a hill. 0. ERSE benn, bend, " peak, gable, horn " (0 'Donovan). Not, as often supposed, a form of w. pen, the ERSE and GAEL, equiv. of which is ceann. "Beann is not applied to great mountains so much in Ireland as in Scot- land, . . . but as applied to middle and smaller eminences it is used very extensively." Joyce, i. 383. BENBRACK (P. Benbrek). ' Carsphairn.' ' Kells ' (thrice), ' Dairy.' Beann breac [brak], spotted, brindled hill. See under AUCHABRICK. BENBtllE. ' Glasserton.' Beann buidhe [buie, bwee], yellow hill. Cf. BENWEE. See under BARBUIE. BENDHU [pron. Bendew]. ' Kirkmaiden.' Beann dubh [ben doo], black hill. Cf. BendufF, Bindoo, Binduff, etc., hills in Ire- land. BENDdo. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' See under BENDHU. BENFADZEON [pron. fadyen]. ' Girthon.' See under BARFADDEN. BENG!IRN (a hill of 1280 feet). ' Berwick.' Beann gcairn [gairn], hill of the cairn. See under AUCHENCAIRN. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 85 BEXGHIE. ' Girthon.' Beann gaiethe [geeha or gwee], hill of the wind. Cf. WINDY STANDARD, WINDY HILL, etc. See under BARNAGEE. BEXGRAY (a hill of 1175 feet). 'Girthon.' Beann grfaich[1], hill of the high flat or moor. Cf. KNOCKGRAY. See under AUCHENGRAY. BEXINXER. Carsphairn.' BENJARG (P. Benjarg). ' Girthon.' Beann dearg [dyarg], red hill. BEXJOHN (a hill of 1150 feet). ' Anwoth.' Beann donn [1], brown hill. o. ERSE donn, dond ; GAEL, and ERSE donn ; w. dum + A^s. dunn (whence E. dun). BEXLEIGHT. * Xe\v Luce.' Beann leacht, hill of the tombs. See under LEIGHT. BENLOCH STRAND. ' Carsphairn.' BENLOCHAN. ' Kirkmaiden.' Beann lochain, hill of the lakelet. BENMEAL. ' Girthon.' Beann mael, bare hill. Cf. BARMEAL. See under MEAUL. BEXMIXXOCH (P. Binmeanach Hill). 'Minigaff.' Beann mm- dhonach [meanogh], middle Hill. See. under BALMINNOCH. BENM6RE (a hill 1177 feet). 'Minigaff.' Beann mdr, great hill. BENNAN (P. Bennen). Of frequent occurrence ; beanndn or beinndn, dim. of beann or beinn, but used as an equivalent ; for instance there are two hills of the name, one in Kells of 1800 feet, the other in Irongray of 1175 feet. BENNANBRACK. 'Minigaff.' Beanndn breac, brindled or spotted hill. Cf. BENBRACK. BENXAYEOCH [veeogh]. 'Kirkmaiden.' Beann na bhfltheach [veeagh], hill of the ravens. Cf. CRAIGENVEOCH, DUNVEOCH, and in Ireland Mulnaveagh, near Lifford, and Benaueha (where the /has disappeared by aspiration), written in Irish Beann na fheiche. 0. ERSE//acA. BEXXEEVE. ' Balmaclellan.' BEXNIEL6AN. ' Dairy.' BEXXIGUIXEA. ' Kells.' Beann gCinniadk [1] [ginneh], Kenneth's hill. Cf. CAIRN KEXXAGH, CAIRXKENXY, CAIRN KINNA, EINGUIXEA ; and in Ireland, Cairnkenny in Tyrone, etc. BEXOWR. 'Girthon.' Beann odhar [owr], grey hill. o. ERSE odar, " pale, wan, dun" (O'RtiUy). 86 AN TIR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. BENRdACH (gutt). ' MinigafF.' Beann ruadh [rooh], red hill o. ERSE rtiad, rhudd, c. rydh, B. ryudh. Cf. DU. rood + ICEL. rau'Sr + DAN. and SWED. rod + G. roth + GOTH, muds + A.S. redd (whence M.E. reed, rede, E. red) + LAT. rufus, rutilus , to redden, whence SKT. rudhira, blood, GK. epevOeiv, BENSHINNIE. ' Parton.' Beann sionach [shinnagh], hill of the foxes. See under AUCHENSHINNOCH. BENTFOOT. ' Kirkgunzeon.' "Bent. 1. A coarse kind of grass growing on hilly ground. 2. The coarse grass growing on the sea-shore. 3. The open field, the plain." Jamieson. Here used in the last sense, i.e. the foot of the open pasture. " Bent, coarse grass on the moors, the grassy moor itself (as opposed to heathery, or ling-covered moors." Lucas, Nid- derdale Glossary. O.H.G. pinuz, M.H.G. binez, binz, G. binse, bent grass. BENTS. 'MinigafF.' See under BENTFOOT (1). BENTUDOR or BENTUTHER. ' Eerwick.' Beann t-sudaire [toodery], hill of the tanner. ERSE sudaire, a tanner (Joyce, ii. 116). In this word the interpolated t in composition almost always eclipses s. Cf. KNOCKTOODEN, LAGTUTOR, and in Ireland, Edennatoodry in Tyrone (eudan a 'tsudaire, hill-brow of the tanner), Knock atudor in Cavan, Listooder in Down. BENNUSKIE (a rock in the tideway). ' Kirkmaiden.' Beann uisge [usky], point (of rock) in the water, o. ERSE usce, gen. usci (Windiscti), water; ERSE and GAEL, uisge ; whence E. whisky. BENWEE. ' MinigafF.' Beann bhuidhe [wee]. See under BENBUIE. There is more than one hill in Ireland called Benwee. BENYELLARY (a hill 2359 feet), (P. Benellury M.). 'MinigafF.' Beann iolaire [illery], hill of the eagles. ERSE iolaire (whence Slievanilra, i.e. sliabh an iolaire, in Clare County) and iolar [iller] (whence Coumaniller in Tipperary) ; w. eryr, c. er + A.S. earn, eagle, E. erne, osprey + DU. aarn + ICEL. aurn, em. The white-tailed eagle (Haliaetus alUcilla) bred until recent years in this region. The last was shot by Lord Ailsa's keepers about the year 1866. In a description of MinigafF, preserved among the Macfarlane MSS., are some interesting notes on the fauna of this very mountain in the 1 6th century. " In the remote parts of this great mountain are very large Red-deer; and about the top thereof that fine bird called the Mountain Partridge, or, by the com- monalty, the Tarmachan, about the size of a Red-cock, and THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 87 its flesh much of the same nature ; feeds, as that bird doth, on the seeds of the bullrush, and makes its protection in the chinks and hollow places of thick stones, from the insults of the eagles, which are in plenty, both the large gray and the black, about that mountain." Red-deer, ptarmigan, and eagles are now all alike extinct ; but so late as 1811, in the General View of the Agriculture of the County of Ayr, the following passage occurs : " Eagles formerly abounded so much about Loch Doon, in the higher parts of Carrick, as to prove formidable enemies to the helpless sheep for many miles round their haunts. They have been much reduced in their numbers by the shepherds, but they are by no means extir- pated. They still hatch in the most inaccessible rocks, and occasionally carry off, in their powerful talons, a lamb to feed themselves and their young." BENNYLOW. 'Kirkcowan/ BEOCH (P. Baoch, Bioch, Byochs ; Inq. ad Cap. 1600, Beauch). ' Inch,' ' Kirkpatrick Irongray,' ' Peuninghame,' ' Tungland/ Beithach [bayoch], a place of birches. Cf. Beith in Ayrshire, and Beagh, Behagh, and Behy in Ireland. Slieve Beagh is written Sliabh beatha by Muircheartach. BERE HILL. 'Kirkmaiden.' A.S. bere, barley (BR. so. bear) -J- LAT. far, corn. BESSIE YON. ' Glasserton.' Bessie's oven ; cf. Yorkshire yoon y an oven A.S. of en, ofn + DU. oven + ICEL. ofn, later omn + SWED. ugn + G. ofen -f- GOTH, auhns + ERSE amhan + GAEL, amhuinn, uamhainn. In northern dialects it is not uncommon to prefix y before a vowel ; thus BR. SC. yin, one, yow, ewe, yeild, eild, age, etc. BETTY KNOWES. ' Loch Button.' BIANGENS. ' Kirkmaiden.' BIAWN. ' Kirkmaiden.' Badhun []] [bawn], a cattle pen (literally bo dun, cattle fort). Hence Bawn, a common name in Ireland, o. ERSE and GAEL. b6, a cow, w. bu, buw, also buwch, a cow, biw, cattle, C. biuch, B. bio'ch (the final ch is unaccounted for) + DU. koe + ICEL. k'yr + SWED. and DAN. ko + O.H.G. chuo y chuoa, M.H.G. kuo, ku, G. kuh + A.S. cu, plur. cy (whence M.E. cu, cou, plur. ky, kie, kye, E. cow, plur. Jdne, BR. SC. coo, plur. kye) + LAT. bos, an ox + GK. ySoO? + SKT. go, a bull or cow. The common Aryan form is gau, an ox, from /^/GU, to low, to bellow ; SKT. gu, to sound. (Skeat, s.v. Cow.) 88 AN TJR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. BiLE6w (a cave mouth). ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' (twice.) See under BELLEW. BINE HILL. ' Kirkcolm,' ' Port Patrick.' BIRKETS HILL. ' Urr.' A.s. beorc or birce wudu, birch wood. E. birch, BR. SC. birk A..s. beorc, birce (whence M.E. birche) + DU. berken boom -f ICEL. and SWED. bjb'rk + DAN. birk + G. birke + RUSS. bereza + SKT. bhurja, a birch. See under AIKET. BISHOP BURN. ' Penninghame.' Named from the Bishop of Galloway's palace, Avhich formerly stood at Clary. BISHOPTON (P. Bishoptoun ; W. P. MSS. Bisscoptoun). ' Twyn- holm.' The bishop's house. BIZZIARD FELL. ' Kirkcowan.' Cf. BAZARD LANE. BLACKBEAST. ' Eenvick.' BLACKCRAIG (P. Black-kraig Hill). ' Dairy.' Cf. CRAIGDHU. BLACK GAIRY (P. Blakghary). 'Kells.' Garry or gairy, a common term in Galloway for a rough hill-side or stony place, ERSE garbh [garriv], rough. Not in Jamieson. BLACKDUBS. 'Minigaff.' "Dub, (1) a small pool of rain-water; (2) a gutter" ( Jamieson) ERSE doub ; "in doub" the stream (Broccan's Hymn, 1. 54 ; Windisch, p. 33). "Dob, river, stream." O'Reilly. Probably from the root word dub, dark, which is emphasised in the present case by the prefix. BLACKGRANE. 'Carsphairn.' " Grain, grane. 3. The branch of a river. 4. It also signifies the branches of a valley at the upper end, where it divides into two, as Lewishope Grains. 5. In plur. the prongs of a fork." Jamieson. BLACKGROUND. 'Old Luce.' Cf. TARDOW. BLACKHEAD. ' Port Patrick, s.c.' Cf. CUNDEE. BLACK ISLE, THE (a meadow in the moors). ' New Luce.' See under ALLANDOO and INKS. BLACKMARK. ' Dairy.' Mark is a common name for lands in Galloway, and though it often means " merle, merkland, a denomination of land from the duty formerly paid to the sovereign or superior " (Jamieson), it has often, as in this case, another meaning, i.e. " Markstane, a landmark, Galloway ; synon. Marchstane " (Jamieson). S^ under MARK. BLACKMORROW WELL. ' Kirkcudbright.' Said to have received its name from an outlaw named Black Murray, on whose THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLO WA Y. 89 head a reward was set by the Crown. One of the Maclellan family found him asleep, and drove a dagger through his head, which is supposed to be the origin of the cognizance of the Maclellans. BLACKMYRE. ' Kirkmabreck.' A place where black dye-stuff was obtained. " Notwithstanding their seeming neglect of their persons, these islanders were not without a spice of vanity, for they had invented dye-stuffs to diversify the colours of their clothes ; and their dying materials were (all of them) the produce of their own soil ; the principal these three : a kind of mud called mireblack, made a very deep and durable black ; a kind of stuff called carker, scraped off the rocks, made a very fine red ; and a kind of plant almost the same, and of the same effect, as madder." An Historical Essay on the Dress of the Ancient and Modern Irish, by Joseph Walker, 4to, Dublin, 1788. "At the bottom of some deep bogs a half-liquid stuff, as black as jet, is found, which was formerly used by the peasantry all over Ireland for dyeing black. It gives frieze and other woollens an excellent dye." Joyce, ii. 270. Cf. DOCHIES. BLACKNOOK. ' Kirkinner.' Black corner. E. nook, BR. sc. neuk (M.E. nok), enters into many names in Galloway. Lucas (s.v. Newk) compares Norse kmikjr, a nob, peak, eminence ; but it may be taken generally as signifying a corner, equivalent to ERSE and GAEL. cuil. BLADNOCH [pron. Blaidnoch], (Cott. MS. 1563, Blaidno, Blaidnoo; Font's MS., Bluidnoo ; Inq. ad Cap. 1643, Bladzenoche ; Symson, Blaidnoch). A river in Wigtonshire. BLAIKET (Inq. ad Cap. 1548, Blaikat ; 1552, Blaket ; P. Blakitt). ' Wigton.' A.S. blcec wudu, black wood. M.E. blak node or wde. A.s. blac, blcec (whence M.E. blak, E. black) + ICEL. blakkr (used to describe the colour of wolves) + DAN. blcek, ink -f- SWED. black, ink ; SWED. dialect blaga, to smear with smut. The idea seems to be smoky, smutty, arising from the root of blow, in the sense of a flaring fire, cf. O.H.G. pMhan, M.H.G. bliijen, G. Udhen, to blow, to melt in a forge. Cf. AIKET. BLAIR (P. Blaar, Blair ; W. P. MSS. Blair). ' Sorbie,' ' Stoneykirk.' " Bldr, a plain, a field ; a dispute, contention, a battle." O'Reilly. GAEL. " Blar, a battle, engagement, battle-field ; ground, plain." Macalpine. The word does not seem to occur in Irish names, nor is it noticed by Lluyd, Windisch, or Joyce. The primary meaning is probably that of " a 90 AN TfR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. plain," and then a battle from the place chosen for it. The Scottish historian Buchanan's gloss upon it is " solum arboribus liberum," ground clear of trees, such as, in a densely wooded country, would naturally be chosen for a battle. BLAIRBUIE (W. P. MSS., Blairbowy). ' Glasserton.' Bldr buidhe [buie], yellow plain. This word, or Blairfin, would graphi- cally designate a piece of cultivated land, corn, or light- coloured grass, among surrounding moor or wood. In com- mon parlance, arable pasture is now spoken of as " white land" in the sense of pale. Of. BLAIRFIN, WHITEFIELD, WHITEHILLS ; also Blarbuidhe in lona. See under BARBUIE. BLAIRBUIES (Inq. ad Cap. 1604, Glenure, alias vocata Blairboyis; P. Blairbuy). ' Minigaff.' See under BLAIRBUIE. BLAIRDERRY (P. Blairdyrry). ' Old Luce.' Bldr doire [dirry], plain of the oak wood. ERSE " doire, a grove, a wood, a place full of bushes." Lluyd. It means specially an oak wood, from dair, darach, an oak. See under ARNDARROCH. BLAIRFIN. ' Kirkcolm.' Bldr Jion [fin], white field. See under BLAIRBUIE, WHITEFIELD. o. ERSE find, fin, w. gwyn, c. guydn, guyn, B. gwen. GAEL, fionn. BLAIRG6WER. 'Penninghame.' Bldr gobhar [go wr], plain of the goats. See under ALGOWER, Blairgowrie in Perthshire represents the genitive singular goibhre [gowrie]. BLAIR HILL. 'Kirkcowan,' ' Kirkinner.' Here the name of the plain, bldr, has been transferred to the hill. See GLAIK, LAG. BLAIRINNIE (Inq. ad Cap. 1608, Blairinny ; P. Blairynny). ' Cross- michael.' Blar roinne [rinnie], plain of the point or division of land. See under EHINNS. BLAIRMAKIN [pron. maukiuj, (Inq. ad Cap. 1581, Blairmalkein; P. Blairmakyn). ' Kirkinner.' BLAIRMICHAEL [pron. Blairmeeghl, gutt.]. ' Crossmichael.' Bldr Micheil [meeghl], (St.) Michael's field. BLAIRM6DDIE. ' Kirkcowan.' Bldr madadh [maddy], plain of the dogs, or perhaps of the wolves. " There are two words in common use for a dog, cu and madadh or madradh [madda, maddra], which enter extensively into local names. Of the two forms of the latter, madradh is more usual in the south and madadh in the rest of Ireland." Joyce, i. 479. Cf. w. madrin, madyn, a fox. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 91 BLAIRM6RE. ' Kirkcolm.' Bldr m6r, great plain. BLAIRNAGOBBER. ' Kirkcowan.' Bldr na gobur, plain of the horses or goats. The unaspirated form of genitive. See under ALGOWER. BLAIROCH. ' Penninghame.' Bldrach, a level place, deriv. of blar. BLAIRS (P. Blairs). ' Kirkmabreck.' Bldr, a plain, to which E. plural has been added. See under BLAIR. BLAIRSHINNOCH (P. Blairshinnock). ' Kirkgunzeon,' ' Kirkinner.' Bldr sionach [shinnagh], plain of the foxes. See under AUCHENSHINNOCH and TODDLY. BLANYVAIRD (on the shore of Loch Ochiltree). ' Penninghame.' Blean a' bhaird [blainavaird], creek, curve, or bay of the rhymer. See under BARNBOARD and DIRVAIRD. o. ERSE blen, inguen, the groin ; ERSE U4an ; GAEL, blian, the groin ; " in a second- ary sense it is applied to a creek branching off either from the sea or from a lake, or formed by the mouth of a river." Joyce, ii. 264. Cf. LINBLANE, in Old Luce, and Blean, Blane, and BJaney, in various parts of Ireland; Bleanalung (the boat-creek, btean a' luing), in Lough Erne, etc. BLAWQUHAIRN [pron. Blaw-whairn]. 'Dairy.' Bldr chairn [harn] []], plain of the cairn. See under AUCHENCAIRN and BLAIR. BLA.WRAINIE (P. Blairenny). ' Balmaclellan.' Bldr raineach, ferny plain, o. ERSE raith (raithnech, ferns Cormac trans., p. 143), ERSE raithneach, W. rhedyn, G. reden, B. raden, GAEL. raineach, fern, bracken. BLAWRINNIE (P. Blairennies). ' Balmaclellan.' See under BLAIR- INNIE. BLAW WEARY. ' Balmaclellan,' ' Urr.' Bldr iarach or iarthagh [eeragh], west field. See under BALSHERE. Cf. CANEERIE, CASTLE WEARY ; and, in Ireland, Baurearagh, a hill in Cork, and Cloonearagh in Kerry and Koscommon. BLINDWALLS. 'Whi thorn.' BLOODMIRE Moss. 'Kirkpatrick Durham.' Probably named from the colouring given in various places by oxide of iron in the springs. BLOODY SLOUCH. ' Kirkcolm, s.c.' See under BARRACK SLOUCH. BLOODY WIEL (a pool on the Luce, where the Hays and the Linns of Larg had a bloody encounter). ' New Luce.' BR. SC. wiel, wele, a whirlpool, a pool on a river where the water revolves A.S. wella, well, wyll (M.E. wel, E. icell)+iCEL. vell+ 92 AN TJR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. DU. wel, a spring + DAN. vceld (vcell) a spring +G. ivelle, a wave or surge (BR. SO. wall, a wave Jamieson). All from TEUT. base WAL, to turn round, from V WAR > to turn round. SKT. val, to move to and fro. Skeat, s.v. Well (2). BLOWPLAIN. ' Balmaclellan.' BLUE MIRE (on the Palnure). ' MinigafF.' Named from the bluish alluvial clay banks exposed by the fall of the tide. BLYTHEMAN'S BIG. ' Kells.' Bo STANE, THE. ' New Luce.' Bo, a cow. This is the name of a large black rock in mid-channel of the Luce, below the Loups of Kilfeather. In 1874 a gentleman who was fishing asked the keeper why it was so called, " Just because it's like a black stot" (bullock), was the reply. The name, though not given in any map, has been orally handed down from Gaelic-speaking times, the sense having been also pre- served, which does not often happen. See, under BIAWN. BOAK PORT. ' Kirkcolm, s.c.' Boc, a he-goat [?]. See under AUCHNIEBUT. BOAT DRAUGHT. ' Girthon, s.c.' A place where fishing-boats are drawn up. See under TARBERT. BODDON'S ISLE (an island in the Dee). ' Kells.' BODEN WALLS WELL. ' Glasserton.' BOGGRIE Moss. 'Girthon.' Soft, boggy moss ERSE bogur (a derivative of bog Lluyd), bogurach, bogreach. See under BOGUE. BOGHOUSE (P. Boighouse). 'Mochrum.' House of the bog, or soft land. BOGRIE (P. Boggryleinn). ' Kirkpatrick Irongray.' Formerly Boggrie Lane, the boggy stream, as shown by Pont. BOGUE. ' Minigaff.' Bog, soft ; o. ERSE bocc. Eeferred to the same root as E. bow, to bend. BOGUE FELL. ' Dairy.' See under BOGUE. Fell, a hill - ICEL. fjall, fell, a mountain + DAN. field + SWED. fjiill. Skeat suggests probably originally applied to open flat down = ~E. field. BOGUE QUAY (a landing-place in the Sohvay). ' New Abbey.' See under BOGUE. B6MBIE (P. Bouiby (misprint), Bomby). ' Kirkcudbright.' BONERICK. ' Kirkpatrick Irongray.' THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 93 BONSACK. . ' Urr.' BONYLAGOCH (Inq. ad Cap. 1600, Bonylagoch). ' Kirkcowan.' B6RELAND (Inq. ad Cap. 1605, Bordland; P. Boirlant, Boirland). A frequent name all over Galloway. Dr. John Cowell in his Law Dictionary says, " Bordlands signifie the desmenes which lords keep in their hands for the maintenance of their board or table." If this is the correct meaning, then this name is the equivalent of a "home-farm"; but it is more probably bere-land, that is, land on which bere or barley was grown. The natives pronounce it Beurland. B6RGAN (P. Boirgan). ' Minigaff.' BORGAN FERRACH. 'Minigaff.' Farrach [1], a rendezvous, a meeting-place. Of. CLAYFARAS ; and, in Ireland, Farragh in Cavan, Farra in Armagh, Farrow in Westmeath and Leitrim, Gortnafurra in Tipperary, etc. (Joyce, i. 207). BORGUE (P. Boirg, Borg; Charter of David II. (Crauf. MS.), Borgg). 'Borgue.' A parish in the Stewartry; +o. ERSE borg, brog, borce ("brogg thromm Temra," Tara's mighty burgh; F6L, Prol. 165), ERSE buirg,brugh, bruigliean, GAEL. borgh,E. burch+ SO AND. borg, a fort + ICEL. borg + ~D\J. burg+GOltt. baurgs, a town + o.'H..Gr.puruc(Gr. burg, A.s. burk, burg (whence M,E. burgh, borgh, BR. so. burgh, E. borough), from beorgan, to defend, protect -{- GOTH, bairgan, to hide, preserve, keep+LiTH. bruku, to press, constrain + LAT. farcire, to stuff +GK. to bend. (Sfceat, s.v. Bow.) BOUROCK. 'Loch Rutton.' " Bowrach, bowrock, bowrick, 3. a shepherd's hut, Galloway." Jamieson. See under BORGUE, of which this seems to be another form. Bow [pron. Boo], (P. Bow). ' Glasserton,' 'Berwick.' Both\\>o\, a hut. " Boo, bow, a term sometimes used to denote a manor- house, or the principal farm-house, or a village." Jamieson. 94 AN TIR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. Of. Bough in Carlow and Monaghan. o. ERSE and ERSE both, GAEL. buth + iCEL. bu% (whence M.E. bothe, E. booth) + SWED. and DAN. bod + G. bude, a booth ^BHU, to be; cf. SKT. bhavana, a house, a place to be in bhu, to be (Skeat). Bow BURN. ' Carsphairn.' See under Bow. BOWDY-HOUSE BRAE. ' New Luce/ A singular name to occur in the middle of wild moors. BOWHILL. ' Colvend.' Buachaill [boghel], a boy ; a name often applied in Ireland to upright stones, as Boughil near Kenmare, and many townlands called Boughill and Boghill. Joyce, ii. 435. Buachaill, a boy, a cow-herd bo, a cow. BRACKENIECALLIE. ' New Luce.' Breacnach cailleaich [?], spotted land of the old woman or nun. Cf. Bracknamuckley in Antrim, broken land of the swine-pasture ; also Bracknagh, Brackenagh, and Brackney, occurring frequently as names of places in Ireland, i.e. breacnach (from breac, see under Aucha- brick), a variegated, freckled place. The alternative ERSE breaclach and breacnach has its parallel in the cognate E. freckle (spelt frekell by Sir T. More), and freken (used in plu. by Chaucer, Cant. Tales, 2171). Cf. BKECKENIHILL, BfiEAKOCH HILL, BRECKLACH HILL, BRECKNACH. BRACO MOAT (P. Bracoch). ' Kirkpatrick Irongray.' BRADEYARD. 'Colvend.' BRADOCK. ' Kirkcolm, s.c.' Braghaddg [brahdog], a throat or gulley; dim. of braghad. o. ERSE brdge, gen. bragat, braget, the neck; ERSE and GAEL, braghad +O.W. brouant, w. breuant, the windpipe ; which Rhys (p. 66) refers to same root as LAT. gurges, an abyss, gurgulio, the windpipe + O.H.G. gtierca, o. NORSE, kvcrkr, the throat. Cf. BRAUINA and BREDDOCK ; and, in Ireland, Braddocks in Monaghan, Bradoge, a tributary of the Liffey, and another stream at Bundoran in Donegal. BRAE (P. Brae). ' Loch Kutton.' Brd, bri, a hill-side, GAEL. braigh, a summit. It is interesting to trace this word brae from the SKT. tjbhur, to move quickly; whence bhru, eyebrow, PERS. abru, OK. o|ADGEKHOLE (P. Cadgerhal). < Carsphairn.' Cadger, a \J hawker, a dealer. " Cadger, a miller's man who goes from house to house collecting corn to grind, and returning it in meal." Grainge's History of Nidderdale, 1863. CADLOCH. ' Kirkcolm, s.c.' CAGGRIE. ' Inch.' Cudhogreach or cathagreach []] [caagragh], adj. form from ERSE cudhdg, GAEL, cathag [cawg], a jackdaw, frequented by jackdaws. Cf. CAIGRIE. CliGRiE. ' Urr.' See under CAGGRIE. CAIRDIE WIEL (a pool on the Cree near the village of Clauchan- easy). ' Penninghame.' Probably the tinker's pool. BR. sc. caird, cairdie, a tinker, a gipsy ERSE ceard, a tinker o. ERSE cerd, a smith. Or perhaps from cearda, a workshop, a forge O. ERSE cerda, a forge (O'Eeilly), to which has been added BR. sc. wiel (see under BLOODY WIEL). CAIRN. Cam, a cairn. Many places are called simply The Cairn without other adjunct. See under AUCHENCAIRN. CAIRNAGREEN. ' Leswalt.' Cam na greine [greenie], cairn of the sun; or perhaps more probably from a proper name like Cairngranny, near Antrim, which Joyce (i. 335) refers to Cam Greine, Grian's Cairn (a woman's name). " A whimsical circumstance relative to these Crom-liaghs I cannot omit. They are called by the ignorant natives Grannie's beds. This Grannie is fabled to be the mother of Finmacoal or Fingal, and of her, as well as of her son, they have wonderful traditions. The source, however, of the appellation of Grannie's bed I conceive to be a corruption of the original Irish name of these altars. Grineus is, we know, a classical name of Apollo. In Cambden's Lauden we meet with an THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 101 inscription ' Apollini Granno,' and Grian is a common name for the sun in Irish." A Philosophical Survey of the South of Ireland, in a Series of Letters to John Watkinson, M.D., 8vo, London, 1777. CAIRNARZEAN [pron. reean]. 'Inch.' CAIRNBABER (P. Garnbabbyir Hill). ' Minigaff.' CAIRNBR6CK (Inq. ad Cap. 1600, Cairnebrek). ' Kirkcolm.' Cam broc, cairn of the badgers. See under BROCKLOCH. CAIRNBUIE (Inq. ad Cap. 1624, Cairnbuy ; P. Karnbuy). 'Kirk- colm.' Cam Buidhe [buie], yellow cairn. See under BARBUIE. CAiRNBtiY. ' Mochrum.' See under CAIRNBUIE. CAIRNDARROCH. 'Kells.' Cam darach, cairn of the oaks. See- under ARNDARROCH. CAIRNDERRY. 'Minigaff.' Cam doire [dirry], cairn of the oak wood. See under DERRY. CAIRND6NALD. ' Kirkcolm.' Cam Domhnuill [Donnill], Donald's cairn. CAIRND6NNAN. ' Kirkcolm.' Cam Donnain, Donnan's cairn. Donndn, a man's name, from donn, brown. (O'Don. Topgr., p. [55].) CAIRND06N (Inq. ad Cap. 1600, Kerindoun; W. P. MSS. Cairm- downe). ' Glasserton.' Cam duin, cairn of the fort. The modern farm-house occupies the site of the fort. CAIRNDUBBIN. ' Carsphairn.' Cam Dubaghain, Dubagan's or Dougan's Cairn. CAIRN EDWARD (P. Karn Edward). ' Kells.' CAIRNEY HILL, in several parishes ; hills upon which there are or have been cairns. CAIRNEYW!NIE (a hill of 1065 feet). ' Kirkmabreck.' CAIRNFIELD (P. Kairnfields). ' Kirkinner.' There used to be cairns here, now removed, and a circle of large stones, of which only one remains. " Cairn " and " Antique Cairn " are marked on an estate map of 1777. CAIRNF6RE. ' Minigaff.' Cam mhor [vore] [?] great cairn. Cf. CAIRNMORE. CAIRNGAAN (P. Karngan; Inq. ad Cap. 1610, Carnegayne). ' Kirkmaiden.' 102 AN TJR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. CAIRNGARROCH (P. Karnygyrach and Karngyroch; Inq. ad Cap. 1610, Carnegirroch). ' Kirkmaiden,' ' Stoneykirk.' Cam gcarroch [garrogh], rough cairn. See under BARHARROW. CAIRNHAGGARD. 'Stoneykirk.' Cam shagairt [haggart], the priest's cairn. Of. Drumhaggart in Donegal. See under ALTAGGART. CAIRNHANDY. ' Stoneykirk/ CAIRNHAPPLE (P. Karnchaple). ' Leswalt.' Cam chapul [happul], cairn of the horses. See under BARHAPPLE. CAIRNHARROW. ' Anwoth.' Cam charroch [harrogh], rough cairn. Aspirated form of CAIRNGARROCH, q.v. CAIRNHINGEY. ' Stoneykirk.' CAIRNH6LLY. ' Kirkmabreck.' CAIRNIE FINNART. ' Kirkmaiden.' CAIRNIEWA. * Inch.' CAIRNIEWELLAN. ' Kirkmaiden.' CAIRN KENNAGH. ' New Luce.' Cam Cainneaich, or possibly Cinaeidh [kinneh], Kenneth's cairn. Both occur as proper names from very early times. From Canneagh of Agha Boe, named St. Kenny (Four Masters, 598) is derived the name of Kilkenny. CAIRNKENNY. ' Inch,' ' New Luce.' Of. Cairnkenny in Tyrone. See under CAIRN KENNAGH. CAIRN KINNA. 'Minigaff.' Cam Cinaeidh [kinneh], Kenneth's cairn. See under BENNIGUINEA. CAIRNLEES. ' Crossmichael.' Cam liath [lee], grey cairn ; cf. Carnlea in Antrim, or earn lios [lis], cairn of the fort. CAIRN MAGNEELIE. ' Inch,' ' New Luce.' M'Neil's cairn. The resemblance to Karnmenelez in Cornwall (translated by Borlase, in his Ncenia Cornubice, the cairn-stones of the angels) is singular, though accidental. CAIRNM6N. ' Stoneykirk.' Cam na-mban [carnaman], cairn of the women. Cf. Carmoan in Cornwall. See under BARNAMON. CAIRNM6RE. 'Kirkmaiden/ 'Mochrum.' Cam mdr, the great cairn. CAIRNMULTIBRUGH (Inq. ad Cap. 1607, Carnemulktibrugh ; P. Kairn Multibrugh). 'Inch.' THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 103 CAIRN-NA-GATH. ' New Luce.' Cam no,' gcat [gaat], cairn of the wild cats. Cf. Carnagat in Antrim and Tyrone. See under ALWHAT. CAIRNPAT, CAiRXPidx, or PIOT FELL (P. Karn Patt). 'Port Patrick.' (St.) Patrick's Hill. CAIRNRAWS. ' Kells.' CAIRNSCARROW. ' Inch.' Cam scairbhe [?] [scairvie, scarrow], cairn of the ford. But see under BARSCARROW and CAIRNS- GARROCH. CAIRNSGARROCH. ' Carsphairn.' Cam g-carroch, rough cairn, with redundant s as in Cairnsmore. Cf. CAIRNSCARROW. CAIRNSIM. ' Stoneykirk.' CAIRNSMORE of Carsphairn, of Dee, and of Fleet, three hills in the Stewartry (P. Karnsmoor H., Kairnsmoort Hil). " Cairnsmore o' Fleet and Cairnsmore o' Dee, And Cairnsmore o' Carsphairn, the biggest o' the three." Local Rhyme. See under CAIRN MORE. CAIRNTAMMOCK. ' Girthon.' Cam tomach, bushy cairn ERSE torn, dumetum (Llwyd), a thicket, GAEL, tomach, bushy. Or, possibly, BR. sc. the cairn hillock. " Tammock, tommack, a hillock, Galloway." Jamieson. CAiRNx6oTAN. ' Kirkcolm.' CAIRNT6SH (P. Kairntoish). 'Girthon.' Cam tuas [1], upper cairn, or perhaps earn less, south cairn, o. ERSE suas, tuas (adverb), above (do-uas 1 ?, Windiscli). o. ERSE less, dess (adverb), southerly. See under BARCHESKIE. CAIRNWEIL. ' Stoneykirk/ CAIRNYARD. ' Kirkmabreck,' ' New Abbey.' Cam ard, high cairn. See under AIRD. CAiTANS [pron. Catyens]. * Whithorn/ CALDONS (Inq. ad Cap. 1602, Caldonis; 1616, Caldanis; P. Kal- douns, Kalduns, Calduii). ' Minigaff,' ' Stoneykirk.' Coil- dean, the hazels (plur. of 0. ERSE collde), E. plur. added. See under AUCHENHILL. CALDOW (P. Kaildow ; MS. 1527, Caldow). ' Balmaclellan/ Coill dubh [kyll doo], dark wood. Cf. BLAIKET. 104 AN TtR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. CALDRON, THE HOWE OF THE. * Minigaff.' A secluded Alpine valley on the east shoulder of Cairnsmoor. " How. (1) Any hollow place; (2) a plain." Jamieson. How+A.S. holh, a hollow, an extended form from hoi, a hole. Caldron is the equivalent of GAEL, coire, applied to a gorge or contracted glen. See under BALQUHIRRIE. CALF KNEES (a hill of 1803 feet). ' Carsphairn.' Probably another form of "ness," a headland A.s. nces, nes; 1. the ground; 2. a promontory or headland + ICEL. wes+DAN. nces, SWED. nds. " The sense of ' promontory ' is due to some confusion with nose, but it is not quite certain that the two words are related." Skeat. But see under GLOON. CALG6w (P. Koulgaw). ' Minigaff.' Cuil gobha [gow], the smith's corner, or cul gobha, the hill-back of the smith. The change from u sound to a is very unusual. Close by is Challoch, i.e. tealach, the forge. See under ALDERGOWAN. CALH!RNIE. ' Penninghame.' CALLAN HILL. ' Balmaghie.' Cuillean [?] [cullan], holly. See COLLIN HILL. CALLIED6WN. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' CALLY (Inq. ad Cap. 1572, Calie and Caliegirtoun ; P. Kelly; Charter 1418, ze Gale ; also written Kalecht-Girthon and Kalacht). ' Girthon.' " Gala, caladh, a port, harbour, haven, ferry." O'Reilly, who says Calais has this origin. "The word caladh, which in other parts of Ireland denotes a ferry or a landing-place for boats, is at present used in this district (Roscommon) to signify a low, flat district, extending along a lake or river, like the word strath in Ulster and Scotland." Hy Many, p. 74, note. Either meaning suits the character of this place. CALNAVIE or CALNIVAE. ' Penninghame.' Coill, cuil, or cul na bheith [vey], wood, corner, or hill-back of the birches. CAMBRET HILL. ' Kirkmabreck.' Ceann breac [kenn brek], brindled or dappled hill. 0. ERSE cend, W.B. and 0.0. pen, c. pedn ; ERSE and GAEL, ceann, a head, summit or point. Of. CAMBRICK. CAMBRICK HILL (2250 feet). ' Minigaff.' See under CAMBRET. CAMELON LANE. ' Balmaghie.' Cam linn, crooked pool. Cf. CAMLING, LINCOM. Several small streams in Ireland are called Camling and Cameline. Cameline is a river in Antrim THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 105 which runs through a glen called Crumlin. The latter is a common name in Ireland ; in one instance, near Dublin, the Four Masters (A.D. 1595) write it Cruimghlinn [Crumhlinn], i.e. crum ghleann, crooked glen. Crom and cam are equivalent in meaning. CAMER [pron. Gammer]. ' Minigaff.' Cf. Pont : " Camyir-hill, a hill separating the shriffdome of Renfrew and the country of Cuninghame, wich should be callit Quamyir-hill." Cuning- hame, p. 111. Cf. BARHAMMER. CAMFORD (Charter 1578, Camquhart; P. Camfurr). ' Kirkinner.' Ceann phort [kenfort], chief residence, head fort. On this farm there is a hill formerly fortified. All traces of the fort have disappeared under the plough, save where a fence intersects the line of the ancient enclosure, but in an estate- map of 1777 there is given a rectangular camp marked " Roman camp," whereas a fort on the hill of Drumtrodden, not far distant, is given in the same map as circular, and marked " Brittish Camp " (sic). This ceann phort, then, may have been a Roman camp. Samian ware and bronze Roman vessels were found in 1863 and 1884 on the crannogs in the adjoining Loch of Dowalton ; and the Roman camp at Rispain, near Whithorn, is distant about six miles. Cean- annus (now Kells) in Meath, was anglicised Headfort, on which the Irish gloss was Kenlis (ceann lis). CAMLING (a pool in Pulmaddy Burn). ' Carsphairn.' See under CAMELON. CAMPBELTON (P. Kammiltoun, and near it Balmackamil, which is the GAEL, equivalent, i.e. baile mic Cathmail). ' Twynholm.' Campbell's house. CAMP DOUGLAS (Inq. ad Cap., Camdudzeall, i-ocatus the Maynes of Balmaghie). ' Balmaghie.' CAMRIE (Inq. ad Cap. 1633, Camary; P. Kamary). 'New Luce.' Probably camrach, crooked, winding, in allusion to the wind- ings of the Luce, formed from cam as claonrach from clam. See under CLANERIE. CANABONY. ' Kirkbean.' CANEERIE. ' Parton.' Ceann iarach or iarthagh [eeragh], western headland. Cf. Canearagh in Ireland. See under BLAWWEARIE and CAMBRET. CANT. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' 0. ERSE cend [?], a headland. See under CAMBRET. io6 AN TIR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. CANTIN WIEL. ' Minigaff.' CARDONESS (Inq. ad Cap. 1556, Cardeneis; P. Kardeness). ' Girthon.' CAPENOCH (Inq. ad Cap. 1572, Capanach; P. Keapanagh). 'Kirkiuner.' Joyce (ii. 346) gives Coppauagli, a common name in Ulster, Connaught, and Leinster, as c&panach, full of dockens, adj. form of copachdn, copdn; but the pronunciation here points rather to ceapanach, from ceapa, a stump, full of stumps, where timber has been felled (see under BALLOCHA- KIP), or to ceapach [cappagh], a garden plot, which enters into many Irish names. CARD6ON. ' Kirkmabreck.' Carr duin, rock of the fort. " The word carr, though not found in the dictionaries, is understood in several parts of Ireland to mean a rock, and sometimes rocky land." Joyce, i. 419. See under AUCHENCAIRN. Per- haps ceathramhadh [carhow] duin, land-quarter of the fort. CAKD6RCAN (P. Garrowdorkan (on Pooldorken B.)). * Minigaff.' Ceathramhadh [carrou], the land quarter. The meaning of -dorcan is obscure, perhaps a man's name. See wider CARHOWE. CARDRAIN (P. Kardrain). ' Kirkmaiden.' This and the following name are those of places very near one another. Either would bear the interpretation of ceathramhadh cathair or carr draig- hean [drain], the land- quarter fort or rock of the blackthorns. See under DRANGAN. CARDRYNE (Inq. ad Cap. 1616, Cardryne; P. Kardryin). 'Kirk- maiden.' See under CARDRAIN. CARGEN (P. Kargan). 'Loch Rutton.' Carraican or Carraigan, a little crag, or a rocky place, dim. of carraic. Cf. Cargan, Cargin, and Crarigeen, a common name in the north of Ire- land, from the latter of which " Carrigeen moss," an edible seaweed, takes its name. CARGBiDduN. ' Whithorn, s.c.' Carraig a' duin, crag of the fort, or cairge duin, the crags of the fort. Carraig, plur. cairge, in Mod. Gael, invariably means a sea-cliff or rock, as distin- guished from creig, creag, an inland rock, and this distinction seems to be an old one. 0. ERSE carric, a stone, ERSE carraig + W. carrec + C. karak + B. karrek ^ CARR. See under AUCHENCAIRN. CARGHISION. ' Whithorn.' CARHOWE. * Twynholm.' Ceathramhadh [carhow], a quarter, a THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 107 division of land, " a plough-land " (O'Reilly), a fourth part of a baile. About thirty townlands in Ireland are called Carhoo, and over seven hundred Cairo w (Joyce, i. 244). In Galloway local names it is generally worn down in com- position to Car-, Cur-, or Kerrie-. o. ERSE cethramad (ERSE ceathramhadh, GAEL, ceathramh) + w. pedwaredh, c. padzhwera, a fourth part, derivatives of O. ERSE cethir, cethedir, GAEL. ceithir, w. pedwar, C. padzhar, pezwere, B. pevar, peder, M. Jciare + A.S. feower (whence M.E. feowur, fower, feour, four, BR. so. four [pron. fow-er], E. four), o. FRIES, fiower, fiuwer, fior + ICEL. fjdrir + DAN. fire + SWED. fyra + DU. vier + GOTH, fidwor + O.H.G. fior, G. vier + LAT. guatuor + GK. Terrapes, rearaape^ (dialect TrtVope?) + RUSS. chetvero + SKT. cJiatvar, chatur, all from an original form KWATWAR (Skeat, s.v. Four). Mr. Ellwood has collected a list of numerals in different dialects and languages, which Mr. Lucas quotes in his Studies in Nidderdale. It includes several curious forms of sheep-scoring numeration still in use in various districts. The numeral four appears in this list under the following forms besides those given above : Hindu- stani, char ; Gipsy, star ; Knaresborough, Yorkshire (sheep- scoring), methera; Nidderdale, peddero; Swaledale, mether; Kirkby Stephen, Westmoreland, maed'ere ; Teesdale, mether ; Coniston, medderte; Borrowdale, methera; Millom, Cumberland, peddera; Eskdale, Cumberland, meddera; Wastdale Head, Cum- berland, anudder ; Epping, Essex, fethera ; Maine, U.S., fither ; Hebron, Connecticut, fedhur ; Cincinnati, feather. The last three are from numeration used by Eed Indians, originally taught them, no doubt, by earlier settlers. CARLAE (P. Korle). ' Dairy. CARLETON (Charter 1250, Karlaton ; W. P. MSS. Cairiltoun ; P. Kairlton, Karltoun). ' Borgue,' ' Glasserton,' ' Kirkcolm.' A name which is of frequent occurrence throughout A.S. districts. Supposing it, in this case, to be A.S., the meaning would be ceorla tun, the enclosure or dwelling of the husbandmen (cf. Dindinnie), which is, in fact, the exact form of the name in the charter of 1295, Karlaton. From A.S. ceorl comes M.E. cherl, cheorl, E. churl + A.S. carl, a male + DAN. and SWED. karl, a man + ICEL. karl, a male, a man + BR. so. carle, a fellow + O.H.G. charal, G. karl, a man. The proper name Charles (Carolus) is another form of TEUT. carl, karl, male. CARLIN BED and HOUSE. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' Witch's bed and house. See under CARLIN'S CAIRN. io8 AN TfR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. CAELINGWARK (P. Carlingworck, Carlingwoorck ; Bishop Pococke's Letters, Caerlwark). ' Balmaghie.' A.s. ceorla weorc, the work (opus) of the countrymen, or men. See under CARLE- TON. A.S. weorc, wore, were (whence M.E. v-erk, BR. SO. wark, E. work) + DU. werk + ICEL. verk + DAN. vcerk + SWED. verk + O.H.G. werch, G. werk + GK. eopya, I have wrought ; ZEND. vareza, a working + PERS. warz-hdr, a ploughman, a labourer TEUT. base WARK ^WARG, to work. CARLIN'S CAIRN (a hill 2650 feet) (P. Karlingkairn). * Cars- phairn.' The old woman's cairn. Said to have been erected by a miller's wife, who gave shelter to Robert the Bruce by hiding him among some sacks of meal while the soldiers of Baliol searched the premises. After his subsequent success the king granted the lands of Polmaddie to his preserver, who, in gratitude, is said to have erected this cairn. (Unique Traditions, chiefly of the West and South of Scotland, by John Gordon Barbour, 1833.) " Carlin, carling, an old woman, a witch." Jamieson. See under CRAIGENCALLIE. CARLIN STONE. ' Mochrum.' Witches' stone. A monolith which until lately had a circle of stones round it. See under CARLIN'S CAIRN. CARLOCHAN. ' Crossmichael.' Carr, ceathramhadh [carrow], or cathair [caer] lochain, the rock, land-quarter, or fort of the lakelet. CARMINNOW (Inq. ad Cap. 1615, Kirremonnow; P. Karmunnow). ' Carsphairn.' Ceathramhadh meadhonach [minnough], the middle land-quarter. Cf. Carrowmenagh in Ireland. See under CARHOWE. CARNAVEL. ' Carsphairn.' Ceathramhadh n-abhall [?] [carrow naval], land-quarter of the apples. ERSE abhall, w. afal + LITH. obolys + O. BULG. jabliiko + E. apple. Cf. Gartnavel in Lanarkshire, i.e. gart n' abhall [navall], the appleyard, orchard (GAEL, abhallgharf). Cf. AIRIEWHILLART. CARNELTOCH. 'Kells.' Carr n' eilte, rock of the hind. Cf. Curr- na-heillte near Burrishoole, Clonelty in Limerick and Ferma- nagh (cluain eille), Eahelty in Kilkenny and Tipperary (rath eilte). ERSE eilidh, a hind, gen. eilte o. ERSE elit (ag allaid, a stag Cormac) -f ICEL. elgr (whence E. elk), SWED. elg, an elk + O.H.G. elaJw, M.H.G. elch + RUSS. oUne, a stag + DU. eland, an elk + LAT. alces + GK. O\KIJ. Perhaps earn ealtaidhe [eltahy], white cairn. "Ealtaidhe, white." O'Reilly. CARNINE. ' Minigaff.' THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 109 CARRICKABOYS. ' "Whithorn, s.c.' Carraicdn buidJie [buie], yellow crag. See under CARGEN and BENBUIE. Cf. CRAIGENBOY, CRAIGENBUY, CRAIGENBUYS. CARRICKAD6YN. ' Kirkcolm, s.c.' See under CARGHIDOUN. CARRiCKAFLi6u. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' Carraicdn fluich, wet crag, o. ERSE fluich, GAEL, fliuiche, wet + LAT. fluxus (whence, through F. flux, E. flusti) + GK. \veiv, to overflow + SKT. pluta, wet. But cf. Carrigafly near Cork, which Joyce (ii. 79) interprets carraig a' phlaigh, the crag of the plague ; plaigh LAT. plaga + GK. TT^IJJIJ, a blow, a plague. CARRICKAHAWKIE. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c/ CARRICKALIG. ' Stoneykirk, s.c.' Carraic a' lige, crag of the flat stone. See under AUCHENLECK. CARRICKAMICKIE. 'Kirkmaiden, s.c.' CARRICKAMURLAN. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' (twice). Carraic a' murlain, crag of the rough top. " Murldn, a rough top or head." O'Reilly. Cf. MURLIN STRAND and KNOCKMORLAND. CARRICK BURN. ' New Luce.' Divides Ayrshire (Carrick) from Wigtonshire. CARRICKCAMRIE. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' Carraic am-reidh [amrey], rugged crag. 0. ERSE am-reid (" bid reid riam each n-amreid," " everything unsmooth shall be smooth before him," Goid., p. 56), ERSE aimhreidh am, a negative prefix, and reidh [ray], smooth. Cf. CROFTANGRY, TYDAVERYS. CARRICKCARLIN. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' CARRiCKc6iL. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' CARRICKC6NE. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' Carraic con, craig of the dog. CARRICKC6RIE. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' Carraic caithre [1] [caarie], crag of the fort, gen. of cafhair. CARRiCKc5w. ' Kirkcolm, s.c.' Carraic dhubh [oo, ow], black crag. Cf. CRAIGDHU. CARRiCKctlNDiE. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' CAERICKEE. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' Carraic fhiadh [?] [ee], crag of the deer. CARRICKFUNDLE. ' Kirkcolm, s.c.' CARRICKGILL. ' Kirkmaiden.' Carraic geal [?] [gal], white crag. O. ERSE gel. CARRICKGLASSEN. ' Stoneykirk.' Carraic glasain [1], crag of the sea-weed. " Glasdn, salad, a sort of edible sea-wrack." no AN TIR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. Not, as might be supposed, from glasln, a streamlet, as there is no stream here. CARRICK KIBBERTIE. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' Carraic thiprat [iprat], crag of the well, irregular gen. of tipra, one of the many forms of tobar, a well. See under TIBBERT. CARRICK POINT. ' Girthon, s.c.' Carraic, a crag. See under CARGHIDOUN. CARROCH LANE. ' Dairy.' Carroch, rough, rocky, applied to the land through which the " lane " or stream runs, and whence it takes its name. CARR6UCH (P. Kerroch), [pron. Carrughe]. 'Girthon.' Prob- ably ceathramhadh [carhow, carrow], a quarter-land. See under CARHOWE. CARRtiCHAN. 'Terregles.' Ceathramhadh ruadhdn[1] [carhooroohan], red land-quarter. Situated on the new red sandstone, which here lies unconformably on the grey Silurian rock composing most of Galloway, and gives the land a red hue. CARSE (P. Kars). 'Kirkcudbright.' Meadowland. " Carse, kerss, low and fertile land, generally that which is adjacent to a river, su. G. Jcaerr, ISL. kiar, Jcaer, a marsh." Jamieson. A word in common use in BR. sc. Carse land, alluvial land. It appears in place-names as a prefix with GAEL, qualitative, e.g. Carseglass, etc., and seems to have been early adopted into GAEL, speech as well as into BR. SC. CARSCREUGH (Charter 1563, Carscrue, Cascrv ; P. Karskeroch). ' Old Luce.' CARSDUCHAN (Inq. ad Cap. 1582, Carsdowgan ; P. Karssduchan; Charter 1513, Corsidochquhan). ' Minigaff.' CARSE DUNCAN. ' Minigaff.' Duncan's Carse. CARSEGLASS. ' Dairy.' Carse glas, green carse. See under BARGLASS and CARSE. CARSEG6WAN. ' New Abbey.' Carse gobhain [gowen], the smith's carse. See under ALDERGOWAN. CARSEG6WN. ' Kells/ ' Wigton.' See under CARSEGOWAN. CARSEMINNOCH (P. Carshmeanach). ' Minigaff.' Carse meadhonach [minnagh], middle carse. See under BALMINNOCH. CARSENESTOCK (P. Carsnestak). ' Penninghame.' Cf. PORT NES- SOCK, which Pont writes Port Nustak. CARSERIGGAN (P. Casriggen). ' Penninghame.' CARSETH6RN. ' Kirkbean.' CARSEVEIGE. ' Minigaff.' THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALL OWAY. 1 1 1 CARSEWALLOCH (P. Karskullagach). 'Kirkmabreck.' Font's spelling points to a g or qu sound softened into w. CARSFAD (P. Karsfod). ' Dairy,' ' Kells.' Carse fada, long or far carse. Cf. CARSWADA. CARSINDARROCH. ' Minigaff.' Carse an daraich, carse of the oak tree. See under ARNDARROCH. CARSKEEL. ' Kirkmabreck.' Carse caol [keel], narrow carse. Gael, caol, narrow ; \v. cul. Cf. DRUMKEEL, PORT KALE ; also Glenkeel in Fermanagh, Cork, and Leitrim, and many places in Ireland called Keal, Keale, and Keel. CARSNAW. ' Minigaff.' Carse an atha [aha, aa], carse of the ford. There is here a ford on the tidal channel of the Cree. ERSE and GAEL, dth, gen. atha+\?. 5ats+iCEL. va$, a ford, vada, to wade+G. icat, a ford+LAT. uadum (vaduni) +SWED. vada+ O.H.G. uatan+A.S. wadan (pt. t. wdd) to wade (whence M.E. waden, E. wade, BR. so. wad, to wade) + SET. gddham, to move forward, gddha, shallow, a place where a footing may be ob- tained, probably from a base GADH, an extension of ,\/GA, to go. (See Skeat, s.v. Wade.) Cf. CRAIGNAW, LOCHNAW, KNOCKNAW ; and, in Ireland, Drumaa in Fermanagh. CARSLtliTH (P. Karsluyith). ' Kirkmabreck.' CARSNABR6CK. ' Minigaff.' Carse na broc, carse of the badgers ; a meadow beside the river Minnick. See under BROCKLACH. CARSPHAIRN (a village and parish in the Stewartry). ' Carsphairn.' Carse /earn [farii], carse of the alders. Cf. Elder Holm in Dairy (the next adjacent parish), which should be Alder Holm, the BR. SO. for " elder " being bourtree. See under BALFERN. CARSWADA. ' Loch Eutton.' Carse fhada. See under CARSEFAD. CARTY. ' Penninghame.' Cearda [carda], a workshop. See under CAIRDIE WIEL. CASH BAG. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' C6s leag, little hole or fissure. " C6s, a fissure." O'Eeilly. GAEL. " Cos, a crevice, a hole." Macalpine. CASPIN. ' Kirkcolm, s.c.' Cf. HESPIN, also on the sea-coast. CASSALANDS. ' Troqueer/ CASSENCARIE (P. Kassinkary). 'Kirkmabreck.' Casan caora, footpath of the sheep, or casan caithre [caarie], footpath of the fort, gen. of cathair. See under AIRYHASSAN. CASSENGILSHIE. * Wigton.' Casan giolchach [gilhyagh], rushy, reedy footpath. See under AIRIECHASSAN and AUCHENGILSHIE. ii2 AN TfR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. CASSENVEY (P. Cassinbe ; MS. 1527, Cassinvey). ' Balmaclellan.' Casan bheithe, footpath of the birch tree. See under AIRIE- HASSAN and AUCHENVEY. CASTLE BAN. ' Kirkcolm.' Caiseal [cashel] bdn, white fort, or perhaps Bann's fort. Of. Castlebane and Castlebawn in Ireland. CASTLE CREAVIE. ' Rerwick.' Caiseal craebhe [creevy], castle of the tree, or caiseal craebhach [cashel creevagh], castle of the wooded place. Craebhach, adjective from craebh, a branch, a tree, a bush. " There are more than thirty townlands called Creevagh, i.e. branchy or bushy land (in Ireland)." Joyce, i. 501. Cf. KNOCKCRAVIE, CORNCRAVIE ; also Moheracreevy in Leitrim (mothar na craebhe, fort of the tree). CASTLE BAFFIN. ' Rerwick.' CASTLE DOUGLAS. ' Balmaghie.' A modern name given to Car- lingvvark by one Douglas who built mills here. CASTLE FEATHER. ' Whithorn.' Caiseal PJieaduir [feddur], Peter's castle. Cf. KILFEATHER. CASTLE FERN (P. Castell Fairne). ' Dairy.' Caiseal fearn, castle of the alder trees. See under BALFERN. CASTLE GOWER (MS. 1640, Cassilgour). ' Buittle.' Caiseal gobhar, castle of the goats. CASTLE LARICK. ' Inch.' Larach, a dwelling-place, a site. See under LARROCH. Close by is Tripolarick. CASTLEMADDIE (P. Castle maddyes; MS. 1527, Castlemady). ' Carsphairn.' Caiseal madadh [madda], castle of the dogs. See under BLAIRMODDIE. CASTLEMANOCH. ' Kelton.' Caiseal manach, castle of the monks. See under ARNMANNOCH. CASTLE MUIR. * Rerwick.' CASTLE NAUGHT (gutt.). ' Stoneykirk, s.c.' Caiseal nochd [?], naked, bare, exposed castle; o. ERSE nocht, ERSE nochd (O'Reilly), naked, GAEL. noekta+W. noeth, B. ndaz, c. noath+A.s. nacod, naked + O.F. nakad, naken + DU. naa-kt + ICEL. naktr, nakinn +DAN. nogen+swED. naken+G. nackt, M.H.G. nacket, O.H.G. nachot+GOTH. nakwatus+KUSS. nagoi +LITH. nugas-\- LAT. nudus (nugdus, nogdus, nagdus)+SKT. nagna, all with the meaning " naked, stripped." (See Skeat, s.v. Naked.) Cf. BARNEIGHT, AUCHEXEIGHT. CASTLE SHELL. ' Inch.' CASTLE SOD. ' Twynholm.' THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY, 113 CASTLE WEARY. 'Old Luce.' Caiseal iarach [eeragh], western castle. See under BLAWWEARY. CASTRAMONT, DOUN or (Inq. ad Cap. 1610, Castraman; P. Karstromen; War Committee, 1646, Carstraman). 'Girthon.' CATEBRAID. ' Port Patrick, s. c.' Cat Iragliad []] [brahad], the gully (lit. the throat) of the wild-cats. See under ALWHAT and BRADOCK. Although the qualitative noun rarely comes first, still it seems to do so in this and the two following instances, as it does in AUCHNESS, q.v. CATELIG. ' Port Patrick, s. c.' Cat Hag [leeg], the stone of the wild-cats. See wider CATEBRAID and AIRIELICK. CATEVENNAN. ' Port Patrick, s. c.' Cat bhennan [vennan], the hillock of the wild-cats. See under BENNAN and CATEBRAID. CATOAK or COTTAGE. ' Troqueer.' Possibly from w. coed, a wood. CAUCHIE STONE. ' Kirkmaiden, s. c.' CAUGH Moss. ' Girthon.' CAULDSIDE. ' Whithorn.' Cold side or place ; probably referring to the soil. It is a wonder that the Ordnance Surveyors have not Anglicised this name, as they have Brigg-end into Bridge- end, Alt Water into Old Water, etc. Old Northumbrian cald= A.S. ceald + iCEL. kaldr-t-nu. koud + GQTH. kalds+G. Mlt + 'LAX. gelidus. CAULKERBUSH. ' Colvend.' CAUSEWAYEND \pron. Causend], (P. Causayend). ' Balmaghie,' ' Penninghame.' End of the causeway. See under AIRIE- HASSAN. CAVAN. ' Kells.' Cabhdn [cavvan], " a hollow plain, a field." O'Beilly, Like other names for hollows this is often trans- ferred to the hill beside the hollow. Thus O'Donnell, in his Life of St. Columba, translates it collis. Cf. Cavan, which occurs about twenty times in Ireland. See also KEVANDS, COLVEND, KEVAN BRAES, etc. CAVENS (P. Kovenns). ' Kirkbeau.' See under CAVAN. CAVE 6cHTREE. ' Leswalt.' Uchtraidh [Ughtrie], Uchtred's cave ; the GAEL, construction, with the qualitative last. CAWN LANE. ' Glasserton.' CAWVIS HILL. ' Wigton.' Calves' hill. BR. so. cawf, a calf, pi. cawvies. H ii 4 AN TIR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. CHALLOCH (P. Chellach). Teallach [tyallagh], "a hearth" (O'Reilly}. GAEL. " Teallach, a smith's fire-place or forge, a hearth or fireplace. Occurs without adjunct as a place-name about a dozen times in Wigtonshire, and once at least in the Stewartry. In Galloway it may be assumed to mean ' a forge/ though not used in that sense in Ireland, where teallach means ' a tribe, a family.' " O'Eeilly. T, followed by a diphthong, is weakened nearly to E. ch. A similar change of sound may be observed in nation, action, etc. See under AUCHENGIBBERT. Mr. Skene writes : " There is a great hill in Wester Ross called the Challoch, as the word is there pronounced, and the popular meaning in the district is the Furnace Hill, which the people as frequently call it." CHALLOCHBLEWN (P. Chellachblawis ; W. P. MSS. Challochbhel- lin). ' Glasserton.' CHALLOCHGLASS [pron. Chillass], (P. Shellachglass). ' Mochrum.' Tealach glas, green forge (hill). The hill seems to have derived its name Challoch from the forge, and subsequently to have received the qualitative suffix which applies to the hill and not to the forge. Had the old spelling not survived the change in pronunciation, the etymology of Challochglass, as now pronounced, might have been sought in vain. CflALLOCHMtlNN (P. Challachmun). 'Old Luce.' Tulach [tyallagh], Munna [?]. Munna's hill. Cf. Kilmun in Argyllshire, Munna's (or Fintan's) church, Taghmon in Wexford (teach Munna), Munna's house. See under KNOCKIEFOUNTAIN. CHANG (Inq. ad Cap. 1636, Schaing; P. Chang). 'Mochrum.' Teanga [tyanga], a tongue or strip of land. For change of t to ch, cf. CHALLOCH and CHIPPERFINIAN. o. ERSE tenge, ERSE and GAEL, teanga + GOTH, tuggo (=tungo)-{-o.n.G. zunga, G. zunge-\- DAN. tunge -\-ICEI.. and SWED. tunga+DV. tong-\-A..S. tunge (whence M.E. tunge, tonge, E. tongue) + o. LAT. dingua, LAT. lingua, FR. langue. Cf., however, ICEL. tangi, a spit or projection of land, which has a different origin from ERSE teanga, being allied to E. tangi and tongs. (See Skeat on these words.) The form as well as the sense of these words run together. Thus in the Prompt. Pan. we read, " Tongge of a bee, Aculeus ; Tongge of a knife, Pirasmus" CHAPEL FINIAN. ' Mochrum.' See CHIPPERFINIAN. CHAPELERNE. ' Crossmichael.' Perhaps a dedication to St. Ernan, one of St. Columcille's twelve companions in his mission to Alban. Cf. Killearn in Stirlingshire, and Killearn or Kiler- THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GAL LOW AY. 115 nadale, formerly a parish ~in Jura. On the other hand, the name may be A.S., signifying the (ern, place or dwelling of the chapel. CHAPELHERON. 'Whithorn.' See CHIPPERHERON. CHAPELR6SSAN. ' Kirkmaiden, s. c.' Caipeal rosain, chapel of the promontory. GAEL, caipeal (Reeves's Adamnan, 426) L. LAT. capella (whence O.F. chapelle, E. chapel). The word took its origin from the shrine wherein was preserved the cappa or cope of St. Martin (Skeat, s.v. Chapel). It is one of the words introduced into Erse speech with Christianity. That this is an old word, and not merely E. chapel prefixed to Rossan, the name of the promontory, seems to be shown by the name of the adjacent hill, Knocktaggart, the priest's hill. Rosdn, dim. of ros, see under Ross. Cf. Ardrossan in Ayrshire, " so named," says Pont, "in respecte it is situated on a suelling knope of a rock runing frome a toung of land advancing from ye maine land in ye sea, and almost environed vith ye same, for Ross in ye ancient Brittich tounge signifies a Biland or peninsula." Cuninghame, p. 56. CHAPMAN. ' Kirkinner.' See under CHAPMANLEYS. CHAPMANLEYS. 'Troqueer.' The merchant's fields. A.S. cedp- man (cf. ICEL. JcaupmaZr, G. kaufmann, a merchant), whence M.E. and E. chapman (of which E. chap, a fellow, is a familiar abbreviation) A.S. cedp, price, sale, bargain, business {Bos- worth), whence M.E. chep, cheap, cheep (subst.), barter, price, becoming in modern E. an adjective, cheap -\-D\J. koop, a pur- chase + ICEL. kaup, a bargain + S WED. kop, price, purchase + DAN. kio'b, purchase + GOTH, kaupon, to traffic + O.H.G. couftin, G. kaufen, kaiif, to buy, a purchase. " B. Curtius (i. 174) affirms that all these words, however widely spread in Teutonic tongues, must be borrowed from Latin. Indeed we find O.H.G. choufo, a huckster, which is merely LAT. caupo. The further related words are capa, a barmaid, caupona, an inn ; GK. KaTrrfKo^, a pedlar ; RUSS. htpite, to buy." (Skeat, s.v. Cheap). A.S. ledh, led, a field, a place. See under BRAN- DEDLEYS. CHAPMANTON (P. Chapmantoun). * Crossmichael.' The mer- chant's house. See under CHAPMANLEYS and BALDOON. CHERRY CRAIG. ' Dairy.' CHILCARROCH (P. Chalkarroch). ' Mochrum.' n6 AN TlR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. CHINCOUGH WELL. ' Glasserton.' Whooping-cough well. A spring in the rocks just above high-water mark at Kirk- maiden in Glasserton (see under KIRKMAIDEN), the water of which is said to be a remedy for whooping-cough. BR. SO. kink-cough or kink-hoast. " To kink, to labour for breath in a severe fit of coughing." Jamieson. " Kink is a nasalised form of a root kik, to choke " (Skeai) + DU. kinkhoest, o. DU. kiech- hoest + swEV. kikhosta, whooping-cough, kikna, to gasp, to be- come choked + DAN. kighoste, whooping-cough + G. keichen, to pant + E. chincough. Choke is another form of the root KIK, which is imitative. CHIPPERDINGAN WELL. ' Kirkmaiden.' Tiobar Dingain, Dingan's or Ninian's well. See under TIBBERT. The form " Dingan," as well as " Ninan," occurs in Geoffrey Gaimar's Estorie des Engles, written about the middle of the twelfth century, line 967 : " Ninan aveit ainz baptizg Les altres Pictes del regne" : Ce sunt les Westtnaringiens Ki done esteient Pictiens. A Witernen gist Saint Dinan Long tens vint devant Columban." The change of t to ch and k in this word tiobar is a common one. See under CHALLOCH and KIBBERTIE KITE WELL. CHIPPERFINIAN (P. Chappel finian). ' Mochrum.' Tiobar Finnain, (St.) Finnan's well. There is a ruined chapel here. St. Finnan was elected Bishop of Lindisfarne in A.D. 652. CHIPPERHERON or CHAPELHERON (Inq. ad Cap. 1600, Tibert- quharaine ; W. P. MSS. Schippirquharraine). * Whithorn.' Tiobar Chiarain [heeran], St. Kieran's or Ciaran's well. There are several individuals called Ciardn in the Irish hagiology and hierarchy. The most celebrated of these, founder of Clonmacnoise, died A.D. 548; but miracles were imputed to him as late as 1018. See Four Masters under that year: " Serin Ciardin do or gain do Domhnall mac Taidhg, agus a mar- bhadhfein a cceand seachtmhaine triafiortaibh De agus Ciardin" i.e. " The shrine of Ciaran was plundered by Domhnall, son of Tadhg, and he himself was killed at the end of a week, through the miracles of God and Ciaran." The following places, among others, are also dedicated to St. Ciaran (whose name is rendered in Latin Queranus or Kyranus, and in Cornish Piran) Kilkerran in Kintyre, Kilkerran and Dal- quharran in Ayrshire, Kilcheran or Kilkeran in Islay, and St. Kieran's well in Glenbervie. Ciardn (from ciar, black) means the dark man. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLO WA Y. 117 CHIPPERKYLE. ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' Tiobar. CHIPPERM6RE (P. Chippertmoir). ' Mochrum.' Tiobar m6r, the great well. Probably the land got the name Tipper or Chipper from Chipperfinian (which is on this farm), and mdr was added subsequently as a distinctive name of part of the land. CLACHAN. Clachan, stones. A word of very frequent occurrence and of varying meaning. Generally it means a hamlet, from the stone foundations of circular huts or wigwams in pre- historic times, or, later, from the stones of which walls were built ; but it also is used to designate a church or churchyard. Pagan places of worship (see under CLACHANARRIE) consisting of monoliths, either solitary or in groups or circles, were adopted by Christian missionaries as sites for churches and cells, hence clachan, the stones, became synonymous for the church or churchyard. O. ERSE and ERSE cloch, GAEL, clack. The name is common in Ireland as Cloghan, Cloghane, and Cloghaun. CLACHANAMtrcK. ' Kirkinner.' Clachan na muc, the swine's stones. CLACHANARRIE. ' Mochrum.' Clachan aoraidh [aray], stones of worship. In Perthshire, on Findowie Hill, Strathbraan, there is a circle of stones called Clachan Aoradh, or the worshipping stones (Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot. 1884-5, p. 42). CLACHANEASY. ' Penninghame.' Clachan losa [?] [eesa], the hamlet of Jesus. A hamlet near St. Ninian's chapel of the Cruives. See under ALLANEASY. CLACHANHEAD. ' New Abbey.' Head of the clachan or hamlet. CLACHANLAUKES. ' Whithorn.' CLACHANM6RE. ' Stoneykirk.' Clachan m6r, the great stones, or big village. There is no village here now. CLACH ANPLUCK. ' Inch.' Lauriston, in Girthon parish, formerly bore this name also. CLACHRAWER. ' Dairy.' Of. STRANRAER. CLACHRUM (P. Clachrum). ' Kells,' ' Penninghame.' Clacherin, a stony place, deriv. of clach. Cf. CLAUCHTREM, and, in Ireland, Cloghereen near Killarney. CLACK HILL. ' Balmaghie.' Clach, a stone. Cf. TOOMCLACK HILL. CLAUCHRIE (Inq. ad Cap. 1599, Clauchreid; P. Clachory, Clachary, and Clachred). 'Kirkinner,' 'Minigaff,' 'Wigton.' Clach- n8 AN TJR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. arach or doichreach, a stony place. See under CLACHRUM. Cf. Clogliera in Clare and Kerry. CLAUCHTREM. ' Carsphairn.' See under CLACHRUM. CLAWBELLY (P. Clabelly). ' Kirkgunzeon.' Clack baile [claw bally], stone town, enclosure, or house. Cf. Cloghbally and Cloghvalley, frequent names of Irish townlands. CLADDiOCHDdw. ' Kirkcolm, s. c.' Claddach dubh [doo], black beach. Claddach is still in use in the speech of the country folk in its original sense of a stony or shingly beach. " Cladach, a flat, stony shore." O'Don., Appendix to O'fieilly. Cf. CLADF HOUSE, and, in Ireland, Clady in Tyrone, Antrim, and Armagh ; Clydagh, Cloydach, Clodagh, Cleedach, Clodragh, Cleady, Clodiagh, Clyda, all forms of the same word ; also Claddagh, a river running into Loch Erne, and Claddagh, part of the town of Galway. Clady in Tyrone is written Claideach by the Four Masters. " Clidyoch, Clydyoch, the gravel bed of a river, Dumfr." Jamieson. CLADY HOUSE. ' Inch.' The beach house. A house on the shore of Loch Ryan. See under CLADDIOCHDOW. CLAFAEAS. 'Penninghame.' Clack farraich [?], the stone of meeting. See under BORGAN FERRACH. CLAINGE (P. Kloyintz). ' Kirkmabreck.' See under CLAUNCH. Pont writes it very nearly according to the old pronunciation. CLAIRBRAND (Inq. ad Cap. 1628, Clairbrand ; P. Clarckbraind). { Crossmichael.' CLAMDALLY. ' Berwick.' Claon dealg, the slope of the thorny thicket. Claon (adj.), sloping ; see under CLENE. For the change of n to m in this word see Font's spelling of Clan- noch, Klemmeock. Dealg (o. ERSE delg) occurs in Irish names, as Moneydollog in Antrim (muine dealg), Kildellig in Queen's County. Delliga in Cork is given by the Four Masters (A.D. 1580) as Deilge, the plur. of dealg. Cf. DALLY, DAILLY, DRUMDALLY. CLAMDISH. ' Parton.' Claon dess, southern slope, o. ERSE dess, the right hand, or south. CLANERIE (P. Cloynary). ' Kirkmabreck.' Claonrach, sloping. Cf. CLENARIE, CLENDRIE, forms of the same word. Cleenrah in Longford and Cleenrath in Cork are referred (Joyce,\i. 4 2 2) to claen rath [cleen raw], sloping fort. " Is aire is claen an Us," this is why the fort slopes (Cormac). See under CLAMDALLY. THE TOPO GRAPHY OF GALL OWAY. 119 CLANGHIE POINT [pron. Clanzie]. 'Kirkmaiden, s. c.' Claona, the slopes. Cf. Cleeny, near Killarney. CLANNOCH (P. Klemmeock). ' Minigaff.' Claonach, sloping. Of. CLENNOCH, and, in Ireland, Clenagh and Cleenagh in Donegal, Fermanagh, and Clare. CLANTIBUIES (Inq. ad Cap. 1582, Clontagboy.) 'Kirkinner.' Cluainte buidhe [cloonty buie], yellow meadows. Plur. of cluain (see under CLONE), E. plur. added. Cf. Cloontabonniv, Cloontakillow, Cloonboy, Clonboy, etc., in Ireland. See under BENBUIE and CLONE. CLAN YARD (P. Cloynard, Kloynard; Inq. ad Cap. 1610, Cloinzeard). ' Kirkmaiden.' Cluain ard, high meadow, or claondrd, " an inclining steep" (0' Re illy). Cf. Clonyard. In Ireland the name occurs several times as Clonard, Cloonard. See under AIRD, CLAMDALLY, and CLONE. CLARE HILL. ' Kirkcowan.' Cldr, a level place, a plain (lit. a table or board), a name transferred from the level ground to the hill. " The county of Clare was so called from a village of the same name ; and the tradition of the people is that it was called Clare from a board formerly placed across the river Fergus to serve as a bridge." Joyce, i. 428. This village, however, is called Cldr-m6r by the Four Masters, which looks rather as if it took its name from flat land. Clarehill in Derry and Clarkill in Armagh, Down, and Tipperary are cor- ruptions of cldr choill [hill], level wood. CLARY (P. Clary), anciently the Bishop of Galloway's palace. ' Penninghame.' Clerech, a clerk or priest (clericus). See under BARNYCLEARY. CLARY PARK (a field on the farm of Prestrie, i.e. Priest-ery). ' Whithorn.' See under CLARY. CLASH. ' Borgue,' ' Kirkmaiden,' ' Leswalt.' Clais [clash], a trench, ditch, or pit ; a cleft in a hill. The name of many townlands in Ireland. " Clash, claisch, a cavity of consider- able extent in the acclivity of a hill." Jamieson. CLASHBR6CK. ' Carsphairn.' Clais [clash] broc, the badger's pit or den. Cf. Clashnamrock [dais-nambroc\ near Lismore. See under BROCKLACH and CLASH. CLASHDAN. ' Minigaff.' CLASHD60KIE. ' Minigaff.' 120 AN TJR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. CLASH HILL. ' Kirkmaiden.' See under CLASH. CLASHMAHEW. ' Inch.' Cf. Kilmahew in Argyllshire. ClASHMURRAY. ' Kirkcolm.' Clais Muireadhaich [clash Murragh], Murray's or Murphy's trench or grave. See under BAL- MURRIE. CLASHNARROCH. ' Leswalt.' CLASHNEACH, NICK OF. 'Minigaff.' Clais n-ech, the trench or cleft of the horses. Clais and Nick here express the same idea, i.e. a cleft in the hill. See under AUCHNESS. CLASHWHANNON WELL. ' Kirkmaiden.' CLASH WOOD. ' Kirkmabreck.' See under CLASH. CLATTERINSHAWS (P. Clattranshawes). 'Kells.' The echoing 'shaws' or woods. A.S. clatrung, anything that makes a clatter- ing, a drum, a rattle, cleadur, a rattle. See under SHAW BRAE. CLAUCHAN. ' Girthon.' See under CLACHAN. CLAUCHANDdLLY. ' Borgue.' Clachan dealg [dallig], stones or houses of the thorns. Cf. AUCHENDOLLY, CLAMDALLY. CLAUCHAN WELL (beside the ruins of Kirkchrist). ' Old Luce.' Clauchan here bears the meaning of a church, i.e. clachan, the stones ; the memorial or pagan worshipping stones (see under CLACHANARRIE), on the site of which the Christian churches were often erected. CLAUCHL6UDOUN. ' Kirkmabreck.' CLAUNCH (Inq. ad Cap. 1631, Clonsche; P. Cloyinsh ; W. P. MSS. Clonche). 'Sorbie.' Cladh innse [claw inshe], bank or ditch of the river-meadow. Cf. CLAINGE, also Clawinch, an island in Loch Eee, Ireland, where innis bears the alternative mean- ing of " island." CLAYCR6FT. 'Buittle,' 'Minigaff.' The croft or small farm of clay land. Croft A.S. croft, a field + DU. kroft, a hillock, o. DU. krochte, crocht, a field on the downs, high, dry land + GAEL, croit, a hillock, a croft, whence the guttural (which is pre- served in cruach, a hill) has disappeared. Skeat suggests that croft may have come from ERSE cruachd before the disappearance of the guttural. Not akin to crypt as some philologers have suggested from being shut in, for crofts are not fenced like farms, at least in their primitive condition, but cattle, etc., THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 121 are herded off them. Before the adoption of draining, the croit, cruach, hillock, being naturally drained, was the only part of the land that would bear a crop. CLAYCR6P. ' Kirkinner.' See under CLAYCROFT. CLAYGRANE. * Carsphairn.' Cladh greane [claw graney], the mound or ditch of the gravel, or possibly in the sense of a grave, cladh greine, Grian's grave (see under CAIRN-NA-GREEN). Grean, gravel + B. grouan + c. grow, gravel + W. gro + SKT. grdvan, a stone, a rock. Not, as suggested by some, con- nected with LAT. granum, which is from /^/GAR, to grind. CLAYGUGAN. 'New Luce.' Cladh Geoghagain or Eochagain []], Geachan's grave. CLAYHILTS. Balmaclellan.' CLAYM6DDIE (P. Clymady ; W. P. MSS. Glenmaddie). ' Glasserton.' Cladh madadh [claw maddie], the mound of the dogs ; but the name as it appears in the "Whithorn Priory rental points to gleann madadh, the dog's glen. Cf. Glennamaddy in Gal way. CLAYSHANT (formerly a parish), (P. Klachshant). ' Stoneykirk.' C ach seant [shant], holy stone LAT. sanctus, 0. ERSE sanct. "Ni bu Sanct Brigit suanach." Broccan's Hymn, line 21. and " Ateoch e"rlam Sanct Brigte Co sanctaib Cille dara." Ibid., line 95. CLAYSHEEN. ' Inch.' Cladh sidheain [claw shean], mound of the fairies' house (cf. FAIRY KNOWE) ; or perhaps from sian [sheen], foxglove (called also in E. fairy-finger, fairy-thimble). CLAYS OF CHANG (the site of an ancient village). ' MinigaflV Clays [pron. Clies], is not an uncommon name for a deserted site, where the foundations of houses remain as grassy mounds. From cladh [claw, cly], a mound, with E. plural added. See under CHANG. CLAYS OF CuLNdAG (the site of an ancient village). ' Sorbie.' See under CULNOAG. CLAYWHARNIES. ' Inch.' CLAYWHIPPART. 'Whithorn.' Cladh [claw] or clack thiprat [ippart], mound or stone of the well. See under TIBBERT. CLENARIE (P. Cloynary). ' Glasserton.' See under CLANERIE. CLENDRIE (P. Kloynary and Clonary). 'Inch,' 'Kirkbean,' ' Old Luce,' ' Kirkcolm.' See under CLANERIE. 122 AN TJR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. CLENE. ' Girthon.' Claon [clane] or claen [cleenj (adj.), sloping. Used as a substantive in place-names. See under CLAMDALLY, CLAMDISH. Cf. Cleen in Fermanagh, Leitrim, and Eos- common. CLENNOCH (Inq. ad Cap. 1642, Clannoch). ' Carspliairn,' * Inch.' Claenach, sloping. See under CLANNOCH. CLERKSBURN. * Glasserton.' The clerk's or priest's burn ; close to Kirkmaiden. Cf. ALTAGGART, CLARY. CLEUGH \gutt."\ (P. Kleugh). * Kirkmaiden, s. c.' " Clench, cleugh. 1 . A precipice, a rugged ascent. 2. A straight hollow between precipitous banks, or a hollow descent on the side of a hill." Jamieson. From A.S. dough, " a cleft of a rock, or down the side of a hill " (Bosworth). CLEUGHBRAE. ' Terregles.' The brow of the cleugh. See under BRAE and CLEUGH. CLEUGH HEAD (from estate map of Cuil). ' Kirkmabreck.' The head of the cleugh. See under CLEUGH. CLEUGH OF THE EGLIN. ' Girthon.' See EGLIN LANE. CLIES OF CHANG, etc. ' Mochrum,' * Sorbie.' See under CLAYS OF CHANG, etc. CLINKING HAVEN. ' Twynholm.' " Clinking Go's, caverns which make a tinkling noise when stones are thrown into them." Mactaggart. CLINT MAELUN. 'Kells.' "Clint, a hard or flinty rock." Jamieson. Cf. Clint, the name of a place in Yorkshire. " DAN. and SWED. klint, the brow of a hill, promontory." Lucas. Maelun possibly = maolain; maoldn, a beacon (CfReilly); but Maelan and Maeleoin are names of several personages mentioned by the Four Masters. Cf. Letter Maelain in Clare, written Leitir Maoilin by the Four Masters. " Maelan was, I believe, a leguminous plant, and not a cereal one, as is shown by the maelan milce being applied to the tuberous bitter vetch, Orobus tuberosus, the tuberous roots of which were formerly much prized for making a kind of drink by the Highlanders, and used in times of scarcity as food. The Orobus niger, or black bitter vetch, which is said by some to have supported the Britons when driven into the forests and fastnesses by the Emperor Severus, was also called Maelan." Sullivan's Intr. to O'Curry, ccclxiii. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLO WAY. 123 GLINTS OF DRUHORE. ' Minigaff.' " Glints, limited to the shelves at the side of a river." Jamieson. This limitation is not observed in Galloway, and certainly does not apply in this case, for these Glints are far from a river. " Glints, little awkward-lying rocks." Madaggart. Neither is this a suitable definition, for these Glints are bold precipitous cliffs on high ground. Cf. Cleut Hills in Staffordshire. See under CLINT and DRUMORE. GLINTS OF THE Buss. ' Minigaff.' See under Buss. GLINTS OF THE SPOUT [pron. spoot]. 'Minigaff.' "Spout, a boggy spring in ground." Jamieson. But it also means a waterfall. Spout (M.E. spouten SWED. sputa, the sound of which is well preserved in BR. SO. spSSf) has lost the r, and was originally from the same root as sprout, just as speak stands for spreak (Skeai). CLOAK HILL. 'Carsphairn.' Cloch, a stone [?]. See under CLACHAN. CLOCHCLUAIN. ' Kirkcolm.' Clacli dua'm [cloon], stone of the meadow. See under CLACHAN and CLONE. CLONE (P. Cloyin). ' Buittle,' ' Kells,' ' Mochrum.' Cluain [cloon], a meadow. Clone in Mochrum appears in Inq. ad Cap. 1600 as Clontrunnaight, i.e. cluan traona [trana], or the longer form tradhnach [trannagh], meadow of the corncrakes. Cf. Cloon- atreane in Fermanagh, with the same meaning, Lugatryna in Wicklow, etc. " Cluan, a lawn, a retired or sequestered place." O'Reilly. Cluan or duain enters into many names both in Ireland and Scotland. CLONE FELL (Inq. ad Cap. 1604, Clone ; P. Klon). ' Kells.' The hill above the duain, or great meadow at the head of Loch Ken. See under CLONE. ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' Cluain caoin [cloonkeen], fine or beautiful meadow. Cloonkin and Clonkin is a common name in Ireland, and Clonkeen in Galway is given in Hy Many, Cluain-cain-Cairill, Cairill's fair field. CLONSHANK. ' Buittle.' CLONYARD (Inq. ad Cap. 1628, Clonzeard). ' Buittle,' ' Carsphairn.' See under CLANYARD. Cf. Clonard in several places in Ire- land ; but Clonard in Meath is Cluain Eraird, Erard's meadow. CLOSING. ' Minigaff.' i24 AN TtR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAWHEL. CLOSS HILL. ' New Luce.' " Close. 3. An area beside a farm- house in which cattle are fed, and where straw, etc., are deposited. 4. An enclosure, a place fenced in." Jamieson. It is pronounced doss in BR. so. CLOVEN CRAIG. ' Old Luce.' Cf. CRAIGBIRNOCH. CLOWNSTANE. ' Kirkcudbright.' CLOY POINT. 'Kells.' Cladh [claw, cly], a mound. See under CLY. CLUDEN WATER. ' Troqueer.' CLUGGIE LINN. ' Minigaff.' CLtlGSTON (Inq. ad Cap. 1600, Clugistoun). ' Kirkcowan.' CLtfNiE HILL. * Terregles.' Cluain [cloon], a meadow. See under CLONE. CLtiTAG (Inq. ad Cap. 1681, Clontage ; P. Cloutaig). ' Kirkinner.' CLY. * Penninghame.' Cladh [claw, cly], a mound, ditch, or grave, o. ERSE clad + w. clawdd, cloddian. " An artificial mound, dyke, or rampart of any kind, . . . pronounced cly or dee in the south half of Ireland, and dee or daw in the north. The word is also applied to the raised fences, so universal in Ireland, separating field from field." Joyce, ii. 219. It occurs in the sense of a grave in Compert Conculaind, 2, L. V. (fFindisch, 425). COCKLEATH (pron. Cocklay). ' Buittle.' 0. NORSE, hlatha, a barn. COCKLICK (Charter 1532, Cockleiks ; Charter 1634, Cocklex). ' Urr.' COCKPLAY (a hill of 950 feet). Dairy.' CocKRdssEN. ' Tungland.' C6CKTRIES HILL. < Urr.' C6GARTH (P. Kogart; Eetour 1616, Cowgairth). 'Parton.' A.S. cu geard [cow garth], cow-pen. C6GERSHAW. ' Kirkpatrick Irongray.' The " shaw " or wood of Cogarth. COLDSIDE. 'Sorbie.' Cf. CAULDSIDE. C6LFIN. ' Port Patrick.' Cuil fionn [finn], white nook or corner. Cf. Coolfin and Coolfune in Ireland, the latter representing the pronunciation ofjionn in the south. Joyce, ii. 272. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 125 C6LLEGE GLEN and HILL (1175 feet). 'Dairy.' C6LLIN (P. Colynn). 'Berwick.' Cuileann, holly. See unde)' ALWHILLAN and KNOCKWHILLAN. Cf. Cullane, Cullaun, Collon, and Cullan in various parts of Ireland. C6LLIN HILL. ' Buittle.' Close by is Knockwhillan. See under COLLIN. COLLIN ISLAND (in the Dee). 'Dairy.' See under COLLIN. A little further down the stream is Holly Island. C6LLOCHAN. ' Terregles.' Cam lochan, crooked lakelet. See under CAMELON. COLVEND (a parish in the Stewartry), (P. Covenn, Cawenn ; Inq. ad Cap. 1560, Colven ; 1610, Culwen). Cabhdn [cavan], a hollow. See under CAVAN. COMPSTONE (P. Kumstoun, Cumston). ' Twynholm.' C6NCHIETOWN (Inq. ad Cap. 1603, Conquhiton ; 1605, Conquech- toun). ' Borgue.' Conkie's house. M'Conchie is a common surname in Galloway. The Four Masters record the death of Conchadh [Conchie, gutt.], son of Cuanacli, in A.D. 732, and of Dermot Mac Conchagadh, a priest, in A.D. 1488. CONGEITH. ' Kirkgunzeon.' CONHUITH. ' Terregles.' CONNIVEN. 'Kirkgunzeon.' Coo LOCHANS. ' Minigaff.' C60RAN LANE (part of the head waters of the Dee), (P. Sawchs of Kowring). ' Minigaff.' COPIN KNOWE. 'Minigaff.' The hill of bargaining. " To cowp, coup, cope. 1. To exchange, to barter. 2. To expose to sale. 3. To buy and sell, to traffic ; commonly used in this sense, but only of an inferior kind of trade." Jamieson. E. to cope, to vie with, originally meant to chaffer. It was introduced into England, says Skeat, by Dutch and Flemish traders Dtr. koopen, to buy. For the connection with E. cheap, chapman, chafer, see under CHAPMANLEYS. C6RAN or PORTMARK. ' Carsphairn.' Cordn, dim. of cor, a round hill (O'Don. Suppl. to O'Reilly) + coir, a snout, bill, beak (O'Reilly). Cf. Corann in Connaught, where, in A.M. 4532, the Four Masters record a great battle to have taken place. iz6 AN TlR-CHUNNTAS GALLGA1DHEL. CoRANSCLtlE (P. Kornsleu H.). ' Carsphairn.' Cor an sleibhe [slewie], hill of the moor. See under SLACARNACHAN. CORBELLY (P. Carbelly, Corbyilly). ' Kirkbean.' C6RBIETON (Inq. ad Cap. 1604, Corbertoun; P. Corbettoun). 'Buittle.' Corbet's house. David I. granted the lands of Barschain in this parish to Kobert Corbet (M'Kerlie). COREHILL. ' Kirkmaiden,' ' Stoneykirk ' (twee). Cathair [caer], a fort, or perhaps cor, a round hill. COREHOLM. ' Kirkmaiden.' C6RKET. ' Kirkmaiden, s. c.' Corcur, red ; a lichen called in BR. SC. staneraw, used for dyeing red. See under BARNCORKRIE. CORNARROCH. ' MinigafF.' Cordn charroch [harrogh], rough hill. Cf. CORNHARROW, EOUGH GIBE. See under GORAN. CORNCRAVIE. 'Stoneykirk.' Cordn craebhach [cravagh], wooded hill. See under CASTLE CREAVTE and GORAN. CORNERS GALE. ' Minigaff.' CORNHARROW. ' Dairy.' See under CORNARROCH. CORNHlJLLOCH (Inq. ad Cap. 1582, Corhallachill vel Corrach hill; 1636, Carhallow; P. Karhalloch, Kerihalloch). 'Mochrum.' Cor na chullach or cordn chullach [hullagh], hill of the boars, o. ERSE cullach, caullach, a boar ; ERSE " Cullach, callach, a boar, a yearling calf " (O'Reilly). CORNLEE (a hill 1175 feet). 'Kirkpatrick Irongray.' Goran liath [lee], grey hill. See under GORAN and BARLAE. C6RRA, ' Buittle.' Currach, " a marsh, a bog, a fen ; a course, a level plain." O'Reilly. Cf. the Curragh of Kildare, Cur- raghmore, and many other places called Curragh, Curra, and Curry in Ireland. C6RRA HILL. ' Balmaghie,' ' Berwick.' See under CORRA. C6RRA POOL (on the Dee). ' Kirkcudbright.' Coradh [corrah], a weir. Cf. Corrofin in Clare, written Coradh Finne, Finna's weir (Four Masters, 1573), and Corofin in Galway, Coradh finne, white weir (Four Masters, 1451). CORRAFECKLOCH. ' Minigaff.' C6RSBY (P. Korsbuy). ' Penninghame.' Cf. Corsbie or Crosbie in Ayrshire. THE TOPO GRAPH Y OF GALL OWAY. 127 CORSE o' SLAKES. ' Kirkmabreck.' The crossing of the passes. " Slak, slake, an opening in the higher part of a hill or mountain, where it becomes less steep and forms a sort of pass." Jamieson. " In Galloway there are no roads so wild as the one which leads over the celebrated pass of the above name between Cairnsmoor and Cairnhattie. It is a perfect Alpine pass, and was a haunt of Billy Marshall and his gang in days of yore." Mactaggart. CORSEHILL (the place of this name in Dairy is on Kirkl&nd). 'Dairy,' 'Kirkpatrick Durham.' The cross hill, the place whereon probably stood a memorial cross. C6RSELAND. ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' CORSEMALZIE (P. Corsmaille). ' MinigaftV Cross Malzie, i.e. a ford over the Malzie. CORSEMARTIN. ' Balmaghie.' Crois Martainn, (St.) Martin's cross. See under BALNACROSS. Dedicated, no doubt, like Crois Mhartain, the great cross opposite the west front of lona Cathedral, to St. Martin, Bishop of Tours, who died A.D. 397, and to whom Ninian dedicated Candida Casa, and Fergus, Lord of Galloway, subsequently dedicated the Priory Church there in 1143. C6RSEWALL. ' Kirkcolm.' The cross well, well of the cross. There is here a well dedicated to St. Columba. " Corse, cors. 1. The cross or rood. 2. A crucifix. 3. Market-place, from the cross being formerly erected there." Jamieson. CORSERiNE. ' Kells.' CORSEWOOD. ' Balmaghie.' CORSEYARD. ' Balmaghie,' ' Borgue.' C6RSOCK (Inq. ad Cap. 1607, Corsak; MS. 1527, Karsok; P. Corsock). ' New Abbey,' ' Parton.' CORVISEL (P. Kerivishel) [pron. Corveesel]. ' Penninghame.' Coire iseal [kirrie eeshal], low pool (caldron). There is a swirling pool here in the Cree, into the foot of which high tides flow; the lowest pool in the river, i.e. the one next the sea. Cf. Agheeshal in Monaghan (ath iseal, low ford), Athassel, with the same meaning, on the Suir in Tipperary, Gorteeshall in Tipperary ; Meeshall, Myshall, Mishells (magh 1 28 AN TJR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. {seal, low field), and Dunishel (dun, {seal). ERSE {seal, GAEL. {osal o. ERSE {ssel+w. isel, low, inferior. Cf. DRUMMIE- HISLIK C6RWALL. Mochrum.' C6RWAR (P. Korwar ; TV. P. MSS., Corver). ' Penninghame,' ' Sorbie.' COTTACH. * Troqueer.' See CATOAK. C6UNAN [pron. Coonan]. 'Glasserton, s. c.' Cuaindn, a landing- place, a haven. " It '11 be bad weather, for I hear Counan roaring ; " said when the surf breaks on Glasserton shore in calm weather. C6\VAN HILL. ' Kirkinner.' Cabhan, a hollow. See under CAVAN. COWANS. ' Kirkmaiden.' Cabhan, a hollow E. plural added. See under CAVAN. C6WEND. ' Port Patrick.' Cabhan, a hollow. See under CAVAN. COWLOOT. 'Partou.' CRABBEN POINT. ' Kirkcolm, s. c.' CRACHAN. ' Kirkcowan.' Cruachdn, a hill ; dim. of cruach, a stack. Cf. Croaghan, Croaghaun, Croghan, and Crohan in Ireland. See under CROACH. CRAE (P. Krae). ' Balmaghie.' Craebh [crave], a tree. CRAICHIE (P. Krachy). 'Parton.' Cruacliach, hilly, deriv. of cruach. See under CROACH. Cf. CROACHIE, which also Pont spells Krachy. CRAICHM6RE (P. Kroochmoir). 'Leswalt.' Cruach mdr, great stack or hill. Cf. CROCHMORE. See under CROACH. CRAIG. In many places. Creag, a rock or inland cliff, w. craig (whence M.E. crag, cragge). " The original form is clearly car, a rock ; whence, with suffixed t, the Irish ceart, a pebble, and E. chert, also with suffixed n the GAEL, earn." Skeat. A contracted form of carraic. See under CARRICK. CRAIGADAM. ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' CRAIGALCARIE. ' Balrnaclellan.' Creag an caora (carey), rock of the sheep. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 129 CRAIGAMMIX. ' Inch.' CRAIGANALLY. ' Crossmichael.' * Mochrum.' Creagdn ailich [elligh], crag of the stone fort. Aileach, deriv. of ail, a stone (ail-thcach, stone house, according to Michael O'Clery), enters into many Irish names, such as Greenan-Ely, the ancient palace of the northern kings in Deny, always referred to as Aileach by the old writers ; Caherelly in Limerick, Cahernally in Galway, Ardelly, Ellagh, and Elagh, etc. The stones of which these forts were made have generally been removed for dyke-building. The name might also signify creagdn eilidh [elly], crag of the hinds (cf. CARNELTOCH, CRAIGNELDER), but the former meaning is perhaps the more probable. Cf. CRAIGEXELLIE. CRAIG ANTHONY. ' Port Patrick.' CRAIGANTYRE. 'Stoneykirk, s. c.' Creagdn t-iar [tear], west craig. See under BALTIER. CRAIGARIE (P. Kraigary). ' ' Kirkcowan.' Creag airidh [airey], crag of the shieling, or creag aedhaire [airey], shepherd's crag. CRAIGBELL. 'Kirkcolm.' CRAIGBENNOCH. 'Minigaff.' Creag beannaich, crag of the hilly ground ; an adjectival form of beann often used as a sub- stantive, e.g. Bannaghbane and Bannaghroe in Monaghan, the white and red hilly ground. CRAIGBERNOCH (P. Kraigbyrronach). 'New Luce.' Creag bearnach, cloven crag. Cf. CLOVEN CRAIG; also Caherbar- nagh in Cork, Clare, and Kerry, Rathbarna in Roscommon. " Eearnach, gapped, full of gaps." O'Reilly. See under BARNEYWATER. CRAIGBILL (Inq. ad Cap. 1604, Craigbull). 'Terregles.' CRAIGBITTERN. ' New Abbey.' CRAIGB6NNY. ' Balmaclellan. ' Creag banbh [bonniv], crag of the young pigs. See under AUCHNABONY. CRAIGBRACK. ' Girthon.' Creag breac, spotted, variegated crag. CRAIGBREX. ' New Abbey.' See under CRAIGBRACK. CRAJGBR6cK. 'Inch.' Creag broc, badgers' crag. See under BROCKLACH. CRAIGBUIE. ' Mochrum.' Creag buidhe [buie], yellow crag. CRAIGBURDIE. ' Kirkmaiden.' i i 3 o AN TlR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. CRAIGCAFFIE (Charter K. Rob. Bruce, Kellechaffe; Inq. ad Cap. 1600, Nether Craigie, a/Jos Craigcaffie; P. Karkophy). 'Inch.' CRAIGCHESSIE. ' Carsphairn.' See under BARCHESSIE. CRAIGCR6CKET. ' Carsphairn.' Creag crochaid, crag of the hanging. See under AUCHENROCHER. CRAIGCR60N. ' Penninghame.' The syllable cron or crun is difficult to identify, as it represents several different "words. In this case it may represent either creag crdn, brown crag, creag cruan [croon], red crag (O'Reilly), or creag cruain [croon], crag of the copper (O'Reilly and Windisch). Copper has in recent times been mined for, though with indifferent success, in the immediate neighbourhood of Craigcroon. CRAIGCRUN. ' Inch.' See under CRAIGCROON. CRAIGDARROCH. 'Kirkinner.' Creag daraich, oak-tree crag; perhaps creag dearg, red crag; the two words assume the same form in composition. See under ARNDARROCH. CRAIGDEWS (P. Kraigdewhous). 'Minigaff.' See under CRAIG- DHU. CRAIGDHU or CRAIGDOW (P. Kraigdow, Kreigdow ; W. P. MSS., Craigdow). ' Glasserton,' ' Kirkcowan.' Creag dubh [doo], black crag. Cf. CARRICKCOW, CRAIGDEWS, CRAIGDUFF, CRAIGENDOUS, and, in Ireland, Cregduff. CRAIGDISTANT. * Minigaff.' CRAIGDUFF. ' New Abbey.' See under CRAIGDHU. CRAIGEACH (P. Kraigailch). ' Minigaff.' Creag eich [egh], "gen. of each, crag of the horse. Cf. Carriganegh in Antrim. See under AUCHNESS. CRAIGEAFF. ' Inch.' Probably the same as Craigeach. CRAIGEAZLE. 'Inch.' Creag {seal [eeshal], low crag. See under CORVTSEL. CRAiGELLiVN. ' Urr.' Creag alluin [?], crag of the hind. Or perhaps creag dlluinn, beautiful crag, which is the meaning Joyce gives to Carrigallen in Leitrim. Alluin, a hind, a fawn (O'Reilly), akin to eilidh. See under CARNELTOCH. CRAIGENBARROCH. ' Kirkmaiden.' Cf. BARNBARROCH. CRAIGENB!Y. ' Kells.' Creagdn beith [bey], crag of the birches. CRAIGENBEN. ' Inch.' THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLO WAY. 131 CRAIGENB6Y. ' Kirkmabreck.' Creagdn buidhe [buie, buy], yellow crag. Cf. CARRICKABOYS, CRAIGENBUY, CRAIGEN- BUYS ; and, in Ireland, Craigenboy. CRAIGENBUY (Inq. ad Cap. 1604, Craiginbay). 'Inch.' See under CRAIGENBOY. CRAIGENBUYS. ' Penninghame.' See under CRAIGENBOY. CRAIGENCAILLIE (P. Kraiginkailly Hill). Minigaff.' Creagdn cailleaich, crag of the old woman. Said to have been named from the woman who gave shelter to Robert the Bruce the night before the battle of Eaploch Moss. See under CARLIN'S CAIRN. CRAIGENCARSE. ' Dairy.' CRAIGENC6LON. ' Carsphairn.' CRAIGENC6R (P. Kragincor). ' Dairy,' ' New Luce.' CRAIGENCR6SH. ' New Luce,' ' Stoneykirk.' Creagdn crois [crosh], crag of the cross, or of the gallows. See under BALNACROSS. Cf. Carrickmacross in Ireland. CRAiGENCRdss. ' Port Patrick.' See under CRAIGENCROSH. CRAiGENCRdY. * Stoneykirk.' CRAIGEND6US [pron. dooze]. 'Minigaff.' Creagdn dubli [doo], black crags ; E. plural added. Cf. CRAIGDEWS. CRAIGENELLIE. ' Balmaghie.' See under CRAIGANALLY. CRAIGENGALE. ' Inch,' ' Kirkmaiden.' Creagdn geal [gal], white crag. CRAIGENGASHEL (P. Kragingasheel H.). ' Minigaff.' Creag an g-caiseail [gashel], crag of the castle. See under AUCHEN- GASHELL. CRAIGENGEARY. ' Carsphairn.' Creagdn g-caora [gairey], crag of the sheep. CRAIGENGERROCH. ' Kirkcolm.' CRAIGENGILLAN (P. Kragingullan H.). 'Carsphairn,' 'Kirkpatrick Durham.' Creag an g-cuileainn [guillan], crag of the holly. Or perhaps creagdn Guillin, Guillin's crag. " Guillin, alias Cualan, from whom so many of our mountains are named, was the tutelar deity of blacksmiths, and called Cuilean-gabJia, vulgarly Gabhlun-go." O'Reilly, s. v. Giollaguillin. 132 AN TIR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. CRAIGENG6WER. ' Balmaclellan,' ' Glasserton/ ' New Abbey.' Greagdn gobhar [gower], crag of the goats. Cf. Carrignagower and Carricknagore in Ireland. CRAIGENH6LLY. ' Old Luce.' CRAIGENJIG. ' Minigaff.' CRAIGENKEELIE. ' Minigaff.' CRAIGENLEE (P. Kraigenluy). ' Port Patrick.' Creagdn liath [lee], grey crag. CRAIGENLEES. ' Inch.' See under CRAIGENLEE. CRAIGENLIE. * New Luce.' See under CRAIGENLEE. CRAIGENLIGGIE. ' New Luce.' Creagdn ligce [leeggie], crag of the flat stone or tomb. See under AIRIELICK. CRAIGENRINE (a shoulder of Cairnsmore). ' Carsphairn.' CRAIGENR6Y. ' Minigaff.' Creagdn ruadh [TOO], ruddy crag. CRAIGENS. ' Inch,' * Kirkcudbright,' ' Minigaff.' Creagdn, the crags ; E. plural superadded. CRAIGENSALLIARD. * Minigaff.' CRAiGENSKtiLK. ' Minigaff.' Creag an scoloic, the crag of the " scoloc," or small farmer. " Scoltig, a petty farmer." CfReilly. The original meaning of scholar or clerk has been lost ERSE scol LAT. schola. "The Scolocs seem to have been the lowest order of the ecclesiastical community, and to have been clerics who were undergoing a course of training and instruc- tion to fit them for performing the service of the church. Their Pictish name was Scolofthes, as we learn from Reginald of Durham, who mentions the clerics of the church (of Kirkcud- bright), 'the Scolofthes, as they are called in the Pictish speech,' and gives ' Scholasticus, a scholar,' as its Latin equivalent. We find them under the name of Scolocs in three of the churches belonging to St. Andrews. . . . In 1387 the church lands of Ellon are called the Scolog lands, and were hereditary in the families of the Scologs who possessed them. ... In an inquest regarding the lands of the Kirkton of Arbuthnot, in the Mearns, held in the year 1206, we find the ecclesiastical terri- tory held by certain tenants called parsons, who had sub- tenants under them, having houses of their own and cattle which they pastured on the common ; and the tenants of these lands are termed by several of the witnesses Scolocs, and are also termed the bishop's men. . . . The name of Scoloc is also THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 133 found in connection with one of the Columban monasteries in Ireland ; for in one of the charters preserved in the Book of Kells, which must have been granted between the years 1128 and 1138, we find that among the functionaries of the monastery, after the Coarb of Columcille, or the abbot, the Sacart or priest, the Ferleiginn or lecturer, the Aircennech or Erenach of the house of guests, and the Fosaircennech or vice-Erenach, appears the Toisech na Scoloc, or Chief of the Scologs." Skene, Celt. Scot. ii. 446. " There is an unfortunate class of men known under the name of Scallags. The Scallag, whether male or female, is a poor being, who, for mere subsistence, becomes a feudal slave to another, whether a sub-tenant, a tacksman, or a laird. The Scallag builds his own hut with sods and boughs of trees. Five days in the week he works for his master ; the sixth is allowed to himself for the cultivation of some scrap of land on the edge of some moss or moor, on which he raises a little kale or coleworts, barley, and potatoes." Buchanan's Travels in the Western Hebrides from 1782 to 1790. So that what originally meant " a scholar," has come to mean a cottar or squatter. CRAIGENTEASY. Cf. BARCHESSIE. 'Minigaff.' CRAIGENVEOCH. ' Old Luce.' Creagdn bhfiaich or bhfithich [veeagh], crag of the raven. See under BENNAVEOCH and KNOCKNAVAR. Macdonald of Glengarry displays as his crest a raven perch- ing on a crag, with the motto, " Creagdn an fithich" i.e. "Kock of the raven." CRAIGENV6LLEY. ' Balmaclellan.' Creag an bhaile [valley], crag of the house. Cf. SHANVOLLEY. See under BAILIE HILL. CRAIGENWALLIE. ' Carsphairn.' Cf. CRAIGENVOLLEY. CRAIGFAD. ' Carsphairn.' Creag fada, long, or far crag. Cf. Carraig-fada in lona ; Craigfad and Carrigfadda in Ireland. CRAIGFINNIE. ' New Abbey.' Creag mhuine [?] [vinny], crag of the thicket. Cf. CRAIGWHINNIE, and, in Ireland, Leaffony in Sligo (liath mhuine, grey thicket). CRAIGF6LLY. ' New Luce.' CRAIG GILBERT (P. Kraigilbert). ' Kells.' CRAIGGORK. ' New Luce.' Creag ore [1] [ork], crag of the pigs. "Oc.i.muc" (O'Davoran, p. 109) = forc, thorc, a pig + w. porch, to'c/i+LAT. porcus (whence F. pore, E. pork) + LITE. parszas, a pig + A.s. fearh (whence E. to farrow). 134 AN TJR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. CRAiGGtiBBLE. ' Inch.' Creag gcapuil, crag of the horse. See under BARHAPPLE. CRAIGHALLOCK. 'Mochrum.' Creag challoch [fj [hallogh], 'crag of the boar. See under CORNHULLOCH. CRAIGHANDLE 'Minigaff.' Creag Fhingaill [?] [hingal], the Norseman's Crag. See under CARRICKFUNDLE, in Addenda. CRAIGHAR. ' Buittle.' Creag ghar [1] [har], near crag. CRAIGHARDY. ' Kirkcolm.' Creag chearda [harda], crag of the workshop. See under CAIRDIE WIEL. CRAIG HELEN. ' Penninghame.' CRAIGHERRON. 'Buittle/ 'Girthon.' Creag chaerthinn [1] [heerinn], crag of the rowan-tree. " Cairthainn, a mountain ash." Joyce, i. 513. CRAIG HEX. ' New Luce ' (twice). Creag chuit [hit], crag of the wild-cat, cat's craig. CRAIGHIT. ' Carsphairn.' See under CRAIG HET. CRAIGHLAW (Inq. ad Cap. 1633, Crauchlaw M'Kie, alias Drum- buie ; P. Craichlaw). * Kirkcowan.' CRAIGH6RE. ' Kirkcowan.' CRAIGHORN. ' Carsphairn.' CRAIG IE (P. Kraigoch). 'Penninghame.' Creagach, craggy, a rocky place. CRAIGIECALLEN. ' Kirkcowan.' CRAiGiECboL. ' New Luce.' CRAIGIEDALZELL. ' Tungland.' CRAiGiEG6wER. ' New Luce.' See under CRAIGENGOWER. CRAIGIE LINN. ' Dairy.' See under CRAIGIE and CRAIG LINN. CRAIGIEWHINNIE. ' Kirkcowan.' CRAIGINC6RE. ' Leswalt.' See under CRAIGENCOR. CRAIGINNEE. ' Stoneykirk.' Creag anfhiaidh [ee], crag of the deer. Cf. DRUMANEE, LAROCHANEA; and, in Ireland, Drumanee in Derry, Knockanee in Limerick and Westmeath, Clonea in Waterford, meaning the ridge, the hill, and the meadow of the deer. " The word fiadh [fee] originally meant any wild animal, but its meaning has been gradually narrowed, and in Irish writings it is almost universally applied to a deer." Joyce, i. 476. CRAIGKNIJCKLE. ' Inch.' Cf. CRAIGNEUKALD. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 135 CRAIGLARIE (P. Kraiglary). ' Mochrum.' Creag laira, the mare's crag ; a hill, part of which is called Craignagapple, which means the same thing. See under AUCHENLARIE. CRAIGLAUKIE. ' Kirkmaiden.' Cf. CLACHANLAUKES and KNOCK- MI LAUK. CRAIGLEARIE. ' Glasserton.' See under CRAIGLARIE. CRAIGLEBBOCK. ' Kirkbean.' CRAIGLEE (P. Kraigly hil). 'Minigaff.' Creag liath [lee], grey crag. Cf. CRAIGENLEE, etc., also, in Ireland, Craglea, Carrick- leagh, Carriglea, etc. CRAIGLEMINE [pron. Craiglmine] (W. P. MSS. Craigilmayne). 'Glasserton.' CRAIGLETEMON. 'Mochrum.' CRAIGLEWHAN. ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' CRAIGLEY. ' Urr.' CRAIGLINGAT. ' Carsphairn.' CRAIGLINN (on the Ken). 'Dairy.' Creag and linn, a pool, both being adopted into BR. so. are here used, the former qualifying the latter, i.e. the linn or pool of the crag. CRAIGL6CHAN. ' Inch.' Creag lochain, crag of the tarn or lakelet. CRAIGLOFT. ' Kirkpatrick Irongray.' CRAIGL60M. 'Minigaff.' CRAIGL6SK. ' Balmaclellan.' Creag loisg [lusk], burnt crag. Cf. Bally lusk in Leinster. "Loisg, loisgthe, burnt" (O'Reilly). + w. llosg, a burn, c. and B. /OSC + ICEL. log, a flame (whence M.E. logjie, BR. SO. low), akin to LAT. lux, lumen, luna, etc. y'RUK, to shine. CRAIGLOUR HAWSE \jpron. Craigloor]. ' Dairy.' Creag lolhair [loor], crag of the cripple or sick man. Cf. Craiglure in Ayrshire. See under BARLURE. " Hawse. 1 . The neck. 2. The throat. 3. Any narrow passage. 4. It is used to denote a defile ; a narrow passage between hills."' Jamieson. CRAIGL,6\VRIE. ' Girthon.' Creag labhairadh [lowra], speaking crag (probably from an echo). Cf. Cloghlowrish in Water- ford, and Clolourish in Wexford. CRAIGMABRANCHIE. ' Penninghame.' Creag ma Branclm [?], Branchu's crag. The Four Masters relate the death of Branchu, son of Bran, at a great battle in Ulster in 728. For the use of the prefix ma, expressing affection or venera- tion, see under HILL MABREEDIA. 136 AN TJR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. CRAIGMAHARB. ' Inch.' CRAIGMATH. * Urr.' CRAIG MICHAEL [pron. meelmll] (P. Kraigmichel). ' Kells.' Creag Michaeil, Michael's crag. CRAIGMINE. ' Dairy.' Cf. CRAIGLEMINE and CRAIGMINN. CRAIGMINN. 'Minigaff.' Creag meadhon [meun], middle crag. CRAIGMITCHELL. ' Carsphairn.' See under CRAIG MICHAEL. CRAIGM6DDIE (P. Kraigmaddie). ' Kirkcowan.' Creag madadh [maddy], the dog's or wolfs crag. See under BLAIRMODDIE. Cf. Carricknaniaddry, Carrignamaddy, and Craignamaddy, in Ireland. CRAIGM6RE. ' Girthon,' ' Glasserton/ ' Loch Eutton,' ' Parton.' Creag m6r, great crag. Occurs both as Craigmore and Greg- more in Ireland. CRAIGMULE. ' Kirkmabreck.' Creag maol [meul], bald crag. See tinder MEAUL. CRAIGMULLEN. 'Berwick.' Creag muileain [meullan], crag of the mill. CRAIGMULLOCH. ' Dairy.' Creag mullawh, crag of the summit. See under MULLACH. CRAIGMURCHIE. 'Minigaff.' Creag Murchaidh [Murchie], Mur- chadh's crag. Murchadh is an ancient Erse name (modern- ised Morrough), the first of that name mentioned by the Four Masters being the son of Diarmaid, Lord of Leinster, A.D. 713. CRAIGNACRADDOCH. 'Minigaff.' Creag na craideach [?], crag of the scald crows (O'Reilly). CRAIGNAGAPPLE. ' Mochrum.' Creag na gcapul [gappul], crag of the horses. Part of this hill is called Craiglarie, which is synonymous. Cf. CRAIGGUBBLE. CRAIGNAHERRIE. ' Kirkmaiden, s. c.' CRAIGNAIR. ' Balmaclellan,' 'Whithorn.' Creag an air, crag of the slaughter. CRAIGNALLY. ' Kirkcolm.' See under CRAIGENALLY. CRAIGNALTIE. 'Inch.' Creag na elite [1] [elty], crag of the hind. See under CARNELTOCH. CRAIGNANE. ' Carsphairn.' Creag n-en [nane], crag of the birds. See under BARNEAN. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 137 CRAIGNAQUARROCH [qu hard] (P. Korynahowarach). 'Port Patrick.' CRAIGNARBIE. ' Kirkcowan.' Creag an earbuil [?], crag of the point. See under DARNARBEL. CRAIGNARGET (P. Kraiginargit). 'Minigaff' (twice), ' Old Luce,' ' Penninghame.' Creag an airgid, crag of the silver. Cf. SILVER CRAIG. In Minigaff the name occurs twice among the lead mines, where the ore is rich in silver. o. ERSE argot, ERSE airgiod, W. arian, C. argan, B. arghant + LAT. argen- tum-\-GK. apyvpos, connected with 0/3709, white + SKT. rajata, white, silver (from rdj, to shine), and arjuna, white V ARG > to shine. CRAIGNAW (P. Kraigna). 'Minigaff.' Creag an atha [?] [aha, awe], crag of the ford, or of the kiln (O'Reilly}. See under CARSENAW. CRAIGNAWACHEL. ' Kirkcolm.' Creag na bhuachail [?] [vooghal], crag of the boys or herd-boys. See under BOWHILL. CRAIGNELDER. ' Minigaff.' Creag na eilte [?], the hind's crag. See under CARNELTOCH. CRAIGNELDRICKEN. ' Minigaff.' CRAIGNELL (P. Kraignall H.). * Minigaff.' CRAIGNESKET, an island in Fleet Bay (P. Kraigneskan). ' Girthon.' Creag fheusgan [essgan], rock of the mussels (cf. Mussel Clauchan in Colvend). Both in this name and in Stran- fasket (q. v.) the final t is written n by Pont. " Fasgan, feus- gdn, the shell- fish called the muscle " (O'Reilly). CRAIGNEUK. ' New Abbey.' Creag niuic [nook], crag of the nook or corner ; ERSE nine, whence E. nook, BR. SO. neuk. CRAIGNEUKALD. 'Minigaff.' Cf. CRAIGKNUCKLE. CRAIGNIE. ' New Luce.' CRAIGNIEBAY. 'New Luce.' Creag na beith [bey], crag of the birches. Cf. CRAIGENBAY. CRAIGNIEG6WRIE. ' New Luce.' Creag na goibhre [gowrie], crag of the she-goat : gen. sing, of gobJiar. Cf. CRAIGENGOWER. CRAIGNIEVALLEY. ' New Luce.' Creagdn a' bhaile [vallie], crag of the house, or creagdn a bheallaich [vallagh], crag of the pass or roadway. See under BAILIE, BALLOCH, and SHIN- VALLEY. 138 AN TJR-CHUNNTAS GALLGA1DHEL. CRAIGNINE (P. Kraignym). ' Kirkmabreck,' ' Minigaff.' CRAIGOCH (P. Kraigoes). ' Kirkcolm.' See under CRAIGIE. CRAIG6NERY. ' Penninghame.' Creag fhainre [?] [anry], uneven, sloping crag. See under CROFTANGRY. CRAIG-ON-RICKETS. ' New Luce.' CRAIGOWER. ' Inch,' ' Kells.' Creag odJiar [owr], grey crag, or creag gobhar [gowr], goat's crag. CRAIGRAPLOCH. 'Eerwick.' There is a large fort here. The village at the foot of the rock on which Stirling Castle stands is called the Eaploch. Cf. EAPLOCH Moss. CRAIGRARIE. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' CRAIGRINE, a hill of 1075 feet. < Kells.' CRAIGR6AN. ' Eerwick.' CRAIGR6CKALL. ' Kirkbean.' CRAIGR6NALD. ' Girthon.' Creag Raonuill or Baghnaffl, Eonald's crag. CRAIGR6UNAL (P. Kraig Eandell). ' Minigaff.' See under CRAIG- RONALD. CRAiGR6w [pron. TOO]. ' Eerwick, s.c.' Creag rudha [roo], crag of the point. See under Eow. CRAIGSHINGING. ' Girthon.' CRAIGSHINNIE (P. Kraigsindy). ' Kells.' Creag sionach [shin- nagh], crag of the foxes. Pont shows the d of the older form sindach. See under AUCHENSHINNOCH. CRAlGSHtiNDiE (P. Kraigsunday hil). ' Borgue.' Creag sindach [shindy], crag of the foxes. Sindach, an old form of sinnach, sionnach (Windisch, s.v.). CRAIGSKIMMING. ' Sorbie.' CRAIGSLAVE. ' Port Patrick.' Creag sleamh [1] [slav], crag of the elm-trees. See under CRAIGSLOUAN. CRAIGSL6UAN. ' New Luce.' Creag sleamhan [f] [slavan, slawan], crag of the elm - trees. Cf. Carrickslavan in Leitrim. " Leamhan (is) used in the south, and sleamhan in the north." Joyce, i. .507. See under BARLUELL. CRAIG SPIER. ' Inch.' THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 139 CRAIGSTRUEL. ' Kirkcolm.' Creag sruthair [sruhar], crag of the stream. The final r is frequently and systematically changed into I, and t as frequently inserted after s. Struell, near Downpatrick, is written Tirestruther in a charter circa 1178 (Joyce, i. 458). Sroolane and Srooleen are names of streams in the south of Ireland. Of. STROOL BAY. " The original root (of stream) VSRU, to flow ; cf. SKT. sru, to flow, GK. peeiv (put for a-pe-eiv), to flow, IRISH sroth, a stream, LITH. srowe, a stream. The t seems to have been inserted for greater ease of pronunciation, not only in Teutonic, but in Slavonic ; cf. RUSS. struia, a stream. The putting of sr for sir occurs con- trariwise in IRISH srdid, a street, from LA.T. strata" Skeat, s.v. Stream. CRAIGTAPPOCK. ' New Abbey.' CRAIGTARSON. ' Carsphairn.' Creag tarsuinn, thwart crag. See under BALTERSOX. CRAIGTERRA. ' Buittle.' Creag t-searrach [terragh], crag of the foals. Cf. Aghaterry and Clonterry in Queen's County. See under BARSHERRY. CEAIGTERSAN. ' Minigaff.' See under CRAIGTARSON. CRAIGVEY (P. Kraginbae). ' Kells.' Creag bheith [vey], crag of the birches. See under CRAIGENBAY, CRAIGNIEBAY. CRAIGWELL. ' Urr.' CRAIGWHAR. ' Carsphairn.' See under CRAIGHAR. CRAIGWHILL. ' Dairy.' Creag chuill [hwill], crag of the hazel. See under BARWHILL. CRAIGWHINNIE. Girthon,' ' Kirkmaiden, s. c.' See under CRAIG- FINXIE. CRAiGw6uGHiE. ' Stoneykirk.' CRAIGY THORN. Dairy.' See under CRAIGIE. CRAIKNESS. 'Kirkcudbright.' M.E. crag ness, the "ness" or point of the crag. CRAILLOCH (P. Krellach). 'Mochrum,' 'Port Patrick.' Crithlach [creelagh], a shaking bog, from crith, to shake, with suffix -loch. Cf. Creelogh in Galway, Creelagh in Queen's County, and Crylough in Wexford. MO AN TJR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. CRAHMAG [pron. Crummogh]. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' Crumog, a sloping place ; deriv. of crom or crum. " Cromane and Cromoge, two diminutives, signify anything bending or sloping, and give names to many places (in Ireland) : whether they are applied to glens, hills, fields, etc., must be determined by the char- acter of the particular spot in each case." Joyce, ii. 422. In this case it is the name of a sea-cliff with an old fort on it. CRAMONERY. * Minigaff.' CRANCREE. ' Inch.' Crann cricJie [?] [cree], tree of the boundary. Crann, a tree + w. pren, B. prenn. See under CREECH. GRAN Moss. ' Kirkmaiden.' Crann [?], a tree. Cf. Cran and Crann in Armagh, Cavan, and Fermanagh. CRANNOCH ISLE (on the Dee). ' Girthon.' Crannach, wooded ; cf. many places in Ireland called Crannagh ; or " Crannog, a boat " (O'Reilly), the boat island. From crann, a tree. Cran- nog was also applied to artificial islands or lake-dwellings made of timber, and appears in BR. sc. as cranok. Eegist. Secreti Condlii, A.D. 1608. See under CRANCREE. CRAWAR. Kirkmaiden, s. c.' CRAWHENGAN. < Balmaghie.' CRAW STANE. ' Inch.' The crow stone. The BR, sc. here pre- serves the spelling, and probably the exact pronunciation of the A.S. craw stdn. " Crow is allied to crake, croak, and even to crane ^GAR, to cry out." Skeat. A.s. stdn has become E. stone, just as A.S. bdn (BR. sc. bane) has become bone + ~DV. sfeew+iCEL. steinn + DAN. and SWED. sten+G. stein -{-GOTH. stains, all-TEUT. base STATNA, a stone. The base is STI, appearing in GK. aria, a stone, a pebble (Skeat). CREARY HILL. ' Loch Button.' Criathrach [crearach], " waste- land " (O'Reilly). " Tri laiU an Criathraigh, the three town- lauds of Criathrach." Hy Fiachrach, p. 203. " In Carra," says the editor of the Hy Fiachrach, " the term criathrach is applied to a flat piece of land intermixed with arable, bogs, sedgy quagmires, and brushwood." CREE, the river dividing Wigtonshire from the Stewartry. (Charter, 1363, Aqua de Creth). This river formed Ptolemy's lena dEstuarium. The old spelling indicates a lost guttural or aspirated dental. Cricli [1] [cree], a boundary. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 141 CREECH (gutt.) ( W. P. MSS. Creiche). ' Sorbie.' Crioch, a bound- ary, a territory (O'Eeilly), a field (O'Don. Suppl.) o. ERSE crick. Cf. Creagh, the name of many townlands in Ireland, also Cree and Creea in Cavan and King's County. CREECHAN (gutt.) (Inq. ad Cap. 1610, Creicher). ' Kirkmaiden.' Cruachan- p], a hillock. See under CRACHAN. Or criochdn, the boundary. Cf. Creaghaun in Gal way. CREETOWN (P. Ferrytown). * Kirkmabreck.' Town on the Cree Eiver. CREM6N. ' Kirkcolm,' ' Stoneykirk, s. c.' CREOGHS (Inq. ad Cap. 1611, Meikle Creochis). ' Balmaghie.' Cruach, a stack or hill. See under CROACH. CRERROCH. ' Balmaclellan.' CREWHOLE. 'Minigaff.' Craebh choill [1] [crew hill], branchy wood. Cf. Crewhill in Kildare (Joyce, i. 501). CRIFFEL (a hill of 1850 feet). (Map in Bodleian Library, circ. 1330, Mons Crefel ; P. Crafel). ' Kirkbean.' CR6ACH (gutt.} ' Inch.' Cruach, a stack, a hill. w. crug, c. cruc +A.S. croft. See under CLAYCROFT. Croagh or Crogh is a common name in Ireland. CROACH HILL (gutt.) ' Kelton.' See under CROACH. CROACHIE (P. Krachy). ' Kells.' Cruachach, hilly. Cf. CRAICHIE. CR6CHAN. 'Borgue.' Cruachdn, dim. of cruach, a hill. Cf. CRACHAN and CREECHAN. CROCHM6RE. ' Kirkpatrick Irongray.' ' Urr.' See under CRAICH- MORE. CROCKENCALLY, 'Kirkbean.' Crocdn cailleaich, hillock of the nun. This was church land of old, and Ladyland is close by. Cnoc and Cnocdn are often altered to croc and crocdn, both in Ireland and Scotland. CROCKETFORD (P. Crocofurd). ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' CROFTANGRY. ' Wigtown.' Croft fhainre [anry], sloping croft. The popular derivation is Croft an righ [?] [ree], the king's croft; but the accent would in that case fall on the last syllable, and the n of the article is generally dropped in Irish names containing this word, such Monaree (moine a' righ, the king's bog), Dunaree, etc. " Sloping croft " exactly expresses the character of the ground, which is steep. 1 42 AN TtR-CHUNNTAS GALLGA1DHEL. CROFTR6Y. 'Kirkmabreck.' Croft ruadh [roo], red croft. See under BENROACH and CLAYCROFT. CROFT CAPENOCH. ' Kirkmabreck.' See under CAPENOCH and CLAYCROFT. CR6GO. ' Balmaclellan.' CRONIE. ' Urr.' CROOK (Inq. ad Cap. 1620, Cruik). ' Kirkinner.' A.S. cruce, a cross. CROOK, FELL OF. ' Mochrum.' Probably cruach, a hill. See under CROACH. CROOKS HILL. ' Dairy.' Probably cruach, a hill. See under CROACH. CROOKS (Pow). 'Terregles.' See under CROOK. "Pow, a slow- moving rivulet in flat lands " (Jamieson) A.S. pol, a pool, just as BR. sc. fu' A.s. full, and ha' A.s. heal, hal, a hall. CR6SHERIE (Inq. ad Cap. 1596, Crosvrie ; 1598, Crosherie, M'Kie ; P. Kroshari and Croishare). ' Kirkcowan.' Crosra, croissaire [croshary], cross-roads, deriv. of crois. Cf. Crossera and Crussera, two townlands in Waterford. CROSSMICHAEL [pron. meeghil] (Inq. ad Cap. 1607, Crocemichael; Charter 3 Rob. n., Corsmychell ; P. Korsmichel). A parish in the Stewartry. Cros Michil [meeghil], St. Michael's cross. CR6TTEAGH HILL. ' Kirkcowan.' Croiteach [cruttyagh], lumpy, humpy, from " croit, a hump on the back ; a small eminence " (O'Reilly). Cf. Crotta and Crutta in Kerry, Tipperary, and Cork, from the plural crotta. w. crwt, a round, dumpy fellow, crwth, fern, croth + GK. Kvpros, curved, humped. See under CLAYCROFT. CROWS [pron. Crowze]. 'Kirkinner.' Cruadhas [crooas], hard land, deriv. of cruadh. Cf. Croase in Wexford. o. ERSE cruaid, probably cognate with ICEL. hardr -f- SWED. hard + DAN. haard + DU. hard + A.s. heard (whence E. hard) + GOTH. hardus + G. hart + GK. /cparos, strong, Kparepos, fcaprepos, valiant, all from a base KART /V/KAR, to make. Skeat says there is a little doubt about the connection with GK. tcparvs ; he does not mention the o. ERSE cruaid, which seems a link in the connection. CROW'S NEST. ' Old Luce.' CROW WHIT'S WELL. ' Balmaghie.' THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 143 CROYS. ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' See under CROWS. CRUGGLETON (P. Cruggeltoun ; Inq. ad Cap. 1620, Crugiltoun- Cavenis ; W.P. HSS. Crugiltonn). ' Sorbie.' CRUISE. ' Old Luce.' See under CROWS. Of. CROYS. CRUISY. ' Penninghame.' CRUMMIE. ' Kells.' Cromadh or crumadh [crumma], the side of a hill (O'Eeilly), from crom, crooked, sloping. Of. CRAMMAG. CRUMQUHIL. ' Tungland.' Crom choill [hwill], crooked, i.e. slop- ing wood. Cf. Cromkill in Ireland. Crom, W. crwm, fem. crom, curved, bent. CRUNGIE. ' Penninghame.' CRUNLAE FELL. ' Kirkcowan.' CUBBOX. ' Balmaclellan.' CUBBY FATJLDS. ' Minigaif.' CUCALLA. ' Minigaff.' CUFF. ' Kirkmaiden, s. c.' CuiL (P. Kool, Keul ; Inq. ad Cap. 1604, Cuill). 'Buittle,' ' Kirkma- breck.' Cuil, a corner, a nook. Cf. Coole, a barony in Fermanagh, name from a point or corner of land running into Lough Erne. Coleraine is translated by Colgan Cuil-rathinn, secessus filicis, or the corner of the ferns. It is difficult, however, to distin- guish between this word in composition and ctil, a back. CUIL HILL. ' Anwoth,' ' Colvend.' See under CUIL. CULBAE (P. Coulbee). ' Kirkinner.' Cuil or cul beith [bey], corner or hill-back of the birches. Cf. Coolavehy in Limerick (cuil an bJieithe). CULBEE. ' Kirkcolm.' See under CULBAE. CULBRATTEN. ' Penninghame.' Cuil or cill Breatain [?], Bretan's corner or church. Cf. Kilbritton in Cork, which the Four Masters (1430) write Gill-Britain. Or cuil Bretain, the Briton's or Welshman's corner, as Dumbarton, formerly Dunbretan, was the fort of the Britons. Cf. DRUMBREDDAN. CULCAIGRIE (P. Koulghagary). 'TWynholm.' Cuil coigriche, stranger's corner. See under DRUMCAGERIE. CULCALDIE. * Inch.' Cuil or ail calldtin, corner or hill-back of the hazel. See under CALDONS. CULCHINTIE. ' Kirkcolm.' 144 AN TfR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. CULCRAE or CULCREE. * Tungland.' Cuil craebhe [crew], corner of the tree. CULCREUCHIE (gutt.) (P. Coulcreochy). ' Penninghame.' Cut croiche, hill-back of the gallows. The old name of Penning- hame House. Close by is Galla Hill, q. v. ; the gallows being probably an appanage of Castle Stewart in Glenraazie. Croich, a gallows, W. crog-bren, a gallows, i.e. a hanging-tree + LAT. crux. CuLCRbNCHiE (P. Kilwhronchy). ' Kirkmabreck.' CULDERRY (P. Couldury). ' Sorbie.' Cut doire [dirry], hill-back of the oak wood. Cf. Coolderry in Ireland. CULD6cH (P. Kouldowoch). ' Twynholm.' The back of the weir, a hybrid word, ERSE cul, the back, and BR. so. doach or doagh (gutt.), a weir or cruive. See under DOACH. CULDRAIN (P. Couldrein). ' Kirkgunzeon.' Cuil draighean [drain], corner of the blackthorns. See under DRANGAN. CULFAD (Inq. ad Cap. 1640, Culfad). ' Kirkinner,' ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' Cuil or cul fada, long or far corner, or back. CULGARIE (P. Coulghary). ' Glasserton,' 'Kirkinner.' Cuil or cul g . caera [gairey], corner or hill-back of the sheep. Cf. Cal- gary in Argyllshire. CULGHIE (P. Koulgaw). ' Minigaff.' Cuil gaeth [gee], corner of the winds, windy corner. CULGRANGE. ' Inch.' CuLGRdAT (Inq. ad Cap. 1543, Cullingrott; 1675, Cullingrott ; P. Coulgrawit). ' Stoneykirk.' CULGRtiFF (P. Coulgruiff). ' Crossmichael.' Cuil creamha [i] [gravva], corner of the wild garlic. Cf. Clooncraff in Eos- common (recorded in the Irish Annals as Cluain-creamha), Inishcraff in Loch Corrib, which is written in the same Annals Inis-creamha. The eclipse of c by g in this word may be noted in Drumgramph in Fermanagh. Joyce (ii. 349) says, " It appears probable that the correct form of this word is cneamh [knav], and that this has been corrupted to creamh like cnoc to croc." CULH6RN (P. Coulhorn ; Charter 1647, Culquhorne). * Inch.' Cuil edrna [orna], corner of the barley. Cf. Coolnahorna in Wexford and Waterford ; also Craignahorn in Deny, Taona- horna in Antrim, Mulnahorn in Fermanagh and Tyrone, Glennyhorn (Cluain na edrna) in Monaghan, Cappaghnahoran in Queen's County. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 145 CULKAE (Inq. ad Cap. 1620, Culcay; W. P. MSS. Culcay; P. Coulka). ' Sorbie.' Cuil or cul caedhe [kaey], corner or back of the quagmire. Cf. Coolquoy in Dublin, another form of the same name. CULKIEST (P. Coulkist). ' Kirkgunzeon.' Cf. DALKEST. CULLACH (P. Coulclach). ' Penninghame.' Cuil or cul clack [1], stony corner or hill-back. CULLACHIE (HEIGH and LAIGH), (two fields in Glasnick). ' Pen- ninghame.' Cul achadh, back field. CULLEARY RIG (P. Koulkery). 'Kells.' Coill [kil], cuil or cul iarach [eeragh], western wood, corner, or hill-back. Pont's rendering is probably a misprint. See under BLAW WEARY. CULLENDEUGH (MS. 1527, Culindaich). ' New Abbey.' See under CULLENOCH. Perhaps the d is intrusive here ; if it is regarded as organic, then the meaning would be cuileann dabhoch [davogh, daagh], the farm or land of the hollies. " Dabhoch, a farm that keeps sixty cows." O'Reilly. CULLENDOCH (P. Cullendach ; Inq. ad Cap. 1608, Culleindoch). ' Girthon,' ' Kirkmabreck.' CULLENOCH (War Committee, 1646, Cullenoch, callit Clauchane- pluck). ' Balmaghie.' Cuileannach. a place of hollies ; from cuileann. Cf. Cullenagh, a frequent name in Ireland. See under ALWHILLAN. CULLINAW. * Buittle.' Cul an atha [?] [aha], back of the ford. CULLOCH (P. Culloch). ' Urr.' CULLURPATTIE FELL (P. Coulurpetty ; Inq. ad Cap. 1668, Killur- patie). ' Inch.' CULMAIN (P. Coulmeinn). ' Urr.' CULMALZIE (P. Coullmalzie). ' Kirkinner.' Cul or cuil Malzie, the back, or the corner or angle of the Malzie burn. See under CORSEMALZIE and MALZIE. Cf. Kilmalie, a parish in Argyll- shire, written also Kilmailze and Kilmalzie. CULMARK (P. Gulmark, Gulmarck). ' Dairy.' A hybrid name ; cul, the back, and A.s. mearc, a boundary (E. and BR. SO. march), the back march. See under MARK. CULMICK (Inq. ad Cap. 1543, Culmuk ; 1691, Kilmick; P. Culmuck). Cuil muic [mick], the pig's corner. Cf. Coolna- muck in Ireland. K 146 AN TlR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. CULM6RE (P. Culmoir). ' Stoneykirk.' Coill m6r, the big wood. Of. Kilmore in Cork (written by the Annalists coill mohr) ; Kylemore in Connemara, etc., also Cuilmore. See under KILLIEMORE. CULNAUGHTRIE (P. Colnachtyr). ' Berwick.' Uachdarach, upper (see under AUCHNOTTEROCH) ; prefix uncertain. CULN6AG (Inq. ad Cap. 1620, Culnog; W. P. MSS. Culnoik ; P. Culnowack). ' Sorbie.' Kesembles Cullenoge in "Wexford, which Joyce derives from culeaindg, a place of hollies ; but the accent would, in that case, probably be as in CULLENOCH. CULQTTHA [pron. Culhwa] (Inq. ad Cap. 1601, Culquha; P. Koulwha). ' Twynholm.' See under CULKAE. CULQUHASEN [pron. Culhwasen] (P. Coulwhoisen). ' Old Luce.' CULQUHIRK [pron. Culhwirk] (Barnbarroch Papers, 1583, Cowl- quhork). ' Wigton.' Cuil choirce [hurkie], corner of the oats. Cf. Coolacork in Wicklow, Gortachurk in Cavan. See under AWHIRK. [pron. Culroigh] (P. Culreoch). ' Inch.' Cuil riabhach [reeagh], grey corner. Cf. Coolreagh in Ireland. ' Old Luce.' Cuil ruadh [rooa, roy], red corner. Cf. Coolroe in Ireland. CULSCADDEN (P. Coulskadden). ' Sorbie.' Cuil sgadan, corner of the herrings. On the shore of Wigton Bay; named, probably, from being a landing-place for fishing-boats. Cf. Coolscadden in Dublin County, a place where herring were sold. See also LOCHANSCADDAN. o. ERSE scatdn. The word seems akin to names of other fish, as ICEL. skata, a skate -f- ljA.T.squatits + ERSE and GAEL, sgat, a skate +A.S. sceadda, a shad. CULSHABBEN. Mochrum.' CULSHAN (Inq. ad Cap. 1604, Culscheinchane ; 1607, Culzeane [?]). ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' CULSHARG. ' Minigaflf.' Cuil dearg [dyarg], red corner. Dearg is frequently softened into jarg, whence the transition is easy to sharg. CULTAM HILL. ' Crossmichael.' CULTIEMORE. ' Minigafi 7 .' Coillte m6r, big woods. Cf. Kiltybegs, in Longford and Monaghan, in the opposite sense, i.e. little woods. CULTS (W. P. MSS. Cultis). 'Inch,' 'Sorbie.' Coillte [kilty, culty], woods ; plur. of coill. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 147 CULVENNAN (P. Coulvennan). ' Crossmichael/ ' Kirkcowan.' Cul bhennain [vennan], back of the hill. The place of this name in Crossmichael was named by the Gordons after their lands in Kirkcowan. CUML6DEN. 'Minigaff.' CUMNOCK KNOWES. ' Carsphairn.' Cam cnoc, crooked or sloping hill. Cf. KNOCKCAM. CUNDEE (three hills, Near, Mid, and Far). ' Penninghame.' Ceann dubh [ken doo or dew], black head. Cf. KINDEE. CtiNNOCH. ' Whithorn, s. c.' Cuinne6g, "a churn, a pail" (O'Reilly), i.e. where the waves are churned. Cf. KUMMLEKIRN. GAEL. cuinneag, w. cynnog, a pail or pitcher. CUPAR'S CAIRN (a hill 2000 feet). ' Minigaff.' Said to be named from Coupar, Bishop of Galloway, who, with Archbishop Maxwell, was the principal reviser of the prayer-book sub- mitted to King James in 1616. CURATE'S NEUK. ' Kirkcolm.' BR. sc. neuk, a nook or corner (of land), M.E. nok. From ERSE nine, a nook. CURCHIEHILL [pron. kurchie, as in church]. ' Minigaff.' CURDEN. ' Balmaghie.' CURGHIE [pi-on. Curgee, g hard] (Inq. ad Cap. 1610, Corghie ; P. Karghy). ' Kirkmaiden.' Cor or cathair [caer] gaeth [gee, gwee], hill or fort of the wind. Cf. (with the latter meaning) Cahernageeha and Dungeeha in Ireland (cathair na gaeithe, dun- gaeithe, windy fort), and from the plural (as in the present instance) gaeth or gaoth, Tonderghie, Drumagee, Mullingee, in Longford, i.e. muileann gaeith, wind-mill. 0. ERSE gdeth, gdeth, gen. gdithe, ERSE gaeth, gaoth + w. gwynt, C. guenz, LAT. uentus, cognate with TEUT. base WENDA or WENTHA, wind, whence GOTH, winds, winths + o.'K.G. wint, G. wind-}- DAN. and SWED. wind+iCEL. vindr+vu. wind+A.s. wind, (whence M.E. wind, wynd, E. wind). The LAT. uentus (says Skeat) was origin- ally a pres. participle, meaning " blowing," from ^AW or WA, to blow, from the latter of which is the SKT. vd, to blow. The ERSE gdeth, has either lost the n, or has travelled by a different road from the root WA, which it has nearly approached in pronunciation again. Cf. CURLEYWEE. CuRLEYG6wER (a hill). ' Minigaff.' Cor na gabJiur [1], the goat's peak. i 4 8 AN TJR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. CURLEYWEE (a hill of 2405 feet). Minigaff.' Cor na gaeth [?] [gee], peak of the winds, by usual change of g to w. See under CURGHIE, WINDY HILL, WINDY STANDARD, etc. CURLUCKIE (a shoulder of Cairnsmore of Dee). ' Kells.' CURNELLOCH. ' Kells.' Corr n-eilidh [?] [elleh], peak of the hinds (see under CARNELTOCH) ; or perhaps cathair [caher], or coir n-ailich, as Caherelly in Limerick, written in Irish cathair ailigh. " A union of two synonymous terms, the caher of the stone fort. So also in Cahernally in Galway, which is called Cathair-na-hailighi in an ancient document quoted by Hardi- man." Joyce, i. 293. See under CRAIGANALLY. CURRAFIN \jrron. Corriefeen]. ' New Luce.' Coire fionn [fin], white pool (caldron), a salmon pool on the Luce. Coire is applied to both deep, swirling pools in a river, and also to contracted, pot-like dells, o. ERSE core + w. callor, also (by change of c to p) pair + c. caudarn -\- o.F. caldaru + LAT. calda- rium ( caldus, calidus, hot) whence M.E. caldron, caudron, E. caldron. Cf. SKT. era, to boil. Cf. CURRYDOW. CURRIE RIG. ' Carsphairn.' Coire [currie], a caldron, a glen, and A.S. hric, hrycg, or BR. sc. rig, a ridge. CURRIESTANES (P. Creustoun). ' Troqueer.' CURROCHTRIE (P. Korrachty). ' Kirkmaiden.' This farm is situated next to Garrochtrie; their juxta-position and the similarity of the names suggest that the two last syllables in each may represent respectively uachdar [ougher], upper, and iochdar [eighder], lower. This would agree with the relative position of the farms, and if this be a correct supposition, then Currochtrie would represent ceathramhaidh [carhoo] ioch- darach, the lower land-quarter, and Garrochtrie ceathramhaidh uachdarach, the upper land-quarter. Cf. Curry eighter and Curry- oughter in Ireland, from currach, a marsh or moor, Moyeightrach (rnach iochdar, lower plain) near Killarney, and Moyletra (inael iochdar, lower hill) in Deny. But into these Galloway names it is hard to say whether Ochtraidh [Ochtrie] does not enter. The lands have long been held by the Macdouall family, in which Ochtraidh or Uthred is of very ancient and frequent occurrence. Cf. KIRROUCHTRIE and GARROCHTRIE. CuRRYT)6w (P. Corydow), a glen on Garpel Burn. Coire dubh [currie doo], the black caldron (pool or glen). See under CURRAFIN. CUSHIEMAY. ' Buittle.' Cos a' maighe [?] [cush a' maye], foot of the field. Cf. Cushaling in Tyrone (cos a' linne, foot of the THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 149 pool) ; Cushendun and Cushendall in Antrim (the foot of the river Dun and of the river Dall), Coshquin in Londonderry, Coshlea in Limerick, etc., etc. (Joyce, i. 527). o. ERSE coss, ERSE COS, GAEL. CdS + LAT. pes -\-GK. 7TOU\/MAN, to project ; cf. LAT. e-min-ere, to project. DALNADER. MinigaflF.' DALNAW (P. Dalna). ' Minigaff/ Ddl an atha [aha, awe], field of the ford. DALNIGAP, DOLNIGAP, or DARNIGAP (Inq. ad Cap. 1633, Dalna- gap). ' New Luce.' DALQUHAIRN (P. Dalwharn, Dalahorn, Dalwhairns). ' Carsphairn,' ' Kirkpatrick Irongray.' Ddl chairn, field of the cairn. See under AUCHENCAIRN. DALREAGLE [pron. Darregal]. * Kirkinner.' Deargail [?], a red place, red land. Cf. Dargle in Wicklow, Darrigil in Mayo, Darrigal in Waterford. Deriv. of dearg (Joyce, ii. 39). DALRY (a town and parish in the Stewartry). ' Dairy.' The same name occurs in Ayrshire. DALSCAIRTH (P. Dalskairth). ' Troqueer.' Ddl sceirach [?], rocky field. See under BARSCARROW. DALSH!NGAN (P. Dalchangan). 'Carsphairn,' 'Minigaff/ 'New Luce.' Ddl seangan, field of the ants. See under BARNSHANGAN. THE TOPO GRAPHY OF GALL OWAY. 151 DALSHINNIE (Inq. ad Cap. 1604, Dalschynnie). ' Terregles.' Ddl sionach [shinnagh], the field of the foxes. Sionagh was a common name of men in Celtic times, just as Fox in England and Ireland, and Todd in Scotland, are now. Thus O'Carthar- naigh, Lord of Teffia, took the name of Sinnach ; and from the O'Caharneys are descended Fox of Foxville in Meath, and Fox of Foxhall in Longford. Dalshinnie, therefore, may be the portion of a man called Shinnach (ffDon. Top. Poem, ix. (35)). Of. AUCHENSHINNOCH, BLAIRSHINNOCH, etc. See page 33, note. DALTALLOCHAN (P. Lein of Daltallachan). ' Carsphairn.' DALTAMIE. ' Minigaff.' DALTORAE. ' Minigaff.' DAI tdruidhe [?] [tory], the hunter's field. Cf. Ballytory in Wexford, Ratory in Tyrone. Tdruidhe, from toir, pursuit, t6r, a pursuer, came to mean an outlaw or tory ; thus becoming a term of reproach, as it is still among the lower orders in Scotland and North Ireland. As such it was applied to a political party by their opponents, and the Tories in return dubbed their foes the Whigs, a term of contempt having its origin in the sour milk or whey (whig), which was an ordinary article of diet among the " hill folk." DALVAIRD. ' Minigaff.' Ddl bhaird [vaird], the rhymer's field. Cf. Dalnavaird in Forfar and Kincardine, and Dalnavert in Inverness-shire. Cf. also DERVAIRD. See under BARNBOARD. DALVADIE [pron. Dalvaddy]. ' Kirkmaiden.' Ddl mhadaidh [vaddie], the dog's field. See under BLAIRMODDIE. DALWHAT. ' Balmaclellan.' Ddl chat [haat], the wild cat's field. See under ALWHAT. DAMLOCH STRAND. ' Kirkcowan.' DAMNAGLAUR. ' Kirkmaiden.' DAMNAH6LLY. ' Kirkmaiden.' DANEVALE. ' Crossmichael.' BANNERS. See FOUNTAIN DANNERS. DARACHANS. ' Minigaff.' Darachean, the oaks, E. plur. added. DARG!LGAL. ' Penninghame.' Dobhar gall Gaidheal [?] [dour gall gael]. the water of the stranger Gaels. See under GALLOWAY. The prefix is evident, but the remainder is purely speculative, suggested by the proximity of the place to the Deil's Dyke, the ancient rampart separating Gallgaidhel, or Galloway, 152 AN TIR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. from the kingdom of Strathclyde. o. ERSE dobur (i . uisce, unde dicitur dobar-chu i.dobran Corm. p. 15), ERSE dur (O'Reilly) + w. dwfr, dwr, B. dour, C. dour, douar, dower, water. Cf. "Drow, an indefinable quantity of water." Madaggart. This word occurs as the prefix dar, der, dir, dur, and some- times dal, principally in the moorland and uncultivated districts of Galloway. DARGALL LANE. ' Minigaff.' Dobhar [dour] gall [?], water of the foreigners or standing stones. See under DERGALL. DARG6ALS (P. Dyrgaals; Inq. ad Cap. 1668, Dirgoills). 'New Luce.' DARH6MINY. ' MinigafF.' DARL.6SKINE (Inq. ad Cap. 1633, Dirloskane). ' Kirkcowan.' Dobhar [dour] loscain or losgan, water of the frogs. Cf. LiN- LOSKIN. The old northern English equivalent to these names appears in Dumfriesshire as Paddockhole. DARNAGIE [pron. gee, hard~\. 'New Luce.' Dobhar na gdeth [gee], water of the winds. DARNARBEL. ' Minigaff.' Dobhar an earbil [dour-an-arbil], water of the point, i.e. a tail or extremity of land. " Often applied to the extremity of any natural feature, such as a long, low hill, or to any long strip of land." Cf. DRUMMINARBEL ; also in Ireland, Urbal, the name of several townlands in North Ireland, Urbalkirk in Monaghan, Urbalshinny in Donegal (i.e. fox's brush), and Warbleshinny in Derry, etc. etc. " Ear- bull, a tail, i.e. iar ball, hind ward member." O'Reilly. DARNAW BURN. ' Minigaff.' Dobhar [dour] an atha [aha, awe], water of the ford. Cf. DALNAW. DARNCREE. ' Girthon. ' Dobhar [dour] na criche [creehie], water of the boundary, or perhaps dobJuir na craebh [crave, creev], water of the trees, wooded stream. Cf. CREE, POLCREE, etc. DARNGARROCH (Inq. ad Cap. 1604, Daruegarroch ; P. Darnghey- rach). ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' DARNIM6w (P. Dyrnamow). ' New Luce.' Dobhar na mbo [dur- namoe], water of the cows. Cf. Annamoe in "Wicklow (ath- na-mbo, the cows' ford), Carrigeennamoe in Cork (carraigan-na mbo, the cows' crag). DARNSHAW (a tributary of the Water of Deugh). ' Carsphairn.' DAROW BURN. ' Girthon.' Dobhar dhubh [?] [oo], black water. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 153 DARROCH. ' Stoneykirk.' Daracli, a place of oaks. Cf. Darragh in Limerick, and Derragh in Cork, Longford, Mayo, Down, and Clare. Adjective from dair (o. ERSE daur), an oak. DARROW (a hill of 1500 feet) (P. Dairy). 'Kells.' Probably from darach or doire, an oak wood. See under DERRY. DARSALLOCH (P. Darsalloch). ' Kells.' Dobliar saileach, water of the willows. See under BARNSALLIE. DARSNAG. ' Mochrum.' DARWOOD. 'Kells.' Seems to be a compound from dair, an oak, with E. wood added. DAVENHOLM. ' New Luce.' DEE, a river in the Stewartry (Ptolemy, Deva). Probably from the base dub, dubh, black, the dark water; the aspirated labial being shown in the Latin form Deva. DEER'S DEN. ' Carsphairn,' ' Dairy,' ' Minigaff.' " Den, a hollow, a dingle " (Jamieson). A.S. denu, dene, den, a valley, a plain ; M.E. dene. This word commonly occurs in English names, e.g. Tenterden, Hazeldean, etc. DELHABIECH (P. Dalchappock; Inq. ad Cap. 1600, Dalcopokc). ' Inch.' DENDOW or DiSD6w. ' Girthon.' DENDOWNIES. ' New Luce.' DENNiEMfrLK. 'Minigaff.' DENXOT. ' Leswalt.' See LONG DENNOT. DERGALL. ' Kirkmabreck. ' The existence here of megalithic circles suggest the origin dobJiar gall, water of the standing stones, but this is pure conjecture (see under DERGALGAL). Gall, literally a foreigner, is also a name for a standing stone ; given, if we are to believe Cormac, because they were first erected in Ireland by the Galli, or primitive inhabitants of France. This, however, is, to say the least, improbable ; and if gall, a standing stone, is the same word as gall, a foreigner, it was probably applied figuratively. See under BOWHILL. Gall, a Gaul, Gallicus. " This word was first applied by the Irish Annalists to the Danes or Scandinavians from their first arrival in the eighth century to the twelfth, when it was transferred to the English." O'Don. Suppl Gall, foreign + O.H.G. walah + A.s. wealh (E. walnut = A.s. wealh knut, foreign 154 AN TIR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. nut), from " Teutonic type WALHA, a stranger, a name given by Teutonic tribes to their Celtic and Roman neighbours " (Skeaf). Of. A.S. Wealhas, the Welsh, whence E. Wales. DERHAGIE. ' Old Luce.' DERL6CHLIN. ' Old Luce.' Dobhar [dour] Lochlinn [1], Lauchlan's stream. See under BARLAUCHLINE. DERL6NGAN. ' Old Luce.' DERNACISSOCK [c soft]. ' Kirkcowan.' Dobhar na' siosg [?] [shisk], water of the sedges or reeds. " Siosg, a sedge, reed grass, sheer grass ; carex." O'Reilly. GAEL, seasg + LOW G. segge + A.s. secg (whence M. E. segge, BR. so. seg, E. sedge). " The lit. sense is ' cutter,' i.e. sword-grass, from the sharp edge or sword-like appearance ; cf. LAT. gladiolus, a small sword, sword-lily, flag. From the Teut. base SAG, to cut= /N /SAK, to cut." Skeat. LAT. sec-are, etc. Cf. DRUMACISSOCK ; and in Ireland, Cornashesk in Tyrone and Cavan, Cornashesko, in Fermanagh, Glenshesk in Antrim, Glenshisk in Waterford, etc. See under SEG HILL and STARRY HEUGH. DERNAFRANIE. ' Old Luce.' DERNAFITEL. ' Old Luce.' DERNAGLAUR. ' Old Luce.' Cf. DAMNAGLAUR. DERNAIN (P. Derneen). ' Old Luce.' Dobhar [dour] n-en [?] [ane], water of the birds. See under BARNEAN. DERNEMULLIE. ' New Luce.' DERNIEM6RE (P. Lein of Dyrgonmoir). ' Old Luce.' DERRisc6AL. ' New Luce.' DERRY (P. Dyrry). ' Kirkcowan,' ' Mochrum,' ' Penninghame.' Doire [dirrie], a wood, especially an oak wood. Londonderry was anciently Doire Calgaich, rendered by Adamnan Roboretum Calgachi, Calgach's oakwood, it then got the name of Doire- Columcille, from the monastery which St. Columba founded there in 546, and, finally, when James I. gave a charter thereof to a company of London merchants it was called Londonderry. DERRYG6WAN (Inq. ad Cap. 1680, Darregoun). ' Balmaghie.' Doire gobhain [gowan], the smith's wood. See under ALDER- GOWAN. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 155 DERRYS, THE. ' Penninghame.' Doire, an oak wood (see under DERRY), E. plur. added. This is often done to express the Gaelic plural, but in this case it has probably happened in some such way as this : a house or farm gets the name of Deny, then another house is built, or the farm is subdivided, when the group would be called collectively the Derrys, with perhaps, further definition as High Derry, Low Derry, etc. There is, however, prevalent an indiscriminate use of the plural in country speech : thus the Earl of Stair is commonly spoken of as Lord Stairs. DERVAIRD (Inq. ad Cap. 1633, Dirvairdis; 1668, Dirwardie; P. Dwrboird). 'Old Luce.' Dobhar bhaird [dour vaird], the water of the rhyme. Cf. DALVAIRD. See under BARN- BOARD. Pont gives the unaspirated form. DERWHILLAN. ' Old Luce.' Dobhar chuillain [dour hillan], water of the hollies. DERWINDLE. ' New Luce.' Cf. DRUMFUNDLE. See under CARRICK- FITNDLE in Addenda. DEUGH, WATER OF (Inq. ad Cap. 1550, Ottroduscan (i.e. Water o' Duskan)). ' Carsphairn.' Dubh uisce [doo iskie], black water. The old spelling retains the s. Cf. Dusk Water in Ayrshire. DIAMOND LAGGAN. ' Parton.' See under LAGGAN. DIAN, EAST. ' Kirkcowan.' Daingean, a stronghold. " In the north of Ireland the ng in the middle of this word is pro- nounced as a soft guttural, which, as it is very faint and quite incapable of being represented by English letters, is suppressed in modern spelling, thereby changing daingean to dian, or some such form." Joyce, i. 307. Cf. Dian and Dyan in Tyrone and Monaghan. DIBBIN CRAIG and LANE. ' Dairy.' DIDDLE'S HILL. ' Inch.' DILDAWN (Inq. ad Cap. 1604, Daldawen; MS. 1527, Daldawane). ' Kelton.' DILENOCH. ' Kirkmaiden, s. c.' DINCHINPON. ' Buittle.' Dun tiompain, fort of the hillock : by the common change of ti to ch (see under CHALLOCH). " Tiom- pan, a hillock (Antrim)." O'Don. Suppl. to O'Reilly. Cf. DUNJUMPIN ; and in Ireland, Timpan in Antrim, Timpaun in Roscommon, Reanadimpaun in Waterford (reidh na dtiom- 156 AN TJR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. pan, to which Joyce gives the meaning of the mountain-flat of the standing stones), Tempanroe in Tyrone, Craigatempin in Antrim, etc. Tiompdn also means a harp or drum, hence Dunchimpon may mean the fort of the harps, from some long-forgotten incident. DINDINNIE (P. Doundunny). ' Leswalt.' Dun duine [dinny], fort of the men, the folk's fort. ERSE duine, a man, a person + W. dyn + C. den, B. den. DiNDtiFF (Inq. ad Cap. 1616,Dunduff ; P. Dunduff). 'Kirkcolm.' Dun dubh [duv], black fort. DIN HILL. ' Twynholm.' Dun, a fort. DINNANS (W. P. MSS. Dunnance; P. Dounen). ' Whithorn.' Dunan, a fort, dim. of dun, E. plural added. Cf. Doonans in Antrim ; Dooneens and Downings the names of many townlands in Ireland. DINNINS (a hill of 1050 feet). ' Carsphairn.' See under DINNANS. DlNViN (P. Duntin (misprint) ; Inq. ad Cap. Dunevin). ' Port Patrick.' Dun fionn [fin], white fort. DERCLAUCH. ' Carsphairn.' Dobhar [dour] clach, water of the stones. DIRLETON. ' Kirkinner.' DIRNEARK [pron. Durnyark] (P. Dyrnairp ; Inq. ad Cap. 1698, Darnyerk). 'Kirkcowan.' DiRN6w [pron. Durnoo] (P. Dyrnagrow). ' Kirkcowan.' DIRSKELPIN or DIRSKELVIN (Barnbarroch 1563, Dyrreskylben, Inq. ad Cap. 1668, Dirsculvyne ; P. Dyrskilby). 'Old Luce.' DIRVACHLIE (P. Dyrvachlie ; Inq. ad Cap. 1698, Darvachlan). ' Kirkcowan.' DIRVANANIE (P. Dwrrymannany, Dyrrymannany). ' Kirkcowan.' .The prefix here seems to be, not dobhar but doire. See. under DERRY. DISDOW (Charter, 1664, Duirsdow). ' Girthon.' DIVOT, THE (a salmon pool in the Dee). ' Kirkcudbright.' See under DIVOT HILL. DIVOT HILL. ' Dairy.' The hill of the sods. "Divot, divet, diffat : a thin, flat, oblong turf, used for covering cottages, and also for fuel." Jamieson. Cf. Knockascree, Nogniescree. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 157 DOACH, MEIKLE, and PRIORY DOACH (on the Dee near Tungland Abbey). ' Kirkcudbright.' " Doach, doagh, a weir or cruive." Jamieson. Cf. CULDOCH. DOACH STEPS (across Pulharrow Burn). ' Kells.' See under DOACH. DOAMS. ' Tungland.' D6CHIES. 'Kirkcolm.' Dubh ais [1], black hill. Cf. Divis in Down County, Divish in Mayo, Dooish in Donegal (Joyce, ii. 270). Cf., however, Duffus, a parish in Moray, which Shaw interprets dubh uisg, black water. DODD HILL. ' Carsphairn ' (thrice), ' Dairy.' Dodd appears locally as a hill name. Meaning uncertain. Perhaps related to " Doddy, doddit. 1. Without horns. 2. Bald, without hair." Jamieson. In this sense it would=moeZ, bald, so common as a hill name. See under MEAUL, MULL. DODD or TROQUHAIN [pron. Trohwane], (a hill of 1139 feet). ' Balmaclellan.' DOGSTONE HILL. ' Kirkcolm.' DOGTAIL CROFT. ' Mochrum.' DOGTUMMOCK (a hill of 1631 feet). ' Colvend.' See under DODD, of which this is probably a corruption. " Tummock. A tuft, or small spot of elevated ground." Jamieson. DOLT. ' Kirkmaiden, s. c.' Dubh alt [?] [doo alt], black height or glen. DOMINS. ' Girthon.' DONALDBUIE. ' Kells.' Dunach or dunadh buidhe [buie], yellow fort. Cf. Doonachboy in Clare. Dunach, a derivation of dun (Joyce, ii. 5), or dunadh (O'Reilly), is liable to confusion with domhnach, a church. D6NNAN HILL. ' Stoneykirk.' Dunan, a fort. Cf. DINNANS, DOONEND, DOUNAN ; and, in Ireland, Dooneen, Downing, and Downeen. DOON, DOON CASTLE, HILL, etc., of frequent occurrence through- out the district. Dun, a fort. Doon and Down are equally common names in Ireland and Scotland. 0. ERSE dun-\-W. din, a hill-fort or fortified hill + A.S. dun, a hill (whence M.E. dun, doun, E. down, a hill), cognate with A.S. tun (M.E. toun, E. town). The original idea is " a fence " + DU. tuin, a fence + 158 AN TfR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. ICEL. tun, an enclosure, a homestead + G. zaun, O.H.G. zun, a hedge. The Celtic dun " is conspicuous in many old place- names, such as Augusto-dunum, Camelo-dunum, etc." (Skeat), just as the Teutonic tun in such names as Brighton, Hampton, Brigton, etc. DOONAMUCK. ' Minigaff.' Dun na muc, fort of the swine. Cf. DUNMUCK. DOONEND (P. Dounens). ' Colvend.' Dunan, a fort. See under DONNAN. DORNELL LOCH (Inq. ad Cap. 1576, Dornall; P. Dornell). ' Bal- maghie.' Dobhar [dour], water. Cf. LOCH DORNAL. DOUGARIES. * New Luce.' DOULOCH (Inq. ad Cap. 1624, Dewlache; P. Dowloch). 'Kirk- colm.' Dubh loch, black lake. Cf. DOWLOCH, DOWLOCHS and DUBLOCH ; also frequently in Ireland, Doolough. DOUNAN. ' Stoneykirk.' See under DONNAN. Cf. Doonan and Doonane in many counties in Ireland. D6URIE (P. Dowry). ' Mochrum.' Durach, i.e. dobharach, watery, pi ashy, deriv. of dobJiar, dur, water. Cf. Doory, in Antrim, Kerry, King's County, and Longford ; Doora in Clare and Dooragh in Tyrone. DOVEWELL. ' Loch Eutton.' Cf. DOWELL. D6WALTON [pron. Dooalton] (Inq. ad Cap. 1620, Dowellstoun; W. P. MSS. Dowaltoun). ' Sorbie.' Doual's homestead. Tradition connects this place with the M'Doualls, lords of Galloway. Dow CRAIG. ' Twynholm.' It is uncertain whether this is ERSE dubh creag, black crag (see under CRAIGDOW), or BR. sc. doo craig, crag of the pigeons. DOWELL. 'Troqueer.' Cf. DOVEWELL. D6WIES [pron. Dooies]. ' Glasserton.' Dubh uisc [dooh isk], black water. A stream here runs dark through peaty ground, being, in the rest of its course, clear, on a hard bed. This name becomes " Dusk," in Dairy, Ayrshire, and is thus anno- tated by Pont, " Dow-visck, flu. : black watter, for so it is." Cunninghame, p. 124. D6WLOCH (P. Douloch). ' Minigaff.' See under DOULOCH. D6WLOCHS. ' Minigaff.' See under DOULOCH. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 159 DRANGAN. ' Kirkcolm.' Draigheanan [drannan], blackthorns, o. ERSE droigen (Cormac), ERSE draighean, GAEL, draigh, a thorn-tree +w. drain, thorns, drain duon, blackthorns, c. drain + DU. doorn, a thorn + ICEL. Jx/ni + DAN. tiorn-{-swED. torne + G. dorn + GOTH. tJiaurnus, a thorn ( + RUSS. terne, blackthorns + POLISH tarn, a thorn) + A.S. por/i (whence M.E. ]>orn, E. thorn) ; from the base THAR = /^/TAR, to bore or pierce (Skeat). This word enters into many name of places in Scotland and Ireland. Cf. CARDRAIN, DRANGOWER, DRANIEMANNER, DRAN- NANDOW, DRONNAN, DRONNANS, DRUNGAN, etc.; and, in Ireland, Dreenan, Drinane, Dreenaun, Drinan, Dreen, Drain, Drains, Dreenagh, Drinagh, Driny, and Drinachan, besides composite names. DRANGdwER (P. Drongangour). ' New Luce.' Draigheanan gobhar, blackthorn thicket of the goats. See under ALGOWER and DRANGAN. DRANIEMANNER. ' Minigaff. DRANNANDOW (Inq. ad Cap. 1572, Drongandow ; P. Drongandow) ' Minigaff.' Draigheanan dubli [drannan doo], dark black thorns. Cf. w. drain duon (see under DRANGAN). Perhaps, however, dronndn dubh, black ridge (see under DRONNAN). DEIGM6RN (a hill of 2000 feet) (P. Dyrrickmoirn ; MS. 1666, Drumockmoirne). 'Minigaff.' Cf. GREYMORN. DROCHF6RE. ' Parton.' DROCH HEAD (an insulated rock in the sea). ' Kirkcolm, s. c.' Drochaid, a bridge. Cf. the DEVIL'S BRIDGE, a similar rock on Whithorn coast. See under BARDROCHWOOD. DRONAN HILL. 'Penninghame.' See under DRANGAN and DRONNAN. DR6NNAN, THE. ' Minigaff.' Dronndn, a back, a ridge, akin to druim or else draigheanan [dranan], blackthorns (see under DRANGAN). The two words assume the same form in com- position. DR6NNANS (Inq. ad Cap. 1620, Dronganis). ' Kirkinner.' Dron- ndn, a ridge, or draigheanan, blackthorns. See under DRANGAN and DRONNAN. DROUGHANDRUIE. ' Minigaff.' Drochaidh an druidhe [1] [drog- handreehy], the druid's or magician's bridge. There is a stream here. DROUGHDOOL (P. Drochduil). ' Old Luce.' 160 AN TJR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. DRtlCHTAG (Ing. ad Cap. 1582, Dreuchdag ; P. Dreugtak). ' Mochrum.' DRUM (P. Druym). ' Loch Rutton/ ' New Abbey.' Druim, a ridge, lit. a back, corresponding exactly in meaning and application to BR. SC. rig A.S. hrycg, a back, and to the w. cefn. Druimm, druim, a back, a ridge + w. trum -\-~LAT. dorsum + GK. Beipds, a mountain-ridge, Beiprj, Septf, a neck, a ridge. Of extremely frequent occurrence in Scotland and Ireland, both separately and as a prefix. DRUMABRENNAN (Inq. ad Cap. 1638, Drumalbreinan). 'Kirk- cowan.' Druim Ui Braenain [?], O'Brennan's ridge. The O'Brennans or Brennans of Ireland are descended from one named after Brendan of Birr, the patron saint of Kerry. DRUMACARDIE. ' Old Luce.' Druim a' cearda [cairda], ridge of the forge or workshop. Cf. CAIRDIE WIEL, CARTY ; and, in Ireland, Farranacardy in Sligo, Tullynagarda in Down. DRUMACARIE (P. Druymnachory). ' Kirkcowan.' Names ending in carie are very common and may have various origins. Pont preserves the n of the plur. article, and his writing would accord with druim-na-caera, ridge of the sheep (see under CULGARIE); but the name might as probably come from druim na cairthe [carha], ridge of the pillar stones, which Joyce assigns as the derivation of Drumnacarra in Louth. DRUMACISSOCK. ' Inch.' Druim na 1 siosg [shissug], ridge of the sedges, sedgy hill. See under DERNACISSOCK. DRUMACL6WN. ' Kirkcowan.' Druim na cluain [cloon, clone], ridge of the meadows. See under CLONE. DRUMACRAE. ' Whithorn.' DRUMADRYLAND. 'Inch.' Druim na dredlan [?], ridge of the wrens. Cf. Gorteenadrolane in Cork, Curradrolan in Tyrone, Mulladrillen in Louth, which Joyce (ii. 296) refers to drdoldn, . a wren. DRUMAGEE. ' Kirkcowan.' Druim na gaeth [gee], windy ridge. Cf. Drumnagee in Antrim. Cf. also WINDY HILL. See under CURGHIE. Of course, like BALMAGHIE, the name may signify M'Ghie's ridge. DRUMAGERDY. ' Inch.' Druim a' g-cearda, hill of the forge. Cf. Tullynagardy in Down. See under DRUMACARDY. DRUMAGIBBEN. ' Old Luce.' THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 161 DRUMAGILLOCH. ' Glasserton.' Druim a' g-coilleaich [gillach], hill of the cock (] grouse or blackcock). Cf., in Ireland, Cornagil- lach in Leitrim, Longford, and Monaghan, Coumnagillach in Tipperary, Knocknagulliaghin in Wicklow and Down, and Glannagilliagh in Kerry. +\v. ceiliog, B. quillocq, C. kuileog. DRUMAHAMMIE. ' Old Luce.' DRUMAHERN. ' New Luce.' Druim a' chuirn [f] [hirn], ridge of the cairn. Cf. DRUMAWHERN. DRUMAHOWEN. ' Leswalt.' DRUMAKIBBEN. ' Kirkcowan.' DRUMALIG. 'Stoneykirk.' Perhaps like Dromaleague in Cork, which is druim dha Hag [drum-a-leeg], ridge of the two stones ; or like Dromanallig in Cork, from druim an ailigh, ridge of the stone fort. See under AIRIELIG and CRAIGA- NALLY. DRUMALLOCH (P. Drummaloch ; Inq. ad Cap. 1624, Drummalocht). ' Kirkcowan.' Druim shalach [?] [hallagh], miry ridge. Cf. Drumhallagh in Ireland. See under BARSALLOCH. DRUMAL6NE. ' Dairy.' Druim na luan []] [lone], ridge of the lambs. Cf. Maloon and Malone (magh luan), and Gortmaloon in Ireland. DRUMAMOSS. ' Kirkcudbright.' DRUMANARY. ' Port Patrick.' Druim an airidh [airy], the ridge of the shieling ; or druim an aedhaire [airy], the shepherd's ridge. Cf. CRAIGARIE, and (in the latter sense) Drumaneary in Donegal, and Drumary in Fermanagh and Monaghan. DRUMANEE. ' Kirkcowan.' Druim an fhiaidh [ee], the ridge of the deer. Cf. Drumanee in Derry. See under CRAIGINEE. DRUMANOGHAN. ' "Wigtown.' Druim manachan, ridge of the monks, dim. of manach. Cf. Drummany and Drumavanagh in Cavan (the latter = druim a' mhanaigh). DRUMANTRAE. ' Stoneykirk.' Druim an traigh, ridge of the shore. This is a long low ridge, a raised beach, running for half a mile along the shore at Ardwell. Cf. KILLANTRAE ; also Fintray in Stirlingshire, Ballantrae in Ayrshire ; and, in Ireland, Baltray, Ballynatray, Monatray, Ventry (fionn traigh), Fintra, and Fintragh. L 1 62 AN TfR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. DRUMASKIMMING. ' Penninghame.' DRUMASLIG. ' Port Patrick.' Druim isle [issly], low ridge. See under CORVISEL ; cf. DRUMMAHISLIE, DRUMWHISLEY. DRUMASTUBBIN. * Kirkcowan.' DRUMATIER. ' Penninghame.' Druim a t-saeir [?] [teer], ridge of the wright or carpenter ; s eclipsed by t (see under BALTIER and BARTAGGART). Cf. Ballinteer, near Dublin, and again in Londonderry (baile an t-saeir). " Ar thai in t-sceir do gabail" "because he took the wright's adze." Felire, p. ci. 31. 0. ERSE sder, ERSE saor, gen. saoire (O'ReiUy) + w. saer, c. sair. DRUMATWOODIE. ' Kirkcowan.' DRUMATYE. ' Glasserton.' Druim a' tighe, ridge of the house. The name of a singular ridge of rock on the summit of Carle- ton Fell, formed like the steeply-pitched roof of a house. It also goes by the name of the " Pratie Pit," from its resem- blance to a pit or ridge of stored potatoes. Cf. Drumatihugh in Ireland, i.e. the ridge of Hugh's house. 0. ERSE tech, ERSE teach, also Ugh + \V. ty, a house, tsi, to thatch, B. ty, C. tshyi, a house + DU. dak, thatch (whence E. deck) + ICEL. yak + DAN. tag + SWED. tak + G. dach, thatch + A.S. ]>cec (whence M.E. ]>ak, BR. so. tJiack, E. thatch), all from TEUT. base THAKA, a thatch, from TEUT. base THAK, to cover, which, having lost initial s, stands for STHAG = /^/STAG, to cover : cf. GK. reyos = areyos, a roof. From the same root comes SKT. sthmj, to cover + GK. areyeiv + LAT. tegere (for stegere) + LITH. stegti + FR. toit + M.E. tigel, E. tile ( LAT. tegula). DRUMAWA. ' Kirkcowan,' ' New Luce ' (twice). DRUMAWAN. ' Kirkcowan.' Druim Shamlmin [1] [liawan]. " The first of November was called Samhuin (savin or sowan), which is commonly explained samh-fhuin, i.e. the end of summer, and, like Bealltaine, it was a day devoted by the pagan Irish to religious and festive ceremonials." Joyce, 1. 202. The word occurs in many Irish names, e.g. Knocksouna in Limerick (called by the Four Masters Samhuin, and in the Book of Lismore Cnoc-Samhna), Mullasawney in Donegal, Drumsamney, Drumsawna, etc., in all of which the s is retained ; but in Drumhaven or Drumhaman in Monaghan, in Carrickhawna in Sligo, and (nearest of all to the name under consideration) Drumhawan in Monaghan, the s is lost by aspiration. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 163 DRUMAWANTY. ' Penninghame.' This name resembles Dingina- vanty in Cavan, translated Daingean-a-MJiantaigh (Joyce, i. 307), Mantagh's stronghold. DRUMAWHERN. ' Leswalt.' See under DRUMAHERN. DRUMBAE. ' Balmaclellan.' Druim beith [bey], ridge of the birches. See under ALLANBAY. DRUMBAIN. ' Kirkcowan.' Druim bdn, white ridge. A hill covered with light-coloured grass in a moorland would naturally get this name, while one covered with heather would be called Drumdon or Drumdovv. Cf. Drumbane and Drumbawn in Ireland. DRUMBAWN. ' Stoneykirk.' See under DRUMBAIN. Possibly druim badhuin (bawn), ridge of the cattle-pen. See under BlAWN. DRUMBECK. ' Balmaghie.' Druim becc, little ridge, o. ERSE becc, little, ERSE beag. See under DRUMBEG. DRUMBEG. ' Glasserton,' 'Kirkcowan.' Druim beag [beg], little ridge. Cf. Drombeg and Drumbeg in Ireland. O. ERSE bee, becc ; ERSE beag + w. bach, bychan, small, and by, a diminutive prefix ; c. bum, bihan, B. bihan. DRUMBLAIR (Inq. ad Cap. 1598, Dirreblair; P. Drumblair). ' Mochrum.' Druim bldra, ridge of the plain or of the battle. See under BLAIR. The charter of 1598 gives a form from doire bldra, oakwood of the plain or of the battle. DRUMB6w. ' Twynholm.' Druim bo, ridge of the cows. See under BIAWN. Cf. Drumbo in Down, written by the Four Masters (A.D. 1003), druim-bo, and Drumbo in Donegal (A.D. 1490), the same. Adamnan (Fit. Col., ii. 13) writes of the monastery which is called in Latin Campulus bovis, but in the Irish Achadboe. DRUMB6Y. ' Stoneykirk.' See under DRUMBUIE. DRUMBREACH [pron. breeagh] (Estate Map 1777, Drumgreacli (? misprint)). Druim breagh [?], ridge of the wolves. Cf., in Ireland, Caherbreagh, near Tralee. DRUMBREDDAN. ' Old Luce,' ' Stoneykirk.' Druim Breadtain [Breddan], Bretan's ridge, or the Welshman's ridge. See under CULBRATTEN. 164 AN TIR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. DRUMBR6CHANIE. ' MinigafF.' Druim breachnaich [braghnagh], ridge of the broken, variegated land. See under BRACKENI- CALLIE. DRUMBtliE. ' Kirkcolm,' ' Kirkcowan.' Druim buidhe [buie], yellow ridge. Cf. DRUMBOY ; also Drumbuy in Beith parish, Ayrshire, which Pont explains " Druym-buy, the zellow backe." Cuninghame, p. 125. DRUMBURN. ' Colveud.' DRUMCAGERIE. ' Kirkcowan.' Druim coigeriche, ridge of the strangers. Cf. STRANGER'S KNOWE. Coigeriche, a stranger, whence the surname MacCon-Cogry, MacCogry, which was changed to L'Estrange in consequence of legislation of Edward IV., by which the use of Irish surnames within the Pale was prohibited (O'Don., Top. Poems, Intr. 26). DRUMCANNOCH. ' Minigaff.' Druim ceannaich [?] [cennogh], ridge of the purchase, of the bargaining. Ceannaich also means " strife " (Shaw). Cf. DRUMTRODDAN, STRIFE EIG, etc. DRUMCAPENOCH. ' Glasserton.' Druim ceapanach p], ridge of the stumps ; deriv. of ceapdn, a stump. See under CAPE- NOCH. DRUMCARRICK. ' Old Luce.' Druim carric, ridge of the crag. DRUMCAUCHLIE. ' Penninghame.' DRUMCHALLOCH. ' Kirkcowan.' Druim tealaich [tyallach], ridge of the forge. See under CHALLOCH. DRUMCHEATE. ' Urr.' DRUMCHESNIK ' Minigaff.' Cf. BARCHESNIE. DRUMCLEIGH. * MinigafF.' Druim cliabh [?] [cleeve], ridge of the baskets. Cf. Drumcliff, near Sligo, which is always written in Irish MSS. Druim-chliabh (Four Masters, A.D. 871, 1011, 1239, etc.); also Drumcliff in Clare and Donegal, Drum- cleave in Tipperary, and Lisdrumcleve in Monaghan. Cf. DRUMCLEUGH. DRUMCLEUGH. ' Girthon.' Cf. DRUMCLEIGH. DRUMCL6Y. ' Balmaclellan.' Druim cloicJie, ridge of the stone, or druim cladha [cly, claw], ridge of the mound or grave. DRUMCLYOR. ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 165 DRUMC6LTRAN (P. Drumcauran). ' Kirkgunzeon.' Druim Cultrain, the ridge of Cultran. In the 1 2th and 1 3th centuries this land belonged to the Abbey of Holm Cultran in Cumberland. The old tower, now a farmhouse, bears over the doorway the following inscription : CELA . SECRETA . LOQVERE PAVCA . VERAX . ESTO. AVARO . CAVE . MEMEXTO MORI . MISERICORS . ESTO. DRUMCUW. ' Colvend.' DRUMCRAICHIE. 'Balmaclellan.' DRUMCR6Y. ' Kirkcudbright.' Druim cruadh [croo], hard ridge. DRUMCUIL. ' MinigaflF.' Druim cul, back ridge. DRUMDALLY. ' Stoneykirk.' Druim dealg [dallig], ridge of the thorns. See under CLAMDALLY. DRUMDARRACHY. ' New Luce/ See under DRUMDARROCH. DRUMDARROCH. ' Mochrum.' Druim darach, ridge of the oaks. See under DARROCH. DRUMDELLY. ' Dairy.' See under DRUMDALLY. DRUMDENNEL. ' Penninghame.' Dnilm d-tenneall [1] [dennal]. ridge of the bonfire. Of. KNOCKTINKLE, KNOCKTINNEL. Tenneal (Joyce), a bonfire, deriv. of 0. ERSE ten, fire ; ERSE teine, w. tan, B. and C. tdn. DRUJIDOAN. ' Old Luce.' See under DRUMDON. DRUMDOCH (Inq. ad Cap. 1623, Drumdooche). 'Inch.' Druim dubh [doov, doo], dark ridge. Cf. Dromduff and Drumduff in Ireland. DRUMD6N. ' Glasserton.' Druim donn, brown ridge. DRUMDOXNIES. ' Mochrum.' DRUMD6w. ' Glasserton,' ' Kirkcolm,' ' Kirkcowan,' ' Mochrum.' See under DRUMDOCH. DROID6WN. ' New Luce ' (thrice), ' Old Luce,' ' Penninghame.' See under DRUMDON. DRUMDROCHAT. ' Minigaff.' Druim droicheaid, the ridge of the bridge, bridge-hill (near the bridge over the Penkiln). Cf. Drumnadrochat on the Highland railway, Drumadried in Antrim, Drumadrehid in Clare. See under BARDROCHWOOD. 166 AN TJR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAWHEL. DRUMFAD (P. Drumfad). ' Minigaff,' ' Terregles.' Druim fada, long, or far ridge. This form and Drumfada occur frequently in Ireland. See under DRTJMMODDIE. DRUMFARNACHAN. ' Kirkcolm.' Druim fearnachdn, alder ridge. Cf. Mullafernaghan in Down, Carrowfarnaghan in Cavan. See under BALFERN. DRUMFEATHERIN. ' Penninghame.' DRUMFERN. ' Kirkgunzeon,' ' Minigaff.' Druim fearn, ridge of the alders. See under BALFERN. Cf. DRUMFARNACHAN and DRUMFERNIE. DRTJMFERNIE. ' Parton.' Druim fearna, ridge of the alder-tree. See under BALFERN. DRUMFLEICH. ' New Luce.' Druim fliuch, wet ridge. Cf. Drum- flugh in Ireland. See under CARRICKAFLIOU. DRUMFL6WER [pron. Drumflure]. 'Penninghame.' Druim lobhair [?] [louwer], the leper's, sick, or infirm man's ridge. Cf. Dromalour in Cork, and Drumalure in Cavan. Knocka- lower, in Sligo, is called in English Flowerhill, a similar change to that which it is suggested has taken place in Drumflower. See under BARLURE. DRUMF6RK. ' Dairy.' DRUMFRIEL (Inq. ad Cap. 1616, Drumfrid (misprint}). ' Inch.' DRUMFUNDLE. ' Inch.' Druim Finngael [?], the Norseman's ridge. Cf. CARRICKFUNDLE (in Addenda) and DERWHINDLE. DRUMGALDER. ' Old Luce/ DRUMGLASS (P. Drumglash). ' Balmaghie,' ' Minigaff.' Druim glas, green ridge. DRUMGILL. ' New Abbey.' Druim goill [?], the foreigner's ridge. See under INCHIGUILE. DRUMG6RTH (P. Barnagoirt). ' Kirkcowan.' Druim guirt [?], ridge of the enclosure or garden, o. ERSE gort, gart, a garden or cultivated field (gloss hortus, Zeuss MSS. prsedium, Colgan), more common in Irish names than in Scotch + w. gardd + ICEL. garZr (whence BR. sc. garth) + DAN. gaard + sw. gard + O.H.G. garto, G. garten + RUSS. gorod", a town -f LAT. hortus + GK. ^opro?, an enclosure + A.s. geard, an enclosure, a court (whence M.E. yerd, E. yard). (The M.E. gardin, E. garden, O.F. gardin, F. jardin come from the genitive of O.H.G. garto, a garden.) From Teut. base GARDA = Aryan GHARTA, " a place surrounded " ^/GHAR, to seize, hence to surround ; cf. SKT. kvi, to seize, Mrna, the hand, GK. %etp, the hand (Skeat). THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 167 DnUMG6\VAN. ' Penninghame.' Druim gobhan [gowan], the smith's hill ; or druim gamhan [gowan], the calves' hill (cf. CAWVIS HILL). It is impossible to distinguish between goblian, gen. sing, of gobJia, and gamhan, gen. plur, of gamhan, a calf, o. ERSE gamuin (Cormac). Clonygowan in King's County is written by the Four Masters (A.D. 1576) Cluain- na-ngamhan, meadow of the calves. Cf. Drumgoon, also in Ireland. DRUMGRILLIE. ' Kells.' Dniim greallach [1], dirty ridge, ridge of the clay. ERSE greallach, clay, adj. dirty + ERSE criadh, clay, earth + \v. pridd, earth, priddgalch, calcareous earth, fuller's clay ; c. and B. pri, clay. DRUMHANEY. ' Old Luce.' DRUMHASTIE. ' Borgue.' DRUMHIGH. ' New Abbey.' DRUMHOIPHREY (P. Drumhunchra). ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' DRUMIEMAY. ' Kirkcowan.' Druim a' magha, ridge of the plain. See under MAY. DRTJMJ ARGON ( Cap. 1584, Drumgorgan; P. Druymjargan). ' Kirkinner,' ' Penninghame.' Druim deargdn [dyargan], red ridge. (For use of terminal an see under CARRICKGLASSEN.) Cf. Drumderg in Ireland. Or, possibly, druim Deargain, the ridge of Deargan, or the red man. Cf. Drumyarkin in Fermanagh, i.e. Yarkin's or O'Harkin's ridge. O'Harkin = O'Dheargan. ] ) RU^IJ KXNING. ' Kirkcowan.' DRUMJIN. ' Glasserton.' DRU^IJOHN (P. Drumjowan, Drumjoan). ' Carsphairn,' ' Kirk- gunzeon,' ' Minigaff.' DRUMKARE. ' New.Luce.' Druim caer [?] [kaer], ridge of the berries. Cf. Dromkeare in Kerry, Knockcoolkeare in Limerick, etc. etc. (Joyce ii. 323). DRUMKEEL. ' Balmaclellan,' ' Parton.' Druim caol [keel], narrow ridge. See under CARSKEEL. DRUMLAD. ' Rerwick.' Close to Drumlass and Old Man, show- ing that the names have been corrupted to suit a spurious meanins. 1 68 AN TIR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. DRUMLANE. 'Wigtown.' Druim hathan [lahan, laan], broad ridge. See under AUCHLEAND. DRUMLASS. 'Berwick' Druim leasa [lassa], ridge of the fort, irregular genitive of less, which is the old form of lios, " a house, habitation ; a palace, court ; a fortified place ; en- closures or stalls for cattle " (O'ReiUy). The regular genitive of less is liss, but Joyce mentions an irregular genitive leasa [lassa], to which he refers Gortalassa, Knockalassa, Ballinlass, Ballin- lassa, and Ballinlassy ; while Drumlish, Moylish, and others, are from the form liss. Cf. Drumlease in Leitrim, which is mentioned in an early MS. (Zeuss, Gram. Celt. 2 6 9) as " Druim //>- lias, i.e. jugum tuguriorum" the ridge of the huts, lias being another form of lios. DRUMLAWANTIE. ' Minigaff.' Cf. DRUMAWANTIE. DRUMLAWHINNIE. ' MinigafF.' Druim na mhuine [vinnie], ridge of the thicket or of the mountain. DRUMLEICHT. 'Kirkcolm.' Druim leacht, ridge of the graves. See under LAIGHT. DRUMLEY. ' Kirkcowan.' Druim Hath [lea]; grey ridge. Cf. Drumlea, Drumleagh, in Ireland. DRUMLIEBUIE. ' Kirkcowan.' DRUML6CHLINN. * Mochrum.' Druim Lochlinn, Lauchlan's ridge. See under BARLAUCHLINE. DRUML6CKHART. ' New Luce.' Druim Ifiaehair []], ridge of the rushes. Cf. BARLOCKHART, GLENLOCHAR ; also Drum- lougher, Drumloughra, Letterlougher, Gortlogher, and Lougher in various parts of Ireland. DRUML6SKIE. ' Penninghame.' Druim loisgthe [luskie], burnt ridge. See under CRAIGLOSK. DRUMMACdNNEL. ' Kirkcowan.' Druim ink Connuil, ridge of the son of Connel, M'Connel's ridge. DRUMMANISTER (P. Drummannister). ' Balmaclellan.' Druim mainisdir, ridge of the monastery. See under AUCHMANISTER. DRUMMANOCH. 'Buittle.' Druim manach, ridge of the monks. See under ARNMANNOCH. Cf. DRUMANOGHAN. DRUMMARGIE. 'Kells.' Druim airgidh [?] [argie], ridge of the silver. See under CRAIGNARGET. DRUMMARGUS. ' MinigafF.' See under DRUMMARGIE. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 169 DRUMMARTIN. ' Balmaclellan.' Druim Martinn, Martin's ridge. DRUMMASTON (W. P. MSS. Drummastoun). ' Whithorn.' DRUMMATRANE. ' Kirkcowan.' Druim a' traona [trana], ridge of the corncrake. See under CLONE. DRUMMIEHERON. ' Colvend.' See under DRUMAHERN. DRUMMIEHISLIE. ' New Luce.' Druimin isle [isslie], lower ridge. See under CORVISEL. Cf. DRUMWHISLEY. DRUMMIEMICKIE. ' Kirkcowan.' DRUMMIENELLAN. ' New Luce.' DRUMMIENEZER. ' New Luce.' DRUMMIERAUD. ' New Luce.' Druim a' rathaid [?] [raud], ridge of the road. Cf. KNOCKAROD ; and, in Ireland, Drumaroad, Bal- linroad, Lisnarode, etc. o. ERSE rot (Cormox), ERSE rdd, GAEL. rathad -f- B. rut. Cognate with E. road (which is from A.s. rdd, a journey, from rdd, past tense of ridan, to ride), but not derived from it, as it occurs in the oldest Irish MSS. DRUMMIESUE. ' Old Luce.' Druim a' suidhe [1] [suie], ridge of the seat. DRUMMILLAN (Pow) (P. Drummillem). Druim muileain [mullen], ridge of the mill. See under BARMULLIN. Cf. DRUMMOLLAN, DRUMMULLAN, DRUMMULLIN, and DRUMMILLAN. "Pow, a slow-moving rivulet in flat lands " (Jamieson) A.S. pol, a pool, like la for ball, ha' for hall, etc. DRUMMINARBEL. ' Kirkcowan.' Druim an earbuil [arbil], ridge of the point or extremity. See under DARNARBEL. DRUMMINNOCH. ' Inch.' Druim meadhonach [minnogh], middle ridge. See under BALMINNOCH. Cf. Drummenagh in Armagh, Tyrone, and Fermanagh. DRUMMODDIE (Inq. ad Cap. 1643, Drummadie ; P. Drummady, Drummaddy ; W. P. MSS. Drummaddie). Druim fliada [adda], long or far ridge. Cf. Dromada and Dromadda in various parts of Ireland ; also Banada, which the Four Masters (A.D. 1265) write Beannada and (A.D. 1439) Beann-fhoda ; and Creewood which is given in a charter of King John as Craebh-fhoda. It may, however, be druim madadh [madda], the dog's ridge. See under CLAYMODDIE. 170 AN TIR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. DRUMM6LLAN. ' Whithorn.' See under DRUMMILLAN. DRUMM6NACHAN. * Glasserton.' See under DRUMANOGHAN. DRUMMOND HILL. 'Whithorn.' Dromainn, deriv. ofdruim, with the same meaning, a ridge. Cf. Dromin, Drummin, and Drumans in Ireland ; and in Ulster about twenty townlands are called Drummond. DRUMM6NEY. ' Kirkcowan,' ' New Luce.' Dmim monadh [money], ridge of the moor, or of the peat. See under DALMONEY. DRUMM6NIE. ' Kirkcowan.' See under DRUMMONEY and DAL- MONEY. DRUMM6RAL. ' Whithorn.' DRUMM6RE (P. Druimmoir). ' Kirkmaiden.' Druim m6r, great ridge. Cf. DRUMORE, and, in Ireland, Dromore. DRUMMUCKLOCH (Inq. ad Cap.lQQ2, Drummukloch). 'Inch.' Druim muclaich, ridge of the swine pasture. " Muclach, a herd of swine" (O'Reilly), deriv. of muc. DRUMMtiDDiOCH. 'Dairy.' Dmim m-bodach [muddagh], ridge of the clowns or countrymen. Cf. Ballynamuddagh, now called Clownstown, and Rathnamuddagh, both in West Meath. ERSE and GAEL, bodach, a churl, a rustic, an old man + A.S. bodig, body (M.E. bodi, E. lady, that which confines the soul, a person) + o.H.G. potach + SKT. bandJia, the body, bondage /^/BHADH, to bind. The ERSE bodach has come to be used in a familiar or somewhat contemptuous sense, just as BR. so. body or " buddie." DRUMMULLAN. ' Twynholm.' See under DRUMMILLAN. DRUMMIJLLIN. ' Kirkcolm,' ' Leswalt,' ' Stoneykirk,' ' Whithorn.' See under DRUMMILLAN. DRUMMURRIE. ' Kirkcowan.' Druim Muireadhaicli [murragh], Murphy's or Murray's ridge. Cf. Drummurrie in Ireland. See under BALMURRIE. DRUMNAIL. ' Kirkgunzeon.' Cf. DRUMNEIL. DRUMNAMINSHOCH. 'Minigaff.' Druim nam fhuinnseog [unshog], ridge of the ash-trees. The initial letter of fuinnsedg is often obliterated by aspiration, especially in the northern part of Ireland; and corresponding to Funshion, Funshin, Funshinagh, and Funchoge in the south and west, we find Unshinagh, THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 171 Inshinagh, Unchog, and Hinchoge in the north, also Drumna- nunshin. Of. INSHANKS and KNOCKNINSHOCK. ERSttfuinnse, fuinnsedn, fuinmedg + W. on, ijn, B. onn. DRUMNARBUCK. 'New Luce.' DRUMNAW. ' Urr.' Druim an atha [aa, awe], ridge of the ford. See under CARSNAW. DRUMNEIL. ' Minigaff.' Druim Niaill (Neel), Niel's ridge. See under AUCHNEAL. DRUMNERLIE. ' Old Luce. DRUMNESCAT (Inq. ad Cap. 1582, Drumniscart; P. Druimneskart) 'Mochrum.' Druimin dheisceart [?] [drumminescart], south ridge. Cf. Drumhuskert in Mayo, i.e. druim thuaisceart, northern ridge ; formed in the same way by aspiration and silence of the initial consonant. DRUMNESS (P. Drumness). ' Carsphairn.' Druim an easa [essa], ridge of the cascade. There is a waterfall here on Pulmaddy. See under Ass OF THE GILL. Cf. Dunass on the Shannon, Caherass in Limerick, Owenass, Pollanass, and Poulauassy, elsewhere in Ireland. DRUMORAWHERN. ' Inch.' Druim mdr a' chuirn [hirn], great ridge of the cairn. DRUM6RE (P. Drummoir (' Kirkmabreck ')). ' Kirkcowan,' ' Kirk- mabreck.' See under DRUMMORE. DRUM6URS. ' New Luce.' Druim odhar [owr], grey ridge. DRUMOWRE. 'Minigaff.' See under DRUMOURS. DRUMPAIL (P. Drumpail). ' Old Luce.' Druim pell [?], ridge of the horses, o. ERSE pell, GAEL, peall. DRUMPARK. ' Kirkpatrick Irongray.' Druim pairc [park], ridge of the fields. ERSE and GAEL, pairc + \v. park, parwg, B. park + O.F. pare. The Celtic forms are probably borrowed from the Teutonic. E. park A.s. pearroc (M.E. parrok, now spelt paddock} + ~D\J. perk+swvD. and DAN. park + G. pferch, an en- closure + IT. parco + SP. parque. DRUMQUHAN [pron. Drumwhan). ' Penuinghame.' DRUMRAE (Inq. ad Cap. 1620, Drumroy ; W. P. MSS. Drumra). ' Glasserton.' Druim reidh [?] [ray], smooth ridge, or druim ratha [raa], ridge of the rath or fort. Cf., in the latter sense, Drumragh in Tyrone, spelt Drumrathe in the Inquisitions. DRUMRAKE. ' Kirkmabreck.' 172 AN TlR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. DRUMRANNIE. ' New Luce.' Druim raiihne [rahnie], ridge of the ferns. See under BLAWRANNIE. Cf. DRUMREXNIE ; and, in Ireland, Dromrahnee, Drumrainy, and Drumrane. DRUMRASH (P. Druymcaash (misprint)'). ' Parton.' Druim ras, ridge of the bushes. Cf. RASHXACH. Probably akin to ros. See tinder Ross. DRUMREARIE. ' Kells.' DRUMRENNIE. ' Balmaclellan.' See under DRUMRANNIE. DRUMR6BBIN. ' Twynholm.' DRUMRUCK (Inq. ad Cap. 1625, Drumruckalie ; P. Drumruck). ' Girthon.' DRUMSCALLAN. ' Mochrum.' Druim sgeaUain [1] [sgallan], ridge of the wild mustard. DRUMSHALLOCH. ' Kirkcowan,' ' Penninghame ' (the two places are within a mile of each other). Druim sealg [1] [shallug], the ridge of the chase, of the hunting. Cf. Drumnashaloge in Tyrone, Drumashellig in Queen's County, Derrynashallog in Monaghan, and Ballynashallog in Londonderry. It is quite possible, however, that this may be a softened form of Drumchalloch (q. v.\ or even a corruption of setleach, willows, or of salach, dirty (see under BARSALLOCH). DRUMSHANGAN. ' Girthon.' Druim seangan [shangan], ridge of the ants. See under BARNASHAXGAN DRUMSHUNE. ' Parton.' DRUMSKELLY. ' Crossmichael.' Druim sceilig, ridge of the rocks. See under BALSCALLOCH. DRUMSKEdG [pron. skioghe] (P. Drumskioch). ' Mochrum.' Druim sceithiog [skeyog], ridge of the hawthorns. Cf. Drumskea, in Ireland. See under AUCHENSKEOG. DRUMSLEET. ' Troqueer.' DRUMSOUL. ' Old Luce.' Druim sabhuil [sowl], ridge of the barn or granary. DRUMSTIXCHALL (P. Drumstinchar). ' Col vend.' DRUMSTINCHAR. ' Crossmichael.' DRUMT6WL. ' Glasserton.' GAEL, druim tuaitheal [tooall], north ridge (literally, left-handed). Perhaps Tuathail, Tuathal's or Doual's ridge. DRUMTUTOR. ' Dairy.' Druim t-sudaire [toodery], ridge of the tanner. Cf. LAGTUTOR. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALL OWAY. 173 DRUMTR6DDAN (P. Drumtrodden). ' Mochrum.' Druim trodain, ridge of the quarrel. Three large standing stones here perhaps commemorate the event which is perpetuated in the name. There was also a circular fort, marked in estate survey of 1777, which has now disappeared. Cf. Bally troddan and Carricktroddan in Armagh. DRUMVERGES. ' New Luce.' DRUMV6GIL. ' New Luce.' DRUMWALL. ' Girthon.' Druim gall [1], ridge of the foreigners, the strangers, or of the standing stones. DRUMWALT. ' Mochrum.' DRUMWAVE. ' Kirkcowan.' DRUMWHAR. 'Minigaff.' Druim ghearr [har], short ridge, or druim ghar, near ridge. Cf. Drumgar in Ireland. DRUMWHAT. ' Mochrum.' Druim chat, hill of the wild-cats. See under ALWHAT. DRUMWHILL. ' Kirkmaiden.' Druim chuill [hill], ridge of the hazel. See under BARWHIL. Cf. Drumaquill in Ireland. DRUMWHILLAN. ' Kirkcowan.' Druim chuilinn [hillin], ridge of the holly. See under ALWHILLAN. Cf. Drumacullin, Druma- cullion, Drumcullen, and Drumcullion in Ireland, which are the unaspirated forms. DRUMWHILLANS. ' Kirkmabreck.' See under DRUMWHILLAN. DRUMWHIN. 'Urr.' Druim choin [1] [hin] ridge of the dog. ERSE cu, gen. coin, w. CI+TEUT. type HUN-DA (whence G., DAN., SWED. hund, DU. hand, A.s. hund, E. hound), related to LAT. amis, GK. KVWV, gen. KVVOS. SKT. $uan >\/KWAN, a dog. DRUMWHINNIE. ' Colvend/ ' Kirkgunzeon.' Druim mhuine [?], [vinny], ridge of the moor or thicket. DRUMWHIRN. ' Mochrum.' Druim chuirn [hirn], ridge of the cairn. See under DRUMAHERN. DRUMWHIRNS. ' Penninghame.' See under DRUMWHIRN. DRUMWHIRRAN. ' Kirkcowan.' DRUMWHISLEY. ' Leswalt.' Druim isle [issly], lower ridge. See under DRUMMIEHISLIE. DRUMWH6DYA. Mochrum.' DRUNGANS. ' New Abbey,' ' Berwick,' ' Troqueer.' See under DRANGAN. 174 AN TfR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. DRURY LANE. ' Whithorn.' DRYBURGH. ' Crossmichael.' DUBLOCH. ' Mochrum,' ' New Luce.' See under DOULOCH. DUB OF HASS (P. Haiss). ' Buittle.' The " dub," or pool of the " hals " or " hawse," a narrow glen. See under HAUSE BURN. DuCARROCH. ' Stoneykirk.' DUCHDUBS BURN. 'Inch.' A compound of ERSE dubh [dooh], black, and TEUTONIC dub, a pool. This name appears near Saltcoats, in Ayrshire, as Dudups. DUCHRA (Inq. ad Cap. 1543, Dowchrary ; P. Dochray). ' Stoney- kirk.' Dubh reidh [dooh ray], black meadow. Cf. Dockra, Duchray, and Docraw in Ayrshire. DUCHRAE (P. Dowchra). ' Balmaghie.' See under DUCHRA. DUGLAND (a hill of 2000 feet). ' Carsphairn.' DULLARG (P. Dullarg). ' Parton,' ' Tungland.' Dubh learg, black hill-side. See under LARG. DuLSL,6uGH. ' Kirkcolm, s.c.' DUMBEY or DUNBAE (Inq. ad Cap. 1691, Dumbeg). 'Inch.' Dun beith [bey], fort of the birches. DUMBIE POINT. ' Sorbie, s.c.' DuNAGARROCH. ' Kirkmaiden.' Dundn carrach or garbh [garve, garriv], rough fort. DUNAHASKEL. ' Kirkmaiden.' DUN AN. ' Kirkmaiden.' See under DONNAN. DuNAND6w. * Kirkmaiden.' Dunan dubh [doo], black fort. DUNANREA. * Stoneykirk.' Dun an righ [1] [ree], the king's fort. Cf. Dunaree in Cavan (transl. Kingscourt), and Dinn Righ on the river Barrow. (Four Masters, A.M. 3267, 4658); also Doonaree in Connaught, written Dun na riogh in the Book of Lecan. DUNBAR. ' Kirkbean.' DUNBEG. ' Kirkcolm.' Dun beag, little fort. DUNDEUGH (P. Dungeuch ; Pitcairn, 1515,Dungeuche ; Charters 1630, Dingewche; 1666, Dungeuche; 1674, Dundeuch ; 1700, Dindouch; 1702,DunduflP). 'Carsphairn.' The original form of the name seems to have been Dungeuch. THE TOPO GRAPHY OF GALL OWAY. 175 DUNDREAM. ' Kirkcolm, s.c.' DUNDRENNAN (P. Doundrainan). ' Berwick.' Dun dmigheanan [1] [drannan], fort of the blackthorns. See under DRANGAN. DUNESKET. ' Balmaghie.' Dun dheisceart [escart], south fort. See under DRUMNESCAT. DUNFERMYN. ' Mochrum.' The old name given in Font's atlas to the vitrified fort now called the Doon of May. DUNGAMEN. ' Kirkmaiden.' DUNGARRY. 'Eerwfck.' Dun garlh [garriv], rough fort. Cf. DUNAGARROCH. DUNGEON GLEN, THE. ' New Luce.' Dunagan [?], rocky ; deriv. of dun. Cf. Port Dunagain and Eileandunagan, in lona. DUNGEON (a hill). ' Kells. DUNGEON (a small loch). ' Dairy.' DUNGUILE (a fortified hill of 1453 feet). 'Kelton.' Dun goill (gen. of gall), fort of the foreigner. Cf. INCHIGUILE ; and, in Ireland, Dungall and Donegal, i.e. dun na' gall, fort of the foreigners, the latter of which is frequently mentioned by the Four Masters as Dun-na-nGall. DUNHARBERRY. ' Girthon.' Dun CJiairbre [harbrie], Cairbre's fort. Cairbre is an exceedingly common proper name in the Annals of the Four Masters from A.D. 10 onwards. Under the year 1538 they mention dun Ccairbre (now Doongarbry) in Leitrim ; and the barony of Carbury, in Sligo, takes its name from Cairbre, son of Niall of the Nine Hostages, chief of this territory in St. Patrick's time. DUN HILL. ' Carsphairn.' See under DOONHILL. But Dunhill in Waterford is called in Grace's Annals Donnoil (i.e. dun aille, the fort of the cliff). DUNICHINNIE. ' Kirkmaiden.' DUNIKELLIE. * Kirkmaiden.' DUNJARG. ' Crossmichael.' Dun dearg [dyarg], red fort DuNj6p (P. Dounjopp). ' Tungland.' DUNJUMPIN. ' Colvend.' See under DINCHIMPON. DUNKITTERICK. ' Minigaff.' DUNMAN (P. Doun Man). ' Kirkmaiden.' Dun m-beann [?] [man], fort of the hillocks, gables, or peaks. Cf. Dunnaman in Down and Limerick, Dunnavenny in Londonderry (from 176 AN TfR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. the genit. sing, bheanna), and Dunmanway in Cork (dun m-beann bhuidhe, fort of the yellow hills or peaks), given by the Four Masters (A.D. 1506) as Dun-na-m-beann. DUNM6RE. ' Carsphairn.' Dun mdr, the great fort. Cf. Dun- more in Ireland. DuNMtlCK. ' Kirkmaiden.' Dun muc, fort of the swine. DUNMUIR. ' Kelton.' See under DUNMORE. DUNMURCHIE. ' Kirkcolm.' Dun Murchaidh [murghy, gutt.], Murchadh's fort. See under CRAIGMURCHIE. DfrNNERUM. ' Inch.' DtiNNANCE MOAT. ' Balmaghie.' See under DINNANS. DUNNANEE. ' Minigaff.' Dun an fhiaidh [ee], fort or hill of the deer. See under CRAIGINEE. DIJNNANS CRAIG. ' Dairy.' See under DINNANS. DUNNOTTRIE. ' Minigaff.' Dun uachterach, upper fort. Cf. Moy- otra in Monaghan. DUN60L (a hill of 1777 feet). ' Carsphairn.' DtJNdRROCH or DUN6RA. ' Kirkmaiden.' Dun odhartha [owra], grey fort ; a derivative of odhar, or perhahs dun fhomhorach [awragh], fort of the pirates. DuN6wER. ' Balmaclellan.' Dun odhar [ower], grey fort ; or perhaps the same as Donore, in Meath, which the Four Masters (A.D. 1310), write dun uabhair [ower], the fort of pride, and Castleore in Sligo, which they write caisUn an uabhair. To Donoure, Doonoor, Doonour, Doonore, and Dunover, are assigned the same meaning by Joyce (ii. 473). DuNRdD (P. Dunrod). 'Kirkcudbright.' Dun rathaid [raad], the fort of the road, or from the older form rdd, the fort of the roads. See under DRUMMIERAUD. Cf., with the same meaning, Lisnarode in Queen's County. DUNSKEY (P. Dunskay). ' Port Patrick.' " Scseodunum appel- latur vulgo Dunskey, id est Arx Alata." Madellan. If this be the correct meaning, then the original name would be dun sciathach, the winged fort, from sciath, a wing, a shield, a buckler (O'Reilly). Donaskeagh in Tipperary is written (Four Masters, A.D. 1043), Dun na sciath, the fort of the shields. DUNSKIRLOCH. ' Kirkcolm, s.c.' Dun sceirlack p], rocky fort ; deriv. of weir, a sharp sea-rock (O'ReUfy). THE TOPO GRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 177 DUNSOUR. 'Kirkcolm.' DUN'S WA'S. ' Kirkcudbright.' DUNTING GLEN. ' Stoneykirk.' DUNVEOCH. 'Kells.' Dun fithich [feeugh], the raven's fort. See under BENNAVEOCH. DUNWICK. Kirkcolm.' DUPAL. ' Kirkmaiden.' Dubh [doo] pol, black pool or water. DURHAM HILL. ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' DUTCHMANSTERN. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' DYESTER'S BRAE. ' Stoneykirk.' The dyer's brae ; dyester, a woman who dyes. E. dye A.S. dedgan, to dye, dedg, deah, colour : further origin unknown (Skeat). The suffix ster (A.S. -es-tre), is well explained by Skeat, s.v. Spinster. Originally it was restricted to the female sex, but was gradually ex- tended to the other. DYESTER'S EIG. ' Balmaclellan.' See under DYESTER'S BRAE. DYRHYMPEN. ' Mochrum.' See under LOCH HEMPTON. DYRNAJIAY. ' Mochrum.' Dobhar [dour] na magha, water of the plain. This name, now disused, is that given by Pont to Drumwalt Loch. The farm of May, on the south-western shore of the lake, retains the last syllable of the old name. DYRSNAG. 'Mochrum.' E AGLE CAIRN. ' Kirkmaiden.' Cf. BENYELLARY. EARLSTON (P. Erlstoun). ' Dairy.' The Earl's homestead. Said to have been built by James, Earl of Bothwell, as a hunting- box, whence the name. EDGARTON (P. Egerton, Eggertoun). ' Balmaghie.' Edgar's homestead. EDINGHAM. ' Urr.' EGGERNESS (P. Eggerness ; CJiarter of Roland, Lord of Galloway, circa 1185 (Crauf. MS.), Egernesse). 'Terregles, s.c.' M 1 78 AN TJR-CHUNNTAS GALLGA1DHEL. EGLIN LANE. ' Minigaff.' Cf. Eglin Hole in Nidderdale, York- shire, which Lucas (p. 101) derives from a man's name, a suggestion strengthened by the occurrence of the name Eglin- ton in Ayrshire. EILAH HILL. ' New Luce.' Aileach [ellagh], a stone house or fort, from ail, a stone. " Aileach or ailtheagh, i.e. a name for a habitation, which (name) was given from stones." O'Clery's Glossary. Cf. Elagh in Tyrone, and Ellagh in Mayo and Gal- way. See under CRAIGENALLIE. ELDER HOLM. ' Kells.' The river-meadow of the alders, not " elders," which in BR. sc. would be " bourtrees." M.E. aldyr, previously aller (the d being redundant), BR. SC. and north E. dialect, eller A.S. air + DU. els + ICEL. elrir, elri, olr + SWED. al + DAN. elle, el + O.H.G. elira, erila, erla, G. eller, else + LAT. alnus + LITH. elkszris + RUSS. olecha \/AL, to grow, whence E. elm. The E. elder (M.E. eller} is probably the same word applied to a different tree. ELDRIG or ELRIG (P. Elrick, Elrich; Charter, A.D. 1413 (Crauf. MS.;, Ellerig). ' Kirkcowan,' ' Kirkmaiden,' ' Mochrum,' 'New Luce,' ' Penninghame,' ' Stoneykirk.' A name of very general occurrence all over Scotland. Cf. Olrick in Caith- ness. ELDRIG REE, THE. ' New Luce.' " Ree, a sheep-ree, a permanent sheepfold, surrounded with a wall of stone and peat." Jamieson. ELLERGOWER ROCK. ' Minigaff.' Ail na' gobhar [gower], goat's cliff. See under ALGOWER. EMER'S ISLE. 'Kirkcolm, s.c. 3 ENOCH [pron. Ennogh] (Inq. ad. Cap. 1600, Enoche; P. Enoch). ' Glasserton,' ' Stoneykirk,' ' Whithorn.' Aenach [ennagh], a fair. Cf. Enagh, the name of many places in Ireland. Liable to be confused with earMch [annagh], a bog. ENRICK (P. Ainrik, Ainryick). ' Girthon,' ' Tungland.' ERNAJVIBRIE (Inq. ad Cap. 1628, Irnealmerie; P. Ardnamrie). ' Crossmichael.' The prefix Ern-, occurring six times in this parish, seems to be a local contraction of ard, a height, followed by the article ; it is possibly, however, A.s. cern, a house (see under WHITHORN), which may have found its way into Celtic speech as a loan word. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 179 ERNANITY (P. Ardnannaty). ' Crossmichael.' Ard na annuid, hill of the church. Sec under ANNAT HILL. ERNCR6GO. ' Crossmichael.' ERNESPIE. ' Crossmichael.' Ard an espoic [espick], the bishop's hill. o. ERSE epscop (Cormac, p. 19), easpog, easbog + 'W. esgob, B. escob, C. ispak, escop LAT. episcopus, abishop GK. e7ricr/eo7ro9, an overseer. The gen. espoic occurs in the Leabor Breac, " Do laim Tassaig espoic" " To the hand of Bishop Tassach." Cf. GILLESPIE and QUINTINESPIE ; also, in Ireland, Tullinespick in Down, Monaspick in Wicklow, Killaspy in Kilkenny. ERNFILLAN. ' Crossmichael.' Ard an Fillain, Fillan's hill. The name of St. Fillan, abbot of Pittenweem, is perpetuated in many parts of Scotland. " This hermit saint had a miraculous left hand of glory, which shed from the fingers a splendour that lighted his task of translating the Holy Scriptures. Eobert the Bruce possessed this luminous arm, and had it carried in a silver shrine at the head of his army. Before the battle of Bannockburn, the chaplain, fearing lest it should fall into English hands, placed the marvel-working relic in a place of safety ; but whilst Robert knelt before the empty casket, the door suddenly opened and shut, for the saint him- self had replaced the arm as a sign of coming victory. In gratitude King Robert built St. Fillan's Priory at Killin, on Loch Tay." Mackenzie Walcott, p. 327. See under KIL- FILLAN. ERNMINZIE (P. Ardmynnies). ' Crossmichael.' ERSBAL'S CAVES. ' Stoneykirk, s.c.' ERSOCK (JV. P. MSS., Erssik, Irsak, Irsyk; Charter 1513, Irsalk). ' Glasserton.' ERVIE (Inq. ad Cap. 1600, Urie). 'Kirkcolm.' ESCHONCHAN [pron. Skyoncan] (P. Eshsheskewachan). 'MinigafF.' The prefix is eas, a waterfall. Buchan Burn (q. v.), which is near this place, is spelt by Pont Essbuchany. EWE HILL (1900 feet). ' Carsphairn.' EYES. ' Inch.' EYES OF CRAIGBIRNOCH. ' New Luce.' EYES, RIG OF THE. ' New Luce.' i8o AN TIR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. F; AGAN. ' Minigaff.' FAGRA. ' Berwick.' FAIRGIRTH (P. Fairgirth). ' Kirkcowan.' Fair garth, fair culti- vated field or garden. See under DRUMGORTH. FAIRY KNOWES. ' Inch.' FALBAE. 'Kirkmabreck.' Pholl beith [bey], pool of the birches. The aspirated form of poll is commonly met with as the pre- fix Fal, Phal, or Phil. See under POLBAE. FALCLINTALLACH. ' Mochrum.' FALCUMNOR. 'Mochrum.' FALGUNZEON [pron. gunnion]. ' Kirkgunzeon.' Pholl Gninnin, St. Winnin's pool. See under KIRKGUNZEON. FALHAR. ' Whithorn.' Pholl ghearr [1] [har], short pool. FALKE6WN BURN. ' Kirkmaiden.' FALKIPPER. 'Mochrum.' Phol tiobair, pool of the well. See under TIBBERT. FALLBAE. ' Parton.' See under FALBAE and POLBAE. FALLB6GUE. ' Borgue.' Pholl bot/, soft, boggy pool or stream. See under BOGUE. FALLINCHERRIE CRAIG. ' Kells.' The prefix is probably faill, a cliff, an alternative form of ail!. See under ALCHERRY, which appears to bear the same meaning as FALLINCHERRIE. FALL or FOURS (a field on Dunskey). ' Port Patrick.' BR. so. fauld, an enclosure. FALLREOCH. ' Balmaclellan.' Plwll riabhach [reeagh], grey pool. Cf. LOCHANOUR. FALNAW BURN. ' Kirkmabreck.' Pholl an atha [awe], pool or water of the ford. FALNEAR. ' Mochrum.' FALREADY. ' Penninghame.' FALSHEUCHAN. ' Kirkinner.' See under SHEUCHAN. FALWHIRN. ' Kirkcowan.' Pholl chuirn [hwirn], pool or water of the cairn. Cf. PILWHIRN. FAL WHISTLE. ' Kirkinner.' PMl iseal [1], low pool. See under CORVISEL. THE TOPO GRAPH Y OF GALLOWAY. 1 8 1 FALYOUSE. ' Mochrum.' FANG OF THE MERRICK. ' Minigaff.' The " fang " or claw ; metaph. for the spur of a hill. FANNYGAPPLE (a field on Stewarton farm). 'Kirkinner.' FaicJie na geapul, the field of the horses. 0. ERSE faidche, a green (Cormac), whence BR. SC. " Fey, croft or infield land, Gallo- way." Jamieson. The Cinel-Fathaidh were the people whose descendants, after the tenth century, took the name of O'Fathaidh, now written O'Fahy and Fay, and still further disguised, in obedience either to fashion or to the laws com- pelling the native Irish to assume English names, in the name Green, from the resemblance between the pronunciation of Fathaldh and faithche, a green. FARMALLOCHY. ' Mochrum.' FARRACHBAE. ' Minigaff.' Farrach beith []] [bey], trysting-place of the birches. See under BORGAN FERRACH. FARY HOCK. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' FAULDBANE. ' Mochrum.' Plwll bdn [?], white water ; or per- haps a hybrid name, fauld bdn, the white enclosure. FAULD BURN. 'Mochrum.' The burn of the "fauld" or en- closure. FAULDCARNAHAN. ' New Luce.' Carnochan's " fauld " or en- closure. Carnochan is still a common surname in Galloway, Cairnech, Cearnach, and Cearnachan, occur frequently in the Annals of the Four Masters, the former being a celebrated saint and contemporary of St. Patrick. The name arises from two sources, viz. cearnach, victorious, from cearn, victory, and carnach, a heathen priest (O'Reilly}, i.e. one who officiates at the earn, or cairn. The suffix an is the usual addition to adjectives used as names of men (Top. Poems [55]). FAULDCLANCHIE. ' New Luce. ' A hybrid word, i.e. fauld, an enclosure, and cladh innse [claw inshie], the mound or fence of the meadow-land. The place seems first to have been called Clanchie (see under CLAUNCH), and then called the " fauld " of Clanchie. FAULDINCHIE. ' New Luce.' Prob. a hybrid word, i.e. fauld, an enclosure, innse [inshie], of the meadow-land. Cf. FAULD- CLANCHIE. FAULDRARE, or FULRARE BURN. ' Kirkmabreck.' FAULDROT or FILROTE WELL. ' Mochrum.' i8 2 AN TfR-CHUNNTAS GALLGA1DHEL. FAULDSLAVE. ' Inch.' FELL, in many places, sometimes alone, at others in conjunction with English or Gaelic names, frequently pleonastic. M.E. fel ICEL . fjall, fell, a mountain + DAN. field + SWED, fjiill. ' ' Prob- ably originally applied to an open flat down, and the same word as E. field." Skeat. The prevalence of this word in Galloway hill -names is doubtless owing to the subjection of the province to the Norsemen in the ninth and tenth centuries. FELLNAW. ' Tungland.' See under FALNAW. FELL OF CROOK. ' Mochrum.' Cruach, a hill, or crock, gallows. FELL OF LAGHEAD. ' Girthon.' Hill of the head of the hollow. This name, like Ass OF THE GILL, is polyglot. ICEL. fjall, ERSE lag, E. head. FELLSAVERY. ' Inch.' FELLYENNAN. 'Mochrum.' Pholl, water. There used to be a lakelet here, formerly a swamp. FERNTOWN HILL. ' Port Patrick.' FEYMORE. ' Leswalt.' Faiche mdr, great green field. See under FANNYGAPPLE. Cf. Foymore in Armagh. But Feemore, in Ireland, isfidh mdr, great wood. FILBANE HILL. ' Old Luce.' See under FAULDBANE. FINEN HILL. ' Kirkcolm.' See Font's rendering of Fingland. FINENESS (three syllables) (Inq. ad Cap. 1576, Fynnenes ; 1611, Fynnaneis ; P. Finneness). ' Balmaghie.' FINGLAND (P. Fingen). 'Dairy.' FINLOCK. ' Stoneykirk, s.c.' FINNART. See CAIRNIE FINNART. FINTLOCH (Inq. ad Cap. 1617, Fyntallachie ; P. Fintilloch). ' Kells.' Fionn tulach, white hill. Part of this farm is called Whitehill. Cf. FYNTULLACH. FLECKEDLAND. ' Penninghame.' Broken, variegated land; E. equivalent of ERSE breac. See under AUCHABRICK, KNOCK- BRAKE, etc. Cf. the three names next following, also FRECKIT HILL. FLECKIT HILL. ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' See under FLECKEDLAND. FLECKIT KNOWE. ' Minigaff.' See under FLECKEDLAND. FLECKIT RIG. ' Parton.' See under FLECKEDLAND. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 183 FLEET (P. Fleet) (a river). ' Girthon,' etc. ICEL. fljdt, a stream + DU. vliet, a brook + A.S. fledt, a bay or channel, fleotan, to fleet, glide bye. The regular name for a creek among the marshes of Kent is " fleet." FLEUGH LARG (P. Flularg). ' Penninghame.' Fluich learg, wet land. See under CARRICKAFLIOU and LARG. Cf. FLUSH HILL. FLOAT (Inq, ad Cap. 1616, Floit ; P. Flot). ' Stoneykirk.' Probably " flat " by the regular change of a to o (as in dc to oak). The farm of Flat, in Largs parish, Ayrshire, is called Flote by Pont (CuningJiame, p. 136). FLUSH HILL. ' Kirkcolm.' Wet hill. See under FLEUGH LARG. FOLK BURN. ' Kells.' FOULFLUSH. ' Whithorn, s.c.' Faill fluicli, wet cliff. See under CARRICKAFLIOU and FALLIN CHERRY. FOULFORD. ' Inch. Foul or dirty road. " Ford, way " (Jamieson) ; "E. ford, M.E. ford, forth, a passage, esp. through a river" (Skeat) A.S. ford + G. furt, furth+A.S. faran, to go + DU. varen + ICEL. and SWED. /ara + DAN. fare + o.K.G. faran, C. fahren + GOTH, faran, to go + GK. Tropevo/jiai, I go, travel, TTO/JO?, a way through, Trepdw, I pass through + LAT. experior, I pats through, experientia + SKT. pri, to bring over */PAR, to cross, pass over or through. FOUNTAIN BANNERS. ' New Luce.' FOREMANNOCH (P. Faumenach ; Charter 1799, Forminogh, Fomin- ogh). 'Parton.' Faiche meadhonach [menagh], middle field. See under BALMINNOCH and FANNYGAPPLE. FORKET GLEN. ' Kirkgunzeon.' Forked, divided glen. Cf. GLENHOWL. Fox HUNT. ' Glasserton.' Fox BATTLE. Stoneykirk, s.c.' Rattle, a heap of boulders and debris at the foot of a cliff. M.E. rattlen-A..S. hrcetele, /tra:^ZCT/r, rattlewort, z'.e. the plant that rattles + DU. ratelen,io rattle + G. rassel, a rattle + GK. tcpoTa\.l&tv, to rattle- KRAT, to knock (imitative, as in rat-tat-tat). In the sense of a heap of stones, from the noise made by stones falling from a cliff. FOXES' KATTLE. Kirkmaiden, s.c.' See under Fox RATTLE and INCHSHANNOCH. 184 AN TJR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. Fox YIRD. ' Carsphairn.' Fox earth. BR. sc. " Yird, yerd, earth." Jamieson. The technical expression for a fox's hole in E. is an "earth." BR. sc. yird ICEL. j&rd + T>AK. and SWED. jord + GOTH. airtha + G. erde + A.S. eor%e (whence M.E. eor^e, er^e, erthe, E. earth). FRANCO HILL. ' Kirkcolm.' Franco, a Frenchman. See under AUCHENFRANCO. FRANKIE HILL. ' Minigaff.' See under FRANGO HILL. FRECKET HILL. ' Stoneykirk.' See under FLECKIT HILL. FREUCH (Inq. ad Cap. 1666, Gallindalloch, nunc vocata Frewch). ' Stoneykirk.' Frdech, heather. There are several places in Ireland called Freagh and Freugh. o. ERSEfrdech + vr. grug, B. bruc. FRIAR'S YARD (close to New Abbey). ' New Abbey.' The friar's garden. "Yard, yaird, a garden, properly of pot-herbs. . ' The bonny yard of ancient Eden'; Ferguson.'* Jamieson. M.E. yerd A.S. geard. See under DRUMGORTH. FUFFOCK (a lakelet). ' Minigaff.' FUFFOCK HILL (P. Fuffock; MS. 1527, Fuchik) (1050 feet). ' Twynholm.' FUFFOCK, KILN OF THE. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' FULRARE. ' Kirkmabreck.' See FAULDRARE. FUMART LlGGAT. ' Dairy.' Polecat's gate. " Fowmarte, a polecat." Jamieson. M.E. fulmart, folmart, fulmard. From M.E. ful A. S. ful, foul, stinking, and o.F. marte, martre, a martin ; thus A.S. ful mear , stinking, foul martin =foul martin. But Lucas (Studies in Nidderdale, p. 130) devotes a chapter to show that fowmart, a polecat, is a distinct word from fomud, Yorksh. for the Pine Marten (which has no smell), and which he derives from o. NORSE foa, a fox, and mordr, a martin = the fox-martin, as we speak of the martin-cat. See under LlGGAT- CHEEK. FtiNLAN. 'Mochrum.' FURBAR. ' Kelton.' FtRMisiON CRAIG AND LANE. ' Carsphairn.' FYNTtLLACH (P. Fintilloch). ' Penninghame.' See under FINT- LOCH. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 185 r\ ABARRUNING. 'Kirkmaiden, s.c.' Gab, gob, a mouth, \X beak, snout (O'Reilly}. Applied to the point of a hill or cliff. BR. SC. " gab, gob, the mouth " (Jamiesori), w. gob, a heap, a mound. GAB HILL. ' Kirkmaiden.' Gab, gob, a snout. GABSN6UT. ' New Luce.' Appears to be a pleonastic compound of gab and snout. See under GABARRUNING. GAHARN (a hill of 2000 feet). ' Minigaff.' GAIGRIE. ' Buittle.' See under CAGGRIE. GAIRAL. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' Gar aill []], near cliff. There are several islands off the coast of Ireland called Garinish, i.e. near island. GAIRLAND BURN (P. Ghairland). Gar linn, the near pool, or gearr lin, short pool (the former most likely). Cf. Garline in In- verness-shire. G AIRLOCK (P. Loch of Gherloch). ' Kells.' Gar loch, near loch, or gearr loch, short loch. GAIRY. A name commonly applied to an elevated place, a hill- side (not to be confounded with "garry ") A.S. gdra, a pro- jecting point of land A.S. gdr, a spear. Or perhaps it comes from ICEL. geiri, a triangular piece of land, from geirr, a spear ; BR. sc. " gair, a slip of tender, fertile grass in a barren situation " Jamieson. This is the same as E. " goi'e, a tri- angular piece let into a garment, a triangular slip of land " (Skeat), from the pointed shape. GALA LANE (P. Gallua Lein). ' Carsphairn.' GALDENOCH (Inq. ad Cap. 1543, Galdynnoch). ' Leswalt,' 'Old Luce,' ' Stoneykirk.' Gallnach, a place of foreigners, stranger's dwelling. See under DERGALL. GALE ISLAND. ' Minigaff.' GALLA HILL. ' Penninghame.' The gallows hill (see under CUL- CREUCHIE) galga, gealga, a cross, a gibbet, whence M. E. galwe, by usual change of g to w + ICEL. gdlgi + DAN. and SWED. galge, a gibbet + DU. galg + GOTH, galga, a cross + G. galgen. Koot unknown (Skeat). GALLANT BUOYS. ' Borgue, s.c.' GALLIE CRAIG. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' i86 AN TIR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. GALL KNOWE. ' Berwick.' GALL Moss OF DIRNEAUK ' Kirkcowan.' GALLOWAY, the province comprising the shire of Wigtown and the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright. " During the latter years of Kenneth's reign (A.D. 844-860) a people appear in close association with the Norwegian pirates, and joining in their plundering expeditions, who are termed Gallgaidhel. This name is formed by the combination of the two words ' Gall,' a stranger, a foreigner, and ' Gaidhel,' the national name of the Gaelic race. It was certainly first applied to the people of Galloway, and the proper name of this province, Galwethia, is formed from Galwyddel [pronounced Gallwythel], the Welsh equivalent of Gallgaidhel. It seems to have been applied to them as a Gaelic race under the rule of ' Galls,' or foreigners; Galloway being for centuries a province of the Anglic king- dom of Northumbria, and the term ' Gall ' having been applied to the Saxons before it was almost exclusively appro- priated to the Norwegian and Danish pirates." Skene, Celt. Scot. L 3 1 1 . For the survival of the ERSE form of the name see under DRUMGALGAL. GALLOWAY ISLES. * Minigaff.' The meadows beside the stream called Galhia Lein in Font's map (see GALA LANE). " Isle " is here used in the sense of a meadow beside a stream, just as innis (BR. sc. inch, ink) and eilan are sometimes used in ERSE. See under MILLISLE. GALLOWHAE. ' Kirkinner.' The gallows height A.S. galga hehte, the g becoming ic in M.E. according to rule. See under GALLA HILL. GALLOLECK. ' Colvend.' The gallows stone, a hybrid word, from M.E. gahve, a gallows, and ERSE leac, a stone. " Leek, any stone that stands a strong fire, as greenstone, trap, etc." Jamieson. GALLRINNIES. ' Balmaclellan.' Cf. GILLROANIE. GALTNEY or GALTWAY (formerly a parish, variously written Gata, Gultneyis, etc.). ' Kirkcudbright.' GANNOCH. 'Minigaff.' Gaineach, gainmheach, sandy, a sandy place ; adj. from gains or gaineamh, sand. O'Reilly also gives gainneach, a place where reeds grow. Cf. GENOCH, GLEN- GAINOCH, GLENGUNXOCH ; also, in Ireland, Gannoughs, Gannow and Gannaveen in Galway, Gannaway in Down (called Gannach in the Inquisitions), Gannavagh (gainmheach) in Leitrim, Ganniv in Cork, and Gannew in Donegal. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 187 GARCHEW (Inq. ad Cap. 1580, Garskeogh, alias Garskere vel Gar- kere; 1664, Garneskeoch, alias vocata Garkerie, also Garcherow; P. Garchery). ' Penninghame/ Gar ceathramhaidh [carrou], near land- quarter. The alternative name seems to have been gar sceithiog [skyog], the near hawthorn-tree. See under CARHOWE. GARCHRIE. 'Leswalt/ See under GARCHEW. GARCROGO (P. Garnechraggow, Garcraggow). ' Balmaclellan.' GARGRIE (P. Gargry). ' Kirkcowan/ ' Mochrum.' See under GARCHEW. GARHEUGH (Inq. ad Cap. 1582, Garkerrow; P. Garcherow). ' Mochrum.' See under GARCHEW. GARIXNER STRAND (a stream). ' Kells.' Gar inbher [inver], the near junction (of two streams). GARLAFFIN (a hill of 1050 feet). ' Dairy.' GARLAIKEN. ' Minigaff.' Gar leacain [lackan], the near hill-side. See under LAKIN. GARLICK. ' Minigaff/ Gar leac, the near stone. GARLIEHAWISE. ' Kirkcolm/ GARLIES (P. Ghairlyis, Gairleyis). ' Minigaff.' Gar lios [liss], the near fort. The ruins of a mediaeval castle stand here. GARLOFF (P. Loch of Gherloch). ' New Abbey/ Gar or gearr loch, near or short lake. GARMARTIN (P. Gormairtinn). ' Kirkpatrick Durham/ GAR.MILL. ' Penninghame/ Gar meaU, near hill. O. ERSE mell, ERSE " meall, a globe, a ball ; a lump, a mass, a heap ; a hill, hillock, eminence " (O'Reilly}. Perhaps akin to LAT. moles (E. mole, a pier). In composition sometimes difficult to dis- tinguish from maol, bare ; in fact, as a mountain name, the two words seem to have run together in Welsh, for moel, adj., means towering, piled up, and also bald, bare (Pughe). GARXAVLAHAN. ' Stoneykirk, s.c/ GARNIEMIRE. ' Girthon/ GARNSHOG. ' Mochrum/ Gcarn seobhag [garn shyog], cairn of the hawks. Cf. Carrickshock in Kilkenny. O. ERSE sebac, ERSE seabhac, GAEL, seobhag + w. hebog + O.H.G. Jiapuk, G. habicht -j- A.S. heafoc (whence M.E. hank, hauek, E. hauty + DU. Jiavic + ICEL. Jiaukr + SWED. hok, from Teutonic base HAB, to seize = LAT. capere. 1 88 AN TIR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. GARNSKEOG. * Mochrum.' Cam sceithiog [skeyog], cairn of the hawthorns. GARPEL BURN (P. Garvepool B.). ' Balmaclellan.' Garbh [garve] poll, rough water. GARRACHER (P. Garchur). 'Kirkcowan,' ' Kirkmabreck.' See under GARCHEW. GARRAHASPIN. ' Stoneykirk, s.c.' Of. CASPIN, HESPIN. GARRAMIE. ' Kells. ' GARRARIE (Inq. ad Cap. 1582, Garrore; P. Garery; W. P. MSS. Gararye). ' Glasserton,' ' Kells.' GARRARIE FORD. ' MinigafF.' Robert the Bruce is said to have crossed the Minnick here. GARRIE. ' Stoneykirk.' A word used in Galloway to express a rough, stony space of ground, a moraine garbh [garve, garriv], rough. " A garry o' stanes " is a common expression, GARRIEFAD. 'Kirkmabreck.' Gdradh or gdrrdha fada [garra faada], long garden. This name, Garrienae, and Garrieslae appear in the estate-map of Cuil along with such names as Peggie Murray's garden, J. Adam's garden, M'Kie's garden, etc. Gdrrdlia or gdradh is not to be distinguished in com- position, except by local circumstances, from garbh, carroch, and garradh. It is akin to gort. See under DRUMGORT. GARRIENAE. ' Kirkmabreck.' GARRIES. ' Port Patrick,' ' Stoneykirk.' See under GARRIE. GARRIESLAE. ' Kirkmabreck.' GARRIEWHINS. ' Carsphairn.' GARROCH (P. Garrach) ' Crossmichael,' ' Twynholm.' G-carrach, a rough, stony place. GARROCH BURN. ' Kells.' See under GARROCH. GARROCHTRIE (P. Garachty). ' Kirkmaiden. ' Ceathramhaidh [carrou] uachdarach, the upper land-quarter. See under CURROCHTRIE. GARRYAIRD (P. Garrowatrg, Garyaird). 'Dairy.' Garbh [garve, garriv] ard ; rough height. Cf. Garryard in Ireland. GARRYHARRY. 'Stoneykirk, s.c.' GARRY HILL. ' Balmaclellan.' See under GARRIE. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 189 GARRYHORN (P. Garyhorm). ' Carsphairn,' ' Crossmichael.' GARSALLOCH. ' Kirkcolm.' Gar seUeach, the near willow-tree. Garrysallagh in Cavan and elsewhere is interpreted garadh seileach, willow garden, or garadh salach, dirty garden. See under BARNSALLIE. GARSTUBBIN (P. Garstubb). ' Dairy.' GARTHLAND (P. Garthland; Charter, A.D. 1295 (Crauf. MS.), Garochloyne ; Cliarter, A.D. 1413 (Crauf. MS.) Garrichloyue ; Cliarter, A.D. 1426 (Crauf. MS.), Garflane. ' Stoneykirk.' GARTHLEARY (Inq. ad Cap. 1656, Garthlerie). ' Inch.' Gart Idira, paddock of the mare. Cf. Gartnalaragh in Munster. GARVELLAN (an island in Fleet Bay) (P. Garvellan). ' Girthon.' Garbh [garve] eilean, rough island. Cf. Garvillaun in Ire- land. GARVILLAN. ' Kirkcolm.' See under GARVELLAN. GARVILLAND LOCH (P. Garvellan). 'New Luce.' See under GARVELLAN. GARWACHIE (P. Garvacchy). ' Penninghame.' Garbh acJiadh [garv-aha], rough field. GAR WALL. ' Minigaff.' GASS (P. Gaiss). ' Old Luce.' GATE, (P. Gaits). ' Kells.' " Gate, a way." Jamieson. M.E. gate, yate (the latter form is preserved in BR. SC. yett, a gate) - A.s. geat + DU. gat, a hole, opening, gap, mouth + ICEL. gat, an opening (see under TAYLOR'S GAT), gata, a way, path, street + SWED. gata, a street, lane + DAN. gade, a street 4- GOTH, gatico, a street + G. gasse, a street. From the same root as A.S. gitan, to get, to arrive at, to reach, so that gate = a way to get at anything, a passage (Skeat). GATE CREASE. ' Port Patrick, s.c.' GATEGILL BURN (Inq. ad Cap. 1560, Gait-gill M'llvernok, Gaitgill M'lllinsche; 1602, Gaitgill M'Nische; 1603, Gaitgill Mund- well). ' Girthon.' ICEL. gat gil, the ravine of the gap. See under GATE. GATEHOUSE. ' Girthon.' BR. sc. the house on the ' ; gate " or road. See under GATE. GAVELS MOOR. ' Balmaclellan.' i9o AN TJR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. GAVINGILL. ' Kirkbean.' Prob. the gill or ravine of Cavens, as it is close to the place of that name. See under CAVENS. GAWINTOMS. ' MinigafF.' GED STRAND. * Balmaclellan.' BR. sc. the pike stream. GELSTON (Inq. ad Cap. 1605, Glesto vel Glestoun v. Gelstoun ; P. Ghalstoun; Rag. Roll, 1296, Gevelestone; Robertson's Index, 1300, Gauyliston, Guiliston ; Pitcairn, 1509, Gileston). Kelton.' GENOCH (P. Ganoch). 'Kirkcolm/ 'Old Luce.' See under GAINOCH. GIB, ROUGH. ' Kirkcowan,' ' Wigtown/ BR. sc. gib, a snout, a name for a hill. " The beak or hooked lip of a male salmon." Jamieson. ERSE gob, a snout. See under GAB HILL. GIBANARG (a sea rock). ' Port Patrick, s.c.' Gob an ulrc [?], the swine's snout ; genit. of ore. See under CRAIGGORK and GABARRUNING. GIBBON. ' Rerwick.' Gobin, little snout. Cf. Gubbeen in Cork. GlLH6w. ' Glasserton.' ICEL. gil, a ravine, haug, a hillock, a tumulus, a grave. The ravine of the hillock or grave. It is at the head of Physgill glen. GILLARTHUR. ' New Abbey.' The gill or stream which runs out of Loch Arthur. GILLESPIE (Inq. ad Cap. 1668, Gillespeck ; P. Killespick). 'Old Luce.' Gill espoic [espick], the bishop's cell or chapel. See under ERNESPIE. Cf. Killaspy in Kilkenny, which used to be written Killaspucke, and has dropped the final consonant in the same way as Gillespie. The surname Gillespie, com- mon in Scotland, has a different origin, viz., giolla espoic, the bishop's servant. GlLLFOOT. ' Kirkbean.' The foot of the " gil " or ravine. GiLLRdANiE. ' Kirkcudbright. ' GILLS LOCH. ' Kells.' Loch gile [gilly, hard], loch of the bright- ness. See under LOCH GILL. GILSHIE FEYS (P. Achingilshy). ' Kirkinner.' A hybrid word, guilcJuich, rushy, and BR. sc. feys, meadows. See under AUCHENGILSHIE and FEYMORE. GiRGUNNOCHY. ' Stoneykirk.' Cf. Gargunnock in Stirlingshire. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 191 GIRNIEL. Sorbie.' GIRSTENWOOD (P. Girsten Parck). ' Eerwick.' GIRTHON (a parish in the Stewartry) (P. Girtoun). GIRVELLAN (a peninsula). ' Berwick.' See under GARVELLAN. GLADSMOOR. ' Kirkcolm.' GLAIK (Inq. ad Cap. 1616, Glayk; P. Glaik). 'Leswalt.' Glac, a narrow glen (O'Reilly) ; literally, the palm of the hand. Applied, like most names of hollows, to the neighbouring hill. GLAISTERS (P. Glaisters). ' Kirkpatrick Durham,' Glas tir, green land. E. plur. added. Glaisterlands, near Eowallan in Ayr- shire, shows the English pleonastic addition of lands. Tir + w. tir; allied to LAT. terra = older form tersa + GK. rapcros (Attic rap/309) a stand or frame for drying things upon, any broad, flat surface, akin to torrere,to parch *J TARS, to be dry ; and through this root connected with E. thirst, torrid (Skeat). GLASNICK (P. Glasnick; Inq. ad Cap. 1604, Glasnycht, vulgariter nuncupatus Garglasnycht). ' Penninghame.' GLASSERTON (P. Glastoun) [locally pron. Glais'ton]. A parish. See under WHITHORN. GLASSOCH (P. Glassoch). ' Penninghame.' GlaiseacM [glassaghd], verdure, a grassy place. Cf. Glassoch in Fenwick parish, Ayrshire, which Pont describes thus : " Glasschach, a grassey plot" (Cuninghame, p. 186). GLASTER, RIG OF THE. ' New Luce.' See under GLAISTERS. GLEDE BOG. ' Carsphairn.' Perhaps from BR. so. gleid, glede, a fire (Jamieson) A.S. gled. GLEDMEIN. ' Mochrum.' GLEIKMALLOCH. ' MinigafF.' See under GLAIK. GLENAMOUR (P. Glenaymer). ' MinigafF.' Gleann amuir, glen of the trough. See under BALLOCHANARMOUR. Gleann + w. glyn : derivation uncertain. GLENARM (Charter, 1665, Glenearn). ' Urr.' There is a well- known place of this name in Antrim. GLENCAIRD. ' MinigafF.' Gleann ceard [kaird], glen of the tinkers or workers in metal, o. ERSE cerd, ERSE and GAEL, ceard, whence BR. SC. caird, a gipsy, a travelling tinker, a sturdy beggar (Jamieson). 192 AN TIR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. GLENCHAMBER (P. Gleyschambrach). ' New Luce.' Gleann seamar [shammar], glen of the clover. Pont uses the adjectival form seamrach [shamragh], abounding in clover, which appears in several of the Irish writers in the form scoith-seamrach, flowery with clover. " Seamar, seamrdg, trefoil, white clover, white honeysuckle " (O'Beilly), is used with the usual looseness of botanical names in early times, but seems to mean "clover," which is probably the "shamrokes" mentioned by Spenser as being devoured by the people in time of famine. It would be at least as edible as woodsorrel. Cf. GLENSHIMEROCK ; also Aghnashammer in Fermanagh, Mohernashammer in Eos- common, Knocknashammer in Cavan and Sligo (the latter of which places is also called Clover Hill), Coolnashamrogue in Cork and Limerick, etc. The form Glenchamber arises from an attempt to Anglicise the Scottish word chammer. chalmer, into chamber. Instances of this process may be seen in Gleniron, Old Water. GLENCREE. ' Penninghame.' The glen of the river Cree. GLENCURROCH. ' Kirkcolm, s.c.' ^Gleann corraich [1], glen of the boat, boat glen (it is a glen opening upon the shore), or gleann curraich, glen of the bog or moor (see under CORRA). Corrach, a boat + W. corwyg, a carcase, a trunk (whence cwrwgl, a coracle). GLENDARROCH. ' Kirkcowan.' Gleann darach, glen of the oaks. Cf. Glendarragh in Ireland. GLENEMBE. ' Kirkinner.' GLENFEY. ' Kirkmaiden.' Gleann faiche, glen of the green field. See under FANNYGAPPLE. GLENGAINOCH (P. Glengeynett). ' Girthon.' Gleann gaineach, sandy glen. See under GANNOCH. Cf. Glenganagh in Down. GLENGAP (P. Glenghaip). ' Twynholm.' Probably shortened from GLENGAPPOCH, q.v. GLENGAPPOCH (Inq. ad Cap. 1607, Glengoppock ; P. Glengappock). ' Crossmichael.' Gleann copdgach [?], glen of the dock-leaves. Cf. Glencoppogagh in Tyrone, and many other names in Ireland ending in goppoge and gappoge. GLENGARREN (P. Glengheiren). : MinigafF. Gleann garain, glen of the thicket. " Gardn, thicket, underwood ; Garran, a grove or wood " (O'Reilly) ; or gleann gearrain, glen of the horse. GLENGITTER. ' Leswalt.' THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 193 GLENGRUBOCH. ' Minigaff.' GLENGUNNOCH. ' Parton.' See under GLENGAINOCH. GLENGYRE (P. Glenghyir). ' Kirkcolm.' GLENHAPPLE (Inq. ad Cap. 1645, Glenchappell; P. Glenchappel). ' Inch,' ' Penninghame.' Gleann chapul [happle], the glen of the horses. See under BARHAPPLE. GLENHARVIE. ' New Abbey.' Gleann gharbh [harv], rough glen. Cf. Glengarrif in Ireland. GLENHIE. ' Stoneykirk.' GLENHINNIE. ' Old Luce.' GLENHOISE (P. Klonwhoisk). ' Minigaff.' Cf. BARHOISE. GLENHOWL or GLENHOUL (Barnbarroch, 1563, Glenhovyll; P. Glenhowill; Inq. ad Cap. 1668, Glenhovill). ' Carsphairn,' ' Kirkcowan,' ' Penninghame.' Gleann ghabail [houl], glen of the fork (junction of streams). See under ADDERHALL and FORKET GLEN. Cf. Glengavlin on the Shannon, which the Four Masters (A.D. 1390) write gleann gaibhle. The word also occurs in Ireland as Gole, Goul, Gowel, and dimin. Golan, Goulaun, Gowlan, etc. See GOWLAN GLEN. From gabhal probably comes BR. sc. " Gowl, a hollow between hills. Perthsh. The goul o' a stook, the opening between the sides of a shock of corn. Aberd." Jamieson. GLEN!RON (P. Klonairn). ' Old Luce.' Gleann or cluain iairn, glen or meadow of the iron, or cluain airne, meadow of the sloes. This name is an instance of spelling being modified to interpret a name supposed to be BR. SO. Thus aim is BR. SC. for iron ; Pont shows that the name was so pronounced in his day ; modern writers, looking upon Broad Scotch as corrupt English, have attempted to make the word intelligible by putting it in its present form. The sense remains the same, which in such cases rarely happens; e.g. OLD WATER, GLENCHAMBER, etc. Old Gaulish isarn (Ehys, p. 2 6) -f ERSE iarn, iarand + w. haiarn, B. houarn + ICEL. jdrn (contr. from older isarn) + DU. ijzer+A..S. iren (older {sen}, O.H.G. isarn, G. eisen + GOTH. eisarn. GLEN IRON SEVERAL. ' Old Luce.' Separate Gleniron. See under SEVERAL. GLENJORIE (P. Gleniowarie). ' Kirkcowan,' ' Old Luce.' GLENKENS (Inq. ad Cap. 1550, Glenken). A district in the Stewartry consisting of the parishes of Balmaclellan, Dairy, Kells, and Carsphairn, through which runs the river Ken. N 194 AN TIR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. GLENKILN (P. Glenkill). ' Kirkpatrick Irongray.' GLENKITTEN (P. Glenkitten). ' New Luce.' GLENLAGGAN (formerly Kilcrouchie). ' Parton.' Gleann lagain, glen of the hollow. See under LAGGAN. GLENLAGGIE. ' Port Patrick.' See under GLENLAGGAN. GLENLAIR. ' Parton.' Gleann Idir [1], glen of the mares. GLENLEE. ' Kirkmaiden.' Gleann liath [lee], grey glen. GLENLEY (P. Glenly). ' Kirkgunzeon.' See under GLENLEE. GLENLING (P. Glenling). ' Mochrurn.' GLENL6CHAR. ' Balmaghie.' Gleann luachair, glen of the rushes. See under DRUMLOCKHART. GLENLIJCE. ' Old Luce.' The glen of the Water of Luce. The village of this name was formerly called Ballinglauch. See under LUCE. GLENLtlCKLOCH (Inq. ad Cap. 1663, Glenluchak; Charter 1719, Glenlochoch ; P. Glenluichak). ' Penninghame.' GLENLUFFAN. 'Colvend.' GLENMALLOCH, THE TORS or. ' MinigaflF.' Cf. GLEIKMALLOCH. See under TORRS. GLENNAPP. ' Rerwick.' Cf. Glenapp in Ayrshire, which is prob- ably Glen Alpinn, where Alpin (son of Eochaidh), king of Scottish Dalriada, was slain, A.D. 750 (Skene, Celt. Scot. i. 291). GLEN6GIE (P. Klonvogie). ' Penninghame.' GLENdRCHiE. ' Mochrum.' GLEN6\VRIE (Inq. ad Cap. 1604, Glenure, alias wcata Blairboyis). ' MinigafF.' .Gleann iubhar []] [yure], glen of the yews or of the juniper. See under PALNURE. GLENQUICKEN (P. Glenquikkin). ' Kirkmabreck.' GLENRAZIE [pron. raazie] (P. Klonrassy). ' Penninghame.' GLENRIE. ' Kells.' GLENR6AN. ' Crossmichael.' GLENRIJTHER (Inq. ad Cap. 1600, Clonryddin; P. Kloniridder). ' Penninghame.' GLENSELLIE. ' Old Luce.' Gleann seileach, glen of the willows. See under BARSALLOCH. GLENSHALLOCH. ' MinigaflF.' Gleann sealg [1] [shallug], glen of the hunting. See under DRUMSHALLOCH. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 195 GLENSHIMEROCK (P. Glenshymbrock). ' Dairy.' Gleann seamar- ach [shammeragh], glen of the clover. See under GLEN- CHAMBER. GLENS6NE. New Abbey.' GLENSTdcKADALE (Inq. ad Cap. 1616, Glenstakadaill ; P. Glen- stokkadell). ' Leswalt.' GLENST6CKING. ' Colvend.' Gleann stuadn [?], glen of the little stack or hill. See under STOCKING HILL. GLENSWINTONS (P. Glensuyntouns). GLENTIRROW or GLENTARA. 'Inch.' Of. CRAIGTERRA; also Moytirra in Mayo. GLENTRIPLOCH (P. Glentrybloc; Inq. ad Cap. 1675, Glentriploch). ' Mochrum.' GLENTR60L (contains Loch Trool and Trool Burn) (P. Truiyll, Truyil). * MinigafF.' See under TROOL. GLENTRUIL. ' Borgue.' See under GLENTROOL. GLENVERNOCH (P. Glenbarrana, Glenbarranach). ' Penninghame.' Gleann bhearnach [varnagh], gapped glen. Pont preserves the original unaspirated form. See under CRAIGBERNOCH. GLENWHILLY. ' New Luce.' Gleann choille [h willy], glen of the wood. GLENWILLIE. ' Port Patrick.' See under GLENWHILLY. GLENYERROCK (Inq. ad Cap. 1615, Glenzairock). 'Berwick.' Gleann dhearg [yerrug], red glen. See under BARYERROCK. GLOON BURN and EIG OF GLOON. ' MinigafF.' Gluing [gloong], a shoulder, or glun [gloon], the knee. Cf. Gloonpatrick (Glun Phadruig in the Book of Lecari) in Roscommon, named from a stone said to bear the impression of St. Patrick's knee. In the present case it means a projecting shoulder or " knee " of the hill. Cf. CALF KNEES. GOAT CRAIG (in many places). Cf. CRAIGENGOWER. GOAT STRAND. ' Carsphairn.' The goat stream. GOBAWHILKIN. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' Gob, a snout. See under GABARRUNING. GOLDIELEA (formerly Drungans). ' Troqueer.' Goldie's lea or field, a modern name given by Major Goldie, who owned it in 1799. 196 AN TfR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. GOOL HILL. ' Penninghame.' Gablial [?] [goul], a fork. Cf. Gole, Gowel, Goul, in various parts of Ireland. See under ADDERHALL and GLENHOWL. GORDONSTON (P. Gordonstain). ' Dairy.' Gordon's tun, or homestead. G6RMALHILL. 'Girthon.' Oorm aill [], blue cliif. Cf. Gor- minisli (gorm innis) in Lough Melvin, Gormagh in King's County (gorm achadh). If this derivation happen to be correct, it is the only instance occurring in Galloway of this word gorm, which is frequently used in other Celtic countries. G6RRACHER. ' Kirkcowan.' Gar or gearr achadh [aha], near or short field. GORTIE HILL. ' Kirkcowan.' Gar tigh, near house. See under DRUMATYE. GOUK HILL. ' Whithorn.' BR, sc. Cuckoo's Hill. Gowk is con- nected with the same imitative sound as LAT. cuculus, M.E. cukkoiv, coccou, O.F. and F. coucou, GK. KOKKVJ;, SKT. kokila, all meaning a cuckoo. GOUK THORN. ' Balmaclellan.' See under GOUK HILL. GOUNIE. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' Gamhnach [gownah], a heifer. G6URLEY. ' Kells.' Gow HILL. ' Colvend.' HiU of the gulls [?]. " Gou; the old generic name for the gull." Jamieson. GOWLAN GLEN. ' Penninghame.' Gabhattan [goulan], a little fork (of a stream), dim. ofgabhal (see under ADDERHALL, GLEN- HOWL, GOOL HILL, etc.). Cf. Gowlan, Gowlane, and Gow- laun, in several parts of Ireland. GRACE HILL. ' Old Luce.' GRADDOCK (P. Gradock). ' Minigaff.' Probably connected with . greaddn, the parching of corn in an open fire ; greadadh [graddah], a scorching, whence BR. SC. " G-raddan, grain burnt out of the ear." Jamieson. GRAINY FORD. ' Balmaghie.' Greanach [grannagh], gravelly. Cf. GRANNEY FORD ; and, in Ireland, Greanagh, a stream in Limerick ; Granagh, Grannagh, Granny, and Granig in other counties. Grean [gran], gravel, liable, as Joyce says, to con- fusion in compound words with grdn, grain, and grian, the sun + w. graian, B. grouan, c. grou, probably akin to O.F. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 197 grave (of which O.F. gravelle is a dimin., whence M.E. grauel, E. gravel). Cf. SKT. grdvan, a stone, rock. GRANGE (in many places, such as Grange of Bladenoch, Grange of Cree, of Urr, etc.). A farmhouse. M.E. grange, graunge O.F. graunge. Cf. SPAN, granja, a grange LOW LAT. granea, a barn LAT. granum, corn. GRANNAN. ' Kirkmaiden.' Grianan [greenan], lit. a sunny spot, from grian, the sun. It is glossed by Irish writers solarium, terra Solaris. The usual meaning is the residence of a chief or important personage. Grenan, Greenan, Greenane, and Greenaune, are the names of about forty-five townlands all over Ireland. In another form, Griandg, it gives name to three places in Ireland called Greenoge, and also to Greenock in Scotland. Cf. BARGRENNAN, GRENNAN. For a full account of the word grianan see " The Battle of Magh Rath," p. 7, note. GRANNEY FORD (on the Cree). ' Penninghame.' See under GRAINY FORD. GRAPLIN. ' Borgue.' GRAVE SLUNK. ' Leswalt, s.c.' See under BANDOLIER SLUNK. GREENDASS. ' Kells.' Green ledge. See under BUCKDASS. GREEN ELDRIGS. ' Old Luce.' See under ELDRIG. GREENFAULD. ' Kirkmabreck.' Green fold or enclosure. GREENGAIR HILL. 'Dairy.' Green strip. " Gair, a slip of tender, fertile grass in a barren situation." Jamieson. See under GAIRY. GREENLANE. 'Kelton.' GREENLAW (P. Greenlaw). ' Crossmichael.' Green eminence. BR. SO. law A.s. hlcew, hlaw, " tractus terrse paulatim as- cendens" (BoswortK). GREENMERSE. 'Troqueer.' " Merse. 1. A fertile spot of ground between hills, a hollow. 2. Alluvial land on the side of a river." Jamieson. M.E. mersche, a marsh A.S. mearsc, which is a contraction of mer-isc mere, a mere, pool, lake. GREENTOP. ' New Luce.' English equivalent of Barglass ; q.v. GREENTOP OF DUCHRAE (a hill of 900 feet). ' Dairy.' GREENYARD. 'Twynholm.' Green garden. See under FRIAR'S YARD. 198 AN TJR-CHUNNTAS GALLGATDHEL. GREGGANS. 'New Abbey.' Probably graigdn, a little village, dim. of graig, to which Joyce assigns the origin of Gragane and Graigeen in Limerick, Gragan in Clare, and Grageen in Wexford. GREGGARY. 'Port Patrick, s.c.' GREGORY. ' Kirkgunzeon.' Cf. GREGGARY. GRENCHIE. ' Kells.' GRENNAN (Inq. ad Cap. 1550, Grenane; 1643, Mongreinan ; P. Grenen, Grinen, Granen ; W. P. MSS. Grenane). ' Dairy,' ' Glasserton,' ' Kirkmaiden,' 'MinigafF,' 'Old Luce.' See under GRANNAN. GRETNA. 'Old Luce.' Probably borrowed from the celebrated place of that name. GREY HILL (in several parishes). GREYM6RN. ' Troqueer.' Cf. DRIGMORN. GRIBDIE. * Kirkcudbright.' GR6BDALE (Inq. ad Cap. 1548, Grobdaill; 1611, Groibdaill ; P. Grobdeill). ' Girthon.' GROOSY GLEN. ' Stoneykirk.' Gleann greusach [?], glen of the cobblers. See under BALGRACIE. GUFFOGLAND (M.S. 1527, Guffokland). ' Buittle.' GUILHILL. ' Penninghame.' See KiLLfflLL. GULLY HILL. ' Balmaghie.' " Gully, a channel worn by water." Skeat. A shortened form of gullet, a throat F. goulet, dimin. of O.F. gule, goule (F. gueule) iiAi. gula A/GAR, to devour. Cf. SKT. gri, to devour, gal, to eat. GUNION HILL. ' Mochrum.' Cf. BALLOCHAGUNION. H ACKETLEATHS [pron. -laze] (P. Haketlaiths ; M.S. 1527, Halkokleis ; Synod of Galloway MS. 1664, Hacketlies). ' Buittle.' See under COCKLEATH. HACKLE ROCK. ' Stoneykirk, s.c.' HAG. ' Parton.' Hag is a term used for copsewood ; the year's hag is the part annually cut ; but it also means " Moss ground formerly broken up " (Jamieson). HAGGAMALAG, HOWE HILL OF. ' Whithorn.' THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 199 HA HILL. ' Wigtown.' Hall hill. HAIRY H6RRACH. ' Port Patrick, s.c.' HALFERNE. ' Crossmichael.' HALFMARK. ' Carsphairn.' See under MARK. HALFMIRE. ' Dairy.' HALLMIRE (P. Halmyir). 'Urr.' HALMYRE (Inq. ad Cap, 1604, Nether Kelton alias Halmure). ' Kelton.' Cf. HALFMIRE. HANGMAN HILL. ' Kirkbean.' See under ACHENROCHER. HARDTHORN (P. Harthorn). ' Terregles.' HARKING HILL. ' Borgue.' HART BURN. ' Kirkcudbright.' HASS. ' Buittle.' See under HAUSE BURN. HAUGH WILLIAM. ' Port Patrick, s.c.' " ffaugh, low-lying flat ground, properly on the border of a river, and such as is sometimes overflowed." Jamieson. HAUSE BURN. ' Kells,' ' Kirkgunzeon.' "Hals, hause. 1. The neck. 2. The throat. 3. Any narrow passage. 4. A defile, a narrow passage between hills." Jamieson. A.s. lials, the neck. Used in the same metaphoric sense as ERSE braghad (see under BRADOCK), sluig (see under SLOCHANAWN), and E. gully (see under GULLY HILL). HAWKHILL. 'Kirkinner.' Cf. Hawkhill or Halkshill in the parish of Largs, Ayrshire. The name has nothing to do with " a hawk " (although the proximity of Whauphill suggests an ornithological origin), but is the same word as appears as Halkhead or Halket in Dairy parish, Ayrshire. HELENA ISLAND. ' Old Luce.' Said to have been named in commemoration of Napoleon's imprisonment ; but the name is suspiciously like eilean-na. Perhaps an old name was adapted to a modern historical event. HENMUIR. ' Eerwick.' HENSOL. 'Balmaghie.' A modern name given in recent years by the proprietor, in compliment, it is said, to a friend called Hensol. The old name was Duchra. 200 AN TfR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. HERRIES SLAUGHTER. ' Kirkcudbright.' Pitcairn (Crim. Trials, vol. i. part i. p. 242) records the remission in 1528 of " Andro Hereis, bruper to Williame Lord Hereis (and others) for ]>e tressonabill raising of fyre within fe realme, birnyng of pe peile of Knokschenoch (Knockshinnie, in this parish) ; slauchter of umq le Patrik Hereis, etc." This may be the tragedy which gives. name to this place. HESPIE'S LINN (on the Penkiln). ' Minigaff. HESPIN. ' Whithorn, s.c.' Cf. CASPIN. HESTAN ISLAND (P. Heston Yle). ' Berwick/ HEUGHYARD. ' Kells.' HILLMABREEDIA. ' New Luce.' Chill mo Brighde [Breedia], chapel of St. Brigid or Bride. Cf. BREEDIE BURN and KIRKBRIDE ; also, in Ireland, Kilbreedie and Doonabreedia. Dedications to St. Brigid are very frequent. " The syllables mo and do or da were often prefixed to the names of Irish saints as terms of endearment or reverence ; thus Conna became Mochonna and Dachonna. The diminutives dn, in, and 6g were also often postfixed ; as we find Ernan, Ernog, Baiethin, Baethan, etc. Sometimes the names were greatly changed by these additions ; thus Aedh is the same name as Maedhog (Mo-Aedhog, my little Aedh), though when pronounced they are quite unlike, Aedh being pronounced Ai (to rhyme with day), and Maedhog, Mogue." Joyce, i. 148 note. HILLSBOROUGH. ' Sorbie.' HILLYORE. * Mochrum.' HIND CRAIG (part of Benbrack, just as Craignelder is part of Cairnsmore). ' Kells.' See CRAIGNELDER. HIRLIE (the name of a field). ' Sorbie.' The common cry to cows, in use to this day. Few, perhaps, of Madaggarfs verses are worth repetition, but the following from his Galloway Encyclopaedia are musical and full of rural feeling : 1. " yonder's my Nannie gatherin' the kye, Whar the e'ening sun is beaming, Awa' on the hazly brae, doun by Whar the yellow nits are learning. And aye she cries ' Hurly Hawkie ! String awa', my crummies, to the milking loan, Hurly, hurly hawkie.' THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 201 2. " How sweetly her voice dinnles through my heart, I'll wyle roun' and her foregather, Tak a kiss or twa and then gae part, For fear o' her crusty father. And ( aye she cries ' Hurly hawkie ! String, string awa hame to the milking loan, Hurly, hurly hawkie.' 3. " Now all in a flutter she lies in my arms On the hinny smelling bank o' clover ; Wha would be sae base as steal her charms ? It shall na be me her lover. I'll let her cry ' Hurly, hawkie ! ' And wize the kye hame to the milking loan, Hurly, hurly hawkie. " HODDOM. ' Parton.' Cf. HODDAM in Dumfriesshire. HOG HILL; ' Carsphairn.' Cf. DRUMMUCKLACH, etc. HOGUS POINT. ' Kirkbean.' HOLE CROFT. ' Kirkmabreck.' " Holl, howe ; hollow, deep." Jamieson. HOLE GINKINS. ' Port Patrick.' HOLEHOTJSE. ' Berwick.' HOLLAND ISLE (in the Dee). ' Balmaghie.' "Holland, of or pertaining to the holly." Jamieson. A.S. holen, holegn, holly. See under ALWHILLAN. HOLLEN BUSH. ' Sorbie.' Holly bush. See under ALWHILLAN. HOLLY ISLAND (in the Dee). ' Girthon.' Cf. HOLLAND ISLE. HONEY PIG. ' Old Luce.' HOODIE CAIRN. ' Kirkcowan.' The carrion or hooded crow's cairn. " Huddy craw, a carrion crow." Jamieson. HOOIES, THE. ' Stoneykirk, s.c.' HOPE HILL. ' Kells.' " Hop, hope. A sloping hollow between two hills, or the hollow that is formed between the two ridges on one hill." Jamieson. HORNEY. ' Stoneykirk, s.c.' (twice). 202 AN TIR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. HORNHEAD. ' Penninghame.' HORSE ISLES. 'Buittle,' ' Glasserton.' Horse pasture. Isle, inch, inks are used like the Erse equivalents eilean or oilcan and innis, in the alternative meanings of island or pasture beside a river. See under AUCHNESS. HORSE MOAT. 'Carsphairn.' HOUSTARD. ' Colvend.' HOWE HILL or HAGGAMALAG. ' Whithorn.' HOWE HOLE OF SHADDOCK. ' Whithorn, s.c.' " How, hollow." Jamieson. A.S. holh, a hollow. HOWELL. ' Kirkcudbright.' HOWE OF THE CALDRON, THE. 'Minigaff.' "How, any hollow place." Jamieson. A.s. holh, a hollow, spelt also holg, healoc (whence E. hollow), an extended form of hoi, a hole. Caldron is used figuratively as ERSE coire, a caldron. HOWE POT. ' Minigaff.' See under HOWE OF THE CALDRON. HUMPHREY. 'Mochrum.' Cf. DRUMHUPHREY. HUNGRY STONE. ' Kirkmabreck.' HUNT HA' (P. Hunthall). ' Carsphairn.' Cf. DRUMSHALLOCH. HURKLEDOWN HILL. ' Parton.' I LAN-NA-GtlY. 'Kirkcolm, s.c.' Oilman na gaoith [gwee], island of the winds. See under BARNAGEE. INCH (a parish in the shire). Inis, an island. Named from the natural island in the White Loch of Inch (called by Pont Loch of the Inch), near which the old parish church stood. In Loch Inchcrindle (now called the Black Loch of Inch), which is connected by a canal with the White Loch, there is a large crannog, inis Crindail. Pont calls this L. Ylen Krindil. Inis, gen. inse + w. ynys, B. enes, C. ennis, apparently akin to LAT. insula (whence, through the French, E. isle). Assumes the form of inch in BR. sc., in the sense of island or of holm, i.e. pasture near water ; and inks, or links, pasture liable to be overflowed, or, at least, near the sea, a river, or lake. In Ireland this word appears in place-names as Ennis, Inis, Inish, and Inch. The primary meaning is an island, but it is applied like oiUn, eilean, to pasture or meadow-land near water. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLO WAY. 203 INCH (an island in Kirkcudbright Bay). ' Kirkcudbright.' Inis, an island. INCH (P. Yinch ; W. P. MSS. Inche). ' Sorbie.' Inis, holm or pasture beside water. INCHBANE. ' Kirkcolm.' Inis ban, white holm or pasture. INCHBREAD. ' Inch.' INCHIGUILE. 'Sorbie.' Inis a' Goil, the stranger's holm or pasture. Cf. Inchagoill in Lough Corrib, which the Irish writers render Inis-an-Gfoil-chraibhthigh, the isle of the devout foreigner, namely, Lugnat, pilot of St. Patrick, who established himself as a hermit there. The Hebrides were called by the Chroniclers Innsi-GfaU, the isles' of the foreigners, when they became occupied by the Norsemen, who named them the Sudreyar, or southern isles, a name still preserved in the Bishopric of Sodor and Man. INCHMALLOCH. 'Kirkcowan,' 'Kirkinner.' Probably the same as Inchmulloch. INCHMINNOCH. ' New Luce.' Inis meadhonach [minnogh], middle holm. INCHMULLOCH (P. Inch Mullach). ' Kirkmaiden,' ' Leswalt,' ' Old Luce.' Inis mullaich, holm of the height. iNCHNAGduR. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' Inis na' gobhar [gour], island of the goats. Close by is Slochnagour. See under ALGOWER. INCHSHANNOCH. 'Kirkmaiden, s.c.' Inis sionach [shinnagh], island of the foxes. It is an isolated rock, opposite to which, on the mainland, is a cliff called Foxes' Rattle. See under AUCHENSHINNOCH. INCHSLITHERY. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' INGLESTON (Tnq. ad Cap. 1605, Inglistoun; P. Englishtoun) . ' Twynholm.' The tun, homestead of Inglis or of the Englishman. INK Moss. ' Kirkcowan.' INKS, in several places along the banks of tidal estuaries. Inis, pasture beside water. See under INCH. INNERMESSAN (Inq. ad Cap. 1668, Inuermessan; P. Innermessen). ' Inch.' Inbher [inver] Messain [?], mouth of the Messan Burn. The stream to which Pont sives the name of Messan Burn 204 AN TfR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. does not bear it now, but takes the names of the various farms through which it flows. Innermessan has been tenta- tively identified with Ptolemy's Rerigonium, a town of the Novantes, on Eerigonius Sinus (Loch Ryan). Cf. KNOCK- MASSAN in the next parish. INNERWELL (P. Innerwell). ' Sorbie.' INSHANKS (P. Inschacs, Inchacks; Inq. ad Cap. 1610, Inschanke). 'Kirkcowan, 'Kirkmaiden.' Uinnse, uinnsedg or uinnseann [inshie, inshug, or inshin], the ash-tree. Uinnseann is the word in the north of Ireland which appears as fuinnseann in the south. See under DRUMNAMINSHOG. Cf. Unshog in Armagh, and Hinchoge in Dublin. INSHAW HILL. ' Whithorn.' Uinnse, uinnsedg [inshie, inshug], an ash-tree. See under INSHANKS. IRELAND-TOWN (P. Yrlandstoun). ' Twynholm/ IRONCRAIGIE. ' Balmaclellan.' Ard na creage, height of the crag. Cf. Ardencraig in Bute. See under ERNAMBRIE. IRONGALLOWS. ' Carsphairn.' IRONGRAY (P. Arngra). Kirkpatrick (formerly Kilpatrick) Iron- gray (a parish in the Stewartry). Ard an grdaich [graigh], height of the moor. " Gre"ach, a mountain flat, a level moory place, much the same as reidh. It is common as an element in townland designations in the counties of Cavan, Leitrim, Roscommon, Monaghan, and Fermanagh. Greagh, the usual Anglicised form, is the name of several places, Greaghawillin in Monaghan, the mountain flat of the mill ; Greaghnagleragh in Fermanagh, of the clergy ; Greaghnagee in Cavan, of the wind." Joyce, ii 393. Cf. AUCHENGRAY and KNOCKGRAY. IRONHASH. ' Colvend.' IRONL6SH. 'Balmaclellan.' Ard na loise [1], hill of the fire (O'Reilly). IRONMACANNIE. 'Balmaclellan.' IRONJSIANNOCH. ' Parton.' Ard na' manach, hill of the monks. IRON SLUNK. ' Stoneykirk, s.c.' The " slunk" or gully of the iron. ISLAND BUOY. ' Stoneykirk, s.c.' Oilean buidhe [buie], yellow island. ISLAYFITZ. 'Port Patrick, s.c.' THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 205 ISLE-NA-GARROCH. ' Port Patrick, s.c.' IsLE-NA-G6\VER (on the Bladenoch). ' Kirkcowan.' Oilman na' gobhar [gour], the pasture of the goats. Cf. INCHNAGOUR. ISLE OF LANNA. ' Stoneykirk, s.c.' ISLE OF PINS (in the Fleet K.). ' Girthon.' ISLE RIG (a hill of 800 feet). Dairy.' Aill [?], a cliff (see under ALGOWER) ; or isle, pasture (see under INCH). d ARDINTON. ' Kirkpatrick Irongray.' JARKNESS (a hill). 'Minigaff.' JEAN'S WA'S. ' Balmaclellan.' A place on the Garpel where traces of buildings remain. According to the popular belief Miss Jean Gordon, of the family of Shirmers, having been jilted by her lover, retired to this place, and died of a broken heart. JEDBURGH KNEES (a hill of 2021 feet). ' Carsphairn.' Cf. CALF KNEES. JEXOCH. 'Anwoth.' JERRY PEAK'S CRAIG. ' Minigaff.' JERUSALEM PARK. ' Old Luce.' A field close to Kirkchrist. JIB. ' Kirkmaiden.' Gob, a snout. Cf. GIBB. JOCKLIG (Inq. ad Cap. 1604, Jakleig). ' Colvend.' JORDIELAND. ' Kirkcudbright.' JUNIPER FACE. ' Leswalt, s.c.' The wild juniper, though well- nigh extinct in Galloway, still survives in a few places on the sea cliffs, and inland on the moors of Penninghame. .AINTON. 'Girthon.' KELLS (a parish in the Stewartry) (P. Kells). There are several places of this name in Ireland, the principal, in Meath, deriving from ceann Us, chief fort ; the others, says Joyce (ii. 235), "are all probably the Anglicised plural of till, namely ceaHa [kella], signifying churches." It is more pro- bable that this parish takes its name from coill, wood. KELLS BURN. ' Colvend.' KELTON (a parish in the Stewartry) (P. Keltoun). 206 AN TJR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. KEMPLETON. ' Twynholm.' KENDLUM. ' Berwick. Cf. KENLTTM. KENDOWN. ' Girthon.' Ceann don, brown head or hill. See under CAMBRET. KENICK WOOD (Inq. ad Cap. 1548, Canknok; 1607, Kammuik, v. Kandnik ; 1611, Candnik; P. Keandnick). 'Balmaghie.' Cam cnoc [?], crooked or sloping hill. Cf. CUMNOCK. KENLUM HILL (1001 feet). ' Anwoth.' Cf. KENDLUM. KENMORE (Inq. ad Cap. 1598, Kenmoir ; P. Keandmoir). ' Kirk- cowan.' Ceann mdr, big head. See under CAMBRET. KENMUIR. ' Kirkmaiden,' ' Stoneykirk.' See under KENMORE. KENMURE (P. Kenmoir). ' Balmaclellan.' A place on the river Ken, the moor of the Ken. KENNAN. ' Balmaghie.' Ceanndn, dim. of ceann, a head. KENNANS HILL. ' Tungland.' See under KENNAN. KENTIE BURN and HILL. ' Minigaff.' KEN, WATER OF. ' Carsphairn/ etc. The stream that gives the name to the GLENKENS and to KENMUIR. KEOCH LANE (a stream). ' Carsphairn.' KERBERS. ' Kelton.' KERM!NACHAN. ' Kirkcolm.' Ceathramhaidh [carrou], manachan, quarter-land of the monks. Referred to in Inq. ad Cap. 1590, as " Monkis Croft, pertaining to the Abbey of Glenluce." KET, THE (a stream). ' Whithorn.' KEVAN BRAES. ' Whithorn.' Cabhdn [cavan], a hollow. See under CAVAN. KEVANDS (W. P. MSS., Crugiltoun Kevennis ; Inq. ad Cap. 1695, Cavenscroft). ' Sorbie.' Cabhdn, a hollow. KEVAN Ho^'i:. ' \Vhithorn.' Cabhdn, a hollow, and BR. sc. howe, hollow (pleonastic). KIBBERTIE KITE WELL. ' Kirkmaiden.' Tiobar Ugh Cait, the well of Kate's house. Catherine's croft is the name of the adjacent land, the remains of an early dedication to St. Catherine. The change from tiobar to chipper and kibber is a common one. See under TIBBERT. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 207 KIDSDALE ( W, P. MSS. Kiddisdaill). ' Glasserton.' KILBREEN. ' Stoneykirk.' KiLBtiiE. ' Kirkmaiden.' It is impossible to distinguish, except by local circumstances, between till, a cell or chapel, and coill, a wood. Cuil, a corner, and cul, a back, posterior part, also get corrupted into the same sound. This is probably coill buidhe, yellow wood, like Kilboy in Ireland. KILCORMACK or KiRKCORMACK (Inq. ad Cap. 1605, Kirkcormok). ' Kelton.' Cill Cormaic, Cormac's cell or chapel. Skene mentions this place as the only known dedication in Scotland to St. Cormac-na-Liathain ; but the old name of the parish of North Knapdale was Killmochormac. For an account of Cormac's life see Reeves s Adamnan, ii. 42 and iii. 17, pp. 166 and 219, and Celt. Scot. ii. 131. o. ERSE cell (kell), ERSE cill (kill), literally, a cell, hence an oratory, a church LAT. cella + GK. Ka\ia, a hut + SET. khala, a threshing-floor ; cdld, a stable, a house /y/KAL, to hide (whence LAT. celare, E. conceal). KILCROUCHIE (now called Glenlaggan) (P. Coulcreachie). ' Parton.' Cuil croiche, the gallows corner. KILDARROCH (P. Kildarrac). 'Kirkinner.' Coill darach, oak wood. See under AUCHENDARROCH. KILDONAN (P. Kildonnan). ' Stoneykirk.' Gil Donain, St. Donnan's church. St. Donnan was an Irish disciple of St. Columba, and was put to death, with fifty companions, in the island of Egg by a band of pirates in 617. Places called Kildonan and Kildonnan, perpetuating his memory, exist in Egg, in Sutherland, in South Uist, in Ross-shire, Skye, Argyllshire, Arran, and Ayrshire (Reeves's Adamnan, p. 309). KILDROCH BURN. ' Kirkmaiden.' KiLDR6cHAT (Inq. ad Cap. 1543, Killedroquhat ; P. Kernadrochat). ' Stoneykirk.' Coill, cul, cuil, or cill droichid, the wood, back, corner, or church of the bridge. Cf. (in the latter sense) Kildrought in Kildare. See under BARDROCHWOOD. KILFAD. ' Kirkinner.' Cuil fada, long corner. KiLFAiRY (near the ruins of Kilgallioch). ' Kirkcowan.' 208 AN TJR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. KILFEATHER (P. Kildhelir (misprint)). ' New Luce.' Gill Phetir or Pheadair (St.) Peter's church. Though there are here no ecclesiastical ruins that can be traced, yet the names im- mediately adjacent, Altibrair, Knockiebriar, Altaggart, bear evidence of religious occupation. Cf. Kilpeter in South Uist, sometimes written Kilphedre. See under CASTLE FEATHER. KILFERN. ' Twynholm.' Coill fearn [kill farn], alder wood. See under BALFERN. KILFILLAN (P. Kilphillen, Kilphillan (' Sorbie ')). ' Old Luce,' ' Sorbie.' Cill Faolain, Fillan's church. St. Faolan of Cluain- Maoscna in West Meath, known in Scotland as St. Fillan, left his crozier, now called the Quegrith, in the hands of one of the pilgrims who accompanied him in his wanderings. It is now in the Museum of Scottish Antiquaries. St. Fillan was called 'an lobar,' the leper. See under BARLURE and ERNFILLAN. KILGALLIOCH (P. Kilgaillach ; Inq. ad Cap. 16.00, Cullingalloch ; 1698, Killgalloch). ' Kirk cowan.' Cill gaUach []], the church of the standing stones, adjective formed from gall, a standing stone (see under DERGALL), like carrach, rocky, from carr, a stone (Joyce, i. 344). Cf. Cangullia in Kerry (ceann gaille), and several places in Ireland called Gallagh. Kil- gallioch is close to Laggangarn, where there are some very remarkable standing stones (see under LAGGANGARN). There are some interesting remains here. Close by the site of the old church, which has been pulled to pieces for dyke-building, there are three holy wells (Wells of the Rees), each under a separate dome of rough stones. KlLHERN. ' New Luce.' Cul chuirn [1] [him], hill-back of the cairn. Remains of a large cairn exist here, enclosing eight cists made of immense stones. It is called, locally, the Caves of Kilhern. Cf. KILQUHIRN and KILWHIRN ; also, in Ire- land, Kilcarn, which is from the genit. plur. earn. KILHILT (Barnbarroch, 1 568, Kenhelt ; P. Kinhilt). ' Port Patrick.' Ceann elite [?], the hill of the hind. Cf. Annahilt in Down, Cloonelt in Roscommon. See under CARNELTOCH. KILL AD AM. ' Kirkcowan.' KILLANTRAE (Inq. ad Cap. 1582, Kerantra; 1600, Kerintraye ; P. Killentrae). ' Mochrum.' Ceathramhaidh [carrou] cill or cathair [caer] an traigh, land-quarter, church, or fort of the shore. See under DRUMANTRAE. TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLO WA Y. 209 KILLANTRINGAN (P. Kilantrinzean). ' Port Patrick.' Gill sheant [hant] Ringain, church of St. Ringan, another form of Ninian. See under CHIPPERDINGAN and CLAYSHANT. KILLASER (Barnbarroch, 1562, Kyllasser; P. Killaister). ' Stoney- kirk.' KILLAUCHIE. ' Penninghame.' Cuil or cul achaidh [aghie], corner or back of the field. But cf. Cill achaidh, or the church of the field, in the Martyrology of Donegal. KlLLBR6CKS. ' Inch.' Coill broc, wood of the badgers. KILLEAL (Inq. ad Cap. 1604, Kilzeild ; P. Coulleill). 'Penning- hame.' KILLERAN. ' Girthon.' KILLERN (Inq. ad Cap. 1575, Killerne; 1611, Killarne; P. Kill- orin). ' Anwoth.' Doubtful whether this is a dedication to St. Kieran (see under CHIPPERHERON) or, as Font's render- ing suggests, to Odhran [Oran], a co-temporary of Columba at Hy, whose name is lent to Killoran in Colon say. KILLHILL, THE, or GUILHILL. ' Penninghame.' The hill of the kill or kiln, for drying grain. The BR. SC. kill preserves one of the M.E. forms given in the Promptorium Parvulorum (1440), " kylne, hjll, for malt dryynge." A.S. cyln. The n is integral, as the word is borrowed from LAT. culina, a kitchen. KILLIBRAKES. ' Mochrum.' Coillidh brec [killy brake], dappled, variegated woodland. Coillidh, woodland, a deriv. of coill. See under AUCHABRICK and BARNHILLIE. KiLLiEG6wAN (Inq. ad Cap. 1604, Killigoune; P. Killigawin). 'Anwoth.' Coillidh gobhan [killy gown], the blacksmith's wood. KILLIEMACUDDICAN. ' Kirkcolm.' CUle mo Cudachain [?], church of St. Cuthbert. Apparently a diminutive of the name of the famous saint. See under KIRKCUDBRIGHT. KILLIEM6RE (P. Kaillymort). ' Penninghame.' Coillidh [killy] mdr, great wood. Cf. CULMORE. KILLIMINGAN. ' Kirkgunzeon.' KILLINESS (P. Kelly ness). ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' KiLL6cHiE. ' Balmaclellan.' Cf. KILLAUCHIE. KlLLUMPHA (Inq. ad Cap. 1661, Kilumpha-Agnew ; P. Killumpha). ' Kirkmaiden.' 210 AN TJR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. KiLLYBdY. * Kirkinner.' Coillidh buidhe [killy huie], yellow woodland. Cf. KILBUIE. KlLLYL6uR. 'Kirkpatrick Irongray.' Perhaps cill an lobhair [lour], St. Fillan the Leper's church. See under BARLURE and KlLFILLAN. KILLYMIJCK or KiLLiNiMtiCK (Inq. ad Cap. 1633, Kelenemuck). ' Penninghame.' Coillidh [killy] na muc, wood of the swine. See under CLACHANAMUCK. KILLYWHAN. ' Kirkgunzeon.' KILMACFADZEAN (P. Kilmakphadzen). ' New Luce.' Cill mic Phaidin, the cell or church of the son of Paidin, or little Patrick ; Macfadzean's church. See under BARFADDEN. KILMALLOCH. ' New Luce.' KILM6RIE (Inq. ad Cap. 1668, Kilmirring). 'Kirkcolm.' Cill Muire, (St.) Mary's church. There are about fifty townlands in Ireland called Kilmurry and Kilmorey. W. Meir, Mair, Mary. KILNAIR. ' Kells.' KILNBUT. ' Kells.' Cuil na boc [?], corner of the he-goats. See under AUCHNIEBUT. KILQUHIRN [pron. Kilhwern]. ' Wigtown.' Cill, cuil, or coillchuirn [hirn], the church, corner, or wood of the cairn. See under KlLHERN. KiLQTJH6coDALE (Inq. ad Cap. 1670, Killquhowdaill ; P. Kail- chockadale). ' Kirkcowan.' KILSTAY. ' Kirkmaiden.' KILSTIJRE (P. Kilstyre; Inq. ad Cap. 1620, Kilsture; W. P. MSS. Calstuir). ' Sorbie.' KlLTERSAN (P. Kiltersan). ' Kirkcowan.' Coill tarsuinn, the wood athwart. But cf. Kiltarsna, written cill tarsna (the church of the crossing), in the Martyrology of Donegal. See under BALTERSAN. KILWHANIDY (P. Kilwhonnaty ; JFar Committee, 1640, Kilquhen- nady). ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' KILWHIRN. ' Kirkmabreck.' See under KILHERN. KiNclRRACK. 'Kirkbean.' Ceann [ken] carroch, rocky hill, or ceann carric, head of the crag. KINDEE. 'Kirkmaiden, s.c.' Ceann dubh [doo, duv], black head. Dubh often becomes dee in composition. On the opposite coast of Antrim is Kenbane (ceann ban), the white headland. Cf. Kinduff in Ireland. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 211 KINDRAM (P. Keandramm). ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' Ceann droma, head of the ridge ; genitive of druim. KINGANTON. ' Borgue.' KING'S LAGGAN. ' Anwoth.' KING'S WELL (within the old fortifications at the Mull of Gallo- way, and near two other wells called KIPPERNED and KIBBERTIE KITE WELL). ' Kirkmaiden.' KINHARVIE (P. Kinharvy). ' New Abbey.' Ceann gharbh [harve], rough head. Cf. Kingarve, Kingarrow, and Kingarriff in Ireland, o. ERSE garb, rough, ERSE and GAEL, garbh. KIPP (P. Kipp). ' Colvend.' " Kip. 1. A sharp pointed hill. 2. Those parts of a mountain which resemble round knobs, jutting out by the side of the cattle path." Jamieson. Prob- ably from ERSE ceap [cap], gen. dp, a tree-stock, stump, or block. O'Reilly also gives to ceap the meaning of " a piece of ground." KIPPERNED. 'Kirkcolm.' Tlobar, a well. See under CHIPPER- HERON. KIPPFORD. ' Colvend.' The road or ford of Kipp. Cf. Knockakip in Clare, which the Four Masters (A.D. 1573) write Bel-an-chip, the (ford) mouth of the dp or tree-trunk. KIRBREEN or KIRKBREEN (P. Keribroyn). ' Kirkinner.' Ceath- ramhaidh bruigheain [?] [carrou breen], land-quarter of the dwelling-house. See under CURROCHTREE and BORGUE. KIRCALLA. ' Penninghame.' The only evidence of ecclesiastical occupation here is that a hill close by is called BARNEYCLEARY, q. v. KIRCLACHIE. * Inch.' Ceathramhaidh [carrou] cloiche [1], land- quarter of the stone. See under CARHOWE. KIRCL6Y. ' Mochrum.' See under KIRCLACHIE. KIRKANDERS or KIRKANDREWS (formerly a parish) (W. P. MSS. Kirkandirrs ; Rag. Roll. Eglise de Kircandres). ' Borgue.' Circ Aindrea, church of (St.) Andrew. BR. SO. &r& = M.E. chirch, chireche, Jcirk, kirke A.s. cyrice, arc + DU. JcerJc + DAN. kirke + SWED. kyrka + ICEL. kirkja + O.H.G. chiricha, G. kirche GK. Kvpiaicov, a church icvpios, the Lord. Occupying, as it frequently does, the first part of a name, it is easy to see that it has been substituted for the ERSE dll, or made inter- changeable as A.S. speech spread among the Celtic population. 212 AN TlR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. In names of directly A.S. or BR. SC. origin circ is placed last, such as Stoneykirk (Steenie's or St. Stephen's kirk). In Ireland, whither A.s. speech did not penetrate, circ does not appear in the topography. See under KIRKLEBRIDE. KlRKBEAN (a parish in the Stewartry) (P. Kirbyinn). Circ Beain, Bean's church; Bishop of Mortlach about A.D. 1012. Near Mortlach is Balvanie, written in Irish Bal-bheni mor, the dwelling of Bean the Great. Kal. Scot. Saints, p. 277. KIRKBRIDE (P. Kirkbryid ; Charter by Uchtred, Lord of Galloway, 1170, Ecclesia Sanctae Brigide de Blacket). ' Kirkgunzeon/ ' Kirkmabreck,' ' Kirkmaiden.' Circ Brighde, (St.) Brigid's church. The 'Mary of Ireland,' who died in 523, was extensively honoured in Scotland. KIRKCARSEL (Barribarroch, 1562, Kyrcarsall, Kyr-castell). 'Rer- wick.' KiRKCiAUGH (Inq. ad Cap. 1605, Kirreclaugh ; P. Kareclauch ; War Committee, 1640, Kirriclauche). 'Anwoth,' ' Buittle.' Ceathramhaidh clach, land-quarter of the stones, as Carrowna- gloch in Connaught, which is written Ceathramhaidh-na-gcloch in the Book of Lecan. Cf. KIRCLACHIE. KlRKCHRiST (P. Kirkcrist, Kirkchrist). ' Kirkcudbright,' ' Old Luce,' ' Penninghame.' Circ Crioisd, Christ's kirk. KlRKCbLM [pron. Kirkcum] (Act. Ed. I., A.D. 1296, Kyrkum). Circ Coluim, (St.) Columba's church. Dr. Reeves enumerates fifty-six of this celebrated saint's dedications and foundations in Scotland. KlRKCdNNEL (P. Karkonnell, Kirkonnell). ' Tungland.' Circ Connaill, church of (St.) Connall. Cf. Tirconnel in Ireland, called Terra Connallea in a MS. life of St. Modvenna. A semi- vowel has been dropped ; the name was formerly Convall, as is shown in another life of St. Modvenna, where Tirconnell is called populus Convalleorum = W. Cynwal, O. W. Conffual, and, on an inscribed stone in Cornwall, CVNOVALI (Rhys, p. 86). "There are seven saints of this name in the Irish lists. It is impossible to identify any of them with him who gives his name to Kirkconnell." Kal. Scot. Saints, p. 311. KiRKc6RMACK. ' Kelton.' See under KILCORMACK. KlRKCbwAN (a parish in the shire) (Synod of Galloway MS. 1664, Kirkuan). Circ Comhghain [cowan], Comgan's church. He was the brother of St. Caentigerna (the recluse of Inch THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 213 Cailleach on Loch Lomond), and uncle of St. Fillan. He fled from Ireland to Ross-shire, where there is a dedication to him, Kilchoan, as well as numerous others in Scotland. Kal. Scot Saints, p. 310. Simpson remarks the name is pronounced (as at the present day) Kircuan. Cf. LINCUAN. KIRKCUDBRIGHT [pron. Kirkqoobry] (Rag. Roll, Kircuthbright ; Maclellan, Fanum Cudberti ; P. Kircubright). ' Kirkcud- bright.' A.S. circ Cuisbert, Cuthbert's kirk. " On one occasion Cudberct went to the land of the ' Niduari Picts,' or Picts of Galloway, who were then under the dominion of the Angles. He is described as quitting his monastery (Melrose) on some affairs that required his presence, and embarking on board a vessel for the land of the Picts who are called Niduari, accompanied by two of the brethren, one of whom reported the incident. They arrived there the day after Christmas, expecting a speedy return, for the sea was smooth and the wind favourable ; but they had no sooner reached the land than a tempest arose, by which they were detained for several days exposed to hunger and cold ; but they were, by the prayers of the saint, supplied with food under a cliff where he was wont to pray during the watches of the night ; and on the fourth day the tempest ceased, and they were brought by a prosperous breeze to their own country. The traces of this visit have been left in the name Kirkcudbright." Skene (quoting Bede's Fit. S. Cud.), Celtic Scotland, ii. 208. KIRKDALE [pron. Curdle, formerly a parish] (P. Kirkdall; W. P. MSS. Kirkdaill). ' Kirkmabreck.' AS. circ dcel, church por- tion, i.e. glebe. KIRKENNAN (Inq. ad Cap. 1611, Kirkcunane, Kirkinane P. Kerekennan). ' Buittle,' ' Minigaff.' Kirk Adhamhnain [?] [eunan], (St.) Adamnan's church. Although there is no authority for adding these places to the list of Scottish dedications to this Saint given by Dr. Reeves (Adamnan, Ixv.), yet the similarity of the name to those of other places sacred to his memory certainly suggest it, especially the old spelling, Kirkcunane. Cf. Killeunan in Argyllshire, Killonan in Limerick, etc. Perhaps circ Fhinnain [innan], a dedication to St. Inan or Finnan. See under KIRKGUNZEON. KiRKEftcH (P. Kirkock). ' Twynholm.' KIRKGUNZEON [pron. Kirkgunnion] (a parish in the Stewartry) (P. Kirkguinnan, Carguinnan ; Charters of 1 2th century 2i 4 AN TtR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. Kirkwinnyn and Kirkwynnin). Circ Finnain, St. Winnin's church. On the church bell, cast in 1640, Kirkwinong. Kilwinning and Southennan in Ayrshire are dedicated to the same Saint, whom Dr. Skene identifies with the Welsh Saint Vynnyn or Ffinnan, i.e. St. Finnan of Clonard, educated by St. Patrick, and patron of Lumphanan in Aberdeenshire, the name of which is a corruption "of the Welsh Llanffinan. KiRKHdBBLE (P. Kerychapell ; Inq. ad Cap. 1645, Keirchappell). ' Penninghame.' Ceathramhaidh chaipeail [carrou happle], the quarter-land of the chapel. The next farm is GLENHAPPLE, q.v. See also under BARHAPPLE. KIRKINNA. ' Parton.' KIRKINNER (Inq. ad Cap. 1584, Kirkinver ; P. Kirkynnuir). * Kirkinner.' Kirk Cennera, St. Kennera's Church. St. Kennera, virgin and martyr, was one of the maidens who accompanied St. Ursula to Kome. Her story is told at length in the Breviarium dberdonense, vol. i. fol. cxxxiii. et seq. She lived with her parents, Aurelius and Florencia, " in Orchada minore ad urbem didam Orchadam." On returning from Eome, when St. Ursula and the other virgins were massacred at Cologna, the king of the Rhine " ob ejus eliganciam miram motus " (moved by her wonderful beauty) threw his cloak over her and took her to the Rhenish town where he dwelt. There she lived a life of piety, " ibat de virtute in virtutem," and be- came so honoured by the king that he gave into her charge the keys of his realm, and preferred her above all his house- hold. Not unnaturally the queen became jealous, and tried to make him believe evil of Kennera. " Sed quia vincit opus verbum" the king would not believe the slander, so the queen resolved upon the removal of the maiden. The king having gone hunting, she caused Kennera to be strangled with a towel (manitergium) and buried in the stable. On the king's return he asked at once where was Kennera. The queen replied that while he had been absent the parents of the maiden had come and taken her away. Meanwhile the king's horse, having been led round to the stable where Kennera was buried, neither by blows nor coaxing could he be induced to enter. He was therefore taken to another stable which he entered at once. The king went to bed, but was aroused by his groom, who, having had occasion to enter the stable where Kennera lay, was terrified at seeing burning candles in the form of a cross. Accompanied by his house- hold the king entered the stable, where the candles still were THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 215 burning. On his approach they disappeared ; but on search being made the newly-disturbed floor led to the discovery of the body of Kennera with the napkin round her neck. She was canonised, and the 27th October set apart as her day. Seta. Kenera vgo. el mr. patrona de Kirkyner in Galwedia. Chalmers says the old name of Kirkinner was CARNESMOEL, and quotes, among others, a charter of Edward II. in 1319, giving presentation to Carnesmeol in the diocese of Candida Casa. KIRKLAND, in many places, = church land, glebe. KIRKLANE. ' Kelton.' The stream of the church. KiRKLAUCHLANE (Inq. ad Cap. 1596, Kerelauchleine; P. Keir- lachline). ' Stoneykirk.' Cathair [caher] Lochlinn, Lauchlan's fort. See under BARLAUCHLINE. o. ERSE cathir + w. and c. caer, B. karia. KIRKLEBRIDE (P. Kirkilbryde). ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' Kirk till Brighde, (St.) Brigid's church. We have here the BR. SC. kirk prefixed to the ERSE rill Brighde. See under KIRK- ANDERS and KIRKBRIDE. KIRKLEISH. ' Kirkmaiden.' KIRKLOCH. ' Minigafi".' KIRKMABRECK. A parish in the Stewartry. Circ mo Brice, church of St. Bricius or Brecan. (For the use of the pronoun mo, see under HILLMABREEDIA.) Of Bricius (episcopus et confessor) it is narrated in the Aberdeen Breviary that in his youth he bore great enmity to St. Martin. Once, when a certain sick person was seeking St. Martin, Bricius mocked him, saying : " If you are looking for that madman, there he is, staring at the sky as usual, like a lunatic." When he afterwards denied having said this, Martin said : " I have obtained this from God, that you shall be bishop after me ; but know this, that in your bishopric you shall encounter much tribulation." Bricius, hearing this, derided him, and continued in enmity to him ; but the blessed Martin was ever praying for him, saying : " If Christ bore with Judas, why shall I not bear with Bricius?" For the rest of his acts see the Aberdeen Breviary, vol. i. fol. clix. Another saint, whose name may be commemorated in KIRKMABRECK, is Brioc or Brieuc, a disciple of Germanus of Auxerre, and the patron saint of Rothesay. Bryak Fair is mentioned at the 16th Nov. in the Aberdeen Almanack 1665, and DUNROD, in the Stewartry, was dedicated to St. Mary and St. Brioc. Kal. Scot. Saints, p. 291. 216 AN TJR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. KIRKMABRICK (P. Kirkmabrick). ' Stoneykirk.' See under KIRK- MABRECK. KIRKMADRINE [pron. Kirkmadreen] (P. K. Madrym). ' Sorbie.' * Stoneykirk.' Both of these were formerly parishes. Dr. Stuart held that they were Gaulish dedications to Mathurinus of Sens, but Bishop Fwbes holds with more probability that Medran, mentioned in the Martyrology of Donegal, is herein commemorated. KlRKMAGiLL (Inq. ad Cap. 1616, Carmagyll ; P. Kyrmagil). ' Stoneykirk.' Cathair [caer] mic Giolla [?], M'Gill's fort. There are ruins here, behind the dwelling-house on Bal- greggan Mains, but nothing to indicate a church. KIRKMAIDEN (P. Kirkmadin, Kirkmaiden o' the sea). ' Glasser- ton,' ' Kirkmaiden.' A parish in the shire. Formerly there were two parishes of this name in Wigtownshire, one of which is now conjoined to Glasserton, the other being the southernmost parish in Scotland. The name is derived, according to the Aberdeen Breviary, from a dedication to St. Medana, who is described as an Irish maiden who took upon herself a vow of perpetual chastity, and being solicited by a certain miles nobilis, who would not take " no " for an answer, sailed for Scotland with two handmaidens. Landing in the Rhinns of Galloway (paries Galvidie superiores que ryndis dicuntur), she led a life of poverty. But the knight followed her, and drove her to take refuge with her two companions on an insulated rock in the sea. This rock, in answer to her prayers, became a boat, in which she was carried a distance of 30 miles, ad terrain gue fames didtur (Kirkmaiden in Glasserton), where the relics of the holy virgin (Medana) now repose. Again the knight followed her to her retreat, and arrived at the house where she and her two maids were sleeping. A cock crew and awoke her, when she took refuge in a high tree. " What do you see in me," said she, " to excite your passion 1 " " Your face and eyes," he replied : whereupon she tore out her eyes and flung them at his feet He, moved to penitence, departed ; she descended from the tree, and, being in want of water to wash her bleeding face, a fountain miraculously sprang from the root of the tree. The rest of her life she spent in sanctity and poverty under St. Ninian. There is a holy well at Kirkmaiden in Glasser- ton still repaired to by the country-people as a cure or pre- ventive of whooping-cough, hence called the Chincough Well. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 217 In Kirkmaiden parish, near the Mull of Galloway, is the cave and exterior chapel of St. Medan, locally pronounced Midden. KIRKMIRRAN (Inq. ad Cap. 1605, Kirkmirrein; 1615, Kirk- myrring). ' Kelton.' Circ Meadhrain [merran], church of (St.) Meadhran or Merinus, of the order of Clugny, buried at Paisley. KIRKMUIR, ' Kirkmabreck.' KlRKPATRiCK-DuRHAM (a parish in the Stewartry) (Inq. ad Cap. 1607, Kirkpatrick Dirrame). ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' Kirk Pddric, church of (St.) Patrick. Formerly called Cella Patricii, or Kilpatrick-on-the-moor. KIRKPATRICK-IRONGRAY (P. Arngra). 'Kirkpatrick Irongray.' See IRONGRAY. KIRMINNOCH (P. Kerymeanoch). ' Kirkcolm.' Ceathramhaidh meadhonach [carrou mennagh], middle land-quarter. See under BALMINNOCH and CARHOWE. KIRMINNOCH (P. Kerimanach; Inq. ad Cap. 1620, Kerimannoch ; 1643, Kerriemanoche). ' Inch,' ' Kirkinner.' Ceathramhaidh [carrou] manach, the monk's land-quarter. See under CAR- HOWE, KERMANACHAN, and KIRVENNIE. Cf. Carrowan- meanagh in Koscommon. KIRNAUCHTRY. ' Stoneykirk.' Cam uachdarach, upper cairn. See under AUCHNOTTRIE. KiR6uCHTRiE (Inq. ad Cap. 1570, Kerrochrie, Kerreochrie, Ker- dochrie; 157.2, Kirreuchrie). 'MinigafF.' Cathair [caer] Ochtraidh [oughtra], Uchtred's fort. KlRREftCH [pron. Kirry-oghe] (Inq. ad Cap. 1572, Correith). ' Carsphairn.' KIRRIEDARROCH. ' MinigafF.' Coire darach, corrie or glen of the oaks. See under CURRAFIN. KiRRiEMdRE (P. Kerymoir). ' MinigafF.' Coire m6r, great corrie. KIRRIEROACH [pron. -roghe] (P. Kererioch, Kereryoch). ' Mini- gaiF.' Coire ruadh [rooh], red corrie, or, as Pant's spelling seems to indicate, coire riabhach [reeagh], grey corrie. KIRRONE (P. Kyrronh). ' MinigafF,' ' Mochrum.' KIRRONR!E. ' Kirkcolm.' Ceathramhaidh an reidha [carrou an ray], land-quarter of the flat field. A name truly expressing the ground, which is a wide flat on the shores of Loch Eyan. See under CARHOWE and REPHAD. 2i8 AN TfR-CHUNNTAS GALLGA1DHEL. KIRSHINNOCH. ' MinigafF.' Carr, cathair [caer], or coire [kirrie] sionach [shinnaghj, rock, fort, or corrie of the foxes. See under AUCHENSHINNOCH. KIRVENNIE (P. Kerenwanach). ' Wigtown.' Ceathramhaidh [carrou] or cathair [caer] mhanach [vannagh], land-quarter or dwelling of the monks. Of. Drumavanagh in Cavan. See under KIRMINNOCH. KIRWAR. ' Mochrum.' Ceathramhaidh ghar [carrou har], near land-quarter. KmwluGH (P. Kirriwauchop, Kerywacher ; Cliarter 1513, Kero- woltok). ' Kirkinner.' Ceathramhaidh [carrou] mhagha [wagha] []], land-quarter of the plain or level ground. Pont shows an alternative form from machair, a synonym of magh. See under MAY and MACHAR. KISSOCK (P. Kissoktoun). ' New Abbey.' KITTRICK. ' MinigafF. ' See DUNKITTERICK. KITTYSHALLOCH. 'MinigafF.' Ceide or ceadach sealg [?] [kiddie shallug], hill of the hunting. " Ceide, a hillock, a compact kind of hill, smooth and plain at the top " (OJBrien). Cf. Keadydrinagh in Sligo, written Ceideach droighneach (Four Masters, 1526). KNARIE (Inq. ad Cap. 1605, Knarie). ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' KNOCK (W. P. MSS., Knok of Kirkmadin). ' Glasserton.' An exceedingly common name, usually as a prefix, but frequently, as in this case, standing alone. Cnoc, a hill (the initial hard c is pronounced in Erse and Gaelic). Probably akin to A.S. cnol (as if cnocel, a dim. of cnoc), w. cnol, a knoll + DU. knol, a turnip (from its roundness ; and it is to be remarked that O'Reilly gives " navew " or turnip as one of the meanings of cnoc). KNOCKADdON. ' Balmaclellan.' Cnoc a' du'm, hill of the fortress. Cf. KNOCKDOON, KNOCKDOWN, and KNOCKDUN. KNOCKAHAY. ' Old Luce.' Cnoc na aithe [?] [aiha], hill of the kiln. See under AUCHENHAY. KNOCKALANNIE. ' Kirkcowan.' KJJOCKALDIE. ' Leswalt,' ' Penninghame.' KNOCKALLAN. ' Stoneykirk.' Cnoc aluin, beautiful hill, cnoc alhiin, hill of the hinds, or cnoc Alain, Alan's hill. See under CRAIGELLAN. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 219 KNOCKALPIN. ' Stoneykirk.' Cnoc Alpinn, Alpin's Hill. See under LEIGHT ALPIN. KNOCKAMAD. ' Penninghame.' KNOCKAMAIRLY. ' Stoneykirk.' KNOCKAMOORY. ' Port Patrick.' KNOCKAMOS. ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' KNOCKAN (P. Knokkan). ' Kirkinner.' Cnocdn, little hill. The farm on which this is situated is called Little Hills. The stress, unlike the ordinary pronunciation of Erse in Gallo- way, but like that of Ireland, is in the last syllable. Of. KNOCKANS ; also Knockane, Knockaune, Knockeen, and Knickeen, the names of about seventy townlands in Ireland. KNOCKANAROCK. ' Stoneykirk.' Cnocdn dharaich [arragh], hill of oak ; or dhearg [arrig], red hill. KNOCKANDARICK. ' Tungland.' Cnoc an daraich, hill of the oak, or cnocdn dearg, red hill. Cf. KNOCKINDARROCH. KNOCK AND MAIZE (P. Maze). ' Leswalt.' KNOCKANEARY. ' Minigaff.' Cnocdn iarach [eeragh], western hill. See under BLAW WEARY. KNOCKANEED. ' Stoneykirk.' KNOCKANHARRY. 'Whithorn.' Cnocdn charragh [?] [harragh], rough little hill. Cf. KNOGKENHARRY ; also Knockaun- carragh in Ireland. KNOCKANICKEN. ' Kirkcowan.' Cnoc an cnuicin [?] [nikkin], hill of the hillock. KNOCKANRAE. ' Kirkmaiden.' Cnocdn rtidh [ray], smooth hill, cnoc an rtidhe [ray], hill of the green pasture, or perhaps, like Knockanree in Wicklow, cnoc an fliraeich [ree], hill of the heather. KN6CKANS. ' Minigaff.' Cnocdn, the hillock ; E. plur. added. KNOCKANTOMACHIE. ' Kirkmaiden.' Cnocdn tomach []], bushy hill. KNOCKARDY. ' New Luce.' Cnoc cearda [carda], hill of the workshop or forge. See under CAIRDIE ~V\ r iEL. KNOCKAROD. ' Kirkcolm,' ' Leswalt,' ' Port Patrick,' ' Stoneykirk.' Cnoc a' rathaid [?] [raud], hill of the road. See under DRUMMIERAUD. KNOCKASCREE. ' Port Patrick.' 2 2 o AN TIR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. KNOCKAT60L. ' Inch,' ' Port Patrick.' Cnocdn tuatheal [tooal], northern hill. See under DRUMTOWL, KNOCKATOUAL. ' Kirkcowau.' See under DRUMTOWL. KNOCKAWINE ' Minigaff.' KNOCKBRAKE. ' Kirkcowan ' (twice), ' Old Luce,' ' Mochrum.' Cnoc bre"c, brindled, variegated hill. See under AUCHABRICK and FLECKIT HILL.. Cf. Knockbrack in Ireland. KNOCKBRAX. ' Kirkinner.' See under KNOCKBRAKE. KNOCKBREAK. ' Kirkcowan.' See under KNOCKBRAKE. KNOCKBREMEN. ' Stoneykirk.' KNOCKBREX. ' Penninghame.' See under KNOCKBRAKE. KNOCKBUIE. ' Carsphairn.' Cnoc buidhe [buie], yellow hill. See under BENBUIE. Cf. Knockboy in Ireland. KNOCKCAIRNACHAN. ' Stoneykirk.' Cnoc Ceaniachain, Carnachan's hill. See under FAULDCAIRNACHAN. KNOCKCAIRNS. ' Port Patrick.' Cnoc cairn, hill of the cairn. See under AUCHENCAIRN. KNOCKCANNON. ' Balmaghie.' Cnoc ceann fhionn [canhon], speckled, variegated hill. The literal meaning of ceann fhionn (fh silent) is white-headed; but is commonly applied to a cow with a white star on the forehead, and, generally, to any- thing freckled. Thus KNOCKCANNON is the equivalent of KNOCKBRAKE. Cf. Foilcannon, Clooncannon, Carrigcannon, Drumcannon, Lettercannon, etc., in Ireland. KNOCKCAPPY. ' Kirkmaiden.' KNOCKCARNEL. ' Parton.' KNOCKCLAYGIE. Minigaflf.' Cnoc daigeain, hill of the skull, or of the arable field. See under BARNYCLAGY. KNOCKCLUNE. * Kells.' Cnoc cluain [cloon], hill of the meadow. See under CLONE. KNOCKC6ARS. ' Kirkmaiden.' KNOCKcdCHER. 'Kirkcowan.' KNOCKCOM. 'Minigaflf.' Cnoc cam, crooked hill. Cf. CUMNOCK. KNOCKC6RE. < Stoneykirk.' KNOCKCRAVEN. ' New Luce.' See under KNOCKCRAVIE. KNOCKCRAVIE. ' Kirkcowan,' ' Stoneykirk.' Cnoc craeWiach [creevagh], wooded hill, or craebhe, hill of the tree. See under CASTLE CREAVIE. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLO WAY. 221 KNOCKCREAVIE. ' Balmaclellan.' See under KNOCKCRAVIE. KNOCKCROE. ' Mochrum.' Cnoc crodh [croe], hill of the cattle, or cnoc ruadh [rooh], red hill. KNOCKCR6SH. ' Balmaclellan. ' Cnoc crois [crosh], hill of the cross or gallows, or cnoc roiss, hill of the wood or promontory (see under Ross), or cnoc ros, hill of the roses. Cf. KNOCKROSH. KNOCKCRIJNGE. ' Old Luce.' KNOCKCUDDY. ' Minigaff.' KNOCKCULLIE (Inq. ad Cap. 1633, Pecia terrarum de Stranrawer, vocata Knockinkelzie). ' Leswalt.' Cnoc coille, hill of the wood. Cf. KNOCKHILLY and KNOCKWHILLY. KNOCKctiNNOCH. ' Carsphairn.' Cnoc conaidh [connah], hill of the firewood (Joyce, ii. 351); Cf. Killyconny in Westmeath, written Coill an chonaidh (Four Masters, 1445), Kilconny in Cavan; Druminacunna in Tipperary; Clooncunna, Cloon- cunny, and Cloonconny, in various parts of Ireland. ERSE conadh, w. cynnud, B. cenneuden. Perhaps cognate with E. kindle, which is akin to candle LAT. candere (accendere) ^/SKAND, to shine. KNOCKCURRY. ' Parton.' Cnoc coire, hill of the caldron, or kettle- like glen. See under CURRAFIN. KNOCKDAILY. ' Balmaghie.' Cnoc dealg [1] [dallig], hill of the thorns. See under CLAMDALLY. KNOCKDANIEL. ' Balmaclellan.' KNOCKDAVIE. ' Kells.' Cnoc t-samhaidh [?] [tavie], hill of the field-sorrel. Cf. Knockatavy in Louth. Samhadh, sorrel, pro- nounced saua or sow in the south, and sawva in the north of Ireland, generally loses the initial s in composition by eclipsing t. It appears in many Irish names (Joyce, ii. 341). KNOCKDAWN. ' Girthon.' Cnoc don, brown hill. KNOCKD6LLOCHAN. ' Dairy.' Cnoc da lochan [?], hill of the two lakelets. KNOCKD6LLY. ' Parton.' See under KNOCKDAILY. KNOCKDON. ' Mochrum.' See under KNOCKDAWN. KNOCKDdON. ' Kirkmabreck.' Cnoc duin, hill of the fort. See under KNOCKADOON. KNOCKD6WN. ' Stoneykirk.' Probably cnoc duin, hill of the fort ; but an attempt to Anglicise what was supposed to be BR. sc. 222 AN TlR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. doon, has turned it into E. down. The same name occurs, however, in Kerry and Limerick, and is referred by Joyce to cnoc don, brown hill. KNOCKDR6NNAN. ' Parton.' Cnoc draighnean [drannan], hill of the blackthorns. See under DRANGAN. KNOCKDtiN. ' Minigaff.' See under KNOCKDOON. KNOCKEANS. ' Kirkmabreck.' Onocin, little hill. Cf. KNOCKANS. KNOCKEEN. ' Kirkcolm,' ' Kirkmaiden.' Cnocin, little hill (see under KNOCKAN), or perhaps cnoc caein [keen], pretty hill, corresponding to Bonny Knowes, which is not far from Knockeen in Kirkcolm. Cf. Drumkeen and Dromkeen, the names of fifteen townlands in Ireland (Joyce, ii. 64). o. ERSE cam (bonus. Z 2 . 30) + w. cain, beautiful, can, bright, white ; B. can, C. can ] akin to LAT. candere, to shine LAT. candfre, to kindle, which appears in ac-cendere, in-cendere + SKT. chand, to shine /\/SKAND, to shine. KNOCKEFFERRICK (P. Knokafarik). ' Kirkinner.' Perhaps named from Afreca, daughter of Fergus, Lord of Galloway, who, after peace had been contrived between the Norsemen and the people of Galloway in the twelfth century, married Olave, the Norwegian king. Celt. Scot. iii. p. 34. KNOCKELDRIG. ' Kirkmaiden.' See under ELDRIG. KNOCKENCIILE. ' Kirkmaiden.' Cnoc an cuil [?], hill of the angle or corner. Probably a syllable has been lost, the original meaning having been the hill of the corner of something; as Knockcoolkeare in Limerick, the hill of the corner of the berries. KNOCKENCtiRR (P. Knokinkurr). ' Kirkinner.' KNOCKENDOCH. ' New Abbey.' Cnocdn dubh [dooh], black hill. KNOCKENDtiRRiCH. ' Twynholm.' See under KNOCKANDARICK. KNOCKENH!RRY. ' Kirkcolm.' See under KNOCKANHARRY. KNOCKENH6UR. ' Colvend.' Cnocdn odhar [owr], grey hill. Cf. Knockoura in Cork and Galway, from the derivative odhartha [owra], greyish. KNOCKENSEE. ' Kells.' Cnoc an suidhe [see], hill of the seat. o. ERSE sude, suide, ERSE suidlw, a seat, often occurring in Irish place-names, generally as a prefix; suidhim, I sit + DAN. sidde + DU. zitten + GOTH. sitan + iCEL. sitja + o.'H.G. sizzan, G. sitzen + A.S. sittan (whence M.E. sitten, E. sit), all from TEUT. base THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 223 SAT, akin to /\/ SAD J * s ^> whence SKT. sad, GK. egofiai, LAT. sedere, LITH. sedeti, RUSS. sidiete. The E. see, the seat of a bishop, M.E. se, is from o.r. se, sed. KNOCKENTARRY. ' Mochrum.' Cnoc an tarbhe [tarvie], the bull's hill. ERSE tarbh, w. taw + LAT. taurus + GK. ravpos + A.s. steor, a young ox, whence E. steer. The word signifies full-grown or strong /^STU, to be strong, a form of STA, to stand (Skeat). KNOCKERNAN. ' Kirkcowan.' Cnoc Ernain, Ernan's hill. Ernan was one of the twelve followers of St. Columba from Ireland to Scotland, and to him Killernan in Eoss-shire is dedicated. KNOCKERRICK. ' Stoneykirk.' Cnoc dhearg [herrig], red hill. KNOCKEWEN. ' Girthon.' Cnoc Iain, John's or Ewen's hill. See under BAREWING. KNOCKFAD. ' Kirkpatrick Durham,' ' Minigaff.' Cnoc fada, long, or far hill. A common name in Ireland. KNOCK FELL. ' Old Luce.' Pleonastic addition of ICEL. fjall to ERSE cnoc. KNOCKFISHER. ' Crossmichael.' KNOCKGARRIE. ' Balmaclellan.' Cnoc garbh [garriv], rough hill. Cf. KNOCKANHARRIE. KNOCKGILL. ' Crossmichael.' Cnoc goill [?], stranger's hill. See under INCHIGUILE. Cf. KNOCKGYLE. KNOCKGILSIE. ' Kirkcolm.' Cnoc guikhach, rushy hill. See under AUCHENGILSHIE. Cf. KNOCKGULSHA, CASSENGILSIE, TAR- WILKIE ; and, in Ireland, Knocknagilky. KNOCKGLASS (P. Knokglash, Knockglass). ' Inch,' c New Luce,' ' Old Luce,' ' Port Patrick.' Cnoc glas, green hill. KNOCKG6UR. ' Leswalt.' Cnoc golhar [gower], hill of the goats. See under ALGOWER. Cf. Knocknagore and Knocknagower in Ireland. KNOCKGRAY (P. Knokgrey). ' Carsphairn,' ' Kirkmabreck.' Cnoc grtaich [graigh], hill of the elevated flat. See under IRONGRAY. KNOCKGIJLSHA. ' Glasserton.' See under KNOCKGILSIE. KNOCKGYLE. 'Girthon.' Cnoc goill, hill of the foreigner. Cf. KNOCKGILL. See under INCHIGUILE. Cf. Knocknagaul in Limerick KNOCKHAMMY. ' Kirkcolm.' 224 AN TfR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. KNOCKHARNACHAN. ' Stoneykirk.' It is impossible to say what consonant is lost here by aspiration. The word may either be cnoc Chearnachain, Carnachan's hill (see under FAULDCAR- NAHAN) or cnoc fhearnachan (fh mute) hill of the alders. See Under DRUMFARNACHAN. KNOCKHARNOT. 'Leswalt.' Cnoc ornacht [?], hill of the barley. Cf. Barleymount in Kerry, formerly Cnoc-ornacht (ffDon. Suppl. to O'Reilly). KNOCKHASTIE. ' Dairy.' KNOCKHENRIES. * Kirkcowan.' Cnoc fhainre [hainry], sloping hill, deriv. of fdn, a slope. Cf. Donaghenry. a parish in Tyrone. See under CROFTANGRY. KNOCKHILLY (Inq. ad Cap. 1656, Knockinhillie). 'Leswalt.' See under KNOCKWHILLIE. KNOCKH6RNAN. * Port Patrick/ KNOCKIEBAE (P. Knokbe). 'New Luce.' Cnoc no, beith [bey], hill of the birch trees. Cf. Knockbeha in Ireland. KNOCKIEBRIAR. ' New Luce.' Cnoc a' brathair, hill of the brother (friar). See under ALTIBRAIR, which is close by. KNOCKiEcdRE. ' Old Luce.' KNOCKIEDIM. ' Old Luce.' Cnoc a' dtuim [dim], hill of the village, dwelling, or grave. Genit. of 0. ERSE tuaimm, "a village, homestead ; a dyke, fence ; a grave, tomb " (O'Reilly). KNOCKIEF6UNTAIN. ' New Luce.' Cnoc a Fintain [?], Fintan's hill. Cf. Kilfountain (Fintan's church) in Kerry, which is the Munster pronunciation of Fintan. There are several indi- viduals of this name mentioned in the old MSS. Of these, St. Finten, Munna, or Mundus was the most celebrated. He was a contemporary of St. Columba, and Adamnan thus writes of him in his life of that saint : " Sanctus Fintenus per universas Scotorum ecclesiasvalde noscibilis habitus est " (Reeves' s Adam- nan, p. 22). According to the Breviary of Aberdeen, he was buried in Cowall, at the place now called Kilmun (Munna's church) ; but the same honour is claimed for Taghmon (teach Munna) in Wexford. KNOCKIEHOURIE. 'New Luce.' Cnoc na huidhre p], [hourie], hill of the dun cow (see under BARNHOURIE) ; or cnocdn odhartha [owrie], grey hill. ElNOCKlENAUSK. ' Stoneykirk, s.c.' THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 225 KNOCKIENAWEN. ' New Luce.' Cnoc an abhann [?] [owen], hill of the stream (one form of the gen. sing, of abhainn). 0. ERSE abann + w. afon, C. awan + LAT. amnis + SKT. avani. Or perhaps cnocin dhonn [onn], brown hill. KNOCKIER6Y. ' Minigaff.' Cnocdn ruadh [rooh], red hillock. Of. Knockroe, in Ireland. KNOCKIETANTER. ' Minigaff/ KNOCKIETIE. ' Old Luce.' Cnoc na tighe, hill of the house. See under DRUMATYE. KNOCKIETINNIE. ' Kirkcowan.' Cnoc a' teine [tinny], hill of the fire or beacon. Cf. Duntinny in Donegal, Kiltinny in Antrim. W. tan, a fire, pi. tclnau. KNOCKIETOL. ' Leswalt.' See under KNOCKATOOL. KNOCKIET6RE. ' Old Luce/ KNOCKiETdwL. ' Old Luce.' See under KNOCKATOOL. KNOCKINAAM. ' Port Patrick.' KNOCKINCAR. 'Kirkcowan.' Cf. KNOCKENCUR. KNOCKINDARROCH. ' Balmaclellan.' See under KNOCKANDARICK. KNOCKINDERRY. ' Old Luce.' Cnoc an doire [dirry], hill of the (oak) wood, or .cnocdn dearg, red hill. Cf. Knockaderry in Ireland. See under DERRY. KNOCKJETTY. ' Berwick/ KNOCKJIG. ' Kirkpatrick Irongray/ KNOCKLANNIE. ' Kirkcudbright.' Cf. KNOCKALANNIE. KNOCKLEACH. ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' Cnoc Hag, hill of the flat stones or tombs. See under AUCHLEACH. KN6CKLEARN [pron. -lairn]. (P. Knoklarrin). ' Balmaclellan/ KNOCKLER6Y. ' Tungland.' Cnodach ruadh [rooh], red hilly place. KN6CKLOCH (Inq. ad Cap. 1616, Knocklie). 'Balmaclellan/ Cnocklach, a hilly place. KNOCKLYOCH. ' Kirkmaiden/ KNOCKMALACHAN. ' Stoneykirk.' KNOCKM!N. ' Dairy/ ' Minigaff/ Cnoc mban [1] [man], hill of the women, genit. plur. of bean. Cf. Cornaman in Cavan and Leitrim. See under BARNAMON. KNOCKMARLOCH. 'Kirkmaiden/ Cf. KNOCKAMAIRLY. KNOCKMASSON. ' Leswalt.' Cf. INNERMESSAN in the next parish. p 226 AN TfR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. KNOCKMILAUK. ' Whithorn.' Cnoc Moluaig [?], Moluag's hill. Moluag, the patron saint of Argyll, and founder of Lismore in Scotland, was originally called Lughaidh, contracted into Lua, familiarised Luag, in honorific form Moluag. He died in 592 {Reeves' s Adamnan, p. 371, note). His name appears as Molouach, Moloak, flfhulluoch, Malogue, Emagola, and Muluag. He founded many religious houses in Scotland, and his name frequently occurs, especially in the west ; thus we find Kilmoluag in Tiree, in Mull, in Skye ; Kilmolowok in Eaasay ; Kilmoloig in Argyllshire, etc. ; and apparently the same name occurs in the HOWE HILL or HAGGAMALAG, q.v. KNOCKMdNEY. ' Kirkcolm ' (twice). Cnoc monadh [munney], hill of the moor or peat. See under DALMONEY. KNOCKMONONDAY or KNOCKMUNADY. ' Penninghame.' KNOCKM6RE. 'New Luce/ 'Wigtown.' Cnoc mdr, great hill. Occurs in Ireland, as well as a semi-translation Muchknock, quasi Muckle Knock in Wexford ; and in a charter by John Lord Maxwell, in 1604, are given two names in the Stewartry, Knokmekill and Knoklytill, where the adjectives retain, after translation, their position as in the Erse form. Cf. KNOCK- MUIR. KNOCKMORLAND (P. Foirland dycks). ' Kirkcolm.' Cnoc murlain, hill of the rough top. Pont perpetuates the aspirated form mhurldn [vurlan]. See under CARRICKAMURLAN. KNOCKM6WDIE. ' Kells.' KNOCKM6WE. 'Kelton.' Cnoc m-bo [moe], hill of the cows. See under BIAWN. KNOCKMUCK. ' Borgue.' Cnoc muc, hill of the swine. Swinedrum is close by. Cf. Knocknamuck in Ireland. KNOCKMUIR. ' Tungland.' See under KNOCKMORE. KNOCOitiLLOCH. ' Kirkcowan.' Cnoc mullaich [1], hill-top. See under MULLOCH. KNOCKMIJLLIN. ' Stoneykirk.' Cnoc muilinn, mill hill. Cf. Knockmullin in Ireland. KNOCKMtiRDOCH. ' Balmaclellan.' Cnoc Muirchertaigh, Murtagh's hill (O'Don. Top. Poems, xv. 60). KNOCKMIJRRAY. 'Balmaghie.' Cnoc Muireadhaich [Murragh], Murray's or Murdoch's hill. See, under BALMURRIE. KNOCKNAC6R. ' Kirkcowan.' THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 227 KNOCKNAIL. ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' KNOCKNAIN (Inq. ad Cap. 1543, Knoknayne). ' Leswalt.' Cnoc n-en [nain], hill of the birds. Cf. Birdhill in Tipperary, formerly called Cnoc-an-ein-fhinn, hill of the \vhite bird (O'Don. Suppl). KNOCKNAIRLING (Inq. ad Cap. 1571, Knoknarling; 1604, Knok- marling; P. Knoknarilin). ' Kells.' KNOCKNALLING. ' Balmaclellan.' Cnoc n-alluin [?] [aelun], hill of the hinds. See under CRAIGELLAN. KNOCKNAMOOR. ' Minigaff.' Cnoc an ammuir [?], hill of the trough. See under BALLOCHANARMOUR. KNOCKNAN. ' Balmaclellan.' See under KNOCKNAIN. KNOCKNAR. ' Mochrum.' Cnoc an air, hill of the slaughter or of the ploughing. Cf. Knockanare in Ireland. See under BARNAER. KNOCKNASH. Dairy.' Cnoc an easa [assy], hill of the waterfall. Cf. Doonass on the Shannon, Caherass in Limerick, Owenass in Queen's County, etc. See under Ass OF THE GILL. KNOCKNASSY. 'Kirkcolm.' See under KNOCKNASS. Cf. Poulan- assy in Kilkenny. KNOCKNAVAR. ' Kirkmaiden.' Cnoc na bhfear [var], hill of the men. F is frequently eclipsed by l)h, which is the equivalent of English v, as in Bennaveoch, Craigenveoch ; and, in Car- rignavar (carraig na bhfear) and Licknavar (leac na bhfear), both in Cork. o. ERSE fer, a man + W. gwr, c. gur + GOTH, wair + A.s. wer + O.H.G. wer + LAT. uir + GK. tfpws (for Fr/ptos), a hero + SKT. vira, a hero + ZEND, vim, a hero + LITH. u-aira, a man. All from Aryan type WIRA, a man (Meat). KNOCKNAW. ' MinigafF.' Cnoc an atha [1] [aha], hill of the ford, or cnoc naithe [nay], hill of the kiln. See under AUCHENHAY and CARSNAW. KNOCKNEAN. ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' See under KNOCKNAIN. KNOCKNEOCH. ' Kells.' Cnoc n-each [1], hill of the horses. See under AUCHNESS. KNOCKNEVIS. ' Carsphairn.' KNOCKNIEM6NEY. ' Leswalt.' Cnoc na monadh [munny], hill of the moor or peat. See under DALMONEY and KNOCKMONEY. Cf. Knocknamona in Ireland. 228 AN TJR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. KNOCKNIEM6AK. ' Leswalt.' Cnoc na mboc [moak], hill of the he-goats. See under AUCHNIEBUT. KNOCKNiNSHOCK. ' Kirkmabreck.' Cnoc n-uinnseog [ninshug], hill of the ash-trees. See under DRUHNAMINSHOG. KNOCKNISHIE. ' Whithoni.' KNOCKN6N. ' Buittle.' KNOCKNIITTY. ' Balmaghie.' KNOCK6RR. ' Kirkcudbright.' Of. KNOCKOWER. KNOCKdwER. ' Carsphairn.' Cnoc odhar [owr], grey hill. See under BENOWR. KNOCKQUHASEN [pron. Knockhwazen]. ' Port Patrick.' Cnoc chasain [?] [hasen], hill of the pathway. See under AIRY- HASSEN and CULQUHASEN. KNOCKREOCH (P. Knockreochs, Knockreocs). ' Kells.' Cnoc riabhach [reeagh], grey hill. Cf. Knockreagh in Ireland. KNOCKR6BBIN. ' Kelton.' KNOCKROGER. ' Kirkcowan.' KNOCKR6ro. ' Kirkcowan.' KNOCKR6NIE. ' Wigtown.' Cnoc raithne [?] [rannie], ferny hill. See under BLAWRAINIE. KNOCKR6SH. ' Carsphairn.' See under KNOCKCROSH. KNOCKSALLIE. ' Kells.' Cnoc seileach, hill of the willows. See under BARNSALLIE. Cf. Knockersally in IMeath. KNOCKSCADAN. ' Stoneykirk.' Cnoc scadan, hill of the herrings ; probably where herrings were sold, or possibly where a fall of herrings took place in a bursting waterspout. See under CULSCADDEN. KNOCKSENTICE. ' Balinaclellan.' KNOCKSHEEN (P. Knocksheen). ' Kells.' Cnoc sian [sheen], hill of the foxgloves. See under AUCHENSHEEN. KNOCKSHINNIE. ' Kirkcudbright.' Cnoc sianach, hill of the foxes. See under BLAIRSHINNOCH. KNOCKSHINNOCH (P. Knokshinnoch). ' Kirkpatrick Irongray.' See under KNOCKSHINNIE. KNOCKSKAIG. ' Kells.' Cnoc sceach, hill of the hawthorns. Cf. Knocknaskeagh in Ireland. See under SCAITH. THE TOPO GRAPHY OF GALL OWAY. 229 KNOCKSKELLIE. ' Kirkcudbright,' ' Port Patrick.' Cnoc sceilig, hill of the rocks. Sceilec, scillec, a splinter of stone (O'Don. Suppl.^), scillic (Cormac). KNOCKSKE6G. ' Wigtown.' Cnoc sceithidg [skyoge], hawthorn hill. Cf. KNOCKSKAIG. See under AUCHENSKEOCH. KNOCKSTING (P. Knocksting). ' Dairy.' KNOCKSx6cKS. ' Penninghame.' Cnoc stuaic [stook], hill of the round knobs or lumps. This exactly describes the ground, which is characterised by several round hillocks, o. ERSE " Stuag, an arch" (Windiscti). " Stuaic, a little hill, a round promontory; a wall, a pinnacle, a horn; a summit; the highest part of man or beast. Stuc, a horn, a pile of sheaves of corn. Stuchd, a little hill jutting out from a greater."' OReilly. Probably akin to E. stack (which is also used in the sense of a columnar isolated rock) ; M.E. stak, BR. so. stook, a shock of corn ICEL. stakkr, haystack (stakka, a stump ; cf. E. chimney-stack) + SWED. stack, a rick, heap, stack, DAN. stak. The sense is "a pile," that which is set or stuck up (Skeat). There are several places in Ireland called Stook and Stucan. KNOCKSTRAWIE. ' Stoneykirk.' Cnoc sratha [1] [sraha], hill of the strath or vale. See tinder STRAMODDIE. KNOCKTAGGART. ' Kirkmabreck,' ' Kirkmaiden.' Cnoc t-sagairt [taggart], the priest's hill. In each case this name occurs close to the site of an old church, viz. OLD KIRKMABRECK and CHAPELROSSAN respectively. Cf. Knocksaggart in Ireland. KNOCKTALL. 'Borgue,' ' Minigaff.' See under KNOCKIETOL. KNOCKTALLOW. ' Berwick.' Cnoc talaimli [1] [tallav], hill of the land. Cf. Shantallow (sean talamh, old land), Tallowroe (talamh ruadh, red land), etc., in Ireland, o. ERSE talam + LAT. tellus. KNOCKTAJrMOCK. ' Stoneykirk.' Cnoc tomach, bushy hill, or cnoc tuama [tooma], hill of the tomb or tumulus. ERSE tuama + LAT. tumba + GK. ri;/i/3a = ry/i/3o?, a burial mound. Prob- ably akin to LAT. tumulus tumere, to swell (Skeat). See under KNOCKIEDIM. KNOCKTEINAN. ' Stoneykirk.' Cnoc tendhail []] [tennal], or ten- neail, hill of the bonfire. The final consonant is liable to change, as in Ardintenant in Cork, which is mentioned in the Annals of Lough Key under the name of Ard-an-tenneal. See under KNOCKIETINNIE. 230 AN TJR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. KNOCKTENTOL. ' Balmaclellan.' Cnoc tendail, hill of the bonfire. Cf. KNOCKTEINAN, of which this is the unaspirated form. KNOCKTIM (Inq. ad Cap. 1624, Knocktin ; P. Knoktimm). ' Kirk- colm.' Cnoc tuim [?] [tim], hill of the grave or dwelling. See under KNOCKIEDIM. KNOCKTINKLE. ' Anwoth,' ' Kirkmabreck.' See under KNOCK- TINNEL. KNOCKTINNEL. ' Urr.' Cnoc tiondil [tinnol], hill of the assembly (cf. Kkockatinnole in Ireland); or cnoc tendhal [tennal], or tenneail, hill of the bonfire. See under DRUMDENNEL. KNOCKTOL. ' Balmaclellan.' See under KNOCKIETOL and KNOCK- TALL. KNOCKT6MACHIE. ' Kirkmaiden,' ' Stoneykirk.' Cnoc tomach [?], bushy hill. See under CAIRNTAMMOCK and KNOCKTAMMOCH. KNOCKT06DEN. ' Stoneykirk.' Cnoc t-sudaire [toodery], the tanner's hill. Cf. Knockatudor in Cavan, and Knockeena- tudor. See under BENTUDOR. KNOCKTOR. ' Troqueer.' Cf. KNOCKIETOR. KNOCKT6WER. ' Parton.' KNOCKVENNIE. ' Parton.' KNOCKVILLE (P. Knok Vill). ' Penninghame.' Cnoc bhile [villy], hill of the large tree. Cf. Knockavilla and Aghaville in several parts of Ireland. The well-known Movilla or Moville was originally magh bhile, the plain or field of the great tree (Four Masters, A.D. 649). KNOCKWALKER. ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' KNOCKWALLOCH (Inq. ad Cap. 1604, Knokculloch). 'Kirkpatrick Durham.' Cnoc uallach p], proud hill. This epithet is often applied to natural features, e.g. Uallach, a river in Cork, now called Proudly. Applied to a hill it means " towering, pro- minent," cf. W. " Balch, prominent, towering, superb, proud " (Pughe). KNOCK\V!R. ' Stoneykirk.' Cnoc gar, near hill. KNOCKWARLEY. ' Crossmichael.' KNOCKWH!R. ' Girthon.' See under KNOCKWAR. KNOCKWHARREN. ' Stoneykirk.' Cnoc ghearrain [?], hill of the grove ; or cnoc ghearran, hill of the horses. Cf. Knockagarran- THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 231 baun in Galway, written by the Four Masters (A.D. 1600) cnoc an gearrdin bain, hill of the white horse. ERSE gearran, a work horse, survives in BR. sc. " garron, a small horse " (Jamieson). See under GLENGARREN. KXOCKWHILLAN. ' Balmaghie,' ' Rerwick.' Cnoc chuillinn [hwillan], hill of the holly. ColJin Hill, close by, has the same meaning. Of. Knockacullen in Ireland. See under ALWHILLAN. KXOCKWHILLIE. ' Stoneykirk.' Cnoc choille [hwilly], wood hill. See under KNOCKCULLY and KNOCKHILLY. KNOCKWHIRN (a hill of 1633 feet) (P. Knokchyrn hill). ' Cars- phairn.' Cnoc chuirn [hwirn], hill of the cairn. KXOCKVVHIRR. ' Twynholm.' KNOCKYCLEGY. ' Penninghame.' Cnoc a' daiginn [1], hill of the skull. " Often applied to a round, hard, dry hill." Joyce, ii. 428. See under BARNEYCLAGIE. KNOITS or BENTUDOR, THE. ' Berwick.' The hillocks of Ben- tudor. " Noits, little rocky hills, also any little rocky rise " (M adaggart) = E. knop, knob, a protuberance, knap, a hilltop ("some high knap or tuft of a mountain," Holland's Transl. of Pliny, B. xi., c. 10, ed. 1634) A.S. cncep, the top of a M11 + DU. knob, knoop, a knob + iCEL. knappr, a knot, button + DAN. knap, knop, a knob, button + SWED. knopp, a knob, knop, a knot + G. knopf, a knob. All probably from Celtic, GAEL. cnap, a slight blow, a knob, a little hill, w. cnap, a knob, button, ERSE cnap, a knob, button, hillock, from cnapaim, I strike ; as bump (subst.) from the verb to bump. See under NAPPERS. KNOITS OF LINKENS. ' Kirkcudbright.' See under LINKENS. KNOTTY BURN. ' Carsphairn.' KNOWEHAPPLE. 'Kells.' Cnoc chapul, hill of the horses (see under BARHAPPLE). Knowe = E. knoll A.S. cnol, for connection of which with Celtic, see under KNOCK. KNOWLIE. ' Urr.' A.S. cnol led, the hill field, field of the knoll. KNOX HILL (P. Knox). 'Buittle.' Cnoc, a hill. See under KNOCK. KNOX'S BURN. ' Carsphairn.' K6LPER's WELL. ' Kirkmaiden/ 232 AN TIR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. JjABNIE POINT. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' LADY BAY. 'Kirkcolm.' The farm situated on this bay bears the Erse equivalent in its name, viz. Portencalzie, q.v. LADY BURN. ' Kirkinner,' ' Old Luce.' This and - the four fol- lowing names are traces of old religious occupation. BR. sc. burn, a stream, E. bourn, M. E. bourne A.S. burna, burne + TfU. barn, a spring ICEL. brunnr, a spring + SWED. brun, a spring, a well + DAN. brond, a well + GOTH, brunna, a spring, a well + O.H.G. prunna, G. brunnen, a spring, a well + GK. (frpeap, a well. The root of burn, bourn, is assigned by Skeat to A.s. byrnan, to burn, just as the root of GOTH, brunna is GOTH, brinnan, to burn. The idea is the same as in well (see under CAIRDIE WIEL), hot, boiling up, and in torrent, i.e. torrens, hot, boiling, raging, impetuous (Skeat). LADY CAVE and HILL. ' Kirkcolm.' LADY EUE. * Kirkcolm.' GAEL. " rudha [rooa, roo], a point of land in the sea, a promontory." Macalpine. This word, so common along the west coast of Scotland, does not appear in Ireland. LADY WELL. 'Mochrum,' 'Old Luce.' LAG, THE. ' Glasserton.' Lag, log, a hollow. Often transferred (as in this case) to the hill beside the hollow. Common in Irish place-names as lag, lig, leg, in the north, and lug in the south and west. ERSE lag, log + ICEL. Idgr, low (whence M.E. louh, lah, low, E. low) + SWED. lag, DAN. lav + vu. laag TEUT. base LAG, to lie, to which are akin LAT. lectus, a bed (from obsolete base leg-, to lie), and GK. X,e%o9, a bed (from obsolete base Xe^), also appearing in aorist eXea (Skeat). LAGAGEELIE. ' Kirkmaiden.' Lag a' gile [?] [gilly], hollow of the whiteness or brightness. Cf. Legilly in Tyrone. LAGAN AMOUR. 'New Luce.' Lag an ammuir, hollow of the trough. Cf. Lugganammer and Leganamer in Leitrim. See under BALLOCHANAMOUR. LAGANDERRY. 'Penninghame.' Lagdn doire [dirry], hollow of the wood. See under DERRY. LAGBAES (P. Lagbe). ' Minigaff.' Lag beith [bey], hollow of the birches. See under ALLANBAY. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLO WA Y. 233 LAGGAIRY HOWE (P. Laggyry). ' Minigaff.' Lag caera, hollow of the sheep, with BR. so. howe, a hollow, added pleonastically. LAGGAN. ' Glasserton/ ' Kirkcolm.' Lagdn, dim. of lag, a hollow, but not always used in a diminutive sense, e.g. LAGGANMORE. Cf. in Ireland, Lagan, Legan, Legane, Legaun, Leegane, Liggins. .LAGGANGARN. ' New Luce.' Lagdn g-carn, hollow of the cairns. There are some remarkable remains at this place on the Tarf. The old pack-horse track crosses the river under Kilgallioch (3. v.\ and there used to be here three standing stones, of which two now remain, each bearing large incised crosses. A story is told of a man who, in rebuilding the now deserted farm-house of Laggangarn, carried off one of the standing stones to form a lintel. Some time afterwards his sheep-dogs went mad and bit him. He also went mad, and his wife and daughters " smoored him atween twa cauf beds " (smothered him between two mattresses filled with chaff), and buried him on the hillside, placing the broken stone over his grave. It is a desolate region. LAGGANHARRIE. ' Glasserton.' Lagdn charrach [harragh], rough hollow. See under BARNHARROW. LAGGANIMORE. 'Glasserton.' Probably the same meaning as LAGANAMOUR, q.v. LAGGANMdRE. ' Port Patrick.' Lagdn mdr, great hollow. Cf. Lugmore in Ireland. LAGGANMULLAN (Inq. ad Cap. 1575, Lachinmollan, Laikmullene). ' Anwoth.' Lag an muilinn, hollow of the mill. There are still mills here. Cf. Lagavoulin in Argyllshire. LAGGANREES. ' Kirkmaiden.' Apparently a hybrid word. The rees or sheepfold of the hollow. " Ree, a permanent sheep- fold, surrounded with a wall of stone and feal." Jamieson. LAGGANTULLOCH. ' Kirkmaiden.' Lag an tulaich, hollow of the hill. LAGGANLTSK. ' Kirkmaiden.' Lag an uisce [isky], hollow of the water. Cf. Luganiska in Ireland. LAGGERAN. ' Carsphairn.' LAGMONEY. ' Stoneykirk.' Lag monadh [munny], hollow of the thicket or of the peat. See under DALMONEY. 234 AN TlR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. LAGMtrcK. * Colvend.' Lag mm, hollow of the swine. Cf, Lag- namuck in Mayo. LAGNABALMER. ' New Luce.' LAGNABENAE. ' New Luce.' LAGNAGATCHIE. ' Kirkmaiden.' LAGNAWINNIE. ' Port Patrick.' Lag na mhuine [vinny], hollow of the thicket. Cf. LAGMONEY. LAGNIEB6LE. ' New Luce.' LAGNIEMAWN. ' Old Luce.' Lag na m-ban [maan], hollow of the women. Cf. Eilean na mban in lona. See under BARNAMON. LAGTUTOR. ' Mochrum.' Lag t-sudaire [toodery], hollow of the tanners. See under BENTUDOR. LAGVAG. ' Kirkmaiden.' Lag bheag [veg], little hollow. LAGWINE. ' Carsphairn.' LAGW6LT. ' Kirkmaiden.' LAINCHALLOCH. 'Inch.' The stream of the tealach, or forge. See under CHALLOCH and LANE. LAIRDLAUGH [pron. Lairdlaw] (P. Lardlach). ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' LAIRDMANNOCH. ' Tungland.' Lubhghwt [lort] manach [?], garden of the monks. Lubhghort is an exact equivalent to the BR. so. kale yard, O.W. lubgirth, gardens, sometimes written luird, w. lluarth. LIKENS, THE. 'Anwoth.' Leacdin [lackan], a hill-side. Cf. Lackan in Sligo, the old residence of the M'Firbis, where the celebrated Book of Lecan was written ; also Lacken, Lackaun, Leckan, Leckaun, and Lickane, in many other parts of Ireland. " Leacdin, the side of a hill, declivity ; the cheek." O'Reilly. LAKIN. ' Inch,' ' New Luce.' See under LAKENS. LAMACHAN (a hill of 2200 feet) (P. Lommachan). ' Minigaff.' LAMFORD (P. Lhunfard, Lomphard). ' Carsphairn. ' LAMLAIR. ' Carsphairn.' Leim Idira [?], the mare's leap. Cf. Leamlaira in Cork, and Lemnalary in Antrim. LAMLOCH (P. Lamnoch). ' Carsphairn.' LAMMASHIEL, SHEUGH OF (P. The Scheel). ' Minigaff.' LANDBERRICK (P. Lamberrick). ' Mochrum.' THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 235 LANDIS (on which stood formerly the abbot's tower). 'New Abbey.' Land, a word of uncertain origin, appears in the same form in A.S. DU., ICEL., DAN., SWED., GOTH., G., with the meaning " earth, soil, country, district " (Skeaf). But in Celtic it seems to have acquired the meaning of " an enclosure," hence, specially, a house, a church, w. llan, " an area, a clear place, a small enclosure, a church " (Pughe). B. llan, c. Ian. LANEBREDDAN, LOOP OF. ' Minigaff.' A hybrid word. BR. sc. lane, a stream, ERSE braddn, of the salmon. LANE BURN. 'Kirkinner.' "Lane. 1. A brook of which the motion is so slow as to be scarcely perceptible ; the hollow course of a large rivulet in meadow-ground. Dumfries. 2. Applied to those parts of a river or rivulet which are so smooth as to answer this description. Galloway." Jamieson. ICEL. Un, an inlet, a sea-loch, loena, a hollow place, a vale. The word seems to have been adopted into Celtic speech, just as Carse, and other words ; perhaps akin to ERSE leana, a wet or swampy meadow (Joyce, ii. 401). LANEDRIPPLE. ' Inch.' LANEHULCHEON POOL (on the Dee). ' Balmaghie.' LANEMANNOCH (a stream). 'Kells.' A hybrid word. BR. sc. lane, a stream, ERSE manach, of the monks, or meadhonach [mennagh], middle. LANESIDE. ' Troqueer.' =Burnside, side of the stream. LANGFAULD. ' Kirkmabreck.' BR. sc. the long enclosure. See under FALL OF FOURS. In BR. sc. lang is preserved the A.S. lang, long. LANIEKER. 'Kirkcolm.' LANIEWEE. ' Minigaff.' Leana bhuidhe [lenna vwee], yellow meadow. See under SPITAL LENY. LANNIG6RE. ' Old Luce.' Leana gobhar, meadow of the goats. See under SPITAL LENY. LARBRAX (Inq. ad Cap. 1616, Larbrax Gressie (now Balgracie), Larbrax Stewart, Larbrax M'Quhilzeane (M'William) ; P. Lairgbrecks, Lairgwillia. ' Leswalt.' Learg Ir6c [larg brack], spotted, variegated hill-side. See under AUCHABRICK and LARG. 236 AN TfR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. LARG. ' Inch.' Learg, the side or slope of a hill. Cf. Lerrig in Kerry ; but in Ireland the diminutives Largan and Lurgan are more commonly used. LARGERIE (Inq. ad Cap. 1571, Garlarg ; 1604, Garlarge). ' Kells.' Gar learg, the near hillside. LARG FELL (a hill of 2150 feet) (P. Larg). 'Minigaff.' The Scandinavian fjall is here pleonastically added to the ERSE learg. See under FELL and LARG. LARGHIE POINT [pron. Lurgie]. ' Kirkmaiden.' Leargaidh [largie], a hillside ; a derivative of learg. Cf. Largy, a frequent name in Ulster. LARGIE BURN. ' Minigaff.' See under LARGHIE POINT. LARGIE HILL. ' Stoneykirk.' See under LARGHIE POINT. LARGIES [pron. Lurgies]. ' Kirkmaiden.' See under LARGHIE POINT. LARGLANGLE E (Charter 1679, Nether Lag, alias Larganglie). ' Urr. ' Leargdn liath [lee], grey hillside. Cf. Larganreagh (leargdn riabhach) in Donegal, with the same meaning. LARGLEAR (P. Lairglury). 'Parton.' Learg laira, hillside of the mare. See under AUCHENLARIE. LARGLIDDESDALE (Inq. ad Cap, 1596, Largliddisdail vel Largle- viestoun ; P. Larig). ' Leswalt.' The learg, or hillside, of a man named Liddesdale or Livingston. LARGM6RE (P. Largmoir ; MS. 1527, Largmoir). 'Kells.' Learg mdr, the great hillside. LARGNEAN. ' Crossmichael.' Learg n-en [nain], hillside of the birds. See under BARNEAN. LARGOES. ' Minigaff.' See under LARGIES. LARGS. ' Twynholm.' See under LARG. LARGVEY (MS. 1527, Largvey). 'Parton.' Learg bheith [vey], hillside of the birches. See under ALLANBAY. LARGVEY HILL. ' Kells.' See under LARGVEY. LARGYWEE. ' Stoneykirk.' Leargaidh bhuidhe [largy vwee], yellow hillside. See under BENBUY. LARIG FELL. ' New Luce.' See under LARG FELL. .LAROCHANEA. 'New Luce.' Learg anfhiaidh [ee], hillside of the deer. The initial / is often silenced by aspiration. See under CRAIGINEE. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 237 LARRANGES. ' Balmaclellau.' LARROCH (W. P. MSS. Laroche; Inq. ad Cap. 1620, Lairoch; 1681, Larruch). ' Glasserton.' Ldthrach [laaragh], a place or house-site. There are many places in Ireland called Laragh and Lauragh, e.g. Laragh in Sligo, called Lathrach in the Book of Lecan. o. ERSE, Idthrach, w. law, a floor, GAEL. larach, " stand or site of a building ; a building in ruins, a ruin ; a battlefield." Macalpine. A derivative of lathair, presence, a spot. + w. llawr, a floor + E. floor. LASHANDARROCH. ' Leswalt.' Lios an daraich, fort of the oak. Cf. Lisnadaragh in Wexford. There is a well-preserved fort here. See under DRUMLASS. LAUCHENTYRE (P. Lacchantyre, Laghantyr). ' Anwoth.' Leacdn- t-iar, west hillside. See under BALTIER and LAKIN. LAUGHENGHIE (P. Lagganghy). ' Girthon.' Lagan gaeith [gwee], hollow of the wind, windy hollow. See under CURGHIE. LAURIESTON. ' Balrnaghie.' Laurie's place ; formerly called Clauchanpluck. LA VICE. ' Parton.' Leamhach [lavagh], a place of elms. Cf. Lavagh, the name of several places in Ireland. Deriv. of leamb, an elm. " In some parts of Ireland Lavagh is under- stood to mean land of elms, in others land abounding in the herb marsh-mallows." Hy Fiachrach, 269, note. LAWGLASS. ' Dairy.' Lagli glas, green hill (cf. Greenlaw). " Lagh [law], a hill, cognate with A.s. law, same meaning. It is not given in the dictionaries, but it undoubtedly exists in the Irish language, and has given names to a considerable number of places through the country." Joyce, i. 391. LEAKIN HILL. ' "Whithorn.' See under LAKIN. LEA LARKS (a crag of granite). ' Girthon.' Liath learg [?] [lee, larg], grey hillside. LEATHS [ pron. Lathes] (P. Laiths). ' Buittle.' Barns, sheds. Yorkshire " Laith, lathe, shed ; o. NORSE hlatJia SWED. lada ; DAN. lade, a barn ; GER. and DU. lade, a box." Lucas. LEAVERLY SPRING. ' Kirkcolm.' LECK Ross. ' Mochrum.' Leac rois [lack rosh], stone of the point or promontory ; or, perhaps, as both these words have been adopted in BR. sc. speech, the meaning is " promontory of the stones or tombs." It is a point of land running into Airrieoullaud Loch, now drained. 238 AN TfR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. LEFFNOL (P. Lefnol). ''Inch.' "In the western lands . . . the halfpenny becomes Laffen, as in Laflenstrath." Celt. Scot., in. 226. Thus this would appear to be leffen cnol, the half- penny hill. LEIGHT (Charter 1355, Lachalpene ; Inq. ad Cap. 1600, Mekill Laight, alias Laightbeg ; P. Laicht). ' Inch.' Lecht, a grave. Takes its name from Leight Alpin, a large stone on the borders of Ayrshire which commemorates the burial of Alpin, the last king of Scottish Dalriada. He was killed by an assassin in Glenapp, about A.D. 750, after he had obtained sway over the Picts of Galloway (Skene : Chron. P. and S. clxxxv.). LENNANS. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' Cf. BARLENNAN. LESSONS (Inq. ad Cap. 1570, Lessens ; 1625, Lessence). 'Mini- LEUCARROW. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' LESWALT (a parish in Wigtownshire) (Inq. ad Cap. 1607, Lesswoll ; 1617, Les wad; P. Leswalt). LEWTEMOLE. ' Kirkmaiden.' LEYS HILL. ' Dairy.' Leys, leas, the fields. LIBERLANE [pron. Libberlan] (P. Elricken Libberton). ' Kirk- cowan.' LICK, THE. ' Whithorn, s.c.' Leac, lie, or liag, a flat stone. Cf. Lack, Leek, Lick, Leeg, Leek, in many parts of Ireland. See under AIRIELICK. LIGGATCHEEK. ' Dairy.' Gate-post. " Liggat, a gate so hung that it may shut of itself. Galloway. Yet cJiekis, door- posts. Douglas." Jamieson. A.S. leag, geat, field-gate. LIGGAT HILL, in many places. See under LIGGATCHEEK. LIGHT BURN. 'Balmaclellan.' LIGHTSOME KNOWE. 'MinigafF.' LILIES LOCH (P. Lilly L.). ' Minigaff.' LINBLANE (a salmon pool on the Luce). ' Old Luce.' Linn blean, the pool of the creek or curve. See under BLANYVAIRD. o. ERSE lind, ERSE linn, " a pool, the sea, water " (O'Reilly}. w. llyn, a lake, a pool ; liquor, juice ; C. lyn, B. lenn. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 239 LiNCLtiDEN. ' Terregles.' The " linn " or pool of the Cluden. LINCOM (a salmon pool in the Luce). ' New Luce.' Linn cam, crooked pool (the river here turns at a right angle against an opposing rock). See under CAMELON. LiNCtrAN (a pool on the Tarf, close to Kirkcowan). ' Kirkcowan.' Linn Comhghain [Cowan]. Cowan's pool. See under KIRK- COWAN. LiNFdoT. ' Old Luce. ' Foot of the linn. LINGAN. ' Glenluce.' LINGDARROCH (a pool in the Bladenoch). ' Wigtown.' Linn darach, pool of the oaks. LINGDARROW (a pool in the Urr). ' Crossmichael.' See under LINGDARROCH. LiNGD6wiE BURN. ' Inch.' LINGHAR. ' Kirkinner.' Linn gearr, short pool, or linn gar, near pool. LiNGL6sKiN. ' Kirkcolm.' Linn losgann, pool of the frogs. Cf. LINLOSKIN. See under DARLOSKINE. LINGREE (a pool in the Cree). ' Penninghame.' LINKELLIE (a pool in the Bladenoch). ' Kirkcowan.' Linn coille [killy], pool of the wood. LINKENS (P. Lenkiuns). ' Kirkcudbright.' LINKHALL. ' Glasserton.' LINLOSKIN (a pool in the Cree) (P. Linglhoiskan). ' Penning- hame.' See under LINGLOSKIN. LINNCROSH (a pool in the Minnick). 'Minigaff.' Linn crois, pool of the cross or gallows. LINNFRAIG (a pool on the Deuch). ' Carsphairn.' LOAN BURN. * MinigafF.' See under LOAN HILL. Cf. LONG BURN. LOAN HILL. ' Inch,' ' Minigaif.' " Loan, lone, loaning, an opening between fields of corn, for driving the cattle homewards, or milking cows." Jamieson. =E. lane, M.E. lane, lone A.s. Idne, lone + 0. FRIES, lona, lana + DU. laan, a lane. LOAN KNOWES. ' Inch,' ' Old Luce.' See under LOANHILL. L6BBACKS. ' Whithorn, s. c.' Lubach [?], crooked, looped, winding. Cf. Loobagh, a river in Ireland. See under LOOPMABINNIE. 240 AN TIR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. LOCHABER LOCH. ' Troqueer.' o. ERSE, ERSE, and GAEL, loch, MANX logh-\-Vf. llwch, C. lo, B. ZOMC^ + LAT. lacus- (whence A.S. Zoc) + GK. Xa/c/co9, a hollow, hole, pit. This name is an example of how completely a place-name loses its signifi- cance, even when the original form is retained. To a Low- land Scot of the present day the word Lochaber would not necessarily imply a lake, to indicate which he has to repeat the syllable loch in the English position of the predicate. LoCHANHotlR. ' Glasserton.' Lochdn odhar [owr], grey lakelet. Takes its name from a huge grey rock lying along the north shore. Cf. Lough Ora (loch odhartha) in Fermanagh. LOCHAN OF VICE (P. L. Voyis ; Sibbald MS., Loch Vuy). * Tung- land.' L6CHANS (Crauf. MS. 1413, Lochanys). ' Carsphairn,' 'Inch.' Lochdn, a lakelet, E. plur. added. Cf. Loughan, Loughaun, and Loughane in Ireland. LOCHANSCADDAN (a tidal pool). 'Glasserton.' Lochdn sgadan, lakelet of the herrings. See under CULSCADDEN. LOCH ARROW (P. L. Amered). ' Minigaff.' LOCH ARTHUR (P. Loch Arcturr). ' Kirkgunzeon.' LOCH BEG. * Leswalt.' Loch beag, little lake. Cf. Lough Beg in Ireland. LOCH BILLY (P. Billies). ' Balmaclellan.' Loch bile [billy], loch of the big tree. See under KNOCKVILLE. LOCH BRACK. ' Balmaclellan.' Loch breac, loch of the trout. Cf. LOCHENBRECK. LOCH BRAIN. (P. L. na Brain). ' Mochrum.' Loch lrtan [brain], foul lakelet. It is a mere puddle in the middle of a quaking bog. Font's rendering suggests loch na breine, loch of the stench. LOCH CHESNEY. ' Mochrum.' LOCH CONNEL (P. Loch Konnel). 'Kirkcolm.' Loch Connati, Connal's loch. St. Columba, after whom this parish is named, was one of the Cinel Connaill, or Clan Connel. LOCH DOON. ' Carsphairn,' ' Inch.' Loch duin, loch of the fortress. LOCH D6RNAL (P. Loch Dornell). ' Penninghame. 1 The pre- fix is dobhar, dur, water. See under DARGALGAL. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 241 LOCH D6UGAN. ' Parton.' LOCH Dow. ' Minigaff.' Loch dubh [dooh], black loch. Cf. DOULOCH. LOCH DUIF (now called Eldrig Loch). ' Mochrum.' See under LOCH Dow. LOCH DUNGEON. ' Minigaff.' LOCHENBRECK. (P. L. na Braik). ' Balmaghie.' Loch na toeac [brack], lake of the trout. See under LOCH BRACK. Cf. Lough Nabrack, many times in Ireland. LOCHENALING (now drained). ' Penninghame.' Loch na fhaio- leann [?] [ailann], lakelet of the sea-gulls. Cf. Loughana- weelaun, the name of several lakes in Ireland. Faioleann andfafeledg are dimin. of the original word represented by E. gull ; W. gwylan, c. gullan, B. gwelan. LocHENG6wER. ' Balmaghie.' Lochdn gobhar [gower], lakelet of the goats. Cf. LOCH GOWER. LOCHENKIT. ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' Loch an cult [kit], lake of the wild cat. See under ALWHAT. LOCH ENOCH (P. L. Aengoch). ' Minigaff.' LOCH FERGUS (P. Loch Ferguss). 'Kirkcudbright.' Loch Fearguis, Fergus's lake. Named after Fergus, Lord of Galloway in the 12th century, who had a castle here. He was the founder of the Monasteries of Tungland and Saulseat, the Priories of Whithorn and St. Mary's Isle, and the Abbey of Dundrennan. Cf. the Fergus River, a tributary of the Shannon, written Forghas by the Four Masters (A.D. 1573). LOCH GILL. Cf. Lough Gill in Sligo, written by the Four Masters (A.D. 1244) loch gile, loch of the brightness, clear or bright lake. Cf. GILLS LOCH and LOCH GLAR. LOCH GLAR. ' Balmaclellan.' Loch gleoir []] [glore], loch of the brightness or clearness, or loch gleordha [glora], clear lake. Cf. Loch Glore, in "Westmeath (Joyce ii. 70) ; also gleoir, the name given by the Four Masters (A.D. 1208) to the Leafony River in Sligo. O. ERSE gldoir, probably akin to A.S. glcer, a pellucid substance, amber (whence M.E. glaren, E. glare, to shine ; " It is not all gold that glareth" Chaucer, ' House of Fame,' i. 272) + DU. gloren, to glimmer -flCEL. glora, to gleam + M.H.G. glosen, to shine. These are again connected with E. glass, DAN. glas, glar, o. SWED. glcer, ICEL. gler, glas. All from the European base GAL to shine /^/GHAR, to shine ; cf. SKT. ghri t to shine ; E. glow, etc. (Skeaf). Q 242 AN TIR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. LOCH GoiCH. * Tungland.' LOCH GOOSIE. ' Kells.' Loch giusach [gusagh], loch of the pine-trees. 0. ERSE gins, a pine + W. gwyd, trees, wood; C. gioydh, gus, gur, wood ; B. guida, wood, guedhen and guezen pin, pine-tree (Lhiyd). Akin to E. wood, ERSE and GAEL. fiodh. See under AIKET. Cf. Gusachan in Eosshire, etc. LOCH GOWER (P. L. Gaur). ' Mochrum.' See under LOCHEN- GOWER. LOCH GRANNOCH. ' Balmaghie ' (P. L. Greenoch). See under LOCH GRENNOCH. LOCH GRENNOCH (P. L. Grenoch). ' Minigaff.' Loch greanach, gravelly loch (cf. Greanagh, a stream in Limerick) ; or loch grianach [greenagh], sunny lake. See tinder GRAINY FORD. LOCH HARROW. ' Kells.' LOCH HEMPTON (P. Dyrhympen). ' Mochrum.' A most decep- tive name. Lying close to the old homestead of Mochrum Castle, it appears as if it were loch of the hamt toun (Hampton), but Pont shows that the prefix dobhar [dour], water, originally formed part of the name, of the latter part of which the meaning has been lost. LOCH HOWIE. ' Balmaclellan.' LOCH INCH-CRINDLE (P. L. Ylen Krindil). ' Inch.' Loch innse Crindail, lake of Crindle's isle. Crindle and M'Crindle are still extant as surnames in Galloway, but there is no record to show after whom this island was named ; but it is a large " crannog," or lake-dwelling, from which interesting relics have been recovered. Cf. Lochnahinch in Tipperary, which also takes its name from a crannog (Joyce, i. 300). See under INCH. LOCHINVAR (Inq. ad Cap. 1550, Lochinwar ; P. Lochinbarr ; Maclellan, Lacus Varii). ' Dairy.' Loch an bharr [var], lake of the hill-top. LOCH KINDER (Inq. ad Cap. 1601, Lochkindeloch). 'New- Abbey.' According to Mr. Skene (Celtic Scotland, i. 137), loch Cendaelaulh [kendelah], Cendaeladh's lake. Tighernac records the death in 580 of Cendaeladh, king of the Picts, perhaps of Galloway. There is a fine crannog in this beautiful lake, which may have been Cendaeladh's palace. LOCH LAGGAN. * Glasserton.' Loch lagaln, lake of the hollow. Cf. Lough Lagan in Roscommon, and Loch Laggan in Perth shire. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 243 LOCH LEE. ' Balmaclellan/ ' Dairy.' Loch Hath [lee], grey lake. Cf. Loughanlea, in Ireland. LOCH LENNOUS. ' Mochrum.' LOCH LURKIE (P. Loch Lurkan). ' Parton.' LOCH MABERRY (P. Loch Mackbary). ' Penninghame.' LOCH MIDDLE (P. L. Middil). ' MinigafF.' LOCH MINNOCH. ' Kells.' Loch meadhonach [mennagh], middle lake. See under BALMINNOCH. LOCH MOAN. ' MinigafF.' LOCH MORE. ' Leswalt.' Loch m6r, large lake. LOCH MUICK. ' Carsphairn." Loch muc, lake of the swine. LOCH NARROCH (P. L. Narrach). * MinigafF.' LOCHNATIJMMOCK:. ' Penninghame.' LOCHNAW (P. Lochna). ' Leswalt.' Loch an atha [?] [aha, awe], lake of the ford. There is here a submerged causeway lead- ing to a lake-dwelling. See under CARSNAW. LOCH OCHILTREE. ' Penninghame.' LOCH OF CREE (P. Loch Kree). ' MinigafF.' See under CREE. LOCH OF THE LOWES. ' MinigafF.' The same name occurs in Selkirkshire. Cf. LOWES LOCH ; also Loch of Leys in Aber- deenshire. LOCH PATRICK. ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' Loch Pddric, Patrick's lake. See under KIRKPATRICK. LOCH QUIE. ' Penninghame.' Loch caeidhe [quay, kay], lake of the bog. See under CTJLKAE. LOCH REE. ' Inch.' Loch riabhach [reeagh], grey lake. Cf. Loughrea in Galway, written loch riach by the Four Masters (A.M. 3506) ; and Lough Righe on the Shannon, which they write loch ribh (A.D. 742). LOCH RINNIE (P. Lochrenny). ' Dairy.' Loch roine [rinnie], lake of the point. See under RHINNS. LOCH ROAN. ' Crossmichael.' Cf. CRAIGROAN. LOCH ROBIN (P. Loch Ribben). ' Old Luce.' LOCH RONALD (P. L. Ronald). ' Kirkcowan.' Loch Raonuill. Ronald's lake ; see under CRAIGRONALD. LOCH R6v. ' Borgue.' Loch ruadh [rooh], red lake. Cf. Loch Dears in Ireland. 244 AN TJR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. LOCH RUTTON (gives name to a parish in the Stewartry) (P. Loch Ruttan ; Lochryerton, Lochryntoun, Loghroieton, 1 3th century, quoted by M'Kerlie). LOCH RYAN. Rerigonium sinus of Ptolemy. " From Penryn Wleth (Dow Hill in Glasgow, i.e. dew hill, gwleth, in composition wieth, signifying dew) to Loch Reon the Cymry are of one mind bold." Vita Kentigernce, transl., p. 344. LOCHSKAE. ' Balmaclellan.' Loch see [skae], lake of the haw- thorns. See under AUCHENSKEOCH. LOCHSKERROW (P. L. Skarrow). ' Girthon.' Loch sceireach, rocky lake. Deriv. of sceir (O'Reilly). LOCHSMADDY. ' Crossmichael.' LOCH SPRAIG. ' Minigaff.' LOCH SWAD. ' Penninghame.' LOCH TROOL (P. Loch Truiyll). ' Minigaff.' See under TROOL. LOCH TWACHTON (P. L. Twaichtun). ' Minigaff.' The hill be- side the loch is written by Pont Meal Tuachtain. LOCH URR (P. Loch Orr). ' Urr.' See under URR. LOCH VALLEY (P. L. Vealluy). ' Minigaff.' Loch bJiealaich [vallagh], lake of the pass. See under BALLOCH. LOCH WAYOCH (P. L. Chrauochy). 'Minigaff.' Loch bheithach [?] [veyagh, wayagh], lake of the birch-wood (see under BEOCH). Cf. Lough Veagh in Ireland. Pout's spelling seems like loch chraebhach [hravagh], wooded lake. Cf. Lough Crew in Meath, of which the Irish name is Loch-craeibhe. LOCH WHIN. ' Dairy.' Loch chum [hinn], lake of the dog. See under DRUMWHIN. LOCH WHINNIE (P. Loch Wymoch). ' Dairy.' LOCH WHINYON. 'Girthon.' Loch Finain [St.] Finan's or Winnin's lake. See under KIRKGUNZEON. L6CKHART HILL. ' Balmaghie.' See under BARLOCKHART. LODDANLAW. ' Port Patrick, s.c.' LODDANM6RE. ' Old Luce.' Loddn m6r, large pool. This place and the next are rain-pools among the sandhills at the head of Luce Bay. " Lod, puddle, mud. Loddn, a thin puddle." O'Reilly. GAEL, lod, a pool, puddle. " Lodan, water in the shoe." Macalpine. " Loddans, small pools of standing water." Madaggart. See also Jamie-son. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 245 LODDANREE. ' Old Luce.' Loddn riahbach [reeagh], grey pool ; or lod an fhraeicht [ree], pool of the heather. L6DENS, THE. ' Kirkcowan.' Lodan, the pools. E. plur. added. LODNAGAPPLE LOCH. 'Old Luce.' Lod na gcapul, pool of the horses. Cf. Lugnagappul, Pollacappul, and Poulacappul in Ireland. L6GAN (Crauf. MS. 1413, Logane, Lougau, P. Logan). 'Kirk- maiden.' See under LAGGAN, of which this is another and frequent form by the ordinary change from a to o. LONE HILL. ' Inch.' See under LOAN HILL. LONE STRAND. ' Carsphairn.' The " strand " or stream of the " loan." See under LOAN HILL. L6NGBERRY HILL. ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' LONG BURN. ' Dairy.' L6NGCASTLE (Inq. ad Cap. 1584, Longcaster; P. Wood of Longcastell). ' Kirkinner.' Formerly a parish. LONG DENNOT. ' Leswalt.' LONGFORT. ' Old Luce, s.c.' GAEL, longphort, a haven (from long, a ship, port, a landing-place, a port). This is probably the sense in this case, where there is good landing in Auchenmalg Bay. But in Ireland, the word has a different meaning, " a palace, a royal seat ; a fort, garrison, tent, a camp ; parlour " (O'Reilly). Thus the town of Longford is written of old Longphort Ui Fearghail, Longford OTarrell (Four Masters, A.D. 1448), OTarrell's Castle. Cf. PORTLONG. LONG HILL. ' Glasserton.' Cf. DRUMFAD. LONGMAIDEN. ' Glasserton.' LONG Row [pron-. Eoo]. ' Mochrum.' Rudlia [roo], a point, pro- montory, in this case running into the sea. See under RUE. LONG THANG. ' Old Luce.' Teanga, a tongue, strip of land ; or SCAND. tangi, a spit of land. See under CHANG. LONGT60 (P. Langtoo). ' Parton.' LOOPMABINNIE (a curve in Grobdale Lane, a stream). ' Balmaghie.' '' Lub, a loop, a \)ow." 0'Beilly. From this word is derived E. loop. LORG HILL (a hill of 2100 ft.). 'Carsphairn.' See under LARG. LORRAIN CROFT. ' Glasserton.' LOSHES. ' Troqueer.' 246 AN TJR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. LOSKIE, BIG AND LITTLE (two hills of 800 and 900 feet). ' Cars- phairn.' Loisgthe [luskie], burnt. Of. Ballylusky in Munster, Ballylosky in Donegal, Molosky [magh loisgthe] in Clare. See under CRAIGLOSK. LOSSET (Inq. ad Cap. 1610, Losset; P. Losset). ' Kirkcolm/ Losaidj a kneading-trough. "Applied to a well-tilled and productive field, or to good rich land. A farmer will call such a field a losset, because he sees it covered with rich pro- duce, like a kneading-trough with dough. In the form of Losset it is the name of a dozen townlauds from Donegal to Tipperary." Joyce, ii. 430. L6TUS HILL. ' Kirkgunzeon.' A modern name. LOUDON HILL. ' Penninghame.' LOWES LOCH. ' Balmaclellan.' Cf. LOCH OF THE LOWES. L6WRAN. ' Kells.' Leamhraidhean [lavran], a place where elms grow. Deriv. of leamh. Cf. Lowery in Fermanagh and Donegal, and Lowerymore, a river in the latter county, from leamliraidhe. See under LAVICH. LOWRING BURN. 'Kells.' See under LOWRAN. LUCE, AVATER OF. ' Old Luce.' Though several etymologies have been suggested for this name, none can be considered better than guesses. It is quite possible that in AvicoTriftia (Lttcopibia) of Ptolemy, which has been confidently, though unwarrantably, identified with Candida Casa or WHITHORN, we have the earliest written form of this name. In Dumfries- shire there was also a parish called Luce, now included in Ecclefechan. Cf. Luss on Loch Lomond ; Luce often occurs as Luss in old MSS. LUKE'S STONE. ' Carsphairn.' LUMAGARIE. ' Glasserton.' LtlNNOCK. 'Kirkmaiden, s.c.' LURG. ' Whithorn.' See under LARG. LURG HILL. ' Wigtown.' See under LARG. LURGIE. ' Penninghame/ Leargaidh [largy, lurgyj, a hillside. See under LARGHIE POINT. LUSKIE. ' Kells.' See under LOSKIE. LUSKIE HILL. ' Borgue.' See under LOSKIE. LYTHEMEAD. 'Kirkmaiden, s.c.' THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 247 MABIE (P. Maby). Troqueer.' MABREEDIA. ' New Luce.' See HILL MABREEDIA. MACHAR. * Inch.' A plain. O'Reilly gives " macliair, a battle," " maghair, ploughed land." The ERSE machaire [maghery], a field, a plain, appears in some names {see MACHERMORE), as in the Irish places Maghera and Maghery. Generally Machar may be taken to mean a level plain or field, the idea of " battle " being secondary (see BLAIR), from the place chosen for a battle, and of "beach," from its level character, though in modern Gaelic it is " seldom used for anything but a beach." Macalpine. All are derivatives of inag, magh, a plain. See under MAY. MACHERALLY[70ca%p-(m. Magherowley]. ' Kirkmaiden.' Machair Amhalghaidh [owlhay], Aulay's field. This is the origin assigned by Dr. Reeves to Magherally, the name of a parish in Ireland. M'Aulay is still a common name in the district. Cf. TERALLY, in the same parish. MACHERBRAKE. ' Kirkcolm.' Machair brfa, spotted, variegated field. Set under AUCHABRICK. MACHERCR5FT. ' MinigafiV Croft or farm of the machair or plain. MACHERM6RE (P. Machrymoir (' Old Luce ')). ' Minigaff,' ' Old Luce.' Machaire mdr, great field or plain. Font's spelling retains the original Erse trisyllable, as in Magheramore in Ireland. MACHERM6RE STONE. ' Kirkmabreck.' MACHERs6iL. * Mochrum.' MACHER-STEWART (Inq. ad Cap. 1620, Machir Stewart, alias Dowellstoun). ' Sorbie.' Stewart's machair. MACHERS, THE. The eastern part of lower Wigtownshire. Machair, a plain, E. pi. added. MACKILSTON. ' Dairy.' M'Gill's toun or place. MACMOIR. ' Kelton.' Mag mdr, great plain. In Ireland this is softened down to Moymore. See under MAY. MACNAUGHTEN. ' Kirkpatrick Irongray.' MADLOCH MINES. ' Glasserton.' 248 AN TfR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. MAGEMPSEY. ' Minigaff.' MAG FAULD. ' Kirkcowan.' Mag, a plain, or field. BR. so. fauld, an enclosure. MAGGIE IRELAND'S WA'S. ' Kirkmabreck.' MAGGOT HILL (850 feet). ' Kells.' MAHAAR. 'Kirkcolm.' See under MACHAR. MAHEREIN. 'Leswalt.' Machairin [maghereen], small plain. Dimin. of machaire. Cf. Maghereen in Cork. MAKERS HILL. ' Minigaff.' See under MACHAR. MAH6UL [pron. MahoolJ. ' Glasserton.' Maethail [mwayhill], soft, spongy land, from maeth, soft (Joyce, i. 465). Cf. MEEHOOLS ; also, in Ireland, Mohill in Leitrim, given in Irish MSS. Maothail (Four Masters, A.D. 1331); Mothel, in Waterford, called Moetliail-Bhrogain in O'Clery's Calendar ; Moyhill in Clare and Meath, etc. Maeth, soft + w. mivyth, c. medal. MAIDEN CRAIGS. ' Stoneykirk.' MAIDENHEAD BAY. ' Kirkmaiden ' (twice). MAIDENHOLM. ' Urr.' MAIDENPAP (a hill of 1030 feet) (P. Maidenpape). ' Col vend.' A common metaphor in hill-names. MAIDLAND (P. Maidland). * Wigtown.' Meadow land. Cf. LOW G. meetland, midland, G. mattland, a meadow (Bosworth). A.S. med (whence M.E. rnede, E. mead, and math as in aftermath) A.S. mdwan, to mow, which is from a base MA, to mow ; whence, also, LAT. me-t-ere, to reap, GK. a-fid-w, I reap. MALLABEY (P. Malobey). ' Kirkpatrick Irongray.' MALZIE BURN [pron. Mallyie] (P. Maille E.). ' Kirkinner." MAMMY'S DELPH. ' Port Patrick, s.c.' " Delf. A pit : a grave : a sod." Jamieson. Here applied to a gully in the rocks A.S. delfan, to dig, whence E. delve. The word del/ is not now in use in Galloway, but Jamieson mentions that it is used to express a sod in Lanark and Banff. MANRAP (on Barhullion Fell). ' Glasserton.' Said to have origi- nated from the death of a man who was gored by a bull, and whose entrails were " wrapped " round the bushes. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLO WA Y. 249 MANWHILL HILL (1376 feet). 'Dairy.' Mdin chuill [h will], hill or moor of the hazel. See under BARWHIL and DALMONEY. MARBRACK (P. Morbrack, Marbrock). ' Carsphairn.' The prefix mar, which occurs in parts of the Stewartry, seems to be of Scandinavian origin (cf. FELL), akin to ICEL. mdr, a moor, peat + 0. DU. moer, mire + UAN. mor+M.H.G. muor. G. m00r+A.s. rndr, a moor, or bog. The idea seems to be " bog " or " dirt," connected with E. mire. If we assign to the prefix mar this origin, it may be supposed to have entered Celtic speech like other Scandinavian words ; thus MARBRACK would be mor brec, brindled, spotted moor. Mar may, however, represent a contraction of machair, a plain, and in some cases undoubtedly it was originally Mark. MARBR6Y. ' Col vend.' MARCARTNEY (Inq. ad Cap. 1604, Marcartney; P Markairtna). ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' MARE EOCK. ' Leswalt, s.c.' MARGLEY (Inq. ad Cap. 1604, Margley ; P. Morgley). 'Kirk- patrick Durham.' MARGLOLLY. ' Kirkpatrick Irongray.' MARGREE, GREEN TOP OF. ' Dairy.' MARGREIG (P. Markgregg). ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' MARGRIE (P. Margry). ' Borgue.' MARJORIE HILL. 'Whithorn.' MARK (in many places). " Merkland, a denomination of land, from the duty formerly paid to the sovereign or superior." Jamie- son. E. mark = 13s. 4d., BR. sc. merk A.s. wawc + G. mark-\- ICEL. mork + ERSE marg. Sometimes it is mark, a boundary, a march A.S. mearc, or more probably direct from ICEL. mark + DU. merc+swED. miirke + 'DA.'X. mwrke + M.u.G. marke, O.H.G. marcha + GOTH. marka-\-l,A.T. margo (whence F. and E. marge, E. margin, ERSE marghan, prob. + LITE, margas, striped, perhaps + SKT. mdrga, a trace, especially of a hunted animal ,^/MARG, to rub lightly MAR, to rub, bruise, pound. " The order of ideas appears to be to rub, rub lightly, leave a trace ; hence a trace, mark, line, boundary." Skeat. MARKBROOM. ' Old Luce.' MARKDOW (P. Markdow). ' New Luce.' Marc duhh [dooh], black Mark. 250 AN TjfR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. MARKFAST (P. Markfass). ' Urr.' MARKLACH (P. Markolach). * New Luce.' MARLINN POOL (on the Ken). ' Kells.' MARMIE'S DUB. ' New Luce.' A salmon pool on the Luce : Marmaduke's " dub " or pool. Of. Mammy's Delph. MARNH6UL. ' Parton.' MARSC!LLOCH (P. Marskallach). ' Carsphairn.' Mor [Scand.] or marc sceilig, moor or merldand of the rocks. See under BAL- SCALLOCH. MARSKAIG (P. Markskegg). ' Dairy.' Mor [Scand.] or marc sgeach, moor or merkland of the hawthorns. MARSLAUGH (P. Murslach ; Inq. ad Cap. 1608, Marslave ; 1661, Marslaugh vel Markslave). ' Kirkcolni.' Marc sliebhe [slewie], merkland of the moor. See under SLACARNACHAN. MARTHR6WN OF MARIE. ' Troqueer.' MARTHR6\VN OF WooDHEAD. ' Troqueer.' MARTINGIRTH. ' Troqueer.' ICEL. gaf&r, Martin's garth, yard or enclosure. See under FRIAR'S YARD. MARYFIELD (one close to New Abbey, the other to Lincluden Priory). ' New Abbey,' ' Terregles.' Commemorative of the Mother of God. MARYHOLM (near Lincluden Priory). ' Terregles.' Commer -r- ative of the Mother of God. MARYPORT (P. Marypoirt). ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' Commemorative of the Mother of God. MARY WILSON'S SLUNK. ' Stoneykirk, s.c.' See under BAN- DOLIER SLUNK. MAUR'S CRAIG. ' New Luce.' MAWKINH6WE. 'Balmaclellan.' The hare's hollow. PROV. E. and BR. so. maukin, a hare ; howe, BR. sc. Iwlloio or hill. See under HOWE HILL. MAY. ' Mochrum.' Magh, a plain. o. ERSE mag + w. maes, C. maes, mez, B. maes. This word may be traced in many Gaulish names, Csesaromagus, Drusomagus, Novismagus, etc. It is generally translated campus in Latin, and in the Annals of Tighernach, planities. In Ireland it becomes Moy, Maw, Moigh, and Muff. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 251 MAYFIELD [pron. Myefield] (P. Meefeld). 'Kelton,' ' Terregles.' A pleonasm ; magh, a plain, with E. field added. MEAN HILL. ' Kirkcowaii.' " Min, a plain, a field." O'Reilly. " A green spot, comparatively smooth and fertile, producing grass and rushes, on the face of a mountain, or in the midst of coarse, rugged, hilly land. There are upwards of 230 townlands (in Ireland) whose names begin with this word, in the Anglicised form of meen." Joyce, ii. 400. MEAUL (hills of 2279, 1525, 1591, and 1432 feet). ' Carsphairn ' (four times). Mdel, bald, bare. A word descriptive of sum- mits or headlands. In Ireland it generally assumes the form Moyle or Mweel, in Scotland Mull. O. ERSE mdel, ERSE and GAEL, maol + w. moel, bald. It is used to denote a person shorn in religious observance, a priest or saint ; and, from the same connection of shaving with service, retained to this day in the shaving of soldiers and domestic servants, it was prefixed to names of saints as a Christian name ; thus Mul- patrick = servant of St. Patrick ; Mulcolumb, Malcolm, servant of St. Columba. MEEHOOLS. ' Old Luce.' See under MAHOUL. MEGGERLAND. ' Borgue.' MEIKLEWOOD. 'Tungland.' Great wood. Cf. CULMORE and KlLLIEMORE. MEIKLEYETT. ' Tungland.' Great gate (BR. sc.) A.s. micel, mucel ; gcet. MELYHODD THORN. ' Penninghame.' MENLOCH. 'Penninghame.' Min loch, small lake. Min, the primary meaning of which is " smooth," has also that of " little. ' Cf. Meenlagh, on the Blackwater, in Meath, and Menlough in Galway. The base min-, small, appears in LAT. min-or min-imus + A.s. min, small + E. mean, moderate, middling. MEOUL (P. Meald). ' Stoneykirk.' See under MEAUL. MERKLAND. ' Parton.' See under MARK. MERRICK (a hill of 2750 feet) (P. Maerach Hill, Maerack). ' MinigaftV MERROCK HILL. ' Port Patrick.' 252 AN TJR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. MERSE (P. Merss). ' Twynholm.' A.s. merse, a marsh, M.E. mersche. " Merse. 1 . A fertile spot of ground between hills ; a hollow. Nithsdale. 2. Alluvial land on the side of a river. Dumfr. 3. Also explained, ground gained from the sea, converted into moss. Dumfr." Jamieson. A.S. merse is a contraction of mer-isc = mere-ish, full of meres or pools A.S. mere, a mere or pool. It is quite distinct from morass (see Skeat, s.v.). MERTON [pron. Murr-ton] (P. Mertoun Makky). ' Penninghame.' A.S. m6r tun, dwelling or place on the moor. MID BURN. * Dairy.' Cf. MINNICK RIVER. MIDTOWN. ' New Abbey.' Cf. BALMINNOCH. MiLDRiGGAN. ' Kirkinner.' MILKING HOLES. ' Kirkpatrick Irongray.' MILKY BRAE. ' Kells.' MILLAE (a hill of 775 feet). ' Twynholm.' Cf. MILLYEA. Meall O. ERSE mell ; a globe, a lump, a hill. A common name for a hill in Ireland and Scotland, difficult sometimes to distinguish from maol in composition. It is perhaps akin to LAT. moles. MILLBAWN. * Kirkmaiden,' ' Port Patrick, s.c.' Meall bdn, white hill. MILLBUOY. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' Meall buidhe [buie], yellow hill. Cf. Mullboy in Tyrone. MiLLD6\VN. ' Inch,' ' Leswalt,' ' New Luce,' ' Penninghame.' Meall don, brown, dun hill. MILLEUR POINT (P. Mullawyr). ' Kirkcolm.' Meall odhar [owr], grey hill. MILLFIRE (a hiU of 2350 feet). ' Kells.' MiLLFdRE (a hill of 2082 feet). 'Dairy.' Meall mhdr [vore], great hill. Cf. MILLMORE. MILLGRAIN. ' Penninghame.' MILLHARRY. ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' Meall gharbh [harriv], rough hill. MILLHILL. ' Kirkinner,' Leswalt,' ' Old Luce,' ' Penninghame.' Sometimes to be referred to E. mill, but at others probably from meall, a hill, with pleonastic addition, as in Bar Hill, Fell Hill, etc. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 253 MILLISLE (P. Milnisle). ' Kirkinner,' ' Sorbie.' The " isle " or river-meadow of the mill. A.s. mylen, miln (BR. so. miln) LAT. molina. MiLLKN6cK. ' Anwoth.' Maol cnoc, bare hill. Of. MULLKNOCK. MILLMARK. ' Dairy.' MILLMINNOCH. ' Dairy.' Meall meadhonach [mennagh], middle hill. MiLLM6RE. * MinigaiF.' Meall mdr, great hill. MILLQUARTER. ' Dairy.' MILLQUHIRK [pron. -hwirk]. ' Inch.' Meall cheorce [?] [hurka], hill of the oats (see under AWHIRK), or meall cJiearc [hark], hill of the grouse. Cearc, a hen, is the usual word for grouse. MILLSTALK. ' Minigaff.' Meall stuaic []], [stook] stack hill. See under KNOCKSTOCKS. MILLSTONE HILL. * Port Patrick.' Presumably where mill-stones were quarried. There are several places in Ireland called from Iro, gen. brtin, a millstone ; e.g. Coolnabrone in Kilkenny, the hill-back of the millstones. MiLLiiM. ' New Luce.' Meall tuam [1], hiU of the tombs. See under KNOCKIEDIM. MILLYEA (a hill of 2450 feet). 'Kells.' Cf. BRANYEA and MILLAE. MiLMliN (Inq. ad Cap. 1543, Malvein ; 1610, Malmen, Midmylne- toun, alias Balmannoch ; 1639, Balmannoche). ' Stoneykirk.' Meall meadhon [men], middle hill. Cf. MILLMINNOCH and MULLMEIN. MILNTHIRD (P. Millthridt). 'Kelton.' The third part (a divi- sion of land) of the mill. Cf. " Thrid and tein. A method of letting arable land for the third and tenth of the produce." Jamieson. Cf. Middlethird in Tipperary, a translation of the ERSE Trian meadhonach. MiLx6NiSE or MiLTdNiSH (P. Multonish). ' New Luce.' MiNDbRK (P. Mondorck). ' Kirkcowan.' Min dtorc [1], boars' field. MINICARLIE. ' Glasserton.' Muine [minny] Cerle [?], Kerlie's thicket. This is on CARLETON FELL, which M'Kerlie claims as Cerle's Toun, a proposition which this name certainly tends to strengthen. 254 AN TJR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. MINISHTREE. ' Carsphairn.' MiNNAuL. ' Kells.' MINNICK (a river) (P. Meannock). ' MinigafF.' Meadhonagh [?] [mennagh], middle, the mid-stream. It occupies the middle position between its tributaries the Cree and Trool, the united stream taking the name of Cree. Minnock or Munnock is the name of lands in Dairy parish, Ayrshire. See under BALMINNOCH. MINNIEBAY. ' New Luce." Muine beith [minny bey], birch thicket. Of. Monivea, in Gallway. MINNIEGALL. ' Kells.' Muine geal [gal], white thicket, or gall, of the strangers or of the standing stones. Cf. Money- gall in King's County, which Joyce interprets the shrubbery of the strangers. See under DERGALL. MlNNlEGlE. 'Kirkcowan.' MINNIGAFF, a parish in the Stewartry. Variously written Mone- goff, Monigaff, Monigow, Munygoiff, Munygaff, etc. Ap- parently muine gobha [minny gow], the smith's wood or thicket. MINNIN BURN. 'Loch Eutton.' The minnow stream. BR. sc. minnin, a minnow ; spelt menoun, plur. menounis in Barbour's Bruce, ii. 577. A.S. myne, probably min, small. Cf. ERSE miniasg, small fish. MINNIWICK (Inq. ad Cap. 1602, Muniwick vel Mynivick). 'Minigaff.' MINNOCK'S MOUNT. ' Whithorn.' MiNNYD6\v (Inq. ad Cap. 1604, Moniedow ; P. Monydow). ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' Muine dubh [dooh], dark thicket. Cf. MoandufF in Ireland. MIRKSIDE. ' Dairy.' Dark hill-side ; A.S. mure, myrce, murky + o. SAX. mirki, dark + iCEL. myrkr+VAN., SWED. mark ; from the same root as E. mark. See under MARK. MOATS THORN. 'Kelton.' M6CHRUM. A parish in the shire, and also a place in Parton. The latter Pont writes Mochrumm, the former Machrom, which also appears in Charter, 1341, Mochrome, and in a charter of David II., Monchrum. The spelling Motherin, which also is found, is probably a misreading of t for c. Perhaps it bears the same relation to magh as CLACHRUM does to chtch, and means an open country, champaign. The name occurs in Ayrshire also. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLO WA Y. 255 MOIDOCH HOLE. ' Kirkcolin, s.c.' MOILE. ' Inch.' See under MEAUL. M6LLANCE (Inq. ad Cap. 1628, Millance ; P. Mollens, Mill of Molleins; 1613, Mollans). ' Crossmichael. ' Mutiean, a mill, or mulldn, a hill, dimin. of mullach. " It is generally applied to the top of alow, gently-sloping hill. In the forms Mullan, Mullaun, and in the plural Mullans and Mullauns, it is the name of nearly forty townlands (in Ireland)." Joyce, i. 393. M6LLAND or MULLAN HILL (P. Drummollyin Hill). ' Penning- hame." Muilean, a mill ; the prefix druim shown by Pont has dropped off. See under DRUMMILLAN. M6NACHAN ' Whithorn, s. c.' Manachdn, the little monk, or manachean, the monks. It is a sea rock close to the old chapel of St. Niuian, Candida Casa, the earliest stone church in Scotland. Monaghan in Ireland has a different origin, being muineachdn, a little brake or thicket (Four Masters, A.D. 1462). M6NANDIE RIG (P. Mononduy). ' Kirkcowan.' Cf. Knockmon- onday. MONEYHEAD. ' Stoneykirk, s.c.' Headland of the monadh [money] or moor. M6NEYKNOWE. ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' GAEL, monadh [mona], a moor (see under DALMONEY) ; BR. sc. knowe, a hillock, added. M6NEYPOOL BURN. ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' MONK HILL. ' Wigtown.' Cf. DRUMMANOGHAN, close by. MONREITH (variously spelt Murrief, Murith, Menrethe (Ragman Roll], etc.). 'Mochnun.' Moin riabhach [1] [reeagh], grey moor. Cf. Monreagh in Ireland. MONYBUIE (a hill of 1050 feet) (Inq. ad Cap. 1604, Monyboy ; P. Mouybuy). ' Balmaclellan.' Monadh luidhe [buie], yellow moor. Cf. YELLOW BOGS. MooRFAD(P. Moorefadd). ' Kirkmabreck.' M 6r fada, long moor. Cf. Monfad in Ireland, long moor. See under MARBRACK. MOORTREEKNOWE. ' Troqueer.' Probably a corruption of Bour- tree Knowe, the " knowe " or hillock of the elder. Bourtree, boretree, boartree "seems," says Jamieson, "to have received its name from its being hollow within, and thence easily bored by thrusting out the pulp." Be that as it may, it was probably used with sand and water for perforating stones in neolithic times. 256 AN TJR-CHUXNTAS GALLGATDHEL. M60RYARD HILL. 'Borgue.' Mfr ard, high moor. See under MARBRACK. M6RRACH (P. Moroch ; W. P. MSS. Morache). ' Whithorn.' M6RRISON. ' Balmaghie.' M6RROCH (Crauf. MS. 1468, Morrach). ' Stoneykirk.' Cf. MORRACH. MORROW WELL. ' Kirkmaiden.' Cf. BLACKMORROW WELL. MOSSBROCK GAIRY. ' Carsphairn.' Mos broc, badger's moss. The Scandinavian mos seems to have been adopted into Erse speech. " E. moss, a cryptogamic plant, M.E. mos, mosse A.s. meds+vu. mos + iCEL. mosi, moss, also a moss, moorland -f DAN. TWOS + SWED. mossa + G. moos, M.G.H. mos." Skeat. Akin to LAT. muscus. E. mire is related to moss through O.H.G. mios. MOSSFEATHER. ' Borgue.' Mos Pheaduir [?], Peter's moss. MOSSMAUL. 'Twynholm.' Mos maol, bare moss. See under MEAUL. MOSSNAE. ' Twynholm.' Mos n-aithe [1] [nay], moss of the kiln. See under AuCHENHAY. Moss KAPLOCH. ' Kells.' Cf. RAPLOCH, a village in Stirlingshire. Moss RODDOCK. ' Dairy.' Mos Rideirch [?], Roderic's Moss. Perhaps commemorative of Rydderch Hael, the Christian king who defeated the Pagans A.D. 573 at Ardderyd (Arthuret), near Carlisle, and whose name survives in several places; e.g. Cloriddrick, a large stone in North Ayrshire. See under MUNGO'S WELL. MOSSTERRIE. ' Borgue.' Mos t-searragh [?] [terragh], the foal's moss, or mos Tuire [terry], Terry's moss. See under CRAIG- TERRA. MOSSYARD. ' Girthon.' MOTHER WATER (a well on Prestrie (Priestery) farm). ' Whithorn.' Probably dedicated to the Mother of God. MOUNT HILLY. ' Inch.' Moin choille [hilly], hill of the wood. MOUNT SALLIE [pron. Salyie]. ' Kirkmaiden.' Moin seileach, hill of the willows. See under BARSALLOCH and DALMONEY. MOUNT SKIP. ' Crossmichael.' MOYLE. ' Borgue,' ' Colvend.' See under MEAUL, THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 257 MtiCLACH. ' Wigtown.' Muclach, " a herd of swine " (O'Reilly) ; a swine-pasture. Cf. Mucklagh frequently in Ireland. MUDDIOCH ROCK. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' MUGLOCH. ' Kirkmaiden.' See under MuCLACH. MUIL, THE (P. Muil). ' Kirkcowan,' ' New Luce.' See under MEAUL. MuiRDR6cHWOOD. ' Carsphairn.' M6r drocheaid, bridge moor. Between the Bridge of Deugh and the High Bridge of Ken. The adjacent farm is called Bridgemark. See under BAKD- ROCHWOOD. MUIRGLASS. ' New Luce.' M6r glas, green moor. See under MARBRACK. MULDADDIE. ' Kirkmaiden.' MULD6NACH (P. Mealdanach), (a hill of 1800 ft.) ' Minigaff.' Meall Donnchaidh [Donhah], Duncan's hill. MULDOWN. ' Minigaff/ See under MILLDOWN. MUJXJARVIE. ' Minigaff/ Maol garbh [garve], rough, bare hill. MULL, THE. ' New Luce/ See tinder MEAUL. MULLACHGENY. ' Minigaff/ Mullach gaineach, sandy hill. See under GANNOCH. MULLAN. ' Penninghame/ Mulldn, a hill. See under MOLLANCE. MULLANDERRY. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c/ Mullan dearg, red hill or headland. Cf. Mullachdarrig, Mullachderg, in Ireland. MULLBANE. ' Carsphairn,' ' Girthon/ Maol or meall bdn, white headland or hill. See under MILLBAWN. Cf. Mweelbane in Fermanagh. MULLGIBBON. ' Girthon/ Maol gobain, headland of the little snout. See under GAB. MULL HILL OF (1) AIRIEOLLAND, and (2) OF MILTON. 'Mochrum.' Maol, a bare hill. See under MEAUL. MULLKNOCK. ' Mochrum/ See under MILLKNOCK. !MuLLMEiN (P. Mulmein), ' ^linigaff/ Maol or meall rain, smooth or little hill. Or perhaps the same as MILMAIN, q.v. MULLOCH. ' Kirkcowan,' ' Penninghame/ Mullach, a hill, from maol, bare. It takes the form of Mulla and Mullagh in many parts of Ireland. R 258 AN TfR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. MtrLLOCK (P. Mullock, Muloch). ' Eerwick.' See under MULLOCH. MULL or GALLOWAY, THE [locally pron. Moyle] (P. Mull of Gal- lua). ' Kirkmaiden.' Maol, bare, a bare headland. See under MEAUL. Madettan, in the article which accompanies Pant's map in Blaeu's atlas, gives the true etymology : " Mula, id est, glabrum et detonsum ; nam prisci Scoti pro- montoria appellant Mula, metaphora a capite detonso sumpta." MULL OF LOGAN, THE. ' Kirkmaiden.' See under MULL OF GAL- LOWAY and LOGAN. MULL OF Eoss. * Borgue.' See under MULL OF GALLOWAY and Eoss. MULLTAGGART. . ' Kirkmabreck.' Meall t-sagairt [taggart], priest's hill. See under ALTAGGART. MULNIEGARROCH. 'NewLuce.' MULREA. ' Kirkmaiden.' Maol or meall reidh [1] [ray], smooth, bare hill or raith [ray], of the " rath " or fort. MUNCHES (Inq. ad Cap. 1604, Munocheis; MS. 1527, Muncheiss). ' Buittle.' MUNCRAIG (P. Monkraig). ' Borgue.' Moin creag, moor of the crags. MUNGO'S WELL. ' Dairy.' This is the only dedication in Gal- loway, so far as known to the writer, to St. Kentigern or Mungo, the patron saint of Glasgow, who re-converted the Strathclyde Britons. The town well in Peebles is dedicated to him, as well as many other places in Lanark, Dumfries, and Cumberland. He died in A.D. 603. King Eiderch, the conqueror of Strathclyde, submitted his crown to him and if, as is suggested Moss EODDOCK in the adjacent parish com- memorates that individual, there may be some connection between the names of these two places. MUNR6GIE. ' Kirkcowan.' MUNSACK, FORD OF (P. Muinshesh, Monsack). ' Carsphairn.' MuNSHALLOCH. ' Minigaff.' Moin sealgha [1] [shalligha], moor of the hunting. See under DRUMSHALLOCH. MUNTLOCH (Inq. ad Cap. 1610, Mulknok). ' Kirkmaiden.' Cf. MENLOCH. MUNWHALL. ' Girthon.' Moin gall, moor of the strangers or of the standing stones. See under DERGALL. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 259 MUNWHULL (a hill of 1345 feet) (P. Monwhil). 'Minigaff.' Moin chuill [hwill], moor of the hazels. Cf. Monaquill in Tipperary. See under BARWHIL. MURCHIE WOOD. MinigafF.' MURDOCH HILL. ' Whithorn.' MURDOCH'S CAVE. ' Minigaff.' MURDONACHIE. ' New Luce.' Mfrr Donacliaidh [Donnaghie], Duncan's moor. See under BARDONACHIE. MURLIN STRAND. ' Whit-horn, s.c.' Murldn, a rough top or head. See under CARRICKAMURLAN. Music KNOWES. 'Kells.' MUSSEL CLAUCHAN (rocks on the coast). ' Colvend.' Clachan, stones, where mussels are collected. Cf. CRAIGNESKET. MUTER HILL. ' Borgue. ' MYE. ' Stoneykirk.' See under MAY. MYRETON [pron. Murrton], ' Mochrum.' A.S. mere Mn, the place or dwelling on the mere or lake. Cf. MERTON. MYROCH (Inq. ad Cap. 1661, Mairoch ; P. Maroch). ' Kirkmaiden.' ANNIE NAIED'S HILL. ' Kirkmaiden.' NANNIE WALKER'S WA'S. ' Kells.' NAPPERS, THE. ' Minigaff'.' See under KNOITS. NASHANTIE HILL. ' Stoneykirk.' An sean tigh [shan teeh], the old house. See under SHAMBELLY. NASSAN BURN. ' Kirkmaiden.' N-easean [nassan], the waterfalls, pi. of eas. See under Ass OF THE GILL. NETHERFIELD. ' New Abbey.' Lower field. NETHERLAW. ' Berwick.' Lower hill (antithetically to Oveiiaw). A.s. neoZra hlceu: NETHERTHRID (P. Netherthridd). Lower third (a division of land) A.S. neo%ra Zridda. See under MILNTHIRD. NETHERTOUN. ' New Abbey.' Lower place A.S. neoZra tun. NETHERYETT. ' New Abbey.' Lower gate A.S. neoZra geat. 260 AN TIR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. NEW ABBEY, a parish in the Stewartry, named from the Abbey of Sweetheart (Douzquer, Doxquer, Dux Quer, Douce Cceur, Dulce Cor, etc.), founded in 1275 by Devorgilla, daughter of Alan, Lord of Galloway, wife of John Baliol. NEWTON STEWART. ' Penninghame.' Formerly Newton Douglas, and still earlier Fordhouse. NEWHOUSE OF LOCH ARTHUR. ' New Abbey.' The antithesis of SHAMBELLY, q.v. NEWLAW. ' Berwick.' NEW GALLOWAY (Synod of Galloway, 1664, Newtowne of Galloway). NICK OF CLASHNEACH. ' Minigaff.' " Nick, an opening between the summits of two hills." Jamieson. " Nick is an attenuated form of nock, the old spelling of notch; so also tip from top." Skeat. Notch, a weakened form of nock, M.E. nokke, especially applied to the notch in the end of an arrow o. DU. nock + o. SWED. nocka, a notch. See under CLARHNEACH. NICK OF BUSHES. ' Minigaff.' NIMBLY (P. Nimbelly; Inq. ad Cap. 1601, Nunbellie). 'New Abbey.' Probably the baile [bally], house or place of the nuns. Cf. NUNTON. N6GGIE. ' Berwick.' NOGNIESCREE. ' Leswalt.' Cnoc na scrath [scraw], hill of the sods or turf. See under SCRABBY. NORWAY CRAIG. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' Cf. CARRICKFUNDLE in Addenda. NUNLAND. 'Loch Button.' The land of the nuns. Nun, M.E. nonna A.S. nunna LOW LAT. nunna, nonna, a nun, " originally a title of respect, especially used in addressing an old maiden lady, or a widow who has devoted herself to sacred duties. The old sense is ' mother,' answering to LAT. nonnus, father, a word of great antiquity + GK. vdvvrj, vkvva, an aunt, vdvvat, vevvos, an uncle + SKT. nand, a familiar word for mother used by children, . . . answering to SKT. tata, father. Formed by repetition of the syllable na, used by children to a father, mother, aunt, or nurse ; just as we have ma-ma, da-da, etc."Skeat. NUNTON (P. Nuntoun). ' Twynholm.' The place or dwelling of the nuns. There are here the ruins of a nunnery. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 261 NUNWOOD (near Lincluden Priory). ' Terregles.' Wood of the nuns. A sisterhood of Black Nuns was established at Lin- cluden by Uthred, son of Fergus, founder of the Priory in the twelfth century. 0, 'CHILTREE (P. Uchiltry). ' Penninghame.' There is a place of this name in Ayrshire. OCHLEY POINT. ' Kirkcolm, s.c.' OCHTERALINACHAN. ' Leswalt.' UocMarach linachan, upper flax- field ; a derivative of lin, flax. See under PORT LEEN. OCHTRELURE (P. Ochtyluer ; Inq. ad Cap. 1642, Uchtrelmure). ' Inch.' UacMarach lobhair [f] [lour, loor], upper land of the leper or infirm person. See under BARLURE and BARNEY- WATER, OCHTRIMAKAIN (P. Ochtrymackean, Ouchtriemackean ; Inq, ad Cap, Ucthreid M'Kayne). 'Port Patrick.' Uachdarach mic Iain, the upper land of MacEwen or Mackean. OLDLAND. ' Girthon,' ' Kirkcowan.' Cf. Shautallow (sean talamti) in Ireland. OLDMAN. ' Berwick.' OLD TURIE. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' OLD WATER (a tributary of the Cluden). ' Kirkpatrick Irongray.' Allt, a glen or stream, which, being confounded with BR. sc. (mid, has been made genteel and transformed into Old. See under ALDERGOWAN. ORBAIN HILL. ' Kirkcolm.' ORCHARDTON (P. Orchartoun, Orchardtoun). ' Sorbie.' Ort-gcerd or ivort-gcerd tun, the house with the garden of " worts " or vegetables. The sense of a garden of fruit-trees is a secondary one. ORCHARS. ' Minigaff.' ORLOGE KNOWE (close to the ruins of Corsewall Castle). ' Kirk- colm.' Hill of the horologue, or sun-dial. " Orloge, wlager, orliger, a clock, a dial." Jamieson. - o.F. horloge, horologe (whence M.E. orologe, E. hwologe} LAT. horologmtn, a sun-dial, a water-clock GK. oDpoXoyiovwpo for wpa, a season, hour, and \oytov from \eyecv, to tell. 262 AN T1R-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. ORN6CKENOUGH. ' Anwoth.' Aridh [airie] cnocnach, hilly pasture. See under AIRIE. ORROLAND. ' Berwick. ' Debateable ground. " Orrow, orra, ora. Unappropriated, not matched." Jamieson. In sorting sheep in spring on the hills, those belonging to other flocks are put into the " orra bught." OUTON (Chapel, Gallows, and Burgess Outon, and Outon Corwar) (W. P. MSS. Lytill Owtoun, Owtoun chapell, Owtoun burges, Owtown carvar). ' Whithorn.' Out-town, outside the town (ofWhithorn). OUTTLE WELL. ' Sorbie.' OVERLAW (antithetic to Netherlaw). ' Kerwick.' M.E. over law, upper hill, as Chaucer writes over lippe for upper Up, C. T. 133. A.S. ofer hlcew; ofer, prep, (whence M.E. ouer, BR. sc. ower), akin to A.S. prep, up + DU. over + ICEL. yfir, prep., and ofr, adv.. exceedingly (as in E. over-fond, over-kind, etc.) + DAN. over + SWED. bfver + G. uber + O.H.G. iibar + GOTH, ufar + GK. vTrep + LAT. super + SKT. upari, above. Over is the comparative form of the root UF (E. up), of which the superlative survives in oft. OVERTOWN. ' New Abbey. A.S. ufera tun, upper place ; antithetic to NETHERTOUN. Ox ROCKS. ' Kirkcolni, s.c.' Cf. Bo STAKE. Ox STAR (a high pasture on the shoulder of a hill). ' Minigaff. ' Probably this is BR. sc. oxter, the armpit, figuratively used as parts of the human frame so often are to describe parts of a hill. The Ordnance Surveyor has made two words of it. A.S. oxta, the armpit. -L ADAKIE. ' Kirkmaideu, s.c.' PADDOCK HALL. ' Rerwick.' This is probably the form of A.S. pearroc, a park, alluded to under PARK. The change from r to d, though not according to rule, undoubtedly took place, probably (says Skeaf) from confusion with paddock, a toad. PALGOWN (on the Minnick) (P. Poolgawin). 'Minigaff." Poll gobhain [gown], the smith's pool. See under POLBAE. PALINKUM (P. Poolinkum). ' Kirkmaiden.' Poll linn cam, stream of the crooked linns. See under LINCOM. PALMALLET (Inq. ad Cap. 1661, Polmo wart; W. P. MSS. Polraal- lart). ' Sorbie.' THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 263 PALNACKIE (on the Urr). ' Buittle.' Poll an achaidh [aghey], stream of the arable field. PALNEE. ' Kirkcudbright.' Poll na fhiadh [ee], stream of the deer, or pott na fhiodhe [1] [ee], stream of the wood. Fidh, fiodh, o. ERSE fid + E. wood (see under BLAIKET). See under CRAIGINNEE. PALNURE (a stream) (P. Polnewyir R). ' Minigaff.' Poll n-iubhar [nure], stream of the yew-trees or of the juniper. Of. Terenure, Ballynure, Ahanure, Ardnanure, Gortinure, Killure, Killanure, in Ireland ; also Newry and Nure = an iubhar, with the agglutinative n of the article. O. ERSE ibar, ibhar, iubar, ERSE iubhar, GAEL, iubhar, iughar, w. yw, ywen, c. hivin, B. ivin + A.S. iw (whence M.E. ew, E. yew) + DU. uf + ICEL. yr + G. eibe, O.H.G. iwa. PALWHILLIE or POLQUHILLIE. ' Penninghame.' Poll choille [hwilly], stream of the wood. PAPY HA'. ' Minigaff.' Probably equivalent to BALNAB, q.v. PARK (P. Parck). ' Old Luce.' Paire, enclosed ground. In Scotland park has not the exclusive meaning attached to it in England, but simply means an enclosed field. + W. park, parity, B. park, which Skeat takes to be borrowed from the Teutonic. E. park, ME. parrok A.S. pearroc + DU. perk + SWED. and DAN. park + G.pferch + F. pare, iTA.L.parco, SPAN, parque. Paddock is another form of ME. parrok. The A.S. form is retained in BR. SC. " Parrock, a small enclosure in which a ewe is confined to make her take with a lamb." Jamicson. Park is common in Irish place-names. PARKDOON. ' Minigaff.' Pairc duin, field of the fort. PARKMACLURG (P. Parkmaklurg). 'Minigaff.' M'Lurg's en- closure. PARKROBBIN. ' Balmaclellan.' Robert's enclosure. PARLIAMENT KNOWE. ' Minigaff.' PARROCK STANE. ' Carsphairn.' A.S. pearroc stan, stone of the enclosure. See under PARK. PARTON (a parish in the Stewartry) (Inq. ad Cap. 1607, Partoun ; P. Partoun). Portdn, a landing-place, dimin. of port. Some- times locally aspirated into Earton. " In the eastern part of county Clare port is pronounced as if written pdirt, and this pronunciation is reflected in the names of some places on the Shannon, from Limerick to Killaloe, which are now called Parteen, signifying little landing-place." Joyce, ii. 232. 264 AN TJR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. PASBUERY. ' Leswalt, s.c.' PAUPLE'S HILL. ' Penninghame.' PEAKSTALLOCH. ' Port Patrick, s.c.' " Peak is one of the Celtic words so often met with in English place-names." Skeat. ERSE peac, any sharp-pointed thing + GAEL, beic, a point, a bill (whence E. beak). In France and Switzerland Piz is a common mountain-name. PEAL HILL. ' Kells.' " Pele, peyll, peill, peel, paile, a place of strength, a fortification, properly of earth." Jamieson. Cf. BR. SC. ped tower A.S. pil, a pile, a heap; acervus (JBosicorth). PEAT BURN. ' Carsphairn.' Peat, turf cut in boggy places. " The true form is beat, as in Devonshire ; the change from b to p is very unusual, but we have it again in purse from F. bourse. It was so called because used for beeting, i.e. mending the fire, from M.E. beten, to replenish a fire A.S. be'tan, to better, amend, repair, to make up a fire." Skeat. A.S. bot, advantage, boot + DU. boeta, penitence, boeten, to mend, kindle + ICEL. b6t, bati, advantage, cure, boeta, to mend, improve + DAN. bod, amendment, bode, to mend + SWED. bot, remedy, bota, to fine, mulct + GOTH, bdta, profit + O.H.G. puoza, buoza, G. busse, atonement. From the same root as E. better. " Beit, bete, bet, beet : 1. To help, to supply, to mend by making addition. To belt the fire or belt the ingle, to add fuel to the fire." Jamieson. PEAT HASS. 'Carsphairn.' "Hass is used in a general sense to signify any gap or opening." Jamieson. = Hals, hawse, a throat, a narrow opening or defile. PENEILLY CAIRN. 'Balmaclellan.' PEN HILL. * Sorbie.' See under PENNY HILL. PENKILL BURN (P. Poolkill b.). 'Minigaff.' Poll cille [killy], pool or stream of the church. It flows under the walls of Minigaff church. PENKILN (P. Benkiln). 'Sorbie.' Probably the same asPEXKiLL, as there is a stream beside which stood a church, KILFILLAN. PENNINGHAME (a parish in the shire) (P. Pennygham ; Burn- barroch, 1576, Pennegem ; Synod of Galloway, 1644, Peny- gham). A.S. Peneg ham, the penny land or holding. " In the western districts (of Scotland) we find the penny land also entering into topography, in the form of Pen or Penny. . . . The two systems of land measurement appear to meet in Galloway, as in Carrick we find the measure by THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 265 penny lands, which gradually become less frequent as we advance eastward, where we encounter the extent by merks and pounds, with an occasional appearance of a penny land." Skene, Celtic Scotland, iii. 226, 227. PENNY HILL. ' Kirkinner.' See under PENNINGHAME. PENNYMUIR. ' Borgue.' See under PENNINGHAME. PENNYTOWN. ' Kells.' See under PENNINGHAME. PENTICLE. ' Kirkinner.' PENWHAILL. ' Girthon.' PENWHIRN. ' Inch.' Of. PILWHIRN, of which this is probably a corruption. PETER'S PAPS. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' PETILLERY HILL. ' Carsphairn.' Whatever the prefix Pet represents, the latter part of this name is iolaire [illery], an eagle. See under BENYELLARY. PHALSHEUCHAN. ' Kirkinner.' See FALSHEUCHAN. PHALWHISTLE. ' Kirkinner.' See FALWHISTLE. PHILBAINS. ' Mochrum.' Pholl ban, white water. PHILG6WN. ' Mochrum.' Pholl gobhain [gowan], the smith's water. Of. PALGOWN. PHILHAR. ' Whithorn.' See FALHAR. PHILSTABBIN. ' Inch.' PHILTOWL. ' New Luce.' Pholl tuatltail [towl], north water. See under DRUMTOWL. PHILWHINNIE. ' Whithorn.' PHYSGILL ( W. P. MSS. Fischegill). ' Glasserton.' SCAND. gil [1], fish stream; ICEL. fiskr + vu. visch+A.s. fisc (whence M..E.fach, E.^sA) + DAN. and SWED. Jisk + G.fisch + LA.T. piscis + w. pysg, B. pesk + ERSE and GAEL, iasg (by loss of initial p). PIBBLE (P. Pibbil). ' Kirkmabreck.' PICKMAW ISLAND (in Loch Doon). ' Carsphairn.' " Pickmaw, a bird of the gull tribe." Jamieson. E. mew, M.E. mawe A.s. nueiv + 'DU. meeuw + ICEL. ?wfr+DAN. maage + SWED. mdke + G. mowe. " All words of imitative origin, from the mew or cry of the bird." PIKEHORN (P. Pykhorn). ' Sorbie.' Of. PEAKSTALLOCH. 266 AN TIR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. PILTANTON BURN (P. Pool Tanton; Inq. ad Cap. 1610, Poutan- tane). * Old Luce.' Poll, water. PILWHIRN BURN. ' New Luce.' Poll chuirn [?] [hwirn], pool or water of the cairn. Cf. FALWHIRN. PINFOLD. ' Port Patrick.' PINMINNOCH. ' Port Patrick.' Probably corrupted from beann meadhonack [mennagh], mid hill. The change from b to p is contrary to rule, but see under PEAT ; and the Erse beann seems, in Galloway, to have become assimilated to the Cymric pen, prevalent in Strathclyde, although originally a totally different word. PINWHIRRIE. ' Inch.' Beann fhoithre [whirry], hill of the copse. See under WHERRY CROFT. PIOT FELL. ' Port Patrick.' See CAIRN PAT. PIPERCROFT. ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' A frequent name near old towns, the town-piper being an ancient and universal institution. PLAID, THE. ' Kirkmaideu.' PLAN. ' Crossmichael.' PLASCOW. ' Kirkgunzeon.' This word has a very Welsh character. PLEA RIG. ' Balmaclellan.' Land about which there has been a " plea " or litigation. PLUCKHIM'S CAIRN. ' Tungland.' PLUMBHOLE. ' Col vend.' " Plumb, the noise a stone makes when plunged into a deep pool of water; people guess at a pool's depth by this plumb." Mactaggart. " Plum, plumb, a deep pool in a river or stream." Jamieson. From the idea of sounding with & plumb, or mass of lead ; M.E. plumbe, plom F. plumb, lead LAT. plumbum, probably cognate with GK. /ioX,u/3o to hang THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 267 down. The sense of immersion is retained in the transitive form A.S. sencan, to cause to sink, SWED. siinka, DAN. scenke, G. senken, to immerse. PLUMJORDAN BURN. ' Minigaff.' PLUNTON (P. Plumtoun, Plumptoun). ' Borgue.' POCHRIE. ' Mochrum.' POCHRIEGAVIN BURN. ' Carsphairn.' Pochrie is probably a cor- ruption of the same original as Poultry, in Poultrybuie. See POLGAVIN. POINTFOOT. ' Dairy.' Foot of the " point " or hill. POINT OF THE SNIBE. ' Minigaff.' Another form of Snab. See under SNAB HILL. POLBAE. ' Kirkcowan.' Poll beith [bey], pool or stream of the birches. Of. FALBAE. In Polbeith Burn, a tributary of the Irvine, the silent th has been restored. ERSE and GAEL. poll, a hole, pit, mire, water either running or stagnant, MANX poyl+w. pidl, B. poull, c. pol (whence A.S. pdl, ME. pol, ^OO/)+LAT. palus + GK. TTT/XO?. Root uncertain. Enters largely into place-names, in which it indicates either a stream or a pool, in the various forms fal, fil, ful, pJial, phil, pal, pil, pol, pul, and even pen. POLGHESKIE BURN (P. Polchesky). ' Carsphairn.' Of. BARCHESKIE. POLCHIFFER BURN. ' Carsphairn.' PoLcdRROCH BURN. ' Carsphairn.' Poll carroch, rough stream. POLDORES BURN. ' Carsphairn.' Poll doran, stream of the otters. Of. Puldourau. See under ALDOURAN. POLDUSTON BURN. ' Minigaff.' POLGAVIN BURN (a tributary of the water of Deuch, near Pochriegavin). 'Carsphairn.' Poll gamhan [?], the calves' stream. POLIFERRIE BURN. ' Carsphairu.' Poll a' foithre [1] [fwirrie], stream of the woods. See under WHERRY CROFT. POLJARGEN BURN AND HAGS. ' Carsphairn.' Poll deargdn, red stream. POLMEADOW BURN. ' Carsphairn.' Poll madadh [?] [madda, maddoo], stream of the dogs or wolves. Cf. PULMADDY and PULVADDOCH. 268 AN TJR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL, POLQUHILLIE. ' Pennmghame.' See PALWHILLY. POLR6BIN BURN. ' Carsphairn.' Cf. PARKROBBIN. POLSHAG BURN (P. Poushaig). ' Carsphairn.' Poll seobhac [?] [shock], stream of the hawks. See under GARNSHOG. POLSTON BURN. ' Balmaclellan.' POLSUIE BURN. ' Carsphairn.' Poll subh [?] [soo], stream of the berries, or poll samhadh [soo], stream of the sorrel. See under DRUMMIESUE. Cf. Inishnasoo in Armagh (written by the Four Masters, A.D. 1158, Innis na subh), Cornasoo in Monaghan, and Lisnasoo in Antrim. Cf. SuiE. POLTIE BURN. ' Carsphairn.' Poll tighe [?], stream of the house. See under DRUMATYE. POLVADDOCH BURN. ' Dairy.' Poll mhadadh [vadda], stream of the dog or of the wolf. Cf. POLMEADOW and PULMADDY. POLWILLIEMOUNT. ' Kirkmabreck.' POLYM6DIE. 'Inch.' Poll a" madhaidh [madda], stream of the dog. Cf. POLMEADOW and PULMADDY. POOL NESS. ' Girthon.' PORT AGREE. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' PORTACLEARYS. ' Kirkcolm, s.c.' Port a' cUrech, port or landing of the clergy. See under BARNEYCLEARY. ERSE port, a harbour, fort, bank (Corm. Tr., p. 133); a ferry (ffBeilly). Closely akin to, if not derived from, LAT. portus, a harbour porta, a gate GK. Tropo?, a ford, a way, from ^PAR, to pass through, ford, which is the root of E. fare, ford, far, ferry. PORT ALLAN. ' Whithorn, s.c.' PORTAMAGGIE. ' Port Patrick, s.c.' PORTANKIL. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' Portdn cille [killy], the little harbour of the church or cell. Portdn, dimin. of port (cf. PARTON). See under KILCORMACK. PORTAVADDIE. ' Kirkmaiden ' (twice), 'Port Patrick, s.c.' Port a bhada [vadda], port of the boat ; ERSE bdd (O'Reilly) , GAEL. bdta + W. bad + A.S. bdt (whence M.E. boot, E. fa>a/) + iCEL. bdlr + SWED. 6a/+DU. 6oo/+RUSS. bot'. Probably connected with ERSE and GAEL, bat, bata, a staff, cudgel, a bat. PORTBEG. ' Kirkcolm,' ' Leswalt, s.c.' Port beag, little port. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 269 PORTBRIAR (close to the ruined chapel at the Isle of Whithorn). 'Whithorn, s.c.' Port brathair [braher], landing-place or haven of the friars. See under ALTIBRAIR. PORT DONNEL. ' Colvend, s.c.' Port Domknuill, Donnel's port. PoRTD6wN (P. Port Doun). ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' Port duin, port of the fort. Cf. Portadown in Ireland. PORTENCALZIE (Inq. ad Cap. 1600, Portincalzie, P. Portincailly). ' Kirkcolm, s.c.' Portdn cailleach, port of the nuns. It is a farm situated on Lady Bay, which is a literal translation of Portencalzie. PORTENC6RKRIE (P. Portinkorkry). ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' Portdn corcra, red port. Named from the ruddy granite which crops out here. See under BARNCORKRIE. P6RTERBELLY. ' Kirkgunzeon.' The latter part of the word is baile, a townland. Cf. SHAMBELLIE. PORTERLOOP. ' Balmaclellan.' PORT GARVILLAN (P. Port Garvellan). 'Kirkcolm, s.c.' See under GARVELLAN. There is a place called Rough Isle close by. PORT G6wER. ' Stoneykirk, s.c.' Port gobhar, port of the goats or horses. See under ALGOWER. PORT HENRY. ' Whithorn, s.c.' Port an righ [?], king's port. Cf. PORTREE. PORT KALE (P. Port Kyoch). ' Port Patrick, s.c.' Port cool [?] [keel], narrow port. See under CARSKEEL. PORT KENAN. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' Port Caenain [Keenan], Keenan's port [?]. Keenan still survives as a surname in Galloway. It is from caen [keen], beautiful. PORT LEEN. ' Kirkcolm, s.c.' Port lin [leen], port of the flax ; where flax was landed or steeped. Cf. Port Leen in Ireland, also Coolaleen, Crockaleen, and Gortaleen. 0. ERSE lin, flax. The word is the same in A.S. and M.E. (E. linen being the adj. form, as woollen from wool) LAT. linum, flax + GK. \ivov. To " line " clothes is to put lin or linen inside them. PORTLENNIE. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' PORTLING. ' Colvend, s.c.' Port luing [ling], port of the ship. Cf. Port-na-luing in Tyree. See under LONGFORT. PORTL6NG. ' Kirkcolm, s.c.' Port long, port of the ships. See under LONGFORT. 270 AN TlR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. PORTMARK. 'Carsphairn.' PORT MARY. ' Berwick.' Formerly Nether Rerwick, where Queen Mary embarked in her flight from the battle of Langside. PORT MONA (P. Port-na-mony-a-koane). ' Kirkmaiden.' Port na monadh a' coin, port of the dog's moor. Pont preserves the full original name. Cu, gen. coin, a dog + W. ci, pi. cicn + LAT. canis + GK. KVWV, gen. KVVOS + SKT. cuan, from an Aryan base KWAN, dog, whence we have a TEUTONIC type HUN-DA, extended from HUN = HWAN, giving E. hound - A.S. kund + DU. hond + ICEL. hundr -f- DAN. and SWED. hund + G. hund + GOTH, hunds. PORT MORA (P. Moiran's Poirt). ' Port Patrick,' M'Morran is a surname in Galloway formed from mbr, great. PORTM6RE (P. Poirt moir). ' Kirkcolm, s.c.' Port m6r, great harbour. PORT MUDDLE. ' Kirkcudbright, s.c.' PORT MULLIN (P. Port Moulin). ' Kirkcolm, s.c.' Port mutteain [meulan], port of the mill. Of. Millport in Cumbrae. PoRTNAUGHAN. ' Kirkcolm.' PoRTNAUCHTRY. ' Kirkcolm, s.c.' Portdn Ochtraidh [Oughtrie], Uthred's port. PORTNESSOCK (P. Port Nustak). ' Kirkmaiden.' Cf. CARSE- NESTOCK. In the "Book of the Nativity of Saint Cuthbert, taken and translated from the Irish," a manuscript of the fourteenth century, in the Diocesan Library at York, and printed by the Surtees Club, it is stated that the boy Cuthbert, accompanied by his mother, lauded in " Galweia, in that region called Rennii, in the harbour of Rintsnoc." Mr. Skene remarks that this is no doubt Port Patrick, in the Rhinns of Galloway ; but it is more likely that it was Port Nessock, an equally good landing-place in those days, farther south on the same coast. PORTOBEAGLE. ' Colvend, s.c.' PORTOWARREN. ' Colvend, s.c.' Port a' garrain [1], port of the horse. See under GLENGARREN ; cf. PORT WHAPPLE. PORT PATRICK (a sea-port giving name to a parish in the shire) (P. Port Fatrick; Inq. ad Cap. 1646, Portus olim nuncupatits Portpatrick, mine Portmontgomerie). ' Port Patrick.' Port Padric, (St.) Patrick's port. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLO WAY. 271 PORTREE. ' Port Patrick, s.c.' Port righ [ree], the king's port. PORT RIG (on Lochinvar). ' Dairy.' The " rig " or ridge of the landing-place or haven. PORT SAND. 'Kirkcolm, s.c.' PORTSL6GAN (P. Poirtslogan). ' Leswalt.' PORTWHAPPLE. ' Mochrum, s.c.', ' Sorbie, s.c.' Port chapuil [hwappill], port of the horse. See under BARH APPLE. PORTYERROCK ( W. P. MSS. Portcarryk, Pottarrak ; Inq. ad Cap. 1647, Porterack). 'Whithorn, s.c.' Port dhearg [hyarrig], red port. But the spelling in the Whithorn Priory Rental suggests port carric, port of the sea-crag. POT6MARAS (a pool in the Minnick). ' Minigaff.' POULTRIEBUIE BURN. ' Carsphairn.' Cf. POCHRIEGAVIN. POUNDLAND. ' Parton.' Land of the annual value of a pound Scots = 13d. sterling. Pow. ' New Abbey.' A sluggish stream. " Pow, a slow-moving rivulet in flat lands." Jamieson. POWBRADE. ' Girthon.' Poll bragliaid, stream of the gulley. See under BRADOCK. BURN. ' New Abbey.' POWTAN. ' Minigaff.' P6WTON (W. P. MSS. Powtoun). ' Sorbie.' The tun or dwelling beside the pmv or sluggish stream. See under Pow. PREACHING HOWE. ' Minigaff,' ' Whithorn.' The hollow of the preaching. The place of this name in Minigaff is in the hill district, and probably dates from Covenanting times, that in Whithorn is not far from the Priory. PRESTON (P. Prestoun). ' Colvend.' A.S. preost tun, priest's dwelling. PRESTRIE (P. Prestry; W. P. MSS. Prestore). 'Whithorn.' Priest-ery, land of the priests. Part of the old Priory lands of Whithorn. A.s. pretist (whence M.E. preost, preest, E. priest LAT. presbyter (whence contracted o.r. prestre, r. pi-etre}) GK. Trpea-fivrepos, comparative of 7rpecr/3u9 (akin to LAT. priscus, old), DORIC irpeo-^o^. The syllable TT/H?-, pris- = imus, former, neuter of prior, which reappears later as an ecclesiastical title. PRIESTLANDS. ' Troqueer.' The possession of the priests. 272 AN TiR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. PULARYAN [pron. Pullareean] (P. Poldenrian ; Inq. ad Cap. 1600, Polrean). ' Inch.' PULBAE (a stream running past Stronbae) (P. Phallbe). ' Mini- gaff.' See under FALBAE and POLBAE. PuLcliGRiE BURN. ' Kells.' Poll coigriche, stream of the boundary, or coigricheach, of the strangers ; literally those from over the boundary. See under DRUMCAGERIE. PULCARDIE BURN. ' Kells.' Pott cearda [carda], stream of the forge or workshop. See under CAIRDIE WIEL. PULCREE (Inq. ad Cap. 1604, Polcrie, Pollincrie; P. Pdolkree b.). 'Anwoth.' Poll criche [1] [creeghe], stream of the boundary. See under CREE. PuLD6uRAN. 'Glasserton.' Poll doran, pool of the otters. See under ALDOURAN. PuLD6w BURN. ' Kells.' Poll dubh [dooh], black stream. Cf. PULLOW ; also Powduff Burn in Dairy parish, Ayrshire. PULDR6lT. ' Kirkcudbright.' Pott droichit, bridge pool. Just below Tungland Bridge. See under BARDROCHWOOD. PULFERN BURN. ' Girthon.' Poll fearn [farn], stream of the alders. See under BALFERN. PULGANNY BURN. ' Penninghame.' Poll gaineach, sandy stream. See under GANNOCH. Cf. Pollaginnive in Fermanagh (poll a' gaineaimh). PULGAP BURN (P. Poolghaip b., Biern of Altyghaip). ' Minigaff.' Cf. DALNAGAP. PULG6WAN BURN. ' Minigaff.' See under PALGOWN. PULHARE BURN. ' Kirkmaiden.' See under FALHAR. PULHARROW BURN. 'Kells.' Poll charrach [harragh], rough stream. PULHATCHIE BURN (P. Poolhatchie). 'New Luce.' PULHAY BURN. ' Carsphairn.' Poll chaedhe [haye], stream of the swamp. See under CULKAE. PuLH6\VAN BURN. ' Minigaff.' Poll chabhan [I] [havvan, howan], stream of the hollow (see under CAVAN), or perhaps an aspirated form of Pulgowan, q.v. PULiAucH BURN. ' Minigaff.' PuLLHAMD6wN. ' Kirkinner.' Poll an duin [1], stream of the fort. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 273 PuLL,6sH SIKES. 'Dairy.' " Sike, syik, syk. 1. A rill; 2. a marshy bottom with a stream in it." Jamieson. Perhaps the same as A.s. sic, sich, a furrow, gutter, watercourse (Bosworth), which appears akin to L. sulcus ; or else it may be connected with suck and soak. PuLLdw BURN. ' Minigaff.' Poll dhubh [oo, ow], black stream. Aspirated form of Puldow, q.v. PULMADDY BURN (Inq. ad Cap. 1608, Polvadache; P. Polmady). ' Carsphairn.' See under POLMEADOW. The spelling quoted from the Inquisitions shows the aspirated form. PULMULLOCH BURN. ' Dairy.' PULNABRICK. 'Minigaff.' Poll na breac [brack], stream of the trouts. See under ALTIBRICK. PULNACHIE. ' Balmaghie.' See under PALNACKIE. PULNAGASHEL (flows past Craigengashel). 'Minigaff.' Poll na gcaiseail [gashel], stream of the fort or castle. See under AUCHEXGASHEL. PULNASKY BURN or POLNASKIE. 'Mochrum.' Poll n-easga [naska], stream of the eels. Of. Pollanasktn in Mayo. Pos- sibly, however, a corruption of Polnisky, q.v. Easga or easgdn, an eel, probably akin to iasg, a fish. See under PHYSGIL. PULNEE (P. Poolny). ' Minigaff.' See under PALNEE. PULNISKY BURN (P. Poolneisky B.). ' Minigaff.' Pott an uisge [isky], water hole, stream of water. Cf. Poulaniska in Ireland. Cf. WHISKEY BURN. PULRAN. ' Minigaff.' Poll rathain [rahan], stream of the ferny place (filicetum). There are many places in Ireland called Eahan, Rahin, and Rahans. Rahin, a parish in King's County, is written Rathain by the Four Masters (631), and so is Rahan in Donegal (1524). Cf. Pollrane in Wexford, Pollranny in Roscommon and Mayo, and Pollnaranny in Donegal. See under BLAWRAINIE. PULSKAIG. ' Carsphairn.' Poll sceach, stream of the hawthorns. See under AUCHENSKEOCH. PULTADIE [pron. Pultadee] BURN (P. Poolteduy, Poltaduy). ' New Luce.' PULTARSON. ' Carsphairn,' ' New Abbey.' Poll tarsuinn, the cross water. See under BALTERSAN. s 274 AN T1R-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. PuLTAYlN BURN. ' Kirkcowan.' PULWHANITY. ' Carsphaim.' Cf. KILQUHANITY. PULWHAT. ' Carsphaim/ ' Kirkmabreck.' Poll chat, pool or stream of the wild cats. PULWH!NRICK BURN (P. Pool why nrick B.). ' Rirkmaiden.' PULWHIRRAN. ' Borgue.' PYATTHORN. ' Crossmichael.' The magpie's thorn. " Pyat, pyot. The magpie." Jamieson. QU AHEAD [pron. Quaw-heed]. ' Kirkgunzeon.' Head of the " quaw " or quagmire. " Quaw : 1 . A quagmire, a name given in Galloway to an old pit grown over with earth, grass, etc., which yields under one, but in which one does not sink. 2. A hole whence peats have been dug." Jamieson. QUAKER NOOK. ' Kirkcolm.' QUAKIN' ASH WIEL. ' Minigaff.' A pool in the Minnick, beside which grow aspens. BR. SO. quaJcin' ash, aspen. QUANTAN'S HILL. ' Carsphaim.' Cointin p], a dispute, disputed land. Cf. Quiutinmanus in Ireland. Cf. also ACQUAINTANCE HILL. QUARREL END (a stony hill-side). ' Carsphaim.' The quarry- like hill-end. " Quarrel, a stone quarry." Jamieson. The BR. SO. form seems to be a variation of M.E. quarrere, qnarrer 0. F. quarriere, F. carrihe LOW LAT. quadraria, a place for getting squared stones LAT. quadrare LAT. guadrus, square. QUARREL KNOWE. ' Balmaclellan.' The quarry knoll. QUARTER. 'New Luce,' 'Tungland.' A division of land = ERSE cethramhadh [carroo]. Cf. CARHOWE. QUARTERCAKE. ' Renvick.' QUINTIN. ' Mochrum.' Cointin, a dispute. QUINTINESPIE (Inq. ad Cap. 1611, Tuncanespeik (misprint); P. Culdanespick ; Charter 1690, Cultingspie, Culteinspie). ' Balmaghie.' Cointin []] espiog [espig], the bishop's quarrel. The present form of the name suggests this explanation, which is illustrated by a passage in Fordun, in which he describes William the Lion leading an army into Galloway in 1174 to quell the revolt of Uchtred and Gilbert, sons of Fergus; and "when the Gallwegians came to meet him TOPO GRAPHY OF GALL OWAY. 275 under Gilbert, some Scottish bishops and earls stepped in between them, and through their mediation they were recon- ciled ; the Gallwegians paying a sum of money and giving hostages." Annalia, xi. Owing to mis-spellings in the charters the original name is doubtful, but some forms appear intended for coillte [kilty] an espig, the bishop's woods. See under ERNESPIE. JLtAEBE] CRRY. ' Kirkcudbright.' Cf. Roeborough in Devonshire. RAINTON (P. Ramtoun). ' Girthon.' RAMP HOLES. 'Stoneykirk, s.c.' Boisterous holes, where the sea churns and surges. "Ramp, adj. : 1. Riotous. 2. Vehe- ment, violent." Jamieson. RAMSEY. ' Whithorn, s.c.' ICEL. ey, an island + DAN. and SWED. o + A.S. ig, leg, all from an original Teutonic form AHWIA, belonging to water, or a place in water AHWA, water, A.S. ea, cognate to LAT. aqua. Ey constantly appears in the end of place-names, e.g. Batters-ea, Roms-ey, Aldern-ey, and the A.S. ig forms the first syllable of " island " (Skeat). RAMSHAW WOOD. ' Buittle.' BR. so. shaiv, a wood. See under SHAW BRAE. RANKIN. ' Kirkinuer.' RASCARREL [pron. Roscarrel], ' Rerwick.' Eos, a wood or head- laud. RASHNOCH. ' Mochrum.' Rdsnach, a place of wild roses. RATTRA (P. Rotrow). ' Borgue.' Rath tdruidhe [?] [rah tory], fort of the hunter or outlaw, or rath Tuira [tirrie], Terry's fort. Cf. Ratory in Tyrone. See under CRAIGTERRA and DALTORAE. RAVENSTONE [pwi. Raimstun] (P. Remistoun ; W. P. MSS. Loch- toun ; Inq. ad Cap. 1585, Remistoun, alias Lochtoune; 1620, Clochtoun, alias Remistoun). ' Glasserton.' There are con- siderable ruins on a large crannog here, whence the name Lochtoun. RAWER HILL. 'Leswalt.' Perhaps the last syllable of STRAN- RAER, which is not far off, is connected with this name. Cf. CLACHRAWER and RINGREER. 276 AN TtR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. EEDBANK. ' Troqueer.' EEDBRAE. ' Wigtown/ etc. Cf. BARJARG, BARYERROCK, and DRUMJ ARGON. RED BURN, THE. ' Old Luce.' Cf. POLJARGEN. REDCASTLE (P. Ridcastell). ' Urr.' RED CLEUGH (near POLJARGEN, q. v.}. ' Carsphairn.' REDFIELD. ' Twynholm.' RED GLEN. ' Minigaff.' Cf. GLENJORIE. RED NICK. ' Twynholm.' Cf. BALLOCHJARGON. REGLAND (P. Ruyglann). ' Dairy.' REIFER PARK. ' Sorbie.' REPHAD. ' Inch.' R6idh [ray] facia, long plain or field. " Re", a field" (O'Don. Suppl.}, from r&dh, smooth. Cf. Reafadda in Ireland. Joyce assigns the meaning of " mountain-flat," but there seems to be no reason for its general limitation to hilly places. RERWICK (a parish in the Stewartry) (Barnbairoch, 1562, Rerryk , Inq. ad Cap. 1605, Rerik). RHINNS, THE (the western division of Wigtownshire). Rinn, a point, promontory, or headland, E. plur. added. Reference is made in the name to the promontories of Mull of Galloway, Corsewall Point, etc., which, with the long necks connecting them, form this part of the shire. " O'Brien says in his Dic- tionary : ' It would take up more than a whole sheet to mention all the neck-lands of Ireland whose names begin with this word Rinn.' It is found pretty extensively in the forms Rin, Rinn, Reen, Rine, and Ring, and these constitute or begin about 1 70 townlands." Joyce, i. 40. o. ERSE rind, rinn, GAEL, roinn, a point, a peninsula ; a share or division, especially of land. The term Run-rig, a primitive mode of agrarian tenure, still surviving in the Highlands and Islands, is a corruption of roinn-ruith, or division running. Ruith [righ], a running, a course, has taken the form of the Teutonic rig, a ridge, and, by a singular accident, roinn, a division, has assumed the form of run, the English translation of ruith (Report of Crofters' Commission 1884, Appendix A., p. 451). THE TOPO GRAPH Y OF GALL OWAY. 277 RHONE HILL AND PARK (P. Ron). ' Crossmichael.' " Roan, A congeries of brushwood, Dumfries." Jamieson. RHONEHOUSE (a village). ' Kelton.' RHONG, THE (a long embankment running out from the Moat of Ballochadee). ' Kirkcowan.' Rinn or roinn, a point. RHYNCHEWAIG. ' Kirkcolm.' The name given by Pont to the Scaur, a long point of land running into Loch Ryan. RiCHORN (Inq. ad Cap. 1623, Rithorne; P. Richernn ; MS. 1527, Raeheren). 'Urr.' A.s. redd am, red house. Of. WHITH- ORN. RIBBING'S HILL. ' Kirkmabreck.' RIBER'S KNOWE ANB RIG. ' Carsphairn.' RIGG BAY. ' Sorbie.' RIGGINS HILL. ' Twynholm.' "Rigging, riggin. 1. The back. 2. The ridge of a house. 3. A small ridge or rising in ground." Jamieson. Deriv. of rig A.S. hric, the back. RIGMAY. ' Kirkcowan.' RIG OF DIVOTS. ' Kells.' Ridge of the sods. See under DIVOT HILL. RIG or MOAK. ' Carsphairn.' RIG or THE JARKNESS. Minigaff.' RIG OF WELLEES. 'Kells.' Ridge of the boggy springs. " Well-ey, wallee ; that part of a quagmire in which there is a spring." Jamieson. The eye of the well. RING (P. Ring). ' Kirkcowan ' (twice), ' New Luce,' ' Stoneykirk.' Rinn, roinn, a point or division of land. See under RHINNS. RiNGAN. ' Sorbie.' Rinndn, small point or division. Cf. Rinneen in Galway, Clare, and Kerry. RINGANWHEY. ' Crossmichael.' Rinn an chaeidhe [hay], point of the quagmire. See under CULKAE. RINGBAIN. ' Balmaclellan.' Rinn bdn, white point. Cf. Ringbane and Ringbaun in Ireland. RING BURN. ' Rerwick.' RlNGBOO. ' Old Luce.' Rinn dubh [doo], black point. A point in the sandhills at the head of Luce Bay, where sea-ware collects and makes it darker than the rest. The name also occurs in Mochrum parish. 278 AN TtR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. EiNGDdo POINT. ' Anwoth.' See under EINGDOO. KINGFERSON (a point in Loch Ken). ' Kells.' Einn farsaing, wide point. ElNGHEEL. 'Mochrum,' ' Penninghame.' Einn chad [heel], narrow point or division. See under CARSKEEL. EINGHILL. ' Mochrum.' EINGIELAWN. 'Mochrum.' Einn na leamhdn [1] [lavan, lawn], point of the elms. Also called the Soldier's Holm, at the head of Loch Trool, where it is said that Lord Essex's men, slaughtered in combat by Eobert the Brace's forces, were buried. EiNGlEM6w. ' Kirkmabreck.' Einn na mbo [moe], point of the cows. EINGKILNS. ' Stoneykirk.' EINGLEES. ' Inch.' Einn liath [lee], grey point. EINGOUR. ' Kells.' Einn odhar [owr], grey point, or rinn gobliar [gower], point of the goats. EINGQUHILL [pron. -hwill]. ' Kirkcowan.' Einn chuill [hwill], point of the hazel. EINGREEL. ' Kirkcowan.' Einn rail [?], point of the oaks. Edil, rdl, an oak-tree. O'Eeilly ; Joyce, i. 505. EINGREER. ' Mochrum.' Einn reamhar [rawer], thick, broad point, the antithesis of ElNGHEEL. Of. Eeenrour, a common name in Cork and Kerry. " Eeamhar, or in old Irish remor, is a word which is very extensively employed in the formation of names. It means literally gross or fat; and locally it is applied to objects gross or thick in shape, principally hills and rocks. It is pronounced differently in different parts of the country. In the south they sound it rour. ... As we go north the pronunciation changes ; sometimes it becomes rawer, as in Dunbunrawer in Tyrone, the fort of the thick bun or hill-base. Elsewhere in the north, as well as in the west, we find the mh represented by v." Joyce, ii. 419. GAEL, ramhar [raver]. EINGREOCH (a point in Loch Dungeon). ' Kells.' Einn riabhach [reeagh], grey point. Of. Eingreagh in Down. EINGSALLOCH (an islet in the Dee). 'Minigaff.' Einn saileach, point of the willows. See under BARNS ALLIE. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 279 KINGS, THE. ' Moclirum.' See under RHINNS. RINGUINEA (P. Ringeny). ' Stoiieykirk.' Rinn Cinaeidk [kinny], Kenneth's point or portion of land. RINGVINACHAN. ' Stoneykirk, s.c.' RINGWHERRY. ' Mochrum.' Rinn fhoithre [hwirrie], point or division of the copse. See under WHERRY CROFT. RISK. 'Minigaff.' Riasc [reesk], a morass (Cormac Tr., p. 147). " There are twenty-two townlands scattered through the four provinces (of Ireland) called Riesk. Reisk, Risk and Reask." Joyce, i. 463. Cf. Rusco. Riasc, marsh, rushy ground; perhaps conn, with A.S. risce, resce, a rush (whence M.E. nt'Sche, rische, resche, E. rush) + LOW G. rusk, risch, DU. and G. rusch, rush, reed; perhaps -f- LAT. ruscus, butcher's broom. The word exists in BR, SO. " Riskish Ian,' land of a wet and boggy nature." M'Taggart. " Reesk, ... A marshy place, Angus." Jamieson. RISPAIN (P.Rispin ; Whithorn Priory Rental, circ. 1550, Respein). ' Whithorn.' The site of the only Roman camp known in Wigtownshire. It is also called Ross's BRAE. ROAN. ' Kirkmabreck.' See under RHONE. ROAN HILL. 'Balmaclellan.' See under RHONE. ROARING CLEUGH. ' Carsphairn.' Named from the sound of the stream in the " cleugh " or ravine. ROCK M'GiBBON. ' Inch.' ROLLAND HILL. ' Penninghame.' ROSSEN HILL. ' Twynholm.' Rosdn, dimin. of ros, a wood. Cf. Rossan and Roshin in Ireland. See under Ross. Ross HILL. ' Kells.' Ros, a wood. See under Ross. Ross, THE (P. Ross Yl.). ' Borgue, s.c.' " Ros, a wood, a pro- montory. " O'Don. Suppl. In this case it means a promon- tory, and in others the meaning must be decided according to the nature of the locality. ROTCHELL. ' Troqueer.' R6UCHAN [pron. Rooghan] (P. Rouchan ; W. P. MSS. Rochane ; Inq. ad Cap. 1600, Rowchan). ' Glasserton.' Ruadhdn [roohan], ruddiness, reddish land. Cf. Rouhan and Rooghaun in several parts of Ireland. ROUGH GIBB [g hard]. 'Kirkcowan,' 'Wigtown.' See under GIBB. 280 AN TlR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. ROUGH ISLAND (in Loch Urr). ' Urr.' Cf. GARVELLAN. ROUGH ISLE. ' Kirkcolm,' ' Minigaff.' Cf. GARVELLAN. ROUGHTREE. ' Kirkpatrick Irongray.' ROUTING BRIDGE. ' Kirkpatrick Irongray.' Roaring bridge, from the noise of the water. " Rout, rowt. 1. To bellow. 2. To make a loud noise. 3. To snore." Jamieson. Row OF DOURIE (a point of shingle on the coast). * Mochrum.' GAEL. " Rudha or rubha [rooa], a point of laud in the sea, a promontory." Macalpine. Cf. CRAIGROW. " Rubha, signi- fying a point of land, is much more frequent in Scottish than in Irish topography." Reeves's Adamnan, p. 430, note. ROYS (a shoulder of Cairnsgarroch). ' Carsphairn.' ROYSTON. ' Twynholm.' RUDDOUH HILL. ' Leswalt.' Cf. Moss RODDOCH. RUE, KNOWES OF THE. ' Kirkcowan.' See under Row. RUMMLEKIRN. ' Borgue, s.c.' Rumbling churn. " Rummlekirns, gullets on wild rocky shores, scooped out by the hand of nature ; when the tide flows into them in a storm they make an awful rumbling noise ; in them are the surges churned." Mactaggart. RUMPLES HILL. 'Partou.' A corruption, probably, of Dalrymple's Hill; Dalrymple being usually pronounced in the district D'rumple. Rusco (P. Rusko). ' Girthon.' Riascach, boggy, marshy. Deriv. of riasc. See under RISK. Cf. Ruscoe in Yorkshire \_pron. Roosca]. RUSHY HILL. ' Twynholm.' Cf. KNOCKGILSIE. RUSHY PARK. 'Minigaff.' Cf. AUCHENGILSHIE. R YD ALE. ' Troqueer.' RYES. 'Colvend.' ST. COLUMB'S WELL. ' Kirkcolm.' Probably the original cross well, now CORSEWALL. ST. GLASSEN'S WELL. ' Rerwick.' Of St. Glascianus nothing is known, save that he is commemorated as confessor and bishop. Kinglassie or Kinglassin parish, near Kirkcaldy, where there is a St. Glass's Well, and Kilmaglas in Argyllshire, are dedi- cations to the same saint. ST. JARDAN'S or ST. QUERDON'S WELL. ' Troqueer.' THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 281 ST. MARY'S WELL (close to KILMORIE, q.v.). ' Kirkcolm.' ST. MEDAN'S Co (P. Maidin's Coave). ' Kirkinaiden.' See under KlRKMAIDEN. ST. NINIAN'S CAVE. ' Glasserton, s. c.' The occasional retreat of St. Ninian in the early part of fifth century. For a descrip- tion of the very interesting remains discovered here in 1884, see Coll. A. G. A. A., vol. v. ST. NINIAN'S WELL. ST. PATRICK'S WELL. ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' See under KIL- . PATRICK. ST. RINGAN'S WELL. ' Kelton.' Another form of St. Ninian's name. SALQUHARIE [pron. Sawlhrie] (P. Salachari). ' Kirkcolm.' SALTER'S Moss. 'Berwick.' SAMARIA. ' Mochrum.' SANDFORD. ' New Abbey.' Sandy road or ford. SANDHEAD. ' Stoneykirk.' Head or end of the sandhills. Cf. GENOCH (at the other end). See under GANNOCH. SANDHILL. ' Stoneykirk.' A mill among the sandhills. SANDYMORE CAIRN. ' Minigaff.' SANNOCH. ' Kells.' SAUCH GUTTER. ' Carsphairn.' Marsh of the willows. BR. sc. sauch, a willow A.S. salh, salig, a willow. " Gutter, a mire." Jamieson. M.E. gotere o. F. gutiere, goutiere, a gutter o. F. gote, goute (F. goutte), a drop LAT. gutta, a drop. SAULSEAT (P. Sauls Seatt). ' Inch.' Eccles. gloss, sedes animarum, seat of souls, but of doubtful origin. Cf. A.s. " sawl-sceat, soul shot, money paid at death for the good of the deceased's soul " (Bosworth}. " ^Erest him to saul sceate he becwsefc into Xres crycan pset land," i.e. " first, for the redemption of his soul, he bequeaths to Christ's Church that land." Alfrics Testament. SCAB CR AIGS. Minigaff. ' SCABBY'S LOUP. ' Leswalt, s.c.' SCALLOCH (a hill of 800 feet). ' Carsphairn.' Sceilig [skellig], a rock. See under BALSCALLOCH. 282 AN TIR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. SCAR. 'Kirkpatrick Irongray.' A rock or cliff. M.E. scarre, skerry ICEL. sker + DAN. skicer, SWED. sMr + ERSE sceir V SKAR > to cut, to shear, whence A.S. sceran, pt. t. sccer + DU. scJieren + ICEL. skera + DAN. s#re + G. sclieren + GK. icelpeiv (for (rrceipeiv) + LAT. curtus, E. short. Allied words in E. are sca?*0, scar/", scarify, scrip, scrap, scrape, share, slwer, sherd, shred, sharp, shore, short, score (Skeat). Cf. Scar in many parts of Ireland. SCAR HILL. ' Anwoth,' ' Berwick.' SCAUR, THE. ' Colvend,' ' Kirkcolm.' See under SCAR and KHYN- CHEWAIG. SCAURS, THE (two isolated rocks in Luce Bay). See under SCAR. SCRABBA or SCRABBIE. ' Glasserton,' ' Mochrum.' Scrath [scrah] bo, cow's turf, cow's grass. Cf. Scrabo in Ireland. SCRANGIE. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' SCRANNAGH. ' Old Luce.' Probably another form of STRONACH, q.v. SCREEL, HILL AND GLEN OF (P. Hill of Skyill). ' Kelton.' SCREEN, THE. ' Whithorn.' A reef of rocks protecting the Isle Harbour. SCROGGIE HALL. ' Balmaclellan.' " Scrog, a stunted bush, scroggie, abounding with stunted bushes." Jamieson. M.E. scraggy, covered with underwood, or straggling bushes (Skeat), E. scraggy, lean, rough SWED. dial, skraka, a great dry tree, also metaphorically, a long, lean man, skrokk, anything wrinkled or deformed + NOKWEG. skrokken, p. p. of skrekken, to shrink, allied to E. shrink, scrub, shrub. Cf. Scroggs, a valley in the chalk near Basingstoke. SCROGGIE HILL. ' Buittle.' Scrub-covered hill. See under SCROGGIE HALL. SCUTCHING STOCK. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' The frame, post, or any- thing fixed or " stuck " for scutching flax. Scutch, to dress flax = scotch + NORW. skoka, skuku, a swingle for beating flax + SWED. skdcka, skdkta, to beat flax (Skeat). SEAT HILL. ' Inch.' Cf. KNOCKENSEE. SEESIDE (not near the sea). ' Terregles.' SuidJie [see], a seat or residence. Cf. Seagoe in Armagh (suidhe gobha), Seapatrick in Down (suidhe Padndc), Seadavog in Cavan, etc. See under KNOCKENSEE. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 283 SEG HILL. ' Balmaclellan.' Hill of the flags. " Seg, the yellow flower-de-luce." Jamieson. A.s. secg, E. sedge. See under DERNACISSOCK. SEGGY NEUK. ' Anwoth.' Flaggy corner. SENWICK (formerly a parish) (P. Sannick; Charter of David II., Sanaigh; MS. 1527, Sanak). 'Kirkcudbright.' The sandy bay, or the village on the sand. A.s. " sand-ivic, sond-wic, Sandwich in Kent." Bosworth. SEVERAL. ' Inch,' ' Kirkmaiden,' etc. Separate land. " Severale, applied to landed property as possessed distinctly from that of others, or contrasted with a common." Jamieson. O.F. several LAT. separalis LAT. se, apart, parare, to provide. SHADDOCK (P. Schedack ; Inq. ad Cap. 1620, Shedzok ; W. P. MSS. Sedzok). ' Whithorn.' Cf. Sheddach in Arran. SHAKEABODIE EOCK. ' Penninghame.' SHALLOCH (P. Shelach). ' Kirkpatrick Irongray.' Sealg []] [shallug], the chase or hunting ground. See under DRUM- SHALLOCH. Perhaps, however, only a softened form of CHALLOCH, q.v. SHALLOCH RIG, ' Carsphairn.' See under SHALLOCH and DRUM- SHALLOCH. SHAMBELLIE (Inq. ad Cap. 1601, Schambellie ; P. Schanbilby (a misprint}). 'New Abbey.' Sean [shan] baillie, old building. Perhaps here in antithesis to NEW ABBEY and NEW HOUSE of LOCH ARTHUR, both of which are in this parish. Cf. SHIN- VALLEY and SHAN VOLLEY, showing the aspirated form bhaile [valley] ; also, in Little Cumbrae, Shanavallej', the name of some cairns, and, in Ireland, Shanvalley, Shanavalley, and Shanballie. o. ERSE sen, ERSE and GAEL, sean -f- w. hen + LAT. sen-ex + o. GK. evo?, old + GOTH, siti-eigs, old + SKT. sana, old. See under BAILLIE. SHANKFOOT. ' Balmaclellan,' ' Kirkgunzeon.' SHANRIGGIE. ' Inch.' SHANVOLLEY. ' Kirkcowan.' See under SHAMBELLIE. SHAW BRAE. ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' The wood hill. " Scliaw. 1. A wood, a grove. 2. Shade, covert." Jamieson. A.s. scaga, M.E. schawe, shawe -f ICEL. skdgr, a wood + SWED. skog, DAN. skov. Probably akin to ICEL. skuggi, A.s. scua, a shade ^ SKU, to cover, as in SKT. sku to cover, from which root are E. sky, scum, 284 AN TtR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. hide, shower, obscure (Skeaf). There is a secondary meaning of " Shaw, a piece of ground which becomes suddenly flat at the bottom of a hill or steep bank. Thus Birken-shaw, a piece of ground of the description given, covered with short, scraggy birches " (Jamieson). It is the same word, the meaning being transferred from the wood to the ground on which it grows. SHAW FELL. ' Parton.' SHAW HILL. ' Balmaclellan/ 'Dairy/ 'Girthon/ 'Mochrum/ 'Rerwick.' SHAW KNOWES. ' Balmaclellan.' SHAWN HILL. ' Stoneykirk.' SHAW WOOD. ' Col vend.' SHEALING HILL. ' Terregles.' The winnowing hill. " Sheelin- hill, the eminence near a mill where the kernels of the grain were separated by the wind from the husks." Jamieson. " By every corn-mill, a knoll-top, on which the kernels were winnowed from the husks, was designated the sheeling-hill" Agricultural Survey of PeeUesshire. It is impossible in many cases to distinguish between shieling, a hut, and shealing, partic. of to sheal, to take the husks off seeds. See under SHEIL. To sheal, E. to shell A.S. scell, scyll, sceale + DAN. and SWED. skal + GOTH, skalja, a tile - Teut. base SKALA A/SKAL (for SKAK), to separate. From this root also come the closely allied words scale, sMf, skill, etc. (Skeaf). SHEANS [pron. Shanes]. ' Kirkmaiden.' SHEEPHANK. ' Stoneykirk, s.c.' A place where sheep may get " hanked " or caught on a steep place. SHEFFIELD HOLE. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' SHEIL (P. Sheel). ' Dairy.' A hut. " Sheal, schele, she'd, sheald, shield, shielling, sheelin, a hut for those who have the care of sheep or cattle. A shed for sheltering sheep during the night." Jamieson. ICEL. skjdl, shelter, skyli, a shed + DAN. skjul, shelter + SWED. sJcj-ul, a shed ^SKU, to cover. See under SHAW BRAE. Although so similar in meaning and so like in some of the forms assumed, sheal, a hut, is quite dis- tinct in origin from shield and shelter. SHEILA LINN. ' Dairy.' = Sheal law, the hill of the shieling or hut ; the pool of the hut hill. SHEIL BANK. ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' See under SHEIL. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 285 SHEIL BURN. ' Minigaff.' See under SHEIL. SHEILHEAD. ' Kirkpatrick Irongray.' The glen-head or hill-head of the shieling. SHEIL HILL. ' Balmaclellan,' ' Colvend ' (twice), ' Kirkmabreck,' etc. See under SHEIL. SHEIL HOLM. ' Carsphairn,' ' Minigaff.' See under SHEIL. SHEIL KNEES. ' Carsphairn.' See under SHEIL. SHEILLEYS. ' Kirkgunzeon.' The " leys " or fields of the shieling. SHEIL EIG. ' Girthon.' See under SHEIL. SHEILS. ' Colvend.' See under SHEIL. SHEILY HILL. ' Buittle.' See under SHEILA LINN. SHELL HILL. ' Kirkinner,' ' Stoneykirk.' See under SHEIL HILL. SHELL HOUSE, THE. ' New Luce.' The hut house (a pleonasm). SHENNAN CREEK (the estuary of a small stream). ' Colvend.' SHENNANTON (P. Schinintoun). 'Kirkcowan.' SHENRICK. ' Urr.' SHEUCHAN. 'Leswalt.' Suidheachdn [1] [seehan], a little seat. Dimin. of suidhe. Of. Seeghane in Dublin County, Seehanes in Cork, Seeaghandoo and Seeaghanbane in Mayo. SHEUCHAN CRAIG. ' Minigaff.' See under SHEUCHAN. SHEUCHAN6WER. ' Minigaff.' Suidheachdn odhar [seehan ower], grey seat. See under BENOUR. SHEUCHAN'S CAIRN. ' Minigaff.' See under SHEUCHAN. SHEUGH OF LAMMASHIEL. 'Minigaff.' " Sheuch ; a furrow, a trench." Jamieson. Applied metaphorically to a cleft in hills or precipitous glens. SHIELD HILL and RIG (P. Scheelhill). ' Kells.' See under SHEIL HILL. SHIELD WILLIE HILL. ' Dairy.' SHIGGERLAND. ' Minigaff.' SHILLA HILL. ' Kelton.' See under SHEILA LINN. SHINMOUNT (a hill of 1247 feet). ' Kells.' "Shin of a hill, the prominent or ridgy part of the declivity with a hollow on each side." Jamieson. One of the many metaphorical names 286 AN TJR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. taken from the human frame and applied to features of land. E. shin is from the root SKA, to cut, the primary meaning being " a slice, a form with a sharp edge." SHINNIE BRAE. ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' The fox hill. A hybrid word ERSE sionach (shinnagh), a fox, and BR. sc. brae. See under AUCHENSHINNOCH and BRAE. SHINN6CK (Inq. ad Cap. 1633, Shanknock). 'Kirkcowan.' Sean [shan] cnoc, old hill. " It appears difficult to account for the application of this word sean [shan], old, to certain natural features ; so far as history or tradition goes, one mountain, river, or valley cannot be older than another. Yet we have Shannow, Shanow, and Shanowen (old river), all common river names, especially in the South ; there are many places called Shandrum (old ridge), and Shanaknock (old hill), the former sometimes made Shandrim, and the latter Shancrock, Shantulla, and Shantullig, old tulach or hill." Joyce, ii. 481. See under SHAMBELLIE. SHINREOCH. ' Mochrum.' SHINVALLEY. ' Penninghame.' See under SHAMBELLIE. SHIP SLOUCH [pron. sloogh]. ' Kirkcolm, s.c.' The gulley of the ship. See under SLOCK. SHOULDER o' CRAIG. ' Troqueer.' SHUTTLEFIELP. ' New Abbey.' SILVER CRAIG. ' MinigafF.' Of. CRAIGNARGET. SILVER EIG. ' Minigaff.' Cf. CRAIGNARGET. SINNINESS (Inq. ad Cap. 1668, Hydder (hither) Synnons ; P. Sunoniss, Sunoness). ' Old Luce.' Southern point. ICEL. sunnan nos, southern nose, ness, or point. ICEL. su%r, sunnr, south; adv. sunnan, from the south, southerly + DAN. syd, south, sonden, southern + SWED. syd, south, sunnan, the south + o.H.G. sundaiiy G. stiden, south + A.s. su% (whence E. sovtli). All from Teutonic base SUNTHA SUN, base of Teutonic type SUNNA, the sun ; " the suffix -tha = Aryan ta, so that the literal sense is the sunned quarter." Skeat. See under SOUTHERNESS. SKAITH (P. Skeyith). ' Penninghame.' Sceach, the hawthorn, the place of hawthorns. Sceach was originally an adjectival form from o. ERSE see' [skay]. See under AUCHENSKEOCH. Cf. Skagh, Skea, and Skeagh, in Ireland. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 287 SKATE (Inq. ad Cap. 1582, Skeych; P. Skeych). ' Mochrum.' See under SKAITH. SKATE HILL. ' Kirkinner.' See under SKAITH. SKEENGALLIE. ' Kirkinner.' SKELLARIE (Inq. ad Cap. 1650, Skellerbie; P. Skellary). 'Kirk- inner.' SKE6CH. ' Kirkpatrick Irongray.' See under SKEOG. SKEOG [pron. skeoge] (P. Skioch ; W. P. MSS. Skeoche). ' Whith- orn.' Sceitheug [skeoge], a hawthorn bush (O'Reilly) ; dim. of see". Cf. Skeoge in Donegal, Fermanagh, and Tyrone. SKIGLAE. ' Inch.' SKIGNIEBAROCHIE. ' Old Luce.' SKINNEL BURN. ' Kirkcudbright.' SKINNINGHLDE. ' Kirkinner.' SKYRE BURN (P. Skyir b.). ' Kirkmabreck.' Burn of the cliff. - ICEL. sker. See under SCAR. SLACARNACHAN. 'New Luce.' Slialh [slew] CearnacJiain, Car- nachan's moorland, o. ERSE sliab, mons, ERSE and GAEL. sliabh, generally appears in Irish names as the prefix Slieve, although in the names Sleamaine in Wicklow, Slemish in Antrim, it is softened into the vowel termination usual in Gallo- way, where its use is almost confined to certain parishes chiefly in the west of Wigtownshire. Thus it occurs upwards of thirty- four times in the parishes of Port Patrick, Kirkcolm, Leswalt, Stoneykirk, New Luce> and Kirkmaiden. " The word yli^/SPAR, to quiv r er, to jerk. The form A.s. spor, a foot- print + DU. spoor + ICEL. spor-\-G. spur, is closely allied, and from it comes BR. sc. speir, to inquire, to investigate (LAT. vestigium, a footprint), E. spurn, to kick (Skeat). SPITTAL. ' Penninghame,' ' Stoueykirk.' Hospital ; lands formerly owned by the Knights of St. John. M.E. hospital, hospitalle, Iwspytal O.F. hospital LOW LAT. hospitale, a large house, a palace LAT. hospit-, stem of hospes, a host or guest. " The base of hospit- is usually taken to be hosti-pit ; where hosti- is the crude form of host-is, a guest, an enemy. Again, the suffix -pit is supposed to be from the Latin potis, powerful, the old sense of the word being ' a lord ' ; cf. SKT. pati, a master, governor, lord. Thus hostes=hosti-pets, guest-master, guest- lord, master of a house who receives guests." Skeat. Other forms of this word are hostel, hotel ; the French hotel not being limited, as in English, to the meaning of an inn. 294 AN TIR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. SPOTTES (P. Bar of Spotts ; M.S. 1527, Spottis). ' Urr.' SPOUT BURN \jn-on. Spoot]. ' Carsphairn.' "Spout, a boggy spring in ground." Jamieson. M.E. spoute SWED. sputa, an occasional form of spruta, to squirt, or subst., a squirt + DAN. sprude, sproite, to squirt + DU. spuit, a spout, squirt + G. spritzen, sprudeln, to squirt ; from Teutonic base SPRUT, whence A.s. spredtan, to sprout, E. sprout, spurt. ERSE and GAEL, sput, to spout, squirt, if not borrowed from E., are rather akin to LAT. sputare, to spit, than to E. spout (Skeat). SPOUTY DENNANS (between two forts). ' Berwick.' The marshy ground of the forts. See under DiNNANS. " Spouty ; marshy, springy. ' ' Jamieson. SPYCRAIG. ' Urr.' Crag from which a man may spy, from whence there is a view. Cf. LOOK KNOWE. STABLE ALANE. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' STARRY DAM (on the shore of Mochrum Loch). 'Mochrum.' Eushy bank. " Starr, a sedge " (Jamieson) - SWED. starr, a rush. Dam appears here in its original sense of a bank. In the Prompt. Parvulm:, p. 113, it is translated by LAT. agger. Cf. A.S. fordemman, to stop up. The word occurs in o. FRIES. dam, dom -f-DU. dam+lOSL. dammr -f- SWED. damm, a dam + GOTH. faurdammjan, to stop up + M.H.G. tarn, G. damm, a ditch. STARRY HEUGH (P. Starryheuc). 'Terregles.' Eushy height. (See under STARRY DAM). " Heuch, heugh, hewch, huwe, hwe, hew ; a steep hill or bank." Jamieson. A.s. liou, a height. In Galloway this form, heugh, is usually confined to grass- covered cliffs on the sea-shore. See under DRUMACISSOCK. STARTLING DAM (on the shore of Mochrum Loch). 'Mochrum.' STARY WELL. ' Kirkmaiden.' See under STARRY DAM. STAY-THE-VOYAGE. ' Kirkcowan.' A resting-place. Voyage ( O.F. veiage, voyage LAT. viaticum, provision for a journey) is here used in the older and more general sense of a "journey," which is now restricted by modern usage to a " passage by water." STEADSTONE. ' Colvend.' Perhaps the anvil-stone, from Norse stdd, an anvil. See under STUDIE KNOWE. STEELSTOP WOOD. 'Kirkpatrick Irongray.' The wood on the cliff or ravine top. "Steel. 1. A wooded cleugh or preci- pice. 2. The lower part of a ridge projecting from a hill, where the ground declines on either side." Jamieson. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 295 STEIN HEAD. ' Whithorn, s.c.' Headland of the stone. Probably Scandinavian, like many coast names. ICEL. steinn. STELLAGE HILL (close to Gatehouse). 'Girthon.' Market-hill. " Stellage ; apparently the ground on which a fair or market is held. Earl of Galloicays Title-deeds. From LOW LAT. stallagium, the money paid for a stall. Stallage in th'e E. law denotes either the right of erecting stalls in fairs or the price paid for it." Jamieson. STELLAGE OF BORELAND. * Minigaff. STELL HEAD and STELL KNOWE. ' Dairy.' " Stell. 1. A covert or shelter. 2. An enclosure for cattle higher than a common fold." Jamieson. A.s. steal, steel (whence E. stall) -f DU. stal + ICEL. stallr + VKS. sfa/d+swED. and G. stall; o.n.Gstal, all meaning a stall or stable +LITH. stalas, a table +SKT. sthala, firm ground, a terrace +GK. crre\\iv, to set. All with idea of firm standing VSTAL, extended from STA, to stand fast (Skeat). STELLOCK (Inq. ad Cap. 1620, Stallage; W. P. MSS. Stellag). ' Glasserton.' See under STELLAGE. STENNOCK (Charter, 1595, Stenework ; Inq. ad Cap. 1620, Stennok M'Connell ; P. Stinnock ; W. P. MSS., Stynnok M'Connell, Stynnok Corbett). ' Whithorn.' Staonag, sloping ground, from staon, oblique (Reeves s Adamnan, p. 425). Cf. Stenag in lona. STEY BRAE and STEY HILL. ' Balmaclellan.' Steep hill. " Stay, steep." Jamieson. STEY FELL (1000 feet). 'Anwoth.' See under STEY BRAE and STEY HILL. STEY GREEN OF KITTERICK. ' Girthon.' Steep green hill. STINKING BIGHT. ' Stoneykirk, s.c. : Probably named from the collection of decaying sea-weed. Cf. DAN. and SWED. bugt, used (like bight) both for the loop of a rope and for a small bay. From the Aryan /y/BHUGH, whence E. to boiv, M.E. bugen, bmfen, bogen, boicen A.s. bugan, to bend + DU. buigan + ICEL. leygja + svfEV. Jq/a + DAN. boie, to bend (tr. and intr.), bugne, to bend (intr.) + GOTH, biugan + O.H.G. piocan, G. beugan + ^AT. fugere, to turn to flight -f GK. ^evyeiv, to flee + SKT. bhuj, to bend. STINKING PORT. ' Whithorn, s.c.' See under STINKING BIGHT. STIRNIE BIRNIE BRIDGE. * Whithorn.' 296 AN TIR-CHUNNTAS GALLGA1DHEL. STOCKERTON. ' Kirkcudbright.' SACKING HILL. ' Old Luce.' BR. so. stoken, enclosed, past part. of " steik, to shut, to close " (Jamieson). S'rftNEHOUSE [locally catted Stane-hoos]. ' Sorbie/ ' Twynholm.' A.S. stan hus. This name is a relic of the days when houses were built of wood and wattle, or of turf, and houses of stone were remarkable and unusual. STONEYBATTER (a field on Dowies). ' Glasserton.' Joyce (i. 45) mentions a place of this name in Dublin county as showing a semi-translation of the old name Bothar-na-gclocli, or cause- way of the stones. SxbNEYKiRK (Court of Session Papers, 1725, Stevenskirk). Steenie's (St. Stephen's) Kirk. The change of sound is due to the old pronunciation, stainie having been interpreted as staney, i.e. full of stanes or stones. STRAHANNAN. ' Carsphairn.' STRAMODDIE. 'Borgue.' Srath madadh [srah madda], strath or meadow-land of the dogs or wolves. Srath enters into many Irish names, either alone, as Sra, Srah, Sragh, and Straw, or, in composition, as Strabane in Tyrone (srath ban, Four Masters, 1583), and Straboe in Queen's County and Carlow. Srath, a strath, probably akin to LAT. stratum, that which is laid flat or spread out + GK. o-ropw/jn, I spread /y/STAR, whence star, straw, street, strand ("?), etc. STRANDFOOT. ' Stoneykirk, s.c.' The " foot " of land on the beach. STRANDMAIN. ' Inch, s.c.' The " mains " or farm on the beach. " Mains, the farm attached to a mansion-house." Jamieson. Connected with LAT. mansio, an abiding, a place of abode manere, to dwell + GK. n&veiv, to stay, allied to iiovipos, staying, steadfast, and to /j,/j,ova, I wish, yearn A/MAN, to think, wish ; cf. SKT. man, to think, wish. Thus akin to LAT. mens, mind (Skeat). STRAND OF THE ABYSS. 'Minigaff.' "Strand, a rivulet." Jamieson. Probably the same word as E. strand, the beach of the sea or of a lake A.S. strand + DU. strand + ICEL. strand, margin, edge + DAN., SWED., and G. strand. Root unknown ; perhaps ultimately due to V STAR > to spread. STRANFASKET (Ing. ad Cap. 1607, Stronfaskin ; P. Stronfaskan ; MS. 1527, Stranfaskane). ' Minigaff.' Srdn, a nose, a headland. See under STROAN. Cf. BARHASKIN. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 297 STRAXGASSEL (Inq. ad Cap. 1607, Strongassil ; P. Strongassils). ' Kells.' Srdn g-caiseail [gashel], headland of the castle. See under STROAN. STRANGER'S KXOWE. ' Minigaff.' Cf. DRUMCAGERIE. STRANNAGOWER. ' Kirkmaiden.' Sn'm na golhar. peak or head- land of the goats. See under ALGOWER and STROAN. STRAXOCH. ' New Luce.' Srunach, peaked, pointed, adj. of sr6n. Cf. SCRANNAGH, Sl'ROXACH, and SlRONIE. STRANORD (P. Schroinord). ' Minigaff.' Srun ard, high peak or headland. STRAXRAER (Inq. ad Cap. 1600, Strain-aver; " Capella, vel (ut quidam malunt) Stranravera " (Magellan) ; P. Stronrawyr). * Inch.' Cf. CLACHRAWER. Chalmers derives this name from sron reamhar [ravar], thick point, but this meaning appears wholly inappropriate to the place. It has been suggested that it is BR. so. strand raw, the row or street on the strand, but M'Kerlie quotes a charter of Robert the Bruce in which the name is written Strait refer. The labial consonant thus appears to be organic. STRATHMADDIE. ' Minigaff.' See under STRAMODDIE. STRAVERRAX. ' Kells.' STRIFE GROUND. ' Mochrum,' ' Troqueer.' This and the five following names may have originated either in combats or lawsuits. STRIFE HILL. < Kirkmabreck,' Leswalt,' ' Wigtown.' STRIFE HOLM. ' Minigaff.' STRIFE KNOWESS. ' Port Patrick.' STRIFE MOAT. ' Carsphairn.' STRIFE RIG. ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' ' Minigaff.' See under DRUMTRODDEN. STROAN (P. Strom). ' Kells,' ' Minigaff.' Srdn, lit. a nose, a peak, promontory, or headland. Cf. Shrone in Ireland, o. ERSE sron, a nose + w. tru-yn, c. iron, trein. The insertion of the t in the Anglicised form is not uncommon. See under STROOL BAY. STROANFASKET. ' Kells.' See STRAXFASKET. STROANFREGGAX (P. Stronchreigan). 'Dairy.' Srun creayain, point or headland of the crag. STROAN HILL. ' Dairy.' See under STROAX. 2 9 8 AN TJR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. STROANPATRICK (P. Stronpatrick). 'Dairy.' Sr6n Patraic, Patrick's headland. STROANS (P. Strowans). ' Kirkmabreck.' See under STROAN. STRONACH HILL. 'Kirkmabreck. Sronach, pointed, peaked. See under STRANOCH. STRONBAE (P. Stronbae). ' Minigaff.' Sr6n beith [bey], headland of the birches. Cf. Shronebeha in Cork county. STRONBEAVER. ' Carsphairn.' STRONES BAY. ' Kirkcolm.' See under STROAN. STR6NIE. ' Port Patrick, s.c.' Srdnach, pointed. See under STRONACH. STROOL BAY. ' Kirkcolm.' Sruthair [sruhar], a stream. The change of final r to / is rule-right ; so is the insertion of t after initial s. The word is further disguised when, as some- times happens, the initial s is dropped (see TROOL). " Struell, near Downpatrick, is written Strohill in the Taxation of 1306, showing that the change from r to I took place before that early period ; but the r is retained in a grant of about the year 1178, in which the stream is called Tirestruther, the land of the streamlet." Joyce, i. -457. Cf. also Shruel, Shruell, and Sroohill in various parts of Ireland. STROQUHAN'S POOL (on the Fleet water). * Girthon.' STRUMINOCH. ' New Luce.' Sr6n mmdhonqch [mennogh], mid hill. See under BALMINNOCH. STUBLIGGAT. ' Colvend.' STUDIE KNOWE. ' New Luce.' Hillock of the " stithy " or forge. " Crook studie. Supposed to be a stithy or anvil, with what is called a horn projecting from it, used for twisting, forming horse-shoes." Jamieson. E. stith, an anvil, stithy, properly a smithy, but also used with the sense of anvil, M.E. stith ICEL. steZi, allied to sta$r, a place, i.e. fixed stead, and so named from its firmness. From the same root as E. stead, steady -f SWED. stdd, an anvil. STURDIE Moss. ' Borgue.' " Sturdy, a vertigo ; a disease to which black cattle, when young, as well as sheep, are subject." Jamieson. "A plant which grows among corn, which, when eaten, causes giddiness and torpidity." Mactaggart. SUIE (P. Suachtoun hil). ' Minigaff,' ' Eerwick.' Samhcidh [saua, sawva, sow], sorrel. Cf. Sooey in Sligo (sorrel-bearing land) ; or perhaps subhach [sooagh], a place of berries. SUMMERHILL. ' Balmaghie,' ' Crossmichael,' ' Berwick.' The village of this name in Meath is also called Drumsawry THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWA Y. 299 (druim samhraidh, hill of the summer), probably from its being a place of summer pasture. SUMMERTON. * New Luce.' SUNKHEAD Moss. ' Carsphairn.' SUNNYBRAES. ' Mochrum.' Cf. GRENNAN. SURNOCK. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' SWARE BRAE. ' Carsphairn.' " Sware, swire, swyre. 1. The neck. 2. The declination of a mountain or hill near the summit." Jumieson. A.S. swum, sweora, swim, sicyra, the neck (+0. DU. stcaerde) swer, a column, pillar. The idea con- necting " neck " with " hill " occurs in LAT. colhs, a hill, collum, a neck ; jugum, a yoke, a hill. SNYAREHEAD. ' Urr.' See under SWARE BRAE. SWINEDRUM. ' Borgue.' Eidge or " drum " of the swine. KNOCK- MUCK is close by. See under DRUMMUCKLOCH. SWINEFELL. ' Old Luce.' The fell or hill of the swine. SYLLODIOCH (Charter 1610, Solodzeoche ; P. Saladyow). ' Girthon.' SYPLAND (Liq. ad Cap. 1548, Sypland ; P. Syipland). 'Kirk- cudbright.' Wet, sappy land. A.s. syp, a wetting, sipan, to soften by soaking, sap, sap. Cf. Sypeland, a large bog on Fountain's Earth moor in Yorkshire. " Sipe, to drip." Lucas. " Sipe, sype. 1. A slight spring of water. Perths. 2. The moisture which comes from any wet substance." " Sipe, seipe, to ooze." Jamieson. rrUCHERBUBX. 'Eerwick.' Tachar, a combat. Perhaps from JL tochar, a causeway. The change from o to a is unusual, but see TANDOO and TANDRAGEE. TACHER HILL. ' Sorbie.' See under TACHER BURN. TAHALL. ' Kirkinner.' TAILABOUT LOCH. ' Stoneykirk.' TALLOWQUHAIRN [pron. -hwairn]. ' Kirkbean.' Talamh cJuiirn [talla hairn], land or ground of the cairn, o. ERSE talam, allied to LAT. tellus (as tir to terre) /^/TAL, to sustain, GK. TTJXla, a flat board. TALLSLID. ' Crossmichael.' TALN6TRY or DUNNOTTRIE (Inq. ad Cap. 1572, Tonnotrie; P. Tonnottry). 'Minigaff.' Dun Ochtraidh ['!], Uthred's fort. See under KIROUCHTRIE. Cf. IVILNOTRIE. 300 AN TlR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. TANDOO (P. Toudow). ' Port Patrick, s.c.' T6n dubh [doo], black rump. Cf. Tonduff and Toneduff in Ireland, w. tin. TANDRAGEE. ' Stoneykirk.' T6n re gaieth [geu, gwee], backside to the wind. A descriptive name occurring frequently in both Scotland and Ireland ; sometimes Tonlegee, with the prepo- sition le instead of re. Cf. TONDERGHIE. TANGART. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' TAN BILL. ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' TANNIEFLUX. ' Kirkcowan.' Tamhnach [tawnagh] fliuch, wet meadow. " Tamhnach, a fine field in which daisies, sorrel and sweet grass grow. This word enters into names in moun- tainous districts in the north and north-west of Ireland, but rarely in the south. Also, a green arable spot in a mountain." O'Don. Suppl. It is not in use in Gaelic. TANNIELAGGIE (P. Tynalagach). ' Kirkcowan.' TANNIEMAWS. ' Borgue.' TANNIERAGGIE. 'New Luce.' TANNIER6ACH. ' Old Luce.' Tamhnach ruadh [tawnagh rooh], red meadow. See under TANNIEFLUX. TANNOCH (P. Tanoch, Tanach). ' Kells.' Tamhnach [tawnagh], a meadow. See under TANNIEFLUX. Tunuocks, in Kilbirnie parish, Ayrshire, is written Tannock by Pont. CuningJuime, p. 376. TANNOCH HILL. ' New Abbey.' See under TANNOCH. TANNOCK. ' Colveud.' See under TANNOCH. TARBET (a neck of land between two seas near the Mull of Gal- loway) (P. Terbart). ' Kirkmaiden.' Tarbert, a neck of laud (OReilly) tar (root of tarruingim, I draw, pull) and bad, boat- draught (cf. BOATDRAUGHT), a place where boats are drawn across an isthmus to avoid rough seas at the cape. TARBREOGH (P. Torbraoch). ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' Tir breach [?], ground of the wolves. Cf. DRUMBREACH ; also Caher- breagh in Ireland. TARD6\v [pron. Tardoo]. ' Kirkraaideu.' Tir diibh [doo, do\v], black, dark ground. Cf. BLACKGROUND. TARF (P. Tarf E.). A river in Wigtownshire and another in the Stewartry. There is also a river in Perthshire of this name. TARKIRRA. < Kirkgunzeon.' TARLILLYAN. ' Col vend.' TARWILKIE (Inq. ad Cap. 1604, Tragilhey). ' Balmaclellan.' Tir guilcach, rushy land. See under AUCHENGILSHIE. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLO WA K 301 TAYLOR'S GAT. 'Whithorn, s.c.' Taylor's gap or opening. ICEL. gat, an opening. See under GATE. TENNIEWEE. ' Kirkmabreck.' Tamknach bhuidhe [tawnagh vwee], yellow meadow. See under TANNIEFLUX. TERALLY (P. Terally). ' Kirkmaiden.' Tir Amlialghaidh [owlhay], Aulay's land. Cf. Tirawley in Mayo. See under MACHERALLY. TEROY. ' Inch.' Tight ruadh [rooli], red house, or, possibly, tlr ruadh, red land ; cf. TARDOW and TER ROYE. TERRAUCHTIE (P. Terachty). 'Terregles.' Tir uachdar, upper land. TERREGAN. MinigafF.' Tir Eoghain [?], Egan's land. TERREGLES (Charter, Alexander II., (1214-49) in Melrose Cartulary, treueger; Charter, David II. 1359, Travereglis, Trauereglys; P. Toregills), a parish in the Stewartry. Treamhar eglais [traver], church farm. Not from fir eglais, terra ecdesice, nor terra regalis all of which derivations have been offered but, as the old spellings show, from treamhar, which is inter- preted in John O'Dugan's " Forus Focail " (quoted by O'Reilly}, taobhnocht, i.e. naked side. Treamhair [travaer], in Skye means " houses," and in Erse treamh is a plough, treabh, a farmed village (O'EeUly). Cf. trea.bhair, resident, treabhaire, a householder, crops, implements, requisites of a farm (O'Don. Sitppl). TER ROYE. ' Kirkcowan.' See under TEROY. THIRL STAXE. ' Kirkbean.' A perforated stone. A.S. \\jrel stun. " Thirl, to perforate, drill." Jamieson. "Thirlestane grass" is a rural name for saxifrage. A.s. yyrlian, to drill, pierce, ]>yrel, pierced + DU. drilltn (E. thrill ; nostril, i.e. nose thrill) A/TAR, to pierce, whence also E. through, ERSE tar, through, etc. THORNY HILL. ' Kirkcowan,' ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' Cf. DRUM- SKEOG, DRUMDALLY, etc. THORNGLASS. ' Rerwick.' Tordn glas, little green hill. Dim. of tor. See under TOR. THORN HOUSE. ' Stoneykirk.' THORNKIP. 'Colvend.' Thorn hill. See wider KIPP. THORNYGREXP:. ' Parton.' 302 AN TJR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. THORTER FELL. ' New Abbey.' Thwart hill. " Thmiour, cross, transverse." Jamieson. (Cf. CRAIGTARSON.) M.E. ]nvertouer (i.e. ]>wert ouer, transversely over; E. to thwart, to cross ]>weri). " The word is of Scandinavian origin, as it is only thus that the final t can be explained." Skeat. ICEL. ]wcrt, across + ]rwer, the neut. of fverr, DAN. adj. tvcer, transverse; adv. tvcert, across + SWED. adj. tvtir, cross, unfriendly; adv. tvart, rudely + DU. dwars, cross, and (adv.) crossly + A.S. ]nveorh, perverse, transverse + M.H.G. dicerch, twerch, G. zwerch (adv.) across, awry + GOTH, thicairhs, cross, angry. All from TEUT. type THWERHA base THARH with which Skeat con nects LAT. torquere, to twist. THREAVE (Inq. ad Cap. 1550, Treifgrange; P. Treef Cast, Treve, Treef). 'Balmaghie,' ' Penninghame.' ERSE treabh [trave], a farm, " a farmed village " (O'Reilly}. See under TERREGLES. THREEPNEt T K. ' Kirkpatrick Irongray.' The corner of the scold- ing, or perhaps of the quarrel. " Threpe, threap. 1. A pertinacious affirmation. 2. Expl. "contest;" Lord Hailes. 3. Applied to traditionary superstition. Eoxb., Dumfr." Jamieson. A.S. ]>reapian, freagan, to threap, reprove, afflict (Bosicorth). See under CURATE'S NEUK. THROWPOOT. ' Minigaff.' THUNDERY KNOWES. ' Carsphairn.' TIBBERT (P. Taubyr roy). 'Port Patrick.' Tiobar, a well; formerly, as shown by Pont, tiobar ruadh [roohj, red well. There is a place called Welton close by. Cf. Toberroe in Ireland, Tipper in Kildare and Longford. 0. ERSE topur, tipra, ERSE tiobraid, tiobar, tiubruid, tobar (O'Reilly), a well + w. goffrwd, a streamlet. This word often appears in composition as Chipper. See under CHIPPERDINGAN. TIEREHAN. 'New Abbey.' Tir Eoghain []], Egan's land. Cf. TERREGAN. TINLUSKIE. 'New Luce.' Tir or ton loisgthe [lusky], burnt land or burnt bottom. See under CRAIGLOSK and TANDOO. TINTOCK. ' Kirkinner.' The same name appears as that of a hill in Lanarkshire, of which it is said, " When Tintock tap pits on his cap, Criffel wots fu' wiel o' that." TINTUM. 'Parton.' TIPPET HILL. < Berwick.' TIREBANK. ' Twynholm.' THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 303 TOB-BROUGH. ' Kirkmaiden, s.c.' TOCHER KNOWES. 'Kirkcowan.' Probably tachar, a combat (cf. TACHER BURN), as in Carntogher in Deny, which Colgan writes Carn-tachair, and Cloontogher in Roscommon, which the natives call Clitain-tachair. But it may also be tdchar, a causeway, a word from which tachar is hardly to be distin- guished in composition. Thus Ballintogher in Sligo is given by the Four Masters (1566) Baile an Mchair, the townland of the causeway, but under the year 1266 they write it Bel an tachair, the ford mouth of the battle. Again, we may have here a purely BR. SC. name, the knowes of the dowry or mar- riage portion, tocher having that meaning in Scotch ERSE tdchar, a portion, dowry (O'Reilhj). T6DDEN HILL. ' Carsphairn.' Probably an adjectival form from tod, a fox. T6DDLY. ' Urr.' BR. so. tod lea, the fox field. Tod, lit. a bush, a measure of wool ICEL. toddi, a tod of wool. The fox is supposed to be so named from his bushy tail (Skeat). TOD RIG. ' Kirkinner.' The fox hill. TODSTONE. (P. Todstoun). ' Dairy.' The farm of a man named Tod. TONDERGHIE [pron. Tonnergee, g hard] (P. Tonreghe ; 7F. P. MSS. Tonerghe). ' Whithorn.' See TANDRAGEE. TONGUE (P. Tung). 'Inch,' 'Kirkcudbright.' 'New Luce.' Teanga, a tongue or strip of land. See under CHANG. TONNACHRAE. ' Inch.' TamJmach reidh [1] [tawnagh ray], smooth meadow. See under AUCHRAE and TANNIEFLUX. TOOMCLACK HILL. ' Mochrum.' TOPMULLOCH. ' Leswalt.' TOR (Inq. ad Cap. 1575, Tor). 'Rerwick.' GAEL and ERSE torr, a mound, a large heap + ERSE tor, lit. a tower, hence a tower- like rock + w. twr, a tower + Prov. E. (Devonshire) tor, a coni- cal hill + O.F. tur, F. tour LAT. turns, a tower + GK. Tvpa-is, rvppis, a tower, bastion. The A.S. torr, a rock, is from the Celtic. " If the GAEL, torr be not borrowed from the Latin, it is interesting as seeming to take us back to a more primi- tive use of the word, viz., a hill suitable for defence." Skeat. The ERSE tor has also the meaning of a thicket (Tor, id. q. du met urn Lluyd). 304 AN TfR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. TORBAE. ' Col vend.' Torr beith [bey], hill of the birches. TORBAIN. ' Parton.' Torr ban, white hill. TORD STANE. ' Stoneykirk, s.c.' TORFLAGGAN CRAIG. ' Troqueer.' TORGLASS. ' Twynholm.' Torr glas, green hill. TORHEUGHIE. ' Balmaclellan.' TOR HILL. ' Anwoth.' See under TOR. T6RHOUSE MACKIE [pron. Mackee]. ' Wigtown.' ToRHOUSEMtJiR (P. Torhouse Moore, Torhouse Mackulloch). 'Wigtown.' TORKATRINE (Charter 1677, Tarskatzerine, vulgo vocatus Ter- scrachane ; Charter 1743, Tarscrechun). 'Urr.' This was called Torscrachan till quite recently. TORLANE. ' Dairy.' Torr leathann [lahan], broad hill. See under AUCHLANE. ToRM6iD KNOWE. ' Carsphairn.' TORMOLLAN (Inq. ad Cap. 1611, Tormellen ; P. Tormoulling, Tormoulin). ' Balmaghie.' Torr muUea'm, hill of the mill. See under BALLYMELLAN. TORNAT. ' Buittle.' TORNIEFANE. ' Minigaff.' TORN6RROCH (P. Tornorroch). ' Tungland.' TORR. ' Kirkmabreck.' See under TOR. TORRECHAN. ' Buittle.' Torr Eogham [?], Egan's hill. Cf. TERREGAN and TIEREHAN. TORR HILL. ' Anwoth.' See under TOR. TORR KNOWE. ' Kirkmabreck.' See under TOR. TORR LANE. ' Minigaff.' The " lane " or stream of the toir or hill. TORRORIE (P. Torary). ' Kirkbean.' Torr a righ, the tower or hill of the king. Cf. Tornaroy in Antrim. TORRS (P. Torres; Inq. ad Cap. 1698, Hudder (i.e. hither) torris). ' Kells,' ' Old Luce.' The sand hills at the head of Luce Bay are so named. GEXOCH (q.v.) is among them, and GAEL. torr gainich means a sand-heap. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 305 TORRWHINNOCH (P. Torwhmmack). 'Minigaff.' Torr fheannog [?], hill of the carrion crows. See under BARWINNOCK. Cf, Tir- finnog in Monaghan. TOSKARTON. ' Stoneykirk.' This was formerly a parish. TOULL. ' Buittle.' TuatJial [tooall], northern (hill or land). See under DRUMTOWL. TOWER. ' Dairy.' See under TOR. TOWERS. ' Dairy.' See under TORRS. TRAMOND. ' Old Luce.' TRAMMOND FORD. ' Wigtown.' TRANASALPIXE. ' Buittle.' A modern name Transalpine. Formerly called the Court Hill. TREGALLON. ' Troqueer.' TRIP HILL. Balmaclellan.' HiU of the flock. " Trip, a flock." Jamieson. + E. troop F. troupe, O.F. trope + SPAN, tropa, IT. truppa LOW LAT. tropus. " Orig. uncertain, but most likely due to LAT. turba, a crowd." Slxat. TRIPOLARICK. * Inch.' TROOL BURN (P. Truyil E.). ' Minigaff.' Sruthair [sruhar], a stream. See under STROOL BAY. TRONACHAN. ' Glasserton.' Sronachan, a hilly place ; deriv. of sron, a nose, a hill. See under STROAN. TROQUEER (Charter, 3 Eob. IL, Treqvere; P. Troquyir; Sibbald MS. Traquire), a parish in the Stewartry. Treamhar. a farm. See under TERREGLES. TROQUHAIN (P. Trowhain ; Sibbald MS. Trouhain). ' Balmaclellan.' Treamhar, a farm. See under TERREGLES. TROSTAN (P. Trostan). ' Carsphairn,' 'Dairy,' ' Minigaff,' ' New Abbey.' See under BARTROSTAN. TROSTRIE MOAT (Eot. ScaccarU14:56, Trostaree; MS. 1527, Trostre > P. Trostari; Sibbald MS. Trostary). ' Twynholm.' TR6UDALE GLEN (P. Draudaill, Traudell). 'Berwick.' The trough dell. - A.S. troll dcel, or Scandinavian (Icel.) trog dalr. A.S. troh, trog (whence M.E. trogh, E. trough) + DU. and ICEL, trog + DAN. trug + SWED. trag, G. trog, M.H.G. troc. Root uncertain (Skeat). TROUGHIEHOUSE (Rot. Scaccarii Reg. Scot. A.D. 1264, Turfhous). ' KeUs.' TRUFF CAVE. ' Glasserton.' u 3o6 AN TIR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. TRUFF HILL. ' Kirkmaiden.' " Truff, corruption of E. turf." Jamieson. E. turf, M.E. turf, torf A.S. turf + DU. turf, peat + ICEL. torf + DAN. torv + SWED. torf + O.H.G. zurba + G. torf. All from Teut. base TORBA, turf; probably cognate with SKT. darbha, a kind of grass (Skeat). TRYNOCK. * New Luce.' TULIG. ' Port Patrick, s.c.' Close by is Catelig, the last syllable in each being apparently Hag, a stone. TIJLMERRICK HILL. ' Old Luce.' TUMMOCK FALL. * Mochrum.' Fauld or enclosure of the hillock. " Tummock, a tuft, or small spot of elevated ground. Ayrsh." Jamieson. ERSE " torn, a bush, thicket, grove, a shaw ; a small heap ; tomach, bushy, tufted." O'Reilly. TIJNGLAND (P. Tungland). A parish in the Stewartry. See under CHANG and TONGUE. TUNHILL. * Leswalt/ ' Eerwick.' TURINDOOS HILL. ' Leswalt.' Torrtn dubh [dooh], black hillock. TURKEY HILL. ' Kirkinner.' TURNIEMINNOCH. ' Kirkcowan.' Torrin rneadhonacli [mennogh], middle hillock. See under BALMINNOCH. TURNOFFYE. ' Colvend.' T\VYNHOLM (Inq. ad Cap. 1605, Twyneme ; P. Tuynam; Sibbald MS. Twinam), a parish in the Stewartry. A.S. tweon ham or tweon holm, the dwelling or the holm land between (the streams). The exact equivalent of ADDERHALL, q.v. " Twin- ham-burn, eodem plane sensu quo Italorum interamna." Bosworth. Christchurch in Hampshire was called of old Tweonea, i.e. between the rivers. TYDEAVERYS (P. Tydauarries). ' Balmaclellan.' The prefix appears to be tigh, a house. TYPES, THE (a hill of 880 feet). ' Minigaff.' Cf. CRAIGTYPE. TTLLOCH CAIRN AND HILL (P. Vlioch). ' Balmaghie.' U Uallach, proud, i.e. high cairn anfl hill. See under KNOCK- WALLOCH. ULPHINTAIL. ' Whithorn.' UMFRA. * Mochrum.' Cf. DRUMHUMPHREY. URR (a parish in the Stewartry, named from the river) (Inq. ad Cap. 1607, Or; 1611, Ure, Ur). "The Basque word THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 307 for water is Ur, and analogy would lead us to recognise it in the rivers called Oure, Urr, Ure, Urie, Orrin, and Ore." Skene, Celtic Scot. i. 216. Perhaps akin to ERSE dur, dobhar. URRAL (Inq. ad Cap. 1692, Urle; P. Urrull). 'Kirkcowan. ALLEYFIELD. < Leswalt.' VICAR'S ACRES. ' Wigtown.' Cf. CURATE'S NEUK and DRUM- MANOCHAN. VICE, LOCHAN or (P. L. Voyis). ' Tungland.' ALLTREES. ' Colvend,' ' Twynholm.' WALLY STANE. ' KeUs.' WATCH KNOWE. ' Kirkcolm.' Cf. LOOK KNOWE and SPY CRAIG. WELLEES RIG. 'Girthon.' See RIG or WELLEES. WELLTON. ' Port Patrick.' The well-house. See under TIBBERT. WHAUPHILL. ' Kirkinner.' Hill of the curlews. " Quhaip, quhaup, whaap, a curleAv." Jamieson. The bird is named from its wailing cry A.S. hwe6p, wop, a cry (Boswortli). WHEATCROFT. ' Crossmichael.' WHEEB. ' Minigaff.' WHEEBS. ' Mochrum.' WHERRY CROFT. ' Mochrum.' Foitlvre [fwirry], copse. WHILLAN HILL. ' Girthon.' Chulllean [hwillan], holly. See under ALWHILLAN. WHILLEY. ' Kirkinner.' Choillidh [hwilly], copse wood. WHILTON. ' Kirkpatrick Irongray.' WHIMPARK. ' Balmaghie.' WHINNY LIGGAT. ' Kirkcudbright.' Field-gate of the furze. E. whin, M.E. whynne, *guyn w. chwyn, weeds + B. chouenna (gutt.), to weed. See under LIGGATCHEEK. WHIRSTONE HILL. ' Twynholm.' WHISKEY BURN. 'Minigaff.' Uisge, water. See under BENNUSKIE. WHITECROOK (P. Whytcruk ; Inq. ad Cap. 1610, Quhytcruik). ' Old Luce.' Probably white corner (Cf. WHITEN EUK). 3o8 AN TIR-CHUNNTAS GALLGA1DHEL. " Crukis, crooks. The windings of a river ; hence it came to signify the spaces of ground closed in on one side by these windings. " Jamieson. WHITE HILL, in many places. The meaning is not that of Sierra Nevada, but white, i.e. grass or arable land among surrounding moss. Cf. DRUMBAWN, KNOCKBANE, etc. WHITEHILLS (W. P. MSS., The Quhytehillis). ' Sorbie.' See under WHITEHILL. WHITELEYS. ' Inch.' White fields, i.e. cultivated fields. WHITENEUK. ' New Abbey.' White corner. Cf. WHITECROOK. WHITEWOOD CAIRN. ' Mochrum.' Cf. COLFIX. WHITEYARD. ' Loch Button.' White enclosure ; see under FRIAR'S YARD and WHITELEYS. WHITHORN, a burgh and parish in Wigtownshire (Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, Hwiterne ; GeofFery Gaimar's Estorie des Engles, c. 1250, Witernen; afterwards variously Quhiterne, Whitheren, etc., locally pronounced Hwuttren). The place called by Ptolemy AovKOTrifiia [Loucopibia], situated in what is now known as Wigtownshire, has been repeatedly asserted with confidence to be the place afterwards known in Latin as Candida Casa, and in Anglo-Saxon speech as Hwiterne, or the white house. Now this involves a double assumption : first, that Ptolemy or his transcribers intended to write Leucoicidia instead of Loucopibia ; and second, that Candida Casa and Hwiterne were glosses upon a Greek name which had existed for at least three centuries previously in a remote Celtic country. The possible connection of the ancient name Loucopibia with the modern Luce, has already been pointed out (see p. 42 ; also see under LUCE). Candida Casa, in Anglo- Saxon Hwiterne, would be a descriptive name naturally sug- gested by the whiteness of a house of stone and lime compared with the mud and wattle prevalent in the district. St. Ninian's church was dedicated to St. Martin ; in the Legend of St. Cairnech it is spoken of as " the house of Martain," and "the monastery of Cairnech" (Celt. Scot., ii. 46). Cairnech was bishop and abbot of the monastery and house of Martin, and in the legend he is credited with the introduction of monachism into Ireland. Probably it is the fact that he first instituted the system of religious orders in Northern Ireland, while St. Finnian took it to Southern Ireland from St. David's in Wales. St. Medana (Monenna, Moduenua, Edana) died at Whithorn (see- under KIRKMAIDEN) in the THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 309 days of St. Ninian ; and Chilnacase, a church said to have been founded by her in Galloway, was probably at Whithorn (all na casa, the church or cell of (Candida) Casa). Perhaps it was the chapel at the Isle of Whithorn, which is called by Irish writers Iniscais, or the Isle of Casa, although popular tradition assigns to this ruin the credit of being on the original site of Ninian's Candida Casa. " There can be little question," says Mr. Skene, " that the monastery of Rosnat, called also ' Alba ' and ' Candida ' and ' Futerna,' and known as the ' Magnum Monasterium,' could have been no other than the monastery of Candida Casa, known to the Angles as Whithern, of which Futerna is the Irish equivalent " (Celt. Scot., ii. 48). In a paper by the Rev. J. F. Shearman, P.P. (Irish Hist, and Arch., vol. vi. p. 258), the alleged connection of St. Patrick with Glastonbury is discussed and dismissed in favour of Whithorn. Father Shearman holds that the early history of Glastonbury is altogether 1 apocryphal that the story of St. Patrick having gone there, gathered twelve hermits living in the vicinity into a community, became their abbot and lived with them for thirty-nine years, " is adapted from a genuine but misappropriated record of facts and events appertaining to the Church of Candida Casa. ... At the time of the consecration of St. Patrick, there was no monas- tery or school in South Britain. The Saxons under Hengist were warring with the Britons, and all there was in disorder. The west and south coasts of Wales were then held by Irish intruders, established there from the reign of Niall of the Nine Hostages to the middle of the fifth century, when they were expelled by the sons of Cunedda, who had been himself driven away by the Picts and Scots from Manau Guotodin in the north. The excesses and turmoils of war were unfavour- able to religious life and literature, which at this time appear to have found a refuge, secluded from rapine and violence, in the monastery of St. Ninian at Candida Casa. . . . 'The Monasterium Magnum ' at Candida must have been the cradle in which were nurtured the British youths who became, in course of time, the missionary helpmates of the Apostle of Ireland. "The ancient chronicle or registry of the monastery of Candida Casa, miscalled the ' Registry of Glastonbury,' either through ignorance, or, more likely, dishonesty, was appro- priated to magnify the pretensions to the great antiquity 3 io AN TIR-CHUNNTAS GALLGAIDHEL. claimed by the church at Glastonbury, or Gleastingaberi, as it was called some time after the year 658, when the Saxons under Kenwalch drove the Britons beyond the river Parret. This venerable document records the decease there of the Abbot Nennius or Gildas, in the year 522. . . . In the year 498, a Bishop Patricianus, flying from the Saxon in- roads in North Britain, is stated to have died this year in the ' Isle of Man,' but more probably in the inland region of Manau or Manaan ; his relics are said to have been enshrined ' in Ecclesia G-lasconiensi,' intended probably for Glasgow, which gave an opportunity to the Glastonbury hagioclept of appropriating that fact to this church. As Patrick junior, son of Deacon Sannan, is said to have retired to Glastonbury after the death of his uncle Patricius Magonius, or Old Patrick, A.D. 463, we are perhaps warranted in regard- ing North Britain as the scene of his missionary labours and death, which is all transferred to Glastonbury from the acci- dental resemblance of a name. The Saxon appellation for Candida Casa, a translation of its Latin designation, is Whit- herne, or White House, now Whithorn, near which is the Isle of Whithorn, in Irish authorities Iniscais, a partial translation of Insula Casaz, the Isle of Candida Casa, or Inis Whitherne, which becomes Inis Vitryn, and Bangor Wydryn, another of the assumed or adopted names of Glastonbury. The latter part of this name is so suggestive of vitrum, and its English equivalent glass, that we have the Glassy Isle, an alias for Glastonbury or Glastonia, rendered Urbs Fitria, or Glastown ; and in consequence a good deal more of the history of the Galwegian church of St. Ninian is transferred to its southern rival. 1 . . . " The Arthurian legends, which have their original home in the Lowlands of Scotland, have been transferred between the ninth and twelfth centuries to Glastonbury." Irish Hist, and Arch., 4th Series, vol. vi. p. 257. The above extract is given rather as suggesting matter for farther inquiry than as settling the points in dispute. WIERSTON. Kirkcolm.' Wier's house. WiGG (Inq. ad Cap. 1695, Wigne Cairne alias Lady wig; P. Wijg ; W. P. MSS. Mekilwig, Midwik, Wygrigarne). ' Whithorn.' A.S. "wic, wye, a dwelling-place, village, camp, monastery, fortress." Bosworth. 1 It is noteworthy that Glasserton, the parish adjacent to Whithorn on the west, is locally pronounced Glaiston. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. 311 WIGTOWN {Ad, Ed. in., A.D. 1296, Wyggeton, Wiggeton; P. Wiigtown). A.S. wic, wye (see under WIGG), here used in the sense of a bay ; wic tun, the town or fort on the bay. WILCOMBE BRAE. ' Kirkmaiden.' WILLIANNA (a hill of 1400 feet). ' Carsphairn.' WINDY BRAE OF GORDONSTOUN (P. Windy Hill). ' Dairy. ' WINDY SLAP. ' Old Luce.' Windy gap. " Slap, a narrow pass between two hills." Jamieson. This name is the exact equivalent of Barnageha and Barnanageeha (bearna na gaeithe, pass of the winds), which are of frequent occurrence in Irish hill districts. See under BARNAGEE. WINDY STANDARD (hills; that in Balmaclellan is 1250 feet high). ' Balmaclellan,' ' Carsphairn.' Windy hill. Of. DRUMAGEE. WINETREES HILL. ' Kirkinner.' WITCH EOCK. ' Port Patrick, s.c.' WRAITH. ' Rerwick.' Rdth or rdith, " a circular earthen fort " (Cormac TransL). The sound of the final th, usually silent, is retained in this name, as in Rathmore, Rathdrum, etc., in Ireland. WREATHS (Inq. ad Cap. 1611, Wraithis ; P. Cast, of Wraiths). ' Kirkbean.' See under WRAITH. YELLNOWTE ISLE. Kirkmaiden, s.c.' BR. so. yeld nowte, cattle that have not borne young. " Yeld, yeald, yell, eild. 1. Barren. 2. A cow, although with calf, is said to gang yeld, when her milk dries up." Jamieson. Nowte, pi. of neat, an ox, a cow; M.E. neet A.s. nedt + WEL. naut + M.H.G. ntiz, ndss, cattle : " so named from their usefulness and employment A.S. nedtan, nidtan, to use, to employ." YELLOW BOGS. ' Minigaif.' Cf. MONEYBUIE. YELLOW CRAIG. 'Dairy,' 'Kells,' 'Kirkcolm.' Near Yellow Craig in Kells is DRUMBUIE. YELLOW HORSE. ' Terregles, s.c.' YELLOW ISLE. ' Port Patrick, s.c.' YELLOW TOP. ' Whithorn, s.c.' YETTOWN. ' Sorbie.' Yett tun, gate house or enclosure. Y6UCHTRIEHEUGH. 'Kirkmaiden, s.c.' Upper cliff. 'ER.S'E.uachdarach, and A.S. howe. See under BARNEYWATER and STARRY HEUGH. ADDENDA ET EMENDENDA. ALLAN FALL. ' Mochruru.' BR. so. fauld, an enclosure. ALTRY (a hill of 1600 feet) (P. Altry). 'Dairy.' Aill, a cliff. ANNAT. " Annoit andoit . i. eclais do et in aile as cenn agas is tuiside ; that is, a church which precedes another is a head and is earlier a parent church." O'Don. Suppl. " The Annoit is the parent church or monastery which is presided over by the patron saint, or which contains his relics." Celt. Scot., ii. 70. ARBRACK. ' Glasserton.' Ard borg, high house or fort. Cf. BALLAIRD. This is, in its modern form, a most deceptive name, the last syllable looks so much like Me (see AUCHA- BRICK) ; but the stress on first syllable indicates that as the qualitative, and this is borne out by the ancient spellings Arborg (Rotuli Scaccarii Regum Scotorum, A.D. 1476) and Ardborg(1475). AUCHNABRACK. ' Mochrum.' See under AUCHABRICK. AUCHNESS. This is an exceedingly common name for a field. It occurs on many farms, although not recorded in the Ordnance maps. BACKROPE. ' Mochrum.' The name of a field. BAGBIE. ' Kirkmabreck.' BAINLOCH. ' Colvend.' Bdn loch, white loch. BALLOCHANOUR. ' Kirkmabreck.' Bealach an iobhair [*?] [yure], pass or road of the yew-tree or juniper. See under PALNURE. BALMAE. ' Kirkcudbright.' Baile magha [?], house or land of the plain. See under MAY. BALNAB. ' Whithorn.' This name seems to be of a high anti- quity, dating from the days when there were abbots of Whithorn, which was not later, at all events, than the close of the succession of Saxon prelates about the year 800 A.D. When the see was restored in the twelfth century Whithorn became a Priory. BARCHOCK. ' Kells.' 314 THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. BARFADZEAN. ' Balmagliie.' See under BARFADDEX. BARFRAGGAN. ' Kelton.' Cf. CRANBERRY KNOWE, in Addenda. BARLENNAN. ' Kirkcowan.' " The church of Stornoway, in the island of Lewis, is dedicated to St. Lennan. Dr. Reeves thinks this name to be a corruption of Adamnan." Kal. Scot. Saints, p. 378. BARNSHANGAN. ' Stoneykirk.' There are no fewer than twenty- two persons named or designated Seandn [shannan] in the Martyrology of Donegal. BARWIN. ' Balmaclellan.' A hill adjacent to BAREWING. BELTON HILL. 'Terregles.' The theory of the prevalence of Baal-worship is so firmly fixed in the minds of sciolists in history and archaeology that it will be long ere it is aban- doned. Nevertheless it is grounded on pure assumption. A notable instance of the length to which it will carry its supporters is given by Colonel Robertson in his work on Celtic topography, when he derives Balgreen from Baal grian, the sun of Baal. The name, which commonly occurs near towns and villages, of course signifies the green where games of ball were played, and is pure English. Dr. Todd disposes satis- factorily of the false etymology. " This word (Beltine) is supposed to signify ' lucky fire/ or ' the fire of the god Bel ' or Baal. The former signification is possible ; the Celtic word bil is good or lucky, tene or tine, fire. The other etymo- logy, although more generally received, is untenable (Pefrv on Tara, p. 84). The Irish pagans worshipped the heavenly bodies, hills, pillar-stones, wells, etc. There is no evidence of their having had any personal gods, or any knowledge of the Phoenician Baal. This very erroneous etymology of the word Beltine is, nevertheless, the source of all the theories about the Irish Baal- worship." Life of St. Patrick, p. 414. BENERA. 'Minigaff.' Beann iarach [?], west hill. See under BLAWWEARY. BILLIES. ' Kelton.' Bile [billy], a large tree. See under KNOCK- VILLE. BISHOP'S BURN. ' Peuninghame.' Wymond, bishop of Man, resumed his Celtic name Malcolm Mac Eth, and invaded Galloway about A.D. 1135. He demanded tribute from the bishop of that province, and " was encountered by him at the head of his people when attempting to ford the river Cree ; and the bishop ' having met him as he was furiously advancing ADDENDA ET EMENDENDA. 315 and himself striking the first blow in the battle, by way of animating his party, he threw a small hatchet, and, by God's assistance, he felled his enemy to the earth as he was marching in the van. Gladdened at this event, the people rushed desperately against the marauders, and killing vast numbers of them compelled their ferocious leader shamefully to fly ' ( William of Newburgh's Histoi'y, B. I. c. xxiv.). The scene of this battle is fixed by local tradition in Galloway, and a stream which flows into Wigtown Bay called Bishop's burn is said to have become crimson with blood." Celt. Scot., i. p. 464. BOLT EIG. ' Balmaclellan.' B6RETREE HEUGH. ' Berwick.' Height of the elder trees. See under ELDER HOLM and STARRY HEUGH. B6RGAN. ' Minigaff.' Borgdn, a house, or a collection of houses, a hamlet. See under BORGUE. Borgdn accurately corre- sponds in origin and meaning with E. hamlet (M.E. hamelet) o.F. hamel (MOD. r. hameau). The suffix -et is diminutive, so is -el (added to o. FRIESIC ham, E. home), just as -dn is a diminutive suffix added to boi'g. BRACKENFALLS. ' Mochrum.' Faulds or enclosures of the brackens. See under BRECONSIDE. BRIDGEMARK. ' Kirkpatrick Irongray.' Merkland of the bridge ; written by Pont Markdrochat, from drocMid, a bridge. See under MARK and KNOCKDROCHWOOD (in Addenda). BROADLICHENS [pron. leeghens]. ' Glasserton.' BROUGHNA. ' Mochrum.' Probably bruigheandn, a house. See under BRENNAN. BUITTLE. A.S. botl, an abode, a house. BURROW HEAD. ' Whithorn.' Name from the borg or fortifica- tion which is still distinctly traceable. Cf. Burghead, between the Findhorn and the Spey, whereon a borg was built by Sigurd, Earl of Orkney, when he invaded Scotland about 895 A.D. (Celt. Scot., i. p. 336). BUSHABIELD. * Crossmichael.' BUTTERBURN. ' Minigaff.' The bittern's stream. See under BUTTER HOLE. CAIRNBASTIE. ' Mochrum.' Cam biasta, the beast's or serpent's cairn. See under ALTIBEASTIE. CAIRN MOLLY. ' Balmaclellan.' 316 THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. CAIRNTARRY. ' Mochrum.' Cam tairWi [tarriv], the bull's cairn. Cf. KNOCKENTARRY. CARHALLOCH. ' Mochrum.' Evidently the same name as CORN- HULLOCH (q. v.) which is a different place in the same parish. CARLINGWARK. ' Old Luce.' See under the same name in Bal- maghie parish. CARRICKFIJNDLE. ' Kirkcolm, s.c.' Carraic Finngall, crag of the Norsemen. Cf. NORWAY CRAIG on the same coast. " The two races of the Danes and Norwegians were distinguished by the terms Dubhgeinte or Dubhgall, that is, black pagans or black strangers, and Finngeinte or Finngall, white pagans or white strangers. The names Dubhgall and Finngall must not be confounded, as is usually done, with the Christian names Dubhgal and Fingal, which belong to a large class of names ending with the syllable gal, signifying valour." Celt. Scot., iii. 28. CASSENCARIE. ' Kirkmabreck.' There can be little doubt that the derivation from casan caithre [caarie], the footpath of the castle, camp, or fort, is the correct one. Castle Carey in Stirlingshire and also in Somersetshire, are named from ancient earthworks near each. CLACHANDdw. ' Miuigaff.' ClacJian dubh [doo, dow], black stones or black hamlet. See under CLACHAN. CLAWCRAP. ' Glasserton.' See under CLAYCROP. CLAWYETTS. ' Minigaff.' CLAYWHIPPART. This name occurs in Mochrum, on the farm of Barsalloch, as well as in Whithorn. CLINCHMAHAFFIE. ' Old Luce.' M'Haffie's claunch. See under CLAUNCH. CLtlTAG. ' Kirkinner.' It is possible that this is from the old valuation in pennylands. " A peighinn, or pennyland, might be divided into leth pJieighinn, or half-penny, feoirlinn, or farthing, leth fheoirlinn, or half- farthing, cianog, or quarter- farthing, and clitag, equal to one-eighth farthing. ... In Harris, in 1792, the ancient and still common computation of land was a penny, half-penny, farthing, half-farthing, clitag, etc. . . . The stock or souming for a farthing land was four milk cows, three or four horses, and as many sheep on the common as the tenant had the luck to rear." Capt. ADDENDA ET EMENDENDA. 317 Thomas, E.N., Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. xx. p. 211. The change in pronunciation from clitag to Clutag would be according to a well-known rule. COLD CRAIG. ' Balmaclellan.' CORANBAE (a hill of 1600 feet). 'Dairy.' Goran beith [bey], hill of the birches. See under CORAN and ALLANBAY. CORSELANDS. ' Kells.' The ordinary vowel change from carse. See under CARSE. C6UNTEM (a hill). 'Dairy.' Probably a corruption of ceann [can], a head or hill. COUPLAND. ' Kirkpatrick Durham.' Land that has been couped, bartered or exchanged. See under CHAPMAN and COPIN KNOWE. CRAIGALCARIE. ' Balmaclellan.' Creag an caithre [caarie], crag of the fortress. Cf. CASSENCARY. CRAIGFAD. ' Carsphairn.' Close to this place occurs the name LANG CRAIG. CRAIGENFINNIE. ' Kirkgunzeon.' See under CRAIGFINNIE. CRAIGENTYE. ' G-lasserton.' Creag an tighe, crag of the house. See under DRUMATYE. CRAIGGARNEL. 'Minigaff.' CRAIGMUIE (P. Kraigmuy). ' Balmaclellan.' Creag m-buie [?] [muie], yellow craig. Cf. CRAIGBUIE. The eclipse of b by m is very frequent. CRAIGRANGE. ' Berwick.' CRAIGSTEWART. ' Dairy.' CRAIGTYPE. 'Balmaghie.' CRAIGWHANNEL. ' Kells.' CRANBERRY KNOWE. ' Minigaff.' See under BARFRAGGAN. CREE. " The early Latin editions (of Ptolemy) have, instead of lence aestuarium, Fines aestus. It is possible that this may be the correct reading, and that Wigtown Bay may have marked the utmost limit to which the Roman troops pene- trated in Agricola's second campaign." Celt. Scot.,i. 66, note. Finis, an end, a limit, may be translated by ERSE crick. At all events the Cree seems to have been reckoned im- memorially the boundary between East and West Galloway, hence, probably, the name crlch, a boundary. 3 i8 THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. CRUGGLETON. ' Sorbie.' A place called Crogington and Crogel- ton in Shropshire is mentioned in a roll of Henry VIIL, quoted by Dugdale (Monasticon, iii. 527). CRUFFOCK. ' Balmaghie.' CULRAVEN. ' Borgue.' CUTTYSHALLOW. Another form of KITTYSHALLOCH, q.v. DALAVAN. ' Anwoth.' Dal abhuinn [avun], land-portion of the river. It is on the Fleet. DALARRAN. * Balmaclellan.' Dal iairn, land-portion of the iron. See under GLENIRON. DERGALL. ' Kirkmabreck.' This is now called the Englishman's Burn, so it is a fair assumption that the meaning of the Celtic is dobhar [dour] gall, the stranger's or foreigner's stream. There is a reputed site of a battle here, on which is CAIRNEY- WANIE, and there are many sepulchral remains on the hills near. DERNSCL6Y. ' Kells.' DRUMATAGGART. ' Minigaff.' Druim a' t-sagairt [taggart], the priest's hill ; or druim mic t-sagairt, M'Taggart's or the priest's son's hill. See under ALTAGGART. DRUMBEG. This name occurs also in Kirkcudbright, alongside of DRUMMORE. DRUMBLAIN. ' Parton.' Druim btiana [blaney], ridge of the creek or bay. See under BLANYVAIRD. Cf. LINBLANE. DRUMKEESIE. ' Balmaclellan.' DRUMMIESUE. ' Old Luce.' The suggested explanation is prob- ably incorrect. It is more likely druim a samhadh [soo], ridge of the sorrel. DRUMM6RE. This name occurs also in Kirkcudbright alongside of DRUMBEG. DRUMSLEW. ' Kells.' Druim sliallie [slewe], ridge of the moor See under SLACARNACHAN. DRUMSUIR. ' Minigaff.' DRYCOG. ' Kells.' Empty or dry bowl, metaph. of a dry hollow in the land. " Cog, a hollow wooden vessel of a circular form for holding milk, etc." Jamieson. Cf. ERSE cog, a draught. ADDENDA ET EMENDENDA . 319 DUNKIRK. ' Kells.' Dun ceorce [kurkie], hill of the oats, or dun cearc [kark], hill or fort of the grouse. See under BARNKIRK and MILLQUHIRK. ELDRICK or ELDRIG. Places of this name occur in ' Kells ' and ' Minigaff.' BR. sc. yeld or did rig, barren or fallow ridge. See under YELLNOWTE. ERVIE CRAIG. ' Carsphairn.' Cf. ERVIE. FANG OF THE MERRICK. ' MinigaflF.' This may not improbably be fdn, a steep ascent. See under FANS. FANS OF ALTRY. ' Dairy.' ERSE "fdn, a declivity, steep, in- clination, descent." O'Reilly. GALL KNOWE. 'Berwick.' Gall, a standing stone. The next farm to it is called STANDING STONE. See under DERGALL. GALLRINNIES. ' Balmaclellan.' Geal [gal] rinn, white point, hill, or division of land. It is also called WHITE HILL. See under CARRICKGILL and EHINNS. GARMEL. 'Mini gaff.' See under GARMILL. GLEDE HILL. ' Crossmichael.' Cf. BAROLAS and GLEDE BOG. G6LDTHORPE KNOWE. ' Kells.' A.s. and M.E. ]>orp, a village or hamlet +DU. dorp + iCEL. ]>orp + DAN. torp, a hamlet + SWED. torp, a little farm, cottage + G. aurp, a field. Allied, says Skeat, to LITH. troba, a building, a house, and per- haps to the Erse treamh, a farm, a village round a farm, a tribe, family, clan, GAEL treabhair, houses +\v. tref, a home- stead or hamlet, from the verb treabliaim, I plough, suggesting the conclusion that tlwrp signifies the houses on the farmed lands. See under TERREGLES. HAGGIS HAUSE (a glen). ' Kells.' See under HAUSE BURN. " Haggis, a dish commonly made in a sheep's maw, of the lungs, heart, and liver of the same animal, minced with suet, onions, salt and pepper, and mixed up with highly-toasted oatmeal." Jamieson. The use of the word here must be metaphorical. HESTAN ISLE. 'Berwick.' A.S. east holm, eastern island. This has been identified, with every probability, by Mr. M'Kerlie (vol. ii. p. 464) with Eastholm, on which, in 1342, stood the castle of Duncan MacDouall, son of Dungall or Dougall, chief of the family in Galloway. Mackenzie refers to Estholm on the coast of Wigtownshire, but he is probably in error. There are traces of buildings on the island ; and it seems to be the 320 THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. island referred to in the Eotuli ScoticK as insuhi de Estholw in Scotia and Estholm in Gateway. HEUGH. ' Colvend.' A height. See under STARRY HEUGH. HIGHLANDMAN'S RIG. ' Minigaff.' HINTON. ' Anwoth.' M.E. hine's toun, the dwelling of the hind or peasant. Cf. CARLETON. A.s. hina, a domestic A.s. km, a house (the origin of E. hive), from Teutonic base HI= V Kr > to lie, whence SKT. <^i, to lie, GK. /eetyuat, L. civis, etc. KENTIE. ' MinigafF.' Ceann tighe, hill of the house, or principal house. See under DRUMATYE. KILNAIR (P. Calnair). ' Dairy.' Cuil n-air, corner of the slaughter or of the ploughing. See under BARNAER. KILNOTRIE. ' Crossmichael.' Cf. DUNNOTTRIE. KlRCALLA. 'Penninghame.' The church of Gress in the island of Lewis is dedicated to St. Aula, who, says Bishop Forbes, is probably St. Olave, though he may have been the St. Angulus or Aule, who occurs in the Martyrologies at the 7th of February." Kal Scot. Saints, p. 272. KNOCKDRINAN. ' Parton.' See under KNOCKDRONNAN. KNOCKDROCHWOOD. 'Kirkpatrick Irongray.' Cnoc drochaid, bridge hill. The next farm is BRIDGEMARK, q.r. See under BARDROCHWOOD. KNOCKENTARRY. ' Mochrum.' Cnoc an tairbh [tarriv], the bull's hill. Cf. CAIRNTARRY. KNOCKIERAY. 'Minigaff.' Cnoc a' ratha [raaj, hill of the fort. See under WRAITH. KNOCKIMMING. ' Kelton.' KNOCKLAE. ' Balmaclellan.' Cnoc laeyh, hill of the calves. See under BARLAE and CAWVIS HILL. KNOCKM6WDIE. ' Kells.' Cnoc madadh [maddy], hill of the dogs or wolves. See under BLAIRMODDIE. KNOCKNAM60N. 'Minigaff.' Cf. LOCH MOAN. At p. 227 this name is erroneously printed KNOCKNAMOOR. KNOCKNAN. 'Balmaclellan.' Cnoc n-en, birds' hill. See umlrr BARNEAN. KNOCKNAW. ' Minigaff.' The first meaning suggested is the cor- rect one ; it is close to a ford on PULLOW BURN. KNOCKR6CHER. 'Berwick.' Cnoc crochadhair [crogher], hang- man's hill. See under AUCHENROCHER. ADDENDA E T EMENDENDA. ' 321 LESWALT (Barnbarroch, 1580, .Loch Swaid ; Synod of Galloway 1664, Lochswalt). Sympson says this name was pronounced Lasswade. The first syllable is probably Us, a fort. See under DRUMLASS. LOOK KNOW. ' Balmaclellan.' Cf. SPY CRAIG. MAIDENHEAD BAY. 'Kirkmaiden, s.c.' Is it possible that this is, as Maidenhead on the Thames is said to be, from A.s. meddan hy%, middle port or landing-place 1 MELDENS. 'Minigaff.' MURDOCH CAVE. ' Minigaff.' If not named from Murdoch, the second son of the widow of Craigencallie (see under CRAIGEN- CALLIE) to whom King Robert the Bruce granted the lands of CUMLODEN (often referred to as Cumlodden-Murdoch), the cave bears, at all events, the name of some of his suc- cessors in the property (M'Kerlie, iv. 405). NICK OF TRESTRAX. ' Kirkmabreck.' See under BARTROSTRAN. N6GGIN. ' Kirkmabreck.' Cnocin, a hill, dim. of cnoc. See under KNOCKEAN. OLD STRAND. ' Carsphairn.' The strand or stream (see under STRAND OF THE ABYSS) of the allt, glen. Allt has become Old by the process described under OLD WATER, q.v. ORNOCKENOCH. 'Anwoth.' This is written by Pont Ardkrock- anoc, showing the alternative form croc for cnoc. See under CROCKENCALLY. The first syllable may have been ard instead of aridh. PAPY HA'. 'Minigaff.' Perhaps the Norse papa, a preacher. " The Norsemen called these missionaries Papce ; and many of the islands, on which they found some preacher from lona, still bear the names of Papey and Papeyar." Innes's Scotland in the Middle Ages (1860), p. 101. "The pre-Columban Christianity of Scotland was that of Galloway and Pictland, and if we may credit certain legendary statements, which however have been generally discredited, an earlier infusion direct from the East into Northern Pictland. . . . Pictland, certainly, would be the highway to the northern Islands and to Iceland, and it may be worth consideration whether the Christian monks called Papse, whom the discoverers of Ice- land found there in the ninth century, were not the repre- sentatives of some such pre-Columban influence from the Scottish mainland ; for Papa, although it has lingered in the x 322 THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. Breton Church, is certainly not Columban nor Irish, but characteristically Eastern." Sir S. Ferguson's OgJuim Inscrip- tions (1887), p. 137. PULWHANNER BURN. ' Kirkmabreck.' BARBERRY. ' Kirkcudbright.' A.S. rdh bearh, the roe's hill. Rdh becomes M.E. ro, but Chaucer (C. T. 4084) gives NORTH E. ra + ICEL. rd + DAN. raa + SWED. ra + D\J. ree + G. reh. RAMSEY. ' Whithorn.' A.S. rammes ige, ram's island. Probably an ancient name for the whole island, though now limited to one point. Cf. Ramsey in Huntingdonshire, Romsey and Sheppey (sce'ap ige, sheep island) in Kent, Ramsay in Man, etc. RATTRA. ' Borgue.' There is an old fort here. RHINNS, THE. ERSE rinn is probably akin to GK. pis, gen. pivos, a nose, of which the later form is piv. RINGAN. This name occurs also on the farm of CRELLOCH, in Mochrum. RISK. This name occurs also on the farm of BARWINNOCK in Glasserton. SANDFORD. ' New Abbey,' Places of this name are found in Hants, Berks, Oxfordshire, etc. SLEWSPIRN. ' Kirkcolm.' The first syllable is slidbh [slew], a moor. SKEENGALLIE. ' Kirkinner.' Sceithin [skehin] gallach, bush of the standing stones. See under KILGALLIOCH, and cf. Skehinagan in Ireland, written, in the Annals of Loch C6, sceitliin na cend, or bush of the heads. SotlTHWiCK. ' Colvend.' Cf. Southwick in Sussex, Southwyke in Hants and Huntingdonshire, etc. STENNOCK. ' Whithorn.' This is probably not a Celtic name, but A.S. stan wic, stone house, like Stanwick in Yorkshire. WlGG. ' Whithorn.' Cf. Uig, a parish now united to Snizort, in Skye, variously written Wig and Vig. The name Uig comes immediately from the Scandinavian (ICEL. vie, a bay), but the word is the same as the A.S. wic, meaning either a village or a bay. APPENDIX A. TRANSLATION of the Article which, in addition to an EXTRACT from CAMDEN, descriptive of the Province, accompanies FONT'S MAPS of GALLOWAY in BLAEU'S ATLAS. It was published in 1662. DESCRIPTION OF GALLOWAY, BY JOHN MACLELLAN. Gallovidia takes its name from Gallovid, which in the language of the ancient /Scots means Gaulish ; for from the beginning the Scottish Brittons used to call the earliest inhabitants of Britain Gauls, implying that they came from Gallia. This ancient dominion of the Brittons is bounded on the south by the Irish sea, on the west by the Firth of Clyde, on the north by Carrick, & Kyle, on the north-east by the river Nith ; in length it extends from the north-east 70 miles to the south- west, between the bridge of Dumfries & the extreme promontory of Mull. In breadth from north to south it reaches in some places 24, in some 20, in some 16 miles. Six rivers intersect it, Ur, Dee, Ken, Cree, Bladna, Luss, running into the Irish sea. The Ken, running through Glenkens, flows into the lake of the same name, and on leaving it loses its name at its confluence with the Dee twelve miles from the sea. There is also a certain stream, the Fleet (about half way between the Dee and the Cree), and the Palnure (Palinurus) ; but these are not reckoned among the greater rivers. All are celebrated for salmon-fisheries ; but the Dee excels the others. The whole region is most healthy both in climate and soil ; it rarely ascends into mountains, but rises in many hills. Three mountains of notable height are to be observed therein ; one at the mouth of the Cree, commonly called Carnesmoor, that is (if you would interpret it) Camesii desertum; & another, not far from it, Marocus ; : & a third, at the mouth of the Nith, Crefeldius. 2 The land lying beyond the Luce is called Rinum, z that is to say the Beak of Galloway, inasmuch as it projects like the beak of a bird ; and its furthest end is called Novantum Promontorium by the natives the Mule, that is to say, bald & shaven : for the ancient Scots used to call promontories Mules (mulls), a metaphor taken from a shaven head. The estuary of the Luss,* Ptolemy's Eerigonius, on the east, & Loch Rian, Ptolemy's Vidogara on the west, contract the laud and make an Isthmus, i The Merrick. 2 Criffel. The Rhiims. * Luce. 3 2 4 THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. & a Chersonese or peninsula, not unlike Peloponesus. The whole of Galloway recals the figure of an elephant ; the Rhinns form the head, the Mule the proboscis ; the headlands jutting into the sea, the feet ; the mountains above named represent the shoulders ; rocks & moors (ericeta) the spine ; the rest of the body consisting of the remainder of the district. It has the following more important harbours, Fanum Cudberti l in the estuary of the Dee, capable of holding many ships, and a safe shelter, inasmuch as by the protection of the hills and the Isle of Ross, it is protected on all sides from the winds ; & Cariovilla? a safe roadstead for ships, & three in the Chersonese or Rhinns, Nessocus? Loch Rian and Port Patrick. The entire Province is divided into upper and lower Galloway ; the upper lies between the river Cree and the Mule promontory, and has as judge of capital affairs the head of the family of Agnew* which honour passed to them after the destruction of the family of Maddlan. The lower (division) commonly (called) the Stewartry (prcefectura] of Kirk- cudbright, has as judge the chief of the family of Maxwell. There are there three Presbyteries, that of Kirkcudbright, that ol Victonf and that of Stranraver. In the Presbytery of Kirkcudbright are reckoned 17 parish Churches, in that of Victon nine, in that of Stranraver 8 : Out of these the Synod is convened twice a year. Whatever Churches there are beyond the Ur belong to the Presbytery of Dumfris. It has these towns, Fanum Cudberti (commonly KircTccubrie} at the mouth of the Dee, celebrated for the harbour of that name ; & Victon, once a well-known emporium, built (as is believed) by the Brittons at the mouth of the Cree ; Candida Casa (commonly Whithorn) dis- tinguished by its monastery. Capdla, or (as some prefer) Stranraver, on Loch Eian in the Chersonese. Not so long ago New Galloway, on the river Ken, was admitted into the list of burghs, but it has almost nothing urban except the name, as there are very few houses built there : forasmuch as Viscount Kenmure, who began the construction of the town, being overtaken by death, left the work at its commencement. Weekly markets however are held there, at which the natives assemble in tolerable numbers, some to buy, others to sell produce which is carried thither by merchants from the neighbouring country. Monasteries in Galloway (are), Candida Casa sacred to Ninian, who used to be considered a tutelary god in the furthest corner of Galloway, whither of old men from distant parts undertook pilgrimages, for the sake of religion, to see the relics & church of Ninian, and to carry away a portion of sacred dust, which was in these days considered a signal evidence of sanctity ; the Monastery of Luss, on the bay of the river Luss ; Dimdranan, at the fourth (mile) stone to the east of Kirk- 1 Kirkcudbright. - Carsethorn (?). 3 Port Nessock. 4 Agnew of Lochnaw, Hereditary Sheriff of Galloway. 5 Wigtown. DESCRIPTION OF GALLOIVA Y. 325 cudbright ; Glycicardium (commonly New Abbey) on the estuary of the Niih : Tungland, on the banks of the Dee ; Marianum, 1 at the mouth of the Dee, about eight hundred paces below Kirkcudbright ; Salsidense,- in the Chersonese, but by whom some of these were founded does not appear, owing to the absence of Records. The natives are strong and warlike : assuredly in the late battle of Neoburn, on the Tine in England, a handful of Galloway knights under the leadership of Patrick Mackie, whose son was killed in that action, gave a splendid example of their gallantry, for with their long spears they threw the dense body of the enemy into such confusion as to secure an easy victory for their comrades. Formerly this race was prone to maintaining feuds, but it has gradually learnt by more humane culture and civilised religion to lay aside its ferocity : the gentry, ready alike with hand and head, are quite equal to any in refinement of person and of manners. The country-folk are of powerful build, & not deficient in understanding. Those who live in the Mores, that is to say, in the wastes, make a living by rearing cattle, and have large flocks of sheep ; the sheep there are of the best kind both in respect of flavour of mutton & excellence of fleece. Large quantities of wool are carried hence to foreign parts by merchants, who derive no small profit thereby. Those who live in the Machers, that is to say the arable ground & plains, sustain life by agriculture ; nor do they lack fertile pasture, & flocks, oats of small but well-filled grain is grown there, from which they make the best of meal. Galloway produces horses of but small size, but game & strong, which bring everywhere the highest price. The most distinguished families here are the Gordons, the Maxwells, the Maclellans, Macdoicalls, Mackies, Maccidlochs, Stuarts, Agnews, Adares. But the Macdoivalls, Maclellans, Mackies & Maccullochs excel the rest in antiquity, & pristine honour. The others are more recent. Formerly the clan Maclellan flourished there, unquestionably premier (as Buchanan testifies) in descent and wealth, but when Patrick, chief of that family, was destroyed by Duglass, his kinsmen inspired by vengeance collected their forces and carried fire and sword among the adherents of Duglass in Clydesdale ; in consequence of which reprehensible deed a fine was laid upon their possessions, they themselves were outlawed, & compelled to till the soil, which reduced this wealthy family to such poverty, that it has never completely recovered from it. But after a few years the son of Patrick, having been long in hiding, slew the pirate Moor (pirata Afro} 3 who rendered the coasts of Galtoway dangerous, was restored to the King's favour, and to part of his ancient patrimony of Bombie. Stinceel* in Teviot was the ancient seat of the Gordons, whence two 1 St. Mary's Isle. " Saulseat. See under Black Morrow Well in the Glossary. 4 Stinchell. 326 THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. brothers set out, one for Galloway, the other for Bogie, and founded in either place a prosperous race of Gordons. He who came to Galloway, having killed a huge boar that was devastating the fields, obtained a grant of Gordonstoun & Lochinvar (Lacus varrii) from the King, and left a numerous posterity. The Adares are believed to have sprung from the race of princes of Kildare, in Ireland. Among the Gallovidians (are these) nobles, Stuart earl of Galloway, Gordon Viscount Kenmure, Maclellan Baron Kirkcudbright, each the chief of his own people. There are also there many cavaliers natives of the soil. There are numerous strongholds there, but till lately the strongest of all was Treve, in an Island of the river Dee, eight miles from Kirkcud- bright. It was built by Duglass, who, in the reign of James the Second caused great disturbance to his country. This place was defended during the late conflicts in our district by the adherents of Maxwell, earl of JVi^(sdale) ; but, being surrendered at last its vaults were broken down, its roof and floors removed, and it was rendered indefensible. Two towers stronger than the rest appear in the Rhinns, (Castle) Kennedy, built by the earl of Casilliss in loch Inch (lacu Insulano) ; Scceodunum (commonly called Dunskey, that is, the winged tower) by the ancestors of Robert Adare on a steep cliff by the sea. There are others also, Crugulton, for instance, a well-fortified stronghold on the estuary of the Cree, Glaston, 1 Garlice, Clarey, Cudbertana,* Cardanes & Rusco, besides many notable mansions. In lower Galloivay (there are the following) lakes, Caloverca, 3 Mul- tonius,* Ritonius, b Kenmis. 6 In upper (Galloway) Martonius, 1 Mac- rumius, 8 Longocastrius, 9 Insulanas, 10 Nmvius. 11 The woods which render this region pleasant are those of Kenmure, Cree, & Garlice. Whoever wishes to know about the battles fought in this district should consult the histories of Scottish affairs written by Buchanan & Boethius. To put it in few words (notwithstanding that one may hear it evil spoken of by those unacquainted with the country) Galloway is A land with native goods content, Not craving foreign trade, To comforts earned by industry Nature here lends her aid. In no part of Scotland are the fleeces more excellent, nowhere in Scot- land are there stouter nags, though (they are) small ; they call them Gallou'ay-nages. So that Englishmen call all good horses Gallowas. 1 Glasserton. - Kirkcudbright. 3 Carlingwark. * Milton. 3 Loch Button. 6 Loch Ken. 7 Myrton Loch. 8 Mochrum Loch. 9 Longcastle, now Dowalton Loch. 10 Loch Inch. u Lochnaw. APPENDIX B. ERSE AND GAELIC WORDS ENTERING INTO NAMES OF PLACES IN GALLOWAY; WITH A REFERENCE TO THE NAMES UNDER WHICH THE WORDS ARE ANALYSED. Abb, an abbot, . . . . . . . Balnab. Abhainn [a van, aw en, own], a stream, . . . Slochanawn. Achadh [aha], a field, Achie. AdJtamhiuin [ounan, eunan], a man's name, . . Kirkennan. Aedhaire [airie], a shepherd, ..... Craigary. Aenach [ennagh], a fair, Enoch. Afreca, a woman's name, Knockefferick. Aileach [ellagh], a stone fort, Craiganallie. Aill, a cliff, Alhang. Airgiod [arggid], silver, Craignarget. Airidh [airie], a shieling, a hill pasture, . . . Airie. Aith [ae], a kiln, Auchenhay. Allt, a height, a glen, a stream, .... Aldergowan. Alltdn, a little glen, ...... Altain. Alltog, a little glen, Altogue. Alluin, a hind, Craigellan. Aluin, beautiful, Craigellan. Amhalghaidh [owlhay], a man's name, Aulay, . Macherally. Ammor, a trough, Ballochanarmour. Amreidh [amrey], rough, Carrickcamrie. Anoid [annud], a church Annat Hill. Aoradh [arra], worship, Clachanarrie. Ar, ploughing, Barnaer. Ar, slaughter, Barnaer. Arbha [arva, arroo], corn, ..... Arrow. Ard, high ; a height, Aird. Ath [ah], a ford, Carsnaw. Aula, a man's name, ...... Kircalla. Bachall, a stick, Bachla. BacMach, a herdsman, ...... Bachla. B&d, a boat, Portavaddie. Badhun [bawn], a cattle-pen, Biawn. THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. Baile [bally], a farm, a homestead, a town, Bainne [banny], milk, .... Bairghin [bareen], a bannock, Bdn, white ; s. lea-land, Banbh [bonniv], a young pig, . Baoghal [baughal], danger, Bard, a rhymer, Barr, a hill-top, ..... Bathach [ba-ach], a cowhouse, Beag [beg], small, Bealach [ballagh], a road, a pass, Bean [ban], a woman, . . . . Bean [ban], a man's name, Beann [ben], a hill, .... Beannach [bennagh], hilly ground, Beanndn [bennan], a hill, Bearna [barna], a gap, a pass, Bearnach, split, ..... Bearradh [barra], a hill-brow, a precipice, Beist, or beast, a beast, a serpent, . Beith [bey], a birch, .... Beitliach [beyach], a birch wood, Beul [bel], a mouth, . . Bil, lucky, ...... Bile [billy], a large tree, Bldr, a plain ; a battle, .... Bldrach, a level place, .... Blean, the groin ; a creek, a bend, . Bo, a cow, Boc, a he-goat, Bodach, a clown, Bog, soft, miry, ..... Bogluasgach, boggy, floating, . Bogreach, bogurach, boggy, Bolcan, a man's name, .... Borgdn, a hamlet, .... Both [bo], a hut, a booth, Bothach [bohach], a marsh, Bothdn [bohan], a hut, a booth, Bothar [bohar], a causeway, . Brd, bri, a brae or hillside, Braddn, a salmon, Braendn, Brennan, a man's name, . Braghaddg [braadog], a throat, a gulley, Bailie Hill. Barwhanny. Barean. Auchtrievane. Auchnabony. Barnbauchle. Barnboard. Bar. Buyoch. Drumbeg. Balloch. Barnamon. Kirkbean. Benailsa. Craigbennoch. Bennan. Barnagee. Craigbernoch. Barrack Slouch. Ballochabeastie. Allanbay. Barbeth. Ballochadee. Beltonhill (in Addenda). Knockville. Blair. Blairoch. Blaneyvaird. Biawn. Auchniebut. Drummuddiocli. Bogue. Anabaglish. Boggrie. Barvalgans. Borgan (in denda). Bow. Buyach. Barbuchanny. Stoneybatter. Brae. Lanebreddan. Drumabrennan. Bradock. Ad- LIST OF ERSE AND GAELIC WORDS. 3 2 9 Branchu [branhy], a man's name, .... Craigmabrancliie. Brathair [braar], a brother, a friar, . . . Altibrair. Breac [brack], spotted, Auchabrick. Breac [brack], a trout, . . Altibrick. Breacach [brackagh], broken, spotted ground, . . Breackoch. Breach [bragh], a wolf, ....... Drumbreach. Breaclach [bracklagh], broken, spotted ground, . Brecklach. Breacnach [bracknagh], broken, spotted ground, . Brackenicallie. Brian [brain], stinking, foul, Branyea. Breansheach [branyae], stinking, .... Branyea. Bretan, a man's name ; a Welshman, ... . Culbratten. Brigid, Brighde [breedie], a woman's name, Bridget, Hillmabreedia. Brioc [Brie], a man's name, Kirkmabreck. Broc, a badger, Brockloch. Brodach, a badger-warren, Brockloch. Bruach, a brink or border, . . . .'..-. Brough. Bruighedn, a dwelling, Borgue. Bruigheandn, a dwelling, ..... Borgue. Buachaill [baughil], a herd-boy, .... Bowhill. Buidhe [buie, bwee], yellow, Benbuy. Builg, bellows, Bullet. Buirg, or borg, a fort, a dwelling, a hamlet, . . Borgue. Bun, bottom, end, Barbunny. Cabhdn [cavven], a hollow, Cavan. Caedh [kay], a bog, quagmire, .... Culkae. Caein [keen], beautiful, Knockeen. Caer, a berry, ........ Drumkare. Caera, a sheep, Culgarie. Caerthainn [keerin], a rowan-tree, .... Barwhirran. Cailleach, a nun, a hag, . . . . . Barncalzie. Cainneach, a man's name, Kenny, .... Cairn Kennagh. Caipeal, a chapel, Chapelrossan. Cairbre, a man's name, Dunharbery. Caiseal, a castle, ....... Auchengashell. Caithre [carey], a pillar-stone, .... Drumacarie. Gala, caladh, a harbour, Gallic. Calltuin, hazel, ....... Caldons. Cam, crooked, Camelon. Camrach, crooked, winding, Camrie. Gaol [keel], narrow, Carskeel. Capall, a horse, Barhapple. Cam, a heap, a cairn, Auchencairn. Carnachdn, a man's name, ..... Fauldcarnahan. Carr, a stone, Cardoon. Carrach, rough, Burharrow. 33 THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. Carraic, a sea-cliff, Carghidoun. Carraigdn, a cliff, Cargen. Casdn, a footpath, Airiehassan. Cat, a cat, Alwhat. Cathag [caag], a jackdaw, Caggrie. Cathair [caher], ....... Kirklauchline. Ceann [ken], a head, Cambret Hill. Ceannach, a bargaining, Drumcannoch. Ceannaiche [kennaghie], a pedlar, a merchant, . Barneconahie. Geannfhionn [canninn], white-headed, or speckled, . Knockcannon. Cefipanach, full of stumps Capenoch. Cearc [cark], a hen, Millquhirk. Cearda [carda], a workshop, a forge, . . . Cairdie Wiel. Ceathramhaidh [carrou], a land-quarter, . . . Carhowe. Ceide, ceidach [keady], hill, Kittyshalloch. Cennera [kennera], a woman's name, . . . Kirkinner. Ceorce, or coirce [curky], oats, .... Barnkirk. Ciardn [keeran], a man's name, .... Chipperheron. Gill [kill], a cell, a chapel, Kildonan. Cinaedh [kinna], a man's name, Kenneth, . . Benniguinea. dp [kip], a stump, a tree-trunk, .... Ballochakip. Circ [kirk], a church, Kirkanders. Clach, or clock, a stone, Clachan. Clacharach, or cloichreach, a stony place, . . Clauchrie. Clacherin, a stony place, Clacherum. Claddach, a shingly beach, ..... Claddiochdow. Cladh [claw, cly], a mound, a bank ; a grave, . Cly. Claen, a slope, Clamdally. Claenach, a sloping place, Clannoch. Claenrach, a sloping place, Clanerie. Claigean [claggan], a skull ; a round, dry hill, . Barnyclagy. Clais [clash], a ditch, a pit ; a grave, . . . Clash. Cldr, a board ; flat land, Clare Hill. Clerech, a cleric, a priest, Barneycleary. Cliabh [cleeve], a basket, ..... Drumcleigh. Clitag, one-eighth of a farthing ; a kind-measure, . Clutag. Cluain [cloon, clone], a meadow, .... Clone. Cnoc, a hill, Knock. Cnocdn, a hillock, Knockan. Cnocin, a hillock, Knockean. Cnoclach, a hilly place, Knockloch. Cnocnach, hilly, Ornockenoch. Cnuicin [nicken], a hillock, Knockanickiu. Coigeriche [coggrie], a stranger, .... Drumcagerie. Coill [kill], a wood, ...... Barnhillie. Coilleach [killagh], a cock, a grouse, . . . Drumagilloch. LIST OF ERSE AND GAELIC WORDS. Coillidh [killy], woodland, Killibrakes. Cointin [kintin], a dispute, ..... Quintinspie. Coire [kirry], a caldron ; a deep pool ; a narrow glen, Currafin. Coll, the hazel, Barwhil. Colldean, a hazel wood, Caldons. Comgan, a man's name, Kirkcowan. Conadh [kunna], firewood, ..... Knockcunnoch. Conaire [conary], a man's name, .... Slickconerie. Connal, a man's name, Loch Connel. Copdn, the dock, docken, Capenoch. Cor, a hill, Coran. Coradh [corra], a weir, ...... Corra Pool. Cor an, a hill, Coran. Corcra, red, ...... . . Barncorkrie. Corcur, red, Barncorkrie. Corrnac, a man's name, . . . . . . Kirkcormack. Corr, a beak, Coran. Corrach, a boat, Glencurroch. Cos, a fissure, Cash Bag. Cos, a foot, Cushieinay. Craebh [crave, crew], a tree, Castle Creavie. Craebhach [creavagh], wooded, .... Castle Creavie. Crann, a tree, a pole, ...... Crancree. Crannog, a boat, Crannoch Isle. Creag [craig], a crag, Craig. Creagdn, a crag, Craigenbay. Creamh [crav], wild garlic, Culgruff. Criathrach [crearagh], waste land, .... Creary Hill. Crindaill, a man's name, Crindle, .... Loch Inch-Crindle. Crioch [creegh], a boundary, Cree. Orion [creen], withered, Slewcreen. Criosd [crist], Christ, ...... Kirkchrist. Crithlach [crillagh], a shaking bog, . . . Crailloch. Croc = cnoc, a hill, Crockencally. Crocdn = cnocdn, a little hill, Crockencally. Crochadhair [craugher], a hangman, . . . Auchenrocher. Croich, a gallows, ....... Culcreuchie. Crom, crooked, sloping, ...... Crumquhil. Cromadh [crumma], a hill-side, .... Crunimie. Cromog, a sloping place, Crammag. Cron, copper, . . . Craigcroon. Cr6n, brown, ........ Craigcroon. Cros, a cross, a gallows, ...... Balnacross. Crosra, croissare, cross-roads, ..... Croshery. Cruach [croagh], a hill, Croach. 332 THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. Cruachach, hilly, uneven, Craichie. Cruachdn, a hill, ....... Crochan. Cruadh [croo], hard, . . . . . . Crows. Cruadhas [crouse], hard, dry land, . . . Crowes. Cruiteach [cruttagh], lumpy, uneven, . . . Crotteagh. Crumog, a slope, Crammag. Cu, a dog, Drumwhin. Cudachdn, a man's name, Cuthbert, . . . Killimacuddican. Cuil, a corner, Cuil. Cuileann [cullen], a holly, Alwhillan. Cuileannach, or cuileanog, a place of hollies, . . Cullenoch. Cuinneog, a corner, Cunnoch. Cul, the back, Cuil. Oullach, a boar, Cornhulloch. Cultran, a man's name, . . . . . . Holm. Coltran. Currach, a marsh, Corra. Daingean [dangan], a stronghold, .... Dian. Dair, gen. dara, an oak, Arndarroch. Dal, a portion of land, Dalmannoch. Darach, an oak wood, an oak-tree, .... Arndarroch. Dealg [dallig], a thorn, Clamdally. Dearg [dyarg], red, Baryerrock. Deargail, a red place, Dalreagle. Dearg an [dyargan], red ; a man's name, . . Ballochj argon. Deisceart [descart], southern, Barcheskie. Dess, on the right, south, Cairntosh. Dobhar [dour], dur, water, Dargalgal. Doire [dirry], a wood ; later, an oak wood, . . Derry. Domhnull [donnell], a man's name, Donald, . . Cairndonald. Donachadh [Donaghie], ) & ^^ ^^ Bardonachie. Donnchadh [Donngha], ) Donn, brown, ....... Benjohn. Donndn, a man's name, Donnan, .... Cairndonnan. Doran, an otter, Aldouran. Doub [dub], a gutter, Blackdubs. Draighean [drane], blackthorns, .... Drangan. Dreoldn [dreelan], a wren, Drumadryland. Droichead [droghed], a bridge, .... Bardrochwood. Dromainn, a ridge, ...... Drummond Hill. Dronndn, a ridge, Dronnan. Druidhe [dreehy], a druid, Droughandruie. Druim, the back, a ridge, Drum. Drust, a Pictish name of a man, .... Bardrestan. Dubh [dooh], black, Allandoo. Dubhaghan [dougan], a man's name, Dougan, . Cairndubbin. LIST OF ERSE AND GAELIC WORDS. 333 Duine [dinnie], a man, ..... Dun, \ Dunadh [doonah], > a fort, .... Dundn, Dtinagan, hilly, . . . Each, ech, a horse, ...... Eadar, between, ...... Ealtaidhe [eltey], white, ..... Eanach [annagh], a bog, Earbull [arblel, a tail, Eas [ass], a torrent, a cascade, Easbog, a bishop, ...... Easga, easgdn, an eel, ..... Eilean, oilean, an island, .... Eilit, clidh, a hind, ..... En [ane], a bird, ...... Eoghagan, a man's name, .... Ernan, a man's name, .... Fada, long, far, Faddn, a man's name, Fadzean, Faithche [fahy], green field, .... Faill, a cliflf, " Faioleann [feelan], a sea-gull, .... Fan, a slope, ....... Farrach, a trysting-place, .... Farsaing, wide, Feadan [fadden], a streamlet, Feanndg [fannog], a carrion-crow, . Fearghus, a man's name, Fergus, . Fearn, an alder, Fearnach an, a place of alders, Fear, a man, ........ Feusgdn, a mussel, Fhainre [hanrie], a sloping place, . Fiach, fitheach [feeagh], a raven, . Fiadh [feeh], a deer, Fidh [fee], a wood, Fillan, a man's name, ..... Finnan, a man's name, Finngall, a Norseman, Fintan, a man's name. ..... Fionn [fin], white, ...... Fionnagan, a man's name, Finnigan or Hinnigan, Dindinnie. ( Boon. < Donaldbuie. ( Dinnans. Dungeon. Auchness. Adderhall. Carneltoch. Anabaglish. Darnarbel. Ass of the GUI. Ernespie. Puhiaskie. Allandoo. Carneltoch. Barnean. Barmagachan. Knockernan. Auchenfad. Barfadden. Fannygapple. Tallin cherrie. Lochenaling. Fans of Altrj'. Clafaras. Ringferson. Barfadden. Barwinnock. Loch Fergus. Balfern. Drumfarnachan. Knocknavar. Craignesket. Knockhenries. Bennaveoch. Craiginnee. Palnee. KilfiUan. Kirkgunzeon. ( Carrickfundle (in ( Addenda). Knockiefountain. Blairfin. Barhinnigans. 334 THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. i, wet, Foithre [firrie], copse, . . . . Frdech, heather, Francach, a Frenchman Fraochdn, whortle-berry, Fuinnse, fuinnsmn, fuinnsedg [finshie, finshan, fin- shug], ash-tree, Gab, gob, a mouth, Gabhail [gowl], a fork, Gabhailin [gowlin], a fork, Gaeth, gaoth [geu, gwee], the wind, .... Gaidhel [gael], a Gael, Gaineach, \ , Gainmhach [gainhach], / * ' Gall, a foreigner ; a standing stone, Gallach, a standing stone, Gallnach, a foreigner's or stranger's place, Gamhdn [gowan], a calf, Gar, near, Gdradh [gaira], Garrdha [gairha], Gardn, a wood, Garbh, rough, Garrdn, a thicket, Geal [gal], white, Gearr [gar], short, Gearrdn, a hack, Gile [gilly], whiteness, Giok [guilk], a rush, Giolcach, rushy, ....... Giusach, a fir wood, Glac, the palm of the hand, a narrow glen, Glaiseachd, verdure, Glas, green, Glasdn, a fish, pollack-whiting, or lythe ; also, an edible seaweed, ...... Glasin, a streamlet, Glasuaine [glassany], green, GUoir [glore], clearness, / Gleoirdha [glora], clear, ) Gluing, the shoulder, Glun, the knee, Gobha fgow], ) ., , n J.J, r -i I a smlth - Goohan [gown], ) Gonn, blue, . Carrickafliou. Wherry Croft. Freuch. Auchenfranco. Barfraggan. Inshanks. Gabarruning. AdderhalL Goulan Glen. Curghie. Galloway. Gannoch. Dergall. Kilgallioch. Galdenoch. Druuigowan. Barwhar. Garriefad. Glengarren. Kinharvie. Glengarren. Carrickgill. Barwhar. Glengarren. Lagageely. Atichengilshie. Auchengilshie. Loch Goosie. Glaik. Glassoch. Barglass. Carrickglassen. Airieglassen. Airieglassen. Loch Glar. Gloon. Aldergowan. Gortnal. LIST OF ERSE AND GAELIC WORDS. 335 Gort, an enclosure, Drumgorth. Graigdn, a village, Greggans. Grcach, a hill-flat, ....... Irongray. Greadadh [graddah], a scorching, .... Graddock. Grcallach, dirty, s. clay, ...... Drumgrillie. Grean [gran], gravel, ) ~ . -,-, , ' > Grainy Ford. Grean ach, gravelly, ) Greusach, a shoemaker, Balgracie. Grian [green], the sun, Cairnagreen. Grianan [greenan], a castle, ..... Grannan. Gruag, long grass, Bargrug. Guillin, a man's name, Gillon, .... Craigengillan. Iain [eean], a man's name, John, .... Barewing. lar [eer], west, Balshere. Jarac^eeragh],) egterl .... Blaw Weary. larthach, ) larn, iron, Gleniron. Inbher [inver], the mouth of a stream, . . . Innermessan. Inis, an island, Inch. lolaire [illery], an eagle, Benyellarie. losa [eesa], Jesus, Allaneasy. Iseal [eeshal], low, Corvisel. Isle [issly], lower, Drummihislie. lubhar [yure], yew or juniper, .... Palnure. Labhair [lour], to speak, Craiglour. ^0 1 a hollow, Lag, Laggan. Lagan, ) Lagh, a hill, Lawglass. Lair, a mare, ........ Auchenlarie. Laoch [lee], a calf, Ballochalee. Lathrach [laaragh], a place, a house-site, . . Larroch. Leacdn [lakan], a stony hill-side, .... Lakens. Leacht, a grave, Laicht. Leamh, hamhdn [lav, louan], an elm, . . . Ringielawn. Leamhach [lavagh], an elm wood, . . . Lavich. Leamhchoill [lavhwill, luell], an elm wood, . . Barluell. Leamhraidhean [lavran, lowran], an elm wood, . Lowran. Lcarg [larg, lurg], an eminence, .... Larg. Leargaidh [largie, lurgie], a hill-side, . . . Larghie. Leathann [lane], broad, Auchlane. Lee leac, Hag, a flagstone, a tomb, .... Airielick. Lias, a hut, ........ Drumlass. Liath [lee], grey, Barlae. Lin [leen], flax, Port Leen. 336 THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. Linachan, a flax field, Linn, a pool, ..... Lis, lios, a fort, Lobhar [lour], a leper, an infirm person, Loch, a lake, ..... Lochdn, a lakelet, .... Lochlainn, a man's name, Lachlan, Lod, a pool, ..... Loddn, a pool, .... Lois [losh], fire, .... Loisgthe [lusky], burnt, . Long, a ship, .... Longphort, a harbour, Losaid, a kneading-trough, Loscain, or losgann, a frog, Luachair, a rush, .... Luan [loon], a lamb, Lub, a loop, a bend, Liibach, looped, sinuous, Lubhghort [louart], a garden, Lughaidh [Lughey], a man's name, Lus, a herb, a plant, Ma, mo, my, .... Machair, ) , . /, ,, w JL r i. -i ( a P lam > a field > Machaire [maghery], ) Machairin [maghereen], a little plain, Madadh [maddy], a dog, Mad [moil], bald, .... Maelan, ) . hrj. 7 ( a nian's name, Maeleoin, ) Maethail [meehill], soft land, . Mag, niagh, a plain, Manach, a monk, .... Manister, a monastery, . Mantach, a man's name, . Maolan, a beacon, .... Mart, an ox, ..... Martainn, a man's name, Martin, . Meadhon [meunl, middle, Meadhonach [], middle, . Meadhran [Merran], a man's name, Meall, a lump ; a hill, . Medran, a man's name, . Michel, a man's name, Michael, Min [meen], smooth, Ochtralinachan . Linblane. Druirilass. Barlure. Lochaber. Lochanhour. Barlauchlinc. Lodnagapple. Loddanniore. Ironlosh. Craiglosk. Port Long. Longfort. Losset. Darloskin. Drumlockhart. Drumalone. Loopmabinnie. Lobbacks. Laird mannoch. Knockniilauk. Auchenlosh. Hillmabreedia. Machar. Macherein. Meaul. Clint Maelun. Mahool. May. Almanack Hill. Auchinmanister. Druraawanty. Clint Maelun. Ardniinort. Drummartin. Barmain. Balminnoch. "Kirkmirran. Garmeal. Kirkmadrine. Blairmichael. Mean Hill. LIST OF ERSE AND GAELIC WORDS. 337 Mdin, a mountain, moor, or bog, ... M6r, great, ....... Muc, a pig, . . . . . . . Muclach, a swine pasture, .... Muilean [mullan], a mill, .... Muine [minnie], a thicket, .... Muir, the sea, ...... Muirchadh [murghie], a man's name, Murphy, Muirchertach, a man's name, Murdoch, . . Muire, a woman's name, Mary, ... Muireadhach [murragh], a man's name, Murray, Mullock, a hill, . . . . . . Multim, a hill, . . . . . . Murlan, a rough top, Niall [Neel], a man's name, Niel, ... Nine, a corner, Nocht, naked, Ochtarach, uachdarach, upper, ... Ochtradh [oughtrie], a man's name, Uchtred, . Odhar [owr], grey, Odhartha [owra], grey, ..... Oilean [illan], an island, ..... Ore, a pig, Ornacht, barley, . ... . . . Pddraic, a man's name, Patrick, ... Paid in, a form of Patrick, . . . . Pairc, a field, ....... Peall, a horse, . . . . . Petair, a man's name, Peter, Phort, a stronghold, Poll, a hole, a pool ; water of any kind, . . Port, , Portdn, } a harbour or landing-place, . . Raghnall, Raonull, a man's name, Ronald, . Raithne [rannie], fern, "I Eaithneach [rannagh], a place of ferns, J Rdl, an oak, . . . . . . .* Ras, a shrub, . Rath [raa], a fort, . . . . ... Raihad, rod, a road, ... . . . Rathain [rahan], a ferny place, ... Reamhar [raver, raer], fat, thick, ... Y Dalmoney. Barmore. Clachanamuck. Drummuckloch. Ballymellan. Dalmoney. Slochnamorrow. Craigmurchie. Knockinurdoch. Kilmorie. Balmurrie. Mulloch. Mollance. Carrickamurlan. Auchneel. Curate's Neuk. Castle Naught. Auchnotteroch. Kirouchtrie. Craigower. Barnhourie. Allandoo. Craiggork. Knockharnot. Kirkpatrick. Kilmacfadzean. Park. Drumpail. Castle Feather. Campford. Polbae. ( Portaclearys. j partoQ Craigronald. Rl Eingreel. Drumrash. Wraith. Drummieraud. Pulran. Ringreer. 338 THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. Rtidh [ray], smooth, Reidh [ray], a level field, Ri, righ [ree], a king, Riabhach [reeagh], grey, . . . . Riasc [risk], a morass, bog, Riascach [riskagh], boggy, . . . Riderch, a man's name, Koderick, n ' > a point : a division of land, . R^nndn, ) Rdd, a road, . . . . . Ros, a wood ; a promontory, R6s, a rose, Rosdn, a wood ; a promontory, . Ruadh [rooh, roy], red, Ruadhdn [roohan], red land, Rudha [roo], a point of land, Saer [seer], a carpenter, Sagart, a priest, Sail, a willow, Sairach, eastern, Salach, dirty, Samhadh [savva, sooa], sorrel, . Samhan [shavun], the first of November, Set, ^ Sceach, >a hawthorn, Sceath, j Sceilig [skellig], a rock, '. Sceir, a rock, a scaur, Sceirach, rocky, Sceirlach, rocky, . . . ... Sceithedg [skyoge], a hawthorn bush, Sceithin [skeyin, skeen], a bush, . Sciath [skey], a shield, a wing, Sciathach [skeyach], winged, Scoloc, a small farmer, Scrath [scraw], a sod, Seabhac [shoke], a hawk, Sealg [shallug], the chase, Seamar, seamrdg [shammer, shamrog], clover, sham- rock, Sean [shan], old, Seangdn [shangan], an ant ; a little fellow, Scant [shant], holy, sainted, . . . . . Searrach, [sharragh], a foal, Auchrae. Kephad. Auchenree. Auchenreocb. Kisk. Rusco. Mossroddock. Rhinns. Ringan. Drummieraud. Knockcrosh. Rossen Hill. Benroach. Rouchan. Row. Drumatier. Altaggart. Barnsallie. Balsarroch. Barsalloch. Suie. Drumawan. Scaith. Knockskellie. Scar. Loch Skerrow. Dunskirloch. Auchenskeog. ( Skeengally (in / Addenda). Dunskey. Craigenskulk. Barscraith. Garnshog. Drumshalloch. Glenchamber. Shambelly. Barnshangan. Clayshant. Barsherrie. LIST OF ERSE AND GAELIC WORDS. 339 , f , , , a place of brambles, Seiscinn [sheskin], a marsh, Sgaddn, a herring, ... Sgexllan [sgallan], wild mustard, Sian [sheen], a foxglove, Siar [shere], eastern, . Sidheain [sheehan], a fairy palace, Sindach, ~\ Sinnach, > a fox, Sionnach [shinnagh], J Siosg [shisk], a sedge, . Slaod [slade], slaughter, . Sleamhdn [slavan, slouan], an elm, Sliabh [slew], a hill, . Slocdn, \ Slochd, > a gulley, . Slochin, } Smeurack, omnunack, Solas, light, fire, . Sporaidhe [spurrey], spurs, Srath [sraw], a plain, . Sron, a nose, a headland, Sronach, hilly, ..... Srdnachan, a hilly place, Sruthair [sroor], a stream, Staonag [stannag], a sloping place, . Stuaic [stook], a stack, a hill, . Subh [soo], a berry, .... Subhach [sooagh], a place of berries, Sudaire [soodery], a tanner, Suidhe [see], a seat, . . . . Suidhcachin [seehin], a little seat, . Tachar, a combat, . . . . Talamh [tallow], land, . Tamhnach [tawnach], a meadow, Tarsuinn, thwart, across, Teach, tic/lie, a house, .... Tealach, a forge, ..... Teanga [tanga], a tongue, a strip of land, Teine [tinny], fire, ..... T endal > } a bonfire, . . . . Tenneal, ) Tedrann [torran], a boundary', Tess, south, . . . Tiar [tear], westward, .... Barcheskie. Culscadden. Drurnscallan. Auchensheeu. Balshere. Auchensheen. Auchenshinnoch. Dernacissock. Barnsladie. Craigslouan. Slacarnachan. Slochanawn. Slock. Sloucheen Slunk. Slewsmirroch. Smirle. Barnolas. Spirry. Strammoddie. Stroan. Stronach. Tronachan. Strool Bay. Stannock. Knockstocks. Polsuie. Polsuie. Bentudor. Knockensee. Sheuchan. Tacher Burn. Knocktallow. Tannieflux. Baltersan. Drumatye. ChaUoch. Chang. Knockietinnie. ( Knocktentol. ( Knockteinan. Baltorrens. Cairntosh. Baltier. 340 THE TOPOGRAPHY OF GALLOWAY. Tigh, a house, . . . Tineol [tinnel], an assembly, . Tiobar [tibber], a well, .... Tiompdn [timpan], a hillock, . Tir, land, ...... Tdchar, a causeway, a dowry, . Tom, Tomach, bushy, Tdn, a rump, a backside, Tor, a hill, a tower, .... Tordn, a hillock, Tore, a boar, Toruidhe [toree], a hunter ; an outlaw, . Traona, tradhnach [trana], a corncrake, . Treabh [trave], a farm, . . Treamhar [traver], a farm, Tiiaimm [toom], a village, a grave, . Tuas [toosh], upper, .... Tuath [too], north, .... Tuathal [tooal], a man's name, Toole, Tuatheal [tooal], northern, Uabhar [ower], pride, .... Uachdar [oughter], upper, Uachdarafh [ouohteragh], upper land, Uallach, proud, Uinnse, uinnseann [inshie, insheon], an ash, Uisce [isky], water, ..... Ultach, an Ulsterman, .... Umha [oo], a cave, Urldr, a floor, a flat piece of land, . Drumatye. Knocktinnel. Tibbert. Dinchimpon. Glaisters. Tocher Knowe. Tummock Hill. Knocktomachie. Tandoo. Tor. Thornglass. Mindork. Daltorae. Drumatrane. Threave. Terregles. Knockiedim. Cairntosh. Slewentoo. Drumtowl. Drumtowl. Dunower. Barneywater. Auchtrelure. Knockwalloch. Inshanks. Bennuskie. Barnulto. Bellew. Airlour. PRINTED BY T. AND A. CONSTABLE, PRINTERS TO HER MAJESTV, AT THE EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY PRESS.