Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/completeartreferOOsoulrich r ARCH OF TITUS, ROVE. COMPLETE ART REFERENCE CATALOGUE SOULE ART COMPANY, Sl'CCF.SSORS TO SOULE PHOTOGRAPH CO., HELMAN-TAYLOR ART CO., E. E. SODERHOLTZ CO. BOSTON. 1902. N COPYRIGHTED 1902. SOULE ART COMPANY. GENERAL 56 S PREFACE. THE years of laborious preparation devoted to the completion of this com- plete Catalogue will have been well expended if the work fills the place designed for it by its projectors. That place is to be for the art-buyer what the Book Publishers' List is for the book-buyer. Prior to the publication of this volume the art-buyer could find photographic reproductions of paintings and sculpture only by laboriously poring over catalogues in foreign languages, and only by a familiarity with French, German, Spanish, and ItaUan could he even enter his pursuit of a given subject with any hope of success. With this volume he will be able to turn at once to a given artist and find his subject with ease. The catalogue should further commend itself to the picture-buyer by the simpli- city of its arrangement, and at the same time by the character and comprehensiveness of the information imparted bv both text and illustrations. Modern painters, as the term is here used, means contemporaneous artists. Among the old masters are very many subjects marked "drawing." It should be noted that these are for the most part reproductions of rough sketches, and they must not be confused with the finished pictures of the same or similar titles. We are prepared to supply all the subjects given in this catalogue. In each case our aim is to furnish the best print of a given subject irrespective of its publisher. The dimensions of pictures, where such are given, are only approximate, and in no case are to be taken for use in framing. 101945 KEY TO CATALOGUE. There is no uniformity regarding size among various photographic publishers, and one of the most difficult things in arranging the present catalogue has been to devise some method of classifying sizes. The following key explains the plan followed: The style or process of reproduction of each subject herein named is indicated by the letter or letters opposite the subject in the size column. A Gelatine Print. B Albumen, or Silver Print. C Carbon. D Photogravure. PI Platinum. In some instances the subject comes in several processes of reproduction. Where this occurs it is indicated by having the letters of each process in the size column. SIZES. The sizes given below are only approximate, and should not be used for framing measurements. The subjects vary in width according to the width of the original painting. Size 2. The actual print is from 20x30 inches to 25x34 inches; the mount varies from 31^x43 to 38x48. Prices $10, $12 and $15, with the exception of (A) Gelatine Prints, which are $5. Size 2i. The actual print is about 20x27 inches; the mount is 28^x39^ inches. Price Size 3. The actual print is from 12x17 inches to 16x20 inches; the mount is from 22X 28 to 28x36. Price $4, with the exception of (A) Gelatine Prints, which are $1. Size 3^. The actual print is about 13x16 inches; the mount is from 18x22 to 22x28. Price $3- " ' Size 4. The actual print is from 8x10 inches to 9x12 inches; the mount is 15x20. Price $2, with the exception of (A) Gelatine Prints, which are 75 cents. Size 4^. The actual print is from 7x9 inches to 8x10 inches; the mount is 11x14 to 15x20. Price,, Platinum $1 ; Carbon $1.50. ILLUSTRATION. On page 25. Adam (F.) Sizrs, 2 2^ 3 3* 4 4* Sedan. B C BC C — BC This subject comes in: Size 2, in B (Silver Print). Size 2i, in.C (Carbon Print). Size 3. in C (Carbon Print) and H (Silver Print). Size 3^, in C (Carbon Print). Size 4, no print made. Size 4.;^, in C (Carbon Print) and B (Silver Print). CONTENTS. Paintings: Known Masters. Architecture. Sculpture. Views. Portraits. Page 17 Unknown Masters, . . . . . 1378 1414 1429 1450 1452 Addenda, ........ 1456 List of Books Employed in the Compilation of this Catalogue. American Art Annual, by F. R. Levy (1900); Artists of the XIX. Century and Their Works, by Clara L. Clement and Lawrence Hutton; Bryan's Dictionary of Painters and En- gravers. Catalogues of: Louvre, Paris; Old Pinacothek, Munich; National Gallery, Tate Gallery, London; Hermitage, St. Petersburg; Royal Museum, Antwerp; Royal Picture Gallery, Berlin ; Royal Gallery, Dresden ; Albertina, Liech- tenstein, Vienna; Royal Museum, The Hague; Royal Museum, Brussels; Brera Gallery, Milan; Museum of the Prado, Madrid; Uffizzi, Florence; Metropolitan Museum of Fine Arts, New York. Cook's Popular Handbook of the National Gallery; Central Italian Painters of the Renaissance, by Bernhard Berenson ; Di9tionaire Historique et Raisonne des Peintres de Toutes les Ecoles, par Siret: Die Kunst unserer Zeit; Florentine Painters of the Renaissance, by Bernhard Berenson; History of Modern Painting, by Muther; Le Peintre Graveur, par A. B. Bartsch; Le Salon (1896-97-98-99) ; La Vie et I'O^^uvre de Titien, par G. Lafenestre; Life and Times of Titian, by Crowe and Cavalcassalle; Miiller's Biographisches Kunstlerlexicon der Gegenwart ; Nagler's Neues Allgemeines Kunstlerlexicon; Raphael — Sa Vie, Son CEuvre et Son Temps, par E. Muntz : Raphael of LTrbino and His Father Giovanni Santi, by Passavant ; Rembrandt — Sa Vie, Son Qiiuvre et Son Temps, par E. Michel ; Rubens — His Life, His Work and His Time, by E. Michel ; Sir Joshua Reynolds — Engravings from His Works; The Year's Art (1899); Scribner's Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings; Venetian Painters of the Renaissance, by Bernhard Berenson; Velas- quez, by R. A. M. Stevenson in Great Masters of Paintings and Sculpture; Velasquez, by Bernhard Berenson; Who's Who? (1899); Who's Who in America? (1899). * :M^ READING FROM HOMER. ALMA TADEMA CAT AND KITTENS AT PLAY. ADAM JOAN OF ARC. BASTIEN LE PAGE BATTLE OF LEXINGTON. THE TRAIN: HERE IT COMES." BIRNEY BLASHFIELD FAIRY TALES CATALOGUE. ABBATE (Niccolo dell'). Modena, 1512. France after 1570, (Lombard School.) A Prophet, seated. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. The Annunciation. (Drawing.) Dead Christ supported by the Virgin. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Apollo on Parnassus. Semi-circular composition. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Nativity. Group of seven figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Eight Angels, standing, bearing the Instruments of the Passion. (Drawing.) The Martyrdom of SS. Peter and Paul. Repose in Egypt. The Virgin and Child seated under a tree, and surrounded by Angels. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. A Faun, seated, turned to the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Two figures of children leaning back to back. C, •75- Holy Family. (Drawing.) Juno Visiting Sleep. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Man seated, writing, near the statues of Juno and Mercury. (Drawing in pen, bistre and ceruse.) C, $1.00. ABBATE (Ciccio). See SOLIMENA. ABBEMA (Louise). Born in Etampes. (Modern.) Study-hour. On Board. Comedy and Tragedy. Japan. April Morning. Winter. Music. (Salon of 1897.) Perfumes. (Salon of 1896.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3J 4 4^ Paris, Louvre. do. C do. do. do. Armand Col. Dresden. C — C — Vienna, Albertina. do. — Chatsworth. — C — Florence, Uffizi. do. Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. — : C do. C C do. C C do. C C do. C — — C is: SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. ABBEY (Edwin A.) Born in Philadelphia, 1852. (Modern.) The Quest of the Holy Grail. (i) The Vision. PI., 12x9^ inches, $3.50; 9^x8, $2.50; 5x4, .50. The Nun who is kneeling conies in a sepa- rate print. PL, 9x5 inches, $1.50; 7x4. .75; 4x2, .25. (2) The Oath of Knighthood. PL, 9^x13^ inch- es, $3.50; 4^x6^, .75. (3) The Round Table of King Arthur. PL, 9^x 28 inches, $7.50; 4^x13, $2.50. (4) The Departure. PL, 9^x23 inches, $6.00: 4^x10^, $2.00. (5) The Castle of the Grail. PL, 9^x38 inches, $11.00; 4^X18, $4.00. ' X Size of complete set of prints : larger size, PL, $30.00; smaller size, PL, $9.00. Knights of the Holy Grail. (Drawing.) PL, (i) ii|x9 inches, $3.50. (2) 12^x8^, $3.50. (3) i3>^7i. $3-50- (4) 10x13, $3.50. The Quiet Conscience. PL, 20x14^ inches, $6.00; 12^x9, $3.50. Richard HI. PL, 12x10 inches, $3.50. Cordelia. PL, 20x9 inches, $6.00; 12^x5^, $3.00. Eunomia. PL, 20x11 inches, $6.00; 13x7, $3.50. Hamlet. PL, 13x10 inches, $3.50. Mariana. PL, 16x20 inches, $7.50; 10x12^, $3-5o. Pavanne. PL, 8Jx2oJ inches, $6.00; 5^x13, $3.00. Polonius. PL, 12x7^ inches, $3.00. The Widower. PL, 14IX19I inches, $7.50; 9^x13. $350; 7x9, $2.00. (Detail.) PL, 13x9^ inches, $3.50; 9^x7^, $2.00. Woman Holding Lyre. PL, 20x13 inches, $6.00; I2x6i, $3.00. ACKEN BOSCH (Jeronimus von). See BOSCH. ACHENBACH (A.) Born in Cassel, Germany, 181 5. (Modern.) Ostend in a Storm. D., about 16x21 inches, $5.00. The Ocean. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4J Boston Library. dc. do. do. do. do. do. do. Modern Painters. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 19 Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Jews' Quarter in Amsterdam. Modern Painters. C Moonlight at Ostend. D., 15x20 inches, $5.00. do. B C ~ BC Ostend. ^o- C C — BC Marine. ^o- C C — C From Antwerp. do. C Evening on the Water. do. C Coast Scene. do. C C L A Mill in Moonlight. D., 15^x20^ inches, $5.00. do. ACHENBACH (Oswald). Born in Dlisseldorf. 1827. (Modern.) Marketplace in Amalfi. . do. B B ACHINI (M.) (Modern.) The Evening Prayer, do. C ACHTSCHELLINCK (Lucas). Born in Brus- sels, 1626; died, 1699. (Flemish School.) Landscape, with Rudolph of Hapsburg and his Confessor. (The figures by Gonzales Coques.) Vienna Mus. C ADA (M.) (Modern.) Vanity. Modern Painters. C C — C ADAM (A.) Nordlingen, 1786— Munich, 1862. (Modern.) Fox-hunt. do. C Battle of Zorndorf. Munich, Roy. Max. — C C C ADAM (B.) Born in Munich, 1812. (Modern.) Dogs in the Studio. Modern Painters. C Donkey-stable. do. — C Donkey-stable. do. C Dead Stag. do. C Boar-hunting. do. C C — C Stags in Combat. , do. C C — C Youthful Petulance. do. C Chamois. do. C — C Companions of the Stable. do. C C — C Petulance. do. C C — C Comfort. do. C C — C Young and Old. do. C — C Dead. do. C — C 20 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4| Hope. Modern Painters. C — C Donkey and its Young. do. C — C Horse and Foal. do. C — C ! Chamois in Flight. do. C C — C ADAM (Emil). Born in Munich, 1843. (Modem.) Finding the Trail. Horses in an Inundation. Hunting-scene I. Hunting-scene H. Brigand ; sire, Buccaneer ; dam, Grafton Lass. Winner of the Pardulitz Steeple-chase, 1875. Curiosity ; sire, The ^larquis ; dam, Slut. Winner of the great Xeutra Steeple-chase, 1876. Pirat ; sire. Buccaneer ; dam, Fern. Winner of the silver "Shield" of Berlin, North German Der- by, Hamburg. Hare-hunting. Stallions at Pasture. Kincsem, without Jockey. Kincsem, with Jockey. Altona ; sire, Cambuscan ; dam, Sophia Lawrence ; born, 1874. do. C Invincible (Kincsem) (owned by M. E, von Blasco- vitz). Brigand, ridden by Count Fritz Mettemich. Arrow; sire. Challenge; dam. Lea. Kincsem, with Trainer. Harry Hall; sire. Kettledrum; dam, Honesta. Amaranthus ; sire. Kettledrum ; dam, Amara. Bom, 1876; winner of the Austrian Derby, 1879, etc. Chase, with Harriers. F. H. Tallos ; sire. Buccaneer ; dam, Voltella. Born, 1874; winner of the silver "Shield" at Berlin and the "Grand Prix" at Baden-Baden. do. C — C His Majesty Francis Joseph L at a Chase wath Har- riers at Freistadt, northern Silesia. (October 19, 1880.) do. — C C C — C Elemer; sire, Buccaneer; dam, Elspeth. Winner of the Austrian Derby, 1880, etc. do. C C do. C C — c do. — — — C do. C c do. do.' , do. --C c C C "^ do. c do. C c — c do. do. do. C C C C — c — c c — c do. c — c do. do. do. do. c c — c do. do. — c c c — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 21 Gamiani; sire, Cambuscan; dam, Grand Duchess. Winner of the North-German Derby, 1880, etc. Mar^ny; sire, Cambuscan; dam, Mildred. Winner of the Union at Berlin, 1880, etc. Hunting-party at Agard. A Good Jump. At the Meet. Horses on the Meadow. Tartar; sire, Digby Grand; dam, Neudau. Born 1880; winner of the "Nemzeti dij," of the Austrian and North-German Derby, etc. Before the Morning Ride. Gazsi, celebrated Hungarian trotter. Bashi-Bazouk, celebrated hunter. On the Way to the Meet. Before the Chase. Frangipani; sire, Cambuscan; dam, Fregatte. Born, 1880; winner of the Hungarian "Lager," 1883. Florence; sire, Wisdom; dam, Enigma. Winner of the "Grand Prix" at Baden-Baden, and in Cambridgeshire, 1884. Souvenir of Balatan Bereny. MetalHst; sire, Verneuil; dam, Metallique. Win- ner of the Hungarian "Nemzeti dij," 1884, etc. Through the Elbe. Dappled Four-in-hand. Riding to Hounds. Young Huntsmen Riding to Hounds. Tittle-tattle ; sire. Buccaneer ; dam, C. Angot. Winner of fox-hunts and steeple-chases. Cavaliero ; sire. Carnival ; dam, Alberta. Prize-win- ner at many races. Pankaka ; sire , Albert Victor ; dam, Timaru. Win- ner of the silver "Shield" at Berlin in 1883 and 1884. Lonlely ; sire. Hermit ; dam, Anonyma. Winner of the "Oaks," 1885. Melton. Althorp. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4I Modern Painters. C — C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. c — c — c c c — c c c — c c c c — c — c c — c — c — — — c — c — c c c — c c c — c c c do. C — c do. C C — c do. c — c do. — c c c — c do. c — c do. c c — c do. do. c c — c — c c c — c C — c c c — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales (King Edward VH.) at the Hunt with Count T. Fes- tetics at Berzencze. (The original is in the possession of His Majesty.) Fenek ; sire, Buccaneer ; dam, Helene Trium- phante. Winner of the Austrian Derby, 1885. Bred and owned by Count Tassilo Festetics. Elizabeth, Empress of Austria. Bend d'Or; sire, Doncaster; dam, Rouge Rose. English Derby-winner, 1880, etc.; the father of Ormonde. Bred and owned by the Duke of Westminster. Lily Agnes ; sire, Macaroni ; dam, Polly Agnes. Born, 1871 ; winner of many prizes ; mother of Ormonde; owned by the Duke of Westmins- ter. The Pets. Buzgo ; sire, Kisberocsese ; dam, Baber. Winner of the Austrian Derby, 1885, etc. Zoedone. Winner of the great Liverpool Steeple- chase, 1883. Ridden and owned by Count Kinsky. St. Gatien ; sire, Rotherhill ; dam, Editha. Ormonde; sire, Bend d'Or; dam, Lily Agnes. English Derby winner, 1886, etc. Bred and owned by the Duke of Westminster, Stud of English Thoroughbreds at Keszthely on Plattensee (Hungary;. The original is in the possession of Count Tassilo Festetics. Count Zdendo Kinsky on Fleurette. Ridotto; sire, Cremome ; dam, Longstrees. Born in 1875, winner of many races and steeple- chases. Parsifal; sire, Cambuscan; dam, Mrs. Day. Born in 1879; winner of many races. Ready for the Start. La Go.idola; sire, Cambuscan; dam, Ladylike. Born in 1878; winner of the "Grand Prix" at Baden-Baden, 1881, etc. Gulya. Minting; sire, Lord Lyon ; dam. Mint Sauce. Win- ner of the "Grand Prix" of Paris, 1886, etc. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C — C C C — C C — C C — c - — c c c c c c — c c — c c c c c c — c c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 23 do. C — C do. do. do. C — C C C Gallery. Sises, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4J Zsupan; sire, Peter; dam, British Queen. Winner of the Austrian and of the Hamburg Derby, 1887, and of many races. Modern Painters. C Princess W. Auersperg-Kinsky. do. C C Baron Breidbach. do. C — C Ormonde, Fred. Archer and J. Porter. (The original is in the possession of the English Jockey Club.) D., about 16x21 inches, $5.00; D., about 8x10 inches, $1.50. do. C C — C L'Abbesse de Jouarre; sire, Trappist; dam. Fes- tive, Winner of the English "Oaks," 1889, etc. do. C — C Cintra; sire, Verneuil; dam, Csillag. Winner of many races. do. C C Ayrshire; sire Hampton; dam, Atalanta. English Derby winner, 1888, etc. Eaton Stud. (Stud of the Duke of Westminster.) Rajta-Rajta. Austrian Derby-winner, 1888, etc. Hungaria. Austrian "Oaks"-winner, 1888, etc. Rajta-Rajta. Austrian Derby-winner, 1888. Trained by J. Reeves ; ridden by Rossiter. do. C — C Donovan; sire, Galopin; dam, Mowerina. English Derby- winner, 1889, etc. D., about 8x10 inches, $1.50. do. C — C Schweninger; sire, Vederemo ; dam, Annie Day. Winner of many steeple-chases. do. C Tegetthofif. Winner of the Hamburg Derby, 1888, etc. do. C Hunting-party at Pardubitz. do, C C C Kiralyne; sire, Aaron; dam, Kedvesem. Born 1885; winner of the Hungarian "Nemzeti," and of many other races. do. C Dog Rose; sire, See-saw; dam, Hedge Rose, (Origi- nal is in the possession of Mr. Arthur James.) do. — C St. Simon; sire, Galopin; dam, St. Angela. Born 1881 : celebrated Enp-lish stallion. Invincible on the race course. (The original is in the possession of the Duke of Portland.) do. C St, Simon ; sire, Galopin ; dam, St. Angela. Born 188 1 ; celebrated English stud-horse. Invin- cible on the race-course, do. C ■ 24 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Memoir ; sire, St. Simon ; dam, Quiver. Winner of the Newmarket stakes, the Oaks, and St. Leger, etc. Alicante; sire, Hermit; dam, Madeira. Born 1887; winner of the Prize Royal Oaks, and the Cam- bridgeshire. St. Serf; sire, St. Simon; dam, Feronia. Winner of the Epsom Grand Prize, etc. Semolina; sire, St. Simon; dam, Mowerina. Win- ner of the 1,000 Guineas, etc. Prado ; sire, Doncaster ; dam, Paraibl. Winner of the Hungarian "Nemzeti," etc. Weather ; sire, Doncaster or Kisberocsese ; dam Weatherbeaten. Winner of the Vienna Jubi- lee-Prize, 1891, etc. Manfred ; sire, \^erneuil ; dam, Ada Byron. Win- ner of many great steeple-chases. Bumptious; sire, Brag; dam, Headlong. Winner of many great races in England. Garlic, with Warne ap. D., about 16x21 inches, $5.00. .Marie Therese ; sire, Verneuil ; dam. Miss Ellis. Triumph ; sire, Triumph ; dam, Bouquetiere. Aus- trian Derby-winner, 1889. La Fl^che; sire, St. Simon; dam. Quiver. Born 1889; winner of the English St. Leger, Cam- bridgeshire, etc. D., about 8x10 inches, $1.50. Gaga. Common. Welbeck Stud. Gaga. Flamingo. Espoir. Gourmand. Gourmand, Orme. St. Galmier. Ladas, with Watts and Matt Dawson. Mrs. Butterwick. Raeburn. Isinglass, with T. Loates up. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ ^Modern Painters. C C do. do. c — c — c do. C — c do. do. do. do. r c r — c do. C C — c do. — c do. do. c c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c c — c do. c — c do. do. c ~--C — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c c — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 25 Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4J L'Abbesse de Jouarre. Modern Painters. C — C Molly Morgan. do. ■ C Perle d'Or. do. C Dornroeschen. do. C Huntsman ; sire, Shepherd ; dam, Penelope, with Lord Leconfield's hounds. do. C C — C Florizell 11. do. C — C Sir Visto, with S. Loates and Matt Dawson. do. C — C Duncan; sire^ Doncaster; dam. Black Agnes. do. C Culloden; sire, Doncaster; dam, Caledonia. do. C Grig; sire, Crafton; dam, Merrie Lassie. do. C St. Frusquin; sire, St. Simon; dam, Isabel. do. C — C Melange. do. C Weathercock. do. C La Fleche, with Watts. D.^ about 21x16 inches, $5.00. do. Garlic, with Jockey Warne and trainer. D., about 21x16 inches, $5.00. do. — ADAM (F.) Milan, 1815— Munich, 1886. (Mod- ern.) Retreat from Russia, 1813. do. C — BC Sedan. do. B C BC C — BC The 1st Bavarian Army-Corps at Orleans, ilth of October, 1870. Assault of the Railroad Em- bankment, do. — C C C — C ADAM (Jul.) Paris, 1801— Viroflay, 1867. (French School.) In the Raspberries. do. C Little Good-for-Nothing. do. C An Idyll. do. C Hungry Company. do. C Siesta. do. C In the Boudoir. . do. C In Expectation. - do. C Quite Alone. do. C Great-grandfather's Story. do. C — C Disturber of the Peace. do. C Faithful Eckart. do. C C — C 26 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ • Happy Family. Modern Painters. C — BC A Hungry Quartette. do. : C — C The Happy Family. do. C Three of a Kind. do. C — C ADAMO (A.) (Modern.) Night-watch. do. C Siesta. do. . C C Jolly Companions. do. C Inspecting the Kitchen. do. C ADAMO (M.) Born in Munich, 1837. (Modern.) Fall of Robespierre. do. — C — C C ADAMS (Douglas). (Modern.) *Woodcock Shooting. D., 12^x21 inches, $5.00; 200 India Proofs, $18.00. do. ♦The Salmon Poacher. D., 12^x23 inches, $5.00; 150 India Proofs, $18.00. do. Golden Autumn. D., 12x23 inches, $5.00; 75 India Proofs, $18.00. do. ■ ADAN (Emile). Born in Paris, 1839. (Modern.) Ferryman's Daughter. (Salon of 1883.) Paris, Lux. C C Gently! Modern Painters. C L'Abandonnee. do. C C The Receipt. do. C End of Day. do. C C Eve of the Festival. do. C Approach of Winter During the Storm do. C C do. C C See- Saw. do. C The Alpine Climber. do. C The Pink Book. do. C Coming out of Church. do. C Return from the Vintage. do. C C November. do, C — — '^ The Haymaker. do. AC C The Challenge. do. C C Evening. do. C C * This subject comes in a Baryto Print, dl x 9 inches, $1.80. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 27 Gallery. Sises, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. C C do. C C do. C C do. AC C do. C C do. C C do. C C do. C C do. C do. C do. C do. C C do. C C do. C C do. C C do. C C do. C C do. C C do. C C do. C C Last Flowers. The Gardener. Burning Weeds. Last Rays of the Sun. Summer Evening. The Baker. Return from the Fields. Across the Fields. Among the Hay. The Rendezvous. (Water-color.) Old Chateau. Revery. Pilgrimage. Fisher-wives. Glycin. (Salon of 1896.) The Orphans. (Salon of 1896.) Autumn. (Salon of 1897.) A Little Story. (Salon of 1897.) The Reader. (Salon of 1898.) Near the Pond. (Salon of 1899.) The Shrine. (Salon, 1899.) ADRIAEN (Van Utrecht). (Flemish School.) A Kitchen Interior. Antwerp, 1599- 1653. 1620 — Amsterdam, AELST (Willem van). Delft, 1679. (Dutch School.) Fruit. StilMife. AERTSEN (Pieter). Amsterdam, 1507- 1573. (Dutch School.) Christ Bearing the Cross. The Jugglers' Egg-Dance. The Birth of Christ (Fragment). The Dutch Cook. AGESCY or DAGESCY (Bernard). Niort, 1756- 1829. (French School.) Portrait of Jean Siflfrein Maury (1746-1817), Orator, Politician, Cardinal, Archbishop of Paris, member of the French Academy. Cassel. do. Munich. Berlin. Amsterdam do. Brussels. C C — C — C — C — C — C — C C C C C Nat. Portraits. — C — 28 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. AKEN (Jan van). Born in 1614. (Dutch School.) Horses. (Engraving.) C, .75. AKEN (L.V.) (Modern.) In the Old Ladies' Home. ALBANI (Francesco), called L'ALBANE. Bologna, 1678-1660. (Bolognese School.) The Annunciation. The Annunciation. Holy Family. Christ and Mary Magdalen. St. Francis d'Assisi. Diana and Actaeon. Apollo and Daphne. Salmacis and Hermaphrodite. St. Mary Magdalen. Toilet of Venus. D., about 7^x9 inches, $1.50. Diana and Actaeon. Diana and Actaeon. Little Cupids Dancing around the Statue of Eros. Galatea surrounded by Little Cupids. Venus and Vulcan. Creation of Eve. Repose of the Holy Family during the Flight into Egypt. The Dance of Cupids at the Rape of Proserpine. Venus and Adonis. Landscape, with the Holy Family, Little St. John and Two Angels. (Drawing.) Group of the Three Graces. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Mythological Subject: Landscape, with two women, seated, surrounded by genii. (Drawing.) Venus at her Toilet. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Landscape, with Venus reclining, surrounded by Cupids. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Landscape, with Venus and Adonis. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Landscape, with Cupids Despoiled. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Adam and Eve. Rape of Europa. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Dresden, Roy. Col. Modern Painters. — C — C Paris, Louvre. — c do. — c do. C — c do. — c do. — c do. — c do. — c do. — c Chantilly. C Brunswick. Dresden. — — — c — do. c — do. C — — do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c c — Munich. c — B C Vienna, Albertina. C — do. do. C — do. do. do. do. Brussels. C — C London, B. M. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 29 Apollo, Mercury, and Atlas. (Design for decora- tion.) (Drawing.) Triumph of Amphitrite. (Drawing.) The Child Jesus, Standing, with Angels. Portrait of the Artist, by himself. Landscape, with Three Nude Children. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. St. Sebastian Surrounded by Angels. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Jesus Appearing to the Virgin. Holy Family and Two Angels. The Magdalen. Holy Family and Four Angels. (Drawing.) C, _ $i-75- Toilet of Venus. Judgment of Paris. ALBERT (Joseph). Born at Treflfort (Ain). (Modern.) The Flower-girl. ALBERTI (Cherubino). Borgo San Sepolcro, 1552- 161 5. (Italian School.) Architectural Design. (Drawing.) Decoration, in perspective, for the arch of a church. (Drawing in pen and bistre.) C, $1.00. ALBERTI (Pietro-Francesco). Borga San Sepol- cro, XVI. century. (Italian School.) Figure of a young man, nude, seated. (Drawing.) ALBERTINELLI (Mariotto), DI BIAGIO DI BIN DO. Florence, 1474-15 15. (Floren- tine School.) Madonna and Child. Christ Appearing to the Magdalen. Assumption of the Virgin. Visitation of the Virgin Mary to Saint Elizabeth. Detail of the above : The Virgin. Altar decoration of three subjects, representing: The Annunciation, The Nativity, and the Pres- entation in the Temple. The Visitation ; study for the picture in the gal- lery of the Uffizi. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Chatsworth. do. Florence, Uffizi. do. do. ^ — do. Florence, Pitti. C — do. C — Rome, Capitol. C Milan, Resta Col. Madrid. C — do. C — Modern Painters. C London, B. M. — C Florence, Ufifizi. Milan, Resta Col. C Paris, Louvre. C C do. C C Berlin. c Florence, Ufifizi. C — c do. c do. do. c 30 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Sketch for the Coronation of the Virgin. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. An Angel in Adoration. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Sketch : Group of Six Bishops. (Half length.) (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Christ on the Cross, surrounded by Martyrs ; Above, God the Father. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Antique subject: A Group of Warriors. (Draw- ing.) C. $1.25. Figures of angels and saints standing. (Draw- ing.) A !Monk, standing, holding a book in his hand. (Pen Drawing.) C, $1.00. The Virgin, standing, holding a book in her hand. (Pen Drawing.) C, $1.00. Design for an Altar Tabernacle. (Drawing with red chalk on white paper.) Holy Family. (Albertini and Bartolommeo). Holy Family (ac- cording to the catalogue of the Borghese Gal- lery, by Fra Bartolommeo), ALBRECHTS KIRCHINGER (J.) (Modern.) Jolly Stories. ALCAZAR (T.) (Modem.) Parents at their Son's first Mass. ALCHIMOWICZ (K. v.) (Modern.) Mildre. (From the Litt. Mythology.) ALDEGREVER (called HEINRICH TRIP- PENMEKER). Paderborn. 1502-1562. (German School.) Portrait of Engelbert Therlaen, Burgomaster of Lennep. Portrait of a Man turned a little to the right, (Drawing.) Portrait of a Young Man. Hermaphrodite, standing, the right arm raised. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Christ Mocked. (Drawing.) C, .75. Scourging of Christ. (Drawing.) C, 75c. Gallery. Shcs, 2 2i 3 3^ 4 4I Florence, Uffizi. do. do. do. do. do. C do. do. do. Florence, Pitti. Rome, Borghese. C Modern Painters. C do. do. — C C c c — c Berlin. Dresden, R. C, Vienna, Liecht, Venice, do. do. C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 31 Christ Stripped of His Garments. (Drawing.) C, 75c. The Circumcision. (Drawing.) C, 75c. Christ Bound. (Drawing.) C, 75c. Christ on the Cross. (Drawing.) C, 7Sc, Christ on the Mount of OHves. (Drawing.) C, 75c. Christ Nailed to the Cross. (Drawing.) C, 75c. ALEGRETTO. Alegretto Nuzi. (Alegretto da Fabriano.) XV. century. The Virgin Mary with two Saints. The Crucifixion. ALEXANDER (John W.) Allegheny City, Penn- sylvania, 1856. (Modern.) The Evolution of the Book : (i) The Cairn. (2) Oral Tradition. (3) Egyptian Hieroglyphics. (4) Picture Writing. (5) The Manuscript Book. .(6) The Printing Press. Each in three sizes: PL, 14x21 inches, $6.00; 9x13^, $2.50; 6^x9^, $1.00. The Pot of Basil. PI., 21x10^ inches, $6.00; 13X 6|, $2.50; 9x41, $1.50. ALEXANDER (William). Born, Maidstone, Eng- land, 1768; died, 1816. (English School.) A Chinese Village Crossed by a large Canal; sev- eral boats. (Drawing.) ALFANI (Dominico). Perouse, I483(?). (Italian School.) Sketch: The Virgin and Child, and Study of the Child alone. (Drawing.) C, .75. ALFANI (Orazio). Perouse, 15 10 (?)- 1583. (Umbrian School.) Mystical Marriage of St. Catherine of Alexandria. Holy Family. ALLARD-CAMBRAY (Celestin). Born in Paris. (Modern.) The Rehearsal Interrupted. ALLEAUME (Ludovic). Born in Angers. (Modern.) Holy Family. Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Venice, do. do. do. do. do. Berlin, do. C C Lib. of Congress, Washington, D. C. Boston, Mus.F.A. London, B. M. C Venice. Paris, Louvre. Florence, Uffizi. C — C C Modern Painters. C do. c c 32 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. ALLEGRE (Raymond). (Modern.) May. (Salon, 1899.) ALLEGRI (Antonio). See Correggio. ALLORI (Alessandro), called IL BRONZINO. Florence, 1 535-1607. (Florentine School.) Madonna and Child. Portrait of Mercurialis Leib, physician to the Grand Duke Ferdinand I. of Tuscany. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Wedding at Cana; composition of many figures. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Assumption of the Virgin. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. A Cavalier of the Order of Calatrava. (Drawing.) Portrait of Julien de Medicis, Duke of Nemours. Portrait of Bianco Capello (1542- 1587). (Fresco.) Hercules Crowned by the Muses. Herod's Feast; composition of many figures. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Design for a Ceiling. (Drawing with pen and wash.) Portrait of the Young Don Garzia, Son of Cosmo I., Grand Duke of Tuscany. ALLORI (Christoforo), called BRONZINO. Flor- ence, 1 577-1621. (Florentine School.) Isabella of Aragon at the Feet of Charles VHI. imploring his royal favor for her father and her husband. A Monk Kneeling; back view. (Drawing.) C, $175- Judith Holding the Head of Holofernes. Portrait of the Artist, by himself. The Magdalen in the Desert. The Infant Jesus Asleep upon the Cross. Judith Holding the Head of Holofernes. The Madonna with the Child Jesus. Study for the figure of a young man in the pic- ture "Hospitality of St. Julien" in the Pitti Palace. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Two Studies for the figure of the boatman (same picture). C, $2.50. Gallery. Si::es, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ C — Chantilly. Weimar. Vienna, Albertina. do. do. C Florence, Uffizi. C do. C do. C — do. do. Madrid. Paris, Louvre. Dresden, R. C. Amsterdam. Florence, Ufhzi. do. do. do. do. Florence, Uflizi. do. C C C C — C C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 33 Sacrifice of Abraham. Judith. Detail of above : Judith ; bust. Study of a draped figure walking to the left ; back view. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Portrait of the Grand Duchess of Tuscany, Marie Madeleine of Austria. Portrait of the Grand Duke of Tuscany, Cosmo II. ALLORI ANGELO or AGNOLO. See BRON- ZINO. ALLSTON (^A^ashington). (American School.) Waccamo, South Carolina, U. S., 1779; Cambridgeport, Mass., 1843. Washington Allston, painted by himself. PL, 10x12 inches, $2.00. ALMA-TADEMA (Laura). Chatting. D., about 8x10 inches, $1.50. In Winter. • The Sisters, Bible Lesson. ^ *Nothing Venture, Nothing Have. D., ioxi6, $3.00; also. Artist's Proofs, 50 Japan and 50 India, all sold. *Battledoor and Shuttlecock. D., 15x10, $3.00; also. Artist's Proofs, 50 Japan and 50 India, all sold. ALMA-TADEMA (Laurence). Dronryp, Fries- land, 1836. (Modern.) An Audience at the Palace of Agrippa. A Sculptor's Model. D., 19x8! inches, $5.00. Young Girl. A Hearty Welcome. A Portrait. "Ava Caesar ! lo Saturnalia." ♦Sappho. D., 11x19^ inches, $5.00; also, in Artist's Proofs, 200 India, $15.00. Portrait of Hans Richter. Barney as Mark Antony. Portrait of my Daughter. Gallery. Shes, 2 2^ 3 3| 4 4i Florence, Pitti. C do. C do. C Venice. Madrid, do. C C Boston, M. F. A. Modern Painters. C — C do. B do. B do. B do. B — B do. B — B do. B B — B do. B — B B do. do. B B B do. do. p B B do. B — B r. do. B B do. B B do. B, This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^ x 9 inches. $1.80. 3-t SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. B B — B B Gallery. Sizes. 2 2i 3 3^ 4 4^ ^^y"- Modern Painters. B Portrait of the Singer, Georg- Henschel. do. An Old Story. D., 6x12 inches, $3.00; also, in Artist's Proofs, 100 Japan, all sold, 150 India, $5.00. do. *A Reading from Homer. D., 16x33 inches, $12.00; also in Artist's Proofs, 120 India, all sold. do. AB B Portrait of Joachim, D., 14^x1 if inches, $5.00; Artist's Proofs, India, signed by Joachim and the artist, $15.00. da. Antony and Cleopatra. do. B B *At the Shrine of Venus. D., 21x27 inches, $12.00; Artist's Proofs, 50 Japan, 200 India, all sold. do. B B B *Love in Idleness. D., 17x33 inches, $12.00; also, in Artist's Proofs, 200 Japan, $40.00; 200 India, $30.00. do. B — B B An Earthly Paradise. D., 16x29 inches, $12.00; also, in Artist's Proofs, 250 Japan, $60.00 ; 250 India, $48.00. do. B — B B Portrait of Paderewski. D., 10x13 inches, $3.00; also, Artist's Proofs, 50 Japan, signed by Alma-Tadema and Paderewski, $18.00; 25 India, all sold. do. B B ^Unconscious Rivals. D., 14^x20 inches, $5.00; Artist's Proofs, 250 India, $30.00. do. B B In my Studio. Artist's Proofs, 100 Japan, $24.00 ; 100 India, $18.00; all sold. do. The Coliseum. D., 26x16^ inches, $13.50; also, in Artist's Proofs, 250 Japan, $48.00; 250 India, $36.00 ; all sold. do. — ♦Fortune's Favorite. D., I7|xi2| inches, $5.00; Artist's Proofs, 400 Japan, $20.00, all sold. do. Spring. D,, 35^x16 inches, $16.50; also in Artist's Proofs, 250 Japan, 150 India; all sold. do. Borghesi Gardens. PL, 8x13 inches, $3.00. do. The Greeting. Artist's Proof on Japan, 9|x4^ inches, $10.00. do. C — C Farewell Kiss. do. C — C * This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^ x 9 inches, $1.80. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 35 ALSLOOT (Denis van). Born before 1628. (Flemish School.) Fun on the Ice. The St. Gudule Procession on the City Hall Square in Brussels. The St. Gudule Procession on the City Hall Square in Brussels (continuation). ALTDORFER (Albrecht). Altdorf (Bavaria), i48o(?) — Ratisbon, 1538. (German School.) Repose in Egypt. Landscape. Landscape illustrating the German proverb: *'Beg- gary Ever Sits on the Trail of Presumption." The Three Crosses (Weber collection). Altar panels : St. Francis and St. Jerome. St. Jerome Scourging Himself before the Crucifix. St. Francis Receiving the Stigmata. Crucifixion. Susannah at the Bath. ALTHEIMER (T.) (Modern.) Death of the First Communicant. ALUNNO (Nicollo) DA FOLIGNO, called FOLIGNO. About 1430- 1502. (Umbrian School.) The Crucifixion; triptych. ALVARES (L.) Born in Spain. (Modern.) The Honeymoon. AMAND (Jacques Francois). Paris, 1730 -1769. (French School.) Studio of Sieur Jadot, workman, in the old Church of St. Nicolas. (Drawing.) AMAULT. Dogs. PL, 8x11 inches, $2.00. AMAURY DUVAL (Eugene- Emmanuel). Born in Par!s(?)-i885. (Modern.) Study: A Child. (Salon of 1864.) AMBERG (W.) Born in Berlin, 1822. (Modern.) The Widow's Hope. Gallery. Siscs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Munich. Brussels. do. C — C C — C C — C London, Nat. Gal. C Modern Painter^. C — C De GoncourtCol. — Modern Painters. — Paris, Lux. C C Modern Painters. C — C 36 SOULE ART Return from Mass. At the Brook. Oracle of Love. Dressing for the Matinee. Welcome. At Sea. Quite Absorbed. Hero. A Severe Lecture. A Young Noble Lady. In Summer. Sour Grapes. Up Hill. I ,^ . , Down Dale f (Companions.) Justification. Sappho. (Grecian female figure.) En Passant. ^Sorrowful Thoughts, in Echo. Parson's Cook. Autumn (young woman). Uninvited Guest, ir Destiny's Decree. .vxisdroA Fickle Favor. Meeting in tlie Woods. Steamer in Sight. The Waitress W the Inn. The Country Joirter. In the Loam Pit. At the Forester's House. Marion (study-head). Solitude (young woman). Resting. A Letter from Him. The Defile. Good Morning (study-head). COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. BC — B do. C — C do. B B do. B B do. B B do. B B do. B — B do. B B — B do. B do. B do! B do. B do. B do. B do. B do. B B — B do. B do. B do. B do. B , do. B do. B do. B do. B do. B do. B do. B do. B do. B do. B do. B do. B B do. B do. B do. B do. B do. B AMBERGER (Christopher). Nuremberg, 1490- 1563. (German School.) Portrait of the Emperor Charles V. (1500- 1558). Berlin. c c — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 37 Portrait of the Cosmographer Sebastian Munster (1489-1552). Portrait of General Georges de Frundsberg (1473- 1528). Siren Adorned. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Male Portrait. AMERIGHI (Michelangiolo). See CARAVAGE (Michael Angelo de). AMERLING (Friedrich). Born in Vienna, 1803 Died in Vienna, 1887. (Modern.) Portrait of Thorwaldsen. • AMLING (FR. J.) (Modern.) The Rendezvous before the Fox-hunt. Scouting. French Cuirassiers at Sedan. The Last Review. 1511-1592. (Flor- standing. (Draw- AMMANATI (Bartolommeo). entine School.) Sketch : Figure of a Woman ing.) C., $1.00. ANASTASI (Auguste). Paris, i820-(?). (Modern.) Terrace of the Villa Pamphili in Rome. (Salon of 1864.) ANCHER DE ZWOLLE (J.) (German School.) Martyrdom ; composition of six figures. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. ANCHER (M.) Born at Ruthsker Sogn, near Boniholm, Denmark, 1849. (Modern.) The Christening. Weather-proof. ANDERS (E.) (Modern.) In Faithful Care. Within Thine Eyes my Heaven Lies I Check to the Queen ! In-doors Entertainment. How Could I ever Forget Thee? At the Hearth. Sleep sweetly, thou sweet Angel. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Berlin. C C — C do. C C — C Dresden, R. C. Brussels. C — C Vienna, Liecht. Modern Painters, do. do. do. Dresden, R. C. Paris, Lux. Florence, Uffizi. Modern Painters. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C — C c c c c c c c — c c c — c — c — c c c — c c c — c c c — c c c — c c c — c c c — c do. do. C - _ — — . do. — — C - — c 38 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Galkry. Sices, 2 2\ 3 3\ 4 4 V Thou my Joy, and Thou my Happiness ! Modern Painters. C C — C Grandfather's Joys. do. C C — C Good Morning, Papa! do. C — C Her Favorite Poet. do. C — C Cenzerl of the Tegernsee. do. — — — C Interesting Reading. do. C — C Mother and Child. do. C C — C Confidential. do. C C — C A Mother's Delight. do. C C — C ANDERSON (Andreas). Born in New York, United States, 1847. (Modern.) Mrs, Julia Ward Howe. Pl.^ 7x9 inches, $1.00. do. ANDERSON (A. Archibald). Born in New York. (Modern.) The Morning after the Ball. Edison Listening to his first Phonograph. Spring and Love. Woman taken in Adultery : "Neither do I condemn thee." do. C ANDERSON (G. S.) (Modern.) Blossoms. do. C C — ANDERSON (S.) (Modern.) *A Flight of Doves. D., 11^x20 inches, $5.00; Artist's Proofs, 100 India, $15,00. ANDERSSEN-LUNDBY (A.) (Modern.) Snowy Landscape. The Mill-brook. Winter-time, Winter on the Lake. Winter Landscape. Heart of the Forest. ) (Companion pictures.) Winter Landscape, ^ D,, 10x21 inches, $5,00. Winter Evening, Winter Evening. Winter Landscape. Mountain Ravine, Winter in the Mountains. New-fallen Snow. From the Valley of the Wiim. do. ^ c — c do. — — ^ C c — c do. C c — c do. c — c do. — — — do. (^ c — c do. c c — c do, do. c c c - c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. — c — c •This subject comes also in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1,80. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 39 C, .75- Born at Assisi, XV. cen- (Italian School.) Winter's Splendor. ANDREA (Juan). (Italian School.) Design for Decoration. (Engraving.) Three ornaments. C, $i.oo. Consecration of the Emperor Theodosius. Design for Decoration. C, .75. ANDREA DI LUIGI. tury; died, 1556 (?) Madonna and Child. ANDRE ASI (Ippolito). Mantua, 1 548-1608. (Lom- bard School.) Holy Family. ANDREOTTI (Federigo). Florence, 1847. (Mod- ern.) An Odalisk. Hail to the Bottle ! The Ring. Old Wine and Young Love. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; D., 8x10, $5.00. A Piquant Song. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; D., 8x 10, $1.50. Your Health, Sweet Love! D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. La Fioraia. The Glory of Love. Ballad-singer. La Flora. Easy Victory. The Love-letter. Last Greeting. In Perplexity. Roses in Bloom. In the Garden. A Country Idyll. No Kiss for Me! Teresa (study-head). A Cup of Cofifee. *In the Park (A Shady Nook). $5.00. The Old, Old Story. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. Stealing a Kiss. D., 16x9 inches, $3.00. D., 13x20 inches. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C C — C Dresden, R. C. C do. do. do. London, N. G. C — C Paris, Louvre. C Modern Painters. c do. c do. c do. C C — C do. do. C C — C do. c do. c do. c C — C do. C — C do. C ~ C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. c do. C — C do. c — C do. C C — C do. C — C do. B do. . B do. B B do. C C — C do. C C — C This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. 40 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Amor and Bacchus. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. Modern Painters. C C — C In the Realms of BHss. do. C C — C Idle Hours. do. C C — C The Village Feast. do. C C — C The Lovers' Strategy. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. C C — C Rendezvous. do. C C — C *Charming Models. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. C C — C *Chant d' Amour, D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. C C — C Flora. do. C A Grisette. do. C The Happy Days of Youth. do. C C — C An Ode of Horace. do. C C — C The Orange-seller. - do. C "Long Live Bavaria!" do. C The Tarantella. do. C C — C A Pair of Love-birds do. C — C An Amateur Poet. do. C — C ANGELI (H. V.) Born in Oldenburg, 1840. (Mod- ern.) Study of a Head. do. The German Emperor Frederick. ^ (Companion, do. Empress Frederick. \ pictures.) D. do. Emperor William I. ) 16x21 in., $5. do. Victoria, Queen of England. D., 20x27 inches, $10.00. do. Honor Avenged. do. Absolution Refused. do. Marie, Duchess of Edinburgh. do. Prince Frederick Charles. do. Princess Charlotte of Meiningen, do. Ludwig IV., Grand Duke of Hesse. do. Alice, Grand Duchess of Hesse. do. Field Marshal von ^lanteuflfel. do. Emperor William II. when Prince of Prussia. do. Empress Augusta Victoi > when Princess William. do. Emperor Frederick (Curassier uniform, bust.) D., 18x14^ inches, $5.00. do. Franz Joseph I., Emperor of Austria. do. — — — C B C BC BC — BC B C BC BC — CG B — B B C C C C — C — B B B — B B — B B — — B B B — B — B — B B — B — B — B — B — B — — B — — B — — B — — B — — B — — B — — B C — B C C C — B ♦This subject comes in an Aquarelle Gravure, about 21x15 inches. $12.00. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 41 ANGELICO (Fra) GIOVANNI DA FIESOLE, called BEATO. Vicchio, province of Mugello, 1387-1455. (Florentine School.) Coronation of the Virgin. Beheading of St. John the Baptist. Group of six Saints. Martyrdom of SS. Cosmos and Damien. The Crucifixion. (Fresco.) Calling of the Apostles. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Evangelist seated, reading from a book he holds in his hands. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Studies of Figures for the Picture of the Last Judgment. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. A Monk and an Angel Kneeling. (Drawing.) C, •75- Madonna and Child Enthroned. On the left, St. Dominic ; on the right, St. Peter, Martyr, Triptych : Central panel, Last Judgment ; right panel. Hell; left panel, Paradise. Detail of the above: Paradise. St. Dominic and St. Francis. Ecstasy of St. Francis. (School of Angelico.) Last Judgment. The Annunciation. An Angel, full face ; and a Child, in profile, to the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Madonna and Child surrounded by Angels. St. Cosmos and St. Damien at the Cross. St. Cosmos and St. Damien before the Judge. St. Cosmos and St. Damien thrown into the Sea. The Man of Sorrows. Adoration of the Magi. Base of an altar picture in five sections : Christ Surrounded by Angels and Saints (cen- tral part). Do. (left part). Do. (right part). Do. (right and left parts). Lion. (Drawing.) C, .75. Horseman turned to the left; below, two monks' heads. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4| Paris, Louvre. C — C — do. C ^ do. C — do. C — do. C do. Chantilly. do. Lille. Berlin. C C — C do. C C — c do. C — do. — c do. — c do. C — c Dresden. c — do. Frankfort. c - — — Munich, C — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c London, Nat. Gal. — — — — c — do. c c — c do. c — do. c — do. c — London, B. M. do. 42 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Study of two apostles and of the head of an ox. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Bust of a monk holding a cross in his right hand. (Drawing.) C, .75. Xude figure of a man seated. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Study of a saint in a niche. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Bust of a man with short hair. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Tabernacle, gilded, representing the Madonna and Child, surrounded by saints and angels, mak- ing music. Madonna and Child (inside panel of the Taber- nacle). St. John Baptist and St. Mark (inner side of the two doors of the Tabernacle). SS. Mark and Peter (exterior of the two doors of the Tabernacle). Details of Madonna and Child. Two on one mount. C, $4.00. ( (a) Angel with Trumpet. \ (b) Angel with White Timbrel. j (c) Angel with Flageolet. ( (d) Angel with Violin. j (e) Angel with Red Timbrel. ( (f) Angel with Trumpet. ( (g) Angel with Drum. i (h) Angel with Zither. j (j) Angel at Organ. ( (k) Angel in Prayer. j (1) Angel with Hands Crossed. ( (m) Angel with Cymbals. Altar Step, representing St. Peter Preaching. Altar Step, representing the Adoration of the Kings. Altar Step, representing the ^lartyrdom of St. Mark. Birth of St. John the Baptist. Marriage of the \^irgin. Death of the \'irgin. Coronation of the Virgin. Death of St. Paul; two figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Gallery. Siscs, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ London, B. M. do. do. do. Windsor. Florence, Uffizi. C — A!^ do. do. do. do. do. do. do. — C C — AC — AC AC C do. C do. C do. C do. c do. do. c do. c do. c — c c — do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. iZ The Four Evangelists and Two Doctors of the Church. (Drawing.) €.,$1.25. The Annunciation. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. St. John. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Four figures of monks seated. (Drawing.) Madonna with Child upon her Knee. (Drawing). C, .75. The Virgin and Child borne by Angels. (Drawing.) c, .75. Angel ; sketch. (Drawing.) C, .75. (School of Angelico.) Figure of Angel. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Do. Musician playing violin. (Drawing.) C, $1-75. Do. Musician playing guitar. (Drawing.) C, $i.75- Do. Man seated, turned to the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Do. Figure of a man standing, almost nude. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Do. Incredulity of St. Thomas. (Drawing, with pen and bistre on parchment.) C, .75. Descent from the Cross. Madonna and Child, with Saints. History of the Life of Jesus (five subjects). Marriage at Cana, Baptism of Jesus, Transfigura- tion, Annunciation, Adoration of the Magi, Massacre of the Innocents. Symbolic Wheel, Circumcision, Flight into Egypt, Nativity, the Child Jesus presented in the Tem- ple, Jesus among the Doctors. Raising of Lazarus, Entrance of Jesus into Jeru- salem, Jesus Washing the Apostles' Feet, the Last Supper, Jesus taken Captive^ Jesus before Caiaphas. Jesus going to Calvary, Jesus despoiled of his Gar- ments, Jesus in Hades, the Marys at the Sep- ulchre, the Last Judgment. Jesus on the Cross, Descent from the Cross, As- cension of Christ, Descent of the Holy Spirit, Coronation of the Virgm, Law of Love. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3J 4 4^ Florence, Uffizi. — do. do. do. do. C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Florence, Acad. C do. C do. do. do. do. do. — C 44 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON History of the Lives of SS. Cosmos and Damien, in six parts. Pieta, Adoration of the Magi, Coronation of the Virgin, Christ on the Cross. Christ descended from the Cross. Entombment of the Martyrs, SS. Cosmos and Da- mien, and of three other saints. History of the Lives of SS. Cosmos and Damien. The Last Judgment. Detail of the above : Group of Angels on the left. Madonna and Child, with Saints. Frescoes in the Cloister of St. Mark: — Christ Appearing to St. Dominic. Christ Coming forth from the Tomb. St. Thomas Aquinas. St. Peter of Verona. *The Crucifixion. Detail, Group of the Virgin. Detail, Group of Saints. Detail, SS. Cosmos and Damien. Detail, St. John. Detail, St. Jerome. Detail, St. Lawrence. Detail, St. Dominic. Detail, St. Romualdo. Detail, St. Benedict. Detail, St. Mark. Detail, St. Ambrose of Milan. Detail, St. Augustine. Detail, The Virgin, Mary !Magdalen and St. John. Altar-pictures in the cells of the Convent of St. Mark (three subjects) : — Madonna and Child. Coronation of the Virgin. Adoration of the Kings. Last Judgment. The Virgin glorified with two Saints. Frescoes of the Pauline Chapel : — St. Matthew. St. Luke. St. John the Evangelist. ♦The same subject comes in large size, about 36 x 48 inches, Gallery. Sices, 2 2\ 3 3^ 4 4^ Florence, Acad. C do. do. lie III do. c - do. C — do. C do. do. lie z~z Florence, do. do. IIcIII do. c do. C — c do. c do. do. do. C do. _ — c — do. . c do. C do. c do. c do. c do. c do. do. IIcIII do. do. do. c Rome, Orsini. c Rome, Pin. of Vat. c - Rome, Pal. do. of Vat. lie III do. $7acx>. c - SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 45 St. Mark. St. Bonaventura. St. Stephen Preaching to the People. St. Stephen before the Council of Jerusalem. St. Stephen Consecrated Deacon. , St. Stephen Dragged from the City to be Stoned. Martyrdom of St. Stephen. Lawrence before the Roman Emperor Refusing to Deny His Faith (left part). Lawrence before the Roman Emperor Refusing to Deny His Faith (right part). The Pope Entrusting to St. Lawrence the Treasures of the Church to be Distributed among the Poor. St. Lawrence Distributing among the Poor the Treasures which the Pope has Entrusted to Mim. St. Lawrence Consecrated Deacon by the Pope. The Annunciation. Detail of the above : Half-length figure of the Angel. ANGUISCIOLA (Sofonisba). Cremona, 1530 or 1533 — Genoa, 1620. (Lombard School.) Game of Chess. ANSANO. See Sano Di Pietro. ANSELMI (Michelangelo), called Michel- Angelo de Lucca. Lucca, I49i-i554(?) (Floren- tine School.) Virgin Glorified. ANTHONISSEN (Louis J.) (Modern.) Grandfather's Lesson. Born in Antwerp. Gallery. Si::cs, 2 2^ 3 Rome, Pal. of Vat. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C 3J 4 4i do. do. do. C — c c do. C do. C Madrid, Prado. C do. Berlin, Raczynski. — C — C Paris, Louvre. C — ANTIGNA (Jean Pierre Alexandre). Born in Orleans. (Modern.) Fire of the Fete of St. John. The Game of Strength. ANTOLINEZ (Jose). Seville, 1639— Madrid, 1676. (Spanish School.) Immaculate Conception. Munich. Modern Painters. C do. — C do. C C C — C 46 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Glorification of the Virgin (Picture Attributed, also, to Van Dyck). The. Magdalen in Ecstasy. Sleeping Child. ANTONELLO DA MESSINA (Antonello degli Antoni). Messina, about 1414 — about 1493. (Neapolitan School.) Male portrait. Madonna and Child. Portrait of a young man. Portrait of a young man. Portrait of a young man. St. Sebastian. St. Sebastian. St. Sebastian. The Dead Christ borne by Three Sorrowing Angels above the Open Tomb. Calvary. Male Portrait. St. Jerome in his Study. Portrait of a young man (probably the portrait of the artist). Christ on the Cross. Male portrait. Christ at the Column. ANTONIO DA CREVALCORE. 1480. (Bolo- gnese School.) Holy Family. ANTROBUS (Jane M. E.) (Modern.) My Ain Fireside. APOL (Louis). The Hague, 1850. (Modern.) January. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. Gallery. Siacs, 2 2J 3 3^ 4 4^ APOUX (Joseph). ern.) The Confession. Born in Blanc (India.) (Mod- Amsterdam. Madrid. St. Petersburg. C C C Paris, Louvre. — c — Berlin. C C — c do. — c c do. — c c do. — c — do. — — • c Dresden, C C — — Frankfort. C — — — \'ienna Museum. C c Antwerp. C — — — do. — c — London, Xat. Gal. c — c do. c do. — c — Rome, Bor. Gal. — c — Venice. C — — — Berlin. Modern Painters. C C C do. APSHOVEN (Thomas van). Antwerp, or 5. (Flemish School.) Peasants' Merry-making. I 622- I 664 Cassel. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 47 Gallcrv. Shcs, 2 2| 3 3I 4 4I APT ULRICH (Abbot). Transfiguration of Christ on Mount Tabor (Habich collection). Modern Painters. C — C ARANDA (Jimenez Jose). Born in Seville. (Mod- ern.) The Book-worms. do. C An Accident during the Bull-fight. do. C Sermon in the Court of the Oranges in the Cathe- dral of Seville. Boston, Mus.F. A. C ARCHER (James). Edinburgh, 1824. (Modern.) "From the Ballad of Sir Patrick Spens." Modern Painters. B B ARCOS (Santiago). Born in Spain. (Modern.) Chloris, Daughter of Arcturus, carried off by Boreas. do. C Philip II receiving a Deputation. do. C ARMIN (F.) (Modern.) Mother's Blessing. do. C ARNIM (V.) The Last Moments of Henry IV of England. do. B B B ARNOLD (A.) (Modern.) Beggar and Glutton. do. C ARNOLD (H.) (Modern.) Help Draws Near. do. C The Best Shot. C The Young Mother. q q "Paris" in the Country. C C C Roses in Dreamland. - C C C ARON (T.) (Modern.) Summer Pleasures. q q On the Tegernsee. q Betty. Q From the Corps de Ballet. 1 q Are You There? ' ^■ The Art Critic. q The Dawn of Love. C C C The Clown. C — C Trying the High Jump. • C Trapeze Performer. C — C 48 AROSA (Marguerite). Andromeda. In the Woods. At Doctor Beni-Barde's House The Bath in the Conservator}' Before the Bath. Born in Paris. (Modern.) SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Siscs, 2 2^ 3 3| 4 4^ ^lodern Painters. — — C do. C do. C do. C do. C C — C ARTHOIS (Jacob van). (Flemish School.) Return from the Fair. Brussels, 1613 — 1665. ARTIGUE (A.) Field-flowers. (Modern.) PI., 5|x9| inches, $1.00; 8x13^, $2.00; colored, PI., 6x9 inches, $1.00; PI., 6x9 inches, $1.00; ARTZ (David Adolph Constant). The Hague, 1837- 1891. (Modern.) Fisherman's Return. Summer. Watchers by the Sea. colored, $4.00; PI. $6.00; PI., 14x23, $5.00; colored, $10.00. Fisherman's Family. PI., 7x9 inches, $1.00. Aftdrnoon by the Sea. 10x13 inches, $2.00. Mother and Daughter, 10x13 inches, $2.00. ARUS (Raoul). Born in Ximes. (Modern.) Troopers' Halting-place. Artillery taking Position. ASKEVOLD (Anders M.) Askevold, Norway, 1834. (Modern.) Starting for the Alpine Pasture. On the Waldsee. ASPERTINI (Amico), called Amico Bolognese. Bologna, 1474 — 1552. (Italian School.) Adoration of the Shepherds. Frieze ; Ornaments. (Drawing.) Grotesque Ornaments. (Drawing.) Frieze of Arabesques. (Drawing.) Ornament. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Decorative Panel with Historical Subject in the Centre. (Pen Drawing.) C, $1.75. Brussels. C C Modern Painters. C do. do. — C X. Y., Met. Mus. do. do. do. Modern Painters. C do. C do. C — C do. C Berlin. C — C Florence, Uflfizi. C do. C do. C do. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 49 ASSELYN (Jan), surnamed Crabetje. Diepen, 1610 — Amsterdam, 1652. (Dutch School.) Battle of Liitzen. Allegory on the Vigilance of Jan de Witt. The Ford. ASSEN (Willem van).. (Dutch School.) Martyrdom of St. Andrew. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. ASSIST. See TIBERIO D'. ASSMUS (Rupert). Stuhm, West Prussia, 1842. (Modern.) ^Departure from Sakkingen. D., 12x21 inches, $5.00. The Trumpeter of Sakkingen. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. At the Green-leaf Inn. *Arrival at Sakkingen. D., 12x21 inches, $5.00. Reveille before the Castle of Hohenzollern. Lost Path. In Wallenstein's Camp. ASTER (M. V.) (Modern.) Portrait of the artist, by himself. Modern View of the World. ASTI (A.) (Modern.) Candor. (Salon of 1898.) The First Dream. (Salon of 1899.) Expansion. (Salon of 1899.) AUBERT (Augustine). Marseilles, 1781 - 1832. fModern.) "The Reading-Lesson." A young girl is holding in her left hand the book of a little boy who is standing before her. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. AUBERT (Jean Ernest). Born in Paris. (Mod- ern.) On a Vacation. "Menu de I'Amour ;" Fried Potatoes. Love on a Vacation. Aurora Cooling the Wings of Love. Love Chilled. Gallery. Shcs, 2 2| 3 3i 4 4i Brunswick. Amsterdam. Brussels. Dresden, Roy. Col. C — B — C — C Modern Painters. B — B B do. C — C C — C do. B B do. B — B B do. B B do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C C do. C C Modern Painters. c do. C C do. C C do. c do. — — c c * This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^ x 9 inches, $1.80. Gallery. Si::cs, Modern Painters. C C do. — ~ C C do. C C do. C C do. C C do. C C do. C C do. C C do. C C 50 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Cupid Pouting. Mysterious Concert. Conference of Cupids. Love's Captives. Cupid Meddling. (Salon of 1896.) A Dangerous Shore. (Salon of 1896.) Lost in the Snow. (Salon of 1897.) Cambriolage. (Salon of 1898.) The Backgammon Players. (Salon of 1899.) *Country Neighbors. D., 2QJX15 inches, $5.00; also Artist's Proofs, 100 Japan, $20.00; 150 India, $15-00. do. B B AUBERT (Joseph). Born in Nantes. (Modern.) Tobias Burying the Dead. do. Portrait of His Eminence Cardinal Richard, Arch- bishop of Paris. do. The Patron Saints of France; the Alartyrs. (Salon of 1896.) do. The Patron Saints of France ; the Virgins (left part). (Salon of 1896.) do. The Patron Saints of France ; the \'irgins (right part). (Salon of 1896.) do. Jesus Healing the Sick. (Salon of 1896.) do. Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. (Salon of 1896.) do. Mission of the Apostles. (Salon of 1897,) do. St. Francis Regis, Apostle of V'elay. (Salon of 1897.) do. Return of the Prodigal Son. (Salon of 1897.) do. The Lord's Supper. (Salon of 1808.) do. The Mission of the Apostles. (Salon of 1899.) do. AUBLET (Albert). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Bathing-place of the Reserves at Cherbourg. do. Selena. do. Meeting of Henry of Guise with Henry HL, May 9, 1588. do. The Model (study). do. Inhaling Room at Mount Dore. do. Ceremonies among the Howling Dervishes. do. •This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 61 x 9 inches, $1.80. — — — c — — c — c — c — — ■ c — — c — c — c — — c c — — c — — c — — c — c — c — c • — c c c c c c c c c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 51 Gallery. Siaes, 2 2^ 3 3l 4 4i Modern Painters. C C — C do. C do. C do. C do. c C — C do. C — C do. C do. C C do. C C do. C C do. C do. C C do. C C do. C do. C do. C do. c C — C do. C do. C do. • C C do. C C do. C do, C do. C do. C do. C do. C Paris, Louvre. On the Beach (Treport). Esqui-Djamlidja. The Bathing-hour at Treport. Around a Partition. June. On the Beach, In the Poppies. In the Water (Trepor-t). The Bathers. Little Sailors. Sleep. Old Tars (Treport). July. _ Morning. Swans. Mother Marianne at Treport. Corpus Christi. On the Sands. Surprised. (Salon of 1896.) The Departure. (Salon of 1896.) Evening. (Salon of 1896.) The Laugher. (Salon of 1897.) The Bather. (Salon of 1897.) In the Open Air. (Salon of 1897.) Eve. (Salon of 1898.) In the Desert. (Salon of 1899.) Ecce Homo. (Salon of 1899.) AUBRY (Etienne). Versailles, 1745-1781. (French School.) Portrait of a man seated, head turned to right. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Portrait of a man seated, full fac .. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. "Visit to the Nurse." (Drawing.) AUSSANDON (Hippolyte). Born in Paris. (Mod- ern.) Nymph at the Spring. The Christmas Sabots. Portrait of a Child. Corot's Nymph. do. Goncourt Col. Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C ^ 62 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2\ 3 3? 4 42 Forbidden Fruit. Eve. Modern Painters, C Aurora's Awakening. do. C Biblis. do. C After the Storm. do. C A True Patriot. do. C C AVED (Jacques-Andre-Joseph). Douay, 1702- 1766. (French School.) Portrait of the Marquis de Mirabeau. Born in 171 5 ; died in 1789. Paris, Louvre. C Portrait of Jean Baptiste Rousseau (1671 — 1741), lyric poet. Versailles. C — AVERKAMP (Hendrik van), surnamed "de Stomme van Kampen," probably at Kampen on the Yssel, 1585 -1635. (Dutch School.) Fun on the Ice. Cassel, Hab. Col. C — C Winter Scene. London, Xat. Gal. C — C A VI AT (Jules). Born at Brienne-le-Chateau (Aube). (Modern.) Zuleika. Modern Painters. C Departure for the Chase. do. C A Revelation. do. C Artemis. do. C C AXILETTE (Alexis). Born at Durtal (Mame-et- Loire). (Modern.) Summer. do. C Artemisia. D., 20x29^ inches, $12.00. do. — B B B AYNARD (V.) (Modern.) The Model's Hour of Rest. (Salon of 1898.) do. C AZAMBRE (Etienne). (Modern.) Wise and Foolish Virgins. (Salon of 1899.) do. C AZE (Adolphe). Paris, 1822 — 1844. (Modern.) , Algerian Scene L do. C ■ • Algerian Scene 11. do. C BACCHIACCA (Francesco Ubertini), called II Verdi. 1490 (?) — Florence, 1557. (Florentine School.) The Archers, or the Test of the Rival Sons (Sicil- ian Legend). Dresden. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 53 Altar-picture representing three events in the life of St. Acasius : — (a) Central panel: The Emperor Hadrian, con- queror of the rebels, by the help of the angels. (b) On the left : St. Acasius and his companions baptized by the angels. (c) On the right : Martyrdom of St. Acasius and of his companions. Study for the figure of Joseph in the picture in the National Gallery, London. (Red crayon drawing on white paper.) C, $1.25. BACCIO DEL BIANCO. 1604— 1656. (Floren- tine School.)- Design for a Fountain. (Pen and ceruse drawing.) C, $1.00. BACCIO DELLA PORTA. See Bartolommeo (Fra). BACHMAN (H.) Down into the Valley for the first Time. The Meeting. On the Alps. For the Christening. Leader's Joy upon the Way. A Wedding Journey. Sledging Post-station on the St, Gotthard Pass. On the Alps. How are You? BACHRACH-BAREE (E.) A Tete-a-Tete. BACKER (Adriaens). Amsterdam, 1635— 1686. (Dutch School.) Rape of the Sabines. Seven Inspectors of the Medical College of Amster- dam. BACON (Henry). Born in Boston (United States). (Modern.) Who Loves Me, Follows Me! He Will Come Back! Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Florence, Uffizi. C do. do. do. do. C C Modern Painters, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Brunswick. Amsterdam. Modern Painters, do. C C c c c c c c c c c — — c c c c — c — — c c — — — c — B C C 54 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Packet-boat Taking- on a Pilot — The Arrival in the Channel. • On a Vacation. A Letter! No Letter! • "Jack Ashore!" Cupid at Large. At the Capstan. "Those who talk do not pull hard." The Boat's Christening. Building of the Ship. Leaving One's Native Land. At Sight. Sea-Legs. Equality. The Right Way. Butterflies. Daisy Miller Leaving Xev/ York. The Pigeons of St. Mark's. The Pilot. Sailor's Story. Looking Backwards. Geese ! The Two Sisters. BADER (W.) Innocentia. Innocence and Love. Trust in God. Madonna. An Idyll. A Roman Idyll. BADILF (Antonio). Female Portrait. Female Portrait. Gallery. Skes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C C do. C do C do C do C — * do. C do. C C do. C do. C do. C do. C C do. C do. C do. C C do. C do. C C do. C do. C C do. C do. C C do. C do. C do. do. do. do. do. do. Vienna, do. C c — c C c — c c — c _ c — c c c c c — — BADITZ (O.) The Butterflies. Condemned. In the Bath. Village Ragamuffin. Love's Happiness. Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C do. C — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 55 BAELLIEUR (Corneille de). Antwerp (?), worked between 1637 and 1680. (Flemish School.) Interior of a Picture Gallery. BAEN (Jan de). Harlem, 1633-1702. (Dutch School.) Architectural Study. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. BAER (Ch.) By Messenger. BAGNACAVALLO (II.) Bartolommeo Ramen- ghi. Bagnacavallo, 1484-1542. (Bolognese School.) The Circumcision. Madonna and Child, surrounded by Saints. (Draw- ing.) Madonna and Child on a Cloud. Below, St. Gemi- nius, St. Peter, St. Paul and St. Anthony of Padua. Marriage of St. Catherine; composition of four figures. (Drawing.) The Four Evangelists, standing. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The Annunciation. (Drawing.) C, .$1.00. Two draped male figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Holy Family; sketch. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Madonna seated, holding the Infant Jesus. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. The Annunciation. (Drawing.) Madonna with the Infant Jesus, seated between St. Joseph and St. Andrew. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. BAGUES (Eugene Joseph Antoine). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Spring. BAIL (Joseph). Born in Limonest (Rhone). Mod- ' ern.) A Cinderella. Dog Fight. (Salon of 1896.) BAILLEUR The Elder. The Woman Taken in Adultery. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Paris, Louvre. C C Dresden, Roy. Col. Modern Painters. C — C Paris, Louvre. C C do. C Dresden. C Vienna, Albertina. C Florence, Uffizi. do. do. do. Milan, Ambrosian. C — Venice. Modern Painters. C do. do. Brunswick. C C C C 56 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. BAISCH (H.) Summer Evening. Arrival of the Boat. BAISCH (O.) The Rendezvous. BAKHUYZEN (Ludolf). Emden, 1631— Amster- dam, 1708. (Dutch School.) Sea-Piece. Sea-Piece. Sea Agitated. Sea-Piece. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Sea-Piece. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Sea-Piece. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. View of the Harbor of Amsterdam. Calm Sea. (Drawing.) Heavy Sea. (Drawing.) View of Amsterdam. Sea Slightly Agitated. Sea Slightly Agitated ; in the foreground two men- of-war. Sea-Piece : Three ships beaten by a storm. (Draw- ing-) Entrance to a seaport, with several ships. (Draw-. ing.) C, $1.75. Storm at Sea. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Entrance to the Seaport of Rotterdam, (Drawing.) C, $1.00. View of the Harbor of Amsterdam. Dutch Shipping. A Fresh Breeze. A Cat's-paw of Wind. Portrait of an old man. BALDASSARE DA SIENA. See PERUZZI. BALDINI (Baccio). (Italian School.) Last Judgment. (Engraving.) Last Judgment. (Engraving.) BALDOVINETTI (Alessio). Florence, 1427-1499. (Florentine School.) A soldier, standing, holding his lance in his right hand. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C — C do. C — C do. C Paris, Louvre. C — C — do. C — C — do. C do. Dresden, Roy. Col. — — — do. ' ' '■ Munich. C C — C Weimar. C do. — ■ C Vienna, Imp. Mus. C C Vienna, Liecht. C — — do. Vienna, Albertina. C C ao. — do. — — do. — — Amsterdam. — c — c London, Nat. Gal. — c — c do. — c — c London, Buck. Pal. — — C c St. Petersburg. — — C "" Dresden, P. G, — c do. — c ■ London, B. M. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 57 Madonna with the Infant Jesus on her knee. Two male figures standing. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Two male figures turned to the left. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Descent from the Cross ; composition of twelve figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. BALDUNG. See Grun (Hans Baldung). BALEN (Henry van). Antwerp, 1575-1632. (Flem- ish School.) Rape of Europa. Bacchus Paying Homage to Diana. Sacrifice to Cybele. (The Fruit and Flowers are by Jan de Brueghel, called "Velvet.") Concert of Angels. (Altar-panel.) Concert of Angels. (Altar-panel.) BALEN (H. van) the Elder, J. de Brueghel and J. Snyders. After the Chase. BALEN (Jan van). The Garden of Love (after Rubens). BALLAVOINE (Jules Frederic). Born in Paris. (Modern.) A Seance Interrupted. Revery. On the Terrace. The Correspondence. Frailty. Indiscretion. On the Terrace. Amateur Efforts. Weariness. Summer's Pleasures. Pouting. Youth. The White Carnation. Flight. Before the Bath. (Salon of 1896.) Miss Satan. (Salon of 1897.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4l Florence, Uffizi. C do. do. do. c c — C — c c c — c c c — — c — c _ C Vienna Liecht. Amsterdam. The Hague. Antwerp. do. Munich. Vienna, Imp. Mus. Modern Painters. C C do. C do. C do. C do. C C do. C C do. C C do. C C do. C C do. C do. C do. C C do. C do. C do. C do. C C 58 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON'. Hour of the Bath. (Salon of 1898.) Evening Star. (Salon of 1899.) *The Erring Butterflies. / (Companion pictures.) Spring. D., 20x14 inches, $5.00. BALMER (J.) Pieta. BALMER (Wilhelm). Born in Bale (Switzerland). (Modern.) Young Girl. BAMBACCIO (Pietro), called Laer. The Quack Doctor. BAMBERGER (F.) Coast of Hastings, BANDINELLI (Bartolommeo di Michelangelo, called Baccio. Florence, 1493-1560. (.Flor- entine School.) Sacking of a Palace. Groups of men and women fleeing on both sides; in the centre a group kneeling around the conqueior. Circular composition. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Two nude figures of men standing, turned to- wards the left, but looking to the right. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Two ,nude figures of men standing , one turning to the left, the other running to the right. (Drawing.) Six draped figures of women seated. (Draw- ing.) C, $2.50. Six draped figures of women, one of whom is seated, and a child. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Entombment; composition of seven figures. (Drawing.) Holy Family; four figures, the Virgin suckling the Infant Jesus. (Drawing.) Four angels drawing near a group of two men and four women seen on the right of the picture. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ Modern Painters. C C do. C C do. — B E C — C do. C Cassel. C — C ]\Iodern Painters. C Paris, Louvre, do. do. do. do. do. do. C ♦This subject comes in a Fac-Simile Gravure in colors, 10x7 inches, $6.00. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 59 Sorrows of the Holy Women; fifteen figures lamenting around the figure of a man, seated, at the right, near a sarcophagus. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Several men gathered around a woman stretched upon the ground. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Head of a woman smiling; the portrait of Jacopa Doni, wife of the artist. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. A donkey standing, turned to the right. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. An ox standing; the head is missing. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Woman sitting sewing, and two children. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Nude figure of man seated; full face. He isi sinking towards the right. (Study for a "Descent from the Cross" ?) (Drawing.) Nude figure of a man seated, full face, lean- ing upon his hands. (Drawing.) (Attributed.) Man standing, dressed in the fashion of that time, reading a book ; full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Nude figure of a man, seated, holding a cup in his left hand. (Drawing.) Two men, seated, on the left; full face, nude figures. (Drawing.) Two heads, a left hand, a leg, a right foot. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. Figure of St. Paul standing. (Drawing.) Study of a right hand. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Study of two left hands. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. (After A. del Sarto.) Figure of a man. (Draw- ing.) Two men standing, nude figures. Three heads. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Study of a cow. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. (After Michael Angelo.) Fragment of the "Last Judgment." (Drawing.) Creation of Adam. Adam is emerging from a rock. (Drawing.) 'C, $1.75. Gallery. Siacs, 2 2J 3 3I 4 4^ Paris, Louvre. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Lille. do. do. do. do. do. C — C C — C — c Dresden, R. C. do. do. C — Weimar. Vienna, Albertina. C — 60 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Sacrifice of Abraham. (Drawing.) Infant Hercules strangling two serpents. (Draw- ing-) Nude figure of a man, crouching, turned to the right. (Drawing.) Nude figure of man standing; right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Nude figure of a man, seated, looking to the right. (Drawing.) Young man standing, nude figure ; a man seated , nude figure. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Two men standing, nude figures ; one full face, the other turned to the left. (Drawing.) Man standing, nude figure, stretching out his right arm. Also, torso of a man turned to the right. (Drawing.) Five male heads. (Drawing.) Six figures; on the left a man holding a caldron. (Drawing.) Lion Devouring a Horse. (Drawing.) Study of two nude figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Study of young man standing, full face. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Three Doctors Discussing the Tables of the Law. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Massacre of the Innocents. (Drawing.) Sacrifice of Noah after the Deluge. (Drawing.) Three women ascending towards the right. (Draw- ing-) Man standing, nude figure, raising his arms towards the right ; between his legs a man prostrate. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Two studies of a young man standing, nude figure ; full face, raising his left hand towards his shoulder. Also, three other studies ; nude figures, and a left hand. (Drawing.) C, $1-75- Hercules and Cacus. For the Florentine Group. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Evangelist, standing, holding a book. (Drawing.) Group of fifteen men, nude figures. (Drawing.) C, $2.,i5o. Gallery. Sices, Menna, Albertina. ■ do. 2 2| 3 3^ 4 C 4i do. do. do. do. do. C — C c — do. — C — do. C do. C do. C — Chatsworth. do. ^ do. do. C do. C — Florence, Uffizi. C' do. do. do. do. C — do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 61 Group of thirteen women. They are turning to the left. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Young man standing, nude figure, (Drawing.) Nativity of the Virgin ; preHminary study of five figures. (Drawing.) $1.25. Entrance of Christ into Jerusalem. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Nativity of the Virgin ; composition of fourteen figures. (Drawing.) Ecce Homo ; large composition. (Drawing.) The Virgin, standing, holding the Child on her left arm. (Drawing.) Two men embracing a crucifix, nude figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. The Apostle Thaddeus ; his right hand is resting on a club. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Two men standing, nude figures ; one full face, the other is turned towards the left. (Draw- ing.) C, $2.50. Leda, standing, caressing the swan ; full face. (Drawing.) The Three Graces, standing. (Drawing.) The Apollo Belvedere; study from the original. (Drawing.) , Two men standing, nude figures ; one full face, the other back view. (Drawing.) Man seated, turned to the left; almost nude fig- ure. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Man, standing, holding a vase in his left hand, and a bunch of grapes in his right hand; nude figure. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Young woman standing, draped figure, three- quarters face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Two anatomical studies. (Drawing.) BANG. (German School.*) (After Roos.) Landscape : Animals at Pasture. (Drawing.) BANTZER (C.) Always Busy ! Gallery. Shcs, 2 2J 3 3^ 4 4^ Florence, Ufifizi. do. . C do. — do. do. do. do. Milan, Amb. do. do. do. do. do. do. Venice. do. do. do. C Dresden, R. C. — C — C 62 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. BANUELOS (Antonia de). Born in Rome. (Modern.) Beggars. Guitar-player. Antonio. Little Fishermen. Shrouded in Dreams. Our Pet. Merry Awakening. BAR (See Debar) (Bonaventure). BARABINO. Madonna, seated. PL, 4x8 inches, $1.00; C, $1.50. Madonna, seated. PL, 2x5 inches, .50; C, $1.00. Madonna, standing. PL, 4x9 inches, $1.00; C, $1.50. Madonna, standing. PL, 2x5 inches, .50; C, $1.00. BARBALUNGA (Antonio Ricci, called). Messi- na, 1600-1642. (Bolognese School. ") St. Agatha Dying in her Prison. BARBARELLI (Giorgio), called Giorgione. See Giorgione. BARBARI (Jacopo de'). (Jacob "Walch). Madonna, Child, and Saints. Male Portrait. BARBATELLI. See Poccetti (Bernardino). BARBERY or BARBERI (Jacopo). Called "The Master of Caduceus." (Italian School.) Holy Family. (Engraving.) .75. St. Sebastian. (Engraving.) $1.00. Male Portrait. Christ Mocked; group of two figures. (Drawing.) c, .75. BARBERIIS (Eugene de). Born in Marseilles. (Modern.) Fraternity. BARBIANI (Giovanni-Battista). Worked in Ravenna in 1650. (Italian School.) Adoration of the Virgin and Child; large compo- sition. (Drawing.) Gallery. Shcs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C Madrid. Berlin. — Vienna, Imp. Mus. — — C — C — C Dresden, P. G. C. do. Vienna, Imp. Mus. C — Florence, Uffizi. Modern Painters. C Florence, Uffizi. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 63 Adoration of the Virgin and Child; composition of numerous figures. (Drawing.) BARBIER-WALBONNE (Jacques Luc). Nimes, 1769-1860. (French School.) Portrait of Marshal Moncey (Bon-Adrien-Jannot de). Duke of Conegliano, 1754-1842. Portrait of Moreau (Jean Victor), General-in Chief of the Army of the Rhine, 1763-1813. BARBIERI (Giovanni Francesco). See Guerchin. BARBUDO. Grandfather's Birthday. The Marriage Settlement. Uncomfortable Visit. BARENDE (Van Brussel). See ORLEY (Ber- nard van, called). BARENTZ DIRK. Hunting-piece, with fourteen portraits. BARILLI (C.) La Coraline Presso Capri. Fratello e Sorella. BARILLOT (Leon). Born in Montigny-lez-Metz (Modern.) Winter Morning. Autumn in Lorraine. Summer in Normandy. Pasture at Cotentin. (Salon of 1898.) The Farm of Thoville. (Salon of 1899.) BARISON (G.) Proposing. Rendezvous. BARKER (H. P.) Friend or Foe ? BARKER (Wright). Watching and Waiting. D., 13x22 inches, $5.00; Artist's Proofs on India, $15.00. BARLOSIUS (G.) Queen Louise, with the Princes, on her Journey to Tilsit. Gallery Florence, Uffizi Versailles, do. Si:;es, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4I Modern Painters. C — C C C — C Amsterdam. C Modern Painters. '■ C do. C — C do. C do. C C do. C do. C do. C do. do. do. do. do. B B B 64 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. BARNABA OF MODENA. Painted about 1370. (School of Modena.) Madonna and Child. Madonna of 1367. Madonna and Child, with two saints. (Picture in three divisions.) BARNARD (E. H.) Uncle Moses. PL, 7x13 inches, $2.00. BAROCCI (Federigo Fieri), called the Baroche. Urbino, 1528-1612. (Roman School.) Virgin in Glory. Christ Borne to the Tomb; composition of nine figures. (Drawing.) The Virgin holding the Child Jesus, and reading, a book that she holds in her right hand. (Draw- ing.) C, $2.50. Profile of a young man, turned to the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Figure of a woman, seated, turned to the right. (Drawing.) C. $1.75. Head of young woman, turned three-quarters to the right. (Drawing.) C.^ $1.00. Holy Family. Woman's head, full face. (Drawing.) The Assumption. Madonna with the Child Jesus, St. Francis and St. Dominic. (According to Woermann, Denys Calvaert, called Dionisio Fiamingo.) St. Jerome. (Engraving.) $1.00. Communion of St. Mary Magdalen. Portrait of an ecclesiastic. St. John kneeling before the Madonna and Child. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Sketch of the Madonna and Child. (Drawing.) C, .75- The Virgin standing, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.75- Young priest kneeling. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Head of a young woman, turned three-quarters to the left. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Berlin. Frankfort. — C — C Vienna, Imp. Mus. C Boston, Stet.Col. Paris, Louvre. C C do. C do. do. do. do. Chantilly. Lille. Dresden. C C do. C Dresden. R. C. Munich. C — C Vienna, Imp. Mus. C Vienna. Albertina. do. do. do. do. SOULE ART COMPANY , BOSTON. 65 Gallery. Si::es, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Brussels. C C — C London, N. G. B London, B. M. C do. C — do. Cliatsworth, do. C — do. C Florence, Uffizi. C do. C Calling of St. Peter and St. Andrew. Holy Family,, known as the "Madonna del Gatto.' The Entombment. (Drawing.) Wooded Landscape ; in the foreground a monk kneeling. (Drawing.) Man's face, looking upward. (Drawing.) C, $i75- The Madonna and Child, and Saint Joseph. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Entombment. (Drawing.) The Assumption. (Drawing.) Madonna del Popolo. Christ Appearing to the Magdalen. Portrait of Francois-Marie IL de la Rovere, Duke of Urbino. Madonna and Child, with the Little St. John. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The Virgin and Child; study. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Five sketches for the Madonna and Child. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Sketch for the Madonna and Child and little St. John. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Sketch for the Holy Family. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. The Virgin, seated, holding the Infant Jesus. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Bust of the Virgin holding the Child Jesus. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Several sketches for the Madonna and Child. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Study for an Entombment. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. The Virgin Appearing to Two Saints. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Descent from the Cross ; large composition. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Head of an old man looking down. (Drawing in red and black crayon.) C, $1.25. Portrait of Prince Frederic of Urbino as a child. Holy Family. (According to the catalogue of the Corsini Gallery by Innocenzo da Imola.) do. C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. ■ Florence, Pitti. C — Rome, Corsini. 66 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Ecce Homo. Rome, Capitol. C — The Annunciation, Rome, Pin. of Vat. C St. Micheline. do. C Female figure, draped. (Drawing.) Milan, Resta Col. C Angel flying; also, study of two feet. (Drawing.) Venice. C Two men, draped figures; one full face, the other back view. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Figure of a man running towards the left. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do, Young man in the costume of the times. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do. Old woman, standing, holding a vase in her hands. C, $1.00. do. Birth of Jesus. Madrid. C Portrait of young man about twenty-five years old; half length. St. Petersburg. C BARON (Henri Charles Antoine). Born in Be- sanqon (?), 1868. Vintage in Romagna. (Salon of 1855.) Paris, Lux. C C Venetian Scene. Modern Painters. C The Puppet. do. C BARON (Stephana). Born in Lyons. (Modern.) Diana Surprised. do. C A Consultation. do. • C BARRIAS (Felix Joseph). Born in Paris. (Mod- ern.) Exiles of Tiberius. (Salon of 1859.) Paris, Lux. C C Eve. Modern Painters. C The Pearl Fairy. do. C Bone-players of Tangiers. do. C Almsgiving in Venice. do. C Andalusian and Countess. do. — C Brother and Sister. do. C Death of Chopin. do. C C Melody. , do. C Triumph of Venus. ^ do. C Conversion of the Magdalen. do. C C Camille Desmoulins at the Palais-Royal, July 12, 1789. do. C Sirens. (Decorative panel.) do. C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 67 Gallery. Si.':cs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Esther before Ahasuervis. Modern Painters. C C Last Eruption of Vesuvius in the Year 62 — Pagans and Christians. (Salon of 1899.) do. C C Model Resting. do. C C BARSE (George R., Jr.) Literature: (i) Tragedy. (2) Comedy. (3) Lyric Poetry. (4) Love Poetry. (5) Fancy. (6) Romance. (7) Tradition. (8) History. I'l., size of each, 12x5^ inches, $1.50^ Congres. Lib. End of Day. PI., 19x8 inches, $5.00; 12^x6^, $2.50; 9x41, $1.25. New Moon. Sizes and prices same as those of "End of Day." Night and the Waning Day. •PI., 19x9^ inches, $5 ; 12^x6^, $2.50; 9x41, $1.50. ■ — The Surprise. Sizes and prices same as those of "Night and the Waning Day." BARSTO\A/' (M.) *A Prude on the Prowl. B BARTELS (H.) Storm. Modern Painters. The House on the Downs. do. Harbor-scene in Hamburg. do. The "Wandrahm" in Hamburg, do. Full Steam Ahead ! do. C C — C Moonlight on the Zuidersee. D., 15IX19 inches, $5.00. do. EARTH (F.) Days that are Past. do. — — C "Griineberger." ' do. ^ — ■ — C Parsival. do. C C — C Castles in the Air. do. C C Love at the Door. do. — C Choosing the Caskets. D., 20x29^ inches, $12.00. do. — — B B — B The God of Wine. do. Tasso and the Two Eleanors . do. BARTHEL (P.) Revery. do. B *This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. C — C — — c — c c c _ — — c c c — — — B B — — — B B — — B B 68 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. BARTHOLOMAUS. St. Bartholomew, St. Agnes, and St. Cecilia. St. John the Evangelist, and St. Margaret. St. Christina, and St. James the Less. BARTLETT (W. H.) In the Bleaching-yard. BARTOLO di MAESTRO FREDI. Sienna, i33o(?)-i4io. (Siennese School.) Presentation in the Temple. Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 34 4 4i BARTOLO (Taddeo di). (Siennese School.) St. Peter. Sienna, 1363- 1422. BARTOLOMMEO (Fra) di PAOLO DEL FAT- TORINO, called Baccio Delia Porta. Savi- gnano, near Florence, 1475-1517. (Florentine School.) The Annunciation. Holy Family. A woman, draped figure, kneeling, turned to the left. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. The Virgin holding the Child Jesus. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Holy Family ; composition of nine figures. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. A man, draped figure, standing, holding a book in the right hand. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Head of an old man, bent and turned three-quar- ters to the left. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. A man, draped figure, standing, holding a sword. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Madonna and Child enthroned; at their feet little Saint John, on either side a saint. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Holy Family ; composition of four figures. (Draw- ing.) C, .75. Madonna and Child. (Drawing.) C, .75. Figure of the Virgin, for the Assumption of the ^^irgin (?). (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Munich, do. do. C — C C — C Modern Painters. C C — C Paris, Louvre. C C • do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 69 Coronation of the Virgin ; composition of eleven figures. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Study for a Madonna and Child; on the left, a saint standing. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Adoration of the Child Jesus ; and two sketches of the Madonna and Child. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Madonna and Child; on right, sketch for the fig- ure of a woman fleeing. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Adoration of the Child Jesus; group of six fig- ures. (Drawing.) C, $i,oo. Study for a Christ; study of two hands, and a portrait of a man, by Andrea del Sarto. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Child's head, turned slightly to the left. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. The Annunciation; the Virgin, seated, bending towards the Angel Gabriel; on the left a woman standing. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. 'Christ, upon a pedestal, in the attitude of blessing, with angels below. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The risen Christ seated upon the sepulchre; be- neath, the terrestrial globe and four angels on either side of the composition. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. The Virgin of Ferry Carondelet. (Replica, with picture.) The Virgin of Ferry Carondelet. (Replica, with some differences from the above.) St. Joseph standing at the foot of a pedestal, upon which the Virgin, holding the Child Jesus, is seated; an angel upon the lower step is play- ing the mandolin. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. A man, st anding, armed with a sword, driving be- fore him twelve figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. (By Fra Bartolommeo and Mariotto Albertinelli.) Assumption of the Virgin. Head of a monk, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. The Virgin, seated, holding the Child Jesus on her knee. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Paris, Louvre. do. do. do. do. do. do. Paris, E. d. B. A. Malcolm Col. do. Besangon. Chantilly. do. do. Berlin. Lille, Vic. Mus. do. C — C C 70 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3} 4 4^ Lille, \'ic. Mus. do. do. Dresden, R. C. do. do. C do. C do. Weimar. C — do. ^ do. do. do. do. • do. , do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. (Drawing.) C, (Draw- Study of drapery for a monk. $1.25. A monk, standing, stretching out his arms. ing.) C, $1.00. Several studies of a monk. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Sketch for a Resurrection. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. A man, nude figure, back view. (Drawing.) C, Christ on the Cross, left, profile. (Drawing.) Christ and the Four Evangelists. (Drawing.) Male head turned three-quarters to the left. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Study of an angel flying towards the right. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Study for three apostles, and for a head of Christ. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Three studies of a man, half length, and five feet. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Head of a woman, bending; and three figures of women. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Head of a monk turned a little towards the left. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Several studies : three heads of men, five hands and a foot. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Bust of a boy, head bent and turned three-quarters to the left. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Two studies of nude figures of children crouch- ing. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Two other studies of nude figures of children crouching. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Two sketches for a Madonna; two monks' heads, and four hands. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. A saint kneeling, and replica of the bust and head of the same. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Study: young man standing, and five heads. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Head of an old man, life size. (Drawing.) C, $175. Head of a woman turned three-quarters to the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Head of a young girl, life size, left profile. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 71 Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ Head of man, left profile, life size. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Weimar. Head of abbess turned three-quarters to the left. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. ■ Head of man, almost full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Sketch for a Pieta; composition of four figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Horseman going to the right. (Drawing.) do. C Monk kneeling, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Monk kneeling, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. • Draped figure of a woman seated, arms extended. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Head of a nun, full face, almost life size. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. do. Head of young man, full face, life size. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. do. Head of a monk turned a little to the left. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. do. Head of monk, bending, right profile. (Drawing.) do. — — — C Head of angel, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. — — Figure of woman, standing, raising a sword in her right hand. (Drawing.) do. — ■ — C Portrait of the artist in a medallion. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. ^ T T Presentation of Christ in the Temple. \'ienna. C C ■ The Annunciation; at the right the Virgin, at the left the angel. (Drawing.) Vienna, Albertina. ■ — ^ C — Two Studies for St. Bartholomew. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. ^ Draped figure of a man, standing, turned towards the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. • — Study for Christ, preaching, with His disciples. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. London, B. AI. ■ — Study for a Holy Family, with little St. John. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Replica of the above, with the addition of three saints. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Christ and His Disciples ; several studies for the Ascension. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do, 72 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Madonna and Child with two angels, kneeling. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Madonna and Child Enthroned ; at their feet two angels making music; on one side St. John the Baptist and three other saints. (Draw- ing.) C.,$i.25. Madonna and Child standing, adored by four angels, a monk, and little St. John. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Madonna and Child standing, adored by five angels, and little St. John. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Holy Family, of four figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. A horseman pursuing a mother fleeing with her child ; group for a Massacre of the Innocents. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Temptation of St. Anthony, the Hermit. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Young woman holding a torch, at her feet a dol- phin. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Five draped figures conversing together. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Head of a woman, life size, full face. (Drawing.) John the Baptist as a Child. (Drawing.) $1.00. The Prophet Isaiah. The Prophet Job. Two little pictures: the Circumcision and the Na- tivity. Madonna and Child. The Virgin Enthroned. Bust of the Virgin holding the Child; a child standing, nude figure. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Sketch for the unfinished picture of the Uffizi. (Drawing.) Ten fig^ires of angels. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. ''Touch Me Not" (Noli me tangere) ; two studies of the same subject. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Two angels kneeling : a draped figure walking towards the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Christ in Gethsemane. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Gallery. Si::cs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Windsor. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Chatsworth. Florence, U do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. ffizi. C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON 73 Study of a woman with three children, and of an- other woman with two children. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. The Holy Women; composition of six figures. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. The Annunciation; two sketches. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Adoration of the Magi. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Christ and the Woman of Samaria ; two sketches. (Drawing.) €.,$1.25. Sketch of a woman, seated, holding a child, nude figure ; an angel, and two children standing, nude figures. Study for the picture of the Ufifizf. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Two sketches for the Madonna and Child. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Two other sketches of the above. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. St. Stephen, standing, showing right profile. Study for the picture in the Cathedral of Lucca. (Drawing.) The Virgin, seated, holding the Child Jesus. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. St. Mark. (The painting is in the Pitti Palace.) (Drawing.) Study for the Madonna and Child. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Figure of a saint, kneeling, holding a book. (Drawing.) Woman standing, back view, in costume. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Figure of a monk standing, right profile. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. Monk seated, full face, holding a book in his right hand. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Draped figure kneeling, showing left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. The Prophet Isaiah ; sketch for the picture in the Tribune. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The Prophet Job ; sketch for the picture in the Tribune. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3I 4 Florence, Ufftzi. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. u C 74 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4! Figure of a young man standing ; male head ; two right hands and two feet. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Florence, Uffizi. Study for the figure of a saint standing, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Head of monk, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Sketch for a Holy Family. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Two left arms ; sketch of arrangement of sleeves. (Drawing.) C.y $1.00. do. Madonna, seated, holding the Child Jesus. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do. — Sketch for the Virgin of the Baldacchino. (Draw- ing.) C, ?i.25. do. ■- ; Descent from the Cross; composition of many fig- ures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Study for a St. John, standing, turned towards the left. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Study for a St. John, standing, turned slightly towards the right. (Drawing.) do. C Figure of a man standing, draped, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Male figure, standing, draped, left profile. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Holy Family. (Picture in the Pitti Palace.) (Draw- ing.) do. C Holy Family; composition of ten figures. (Draw- ing.) C., $1.00. do. Study of head, almost life size; profile three- quarters towards the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. St. Paul standing, full face. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Christ on the Cross ; at His feet the holy women. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Two studies of a Venus, from the antique. (Draw- ing.) do. — C Sketch for a Bacchante. (Drawing.) C, $1.75- do. Outline; composition of several figures. (Draw- mg.) C, $1.25. do. Female figure turned towards the left, draped. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 75 Female figure standing, draped, full face. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Christ in Gethsemane. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Sketch; composition of many figures. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Sketch of a figure of a saint, standing, turned to left. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Sketch for a Bearing of the Cross and a Holy Fam- ily. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Draped figure of an old man turned to the left, and of a child full face; at the left, verses. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Sketch; composition of many figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Study; sketch. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Head of Virgin turned three-quarters to the right; breadth of treatment. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Head of young woman turned slightly to the left. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Head of child, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. The Annunciation. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Sketch for a Holy Family. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Assumption of the Virgin. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. The Virgin surrounded by angels. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The Circumcision. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. God, the Father, seated upon clouds. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Female head, larger than life size; study for the picture in the Academy of Fine Arts, Flor- ence. (Drawing in black crayon.) C, $2.50. Descent from the Cross. St. Mark. The Risen Christ surrounded by the evangelists. Holy Family. Ecce Homo. (According to Venturi, Mariotto Al- bertinelli.) Jesus Greeting His Mother. Madonna and Child. The Virgin Appearing to St. Bernard. Two Saints. Gallery. Siaes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4I Florence. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Uffizi. do. Florence, Pitti. c do. C do. c do. c do. c Florence, Acad. c do. c do. c do. c 76 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Two Saints. Two Saints. St. Peter of Verona, Martyr, with the features of Friar Savonarola. Dead Christ upon the Virgin's knee; the Magda- len, St. John, St. Dominic and St. Thomas. (Picture drawn by Fra Bartolommeo and painted after his death by Fra Paolino Pistoja.) Holy Family (by Fra Bartolommeo and Alber- tinelli). (School of Bartolommeo.) The Holy Family. (Ac- cording to the catalogue of the Borghese Gal- lery by Andrea del Sarto.) Holy Family. Madonna and Child. Head of a man, left profile. (Drawing.) C, .75. Draped figure, standing, holding a book in left hand. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Design for the upper part of the Last Judgment, painted in the Hospital of Santa Maria No- vella, Florence. (Drawing.) Madonna and Child. BARTOLOMMEO VENETO. Daughter of Herodias. BASAITI (Marco). Worked from 1490 to 1521. (Venetian School.) St. Sebastian. Altar-triptych : Madonna and Child. John the Bap- tist, St. Jerome and St. Francis. Pieta. Calling of the Sons of Zebedee. St. Jerome Reading. Sleeping Christ-Child. Religious Allegory. Calling of the Sons of Zebedee. St. George. The Dead Christ. BASHKIRTSEFF (Marie). i860— Paris, 1884. Tlie Meeting. (Salon of 1884.) Poltava (Russia), Gallery. Skcs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Florence, Acad. C do. C do. C do. C Rome, Borghese. __C-- do. c Rome, Corsini. C Rome, Sciarra. C \ enice. do. do. St. Petersburg. Dresden. Berlin. C — C do. C c — c do. c — c Vienna, Imp. :\ius. c c London, Nat. .Gal. — c — do. c c — c Florence, Uffizi. c Venice, do. do. c c c Paris, Lux. c c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 77 BASSANO (Giacomo). Thamar Led to the Scaffold. BASSANO (Francesco da Ponte), called the Younger. Bassano, 1548- 1590. (Vene- tian School.) Hercules and Omphale. Portrait of His Father, Giacomo. The Host Appearing to St. Juliana. Adoration of the Kings. Martyrdom of St. Catherine. BASSANO (Jacques). Jacopo da Ponte. Bassano, 1 5 10-1592. (Venetian School.) Portrait of the sculptor, Jean de Bologne. The Israelites in the Desert. St. Jerome. Pastoral Scene. Head of an old man. The Good Samaritan. Portrait of the artist, by himself. Magdalen Prostrated before the Virgin. (Draw- ing.) C., $2.50. Burial of Christ ; group of five figures. (Draw- ing.) C, $2.50. The Angel Announcing to the Shepherds the Birth of Christ. Portrait of the artist, by himself. BASSANO (Leandro), Leandroda Ponte (called). 1558-1623. (Venetian School.) A man seated at a table (portrait of the artist?). Madonna with Christ-Child Enthroned. November; Rural Labor. Lazarus and Dives. Jesus Christ Presented to the People. BASSEN (Barthol. van). An Interior : Beginning of the XVII. Century. BASTIEN-LEPAGE (Jules). Damvillers (Meuse), 1848— Paris, 1884. (Modern.) Hay Harvest. The Communicant. Gallery. Sices, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Vienna, Imp. Mus. C do. C — — — do. C — — — do. C — — — do. C — — — Florence, I'itti. C Paris, Louvre. c Dresden. C — — — Munich. c — c Vienna, Liecht. c — — Buda-Pesth. C — — — London, Nat. Gal. c — c Florence, Uffizi. c — — — do. — — — . do. — — — Rome. Acad. St. L. c Madrid. c Dresden, c Munich. c — c Vienna, Imp. Mus. — — c — — — do. c — — — Madrid. c — — — Amsterdam. c — c Paris. Lux. -.-c c Modern Painters. — — — — — c 78 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes. 2 2\ 3 3} 4 44 Sarah Bernhardt. ^lodern Painters. C In October. do. C The Beggar. do. C Portrait of M. Albert Wolff. do. C Village Love. do. — — C The Prince of Wales. do. C Joan of Arc Listening to the Heavenly Voices. X. Y., Met. Miis. AC — AC BATTEN (John Dickson). St. George. (Salon of 1897.) ' Modern Painters. C C BATTONI (Pompeo Girolamo). Lucca, 1708-1787. (Roman School.) The Virgin, Paris, Louvre. — C — (Attributed.) Portrait of Pierre-Andre Suflfren of St. Tropez, called the Bailiff of Suffren (1726- 1788), Vice-Admiral. Nat'l Portraits. — C — A man, nude figure, back view. (Drawing.) Lille. C St. John the Baptist. Dresden. C C ■ Penitent Magdalen. D., 13x20^ inches, $5.00. do. BC — BC B Portrait of the artist, by himself. (Half length.) Munich. C — C Return of the Prodigal Son. Vienna, Imp. 'Mns. C Choice of Hercules. Vienna, Liecht. C Romulus and Virtue (Venus?). do. C The Magdalen. Amsterdam. C — C Achilles at the Court of Lycomedes. Florence, Lffizi. C The Nativity. Rome, Corsini. C BAUDIT (Amedee). Born in Geneva. (Modern.) Harbor of Bordeaux. :Modern Painters. C BAUDOIN (Paul Albert). Born in Rouen. Mod- ern.) Wedding-party Passing By. do, C Strasburg, 1792. do. C BAUDOUIN (Pierre Antoine). Paris (?), 1723 — 1769. (French School.) Morning, (Drawing.) C, $1.25. De GoncourtCol. The Indiscreet Wife. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. BAUDRY (Paul). La-Roche-sur-Yon (Vendee), 1828— Paris, 1886. (Modern.) Fortune and the Young Child. (Salon of 1857.) Paris, Lux. C C Truth. do. C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 79 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ St. John the Baptist. Paris, Lux. C C Portrait of M. Peyrat, Senator. do. C Drawings for the Foyer in the Opera House. Harmony and Melody. (Drawing.) C. $1.75. Tragedy. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Comedy. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Parnassus. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Fragment of the "Parnassus" ; Mnemosyne and the Genii. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. The Poets. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Apollo and Marsyas. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Fragment of the "Apollo and Marsyas"; figure of Apollo. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Fragment of the "Apollo and Marsyas" ; figure of Marsyas. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Fragment of the "Apollo and Marsyas"; nude fig- ure Scythia. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Corybantes Dancing around the Cradle of Jupiter. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Fragment of the "Corybantes Dancing around the Cradle of Jupiter"; figures of nude Coryban- tes. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Judgment of Paris. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. (a) Fragment of the "Judgment of Paris"; figures of Paris, Mercury and Venus. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. (b) Fragment of the "Judgment of Paris" ; figures of Minerva and Juno. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Death of Orpheus. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Fragment of the "Death of Orpheus"; figures of Moenads. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Fragment of the "Death of Orpheus"; figures of Moenads. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Orpheus Losing Eurydice. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Fragment of "Orpheus Losing Eurydice"; figures of Mercury and Eurydice. (Drawing.) C, $1.75- Salome. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. The Assault; war music. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. The Shepherds; pastoral music. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. 80 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Fragment of the "Shepherds" ; figures of the shep- herds. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. St. Cecilia's Dream; sacred music. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Fragment of "St. Cecilia's Dream"; group of an- gels singing. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. David and Saul. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2i 3 34 A ' A\ Fragments of the Diploma of the Universal Ex- position' OF 1878. Frontispiece of the Diploma of the Universal Expo- sition of 1878. The Genius of the Arts. The Genius of Industry. Jupiter. Juno. Apollo. Diana. Minerva. Vulcan. Venus. Neptune. Ceres. Pluto. Mercury. Mars. Diana. Venus. Decorative Paintings. ceiling of the old hotel achille fould, now thi: chateau of chajtilly. The Twelve Gods. ABOVE THE DOORS. C C C C C C c c C c c c c c CITIES OF ITALY. Rome. Florence. Naples. Venice. Genoa. C c c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 81 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4| DESIGNS FOR GOBELIN TAPESTRY. Touch. C Spring and Summer. C Autumn and Winter. C CEILING FOR THE COURT OP APPEALS. The Apotheosis of Law. C — C C Fragment of the "Apotheosis of Law": Strength and Innocence. C CEILINGS OF THE VANDERBILT MANSION IN NEW YORK. Marriage of Psyche. — -■ — C Fragment of the "Marriage of Psyche" : Attributes of Jupiter. C Fragment of the "Marriage of Psyche" : Attributes of Ceres. C Fragment of the "Marriage of Psyche" : Attributes of Venus. C Fragment of the "Marriage of Psyche" : Attributes of Mercury. — C Fragment of the "Marriage of Psyche" : Cupid and Psyche. C Fragment of the "Marriage of Psyche": A Little Genius, Standing. C Phoebe. . C Attributes of Diana, Huntress. C CHATEAU OF CHANTILLY. St. Hubert. - C Psyche. C C Amphitrite (l). C — Cybele (i). — C — Amphitrite (2). C — Cybele (2). — C — L^rania. C — Egypt. C — Spain. C — Germany. ^ ~~ France. ■ C — Genius of Sleep. C — 82 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. ^ Gallery. Sices, 2 2| 3 3i 4 4i Pictures. Diana Pursuing Cupid. C The Wave. C — — — Charlotte Corday. Copied from the Hauer Por- trait. _ — C — Diana Pursuing Cupid (2). C Little St. John. c : , Toilet of Venus. Museum of Bordeaux. Bordeaux. C Charlotte Corday. Museum of Nantes. Nantes. C Leda. Modern Painters. — c — ■ The Magdalen. Museum of Xantes. Nantes. — C — The Toilet. Modern Painters. — c — Eve. do. — c — P0RTR.VITS. - M. Guizot, C — c — M. Charles Dupin. ■ — — — c — ■ M. Charles Gamier. — c — ■ M. Eugene Guillaume. _ ^ — c — • M. Louis de Montebello. — — c — Mme. Madeleine Brohan. — — — — c — Bust in bronze of M. Paul Baudry, by Paul Dubois. (Full face.) Bust in bronze of M. Paul Baudry, by Paul Dubois. (Profile.) Ambroise Baudry. Portrait of a Child (Robert Fould). M. Delacourtie. Edmond About. BAUGNIES (Eugene). Born in Paris. After the Bath. BAUGNIET (Ch.) The First Tooth. BAUMEISTER (E.) Gloria in Excelsis. BAUMEISTER (K.) Founding of the "Society of Jesus." Mater Amabilis. (Modern.) do. do. do. do. do. C C C C C C C — C C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON 83 Last Supper, Tu es Petrus ! Annunciation. Scourging of Christ. St. Dominic receiving the Rosary. BAUR (A.) The Martyr's Daughter. The Major-domo's Instructions. BAWOROWSKI (A. C.) Sphinx. BAYARD (E.) Garden-party at the Petit Trianon. BAYERLEIN (F.) Albert Durer apprenticed to Wohlgemuth. BAZZI (Giovanni Antonio). See Sodoma. BEAU (Alfred). Born in Morlaix. (Modern.) The First Gentleman. BEAUBRUN (Henry and Charles). Born in Am- boise in 1603 and 1604; died, Henry in 1677, Charles in 1692, (French School.) (These two artists worked together.) (Attributed.) Portrait of Maria Theresa of Aus- tria (1638- 1 683), Queen of France. Portrait of Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, Marquise de Sevigne (1626- 1696), Author. BEAUDUIN (Jean). Last Rays. (Salon of 1896.) The Butterflies. (Saion of 1897.) Mocking-birds. (Salon of 1897.) Thais. (Salon of 1898.) BEAULIEU (Anatole Henri de). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Adulteress Exposed at the Pillory to be Sold or Thrown into the Bosporus, at Old Stamboul. La Douma. BEAUME (Joseph). Born (French School.) Coming out of Church. in Marseilles, 1798. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2J 3 3^ 4 4-i Modern Painters. C C — C do. — — C C — C do. — . C — C do. C — C do. — C — C do. C C C C — C do. C C — C do. C — C do. — C C C — C do. do. C C — C C Versailles. Nat'l Portraits. C C Modern Painters. C C do. C C do. C C do. C do. C do. C Paris. Louvre. — 84 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. BEAUMETZ(Etienne). Born in Paris. (Modern.) There TKey Are! 1870. The Last CaL. Champigny, December 2, 1870. The First Cannon-shot. Champigny, November 30, 1870. They Will not Have Him. Here's to the Victory ! BEAUMONT (Charles Edouardde). Born in Lan- nion (C6tes-du-Nord), 1821 — Paris, 1888. (French School.) The Captain's Share. (Salon of 1868.) Deliverance of Andromeda. BEAUMONT (G. de). Little Sacrifice. BEAUQUESNE (Wilfred Constant). Born in Rennes. (Modern.) Face the Enemy! Souvenir of ReichshoflFen. Pax Morientibus ! Under the Walls of Paris, 1870. Anathema ! Saved ! The Fire. After the Assault. The Ravens. Gloria Britanniae! in 1870. Alone ! To the Flag! A Requisition. Combat in a Cellar. Beaune-la-Rolande. Cease Firing! To the Ambulances. Gallery. S{::cs, 2 2i 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. C C do. do. do. Paris, Lux. Masters XIX Cen. C C C C c — c C — — C The Mobiles of Isle-et-Vilaine, December, 1870. BEAUVAIS (Mme. Anais). Born in Cuzy-sur- Yonne. (Modern.) "La Cigale." (The Grasshopper.) Pearls and Roses. Death of Albine in the Paradou. The Butterfly Burner. Modern Painters, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. • do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C c c — — C C C C — C C _ c C c c c c c Temptation of St. Anthony. Echo. At the Opera. Model Resting. (Salon of 1897.) Colucita. (Salon of 1898.) SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 85 Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C do. C C BECCAFUMI (Domenico). Called II Meche- rino. Sienna, 1486-1551. (Siennese School.) Man turned to the right holding a book; at his right the head of an angel. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Lille. St. John the Evangelist. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Madonna and Child, St. John, St. Francis, and St. Catherine. (Habich collection.) Madonna and Child, and a saint. Portrait of the artist, by himself. Four heads of angels. (Drawing.) C, .75. Madonna and Child. (Drawing.) C, .75. Composition of seven figures. (Drawing.) C, $1-75. St. Peter Led to Prison. (Drawing.) The Visitation. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Two sketches for angels. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Group of Warriors. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Holy Family. BECCHI (L.) Fresh Roses. Brother and Sister. Father's Return. BECK (Leonhard). Flourished about 1503: died at Augsburg, 1542. St. George and the Dragon. BECKER (Adolphde). Born in Helsingfors (Fin- land). (Modern.) After Dinner. do. After the Sitting. do. A Country Baptism. (Finland.) do. BECKER (C.) General Audience-day at the Doge's Palace. do. Before the Council. do. Cassel. C — C Buda-Pesth. C Florence, Ufifizi. C — do. do. do. do. C do. do. do. Florence, Pitti. C Modern Painters. — do. — . do. — Vienna, Imp.Mus. C — C — C C — C C — C — C — C C C C — C — C C C — — 86 SOULE ART COMPANY , BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes , 2 2i 3 3^ 4 4^ He Will Come Soon ! Vienna, Imp. Mus . — C — C Anticipation. do. — — BC C — BG The Page. do. — — C C — C Before Going to Church. do. — — C C — C Love-thoughts. do. — — C C — C Viole d'Amour. do. — — C c — C Venetian Lady. do. — B B B — B Albrecht Diirer in Venice. D., 28x34 inches, $15. do. B — B — — B The Alderman's Toilet. do. — — B B — B Street Musicians. do. — — B B Venetian Lady. do. — — B B — — The Lute-player. do. — — — B — — Gentlewoman. do. — — — E — — The Marriage of Figaro. do. — — B B — E Viola and Olivia. do. — — B B — E Lady Playing Lute. \ ,„ . ^ . Dolores, (Study-head.) | (Companion pictures.) do. do. — — B — B B B — E Charles V. at Fugger's. do. y, — B D — E Birthday Morning. do. — D — — Mandohnata. do. — — B B , A Nurse. do. B Ulrich von Hutten being Crowned with Laurel by Emporer Maximilian at Augsburg. do. B — B B — E Spanish Lady. do. — — B B — — Study-head. ) ^ . . Study-head. ] (Companion pictures.) do. do. — — B — B E E A Venetian Embassy begging Emperor Maximilian for Peace after the Capture of Verona. do. B — B — — B A Girl from the Spree-Forest. do. — B — B A Cup of Coffee. (Study-head.) do. — — B — B Welcome Guests. do. — B — B Toilet for the W' alk. do. — B _ — B Italian Girl in Church. do. — B _ — B Rivals. do. — B — B Happy Return. dd. — — B — B A Reminiscence of Venice (Young Lady). do. — B — B Starting for the Hunt. do. — B Study-head. Y Study-head. /(Companion pictures.) do. — B — E do. . — E — E Study-head. do. — — — B SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 87 *Othello Narrating his Adventures to Desdemona and her Father Brabantio. D., 27x31^ inches, $15.00. The Offended Lover. Gypsy Boy. Ave Maria. ) A Petitioner before the Doge of Venice, f Romeo and Juliet at the Friar's. D., 29x32 inches, $15.00. Carnival in Venice. Faust and Marguerite. D., i8|xi4| inches, $5.00. *Othello's Defence before the Duke and Senators of Venice against Brabantio's Accusation. D., 252x33! inches, $15.00. A Venetian Romance. A Newly-found Statue of Apollo Belvedere Viewed by Pope Julius II and his Contemporaries. D., 25x34 inches, $15.00. A Great Temptation. After Reading the Will. In the Time of the Medici. On the Balcony. A Present for the Priest. Portrait of the artist, by himself. A Vestal Virgin. BECKER-GUNDAHL (C. F.) End of the Dispute. The Match-maker. The Widow. BECKER (K.) Pilot Boat. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. Stand By. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. BECKERT (P.) Portrait of Emperor William II. Portrait of Admiral v. d. Goltz. Sacred Heart. BECKMANN (C.) Holiday Folks. •This subject comes also in a Baryto Print, 6|x9 inches, $1.80. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 ^i 4 4^ ienna, Imp. Mus. B -_ B B do. — — B B do. B _ B B do. B _ B B do. B — B B do. B _ B li do. B — B B do. B — B B do. — — B B do. B — B B do. — — B B do. — B B — — B do. B _ B B do. — — B B do. — _ B B Ho B KXkJ, do. — do. _ c do. — • c do. — C — c do. _ — C C — c do. — C — c do. _ B B do. — — B r> do. — ■ B do. B — B B — 88 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON ,'ienna, Imp.Mus. — C C C — C do. — C C C — c do. — — — c Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3i 4 42 BECKMANN (W.) Surrender of the Castle of Rosenberg in the Hussite Wars, 1427. Luther after his Discourse at the Diet of Worms. Heron-hawking. . Finding the Body of Emperor Frederick I. at the Calycadnus, 1190. do. C C — C Wagner in his Home at Wahnfried, 1880. D., i6x 21 inches, $5.00. do. — C C C — C BEDA (F.) The Antiquary. do. In the Studio. do. BEDINI (P). Addio Signoria. • do. The Judgment of Paris. do. Lovers' Tiffs are Harmless. do. Sub-rosa. do. At the Fireside. do. A Double Lesson. do. * First Love. do. *The First Cloud. do. **The Lost Thread. do. ** Reminiscences of a Honeymoon. do. ***Peace Negotiations. do. ***Peace Concluded. do. BEEBE (Annie Augusta). Born in England. (Mod- ern.) Moonrise. Modern Painters. C C BEECHEY (Sir William).- Burford, 1753— Hamp- stead, 1839. (English School.) Brother and Sister. ' Paris, Louvre. C C BEEK (Th. von der). A Roman Woman. New Shoes. Westphalian Peasant Girl. Interesting Theme. — C C C — c — c c c — c • — c — c — c — c c c — c — — — — — c Modern Painters. C — C do. C C — C do. C — C do. C C — C ♦This subject comes in a Fac-Simile Gravure, in colors, 10x12 inches, $10.00. ♦•This subject comes in a Fac-Simile Gravure, in colors, 10x14 inches, $iaoo. •••This subject comes in a Fac-Simile Gravure, in colors, iox6J inches, $6.00. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 89 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2} 3 3^ 4 4^ New Valuation. Modern Painters. C On the Way Home. do. C — C Meditation. do. . — C All Souls. " do. C — C For Our Sick Mother. do. — C Itinerant Singers. do. C C — C A Happy Couple. do. C — C The Flowers' Greeting. do. C Alpine Dairy-maid. do. C — C Woman of the Wippthal Going to Church. do. C — C In the Cemetery. do. C C — C Devout. do. C — C Thief at the Grapes. ' do. C Two Sisters. do. C — C On an Alpine Meadow. do. — • C Dog-rose. do. C Merry Mountain-maids. do. C — C BEELDEMAECKER (AdriaenCornelisz). Born in The Hague, 1630-1710. (Dutch School.) Hunters with Their Dogs. Amsterdam. C BEER (W. A.) Merry-making of Peasants at the Church Festival of St. Nicholas in Wolotschok. do. C — C Bear-leader at the Fair. do. C Before the Elk-hunt. do. — C Russian Village Scene. do. C BEERSTRAATEN (J. A.) Ruins of the Old Town Hall in Amsterdam after the Fire, July 7, 1652. do. — — _ C — C Winter Scene. London, Nat. Gal. C — C BEGA (Cornelius). Haarlem, 1620-1664. (Dutch School.) Rustic Interior. Paris, Louvre. C — Peasant. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. ■ Dance in the Village Tavern. Dresden, C Interior of a Tavern. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Dresden, R. C. The Knife-grinder. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. do. A Dutch Interior. (Di awing.) $1.75. Dresden. P. G. At the Dentist's. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Weimar. 90 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Peasants' Concert. The Old Savant. BEGAS (A.) Eros Angry. Pan Espied by Cupids. The Artist's Dream. Rape of the Sabines. Venus and Cupid. Mid-summer. The Summer of Life. Pan and Nymph. BEGAS (O.) Eve. BEGEYN (A.) Landscape, woods. D., 7^x9 inches, India paper, $1.50. Coast rear Naples. BEGGROW-HARTMAN (O.) Eating Honey. The Cockchafer. BE HAM (Bartholomaus). Nuremburg, 1496- 1540. (German School.) Portrait of a man wearing a beretta, turned three- quarters to the left, clothed in a mantle trimmed with broad fur. (Drawing.) Altar-piece (in two compartments) ; on the left, St. Crispin; on the right, St. Crispinian. Altar-triptych ; on the left St. Catherine ; on the right, St. Agnes ; in the centre, St. Paul. Emperor Frederick I. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Emperor Charles V. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Invention of the Cross. King Ferdinand I. Maximilian of Austria at the Age of Three, Anne of Austria at the Age of Three. BEHAM (Hans Sebald). Nuremburg, 1500-1550. (German School.) Torments. (Drawmg.) Study of clasped hands. (Drawing.) Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4.^ Amsterdam. C — do. C — Modern Painters. C C — C do. C do. C C — C do. C do. C do. B do. B r. do. B do. — r. Brunswick. — 1: Brussels. C — c Modern Painters. c — c do. c — c De Chenneviere's C — Berlin. — C do. C Dresden, Roy. Col. do. ' Munich. C — C Vienna, Imp, Mus. C — • The Hague. C — C do. C — C Lille. C Dresden, Roy. Col. — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 91 Gallery. Si::cs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Sketch: man lying on the ground, (Drawing.) C, .75. Dresden, Roy. Col. Various subjects. (Engraving.) .75. do. Fourteen subjects together on one sheet. (En- graving.) C, $1.75. do. Seventeen subjects together on one sheet. (En- graving.) C, $1.75. do. Seventeen subjects together on one sheet. (En- graving.) C, $1.75. do. Head of a man, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Dresden, P. G. Triumph of David Bearing the Head of Goliath. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. do. Frieze. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. Weimar. Frieze. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. do. Frieze. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. do. Portrait of the artist, full face. (Drawing.) C., •75- Vienna, Alljertina. A woman, nude figure, stai.ding, head turned to the left. (Drawing.) C, $i.QO. do. -^- Bust of a bald-headed old man, full face. (Draw- ing.) C., $1.25. do. Twelve little medallions. (Drawing.) Venice. C BEHM (K.) Mars and Venus. C En passant. C Breakfast. C Leaving ofT Working. C BEHMER (F. H.) Temptation. Modern Painters. C C — C The Vision of the Novice. do. : — — W BEHRINGER. King Ludwig H. with Princes of the Royal House of Bavaria. Royal Col. C C — C BEINKE (F.) Born in Diisseldorf, 1842. (Modern.) Singing-lesson. Modern Painters. — — — C — C "Long Live the Emperor !" do. C BELL (E.) The Lesson. do. C — C Mv Little Corner. ^ do. C — C 92 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON GaUcry. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3i 4 4i BELLA (Stefano della). Florence, 1610-1664. (Flor- entine School.) Young cavalier on horseback, full face. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Young cavalier on horseback, profile, turned to the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Design from the antique; composition of many figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. BELLANGE (Joseph Louis Hippolyte). Born m Paris, 1800-1866. (French School.) Day of the Review, under the Empire (1810). (Salon of 1863.) Battle of Wagram (second day), July 6, 1809. Episode of the Retreat from Russia. BELLANGER(Camille).Born in Paris. (Modern.) A Bacchante. A Little Peasant Girl. Cuckoo ! Love Asleep. On the Beach. Angel i^t the Tomb. Morning and Twilight. Idyll. Field Flowers. Spring. Harvest-time. (Salon of 1896.) In the Fields. (Salon of 1897.) Rest. (Salon of 1897.) The Old Wall. (Salon of 1898.) The End of the Case. (Salon of 1899.) BELLE (Nicholas Simon-Alexis.) Paris, 1674- 1734. (French School.) Portrait of the artist, Francois de Troy. Portrait of Marie Anne Victoire, Infanta of Spain, first betrothed to Louis XV., later Queen of Porttigal (1718-1781). Portrait of Marie Leczinska holding the Dauphin on her knee. Paris, Louvre. do. Florence, Uffizi. Paris, Louvre. Versailles. Masters XIX Cen. Modern Painters. C do. C do. C C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C C do. C C do. C C do. C do. C C do. C C do. C do. C C Paris, Louvre. C Versailles. do. C — C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 93 BELLEGAMBE (Jean). Born in Douai, 1475- 1533. (Flemish School.) Altar-triptych representing the Last Judgment; Paradise; Hell. BELLEI (G.) Daily Guests. Pretty Fruit. Hedge Roses. BELLET (AugusteEmile).Born in Chateaubriand (Modern.) F Temps. A Glance. Gugusse. For a Good Cause. There They Are ! Homeless. Prelude. Madame Pierrot. (Salon of 1899.) BELLEVOISCJ.) XVn. century. (Dutch School.) Sea Storm on a Rocky Coast. D., 7^x9 inches, India paper, $1.50. BELLINI (Gentile). Venice, i426(?)-i507. (Vene- tian School.) (Attributed.) Head of young woman, turned three-quarters to the left, (Drawing.) C.$i.25. Male portraits. (School of Gentile Bellini.) Reception of a Vene- tian Ambassador at Cairo. Head of a man wearing a cap, right profile, turned to the left. (Drawing.) Holy Family. Head of a Turk, right profile. (Drawing.) C, ■75- Portrait of Catherine Cornaro. Madonna and Child, with the founder. Madonna and Child. Young man seated on the ground, leaning to the left. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Berlin. — C c — c Modern Painters. C do. c C — C do. C C — C do. C do. C do. C • do. C do. C do. C do. c do. c Brunswick. Paris, Ecole B.A. — Paris, Louvre. — • — C do. C C Chantilly. C — Dresden. C Dresden, R. C. C Buda-Pesth. C Berlin. C do. C Florence, Ufiizi. 94 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON Young- man seated on a stone and looking up- ward, toward the left. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. St. Peter and St. Paul standing. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. A candelabrum. (Pen drawing in bistre and ceruse.) \ A candelabrum. (Pen drawing in bistre and ceruse.) J A Miracle of the Holy Cross. Procession in St. Mark's Square. A Miracle of the Holy Cross. Madonna and Child, with St. Ursula and the Mag- dalen. BELLINI (Giovanni). Venice, 1427-1516. (Vene- tian School.) Holy Family. Procession of twenty-two personages, three on horseback. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Fragment of an Annunciation; the angel Gabriel, kneeling, turned to the right. (Drawing.) C, ^1.25. An apostle curing a poor leper sitting in a cobbler- shop. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Christ standing upon clouds holding the globe of the world in his hands. (Drawing.) The Virgin (full face) Enthroned, holding upon her knee the Child Jesus, standing. St. John the Baptist and St. Jerome are standing on the right and left. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The Virgin, seated, holding the Infant Jesus, stand- ing, on her knee. (Drawing.) Christ Bearing the Cross. (Pourtales collection.) Madonna and Child. Madonna and Child. Pieta. (School of Bellini.) Portrait of two young Vene- tian nobles. Dead Christ supported by angels. (School of Bellini.) Christ Giving His Blessing. Christ Mourned. (Attributed.) Bust of Leonardo Loredano, Doge of Venice. (Ac- cording to Woermann, School of Bellini.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Florence, Uffizi. do. do. Venice, do. do. Madrid. Paris, Louvre. C do. De Beckerat Col. De Chennevieres. Malcolm Col. C Chantilly. Lille, Wicar Mus. C Berlin. C do. C C — C do. c C — C do. C do. do. do. Dresden. C — — c c c — c c c — c c c — c c c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 95 The Virgin Enthroned ; two saints. (Drawing.) (Copied from the Dresden picture.) Christ. (Draw- ing-) (School of BeUini.) St. Jerome Reading in his Cell. Baptism of Christ. The Virgin, seated, holding the Child on her knee ; Child leaning towards the left. (Drawing.) C.^ $i.oo, Christ and Three Disciples. Landscape. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Three draped figures of apostles, the one in the centre reading a book. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Young man, draped figure, back view ; a boy in the costume of the times (right profile). (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Bust portrait of the Doge Leonardo Loredano. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; Japan, $10.00. Madonna and Child. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; Japan, $10.00. Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane. St. Peter, Martyr. Death of St. Peter, Martyr. St. Jerome in his Study. (Attributed.) (School of Bellini.) A Warrior Adoring the Christ- Child. The Redeemer's Blood. St. Dominic. Large group of men and women looking up at two men falling from a balcony. (Drawing.) Study of a nude figure, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Two apostles standing; the one on the right holds a cross and open book. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. An oriental, seated, turned to the right. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. An oriental, seated, turned to the left. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Portrait of the artist, by himself. The dead Christ supported by the Apostles. (Grisaille.) Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Dresden, R. C. ^ — C do. Frankfort. C Vienna, Imp. Mus. C C Vienna, Albertina. do. do. do. London, Xat. Gal. C C — C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C C C C C C C C C C C — C C C London, B. M. C do. do. do. do. Florence, Uffizi. • C do. C 96 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. An ecclesiastic blessing a kneeling Doge ; at the right two monks. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Madonna and Child, surrounded by St. Joseph, St. Roch, and two other saints. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Head of a man, profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Head of a man, full face ; study for a figure in the "Pieta" picture in the Uffizi. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Bust-portrait of a man, three-quarters face, but looking at the spectator (portrait of the artist ?). (Drawing.) C, $1.75. The Apostle St. Peter. (Drawing in pen, bistre and ceruse.) C, $2.50. A Procession in Venice. (Drawing in pen and bistre.) C, $1.00. Eve. (According to the catalogue of the Borghese Gallery, attributed to Gentile Bellini.) Adam. (According to the catalogue of the Borghese Gallery, attributed to Gentile Bellini.) The Blessed Virgin and Infant Jesus. Male portrait. (According to the catalogue of the Borghese Gallery, school of Gentile Bellini.) Male portrait. (Attributed.) Supposed portrait of the artist, by himself. (Attributed.) The Virgin Enthroned with the Child Jesus upon her knee; on the left, a river spanned by a bridge, town beyond. (Drawing.) (Attributed.) Landscape; view of a town; in the foreground, shepherd with flock, and four other figures; in the distance, hill surmounted by a fortress. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Madonna and Child, with saints. Madonna and Child (detail of above). Angel Musicians (detail). Madonna with sleeping Child. Madonna with Child in attitude of blessing. Allegories ; the entire picture in five divisions. (Detail of the above.) Bacchus and Mars — A God- dess. (Detail of the above.) Fortune. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3i 4 4^ Florence, Uffizi. do. do. do. do. do. ' do. Rome, Bor. Gal. C — do. (^ do. — — C — do. — C do. — — — — c — Rome, Capito'. — c — Milan, Resta. c do. Venice, do. do. c c c do. do. do. do. c C C do. — C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 97 (Detail of the above.) Truth — Slander, Madonna of the Two Trees. Madonna and Child, with SS. George and Paul. Madonna and Child, above a Gloria of Cherubs. Madonna and Child, with SS. Magdalen and Cath- erine. (Detail of the above.) Head of St. Magdalen. Head of a young boy, full face, looking down towards the right. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Madonna and Child, with St. Ursula and St. Mary Magdalen. Madonna and Child, with Saints. BELLINI (Jacopo). Born in Venice; died, is64(?). (Venetian School.) Madonna surrounded by cherubs. BELLO (Giacomo). Painted about 1500. Christ and four saints. BELLOC (Jean Hilaire). 1786-1866. (French School.) Portrait of Maria Felicita Garcia, Madame Mali- bran (1808- 1 836), singer. BELLY (Leon-Auguste-Adolphe). Saint-Omer, 1827-1877. (French School.) Pilgrims Going to Mecca. Dahabiyeh Aground (Egypt). BELMONTE (Leo). Vanity. (Salon of 1898.) BELOTTO (Bernardo), called Canaletto. Venice, 1720 — Warsaw, 1780. (Venetian School.) The Main Gate at Pirna. The Market-place in Pirna. The School of St. Mark, and the statue of Bartol- ommeo Colleone before the Church of St. John and St. Paul in Venice. (According to Woer- mann, Antonio Canale.) View from the Market-place in Pirna. View from the Northwest Tower of the Fortress of Sonnenstein. .Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4I Venice. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. --C Madrid. ^ St Petersb urg. --C --- Venice. --C--_ Vienna Im. Mus. __c Nat. Portraits. C Paris, Louvre. C C Modern Painters. • C do. C Berlin. C do. C Dresden, do. do. 98 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. View of Dresden. View of Dresden. View of Dresden. View of the New Market in Dresden. View of the Old Fortifications in Dresden. View of the New Market in Dresden. View of the Old Kreuzkirche in Dresden. View of the Frauenkirche in Dresden. View of the Zwingerhof in Dresden. View of Dresden. View of Dresden. View of Dresden. View of the Ruins of the Old Kreuzkirche in Dres- den. View of Dresden. View of Dresden. View of the New Town of Dresden. View of the Old Market in Dresden. View of the Old Market in Dresden. View of Munich, 1745. (Now in the Royal Palace in Munich.) On the Grand Canal in Venice. View of the Piazzetta and the Riva dei Schiavoni from the Sea. View of the Riva dei Schiavoni and Santa Maria della Salute in Venice. View of the Grand Canal with the Mercato d'Erbe in Venice. The Imperial Palace of Schonbrunn (from the courtyard). The Imperial Palace of Schonbrunn (from the gar- den). The "Freiung" in Vienna. * University-platz in Vienna. The Imperial Palace (Schlosshof). The New Market in Vienna. Vienna, from Belvedere. View of the Royal Liechtenstein Gallery (from the garden). View of the Royal Liechtenstein Gallery (view from the side). Gallery. Si::cs , 2 2I 3 3* 4 4^ Dresden. — — - C — do. — — ■ C — do. — — — - C — do. — — - C — do. — — — - C — do. — — C — do. — — c — do. — — c — do. — — c — do. — — c — . — do. — — c — do. — — c — do. _ c do. — — — c — do. — — — c do. — — — c — . — do. — — — c — do. — — — c — Munich. C c _ c do. — — — c — c do. — — — c — c do. — — — c — c do. — — — c — c Vienna, Imp. Mus. — — — c — do. _ c do. — — — c — do. — — — c — ao. — — — c — do. — — — c — do. — — — c — Vienna, Liecht. — — — c — do. _ _ _ c _ _ SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 99 BELTRAFFIO or BOLTRAFFIO (Giovanni An- tonio). Milan, 1467-1516. (Lombard School.) The Virgin of the Casio Family. St. Barbara. The Magdalen at the feet of Christ. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Madonna and Child. BELUCCI (Antonio). Psyche and Cupid. Cupid and Venus. BEMBO or BEMBI (Bonifazio). Valdarno, about 1500-about 1562. (Venetian School.) Moses Saved from the Waters. (According to Woermann, Bonifazio Veronese the Elder.) The Virgin with the Child Jesus, St. Catherine, St. Antony and St. Joseph. (According to Woer- mann^ Bonifazio Veneziano.) St. Paul. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. St. Bartholomew. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. St. Thomas. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. St. James. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. St. John the Evahgelist. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. BENASSIT (Louis Emile). Born in London. (Modern.) Cuirassiers. 1870. Forest Walk. BENCZUR GYULA. Born in Nyiregyhaza, Hun- gary, 1844. (Modern.) Louis XV. and the Countess Dubarry. Louis XVL and Marie Antoinette During the Storming of Versailles. Baptism of Vaijks, afterwards Stephen the Holy, King of Hungary. A Bacchante. Forsaken. Forsaken. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. BENDEMANN (Edward). Berlin, 181 1. (German School.) The Jews Led into Babylonian Captivity. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Paris, Louvre. — — C — — c BerHn. — — C — Dresden, R. C. — _ _ London, Nat. Gal. — — c c — c Munich. — _ c — c do. — — — c — c Dresden. do. C Florence, JJffizi. do. ■ do. do. Modern Painters. — C do. C do. B — B B — B do. — C C C — C do. — C C — do. — C C C — C do. — C C C — c do. _^ Berlin. B B B B 100 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Siscs, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ Zion and Babel. Elaborate composition. (Draw- ing.) Dresden, R. C. C Penelope. — C C C — C Robert Schumann. C C — C BENDEMANN (Rudolf). Born in Dresden, 1851 — Pegli, 1884. (Modern.) Musical Page. Modern Painters. C Burial of Heinrich Frauenlob. ' do. C C — C A Nymph. do. C — C BENLLIURE (y Gel J.) Month of May in Valencia. do. C C A Vision in the Colosseum. do. C C — C The Witches' Sabbath. do. C — C Romance. do. C St. Francis. do. C C — C Girl of Seville. do. C BENNER (Emmanuel). Born in Mulhouse, 1836. (Modern.) Asleep. do. C Hunters on the Watch. do. C Study. do. C The Bathers. do. C The Swan. do. C Rest. do. C Orange-vender. do. C Ariadne. do. C C Bathers. do. C Bathers. do. q YoungI Girl with a Pitcher. (Capri.) do. C Magdalen in the Desert. do. q St. Gatien Blessing the Children. do. C Sleep. do. C The Three Graces. do. q The Carnation. do. C Rest. do. C In the Park. do. . c Summertime. do. C Innocence. do. C Bird-charmer. do. C Summer. do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 101 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Nymphs. Modern Painters. C Spring and Autumn. do. C C The Bath. do. C The Magdalen. do. C Leda. do. C Daphne. do. C C On the Water-side. . do. — C Revery.. do. C Summer Evening. do. C C Venus and Adonis. do. C A Family of the Stone Age on the Lake of Bienne. do. C A Lacustrine Family on the Lake of Bienne. do. ■ C Spinners, Canton of Berne. do. C Expectation. do. C Study. do. C Venus Appearing to the Three Graces. do. C C Paris Receiving the Nations. do. C C In the Heather. (Salon of 1896.) do. — C St. Jerome. (Salon of 1896.) do. - Q Under the Shadow. (Salon of 1897.) do. C C At the Edge of the Pond. (Salon of 1898.) do. C BENNER (Jean). Born in Mulhouse, 1836. (Mod- ern.) Graziella. do. C Paris Receiving the Nations, 1878. (In collabora- tion with his brother, E. Benner.) do. C C A Waif. do. C Nereid. do. C After the Bath. * do. C A Street in Capri, do. C 1870! • do. C Triptych : Fiances. do. C Young Girls Fishing. do. — • C Departure of the Betrothed. do. ■ C Carmela. do. C Little Girls Bathing. do. C France, Always! do. C Rosina (Capri). do. C Revery. do. C Young Girl Going to the Fountain (Capri). do. C Alsace! do. C 102 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sices, 2 2\ 3 3^ 4 41 ^JgJ^^.gj , Modern Painters. C The Belle of Scio. do. C Spring Flowers. A^- ' ^ Palombella. do. C C A Shady Corner in Capri. do. C C Homage to Joan of Arc. do. C Young Girls (Capri). do. C C Young Girls in a Ravine near Capri. do. C C The Nymph of the Blue Grotto. do. C ^ C A House in Capri. ' do. C The Hermit. do. C Charity. do. C Mazarella. do. C The Cool of Autumn do. C C Autumn Flowers. do. C C In the Crypt of the Convent of the Capuchins at Palermo. do. C Phrosine and Melidore. do. C C Staircase on the Edge of the Sea at Capri. do. C C Fiamina. (Salon of 1896.) do. C Anita. (Salon of 1897.) do. C C Salome. (Salon of 1899.) do. C C Portrait of M. Henner. (Salon of 1899.) do. C BENNEWITZ (v. Loefen C.) Born in Thorn, 1826. (Modern.) Neighbors. do. C — C On the Tower of St. Mark's. do. C — C A Procession. do. C — C BENNEWITZ (v. Loefen C, Jr.)Born in Thorn, 1826. (Modern.) On the Beach. do. • C — C Difficult Answer. do. C On the Meadow. do. C May-day Procession. do. C BENOUVILLE (Francois Leon). Paris, 1821- 1859. (French School.) St. Francis of Assisi, borne, dying, to Santa Maria Degli Angeli, gives his blessing to the town of Assisi. Paris, Louvre. C Martyrs Led to the* Scaffold. (Water-color draw- ing.) Paris, Lux. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 103 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ St. Clara Receiving the Body of St. Francis of Assisi. Joan of Arc Listening to the Voices. BENOUVILLE (Jean Achille). Born in Paris. (Modern.) ' After the Bath. BENSON (F. W.) The Graces, (i) Aglaia. (2) ThaHa. (3) Euphro- syne. Three sizes: PL, loxio inches, $2.50; 7x7, $1.00; 4x4, .50. The Seasons. Circular decorations: (i) Spring. (2) Summer. (3) Autumn. (4) Winter. Three sizes: PL, 10x10 inches, $2.50; 7x7, $1.00; 4x4, .50. BENT (P.) Annunciation. D., 7^x9 inches, India, $1.50. BENVENUTl da FERRARA (Giovanni Battis- ta). See Ortolano. BENVENUTO (da Siena). Madonna and Child. BENZ (S.) Born in Marbach, Switzerland, 1834. (Modern.) Mother and Child. Repose in Egypt. On Golgotha. It is Finished ! "Father, Forgive Them." BERAIN (Jean). (French School.) Decorative Design. (Drawing.) BERANGER (Jean Baptiste Emile). Born in Sevres. (Modern.) First Quarter of the April Moon. Love, and the Muse. Littla Mother. BERARD (Leon-Daniel). Born in Rio de Janeiro. (Modern.) The Model's Leisure Time. Chantilly. Rheims, Mus. Modern Painters. — C Congres. Lib. do. Brunswick. t B London, Nat. Gal. C — C Modern Painters. C do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c — c do. c — c London, B. M. C Modern Painters. C do. C do. C C do. C 1«4 SOULE ART COMPANY , BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3i 4 4l BERAUD (Jean). Born in St. Petersburg. (Mod- ern.) The Market. Modern Painters. C The Public Ball. do. C Absinthe. do. C c The Parisian. do. ^^ — c Vertigo. do. c At the Cafe des Ambassadeurs, do. • c The Boulevard. ' do. c In the Graffard Hall : '"Vive la Commune !" do. c c The Meeting at the Cafe. do. c The Madmen. do. c The Holy Water. do. c The Waiting-room at the Depot. do. c The Bock. do. •• c c At §ie Palace. do. — — c c Boulevard des Italiens. do. c c The Journal des Debats. do. - c The Way of the Cross. do. c c The Two Muses ; portrait of Armand Silvestre. do. - c Christ Crowned with Thorns. (Salon of 1896.) do. c A woman; study. (Salon of 1899.) do. c c BERCHEM or BERGHEM. (Claes Pietersz.) Harlem, 1620 — Amsterdam, 1683. (Dutch School.) View of the Environs of Nice. Landscape and Animals. Crossing of the Ferryboat. Landscape and Animals. Landscape and Animals. Landscape and Animals. Landscape and Animals. A Dreary Winter Scene. A rich merchant seated, a lady standing, and a Moor. Landscape with an old chateau. Landscape with figures and animals. Torrent tearing a passage through rocks. Returning Flock. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Two horses at the water-place. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do Paris, Louvre. — c — do. C — c — do. c — c — do. c — c — do. c — c — do. — c — do. c — c — Berlin. c — c Dresden. c c do. c do. c do. c Dresden, K. C. — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 105 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3I 4 4^ Rural Pleasures. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Dresden, R. C. Cows. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. do. Study of animals. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Dresden, P. G. (After Berchem.) Peasants at the Vintage. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Laban and his Servants. Munich, C C — C Landscape. do. C — C Italian Mountains. do. C — C Evening in Italy. do. C — C Landscape with animals. (Drawing.) Weimar. C Landscape with the Judgment of Paris. Vienna, Liccht. C Landscape. do. C — Wooded landscape on the bank of a river; at the right ruins of a chateau, in the foreground a herd of cattle. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Vienna, Albertina. Landscape ; fortress on a rock on the bank of a river. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Mountainous landscape ; at the left a fortress on a hill, in the foreground several horsemen, cat- tle. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Peasant woman and her flock crossing a river. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. — Peasant on horseback and another peasant lead- ing a cow. (Drawing.) $1.25. do. Wooded landscape with two figures and animals. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. — — — — Landscape with a bridge over a river. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Landscape with a river. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Level country ; on the right a rustic cottage, and two arches of a bridge. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Landscape ; travellers resting. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Crossing of the Ferry-boat. Amsterdam. C C — C Allegory on the Growth of Amsterdam. do. C — C Italian Landscape. do. C — C The Three Flocks. do. C — C Italian Ruins. do. C — C A Ford in Italy. *The Hague. — — — ^ C — C Attack in a Mountain-pass. do. — C — C Rest on the Meadow. Brussels. C — C 106 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Shepherds and Flocks Fording a River. Mountainous Country. Landscape; in the foreground two figures of men, and cattle at a watering-place. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. BERCHERE (Narcisse). Born in Etampes, 1819— Paris, 1891. Twilight (Lower Nubia). (Salon of 1864.) BERCKHEYDEN (Gerard). Haarlem, 1638-1698. (Dutch School.) ,View of a Dutch Town. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Landscape. View of the Flower Market from the Town Hall in Amsterdam. The Town Hall in Amsterdam. View of Haarlem. Interior of a Church. View of the Cathedral of Haarlem. BERCKHEYDEN (Job). Haarlem, 1628-1693. (Dutch School.) Interior of the Cathedral of Haarlem. BERCKHEYDEN (G. and J.) A Street in Haarlem. Montefeltro, 1637-1682. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2J 3 3J 4 4I London, B. P. C •do. C BERETTONI (Nicole). (Umbrian School.) A monk carrying a child The Judgment of Paris. BERGAMIE (F.) Arrogance Seldom does any Good! BERGAMINI (F.) Mischievous Choir Boys. The Village School. Girls' School in Campagna. BERGEN (C. V.) Every Beginning is Difficult. Lorle. The Birthday Cake. Through Wind and Weather, (Drawing.) C, $1.25. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Florence, Uffizi. — Paris, Lux. C — Dresden, R. C. Vienna, Liecht. C Amsterdam. c — c do. c — c London, Nat. Gal. c — c do. c — c Florence, Uffizi. — c — Dresden. C — Brussels. c — c Paris, Louvre. Chatsworth. Modern Painters. C do. C do. C — C do. C — C do. C do. C do. C do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 107 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Ready for the Launching. Modern Painters. C Good Sense. • do. C First Finery. do. C The Kittens. do. C Clandestine Correspondence. do. C — C Musical Attempt. do. C Boating Excursion. do. C — C In Storm and Rain. do. C Musical Genius. do. C Rural Excursion. do. C — C Bright Future. do. C A Beloved Acquaintance. do. C The Little Helper. . do. — C A Critical Moment. do. C — C Idle Fears. do. C — C Returning Home. do. C — C A Dangerous Crossing. do. C — C Saved. do. C — C Frightened. do. — C — C A Critical Point. do. C — C Well Caught. do. C — C A Surprise. do. C Willing Hands. do. C — C "T^ake a Bite." , do. C A Difficult Crossing. do. C — C Home Again. do. C — C The Young Draughtsman. do. C "Be Careful." do. C Sweet Violets. do. C BERGEN (Dirk van). Haarlem, 1645-1689. (Dutch School.) Dutch Landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Dresden, R. C. BERGER (E.) At the Window. Modern Painters. C — C A Studio Joke. do. C At Dessert. do. C — C Ophelia. do. C — C Dream of the Fountain of Youth. do. C C C C — C An Oriental. do. C Bride. do. C — C 308 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4| Discovery of the Art of Painting'. Modern Painters. C — C An Odalisque, do. -^ C Good, Carol do. C — C A Harem in Tunis. do. C C — C In the Harem. do. C C — C Zuleika. do. C Bon jour ! do. — C Bride. do. C Venetian Benediction of a Fountain in the Year 1556. do. C C — C Judith. do. C BERGHE (Van der). (Dutch School.) Bust-portrait of a man turned a little to the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Dresden, R. C. BERLEPSCH (H. E. v.) Interior of a Church, C BERNARDO (da Firenze). Small altar-triptych ; central panel, Coronation of the Virgin ; left panel. Birth of Christ ; right panel, the Crucifixion, Berlin. C BERNATZ (M.) Last Supper. D., 7x10 inches, $1.50. C C — C The Virgin Enthroned, with the Christ-Child. D., • 16x21 inches, $5.00; 7x10, $1.50. C C C The Kings from the East. C Holy Family. ■ Q (Ave Maria.) Annunciation. C (Ave Maria.) Salutation. — C At Golgotha. C C BERNATZIK (W.) Vision of St. Bernard C C C The "Versehgang." C C Convent Workshop. C — C BERNAUER (Fr.) A Tombstone. C BERNDTSON (Gunnar). Born in Helsingfors (Finland). (Modern.) Song of the Bride. Modern Painters. C Mardi-Gras. do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 109 Gallery. Si::cs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4| BERNE-BELLECOUR (Felix). Bom in Louve- ciennes (Seine-et-Oise). (Modern.) A Foot Chasseur on Duty. Modern Painters. C Soup. do. C On Duty. do. ^ C An Advance Post of Artillery. (Campaign of 1870- 71.) do. — — C C Fatigue Duty. do. C Love and Duty. do. C 1870! do. — ~ C C L'Astiquage. do. C Embarkation Maneuvers. do. C — C C Consultation. do. C For the Mess. do. C The Wounded Officer. do. C The Excise Officer Foraging. do. ' — — — C The Spy. do. C * Taking a Sail. do. C Temporary Lodging. do. C Dangerous Zone. do. C At Buzenval. do. — C Desaix Cut-ofT. do. C C Pot-boilers. ' do. C Palm-Sunday. do. C A Debarkation. do. C C At the Cantonment. do. C Diogen"es. do. C The Clarion of the Chasseurs. do. C In the Field. do. C Beware ! do. C The Ambuscade. do. C Thirst. do. C On the Alert ! do. C In the Snow. do. . — C Amateur Stroke. do C Agreeable Duty. do. C The Report. do. C Scaling a Wall. do. C C In Tunis. do. C C Defense of a Bridge. . do. C C Before the Departure. do. C C Saddler for the Artillery. (Salon of 1897.") do. C 110 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Paris, Louvre. Weimar. Florence, Uffizi. Milan, Resta. — Modern Painters, do. Paris, Lonvre. do. do. do. • do. do. C ^ C C — C C Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ BERNIER (Camille). Born in Colmar, Spain. (Modern.) . Madrid, Landscape. PI., 7x9 inches, $1.00; 16x20, $4.00. AIus. Mod. Art. C C BERNIN (Giovanni Lorenzo). Naples, 1598-1680. (Italian School.) Portrait of a man, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Portrait of the artist, by himself. The head alone. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Portrait of the artist, by himself. Study of a young man, seated, drawing, (Draw- ing) BERNINGER (E.) Italian Landscape. BEROUD (Louis). Born in Lyons. (Modern.) Study. To the Old Masters. (Salon of 1899.) BERRETTINI (Pietro) di Pietro de Cotona. Cortona (Tuscany), 1596- 1669. (Florentine School.) Covenant between Jacob and Laban. The Nativity of the Virgin. Madonna and Child. Madonna and Child. Romulus and Remus. The Meeting of ^neas and Dido. God the Father upon Clouds Borne by Angels. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Moses in the Bulrushes ; composition of ten figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Christ and the Woman of Samaria. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The Three Fates. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Mount Athos, (Drawing.) , Salome Presenting the Head of John the Baptist to Herod. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The ope Borne in Procession in St. Peter's. (Drawing.) Flight of the Sabines. (Drawing.) C C C C C C do. do. Dresden, R. C. Weimar. London, B. M. C Chats worth. do. do. C — C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Ill Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ God the Father and Christ Receiving the Virgin Mary in Heaven. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Chatsworth. St. Martin. Florence, Pitti. C Draped figure of a young woman standing. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Milan, Resta. A warrior, standing, turned to the left. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do. Allegory ; figure of a woman draped ; behind her an angel. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Venice. Ecstasy of St. Francis. St. Petersburg. C BERTHAULT (Lucien). Born in Coulommiers (Seine-et-Marne). (Modern.) Idyll. Modern. Painters. C Innocence. do. C Rest. do. C Little Brittany Girl. do. C BERTHELEMY (Jean Simeon). Laon, 1743-1811. (French School.) Lot and his Daughters. (Pen drawing, shaded with bistre, and relieved with white.) C, $1.25. Besangon. Susannah and the Elders. (Pen drawing, shaded with bistre, and relieved with white.) C, $1.25. do. BERTHELEMY (Pierre Emile). Born in Rouen. (Modern.) A Tease. Modern Painters. C Calm after Storm. do. C Dredging for Fish in the Roadstead of Harfleur. do. C Ship Leaving the Port of Courseulles (Calvados). do. C BERTHELON (Eugene). Born in Paris. (Mod- ern.) Calm after Storm ; Treport. do. C — C BERTHOLD. Altar-panels ; left picture (exterior), Madonna and Child ; right picture (exterior), St. Peter, Mar- tyr. Berlin. C Altar-panels ; left picture (interior), St. Elizabeth of Thuringia ; right picture (interior), John the Baptist. do.. C 112 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ BERTIE (F. V.) At the Toilet Table. — C Mother's Advice. C In the Hammock. C — C BERTIER (Francisque Edouard). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Sergeant Hoflf. Modern Painters. — C Child in the Costume of Charles 1. do. C Oriental Dancer. do. C Mignon. do. C Oriental Interior do. — C Music at Home. do. C C Women of the Harem. do. — C Inquisitiveness. do. C Ophelia. do. C Sitting for a Portrait. do. C Success. do. C Flower-girl. , do. C C Returning from School. do. C Guitar Player. do. C Women and Doves. do. C Fortune-teller. do. — — C Dancer. do. C The Butterfly Woman. do. C Rosita Mauri in the Korrigane (Sabotiere dance). do. C C An Old Country Cure. do. — ■ C BERTIN (Alexandre). Born in Fecamp. (Mod- ern.) Sapho. do. C BERTON (Armand). Born in Pans. (Modern.) The Woman of the Rose. do. C Eve. do. C BERTRAND (James). Born in Lyons. (Modern.) Death of Virginia. (Salon of 1869.) Paris, Lux. C C Marguerite in Church. Modern Painters. C Bird-charmer. do. C Cupid Dragging Night upon Earth. do. C The Grasshopper Singing to the Moon. do. ■ C The Ambuscade. do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. l^ Gallery. Siaes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Cinderella. Modern Painters. C The Two Sisters. do. C St. Cecilia. do. C Temptation. 4o. C Penitent Magdalen. * C C — C BERTUCCI (Jacopo), same as Jacopone da Faen- za. Lived at Faenza about 1530. (Umbrian School.) Adoration of the Magi. Berlin. C — C Design for an ornamental vase. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Florence, Uflfizi. Design for an ornamental vase. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Design for an ornamental vase. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Design for an ornamental vase. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Design for an ornamental vase. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do'. Design for an ornamental vase. ' (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Design for an ornamental vase. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. — BERTZIK (A.) Elspeth. Modern Painters. C Elsa. • do. C Elfrieda. do. C Beatrice. • do. C BETHKE (H.) Hunger Hurts ! do. C C — C Return Home. do. — C C C — C There You Are ! do. C — C BETHUNE (Gaston). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Summer Flowers. do. C C BETSELLERE (Emile-Pierre). Born in Bay- onne. (Modern.) General Dumouriez. Modern Painters. C 114 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. BETTANIER (Albert). Born in Metz. (Modern.) In Lorraine. He is in France ! 1870-1885. — After Fifteen Years. The Spy. Gossamer. BETTO (Bernardino di). See PINTURICCHIO. BEUCKELAAR (Joachim). Antwerp, 1515-1573. (Flemish School.) The Poultry-seller. BEULING. (German School.) Interior of a Church, Gothic architecture. (Draw- ing-) BEVER (H.) Rain. But Little Zeal for the Chase. At the Window. Recognized. Unrecognized. BEYER (Jean de). Aarau (Switzerland), 1705. (Dutch , School.) View of a Dutch Town. (Drawing.) BEYEREN (Abraham van). The Hague, 1620- 1674. (Dutch School.) Still Life. A Tempest. BEYERLEIN (F.) St. Martin. BEYLE (Pierre-Marie.) Born in Lyons, (Mod- ern.) Yamina. BEYRER (J.) Christ on the Cross. , St. Afra. BEYSCHLAG (Jules Robert). Born in Nordlin- gen, 1838. (Modern.) Love. (Companion picture to Erdmann's "Cava- lier's Service.") D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters, do. do. do. do. C C C C C C C C Vienna, Imp. Mus. Dresden, P. G. do. Munich. Buda-Pesth. Modern Painters. do. do. do. do. C C C — C C C C — C C — C — C — C C c c c c — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 115 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ t, 7,1 A A\ Awakening of Spring. Modern Painters. C C — C Hunter's Dream. do. C — C Spring Morning. do. C — C Psyche at the Spring. do. C — C Greek Girl. do. C C — C Psyche with the Urn. do. C C — C Maternal Happiness. do. ' C Father's Return. do. C An Idyll. , do. C Pastoral Love. do. C At the Letter-box. do. C Mutual Surprise. do. — C — C Portrait of the Beloved. do. C — C Father's Birthday. , do. C — C The Chambermaid. do. C Maternal Pride. do. — C C C C Psyche's Lament. do. C C C The Shepherdess. do. C C C Little Darling. do. C Little flatterer. do. C C The Broken Doll. . do. C — C Morning Devotions. do. C C C Orpheus Leading Eurydice from the Underworld. do. — C C C — C Bridge-toll. do. C C — C Where am I ? do. C C Psyche and Pan. do. C C C In the Park. do. C C — C Spring has Come Again ! do. — C C C — C Going to the Christening. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. — C C C C Harp-player. do. C C — C Nikias and Theogenes. do. C C C Father's Return Home. do. C C C C The Garrison Relieved. do. C C C The Pets. do. C C BEZZENBERGER (G.) In Sweet Dreams. do. — C C C Senta. do. C — C BEZZUOLI (Giuseppe). Florence, 1784-1855. (Florentine School.) Portrait of the artist, by himself. Florence, Uffizi. ^- C 116 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. BIAGIO (Vicenzio di Biagio, called Catena.) CATENO. See HI ANCHI (Francesco de) or del Biancho Ferraro. Ferrara(?)-i5io. (School of Ferrara.) Madonna and Child. BIANCHI (L.) Young Lady of Milan, XVIII. century. BIANCHI (Pietro). Rome, 1694-1739. (Roman School.) Draped figure of a woman kneeling, right profile. (Drawing.) €.,$1.25. BIARD (Francois). Born in Lyons. 1798-1882. (French School.) Du Couedic Receiving the Farewells of his Crew. (Salon of 1 84 1.) Meeting of Distinguished Persons of the Second Empire. BIBIENA (Francois Caili), called. Bologna. 1656- 1729. (Bolognese School.) Elaborate decoration for a ceiling. (Drawing.) BICCI (di Lorenzo di Bicci). Florence, 1373-1440. (Florentine School.) St. Cosmos and St. Damien. Christ Blessing St. Peter and St. Paul. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. BICCI (Neri di). Florence, 1419-1492. (Floren- tine School.) The Annunciation. The Virgin in Adoration before the Child Jesus. BICKNELL (W. ^V.) John Lothrop Motley. D., 13x16 inches, $5.00. BIDA (Alexandre). Toulouse, 1808— Buhl, 1895. St. Paul Preaching to the Athenians. Departure of the Prodigal Son. Return of the Prodigal Son. Jesus at the House of Simon: '"Peace be to this house !" Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3I 4 4^ Paris, Louvre. C — C C do. Paris, Lux. C C Masters, XIX Cen. C Venice. Florence, Uffizi. C do do. do. C C • Modern Painters, do. do. C C C c c c do. C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 117 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2j 3 3^ 4 4^ Jesus at tjje House of Matthew. Modern Painters. C C The Lord's Supper. " do. C C The Foolish Virgins. do. C C Interior of a Harem. do. C C The Prayer in the Mosque. do C C Beheading of St. John Baptist. do. C C Street Singers. do. C Venders of Alcarazas. do. C Pigeon-venders. do. C The Barber. do. C The Morning Prayer. ^ do. C The Ass. do. C Ruth and Boaz. do. C The Mother. do. C — The Child Jesus in the Midst of the Doctors. do. C C Massacre of the Mamelukes. Luxembourg. C C The Harvest; field of Boaz at Bethlehem. do. C C Refectory of the Greek Monks. do. C C The Concert. Modern Painters. C A Game of Chess. do. C Departure of the Family of Naomi. do. C The Gate of Bethlehem. do. C C Harvesters at Rest. do. C C The Sleep of Boaz. do. C The Muleteer. do. C The Evening Roll-call in the Crimea. Luxembourg. C C The Fortune-teller. Modern Painters. C The Ass at the Fountain. do. C Turkish Barber. do. C A Church Ban in Engelberg (Switzerland). (Water- color.) do. C Before the Mass. (Water-color.) do. C Return from Calvary. do. C C The Wise Virgms. do. C BIEDERMANN-ARENDTE (H.) Animals. do. C Terriers and Wild Ducks. . do. C — C Double Tracks. do. C 1^>og-hunt. do. C Fight over the Spoils. do. C 118 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Terrier Puppies and Pheasants. Modern Painters. . C Suspicious, do. C Pointer Bringing in a Fox. do. C The Family Lamp. do, C Unusual Discovery. do, C BIERMANN (G.) Esther. do. B B At the Window. do. B Christ Ascending on High. do. B B Spring of Life (female bust). do. B Devotion. do. B — B *Queen Louise, do, B Enno, C C — C Study of a woman's head. : C BIERMER (O.) Faun and Nymph. / C C — C Psyche. . C — C Arisen ! C — C BIERSTADT (Albert). Born in Diisseldorf, 1830. (Modern.) Grand Canyon. PI., 13x16 inches, $3.00. Sher. Col. BIGGIO (Bolognese). See BOLOGNESE. BIGIO (Francesco). See FRANCIA BIGIO. BIGORDI ( Domenico and Tommaso). See GHIRLANDAJO. ' . BIHAN. See LE BIHAN. BJORCK (O.) The Model. Modern Painters. C The Pilot. do. C In the Cow-house. do. C BILBAO (E.) The Love-letter. do. C BILLET (Pierre). Born in Cantin (North). The Tidal Hour, Normandy Coast. (Salon of 1872.) Paris, Lux. C C * This subject comes in a Fac-Simile Gravure in colors, I2fx9| inches, $10.00; also in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 119 Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 44 BIN (Jean Baptiste). Born in Paris. (Modern.) The Nymph Salmacis. Modern Painters. C Portrait of M. Clemenceau, Deputy. do. C Confidence Misplaced. do. — ■■ —^ — C The River Le Clain. do. C The River La Boivre. do. C Ceiling of the Hotel de Ville at Poitiers. do. C BINCK (Jacob). Cologne, i49o(?)-i56o. German School.) Medallions of Kings and Queens of France and of Spain. (Engraving.) C, .75. Dresden, R. C. Portrait of Lucas Gassel. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. do. Christian IL of Denmark. (Engraving.) C, $1.25. do, BINDER (A.) The Village Artist. ' Modern Painters. C BINET (Adolphe Gustave). Born in La Riviere. Saint-Sauveur (Calvados). (Modern.) Intoxication. do. C The Lovers. ^ do. C BINZER (C. V.) Doris and Triton. do. • C C — C BIRKMEYER (F.) Guard Parade in Munich. do. C — C On Hostile Ground. do. C — C Uncertain Path. do. c Paris, Hurrah ! do. c Transport of Prisoners in Brie Comte Robert at Sedan, 1870. do. — C General von der Tauer, with Suite. do. c King William at Orley. do. ' . C BIRNEY (William V.) Born m Cincinnati, Ohio, 1858. (Modern.) Reveries of a Bachelor. do. PIC — PIC — Springtime. , do. PIC —PIC — Duet. do. PIC — Solid Comfort. do. PIC — Dry PoHtics. do. PIC — The Train ! "Here it Comes." do. p; c — i§$ SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. BISCAINO (Bartolommeo). Genoa, 1632-1657. (Genoese School.) Holy Family. (Drawing.) C., $1.75. Holy Family, with Little St. John. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Madonna and Child upon clouds borne by angels. (Drawing.) C., $1.25. Holy Family with St. John. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. The Nativity. D., 7^x9 inches, India, $1.50. The Woman Taken in Adultery. BISEO (C.) Donna di Morocco. BISET (G. E.) William Tell Shooting the Apple. BISSCHOP (C.) Sunshine in House and Heart. BISSOLO (Pier Francesco). Treviso (?). Worked from 1492 to 1530. (Venetian School.) Madonna and Child. Resurrection of Christ. Madonna and Child with four saints. Young woman arranging her hair. Presentation of Christ in the Temple. Portrait of a lady. Dead Christ, with two Angels. Presentation in the Temple. BISSOLO (Petrus de Inganates, probably the same as PIER FRANCESCO BISSOLO). Madonna and Child with saints. BISSON (Edouard). Born in Paris. (Modem.) Contemplation. Convalescence. The First Rendezvous. On the Beach. The Grasshopper. Printania. A Prisoner. Return of Spring. Temptation. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ Paris, Louvre. do. do. ' do. Brunswick. B Dresden. C C Brussels. C — C C — C ' Chantilly. C Berlin. c C — C Dresden. c Vienna. c ■ do. c London, Nat. Gal. C — Venice. C do. c Berlin. C C Modern Painters, do. do. C C do. C C do. C C do. C C do. C C do. C C do. C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 121 Melancholy. Sea Breeze. Coquetry. Innocence. The Bird-nesters. In the Clouds, Eva. (Salon of 1896.) Solitude. (Salon of 1897.) The Parisian. (Salon of 1897.) Coquetry. (Salon of 1897.) Amorosa. (Salon of 1897.) Ephemeral. (Salon of 1898.) The Assault. ^Salon of 1899.) Daughters of Eve. (Salon of 1899.) Feted. (Salon of 1899.) *The Fiancee. D., i8|xi4^ inches, $5.00. *Seraphine. D., 20x14^ inches, $5.00. *Floreal. D., 20x14^ inches, $5.00. *L'ficho. D., 20x14 inches, $5.00.^ *L'Attente. D., 20x14^ inches, > (Companions.) $5.00. J *Satania. D., 2o|xi4| inches, $5.00. *Surprise. *Candor and Youth. At the Ball. In Expectation. *Youth Led by Love. * *Cupid's Booty. D., 20x14^ inches, $5.00. BLAAS (C.) Satyr and Nymph. Danae Saved by Nereids. Ulysses and the Sirens. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3* 4 4i Modern Painters. — — C C do. — — — C do. — — C C do. — — c C do. — — c C do. — — c C do. — — c C do. — — c C do. — — c C do. — — c C do. — — c C do. — — c C do. — — c — — c do. — — c c do. — — c c do. — — B B UComp anions.) do. do. _ B B B — B do. B B do. B — B do. B — B do. B — B do. B — B do. B — B do. B — B do. C C — C do. C C — C do. C C BLAAS (Eugen). Born at Albano, near Rome, 1843. (Modern.) Masker's Visit in Venice. ' do. Venetian Girl. do. Venetian Boy. do. Venetian Fisher-boy. do. c c — c — c — c — c — c — c — c *This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. 122 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4| Woman of Venice. Modern Painters. C Biondetta. do. C Ghita. do. C Lydia. do. C Angela. do. C — C Anita, do. ■ — C Ninetta. D., 16x21 inches, $1^.00. ^ .^ . . , r^ r- r- r^ r- _ ' . , rt, 5^ (Companions.) do. C C C C — C Lisa. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. J Camilla, do. Q C — C *Marietta, do. C C — C Fiametta. do. C C — C Good Advice, do. C C — C A Calabrian Girl, do. — C *The Coquette. do. C C — C He will Come Back. do. — — C C — C To Meet Again ! -do. 15 B Rosina, D., 20^x14 inches, $5.00, do, — — — ■ \\ — B Biana, '\ ,r- • . Camilla, j (Companions.) ^^ ^^_^ Marianna. D„ 20IX14 in,, $5.00. | (Companions.) do. _ - B _ _ B Graziella, J Angiolina. do. B B Giuletta, do. B **A Gourmand. D,, 21x14^ inches, $5.00; also, Artist's Proofs, 21X14I, 100 Japan, $20.00; 150 India, $15.00. do, B B Punch and Judy. D., 20x29 inches, $12.00; also, Artist's Proofs, 20x28^, 100 India, $30.00. . do. — B B B The Wedding. do. — B B B In the Orchard. D., 20^x11 inches, $5.00. do. B Meditation. . do. ^ C C — C Welcome Home. do. C C — C Au Revoir. do. C C — C Richetta. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. C C — C Margherita. D.,- 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. Q Q — C AdeUna. do. C — C Angelica. ^ do. C — C Venetian Boy. do. C ♦This subject comes in an Aquarelle Gravure, 18x12 inches, $6.00, ** This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 123 Nina. Venetian Fisher-girl. Rosetta. A Morning Visitor. Divided Devotions. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. Elene. As Sweet as the Grapes She Gathers. Louisa. A Venetian Fruit-seller. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. In a Dilemma. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. Farewell. Venetian Fruit-girl. BLAAS (Julius v.) Born at Albano, 1843. (Mod- ern.) After Work is Over. Good Friends. Good Neighborhood. Mixed Company. The Prisoners' Comforter. Good Comrades. BLAKE (William). London, 1757-1827. (Eng- lish School.) Comus : (i) Comus with his Revellers ; (2) Comus in Disguise of a Rustic; (3) The Brothers Plucking Grapes ; (4) The Brothers in the Wood; (5) Comus, with the Lady under his Spell ; (6) The Brothers Driving Comus Away ; (7) Sabina Disenchanting the Lady; (8) The Lady Restored again to her Parents. Size of each section, PL, about 4f x6 inches, each .75 ; eight sections, $5.00. Paradise Lost: (i) Casting of the Rebel Angels into Hell; (2) Creation of Eve; (3) "Father, Thy Word is passed, Man shall find Grace"; (4) Satan Watching Adam and Eve ; (5) Satan, as Toad, disturbs the Dreams of Eve; (6) Ra- phael and Adam in Conversation ; (7) Eve Eats the Forbidden Fruit ; (8) Michael Fore- tells the Crucifixion ; (9) Adam and Eve, Con- ducted by Michael, leave Paradise. Size of Gallery. Sizes, 2 2\ 3 3i 4 Al Modern Painters. — — — C do. C c — c do. C c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. — c — c do. — c -C do. c c — c do. c c — c do. — — c c — c do. c — c do. — c — c do. — c — c do. — c — c do. — c — c do. — c — c Boston, M. F. A. — 124 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. each section, PL, 15x19! inches, $4.50 each; nine sections, $35.00. The Bible: (i) The Plague of Egypt, PI., i6fxii| inches, $4.00; (2) Pestilence, Death of the First-Born, PI., I3!xiif, $3.50; (3) Famine, PI., 15^x11!, $3.50; (4) Moses Setting up the Brazen Serpent, PI., 121x3!, $3.50; (5) Hell Receives the King of Babylon, PI, 12^x14^, $3.50; (6) Ezekiel's Vision, PI., n^xis!, $3.75; (7) David and Goliath, PI., 14^x13!, $3-75; (8) Woman taken in Adultery, PL, 134x13^, $3.75; (9) Abraham Sacrificing Isaac, PL, S^x 7i $2.00. Allegory. (Drawing.) Revelation : Chapter XVII. of the New Testament. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. BLANC (Joseph Celestin). Born in Clelles, (Isere). (Modern.) Strolling Italian Musicians. BLANCHARD (Jacques). Paris, 1600- 1638. (French School.) Charity. BLANCHARD (Louis-Gabriel). Paris, 1630-170 . (French School.) Portrait of the artist, Louis-Gabriel Blanchard. BLANCHARD (Pascal). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Spring. The Clemenceau Affair. The Two Friends. (Salon of 1896.) Juno. BLANCHE (Jacques Emile). Born in Paris. (Modern.) The Host. The Straw Hat. BLANCHET (Thomas). Paris, i6i7(?)— Lyons, 1689. (French School.) Mythological subject ; composition of three figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Gallery. Sices, 2 2! 3 3! 4 4! Boston, M. F. A. do. British Museum. C do. Modern Painters. C Paris, Louvre. do. C — C — C — C — Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C C — C do. do. Paris, Louvre. — C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 125 The Virgin, seated, holding the Child Jesus, stand- ing, upon her knee. (Drawing.) The Virgin upon clouds borne by angels. (Draw- ing.) C.,$i.75. BLARENBERGHE (Louis Nicholas van). XVIII. century. Village Wedding; in the centre, a large table, around which are peasants ; in the foreground, the bride surrounded by people congratulating her; at the right, musicians. (Drawing.) Landscape ; at the left, among the trees, a cottage, before which can be seen two peasants, a man and woman, and several children ; on the right, washerwomen. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Race-course on the Plain of Sablon. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Dido upon the Funeral-pile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Composition for an historical subject. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The Gardens of Armida. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. BLASHFIELD (Edwin H.) Born in New York in 1848. (Modern.) The Deliverance ; Besieged Welcoming the Victors. Christmas Bells. (Detail of the above.) PI., 13x10 inches, $3.00. A Roman Augur. The Emperor Commodus, as Hercules, leaving the Amphitheatre at the head of the Gladiators. Classical Music. PL, loxio inches, $3.00. Justice. PI., 7x20 inches, $3.50; 4x13, $1.50. Pittsburgh. PL, 6^x13 inches, $2.50; 4fx9^, $1.50. Springtime. PL, 13x11 inches, $3.00. Terpsichore. PL, 13x11 inches, $3.00. Progress of Civilization. Four sections, each in two sizes. PL, 10x20 mches, $4.50; 7x14, $2.50. The Human Understanding (Portion of the Prog- ress of Civilization). PL, io|xioj inches, $2.75. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Paris, Louvre. C do. Prop. Mm. Beer. Goncourt Col. Lille Col. do. do. Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C N. Y., Law. Club. Pittsburgh, Bank. Modern Painters. C. P.Huntington. Congress. Lib. do. 126 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4i Music and Dance: Music. N. Y., Waldorf A. Rjc (Half detail of above.) do. PI C (Half detail of above.) do. PIC (Centre detail of above.) do. PIC (Detail of above.) do. PIC — (Detail of above.) do. PIC — Dance. do. PIC (Half detail of above.) do. PIC (Half detail of above.) do. PIC (Detail of above.) do. PIC — If desired, a complete picture of Music, size 19X 30 inches, $10.00. do. If desired, a complete picture of Dance, size 19X 30 inches, $10.00. do. Half details as above form a frieze, size 19x60 inches, $20.00. do. BLAU (T.) Born in Vienna, 1847. (Modern.) Early Spring. Modern Painters. C In the Green Forest. do. C Amsterdam. do. C In the "Prater." do. C BLECKER (J. S.) Born in Harlem in 1600 or 1608. (Dutch School.) Cows and Sheep. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Dresden, R. C. BLEIBTREU (G.) Arrival of the Bavarians, under command of Gen- eral von Hartmann, before Paris. Modern Painters. B B — B Capitulation of Sedan. ) . do. B CbCBC — C Council of War at Versailles. \ K^'^^V^^^ons.) ^^ B — B B Battle of Koniggratz. do. B — B B — B The Dying Heroes. do. B B The Crown Prince Albert of Saxony in the Battle of Gravelotte. do. B B Episode from the Battle of Worth. do. B C BC C — B The Prussian Army Landing at Alsen. do. B — B B We Will be a United People. do. C Victoria. do. C Vionville. do. — C C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 127 Loigny. Emperor William Before Paris. The Crown Prince at Worth. Emperor William I. and his Escort. The First Hussars at Worth. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. — C C C do. _ c C C — C do. _ c c C — C do. C — C do. B BLEIDEL (Melchior). Venus and Adonis, with Eros. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. BLEKER (D.) Bust of a Man. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. BLES (D.) Mourning and Half-mourning Apparel in a Dutch Shop, 1765. BLES (Henri de), called CIVETTA. Liege, 1480 — about 1550. (Flemish School.) Beheading of St. John the Baptist (Hainauer Coll.) Portrait of a young man. Adoration of the Magi. Landscape, with St. Jerome kneeling before an altar. Repose in Egypt. * Triptych : Adoration of the Kings. Queen of Sheba Before Solomon. Herod on his Throne Re- ceiving Gifts. BLIGNY (Albert). Born in Chateau-Thierry (Aisne). (Modern.) La partie de Tonneau. BLINKS (Th.) *Partridge Shooting. D., 16x20 inches, $5.00; Artist's Proofs, India, $18.00. *A Fair Lead. D., 20x14 inches, $5.00; Artist's Proofs, India, $18.00. *Going Well. D., 20x14 inches, $5.00; Artist's Proofs, India, $18.00. Weimar. Brunswick. do. BerHn. do. Munich. Vienna, Imp. Mus. Antwerp. Madrid. B — C — C — — c — — — c c — c — c c c Modern Painters. C do. do. do. B B B B *This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6i x 9 inches, $1.80. 128 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. A Day with the Oakley ; four Fox-hunting Scenes : ♦The Draw. *Hark Away. *Full Cry. *The Finish. Each D., 13x21 inches, $5.00 ; Artist's Proofs, 125 India, $18.00. Judgment of Paris. D., 12x20^ inches, $5.00. Well Backed. D., 195x14 inches, $5.00. A Couple from the "Oakley." D., 14JX19J inches, $5.00; Artist's Proofs, 50 India, $18.00. Hark to Fowler. D., 14^x22 inches, $6.00; Artist's Proofs, 150 India, $20,00. Now Ride, Lads ! D., 15x22 inches, $6.00; Artist's Proofs, 150 India, $20.00. The Atherstone Hunt: The Ferry. We Are in for a Gallop. Who- Whoop ! In at the Death. Each D., 1 3^x2 1 i inches, $5.00; Artist's Proofs on India, $18.00. BLOCK (J.) Twilight. An Accord. D., 10x15^ inches, $3.00. BLOEMAERT (Abraham). Dordrecht, 1565-1647. (Dutch School.) Portrait of old man. (Drawing.) C, .75. Figure of a saint standing, the hands clasped. (Drawing.) C, .75. Figure of a martyred saint. (Drawing.) C, .75. Bust of woman wearing on her head a large cap. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. The Annunciation. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Head of an old man. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. A portrait of the artist, by himself. BLOEMAERT (Cornelis). Utrecht, 1603-1680. (Dutch School.) Two draped figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Three draped figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. BLOEMAERT (Norbert van). (Dutch School.) Study of a dog. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. BLOEMEN (Peter van), called STANDAERT. Antwerp, 1649 (^)"I7I9 (')• (Flemish School.)" Two Horses in the Stable. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. •This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. B B do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C do. Lille. Dresden, Roy.Col do. ' W^eimar. do. do. Florence, Uffizi. C — Dresden, Roy.Col do. Dresden, P. G. Paris, Louvre. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 129 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ BLOMMER. Churning-day. PI., 10x13 inches, $2.00; also, in colored PL, $6.00. B., Sherman Col, BLONDEL (Merry Joseph). Paris, 1781-1853. (French School.) Portrait of Percier (Charles), Architect, 1764- 1838. Versailles. BLOOT (Pieter de). Stuck Pig. (Habich Coll.) Cassel. The Lawyer's Office. Amsterdam. BLOS (C.) Adagio. do. The Seamstress. do. A Winter Sunday. do. Sympathy. do. Bedtime. do. BLUM (Robert). The Moods of Music. PI., 7x36 inches, $7.50. BLUM (Maurice). Born in Lyons. A Morning in the Cirque Fernando. BLUME (Edm.) A Shower in the Drawing-room. A Pouting Model. Slumber-song. Nelly. The Little Singer. Bon jour. Monsieur. Je vous salue, Mademoiselle. Nymph with a Butterfly. BLUME (Siebert L.) The New Postilion. A Poor Joke. Sunday Morning. Reeling Yarn. Baby's First Anniversary. On Board. Little Sisters Asleep. Cold Work. The Peddler. (Modern.) C C — C C c c c C — c N.Y., Mend. G. C. Modern Painters. C do. B do. ^ B B do. c C — C do. C do. c C — C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. c .do. C do. C do. c C — C do. — C C C — C do. C do. C do. C — C 130 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON It Doesn't Bite. Debut in Riding. Little Joke. Favorable Critic. New Playmate. Hum, Hum, Little Wheel ! Help, Master ! Shepherd's Idle Hour. The Christmas Logs. Post-dogs. War in Peace. Little Cakes. Dolly's Supper. The New Watermill. The Knitting Lesson. Merry Folk. Baking Doughnuts. Christmas Surprise. Sampling Wine. This Heart is Thine ! In the Country. Kidnappers. Lost Rendezvous. Caro Resting. Jolly Visitors to the Town. "Schuhplattler" Endeavors. Tender Relations. A Cold Lunch. Feeding the Youngest. A Waltz with Grandfather. Not so Black as He's Painted. The Return, Putting Her Foot in it. BOAT (Peter). Landscape. (Engraving.) $i.oo. BOATERI (Jacopo). Bologna. (Bolognese School .) Holy Family. BOCCACINO (Boccacio). Cremona. Worked from 1497 to 1 5 18. (Venetian School.) Madonna and Child. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C — C do. C — C do. C C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C do. C do. C do. ■ • C — C do. C ~ C do. C do. C — C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C — C do. C — C do. . C — C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. C do. C — C do. — C do. c C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C do. C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C Dresden, Roy, Col. Florence, Pitti. C — Vienna, Imp. Mus. C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 131 (School of Boccacino.) The Madonna with the Child and Saints. (According to the catalogue of the Doria Gallery, by Mark Basaiti.) Madonna and Ghild. BOCHENEK (J.) Immaculate Gonception. BOCHMANN (G. v.) Wharf in Southern Holland. BOCHOLT (Franz von). Judgment of Solomon. (Engraving.) $1.25. The Annunciation. (Engraving.) $1.00. BOCKLIN (A.) Regions of Joy. D., 14^x20!^ inches, $5.00. Flora. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. In the Billows' Play. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. BODDIEN (G. V.) Before the Battle. After the Battle. BODE (L.) Composing the Waltarilied. Siegfried's Discovery. BODENHAUSEN (C. v.) Mignon and the Harper. Hero and Leander. Virginia. Female figure. (Half length.) Margarethe. Greek Flower-girl. Girl of Netherlands. *Fairy-tales. D., i6x2i inches, $5.00; D., 7^x9, $1.50. The Song. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; D., 7^x9, $1.50. Nydia. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; D., 7^x9, $1.50. *Hope. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; D., 7^x9, $1.50. *Faith. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; D., 7^x9, $1.50. *The Young May Moon. (After Uhland.) D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Rome, Doria. Venice. B B Dresden, do Modern ] R. C. Painters. B — — B do. C — G do. G G — G do. c — G do. G — G do. c — G do. G — G do. G G — G do. C C — G do. — G G G — G do. — G do. G G — G do. G G — G do. — G do. G G G G — G do. — G G G — G do. — G G G — G do. C G G G — G do. C C C C — G do. — c c c — c ♦This subject comes in Aquarelle Gravure, 16x21 inches, $12.00. AC C — c C c — c C c — c C c — c 132 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 21 3 3^ 4 4^ Baby Sleq)S. Modern Painters. C — C Gisela. do. C — C Bertrade. do. C — C Chrysothemis. do. C All Souls. do. C — C Maternal Pleasure. do. C C — C *A Vision. D., 10x21 inches, $5.00; also 20^x13!, $5.00; D., 7^x9, $1.50. do. C C C C — C Madonna with the Child Jesus. D., 20x27 inches $10.00; D., 7^x9, $1.50. do. AC C Sancta Maria. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do: Ophelia. do. The Lorelei. do. C C Through the roar and the toss of the storm, The Lorelei gleams ; she is there ! From the womb of the shadows she comes. The woman with wealth of gold hair. Through the vapors of death that arise, See the star-flashing light of her eyes ! —Jul. Wolff's ''Lur lei.'' Innocence. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. A Messenger of Peace. do. "Oh ! for the Touch of a Vanished Hand." do. Ismene. do. The Echoes of the Woods. do. Twixt Hope and Fear. do. Somnambulist. do. First Love. D., 21x14 inches, $5.00. (Property of Berlin Photographic Co.) do. — B B — — B Mother's Happiness. D., 21x14 inches, $5.00. (Property of Berlin Photographic Co.) do. *An Autumn Song. D., 2o|xi3f inches, $5.00. do. BODENMULLER (A.) Confession. do. Coopers' Dance in Munich. do. And You a Priest ! do. Playfellows. do. In her Teens. do. Time of Roses. do. c c — c c c — c c c — c — c — c c c — c — c — c c c — c — B B B — — B B — — — c c — C C — : — — c — C — — — c — C — — c c — C •This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. BOD£NHAUSEN OF THE ^ MADONNA AND CHILD CROWNED BY ANGELS. BOTTICELLI SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 133 Remember the Poor ! Field Blossoms. Albrccht Diirer's Wedding Procession. BODENMULLER (F.) Sedan, Sept. i, 1870. Bavarian Artillery at Worth. On the Ice. Worth, Aug. 6, 1870. A Summer Night's Dream. Study-head I. Study-head II. Study-head III. Study-head V. Study-head VI. Study-head VII. Study-head VIII. Study-head IX. Justina. Cornelia. Regina. Study-head X. Study-head XI. Study-head XII. Study-head XIV. Cupids. In the Flower-garden. Greeting of Spring. Eos. Helena. Martina. Elegy. Summer. The Silent Fields. Parisina. Thyrsis and Lysidika. Chyrsilla. Sappho. In the Castle-garden. News? Sunny Days in Autumn. Gallery. Sises, 2 2J 3 3^ 4 4J Modern Painters. C C — C do. C — C do. c C — C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. dc. _ C c C — C C — C C C — C C — C C C c C — — C C C c c — c c — c c c — c c c c c c c — c c c — c c c — c C — c — . c — c c c c C — c c C — c c c — c c c — c c — c c c — c c c — c c c -- c c c — c 134 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. At Chess. Benedikta. O Happy Days of Youth ! Eros. "Munich Kindl." Veil-dance. Cupids' Playground. Mary. Presto Agitato, Beethoven's C sharp minor Sonata. Beethoven's Sonata Adagio. BODFISH. Spinning. PL, 8x12 inches, $2.00. BODMER (Karl). Born in Zurich (Switzerland). (Modern.) Issuing from the Shades of the Forest — Deer on the Watch. A Brace of Quail. (Water-color.) Frogs and Dragon-flies. (Drawing.) ; Deer under Cover. (Drawing.) BOECKHORST (Jan van). (Flemish School.) The Five Foolish Virgins. BOEHM (A. R.) An Hour of Gossip. BOEHM (B.) The Empty Cradle. BOEHM (P.> Uncanny Guest. Gypsy's Lesson. Fishing in the Theiss. Road in Hungary. Hungarian Country-people. Hungarian Children. Family Scene. Dancing-lesson. Give Me Something to Drink. ■Musicians Returning Home. Munster, 1605-1668. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. — C — C do. C do. C — C do. C C — C do. C do. C do. C — C do. C do. C — C do. C — C Boston, Loth. Col. Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C Vienna, Liecht. C • Modern Painters. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. — — — c c c — — — C — — — c c c — — — c — — — c c — c c c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 135 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3i 4 Ai BOEHM (W.) Gloria in Excelsis. Modern Painters. C C — C BOEHME (K.) Pilot-station on the Lofoden Islands. do. c On the Coast of Capri. do. C c — c BOEKER (C.) The Best Trump. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. c — c Hunter's Greeting. do. C c — c In the Museum. do. B B The Extravagant Hotel-bill. do. B B Your Health ! do. B B Morning Walk of the Princess. do. B — B B BOESCHE. Last Judgment. (Engraving.) D., $1.25. Dresden, P. G. BOETZEL, (Ernest Philippe). Born in Sarre- Union (Lower Rhine). Portrait of Leon Gambetta. Modern I ^2i\\ titers. C BOHM (Max). On the Sea. (Salon of 1898.) BOHRDT (H.) Emperor William II. on His Majesty's Yacht "Meteor" in Kiel, June 2, 1891. D., 10x21 inches, $5.00. His Majesty's Yacht "HohenzoUern." Shipping the Pilot. BOICHARD (Georges Lucien). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Satisfaction. The Tambourine. BOILLY (Louis Leopold). La Bassee, near Lille, 1761 — Paris, 1845. (French School.) Arrival of a Diligence in the Stage-coach Service. Portrait of Choderlos de Laclos (Pierre Ambroise Francois), 1741-1803, Artillery Officer and Litterateur. (Pastel.J Reading the 7th Bulletin of the Grande Armee. The Artist's Three Children Playing "Soldier." (Universal Exposition, 1889.) do. do. do. do. do. do. C C C — C B B C C — C — C C Paris, Louvre. Versailles. Masters XIX Cen. do. — C — C — C C — C — 136 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sij:cs, 2 2^ 3 3} 4 4^ Houdon Carving the Bust of Bonaparte, First Con- sul. Masters XIX Can. C — Portrait of ]Mlle. Gabrielle Destrees (d'Arras). do. C — A portrait of the artist, by himself. do. C — Party of Ladies at the Cafe Lamblin. Chantilly. C — Portrait of Julien Leopold Boilly as a child (1796- 1874), artist, engraver, lithographer. Lille Museum. C Triumph of Marat. do. C The Amateurs. (Drawmg.) C, $2.50. do. Moving. (Drawing.) do. C The Body-guard. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. The Toilet. (Exhibition of female portraits at the ficole des Beaux-Arts, 1897.) C BOISSIEU (Jean Jacques de). Lyons, 1736-1810. (French School.) Head of an old man, right profile. (Drawing,) C, $1.00, Paris, Louvre. Head of young man, slightly turned to the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Head of woman, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Head of old man, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Head of old man with a long beard, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Mountainous Landscape ; on the right two cottages. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Bust of man, three-quarters view, wearing a cap. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. M.E.MarcilleCol. Bust of old woman, three-quarters view, wearing a cap. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Man seated, full face, holding his hat in his left hand. (Drawing.) do. C Bust of old woman, left profile. (Drawing.) C, .75. _ do. Landscape showing the environs of Lyons. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Goncourt Col. The Fathers of the Desert. (Engraving.) C, $2.50. Dresden, R. C. Mendicants. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. do. Public Writer. (Engraving.) do. C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 137 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Landscape. (Engraving.) Dresden, R. C. C — Landscape. (Engraving.) do. C — The Coopers. (Engraving.) do. C — Eight heads. (Engraving.) do. C The Mountebank. (Engraving.) C, $1.75. do. The Picture. (Engraving.) • do. C BOIT (Edward D.) Place de I'Opera. PI., $2.00. Boston, M. F. A. Arc de Triomphe. PL, $2.00. do. BOITARD (Francois). (French School.) Young man and young woman dancing. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. London, B. AI. BOKELMANN (L.) Master Shoemaker. Modern Painters. C — C Spiritual Consolation. do. C — C Single File. do — C Deep into the Way. do. ^ C C — C Unheard of. do. — — C A Traveling-booth before Christmas. -do, — ■ — C C — C Village Fire. do. ■ C C — C Workmen on Strike. do. , C Approaching Thunderstorm. do. — C Child to be Baptized. do. C C — C Playfellows. do. C — C Before the Smash. do. Vj — B B Opening the Will. ■ do. B B The Arrest. do. B — B — B BOKS (E.) Caught in the Act. do. C C C A la Carte. do. C C C BOL (Ferdinand). Dordrecht, 1616 — Amsterdam, 1680. (Dutch School.) Philosophy in Meditation. Paris, Louvre. C C Portrait of Mathematician. do. C C Portrait of man. do. C C Portrait of an old lady. Berlin. C C C Bust portrait of young man. do. C Tobias and Sarah. D., 7^x9 inches, India paper, $i-50- Brunswick. B 138 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Male portrait. Brunswick. B C. Duilius being Crowned with a Wreath of Laurel. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. do. B Pyrrhus and Fabritius. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. do. B Male portrait. (Habich Col.) Cassel. C — C Repose of the Holy Family on the Flight into Egypt- Dresden. C C — B Jacob's Dream. do. C — C C — B Joseph Presenting Jacob, his Father, to King Pharaoh. do. C C Portrait of the artist, by himself. do. C Male portrait. do. C Portrait of a young man. (Originally in the gallery of Cardinal Fesch.) Frankfort. C Portrait of the artist Govaert Flinck (?). Munich. C C — C Portrait of the wife of the artist Govaert Flinck (?). do. C C — C Portrait of a man; bust, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. ' Weimar. Head of a man in profile. Buda-Pesth. " C — Portrait of the Lieut.-Admiral-General Michiel Adriaensz de Ruyter (1607-1676). Amsterdam. C C — C Mother with two Children. do, C Portrait of Roelof Meulenaer. do. C C — C Portrait of Maria Rey, wife of R. Meulenaer. do. C C — C Portrait of A. Quellinus. do. C — C Seven Directors of the Hospital called Huiszitten- huis. do. C C — C Three Directors of the Leper Hospital. do. C Four Directors of the Leper Hospital. do. C Portrait of Admiral Michiel Adriaensz de Ruyter (1607-1676). The Hague. C C — C Portrait of the Vice-Admiral Engel dc Ruyter (1649- 1683). \ do. C C — C Male portrait. Brussels. C — C Female portrait. do. C — C Portrait of a Countess de Nassau-Siegen. St. Petersburg. C Portrait of a man. do. C Portrait of young man. do. C The Philosopher. do. C Portrait of young man turned to the right. do. C Portrait of old lady. do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 139 BOL (Hans). Malines, 1534 — Amsterdam, 1593. (Flemish School.) Jesus Preaching in the Desert. (Miniature.) View of a Dutch Village. (Drawing.) BOLOGNE (Jean de). Liege(?)-i655(?). (Flemish School.) Study for the Rape of a Sabine. (Drawing.) C, $1.75- BOLOGNESE (Biggio). Adoration of the Magi. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. BOLTRAFFIO. See BELTRAFFIO. BOMPARD (Maurice). A Debut at the Studio. BOMPIANI (R.) Santa Lucia. Turkish Girl. PI., 10x12 inches, $2.00; colored PI., $6.00. BONASONE (Giulio). Born in Bologna. Worked in 1560. (Bolognese School.) Creation of Woman. (Engraving.) C, $1.25. Hercules and Dejanira. (Engraving.) C, .75. BONFILS (G.) The Charmer. (Salon of 1899.) BONHEUR (Rosa). Born in Bordeaux (Gironde), 1822-1900. (Modern.) Ploughing. (Salon of 1849.) Ploughing. (Detail of above.) Hay-making in Auvergne. (Salon of 1855.) Shepherd Guarding Sheep. Expectation. Rest. Izards of the Pyrenees. Sheep; ram and lambs after the shearing. Highland Sheep. Scotch Deer. Morvandian Team. American Mustangs. Study of a Lioness. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Paris, Louvre. C — Dresden, Roy. Col. C — do. Chatsworth. Modern Painters. C do. do. — C C C Dresden, Roy. Col. do. Modern Painters. C C Paris, Lux. AC — AC do. C do. C - AC Chantilly. AC Tedesco Col. C do. — — c do. c do. c do. — — AG do. c do. c do. c do. c c c — 140 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Flock on the Mountain. The Halt. Sheep of Berry. Flock at Pasture. Deer in the Forest. Deer in its Lair. Study of Young Goats. A Sheepfold. Goat of the Pyrenees. Pair of Roebucks ; winter effect Two Calves in Pasture. The White Cow. Lion and Lioness at Rest. The Palette of Rosa Bonheur. Dog's Head ; full face. Dog's Head ; three-quarters face. The Horse Fair. BONHEUR (Francois Auguste). deaux, 1824. (Modern.) Horses at Pasture. Return from the Fair. BONIFAZI (A.) Teresina. Marguerita. Sonatina. Mariana. Adelina. Stella. Luigi. Matteo. Paolo. Bianca. Angiolina. Francesca. Bettina. Giulia. Maddelena. Chiara. Ceccolino. Danielo. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3i 4 4i Tedesco Col. do. do. C C C do. C — do. do. do. — C — — C — — c — do. — c — do. — c — do. — c — do. — — c — do. — c — do. — c — Col. A. Tedesco. — c — Col. L. Tedesco. do. N. S. M. M. F. A. — c — — c — A — A Born in Bor- Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C do. c C — C do. C do. C do. C — C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C HORSE FAIR. ARCTIC WHALER HOMEWARD BOUND. BRADFORD BATHERS. BOUGUEREAU SHEPHERD'S STAR. BRETON SONG OF THE LARK. BRETON SILENCE BROKEN. DE FOREST BRUSH AVE MARIA STELLA. CHARTRAN SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 141 Gallery. Si;zcs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Memmo. Modern Painters. — C Saccolo. • do. C Carlo. do, — C Ambrosio. do. C Marco. do. C Pepina. do. C Digia. do. C Zita. do. C Giggio. do. C — C Gaetano. do. C Nino. do. C Carmina. do. C Faustina. do. C Dorina. do. C Children's Sports. do. C — C Pietra. do. C C — C Michele. do. C C — C Ciarleria. do. C — C La musona. do. C — C Ettore. do. C Attilio. do. C Ernesto. do. C Andrea. do. C Pia. do. C Giuseppina. do. C Agatha. do. C BONIFACIO (Domenico). See VENEZIANO. BONIFAZIO (Veronese the Younger). Verona, 1491 — Venice, 1553. (Venetian School.) Christ Enthroned, with saints. Venice. C ■ Detail of the above : Angel Tuning Mandolin. do. C The Parable of Doves. do. C Detail of the above : centre of the picture. do. C Massacre of the Innocents. do. C Raising of Lazarus. Paris, Louvre. C — C — Holy Family. do. C — C — Holy Family. do, C — C — Victory of Chastity. Vienna Museum. C Madonna and Child with saints. do. C Madonna and Child with saints. London, Nat. Gal. C — C 142 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Lord's Supper. Madonna and Child surrounded by saints. (Accord- ing to the catalogue of the Doria Gallery, by Titian.) BONIFAZIO II. (Veneziano). Venice, i50o(?)- I562(?). (Venetian School.) Adoration of the Magi. Madonna and Child surrounded by saints. Holy Family with St. Mary Magdalen and a Monk. Christ at the House of Zebedee, . The Holy Family. BONINGTON (Richard Parkes). Arnold, near Nottingham, 1801 — London, 1828. (English School.) Francis I. and the Duchess d'Etampes. Mazarin and Anne of Austria. Portrait of a woman. (The Old Governess.) The Monument of Marco Colleoni at Venice. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Portrait of an unknown lady. View of the Cathedral cT Rouen. (Drawing.) BONNAT (Leon). Born in Bayonne (Lower-Pyr- enees). (Modern.) Portrait of Leon Cogniet. (Salon of 1881.) Job. (Salon of 1880.) Portrait of Cardinal Lavigerie. (Salon of 1888.) Portrait of Thiers, President of the French Republic. Portrait of Victor Hugo. Portrait of Duke de Broglie. Portrait of M. de Lesseps. Portrait of Jules Grevy, President of the French Republic. The Thorn-extractor. Martyfdom of St. Denis. Victor Hugo upon his Death-bed. Pasteur and his Grand-daughter, Mile. Vallery Radot. Portrait of Alexander Dumas, Jr. The Broken Pitcher. Gallery. Sices, 2 24 3 3^ 4 4^ Florence, Uffizi. C Rome, Doria. Berlin, Raczynski. C — C Vienna, Imp. Mus. C Buda-Pesth. C Rome, Bor. Gal. C Rome, Pin. of Vat. C Paris, Louvre. — c — do. — c — do. — c — do Masters XIX Cen. — c — London, B. M. — — — — c — / Paris, Lux. C c do. C c do. c c Paris, Louvre. c c Modern Painters, do. do. c c c c do. do. do. c c c c do. c _ do. c do. c c do. c c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 143 Portrait of Jules Ferry. Idyll. Portrait of Mme. Pasca. Portrait of Carnot^ President of the French Repub- lic. Youth of Samson. Portrait of Ernest Renan. Portrait of Felix Faure, President of the French Republic. Portrait of Count de Montalivet. Portrait of M. Jean Gigoux. Portrait of M. Camille Doucet, of the French Academy. Portrait of Don Carlos. Portrait of M. Puvis de Chavannes. Triumph of Art. (Property of the City of Paris.) Christ. Palais de Justice in Paris, Room of the Court of Assizes. (Univ. Expos., 1889.) St. Vincent de Paul Taking the Place of a Galley- slave. Church of St. Nicholas des Champs in Paris. (Univ. Expos., 1889.) Portrait of the artist, by himself, at the age of twenty years. Portrait of the artist, by himself. (Walters Coll. in Baltimore.) Portrait of Mgr. the Duke d'Aumale. Portrait of the artist, by himself. Eagle and Hare. (Salon of 1897.) St. Jean-de-Luz. (Basque Country.) (Salon of 1899.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2i 3 3i 4 4i Modern Painters; — C C do. — C C do. — C do. C C do. — C do. — — C do. C C do. — c do. — c do. — c — do. — c do. — c do. — c — — — . Masters XIX Cen. — C do. do. C do. — — C — Chantilly. — — c — Florence, Uffizi. — — — — c Modern Painters. — — c — c do. BONNAUD (Pierre). Parisine. Phrynette. The Duel. Alms to Cythera. liorn in Lyons. t^Modern.) do. do. do. do. C c c c c c c — — c BONNEAU (Etienne). Born in Guipy (Nievre). (Modern.) Priestess of Isis. Oflfering to the Madonna. do. do. 144 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. BONNEFOY (Henri). Born in Boulogne-sur-Mer. (Modern.) Dull Weather. BONNENCOUTRE (E. C. L.) Autumn. (Salon of 1898.) BONONI (Bartolommeo). Pavia, beginning of the XVI. century. (Lombard School.) Madonna and Child. BONSIGNORI (Francesco). Verona, 1455— Man- tua, 1 5 19. (Veronese School.) St. Sebastian. Nude figures ; in the foreground, on the right, three figures, seated, embracing one another. (Draw- ing) BONVICINO (Alessandro), called MORETTO de BRESCIA. Rovato, near Brescia, 1499 — about 1555. (Venetian School.) St. Bernardino of Siena and St. Louis, Bishop of Toulouse. St. Bonaventura and St. Anthony of Padua. Glorification of the Virgin and of St. Elizabeth. Madonna and Child Enthroned; on tlie right, St. Sebastian ; on the left, St. Anthony the Hermit. The Four Fathers of the Church at the Foot of the Throne of the Virgin and Child. Portrait of an Ecclesiastic. St. Justina. St. Justina ; bust. Madonna and Child with St. Anthony. Holy Family. • Portrait of an Italian nobleman about thirty years old. Portrait of an Italian nobleman. (Count Sciarra- • Martinengo Cesaresco?) St. Bernardino of Siena. Death of Adonis. The Madonna, St. Jerome and St. Bartholomew. The Virgin upon Clouds; study for the Madonna of Monte Paitone, near Brescia. (Drawing.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. — C Paris, Louvre. C — C — Berlin. C — C — Vienna, Albertina. C Paris, Louvre. C — C — do. c — C — Berlin. c C — C Frankfort. C do. C Munich. C — C Vienna, Imp. Mus. C C C C • do. — — C Vienna, Liecht. C do. C London, Nat. Gal. C C — C do. C C — C do. C Florence, Uffizi. — ■ — C Rome, Pin. of Vat. C — Venice. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 145 Judith standing, her right dagger. Faith. hand resting on f.he Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ St. Petersburg, do. BONVIN (Francois). Born in Vaugirard, 1817 — St. Germain-en-Laye, 1887. (French School.) The Refectory. The Man of the Apron. (Drawing with two cray- ons.) C, $1.25. Woman carrying a basket. (Drawing with two crayons.) C, $1.25. The Servant. (Arnold and Tripp collection.) The Artist's Servant. (H. Vever collection.) The Grandmother. BOOM (Van). Worked in the XV'II. century. (Dutch School.) Forest Interior. (Engraving.) C, $1.25. Paris, Louvre. Paris, Lux. do. Masters XIX Cen. do. do. Dresden, Roy.Col C — C — C — — C — C — — C — BORCKHARDT (F.) My Wealthy Uncle. C BORCKMANN (A.) Mozart and Beethoven. ^ B B — B Beethoven and the Rasumowsky Quartette. >• Companions. B B — B Goethe in Sesenbeim. ) B B — B A Dinner in Honor of Mozart at Schikaneder's. \„ . B B Mozart and his Sister before Maria Theresa. J <-ompanions. p, g In the Berlin Museum. B The Philosopher of Sansouci. \ ^ . B Frederick William I. in his Laboratory at Berlin, f <-ompanions. g BORDIGNON (N.) The Sick Mother. Modern Painters. C Insulted and Derided. do. C C — C New Shoes, do. C Hungry. do. C BORDONE (Paris). Treviso, 1550— Venice, 1570. (Venetian School.) Portrait of a man. Madonna and Child Enthroned ; on the right, St. Sebastian and St. Catherine ; on the left, St. Gregory the Great and St. Roch. Madonna and Child Enthroned, with saints. Paris, Louvre. c — C - Berlin. C C — C do. c 146 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Male portrait. Chess-players. Apollo between Marsyas and Midas. Diana Huntress with One of Her Nymphs. Holy Family with St. Jerome and St. Elizabeth(?). Violanta; a female portrait. (Copy.) Male portrait. The Jewelers. Young woman, seated, picking oranges, with a Cupid throwing roses at her. Young woman at her toilet. Young woman. Allegory. Allegory. Venus Holding the Armor of Adonis. Portrait of a lady of the Brignole Family of Genoa. Daphnis and Chloe. Portrait of a young man. Portrait of a young man with reddish hair. (According to Venturi: Bonifazio Veneziano I.) The Repose in Egypt. Portrait of a woman. Portrait of Pope Paul HI. (Attributed.) Nymph, Satyr and Cupid. (Accord- ing to the catalogue of the Borghese Gallery, School of Titian.) Fishermen Restoring to the Doge the Ring of St. Mark. A lady with her child. BORGIANNI (Orazio). Rome. Worked in 1615. (Italian School.) Two women walking toward left ; between them a child. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. BORGMANN (P.) Traveler's Mishap. Study-head. BORGOGNONE (Ambrogio Stefani de Fossano), called THE. Milan(?)— about 1523. (Lom- bard School.) Presentation in the Temple. Gallery. Sices, 2 H 3 3i 4 4i Berlin. — c do. — c Dresden. C C do. . c c do. c — Munich. c c — c do. c — c do. c — c Vienna, Imp. Mus. c — do. c — do. c do. c do. c do. c London, Nat. Gal. c c — c do. c — c Florence, Uffizi. c — do. c - Florence, Pitti. c - do. c — do. c — Rome, Bor. Gal. C Venice. C St. Petersburg. C Florence, Uffizi. Modern Painters, do. Paris, Louvre. C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 147 St. Peter of Verona and a woman kneeling. Madonna and Child adored by two angels. Madonna and Child Enthroned between St. John Baptist and St. Ambrose. Madonna and Child Enthroned. Altar-triptych : Central panel. Madonna and Child ; right and left panels, St. Christopher and St. George. The Virgin Adoring the Child Jesus. Pieta. Marriage of St. Catherine of Alexandria. Altar-picture. Triptych : Central panel, the Virgin and Child En- throned; right panel, The Agony in the Gar- den ; left panel. Bearing the Cross. BORSINI. Dinner-time in the Convent. BORSSOM (Antony van). Amsterdam, about 1630- 1677. (Dutch School.) Landscape with River. BOSCH (E.) Wandering Gypsies. Sorrows of Werther, Genevieve. BOSCH (Van Aken Jerome). Bois-le-Duc, about 1450-15 18. (Flemish School.; Temptation of St. Anthony. Triptych : Martyrdom of St. Julia. Final Overthrow of the Damned. Adoration of the Kings. (Triptych.) BOSCOLI (Andrea). Florence, about the middle of the XVI. century — about 1606. (Florentine School.) Holy Family, with Little St. John. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Large composition for ceiling decoration. (Draw- ing.) C, $2.50. BOSCOWITZ (F.) The Love-story. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4I Paris, Louvre. C — C — Berlin. C .do. C C — C do. C — C BerHn, Raczynski. C — C Dresden. C — — Buda-Pesth. C London, Nat. Gal. C c — c do. c — c do. Modern Painters. — — C Buda-Pesth. C — Modern Painters. — C C C — c do. C C — c do. ^ C c — c Vienna, Imp. Mus. c do. C — — — Brussels. c — c Madrid. C — — — Paris, Louvre. Florence, Uffizi. Modern Painters. C 148 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Siscs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ BOSSE (Abraham). Tours, 1610 or 1621-1678. (French School.) The Shoemaker ; group of four figures. (Drawing.) Dresden, R. C. C BOSSENROTH (K.) The Pass of Stilfserjoch. Modern Painters. C — C BOSSHARDT (C.) A Letter. BOSWERT. See SCHILT and BOLSWERT. BOTH (Andries). Born in Utrecht, i6io(?)— i65i(?) (Dutch School.) The Ferry; Italian landscape. Portrait of a man. (Engraving.) $1.00. Man seated, turned to the left, (Drawing.) C, $1.00. BOTH (Jean), called BOTH of Italy. Utrecht, i6io(?)-i652. (Dutch School.) Landscape. Landscape; in the foreground two men on horse- back. Landscape; two men on horseback meeting in the valley. Italian landscape, with a rainbow in the distance. Landscape. (Engraving.) $1.00. Italian landscape in autumn. Lanscape after sunset. Landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Landscape, with mules. Baptism of Philip. Italian Landscape : the Passing of the Ferry-boat. BOTH (Jean and Andries). Italian Landscape. Italian Landscape. BOTH (Jan and Comelis van Poelenburg). Landscape with figures (representing the Judg- ment of Paris). BOTTCHER (C. F.) Sunday on the Rhine. do. Amsterdam. Dresden, R. C. C C C C Dresden, P. G. — Paris, Louvre. Dresden, do. C — C C C — C C — C Dresden, R. C. Munich, do. Weimar. London, Nat. Gal. C — - C London,Buck.Pal. C Amsterdam. C The Hague. Brussels. — C C — C C — C London, Nat. Gal. C C B B SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 149 BOTTICELLI (Sandro), FILLIPEPI, called the. Florence, 1447-1500. The Magnificat. The Virgin, Child Jesus and St. John. Allegorical subject : Giovanna Tornabuoni and the Three Graces. Fresco from the Villa Lem- mi, near Florence. (School of Botticelli.) Allegorical subject: Lorenzo Albizzi and the Liberal Arts personified by seven women. Fresco from the Villa Lemmi, near Florence. Venus. Fragment of a Predella. Religious subjects. Abundance; figure of a young woman standing, draped, turned towards the left. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Allegorical figure of abundance preceded by a Cupid and followed by a group of three small cupids. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Autumn. Study for a composition of Venus Rising from the Wave, for the picture, "The Birth of Venus/' in the Uffizi. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Woman seated; sketch. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. " ' Young man standing , turned to the left ; Florentine costume. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Two young men standing; one holding a sword. (Drawing.) C, .75. Portrait of a woman. ♦Virgin and Child Surrounded by Angels. Detail of the above : The Virgin and Child. The Virgin Enthroned Holding the Child Jesus ; on the right, St. John the Evangelist; on the . left, St. John Baptist. Detail of the above : The Virgin and Child. Portrait of Julian de' Medici. Portrait of a young Florentine lady. Venus. Detail of the above : Bust of Venus. St. Sebastian. (School of Botticelli.) Portrait of a young woman. *This subject comes in large Carbon, $30 00. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Paris, Louvre. C — C do. c — C — C do. C — C do. c do. C — c do. c — c De Chennevi^re's, Malcolm Col. — Chantilly. C do. Lille, Vicar Mus. do. do. Berlin. C C C C do. — C C C — C do. C do. C — C C — C do. C do. c c — c do. c do. c c — c do. c do. c c — c do. c 150 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Madonna and Child, and boys singing. Miracle of St. Zenobius, Bishop of Florence. (Altar Step.) The Blessed Virgin with the Child Jesus and St. John the Baptist. Galatea Standing upon a Dolphin. Sketch: Young Man; back view. (Drawing.) C, $I.CX). Bust portrait of Lucrezia Tornabuoni, wife of Piero di Medici and mother of Lawrence the Mag- nificent, The A^irgin seated before a desk with the child Jesus ; on the right, St. John Baptist. Pieta. Madonna and Child. Portrait of a young man. *Madonna and Child. PL, 9x9 inches, $2.00; 15x15, $4.00. Head of the Madonna. (Detail of the above.) PL, 3x4 inches, .25 ; PL, 5x7, .75. Venus and Mars. Venus ; by her side three little cupids. Nativity. Assumption. ♦♦Madonna and Child, St. John Baptist, and Angel. D., I5f inches diameter, $5.00. Two draped figures of men; one standing, the other seated. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Young woman standing; behind her some rocks. (Drawing.) Birth of Venus. Judith after Cutting Off the Head of Holofernes. Holofernes Dead in His Tent. Calumny. ♦Madonna and Child Crowned by Angels. Angels. (Detail of the above.) Adoration of the Magi, ♦The Virgin with the Infant Jesus and Six Angels Surrounding the Virgin. ♦This subject comes in large Carbon, $30.00. **This subject comes in a Carbon, 23^ inches in diameter, $12.00. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4i Berlin, Raczynski. C — C Dresden. do. do. =Ic=== Dresden. R. C. Frankfort. do! c Munich. c — c Vienna, Liecht. c do. c London, Nat. Gal. C — C C — C do. do. C C — c do. C C — c do. do. C C — c do. C C — c London, B. Windsor. M. — c Florence, L^ffizi. C — PiC — — PIC do. — _ . c — do. _. c — do. c — — PIC do. PIC — — PIC do. C — — — do. c — — do. C p;c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 151 (Drawing.) C, C, $1.25. (Drawing.) C, Angels. (Group at right, detail of the above.) Angels. (Group at left, detail of the above.) Strength. Madonna and Child under a portico. .Madonna and Child, (Detail of the above.) Annunciation. Figure of a woman standing, turned towards the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Female figure standing, turned towards the left. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Venus Reclining, Eros at Her Side. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Christ Appearing to His Disciples. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Study of the nude : a man holding a stafT. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. St. John Baptist. (Half length.) $1.00. Two Vestal Virgins. (Drawing.) Angel standing, right profile. $1.25. Angel , turned to the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Portrait of Lorenzo di Medici. Angel kneeling and two children. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Faith. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. The Holy Family. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. St. John standing , turned a little to the left. (Draw- ing.) Three Angels. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Nude female figure, study for the "Calumny" of the Uffizi; and study of a hand and foot. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Angel kneeling, turned to the left. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. A cardinal seated, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Figure of a man standing and of an angel , left profile. ( Drawing.) C, $1.25. Study of drapery for the lower part of a standing figure. (Wash and ceruse pen drawing.) C, •75- Gallery. Sizes, Florence, Ufifizi. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. pic p;c PIG 152 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Man seated; nude figure, with hands bound behind his back. (Silver-point and ceruse drawing.) C, $i.oo. Adoration of the Magi. (Wash and ceruse pen drawing.) Man standing; nude figure; back view. (Silver- point and ceruse drawing.) C, $i.oo. Woman's head, full face. (Silver-point and ceruse drawing.) C, $i.oo. (School of Botticelli.) Draped figure of a man, back view. (Drawing in black crayon and ceruse.) C, $i.oo. (According to Venturi, School of Botticelli.) Holy Family Surrounded by Angels. Portrait of La Bella Simonetta. Holy Family. Madonna and Child with saints. Detail of the above: St. Mary Magdalen. (Bust.) Coronation of the Virgin. Altar-step: Annunciation. Madonna and Child with saints. (Attributed.) Christ Coming Forth from the Sep- ulchre. (Attributed.) Salome with the Head of St. John. (Attributed.) The Archangel Raphael and Tobias. *Spring; "Primavera." PI., 16x20 inches, $4.00. Detail of the above : Group of the Three Graces (on the left of the picture). PI., 16x20 inches, $4.00. Detail of the above : Group of Spring (on the right of the picture). Detail of the above : Figure of Spring. (Attributed.) The Three Archangels and Tobias. (Attributed.) Detail of the above : The Archangel St. Michael and the Archangel Gabriel. The Annunciation. Madonna and Child, St. John and angels. Moses Killing the Egyptian, Driving the Shepherds from the Well, and Worshiping the Burning Bush. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 2, 3^ 4 4i Florence, Ufiizi. • do. C do. do. do. — Florence, Pitti. C do. C do. C Florence, Acad. PIC do. C do. C do. do. c do. do. do. do. C c AG — AC C — AC PIC do. C do. C PIC do. c -c do. C PIC Rome, Barb. c — Rome, Borghese. -_C Rome, Sistine. __c --- •This fcubject comes in a large Carbon, about 36x54 inches, $70.00. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 153 Revolt of Korah : — Death of the Sons of Korah and of the Sons of Aaron. The Temptation. Young man kneeling, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.75- Adoration of the Magi. D., 12^x18^ inches, $5.00. Madonna and Child. PL, 15x20 inches, $5.00; PL, 9x13, $2.00. BOTTICINI (RafTaello di Francesco di Giovanni). Florence, 1477. Was still living in 1520. (Florentine School.) Altar-step: Woman of Samaria; Jesus Driving the Money-changers from the Temple; Entrance of the Saviour into Jerusalem. Descent from the Cross. BOUCHARD (Pierre Louis). Born in Paris. (Mod- ern.) Toilet of the Favorite. Dance of the Almees. (Detail of thei above.) After the Bath. BOUCHARDON (Edme). Chaumont-en-Bassigny, 1698 — Paris, 1762. (French School.) The Sower ; back view. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Head of Christ Crowned with Thorns. (Drawing.) (After Raphael.) Prudence. (Drawing.) Boy's head turned to the left. (Drawing.) C, $i-75- Child's head, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Study of a right hand holding a pencil. (Draw- ing) The Vintage; circular composition. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. The Orient Wind; allegory. (Drawing.) BOUCHER (Francois). Paris, 1703 — Paris, 1770. (French School.) Diana Leaving the Bath with One of Her Com- panions. Venus Commanding Vulcan to Forge Armor for ^neas. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Rome, Sistine. do. Milan, Resta Col. St. Petersburg, Boston, M. F. A. Florence, Uffizi. do. Modern Painters. C do. C — — C do. C do. C Paris, Louvre. do. C — 40. C — do. do. do. C do. — De Goncourt Col. C — Paris, Louyre. C — C — do. C — C — 154 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. The Shepherd Asleep. The Bagpipe. The Bird's Nest. Shepherds and Shepherdesses. Vulcan Presenting to Venus the Armor for ilLneas. Rape of Europa. Venus Demanding Armor from Vulcan. The Goal. (Detail of the above.) The Toilet of Venus. Venus Disarming Cupid. Pastoral. Venus Visiting Vulcan. The Three Graces. The Artist in His Studio. Vulcan's Forge. Portrait of a young woman. Amynthus Delivering Sylvia. (School of Boucher.) Seven Cupids. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Male figure seated on the ground, turned towards the left. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Mars and Venus. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Head of a young woman, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Young woman ; nude figure, reclining. (Drawing.) (School of Boucher.) Cupids. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Portrait of Mme. de Pompadour (Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, Marchioness of), 1 721-1764. Portrait of Louis Philippe V, Duke of Orleans, 1748-1793- Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Woman Reclining. Painting. Music. Landscape. Pomona. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4? Paris, Louvre. C — c — do. C — c — do. C — c — do. C — c — do C do. C — c — do. C — c — do. C — c — do. C do. c — c — do. C — c — do. c — c — do. c — c — do. C — c — do. do. do. — c — — c — C do. c do. do. do. do. do. do. C Versailles. C Old Masters — C — do. — C — do. — C — do. — C — do. — C — do. — C — do. C — c — do. C — c do. — — c — do. C — — — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON 155 Venus and Cupids. Pastoral. Pastoral. The Ribald Woman. Love Asleep Cupids. Pastoral. The Cage. Woman seated. (Drawing.) Poetry. History. Astronomy. Peace. The Snare. The Toilet. Cupid and the Goddesses. Venus. The Captive. Apollo and Venus. Mars and Venus. Shepherd Playing the Flute. Venus Awakening. Design for a Ceiling. Study. Amateur Painting. Venus in the Bath. Cupids ; decorative panel. Cupids ; decorative panel. The Marionettes. Decorative Panel. Decorative Panel. Cupids with the Attributes oi Music. Cupids with the Attributes of Astronomy. Cupids with the Attributes of Sculpture. Cupids with the Attributes of Painting. Love Asleep. The Shepherd. The Shepherdess. The Little Fisherman. Little Girl with a Cage. Gallery. Shcs, 2 2i 3 3I 4 4^ Old Masters. C do. C do. C — do. , C — do. C — do. ' C — Hotel Soubise. C do. C Old Masters. C do. C — do. C — do. C — do. C — do. C — do. C — do. ' C — do. C — do. C — do. C — do. C — do. C — do. C — do. C — do. C — do. C — do. C — do. C — do. C — do. C — do. C — do. C — do. C — do. C — do. C — do. C — do. _ _ c — do. C — do. C --- do. C — 166 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Portrait of Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, Marquise de Pompadour (1721-1764), Mistress of Louis XIV. Woman dressed in Spanish style; full face, seated, holding a fan in right hand. (Drawing.) C, $i-75- Landscape ; a woman washing in a trough at the side of a rustic well; in the background, cot- tages. (Drawing.) Academical figure of nude woman; back view, balancing herself on her crossed feet. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. Farm-yard; under the trellis of the open door, a woman with child in her lap. (Drawing.) Woman gardening; half length, wearing a straw hat and leaning against a basket. Bathers ; group of two goung girls and a young man. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Woman reclining; nude figure, back view. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. Study of a vase. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Academical figure of a woman standing, back view. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Academical figure of a woman standing, full face. (Drawing.) Landscape; small bridge over a brook, being crossed by two men on the right ; in- the back- ground, a cottage. (Drawing.) Young Girl. (Pastel.) Bust of a young girl, decollete ; right profile, lean- ing back. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Compositions executed in tapestry for Marquise de Pompadour ; Audience of the Emperor of China. Festival of the Emperor of China. Chinese Marriage. Chinese Hunting. Chinese Fishing. Chinese Curiosity. Chinese Garden. Chinese Dance. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ National Portraits. C — De Goncourt Col. do. C do. do. C do. C do. do. do. do. do. C do. C A. M. Rothan. C White Col. Besanyon. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C C C C C C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 157 Chinese Fair. Girl in Love, Awakening. Medallion of Louis XV'. supported and crowned by allegorical figures. (Drawing in black crayon relieved with white.) Rivers and Streams ; group of allegorical figures. (Drawing in black and white crayons.) Three children's heads. (Drawing in two crayons.) C, $1.25. Brother Philip's Geese. (Water-color upon taffetas made for a fan.) Portrait of the Marquise de Pompadour (Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, Marquise de), 1721-1764. Landscape, with drowsy young mother; at her side, a child asleep ; near them a dog standing. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Deities of the Sea. (Drawing.) A woman reclining, nude figure. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. A woman reclining, turned to right. (Drawing.) C., $2.50. Sketch for the Triumph of Amphitrite. (Drawing.) Venus, Mercury and Cupid. (School of Boucher.) Venus and Eros. Genius. (Drawing.) Nude figure of woman. (Drawing.) Standing figure. (Drawing.) C, .75. Three studies of women. (Drawing.) C-, $1.25. Study of a Cupid. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Assumption. (Drawing.) Holy Family Surrounded by Angels. (Drawing.) Mars and Venus Surrounded by Little Cupids. (Drawing.) Study of young girl, nude, standing, her head turned to the left ; a Cupid at her side. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. Study of young girl ; nude figure, full face ; a Cupid is giving her an apple. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Nymph standing, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1 75 Nymph reclining. (Drawing.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2J^ 3 3^ 4 BesanQon. c do. do. 4^ do. do. do. Chantilly. C do. Lille, Leng. Col. C — do. do. do. C — Berlin. C do. C Dresden, R. C. C Weimar. — C — do. do. do. Vienna, Albertina. C — do. C do. do. do do. C — 158 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. An interior: a (Drawing.) Shepherd and (Drawing.) (Drawing.) C, (Drawing.) C, Venus Reclining, Surrounded by Cupids. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Bacchantes and Satyrs RecHning. (Drawing.) RecHning Bacchante Asleep; at her side a little Cupid. (Drawing.) Group of Three Genii. (Drawing.) Same subject. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Three Genii Playing Musical Instruments. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Five Genii; circular composition. $1.25. Four Genii ; circular composition. $1.25. mother with her three children. C, $1.25. Shepherdess with their Flock. C, $1.25. Three washerwomen and two children. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. A mother near the cradle of her child ; and six other children. (Drawing.) C, $1-25. Three shepherdesses and child in landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Child reclining. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Child standing; study. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Bust of a young girl holding a pitcher. (Drawing.) C.;$i.25. Andromeda standing; full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Flora and Zephyrus Surrounded by Cupids. (Draw- ing.) Decorative figure. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Three masks ; study. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Four heads of children. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Head of crying child. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Head of child, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Head of young woman , full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Bust of young girl, right profile. (Drawing.) C, •75- Horse's head; study. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Gallery. Shes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Vienna, Albertina. do. C — do. C do. C — do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. — do. C — do. do. do. do. do. do. ■ do. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 159 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ ^ 3I 4 4^ Courtyard of a Country House. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Vienna, Albertina. Landscape with a brook ; in the foreground a wash- erwoman. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. . ■ Rustic house in a level landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. A Windmill ; at the left an old cottage. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Landscape; view of the aqueduct of Arcueil. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. Landscape, with brook crossed by bridge. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Herd of cattle in a landscape; sketch. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Pan and Syrinx. London, Nat. Gal. C Head of a man singing, full face. (Drawing.) C, .75. London, B. M. -, Summer, allegory : young girl with two children. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Young herdsman walking towards the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. • Two children standing. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Child standing; back view. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. The Child Jesus and Little St. John Kneeling. Florence, Ufifizi. C Repose in Egypt. St. Petersburg. C Landscape, do. C — Diana and Venus. do. C • Departure for the March. PI., 9x13 inches, $2.00. Boston, M. F. A. Return from the March. PL, 9x13 inches, $2.00. do. BOUCHERVILLE (Adrian de). Born in Acque- ville (Calvados). (Modern.) Bang ! Modern Painters. C C Presentation of the Bride. do. C Pastime. do. C The Last Born. do. C Flowers. do. C Jewels. do. C The Chatelaine's Festival. do. C In the Homes of the Poor. do. C Distraction. do. C ICO SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Opulence and Poverty. "Far Niente !" BOUCHET DOUMENQ (Mme. Madeleine.) born in Arlefe. (Modern.) In the Woods. BOUCHOR (Joseph Felix). Bom in Paris. (Mod- ern.) Family of Normandy Fisherman (Lower Seine). BOUCHOT (Francois). Paris, 1800-1872. (French School.) The i8th Brumaire. Battle of Zuricii, Sept. 25, 1799. Portrait of Joubert (Barthelemy Catherine), Gen- eral-in-Chief of the Army of Italy (1769-1799). Portrait of Carnot (Lazare Nicolas Marguerite), Captain of Engineers in 1792, afterwards Gen- eral of Division and Member of the Committee of Public Safety (1753-1823). The Wounded Drummer. Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3J 4 4^ Modern Painters. C C do. C do. do. Paris, Louvre. Versailles. do. C C C — C — do. Masters XIX Cen. C BOUGUEREAU (William Adolphe). Born in La Rochelle. (Modern.) Vierge Consolatrice. (Salon of 1897.) Paris, Lux. C c (Detail of the above.) do. C — C Philomela and Procne. do. C — C Binh of Venus. (Salon of 1879.) do. C Shepherdess. Modern Painters. c c Gomg to the Bath. do. C The Early Breakfast. do. C c Brother and Sister. do. c c Cupid with a Butterfly. do. C c Bather. do. C c First Mourning. do. c c Jeanne. do. c Shepherdess. do. c c On the Bank of the Brook. do. C c Songs of Spring. do. C — c c Little Pouter. do. C c The Lesson. do. C c Psyche and Cupid. do. c — c c Our Lady of the Angels. do. c — c c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 161 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3i 4 4i Detail of the above : The Virgin. Modern Painters. C Detail of the above : Madonna and Child. do. C C The Annunciation. do. C Jesus Christ Meeting his Mother. do. C — First Dream. do. C C Marriage of the Virgin. do. C The Crucifixion. do. C The Lunch. do. C c The Bohemian Girl. do. C C Cupid and Psyche as Children. do. C C Cupid and Psyche. (Detail of the above.) do. C c Little Shepherdess. do. C c Study. do. c Wheedling. do. C c Little Beggars. do. C c Holy Women at the Tomb, do. C c Mulberries. do. C c A Vocation. do. c Cupid on the Lookout. do. C c The Gleaner. do. C c Ear-rings. do. C c Little Shepherdess. do. C c Cupid Wet. do. C c First Jewels. do. C c Fisher-girl. do. C c The Carnation. do. C — (^ The Inspiration. do. C c The Captive. do. C c The Broken Pitcher. do. ^ A G c The Shelter. do. — — C Q Cupid Resting. do. ■ c Before the Bath. do. C c The Wasps' Nest. D., $6.oo; do. C — C c The Heart's Awakening. do. C c On the Margin of the Brook. do. C c ;Mary Magdalen. do. C c Antoinette. do. c Ofifering to Cupid. do. C c Souvenir. do. C c Youth. do. C c Cupid- Stung. do. C c 1G2 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sices , 2 2^ 3 3i 4 4l Going- to the Well. Modern Painters. — — c — — c The Pearl. do. — — C — c Girl with Crook. do. — — — — c Cupid with a Thorn. do. — — c — — c The Butterfly. do. — — c — — c Psyche. do. — — c — — c The Palm. do. — — c — — c The Rising. do. — — c — — c The Soul. do. — — — c Bacchante. do. — c — c The Goose-girl. do. — — c — c Rape of Psyche. do. — — c — c Portrait of the artist (for the Museum at Antwerp). do. — — c — Portrait of the artist, by himself. Masters XIX Cen. — — c Innocence. (Salon of 1896.) Modern Painters. C — c — c (Detail of the above.) do. C — c The Lunch. (Salon of 1896.) do. — — c — c In Penitence. (Salon of 1896.) do. — — c — c Priestess of Bacchus. (Salon of 1896.) do. — c — c After the Bath. (Salon of 1896.) do. — c — c Agreeable Burden. (Salon of 1896.) do. — — c — c Revery. do. — — c — c The Wave. (Salon of 1896.) do. — — c — — c The Reader. (Salon of 1897.) do. — — c — c Meditation. (Salon of 189/.) do. — — c — c On the Watch. (Salon of 1897.) do. — — — c Yvonne. (Salon of 1897.^ do. — — c — — c A Spring Breeze. (Salon of 1897.) do. — — c — — c On the Beach. (Salon of 1897.) do. — — c — — c Revery. (Salon of 1897.) do. — — c — — c The Secret. (Salon of 1897.) do. — — c — — c Wounded by Cupid. (Salon of 1897.) d(J. C — c — — c Compassion. (Salon of 1897.) do. c — c — — c The Veil. (Salon of 1898.) do; — — c — — c At the Well. (Salon of 1898.) do. — — c — — c The Lambs. (Salon of 1898.) do. — — c — — c Reflection. (Salon of 1898.) do. — — c — — c The Assault. (Salon of 1898.) do. c — c — — c- Inspiration. (Salon of i8q8.) do. — — c — — c Psyche and Cupid. (Salon of 1899.) do. — — c ^ — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 163 Detail of the above : Psyche and Cupid. (Salon of 1899.) Admiration. (Salon of 1899.) Homer and His Guide. BOUILLIAR (Mile.) (French School.) Portrait of an actress, probably Mile. Belier. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C C do. C C Layton Gal. p|C — PIC — Masters XIX Cen. BOULANGER (Louis). 1806-1867. (French School.) Portrait of Alexander Dumas, Pere (1803- 1870), Dramatic Author and Novelist. Nat'l Portraits. Portrait of Honore de Balzac (1799- 1850), Novelist. do BOULOGNE (Pere) (Louis de). (?) 1609— Paris 1674. (French School.) Figure of Abraham Seated upon Clouds Borne by Angels. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Study of a woman; torso. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Head of a child , left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Torso of a Blacksmith. (Drawing.) C — Paris, Louvre. — do. do. do. C BOULOGNE (Louis), or de BOULLONGNE. Paris, 1654-1733. (French School.) Marriage of St. Catherine. BOULOGNE (Bon), or de BOULLONGNE. Paris, 1649-1717. (French School.) Annunciation. St. Benedict Restoring a Child to Life. Portraits of Bon Boulogne, or de Boullongne (1649- 1717), Artist, Sculptor, Member of the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture. — Andre Campra (1660- 1744), Composer, Master of the Royal Chapel.— Antoine Danchet (1671-1748), Poet, Dramatic Author, Member of the Acad- emy of Inscriptions and of the French Acad- emy. BOULONGNE (Jean de), called Le VALENTIN. Coulommiers, 1591 — Rome, 1634. (French School.) Judgment of Solomon. do. do. do. C — C — Nat'l Portraits. — Paris, Louvre. C — C — 164 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. The Tribute Money. A Concert. Soldiers Brawling. The Gambling House. Holy Family; composition of five figures and two groups of angels. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. BOULLONGNE (Bon and Louis). See BOU- LOGNE. BOUNIEU (Michel Honore). Marseilles, 1740^ 1814. (French School.) Portrait of Honore Gabriel Riquetti, Count de Mir- abeau (i 749-1 791), Deputy of the Third Estate in the National Assembly. (Pastel.) C, $2.50. BOURCE (H.) Motherly Care. Thither ! D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. Hercules and Omphale. BOURDON (Sebastian). Montpellier, 1616— Paris, 1671. (French School.) Presentation in the Temple. Christ and the Little Children. Julius Caesar before the Tomb of Alexande A Gypsy Halt. The Beggars. Portrait of Rene Descartes. Portrait of Sebastian Bourdon. Descent from the Cross ; small composition of many figures. (Drawing.) C, .75. Portrait of Fouquet (Nicolas) (1615-1680), Superin- tendent of Finances. (After Bourdon.) Portrait of Christina, Queen of Sweden (1626- 1689). Portrait of Catherine Duchemin (1629-1698), Paint- er of Flowers, Memb2r of the Royal Academy of Painting and of Sculpture, and wife of the Sculptor Girardon. Portrait of the artist, by himself. Massacre of the Innocents. Portrait of Jean Baptiste Coquelin, called Moliere (1622- 1 673). writer of comedies. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4I Paris, Louvre. C — do. C — C — Munich. C — C Antwerp. C Florence, Uffizi. Nat'l Portraits. — Modem Painters. __ c do. C C — c do. B — — B Paris, Louvre, do. do. do. do. — C — c — c — c — c — C — do. c — c — do. — c — do. c — do. — c Nat'l Portraits. C Chantilly. C Lille. C — De MontaubanM. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 165 (Mod- An Encampment. Teasing. The Artist's Family. (Engraving.) .75. BOURGEOIS (Urbain). Born in Nevers. ern.) Innocence. BOURGUIGNON (Pierre). Namur, 1630-1698. (French School.) Mademoiselle de Montpensier Holding the Portrait of her Father, Gaston d'Orleans. BOURGUIGNON (The). See COURTOIS (Jacques) called. BOURGUIGNON (Hubert Francois). See GRAVELOT. BOURSON (A.) Woman of Genoa. BOURSSE (Esalos). Boy Blowing Soap-bubbles. BOUT (Pieter). 1658.1702 (?). (Flemish School.) The Beach at Scheveningen. BOUTET (Gabriel). Born in La Rochelle. (Mod- ern.) Servant-of-all-Work ! Interrupted Serenade. BOUTS (Dirk or Thierry), called also STUER- BOUT DE HAARLEM. Haarlem, 1391- 1475. (Flemish School.) A Procession. Madonna and Child. (Pourtales Col.) Prophet Elijah in the Desert. First Celebration of the Jewish Passover. The Virgin in Adoration. Christ on the Cross, with saints. (Follower of Derrick Bouts.) St. Agatha and St. Clara. Emperor Augustus and the Sibyl of Tibur. St. John the Baptist. 3i 4 4i C C C c Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 Cassel. do. Dresden, R. C. Modern Painters. C Versailles. C Modern Painters. do. Frankfort. Modern Painters, do. Chantilly. Berlin. do. do. do. do. do. Frankfort. Munich. C — C — c C — C C — c C C — c c c c — c — c 166 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON Melchisedek and Abraham. Gathering Manna in the Wilderness. Adoration of the Magi. St. Christopher. The Unjust Sentence of Emperor Otto. Emperor Otto Revokes his Unjust Sentence. The Lord's Supper. Martyrdom of St. Sebastian. The Virgin. (Attributed.) The Exhumation of St. Hubert, Bishop of Liege. BOUTIBONNE (Charles Edouard). Born in Pesth (Hungary). Do You Think So? The Model, BOUTIGNY(P. Emile). Born in Paris. (Modern.) A Cantonment. — Souvenir of the Grand Maneuvers. Confrontation. The Hostages. Bonaparte in Italy. (Salon of 1896.) Napoleon Visiting the Wounded after the Battle of Ulm. (Salon of 1898.) BOYER (Abel). Xausicaa. (Salon of 1896.) BOYER-BUTON (M.) Meeting of Dante and Beatrice. (Salon of 1897.) BOZE (Joseph). 1746- 1826. (French School.) Portrait of the Duke de Berry as a Child. Portrait of Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine, Count of Alby (i 729-1 801), Lieu- tenant General of Police, Minister of Marine. (Pastel.) Portrait of Jacques Alexandre Cesar Charles (1746- 1823), Physician, Aeronaut, Member of the Academy of Sciences. (Pastel.) BOZE ( Ursula Claudine Marie). 1775-1850. (French School.) Portrait of Lazare Hoche (1768-1797), General-in- Chief of the Army of the Sambre and Meuse. (Drawing.) Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Munich. do. do. do. Brussels. do. do. do. Antwerp. London, Xat. Gal. C — C C — C C C — C C — C C C — C C C — C C — C C — C Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C C do. C do. C do. do. do. Versailles. Nat'l Portraits. do. — C — C — C — C C C C do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 167 BRACK (E.) Outwitted. "Love Me, Love My Dog." D., 7x10 inches, $1.50; also, D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. An Important Question. D., 11x15 inches, $3.00. "May I Come In?" D,, 7x10 inches, $1.50: 10x21 inches, $5.00. The Christening. The Interesting Romance. Domestic Happiness, Springtime of Love. D., 11x15 inches, $3.00. "Good Morning, Papa." 'Twixt Love and Duty. A Problem. On the Point of Capitulation. A Rose. Savoyard. In the Doge's Palace. Entanglement. Domestic Trials. The Toilet. Accepted. Pleasant News. The' Love Letter. The Invitation. Reconciled. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. "Give Me Your Answer." The Bachelors' Club; Artist's Proofs, io|xi5 inch- es, $10.00; D., $3.00. The Old Maids' Club; io|xi5 inches, $10.00; D., $3.00. An Unwelcome Visitor, A First Appeal. A Poet. Tantalizing. His First Introduction. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3-^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C — C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C c — c c — c -^ c c — c c c — c c J c — c c — c c c — c c c — c c — c c — c r n — c c C — c C C — c c c c — c c — — c — c c c — c — c c c — c c c — c c c — c c c — c c c — c c — c c c — c BRACHT (Eugen). After Sundown at the Dead Sea. ) ,r^ . ^ j Moonlight Night in the Desert, f (Companions). do. — B — B 168 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. BRACKENBURGH (Richard). 1650-1702. (Dutch School.) Peasants at Home. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. Cheerful Company. (Habich Coll.) Undesired Blessing. (Habich Coll.) Fete in a Tavern. BRACQUEMONT (Felix). Born in Paris. (Mod- ern.) Portrait. (Drawing in black pencil.) BRADFORD (William). New Bedford, Mass., 1827. (Modern.) Whaleship Homeward Bound. BRADLEY (B.) Caledonia (Glen Falloch, Scotland). D., 1 3f x22i inches, $6.00. Wild Cattle of Chillingham. D., 14^x22! inches, $6.00. BRAITH (A.) Flocks Departing. Frightened Herd of Cows. Flock of Sheep in Rain. Young Cattle at Pasture. Before the Sheepfold. Sheep and Ravens. Herds Coming Home. D., 10x21 inches, $5.00. The Place is Burned Down. A Cheerful Morning. Return of the Flocks. BRAMNATE D'URBINO ( Donato Lazzari). Castle-Fermignani, 1444.-1514. (Italian School.) Three capitals richly ornamented. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. BRAMANTINO. SeeSUARDI (Bart. Alberto de), called. BRAMER (Leonard). Delft, 1595-1673 (?). (Dutch School.) Jesus and the Scribes. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. Portrait of the Poet and Historian, Pieter Corne- lisz Hooft (i 581-1647). Gallery. Sizes, 2 2\ 3 3^ 4 4i Brunswick. B Cassel. . C — C do. C — C Buda-Pesth. __C --- Paris, Lux. C Chicago, Art Inst. — c c c — c Modern Painters. do. do. do. do. -- c" c -- do. do. --C c II do. c c do. c c — c do. c — c do. ■^ c — c do. c — c Venice. Brunswick. Amsterdam. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 169 BRAMTOT (Alfred Henri). Paris (?)- 1894. Cupid Abashed. Springtime. Marie's Dream. Meal-time. In the Boat. Death of Demosthenes (Prix de Rome). The First Communion. Souvenir of the First Empire. Fish Story, On the River. — Souvenir of Summer. The Lesson. BRANDT (J.) Greeting of the Steppe. Battle of Vienna, 1683. Jolly Quarters. Polish Fair. Polish Horse-fair. Transporting Horses. Village Street in Ukraine. BRASCASSAT (Jacques Raymond). Bordeaux, 1804 — Paris, 1867. (French School.) The Bull. Landscape and Animals. Cow and Bull at the Watering-place. Bull Rubbing Himself. Still Life. The Bull. Head of Fieschi the Day after his Execution. (Uni- versal Exposition, 1889.) BRAUN (C. D.) Difficult Defense. BRAUN (L.) In Bivouac at Robinson. Bivouac of the Artillery Corps before Paris. Sortie before Paris, September 23, 1870. Hussars Reconnoitring in an Air-balloon. On the Line of Demarkation. Sudden Attack upon Franctireurs. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 2> 2)^ A Ah. Modern Painters. C do. C C do. C C do. C do. C C do. C do. C do. C C do. C do. C C do. C do. C c — — do. — c c c — c do. c c — — do. — — c do. — — c do c — — do. ■ — — ■ — — — c Paris, Louvre. c c do. — - c — c — Masters XIX Cen. _ — c — do. — c — do. c — — — do. c — — — do. Modern Painters. c c — c do. c do. — c — — do. — c — — do. — — — G do. — c — c do. — — — c 170 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Page with Horses. Farewell of the Daughter of the Castle. Crown Prince Frederick William after the Capitu- lation of Froschweiler. Bavarian Light-horse Patrol. Entrance of the Germans into Paris. Cavalry-charge of the Halber-Stadter Cuirassiers and the i6th Uhlans under General Bredow in the Battle of Mars la Tours^ August i6th, 1870. Prince Bismarck Before Paris. Moltke Before Sedan. Attack of Troopers upon French Outposts. Cavalry-charge of the Wiirtembergers, November 30, 1870, at Montmesly. Soldiers Quartered. Reconnoitring. Napoleon's Flight through Leipsic. At the Parson's. Ready for the Carnival. Prayer of Gustavus Adolphus Before the Battle of Liitzen. D., 28x22 inches, $10.00. BRAUSEWETTER (O.) General York's Address to the Prussian Deputies on February 5, 181 3. Luther. 1 .^ . x „ . \ (Companions.) Copernicus.) ^ Christ on the Cross. Anno 1813. D., io|x2of inches, $5.00. BRAUWER or BROUWER (Adriaen). narde(?), 1605 or i6o6(?) — Antwerp, (Flemish School.) Interior of a Smoking-room. The Smoker. Cottage Interior. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Shepherd on his Way. The Toilette. Landscape : The Downs in Moonlight. Operation at the Dentist's. (Habich Coll.) Fight between Two Peasants. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2h 3 3i 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. C do. C C — C do. C do. C C — C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C C C C C — C C C — C C C C — C C C C — C C C C C — C do. B — B B do. B B do. B — B B do. Oude- 1638. Paris, Louvre. C — do. c — C — do. Berlin. — — C do. C . do. C Cassel. C — C Dresden. C C SOULE .ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 171 Peasant Drying a Child. Fight between Three Peasants Playing Dice. The Smoker. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Bust-portrait of a man, back view. (Drawing.) C, .75- Doctor Operating on a Peasant's Foot. Peasant Submitting to an Operation on his Back. Taste : Peasant Taking Medicine. Singing Peasants. Room in the Village Baths Peasants at Cards. Spanish Soldiers at Dice. Peasants' Brawl. Peasant Playing Violin. A Village Doctor. Company of Smokers. A Brawl Among Card-players. Two Peasants Fighting. Toper at the Fireside. Two Peasants Smoking. Five Smokers in a Tavern. Peasant Fallen Asleep. A Tavern Scene. Four Peasants Fighting. Two Card-players, with Audience. Man and Woman Drinking Brandy. The Dentist. Peasants Carousing. (Attributed.) Interior of a Tavern. Tippler Sitting at a Table. The Chiropodist ; group of three male figures. (Drawing.) The Toper. BRAY (Jan de). (?)— Haarlem, 1697. (Dutch School.) Praising the Herring. Regents of the Hospital for Poor Children. Regents of the Hospita. for Poor Children. Regents of the Leper Hospital. Regents of the Leper Hospital. Male portrait. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Dresden. C C do. C C uresaen, i^.. \^. do. Frankfort, do. do. — c — c — c — Munich. — C — c do. — C do. — c — c do. — c — c do. — c — c do. — c — c do. — c — c do. — c — c do. — c — c do. — c — c do. — c — c do. — c — c do. — c — c do. — c — c do. — c — c do. — c — c do. — c — c do. — c — c Vienna, Liecht. — c — Amsterdam. — c — c Haarlem. — — c c — c Brussels. — c — c Florence, Uffizi. — c St. Petersburg. — c — Dresden. c Haarlem. — — c c — c do. do. — — c c — c — — c do. Brussels. — — c — c — c 172 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. BRAY (Salomon de). Haarlem, 1597-1664. (Dutch School.) Bust of a young girl in a straw hat. BREAKSPEARE (W. A.) *In Romney's Studio. Iris. Broken Vows. D., 8x10 inches^ $1.50. BREAUTE (Albert). The Actress. (Salon of 1898.) The Toilette. (Salon of 1898.) BREBIETTE (Pierre). Mantes-sur-Seine, i6o9-(?). (French School.) Child Leading a Dog. (Drawing.) C, .75. BREDT (F, M.) Faun. Turkish Women. A Turkish Singer. Siesta in Tunis. Visit to the Harem. Promenade of the Consul's Wife. A Harem in Tunis. D., 14^x21^ inches, $5.00; Artist's Proofs on Japan, $15.00. Language of Flowers. Water-lilies. The Legend of the Seven Ravens. A Nymph. 'T Cannot Sing the Old Songs." The Judgment of Paris. The Duet. Arabian Serpentine Dance. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. Siesta. D., 14^x21 inches, $5.00; Artist's Proofs on Japan, $15.00. Asmeha. Public Scribe in Tunis. ) ,^ ■ .,„ \ Arabian Lady Boating. [ (Companions.) An Arabian Bathing-house for Women. ) Corn- Arabian Bath for Women in Tunis. j panions. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Dresden. — C C Modern Painters. B do. B do. C do. C do. C Dresden, Roy Col. C Modern Painters. C do. C — C do. C C — C do. C — C do. C do. C — C do. C C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C C — C do. C C — C do. C C — C do. C C — C do. C — C do. B B do. B B ♦This subject comes also in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 173 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ *"Chopin." D., ioxi2| inches, $3.00. Modern Painters. B — B ■*In the Twilight. do. B Nymphaea alba. do. B ' Solitude. do. B The Three Graces. D., 18x15! inches, $5.00. do. B Pan and Nymphs. do. B BREEN (J.) Nubian Chief. PI., 10x13 inches, $2.50. Colored PI., $6.00. do. ■ ^ — Sunny Italy. do. PIG Pic Head of a nun. do. p! C — Crown of Thorns. do. ^ pig BREITBACH (C.) Potato Harvest. * do. C Leaving off Working. . do. C A Joyful Walk./ _ . ' A Sad Return, f (Companions.) do. B B — B Children Fishing. do. B Holiday Morning in the Village Inn. ' do. B B BREKELENKAM (Quiryn). Swammerdam, near Leyden, from 1620 to 1625 — Leyden, 1668. (Dutch School.) The Consultation. ' Paris, Louvre. C C Man and Woman Playing Cards. D., 7^x9 inches, $i-50- Brunswick. B Oyster-vender . Vienna, Liecht. C Tailor's Shop. Van der Hoop Col. C Interior. do. C C — C An interior with figures. London, Nat. Gal. C C BRELING (H.) In the. Camp. Modern Painters. C — C Linderhof. do. C C A Winter in Linderhof. do. C King Ludwig II. Sleigh-riding. do. C C Dog Kennel in Linderhof. do. C The Blue Grotto in Linderhof. do. • C The Fortune-teller. do. C *This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1 8a 174 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4| BRENDEL (Albert). Born in Berlin, XIX century. Sheepfold at Barbizon. Paris, Lux. BRESCIA (Moretto de). See BONIVICINO (Alessandro). BRESLAU (Mile. Louise). Born in Zurich (Swit- zerland). (Modern.) The Portrait of Friends. Anais. Song of Childhood. (Salon of 1899.) BRETEGNIER (Georges). Born in Hericourt (Haute-Saone). (Modern.) Shepherd Playing a Flute. BRETON (Emile Adelard). Born in Courrieres, (Modern.) Sunset on the Sea. — Reminiscence of Berck. Winter Evening (Artois). BRETON (Jules-Adolphe). Courrieres (Par-de Calais), 1827. (Modern.) Blessing the Harvest. (Salon of 1853.) The Return of the Gleaners (Artois). (Salon of Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C Paris, Lux. — C C 1859.) do. — — C c The Gleaner. (Salon of 1877.) do. flC — AC C Repose. do. — — C C The Communicants. I)., $5.00. Modern Painters. — — C c On the Road in Winter (Artois). PI., 7x9 inches, $1.00; 14x17, $3.00. Chicago Art Inst. — ■ — c c — c Song of the Lark. PI., 7x9 inches, $1.00; 16x20, $4.00. do. AC — AG C Return from the Fields. Modern Painters. C — C Harvesters. do. — — C The Vintagers. do. — — c Vintagers. do. — — c The Weeders. do. C — c The End of Day. do. AC - AC C Detail of the above: central group. do. — — c c The Seed-sifters. do. — — c c Gleaner. do. — — c c Day's Labor Done. do. — — c c The Turkey-herd. do. — — c c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 175 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3i 4 4i Girls in Procession. Modern Painters. c — — c Last Flowers. do. C c The Washerwoman. do. C c The Pardon at Kergost. do. c c The Last Gleaners. do. c c Setting up a Calvary. Lille, Museum. c The Shepherd's Star. Chicago Art Inst, PIC PIC — PIC A Brittany Shepherdess. Corcoran Art Gal. c c Harvesting Poppies. (Salon of 1897.) Modern Painters. c c Gleaner. (Salon of 1898.) do. c c Daughter of the Fields. (Salon of 1898.) do. c — — c Village Street. (Salon of 1898.) do. c — The Mill-stones. (Salon of 1898.) do. c The Fire-alarm. (Salon of 1899.) do. c c BRETON (Leon Charles). Born in Paris. (Mod- ern.) At the Sea-shore. do. c c Floreal. Af^ n BREU (Jorg Breu, or Prew). Died at Augsburg, 1536- (German School.) Madonna and Child, with saints. man-at-arms. (Engraving.) C., Tuskegee, BREWEL. Portrait of a $2.50. BRIDGMAN (Frederick Arthur). Alabama, 1847. (Modern.) After the Bath at Cairo. Summer in the Bosporus. First Rose. In the Harem. Ball at the Governor's — Algiers. Soiree Parisienne. The Banks of the Ranee. The Bath. The Dream. The Music of the Past. D., $5.00. Oriental Interior. Study-head. Berlin. C Dresden, R. C. Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C do. C C do. C C do. C do. C do. C do. C C do. C do. C 176 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. In Africa. Horse-dealer in Cairo. Algerian Women. Pirate of Love. Barber-shop at Cairo. PI., 13^x18 inches, $6.00; 9x12, $3.00. Country-house in Algiers. Summer Evening. Returning from the Fete — Algiers. (Salon of 1898.) The Brook. (Salon of 1898.) The Torrent. (Salon of 1898.) BRIL (Paul). Antwerp, 1554 — Rome, 1626. (Flemish School.) Landscape : Diana and her Nymphs. Landscape with Roman Ruins. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. Angel Leading the Young Tobias. - Landscape with Roman Ruins. Mountainous Landscape. (Drawing.) Landscape. (Drawing.) 3 3i Landscape. (Drawing.) BRILLAUD (Francois), (Modern.) Revelation. In the Creche. Dew. (Salon of 1896.) The Children of Mary. The Bath. (Salon of 1899.) Dragon-fly. (Salon of 1898.) C, $1.09. Born at Cugand (Vendee). (Salon of 1896.) BRINQUANT. (Modern.) The Croix-Pater. BRION (Gustave). Rothan (Vbsges), 1824-1877. (French School.) The End of the Deluge. The Pilgrims of St. Odile (Alsace.) (Salon of 1863.) BRISPOT (Henri). Born at Beauvais. (Modern.) The Blacksmith's Forge. A Christening-feast. The Marriage-proposal. Gallery. Siscs, 2 2 Modern Painters. do. do. C do. C 4 4i — C - C do. do. C — C do. C C — C do. C — C — do. C C do. C C Paris, Louvre. --C -C _ Brunswick. B Dresden. C C do. C Dresden, P. G. C Weimar. C do. Modern Painters. C do. — C do. C do. C C do. C do. C do. Paris, Louvre. Paris, Lux. C C C C Modern Painters. C do. C do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 177 Gallery. Shes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Surprised by the Storm. Modern Painters. C C The Shower. do. C The Abbe Constantin. do. C C Too True. . do. C Going to the Registry. do. C Pigeon-shooting. (Societe du Grelot.) do. C The Bottle of Champagne. do. C — — C Return from the Pardon. do. C C Before the Mass. ' do. C The Prestige of Greatness. do. — C Consecrated Bread. do. C The Good Citizen. do. C The Mandate. do. C The Billiard-players. do. C The Potion. do. C At the Barber's Shop. do. C Too Many Caresses. (Salon of 1896.) do. C C Bell-ringers. (Salon of 1896.) do. C Fifty-four Years of Service. (Salon of 1897.) do. C C Reminiscences of Childhood. (Salon of 1899.) do. C BRESSOT de \VARVILLE (Felix Saturnin). Born at Sens. (Modern.) The Roll. do. C BRIZIANO (Giovanni Batista). (Italian School.) Draped figure of a man standing, the head turned to the left. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Florence, Uffizi. BROCK (Saumarez). (Modern.) Yolly as a Sandboy. Modern Painters. — C BROECK (E. van den). The Horoscope. do. C — C BROECKER (A. von). (Modern.) Fanny. . do. C ^ — C BRONKHORST (Jan van). Utrecht, 1603— Am- sterdam, i678(?). (Dutch School.) Young man playing the guitar. Brunswick. B BRONZING (Agnolo di Cosimo). Monticelli, near Florence, 1502- 1572. (Florentine School.) Christ and Mary Magdalen. Paris, Louvre. C — C — - 178 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Portrait of a sculptor. Female head, bent, almost full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Head of a young woman , right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Portrait of a young man. Descent from the Cross (picture upon wood), with the signature: "Opera del Bronzino Fiaren- tino." Angel Showing the Dead Christ to St. Francis of Assisi. Portrait of Ugolino MartelH, 15 19-1592. Portrait of Eleonora of Toledo, wife of Cosmo I. de Medici. Portrait of Cosmo I. de Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany. Portrait of a young man. Moses Breaking the Tablets of the Law. (According to Woermann, by Carlo Portelli.) Bust-portrait of the Duchess Eleonora, wife of Cos- mo II., Duke of Florence, daughter of Don Pedro of Toledo, Marquis of Villaf ranca, Vice- roy of Naples. David and Goliath. (According to Woermann, by Van Scorel.) Baptism of Christ. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Portrait of a lady of rank holding a little dog. Venus, Love, and Jealousy. The Nativity. Venus, Cupid, Folly, and Time. (Allegory.) Portrait of Lucretia de Puccr, wife of Barthelemy Panciatichi. Portrait of Barthelemy Panciatichi. Portrait of Eleonora of Toledo, wife of Cosmo I., with her son, Ferdinand I. Portrait of a woman. Portrait of Don Garcia, son of Cosmo I. de Medici. Portrait of Maria, daughter of Cosmo I. de Medici. Portrait of a man in armor. Venus and Cupid. Pieta. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Paris, Louvre. C — C — do. do. Old Masters. C — BesauQon. Chantilly. Berlin. do. do. do. Dresden. do. C — C — C C — C C C C — C C C — C C C B do. C — — — Dresden, R. C. — — — . Frankfort. C Buda-Pesth. C — — do. c — — London, Nat .Gal. c C — c Florence, Uffizi. do. c c do. do. do. do. c c c c do. do. do. c — c — — c — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 179 Allegory of Happiness. Portrait of Bianca Capello. Portrait of a man. Christ Descending to Hades. Portrait of Ferdinand de Medici, son of Cosmo I. Portrait of Marie de Medici, daughter of Cosmo I. Holy Family. Portrait of Bianca Capello. Portrait of Cosmo I. de Medici. Portrait of Lacedomia de Medici. The Trinity (fresco). Portrait of Cosmo I. (Attributed.) Portrait of a knight. (According to the catalogue of the Borghese Gallery, portrait of Caesar Borgia, attributed to Raphael.) Portrait of Gianettino Doria. Portrait of Machiavel (Nicolo Machiavelli), 1469- 1527. Figure of a woman, nude, kneeling, with head bent. (Drawing.) Male figure, nude, walking to the right. (Draw- ing) Male bust, nude, leaning on elbow. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Portrait of a young violinist. Portrait of a child. Portrait of a lady. Portrait of a lady in profile holding a vase of pinks. BRONZING (Alessandro and Cristofano). ALLORI. See BROSAMER(Hans).Fulda, i5o6(?)— Erfurt, 1552. (German School.) Portrait of a man holding a rosary. BROUGIER (A.) Be Friends. Maria. BROUILLET (Andre). Born at Charroux (Vienna). (Modern.) Love in the Fields. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3| 4 4i Florence, Uffizi. C do. C — do. C do. c do. do. Florence, --~- c - Pitti. do. ■ c — Acad, de Belle A. C do. C Chapel S. Luc-A. C Rome, Borghese. C do. Rome, Doria. lie III do. --C Milan, Resta Col. do. do. Madrid. do. St. Petersburg, do. C PIC Vienna Museum. C Modern Painters, do. do. C C C C 180 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. ' Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 ?>\ 4 Ak Solitude. Modern Painters. C C A Clinical Lesson at the Salpetriere. do. C Suzanne. do. C c The Hammock. do. C c Violation of Urgel's Tomb. do. c Intoxication. do. c c Haymaker. (Salon of 1896.) do. c c Reception of the Emperor and Empress of Russia by the Academic Franc^aise, Oct. 7th, 1896. (Salon of 1897.) do. c c Field Life. (Salon of 1899.) do. c c At the Hospital Trousseau. (Salon of 1899.) do. c BROUWER (Adrien). See BRAUWER. BROWN (John Lewis). Born in Bordeaux. (Modern.) On the Seashore. do. c BROZIK (Vacslav). Born at Resen (Bohemia). (Modern.) Episode of the Hussite War (1412). Dagmar. BRUCK-LAJOS (Louis). Born at Passa (Hun- gary). (Modern.) Village Mayor's Office in Hungary. Ruth. Grandfather's Visit. Repose, BRUEGHEL (Jan Breughel or), called VELVET BRUEGHEL. Brussels, 1568 — Antwerp, 1625. (Flemish School.) Landscape with river. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Paradise. Landscape, with St. Hubert. Concert of Birds. A Village Street. (Jan Breughel and Lucas Van Wen.) Landscape with Dead Game. Dutch Landscape. The Sermon on the Shores of the Lake of Genez- areth. do. c do. _ c c c do. c do. c c do. c c do. c c Paris, Louvre. Berlin. do. Brunswick. Cassel. do. Dresden. do. — C — C — c — c B — C — C — C — C C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 181 Wind-mill on a Hill. Chariot with Travelers. A Fair on the Seashore. The Ford at the Brook. Landscape with river. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Christ's Sermon on the Lake. The Continence of Scipio. John the Baptist. (Jan Breughel and Rubens.) Flora. Landscape with the Young Tobias. Village Fete, with many figures. (Drawing.) C, $i-75- Mountainous Landscape, with figures. (Drawing.) The Old Folk. Latona in Caria. Adoration of the Magi. St. Norbert Preaching against the Heresies of Tankdin at Antwerp. Autumn. Paradise. Calvary (copy of Diirer). Study of two male figures, nude. (Drawing.) Madonna and Child, and the \"ision of St. John at Patmos. Fire. (Allegory.) The Terrestrial Paradise. Sight ; Venus and Cupid admiring works of art. Hearing ; a nymph and a genius entertaining them- selves with music in the Palace of the Arts. Smell ; Cupid offering flowers to the Goddess of Love. Taste ; nymph at table, waited upon by a satyr. Touch ; Venus and Cupid examining armor. The Four Elements. (Figures by Van Balen.) The Four Elements. (Figures by Clerck.) Sight and Smell. Hearing, Taste, and Touch. The Four Elements and the Various Acts of Crea- tion. Landscape. (Figures painted by Rubens.) Garland of flowers borne by genii. (Medallion in the centre painted by Van Balen.) Gallery Dresdei do. do. do. — Dresden, P. G. — Munich. — do. — do. — do. — Vienna, Liecht. — Vienna, Albertina. do. Buda-Pesth. Amsterdam, do. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3i 4 4i C — C C C — C Brussels. — do. — Windsor. — Florence, Uffizi. — do. — C — C C — C C — C C — C C Rome, Doria. do. do. Madrid. do. C C C do. C do. c do. c do. C do. C do. c do. C do. c do. C do. c 182 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Rustic Wedding. Wedding-banquet. BRUEGHEL (Peter Breughel or), the Elder, called "PEASANT BRUEGHEL." Breu- ghel, near Breda, about 1525 — Brussels, 1569. (Flemish School.) The Parable of the Blind Men. Landscape with Ford. (Drawing.) Peasant Merry-making. Autumn landscape with mountain and a herd of cows. Calvary; Christ bearing the Cross. Peasant Wedding. Fair, with peasants dancing. Half-length figure of an artist with an old man behind him looking at his work. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Peasants Dancing to Cure the Falling Sickness. (Drawing.) Interior ; group of eleven figures. (Drawing.) Christ Descending to Hades. (Drawing.) Last Judgment ; composition of many figures. (Drawing.) Fantastic Landscape. (Drawing.) Massacre of the Innocents. Dutch Fair. BRUEGHEL (Peter Breughel or) the Younger, called *'HELL-BRUEGHEL." Brussels, 1564-1638. Flemish Proverbs. Numbering the People of Bethlehem. BRUETT (Ferdinand). Hamburg, 1849. (Modern.) Bridal Procession. Disturber of the Peace. Set Free. "Congratulations^ Grandpapa !" On Exchange. D., 16x21 inches. $5.00. His First Drama. Spring. In the Picture-gallery. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2\ z Z^ A A\ Madrid. C do. c Paris, Louvre. C — — — Dresden, P. G. — C — Munich. C — c \'ienna Museum, do. do. C C C do. C — — — Vienna, Albertina. do. ^ C — do. C do. C do. C do. C Brussels. C — C Windsor. C Haarlem. Brussels. Modern Painters, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C — C c c — c c c — c — c — c c c — c c c — c — c — c c c — c c c — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 18S Street in Capri. At the Railway-station. Condemned. Waiting- for the Verdict. "Why do the Heathen Rage?" In the Park. BRUGES (Jean de). XIV. century. (French School.) Portrait of Charles V. of France (1337-1380). Miniature on Vellum. BRUGGHEN (G. A. van der). Nymeguen, 181 1. (Dutch School.) Studies of lions. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. BRUN (Alexandre). Born at Marseilles. (Mod- ern.) Capture of Sfax, July i6th, 1881. BRUN (Charles). Born at Montpellier. (Modern.) The Player of Bengala. The Young Mother. BRUN (Charles Le). See LEBRUN. BRUN (Madame Vigee C.) See LEBRUN. BRUNCLAIR (Eugene). Born in Angers. (Mod- ern.) Chess. Dice. The Dream. BRUNET (Jean-Baptiste). Born in Poitiers. (Modern.) Pleasure. After the Bath. The Road from Calvary to the Sepulchre on the Night of Good Friday. (Salon of 1898.) BRUNI (F6dor). Milan, i8oo(?) (Russian School.) The Prayer at Gethsemane. Bacchante with a Child. BRUNNER (A.) (Modern.) The Hunt. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. c C — C do. C Nat'l Portraits. Dresden, P. G. Modern Painters. C do. • C do. C do. do. do. do. Ho. do. St. Petersburg, do. C C C C C C Modern Painters. C C 184 SOULE ART COMPANY, 'BOSTON. BRUSH (George de Forest). Shelbyville, Tennes- see, 1855. (Modern.) Mother and Child. PL, 17x17 inches, $5.00; 10x10, $2.00; yxy, $1.00. BRUSSEL (Van). Wooded landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Landscape with harvesters and shepherd. (Draw- ing.) BRUYN (Bartholomaeus de). Cologne, 1493- I556(?). (German School.) Portrait of Johannes von Rhyt, Burgomaster of Cologne. (Died in 1533.) Pieta. , Madonna and Child. Portrait of an old man holding a pink. Portrait of a member of a brotherhood holding an hour-glass, with a skull in front of him. Male portrait. Female portrait. Portrait of a man and his three sons. Portrait of a lady and her daughter. BR Y (Theodore de). Liege, 1528 — Frankfort, 1598. Three Medals in a Medallion : Immodica Ira Gignit Insaviam. (Engraving.) C, .75. Three Medals in a Medallion : Praeclarissima, Vir- tutum est Justitia. (Engraving.) C, .75. Three Medals in a Medallion : Maxima egcstas est avaritia. (Engraving.) C, .75. Three Medals in a Medallion: Clementiae sis cultor, saevitiae vero detestator. (Engraving.) C, .75. BUCCIARELLI (D.) (Modern.) The Reading. Mandolinata. BUCHBINDER (S.) (Modem.) The Hypercritic. BUCHNER (H.) (Modern.) Dying Harmonies. Love's Trifling. The Postilion of Love. Gallery. Siacs, 2 2| 3 3I 4 4^ Boston, M. F, A. Lille, do. Berlin. do. do. Frankfort. Vienna Museum. Brussels. do. St. Petersburg, do. — — C — C C C C C C — C — — C — C C Dresden, R. C. do. do. do. Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. ' C C — C do. C do. C — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 185 An Interesting Story. A Malicious Remark. Caught. Thanksgiving. The Eavesdropper. BUDKOWSKI (G. von). (Modern.) A Funeral Sacrifice. do. Ariadne. do. BUECHE (J.) (Modern.) Man from the Zillerthal. do. Styrian Woman. do. Vintager from Meran. do. Woman of Dachau. do. Woman of Salzburg. do. Peasant-woman of Meran. do. Unmasked. do. Woman from the Pusterthal. do. A Haflinger. do. Meran Shepherd. do. For Dessert. do. Hebe. do. Seppl. do. A Glimpse of the Valley. do. Fruit-seller. do. Vegetable-seller. do. Diversion. • do. BUEHRING (T.) (Modem.) Singing Praises. do. BUEK (F.) (Modern.) The Pets. D., 16x9 inches, $3.00. do. BUERCK(Heinrich). Dresden, 1850. (Modern.) Don't be Frightened! Sappho and Alcaeos. BUERKEL (Henri). Pirmasens, 1802. (German School.) Several horses on the bank of a river. (Draw- ing.) .C., $1.75. Dresden, P. G. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ Modern Painters. C C — C do. C do. C — C do. C C — C do. B — B c — c c — c c c — c c — c c — c c — c c c — c c c c c c — c c — c c c c c c — c B — 180 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. BUETHIUS (J.) Sixteen drawings for illustrations. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ (Drawing.) Dresden, P. G. — C do. BUFFANO (Michel). Study of four figures; sketches. (Drawing.) €., $1.25. Weimar. Studies : two female busts and two male busts. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. BUFFET (P.) (Modem.) Ancient Festival. (Salon of 1896.) BUGIARDINI (Giuliano). Florence, 1481-1556. (Florentine School.) Abduction of Diana. Madonna and Child, with infant St. John. (Ac- cording to the catalogue of the Borghese Gal- lery, by Andrea del Sarto.) Madonna and Child. (According to the catalogue of the Corsini Gallerj , by Andrea del Sarto.) BUKOVAC (Blaise). Bom at Ragusa Vecchio (Austria). (Modem.) The Great Iza. Happier than a King. Pastimes. Montenegrin Girl. Confidences. Daphnis and Chloe. Andromeda. A Flower. Peasant-woman of Ragusa. Fishermen of the Adriatic. Water-carriers. The Springtime of Life. BULAND (Jean-Eugene). Born in Paris. (Mod- ern.) Offering to the Madonna. After Two Years' Absence. Annunciation. Jesus at the House of Man*' and Martha. Not a Sou! The Day after the Wedding. Vienna, Mus. — Rome, Borghese. — Rome, Corsini. — C C Modern Painters. C C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C C do. C do. C do. C do. • C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 187 Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4| Innocent Marriage. Modern Painters. C The Riches of France. (Those who never wear armor.) do. C Caught in the Act. do. C BULLEID (C.) (Modern.) An Alien. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. do. ■ C — C BULOW (P.) Emperor William II. in the Uniform of his Hus- sars, do. B — B B Emperor WilHam II. in Hunter's Costume. do. B B Emperor William I. do. B B Emperor Frederick. do. B — B B Emperor Frederick ; bust. do. B — B B Emperor William II. ; bust. do. B B BUNEL (Jacques). Blois, 1558-1614. Female head; profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Dresden, R. C. BUNKER (Dennis Miller). New York, 1861— Boston, 1890. (Modern.) Meadow Lands. PI., 10x12 inches, $2.00; PI., 7x9, $1.00. Boston, M. F. A. Jessica. PI., loxii inches, $2.00. do. BUONACORSI (Piero), called PERINO DEL VAGA. Florence, 1499 — Rome, 1547. (Florentine School.) Theseus Fighting the Amazons ; circular composi- tion. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Paris, Louvre. Triumph of Bacchus ; circular composition. (Draw- ing.) $1.25. do. Landscape with warriors grouped on either side. (Drawing.) do. C ■ Entombment. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. . Holy Family. Chantilly. C Ornamental designs with two children.. (Draw- ing.) C , $1.00. Dresden, R. C. Sketch for Triumph of Bacchus ; three figures. (Drawing.) do. q Entombment ; composition of ten figures. (Draw ing.) C, $1.75. do Samson and Delilah. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Weimar. 188 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Madonna and Child, with St. EHzabeth and the Little St. John. (Drawing.) C, .75. Madonna and Child Enthroned, with two saints and four angels. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Neptune, Triton, and Naiads ; composition for a frieze. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Detail of the above : right part of original size. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Detail of the above: left part of original size. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Triumph of Bacchus ; composition of many figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. March of Silenus; circular composition. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. (After Raphael.) Papal Benediction ; group of eight figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. (After Raphael.) Entombment. (Drawing.) Female head, left profile. (Drawing.) C, .75. Child in foliage. (Drawing.) C, .75. Female head bent over child's head. (Drawing.) c. .75. Decorative design. (Drawing.) C.^ $2.50. Decorative design. (Drawing.) The Gods of Olympus. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Combat of Tritons. (Drawing.) Study-head, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Child; nude figure, full face. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. Vultures' Heads. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Death of Adonis. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The Washing of the Disciples' Feet. (Drawing.) Study-head, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Holy Family. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Holy Family. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. St. Cecilia. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Holy Family; group of ten figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Candelabrum-stand ; decorative design. (Drawing ) C, $1.00. Design for a richly ornamented chalice. (Draw- ing-) Madonna, Child, and infant St. John. (Drawing.) C. $1.25. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 Vienna, Albertina. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. London, B. M. do. do. do. ' do. Chatsworth. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Florence, Ufifizi. do. do. do. C — C c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 189 Arabesques; ornamental design. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Sketch for ornamentation. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Arabesque; frieze. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Decorative design. (Drawing.) C., $i.oo. Sketch for a frieze. (Drawing.) C, .75. Design for a cup. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Two pieces of jewelry. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. • Design for large candelabrum. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Decorative design. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Arabesques and ornaments. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. Decorative design. (Drawing.) C., $1.25. Design for a frieze. (Drawing.) "1 (Companion Ornamental frieze. (Drawing.) J pictures.) $1.25. C, $1.00. •75- •75- . landscape. Design for a coffer. (Drawing.) C, Decoration. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Caryatid and decoration. (Drawing.) Sketch for a console. (Drawing.) C, Design for a colTer. (Drawing.) C, Composition of many figures in i (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Design for a richly ornamented cofTer. (Drawing.) Naval combat; round composition. (Drawing.) Triumph of Bacchus ; composition of many figures. (Drawing.) Antique combat. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Holy Family. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Unfinished group of female figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Two saints standing, and a beggar crouching. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Madonna and Child with saints, (Drawing.) C, •75- Holy Family with infant St. John. Drawing.) C, .75- Madonna and Child with St. Joseph. (Drawing.) C., .75. Sketch for a Holy Family. (Drawing.) C, .75. Religious subject. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Design for a fountain, (Pen and bistre drawing.) C, .75- Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3J 4 4^ Florence, l^fifizi. — do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C do. do. do. do. do. do. C — do. C — do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C 190 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Design for a fountain. (Pen and bistre drawing.) c, .75. Design for cartel, borne by four genii. (Bistre and ceruse drawing.) Stanza of the Incendio del Borgo : Oath of Leo III., or Justification of Leo IIL, before Charlemagne. 'Coronation of Charlemagne by Leo IIL Madonna and Child; altar-picture. Two apostles standing, both slightly turned to right. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. St. Catherine, kneeling, crowned by two angels. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Allegory; two draped female figures; between them, old man's head on a column. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Allegory; to the left, woman sitting; to the right, woman standing; between them, old man's head on a vase. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Madonna and Child with Angels. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Madonna Enthroned, with Child standing on her knee, and saints. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. BUONAROTTI. See MICHEL ANGELO. BUONCONSIGLI (Giovanni), called IL MAR- ESCALCO. Venice, 1460 (?)-(?)• (Venetian School.) Portrait of the artist, by himself. Pieta. BUONFIGLI (Benedetto). 1425 (?)-i496 (?). Umbrian School.) Madonna and Child. BUONTALENTI (Bernardo). 1536- 1608. (Floren- tine School.) Design for the half of a box. (Pen drawing.) C, •75- Sepulchral urn. (Pen drawing.) C, .75. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3I 4 4| Florence, Ufhzi. — do. C Rome, Vatican. C do. C Lugano, B. C. C Milan, Amb. Milan, Resta Col. do. do. Milan, Brera. Venice. Rome, Capitol. — Rome, Pin. of Vat. — — C Berlin. C Florence, Uffizi. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 191 Augsburg, 1473-1531. C, $1.00. BURCKHARDT (H.) (Modern.) Alms at the Convent. Samson and Delilah. BURCKMAIR (Hans). (German School.) The Crucifixion. (Drawing.) Holy Family. St. Barbara. St. Ulrich, Patron-saint of Augsburg, Altar-piece : central panel — Death of St. Ursula and her Companions. Left wing — King of the Huns at the Head of his Warriors. Right wing — Vessels Filled with Booty. Portraits of Otho Henri and his daughter Suzanne. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Portrait of the artist Schongauer. Portrait of the artist and his wife, by himself. The Music-school. (Drawing.) BURG (Adriaen van der). Dordrecht, 1693-1733. (Dutch School.) Family Scene. (According to the catalogue of the Doria Gallery, by Caspar Netscher.) BURGEL (Hugo). (Modern.) Dawn. D., 13^x19^ inches, $5.00. The Borders of the Alps. Target-shooting in the Bavarian Highlands. BURGER (A.) (Modern.) The Stag Discovered. Meeting of Gamekeepers. BURGER (F.) (Modern.) Beginning School. The Christmas Manger. BURGERS (Henri Jacques). Born at Huisen-in- Guelders (Holland). (Modern.) The Crab. After the Departure. Winter. Symphony. Gallery. Siaes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C C do. C Paris, Louvre. Berlin. do. do. C C C c — c — c Dresden. do. c do. C Dresden, P. G. Munich. C — C Vienna Museum. c Florence, Uffizi. C — Rome, Doria. C Modern Painters. do. C do. C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C C c c — c — c c c c c 192 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ In Sight. Modern Painters. C Young Woman at Her Window. do. C . Ploughing in War-time. do. C BURGESS (J. B.) (Modern.) FroHc after the Wedding. do. * PI C Gossip, Afternoon Tea. do. PIC BURNAND (Eugene). (Modern.) The Disciples; Peter and John hastening to the sepulchre on the morning of the Resurrection. (Salon of 1898.) do. C The Man of Sorrows. (Salon of 1899.) do. — — C C BURNE-JONES (Sir Edward). Born in Birming- ham, 1833-1898. (Modern.) Head of young woman; study. C, $1.75. Paris, Lux. Two heads of young women; studies for his picture, the "Wheel of Fortune." (Lead- pencil drawings.) C, $1.25. do Hope. PI., 20x10 inches, $5.00; 13x6^, $2.50; 9x4^, $1.25. Modern Painters. Detail : Head Only. PL, 7^x5 inches, .75. do. BUSSE (G.) Italian landscape with chalet. (Drawing.) Dresden, P. G. C — Landscape with water-mill. (Drawing.) do. C — BUSSON (Georges). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Return from the Hunt. Modern Painters. C C Hounds Baying. do. C C Hollali. do. C C At Fault. ' do. C C Visit to the Old Church. do. C C Coach Arriving at Bellevue for Relays. do. C C Boar-hunt. do. C C Beater with Relay. do. C C The Finishing Stroke. do. C C To the Fire ! (Salon of 1896.) do. C Boar-hunt. (Salon of 1898.) do. C C Diana. (Salon of 1898.) do. C C Arrival at the Meet. (Salon of 1899.) do. C I. En Route for the Fence. 2. Lost in the Wood. (Salon of 1899.) do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON 193 BUTLER (George B.) New York. (Modern.) Head of Christ. PI., 20^x17 inches, $7.50; PI., 12x10, $3.50; PL, 9^x7, $2.00; PI., 5x4, .75. BUTLER (Philip A.) Amesbury, Massachusetts. (Modern.) Birthplace of J, G. Whittier. PI., 9x13 inches, $2.50. BUTOWTT-ANDRZEYKOWICZ ( M. von ). (Modern.) Johann Kochanowsky by the Corpse of his Child Ursula, Cardinal John of Medici and Pomponius Laetus (1493)- Tartars Drawing Lots for the Spoils. BUTTURA (Antoine Eugene Ernest). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Tavern on Juan Gulf, BUYTEMVEG (Willem). Conversation ; group of three figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. BYLERT (Jan van). Utrecht— died after 1669. (Dutch School.) Man Eating Pancakes and Wafers. Family Group. CABANE (Edouard). Born in Paris.* (Modern.) Bather. CABANEL (Alexandre). Montpellier (Heraalt), 1824— Paris, 1889. (Modern.) Birth of Venus. (Salon of 1863.) Portrait of M. Armand, architect. Apotheosis of St. Louis. (Salon of 1855.) Death of Francesca da Rimini and of Paolo Mala- testa. (Salon of 1870.) Lucretia and Sextus Tarquinius. Phedre. (Museum of Montpellier.) Patrician Lady of Venice (XVL century). Young Marauders of the Afdennes. Marriage of Tobias. Rebecca and Eleazer. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4J Modem Painters. do. do. do. do. do. — C C Dresden, R. C, Brunswick. London, Nat. Gal. C B C Modern Painters. C Paris, Lux. c c do. do. C do. C C — C Modern Painters. C do. C — c c do. c c do. c do. c do. c 194 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Ruth. Cleopatra. Venus. *Life of St. Louis; sketch of eight pictures for the decoration of the Pantheon. Fall of Man. Portrait of the artist, by himself. CAB AN EL (Pierre). Born in Montpellier. (Mod- ern.) Girl of the Environs of Naples. Rag-pickers. Shipwrecked on the Coast of Brittany. CABIANCA (V.) (Modem.) Pope's Crozier. A Morning in Venice. CABUZEL (Auguste Hector). Born in Bray-sur- Somme. (Modern.) Indecision. The Winder. Attention ! CAGNACCI (Guide), or CANLASSI. Castel Sant Arcangelo, 1601-1681. (Bolognese School.) St. Mary Magdalen, Mater Dolorosa. Death of Cleopatra. A Sibyl. CAILLE (Leon). Born in Merville (Nord). (Mod- ern.) He Will Be a General. CAIN (Georges J. A.) Born in Paris. (Modern.) Bust of Marat in the Colonnade of the Market- place. A Quarrel in the Cafe de la Rotonde in 1814. At the Door of the Theatre. CAIN (Henri). Born in Paris. (Modern.) End of a Conspiracy under Louis XVIII. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C C do. C C do. C do. c Munich, Max. _ c C C Antwerp, Acad. C Modern Painters. C do. • C do. C do. C — C do. C do. C do. C do. Z Munich, do. C — C C — C Vienna, Imp. Mus. C C Rome, Borghese. C Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C do. t C ♦This subject comes in a Carbon, 29 inches long, $12.00. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 195 CAIRO (Francesco Varese, 1598 — Milan, 1674. (Lombard School.) Venus, Apollo, and Cupid. CALAME (Alexandre). Vevey, 1810 — Mentone, 1864. Palm-trees of Bordighera. Olive-trees of Mentone. Lake Near Bayonne. PL, 10x13 inches, $2.00. CALCAR (Giovanni), or Johan Stephan VON CAJLCKER. Calcar ( Duchy of Cleves ), about 1510-1546. (Venetian School.) Portrait of a young man. Portrait of a young man. Portrait of a man with a beard. CALDARA (Polidoro). See CARAVAGGIO (Polidoro de). CALDERARI (Giovanni Maria Zaffoni), called CALDERARI. Double portrait. CALDERON (Philip H.) Poitiers, 1833. (Mod- ern.) A Rose of Provence'. D., 19x9 inches, $5.00. CALDERON (W. Frank). (Modern.) *Orphans. D., 10x20^ inches, $5.00; Artist's Proofs, 300 India, $18.00. CALIARA (Carletto) (Carlo Caliari). Verona, 1 572- 1 596. (Venetian School.) Madonna and Child surrounded by angels. (According to Venturi, Italian School of the XV'II. century.) Madonna and Child. Last Supper; composition of twenty figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. CALIARI (Paolo). See VERONESE (Paul). CALLET (Antoine Francois). Paris 1741-1823. (French School.) Triumph of Flora. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ Modern Painters C — do. C do. C Boston, M. F. A. Paris, Louvre. C — C — C — Berlin. C C — C Vienna, Liecht. C Berlin. Modern Painters. do. C — C B B B B Florence, Ufifizi. C Florence, Pitti. C — Milan, Resta. Paris, Louvre. — C — C — *This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6\ x 9 inches, $1.80. 196 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Louis XVI., King of France. CALL.IAS (Horace de). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Arrest of Georges Cadoudal, March loth, 1804. Death of General Kleber. Danae. The Little Sister, Retreat from Russia in 1812. CALLOT (Georges). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Twilight. At the Opera. After the Bath. Ariadne Abandoned by Theseus. Spring. First Finery. (Salon of 1898.) CALLOT (Jacques). Nancy, 1594- 1635. (French School.) Three male figures ; the one in the centre is seated, right profile; the others are standing. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. Crouching Mendicant. (Drawing.) C., .75. Woman seated ; at her side a man standing. (Draw- ing.) C, .75. Two women and a boy in oriental costume, (Draw- ing.) c.;.75. Washerwomen on the bank of canal ; at the right, two muleteers with three beasts of burden ; on the left, five men. (Drawing.) C, $1.00, do. Death, mounted upon a skeleton horse, galloping towards the left. (Drawing.) C., .75. do. Adoration of the Shepherds. (Drawing.) C., .75. Dresden, R. Sea-piece. (Drawing.) C., $1.25. do. Sea-piece. (Drawing.) C,, $1.25. do. View of the Louvre. (See E. Meaume : "Researches in the Life and Works of Jacques Callot." (En- graving.) do. Martyrdom. (Engravmg.) C, $1.00. do. The Horrors of War: (i) The Title. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. do. (11) The Execution, (Engraving.) C, $1,00. do, (13) The Stake. (Engraving.) C, $1.00, do. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Versailles, C — Modern Painters. C do. C do, C do. C do, C do. C do. C do, C do, C do. C do. C Lille, do. do, do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 197 (Engraving.) (Engraving.) C. C, $i.oo. (Engraving.) (6) Sacking of a Monastery. $i.oo. (7) Plundering a Village. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. (5) Pillage. (Engraving.) Temptation of St. Anthony, The Fair at Fiesole. (Engraving.) C, $2.50. Passage of the Red Sea. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Market of Impruneta (near Florence). St. Nicholas Preaching. (Dravi^ing.) C, $1.25. Emperor Rudolph of Hapsburg kneeling before a priest bearing the blessed sacrament, and ofifer- ing him his horse to cross the river. (Draw- ing.) Different groups ; part of the foreground to the right a "Martyrdom." (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The Fair at Florence ; first sketch. (Drawing.) A Wharf; at the right on a wooden jetty three officers with soldiers, standard-bearer, etc. (Drawing.). C, $1.00. Landscape; in the centre, a large tree; at the left, little huts. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Landscape ; at the right, a large tree and some houses ; at the left, a river crossed by a bridge with four arches. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Landscape; drawing finished in pen. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Landscape ; drawing finished in pen. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Landscape ; first sketch in pencil. (Drawing.) C.> $1.00. do. Shipping the Goods; sketch in pen. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Martyrdom; first sketch in pencil. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Landscape; view of a village on the banks of a river; at the left a woman carrying a sack. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Beggar, standing, leaning on staff. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Chatswortk. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Dresden, R. C do. do. C do. Dresden, P. G. Vienna, Imp. Mus. C Vienna, Albertina. do. C do. do. C — do. London, B. M. 198 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ Horseman holding the staff of command. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Chatsworth. — View of a town ; in the foreground, various groups of people. (Drawing.) C, $1,25. do. Portrait of the artist, by himself. Florence, Uffizi. C — The Great Fair at Florence; drawing finished in pen, counterpart of the print. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. Cavalr}- Fight ; sweeping from the left towards the right background, descending a little hill. This drawing served for the background of the por- trait. (Drawing.) do. C View from the Piazza Santa Croce in Florence ; a tilting-match is taking place in the centre of the piazza, while a crowd of spectators occupies the foreground and the steps of the amphithea- tre which surrounds the piazza. Sketch. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Musketeer standing, his gun on his shoulder and his sword in his hand. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Oflficer standing, right profile, gesticulating wth his left hand. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. . do. — Design for a fancy cup, crowned with a bust of Flora offering a basket of flowers. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. do. CALOSSI (A.) The Visit. (Modern.) Modern Painters. C — C CALVAERT ( D en ys). Antwerp, 1540-1619. (Flem- ish School.) The Virgin Appearing to St. Francis and St. Dom- inic. Dresden. Holy Family and an Angel. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. A'enice. C CAMBIASO (Luca). Near Genoa, 1527— Spain, 1585- Draped female figure standing. (Drawing.) Paris, Lowvrc. — C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 19» Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Three horsemen turned to the right; and a man, . nude figure, back view. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Florence, Uffizi. Woman seated, right profile, holding a child upon her knee. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Arrest of Chnst; sketch of fifteen figures. (Draw- ing.) do. C Birth of the Virgin ; composition of twelve figures. . (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Woman, holding a child, walking towards the right, and three other children. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Arrest of Christ; group of figures in a landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Holy Family. (Drawing.) C., $1.25. do. — Female figure sitting on the ground, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Milan, Amb. Gal. Female figure lying on the ground, back view. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. -^^ Design for the portrait of a man. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. . Milan, Resta. CAMPAGNOLA (Domenico). Born in Venice in 1482-1550. (Italian School.) Children Dancing. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Dresden, R. C. A Pope Sitting in his Chair. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Dresden, P. G. . St. Francis. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Weimar. Adoration of the Shepherds; five figures; in the background a town. (Drawing.) Vienna, Albertina. C Holy Family; composition of six figures in a land- scape ; on the right a pedestrian, and a horse- man. (Drawing.) do, C View of Cadore; in the foreground at the left a woman talking to a hermit. (Drawing.) do. C Assumption of the Virgin. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Chatsworth. Six studies of nude children. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Seven studies of nude children. (Drawing.) C, $i-25. do. Six studies of nude children. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Miraculous Draught of Fishes. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. _ Angelique. (Drawing.) do, C 200 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Siscs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ The Repast at the House of Simon. (Drawing.) Chatsworth. C — Landscape with figures in the foreground. (Draw- ing.) do. C — Landscape ; in the background, a town built on rocks. (Drawing.) do. C — CAMPAGNOLA (Giulio). Padua. Worked in 1500. (ItaHan School.) St. John the Baptist standing ; full face. (Drawing.) Jesus and the Woman of Samaria. (Engraving.) C, J},i.oo. St. John the Baptist. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. The Astrologer. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Rape of Ganymede. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Two women seated. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. The Nativity. (Attributed by Passavant to J. J. Campagtiola.) (Engraving.) C, $1.25. CAMPANA (Pedro). Madonna and Child. Brussels, 1 503-1 570. (Companion " equestrian portraits.) CAMPHAUSEN (W.) (Modern.) The Great Elector. Frederick the Great. Emperor William I. and his Generals Emperor William I. (on horseback). Frederick the Great at the Bier at Schwerin. Episode from the Battle at Rossbach. Emperor William I. Entering Berlin in July, 1871, at the Head of his Victorious Army. General Seydlitz. (Equestrian portrait.) Emperor Napoleon Conducted to Emperor William by Bismarck after the Battle of Sedan. Duppel. (Danish War, 1864.) General Zieten. (Equestrian portrait.) Emperor William I. and his Escort before Paris, 1870. Emperor William I. (full figure). The Great Elector in the Battle of Fehrbellin. Emperor Napoleon and Prince Bismarck Confer- ring Together after the Battle of Sedan. Gallichon Col. C Dresden, R. C. Dresden, P. G. do. do. do. Beriin. C Modern Painters. B — do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. B E B B B B — B B — B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B — B — B — — B — — B B B B B B B B B B SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 201 }(C ompanion pictures.) Frederick William L, King of Prussia. (Equestrian portrait.) Emperor William I. and Crown Prince Frederick William. Horsemen in Cromwell's Time. Head of a Gray Horse. Head of a Bay Horse. Stag Hunt. Meeting of Prince Bismarck and Napoleon III. after the Battle of Sedan. The Great Elector at the Battle of Fehrbellin. Emperor William I. Emperor vVilliam I., Emperor Frederick, and their Suite. Emperor William I. (standing figure). Revenge. Frederick Haase, the Actor, as Lord Bolingbroke. Maria Theresa. (Equestrian portrait.) Emperor Frederick. (Equestrian portrait, oval.) D., i6xi6 inches, $5.00. The Evening after the Battle of Leuthen. Tilsit, 1807. ) .„ . . , Sedan, 1870. [ (Compamon pictures.) Napoleon HI. in a Grenade-fire before Sedan. Fall of the Empire. • CAMPHUYSEN (G.) Farmhouse Interior. CAMPI (Antonio). Worked at Cremona in 1586. (Italian School.) Allegorical female figure, standing, draped ; at her feet a cock. (Drawing.) A Mask. (Wash drawing.) C, .75. Design for a Tabernacle. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. CAMPI (Bernardino). Cremona, 1522. (Italian School.) Entombment; composition of four figures. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Assumption; the Virgin surrounded by ten angels and four cherubim. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. B — B B do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Brussels. B B g B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B — — — B — B B B — — B B B— B B C c c c — c c Florence, Uflfizi. C Venice. do. do. 202 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. The Virgin Suckling the Infant Jesus. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. St. Agnes standing, caressing the lamb ; the crown under her foot. (Drawing.) C, .75. St. Agnes standing, holding the lamb in her arms. (Drawing.) C, .75. Holy Family; the Virgin and St. John the Baptist kneeling before the Infant Jesus; St. Eliza- beth (?) and St. Paul standing. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. / CAMPI (Giulio). Cremona, 1500-1572. (Italian School.) Ornaments with grotesque figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Frieze; garland with seven figures of angels. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Portrait of Duke Francesco Sforza; study for the picture in the church of St. Sigismund. (Pen drawing on white paper.) C, $1.00. The Circumcision ; composition of eleven figures. (Drawing.) King David, seated, playing the viol, and two chil- dren with a book. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. The Angel Appearing to Zacharias, the Priest, in the Temple; composition of twenty-two figures. (Drawing.) St. John Preaching; composition of many figures. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. CANAL (G.v.) (Modern.) The Old Mill. The Old Water-wheel. River Scenery. Ruins of Ross Castle. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. Evenmg Stillness. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. CANALE (Antonio). Called CANALETTO. Venice, 1697-1768. (Venetian School.) View of Venice. View of Venice; probably taken from Mestre. (Drawing.) Gallery. Si::cs, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Venice. do. do. do. Florence, Ufhzi. do. do. Milan, Amb. Venice. do. do. Modern Painters. C — C do. C C — c do. C C — c do. C — c do. — — — — — — Paris, Louvre. Malcolm Col. c — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 203 (School of Antonio Canale, called Canaletto.) View of the Dogana di Mare, and of the Church of Santa Maria della Salute in Venice. View of the Palace of the Doges, of the Piazetta, and of the Tower of St. jMark's in Venice. View of the Church of Santa Maria' della Salute in Venice. The Grand Canal in Venice: From St. Angelo to the Rialto. View of the Grand Canal in Venice : From the Church of Santa Maria della Salute, and from the Custom House. San Giovanni e Paolo in Venice. View of the Square and Church of San Giacomo di Rialto in Venice. View of the Square, Church and Belfry of San Mar- co in Venice. Market-place of Pirna. View of Venice : Palace of the Doges, and the En- trance to the Grand Canal. The figures are by Tiepolo. View of Venice : Piazza San Marco with the Church and the Campanile. View of Venice : The Grand Canal. View of Venice : A Canal with a Bridge, the Palace Labia, and the Tower San Jeremia. View of Venice : The Slaves' Pier, and the Palace of the Doges. View of Venice : The Canal of the Giudecca and the Dogana di Mare. View of Venice : The Piazzetta and the Port. V'jw of one of the Grand Canals in \^enice. Florence : Piazza de la Signoria. The Scuola della Carita (now Accademia delle Belle Arti). A View of Venice. (Drawing.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Berlin. C — c do. C - c do. C - c Dresden. c c — do. _-C -- do. c - do. --C -- do. c do. B Frankfort. --C-- Vienna, Liecht. — . — c c — do. c c — do. c do. c c do. c c do. c c do. c — Buda-Pesth. c London, Nat. Gal. — London, B. M. — C CANALETTO (Antonio da Canale), called CAN- ALETTO. vSee CANALE. CANALETTO (Bernardo). See BELOTTO. 204 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. CANEVARI (Raffaello). Born in 1791 ; died in 1876. (Italian School.) Study of a child. (After Van Dyck.) PL, 4x5 inch- es, .50; 7x9, $1.00; 10x13, $2.00. CANLASSI. See CAGNACCI (Guide). CANO (Alonso). Grenada, 1601-1667. (Spanish School.) St. Agnes. The Apostle St. Paul. The Vision of St. Anthony of Padua. Christ and the Magdalen — "Xoli me tangere." St. John the Evangelist Writing the Apocalypse on the Island of Patmos. The Virgin Adoring the Divine Child. The Dead Christ Supported by an Angel. The Christ of the Column. Christ on the Cross. Madonna and Child. The Child Jesus and Little St. John. Saints Appearing to a Dominican Monk. CANON (Hans). Born in Vienna. Portrait of the Prince Imperial. CANTARINI(Simone),called THE PESARESE. Oropezza, near Pesaro, 161 2- 1648. (Bolognese School.) Repose of the Holy Family. Repose of the Holy Family. St. Andrew. Apollo and Daphne. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Two sketches : Apollo and Daphne. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Two women seated. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Head of a man turned to the left. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Two sketches for the Virgin and Child. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Young woman standing, representing abundance, and two young men on her right. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Rome, Acad. St. L. C Berlin. — C — C Dresden. C Munich. — c — c Buda-Pesth. c Madrid. c do. c do. c Mad. Ac. San F. c do. c St. Petersburg. c do. c do. c Masters XIX Cen. c Paris, Louvre. C do. C Florence, Pitti. C Milan, Brera. do. do. do. do. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 205 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4| Sketch for a Holy Family. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Milan, Brera. Study for the Massacre of the Innocents. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do. Composition of many figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Nine studies of different figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Figure of a man and woman seated, turned to the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Nymph reclining and two satyrs. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Three figures of men crouching; allegories rep- resenting rivers. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Study for a Holy Family. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Moses in the Bulrushes ; composition of seven fig- ures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. St. Jerome, seated, reading. (Drawing.) C, $r.oo. do. Sketch for the Martyrdom of a Saint. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Nativity of the Virgin ; group of seven women. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Two figures of women kneeling, and of a woman turning away. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Two studies for a Cleopatra. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Sketch for a Holy Family; above, the child alone. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Holy Family and two studies of a child. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do. Venus Gazing upon the Sleeping Adonis. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Four studies of a woman and three studies of a child. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Two women, nude figures, and two children in a landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. 1 Three women and an old man. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Two women in conversation and two women em- bracing each other. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. - Two studies of draped male figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Two draped female figures, and a nude male figure. (Drawing.) $1.25. do. 206 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. The Child Jesus Appearing to St. Anthony of Padua; at his side, St. John kneeling. (Draw- ing.) Milan, Brera The \'irgin holding the Child Jesus in her arms. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. St. Anthony holding the Child Jesus. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Cain Killing Abel. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Composition of many figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. A person seated upon a throne, and the figure of a man kneeling before him : sketches of other figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Study of cows lying down. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Old man, nude, seated ; before him, a man and woman ; nude figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Two sketches for a Holy Family. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. St. John the Baptist in a Landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Four sketches for a St. John the Baptist. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Sketch for a Resurrection. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Two busts of women, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Study of a young woman, right profile, and sketch of four heads. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Sketch of a woman seated, four angels and two \ heads. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Woman, seated, playing a mandolin. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Sketch of an Annunciation. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Adoration of the Child Jesus; group of four fig- ures. (Drawing.) C., $1.25. do. Sketch of a man seated, and of a woman standing. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Venus Seated in her Chariot Discovering Adonis Asleep. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Two compositions for the subject of Bacchus and Ariadne. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Head of a woman and four little angels. (Draw- irg.) C, $1.25. do. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 207 Three figures of women, and a warrior; sketch. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. ' Milan, Brera. Sketch for an Annunciation. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Study for the Nativity of the Virgin. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. . do. Landscape; on the left, a man, nude figure, sup- porting a woman, nude figure. Actaeon. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Madonna holding the Infant Jesus. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Jupiter and Cupid; two sketches. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Bacchus as a Child. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Three men, nude figures, and a woman holding two children. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Man and woman, nude figures, in a landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Artist drawing the figure of a nude man before him. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Study for a Holy Family. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Six figures of warriors. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Hercules Putting on the Robe of Nessus ; composi- tion of nine figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Woman, seated, holding her child upon her knee. (Drawing.) C, $i.OO. - do. Figure of a woman leaning upon a bull ; Europa. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Angel and two children; sketch. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Seven studies for Christ Bound. (Drawing.) C, $1-25. do. Four studies for Adam and Eve Driven from Para- dise. (Drawing.) C, $1.2". do. Three figures ; bust. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Study for the Rape of Ganymede. (Drawing.) C, $i-25. do. Man, standing, taking a child from a woman seated. (Drawing.) C, $1.25, do. Sketch for a Holy Family with St. John, (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do. Young man looking at a young woman, and two other heads. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Gallery. Sices, 2 2| 3 3.^ 4 4^ 208 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Group of three figures, two of which are seated; and two other heads, full face. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Baptism of Christ. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Christ and the Woman of Samaria. (Drawing.) $1.00. Sketch : group of six figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Christ Bound to the Column; group of many fig- ures. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. St. Francis Kneeling before the Infant Jesus. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Three figures of women, nude, and an old man, nude, seated. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Sketch for the Adoration of the Child. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The soldiers surrounding the Holy Sepulchre; study. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Three sketches for the Penitent Magdalen. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Saint kneeling, two monks standing, and an angel descending from heaven. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Study for a Holy Family. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Scourging Christ; group of three figures. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Two male figures crouching; allegories represent- ing two rivers. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. ' Study for a Magdalen. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Sketch of many figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Three women, draped, seated, turning their backs, and two children. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Study for a Pieta. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. The Virgin Lamenting the Dead Christ. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Sketch for a Holy Family. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Male figure seated. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Apollo and Daphne ; study. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Nude figures of two men crouching, and two men seated. (Drawing.) Group of little angels. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4I Milan, Brera. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 209 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ The Apostles St. Peter, St. Paul and St. John. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Milan, Brera. Priests Distributing Food to the Poor. (Drawing.) do. . C — Study of a woman in a landscape; at her side an eagle. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. The Dead Christ; composition of seven figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. ■ The Swoon of the Virgin ; group of five figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Four figures in a landscape; sketch. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. , do. Sketch : group of three figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Head of an old man, head of a young woman and head of a horse. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Nude female figure seated under a tree. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do. Sketch for the Virgin of the Rose. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Venice. Study in the nude : man with arms bound, and man seated upon the ground. (Drawing.) €.,$1.25. do. . St. John the Baptist. Vienna, Liecht. C CANUTI (Domenico). Bologna, 1620-1677. (Bo- lognese School.) Descent from the Cross; sketch. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Florence, Uflfizi. Raising of Lazarus. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. CAPET (Marie-Gabrielle). (?)-i827. (French School.) Portrait of Anne-Felicite, Lady de Longrois (1763- 1826), Wife of M. de Longrois, Concierge In- tendant of the Chateau de Fontainebleau. (Pastel.) Nat. Portraits. C — CAPPELLE (Jan Van). XVII. century. Return of the Fishing Boats. (Durand-Ruel CoU.j Old Masters. C Calm Sea. Berlin. C C — View of a Canal in Holland. Munich. C — C Calm Sea with Boats at Anchor. Vienna, Imp. Mus. C Regatta. Amsterdam. C — C 210 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. River-scene, with Boat. On the River. CAPPONI. See GARBO (Raffaellino del.) CARASELLI (C.) (Modern.) The Temptation. CARAVAGGIO (Polidore de), Polidora CAL- DARA. Caravaggio (Lombard}), 1495 (?)- 1543. (Roman School.) Psyche Received on Olympus. Two women, standing, carrying their children, and two women lying down. (Drawing.) C. $1.25. Two women cutting a man's hair. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Four card-players around a table ; on the right, figure of a woman standing. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Study of five figures of a man in different attitudes. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Group of several women. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Sacrifice. (Drawing.) Two draped figures, full face, standing. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. A finely-ornamented helmet. (Drawing.) Rape of the Sabines. (Drawing.) Holy Family. (Copy of the Holy Family by Ra- phael in the Louvre.) St. John Preaching to the Multitude. (Drawing.) Study of eight figures of women. (Drawing.) Two women; the one standing, back view; the other leaning over, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Nude male figure lying on the ground. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Drapery after the antique. (Drawing.) C, .75. Bust of a gladiator, left profile. (Drawing.) C, •75- A right arm. (Drawing.) C, .75. A right leg. (Drawing.) C, .75. Ornament for a frieze. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Subject for frieze with Cupids and fauns. (Draw- ing-) Gallery. Siacs, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ London, Nat. Gal. C — C do. C — C Modern Painters. C Paris, Louvre. do. do. do. do. do. C do. Lille. C Weimar. C Vienna, Liecht. C Vienna, Albertina. C — do. C do. do. do. do. do. do. Chatsworth. do. — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 211 (Drawing.) C, C, $i.oo. Two decorative subjects for friezes C, :|ji.oo. The Vintagers; frieze. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo A Sacrifice; design for a frieze. (Drawing.) $1-75. (Retouched by Rubens.) A saint led to martyr- dom. (Drawing.) Design for a cofTer. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Sketch of six different vases. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Drawing of a vase. (Drawing.) C, .75. Drawing of a vase. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Frieze; ornaments. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Drawing of vase. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Drawing of vase. (Drawing.) Drawing of vase. (Drawing.) Drawing of vase. (Drawing.) Drawing of vase. (Drawing.) Group for a combat of archers on horseback. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. The Christian Doctrine; large composition for a frieze. First part. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Continuation of the above: second part. (Draw- ing.) C, $2.50. Continuation of the above : third part. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Continuation of the above : fourth part. (Draw- ing.) C, $2.50. Continuation of the above : fifth part. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Continuation of the above : sixth part. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Subject from Roman History ; composition for a frieze. First part. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Continuation of the above : second part. (Draw- ing.) C, $2.50. Continuation of the above : third part. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Continuation of the above : fourth part. (Draw- ing.) C, $2.50. Fragment of frieze : men in procession. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Chatsworth. do. do. do. C Florence, Uffizi. do. do. do. do. do. do. C do. do. C do. C Milan, Amb. C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Milan, Resta Col. 212 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Six angels praying around the cupola of a church. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. An allegorical figure. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. David and Goliath; composition of many figures. (Drawing.) Two draped female figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. A Roman emperor standmg. (Drawing.) Studies : ornaments for armor. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. CARAVAGGIO (Michelangiolo Amerighi), called Michael Angelo of. Caravaggio, 1569-1609. (Lombard School.) Death of the Virgin. Portrait of Alof de Wignacourt, Grand Master of Malta in 1601. The Entombment. Cupid Vanquished. Portrait of a young woman. Love the Conqueror. Portrait of himself. D., 7^x9 inches, India paper, $1.50. St. Sebastian. The Tricksters ; lansquenets playing cards. Madonna and Child Appearing to Two Pilgrims. David with the Head of Goliath. The Lute-player. Head of Medusa. The Players. Descent from the Cross. Young man singing and accompanying himself upon the mandolin. CARBEN (J.) (Modern.) Evoe ! Evoe ! CARDI (Lodovico) da CIGOLI. Cigoli (Tuscany), 1559-1613. (Florentine School.) St, Francis d'Assisi. The Entombment. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The Circumcision ; composition of many figures. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Milan, Resta Col. Venice. do. C do. do. C — do. Paris, Louvre. do. Berlin. do. do. do. Brunswick. Dresden. do. Munich. Vienna Mus. V^ienna, Liecht. Florence, Uffizi. Rome, Sciarra. Rome. Vat. Pin. C — C — C — c — c c — c c — c c. B — C C C — C c c c St. Petersburg. C Modern Painters. C Paris, Louvre, do. do. C — C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 213 Head of an old woman, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Adoration of the Magi ; composition of many fig- ures. (Drawing.) Monk at prayer; turned towards the right. Composition : group of nine figures. (Drawing.) Portrait of the artist, by himself. St. Francis Receiving the Stigmata. Nativity of the Virgin. (Drawing.) Two women seated; nude figures. (Drawing.) Burial of a saint; large composition. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Ecce Homo. , CARDIANI. (Italian School.) Head of a woman, almost full face. (Drawing.) CARDUCHO or CARDUCCI (Vincencio). (Flor- ence, 1578 — Madrid, 1638. (Spanish School.) Heavenly Vision. St. Gonzalo. The Vision of St. Francis. Ecstasy of St. Anthony. CARESME. (French School.) A Bacchanal. (Drawing.) CARIANI (Giovanni). Flourished in 1510 at Ber- gamo. (Venetian School.) Male portrait. Young woman in a rich landscape. (Allegory?) "The Bravo" C. Plotius Attacked by C. Luscius. Madonna and Child, with St. Peter. CARL (Kate Augusta). Born in New Orleans (United States). (Modern.) At the Well. Children at Play. CARLINE (G.) Snowdrops. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 2 Zh 4 4i Paris, Louvre. do. C Lille. C Dresden, R. C. C Florence, Uffizi. C — do. C — do. C do. C — do. Florence, Pitti. C Lille. — C Dresden. C — do. C Buda-Pesth. C — St. Petersburg. C — De Goncourt Col. — Berlin. do. \'ienna Mus. Rome, Borg. Gal. CARMINE (M.) Kids to Sell! (Modern.) Modern Painters, do. do. do. C C C — C — C — C 214 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallcrv. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ CARMONDETTE. (French School.) The ChevaUer de Menilglaise standing, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $i.cx). De Goncourt Col. CARMONTELLE (Louis Carrcgis, called). Paris, 1717-1806. (French School.) Diderot in Conversation with Grimm. Old Masters. C — Portrait of Voltaire. (Water-body color.) do. C — CAROLUS-DURAN. Born in Lille, 1837. (Mod- ern.) Lady with a Glove. (Salon of 1869.) Paris, Lux. , C Lilia. (Salon of 1890.) do. C C An Evening on the Oise. (Salon of 1893.) do. C In the Dew. Modern Painters. C C Portrait of the Countess V (AJ^edal of honor, Salon of 1879.) do. C C Youth. do. C Portrait of a child. - do. C A Future Doge. - do. C Entombment. " do. C Vision. do. C C The Caliph's Slave. do. C Portrait of Miss X do. C Awakening. do. C Andromeda. do. C C Bacchus. » do. C Mary Magdalen. ' do. C C Danae. * do. C C Portrait of Charles Gounod. ' do. C Lucica. , do. C C Last Hour of Christ. do. C Gloria Mariae Medicis. do. C Portrait of a child. do. C Portrait of the mother of the artist. do. C Portrait of M. Zacharie Astruc. do. C Portrait of Arsene Houssaye. / do. C C June Morning on the Shores of the Channel. do. C Poet with the Mandolin. do. C Golden Twilight. - do. C Evening on the Plain of Frejus. do. C At the Spring. (Salon of 1898.) do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON 215 Obsession, (Salon of 1898.) Dead Christ upon the Cross. (Salon of 1899.) The Fruit-seller. CAROTTO (G. F.) Madonna and Child. (Habich Coll.) CARPACCIO (Vittore). Born in Capo d'Istria, I450(?). Worked from 1490 to 15 19. (Vene- tian School.) St. Stephen Preaching at Jerusalem. Madonna and Child between St. Jerome and St. Catherine. Consecration of St. Stephen by St. Peter. Madonna and Child with Little St. John. Christ Adored by Angels. Communion of St. Jerome. Burial of St. Jerome. St. John, St. Christopher, and the Doge Giovanni Mocenigo Adoring the Virgin and Child. Altar-picture : a bishop seated on a throne, with an emperor and a bishop on either side. (Draw- ing-) Fragment of a Crucifixion ; eight figures. Figure of a prophet, standing, full face, holding a closed book in his left hand. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Two draped male figures walking towards the left. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. St. Stephen before the Sanhedrim. Study for the picture in Venice. (Pen and bistre drawing.) C, $1.25. Presentation in the Temple. Detail of the above : picture without the upper part. Detail of the above : group on the left. Detail of the above : group on the left and the centre of the picture. Detail of the above : foot of picture ; centre, angel musician. Detail of above : foot of picture ; angel musician on right. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. C C do. c C — C Cassel. C Paris, Louvre. C — c — Berlin. C c c do. C c — c Frankfort. C — — — Vienna Mus. C — — — do. c — c do. c — c London, N. G. c — c Windsor. c Florence, Uffizi. — c — do. — — — do. do. \'enice. C — C do. c do. c — c do. do. do. :::::: 216 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Detail of above : foot of picture ; angel musician on left. The Ten Thousand Crucified on Mt. Ararat. Meeting of St. Anna and St. Joachim. Marriage of St. Ursula: (i) Arrival of the Ambas- sadors. Detail of the above : group on the left. Marriage of St. Ursula: {2} Departure of the Am- bassadors. Marriage of St. Ursula: (3) In the Town of the English King Agrippinus. Marriage of St. Ursula: (4) Departure of the Mar- ried Couple. Detail of the above : St. Ursula Taking Leave of her Parents. Detail of the above : right part of the picture. Marriage of St. Ursula: (5) Apotheosis of St. Ur- sula. Detail of the above : Heads of the Virgins. Marriage of St. Ursula : (6) Arrival of the Married Couple at Rome. Marriage of St. Ursula: (7) The Martyr's Dream. Marriage of St. Ursula: (8) Arrival of St. Ursula and her Virgin at Cologne. Marriage of St. Ursula: (9) Martyrdom and Fu- neral Obsequies of St. Ursula. Detail of the above : Funeral obsequies, right part of picture. CARPENTIER (Paul Claude). Rouen, 1787-1877. (French School.) Portraits of Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre (1787- 185 1), scenic artist and natural philosopher, inventor of the daguerreotype. CARPENTIER (Evariste). Born in Cuerne-les Courtrai (Belgium). (Modern.) A "Dives." CARPI (Girolamo da). See GIROLAMO. CARRACCI (Agostino). Bologna, 1558-1601. (Bolognese School.) Portrait of a middle-aged lady. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ Venice, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C c c c e c — c c — c — c — c do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C — C do. C — C c National Port. C Modern Painters. C Berlin. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 217 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 32 4 4l Dresden, R. C. Weimar. do. Vienna, Albertina. C do. do. C do. — do. do. do. do. do. do. Chatsworth. do. do. do. Florence, Uffizi. do. C do. do. do. do. — ^ — do. . do. C Satyr lying down. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Ornaments. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Ornaments. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Draped female figure standing, full face. (Draw- ing.) Venus in a shell, her arms raised. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Mars and Venus in a landscape. (Drawing.) Nymph and Satyr. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Draped male figure seated, back view. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Nude child walking. ( Drawing.) C, .75. Nude child standing, full face. (Drawing.) C. (Drawing.) •75- head. Bust of a young man asleep. $1.00. Portrait of Bernardino da; Bologna, Senator (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Mountainous landscape crossed by a river. (Draw- ing.) C, $2.50. Communion of St. Jerome. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Nude figure, back view. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Decorative subject : children and satyrs. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Portrait. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Madonna and Child upon Clouds. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Repose of the Holy Family in a landscape. (Drawing.) Mountainous landscape crossed by a bridge, upon which are a man, a woman and a dog. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Landscape with four figures and a horseman ; at the left, a donkey. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Landscape with horsemen and figures ; sketch. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Landscape ; at the left a fortified castle. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Small wooded landscape. (Drawing.) C, .75. Study of a tree. (Drawing.) C, .75. Landscape traversed by a river; in the distance, the houses of a village. (Drawing.) 218 SOULE ART COMPAXY, BOSTON. Mountainous landscape ; a brook forms a cascade at the right. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Holy Family. (Drawing.) €.,$1.25. Marriage of St Catherine. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Holy Family and St. John in a landscape. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Wooded landscape. (Drawing.) C. $1.25. Head of a saint turned three-quarters to the left. (Drawing.) C. $1.25. Study of a bust, back view. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Madonna Holding the Child Jesus. (Drawing.) C, .75- CARRACCI(Annibale), called THE CARRACHE. Bologna, 1560 — Rome, 1609. (Bolognese School.) Sacrifice of Abraham. Death of Absalom. The Nativity. Madonna of the Cherries. The Sleep of the Infant Jesus, called the "Silence" of Carracci. St. John the Baptist Preaching. The Dead Christ upon the Virgin's Knee. The Magdalen. Martyrdom of St. Stephen. St. Sebastian. Infant Hercules Strangling Serpents. Fishing. Hunting. Young boy. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Head of a boy turned three-quarters to the left. (Drawing.) Figure of a nude man seated. (Drawing.) C, $i-75- A Sower; fully draped figure. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. The Cyclops ; group of four nude figures. At the left, a woman and a child. (Drawing.) Ulysses and Circe ; circular composition of four fig- ures. (Drawing.) Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Florence, Ulfizi. Milan, Resta Col. do. Milan, Brera. A'enice. do. do. do. Paris, Louvre, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. — — — — c c — — — c c — c c c — — — c c c — c c c c c c c — — — — c c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 219 Gallery. Sices, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Christ and the Virgin; before them, St. Francis kneeUng; behind him, an angel. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Paris, Louvre. Dancing Faun^ turned to the right. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. Study of nude figure of a man walking towards the right. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. Study of a man ; nude figure, standing, the arms crossed above the head. (Drawing) C, $2.50. do. Study of a man, almost nude, seated; at the left study of a hand. (Drawing.) do. C Study of a Polyphemus. (Drawing.) do. C A man crouching; decorative figure. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. A man seated; nude figure. (For a decoration.) (Drawing.) do. C Study of a nude male figure flying. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. Holy Family ; composition of five figures. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. " do. Bacchus and Ariadne. (Drawing.) do. C Madonna and Child Adored by Saints. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. The Dead Christ, the Virgin, and St. John. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Satyr seated, left profile. (Drawing.; C, $1.75. do. Satyr seated, almost full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Two rowers ; busts ; almost back view. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Wooded landscape ; at the right, in the foreground, a woman lying down. (Drawing.^ do, C Study of a man blowing a trumpet; bust. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do. Head of woman, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $i.75- do. Two young girls, half length. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do., Head of a young boy, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Head of young man, ri^^ht profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. 220 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Head of man, full face, looking upward. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. Head of child, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Head of young man slightly turned to the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Head of a young man turned to the right. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. Head of a man, full face. (Drawing.) Study of a left hand. (Drawing.) $1.75. Christ Appearing to St. Peter ; sketch. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Study: A Faun. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. A man, nude figure, lying on his back. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. Study : sketch of women's heads. (Drawing.) Mountainous landscape traversed by a river. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Landscape traversed by a river. (Drawing.) C, •75- Child with flowers, in profile. Child throwing flowers ; full face. Child carrying flowers on its head. , The Sleep of Venus. The Savior; at His left, St. John; at His right, St. Peter. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Study of a left hand. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Head of man, almost full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Head of young man, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Polyphemus. (Drawing.) Large landscape. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Mountainous landscape. Shepherd and Shepherdess. Tobias Healing his Father's Blindness. Madonna and Child with St. Francis. The Genius of Glory. Madonna and Child, and Little St. John. Head of Christ. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Paris, Louvre. do. do. do. do. C do. do. do. do. do. C — do. do. Chantilly. C do. C do. C do. C Lille, do. do. do. do. do. Berlin. Brunswick. Cassel. do. Dresden. do. do. C C B C — C C — C C C — B C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 221 Portrait of Giovanni Gabrielle, called II Siello or II Mascarone, celebrated comedian. Portrait of a lute-player. Night; beautiful composition for an allegory. (Drawing.) Pieta. (Engraving.) C, $i.oo. (School of "the Carrache.") St. Sebastian Cared for by Two Roman Women. Massacre of the Innocents. Satyr seated , back view. (Drawing.) Venus and Adonis. Christ and the Woman of Samaria. Pieta. Diana of the Blue Cloak. Adoration of the Shepherds. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. The Virgin seated, right profile, holding the Child Jesus. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The Body of Christ, the Virgin weeping over it, and two angels. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The Body of Christ and an angel. (Drawing.) C, $175. The Entombment ; group of five figures ; above, group of three heads of angels. (Drawing.) $1.75. The Resurrection. (Drawing.) Christ Appearing to the Virgin; and three saints. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Holy Family, St. John and St. Francis, (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. The Virgin in Glory above the City of Bologna. (Drawing.) St. Theresa in Ecstasy. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Bacchus and Ariadne ; composition of many figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Amphitrite ; two studies of the same subject. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Design for a ceiling for the Farnese Gallery. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Decorative design for a ceiling. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4J' Dresden, do. C c do Frankfort. C Munich. — _ C — c Weimar. — _ — — c — Vienna A I us. C C do. — c — — do. c Vienna, Liecht. c Vienna, Albertina. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. — C — C 222 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Sketch : studies of female figures. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo, Diana and Actaeon. Christ Appearing to St. Peter after His Resurrec- tion. Torso of a man ; study. (Drawing.) Bust of a man, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Two Peasants. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Intoxication of Silenus ; group surrounded by a garland. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Madonna of Silence. The Virgin with the Child Asleep, and St. John. Nude figure seated; back view. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Study of a torso. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Child standing, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Head of young man, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Study of head looking down. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Christ Crowned with Thorns. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Female head, in profile. (Drawing.) C. $1.75. A pope, kneeling, is counseled by the angels. (Drawing.) A Bacchante. Draped woman and nude child in a landscape. (Drawing.) Sketch for a composition of many figures. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Head of a boy, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Madonna and Child surrounded by angels in a landscape. (Drawing.) Man seated, head turned to the right ; at his side the bust of a child. (Drawing.) C, $1.75- Bust of the Virgin with the Child holding the cross. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. The V^irgin, bust, holding the Child Jesus. (Drawing.) C. .75. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3I 4 4^ Vienna, Albertina. Brussels. London, N. G. London, B. M. C — C C do. do. do. Windsor. C do. C Chatsworth. do. do. do. do. do. do. • do. do. C Florence, L'ffizi. C do. C do. do: do. C do. do. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 223 Allegorical figure of a woman holding a book in her right hand, and an hour-glass in her left. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Bust of the Virgin holding the Infant Jesus ; before them a vase of flowers. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Sketch of five figures, (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Bust of young man playing the mandolin; back view, head turned to the left. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Mars and Venus. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Busts of two men and two children before a table. (Drawing.) Portrait of the artist, the head turned three-quar- ters to the left. (Drawing.) The Virgin, half length, holding the Child Jesus. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Nymph and satyr; sketch of the picture in the Tri- bune at Florence. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Mandolin players and a woman seated ; at the right a group of three heads. (Drawing.) C, $i-75- Two heads of boys, left profile. (Drawing.) C, _ $1.75- Triumph of Bacchus and Ariadne; design for the Farnese Palace. (Drawing.) Group of Seven Sirens. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Study of the figure of a woman reclining, for the "Triumph of Bacchus." Composition ; group of many figures. (Draw- ing.) C, $2.50. The Assumption. The Flight into Egypt. Pieta. Bust of young man drawing. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Young girl in a landscape ; and a woman carrying a basket. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. The Flight into Egypt. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. The Virgin^ seated, holding the Child Jesus in her arms. (Drawing.) C, .75. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Florence, Uffizi. do. do. do. do. ^ C do. C do. do. do. do. _ do. C do. do. C do. Rome, Doria. C do. C do. C Milan, Resta Col. do. _ do. Venice. 224 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON Sketch for the legs of a Christ on the cross. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Study of two right hands and two hands clasped. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Bust of a man before a table, his head leaning upon his left hand. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Bust of an old man, almost full face. (Drawing.; C, $1.00. Hymen Chaining Cupid. (Drawing.) C, .75. CARRACCI (Antonio), called LE CARRACHE. Venice, 1583-1618. (Bolognese School.) The Deluge. Head of an old man slightly turned to the left. (Drawing.) Head of a man, left profile. (Drawing.) The Lute-player. CARRACCI (Ludovico), called LE CARRACHE. Bologna, 1 555-1619. (Bolognese School.) The Annunciation. Madonna and Child. The Dead Christ. Portrait of a man seated. Christ Crowned with Thorns, Supported by Angels. (According to Woermann, by Annibale Car- raci.) Holy Family. (Engraving.) C, $1.75. Madonna and Child. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Pieta. St. Cecilia. (School of Carraci.) St. Ursula. The Nativity ; composition of many figures. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. The Annunciation, with two groups of angels above. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. The \^irgin, full face, half length, holding the Child Jesus. (Drawing.) C, .75. Madonna and Child seated upon clouds borne by two angels. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. The Virgin seated, half length, holding the Child Jesus, standing. (Drawing.) C, .75. Gallery. Sices, 2 2h 3 3^ 4 4? Venice, do. do. do. do. do. Paris, Louvre. — C — C — Weimar. C — do. C — Vienna Mus. C Paris, Louvre. do. do. Chantilly. Dresden. Dresden, R. C. do. Munich, ^o. do. — C — C — C — C C — C C — C C — C Weimar. Vienna, Albertina. do. do. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 226 The Virgin, seated, holding the Child. A repeti- tion of the Child. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. The Virgin, standing, holding the Infant Jesus; landscape in the background. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The Virgin, seated, with the Child Jesus, who is raising His right arm. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The Virgin, seated, half length, looking towards the left, and holding the Child. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Christ Holding the Cross ; St. Paul, and the Virgin. The three are standing. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Three saints kneeling before the Virgin, who holds the Child Jesus. (Drawing.) St. Francis of Paula standing in a landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. St. Theresa; bust, full face, head raised. (Draw- ing.) C, .75. Man seated, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Landscape with view of a town ; at the right, a bridge spanning a river. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Mountainous landscape ; in the middle a large castle. The Virgin, seated, right profile, holding the Child Jesus. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Sketch; group of three women and a child. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. The Music Lesson; busts of a young man and a young woman. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Study of a woman kneeling, right profile; behind her the bust of another woman. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The Virgin seated; at her feet, the Child Jesus. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. The Ninth Hour; allegory. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Two heads ; study of a young man. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. An Interior; sketch. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. CARRENO DE MIRANDA (Don Juan). Born in Aviles, 1614 — Madrid, 1685. (School of Ma- drid.) Assumption of the Virgin. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 Vienna, Albertina. do. 4i do. do. do. do. do. do. do. '- do. C Florence, Uffizi. do. do. do. Milan, Resta Col. do. Venice. ; do. ^ Picrlin, Raczynski. C — C 226 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Donna Maria Anna d'Austria. Portrait of Peter Evanowitz Potemkin, Ambassa- dor of the Czar Feodor II. in 1682. CARREY (Jacques). Paris, 1651-1694. (French School.) Portrait of the sculptor, Marsy (Gaspard), (1624- Gallcry. Munich. Madrid. Si::cs, 22^^ 3i 4 4i C — C I68I). Versailles. The Grand Vizir Receiving M. de Nointel, Ambas- sador from Louis XIV. do. The Sultan Receiving M. de Nointel. do. CARRIERA. See ROSALBA CARRIERA. CARRIER-BELLEUSE (Louis). Born in Paris, (Modern.) The Little Chimney-sweepers — \\'inter in Paris. Modern Painters CARRIER-BELLEUSE (Pierre). Born in Paris. (Modern.) The Dunce-cap in the Work-class. do. The Mirror. do. The Evening before the Debut. do. In the Absence of the Master. do. On a Bear-skin. do. The Toilet. do. In the Opera-box. do. Clown, do. Harlequin. do. Study. do. The Engagement. do. Study. do. Dancers Playing the Bones. do. Happy Pierrot. (Salon of 1899.) do. Columbine. (Salon of 1899.) do. On the Sand. (Salon of 1899.) do. CARRIERE (Eugene). Born in Gournay (Seine- et-Oise). Maternity. Paris, Lux. c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c CARRINGTON (J. Yates). (Modern.) Familiarity Breeds Contempt. D., 16x10 inches, $3-00. Modern Painters B B SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 227 CARRUCCI (Jacopo), called THE PONTORMO. Born near Florence, 1494-1557. (Florentine School.) Holy Family. Portrait of an engraver of fine stones. (After Jacopo Carrucci.) The Visitation. Group of women dancing; nude figures; around them many angels. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Two groups ; several figures in each. Sketch. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Group of four women and an old man. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Portrait of a young man of rank. Portrait of a young man. (Attributed.) Portrait of a child. Joseph in Egypt. Draped man seated. (Drawing.) Joseph Led to Prison. Portrait of Cosimo de Medicis, surnamed the Father of his Country. Portrait of Cosimo I. de Medicis. Joseph Presenting his Father and Brothers to Pharaoh. Venus and Cupid. Martyrdom of the Forty Crowned Saints. Adoration of the Magi. Three men ; nude figures. (Drawing.) Study of five children in various attitudes. (Draw- Three men crouching; nude figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Ornaments. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. St. John seated. (Pen drawing.) C, $1.75. First study for the picture in the Louvre : "The Virgin Surrounded by Saints." (Pen and bistre drawing.) C, $1.25. Creation of Eve ; study for the picture in the Church of San Lorenzo in Florence. (Drawing in red crayon.) The Virgin surrounded by saints. (Fresco in the Chapel of St. Luc-Annunziata.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4I Paris, Louvre, do. do. do. do. do. Cassel. Vienna Mus. London, N. G. do. London, B. M. Florence, Uffizi. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. -, C Florence, Ann. C — C — C — c — C — — C — c — c — c c 228 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Visitation of the Virgin. (Fresco in the vestibule of the Church of the Annunziata.) Portrait of Hippolyte de Medicis. The Dead Christ Supported by the Virgin and the Magdalen. Portrait of Cardinal Marcello Cervini degli Span- nochi. (According to the catalogue of the Borghese Gallery, portrait of a cardinal attrib- uted to Raphael.) Portrait of an unknown person. Head of a man looking upward and toward the left, (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Group of four men ; nude. Imitated from the Last Judgment of Michael Angelo. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. First sketch of the Brazen Serpent. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Holy Family with Little St. John. CARSTENS (J. V.) (Modern.) A Flower-girl. Cosey Nook. The Little Gardener. Memento. Trust in God. In the Convent-garden. The Foundling. Klarchen. Leisure-hour. CARTER (H.) Antipathy and Sympathy. D., 16x9 inches, $3.00. CASADO (Jose). Born in Velencia. (Modern.) La Tirana. Ophelia. CASANOVA (Francesco). London, 1730 (?) — Briihl, 1805. (French School.) Equestrian portrait of Peter the Great. CASANOVA y ESTORACH (Antonio). Born in Tortosa (Spain). (Modern.) The Hero of the Fete. Gallery. Sises, 2 2i 3 3^ 4 4i Florence, Ann. C Florence, Pitti. C Florence, Acad. C Rome, Borg. Gal. do. Venice. do. do. Madrid. C — Modern Painters. B — B do. c C — C do. C do. c C — C do. C do. C do. C — C do. C do. C do. C — C Madrid, M. M. A. PIC do. PIC Vienna, Liecht. C C Modern Painters. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 229 Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ In the Comer of the Garden. Modern Painters. C An Accomplished Gourmet. do. C For the Mendicant Friar. do. C The Frock and the Sword. (Siege of Paris, March 14, 1590.) do. C Chez Figaro. do. C The Mountebanks. do. C CASENTINO (Jacopo da). Pratovecchio, about 1 3 10. (Itahan School.) Old man seated, draped figure. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Dresden, R. C. CASSAGNE (Armand Theophile). Born in Lan- din, 1823. (Modern.) Le Dormoir du Nid de I'Aigle. PI., $2.00. Boston, M. F. A. ^^ Le Charlemagne et le Roland. PI., $2.00. do. CASSIOLI (A.)" (Modern.) "Catch Me If You Can !" Modern Painters. C C — C A Page. . do. C — C The Little Artist. do. C — C The Toilet. . do. C — C Teasing. do. C — C Rosita. *do. C — C Teasing the Baby. , do. C C — C Parental Joy. do. C — C Before the Duel, do. C CASTAGNO (Andrea del). About 1390-1457. (Florentine Schooi.) The Crucifixion. London, N. G. C — Man seated, draped, and man standing; nude fig- ures. (Drawing.) London, B. M, '■ C Three figures of men, draped, standing. (Draw- ing.) do. C Head of man slightly turned to left. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Florence, Ufifizi. Descent from the cross ; group of four figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Madonna, seated, holding the Child Jesus. (Draw- ing.) C, .75. do. Figure of woman standing, draped, her hands clasped. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. 230 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON (According- to Venturi, by Botticelli.) Portrait of a man. CASTAN (E.) (Modern.) He's Asleep ! The Grandmother's Visit. CASTIGLIONE (Giovanni Benedetto), called THE GRECHETTO. Genoa, 1616— Man- tua, 1670. (Genoese School.) Angels Appearing to the Shepherds. D., 7^x9 inches, $i-50. Jacob and Rachel. (According to Woermann. by Seb. Bourdon.) Noah Entering the Ark. (Engraving.) C, $1.75. Sacrifice of Isaac. CASTIGLIONE (Giuseppe). Bom in Naples. (Modern.) The Country. The Cardinal Artist. Olivia and Sebastian. Visit to my Uncle the Cardinal. (Salon of 1898.) Francesca et Paolo. (Salon of 1899.) CASTIGLIONE (Salvatore). Born in Genoa, XVII. century. (Italian School.) Raising of Lazarus. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. CASTRES (Edouard). Born in Geneva. (Modern.) Passing the Frontier. Return from the Mountain. CATENA (VincenzodiBiagio, called). Treviso (?) — Venice, 1531. (Venetian School.; Portrait of Count Raymond Fugger (1489-1535). Madonna and Child with saints. Madonna and Child, St. Margaret and St. Cath- erine of Alexandria, the Abbe St. Anthony, and the Bishop St. Nicholas of Bari. (According to Woermann, by Pierre Francesco Bissolo.) Madonna and Child, with two saints and a donor. Madonna and child, with two saints. Male portrait. Gallery. Shcs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4I Florence, Pitti. C — Modern Painters. C do. C Brunswick. B Dresden. C Dresden, R. C. Rome, Doria. C Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C C do. C C Dresden, R. C. Modern Painters. C da C Berlin, do. C C — C Dresden. C — Buda-Pesth. C — do. C — Vienna. c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 231 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3} 4 4^ CATS (Jacob). Autumn landscape. (Drawing.) C, $i.75- Dresden, P. G. CATTAPANE (Luca). Cremona, 1 550-1 597. Decoration for a pilaster. (Wash and pen draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Florence, Uflfizi. CAUCAUNIER (Jean Denis Antoine). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Eve. Modern Painters. C Potiphar's Wife. do. C The Grasshopper. do. C The Ant. do. , C Midday Repose. do. C The Spider. do. C CAUWELAERT. (Modern.) Sheep Pasture. Chicago Art Inst. — PiC CAVAZZOLA (Paolo Moranda), called. i486— Verona, 1522. (Venetian School.) Portrait of Emilio d'Emili of Verona. Dresden. C Male portrait. do. C CAVE (J. C.) (Modern.) Armful of Flowers. (Salon of 1897.) Modern Painters. — C C Youth. (Salon of 1898.) do. C Harvest of Flowers. (Sialon of 1899.) do. — . — C CAVEDONE (Jacopo). Duchy of Modena, 1577 — Bologna, 1660. (Italian School.) Madonna, half length, holding the Child. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. ■ Paris, Louvre. Landscape ; in the centre woman holding her child. (Drawing.) Dresden, R. C. C The Dead Christ Mourned by Angels. Munich. — C — C Priest kneeling, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Florence, Uflfizi. CAYRON (Jules). (Modern.) The Past. (Salon of 1897.) Modern Painters. C — C Harmonies. (Salon of 1898.) ■ do. C CAZES (Pierre Jacques). Paris, 1676-1754. (French School.) St. Peter Resuscitating Tabitha. Paris, Louvre. C — CAZIN (Jean Charles). Born in Samer. (Modern.) Ishmael. (Salon of 1880.) Paris, Lux. C 232 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. The Day is Done. Moonrise on the Seashore. Snow Effect on the Seashore. CECCHI (A.) (Modern.) Isabella. A Declaration of Love. The Proposal. Caught in the Act. Harmony. A Pastime. The String of Pearls. Playful Kittens. Malicious Critic. Grandfather's Story. CEDERSTROEM (Gustave, Baron von). Born in Stockholm. (Modern.) A Good Halting-place. Baptism by Immersion. Magnus Stanbrek in Malmo, 1709. CEDERSTROEM (Thure von). Smaland, Sweden, 1843. (Modern.) "One Man Steals a Horse while Another May Not Look Over a Hedge." (German proverb.) Spirit of the Doge. Mistaken Vocation. Journal Amusant. Musical Studies. Check-mate ! Lead Us Not Into Temptation ! Old Birds are Not Caught by Chaff. On the Lcok-out. The Page. The Trumpeter. Too Late ! For Thirsty Brethren ! Only Have Courage ! Geographical Dispute. The Bagpipe. The Mandolin. From Convent-treasure. Gallery. Sices, 2 2\ 3 M 4 4h Modern Painters. C — — — H. Vever Col. do. c c — Modern Painters. c do. — C — c do. — — — C — c do. C C — c do. — C — c do. — — — — — c do. — — — — — c do. — — c do. C — c do. — — B — — B do. C do. c — c do. C c — c do. C do. c C — C do. C do. C do. c do. C — C do. C — C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. c C — C do. C — C do. C do. C do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 233 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3-^ 4 41^ A Good Drink. Modern Painters. C Hospitality. do. C — C High C. do. C C — C In the Library. " do. C — C News. do. C In the Monastery. do. C C — C A Duet. do. C The Quartette. do. C Latest News. do. C C — C The Admonition. do. C Reminiscences. do. C Lying-in-state of Charles XII. do. C C — C Discovery of North Pole. do, C — C A Punch Bowl. do. C — C Music. do. C A Glass of the Best. * do. C A Cold and Frosty Morning. do. C The Intermezzo. do. C Monastic Recreations. do. C — C Rival Musicians. do. C More Free than Welcome. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. do. — — — C — C For the Prior's "Name-day." do. C CEI (C.) The Orphans. do. C — C CELESTI (Andrea). Venice, 1639-1706. (Vene- tian School.) Bacchus and Ceres. Dresden. C CELLINI (Benvenuto). 1 500-1 572. (Florentine School.) Design for a plate. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Decorative design for a fountain. (Drawing.) Ornamental design for a jewel. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Drawing for a piece of jewelry. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. (Attributed.) Study of helmets. (Pen drawing.) C, $1.25. Dresden, R. C. Weimar. C London, B. M. Florence, L^filizi, do. CERESO. See ZERESO (Matteo). 234 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4J CERVA (Giovanni, Battista della). Milan, 1550. (Italian School.) A bishop standing, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Venice. CESARI (Giuseppe), called JOSEPIN. Arpino ( ?) 1560 (?)-i640. (Neapolitan School.) Adam and Eve Driven from Paradise. Paris, Louvre. C — Diana and Actaeon. do. C — Martyrdom of St. Paul; composition of many fig- ures. (Drawing.) do. C A man kneeling, nude figure; other male figures, back view. (Drawing.) do. C Sleep of Hercules. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Figure of a nude man running toward the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. ' Figure of a woman, seated, draped, her head turned toward the left. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Head of a man and heads of women; caricatures. (Drawing.) do. C Figure of a king seated. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Head of a young man, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Figures of man and woman, both seated. (Draw- ing.) do. C Joseph and Potiphar's Wife. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Dresden, R. C. Andromeda. Vienna, Imp. Mus. C Madonna and Child. (Drawmg.) C, .75. London, B. M. Study of woman seated, her head turned to the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Milan, Resta. A m^n standing, in the costume of the times. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Venice. CESI (Bartolommeo). Bologna, 1557-1629. (Italian School.) Two men standing embracing. (Drawing.) C.^ $1.75. Florence, Uffizi. Two draped male figures seated. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. CEULEN (Van). See JANSON VAN CEU- LEN. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 235 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4| CHAIGNEAU (Ferdinand). Born in Bordeaux. (Modern.) The Farm at Barbizon (Seine-et-Marne). Modern Painters. — — C The Plain. do. C Summer Evening. do. C After the Storm. do. C On the Seashore — Sunset. (Salon of 1898.) do. C Banks of the Yonne. (Salon of 1898.) do. C Autumn Evening — Sunset. (Salon of 1899.) do. C The Plain, Barbizon. (Salon of 1899.) do. C CHALON (Louis). Born in Paris. (Modern.) A Woman with Flowers. do. C Circe and the Companions of Ulysses. do. C In the Name of the Fathe- do. C C The Parade. do. C C The Blunder. do. C C The Shrimp Fisher. do. C C Despair. do. C Death of Sardanapalus. do. C C Helena. do. C Orpheus. (Salon of 1898.) do. C CHAMBORD (Fernand de). Born in Paris. (Modern.) The Rest in the Studio. do. C At 39 Degrees of Heat. do. C The First Sitting. do. C Orange-vender. do. C The Awakening. do. C CHAMPAIGNE (Philippe de). Brussels, 1602— Paris, 1674. (Flemish School.) The Repast at the House of Simon, the Pharisee. Christ Celebrating the Passover with His Disciples. The Lord's Supper. The Dead Christ Lying in His Shroud. The Apostle St. Philip. Portraits of Mother Catherine Agnes Arnaud, and of Sister Catherine de St. Suzanne, daughter of Philippe de Champaigne. Louis XHL Crowned by Victory. Full-length portrait of Cardinal de Richelieu. Paris, Louvre. C do. C do. C — C do. C do. c — c do. C — c do. c — c do. c — c 236 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Portrait of Robert Arnaud d'Andilly. Portrait of man. Portrait of young girl. Portrait of girl five or six years old. Portrait of woman. Portrait of Frangois Mansard and of Claude Per- rault, architects. The Provosts and the Sheriffs of the City of Paris Portrait of Jean Antoine de Mesme, President of the Parliament of Paris. Portrait of Philippe de Champaigne. The Last Supper. (Dravi^ing.) Portrait of a young man, his head turned three- quarters to the right. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Head of a man, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Portrait of Doctor Hamon, friend of the Great Arnaud. (Attributed.) Anne of Austria and her children, Louis XIV. and Gaston of Orleans, kneeling before St. Scholastia and St. Benedict. Portrait of Tubeuf (Jacques), President of the Chamber of Accounts (1606- 1670). Portrait of Cardinal de Richelieu (Armand Jean du Plessis), 1 585- 1 642, full length, sitting m an arm-chair. Portrait of Cardinal de Mazarin (1602- 1661), full length, sitting in an arm-chair. Portrait of Mother Angelique Arnaud, Abbess of Port Royal, 1591-1661, at the age of fifty-seven years. Portraits of monks. Portrait of the Duke de Roannais, friend of Pascal. Portrait of Mother Angelique Arnaud, Abbess of Port Royal. Portrait of Catherine Henriette d'Angennes, Coun- tess of Olonnes. Portraits of children of the family of H. de Mont- mort. Portrait of Blaise Pascal, 1623- 1662. Portrait of Charlotte des Essarts, Countess of Romorantin (1580-1651), Mistress of Henry Gallery. Si::;es, Paris, Louvre, do. do. do. do. do. do. 2 2^ 3 3i C — C — C 4 4* C — C — C — C — — C C — C do. do. do. do. do. Med. Fdc. of Par. Versailles. C do. Chantilly. do. do. Old Masters, do. do. do. do. do. C C C C - C — C — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 237 IV., afterwards wife of the Marshal of the Hos- pital. Miniature on copper. Portrait of the Countess Diana de Crussol (?), lady-in-waiting to Queen Anne of Austria. Portrait of John Duvergier de Hauranne, Abbot of St. Cyran (i 581 -1643), theologian and friend of Jansenius and of the Arnauds. Portrait of Antoine Arnaud, called the Great Arnaud (1612-1694), theologian and meta- physician. Portrait of Frangois du Hallier, called the Marshal of the Hospital (i 583-1660), Marshal of France. Miniature on copper. Study of a nude child, seated. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Portrait, half length, of the Field Marshal Gen- eral Henri de la Tour d'Auvergne, Viscount of Turenne. Portrait of a woman. Portrait of a man. Portraits of Jacobus Govaerts, master of ceremo- nies and Notator of the Chapter-house of Antwerp, age twenty-nine years. St. Ambrose and St. Stephen. Presentation in the Temple. Portrait of Cardinal de Richelieu ; full face and two profiles. Portraits of the artist and his wife ; the two in left profile. (Drawing.) CHAMPEAUX (Octave de). (Modern.) Head of Achilles. (Salon of 1896.) In Galloway Bay. (Salon of 1896.) In the Lagoon of Chioggia. (Salon of 1896.) After the Storm — Moonlight. (Salon of 1896.) CHAMPMARTIN (Charles Emile). Bourges (French School.) Portrait of Mme. de Mirbel. (Painter of miniatures.) CHAMPNEY (Wells J.) Boston, Mass., 1843-. (Modern.) Children of Marie Antoinette, from Madame Vigee Gallery. Sizes, 2 2J 3 3^ 4 4^ National Port. C — do. C — do. do. C do. Dresden, R. C. Munich. Buda-Pesth. do. The Hague. Brussels, do. London, Nat. Gal. - London, B. M. Modern Painters .- do. do. do. Versailles. C — — c — c c — c c c c c — c c — c — c — c 238 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ LeBrun's original in Versailles, PL, 20xt6 inches, $6.00; PL, 12x9, $3.00; PL, 9x7, $1.75. Modern Painters. Countess Potocka; from the original in Berlin Royal Art Museum. PL, 18x15 inches, $5.00; PL, 12x9^, $3.00; PL, 9ix6J, $1.25; PL, A\^Zh .50. do. Gainsborough's Portrait of a Child; from the orig- inal in London National Gallery. PL, 20x15 inches, $6.00; PL, 12x9, $3.00; PL, 8x6, $1.75. do. Girl with Cherries ; from John Russell, R. A. S., in the Louvre. PL, 20x16 inches, $6.00; PL, I2x 10, $3.00; PL, 9x7, $1.75. do. Velasquez's Infanta Margarita ; from the original in the Louvre. PL, 20x17 inches, ^.00; PL, I2x 10, $3.00; PL, 9x7, $1.75. do. Nattier's Madam Victoire ; from the original in Versailles. PL, 20x16 inches, $6.00; PL, 12x9^, $3.00; PL, 9x7, $1.75. do. Botticelli's Madonna ; from the original in the Louvre. PL, 20x16 inches, $6.00; PL, 12x10, $3.00; PL, 8x6J, $1.50. do. The New Raphael ; from Raphael's original in pos- session of Count Ferlet de Bourbonne, Paris. PL, 20x16 inches, $7.50; PL, 12x10, $3.00. do. Raphael Heads. (Detail of the above.) Circular composition. PL, diameter 17 inches, $5.00; PL, diameter 11 inches, $3.00; PL, diameter 8 inches, $1.75. do. Tischbein's Wilhelmina ; from the original by Tisch- bein in Ryk's Museum, Amsterdam, of Queen Wilhelmina, Consort of William L of Holland. PL, 20x16 inches, $5.00; PL, 11^x9^, $300; PL, 8Jx7, $1.50. do. Phoebe. (Pastel.) PL, 20x16 inches, $6.00; PL, 12^x10, $3.00; PL, 9x7, $1.75 ; PL, 3^x4^, .50. do. CHANET (Henri). Born in Paris. (Modern.) The Improvised Doll. do. CHANTRON (Alexandre Jacques). Born in Nantes. (Modern.) Far from One's Native Land- do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 239 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4| The Toilet of the Dummy. Modern Painters. C Cupid Breaking his Bow. do. C C Coquetry. do. C C Spring. do. C The Sleep of St. John. do. C C Child with a Bouquet. do. C C Pierette. do. C Woman with a Cup and Ball. do. C C The Grasshopper. do. C C On the Surface of the Water. (Salon of 1896.) do. C C Nymph as Huntress. (Salon of 1896.) do. C C Souvenir. (Salon of 1896.) do. C C Idyll. (Salon of 1897.) do. C Mary Magdalen. (Salon of 1897.) do. ■ C C Preparations for the Carnival. (Salon of 1898.) do. C C Echo. (Salon of 1899.) do. C Biblis. (Salon of 1899.) ^°- ^ ^ The Snake-charmer. (Salon of 1899.) do. C CHAPERON (Eugene). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Fighting. do. C Marshal Ney at Waterloo. (Salon of 1898.) do. C C Photographing in the Barracks. (Salon of 1899.) do. C CHAPERON (Nicholas). Chateaudun (?), (?)— i656(?), about 50 years old. (French school.) Bacchanal. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Paris, Louvre. CHAPLIN (Charles). Born in Andelys, 1825— Paris, 1891. Soap-bubbles. (Salon of 1864.) Paris, Lux. C C Souvenirs. (Salon of 1882.) do. C C Portrait of a young girl. do. C C The Dove. H. Gallice Col. C Head of a young girl. H. Vever Col. C — The Reading. Modern Painters. C C Young girl playing the guitar. do. C C Fishing. do. C Springtime. do. C — C C The Broken Lyre. do. C — C C Consulting the Daisy. do. C The Reading Lesson. do. C Psyche. do. C 240 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4i Autumn; ceiling decoration. Modern Painters. C Summer. " do. C Spring. do. C The Portrait. do. C Soubrette. do. C The Kite. do. C Pigeon-shooting. do. C Painting. do. C Music. do. C Astronomy. do. C Sylvan Music. do. C Haydee. (Salon of 1874.) do. C — C C Soap-bubbles. (Salon of 1874.) do. C The Flower-girl. do. C C The Correspondence. do. C The Fiancee. do. C Cupid. do. C Music. do. — C Music. do. C Portrait of young girl. do. C Decorative panel. do. C Toilet of Venus. (Hall of the Mirrors, filysee, Paris.) C, $1.25. do. Triumph of Venus. C, $1.25. do. The Chariot of Venus. C, $1.25. , do. Leda. C, $1.25. do. Hunting. C, $1.25. do. Fishing. C, $1.25. do. Venus. C, $1.25. do. Venus and Cupid. C, $1.25. ^ do. Spring. C, $1.25. do. Summer. C, $1.25. do. Autumn. C, $1.25. do. Winter. C, $1.25. do. Fishing. do. C Portrait of M . (Salon of 1877.) do. C C Portrait of the Duke d'Audiflfret-Pasquier. do. C C Head of young girl. do. C Sleeping Nymphs. do. C Sleeping Nymphs. (New edition of the above.) do. C Music and Dancing ; ceiling decoration. do. C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 241 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2|^ 3 3^ 4 4^ The Nest. Modern Painters. C C Young Woman with a Collar. do. C The Fiancee. do. C Music. do. C Poetry. do. C Painting. do. C Study of a woman , back view. do. C C Revery. do. C The Secret of the Bouquet. . do. C The Bouquet after the Ball. do. C —' The Siesta. do. C April. do. C Two Dreams. do. C Offering to Venus do. C Autumn. do. C Juno. do. C Venus. do. C Diana. do. C Minerva. do. C Portrait of Mme. Madeleine Lemaire. do. C Love's Sports. ^ do. C C The Whiskers. . do C The Ball. do' C Study. do. C The Lyre. do. C Night. ^ . do. C Young girl with flowers. do. C Young girl with dove. do. C Water-lilies. do. C Summer. do. C Cupids with a crown. do. C Cupids with a book. do. C Love as an Artist. do. C Love as a Musician. do. C Spring Flowers. do. C Smiles. do. C C The Countess of K. do. C Portrait of Princess Isabelle of Orleans. do. C C Somnus. ^ do. C Innocence. do. C C Youth. do. C 242 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Sleep. Indolence. The Three Friends. Modesty. Sleep. Idleness. The Golden Age. Cupids. •CHARDERON (Mile. Francine). Born in Lyons. (Modern.) Penitent. The Favorite. The Awakening. (Salon of 1896.) Sleep. (Salon of 1896.) On the Branch. (Salon of 1897.) Black and White. (Salon of 1898.) CHARDIN (Jean Baptiste Simeon). Paris, 1699- 1779. (French School.) Fruits on a store table, a dog and a parrot. The Industrious Mother. Saying Grace. A dead rabbit and hunting implements. The Monkey as Antiquarian. The Attributes of the Arts. The Provider. Basket of peaches on a stone table. The House of Cards. The Monkey as Artist. Melon, pears and peaches. Grapes and pomegranates. A Dessert. Different Utensils. (Attributed to Chardin.) The Return from School. Bust portrait of Chardin's wife. (Pastel.) Little girl and shuttlecock. The Fountain. Portrait of Michel Jean Sedaine (1719-1797), poet, dramatist, member of the French Academy. Portrait of Laurent d'Houry(i694-i777), publisher. Perspective : group of three figures of men. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Gallery. Siaes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Paris, Louvre. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Old Masters, do. National Port, do. — — c c — — c c — c — c c c c — — c c — — c c c c c c — — c c c — — c c c — — — — — — c — c c c c c — — — c — — c — — c — c — — c c c — c c — — — c c c c c c — — — c — — c c — c c c c — — — — — c De Goncourt Col. C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 243 Man in profile, leaning against a wall, preparing to throw a ball. (Drawing.) (Attributed.) Supposed portrait of Denis Diderot (1713-1784). Portrait of d'Alembert, called Jean Le Rond, 1717-1773. Portrait of Maria Theresa Rodet, Lady Geoflfrin (1699-1777), who held one of the most bril- liant salons of the XVIII. century. Young lady sealing a letter. The Cook. Young man drawing. A cook sitting on a chair. The Cook. A mother and her son. The Housewife, Breakfast is Ready. A cook peeling a lemon. Saying. Grace. The Laundress. Boy playing with cards. Head of young girl. (Drawing.) Still life: fruit. PI., 9x11 inches, $2.00. Still life : a kitchen table. PI., 9x11 inches, $2.00. CHARLET (Nicolas Toussaint). Paris, 1792-1845. (French School.) The Grenadier of the Guard. The Invalid. (Water-color.) C, $1.00. The Old Savant, (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The Sweeper. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Napoleon L the Evening of Waterloo. CHARODEAU (Francois Auguste). Born in Issoudun. (Modern.) The Little Laugher, "Do You Wish Some?" The Little Vintager. CHARPENTIER (Louis Eugene). Born in Paris, (Modern.) Winter Campaign (181 3). Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ De Goncourt Col. C — Chantilly. C — do. C — Mus. of Montp; Berlin, do. do. Munich, Vienna, Liecht, do. do. do. do. St, Petersburg. do. do. Weimar. Boston, M. F. A do. Paris, Louvre. do. — do. — do. — Masters XIX Cen. — — — c c — — u — — c c — c — — c c — — — — c c — — — — c c c c c — — — c c c — c Modern Painters. C do. C do. C C do. 244 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. CHARPIN (Albert). (Modern.) Return from the Fields — Moonlight. (Salon of 1898.) CHARTRAN (Theobald). Bom in Besan^on. (Modern.) Portrait of Carnot, President of the French Repub- lic. St. Francis of Assisi Singing at his Ploughing. The Martyrdom in the Catacombs at Rome. Sarah Bernhardt in Gismonda. (Salon of 1896.) Ava Maria Stella. PL, 10x13 inches, $5.00. Ava Maria Stella. PI., 5x8 inches, $1.00. CHASE (H.) (Modern.) Sea-piece (Holland). PL, 10x13 inches, $2.00. Swift and Vanessa. PL, 7x9 inches, $1. CHASE (Wm. M.) Franklin, Ind.. 1859. (Modern.) Alice. CHASSERIAU (Theodore). Samana (Spanish America), 1819 — Paris, 1856. (French School.) The Tepidarium. The Chaste Susanna. (After Porbus). Portrait of Guillaume du Vair, 1556-1621, Guardian of the Seals of France. (After the family portrait.) Portrait of Francois VI., Duke de la Rochefoucauld, 1613-1680, Field Marshal and Author of the "Maxims." CHATAUD(Marc Alfred). Born in Marseilles. (Modern.) The Guardian of the Seraglio. CHATEIGNON (Ernest). Born in Paris. (Mod- ern.) A Serious Connoisseur. An Urchin's Pranks. (Salon of 1897.) CHATILLON (Laura de). Born in Chambray- sur-Eure. (Modern.) Young Lad. CHAUDET (Jeanne Elizabeth, n^e GABIOU). 1767-1830. (French School.) Portrait of Mme. Villot, nee Barbier. Gallery. Sices, 2 2i 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. C do. C Besan^on. C — Modern Painters. C — — — do. — C c do. — do. — c c do. c Chicago Art Inst. PIC PIC Paris, Louvre. C — C do. C — C Versailles. c do. Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C Masters XIX Cen. — C — BABY STUART. VANDYKE. SKETCH CANEVARI W. M. CHASE VALLEY FARM. CONSTABLE LANDSCAPE. HOLLAND LANDSCAPE. DE HAES SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 245 CHAUVEAU (Francois). Paris, 1613-1676. (French School.) Procession of Magistrates on Horseback. (Draw- ing-) CHAVET (Victor). Born in Aix (Bouches-du- Rhone). Sleeping Woman. (Salon of 1859.) CHELIUS (A.) Cattle-yard in Pomerania. Sheep Near the Lake of Constance. CHELMINSKY (Jan von). Brzostov, Poland, 1 85 1. (Modern.) Off for the Chase. Return from the Chase. Riding to Hounds. Riding to Hounds in the XVUI. Century. Portrait-picture. In Central Park. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. Lost Trail. D., 16x19 inches, $5.00. An Afternoon in Hyde Park. D., 23x35 inches, $15.00. The Empress of Russia Fox-hunting. D., 24x35 inches, $15.00. Detail of the above picture. Prince Leopold of Bavaria Reviewing the L Cav- alry Brigade. CHELMONSKI (J.) (Modem.) Hunting the Mountain-cock. Frog Concert. Night. D., 7^x10 inches, $2.00. CHENAVARD (Paul). Born in Lyons (Rhone) ^ (?)-i895. Divine Tragedy. (Salon of 1869.) Design for the Interior Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ Dresden, Roy. Col. C Paris, Lux. Modern Painters. C do. C do. C C — C do. do. do. C C — C C — C do. c do. do. B B do. B — B B do. B — B B do. B — B do. do. do. do. Paris, Lux. B B B — B — B — B — B C C Decoration of the Pantheon in Paris. SERIES OF thirty-eight SKETCHES WHICH ARE NOW IN THE MUSEUM OP LYONS. The Deluge. Lyons Mus. C — Death of Zoroaster ; warriors paying homage to the priestly caste. do. C do. C do. __c do. __c do. 246 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3 J 4 4 J The Trojan War and Homeric Age. ♦Preparation for the Siege of Troy. Lyons Mus. C *Combat of the Greeks and Trojans Around the Walls. ♦Homer Chanting his Poems. Hippocrates at the Bedside of the Sick. Constitu- tion and Secularization of Medicine and Science. Death of Socrates. Philosophy and Morals. The Twins, Suckled by the Wolf, and Found by the Shepherd Faustulus; mythical foundation of Rome. do. C C Brutus Condemns his Sons to Death. Foundation of the Republic. Rigid and Violent Character of its Institutions. do. C C ♦♦Capture of Carthage; apogee of the grandeur of the Roman republic. do. C C ♦♦Continence of Scipio. do. C C End of the Republic, Defeat and Death of Brutus at Philippi and Death of Cato. Lyons Mus. C C Caesar Crossing the Rubicon. do. C C Foundation of the Empire. The Augustan Age. Augustus Closes the Temple of Janus. Lyons Mus. C C Virgil Reads the Prophetic Verses of his IVth Eclogue. do. C C End of the Ancient World. Beginning of the Modern World. ♦♦♦Birth of Jesus Christ. ♦♦♦Christ Preaching. ♦♦♦Passion and Death of Christ. ♦♦The Catacombs. ♦♦The Early Days of the Christian Church. Baptism of Constantine ; End of Paganism . En- thronement of the New Religion in the Empire. The Emperor Theodosius, Kneeling, Asking Par- don of St. Ambrose at Milan. Lyons Mus. c C do. — — C C do. C C do. C C do. do C C do. ^ ♦These three Panels upon one sheet, C, 18x24 inches, $15.00. **These two Panels on one sheet, C, 16x26 inches, $8.00. *** These three Panels on one sheet, C, 17x34 inches, $x5.oa c c c c c c c c c c c c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 247 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 7, Z^ A Ak Subjection of the Powerful of this World to Religious Authority. ♦Attila Arrested in his Career of Devastation by the Pope St. Leo. Lyons Mus. C C ♦Struggle of the Moral Power of Christianity Against Barbarism. do. Coronation of Gregory VIL ; apogee of ecclesiasti- cal power, do. Spiritual and Temporal Supremacy of Society. The Flight of Mahomet (the Hegira). Islamism. Lyons Mus. Entrance of the Crusaders into Jerusalem. The Crusades. do. Gutenberg's Shop. Discovery of Printing. do. The Reformation. Luther Destroys the Papal Bulls at Wittenberg. do. Louis XIV. at Versailles. Age of Louis XIV. do. A Reception at the House of Voltaire The XVII Ith Century. The Encyclopaedists. do. C The Constitutional Assembly. Mirabeau. The French Revolution. do. C Pavement of the Four Arms of the Cross. Beliefs and Traditions of the Nations Relative to the Future Life. Purgatory. Lyons Mus. C C Hell. do. C C The Resurrection. do. C C Heaven. do. C C Central Circular Pavement Under the Cupola. **The Philosophy of History; grand synoptical picture of universal history. Lyons Mus. C C ***Convention of Nations. do. C CHENU (Augustin Fleury). Born at Briancon. (French School.) The Stragglers ; snow effect. Paris, Lux. C — C — CHERON (Louis). Paris, 1660-1723. (French School.) Hercules Slaying the Dragon. (Drawing.) C, , $1.25. London, B. M. CHERIOT (Lilian). (Modern.) "Will He Come?" Artist's Proofs in India, I4ix I if inches, $5.00; D., $3.00. Modern Painters. * These two Panels on one sheet, C. 16x26 inches, $8.00. **In large size, C, 12x23 inches, $7.50. ♦"♦♦The same, large size, C, 14x29 inches, $8.00. 248 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. The Question. Artist's Proofs in India, I4|xiif inches, $5.00; D., $3.00. CHEYN (Jacob de). An Arquebusier. (Drawing.) C, .75. CHICOTOT (Georges Alexandre). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Mystical Marriage of St. Catherine of Siena. CHIERICI(G.) (Modern.) The Bogey. A Surprise. Friendship. Between Two Fires. The Spinner. The Bad Man. Pets. In Doubt. CHICINI. Venice. PL, 8x13 inches, $2.00. CHIGOT (Alphonse). Bom at Gra^ay (Cher). (Modern.) First Sentry in the Enemy's Country. CHIMENTI (Jacopo di) di Girolamo da Empoli. Empoh, 1554-1640. (Florentine School.) Portrait of the artist, by himself. St. Ives, Protector of Orphans. Bust of young girl, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.75- CHINTREUIL (Antoine). Pont-de-Vaux (Ain), 1816-1873. Space. Grove with Deer. CHOCARNE-MOREAU (Charles). Dijon. (Modern.) A Scullion of Clignancourt. Very Urgent. Among Friends. * Make Haste I Born in Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. Dresden, Roy. Col. Modern Painters. C do. C C — C do. C C — C do. C C — C do. C — C do. C do. C do. C — C do. C — C Boston, Stet. col. Modern Painters. C Florence, Uffizi. do. do. Paris, Louvre, do. Modern Painters. do. do. do. C c c c c c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 249 Abuse of Confidence. Every Age has its Pleasures. Taking a Nip. (Salon of 1897.) The Windfall. (Salon of 1898.) The Bait. (Salon of 1898.) The Shower-bath. (Salon of 1898.) Every Dog has his Day. (Salon of 1899.) CHODOWIECKI (Daniel). Dantzig, 1726— Ber- lin, 1801. (German School.) Fete Champetre. The artist's family. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Family Scene. (Engraving.) C, .75. Portrait of the artist, left profile. (Drawing.) Six Illustrative Drawings. (Drawing.) Illustrative Drawing. Illustrative Drawing. Illustrative Drawing. Illustrative Drawing. Illustrative Drawing. Illustrative Drawing. Illustrative Drawing. Illustrative Drawing. Illustrative Drawing. Six Illustrative Drawings. (Drawing.) Twelve Illustrative Drawings. (Drawing.) CHRISTOPHE (Joseph). Verdun, 1664-1748. (French School.) Baptism of Louis of France, Dauphin, Son of Louis XIV., March 24, 1668. CHRISTOPHSEN (Peter). See CRISTUS. CHURCH (F. S.) Born at Grand Rapids, Mich., 1842. (Modern.) In the Desert. PL, 4x9 inches, .75. CHURCHILL (William Worcester). Born in Bos- ton. (Modern.) At the Artist's. Angel of Peace. PI., 5x13 inches, $2.00. Madonna and Child. PL, 10x12 inches, $2.00. — — c — — c c — — c c — — c c — — c c (Drawing.) c. •75- (Drawing.) c, •75- (Drawing.) c. •75. (Drawing.) c. •75. (Drawing.) c, •75- (Drawing.) c. •75- (Drawing.) c, •75. (Drawing.) c. •75- (Drawing.) c, •75- Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C C do. • do. do. do. do. do. Berlin. C Dresden, Roy.Col. — • do. ■; do. C do. C — do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. — ' do. C — do. C Versailles, C Boston, Loth. Col. Modern Painters. C do. do. 250 SOULE A.RT COMPANY, BOSTON. CIARDI (G.) Grand Canal in Venice. Gallery. Siscs, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4| Modern Painters. C C — C CIGNANI (Carlo). Bologna, 1628— Forli, 1719. (Bolognese School.) Madonna and Child. Joseph and Potiphar's Wife. St. Mary Magdalen. The Temptation of Adam and Eve. Madonna and Child. Eros and Cupids. The Blessed Virgin Presenting a Rosary to the Child Jesus. Madonna of Sorrows. The Infant Jesus and Little St. John. CIGOLI (Lodovico da). See CARDI. CIMA da CONEGLIANO (Giovanni Battista). Conegliano near Treviso, 1460-15 17. (Vene- tian School.) Madonna and Child. Madonna and^ Child surrounded by saints. The Healing of Anianus. St. Lucy, St. Mary Magdalen, and St. Catherine (follower of Cima da Conegliano). Madonna and Child. Madonna and Child, with the donors. Christ Imparting a Blessing. The Presentation of the Virgin at the Temple. The Savior. Madonna and Child. Madonna and Child, with Mary Magdalen and St. Jerome. Madonna under an orange tree, and two saints. The Infant Jesus standing on the knee of the Virgin. St. Jerome in the Desert. Doubting Thomas. iMadonna and Child. Madonna seated holding the Child upon her knee. Chantilly. Dresden. Munich. The Hague. Vienna Mus. Vienna, Liecht. Florence, Uffizi. Rome, Corsini. do. c — — c c c c c c c c c — — — — c Paris, Louvre. C C BerHn. C C — c do. C C — c do. C C — c do. C — c do. C — c Dresden. C — — B do. C c do. c Frankfort. C — Munich. c — c Vienna Mus. C c London, Nat. Gal. C c — c do. — c — do. c — c Florence, Uffizi. C — do. C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 251 Madonna and Child enthroned, surrounded by saints. Detail of the above : Madonna and Child. Detail of : The Angel Musicians. Tobias with the Angels. Madonna and Christ with St. John the Baptist and St. Paul. Descent from the Cross. Incredulity of St. Thomas. CIMABUE ( Giovanni Gualtieri ). Florence, 1240 (?)- 1302(?). (Florentine School.) Madonna with Angels. Madonna and Child enthroned, adored by angels. St. Cecilia. CINCINNATO (Romolo). See SPAGNOLO. CINGANELLI (Michele). Florence, 1590-1635. (Florentine School.) Design for a ceiling in stucco. (Pen drawing.) C, $1.25. CINOT (Franck). Born in Crecy (Seine-et-Marne). (Modern.) On the Alert near Paris in 1870. The Village Kirmesse. CIOLI (Valeric). (Florentine School.) An Allegory. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. CIPOLLA (E.) (Modern.) A Present of Love. CIPRIANI (N.) (Modern.) L'elemosina in Gondola. San Germano. Declamazione Solitaria in unal villa. On the Canal in Venice. CIPRIANO (Giovanni Battista) di Pistoja. Florence, 1732-1785. (Florentine School.) Madonna holding the Infant Jesus. Drawing.) C, $1.25. Study for a Danae. (Drawing.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3J 4 4^ Venice. C — C do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. __c Paris, Louvre. __c London. c — c Florence, Ufifizi. c do. Modern Painters. C do. Paris, Louvre. Modern Painters. B do. C — C do. C do. C do. C C — C Lille, L-eng. Col. Dresden, P. G. C 252 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. CIRCIGNANO dalle POMARANZE (Nicolo). Pomerancia (Tuscany), I5i6(?) — (?). (Flor- entine School.) The Treason of Judas. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Study of seven draped figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The Annunciation; the two figures standing. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. The Angel Gabriel ; study lor the "Annunciation" of the Turin Galler}\ (Drawing with two crayons.) C, $1.75. The Virgin; study for the same picture. (Draw- ing with two crayons.) C, $1.75. CIVETTA. See BLES. CLrAES (Pieter). Still-life. CLAIRIN (Georges). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Mademoiselle Zucchi. LAUDE (Jean-Maxime). Born in Paris. (Mod- ern.) Rendezvous. Fontainebleau. Sunset. Springtime. CLAUDE GELLEE. See LORRAIN. CLAUS (W. A. J.) (Modern.) Maidenhood. The Smoker. The Model. Italian head. CLAUSEN (G.) Flower-woman. PI., 1IX9J inches, $3.00; PI., 8x7, $1.75. CLAYS (Jean Paul). Bruges, 1819. (Modern.) Marine with vessels. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Paris, Louvre. London, B. M. Florence, Uffizi. C do. do. Amsterdam. — C — C Modern Painters. C C do. C do. C do. C do. PIG _ PIC PIC do. PI C — do. PIC — do. PIC — do. Chicago Art Inst.— PiC PiC PIC WC HOLY NIGHT. CORREGGIO AUTUMN HAZE. CURRAN HEAD OF CHRIST. THE MARSH IN ROSSHIRF. H. W. B DAVIS CLOSE OF DAY. C H. DAVIS MIDWINTER STROLL. ST. JOHN. . DEL SARTO KITTENS IN A HAT. LANCE OF XVII CENTURY. DOVINGO SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 253 CLEEF (Joost van). (Juste de Gand.) Lived in 1 5 14. (Jblemish School.) Male portrait. The Nativity. The Benediction. Portrait of the artist. Portrait of the artist's wife. A saint with hands clasped, head covered with white veil, CLEEF (Martin van). Master of the Ape. Died about 1670. (Flemish School.) St. Matthew. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Munich. C — C Antwerp. C do. C Windsor. C do. C Florence, Uffizi. C — Windsor. (G.) (Modern.) CLEMANSIN DU MAINE Revery. (Salon of 1896.) CLEMENS (W.) (Modern.) Important Order. The Poacher's End. Inclination. CLEMENT (Felix Augustre). Born in Donzere (Drome). (Modern.) Circassian Girl in the Harem. Morning. The Lesson of Sidhode. (Egypt.) The Siesta. The Vow to St. Anthony of Padua. Nymph Surprised. Feeding the Birds. Portrait of a Judge. Before the Bath. The Sick Child. CLEMENTZ (H.) (Modern.) Nothing for You. Twelve O'clock at Night. Semele and Beroe. The Honeymoon. The Great Elector Receiving the African Chief, Janke. Modern Painters. — C C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C C -^ C — C C — C C C — C C C C C C C — C — C C c c — B B — B 254 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. CLERE (Jacques-Francos iCamille). Born in Anzin (Nord). (Modern.) Charlotte Corday. CLERMONT-GALLERANDE (Adhemar de). Born in Chatoillenot (Haute-Mame), (?)-i895. (Modern.) Waiting for the King. Avenue of the Bois de Boulogne ; Morning. An Unseasonable Shot. A Royal Hunt under the Restoration. A Good Start. The Rendezvous. A Paddle in the Mill of the Belles Ouvrieres. Mgr. the Count of Paris at the Grand Maneuvers. of 1882. The Fault Redeemed; Souvenir of Bourgogne. Le Vol-ce-rest. The Fault. A Warm Scent. Paddle. The Quarry. A Close Finish. Les Honneurs du Pied. (Equipage of Chantilly in 1788.) The Water Jump. At the Rendezvous. In Full Cry. After the Hunt. The Instructions. The Potiniere. The Wild Boar Hunt. The Crossing. Diana and Actaeon. An Enthusiast. The Attack. St. Hubert's Mass. An Exchange. A Paper Rally. Morning in the Champs-£lysees. Departure for the Hunt at Anet. End of the Hunt. (Salon of 1896.) Gallery. Sices, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C C C C C C C C C — C C C C — — C C C C C C c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 255 CLEVE (Hendrik van) CLEEFor. Antwerp,- died, 1589. (Flemish School.) The Prodigal Son. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ CLOSS(P) (Modern.) The Wellhorn and the Wetterhorn. or Janet). (French CLOUET (Francois), (Jehannet Tours, about i5oo(?)-about 1572. School.) Portrait of Charles IX., King of France. Portrait of Elizabeth of Austria, Queen of France, wife of Charles IX. (Attributed to Clouet.) Full-length portrait of Henry II., King of France. (Attributed to Clouet.) Full-length portrait of Frangois de Lorraine, Duke of Guise, killed at the Siege of Orleans, 1563. (After Clouet.) Portrait of Elizabeth of Austria, Queen of France, wife of Charles IX. (School of Clouet.) Equestrian portrait of Fran- cois I., King of France. (Miniature on vellum.) Head of an old man (XVI. century). (Drawing.) C, $1.25. (School of Clouet.) Portrait of Diana of Poitiers (1499-1566), Duchess of Valentinois, mistress of Henry II. (School of Clouet.) Portrait of Gaspard de Colig- ny (15 17-1572), second of the name, Lord of Chatillon-sur-Loing, Admiral of France, called the Admiral de Chatillon. Portrait of a man (XVI century). The Three Graces. Portrait of Queen Claude of France, wife of Fran- cois I. Portrait of a man. Portrait of the Duke de Guise. Vienna. C — CLEVE (Jogs van). Antwerp. Lived about 1530- 1550. Portrait of a young man. Berlin. Modern Painters. = C Paris, Louvre. C — do. C — do. C — do. do. do. do. National Port. do. do. Old Masters. do. do. do. C C C C C C C C 256 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. (School of Clouet.) Portrait of Mary Stuart (1542- 1587), Queen of France, afterwards of Scot- land. (Attributed.) Portrait of Louise of Lorraine (1553-1601), Queen of France. Portrait of Hercules-Frangois de France, Duke of Alenqon, afterwards Dukeof Anjou( 1554- 1584). Portrait of James of Savoy (i 531-1585), Duke of Nemours. Portrait of Marguerite of Valois( 1552- 161 5), Queen of Navarre, afterwards of France. (Water- color.) Portrait of the same. Portrait of Jeanne d'Albret (i 528-1 572), Queen of Navarre. Portrait of Francois, Dauphin, son of Francois I. Portrait of Marguerite d'Angouleme (1492- 1549), sister of Frangois L, Duchess of Alengon, afterwards Queen of Navarre. Portrait of Odet de Coligny (151 5-1 571), called the Cardinal de Chatillon. Portrait of /Ibert de Gondy, Duke of Retz (1522- 1602), Marshal of France. Portrait of Elizabeth of Austria (i 554-1 592), Queen of France. Portrait of Fran9ois L (1494-1547), King of France. Portrait of Charles IX. (i 550-1 574), King of France. Portrait of Charles IX. (1550-1574), King of France. Portrait of Fran9oise de Foix (1495-1537), Count- ess of Chateaubriand. Portrait of Catherme de Medicis (i5i9-i589),Queen of France. Portrait of Henri II. d'Albret (1503-1555), King of Navarre. (School of Clouet.) Equestrian portrait of Fran- cois I., King of France. (School of Clouet.) Equestrian portrait of Henri II., King of France. (School of Clouet.) Equestrian portrait of -Charles IX., King of France. (School of Clouet.) Equestrian portrait of Fran- cois, Dauphin of France. Gallery. Siacs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Czartoryski Col. C - do. C - Chantilly. do. c- do. do. c - do. c - do. c - do. c- do. c - do. c - do. c - do. c — do. c — do. c - do. c - do. c - do. c - do. c - do. • do. c - do. c — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 257 (School of Clouet.) Equestrian portrait of the Duke d'Alen9on. (School of Clouet.) Equestrian portrait of Henri III., King of France. ((School of Clouet.) Equestrian portrait of Henri IV., King of France. Portrait of Monsieur d'Alen^on, brother of the king, as a child ; half length, head turned three- quarters to the left, in a rich costume. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. Portrait of the Duchess d'Angouleme ; head turned three-quarters to the left; black costume and head-dress. (Drawing.; (School of Clouet.) First Chapter of the Order of the Holy Ghost. Portrait of Madame de la Rochefoucauld de la Mirande; head turned three-quarters to the left, half length. Rich costume. (Drawing.) (School of Clouet.) Portrait of a woman, (School of Clouet.) Portrait of Gaspard de Coligny (1517-1572). Portrait of a woman, bust, almost full face. C, $1.25. Portrait of the Duke d'Anjou (afterwards Henri III.), King of France (1531-1589). Portrait of a man, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $i.75- Portrait of a man turned three-quarters to the left. (Drawing.) Portrait of a young man turned to the right. (Drawing.) Claudia, daughter of Henry II. of France. Full-length portrait of King Charles IX. of France, at the age of twenty years. Portrait of King Charles IX. of France at the age of eleven years. Portrait of Frangois II., Dauphin of France. Portrait of a man in the costume of the XVI. cen- tury. Head of a man, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Head of a man turned slightly to the left; por- trait.* (Drawing.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4I Chantilly. C — do. C — do. C — do. do. C do. C — do. Chalons-s.-Saone. C — Grenoble Mus. C — Lille. — ^ Berlin. Dresden, R. C. do. do. Munich. Vienna Mus. do. Antwerp. London, Nat. Gal. London, B. M. do. C c — c — c — c c 258 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. (Attributed.) Portrait of King- Henry II. of France. (Attributed.) Portrait of Charles V. (Attributed.) Portrait of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland. Equestrian portrait of Francois II., King of France. Portrait of the Duke d'Alengon, (School of Clouet.) Portrait of Mary Stuart. Woman in black dress, with clasped hands. (Exhibition of female portraits at the £cole des Beaux Arts, 1897.) Anne Boleyn. (Exhibition of female portraits at the ficole des Beaux Arts, 1897.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2I 3 3^ 4 Windsor. C do. C do. c Florence, Uffizi. c St. Petersburg. c do. £ 4i do. do. CLOUET (Jean), called Jehannet, Jeannet or Janet. Born in Flanders (?) about 1475 (?)— in France, 1541. (French School.) (Attributed to Clouet.) Portrait of Frangois I., King of France. Portrait of Catherine de Medici (15 19- 1589), Queen of France. (Drawing.) CLOUET DE NAVARRE, supposed brother of Franqois Clouet. (French School.) (Attributed to Clouet.) Portrait of Louis de Saint— Jelais, called de Lezignem, Baron de la Motte- Saint-Heraye, Seigneur de Lansac. Paris, Louvre. Czartoryski Col. C C — Paris, Louvre. COVIO (Giulio Giorgio). Grisone, 1498-1578. (Italian School.) Descent from the Cross. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Combat ; a warrior on horseback and a nude soldier stabbing a man. C, $1.25. London, B. M. Florence, Uffizi. COCHIN (Nicholas Charles). XVIIL century. (French School.) Contest for the prize in the study of heads and expression, found at the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture by the Count de Cay- lus, honorary amateur. In 1760. First sketch. (Drawing.) Second sketch of the above. De GoncourtCol. do. C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 259 Gallery. Siacs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ The Theatre in the Palace of Versailles. The King present at the representation. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. De Goncourt Col. Madame de Pompadour playing Acis and Galatea Prop, of the before the entire court. (Drawing.) Ct.de laBerandiere. C COCX. See COQUES. CODDE (Pieter). Amsterdam, 1599 or 1600-1678. (Dutch School.) Lady at her Toilet. Preparations for the Carnival. Soldiers in the Guard-house. A Musical Party. The Ball. A Body Guard. COEFFIER (Mme. Marie Pauline). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Lise and Rubis ; study. COELLO (Alonso Sanchez). Hamlet of Benifayro, i5i5(?)-i59o. (Spanish School.) Portrait of a young man. St. Peter of Alcantara. Margaret of Parma, daughter of Charles V., Regent of the Netherlands. Maria of Austria, daughter of Charles V. Martyrdom ; composition of many figures. (Draw- ing-) The Nailing to the Cross ; group of many figures. (Drawing.) Martyrdom of St. Catherine. (Drawing.) Portrait of the Infanta Isabella Clara Eugenie, daughter of Philip II. Portrait of a Princess of the House of Austria. The Duchess Marguerite of Parma. COELLO (Claudio). Middle of the XVII. century, — 1693. (Spanish School.) Portrait of King- Charles II. Infanta Isabella, daughter of Philip II. D., 11x9! inches, $12.00. Paris, Louvre. . Berlin. Dresden. Vienna, Liecht. The Hague. Rome, Borg. Gal. C — C — C — C C — Modern Painters. C Old Masters. Munich. Brussels, do. — C — C — C — C — C -- C Florence, Uffizi. C do. C do. C Madrid. do. St. Petersburg. Madrid. C — C C C — C 260 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Don Carlos, son of Philip II. D.^ iox8^ inches, $2.00. COESSIN DE LA FOSSE (Charles). Born in Lisieux. (Modern.) Good Supper, Good Rest. Rough-rider. Pleasures of Love. Mass for the Dead in the Morbihan. (Vendemiaire, Year II). Hoche's Scouts in Finisterre. Farewell ! A Wedding in the Good Old Times. Martha. Don Juan and Haydee. The Last Flowers. (Salon of 1897.) Louis XVI. visiting the Parisians making prepara- tions for the fete of the Federation. (Salon of 1890.) The Betrothed of Roi de Garbe. (Salon of 1899.) COEYLAS (Henri). Born in Joinville-le-Pont. (Modern.) Under the Nut-trees. Retired from Business. Love Him Who Loves Thee. The Municipal Council of Paris in Session. Gen- eral Report of the Budget of 1897. Session of 1896. (Salon of 1898.) COFFIER (Jacques). (French School.) Bust portrait of a young man turned to the left. (Drawing.) COFFIN (William- Anderson). Born in Alleghany City. (Modern.) Mandolin-player. COGEN (Felix). (Modern.) Peter the Great in Holland. (Salon of 1897.) The Poor Man's Lot. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do: C do. C do. C do. C do. C ; C do. C C do. C do. C do. C do. \ C 'do. C — London, B. M. Modern Painters. C do. do. C — c c c c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 261 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ COGGHE (Remy). Born in Mouscron (Belgium). (Modern.) Alert! . Modern Painters. C On the Frontier. do. C — — — COGNIET (Leon). Paris, 1794 1880. (French School.) Episode in the Egyptian War. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Paris, Louvre. — ■ C The National Guard of Paris Departing for the Army, September, 1792. Versailles. C Tintoretto Painting the Portrait of his Dead Daughter. Mus. of Bordeaux. C COIGNET (Amelie). (French School.) Portrait of Mme. Adelaide d'Orleans (1777- 1847). Chantilly. C COLE(J.Foxcroft). Jay, Maine, 1837. (Modern.) A Normandy Pastoral. PI., 10x13 inches, $2.00. Boston, M. F. A. -. COLE (Vicat). - Portsmouth, England, 1833— Lon- don, 1893. Waiting for the Ferry. PL, 13x16 inches, $3.50; C, $7.00. Modern Painters. COLIN (Paul Alfred). Born in Nimes. (Mod- ern.) Road to Yport by Moonlight. do. C COLIN-LIBOUR (Mme. Uranie). Born in Paris, (Modern.) Charity. (Salon of 1898.) do. C C At the Nurse's. do. C Filippo. do. C A Maid-servant. do. C A Thought. do. C COLLIER (Emily E.) (Modern.) *So Wide is My Love. (Christ Child.) do. B COLLIN (Raphael) Born in Paris. (Modern.) May. (Salon of 1886.) Paris, Lux. C C ' This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6|xg inches, $1.80. 262 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. The Dance. Idyll. Summer. Close of Summer. Youth. Morning. Spring. On the Seashore. Adolescence. Ceiling of the Odeon Theatre. Poetry ; decorative panel for the Salon des Lettres in the Hotel de Ville, Paris. Sleep. Primrose. Awaking. At the Window. Corner of the Garden. (Salon of 1896.) Wood Anemones. (Salon of 1896.) Biblis. (Salon of 1897.) The Harmonies of Nature Inspiring the Composer. (Salon of 1898.) Music. — Romance; decorative panels, Opera-com- ique. (Salon of 1899.) Daphnis and Chloe. (At the Spring.) Artist's Proofs on Japan, 15x10^ inches, $10.00; D., 8x 10, $1.50; D., 16x9, $3.00. Daphnis and Chloe. (The Bath.) Artist's Proofs on Japan. 15x10! inches, $10.00; D.*, 8x10, $1.50; D., 16x9, $3.00. COLLINS (William). Lonuon, 1788-1847. (Eng- lish School.) ' A Rat-catcher. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Sea-piece : View of the Coast of Holland. (Draw- ing-) COLTELLINI (Michele). Christ Risen from the Dead, with saints. The Circumcision. COMER (H.) XVII. century. (Flemish School.) Head of a man with long hair, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Gallery: Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4I Modern Painters. C do. do. do. do. do. C c do c do. C do. C c do. C c do. C c do. c do. c — — — do. c do. c c do. — — — c do. c c do. c c do. c c do. c c do. do. Q c c c c — c — c London, B. M. do. C BerUn. ' C — C do. • C Florence, Uffizi. '■ SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 263 COMERRE (Leon). Born in Trelon (Nord). (Modern.) A Star. Spring. A Little Marquis. Bath of the Alhambra. COMERRE-PATON (Jacqueline). Born in Paris, (Modern.) Ignorance. Hosnah. Haymaker. Bather. Make-believe. Magdalen. Under the New Year's Mistletoe. (Salon of 1898.) COMMANS (F. H.) (Modern.) The Wedding of Francis of Assisi with Poverty. D., about 15x19 inches, $5.00. The Mother of the Good Shepherd. Sabbath Rest. St. Joseph. COMODI (Andrea). Florence, 1560-1638. (Flor- entine School.) Candelabrum composed of children who are climb- ing up a vine. (Pen and bistre drawing.) C, $1.75- Candelabrum composed of children who are climb- ing up a vine. (Pen and bistre drawing.) C, $1.25. COMPTON (E. T.) (Modern.) In the LofToden Islands. On the Coast of Lapland. The Mandron Glazier in Adamello. The Val Doniello in Corsica. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 44 Modern Painters. C — C C do. C C do. C C do. C do. C C do. C do. C C do. C tp. C C o. C do. C C do. do. B B do. — C C C — C do.^ C C — C Florence, Uffizi. do. Modern Painters. C — c do. c — c do. c c — c do. . — c COMTE (Charles). Born in Lyons (Rhone). (Mod- ern.) Henry III. and the Duke of Guise. (Salon of 1855.) Paris, Lux. C C 264 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4| The Cards. Modern Painters. C The Niece of Don Quixote. do. C CON ANT (Cornelia). (Born in New York.) (Modern.) End of the Story. do. C In the Garden. do. C CONCA (Sebastiano). Gaeta, 1676 or 1679-1764 or 1774. (Neapolitan School.) Sleep of Endymion. (Drawing.) Dresden, Roy.Col. C CONDAMIN (Henry). Born in Lyons. (Modern.) Suzon's Friends. Modern Painters. — C CONDI (Bernardino da). M^e DE CONTI. CONEGLIANO (GiovannrBattista da Conegli- ano), called CIMA. See CIMA. CONINCK (D. de). Born in Antwerp, 1636. Died in Rome, 1687. (Flemish School.) Deer-hunt. Amsterdam. C — C Bear-hunt. do, C — C CONINXLOO (Jan van). Born in Brussels about 1489. Died in Antwerp (?). (Flemish School.) (Attributed.) Little altar-piece : Christ, the Virgin and saints. Cassel. C — C The Virgin's Family. Brussels. C — C CONNEL (Edwin D.) (Modern.) The Marsh. (Salon of 1899.) Modern Painters. C CONRAD (A.) Born in Torgau, 1837. Died in Berlin, 1887. (Modern.) Pay Before You Leave. do. B B — B Poultry Market. do. B B On the Aim. do. B B Scene in a Tyrolean Inn. do. B — B B A New Boon Companion. do. C C — C Uncle on his Journey. do, C C — C CONRADER (G.) Born in Munich, 1838. (Mod- ern.) Marie Stuart and Rizzio. do. C C Explanation. do. C Storming of Carthage. Munich, R. M. — C C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 265 CONSTABLE (John). East Bergholt, 1776— Lon- don, 1837. (English School.) The Cottage. Bay of Weymouth Before a Storm. The Corn-field, or the Country Road. The Farm known under the name of "Willy Lott's House." The Hay Wain. D., I2|xi7f inches, $5.00. Study for the White Horse. PI., 15x20 inches, $4.50. Rochester Castle. PI., 9x11 inches, $2.00. CONSTANT (Benjamin). Borft in Paris. (Modern.) The Last Rebels. (Salon of 1880.) The Favorites of the Emir. Evening on the Terrace. Herodias. The Justice of the Cherif, Thirst — Morocco Prisoners. Portrait of His Royal Highness Monseigneur the Duke d'Aumale. (Salon of 1897.) CONTI (Bernardino da). Born, 1452 (?). (Milanese School.) Portrait of a Cardinal. Madonna. CONTI (T.) Born in Italy. (Modern.) "What Will Her Answer Be?" A Study. Happiness. The Singer. The Serenade. Eavesdropper. Sweet Flowers. The Sense of Smell. Courting. COOL (Mme. Delphine de), nee FORTIN. Born in Limoges. (Modern.) The Good Cigarette. Mayflowers. At the House of the Sorceress. "The Rest to Me !" Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Paris, Louvre. C — do. C — London, N. G. C do. C do. Boston, M. F. A. do. Paris, Lux. C Modern Painters. C do. C do. C C do. C • do. C do. C — — C Berlin. — c Munich. C C — c do. c c — c do. c — c do. B — B — — B do. — c do. — c do. _ — — c do. c c — c do. c — c do. c c — c Modern Painters. — C do. C do. C do. C 266 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sices, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4J COOL (Gabriel de). Born in Paris. (Modern.) A Visit to the Studio. Modern Painters. C COOMANS (Mile. Diana). (Modern.) Lesbia. do. C Fruit-vender of Pompeii. do. — C In the Gyneceum. do. C At the Puteum. ' do. C Rest. do. C The Elegy. ^ ^ do. C Attentive. do. C The Spinner. do. C At the Spring Kallirhoe. do. C A Pompeian Fete. do. C To the Household Gods. do. C At the Fountain. do. C C Faithful Messenger. do. C The Poem. do. C Offering at the Altar of Love. (Salon of 1898.) do. C C (Detail of the above.) do. C C The Reader. (Salon of 1898.) do. C Perplexity. (Salon of 1899.) do. C Waiting. (Salon of 1899.) do. C C Thoughtlessness. (Salon of 1899.) do. C C COOMANS (Mile. Heva). (Modern.) Flower-vender of Pompeii. do. C Captive. do. C Bird-vender of Pompeii. do. C Offerings. do. C Slanderer. do. C Delilah. , do. C C A Message. do. C The Return. do. C Under the Charm. do. C Awakening (Pompeii and the Temple 01 jupiter). do. C The Dreamer. do. C Sapho. do. C C Beautiful Days. do. C Pompeian Flower-girls. do. C On the Tiber. do. C Inspiration. (Salon of 1898.) , do. C C Twixt the Cup and the Li;^. (Salon of 1899.) do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 267 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ COOMANS (Joseph). Born in Brussels. (Modern.) In Distress. Modern Painters. C . Cupid as Pilot. do. C C In the Woods. do. C Among the Rocks. do, C Aspasia. do. C C The Mysteries of Isis. do. C C Dreamer. do. C C As Bacchus. do. C C Julia Felix. do. : C Flabellifer. (Fan Bearer.) do. C The Laugher. do. C C Indecision. do. C C Satisfaction. do, C C Pensive. do. C C Candor. do. C C Diana. n do. C After the Ball. do. C C Before the Ball. do. C C Sweet Souvenir. do. C Youth. • do. C Aida, do, C COPA (Francesco). The Annunciation. Dresden. C COPELAND. The New Moon. PI., 7x13 inches, $2.00. Boston, Stet.Col. COPLEY SINGLETON (John). Born in Boston, U. S. A., 1737. Died in London, 1815. (American School.) Portrait of John Hancock. Boston, M, F. A. — • Pi C The same (seated figure). . do. PiC Judge Graham. PL, 20x16 inches, $7.50; PI., I2x 10, $3.50. do. Mr. Jeremiah Lee. PI., 10x12 inches, $2.00. do. Mrs. Jeremiah Lee. PL, 10x12 inches, $2.00. do. Venus and Neptune. PL, 10x13 inches, $2.00. *General Joseph Warren. *This subject comes in a Carbon Photograph, 16^x20^ inches, $5.00. 268 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4 COPPINI (R.) . Revery. Modern Painters. C COQUELET (Louis). Born in Valenciennes (Nord). (Modern.) Death of the Last Montagnards. do. C COQUES (Gonzales), or COCX. Antwerp, 1618- 1684. (Flemish School.) Family Reunion. Paris, Louvre. C — - C — Portrait of Young- Cornelis de B\6. Berlin. C Young Scholar and His Sister. Cassel. C C — C Family picture. do. C — Family portrait; musical instruments on the ground. Dresden. C C A Picture Gallery. The Hague. C C — C Family of the Burgomaster Van Eyck. Buda-Pesth. C C The Shoemaker. (Rath. Coll.) do. C — A Family Group. London, Nat. Gal. C — C The Verbiest Family. London, Buck. PI. C CORBINEAU (Auguste-Charles). Born in Sau- mur. (Modern.) The Prayer Answered. Modern Painters. C Resignation. do. C The Sand-girl. do. C Presentation. (Salon of 1898.) do. C CORCOS (Matteo Vittorio). Born in Leghorn. (Modern.) A Pink Tea. do. C Innocence do. C C — C Unmaskea. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. C C — C CORDELINGHI. See PREVITALI (Andrea). CORDELLE AGII ANDREA (Cordegliaghi). Born in Bergamo, about 1480 (?). Died in Bergamo, I528(?). (Venetian School.) Marriage of St. Catherine. London, Nat. Gal. C — C CORDIGNIANI. (Modern.) Carlotta. Modern Painters. C C — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON, 269 CORDOVA (Pelezde). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Studio Interior. CORELLI (A.) (Modern.) Dark and Rosy. Varied Harmonies. The Mother. D., 12^x22^ inches, $6.00. > Neapolitan Singers. D., about 15x19 inches, $5.00. CORMERAY (Georges). Born in Angers. (Mod- ern.) The Cherries. CORMON (Fernand). Born in Paris. (Modern.) The Conquerors of Salaminus. The Marriage of Bedreddin. (Thousand and One Nights.) Battle of Graves. Funeral of a Chief of the Iron Age. The Grenadiers of the Guard at Essling. The Reverend Father Didon. (Also, large carbon, $5.00.) CORNEILLE (De Lyon). Lyons, XV'I. century. (French School.) (Attributed.) Portrait of Henry de Bourbon, Duke de Montpensier (i 573-1608). Portrait of Jacqueline de Rohan, Marchioness de Rothelin(?-i586.) Portrait of Marguerite de Bourbon, Duchess de Nevers (15 16- 1589). Portrait of the Dauphin Francis, Count of Angou- leme, afterwards Francis I. Portrait of Gabrielle de Rochechouart, Lady de Lansac. Portrait of Madame de Martigne-Brillant. Portrait of Marguerite de France, Duchess de Berry. (School of.) Portrait of an unknown woman. (School of.) Portrait of an unknown man. (School of.) Supposed portrait of Madame de Canaple. Gallery. Siaes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C C do. do. do. do. Paris, Lux. Modern Painters, do. do. do. do. C C — C B C C C — C C Versailles. C - do. C - do. C - • Chantilly. C - do. do. IIIIcI do. do. do. ---- c - do. 270 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ CORNEILLE (Michel), called the Elder. Paris, 1642-1708. (French School.) The Repose in Egypt. CORNEILLE (Jean Baptiste). Paris, 1646-1695. (French School.) Landscape showing a rabbit hunt. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. CORNELISSER (Cornelis), called Cornelis Van Haarlem. Haarlem, 1562-1638. (Dutch School.) The Deluge. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. CORNELIUS (P. V.) The Four Horsemen in ,the Books of the Revela- tions. D., 19x15^ inches, $5.00. CORNICELIUS (G.) Born in Hanau. (Hesse- Nassau), 1825. The Novice. Jesus Tempted of the Devil. CORNILLIET (Jules). Born in Versailles. (Mod- ern.) The Sisters of St. Vincent de Paul. COROT (Jean-Baptiste-Camille). Paris, 1796- 1875. (Frencl^ School.) Landscape : Morning. — The Dance of the Nymphs. View of the Roman Forum. View of the Coliseum at Rome. Landscape. Souvenir of Castelgandolfo. The Willows at Marseilles, near Beauvais. The Park of the Lions at Port-Marly. Prepara- tions for a Promenade. (G. Rodrigues Coll.) Woman with a goat. (G. Rodrigues Coll.) River near Beauvais. An Herb-gatherer. Dante and Virgil. (Georges Rodrigues Coll.) The Roman Campagna. Evening. (Georges Rod- rigues Coll.) Bend of the Seine at Port-Marly. (Georges Rodri- gues Coll.) Paris, Louvre. London, B. M. Brunswick. B do. do. C — C C Modern Painters. C Paris, Louvre. AC _ AC — C do. C do. C do. A — AC — C do. C Masters XIX Cen. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 271 Landscape, morning effect: A Goat-herd. (Mu- seum of Lille.) Landscape; a composition. (Drawing.) (Wicar Museum at Lille.) Young Greek girl. Trunk of the Oak of Fontainebleau. (Brun. Coll.) Nymphs playing with a tiger. (Brun. Coll.) View of Corbeil in, Early Morning. Castle of St. Angelo and St. Peter's at Rome. The Reaper's Family. The Drocourt Mill at Arleux-du-Nord, View of the Village of Sin, near Douai. Banks of a Current. Cluster of Trees. Italian Landscape, Humid Plain in Flanders. Environs of Coubron. The Shores of the Great Lake at Ville d'Avray. (Museum of Rouen.) The Ponds of Ville d'Avray. (Museum of Rouen.) Cottages on the edge of a marsh. A boat ; moonlight effect under large trees. Cows at the Watering-place. In Limousin ; a cow on the dike. Gypsies under trees ; sunset effect. The Port of La Rochelle. The Rageur in the Plain at Fontainebleau. The Little Pond of Ville d Avray. A Torrent in the Romagna. The Little Water-wheel. Goat-herds on the Shores of the Bay of Naples. At Limetz, near Mantes. Morning Dew. Roman Campagna at Sunset.; The Banks of the Loire. Little Birdsnester and his Companions. The Bridge of Mantes. A Prairie at St. Catherine-lez-Arras. The Chateau of Beaune-la-Rolande. Study : Crecy-du-Brie. A Circle of Dancers on the Water-side; evening effect. Souvenir of Arleuz-du-Nord. Gallery. Shcs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Masters XIX Cen. C — do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C c c c r C C C C C C c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c 272 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. The Cold Bath. The Children of the Farm. Young girl reading. Watching the Foot-path which Winds along the River. Monk seated, reading. The Spring ; study of a young girl, nude, standing. The Woodland Nymph. Magdalen in pra3'^er. The Gauls ; landscape. Girl guarding cattle in the marshes. Three cows at the pond ; evening effect. The Lake of Nemi. Nymphs at the Bath. Rustic Concert. (Chantilly.) Orpheus Enchanting Eurydice. An Idyll; circle of children. Forest of Fontainebleau ; crossing the ford. Hagar in the Wilderness. St. Jerome in his Retreat. (Mayoralty of Ville d'Avray.) Spring ; young girl picking flowers. Young girl holding a mandolin and looking at a landscape on an easel. The Italian. Bacchante with a panther. The Bather. The Halberdier. A horseman holding his sword. Venus Imprisoning Cupid. • The Chariot. Diana at her Toilet. • Mill of St. Nicholas. Souvenir of Ville d'Avray. An Algerian Jewess. Interior of a church. Boatman on the Lake of Nemi. The Chateau of Wagnouville. Morning. (H. Vever Coll.) Evening. (H. Vever Coll.) The Watering-place. (H. Vever Coll.) Gallery. Siaes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4J Masters XIX Cen. C — do. C do. C — do. — c do. L — c do. -, — c do. — c do. C — — do. C do. C do. C do. C do. c do. C do. C do. C do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. — c do. — — — — c do. — c do. — — c do. — — c do. — — — — c do. — — — — c do. — c do. — c do. — — — — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 273 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ Morning Effect. (H. Vever Coll.) Masters XIX Cen. C — Sunny Road. (H. Vever Coll.) do. C — A village street in Picardy. (H. Vever Coll.) do, C — Eurydice Wounded. (H. Vever Coll.) do. C The Ascending Path. (Univ. Expos., '89.) (H. Vever Coll.) do. " C A horse bathing in the Pond of Ville d'Avray. (H. Vever Coll.) The Cascades of Terni. (H. Vever Coll.) The Ford. (Univ. Expos., '89.) (H. Vever Coll.) Nymph reclining on the seashore. (H. Vever Coll.) Young mother. (H. Vever Coll.) A Mediterranean Cove. Fagot-gatherer. Ville dAvary. Horseman on the road. (Durand-Ruel Coll.) Environs of Ville d'Avray. (Durand-Ruel Coll.) Canal of St. Quentin. (Durand-Ruel Coll.) Crossing the Ford. (Durand-Ruel Coll.) The Dunes of Zuydcoote. (Durand-Ruel Coll.) The Burning of Sodom. (Durand-Ruel Coll.) Woman at the well. (Durand-Ruel Coll.) Orpheus. (Durand-Ruel Coll.) Fishing with a line. (Durand-Ruel Coll.) Morning on the Pond. (Durand-Ruel Coll.) Young Greek girl ; bust. (Durand-Ruel Coll.) The Golden Age. (Brame Coll.) Woman before an easel. (Brame Fils Coll.) Swiss view. (Arnold and Tripp Coll.) Evening ; Dance of Nymphs. (Arnold and Tripp Coll.) The Ferryman. (Arnold and Tripp Coll.) Morning on the Shores of the Lake. (Arnold and Tripp Coll.) Lake of Albano. (Arnold and Tripp Coll.) Morning in Italy. (Arnold and Tripp Coll.) The Leaning Tree. (Arnold and Tripp Coll.) The Goat-herd ; souvenir of Italy. (Arnold and Tripp Coll.) Woman in a studio. (Arnold and Tripp Coll.) Catching Crawfish. (Arnold and Tripp Coll.) The Ravine. (Arnold and Tripp Coll.) do. C do. ^ — C do. c — c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. — c do. AC — AC do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. A — AC do. c do. — — c do. c do. r^ do. c do. c do. c 274 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Marcoussis. (Arnold and Tripp Coll.) The Bathers. (Arnold and Tripp Coll.) Saintry. (Arnold and Tripp Coll.) Edge of a wood. (Arnold and Tripp Coll.) Meditation. (Arnold and Tripp Coll.) Diana's Bath. (Museum of Bordeaux.) Nymphs at the Bath. The Lake. (Coll. of Count Fressinet.) The Hen of the Golden Eggs. (Property of C. and M. d'Eichthal.) Landscape. (H. Gallice Coll.) Gust of Wind. (Warnier Coll.) Italian landscape. (Warnier Coll.) Willows and Rivers. (Warnier Coll.) View of Mantes. (Warnier Coll.) Young Girl at the Well. (Michel Levy Coll.) The Muse. (Michel Levy Coll.) Ville d'Avray. (Michel Levy Coll.) The Reader. (Kapferer Coll.) The Lake of Albano. (Museum of Rheims.) Around the Lake. (Museum of Rheims.) The Bridge of Mantes. (Mante Coll.) The First Step. (Museum of La Rochelle.) Environs of Geneva. (Museum of La Rochelle.) St. Sebastian. (Cheramy Coll.) The Chevalier. (Cheramy Coll.) Venice. (Cheramy Coll.) Beggars, (Cheramy Coll.) Tortures. (Cheramy Coll.) 'The Little Magpie." Portrait of Mile. V. (Cheramy Coll.) Corot's House at Ville d'Avary. (Brimeau Coll.) Ponds at Ville d'Avray. (Rouen Museum.) Italian landscape (1848). (Museum of Douai.) Lake of Garda. (George Lutz Coll.) Morning. (George Lutz Coll.) The Bathing-place. (George Lutz Coll.) Willows ; environs of Arras. (George Lutz Coll.) The Husbandman. (George Lutz Coll.) Flessingue. (George Lutz Coll.) Little Bridge. (George Lutz Coll.) Gallery. Shcs ' 2 2^ 3 3i 4 4^ Masters XIX Cen. do. do. — — — — C — do. (2 do. c do. — — C do. c do. AC — AC do. c _ do. c do. c do. c do. do. do. c do. c do. do. do. -- c"--- do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c — do. c - do. c - do. do. do. EE^'Eii do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 276 View of the Italian Tyrol. (Museum of Marseilles.) Democritus and the Abderitains (1841). (Museum of Nantes.) Sunset after the Rain. (Museum of Nantes.) Homer and the Shepherds (1845). (Museum of Saint-L6.) View from Ville d'Avray (1867). (Museum of Mans.) Landscape; composition and bathers. (Leclercq Coll.) The Path. (Soubies Coll.) Peasant on Horseback in the Country. (Lyon de Thuin Coll.) Road Bordered by Willows. (David Paul Coll.) Landscape. (Museum of Dunkerque.) Forest at Fontainebleau. PI., 10x12 inches, $2.00. Pres Gisors. PI., 7x12 inches, $2.00; PI., 5x9, $1.00; PL, 8x14, $3.00. Landscape after Sunset. PI., 9x12 inches, $2.00. Dante and Virgil. PL, 10x13 inches, $2.00. Brittany Farmhouses. PL, 10x13 inches, $2.00. *Ville d'Avray. *Sunset. Near Ville d'Avray. PL, 9x12 inches, $3.00. CORRADO. See GHIRLANDAJO. CORREGGIO (Antonio), ALLEGRI DA COR- REGGIO, called the. Correg-gio, 1494- 1534. (Lombard School.) Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine of Alexandria. Antiope, The Virgin and Child. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Study of a man lying down, nude figure; at his side a child. (Drawing.) C,, $1.00. The Virgin seated, hands crossed upon her breast. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. St. John borne upon clouds by angels. (Drawing."^ C, $1.25. Venus surrounded by Cupids. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ Masters XIX Cen. do. do. do. do. do. — do. - do. — do. — do. — Boston, M. F. A. — 3 3i C — 4 4i C C — do. do. do. do. Boston, Stewart. do. Bjunsw'k, Walker. Paris, Louvre, do. do. do. do. do do. C — C — C — C — C B ♦This subject comes in a Carbon, size 17x23 inches, $5.00. 276 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Sleeping nymph, (Drawing.) C, $1.25. A man playing Pan's pipes ; nude figure. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Two friezes ; child playing with an eagle and child playing with a winged lion. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Charity. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Three little friezes. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Six studies of the nude ; meu in different positions. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Eight studies of the nude; men and women. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Eight studies of the nude; women seated. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Eight studies of the nude ; women in different positions. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. The Virgin seated. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Head of a young girl turned to the right. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. Head of a child, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. (School of Correggio.) Head of a child, full face. (Drawing.) Martyrdom of Saints; men and women. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. (After Correggio.) Mythological figures; group; a young man, a woman, and a child. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. Two figures of angels, finished; two others, sketched. Study for the frescoes, Parma. (Drawing.) St. John. Four studies of children's heads. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. The Virgin, seated, reading a book; at her left, the Child. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Escutcheon supported by two genii. (Drawing.) (After Correggio (?).) Jupiter and lo. D., 19x11! inches, $5.00. Detail of the above : Head of lo. Leda, with Jupiter in Disguise of a Swan. (Detail of the above.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 Paris, Louvre. — 2! 3 3^ 4 4i do. do. da. do. — do.' =■ do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C — do. do. Malcolm Col. C Robinson Col. C Chantilly. Lille. Berlin. B C B C — C B C do. B do. c — C C — C do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 277 Madonna of St. Francis ; Madonna with the Child blessing St. Francis ; beside them are St. An- thony of Padua, St. John Baptist and St. Cath- erine. Detail of the above : Madonna and Child. Madonna of St. Sebastian ; the Virgin and Child in a halo, St. Sebastian, St. Geminius and St. Roch. Detail of the above : Madonna and Child. Penitent Magdalen. D., 9^x13 inches, $3.00. Adoration of the Shepherds ; picture known under the name of "The Holy ISIight." (Detail of the above.) Madonna of St. George ; the Madonna, holding the Child, is seated on a throne ; on the left St. Geminius and St. John Baptist, on the right St. Peter the Martyr and St. George. Detail of the above : Madonna and Child. Correggio's Doctor. (School of Correggio.) St. Margaret. (Studio piece.) (Attributed.) Portrait of a scholar. Cupid Cutting his Bow. (According to Woermann, by F. Mazzuoli.) Two children surrounded by a garland of fruit. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Sketch for the St. George of Dresden. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Child for the same picture. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Child for the same picture. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Sketch for the "Assumption' of Parma. (Drawing.) Head of a woman, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Copy of the picture in the Dresden Gallery, "The Madonna Blessing St. Francis." (Drawing.) Copy of the picture in the Dresden Gallery, "The Holy Night." (Drawing.) The Madonna with the Christ-child, St. Alphonso and St. Jerome. Eros Reading. (School of Correggio.) The Madonna with the Christ-child, St. Jerome and St. James. Gallery. Si;:es, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Dresden. C — C C do. --C do. c c do. c do. C C — B do. C BABCC — B do. AG do. do. do. do. do. do. C B BG C — C — — C — — c c c — c — — B — B Dresden, R. C. do. do, do. do. do. do. do. Munich, do. do. C c c c c — c c — c c c c 278 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Leda Bathing with her Playmates. Young Faun. Adoration of the Shepherds ; composition of numerous figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The Virgin, seated, holding the Child Jesus in her arms. (Drawing.) C, .75. Study of a nude man dead. (Drawing.) Head of an angel ; full face, life size. (Drawing.) Five studies for a group of two children. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Rape of Ganymede. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Jupiter's Eagle Carrying ofif Ganymede. (Detail of the above.) lo Receiving the Kiss of Jupiter. Christ Bearing the Cross. (Bust.) St. Sebastian. (Bust.) (School of Correggio.) Venus and Cupid. The Madonna, seated, holding the Child Jesus. (Drawing.) C, Jpi.25. Study for a Holy Family. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. The Resurrection. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Three figures of apostles seated upon clouds. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Four figures of saints and five angels. (Draw- ing.) St. Francis of Assisi kneeling and supported by two angels. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Figure of a saint seated reading a book ; on each side an angel. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Study for St. Sebastian ; he is seen standing, his hands clasped behind him. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Two angels standing. (Drawing.) Draped figure of a man walking towards the left. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. A man seated ; nude figure, back view. (Drawing.) A Genius. (Drawing.) C, .75. Three heads of children. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Head of child turned to the left. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Head of man turned three-quarters to the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ Munich. B — B — do. C — Weimar. 4 4^ — B — C do. do. do. do. Vienna Mus. C — C C do. C do. C — C C do. C do. C Vienna, Liecht. — C C C Vienna, Albertina. do. do. do. C do. do. do. do. C do. do. C do. do. do. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 279 Head of child, almost left profile. (Drawing.) C, .75. Head of woman bent forward, showing left pro- file. (Drawing.) C, .75. The Virgin of the Pears. Mercury Instructing Cupid in the Presence of Venus. "Ecco Homo ;" Pilate presenting Christ to the Jews. The Holy Family. Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane. Adoration of the Shepherds. (Drawing.) Head of a man turned three-quarters to the right. Holy Family ; St. John embracing the feet of the Child Jesus. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Apostles and children seated upon clouds ; study for the fresco in San Giovanni, Parma. (Draw- ing.) Heads of the Virgin and the Infant Jesus ; study for the fresco in Parma. (Drawing.) A saint kneeling before the crucifix. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Pieta; the dead body of Christ surrounded by angels and holy women. (Drawing.) Cupid, bearing fruits, approaches a nude woman sleeping. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Antiope Asleep ; study for the picture in the Louvre. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. A woman, nude figure, surrounded by Cupids ; first sketch of the "Danae." (Drawing.) C, $1.25. (Attributed.) A man kneeling at the stern of a vessel before a saint. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. (Attributed.) The Marriage of St. Catherine. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. (Attributed.) The Martyrdom of St. Sebastian. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. A saint being carried to heaven. (Drawing.) Two children entwined. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Study of three nude children. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Gallery. Si::es, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4J Vienna, Albertina. do. Buda-Pesth. London, Nat. Gal. C C dp. do. do. London, B. do. Windsor. do. C C c M. — C c — — c c — do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Chatsworth. do. do. 280 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Study of a man; nude figure, back view. (Draw- ing.) Chats worth. C Cartouche surrounded by children. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. • Draped figure standing. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Three studies of nude children. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Holy Family ; composition for a high altar. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. do. Composition. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Beheading of a Christian Martyr. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. The Repose in Egypt. Florence, Uffizi. C The Virgin Adoring the Infant Jesus. do. PIC PIC The Body of Christ Borne by Angels. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Four figures in a landscape. (Drawing.) C, do. $1.00. do. Madonna and Child surrounded by six saints. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. The Virgin Borne by Angels. (Drawing.) C, $1. do. Head of c child. (Accoraing to Venturi, Carlo Dolci.) Florence. Pitti. C — Danae. Rome. Borg. Gal. C — C Detail of the above: Danae. do. C Detail of the above: Two Cupids Poisoning their Arrows. do. C The Triumph of Fame. Rome, Doria. C The Savior. Rome, Vat. Pin. C Correggio and his Family; group of six figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Milan, Res. Col. Figure of the Virgin for an Annunciation. (Draw- -ig) do. C Noli Me Tangere. — ^Jesus and the Magdalen. D., 15^x124 inches, $5.00. Madrid, Museum C Descent from the Cross. (Reduction of the picture of the Church of San Giovanni in Parma.) ' do. C The Virgin, the Child, and St. John. do. C La Madone del Latte. (Half-length figures.) St. Petersburg. C The Assumption. (Sketch of the fresco in Parma.) do. C Apollo and Marsyas. do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON 281 CORREGGIO (M.) (Modern.) Pheasant-shooting. Spring. D;, 20x16 inches, $5.00. CORRENS(E.) Cologne, 1821— Munich, 1877. (German School.) Presentiment of Spring. Adam and Eve Finding the Body of Abel. CORRODI (Hermann). 'Born in Rome, 1844. (Modern.) Pope Leo XIII. in the Gardens of the Vatican. CORTOZZO (O.) Born in Italy. (Modern.) Al Boudoir. CORTONA. See SIGNORELLI. CORTONE (Pietro de). See BERRETTINI. COSIMO. See PIERO DI COSIMO. COSME. See TURA (Cosimo). COSSA (Francesco). Worked between 1456 and 1474. (Lombardo-Ferrarese School.) The Vintage. St. Vincent Ferrerius, Dominican Friar. Scene in the life of a saint; altar predella. (I.) Scene in the life of a saint ; altar predella. (II.) Scene in the life of a saint; altar predella. (III.) COSSIAU (Jan Job). Breda. Worked in 1700. (Dutch School.) Study of Peasants. (Drawing.) COSSMAN (Maurice). (Modern.) The Toilet. COSTA (G.) Born in Italy. (Modern.) The Mask. An Odalisque. The Coquette. Roses. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2i 3 3I 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. do. do. do. do. B C B — C C — C C C C C Berlin. C London, Nat. Gal. C — C Rome, Vat. Pin. C do. C do. C Dresden, P. G. C Modern Painters. C do. C — C do. c do. C — C do. C — C 282 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON, COSTA (Lorenzo). Ferrara, 1460 — Mantua, 1535. (Bolognese School.) The Court of Isabella of Este, Duchess of Mantua. Mythological Scene. Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, ^ladonna and Child enthroned, with saints. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ COSTA (L.) A Game of Bluff. COSTER (Adam de). Antwerp. The Singers. (Flemish School.) COS"WAY (Richard). Devonshire, 1740 — London, 1821. (English School.) Elizabeth, Viscountess Melbourne. Four Medallions Representing William IV., Prin- cess Sophia, Georgiana, Duchess of Devon- shire, Princess Mary, Duchess of Gloucester. COT (Pierre Auguste). Bedarrieux (Herault), 1837 — Paris, 1883. (Modern.) Mireille. The Orphan. "Papa. I am Posing!" The Bather. The First Kiss, The Countess of Chardormet. (Exhibition of fe- male portraits at the £cole des Beaux Arts, 1897.) COTIGNOLA. SeeCOTIGNOLA (Girolamoda). Born in Paris. COUBERTIN (Charles de). (Modem.) (jood Friday at Palermo. (Salon of 1861.) Louis XVII. at the House of Simon the Shoemaker. COUDER (Louis Charles Auguste). Paris, 1790- 1873, (French School.) The Oath at the Tennis-court, June 20th, 1789. Installation of the Conseil d'fitat at the Luxem- bourg Palace, Dec. 25th, 1799. Paris, Louvre. — do. — Berlin. — London, Nat. Gal. — Modem Painters. Vienna, Liecht. C — C — C — C — C C — C — C — C C — C Windsor. do. Paris, Lux. C C Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C do. — C — Paris, Lux. Modern Painters. Versailles. do. C — C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 283 Battle of Lawfeld, July 2d, 1747. The Taking of Yorktown, Oct. 17th, 1781. COUDRES (L. des). (Modern.) Pan and Psyche. Mary Magdalen. Christ and the Repentant Sinner. COURBET (Gustave). Ornans (Doubs). 1819— Tour de Peilz (Switzerland), 1877. (French School.) Burial at Ornans. The Wounded Man. Stags Fighting. Deer in the Forest. Man with the Leather Belt. (Portrait of Courbet.) Portrait of Champfleury, Deer under Cover. The Wave. (Salon of 1870.) The Brook of the Puits-Noir. A Forest in Brittany, Valley of the Ranee. Gallery. Versailles. Sises. 2 2i 3 3^ 4 4i do. C Modern Painters. C do. , C — C do. C Paris, Louvre. C — C do. c do. c do. c — c do. c — c do. c do. C — C Paris, Lux. c do. c Masters XIX Cen. c COURTAT (Louis). Born in Leda. (Salon of 1875.) Eve and her Children. Nymph. The Siesta. Summer. Odalisque. The Awakening of Venus. Bathers. Naiad. Youth. The Grasshopper. Mary Magdalen. Wood-nymph. , Hagar and Ishmael. COURTEN (A. de). (Modern.) Night. Roman Urn-seller. The Cardinal's Servant. Paris. (Modern.) Paris, Lux. C Modern Painters. — — — C do. C do. C do. C do. C C do. C do. C — do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. do. do. C C C — C — C C — C C 284 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3i 4 4i Peace. Modern Painters. C C — C Shepherdess. do. C C — C Skater. do. C C — C Fiori. do. c — c Welcome Meeting. do. — c — c The Expected One. do. c An Eternal Secret. do. c c — c Leo XIII. in the Sistine Chapel. do. c — c c — c Aurora. do. c c — c Away from Home. do. c — c Potrait of Leopold, Prince-regent of Bavaria. do. c c — c Poetry, do. c A Martyr. do. c — c Besieged. do. c — c "Here's to Yoti !" do. c — c The Three Graces. do. c c — c Panis Angelorum. do. c c — c Two New Victims. do. B B The Victor. , do. B B At the Well. do. B COURTENS (Franz). Termonde (Belgium), 1853. (Modern.) In the Forest. D., 14x23 inches, $6.00. do. • COURTOIS (Gustave). Pusey (Haute-Saone). (Modern.) Thais, the Courtesan, in the Infernal Regions. (Dante's "Inferno.") do. C C Elaine. (Tennyson.) do. C Dante and Virgil in the Infernal Regions. do. C Corner of a Garden. do. C Fantasy. do. C C Chilly. do. C Atala. do. C Improvised Equipage. do. ^ C Flower-girl. do. C C Manon. do. C "A Sword shall Pierce Through Thy Own Soul." do. C C At Home. do. C Lisette. ("Le Legataire Universal.") . do. C C — C Baby. do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 286 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C C Figaro. Meditation. Human Anxiety. Cupid's Banquet. (Salon of 1897.) St. Sebastian. (Salon of 1898.) Girl at the Fountain. (Salon of 1899.) Arcadian Days. D., 9^x153 inches, $3.00 COURTOIS (Jacopo), called II Bourguignon. Saint-Hippolyte (Franche-Comt^), 162 1 — Rome, 1676. (French School.) Cavalry Combat Near a Bridge. Paris, Louvre. Troops on the March. do. Cavalry Combat. do. Cavalry Charge, do. General Surveying the Field of Battle, (Drawing.) C, 75- Officer's Uniform. (Drawing.) C, .75. Cavalry Combat. (Drawing.) C, $2,50. Battle. Cavalry in a mountainous landscape. (Drawing.) Cavalry on the March ; in the foreground, a drum- mer and two trumpeters on horseback, (Draw- ing.) C, $2.50. Cavalry Combat. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Fight Around a Fortress. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Fight Around the Walls of a Fortified Town. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Battle; in the foreground a hussar unhorsed. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Battle ; foot-soldiers attacking a standard-bearer. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Battle ; capture of a battery. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Battle-field by moonlight. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. View of a park, with ladies and cavaliers. (Draw- ing.) Horsemen fighting. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Cavalry-skirmish. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Fight between two horsemen and three soldiers. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Florence, Combat; sketch. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. C C C C do. do. Dresden, R. Vienna, Liecht. C Vienna, Albertina. C — do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C Uflfizi. 286 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Cavalry Combat; group of many figures. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Florence, Uffizi. Cavalry Combat; group of many figures. (Draw- ing.) C, hI-25. do- Cavalry Combat; group of many figures. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Cavalry Combat; group of many figures. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. COUSIN (Jean). Soucy, near Sens (France), 1 500 ( ?)— 1 589 ( ?). (French School.) The Last Judgment. Paris, Louvre. C — C — Venus standing. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. The Resurrection; study. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Dresden, R. C. COUTURE (Thomas). SenHs (Oise), 1815-1879. (French School.) The Romans of the Decadence. Paris, Louvre. C — C Study for the Volunteers of 1792. PI., 10x12 inch- es, $2.00. Boston, M. F. A. Portrait of a Lady. PL, 20x17 inches, $6.00; PI., 11x9, $3.00. do. Head of a negro. PI., 12x9 inches, $3.00. do. ■ COUTURIER (Leon). Born at Macon. (Modern.) Water-service. (War of 1870.) Modern Painters. C The Tocsin of the Chouans (1790). do. C The Drummers' School. do. C An Alarm. (War of i870-'7i.) do. C The Narrative. (War of i87o-'7i.) do. C C Clearing the Decks for Fighting on the "Admiral Duperre." do. C C Sunday on Board. do. C Steersmen of the "Devastation." do. C Pupils of the Naval School. do. C The I St Zouaves at the Attack on Malakofif (Sept. 8th, 1855). do. C COUTURIER (Philibert Leon). Born at Chalons- sur-Saone. (Modern.) A Snatch of Conversation. do. C Boon Companions. do. C A Snare. do. C I SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 287 Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4| COWPER(T.) (Modern.) An Aside. D., about 8x10 inches, $1.50. Modern Painters. C COX (Kenyon). Warren, Ohio, 1856. (Modern.) Brunswick, Me., Venice. PL, about 7x13 inches, $2.50. Walker Art Bldg. The Arts ; female figures representing Poetry, Ar- chitecture, Music, Sculpture and Painting. Washington, Lib. PI., 8x20 inches, $4.00; PI., 5x13, $1.50. of Congress. The Sciences ; figures representing Astronomy, Botany, Geology, etc. PI., 8x20 inches, $4.00 ; PL, 5x13, $1.50. do. An Eclogue.* PL, 12x10 inches, $3.00. Modern Pain^rs. The Fall and Expulsion. PL, 10x20 inches, $5.00; PL, 6|xi3, $2.75; PL, 4^x9, $1.00. do. Painting and Poetry. PL, 14x20 inches, $6.00; PL, 8x13, $3.00; PL, 9|x6, $1.50. do. Pursuit of the Ideal. PL, 13x9 inches, $3.00. do. COX (Louise). Born in San Francisco. (Modern.) Allyn; portrait of a little boy. PL, 7x6 inches, $1.50. do. Angiola. PL, 19x12 inches, $6.00; PL, 12x7, $3.00; PL, 9x6, $1.75; PL, 6x4, .50. do. The Fates. PL, 20x11 inches, $6.00; PL, 13x7, $3.00. do. The Rose. PL, 9x5 inches, $1.50. do. COXCYEN (Michel van). Mechlin, 1499-1592. (Flemish School.) ^ The Fall. A^., Vienna Mus. C Expulsion from Paradise. -^ do. C Martyrdom of St. Sebastian, ^uitwerp. C Incident from the Martyrdom of St. George W^ (front). do. C Incident from the Martyrdom of St. George (front). do. C St. George. (Back of No. i.) do. C St. Margaret. (Back of No. 2.) do. C COYPEL (Antoine). Paris, 1661-1722, (French School.) Esther before Ahasuerus. Paris, Louvre. C — C — Flora and Zephyr. do. C — C — Portrait of Antoine Coypel. do. • C — 288 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Portrait of a lady and her daughter. (Drawing.) Q yc Paris, Louvre. COYPEL (Charles Antoine). Paris, 1694-1752. (French School.) Perseus and Andromeda. Portrait of Charles Antoine Coypel. COYPEL (Noel). Paris, 1628-1707. (French School.) Solon Advocating his Laws in Presence of the Athenians. Ptolemy Philadelphus's Emancipation of the Jews. Trojan Giving Public Audiences. The Providence of Alexander Severus. Apollo Crowned by Victory. Portrait of Noel Coypel. Study of male figure draped and kneeling. (Draw- ing-) Study of female figure kneeling, almost back view. (Drawing.) Study of nude female figure. (Drawing.) Male figure walking to the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.75- Figure of apostle, seated, holding a book with both hands. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Figure of apostle, seated, reading a book. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Figure of a woman seated on the ground with outstretched arms. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Study of bust for an angel turned towards the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Bacchus sitting, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Allegory ; composition of many figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Female figure, draped, with hands clasped. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Studies of two right hands. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Studies of left hand and right foot. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C — C — c — c — c — c — c — c — c — c — — c — c — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 289 (Possibly by Lebrun.) Female figure, draped, bending, and turned to the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.75- Study of two men for an Elevation of the Cross. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Head of young girl slightly turned to right. (Drawing.) C, .75. (Possibly by Corneille.) Female head, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Head of girl laughing, three-quarters right view. (Drawing.) C, .75. Head of boy, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Head of child slightly turned to right. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Design for decorative painting: warrior seated; below, two angels kneeling. (Drawing.) COYPEL (Noel Nicolas). (French School.) Innocence and Love. Nymph and Cupid. Paris, 1692-1734. CRABETH (Adriaen). Gouda. Lived about 1560. Female portrait. CRAESBEECK (Joost van). Neerlinter, in Bra- bant, 1606 or 1608 — Brussels, between 1654 and 1662. (Dutch School.) Craesbeeck painting a portrait. Gallery. Sices, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Paris, Louvre. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C do. do. Munich. Paris, Louvre. Drinking Party in Front of an Inn. (Habich Coll.) Cassel. Meeting of Magistrates ; sketch. (Drawing.) Dresden, R. C. Flemish peasant interior. . Vienna Mus. C C — C C CRAFT (Percy). (Modern.) A Good Haul. Artist's Proofs on India paper, I5^x 21^ inches, $15.00; D., I5|x2i|, $5.00. CRAIG (W. M.) (English School.) The Correction. (Drawing.) CRAMER (Alfons von). Smyrna, 1834. (Modern.) Espied. Modern Painters. London, B. M. C — Modern Painters. C C — C '2m SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. CRANACH (Lucas Sunder or Mueller), called The Elder. Cranach, in Franconia, 1472 — Weimar, 1553. (German School.) Venus in a landscape. Male portrait. (Drawing.) (Drawing.) (Drawing.) C, $1.25. (Drawing.) Bust of a man, three-quarters left Gallery. Sij:es, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Hunting-scene. Hunting-scene. Hunting-scene. Hunting-scene. (Attributed.) view, wearing a flat cap. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Portrait of Luther. The Betrothed. Portrait of John Frederick, Elector of Saxony. Portrait of Theodore Veit, Reformer, friend of Luther. Portrait of a young woman. (Hainauer Coll.) St. Christopher. (Baron of Mecklenburg's Coll.) Lucretia. (Knaus Coll.) Virgin Offering Cherries to the Child on St. Anne's Knee. Portrait of John Frederick of Saxony (1503-1554). The Fountain of Youth. Portrait of a young patrician. Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Apollo and Diana. Madonna and Child with St. Anne. Venus and Cupid. David and Bathsheba. Portrait of Cardinal Albert of Brandenburg, Elect- or of Mayence, or St. Jerome. Entombment. Portrait of Katharine von Bora, wife of Luther. Madonna with Child and angels. Reverse of an altar-piece. Mary as the Mater Dolorosa ; Christ as the Man of Sorrows. (Copy of Hieronymus Bosch.) (Imitator of Cranach the Elder, about 1520-1530.) St. Jerome. Christ and the Woman of Samaria. Paris, Louvre. do. do. do. do. do. do. Old Masters, do. do. do. Berlin, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C — C — C C C C C C C — C C C C — C C — C C — C C — C C C c c c c c 1 c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 291 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Hercules and Omphale. Brunswick. B St. Barbara and St. Catherine. Cassel. C — C The Workings of Jealousy. (Habich Coll.) do. C — C "'Suffer Little Children to Come unto Me." Dresden. C Judith and Lucretia. do. C Adam and Eve. do. C C — C Jesus Bidding Farewell to his Mother and Family. do. C Portrait of Martin Luther. do. C C Portrait of Philip Melanchthon. do. C C Portrait of Henry the Pious. do. C The Suffering Savior Surrounded by Cherubs. do. C C The Margrave George of Brandenburg. do. C Still life; bird lying on its back. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Dresden, R. C. Male portrait, bust, turned to the left. (Drawing.) do. C Still life ; two birds hung from a nail. (Drawing.) do. C Adam and Eve. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Diana Sleeping on the Edge of a Brook. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do. St. Hubert on Horseback Perceiving the Stag with the Crucifix. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. The Fall ; Adam and Eve. (Drawing.) do. C The Penitence of St. Chrysostom. (Engraving.) C, $1.25. do. Frederick HI., Elector of Saxony, and his brother, John the Constant. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. do, Crucifixion. Frankfort. C — Nude female figure. do. C — Christ, and the Woman Taken in Adultery. Munich. C C — C Madonna and Child. do. C — C Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. do. C — C Death of Lucretia. do. C — C Luther, Melanchthon, and Frederick HL of Sax- ony, do. C — C Altar-piece (open) : centre, Crucifixion ; right wing, St. Louis ; left wing, St. Sebold. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. Weimar. — Altar-piece (shut) : Adoration of the Magi. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. do. A Martyrdom. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Male portrait. Vienna Mus. C — 292 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON Judith with the Head of Holofernes. Adam and Eve under the Apple-tree. Garden of Eden, with the Creation and the Fall of Adam and Eve. Portraits of three young women, half length. St. Helen. Sacrifice of Abraham. Allegory; man with a large beam in his right eye looking for the grain in his brother's eye. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Male portrait; wrongly called John Frederick, Elector of Saxony. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Portrait of wife of the above; wrongly called Sibylla, Electress of Saxony. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Head of boy ; called Duke Alexander of Saxony ( ?). (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Bust of man turned to left; head covered with flat cap. (Drawing.) Bust of young man, about full face, wearing around bis neck a chain of large links. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Head of man, almost full face, looking towards right. (Drawing.) C.,$i.oo. Head of young man, three-quarters left view, wear- ing small red cap. (Drawing.) C. $1.00. Old woman giving money to a young man. The Woman Taken in Adultery. Old man and young woman. The Daughter of Herodias. The Betrothal of St. Catherine. (Also attributed to Mathias Griinewalt.) The Three Scourges. Male portrait. Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve. Charity. Portrait of a young lady. Crucifixion ; large composition. (Drawing.) Combat of warriors and lansquenets. (Drawing.) Portrait of the artist, by himself. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2\ 3 3^ 4 4V Vienna Mus. C do. C do. C C do. C Vienna, Liecht. C — do. C — Vienna, Albertina. do. ■ — do. do. do. C — do. do. do. Buda-Pesth. do. do. do. do. do. Brussels. do. Antwerp. do. London, Nat. Gal. Windsor. Chatsworth. Florence, Uffizi. C C C c — — — c c c c c r c c — — c c c c — — — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 293 Portrait of Katharine von Bora, wife of Luther. Portrait of Luther. Portraits of the Two Electors, 'John and Frederick of Saxony. Portraits of Luther and Melanchthon. Eve ; whole figure^ standing. Adam; companion to the above. • V^us. Madonna under the Apple-tree. D., iox6f inches, $2.00. Madonna in the Arbor. D., iox7| inches, $2.00. Venus and Cupid. Detail of the above : Venus, Portrait of Frederick the Wise, Elector of Saxony ; half-length figure. Portrait of a young princess of Saxony. CRANACH (Lucas), the Younger. 1515— Witten- berg, 1586. (German School.) Portrait of John Frederick the Magnanimous, Elector of Saxony, 1503- 1554. Portrait of Martin Luther, 1484- 1546. Portrait of Sibylla of Cleves and her son, John Frederick IL The Washing of the Disciples' Feet. John the Baptist Preaching. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. Diana Resting by a Well. Portrait of the Elector Augustus of Saxony. Portrait of Maurice, Elector of Saxony. Melanchthon in his Shroud. CRANE (Walter). Liverpool, 1845. (Modern.) *The Queen of May. • CRANK (Ch.) (Modern.) The Nymph Arethusa. CRAYER (Arthois de) and SEGHERS (Gerard). Conversion of St. Hubert. CRAYER (Gaspar de). Antwerp, 1582 or 1585- 1669. (Flemish School.) Equestrian figure. (Drawing.) Gallery. Si^es, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Florence, Uffizi. C — do. C — do. C do. C do. c do. C Rome, Borghese. C St. Petersburg. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c Versailles, do. do. Berlin. Brunswick. Cassel. Dresden. do. do. • Modern Painters. do. Brussels. Lille. — C — — C — C C zzzl — c c — c — c — c c — c — c *This subject comes in an Aquarelle Gravure, about 21x15 inches, $12.00. 294 SOULE ART COMPANY, ^BOSTON. Satyr's head. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. (Attribufed.) Adoration of the Shepherds. Madonna and Child with two saints. Pieta. Assumptioa of St. Catherine. (Attributed.) The Miraculous Draught of Fishes. Head of old man, right profile. CREDI (Lorenzo di) di Andrea d'Oderigo (Sciar- pelloni). Florence^ 1459-1537. (Florentine School.) Madonna and Child with two saints. Christ and Mary Magdalen. Annunciation. Female head slightly turned to the left. (Draw- ing) Head of a youth, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Female head slightly turned to the right. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Head of old man, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Boy's head, full face, eyes turned upward. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Bust of old man turned three-quarters to left. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Study of drapery. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Male head slightly turned to right. (Drawing.) c, .75. ' Medallion, with old man's portrait. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Old man's head, full face. (Drawing.) C, .75. Medallion, with male portrait. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Portrait of a young man. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. St. John the Baptist. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Monument in the form of a ciborium under a canopy. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. (Attributed.) Bust of a monk with white beard, three-quarters left view. (Drawing.) (Attributed.) Two leaves from a notebook, joined : old man's head, left profile, wearing a cap, and a study of drapery. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Head of old man, full face. (Drawing.) C. $1.25. Gallery . Sizes, 2 2^ 3 31 4 4l Lille. Cassel. C C — C Vienna Mus. C C do. C C — — Brussels. — C C C — C do. — C C C — c St. Petersburg. C — Paris, Louvre, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do., do. do. do. C C — C — — C — — C — C Paris, E. d. B. A. C do. Malcolm Col. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 295 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2i 3 3I 4 4| Head of boy, full face, with long hair, wearing a beretta. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Malcolm Col. Head of a young man slightly turned to right. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Mitchell Col. Three-quarters head of a young man, looking to the right, wearing a cap. (Drawing.) C, $1,00. Chantilly. Head of old woman turned to left. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Madonna and Child. Berlin. C C — C St. Mary of Egypt. do. • C C (School of Credi.) Madonna Adoring the Child. do. C Madonna and Child, with Infant St. John. (Accord- ing to Woermann, Florentine School.) Dresden. C C Madonna Adoring the Child. do. C Madonna, enthroned, holding the Child ; at the sides, St. Sebastian and St. John the Evange- list, do. C — C C Holy Family. do. C St. Catherine and St. Stephen. .(Drawing.) C, $1.25. Dresden, R. C. Holy Family. Munich. _ c C C — C Head of girl, almost full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Vienna, Albertina. Head of a saint, slightly turned to left. (Draw- ing.) C, l}ji.oo. do. Study of saint standing and praying. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Buda-Pesth. — 1 Madonna and Child. London, Nat. Gal. C Madonna Adoring the Child. do. C C — C Three studies for the Madonna and Child with saints. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. London, B. M. — — Head of old man turned three-quarters to left. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Male bust, head covered with a cap. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Windsor. Male head, almost full face. (Drawing.) do. C Madonna Adoring the Child. Florence, Uffizi. C Portrait of Andrea Verrocchio, celebrated Floren- tine painter and sculptor. do. C Portrait cf a young man : Alessandro Braccesi. do. C 296 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Madonna Adoring the Child. Detail of above : The Madonna. Christ Appearing to Mary Magdalen. Mary Magdalen at the Feet of Christ. Annunciation. The Angel Gabriel ; right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Study of Child Jesus seated and turned to left. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Drapyery of seated figure, lower part. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. Madonna and Child; heavy outlines. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Head of Madonna. (Drawing.) (Silver-point, bistre and ceruse.) C, $1.00. Male head in profile. (Drawing.) (Silver-point and ceruse.) C, $1.00. Head of young woman, almost full face. (Draw- ing, pen and ceruse.) C, $1.00. (According to Venturis the School of Lorenzo di Credi.) Holy Family. Adoration of the Shepherds. The Virgin. (Cartoon.) Nativity. Madonna and Child^ with Infant St. John. Madonna and Child with Two Angels. Gallery. Florence, do. Sices, UfiEizi. 2 2I 3 3| 4 44 do. do. IIIIcI do. C — do. do. do. do. do. do. uu. Florence, Pitti. C FIorence,A.d.B.A. — — C — — — do. — — C — — — do. — — c — — — Rome, Borghese. — — c — Rome, Capitol. — — c — CREMONINI (Giovanni Battista). Cento (?)- 1610. (Italian School.) Decoration. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Decorative design ; sketch. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Decoration. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Decoration. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. CRESPELLE (Emile). Modesty. Born at Donai. (Modern.) CRESPI (Danielle). Burto-Asizio (Milanese), i59o(?)-i630. (Italian School.) Bust of monk, head turned to right. (Drawing.) The Dead Christ Supported by the Virgin. Florence, Uffizi. do. do. do. Modern Painters. C Florence, Uflfizi. C Madrid. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 297 CRESPI (Giuseppe Maria), called Lo Spagnolo di Bologna. Bologna, 1665-1747. (Bolognese School.) Ecce Homo. CRESTI (Domenico). Possignano (Tuscany), 1 560- 1 638. (Florentine School.) Young girl, seated, turned to left. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. CRETI (Donato). Cremona, 1671-1749. (Floren- tine School.) Joseph Interpreting the Dreams. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. CRISTUS, or CHRISTOPHSEN (Petrus). Baerle, i4i7(?)-i48o (?). (Flemish School.) Annunciation. — Nativity. The Last Judgment. The above three subjects together. Portrait of a girl. Madonna with St. Jerome and St. Francis. Altar-picture : The Visitation and the Nativity. Altar-picture in four divisions: The Annunciation. The Visitation. The Nativity. The Adoration of the Magi. CRIVELLI (Carlo). Venice, 1430 (?)-i495 (?) (Venetian School.) St. Bernard of Siena. Pieta. Mary Magdalen. Madonna, eated, holding the Child, who is giving the keys to St. Peter. Entombment. Two small pictures, together representing the An- nunciation. Madonna and Child. (School of Squarcione?) Swoon of the Virgin. (Rathbone Coll.) Madonna and Child. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2J 3 3i 4 4^ Dresden. C Dresden, R. C. London, B. M. Berlin. — — C do. C do. ._ c — C do. C Frankfort. C Madrid. C do. C — do. C do. C do. C Paris, Louvre. C — C — do. C — Berlin. C — C C do. C — C do. c Frankfort. c Buda-Pesth. C do. c Brussels. C — C 298 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Annunciation. Altar-picture in three divisions : Central panel : Madonna and Child Enthroned. Left part : St. Peter and St. John the Baptist. Right part: St. Catherine of Alexandria and St. Dominic. Madonna and Child Enthroned, with St. Jerome and St. Sebastian. Descent from the Cross. CROCHEPIERRE (Andre Antoine). Bornat Vil- leneuve-sur-Lot. (Modern.) Study. CROEGAERT (Georges), gium). (Modern.) Confidences. Coquetry. Small Services. The First Cigarette. The Toilet. Coquetry. (Salon of 1898.) Roguery. (Salon of 1898.) Born in Antwerp (Bel- (Mod- CROFTS (Ernest). Leeds, England, 1847. ern.) Napoleon's Last Great Attack. — Waterloo. Artist's Proofs, 18^x29 inches, 250 on India, $36.00; 150 on Japan, $48.00; D., 18^x29, $13.50. CROLA (Hugo). Ilsenburg, 1841. Nothing for Pluto! Portrait of children. CRONE (S. H.) (Modem.) The Judgment. CSOK (S.) (Modern.) The Orphans. (Modern.) CULLIN (J.) (Modern.) Racing at Epsom Downs. $10.00. Gallery. Si::cs, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ London, Nat. Gal. C C — C do. do. do. C — C — do. C — C Rome, Pin. of Vat. C Modern Painters. C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. D., 17x29 inches, do. do. do. do. do. do. C C c c C c c — c _ c c c — c — B B B SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 299 CUMBERLAND (George). (English School.) View on the Thames. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. CURRADI. See GHIRLANDAJO. CU R R AN (C.C.) Hartford, Ky., 1861. (Modern.) Sappho. Autumn Haze. CURRIER (Alger V.) Born in the United States of America. (Modern.) Goddess. CURTIS (Ralph Wormeley). (Modern.) Flirtation. Born in Boston. CURZON (Alfred de). Born in Portiers. (Mod- ern.) Psyche. (Salon of 1859.) CUYP (Aalbert). Dordrecht, 1620-1691. (Dutch School.) Landscape. Starting for the Promenade. The Promenade. Portraits of chillren. Sea-piece. Study of three cows and five sheep. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Portrait of a woman with a collarette. Portrait of an old man. Landscape on the banks of a river. Male portrait. (Habich Coll.) Portrait of a young nobleman dressed in black, with a greyhound beside him. Portrait of the artist, by himself. White horse, saddled and bridled, held by a groom. Dutch landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Flock of sheep. Bust portrait of a child. An officer. Landscape ; a broad road. (Drawing.) Sunset ; horsei.ien, peasants and cattle. Gallery. Siscs, 2 2\ -^ t,^ 4 A\ London, B. M. Modern Painters, do. do. PiC PIC PIC PIC ao. Paris, Lux. C — — c Paris, Louvre. C c — do. C — c — do. c — c — do. — c — do. c — c — do. Old Masters. — — — — c — Durand-Ruel Col. c — BerHn. — c c Cassel. c — c Dresden. c c do. do. Dresden, R. C. c c — __ Frankfort. do. Munich. c — c — — c c Weimar. — — c Buda-Pesth. c — — — 300 SOULE ART COMPANY, -BOSTON. Landscape with cows. The Marriage-contract. A Dutch Family. (According to Obreen, by Th. de Keyzer.) Shepherds with their Flocks. Mountain landscape. Cattle-piece. Portrait of a young man. View of Dordrecht. Birds fighting. Portrait of De Roovere. Interior of a stable. Lano' scape with figures and cattle. Male portrait. Group of horsemen, with pasture in the background Hunting-party. Landscape : Evening. The Cavalier. The Young Negro. Landscape with figures and cattle. Prince William of Orange on horseback The Ferry-boat. Two horsemen. Landscape. CUYP (Benjamin) Dordrecht, 1608-1631. (Dutch School.) Deliverance of St. Peter. (Habich Coll.) CUYP (Jacob Gerritsz). Dordrecht, i575-(?). Portrait of an old lady. Portrait of a young Dutch couple as Damon and Phyllis. Portrait of a man about forty-seven. Portrait of a young woman. Dutch Family. Female portrait. CZACHORSKI (Vladislav von). Lublin, Poland, 1850. (Modern.) A Solemn Moment. D., about 16x20 inches, $5.00. Sweet Harmony. Happy Tidings. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Buda-Pesth. ^ C — do. C Amsterdam. C — do. C C do. C do. • C do. C do. C do. C The Hague. C C Brussels. C London, Nat. Gal. C C do. C C do. C — London, Buck. Pal. C — • do. C — do. C C do.' C C do. C do. C do. C C do. C St. Petersburg. C — C C C C C C C C c c Cassel. Berlin. do. Buda-Pesth. do. Amsterdam. do. do. do. do. C — C C C c — c c — c c — c c c — c c c c — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 301 Gallery. Sices, 2 2i 3 3^ 4 4^ Entering the Cloister. "Would You Like the Rose?" In the Studio. In Meditation. Before the Mirror. A Momentous Question. D., about 16x20 inches, $5.00. In the Boudoir. Aye or Nay. Hamlet and the Players. A Question. D., I2xi8| inches, $5.00, DADDI (Bernardo), called FIRENZE (Bernardo da). Florence ( ?) — about 1366. (Florentine School.) Triptych : Central panel, the Coronation of the Vir- gin ; left panel, the Nativity ; right panel, the Crucifixion. Altar-picture in three compartments : In the centre, the Virgin and Child; on the right, St. Matthew the Apostle ; on the left, St. Nicholas, Bishop. DADDI (Le Maitre au de). Cybele in her Chariot. (Engraving.) C, $1.25. DAELEN (E.) (Modern.) Cupid in Disgrace. Rhinegold ; female head. Mars Imperator. Forsaken. Hurrah ! Sub Rosa. Our Little Trio. My Little Beloved under the Eaves. Your Health. "Now Beg Very Nicely." For the May-dance. The Piece of Music. A Rogue. •Look Pleasant. Amsterdam. — — C C — c do. — C — C do. — — c c — c do. — c c c — c do. — — c c — c do. ' — c c — c do. — c — c do. — — c c — c do. B _ B B do. — _ B B Berlin. Florence, Uffizi. C Dresden, R. C. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. B B B C — C C — C C — C C C C C C — c c c DAGESCY. See AGESCY (d'). 302 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. DAGNAN-BOUVERET (P. J. A.) Born in Paris. (Modern.) Horses at the Watering-place. The Consecrated Bread. St. Herbland. Hamlet and the Grave-digger. The Virgin. The Pardon in Brittany. Madonna. Brittany Women at the Pardon. (Medal of honor in 1889.) Saying Grace. Vaccination. The Conscripts. An Orange-garden. Woman of Berne. Banks of the River. In the Forest. On the Prairie. A Washing-place in Brittany. Eros. Brittany Fish-wife. (Salon of 1898.) The Mother of God. DAHL (Hans). Born in Hardanger, Norway, 1849. On the Coast of Norway. Before the Breeze. Bylgia. The Daughters of Rau. Arrival at the Church in Hullenswang (Hardanger), Norway. Returning Home. Fresh Breeze. Rustic Courtship. On Canvas. D., $5.00. Difficult Choice. A Ticklish Affair. ID, $1.00. ♦Precious Freight. 7x10 inches, $i.co; D., 21x16, D., 21x16 inches, $5.00; D., 7x Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 31 4 4^ Paris, Lux. C C do. C C Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C do. ■ C C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. c c — — c c c — — c — c — c c c — — c _-_ — — c c — — c c — — c c c — c c c c c c — c — c — c — c — c c c c — c — — c c — BG c c — c c c — c c c — c c c — c c c — c •This subject comes also in an Aquarelle Gravure, 20x16 inches, $12.00. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 303 Gallery. Sises, 2 2i 3 3i 4 4i In Safe Hands. Modern Painters. — — BG C — BC Winning Easily. do. — — C C — C Wasted Energy. D., 21x16 inches, $5.00. do. — — C C — C The New Woman. D., 21x16 inches, $5.00; D., 7x10, $1.00. do. — — C C — C A Bat-race. do. — — c c — c Ingeborg. do. — — c c — c 'Twixt Hope and Fear. do. — c — c Too Late. i (Companion pictures. ) Toll Paid First, j D., 12^x19 inches, $5.00. ' do. . — — B — — B do. — BG C — BG Evening in the Norwegian Highlands. do. — — — — B Fishermen Returning Home. do. — — B At the Mercy of the Waves. do. — — B — — B A Child of the Mountains, j ,„ ,. . . ■ 1 y (Companion pictures.) Norwegian peasant-girl. ) do. B B do. — B — — B On the Way to Church. do. — — B — — B On the Ice. do. — — B — — B The Return. do. — — B — — B Extreme Unction. do. — — B — — B On the Shore. do. — B Fisherfolk Rowing to Market. do. — — B — — B Critical Remarks. i (Companion pictures.) D., Feminine Attraction. ) 11x19 inches $5-oo- do. — — B — — B do. — B — — B Young Ladies' Boarding-school on the Ice. do. B — B — — B Hay-time in Norway. do. — — B — — B Norwegian Fishing-boat. do. — B — — B Hunting Partridges. do. — — B — — B A Country Lass. PI., 7x13 inches, $2.00. A. W. Stetson Col. — — A Summer-day in Norway. do. — — C C — C DAHL (Siegwold). Dresden, 1827. (German • School.) Ducks plunging into the water. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Dresden, P. G. — , Maternal Joy. do. c — c Finding the Spoils. do — — c c — c DALBERT (Mme. Yolande). Born in Paris. (Modern.) "I Have Some Good Snuff in my Snuff-box." The Little Savoyard. The Gleaner. Modern Painters. C do. C do. C 304 SOULE ART COMPANY,, BOSTON. DAL.I.A CERVA. See CERVA. DALL* ARMI (O. v.) (Modern.) Deer. Chase, and Driving the Game. Chamois in Flight. The Roebuck Startled. Chamois. The Stag. DALL (Oca Bianca A.) (Modern.) The Slanderers. DAN BY (Francis). Wexford (Ireland), 1793-1861. (English School.) Landscape ; study. (Drawing.) DANCK (G.) Worked in 1634. A mother and daughter. DANGER (Henri). Born in Paris. (Modern.) *The Violation of the Commandment : And He said unto them, "Love one another." (Property ot the League of the Friends of Peace.) The Great Authors of Arbitration and Peace. (Salon of 1898.) DANIEL DE VOLTERRE. See RICCIAR- ELLI. DANLOUX (Henry Pierre). Paris, 1745- 1809. (French School.) Portrait of the poet, Jacques Delille (1738-1813). A Young Mother. Portrait of young woman. Portrait of Madame de Nauzieres. Portrait of the Countess de FoUeville. Portrait of an unknown woman. Portfait of Louis XVI. (1754-1793), King of France. Portrait of Jacques Delille (1738-1813), descriptive poet, Member of the French Academy. Portrait of the Duke of Bourbon, last Prince of Conde. Gallery. Sises, 2 2| 3 3J 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. C — C do. C — C do. C do. C do. C do. Dresden, R. C. Vienna, Liecht. do. do. C C c Versailles. Old Masters. do. do. do. do. Nat'l Portraits. Chalons-sur-S. M. Chantilly. — C C — C — C — C — c — c — c •This subject comes in a large Carbon, $70.00. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 305 DANNAT (William T.) Born in New York. (Mod- ern.) After the Mass. Otero. (Salon of 1896.) DANTAN (Edouard). Born in Paris, 1842. (Mod- ern.) A Corner of the Studio. (Salon of 1880.) Phrosine and Melidore. The Model's Breakfast. The Model's Leisure-time. Corpus Christi. The Grandmother. A Sculptor's Studio. Between the Acts of a "First Night" at the Com- edie Fran^aise. A Study from Nature. The Consultation. The Temple of Love at Trianon. A Restoration. The Toilet. The Guideaux at Villerville-sur-Mer. A Turner's Shop. A Fresh Attempt. Masons. Building" a Conservatory. The Poor. A Procession. Time Passes Quickly. Inauguration of the Faculty of Medicine at Bor- deaux. Cast from Nature. Interior of the Studio. (Salon of 1897.) DANTI (Vicenzo). Perouse, 1530-1576. (Italian School.) Draped male figure standing; the head is turned towards' the right. D'APVRILL (Edouard). Born in Grenoble. (Mod- ern.) Crossing the Brook. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4J Modern Painters. C do. C C Paris, Lux. C C Modern Painters. C do. C C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C C do. C C do. C do. C do. C C do. C C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. r C do. C do. C C do. C do. C do. C do. C Paris, Louvre. C Modern Painters. ■. C 306 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Si:::es, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 44 DARIN. (Modern.) Losers Are Always Laughed At. Modern Painters. C Boys will be Boys. do. C DARVELDT. A horse and two cows at pasture. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Dresden, P. G. DASTUGUE (Maxime). Born in Castelnau- Magnoac. (Modern.) Bacchante and Faun. Modern Painters. C Women bathing. do. C The Flight into Egypt. do. C C Harvesters, do. C DAUBIGNY (Frangois Charles). Paris, 1817-1878. (French School.) The Vintage in Bourgogne. • Paris, Louvre. C — C — Spring. do. C — C — Banks of the Oise. Univ. Expos., '89. (H. Vever Coll.) Masters XIX Cen. C Autumn. (H. Vever Coll.) do. C The Oise, near Auvers. (H. Vever Coll.) do. C — Mill at Dordrecht (Holland). (Arnold and Tripp Coll.) do. C The Bridge of Mantes. (Arnold and Tripp Coll.) do. C Banks of a River. (Arnold and Tripp Coll.) do. C The Island'of Vaux. (Arnold and Tripp Coll.) do. C The Banksof the Meuse. (Arnold and Tripp Coll.) do. C The Banks of the Oise. (Gallice Coll.) do. C ♦Auvers on the Oise. ^ W. H. Stewart C. Landscape. PI., 7x13 inches, $3.00. Masters XIX Cen. — Vallee de la Marne. PI., 6x13 inches, $3.00. Brunswick, Walk. Landscape. PL, 10x13 inches, $2.00. Masters XIX Cen. The Marsh. Chicago, Art Inst. PIC DAUBIGNY (Karl). Paris, 1846-1886. (French School.) Washerwomen on the Banks of the Oise. (Arnold and Tripp Coll.) Masters XIX Cen. C DAUDIN (Henri). (Modern.) Mater Redemptoris. (Salon of 1879.) Modern Painters. C C •This subject comes in a Carbon, 17x23 inches, $5.00. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 307 Gallery. Sices, 22133^44^ Paris, Lux. C Modern Painters. C do. C C do. C do. C C do. C do. C do. C do. C DAUMIER (Honor6). Marseilles, mondois (Seine-et-Oise), 1879. The Thieves and the Donkey. DAUX (Edouard Charles Edmond). Rheims. (Modern.) Woman playing with doves. The Grasshopper. Columbine. Judgment of Paris. Woman with a butterfly. Temptation of St. Anthony. The Bath. The Rustic Rendezvous. 1808— Val- Born in DAUZATS(Adrien). Bordeaux, 1804-1868. (French School.) Interior of a church in Spain. (By Bellange and Dauzats.) A Review under the Empire (1810). DAVID (Gerard). On water, about 1450 — Bruges, 1523. (Flemish School.) (Attributed to Gerard David.) The Marriage at Cana. Christ on the Cross. (Follower of G. David.) Adoration of the Magi. The Annunciation. Madonna and Child with saints. Adoration of the Magi. Archangel Michael, St. Jerome, St. Anthony. (Triptych.) Exterior panels of a triptych : The Donors. Portrait of a jeweler. A canon in adoration, and his two patron saints, St. Martin and St. Bernard of Sienna. DAVID (Jacques Louis). Paris, 1748 — Brussels, 1825. (French School.) Leonidas at Thermopylae. The Sabines. Oath of the Horatii. Paris, Louvre, do. C — do. C — c — Berlin. C c — c do. — — c Frankfort. — c Munich. — c — c do. C c — c Vienna, Imp. Mus. do C — c c — do. _ London, Nat. Gal. C Paris, Louvre. C do. C do. c 308 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4i Belisarius Asking Alms. Paris and Helen. (Detail of the above.) Portrait of Mme. Pecoul. Portrait of Pope Pius VII. Portrait of Mme. Recamier. (Detail of the above.) Portrait of Bailly. Portrait of David as a boy. Portrait of Mme. Chalgrin, Coronation of Napoleon I. by Pope Pius VII. at Notre Dame in Paris. Portrait of the Ladies Bataillard. Rape of the Sabines. (Drawing.) A View of Rome. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. A View of Rome. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Leonidas at Thermopylae. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Greek scene ; old man seated, behind him two women. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Oath Made by the Army to the Emperor after the Distribution of the Eagles on the Champs de Mars, Dec. 5th, 1804. The First Consul Crossing Mt. St. Bernard, May 20th, 1800. (School of David.) Portrait of Girodet (Louis), artist (1767- 1 824). (School of David.) Portrait of Gros (Antoine Jean, Baron), artist (1771-1835). Portrait of Barere de Vieuzac (Bertrand), 1755- 1841, President of the Convention; study for the "Oath of the Jeu de Paume." Portrait of Marshal Macdonald; study for the "Coronation." Portrait of the Countess de Sorcy. Portrait of Mile. Joly (of the Comedie Frangaise). Napoleon Bonaparte, first consul ; sketch, painted in oils. Death of Socrates. Portrait of a woman. Portrait of Ingres as a boy. Michel Gerard, member of the Nationar Conven- tion, and his family. (Museum of Mans.) Paris, Louvre. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — Versailles. C do. B — BOB — do. C do. do. Masters XIX Cen. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 309 Portrait of Barere ; speech against Citizen Capet, session of the Convention of Jan. 4th, 1793. Portrait of the artist, by himself. Portrait of a young artist. Portrait of Rabaut St. £tienne. Portrait of St. Just. Portrait of Mile. Mars. Portrait of Edouard Louis Alexis Dubois de Crance (1747-1814), member of the National Conven- tion. (Drawing on paper with India ink.) Portrait of Jean Andoche Junot, Duke of Abrantes (1771-1813), General of Division, Colonel Gen- eral of Hussars. Portrait of Jeanne Robertine Rilliet, Marchioness d'Orvilliers, wife of the Marquis d'Orvilliers, Peer of France. Portrait of Jean Bon Saint Andre (i749-i8i3),Cal- vinist pastor, member of the National Conven- tion, Prefect of Mt. Tamerre (1801). (Draw- ing in India ink.) Bust portrait of the artist, the arms crossed ; pro- file. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Portrait of the painter Boilly. (Drawing.) C, .75. Head of Homer; after the antique, with autograph. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Head of Achilles ; after the antique, with autograph. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Oath of the Horatii ; for the picture in the Louvre. (Drawing.) Death of Socrates ; the figures nude. (Drawing.) Portrait of Danton. (Drawing.) Madame de Richemont and Daughter. Madame d'Arrillieres. Portrait of Elisabeth Louise Vigee Lebrun (1755- 1842), genre and portrait painter, Member of the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture. DAVID d'ANGERS (Pierre Jean). 1788-1856. (French School.) Portrait of Alphonse Marie Louis Prat de Lamar- tine (1790-1869), poet, orator, politician, Member of the French Academy. (Crayon drawing.) Gallery. Sices, 2 2J 3 3^ 4 4^ Masters XIX Cen. C do. C do. c do. c do. c do. c Nat'l Portraits. c do. do. do. De Goncourt Col. Lille. do. do. do. C, do. C do. C do. C do. C Rouen Museum. C Nat'l Portraits. 310 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON DAVIS (Charles H.) Amesbury, Mass., 1856. (Modern. ) Landscape with sheep. DAVIS (H. W. B.) England. 1833. (Modern.) Flowery May. D., 11x22^ inches, $5.00. In Rosshire. DAVIS (N. P.) The Fairest Flower of All. D., 8x10 inches, $1.00. Her Crown. Her Scepter. *Butterfly Days. ♦Love's Whispers. DAVIS (Stuart). (Modern.) A World of Temptation. Artist's Proofs, 14^x21^ inches, $15.00; D., $5.00. Music Bom of Murmuring Sound. DAW ANT (Albert). Bora in Paris. (Modern.) A Salute to the "Invalides." St. Thomas a Becket. DAY (Francis B.) New York. (Modem.) A Midwinter Stroll. DEAN (Walter). Lowell, Massachusetts. (Modem.) Peace. PI., 9x13 inches, $3.00. In the Breakers, Scheveningen. PL, 10x13 inches, $2.50. Twilight, Shores of Magnolia. PL, 10x13 inches, $2.50. Old Wharves, Gloucester. PL, 10x13 inches, $2.50. September Afternoon, Cape Ann. PL, 10x13 inch- :s, $2.50. Cape Ann Fishermen. PL, 10x13 inches, $2.50. Fishing Fleet off Scheveningen. PL, 10x13 inches, $2.50. A September Gale. PL, 10x13 inches, $2.50. DEBAR (Bonaventure). Paris, 1700-1729. (French School.) Rustic Fete. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4i Chicago Art Inst. PIC PIC — PIC Modern Painters. C — C do. PIC — PIC _ do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. B do. B do. do. C — C do. C do. C do. do. PiCPIC do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Paris, Louvre. C — C •This subject comes in a Baryto Print. 6}4xi) inches, $1.80, SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 311 DeBAT-PONSAN (Edouard). Born in Toulouse. (Modern.) Cupid Making Time Pass. Time Making Cupid Pass. Cupid Making Time Pass — Time Making Cupid Pass. A Door of the Louvre on St. Bartholomew's Day. The Shampoo. Spring-flower. Bird-charmer. Coquetry. In the Stirrups. Before a Mirror. The Vintage. Equestrian portrait of General Boulanger. Rustic Talk. In the Woods. Peasant-ways. Maternity. Rustic Trio. The Driving Lesson. Noon. The Well-kept Cow. The Talker. In Full Sway. Opportunity. Young Oxen. Washerwoman. The Festival of St. Roch. Return from the Fields. April. Near the Pond. The Ferryman. The Shepherd's Dog. In Gascony. (Salon of 1896.) "Nee Mergitur." (Salon of 1898.) The Ford. (Salon of 1899.) DEBUCOURT (Louis Philibert). Paris, 1755-1832. (French School.) Caricature of a Smoking-room ; a woman with a man's arms around her waist is holding her nose from the odor of a plate of fish brought in by a waiter. (Drawing.) Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. — C do. C do. C do. C do. C C do. C C do. C C do. C do. C C do. C C do. C C do. C C do. C C do. C G do. C G do. G G do. G G do. G G do. C do. G G do. ■ G G do. C G do. G C do. G G do. G • G do. G G do. G do. G C De Goncourt Col. C 312 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. DECAMPS (Alexandre Gabriel.) Paris, 1803-1860. (French School.) Trace-horses. The Caravan; sketch. Bull-dog and Scotch terrier. The Little Mariners. (Water-color.) Joseph Sold by his Brethren. The Bell-ringers. Beggar Counting his Gains. Beach at Low Tide. The FHght into Egypt. The Diggers' Rest. The Performing Monkeys. (Ruel-Durand Coll.) The .Farm-yard. (Georges Rodrigues Coll.) Turkish Body-guard. The Ford ; army in Asiatic Turkey crossing a ford. (Water-color.) Turkish Standard-bearer. Turkish Children Playing with a Turtle. Rebecca at the Well. March of a Turkish Army. (Water-color.) Turkish School. Turkish children playing around a fountain. View of Hebron in Palestine. (Water-color.) Don Quixote and Sancho Panza. DE CAMP (Joseph R.) Born in Lille, 1779. Died in Paris, 1858. Night and Day;- ceiling decoration. PI,, size, di- ameter, ID inches, $3.00. DECKER (Cornelis). Born about 1600; died in Haarlem, 1678. (Dutch School.) Landscape. Landscape ; with figures by Ostade and Woer- mapn. (Habich Coll.) Cottage on the water-side. (Attributed.) Landscape with figures, DE CONINCK (Pierre Louis Joseph). Born in Meteren. (Modern.) The Invocation; souvenir of the country around Naples. Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Paris, Louvre. C — c — do. C _ do. do. Masters XIX Cen. do. C c c — c — — c — do. do. — — — — c — c do. — c — do. do. do. c — c — — c — Chantilly. do. do. do. do. do. do. c c — c — — c — — c — c do. do. c — c — do. c Boston, Hotel T. Paris, Louvre. Cassel. Buda-Pesth. London, Nat. Gal. C — C — C — C C — C Modern Painters, C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 313 Gallery, Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Mater Dolorosa. Modern Painters. C — C C Hop-gathering in the North of France. do. C Eel-fishing. do, C A Stray Piece. do. C A Good Hunt. do. C Little Fish will Grow. do. C Babies Playing Hide and Seek. do. C Young Flemish Woman. do. C Roguery. do. C C — C Violetta. > " do. C C — C Lorenza. do. C — C DE CORT (Henry). (Flemish School.) Chantilly in 1781 ; view taken from the lawn. Chantilly. C Chantilly in 1781 ; view taken from the Vertugadin. do. C DEFORCADE (Etienne). Born in Layrac (Lot- et-Garonne). (Modern.) Bacchante. Modern Painters. C A Spring ; the Garonne. do. C End of the Day. do. C DEFREGGER (F. v.) Born in Stronach, Tyrol, 1835. (Modern.) Cradle-years. do. C C The Mountain Tourists. do. C C Vacation-hour. do. C C C At the Alpine Farm. do. — C C The Little Warrior. do. C C Charity. do. C — C Afternoon Luncheon. do. C C C Idle Hours. do. C — C The Merciful. ' do. C C — C The Picture-book. do. C — C The Letter. do. C Calling out the Reserves. \ (Companion pictures.) do. — C C C — C Return of the Victors. ) D., 20x27 inches, $10.00 each do. . BCBCBC — BC Zither-player. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. — C C C — C Dairy-maid's Farewell. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. — C C C — C The Visit. do. — C C C — C The Wounded Goose. do. — C C C — C Before Eating. do. C 314 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Shcs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4* The Wounded Hunter. Modern Painters. C C — C The Naturalist. do. C — C Saying Grace. i (Companion pictures.) do. — C C C — C Wooing a Bride, j D., 16x21 inches, $5.00 each. do. — C C C — C The First Prize at the Horse-fair. , do. C C — C Coming Home from the Chase. do. C — C The Puppy. do. C The Doll. do. C C — C Poachers in the Mountain Hut. do. — C C C — C Peasant-girl of the Tyrol. do. C — C Old man. do. C — C Letter-writer. do. C — C Portrait of a woman. do. C — C Tyrolean peasant. do. C C Wrestling-match in the Tyrol. do. C Telling Fairy Stories. do. C In Front of the Herdsman's Cottage. do. C — C The Toilette. do. C Young peasant-woman. do. C — C Sleeping Boy. do. C Fisticuffs. do. _ c C C — C Portrait of a man. do. C C Girl reading. do. C Peasant-woman of the Tyrol. do. C — C What the Bird is Singing. do. — C — C Study of a woman's head. do. C C — C Study of a man's head. do. C C — C Andreas Hofer's Last Walk. do. — C C C — C The Artists. do. C C — C Peasant-woman. do. C — C Andreas Hofer in the Royal Residence of Inns- bruck, do. _ c C C — C Brother and Sister. do. C It's Brave Hunderl ! do. C — C Portrait of children. do. C — C A Zither Trial. do. _ c C C — C The Love-letter. do. C C A peasant. do. C Peasant-girl. do. C Portrait of girl. do. C Thoughtful. do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 315 Woodsmen in the Mountain Hut. Huntsmen. Speckbacher and his son Anderl. Burgei. Resi. Sepp's First Letter. ) (Companion pictures.) Deer-stalking. f D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. The Master's Children. The Toy. Franzl. Good News. Holy Family. The Tourists. Zealous Study. The Virgin and Child, with St. Joseph. (Detail of the "Holy Family.") Storming of the Red Tower in Munich by the Smith of Kochel on Christmas Morning, 1705. It's Gretl ! Invitation to the Dance. ♦The Salon Tyroler. The Ball at the Pine Farm. Cilly. It's Nandl. Stasi. Italian woman. A Christmas-box. The Clover-leaf. Before the Uprising in the Tyrol in 1809. Portrait of boy. It's Lenei. It's Kathei. It's Lisei. It's the Landlord's Daughter. It's Traudl. Italian girl. "Sepp." Cenzi. Moni. Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ Modern Painters. — C C C — C (Companion pic- tures.) D. , 20x27 inches, $10 each. do. do. — — c do. — C C c — c do. — — — c do c — c do — c c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. — c — c do. c — c do. — — c do. — c c c — c do. — c c c — c do. c c — c — c c c c do. — C c c — c do. — — — c do. c c c c — c do. c c c c — c do. c c c c — — do. — c — c do. — — — — — c do. — c — c do. — — — c do. — — c c — c do. — c c c — c do. c c c c — c do. — c c c — c do. — — — c do. — — — c do. — — — c do. — c — c do. — c — c do. c c — c do. — — — c do. — — — c do. — — — c •This subject comes also in a Ph-^togravure, 7x10 inches, $1. 50. 316 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ jsjanei. Modern Painters. C Zither-harmonies. ^o- ^ ^ Tyrolese girl. do- ^ ^ Leopold, Prince-regent of Bavaria. . do. C C — C Sabbath Rest. . do. C C — C On Furlough. ) ( Companion pictures. ) do. C C C C — C The First Sketching-tour. [ D., 20x27 in., $10 ea. do. C C C C — C Sepp the Gardener. do. C Portrait of the artist, by himself. do. C "Jump, Pony, Jump !" do. C It's Alpenroserl. ' do. C Gossip. ) (Companion pictures.) D., 16x21 do. — C C C — C The First-born, j inches, $5.00 each. do. — C C C — C In the Cottage. do. C — C Village Mayor. do. C It's Miedei. do. C — C A Munich Waitress. do. C — C Franzi. do. C — C Anne Mierl.' do. C "Your Health !' D., 20x27 inches, $10.00. do. C C C C — C Speckbacher's Summons. do. — C C C — C Madonna. do. C C C C — C Madonna and Child. D., 20x27 inches, $10,00 ; D., 16x21, $5.00. do. C C AC C — C "Schwarzblatt." do. C C — C Before the Church. do. C C — C A Christmas Gift. do. C — C Witch's Tales. do. _ c C C — C Hide and Seek. do. C C Chamois-hunter. do. C C Old Guardian of the Fields. do. C C My Darling Roserl. do. ' C C Vroni. do. C — C Miedl. do. C — C Christel. do. C C Evi. do. . C The First Smoke. do. C C C C — C Burgl. do. C C — C Urschi. do. C — C Good News. do. C C Grethi. do. C — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 317 Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3J 4 4^ Scholastica. Modern Painters. C — C Kunigunde. do. C — C Learning A, B, C. do. C C — C The Fortune-teller. do. C C — C War Anecdotes. - do. — C C C — C Hermann. do. C Susi. do. C After the Day's Work is Done. do. C C C C — C Elsbeth. do. C The Plan of Campaign. do. C C — C The Son and Heir. do. C C — C Wild Thyme from the Konigsee. do. C Young Poachers. do. C — C First Reading-lesson. do. C — C The Letter. do. C C — C Veronica. do. C Rosine. do. C Midday Rest. do. _ c C C — C Walfy. do. C — C Home Again ! do. C C — C Attentive Listeners. do. C C — C Mierl. do. C — C Loni. do. C — C The First Musical Instrument. do. C — C C — C Dinner on the Aim. do. C C — C "Give Us This Day," etc. do. C C — C Welcome Guests. do. C C — C St. Joseph and Infant Jesus. do. C C — C *A Cofifee-party at the Alpine Farm. D,, 7x10 inches, $1.00. do. C C — C A Village Dance. do. C C — C Before the Dance. D., 20x27 inches, $10.00. do. C C C C — C A Sunday Sportsman. D., 10x21 inches, $5.00, do. C C — C Italian Beggars. / ,„ • • ^ \ do. B — B B — B rr,, T^ , Y (Companion pictures.) , ^ _, _, ^- The Brothers. ) ^ ^ do. B— BB— B The New Pipe. D., 19x14! inches, $5.00. do. B B DEFONTE (E.) (Modern.) The Bath. (Salon of 1899.) do. C C *This subject comes in an Aquarelle Gravure, 16x21 inches, $12.00. 318 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. DEGAS (Hilaire Germain Edgard). Paris, 1834. (Modern.) The Dancing Lesson. (H. Vever Coll.) DEGER (E.) Bockonem, Hanover, 1809 — Diissel- dorf, 1885. (German School.) Resurrection of Christ. Sacred Heart of Jesus. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50 ; also D., 16x21, $5.00. *The Crucifixion. The Crucifixion. i (Companion pictures.) D. , Madonna and Child, ) 21x12 inches, $5.00 each. Madonna. Madonna (in the mountains). Christ's Entrance into Jerusalem. St. Joseph. St. Sebastian. Madonna and Child. The Ascen^on. Last Judgment. Pouring Out of the Holy Ghost. Head of Christ. David. Adam and Eve Beside the Body of Abel. DE HAAS (I. M.) Cows at Pasture. PI, 8x13 inches, $2.00. DEHAISNE (Leopold Barthelemy). Paris. (Modern.) Between Two Thieves. Born in DEHART (Cornelius). Typical Hollander; walking towards the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. DEHODENCQ (Alfred). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Departure of the Mobiles in July, 1870. DEIKER (C. F.) Born at Wetzlar, 1836. (Modem.) After a Hard Fight. Dog-fight. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Masters XIX Cen. C — Munich, R. Max. — C C C — C do. — C BC C — BC do. B — B do. - B — B B do. B — B B do. B do. . B do. — B B B do. B — B do. B — B do. B B do. B do. B do. B do. B do. B do. B Boston, Sherman. Modem Painters. C Weimar. Modern Painters. C do. do. B C C C BC C ^This subject comes in a Barjrto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 319 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3i 4 4l Vanquished. Modern Painters. C C — c Boar-hunt. ) (Companion pictures.) ' Boars in Combat, r .^^ . , ^ i. T-, CI.- IJ-, 14x10 mches, $15.00 each. Boar-fightmg. ) > ^ ^ > t-j do. do. do. . BC B B c c — BC — BC — B Faithful Friends. do. — C C c — C Pointer and Setter. ") D., 14x19 inches, $5.00. do. B — — B "Take Care, Doggy!'' ' fD., 13^x19 inches, $5.00 do. B — — B Danger Ahead. ^ Lea. (Companion pictures.) do. B — — B The Challenge. do. C C — C Foxes at Home. D., 14^x19 inches, $5.00. do. B — — B Before the Fight. ) ,„ . . , The Victor. \ (Companion pictures.) do. do. — — B B — B — B Boar at Bay. do. — — — B Stag in Rutting-time. do. B — — B Hallali. do. B — — B Deer in Autumn. do. B — — B Mountain-cock Calling. do. — B — B Well Retrieved. D., 14x19 inches, $5.00. do. B — — B DEIKER (J.) Born at Wetzlar, 1822. (Modern.) Setter with Hare. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. C C — C Rabbiting, do. C c — C Before the Shot. do. C c — C The Hunter's Joy. do. C c — C Winning the Brush. do. C c — C Pointer and snipe. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. C c — C Wild boars. do. — c — C Wild boars and pigs. do. C c — C Boar-fight. do. C c — C St. Bernard dogs. D., 7x10 inches, $1.50. do. — c — C Stags. do. — — — C Boars Roaming. do. C c — c English setters. D., 7x10 inches, $1.50. do. — c — c Fettered to the Dead. do. c c — c Mutual Surprise. do. — — — c Scenting Danger. do. C c — c On Guard. do. — — — c Martins. do. — — — c DE JONGHE (G.) The Parroquet. Born, 1828. (French School.) do. C C C 320 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Devotion. Reverie. Meditation. The Convalescent. Friends. In the Studio. The Toilette. DE LA BELLE (O.) Team of Horses a la Russe. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C — C do. C do. C — C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. C — C do. C — C (Engraving.) C, .75. Dresden, R. C. DE LACROIX (Ferdinand Victor Eugene). Char- enton, 1798 — Paris, 1863. (French School.) Dante and Virgil, Led by Phlegias, Crossing the Lake Surrounding the Infernal City. Scenes from the Massacres of Scio. July 28, 1830: Liberty Leading the People. Women of Algeria in their Apartments. Jewish Wedding in Morocco. The Wreck of "Don Juan." Capture of Constantinople by the Crusaders. Portrait of Delacroix. Head of a lion. (Water-color.) C, $1.00. Study in pastel of one of the women, seated, for the picture of "The Women of Algeria in their Apartments." Lion Hunt ; on the watch. (Drawing in black lead- pencil.) C, $1.25. Arab Farrier. (Drawing in black lead-pencil.) C, $1.00. Lion devouring a horse. (Drawing in black lead- pencil.) C, $1.00. Education of Achilles ; he is mounted on the Cen- taur Cheiron, who is teachmg him to drav/ the bow. (Drawing in black crayon.) C, $1.25. Battle of Taillebourg, July 21, 1242. Herodias. The Prisoner of Chillon. Marguerite in the Church. Hamlet and Polonius. The Rape of Rebecca. Paris, Louvre. c — C — do. C do. c — c — do. C — C — do. c — c — do. do. do. — — C — — — Paris, Lux. do. ---_c- do. do. do. do. Versailles. --c"--- Masters XIX Cen. do. IIc --I do. do. IIIIc I do. — _ Q — — — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 321 Christ on the Cross. The Education of Achilles ; sketch for the Library of the Corps Legislatif. Massacre of the Bishop of Liege. Sea-piece. Head of study for the "Massacres of Scio." (Wat- er-color.) Orpheus Bringing Civilization to Greece. Horses Leaving the Watering-place. The Convulsionnaires of Tangiers. Christ on the Lake of Gennesaret. Othello and Desdemona. (Collection of Count Fressinet.) Abd-er Rhaman Reviewing his Guard. Ophelia. Desdemona Cursed by her Father. (Arnold and Tripp Coll.) The Arab at the Tomb. (Arnold and Tripp Coll.) The Raising of Lazarus. Jesus on the Lake of Gennesaret. Battle of Nancy. (Museum of Nancy.) Portrait of CharleS;, Baron Delacroix (1789 (?)- 1845), General, Aide-de-Camp to Prince Eu- gene, brother of the artist. (Drawing in black lead-pencil.) Portrait of Frederic Frangois Chopin (1810-1849), pianist and composer. (Drawing in black lead-pencil relieved with white.) Entrance of the Crusaders into Constantinople. The Foscari. The Abduction. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. DELACROIX (Henry Eugene). (Modern.) The Awakening. Sea-gulls and waves. Evening Perfumes. Born in Solesme. Gallery. Si CCS, 2 2^ 7, Masters XIX Cen. C do. do. c do. do. do. do. do. do. _ do. c do. do. do. c do. do. — — — do. do. c 3^ 4 4j — C — — C — — C — — C — — C — C C C C C Nat'l Portraits. C do. C Chantilly. C — do. C Lille. Modern Painters. C do. C do. C C DELAHAYE (J.) Capture of Montbeliard. (Salon of 1899.) do. C 322 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. DC LANCE (Paul Louis). Born in Paris. (Mod- ern.) Faith, Hope and Charity. The Three Ages; triptych. Louis XVI. and Parmentier. The Return of the Flag; July 14, 1880. On the Stockade. The Nurses' Bench. The Thursday. Promenade at Havre. DELANOY (H. P.) Born in Glasgow. (Modern.) The Bird of Calvary. DELAROCHE (Paul). Paris, 1798-1856. (French School.) Death of Elizabeth, Queen of England, in 1603. Children of Edward IV. : Edward V., heir apparent, and Richard, Duke of York, his younger brother. Portrait of General Bertrand. Assassination of the Duke of Guise. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. C C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. ^ C Paris, Louvre. C do. do. Chantilly. — AC — C — C — c — C — — — BE LA RUE (Louis Felix). (French School.) Ornamental Vase. (Drawing in bistre.) C, $1.00. Besangon. A Horse-race in Italy. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. De Goncourt Col. DELAULNE (Etienne). Orleans, 1519-1584. (French School.) The Sciences ; meeting of scholars and philosophers with their attributes around a table in a tem- ple of rich architecture. (Drawing.) Astronomy; scholars, before a table covered with mathematical books and a celestial globe, are arguing, and trying divers instruments. (Drawing ) Ornamental drawing, including five medallions, of subjects taken from the history of Moses, and connected by grotesque figures. (Drawing.) Nine medallions in miniature. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Eight medallions in miniature. (Drawing.) C. $1.25. Nine medallions in miniature. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Dumesnil Col. C Galichon Cql. C Gateaux Col. C Vienna, Albertina. do. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 323 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Two ornamental designs for baptismal fonts. (Drawing.) London, B. M. C DELAUNAY (Jules filie). Nantes, 1828— Paris, 1891. The Plague at Rome. (Salon of 1869.) Paris, Lux. C C Diana. (Salon of 1872.) do C C Portrait of M. Ernest Legouve of the French Academy. Masters XIX Cen. C DELAUNAY (Jules). Born in Paris. (Modern.) The Model. Modern Painters. The Repose. do. C No Trifling with Cupid. do. C A Courtesan. do. C D6LECLUSE (Auguste Joseph). Born in Rou- baix. (Modern.)' The Bee. " do. C DELFF (Jacob van) , the Younger. Delft, 1619- 1661. (Dutch School.) Bust portrait of a boy. Vienna, Liecht. C — DELHUMEAU (Gustave Henry Eugene). Born in Moutiers-lez-Mauffaits (Vendee). (Modern.) The Nymph Salmacis. Modern Painters. C — t- C Portrait of Mme. Celine Chaumont. do. C The Young Mother. do. C Namouna. do. C Coquetry. do. C DELIERRE (August). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Bird-hunting. do. C DELLA BELLA. See BELLA (Stefano della.) BELLA FRANCESCO (Piero). See FRAN- CESCA, DELL ACQUA (C.) Bom in Isteia, 1821. (Italian School.) The Morning Star. do. C In the Bed-room. do. C — C A Promising Artist. do. C — C 324 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. DELOBBE (Frangois Albert). (Modern.) Catching Crawfish. The Last Arrow. The Big Sister. The Bath. On the Prairie. Young gypsy-girl. Family of the Fields. Child with a mirror. Marguerite. First Advances. The Village Romance. The Calm. Yvonette. The Little Fisherman. The Siesta. Lovers' Chat. Two Mermaids. Little Breton Haymaker. The Miller's Daughter. Young Venetian girl. Revery. Orange-vender. The Broken Pitcher. A Nymph Surprised. Graziella. Young Vintager. Fisher-girl on the Island of Tudy. On the Beach at Douarnenei. On the Dunes at Loc-Tudy (Finisterre). Childish Joys. At the Sea. Childish Caresses. The Lunch after Bathing. Youth and Love at the Well. The Two Sisters. Gypsy child. The Charmer. End of the Day at Penmark (Finisterre). Harmony. Born in Paris. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do.. C do. C do. C do. C do. C C do. =- C do. C C do. C do. C do. C do. C C do. C do. C do. * C do. C C do. C C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C C do. C C do. C C do. C C do. C C do. C C do. C C do. C do. C C do. C C do. C do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 325 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Yvette, the Young Forester. Modern Painters. C The Murmur of the Brook. (Salon of 1898.) do. C C Naval School. (Salon of 1899.) do- C C DELONDRE (Maurice). Born in Paris. (Mod- ern.) In the Omnibus. do. C At the Fortune-teller's. do. C DELORME (Mile. M. A.) (Modern.) At the Val-de-Grece. (Salon of 1897.) - do. C DELORT (Charles Edouard). Born in Nimes. (Modern.) A Poacher; souvenir of the Forest of Fontaine- bleau. ■ do. — C Capture of the Dutch Fleet by the Hussars. N. Y., Met. Mus. C The Departure. D., 14x20^ inches, $5.00. do. B B DELPeReE (E.) (Modern.) Martin Luther at the Diet of Worms. Modern Painters. C C — C DEL TORRE (G.) (Modern.) The Kittens. do. C "In Case." do. C The Plaything. do. C "Take Care, it Scratches !" ' do. C DELUG (Alois). Botzen, Tyrol, 1859. (Modern.) Good Friends. do. C Alarick's Burial. do. C — C DEMAREST (William Albert). Born in Rouen. (Modern.) Return from Islande. (Salon of 1899.) do. C DE MARNE (Jean Louis). Brussels, 1744 — Bati- gnolles, 1829. (French School.) A Road. Paris, Louvre. C — Fair at the Door of an Inn. do. C — Departure for a Village Wedding. do. C — C — Environs of Bayeux. Masters XIX Cen. C — The Canal. do. C — 326 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. DEMONT (Adrien Louis). Born in Douai (Nord). (Modern.) The Daisies. The First Lady-day. DEMONT-BRETON (Mme. Virginia). Born in Courrieres (Pas-de-Calais). (Modern.) The Beach. (Salon of 1883.) The Dandelion. The First Step. The Family. The Calm. The Messiah. The Roost. The Birds'-nester. Giotto. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. C Paris, Lux. C Modern Painters. C do. C do. C C do. C do. C C do. C C do. C do. C Born in Paris. DENEUX (Gabriel Charles). (Modern.) Return from Fishing. Among the Bathers. The Vintage at Epinay-sur-Seine. A Procession. DENNER(Balthasar). Hamburg, 1685— Rostock, 1749. (German School.) St. Jerome. Portrait of a gentleman with long gray hair. An old man. An old woman. An old man. — Old woman. Old man. Old woman. Portrait of an old man. Portrait of an elderly woman. Portrait of an old woman. Portrait of an old man wearing a fur cap. do. C C do. c do. C C Dresden. C do. ^ _ do. c Munich. — c c — c c do. do. Vienna, Imp. Mus. — c C — c c do. c St. Petersburg. do II^IlI do. do. c — DENNEULIN (Jules). Born in Lille, 1835. ern.) Saying Grace. The Worm-gatherers. (Mod- Modern Painters, do. C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 327 The Return. The Departure. "Where?" "There !" (Salon of 1898.) "What will Monseigneur Say?" (Salon of 1899.) DENOEU (Louis Gustave). Born in Beauvais. (Modern.) Daughter of Eve. DENTE di RAVENNA. The Virgin Reading. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Sacrifice of Noah. (Engraving.) C, $1.25. Venus Wounded. (Engraving.) C, $1.25. Venus and Cupid Carried by Dolphins, (Engrav- ing.) C, $1.25. DENTONE (Girolama Curti), called THE DEN- TONE. Bologna, 1576-1632. (Bolognese School.) Ornamental design for a ceiHng. (Drawing in pen and bistre.) DE PRUDNIK. (Modern.) Flora. Unconscious of Care. DERI (K.) (Modern.) The Pandours are Coming! DERUET (Claude). Nancy, 1588-1660. School.) Allegory on the Marriage of Louis XIV. (French DESANDRE (Jules), Clytie Dying. Born in Paris. (Modern.^ DESBOUTIN (Marcellin). Born in Cerilly (Allier). (Modern.) Study. DESCAMPS (Guillauame Desire Joseph). Lille, 1781-1858. (French School.) Portrait of Clarke (Henri Jacques Guillaume), Duke of Feltre. Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ Modern Painters. C C do. C C do. C C do. — C C do. C Dresden, R. C. do. do. Florence, Uffizi. C do. do. do. Versailles. C Modern Painters. C Paris, Lux. Versailles. C — 328 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ ^ 3i 4 4i DESCHAMPS (Mme. Camille). Born in New- York. (Modern.) St. Francis of Assisi healing a young blind man. A Good Recipe. Teasing. DESCHAMPS (Louis). Born in Montelimar , (Drome). (Modern.) Death of Mireille in the Church of Sainte-Marie-de- la-Mer. Awaking. The Twins. Touch-all. Have Pity! DESMAREST (A. G.) The Halt. (Salon of 1898.) DESORIA (Jean Baptiste Frangois). (?)— Cam- bray, 1832. (French School.) Portrait of Letourneur (Charles Louis Franqois Honore), Member of the Directory (1751- 1817). DESPORTES (Fran§ois). Champigneul, 1661— Paris, 1743. (French School.) Portrait of a hunter. Diana and Blonde, hunting-dogs of King Louis XIV. Bonne, Nonne and Ponne, hunting-dogs of Louis XIV. Folle and Misse, hunting-dogs of Louis XIV. Dog and brace of partridges. Game guarded by a brown and white dog. Game guarded by a greyhound and a spaniel. Game, flowers and fruit. Two dogs guarding game. Portrait of Desportes. Return from the Hunt; landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. DESPORTES (Francisque). (Modern.) Dawn. Nymph of the Fountains. Born m Lyons. Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C C do. C do; C — C Versailles. Paris, Louvre. do. — C C — C — do. c — C — do. c — C — do. c — C — do. c — do. C — do. C — do. c — C — do. c — C — do. Modern Painters. C do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 329 DESVARREUX (James). Born in St. Paul (United States) (Modern.) Herd at Pasjture. DETAILLE (Edouard). Born in Paris. (Modern.) The Dream. A Scotch Piper. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C Paris, Lux. C C Modern Painters. C DETMOLD (Henry Edouard). Born in England. (Modern.) Willing or Unwilling. do. C DETROY. See TROY (Jean Bap«:iste de). DETTI (Cesare). Born in Rome. (Modern.) The Concert. do. C The Poet. do. C At the Well. do. C Happy Days. do. C — — C The Booty. do. C C — C Lost in the Mist. do. C C — C Secret Conference. do. C DEULLY (Eugene Auguste Frangois). Born in Lille. (Modern.) A Spring. do. C A Delicate Proposition. (Salon of 1896.) do. C DEUTSCH (Nicolas Manuel). Berne, 1484-1530. (German School.) Drawings with Silver Point on Wood. Costumes, six men. Bole. Costumes, (a) three women, (b) three groups of lovers. do. C Martyred saints, etc. do. C Costumes, six women. do. C — Three combats ; a field of carnage. do, C — Arabesques with figures. do. C ■ Drawings with Silver Point on Wood, Drawn ON THE Reverse Side of the Above. Saints, Christ, the Virgin and St. Anne. Bole. 330 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Five mythological figures and a lansquenet. Bole. Six warriors. do. Arabesques. Angels. do. Seven mythological figures. do. Two Combats. A Bivouac. Soldiers Marching. do. Drawings with Silver Point on Wood. Arabesques. Men. Bole. Two men disguised as women. do. Arabesques. Candelabra. do. Drawings with Silver Point on Wood. Arabesques. Bears. Bole. Arabesques. Angels. Snails. do. Figures of dead men and three mythological fig- ures, do. Si::es, 2 2| 3 3J 4 4^ C C c c c c Drawings with Silver Point on Wood, Drawn ON THE Reverse Side of the Above. Assaults. Death touching a young woman. Arabesques with people. Arabesques. Hunting. Arabesques. Flowers. Unimportant People Arabesques. Bears. Group of lansquenets. Monogram and date 151 3. (Drawing with pen on a gray background, re- lieved with white.) C, $1.00. A warrior, full face, standing. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. DEUTSCH (R. V.) (Modern.) The Rape of Helen. Penelope. DEVERIA (Eugene Frangois Marie Joseph). Paris, 1805 — Pau, 1865. (French School.) Birth of Henry IV. DEVY (Georges). Grand Procession of the League in 1590. DEWE (H.) When Granny was Young. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. Bole. do. do. do. do. do. do. C — C — C — C — C — Dresden, R. C. Modern Painters, do. Paris, Louvre. Modern Painters. do. B — B — — C C C — C — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 331 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ DEWING (W. T.) Born in Boston (United States), 1 85 1. (Contemporary School.) Portrait of a lady. PI., 9x7 inches, $1.50. Modern Painters, C DEYROLLE (Theophile Louis). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Spring Song. do. C - C Brittany Interior. do. C DIANA (Benedetto). Beginning of XVI. century. (Venetian School.) Madonna enthroned, with St. Jerome, St. Bene- dict, St. Magdalen, St. Justina. DIAZ DE LA PENA (Narcisse). Bordeaux, 1809- 1876. (French School.) The Pyrenees ; study. Study of a Birch-tree. Gypsies. The Pearl Fairy. "No Admittance!" The Gypsy Girl. The Bather. Children playing with a lizard. Landscape in a sunny wood. (Gallice Coll.) Cows near a pond. (Geo. ges Rodrigues Coll.) Gypsies in the Forest. (Arnold and Tripp Coll.) Leaving the Forest. Fontainebleau. (Arnold and Tripp Coll.) In the Woods. (Arnold and Tripp Coll.) Edge of the Forest. Fontainebleau. (Arnold and Tripp Coll.) Venus and Cupids. (Arnold and Tripp Coll.) Landscape. DICKSEE (Frank). England, 1853. (Modern.) Startled. Artist's Proofs on India, 22x1 5^ inches, $15.00; D., $5.00. Dawn. D., 20^x7^ inches, $5.00; Artist's Proofs on India, $18.00. Leila. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; Artist's Proofs on Japan, i8|x23J, $25.00; on India, $20.00. do. Paris, Louvre. — c — do. — c — do. — c — do. C — c — do. c — c — Masters XIX Cen. — c — do. do. do. do. do. — c — — c — — c — — c — c do. — c — do. — — c — do. — c — do. , — c — Chicago, Art Inst. PIC Modern Painters. c c — c do. B do. __ r^ c — c 332 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. DICKSEE (Margaret). (Modern.) *The Child Handel. D., 15^x21 inches, $5.00; Art- ist's Proofs, 200 India Proofs all sold. *The First Audience (Oliver Goldsmith reading, "She Stoops to Conquer," to the Misses Hor- neck). D., 1 5^x21 inches, $5.00; Artist's Proofs, 50 India, $18.00. "Miss Angel" : a visit to the studio of Angelica Kauflfmann. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; Artist's Proofs on India, 28|xi8 inches. $18.00. Swift and Stella. D., 15^x20^ inches, $5.00; Art- ist's Proofs (200 India). $18.00. A Sacrifice of Vanities. (From "The Vicar of Wakefield.") D., 15^x20^ inches, $5.00; Art- ist's Proofs on India', $18.00. Sheridan at the Linleys'. D., 15x20} inches, $5.00; Artist's Proofs on India, $18.00. DIEFFENBACH (A.) Born in Wiesbaden, 1831. (Modern.) A Secret. Diligence. \ D., 17x13 inches, $5.00. (Companion Greediness. J pictures.) (Scenes of childhood.) Waiting for his Share. Expectation. Target-practice. Wild Rose. Forest-loneliness. Homesickness. Honestly Divided. Gallery. Si::es, 2 2I 3 3^ 4 4^ DIEFFENB ACKER (August). Told in the Twilight. The Parting Hour. The Wanderers' Return. The Watzmann. Parting is Pain. Expelled. Landscape. The Smuggler's End. (Modern.) Modern Painters. do. B B B do. do. do. do. C C B B do. B — — B do. B — — B do. B — — B do. — B — B do. — — — B do. C c — C do. c — C do. — — . — c — C do. c c — C do. c c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c c — c do. c — c do. — c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c ♦This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches. $1. 80. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 333 DIDMAN (Frederick). Born in Hanover, Ger- many, 1848. History, Mythology, Tradition; decoration in mo- saic. PL, 10x20 inches, $5.00; 6^x13, $2.50; 4^x9, $1.25. Details of the above: Figure of History. PI., i2x 10 inches, $3.00; 8^x6, $1.75. Head of History. PI, 9x7 inches, $1.75. Head of Mythology. PL, 9x7 incnes, $1.75. Law. PL, sizes and prices same as above. Details of "Law" : Figure of Law. PL, 10x12 inch- es, $3.00 ; 8^x7, $1.75. Group of Fraud, Violence, Discord. PL, 12x9^ inches, $3.00; 9x7, $1.75. Group of Industry, Truth, Peace ; same as the above group. Head of Peace. PL, 9x7 inches, $1.75. DIELITZ (K.) (Modem.) Emperor Frederick; full figure. Prince Bismarck. A Fairy of the Alps. D., 19x13 inches, $5.00. D., 19x11 inches, $5. (Companion pictures. ) Air : Ride of the Valkyries. Fire: Wotan's Farewell from Brunnhild. Water: the Rhine Daughters. Earth : Siegfried Slaying the Dragon. Emperor William L ; half figure. Emperor William L ; bust. Bulgarian Girl. Old Friends. "Grace." DIEPENBEECK (Abraham Van). Bois-le-Due, 1596 — Antwerp, 1675. (Flemish School.) Clelia Crossing the Tiber Taking her Companions with Her. The Pope Receiving the World's Tribute. (Draw- ing-) An Excursion on the Water. (Drawing.) The Flight of Clodia (?). Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine. Neptune and Amphitrite. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ ^ongres. Lib. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Modern do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Painters. — B B B B B B B B B B B B — B B B B B B B B B B B B B Paris, Louvre. C — C — do. Lille. Berlin. do. Dresden. — C — C 334 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 22^^ 3J 4 4^ DIEPRAEM (Abraham), Diepraem or Diepraam. Flourished at Dordrecht, 1648- '74; died in Rotterdam (?). (Dutch School.) Breakfast. Berlin. C DIETRICH (Anton). (Modern.) *"Come unto Ale all ye who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest." D., 19x11 inches, $5.00. Modern Painters. B B The Crucifixion. do. B — B B *Christ on the Waves. D., 291x231^ inches, $12.00. do. B The Denial of Peter. D., 15IX19I inches, $5.00. do. B B **Sermon on the Mount. D., 21x11 mches, $5.00. do. — B B B *"Lord, Take Pity on Us!" D., 15x21 inches, $5.00. do. B B *The Good Shepherd. D., 193x1 if inches, $5.00. do. B ♦Christ the Sower. D., I9|xii| inches, $5.00. do B ♦Christ at the House of Martha and Mary. D., 2ofxi4f inches, .p5.oo. do. B DIETRICH or DIETRICY (Christian Wilhelm Ernest). Weimar, 1712 — Dresden, 1774. (German School.) Landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Lille. Christ on the Cross. Dresden. C Horseman on the Outskirts of the Battlefield. do. C Woman holding her child on her knee. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Dresden, R. C. Woman, seated, with her child. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Historic landscape; imitation of Poelenburg. (Drawing.) do. C Landscape in the style of Berchem. (Drawing.) C, $1.75- do. Two sheep lying down. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Return of the Prodigal Son. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. * do. The Entombment. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Roman landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Cain and Abel. (Drawing.) do. C * This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. **This subject comes in a Facsimile Gravure in colors, 21x11 inches, $13.50; also in a Baryto Print 6>^X9 inches, $1.80. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON, 335 View taken in the environs of Rome. (Drawing.) Roman landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Pieta. (Drawing.) An interior. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Historic landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Landscape; five women, nude figures, reclining. (Drawing.) Women in the Bath; sketch. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Landscape; woman seated, nude figure, and two children. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Italian landscape, with a flock in the foreground. (Drawing.) The Prodigal Son, (Drawing.) Landscape, with houses in the background. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The Good Shepherd. (Drawing.) The Adoration of the Shepherds. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Roman landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Mountainous landscape. (Drawing.) The Annunciation. (Drawing.) Grand Italian landscape. (Drawing.) The square in an Italian village. (Drawing.) Wooded landscape. (Drawing.) Boy and girl at the window. (Drawing.) C., $1.75. The Charlatan. (Engraving.) C., $1.25. Holy Family. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Italian landscape ; in the background, the ruins of an ancient temple. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Roman landscape, with flock. (Drawing.) C., $i-75- DIETZSCH (Johann Christophe). Nuremberg, 1 710- 1 769. (German School.) Peasants crossing a mountain. (Drawing.) C., $1.75- DIEUDONN6 (Emmanuel de). Born in Geneva (Switzerland). (Modern.) Tamerlane and Bajazet. Detail of the above. Turkish Bath. Gallery. Sices, 2 24 3 3^ 4 4-| Dresden, R. C. C do. do. C do. do. do. C do. do. do. C do. C do. do. C do. do. do. C do. C do. C do. C — do. C — do. — C — do. do. Dresden, P. G. do. do. Modern Painters, do. do. — C c — c 336 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Consecrated to Venus. Waiting in the Groves of Aphrodite. (Salon of 1897.) DIEZ (W.) Born in Baireuth, 1839. (Modern.) Robber-knights. On .he Grounds. Picnic in the Woods. DIGHTON (Robert). (English School.) A Musical Soiree. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. DILL (Ludwig). Gemsbach, Baden, 1846. (Mod- ern.) Canal in Venice. Venetian Fishing-boat. DILLES (Georg von). Giebing (Bavaria), 1759- 1841. (German School.) Landscape. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. DIRANIAN (Sarkis). (Modern.) The Call. The First Letter. DIRCK BOUTS. See BOUTS. Born in Constantinople. (Eng- DOBSON (William). London, 1610-1647. lish School.) Portrait of Abraham van der Dort, guardian of the pictures of Charles L DODGE (L. R.) (Modern.) The Elements : Earth, Air, Fire, Water. Each di- vision, PI., 4x13 inches, $1.50. DOERSTLING (E.) (Modern.) Kant's Philosophic Dinner-party. DOES (Jacques van der). Amsterdam, 1623-1673. (Dutch School.) Landscape and animals ; in the foreground a shep- herdess. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C C — C do. do. do. do. C C C C C C — C C C C C C London, B. M. do. do. Dresden, R. C. Modern Painters. C do. C — St. Petersburg. Congres. Lib. Modern Painters. — Dresden, P. G. B — B SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 337 DOES (Simon van der). 1653-1717. (Dutch School.) Animals at the Watering-place. (Drawing.) DOLCENO. See GHERARDI (Christofano), called. Florence, 1616-1680. (Florentine (Drawing.) DOLCI (Carlo) School.) Bust of child; nude figure, left profile C, $1.00. Head of boy, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Head of man, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Head of woman, back view. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Head of man, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Head of boy, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Head of boy. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. A boy with his head bent forward. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Head of a girl, almost full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Man seated, asleep, leaning on his right arm. (Drawing.) Figure of a woman turned three-quarters to the left. (Drawing.) Figure of a woman, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Man, kneeling, turned to the left. (Drawing.) Figure of a woman seated. (Drawing.) Daughter of Herodias with Head of John the Bap- tist. *St. Cecilia at the Organ. D., 20x27 inches, on Japan paper, $20.00; on India, $10.00. *Detail of the above : St. Cecilia. The Savior Blessing the Bread and Wine. (School of Carlo Dolci.) The Virgin; half length. Copy of the Dresden picture, "The Saviour Bless- ing the Bread and Wine." (Drawing.) C, $1.75- The Penitent Magdalen. The Christ-child. The Virgin and Child. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Weimar. C Paris, Louvre. do. do. Lille. do. do. do. do. do. do. C do. C do. do. C do. C — Dresden. do. do. do. do. C C ABC —ABC C C — AG — c — c c — B B Dresden, Munich. do. do. R. C. c c — c c c — c c c — X This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6i x 9 inches, $1.80. 338 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Mary Magdalen. St. Agnes with the Lamb. Mater Dolorosa. Candor Crowned with Lilies. Madonna and Child. The Virgin with her hands crossed. (Attributed.) Mary Magdalen. Madonna and Child. Study of two hands clasped. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Study of hands; right and left. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. The Virgin ; called the Madonna del Dito. (Feroni Gallery.) The Virgin. (Feroni Gallery.) An angel holding a fleur-de-lis. (Feroni Gallery.) The Magdalen. PL, 7x9 inches, $1.00; 16x20, $4.00. Portrait of the artist, by himself. Santa Lucia. Portrait of one of Dolci's grandparents ; after a drawing by Michael Angelo. (Drawing.) C, $1.75- St. John Sleeping. Santa Rosa. Santa Margherita. Martyrdom of St. Andrew. Christ in Gethsemane. Madonna and Child. Ecce Homo. St. Casimir, Prince of Bologna, Son of King Casi- mir IV. St. John the Evangelist. God the Father. Portrait of Fra Angelico da Fiesole. (After the bas-relief in the Church of Minerva.) Madonna and Child. The Madonna Called "Dei Dito." The Redeemer. The Virgin with the Child Asleep. St. ApoUina. Ecce Homo. Gallery. Munich. do. Vienna Mus. do. do. Vienna, Liecht. The Hague. London, Nat. Gal. Shes, 2 2^ 3 3| 4 4^ C — C C — C — C C C — C London, B. M. — do. Florence, UflRzi. — do. — do. — do. do. do. do. Florence, Pitti. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Florence, Acad. do. Rome, Borg. Gal. do. do. Rome, Corsini. do. do. B — C — BG — C — C — c — — BC c — — c - c c c c c c c c c c c c c — p; c - c - SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 339 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4| Concert ; group of two women playing and an angel singing. (Drawing.) Venice., C Study of a nude child. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. *Mater Dolorosa; bust. D., i6|xi3 inches, $5.00, St. Petersburg. — — B ]> C B The Magdalen. do. C DOLCI (Agnese). Florence (?), 1696. (Florentine School.) The Consecration. Paris, Louvre. C — (Attributed.) Virgin holding the Infant Jesus do. — ■ — asleep upon her breast. Besangon. C — DOLESCHAL (J.) (Modern.) Dora. do. C DOLLIMAN (H.) (Modern.) The Love-letter., Modern Painters. C "Good Morning, Fair Neighbor." D., 21x16 inch- es, $5.00. do. C — C "What Shall I Tell Her ?" D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. do. C A Happy Pair. do. C — C DOLPH (J. H.) Fort Ann, N. Y., 1835. (Modern.) Kittens in a Hat. Chicago Art Inst. PIC PIC DOMINGO (Francisco). Born in Valencia. (Mod- ern.) A Lance of the XVIIth Century. Madrid, M. M. A. PIC The Tavern. (Salon of 1896.) Modern Painters. C DOMINI (Pietro) DE CASTELFRANCO. (Ital- ian School.) The Virgin in a halo holding the Child. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. London, B. M. DOMENICHINO (Domenico Zampieri), called IL. Bologna, 1581 — Naples, 1641. (Bolog- nese School.) King David. Paris, Louvre. C The Virgin and Child Appearing to St. Anthony of Padua. do. C — Ecstasy of St. Paul. do. C — C — ♦This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. 340 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sices, 2 2| 3 3i 4 4i St. Cecilia. Paris, Louvre. C — C — Alexander and Timocles. do. C — C — Rinaldo and Armida. do. C — C — Head of a girl, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Head of an old man, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Head of a man, right profile. (Drr.wing.) Lille. C Woman seated, back view, head turned to right. (Drawing.) do. C Portrait of Vincenzo Scamozza. Berlin. C Charity. Dresden. C C St. Paul; half length. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Dresden, R. C. Consecration of St. Jerome as a Child. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Sketch for an evangelist, seated, full face. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do. Susannah at the Bath. Munich. C — C St. Jerome. do. C — C A sibyl and an angel. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Weimar. Saint kneeling, his hands clasped. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. A sibyl. ~ Vienna, Liecht. C C Study for a Benjamin. (Drawing.) C, $1.25, Vienna, Albertina. The Assumption. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. Martyrdom r^ St. Peter; composition of many fig- ures. (Drawing.) C.^ $2.50. do. Martyrdom of St. Laurence in the court-yard of a large edifice. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. Monk kneeling, his eyes raised and his arms ex- tended. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Concert ; group of four young men. half-length fig- ures. (Drawing.) do. C — Bust of young man writing, left profile. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Mountainous landscape; in the foreground two draped figures. (Drawing.) C. $1.00. do. — Landscape, with figures representing the history of St. George. London, Nat. Gal. C Landscape. (Drawing.) London, B. M. C Head of a child, full face. (Drawing.) do. C St. Agnes. Windsor. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 341 Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ ^ 3^ 4 4i The Chaste Susannah. (Drawing.) > Chatsworth. C Portrait of Cardinal Agucchia. Florence, Uffizi. C Young girl kneeling, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Polyphemus ; composition of three figures. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Two genii. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Death of a saint; composition of three figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Martyrdom of St. Stephen; large composition. (Drawing.) do. C Triumph of Diana. Rome, Borg. Gal. C A sibyl. do. C A sibyl. Rome, Capitol. C St. Barbara in Ecstasy. do. — — C Communion of St. Jerome. Rome Vat. Pin. PIC — Detail of the above : The Angels ; upper part of the picture. do. C Deliverance of St. Peter. _ Rome, St. P. Vin. C • Head of an old man turned three-quarters to the left. (Drawing.) Milan, Res. Col. C The Flight into Egypt. (Drawing.) do. C Sacrifice of Abraham. Madrid. C The Magdalen carried to heaven. St. Petersburg. C St. John the Apostle. do. C Cupid standing on a pedestal. do. C DONADINI (E.) (Modern.) The Entry of Flora. do. — B B B DONATELLO or DONATO (di Niccolo di Betto Bardi). Florence, 1386-1466. (Florentine School.) The Holy Women, standing, turned towards the right. C, $1.75. Paris, Louvre. Study for right part of a composition for the En- tombment, (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Chantilly. Sketch of a group for the Descent from the Cross. (Drawing.) . London, B. M. C St, George standing ; study for the statue in Flor- ence. (Drawing.) Windsor. C For the sculptures of Donatello, see "Sculptures." 342 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. DONO PAOLO. See USELLO. DONATO (Veneziano). Pupil of Giovanni Bellini. Dates of birth and death unknown. (Venetian School.) Christ Crucified. DOOMER (Jacob). (Dutch School.) Landscape. (Drawing-.) C, $1.75. DOPPELMEYER (J. M.) (German School.) Landscape with two houses and a group of trees. (Drawing.) Wooded landscape with houses in the backgfround. (Drawing.) DOR6 (Gustave). Strasburg, 1832— Paris, 1883. (French School.) The Angel of Tobias. (Salon of 1865.) Battle of Inkermann, Nov. 5, 1854. Artillery-camp. DORIGNY (Louis). Paris, 1654— Verona, 1742. (French School.) Ex-voto. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Gallery. Sices, 2 2J 3 3^ 4 4J D5RING (C.) Margiierita. (^Modern.) DOSSO DOSSI (Giovanni Lutero), called The. Born near Ferrara, 1475-1546. (School of Ferrara.) St. Jerome. Justice with her Attributes, the Scales and Fasces. Peace Holding the Horn of Plenty and the Torch of Discord Reversed. Judith with the Head of Holofernes. The Muse Inspiring a Court-poet. Portrait of the artist, by himself. Massacre of the Innocents. Scene from low life. Circe. Madonna and Child. Venice. Weimar. C Dresden, P. G. Col. c — do. c — Paris, Lux. c — c Versailles. c — Modern Painters. _c —~ Paris. Louvre. do. C — C do. C — c Dresden. C c — do. C c _ do. C — — London, Nat. Gal. c — Florence, Uffizi. — — c do. . — — — — c Florence, Pitti. C — — Rome, Borg. Gal. c — — do. c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 313 David with the Head of Goliath. (According to the catalogue of the liorghese Gallery, by Giorgio Barbarelli, called Giorgione.) Alphonso I. of Este Following the Chase. Judith standing with the head of Holofernes in her left hand. (Drawing.) C., $1.25. A man, nude figure, looking upward, his arms raised. (Drawing.) C., $1.25. DOU or DOV or DOW (Gerard or Geraert). Leyden, 1613-1675. (Dutch School.) The Dropsical Woman. The Village Grocer. The Trumpeter. The Dutch Cook. Woman Picking a Chicken at a Window. The Weigher of Gold. Reading the Bible. Bust portrait of an old woman, full face. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. The Pudding-maker. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Portrait of a woman. Penitent Magdalen. Portrait of Rembrandt's mother. Portrait of the artist, by himself. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. Bust portrait of an old woman. Bust portrait of an old man. Portrait of the artist, by himself. Young girl at the window, a lighted candle in her hand. The Master Playing the Violin. Old schoolmaster cutting a pen. Dentist and a boy whose tooth he has just pulled. Hermit at prayer. Old woman seeking the end of a lost thread by the light of a lamp. Servant-maid drinking near a cask in a cellar; at her side a boy. Mother of the artist reading a journal. The master in his studio. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4J Rome, Borg. Gal. Rome, Torlonia. Milan, Res. Col. do. Paris, Louvre, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Old Masters. Berlin. do. Brunswick. Cassel. do. Dresden. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C — C — C C C B C — C C — C C c — c c - c c C C — E C C c c c — c 344 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Si::es, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4* Cat in the window. Dresden. C Picking Grapes. do. C The Gardener. do, C A Pair of Jokers. do, C Head of an old man turned toward the left. (Drawing.) C, .75. Dresden, R. C. The Mountebank. Munich, — C C C — C Old woman and boy. do. — C — C Lady at her toilet-table. do. C — C Portrait of the artist, by himself, do. C — C The spinner's dinner. do. C — C Maid-servant at the window. do. C — C Old woman at the window, Vienna Mus, C C — The Physician, do. C C Portrait of a man ; bust. Vienna, Liecht. C C Schoolmaster cutting his pen. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Vienna, Albertina. Toper seated near a table. (Dra\ving.) do. C Bust of an old woman leaning on a book. (Draw- ing.) C., $1.00. do. — ^ Portrait of Gerard Dow. Amsterdam, C C — C The Night-school. do, C C — C The Hermit, do, C C C Portrait of a nobleman and his wife. (The land- scape is painted by Nicholas Berchem.) do. C Male portrait. do. C — The Fisherman's Wife. Amstdm, V.H. C. C C C The Young Dressmaker. The Hague, C The Young Mother. do. C — C Portrait of the artist, by himself. Brussels. C — C Portrait of the artist, by himself. London, Nat. Gal. C — The Poulterer's Shop, do. C C — C The Carpenter's Family. London, Buck. Pal. C C — Chopped Onions. do, C C — The Housemaid. do. C C — The Grocer's Shop. do. C C — Vender of Grapes. do. C An old woman watering a plant. do. C C — Bunch of grapes. do, C Doctor and Patient. do. C Blowing Soap-bubbles. do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 345 Man's head. Portrait of the artist, by himself. A schoolmaster. The Pancake-seller. The Doctor. The Herring-seller. The Herring-seller. Portrait of Gerard Dow playing the violin. An old rabbi. An old monk. Reeling Yarn. Young peasant girl before the bath. Young soldier before the bath. Young woman at the bath. The Reader. Portrait of a horseman. DOUBEK (F.) (Modern.) Fin de Siecle. Lost in Thought. A Love-letter. In Church. In the Village Baths. Morning Visit. Testing the Voice. The Angel of Peace. The Intruder. DOUCET (Lucien). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Carmen. In the Harem. Study. Nude woman. The Dead Christ. Portrait. DOUCK (G.) Jan van Hensbeck and his wife Alaria Froeck. DOUFFET (Gerard). Liege, 1594-1660. (Flemish School.) Male portrait. (School of Gerard Douflfet.) St. Norbert. Gallery. Si:;cs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Windsor. C Florence, UfHzi. C — do. C — do. C — St. Petersburg. C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C c c c c c c c c c Modern Painters. C C do. C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C do. C — C do. C C — C do. C do. C — C do. C do. C do. C C do. C do. C London, Nat. Gal. Munich, do. C — C C — C C — C 346 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. DOUILLARD (Alexis Louis Marie). Born in Nantes. (Modern.) The Mother of God. The First Mass. (Salon of 1896.) Miracle of the Loaves. (Salon of 1899.) DOUVEN BARTHOL (Frans van). Roermonde. 1665 — Diisseldorf, 1727. (Flemish School.) The Three Graces. DOV or DOW (Gerard). See DOU. DOUZETTE (F.) Born at Triebsees (Pomerania), 1834. (Modem.) Liibeck by Moonlight. Mill by Moonlight. 1 D-, 15x21 inches, $5.00. ♦Moonlight Landscape. J (Companion pictures.) ♦The Silvery Moon. D., 20x15 inches, $5.00. DOYEN (Gustave). Bom in Festieux (Aisne). (Modem.) Bather. Joan of Arc. The Old Woman. On the Edge of the Brook. The Rest. Friends. First Confidences. The Distribution. Gallery Sices, 2 2-h 3 3i 4 4i Modern Painters. C C do. — — — — — C do. Cassel. C — C Modern Painters. C C do. B B — B do. B B do. B B do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C C C C C C C C C DOYEN (Louis Marie), nes). (Modern.) Cupid-seller. Nocturne. Born in Artigny (Arden- DRAHTMANN (C.) (Modem.) The Stag. Deer. Deer. Stags in Combat. do. C C do. c do. C C — C do. c — C do. C — C do. c •This subiect comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 347 DRAMARD (Georges de). Born in Gonneville-sur- Dives (Calvados). (Modern.) Woman with Birds. Easter-daisy. Tambourine Player. The Prayer. DREGER (Tom R. de). (Modern.) The Tortoise. (Salon of 1899.) DREUX (Alfred de). Paris, 1810-1860. (French School.) Equestrian portrait of General Fleury. DROLLING (Martin). Oberhergheim, near Col- mar, 1752 — Paris, 1817. (French School.) Kitchen interior. House for Sale. Portrait of a woman, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. DROOCHSLOOT (J. C.) Utrecht, end of XVIII. century; died, 1666. (Dutch School.) The Fair. Dutch V^illage. DROUAIS (Francois Hubert). Paris, 1727-1775. (French School.) Madame du Barry. A woman. Portrait of the Count of Artois, later Charles X. (1757-1836). Madame Sophie, sixth daughter of Louis X\'. (1744- 1 782). (Attributed.) Child in pilgrim's costume. (Pastel.) (School of.) Portraits of Mmes. Adelaide, Victoiro and Sophie, daughters of Louis XV. Portraits of Charles Philip of France, Count of Artois (afterwards Charles X.), and of Marie Adelaide Clotilde-Xaviere de France (Madame Clotilde, afterwards Queen of Sardinia). Portraits of MM. de Choiseul. Portrait of the Marquise de PompadDur. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C C do. C C do. C do. C do. Masters XIX Cen. Paris, Louvre. Masters XIX Cen. Lille. .The Hague, do. C C C — C — C — C — — C — C — C — C Old Masters. C — do. C - Versailles. do. c - do. c — — c — do. Paris. Louvre, Old Masters, do. — C — C 348 SOULE ART COMPANY. BOSTON. Portrait of the Dauphin. Portrait of Louis X\ 11. as a child. Portrait of the Count de Vaudreuil (Joseph Hya- cinthe de Rigand, Grand Falconer of France). (Salon of 1757.) Portrait of Louis X\I., King of France, as a child (1 754- 1 793). Portrait of Louis Philippe. Duke ot Chartres, after- wards Duke of Orleans (1725- 1785), Lieuten- ant General and Governor of the Dauphiny; father of Louis Philippe, Duke of Orleans, called figalite. Portrait of fitienne Francois Turgot (i 721- 1789), Governor General of French Guiana. Portrait of Marie Francois, Duke of Harcourt, Peer of France, as a child (1755-1839). Portrait of Marie Jean Herault de Sechelles, Mem- ber of the National Convention, as a child (1760-1794). Portrait of Marie Frangois de Saint Bellin Malain, Countess of BuflFon (1732-1769). Portrait of Louis Stanislas Xavier de Bourbon, Count of Provence, as a child (1755- 1824), afterwards Louis XVIIL, King of France. Portrait of Benoit Antoine Turgot (i705-(?)), Councilor of the Parliament of Paris. Portrait of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France. DROUAIS (Hubert). La Roque (Eure), 1699 Paris, 1767. (French School.) Portrait of the sculptor, Robert Le Lorrain. Portrait of Jean Dominique Deshay (i70O-(?)), artist. DROUAIS (Jean Germain). Paris, 1763 — Rome, 1788. (French School.) Christ and the Canaanite Woman. DRUET (Antoine). Born in Essertenne (Haute- Saone). (Modern.) Slave-merchant at the Door of a Seraglio. *Noon — at Bignon's. •This subject comes in a Carbon, 14x18 inches, $5.00. Gallery. Siacs, 2 Old Masters. — do. — do. Xat'l Portraits. 3 3i 4 4l C — C — C C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Chantilly. Paris. Louvre. Nat'l Portraits. Paris, Louvre. C C — C — c — c — Modern Painters. C do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 349 DRULET (E. von). Landscape ; a man leading his horse. (Drawing.) DUBASTY (Adolphe Henry). (Modern.) A Dreamer. Born in Paris. DUBE (Mattie). Born in the United States. (Mod- ern.) In Penitence. DUBOIS (Angela). Born in Laigle (Orne). (Modern.) The New Song. DUBOIS. Landscape: Woods. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. DUBReAU (Louise). Born in Vienna (Austria). (Modern.) Street Singer. Joan of Arc. Spring. DUBREUIL (Toussaint). Paris, 1561 ( ?) — 1602. (French School.) Psyche and Cupid. (Drawing.) C. $1.25. The Triumph of Galatea. (Drawing.) DUBUFE (Claude Marie). Paris. 1789- 1864. (French School.) Portrait of Fouche, Duke of Otrante (1763- 1820). DUBUFE (Louis Edouard). Born in Paris. 1820- 1883. (Modern.) Portrait of Emile Augier, dramatic author, 1820- 1889. Portrait of Princess Mathilde (Mathilde Letitia Wilhelmina Bonaparte). DUBUFE (Guillaume). Born in Paris. (Modern.) St. Cecilia. Portrait of Madame D — . (Portraits of the Cen- tury, 1885.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4} Dresden, P. G. Modern Painters. C do. Versailles. C do. C Brunswick. B do. C do. C do. . C Paris, Louvre. do. C do. — — C do. C Modern Painters. — C do. C 350 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ The Spring. D., 21x9 inches, $5.00. Modern Painters, *The Angelic Salutation. D., 9^x22 inches, $5.00. do. B Ancient and Modern France Protectress of the Orient. (Salon of 1897.) do. C Cypris. (Salon of 1898.) do. — ■' — C DUBUFE (Juliette). (Modern.) The Fog. (Salon of 1899.) do. C DUBUISSON. X\'III. century. (French School.) Portrait of Philip Nericault Destouches (1680- 1754), comic poet, Member of the French Academy. Museum of Tours. C — DUC (A.) Dutch Officers at Cards. Vienna, Liecht. C DUC or DUCQ (Jan le). The Hague, 1636— about 1695. (Dutch School.) A pair of soldiers. Besangon. C — Portrait of a man, full length. Dresden. C — The Spinner. The Hague, C — C DUCAYER. XVII. century, (French School.) Portrait of Marguerite Madeleine, wife of Le Coq, Councilor of the Court in 1635. Nat'l Portraits. DUCCIO (Duccio di) BUONINSEGNA. Sienna, 1260 (?) — ^about 1320. (Siennese School.) Triptych : central panel, the Nativity ; right panel, the Prophet Ezekiel; left panel, the Prophet Isaiah. Berlin. C The Nativity. do. C — C St. John Preaching before Christ. Buda-Pesth. C — DU CHATEL (Frangois). Brussels, 1625 (?)- 1694 (?). (Flemish School.) Portrait of a horseman and two other persons. Paris, Louvre. C — C — DUCK or LE DUCK (Jacob A.) Utrecht. 1600— The Hague (?). after 1660. (Dutch School.) A Body-guard at Home. do. C — C — ♦This subject comes in a Baryto Print 6^x9 inches, $i.8a SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON 351 Musical Entertainment. (Habich Coll.) Musical Entertainment. A Stable. An Officer. DUCKER (E.) (Modern.) Eventide on Riigen, DUCREUX (Joseph). Nancy, 1737-1802. (French School.) Portrait of Mehul (fitienne Nicholas), musical composer (1763-1817). (Pastel.) Portrait of Manuel (1775-1827), political orator. (Pastel.) Portrait of an unknown man. Portrait of the artist, by himself. Portrait of Anne Robert Jacques Turgot, Baron of Aulne (1727-1781), economist and statesman. Intendant of Limoges, Minister of Marine. (Pastel.) Portrait of the artist's brother. DUDITS (A.) (Modern.) Veni, Vidi, Vici. DUEZ (C.) (Modern.) Siesta. DUEZ (Ernest Ange). Born in Paris, 1843. (Mod- ern.) St. Cuthbert. (Salon of 1879.) Portrait of M. Ulysses Butin, artist (1837-1883). Portrait of Alphonse de Neuville, artist (1835-1885). Around the Lamp. On the Seashore. The Cafe on the Terrace. Quiet Sea. DUFAUX (Frederic). Bathers. The Toilet. The Baby's Bath. Born in Geneva. (Modern.) Gallery. Sices, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4I Cassel. C — C Dresden. C Amsterdam. C — C The Hasrue. C — C do. Versailles. do. Old Masters, do. Nat'l Portraits, do. Modern Painters. do. B C C c c — c Paris, Lux. C Modern Painters. C C do. — ■ C do. C C do. C C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C C 352 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Boat Returning from the Market. (Haute Savoie). Messengers of Love. -Tourrade DUGHET (Guaspre), called POUSSIN. Rome, 1613-1675. (French School.) Landscape; the Roman mountains. (According to Woermann, by Frangois Millet.) Mountainous landscape with old buildings on the shore of a lake. Mountain and forest. Level landscape with mountains in the distance. Tower on a height surrounded by trees. Landscape with a fortified town. (Drawing.) Landscape. (Engraving.) C, $1.25. Large landscape with a view of a castle in the distance. (Drawing.) Large mountainous landscape ; in the distance, a view of a fortified castle on a hill. (Drawing.) Landscape crossed by a road; at the left a cas- cade. (Drawing.) Mountainous landscape : in the distance a castle and houses. (Drawing.) Pond in a mountainous landscape. (Drawing.) C $2.50. Wood, with a pond in the foreground. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Landscape, with figures representing Abraham and Isaac going to the sacrifice. Landscape. Mountainous landscape with a river. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. DU JARDIN (Karel). See JARDIN. DUJARDIN (Victorine Augustine). Born in Car- vin (Pas-de-Calais). (Modern.) The Spring. The Captive Bird. Spring. DUMARESQUE (A.) Born in Paris, 1826. Une sortie de la Cour. Gallery. Sices, 2 2\ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C C do. C C — C Dresden. --C do. do. II^~II do. C do. c Dresden. R. C. c do. Vienna, Albertina. C do. C do. ' C do. C do. do. : London. X. G. C do. C Florence, Uffizi. Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 353 DUMAS (Alphonse Pierre). Born in Paris. (Mod- ern.) The Shivering Model. Zachi. Temptation. Bather. The Model. DUMESNIL (Pierre). Lived in the XVIII. cen- . tury. (French School.) Bed of Justice of Louis XV., Sept 12, 1715. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C C do. C Versailles, C — Old Masters. DUMONSTIER. (French School.) (Attributed to one of the Dumonstiers.) Portrait of Henry de Cumont (i 562-1635), confidential friend and biographer of Prince Henry de Conde. (Drawing with three crayons.) Nat'l Portraits. DUMONSTIER (Daniel). Paris, 1576-1646. (French School.) (Attributed.) Portrait of Henry IV., King of France (i 553-1610). Portrait of Francois Malherbe, with doublet and collar; bust, three-quarters to the left. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Portrait of Jean de la Vallette, Duke of Epernon ; three-quarters to the left. (Drawing.) Portrait of Louis de Lorraine, Cardinal de Guise, wearing a calotte ; three-quarters to the left. (Drawing.) Head of an old woman. (Drawing.) Young nobleman wearing a gorget ; bust, full face. (Drawing.) Portrait of Henry, Duke of Mayenne ; head, full face. (Drawing.) Portrait of Marshal d'Ornano ; head slightly turned to the right. (Drawing.) Portrait of an old man ; bust, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Bust ol an officer turned to the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. C — Chantilly. do. do. Dresden, R. C. C C C Vienna, Albertina. C — do. do. do. do. 354: SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Portrait of a young man, head slightly turned to the right. (Drawing.) C, $175. Bust portrait of an old man slightly turned to the left. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Bust of an old man wearing a small cap, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Bust of a man wearing a hat, full face. (Draw- ing.) C.,$i.75. Bust of a man, full face. (Drawing.) C, $175. Bust of a man wearing a hat, full face. (Drawing.) Bust of an old man laughing, slightly turned to the right. (Drawing.) C, $i.75- Bust of an old woman, full face. (Drawing.) Bust of a young woman, back view, the head slightly turned towards the spectator. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. Bust of an old man with a long beard, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Bust of a man, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Portrait of an old man, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. DUMONT (Jacques), called the ROMAN. Paris, 1700-1781. (French School.) Madame Mercier, nurse of the Duke of Anjou (Louis XV.), surrounded by her family. Gallery. Sices. 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Vienna, Albertina. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. London, B. M. Paris, Louvre. C DUMOULIN (Emile). Born in Blaisy-Bas (Cote- d'Or). (Modem.) Sleeping Nymph. Modern Calypso. do. On the Beach. do. L'Oaristys. (A. Chenier). do. DUNWEGE (Victor and Henry). Dortmund, 1520. (German School.) The Holy Family. • Antwerp. Painters. C C C C UPAIN (Edmond Louis). Bom in Bordeaux. (Modem.) Spring Driving Winter Away. Modern Painters. - C - — c A Difficult Road. do. c - — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 355 Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ ^ ^^ 4. 4^ Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C C do. C L do. C C Transit of Venus. The Vow. Happy Mother. Youth and Illusions. The Passer-by. Over the Shoulder. DUPLESSIS (Joseph Silfrede). Carpentras, 1725— Versailles, 1802. (French School.) Portrait of the sculptor, Christophe Gabriel Alle- grain. Louis XV'L, King of France, 1754- 1793. Louis XV'L, King of France, 1754- 1793. Portrait of Gliick (Christopher), composer (1714- 1787)- Portrait of Gliick Improvising. Portrait of Queen Marie Antoinette. Portrait of Louis XVI., King of France (1754- 1793)- Portrait of Louis XVI. (1754- 1793), King of France. Portrait of Christopher Gliick (1714-1787), com- poser. Portrait of Louise Marie Adelaide de Bourbon- Penthievre, Duchess of Orleans. Portrait of Louis Stanislas Xavier de Bourbon, Count of Provence, afterwards Louis XVIII. (1755-1824). Portrait of Michel Paul Guy de Chabanon (1730- 1792), dramatic poet, litterateur, member of the Academy of Inscriptions and of the French Academy.' Portrait of Gliick. Portrait of Benjamin Franklin. DUPRAY (Louis Henri). Born in Sedan. (Mod- ern.) Arrival at the Halting-place, the Rear of the Col- umn. Paris, Louvre. Versailles, do. Old Masters, do. do. do. Nat'l Portraits. do. Chantilly. do. Orleans Mus. Vienna, Imp. Mus. Boston, M. F. A. c — — c — — c — — c — — c c — — c c — c PIC — c — c PIC — Modern Painters. C DUPRe (Jules). Nantes, 1812— I'Isle-Adam (Seine- et-Oise), 1889. Morning. Paris, Lux. 356 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4j Evening. Paris, Lux. . C The Water-gate. Masters XIX Cen. C The Fisherman. do. c The Wooden Bridge. do. . ■ c — Stranded Barks. Moonlight. (Univ. Expos., '89.) (Arnold and Tripp Coll.) do. c The Oak. (Arnold and Tripp coll.) do. c Flock of Sheep. (Georges Rodrigues Coll.) do. c — Cows at Watering-place. do. _ _ c Landscape. Chantilly. c Landscape. Chicago Art Inst. PI C PI c DUPRE (Julian). Born in Paris. (Modern.) The Rye-mowers. The White Cow. (Salon of 1890.) The Runaway Cow. (Salon of 1885.) The Gleaners. ^ The Balloon. In the Meadow. The Hay Harvest. On the Farm. The Drinking-trough. The Haymaker. Milking Time. The Prairie. Haymaking. The Haymakers. In the Grass. Hay. Resting in the Fields. A Road at Mesnil. The Valley of Arques, Before the Storm. Returning to the Village. A prairie in Archelles. Woman milking her cow. The Valley of the Dardent. (Salon of 1896.) Leaving the Farm. (Salon of 1896.) In the Field. (Salon of 1897.) Cows in the Shade. (Salon of 1897.) The Meadow. (Salon of 1898.) Paris, Lux. C do. C C do. C N. Y., Met. Mus. C do. C — Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C — C do. C do. C do. AG C do. C do. C C do. — .— C do. C C do. C do. C do. C C do. C C do. C C do. C do. C do. C C do. : C do. '- C do. — — C — do. C n - -^^Mk: :^P^ ' /%^JK ' ''m!^'' . •«! i ^^ .Jo ' ^__j > 4§«i^ip[Jg||i||M ^^^^ fL-^-'-' "- * - 1 ] BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. DUPLESSIS IN THE HARVEST FIELD. JULIEN DUPRE THE MIRROR. EGGLESTON [ JULES OUPRE EGGLESTON r"^' AFTER THE SHOWER. FERRIZ TO THE FIELDS. COMPANY FRONT. MRS. SIDDONS. GAINSBOROUGH SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 367 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4i Ploughing. (Salon of 1898.) Modern Painters, C In the Meadow. (Salon of 1899.) do. C On the Edge of the Pool. (Salon of 1899.) do. C DUPRE (Leon Victor). Limoges. Worked in 1849. (French School.) Landscape : View of Bologna. ( Drawing.) C, $1.25. London, B. M. Italian landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. DUPUIS (Pierre). Born in Orleans. (Modern.) Bashi Bazouk abducting a woman. Modern Painters. C The Cup is Empty. do. C Portrait of Louis Blanc (1811-18S2). do. C Mother playing with her child. do. C An Invitation. do. C The Wave. D., 11x15 inches, $3.00. do. C C — C Fortune and the Child. (Salon of 1897.) do. C C DUPUY (M. Paul). Before Guignol. (Salon of 1899.) do. C DUQUESNOY (Floris). XV. century. (French School.) Hot Codes ; group of six children. ( Drawing.) C, $1.25. Weimar. — DURAMEAU (Louis). Paris, 1733-1796. (French School.) A Card-party. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. De Goncourt Col. DURAN (Carolus). See CAROLUS DURAN. DUR ANGEL (Leopold Victor.) Bom in Marseilles. (Modern.) ' Portrait of Baron Taylor (Isidore Severin Justin), (1789-1879). Modern Painters. — — C Butterflies. (Decorative panel.) do. — • — C Olive Pickers. do. — C In Summertime : The Grasshopper and the Ant. do. C C DURCK (F.) Leipsic, 1809— Munich, 1884. (Mod- ern.) Sunday Morning. do. C 358 SOULE ART COMPANY ', BOSTON. Gallery Sizes, 2 ^i 3 3* 4 A\ In the Woods. Modern Painters. — c Italian woman. do. C — c On the Mountain-top. do. — c Nicola. do. c — L Susanna. do. c — C Aurora. do. c c — c On the Mountain-lake. do. c c — c "Long Live United Italy !" do. c c — c Roman Shepherd-boy. do. c c — c The Young Gardener. — Lender the \"\nt. do. c c — c A Fair Exchange. do. c c — c Italian girl. do. c c — c Italian boy. do. c c — c Nazi. do. c c — c On Breezy Heights. do. c c — c Portrait of Anna von Greiner, nee Bartelmann. Munich, R. P. c c — c DURER (Albrecht or Albert). Nuremberg, 1471- 1528. (German School.) Head of an old man. Head of an old man, full face. (Drawing.) Head of a monk, left profile. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. Study of drapery. (Drawing.) C., $1.25. Head of an old woman, full face. (Drawing.) C., $1.25. Bust of a child, profile, three-quarters to the right. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. Madonna and Child with saints. (Drawing.) C., $1.25. (Attributed.) Head of an old man, full face. (Drawing.) C., .75. Four different studies. (Drawing.) Study of a saint. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. Madonna and Child. (Drawing.) Madonna and Child in a landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane. A town overlooked by a fortress. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane. Paris. Louvre, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C — C — C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 35d Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Oriental horseman. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Paris, Louvre. -■ Profile of young- girl; study of hand. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Fortress. (Drawing.) C, ,75. do. Landscape. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Head of a child. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Head of a child. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Head of a child. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. The Passion. (Drawing.) do. C Head of a child. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Head of a child. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Head of a child. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Bust of a young girl, full face, the eyes half closed. (Drawing.) do. C Christ on the Cross. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Madonna and Child in the midst of holy people. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Portrait of Frederic the Wise, Elector of Saxony; bust, three-quarters right. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Armand Col. Head of man wearing large hat, dated 1502. (Draw- ing.) "Bonnat Col ■ C • Portrait of Jacob Muflfel, Burgomaster of Nurem- berg, wearing a cap. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Dumesnil Col. Profile of the head of a young girl, right view. On the same sheet two hands. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Gatteaux Col. . Fortresses on a high cliff. (Drawing). C, $1.00. J. Gigoux Col. Bust-portrait of a man wearing a great-coat. turned three-quarters to the left. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. . Bust-portrait of Erasmus of Rotterdam ; almost full face. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. Full-length portrait of an apostle, one knee on the ground. (Drawing.) do. C — The Chateau of Trent. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Malcolm Col. Study of the head of an ox. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Another study of an ox's head. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Seraphim, standing, with wings outspread, turned to the left, playing lute. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Mitchell Col. 360 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Portrait of an old man turned to the left ; his head is entirely covered with a calotte. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Profile of an old man turned to the right, look- ing upward. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The Virgin, Child, and St. Anne seated on a grassy slope. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Woman seated on a bench, almost full face, hold- ing flowers in her hands. Peasant costume. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Portrait of Lord Morley. He is seen behind a table, half length, full face. (Drawing.) Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows. (Triptych on wood.) Madonna of Sorrows. (Central panel of the trip- tych.) The Prophet Jeremiah. (Right wing of the trip- tych.) The Evangelist St. Luke. (Left wing of the trip- tych.) Large composition for a high altar-picture. The principal subject represents God the Father borne upon clouds, holding the crucified Christ for the adoration of the prophets and the blessed. (Drawing.) The Annunciation. The Virgin is seated towards the right, under a canopy. Tlie angel Gabriel gives her a paper, upon which is written an inscription. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Portrait of a man wearing a cap, full face; land- scape in the background. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Portrait of a young man wearing a broad-brimmed hat, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Two heads of women; the one is young, almost full face; the other is old, three-quarters face, turned to the left. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Holy Family. The Virgin, seated, holds upon her knee the Child Jesus, who is turning towards St. Catherine of Alexandria, kneeling at His feet. Behind this group, St. James the Great Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ T) 2>h A A\ Mitchell Coll. do. do. do. do. Besangon. do. do. do. Chantilly. do. do. do. do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 361 and St. John, standing. At the right, an angel seated; at the left, an angel playing a musical instrument. (Drawing.) Portrait of a man, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Christ on the cross between the two thieves ; rich composition with many figures. Monogram, with date 1502. (Drawing.) The Virgin seated under a magnificent portico holding the Child on her knee ; at their feet, little angels, and two rabbits ; in the back- ground, St. Joseph. Monogram with date 1509. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Monkey Dance. (Pen drawing.) C, $1.25. Autograph letter of the master on the back of the above drawing. C, $1.00. Portrait of Frederic the Wise (1463- 1525). Portrait of Jacob Mufifel. Portrait of Hieronymus Holzschuher. Madonna and Child with St. John, Head of a woman. The Virgin. Bust-portrait of Elizabeth Tucker. Christ on the Cross. Christ Bearing His Cross. Portrait of a man (Bernard de Ressen?). The -Madonna, with the Child sleeping. Triptych. (This central panel is probably by an unknown master of the early German school.) Portrait of Bernhard von Orley. Wings of the preceding triptych : right, St. Sebas- tian; left, St. Anthony; both surrounded by angels. The Dresden Altar. The Holy Family ; the Virgin is seated holding the Child Jesus on her knee ; angels on the ground. (Drawing.) Christ on the cross, and a warrior kneeling. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Head of a man turned three-quarters to the right. (Drawing.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Chantilly. Lille. Baile. — C — C do. do. do. Berlin. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c — c c — c do. — — — — Q — . do. c Cassel. c — c Dresden. C BC do. do. c c do. __^ do. C -- do. __c do. c -- Dresden, R. C. c — do. do. r 3Gii SOULE ART COM PAX l\ C, Head of Christ turned to the left. . (Drawing.) Mary Crowned by Angels. (Engraving.) $i.oo. St. Sebastian. (Engraving.) C, .75. The Virgin suckling the Child. (Engraving.) C, •75. The Little Courier. (Engraving.) C, .75. The Three Peasants. (Engraving.) C, .75. Madonna of the Monkey. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Adam and Eve. (Engraving.) C, $1.25. Five subjects. (Engraving.) Death and the Knight. (Engraving.) C, $1.25. St. Eustace and St. Hubert. (Engraving.) $1.75- The Virgin. (Engraving.) $1.00. Mary of the Starry Crown. (Engraving.) C, .75. The Nativity. (Engraving.) C $1.00. Madonna and Child leaning against a tree. (En- graving.) C, .75. Portrait of ^lelanchthon. (Engra^^ng.) C, $i.OO. Melancholy. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. The Virgin, and the Child in swaddling clothes. (Engraving.) C. $1.00. Frederic, Ducal Elector of Saxony. (Engraving.) C. $1.00. The Cook and his Wife. (Engraving.) Three genii. (Engraving.) C, .75. The Grand Courier. (Engraving.) C, Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane. ing.) C, $1.00. Christ Bound. (Engraving.) C, .75. Christ with His arms Extended. (Engraving.) •75- Study of a woman, nude figure, full face. (Draw'- ing.) C, $1.00. Head of a tiger. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Allegory. (Drawing.) C. $1.00. Job Cared for by his Wife. Portrait of the artist, by himself. D.. i6x2T inches, on India, $5.00: on Japan. $10.00. A Pieta. St. John the Evangelist and St. Peter the Apostle. c, .75. •75- (Engrav C. BOSTOX. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Dresden, R. C. ^ — C do. do. do. do. do. - do. do. do. C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Dresden, P. G. do. do. Frankfort. C Munich, do. do. — C — C — C C C C C C C C C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 363 2 2^ 3 34 4 4i c: C C — C — c c — c — c c — c ^ — — c c — c — c c — c — c c — c — — c c — c c — — — c c — c c Gallery. Sizes, St. Peter and St. Mark. Munich. The Nativity. do. Stephen Baumgartner. do. Lucas Baumgartner. do. Oswolt Krel. do. Death of Lucretia. do. Bust-portrait of Michael Wohlgemuth. do. Portrait of a young man. do. St. Joachim and St. Joseph. do. St. Simeon and St. Lazarus. do. Charlemagne standing, full-length figure. (Draw- ing.) C, $i.oo, Weimar. (Attributed.) The Virgin suckling the Child. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. do. Figure of a man-at-arms kneeling. (Drawing.) C, .75. • do. Portrait of the Emperor Maximilian I. Vienna, Imp. Mus. C — C — Madonna and Child. do. C — Adoration of the Holy Trinity. do. C C C C Male portrait ; bust. do. C Martyrdom of the Ten Thousand Christians in Persia. do. C C - — Avarice. An old woman, her breast bare, holding a bag of money. do. C — Madonna and Child with a pear. do. C Portrait of Johann Kleberger. do. C C (After Diirer.) Feast of the Crown of Roses. do. C Portrait of the artist at the age of 14 years, witfi autograph. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Vienna, Albertina. Portrait of Andreas Diirer ; bust, three-quarters to the left. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. The Visitation. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. The Nativity. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Adoration of the Magi. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. . Madonna holding the Child Jesus, and St. Anne. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. — Last Supper. (Drawing.) $1.75. do. — Christ kneeling. His hands clasped ; left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. 364 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sices, 2 2\ 3 3^ 4 4^ Christ in Gethsemane. (Drawing.) \'ienna, Albertina. C Christ Before Herod. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Christ Crowned with Thorns. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Bearing the Cross. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. The Crucifixion. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Christ on the Cross. At His feet the Virgin and St. John. (Drawing.) do. C Death of the Virgin. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Holy Family; group of eight figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. . Madonna and Child; at their feet an angel playing the violin ; saints on either side. (Drawing ) C, $1.25. do. St. Paul seated, slightly turned to the right. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Martyrdom of the Ten Thousand. (Drawing.) do. C Temptation of St. Anthony. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. ^'enus sitting on a dolphin. Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. . ]Moses seated, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. r Bust of a man. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Bust of a woman, left profile. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Study of proportions in the figure of man, right profile, and full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. The same study reversed, the man shov;ing full face, and left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Triumphal Car of the Emperor Maximilian. (Drawing.) ' do. C Horseman for the Triumph of Maximilian. French trophy. (Drawing.) do. ^ C The same. Italian trophy. (Drawing.) do. C The same. Spanish trophy. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. The same. Hungarian trophy. (Drawing.) C. $2.50. do. Horseman for the Triumph of Maximilian. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. The same. (Drawing.) do. ■■ C Detail of armor with ornaments. (Drawing.) C, $1-25. do. The same. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. LORNA DOONE. GARRETT IN THE FIGHTING TOP. GIBBS AMATEUR SURGEON. " OF THE UNIVERSITY ESCAPE OF THE CONSTITUTION. GIBBS NAPOLEON AS CONSUL. GREU2E BROKEN PITCHER. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 365 View of the Cathedral of Antwerp. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. View of Antwerp; the Port. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Mountainous landscape ; in the distance a chateau. (Drawing.) (After Mantegna.) Bacchanal ; group of ten fig- ures. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. (After Mantegna.) Combat of Tritons. (Draw- ing-) Various sketches : Rape of Europa ; three heads of lions ; two male figures standing. (Drawing.) The Unjust Judge ; composition of thirteen figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. The Virgin suckling the Child ; half-length figure. (Drawing.) C, $2.50, Portrait of Maximilian I.; bust, turned three-quar- ters to the left. (Drawing.) Portrait of a man ; bust, slightly turned to the left. (Drawing.) Portrait of a man ; bust, turned three-quarters to the left. (Drawing.) 'Study of a man ; half-length figure, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Portrait of Felix Nungersberg, lute-player; left profile. He is kneeling, his hand clasped. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Portrait of a woman wearing a veil : bust. (Draw- ing-) C., .75. Bust-portrait of Felix Nungersberg; bust slightly turned to the right. (Drawing.) C, .75. Portrait of Agnes, the wife of Albrecht Diirer ; bust, right profile. (Drawing.) C, .75. The Transfiguration ; composition of five figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Adoration of the Magi ; in the centre, the Virgin is seated holding the Child ; behind her, St. Joseph ; beside her, the Magi oflfering their gifts. (Drawing.) The Kiss of Judas. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Christ Before Herod. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Christ Before Caiaphas. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Vienna, Albertina. do. do. C — do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. — C — C — C — C — 366 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4I The Flagellation. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Vienna, Albertina. The Crowning with Thorns. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Ecce H mo. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Christ linking under the Weight of His Cross. (' -awing.) C, $1.25. do. The ailing to the Cross. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Chri^. on the Cross. (Drawing.) C. $1.25. do. Descent from the Cross. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. The Entombment. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. The Resurrection. (Drawing.) C, $125. do. St. Thomas standing, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. St. Philip standing, almost full face. (Drawing.) do. C Study for St. John standing, full face, his hands clasped. (Drawing.) do. C Temptation of St. Anthony; group of two figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. _ Study of a woman ; nude figure, reclining, left pro- file. (Drawing.) do. C Portrait of Michael Wolgemuth; head slightly turned to the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Head of an old man with long gray beard ; slight- ly turned to the left. (Drawing.) do. C Portrait of a gray-haired old man. D., 16x21 inch- es, on India, $5.00; on Japan, $10.00. do. Head of an old man bent forward ; almost full face. (Drawing.) do. C Head of a bald old man with a long beard; right profile. (Drawing.) do. C Head of a woman, full face. (Drawing.) do. C Study of two clasped hands. (Drawing.) do. AC Study of a left hand and sleeve drapery. (Drawing.) do. C Study of left hand and arm. (Drawing.) do. C — A skull placed upon a table. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. An open book upon a desk; below, two closed books and a box. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Study of drapery for man standing. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Study of drapery for man seated. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Study of drapery for man seated. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 367 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ s 3i 4 4i Vienna, Albertina, do. do. C do. C do. C — do. do. — do. C — do. do. do. do. do. C — do. C ' Buda-Pesth. C Two studies of drapery. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Design for an ornamented poniard. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. The Virgin and Infant Child seated in a landscape ', in the distance a large town. (Drawing.) Horseman armed with a lance, left profile. (Drawing.) Piece of jewelry. (Drawing.) View of Innsbruck. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. View of Nuremberg. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Square oi Nuremberg, drawn from Albrecht Dii- rer's house. (Drawing.) Opposite side of the same. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. A hare. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. A quail. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Botanical study. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. A Corner of the Meadow. (Drawing.) Design for a fountain. (Drawing.) Portrait of a man. Studies: a hunt; a satyr; an eagle, etc. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Studies: The Virgin; an angel; a hand, etc. (Drawing.) do. (After Diirer.) Portrait of Wilibald Pirkheimer, friend of the artist. . Amsterdam. Portrait of Frederic III., Elector of Saxony. Antwerp. Madonna and Child with saints. Windsor, The Virgin and Child Jesus, who is playing with a bird attached to a string ; above, an angel bear- > ing a crown. (Drawing.) do. Madonna and Child ; at their feet an angel playing a violin. (Drawing.) do. The Apostle St. Paul standing. (Drawing.) do. Allegorical composition : "Pupilla Augusta" ; in the background, the town of Nuremberg. (Draw- ing.) do. Madonna and Child; at the right. Little St. John. (Drawing.) Chatsworth. Woman and a child taking a bath. (Drawing.) do. Bust-portrait of a man wearing a berettta. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. C C C C C C C 368 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Portrait of the artist, by himself, at the age of 26 years. Calvary. (Grisaille.) Portrait of an old man holding a chaplet. St. Philip, Apostle. (Head painted in distemper.) St. James, Apostle. (Head painted in distemper.) The A'irgin holding the Infant Jesus in her arms. Adoration of the Magi. Studies : horseman ; nude man standing ; head of a Turk; child lying down, etc. (Drawing.) " C.,$r.75. Study of a woman : nude figure, standing, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Man's head, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Beheading of St. Catherine ; group of two figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Christ Sinking under the Weight of the Cross; composition of many figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Bearing the Cross. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The Entombment. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Descent from the Cross. (Drawing.) C.^ $1.25. Lady and Cavalier, both standing. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Head of a negress, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Draped male figure kneeling. (Drawing.) C, .75. Man's head, left profile. (Drawing.) C, .75. Draped male figure standing, left profile. (Draw- ing.) C, .75. Head of Christ. (Drawing.) C, .75. Evangelist standing. (Drawing.) C, .75. Male bust, right profile. (Drawing.) C, .75. Horseman turned to the left : The Falconer. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Warriors on horseback, turned to the left. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Eve. Adam. Jesus Among the Doctors. (School of.) Portrait of a nobleman of the Benti- voglio family. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Florence, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Uffizi. C PIC PIC do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Florence. do. Rome, Barb Pitti. Rome, Borghese. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 369 Gallery. Siacs, 2 2^ ^ 3i 4 4i Samson Dispersing- the Philistines, (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Milan, Amb. St. Mark writing, lion lying at his feet. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do. Female costume and head. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Christ in Gethsemane. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Mountainous landscape ; on the hill at the right a fortress. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Landscape ; a rocky seaport. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. The Assumption. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Pieta ; composition of six figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Christ Bound to the Pillar; composition of eight figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Christ Led to Calvary. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Lansquenet with his horse turned to the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. ■ do. Lansquenet with his horse turned to the left. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Christ on the Mount of Olives. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Horseman galloping to the left and drawing his bow. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. The Virgin suckling the Infant Jesus. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Venice. The Virgin seated on the manger holding the In- fant Jesus. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Study for a Christ on the Cross. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. The Assumption; sketch. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. (Attributed.) The Flight into Egypt. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. (Attributed.) Woman's head, left profile. (Draw- ing.) C, .75. do. Adam Holding the Apple in his Hand. D., I4fx 5| inches, $5.00. Madrid. C Eve Receiving the Forbidden Fruit from the Ser- pent. D., I4fx5f inches, $5.00. do. C Bust of Eve. (Detail of the above.) do. C Portrait of the artist at the age of 26 years. D., I2|x9^ inches, $3.00. do C — 370 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Portrait of a man about 50 years old. D., I2\yi 9 inches, $2.00. DURST (Auguste). Bom in Paris. (Modern.) The Farmer's Daughters. Eve. DURUPT (Charles). Paris, 1804- 1838. (French School.) Portrait of General Antoine Richepance (1770- 1802), represented as a Lieutenant in the ist Light Horse Cavalry (1792). DUSART (Coinelis). Haarlem, i66o-\yo^.{ Dutch School.) The Festival of St. Nicholas. In a kitchen, chil- dren playing round a chair laden with bread and fruit; the mother, about to Hft a saucepan from the fire; to the right, the father smoking his pipe. (Drawing.) C, %2.y Peasants. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. Interior. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Sketch of a cottage. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Return from the Kirmesse. (Engraving.) C, $1.25. Peasants dancing in a square. (Drawing.) C. $i-75- Peasants in front of an alehouse. Strolling Musicians. The Fish-market. Maternal Joy. The Village Kirmesse. The Village Tavern. Interior of an inn. Fair in Holland. Interior. DUTERTRE (Andre). Paris, 1753-1852. (French School.) Portrait of Reynier (Jean Louis Ebenezer, Count), General of Division (1771-1814). (Drawing.) c, $1.75. Portrait of Menou (Jacques Francois), General-in- Chief of the Army of the Orient (1750-1810). (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Madrid. C Modern Painters, do. C C Versailles. — C - J. Ephrussi Col. Brunswick. B Dresden, R. C. do. do. Weimar. Vienna Mus. C Amsterdam. C do. C do. C — C do. C — do. C — The Hague. C — C Brussels. C — C Antwerp. C — Versailles. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 371 DUVAL (Amaury). See AMAURY DUVAL. DUVENT (Charles). The Procession. (Triptych.) (Salon of 1898.) DU VERGER (Theophile Emmanuel). Born in Bordeaux. (Modern.) The Husbandman and his Children. (Sa'lon of 1865.) The Little Bears. The Garret, DUYSTER (Cornelisz William). Soldiers Quarreling over the Spoils. Backgammon-players. DVORAK (F.) (Modern.) Faith. Love. Hope, An Idyll. Hop, hop, Rider ! "Who is It?" Fedora, Bianca, Silence. Coquette. Peep-boo I Claire. Hansl. Gretl, Gold Elsie. Hemdenmatzchen. Finishing Touch. Hide-and-seek, The Blessing of the Home. Engerltragen, • "Don't Cry." Butterfly-hunter, Feeding the Dogs. First Lessons in Art. "All together 1" Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters, Paris, Lux. C C Modern Painters. C do. C London, N. G. C — C do. C — C Modern Painters. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do, C do. C — C do, c C — C do, C — C do. C — C do, C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C do, C do, C do. C do. C — C do, C — C do, C — C do. C — C do, C ~ C do, C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C 372 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON: 'Bon Jour !" Kitty's Lullaby. • Nelly. Olio. "It won't Bite!" Playing Ball. Happy Childhood. "Dear Little Dolly !" The Egotist. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. The Biter Bit. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C Antwerp, 1599 — Blackfriars, (Flemish School.) DYCK (Anton van). England, 1641. Madonna and Child. The Madonna and Donors. Portrait of Charles I., King of England. Portraits of the children of Charles I. Portraits of Charles Louis (or Ludovik) L, Duke of Bavaria, and of Robert (or Rupert), his brother, created, later, Duke of Cumberland by Charles I. Portrait of Isabella Claire Eugenie of Austria, In- fanta of Spain, Sovereign of the Netherlands. Equestrian portrait of Frc.nqois de Moncade, Mar- quis d'Aytona, Generalissimo of the Spanish troops in the Netherlands. Bust-portrait of Francois de Moncade. Portraits of man and child. Portraits of a lady and her daughter. Portrait of the Duke of Richmond. Head of an old man. Bust of St. Joseph. Portrait of a woman. Portrait of Van Dyck. (Attributed also to Rubens.) Portrait of Jean Grusset Richardot, President of the Privy Council of the Netherlands ; and of his son. Portrait of Diodorus van Thulden, professor. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Portrait of a man, full-length figure, slightly turned to the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Head of a man, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Paris, Louvre, do. do. do. C — C C C — C C C — C C — C C — C C C — C C C A C C C AC c c c c do. C — C do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c — c do. c — c — c do. c — c do. c do. c do. c do. c — c do. do. do. do. C — C — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 373 Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Bust of a child with its head leaning forward ; three-quarters left view. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Paris, Louvre. A — Man's head turned to the left. do. C (After Van Dyck.) Christ Crowned with Thorns ; composition of many figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Portrait of Simon de Vos. C, $1.25. do. The Tribute Money. Old Masters. C Portrait of a man. do. C Portrait of Councilor Marcleur. do. C — The Dead Christ. do. C — Portrait of Frangois II. de Bassompierre (1579- 1656), Colonel-General of Switzerland, Marshal of France. Nat'l Portraits. C Bust of the artist, Van Kessel, leaning backward ; A. M. E., three-quarters left view. C, $1.00. Arago Col. Portrait of the artist, Gerard Seghers ; bust, turned to the right. (Drawing.) Armand Col. C Bearing the Cross. Christ falls down under the weight of the cross, surrounded by Roman soldiers. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. De Beurn'le Col. Portrait of a woman. Durand-Ruel Col. C — Full-length portrait of Cardinal Bentivoglio, seated, a book in his hand. (Drawing.) Dutuit Col. C Portrait of William de Vos. (Drawing in black crayon.) do. C Portrait of Gaspard Crayer; half-length figure, turned to the left, almost full face. (Draw-. ing.) do. C Christ Insulted by Roman Soldiers in Pilate's Pal- ace. (Drawing.) $1.25. do. Portrait of William de Vos ; half length, left profile, (Drawing.) do. C Portrait of the artist, Daniel Mytens ; turned to the right, almost full face. (Drawing.) Lange Col. C Head of a Belgian wearing a hat ; profile. (Black crayon drawing relieved with red.) C, $1.00. Besanc^on. Portrait of the Princess de Barbanqon. Chantilly. C Portrait of Count Henry de Berghe. do. C Portrait of Gaston de France, Duke of Orleans (1608-1660), third son of Henry IV., and broth- er of Louis XIII. do. C 374 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Portrait of William de Neuburg. Dance of Cupids; composition of seven children with hands joined, dancing. (Drawing.) Portrait of Marie de Medici (1573-1642), Queen of France. Portraits of woman and her tv/o children. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. The Christ of the Reed. The Dead Christ and the Holy Women. Portrait of Prince Thomas Francois of Savoy-Car- ignan. Madonna and Child Adored by St. Magdalen and King David. Children of Charles I., King of England. Detail of the above : the eldest child alone. Penitent Sinners. The Two St. Johns. Portrait of a man. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. Justus van Meerstraeten, Pensioner of Brussels. Portrait of an old gentleman. Portrait of a lady. Double-portrait of a man and his wife. The artist, Franz Snyders, and his wife. Portrait of Elizabeth von Assche. Herr von Leers, Burgomaster of Antwerp, and his wife and son. Portrait of an Italian. The artist Jan Wildens. The brothers Lucas and Cornells de Wael. Drunken Silenus Supported by Bacchantes. Danae Seduced by Jupiter Metamorphosed into a Shower of Gold. St. Jerome. The Child Jesus standing near a globe of the world and treading the serpent under foot. Portrait of Charles L, King of England. Detail of the above : head of Charles L Henrietta Maria, Princess of France, wife 01 Charles I., King of England. Detail of the above : head of Henrietta Maria. ♦Portrait of the three children of Charles I. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Chantilly. C do. C Lille Museum. — C — Lille-Lenghart Col. Beriin. C C do. B — B G C do. C C C BG BC do. C — do. flC C — c do. c — do. c — c do. — — — c — c Brunswick. — — B Cassel. — c c c — c do. — c c c — c do. — c c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c — c do. — c — c Dresden. c c do. c c do. c c do. c c __ do. BC — BC — — B do. c — do. BC — BC c — B do. C — do. BC — BG c — B ♦This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6>^X9 inches, $1.80. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 375 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4i Portrait of a man. Dresden. C C Portrait of a woman. (Companion picture to the above.) do. C Portrait of the Chevalier Engelbert Taie, Baron of Wemmel. Male portrait. (Brother of Rubens?) Portrait of the artist, Martin Ryckaert. A man in armor. Portrait of the Scotchman, Thomas Parr, painted in his 151st year. Bust of man dressed in black. Portrait of man in steel armor. Portrait of a man. Portrait of an old lady. Portrait of a field-marshal, with red arm-straps. Portrait of man, seated, wearing a fur cloak. Portrait of an old gentleman. Portrait of a lady dressed in black. Head of young man turned to the right. (Draw- ing-) Children holding garlands; frieze. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Head of Christ. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Christ seated; half-length figure. (Drawing.) Study of a nude child. (Drawing.) Portrait of young man, half-length figure. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. Portrait of De Witt. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Portrait of De Witt. (Engraving.) C, $1.25. Portrait of E. Sustermans. (Engraving.) C, $1.25. Portrait of young man (originally in the gallery of Cardinal Fesch). The Burgomaster of Antwerp. Wife of the Burgomaster of Antwerp. The Virgin, Christ and St. John. Portrait of a young man. Portrait of the artist, by himself. The artist, Jan de Wael, and his wife. Portrait of the artist Karl Malery. The Duke of Croix. do. C C do. C C do. C do. C do. c C do. do. do. do. do. do. C C do. do. IIIc -- Dresden, R. C. c do. do. do. c do. c do. — do. do. do. — Frankfort. c Munich. — c c c — c do. — c c c — c do. — c c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. — c c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c 376 SOULE ART COMPANY, BJSTON. Gallery. The Duchess of Croix. Munich. Frau Colyn de Nole with her child. do. Portrait of an unknown man. do. The Organist Liberty. D., 16x21 inches, on India, $5.00; on Japan, $io.oo. do. The wife of the artist. - do. Repose in Egypt. do. St. Sebastian Bound to a Tree. do. Susanna at the Bath. do. Christ Mourned. do. Christ Speaking to the Paralytic He has Healed. do. Martyrdom of St. Sebastian. do. Christ Mourned. do. Marquis de Mirabella. do. Jan Brueghel. do. General Tilly. do. Count Albrecht von Wallenstein. do. Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden. do. The artist Palamedesz. do. Marie de Medici. do. Duke Wolfgang Wilhelm von Neuburg. do. Portrait of the sculptor, Colyn de Nole. do. Christ on the Cross. do. Battle of Martin d'Eglise. do. P. Snayers. do. (Pupil and followers of Anton van Dyck.) Bust- portrait of a young man. do. Portrait of Queen Henrietta Maria, consort of King Charles I., of England. do. Portrait of man, head bare, turned three-quarters to the left. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Weimar. Portrait of man, bust, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Portrait of nobleman, bust, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Full-length portrait of a nobleman. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Satyr and child; sketch. (Drawing.) do. Bust-portrait of a nobleman, almost full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Portrait of a man, bust, turned toward the left, (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Shcs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4.^ c (5 — c — c c c — c — c c c — c — c c — c — c c - c c c c - c — c c — c — c c — c c c c — c c — c — c c — c — c c — c c — c c — c c — c r - c c — c c — c c — c c c c — c — c c — c c — c c — c c — c — c c — c — c c — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 377 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4I The Virgin and the Donor ; study for the picture in the Louvre. (Drawing.) Munich. C — Head of a young man. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Pieta. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Portrait of the architect, Inigo Jones. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Portrait of a young woman. Vienna Museum. C Female portrait. do. C — Portrait of Count Henri of Vandenburgh in armor. do. C C Study of a female head. do. C Portrait of a man. do. C Portrait of a man. do. C Portrait of Prince Karl Ludwig of the Palatinate at the age of 15 years. do. C C Portrait of Prince Rupert of the Palatinate at the age of 12 years. do. C C Portrait of Prince Rhodokanatis. d(?, C — C Christ on the Cross. do. C Samson and Delilah. do. C C Full-length portrait of Countess Amelie de Solms, Princess of Orange. do. C — C Ecce Homo. do. C C Holy Family. do. fl C C St. Francis Seraphicus holding a cross and a skull. do. — — C Portrait of the Spanish Councillor, John of Mont- fort, do. C C Portrait of a man. do. C • Pieta. do. C Venus receiving from Vulcan the arms of ^neas. do. C C Portrait of the artist, Snyders. do. , C Portrait of a man. do. C St. Rosalie receiving a crown from the Child Jesus. do. C ■ Ecce Homo. do. C C Hermann Joseph in Bliss on his Knees before the Virgin. do. C C Portrait of Marie Louise Tassis. D., 10x27 inches, on India, $10.00; on Japan, $20.00. Vienna, Liecht. C — C C Portrait of a gentleman (erroneously called Wal- lenstein). do. — C C C The Entombment. do. C C Portrait of lady. do. C C 378 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Portrait of man. (Companion picture to above.) Portrait of man. Portrait of lady. (Companion picture to above.) The Virgin holding the Child Jesus by both hands. Portrait of the Archduke Ferdinand of Austria. Portrait of a religious of the Tassis family, Ant- werp. Portrait of an old gentleman. Portrait of a young lady standing. Portrait of Count John of Nassau in armor. Christ on the Cross. Portrait of a horseman. Portrait of Erikius Puteanus. Bust-portrait of the artist, Franz Snyders. Portrait of the artist, Caspar de Crayer. Portrait of a man. St. Jerome. Portrait of a woman. Portrait of a man. Portrait of the artist, Martin Rykaert. Portrait of the Archduchess Clara Isabella Euge- nia as Abbess. Portrait of a man. Portrait of a man. Male portrait. Vision of Ezekiel. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Adoration of the Shepherds ; group of eight figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. The Repose in Egypt. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Christ and the Paralytic ; group of eleven figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Betrayal of Judas ; sketch. (Drawing.) The body of Christ surrounded by six figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. The body of Christ wept over by angels. (Draw- ing.) C, $2.50. Descent of the Holy Ghost. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. The Wise and Foolish Virgins. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. St. Jerome before the Virgin; composition of ten figures. (Drawing.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Vienna, Liecht. C do. C do. C do. C C do. C C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C — C C — C C — C C — C C C C — do. C do. C do. C do. C Vienna, Albertina. do. do. do. do. C do. do. do. do. do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 379 The same subject; composition of eight figures. (Drawing.) Two draped male figures, the one on the left seated. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. A monk kneeling and a man and woman standing. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Study of trees. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Head of an old man, right profile, (Drawing.) C, .75- Head of a bishop, full face. (Drawing.) C, .75. Bust of young man, his head turned to the left. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Bust of young man wearing a round hat, three- quarters to the left. (Drawing.) C, .75. Two English heralds-at-arms, walking towards the left. (Drawing.) C, 92.50. Young lord seated, full face. (Drawing.) Portrait of Gaspard Gevaertius : half-length figure, almost full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Portrait of Artus Wolfaeert ; half-length figure slightly turned to the left. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Portrait of an unknown person ; half-length figure, his left* hand upon his hip. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Portrait of man ; bust, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Portrait of Fran(;ois Lelio Brancaccio ; bust, turned to the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Portrait of Jan van Milder, sculptor; head, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Portrait of a general; full-length figure standing, full face. (Drawing.) The Trinity. Head of a monk. Portrait of Jacob van der Borcht, Burgomaster of Antwerp. Portraits of William H., Prince of Orange, and of his fiancee. Princess Mary Stuart, daughter of Charles I. of England. (Old copy.) Detail of the above : the two heads. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ j 3^ 4 4^ Vienna, Albertina. C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C do. — — — — Buda-Pesth. C — do. Amsterdam. • c c do. c c c c do. c c c ^ c 380 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. (Attributed.) The Repentant Magdalen. The Glorification of the Virgin. (This picture is doubtless the work of the Spanish artist, An- tolines Jose.) (After Van Dyck.) The Agony of Christ. Portrait of man. Portrait of John Baptist Franck. Portrait of Lord Sheffield, aged about 37 years. Portrait of Anna Waek, wife of Lord Sheffield, aged about 22 years. Portrait of Quintyn Simons, artist, of Antwerp. A. Delafaille, Alderman of Antwerp in the XVIL century. Martyrdom of St. Peter. Drunken Silenus supported by a faun and a Bac- chante. Christ on the Cross. Portrait of Jean Malderus, 5th Bishop of Antwerp. Descent from the Cross. The Entombment. Full-length portrait of Caesar Alexander Scaglia. Christ on the Cross. (Contested.) Portrait of a priest. (Van Dyck and Jan Fyt.) Portrait of a young girl with puppies. Portrait of Rubens. St. Ambrose Forbidding the Emperor Theodosius to Enter the Church. Portrait, generally called Gevaertius; it is more probably that of Cornelius van der Geest. D., 16x13 inches, $5.00. The Miraculous Draught of Fishes. (After the picture by Rubens at Malines.) Portrait of an artist. Horsemen in three different positions ; study for the equestrian portrait of Moncade. Portrait of a man. Madonna and Child. Equestrian portrait of Charles L, King of England, with his equerry. Sir Thomas Norton ; first Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3i 4 4i Amsterdam. — — c c — c do. c do. C — c c — c do. c Amstdm. V. d. H. C . c c — c The Hague. c C — c do. c c — c do. c c — c Brussels. c c — c do. — c — c do. c — c Antwerp. — ■ — c do. c do. c — c do. c — c — — — do. c _ do. c — c do. c do. c . London, N. G. c do. do. — C C — C C C — C do. C C — C do. C — c don,Buck.Pal. C C do. C — do. C C — — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 381 sketch for the picture in the National Gallery, London. Christ Healing the Sick. The Marriage of St. Catherine. Portrait of Charles I.; the bust in three different positions. Full-length portrait of Henrietta, Queen of Eng- land. Portrait of Henrietta of England, full face. Portrait of Henrietta of England, profile. Portrait of Henrietta of England, half length. Portrait of three children of Charles I. : Charles n., James H., Mary, ^-*rincess of Orange. The five children of Charles I.: Charles H., James H., Princess Mary, Princess Elizabeth and Princess Anne. Portrait of Charles H. in armor. George, Duke of Buckingham, and his brother. Lord Francis Villiers. Portrait of Frances, Countess of Dorset. Portrait of Lucy, Countess of Carlisle. Portrait of Mary, Duchess of Richmond. Portrait of Beatrice de Cusance, Princess of Cante- Croix. Portrait of Beatrice de Cusance (detail). Portrait of Venetia, Lady Digby (allegory). Portrait of Sir Kenelm Digby (allegory). Portrait of Frangois Thomas, Prince of Savoy-Car- ignan. Portrait of Thomas Killigrew and Thomas Carew. Portrait of the artist (perhaps by himself). Portrait of Lord Snelling. Portrait of Duke Heinrich \ on Burgh. Portrait of Charles L, King of England, and of his consort, Henrietta Maria, seated, with Prince Charles and James, Duke of York. Equestrian portrait of King Charles L, with his equerry, M. de St. Antoine, carrying the king's helmet. Studies of three heads and two feet. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Gallery. Siacs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ London, Buck. PI. — C C do. C C do. C C Windsor. C C do. — — C C do. C C do. C C do. C C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Chats worth. C C c c c c c c c c c c c c c c — c — c c c c c c c — — c — c c c c c 382 SOULE ART COMPANY, Sketch of eleven heads. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Sketch of thirteen heads. (Drawing.) Sketch of eleven heads. (Drawing.) C, $125. Bust-portrait of a man, head turned three-quarters to the left. (Drawing.) Two figures, a woman leading a poor wretch by the hand. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Portrait of Princess Marguerite de Lorraine, wife of Prince Gaston of France. Portrait of the artist, by himself. The Madonna and Child in Heaven, God the Father and Angels. Portrait of John de Montfort ; bust. Equestrian portrait of Charles I. in full armor. Child's head looking toward the right. (Drawing. C, $1.00. Portrait of lady seated, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Portrait of man standing, three-quarters length, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Studies : draped female figure, half length, and a right hand. (Drawing.) Portrait of Cardinal Guido Bentivoglio. (According to Venturi, by Jannsens van Ceulen.) Portrait of Charles I. of England and of Hen- rietta of France. (According to Venturi, by Sustermans.) Head of the Virgin. (According to Venturi, after Van Dyck.) The Repose in Egypt. Detail of the above : group of angels. The Descent from the Cross. Christ on the Cross. (Attributed.) Portrait of Marie de Medici. Madonna and Child. Portrait of an unknown person. Sketch of the portrait of a child. (According to the catalogue of the Doria Gallery, by Don Diego Valasquez.) Madonna and Child, with angels. Portraits of the poet, Thomas Killigrew, and of Thomas Carew. BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2i 3 3^ 4 4^ Chatsworth. do. C do. do. C do. Florence, Uffizi. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Florence, Pitti. do. do. do. PIC PIC do. C PIC Rome, Borghese. c do. do. Rome, Corsini. llllll do. c Rome, Doria. C Rome, Acad. St. L. C Rome, Capitol. — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 383 Gallery. Shcs, 2 2^ 3 3J 4 4| Baby Stuart (after Van Dyck ; see Canevari). Christ Crowned with Thorns. Portrait of the artist, David Rickaert. Portrait of Cardinal Don Ferdinand of Austria as a child. Portrait of the Countess of Oxford. Portrait of Henry of Nassau, Prince of Orange. Portrait of the Princess of Orange, Amelie de Solms. Equestrian portrait of Charles I. of England. Portrait of Henry, Count de Berghe. Portrait of a musician. D., 164x13 inches, $5.00. Portrait of an unknown person. Portraits of Van Dyck and of his patron, the Count of Bristol. Portrait of Van Dyck ; bust. (Detail of the above.) Portrait of the Count of Bristol ; bust. (Detail of the above.) Portrait of Henri Liberti, organist in Antwerp. Madonna of Sorrows. Portrait of a religious. Diana and Endymion Surprised by a Satyr. St. Francis of Assisi in Ecstasy. Portrait of an old woman. The Lamentation for the Saviour. D., 17x15 inches, $5.00. The Betrayal of Christ. D., i8|xi3^ inches, $5.00. Madonna of the Partridges. D., 14^x19 inches, $5.00. Group of children. (Detail of the above.) St. Thomas. D., 19^x14^ inches, $5.00. St. Sebastian. Portrait of Henrietta of France, wife of King Charles I. do. C Portrait of William n. of Nassau ; half-length fig- ure. D., i8fxi5^ inches, $5.00. do. AC Portrait of William Laud, Archbishop of Canter- bury, beheaded in 1645. do. C Portrait of Henry Danvers, Count of Danby. do. C Portrait of Philip H., Lord Wharton. D., i8fxi5 inches, $5.00. do. C — C Turin, Pin. A Madrid Mus. C — — — do. C — — — do. C do. C -- C — — — do. C _ — do. C do. C do. C do. C — — — . do. C do., do. C — c c PIC do. c do. c — — — do. c — — — do. — — c — do. c — — do. c — do. c do VJ.W. do. St. Peters'g, Her. C — — — do. C — — — do. C do. C — — — 384 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Portrait of Sir Thomas Wharton. Portrait of Elizabeth and Philadelphia Wharton. Portrait of Sir Thomas Chaloner (?). D., iy\yi 13^ inches, $5.00. Portrait of Jean van den Wouver, called Wave- rius; died in 1633. Portrait of N. Bosschaert, treasurer of the city of Antwerp. Portrait of the artist, Jan "Velvet" Brueghel ; died in 1626. Portrait of Madam Bosschaert, wrife of the treas- urer of the city of Antwerp. Portrait of the artist, Inigo Jones. The artist, Franz Snyders, and his family. D., 16 xi4^ inches, $5.00. Portrait of young man. Portrait of young man. (Detail of the above.) Bust of an old man. Portrait of man standing. Portrait of young man, half-length figure. Isabella Brant, first wife of Peter Rubens. D., 17^x14 inches, $5.00. Portrait of Van Dyck as a youth. D , i8|xi4f inches, $5.00. Portrait of Lazarus Maharkijzus, physician in Antwerp. D., 17IX14I inches, $5.00. Susanna Fourment and her daughter Catherine. D., 19x12! inches, $5.00. Portrait of a man, half-length figure. Two English ladies. Tv/o children. DYCK van PHIL. Carl Landgrave of Hesse and his court. DYCKMANS (John Laurens). Born in Antwerp, 181 1. (Flemish School.) The Blind Beggar. D., $6.00. EARL (Percy). (Modern.) Spying for the Herd. D., 20^x8^ inches, $5.00. Hit. D., 20§x8f inches, $5.00. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 2> St. Peters'g, Her. C do. C 3i 4 4i do. do. do. do. Cassel. do. C do. C do. c do. c do. c do. C do. c do. C do. do. do. do. c do. c do. c do. c c c London, N. G. C Modern Painters, do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 385 EBERLE (Adolf). Munich, 1843. News from the War. In the Convent Tavern. Despised Pleasure. Invitation to the Dance. The Baby-carriage. The Wicker Wagon. Bridal Procession. Vain Request. The First Roebuck. Good Advice Costs Dear! Unbidden Guests. Enticing Morsel. Forester's Home. The Jolly Riflemen. Training Animals. Goose for the Church-festival. The Pike. The Children's Friend. In the Dog-kennel. Two Mothers. A Good Haul. From the Fox's Hole. The Triplets. "Not According to My Taste." "Who Dares Go?" Dackl in Distress. The Forester's Prayer. Visit to the Kennels. In the Cow-shed. * The New Master. Examining the Rifle. Ready for Action. The Dairymaid. The Sportsman's Friends. "Ask for It !" EBERSBERGER (M.) (Modern.) Christ the Children's Friend. (Modern.) Gallery. Shcs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. C C do. C do. C — C do. C — C do. C do. C do. C do. C C — C do. C — C do. C do. C do. C do. C C — C do. C — C do. — C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C C — C do. C C — C do. C C — C do. C C — C do. C C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C C — C do. C C — C do. C — C do. C C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C EBERT (Anton). A Wood-nymph. (IModern.) do. do. C C — C 386 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Mutual Instruction. EBERT (Carl). Stuttgart, 1821-1885. (:Modern.) Woodland Scenery. EBNER (Ludwig). Pesth, 1850. (Modern.) The Dream ; female figure. EBNER (R.) (Modern.) High-manege Act. ECHTER (Michael). Munich, 1812-1879. (Mod- em.) Fortuna. Cupids. Spring. Eros and a Nymph. Venus and Cupid. Battle of Lechfelde. ECHTLER (Adolph). Born in Goritz (Austria). (Modern.) Souvenir of Italy. Neapolitans in Normandy. In the Morning. Penitent Sinner. The Happy Mother. Rosette at the Cure's. Found. A Question of Conscience. Modern Esthetics. Doves of St. Mark's. Little Shepherds. At the Well. Before the Tower of St. Mark's. A Venetian woman. Unsatisfactory Information. Children in the Woods, "Come ! Come !" "Honi soit qui mal y pense." Pussy's Breakfast. Fruit-vender. Family scene. Cat's Leap. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modem Painters. C C — C do. do. do. C C B B C C — C do. C do. C C do. C do. C do. C Munich, R. :Max. — C C C Modern Painters. C — C do. C do. C C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C — C do. C — C do. C do. C do. C — C do. C do. — C do. C do. C — C do. C do. C C — C do. C do. C do. C — C do. C SOULE ART COMPANY , BOSTON. 387 Gallery. Sices, 2 2i 3 3i 4 4^ Memories of Italy. Modern Painters. — C An Unpleasant Surprise. do. — C — C Taking Care. do. — C — C "Buy! Buy!" do. — C — c Marietta. do. — — c Memories of Venice. do. — — c c — c A Poor Man. do. — c — c A Family Idyll of Brittany. do. — c — c The Orphans. do. — — c c — c In Faithful Care. do. — — c Unfortunate. do. — — c c — c Out of Tune. do. — c — c Orphaned. do. — — c c — c The Six. do. — c — c Latest News. do. — c — c Lute-player. do. — c — c Brothers at Variance. do. — c — c A Fair of Lovers. do. — — c Cinderella. do. — c — c ECKARDT (A.) (Modern.) "Black Peter." do. — — c c — c The Friends. do. — c — c In the Studio. do. — — c ECKENBRECHER (Themistocles von). Athens, 1842. (Modern.) Sea-piece. do. — c — c ECKERMANS (Alice). (Modern.) Rosa Mystica. (Salon of 1899.) do. — — c — ECKMANN (A.) (Modern.) An Orphan Girl of Amsterdam. do. — — c — — c EDELFELDT (Albert). Born in Helsingfors (Fin- land). (Modern.) Divine Service on the Beach (Finland). (Salon of 1882.) Paris, Lux. — — c — Duke Karl of Sweden Dishonoring the Corpse of his Enemy, Flemine. Modern Painters. — c — c The Seamstresses. do. — — c The Cherries. do. — — c Evening in Finland. do. — — c — M. Pasteur in his Laboratory. do. — — c — — c The Village on Fire. do. — — c 388 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. EDOUARD (Albert Jules). Born in Caen. (Mod- ern.) Thetis. Young- Girl Telling her Secret to Pan. An Evening on the Terraces. (Orient.) EDRIDGE (Henry). London, 1769-1821. (English School.) Farm near Bushyherbs, England. (Drawing.) EECKHOUT (Gerbrand van der). Amsterdam, • 1621-1674. (Dutch School.) Anne Consecrating her Son to the Lord. Portrait of a woman. (Attributed.) Raising of the Daughter of Jairus. Solomon Sacrificing to Strange Gods. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. Mother and Child. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. Tobias Giving his Father Sight. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. Sophonisbe Receiving the Viol Sent to her by Masinissa. Jacob's Dream. (Habich Coll.) Simeon in the Temple with the Infant Jesus in his Arms. Jacob's Dream. Bust portrait of a man. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Portrait of Isaak Commelin. A Kingly Meal (Isaac and Jacob ?). Vertumnus and Pomona. The Woman Taken in Adultery. Adoration of the Magi. (Attributed also to Solo- mon Koninck.) EGGER-LIENZ (Albin). Striebach in the Puster- thal, 1868. (Modern.) A Careful Nurse. Might is Right. On Sunday. EGGERT (S.) (Modem.) Little Recruits. Little Recruit. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. C do. , C London, B. M. Paris, Louvre. Old Masters. Berlin. C — C — — C — C Brunswick. B do. B do. B do. B Cassel. C — C Dresden. C do. C Dresden, R. C. Frankfort. C Vienna, Liecht. C Buda-Pesth. C Amsterdam. C C — C The Hague. .Modern Painters. C do. C do. C — C do. C do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 389 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. C C — C do. C do. C — C do. C do. * C do. C — C The Chimney-sweep. The New Apprentice. The Election. "Lenerl, Take Care!" Dealers. After All, Forgotten ! Dog-days. EGGERTS (S.) (Modern.) It Was Not to Be. EGGLESTON (Benjamin O.) Born in Belvidere, Minn., 1867. (Modern.) The Mirror. PI., 8x1 1 inches $2.00; 16x20, $4.00. The Dawn. A Paris Soup Kitchen. PL, 7x9 inches, $1.00; 8x II, $2.00. The Hat. PL, 7x9 inches, $1.00. The Mower. PL, 7x9 inches, $1.00; 8x11, $2.00. Mother and Child. PL, 7x9 inches, $1.00; 8x11, $2.00. EGMONT (Juste d') JOST VERUS CONSTANT VAN EGMONT. Leyden, 1601— Antwerp, 1674. (Flemish School.) Portrait of Frangoise Angelique de la Motte Hou- dancourt, Duchess of Aumont. (The wreath that surrounds the portrait is by Jean Philip van Thielen.) Portrait of the Great Conde. Louis II. of Bourbon, Prince of Conde (1621-1686). Portrait of the Great Conde at the Tournament of 1662. EHRENBERG (C.) The Norns. (Modern.) EHRLICH (F.) (Modem.) The Prayer;, female figure. EIBL (L.) (Modern.) Still-life. EIBNER (J. Friedrich). Hilpotstein, 1825— Munich, 1877. (Modern.) Strasburg CathedraL do. do. Chantilly. do. do. C — C do. c — C - do. PIC do. c c do. c do. c c c c Modern Painters. B do. do. do. B B B C 390 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Siacs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 41, EICHSTAEDT (R.) (Modern.) Dutch Winder. Modern Painters. C Waiting by the Stile. do. C C — C Christ at the House of Mary and Martha. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; do. C C — C AngeUca. do. C — C Rosetta. do. C — C Queen Louise. D., about 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. C C — C *Parting. (Off to the War.) D., 14^x20 inches, $5.00. do. **Home Again. (The Victor's Return.) D., 14^x20 inches, $5.00. do. EIJSMOND (F.) (Modern.) Obstinate, do. C Parental Joy. do. C EIMART (Johann Christoph). Ratisbonne, 1638- 1705. (German School.) Three heads of young boys. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Dresden, R. C. EISEN (Charles). Brussels, 1722-1778. (Flemish School.) In a grove near a fountain ; Henry IV. at the feet of Gabrielle, surrounded by groups of Cupids playing with the king's weapons. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. ' De Goncourt Col. Apollo and the Muses. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. EISENHUT (F.) (Modern.) Spoils of War. Modern Painters. C C — C Before the Sentence. do. C — C Telling Fairy-stories. do. C — C A Dream. do. C EISERMANN (R.) (Modern.) Sleeping Beauty. do. C C — C Sigune. do. C Arnive. do. C Kunigunde. do. C Edeltraut. do. C — C •This subiect comes in Aquarelle Gravure, 21x15 inches, $12.00. **This subject comes in a Baryto Print. 6>^xq inches, $1.80. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 391 Gallery. Siacs, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ Clotildis. Modern Painters. C Sigismonda. do. C Gioconda, do. C With the Distaff. do. C Thoughtful. do. C — C Margaret and Werner. do. C C — C "Give Him My Regards !" do. — C The Trumpeter's Farewell. do. C C — C "Ring, Ring, Thou Tiny Voice of Spring, Echo Through the World !" do. . C — C Little Red-Riding-Hood. do. C — C Sleeping Beauty. do. C — C GHmpse into the Future. do. C — C EISMAN-SEMENOWSKY. (Modern.) Elvira. do. C Springtime. do. C C A Parisian. do. C Lisette. do. C C Pepita. do. ^ C Convent Flowers. do. C Spring. do. C C Summer. do. ^^ C C Autumn. do. C C Winter. do. C C Mimosa. do. C C Hunting Rendezvous. do. C C Chrysanthemums. do. C Your Health. (Salon of 1898.) do. C C Gaudy Pierrette. (Salon of 1898.) do. C C Lilac. (Salon of 1898.) do. C C Marquisette. (Salon of 1899.) do. C C At the Circus. (Salon of 1899.) do. C C * Pierrette. *Musotte. EKENAES (J.) (Modern.) Musical Children. do. C C Haul of Fish in Norway. * do. C C Caro's Funeral. do. C C •This subject comes in a Fac-Simile Gravure, in colors, 10^x7 inches, $6.00. 392 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Coming Home from Fishing. At the Brook. Water-lilies. The Young Poachers. EKWALL (Knut). Saby, Smaland, Sweden, 1843. (Modern.) Ten Minutes for Dinner. Evening Hours. EL or ELLE. See FERDINAND (Louis). ELIAS (Nicolaes) PICKENOY. Amsterdam, 1590 (?) — about 1656. (Dutch School.) Portrait of Cornelius de Graef, Burgomaster of Amsterdam. Portrait of Catarina Hooft, wife of the above. The Banquet of the Civil Guard, with Captain Jacob Backer and Lieutenant Jacob Rogh (1632?). Four Regents of the House of Correction, with the Bookkeeper. The Civil Guard under Captain Mathys Willemz Raephorst. Portrait of Martin Rey. Portrait of Maria Joachima Swartenhout. ELLIVAL (Charles Edouard Xavier). Boulogne-sur-Seihe. (Modern.) An Offering to Cythera. Born m ELSHEIMER (Adam). Frankfort, 1574— Rome, 1620. (German School.) Mountain landscape with ruins. D., 7^x9 inche.^, $1.50. The Flight into Eg}pt. Joseph Thrown into the Pit by his Brothers. Judith. Jupiter and Mercury with Philemon and Baucis. The Flight into Eg>pt. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. The Sorceress. (Engraving.) C, $1.25. St. Paul and Barnabas at Lystra. The Child Bacchus, and Nymphs at Nysa. Portrait of the artist, by himself. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modem Painters. C — C do. C do. C — C do. C C — C do. do. B B B B Berlin. c C — C do. C C — C Amsterdam. _-C do. c c — c do. c do. c c — c do. c c — c Modern Painters. C Brunswick. B Dresden. C C do. C C do. — C do. C Dresden, R. C. do. Frankfort. C — do. C — Florence, Uffizi. C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 393 Two small pictures : the one with five little figures of Apostles and other saints ; the other with five little figures of saints. ELSLEY (A. J.) (Modern.) *A Dead Heat, D., 21x13! inches, $5.00; Artist's Proofs (200 India), $18.00. *Good-bye. D., 2ifxi3f inches, $5.00; Artist's Proofs (250 India), $18.00. *"Wait a Minute." D., 21x15 inches, $5.00; Art- ist's Proofs (150 India), $15.00. *Soft Persuasion. D., 20^x15 inches; $5.00; Artist's Proofs (200 India), $18.00, ♦Chicks. D., I9fxi4^ inches, $5.00. ♦Divided Afifections. D., 20^x15! inches, $5.00. A Tempting SUde D., 21x15 inches, $5.00 ; Artist's Proofs on India, $15.00 each. EMDEN (H.) (Modern.) A Healthy Stomach. A Sick Stomach. Henpecked Husband. EMEL6 (Wilhelm). Buchen in the Odenwald, 1830. (Modern.) Nuits, December 18, 1870. Patrols of the 7th and 14th Army Corps Meeting at Vesoul on January 20, 1871. Dijon. Last Attack of the Cuirassiers' Division under Bonnemain at Elsasshausen, August 6, 1870. Headquarters of the 14th Army Corps before Belport, January 15 to 17, 1871. King George HI. of England at Dettingen, June 28, 1743- Leonore. Morning Greeting. First Riding-lesson. Departure of Swedish Troopers from Rothenburg, Upper Tauber. Garrison Retiring after the Capitulation. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Florence^ Uffizi. ■ Modern Painters. B do. B do. B do. do. B do. do. do. C do. C do, C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C C C C C C C C — C — C C C — C C — c c c c c *This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. V 394 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ EMERSON (C. Chase). (.Modern.) A triptych: On to the Hunt. PI., $7.50; PI., $4.00. Modern Painters. C — Bible Reading. PL, 10x13 inches, $2.50. do. The Happy Man. PL, loxii inches, $2.00. do. A Rainy Day, Copley Square, Boston. PL, 8x13 inches, $2.00; PL, 9x15, $3.00. do. The Ballet-dancer; a clock. PL, 6x6 inches, $1.00. do. EMLEOLT (P. E.) Bust portrait of the Dauphin. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. London, B. M. ENAULT (Alix). Born in Paris. (Modern.) The Garland. Modern Painters. C Hot-house Flowers. do. C Lais. do. C Diana. do. . C The Adieu. do. C The Abbess of Jouarre. do. C C Flowers of the Orient. (Salon of 1896.) do. C ENCKE (Fedor). Born in Berlin. (IModern.) Solitude. , do. C Woman with a dove. do. C Ariadne. do. B B C ENDE (Felix vbn). (Modern.) Harmless Pursuers. do. C C C An Autumn Flower. do. C C C Up the River. do. C C C The Protege. do. C — C ENGEL (J. F.) (Modern.) The Tourist. do. C The Ferry. do. C C — C On the Way Home. do. C — C Utterly Happy. do. C Superficial Washing. do. C The Fisher-wife. do. B C — BC Escaped. do. C — C Morning Stillness. do. C Girl of Chioggia. do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 395 Gallery. 6"/r«, 2 2} 3 3I 4 4| Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C C — C do. C do. C — C do. C — C After the Ave-Maria. Rendezvous. Secrecy. Congratulations. The Flutist. In His Own Little Tin-pot Way. The Dancer. ENGELBRECHTIG (Cornelis), (or Engelbrech- sten). Leyden, 1468-1533. (Dutch School.) Christ Crowned with Thorns. Berlin. ENGELHARDT (H. v.) (Modern.) "He who knows what yearning means, knows what I suffer." Consolation. Modern Painters, do. — C — C — C — C ENGELHARDT (C.) (Modern.) Afternoon Rest. do. C ENGL (H.) (Modern.) The Betrothal. Father's Pride. "Have You Slept Enough ?" A Versatile Man. "O Dirndl, how Happy I am !" Brotherly Help. Poacher in the Herdsman's Cottage. Botanist's Favorite Flower. Clog-dancing. Stopping at the Inn. Grandfather's Birthday. Plucking the Goose. The Juggler. A Good Shot. The Poacher's Rest. Eri. Toni. Spoils of the Chase. In the Herdsman's Cottage. do. C — C do. C do." C — C do. C do. C do. — C do. c C — C do. C do. C do. C do. c C — C do. C do. C do. c C — C do. C do. C do. — C do. C — C do. C — C 396 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Siscs, , 2 2i 3 3i 4 4i ENNEKING (John J.) Minster, Ohio, 1841. (Mod- em.) Fireplace. PI., 10x13 inches, $2.50. Modern Painters. — Interior. PI., 10x13 inches, $2.50. do. — Sheep. PI., 6x9 inches, $1.50. do. — Sunset. PI., 10x13 inches, $2.50. do. — ENTRAYGUES (Charles Bertrand d'). Born in Brives (Correze). (Modern.) End of the Day. do. — — C — — c On the Fortifications. (Salon of 1898.) do. — — C — — c EPP (Rudolf). Eberbach, Baden, 1834. (Modern.) School's Out ! do. — — c — — c Prestidigitators. do. — — c c — c Birthday Presents. do. — c — c Birthday Morning-. do. — c — c With the Distaff. do. — — c c — c Children Feeding Ducklings. do. — — c First Sword. do. — — c Ducklings. do. — — c Expelled. do. — c — c Grandmother and Grandchild. do. — — c c — c Before the Bath. do. — — c c — c Kate and her Kitten. do. — — c c — c At Prayer. do. — — c Mother-joy. do. — — c c — c Pussy and I. do. — — c c — c The Sisters. do. — c — c Morning Prayer. do. — — c c — c Breakfast. do. — — c c — c Roschen. do. — — c Gretchen. do. — — c In a Grocer's-shop. do. — c Girl of the Black Forest. do. — — — — — c The Young Warrior. do. — — c Motherly Care. do. — — c c — c The Admonition. do. — c — c Woman of the Zillerthal. do. — c — c Woman of the Black Forest. do. — c — c Girl knitting. do. — — c Peasant Girl of the Black Forest. do. — — c c — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 397 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ In the Country. Modern Painters. C C — C Little Knife-grinder. do. C Getting Ready for Church. do. C Woman of the Kirnbach (the Block Forest in Baden). do. C Woman of the Schapbach (the Black Forest in Baden). . do. C An Italian Woman. do. C C — C Little Blockhead. do. C — C An Idyll. do. C C — C The Seamstress. do. C The Little Coward I do. C C — C Little Flatterer. do. C C — C "It's Lorle." do. C C — C Peasant Girl. C To the Beloved. C C — C Child of the Mountains. C — C Binding Nosegays. do. C C — C "Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread." do. C C — C In Rosy Dreams. do. C C — C In the Convent Garden. do. C — C Moved In. do. C — C At Dice. do. C C — C Interrupted Work. . do. C — C Ursi. do. C Stasi. do. C Siesta. do. C Happy Childhood. do. C C — C The New Punch. do. C — C News from Afar, do. C — C Greeting. do. C C — C "You Dear Little Mother!" do. C C — C Vittoria. do. C C — C Loni. do. C — C An Edifying Hour. do. C In the Gentlemen's Room. do. C C — C "Catch Him !" do. C C — C The Lamb. do. C C — C Play. do. C — C "Don't Bite." do. C — C Young Brood. do. C — C 398 SOULE ART COMPANY , BOSTON. Gallery. Sices. 2 2i 3 3^ 4 4A Cheerful Company. Modern Painters. c C — C At the Fountain. do. C C — C Mizi. do. c At Work. do. c — C Amrei. do. C — C Knitting-lesson. do. C — C "Your Health !' do. C — C Winding Off Yarn. do. c — C Sport. do. C — C "Come, my Child I" do. C C — C The Butterflies. do. C C — C Vrenele. do. C — C Summer Flowers. do. c — c My Greatest Treasure. do. — ^ c c — c • The Artist's Patron. do. c c — c Jolly as Can Be. do. c — c "Oh, but You Taste Good !"' do. c — c Story of Little Red-Riding-Hood. do. c — c "It's Barbele." do. c — c Housewife's Power. do. — ^ — c — c O Pleasures of Spring ! do. c c — c Country Idyll. do. c c — c "I Love You, ah, Too Well !" do. c c — c One Glass More ! do. c — c Birthday "Coffee." do. c c — c Good Reckoning. do. c — c A Joke. do. c c — c Bridal Adornment. do. c c — c Study for a head. do. c "Here's to Your Health, Dirndl !" do. c — c Love-letter. do. c — c "I Like You !" do. c c — c "It's Annele." do. c — c "Your Health, Sweetheart !" do. c c — c Between Two Fires. do. c c — c And in the House the Thrifty Housewife Rules. do. c Children of the Fields. do. c — c "Come, Lord Jesus, Be Our Guest !" do. c — c Sparkling Eyes and Sparkling Wine. do. c c — c In the Kitchen. do. c — c Playful Pussy. do. c — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 399 Gallery. Si::cs, 2 2i 3 3J 4 4^ Village Prince. Modern Painters. — C In Sunday Finery. do. C — C Country Messenger. do. C — C The Youngest Sprout. ' do. C — C Attentive, do. C — C Ardent Love. do. C — C "For My Darling." do. C At the Spring. do. ,C "It s Vefele." ' do. C — C Hungry Guests. do. C A Nymph. do. C — C The Uninvited Guest. do. B B "Trust Him Not." do. C — C Grandmamma's Pet. do. C "Your Health !" do. C Mamma's Pet. do. C ERDMANN (Otto). Leipsic, 1834. (Modern.) The Gallant. Companion picture to Beyschlag's "Love." D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. Congratulations. Pleasant Reading. *Presenting the Bride. 1 (Companion pictures.) ^Toasting the Bride. J D., 20x27 inches, $10.00; 16x2l, $5.00. Hurried Recognition. Country Cousins. A Labor of Love. Accepted. The Proposal. Suspense. A Critical Moment. Anais. Eavesdropping. Mother's Consent. Agreeable Interruption. A Good Story. Artists at Court. An Interesting Romance. An Accommodating Oracle. Implicated. do. — C c c — c do. c c — c do. — — — c — c do. — C c c — c do. c c c c — c do. — - — c c — c do. — c c c — c do. — c c c — c do. — c c c — c do. — c c c — c do. — c c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. — . — c c — c do. — c c c — c do. — c c c — c do. c c — c do. c c c c — c do. — c c c — c do. c c — c do. — — c c — c *This subject comes in an Aquarelle Gravure, about 28x22 inches, $18.00. 400 SOULE ART COMPANY , BOSTON. Gallery. Siscs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4h Greeting of the Roses. Modern Painters. C C — c Reading the Will. do. — C C C — c Harmony. do. c c — c Refreshing Draught do. c c — c A Tiff. do. c c — c Petition to the Prince. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. c c c c — c The Convalescent. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. c c c c — c The Love-letter. do. Q — c Before the Promenade. do. c c — c The Enemy's Revenge. do. c c c c — c A Deputation. do. c — c c — c The Birthday. D., 20x27 inches, $10.00. do. — c c c — c ♦Check to the Queen. \ D., 7x10 inches, $1.50. do. c c — c ♦Love's \'ictory. [ (Companion pictures.) do. c c — c An Important Chapter. do. c — c Suspense. do. c c — c ♦The Golden Wedding, D., 20x27 inches, $10.00. A Soubrette. do. do. — — — c^ — c Elsie. do. I Q — c Farewell. do. c c — c ♦The Power of Music. do. c c — c ♦Art Wins the Heart. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. c c — c Enthralled. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. c c — c "Be Quick About It.'' do. c c — c "Can You Explain This ?" do. c c — c A Detrimental. do. c c — c Persuasion. do. c c — c Naming the Day. do. c c — c A Pleasant Interruption. do. c c — c Leave-taking. do. c c — c Mathilde. do. c — c "Good Morning !" do. — c ♦Two Parties. do. c c — c The Love-letter. do. B B Indiscretion. do. B B Trying to Steal a Kiss. do. B — — B Mandolin-player. do. — B ERDTELT (Alois). Herzogswalden, Upper Sile- sia, 185 1. (Modern.) Kiss Refused. do. Q — c A Benefactor. do. — c •This subject comes in an Aquarelle Gravure, 15x21 inches, $1200. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 401 ERHARDT (Johann Christoph). Nuremberg, 1795 — Rome, 1822. (German School.) Old man, standing, leaning against a wall. (Draw- ing.) C, .75. Landscape, with a man sitting under a tree. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. • ERHMANN (Frangois). Born in Strasburg. (Modern.) Ariadne Abandoned by Theseus. (Water-color.) ERNST (O. von). (Modern.) Riding to Hounds. The Meet Before the Fox-hunt. ERPIKUM (Leon). Born in Besangon. (Modern.) The Sleeper. ESCALANTE (Juan Antonio). 1670. (Spanish School.) The Immaculate Conception. St. Joseph with the Infant Jesus. ESCHWEGE (E. v.) (Modern.) Summer. Falconry in the Middle Ages. ESCOSURA (Leon y Ignacis). (Modern.) A Good Blade. The Emerald Diadem. ESCUDIER (Charles). Born in Paris. (Modern.) The Elder Sister. ESSELIUS (Jacob Esselens or). Amsterdam, XVII. century. (Dutch School.) Rocky Landscape with a Nymph Bathing. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. ETCHEVERRY (D.) (Modern.) They Will Read No More. (Salon of 1898.) EVERDINGEN (Cesar van). Alkmaar. 1606-1679. (Dutch School.) Flora, Pomona, Bacchus and Cupid. Gallery. Si:::es, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4J Dresden, R. C. FJrrcrlpn P Cr Cn] Paris, Lux. - — C — Modern Painters. - B B do. B B do. Cordova, 1630- Buda-Pesth. __ c St. Petersburg. — — C Modern Painters. C — C do. C — C Orviedo, Spain. do. C do. C — C do. C Brunswick. B Modern Painters. C Dresden. — C C 402 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. EVERDINGEN (AUard van). Alkmaar, 1621-1675. (Dutch School.) The Tempest on the Zuyder Zee. Waterfall with Huts. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. Norwegian Highlands. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. Waterfall Bordered by CHflfs and a Clump of Trees. Dutch Village on the Border of a Canal. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Northern landscape. (Drawing.) Rough Sea. Landscape with mill. Evening landscape with waterfall: Storm at Sea. (Follower of A. van Everdingen.) Landscape with waterfall. Rolling sea. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. A chateau, (Drawing.) C, $1.75. The Saw-mill. Mountainous landscape with two rustic houses. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Landscape with two horsemen and a pedestrian leading a horse. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Sea-piece with rock in the foreground. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Sea-piece with two rocks in foreground. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. (Attributed to Dietrich.) Rocky landscape with a hermit on the right. Landscape with rocks. Norwegian landscape. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ EXTER (Julius). In the Circus. Croquet. Ludwigshafen, 1863. (Modern.) EYBEL (Adolf von). Berlin, 1808-1882. (Modern.) The Great Elector in the Battle of Fehrbellin. EYCK (Jan van). Maeseyck. Limburg, about 1380- '90 — Bruges, 1440. (Flemish School.) . Madonna and the Donor. Madonna and Child with two saints and a donor. Chantilly. Brunswick. do. Dresden. Dresden, R. C. do. Frankfort. do. Munich. do. B C C C C — C c — c c - c do. C — C Weimar. do. Vienna Mus. C Vienna, Albertina. — do. do. I do. Buda-Pesth. do. Amsterdam. Modern do. do. Painters. Paris. Louvre. Old Masters. C C — C C C — C B — B B C — C C SOULE ART COMPANY. BOSTON. 403 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ ^ 3i 4 4i Portrait of an old monk praying, his hands clasped. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Malcolm Col. Portrait of Philip the Good ; almost full face, look- ing down; mantle over bust. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Mitchell Col. (Attributed.) Portraits of a man and a woman ; diptych. Chantilly. C — A saint. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Lille. Portrait of Johann Arnolfini. Berlin. C C Madonna and Child with a monk kneeling. do. C C The Man with the Carnation. do. C C — C Madonna and Child in a Gothic Church. do. C C — C Head of Christ ; rex regum. do. C C C Christ Giving His Blessing. do. C C Madonna of the "House of Cards." do. C (Follower of Jan van Eyck!) Madonna of the Rose^ bush. do. C C (School of Jan van Eyck.) Mass of St. Gregory. (Habich Coll.) Cassel. C C Madonna with the Child Jesus ; triptych. Dresden, C Madonna and Child ; St. Anne, St. Joseph and St. Joachim. (According to Woermann, early Flehiish School.) do. C (School of van Eyck.) The Soldiers Arresting Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane ; triptych, central panel. do. C Wings of the above triptych: Angels Bearing the Instrument of the Passion. do. C A small altar-triptych. do. C Portrait of an old man; bust. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Dresden, R. C. Sketch; six female figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.50. do. The Madonna known as the "Madonna de Lucca." Frankfort. C Portrait of Cardinal Delia Croce. Vienna Mus. C Portrait of Jan van der Leeuw. do. C Adoration of the Magi. Brussels. C C — C St. Barbara. Antwerp. C — The Blessed Virgin. do. C — The Blessed Virgin, St. George, and St. Donatien. do. C (Detail of the above.) do. C 404 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Portrait of the Flemish merchant, Gio Arnolfini de Lucca, and his wife. Portrait of a man. Portrait of a man. Adoration of the Kings ; triptych on wood. A monk at prayer. The Virgin reading. Triumph of the Church Over the Synagogue. The Angelic Salutation. EYCK (Jan and Hubert). Jan van Eyck, Maesyck, 1390 (?) ; Hubert van Eyck, Maesyck, 1366 (?)- 1426. (Flemish School.) Fragments of the polyptych of the "Mystic Lamb" in the Church of St. Bavon at Ghent : The Just Judges. The Soldiers of Christ. The Holy Anchorites. The Holy Pilgrims Led by St. Christopher. The Angels Singing. Detail of the above : Angels' Heads. The Angel Musicians. St. John the Baptist. St. John the Evangelist. Portrait of the donor, Jodocus Vydt. Detail of the above : bust of Jodocus Vydt. Portrait of Isabella Burluut, wife of the above. Detail of the above : bust of Isabella Burluut. The Angel Gabriel; diptych. The Virgin : diptych. (School of the Brothers Hubert and Jan van Eyck.) The Annunciation. Adam and Eve. FABLI (F.) (Modern.) The Slave Sale. FABER DU FAUR (Otto). Ludwigsburg, near Stuttgart. 1828. (Modern.) Flight of the "Winter Kine." Surrender of the French Cavalry at Sedan. Frederick William, Crown Prince of the German Empire. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ London. Nat. Gal. C C — C do. C — do. C — Florence, Uffizi. C Madrid. C — • do. C — do. C St. Petersburg. C Berlin. — do. — do. — do. — do. — do. — do. C do. — do. — do. — do. — do. — do. — do. — do. — Cassel. — Brussels. — Modern Painters. C C — C c c — c c c — c c c — c c c — c c c c c — c c — c c c — c c c — c c c c c c c — c c — c c — c c c — c c — c c c — c do. do. do. C C C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 405 Skirmish at Artenay. Episode from the Attack of the 7th Cuirassiers at Rezonville, 1870. FABRE (Frangois Xavier). Montpellier, 1766- 1837. (French School.) Portrait of Victor Alfieri. Portrait of the Countess of Albany, Portrait of the artist, Giuseppe Maria Torreni. FABRES (Antonio). Born at Barcelona. (Modern.) A Robber. Gallery. Si:;cs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C — C FABRIANO (Gentile da). Fabriano, about 137 Rome, about 1450. (Umbrian School.) ^ The Presentation in the Temple. Madonna and Child. (School of Gentile da Fabriano.) The Marriage of the Virgin ; the Circumcision ; the Virgin Mounting the Steps of the Temple. (School of Gentile da Fabriano.) Christ Among the Doctors ; the Angel Appearing* to St. Joa- chim; Nativity of the Virgin. (School of Gentile da Fabriano.) The Visitation; the Flight into Egypt ; the Presentation in the Temple. (School of Gentile da Fabriano.) St, Joseph and the High Priest ; the Nativity ; the Presentation. An Oriental. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Madonna and Child between St. Catherine and St. Nicholas. The Madonna Enthroned. (According to Woer- mann, style of Gentile da Fabriano.) Nude figure of young man, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. St. Mary Magdalen, St, Nicholas of Bari, St. John and St. George. Adoration of the Magi, FABRITIUS (Bernard), Painted from 1650 to 1669. (Dutch School.) Peter in the House of Cornelius. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50, do. C Florence, Ufifizi. C do. C do. C — Modern Painters. C Paris, Louvre, do. do. C — C — do. do, do. do. Berhn. Dresden. Dresden, R. C. C C C — C — C — C — C C — C C C Florence, Ufifizi. — Flor. Acad. d. B. A. — Brunswick, PIC B 406 SOULE ART COMPANY. BOSTON, Adoration of the Shepherds. (Habich Coll.) Baptism of John the Baptist. (Habich Coll.) Portrait of an architect and his family. FAED (Thomas R. A.) Bom in England, lish School.) Partings. (Eng- FAENZA (Giacomone da). See BERTUCCI. FAENZA (Marco da). See MARCO DA FAENZA. FAES (Peter van der), called Sir Peter Lely. Soest, Westphalia, 1618 — London, 1680. (Dutch School.) (Attributed to Van der Faes.) Copy of the por- trait of Anne Carr, First Duchess of Bedford, by Van Dyck. Portrait of an unknown woman represented with children as St. Cecilia and three angels. (This picture passed for some time as that of Mile, de la Valliere, then as Mme. de Mont- espan.) Portrait of Henrietta Maria of France, Queen of England, daughter of Henry IV. and Marie de Medici (1609-1669). Portrait of Jane Middleton, Lady of the Court of England. Portrait of Eleanor Gwyn, Lady of the Court of England. Portrait of Cromwell. FAGERLIN (Ferdinand), ern.) Weaving the Net. A Song of Long Ago. Beside the Cradle. FAHRBACH (Karl Ludwig). (Modern.) W^inter landscape. Stockholm, 1825. (Mod- Heidelberg, 1835. FAIVRE (Abel). (Modern.) Madonna of the Children. (Salon of 1899.) Gallery. Cassel. do. Amsterdam. Masters XIX Cen. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3i 4 4* C — C C — C Paris, Louvre. C — C — Versailles. Chantilly. Florence, L'ffizi. do. Florence. Pitti. Modern Painters. — C do. C — C do. C — C do. do. — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON, 407 FAIVRE (Maxime). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Baby's Levee. FALAT (J.) (Modern.) Prince William of Prussia Bear-hunting. Return of Emperor William II. from a Bear-hunt. The Taming! of the Shrew. Elk-hunting in Winter. Hunters Chasing the Bear with Spears. Emperor William at the Hunt. D., 10x21 inches, $5.00. FALCONE (Angelo). Naples, 1600-1665. (Italian School.) St. Paul. (Engraving.) C, .75. FALCONETTO (Giovanni Maria). Verona, 1458— Padua, 1534. , (Neapolitan School.) Assumption of the Virgin. FALENS (Carl van). Antwerp, 1684 — Paris, 1733. (Flemish School.) A Hunting Rendezvous. Hunters' Halt. FALERO (Luis Ricardo). Born in Granada (Spain), 1851. (Modern.) Departure for the Witches' Sabbath. The Planet Venus. Elaine ; Tennyson's legend. The Charmer. Sorceress Late for the Sabbath. Libra ; a sign of the zodiac. Marina ; female figure on the seashore. *The Opium-smoker; nude. *Towards a Better World. D., 20^x12^ inches, $5.00; Artist's Proofs, 150 India, $15.00. ♦Butterflies. D., I5fx8j inches, $3.00, Vision. (Salon of 1897.) FALGUIERE (Alexandre). Born (Modern.) Susanna. in Toulouse. Gallery. Sizes, ' 2 2i 3 3i 4 Al Modern Pai inters. C — C do. B do. • B — B B do. B — B do. B B do. B — B do. Dresden, R. C. Berlin. Paris, Louvre, do. Modern Painters, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. B — B B C — C — C — — C — c c c c c B B B — B B B C C *This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. 408 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ Slaughtering the Bull ; souvenir of Spain. (See also in the Catalogue of Sculptures.) Modern Painters. C The Dancer; sculpture. (Salon of 1896.) do. C C FALKENBERG (C.) (Modern.) Gathering Seaweed. * do. C FALKENBERG (Richard). (Modern.) Study-head. do. C Autumn Flowers. do. C — C Welcome. . do. C — C Evening. do. C — C Pater Peccavi. do. C C — C Happy Hours. do. C C — C FANTIN-LATOUR (Henry). Born in Grenoble, 1836. (Modern.) The Dawn. do. C The Trojans at Carthage. do. C The Bathers. (Salon of 1899.) do. C FAPRESTO. See GIORDANO. FARINATA (Paolo). Verona. 1 522-1606. Sketch for Andromeda Delivered. (Drawing.) Dresden, P. G. C. C — Marriage of St. Catherine. Vienna ^NIus. C Venus and Adonis. do. C FARQUH ARSON (Joseph). (Modern.) *Over Snowfield, Waste and Pathless. D., 23x17^ inches, $6.00: Artist's Proofs, 150 India, $20. ^Modern Painters. "And Winter's Breath Came Cold and Chill." D., 16x22 inches, $6.00. do. B Autumn Gold. D., 151x23 inches, $6.00. do. FASOLO (Bernardino). End of XVI. century. (Lombard School.) Holy Family. Berlin. C FASOLO (Giovanni Antonio). Vicenza, 1528-1572. (Venetian School.) Portrait of a Venetian lady. Dresden. C ♦This subject comes also in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 40^ Gallery. Si:::es, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ FASOLI (Lorenzo de), called LORENZO DI PAVIA. Pavia (?) — about 1520. (Lombard School.) The Virgin's Family. FAURE (Amedee Victor). (French School.) (After Gros.) Portrait of Napoleon Bonaparte, General-in-Chief of the Army of Italy. FAURE (Eugene). Born in Grenoble. (Modern.) The Spring. FAURET (Leon). (Modern.) A Supper at the Petit-Trianon. (Salon of 1898.) FAUST (Heinrich). Study-head. Reinsdorf, 1843. (Modern.) FAUVEL (Georges Henri). Born in Havre. (Mod- em.) In the Forest. It is Raining, Shepherdess. (Salon of 1898.) FAUVELET (Jean). Born in Bordeaux. (Mod- ern.) Ascanio, a Florentine carver. (Salon of 1850.) FAVRAY (The Chevalier' Antoine de). Bagnolet (Seine), 1706— Malta, 1791, (French School.) Ladies of Malta making a call. FAVRETTO (Giacomo). Venice, 1849-1887. (Mod- ern.) "Two is Company — Three is None." Susanne. On the Promenade. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. FECHNER (Hans). (Modern.) Expectation. \ (Companion pictures. ) A Love-story. J D. , 19^x14 inches, $5.00. Lisei. Vefi. Portrait of Prince Arnulf of Bavaria. Difficult Choice. Paris, Louvre. Versailles. — C C ~ Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C C Paris, Lux. — 'C Paris, Louvre. c — Modern Painters. C — c do. . C — c do. T — do. B — B do. B — — B do. c — C do. — — c do. c — c do. C c — c 410 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Si:::cs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4| Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C do. C — C do. C Cenzi. Rosl. Mirzl. A Keepsake. Homeless. Difficult Resolve. "I Have Lost Happiness and Joy !" Spiritual Counsel. Autumn. FEHR (Friedrich). Werneck, Bavaria, 1862. (Mod- ern.) Billet-doux. do. A Secret. fio- The Model's Rest. do. Ballet-dancer. do. In the Studio. do. Friends. do. C — C C — C C — C C c c FEISTENBERGER (Josef). Innsbriick, 1684— Vienna, 1735. (German School.) A Mountain Ravine. Berlin. C — C FELBRINGER (F. v.) (^lodern.) Poor People. Modern Painters. — C — C FELDHUTTER (F.) (Modem.) Neu-Schwanstein. do. Schwansee with Neu-Schwzmstein and Hohen- schwangau. do. Neu-Schwanstein with Schwansee and Alpsee. The Konigsee. Companion picture of Steflfan's do. "Murgsee." D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; also, D., 8x10, $1.50. do. Upper G611. do. The Untersberg. do. The Obersee. do. The Kukflucht Waterfall. " do. Lake Lugano. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. Lake of Locarno. do. Lake Como. do. — — — c — c — — — c c — c c — — — c c c c — — c c — c — — c c — c — — c c — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 411 FELDMANN (L.) (Modern.) The Cross-bearer. Doubting Thomas. The Widow of Nain. FELGENTREFF (P.) (Modern.) A Barbarian Country-dance. Grandfather's Pets. A Bull's-eye. The Professor at the Alpine Meadow. A New Story. At the Inn. When Bad Boys Tempt You. A Rrefreshing Draught. Your Health ! Breakfast at the Alpine Pasture. FELLOWES (Way land F.) (Modern.) The Cook. FELLOWS (Prynne). (Modern.) Magnificat ; Madonna and Child surrounded by angels. FENYES (Ad.) Village Gossips. FERDINAND (EL or ELLE), called. (?)-i637. (French School.) Portrait of Jacques Auguste de Thou, Baron of Meslay (1553-1617), historian and statesman. FERDINAND (Louis EL or ELLE). 161 2- 1689. (French School.) Portrait of Nicolas Fouquet, Viscount of Melun and Vaux, Marquis of Belle-Isle (161 5-1680), superintendent of finances. FERDINAND (Louis Elle), son of above. Paris, 1648 — Rennes, 1717. (French School.) Portrait of Samuel Bernard, miniature painter, father of the famous banker. Samuel Bernard. Portrait of Frangoise d'Aubigne, Marquis de Main- tenon (1635-1719). Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 2, Zh A AI Modern Painters, do. do. do. do- do, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C — c — c — c do. do. Nat'l Portraits. C C — C C C — C C c c c c — c c c '- c B B c — c do. Paris, Louvre. Versailles. C 412 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON FERG (Franz de Paula). Vienna, 1689— London, 1740. (German School.) • Sketch; two male figures, one standing, the other seated. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Dresden, R. C. FERRABOSCO (Girolamo). Padua, about 1630- 1660. (Venetian School.) David with the Head of Goliath. FERRAMOLA (Floriano Ferramola), or FIOR- AVANTE. Died at Brescia, 1528. (Venetian School.) Madonna enthroned, Christ-child, and saints. Berlin. FERRARI (Defendente de). Lived at Chivasso first half of XVL century. (Lombard School.) Adoration of the Christ-child. FERRARI (Gaudenzio). Valduggia, near Xovara, 1 484- 1 550. ( Lombard School.) Virgin and saints. (Drawing.) The Annunciation. The Nativity ; composition of four figures. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Madonna and Child with two angels. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Drawing for a frieze; four grotesque figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Madonna and Child: study for the picture in the gallery at Bergamo. (Bistre and ceruse draw- 'ing.) C, $2.50. (School of Gaudenzio Ferrari.) Part of the fresco, "The Crucifixion in the Church of Varallo."' (Red crayon, bistre and ceruse drawing.) do. Marriage of the Virgin ; composition of numerous figures. (Drawing.) Milan, Amb. Martyrdom of St. Cecilia. Study from picture in the Btera Gallery at Milan. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Venice. Study of two ladies and a child at prayer. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Gallery. Shes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 42 Vienna, Liecht. C C C — C do. C Paris. Louvre. C Berlin. C C -^ C Florence, Uffizi. — do. do. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 413 FERRARI (G.) (Modern.) Effeto del latte della palma. The Arab's Prayer. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4J FERRAZI (Luigi). Mother's Delight. (Modern.) FERRI (Giro). Rome, 1634-1689. (Roman School.) Rape of the Sabines. (Drawing.) FERRIER (Gabriel). Born in Nimes, 1847. (Mod- ern.) Spring. Hail, King of the Jews ! Flower-girl, A Friend. The Red Hood. Marguerite. "Hope Springs Eternal in the Human Breast." Melancholy. (Salon of 1897.) Smiles, (Salon of 1897.) A Blonde, D., 12x9^ inches, $3.00. A Brunette. D., 12x9^ inches, $3.00. Parisiana. (Salon of 1898.) Little Hypocrite. (Salon of 1898.) The Poet's Awakening. (Salon of 1899.) Visions. (Salon of 1899.) FERRIS (Cristobal). After the Shower. Born in Madrid. (Modern.) FERRONI (Egisto). (Modern.) Going- to the Fields. FERRY (Jean Georges). Born in Paris. (Modern.) On Lake St. James. Confidential Talk. FESSLEN (Melchior, Feselen or). Died at Ingol- stadt, 1538. (Early German School.) Julius Caesar Lays Siege to Alesia. FETI (Domenico), Rome, 1589-1624. (Roman School.) Melancholy. Modern Painters, do. do. C C B — B Weimar. Modern Painters. C C do. C do. C do. C C do. C C do. C do. C C do. c — — C do. C C do. do. do. C C do. C C do. C C do. C Madrid, M. M. A. Florence, M. F A. Modern Painters, do. Munich. PIC _PIC PIC c c Paris, Louvre. C — C — 414 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Elijah in the Wilderness. (?) The Four Evangelists. Portrait of a Comedian. FEUERBACH (Anselm). Speyer, 1829— Venice, 1880. (Modern.) A Dream. Medea. Bust-portrait of a woman. In Spring. '^ Iphigenia. Orpheus and Eurydice. Medea. Death of Pietro Aeltino. Hafiz. Prometheus and the Nereids. Venus. Battle of the Titans. Musical Women. Uranus. Gaea. Children at Play. Iphigenia on the Seashore. Riccordo di Tivoli, Italian girl. Portrait of the artist, by himseK. His owTi portrait. Portrait of the master. Portrait of the artist, by himself. St. Anthony. Romeo and Juliet. Pieta. Dante. Judgment of Paris. Battle of the Amazons. Portrait of the artist, by himself, as a child. Madonna. A sketch. Idyll of Spring. A Family Idyll. The Symposium of Plato. On the Seashore. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 Berlin. Dresden. St. Petersburg, 4i C c c Modern Painters. C C — C do. C — C do. C do. C — C do. C do. C C — C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. C — C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C — C do. C — C do. C do. C — C do. c C — C do. — C C C — C do. C do. c C — C do. C do. C do. . c C — C do. B — B B do. B B SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. FEUERSTEIN (Martin)'. (Modern.) Music. The Dance. Allegory of the Mediterranean. Holy Night D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; also, D., yx 10. $1.50. St. John. Madonna and Child. Christ Healing the Sick. Mary Magdalen. Annunciation. St. Anthony of Padua Preaching to the Fishes. Christ in the Temple. Virgin in the Temple. FEVRE (Claude Le). See Le FEVRE. FEYEN (Eugene). Born in Bey-sur-Seille Meurthe-et-Moselle. (Modern.) Gleaners of the Sea. (Salon of 1872."^ The Return of the Fisherman. Child Saved. Boat Returning with the Fisherwomen of Cancale. The Sleeping Cradle-watcher. Departure for the Fishinr;. Oyster-fishing. Harvesters' Rest. Mending the Nets. Fishing. Departure for the Fishing. The Fisherman's Wife. A Sail on the Horizon. Return from Fishing. Before the Storm. The Bay of Cancale on a Day of High Tide. Pear Pickers. The Fair of St. Benoit-des-Ondes. Sermon at Notre-Dame des-Vergers (Cancale). Fisherwomen Going to the Oyster-beds. Fisherwomen on the Strand of Mt. St. Michel. The Oyster-cart. Washing-place on the Houlle. Gallery. Shcs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters C C — C do. C C — C do. C — C do. — c c c — c do. c — c do. — — — — — c do. c c - c do. c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c Paris, Lux. C Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. . C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C 416 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Brittany Washerwomen. Modern Painters. C The Children's Breakfast. do. C Revery. do. C Washing the Oysters. do. C The Sailor's Sweetheart do. C C A Girl of Cancale. do. C C Return from Fishing. do. C C The Big Sister. do. C C Gathering Oysters at Low Tide. do. C C A Game of Skittles at Cancale. do. C Washing an Oyster-bed. do. C Cooking Prawns (Chausey Island). do. C Fisherwomen Singing the Marseillaise. do. C Hunting for Oyster-beds in the Sea. do. C Fishermen's Wives: "The Men are at Sea." do. — C Fish Merchant. do. C The Sailor: Heroism. do. C C Departure for the Fishing. (Salon of 1898.) do. C Fisherman with his Catch. (Salon of 1898.) do. C Going to the Oyster-beds. (Salon of 1896.) do. C Return of the Fisherwomen: The Tide is Rising (Salon of 1896.) do. C Girls with Drag-nets. (Salon of 1897.) do. C C The Grandfather. (Salon of 1897.) do. C C "Our Daily Bread." (Salon of 1899.) do. C FEYEN-PERRIN (Francois Nicolas Augustin). Born in Bey-sur-Seille (Meurthe-et-Moselle), 1826— Paris, 1888. (Modern.) Return from Ovster-fishing at Cancale. (Salon of 1874.) Knitting-women on the Seashore. Return from Low-tide Fishing. Astarte. Return from Fishing. Bather. Drunkenness. The Corniche Road. The Bath. Armorfca. Revery. Souvenir of Cancale. Paris, Lux. C C Modern Painters. C do. C do. C C do. C do. C do. C do. C C do. C do. • C C do. C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 417 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Magdalena. Modern Painters. C Sleep. do. C Return from Fishing. Souvenir of Cancale. do, C The Adder. do. C Eve. do. C A Haymaker. do. C C The Death of Orpheus. do. C Portrait of M. Lepere. do. C Spring. do. C FICHEL (Eugene Benjamin). Born in Paris, 1826. (Modern.; Surprise. do. C Leaving the Bath. do. C The Kiss in the Glass. do. C Soldiers and Grisettes. do. C The Cobbler and the Financier, do, C The Belle Epicure. do, C FICHEL (Jeanne, nee Samson). Born in Lyons. (Modern.) The Bouquet. do. C FICHERELLI (Felice), called IL RIPOSO. San- Gimignano, 1605-1660. (Italian School.) Group of four persons standing, and a lady seated. (Drawing.) London B. M. C FICTOOR (Jan). See VICTOOR, FIESOLE (Fra Giovanni da). See ANGELICO (Beato), FIGINO (Ambrogio). Milan, worked about 1590. (Lombard School.) The Entombment ; composition of nine figures sketched as a bas-relief. (Drawing.) C., $2.50. Milan, Amb. Gal. Demon Bearing a Lost Soul ; the devil has fastened his teeth in the man's legs. (Attributed also to Michael Angelo.) (Drawing.) C., $1.25. Venice, Demon Bearing a Lost Soul on his Shoulders. (Attributed also to Michael Angelo.) (Draw- ing.) C., $1.75. • do. — — 418 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Two male heads from nature and two others from the antique. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Souls Crossing a River; scene taken from Dante (perhaps by B. Franco). The reproduction was made from the Aqua Fortis of Rosapina. (Drawing.) Copy of a group in the "Battle of Constantine" by Raphael. (Drawing.) FILDES (Samuel Luke). Liverpool 1844. (Mod- ern.) La Zingarella (Gipsy-girl). D., 2c4xi4 mches, $5.00; also, Artist's Proofs. 21x13^, 100 on Japan, all sold: 150 on India, $15.00. The Venetians. D., 29x20^ inches, $12.00; also, Artist's Proofs, 275 on Japan, $40.00; 175 on India. $30.00. FILIPEPI. See BOTTICELLI (Sandro). FILIPPI (Lorenzo). See ROSSELLI (Cosimo). FILLEUL (Anna RosaUe BOCQUET Mme.) (?)- 1794. (French School.) Portrait of the Duke of Angouleme as a child. (Pastel.) FINIGUERRA (Maso or Tommaso). C, 1460. (Florentine School.) Study of drapery. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Man seated, left profile; Florentine costume. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Man standing, turned to the left. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Study of man, full face, his left arm raised. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. FINK (August). (Modern.) Twilight. Autumn. Autumn Morning in the Mountains. Autumn Morning. C (Companion pictures.) Autumn Evening, "j Winter Morning. ^ ^^ ^6x21 inches, $5.00. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Venice. do. do. Modern Painters. B B do. B— B B Versailles. Lille. do. do. do. Modern Painters. — c C do. — C — c do. — — C C — c do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 419 Winter-time. Stag at Watering-place. Evening Rest. At Dawn. On the "Waldsee." Deer-stalking. The Cry of the Stag. Wild Ducks. Fallow Deer. Forsaken, Black Game. On the Alert. Winter in the Mountains. Deer in Winter. In Rarwendel. Autumn landscape. Supperless. In the Early Morning. Feeding Deer in Winter. The Forest. Winter's Evening. FINNEY (Harry). Born in Philadelphia. (Mod- ern.) The Sorrows of Love. FINSONIUS (Ludovicus). Bruges, i58o(?)- i632(?) Established at Aries in 1614. Portrait of the artist's mother. FIORENZO di LORENZO. See LORENZO. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C — C FIORI d'URBINO FIRLE (Walther.) em.) Convalescence. A Sunday-school. Sunday Devotigns. Morning Prayer. Adoration of the Shepherds. In the House of Mourning $5.00. See BAROCCI (Federigo). Born in Breslau, 1859. (Mod- do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C — c c c — c c C — c C — c C C — c . T — C c C — c , c C — c c c — c c — c c c — c c — c c c c c c — c c c C — c C — c c National Portraits. C — D., 16x21 inches, Modern Painters. C C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. C do. c C — C do. c C — C 420 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2.\ 3 3^ A A\ *Harmony. D., 26x23 inches, $12.00; Artist's Proof, 150 on India, $30.00. Modern Painters. — B B' B *"On Thee I Think." do. B B "Give Us this Day Our Daily Bread." D., 6^x10 inches, $2.00. do. B "Thy Will Be Done." D., 6^x10 inches, $2.00. do. B "Forgive Us Our Trespasses." D., 6Jxio inches, $2.00. do. B The Holy Night (triptych). D., 15^x34 inches, $12.00. do. ♦The Birth of Christ. D., 16^x15^ inches, $5.00. do. B ♦Innocentia. * do. B *A Sunday Hymn. D., 16x22 inches, $5.00. do. B *An Old Song. D., 18x9^ inches, $5.00. do. B FIRMIN-GIRARD (M. F.) (Modem.) Norino. do. C — C In the Park. (Salon of 1898.) do. C FISCHER (Clara). (^lodern.) "What Do You Think the Child is Going to Be?" do. C — C FISCHER (Jacob). (Modem.) Dear Little Grandparents. do. C FISCHER (M.) (Modern.) Flora. do. C Lora. do. C FISHER (H.) (Modem.) Rabbits. do. C — C A Doubtful Acquaintance. do. C FISHER (S. Melton). (Modem.) We Three. do. ' B B A Moment of Idleness. do. B B ♦♦Southern Belle. do. FISHER (W. Mark). (Modern.) November Evening. D., 20^x14^ inches, $5.00; Artist's Proofs, 50 on Japan, $20.00; 75 in Inaia, $15.00. do. B B *This subject comes in a Baryto Print. 6J x 9 inches, $1.80. •*This subject comes in a Fac-Simile Gravure, loj^xs^ inches, $6.00. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 421 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ FITLER (C. W.) Philadelphia. (Modern.) A Tranquil Afternoon on the Harlem. PI., about Eoston, Amos W. 7x13 inches, $2.00. FITZ-MARSHALL (I.) (Modern.) Left in Charge. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. FLACHeRON (Louis). Born in Rome, ern.) An Idvll. Stetson Coll. do. (Mod- Modern Painters. C Paris, Lux. FLAMENG (Augusta). Metz, 1843— Paris, 1893. (Modern.) Fishing-boat at Dieppe. (Salon of 1881.) FLAMM (Albert). Cologne, 1823. (Modern.) View towards Cumge. FLANDRIN (Jean Hippolyte). Lyons, 1809— Rome, 1864. (French School.) Study figure. Portrait of a young girl. Napoleon III., Emperor of the French, 1858-1873. Versailles Virgil's Shepherds. The Prophets : Samson. The Prophets : Baruch. .The Dispersion of the Nations at the Tower of Babel. Confusion of Tongues. Draped figure standing, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Nude man standing and a man's head, both full face. (Drawing.) Portrait of the artist, by himself. FLEISCHER (E. Ph.) (Modern.) The Last Move. Italian Boy. A Moderrt Susannah. Bitter Medicine. The Three Village Beauties. do. FLESCH-BRUNNINGEN (L. von). (Modern.) Entre Nous. do. — C Modern Painters. — B B Paris, Louvre. C — c — do. C — C — Versailles. — — _ — c — Masters XIX Cen. — c — do. — — c — do. — c — Lille. C — — — do. — — — do. _ c Florence, Ufifizi. — c — Modern Painters. C c c do. — — — c do. c — ■ c do. — — — B — B B B C 422 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Born in Paris. (Modem.) Brocade-worker. Five-o'clock Tea. Golgotha. Mater Dolorosa. When Other Lips. Between the Acts. FLEURY (Fanny). For the Chapel. FLINCK (Govaert). Cleves, 1615 — Amsterdam, 1660. (Dutch School.) An angel announcing to the shepherds the birth of Jesus Christ. Portrait of a little girl. Abraham Dismissing Hagar. Portrait of a young lady. Young girl in the dress of a shepherdess. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. ' David delivering to Uriah the massage for Joab. Bust portrait of a man wearing a small red cap. Boys playing cards (now in Royal Gallery of Schleissheim). Portrait of the artist, by himself. (Drawing.) Old man with a gray beard. Abraham Dismissing Hagar. (School of Rembrandt?) A thief concealing precious objects. Isaac Blessing Jacob. Fete of the Civil Guard on the occasion of the Peace of Munster (1648). Captain Joan Huy- decoper van Maarsseveen is complimented by his arquebusiers (right part). The same (left part). The Civil Guards under Captain Albert Bas (1645). Portrait of the collector, Johan Uytenbogaert. The Goldsmith's Family. Portrait of a young Jewish girl, half-length figure. Portrait of a young soldier. FLORIGERERIO (Sebastiano). Udive (?). Died after 1543. (Venetian School.) A Musical Company. Gallery. Siaes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. — C do. C C — C do. C C — C do. . C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C C Paris, Louvre. C — c — do. c c — Berlin. C C — c do. c — c Brunswick. — B Dresden. c c — do. — - c c Munich. c — c Weimar. — — — — — c Vienna Museum. c c — — Buda-Pesth. c — do. c Amsterdam. c c — c do. c C do. c — do. — — c — do. c — Brussels. c St. Petersburg. c do. c c Munich. — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 423 FLORIS (Frans de Vriendt, called). Antwerp, i5i8(?)-i57o. (Flemish School.) The Falcon-hunter. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. William the Silent, Prince of Orange. Jesus Sinking under the Weight of His Cross. Last Judgment. The Fall of the Angels. Adam and Eve. Gallery. Siaes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ FLUGGE (H.) Gooseherds. (Modern.) FLUGGEN (Gisbert). Cologne, 181 1— Munich, i860. (German School.) The Legacy-hunter. FLUGGEN (Josef). Munich, 1842. (Modern.) The Landlord's Daughter. Family Joys. Baptism of the Emperor Maximilian L Madonna. Rich Booty. Last Treasure. King Charles Went over the Sea. FOERSTER (Heinrich). (German School.) Head of a sleeping monk. (Drawing.) FOGOLINO (Marcello). Vicenza, first half of XVL century. (Venetian School.) Madonna enthroned, Child and samtS. Madonna and the Christ-Child with saints. FOLIGNO. See ALUNNO (Nicole da). FOLINGSBY (G. F.) (Modern.) Spring-blossoms. * Autumn. Henry VHL and Anne Boleyn. Gratitude. Liberality. FOLTZ (Philipp). Bingen, 1805— Munich, 1877. (Modern.) Pericles. Frederick Barbarossa and Henrv the Lion. Brunswick. Cassel. Dresden. Vienna Museum. Antwerp. Florence, Uffizi. B C — C Modern Painters. C do. C do. — C — C — C do. c do. _ c C C — ( do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C C — C Dresden, P. G. Berlin. C — C The Hague. C Modern Painters. c — c do. — C — c do. C c — c do. C c — c do. --C c — c Munich, Roy. Max. — c c c do. — c c c 424 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. FONTANA (Battista). Verona. Worked in 1559. (Italian School.) (After Mantegna.) Julius Caesar in his Triumphal Car. (^Drawing.) C, $1.75. Christ in Hades. (Drawing.) FONTANA (E.) (Modem.) The First Love-letter. Lucia Mondelli. Ricordo del patre confessore. FONTANA (Lavinia Zappi). Bologna, 1552 — Rome, 1614. (Bolog^ese School.) Portrait of the artist, by herself. FONTEBASSO (Francesco). 1709-1769. (Italian School.) Two draped figures of men and a Turk, three nude children, and the draped figure of woman turned toward the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. FOPPA (Vincenzo). Brescia (?). Died in 1492. (Italian School.) Madonna and Child. (School of Vincenzo Foppa.) Christ Mourned. Adoration of the Magi. Study for a St. Sebastian. (Drawing.) FORBES (Stanhope A.) London, 1837. (Modern.) The Quarry Team. Artist's Proofs on India. I3ix 21^ inches, $15.00; D., $5.00. The Smithy. Artist's Proofs on India, 19x16 inches, $15.00; D., $5.00. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Dresden, P. G. do. C Modern Painters. C C — C do. C — C do. C — C Florence, Uffizi. C — Paris, Louvre. Berlin. C — C do. C — C London, Xat. Gal. C Venice. C — Modern Painters. do. FORGERON (Alfred Armand). (Modern.) The Lesson. FORLI. See MELOZZO da. FORNARI (E.) (Modern.) "Who is the Taller?" Born in Paris. do. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 425 FORSBERG (Nils). Born in Gothenberg (Sweden). (Modern.) Ishmael. FROST (V. V. d.) (Modern.) Christmas Dream. FORTI (E.) (Modern.) The Toilet. Coming in from the Garden. The Song. In the Temple of Dionysus, The Shrine of Narcissus. A Pompeian Festival. At the Court of Tiberius. The Minstrel. FORTUNSKI (L.) (Modern.) The School of Art. The Return from the Festival. $1.50. Little Sulky. FORTUNY (Mariano Jose Maria Bernardo). Reus (Catalonia), 1838-1874. (Spanish School.) The Knife-grinder of Morocco. Old Woman and Chickens, PI., 12x8^ inches, $3.00; 8^x6, $1.50. FORTUNY (Mariano). Born in Tarragona. (Mod- ern.) The Battle of Wad-Ras. (Episode of the war in Africa.) Detail of the above (officer mounted). FOSTER (H. W.) (Modern.) *A Frank Offer. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. FOUACE (Guillaume Remain). Born in Reville (Manche). (Modern.) Coquetry Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. C C — C * do. C c do. C c do. c c do. c — c do. c c — c do. _ c — c do. c C — c do. c c — c do. c c — c D., 8x10 inches, do. c c — c do. c Masters XIX Cen. C Madrid, :\I. M. A. - PiC — — — do. — PIC Modern Painters. - _ — c do. — c c — c do. ♦This subject also comes in an Aquarelle Gravure, about 15x12 inches, $6.00. 426 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. FOUBERT (Emile Louis). Born in Paris. (Mod- ern.) Christ Bound to the Pillar. The Spring. Summer. Temptation. An Idyll. Diana and Endymion. FOUCQUET (Jean). Tours, about i4i5(?)-about 1480. (French School.) Portrait of Guillaume Juvenal des Ursins, Chancel- lor of France, under Charles VII. and Louis XI Portrait of Charles VII., King of France. St. Martin. Leaf from fitienne Chevalier's mass- book. (Miniature.) C, $1.00. Portrait of Jean Foucquet. (Miniature.) C, $1.00. Portrait of a man ; bust. Madonna and Child. FOULD (Achille.) Born in Paris. (Modern.) Fried-Potato Vender. Going to School. A Slack Season. An Oriental. Make-believe. "Come in !" The Merry Wives of Windsor. (Salon of 1898.) Laughing and Frolicking. (Salon of 1898.) Madeleine. (Salon of 1896. ) The Morning Star. (Salon of 1896.) Pearl of the Orient. (Salon of 1896.) Women and a Secret. (Salon of 1899.) The Enchanted Cup. (Salon of 1899.) Detail of the above : The Enchanted Cup. (Salon of 1897.) Cinderella. (Salon of 1897.) FOULD (Consuelo). Born in Cologne. (Mod- ern.) Telling Fortunes. Gallery. Shcs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. C do. — C do. C do. C do. C Paris, Louvre, do. do. C C c c do. A^ienna, '. Liecht. __z — c — Antwerp 1. c Modern Painters. c c do. — — c c do. . — - — r do. c c do. c c do. v" c do. c c do. c — do. c c do. c do. — — — c do. c c do. c c do. c do. c c do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 427 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ The Fishwife's Catechism. , Modern Painters. C Flower-vender. do. C C The Love-letter. do. C At the House of the Sorceress. The Talisman. (Salon of 1898.) do. C The Love-philter. (Salon of 1897.) do. C C A Risque Passage. (Salon of 1899.) do. • C C FOURNIER (Louis Edouard). Born in Paris (Modern.) Return from the Ball. do. C C The Pink Domino. do. C Washington and his Mother. D., $5.00. do. ■ The Shepherd. (Salon of 1896.) do. C — — C FOURNIER (Hippolyte). Born in Rablay (Maine- et-Loire). (Modern.) The Wise and Foolish Virgins. do. — C FRAGONARD (Jean Honore). Grasse, 1732— • Paris, 1806. (French School.) The Music-lesson. Paris, Louvre. C — C — The Favorable Moment. do. C — The Bathers. do. C — C — Sleeping Bacchante. do. C — The Stolen Shirt. do. C — Music. do. C — C — Study. do. C — C — Inspiration. do. C — C — Imaginary Figure. do. C — C — Young woman. do. C — The Storm. ^ dq. C — Portrait of Fragonard. do. C — (Attributed to Fragonard.) Figure of a man on his knees, and drniking. do. C — C — Studies of various heads of women and the head of a man. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Several heads of men and the head of a lion. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Several heads of men and women. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. • The Reading; two women seated. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. 428 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Landscape crossed by a river; washerwomen on the banks. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. The Toilet of \'enus. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Head of a Turk turned to the right. (Drawing.) Portrait of Mile. Guimard. Head of a young girl. La Folic. Sleeping Cupids. Cupids Aroused. Louis XVH. as a child. Head of young girl. Portrait of Mile. Guimard, of the Comedie Fran- caise. Portrait of Marguerite Gerard (1761-?), genre painter. Italian villa with a circular terrace, below which is a garden ornamented with statues ; people promenading. (Drawing.) "The General Bakery of Xegrepelisse" ; a bakery tilled with women bringing their bread, which a man is putting in the oven. (Drawing.) "Xow say Tf You Please.' " (Drawing.) Children making a donkey eat from an old ped- estal transformed into a trough ; a child is mounted on the donkey's back. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. "The Somersault." (Drawing.) "The Watering-place" ; a shepherd and shepherd- ess are making love near a watering-place ; a bull is looking on. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Landscape; peasants and cattle near a watering- place. (Drawing.) Rosalie Fragonard, daughter of the artist. (Draw- ing-) Female figure, half length, turned three-quarters to the left, seated on a chair. (Drawing.) View of the Villa Borghese, with groups of peo- ple under the Italian pines. (Drawing.) Bust-portrait of an elderly woman, full face, her hands crossed. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. "The Seven Ages of Man"; study of seven heads. (Drawing.) $2.50. Paris, Louvre. do. do. C Old Masters. C — do. C — do. C — do. C do. C do. C — do. C — do. Xat'l Portraits. — C Bottolier Col. — De Goncourt Col. do. C C C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Kestner Col. C — C C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 429 "Competition"; in a large hall, a table surrounded by children reading and writing under the direction of a young mistress, who, sitting at the left^ is hearing the reading-lesson of a little girl on her knee ; two young women and a number of men are looking on. (Drawing.) "The Reward." (Companion to the above.) The parents are taking the victor in the competi- tion home in triumph, while his young rivals are applauding him. (Drawing.) "The Opportunity" ; in a room enveloped in the smoke from a stove, the mother of the family and the children fall back and shut their eyes. Seizing the opportunity, the eldest daughter and her lover immediately raise themselves on their tiptoes and exchange kisses. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Temple of the Sibyl in the garden of the Villa d'Este, (Red chalk drawing.) Cypresses of the Villa d'Este ; view taken from under the trees. (Red chalk drawing.) Gardens of the Villa d'Este ; view taken from one of the entrances. (Red crayon drawing.) Terpsichore. (Red chalk drawing.) Calliope. (Red chalk drawing.) Birth of the Virgin. (Red chalk drawing.) Offering of the First Fruits. (Red chalk drawing.) A Faun's Household. (Drawing in black lead pencil.) (Circular picture.) C, $1.00. A musical composer, blind, singmg and accom- panying himself on the violoncello ; a young man is taking down the words. (Drawing in Italian crayon.) C, $1.00. Clorinda on horseback is arming herself with her lance. (Drawing in India ink and bistre.) The Peasant and his Lord. (Drawing in India ink and bistre.) C, $1.00. The Cordeliers of Catalonia. (Washed sepia draw- ing.) C, $1.00. An old man and a young woman ; study figures. (Drawing in Italian crayon.) C, $i.QO. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ E. Marcille Col. C do. C De Sommerard Col. Besanqon. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C 430 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Young girl with her hands on her breast. (Pastel drawing.) C. $i.oo. Young girl walking; sketch in red crayon. (Drawing.) Madame Fragonard, nee Gerard; medallion por- trait. (Washed oval drawing, in India ink.) C, $i.oo. Cupid. (Exhibition of female portraits at the £cole des Beaux Arts. 1897.) Fanchon la Vieilleuse. (Exhibition of female por- traits at the ficole des Beaux Arts, 1897.) FRAMMERI (Giovanni Battista). The body of Christ taken up by an angel ; below, four saints. (Drawing.) FRANCAIS (Louis). Born in Plombieres (Vosges) (Modern.) Daphnis and Chloe. (Salon of 1872.) " End of Winter. C, $2.50. Landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Landscape with river. (Drawing.) $2.50. Douarnenez, Finisterre, 1868. PL, $2.00. The Spring. Parasol Pines at the Villa Borghese. (Drawing.) $2.50. In the Woods. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Beech-trees on the Coast of Grace at Honfleur. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Cascade of Neptune at Tivoli. (Drawing.) C, A Washing-place at Douarnenez. (Drawing.) The Villa d'Este at Tivoli. (Drawing.; Setting Sun ; environs of Paris. (Drawing.) Trivaux Pond in the Meudon Woods. (Drawing.) Banks of the Indre in the Plains of Loches. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Fountain at Olevano, near Rome. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Mt. Cervin (Haut-Valais). (Drawing.) Mt. Cervin as Seen on Ascent of the RiflFel. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ BesangoiT. do. C do. Modern Painters. C do. Paris, Louvre. C Paris, Lux. C C do. Lille. do. Boston. M. F. A. Modern Painters. do. C do. do. do. do. C do. C — do. C — do. C do. do. do. C — do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 431 Mt. Cervin, Valais. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Study of Spring. (Drawing.) Beech-grove at Pont-Aven (Brittany). (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. The Spring at Treboul, near Douarnenez. (Draw- ing.) Path in the Cliff at Douarnenez. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. View taken on the Isle of Capri ; Gulf of Salerno in the background. (Drawing.) Banks of the Lake of Nemi (the Great Plane-tree). (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Hunting-station at La Cava, near Salerno. (Drawing.) Peasant of the Abruzzi. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Souvenir of Bas-Meudon. (Drawing.) Little Cascades at Tivoli. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Study of Aloes in the Ravines of Tivoli. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Lupo Bridge, Ravines of Tivoli. (Drawing.) Panorama of the Alps, taken from St. Cergues (Jura). (Drawing.) At St. Cergues (Jura). (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Banks of the Indre at Vesse (Touraine). (Draw- ing.) Washing-place at the Town of Batz (Brittany). (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The Lesson in Landscape (Vaux de Cernay). (Drawmg.) The Olive-picker, (Drawing.) The Valley of Hyeres (Provence). (Drawing.) Study of a chestnut-tree near Divonne (Ain). (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Les Vaux de Cernay. (Drawing.) The Brook of Cernay-la-Ville. (Drawing.) Gallery. Sices, 2 Modern Painters. — do. 2* 3 34 4 4i do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. — C — C — c — c — c -^ FRANCESCA (Piero della). Borgo San Sepolcro, 1420-1492. (Umbrian School.) Holy Family. Portrait of a woman (probably Isotta de Rimini, fourth wife of Sigismund Malatesta). Old Masters, London, Nat. Gal. C — 432 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Baptism of Our Lord. Portrait of a lady (Countess Palma d'Urbino ?). The Nativity. Portrait. Portraits of Frederic de Montefeltro, Duke of Urbino, and of Battista Sforza, his wife. Two allegories on the life of the Duke of Urbino and his wife. (Back of the above panel.) (According to Venturi, Lombard School.) Por- trait of a woman: Beatrice d'Este." Bust of Christ, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. FRANCESCHINI (Baldassare) , called IL VOL- TERRANO. \'olterre, 1611-1689. (Roman School.) Woman's head, full face. (Drawing.) FRANCESCHINI (Marco Antonio). Bologna, 1648-1729. (Bolognese School.) Figure of a child seated, nude figure, and the replica of its left hand. (Drawing.) C, $1.75- The repentant Magdalen surrounded and con- soled by three saints. Finding of Moses. Cupid about to Shoot an Arrow. FRANCESCO (di Giorgio di Martino of Siena). Siena, 1439-1502. (School of Siena.) Altar-step, with three events in the life of St. Benoit. FRANCHOIS (P.) (Flemish School.) Draining of the Glass (drinking bout). FRANCIA (Francesco Bologna, 1450-1517 The Nativity. Christ on the Cross. The Annunciation. (Drawing.) The Annunciation. Holy Family. Madonna and Child with saints RAIBOLINI, called) (Bolognese School.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ T) Zi A 4i London, Nat. Gal. C C — C do. C C C do. C C — C do. C — C Florence, Uffizi. do. Florence, Pitti. Milan, Resta Col. Paris, Louvre. — C C do. Dresden. Vienna, Liecht. Florence, Uffizi. do. — C C — C PIC Brussels. Paris, Louvre. do. do. Chantilly. Berlin. do. C — c — c c — c — S- c c — c — c — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 433 Madonna with the Child and St. Francis. Adoration of the Magi, and Shepherds. The Virgin with the Child Jesus ;at her side Little St. John. (According to Woermann, by Gia- como Francia.) The Baptism of Our Lord. Madonna of the Rose-garden. The Virgin v/ith the Child Jesus and Angels. Madonna and Child with St. John, St. Catherine, and St. Francis. Bust-portrait of a Duke of Urbino. Two shepherds turned to the left ; study for a Nativity. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. (Attributed to Boateri.) The Virgin, the Child Jesus, and St. John. The Virgin and Child with two angels. The Virgin with the Child Jesus and St. Anne en- throned, surrounded by saints. The Virgin and two angels weeping over the death of Christ. Madonna and Child with two saints. The Virgin seated, full face, the Child standing on her knee. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Portrait ot the Evangelist Scappi. The Virgin, standing, adoring the Infant Jesus lying on the ground ; sketch for the picture at Munich. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Holy Family ; composition of seven figures. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Angel kneeling, turned to the right ; study for an Annunciation. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Three figures of saints standing; in the centre St. Catherine leaning against the wheel. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Holy Family. (Pen and bistre drawing.) C, $1.00. The Angel Gabriel. (Pen drawing.) C, $1.00. Three saints; full-length figures. (Pen and bistre drawing.) C, $1.25. (Attributed.) Madonna and Child adored by two saints. St. Stephen. Gallery. Sices, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Berlin, Raczynski. C — C Dresden. C C do. C B do. • C C Munich. — C C C — C do. C C — C Vienna Museum. C Vienna, Liecht. — C C — Vienna, Albertina Buda-Pesth. do. London, Nat. Gal. — do. C do. — - C — C C — C C C C C c c London, B. M. Florence, Uffizi. C do. do. do. do. . do. do. do. Florence, A. B. A. C Rome, Borghese. C 434 SOVLE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. The Virgin with the Child. The Virgin with the Child and saints. The Virgin with the Child Jesus. The Virgin with the Child and saints. The Virgin, Child, and the Magdalen. The Madonna enthroned, with two saints. The Virgin, Child, and St, Jerome. The Virgin and Child. Madonna and Child with saints. Gallery. Sices, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4I Rome, Borghese. C do. C do. c Rome, Sciaria. c Rome, Torlonia. — — c Rome, Capitol. c Rome, Pin. of Vat. c St. Petersburg. c do. c FRANCIA (Giacomo RAIBOLINI), called IL. Bologna (?), 1557. (Bolognese School.) Devotion of Curtius. The Death of Tarpeia. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Lille. Subject taken from Roman history. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Horatius Codes. The Death of Regulus. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Rape of the Sabines. Mucins Scaevola. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Roman Triumph. Manlius Torquatus. Death of Orpheus. Apollo and Marsyas. Birth of Adonis. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. The Wild Boar of Calydon. Rape of Proserpine. Death of Icarus. Diana and Actaeon. Per- seus and Andromeda. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Deucalion and Pyrrha. Judgment of Midas, and four other compositions. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Apollo and Daphne. Abduction of Ganymede. Combat of Tritons. Triumph of Eros. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Eight Combats of Tritons. Sea-gods. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Seventeen pilasters and decorative panels. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Ten Madonnas, twenty-four heads and portraits, children's games, etc. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Christ in Gethsemane. The Kiss of Judas. Jesus Before the High Priest. Jesus in the Praetorium. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 435 Christ in Hades. St. Francis Receiving the Stig- mata. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Lille. Descent from the Cross. The Entombment. The Resurrection. The Roman Soldiers around the Empty Sepulchre. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. (By Giacomo and Giulio Raibolini.) Mary, Queen of Heaven. Madonna and Child with saints. Madonna and Child with St. John, The Virgin and Child. (According to Venturi, School of Francia.) Por- trait of a man. (According to Venturi, by Francesco Buonsig- nore.) Portrait of a man. do. (Style of Giacomo Francia.) (According to Ven- turi, Umbrian School of the XVI. century.) Marriage of St. Catherine. do. St. Margaret, St. Jerome, and St. Francis of Assisi. (Altar-picture.) Madrid. Madonna and Child, with St Catherine. St. Petersburg. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Beriin. C C — C do. — , C — c Dresden. — — — C Vienna, Liecht. C C Florence, Pitti. C — c — c FRANCIA. (English School.) View of a river in Holland. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. London, B. M. FRANCIA BIGIO (Marcantonio), called also CRISTOFANO (Francesco di). Florence, 1482-1525. (Florentine School.) (Attributed.) Male head, full face. (Drawing.) Portrait of a man. Portrait of young man. Portrait of young man. David and Bathsheba. Adam and Eve Driven from Paradise. (Drawing.) Portrait of a young man. Holy Family ; landscape in background. Bust-portrait of a man. Female figure kneeling, turned to the left. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Female figure kneeling, right profile. (Drawing.) The Temple of Hercules. Portrait of man. R. C. Paris. Louvre Berlin. do. do. Dresden. Dresden Munich. Vienna Museum. Vienna, Liecht. Vienna, Albertina. do. Florence, Uffizi. Florence, Pitti. C C — c c — c c C c — C — c c 436 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. The Marriage of the Virgin. (Fresco in the vesti- bule of the Church of the Annunziata.) St. John, Departing from the Desert, Blessed b}' his Father. (Fresco in the cloister of the Scalzi.) The Holy Family. (Fresco in the cloister of the Scalzi.) Venus and Two Cupids. (According to the cata- logue of the Borghese Gallery, by Andrea del Sarto.) Panel of a marriage chest. Another panel of the same chest Four heads of laughing children. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Galkry. Sizes, 2 n 3 Florence, Ann. ■ — C Florence, Scalzi. ■ — C do. ._ C 3i 4 4i FRANCK (Sebastian). Antwerp, 1573-1647. (Flem- ish School.) Allegory. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Rome, Borghese. C Rome, Torlonia. C do. C Milan, Resta Col. Florence, Uffizi. FRANCK or FRANCKEN II. (Frans), the Young- er. Antwerp, 1581-1642. (Flemish School.) The Passion. Paris, Louvre. C — Neptune and Galatea. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. Brunswick. B Apelles and the Shoemaker. Cassel. C — C (Follower of Frans Francken.) Lady giving alms. do. C — C The Parable of the Prodigal Son. Am., V. d. H. Coll. C C — C Allegory on the Abdication of Charles V. at Brus- sels, do. C — C FRANCKEN (Frans II.) and Frans POURBUS, the Younger. Ball at the Palace of the Archduke Albert and Isabella. The Hague. C — C FRANCKEN (Frans IIL) See P. NEEFS. FRANCK (Hans Ulrich). Kaufbeuern, 1603-1680. (German School.) Jesus Amabilis. (Engraving.) C, .75. FRANCK (Ph.) (Modern.) At the Pond. Dresden, R. C. Modern Painters. C C — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 437 On the Terrace. Frederick the Great at Sans-Souci. Time of Roses. Children's Procession. Ven- FRANCO (Battista), called IL SEMOLEI. ice, 1498 (?)-i56i. (Italian School.) A man seated, nude figure, and one standing. Circular composition. (Drawing.) Baptism of Christ. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Frieze : procession of Cupids in chariots drawn by goats and donkeys going towards the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Decoration for a room. (Drawing.) Decorative composition for a buckler. (Draw- ing.) C, $2.50. Study of a man, seated, dressing himself. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. The Virgin enthroned, St. Peter, and St. Paul. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Two figures standing and others kneeling, turned toward the back. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Two figures, the one looking up, the other leaning forward, walking towards the right. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. FRANCUCCI (Innocenzo), called INNOCENZO DA IMOLA. Imola, 1480-1550. (Italian School.) Two flying angels (Drawing.) The Holy Family surrounded (Drawing.) FRANKE (A. J.) (Modern.) From the Orient. FRANZ ROESSLER (E.) Cypress-trees in the garden of the Villa d'Este, Tivoli, Rome. (From a water-color.) PI., 9x12 inches, $2.00. Cypress-trees. PI., 6x9 inches, $1.00. C, $2.50. by five saints. FRANZINI D'ISSONCOURT (Ch. H. Born in Virieu (Isere). (Modern.) Marriage. Michel). Gallery. Si::es, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. c C — C do. C do.' C — C Paris, Louvre. C Dresden, R. C. Weimar. Chatsworth. do. Florence, Uffizi. do. Venice. Florence, Uffizi. Milan, Brera. C Modern Painters. C Boston, M. F. A. do. Modern Painters. - C C 438 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4I FRAPPA (Jose). Born in St. fitienne. (Modern.) Diplomacy. Modern Painters. C Chapter XXL do. C Last Moments of St. Francis of Assisi. do. C The Fete of His Eminence. do. C The Marriage of Interest. do. C Confession. do. C Possessed. do. C The Pretty Hostess. do. C A Rabbit. do. C Dom Perignon (1638-1715). do. C Cup and Ball Player. do. C C The Collector's Siesta. do. C A Nurses* Office. do. C The Cup and Ball. do. C An Episcopal Monologue. do. C C The Collector. do. C Piu9 VH. and Napoleon. — Fontainebleau, 1813. do. C C A Pilgrim. do. C A Dispensary at Belleville, do. C Cuckoo! (Salon of 1897.) do. C The Broken Tambourine. (Salon of 1897.) do. C The Prisoner of Fontainebleau. (Salon of 1899.) do. C C FReDOU (Jean Martial). (1711-1795.) (French School.) Portrait of Louis Stanislas Xavier de Bourbon, Count of Provence (1755-1854), afterwards Louis XVHL, King of France. C, $5.00. Nat'l Portraits. FREESE (Hermann). Pomerania, 1819-1871. (Modern.) Flying Stags. D., 11x20 inches, $5.00. , Modern Painters. B B — B FREIBACH (C.) (Modern.) Why? do. C — C Little Sulky. do. C — C The Orphans. do. C Angel Heads. do. C — C FR6MINET (Martin). Paris, 1567-1619. (French School.) Mercury Ordering ^neas to Abandon Dido. Paris, Louvre. C — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 439 FRENZ (A.) (Modern.) Spring. FRENZEL (O.) (Modern.) The Favorite. FRERE (Edouard Pierre). Paris, 1819-1886. (Modern.) The Drill. FRESNO Y DU (Charles Alphonse). 161 1-(?). (French School.) Vision of Alcmena. Paris, Gallery. Sices, 2 2\ 3 3 J A Ai Modern Painters. C — C do. do. C Vienna, Czernina. C — — FREUDENBERG (Sigismond). (French School.) Going to Bed. (Drawing.) 1745-1801. FREUND (Fr.) (Modern.) A Hot Day. War in Peace. Rendezvous. FREY (Wilhelm Friedrich). Carlsruhe, 1836. (Modern.) The Shepherdess. On the Lower Weser. Horses in Pasture. Royal Tiger. Herds on the Downs. FREYBERG (Conrad). Stettin, 1842. (Modern.) Prince Frederick of Hohenzollern at the head of the 2nd Dragoon-Guards' Parade. Prince Frederick Charles arriving on the battle- field of Vionville. Surrender of Metz. Stage-coach. Count Lehndorfif. Emperor William I. Before Le Mans. De Goncourt Col. Modern Painters, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. — C — C C c c c c C — C — C c C C do. B _ B B — B do. B _ B B — B do. B B do. B B do. B do. B B 440 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Skirmish of the 5th Armee Corps at Weissen- burg. Prince Charles of Prussia. (Equestrian portrait.) Emperor Frederick. (Equestrian portrait.) Spring Review at Potsdam. Prince Frederick Charles at Corny Castle Review- ing Conquered French Standards. Frederick Francis, Grand Duke of Mecklenburg Schwerin. Emperor William I. Four-in-Hand. (Portrait of Count Lehndorff.) Emperor William II. (Equestrian portrait.) FREYE (H.) (Modern.) Repentance. (St. Luke, XV. chapter, verses 14- I9-) FRIANT (fimile). Borii in Dieuze (Alsace-Lor- raine). (Modern.) All Saints' Day. (Salon of 1889.) " Lengthening Shadows. The Reading. — Elder Coquelin and Jean Coque- lin. The Good Dog. First Assault. The Little Barkeeper. (Salon of 1896.) FRIAUL. (School of Friaul after 1530.) Allegorical repre- sentation of peace and war. FRIEDENBERG (W.) (Modern.) Going to School. "Here's to You !" FRIEDRICH (Caspar). Greifwalde, 1774— Dres- den, 1840. (German School.) On the Seashore; sunrise effect. (Drawing.) C, $175. FRIEDRICH (H.) (Modern.) Chess-players. In Watteau's Studio. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2i 3 3l 4 4i Modern Painters. B B B do. — B — B' do. — B — B do. B . do. — B — B do. B — — B do. E — — B do. B — — B do. B — B — — B do. C — C Paris, Lux. C C Modern Painters. C C do. C do. C do. C C do. C C do. B do. C — C do. C Dresden, R. C. Modern Painters. do. C — C C — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 441 FRIEDRICH (Joseph Davis). (German School.) Grotto in a rock. (Drawing.) FRIEDRICH (O.) (Modern.) The Echo. St. Elizabeth Taking Leave of her Children in the Convent of Marburg. FRIEDRICH (W.) The Sisters. On the Terrace. Goethe. (Modem.) Dantzic, 1824. FRIEDRICHSEN (Ernestine). (Modern.) Ejcpelled. May-day Games. Goose Girl. FRIES (Ernst). Heidelberg, 1801— Carlsruhe, 1833. (German School.) View of Florence. (Drawing.) Sketch : Italian landscape. (Drawing.) Bust of an Italian woman, head, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Landscape ; in the background a large fortress. FRIESE (R.) (Modern.) Lion's Breakfast. A Hard Fight. FRIND (A.) (^lodern.) Childhood's Joy. Papa at Table. SnufYed Up. FRITRL (F.) A Martyr. (Modern.) FRITEL (Pierre). Born in Paris. The Conquerors. (Modern.) FRITZ (O.) The Pets. Critical. (Modern.) Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 34 4 4^ Dresden, P. G. C Modern Painters. do. do. do. do. do. do. C do. — C — C c — c c — c c c C c C — c c c c c — Dresden, P. G. do. do. do. C Modern Painters. C C — C do. C do. C — C do. C do. C do. do. do. do. C C — C C C 442 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ A Forest Idyll. Modern Painters. C An Original Painter. do. C FRITZE (Margarete.) Dreileben, near Magde- burg, 1845. (Modern.) Study-head. do. Emperor William II. do. B B FR5HLICHER (Otto). Solothurn, Switzerland, 1840-1891. (Modern.) Summer Morning. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. Moonlight Night. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. FROMENT (Nicolas). Born in Avignon. Was living in 1461. (French School.) Triptych in Aix called "The Burning Bush" : Portraits of Rene d'Anjou, called King Rene (1409-1480), and of Jeanne de Laval ( ?-i498), his second wife. Central panel : the Virgin ^ and Infant Jesus ; in the foreground, Moses and the Angel Gabriel speaking together. Left panel : Rene d'Anjou ; at his left, a war- rior; behind him, St. Anthony and St. Mau- rice, patrons of King Rene, and St. Magda- len, patroness of Provence. Right panel : Jeanne de Laval ; at her right, St. Nicholas with the three symbolic children at his feet; St. Catherine and St. John the Evangelist. Jlxterior of the triptych: on the closed pan- els, grisailles, representing at the left the Archangel Gabriel, and at the right, the Virgin receiving the angelic salutation. Aix, Cathedral. C Grand triptych: in the centre, our Lord raising Lazarus ; right panel, Alartha at the feet of the Saviour; left panel, Magdalen washing His feet. Florence, Uflfizi. C — FROMENTIN (Eugene). Born in La Rochelle (Charente - Inferieure), 1820-1876. (French School.) Hunting with Falcon in Algeria ; the Quarry. An Arab Encampment. Paris, Louvre, do. — C — C — C — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 443 Arab women on the banks of the Nile. Arab horsemen. Falconry. Palace of the Doges at Venice. Horseman. (Drawing.) Horse in harness. (Drawing.) Two figures seated. (Drawing.) Female centaur, back view. (Drawing.) Horse spurred to the gallop. (Drawing.) Study of a female torso. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Egyptian women before their door. (Unfinished picture.) Arab encampment. Arab horse mounted. / The Grand Canal and Church of La Salute at Venice. Arab falconer. Two horses. Horse held in leash by a young Nubian. Centaur practicing drawing the bow. The Island of Philae. (Xubia). Arab horsemen. Arab horseman. The Ramasseum at Thebes. Two centaurs (male and female). Forest of Palms. Fellah women seated on the banks of the Nile. Two Arabs. The Country of Thirst. The Combat. Forest in Lower Egypt. Night Robbers. A camel and driver. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Arab on horseback with a madman on the saddle behind him. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Arab seated (El Aghouad). (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Arab; bust. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Two horses near an Arab camp. Nude woman reclining. Three Arab horsemen, back view. The Grand Canal and Church of La Salute at Venice. Gallery. Sises, 2 Paris, Louvre. — Gallice Collection. — Chantilly. — do. — Modern Painters. — do. — do. — do. — do. — do. — 2^ 3 3i 4 4i — C — C — C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C c 444 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. A house-painter. A palace in Venice. Five Arabs. Two Arabs. Three Arabs standing. Arabs attacked by a lion in a mountain gorge. Arab horseman drinking. (Drawing.) C, $1.25, A Sachki woman on the bank of the Nile. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Arab dog. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Portrait of two Arabs. (Drawing.) Arab Dance. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The Khmasyn. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Female centaur, left profile. $I75- Arab woman. (Drawing.) Group of Arabs. (Drawing.) Female centaurs. Arab on horseback with a madman on the saddle behind him. Encampment in the Oasis. Falcon Hunting. C, $1.25. (Drawing.) C. C, $1.25. C, $1.25. Gallery. Sices, Modern Painters, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 2 2^ Z 4i C FRORIEP (P.) Riickert. (Modern.) do. C — C FROSCHL (Carl). Vienna, 1848. (Modem.) Family Quarrel. The Model. A Patient Play-fellow. In Spring. Afraid of Water. Love of Water. Trifles. Burgher-woman. Lady of Rank. Obstinate Guest. •Think of Me !" In the Cool Shadows. ♦Madonna. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C — C c c c — c c '■ c c c c c — c c — c c c c c — c •This subject also comes in an Aquarelle Gravure, about 21x15 in., $12. oa SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 445 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Our Darling. Modern Painters. C — C Marguerite. do. C — C FUGEL (G.) (Modern.) Visit to Grandfather. do. C Descent from the Cross. do. c — C Holy Family. do. B Death of St. Sebastian. do. B The Wise and Foolish Virgins. do. C C — C FURST (M.) (Modern.) St. Sabina. do. C Flight into Egypt. do. c c — c St. Lawrence. do. c St. John of Nepomuk. do. c Christ Taking Leave of His Mother in Bethany. do. c c — c Coronation of the Virgin. do. C C — c The Virgin's Sacrifice. do. c c — c Ecce lignum crucis (crucifixion). D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. do. c c — c St. Dominic. do. c — c St. Margaret. do. c c — c Glorification of the Virgin. do. c c — c St. Elizabeth. do. c — c Christ on the Road to Emmaus. "Abide with Us." do. c c — c St. Hunna. do. c c — c St. Martin. do. c C — c St. Vincent de Paul. do. c C — c Holy Family. do. c — c Christ on the Cross. do. C — c St. John of Matha. do. c c — c St. Odile. do. c — c St. Louis. do. c c — c Christ with saints. do. c c — c St. Sebastian. do. c — c The Sacred Heart of Mary. D.,7xio inches, $1.50; D., 16x21, $5.00. do. c c — c FYOLL (Conrad). Frankfort-on-the-Main. Worked in 1465. (German School.) (Attributed.) Altar-pjcture with wings : middle 446 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. panel, Christ on the Cross; left panel, The donor, Niklas von Humbrecht, his three sons, and Bishop Nicholas; right panel, Marga- reta Fauten von Monsperg, wife of the above, her three daughters, and St. Alargaret. FYT (Jan). Antwerp, 1611-1661. (Flemish School.) Game in a Larder. Dogs with dead game. Diana with dead game. Two horses. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. Birds. Dog mounting guard over the spoils of the chase. Large white dog at the side of a young noble- man, to whom a dwarf is presenting the dog's collar. (The figures are by Thomas Wille- borts, called Bosschaerts?) Dog-fight. (Drawing.) Dogs. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Dogs fighting. Bear-baiting. Diana with her Spoils. Huntmg the Roebuck. Dogs dragging a wagon-load of dead game. (Jan Fyt and Van Dyck.) Portrait of a young girl. GABBIANI (Antonio Domenico). Florence, 1652- 1722 or 1726. (Florentine School.) Portrait ; male bust, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Design for a ceiling. (Pen and bistre drawing.) GAEL (Alois), Wies, Tyrol, 1845. Conscription in the Tyrol. The Arising in the Tyrol. Journey to the Watering-place. The Starling. In the Brewery. Rural Family-scene. Telling Stories. "Please, oh, Please!" (Modern.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2i 3 3^ 4 4^ Frankfort. Paris, Louvre. Berlin. do. Brunswick. do. Cassel. C C — C — — C — C — C — C B B — C — C Dresden. C C Dresden, R. C. do. Munich. c c — C do. C — C Vienna Mus. .— C Vienna, Liecht. C Brussels. C — c Antwerp. Dresden, Rov.Col. — Florence , Uffizi. — — — c — — Modern Painters. C c do. c do. c c — c do. — — c do. c — c do. c c — c do. c — c do. — c — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 447 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2\ 3 3i 4 4i "I Am so Tall!" Modern Painters. C Vaccination in a Village. do. B B GABONI. The Review. PL, 6x13 inches, $2.00; 7x16, $2.50. do. GABRIEL (Fransois). (French School.) Portrait of the Princess de Lamballe. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Paris, Louvre. The Dutch Windmill. PI., 7x9 inches, $1.00. N. Y., Met. Mus. GABRON (Willem). Antwerp, 1619-1678. (Flem- ish School.) Still-life. Munich. C — C GADDI (Taddeo). Florence, 1300 (?)-i366 (?). (Florentine School.) . Beheading of John the Baptist. ^ Calvary. . I (Companions.) Paris, Louvre. C — Christ and Judas Iscanot. | Martyrdom of a saint. J Triptych. Berlin. C ■ Central panel, the Virgin and Child ; left panel, the Nativity : right panel, the Crucifixion. do Altar-picture in four sections : lower left panel, Christ between the Virgin and St. John ; low- er right panel, St. Christopher ; upper panels, St. Margaret. St. Catherine. do. C Central panel of an altar-piece : Madonna and Child with saints. do. C Miracle from the Legend of St. Francis. do. C Descent of the Holy Ghost. do. C The Visitation ; composition of seven figures. (Drawing.) Florence, Uffizi. C — GADDI (Agnolo di Taddeo). Florence, 1333-1396. (Florentine School.) The Annunciation. Paris, Louvre. C — C — Madonna and Child. * Berlin. C Head of an old man, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. London. B. M. Annunciation of the Virgin. Florence, Uffizi. C 448 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4I Christ seated; holds a book in His left hand. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Florence, Uffizi. GADDI or GATTI (Bernardo), called SOJARO. Cremona (?)-i575- Head of an old man, full face. (Drawing.) C, .75. Milan, Amb. . Head of young woman : turned a little to the right, looking down. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. The Annunciation. (Drawing.) C $1.75. Milan, Resta. GAESBEECK (Adriaan van). Leyden (?)-i65o. 'Dutch School.) The Seamstress. Berlin. C GAETANO. See PULZONE (Scipione). GAGG (A.) (Modem.) In Faithful Care. Modern Painters. C GAGNEAU (Leon). Born in Paris. (Modern.) The Strand. do. C C Return from Market. do. C C The River. D., $5.00. do. C Peasants' Life. do. C C The Viaduct of the Moulineaux. (Salon of 1898.) do. C GAGNERAUX (Benoit). Dijon, 1763-1795. (French School.) Combat of horsemen. • Florence, Uffizi. C — GAINSBOROUGH (Thomas). Sudbury, 1727— London, 1788. (English School.) Landscape. Paris, Louvre. C — Portrait of the Marquise de Castellane. Old Masters. C — Portrait of Lady Acton Ashley. do. C Portrait of Thomas Linley. Vienna, Liecht. C The Watering-place. London, N. G. C Musidora Bathing. > do. C Portrait of Mrs. Siddons. PI., 9x1 1 inches, $2.00; 15x19, $5.00. do. C — AC Head only; detail of the above. PI., 5x6 inches, .50; 7x9, $1.00. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 449 Portrait of Orpin, parish clerk of Bradford, Wilt- shire. Landscape. Portrait of a child. (Reproduced from the pastel by J. Wells Champney.) PL, 15x20 inches, $6.00; 9x12, $3.00, Portrait of three daughters of George III.: the Princess Royal, Princess Augusta, and Prin- cess Elizabeth. Portrait of the artist, full-length figure, seated ; left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Portrait of a nobleman seated, turned to the right. (Drawing.) C, ^1.75. Portrait of the Duke and Duchess of Cumberland. Portrait of George III., King of England. Portrait of Queen Charlotte. Portrait of Princess Sophia. Portrait of George, Prince of Wales. Portrait of Prince Alfred. Portrait of Princess Charlotte, Queen of Wurtem- berg. Portrait of Edward, Duke of Kent. Portrait of Princess Augusta Sophia. Portrait of Princess Elizabeth of Hesse-Hom- bourg. Portrait of Prince Ernest August, Duke of Cum- berland. Portrait of Prince Auguste Frederic, Duke of Sus- sex. Portrait of Prince Octave. Portrait of Prince Adolph Frederic, Duke of Cam- bridge. Portrait of Princess Mary, Duchess of Gloucester. Portrait of Prince William Henry, Duke of Clar- ence. Portrait of Mrs. Robinson. Mistress Fisher. (Exhibition of female portraits at the ficole des Beaux Arts, 1897.) Mrs. Jordan, artist ; known as Dorothy Bland. (Exhibition of female portraits at the Ecole des Beaux Arts, 1897.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4I London, N. G. C do. C ao. London,Buck.Pal. __c London, B. M. A - do. Windsor, C do. C do. do. do. EEfz^z do. c - do. do. do. do. 1 III 1 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 do. C C do. do. c c — do. do. IIcIII do. --C --- do. c — do. do. C 450 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ GAISSER (Jakob Emanuel). Augsburg, 1825. (Modern.) A Great Piece of News. Modern Painters ;- C Parents' Joy. . do. C Interrupted Chess-party. do. C Congratulations. do. C — C GALBRUND (Alphonse Louis). Born in Paris. (Modern.) The Housewife. (Pastel.) Paris, Lux. C C GALIMARD (Augusta Nicolas). Paris (?)- 1882. (French School.) The Ode. (Salon of 1846.) do. C C GALLEGOS (J.) (Modern.) Procession in Venice. Modern Painters. B B The Confession. Holy Communion. The Mass. GALLAGHER (Sears). :Massachusetts. (Modern.) Little Dorothy. PI., 8x13 inches, $2.00; 6x9, $1.00. Colonial Days. PL, 9x13 inches, $2.00. GALLAIT (Louis). Born in Toumai (Belgium), 1810-1888. (Modern.) Portrait of General de Lamonciere (1806-1865). The Queen of Belgium. Leopold II. GALLI (G.) (Modem.) A Lucky Throw. Cum Grano Salis. The New Song. A Good Judge. A Jolly Friar. Dolce Far Niente. Jealousy. A Favorite Dish. A Merry Company. Between Two Thorns, A Bashful Lover. do. B - B do. B — B do. B — B do. do. do. ^ do. — C — do. — C — do. c c — c do. C C — c do. C — C do. C — C do. C — c do. c do. c do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 451 Industry and Idleness. Troubadour. Industry and Idleness. "Maladetto." New Wines. "Here's to You!" A Spirited Resistance. On-lookers Have the Most Fun. "Keep Calm !" "Can't He Tell 'Em?" "Oh, What Joy !" In the Wine-cellar. Spoons. Waiting. "Here's to the Girl with Two Lovely Brown Eyes !*' GAME A DE PREYDOUR (Alexandre). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Spring. Vain Flights. "It Was now the Hour when the Desire Returned." GAMBA (V.) (Modern.) Unmasked. Marietta. Norina. The Kiss. GAMPENRIEDER (K.) (Modern.) Kissing the Hand. Bliicher before Paris. GAR AY (Epifanio). Recreation. (Modern.) GARBO (Raffaellino del). Florence, 1466-1524. (Florentine School.) Coronation of the Virgin. Madonna and Child between SS. Nicolas and Dominic ; at the foot of the throne, St. Vin- cent and Peter, Martyr. Madonna and Child between two angel-musicians. Madonna and Child, St. Sebastian, and St. Andrew. Gallery. Sices, Modern Painters, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 2 2i 3 3| 4 4^ C — C C — C C — C c c — c c c c . c c c c c c c — c Paris, Louvre. Berlin, do. do. C C C c C c c — c C — c C — c c c — c c c — c c c — c c c c c c c c c 452 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Detail of the above : Madonna and Child. St. Francis embracing the cross. (Drawing.) C. $1.25. An angel. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. St. John the Baptist; full-length figure. (Drawing.) Honors Rendered to a Bishop. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Marriage of St. Catherine. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. A saint standing before a monk seated. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Angel, standing, playing the violin. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Death of St. Paul; group of two figures. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Draped figure of a saint seated, full face. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Two young men kneeling before a bishop stand- ing. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Composition of three draped male figures. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. A bishop expelling Satan. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. St. Paul standing, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. St. Catherine standing, slightly turned to the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. S^. Peter and Paul; busts. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Bust of the Virgin holding the Infant Jesus stand- ing. (Drawing.) C, .75. Resurrection of Christ. Draped female figure seated. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. GARCIA MENCIA (Antonio). Born in Madrid. (Modern.) The Nest; children of the country around Naples. GARDNER (Elizabeth Jane). Born in Exeter, New Hampshire, United States. (Modern.) Before the Betrothal. The Golden Wedding. Purity. The Improvised Cup. "Don't Move." Gallery. Berlin. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 C 3i 4 4^ Dresden, R. C. Weimar. London, B. M. C Florence, Uf!izi. • do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Flor. Ac. d. B. A. C — Milan, Resta. Modern Painters. C C do. C do. c do. c do. c c do. c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 453 A Good Harvest. A Corner of the Farm. Feeding Birds. , Imprudence. The Farmer's Daughter. Innocence. Two Mothers of Families. In the Woods. The Answer to the Grandson. Cherries. Soap-bubbles. The Escapade. The Judgment of Paris. Three Friends. Across the Brook. David the Shepherd. In the Fields. (Salon of 1896.) GARLAND (H.) (Modern.) On the Road to the Fair. Highland landscape and cattle. Turning the Drove. Cattle in Glen Dochart. Crossing the Ford. Highland Ponies. GARNELO-ALDA (Jose). (Modern.) The Interrupted Duel. (Salon of 1897.) Lourdes. (Salon of 1898.) Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C GARNIER (Jules Arsene). (Modern.) Day of the Fete. The Temptation. The Temptation ; detail. Rabelais, Cure of Meudon. Awakening. Always ! Borgia's Amusement. Merry Drinkers. The Magpie Tavern. Open-air Study. Born in Paris, 1847. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C C C C — C C C C C C c c c — c c — c — c — c — AC c c c c — c c — c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c C c c c 454 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Dancing the Farandole. Modern Painters. C The Story-teller. do. C The Monk Telling Vulgar Tales. , do. C At the Spring. do. * C In the Harem. do. C Charivari. — Promenade of the Beaten Husband. do. C In the Very Act. do. C C Baptism by Immersion. do. C The Prayer of Love. do. C Fisher, and a shepherd playing the flute. do. C In the Open Air. do. C Live Merrily! do. C — C C Study. do. C The Stake. do. C The Glorification of Labor. do. C Dancing the Pavane. do. C GAROFALO (Benvenuto Tisi), called THE GAR- OFALO. Polesina, 1481-1559. (School of Ferrara.) The Circumcision. Paris, Louvre. C — Holy Family. do. C — Sleep of the Infant Jesus. do. C — C — St. Jerome at Penance. Berlin. C — C Adoration of the Magi. do. C Jupiter and lo. Berlin, Raczynski. C St. Cecilia. (Habich Coll.) Cassel. — C — C Venus Showing Mars the Wound which Diomedes Gave her in the Hand. Dresden. C C Neptune and Pallas. do. C C The Nuptials of Bacchus and Ariadne. (After a drawing by Raphael.) do. C C The Virgin delivering the Infant Jesus to St. Cecilia ; in the background, three saints. do. C C The Virgin adoring the sleeping Child. do. C C The Virgin appearing to St. Peter, St. Bruno, and St. George. do. C Copy from "The Holy Family." (Drawing.) Dresden, Roy.Col. C Copy from the picture in Dresden, "Neptune and Pallas." (Drawing.) do. C The Holy Family, called "of the Chafing-dish." Frankfort. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 465 Madonna and Child, the Archangel St. Michael, and St. John the Baptist. Woman Taken in Adultery. Holy Family with St. Elizabeth, Little St. John, and two other saints. Madonna and Child enthroned under a canopy. Vision of St. Augustine. Christ and the Apostles, (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Holy Family. The Kiss of Judas ; composition of many figures in the form of a bas-relief. (Drawing.) Head of a young man slightly turned to the left, (Drawing.) St. James the Greater. Madonna and Child. Holy Family and Archangel St. Michael. Christ Bearing the Cross. Madonna and Child. (According to the catalogue to the Gallery of the Capitol, by Ferrari.) Holy Family. The Virgin Glory, with two saints. The Annunciation. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3J 4 4^ Munich. Buda-Pesth. C — C C — London, Nat. Gal. C — do, C C — C do. C — C London, B. M. Windsor. — C C — do. C P'lorence, Ufifizi. C Florence, Pitti. C Rome. Bor. Gal. C — do. C Rome, Corsini. C Rome, Capitol. C — do. do. do. z = ^.=== PL, 6x9 inches, 5x7 inches, .75. GARRETT (G. H.) (Modern.) Marmion. PL, 8x12 inches, $2.00. Goldsmith and his Whistle. PL, 6x8 inches, .75 Dr. Johnson and King George. •75- Dr. Johnson Doing Penance. PI Little LioneL PL, 8x12 inches, $2.00. The Fir'-t Mayflower. PL, 9x13 inches, $2.00. GASKELL (G. P.) (Modern.) *Nocturne, D,, 9x16 inches, $3.00. GASSER (Leonhard). Born in Florence. (Mod- ern,) The Soubrette. La Zingarella. Confidences. Modern Painters. • do. do. do. do. do. B do. r do. C C — C do. C — C *This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 in., $1.80. 466 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Shcs, 2 .2\ 3 3^ 4 4^ GASSNER (F.) (Modern.) The Political Cobbler. Modern Painters. C GAUDEFROY (Alphonse). Born in Paris. (Mod- ern.) Well Guarded. do. C A Folk-song-. do. C Beatitude. do. C English Pointer. do. — — C C A Bird in the Hand is Worth Two in the Bush. (Salon of 1899.) do. C C GAUPP (Gustav). Wurtemberg, 1844. (Modem.) The Well. do. B B Sacking a Monastery. do. B B GAUTHEROT (Claude). Paris, 1769-1825. (French School.) Napoleon Wounded before Ratisbonne^. April 23, 1809. Versailles. C Detail of the above : Napoleon alone ; bust. do. C Portrait of Marshal Davoust (Louis Nicolas), Duke of Auerstadt, Prince of Eckmuhl (1770- 1823). do. C — GAUTHIER (Etienne). Bom in Marseilles. (:Mod- ern.) St Cecilia Modern Painters. C C GAVARNI, pseudonym for Sulpice Paul Chevalier. 1801-1866. (French School.) Portrait of Ferdinand Victor Eugene Delacroix (1798-1863), historical and portrait painter. Member of the Institute. (Pen drawing.) Nat'l Portraits. — C — GAVARNI (Pierre). Born in Paris. (:\lodern.) Nook on the Shore. Modern Painters. C C Jumping the Bars. — Concours Hippique. do. C C GAY (Walter). Hingham, Massachusetts, 1846. (Modem.) The Knife-grinder do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 467 Gallcrv. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ GAYLER (L.) (Modern.) Dangerous Homage. Modern Painters. C GAYSON. Landscape. PI., 9x11 inches, $2.00. Boston, Stet. C. GEBHARDT (Carl.) (Modern.) "O thou Sea of Heaven's Own Blue !" Modern Painters. C Faithlessly Forgotten. do. C C GEBHARDT (Eduard von). St. Johannis, Esthe- land, 1838. (Modern.) In the Times of the Reformation. do. C C Taking Home the Bride. do. C C C Two Convent-pupils. do. C C Pieta. do. C C — C Old Town Constitution. do. C C *The Last Supper. D., 23x34 inches, $15.00. do. B B B B Christ Crucified. do. B B The Crucifixion. D., 20x9^ inches, $5.00. do. B B B B Christ. (Panel of an altar.) do. B B Christ on the Waves. do. B B The Ascension. do. B B B Disputation. do. B B At Work. do. B B The Crucifixion. do. B B B 'T Will not Let Thee Go, Except Thou Bless Me." D., 18x12 inches, $5.00. do. The Healing of the Lame Man. D., 19^x281 inches, I $12.00. do. The Transfiguration of Christ. D., 2ofxi3^ inch- es, $5.00. do. Nicodemus. D., 19x15$ inches, $5.00. do. GEBHARDT (K.) (Modern.) • The Bookworm. do. C Loki and Sigyu. do. C C — C Death of Virginia. do. — C C C — C Absorbed. do. C Cain and Abel. do. C C — C *This subject comes in a Barj'to Print, 6 1-2x9 ^D-. *i-8o. 468 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3I 44^ The Singer's Joy. Modern Painters. C Jealousy. do. C Jolly Party. • ' do. C C — C Eros Weeping over Adonis. do. C — C Grandfather's Joy. do. C — C Jolly Musicians. do. C Drama of a King. do, C — C The Cozy Corner. do. C Blissful Hours. . do. — C — C GEBHARDT (L.) (Modern.) The Herzogstand. do. C — C Gosau-See with the Dachstein. do. C — C GEBLER (Otto). Dresden, 1838. (Modern.) Sheep in Pasture. do. C C Interrupted Cock-fight do. C — C Unbidden Guests. do. C C In the Sheepfold. do. C A Flock. do. C Reynard's End. do. C C — C Art Critics. do. B B — B GEERTGEN (van St. Jous). See HAARLEM (Gerritt van). GEERTZ (Julius). Hamburg, 1837. (Modern.) The Savoyard. do. ' C The Village Champion. do. — ^ C C Wild-flowers. do. C C C GEETS (W.) (Modern.) *The First Trial. do. C C GEGERFELDT (Wilhelm von). Gothenburg, Sweden. (Modern.) Summer Night in Venice. do. C GEHRTS (C), the Younger. (Modern.) Germania's Grief. do. C C C Measuring. do. C — C Banquet-scene in Macbeth. do. C C C •This subject comes in Aquarelle Gravure, 21x15 i^-* •12.00. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 459 Petrucchio's Wedding. Blind-man's-buff. Fairy's Visit. GEIGER (Carl A.) Vienna, 1822. (Modern.) Paphos. The Kiss of Judas. GEIGER (R.) (Modern.) From the Spring. Spring Splendor. GEISSLER (V^^.) (Modern.) "When the Cat's Away," etc. GELDER (Aart de). Dordrecht, 1645- 1727. (Dutch School.) Ecce Homo. A Halberdier. An artist painting an old woman. Portrait of a young man. Portrait of the Czar, Peter the Great. GELDER (L. van). (Modern.) Cupid. Grandfather's Pipe. The Little Merchant. The Convent-school. Contrabrand. GELDORP. SeeGOUTZIUS. GeLIBERT (Jules Bertrand). Born in Bagneres- de-Biogorre (Hautes-Pyrenees), 1834. (Mod- ern.) At the Rendezvous. Legend of St. Hubert. Another Pinch. The Boar Hunt. (Salon of 1898.) GELLEE (Claude). See LORRAINE (Claude). GENGA (Girolamo). Urbin, 1476-1551. (Umbrian School.) Study in the nude for a "Holy Family." (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C C — C do.- C — C do. C — C do. do. do. do. do. Dresden. do. Frankfort, Vienna, Liecht. Amsterdam. C C — C C — C C C C — C B C C C C C c c — c Modern Painters. C do. c do. c do. c do. C do. C do. C c do. C c do. c Paris, Louvre. 460 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Studies ; draped figure of an old man standing, and two sketches of men. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Six different studies of men and children. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Adoration of the ^lagi ; grand composition of nu- merous figures. (Drawing.) (According to Venturi, by RafTaellino del Garbo.) Holy Family. GENTZ (Wilhelm). Neu-Ruppin, 1822— Berlin, 1890. (Modern.) Crown Prince Frederick Entering Jerusalem. A Reading from the Koran. Festival in Memory of Rabbi Isaac Barchischat. Idyll in Thebes. Evening on the Nile. Crown Prince Frederick of Prussia A'isiting the Tombs of the Caliphs near Cairo. GENZMER (B.) (Modern.) Wind-up of the Carnival. The First Porridge. Difficult Catch. Dangerous Neighborhood. Sweet Tooth. Childhood Days. Unattainable. The First Plaything. Self-satisfied. A Strange Offer. The Black Man. GEOFFREY (Jean). Born in Marennes (Charente- Inferieure). (Modern.) Unfortunate. (Salon of 1885.) Resemblance not Guaranteed. A Resigned Victim. A Future Savant. • A Quarter of an Hour of Rabelais The Infant Class. School Luncheon. In Quarantine. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4I Vienna, Albertina. do. Florence, Uffizi. C Florence, Pitti. C Painters. *B — B B — B B B B B B B Modern do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Paris, Lux. C Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C do. C C do. C C do. • C — c — c — c c c — c c c — c — c — — c c — c — c c — c c c — c — c B SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 461 Gallery. Siacs, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ At the Pillory. Modern Painters. C Hour of Return. do. C C The Sewing-lesson. do. C A Strolling Basket-maker. do, C For France. — The School Battalion. do. C The Wash-stand in the Mother's Class. do. C • The Starving. do. C The Last Drop. do. C Branches. do. C A Class Going Out. do. C On the Bank of the Canal Saint Martin. do. C The Cocoanut-seller. do. C A Young Mother. do. C C The Reading-lesson. do. C Composition Day. do. — — — C Castor-oil. do. C In the Night Asylum. do. C GEORGE (V. L.) (Modern.) An Easter Angel. PL, 9x13 inches, $2.00; 6x8^, $1.00. do. Unscheduled Stop. PI., 8x13^ inches, $2.50. do. "Blessed are the Pure in Heart." PI., 10x13 inch- es, $3.00; 8x13, $2.00. do. GERARD (Francois Pascal Simon, Baron). Rome, 1770 — Paris, 1837. (French School.) Henry IV. Entering Paris, March 22, 1594. Paris, Louvre. C — C Psyche Receiving the First Kiss from Cupid. do. C — C — Daphnis and Chloe. do. C — C — (Detail of the above.) do. C — C — Portrait of M. Isabey, miniature painter, and his daughter (afterwards Mme. Ciceri). do. C — C — Portrait of the sculptor, Antonio Canova. do. C — Portrait of King Charles X. do. C — C — Portrait of Empress Marie Louise. do. C — C — Portrait of Countess Regnault de Saint-Jean- d'Angely. do. C — C — Portrait of the Marquise Visconti. do. C — C — Capture of Rome. (Drawing.) do. C — Bust portrait of a woman slightly turned to the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. 462 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Head of a young woman, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Full-length portrait of a child with dog. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Study of an angel flying. (Drawing.) Bust of a woman, left profile, her head resting on her right arm. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Henry IV. Entering Paris, March 22, 1594. The Empress Marie Louise holding the King of Rome, standing in his cradle. The King of Rome, Napoleon Francois Charles Joseph, Prince Imperial (1811-1832). Portrait of the Empress Josephine (Marie Rose Josephine Tascher de la Pagerie, 1763-1814). Portrait of Madame Laetitia Bonaparte (Marie Laetitia Ramolino, Mother of Napoleon I., 1 750- 1 836). Portrait of Lamartine (Alphonse Marie Louis Prat de), statesman, poet (1790-1869). Portrait of Moreau (Jean Victor), General-in-Chief of the Army of the Rhine (1763-1813). Portrait of Queen Hortense (Hortense Eugenie de Beauhamais), Queen of Holland, with her son (1783-1837). (Standing.) Portrait of Queen Hortense (Hortense Eugenie de Beauhamais), Queen of Holland, with her son (1783-1837). (Seated.) Portrait of Count Regnaud de Saint-Jean-d'Angely (Michel Louis fitienne). Minister, Secretary of State to the Imperial Family (1760-1819). Portrait of Alexander I., Emperor of Russia (1777- 1825). Portrait of Joseph Bonaparte, King of Spain (1768- 1844). Portrait of La Revelliere-Lepaux (Louis Marie de), member of the Directory (1753-1824). Portrait of Fourcroy (Antoine Frangois de), chem- ist (1755-1809). Portrait of Mme. Tallien (Jeanne Marie Therese Cabarrus), afterwards Princess de Chimay (1775-1835). Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Paris, Louvre. do. do. do. Versailles. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C — C — — c c — c — c c c c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 463 Portrait of the Duke de Berry (Charles Ferdinand d'Artois (1778-1820). Portrait of the artist Isabey (Jean Baptiste) (1767-1855). Portrait of Mme. de Stael (1766- 181 7). Portrait of Mile. Duchesnois of the Comedie Fran- 9aise (1778- 1847). Portrait of Mile. Mars of the Comedie Franqaise (1778-1847). Portrait of the Duchess de Broglie, daughter of Mme, de Stael. Portrait of the Duchess de Talleyrand. Portrait of Mme. Recamier (Hotel de Ville of Paris). Portrait of Mme. Recamier. (Detail of the above.) Portrait of the Countess Martinelli. Portrait of the Duchess de Bassano. Portrait of the Queen of Naples (Caroline Bona- parte), 1782-1839, with her children. Sepia sketch : Mme. Recamier. Portrait of Jean Francois Ducis (1733-1816), dra- matic poet, Member of the French Academy. Portrait of Marie Josephine Tascher de la Pagerie, called Josephine (1763-1815), Empress of the French. Portrait of Marie Josephine Rose Tascher de la Pagerie, called Josephine (1763-1815), Em- press of the French. (Aquarelle.) Portrait of Zoe, Countess of Cay la (1784- 1 850), daughter of the Advocate Talon. Portrait of MaximiHan Sebastian Foy (1775- 1825), Division General, political orator, deputy from Aisne. Portrait of Alphonse Marie Louis Prat de Lamar- tine (1790-1869), poet, orator, politician, Member of the French Academy. Portrait of Judith Pasta (1798- 1865), singer. Portrait of Marguerite Josephine Wemmer, called Mademoiselle Georges (1787-1867), actress. Portrait of Francois Joseph Talma (1763- 1826), tragedian, associate member of the Comedie Franqaise. Gallery. Sizes, 2 24 3 3i 4 4^ Versailles C - do. c - Masters, XIX Cen. c do. do. do. I 1 1 1 1. \ 1 1 I 1 1 1 do. C - do. c do. C — C do. c — do. C do. c do. c - Nat. Portraits. c - do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 461 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTOX Portrait of Joachim Murat (1771-1815), King of Naples. (Black crayon drawing.) Portrait of Bonaparte, first consul. The Three Ages of Man. G6RARD (Marguerite). Grasse, 1761. (French School.) Young woman. (Exhibition of female portraits at, the ficole des Beaux Arts, 1897.) Male portrait; medallion (December, 1787). (Drawing in Italian crayon.) C, $l.OO. Gerard (Theodore). (Modern.) Family Fete. GERDES (F.) (Modern.) The Young Married Couple. GeRICAULT (Jean Louis Andre Theodore). Rouen, 1791 — Paris, 1825. (French School.) Raft of the Medusa. Officer of the Chasseurs a Cheval of the Imperial Guard Charging. (Equestrian portrait of M. Dieudonne, officer of the Emperor's Fugle- men.) Officer of the Chasseurs a Cheval of the Imperial Guard. Wounded Cuirassier Leaving the Battle. The Wounded Cuirassier. A Carabineer. The Brick Kiln. Turkish horse in a stable. Spanish horse in a stable. Stable with five horses, which are seen from the rear. Epsom Races in 182 1. The Race. Head of a Bulldog. Race-horses. Race-horses. Interior of the Stable. Head of a horse. Gallery. Sises, 2 Mus. Chalons-sur- Saone. — Chantilly. — do. — do. 2i 3 3^ 4 4i C C Besan^on. Modern Painters. do. Paris, Louvre. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C — c c c — C — c c — c c — c — — c c — c c — c — — c — — c — c c — c — — c — — c — — c — — c c — c — — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 465 (After Prudhon.) Justice and Divine Vengeance Pursuing Crime. Head of a dog. Leaving a stable. (Drawing.) Lion and Lioness. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Episode of the Egyptian Campaign. (Drawing.) Study of two horses, (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Nymph carried ofif by a Centaur. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. (Same subject.) (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Study of horse. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Study of horse. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Idyll. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Cavalry Fight. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Five horses, tied to a post. (Drawing.) French horse tied to a post. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Man felling a bull. (Drawing.) English Jockey. (Drawing.) Horses in stable. (Drawing.) C, .75- Horses walking. (Drawing.) Horse led by a child. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Horse ; left side. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Horse turned to the right, held by a palfrey. (Drawing.) Carabineer; back view. (Drawing.) Episode of the Madagascar War. (Drawing.) Wreck of the Medusa. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Wreck of the Medusa: The Meeting. (Drawing.) C.,$i.25. Episode of the Wreck of the Medusa. (Drawing.) Study for the Raft ; negro making signals. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Cats' heads. (Drawing.) Sketch of the Wreck of the Medusa. (Drawing.) An Amazon. (Drawing.) Portrait of the artist, by himself. GlSRIN (Rene Eugene). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Mademoiselle's Garden. GERINI. See DI NICOLO (Lorenzo). Gallery. Siaes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4| Paris, Louvre. C — do. C — do. C do. do. C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C do. Masters XIX Cen. C do. C do. C — do. do. do. C do. C do. C do. do. do. C do do C do. C do. C National Portraits. C — Modern Painters. — C C 466 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. GERINO (d' Antonio Gerini). Pistoja. Worked about 1504. (Umbrian School.) (Attributed.) The Last Supper. Madonna and Child enthroned ; on the right, St. James, St. Cosmas and St. Mary Magdalen ; on the left, St. Catherine, St. Roch and St. Dominic. Young warrior standing in armor. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. GERNSEY (Elmer E.) (Modern.) Tlie Elements. PL, loxio inches, $2.50. GeROME (Jean Leon). Born in Vesoul, 1824. (Modern.) A Cock-fight. (Salon of 1847.) Reception of the Siamese Ambassadors by Emperor Napoleon IIL at the Palace of Fontainebleau, June 2y, 1861. Studio interior. The Duel after the Masked Ball. Leda. (Salon of 1898.) Daphnis and Chloe. (Salon of 1898.) Women at the Bath. (Salon of 1898.) Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ GERSON (W.) Music. The Dance. (Modern.) GERVAIS (Paul Jean). Born in Toulouse, ern.) The Holy Marys, Judgment of Paris. Dofia Maria de Padilla. A Provincial Eve, (Salon of 1897,) Madness of Titania. (Salon of 1897.) Fortune (Salon of 1897.) The Sacred Grove. (Salon of 1897.) Oflfering to ^sculapius. (Salon of 1897.) (Mod- Berlin. Florence, Uffizi. C Venice. Congres. Lib, Paris, Lux. Versailles. Modern Painters. Chantilly. Modern Painters. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do, do. do, do. C C C C C — C — C — C — C c c GERVEX (Henri,) Born in Paris, 1848. (Mod- ern.) Satyr Playing with a Bacchante. (Salon of 1874.) Paris, Lux, C C C C C C — C C c c — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 467 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Paris, Lux. C Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C C do. C do. C do. C C do. C do. C C do. C do. C do. • C do. C do. C — do. C do. C C do. C The Jury of Painting. (Salon of 1885.) Nana. Diana. The Civil Marriage. Before the Bath. In the Woods. The Siesta. Between Five and Six O'clock (Breda Street). The Woman with the Mask. The Masker. Surprise. At the Cafe "Aux Ambassadeurs." The Levee. The Tub. Doctor Pean before the Operation. Venus and Cupid. Paquita. At "The French Republic." Music ; ceiling of the Hotel de Ville, Paris. Distribution of the Rewards at the Palais de I'ln- dustrie in 1889. (Salon of 1897.) Yachting in the Archipelago. (Salon of 1899.) Maternity. (Salon of 1899.) GESELSCHAP (Eduard). Amsterdam, 1814— Diisseldorf, 1878. (Modern.) Ecce Agnus Dei. GESSI (Francesco). Bologna, 1 588-1620. (Bo- lognese School.) The Magdalen with a cro3S ' i her hand. GESSENER (A.) (Modern.) Psyche. Longing. (Female figure.) GESSNER (Conrad). End of XVIIL century. (German School.) Interior of a park. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Two horses. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. GEVERS (Helene). Morning Prayer. (Salon of 1898.) do. C — C jjresaen • ^ ^ Modern Painters. B B do. — — — B — B Dresden , R. C. do. — — — — — — ■ Modern Painters. C C _ 468 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. GHERARDI (Christofano), called DOLCENO. Borgo San Sepolcro, 1500-1556. (Italian School.) Vulcan's Forge. (Drawing.) GHERINGG (Antony). Died in Antwerp, 1668. Interior of the Jesuit Church in Antwerp. GHEYN (Jacob de). Antwerp, 1 565-1625. (Flem- ish School.) Christ in Glory. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. St. Sebastian. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. GHIBERTI (Lorenzo, called Cione). Florence, 1378-1455. (Florentine School.) The Crucifixion : The Three Crosses. (Drawing.) Study ; sketch of eight figures in diflFerent atti- tudes. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. A female saint in a niche, Gothic style. (Pen and bistre drawing.) C, $1.00. (For his sculptures see Catalogue of Sculptures.) GHIGI or GHISI (Theodore). Mantua, XVL cen- tury. (Italian School.) Mars and Venus. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. GHIRLANDAJO (Domenico). CORRADI GRIL- LANDAJO DI TOMMASO BIGORDI, called. Florence, 1449-1494. (Florentine School.) The Visitation. Portrait of an old man and his grandson. A bishop. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. St. Bartholomew. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Religious Ceremony. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. A bishop and two angels; bust, (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Pieta. (By Ghirlandajo and Granacci.) The Virgin and Child in Glory, Adored by St. John the Evan- gelist, St. John the Baptist, St. Francis and Jerome. St. Catherine of Siena and St. Lawrence. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4J Florence, Uffizi. Vienna Mus. C Dresden, R. C. Weimar. London, B. M. .— C Florence, Uffizi. do. Dresden, R. C. Paris, Louvre. C — C do. c — C — Lille. do. do. do. Berlin. C do. do. C C C C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 469 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Berlin. C do. C Dresden. C Dresden, R. C. Vienna, Albertina. do. London, B. M. Florence, Uffizi. C do. C do. Judith with her Maid. Christ Mourned. The Nativity. Study of drapery. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Zacharias in the Temple ; composition of numerous figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Altar-picture ; above, the Saviour surrounded by angels ; below, four saints and a donor. The frame by Vasari. C, $1.25. Female bust, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Adoration of the Magi. Madonna enthroned. Drapery of kneeling figure, left profile. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Drapery of standing figure turned to the right. Study for the Visitation in the Louvre. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Studies ; young man seated, man kneeling, and two anatomical studies. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Studies ; a man seated holding a stick, and a monk kneeling. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The Visitation. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. The Visitation; sketch with landscape and archi- tecture. (Drawing.) The Marriage of the Virgin. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Female figure pouring out water ; study for the "Birth of the Virgin." Fresco of Santa Maria Novella, Florence. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Kneeling figure, back view ; study of drapery. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Two standing figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The Annunciation ; study for the picture in the Uffizi. (Drawing.) C, $1.00? Two heads of children. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Three figures ; study of drapery. (Drawing.) C, $1.75- Study of four figures. (Drawing.) Madonna and Child with an angel. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Female head, almost full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. ^ 470 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Male figure kneeling, back view. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Florence, Uffizi. Man's head, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. St. George. (Pen drawing.) C, .75. do. The Virgin on her knees giving breast to the Child ; study of a hana. (Pen and ceruse draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do. Bust of a lady. (Drawing in silver point and ceruse.) C, $1.75. do. Epiphany Florence, Pitti. C Adoration of the Shepherds. Flor. Ac. d. B. A. PIC Madonna and Child with saints. do. C The Last Supper. (Fresco in the Cloister of St. Mark.) Florence, San Marco. C — C Madonna and Child with two saints. (According to the catalogue of the Gallery of the Capitol, by Sandro Botticelli.j Rome, Capitol. C Calling of the Apostles St. Peter and St. Andrew. Rome, Sistine. C (Attributed.) St. Peter Raising the Sword. Orig- inal drawing by Filippino Lippi (?). (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Milan, Resta Col. GHIRLANDAJO (Benedetto) GRILLANDAJO * DI TOMMASO BIGORDI, called THE GHIRLANDAJO. Florence, 1458-1497. (Florentine School.J Christ Going to Calvary. Paris, Louvre. C — C — Portrait of Louis II. de la Tremoille (1460-1525), Governor and Lieutenant-General of Bour- gogne. Chantilly. C — (By Benedetto and David Ghirlandajo.) The Res- urrection of Christ. Berlin. C C GHIRLANDAJO (Domenico) and Francesco GRANACCI. Madonna and Child with saints. do. C GHIRLANDAJO (RidoHo Bigordi, called). Flor- ence, 1 483- 1 561. (Florentine School.) The Nativity. do. C Adoration of the Christ-child. do. C Adoration of the Shepherds. Buda-Pesth. C 'SOULE ART COM'PANY, BOSTON. 471 The Way of the Cross. St. Zenobius, Bishop of Florence, resnscitating a dead child. Translation of the Body of St. Zenobius. Portrait of a young woman. (Attributed.) Madonna Strozzi under the Form of St. Catherine. Holy Family, with St. John the Baptist kneeling. Madonna and Child. GHISHI (Giovanni Battista). (Italian School.) Combat of the Horatii ; group of six figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. GIACHI (E.) (Modern.) Flora. A Love-letter. A Capital Joke. GIACOMONE DA FAENZA. See BERTUCCI. GIACOMOTTI (Felix Henry). Born in Quingey (Doubs), 1828. (Modern.) The Rape of Amymone. (Salon of 1865.) The Skater. Innocence. Venus Disarming Cupid. Mirage. Lady Macbeth. GIAMBONO (Michele). Middle of XV. century. (Venetian School.) Mary Magdalen borne by angels to heaven. Jesus with St. John the Evangelist, St. Benedict, St. Michael, and St. Louis of Touloure. GIAMPEDRINI (Giovanni Pietro Ricci ? ). Madonna with the Child Jesus. GIBBS (George). Born in New Orleans, La. (Modem.) Escape of the Constitution from the British Fleet. Sharp-shooters. PI., 7x9 inches, $1.00; 8x11, $2.00. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ London, Nat. Gal. C C — C Florence, Uffizi. C do. C Florence, Pitti. C Rome, Bor. Gal. C St. Petersburg. G do. C London, B. M. Modern Painters, do. do. C C c c Paris, Lux. C C Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C do. C Berlin. Venice. Berlin. Modern Painters. do. — C — C PiC PIC PIC C C 472 SOULE ART CO'MPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ GIDE (Theophile). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Cavalier and Servant. • Modern Painters. C Cardinal ^Mazarin Receiving an Envoy from Gen- eral Fabert. do. C Checkmate ! do. C "Take Care !" do. C GIERIMSKY (M.) (Modern.) Off for the Hunt. do. C — C Return from the Hunt. do. C — C Polish :Militia. do. C — C Bivouac of Polish Cavalry. do. — C Highway in Poland. do. C Winter in Poland. do. C — C Polish Cavalry. do. — C GIESMANN. (German School.) Lion's head. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Dresden, P. G. GIGLI (Andrea). (Italian School.) Allegorical figure ; an old woman holding a staff. in her right hand. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Milan, Resta Col. GIGOUX (Jean). Born in Besan^on (Doubs), 1806- 1894. (Modern.) Death of Cleopatra. (Salon of 1850.) Paris, Lux. C C The Good Samaritan. (Salon of 1857.) do. C C The Sleeping Beauty. Modern Painters. C In the Desert. do. C Magdalen. do. C C Death of Leonardo da Vinci. Besangon. C The Good Wine. (Drawing.) do. C GILARDI (P. C.) (Modern.) With Cup and Pipe. do. C An Important Communication. do. C GILBERT (Rene). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Portrait of Madame Sanlaville. Modern Painters. C Study. do. C GILBERT (Victor Gabriel). Bom in Paris. (Mod- em.) The Bather. do. C Mutual Compliments. Besanqon. C GILL (Andre). Bom in Paris. (Modern.) Cupid, Leader of the Orchestra. Modern Painters. C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 473 GILLI. (Modern.) Congress of Dogs for Emancipation from Masters. D., 7^x21 inches, $5.00. GILLOT (Claude). Langres, 1673-1722. (French School.) Festival of Pan. Festival of Bacchus. GIMIGNANI (Giacinto). Pistoja, 1611-1681. (Roman School.) Madonna. GINTRAC-JOU ASSET (Jean). Born in Bordeaux. (Modern.) Estudiantina. GIOLFINO (Niccolo). Verona, 1465; died after 1 5 18. (Venetian School.) Suicide of Lucretia. Bacchus as a Child. (Habich Coll.) GIORDANO (Luca), called FA PRESTO. Naples, 1632-1705. (Neapolitan School.; Mars and Venus. Diana the Huntress. The Judgment of Paris. Hercules and Omphale. Fall of the Angels. Portrait of the artist, by himself. His portrait; bust. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. The Conception. The Virgin, the Child Jesus, and St. John. St. RosaHe in Contemplation. The Entombment. GIORGIONE (the), (Giorgio BARBARELLI, called), Castelfranco. 1478-1511. (Venetian School.) Holy Family. Rustic Concert. Portrait of Gaston IV., Count de Foix (1423- 1472), King of Navarre. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4-^ Modern Painters. B B De Goncourt Col. C — Berlin, Raczynski. C Dresden. — B Modern Painters. C Berlin. — — c Cassel. — — — c — c Paris, Louvre. C c do. — — — — c Berlin. c c — c Dresden. c — — — Vienna Museum. c — - — — Florence, Uffizi. do. Florence, Pitti. c — — — c z z Madrid. — c — do. c — — — St. Petersburg. c — — — Paris, Louvre. C — C — do. C — C — Nat'l Portraits. c — 474 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. A man playing a lute ; a nude woman, back view, seated on the ground; sheep and a cluster of trees. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Half-length portrait of a man, his head covered with a toque; almost full face. (Drawing.) c, .75. Portrait of a young man. Adam and Eve. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. Meeting of Jacob and Rachel, called also, ''The Salutation of Jacob." (According to Woer- mann, by Palma Vecchio.) Adoration of the Shepherds. (According to Woer- mann, by Bonifazio Veronese.) Portrait of a nobleman with a lady leaning on his shoulder. (According to Woermann, School of Brescia.J Ruggiero, ancestor of the Este family, is presented as a child to the Magician Atlante by the fai- ry Logistille. (x\ccording to Woermann, a copy from Giorgione.) Sleeping Venus. (Formerly ascribed to Titian.) • D., 12x19! inches, $5.00. Sleeping Venus ; bust. The Three Wise Men of the East. The Annunciation. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Cavaliers and ladies around a fountain. (Draw- ing.) Nude male figure standing, back view. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. The Two Shepherds of Mt. Ida; fragment of the birth of Paris. Youth and Old Age; companion to the picture at Parma. A man-at-arms. (School of Giorgione.) The Garden of Love. Allegorical composition. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. A pope preaching. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. Two male heads, three-quarters left view, look- ing up. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. A Decapitation. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. Study for an executioner. (Drawing.) C., $1.25. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^^ Malcolm Col. Chantillv. Berlin. C C Brunswick. ]:; B Dresden. C do. c do. do, do. do. Menna, Imp. Mus. Menna, Albertina. do. do. Buda-Pesth. — C C C B C C C — B C — C do. C — London, Nat. Gal. C — do. C — C Chatsworth. do. do. do. Gallery. Si::cs, 2 2^ 3 3| 4 4i Florence, Uffizi. C - do. do. -Ic -~- do. c do. do. c X. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 475 Portrait of the artist, by himself. Portrait of General Gattamelata (?) with hi.s equerry. The Child Moses Testing^ Gold in the Fire. Portrait of a Knight of Malta. The Judgment of Solomon. Landscape ; in the foreground, great masses of rocks ; in the background, at the right, a vil- lage. (Drawing.) Landscape ; in the foreground, three men armed with lances at the foot of a tree ; in the distance, a river with two barks and a bridge with double arches. (Drawing.) C., $1.25. do. Men and women singing; group of eight figures. (Drawing.) do. Same subject ; group of nine figures ; in the centre, a woman holding a music-book before her. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. do. Heads of a woman, a monk and an old man. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Female figure, nude to knees (Lucretia?), strik- ing herself with a poniard. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. do. Torso of a nude male figure (St. Sebastian?) bound to a tree. (Sketch.) (Drawing.) C., $1.00. do. The Virgin, seated, holding the Child Jesus on her Tcnee ; at her right, a donor. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. St. John the Baptist standing, his right hand on his chest. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Torso of a nude male figure seated, back view. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Five men grouped around a table. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Nude male bust turned towards the right ; below, a nude child lying down. (Drawing.) C, $1. do. Women holding guitars, etc. ; sketch of six figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Male head with wavy hair, turned slightly to the left. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. 476 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Landscape ; in the foreground, two tall trees ; at the right, a river, with a town beyond at the foot of some hills. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Landscape ; towards the middle a road between two walls leading to a church visible at the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Some ruined buildings surrounding a tower with a pointed roof. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Man's head, life size. (Black crayon drawing.) (Attributed to Venturi, by Dosso Dossi.) Xymph pursued by a Satyr. (According to Venturi, by Bonifazio Veneziano IL) Moses Saved from the Waters. (According to Venturi, by Titian.) A Concert. (According to Venturi, by Bonifazio Veneziano II.) Portrait of a woman. Ladies and cavaliers ; group of six figures. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. ]Mystical subject: St. Bridget Offering Flowers to the Child Jesus. STEFANO, called), still living in 1395. GIOTTINO (GIOTTO di Florence, 1324; was (Florentine School.) St. Clara Taking the Vows. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. The Descent from the Cross. (According to Rigori, by Maso di Banco.) GIOTTO di BONDONE. Vespignano, near Flor- ence, 1276 (?)-i337. (Florentine School.) St. Francis of Assisi Receiving the Stigmata. (School of Giotto.) Funeral of St. Bernard. Madonna and Child. ^Madonna and Child. Madonna and Child. Birth of St. John the Baptist. (School of Giotto di Bondone.) Martyrdom of a Saint; three studies for one composition. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The Judgment of Joseph. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Study for the same subject on the back of the above. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. (School of Giotto.) (School of Giotto.) (School of Giotto.) (School of Giotto.) Gallery. Sises, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Florence, JJffizi. do. do. do. Florence, Pitti. C do. do. do. \'enice. Madrid. — C — Dresden, R. C. — Florence, Uffizi. — C Paris, Louvre. C do. C — do. c do. C — do. c do. c - Armand Col. Galichon Col. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 477 Gallery. Shcs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4J Death of the Virgin. Chantilly. C Group of angels standing, nearly all in profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. The Boat. (Drawing.) do. C The Crucifixion, Berlin. C Female head ; fresco in the lower Church of Assisi. Buda-Pesth. C — Two Apostles. (Fragment of a picture.) London, N. G. C — (School of Giotto.) Coronation of the Virgin. do. C — C (School of Giotto.) Two Apostles. do. C — C Group of two male and three female figures. (Drawing.) London, B. M. C — * The Entombment. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. (School of Giotto.) Christ Receivmg a Holy Soul in Heaven. Florence, Uffizi. C — Jesus Praying in Gethsemane. do. C (Epoch of Giotto.) St. Mark seated ; two studies. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. ' do. GIOVANNI (L. di). (Modern.) Preparations for the Carnival. Modern Painters. C — C GIRARDET (Eugene). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Lurking under the Cabbage Leaves. do. C — C — Water-carriers in Tangiers. do. C Touaregs in Razzia. do. C GIRARDET (Jules). Born in Paris. (Modern.) An Arrest under the Reign of Terror. do. — C The Girondin Louvet and his Friend Lodoiska, Refugees among the Breton Peasants. do. C The Garrison's New Oflficer. (Salon of 1899.) do. C C GIRARDET (Leon). Born in Paris. (Modern.) The Stirrup Cup. do. ^ C C "Your Health !" do. ' C — C GIRARDON (Frangois). Troyes, 1628— Paris, 1715. (French School.) Head of a Satyr; almost full face. (Drawing.) C, ^T.ys. Paris, Louvre. 478 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON GIRAUD (Pierre Frangois Eugene). Born in Paris. 1806. (Modern.) A Dancer of Cairo. (Salon of 1866.) The Chat. (Salon of 1869.) GIRAUD (Victor). School.) A Slave ^Merchant. Paris, 1840-1871. (French Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Paris, Lux. do. Paris, Louvre: C C C C C — C — GIRODET de ROUCY TRIOSON (Anne Louis). Montargis, 1767 — Paris, 1824. (French School.) The Sleep of Endymion. Burial of Attila. Eg>ptian Struck with Death. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Hippocrates Refusing the Gifts of Artaxerxes. Portrait of the Empress Josephine. Portrait of Frangois Auguste, Viscount of Cha- teaubriand (1768-1848), writer, politician, orator, Member of the French Academy. GIROLAMO dai LIBRI. Verona, 1474-1556. (Venetian School.) Madonna and Child. Madonna and Child enthroned ; at the left. St. Bartholomew; at the right, St. Zeno, Bishop of Verona. (Attributed to Savoldo.) Two Persons. — The Vir- gin in glory with two saints. Madonna and Child with St. Anne. do. do. C — C — C — C — do. — Paris, Fac. of Med. — Masters XIX Cen. — C C — St. Malo Museum. C Paris, Louvre. Berlin. — C — C ^ C Buda-Pesth. C London, Nat. Gal. C C — C GIROLAMO da COTIGNOLA. Cotignola, 1480- 1550. (Italian School.) Holy Famil' GIROLAMO da CARPI (Girolamo), called GIRO- LAMIN da CARPL Ferrara, 1 501-1568. (School of Ferrara.) Mythological subject ; composition of many fig- ures. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Vienna, Liecht. C Florence, Uflfizi. — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 479 Figure of a woman standing, and figure of a young man leading a horse ; after the an- tique. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Figure of an old man, draped, seated, turned towards the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. (According to Venturi, Italian School, second half of the XVI. century.) The Entomb- ment. GIROLAMO de BRESCIA. See ROMANINO. GIRON (Charles). Born in Geneva. Peasants and landscape. Becasse I^ouis XV. A portrait. A portrait ; bust. Parisian lady. Wished-for Meeting. Fantasy. Swiss Country-girl. Harmony. Love-letter. (Modern.) GIRONDE (Bernard de). (Modern.) The Chouans. Born in Montauban. GIRTIN (Thomas). London, 1773-1802. (English School.) View of a bridge at Richmond, Yorkshire. (Draw- ing-) Landscape; Abbey of Kirkstallen, Yorkshire. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Landscape; York Cathedral. (Drawing.) Landscape ; bridge over a river. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. GISELA (J.) (Modern.) i\t Breakfast. Gallantry. Two Life-paths. At the Kitchen-gardener's. Opening the Will. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Florence, Ufifizi. do. Florence, Pitti. C Modern Painters. C do. ^ C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C do. C do. , C do. C London, B. M. C do. do. — C do. Modern Painters. — C do. C do. • C — C do. G do. C 480 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Evil Tongues. Toilet in the Studio. GIULIANO (Bartolommeo). Susa, 1825. (Mod- ern.) The Declaration. The Spinner. GLAIN (Pascal de). XVIII. century. (French School.) Portrait of Bertinazzi Carlin. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modem Painters. C do. do. do. C Born in Mont- GLAIZE (Augusta Barthelemy) . pellier, 1813. (Modem.) First Steps. Foolish Virgins. Autour de la Verite. The Hours of Life. GLAIZE (Leon). Born in Paris, 1842. (Modern.) The Awakening. Ceiling of the Theatre in Rouen. (Left side.) Ceiling of the Theatre in Rouen. (Right side.) May Dance. GLAUBER (Jan), called "Polydor." Utrecht, 1646- 1726. (Dutch School.) Italian landscape. GLEYRE (Charles). Chevilly (Switzerland), 1807- 1874. (French School.) Evening, or Lost Illusions. Pentecost. The Charmer. Pantheus Pursued by the Moenads. Bust of the artist; sculpture. C, $1.25. The Roman Passing under the Yoke of the Hel- vetians — Victory of Divicon. Major Davel. Separation of the Apostles ; sketch. A Greek priest. C, $1.2^. ^ Young Girl Distracted by Cupid. C, $1.25. The Earthly Paradise. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Old Masters. Modern Painters. do. do. ^ do. do. do. do. do. C C — C C — C c — c — c — c — — c — c Munich. Paris, Louvre. Paris Ch. St. M. Bale Museum. do. Lausanne Mus. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C c c C — c c — c — c — c — c — c _ c — — c — c — — — c c — c r — — — c — — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 481 Gallery. Siacs, 2 2j 3 3^ 4 4^ Michelangelo and Pandora. (Drawing.) Lausanne Mus. C Hercules at the Feet of Omphale. Neuchatel Mus. C — C — Joan of Arc Listening to the Voices in the Forest. (Drawing.) Modern Painters. C — Adam and Eve. (Drawing.) do. C Head of Eve. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Pandora. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Figure of Thalia (in "Minerva and the Graces"). (Drawing.) do. C Glory. (Drawing.) C., $1.75. do. Head of the Prodigal Son (in "The Return"). (Drawing.) C., $1.25. do. '■ Sister of the Prodigal Son. (Drawing.) do. C Divicon, from the "Romans Passing under the Yoke." (Drawing.) do. C Helvetian Woman, from the "Romans Passing under the Yoke." (Drawing.) €.,$1.25. do. Head of Adam. (Drawing.) C., $1.25. do. Head of Aglaia (in "Minerva and the Graces"). (Drawing.) C., $1.00. do. Figure of Ruth. (Drawing.) C., $1.25. do. Head of the mother of the prodigal son. (Draw- ing.) C., $1.25. do. Daphnis. (Drawing.) C., $1.75. do. Daphnis and Chloe returning from the mountain. (Drawing.) do. C The Prodigal Son (in "The Return"). (Drawing.) C., $1.75. do. Head of an Apostle (in the "Separation of the Apos- tles"). (Drawing.) C., $1.25. do. Figure of an Executioner (in "Major Davel"). (Drawing.) do. C Head of Pandora. (Drawing.) C., $1.75. do. Young girl with the basin (in "The Bath"). (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. — The Nymph Echo ; young girl, back view. (Draw- ing.) do. C — A woman's left hand. (Drawing.) do. ' C Bacchante reclining (in "The Dance of the Bac- chantes"). (Drawing.) do. C — The Centaurs. (Drawing.) C., $1.25. do. 482 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Siscs, 2 2i 3 3I 4 4^ Head of a young girl. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Modern Painters. — The Good Samaritan. (Drawing.) do. C A man's right hand. (Drawing.) do. '^ Head of the father of the prodigal son. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. do. Phryne before the Areopagus. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. • do. Head of Christ and heads of two apostles. (Draw- ing.) do. C — Three heads. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Female head. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Head of a prisoner (in "The Romans"). (Draw- ing.) C, .75. do. — ■ Head of a bishop. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Aglaia (in "Minerva and the Graces"). (Drawing.) do. C Young boy jumping (in "The Romans"). (Draw- ing.) do. C Phryne before the Areopagus. do. C Sappho. (Drawing.) C., $2.50. do. Bacchanal. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. Mother of Tobias. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. Vercingetorix (delivering up his arms to Caesar). (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. Minerva (in "Minerva and the Graces"), (Draw- ing.) do. C Hercules (in "Hercules and Omphale"). (Draw- ing.) do. C — Apostle (in "The Separation of the Apostles'"). (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Greek. (Drawing.) do. Diana the Huntress. (Sketch.) do. The Earthly Paradise. (Sketch.) C, $1.25. do. The Bathers. (Sketch.) do. Cupid Asking Pardon of the Fates for a Sick Lover. (Sketch.) do. Innocence. do. Daphnis and Chloe returning from the mountain. do. Venus Pandemos. do. The Bath; life-size study of the head and upper part of the body of a young girl. do. The Last Supper. (Sketch.) do. c — — — — — c — — — — — c — — — — c c c C — — C — c — c c — — c — c — SOULE ART COMPANY , BOSTON. 483 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3i 4 4i Minerva and the Graces. Modern Painters. C — C — Diana at the Bath. do. C — C — Sappho. do. C The Nubian Woman. do. C — C — Young girl with a kid. C, $1.25. Cleobis and Cydippe. do. do. — C — The Nymph Echo. (Sketch.) do. — C — Dance of the Bacchantes. do. C — C — The Brigands. do. C Turks and an Arab. (Sketch.) do. — c — Daphnis and Chloe crossing the brook. (Sketch.) do. — C — Portrait of a woman. do. — C — Ulysses and Nausicaa. do. C — c — Ruth and Boaz. do. C Return of the Prodigal Son. do. C — C — The Virgin with the two children. (Sketch.) do. C Christ Among the Doctors. (Sketch.) .do. — C — GLIEBERT (A.) (Modern.) The Soubrette. do. r GLINDONI (H. Gillard.) (Modern.) A Friend in Need. Artist's Proofs on India, ii^x 21 f inches, $15.00; D., $5.00. A Rebuke. Artist's Proofs on India, 17x24 inches, $15.00; D., $5.00; also 8x10, $1.50. A Tale of a Teacup. Artist's Proofs on India, ii|x 2if inches, $15.00; D., $5.00; also 8x10, $1.50. GLISENTI (A.) Florence. At the Antiquary's. The Improvisator. (Modern.) do. do. do. do. do. GLOCKENTON (Albert). Worked in 1543. (Ger- man School.) The Foolish Virgins. (Engraving.) C., .75. Christ on the Cross. (Engraving.) C, $1.25. GLdTZLE (W.) (Modern.) Quis major in regno Coelorum. Tu es Petrus St. George. C C — C C C — C — C K. Dresden, R. C. do. _ do. do. do. C — C c C — C C — c 484 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallcrv. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 41^^ GLUCKLICH (S.) (Modern.) Spring's Messenger. Dresden, R. C. C — C In the Studio. do. C The Fairy Ring. do. — C — C The Little Sisters. do. — C Faun and Nymph. do. C — C GLUME (L G.) AVlll. century. (German School.) Young girl. (Engraving.) C, .75. do. GODEFROY (Marie Eleonore). Exhibited in the Expositions from 1800 to 1830. (French School.) Portrait of Camille Jordan (1771-1821) ; politician, publicist, Member of the Council of the Five Hundred, Deputy under the Restoration. GOD WARD (J. W.) (Modern.) Nat'I Portraits. C — A Flower-seller. Artist's Proofs on India, 21x15^ inches, $15.00; D., $5.00. Modern Painters. *At the Fountain. D., 23x15^ inches, $5.00; Artist's Proofs, 21x14, 50 on Japan, $24.00; 50 India, $18.00. do. — B B B ♦Yes or No ? D., 30x16 inches, $12.00; Artist's Proofs, 30x16, on India, all sold. do. B B Eighty and Eighteen. D., 8^x19 inches, $5.00; Artist's Proofs, India, $18.00. do. GOENEUTTE (Norbert). Born in Paris. (Mod- ern.) The Auction. do. C The Foster Sister. do. C The First Impediment. do. C Working-men in Paris. do. C GOES (Hugues or Hugo van der). Ghent (?), 1482. (Flemish School.^ The Annunciation. Munich. C — C Pieta. Vienna Mus. C C — St. Genevieve. do. C C — Original Sin. do. C — - Adoration of the Magi ; triptych. Vienna, Liecht. C •This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6ixg inches, 81 80. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 485 Portrait of a monk. The Virgin with the Infant Jesus in her arms. Portrait of Laurent Froment. St. Lawrence, the Martyr. GOETZLOFF (Carl). Dresden, 1803— Naples, 1866. (German School.) Study of horses in a landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. GOLDBERG (Georg). Nuremberg 1830. (Modern.) Otto von Wittelsbach Invested at Altenburg with the Duchy of Bavaria, 1180. GOLDMANN (C.) (Modern.) Torments of Tantalus. GOLDMANN (Otto). A Secret. Berlin, 1844. (Modern.) GOLLMANN (J.) (Modern.) Friedrich Kiicken. GOLTZIUS (Hendrick). Bom in Mulbracht, 1558- 1617. (Dutch School.) Robert, Count of Leicester. (Engraving.) C, $1.25. The wife of N. de la Faille. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Portrait of N. de la Faille. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Goltzius' Dog. (Engraving.) Pieta. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Portrait of Don Balthazar Carlos. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Head of a laughing woman turned to the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Court Jester; bust. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Adoration of the Magi. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Copy of the Galatea of Raphael in the Farnese Palace. (Drawing.) Holy Family with Little St. John. (Drawing.) Portrait of an artist. (Drawing.) Head of a man with a beard. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ London, Nat. Gal. C — Florence, Ufifizi. C Venice. C do. C Dresden, P. G. do. C C — C Modern Painters. C do. do. — — B — B C C — C Dresden, R. C. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Weimar, do. 486 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. GOLZ (A. D.) (Modern.) Consolation. Christ and the Holy Women. Women of Dalmatia. Autumn. Bazaar in Ragusa. Dance in the Harem. Flower-market in Stamboul. GOMONT (Maurice Augustin). (Modern.) The Little Lass. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Bom in Rouen. GONZALES (Bartolome). Valladolid, 1564 — Ma- drid, 1627. (Spanish School.) St. John the Baptist. GOODMAN (Maud). (Modern.) *Hush ! D., 14^x21 inches, $5.00; Artist's Proofs on India, $18.00, *"Gin a Body Kiss a Body." D., I9|x8f inches, $5.00; Artist's Proofs on India, $18.00. *Suspense. Artist's Proofs, 16^x29 inches, 200 India, $25.00; D., ii^x2oi, $5.00. *A Labor of Love (round shape). D., I2fxi2§ inch- es, $3.00; Artist's Proofs, Japan, $18.00; India, $12.00. *"Like This, Grannie." D., 13IX17I inches, $5.00; Artist's Proofs, India, $18.00. GORGUET (Augusta Francois). Born in Paris. (^Modern.) The Garden of the Hesperides. Light Poetry. Paphos. (Salon of 1896.) Pomona and \'ertumnus. (Salon of 1898.) GORDIGIANI (Edouard). (Modern.) Portrait of Mme. Eleonora Duse. (Salon of 1897.) GORE (H. W.) (Modern.) **The Anti-muzzling League. ♦"Here We Go to Market!" D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. Modern Painte :rs. C C — C do. C C — C do. C - C do. C — C do. C C — C do. C C — C do. C — C do. C Buda-Pesth. ^ ___ Modern Painters. do. do. do. do. do. C C do. C C do. c c do. c do. do. do. — C C B C C C ♦This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^99 inches, 9i.8o. ••This subject comes in Aquarelle Gravure, about 15x12 inches, $6.00. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 487 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ GORTZIUS (Gualdorp), called GELDORP. Lou- vain, 1553-1616 (?). (Flemish School.) Mary Magdalen. The Hague. C — C Lucretia Stabbing herself with a Poniard ; bust. St. Petersburg. C GOSSAERT (Jean), called MABUSE (Jean de). Maubeuge, 1470 ( ?) — Antwerp, 1541. (Flem- ish School.) Portrait of Jean Carondelet, Life Chancellor of Flanders. Madonna and Child. Death's-head on the back of the above. Portrait of a Benedictine monk. • Portrait of a young man. Neptune and Amphitrite. Adam and Eve in Paradise. Christ on the Mount of Olives. Madonna and Child. Weigher of Gold. (Follower of Jean Gossaert.) Madonna enthroned, with the Child. Adoration of the Magi. (Attributed.) Adoration of the Magi; same sub- ject as the above. A man in armor. (Drawing.) Danae and the Shower of Gold. Madonna and Child. St. Luke Painting the Virgin. Madonna and Child. Portrait of Philip of Burgundy, Bishop of Utrecht. Jesus at the House of Simon the Pharisee. Raising of Lazarus. — Ecstasy of Mary Magdalen. The Four Marys Returning from the Tomb of Christ. The Just Judges. (Justi Judices.) Ecce Homo. Male portrait. Adoration of the Magi. (Belonging to the Earl of Carlisle.) Calling of St. Matthew. Paris, Louvre. C — C — do. c do. c do. c Berlin. C c do. C — c do. C — c do. c do. c do. c do. c Dresden. c do. c Dresden, R. C. c Munich. C — c do. C — c Vienna Museum. c do. c Amsterdam. C — Brussels. c C — C do. C c — c Antwerp. c do. — — c do. c — London, Nat. Gal c c — c do. Windsor. C — c ^8 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Drawing for a stained-glass window in three di- visions : On the left, an escutcheon ; in the centre, a saint seated ; on the right, a donor kneeling. (Draw- ing.) C, $i.oo. At the left, the Virgin and Child on clouds ; in the centre, a saint seated ; at the right, an angel standing. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. At the left, two male figures ; in the centre, a saint in prayer; at the right, three male fig- ures. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. The Virgin receiving the caresses of the Infant Jesus. Madonna and Child. Holy Family. GOTTLIEB (M.) (Modern.) Shylock and Jessica. GOUBIE (Jean Richard). Born in Paris. (Mod- ern.) Chamant's Equipage at the Hitching-post of Belle- croix, Forest of Hallatte. D., $5.00. Visit to Mamma. A Refreshing Drink — Milk. Madeira. Butterfly-hunting. The Cigarette. The Bouquet. This Way. At the Rendezvous. "Fresh Milk Sold Here." Soldier Talk. Sea-gulls. Deer. A Country Party. The Old Well at Pourville. The Little Brother. "The Hunt is Yonder!" At Home. A Blow from the Strap. Landscape. Gallery. Sizes. - 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Florence, Uffizi. do. do. Madrid. do. St. Petersburg. C — C — C — C — C — Modern Painters. C — C do. C do. C do. C C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C C do. : C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 489 Gallery. Siacs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Trout Fishing. Modern Painters. C Rustic Esmeralda. do. C C A Flirt. do. C In a Covered Way. do. C Across the Woods. do. C — C Animals and People. do. C Return from the Market. (Salon of 1896.) do. C Percheron Mares. (Salon of 1896.) do. C — C C "Good Morning." (Salon of 1897.) do. C GOUJON (Jean). Paris, 15 15-1572. (French School.) (Attributed.) Diana; decorative design. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. Paris, Louvre. Design for a ceiling decoration. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Vienna, Albertina. (For his sculptures, see Catalogue of Sculptures.) GOUNOD (Jean). Born in Paris. (Alodern.) The Bather. Modern Painters. C GOURMONT (Jean de). Was living in 1557. (French School.) The Nativity. Paris, Louvre. C — C — GOURSE (C. H.) (Modern.) Oreads on the Edge of their Retreat. (Salon of 1899.) do. C GOUVION SAINT-CYR (Henri de). Born in Paris^ (Modern.) Ophelia. Modern Painters. C GOW (Andrew). London, 1848. (Modern.) Cromwell at Dunbar. D., 14^x18^ inches, $5.00; do. Artist's Proofs, India, $18.00. do. After Waterloo. D., 24x34 inches, $15.00; Artist's Proofs, 150 on India, $40.00; 175 on Japan, $60.00. do. B — B B On the Sands of Boulogne, 1805. D., 15x28^ inch- es, $12.00; Artist's Proofs, 100 on India, $36.00. do. GOW (L. M.) (Modern.) Your Majesty. D., 14^x9:! inches, $5.00. do. ■ 490 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. GOYA Y LUCIENTES (Francisco). Fuente de Todos (Aragon), 1746 — Bordeaux, 1828. (Ma- drid School.) Portrait of F. Guillemardet, ambassador of the French RepubHc in Spain, 1798. Young Spanish woman. Picador lifted on the horns of a bull. Portrait of a man. The Knife-grinder. The Water-carrier. A picador on horseback. Family of Charles IV. Full-length portrait of Charles IV. in the uniform of a colonel of the Gardes du Corps. Portrait of the infant Don Carlos Maria Isidore, son of Charles IV. Full-length portrait of Queen Marie Louise. Portrait of the infant Don Francisco, son of Charles IV. Portrait of the artist, Don F. Bayeux, brother-in- law of Goya. D., 153x1 if inches, $5.00, Portrait of La Tirana, celebrated actress. Portrait of the artist, by himself. The "Maja" clothed. The "Maja" nude. A Bull Fight. Burial of the Sardinian; carnival scene. The Good-Friday Procession. The Insane Asylum. Lorenza Correa. (Exhibition of female portraits at the £cole des Beaux Arts, 1897.) Les Mandlas. (Exhibition of female portraits at the £cole des Beaux Arts, 1897.) Lola Jiminez. (Exhibition of female portraits at the £cole des Beaux Arts, 1897.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Paris, Louvre, c — C — do. C — Masters XIX Cen. C — do. c Buda-Pesth. C do. c Madrid. Prado. : _ C — do. c do. do. do. do. C C • C do. C Madrid, Ferd. Ac. c do. PIC do. c do. C — C do. C — do. Q — do. _ _ c — do. c - do. --C do. _-C do. c GOYVAERTS (Abraham GOVAERTS or), werp, 1 589-1626. (Flemish School.) Landscape with figures representing the elements. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. Ant- four Brunswick. B SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 491 GO YEN (Jan van). Leyden, 1596— The Hague, 1656. (Dutch School.) Banks of a river in Holland. Canal in Holland. A river. Sea-piece. Landscape on the dunes. View of Nymegen. Winter landscape. View of a village with warriors. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. Flat country with a cottage. Frozen lake with sleds and skaters. A broad river whose low banks are covered with cottages. River in winter. A well near peasant-huts. River in summer. Sea-piece. (Drawing.) View of a town situated on the bank of a river. (Drawing.) C, $i./5. "The Sea of Harlem." Landscape. Head of young man, leaning forward, turned to the right. (Drawing.) C, .75. A Village Fair, (Drawing.) A Village Fair. (Drawing.) Chateau on the water-side. A carriage full of people. View of Nimeguen. (Rath Coll.) View of the town of Dordrecht. View on the Meuse and the town of Dordrecht. View of the Valkenhof at Nimeguen. Landscape. River-scene. View of Dordrecht. Winter-scene. River-scene. GOZZOLI (Benozzo) di Lese di Sandro. Florence, 1420-1498. (Florentine School.) Triumph of St. Thomas Aquinas. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Paris, Louvre. — — c — c — do. — — c — c — do. — — c — c — do. — — c — c — Berlin. — c do. — — c c — c do. — c — c Brunswick. ._ B Dresden. . — — c . do. — — c do. _ — c do. — — — c do. — — — C do. . — - C Dresden, R. C. — c do. Frankfort. — — c Munich. — c — c Weimar. do. — * c do. — — — c Buda-Pesth. — — c — • do. — — c — do. — — c -^ Amsterdam, — — c __ do. — — c c — c do. — — c c — c do. C — c c -- c do. — c - c Brussels. — — — C — c London, Nat. Gal. — c -. c do. — — — c — c Paris. Louvre. — c — c - V 492 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. (Attributed to Gozzoli). The Virgin surrounded by saints. Legend of St. Jerome and of SS. Cosmas and Damien. The Virgin and Child between St. Martha and St. Mary Magdalen. Madonna and Child, with St. Francis and a Fran- ciscan monk. The Virgin enthroned, surrounded by angels and saints. Abduction of Helen, wife of Menelaus, King of Sparta. Altar-step : The Pieta. The Virgin seated, her hands clasped, full face. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. The Virgin and St. John ; both standing. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25 Three angel musicians standing, (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Two monks standing, a woman kneeling. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Monk standing, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. The Virgin standing, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Group of two children and an angel; two studies. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. The Vintage, or the Drunkenness of Noah. Detail of the above : The Vintagers. Detail of the above : Noah's Wife. The Curse of Cain. The Tower of Babel. Detail of the above : Figures on the right, the Medicis. Detail of the above: Figures on the left, the Medicis. Detail of the above : Figure of a man resting. Abraham and the Worshippers of Belus. The Sacrifice of Abraham. Abraham at Table with the Angels. — Expulsion of Hagar and Ishmael. Abraham Victorious. Destruction of Sodom. Gallery. Shcs, -2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Paris, Louvre. C Berlin. C C \'ienna Mus. C C London, N. G. C do. C C — C Florence, Uffizi. C do. do. do. do. do. _ do. Milan, Resta Col. Pisa, Camp. San. C do. C do. C do. — — C do. C do. do do. do. do. do. do. do. — C — C — c — c — c — c — c — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 493 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Meeting^ of Jacob and Esau. — Abduction of Dinah. Pisa, Camp. San. C Marriage of Isaac and Rebecca. do. C History of Joseph. do. C Childhood of Moses. — The First Wonders. do. C The Tables of the Law. do. C Aaron's Rod. — Ark of the Covenant. — The Brazen Serpent. do. C Adoration of the Magi. do. C GRAAT (Barent). Amsterdam, 1628-1709. (Dutch School.) Family portrait; the betrothal of Jean Six with the daughter of Doctor Tulp (1658). London, Buck. Pal. C C - GRABHEIN (W.) (Modern.) The Retreat. Modern Painters, C The Artist's Dilemma. do. Q GRAEF (G.) (Modern.) Jolly Dairy-maid. do. Q GRAEF (Gustav). Konigsberg, 182 1. (Modern.) Pensierosa. Before the Dance. After the Dance. Blanche. Persecution. Apotheosis of Emperor William L (The emperor is borne by the ruling virtues, while Prussia and Germany follow him, sorrowing.) do. Per Aspera ad Astra. (Apotheosis of Emperor Frederick.) Prometheus and the Oceanides. Felicie. Lady in the costume of the XVL century. Philomene. *Fairy Tale. Bianchina. • Ophelia. For Love of Fatherland. (Scene in the Wars in _ i8i3-'i5-) Claire. do. C — C do. C — C do. C - C do. C C — C do. C C — C do. C — C do. C C — C do. B B do. B B do B do. B B do. B do. B B do. B — B B do. B ♦This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $r.8o. 494 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ GRAEF (O.) (Modern.) The Soldier's First Letter. Modern Painters. C Busy "Quarters." do. C C — C First Mountain-party. do. C — C *On the Wedding Trip. do. . GRAENICHER (Samuel). (Modern.) Head of a lion (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Dresden, R. C. Head of a lioness. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. GRAESSEL (Franz). (Modern.) With the Geese. Modern Painters. C In the Forest. do. C Girl of Schaperswyl. do. C In Love. do. C At Work. do. C — C Spinning and Loving. do. C — - C Goose Feeding. do. C Woman of the Black Forest. do. — C Woman of the Black Forest. do. C First Knitted Stocking. do. C GRAETZ (Th.) (^Modern.) Susanna at the Bath. do. C — C Lola. do. C "W^ine, Woman, and Song." (Wein, Weib und Gesang.) do. C GRAFF (Anton). Winterthur, 1736-1813. (Ger- man School.) Full-length portrait of the artist, by himself. Dresden. C Male portrait; front view of bust. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Dresden, R. C. Male portrait ; front view of bust. (Drawing.) C., $2.50. do. Male portrait ; bust turned slightly to the right. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. dcx Portrait of an old man, his head turned slightly to the left. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Dresden, P. G. Head of Christ; full face. (Drawing.) C., $1.75. do. Portrait of the artist, by himself. Munich. C — C •This subject comes in a Fac-Simile Gravure, in colors, 12^x10 inches. $iaoa SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 495 GRAFLE (Albert). Freiburg, 1809. (Modern.) Girl Looking for Strawberries. Lilies-of-the-valley. Girl Feeding Doves. Night's Enchantment. Beethoven and his Friends. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; also D., 7x10, $1.50. Ludwig von Beethoven. Beethoven ; bust. Chopin; bust. GRAHAM (William). United States. (Modern.) A Rainy Day in Venice. PI., 10x13 inches, $2.00. GRANACCI (Francesco). Florence, 1469-1543. (Florentine School.) The Holy Trinity (Crucifixion). ■ Madonna enthroned, Child, and saints. Madonna w^ith the Child Jesus giving the girdle to St. Thomas ; at her side, the archangel Mi- chael. Head of a young girl, right profile. (Drawing.) c, .75. St. Mary Magdalen kneeling, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Studies for the two pictures in the Uffizi : "History of Joseph." (Silver point and ceruse drawing.) C, :?i.25. Holy Family. Pieta. The Nativity. GRANDI (Ercole di Roberto). (?)— Ferrara, about 1 513. (School of Ferrara.) Christ Going to Calvary. (Companion to the above.) Christ in Gethsemane taken captive by the soldiers of the high priest. St. George. GRANDI (Ercole di Giulio Cesare). Ferrara, about 1462-1531. (School of Ferrara.) Christ in Gethsemane. (Drawing.) Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Boston, M. F. A. K^ c c c — c c c c — c c c — c c c — c c c — c Berlin. c C — C do. C C — C Florence, Uffizi. — c do. do. do. ^ Florence, Pitti. c Rome,Torlonia, c St. Petersburg. c Dresden. do. — Rome, Corsini. — Dresden, P. G. C. C C C — 496 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Madonna and Child with saints. Military costumes ; group of four soldiers stand- ing. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Portrait of a young lady. (According to the cat- alogue of the Gallery of the Capitol, by Bel- lini.) GRANDJEAN (Edmond Georges). Born in Paris. (Modern.) High School and Mile. Elisa. Departure for the Walk. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ London, Nat. Gal. C C — C Florence, Uffizi. Rome, Capitol. GRANER (L.) Aquadoro. (Modern.) GRANET (Frangois Marias). Aix, 1775- 1849. (French School.) Interior of a Church. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. (Same subject.) (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Entrance to the Convent Garden. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. A view of Rome. (Drawing.) Another view of Rome. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Mountainous landscape ; a pond in the centre. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Interior of a cloister. (Drawing.) C, .75. Interior of a cloister. (Drawing.) C, .75. Father Pozzo surrounded by members of his order (Society of Jesus), and painting. (Drawing.) Dinner in the refectory of the monastery of San Benedetto at Subiaco. (Drawing.) GRASHEY (O.) (Modern.) Animals. After the Chase. Fallow Deer on the Moor. Reynard in a Dilemma. Hunted Down. Playful Fox. Hunting Chamois. Hare Pursued. In the Deer-park. Modern Painters. C do. C do. c Paris, Louvre. do. do. do. c do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C — c do. C C — c do. C — c do. C — c do. C — c do. — c do. c — c do. — c — c do. c — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 497 Gallery. ■ Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ Chamois Alarmed. Paris, Louvre. C Disturber of the Peace. do. C Deer on Guard. do. C — C Equal Duties — Equal Rights. do. — C — C At the Bars. do. C Startled. do. C — C Ridiculed. do. C Tlie Stag. do. — C — C Deer at the Water. do. C Chamois. do. C Dog with Fox. do. C Hunting-knife. do. C Stag in the Mountains. do. C The ChamoiSi do. C The Stag. do. C Deer. do. C GRASS (A.) (Modern.) Emerintiana. Paris, Louvre. C — C The Nativity. do. B B — B Madonna. do. B B The Immaculate Conception. do. B B Funeral in the Catacombs. do. B B GRASSI (F.) *Queen Louise. D., 17^x13^ inches, $5.00. Berlin, Hoh. Mus. GRATELOUP. Portrait of Polignac (belonging to the collection of Prince George). (Engraving.) C, .75. Dresden, R. C. GRAVELOT (Hubert Frangois), called BOUR- GUIGNON. Paris, 1699-1773. (French School.) Satirical allegory of two persons in a shell frame. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. De GoncourtCol. Blind-man's-buff. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Study for a vignette of Tom Jones. (Drawing.) do. C GRAY (Henry Nicholas). Born in Gray. (Mod- ern.) The Demons of the Sea. Modern Painters. C *This subject comes in a Fac-Simile Gravure in colors, 10X7J in., $6.00; also in a Baryto Print, 6^x9, $1.80. 498 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. GREBBER (Pieter de). Haarlem, 1600- 1665. (Dutch School.) The Child Moses Brought to the Daughter of Pharaoh. Portrait of young woman. An old man and a young woman. GRECO (Domenico THEOTOCOPULI), called IL GRECO. 1558-1625. (Spanish School.) St. Jerome. Portrait of a Spanish nobleman. Portrait of a man. D., 8|x7f inches, $5.00. The poet Alonzo Ercilla y Zuniga. GR6GOIRE (Paul). (?)-i8i6. (French School.) Portrait of Voltaire; head in left profile. (Draw- ing.) C, $i.. do. c c — c "Your Health!" do. c c — c The Sucking-pig. do. c c* — c The! Monastery Pike. do. - c c c — c Auerbach's Cellar. do. c c c c — c Beer. do. c c — c Wine. do. c c — c Spirits. do. c c — c ♦This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. 510 SOULE ART COMPAM\ BOSTON. Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ A Good Brand. Modern Painters. B B — C Strong Tobacco. "i (Companion pictures.) do. C C — C Monaster)- Secrets. J D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. C C — C Barley-juice. do. C Temptation. D., 11x15 inches, $3.00. do. C C — C Schlumberger Goldeck — Tasting the Wine. do. C — C Shaving-day in the Cloister. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. — C C C — C Absorbed. do. C In the Cellar of the Dominicans. do. C C — C A Tyrolese Song. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. C C — C Good Sport. do. C C — C Successfully Finished. do. C — C Friar Luke. do. C C — C In a Munich Beer-cellar. (Companion to "Mon- astery Secrets" and "Strong Tobacco.") D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. C C — C In the Monastery Wine-cellar. do. C C — C The Monastery Scholar. do. C — C The Card-sharpers. do. C C — C Old Wine. do. C — C Cooper at Work. do. B C — BC Stout and Mild. do. C — C ''Requiescat in Pace." D., 7x10 inches, $1.50. do. B — BG C — BC In the Monastery Librar}*. do. C C — C Clear as Gold. do. C — C A Mishap. do. C C — C Falstaff. do. C — C In the Monastery Bowling-alley. do. C C — C A Free Lunch. do. C C — C Brother Butler. do. B B — B The Wine-taster. 1 (Companion-pictures.) do. B B — B Self-contented. J D., 17x13^ inches, $5.00. do. B B — — The Maiden's Dilemma. ") (Companion pictures.) do. B — B B — B The Hunter'siCtory. J D., 15^x19 inches, $5.00. do. B — B B — B Music Lesson. do. B B — ■ — Prayer-time in the Monastery Inn. do. B — B B — B A Friend of Birds. do. '■ B B Recreation. | (Companion do. B B — B Summer Beer in the Monastery. \ ^P^^^"/^^-^, ^ ^°- B B — B ^ 3 D., i8|xi4|, $500. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 511 Falstaff and His Page. D., 19x15 inches, $5.00. "Here I Lay and Thus I Bore My Point." D., 19x15 inches, $5.00. In Boar's-Head Tavern. D., 22x35 inches, $15.00. Falstaff on the Battlefield. D., 19x15 inches, $5.00. Falstaff at Mistress Ford's D., 19x15 inches, $5.00. "I Know Thee Not, Old Man!" D., 19x15 inches, $5.00. *Falstaff and Bardolph. D., 16x20 inches, $5.00. An Old Master. 1 ,^ . . A Modern Artist, j (Companion pictures.) The Connoisseurs. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. B — B C — BC T)., 19x14 inches, $5.00. D., 19x15 in., $5.00. (Companion Pictures.) D., 19x14 inches, $5.00. The Card-players. An Amusing Story Old Friends. An Antiquarian. An All-night Sitting. A Jolly Toper, In Cellar Cool. Unwelcome Guests. Expectancy. In the Library. A Successful Pilgrimage. Chartreuse. Poachers. A Free Lance. Falstaff and Doll Tearsheet. Temptation of St. Anthony. Not Another Drop. Simon the Cellarer. A Forgetful Scholar. Shylock. There's no Fool like an Old Fool Beer, Wine, and Spirits. A Contented Mind. A Trio in the Monastery. D., $5.00. A Theatrical Performance in the Country. 17^x155 inches, do. B _ B B do. ,B _ B B do. B _ B B do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. B B B C B B — — B B — — B B B — B B B — B BC C — BC B — — B B — — B B — — B B — — B C C — C C c — C — c — C C c — C c c — C — c — C — c — C c c — C c c — C — c — C c c — C — c — C c c — C — c — C c c — C — c — C c c ^ c — c — c — c — c B — B B — — B * This subject comes in a Baryto Print, size 6 1-2x9 inches, $1.80. 512 SOULE ART COMPANY , BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3i 4 4i Modern Painters. B — — B do. B — — B do. B — B do. B — B — — B do. B — B do. B — — B Paris, Louvre. --C - C — do. C — C — do. C — c — do. c — c — do. . c — London, B. M. The Silesian Drinker and the Devil (poem by Kopisch). A Gin-shop. A Snug Corner. In Honor of His Eminence. D., 14x21 inches, $5.00. Kitchen in a Monastery. The Old Chronicle. GUARDI (Francesco). Venice, 1712-1793. (Vene- tian School.) View of Venice. Church of La Salute. Fete of Shrove Thursday at Venice. Procession of the Doge in the Church of San Zac- caria. Coronation of the Doge on the giant staircase of the Ducal Palace at Venice. View of a street in Rome. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. GUARDI A (W. de la). Born in Santiago-de-Vera- guas (Colombia). (Modern.) The Honeymoon. GUAY (Gabriel). Born in Paris. (Modem.) Mater Amabilis. In the Master's Absence. The Spring. Cosette in "Les Miserables" of Victor Hugo. The Wounded Dove. A Poem of the Woods. The Death of the Oak. Ephraim the Levite. Father Rabu. Mother Race. The Last Dryad. (Salon of 1898.) GUDE (Hans Fredrik). Christiania, 1825. (Mod- ern.) Under the Alder-trees. A Norwegian Fjord. Norwegian Coast. Modem Painters. C — do. C C do. c do. c C do. c C do. c do. c C do. C C do. c do. C do. c do. C C do. C — C do. c c — c do. B B SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 613 GUELDRY (F. J.) (Modern.) War in Lace. (Salon of 1897.) The Dragoons of Villeguen, (Salon of 1899.) GUeRARD (Amedee). Born in Sens (Yonne). (Modern.) "Charity, If You Please !" The Empty Cradle. GUERCINO (the), Giovanni Francesco BARBIE- RI, called. Bologna, 1591-1666. (Bolognese School.) Madonna and Child. ' Vision of St. Jerome. The Patron Saints of the City of Modena. Portrait of Guercino. Head of young man wearing large hat. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. Moses Holding the Tables of the Law. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Portrait of the artist, by himself. Madonna and Child. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The Courtesan. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Young woman lifting drapery, full face. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. The Dead Christ ; at His feet an angel. (Drawing.) A Captive Delivered. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Madonna and Child. Venus Recovering the Body of Adonis. Diana. A messenger bearing to Queen Semiramis the news of a revolt in Babylon. Lot and his Daughters. A woman reclining, and two children, (Drawing.) The Vintagers. (Engraving.) C, $1.25. St. Jerome. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Christ Crowned with Thorns. Susanna at the Bath. Study for a Holy Family. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Study for a young girl seated, her head leaning on her left arm. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Boy at the fountain. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Gallery. Sices, 2 2i 3 3I 4 4^ Modern Painters. C C do. C do. do. Paris, Louvre, do. do. do. do. do. Chantilly. Lille. do. do. do. do. Berlin. Dresden. do. C — C — C — c — c c — — c c do. C C do. C Dresden, R. C. ; C do. ^ — Dresden. P. G. C. Munich. C C — C do. C — C Weimar. do. do. 514 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Siscs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Portrait of young woman. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Weimar. St. Sebastian. Vienna, Czernina, C St. Jerome. Vienna, Liecht. — ■ C C — The Evangelist St. John. do. C C The Prophet Isaiah, half length ; at his left, an an- gel. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Vienna, Albertina. The Madonna kneeling before the Child Jesus. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. -do. The Madonna, half length, and the Child Jesus. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. The Madonna, seated, holding the Child Jesus. (Drawing.) do. • C The Madonna, bust, the Child Jesus, and Little St. John. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. The body of Christ and two saints. (Drawing.) do. C Figure of a saint, half length. (Drawing.) do. C St. Andrew holding the cross; bust. (Drawing.) ' do. C St. Anthony before the Virgin and Child. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. The Madonna and Child on a pedestal, and five figures ; sketch. (Drawing.) do. C Invocation of Our Lady of Loretto ; group of ten figures. (Drawing.) do. C Group of four figures of saints, half length, and group of angels, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Cupid lying down. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Cupid drawing an arrow from his quiver. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. . ^ do. Allegorical figure, with an angel at each side. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Group of three women before five warriors. (Drawing.) do. C — The Enchantress ; group of two women and one man. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Bathsheba in the Bath ; group of three female fig- , . ures. (Drawing.) do. C - — Diana and Three Nymphs in the Bath Surprised by Actaeon. (Drawing.) do. C Child near a vase. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Female figure seated ; half length. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 616 Nude female figure seated, the head turned to the left. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Study for Cleopatra seated ; full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Child, half-length figure. (Drawing.) C, .75. Head of an old man with a beard ; three-quarters right view. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Male and female figures in a landscape. (Draw- ing.) Landscape with a river ; at the left a horseman and two soldiers. (Drawing.) Funeral procession turning toward a church on the right. (Drawing.) Christ in Gethsemane, turning His head towards a saint bearing the cross. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Holy Virgin with saints. Angels weeping over the death of Christ. Three little angels on clouds. (Drawing). C, $1.25. Woman seated, holding young child. (Draw- ing.) A sibyl. St. John. The Samian Sibyl. Endymion Asleep. Cupid, standing, leaning on his bow. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Bust of a bald old man slightly turned to the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. The Circumcision; group of eight ifigures. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Repose of the Holy Family. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Head of an old man, almost full face. (Drawing.) C, .75- Sketch of a nude child holding a vase, back view. (Drawing.) C, .75. Study of a nude male figure, seated, in a land- scape. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Nude child kneeling. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Nude child, standing, holding a death's-head. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Gallery. Sices, 2 2i 3 3J 4 4^ Vienna, Albertina.* do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Brussels. London, Nat. Gal. London, B. M. Chatsworth. Windsor. do. Florence, Uffizi. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C — C c c 516 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ St. Jerome seated under a tree ; at his side, a lion. (Drawing.) Florence, Uffizi. C St. Joseph with the Infant Jesus and the Child St. John. (Drawing.) C. $1.25. do. Young man and girl embracing ; at their side two children. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. St. Jerome kneeling before a crucifix. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. do. The Bleeding; group of two male figures. (Draw- ing.) C, $2.50. do. Child, seated, blowing a trumpet. (Red crayon drawing.) C, $1.00. do. The Apostle St. Peter reading ; helf-length figure. (Pen drawing.) C, $1.00. do. The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do. St. Peter Raising the Widow Tabitha. Florence, Pitti. C The Prodigal Son. Rome, Borghese. C Samson and his Parents. do. C Ecce Homo. Rome, Corsini. C St. John the Baptist. Rome, Capitol. C Incredulity of St. Thomas. Rome, Pin. of \'at. C St. John the Baptist. do, C St. Margaret of Cortona. do. C St. John the Baptist, seated, caressing a lamb. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Milan, Amb. " Sketch for a landscape ; at the left, a mountain ; at the right, houses and a five-arched bridge over a river. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do, St. Jerome ; bust, turned to the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do, St. Jerome seated, turned to the right. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Head of St. Joseph, slightly turned to the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Mountainous landscape with river. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Landscape ; at the left, a tree ; at the right, a moun- tain ; in the centre, a chateau. (Drawing.) $1.25. do. God the Father on clouds. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 517 Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 ^ Landscape ; at the left, a river with a bridge ; at the right, a road ; in the distance, the houses of a village. (Drawing.) Milan, Amb. C Young girl, seated, drinking from a cup. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Milan, Resta Col. ^ Susanna at the Bath ; behind her, the two elders. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Male head; right profile. (Drawing.) do. C St. John the Baptist kneeling, his head turned to the left. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Male bust, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Female bust, left profile, the arms extended. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Pieta; the Virgin weeping over the dead Christ. C, $1.75. :\lilan, Brera. Landscape, with a town in the distance. C, $1.25. do. : Landscape ; at the left, two men walking towards the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. ' Sea-piece ; fortress at the foot of a hill. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. — — St. Augustine, seated, reading a book. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. ■ Composition for the martyrdom of a saint. ( Draw- ing.) do. C Faun and Satyr. (Drawing.) do. C Three bandits dividing the spoils. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. , — The Virgin appearing to two saints. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Sketch of a nude male figure. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Sketch of a nude female figure. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Sketch ; bust of a nude female figure. (Drawing.") C-, $1.00. do. Landscape ; in the background, a fortress. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. St. John seated, his head turned to the right. (Drawing.) do. C St. Jerome bending over; holds a book in his left hand. (Drawing.) do. ^ C 518 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2\ 3 3^ 4 4^- The Virgin holding the Child Jesus on her knee. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Milan, Brera. Young nobleman; bust, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. St. Joseph holding the Child on his knee ; behind him, the X'irgin. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Bust of a Turk with a long white beard. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Man embracing a woman ; busts. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Sketch for the Visitation. (Drawing.) C. $1.00. do. Male bust, turned three-quarters towards the left. (Drawing.) C, $1.2^ do. Bust of a man wiping his eyes. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. St. Francis Adoring the Virgin and Child. (Draw- ing.) C.,$i.25. do. Bust of St, Francis. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. St. Anthony, seated, reading a book. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. ' do. Woman giving breast to a prisoner; (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Two heads of old men and two of young wom- en. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. • Bust of a man looking upward, full face. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do. Sketch for a Holy Family. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Landscape with a river; houses in the back- ground. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Bust of two saints. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Landscape with a bridge over a river; a fortress and several houses in the background. (Draw- ing.) do. C — Landscape with a fortress on the banks of a river. (Drawing.) The Car of Venus. (Drawing.) The Madonna appearing to saints. (Drawing.) Three figures of saints. (Drawing.) Nude male figure, seated, in a landscape. (Draw- ing.) C, $2.50. The Holy Family and several saints. (Drawing.) C. $2.50. do. C — do. C — do. C — do. C - do. do SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 519 Two angels, one playing the violin, the other singing. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. The Beheading of St. Paul. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Male bust, right profile. (Drawing.) C, .75. Sketch for a Holy Family. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Bust of a nude woman, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Two heads of women looking at each other; profiles. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Sketch ; several men on horseback. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Monk seated, back view. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Bust of a monk turned to the right. (Drawing.) C, .75. Bust of an old man, full face. (Drawing.) C. $1.00. Bust of an old man turned to the right ; behind him the sketch of a woman. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Study of a nude child seated, and of a child's head. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Head of an old man, three-quarters view. (Draw- ing.) C. $1.00. Two heads of children. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Christ on the Cross ; St. Anthony of Padua kneel- ing before Him ; at the right, angel flying. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Bust of St. Joseph with the Child Jesus. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Young woman holding a child before a vase of flowers. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Head of a woman, almost full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Female bust, right profile. (Drawing.) C.,$i.oo. Profile of a man turned to the left. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Head of a Turk with a long white beard. (Draw- ing.) C. .75. Head of an old man, turned three-quarters to the left. (Drawing.) C. .75. St. Jerome ; bust, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1 . Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Milan. Brera. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Venice. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 520 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4i Figure of angel playing. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Venice. Nude male figure seated on the ground. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Sketch for a Holy Family. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Sketch for the Sacrifice of Abraham. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Disinterested Love. Madrid. C " Diana. do. C GUERIN (Fransois). Paris. Worked in 1765. (French School.) Poultry Market ; street of shops in the open air ; porters, sellers and buyers in the midst of baskets and chicken coops. (Drawing.) De Goncourt Col. C — GUERIN (Jean). Strasburg, 1760-1836. (French School.) Portrait of Mozart (Wolfgang), 1 756-1 791. Old blasters. C GUERIN (Jean Baptiste Paulin). Marseilles, 1783- 1855. (French School.) Portrait of General Kleber (Jean Baptiste), Lieu- tenant-Colonel of the 4th Battalion of the Up- per Rhine in 1792 (1753-1800). Versailles. C Portrait of Marshal Suchet (Louis Gabriel), Duke of Albufera (1770- 1826). do. C Portrait of ^larshal Marmont (Auguste Frederic Louis Viesse de), Duke of Ragusa (1774- 1852). do. C — Portrait of Marshal Lannes (Jean), Duke of Monte- bello (1769-1809). do. C — GUERIN (Marie). (Modern.) Night Lifting her Veil. (Salon of 1897.) do. C GUeRIN (Pierre Narcisse), Baron. Paris, 1774 — Rome, 1833." (French School.) The Return of Marcus Sextus. Paris, Louvre. C — C Phaedra and Hippolytus. do. C — C — Aurora and Cephalus. do. C — C — Scene from the antique : composition of four fig- ures. (Drawing.) do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 521 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ GUeS (Alfred). Born in Montargis. (Modern.) None but the Brave Deserve the Fair ! Modern Painters. C GUGL (Carl). 1820— Munich, 1885. (Modern.) Italian woman. do. C Maternal Joy. do. C After the Bath. do. ~ C Mignon. do. C C — — GUGLIELMI (G.) (Modern.) Drowsy. do. C The Exhortation. do. C GUIARD (Adelaide Labille). See GUYARD. GUIDO. See Reni. GUIDI (Tommaso). See MASACCIO. GUIGNARD (Gaston). Born in Bordeaux. (Mod- ern.) Evening. do. C GUILLAUME (Noemie). Born in Besanqon. (Modern.) Hymns of the Sea. do. C GUILLAUMET (Gustave). Born in Paris, 1840- 1887. (Modern.) Evening Prayer in the Sahara. (Salon of 1863.) Paris, Lux. — C C The Palanquins. — Laghouat. ?^Iodern Painters. C — C An Arab Market in Algeria. do. C GUILLEMET (Jean Baptiste Antoine). Born in Chantilly (Oise). (Modern.) The Beach at Villers (Calvados). do. C GUILLERY (F.) Preparation for the Procession in Anticoli. • do. ' C GUILLEROT. XVII. century (French School.) Mountainous landscape with a river. (Drawing.) London, B. AI. C GUILLON (B.) (Modern.) Marion. Modern Painters. C — C 522 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ GUILLON (Eugene A.) (Modem.) Napoleon's Farewell to France. (Salon of 1896.) Modern Painters. C C Napoleon at St. Helena. (Salon of 1897.) do. C C Love the Conqueror. (Salon of 1897.) do. C C The Last Moments of Mirabeau. (Salon of 1897.) do. C Napoleon Landing in Egypt. (Salon of 1899.) do. C • GUILLOT (Paid Gabriel). Born in Rheims. (Mod- em.) Always the Same Old Song. do. C GUILLOU (Alfred). Born in Concarneau. (Mod- ern.) Arrival. of the Pardon of St. Anne de Fouesnant. (Salon of 1887.) Paris, Lux. C C Return from Shrimp Fishing. Modern Painters. C Brittany woman knitting. do. C Girl of Concarneau. do. C C A Seed. do. C The Moss Cradle. do. C C Little Jeannette. do. C A Walk. do. C Shrimp-fishers. do. C C Sea-gull Hunting. do. C C Yvonnic. do. C Before the Embarkation. do. C C Fishers of Sea-wrack. do. C Bouquet of Primroses. do. C C The Shell-vender. do. C C Into the Bargain. do C C Expectation. do. C C Adieu. do. C C The Procession to Concarneau. do. C C Shrimp-fisher. do. C Grandfather's Counsel. " do. — — C C At the Fountain. do. C C Arrival of the Sardine Boats at Concarneau. do. C For the Good Cause. (Salon of 1896.) do. C C The Sardine Fisherwomen of Concarneau. (Salon of 1896.) For his Grandfather. (Salon of 1898.) A Surprise. (Salon of 1898.) do. C — — c do. do. ZZ^Z - c — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 523 The Butterfly. (Salon of 1899.) Fishing for Lobsters at Treorgnon, near Concar- neau. (Salon of 1899.) GUINIER (Henri). (Modern.) Sunday. — Children of Mary. (Salon of 1898.) GUINIGUAY (H.) A naval battle with debarkation of troops. (Drawing.) Battle with assault of a fortress. (Drawing.) GUNKEL (H.) (Modern.) The Battle of Hermanns. GUNTHER (J.) (Modern.) Little Grandmother. Rural scene (from Voss' epical poem "Louise"). Diligence. GUSSOW (Carl). Havelberg, Bradenburg, 1843. (Modern.) In the Park. GUTEKUNST (F.) (Modern.) General Grant. D., 17^x20^ inches, $5.00. GUTHERZ (Carl). Switzerland, 1844. (Modern.) "And the Evening and the Morning of the Sixth Day." Lux Incarnationis. Temptation of St. Anthony. The Angel at the Tomb. The Spectrum of Light. (Seven panels represent- ing the seven primary colors.) Each print, PL, yyij inches, $1.00. GUY (Louis). Born in Lyons. (Modern.) Bang ! Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters, C do. do. London. B. M. do. Munich, Max. — — C C _ C C C Modern Painters. B do. B B do. B do. C do. do. C C do. C C — C do. C — c do. c — c Wash., Cong. Lib. Modern Painters. C GUYARD (Mme.), nee Adelai de LABILLE des VERTUS. Paris, 1749-1803. Portrait of Madame Adelaide (Marie Adelaide de France), daughter of Louis XV. (1732-1799). Versailles. 524 SOULE ART COMPANY. BOSTON. Portrait of Madame Victoire Marie Louise The- rese Victoire de France), daughter of Louis Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ XV. (1733-1799)- A'ersailles. — c — Portrait of Maximilian Marie L sidore d( s Robes- pierre (1758- 1794), Member of the National Convention. Xat'l Portraits. C — GYSIS (Nicolas). Tinos, Greece, 1842. Punished Hen Thief in Smyrna. Modern Painters. — — c The Pilgrimage. do. c c — c Travelling artist in Greece. do. c c — — Hair-cutting. do. c c — c The Story-teller. do. c — c The Little Wise Man. do. c — c On the Pilgrimage. do. c — c A Greek betrothal. do. B B — B HAACH (Ludwig). Dresden, 181 5 (?). (German School.) Large historical composition. (Drawing.) HA AG (Carl). Erlangen, Wiirtemberg, 1820. (Modern.) Ella, the Anglo-Saxon Prince. A Druid Novice. Danger on the Desert. HAARLEM (Cornelis van). See CORNELISSER. HAARLEM (Gerrit van). Painted in Haarlem about 1450. (Dutch School. ) Incineration of the Bones of John the Baptist. Descent from the Cross. The Propitiatory Sacrifice of the New Testament. HAAS (Johannes Hubertus Leonardus de) . Hedel, North Brabant, 1832 — Brussels, 1880. (Mod- em.) Cattle Grazing. Halting-place of Donkeys on the Downs. HABERLIN (Carl). Wiirtemberg. 1832. (Mod- ern.) Girolamo Savonarola's Farewell. Captured Robber. Dresden, Rov. Col. C }kIodern Painters. — C — C do. — C — C do. — C — C Menna Mus. do. Amsterdam. C C — C — C do. c — do. — — L — — " do. - - - C - C do. c - c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 525 Gallery. Siacs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ HABERMANN (H. v.) (Modern.) The Nursling. HACKAERT (Jan). Amsterdam, 1629-1699 (?). (Dutch School.) The Avenue of Ash-trees. HACKAERT (J.) and J. LINGELBACH. Heart of the Forest. HACKEN (Jan van der) (or Hagen). The Hague. 1635-1679. (Dutch School.) Dogs. (Engraving.) C. $1.00. HACKERT (Jacob Philip). Prenzlau, 1737- 1807. (German School.) The Cottage. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. HACKL (Gabriel). Marburg, Styria. (Modern.) The Prodigy. * Devotee's Hour of Prayer. The Armorer. On I-'urlough. The Amateur and the Collector. HADAMARD (Augusta). iMetz, 1823-1886. (Mod- em.) Le Lever. The Sea-gull Fairy. Fantasia. Lady Disdain. Swiss road (January, 1871). The Billet of Residence. HADENGUE (Louis Michel). Born in Paris. (Modern.) A Corner of the Market at Touques (Calvados). HAEFTEN (Nicholas von). Born in Gorcum. Worked in 1690. (Dutch School.) Portrait of the artist, by himself. (Engraving.") C, $1.00. Amsterdam. do. C C C — C do. C C Dresden, Roy.Col. do. _ Modern Painters. C C — C do. C C do. — C do. C do. C — C do. _ C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C Dresden, Rov Col. — 526 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSION. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 34 4 4^ HAEGHEN (E. van der). (Modem.) Brunhilde. Modern Painters. C — C After the Bath. do. C HAES (Carlos de). Bom in Brussels, 1829. (Mod- em.) The Wind-mill. Mad. Mus. M. A. PI C Lost Fishing-boat. do. PIC Port of Rouen. do. P| C Boat on Shore. do. PI C Low Tide at Guetary. ■ do. PI C Landscape near Friesland. do. PIC PIC HAFEE (E.) (German School.) Scenes from the Country; gathering cabbages. (Drawing.) Dresden, P. G. C A deer and two hinds in a mountainous landscape. (Drawing.) C., $1.25. do. HAFFTEN (C. v.) (Modern.) A wreck on a rocky northern coast. Modern Painfers. B B Hamlet (scene on the platform). do. B B Coast of Northumberland. do. B B The road of Diappe. do. B B Coast of Genoa. do. B B Rising Moon on the Rhine. do. B B Coast of Ireland (Dunraven Castle). do. B B Macbeth and the Witches. do. B B Sappho and her companions ; landscape. do. B B Hero ; landscape. do. B B San Remo. do. B B HAGBORG (Auguste). Born in Gothenburg (Sweden), 1852. (Modern.) Blessing a Fishing-boat. do. C The Potato Harvest. do. C C Alert. D., $5.00. do. C Preparations for Fishing. do. C The Fisherman's Daughter. do. C Return from Fishing. do. C At the Washing-place. do. C "Come on !" do. C C Evening. do. C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 527 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3| 4 4J Modern Painters. C C do. C do. C C do. C do. — C do. C do. C do. C C • do. C C do. c -- — C do. C C do. C C do. do. C do. C do. C do. — C Bragging. The Miner. The Farmer's Son. Arrival of boats at Cayeux ; morning. The Cemetery at Tourville. Morning at Baskemolla, Sweden. Two Old Sea-dogs. La Tosca. At the Seaside ; Sweden. In the Oyster-beds. (Salon of 1896.) A Squall. (Salon of 1896.) The Tide. (Salon of 1896.) In the Country ; Sweden. (Salon of 1898.) Jealousy. (Salon of 1899.) Woodland Nymph. (Salon of 1899.) Echo. (Salon of 1899.) Waiting. (Salon of 1899.) H AGEN (Joris van der) or VERHAGEN. ( ?) The Hague, 1669. (Dutch School.) (Attributed.) Mountainous landscape ; in the centre and towards the right, houses of a vil- lage. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Dutch landscape. HAHN (Gustave Adolphe). Altenburg, 1819 — Dresden, 1872. (German School.) View of a city street. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. HAIDER (Carl). Munich, 1846. (Modern.) In the Laboratory. HALBIG (J.) (Modern.) "It is Finished!" HALLE (Claude Guy). Paris, 1652-1736. (French School.) Louis XIV. Receiving Reparation from the Doge of Genoa, May 15, 1685. HALL6 (E. C.) (Modern.) Cherries. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. Paris, Louvre. Amsterdam. C — C C — C Dresden, P. G. Modern Painters. C do. Versailles. Modern Painters. C — 528 SOULE ART COM PAX Y. BOSTON Gallcrv. Si:. HALLETT (Hendricks A.) Charlestown, Massa- chusetts, 1847. (^lodern.) Fishing"-boats. PL. 9x15 inches, $3.00. HALS (Dirk). Haarlem, t:;89 (?)-i656 (?). (Dut£h School.) Rustic Feast. Outdoor Fete. (Rath Col.) Feast with Death at the Door. (Andrassy Coll.) <^ Attributed.) Lady at the Harpsichord. Merry company of ladies and cavaliers. HALS (Frans), the Elder. Antwerp (?), 1580 or 1581 — Haarlem, i66(). (Dutch School.) Bust portrait of Rene Descartes. 1 ne Gipsy-girl. Female portrait. Portrait of Nicholas Yan Beresteyn. Portrait of the wife of Nicholas Van Beresteyn. Portrait of the family of Van Beresteyn of Haar- lem. Portrait of a man holding a rose. Female portrait ; companion to the above. !Male portrait. Female portrait; companion to the above. Portrait of a man wearing a large felt hat, with one arm akimbo. Male portrait. Woman with a glove. Portrait of a man in a grey mantle. Portrait of the artist, by himself. Portrait of a man seated. Portrait of a woman holding a flower. Portrait of a man, two-thirds length, wearing a large nantle. Portrait of a man about 40 years old. (Gum- precht coll.) Two Laughers. (Knaus Coll.) Portrait of young man. Portrait of the Preacher Joannes Acronius. Portrait of young man. Portrait of young lady. :CS, 2 2i 3 3i 4 4J Boston. Sher. Col. Paris, Louvre. — - - C — c — Buda-Pesth. — — — — c do. c — Ams. W H. Col. — - c — London, Nat. Gal. — — — c c c Paris, Louvre. c «— do. c — c — do. c — c — do. c — c — do. c — c - do. c — c Arn., Tripp Col. c — — — do. ■ c — Durand-Ruel Col . — c — do. — c — do. c Old Masters. — — — — c do. c — — do. — — — — c do. — — — — c do. c — — do. c — do. Berlin ,, c — do. do. do. EEEi^i do. c c - c do. c c — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 529 The Young Singer. Hille Bobbe, the Witch of Haarlem. Portrait of an elderly man. Portrait of young nobleman. Nurse holding a child. Portrait of Tyman Oosdorp. The jolly Song. Merry Tale (old copy). Portrait of a lady of rank. Portrait of a gentleman of rank. Jolly Toper. Young man with slouched hat. Boys making music. Portrait. Portrait. Laughing child ; study head. (Habich Coll.) Male portrait. (The same, clothed in black.) (The same.) The Witch of Haarlem ; Hille Bobbe and the Smoker. Detail of the above : Hille Bobbe. Detail of the above : The Smoker. Portrait of young man, right profile. (Drawing.) Head of young man slightly turned to the right. (Drawing.) Head of young man slightly turned to the left. (Drawing.) Portrait of a Dutchman. Portrait of the wife of the above. Portrait of a Dutch lady. (Attributed.) Large family portrait. Portrait of a man. Portrait of man in large black hat. Portrait of Willem Van Huythuysen, citizen of Haarlem (called the Man with the Sword). D., 20x27 inches, India, $10.00; Japan, $20.00. Ladies and cavaliers around a table ; composition of twelve figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Five persons seated around a table : study for the picture, "Regents of the Hospital of St.. Eliza- Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4|^ c c — c c c — c Berlin. do. do do do. do. do. do. Cassel. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Dresden, do. do. C C — C C C — C C C — C C C — C C C — C C C — C C C — C C — C C — C C — C c — c C B C C c c do. C C do. C do. C Dresden, Roy Col. — . C do. C do. C Frankfort. C do. C do. C Munich. — C C C — C Vienna Mus. C do. C Vienna, Liecht. C C C C Vienna, Albertina. L30 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON beth," in the Haarlem Museum. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Woman seated, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Male portrait. Portrait of Frans Hals and his second wife, Lys- beth Reiniers. Detail of the above : the two heads. The Fool. D., 16x21 inches, on India, $5.00; on Japan, $10.00. A Jolly Man. D., 16x21 inches, on India, $5.00; on Japan, $10.00. Civil Guard under Gaptain Reynier Reael, 1637. (Picture painted by Hals and Peter Godde.) Detail of the above : left part. Detail of the above : figure from the left corner. Detail of the above : group to the left. Female portrait. (Van de Poll Goll.) Male portrait. (Van de Poll Goll.) Female portrait. Portrait of the artist. Banquet of Officers of the Guild of Archers of St. George (1616). D., 20x27 inches, on India, $10.00; on Japan, $20.00, Detail of the above : left part of the picture. Detail of the above : central part. Detail of the above : right part. Office and Standard-bearer (right part of the pict- ure). Banquet of Officers of the Guild of Archers of St. George (1627). Detail of the above : left part of the picture. Detail of the above : Standard-bearer. Detail of the above : right part of the picture. Detail of the above : three figures, right part. Banquet of Officers of the Guild of Archers of St. Adrian, on the occasion of their departure from Haarlem for the siege of Hasselt and Mons, October 18, 1622. D., 20x27 inches, on India, $10.00; on Japan, $20.00. Detail of the above : left part of the picture. Detail of the above : central part. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Vienna. Albertina. do. — — Buda-Pesth. G Amsterdam. — C C C — C do. G do. G G — G do. G C — C do. G do. G — — do. — — C do. G — do. G C — c do. G Ams. V H. Gol. C Haarlem. q do. C C C C do. G — do. G — do. c c do. — G do. C C C C do. G — do. G do. G do. G — do. C C C C — c do. G do. c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 531 Detail of the above : two figures, central part. Detail of the above : right part of the picture. *Reunion of Officers of the Guild of Archers of St. Adrian (1633). Detail of the above : left part of the picture. Detail of the above : four heads, left part. Detail of the above : the halberdier, central part. Detail of! the above : central part of the picture. Detail of the above : two figures, right part. Officers and under-officers of the Guild of Archers of St. George (1639). Detail of the above : left part of the picture. Detail of the above : central part. Detail of the above : three halberdiers, right. Detail of the above : right part of the picture. Detail of the above : two figures, right part. Regents of the Hospital of St. Elizabeth. Detail of the above : left part of the picture. Detail of the above : right part. Regents of the Hospital for Old Men. Detail of the above : right part of the picture. Regentesses of the Hospital for Old Men. Portrait of M. Albert Van Nierop, Doctor of Laws, Member of the Court of Justice of Holland. Portrait of Cornelia Van der Meer, wife of M. Albert Van Nierop. Portrait of Jacob Pieterz Olycan, 29 years of age. Portrait of Aletta Hanemans, wife of the above, about 19 years of age. Willem van Huythuysen, founder of the Haarlem Hospital. Jan Hoornebeck, professor at the University of Leyden. Fisher-boy in the Environs of Haarlem. Portrait of a Dutch nobleman. Female portrait. Portrait of a man. Portrait of a nobleman: Portrait of the artist, by himself. Portrait of man wearing hat with a broad brim. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3J 4 4^ Haarlem. -^ C do. C do. c c c c — c do. c do. c do. — — c do. _ c do. c do. c C C C — c do. C do. c do. c ■ do. c do. c do. — C C C — c do. c ■ do. c do. — c C C — c do. c do. — C C C — c do. _ c c c — c do. — c C C — c The Hague. c C — c do. c c — c Brussels. C — c do. C — c Antwerp. c do. c London, Nat. Gal. c c — c do. c c — c London, Buck. PI. c c St. Petersburg. c do. c This subject comes in a large size Carbon, 33x54 inches, $70.00. 532 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Male portrait. Portrait of an admiral or ship's captain. D., g^x 7| inches, $2.00. Portrait of an armorer. A child. (Exhibition of female portraits at the £cole des Beaux Arts, 1897.) A child. (Exhibition of female portraits at the £cole des Beaux Arts, 1897.) HALS (Frans), the Younger. Haarlem, born 1617- 1623 — died after 1669. (Dutch School.) Still-life. Portrait of a nobleman. Portrait of a young man. HALSWELLE KEELEY. Richmond. England, 1834. (Modern.) Highlands and Islands. D., 12x21 inches, $5.00; Artist's Proofs, 100 on India, $15.00; 50 on Japan, $20.00. Cardinal Antonelli. HAMEEL (Alaert du). Lived in the XV. century. A King of France. (Engraving.) C, .75. HAMILTON (John George). Brussels. 1662— Vienna, 1736. Still-life. Two falcons in a mountainous landscape. HAMILTON (John McClure). Born in Philadel- phia, 1853. (Modern.) Portrait of William Ewart Gladstone. HAMILTON (Philip Ferdinand de). 1664 — Vienna, 1750. Still-life, and cat. Brussels, HAMILTON (Vereker M.) (Modern.) An Ambuscade. Artist's Proofs on India, 13^x21 inches, $20.00; D., 13^x21, $5.00. HAMMERL (M.) (Modern.) Parental Joy. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3J 4 4^ St. Petersburg. C do. do. C C C — C — — C — Berlin, do. do. — C — C — C Modern Painters. B do. PI C Dresden, R. C. — B Munich. Vienna, Liecht. C C — C Paris, Lux. Munich. Modern Painters. do. C — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 533 Favorite Song. HAMON (Jean Louis). Plouha (Cotes-du-Nord). 1821 — St. Raphael (Var), 1874. (French School.) The Human Comedy. HAMZA (Johann). (Modern.) The Honeymoon. D., 7x10 inches, $1.50. The First Rendezvous. At the Spring. Tete-a-tete. Disputation. Handler (Paul). Altenw^edingen, near Magde- burg, 1833. (jModern.) Between Love and Duty. Queen Louise of Prussia Visiting a Poor Family. HANFSTAENGEL (E.) (Modern.) Finstermiintz (Tyrol). Flying Dutchman. Baths of Diana at Ostia. Convent-gardens at Pegli. My good Bob. HANISCH (Anton). Vienna, 181 3— Salzburg, 1876. (Modern.) The "Karolinenplatz" in Munich. HANNEMAN (Adriaen). The Hague, 1610-1680. (Flemish or Dutch School.) Male portrait. . Portraits of Constantine Huyghens (i 596-1687) and his five children. Detail of the above : Portrait of Ludovic Huy- ghens, who was Deputy of the Admiralty. Detail of the above: Portrait of Susanna Huy ghens. Portrait of the Duke of Hamilton. HANS de FRANCFORT. XVL century, man School.) Combat of Horsemen (1537). (Drawing.) (Ger- Gallcry. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C Paris, Louvre. C — C ^ Modern Painters. C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Buda-Pesth. The Hague. do. do. Windsor. Weimar. C C C C C C C — B — B C C C — c c c c c c c C — C 534 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Siacs, 2 2^ 3 3-J- 4 4^ HANSTEEN (Nils). Runen, Norway, 1855. (Mod- ern.) Norwegian landscape. * Modern Painters. C — C HANTZSCH (Johann Gottlieb). Neudorf, near Dresden, 1794-1848. (German School.) Peasant woman standing, and a man seated. (Draw- ing.) Dresden, P. G. C HAQUETTE (Georges). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Fishmonger at Dieppe. Modern Painters. C Strolling musicians in a tavern at Normandy. do. q Home of Mother Panotte. do. C Father Mazure. do. Q The Little Fisherman. do. q The Setting Out. do. C — C Drawing in the Nets. do. C C At the Pier. do. C C A Gust of Wind. do. C C Returning to Port. do. C C Departure for Fishing. do. C C On the Strand. . do. C C Blessing the Sea. do. C Drawing in the Drag-nets. do. C C The Cabin-boy's First Voyage. do. C C Return to Port. do. C C Fishing with Nets. do. C C Poor Cabin-boy. do. C C A Squall. do. C Re-entering the Port. do., C Return to Port. do. C C Surprised by a Storm ; the Last Boat. do. C The Cabin-boy's First Lesson. " do. C C With the Guards. do. C C — C Before the Wind. (Salon of 1896.) do. C C Herring Fishing. (Salon of 1896.) do. C ^ The Day after the Storm. (Salon of 1897.) do. C Pilot Going to Meet a Ship. (Salon of 1898.) do. C Rising Storm; fishing-boat hastening to port. (Salon of 1898.) do. C Going into Harbor 017 a Stormy Day. (Salon of 1899.) do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 535 HARBURGER (Edmund). Eichstadt, Bavaria, 1846. (Modern.) The Landlord. City Gentleman in the Country. Social Contrasts. Quiet Happiness. Munich Ale-house Waiter. Political Dispute. At the Table d'Hote. At the Spring. World Reformer. The Last Drop. A Philosopher. Philosophical Meditations. . A Quiet Drinker. HARDWICK (Melbourne H.) (Modern.) Boats at Schevening-en. PL, Iixi6 inches, $3.00; also in Colored PL, $8.00. Toilers' Return. PL, $2.00. HARDY (Heywood). England. (Modern.) *Rotten Row. A Girl of the Period. Artist's Proofs, about 13x20 • inches, 25 on India, $15.00. A Likely Draw. D., 20^x13^ inches, $5.00. Hunters at Exercise. D., 10:^x22^ inches, $5.00; Artist's Proofs on India, $18.00. HARDY (N.) (Modern.) "I Peeped Through the Blind." D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. Silvia. HARDY (T. B.) (Modern.) A Channel Port. Artist's Proofs on India, 13x21^ inches, $15.00; D., $5.00; D., 8x10, $1.50. HARLEY (H.) (Modern.) A Love-letter. HARLING (E. v.) (Modern.) At the Forester's. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. — C — C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C Boston, Sher. Col. Boston, Stet.Col. Modern Painters. do. B do. do. do. do. do. do. — C — C c C C — C c *This subject comes in a Fac-Simile Graviire in colors, about 11^x21 inches, $18.00. 536 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. HARMS (John Oswald). Hamburg, 1642-1708. (Grerman School.) Wooded landscape. (Drawing.) HARPIGNIES (Henri). Born in Valenciennes (Nord), 1819. (Modern.) Landscape. Twilight. (Water-color.) Twilight. (Souvenir of the AUier.) Prairie (sunlight effect). The Dawn. Decline of Day. The Banks of the Sarthe. Beaulieu. A Morning in the Loups, near Bonny-sur-Loire. An Evening in the Loups, near Bonny-sur-Loire. The Loire. (Salon of 1896.) Solitude. (Salon of 1897.) Banks of the Rhone. (Salon of 1897.) The Teverone. (Souvenir of Italy.) (Salon of 1898.) A Morning in the Dauphine. (Salon of 1898.) End of a Beautiful Day. (Souvenir of Herisson.) (Salon of 1899.) The Loire near Sancerre. (Salon of 1899.) HARRACH (Ferdinand, Count of). Silesia, 1832. (Modern.) In the Vineyards of Worth. Outposts before Mount V^alerien. A Sea-king's Grave. The Denial of St. Peter. Christmas Eve. Evening at the Lake of Thun. Moltke on his Death-bed. Rosmochan, "1 (Companion J pictures.) HARRISON (Alexander). 1853. (Modem.) The Amateur Fishers. HARRISON (A. Jane). Psyche. Born in Philadelphia, (Modern.) Gallery. Sices, 2 Dresden, R. C. Paris, Lux. H. Vever Col. Modern Painters do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 3 3i 4 4i C . c c do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C c c c c c c c c c c c B B — B B — B B — B B B Chicago Art Inst. Modern Painters. C PIC PIC C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 537 HART (Emily). Born in Nottinghamshire. (Mod- ern.) The End of a Book. A Holiday. Morning. (Salon of 1896.) White Roses. (Salon of 1896.) Corn-flowers. (Salon of 1897.) Dawn. (Salon of 1899.) Lilacs. (Salon of 1899.) HART (James McDougal). Born at Kilmarnock, Scotland, 1828. (Modern.) Oaks in Autumn. HARTMANN (Matthias Christoph). Nuremburg, 1 79 1. (German School.) Interior ; two old men seated behind a stove, a woman sitting on bed, and young girl standing. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. HARTMANN (Carl). (Modern.) On Strike. D., 11x15 inches, $3.00. A Big Brawl. Apple of Discord. Infernal Row. Sowing Wild Oats. When the Hour of Rest is Over. Attempts at Renovation. Sacrilege. "Honi soit qui mal y pense." HARTMANN (Ludwig). Munich, 1835. (Modern.) Horses Resting. Rest on the Fields. Return from the Fair. Canal-boat Horses Resting. HARTSON (C. W.) Moonlight, Holland. PI., 10x13 inches, $2.00. Sunshine and Clouds, Holland. PI., 10x13 inches, $2.00. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3I 4 4^ Modern Painters. C — C do. C C do. C do. C C do. C do. C do. C Chicago Art Inst. PIC PIC PIC Dresden, P. G. C Modern Painters. C C do. C — C do. C — C do. c do. C do. C do. C do. C do. — C do. C — C do. C do. do. • IIIcII Boston, M. F. A. do. 538 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. On the River Zaan, Holland. $2.00. PL, 10x13 inches, HARTWICK (Hermann). New York, 1853. (Mod- em.) Under the Olives. Compulsory Service. HASEMANN (Wilhehn). (Modern.) Girl from the Valley of the Miihlenbach in the Black Forest. At Prayer. The Artist and the Critics. The Sweetheart's Picture. Making Garlands. "How Glad He will Be !" Under the Lindens. HASSAM (Childe). Dorchester, Mass., 1859. (Mod- ern.) Bridge over the Arno. PI., 6x9 inches, $1.50. St. Germain de I'Aux-Errois. PI., 9x6 inches, $1.50. Windmill at Nantucket. PI., 7x13 inches, $2.00. HASSE (F.) (Modern.) Just from School. HASSELBACH (W.) (Modern.) Bad Cards. Good Cards. Uninvited Guests. Freshly Drawn. The Poor Suitor. Curious. Too Late. In Temptation. Favorable Opportunity. HATFIELD (Joseph H.) (Modern.) Winding the Skein. PI., 6Jx8 inches, $2.00. After the Bath. PI., 7^x13 inches, $2.00. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Boston, M. F. A. . Modern Painters. C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C — C C — C C c c c — c c — c c — c do. do. Boston, Loth. Col. Modern Painters. B do. do. do. do. do. do. do. da do. do. do. C C c c c c — c c — c c — c c c c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 539 HAUBER (Joseph). Geratsned, Bavaria, 1766— Munich, 1834. (German School.) Portrait. (Engraving.) C., $1.00. HAUER (Jean Jacques). Portrait of Charlotte Corday (Marie Anne), 176S- 1793; painted by Hauer at the Conciergerie. (See Baudry.) HAUG (Robert). Stuttgart, 1857. (Modern.) The Prussians at Mockern. Volunteers. A Farewell. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. A Promenade. Forsaken. At Dawn. On the Highroad. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Dresden, R. C. Versailles. C — Modern Painters. C — C do. C do. C C — C do. C — C do. C • do. C do. C HAUSCHILD (Wilhelm). 1827. (Modern.) The Crucifixion. Schlegel, Silesia, Munich, R. M.M. C C C C HAUSLEITNER (R.) (Modern.) According to Measure. On the Edge of the Forest. HAUSMANN (E.) (Modern.) Cheating at Cards. Storm-tide. Elegy. "What are the Wild Waves Saying?' HAUSMANN (V.) (Modern.) The Children's Bacchanal. HAVENITH (H.) (Modern.) Preparing for the Church-festival. A Song of Spring. HAWKS (C.)- (Modern.) A Poem. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. HAYCRAFT (Lillie J.) (Modern.) The Railwav Accident. Modern Painters. C — C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. — C C C C — C C — C c C c c — c c — c c — c 540 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ HAYDEN (Charles H.) Plymouth, Mass., 1856. (Modern.) Turkey Pasture. PL, 10x12 inches, $2.00. Boston, M. F. A. HAYEZ (Francesco). XIX. century. (Venetian School.) Portrait of the artist, by himself, painted in 1863. Florence, Ufhzi. C HEAD (Gaido). Died in 1800. (English School.) Iris. Rome A. St. L. C HEALY (George Peter Alexander). Born in Bos- ton (United States). (Modern.) Portrait of His Majesty Charles I., King of Rou- mania. ^ Modern Painters. C Portrait of L. Gambetta. do. C C Portrait of the artist, by himself. PI., 10x12 inches, $2.00. Boston, M. F. A. Portrait of H. W. Longfellow. PL, 10x12 inches, $2.00. do. Webster's Reply to Hayne. (This is the celebrat- ed picture that hangs back of the platform in Faneuil Hall, Boston.) PL, 9x13 inches, $2.00; PL, 14x20, $4.00. Boston, Fan. Hall. — (Detail of same subject.) PL, 10x13 inches, $2.00; PL, 16x21, $4.00. do. HUBERT (Ernest). Born in Grenoble, 1817. (Modern.) Malaria. (Salon of 1850.) The Kiss of Judas. (Salon of 1853.) The Cervarolles (Roman States). (Salon of 1859.) Portrait of Prince Napoleon (Joseph Charles Paul), 1822-1891, son of Jerome, King of Westpha- lia. Portrait of Princess Clotilde of Savoy, wife of the above. St. Margaret. Modern Painters. C St. Agnes. D., $5.00. do. C C The Gipsy. D., $5.00. do. C The Gipsy (detail). do. C Paris, Lux. C C do. C C do. — — C C Versailles. _ c do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 541 Irish melody. "Sing, Sweet Harp, Oil, Sing to Me." (Til. Moore.) Ophelia. A gipsy. Popular Italian Muse. To Unknown Heroes. La Solitaire. The Morning and Evening of Life. The Washerwoman. Portrait of General De Miribel. Malaria. Flower of Forgetfulness. (Salon of 1898.) HUBERT (H.) (Modern.) Return from the Christening. HeBERT-STEVENS (Jean Baptiste Georges). Born in Rouen. (Modern.) Mary Magdalen. The Sultan's Favorite. HECK (Robert). Stuttgart, 1831. (Modern.) Antigone. Iphigenia. Midsummer Night's Dream. Nymph of the Well. Head of Christ. HECKE (Van der). XVII. century. (Dutch School.) After the Battle. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. HECKEL (August von). Landshut, Bavaria, 1824. (Modern.) Apollo and the Muses. Cleopatra. King Lear. HEDA (Willem Klaasz). Haarlern, 1594— after 1678. (Dutch School.) Still-life. Breakfast Table. Still-life. The Early Breakfast. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. c do. c — — c do. c do. c do. c c do. c do. c c Masters XIX Cen. c — Chantilly. c do. c Modern Painters. C do. — c do. — c do. C C — c do. c c — c do. c — c do. — — — c — c do. c c — c Dresden, R. C. Modern Painters. c c — c do. — C c c — — do. — C c c — — Dresden. c ' do. — c Munich. — c — c Vienna, Liecht. c — 542 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. HEDLEY (Ralph). (Modem.) Barring-out Day. D., 12x10 inches, $3.00. Punch. D., 13x10 inches, $3.00. H6DOUIN (Edmond). Born in Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1820. (Modern.) (After Riesener.) Portrait of Marshal Bessieres (Jean Baptiste), Duke of Istria (1768-1813). HEEM (Comelisz de). Leydeij — Antwerp, 1695. (Dutch School.) A lobster, flowers and fruit. Still-life,. oysters and a lobster. Still-life. Flowers and fruit. HEEM (Jan Davidsz de). Utrecht, 1600 — Antwerp, 1683 or '84. (Dutch School.) Fruit and garlands of flowers. Garlands of flowers and fruit. , Fruit before an old wall. Still-life, and a bird's nest. Fruit and a snake. Flowers. Flowers and fruit. Fruit. Fruit. Fruit. Allegory of Fertility. HEEM (Jan Davidsz de) and LAMBRECHTS. A Bouquet. HEEMSKERCK (Egbert van). Haarlem, 1645— London, 1704. (Dutch School.) An interior. Charles I. PI., 10x13 inches, $2.00; C, $4.00. HEEMSKERK (Martin van Veen, called Van). Heemskerk, near Haarlem, about 1498 — Haar- lem, 1574. (Flemish School.) Momus Censuring the Actions of the Gods. Portrait of young girl. Gallery. Sices, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters, do. Versailles. Dresden, do. Munich. Brussels. Berlin. do. Dresden. do Munich. do. Amsterdam. do. The Hague. do. Brussels. do. C — C c c — — c — c c — c c — c c — c c c c — c c — c c — c c — c c — c c — c c -^ c c — c Paris, Louvre. C — Berlin. do. C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 543 The Virgin, St. John the EvangeHst, and two Holy Women. (According to Woermann, by Bar- thel Bruyn.) Female head, full face. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Jesus before the Praetorium ; triptych. Detail of the above ; interior panels (the family of the donor). Detail of the above ; exterior panels (the prophets Ezekiel and Daniel). The Entombment. The donor with St. Peter. — The donor's wife with St. Catherine. Triumphal Procession of Silenus. The Prodigal Son ; group of three figures. (Draw- ing.) C, $i.oo. Calvary; triptych (middle panel). Right and left panels of the above picture. HEEMSKERK (Otto van Veen, called Van). Ley- den, 1553-1629. (Flemish School.) Baptism of Christ. HEERSCHOP (Hendrik). Haarlem, 1621 (?)- about 1672. (Dutch School.) The Negro King. HEES (A. v.) (Modern.) Casting Anchor. D., 11x15 inches, $3.00. Yachting on the Wurm-see. Stormy Sea. With a Favorable Wind. In the Wind. "All Together, Lads !" HEICHERT (O.) (Modern.) "Thy Word Giveth Light." HEILBUTH (Ferdinand). Born in Hamburg. 1826— Paris, 1889. (Modern.) The Pawn-shop. (Salon of 1861.) Fine Weather. HEILMAYER (K.), Senior. (Modern.) Entrance to the Kaiserthal. Gallery. Si::es, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Dresden. C Dresden, Roy. Col. . Haarlem. C do. C do. Brussels. c c — c do. c — c Vienna Museum. c Florence, Uffizi. , St. Petersburg, do. c c Brunswick. B Berlin. Modern Painters. C — C do. C — C do. C do. C do. C do. C — C do. B Paris, Lux. Modern Painters. do. — C — C C C — C 544 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. HEIM (Francis Joseph). Belfort, 1787— Paris, 1865. (French School.) King Charles X. distributing rewards to the artists at the close of the Exposition of 1824. Andrieux giving a reading in the Foyer of the Comedie Fran(;aise. (This picture includes the portraits of many celebrated personages : Hugo, Dumas, Scribe, Chateaubriand, de Vigny, Nodier, etc.) HEIN (Fr.) (Modern.) The Holy Legend of Gemiind. HEINSIUS (Johann Ernest). Worked in France at the end of the XVHI. century. (German School.) Portrait of Marie Louise Therese Victoire de France (Madame Vic.oire), fifth daughter of Louis XV. Portrait of Madame Roland (Marie Jeanne Philip- pon), 1756-1793. Portrait of young girl. Portrait of Mile. d'Ossuns. (Exhibition of female portraits at the £cole des Beaux Arts, 1897.) HEINZ (Joseph). Basle, about 1565 — Prague, 1609 (?). (German School.) The Rape of Proserpine. HELLEMONT (Matthieu van). Antwerp, 1623 — Brussels, 1674. (Flemish School.) A Bargain ! HELLEN (Carl von der). Bremen, 1843. (Mod- ern.) View from the "Vogelsberg" in Oberhessen. HELLQUIST (Karl Gustav). Kiingsor, Sweden, 185 1 — Bavarian Highlands, 1890. (Modern.) Ignominious Entrance into Stockholm of Bishop Sonnanwader and Provost Knut, September, 1526. An old Swede. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Paris, Louvre. C C Versailles. C Modern Painters. B Paris, Louvre. Versailles. Old Masters. do. Dresden. Buda-Pesth. C C — Modern Painters. C do. do. C C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 645 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4J Sten Sure, Regent of Sweden, Dying on the Frozen Malersee. Modern Painters. C — C Bismarck or Moltke? do. C Dispute between P. Galle and O. Petri at Upsala, 1524. do, C C — C Winter Pleasures. do. C — C The Hohe G611. do. C A Good Shot. do. ^ C Stealing Apples. do. C The Hermit. do. — C In the Harbor of Wolgast, July 15th, 1633. do. C C — C The Herdsman, do, C Sancta Simplicitas. (Huss at the Stake.) do. C C — C HELMONT (Matbums van). Brussels, 1650-1719. (Flemish School.) An alchemist in his laboratory. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Dresden, P. G, HELON (E.) (Modern.) Feodorowna. Modern Painters. C — C HELST (Bartholommeus van der). Haarlem, 161 1 or 1612 — Amsterdam, 1670. (Dutch School.) Adjudging the Archery Prize. Paris, Louvre. C Male portrait, do. C — C — (Attributed.) A distinguished personage. do. C — (Attributed.) Portrait of Andries Hooftmann. Chantilly. C — Portrait of an old lady. (De Sagan Coll.) Berlin. C C — C Family portrait, D,, 7^x9 inches, $1.50. Brunswick, B Male portrait. Cassel. C — C Female portrait. Dresden. C Portrait of a man holding his mantle with his left hand. do. C C Portrait of the wife of the Burgomaster Andries Bicker of Amsterdam. do, C C Female portrait. Frankfort. C Portrait of a man, three-quarters length, Munich. C C — C Portrait of a woman, three-quarters length. do. C C — C Admiral Martin Harpertzoon Tromp. do. C — C Bust portrait of young man. Vienna, Liecht, C 546 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Syndics of the Brotherhood of St. Sebastian at Amsterdam. Portrait of Geertruida den Dubbelde, wife of Lieu- tenant-Admiral Aert van Nes. Portrait of Admiral Egbert Meeuwisz Kortenaer. Portrait of Andries Bicker, Burgomaster of Am- sterdam (1586- 1652). Portrait of Gerard Bicker Andriesz, bailiff of Muy- den. Male portrait. Female portrait. The Civic Guards under Captain Roelof Bicker. Portrait of the Vice-Admiral Johan de Liefifde. Portrait of Jacobus Trip. (Van de Poll Coll.) Male portrait. Portrait of Princess Maria Henrietta Stuart, widow of Prince William II. of Orange. Banquet of the Civic Guard, June 18, 1648, in the Great Hall of St. Joris Doelen on the Singel, Amsterdam, to celebrate the conclusion of the peace of Miinster. D., 20x27 inches, $10.00. Detail of the same : left part. Detail of the same : the center. Detail of the same: right part. '"The three parts of the above united. Officers of the Guild of Archers of St. Adrian go- ing to the target-shooting. Portrait of Paulus Potter (dated 1654). Female portrait. ^ Portrait of a young lady. (According to Venturi, by Abraham de Vries). Male portrait. Presentation of the Bride. The Bride and Bridegroom. (Detail of the above.) Family of Paul Potter. Portrait of young woman. Male portrait. Portrait of man seated, half-length figure. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Amsterdam. C C — c do. . C C — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. C C — C do. C C — C do. do. do. C C — C C C — C do. C Ams. V. H. Col. C C — C Amsterdam. C C — C do. — C C c — c do. do. c do. c do. Haarlem. c The Hague. c c — c Brussels. c — c London, N. G. C - C Florence, Pitti. c — St. Petersburg, do. do. c c — — — do., do. do. c c c •This subject comes in a large size Carbon, 36x48 inches, $80.00. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 547 HELST (Bartholomaus v. d.) and L. BAKHIN- ZEN. Portrait of Lieutenant-Admiral Aert van Nes. HEMERT (J. van). Portrait of D. H. Meulenaer. HEMESSEN (Catharina van). Antwerp, 1500 (?)- (Flemish School.) Portrait of a man about 35 years old. HEMESSEN (Jan Sanders), called Jan van. Hemixem, near Antwerp (?) — Haarlem, be- tween 1555 and 1566. (Flemish School.) Young Tobias Restoring his Father's Sight. St. William. The Prodigal Son. HENRY (Charles Napier). Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1 85 1. (Modern.) Fresh from the Sea. Artist's Proofs on India, 2i|xi4i inches, $15.00; D., $5.00. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4I Amsterdam. do. C C — C London, Nat. Gal. C — Paris, Louvre. Vienna Mus. Brussels. C — C — C — C Modern Painters. — C C — C HENCKE (A.) (Modern.) Stag on the Alert. 1 (Companion pictures.) Roes. J Evening in Autumn. D., 15x20 inches, $5.00. HENDRICH (H.) (Modern.) Sea-flowers. Arrival of Beowulf. Grindel's Flight. Dragon-fight. Grindel's Cave. Beowulf's Grave. Atlantis. Voyage of the Vikings. Sanctuary of the Grail. D., I3fx8| inches, $5.00. HENDSCHAL (A.) (Modern.) A Cicerone. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. B B B B B B C C C C C C B B C 548 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. HENKE (A.) (Modern.) Deer in the Cornfield. HENKES (G.) (Modem.) The Latest News. Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C HENLEY. Suspense. Confidences (Modem.) \ (Companion pictures.) . J D., 21x13 inches, $5.00. HENNEBERG (Rudolf). (Modern.) Reception of the Victors. Return of the Warriors. Little Cupids. The Pet. Farewell. Taking Home the Bride. The Hunt after Fortune Brunswick, 1826- 1S76. ■•} (Companion pictures.) D., 17x33 inches, $12. HENNEBICQ (Andre). Tournay, Belgium. (Mod- ern.) The Sherif of Morocco. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. B — B — B B B B B — B B B B — B — B — B — B HENNER (Jean Jacques). Born in Bernwiller (Alsace). (Modern.) The Chaste Susanna. (Salon of 1865.) Paris, Lux. c c Idyll. do. c c Naiad. do. — - — c C — c St. Sebastian. (Salon of 1888.) do. c c The Creole. (Salon of 1887.) do. c c Fabiola. (Salon of 1885.) do. — — c c The Sleeper. (Salon of 1893.) do. c c Mary Magdalen. Modern Painters. — — c Jesus in the Tomb. do. — c — c Eclogue. do. — — c Nymph of the Fountain. do. — — c Sleep. do. c c St. Jerome. do. C c The Spring. do. C c The Prayer. do. — — c Bara. do. c c Woman reading. do. c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 649 Gallery. Shes, 2 2^ s 3^ 4 4i A nun. Modern Painters. C A nun in prayer. do. C C Andromeda. do. C A nymph weeping. do. C C The Dead Christ. do. C Portrait of M. Feyen-Perrin. do. C Magdalen. , do. C C A Scholar. do. — C A peasant woman of Sundgau. do. C C The Orphan. do. C C Solitude. do. C C Revery. do. C C Portrait of Mme. X. do. C Prayer. ^x9 inches, $1.80, SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 563 The Angel of Death. Melancholy. Galkry. Sizes, 2 2\ 3 3l 4 4i Modern Painters. B do. B HOET (Gerard). Bommel, 1648— The Hague, 1733. (DutcL School.) Pyramus and Thisbe. Cassel. — C — C HOFER (Gottfried), (Modern.) Gigia. Lisette. "Mizi Is Cold !" Good-Friday Devotions in Paris. Nuccio. Edelweiss. Mirabella. HOFF (Carl). Mannheim, 1838. (Modern.) Between Life and Death. Autumn's Tone. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. Ye withered, wind-strewn leaves. Ye messengers of Rest, Ye gently fall, ye deck the Grave Of what the Heart loved best. Departure of the "Gueux." HOFMANN (Heinrich Johann M. F.) Darmstadt, 1824. (Modern.) Christ Preaching on the Lake. D., 20x27 inches, "$10.00. Othello. ' Love-song. Lady with prayer-book. King Enzio. Young Greek woman. Christ Disputing with the Doctors in the Temple. D., 20x27 inches, $10.00; D., 16x21, $5.00; D., 8x10, $1.50. Head of Christ as a boy. (Detail of above.) D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. Sleeping Beauty. 1 A nymph. Leda. Mary Magdalen. Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C — C do. C do. C C ^ Q do. C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C C — C C C C C C C C c c c — c c c c — c c — c — — c — c — c c — c c c c c c do. C C — c do. c C — c do. C - c do. — c c c — c do. c c — c 564 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Antique study-head. ♦Christ and the Rich Young Ruler. (Companion 'y picture to "Christ Disputing with the Doc- tors.") Artist's Proofs on India, 21^x27 inches, $30.00; D., 21^x27, $10.00; 16x21, $5.00; 8x10, $1.50. **The Saviour. D., 21x16 inches, $5.00; D., 8x10, $1.50. Woman Taken in Adultery. St. Cecilia. **Wedding at Cana. D., 20x27 inches, $10.00; 8x10, $1.50. **Christ at the House of Martha and Mary. D., 20x27 inches, $10.00; 8x10, $1.50. ***Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane. D., 21x15 inches, $5.00. ****Head of Christ. (Detail of the above.) **"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life." D., 15x21 inches, $5.00; 8x10, $1.50. HOFMANN (K.) (Modern.) Evening Bells. HOFMANN-ZEITZ (Ludwig). Zeitz, 1832. (Mod- ern.) Perished and Dead. Francesca da Rimini, In Great Need. The Last Kiss. A Question. With the Lassie. Flight of the Landgravine Elizabeth. A Poacher of Upper Bavaria. HOFFMANN (Hans). Died in Nuremberg in 1600. (German School.) St. Peter ; bust, left profile. (Drawing.) C, .75. St. Andrew; bust, full face. (Drawing.) C, .75. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2\ Modern Painters. 3 3i 4 4^ — C — C do. C — C C — C do. C c — c do. — c c c — c do. c c — c do. c — c c — c do. c — c c — c do. B — B — B do. — B do. C — C C — C do. C do. C — C do. c C — C do. _ C do. C C — C do. c C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C Dresden, R. C. do. *This subject comes in an Aquarelle Gravure, 20x27 inches, $18.00. **This subject cames in an Aquarelle Gravure, 16x21 inches, $12.00. ***This subject comes in a Fac-Simile Gravure in colors, 21x15 inches, $15.00; also in a Baryto Print, 6>^x9 inches, $1.80. ****This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6>^X9 inches, $1.80. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 565 A hare. (According to the catalogue of the Cor- sini Gallery, by Albrecht Diirer.) HOFMEISTER (E.) (Modern.) The Stork Brought It. Old Bachelor. HOFNER (J. B.) (Modern.) Sheep-shearing. In the Sheep-fold. Hunted hare. , Animals. Flock of sheep in a storm. Sheep in the Fold. HOGARTH (William). London, 1697- 1764. (Eng- lish School.) Portrait of the artist, by himself. "Marriage a la Mode." (The Marriage Contract.) "Marriage a la Mode." (The Honeymoon.) "Marriage a la Mode." (The Visit to the Doctor.) "Marriage a la Mode.' the Countess.) "Marriage a la Mode." the Count.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Rome, Corsini. C Modern Painters. C do. C do. C C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C — C London, Nat. Gal. C do. C do. C do. — — C (The Dressing-room of (The Duel and Death of (The Death of the Coun- "Marriage a la Mode tess.) Sigismonda Mourning over the Death of Guiscardo A family group. Portrait of Miss Fenton. The Shrimp-girl. Sketch ; baptism of a child. (Drawing.) Garrick and his wife. Pall-mall. do. C do. C > do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C Lond. Buck. Pal. C Windsor. C do. C HOHENBERG (R.) Bedtime. "There was Once." Diemudis. Helwibis. A Rare Flower. Hobby-horse. (Modern.) Modern Painters. — do. do. — do. — C C C C do. do. C C C C C C C C C — C 566 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Si::es, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C C — C do. _ C C C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. c do. C — C do. c do. C C — C do. c do. C - C do. c do. C - C do. c do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. c C — C do. C do. c do. C do. C do. c Tired Out. "Hush-a-bye, Baby." Evening Blessing. Happy Home. "Now Dream Sweetly!" The Little One's Favorite Song. Lisbeth's Evening Prayer. "God, Protect Thy Child !" Costume-picture. In the Studio. "Our Father Who art in Heaven." Christ-child's Letter. In God's Out-of-doors. Education of Children. Lieschen's Friend. In the Nursery. My Congratulations. Blowing Soap-bubbles. Madonna. Madonna and Christ-child. Morning. Evening. A Modern Sibyl. HOHFELDER (F.) (Modern.) Madonna. The Way of the Cross (fourteen sections each). HOIN (Claude). 1750-1817. (French School.) Portrait of Marie Therese Louise of Savoy-Carig- nan, Princess of Lamballe (1748- 1792), super- intendent of the house of Marie Antoinette. (Drawing, relieved with water-color.) HOLBEIN (Ambrosius). Augsburg — died after 1517. (German, School.) Portrait of an unknown man. D., 10x7 inches, $2.00. Nat'l Portraits. C — St. Petersburg. HOLBEIN (Hans), the Elder. Augsburg, 1450 or 1460-1518. (German School.) Portrait of an old man. (Drawing.) C, .75. Paris, Louvre. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 667 ___ . — _ _ . — - ^ Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4J Bust of young woman. (Drawing.) C, .75. Modern Painters. Portrait of the Elder Holbein, turned three-quar- ters toward the left. (Drawing.) Chantilly. C — Bust of an old man wearing a fur cap, three-quar- ters view. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Studies of Heads in Silver-Point. Young man turned towards the right, with the in- scription : Hans Harwiener. C, .75. Bale. Man of mature age, full face, long hair : Hans schm. , C, .75. do. Young man turned towards the left : above is the inscription : Hans schlegel, mailer. C, .75. do. Young man turned towards the right : Hans Aytel. C, .75. do. Monk with a square cap, inscribed: Johannes toe- tores. C, .75. do. Young man, almost profile, turned towards the left, with the inscription : Adolf dischmacher. C, .75. ^ do. Fat monk wearing a cowl, profile, turned towards the left. C, .75. do. Head of a monk turned towards the left. C, .75. do. Old man with a long beard, turned towards the left. C, .75. do. Young man looking down, almost profile, turned towards the right. C, .75, " do. Old monk wearing a cowl ; above is the inscrip- tion : Im 1 5 13 jar an sant matheis tag 80 jar altt (80 years old on St. Matthew's Day, 1513)- C., .75. do.. Horseman in an eccentric costume. C, .75. do. Fat monk, almost profile, turned towards the right. C, .75. _ do. Old man with long hair, inscribed : Hans Gleichlin. . C, .75. do. Man of rank with a cap of gold brocade, turned towards the left. C, .75. do. Man of rank, profile turned towards the left, in- scribed: Gumpret Schwartz. C, .75. do. Seven studies of hands. C, .75. do. Young man in workman's clothes, with the in- 568 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. scription : Alle zeyt lustiger gesell (Always a jolly companion). C., .75. Adoration of the Magi. Presentation of Christ in the Temple. The Angels' Greeting (Ave Maria). St. Barbara and St. Elizabeth of Thuringia. Martyrdom of St. Sebastian. Head of a monk. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Two heads of monks. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Head of monk. (Drawing.) C, .75. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ -3 3^ 4 4^ Bale. Munich. do. do. do. do. Weimar. do. do. — c c — c — — C C — c — C — c — — C C — c — — C C — c HOLBEIN (Hans), the Younger. Augsburg, 1497 — London, 1543. (German School.) Portrait of Nicholas Kratzer, astronomer to King Henry VHI. of England. Portrait of William Warham, bishop of London in 1502, Archbishop of Canterbury in 1504. Portrait of Erasmus. Portrait of an old man. Portrait of Thomas More, Grand Chancellor of England, beheaded in 1538 bv order of Henry VHL Portrait of Anne of Cleves, Queen of England, fourth wife of Henry VHL Portrait of Sir Richard Southwell. Profile of a man with a beard, turned to the left. (Drawing.) C, .75. Study of two left hands and a right hand. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Study of young man, ri^ht profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Male hefid, turned three-quarters to the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Bust of woman, full face, head slightly inclined; her robe leaving her shoulders bare, shows a hem embroidered with the words, "Als in ern," the device of the Electress Sibyl. (Drawing.) $1.00. Study of a right hand. (Drawing.) C, .75. The Triumph of Riches. (Sepia drawing.) Head of young man. (Drawing.) C, .75. Paris, Louvre. — do. — do. — do. — C — C — do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C — c — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 569 Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ (Copied by Meissonier). Portrait of Christian II., King of Denmark, Norway and Sweden (1481-1559). Versailles. C — (School of Holbein). Portrait of an unknown man. do. C — Portrait of Jean de Carondelet, Chancellor of Bour- gogne. Old Masters. C Female portrait. ~ do. • C - Male portrait, profile. do, C Portrait of Cardinal John Fisher, martyred by order of Henry VTII. (1535). do. C — Man with a Carnation. Durand, Ruel Col. C Figure of a savage crowned with a garland of leaves, in a frame of Renaissance style. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Malcolm Coll. Portrait of man wearing a calotte, full face. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do. Two full-length female figures ; the left figure stand- ing, three-quarters view, facing the spectator; the right one turned away. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Erasmus reading, three-quarters length. Besanqon. C — Portrait of John Bergenhagen. Chantilly. C — Portrait of Jean Tritheme, full face, his hands clasped. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Christ Crowned with Thorns. Bale. C Mater Dolorosa. do, C Last Supper. do. C The Body of Christ in the Tomb. do. C — C Detail of the above : head of Christ. do. C '■ Bust of Erasmus writing, profile, turned to the left. do. C Head of a saint (male). do. C — Head of a saint (female). do. C — Portrait of the Burgomaster Jacob Meyer "Zum Hasen." do. C Portrait of Dorothea Kannengiesser, wife of the above. do. C Miniature portrait of Erasmus. do. C — Wife and two children of Hans Holbein. do. C A lady of the patrician family of Oflfenburg as Venus ; at her side a nude child. do. C 570 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. *The Passion of Our Lord; altar-picture in eight divisions. Detail of the above: No. I, Christ's Prayer in Geth- semane. Bale. 2, The Kiss of Judas. 3, Christ before the High Detail of the above : No. Detail of the above : No. Priest. Detail of the above : No. 4, The Scourging. Detail of the above: No. 5, Christ Mocked. Detail of the above : No. 6, Christ Led to Calvary. Detail of the above : No. 7, Christ on the Cross. Detail of the above : No. 8, The Entombment. A laJy of the patrician family of Offenburg in a rich costume ; on the balustrade, behind which she is seated, is the inscription : Lais Corin- thiaca, 1526. Portrait of Boniface Amerbach, distinguished jur- ist, friend of Holbein and founder of the Amer- bach Cabinet. The same. (Crayon copy made by Alex. Bida.) Bust of John Froben, printer, profile turned to the left. Portrait of a London merchant in a fur coat, turned three-quarters to the left. The Passion of Our Lord, series of ten sketches in wash for painting on GLASS. Christ before Caiaphas. (Drawing.) Scourging of Christ. (Drawing.) Christ Crowned with Thorns. (Drawing.) Jesus Mocked by the Soldiers. (Drawing.) Pilate Washing his Hands. (Drawing.) Ecce Homo. (Drawing.) Christ Led to Calvary. (Drawing.) Christ Despoiled of His Garments. (Drawing.) Christ Nailed to the Cross. (Drav/i.-j,'.) Christ on the Cross Between the Two Thieves. (Drawing.) SERIES OF EIGHT SKETCHES IN WASH FOR PAINTING ON GLASS, EACH PAIR FORMING COMPANION PIECES. Madonna a nd Child. (Drawing.) do. cry. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ C — C — do. do. C — do. C — do. C — do. r — do. C — do. C — do. C — 4 4^ do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C — C c — c — c — c — c — ♦This subject comes in large size Carbon, united in eight pieces, $25.00. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 571 (Draw- St. Pantaleon, first bishop of Basle, martyr. (Draw- ing.) Bale. St. Anne holding the child Jesus in her arms ; and the Virgin. (Drawing.) St. Barbara. (Drawing.) St. John the Baptist. (Drawing.) St. Catherine. (Drawing.) St. Andrew. (Drawing.) St. Stepljen. (Drawing.) Sketch for the left wing of a cathedral organ. (Wash drawing.) Sketch for the right wing of a cathedral organ. (Drawing.) The two above wings united, size 15x23 ing.) C, $6.00. King Rehoboam, by imprudent threats, provoking his subjects to revolts. (Wash drawing.) C, $i-75- The prophet Samuel reprimanding King Saul; • sketch in wash, slightly colored, for one of the frescoes of the Town Hall in Basle. (Drawing.,* C, $1.75- Lansquenets fighting. (Wash drawing.) Costumes of the Women of Bale Bourgeois lady in a plaited dress and cap of tulle, girdle and tucked chemisette. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Bourgeois lady in a plaite- dress and cap of tulle, from which long strings are floating. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Mistress of a tavern in a hat with plumes, holding a tumbler in her hand. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Noble lady in a cloth dress and quilted cap, with several gold chains around her neck. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Girl in a dress cut very low, wearing a hat with plumes. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Lady of rank richly clad, wearing a hat with plumes. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Christ on the Cross between the Virgin and St. John. (Sepia.) Gallery. Sices, 2 2\ 7, Zl A Al do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. aO. do. do. do. C C 572 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3J 4 4^ The Virgin in Glory; a horseman kneeHng in ado- ration before her. (Wash.) Bale. C St. Elizabeth, benefactress of the poor, in a hem- icycle ; at her right a horsemai. on his knees, (Sepia.) do. C Sketch for the fagade of a house with the statue of Charlemagne. (Wash.) C, $1.00. do. The archangel St. Michael holding a pair of scales, on one side of which is Satan, and on the other the Child Jesus. (Wash.) C, $1.75. do. '- Bishop's escutcheon held by lions; above, the combat of Centaurs and Lapithae. (Sepia.) do. C Escutcheon held by lansquenets ; landscape in the background. (Wash.) do. C Warriors passing in a ship before a tower in pro- cess of construction, in which are kept the weapons of Bale. (Sketch in wash, slightly colored, for a painting on glass.) do. C Three peasants in conversation; above them mow- ers and harvesters (1518). (In wash, and slightly colored.) do. C A lamb, and lamb's head. (Wash.) C, $1.00. do. A bat. (Wash.) C, $1.25. do. Nude female figure leaning against a column and throwing stones. (In wash, relieved with white on a reddish background.) C, $1.00. do. Portrait of the Burgomaster J. Meyer "Zum Ha- sen." (Silver-point, relieved with red chalk.) C, $1.25. do. Portrait of Dorothea Kannengiesser, wife of the above. (Silver-point, relieved with red chalk.) C, $1.25. do. The Burgomaster Jacob Meyer "Zum Hasen." (Study in pastel for the family portrait in Darmstadt.) do. C Dorothea Kannengiesser, wife of the above. (Study in pastel for the family portrait in Darmstadt.) ^q q The daughter of the above persons. (Study in pastel for the family portrait in Darmstadt.) do. C The family of Thomas More. (Pen drawing.) do. - C Portrait of the artist. (Pastel.) do. ' C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 573 Portrait of an unknown man with a large hat. (Pastel.) Portrait of an English lord. (Pastel.) Portrait of an English lady. (Pastel.) Sir Nicholas Carew, equerry of King Henry VIII. (Sketch in pastel for the oil painting belonging to the Earl of Buccleuch, Scotland.) Study for five different scabbards. Christ Led to Calvary. (Pen drawing, relieved with white on a gray background.) C, $1.25. Madonna suckling the Child. (Pen drawing, re- lieved with white on a gray background.) C, $1.00. Sketch for the portrait of a kneeling donor. (Pas- tel.) Wife of the above. (Pastel.) Three friezes in wash, and a sword scabbard with a dance of death. (Washed pen drawing.) The Virgin and St. Anne under a magnificent por- tico in the Renaissance style, holding the Child standing between them ; at their side, St. Joseph and St. Joachim. (Pen drawing, re- lieved with white on a reddish background.) The Virgin, Emperor Henry II. and St. Pantaleon. (Sketch in wash for a painting on glass.) Portrait of an English lady. (Sketch in pastels.) St. Helena. (Water-color on canvas.) Arms held by a lansquenet ; above, four warriors fighting. (Sketch in wash for a painting on glass.) Reduction of the ten drawings, Nos. 4 to 13: The Passion of Our Lord, No. 4. C, $1.25. The Passion of Our Lord, No. 5. The Passion of Our Lord, No. 6. The Passion of Our Lord, No. 7. The Passion of Our Lord, No. 8. The Passion of Our Lord, No. 9. The Passion of Our Lord, No. 10. The Passion of Our Lord, No. it. The Passion of Our Lord, No. 12. The Passion of Our Lord, No. 13. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ c, $1. 25- c. $1. 25- c, ,$I •25. c, $1. 25- c, $1. 25- c. , $] [.25. c .,$1 [.25. c. .,$] [.25. c, .,$1 [.25. Bale. C do. C do. c do. c do. c do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do.}; do. do. do. do. do. do. — C — C — C do. C — do. — — c — — do.. 574 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Christ Sinking under the Cross. (Wood engrav- ing.) C, $i.oo. The True and the False Remission of Sins. (Wood engraving.) C, $i.oo. Madonna and Child. Portrait of the merchant, George Gisze. Portrait of young man. Portrait of young man. Portrait of the merchant Fallen. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. Madonna of the Meyer family. D., 35x25 inches, on India, $15.00. The Burgomaster Jacob Meyer, of Basle, with his family at the feet of the Madonna and Child. D., 20x27 inches, on India, $10.00; on Japan, $20.00. Detail of the above : the Madonna and .Child. Detail of the above : the wife and daughters of the Burgomaster. Detail of the above: the Burgomaster and his sons. Portrait of Hubert Morett, goldsmith of Henry VIII., King of England. Detail of the above : the head alone. Original drawing for the above. Male portrait. (According to Woermann, Dutch school of about 1527.) Sir Thomas and John Godsalve (father and son). Portrait of a man dressed in black. Death of Virginia, daughter of the Centurion, Virginius. Hubert Morett. Portrait for the picture in the Dresden Gallery. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. (After Holbein.) Copy of the Dresden picture: Hubert Morett. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Nude child, standing, back view. (Drawing.) C, .75. A scabbard. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Historical composition. (Drawing.) Bust of an old man turned three-quarters to the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Male head turned to the right. (Drawing.) C, .75. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4i Bale. — — — — do. _ _ Soleure, Zetter. _ — C — C — Berlin. BC C BC C — c do. — — BC C — c do. BC c — c Brunswick. — — — B Darmstadt. • en. BC C BC C — BC do. — BBC B do. C do. c do. C — BC C — BC do. c — — do. c do. ("" do. c C do. c do. C C Dresden, R. C. do. do. do. do. C — Dresden, P. G. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 575 Male head, right profile. (Drawing.) C, .75. Bust of an old man, right profile. (Drawing.) Female bust, turned slightly to the left. (Draw- ing-) Portrait of Sir George of Cornwall. Portrait of a man with his child. Sir Bryan Tuke. Bust portrait of a man, almost full face. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. Portrait of a man in a black hat. Portrait of the physician of Henry VIII. of Eng- land. Portrait of Jane Seyhiour, third wife of Henry VIII. (Half length.) Portrait of Dirck Tybis holding a letter! Male portrait. Female portrait. Portrait of a young woman. Bust portrait of man. Bust portrait of Cardinal de Sens. (Drawing.) Bust portrait of Cardinal de Chantillon. (Draw- ing-) Bust portrait of a cardinal, his head slightly turned to the left. (Drawing.) Bust portrait of a nobleman, three-quarters left view. (Drawing.) Bust portrait of a lady slightly turned to the right. (Drawing.) Bust portrait of the Chancellor Olivier, full face. (Drawing.) Bust portrait of an English nobleman, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Bust portrait of an old man with a long beard, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Male portrait, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Woman of the time, three-quarters right view of bust. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Medallion portrait of Luther (?). C, .75. Medallion portrait of Thomas More, miniature. (Drawing.) C, .75. Medallion portrait of Hans Holbein, 34 years old, miniature. (Drawing.) C, .75. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Dresden, P. G. do. ^ C do. c Frankfort. — c — do. C Munich. c — c Vienna', I. M. c do. c do. C do. C ■ do. C — do. C — do. C — Vienna, Liecht. C — Vienna, Albertina. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C « do. do. do. do. do. do. 576 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. (Attributed.) Portrait of Charles V. (Attributed.) Male portrait. Portrait of R. Sidney. (Copy?) Portrait of a young woman. Portrait of Robert Cheseman, Falconer of Henry VIII,, King of England, about 48 years of age. Portrait of a man about 28 years of age. Portrait of Jane Seymour. (Copy?) Male portrait. Portrait of Thomas More, High Chancellor of England. Portrait of Didier Erasmus. Male portrait. Portrait of a princess. The Envoys. D., 20x27 inches, on India, $10.00; on Japan, $20.00. Portrait of D. Stokesley, Bishop of London. Portrait of the Duke of Norfolk. Portrait of Sir Henry Guilford, 1527. Portrait of a merchant of the steelyard of Lon- don, 1532. Portrait of Edward VI. of England. (Attributed to H. H.) Portrait of Edward VI. of England, detail. (At- tributed to R. H.) Full-length portrait of Edward VI. of England. (Attributed to H. H.) Portrait of Henry VIII., half length. Portrait of Derich Born, 1533. (School of Holbein.) Portrait of Princess (later Queen) Elizabeth of England. (School of Hans Holbein, the Younger.) Mary, Queen of England, oldest child of Henry VIII. Six medallion portraits: Henry VIII.; Henry VIII. at the age of 35 ; Catherine Howard (Queen) ; Lady Audley : Henry Brandon, eldest son of the Duke of Suffolk ; and Charles Brandori, youngest son of the same. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2J 3 3^ 4 4^ Amsterdam. C — do. C do. . C — C The Hague. C C — C do. C C — C do. C C C . do. C — C do. C — C Brussels. C — C Antwerp, do. London, N. G. C do. _ c C C — c Windsor. c c — do. c c do. c C do. C C — do. --C do. C C do. C C do. C C do. C C do. do. — C do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 577 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ The Queen of Sheba Visiting Solomon. Gris- aille finished as miniature, slightly relieved with color and gold. (Drawing.) Windsor. C The Book of Portraits. Lady Elizabeth Audley, daughter of Sir B. Tuke. Study fo^ a miniature at Windsor. (Draw- ing.) do. C Anne Boleyn, Queen (?). (Drawing.) do. C Lady Borrow. (Drawing.) do. C Nicolas Bouibon of Vandoevre, poet. (Drawing.) do. C — Lady Butts, wife of Sir W. Butts, physician to King Henry VIIL Stutly for the picture in the house of Mr. Pole-Care w in London. (Drawing.) do. C — Sir George Carew, eldest son of William Carew. (Drawing.) do. C — Sir Gawin Carew, fourth son of Sir Edmond Ca- rew. (Drawing.) do. — C Edward Clinton, afterwards Earl of Lincoln. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. William Brooke, Lord Cobham. (Drawing.) do. C "John Colet, Dean of St. Paul's" (?). Colet died seven years before Holbein arrived in Eng- land. (Drawing.) do. C Edward Stanley, Earl of Derby. (Drawing.) do. C The Marchioness of Dorset, niece of King Henry VHL, mother of Lady Jane Grey. (Draw- ing:) do. C — Prince Edward, afterwards King Edward VL Study for the picture at Hanover. (Draw- ing.) do. C The same, a little older. (Drawing.) do. C "Edward VL" ( ?) (Drawing.) do. — C Sir Thomas Eliot. (Drawing.) do. C Lady Eliot, wife of the above. (Drawing.) do. C John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester; beheaded in 1535- (Drawing.) . do. C — Sir John Gage. (Drawing.) do. C — Simon George of Cornwall ; study for the picture of the Stadel Museum in Frankfort. (Draw- ing.) do. C 578 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sises, 2 2| 3 3I 4 4^ John Godsalve. Drawing finished in water-col- ors. (Drawing.) Windsor. C — Sir Henry Guildford. Study for the picture at Windsor. (Drawing.) do. C Lady Heneghan. (Drawing.) do. C Sir Philip Hobbie. (Drawing.) do. C Lady Hobbie, wife of the above (?). (Drawing.) do. — C Lady Lister, wife of the Advocate Sir Richard Lister. (Drawing.) do. — C Lady Mary, daughter of King Henry VHL, after- wards Queen of England. (Drawing.) do. C — Lady Meautas. (Drawing.) » do. C Philip Melanchthon (?). (Drawing.) do. C Studies for the Portraits of Sir Thomas More's Family. John More, Judge, father of the Chancellor. (Drawing.) do. C — Sir Thomas More, Chancellor. (Drawing.) do. C John More, son of the Chancellor. (Drawing.) do. C — Anna Grisacre, the betrothed of young More. (Drawing.) do. C — Elizabeth Dancy, daughter of the Chancellor. (Erroneously called "Lady Berkely.") (Drawing.) do. C — Cecile Heron, daughter of the Chancellor. (Draw- ing.) do. C — Margaret Clement ("Mother Jack"), brought up with the Chancellor's daughters. (Drawing.) do. C — Earl of Ormond, father of Anne Boleyn. (Draw- ing.) do. C — Lady Parker. (Drawing.) do. C Sir William Parr, afterwards Marquis of North- ampton. (Drawing.) do. C — Thomas Parrie. (Drawing.) do. C Nicholas Poyns, the elder. (Drawing.) do. C Nicholas Poyns, the younger. (Drawing.) do. C John Poyns of Essex. (Drawing.) do. C "The Lady Ratclif." (Drawing.) do. C Reskymer, Gentleman of Cornwall. Sketch for the picture at Hampton Court. (Drawing.) do. — C Sir Richard Rich, Grand Chancellor. (Drawing.) do. C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 579 Gallery. Siacs, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ Lady Elizabeth Rich, wife of the above. Sketch _ , for the picture at Buildwas Park. (Draw- ^\^ ing.) Windsor. C — Mary, Duchess of Richmond; wife of a natural son of King Henry VIII. (Drawing.) do. — > C Sir John Russell, afterwards Earl of Bedford. ^ Sketch for the picture at Woburn Abbey. (Drawing.) * do. C — Francis Russell, son of the above. (Drawing.) €.,$1.25. do. Queen Jane Seymour. Study for the picture in the Vienna Gallery. (Drawing.) do. C William Sherington. (Drawing.) do. C "Mrs. Souch." (Drawing.) do. ■ C William Fi^zwilliam, Earl of Southampton, Grand Admiral. (Drawing.) do. C Sir Richard Southwell. Study for the picture in the Uffizi. (Drawing.) do, C Sir Thomas Strange. (Drawing.) do. C Katherine, Duchess of Suffolk. (Drawing.) do. C Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, full face. (Erro- neously called "Thomas, Earl of Surry.") (Drawing.) , do. C The same, turned a little to the left. (Drawing.) do. C The same with a small beard, turned to the right. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. do. C Frances, Countess of Surrey, wife of the above. (Drawing.) do. C Thomas, Lord Vaux, looking to the right. (Draw- ing.) do. C — The same (?), older, full face. (Drawing.) do. C Elizabeth, Lady Vaux. Sketch of the picture at Hampton Court. (Drawing.) do. C Warham, Archbishop of Canterbury. Sketch for the picture in Lambeth Palace. (Drawing.) do. C Sir Thomas Wentworth. (Drawing.) do. C Sir Charles Winkfield. (Drawing.) do. C Sir Thomas Wyatt, Study for the picture in Longford Castle. (Drawing.) do. C The same ; drawing not so well finished. (Draw- ing.) do. C — 580 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Young man, full face, with a beard and short / moustaches; wearing a small cap. (Draw- ing.) Young man looking towards the right ; with small beard, and black cap. (Drawing.) Man with a beard looking towards the right ; cap only sketched in outline. (Drawing.) Young man wearing a hat with plumes ; profile turned to the right. (Drawing.) Young lady, turned to the left, wearing a small hat over a cap. (Drawing.) Lady (resembling Lady Lister), turned to the left, with a large head-dress. (Drawing.) Lady wearing a small hat over a cap, full face. (Anne or Amelie of Cleves?) (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Lady, turned to the right, wearing a round hat with the brim turned back over a cap. (Drawing.) Young lady, turned to the right, with a small head-dress not entirely covering her hair. (Drawing.) Lady, full face, wearing large head-dress with veil. (Drawing.) Lady, raising her eyes toward the right, wearing a necklace of two strings of pearls. (Draw- ing.) Young lady, half length, turned a little toward the left, wearing a large head-dress with veil. (Drawing.) Young lady, turned to the right, wearing hat over a small cap. (Drawing.) Figure of a woman, richly dressed, wearing a large hat with plumes, and leaning upon an escutcheon. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Seven subjects: Fall of Icarus; Hagar and Ish- mael ; Actaeon Changed into a Stag ; Abduc- tion of Helen ; Christ in Heaven ; and two allegorical subjects: Time, and Labor. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Head of a man with a cap. turned three-quarters to the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Gallery. Sices, 2 2| 3 3J 4 4-^ Windsor. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Chatsworth. do. do. C C — C — C C C — C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 581 Two studies: on the right, back view of a war- rior parrying a sword ; on the left, above, a man seated ; below, a rustic house. C, $1.25. Bust portrait of a man, full face, holding a car- nation in his right hand. Portrait of the artist, by himself. Portrait of Sir Richard Southwell, Councilor of State to Henry VIII., King of England. Portrait of the Reformer Zwingli. Male portrait. (Bust.) Female portrait. (Bust.) Study in gold-work for a salt-cellar. (Drawing.) (After Holbein.) Male bust, turned to the left. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. (According to Venturi, by Ouentin Matsys.) Male portrait. Two peasants; group for wood carving. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Female figure in the costume of Basle. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Portrait of an old man. (School of Holbein.) Male portrait. (School of Holbein.) Portrait of a lady. Portrait of Erasmus, half-length figure. Male portrait. (School of Holbein.) Edward VI., King of Eng- land. A donor and his patron saint. (Attributed.) PI., 9x11 inches, $2.00. Portrait of a man. PL, 10x12 inches, $2.00. Archbishop Cranmer. PI., 7x9 inches, $1.25. Gallery. Sises, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Chatsworth. do. — c — Florence, Uffizi. — c — do. — c — do. C do. — c — do. — c — do. _ c do. Florence, Pitti. C ^Milan, Amb. do. Madrid. C do. C — do. C — St. Petersburg. C ■ do. C do. Boston, Mus.F. A. do. N. Y.. Met. Mus. HOLBEIN (Sigism'und). Augsburg, 1456 (?)— 1540. (German School.) (Attributed.) Portrait of Guillaume Bude (1476- 1540). Versailles. C — HOLDEN (A. W.) (Modern.) The Annunciation. Artist's Proofs on India pa- per, 21^x104 inches, $15.00; D., $5.00. Modern Painters. 582 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 4 4i HOLLAR (Wenzeslaus). Prague, . 1607-1677. (German School.) Head of an old woman. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Portrait of a man. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Three heads of children. (Drawing.) C, .75. Still-life. (Engraving.) C, $1.25. Female portrait, head. (Engraving.) C, .75. Female portrait, bust. (Engraving.) C, .75. Bourgeois woman of Berne. (Engraving.) C, 75- Young woman of Strasburg. (Engraving.) C, •75- The Tavern. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. HOLLOSY, S. Flirtation. (Modern.) Paris, Louvre. do. Dresden. R. C. do. do. do. do. do. do. Modern Painters. — C HOLMBERG (August). Munich, 1851. (Modern.) Difference of Opinion. do. Important Visit. do. Far from the Beloved. do. Still-life. do. At the Windov/. do. Woman of Pcmpeii. do. Convent Library. do. The Patron. do. The Jeweler. do. Still-life. do. Mandolin-j>Iayer. do. Thoughtful. do. The Concert. do. A portrait. do. The Investigator. do. An Interesting Author. do. Siesta. do. At Chess. doi An Important Question. do. The Golden Setting Sun. do. Leopold, Prince-regent of Bavaria. D., 20x27 inches, $10.00. do. A Pause. do. C C C — c — c — c — c — c C C — c — c — c . — — — c — — — c C — c C — c C — c — c — c — c C C — c c c — c c c — c c c — c C C — c c c — c c — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 583 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4* Evening. Modern Painters. C — C Fortuna. do. C C — C The Reader. do. C — C The Resurrection. ' do. C — C C — C HOLST (J. V.) (Modern.) A Trio. do. C HOLTZBECHER (H.) (Modern.) *Emperor William II. D., 18x15 inches, $5.00. do. — B B B Empress Augusta Victoria. (Companion to the above.) do. B B HOLWEG (G.) (Modern.) At Breakfast. do. C HOLYOAKE (R.) (Modern.) After the Duel. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; 8x10, $1.50. do. C C — C HOM (G.) (Modern.) Curiosity. do. — — HOMER (Winslow). Born in Scarboro, Me., 1836. (Modern.) The Lookout— "All's Well." do. PIC — PIC— The Fog Warning. do. PIC — PIC— HONDECOETER (Gilles). Antwerp (?), 1583- 1653. (Dutch School.) Landscape. (Drawing.) Weimar. C In the Highlands. Berlin. C HONDECOETER (Melchior de). Utrecht, 1636- 1695. (Dutch School.) Fowls. Paris, Louvre. C — Fowls. Chantilly. C Cattle, with the Ark of Noah in the background. Brunswick. B Fight between a turkey and a cock. Cassel. C — C White peacock. do. C — C . Poultry-yard alarmed at the sight of a bird of prey. Dresden. — — C C White hen with he:r brood. Munich. C C — C •This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. 664 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Cock-fight. Still-life. A peacock, parrot and several chickens in a yard. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Fight between a peacock and a rooster. (Attributed to Cornelia de Ryck.) Turkey and pigeons. The Philosophic Magpie. The Floating Feather. The Menagerie. Birds. The Crow Despoiled of its Boasted Feathers. Hen and ducks. Menagerie of William III. at Loo. Still-life. Cock-crow. Poultry-yard. HONDIUS (Abraham). Rotterdam, 1638— Lon- don, 1691. (Dutch School.) The Pigeon-seller. Two dogs. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. HONTHORST (Gerard van), surnamed GHER- ARDO della NOTTE. Utrecht, 1590-1656. (Dutch School.) Portrait of Charles Louis, Count Palatine of the Rhine, Elector, afterwards Duke of Bavaria. Portrait of Robert or Rupert of Bavaria, Duke of Cumberland, Palatine of the Rhine, brother of the above. Man tuning his lute. Portrait of Prince Frederick Henry of Orange. Girl singing, to the accompaniment of a flute. Boy with flute. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. St. Cecilia. Dentist pulling the tooth of a peasant by the light of a candle. Prodigal Son. Ceres. Cimon and Pera. Adoration of the Shepherds. Gallery. Siaes, 2 2| 3 3i 4 4^ Munich. C c — C Vienna, Liecht. C — — — Vienna, Albertina. _ _ Buda-Pesth. C — — — do. C Amsterdam. C — — — do. C c — c do. C c — c do. — c — c The Hague. c c — c do. — c — c do. — c — c Brussels. — c — c do. — c — c London, Buc. Pal. c — Paris, Louvre. c Dresden, P. G. — — — — Paris, Louvre. — — — — c — do. --C - c do. C — c — Windsor. C — — Basle. — c — Brunswick. — B Cassel. C — C Dresden. .c c Munich. c — C do. c — c do. r — c Vienna, Liecht. c — — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 585 The Jolly Musician. Portrait of Princess Amelie de Solms-Braunfels (1602-1675), wife of Prince Frederic Henry of Nassau, Prince of Orange. Portrait of the Statholder William II. Naked child plucking pears. Holy Family and two angels adoring the Infant Jesus. Adoration of the Shepherds. The Nativity; sketch. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. HONTHORST (Willem van). Utrecht, 1604-1666. (Dutcii School.) Portrait of Princess Mary Stuart, wife of Wil- liam II. of Orange. Portrait of Amelia von Solms, wife of Prince Frederick Henry of Orange. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2i 3 3^ 4 4I Amsterdam. C C — C do. C The Hague. C C — do. ■ C — Florence, Uflfizi. C do. C do. Berlin. do. PIC c HOOCH or HOOGHE (Pieter de). (?), 1630— Amsterdam a little after 1677 (?)• v( Dutch School.) Interior of a Dutch house. Paris, Louvre. — — — c Dutch interior. do. _ . — c — c Dutch interior. Durand-Rue 1 Col. — — c Dutch interior. Berlin. — — c — — — A mother beside the cradle. do. — C c c c Interior. (Habich Coll.) Cassel. — c — c Interior of a room. Frankfort. — — c — — — Interior of a Dutch peasant's room. Munich. — — — c — c Dutch interior. Amst., V. H . Col. . — — c c c Interior. do. — • — c c c Interior. do. — — — c c The Country House. do. — — c (Attributed.) The Amateur Musicians. do. — c Music Lesson. do. c c Exterior of a house. do. — c c Court of a Dutch house. London, N. G. c c c Dutch interior. do. c c _ c Court of a Dutch house. do. c c c Afternoon. Court of a Dutch house with figures of two women. London, Buc :. Pal. , c c The Card-players. do. c c 686 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Around the Flute-player. (According to the cat- alogue of the Borghese Gallery, by Le Ducq.) A lady with her cook. D., 9|x7| inches, $2.00. HOOGHE (Romeyn de). The Hague, 1646— (?). (Dutch School.) View of a harbor. (Habich Coll.) HOOGSTRAETEN (Samuel van). Dordrecht, 1627-1678. (Dutch School.) Descent from the Cross. (Drawing.) The Circumcision. (Drawing.) Head of a young man. (Attributed.) The Unbidden Guest. (St. Mat- thew, Chap. 22:11-13.) The Sick Lady. Young lady standing in a vestibule. HOPPER (David Danielle). Nuremberg, middle of XVI. century. (German School.) Christ Bound. (Drawing.) C, .75. HOPPNER (John). London, 1759-1810. (Eng- lish School.) Portrait of Miss Margaret Stanton (1788?). Portrait of the Countess of Oxford (Jane Eliza- beth), wife of Edward, fifth Count of Ox- ford (1774- 1 824). Portrait of Princess Sophie. Portrait of Princess Marie. Miss Arabella Ward. (Exhibition of female por- traits at the ficole des Beaux Arts, 1897.) A woman. (Exhibition of female portraits at the £cole des Beaux Arts, 1897.) Viscountess Buckley. (Exhibition of female por- traits at the ficole des Beaux Arts, 1897.) HORNEMANN (Friedrich Adolf). Hanover, 1813. (Modern.) Vaccination. HOROVITS (Leopold). Rosgony, Hungary, 1839. (Modern.) Synagogue on the Day of the "Destruction of the Temple." Gallery. Rome, Borg. Gal St. Petersburg. Cassel. Dresden, R. C. do. Vienna, Liecht. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 — C 3i 4 4i C Amsterdam. Amst., V. H. The Hague. Col. C — C — — C — C — C C — C Florence, Uffizi. Old Masters. London, N. Windsor, do. do. do. do. G. C — C Modern Painters. C C — C do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 587 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 ;3^ 4 4^ HORSCHELT (Theodor). Munich, 1829-1871. (Modern.) Street in Tiflis, Modern Painters. Lesghians of the Caucasus Going to Market. do. Chamois. do. Georgian peasant. do. The Lesghians' Standard-bearer. do. Lesghians. do. "Kersur." do. Menu L do. Menu II. do. A guard-post. do. Tscherkessen in Ambush. do. Dromedaries carrying merchandise. do. View from the Sirdar's Castle towards Mount Ararat. do. Play at War of the Tscherkessen. do. Morning: Encampment of the "Dschendel" Tribe, between Oran and Algiers. do. Mid-day: Environs of Constantine. do. Evening: Halt on the Desert between Oran and do. Algiers. do. Night : Robbers in a Ruin at Milianah. do. On an Expedition in the Caucasus, I. do. On an Expedition in the Caucasus, II. do. In Algiers. do. A robber. do. Mexican battle-scene. do. Outposts of the "Grusis." do. Spanish Diligence. do. Man of Tiflis. do. Horses Towing. do. HORSIN-DEON (Leon). ern. ) Jupiter and Antiope. Born in Paris. (Mod- HORST (E.) (Modern.) All is Vanity ! A Slice off the Wrong Joint. Always Jolly. do. do. do. do. c c c — c — c c c — c — c — c — c — c c — c c — c — c — c c — c — c c c — c — c — c c — c — c - c r r C — C r C — C r c c c c c c 588 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. HORST (Gerrit Willemez). C, 1640-50. (Dutch School.) Continence of Scipio. The Blessing of Jacob. HOUBRACKEN (Arnold). Dordrecht, 1660-1719. (Dutch School.) Mars and Venus. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Narcisse. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. HOUDON (Marguerite Julie Antoinette). 1771- 1795- (French School.) Portrait of Marguerite Julie Antoinette Houdon, artist, cousin german to the sculptor Hou- don. HOUSSAL (Josephine). Born in Nantes. (Mod- ern.) The Lesson. HOVE (E. van). (Modern.) The Learned Black Arts. HOWYAN (Pascal). Bom in Constantinople. (Modern.) Rape of Psyche. HUAS (Pierre). Born in La Rochelle. (Modern.) A Grasshopper. Young girl with a butterfly. HUBER (C. Rudolf). Schleing, Austria, 1844. (Modern.) Fair Obstacle. Unfair Obstacle. Crossing the Brook. Hallali ! "Where is the Hunting-party?" Sunday Morning. "So Far and no Farther." HUBLER (B.) (Modern.) Anniversary. HUBNER (Eduard). Dresden, 1842. (Modern.) Iphigenia. Gallery. Siaes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Berlin. do. Dresden, R. C. do. C — C — C C — C National Portraits. Modern Painters, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. — C C — C C — C C C c — c — c — C C c — c — C c c — c — C C c — c — c c c — c — c c c — c — c c c — c — c c c — c r B B SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 589 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ HUBNER (JuHus). Oels, 1806. (German School.) The Wedding' of Melusine. (Drawing.) Dresden, R. C. C — The Apostle Philip. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. The Golden Age. Modern Painters. B B — B HUE (Charles Desire). Born in Meatix. (Mod- ern.) Young servant girl putting .orward ^e clQtk. do. C Les Canards. do. C HUET (Jean Baptiste). Paris, 1745-1811. (French School.) Dog attacking two geese. Paris, Louvre. C — ^ C — Study of two dogs. (Drawing.) do. C A shepherdess with straw hat, open corsage, sleeves and skirt tucked up, bare feet, hold- ing a rose in her hand. (Drawing.) De Goncourt Coll. C ^ Cattle Market. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. HUET (Paul). Paris, 1804-1868. (French School.) The Flood at St. Cloud. Paris, Louvre. C — C — Morning Calm. do. C — Heart of a forest ; study. do. C — HUGHES (Talbot). (Modern.) The Stirrup Cup. Artist's Proofs, 9^x7^ inches (200 India), $10.00. do. Inspiration. do. B HUGTENBURG (Jan van). Haarlem, 1646-1733. (Dutch School.) The Ambuscade ; group of several horsemen in combat. (Drawing.) Weimar. C — HUILLARD (Esther). Born in Sedan. (Modern.) Portrait of the Princess Helene of Orleans. Modern Painters. C HUISKEN (Hermann). (Modern.) Rosie. do. C — C Euterpe in the Barracks. do. C — C Native of the Village. do. C The Royal IJhlands' Guard. do. C C — C My Pet. .do. C Spring. do. C 590 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4I Soldiers of Frederick the Great. Modern Painters. C — C Bridge-toll. do. — C Dawn. do. C In the Palace-garden. do. C — C HULK (F. W.) (Modern.) Solitude. D., 20x12 inches, $5.00 ; Artist's Proofs, 2oJxii^ (100 in India), $15.00. do. HULST (Peeler van). Died at Antwerp, 1648. (Flemish School.) Flemish Fair. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. Brunswick. B HUMBERT (Ferdinand). Born in Paris, 1842. (Modern.) Madonna with the Child and St. John the Bap- tist. (Salon of 1874.) ' Paris, Lux. C C Salome. Modern Painters. C Maternity. do. C ^ Leda. do. C End of Work. do. C In Time of War. do. C Pro Patria. (Panel intended for the Pantheon.) do. C Abduction of Dejanira. do. — — C Mary Magdalen (triptych). (Salon of 1899.) do. C HUMBORG (A.) (Modern.) The Wrong Place for Eggs. do. Pets of the Monastery. do. The Convent Brother's Solo 8x10 inches, $i-50- do. An Obliging Father. ' do. In the Monastery Kitchen. do. ^ A Martyr to Science. do. "The Prior is Coming." do. A Visit to Uncle. do. In the Convent Bake-room. ^ do: In the Spinning-room. do. Mendicant Friars. do. Sharp Horse-radish. do. None too Slender. do. A Feast Day. do. Tit-Bits. do. C c — c c — c C c — c C c — c c c c — c — c — c C r n C c — c c — c c c c — c C c — c c c — c SOULE ART. COMPANY; BOSTON. 591 Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Manifold Pleasures. Modern Painters. C The Easter Delicacies. ' do. C C — C - A Lesson in Astronomy. do. C C — C The Convent Laundry. do. C C — C HUNT (Aubrey L.) Boston, In the Harbor. PI., 5^x13 inches, $2.00. ■ Stetson Coll. HUNT (Walter). (Modern.) *Puss at Bay. D., 19^x15^ inches, $5.00. Modern Painters. B The Shepherd's Pet. D., i3fx2o inches, $5.00. do. Ofif the Scent. Artist's Proofs on India paper, 14^x21^ inches, $15.00; 14^x21^, $5.00. do. HUNT (William Morris). Brattleboro, Vermont, 1824-1879. (Modern.) Girl reading. PI., 9x12 inches, $2.00; 7x9, $1.00. Boston, M. F. A. At the Fountain. PL, 10x12 inches, $2.00; 13x17, $4.00. do. W. M. Hunt, by himself. PI., 10x12 inches, $2.00. do. Head of "Sleep" for 'Anahita." PL, 10x12 inches, $2.00. do. Anahita, or The Flight of Night. PL, 13x21 inches, $6.00; 8x13, $3.00. Modern Painters. Horses' heads. (Detail of The Flight of Night.) PL, 16x21 inches, $6.00; 9^x13^, $3.00; 7x9, $1.50; 3^x5, .50. do. The Discoverer. PL, 13x21 inches, $6.00; 8x13, $3.00. do. Fortune. (Detail of The Discoverer.) PL, 21x15 inches, $6.00; 12x9, $3.00; 9x7, $1.50. do. Hope. (Detail of The Discoverer.) PL, 13^x20 inches, $5.00. do. — Science. (Detail of The Discoverer.) PL, 13^x20 inches, $5.00. do. Abruzzi Girl. PL, 12x6 inches, $3.00. do. The Belated Kid. PL, 20x14 inches, $6.00; 11x8. $3.00. do. Boy's head. PL, 8x6 inches, $1.00. do. Girl with the White Cap. PL, 19x16 inches, $6.00; 12x12, $3.00; 9x7, $1.75. do. •This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6>^xq inches. $1.80. 592 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3I 44^ Hamlet. PL, 21x13 inches, $6.00; 13x8, $3.00; 9x6, $1.50. Modfern Painters. Italian boy. PI., 20x17 inches, $4.50; 12x10, $3.00. do. The Jewess. PI., 12x10 inches, $3.00; 9x7^, $1.50. do. Lady with mandolin. PL, 9^x6^ inches, $1.50. do. • Love Listening. PL, 9x6 inches, $1.50. do. — Marguerite. PL, 19x15 inches, $6.00. do. — Monk coming down stairs. PL, 19x12 inches, $5.00; 13x8, $3.00. do. Ophelia. PL, 19x15 inches, $6.00; 12x10, $3.00. do. Peasant Children at Supper. PL, 12x9 inches, $3.00. do. Detail of the above. PL, 8x6 inches, $1.50. do. The Singers. PL, 19x16 inches, $6.00; 12x10, $3.00. . do. West Newbury. PL, ioxii,$i.5o. do. Bugler. PL, 7x9 inches, $1.00; 10x13, $3.50; 13x16, $4.00. dp. PIC PIC Cupid (oval). do. PIC — Study of child. PL, 9x12 inches, $2.00. do. The Bathers, PL, 21x14 inches, $7.50; 13x8^, $3.50; 9x6, $1.75. do. HUNTEN (Emil Johannes). Paris, 1727. (Modern.) Doctor and Patient. do. C — C Episode of the L Dragoon Guards at Mars la Tour. The French Cuirassier Guards under a Flank-fire. - Prussian Dragoon Guards Pursuing the Enemy. French Prisoners During a Fray. Attack of the 9th Hussars at Hebecourt, Novem- ber 27th, 1870. The Parade at Euskirchen, September, 1878. At the Outposts. Prince Frederick Charles at Orleans. Reconnoitring Skirmish at Bois-Commun on the 25th of November, 1870. Transporting Prisoners. Skirmish of Troopers. Attack of the Royal Hussars No. 7, under Major Rudolphi, in the Battle of St. Ouentin, Jan- uary 19th, 1871. do. c C — C do. — C C c — — do. C c — c do. c c — c do. c — c do. — c c c — c do. — c c c do r do. c c — c do. — c c c — c do. c — c do. — — c c — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 593 Final Review of the Manoeuvres, 1881, 7th Ar- my Corps. The Grand Duke of Mecklenburg inspecting the French Battery, captured by the 2nd Squad- ron of the nth Uhlans in the court-yard of the Chateau Goury, December 2nd, 1870. Reconnoitring. On Outpost Skirmish. Parade at Euskirchen, September, 1884. Prussian Uhlans taking a French Outpost by Sur- prise. King William at Gravelotte. Bismarck Meeting Napoleon after the Battle of Sedan, 1870. Emperor William I. Before Paris. Death of Prince Hatzfeld-Trachenberg at Hebe- court, 1870. Frederick the Great Visiting Krefeld. The nth Hussars at Vionmille, August i6th, 1870. The nth Hussars at Ligny, June i6th, 181 5. The Hessian Division in the Battle of St. Privat. The nth Uhlans Taking a French Battery at Loigny. The 53d Prussian Regiment at Colombev, 1870- '71- The Staflf of the 21st Division at Worth. The 2nd Squadron of Dragoon Guards Repulsing French Cuirassiers at Vionville. French Cuirassiers Attacking Elsasshausen (Worth). Outposts. The Bremen Regiment in the Battle of Loigny. The 39th Fusiliers at Gravelotte (Aug. 18, 1870). Last Quarters of the Grand Duke Hesse Be- fore the War of i87o-'7i. HUSSEL (O.) (Modern.) Moonlight Night on the Riviera. The Corniche Road. At Bordighera. Via della Palma, Riviera. Gallery. Sices, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. — C C C — C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Modern Painters, do. do. — c c c — c — c — c — — c c — c — c c c — c — — c c c — c — c — c c — c c c c c — c — c c — c c c c c — c — c c — c — — c c — c — B B B — B do. B B B do. B B do. B do. B B — B do. B — B B — B do. - — — B do. B — B — — B do. B — — B do. do. do. do. B B C C C 594 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Paestum. HUTIN (Charles). Paris, 171 5 — Dresden, 1776. (French School.) Village Wedding.* (Drawing.) HUYSMANS (Cornelis). Antwerp, 1648-1727. (Flemish School.) Landscape with a castle on hill. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Landscape. HUYSMAN (Jacob). Antwerp, 1656— London, 1696. (Flemish School.) Isaak Walton. Gallery. Si:;cs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C Weimar. Brussels, do. London. C C C C C C HUYSMANS (Jan Baptist). (Flemish School.) Landscape with cattle. Antwerp, 1654-1716. HUYSUM (Jan van). Amsterdam, 1682-1749. (Dutch School.) Vase of flowers. (Drawing.) Vase of flowers. (Drawing.) Vase of flowers. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Flowers and fruit. Flowers. Vase with flowers. HYNAIS (V.) (Modern.) Poetry. "I (Companion pictures.) Music. jD., 16x21 inches, $5.00. ICHENHAUSER (N.) (Modern.) Ave Maria. IGLER (G.) (Modem.) The New-made Mother. Childish Play. The Little Misdoer. The Reprimand. Sweet Tooth. Conscious of Guilt. With Precaution. Incurable. Brussels. *-_ c — c Paris, Louvre. — C - do. — C do. — Munich. — — — C — C do. — c — c London, N.~G. — C — c Modern Painters. — C C c — c do. — C c c — c do. C C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 595 Sweet Tooth. On the Dunce's Bench. The Rival. The Disquietnig Christmas Present. Sunday Stillness, ■Dolly's Toilette. The Favorite Song. Birthday Cake. The Reign of the "Hausfrau." Hat with feathers. Naughty. Uncle's Recruits. Apples. Literary Studies. The Schoolmaster's Little Daughter. Singing Lesson. Stout Drink. Grandfather's Pet. The Flatterer. Torn Again ! Beautiful Caro. "Please Give Me a Big Piece !" Noonday Nap. Card-players. Piano Lesson. Rude. In Love. The Doll's Hair-dresser. The Tell-tale. Ink-spot. Knitting-lessons. Trial of Patience. Nursery Cares. Dear Dolly. Dolly the Bride. "I Won't Eat My Porridge !" Symphony Concert. Hunger's Necessity. Lender the Scissors. The Renovated Doll. Gallery. Si:;cs, 2 2\ i i\ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. C — C do. C C — C do. C — C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. C — C do. c C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C do. , c C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. Q — C do. C — C do. c C — C do. C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C C — C do. Z\ A National Port. C Chantilly. ^ C do. C do. C do. C do. C Lille. do. do. do. C Montauban Mus. C do. C do. C do. do. — Florence. L^ffizi. — C C C — INNESS (George). Newburg, New York, 1825- 1894. (Modern.) The Rising Storm. PI., 10x13 inches, $2.00. Boston, M. F. A. Landscape. Chicago Art Inst. PIC PIC — PiC IRURETA (Alejandrino). (Modern.) Study of a Beggar. Born in Toulouse. Madrid. M. M. A. PIC PIC ISABEY (Jearx Baptiste). Nancy, 1767— Paris, 1855. (French School.) Portrait of Napoleon I. (Miniature). C, $1.00. The First Consul visiting the manufactory of the Sevene Brothers at Rouen, November, 1802. (Sepia drawing.) Portrait of Andrew Ernest Modeste Gretry (1741- 181 3), composer, Member of the Institute, (Drawing.) Paris, Louvre. Versailles. National Portraits. — — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 599 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3i 4 4i Portrait of Marie Josephine Rose Tascher de la Pagerie, called Josephine (i 763-1814), Em- press of the French. (Pencil and water-color drawing-.) Napoleon visiting the manufactory of Jouy, June 20, 1806. The Visit. (Sepia drawing.) ISRAELS (Joseph). Groningen, 1824. (Modern.) Expectation. (Salon of 1896.) PL, 9x13 inches, $2.00. The Bashful Suitor. PL, 10x13 inches, $2.00. The Convalescent. PL, 10x21 inches, $2.00. The Mother. PL, 9x13 inches, $2.00. A woman at the window. (Salon of 1896.) Rustic house. (Salon of 1896.) ISSEL (H.) (Modern.) The Chess-player. ITTENBACH (Franz). Konigswinter, 181 3— Diisseldorf, 1879. (Modern.) Madonna with the Apple. St. Agnes. St. Hermann Joseph. Madonna enthroned (central panel to the two following numbers) : St. Francis of Assisi. St. Elisabeth of Thuringia. Ecce Agnus Dei. 1 (Companion Mater Amabilis. j pictures.) The Handkerchief of St. Veronica. Ecce Cor, Quod Mundum Tantopere Dilexit. The Holy Family in Egypt. Ego Dilecto Meo, et ad me Conversio Eius (Ma- donna and Child). ♦Maria Virgo.! (Companion pictures.) *Infant Jesus. J D., 8x10 inches, $2.00. John the Baptist. *The Holy Family. D., 19x14 inches, $5.00. Nat'l Portraits. Versailles.* G. Rodrig. Col. I Companion J pictures. New York, M. M. C Boston, M. F. A. do. Bos., Sher. Col. Modern Painters. C do. — C do. C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. c C — C C — C c C — c B B — B B — B B B — B B B — B B B — B B B — B B B — B B — B B — B B — B B — B T3 B — B ♦This subject comes in a Baryto Print, t%Kq inches, $1.80. 600 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ St. Hubert and St. Elizabeth. 1 (Companion Modern Painters. B St. Frederick and St. Theresa. J pictures.) do. B St. Peter and St. John. 1 (Companion do. B St. Paul and St. Maurus. j pictures.) do. — B Madonna. D., 9x16^ inches, $3.00. do. B — B Madonna with Christ and St. John. do. B St. George. | (Companion do. B St. Donat. J pictures.) do. B Pilgrims Before Rome. ' do. B Mater Christi. D., 20^x14 inches, $5.00. do. — P, B B Queen of Heavens. do. — B — B St. Anne with the Child Mary. | Companion pictures. D., do. . — . B St. Joseph with the Child Jesus. J 10x4 inches. $1.00. do. B I WILL (Marie Joseph) . Born in Paris. (Modem.) Venice at Night. do. JACOB (Stephen). Born in Baigneux (Cote-d'Or). (Modern.) Summer. do. C JACOBELLO (del Fiore). First half of the XV. century. (Venetian School.) Paradise. Venice. Madonna and Child with saints. do. Justice, with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel. do. C C C JAKOLIDES (Georg). (Modem.) "That Will Please Him !" First Picture-book. Petty Troubles. Girl laughing. Grandfather's Troubles. Naughty Grandchild. The "Trial Stocking." Never Satisfied. Grandfather's Pipe. Child with cat. First Love's Romance. The Friends. Modern Painters. — C do. C do. C — C do. C do. c C — C do. C C — C do. C — C do. c do. C — C do. — C do. C — C do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 601 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Mother-Love, Modern Painters. C — C Dead Tired. do. C Creusa. do. B B JACOBSEN (Sophus). Frederikshald, Norway, 1833. (Modern.) The Sleeper. do. C Landscape in Winter. D., 21x14 inches, $5.00. do. B ♦Moonlight Night. D., 21x14 inches, $5.00. do, B JACOBSZ (Lucas). See LEYDEN (Lucas van). JACOBSZ (Dirck). Born about 1529— 1567. (Dutch School.) Sharpshooters; 17 portraits. Amsterdam. C — C JACQUE (Charles Emile). Paris, 1813-1894. (Mod- ern.) Flock of sheep in a landscape. (Salon of 1861.) Paris, Lux. C The Cows' Watering-place. Modern Painters. C C The Storm. do. C Flock of sheep with shepherd and his dog. (Draw- ing.) C, $2.50. Lille. The Lost Sheep. PI., 6x13 inches, $2.50; 4x9, $1.25. # Modern Painters. JACQUESSON DE LA CHEVREUSE (Louis). Born in Toulouse, 1840. (Modern.) Awakening. do. C Before the Mirror. do. C April. do. C C JACQUET. Ophelia. PI., 8x11 inches, $2.00. Boston, Stet. Col. JACQUET (Henry). Born in Anzin. (Modern.) The Spider. Modern Painters. — C JACQUET (Jean Gustave). Born in Paris, 1846. ' (Modern.) •This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, 9i.8o, 602 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. The Frolicsome Child. JACQUIN (Georges Arthur). Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C C Born in la Fere, (Modern.) Champenoise (Marne). Before the Sitting. JALABERT (Charles). Born in Nimes, 1819 (Modern.) Portrait of Monsignor the Duke d'Aumale. Portrait of Queen Marie Amelie. JAMESON (Middleton). Born in Edinburgh. (Modern.) The Fisherman's Daughter. JAMIN (Paul Joseph). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Temptation. Mercenaries of Gaul at Carthage. Brennus and his Share of the Booty. JANET (Henry). Born in Paris. (Modern.) The Model Resting. JANMOT (Anne Frangois Louis). Lyons, 1814. (French School.) Portrait of R. P. Lacordaire (Jean Baptiste Hen- ri Dominic), preacher. Member of the French Academy, 1802-1861. Repetition of the same portrait, given by the art- ist to Father Lacordaire. JANSEN (Peter). Diisseldorf. 1844. (Modern.) The Childhood of Bacchus. J ANSON VAN CEULEN (Cornells). London, 1 590- 1665. (Dutch School.) Bust of a man. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. Portrait of a man in black. Portrait of a lady in black holding a fan. Bust portrait of a woman, full face. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Portrait of an elderly lady. Cornelia Remoens. JANSSENS (Abraham). Antwerp, 1575-1632. (Flemish School.) Meleager and Atalanta. do. Chantilly. do. Modern Painters. , do. do. do. C — C — C C — C Versailles. . C — Nat'l Portraits. — c — Modern Painters. B — B — — B Brunswick. — B Dresden. C C do. C C Dresden. P.O. Col. Frankfort. C — London, Nat. Gal. c — C Berlin. C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON 603 Diana with her Nymphs Seen by Satyrs. Venus and Adonis. JANSSEN (Joseph). (Modern.) Good Friday Night. D., about 8xio inches, $1.50. St. Godelive van Chistel. Madonna and Child. JARDIN (Karel du). Amsterdam, 1622 — Venice, 1678. (Dutch School.) The Italian Mountebanks. The Pasture. The Grove. Landscape with animals. Landscape with animals. Male portrait. Landscape. Portrait of a young man sampling wine. Italian landscape: Mornmg. Italian landscape : Evening. The Charlatan. Italian shepherds dancing. ' The Game of Skittles. (Drawing.) C, .75. Portrait of a magistrate. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. The Shepherd. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Ofif for the Chase. (Engraving.) C, $1.25. Horses. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. The Sick Goat. Shepherd-boy milking a goat. A woman on horseback turned to the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Portrait of Karel du Jardin. Syndics of the Asylum of Amsterdam in 1669. A trumpeter on horseback. The Husbandman on his Farm. Italian landscape with animals. Male portrait. The Spinner. The Return to the Stable. The Vanguard. Landscape with figures and animals. Yoimg Gamblers. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2\ 3 3^ 4 4^ Cassel. C C — C Vienna Mus. — C C Modern Painters. C C — C do. C C C C — C do. B B Paris, Louvre. C — C — do. — C — do. C — do. c — C — do. c — C — do. C — do. C — Berlin. C do. C do. C Cassel. ^ — C — C do. C — C Dresden, R. C. do. — do. — do. Munich. C — C do. C — C Vienna, Albert 'a. Amsterdam. C — do. C do. C C C do. C — do. C — C Amst. V. de H. c C — C The Hague. C — Brussels. C — C do. — -^ C — C London, N. G. C — - London, B. P. C 604 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Italian landscape : boys with mule. JARVIS (John Wesley). (Modern.) Commodore Perry. (Detail of the above.) JAZET (Paul Leon). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Too Inexperienced. JEAN DE BRUGES. See BRUGES (Jean de). JEANMAIRE (E.) (Modern.) Drinking. New-born. Landscape in the Jura. Pastoral Symphony. A Protestant Burial in the Neufchatel Jura. Black and White. JEAURAT (Etienne). Paris, 1699-1789. (French School.) Man and woman dancing. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Study for the man dragging the wagon in the "Artist's Moving." (Drawing.) C, $1.25. JEH ANNEX, JEANNET. See CLOUET (Jean). JENDRASSIK (J.) (Modern.) On the Balcony. JENTSCH (H. G.) (Modern.) Fall of Man. "This is the Day of the Lord !" JETTEL (Eugen). Johnsdorf, Moravia, 1845, (Modern.) Swamp in North Holland. JIMENEZ ARANDA. See ARANDA. JIMENEZ (Luis). Seville, Spain, 1845. (Modern.) Mother and Child. Confidential Friends. JOANNES (Vicente), or VICENTE JUAN MA- CIP, called JUAN DE JUANES. Fuente de Gallery. Shcs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ London, B. P. C Modern Painters. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. De Goncourt Col. do. PIC PIC PIC c c C — c c C — c C — c Modern Painters. — C — c do. — do. — C — c — c Chicago Art Inst. PIC PC Modern Painters. C do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 605 la Higuera, 1505 — Bocayrente, 1579. (Span- ish School.) Death of the Holy Virgin. The Saviour Consecrating the Bread, or th6 Holy Chalice of Seville. St. Stephen in the Synagogue. St. Stephen in the Council. St. Stephen Led to Martyrdom. Martyrdom of St. Stephen. Burial of St. Stephen. The Last Supper. The Visitation. Martyrdom of St. Agnes. Ecce Homo. The Saviour. Descent from the Cross. Christ Bearmg the Cross, accompanied by the Virgin, the Magdalen, St. John, and followed by a crowd. Holy Family. St. Anne. St. Dominic. (Companion to the above.) JOANNON (Etienne). Daughter of Eve. (Salon of 1899.) JOBBE-DUVAL (Gaston). Born in Rennes, 1821. (Modern.) The Sea. March of Silenus. JOCHUMS (H.) (Modern.) Going to the Christening. Spring-time. JODE (Peter de). XVH. century. (Flemish School.) Male portrait, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. JOEST (Jan). See Master of the Death of Mary. JOHNSON (B. J.) Landscape with cattle. PL, 10x12 inches, $2.00. Gallery. Siscs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Dresden. Buda-Pesth. Madrid. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Mad. Ac. St. Fer. St. Petersburg. do. ^lodern Painters. do. do. do. do. C C C — C — — c — c — c — c — c — c c — B Dresden, P. G. , Boston, M. F. A. 606 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. JOHNSON (Eastman). 1824. (Modern.) Return from the Chase. Born in Lowell, Mass., JOLYET (Philippe). Born in Pierre (Saone-et- Loire), 1832. (Modern.) The Little Soldiers. The Kite. On the Beach at Arcachon. On the Beach at Arcachon : the Fish Supper. JONCIERES (Leonce) de. (Modern.) Jesus Tempted by the Devil. (Salon of 1897.) JONES (Sir Edward Bume). See BURNE-JONES. JONES (Francis C.) Baltimore. (Modem.) "I Won't Play Any More !" JONGH-LUDOLF (Leuff-Lieve). Overschie, 1616 — Hillegersberg, 1697. (Dutch School.) Portrait of a lady holding a little girl by the hand. Portrait of the Vice-Admiral, Jan van Nes (1681). Portrait of.Aletta van Ravensburgh (1635-1677), wife of Jan van Nes. Family scene. JONGHE (Jan de Maris de), same as Jan Marsen. Lived C. 1632-1644. (Dutch School.) Gustavus Adolphus in the Battle of Liitzen. Portrait of a man turned slightly to the right. (Drawing.)^ JONTI (L.) (Modern.) At Dinner. JOORSS (E.) (Modern.) On the Terrace. JOOST (Amman). 1539-1591. (German School.) The Four Quarters of the World, (Drawing.) JOOST van CLEEF. See JUSTE de GAND. JORDAENS (Jacob). Antwerp, 1593-1678. (Flem- ish School.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4I Modern Painters. PIC do. C do. C do. C do. C do. do. — C C C — c Dresden. C C Amsterdam. . c do. c do. c — C Brunswick. Dresden. P. G. , — C Modern Painters. » — C do. Weimar. — C — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 607 The Four Evangelists. The Childhood of Jupiter. The King's Feast. The Concert after the Repast. Portrait of Michael Adrian Ruyter, Dutch Ad- miral. Mythological Banquet. Family Meal ; group of six figures around a table. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Head of an old woman, right profile. (Drawing.) C.,$i.75. Portrait of an elderly woman seated in an arm- chair. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Portrait of an elderly man seated in an arm-chair. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Study of an old man, nude. (Drawing.) Portrait of a burgomaster of Antwerp. The Bean Feast. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. The Satyr with Peasants. A Moordeading a horse to his master. Education of Bacchus. The So-called Gruel-eater. Family picture. The Prodigal Son. A merry family seated around a table. "As the old cock crows, the young will twitter." — Dutch proverb. A Satyr with a basket of fruit ; near him a young girl. (According to Woermann, school of P. P. Rubens.) Nude child, back view. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Nude child, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. A monk standing, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. "As the old birds sing, so will the young ones twitter." The Satyr with the Peasant. Bust of a woman with long hair, wearing a small cap, almost life-size. (Drawing.) C., $2.50. The Annunciation to the Shepherds. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Satyr and children. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Paris, Louvre. C — do. c — C — do. c — C — do. C — C — do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Old Masters. Brunswick. Cassel. do. do. do. do. Dresden. do. C — C -. C B C C — C C — C C C — C C — C C — C C C do. C — — — Dresden R C do do. Munich. C C — c do. C — c Weimar. do. do. 608 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. The Festival of the Twelfth Night King. A Well-fed Man at Table. Male portrait. ^ The Satyr and the Peasant. A Satyr. The Money in the Fish's Mouth. (St. Matthew 17:27.) The Last Supper. Adoration of the Shepherds. Family Concert. St. Martin Healing a Demoniac. Allegory of Fruitfulness. The Satyr and the Wanderer. Allegory of the Vanity of the World. Triumph of Prince Frederick Henry of Nassau. Neptune Creating the Horse. Marriage of St. Catherine of Alexandria. Christ and St. John and children. Heads of Christ and St. John as Children. (De- tail of the above.) Family group in a garden. D., I5fxi6 inches, $5.00. JORDAN (C.) (Modern.) Duke Friedel, with empty pocket, declares him- self to bis Tyrolese peasants. Going to the Christening in Bozen. JORDAN (Rudolf). Berlin, 1810. (Modern.) Burial of the Old Sailor. The Widow. Mother and Babe. The Cable Brought to Land. Shipwreck. After the Stoim. JORIS (Pic), Cavalicre. Rome, 1843. (Modern.) A Baptism at Ischia. At the Antiquary's. JOSEPIN. See CESARI (Giuseppe). JOURDAIN (Roger). Born in Louviers (Eure) 1845. (Modern.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2J 3 3^ .4 4^ Vienna Museum, C C Vienna, Liecht. C Buda-Pesth. C do. C Amsterdam. C C — C do. C C — c Antwerp. ■ c — — . — do. C — — — do. — — C — Brussels. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c — c Florence, Uffizi. c — — — Madrid. c — — . — do. C - do. C — ■ do. --C- Modern Painters. , c — c do. — c do. c c — c do. c — c do. c c — c do. c — — do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c __ do. — — — — — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. W%> Gallery. Sizes, 2 2j 3 3^ 4 4^ The Barge. Modern Painters. C C — C On the Tow-path. . do. C Swans on the Thames. do. C The Baby's Sleep. do. C Lawn Tennis. do. C Under the Apple-trees. do. C C Yachting. do. C JOURDAN (Adolphe). Born in Nimes, 1825. (Modern.) The Well-beloved. do. C C Eeda. do. C "There They Are !" do. C JOURDAN (S.) (Modern.) Nymphs Pursued by Fauns. do. C JOUVENET (Jean), called the Great. Rouen, 1644 — Paris, 1717. (French School.) Jesus at the House of Martha and Mary. Paris, Louvre. C C Descent from the Cross. do. C Portrait of Fagon, first physician to King Louis XIV. do. C C Figure of Christ standing, two heads of Christ, and a left foot. (Drawing.) do. C Martyrdom of St. Peter. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Portrait of Thomas Corneille (1625-1709). Paris, Com. Fran. C Portrait of Louis Bourdaloue (1632-1704), preacher. ^Drawing.) Nat'l Portraits. C JUAN de JUANES. See JOANES. JOY (W. G.) (Modern.) *Truth. Artist's Proofs, 2i|x28 inches, 50 Japan, $24.00; 50 India, $18.00; D., 21^x18, $5.00. Modern Painters. — B B B JUGLAR (Victor Henry). Born in Chalons-sur- Marn'e. (Modern.) Two Cocks Lived in Peace ! do. C A Candidate. do. . C JUGLARIS (Tommaso). Born in Momalieri (Italy), 1845. (Modern.) ♦This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6%-s.c) inches, $i.3o. 610 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ OflFering to the Household Gods. Modern Painters. C JUNCKER (Justus). Mentz, 1703— Frankfort, 1767. (German School.) The master standing before the easel with a pu- pil. Cassel. C — C JUNDT (Gustave). Strasburg, 1830-1884. (Mod- ern.) Evening in Alsace. Modern Painters. C Souvenir of Monaco. do. C The Philosopher's Path at Monaco. * do. C The Betrothed. do. C Japanese Fantasy. - do, C Return of the Bride. do. C Haymaker. do. C Goat-herd of the Engadine. do. C Nice Surprised by the Snow. • do. C The Return. do. C Twilight. , do. C Dawn. do. C The First Rays. do. C The Islands of the Rhine. do. C Near a Spring. do. Q Alpine Strawberries. do. C Wood Violets. do. C JUNGHEIM (Carl). Diisseldorf, 1830-1880. (Mod- ern.) The Rose. do. C JUNKER (Hermann). Frankfort, 1838. (Modern.) Ludwig von Beethoven. do. C C C JURSS (J.) (Modern.) A family scene of long ago. do. C Priestess of the Temple. do. C JURY (J.) (Modern.) The Bridal Wreath. do. C I^iana. ^^^ ^ JUSTE d'ALLEMAGNE. Worked in Genoa in 1451. (German School.) Altar-screen in three divisions : SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 611 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4| A. I. The Annunciation (in the centre). Paris, Louvre. C — C — B. 2. St. Benedict and St. Augustine (on the left). do. C — C — C. 3. St. Stephen, Deacon, and St. Angelo, Carmelite monk (on the right). do. C — C — JUSTE de GAUD (Cleef). See CLEEF. JUSTUS OF PADUA. Florence, early half of XIV. century. (Follower of Giotto.) Coronation of the Virgin. London, N. G. C — C JUTZ (Carl). Baden. (Modern.) Disobedient Children. Modern Painters. C Ducks and Ducklings. do. — C C KAEMMERER (Frederik Hendrik). The Hague, 1839. (Modern.) *The Skating Lesson. do. **The Return. D., 20x14 inches, $5.00, do. B B A Breeze. (Salon of 1899.) ' do. , — — C C Crossing the Bridge. (Salon of 1899.) do. C C KAHLER (C.) (Modern.) "You may draw the arrow from the heart, but the wound will never heal !" do. C A Question. do. C C — C The Queen of the Season. do. B KALCKREUTH (Leopold von). Diisseldorf, 1855. (Modern.) "Come no More with Me !" - do. C KALFF (Willem). Amsterdam, before 1630-1693. (Dutch School.) Still-life. Berlin. C Still-life. Amsterdam. C — C KALITSCH (W. V.) (Modem.) Wild Boars. Modern Painters. C — C KALLMORGEN (F.) (Modern.) A Letter from America. do. C — C * This subject comes in a Fac-Stmile Gravure, in colors, 143^x10 inches, $10.00. **This subject comes in a Fac-Simile Gravure, in colors, 20x14 inches, $15.00. 612 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. After Rest is Over. The "Fire-rider." Blind Fiddler. Going to the Christening. The Inundation. Pottery-market. Inquisitive People. KALTENMOSER (Max). Munich, 1842. (Mod- ern.) At Home. Improvised Bowling-aUey. Visionary. Woodland Dreams. KAMECKE (Otto von). Stolp, Pomerania, 1829. (Modern.) The Praxer Lake. D., about 16x21 inches, $5.00. The Vierwaldstatter Lake. D., about 16x21 inches,. $5.00. The Devil's Bridge on Lake Urner. KAMLAH (E.) (Modern.) The Madatschfemer. KAMPF (Arthur). Aix-la-Chapelle, 1864. (Mod- ern.) "Bon Soir, Messieurs 1" KANNEGIESSER. (Modern.) Queen Louise of Prussia. KAPLINSKI (Leon). Portrait of Prince Ladislas Czartoryski. Portrait of Count John Dzialynski. KAPPIS (Albert). Tiibingen. (Modern.) Before the Wine-press. KARGER (Carl). Vienna, 1848. (Modern.) At Home Alone. * The Post-station. Proclamation of Justice. KARLOVSZKY (B. V.) (Modem.) Rendezvous in the Gardens of the Luxembourg. D., t6x2T inches, $5.00. Gallery. Sizes, Modern Painters, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 2 ^i 2, C do. do. 3* 4 4i C — C C — C C — C C C — C C C — C C — C C — C C C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. B — B — — B do. B B Czartorvski Col. C — do. c — Modern Painters. — c do. C — c do. C C — c do. C — c do. C C THE WAVE. MOONLIGHT AT SAG HARBOR. KLUTH HER TRIBUTE. A POETESS. A. KAUFMANS COMMODORE PERRY. JARVI8 SHEPHERD AND HIS FRIENDS. SUPPER AT EMMAUS. LHERMIT7E MADAM LE BRUM AND DAUGHTER. LE SRUN ^ r i BY THE RIVERSIDE. LE ROLLE ST. CATHERINE. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 613 Gallery.. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ KAUFFMAN (Marie Anne Angelica Catherine). Coire, 1741 — Rome, 1807. (German School.) Portrait of the Baroness de Krudener and her young- daughter. Portrait of a young lady as a sibyl. Portrait of a young lady in the garb of a Vestal Virgin. Portrait of the artist, by herself. The Toilet. Portrait of the artist, by herself. Return of Hermann after the Battle of Teuto- burg Forest. Burial of the Young Hero, Pallas. Study of a young girl turned to the left. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Portrait of the artist, by herself. Portrait of a poetess. KAUFFMANN (Hugo). Hamburg, 1844. (Mod- ern.) The Auction. The Rocking-horse. "Now Wait r Winter Pleasures. Deer-stalking. The Conjurer. Sick Dog. The Precentor. Social-democratic Discourse. Bashful Dirndl. Musical Dilettantes. "Must I, then. Must I, then, Through the Wide World Go?" (Bavarian Love-song.) "When the Fox Dies, Get His Skin !" "How Do You Do, My Treasure?" An Elderly Suitor. A Capital Buck. The Robber's End. KAUFFMANN (M.) (Modern.) Connoisseurs. KAULBACH (Friedrich). Arolsen, Waldeck, 1822. (Modern.) Paris, Louvre. — — C — c — Dresden. — — c — do. BC — BC C — B Munich. — — C C — c Buda-Pesth. — — C — Vienna Mus, — C — do. — — C — Dresden, P. G. Florence, Uflfizi. — — PIC — — PIC do — — PIC — — PIC Modern Painters, do. do. , — — c c — — c — c — c do. — — c c — c do. — c do. — c do. — c do — . — c do — c — c do. — c — c do. — c — c do. c — c do. " — — — c do. — — c do. — c — c do. — c — c do. do. c — c. 614 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 4 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Coronation of Charlemagne. • Munich, R. Max. — C C C "O Christmas-time, Bringing Blessing and Joy !" Modern Painters. C C — C KAULBACH (Friedrich August von). Hanover, 1850. (Modern.) "May is Here !" do. C C — C Woodland Solitude. do. C C — C Cavalier and dwarf. do. C C — C Girl of rank. do. C In the Boudoir. do. C — C Entombment of Christ (after Titian). do. C C Lady of rank of the Netherlands of long ago. do. C — C The Lecture. do. C Explanation. do. C A Florentine Belle. ' do. C C — C Woman's costume of the XVL century. do. C C — C Patrician lady. do. C Daughter of the Castle. • do. -, C — C Female portrait (bust). do. C C — C Woman of the middle class in Germany of long ago. do. C At Prayer. do. — C — C Lay figure. do. C C — C Loving Couple. do. — — C Study for a woman's head. do. C — C In the Sunshine. ' do. — C C C — C Lady with fruit-dish. do. C C — C Woman of Rome. do. C , Fisherwoman. do. C — C At the Forester's. do. — C C C — C A portrait. (Pastel.) D., 11x15 inches, $3.00. do. C — C Portrait of a lady. do. — C C C — C Child's portrait. do. C C ■ — C Miss Chippendale. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. Trictitia. D., 10x8 inches, $1.50. do. A pastel, I. Female study-head. do. A pastel, II. Female study-head. do. A pastel, III. Female study-head. do. Mandolin-player. D., 11x15 inches, $3.00. do. Head of a girl. do. Flora. do. _ C C C — C "My Pet!" do. C — C c c — c c c — c — c — c c c — c — c SOULE ART COMPANY, , BOSTON. 615 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2i 3 3i 4 4^ St. Cecilia. D., 16x21 inches, $5.CK). Modern Painters. — C C C — c Princess Griselda of Bavaria. do. — — C C — c A patrician lady. do. — — c Schiitzenlisl. do. — c c c — c Pieta. do. C c c c — c Cornelia. D., 11x15 inches, $3.00. Claudia. D., 11x15 inches, $3.00. Beatrice. do. — — c c — c Gloria. do. — — c c — c A May-day. D., about 22x28 inches, $10.00. do. — c c c — c Baby's First Outing. do. — — B B Baby's First Outing. (Detail.) do. — — B Spring-time. D., 19x13^ inches, $5.00. do. — — \\ The Lute-player. do. — — c c — C KAULBACH (Hermann). Munich, 1846. (Mod- ern.) Militia in the Enemy's Country. do. — — C Homesickness. do. — — c Meditation. do. — c — c Children's Confession. do. — — c c — c Hansel and Gretel. do. — c Morning Devotions. do. — c • Music. do. — c Louis IX. do. — — c c In the Arbor. do. — — c "Cease, Cease from Loving !" do. — — c Spring. do. — — c Messenger of Love. do. — — c The Jester in the Stocks. do. — — c c — c "He Has Gone into the Wide, Wide World, and Never Said Farewell !" do. — — c The Love-letter. do. — — — c Musical Studies. do. — — c Once Upon a Time. do. — c c — c Crowning St. Elizabeth. do. c c c c — c Indian Summer. do. c — c My Heart's Confidence. do. — c The Tailor. do. — c Youth is the Time for Learning. do. • — c c — c Mid-day Nap. ' do. c — c 616 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ A Jester in Love. Modern Painters. C — C Portia. do. C Afternoon Luncheon. do. C Immortality. do. C C — C The Jester's Sympathy. do. C — C Woman of Rome. do. C Sweet Liberty. do. C - For Breakfast. do. C The Dark Guest. do. C — C Mother's Pet. do. C Luna. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. C C — C Half Worship— Half Child's Play. do. C — C Science. do. — C In the Convent Knitting-school. do. C — C The Chambei maid. do. C Forgive Us Our Trespasses ! do. C — C An Interesting Letter. do. C Altar Candles. D., 10x21 inches, $5.00. do. C C — C A New Picture-book. D., 7x10 inches, $1,50. do. C — C The End of the Song. D., 10x21 inches, $5.00. do. C C — C A Huzzah over Mountain and Valley. do. C Maternal Bliss. do. — C With the Nun. ' do. C Ave Maria. 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. C A Gourmand, do. C C Getting Ready for School. do. C Disturber of the Peace. do. C "Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread!" do. C C C "I'll Soon Have You !" do. C — C The Little Gourmands. do. C C Zephyrs. do. C "Can't You Read?" do. C Interested. do. C On the Brink of Eternity. / do. C C C "He put up his tail, and away he flew." do. C C "Don't be Alarmed, Sir." do. C — C Obstinacy. do. C Thinking of Him. do. C Feeding the Twins. do. C C Playing at Doctor. do. C C Grief. do. C C — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 617 A Lesson in Caligraphy. An Admonition. Mozart's Last Days. Frederick the Great and Sebastian Bach. Love in Olden Times. Princess Eboli. Lucrezia Borgia. D,, 21^x34 inches, $15.00. A Visit to the Monastery. The Piper of Hamelin. Werther and Lotte. D., 19x14 inches, $5.00. Goethe and Frederika. ] (Companion pictures.) Gretchen in Church. f D., 19x14 inches, $5.00. Gallery. Sises, 2 2J 3 3^ 4 4^- Modern Paint Arolsen, Westpha- ( Modern.) KAULBACH (Wilhelm von), lia, 1805 — Munich, 1874. Charity. Under the Lindens. Nero. Battle of Salamis. Charlemagne and Wittekind. St. Michael of Germany. Dance of Death, I. Section : The Pope holds up, triumphantly, the infallible keys of heaven, while Death, as the servant of Garibaldi, hangs an hour-glass upon them. At the door. Protestantism is knocking. Dance of Death, IL Section : European princes paying homage to the Little Duke of Reichstadt. Death; as Nuncio, holds up to him a crown of bones for a play- thing. Dance of Death, IIL Section: Death is knocking together the heads of con- tending Catholic and Protestant clergy. Dance of Death, IV. Section : Death, as Hercules, is stepping up to Alexander von Humboldt, to take the terrestrial globe from his shoulders. The Lord's Last Rest (by Kaulbach and M. Ech- ter). do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Berlin Photo. B — B B — — — B B — — — B p. — — B — B — — B B B Co. B Modern Painters. do. do. Munich, R. M. Modem Painters. do. c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c do. do. do. do. do. C C C C C C C — C Modern Painters. — C — C do. — C — c do. — C — c Brunswick. — B Modern Painters. — do. — C C C 618 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4I KECK (N.) (Modern.) Caught. A Single Word. Dinner-time. KEHREN (Josef). Huldhrath, 1817— Dusseldorf, 1880. (Modern.) Madonna. (Half-length, oval.) ' do. B B KEIRINCX (Alexander Kerrincx, Kierings or). Antwerp, 1600 — Amsterdam, after 1652. (Flemish School.) Landscape with nymphs. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. KEIRSBILCK (J v.) (Modern.) Paradise Lost. In the Studio's Corner. KELLER (Albert). Gais, Switzerland. 1844. (Modern.) Chopin. do. C C An Audience of King Louis XV. do. C — C Remembrance. do. C C Resurrection. do. — C C C — C A portrait. do. C Christ and the Daughter of Jairus, do. C C Witch's Sleep. do. C C — C Spring. do. C C — C Playing Ball. do. C — C A Snake-charmer. D., $2.00. do. Study -head of a girl. D., 8x6| inches, $2.00. do. B KELLER (Arthur). (Modern.) First Love. do. — C The Little Naturalist. do. C C Brothers and Sisters. • do. C St. Julia. do. C The Crucifixion. D., 14x11 inches, $3.00. do. KELLER (Ferdinand). Carlsruhe, 1842. (Mod- ern.) Nero. do. C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 619 The Theatre Curtain. The Margrave Ludwig Wilhelm of Baden in the Battle of Szlankament. Hero and Leander. To the Master (oflfered as an act of homage to Richard Wagner). Sapho. Portrait of a child. Portrait of a child. Emperor William, the Victorious Founder of the German Empire. D., 20x27 inches, $10.00. Friedrich, Emperor of Germany. KELLER (Friedrich). (Modern.) In the Boat. A Model. In the Forge. KELLERTHALER (Hans). (German School.) Soldier standing, wearing a richly ornamented suit of armor. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. KENNINGTON (N.) (Modern.) Forbidden Fruit. KERN (L.) (Modern.) Ruth. KESSEL (Jan van), the Younger. Antwerp, 1654 — Madrid, 1708. (Flemish School.) Two dwarfs leading a large dog. KESSLER. XVII. century. (German School.) Male portrait. KETEL (Cornelis). Gouda, 1548— Amsterdam, 1616. (Dutch School.) Civic Guards under Captain Dirk Rosecrans (1588). KEY (Adrian Thomas). i544(?)-i59o(?). (Flem- ish School.) Portrait of Gilles de Smidt and seven of his chil- dren. Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4i Modern Painters. C C — C do. — C do. ' — C C C — C do. ^ _ C C — C do. _ _ C C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C C C C — C do. C C -- C do. C do. C do. C — C Dresden, R. C. Modern Painters. C C — C do. Berlin, Racz. Buda-Pesth. Amsterdam. Antwerp. C C C — C — 620 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Portrait of Maiie de Deckere, second wife of Gilles de Smidt, and one of their daughters. KEYSER (E.) (Modern.) The Sister. Farewell. "How do you do?" In Faithful Care ! Spring Joys. Children Singing. Cautious. At the Brook. Collecting May-bugs. Solicited Help. The Rabbits. On the Mountain-top. Ring-a-Ring-a-Rounder. Hanging up the Clothes. AVash-day. Pick-a-back. Spring Flowers. Spring Songs. May Makes Everything New! May-day. May-dance. At the Spring. Sleepy. KEYSER (Thomas de). Amsterdam, 1595- 1667. , (Dutch School.) A merchant with his secretary. Portrait of a young lord. (Knaus Coll.) Family portraits. A nobleman kneeling with his son ; left panel of a triptych. An elderly lady and her daughter kneeling ; right panel of a triptych, Male portrait. Portrait of Don Juan of Austria and his aide-de- camp. Portrait of a horseman. Settling Accounts. Gallery. Sices, 2 2\ t^ 3I 4 .^^^- Antwerp. C .Modern Painters. C C — C do. C C — C do. C C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. — — C C — C do — — C do, — • — C dc. ^ _ c — C do. — C do. — C do. C — C do. C — C do. c do. c do. C — C do. C — C do. C C — C do. c do. C — C do. C — C do. ■ C do. - C London, N. G. Berlin. do. do. do. Cassel. Dresden. Frankfort. Munich. C C c — c c — c c c — c c — c — c c c — c c SIGNAL-SELL. SPANISH COURTSHIP. MARTINEZ ME.ISSONIER RETURN OF THE FLOCK. EVENING IN THE HARBOR. MCCORD HOLY FAMILY. MICHELANGELO OUTLYING REEF. INTERRUPTED FEAST. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 621 Male portrait. Portrait of a woman seated. Portrait of an old woman. (Rath Coll.) Portrait of Admiral Pieter Pietersz Hein (killed June 20, 1629, in the Battle of Dunkirk.) Portrait of Peter Schout, Lord of Hagestein. The Civic Guards, under Captain Allart Clock (1632). Portrait of Admiral P. Pietersz Hein and his fam- iiy- Anatomy lesson by Dr. Seb. Egb. de Vrij. Portrait of a magistrate. The Burgomaster of Amsterdam Awaiting the Arrival of Marie de Medicis, in 1638. Female portrait. Female portrait. KEYSER (Willem de). Amsterdam, 1603 — Lon- don, 1670. (Dutch School.) Portrait of an old man. KIENLIN (Jules). Born in Bitche. (Modern.) Louis XIV., Cardinal Mazarin and Marie de Man- Gallcry. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4| Vienna, Liecht. C C — ;— Buda-Pesth. C do. C — Amsterdam, do. do. — c c — c — c c — c do. C — C do. C — C The Hague. C C — C do. — C C C Brussels. C — C do. C — C cini. Am. V. d. H. Col. C Modern Painters. ^ C Diisseldorf, 1846. (Modern.) KIESEL (Conrad). On the Balcony. Absorbed. A Conversation. In the Studio. At Play. Visit to the Studio. The Model's Rest. Lost in Thought. Carmen. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. A Doleful Melody. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. Her Favorite. The Mandolin-player. Dreaming. Longings. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. Yum yum. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. Bianca. Laura. do. — — c c — c do. — — — c — c do. — c c c — c do. — c c c — c do. — c c c — c do. C c c c — c do. — — c c — c do. — c c c — c do. — c c c — c do. — c c c — c do. — c c c — c do. — c c c — c do. c c c c — c do. ■ — — c c — c do. c c c c — c do. — — — c — c do. — — — c — c 622 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4I Hermione. Modern Painters. C — C The Sheik's Daughter. Artist's Proofs on India, 22x14^ inches, $15.00; D., 15x22, $5.00; D., 8x10, $1.50. do. C C C C — C Dolce far Niente. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; also, 7x10, $1.50. Flowers of the Sunny South. Dolores. Love's Old Sweet Song. D., 7x10 inches, $1.50. Touch the Harp Gently. Artist's Proofs on Jap- an, 22x14! inches, $20.00; on India, $15.00; D., 7x10, $1.50 ; also, 15x22, $5.00. A Duet. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; 8x10, $1.50. Felicita. Old Melodies. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. In the Library. Birthday Morning. Plans for the Holidays. ) ,„ . . Good News. j (Companion pictures.) Mother's Care. Revery. Jealousy. D., 19x11 inches, $5.00. Mother's Darling. Augusta Victoria, German empress. Augusta Victoria ; bust. Augusta Victoria ; half length. A Vision of Loveliness. Artist's Proofs on India, 2ifxi4! inches, $15.00; D., 213x14^, $5.00; 8x10, $1.50. Elvira. It Might Have Been. Sweet Flowers. KIESSLING (Paul). Breslau, 1836. (Modern.) The Holy Virgin. The Gods Never Come Alone ! The Three Sisters. KILBURNE (G. G.) (Modern.) *A11 Over but the Shouting. Artist's Proofs, 9x13 inches, $10.00; India, $12.00. do. ♦This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. do. C C C C — c do. C C — c do. — C — c do. C C — c do. c c c C — c do. c C — c do. C — c do. c c — c do. B B — — do. B — — B do. B — — B do. B — — B do. B — — B do. B — — B do. B — B — — B do R do. B — B — u — B do. — B B — — B do. B — B — — B do. C — c c — C do. C c — C do. — — — c - C do. C c — C do. — C C c — C do. c c — C do. B — — r. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 623 "When Lubin is Away." D., 16x9 inches, $3.00; 8x10, $1.50. KILIAN (Lucas). (German School.) Male portrait, front view of bust. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Male portrait, bust, in an ornamented frame. (Drawing.) KINDLER (Albert). Allensbach, near Constance, 1833 — Meran, Tyrol, 1876. (Modern.) Shepherds of Andalusia. Fandango. KINDON (M.) (Modem.) An English girl. The Primrose Dame. KINDT (Adele). Brussels, 1805. Christ and the Woman of Samaria. PI., 10x13 inches, $2.00 ; C, $4.00. The Woman of Samaria. (Detail of the above.) PI., 10x13 mches, $2.00; C, $4.00. KING (Gunning). (Modern.) *An Interrupted Journey. Artist's Proofs on India, 194x17 inches, $10.00 ; D., i9jxi7,$5.oo ; 8x10, $1.50. KINSON (Frangois). Bruges, 1771-1839. (French School.) Portrait of Marshal Bernadotte (Jean Baptiste Jules), Prince of Ponte Corvo, afterwards King of Sweden, under the name of Charles XIV. (1 764-1844). KIPRENSKY (Orestes, Adamowitch). Koporia, 1783-1836. (Russian School.) Bust of a young gardener. KIRBERG (Otto). Elberfeld, 1850. (Modern.) The Eavesdropper. After the Storm. The First-born. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C — C Dresden, R. C. do. C Modern Painters. C — C do. do. do. do. do. do. B B B C C C C — C Versailles. St. Petersburg. C Modern Painters. C — C do. C C — C do. C C — C • This subject comes in an Aquarelle Gravure, about 21x15 inches, $12.00, 624 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes. 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4I Before the Dance. Modern Painters. C A Dutch maiden. do. C At Morning Coffee. do. C — C Before the Mirror. do. C — C Sorrowful. do. C Artful Bride. do. C — C The Fisherman's Farewell. do. C Hope Destroyed. do. C The Hope of the Family. do. C — C Playful Kitty. do. C An Hour of Gossip. do. C Our Home. do. C C A Jolly Song-. do. C Mother's Pride. do. C '^ill You Come, Too?'' do. C Skillful Grandfather. do. C A Tonic. do. Q Our Pussy. do. C Father's Return Home, do. C A Victim of the Deep. do. B B The Interrupted Musician, do. B Fair in Holland. do. B B B A Serious Question. do. B KIRCHBACH (F.) (Modern.) Penitent Magdalen. do. C C C Through Battle to Victory. do. C C C Ganymede. do. C C C Upwards to the Light! (Apotheosis of the Em- peror Frederick.) do. C C C At Worth. do. C C KIRCHMAYR-CHERUBINO. (Modern.) Cupid and Psyche ; children. do. B B KIRSCH (Johanna). (Modern.) "Please Give Me Some Cherries!" do. q Festival-day of the Virgin. do. Q KISPERT (G.) (Modem.) Gretchen. da, C C KLASS (Friedrich Christian). Dresden, 1752- 1827. (German School.) SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 625 Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Dresden, R. C. C do. Modern Painters. C do. G do. C do. C do. '- C do. C do. C do. C do. c C — C do. C — C do. C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C do. C do. c C — C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C — C Landscape. (Drawing.) The Cottage. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. KLAUS (Ch.) (Modern.) Antique Bouquet. In the Inn. On a Visit. Punch. KLECZYNSKI (B.) (Modern.) Sleighing. KLEEHAAS (Th.) (Modern). Off for the Wolf-hunt. Horse-market. Insolence. Italy in Germany. A Pinch of Snuflf. A Feathered Thief. Right or Left ? "Attention! Fire!" "Here's to Him! He's Coming!" Hungry and Waiting. Liserl. "Pray be Seated." Uninvited Guest. He Would If He Could. Spilt Milk. War in Peace. Launching the Cruiser. KLEIN (F. E.) (Modern.) The Last Signature of Emperor William I. Judgment of Paris. KLEIN (Johann Adam). Nuremberg, 1792. (Ger- man School.) A horse. (Engraving.) C, .75. KLEIN-CHEVALIER (F.) Dusseldorf, 1863. (Modern.) To the Gallery. Unveiling the Niederwald Monument, Sept. 28, 1883. do. B — B do. B B Dresden, R. C. Modern Painters. c do. C — C C — C 626 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. KLEINMICHEL (J.) (Modern.) Desired Approach. Difficult Beginning. Gossiping, An Important Piece of News. KLEINSCHMIDT (J.) Mother and Child. Surprise. Curiosity Rewarded. (Modem.) KLEINTEICH (R.) Family Joy. (Modern.) KLENGEL (Caspar Friedrich). Kesselsdorf (Sax- ony), 1751-1824. (German School.) Nine peasants (men and women) in different po- sitions, (Drawing.) Six peasants (men and women) in different posi- tions. (Drawing.) Winter landscape. (Drawing.) Dentist, and boy whose tooth he has just pulled. (After the picture by Gerard Dou in the Dresden Gallery.) (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Sketch after Martin Schoen, (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Landscape. (Engraving.) C, $1,00. KLENZE (Hippolyt von). (Modern,) A Lonely Death. "j Victor and Victim, > (Companion pictures,) Cornered. J Black Game. Chamois and Bearded Eagle. KLENZE (Leon von). Hildesheim, 1784— Munich, 1864. (Dutch School.) View of St. Peter's in Montojo, afterwards Aven- tine (environs of Rome). (Drawing.) C, $175. KLEVER (Julius von). Russian Forest, Dorpat, 1850, (Modern.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. C C — C do. C C — C do, C — C do. do. do. do. C — C C C — C C — C Dresden, R. C. C do. C do. ■- C do. do, do, ern Painters. — — B — — B do. — — B — — B do. — — B — — B do. — — — B — B do. — — B — — B Dresden, P. G. Modern Painters. B SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 627, Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4| Autumn. Modern Painters. B In the Forest. do. B Falling Leaves. do. B KLIMSCH (Eugen). Frankfort, 1839. (Modern.) A Game at Bowls. do. C C — C Rape by a Centaur. ' "' do. C — C * Love's Awakening. do. ■ C C — C Hopeful Thoughts. do. C C A Little Peacemaker. do. C C — C Once Upon a Time. do. C — C Maternal Joy. do. C — C What a Calamity! do. C — C The Virgin. do. C — C Spirit of Spring. do. C C — C A Crime. do. B Recreation. do. B "I am Thine, Thou art Mine." D., 16x21 inches, $500. do. C C — C Psyche and Butterfly. do. C KLINGER (Max). (Modern.) The Crucifixion. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. C C C Christ at Olympus. D., about 22x28 inches, $10.00. do. C C C **Pieta. D., 15x21 inches, $5.00. do. B B Autumn Evening. do. C C C Nymph of the Well. do. C C C KLINKENBERG (Karel). The Hague, 1852. (Modern.) In Holland. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. KLINKENBERG (E.) (Modern.) ' In the Catacombs. do. C C A Sad Morning. do. Q KLOMP (Albert). Lived about 1680. (Dutch School.) Herd grazing before a cottage. Dresden. — C . KLUTH (Robert C.) (Modern.) Moonlight at Sag Harbor. Modern Painters. PI C — PI C PI C *This subject comes in an Aquarelle Gravure, about 15x12 inches, $6.00. **This subject comes also in a Baryto Print, 6Jx9 inches, $1.80. 628 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ End of the Storm. Modern Painters. PIC — PIC PIC Hardang-er Fjord. do. PIC — Soer Fjord. do. PIC _ Blacksmith's Shop. do. PIC KNAB (Ferdinand). Wiirzburg, 1834. (Modern.) Corinthian Ruins on the Campagna. do. C A Roman grove. do. C — C In Glorious Days. do. — C Solitude. do. _ _ _ c — C By-gone Days. do. C Vanished Splendor. do. C — C Solitude. do. C — C "Yet one tall pillar witnesses to vanished splen- dor." do. C Temple of the Sibyl. do. C KNABL (A.) (Modem.) On the Isar. do. C C — C Bringing down Wood in the Bavarian Mountains. -do. C — C KNAUS (Louis). Born in Wiesbaden (Germany), i829-(?). (Modern.) The Promenade. (Salon of 1865.) Holy Family. D., 19x14 inches, $5.00. Mud Pies. Study for a woman's head. The City Girl. The Country Girl. Behind the Scenes. D., 7x10 inches, $1.50. The Poacher. D., 11x15 inches, $3.00. The Fight in the Ballroom. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. The Hunter's Breakfast. A forester's home. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; 7x10, $1.50. The 5th of November. A Persecuted Gipsy. A Contented Baby. Lore. The Unwilling Model. D., 7x10 inches, $1.50. Paris, Lux. — — C — c — N. Y., M. M. A. B — B B — B Modern Painters. — C C c — c do. — — — c do. c — c do. — — — c: do. C C C c — c do. c c — c do. c c c c t — c do. c c — c do. — c c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. — — — c do. — cc c — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 629 ♦ Gallery. Sices , 2 2i 3 3i 4 4i Nina. Modern Painters. — C — C Winter Pleasures. D., 7x10 inches, $1.50. do. — — — — Norina. do. — — — C — C At Work in the Fields. do. — — — — C Peasant of Meran. do. — — C c — c Luisella. D., 7x10 inches, $1.50. do. — — C c — c Pussy's Friend. do. — — — — — c In Great Distress. do. — B B B — B The Luncheon. do. B — B B — B- The Funeral. do. B — B B — B His Royal Highness' Journey. do. B — B B — B The Little Pirate. ) ,^ . . do. B B B — B The Heir to the Farm, j (Companion pictures.) do. — B B — B The Young Gamblers. do. — B B B — B The Lectured Rivals. do. B — B B — B *Charity. D.,, 15x21 inches, $5.00. do. B — B — — B The Mischief-maker. D., I4§xii inches, $3.00. do. — — B — — B A Fight Behind the Fence. D., 16x20^ inches, $5.00. do. — B B — — B As the Old, So the Young. do. B — B B — B The First Prophet. do. — — B — — B Valuable Instruction. do. B — B — — B Chimney-sweep. * do. — — B — — B Little Mother. do. — — B — — B A Bad Customer. do. — — B — B Rural Festival. do. B — B — — B Study-head. do. — — — B Professor von Helmholtz. do. — — — — — B Professor Mommsen. do. — — — — — B The Village Witch. do. B — B — — B A Gipsy-team (children). D., 17x26 inches, $10.00. do. — B B — — B "I Can Wait." do. — — B — — B Sic Transit Gloria Mundi. do. — — B — — B The Artist and Her Model. D., 21x15 inches, $5.00. do. — — B — — B Spring-time, D., 8x9^ inches, $2.00. do. — — — B A Picnic Party. D., 15x21 inches, $5.00. do. B — B — — B A Gipsy Girl. D., 9x7^ inches, $2.00. do. — — — B Summer Evening in the Ghetto. do. — — B — — B *This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6)^x9 inches, $1.80. 630 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. KNELLER (Godefried, or Sir Godfrey). Lubeck, 1646 — London, 1723. (Dutch School.) Portrait of a man seated, full face. (Drawing.) Henrietta Maria of England. Portrait of Cornelis de Bruyn. Portrait of Locke, the celebrated mathematician. KNIGHT (Aston). (Modern.) • Market-place at Rouen. PL, 11x16 inches, $3.00. KNIGHT (Daniel Ridgway). Born in Philadelphia. (Modern.) The Shepherd and his Friends. A Halt. Without a Dowry. She Has Lost Her Way. Artist's Proofs, 19x15^ inches, 100 India, $18.00; D., $5.00. Stepping-stones. PL, 16x20 inches, $5.00. On the Terrace. (Salon of 1898.) The Gardener's Daughter. (Salon of 1898.) Waiting for the Ferryman. PL, 16x14 inches, $5.00; 9x7 J, $1.75. KNIGHT (R.) (Modern.) Brigette. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. KNILLE (Otto). Osnabriick, 1832. (Modern.) Tannhauser and Venus. D., i6xi6| inches, $5,00. The University of Paris in the XHL Century. The Humanists Welcome the Reformers. Weimar, 1803. Venetian lady. "But Lo, I am With You Alway, Even Unto the End." (Head of Christ.) *The Triple Alliance. KNOCHL (H.) (Modern.) Forsaken. Spring-time. In Spring. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ (Companion pictures.) D,, 10x35 in., $10.00. Dresden. c Munich. C c — c Amsterdam. C St. Petersburg. c — — — Bos. Sher. Col. Milwaukee Lay. G. PIC Modern Painters. C do. — C do. B Bos. Sher. Col. Modern Painters. C C do. C C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C B — B B — B — B — B B — B — C C C C B B B B C C C •This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6|x9 inches, $1.80. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 631 Gallery. Siaes, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4J In Autumn. Modern Painters. C C — ^ C On the Sea. do. C C — C Audifax and Hadumoth. do. C — C Roman May. do. C CEdipus and Antigone. do. C — C Flower-girl of Pompeii. do. C Fairy-tale of Spring. do. C C — C Claudine. do. C Repose of Spring (after Uhland). do. C C — C Sweet Thoughts. do. C A Precious Book. do. C Love's Melody. do. C — C Song of Praise. ■ do. C Scenes from Schiller's Ballad, "The Iron Mill." do. B Foot Soldier. , do. B KNOLL (K.) (Modem.) Beethoven. do. C C KNOOP (A.) (Modern.) Cleopatra. do. C — C Long Live What We Love ! do. C KNOPF (Hermann). (Modern.) His Favorite Song. do. C — C KNORR (Georg). Lobau, West Prussia, 1845. (Modern.) In a Boarding-schoo! for Young Ladies. do. B B Out into the Wide World. do. B Church Collection. do. B KNOWLES (Sheridan). (Modem.) The Last Glimpse of Home. Artist's Proofs on India, 24fxi6J inches, $15.00; D., $5.00; 8x10, $1.50. do. C C — C Return from the War. Artist's Proofs on India, 24fxi8 inches, $15.00; D., $5.00; D., 8x10, $1.50. do. c C — C "Good Night, Dear Mamma !" do. C — C Alice. do. C Betsy. do. C 632 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. KNUPFER (B.) (Modern.) The Summer Day Closes. Pleasure in the Waves. The River's Bounty. KNuPFER (Nicolaus). Leipsic (?), 1603-1660 (?). (German School.) The Seven Works of Mercy. The artist and his family. KOBELLE (Hendrick). Rotterdam, 1751-1782. (Dutch School.) Landscape. (Engraving.) C, $l.OO. Naval Battle. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Sea-piece ; several ships before a seaport. (Draw- ing) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modem Painters. C C — C do. c C — C do. B B Cassel. Dresden. C C — C C C KOCH (EUsa). Born in Leghorn (Italy), ern.) A Little Caprice. A Misfortune. Mother's Sugar-bowl. The Christmas Shoe. The Bather. Mice. Joy of Life. Pictures. "Wilt Thou Tell Me !" The Little Sister. KOCH (F.) (Modern.) With My Heart's Beloved. KOCH (G.) (Modern.) The Imperial Manoeuvres at Miincheberg. A Critical Moment. False Start. Hurdle-race. At the Watering-place. Biting Critics. The Sick Foal. KOCH (Hermann.) (Modern.) Tintoretto painting his dead daughter. (Mod- Dresden, R. C. Dresden, P. G. C do. C Modem Painters. C do. C C do. C C do. c do. c do. c do. c do. C do. c do. C C do. C — C do. C — C do. B B do. B do. B do. B do. B do. B do. C — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 633 (Companion pictures.; Expectation. The Fortune-teller. Spring Blossoms. Ingeborg. Adelheid at the Court of the Bishop of Bamberg. Spring Bloomed Over the World. "Will You Be Mine?" The Echo. "Fare Thee Well !" "He Loves Me — Loves Me Not." Far from the Busy World. *Love's Young Dream. *A Heart Question. An Emblem of Love. On the Blossoming Meadow. First Love. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; also, 7x10, $1.50. Funeral of a Benedictine Nun in Frauen, Chiem- see. Home from the Honeymoon. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; 8x10, $1.50. **Sweethearts. 1 D.- 21xU inches, $5.00. ] (Companion **The Try sting-tree. J 0., 20x15 inches, $5.00. J pictures.) **Judgment of Paris. D., 19x29 inches, $12.00. **In the Park. D., 20x28^ inches, $12.00. An Unexpected Visitor. Artist's Proofs on India, 27^x19^ inches, $15.00; D., $10.00; 16x21 inches, $5.00; 8x10, $1.50. KOCH (Joseph Anton). Obergiebeln, 1768-1839. (German School.) Mountainous landscape with several persons in the foreground. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. K5CKERT (Julius). Leipzig, 1827. (Modern.) Joys of May. In the Fields. Hay-time. Haroun al Raschid. . Fairy-dance. ♦This subject comes in an Aquarelle Gravure, 16x21 inches, **This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ Modern Paitners. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do.. do. do. do. do. C C C 4 4i C C — C C — C — C C — C C — C C — C — C C — C — C C — C — C C — C C — C — C C — C — C c — c — C C — c — c c — c c — c — c do. c — c C do. B B do. 1'. B do. P. B do. P, B C C— c Dresden, P. G. Modern Painters. C — C do. C do. C Munich, R. Max. - C C C — C Modern Painters. C C — C $12.00. 634 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Farewell Greeting. ' Wedding Procession in Upper Bavaria. Alpine Scene. Returning Home. Mid-day Rest. The Consecration. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. c C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C do. C — C KOECHLIN (A.) (Modem.) Pasture ; morning. KOEDYCK (Nicolaas). (Dutch School.) The Inner Life of Holland, Zaandam, i86i-(?). KOEHLER (Robert). Hamburg, 1850. (Modern.) Battle for Existence. KO ESTER (Alexander). (Modern.) Spring-time. KOHLSCHUTTER (P.) (Modern.) Past and Future. "My Sisters Help me Dress." The First-born. Dreams of the Future. Diligent House-wife. KOHRL (L.) (Modern.) The Postman. "Your Health, Your Reverences !" K5HRLE (Ph.) (Modern.) Harmony of Souls. The Toast. KOLITZ (L.) (Modern.) Transport of Prisoners near Metz. On the Road to Orleans. On the Retreat near Le Mans. Scene from the Skirmish near Vendome. Before Paris. KOLLER (Rudolf). Ziirich, 1828. (Modern.) Horses pulling a car, and a colt running along- side. do. Brussels. Modern Painters. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Bale. C C — C C C — C C C C C — C — C C — C — C C — c c C — c c c c c — c c B — B C — C B _ B B _ B B SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 636 Cows on the shore of a lake. Herd of cattle at the watering-place. KONER (Max). (Modern.) Emperor William II. Emperor William II.; half length. Portrait of Ad. Menzel. D., 191x14^ inches, $5.00. KONER (S.) Happy Childhood. KONIG (Hugo). Dresden, 1856. (Modern.) Thusnelda Taken Prisoner by Germanicus. On the Towers of St. Peter's. The Gardener's Daughter. Lazy Land. An Inquiry. Father's Boots. A Difficult Passage. Brother and Sister. In the May Sun. Two Families. Grandfather's Pet. KONINCK (Philip de), or KONING. Amsterdam, 1619-1689. (Dutch School.) Landscape. Dutch landscape. Wind-mill. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Landscape. Edge of the Wood. Landscape ; view in Holland. KONINCK (Salomon de). Amsterdam, 1609-1674. (Dutch School,) Calling of Matthew the Apostle. Croesus Showing his Wealth to Solon. Portrait of a rabbi. Learned man studying. D., 7x9 inches, $1.50. A hermit reading. Portrait of an old man. Portrait of an old man, half length. The Astronomer. The Boy Christ in the Temple, Gallery. Sises, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. C — C do. do. do. do. B — B — B — C C — C do. C c — c do. — c — c do. B — B do. B — B do. — — C do. . — — C do. C c — C do. — c — C do. — — C do. c — C do. — — — c — C Berlin. C c — C Frankfort. c — — — Weimar. — — — Amsterdam. c — — — do. c — _ — London, N. G. — — — c — c Berlin. — c do. — — — — — c do. — — c Brunswick. — — — — — B Dresden. BC — BC c — B do. c — do. c — — — do. c — Munich. — c — C 636 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sices, 2 2i 3 3i 4 4i Portrait of the Rabbi Manasse ; ben Israel. (Copy after Rembrandt.) Vienna, Liecht. — — — C — — Adoration of the Magi. The Hague. — — — C — C The Savant. St. Petersburg. — — — — C — c c c c c — c c — c KONINXLOO. See CONINXLOO. KOPF (J.) (Modern.) Fourteen Helpers in Need. Modern Painters. St. Joseph, St. Anthony, and St. James. do. St. Leonard, St. Stephen, and St. Laurence. do. Holy Family. do. KOPPAY (J.) (Modern.) Dolce far Niente. do. King Ludwig H. Lying in State. do. C KOPPEL (G.) (Modern.) •'Mamma, What are You Doing?" do. C C — C KOPPEN (T.) (Modern.) Caritas. do. C Antigone and Ismene. do. C C Antigone Reaching the Corpse of her Brother Polyneikes. do. C KOPPERS (J.) (Modern.) Opportunity Makes the Thief. Two Grandmothers. Happy Spring-time. Feathered Pets. A Spring Poem. Caritas. KOTSCH (Theodor). Hanover, 1885. (Modern.) Landscape. do. C C KOTSCHENREITER (H.) (Modern.) A Lay-brother's Joy. Lay-brother's Pain. Lay-brother's Bliss. Beater with dogs. Bad Omen. A Drop Wasted. do. C C — C do. C — C do. c c — C do. C C — C do. c c — C do. C C — c 81&— Munich, do. c — c do. c — c do. C — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 687 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Blind Zeal Only does Harm. Modern Painters. C Forest-keeper's Pets. do. C Beater's Return Home. do. C The Poacher. do. C Precious Perquisites. do. C Hunter's Latin ! do. C Memories. do. C — C Correct Time. do. C Irrecoverably Lost. do. C — C Heavily Laden. do. C Picnic-party Caught in the Rain. do. C A Great Misfortune. do. C Angry Card-players. do. C Good Results. do. C A Tired Wanderer. do. C Honor to Whom Honor is Due. do. C Frightful Story. do. C In the Bowling-alley. do. C C — C Keep Cool ! do. C In the Convent Library. do. C Agreeable Interruption. do. C "It W^on't Do !'• do. C Prize — Bowling. . do. C — C Debit. do. C Credit. do. C Sulky. do. C The New Waitress. do. C Ace of Trumps. do. C KOTZEBUE (Alexander von). Konigsberg, 181 5- 1889. (Modern.) Battle of Karstula, Finland, 1809. do. C C Passage of the Russians over the Baltic Sea, 1809. do. C C Peter the Great Founding St. Petersburg. Munich, R. Max. — C C C KOWALSKI-WIERUSZ (Alfred von). Warsaw, Poland. (Modern.) Napoleon's Retreat from Russia. Modern Painters. C C — C Transporting Polish militia, do. C C — C Piqueur. do. C On Horseback. do. C Marching Out (XVII. century). do. C 638 SOULE ART COMPANY BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. c do. C — C do. C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C do. C do. C — C do. c C — C do. do. C do. C do. C — C do. C do. c C — C do. C do. C do. C do. c C — C do. C — C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. _ _ c C — C do. do. C do. c C — C do. C — C do. C do. C — C Wolf-hunt. In the Evening. Dismal Journey. Street in Poland. On the Scent. Off for the Wolf-hunt. Horse-market. Return from the Market. The Halt. A Sorry Companion. Polish Postman. ID., 11x15 inches, $3,00. Hunting Wild Beasts, j (Companion pictures.) Off to the Hunt. Wolf-hunting with Lassos. At the Chase. Attacked by Wolves. The Beater. On the Highway. On the Scent. Attacked by Wolves. The Flight. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. On the Return Home. Waiting for the Master. Heron-hawking. Disagreeable Companion. Return from the Hunt. Attacked by Wolves. Russian Vehicle on the High-road. After the Hunt. Wedding Procession in Krakow (Poland). Russian Hunters Going to the Chase. In Spring. Jolly Journey. A Pleasant Morning. In Spring. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. Merry Journey. A Wedding Journey. Over Hedge and Ditch. Wolf-hunting. In February. SOULE ART COMPANY, , BOSTON. . ( 639 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 34 4 4i ♦Winter Night in Lithuania. (The Lone Wolf's Vigil.) D., i5^x2of inches, $5.00. Modern Painters. C C ^ C Return from a Russian Fair. do. — C — C Sledge-riding iv Lithuania During the Carnival. D., 11x19 inches, $5.00. do. B B On the Moors. do. — C — C The Poachers. do. — — — C — C Homewards. do. — — — C — C Starting for the Boar-hunt. do. B B Circassians. do. B B Cross the Plains in Winter. do. — — B B Return from the Bear-hunt. do. B B The Guests are Coming. do. B B KOWALSKI (L. F.) (Modern.) The Childhood of Jesus. (Salon of 1896.) do. C C KOZAKIEWICZ (Anton). Cracow, 1844. (Mod- ern.) Love's Treasure. do. ■ C KOZICS (Fr.) (Modern.) Elfen Games. do. C KRAJEWSKI (D.) (Modern.) The Farewell. do. C — C KRAMER (E.) (Modern.) On the Trail. do. C Meeting. do. C KRAMER (L.) (Modern.) Alsatia Antiqua. do. C C KRANACH (Lucas). See CRANACH. KRAUS (Friedrich). Krottingen, East Prussia, 1826. (Modern.) Short Separation. do. C C — C Inquisitive Chambermaid. do. C C — C Before the Ball. do. B B Critics on Art. do. B B Study-head. do. B Bacchant Awakening. do. B B ♦This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, fi.8o. 640 . SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, . 2 2^ 3 3i 4 4i Revery. Modern Painters. — — B Childish Amusement. do. B — — B Renaissance. do. B — — B The Don Juan of the Court-yard. do. B — — B Dolce far Niente. do. B — B A Quiet Nap. do. — — B Singing Lesson. do. B — — B Nobody at Home. do. B — B KRAY (Wilhelm). Berlin. (Modern.) Undine. do. — C C c — c Loreley. do. — G C c — c St. John's Night. do. C c — C The Fisherman. do. — C C c — C Undine and Nymph. do. — C C c — C Venetian Swimming-school. do. C c — C Siren of Tivoli. do. C c — C Danube Nymph. do. — C C c — C Psyche and Zephyr. do. — C C c — C A Nymph. do. — C C c — C St. John's Bath. do. C C C c — C The Friends. do. — C C c — C The Love-boat. do. C C C c — C The Water-fairies and the Fisherman. do. — C C c — C On the Sands. do. — C C c — C A Lazy Witch. do. C c — C Through Earthly Storms to Heavenly Rest. do. — C c c — C Nymphs at Play. do. — C C c — C Return from the Floral Festival. do. C c — C Love at Sea. do. — C C c — c Psyche Forsaken. do. — C C c — C The Little Improvisator. do. c c — c Homeless. do. C c — c Happy Days, Ye Days of Youth! do. C c — c Idylls of the Sea. do. C c — c Forever. do. — C C c — c "Welcome, Olaf!" do. — C C c — c Psyche. do. — C C c — c The Butterfly. do. — C C c — c Erinna. do. c c — c Krethis. do. c c — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 641 Preziosa. Spring. Psyche at the Seashore. Sappho. Thais. Psyche Sorrowing over Love Asleep. Psyche Sorrowing. Daughters of the Waves. Psyche with a Butterfly. Summer. Winter. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. The Marvelous Fish. (Loreley, Cycle i.) The Youth and the Maid. (Loreley, Cycle 2.) The Declaration. (Loreley, Cycle 3.) D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; 8x10, $1.50. Loreley and Igorne. (Loreley, Cycle 4.) Evil Counsel. (Loreley, Cycle 5.) A Misunderstanding. (Loreley, Cycle 6.) At Castle Katz. (Loreley, Cycle 7.) My Water Home. (Loreley, Cycle 8.) Heinrich's Death. (Loreley, Cycle 11.) Loreley. (Loreley, Cycle 12.) D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. Pausias and his Flower-girl. KRAY (W.) and HENPEL (L. W.) Misunderstanding. (Loreley, Cycle 6.) King Rhine. (Loreley, Cycle 9.) The Enticement. (Loreley, Cycle 10.) KRELING (August von). Osnabriick, 1819— Munich, 1876. (Modern.) Coronation of Ludwig of Bavaria. KRETZSCHMER (Hermann). Anclam, Pome- rania, 181 1 — Berlin, 1890. (Modern.) In the Village Church. The Village Doctor. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3i 4 4i Modern Painters. — c — c do. — C C c — c do. — C C c — c do. c c — c do. — — — c do. — C c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — t; do. c c — c do. B — — B do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c Munich, R. Max. — C C C The Cat's Luncheon Little Sweet-tooth. The Village School. Caught. l (Companion pictures.) I (Companion pictures.) Modern Painters. B do. B B do. B B do. B B do. B B do. — — — B 642 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON . Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Honeymoon. Modern Painters. B Grateful Patients. do. B B — B Returning Home from School. do. B B Chambermaid's Vanity. do. B The First Cradle. do. B A Marriage at Gretna Green in the Last Century. do. B B — B Sold Out (figure of a child). 1 (Comp. do. B "A Penny, Sir" (figure of a child), j pictures.) do. B The Village Street. do. B The Milk is Boiling Over. do. B KRICHELDORF (C.) (Modern.) The Letter. do. C Breakfast. ' , do. C — C In Love. do. ^ C — C Teasing in the Spinning-room. do. C — C Don Juan in the Country. do. C — C The First Grandchild. do. C — C Shepherd's Prophecy. do. , C Insidious Question. do. C — C • Bierphilister. do. C — C Merry Company. do. C — C Genre. do. C Gossip. do. C "We Are Always in High Feather !" do. C — C "Much Good May It Do !" do. C Saying Grace. do. C — C Merry Cenzerl. do. C The Little Rogue. do. ' C In the Tavern on the Heath. do. C — C A Letter from My Sweetheart. do. C Near My Sweetheart. do, C The Orphan. do. C KRODEL (Wolfgang). Painted between 1528 and 1561. (German School.) David and Bathsheba. Vienna ATus. C KRONBERG (Julius). Karlskrona, Sweden, 1850. (Modern.) Approach of Spring. Modern Painters. C C — C Consolation in Praver. do. C — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 643 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4| Joy in Song. Modern Painters. C — C KRONBERGER (Carl). Freystadt, Upper Aus- tria, 1841. (Modern.) The Guide Snowed In. do. C — C In Winter. do. C Convicted. do. C C — — The Comet. do. C Transport of Vagabonds. . do. C C Danger in Sight. do. - C Itinerant Workmen. do. C In the Snow. do. C On the Edge of the Abyss. do. C The Snowman. do. C KRONER (Christian Johann). Rinteln, in Hesse, 1838. (Modern.) Deer in Winter. Still-life. Vanquished. ) (Companion pictures.) *In the Teutoburg Forest. |"D., 16x21 in., $5.00. The Attack. | D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. Red Deer in Cover, j (Companion pictures.) Wild Boars. Crying Stag. Black Game in the Snow. Disturber of the Peace. Stags in Autumn. Rutting Stag. Breaking Through. 1 (Companion pictures.) The Best (Boar-hunt). jD., 12x19 inches, $5.00. Woodcocks. Mountain Cocks. Autumn Morning. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. Evening in the Forest. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. On the Morning of August 12th. Danger Ahead. A Dangerous Crossing. Pheasants. do. BC— BG do. « C — C do. C C — C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. — C — C do. c C — C do. B B do. B B do. B — B B do. B — B B, do. B — B do. B — B do. C C — C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. B *This subject comes in an Aquarelle Gravure, about 21x15 inches, $12.00. 644 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. (Companion pictures.) Morning (deer and stags). Evening. Challenge (stag). In Autumn ( deer in the mountains). D., i8^x 14 inches, $5.00 Stags Feeding. A Winter Day. Stag. At Early Dawn. D., 22x29 inches, $12.00. Hare Hunting. Bustards and Wild Geese. D., 14^x20 inches, $5.00. Partridges. KROYER (Peter Severin). Stavanger, Norway, 1851. (Modern.) Session of the Committee of French Artists at Copenhagen. D., 13x21 inches, $5.00. KRUG (Edouard). Born in Drubec (Calvados). (Modern.) The Venerable de La Salle, founder of the "Brethren of the Christian Schools," 1680. La Pomme, Literary and Artistic Society. (Salon of 1898.) KRUSE (F.) (Modern.) An Autumn Day. KRUSEMARK (Karl Maximilian). Lubbenau. 1834 — Gohlis, near Dresden, 1880. (Modern.) Greek Flower-girls. Aphrodite. KUEHL (Gotthard). Liibeck, 185 1. (Modern.) Foot Soldiers. The Sail-maker. Choristers. A Conference. KUGELGEN (Gerhardt de). Bacharach, 1772- 1820. (German School.) Gallery. Sizes, 22^^ 3i 4 4h Modern Painters. B — — B do. B B do. B B do. . B B do. B B do. ^ B B do. B B do. — B B B do. — B B B do do. B do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. B B c c c c — c — c B — — c — c — r. — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 645 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Andromeda. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. • Dresden, R. C. A Muse. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Pandora. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Danae. (Drawing.) C, $i.(X). do. KUGHARSKI. Marie Antoinette in the Temple. Versailles. C — Portrait of the Dauphin, son of Louis XVI. (Louis Joseph Xaxier Francois de France), 1781-1789. (Pastel.) Trianon. C — C — Portrait of the Dauphin. MastersXIX.Cen. C — KUHNERT (W.) (Modern.) Arabian Spies Finding the Trail of a Caravan. Modern Painters. B B KULMBACH (Hans de), Hans Siiss. Kulmbach (?)-i522. (German School.) Adoration of the Kings. Berlin. C C C Christ adored by two saints. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Dresden, R. C. St. Joseph and St. Zacharias. Munich. C C (Direction of Hans von Kulmbach.) Adoration of the Magi. — Outpouring of the Holy Ghost, do. C — C Resurrection of Christ. — Coronation of the Vir- gin, do. C — C KUNTZ (G. A.) (Modem.) In the Studio. • Modern Painters. B B A Roman Pilgrim Girl. do. B B The Confession. do. B B All Saints' Day in the Capuchins' Cemetery. do. B KUNZ (Adam). (Modern.) Still-life. • do. _ C Madonna crowned with wreath. do. C — C KUPETZKY (Johann). Poesing, Upper Hungary, 1667 — Nuremberg, 1740. (German School.) Female portrait. Munich. C — C KURTZ (G.) (Modern.) Wounded Fox. Modern Painters. C — C KURZBAUER (Eduard). Vienna, 1840— Mu- nich, 1879. (Modern.) 646 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^, 3 3^ 4 4^ The Rejected Proposal. Modern Painters. C C — C Sulky. do. C C — C Country Festival in Sweden. do. — C C C — C Stormy Wooing. do. C C — C Morning Devotions. v do- C Sporting Gentleman. ^'' do. C C — C Morning Toilette. do. C First Endeavor. do. C C — ^ Calumniation. do. C C — * Tyrolese Girl. do. ■ — L Card-players Quarreling. do. C — — In the House of Mourning. do. — C C C — C Bust-portrait of a woman. do. — — C Delayed. do. — C Telling Fairy Stories. do. • C — C Agitator. do. — C The New Picture-book. do. P> B — B KURTZ-GALLENSTEIN (A.) (Modern.) Sunday. do. C LAASNER (H.) (Modern.) My Dear! do. C — C Blind-man's-buflf. do. B B LAAZ (Peter de). A horse. (Engraving.) C, .75. Dresden, R. C. — LACAILLE (Felix Jules). Born in Paris. (Mod- ern.) Maria Virgo. Modern Painters. C LADDY (E.) (Modern.) Mignon. ' do. C LAEN (Dirk Jan) van der XVI. century. (Dutch School.) The Country-seat. Berlin. C — C LAER (Pieter de), called Bamboccio. Haarlem, 1613-1673. (Dutch School.) The Quack. Cassel. C Horse and dog. (Engraving.) C, .75. Dresden, R. C. Horse led by a peasant. (Engraving.) C, .75. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 647 Gallery. Siacs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4j Horses in a landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Weimar. LA FAGE (Raymond de). Island of Albigeois, 1656 ( ?)— Lyons, i684( ?). (French School.) Drawing for a fan: Diana Hunting. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Paris, Louvre. Group of children in a bark. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. * LA FARGE (John). New York, 1835. (Modern.) Adoring Angels ; 4 mural decorations. PI., diam- New York, eter 9 inches, $2.50; 6^ diameter, $1.50. Paulist Frs. ' Ch. Booth Memorial. PL, 20x8 inches, $4.00; 13x5, N. Y., Little Ch. $2.00. Around Corner. Halt of the Wise Men. PI., 15x21 inches, $5.00; 9x11, $2.00. Boston, M. F. A. Christ and Nicodemus ; mural painting. PI., I2x 10 inches, $3.00. Boston, Trin. Ch. Isaiah ; mural decoration. PL, 13x7 inches, $2.50. do. Suonatore. PL, 12x10 inches, $3.00. do. Kuwannon, or the Goddess of Meditation. PL, 12^x10 inches, $3.00. do. Athens ; mural decoration, PL, 10x20 inches, Brunswick, Me., $5.00; 6x12, $2.50. Walker Art Bldg. — Detail of the above : figure representing the city of Athens. PL, 21x18 inches, $6.00. do. Detail of "Athens" ; figure representing the Di- vinity of the Woods. PL, 21x18 inches, $6.00. do. Mary. PL, 13x4 inches, $1.50. Modern Painters. St. John. PL, 13x4 inches, $1.50. do. Music; mural decoration. PL, 9x11 inches, $4.00; 5x13, $1.50. do. Drama; mural decoration. PL, 9x11 inches, $4.00; 5x13, $1.50. do. _ The Wolf-charmer. PL, 8^x6^ inches, $2.00. do. . LA FON (Frangois). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Eve. do. C The Samaritan. do. C Phoebe. do. C The Grasshoppei do. C 648 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Siaes, 2 2I 3 3^ 4 4^ Diana. Modern Painters. q Portrait of M. Pasteur. do. q Dawn. do. q The Grasshopper. do. q The Ant. do. C Folly Leading Love. . do. C Leda. do. C Thracian Maidens Scoffing at the Body of Orphe- us, do. C Fruits (Town-hall of Pantin). do. C In the Open Air. do. C The Three Sisters. do. C C Vision of St. Francis of Assisi. do. C Fishing. do. C C Hunting. do. C C Joan of Arc. do. C C Purgatory. do. C Christmas Night. ^ do. , C Declaration of War between the King of France and the Emperor of Austria in 1792. (Salon of 1897.) do. C C LA FON (Jacques 6mile). Perigneus, 1817-1886. (Modern.) The Orphans. do. C LA FOSSE (Charles de). Paris, 1636-1716. (French School.) Moses Saved from the Waters. Paris, Louvre. C — C — Marriage of the Virgin. do. C — LA GARDE (Pierre). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Diana. Modern Painters. : C Education of a Parrot. do. C The Night Watch. do. C By the Waters of Babylon. do. C The Virgin in the Wilderness. do. C LAGNEAU or LANNEAU. Beginning of the XVn. century. (French School.) Portrait of Jean Pierre Acarie (i540?-i6i3). Mem- ber of the Council of Sixteen during the League. (Drawing in three crayons.) Nat'l Portraits. C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 649 (School of Lagneau.) Portrait of Philip de Mor- nay (i 549-1623). Lord of Ulessy-Marly, politician and Protestant, controvertist. (Drawing in three crayons.) Portrait of Pierre Brisson (?-i59o), historian, Seneschal of Fontenay-le-Comte. (Drawing in two crayons.) Portrait of Rabelais, three-quarters right view of bust, holding a sheet of paper, which he is reading through his eye-glasses. (Drawing.) Bust of an old man, full face. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Bust of an old man turned to the right. (Draw- ing.) C, $2.50. Bust of an old man, full face. (Drawing.) ,C., $2.50. LAGOOR (Johann P.) Haarlem, XVII. century. (Dutch School.) Cluster of Trees at the Water-side. LAGRENeE (Louis Jean Frangois), the Elder. Paris, 1724-1805. (French School.) Abduction of Dejanira. The Toilet. The Bath of Diana. Diana at the Bath. LAGRENEE (Jean Jacques), the Younger. Paris, 1740-1821. (French School.) Melancholy. (Attributed to J. J. Lagrenee.) The Three Graces. LAGUILLERMIE (Frederic Auguste). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Idleness. (Far Niente.) LA HYRE (Laurent de). Paris, 1606-1656. (French School.) Madonna and Child. St. Peter Healing the Sick. St. Peter Healing the Sick ; sketch of the above. Pope Nicholas V. opening the vault containing the body of St. Francis of Assisi (i449)- Gallery. Shcs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Nat'l Portraits. do. C — do. De Beurnonv. C. C Dresden, R. C. do. do. Buda-Pesth. — c — Paris, Louvre. c — c — H. Vever Col. c — do. c — BesanQon. \^ Paris, Louvre. C — c — do. c — c — Modern Painters. C Paris, Louvre, do. do. do. — C — C C — C — C — C — 650 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Madonna and Child. LAIRESSE (Gerard de). Liege, 1641— Amster- dam, 171 1. (Dutch School.) Hercules between Vice and Virtue. Achilles and the Daughter of Lycomedes. Feast of Bacchus. Apollo and the Muses on Parnassus. Evangelist holding a book. (Drawing.) C, .75. Evangelist standing. (Drawing.) C, .75. LAISSEMENT (Adolphe Henry). Born in Paris. (Modern.) A Reading to the Committee of the Comedie Frangaise. LA JOUE (Jacques). Paris, 1687-1761. (French School.) Frontispiece of the Works of Wouverman. (Drawing.) C, $2,50. LA LAING (Jacques, Count of). Born in Belgium. (Modern.) The Intercepted Courier. LA LAISSE (Hippolyte). Born in Nancy. (Mod- ern.) The Storm. LALANZE (Alphonse). (Modern.) Surrender of the Garrison of Stettin. (Salon of 1899.) LA LYRE (Adolphe). Born in Rouvres (Meuse). (Modern.) The Model. Study. Hesione. Mermaids on the Watch. Mermaids in Repose. St. Cecilia. (Salon of 1896.) LALLEMANT (Philippe). Paris, 1626-1716. (French School.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4I Florence, Uffizi. C Paris, Louvre. C — Brunswick. B Cassel. C — C Dresden. C C Dresden, R. C. do. Modern Painters. C De Goncourt Col. IModern Painters. C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C c C c c C -- c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 651 Portrait of Perrault (Claude), architect, 1613- 1688. LAMBERT (Emma). Courtyard at Crescy-en-Brie. inches, $2.00. PI., about 9x3 LAMBERT (Eugene). Born in Paris, 1825. (Mod- ern.) A Family of Cats. LAMBERTINI (Michel di Matteo). Bologna, 1 440- 1 469. Altar-screen composed of fifteen different reli- gious scenes. Detail of the above : St. Helen and St. Lucy. LAMI (Louis Eugene). Paris, 1800-1890. (French School.) Supper in the Theatre Room at Versailles. (Water-color.) Battle of Hondschoote, September 8, 1793. Battle of Wattignies, October 16, 1793. Portrait of Louis Charles Alfred de Musset (1810- 1857), poet, dramatist, Member of the French Academy. (Drawing.) LAMY (Frangois). Born in Clermont-Ferrand. (Modern.) Sleep. Fantasy. Easter Daisy. In the Depths of the Woods. Summer Dream. The Peace of the Fields. (Salon of 1898.) LANCEROTTO (Egisto). Pigeons of St. Mark's. Three Pearls. Indefatigable. The First Instruction. (Modern.) LANCRET (Nicolas). School.) Paris, 1690-1743. (French Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ Versailles. C — Boston, Stet. Col. Paris, Lux, Venice, do. Paris, Lux. Versailles, do. Nat'l Portraits. C Modern Painters. C do. C do. C C do. C do. C do. C do. C — c do. C C — c do. C — c do. — — — — — c 652 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 24 3 3i 4 4i Spring. Paris, Louvre. — — C — c — Summer. do. — — C — c — Autumn. do. — — c — c — Winter. do. " — — c — c — Turtle-doves. do. — — — — c — The Birds' Nest. do. — — — — c — The Music Lesson. do. — — c — c — Innocence. do. — — c — c — Actors in Italian Comedy. do. — — — — c — The Boaster Punished. do. — — — ■ — c — The Cage. do. — — — — c — Two figures in a landscape. do. — — — — c — Two female figures and a head. (Drawing.) do. — — — — — c The Player of the Bass-viol. Old Masters. — — — . — c — The Lady with the Parasol. do. — — — — c — Portrait of Nicolas Lancret, painter of festive scenes, Member of the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture. Nat'l Portraits. — — — — c — Woman standing holding a mask ; another seat- ed singing ; both wearing black dresses with fur trimming. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. De Goncourt Col . — — — Breakfast on Ham. Chantilly. — c Two male figures crouching. (Drawing.) Lille. — — — c After Breakfast. Berlin. — c _ Fete Champetre. do. — — c Festive Party in the Open Air. do. — — c — . Fete Champetre. do. — — c — The Little Mill. do. c _ The Sleeper Disturbed. do. c _ The Ball. do. c _ _ Diversion in a Pavilion. do. c _ The Interrupted Concert. do. c _ The Young Bird-catcher. do. c _ _ Rustic Feast. - do. c _ Shepherd-scene. do. c c Danse Champetre. Dresden. — c c Sketch ; two horsemen and a lady. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Dresden, R. C. — — — In the Park. (Now in the Royal Gallery of Schleissheim.) Munich. — — c c c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 653 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ The Young Bird-catchers. D., 9^x7^ inches, $2.00. St. Peters'g, Her. C . Women at the Bath. D., 9x7^ inches, $2.00. do. C LANDELLE (Charles). Born in Laval (Mayenne), 1 82 1. (Modern.) The Presentiment of the Virgin. (Salon of 1859.) Paris, Lux. C C In the Grain. Modern Painters. C A Harvester. • do. C Revery. do. C Rebecca. do. C Woman of Siloah at Jerusalem. do. C The Naiad. do. C C Orange-seller at Jerusalem. do. C Susanna at the Bath. do. — C The Messenger of the Tempests. do. C The Little Orphan — Fontana. do. C Judith. do. C C The Prayer. do. C Nymph of the Cascade. do. C C Darbouka player. do. C Faith. do. C C The First Carriage. do. C Nomad children of the Beni Adas-bou-Saada. do. C Little Algerian girl with a tortoise. do. C Young Algerian girl with a ewer. ' do. C Flowers of France. do. C C Hollyhock. do. C The Awakening. do.* C The Holy Spinner. ' do. C C The Modern Law. do. C Young Fellahin of Cairo. do. C The Virgin's Staircase at Siloah, do. C Zouina, little beggar-girl of Algeria. do. C Jerusalem — Easter Night. do. C Young Arab girl of Touggourt. do. C Women of Tlemcen. do. C C Ruth. do. C C In Wine, the Truth. do. C C Smell. do. C C Taste. do. C C Sight. do, C C 654 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Hearing. Modern Painters. C C Touch. do. C C The Emerald Isle. do. C C The Country of Roses. (Salon of 1896.) do. C The Red Rose. (Salon of 1896.) do. C Yamina. (Salon of 1896.) do, C Mignon. (Salon of 1896.) do. ■ C C The First Skirmish. (Salon of 1897.) do. C — — C Little Girl of Ventimiglia. (Salon of 1897.) do. C C The Holly— "Whoever Meddles with it, Pricks do. C C Himself." (Salon of 1898.) do. C C Joy. (Salon of 1898.) do. C C Grief. (Salon of 1898.) do. C C Little Player of the Kintre. (Salon of 1898.) do. C C The Roses' Intoxication. (Salon of 1899.) do. ^ C C An Enigma. (Salon of 1899.) do. C C LANDELLE (Georges). Born in Paris. (Mod- ern.) Little Spinner at the Wheel. do, C Grandmother's Festival. do, C Dragon-fly. do. C LANDINI (Jacopo), called Jacopo di CASENTI- NO. Was living in 1365. (Florentine School.) Altar-piece, representing three events in the his- tory of the church, namely : In the centre: St. Peftr distributing ecclesias- tical honors. Left part : St, Peter freed from prison ; at his side, four apostles. Right part : The Crucifixion of St. Peter ; at his side, four apostles, LANDON (Charles Paul). Nonant (Orne), 1760— Paris, 1826. (French School,) Leda. Paris, Louvre, C — C — LANDRE (Louise Amelie). Born in Paris, (Mod- ern.) On the Shore of Lake Leman. Modern Painters. C C "Is It This One?" do. C Florence, Uffizi. C do. C do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 656 LANDSEER (Sir Edwin). London, 1802-1873. (English School.) Two little King Charles spaniels. D., $5.00. The Rich and the Poor Dog, "Low Life and High Life." Scotch interior: "Highland Music." ''The Sleeping Bloodhound"; a dog running in his sleep. D., $5.00. Dignity and Impudence. The Horse-shoer. D., $5.00. "Highland Dogs" ; group of dogs. "Alexander and Diogenes" ; group of eight dogs. Francis Chantry's Study. Friends. D., 21x16 inches, $5.00. Young woman nursing a child. (Exhibition of female portraits at the £cole des Beaux Arts, 1897.) LANDSHUT (Mair de). A horseman. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Young man and woman. (Drawing. ) C, $1.25. LANDSINGER (Siegmund). Hymn to Spring. Pandora. (Modern.) LANEN (Christopher, Van Der). 1651. (Flemish School.) Banquet of Soldiers and Courtesans. About 1615- LANEUVILLE (Jean Louis). Was living be- tween 1789 and 1847. (French School.) Portrait of Marshal Serurier (Jean Mathieu Phil- ibert), 1742-1819. Pare, Minister of the Interior, notifying the Con- vention in 1749 of the arrest of Danton. LANFRANCO (Giovanni di Stefano). Parma, 1581-1647. (Lombard School.) Hagar in the Desert. Mater Dolorosa. Assumption of the Virgin. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Assumption of the Virgin. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Gallery. Shcs, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4I London, N. G. C — do. C _ do. C — do. — — C _ do. C — do. C — do. C — do. C — . London, B. P. — c do. — c c c do. Paris, Louvre. — do. — — C C — do. do. C Madrid. Versailles. C MastersXIX.Cen. C Paris, Louvre. C — Munich. C C Florence, Uffizi. do. 656 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ LANG (Heinrich). Ratisbon, 1838 — Munich, 1891. (Modern.) Episode from the Battle of Sedan. Steeple-chase. Grand Battery of the 2d Bavarian Corps at Se- dan. Retreat and Pursuit of the French towards Reichshofen. Vionville, August i6th, 1870. Street in Stamboul. On the Galata Bridge, looking towards Stamboul. Catching Horses in Hungary. Vallide-Moschee. Bashi-Bazouks. Meeting in the "Puszta" (Hungary). In the Stable, I. In the Stable, II. Circus-Director Herzog, on Campiador, the "High-manege" Horse. Mrs. Herzog on Beldemonio, the "High-manege" Horse. In Harness. Before the Horseback-ride. In the Stable. Before the Horseback-ride. The Spring Horse-races. Horse-racing. Soliman. Barsony. Scene from the Grand Charge of the French Cav- alry in the Battle of Sedan. English race-horse, 3 years old. Hungarian vehicle from the Vienna Exposition. Stag, an English race-horse. Hungarian vehicle. Russian trotter. Radigal, an Englip^ race-horse. Horse from eastern Prussia. Pinzgau stallion. Black Prince, shire stallion. Almansor, Trakehner stallion (Wolff Circus). Modern Painters. — do. — C C C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. _ c c c _ c c c c — c c c c c c c c c c c c — C — c c c c c — c — c c c c c c — c c r" v^ c c c c c c c c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 657 Gallery. Siacs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ English hunter. Modern Painters. C Oriental stallion. do, C English hunter. do. C Blondel, champion of the Renz Circus. do. . C Percheron stallions. do. ^ C C — C Trakehner stallions. do. C C — C Hungarian "Banderium." do. C In Circus-stables. do. C — C LANG (Herman). (Modern.) "It is Finished." D., 20x27 inches, $10.00. do. C C C St. Afra. do. C — C The Christmas Letter. do. C LANG (Hugo). (Modern.) Alpine Flowers. do. C C LANGENMANTEL (Ludwig von). Kelheim, 1854. (Modern.) Savonarola Preaching Against Luxury. do. — C C C C LANGER (J.) (Modern.) Prophecy of a Silesian shepherd to Prince Wil- liam of Prussia. do. B LANGHARD (Adolphe). (Modern.) Obsession. (Salon of 1898.) do. C C LANGHETTI (Giovanni Battista). Genoa, 1634- 1670. (Genoese School.) Apollo Punishing Marsyas. Dresden. C LANGLEY (Walter). England. (English School.) An Interesting Story. MastersXIX.Cen. C LANGLOIS (Jerome Martin). Paris, 1779-1838. (French School.) Portrait of Jacques Louis David (1748- 1825), art- ist. Member of the Royal Academy of Paint- ing and Sculpture; Member of the Institute. Paris, Louvre. C — C LANGUILLERMIE (A.) (Modern.) A Fisherv^oman. Modern Painters. C C LANINI (Bernardino). Verceil, (?)-i578. (Italian School.) 658 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Holy Family. Adoration of the Infant Jesus at Bethlehem ; the Holy Family, two monks, angels and shep- herds. (Drawing.) LANSIL (Walter Franklin). Bangor, Maine, 1846. (Modern.) Venetian Boats. PI., 9^x11 inches, $2.00. Approach to Venice. PL, 8x11 inches, $2.00. Evening in the Harbor. PI,, 12x15 inches, $3.00. LANSINK (J. School.) The Stuck Pig. W.) Dates unknown. (Dutch LANZANI (Polidoro), called PoUdoro VENEZI- ANO. Venice, 1515-1575. (Venetian School.) A noble Venetian, consecrating his child to the Virgin, is presenting it to St. Joseph. At his right, St. Magdalen, the Child Jesus and the guardian angel. Madonna and Child, with St. Francis. The Virgin presenting the Child Jesus to St. John. LAPORTE (Emile Henri). Born in Paris. (Mod- ern.) Awakening of a Bacchante. Venus Lamenting the Death of Adonis. A Bacchante. Nymphaeum. LAPORTE (Marcellin). Bom in St. Genietz d'Olt, 1839. (Modern.) Betrothed. The Fine Pumpkin. LARD (Frangois Maurice). Bom in Paris. (Mod- ern.) Faded Roses. LARGILLIERE (Nicolas de). (French School.) Paris, 1656-1746. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4I London, Nat. G. C — C Venice. ^Modern Painters. Bos. Stet. Col. do. Berlin. — C c Dresden. Florence, Uffizi. — C — C Rome, Borg. Gal. C Modem Painters. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 659 The Provost of the Merchants and the Sheriffs of the City of Paris. Portrait of the Count de la Chatre. Portrait of a young woman as Diana. Portrait of President de Laage. Portrait of Largilliere, wife and daughter. Portrait of the sculptor, Nicolas Coustou. Portrait of Morant (Thomas), Councilor of State. Portrait of Largilliere and his family. Portrait of Thierry (Jean), sculptor, 1669-1739, Female portrait. Portrait of Thomas Germain and wife. Portrait of Mile. Duclos (1670-1748), Marie Anne de Chateauneuf, Actress in the "Comedie Fran<;aise." Portrait of the artist, by himself, in studio cos- tume. Portrait of Louise Franqoise de Bourbon, called Mademoiselle de Nantes (1673-1743), daughter of Louis XIV., and of the Marquise de Montespan, wife of Louis IIL, Duke de Bourgogne, Prince de Conti. Portrait of Nicholas Boileau Despreaux (1636- 171 1), satirical poet. Member of the French Academy. Portrait of Marie Louise Elizabeth of Orleans, Duchesse de Berry (1695-1719), eldest daughter of Philip of Orleans, Regent of France, called Mademoiselle before her marriage with the Duke de Berry (1710). Portrait of Frangoise Bertaut, Lady de Motte- ville (1621-1689), writer. Portrait of the Baroness de Besenval of the Holy Empire, nee Countess Bielinska, cousin ger- mane of Queen Marie Leczinska. Portrait of Suzanne le Paige de Pinterville, wife of Le Pesant de Boisguilbert, Lieutenant- General of the Bailiwick of Rouen. Portrait of an unknown person. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3i 4 Paris, Louvre. c do. C — C do. C do. C — C do. C — c do. c Versailles. c dp. c do. c Old Masters. c do. — — — — c 4i do. do. C — C Nat'l Portraits. — do. — C — C do. do. do. C — C — do. Chantilly. 660 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Portrait of Mile. Duclos (Marie Anne de Chat- eauneuf) (1670-1748). Portrait of Gobinet, professor in the Sorbonne. Portrait of Jean Forest (i635?-i7i2?), land- scape painter, Member of the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture, father-in-law of Largilliere, Portrait of Henri de Thiard, Cardinal de Bissy (1657-1737), Bishop of Meaux and Abbot of St. Germain des Pres, Portrait of Nicolas de Largilliere, portrait paint- er, Member of the Royal Academy of Paint- ing and Sculpture. Portrait of a Princess de Rohan (?-?). Portrait of Jean Forest, artist (1635-1712), father- in-law of the artist. Portrait of the artist, by himself. Female portrait. (Exhibition of female portraits at the ficole des Beaux Arts, 1897.) LARIVIERE (Charles Philippe). Paris, 1798- 1876. (French School.) The Duke of Orleans, Lieutenant-General of the Kingdom, arriving at the Hotel de Ville Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Chantilly. do. Lille Museum. — C — Meaux, Bishop's Palace. Montpellier ]\Ius. Rouen Museum. Berlin. Florence, Uffizi. — C C — C July 31, 1830. Versailles. C LAROCHE (Amand). Born in St! Cyr-l'ficole (Seine-et-Oise). (jNIodern.) The Bluebird. Modern Painters. C The Awakening. do. c The Song. do. C c The Dew. do. C C — c LARONZE (Jean). Born in Genelard (Saone-et- Loire). (Modern.) Shepherd playing a hurdy-gurdy. do. C c In the Fields. do. c c In the Plain. do. c Evening (Charolais). do. c c Twilight. do. c LASCH (Carl Johann). Little Mother. Leipzig, 1822. (Modern.) do. C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 661 LASTMAN (Pieter). Haarlem (?), 1649. (Dutch School.) Baptism of the Chamberlain. David in the Temple. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. Judgment of Midas. (Habich Coll.) Pastoral. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. The Masquerade. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. The Lunch. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. LASZLO (Felop), (Modern.) Portrait of Prince Clodvig de Hohenlohe Schil- lingfuerst, Chancellor of Germany. (Salon of 1899.) The Evening Prayer. LATOUCHE (Gaston). Born in St. Cloud (Seine-et-Oise). (Modern.) Solitude. I.A TOUR (Maurice Quentin de). St. Quentin, 1704-1788. (French School.) Portrait of Mme. de Pompadour. (Pastel.) (Detail of the above.) (Pastel.) Louis of France, son of Louis XV. (Pastel.) Portrait of Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778). Portrait of the same. (Pastel.) Portrait of the Marquise de Pompadour (Jeanne Antoinette Poisson). (Pastel.) Portrait of Adrienne Lecouvreur (1690-1730). Female portrait. Portrait of Francois Marie Arouet de Voltaire (1694-1778), philosopher, poet, Member of the French Academy. (Drawing in two cray- ons.) (Attributed.) Portrait of Maurice Quentin de La Tour (1704-1788), painter of pastel por- traits. Member of the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture. (Pastel.) Mademoiselle Dangeville, head three-quarters left view. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Woman, half-length figure, in the low coiflfure of the middle of the century. (Drawing.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Berlin. C Brunswick. B Cassel. C — C Dresden, R. C. do. do. Modern Painters, do. do. Paris, Louvre. do. do. Old :\1 asters. do. do. do. do. C C C C C C C C — C — — C — c Nat'l Portraits. C do. C — De Goncourt Col. do. C 662 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Portrait of La Tour. Head from the large por- trait in the Louvre. ( Drawing.) C, $1.25. Female head, three-quarters left view, the hair merely indicated. (Drawing.) Portrait of Madam Dorizon, cousin of the artist. Female head, full face (Drawing.) The same, larger. (Drawing.) Portrait of Louis Joseph Xavier de France, Duke de Bourgogne (1751-1761), son of Louis of France and of Marie Josephe of Saxony. (Pastel.) Portrait of Marc Pierre, Count d'Argenson (1696- 1764), Lieutenant-Gerieral of Police, Intend- ant at Tours, Councilor of State, Minister of War. (Pastel.) Portrait of Charles Parrocel (1688-1752), histor- ical painter, Member of the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture. (Pastel.) Portrait of Jean Restout (1692-1768), historical painter. Member of the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture. (Pastel.) Portrait of Maurice Quentin de La Tour (1704- 1788), painter of pastel portraits. Member of the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculp- ture. (Pastel. ) Portrait of Louis XV. (1710-1774), King of France. (Pastel.) Portrait of Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, Marquise de Pompadour (1721-1764), mistress of Louis XV. (Pastel.) Portrait of Marie Josephe of Saxony, daughter of August III^ King of Poland, Dauphin of France, mother of Louis XVL, Louis XVIIL and Charles X. (Pastel.) Portrait of the artist, by himself. (Pastel draw- ing.) $1.25. Head of a woman. (Pastel.) (Exhibition of fe- male portraits at the £cole des Beaux Arts, 1897.) Female portrait. (Exhibition of female portraits at the £cole des Beaux Arts, 1897.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ De Goncourt Col. Rutter Col. — C H. Vever Col. C — Lille. C do. C — Museum La Tour at St. Quintin. C do. do. do. do. do. do. Dresden. Dresden, P. G. C — C — C — C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 663 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^- 3 3^ 4 4^ Female portrait. (Exhibition of female portraits at the ficole des Beaux Arts, 1897.) C ■> Madame de Pompadour as Shepherdess. (Exhi- bition of female portraits at the £cole des Beaux Arts, 1897.) C ■• LAUBADERE (L. P. de). (Modern.) The Arena. (Salon of 1896.) Modern Painters. C C LAUBMANN (P.) (Modern.) A Tyrolese Song. do. C — C Long, Long Ago ! do. C LAUDINI (A.) (Modern.) Fleurette. do. 1> The Welcome to the Bride. do. B P. LAUENSTEIN (Heinrich). Hiddensen, 1836. (Modern.) St. Cecilia with angels. do. — C C C C St. Cecilia. do. C C — C The Nativity. do. C C C C — C *St. Joseph. D., 21x16 inches, $5.00. do. C C C C C Beatrice. "j . . do. B B c ^ T ■ y (Companion pictures.) Santa Lucia. J do. B B The Infant Christ. cfo C C C LAUGeE (Desire Frangois). Born in Maromme (Seine-Inferieure), 1823. (Modern.) The Taper to the Madonna. (Salon of 1877.) Paris, Lux. C A Vagrant. Modern Painters. C Servant of the Poor. . do. C Cabbages. do. C The Washing. do. C A Young Mother. do. C The Mid-day Soup. do. C The Gleaner's Harvest. do. C Another Spring. do. C C Fireside Tales. do. C The Nest. do. C C Frugality. do. C Early Autumn. do. C C *This subject comes in an Aquarelle Gravure, 21x15 inches, $12.00, 664 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3J 4 4J Going to Matins. Modern Painters, C Palm-Sunday. do. C Gossamer Threads. do. C Going to the City. (The Adieux.) do. C , St. Louis' Regular Guest. — At Dessert. do. C Close of the Day. do. C The Calvary. ' do. C The Feeding Hour. (Salon of 1896.) do. C LtAUGeE (Georges). Born in Montvilliers (Seine- Inferieure). (Modern.) In the Autumn. do. The Widow. do. Three Ages. do. The Gleaners. do. The Setting Sun. ,do. The Sheaves. Picardy. do. The Rest. do. Return from the Fields. do. The Favorite. do. Milking Hour. do. Return to the Hamlet. do. Between Two Showers. do. The Gleaners. do. Poor Antoine ! do. Funeral of a young girl. do. In the Open Fields (Picardy). do. Fishing in the Pond of Blizon. do. Around the \'illage. do. In the Spring-time of Life. ' do. A Shower. do. End of the Day. do. In the Norman Country. do. Rabbits. do. On the Road to Cythera. (Salon of 1896.) do. The Washing. (Salon of 1896.) do. In the Shower. (Salon of 1897.) " do. Autumn Harvest. (Salon of 1897.) do. The Song of the Reapers. (Salon of 1898.) do. A Daughter of Eve. (Salon of 1898.) do. Summer Morning. (Salon of 1899,) , do. C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C c c c c c c c c C c c c C c c c c C c C c C c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 665 The Journey Done. (Salon of 1899.) LAUKOTA (H.) (Modem.) A Summer Morning. Consolation in Sorrow. LAUPHEIMER (A.) (Modern.) A Delicate Question. Official Secrets. A Step Out of the Way. A Tale of Spring. Timid Admirer. Convalescent. A Sorry Guest. With the Landlady "Of the Linden Trees." Message from Rome. A New Little Dress. The Christening. Flirtation. LAURENS (Jean Paul). Born in Fourquevaux (Haute-Garonne), 1838. (Modern.) Excommunication of Robert the Pious. (Salon of 1875.) The Spaniel; Faust seated. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The Garden. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The Examination. Last moments of Maximilian, Emperor of Mex- ico. The Ambuscade. The Steel Arch. (July 17, 1789.) St. Bruno Refusing the Offerings of Roger, Count of Calabria. The Pope and the Inquisitor. Griselda. The Pope and the Emperor. Portrait of the artist, by himself. The Hostages. (Salon of 1896.) Irene. (Salon of 1896.) The Arrest of Broussel. (Salon of 1898.) LAURENS (Nicolas Augusta). Born in Pontail- ler-sur-Saone (Cote-d'Or). (Modern.) Gallery. Siaes, 2 2| 3 3J 4 4I Modern Painters. C do. . — c do. C C — c do. c do. c — — do. — — — c do. c c — c do. — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. — — — — — c do. c c — c do. B — — B Paris, Lux. — C C do. do. Modern Painters. C do. C C do. ■ . C do. C do. C do. C do. C C do. C C Florence, Uffizi. C Modern Painters. C C do. C do. C 666 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Si:::cs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters, C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C Alone. Nais. Erigone. After the Bath. The Song. An Idyll. Flower of the Studio. The Grandmother. Eve listening to the first beatings of her heart. A nymph. Shrimp-fisher at Granville (The Channel). Grapes. Ariadne. A Girl of the Strand. Dragon-fly, Nocturne. The Caresses of the Wave. Song of the Nightingale. The Glow-worm. LAURENTI (Cesare). (Modern.) Love-stories, Punch and Judy. Frons Animi Interpres, LAURI (Filippo). Rome, 1623-1694, (Roman School.) Sacrifice to Pan. The Punishment of Marsyas, LAUTENSCHLAGER (Marie). (Modern.) Reverie, D,, 21x16 inches, $5,00; 8x10, $1,50. The Last Word. Idleness. LAUTH (Frederic). (Modern,) Autumn. (Salon of 1898.) LAUX (M.) (Modern.) Sparrows. Sparrow-hawk. Nut-crackers. Hens. do. do. do. Paris, Louvre, do. Modern Painters, do. do. do. do. do, do, do. — C C — C C — C _ B B C C — C C — C C — C C C — C C C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 667 Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 44^ Proletarian. Modern Painters. C — »- C Swallows. do. C — C Rest; swallows on telegraph wire. do. C — ■ C Jealousy. do. C — C An Assembly of the People. do. C C — C The Sparrows' Villa. do. C — C Faithful unto Death. do. C Love. do. C Happiness. do. C Blessing. -do. C Swallows on telegraph-wire (oblong). do. C C — C All Snowed in ! do. C Greeting from Wiesbaden. do. C — C Paroquets. do. C — C In the Green Fields. do. C The Little Broods. do. C On the Willow-tree. do. C Flying South. do. C Frogs' Concert. do. C — C The Swallow's Farewell. do. C Nut-crackers. do. C Finches in the Nest. do. C Spring, and Love. do. C Love's Happiness. do. C In Spring. do. C — C A Sparrow's Home. do. — C — C Maternal Duties. do. — C Thirsty Company. do. C Messenger of Spring. do. C LAVAL. (French School.) Portrait of Marshal Soult. MastersXIX.Cen. C — LAVERENZ (G.) (Modern.) At the Hearth. Modern Painters. C Painter of ^he Madonna. . do. C Little Mother. do. C A Dessert. do. C Bust-portrait of a woman. do. C Lieschen do. C "Dance, Dolly, Dance 1" do. C In the Nursery. do. C 668 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3J 4 4^ "Beg Nicely, First !" Modern Painters. C One after the Other. do. C Dinner. do. C Greedy Little Fellow. do. C The Doll. do. C The ^^ riting-lesson. do. C Baby-linen. do. C — C The Seamstress. do. C Making Nosegays. do. C "My Dear Little Rabbit !" do. C — C Domestic Peace. do. C LAVREINCE (Nicolas). XVIII. century. (French School.) "The Mercury of France." (Drawing.) De Goncourt Col. C ^ "An Agreeable Concert." (Drawing.) do. C — LAWRENCE (Sir Thomas). Bristol, 1769— Lon- don, 1830. (English School.) Portrait of Lord Whitworth, English Ambassa- dor to France in 1802, Viceroy of Ireland, etc. Paris, Louvre. C — C — Portrait of Mme. Ducrest de Villaneuve. (Col- ored drawing.) do. C Portrait of Gerard (Francois), Baron; artist (1770-1837). Versailles. C — • The King of Rome. D., $5.00. MastersXIX.Cen. C — C — Portrait of the Duke de Richelieu. do. C — Portrait of the Duchesse de Berri. do. C — Portrait of Francis I., Emperor of Austria, last emperor of Germany under the name of Frangois II. (1768-1835). (Water-color.) Chantill}^ C Portrait of John Julius Angerstein, banker and collector of the Angerstein Gallery. London, N. G. C Bust-portrait of Mrs. Siddons. do. C Child in a landscape. do. C Portrait of Princess Charlotte of Wales. . Windsor. C — — — Portrait of Walter Scott, Scotch novelist (1771- 1832). do. C ^ — Heinrich Bathhurst. do. C Prince Charles Augustus von Hardenburg, Prus- sian State Chancellor. ,do. C Princess Amelia, daughter of George III. do. C — • — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 669 Benjamin West. PL, 9x11 inches, $2.00. The Children of Lady Meredith Fnshing. (Exhi- bition of female portraits at the ficole des Beaux Arts, 1897.) Lady Grey. (Exhibition of female portraits at the ficole des Beaux Arts, 1897.) LAYRAUD (Joseph)^. Born in La Roche-sur-le- Buis (Drome), 1834. (Modern.) Child with a dog. Diogenes. LAZERGES (Jean Baptiste Paul). Born in Paris, 1845. (Modern.) Eve. Rest at the Camp near Biskra ; evening. (Salon of 1898.) Return from Pasture, El Kantara. (Salon of 1898.) LEADER (Benjamin Williams). Worcester, 183 1. (Modern.) Valley of the Llugury. Artist's Proofs (200 In- dia), all sold ; D., 17x29 inches, $10.00. ♦Eventide. Artist's Proofs (250 India), 16^x19 inches, $36.00. *Solitude. Artist's Proofs, 22x17^ inches, 50 on Japan, $30.00; 150 on India, $20.00; D., $7.50. Silvery Morn. D., 15^x23^ inches, $6.00. Golden Eve. D., 15^x23^ inches, $6.00. The Silent Evening Hour. D., 19x28^ inches, $10.00. LEBARBIER (Jean Jacques Fransois). 1738-1826. (French School.) Death of Desilles. Rouen, LEBEL (Edmond). Born in Amiens, 1834. (Mod- ern School.) A cardinal leaving the Church of Santa Maria della Pace in Rome, blesses a family of pil- grims. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Boston, M. F. A. Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. c — — — do. C . do. ' do. C do. do. do. do. do. Nancy Museum. C Modern Painters. — • C ♦This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. 670 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. LEBIEDSKY (E.) (Modern.) Sakuntala. LE BIHAN (Alexandre). Born in Langonnet (Morbihan). (Modern.) The Chaste Susanna. LE BLANT (Julien). Born in Paris. (Modern.) The Square Battalion ; affair of Fourgeres in 1793. The Courier of the Blues. The Billet of Residence, LEBLING (M.) (Modern.) The Only Survivor. In the Sheepfold. The Bitten Sheep. Helpless. Strayed. Reynard in Straits. First Heroic Deed. Harmless. Early Morning. Uninvited Guest. Training Dogs. The Young Hero. Dumbfounded, Obtrusive. Uncomfortable Neighborhood. The Hungry Guest. An Agreeable Surprise. Buried in Study. Waiting for the Game. Unequal Fight, The Sheep Family. Nemesis. Triumph without Battle. Panic. In the Dog-kennel. Not a Dangerous Encounter. The Intruders. An Odd Guest. Young St. Bernards. Gallery. Shcs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C — C do. do, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do, do, do. do, do, do, do, do. do. do. do, do. do. do, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C C C c c c — c c c c c — c c c — c c c — c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 671 Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ Modern Painters, C do. C do. c C — C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C — C do. — C do. C do. C do. C do, C New Mission. Mother-joy. "Leo Can't Co." In Mother's Care. Trodden Path. The Clover-leaf. Dogs at play. An Intruder. Mutual Surprise. To the Rescue ! Newfoundland Dog. Unbidden Guests. A Bold Fellow. A Rabid Comrade. The Trespasser. LE BOUCHER (Maxime Nicolas). Born in Paris (Modern.) In the Grain. St. Theresa. Visit of Louis XV. to his daughter. do. do. da LE BRUN (Charles). Paris, 1619-1696. (French (School.) Adoration of the Shepherds. The Sleep of the Infant Jesus. Holy Family, called "Le Benedicite." Entrance of Christ into Jerusalem. Christ Bearing His Cross. Christ Lifted on the Cross. The Crucifix of the Angels. Pieta. Fall of the Rebellious Angels. Battle of Arbela. Alexander and Porus. Portrait of the artist, Louis Testelin. Portrait of Charles Le Brun in his youth. Group of three nude female figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Louis XIV. on horseback ; two Cupids drawing their bows. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. is, Louvre. C — do. C — C — do. C — C — do. C — C — do. C — C — C ^ do. c do. C — C — do. c do. c do. c do. c do. do. IIIIc I do. do. 672 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Stud)^ for a Christ on the Cross. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Study of a flying angel and two studies of a fe- male bust. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Figure of a woman kneeling, and study of a bust, (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Draped male figure ; bust and head of an old woman. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Satyr seated on the ground, and study of a right hand and of a child's head. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Study of a Madonna and Child. (Drawing.) C, $1.75- Two studies of the Child Jesus. (Drawing.) Bearing the Cross ; composition of numerous fig- ures. (Drawing.) Two studies of children sleeping, and sketch of a Madonna and Child. (Drawing.) Study for a Moses Saved from the Waters. (After Le Poussin.) Child seated wearing a hel- met. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. (After Le Poussin.) Three children. (Draw- ing.) C., $2.50. (Le Brun and Van der Meulen.) Historical com- position. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. (Le Brun and \'^an der Meulen.) Warriors on horseback; historical composition. (Draw- ing.) C, $2.50. (Le Brun and Van der Meulen.) Allegory; a woman reclining, surrounded by Cupids. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Portrait of Pierre Corneille (1606-1684). Portrait of Louis XIV. on horseback. Portrait of Marshal de Turenne (Henri de La Tour d'Auvergne, Viscount de) (1611-1675). (By Testelin, after Le Brun.) Marriage of Louis XIV. and Maria Theresa of Austria, June 9, 1660. (By Pierre de Seve, after Le Brun.) Louis XIV, visiting the Gobelin manufactory, October 15, 1667. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2I 3 3I 4 41 Modern Painters. do do. do. do, do. do. do. do. do, do, do. do. do. do. Paris, Com. Versailles, do. do. do. C Fran. C C — C — — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 673 (After Le Brun and Van der Meulen.) January. The Louvre. Sign of Aquarius. (After Le Brun and Van der Meulen). June Fontainebleau. Sign of Cancer. Female head. Painting in grisaille on marble. Allegorical composition. Portrait of Vauban (Sebastian Le Prestre de), 1633-1707.. (School of Le Brun.) Portrait of Pierre Seguier (1588-1672), Chancellor of France, Guardian of the Seals. Portrait of the celebrated banker, Jabach (?- 1695) of Cologne, and his family. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ Versailles. do. Old Masters, do. do. Nat'l Portraits. Berlin. C C — C Studies for the Gallery at Versailles. Child lying asleep. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Child seated. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Child kneeling. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Child lying down sleeping. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Child kneeling, back view. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Child lying down, back view. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Child, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Child, back view. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Child lying down, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Child seated. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Child lying down. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Christ on the Cross. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. St. Mary Magdalen. Two female figures ; study for the family of Da- rius. (Drawing.) Man, back view. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Portrait of a commandant in armor. The Deluge. (Drawing.) The Holy Trinity. (Drawing.) St. Bernard Carried to Heaven. (Drawing.) .Study of an angel. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Hercules and the Centaurs. (Drawing.) C. $2.50. Centaurs and Lapithae. (Drawing.) Alexander Welcoming the Family of Darius. (Drawing.) C. Dresden, R. do. do. do. do. do. — do. do. do. do. do. do. Munich. C — C Weimar. C — do. Vienna, Liecht. C '' " Vienna, Albertina. C — do. C do. C do. do. do. — — C do. 674 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON, Erasistratus Discovering the Disease of Anti- ochus. (Drawing.) Rape of the Sabines. (Drawing.) €.,$2.50. Ninus and Semiramis Entering Babylon. (Draw- ing.) Sculpture ; an allegory. (Drawing.) €.,$1.75. Draped male figure, standing, left profile. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75- Male figure, kneeling, the arms raised. (Draw- ing-) Female bust, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Study of an equestrian statue. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Jepthah about to Sacrifice his Daughter. LE BRUN (Elisabeth Louise VIGeE). Paris, 1755-1842. (French School.) Peace Escorting Abundance. ♦Portrait of Mme. Le Brun and her daughter. Portrait of Mme. Le Brun with her daughter, wearing a turban. Portrait of Jean Psesiello, musical composer. Portrait of the artist, Hubert Robert. Portrait of the artist, Joseph Vernet. Portrait of Mme. Mole-Raymond of the Comedie Frangaise (called the Woman with the Muff). Portrait of Stanislas August Poniatowski, last King of Poland. Portrait of a young girl, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Portrait of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, 1755-1793- Portrait of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France. Portrait of Queen Marie Antoinette and her chil- dren. Portrait of the Dauphin, Louis Joseph Xavier Francois de France, 1 781 -1789, and his sister, Maria Theresa Charlotte de France, Duchess of Angouleme, 1778-1851. Portrait of the Duchess of Orleans (Louise Marie Adelaide de Bourbon), 1753-1821. •This subject comes in large size, C. 37x50, $7o.cx3. Gallery. Siaes, 2 2I 3 3^ 4 4^ Vienna, Alberta. C do. do. C — do. do. do. C — do. do. ^ Florence, Ufifizi. C Paris, Louvre. C — C do. C — C — C do. C — C — C do. C - do. C — C do. c do. do. do. C Versailles, do. do. dOb C C c — c do. C — C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 675 Portrait of Marie Annunciade (Caroline Bona- parte), Queen of Naples, 1782- 1839. Portrait of Madame Marie Louise Elisabeth Vi- gee Le Brun, artist. Portrait of Queen Marie Antoinette. Portrait of Gretry (Andre Ernest Modeste), com- poser, 1741-1813. Portrait of Queen Marie Antoinette. Portrait of the Marquis of Segur, Marshal of France. (Attributed.) Portrait of Mme. Elisabeth. Sketch for the portrait of Queen Marie Antoin- ette. Portrait of the Duke de Berri as a child. Portrait of the Princess de Lamballe. Portrait of an unknown lady, represented playing the harp. Portrait of the artist, by herself, full face, wear- ing a hat with plumes. Portrait of the Duchess de Polignac. Portrait of the Duchess de Guiche. Mother and Daughter. Portrait of the Marquise de Jaucourt. Portrait of the Duchess d'Orleans. Portrait of the Countess of Provence. Portrait of Mile. Lenormand. Portrait of Mile. Dugazon. Portrait of Philippine Marie Helen de France, called Madame Elizabeth (1764-1794), sister of Louis XVL Portrait of Maria Theresa Charlotte de France, called Madame Royale (1778-1851), daughter of Louis XVL and wife of Louis Antoine de Bourbon, Duke of Angouleme, son of Charles X. Portrait of Marie Jeanne de Clermont Montoison, Marquise de La Guiche (1757-1822). Portrait of Genevieve Adelaide Helvetius, Count- ess of Andlau. Portrait of Claudine de Malateste, Viscountess of Gallery. Sises, 2 2i 3 3l 4 Versailles. C do. C — c do. C — c do. c MastersXIX.Cen. C do. c do. c do. __c do. c do. c 4 4i do. do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. C — do. C — do. C — do. C — Natl. Portraits. C do. do. do. C — C — C — 676 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Virieu (1753-1823), lady of honor to Madame Sophie, daughter of Louis XV. Portrait of Josephine Grassini (1773-1850), sing- er. Portrait of the artist, by herself. Portrait of the artist, by herself. Portrait of Marie Caroline, wife of Ferdinand IV., King of Naples. Portrait of Princess Christine of Naples, daugh- ter of Ferdinand IV. and of Marie Caroline. Woman painting. (Exhibition ^of female por- traits at the ficole des Beaux Arts, 1897.) Princess de Talleyrand. (Exhibition of female portraits at the £cole des Beaux Arts, 1897.) LE BRUN (Frederic). Born in Flers (Orne). (Modern.) Young woman at the foimtain. LE CLERC (Sebastien). Paris, 1676-1763. (French School.) Death of Sapphira, wife of Ananias. LE COMTE du NOUY (Jules Jean Antoine). Born in Paris, 1842. (Modern.) The Bearers of Bad News. (Salon of 1872.) The White Slave. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth of Roumania (Car- men Sylva). (Salon of 1899.) Austerlitz. (Salon of 1899.) LE DEU (A. F.) (Modem.) The Duke de Chartres at Jemappes. (Salon of 1898.) General Hoche at Freschwiller. (Salon of 1899.) LE DUC or DUCQ. See DUG. LEE (William). Born in Paris. Pastoral. Pamela. (Modern.) Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Nat'l Portraits. C Rouen Museum. C — Florence, Uffizi. C — PIC — C PIC Rome, A. St. L. C Madrid. C — do. C — Modern Painters. C Paris, Louvre. Paris, Lux. C c Modern Painters. c do. C do. C c do. c c do. c c do. do. LEE ROBBINS (Lucy). (Modern.) Born in New York. c c — c c — c — ■■ — c — c c — c — c c — c — G c — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 677 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ At Her Toilet. Modern Painters. C Five O'clock. do. C LEEKE (Ferdinand). (Modern.) Frithjof before King Ring. do. A Messenger of Love. do. Frithjof's Victory. do. Bowling-party at a summer residence. do. "Snow-white." do. An Amateur Poet. do. Return from the Festival. do. The Carnival Waltz. do. The Flying Dutchman, Act II. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. do. C C — C The Flying Dutchman, Act II. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. do. C C — C The Flying Dutchman, Act II., Scene 3. do. C C — C Tannhauser, Act III., Scene i. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. do. C C — C Tannhauser, Act III., Scene 3. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. do. Tannhauser, Act I., Scene i. do. Lohengrin, Act I., Scene 3. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. do. Lohengrin, Act II., Scene 2. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. do. C C — C Lohengrin, Act III., Scene 2. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. do. C C — C Lohengrin, Act I., Scene 3. do. C C — C The Rheingold, Scene i. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. do. C C — C The Rheingold, Scene i. do. C C — C The Walkiirie, Act I. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. do. — — C C — C The Walkiirie, Scene i. do. The Walkurie, Act II. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. do. The Walkiirie, Act II. do. The Walkiirie, Act III. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. do. Siegfried, Act III. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. do. Siegfried, Act III. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. do. Siegfried, Act III. do. Siegfried, Act III. do. Siegfried, Act II. do. _ _ C C — C Gotterdammerung, Act I. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. do. C C — C C c — c c c — c c c — c c c — c c c — c c c — c c c — c c c — c c c — c c c — c c c — c 678 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gotterdammerung, Act II. Gotterdammerung, Act III. D., 8xio inches, $1.50. Gotterdammerung, Act III. Gotterdammerung, Act III. Love's Service. LEFEBVRE (Charles). Paris, 1805-1883. (French School.) (After Gerard.) Portrait of Joachim Murat, King of Naples, 1767-1815. LEFEBVRE (Claude). Fontainebleau, 1632— Paris, 1675. (French School.) Portrait of a master and his pupils. Male portrait. Portrait of Francois Couperin, organist, 1631- 1701. (Attributed.) Portrait of Jean Baptist Martin, artist (1659-1735). Portrait of Frangois Henri de Montmorency, Duke of Luxembourg (1628-1695), Marshal of France. Half-length portrait of Moliere, holding a book in hands, almost full face, head turned to the left. (Drawing.) C., $2.50. LEFEBVRE (Georges). Born in Cesy (Yonne). (Modern.) A Deplorable Fall. Study. The Models. The Rest. Gossiping. * A Dangerous Proposition. Study. At Dessert. Bather. At the Window. Surprise. In the Open Air. LEFEBVRE (Jules). Born in Tournan (Seine-et- Mame), 1834. (Modern.) Gallery. Shes, 2 2^ 3 3-! 4 4^ Modern Painters. C C — C do. C C — C do. C C — C do. C C — C do. B B Versailles. Paris, Louvre, do. Versailles. do. C — C — C — C — Nat'l Portraits. C Valferdin Col. Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 679 (Detail of the above.) (Detail of the above.) (Detail of the above.) (Detail Truth. (Salon of 1870.) Nymph and Bacchus. (Salon of 1866.) A slave carrying a tray. A faun. Diana Surprised. Phirale, follower of Diana Psecas, follower of Diana. Rhanis, follower of Diana. Diana. Nyphee and Hyale, followers of Diana of the above.) Diana. Undine. Fiametta. Salome. Ophelia. Mignon. Yvonne. Diana. Vittoria Colonna. Clemence Isaure. Rachel. A reader. A Venetian woman. Ancient Poetry. Lauretta. Nymph as a huntress. A Daughter of Eve. Portrait of M. J. Pelpel at the age of 100 years The Magdalen. Violetta. Giovanna. (Salon of 1896.) Jeanne, the Red-haired. (Salon of 1898.) Sleep. (Salon of 1899.) The Hours. (Salon of 1899.) Phoebe. (Salon of 1899.) Ophelia. (Salon of 1899.) Evening. (Salon of 1899.) The Grasshopper. (Salon of 1899.) The Grasshopper. (Detail.) (Salon of 1899.) Lady Godiva. (Salon of 1899.) Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ Paris, Lux. C C do. C Modern Pjiinters. C C do. C do. C — C C do. . C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C — — — do. C c do. C c do. c do. c — — — do Q do. c do. c do. c c do. ■ c c do. . c do. c c do. c c do. c c do. . c c do. * c c do. c c do. Q do. c do. c c do. c c do. c c do. c — — — do. — — c — do. c — — do. c — — — do. c c do. c — do. c — — do. c — — _ 680 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Lady Godiva. (Detail.) (Salon of 1899.) The Muses. (For a ceiling.) (Salon of 1899.) LE FENBURE (F.) (Modern.) Valley of the Isar. LE FEVRE (Robert). Bayeux, 1756— Paris, 1830. (French School.) Cupid Disarmed by Venus. Portrait of Carle Vernet. Portrait of Marshal Augereau (Charles Pierre Francois), 1757-1816, Duke of Castiglione. Portrait of General Louis Lazare Hoche (1768- 1797), Captain of the 58th Troop of the Line in 1792. Portrait of Marie Pauline Bonaparte, Princess Borghese (1780-1825). Portrait of Napoleon L, Emperor of the French. Portrait of Napoleon L, Emperor of the French. Portrait of Marie Julie Clary ('1777-1845), wife of Joseph Bonaparte, King of Naples, after- wards of Spain. Portrait of Mile. Duchambge, musician. Portrait of Savary (Anne Jean Marie Rene), Duke of Rovigo, Minister of Police (1774- 1833). Portrait of Marshal Oudinot (Nicolas Charles), Duke of Reggio (1767-1847). Portrait of the Duke of Bassano. LEFLER (F.) (Modern.) All in a Garden Fair. Flora and Pomona. LEFLER (H.) (Modern.) *A Dream. D., 2ixi4*inches, $5.00. Congratulation. 1 />-. • . ^ n . -J' . , y (Companion pictures.) A Dancing Lesson. J LEGROS (Jean). Paris, 1671— Le Pecq, 1745. (French School.) Portrait of the artist, Claude Guy Halle. Gallery. Siscs, 2 2^ Modern Painters. 'do. 3 3i 4 4i C do. Paris, Louvre, do. Versailles. do. C — C c C — c — c — c do. C do. C — C do. c do. c do. c do. do. — C - MastersXIX.Cen. C do. c do. C c c C — c do. B B do. B B do. B B Paris, Louvre. C — C - •This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6}4xo inches, $1.80. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 681 LEHMANN (Charles Ernest Henri). Kiel, 1814- Paris, 1882. (Modern.) Desolation of the Oceanides. (Salon of 1850.) Repose. (Salon of 1854.) Adoration of the Magi. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3-J 4 4^ Paris, Lux, C C do. C Modern Painters. C LEHMANN (Georges). Born in Moscow. (Mod- ern.) Merveilleuse. In 1795. A Parisian in 1795. A Parisian. LEIBL (Wilhelm). Cologne, 1844. (Modern.) In the Studio. Grouse-shooting in Autumn. D., 14^x20 inches, $5.00. do. do. do. do. do. do. — C C C C C LEIGHTON (E. Blair). England. (Modern.) A Question. Artist's Proofs, ii-|x9 inches, 200 on Japan paper (all sold) ; 200 on India (all sold) ; D., $3.00. do. Hours of Idleness. Artist's Proofs, 10x16 inches, 50 on Japan, $18.00; 100 on India, $12.00. do. Two Strings. Artist's Proofs, 11^x9 inches, 200 on Japan, $18.00; 200 India ; D., $3.00. do. jSunday Morning. Artist's Proofs, i i|x8^ inches, 50 on Japan, $18.00; 100 on India, $12.00; D., $3-oo. do. Just by Chance. Artist's Proofs, ii|x8 inches, 200 on Japan, $15.00; 200 on India, $10.00; D., $3.00. do. Tender and True. (Head, oval.) Artist's Proofs, 12^x10 inches, on India, $12.00; D., $3.00. do. *A Summer Shower. Artist's Proofs, 20^x13^ inches, on India, $18.00; D., $5.00. do. Songs of Other Years. Artist's Proofs, 9txi3^ inches, on Japan, $18.00; on India, $12.00; D., $3.00. do. ♦This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, |i.8o. 682 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Fine Feathers Make Fine Birds. Artist's Proofs, I2fx9 inches, on India, $12.00; D., $3.00. A Favor. Artist's Proofs, 2ofxiii inches, on Japan, $24.00; on India, $18.00; D., $5.00. The Idle Hour. (The Mill.) Artist's Proofs, 9|x8 inches, on Japan, $18.00; on India, $12.00; D., $3.00. Welcome Tidings. (News from the Front.) Art- ist's Proofs, 9^x7! inches, on Japan, $18.00; on India, $12.00; D., $3.00. Next Door Neighbors. Artist's Proofs, on In- dia paper, 215x14^ inches, $15.00; D., $5.00. 1816. Artist's Proofs, on India paper, 22x16 inches, $15.00; D., $5.0. Con Amore. Artist's Proofs, on India paper, 13X 9J inches, $10.00. No other state ; plate de- stroyed. Waiting for the Coach. Artist's Proofs, 9^x13! inches, 200 on Japan (all sold) ; 200 on India (all sold). Devotions, Artist's Proofs, 10x14 inches, 200 on Japan, $18.00; 200 on India. $12.00. Forget-Me-Nots. Artist's Proofs, 11^x8 inches, 250 Japan (all sold) ; 250 India (all sold). Looking Back. Artist's Proofs, 11^x8 inches, 200 on Japan, $18.00; 200 India, $12.00. Her Guardian. Artist's Proofs, 9ixi2^ inches, 200 Japan, $18.00; 300 India, $12.00. LEIGHTON (Sir Frederick). Scarborough, 1830- 1896. (English School.) Study for "Andromache." (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Study for the medallion of the Queen's Jubilee. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Simoetha the Sorceress. Univ. Expos., '89. Portrait of the artist, by himself. Captive Andromache. Artist's Proofs, 18x36 Inches, 250 on India (all sold) ; D., $12.00. Greek girls playing at ball. Artist's Proofs, i8x 34 inches, 100 on Japan, $40.00; 200 on In- dia, $30.00; D., $12.00. Gallery. Siacs, 2 2J 3 3^ 4 4I Modern Painters. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Paris, Lux. do. Masters XlX.Cen. C Florence, Uffizi. C — Modern Painters. B — B B Modern Painters. B B B SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 683 ♦Bath of Psyche. Artist's Proofs, 29x9^ inches, 150 on Japan (all sold) ; 150 on India (all sold) ; D., $12.00. Perseus and Andromeda. Artist's Proofs, 29x16 inches, 150 Japan, $36.00; 150 India, $24.00; D., $12.00. At the Fountain. Artist's Proofs, 2o|xii inches, 150 on Japan, $24.00; 250 on India, $18.00; D., $5.00. Atalanta. Artist's Proofs, 12^x48 inches, on India (all sold). Phoebe. Artist's Proofs, i6fxi4^ inches, on Jap- an, $20.00; on India, $15.00; D., $5.00. And the Sea Gave Up the Dead. (Circle.) D., 16^x16^ inches, $5.00. LEIGHTON (Scott). (Modern.) Pups. PI., 7x9 inches, $1.00. LEINECKER (F.) (Modern.) "Arranzi ! Signori !" LEINWEBER (R.) (Modern.) An Arabian Song. LEIS (Jean Augusta Henri). The Menagerie. (Flemish School.) LEISTEN (Jakob). Dusseldorf, 1845. (Modern.) First Spoils of the Mitrailleuse. Phryne ; a remembrance of the Vienna Expo- sition. The Village Advocate. In the Tavern. Rich and Poor. The Resting-place. Painful Question. Bavarian Game. Siesta. New Music. A Concert at Richelieu's. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters.— B B B do. do. do. do. do. Boston, Sherman Col. Modern Painters. C C do. Chantilly. B B B C — Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C C do. C do. B B do. B B ^This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6%x^ inches, -$1.80. 684 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. In the Waiting-room. LE JEUNE (Adolphe Frederic). Born in Bou- logne-sur-Mer (Pas-de-Calais). (Modern.) "Kill Her!" Comparison. Fishing. The Wave. The Shrimp-fisher. Surprise. After the Shrimp-fishing. A Pious Halt. After the Bath. The Swallows. Summer. An Accident in Fishing. Alert. A Shrimp-fisher. A New Comparison. Leda. The Drama of X Street. Leda. The Grasshopper. A Fisherwoman. The First at the Rendezvous. Flowers. LELEUX (Adolphe). Paris, 1812-1891. (Mod- ern.) A Pardon in Brittany. LE LEUX (Armand Emilie). Geneva. (Modern.) The Slanders of the Abbot. Secrets. LE LEUX (Armand). Paris, 1818-1885. (Modern.) The Lunch. The Village School. LELIENBERGH (Cornelis). The Hague, C, 16501672. (Dutch School.) Still-life. LELIO da NOVELLARA. See NOVELLARA. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3} 4 4-^ Modern Painters. B — B do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. — . C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. . C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do, — C do. — C Gallice Col. C Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C Munich. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 685 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ LE LOIR (Auguste). Born in Paris, 1809. (Mod- ern.) Horace at Tivoli. Modern Painters. C LE LOIR (Louis). Paris, 1843-1884. (Modern.) Pen drawing. do. C LELY (Peter). See FAES (Peter Van der). LEMAIRE (Madeleine). Born in St. Rastoline (Vaf). (Modern.) Manon. do. C Ophelia. do. ■ C Sleep. do. C C Phoebe. (Salon of 1896.) do. C C Innocence. (Salon of 1899.) do. C C Charity. (Salon of 1899.) do. ^ C C In the Spring. (Salon of 1899.) do. C C St. Rosalie (the Maid of Roses). (Salon of 1899.) do. C C LEMAN (J.) L'Aigle (Orne), 1829. (Modern.) Before the Hearth. do. — C LEMATTE (Jacques Frangois Fernand). Born in St. Quentin (Aisne), 1850. (Modern.) The Bone-players. do. C Nymph Surprised by a Faun. do. C C The Widow. do. C Prayer to St. Januarius at the Eruption of Vesu- vius, April, 1872. do. C Woman with a monkey. do. C Marie. do. C The Nymph Echo. do. C The Fisherwoman. do. C The Departure of 1792. do. C The Indiscreet Magpie. do. C The Mother of God. do. C Le Lever. do. C An Idea. do. C Pastoral. do. C C The Citizens of Rheims, do. ^ C Madonna and Child. - do. C Joan of Arc. do. C 686 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3I 4 4^ LEMENOREL (Ernest Emile). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Diana. St. Joseph's Work-shop. LE MOINE or LE MOYNE (Frangois). Paris, 1688-1737. (French School.) Juno, Iris and Flora. Grand allegorical composition. (Drawing.) A Hunting Breakfast. Cupid. Jupiter and lo. Woman bathing. LEMONNIER (Anicet Charles Gabriel). Rouen, 1743-1824. (French School.) Portrait of a young girl. LEMEUNIER (B.) (Modern.) Parisian Flowers. (Salon of 1899.) LE NAIN (The Brothers Antoine, Louis and Mathieu). Worked in the XVII. century. (French School.) The Manger. A blacksmith at his forge. The Village Repast. Return from Hay-making. Portraits in an interior. Procession in a church. Portrait of Henry II., Duke of Montmorency, Admiral and Marshal of France. The Denial of St. Peter. Two women seated, turned to the left. (Draw- ing) Peasants' Repast. (Attributed to Louis and Antoine Le Nain.) The Bles§ing. Portrait of Henri Coififier de Ruze, Marquis of Cinq-Mars (1620-1642), favorite of Louis XIIT. and Grand Equerry of France. ^Modern Painters. — C do. C Paris, Louvre. C — ■ Lille, De L. Col. : — ^ — Munich. C C — C St. Petersburg. C — do. C do. C MastersXIX.Cen. — Modern Painters. — — C — C — C Paris, Louvre, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Old Masters. c — c — — c c — — c — c — — c — — c c c — — c c — c c Nat'l Portraits. C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 687 Portrait of Madame de Gorbin (1560?), Abbess of a convent at Aix. (By Louis Le Xain.) Portrait of Messire Georges de Vaudry, Marquis of St.-Phal, father of Charles Louis Anne de Vaudry. Study of seven heads, two legs, two arms and a hand. (Drawing.) C., $1.25. LENBACH (Fr. von). Schrobenhausen, Bavaria, 1836. (Modern.) Herodias. Portrait of the Provost Dr. Dollinger. Queen of the Serpents. R. Wagner. | (Bust.) D., 17x13 inches, $5.00. Fr. Liszt. j (Companion pictures.) Prince Bismarck. (Crayon drawing.) Count Moltke. (Half length.) Count Moltke. (Bust.) D., 18x14 inches, $5.00. Prince Bismarck. (Half length.) Prince Bismarck. (Bust.) D., 18x14 inches, $5.00. Charlotte, hereditary Princess of Saxony, Mein- ingen. *Portrait of Bismarck, painted in 1894. D., 28Jx 24 inches, $12.00; 50 Prints on Japan paper at $15.00. Portrait of Prince Bismarck.- (Bust.) Detail of the above. D., I9|xi6^ inches, $5.00. ♦Prince* Bismarck (half length, sitting, with hel- met). Prince Bismarck. (Bust, round.) D., I7fxi5f inches, $5.00. Miss Lola Beeth. D., 18^x1 if inches, $5.00. Prof. Mommsen. D., 15^x1 if inches, $5.00. Prince Bismarck (1890). D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. LENOIR (Charles Amable). Ion. (Modern.) At Twenty. Duo. A reader. Giovanella. Born in Chatel-Ail- Gallcry. Sices, 2 2i 3 3^ 4 4^ Airgnon, Calvet Museum. C — Troyes Museum. London, B. M. C Modern Painters, , C C — C do. C C — c do. C — c do. B — — B do. B — — B do. B — B — — B do. B — — B do. B — B — — B do. B — B — — B do. B — B — — B ■ do. B — B do. — C do do do. do — B do. do. do. — — do. C C do. C do. C do. C C 'This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. 688 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sises, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ First Love. Modern Painters. C On the Watch. (Salon of 1898.) do. C In the Silence of the Forest. (Salon of 1899.) do. C C LENTZ. (German School.) A Repast. (Drawing.) Dresden, P. G. C LEONARDO da VINCI. See VINCI. LEONI or LIONI (Ottavio), called IL PADO- VANINO. Rome, 1574 (?)-i628. (Roman School.) Male portrait, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Paris, Louvre. Female portrait, front view of bust. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. do. Male portrait, almost front view of bust. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do. . Portrait of Galileo, bust slightly turned to the right. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. do. Bust portrait of young man, almost full face. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. do. Male portrait, front view of bust. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Portrait; bust of young man, full face. (Draw- ing.) C., $1.00. Lille. Portrait; male bust, full face. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. do. Portrait ; male bust, full face. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. do. Portrait; male bust, full face. (Drawing.) C., $i.oo. do. Portrait; bust of a young man turned to the right. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. do. Portrait of a nobleman. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Dresden, R. C. Portrait of Cardinal Dietrichstein. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Weimar. Bust portrait of Christoforo Allori. (Drawing.) C- $1.25. London, B. M. Bust portrait of a man turned to the left. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 689 LEOPOLD (M.) (Modern.) Letter from the Beloved. LE PAGE (Bastien). See BASTIEN LE PAGE. LEPAULLE (Guillaume Frangois Gabriel). (Franch School.) Portrait of Charles Franqois Lebrun, Duke of Flaisance, Archtreasurer of the Empire (1739-1824). LEPAUTRE (Jean). Paris, 1617-1682. (French School.) The Council ; group of numerous figures. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. LfiPICl6 (Nicolas Bernard). Paris, 1735- 1784. (French School.) A Farm-yard. Head of young man, full face. (Drawing.) C, $175- Head of young girl. The Good Mother. Le Lever. The Request Granted. The Young Mother. Portrait of Francois Constance, Count Guenn, as a child (1773-1845), cadet in the regiment of Royal Croats, lieutenant in the King's Guards. Portrait of Jean Baptiste Simeon Chardin (1699- 1779), artist, Member of the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture. (Drawing in ink.) Portrait of the artist, by himself. (Drawing.) LE PRINCE (Jean Baptiste). Metz— St. Denis- du-Port (near Lagny-sur-Marne), 1781. (French School.) Full-length portrait of a woman seated, left pro- file. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Festival under Louis XVL Decorative panel. Decorative panel. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4I Modern Painters. — — C Versailles. Florence, Uffizi. Paris, Louvre. do. Old Masters, do. do. do. do. C — C C C C C C Nat'l Portraits. C do. De Goncourt Col. C — c — Paris, Louvre. Old Masters. do. do. C C C 690 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ A Caback ; species of sandpiper found in the en- virons of Moscow; Russian scene. (Draw- ing.) C, $2.50. De Goncourt Col. LE PRINCE (A. Xavier). Paris, 1799— Nice, 1826. (French School.) Embarkation of cattle in the Passager at Hon- fleur. Susten Pass (Canton of Uri), Switzerland. LE QUESNE (Fernand). Born in Paris. (Mod- ern.) Cupid Counting off the Petals of the Marguerite. The Two Pearls. The Legend of the Kerdeck. Beauty and the Beast. The Glow-worm. The Woman with the Mask. The Beacon. The Spider Web. The Daughters of Menestho. The Fly. (Salon of 1898.) The Apricot. (Salon of 1897.) The Swallow. (Salon of 1897.) The Peach. (Salon of 1897.) The Advertisement. (Salon of 1897.) * LERCH (L.) (Modern.) Study-head. Magda. Bust-portrait of a woman. Sklood. Rosina. Biiczke. Study-head. Sweeter than the Rose. Morning Slumber. Mater Dolorosa. "Hanaken" girl. Will-o'-the-Wisp. D., 16x21 inches, $5.oa Siesta. D., 11x15 inches, $3.00. Pieta. Paris, Louvre. C — C do. C — C Modern Painters. C do. — C do. C do. C do. C do. ■ C do. C do. C C do. C C do. C C do. — — C do. ^ C C do. C do. C C do. c — c do. . — — . — — — c do. — — c do. — c — c do c do c do c do. C c — c do. C c — c do. c c — c do. c — c do. C — c c — c do. c — c do. c — . c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 691 LEROLLE (Henri). Born in Paris. (Modern.) In the Country. Study on a Farm. The Communion. Evening. The Flight into Egypt. Edge of the Woods. The Flight into Egypt. Peasants. Landscape. In the Plain. Albert the Great in the Convent of St, James. St. Martin sharing his mantle with a poor man. Christ Appearing to St. Martin. The Seashore. In the Open Fields. Arrival of the Shepherds. At the Organ. By the Riverside. PI., 10x12 inches, $2.00. The Roadside. PL, 10x13 inches, $2.50. Potato Gatherer. PI., $2.00. LEROUX (Eugene). Born in Paris, 1833. (Mod- ern.) The New-born Babe, Lower Brittany interior. (Salon of 1864.) LE ROUX (Hector). Born in Verdun, 1829. (Modern.) Herculaneum, August 23, year 79. (Salon of 1881.) Herculaneum, August 23, year 79. Detail of the above. A Vestal Virgin Asleep. School of Vestals. School of Vestals. (Detail of the above.) The Tiber. The Broken Pitcher. The Tiber. < Sacrarium. Step of the Amphitheatre. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Paris, Lux. C — C C Modern Painters. C C do. C do. C — ; do. c — — C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C C New York, M. M. C Boston, M. F. A. PIC Boston, Stetson C. C do. C Paris, Lux. — C C do. C C do. C Modern Painters. C do. C — C C do. C do. _ C do. C 'do. C do. C do. C C 692 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ College of Vestals Fleeing from Rome (year 390 B. C). Modern Painters. C C Guardian of the Sacred Fire. do. C Lais of Corinth. do. C The Mysterious Stone of Pompeii. do. C — • Vesuvius. do. C Evening. do. C Guardian of the Sacred Fire at Fault. do. C Ruth and Naomi. do. C Sapho. do. C At Virgil's Tomb. do. C C Disclosure to the Pompeian Venus. do. C Sapho. do. C C Brother and Sister. do. C An Artist at Herculaneum. do. C C The Education of a Vestal. do. C News from Outside. do. C C Drawing Lots for a New Vestal. do. C C The Prayer. do. C Lanuzia, Vestal. do. C The Grove of Vesta. (Salon of 1896.) do. C C The Lupercal. (Salon of 1896.) do. C Toilet of a Pompeian lady. (Salon of 1898.) do. C LE ROUX (Laura). Born in Dun-sur-Meuse. (Modern.) Anne and Jane. D., $5.00. do. Education of the Virgin. do. Leila. (Salon of 1898.) do. Jehanne L of Naples. (Salon of 1896.) do. The Hour of Waiting. (Salon of 1896.) do. Without Ancestors. (Salon of 1897.) do. Spring. (Salon of 1897.) do. LEROY (Paul Alexander Alfred). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Evening at Nazareth. do. Penelope. j A young girl. ^^ The Daughters of Atlas. (Salon of 1896.) do! Refugium. (Salon of 1897.) do The Bath. (Salon of 1898.) do c c c C c C c C c c c c c c c Q c c c c — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 693 Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4J LE S6NECHAL DE KERDR60RET (Gustave). Born in Hennebont (Morbuhan). (Modern.) Gust of Wind, October 30, 1887. — Entrance to Treport. Modern Painters. C LESLIE (Charles R.) Clerkenwell, 1794— Lon- don, 1859. (English School.) Uncle Toby and the Widow Wadman (Tristram Shandy). London, N. G. C Sir Walter Scott. Painted at Abbottsford. PI., 10x22 inches, $2.00; 7x9, $1,00. Boston, M, F. A. LESLIE (George Dunlop). London, 1835. (Mod- ern.) Rose Qfeen. Artist's Proofs, 20^x15 inches, 100 India, $18.00; D., $5.00. Modern Painters. LESREL (Adolphe Alexander). Born in Genets (Manche). (Modern.) Sleep of a Bacchante. do. C Flight of the Swallows. do. C C Drunken Bacchante. do. C The Godfather's Present. do. C The Orphans. do. C LESUEUR (Eustache). Paris, 1617-1655. (French School.) Angel of the Lord Appearing to Hagar in the Desert. Paris, Louvre. C — Tobias Receiving Instructions from his Father. do. C — C — The Angelic Salutation. do. C — C — Jesus Bearing His Cross. do. C — C — Descent from the Cross. do. C " — C — Jesus Appearing to Mary Magdalen. do, ^ C — C — St. Paul Preaching at Ephesus. do. C • St. Scholastica Appearing to St. Benedict. do. C C Mass of St. Martin. Bishop of Tours. y do. C C Paintings Executed for the Small Cloister of the Chartreux of Paris from 1645 TO 1648. (Life of St. Bruno.) St. Bruno present at the sermon of Raymond Diocres. Paris, Louvre. C — C — St. Bruno giving the habit to several persons. do. C C 694 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ St. Bruno receiving a message from the Pope. Paris, Louvre. C — G — St. Bruno arriving at Rome. do. C — C — St. Bruno refusing the Archbishopric of Reggio, offered him by Urban II. do. C — C — Death of St. Bruno, October 6, iioi. do. C — C — ^ St. Bruno and his companions distributing all their goods among the poor. (Sketch.) do. C — C — St. Bruno examining the plan of the Chartreuse at Rome. do. C — Paintings Executed for the Decoration of the Hotel Lambert xt P.\ris. Venus presenting Cupid to Jupiter. Paris, Louvre. C — C — Cupid, reprimanded by his mother, takes refuge in the arms of Ceres. do. C — C — Cupid receiving the homage of the gods. do. C — C — Cupid ordering Mercury to announce his power to the universe. do. C — C — Cupid stealing Jupiter's thunder. do. C — C — Clio, Euterpe and Thalia. do. C — C — Melpomene, Erato and Polyhymnia. do. C — C — Urania. do. C — C — Terpsichore. do. C — C — Calliope. do. C — C — Ganymede carried oflF by Jupiter. do. C — G — (Attributed to Lesueur.) Institution of the Eu- charist, do. G (Attributed to Lesueur.) The Christ of the Col- umn, do. C — C — Plans, Sketches, Studies and Compositions for Illustration of the Life of St. Bruno. (Drawings.) *i04 panels at prices varying from .75 to $2,50. Studies : three male figures and one female bust. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Paris, Louvre. Two female figures, bent over, right profile. (Drawing.) do. — C Figure of an apostle, standing, and sketch of a head, two hands and a foot. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Study of a man, standing, turned to the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Study of drapery. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. >$i3o. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 695 Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Study of drapery. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Paris, Louvre. Male bust ; study of drapery. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Male figure standing; study of drapery. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do. Sketch for an antique subject. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Allegory ; composition of numerous figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Artist drawing a child ; group of six figures. (Drawing.) do. C — Group of two women, a man and a flying angel. (Drawing.) €.,$1.25. do. Figure of a woman, stooping, left profile. (Draw- ing.) do. C Hagar; sketch of four figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Opening of a tomb ; composition of nine figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Same subject; study, five figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Decorative figures, group of three women. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. St. Ignatius of Loyola kneeling. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Composition of eight figures and a horse ; sketch. C.,$i.25. do. Studies of angels. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Weimar. The Magdalen at the feet of Jesus. (Drawing.) Vienna Albertina. C St. Catherine disputing with the fifty sages. (Drawing.) C. $1.75. do. Martyrdom of St. Gervinus. (Drawing.) do. C — — St. Barbara standing. (Drawing.) do. C — Study for a St. Laurence. (Drawing.) do. — C Angel supporting a saint. (Drawing.) do. C — Triumph of Religion ; circular composition. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. Study for the half-length figure of a woman, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Study for two women, left profile. (Drawing.) do. C — 696 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Draped male figure, kneeling, right profile. (Drawing.) Head of a man with a beard, right profile. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Genii flying towards the left. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Singing boy walking towards the left. (Draw- ing) LEU (August Wilhelm). Munster, 1818. (Mod- ern.) ♦The Faraglioni near Capri.) D., i4}4^2i}4 in., $5.00. »c, ^ /- • r (Companion pictures. ) ♦Sunset near Capn. J b., 16x21 in., $5.00. LEUENBERGER (E.) (Modern.) Foot-soldiers. LEVORATTI (L.) (:\lodern.) Rosina. Margherita. Lucia. Paula. Carlotta. LEVY (6mile). Paris, 1826-1890. (Modern.) Death of Orpheus. (Salon of 1866.) The Meta Sudans. Young Mother. Childhood. Youth. The Family. Circe. Portrait of Barbey 1889. d'Aurevilly (Jules), 1808- (Modern.) (Salon of 1896.) LEVY-DHURMER (L.) The Mysteries of Ceres. Eve. (Salon of 1896.) Silence. (Salon of 1896.) Memento of Leonardo da Vinci. Twilight. (Salon of 1896.) Notre Dame de Penmarch. (Salon of 1896.) (Salon of 1896.) Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Vienna, Albert. C — do. do. do. C Modern Painters. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Paris, Lux. do. Modern Painters. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. — B B B C C C C C C C C c c c c c c c c •This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6>^x9 inches, $1.80. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 697 Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4i In Paradise. (Salon of 1897.) Modern Painters. C LEYDEN (Lucas de), JACOBZ VAN LEYDEN. Leyden, 1494-1533. (Flemish School.) Male portrait. (Drawing.) Paris, Louvre. C Joseph Sold by His Brethren. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Galichon Col. The Savants. (Drawing.) C, .75. Lille. Group of warriors. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. — Madonna and Child, to whom an angel is present- ing a flower. Berlin. C Game of Chess. do. C — C Portrait of the artist, by himself. D., 7^x9 inch- es, $1.50. Brunswick. B Temptation of St. Anthony. Dresden. C — Joseph Explaining his Dreams. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Dresden, R. C. (Companion to the above.) (Drawing.) do. C Return of the Prodigal Son. (Drawing.) do. C Joseph and his Brethren. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Two old men. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. do. Legend of St. Hubert. (Engraving.) do. C — Ecce Homo. (Engraving.) C, $2.50. do. The Dentist. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. do. The Barber. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. do. The Doctor. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. do. Hunting. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. do. Pyramus and Thisbe. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. do. David playing the harp before Saul. (Engrav- ing.) C, $1.25. do. The Poet Virgil hanging in a basket. (Engrav- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Cows on a farm. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. do. The Annunciation. Munich. C — C Female portrait. (Drawing.) Weimar. C Temptation of St. Anthony. Vienna Museum. C C The ATagdalen Dance. Brussels. C — C Adoration of the Magi. Triptych, central panel ; St. George, right panel; The Dcnor, left panel. Antwerp. C Portrait of the artist, by himself. Florence, Ufifizi. C — 698 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Portrait of a young man. Christ Crowned with Thorns. Quartering group of numerous figures. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Circular composition ; group of nine figures : Pres- entation of the Virgin. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. (School of Leyden.) Male bust, full face. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. (School of Leyden.) Man and woman seated un- der a tree. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. (School of Leyden.) Bust of an old woman, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Small group of men standing. (Drawing.) C, •75- Jesus and the Blind Man of Jericho. Gallery. Siscs, Florence, Uffizi. do. do. ^ ^l 2, 2,1 Ah do. do. do. do. do. St. Petersburg. C LEYENDECKER (Paul Joseph). Born in Par- is. (Modern.) Moliere at the house of Ninon de Lenclos. Partisans' Post under Louis XIIL L'HERMITTE (Leon Augustin). Born in Mont St. Pere (Aisne), 1884. (Modern.) Reapers' Pay-day. (Salon of 1882.) A Pilgrimage. The Grandmother. Apple-market at Landerneau (Finisterre). Le Pardon de Ploumanach. Christ's Visit to Emmaus. Christ. (Detail of the above.) Detail of Christ's Visit to Emmaus. Modern Painters. do. Paris, Lux. C C Modem Painters. C do. C do. C do. C Boston, M. F. A. PIC — PIC — do. PIC — do. PIC — LIBERALE (di Verona). Verona, 1451-1536. (Ve- netian School.) St. Sebastian. Madonna enthroned, with the Child, and adored by saints. Death of Dido. (Attributed.) Dido Dying. Madonna and Child, with angels. St. Anthony with Satan behind him. C, $1.00. Berlin. C C — C do. C Cassel. C — C London, N. G. C — C do. C — C Florence, Uffizi. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 6iJ9 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4i LIBERI (Pietro). Padua, about 1600 — Venice, 1677. (Venetian School.) Judgment of Paris. Dresden. I (Companion pictures.) LIBRI (Girolamo dai). See GIROLAMO. LICINIO (Bernardino). See PORDENONE. LIEBERMANN (Max). (Modern.) Old Men's Home in Amsterdam. Saying Grace. The Boys of Zandwoort. (Salon of 1896.) On the Dunes. (Museum of Leipsic.) (Salon of 1896.) LIECK (J.) (Modern.) Dreams. Ella. Bella. A Greeting. Peasant girl Styrian girl, Lydia. Joy of Life. Happiness. Prayer of Thanks. Carina. A Hard Task. LIER (Adolf). Herrnhut, Saxony, 1826- 1882. (Modern.) High-road near Regen. Potato-harvest. A Party on the Elbe. Spring landscape. LIEVENSZ (Jans Livinsz, or Lyvins). Leyden, 1607 — Amsterdam, 1674. (Dutch School.) Portrait of a child. Sacrifice of Abraham. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. Procession in a mountainous country. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Modern Painters, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C Berlin. Brunswick. C C C — C C — C C — C C C — C B B — B B — B B B B — B B B B B B C C c B Dresden, R. C. — 700 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Old man with an hour-glass. Male portrait, (Drawing.) $1.75. Young man. Anna Maria Schurmann. Sacrifice of Isaac. (According to catalogue of Doria Gallery, by Titian Vecellio.) LIEZEN-MAYER (Alexander). Raab, Hungary, 1839. (Modern.) Queen Elizabeth Signing the Death-warrant of Marie Stuart. Faust and Marguerite. Marie Theresa nursing a poor woman's child. Marguerite and Martha. Marguerite. Slavonian peasant girl. Charity. The Golden Hours of First Love. Flight into Eg^pt. Philippine Welser before Emperor Ferdinand I. The Toilette. The Maiden from Afar. At the Spring. D., 7x9 inches, $1.50. Congratulations. The Oracle. LIGNONI. (Italian School.) Rape of the Sabines. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. LIGOZZI (Jacopo). Verona, 1543-1627. (Italian School.) Allegorical composition. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Allegory ; composition of many figures. (Draw- ing.) C, $2.50. The First Sin. Adam and Eve followed by Death. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. LIMBORCH (Hendrik Van). The Hague, 1680- 1758. (Dutch School.) A Musical Party. LINDENSCHMIDT (Hermann). (Modern.) The Prodigal Son. Gallery. Sizes, Munich. Weimar. Vienna Museum. London, N. G. Rome, Doria. 2 2i 3 32 4 4i C — C C — C Modern Painters. — C C c do. — — C c — c do. — — — c — c do. — C C c — c do. — ■ — c c — c do. C c — c do. — C C c — c do. C c — c do. C c — c do. c c c c — c do. — c — c do. — . — ■ C c — c do. C c — c do. — — — c — c do. ■ C c — c Weimar. — — Florence, Uffizi. — — do. — — Venice. _ _ Vienna, Liecht. C C Modern Painters. C — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 701 Gallery. Siscs, 2 2^ 3 3J 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. C — C do. C do. C do. C do. _ c — C — C do. C do. C C — C do. C do. C do. C C do. C C do. C do. c C — C do. _ c C C — C do. C do. C In the Nursery. Joy That's Shared Is Doubled. Reading-lesson. In the Alpine Meadow. LINDENSCHMIDT (Wilhelm). Munich, 1829. (Modern.) Young Luther at Elizabeth Cotta's. Religious Conference at Marburg. Dr. Martin Luther. Luther before Cajetan in Augsburg, 15 18. In the Library. In the Studio. Martin Luther brought to the Gray Friars in Magdeburg by his parents. Song, Love and Wine. Single Blessedness. Yearning. Willigis, Archbishop of Mayence, promoting the welfare of the "Schools." Instructing. Scholar reading. LINDEN (George). "May I Come in?" (Modern.) (Salon of 1896.) LINDER (L.) (Modern.) Picture-dealer in the Country. LINDERUM (R.) (Modern.) I Believe. Carthaginian women. The Monastery Tailor. The Monastic Flute-player. Monk reading. Inspiration. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. LINDMEYER (Daniel). 1587. (German School.) Design for a window. (Drawing.) Weimar. C C c C C — c — C — c — B — B B C c — LINDNER (F.) (Modern.) A Night Attack. Modern Painters. C* C — C 702 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. LrlNGELBACH (Johann). Frankfort-on-the- Alain, 1622 — Amsterdam, 1687. (German School.) Seaport with ships at anchor. Left profile of man leaning on chair; sketch. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. A hay-harvest. An encampment. A riding-school. Italian seaport. The March of William II. upon Amsterdam in August, 1650. Departure of King Charles II. from Schevenin- gen for England, June 2, 1660. The Mountebank. Landscape, with hunters resting and women on horseback. LINGNER (Otto). (Modern.) A fishermaiden. Lisette. Anneliese. "Welcome!" *Lost Happiness. Day. Night. Spring-time of Love. D., 21x13 inches, $5.00. Violets. Roses. **Magdalena at the Foot of the Cross. D., 19JX 13! inches, $5.00. LINNIG (Wilhelm), the Younger. Antwerp, 1849. (Modem.) Luther during the Pestilence in Wittemberg. LINS (H.) (Modern.) Quite beside the Question. In the Meadow. Soap-bubbles. Village Choir. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; 8x10, $1.50. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4J Dresden. C — Dresden, P. G. ' Munich. Amsterdam. C C C — c — c — c do. do. C — The Hague. c — c do. c — c Brussels. _ c — c Florence, Ufifizi. — c — Modern Painters. C c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. B — — B do. B — — B do. B — — B do. do. — C C — C Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C C — C •This subject comes in an Aquarelle Gravure, 16x21 inches, $12.00. **This Subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6>4x() inches, $1.80. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 703 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Jolly People. Modern Painters. C C — C Rustic Music. do. C C — C The Village Gymnast. do. C Shepherd's Mid-day Meal. do. C The Introduction. do. C LINT (Hendrik Van). Antwerp, 1684; died after 1726. (Flemish School.) Return from the Hunt near Rome. Brunswick. B LIONARDO (Lionardo da Pistoia, same as II Pistoia). Middle of XVI. century (?). Madonna and Child. Berlin. C — C LIONI or LEONI (Ottavio). See LEONI. LIOTARD (Jean Etienne). Geneva, 1702- 1790. (French School.) Portrait of the artist in the costume worn at Con- stantinople. (Pastel.) Dresden. C Count Maurice of Saxony, Marshal of France. (Pastel.) do. C C The Beautiful Chocolate Girl ; portrait of Char- lotte Baldauf. (Pastel.) do. c — BC C - B Portrait of Mademoiselle Lavergne, known as "La Belle Lyonnaise." (Pastel.) do. C The Beautiful Reader ; Mile. Lavergne, niece of the artist. (Pastel.) Amsterdam. '■ C — Portrait of Countess Coventry, dressed in Turk- ish costume. (Pastel.) do. C — LIPHART (Ernest de). Born in Dorpat (Russia). (Modern.) Assumption of the Magdalen. Modern Painters. C The Bather. do. C Fortune. do. C Olympian Derby. do. C The Ascension of Christ. do. B B LIPPI (Fra Filippo). Florence, 1412 (?) — Spoleta, 1469. (Florentine School.) The Nativity. Paris, Louvre. C — C — Madonna and Child between two abbots as saints. do. C 704 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. (School of Lippi.) Madonna and Child. (Attributed to Lippi.) Male portrait. Pope seated upon his throne, surrounded by car- dinals. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Draped figure of a man, seated. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. (Attributed.) Figure of saint, standing, draped in large mantle. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Madonna between St. Peter and St. Anthony. Head of man wearing a cap, turned to left. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Madonna and Child. The Virgin Adoring the Child. Mary, Mother of Mary. (School of Fra Filippo Lippi.) Christ and St. John. The Annunciation. Madonna and Child. Two draped figures in conversation. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Vision of St. Bernard. Madonna and Child enthroned, surrounded by angels. An angel presenting the Infant Jesus to the Vir- gin. The Annunciation. St. John the Baptist with six other saints. St. Augustine. The Virgin adoring the Infant Jesus. Draped female figure, left profile, and figure of an old man kneeling, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Saint kneeling, left profile, and young man stand- ing, draped. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Three draped figures; the two in the middle kneeling, the other two standing. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Madonna and Child with St. \6hn. (Drawing.) c, $1.75. Draped female figure standing, and a monk kneel- ing. (Lavis and ceruse drawing.) C, $1.25. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Paris, Louv re. C — c — do. — c — do. . — — — do. — — — Malcolrr\ Col. _ _ Chantilly, — c — do. _ Berlin. C — — c do. — c c c — c do. c — — c do. c Munich. c c — c do. c — c Weimar. London, N. G. c c — c do. c _ _ do. c C — C do. c C — C do. c C — C Florence, Uffizi. C — do. PIC PIC do. do. do. do. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON., 705 The Virgin and Child. Detail of the above : head of Virgin. Coronation of the Virgin. Detail of the above : God the Father placing the crown on the Virgin's head. Detail of the above : group of the Holy Innocents (left side). Detail of the above : group of the Holy Innocents (right side). The Archangel Gabriel and St. John the Baptist. The Virgin and St. Anthony. The Virgin adoring the Infant Jesus. The Nativity. The Annunciation. Female figure standing on pedestal. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Four figures of saints standing, and two winged angels. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Young Florentine. (Exhibition of female por- traits at the ficole des Beaux Arts, 1897.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3i 4 4i Florence, Pitti. — — PIC — — PIC do. — _ PIC — . — . — Florence, A. B. A. — — PIC — — — do. — c _ PIC do. C PIC do. do. do. C PIC do. C do. C PIC Rome, Doria. C PIC Milan, Resta Col. Venice. (Complete composition (Complete composition LIPPI (Filippino). Florence, about 1459- 1504. (Florentine School.) Two figures wearing large mantles. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. An angel presenting flowers to the Madonna and Child. Esther and Ahasuerus. with the frame.) Esther and Ahasuerus. without the frame.) The same subject in three parts : left part. The same subject in three parts : middle part. The same subject in three parts : right part. Madonna and Child. Christ on the Cross ; at His feet the Virgin and St. Francis. • Madonna and Child. Allegory on music. Portrait of a young man (Sandro Botticelli?). Malcolm Col. Chantilly. do. Berlin do. C do. C do. C do. C C c — c do. C c —c do. C c — c do. do. c c 706 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^-4 4^ Two figures, one standing, the other seated. (Drawing.) Dresden, R. C. C Christ Appearing to His Mother. Munich. C C — C Pieta. do. C — C Madonna and Child ; St. Jerome and St. Dominic kneeling before her. London, N. G. C — Adoration of the ]Magi. do. C C — C St. Francis in Ecstasy. do. C — . Adoration of the Magi. * do. C The Virgin with the Christ-Child and Little St. John. do. C — C The Virgin and two angels appearing to a monk. (Drawing.) London, B. ^L C — Young woman, towards the right, carrying flow- ers. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Portrait of the artist, by himself. Florence, Uffizi. C — Adoration of the Magi. do. C Madonna and Child enthroned. do. C Draped figure of young man seated. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Young man seated, full face. (Drawing.) C.,$i.75. do. Three draped figures sitting on the ground. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Three draped male figures standing. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. The Virgin kneeling adoring the Child lying on the ground. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Figure of an old man kneeling, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Draped male figure seated, fvill face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Draped figure of young man seated, turned to the left. (Drawing.) C. $1.00. do. Two Litter-Bearers, and the repetition of the left leg of the one on the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. St. Bernard standing, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. St. Cecilia before the Proconsul. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Purification of the Virgin. (Drawing.) C, .75. do, SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON, 707 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 44 Adoration of the Shepherds. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Florence, Uffizi. Group of several figures at the right and left of a bishop. The Purification. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. The Angel Gabriel standing, right profile. (Draw- ing.) C., $1.00. do. ■ Group of several figures in a landscape with ar- chitecture. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. . Christ and the Doctors; sketch. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. do. Holy Family. (Drawing.) C., .75. do. Sketch ; the Virgin adoring the Child , and saints. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. — Draped female figure kneeling, turned to the right, hands clasped. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. ■ Christ in the midst of His Disciples ; half-length ' " figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Holy Family, with architecture in the back- ground. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. — : Composition of many figures, background of ar- chitecture, do. C Medallion with ornaments. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Medallion with ornaments. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Design for ornamentation. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Arabesques and ornaments. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Study of ornaments. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Arabesques and ornaments. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Arabesques and ornaments. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Arabesques and ornaments. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Angel in adoration. (Santarelli Coll.) (Pen and ceruse drawing.) C. $1.25. do. Holy Family surrounded by angels. Florence, Pitti. C Detail of the above : the angels on the right. do. C Death of Lucretia. do. C ■ Mary Magdalen. Florence Acad. C St. Jerome. do. C St. John the Baptist. =- do. C Study of an angel kneeling, back view. (Draw- ing.) Milan, Resta Col. C — 708 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. LIPPI (Lorenzo). Florence, 1606- 1664. (Floren- tine School.) St. Catherine. Male figure seated, turned to left. (Drawing.) LIPPINCOTT (WiUiam). (Modern.) Two Good Friends. Born in Philadelphia. LIPPO (Memmi). 1357. (Florentine School.) Madonna and Child. Madonna and Child. Madonna and Child. LIPPS (F.) (Modem.) Spring (child with flowers). Summer-time (child with flowers). LIRA (Pedro Francisco). Bom in Santiago (Chili). (Modern.) Antique Dance. / LISKA (Emanuel K.) (Modern.) Manfred and Astarte. Adagio. The Bachelor. Hagar and Ishmael. Love, Disturber of Peace. A sh-Wednesday. Out of Work. Cain. Emperor Maximian's Offerings. Christ on the Mount of Olives. D., i6x2t. $5.00; Artist's Proofs on India paper. 21x14^. $15.00. Mater Dolorosa. Michael Angelo's Dream. The Widower. D., 21x16 inches, $5.00. A Rural Coquette. LIVENSZ (Jan). See LIEVENSZ. LLORENTE (Don Bernardo German de LLOR- ENTE). Bom in Seville in 1685-1757. (Span- ish School.) Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Florence, Uffizi. PIC — — PIC Dresden, R. C. C — Modern Painters. C Berlin. C do. C do. C Modern Painters. B do. B do. C do. C — C do. C do. C do. _ C C C — C do. C do. C do. C do. C C — C do- • C — C do. C C — c do. C C — c do. C C — c do. C C — c do. c — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 709 The Divine Shepherdess. LOBBEDEZ (C.) (Modern.) The Little Brother. Mother-love. LOBRICHON (Timoleon). Born in Cornod (Ju- ra), 1831. (Modern.) A hen on a wall. Last Day of a Condemned. Tortures of Tantalus. Child's head. The Letter-box. Sports of childhood. Perplexity (road of the Bois-aux-Loups). A Tender Mother, fidouard and Fernand. Chirpings. A Halt. A Vocation. Tom Thumb. "Very Busy." Study of a child. (Drawing.) Spring's Messengers. (Salon of 1899.) Spring's Messengers (detail). (Salon of 1899.) LOEWE (Frederic), Born in Paris. (Modern.) Pythoness. Tarquin and Lucretia. Adam and Eve. LOEWE (M.) (Modern.) First Words of Love. Mignon. Sunny Days. Scene from the Merry Wives of Windsor. L6FFTZ (Ludwig). Darmstadt, 1845. (Modern.) Lace-weaver. The Seamsitress. LOGSDAIL (W.) (Modern.) St. Martin in the Field. Artist's Proofs, I9|xi6 inches, 50 on Japan. $20.00; 100 on India, $15.00; D., $5.00. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Madrid. C Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. — C do. C do. C do. C C do. C — C do. C do. C do. C do. C C do. C do. C do. C C Besan<;on. C Modern Painters. C C ■ do. C C do. C do. C do. C C do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c — c do. B — B B do. C — c do. C C — C do. B B 710 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. LOHR (G.) (Modern.) An Unwilling Lover. LOIRE (Leon). Born in Paris. (Modern.) The Misfortunes of Pierrot. LOMAX (J.) (Modern.) *To Bring the Roses Back. Artist's Proofs, I3^x 20 inches, 50 on India, $15.00; D., $5.00. How the Old Squire Caught the Big Jack. Art- ist's Proofs, 9^x14^ inches, 200 on Japan, $24.00; 200 on India, $18.00; D., $3.00. My Bill of Costs. Best of Friends. D., 16x9 inches, $3.00. The Squire's Song. Artist's Proofs, on India, I4|x2i| inches, $15.00; D., $5.00. Taking a Mean Advantage. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; 8x10, $1.50. Turning the Tables. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; 8x 10, $1.50. LOMAZZO (Giovanni Paolo). Milan, 1 538-1600. (Italian School.) St. Mark seated upon clouds. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. (Attributed.) Burial of Christ ; composition of eight figures. (Drawing.) LOMBARD (Lambert), called LAMBERTO LOMBARDO SUAVIO. Liege, 1506-1560. (Flemish School.) Madonna and Child. Holy Family. Madonna giving an apple to the Child. Human Sufferings. The Lord's Supper. Descent from the Cross. LONG (E.) (Modern.) The Squire's Daughter. Artist's Proofs, 20^x14! inches, 75 on Japan, $20.00; 150 on India, $15.00; D., $5.00. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Venice. do. C B C — C — c — c — c C C — c c c — c Berlin. Vienna, Imp. Mus. Brussels, do. Florence, Uffizi. Modern Painters. C C — C C C — C B B ♦This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6>^X9 inches, $1.80. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 711 LONGHI (Barbara). Ravenna, end of the XVI. century. (Bolognese School.) Madonna and Child crowning a nun. LONGHI (Luca). Ravenna, 1507- 1580. (Bolo- gnese School.) Virgin in Glory. Madonna and Child enthroned with saints. Holy Family. St. Catherine (half-length figure). LONGHI (Pietro). Venice, 1702-1762. (Vene- tian School.) Portrait given as that of the composer, Cimarosa, 1754-1801 (?). LONZA (Antonio). Triest, 1846. (Modern.) After the Conference. The Knife-thrower. "Long Live the Bride !" The Interrupted Performance. An Interesting Story. | (Companion pictures.) In the Park. • j D., 18^x12 inches, $5.00. LOO (van), Charles-Andre, etc. See VAN-LOO. LOOMIS (Chester). Born in Syracuse (United States). (Modern.) Presentation of a Future Husband. Christopher Sly, Tinker, changed into a Great Lord. Viola. LOOTEN (Jan). (?)-about 1681. (Dutch School.) Landscape ; river bordered by trees. LORAINE (N.) (Modern.) "Whose Dog Are You?" LORCH (Melchior). Flensburg (?), 1527-1586 (German School.) Orpheus. (Engraving.) C, .75. Hunting the Wild IBoar. (Engraving.) C, .75. The Three Deer. (Engraving.) C, .75. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3i 4 Paris, Louvre. Chantilly. Berlin. Dresden. St. Petersburg. 1 1 1 u MM MM 4i C Vienna, Liecht. C C Modern Painters. c — c do. C c — c do. c — c do. B — — B do. B — — B do. B — — B do. C do. C do. C London, N. G. C Modern Painters. C Dresden, R. C. do. do. 712 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. LORENZETTI (Ambruogio). First half of XIV. century. (Siennese School.) (Copy after Ambruogio Lorenzetti.) From the Legend of a Saint. (School of Ambruogio Lorenzetti.) St. Domi- nic. LORENZETTI (Pietro di Lorenzo). Sienna. Died about 1350. (Siennese School.) St. Humilitas Healing a Sick Nun. Death of St. Humilitas. IVIadonna and Child. The Thebaid of Egypt. (By Pietro and Ambrogio.) The Anchorites m the Thebaid, right part. The Anchorites in the Thebaid, left part. LORENZINO. See SABBATINI (Lorenzo). LORENZO di Nicolo GERINI. Worked at the end of the XIV. century. (School of Giotto.) Altar-picture in three divisions : centre, Corona- tion of the Virgin ; left, St. Anthony and St. Peter; right, St. John and St. Thomas. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2J 3 3^ 4 4^ Berlin. ^ C do. ' C do. ^ — C do. C Florence, Uffizi. C do. C Pisa, C. S. do. C C Chantillv. — — C LORENZO (Fiorenzo di). Perugia, about 144c about 1521. (Umbrian School.) Madonna and Child. Berlin. Madonna and Child surrounded by saints and an- gels (triptych). London, N. G. Christ on the Cross, St. Jerome and St. Christo- pher. Rome, Borg. Gal. LORENZO MONACO (Don) di Giovanni. Flor- ence (?), XV. century. (Florentine School.) Picture in three divisions: In the middle of the triptych, St. Laurence; on the side panels, St. Agnes and St. Margaret. Coronation of the Virgin. Angel. (Detail of the above.) Virgin enthroned w^ith the Child Jesus in the act of blessing. (Triptych of Mt. Olivet.) C Paris, Louvre. Florence, Uffizi. do. do. C — C C — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 713 Gallery. Sices, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ LORENZO da SAN SEVERINO. 1374—? (Um- brian School.) Mystical IMarriage of St. Catherine. London, N. G. C — C LORENZO VENEZIANO. Was painting from 1357-1370. (Venetian School.) Annunciation. Venice. C LORIMER (John Henry). Born in Edinburgh (Modern.) The Blessing. Paris, Lux. C — LORME (Antonis de) or DELORME. Rotter- dam. Worked from 1640 to 1666. (Dutch School.) Interior of a Gothic church. Berlin. C LORRAIN (Claude GELLeE), called CLAUDE. Chateau of Chamagne, diocese of Toul, 1600 — Rome, 1682. (French School.) View of a port ; sunrise efifect. Paris, Louvre. C — C — View of Campo Vaccino, Rome. do. C — C — The Village Festival. do. C — C — Seaport at sunset. . du. C — C — C — Cleopatra Landing at Tarsus. do. C — C — David anointed King by Samuel. * do. • C Ulysses restoring Chrj^sei's to her Father. do. C — C — C — View of a seaport; effect of sunlight through a fog. do. C — A seaport. do. C — C — Sea-piece. do. -^ C — Landscape. do. ■ C — Landscape. do. C — The Ford. / do. C Entrance to a port, view from the sea". do. C — Siege of La Rochelle, captured by Louis XIIl. October 8, 1628. do. C — Pass of Susa forced by Louis XIIL October 8, 1628. do. — C — Study of a tree. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. , do. Landscape and monuments. CDra'wing.) C, .75. do. % Landscape and monuments. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Wooded landscape. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. , do. 714 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Beach, with a fortress to the right. (Drawing.) Landscape with river spanned by a bridge with five arches. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Landscape. Sacrifice. (Drawing.) Sea-piece ; sunset effect ; four persons leaving a boat and coming on shore. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Landscape ; in the foreground a road with figures ; to the right, a wooded hill. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Large landscape ; sunrise effect. Seaport, sunset ; to the left splendid edifices ; to the right, ships. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Flock with shepherd crossing a ford. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. View taken in front of Santa Maria Maggiore, Rome ; numerous figures, horsemen, etc. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Studies of trees. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Landscape ; a cluster of trees reflected in a river ; on the left, the figure of Daphne changed into a bay-tree. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Mountainous landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Italian landscape. Heroic landscape. Flight of the Holy Family. Coast of Sicily. Acis and Galatea. View of the City of Florence. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Landscape. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Entrance to a port. (Engraving.) C, $l.OO. Study of a landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Morning landscape : Expulsion of Hagar and Ish- mael. Afternoon landscape : The Angel Showing Hagar the Well in the Desert. Harbor at sunset. Landscape ; evening eflFect on the water. (Unknown follower of Claude Gellee.) Land- scape with deer-hunt. Gallery. Siacs, 2 2^ j 3^ 4 4^ Paris, Louvre. C — do. do. Armand Col. C do. Old Masters. C Chantilly. do. ■ do. do. do. Lille. Berlin. C C — C do. B Dresden. C C — B do. B do. C C Dresden, R. C. do. do. Dresden. P. G. Munich. do. do. do. do. C — C C — c c — c C — c c — c SOULE ART COMPANY, Landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. The Repentant Magdalen in a mountainous land- scape. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. View of the Villa Albani. (Drawing.) Landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. View of the environs of Rome. (Drawing.) River in a flat country. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Landscape with a river ; at the right, large rocks. (Drawing.) Large trees in the foreground of a landscape. (Drawing.) Rustic house on a hill. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. View of the Nomentana Bridge at Rome. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75- View of the Valley of Tivoli. (Drawing.) View of a town on the seashore. (Drawing.) Pond in the woods. (Drawing.) Heart of the forest. (Drawing.) Wooded landscape with a river ; at the right, a village. (Drawing.) View of the Molo at Naples. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Two trees in the foreground of a landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Mountainous landscape with a three-arched bridge spanning a river. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. A tree; study. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. A tree in the foreground of a landscape, and some houses in the background. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Studies of trees. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Studies of two trees. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Landscape : Crossing the Ford, ^neas hunting deer on the coast of Lybia. Landscape with figures, known under the name of "Marriage of Isaac and Rebecca." Seaport with figures, representing the Queen of Sheba embarking for her visit to Solomon. Seaport with the embarkation of St. Ursula. Landscape. BOSTON. 716 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Weimar. Vienna Albertina. do. C do. do. C do. do. C do. C do. do. do. C do. C do. C do. — C do. C do. do. do. do. do. • do. ■ do. Buda-Pesth. C Brussels. C — C London, N. G. C do. C do. c do. c 716 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Rape of Europa. London, B. P. C C Series of Sketches and Studies Taken from the Book of Truth. (Drawing.) The prices are from $1.00 to $2.50, the whole series $90. London, B. M. Landscape with a river. (Drawing.) do. • C — A seaport. Windsor. C C A lighthouse ; view from a seaport. do. C Landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Chatsworth. Landscape ; in the f9reground, various figures ; in the background, to the left, a town. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Landscape; ruins to the left. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Sea-piece ; sunset eflFect. Florence, Uffizi. C — — — Ruins of a temple ; sketch. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. — — Ruins of a temple; sketch. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. ■ Study of a tree. (Drawing.) do. — C View of a town ; sketch. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Landscape with a river ; on the right, a fortress. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Landscape ; in the distance a castle. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Landscape ; in the foreground, seven goats. (Drawing.) do. C — Wooded landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. View of a seaport. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Landscape ; at the left, a bridge with three arches spanning a river. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. — Landscape with architecture, (Drawing.) C. $1.00. do. Mountainous landscape with a river. (Drawing.) C, $1,00. ^ do. Sea-piece. Rome, Bor. Gal. — — C Landscape with a temple of Apollo. Rome. Doria. C The Mill. do. C The Repose in Egypt. do. C Port of Ostia; sunrise effect. St. Paul embark- ing for the Holy Land. (Figures by Cour- tois.) Madrid. C Landscape with sunrise effect. Young Tobias and the Archangel Raphael. (Figures by Courtois.) do. C • SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 717 Landscape with sunrise effect. Magdalen. Morning. Noon. The Repentant Evening. Night. LORING (F.) (Modern.) The Army of Peace. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Madrid. C — C St. Petersburg. C do. C — C do. C do. C Modern Painters. C — C LOS-RIOS (Ricardo de). Born in Valladolid (Spain). (Modern.) Convalescence. do. — — c The Mollien Pavilion after the ram, Place du Carrousel. do. — — c LOSSOW (Friedrich). Munich, 1837-1872. (Mod- • ern.) Puppy Pursuing Ducklings. do. — — c The Dog and the Raven. do. — — c Comedians "On the Road." do. — — c Young donkey attacked by geese. do. — — c LOSSOW (Heinrich). Munich, 1843. (Modern.) The Sphinx. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. C c — c A Kiss Under Difficulties. do. C c — c Indiscreet. do. c c — c Blessed News. do. — — c Children's School. do. c Musical Entertainment. do. c Before the Chase. do. c — c Morning Toilette. do. c The Despised Rose. do. c c — c Pouting. do. c c High Protection. do. c c — c On the Terrace. do. — -n c A Good Opportunity. do. — — c In the Evening. do. c — c In the Morning. do. — c — c Hearts that have Found Each Other. do. — — c Frolicsome. do. c — c Flower-girl. do. — — c Flower-girl. do. . c — c 718 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4| Our Cousin on a Visit. Modem Painters. C C — C Shepherdess Taken Unawares. do. — C C C — C In the Ante-room. do. C C The Awakening. do. C C — C Good Friends. do. C La Belle Jardiniere. do. — C lo. do. C Expectant. do. C Confidences. do. B Interesting News. do. B The Milliner. do. B — B Old Roman. do. B B LOTHI (Johann Carl Loth), called CARLOTTO. Munich, 1632 — Venice, 1698. (Venetian School.) St. Dominic. LOTTO (Lorenzo). Treviso, 1480 ( ?)— Loretta, about 1554. (Venetian School.) The Woman Taken in Adultery. St. Jerome in the Desert. Holy Family. Portrait of an architect. Portrait of a young man. Portrait of a young man. St. Sebastian and St. Christopher (double pic- ture.) Christ Saying Farewell to His ^lother. Madonna and Child, with St. John. Marriage of St. Catherine. ^Madonna and Child, with saints. Portrait of a man at three different angles. Male portrait. Portraits of Agostino and of Nicolo dell^ Torre. Family group. Portrait of Julian, the Apostolic Protonotary. (According to Venturi, by Giorgione.) The Three Ages of Man. Madonna, Child and two saints. Male portrait. Munich. C Paris, Louvre. — — c do. — — c do. C Berlin. c c — c do. — c c do. — — c do. _ c do. — c Dresden. — c Munich. c c Vienna Mus. c c do. — c Buda-Pesth. — — c London, Natl. G. c c c do. c c — c do. c c — c Florence, Pitti. c _ Rome, Borg. G. c — — Rome, Doria. c — — — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 719 LOUBENS (Mme.) (Modern.) On the Thames. LOUTHERBOURG (Philippe Jacques). Fulda, Hesse-Cassel, 1740 — England, 1812. (Ger- man School.) Public Rejoicings. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. LOVATTI (W.) (Modern.) II passeggio in carrozza. Nana. « LOWCOCK (C. F.) (Modern.) *A Love-letter. Artist's Proofs, 9^x15! inches, 100 on Japan, $15.00; 100 on India, $10.00; D., $3.00. L5WENSTEIN (K.) (Modern.) Among Spring Flowers. L6WITH (W.) (Modern.) New Mission. Visit to the Studio. Amateur Concert. LOYEUX (C^iarles). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Erigone. A Plan of Campaign. The Music Lesson. LUBEN (Adolf). St. Petersburg, 1837. (Mod- ern.) Equal Shares. Ash-Wednesday. A Tyrolese Song ("Schnadahupfln"). A Bachelor's Inheritance. The Smith. The Wood-cutter. The Boat-man. Hunter's Greeting. An Alpine Rose. The Poacher. Young Talents. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3-J 4 4^ Modern Painters. C De Gon court Col. Modern Painters. C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C B — B C C — C C C C C _ c c — C C C — c c c — c c C — c c c c c c — c c — c C C — c B B — B *This subject comes in a Barjrto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80 720 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. There's a Fine Business. Wooing. Political Discussions. Trying to Make His Peace. After the Christening. Rendezvous. The Morning Glass. After Rest is Over. Lover of Art. Return from the Town. The Poacher. LUBIN (Jules Desire). Born in Bonny-sur-Loire (Loiret). (Modern.) The Foundling. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. B — B LUBBES (Marie). Thoughtful. (Modem.) LUCA (Giordano). See GIORDANO. LUCAS (Felix Hippolyte). Bom in Rochefort- sur-Mer (Charente-Inferieure). (Modern.) Death of Sappho. Sweet Sleep. (Salon of 1899.) LUCAS (Marie Seymour). (Modern.) Weighed and Found Wanting. *We are but Little Children Weak. Artist's Proofs, 10x16 inches, 100 on India (all sold) ; D., $3.00. Till the Final Harvest Hour. Artist's Proofs, 10x13^ inches, 100 on India, $12.00. **The Judgment of Paris. **"Oh, Look !" Love Ignores both Time and Space. **Types of English Beauty. LUCIANI (Sebastiano). See PIOMBO (Sebas- tian del). LUCIDEL. See NEUFCHATEL. do. B — — B do. — — B do. B — — B do. BC C — BC do. B — — B do. B C — BC do. — — — — — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c -'c do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C C C C — C — C B B — C — C •This subject comes in a Baryto Print, about b%-s.c) inches, $i.So. ♦•This subject comes in an Aquarelle Gravure, about 15x12 inches, $6.00. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON 721 LUDWIG (Auguste). Grofenthal, Saxe-Meinin- gen, 1834. (Modern.) A Good Discovery. In the "Frauencoupe," III. class. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4J LUDWIG (Carl). Romhold, 1839. (Modern.) The St. Gotthard's Pass. The Pass of Finstermunz. Saxe-Meiningen, LUIGI (Andrea di), called the INGEGNO. Assisi. Worked about 1510. (Umbrian School.) Two nude children. (Drawing.) C., $1.25. LUINI (Bernardino). Luino (Lago Maggiore), 1460 (?); was still living in 1530. (Milan- ese School.) Holy Family. Sleep of the Child Jesus. Salome receiving the head of John the Baptist. Child seated under a trellis. Child kneeling under a trellis. The Nativity. Adoration of the Magi. The Christ. Head of a young girl personifying silence. Figure of a nude child, standing, holding a lamb. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Child Jesus and St. John, half-length figures, embracing. (Drawing.) C. $i.75- Head of St. John. Bust-portrait of the Milanese artist, Blaise Ar- cimboldi. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Bust of a young girl. Child, half-length figure. The Child Jesus, Saviour of the World. (School of Luini.) The Nativity. Head of a young woman. Madonna and Child. St. Catherine of Alexandria. Daughter of Herodias with head of St. John the Baptist. Modern Painters, do. do. do. Dres. Roy. Col. C — C B C C — C Paris, Louvre. C — C do. C — C do. C do. C do. c do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c do. ficole des B. Art. Old Masters. C — Malcolm Col. Chantilly. C — do. C — do. C — do. C do. C — Berlin. C C Munich. C — C Vienna, Imp. M. C 722 SOCLE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Shcs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Figure of young man seated, leaning forward. (Drawing.) C, $1 75. Head of an old man, left profile. (Drawing.) Madonna, Child, St. Elizabeth and Little St. John. Madonna and Child between St. Cecilia and St. Catherine. Christ Disputing with the Doctors. Beheading of St. John the Baptist. St. Agatha. Modesty and Vanity. Crucifixion of Our Lord. Detail of the above : group of Holy Women. Detail of the above: St. Sebastian. The Virgin with the Child Jesus and Little St. John. Detail of the above : the Virgin. Detail of the above : the Child Jesus. Detail of the above : Little St. John. Group of three nude children. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. The Child Jesus. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. (Attributed.) Bust of young girl, left profile. (Drawing.) (Attributed.) Head of a young girl, right profile. (Drawing.) Departure of Tobias; composition of five half- length figures. (Drawing.) (Attributed.) Female head, full face. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. (Attributed to Cesare da Sesto.) Female bust. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. (Attributed.) Sleeping child. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. (Attributed to G. Ferrari.) A sibyl; sketch for the Monastero Maggiore at Milan. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Adam and Eve Driven from Paradise. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. The Child Jesus and St. John embracing. Holy Family with Little St. John. Vienna, Albert. do. C Buda-Pesth. do. C London, Natl. G. C C — Florence, L'ffizi. -^ — C Rome, Borg. Gal. C Rome, Sciarra. C Lugano, St. Mary's. C C do. C do. C do. c do. c do. C do. c ^lilan, Ambros. do. do. C do. C do. C Milan, Resta Col. Venice. do. do. do. Madrid. C — C — do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 723 Detail of the above : Jesus and St. John. Salome, daughter of Herodias, receiving from the hands of a soldier the head of St. John. Madonna, half-length figure, with the Child Jesus. St. Catherine and two angels. Portrait of a person represented under the form of St. Sebastian. Portrait of young lady called "La Colombina," D., 17^x13! inches, $5.00. Madonna and Child. LUINI or LOVINI (Aurelio). Luino (Lago Mag- giore), 1530-1590, (Lombard School.) Madonna and Child. The Magdalen. (According to Venturi, by Giampietrino.) St. Catherine. Female figure standing. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. LULVeS (Jean). Mulhausen, Alsace, 1834. (Mod- ern.) Lute-player. Agreeable Intermezzo. At Dessert. Petit Lever. LUMINAIS (Evariste Vital). Born in Nantes, 1822. (Modern.) Flight of a Gallic Prisoner. The Abduction. A Hunt under Dagobert. During the War. LUMINAIS (Helene). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Erato. Dream of Psyche. LUMPUTTEN (C. van). A Midsummer Day. PI., 7x9 inches, $1.00; lox 13, $2.00; 12x16, $3.00. Summer Afternoon. PI., 7x9 inches, $1.00; lox 13, $2.00; 12x16, $3.00. Broad Pastures. PI., 7x9 inches, $1.00; 10x13, $2.00; 12x16, $3.00. Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ do. C Madrid. C St. Petersburg. C — do. C do. -- C — do. C do. C - Florence, Uffizi. C Florence, Pitti. c do. C Venice. Modern Painters. C do. C do. C — C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. ■■ C do. C do. C do. do. do. 724 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2. 2.\ 3 3^ 4 4^ A September Day. PI., 7x9 inches, $1.00; 10x13, $2.00 ; 12x16, $3.00. Modem Painters, LUNGREN (Egront SeUif). Stockholm, 1815-1875. (Modern.) Wordsworth's Lucy. PI., 9x12 inches, $2.00. Bos., Loth. Col. "What O'clock is It?" PI., 9x13 inches, $2.00. Modern Painters. — — — — Scott's Ellen. PL, 8x12 inches, $2.00. do. I LUSURIER (Catherine). 1752 (?)— Pans, 1781. (French School.) Portrait of the artist, Jean Germain Drouais, at the age of 15. Paris, Louvre. C — C — LUTI (Benedetto). Florence, 1666-1724. (Roman School.) The Magdalen, supported by an angel : above, the figure of a woman holding the cross. (Drawing.) do, C — Sleep of the Child Jesus. St. Petersburg. C Bust of a young man holding a flageolet. do. C LUTMA (Janus). Amsterdam, 1629-1689. (Dutch School.) Bust-portrait of Hendrik Dirksen Spiegel. (Drawing.) Dres., Royal Col. — C LUYCKEN (Jan). Amsterdam, 1649-1712. (Flem- ish School.) Two studies ; knife grinder and seller of brooms. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Dres., Pr. Geo. LUYCKX (Franz). Antwerp, 1604 — Prague, after 1652. (Flemish School.) Dead Game. D., 7x10 inches, $1.50. Brunswick. B LUZZI (Lorenzo). Madonna and Child enthroned, with saints. Berlin. C LYBAERT (Th.) (Modern.) Madonna. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. Modern Painters. BC — BC Pipin the Little after the murder of Waifar. do. C C Moorish Sentinel Asleep. do. C C Bosniac (study-head). do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 725 Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C — C do. C do. C — C do. C — C do. C C do. C C do. C Funeral of a Beguine. Visit to the Beguines. Education of Louis de Nevers. Arrest in Stormy Times. Entrance to the Prison. An Audience of the Emir. Gate of the Mosque. Court of the Alhambra after the massacre of the Abencerrages. Sulky. Patriots under Arms. Holy Virgin. Before the Supreme Court. Bearing the Cross. Mater Dolorosa. LYS (Jan), called PAN. Oldenburg, about 1570— Venice, 1629. (Dutch School.) The Repentant Magdalen. LYS (Jan Van der). Breda, 1600-1657. (Dutch School.) Landscape, with bathing nymphs. Study of a nude man seated, back view. (Draw- ing.) Marriage; group of four figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. LYTRAS (N.) Athens, Greece. (Modern.) In the Clutch of the Corsairs. Greek girl. The Little Cook. Disobedient. LYVERSBERG (Artist of the Lyversberg-Pas- sion). Espousals of the Virgin. Visitation of the Virgin. Joachim and Anna at the Golden Gate. The Assumption. Coronation of the Virgin. MAAS (Dirck). Haarlem, 1656- 171 7. (Dutch School.) Dresden. C Brunswick. B Dres., Royal Col. C Florence, Uffizi. Modern Painters. C • do. C do. C do. C Munich. C — C do. C — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c 726 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Scene in front of an Italian ale-house. (Habich Coll.) Cassel. C — C Horse-market in a Village. Vienna, Liecht. C MAAS or MAES (Nicolaes). Dordrecht, 1632— Amsterdam, 1693. (Dutch School.) Saying Grace. Supposed portrait of Pierre Comeille. A Learned Man. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. (Attributed to Van Lint.) Portrait of a noble- man standing, half-length figure. Old man seated, his hand on the arm of the chair. Portrait of Justus Criex sitting in an arm-chair; before him, the corner of a table. Portrait of a woman seated. The Spinner. The Dreamer. The Spinner. Syndics of the Corporation of Surgeons at Am- sterdam in 1680- '81. Portrait of an old man. Diana and her Nymphs. Reading. Male portrait. Male portrait. Female portrait. The Lazy Servant. The Card-players. Male portrait. Girl listening. A servant leaning on her elbows at a window. The Princess of Orange. (Exhibition of female portraits at the ficole des Beaux Arts, 1897.) M ABUSE (Jan van). See GOSSAERT (Jan). MACCO (G.) (Modern.) The Matterhorn. D., 16x21 inches. $5.00. The Ortler. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. In the Ober-Rheinthal. The Jungfrau in the Bernese Oberland. The Konigspitze. Paris, Louvre. — c — Old Masters. — — c — Brunswick. — — B Buda-Pesth. C do. C — do. c _„ do. c — — — Amsterdam. c c — c do. c c — c Am. V. d. H. Col. c c — c do. c _ The Hague. c c — c do. — c — c Brussels. — — — c — c do. — c — c do. c — c do. c — c London, N. G. — __ — c c c do. — — — c — c do. — — — c — c London, B. P. c c St. Petersburg. c — n Painters. — — C c c do. — — c c — c do. — — — c — c do. — — — c — c do. — — c c — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 727 The Ortler. MACEWEN (Walter). Chicago, i860. The Greek Heroes: (Modern.) (lO Paris. (20 Jason. (30 Bellerophon. (4-: Orpheus. is-) Perseus. (6. ) Prometheus. (7- 1 Theseus. (8. ) Achilles. (9-^ ) Hercules. ( Each PI., 7x13 inches, $2.50: 5x9, $1.00.) The Absent One on All Souls' Day. MACHARD (Jules Louis). Born in Sampans (Jura). (Modem.) Nadidja. Study. Soap-bubbles. The Garden-party. Muse ; Louis XVL The Reflection. Death of Medusa. Dream of Eros. (Salon of 1898.) MACIP. SeeJOANES. MACKELDY (C.) Krementz, Archbishop of Cologne. MACKLOTH (J.) The Visit. MACLISE (Daniel)i Cork, 181 1— Chelsea, 1870. (English School.) Portrait of Charles Dickens. D., 15^x1 if inches, ' $5.00. McNEAL (Frederick A.) (Modern.) Cape Cod Mill. PI., 12x13 inches, $2.00. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4i Modern Painters. C C — C Washington, L. C. do. do. do. -. do. do. do. do. do. Modern Painters. C do C do. — C do. C do. C C do. C do. C C Besanqon. C Modern Painters. C -— do. do. do. do. C C — C C 728 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ MACOMBER (Mary L.) Fall River, :Mass., 1861. (Modern.) Faith, Hope, and Love. PI., 9x12 inches, $2.00. Boston, M. F. A. The Annunciation. PI., 14x20 inches, $6.00; 9x13, $3.00; 6x9, $1.75. Modern Painters. Saint Catherine. PI., 9^x7 inches, $1.50. do. Temperance. PI., 9x7^ inches, $1.50. do. MacWHIRTER (John). Inglis Green, near Edin- burgh, 1839. (Modem.) Otium cum dignitate. D., 14x20^ inches, $5.00. do. The Wild Scotch Highlands. D., 22x17^ inches, $6.00. do, MADER (Georg). Steinach, Tyrol, 1824 — Gastein, 1881. (Modern.) *Trio. (Round.) do. V. MADIOL (A. J.) (Modern.) Advice. do. C — C Good New^s. do. — C — C The Blacksmith's Breakfast. do. C The Cook. do. C Request Refused. do. ^ — C MADRAZO (Raimundo de). Born in Rome. (Mod- ern.) The Last Look. do. C At the Artist's. do. C C Madame Pierrot. do. C C Fleurette. do. C C — C La Belle Anglaise. do. B — B MADRAZO (Federico de). Born in Rome. (Mod- ern.) Two studies of a female head. Madrid, G. ^L A. PIC MAES (Nicolas). See MAAS. MAFFEI (Guido von). Munich, 1838. (Modern.) Attacked by Foxes. Modern Painters. B B ♦This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1. 80. spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 729 Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. B B ,^ . . X do. B B (Companion pictures.) , p u do. 1'. B A Wild Boar Track. do. 1. B Startled. do. B B Snipe. do. B A Corner of the Fens. do. B — B The End of the Chase. do. B B Marauders. do. B B A Duel. do. B B At the "Fuchsriegeln." . do. C — C Fox with duck. do. C All's Up with the Stag. do. C C — C Before the Shot (Deer). do. C Shooting (Hare). ^ do. C After the Shot (Ducks). . do. C Not to Have Tried is to Have Failed. do. C Youth in Danger. do. C Sure Spoils. do. C C — C In Ambush. do. C Chamois-hunt. - do. C Deer and Fox. do. C C — C Beati possidentes. do. C C — C Lactore. do. C — C Wounded Game Startled. do. C C — C Reynard a Fugitive. . do. C — C Valiant Fight. do. — C C C — C In June. do. — — — C — C Seeking for Pheasants. do. C C — C The Chamois. do. C C — C Reynard in Need. do. C C — C Episode from the Life of a Golden Eagle. do. C — C Welcome Spoils. . do. C — C The Break of Day. do. C Boars. do. C C — C MAGAUD (Dominique Antoine). Born in Mar- seilles. (Modern.) A Kiss in the Glass. do. C C 730 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Bom in Beaumont (Sarthe). (Salon of 1881.) MAGNI (Cesare). Madonna and Child enthroned, with saints. MAGNO (Margaritone di). Virgin and Child, with scenes out of the life of the saints. MAIER VON OLMUTZ (Wenzel). (German School.) Christ and Saints. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Madonna and Child. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Figure of a monk, walking towards the left. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. MAIGNAN (Albert) (Modem.) Dante Meeting Matilda Carp. (Salon of 1892.) Sleep of Era Angelico. Titian's Son. The Fates. Awakening of Juliet. The Make-believe Ring. Birth of the Pearl. Adam and Eve. William the Conqueror. Homage to Clovis II. The Brother Artist. Voices of the Tocsin. The Siren's "Dormitory." Merovingian Woman at her Toilet. Tepidarium (Gallic-Roman epoch). MAIGRET (Georges Edmond). Born in Paris. (Modem.) _ Departure of Gambetta in the balloon "Armand Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Berlin. C London, N. G. — Dresden, R. C. do. — C Venice. Paris, Lux. C C do. C Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C MAILLARD (Emile). Bom in Amiens. (Mod- ern.) At the Shore. do. C - After the Storm. D., 15x29 inches, $10.00. do. C - _ Herring-fishing. do. c - _ — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 731 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ MAILLART (Diogene Ulysse Napoleon). Born at La Chaussee du Bois d'Ecu (Oise). (Modern.) Pastoral Love. Modern Painters. C C Prometheus in Irons. . do. C Acis and Galatea. do. C Children and Chickens. do. C C Joan of Arc Listening to the Voices. do. C C Feeding Birds. t do. C C Charity. do. C C — C Gipsy. (Salon of 1898.) do. C MAINARDI (Bastiano). San Gimignano, 1466- 1515. (Florentine School.) Madonna and Child. . Paris, Louvre. C Madonna and Child with St. Francis and a bishop. Berlin. C C Portrait of a young Florentine woman. do. C C Portrait of a young man. do. C C Madonna and Child. do. C C — C Portrait of a cardinal. do. C Saint Peter and two apostles. Florence, Ufiizi. C MAJOR (Ernest L.) (Modern.) Springtime. PL, 13x10 inches, $3.00; 9x7, $1.50; 5x4, .50. Modern Painters. MAKART (Hans). Salzburg, 1840— Vienna, 1884. (Modern.) Merry Wives of Windsor. Modern Cupids. The Falconer. The Walkurie. Praying. Cleopatra. Cupids, I. Cupids, II. Cupids, III. Hetaera. > Hunting on the Nile. Among the Pyramids. An Egyptian princess. Costume picture. do. C c — c do. — C C c — c do. C c — c do. C c — c do. C c — c do. — C C c — c do. do. do. c c ,-.^. — c do. do. r — c c c — C do. do. r c c — C do. c c — C 732 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gretchen before the Mater Dolorosa. Berthalda. Abundantia. (Bounty of the Land.) y\bundantia. (Bounty of the Sea.) MAXOWSKY (Constantine). Born in Moscow, Russia. (Modern.) The Toilet of the Bride. Bacchanal. Romeo and Juliet. Ophelia. The artist's family. Kissing test ; scene of Boyard life. MALCHIN (Carl). Kropelin, :\Iecklenburg, 1838. (Modern.) A Flock of Sheep. Winter landscape. (Thuringia.) Evening in Autumn. Winter landscape (Mecklenburg). Coast scene (Mecklenburg). Winter landscape. Winter landscape. Summer. Summer Morning. MALCHUS (C. von). (Modern.) Venice : Riva degli Schiavoni. Venice ; Grand Canal. The Beach at Scheveningen. MALCKE. (German School.) Landscape. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. MALI (Christian). Brockbinzen, near Utrecht, 1832. (Modern.) A Morning at Amalfi. MALLET (Jean Baptiste). Grasse (Var). (French School.) The Model's Lunch. (Drawing.) MALO (Vincent). Peasant Gathering. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C — C do. c C — C do. — B B B — B do. — B B B — B do. do. 66. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C c c c c c c c c c c B B B B B B B B B C — C C — C C — C Dresden, R. C. — Modern Painters. C De Goncourt Col. C Amsterdam. C — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 733 Christ at the House of Mary and Martha. MALTZAHN-VIDAL (A. von). (Modern.) In Good Keeping. MAN (Cornells de). Delft, 1621-1706. (Dutch School.) Peasant Wedding. MANCINELLI (Giuseppe). Naples, 1813-1875. (Modern.) Madonna. The Favorite. Flora. Madonna. Maria. Among the Blossoms. Somnambulist. MANCINI (Francesco Giovanni). Born in 1829. (Modern.) Strada a Pozzuoli. From Naples to Pozzuoli. MANCINI (Giovanni Francesco). Sant* Angelo in Vado, 1725-1758. (Roman School.) Flora. MANDER (Karl van). Meulebeke, 1 548-1606. (Flemish School.) The Magdalen at the feet of Christ. (Drawing.) MANET (Edouard). Paris, 1833-1883. (Modern.) Olympia. A Bar at the Folies-Bergeres. Portrait of M. Faure in the part of Hamlet. Portrait of M. Antonin Proust. MANGILLI (A.) (Modern.) "You Little Rogue !" MANNETTI (Rutilio). Sienna, 1571-1639. (Sien- nese School.) The Repose in Egypt. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4J Amsterdam. C — C Modern Painters. B The Hague. C — C Modern Painters. C C — C do C C — C do. C — C do. C do. C do. C — C do. C do. C C do. C — C Rome, A. St. Luke. C Dresden, R. C. C — Paris, Lux. C Modern Painters. C do. C MastersXIX.Cen. C Modern Painters. C C — C Paris, Louvre. 734 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. MANNI (Giannicola di Paolo). Citta della Pieve (?)-i544. (Umbrian School.) Assumption of the Virgin. Adoration of the Magi. Holy Family. The Annunciation. MANOZZI (Giovanni), called Giovanni da San Giovanni. San Giovanni, 1590- 1636. (Floren- tine School.) Charity ; group of four figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. The Joke. Portrait of the artist, b}' himself. MANSION. (French School.) Moliere at the House of Ninon de Lenclos. MANSUETI (Giovanni). Venice, about 1450- 1500. (Venetian School.) SS. Jerome and Francis of Assisi. Jesus Among the Doctors. SS. Sebastian, Gregory, Liberal, Francis, and Roch. MANTE (J.) (Modern.) Companions in Arms. MANTEGNA (Andrea). Padua, 1431-1506. (Vene- tian School.) Calvarj'. Madonna della Vittoria (Madonna of the Vic- tory.) Mt. Parnassus. Wisdom Banishing the Vices. Judgment of Solomon ; grisaille. (Drawing.) Judith placing the head of Holophernes in the sack held by a servant. (Drawing.) Christ Descending into Hades ; He is seen from behind holding a banner at the gate of hell, above which three winged demons are blow- ing horns; to the left, th« good thief (nude), set free, is holding his cross ; at the right, two Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Paris, Louvre. C — do. — ■ C — do. C — C — London, N. G. c Pans, Louvre. Florence, Uffizi. do. C — C — Com. Franqaise. C X'ienna Museum. Florence, L^ffizi. C C C Venice. C Mddern Painters. c — c Paris, Louvre. do. do. do. do. do. C — C — c — c — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 735 Gallery. Shcs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ other men and a female figure (nude). (Drawing.) Paris, £. d. B. A. C — (School of Mantegna.) Fragment of a cruci- fixion. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. De Beckerath Col. (School of.) Allegory ; corpse of a woman stand- ing, draped in her winding-sheet, eaten from head to foot by worms ; in the background, De Chennevieres a landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Col. Head of a young man turned to the left. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Malcolm Col. Hercules and the Lernean Hydra. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Roman emperor seated in a chariot drawn by richly-caparisoned horses; a soldier in lion's skin is holding a standard. (Drawing.) do. C (Attributed.) Judith with the Head of Holo- phernes. (Drawing.) do. C Fragment of a triumph ; in front of a monument decorated with a garland, many prisoners, men, women and children, pass towards the left ; they are followed by musicians. (Draw- ing.) Chantilly. C Male head, three-quarters left view. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. . Nude male figure. (Drawing.) Lille, Wicar Mus. C — . Study in the nude ; young man seated, man stand- ing, and two children. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Portrait of Cardinal Luigi Mezzarota Scarampi. Berlin. C C — C Madonna and Child ; in the frame are represented angels bearing the instruments of the pas- sion, do. C C — C Presentation of Jesus in the Temple. do. C C — C Detail of the above: Madonna and Child. do. C Holy Family. Dresden. C C The Triumph of Caesar: Trumpeters and Soldiers. Vienna Museum. C C The Triumph of Caesar : Bearers of the Statues of the Gods. do. C C The Triumph of Caesar: The Spoils Drawn* by Oxen. do. C C 736 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. The Triumph of Caesar: Animals for the Sacri- fice. The Triumph of Caesar : The Elephants. The Triumph of Caesar: The Spoils. The Triumph of Caesar: The Prisoners. The Triumph of Caesar : The Music and Jesters. The Triumph of Caesar: The Conqueror. St. Sebastian. Judgment of Paris. (Drawing.) Allegorical figure holding a branch ; to the right, the large foot of a candelabrum. (Drawing.) C.,$i.75. St. Sebastian, standing, almost nude, bound to a tree ; a man is embracing the body of the saint. (Drawing.) C, .75. Cupid with a bat's wings, his eyes blindfolded, holding the half of his broken bow. (Draw- ing.) C, .75. Three flute-plaAcrs ; two nude male figures and a female figure. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Two horsemen ; the one to the left, full face ; one to the right, back view. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Madonna and Child enthroned, St. John the Bap- tist, and the Magdalen. The Triumph of Scipio. Triumph of Scipio ; right part of the picture. Triumph of Scipio; left part of the picture. Two female figures representing summer and autumn. Samson and Delilah. Christ on the Mount of Olives. The Triumph of Julius Caesar in nine panels, re- produced in nine panels representing the sub- jects entire and six in detail. First panel : Beginning of the triumphal pro- cession ; at the head, musicians blowing trum- pets ; then come Roman soldiers bearing the bust of the Roma Victrix. followed by other warriors holding panels with representations of the cities conquered by the Roman arms. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 2> Zl A A^ Vienna Museum. C c do. C c do. c c do. c c do. c c do. c c do. c c Vienna, Albertina. C do. do. do. do. do. London. X. G. C — do. c — c do. c — do. c do. c c c do. — — — — c — do. c — c London. H. C. do. C do. C do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. W Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4| Second panel: to the left, statue of a warrior in a triumphal car; other warriors dragging cars laden with statues of gods and goddesses and trophies of victory, arms, cuirassiers, shields, bucklers ; at the side, bust of Cybele, surmounted by a tablet with the inscription : Imp. Julio Cacsari ob Galliam dcvict. Militari Potentia Triumphus dcvictus invidia spreta superata. Background of Roman architec- ture. ^ London, H. C. C Third panel : warriors bearing arms and tro- phies ; toward the left, figure of a young sol- dier bearing a halberd ; to the right, group of four men bearing precious vases and urns filled with pieces of money (see detail from right, below). The Young Halberdier. (Detail of the above.) Group of carriers. (Detail from right of picture.) Fourth panel : other men following, bearing vases and precious objects, accompanied by a warrior bearing a large vase ; then come bulls destined for sacrifice and loaded with garlands ; to the right, in the foreground, the graceful figure of a boy ; just behind him oth- er musicians with long trumpets, inscribed: S. P. Q. R. Julius Caesar and Julio Caesari D. P. P.P. ^^- C Figure bearing a large vase. (Detail of the above.) Half-length figure of the boy. (Detail.) do. C Fifth panel : bull led by young woman ; followed by four elephants mounted by boys burning incense. Half-length figure of the young woman leading the bull. (Detail.) do, C Sixth panel : other vases and objects of value borne by four men ; a warrior follows, bear- ing as a trophy a cuirass and a helmet, other men bending under the weight of numerous trophies of war. do. C do. C do. C 738 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Figure of the warrior bearing the trophy. (De- tail.) Seventh panel : group of prisoners ; first, men with their hands bound; their countenances expressing a noble contempt for the insults of the populace ; then come their wives carrying children or leading them by the hand ; to the right, the populace is jeering at the prisoners; behind, at the left, a barred window where the heads of prisoners are seen ; in the back- ground, large edifice occupied by spectators. Eighth panel : line of musicians and singers ; first, a young man bearing a lyre, then two trumpeters and a boy playing on the tam- bourine ; behind them, Roman soldiers bear- ing the conquered standards and other em- blems. Ninth panel : Julius Caesar sitting in a triumphal car.holdinga palm branch in his left hand and a sceptre in his right ; behind him the winged figure of Victory crowns him with laurels ; in the foreground, a young man carrying a crown with the motto of the conqueror: Vcni, vidi, vici; and children carrying laurel branches ; in the background, a triumphal arch. Three soldiers standing. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. The Crucifixion (the three crosses). (Drawing.) Study of a man leaning on his elbows. (Draw- ing.) C, $i.oo. Madonna, seated, holding the Child on her knee. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Allegory; nude male figure seated and two nude female figfures standing. (Drawing.) Allegory ; group of seven nude figures. (Draw- ing) Roman warrior sitting on his shield. (Drawing ) Hercules Strangling Antaeus. (Drawing.) Group of draped figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. (Attributed.) Two shepherds and two other fig- ures passing over a bridge. (Drawing.) Gallery. London, H. do. do. do. London, B. do. do. do. do. do. Windsor. do. do. do. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3| 4 4^ M. C C C C SOULE ART COMPANY. BOSTON. 739 Judith with the Head of Holophernes. (Draw- ing.) Combat with Tritons. (Drawing.) The Virgin seated near a rock with the Child Christ in her arms. Triptych : entire. Triptych : Adoration of the Kings, middle panel. Triptych : The Circumcision, right panel Triptych: The Resurrection, left panel. Portrait of Elizabeth, wife of Guidobaldo da Montefeltro, Duke of Urbino. Draped male figure standing, full face, his right hand raised. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Draped female figure walking towards the left. (Temperance?) C, $i.oo. Nude male figure, seated, turned to right; he seems to be trying to loosen a rope, (Draw- ing.) C, $i.oo. Hercules Strangling Antaeus ; to the right, a tree to which is suspended a bow in its sheath. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Madonna, kneeling, adoring the Child lying on a fold of her mantle. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Man, almost nude, leaning his left arm on a foli- age ornament. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Two draped figures ; one full face, the other back view. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Judith with her servant placing the head of Hol- ophernes in the sack; 1491. (Drawing.) C, $1-75. Draped female figure. (Pen drawing.) C, $1.00. Mask with gaping mouth. (Pen drawing.) C, •75- (School of Mantegna.) Madonna, half length, and Child. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Portrait of a Gonzaga. Two nude children standing. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Part of the Triumph of Julius Caesar ; elephants bearing the torches. (Drawing.) Gallery. Shcs, 2 2J 3 3^ 4 4^ Chats worth. C do. C - Florence, Uffizi. do. do. 1 1 1 "u 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 do. c do. — — c — — — do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. . do. do. do. do. Rome, Sciarra. C • Milan, Ambrosian do. C 740 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ St. John the Baptist standing, landscape in the background. (Drawing.) Milan, Resta Col. C Nude female figure, back view ; to the right on the other side of a balustrade, a male figure, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. . St. George. Venice. C Figure of a saint, standing, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. (Attributed also to Bellini.) Young man, full face, resting his left hand on a sword. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do. (Attributed.) Pieta ; group of four figures. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Death of the Virgin. :Madrid. C — MANTEGNA (Francesco). :Mantua, 1470. Was still working in 15 17. (School of Padua.) Christ and the Magdalen ; picture called "Noli me Tangere." London. N. G. C — Resurrection of Our Lord. do. C — MANZUOLI da SAN-FRIANO. San Friano, 1536-1575. (Florentine School.) Religious subject ; composition of many figures. (Drawing.) Paris. Louvre. C — MARAIS (Adolphe). Born in Honfleur. (Mod- ern.) At Saint-Nic : Bay of Douarnenez. Modern Painters. C On the Moor; Quelern (Finisterre). do. C MARATTA (Carlo). Camerano, near Ancona, 1625-1713. (Roman School.) Marriage of St. Catherine. Paris, Louvre. C — Portrait of Maria Magdalena Rospigliosi, do. C C Portrait of Carlo Maratta. do. C Portrait of the artist, by himself; bust. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do. Study ; male bust, female bust, and two left hands. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Study ; female head, head of young man, and sev- eral studies of arms, hands and feet. (Draw- / ing.) C, $1.75. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 741 Portrait of the architect, Andre Le Notre (1613- 1700). Bust of a young man. The Virgin with the Child Jesus before her on the straw of the manger, (The Holy Night.) Under an apple-tree ; a young woman surround- ed by fruit. (The fruit was painted by Karel van Voglaer, called Carlo di Fiore, or Distel- blum.) Portrait of the artist, by himself. (Drawing.) Cardinal G. Rospigliosi. Sleeping Child. Holy Family. (Drawing.) Madonna and Child. Bathsheba at her Toilet. Child Jesus surrounded by flowers. Virgin with the Sleeping Child Jesus. Study of a nude figure. (Drawing.) Moses Causing Water to Gush Forth from the Rock. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Head of Christ (from the Feroni Gallery). The Virgin reading. Adoration of the Shepherds. The Reading Lesson (the Virgin teaching the Child Jesus to read). Portrait of Pope Clement IX., Giulio Rospigliosi. MARC (Wilhelm). Landshut, Bavaria, 1839. (Mod- em.) Venus Anadyomene. Yearning. Leisure Hour. In the Convent Garden. Return from the Sleigh-ride. The Bishop on a Journey. The Rendezvous. MARC ANTONIO. See RAIMONDL MARCH (T.) (Modern.) A Baptism in Spain. D., 14x20} inches, $5.00. Gallery. Si::cs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Versailles. Berlin. Dresden. C — C C do. C — — — Dresden, R. C. C — — — Munich. c — c do. c — c Weimar. — — — — — c Vienna Museum. c — — — Vienna, Liecht. c c — — Windsor, do. Chatsworth. c c c — — c — - do. __ _ Florence, Uffizi. c — — — Rome, Corsini. c — — — St. Petersburg. c — — do. do. c c Modern Painters. C do. C — C do. C do. C do. C — C do. C — C do. C do. 742 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON, MARCHAL (Charles Francois). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Luther's Hymn (Alsace). (Salon of 1863.) Servants' Fair at Bouxwiller (Alsace). (Salon of 1864.) Gallery. Sices, 2 2i 3 3^ 4 4^ MARCHAND (Andre). (Modern.) Lasalle on the Evening of Rivoli. 1899.) (Salon of MARCHESI (Girolamo) da COTIGNOLA. Born near Ferrara, 1480 (?)-i550 (?) (School of Ferrara.) Christ Bearing His Cross. Giving of Rules to the Order of St. Bemhard. (Attributed.) Holy Family. MARCHETTI (Ludovico). Born in Rome. (Mod- ern.) Grandstand on a Race Day. The Falcon Chase. Starting for the Promenade. The Bust of the Nabob. D., 18x13 inches, $5.00. The Winner of the Grand Prize in Paris. MARCKE (Emile van). Scores, 1827-1891. aiod- em.) The Mill. PL, 8x10 inches, $1.25. Meadow Pool. PI., 10x13 inches, $2.50; 13x16, $4.50. *Study of a cow. *Valley of the Toncques. *A Golden Autumn Day. The Water-gate. MARCO da FAENZA (Marchetti). 1520 (?)-i588. (Italian School.) Three sketches of ornaments. (Drawing.) C. $1.00. Arabesques and ornaments. (Drawing.) C, •75- Ornaments. (Drawing.) C, St.oo. Paris, Lux. do. C C C C Modern Painters. C Paris, Louvre. C — C — Berlin. C \^ienna, Liecht. C Modern Painters. C do. C do. C .do. B B do. B B New York, M. M. Stetson Col. Chic. Art Inst. PIC — PIC do. PIC PIC — PIC :\niwaukee. L. G. PIC PIC Florence. L'flfizi. do. . do. •This subject comes in a large Carbon, 17x23 inches, $5.00. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 743 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 2> Zk A^ 4k Candelabrum. (Pen and bistre drawing.) C, $1.00. Florence, Uffizi. Decorative composition for a pilaster. (Draw- ing in wash colors.) C, $1.25. do. Decorative frieze. (Pen and bistre drawing.) C, $1.25. do. MARCO da OGGIONO. Oggiono (Milanese), about 1460-1530. (Lombard School.) Holy Family. Paris, Louvre. C — C — Various compositions on the same sheet ; two ad- orations of the Magi ; the Circumcision ; the Child Jesus among the doctors. (Drawing.) De Chennevieres C, $1.25. Col. Various compositions on the same sheet: Christ seated at table between Martha and Mary; a prophet seated, towards whom an angel is flying; meeting of St. Anne and St. Joachim at the Golden Gate ; two groups of doctors for the composition of the Child Jesus preaching in the temple. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. St. Barbara. Chantilly. C — The Redeemer. (According to catalogue of Bor- ghese gallery, attributed to Leonardo da Vinci.) Rome, Borghese. C — The Assumption ; composition of eighteen fig- ures ; study for the painting at Milan. (Draw- ing.) Venice. C — Copy, of Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper. St. Petersburg. C — C MARCONI (Rocco). Was living in Treviso about 1500. (Venetian School.) Christ Bearing His Cross. Dresden. C MARCOTTE DE QUIVIERES (Auguste Marie Paul). Born in Merignac (Gironde). (Mod- ern.) On the Seashore. Modern Painters. C MARIE (Adrien). Born in Paris. Generosity. , do. C 744 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. MARIE LOUISE. Empress of the French, 1791- 1847. A young girl holding a dove in her bosom. MARILHAT (Prosper). Vertaizon (Puy-de- Dome), 181 1 — Paris, 1847. (French School.) Ruins of the Mosque of Caliph Hakem at Cairo. Terrace of a house in Cairo. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Mosque of Hassan and the Bazar at Cairo. Bal^ek (Syria). Pacha and Odalisque, EgypfiafTinteriox. Banks of the Nile. Buffaloes. Return of the Prodigal Son. Caravan. Caravan. (Water-color.) MARINI (Edward de). (Modem.) A nymph. Born in New York. MARINUS DE ROMERSWALE. WALE. See ROMERS- Gallcry. Sizes, 2 2j 3 3^ 4 4^ BesanQon. Paris, Louvi ■e. — — C — c — do. MastersXIX .Cen. — — — — c — do. — — — — c — do. — — — — c — do. — — — ■ — c — Arnold & T. Col. — — — — c — Chantilly. — — C — — — do. ■ — — c — — — Modern Painters. C MARKELBACH (Alexandre). Antwerp, 1824. (Modern.) Flemish Municipal Guard. MARNE (Jean Louis de). Brussels, 1754 — Paris, 1829. Grand Festival of a Tutelary Saint. MARON (Theresia Concordia). 1725 — Rome, 1806. (German School.) Bust of the artist. (Pastel.) ' Portrait of the artist's sister, Julia Mengs. (Pas- tel.) MARONIEZ (Georges Philibert Charles). Born in Douai. (Modern.) Return from the Fields. October. On the Edge of the Swamp. (Salon of 1898.) do. C — C Brussels. C — Dresden. C do. C Modern Painters. do. C — — do. C — — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 745 Return from Fishing. (Salon of 1898.) The Time for Returning. (Salon of 1899.) Evening at Portel. (Salon of 1899.) MARQUET (Gustave Charles). (Modern.) Hot Cockles. (Salon of 1897.) Children and Spring Weather. (Salon of 1898.) MARR (Carl). Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 18156^ (Modern.) The Mystery of Life. At the Spinning-wheel. Grandfather's Courtship. The Flagellants. Before the Cornmunion. Two Souls with but a Single Thought. Ahasuerus, <- MARSHALL (F.) (Modern.) A Long Sermon. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. MARSHALL (J.) (Modern.) The Monopolist. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. Left in Charge. The Sisters. MARTENS (Willy). Bom in Java. (Modern.) Portrait of the King of Holland, William HL Modern Siren. The Connoisseur. A Sultry Day. MARTIN. Mother and Child. PL, 10x12 inches, $2.00. MARTIN (F.) (Modern.) Love's Spring-time. ♦Happy Moments. His Portrait. Told by the Cards. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4A Modern Painters. C do. — — C do. C do. do. — C — C C New York, M. M. C Modern Painters. C C — C do. C — C do. C C C C — C do. C do. C — C New York, M. M. B B Modern Painters. do. C — c do. C — c do. B — — B do. ^ _ do. C C — c do. c — c do. ' c — c Boston M. F. A. Modern Painters. c c — c do. c c — c do. c — c do. c c — c * This subject comes in an Aquarelle Gravure, 21x15 inches, $12.00. 746 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. MARTIN (Jean Baptiste). Paris, 1659- 1735. (French School.) Departure of Louis XV. after the Bed of Justice (September 12, 1715). Capture of Dole. — February 14, 1668. MARTIN (Leon). Born in Marseilles. (Modern.) Children drawing. MARTIN (Paul). Kaiserslautern, Bavaria. 182 1. (Modern.) Forest-maiden. Loreley. The Mysterious Lion in the Doge's Palace in Venice. Childish Petulance. Love. Young Love. A First Lesson in Love. Love. MARTIN (Pierre Denis). About 1673 — Paris, 1742. (French School.) Cavalcade of King Louis XV. at Rheims after the Coronation (October 26, 1722). MARTINETTI (A.) (Modern.) First Longing. MARTINEZ DEL MAZO. See MAZO. MARTINEZ (Serafin). Born in Valencia. (Mod- ern.) One More Victory. MARTINI (Francesco di Giorgio). (Italian School.) Design for an altar ; the Annunciation in the centre. (Drawing.) Design for an altar ; the Virgin and Child in the centre. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. MARTINI (G. von). (Modern.) Gulnara. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ Versailles, do. C — C — Modern Painters. C do. C do. c do. C do. C C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. C — C do. C C — C do. c C — C Versailles. Modern Painters. C C Madrid, M. M. A. PIC Florence, Uflfizi. C do. Modern Painters. — C — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 74; MARTINI (Simone). See MEMMI. MARTINO (Giorgio di). See FRANCESCO. MARX (Gustav). (Modern.) Emperor William II. (The original was paint- ed for the reception of His Majesty the Em- peror in Hamburg on the 29th of October, 1888.) Emperor William II. and Cortege. To the Soiree. MARZIALE (Marco). Worked from 1499 to 1507- (Venetian School.) Christ at Emmaus with the Two Disciples. The Circumcision. Madonna enthroned, Child, and saints. MASACCIO (Tomasso di Ser Giovanni Guidi), called San Giovanni. Near Florence, 1401- 1428. (Florentine School.) (After Masaccio.) Christ in the Midst of the Apostles. (Drawing.) Four small compositions on religious subjects. (Drawing.) St. Luke, the Evangelist. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Two figures, one lying down, the other seated. (Drawing.) C, $.100. Three figures, Florentine costume. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Head of an old man, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Three nude male figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Three nude male figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Three male figures, Florentine costume. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Four nude figures, seated in different positions. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Nude male figure seated. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Nude figure of young man seated, and draped male figure standing. (Drawing.) C, $125. Florentine scene. Accouchement of a lady of rank. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4A Modern Painters. C C C C — C do. C C — C do. C C — C Berlin. London, N. G. do. Lille. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C c — c Paris, Louvre. — C — C Berlin. C C 748 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. (Draw- C, $1.25. his side. The Martyrdom of St. Peter and of John the Bap- tist. Adoration of the Kings. Draped figure of man reading a book, ing.) C, $1.25. Warrior in armor seated. (Drawing.) Young man seated, a dog lying at (Drawing.) Portrait of an old man, unknown. Old man with a beard, draped, standing, full face. (Drawing.) C. $1.00. Old man, draped, standing, left profile. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Florentine student of the XV. century, standing, holding an open book. (Pcii and bistre drawing.) C, $1.00. Florentine student of the XV. century, seated, writing on his knee. (Pen and bistre draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Consecration of a bishop ; fragment of a large composition. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. MASEK (V.) (Modern.) Spring Festival. Spring. MASIC (N.) An Idyll. (Modem.) MASO (FeUpe). Born in Spain. (Modern.) Cupid Passing. MASOLINO DA PANICALE. Florence, 1378- 1415. (Florentine School.) Male figure standing, turned to right, and male figure seated, reading. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Draped male figure, standing, full face, and draped male figure seated. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. MASSANI (P.) (Modern.) I Giuocatori di Dado (The Dice-players). Nella Bettola (In the Tavern). Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 31 4 4^ Berlin. C do. C London, B. M. Windsor. C Florence, Uffizi. C do. — do. do. do. Venice. Modern Painters. do. do. do. C Florence, Uffizi. do. Modern "Painters. C do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 749 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ In the Theatre. Modern Painters. C — C A Happy Age. do. C Good News. do. C The Frugal Meal. do. C The Last Bottle. do. C Old Love Never Rusts. do. • C Cut of Time. do. C A Difficult Undertaking. do. C Soap-bubbles. do. C The Amateur Poet. do. C — C MASSON (Benedict). Born in Dijon. (Modern.) Spring. do. B do. B do. B do. B do. B do. B B Girl reading. Lessons for School. Obtaining Pardon. An Important Secret. Morning Toilet. Bad Notes from School Little Beggars. Birthday Preparations. At the Window. In Charge. Trust in God. MEYERHEIN (Paul). Berlin, 1842. (Modern.) Still-life. Monkeys' Academy. Before the Departure. The Circus. Good Friends. The Awakening of the Lion. The Tiger's Family. Deer. At Tarasp. Monkeys' Theatre. The Menagerie. D., 21x16 inches, $5.00. Menagerie in the Village. Young Savoyards Traveling. After the Hunt. Sheep-shearing. ) ,-. . . . Making Hay. [ (Companion pictures.) A Country Show. Down the Hill. Lions. In the Palace Court. 1 ^^ . . v J, .. P I (Companion pictures.) Roes. Black Game. Twelve-horned Stag. Emperor William I. The Goat-dealer. Village Street. A Spring Night Chodowiecki. do. C C — C do. C — C do. c c — C do. c c — C do. c — C do. c — C do. c c — C do. c c — C do. c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. _ B do. B do. B — B — do. B — R B do. B — B B — — do. B B do. B B do. B — B — — B do. B — — B do. B — — B do. B — — B do. B — — B do. B — — B do. B — — B do. do. •R B — B do. B — — B do. — B — B 784 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Veronica. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4j Modern Painters. B B MEYER-LUEBEN (W.) (Modern.) The Dearest of All. MEYER-MAINZ (J.) (Modern.) Matinee. MEYER-MAINZ (Paul). (Modern.) A Village Artist. MEYER (G.) Frederick the Great (half length). MEYNIER (Joseph Jules). Born in Paris. (Mod- ern.) Venus Whipping Cupid. The Annunciation. Acis and Galatea. Venus. Study. Chrysanth and Daria. MEYS (Marcel Paul). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Nereus. MICHAEL (Max). Hamburg, 1823. (Modern.) Roman Country-people on the Steps of Aracoli. MICHEL (Charles Henry). Born in Fins (Somme). (Modern.) The Holy Communion. (Salon of 1866.) Glorification. Last Communion of Joan of Arc. (Salon of 1899.) MICHEL (Ernest Barthelemy). Born in Mont- pellier. (Modern.) A Happy Mother. A Piano in the Country. The Nurse. The Regenerated Vine. Summer Evening in the Country. (Salon of 1898.) Roses and Buds. (Salon of 1899.) do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C B B C B B C B C C C C C C c c c Paris, Lux. C C Modern Painters. C do. C C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON 785 MICHEL (Georges). Paris, 1763-1843. (French School.) In the Environs of Montmartre. Fishermen. MICHEL (Leon Henry), ern.) Wounded. Born in Paris. (Mod- MICHEL (Marius). Born in Cette (Herault). (Modern.) Religious Painting. Photographing the Mummy — "Don't Move!" Peteneras. MICHELANGELO BUONARROTI. Chiusi, near Arezzo, 1475 — Rome, 1564. (Florentine School.) Madonna and Child ; behind them, two figures of angels. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Study for the Madonna of the Medici Chapel. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Nude male figure standing, left profile. (Draw- ing-) Nude male figure standing, looking to the right ; front view of body (reverse of the above). (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Nude male figure, his arms raised ; one of the cap- tives of the mausoleum of Julius II. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Christ on the Cross, with the Virgin and St. John. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Head of a Satyr, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. St. John standing; study for a Crucifixion. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Three nude male figures bearing a corpse on their shoulders. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Study for a statue of David. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The Virgin seated, turned to the left and holding the Infant Jesus asleep on her knees. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2\ 3 3^ 4 4^ Paris, Louvre. C Mast'rs XIX. C. C Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C Paris, Louvre. do. do. C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 786 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 44 First sketch of a resurrection. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. , Paris, Louvre. The Virgin seated, turned to the left and holding the Infant Jesus on her extended arms. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. ' St. Anne seated, holding on her knees the Virgin, who is suckling the Infant Jesus. (DraAving.) C, $1.75. do. (Attributed.) Salome kneeling (back of the above). (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Study from nature for the upper part of a dead Christ (Pieta of the Vatican?). (Drawing.) C, $1.75. . do. ■ Madonna seated, front view, holding the Child Jesus asleep on her knees. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. — Woman seated, her limbs covered with drapery ; front view of body, eyes looking toward left. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do., Man standing, full face, enveloped in drapery. < (Drawing.) do. C (After Giotto.) Draped male figure, standing, turned to left ; before him another man, lean- ing forward. (Drawing.) do. C Two men struggling. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. > do. Nude male figure, back view, carrying a lance ; sketch for the cartoon of the Battle of Pisa. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. — (Attributed.) Two nude men raising a third on their arms. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. — Nude figure of a youth playing the violin ; to the left, another man carrying a burden on his left sholder. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Nude male figure standing, full face, looking to left and raising his right arm toward the shoulder. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. (After Michel Angelo.) Night; after the statue in the Medici Chapel. (Drawing.) do. C • (After Michel Angelo.) Dawn ; after the statue in the Medici Chapel. (Drawing.) do > C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 787 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3J 4 4^ Seraph bearing a globe ; to the right, a nude male figure. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Paris, E. d. B. A. Study of a nude male figure turned to right. (Drawing.) Armand Col. C Studies with design for a Holy Family. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. £)(. Chennevieres. Adam and Eve ; Adam, on whose knees Eve is . seated, is turning to the left to pick the for- bidden fruit from the tree. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Nude male figure, full face, walking toward the spectator. (Drawing.) Gatteaux Col. ' C Nude figure, reclining, with studies for the legs and feet of the same. (Drawing.) Malcolm Col. C Resurrection of Christ ; Christ is ascending. His right arm raised and holding a banner, faint- ly indicated. (Drawing.) do. C Preliminary study of the figure of Haman for the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. (Drawing.) do. C Scourging of Christ. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Fall of Phaethon. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do, Truth, seated, looking into a mirror held in her left hand. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Chantilly. Five studies of nude figures, draped. (Drawing.) do. C Three reclining figures and a skull (from the Last Judgment?). (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Lille, Wicar, Demon bearing a lost soul on his shoulders ; sketch for the Last Judgment. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Nude man crouching on a rearing horse (after the antique). (Drawing.) do. C Seven grotesque masks. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Old sorceress turned to right. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Nude male figure throwing himself forward ; at his side, two studies of arms (from the car- toon of the Pisan War). (Drawing.) do. Q Composition ; to the left, young man leading two dogs; horse mounted by boy, etc. (Draw- ing.) do. C — (After Michel Angelo.) Leda and the Swan. Dresden. C C - - 788 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Study of a right arm. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Dresden, R. C. Study for the Crucifixion of St. Peter. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. do. Two draped figures standing. (Drawing.) do. C Sketch ; bust of a man, head leaning on his right arm. (Drawing.) do. C Dream of Human Life. (Drawmg engraved by Lucchesi and Beatrizetti.) C, $1.75. Weimar. Libyan Sibyl, after the fresco. (Drawing.) do. C — Delphic Sibyl, after the fresco. (Drawing.) do. C — Prophet Isaiah, after the fresco. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Head of a man with a pointed beard, left profile, with a frame by Vasari. (Drawing.) do, C — Nude male figure lying on the ground. (Draw- ing.) do. . — C — Righteous soul ascending to heaven, knee rest- ing on clouds; after the fresco. (Drawing.) do. C Group of four figures ; demon trying to drag a man by the hair; after the fresco. (Draw- ing.) do. C Young man supporting a man leaving the tomb, his feet bound with cords. (Drawing.) do. C The dead Christ in standing posture supported by the Virgin ; sketch for the group in the Rondanini Palace. (Drawing.) Vienna, Albert. C — Study for a dead Christ ; the body lies stretched toward the right. (Drawing.) do. C — Discarded design for one of the walls of the Med- ici Chapel. (Drawing.) do, C — Two men and a right hand (by B. Franco?). (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. — ■ Nude male figure standing, right profile, and nude , male figure standing, back view, his right hand on his hip. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. Nude male figure standing, back vie^ . (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. do. The Virgin seated, full face, suckling the Infant Jesus. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Nude male figure standing, turned toward the left. (Drawing.) C. $1,75. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 789 Nude figure of a youth seated ; study for a dec- orative figure above the Persican Sibyl. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Two nude male figures ; study for the cartoon of the Battle of Pisa. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Two men running, back view ; after the fresco of the Conversion of St. Paul. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Five nude male figures standing. (Drawing.) Two studies of the torso of a man, and two heads of horses. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Three studies of a right arm raised, and two studies of a right shoulder. (Drawing.) Studies of animals: three lions, heads of lions, eagles, etc. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Nude female figure, seated, back view, several times repeated. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. (Attributed.) Old man with a long beard seated, and the head of an old man, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Demon bearing a lost soul on his shoulders ; after the fresco of the Last Judgment. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Two demons dragging a lost soul hiding his face with his hand; after the above. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. The Brazen Serpent ; after the fresco. (Draw- ing-) The Entombment ; unfinished picture. Madonna and Child, St. John the Baptist and angels ; unfinished picture. Draped figure of a man standing, holding a book in his left hand. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Study of right leg and left foot. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. First sketch in nude figures of the group "Laza- rus Coming Forth from the Tomb," for the picture of Sebastian del Piombo. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Woman with a child lying on her knee ; figures seated on the ground, etc. (Drawing.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ z Zl A Al Vienna, Albertina. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. London, N. G. do. C — C — C C C C C — C London, B. M, do. do. do. C — 790 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2i 3 4i Holy Family ; the Virgin, seated, is looking down upon the two children. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Nude male figure seated ; decorative figure above the Prophet Joel. (Drawing.) Jonas; study for ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. (Drawing.) Nude man seated, right profile, trying to bend a stick. (For the ceiling?) (Drawing.) C, $i.75- Four grotesque masks and sketch of a man ab- ducting a woman. (Drawing.) Nude male figure seated, leaning far to the right. (For the ceiling?) (Drawing.) The Virgin and four other figures ; study for the Descent from the Cross in ivory in the Uffizi. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Two nude men lifting a third ; sketch for the Ma- donna of Bruges in nude figures. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. The Crucifixion (with the three crosses). (Draw- ing-) Angel flying forward, man leaning on his elbows, etc. (For right centre of the Last Judg- ment.) (Drawing.) The Resurrection : Christ Hovering Over the Sarcophagus. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Lazarus Coming Forth from the Tomb ; study for the picture of Sebastian del Piombo. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Bust of a young woman seated. (Drawing.) C, $i.75- Study of left arm. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Two men crucified to trees. (For the Death of Haman.) (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Four studies for the Madonna and Child. (Draw- ing-) Christ on the Cross. (Drawing.) Madonna and Child, with Young St. John. (Drawing.) London, B. M. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Windsor. C C — C — C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 791 Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Christ on the Cross with the Virgin and St. John ; study for the composition engraved by Ph. Soye. (Drawing.) Windsor. C — The same composition ; less finished study of fig- ures of the Virgin and St. John. (Drawing.) do. C The Resurrection ; large composition of twelve nude figures. (Drawing.) do. C — Christ Leaving the Tomb ; study for a Resurrec- tion. (Drawing.) do. C — Study for a demon in the Last Judgment. (Draw- ing.) do. C - Fall of Phaethon ; drawn for Tommaso dei Cava- lieri. (Drawing.) do. C Hercules Fighting the Nemean Lion, the Giant Antaeus and the Hydra. (Drawing.) do. C — Prometheus Torn by the Vulture ; drawn for Tommaso dei Cavalieri. (Drawing.) do. C — Dancing Faun, right profile. (Drawing.) do. C "The Archers"; allegorical composition. (Draw- ing.) do. C — Female bust, left hand apparently holding a mir- ror (on back of Fall of Phaethon). (Draw- ing.) , do. C Female head looking down toward right. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. "La Furia"; head of screaming demon. (Draw- ing.) do. • C Nude male figure standing looking to right. (Drawing.) do. C Nude male figure standing, full face, proportions indicated. (Drawing.) do. C (After Michelangelo.) Rape of Ganymede. (Drawing.) do. C Head of woman, generally called Vittoria Colona. Copy of drawing in Malcolm Coll. (Draw- ing.) do. C — Female bust, breast bare. Copy from drawing in Uflfizi. (Drawing.) do. '■ C Haman Dying on the Cross. Copy from draw- ing in Malcolm Coll. (Drawing.) , do. C Dawn ; drawing from the statue. (Drawing.) do. C Night; drawing from the statue. (Drawing.) do. C 792 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Shcs, 2 2* 3 3^ 4 4| Minos; study after fresco of the Last Judgment. (Drawing.) The Archers; copy of original drawing. (Draw- ing) Studies of men for the Last Judgment. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25.. Portrait of Pope Leo X., full face. (Drawing.) Study of figure, seated {^ceiling of Sistine). (Drawing.) Nude figure, right profile. (Drawing.) C. $1.00. Study of nude figure, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Draped female figure, seated ; to the left, a child stretching out its arms. (Drawing.) Three men disputing. (Drawing.) Male head, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Three studies from the torso of a Venus. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Three studies of right hand, and torso of a man. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Male head, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Female head turned to right. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Bust of man in a Phr3'gian cap, singing. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Head in left profile, and a nude male figure seat- ed, full face. (Drawing.) Dragon. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Sketches for the Mausoleum of Julius IL (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. The Winder ; for the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. (Drawing.) The Writer ; for the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Men attacked by serpents ; first idea of the Brazen Serpent (?). (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Young woman seated (Sibyl?). (Drawing.) Old sorceress turned to right, and a boy. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. Twelve studies of heads. (Drawing.) Windsor. do. C C — Chats worth. do. C — do. C do. do. do. C Oxford, Tay. Cab. — C — do. do. do. — do. do. — do. do. C do. do. do. C do. do. do. C do. do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 79a Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ Old woman walking toward left. (Drawing.) C, $1,25. Oxford, Tay. Cab. Descent from the Cross ; group of eight figures. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. Virgin, etc. ; group for a Crucifixion. (Drawing.) do. C Head of a laughing Faun (after the antique). (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Two men dissecting a corpse. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Female head (the Virgin?). (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Skull from the Last Judgment. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Samson Slaying a Philistine. (Drawing.) do. C Christ on the cross with two angels on clouds. (Drawing.) do. C — Four warriors armed with lances for the Cruci- , fixion of St. Peter. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Study of a leg, several grotesque heads, etc. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. (School of Michelangelo.) Portrait of Michelan- gelo. Florence, Uffizi. PIC _ — PIC Holy Family. do. C Group of nude male figures (part of a Brazen Serpent?). (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. First design for one of the Medici Tombs. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. ' do. First (?) design for the tomb of Julius H. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. do. "La Furia"; head of a demon. (Drawing.) do. — — C Female head turned to right. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Nude figure of a youth crouching; decorative fig- ure above the Prophet Daniel. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Head of young woman, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Prudence ; allegorical group supposed to belong to the mausoleum of Julius H. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. 794 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ Study for decorative figures of ceiling of Sistine Chapel. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Florence, Uffizi. Two female heads, left profile, and head of an old woman, full face. (Drawing.) do. C Female bust, left profile, breast bare. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. do. Nude figure seated, first sketch of Prophet Jo- nas (?). (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Composition of nude figures : Raising of Lazarus. (Drawing.) do. C — Demon, left profile ; study for the Last Judgment. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. — Libyan Sibyl. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Sketch for the "Children's Bacchanal." (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Four studies of legs. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Nude male figure lying down, nude male figure crouching; child playing hot cockles, etc. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Head of bald old man, and sketches of nude fig- ures. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Two small sketches of nude male figures crouch- ing. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Draped warrior standing (from the antique?). (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. (Attributed.) Fortuna. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. (According to Venturi, by Rosso de Rossi). The Fates. Florence, Pitti. PIC PIC Frescoes of the Sistine Chapel. General view of the interior of the Sistine Chapel. Rome, Vat. C — C ♦The Last Judgment; entire composition. do. C PIC **The ceiling: the whole ceiling in five parts united; length 91 inches, width 31 inches. do. ***The whole ceiling in four parts united ; length 52 inches, width 19 inches. do. ♦This subject also comes in a large size, 36x54 inches, $7o.oa **This subject comes in a large Carbon, $90.00. ***This subject comes in a large Carbon, $30.00. do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 795 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ The composition in the middle of the ceiling : Creation of Light; God separating light from darkness (with the four academic figures sur- rounding the compositions). Rome, Vat. C — C Creation of the Sun and Moon (with two academ- ic figures). do. C — C The Spirit of God upon the Waters (with four academic figures surrounding the composi- tion), do. C — C The Creation of Adam (with four academic fig- ures 'surrounding the composition). Detail of the above : Adam. Creation of Eve (with four academic figures). The Fall — Expulsion from Paradise (with the four academic figures surrounding the com- position). Detail of the above: Expulsion from Paradise. Sacrifice of Noah (with the four academic fig- ures surrounding the composition). do. C C The Deluge (with three of the academic figures surrounding the composition). do. C C Intoxication of Noah (with three of the academic figures surrounding the composition). do. C C Academic figures surrounding the compositions: Around the picture : "Creation of Light." Around the picture : "Creation of Light." Around the picture : "Creation of Light." Around the picture : "Creation of Light." Around the picture : "The Spirit of God upon the Waters." do. C Around the picture : "The Spirit of God upon the Waters." do. C Around the picture : "The Spirit of God upon the Waters." do. C Around the picture : "The Spirit of God upon the Waters." Around the picture : "Creation of Eve." Around the picture : "Creation of Eve." Around the picture : "Creation of Eve." do. C do. C do. c do. c do. c do. C do. C do. C 796 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Around the picture: "Creation of Eve." Around the picture : "Sacrifice of Noah." Around the picture : "Sacrifice of Noah.' Around the picture : "Sacrifice of Noah." Around the picture : 'Sacrifice of Noah." Around the picture : "Intoxication of Noah." Around the picture : "Intoxication of Noah." Around the picture : "Intoxication of Noah." The Prophets and Sibyls: The Prophet Jonah. Libyan Sibyl. Prophet Daniel. Cumaean Sibyl. Prophet Isaiah. Delphic Sibyl. Prophet Zachariah. Prophet Joel. Erythraean Sibyl. Prophet Ezekiel. Persican Sibyl. Prophet Jeremiah. (Attributed.) Head of a child. (Charcoal drawing.) C, $2.50. Nude male figure sleeping on the ground : to the left smaller female figure (Samson and De- lilah?). (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Three lost souls leaping from the bark of Cha- ron. (Drawing.) Righteous soul lifted upward and another lean- ing on his hands. (Drawing.) Man leaving tomb, feet bound in cords ; after the fresco. (Drawing.) The Dead Christ ; study for a Pieta. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Crucified Roman; copy (?). (Drawing.) C, $1-75- The Fall ; after the fresco. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Libyan Sibyl; after the fresco. (Drawing.) C, $175. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2i 3 3* 4 4l Rome, Vat. — — c — — do. — — c do. — — c — do. — — c — — — do. — — c — — — do. — — c — — — do. — — c — — — do. — — c do. C — c do. c — c — — — do. C — c — — — do. c - c — — — do. C - c — — — do. C — c — — — do. C — c — — — do. c — c — — — do. c — c — — — do. C — c — — — do. c — c — — . — do. c — c Rome, Farn. Milan, Ambrosian. — do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. i97 (Attributed.) Two female heads. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Brazen Serpent ; after the fresco. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Woman ascending, her hands raised, and a de- mon ; after the fresco. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Minos ; after the fresco. (Drawing.) C.,$i.25. God Creating Sun and Moon ; after the fresco. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Righteous soul ascending to heaven ; after the fresco of the Last Judgment. (Drawing.) (Attributed.) Pieta of four figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Prudence ; repetition of the drawing of the Uffizi. (Drawing.) The Goal. (Drawing.) Right arm of man looking toward right, and left arm, (Drawing.) €.,$1.25. Dead Christ supported by two hands ; study for Descent from the Cross by Volterra. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Head of an old man; study for Prophet Joel (?). (Drawing.) C, .75. Upper part of nude male figure, back view, rais- ing left hand above his head. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Madonna and Child, with faint outlines of angels singing. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. (Attributed.) Nude man, back view, and sketch of leg. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Pendentive with Cumaean Sibyl ; sketch after fresco of Sistine Chapel. (Drawmg.) Two nude male figures, back view, copied from group in cartoon of Battle of Pisa. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75- Righteous soul lifted upward; from the same. (Drawing.) (Attributed.) Christ on the cross with the Vir- gin and St. John ; in background, city of Je- rusalem. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Gallery. Sices, 2 2J 3 3J 4 4^ Milan, Ambrosian. do. do. do. do. do. C — Milan, Resta Col. do. C Milan, Brera. C Venice. do. do. do. do. do. do. C do. do. C do. 798 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Righteous soul ascending to heaven, left knee resting on clouds; after fresco of the Last Judgment. . (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Scourging of Christ. MICHEL-LANCON (Edouard Clotaire Leon). Born in Besangon. (Modern.) Bather. MICHEL-LEVY (Henri). Born in Paris. (Mod- em.) At the Hotel Drouot. Isa — "L'affaire" Clemenceau. The Ironer. The Satyr. MICHETTI (Francesco Paolo). Chieti, about 1852. (Modern.) Without Cares. A Meeting. Wedding Procession. MICHIELI (Andreer di), called VINCENTINO. Vicenza, 1539-1614. (Venetian School.) The Wedding at Cana of Galilee ; sketch. MICHIS (P.) (Modern.) Inquisitive Folk. The Last Meeting between Pope Leo X. and Ra- phael. MIEL or MEEL (Jan). Antwerp, 1599 (?)— Turin, 1664. (Flemish School.) The Beggar. Neapolitan Barber. Soldier's Halt. MIELICH or MUELICH (Hans). Born in Mu- nich in 1516 (?); died there about 1573. (German School.) Portrait of a man holding a rosary. MIELZINCI (Leo.) (Modern.) Irene. PI., 7^x9^ inches, $1.25; 10x12, $2.50. Gallery. Shcs, 2 2^ ^ ^i 4 4^ Venice. .Madrid. Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. — ' C do. C do. C — C Brussels. Modern Painters, do. Paris, Louvre, do. do. C — C C C C — c C — C — C — Vienna Museum. C — Modern Painters. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 799 MIEREVELT (Michiel Jansz). Delft, 1567-1641. (Dutch School.) Portrait of Olden-Barneveld. Portrait of a woman. Portrait of a woman. Portrait of a woman. Portrait of Gilles de Clarges. Portrait of Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia! (?-i632). Portrait of a family. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. Portrait of a man. Portrait of a man holding a letter. Portrait of a woman. Male bust. Male portrait. Portrait of a young man. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Portrait of a man. Portrait of Prince William I. of Orange (the Silent) (1533-1584)- Portrait of a woman. (Van de Poll Coll.) Portrait of a man. (Van de Poll Coll.) Portrait of the poet and Grand Pensioner, Jacob Cats (1577-1660). Portrait of Pastor Johannes Uytenbogaert (1557- 1644). (School of Mierevelt.) Portrait of Cornelia Teed- ingh van Berckhout, third wife of Lieuten- ant-Admiral Van Tromp. Portrait of Prince Frederick Henry of Orange. Portrait of J. van Olden-Barneveld. Portrait of J. van Olden-Barneveld. Portrait of Hugo Grotius. Portrait of Prince Philip William of Orange. Portrait of William the Siknt. Portrait of an old man. Portrait of a lady (companion to the above). Portrait of a young lady. Gallery. Sizes, 2.2^ 3 3I 4 4^ Paris, Louvre. '. — c — do. C — — — do. — c — Old Masters. — c — Chantilly. c — — — do. c _ _ Brunswick. — — — — — B Dresden, do. do. c - — c — — — z z z do. c — — — Munich. c — c Weimar. — — — — — — Vienna Museum. c — — — Amsterdam, do. do. c c c c — c — — — do. c c — c do. c c c do. _ c c c do. . c — c do. c — c do. __ c — c do. c — c do. c — c The Hague. — -— — c c c St. Petersburg. c — — — do. c — — — do. c — — — MIEREVELT (Pieter). Delft, 1595-1631. (Dutch School.) Portrait of a man holding a glove in his left hand. Dresden. C C — 800 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Portrait of a woman holding a fan. Gallery. Sices, 2 2| t, 3^ 4 4I Dresden. C C MIERIS (Frans van) the Elder. Leyden, 1635- 1681. (Dutch School.) Portrait of a man. Flemish family. Family scene. The Miser. By the light of a lantern placed on a stone support, a man wearing a cap is looking at a piece of money he holds in both hands. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Young lady before her mirror. The Old Messenger Woman. The Lute Lesson. Old woman putting a plant in a flower-pot. Old man ; a pitcher in one hand, a pipe in the other. The Toilet ; young woman before her mirror. Soldier smoking his pipe. Old scholar cutting a pen at a window. The Strolling Tinker. The Artist's Studio. The artist in his studio with his wife. Young girl seated before a parrot. Lady with a parrot. Lady with a lute. Breakfast. The sick woman. Lady before a mirror. Officer fallen asleep. Interior of a peasant's room. The Cavalry Boot. Warrior in armor. Boy with a drum. Warrior in armor — lady with lap-dogf. Portrait of himself — lady in negligee. Cavalier in a Shop. Bust portrait of a young man, full face. (Draw- ing.) C, .75. Sick woman lying in bed. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Transitoriness. Paris, Louvre. do. Durand-Ruel Col. C — C — Chantilly. — - — — — Berlin. — — — — c c Dresden. — — • — c c do. — — . — ■ C c — do. — — — — c — do. c c do. — • — — — c — do. — — — — c c do. — . — -- — c — ■ do. — — C c — — do. — — C c — B do. — . — C c — — do. — — — — c c Munich. — — — c — c do. — — — c — c do. — — — c — c do. — — — c — c do. — — — c — c do. — — — c — c do. — — — c — c do. — — — c — c do. — — — c — c do. — — — r — c do. — — — r — r do. — — — c — c Vienna Museum. — — C — — — Vienna, Albertina. _— — — do. — — — — — — Amsterdam. — — — c — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 801 Soap-bubbles. Portraits of Frans van Mieris and his wife. Woman with a parrot. Breakfast. Fish-shop. Triumph of Love. Teasing. Portrait of the artist, by himself. The Charlatan. Young woman asleep near her bed. Thie Repast ; an old man and woman. The Drinkers. Portrait of the artist playing the guitar. The artist and family. Levee of a Dutch lauy. The Oyster Breakfast. MIERIS (Jan van), the Younger. 1690. (Dutch School.) Susannah and the Elders. Leyden, 1660- MIERIS (Willem van). Leyden, 1662-1747. (Dutch School.) Soap-bubbles. The Cook. Andromeda. (Drawing.) Ceres. (Drawing.) The Organ-grinder. Servant-girl pouring drink for a horseman. Man blowmg a trumpet at a round window. Family of monkeys dressed in men's clothes. Bacchus and Ariadne. The Jolly Toper. The Game-dealer. Woman seated playing the guitar. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Fish and Poultry Shop. The Astronomer. MIGL (Arpad de). The First Confession. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2 J 3 3^ 4 4^ The Hague. C C C do. C C C London, Buck. PI. C C — do. C do. C do. C do. C Florence, Uffizi. C — do. C — do. C — do. — C — do. C — do. C — do. C — St. Petersburg. C do. C — Brussels. Paris, Louvre. C — do. C — do. C do. C Dresden. C C do. C — do. ' C — do. C — do. C do. C do. C Dresden, R. C. London, Nat. Gal. C — C St. Petersburg. C — (Salon of 189}^.) Modern Painters. — C — 802 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 41 MIGNARD (Pierre), surnamed the Roman. Troyes, (Aube), 1612 — Paris, 1695. (French School.) Madonna of the Grapes. Christ and the Woman of Samaria. Jesus on the Way to Calvary. Ecce Homo. The Virgin Weeping. St. Luke Painting the Virgin. St. Cecilia Singing the Praises of the Lord. Faith. Hope. Full-length portraits of Louis of France, Dau- phin, son of Louis XIV. (the Grand Dau- phin), of his wife and younger children. Portrait of Francois d'Aubigne, Marquis de Main- tenon. Portrait of Moliere (Jean Baptist Poquelin) (1622-1673). Portrait of Philip V. (Philip of France, Duke of Anjou), King of Spain (1683-1746) Portrait of Anne Louise Benedicte de Bourbon, Duchess du Maine (1676-1753). Portrait of Edouard Colbert, Marquis of Villacerf (1628- 1699). Equestrian portrait of Louis XIV. crowned by victory. Portrait of the Countess de Feuquieres (Cath- erine Marguerite Mignard), daughter of the artist (1652-1742). Portrait of Mme*. de Sevigne (Marie de Rabutin- Chantal) (1626-1696). Portrait of Anne of Austria (1602-1666), Queen of France. Portrait of Frangois Louise de la Beaume-Le- blanc. Duchess de La Valliere (1644-1710), mistress of Louis XIV. Portrait of Marie Ann de Bourbon, called Mademoiselle de Blois, as a child (1666-1730). Princess of Conti, daughter of Louis XIV., and the Duchess de La Valliere. Portrait of Marie Louise of Orleans (1662-1680), Queen of Spain, daughter of Philip, Duke of Paris, Louvre. C — c — do. __ — c — do. c — do. — — C — c — do. C — C — do. — — C — c — do. c — C — do. c — C — do. --C - C — do. _-C- do. c.- c — Paris, Com. Fran. c — V^ersailles. c — do. C — C — do. c — do. --C- do. c — Old Masters. --C - Nat'l Portraits. c — do. do. SOULE .ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 803 Orleans, brother of Louis XIV., and wife of Charles II. (Attributed.) Portrait of Anne Marie Louise of Orleans, Duchess of Montpensier, called Mademoiselle and La Grande Mademoiselle (1627-1693), daughter of Gaston, Duke of Orleans, brother of Louis XIII. and of Marie de Bourbon, Duchess de Montpensier. Portrait of Claude le Peletier (1630-1711), Con- troller-General of the Finances (1683).. Min- ister of State (1689). Portrait of Jean Baptiste Poquelin, called Mo- liere (1622-1673), writer of comedies. (After Mignard, by des Fossez, Charles Henri, Count.) Portraits of Racine (1639-1699), Mignard (1610-1695), Count des Fossez (1764-1852), Marquis d'Artemisande and Count d'Acy. (School of Mignard.) Supposed portrait of Marie Desmares, called La Champmesle (1644- 1698), actress. Portrait of Moliere (Jean Baptiste Poquelin) (1622-1673). Portrait of Mme. de la Suze (medallion held by Cupids). Portrait of Cardinal Mazarin (1602-1661). Portrait of Mme. Deshoulies (1638-1694) (Antoin- ette de Ligier de la Garde). Portrait , of Henrietta Anne of England (Ma- dame), Duchess of Orleans (1644-1670), daughter of Charles I. and Henrietta of France. Portrait of a princess of France. (After Mignard.) Portrait of Francois d'Au- bigne, Marquise de Maintenon (1635-1719), wife of Louis XIV. Portrait of Fran(;oise Athenais de Rochechouart, Marquise de Montespan (1641-1707), mis- tress of Louis XIV. , bust in medallion, sup ported by the Three Graces and by two fly- ing Cupids. Gallery. Skes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Nat'l Portraits. C — do. do. do. do. do. Chantill3\ do. do. do. C C — C C C — c — Niort do. Museum. C C Rouen Museum. C Troves Museum. - — C 804 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. The same, but only the bust in medallion, larger. Portrait of Marie de Mancini, niece of Cardinal de Mazarin (1639-1714), wife of Prince Co- lonna. The Virgin seated holding the Child Jesus. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Holv Family with the Child, St. John, and St. Elizabeth. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Study of three angels for a Repose in Egypt. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Martyrdom of St. Denis ; composition of many figures. (Drawing.) Diana and her Nymphs at the Bath, (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Vengeance of Latona. (Drawing.) (After Mignaud.) Flora. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. (After Mignaud.) Sacrifice to Ceres. (Draw- ing.) C, $2.50. Metamorphosis of Daphne. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Wounded Porus Brought before Alexander. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Allegory. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Portrait of Moliere, half length, full face. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Presentation in the Temple ; composition of many figures. (Drawing.) Raising oi Lazarus , composition of thirteen fig- ures. (Drawing.) Juno Infecting the Kingdom of >Eacus with the Plague. (Drawing.) The Duchess Henrietta Maria of Orleans, with her two daughters. Portrait of the Countess de Grignan (bust). Portrait of the Marquise de Sevigne. Madame de (St. Cecilia). (Exhibition of female portraits at the £cole des Beaux Arts, T897.) Gallery. Sises, Troyes Museum. 2 2^ 3 3i 4 4^ — C — Berlin. B C BG C — BC Vienna, Albertina. do. do. do. C do. do. C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Windsor. Florence, Uffizi. do. C C C C C PIC — c — J F. MILLET BRINGING HOME THE NEW-BORN CALF. J. F. MILLET MADONNA AND CHILD. MORELLI PITTI. MADONNA AND CHILD. MURILLO THE DIVINE SHEPHERD. MURILLO SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 805 MIGNON or MINJON (Abraham). Frankfort- - on-the-Main, 1639 — Wetzlar, 1679. (Dutch School.) Fruits, with squirrels and goldfinch. Fruit. The Nest. Fruit-piece. Flowers. The Overturned Bouqu£t. Flowers, animals and insects. MILANO (Giovanni da). Was living at Milan in 1365. (Florentine School.) Three figures on horseback, three children and a donkey. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Altar-picture in ten divisions. MILATZ (F. C.) (German School.) Wooded landscape ; in the centre, two men under a large tree. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. MILES (Albert). (Modern.) "Granny's Asleep." MILESI (A.) (Modern.) Grandfather. Meditation. View in Venice. A Crossing in Venice. St. Mark's Square, Venice. The Village Critics. Over the Sea. The Gondolier's Luncheon. Parental Joy. Father's Ship. MILEWSKI (K.) (Modern Morning Prayer. Evening Prayer. MILLAIS (Sir John). Southampton, 1829-1897. (English School.) "Speak! Speak!" D., I4|xi8f inches, $5.00. Portrait of the artist, by himself. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Cassel. C — C do. C — C Dresden. C C Munich. C C — C Amsterdam. c — C . do. c — C Brussels. . c — C Dresden, Roy. C. : — — Florence, Ufhzi. C Dresden, P. G. — Modern Painters. c — c dov ___ c — c do. . — c — c do. .^ . c - c do. c — c do. — .• — — c — c do. C c — c do. — __ — — — c do. — — — c do. _ c — c do. do. do. London, 1 c c c — c rate Gal. Florence, Uffizi. — — c 806 SOULE ART COMPANY. BOSTON. The Vale of Rest. Artist's Proofs, lOO on Japan. i6|x28f inches, $48.00 each : 100 on India, $30.00 each; D., 17x25, $12.00. MILLER (W. von). (Modern.) At the Piano. Salutation. "If I Could Gaze into Thine E^'es !" Little Mother. MILLET (Francisque or Frangois). Antwerp, 1643 or '44 — Paris, 1679. (Flemish School.) Wooded landscape; pond in the middle. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Landscape with fortress in distance. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Mountainous landscape, with castle on the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Mountainous landscape ; castle in the middle on a hill. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Roman mountain landscape. Mountainous landscape. (Drawing.) Italian landscape. Italian landscape. Landscape with river. (Drawing.) MILLET (Francis D.) Mattapoisett, Mass.. 1846. (Modern.) Thesmophoria (tympanum decoration). PI.. lox 20 inches, $5.00; 6^x13, $2.50. Ceres (detail of the above). PI., 19x9 inches, $4.50. Group of Maidens (half length ; detail of the above). PI., 9x13 inches, $3.00. Head (detail of the above). PL, 13x9 inches, $3.00; 9x6, $1.50. The Window Seat. PI., 13x20 inches, $6.00: 8x 13, $3.00; 6x9, $1.50. Seated figure (detail of the above.) PI., 19x17 inches, $6.00. *A Love-letter. D., I2x2c4 inches, $5.00. * This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6Jx9 inches, $1.80. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2i 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. (Jo. C do. C do. C do. C Paris, Louvre. do. do. do. Dresden. C Dresden, Roy. C. C Munich. C — C do. C C — C London, B. M. C Pittsburgh Bank. do. do. do. Modern Painters. do. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 80Z Gallery. Sices, , 2 H 3 3i 4 4i MILLET (Jean Frangois). Greville (Manche), 1814— Barbizon, 1875. (French School.) Church of Greville. Paris, Louvre. — — C — C — Bathers. do. — — — — c — - Spring. do. — — C — The Gleaners. do. C — C — c — Study of a peasant (female). (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. — — . — — Study of a peasant (female). (Drawing.) C. $1.25. do. — — — — The Digger. (Drawing.) C., $1.25. do. — — — — Study of a mower. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. do* — — — — The Churner. (Pastel.) Paris, Luy — — c — Harvester Asleep. (Drawing in black crayon.) C.,$i.25. do. — — — — Sewers. (Study in black crayon.) C, $1.25. do. — — — — Village Church, near Cusset. (Pen drawing.) C, $1.00. do. — — — — Spreading the Manure. Masters XIX Cen. — — — — c — Close of Day. do. — — — — c — The Wood-splitter. do. — — — — c — The Churner. do. — — — — c — Returning to the Farm. do. — — — — c — Woman w^ith a lamp. do. — — — — c — The Pig-killer. do. — -- c — Woman lulling a child in her arms. do. — — — — c — The Shepherd and his Flock. do. — — — — c — The Potato-planter. do. — — — — c — The Farmer's Wife. do. — — — — c — The Spinner. do. — — — — c — The Shearing. do. — — — — c ^ Going to Work. do. — — — — c — The Harvest. do. — — — — c — Water-carrier. do. — — — — c — The Sick Child. do. — — — — c — The Sower. do. — — — — c — Love Asleep. do. — — — — c — The Storm. do. — — — C — Too Long a Watch. (Fainting.) do. — — — — C The Buckwheat Harvest. (Painting.) do. — — c — — — The Sea-weed Gatherers. (Water-color.) do. — — — — c — 808 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ The Sea. (Drawing.) MastersXIX.Cen. C Hunt by Torchlight. (Painting.) do. C The Cliffs of Cherbourg. do. C Woman feeding geese. do. C Spinner tending goats. do. C The Water Mill. do. C Fall of the Leaves. do, C The Well. do. C Shepherd tending his sh'^ep. do. C Flight of wild geese. do. C Goose-girl sitting on the edge of water. do. C Woman at a spinning-wheel. do. C The Plain at Dawn. do. C — The Potato Harvest. do. — C — — The Harrow. do. C Winter, or the Fagot-gatherer. do. C The Bather, or the Goose-girl. do. C Flight of Wild Geese. do. C The Sabots. C, .75. .do. — The Hay Harvest. do. C Mountains of the Puy-de-D6me. do. C Peasant woman driving geese. do. C Two shepherdesses seated at the edge of a wood. do. C — The Cliffs of Gruchy. do. — C Sheep-shearing. do. C — Shepherd taking his flock home at the approach of a storm. do. C — The Watch. do. C The Reaper. " do. C — Drawinf Water. do. C Young shepherdess standing at the edge of a wood. do. C The Three Gleaners ; study. do. C Fishing-boats in the Open Sea. do. C The Old Fagot-gatherer Resting. do. C — The Sower. do. C The Sower. do. C The Mother of Lazarus. do. C Th€ Goose Pond. . do. C Gleaners. do, C Peasant with goats on the mountain. do. C SOULR ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 809 Shepherdess leaning against a tree. Sheep browsing on the edge of a wood. Fagot-gatherers. Woman feeding a child. The Gleaner. The First Step. Return of Wood-gatherers Loaded with Fagots. Mower sharpening his scythe. Peasant woman resting at the foot of a haystack. Washerwomen. Mower, back view. Flight into Egypt ; evening effect. ' The Diggers. The Man in a Vest. Washerwomen with the clothes. The Lost Travelers. Winter ; study of a young shepherdess. The Winnower. Women carrying bvmdles of hay on the outskirts of z. village. Peasant women sewing. The Knitter. Elderly woman wearing a Normandy head-dress. Child looking at itself in the glass. Close of Efay. Returning to the Farm. Scene at Auvergne. Portrait of a young man. Bather sitting on the grass dipping her leg in the water. C, $i.oo. The Sheep-tender. Man with a hoe (Labor). The Shepherdess. The Rest. Cows at the Watering-place. Little Shepherdesses and their Flocks. The Winnower. (Painting.) The Spinner. (Painting.) Landscape. (Pastel.) Pasture near the Sea. (Pastel.) The New-born Lamb. (Pastel.) Dance of Cupids. (Pastel.) Gallery. Sizes. . 2 2.^ 3 3| 4 4^ MastersXIX.Cen. c — do. c do. c do. c do. C do. do. do. ZZ c zzz do. c do. — — c — — — do. c — do. c — do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c — do. --- c do. do. do. ZZ^cZZ do. c do.* c do. C do. c do. c - do. do. do. do. C — c — do. c do. c do. c do. c do. do. do. -_lzl-cZ do. C — do. ■■ c 810 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Siacs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Young Shepherd and Flock. (Pastel.) Masters XIX. Can. C The Plain. (Pastel.) do. C Pastoral. (Pastel.) do. C Pastoral. (Pastel.) do. C Bringing Home the New-born Calf. Chicago, A. M. PIC PIC — PIC The Angelus. (Pastel.) Modem Painters. C — — — Close of Day. (Pastel.) do. C Cow Drinking. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. ^ Sheepfold. (Drawing.) do. C Shepherdess tending sheep. (Drawing.) do. C Shepherd tending fiock. (Drawing.) do. C The Potato-gatherers. (Drawing.) do. — C Peasant women warming themselves while tend- do. ' C ing their flocks. (Drawing.) do. C Young Bather. (Drawing.) do. C C The Knitting-lesson. (Drawing.) do. C Hanging Out Clothes. (Drawing.) do. C Woman at a spinning-wheel. (Drawing.) * do. C Sheep in Pasture. (Drawing.) do. — C The Basket-maker. (Drawing.) do. C The Knitter. (Drawing.) do. C The Road-mender. (Drawing.) do. C Wood-gatherer. (Drawing.) do. C Woman seated. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. Harvesters resting. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. The Puy-de-D6me. (Drawing.) do. C Shepherdess Asleep. (Drawing.) do. C Young peasant girl. (Drawing.) do. C Shepherdess. (Drawing.) do, — C Faun and Satyr. (Drawing.) do. C The Basket-maker's Daughter. .(Drawing.) • do. C . Young girl at the fountain. (Drawing.) do. C Young shepherd leaning on staff. (Drawing.) do. C The Christ of the Column. (Drawing.) do. C Woman with pitcher. (Drawing.) do. PIC Study of gleaners. (Drawing.) do. C The Milk-carrier. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. Interior of a kitchen. (Drawing.) do. C Landscape. (Drawing.) . do. — C The Cottage. (Drawing.) do. — C Landscape. (Drawing.) do. — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 811 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Three Gleaners. (Drawing.) Modern Painters. C Study of a reclining woman. (Drawing.) do. C The Goose-girl. (Drawing.) do. C Return from Hay-making. (Drawing.) do. C The Gleaners. (Drawing.) do. C The Tillage. (Drawing.) do. C Study in the nude. (Drawing.) C., .75. do. The Washerwomen ; moonlight effect. (Drawing.) do. C The Peasant's Family. (Drawing.) do. C Return from the Fields. (Drawing.) do. C Phoebus and Boreas. (Drawing.) do. C The Harvesters. (Drawing.) (Exceptional size.) C., $6.00. do. Woman with a pitcher. (Drawing.) » do, C Young peasant girl. (Drawing.) do. C Peasant woman seated. (Drawing.) do. C Portrait of a woman (George Sand ?). (Draw- ing-) do. C Page of various sketches. (Drawing.) do. C The Winnower. (Drawing.) do. C — Sea-piece. (Drawing.) C., $2.50. do. The New-born Lamb. (Drawing.) do. C » Return from the Fields. (Drawing.) do. C Le Briquet. (Drawing.) do. C Woman in a yard pouring water into copper ves- sels. (Drawing.) do. C The Sower. (Drawing.) C., $2.50. do. Garden of J. F. Millet. Three children watching a woman pulling up vegetables. (Drawing.) do. C Geese. (Drawing.) do. C Millet's Garden. (Drawing.) do. C The Diggers. (Drawing.) do. C Peasant woman. (Drawing.) do. C Study of a woman. (Drawing.) do. •" C The Diggers. (Drawing.) PI., 8^x12 inches $300. do. C Repose of Harvesters. (Drawing.) do. - C Portrait of the artist wearing a cap pulled down over his ears. (Drawing.) C., $2.50. do. The Republic. (Drawing.) C., $2.50. do. The Goose-girl. (Drawing.) do. C 812 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. — — C do. C do. do. do. A. and T. Col. C Durand-Ruel C. C Bourg Museum. — — C Lille Museum. C — C — Boston, M. F. A. ^ do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Brunswick M. W. Art Building. Modern Painters. do. do. PL, 10x13 inches, $2.00 7x9 inches, $1.00. The Sick Girl. (Drawing.) Portrait of the artist, by himself. (Drawing.) The Sheep-shearing. (Drawing.) The Wood-cutter's Return. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. The Washerwoman. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. The Young Farm-girl. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Goose-girl. Autumn. Peasant woman pasturing a cow. Feeding Her Birds. Shepherdess. PI., 12x17 inches, $4.00; 9x11, $2.00. Portrait of the artist, by himself. PI., 9x12 inches, $2.00. Homestead at Greville. Woman Spinning. PI The Sower. PL, .75. Water-carrier. PL, .75. The Gleaners. PL, .75. Man with a wheelbarrow. PL, .75. Shepherdess with sheep. PL, $1.50. Landscape with farm buildings. PL, $1.00. Landscape: "Pres Gusset." PL, $1.00. Churning. PL, .75. Shepherd-girl knitting. PL, $1.00. Landscape: "Vichy, Juin 12, 1886." PL, $1.00. Landscape with culvert. PL, $1.00. Landscape with rocky stream. PL, $1.00. Landscape with gate, Vichy. PL, $1.00. Figures bearing fagots. PL, $1.00. Fagot-gatherers. PL, $1.00. Twilight: Going Home. PL, $1.00. Woman tending cow. PL, .75. Peasant woman. PL, 9x7 inches, $2.00. Calling the Cattle Home. (Drawing.) 9 inches, $3.00; 9x6, $1.50. Young Mother. (Drawing.) PL, 8x10 inches, $1.00. Peasant with cow. PL, 7x9 inches, $1.00. Peasants building a fire. (Drawing.) PL, 7x9 inches, $1.00. 13X THE CHRIST CHILD. ST. ANTHONY. SaULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON, 813 The Sower. PI., 7x9 inches, $1.00. MILLOCHAU (l&mile Joseph). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Before the Bath. Gallery. Sises, 2 Modern Painters. — 2i 3 3i 4 4j Born in Rouen. (Mod- (Seine In- MINET (fimile Louis). ern.) Return of Reapers at Freneuse ferieure.) Crossing of the Mariee at Freneuse. Raising the Nets. MION (Luigi). (Modern.) Frivolity. Mistaken. Happy Age. Poor Orphans. The Spelling-lesson.^ Venetian Beggars. Careless Youth. Brother and Sister. Mamma Mia. Longing. Early Morning. 1* ^ . . ^ . . , -^ ,, * V (Companion pictures.) After Mass. ) MODENA. See Barnabas da MODENA. MOELLER (Louis). (Modern.) The Argument. A Rare Old Document. MOES (W.) (Modern.) Spring Blossoms. MOEST (H.) (Modem.) Pygmalion and Galatea. MOISAND (M.) (Modern.) Enfantillage. MOISSON (Raymond). Born in Meudon. ern.) Moonrise. do. Munich (Mod- do. C — do. C C do. __C do. C C — C do. c c do.- C — c do. c — c do. C — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c do. c do. c do. B B do. B B do. PIC PIC do. PIC PIC h. c — c do. c c — c do. c — c do. 814 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTO'N. MOITTE. (French School.) Allegory. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. MOL (Pieter Van). Antwerp, 1599 — Paris, 1650. (Flemish School.) Descent from the Cross. Head of young man. Isaac Blessing his Son Jacob, MOLA (Pier Francisco). Near Como, 1612-1668. (Bolognese School.) Preaching of St. John the Baptist. Vision of St. Bruno. Male head, portrait. (Drawing.) MOLENAER (Jan Miense). 1626 — Haarlem, 1668. (Dutch School.) The Artist's Studio. Landscape with women washing. A fiddler and peasants singing. Old woman drying a child. (Drawing.) C, .75. Scene of revelry ; on either side two small sub- jects by P. de Laer. (Engraving.) The Smoker. Twelfth Night Feast. Family feast in the open air. — Tavern with the sign, "City of Delft." Lady at the piano. Rustic Festival. Musical Diversion. MOLICH (Christian). (German School.) Andromeda. (Drawing.) C. $1.25. MOLIN (Benoit Hermogaste). Born in Chamb^ry, (Modem.) The Kiss Returned. — Judas and Satan. MOLITOR (F.) (Modem.) The Good Shepherd. 1 .^ . . , v The Prodigal Son. | (Compan.on pictures.) Sacred Heart. D., 20x12 inches, $5.00. Sacred Heart of St. Mary. D.. 20x12 inches, $5.00. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4* Lille. — Paris, Louvre. C do. C — Berlin. C Paris, Louvre. C — C — do. C — Florence, Uffizi. C Berlin. C Brunswick. B Dresden. — — — C — — Dresden, R. C. — do. C Frankfort. C — Vienna, Liecht. C C — C C — C C — C — C C — C Buda-Pesth. Amsterdam. The Hague. London, N. G. Dresden, R. C. Modern Painters. C do. B - B do. B - B do. B - B do. — B B SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 815 MOLS (Robert). Delft Haven, Holland. (Salon of 1898.) MOLYN (Pieter), the Elder. Born in Haarlem, about 1600. (Dutch School.) Sandy hill with trees. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. MOLYN (Pieter), called IL CAVALIERE TEM- PESTA. Haarlem, 1637-1701. (Dutch School.) Landscape; a forest. (Drawing.) The Rest. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. The Stranded Whale. (Drawing.) MOMMERS (Hendrik). (Dutch School.) The Market. Haarlem, 1623-1697. MOMPER (Frans van). Antwerp; died, 1660 or 1661. (Dutch School.) Summer. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. Hamlet on a river. MOMPER (Jesse de). Bruges, 1564-1635. (Flem- ish School.) Mountainous landscape, with figures, by Jan Breughel. MONCHABLON (Alphonse). Born in Avilliers (Vosges), 1835. (Modern.) The Fallen Titan : Napoleon at St. Helena. Victor Hugo. MONDELLA (Galeazzo). Verona, end of XV. century. (Italian School.) Intoxication of Bacchus. (Sepia.) C, $1.25. MONET (Claude). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Church of Vernon. (Univ. Expos,, '89.) Church of Varangeville. MONGE (Jules). (Modern.) The Last Halt. (Salon of 1898.) A Baptism of Fire. (Salon of i899.)_ Gallery. Si::cs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C Ijrunswick. B Dresden, R. C. C do. Dresden, P. G. C Brussels. C — Q Brunswick. B Cassel. C — C Dresden. C « Modern Painters. C do. C Paris, Louvre. H. Vever Col. — C — do. — C — Modern Painters. C c do. C c 816 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. MONGINOT (Charles). Born in Brienne (Aube), 1825. (Modern. ) Feeding-time, Soubrette Louis XV. Monkey and miser. A Massacre. MONJE (P.) (Modem.) Morning Coffee. Grandmother's Pride. Public festival in the XVI. century. Sunday Morning. MONKS (J. A. S.) (Modern.) Early Spring. PI., 10x12 inches, $2.00. MONNET (Charles). XVIII. century. (French School.) The Dauphin, Dauphiness and their children (Louis XVI., Louis XVIII. and Charles X.). (Drawing.) C, $2.50. MONNOYER (Jean Baptiste). Lille, 1634— Lon- don, 1699. (Flemish School.) Flower-piece. MONOGRAMIST (B. B.) Portrait of man in a skull-cap. (Drawing.) MONOGRAMIST (B. M.) Judgment of Solomon. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. MONOGRAMIST (T. G.) About 1500. Madonna and Child with two saints. MONOGRAMIST (V. M. L.) Painted in Ant- werp from 1630 to 1640. (Flemish School.) Company of peasants. Christ at the house of Martha and Mary^ MONTAGNA (Bartolommeo) . Orzi-Novi, near Brescia, about 1440- 1523. (Venetian School.) Ecce Homo. Three children having a concert. Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 42 Modern Painters. ■ — C do. C C do. C C do. C do. C do. C do. C — C do. C — C do. De Goncourt Col. Munich. Weimar. C - C C do. Vienna Museum. — C Amsterdam, do. Paris, Louvre. C — do. C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 817 Madonna and Child enthroned between SS. Fran- cis and Homobon. Madonna and Child. Madonna and Child. (Attributed also to G. Bel- lini.) (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. St. Sebastian bound to a tree. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Two young warriors in the costume of the times, turned to left. (Drawing.) Christ between St. Roch and St. Sebastian. MONTAGNA (Benedetto). Flourished from 1490 to 1 541. (Venetian School.) Christ, standing, full face, raising His right hand and holding a banner in His left. (Drawing.) C.,$i.25. Holy Family. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. St. Jerome. (Engraving.) C, $1.25. MONTeGUT (Louis). Born in Nimes (Card). (Modern.) Portrait of M. and Alme. Alphonse Daudet. MONTELATICCI (Francesco), known as CECCO BRAVO. Pisa (?), 1661. (Lombard School. ) Sketch for a martyrdom ; composition of two fig- ures. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. The Entombment ; composition of six figures. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. MONTELUPO (RafTaello de). 1 505-1 567. (Ital- ian School.) Sketch for a Coffer. (Drawing.) C, .75. MONTEMEZZA (A.) (Modern.) At Pasture. MONTENARD (Frederic). (Modern.) O fortunatos nimium sua si bona norint agrico- las (decorative panel). (Salon of 1898.) MONTEVERDE (L.) (Modern.) Lost Sheep. Gallery. Siscs, 2 2J 3 3I 4 4I Berlin. London, N. G. C C — C C C — C Florence, Uffizi. do. do. C Venice. C Paris, Louvre. Dresden, R. C. Dresden, P. G. Modern Painters. — C Paris, Louvre. Florence, Uffizi. Modern Painters. C do. do. C — C 818 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. MONTFALLET (F. A.) (Modern.) Partie Champetre. MONTOVANO (Diana;. (Italian School.) Triumph of a Roman Emperor. (Drawing.) MONTZAIGLE (Edgard de). Born in Angou- leme. (Modern.) Two Friends. Between the acts at a first night in the Come- die Frangaise. (Salon of 1898.) MONVEL (Boirtet de). Born in Orleans. (Mod- ern.) Lesson before the Sabbath. MONVOISIN (Raymond Augusta). Born in Bor- deaux, 1794-1870. (Modern.) The Swing. (Salon of 1840.) Bathers. MOODY (F.) (Modern.) An Interloper. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. MOOR, MOR or MORO VAN DASHORST (An- tonis). Utrecht, 1512 (?) — Antwerp, be- tween 1576 and 1578. (Dutch School.) Charles V.'s Dwarf. Supposed portrait of Louis del Rio, master of pe- titions at the Privy Council of Brabant in 1578. Supposed portrait of the wife of Louis del Rio. Portrait of Edward VI., King of England. Portrait of the Duke of Alva (Fernando Alvarez de Toledo), 1508- 1582. Portrait of a man. Portrait of Simon Renard, Ambassador of Charles V. and Philip 11. Portrait of Jeanne Lullier, wife of Renard. Portraits of Cornells de Horn and Antoine Taets, canons of Utrecht. Man with gloves. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. John Callus. Wife of John Callus. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C London, B. M. Alodern Painters. do. C — C C do. C Paris, Lux. C C Modern Painters. C do. C Paris, Louvre. C — c — do. C c — do. c — c — do. c — c — Old Masters, do. c c — Besan<;on. c do. c — Berlin. c c — c Brunswick. — — — — — B Cassel. c c — c do. c c — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 819 Don Carlos (?). Portrait of an old man ''half length). Male bust, portrait. Man wearing a small black cap. (Portrait of a canon of Utrecht.) Male portrait. A Knight of Malta. Female portrait. Male portrait, bust. Portrait of Mary of England. (Sketch for the picture in the Escurial.) Portrait of Philip JI. Portrait of a man 35 years old. Portrait of Hubert Goltzius. Portrait of the Duke of Alva. Portrait of Jeanne d'Archel, 18 years old. (Attributed.) Portrait of Mary Tudor, Queen of England. Portrait of the artist, by himself. Portrait of Pejeron, Buffoon of the Counts of Benevento. PI., 18^x9 inches, $5.00. Portrait of Queen Mary of England, second wife of Philip II. PI., 17^x13 inches, $5.00. Portrait of Queen Catherine, sister of Charles V., wife of John III. of Portugal. Portrait of an old lady. Portrait of Johanna of Austria, daughter of Charles V. PI., 18x9^ inches, $5.00. Portrait of a young lady. Portrait of a lady. Portrait of two ladies at prayer. Portrait of Sir Thomas Gresham (half-length fig- ure). Portrait of Lady Gresham. Portrait of man. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Cassel. C — C do. C — C Dresden. C — do. Munich. Vienna Museum. do. Vienna, Liecht. Buda-Pesth. do. The Hague. Brussels. do. London, N. G. Windsor. Florence, Uffizi. Madrid. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. St. Petersburg, do. do. — C C — — C — C C — C — C C — C C — C — c — c — C — c c c c — — c — c — c c — C — c — MOORE (Albert). Azaleas. Battledore. Blossoms. Canaries. York, Eng., 1840. (Modern.) Modern Painters. — do. — do. — do. — _ PIC _ PIC PIC — C C 520 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Si acs, 2 2i 3 3I 4 4| The Dreamers. Modern Painters. PI PI "Follow My Leader." do. PI Garden. do. PI Lightning. do. _ _ PI PI Musician. do. PI Open Book. do. . PI c Quartet. do. Pi _ _ Reading Aloud. do. — c c Sapphires. do. — — C Sea-gulls. do. _ PI Pi PI Shells. do. _ PI PI Pl A Summer Night. do. PI PI A study. do. PI A study. do. — — .- — Pi — — Yellow Marguerites. do. ^ PI Venus. do. . PI MOORE (Henry). York. England, 1831-1896. (Modern.) *The Clearness after Rain. Artist's Proofs, 100 on India, 20x29^ inches (all sold). D., $10.00. Wrecked at the Harbor's Mouth. Artist's Proofs, 150 on India, I7ifx30 inches, $15.00 each; D., 18x294, $10.00. MORALES (Luis), called EL DIVINO. Badajoz, 1509-1566. (School of Toledo.) Christ Bearing the Cross. Ecce Homo. Presentation of Jesus in the Temple. Virgin Caressing the Child Jesus. Ecce Homo. Madonna and Child. ]\Iater Dolorosa. MORAN (Louis Edouard Cenery). r)orn in Fer- rieres-la-\'errerie. (Modern.) INlorning after a storm in the Bay of Biscay. MORANDINI (Francesco), called LE POPPI. Florence, 1544- 1597. (Florentine School.) The Three Graces. do. do. — B B B B — B B Paris, Louvre. — C — C — Dresden. — C — Madrid, Prado. — — C — do. — c — Madrid, Ac. St. F. C St. Petersburg. C — — — do. C — — Modern Painters. Florence. Uffizi. — C C — ♦This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 61x9 inches, $1.80. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 821 MORANDO (Paolo), See CAVAZZOLA. Was working in 1440. Gallery. Shes, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ MORANZONE (Giacomo) (Venetian School.) Assumption ; altar-piece in five divisions. MORAZONE (Giovanni). Venice; was working in 1441. (Italian School.) The Entombment. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. MOREAU (Adrian). Born in Troyes,%843. (Mod- ern.) In the Park. In Autumn. On the Cliff. The Vintagers. After the Squall. The Bathing-place. The Village Drummer. The Watering-place. Au Revoir! Preparations for the Feast. In the Garden. The Ferry. PI., 9x13 inches, $2.50 ; 12x16, $4.00. The Wedding Tour. Minuet. Returning Home from Market. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. MOREAU (Gustave). Born in Paris, 1826. (Mod- ern.) Orpheus. (Salon of 1866.) The young man and death. In memory of Theo- dore Chasseriau. (Univ. Expos., '89.) MOREAU (Jean Michel), known as MOREAU the Younger. Paris, 1741-1814. (French School.) Dinner of Ceremony ; composition of many fig- ures. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. The Piano Scene. (Nouvelle Heloi'se.) Scene in the Grove of Clarens. (Nouvelle He- loi'se.) Queen Marie Antoinette. January 21, 1872, going to render thanks at Notre Dame and St. Gen- Venice. Dresden, R. C. Modem Painters. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Boston, Stet. Col. Modern Painters. do. do. Paris, Lux. MastersXIX.Cen. Paris, Louvre. Old Masters. do. c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c — c c c — c c c — c c c — c — — c — — c 822 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. evieve's for the birth of the Dauphin. (Draw- ing.) C, $2.50. Two studies of a little girl lying asleep. (Draw- ing-) , Gallery. Sices, 2 21 3 3^ 4 4^ De Gon court Col.- do. MOREAU (Louis Gabriel). Paris, 1740- 1806 (French School.) View taken in the environs of Paris. View of the Slopes of Meudon, taken from thfe Park of St. Cloud. Half-length figure of a woman seated, her arms folded, wearing a white cap and a black silk cape. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Chinese Garden. MOREAU DE TOURS (Georges). Born in Ivry. (Modern.) La Tour of Auvergne, First Grenadier of France, "Dead on the Field of Honor." An "Extatique" of the XVHL century. In the Tavern. Departure of the Conscript. MOREAU VAUTHIER (Louis Victor Charles). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Truth. MOREAUX (Emile). (Modern.) Fraternity. (Salon of 1898.) MOREELSE (Paul). Utrecht, 1571-1638. (Dutch School.) Portrait of a young woman. Male portrait, half length. Female portrait. Portrait of Maria van Utrecht, wife of Jan van Olden-Barneveld. The Beautiful Shepherdess. The Little Princess. Portrait of J. H. Swartenhout. Portrait of the artist, by himself. Pans, i^ouvre. do. C — De Goncourt Col. do. C — Modern Painters. C do. C do. C C do. C C do. C do. C Berlin. C — C Dresden. c Buda-Pesth. C Amsterdam. c do. c do. c C — c do. c — c The Hague. c c — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 823 Portrait of Amelia Elizabeth, Countess of Hanau, wife of William II., Landgrave of Hesse- Cassel. Bortrait of Ernestine, Countess of Ligne-Arem- berg, wife of Count John of Nassau-Siegen. Portrait of a young lady with her son. MORELLI (Domenico). Madonna and Child. Naples, 1826. (iModern.) MORETTO di BRESCIA. See BONVICINO. ^ MORGAN (Frederick). England. (Modern.) *A Heavy Load. Artist's Proofs, 150 on India, 22^x15 inches (all sold) ; D., $5.00. ♦The Tired Gleaners. Artist's Proofs, 150 on In- j dia, 22^x15 inches (all sold) ; D., $5.00. J -A Gentle Reminder. Artist's Proofs, 100 on In- dia, 11x13 inches (all sold) ; D., $3.00. Watching and Waiting. Artist's Proofs, 150 on India, 16x20 inches, $15.00 each; D., $5.00. *Hide and Seek. D., 17^x9^ inches, $5.00. MORGAN (J.) Spring. (Modern.) MORGENSTEIN (Carl Ernst). (Modern.) Park landscape. Munich, 1847. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ The Hague. C C — C do. c C — C St. Petersburg. C Modern Painters. PIC PIC PIC — do. B B (Companion pictures.) Modern Painters. B B do. B — B do. do. do. . C do. MORIN (Eulalie). Born in Nantes. (French School.) Portrait of Mme. Recamier in 1799. MORLAND (George). London, 1763-1804. (Eng- lish School.) The Halt. Return to the Stable. MORLON (Paul Emile Antoine). Born in Sully- sur-Loire (Loiret). (Modern.) Love has no Season. On the Seashore. Shipwrecked and Rescuers. Versailles. C — C Paris, Louvre. C London, N. G. C Modern Painters. — do. — do. C C C * This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^ x 9 inches, $1.80. 824 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Boat Making Land. Safe Ashore before the Storm. Yport Fishing-boat Tacking. Morning in the English Channel. Venetian Fishing-boat. Fishing-smacks running before storm. The Struggle for Life. '*Good Morning, Mamma!" Promises. Curses. "Help ! Help !" A Gust of Wind. Ex-voto. Salvage at Sea. (Salon of 1896.) The Doctor in Spite of Himself. (Salon of 1897.) Unloading Fish at Treport. (Salon of 1897.) Marie Antoinette and her children at the Petit Trianon. (Salon of 1898.) Boats at Treport. (Salon of 1898.) The Victims of Duty. (Salon of 1899.) MORODER (J.) (Modern.) The Organ-grinder. The Children's Friend. The Ballad Singer. Gallery. Sices, 2 2i 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C C do. C c do. c do. c ^ _ do. c do. c do. c do. c c do. c do. c ■ — do. c c do. c - — do. c • do. c do. C c do. C — — — do. c c do. _ c do. c c ^0. c do. c do. c — c MORONE (Francesco) di Domenico. 1473-1529. (Venetian School.) Madonna and Child. Madonna enthroned, with saints. Verona, Berlin. do. C C c c MORONI (Giovanni Battista). Albino, 1520— Bergamo, 1572. (Venetian School.) Portrait of an old man. Portrait of a young man. Portrait of a scholar. Male portrait. Portrait of a lay brother of the Dominican Order. Female portrait. Portrait of a sculptor. Paris, Louvre. Berlin. do. Dresden. Frankfort. Munich. Vienna Museum. C — c c — c c c — c C C — c — c — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 825 Portrait of a tailor, known as "Tagliapanni." D., i6x2i inches, on India, $5.00; on Japan, $10.00. Portrait of a lawyer. Portrait of an Italian nobleman. Portrait of an Italian lady. Portrait of an Italian ecclesiastic. Portrait of an Italian nobleman. Portrait of a man. Portrait of a man in black. Portrait of Giovanni Antonio Pantera. Christ in Gethsemane. (Drawing.) C., $1.75. Coronation of the Virgin. (Drawing.) Gallery. Siscs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Born in Nancy, 1850. (Salon of 1886.) MOROT (Aime Nicolas). (Modern.) Rezonville, August 16, 1870. ReichshofTen, August 6, 1870. The Good Samaritan. Temptation of St. Anthony. Martyrdom of Jesus of Nazareth. A Dryad. Enchantress. Bather. The Straining Bull. Pussy's Awakening. The 3rd Cuirassiers at Reichshoflfen. Medea. "Brave Bull !" MORRIS (Philip Richard). Davenport, England, 1838. (Modern.) Circling Hours. Artist's Proofs, 24fxi6J inches, on India, $20.00 each ; D., $5.00. MORSE (Samuel Finley Breese). Charlestown, Massachusetts, 1791 — New York, 1872. General Lafayette. London, j ^^. G. C C — C do. C C — C do. C C — C do. C C — C do. c do. c — c Florence, Uffizi. c do. C do. do. do. c e -- Paris, Lux. — C Versailles. C Modern Painters. C ^ C do. C C do. C C do. C do. C do. C do. C C do.' C do. C C do. C Wash., C. A. G. C Modern Painters. C C do. PIC — PIC PIC MORTEN MULLER. (Modern.) Norwegian Lake. Holmestrad, Norway, 1828. do. B — B 826 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. •MORTIMER (A.) (Modern.) The Sea-gull's Retreat. D., 23x14^ inches, $5.00. Mid Rocks and Foam. D., 23fxi4f inches, $5.00. MOSCA (Simone). Florence, XVI. century. (Florentine School.) Ornaments ; arabesques. (Drawing.) C, .75. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ MOSCHELES (Felix). Pablo de Sarasate. "Would You Like It?' London, 1833. (Modern.) MOSLER (Henry). Born in New York 1841. (Modem.) The Wedding Dress. The Spinner. Return from Fishing. Good Advice. Sorrows of Childhood. A Slave. The Tinker. Last Moments. Wheedling. MOSLER-PALLENBERG (H.) (Modern.) Resignation. MOSNIER (Jean Laurent). Paris, 1746— after 1789. (French School.) Portrait of Louis Jean Francois Lagrenee, the Elder. MOSSON (G.) (Modem.) In Spring. MOSTAERT (GiUes), the Elder. 1525-1601. (Flemish School.) The Temptations of Life. MOSTAERT (Jan). Haarlem, i47o-i555-'56. (Dutch School.) The Persican Sibyl. (Hainauer Coll.) Rest on the Flight into Eygpt. Madonna and Child. Modern Painters, do. Florence, UflSzi. Modern Painters, do. — C — B - C - B do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C C C C C C C C C — C C — c Paris, Louvre. C — Modern Painters. C C — C Antwerp. Berlin. C — do. do. C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 827 Two scenes from the Life of St. Benedict : The Miracle of the Broken. Sieve. — The Repast of St. Benedict, and the Priest of Monte Pre- claro. Deipara Virgo. Portrait of a man, Francon Van Borselen. Portrait of a woman, Jacqueline de Baviere. Mary Magdalen. MOTTE (Henri Paul). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Geese of the Capitol. Richelieu on the Mole at La Rochelle. The Passing of the Grand Vestal. The Betrothed of Belus. Bonaparte on the Throne of Charlemagne, 1804. (Salon of 1898.) MOUCHERON (Frederik), the Elder. Embden, 1633 — Amsterdam, 1686. (Dutch School.) Landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Landscape. MOUCHERON (Isaac). Amsterdam, 1670-1744. (Dutch School.) Historic landscape. (Drawing.) Landscape ; Italian castle. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. MOUCHOT (Louis). ern.) Venus Victrix. Born in Paris, 1830. (Mod- MOUSSET (Pierre Joseph). Born in Paris. (Mod- ern.) After the Bath. Tired. Enchantress. Awakening. Japanese woman at the bath. . The Toilet. Innocent Sports. MO YA (Pedro de). Grenada, 1610-1666. (Span- ish School.) Social Entertainment. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Brussels. Antwerp. do. do. Rome, Doria. C — C Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C do. C C Weimar. Brussels. C — C Lille. C Dresden, P. G. Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C Munich. C C — C 828 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Portrait of the artist, by himself. MOYAERT (Nicolas). About 1600; died after 1659. (Dutch School.) The Calling of Matthew. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. Landscape and herd. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. The Suitor's Choice. MOZIN (Charles). Paris, 1806. (French School.) Sea-piece. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. MUECKE (Carl). (Modern.) At the Cradle. , The Seaman's Home. Making Nets on the Coast of Holland. Father's Joy. Mother's Joy. On the Downs. Little Pepita. Amusing Baby. MUEHLIG (H.) (Modem.) November Morning. MUEHLTHALER (H.) (Modern.) In the Bonds of Love. Study for a woman's head. Coup d'oeil. Spanish Romance. Psyche. Florette. Lucy. Ninette. Study-head. Angel. Gerta. Brothers and Sisters. Robert. Bust-portrait of a man. Study for a man's head. Brother and Sister. Priestess of Venus. Miss Helyett. Gallery. Sises, 2 Buda-Pesth. — Brunswick. Dresden, R. C. Amsterdam. 2* 3 3i 4 4i B C — C Dresden, P. G. Modern Painters. — C — C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C — C - , C - C C — C B B — B B — B C C C — C — C C C C — C C C C C C C C C C c c c — c c c — c c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 829 Gallcry. Sizes, 2 2i 3 3i 4 4i MUELLER (Andreas). Born in Algan, 1830. (Mod- ern.) The Golden Age. Mod< ;rn Painters. — C C C The Greek Age. do. — C C C The Middle Age. do. — C C C The Medicean Age. do. — ^ C c Madonna. do. c Destruction of the Kaaba at Jerusalem, by Ma- hornet. do. — c c c Wedding of Alexander the Great. do. — c c c A Mother's Ecstasy. do. c C — c St. Cecilia. do. B B The Meeting of Mary and St. Elizabeth. do. C The Life of St. Joseph. do. c C — C A Painting-lesson. do. C D., 19x9 inches, D., 19x9 inches, D , 19x13 inches, $5.00. D., i8Jxi5f inches, MUELLER (Carl). Darmstadt, 1818. (Modern.) *St. Anne with Infant Mary. $5.00. *St. Joseph with Child Jesus. $5.00. **Holy Family. D., i6|rxi6J inches, $5.00. **The Holy Night. D., i6ixi6| inches, $5.00. Mary and Elizabeth. D., i64xi6i inches, $5.00. "^^The Holy Virgin. Madonna of the Grotto. *Immaculate Conception. $5.00. Immaculate Conception. Christ and the Disciples at Emmaus. St. Anthony of Padua and St. Gertrude. St. Elizabeth of Thuringia and St. \'incent of Pausla. Madonna. (Oval ; detail from the Madonna of the Grotto.) Madonna. (Round ; detail from the Holy Night.) MUELLER (Charles Louis). Born in Paris. (Mod- ern.) Roll-call of Last Victims of Reicrn of Terror. do. B B — B (Detail of the above.) (Companion pictu res.) Modern Painters . B B — B (Com. ^^^• n. X 3i 4 A\ T~)rp<;f1pn T? c ~- do Modern Painters. C C — C 'do. C C — C do. C C — C do. C do. C do. C C — C do. c C — c do. c C — c do. c — c do. B B do. B B do. C do. C do. C — C do. C — C do. — C do. — C do. — — — C do. . c do. c do. c do. C — c do. — — — C — c do. C — c do. c — — — do. do. do. c c c do. c do. c — — — do. c do. c do. c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 857 Port of Lofoden. (Salon of 1896.) Summer Night at Lofoden. (Salon of 1896.) NORTHEN (Adolf). Miinden, Hanover, 1828— Diisseldorf, 1876. (Modern.) Napoleon's Retreat from Russia. NORTON (William E.) (Modern.) Crossing the Grand Banks. NOURSE (Elizabeth). Cincinnati, O. (Modern.) Mother and Child. NOVELLARA (Lelio Orsi da). Reggio, 1511-1587. (Italian School.) Centaurs (frieze). (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Grotesque ornaments. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Grotesque ornaments. (Drawing.) C , .75. Grotesque ornaments. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Ceiling decoration. (Pen and wash drawing.) NOVO (Stefano). Venice. (Modern.) The Flower-girl. PI., 8x16 inches, $3.00 ; Colored PL, $8.00. The Coquette. The Time of Roses. The New Toy. NOWAK (E.) (Modern.) The Wine-cellar. The Fairest Girl of All. NOYES (George L.) (Modern.) Autumn landscape. A Brittany peasant. NUESCH (J.) (Modern.) In the Sheep-fold. NUTTGENS (H.) (Modern.) Madonna enthroned. D., I9jxi2f inches, $5.00. NYS (Carl). Antwerp, 1858. (Modern.) Bad News. The Best of Friends. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. C do. do. C — C PIC Chicago Aft. Ins. PIC — PIC Chatsworth. Florence, Uffizi. do. do. do. C — Boston, Sher. Col. do. C Modern Painters. C — C do. C — C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. — — — c — c c PIC c — — — — PIC c B c c — — c c — c 858 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. OBERSTEINER (L.) (Modern.) Love's Service. Hungry. Brought About. Indiscreet Folk. OCHTERVELT (Jan). Lived about 1670. (Dutch School.) Portrait of a woman with a small dog on her lap, with which a little girl is playing. The Gallant Gentleman. OCKERT (C.) (Modern.) Study of a stag's head. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Stag resting. Pheasants. Deer. Fox. Hare in flight. Chamois. Heath-cocks fighting. Fallow deer resting. Herd of wild boars. English setter. Wild ducks. A badger before its burrow. A fox's family. Heron. Buzzard. Partridges. Dachshunds. The Hunter's Stand. Otter. Woodcock. White grouse. Wild geese. Hazel-hens. Fox in the Trap. Marmots. Doe with young one. Stags fighting. Golden eagle. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C Dresden, do. Dresden, P. G. Modern Painters. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — c — C — c — C — c — c — c — C — c — c — c — c — c — C — c — c — c — c — c — C — c — C — c — C — c — c —C — C — c — C — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 859 Breeding-time of mountain-cocks. Pine-marten. Wolves. Wild goat. Lynx. Beaver. Bear. Wild-cats. Teal. Pole-cat. Stone-marten. Kestrel. Common buzzard. Sparrow-hawk. Snipe. Kite. Bustard. O'CONNELL (Alfred). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Little Miss Affectation. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C — C do. C — c do. C — c do. C — c do. C — c do. — C — c do. C — c do. C — c do. C — c do. — C — c do. c — c do. — c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. — c — c do. c — c do. ■n Paint :ers. c — c — r OCTAVIEN (Frangois). (French School.) Fair at Vesoul. Rome (?) — Paris, 1736. Paris Louvre. — — C — C — ODERIGO (Andrea d'). See CREDI (Lorenzo di). OEDER (Georg). Aix-la-Chapelle, 1846. (Mod- ern.) A November Day. OEHMICHEN (Hugo). Borsdorf, near Leipzig, 1843. (Modern.) In the Black Forest. Before the Wedding. The First Step. "Where Does Our Comrade Lie?" (Convales- cent Soldier.) At the Village Bailiff's. From the Fair. Christmas Presents. The Children's Friend. Before Going to School. Musical Attempts. Berlin. B B Modern Painters. C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. — — c c c — c c — — — c c — c c c — — ■ — — — c — — — c c c — c c c c _ 860 SOULE ART COMPANY, Playful Kitty. The Old Gallant. First Snow. The Kitten. Brother and Sister. A Letter to the Parents. Grandmother's Portrait. Hearts are Trumps. Christmas-time. A Hopeful Heir. A Lesson in Natural History. The Protege. Household Pets. Visit to Grandfather. Refreshment. "Good Morning, Little Brother!" A Love-letter. BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. C — C do. C — C do. C do. ^ C — C do. C do. C — C do. C do. C C — C do. C — C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C — C do. C — C OER (A. M. V.) (Modem.) The Annunciation. The Birth of Christ |(C ompanion pictures.) OFFERMAN. Shepherdess. PI., 9x12 inches, $2.00. OGGIONO. See MARCO d'OGGIONO. do. do. Boston, Sher. Col.- B — B B — B OLIS (Jan). 1665. A scholar. Dordrecht (?), (Dutch School.) C, 1610; died after The Hague. C — C OLIVIE (Leon). Born at Narbonne. (Modem.) Martha. A Duty. Anxiety. * Good Weight. An unknown. In the Wagon. A Captive. OLLIVIER (Michel Barthelemy). Marseilles, 1712 — Pans, 1784. (French School.) English Tea in the Salon of Four Mirrors in the Temple, with the entire court of the Prince of Conti listening to young Mozart. Modern Painters. C do. . C do. C C do. C do. — C do. C do. C C Paris, Louvre. C — C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 861 The Prince of Conti at supper in the Temple, 1766. Fete given by the Prince of Conti to hereditary- Prince of Brunswick-Luneburg at LTsle Adam, 1766. Deer captured in the water before the Chateau of L'Isle-Adam, 1766. Woman walking, fan in hand. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. OMMEGANCK (Balthasar-Paulus). 1755-1826. (Flemish School.) Landscape with cattle. (Drawing.) Antwerp, ONDERAA (P. J. van). (Modern.) The Flight into Egypt. OOST (Jacob van), the Elder. 1600-1671. (Flem- ish School.) A Philosopher, OOSTERHOUDT (D. van). XIX century. (Dutch School.) Young bull in an open landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. OOSTZANEN (Jacob Cornelis van). Oostzaan, 1480 (?) — Amsterdam after 1530. (Dutch School.) Altar-triptych : centre, Madonna and Child ; left panel, the donor with St. Augustine ; right panel, wife of the donor with St. Barbara. Altar-triptych : back of left panel, St. Anna with Madonna and Child ; back of right panel, St. Elizabeth of Thiiringia. Votive oflFering. Adoration of the Trinity. Christ as the Gardener Appearing to Mary Mag- dalen. Lucretia. (Attributed to Quintin Matsys.) St. Jerome and the Donors. SS. Ambrose, Augustine and Gregory. The Three Apostles, Thomas, Andrew and Bar- tholomew. Emperor Henry and St. Elizabeth of Hungary. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3J 4 4^ Versailles. C do. C do. C De Goncourt Col. Paris, Louvre. C — Modern Painters. C C — C Bruges. Weimar. Berli do. do. Cassel. do. Buda-Pesth. Vienna, Imp. Mus. do. do. do. C — C — C C C — C C C C C C — C — C — C — C 8«2 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. SS. Elizabeth of Portugal and Martin. SS. Joseph and Kilian. SS. Ursula and Catherine and the Emperor Max- imus. St. Gregory reading the ^lass (first part). St. Gregory reading the Mass (second part). Salome, daughter of Herodias. OPIE (John). St. Agnes, near Truro, 1761 — Lon- don, 1807. (Enghsh School.) The Woman in White. OPPLER (Ernst). Hanover, 1867. (Modern.) Vain Regrets. Reveries. At the Piano (standing female figure). ORBETTO (Alessandro Turchi), called. 1582— Verona, 1648. (Venetian School.) David with the head of Goliath. Venus and Adonis. Roland. Hercules and Omphale. Andromache ; group of four female figures. (Drawing.) ORCAGNA (Andrea di Cione, called). Florence, 1308 (?)-i368. (Florentine School.) Coronation of the Virgin ; angels and saints in ad- oration. Triumph of Death. Detail of the above : The Cavalcade. Detail of the above : Lords and ladies in a garden. The Last Judgment. Detail of the above : Angels separating elect souls from the lost. Detail of the above : An angel alone. Hell. (The above are now attributed to the Siennese School.) ORCHARDSON (WilUam Quiller). Edinburgh, 1835. (Modern.) Her Mother's Voice. Artist's Proofs, 19^x271 inches, 200 on India, $36.00; D., $12.00. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Vienna, Imp. Mus. C do. C do. C do. C do. C The Hague. _ c c — Paris, Louvre. — Alodern Painters, do. do. Dresden. do. Munich. do. Weimar. London, N. G. Pisa, Campo do. do. do. -San. C c c do. do. do. c c c c c — — c — c c B B C C C C — C — C — C C Modern Painters. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 863 ORCZY (E.) (Modern.) Devouring the News (cats). 'Twixt Cup and Lip. D., 8xio inches, $1.50. ORFEI (O.) (Modern.) Auch' io sono. ORLEANS (Princess Blanche of). (Modern.) Pastimes of Louis XIIL ORLEY (Barend van). Brussels, 1490 (?) — 1542. (Flemish School.) Christ Before Pilate. Holy Family. Male portrait. Death of St. Thomas ; St. Matthew kneeling. Repose in Egypt. Young woman with a book. (Rath. Coll.) Woman writing. (Koglevich Coll.) The Trials and Patience of Job. Lazarus at the Rich Man's Gate. — The Rape of Job's Cattle. Job's Friends.— Death of the "Rich Man." Birth of the Virgin. — Joachim's Sacrifice Refused. The Marriage of St. Anne and St. Joachim. George von Celle, Physician in the XVL century. The Annunciation. Philipp Hanneton, his sons and St. Philip. — Mar- garetha Hanneton, her daughters and St. Margaret. Wilhelm von Norman. Pieta. (School of Barend van Orley.) Madonna and Child. Male portrait (right panel). • Female portrait (left panel). The Last Judgment. Healing the Sick. Succoring the Needy. (Van Orley and De Patinir.) Madonna and Child. Adoration of the Magi. Descent from the Cross. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. B do. C C — C do. do. — C — Berlin. — — — c Dresden. — — C c — — do. — c — — Vienna Museum. — — c — do. — — c — Buda-Pesth. do. Brussels. — — c — c — — c — — c c do. " — c c — c do. — — c c — c do. — c c c — c do. — — c c — c do. — c — c do. — c — c do. c — c do. — c — c do. — — c c — c do. c — c Antwerp. — — c — do. — — c — do. — — c — — — do. — — c — — — do. — — c — do. do. St. Petersburg. — — c — c — — c 864 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. ORRY (Abel). A Breeze, Born in Paris. (Modern.) ORSAY (Count d'). Born in Paris, XIX. century. (French School.) Portrait of the Duchess de Gramont, full-length figure, seated, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. ORSELLI (A.) (Modern.) May and December. ORTLIEB (Friedrich). Stuttgart, 1839. (Modern.) Christmas. (Giovanni Battista Benvenuti, Ferrara, 1467-1527 (?). ( French ORTOLANO called). School.) SS. Sebastian, Roch and Demetrius. Pieta. (According to catalogue of Borghese Gal- lery, by Benvenuto Tisi, called II Garofalo.) OSTADE (Adrian Van). Haarlem, 1610-1685. (Dutch School.) Family of Adriaen Van Ostade. The Schoolmaster. The Fish-market. Interior of a cottage. A merchant in his office. The Reader. Interior of a school. Artist's Studio. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Tavern interior. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The Pig-killer. (Dcawing.) C, $1.00. The Grocer's Shop. (Drawing.) C, ?i.25. Study of a peasant. (Drawing.) C, .75. " Study of a peasant. (Drawing.) C., 75. Peasant Dance. Under an arbor at the door of a tavern, five men and one woman sitting around a table are ' playing cards and drinking. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Strolling musicians at the door of a cottage. (Water-color drawing.) Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C London, B. M. Modern Painters. C do. C — C London, N. G. C C — C Rome, Borghese. C Paris, Louvre. C — C — do. C — do. c — do. C — do. C — do. C — do. C — do. do. do. do. do. do. Durand-Ruel Col. C Dutuit Col. do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 865 Interior of a village tavern ; group of five figures. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Rural scene. (Water-color.) The Charlatan. (Drawing.) €.,$1.23. Hurdy-gurdy Player. Peasants in a tavern. The Doctor in his Office. Portrait of an old woman. Company of peasants. The Annunciation. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. Leaving off Work. Happy peasants. Peasants under an arbor. Peasants dancing. (Habich Coll.) Interior of a Dutch tavern. The artist in his studio working before his easel. Two peasants eating. Two peasants before a tavern. Peasant families gathered in a tavern. Sketch of a man seated. (Drawing.) C, .75. Dutch scene before a tavern. (Drawing.) Dutch tavern scene, interior. (Drawing.) Sketch of a man seated. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Dutch peasant dance. (Drawing.) Peasant cultivating the ground. (Drawing.) C, •75- Man seated ; sketch. (Drawing.) C, .75. Man standing; sketch. (Drawing.) C, .75. Interior of a tavern. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Peasant seated. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Peasant walking towards left smoking his pipe. (Drawing.) C, .75. Peasant seated on a bench. (Drawing.) C, .75. Drunken peasant. (Drawing.) C, .75. Man seated, left arm leaning on a table. (Draw- ing.) C, .75. Man seated. (Drawing.) C, .75. Man drinking. (Engraving.) C, $1.25. Female head. (Engraving.) Tavern scene. (Engraving.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4i Ephrussi Col. Chantilly. C — do. Berlin. C — do. C — do. C — do. C do. C Brunswick. B Cassel. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C Dresden. - — C C do. ^ _ c C do. C — C do. C do. C C Dresden, R. C. do. C do. C do. do. C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. _ — do. do. do. do. C 866 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Woman lying asleep under a tree; a man. back view, sitting beside her. (Drawing.) G., $1.25. Brawling peasants. Peasant-gathering. Dutch peasant room. Peasant-gathering. Jolly peasants. Drinker. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Peasants' Vigil. (Drawing.) The Village Dentist. Peasant-dance. Peasants seated at table before a tavern. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Several peasants in the kitchen of a tavern. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Village scene ; peasants drinking and playing be- fore a tavern. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Interior of a tavern ; five peasants around a table, the one on the right playing a violin. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Interior of a tavern ; peasants playing and drink- ing. (Drawing.) Travelers halting before a village tavern. (Draw- ing) Dutch landscape ; to t,he right, the cottages of a village. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Study of three Dutch peasants. (Drawing.) C, •75- Study of four peasants and group of three figures. (Drawing.) C, .75. Study of two peasants standing. (Drawing.) C, •75- Bust of laughing peasant holding a pitcher in his left hand. (Drawing.) C, .75. Head of peasant, full face. (Drawing.) C, .75. The Fish Merchant (female). Quartering an ox. (Rath. Coll.) The Pen-cutter. Peasants' dance. (Drawing.) Rustic interior. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4J Dresden, P. G. C. Munich. — C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C Weimar. do. — C \'ienna ^luseum. C V^ienna, Liecht. C Vienna, Albertina. do. do. do. do. C do. C do. do. do. do. do. do. Buda-Pesth. C — do. C — do. C — do. C do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 867 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2i 3 3i 4 4i An artist in his studio. Amsterdam. — — — — C — Travelers halting. do. — — — c C C The Baker. do. — — — c C C Company of rustics. Ams., V. d. H. C. — — C c — C Peasants in a tavern. The Hague. — — C c — C The Fiddler. do. — — c c — C Eating Herring. Brussels. — — — c — C The Flemish Trio. do. — — — c — C The Smoker. Antwerp. — — — — C — Peasants playing backgammon. London, B. P. — — — c A Favorite Dish in Holland. do. — — — c c — Interior of a Dutch cottage. do. — — — — c — Interior of a Dutch peasant's room. do. — — — c — — Interior of a Dutch hut. do. — c Dutch interior. do. c Scene in wine-vaults. do. — — — c Interior of a Dutch hut. do. — — — c — — Interior of a Dutch hut. do. — — — c — — Man at a window with a lantern in right hand ; a woman is behind him. Florence, Uffizi. — -:- — — c — Dutch violinist. St. Petersburg. — — — C — Old woman leaning on the window-sill. do. — — — c — Dutch player on the hurdy-gurdy. do. — — ■ — c — Baker announcing fresh bread. do. — — — C — OSTADE (Jan van). (Dutch School.) Peasant tavern. Amsterdam. — — c — c Village tavern. do. — — — c — c OSTADE (IsaakVan). Haarlem, 1621-1649. (Dutch School.) ' Traveler halting at the door of a hostelry. Paris, Louvre. — — — c — The Halt. do. — c — c — Frozen canal, Holland. do. — c — C — Frozen canal, Holland. do. — c — c — The Pig-sty. do. — — — c — Landscape, winter effect. do. — — — c — Halt before a village tavern. Berlin. — — — c — The Skaters. Dresden. — c c — — . Peasants drinking and dancing in a tavern. do. — c — Hurdy-gurdy player, Dutch scene. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Dresden, R. C. — — — 868 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Si::cs, 2 2^^ 3 3I 4 4^ Peasant standing; sketch. (Drawing.) C, .75. Dresden, P. G. Peasant seated ; sketch. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Sketch ; two peasants seated and several on the ground. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do, Two small sketches; peasant dancing and man leaning against a tree. ( Drawing.) C, .75. do. Dutch interior; two peasants. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Landscape, with five peasants. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Ice covered with sleds and skaters. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Vienna, Albertina. Fish-market at Scheveningen. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Interior of a butcher's shop. Buda-Pesth. C — The Village Tavern. Am. V. d H. Col. C — C Winding Yarn. Brussels. C — C Winter. , Antwerp. C Frozen river with skaters and sleds. London, X. G. C — Portrait of a boy. do. C Street scene. London, B. P. C The Fiddler. do. — C "La Espulgadora." Madrid. C Winter landscape. St. Petersburg. C Landscape. do. C OSTENDORFER (Micfiael). Landshut or Re- gensburg; was working in 1550. (German School.) Sketch : Death. (Drawing.) C., .75. Dresden, R. C. Judith. Buda-Pesth. C OSTERLEY (C.) (Modern.) Loenvand (Norway). Modern Painters. C C C OTTO (Carl). Osterode, 1830. (Modern.) Belshazzar's Feast. Munich, Max. — C C C "Do You Love Me ?" Modern Painters. C — C "Please!" do. C — C "Es ist eine alte Geschichte, Doch bleibt sie ewig neu !" ("It is an old, old story — Yet is it ever new !") do. C — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 869 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ OUDRY (Jean Baptiste). Paris, 1686 — Beauvais, 1755. (French School.) Blanche ; a dog from the kennels of Louis XV. The Wolf-hunt. Dog guarding game. Two cocks fighting. The Farm. Dog and bowl. Mignonne and Sylvia; dogs from the kennels of Louis XV. Interior of a park ; in th^ foreground, two women and a dog. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Interior of a park ; in the foreground, a staircase ; composition with five persons. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Wild duck and hare hanging on a nail ; below, bottles, bread and cheese. (Drawing.) C, $i75- Bucket filled with fish, which are also lying on the ground ; net drying on the end of a mast. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Swan with outspread wings frightened by a dog, on the edge of a pond surrounded by plants and trees. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Partridge and hare hanging on a nail. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. Dogs, birds and fruit. Dogs, birds and fruits. Fox-hunt. Wolf-hunt. Deer-hunt ; landscape with roebuck attacked by dogs. (Drawing.) C, $i.7_p. Two dogs fighting. (Drawing.) Dog pointing. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Two dogs returning from the Hunt. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. A park. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. aris, Louvre. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. do. do. De Goncourt Col, do. do. do. Old Masters. do. Chantilly. do. C C C C Vienna, Albertinr..— C — do. do. do. OUTIN (S.) (Modern.) Wasted Explanations. The Honeymoon. (Detail from the above.) Muaern Painters. B B do. B B 870 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2i 3 3 A 4 4| OU WATER (Albert Van). Ou water, near Haar- lem; flourished from 1430 to 1460. (Dutch School.) Raising of Lazarus. OVENS (Juriaen). 1623 — Denmark, 1678. (Dutch School.) Portrait of a woman and three children. Portrait of Jan Barend Schaep. OVERBECK (Friedrich). Lubeck, 1789— Rome, 1869. (German School.) Bearing of the Cross. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Berlin. Buda-Pesth. Amsterdam. — C C C — C OVERCAMP. Landscape ; view of the town of Campel. (Draw- ing-) OVETWEG (Lilly). Study-head. PI., 8x8 inches, $1.00. PABST (Camilla Alfred). Born in Heiteren (AI sace). (Modern.) Alsatians preparing garlands to celebrate return of French troops to towns east. Farm-gate. A Corner of My Studio. Grandfather's Present. Model resting. Alsatians in Paris. Husband's Ransom. Young Alsatian mother. The Toilet. Portrait of Gambetta. The Envoy from Tonkin. Gluttony. In My Studio. Chemist's shop in Alsatia. PACCHIAROTTO (wrongly called Girolamo del Pacchia). Siena, 1477— after 1535- (Sien- nese School.) Madonna and Child. Munich. Dresden, R. C. Weimar. C Modern Painters. do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 871 Gallery. Siacs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ PACKER (F.) (Modern.) Knitting-lesson. Modern Painters. C — C "Take Care!" ' do. C C — C Forsaken. do. C C — C The Broken Pot. do. C — C Hide-and-Seek. do. C — C Espied. ' do. C A Chance Purchase. do. C A dream. do. C — C PACZKA (F.) (Modern.) After the Fall. D., 14^x29 inches, $12.00. do. Dancing Idyll. do. B Ave Maria. do. C C — C PADOV AMINO (II). See VAROTARI (Alessan- dro). PAGE (Walter Oilman). Boston, Mass., 1862. (Modern.) Neal Dow. PL, QxioJ inches, $2.50. Lygia. PI., 13x15 inches, $3.00; colored, $8.00; loxii, $2.00; colored, $6.00; 7x9, $1.00; col- ored, $4.00. do. — ■ An Emblem of Mercy. PI., 9x13 inches, $2.50; 7x9, $1.00. do. *The Boston Massacre, March 5th, 1770. do. — ■ PAGNEST (Amable Louis Claude). Paris, 1790- 1819. (French School.) Portrait of M. de Nanteuil-Lanorville. Paris, Louvre. C Bust-portrait of General de Salle. do. C Portrait of Napoleon I. MastersXIX.Cen. C Portrait of Mile. Lantolf, Canoness of St. Denis. do. C PAJOU (Augustin Jacques Catherine). Paris, 1766- 1828. (French School.) Portrait of General Championnet. do. C PALAMEDESZ (Anthony, called Stevaerts). Delft, 1600-1673. (Dutch School.) Male portrait. Durand-Ruel Col. C Portrait of a young girl. Berlin. C Company at table. do. C • This subject comes in Carbons, 20x32 inches, $10.00, and 17x23 inches, $5.00. 872 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Hunting-party. (Habich Coll.) The Guard-house. Double picture : The Great Hall of the Binnenhof at The Hague during the Assembly of the States-General in 165 1, under the presidency of Jacob Cats. (The figures by Palamedesz, the rest b}- Dirck Van Deelen.) (Movable panel lowered.) Same picture with the movable panel raised (that is, with the Assembly hidden). Male portrait. The Musical Party. PALEZIEUX. (Modern.) "All Together, Boys !" PALIZZI (Filippo). Born at Naples, XIX. cen- tury. (Modern.) Portrait of the artist, by himself. PALLIERE (J. Leon). Born in Rio de Janeiro. (Modern.) The Adieux. Visit to the Reverend Father. The Promenade. Visit to the Museum. Pieta. The Cockade. The Gentle Admonition. Going to Market. The Letter of Introduction. Forbidden Fruit. PALLIK (Bela). (Modern.) In Mother's Keeping (sheep). D., 20x14 inches, $5.00. Pasture. PALMA (Giacomo, called Palma Vecchio, or the Elder). Serinalta, near Bergamo, 1480 — Ven- ice, 1528. (Venetian School.) Angels announcing the Nativity to the Shepherds. (Attributed.) Female head. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Cassel. C — C Vienna, Liecht. C The Hague. C C — C do. C C — C Brussels. c — C do. C — C Modern Painters. Florence, Uffizi. C C — C C — Modern Painters. C do. C do. C C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. do. Paris, Louvre. do. _ B B C c — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTOM. 873 Gallery. Siaes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Virgin seated, holding the Child Jesus. (Draw- De Chennevieres ing.) C, $1.00. Col. Holy Family with the infant St. John. H. Gallice Col. C Madonna and Child, with St. Peter, St. Jerome and Donor. Chantilly. C Episode in Ancient History ; large composition. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Lille. Madonna and Child. Berlin. C C Portrait of a woman. ' do. C C — C Portrait of a woman. do. — — B G C — B C Portrait of a man. do. C Holy Family. do. C Child Jesus on His Mother's knees caressing the infant St. John ; beside them, SS. Joseph and Catherine. Dresden. C C The Three Sisters. (Also called the Three Graces.) do. c — C C — B Venus. do. C C • Madonna and Child, SS. Catherine and John the Baptist. do. C C Madonna and Child, SS. Elizabeth, John, Cather- ine and Joseph. (According to Woermann, by Bonifazio Veronese.) do. C Jacob and Rachel. do. C Portrait of the artist, by himself. . Munich. C — C Madonna and Child, with SS. Roch and Mary Magdalen. do. C C — C Lucretia. Vienna Museum. — - — C Visitation of the Virgin. do. C C Madonna and Child adored by saints. do. C C Portrait of a young woman. do. C C Portrait of a lady. do. C John the Baptist. do. C Holy Family with St. Catherine and another saint. Vienna, Liecht. C C Holy Family. do. C Portrait of a woman : Violante. Buda-Pesth. C (School of Palma Vecchio.) Madonna and Child with landscape in background. do. C ■ Holy Family. (Zichy Coll.) do. C Portrait of a poet. London, Nat. Gal. C — C Stoning of a saint. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Chatsworth. 874 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Judith with the head of Holofernes. Madonna and Child, the Magdalen, SS. Joseph and John. (According to Rigoni, by Giaco- mo Palma, the Younger.) (According to Venturi, School of Titian.) The Pilgrims of Emmaus. (According to Venturi, by Bonifazio Veneziano I.) Holy Family. (According to Venturi, by Bonifazio Veneziano II.) Holy Family. (After Palma Vecchio.) A Venetian lady, "The Slave." (According to catalogue of Barber- ini Gallery, by Titian.) Holy Family. Lucretia. Portrait of a blonde lady. Christ and the Paralytic; composition of many figures. (Drawing.) St. Peter enthroned, with saints. Christ and the Canaanitish woman. Adoration of the Shepherds. Adoration of the Shepherds. Holy Family, the Child accepting flowers offered to Him by the Infant St. John. PALMA (Giacomo), called II Giovane, or the Younger. Venice, 1 544-1628. (Venetian School.) The Dead Christ supported by angels. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. Female saint kneeling, crowned by a bishop. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Assumption of the Virgin ; four saints in adora- tion. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. The Annunciation. (Drawing.) Baptism of Christ. (Drawing.) Five different sketches of two (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Venus and Cupid; in the background, the forge of Vulcan. Venus and Cupid Making Their Toilet. Release of Andromeda. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Florence, Uffizi. ^ C C, $1.75- C, $1.25. men wrestling. do. C — — Florence, Pitti. C do. C do. C Rome, Barberini. C Rome, Borghese. C do. C Rome, Sciarra. C Milan, Ambrosian. — Venice. C do. C Madrid, Prado. C — — St. Petersburg. C e do. Paris, Louvre. do. do. do. do. do. Cassel. C C — C do. C — C do. C — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. -, 875 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Nativity. ^ Munich. C — C Preaching of St. John. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Weimar. Portrait of a sculptor. Vienna Museum. C Christ on the Cross ; at His feet the Holy Women. (Drawing.) Vienna, Albert. C — Martyrdom of St. Sebastian ; composition of nu- merous figures. (Drawing.) do. — C Virgin, surrounded by angels, appearing to a sleeping saint. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Betrayal by Judas. •(Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Body of Christ surrounded by four saints. (Draw- ing.) C, .75. do. Virgin and Child with four saints. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. ■ Virgin with SS. Sebastian and James. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do. ■ Frederic Barbarossa Landing at Venice. (Draw- ing.) do. C Portrait of the artist, by himself. Florence, Uffizi. C — St. Margaret. do. C — Christ Insulted. (Drawing.) Milan, Resta Col. C — Four figures climbing rocks. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Venice. Nude male figure supporting another. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do. St. Jerome, half-length figure. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. The Dead Christ ; sketch. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Three sketches for a Descent from the Cross. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. — — St. Jerome in the Desert. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. PALMAROLI (Vicente). Born in Madrid, 1835. (Modern.) The Two Coquettes. Modern Painters. C The Discovery. do. C Blanche of Navarre. do. C PALMER (Adelaide). Piermont, New Hampshire. (Modern.) The Trout Brook. PI., 10x14 inches, $2.50; col- ored, $6.00. do. 876 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. English Sparrows. $2,00. Winter. PL, 6x13 inches, PALMEZZANO (Marco), or PALMEGIANI. For- li, about 1456; was still working in 1537. (Umbrian School.)" The Dead Christ. Christ Bearing the Cross. Christ Arisen from the Dead. Birth of Christ. Madonna enthroned, with Child, and saints. Madonna. The Crucifixion. PALMI6 (Charles J.) (Modern.) After the Mountain Storm. PAN. See LYS (Jan Van der). PANETTI (Domenico). Ferrara, about 1455-15 12. (School of Ferrara.) The Entombment. Pieta. PANICALE. See MASOLINO da. PANINI (Giovanni Paolo). Piacenza, 1695 — Rome, 1768. (Roman School.) A feast. A concert. Interior of St. Peter's, Rome. Concert given in Rome November 26, 1729, on oc- casion of birth of Dauphin, son of Louis XV. Preparation for fete given on Piazza Navona, Rome, in 1729, on occasion of birth of Dau- phin, son of Louis XV. Ancient ruins. Ruins of Ancient Rome. Landscape with architectural ruins. PANNINI (Francesco). Was living in 1785. (Ital- an School.) Architecture: right, group of four figures; left, young man seated ; centre, group of four fig- ures. (Drawing.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2i 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. Paris, Louvre. Berlin. do. do. do. Munich. Florence, Uffizi. C — — C — C — C — C — C — C C C C — C Modern Painters. C Berii do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Berhn. Madrid. C C — C C — C — C — C — C C C c Paris, Louvre. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 87 Architecture: Forum Romanum, Rome. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. Architectural ruins, with several male and female figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. PANNONIUS or PANNONIA (Michel). 1447- 1470. (Italian School.) Ceres. PANORIOS (C.) (Modern.) The Little Dove. PANTOJA de la Cruz (Juan). Madrid, 1551-1610. (Spanish School.) Portrait of a child. Portrait of a lady of the time of Philip III. Portrait of Philip II. PAOLINO (Fra) of Pistoia. Pistoia, 1490-1547. (Florentine School.) Holy Family with angels. (According to cata- logue of Doria Gallery, by Fra Bartolom- meo.) PAPE or PA APE (Abraham or Adriaan de). XVII. century. (Dutch School.) Interior of a cottage. PAPETY (Dominique Louis Ferreol). Marseilles, 1815-1849. (French School.) Figure of a saint. (Water-color.) Figure of a saint as a Roman warrior. (Water- color.) Figure of a saint as a Roman warrior. (Water- color.) Figure of a saint as a Roman warrior. (Water- color.) Figure of a saint as a Roman warrior. (Water- color.) Figure of a saint as a Roman warrior. (Water- color.) Figure of a saint as a Roman warrior. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Paris, Louvre. do. Buda-Pesth. Modern Painters. Vienna Museum. Madrid. do. C C — C Rome, Doria. --C London, N. G. C — C Paris, Louvre. c- do. do. do. ::::': do. c - do. c - do. 878 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Siccs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Figure of a saint as a Roman warrior. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Paris, Louvre. • Figure of a saint as a Roman warrior. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Figure of a saint as a Roman warrior. (Draw- do. — — — . — — — ing.) C, $1.25. Figure of a saint as a Roman warrior. (Draw- do. — — — — — — ing.) C, $1.25. Figure of a saint as a Roman warrior. (Draw- do. — — — — ing.) C, $1.25. do. — PAPPERITZ (Gustav Friedrich). Dresden, 18 13- 1861. (Modern.) Before St. Mark's. Modern Painters. c Soldiers Quartered. do. c — c Returned Home. do. c The Letter. do. — — c The Breakfast. do. c — c The Prima Donna. do. — C C c — c Arrival in the Under World. do. C c — c Madonna. do. C c — c Woman of the Netherlands. do. c c — c In the Studio. do. c c — c Bearing the Cross. do. — c c c — c Morning Greeting. A Letter from Him! do. do. c c — c — c "Pour Madame!" do. — — c In Her "Teens" ; a study. do. . — — c Eleonora. do. — — c Philine. do. — — c Profitable Little Business. do. — — — — — c "Your Health, Madel!" do. — — — — — c Vanity. Innocence. do. do. c c — c — c Nymphs Bathing. Little Folks. do. do. c c c c — c — c Thea. do. — — c Zenobia. do. c — c Lea. do. — — — c — c Nymphs at the Spring. Girl of Capri. do. do. c c c — c — c SOULE ART COMPANY BOSTON. 879 Gallery, Sizes, 2 2J 3 3^ 4 4| Study-head. Modern Painters. — — — C — C Nina. do. C — C Idyll. do. C — C Before the Bath. do. C — C Selene. . do. C — C Bella. do. C — C Good Friendship. do. C Love's Secret. do. C C — C The Newest Novel. do. C Love's Whispers. do. C C — C Lucia. do. C — C The Awakening. , do. C Siesta. - do. — C Aurora. do. C A Rose in Bloom. do. C — C After Dinner. do. B Mother's Happiness. do. B B Madonna (bust). do. B B Adrian Brouwer and his Models. )D.. 20x14 in. $5.00. do. B B TT^„^ MCompanion pictures.) , Honeymoon. j D.,20 l-2xUin.,$5.00. ^c. B B Idyll. (Group of nude figures.) do. B B Hebe. D., 20^x9 inches, $5.00. do. B B "Is He Thinking of Me?" do. B B *Romeo and Juliet. D., 20^x14 inches, $5.00. do. B — B B The Rising Star. " do. B — B B After the Bath (nude). do. B B Queen of Heaven. do. B B Nymph with Cupid. do. B BC Nymph. do. B B Fisherman and nymph. do. B B Diana at the Hunt. D., 19^x29 inches, $12.00. do. — B B B Leda. D., 20x10 inches, $5.00. do. B *Diana (bust). do. • — B Madonna. do. C Dreamland. do. C C — C The Descent from the Cross. do. C C — C None too deaf, etc. do. C — C The Sweetest Flower of All. do. C — C Chrysanthemums. do. C C — C Carmencita. do. C — C ♦This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $r.8o. 880 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. PAQUEAU (Gaston). Born in Schiltigheim (Al- sace). (Modern.) The Pigeons of Sabine. PARENTING (Bernardo). Parenzo (Istria), 1437-153 1. (Venetian School.) Charit}- of St. Anthony. (According to cata- logue of Doria Gallery, by Andrea Manteg- na.) Scene in the life of St. Anthony." (According to catalogue of Doria Gallery, by Andrea Man- tegna.) Temptation of St. Anthon}*. (According to cat- alogue of Doria Gallery, by Andrea Manteg- na.) PARIS (Camille). Born in Paris. Flock of Valfiore. — Italy. The Watering-place. (Modern.) PARKER (Sibyl C.) (Modern.) *Salvator Mundi (Madonna and Child). *The Good Shepherd. *The Door of the Fold. D., 2c4xi35 inches, $5.00. Gethsemane. *The Intercessor. Agnus Dei. First Easter Mom. PARLAGHI (Vilma). Hajdydong, Hungary, 1864. (Modern.) Portrait of the artist. Louis Kossuth. Louis Kossuth. (Bust of the above.) PARMIGIANO or PARMIGIANINO (Francesco MAZZOLA, called IL). Parma, 1503- 1540. (Lombard School.) Holy Family. Two decorative figures. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. Head of young woman inclined. (Drawing.) C., -75- Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modem Painters. C C Rome, Doria. do. do. C — Modern Painters. C do. C do. B do. B b do. B — B do. B do. B do. B do. B do. do. do. Paris, Louvre, do. do. C — C B B B B •This subject comes in a Bar\'to Print, 6 5^x9 inches, $1.80. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 881 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Head of young woman, full face. (Drawing.) C, .75. Paris, Louvre. Virgin holding the Child on her knees, (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do. Holy Family. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Baptism of a warrior. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. • Madonna and Child. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Spring. (Drawing.) C, ijJi.oo. do. Figure of Virgin standing, full front, holding book in left hand. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Chantilly. Madonna seated, caressing the Child. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Lille. Nude male figure, back view. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Diana and Actaeon ; composition of nine figures. (Drawing.) Lille, Leng. Col. C Madonna and Child enthroned ; below, to the left, St. Catherine ; to the right, St. Clara. Berlin. C Madonna and Child. (Picture known as Ma- donna della Rosa.) Dresden. C C (After Parmigiano.) Cupid as an Archer. do. C Decorative nude figure of child carrying basket of flowers. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Weimar. Adoration of the Shepherds. (Drawing.) do. C Cupid Mending His Bow. Vienna Museum. C Portrait of Malatesta Baglione. do. C Portrait of the artist, left profile, with framing decoration by Vasari. (Drawing.) Vienna, Albertina. C Madonna seated holding the Child. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Madonna, half-length figure, with the Child, and two heads of angels. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Madonna and Child in Glory. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Holy Family and infant St. John. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Sketch of Holy Family and infant St. John in a landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. SS. Stephen and John the Baptist ; above, Ma- donna and Child in Glory. • (Drawing.) C, .75. do. 882 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Venus standing, right profile, and Cupid. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Bacchus seated. (Drawing.) C, .75. Apollo walking towards right. (Drawing.) C, •75- Venus and her Nymphs. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Alexander and Roxana. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Group of amazons standing. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Female figure seated, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Study of a woman standing. (Drawing.) C, .75. Two nude male figures seated raising their right arms. (Drawing.) C, .75. Group of Satyr and two nymphs standing. (Drawing.) €., .75. Two women, one full face, the other left profile. (Drawing.) C, .75. Young man running towards left, head turned to right. (Drawing.) C, .75. Female figure standing, left profile. (Drawing.) C, .75- Female figure standing, left profile, holding a vase. (Drawing.) C., $1.25. Female figure standing, full face. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. Two men and two lions. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. Woman walking towards the left carrying a child and followed by another child. (Draw- ing.) C., $1.00. Woman seated at foot of a monument. (Draw- ing.) C., .75. Study ; eleven heads. (Drawing.) C., .75. Adoration of the Magi. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Group of antique figures and Mucius Scaevola at the altar. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. (School of Parmigiano.) Study of three figures. (Drawing.) Seven studies of heads in different positions. (After Correggio.) (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Draped female figure carrying a burden on her head. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Vienna, Albert. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. London, B. M. Windsor. do. C Chatsworth. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 883 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4J Design for a tomb. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Chatsworth. Portrait of a young man. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. IMadonna and Child. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. Two studies of hands. (Drawing.) do. C Strength, (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Madonna and Child. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Abundance (decorative subject). (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. — Christ Implored by Sinners. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. Madonna and Child, the latter caressing infant St. John, with St. Catherine and the Prophet Zachariah. Florence, Uffizi. C Holy Family; group of seven figures in a land- scape. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Adoration of the Shepherds. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Circe. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Two female heads. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Madonna seated with the Child and infant St. John. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Holy Family; sketch of six figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Madonna and Child, SS. Peter and Paul. (Draw- ing.) do. C Diana at the Bath. (Drawing.) do. C Draped female figure holding a child. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do. Four heads of children. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Two heads of young jnen, left profile. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do. Sketch ; group of five figures. (Drawing.) C, .75. ^ do. The Woman of Samaria. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. The Toilet of Venus ; group of five nude female figures, (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Draped female figure standing, turned to right. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Two children. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Group of five draped female figures. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. do. 884 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Figure of woman standing in a chariot drawn by two grotesque lions. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Florence, Uffizi. Figure of woman seated, right profile. (Draw- ing.) C, .75. do. Figure of woman seated holding a child. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do. . St. Jerome seated, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Madonna seated, holding the Child. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Group of four figures; sketch. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Apollo seated; sketch. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Five draped figures : sketch. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. - do. Anatomical study ; sketch. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. St. Catherine of Alexandria. (Black and red chalk drawing.) do. C — Madonna with angels, called the Madonna of the Long Neck. Florence, Pitti. C Madonna, Child, St. John and a female saint. Rome, Borg. Gal. C Study of thirteen legs and four hands. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Milan, Amb. Young man standing, full front. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Male portrait, bust, left profile. Milan, Resta Col. C — Marriage of the Virgin ; composition of numerous figures. (Drawing.) Milan, Brera. ^ C — Head of a child, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Venice. Sketch of Madonna and Child surrounded by saints. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Virgin appearing to three monks. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Christ Appearing to ]Mary Magdalen. (Draw- ing.) C, .75. do. The artist in his studio. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Sketch for a Holy Family. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Portrait of a noble lady with three children. (For some time supposed to be Countess Segfun- do.) Madrid. _ _ c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 886 St. Barbara. Holy Family. The Entombment. PARROCEL (Charles). Paris, 1688-1752. (French School.) * • Mehemet Effendi, Turkish Ambassador, arriving « at the Tuileries, March 21, 1721. « Mehemet Effendi, Turkish Ambassador, arriving at the Tuileries, March 21, 1721. , Mehemet Effendi leaving the Tuileries, March 21, 1721. Gallery. Madrid. do. St. Petersburg. Versailles, do. do. Shes, 2 2j 3 3^ 4 4i Tilting at the Ring, etc. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. De Goncourt Col. PARROCEL (Joseph), called THE BATTLE PAINTER. Brignolles, 1648— Paris, 1704. * (French School.) ^ , Army of Louis XIV. Crossing the Rhine in 1672. Battle ; in foreground group of warriors on foot and on horseback. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Battle: Cavalry Charge. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. General on horseback. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Battle of Leuze, Sept. 18, 1691. Female head turned a little to the left. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. Queen's Dragoon 6n Horseback. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. King's Dragoon on Horseback. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. PARROT (Philippe). Born in Excideuil (Dor- dogne). (Modern.) Spring. The Dawn. Galatea. A nymph. Flora and Zephyr. Paris, Louvre. C — C do. do. do. : Versailles. C Dresden, R. C. — ■ London, B. M. do. Modern Painters. C C do. C do. C do. C do. C PASINELLI (Lorenzo). (Bolognese School.) Mary Magdalen. The Virgin. Bologna, 1629- 1700. Vienna. Liecht. do. C C C C 886 SOULE ART COMPANY. BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ PASSERI (Joseph). Rome, 1654-1714 or 171 5. (Italian School.) Doctors of the Church Discussing the Holy Scriptures. (Drawing.) C. $2. 50. Chatsworth. PASSEROTTI (Bartolommeo). Bologna (?), 1520- 1593. (Bolognese School.) Head of Christ, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Paris, Louvre. — ■ . — Xude male figure standing, head, left profile ; and three sketches of men. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Vienna, Albertina. Head of Satyr, three-quarters profile, left. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. do. Portrait of the artist, by himself. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Chatsworth. Nude figure carrying a corpse. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Mrgin appearing to two saints. (Drawing.) Florence, Uffizi. — C PASSINI (Ludwig). Vienna, 1832. (Modern.) A ^lass in Chioggia. Modern Painters. — C C C — C Piccolo. do. C Absolution. do. C — C Curiosity. - do. C — C Italian street scene. do. C — C At the Well. do. C — C The Little Mother. do. C C C A Reading from Petrarch at Chioggia. do. B B A Girl from Chioggia. do. B B Girls from Ampezza. do. : B The Laundry-girl. do. B The Needle-woman. do. — B In Church. do. B A Magdalen. do. B The Rescue. do. B Procession in Venice. do. B — B B In the Vestry. do. I^ An Interesting Story. do. B B PASTEGA (L.) (Modem.) A Delicate Question. D., 8x10 inches. $1.50. do. C The New Earrings. D.. 8x10 inches, $1.50. do. C Venetian water-carrier. do. C "He Comes." • do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON 887 Gaitcry. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ PASTURE (Rogier de la), er van der). See WEYDEN (Rog- PATA (Cherubin). Born in Switzerland. (Mod- ern.) Asphyxia. PATEL (Pierre). Picardy, early part of XV' II. century — 1676 (?). (French School.) Landscape ; to the right, ruins of a large edifice. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Landscape ; to the right, a castle ; to the left, a colonnade. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Landscape with an edifice on the right. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Landscape ; view of a village in the distance. (Drawing.) PATEL (Pierre Antoine), the Younger. J648 or 1654 — Paris, 1708. (French School.) The !Month of January The Month of April. PATER (Jean Baptiste Joseph). Valenciennes, 1695 — Paris, 1736. (French School.) Rustic Festival. Company of Comedians in a park. The Toilet. The Bather. Young woman seated, her legs bare. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Picnic on the Grass. The Fortune-teller. (After Watteau.) The Ensign of Gersaint. Couple seated, talking: in backcfround, to the left, man teasing woman. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Rustic Pastime. The Rath. The Outdoor Feast. Pastime under a pavilion. Rlind-man's-bufF. Rustic Festival. Fishermen. Modern Painters. C Paris, Louvre. do. do. London, B. M. C Paris, Louvre. C — do. C - do. c — c — do. c — do. do. IIIIc - do. Old Masters. c — do. c — do. c - De Gon court Col Berlin. do. do. c do. do. do. 1 1 1 1 I 1 L) U 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 do. c — 888 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. The Bath. Man and woman dancing to the sound of the hurdy-gurdy. (According to Woermann, by Nicolas Lancret.) Men and women dancing around a tree. (Ac- cording to Woermann, by Nicolas Lancret.) Harlequin and Pierrot. Rustic Festival. M. de Pourceaugnac. The Flute-player. Study of young man seated playing violin. (Drawing.) Study of three hands. (Drawing.) PATINIR or PATINIER (Joachim De). Bou- vignes, about 1490-1524. (Flemish School) Triptych : St. John the Baptist : Repose in Egypt , Pope Cornelius. (Bernstein Coll.) Repose in Egypt. Baptism of Christ. Christ on the Cross. Flight into Egypt. (Patinier and Van Orley.) Virgin and Child Jesus. (Patinier and Van Orley.) Adoration of the Magi. The Crucifixion. Flight into Egypt. Temptation of St. Anthony. St. Francis of Assisi and another monk in prayer. Repose in Egypt. PATROIS (Isidore). Bom in Noyers (Yonne), 1815. (Modern.) The Ball of Yarn. PAUDISS (Christoph), or PAUDITZ (Christof- fer). In Lower Saxony, about 1618 — after 1669. (Dutch School.) The Writer. A lute-player. Fox and Wolf. (Now in the Royal Gallery of Schleissheim.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Berlin. C Dresden. C do. C London, B. P. C C do. — — C C do. C C do. C c London, B. M. c do. c Berlin. do. Vienna Museum. Vienna, Liecht. Brussels. Antwerp. do. London, N G. do. Madrid. do. do. C — C C C — — C — C C — C Modern Painters. C Dresden. Munich. do. C — C .C — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 889 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3J 4 4^ A peasant in his cottage. Vienna Museum. C A marauder. do. C PAUL (H.) (Modern.) Iphigenia. Modern Painters. — B — B PAUL (Louis Auguste Albert). Born in Beziers. (Modern.) Fantasy. do. — — — c PAUL (Richard). Breslau, 1843. (Modern.) Congenial. do. — — — c PAULSEN (Fritz). Schwerin, 1838. (Modern.) Favorable Moment for Revenge. do. — — — c Domestic Happiness. do. C C — c Frederick Franz 11, , Grand Duke of Mecklen- burg-Schwerin. do. ~ C C C — c Account of tile Ball. do. C c — c Mother's Pride. ) ,^ . . , ^ A New Toy. | (Companion pictures.) do. — B B . do. B B Servants' Employment Office. do. B — — B A visit. do. B ; — — B PAVLIN (Horatius). Amsterdam, about 1645 — (?). (Dutch School.) The Miser. Florence, Uflfizi. — C — PAUPION (Edouard). Born in Dijon. (Modern.) Pyramus and Thisbe. Modern Painters. — - — — — C Virgm Reposing. (Salon of 1896.) do. — — C — C PAUSINGER (C. von). (Modern.) The Dragon's Treasure. do. — c — C Cupids. do. C c Recollections of the Bazaar. do. C c — c A Cup of Tea. do. C c — c PAUSINGER (Franz von). Salzburg, 1839. (Mod- ern. ) The King of the Forest. do. • C c — c Stag. do. • — c — c Herd of red deer. do. — C C c — c Stag. do. B — — B 890 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4I JNIunich, Max. do. PAUWELS (Ferdinand). Eckeren, near Antwerp, 1830. (^Modern.) Louis XIV. Receiving Venetian Envoys. Queen Philippina in the streets of Ghent. *"If thou seek :\Ie with all thy heart." (Christ consoling a dying soldier.) D., I3fx2i inches, $5.00. do. PAYEN (Ennemond). Born in Lyons. (Modern.) Repast of the Missionary with the Sisters of St. John. PAYMAL-AMOUROUX (Mile. Blanche). Born in Paris. (Modern.) The Fete at Sosthene. PEACOCK (R.) (Modern.) Lady dancing. Artist's Proofs, $18.00 each. PEALE (Rembrandt). Bucks County, Pa., 1778— Philadelphia, i860. Portrait of George Washington. PL, 10x12 inch- es, $2.00. PEARCE (Charles Sprague). Boston, iMass., 1851. (Modern.) The Family. PL, 10x21 inches, $4.50; also 6x13, $2.00. Religion. PL, 12x21 inches, $5.00; also 7^x13, $2.50; and 5x9, $1.00. Labor. PL, 12x21 inches, $5.00; also 7^x13, $2.50; and 5x9, $1.00. Study. PL, 7|xi3 inches, $2.50; also 5x9, $1.00. Recreation. PL, 7|xi3 inches, $2.50; also 5x9, $1.00. Rest. PL, 7|xi3 inches, $2.50; also 5x9, $1.00. PECHMANN (Heinrich von). Wiirzburg, 1826. (Modern.) St. Dominic. Young Love. PECK (Orrin). Born in America. (Modern.) **Love's Token. do. Little Stepmother. do. ♦This subject comes also in a Rarvto Print, 6 i-2xq inches, $i.8a **This comes in an Aquarelle Gravure, 16x21 inches, $12.00. C C C C — C B — B Modern Painters. C do. C do. Boston, ]\I. F. A. • Washington, L. C- do. do. do. do. do. Modern Painters. C — C do. c C — C C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 891 PeCRUS (Francois Charles). liorn in Limoges. (Modern.) An Idyll at the Old Chateau. PEDRINI GIOVANNI, called GIAMPIETRINO. Milan; flourished in XV'I. century. (Milan- ese School.) Penitent Magdalen. St. Catherine. Madonna and Child. (According to catalogue of Borghese Gallery, School of Leonardo da Vinci.) Madonna and Child with angels. PEDRINI (Giovanni Pietro RICCI, called). XVI. century. (Lombard School.) St. Catherine. Madonna and Child between SS. iMichael and Je- rome. The jMagdalen. (Zichy Coll.) PEEL (Paul). Born in London (Canada). (Mod- ern.) Study. Life a Misery. After the Bath. Before the Bath. Youth. In Penitence. An Unexpected Meeting. The Twins. PEERDT (Ernst te). Tecklenburg, Westphalia, 1852. Remembrance. Hall of Columns in the Royal Museum in Berlin. II Dolce far Niente. PEETERS (Bonaventura). 1614-1652. (Flemish School.) On the bank of a large river. Sea-piece : The Breakwater. PELEZ (Fernand). Born in Paris, 1848. (Mod- ern.) Before the Bath. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C Berlin. C do. C Rome, Borg. Gal. Rome, Torlonia. Berlin. Buda-Pesth. do. C C — C — C Modem Painters. C do. C do. C do. Martyrdom. Composition of five figures. (Draw- ing.) Dresden, R. C. C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 905 Gallery. Sises, 2 2$ 3 3^ 4 4^ Madonna holding the Child, who is standing in the attitude of blessing. Frankfort. C — Adoration of the Kings. (Pulsky Coll.) Buda-Pesth. C — The Holy Trinity. London, N. G. C Annunciation. Florence, Uffizi. — — C Adoration of the Kings. (According to Rigoni, by Cosimo Rosselli.) do. C — - ■ — — Male figure, standing, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Figure of young man, standing, full face. (Draw- ing.) C, .75. do. — Figure of a m^n, seated, turned to left. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do. Draped female figure, seated, back view. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Young man, drayjed, sitting reading, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Altar-piece in three divisions : Right panel : Episode in the Life of St. An- thony. Florence Acad. C — Central panel : Martyrdom of SS. Cosmo and , Damian. do. C — Left panel : Birth of Christ. do. C — Pope Sylvester (?) before the Emperor Maxi- milian II. Rome, Doria. C — Miracle of Pope Sylvester (?). do. C — PESELLO (Giuliano) d'ARRIGO. Florence, 1367 — 1446. (Italian School.) Young martyr, standing, turned to right. (Draw- ing.) Florence, Uffizi. C PESKE (Geza). Kelecseny, Hungary, 1859. (Mod- ern.) Too Hot ! Modern Painters. C — C Good Friends. do. B — B Tired of Play. do. C PESNE (Antoine). Paris, 1683— Berlin, 1757. (French School.) Portrait of Frederick the Great, King of Prussia (1712-1786). Berlin. C C — C Portrait of a young lady of Salzburg. Brunswick. B 906 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Portrait of the engraver, G. F. Schmitt, and his wife. Girl with straw hat. PESNELLE (Albert). Born in Paris. (Modem.) A Prairie Flower. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ PETERS (Clinton). (Modern.) The Pierrots. Born in Baltimore, 1865. PETERS (J. A. de). XVIII. century. (French School.) Portrait of Madame Poitrine, nurse of the Dau- phin, Louis Joseph Xavier Francois, son of Louis XVI. (Water-color.) PETERS (P.) (Modern.) Fairy Stories. Tea-party. Children's Party. At School. Playing Soldiers. PETERS (Wilhelm). Bom in Christiania, 1851. (Modern.) Return from the Wedding; Norway. PETERSEN (H.) (Modern.) Naval Parade before His Majesty Emperor W^il- liam 11. Harbor of Hamburg. Harbor of New York. Prince Bismarck. OflF Dover. Mid-ocean. PETERSSEN (Eilif). Christiania, 1852. (Mod- ern.) Elizabeth of Sweden Interceding for Torben Oxe. In Church. Judas Iscariot. Piano Lessons. The Crucifixion. Munich, do. C — C c — c Modern Painters. C do. C C National Port's. Modern Painters. C — C do. C — C do. C do. C — C do. C do. C do. do. do. do. do. do. — C c — c C c C — c C c c — c — — c — c — C C — c — — c — c do. do. do. do. do. C C — — — c c c c c — c c c — c c _ SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 907 Gallery. Sises, 2 2j 3 3^ 4 4^ PETIET (Marie). Born in Limoux (Aude). (Mod- ern.) Diana Asleep. Modern Painters. C The Violin Player. do. C The Magdalen. do. C The Sleeping Knitter. do. C Washerwomen. do. C C Model Resting. do. C Self-examination. do. C Reading the "Petit Journal." do. C C Going to Market. do. C The Interrupted Work. do. C The Laundry. do. '- C The Goose Picker. do. . C Punch and Judy Show in a Village. do. C Convalescence. do. C Old woman of Aulus. do. C PETIT (L. J. Alfred). Born in Paris. (Modern.) The Juice of the Grape. ^ do. C PETUA (L.) (Modern.) Psyche. > do. C C — C PEZANT (Aymar). (Modem.) Sunset. (Salon of 1898.) do. C Channel of the Aulnaye at Parnes. (Salon of 1898.) do. C PFANNSCHMIDT (Carl Gottfried). Muhlhausen, Thuringia, 1819. (Modern.) The Adoration of the Magi. do. B — B E — B The Star of Bethlehem. do. B B The Annunciation. "I (Companion pic- do. B B The Adoration of the Shepherds, j inches, $5.00.'' do* B B The Resurrection. do. — B B B The Three Marys at the Tomb of (Com- do. B B panion pictures.) Christ. Angels Announcing the Resurrection of Christ. do. The Burial of Christ. | (Companion do. The Women at the Grave of Christ. \ pictures.) do. B — — B — B B — — B — B B — — B 908 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Poor Lazarus. The Rich Man Feasting. 1 (Companion pictures.) D., (Companion Christ Mocked by the Soldiers. [ pictures.) Crucifixion. J Christ Enthroned. ") The Saviour Calling. D. 20XII inches, $5.00. The Foolish Virgins. The Wise Virgins. Madonna. ♦"Suffer Little Children to Come Unto Me.' 14^^x10 inches, $3.00. Davi Cecil! PFEIFFER (Wilhelm). Wolfenbiittel, 1822. (Mod- ern.) ^Morning Ride. Stud of Horses. Stud. PFENNING (D.) The Crucifixion. ilia. ( ^ (Companion pictures.) Was painting about 1449. PFORR (Johann Georg). Upfen, 1745-1798. (Ger- man School.) Study of a dog. (Drawing.) PHARAON (Jeanne). Bom in Medeah (Algeria). (Modem.) Eve Looking at Cain and Abel Asleep. La MandoUnata. PHELPS (W. P.) Born in New Hampshire. (Mod ern.) The End of Day. PHILIPP (C.) (Modern.) Wood-nymph. PHILIPPOTEAUX (Henri Emmanuel Philippe). Paris, 181 5-1884. (Modern.) Portrait of Napoleon Bonaparte as Lieutenant- colonel of the ist Batallion of Corsica, 1792. Battle of Rivoli, January 14, 1797. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3i 4 4i odern Painters. B — B do. B — B ■ do. B — B do. B — B do. B — B do. B — B do. B — B do. B — B do. B do. B — B do. B B do. B B do. C C — C do. C — C do. C — C Vienna Museum. — Dresden, P. G. C Modern Painters, do. do. do. C C Versailles, do. PIC — PIC PIC — C — C C ♦This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 909 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ PHILIPS (H.) (Modern.) The Toilet. Modern Painters. C Friend of the Family. do. C Study-head. do. C Bound in Loyalty. do. C — C Hortense. do. C Sweet Dreams. do. C PIATKOWSKI (Jean Joseph Henri). Born in Kiev. (Modern.) Citizeness Tallien. do. ' C PIATOWSKI (H. von). (Modern.) The Lute-player. do. C PIAZZATTA (Giovanni Battista). Venice, 1682- 1754. (Venetian School.) (Attributed.) Two historical figures and sketch of man and woman. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Paris, Louvre. (Attributed.) Female figure kneeling and figure of young man kneeling with a crown in his hands. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. ^o- A Standard Bearer. Dresden. C Male head. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Weimar. PICART (Bernard). 1673-1734. (French School.) Dance in a Salon. (Drawing.) C, $1.75- do- PICHLER (A.) (Modem.) Youth's Dreams. Modern Painters. C PICKETT (M.) Forty Winks. D., about 16x21 inches, $5.00; about 8x10, $1.50. do. C C — C PICKERSGILL (R. G.) Portrait of Lord Lyndhurst. PI., 20x15 mches, $7.50; 12x9, $3.00. do. PICKNELL (William L.) Boston, 1853. (M;od- ern.) Where the Broad Ocean Heaves Against the Land. PI., 8x11 inches, $2.00. Boston, Mus.F. A. — 910 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON, PICOU (Henry Pierre). Born in Nantes, 1824. (Modern.) Folly and Love. Nest of Cupids. Vision of Hell. Temptation. The Wasps' Nest (Cupids). Cupid the Conqueror. (Salon of 1896.) Crossing the Brook. (Salon of 1896.) PIEPER (Ch.) (Alodem.) The Picture-book. The Baby Brother. PIERCE (C. F.) Born in New Hampshire. (Mod- ern.) Return of the Flock. PI., 12x16 inches, $3.00. The Pasture Brook. PI., 12x16 inches, $3.00; colored, $6.00; 9x13, $2.00. Indian Summer. PL, 7x13 inches, $2.00. PIERO di COSIMO or PIERO di LORENZO. Florence, 1462-1521. (Florentine School.) Coronation of the Virgin. Venus, Cupid and Mars. / Adoration of the Shepherds. Holy Family. (Attributed.) Study of child lying down (Draw- ing-) Bust portrait of an old man. Bust portrait of the architect, Giuliano di San Gallo. The Florentine General, Francesco Ferrucci, in full armor. Death of Procris. Marriage of Perseus Interrupted by Phineus. Sacrifice in the Temple of Jupiter for the Deliv- erance of Andromeda. Virgin standing on a pedestal surrounded by saints. Perseus Delivering Andromeda from the Monster. Draped male figure standing in a mountainous landscape. CDrawing.) C, $1.75. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modem Painters. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. — C C C — c do. — C C C — c Bos., Sher. Col. — do. Bos., Stet. Col. — — — — — — Paris, Louvre. C Berlin. c C — c do. c C — c Dresden. — c Weimar. c The Hague. — c ~ ^ do. — c — c London, N. G. _ c — c do. c c — c Florence, Uffizi. c — — — do. do. do. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 911 Virgin adoring child held by an angel. (Draw- ing.) C, .75. Madonna and Child surrounded by saints and angels. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Christ on the Cross. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Vision of St. Bernard. Composition analogous to that of Filippino Lippi. — Church of La Badia. (Pen drawing.) Judgment of Solomon. PIERO della FRANCESCA. See FRANCESCA. PIERRE (Jean Baptiste Marie). 1714-1789. (French School.) An artist pressing the hands of a woman whose portrait he has outlined. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. PIERRE Y (Louis Maurice). (Modern.) Bacchante. Born in Algiers. PIERSON (Blanche). , Born in the Isle Bourbon. (Modern.) Accessories of the Sacred Dance in Japan. Monsieur, Madame and Baby. PIETRO de CORTONA. See BERRETINI. PIETRO di GIOVANNI. See (Lo) SPAGNA. PIGLHEIN (Bruno). Hamburg, 1848. (Modern.) Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3|- 4 4^ Florence, Uffizi. do. do. do. C Rome, Borg. Gal. C De Goncourt Col. Modern Painters. C do. C do. C Companions of the Bath. D., about 7x10 inches, $1.50. ^ do. — — c *Blind. do. — C C c — c Race Hatred. do. — — c Diva. do. — c c c — c Baby and Bob. do. c c — c Madonna. do. c c — c Obtrusive Friendship. do. — — c The Entombment. do. c c — c A Nymph. do. c c — c Star of Bethlehem. do. c c c c — c • This subject comes in an Aquarelle Gravure, about i6x2t inches, $12.00. 912 SOULE ■ ART COMPANY, BOSTON, Entrance of Spring. In the Studio. Egyptian Sword-dance. Spring Idyll. PILLE (Charles Henry). Born at Essommes (Aisne), (Modern.) Portrait of M. Jundt in his studio. PILLEMENT (Jean). Lyons, 1728-1808. (French School.) Mountainous landscape. (Drawing.) PILOTY (Carl von). Munich, 1826-1886. (Mod- ern.) Godfrey de Bouillon's Entrance into Jerusalem. Founding of the League. Marie Stuart Receiving her Death Warrant. Columbus. ♦Thusnelda in the Triumphal Procession of Ger- manicus. D., 20x27 inches, $10.00. Brother and Sister. Study-head. The Council of Three. A Mother's Faithful Heart. Nero. Death of Alexander the Great. Wallenstein on his Way to Eger. Girondists on their Way to the Guillotine. The Wise and Foolish Virgins. PILOTY (Ferdinand von). Munich, 1828. (Mod- ern.) Queen Elizabeth of England.* Duke Ernest of Bavaria in Landsberg in 1497- PILS (Isidore Adrien Auguste). Paris, 1815- 1875. (French School.) Rouget de I'lsle singing the Marseillaise for the first time at the house of Dietrich, Mayor of Strasbourg. Crossing the Alma (Battle of the Alma), Septem- ber 20, 1854. Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modem Painters. C C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C C — C do. Lille. Munich, Max. — C c C do. — C c C Modern Painters. — C c C — C do. — c c C — C do. C c c c — c do. — — — c do. — — — c do. — c c c — c do. — — — c — c do. — — — c do. C c c c — c do. B — B B — B do. B — B B do. B B B Munich, Max. c c c Modern Painters. — c C Paris, Louvre. Versailles. •This subject comes in an Aquarelle Gravure. about 25x35 inches, $2 5.0a _ C — C r- SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 913 Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4| PILTZ (O.) (Modern.) Pleasant Surprise. Modern Painters. C — C Cake-baker, do. C Village Musicians' Quintette. do. C Spring in the "Spreewald." do. C — C Before the Dance, . - do. C C — C The Eternal Light. do. C Consecration of the Colors in Northern Bavaria. do. C A Pause in Sewing. do. C School. do. C — C In the Village Church. do. C Behind the Mill. do. C With Donisl of Bavaria. do. C Punch and Judy. do. C — C Autumnal. do. C Tale-bearer. do, C Knitting-school, do, C C — C Happy Childhood, do. C PIMONT or PmMONT (also called OPGANG) (Nicolas). 1659-1709. (Dutch School.) Landscape. Brussels. C — C PINCH ARD (Emile Auguste). Born at Cambrai (Nord). (Modern.) Temptation of St. Anthony. Modern Painters. C PINEL DE GRANDCHAMP (Louis). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Andante Espressivo. do. — C An Oriental. do. C Musical Recital. do. C Expectation. do. C PINELL (B.) '(Modern.) Melodies of the Past. D,, about 8x10 inches, $1.50. do. C C — C PINELLI (Bartolommeo). Rome, 1781-1835, (Ital- ian School,) Two women and a man in Roman costume. (Drawing.) Dresden, R. C. C 914 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. PINO (Marco da). Sienna (?) C. 1520-1587. (Ital- ian School.) Figure of David standing, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00, PINT A (Henri Louis Marius). (Modern.) A Young Mother. Born at ^larseilles. PINTURICCHIO (Bernardino di Betto di Biago, called II). Perugia, 1454-1513. (Umbrian School.) Madonna and Child. Warrior on horseback in armor. (Drawing.) Group of soldiers. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Six figures of doctors seated ; eight other figures behind them standing. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Fragment of the Last Supper ; group of five per- sons. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Reliquiarium. The Church-Father, St. Augustine, together with SS. Benedict and Bernard. Madonna and Child. Portrait of a youth. Madonna and child surrounded by cherubs. ^ladonna and Child. St. Catherine of Alexandria with her Attributes Return of Ufysses to the House of Penelope. Story of Griselda, after the Decameron of Boc- caccio. Continuation of Story of Griselda. End of Ston,^ of Griselda. The Good Shepherd, standing, turned to left. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Woman standing, right profile, holding a cornu- copia. (Drawing.) C, .75. Woman standing, left profile. (Drawing.) C, •75- Xymph and Satj'^r; composition of six figures. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Draped female figure, standing, almost back view. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Gallery. Siscs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Florence, Uffizi. Modern Painters. C Paris, Louvre. C — C — do. C do. ^Malcolm Col. Lille. Berlin. C do. C C Dresden. C C • Buda-Pesth. C — London, Nat. Gal. C C C do. C — do. C C — C do. C do. — — C do. C Florence, Uffizi. do. -^ do. do. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 915 Mucius Scaevola. — The Camp of Porsenna. (Drawing.) C, $i.ck). Young woman with a basket. (Pen drawing.) c, .75. Two women ; one holding a cornucopia, the other a deer's head. (Drawing in pen and black crayon.) C.,$i.oo. (According to Venturi. by Fiorenzo di Lorenzo.) Adoration of the Magi. Scenes from the Life of Joseph (i). Scenes from the Life of Joseph (2). Coronation of the Virgin. Moses and his Wife Zipporah Journeying to Egypt ; Circumcision of their son by Zipporah. PIOMBO (Sebastian del), Sebastiano LUCIANI. Venice, 1485 — Rome, 1547- (Venetian School.) The Visitation. Study for a Visitation. The Virgin standing and bust of St. Elizabeth. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Madonna; half-length figure enveloped in trans- parent draperies, seated, holding up the Child. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Portrait of a nobleman in the costume of a knight of the Order of Calatrava. Portrait of a young Roman woman. Pieta. Christ Bearing the Cross. Portrait of a young lady of the Medicis ( ?) f am- ily. Portrait of an ecclesiastic. Female bust. (Rath. Coll.) Portrait of Cardinal Pucci. Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane C, $1.75- The Entombment. (Drawing.) C. Raising of Lazarus. Holy Family. Draped female figure, reclining, (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Florence, Uffizi. do. do. Florence, Pitti. C Rome, Borg. Gal. C do. C Rome, Pin. of Vat. C Rome, Sistine, — Paris, Louvre. C do. Gatteaux Col. Berlin. C do. c C — C do. C — C Dresden. C C Frankfort. C — — ^Munich. C — c Buda-Pesth. C A^ienna Museum. c (Drawing.) Vienna, Albert, do ^1.25. London, N. G. c C — c do. — — — c — c back view. Chats worth. . 916 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Holy Family. Portrait of a warrior. Virgin seated, turned to right ; on her knees, the Child Jesus leaning towards same side ; at her feet, a little angel. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Martyrdom of St. Agatha. The Flagellation. Judith. Portrait of Andrea Doria. Polyphemus. Birth of the Virgin ; angels above, circular com- position. (Drawing.) (Probably after Michael Angelo.) Nude male figure, full face, descending steps. (Drawing.) Jesus Bearing the Cross. (After Del Piombo.) Jesus Bearing the Cross. Bearing of the Cross. Portrait of Cardinal Reginald Pole (sitting in an arm-chair). PIOT (Adolphe). Born at Digoin. (Modern.) The Knitter. The Flower-girl. "Let Us Divide !" Angelica. Rosita. Girl Selling Roses. Innocence. (Salon of 1898.) Contemplation. (Salon of 1899.) PIPPI (Giulio). See ROMANO (GiuUo). PIRSCH (A.) (Modern.) Paul at Ephesus. PISAN (Helidore). (Modern.) Girl with Flowers. Born in Marseilles, 1822. PISANELLO (Vittore), PISANO, called. San Vigilio (Lake of Garda) (?) about 1380 (?)- 145 1. (Veronese School.) Portrait of a Princess of the House of Este. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2i^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Windsor. C Florence, Uffizi. C do. — — : — Florence, Pitti. C — — — Rome, Borg. Gal. do. Rome, Doria. C c c — Rome, Famesina. c — Milan, Brera. — c — Venice. — c Madrid. c — — - — do. — c — St. Petersburg. c — do. c — Modern Painters. c do. c do. c c do. c c do. c c do. c — do. c c do. c c do. do. c c — c Paris, Louvre. C — C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON, 917 Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Head of man without hair, right profile. (Draw- ing.) C.', .75. Paris, Louvre. Head of young man turned to right. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. — Mule, saddled, left side. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Greyhound. (Sepia.) C, $1.25. do. Wild Boar. (Sepia.) C, $1.00. do. Figure of river-god, seated, holding cornucopia, after the antique. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. De Chennev. Col. Two men (nude) and two dogs hunting the wild boar. Reverse side of the above drawing. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Woman wearing rich mantle, and two studies of young cavaliers clothed in long embroidered cloaks. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Gust. Dreyfus C. Three studies for a saint with different sketches of storks. On reverse side of above. (Draw- ing.) C., $1.25. do. Gentleman and lady in gala costumes. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Chantilly. Pen study of different figures. On reverse side of above drawing. (Drawing.) C., $1.25. do. Adoration of the Kings. Berlin. C C — C . SS. Anthony and George. London, Nat. Gal. C C C Vision of St. Hubert. Lady Ashb't'n C. C Sketch ; group of five draped figures. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. Florence, Uflfizi. PIS AND (Andrea di Ugolini Nini). Pontedera. Was working between 1299 and 1330. ' Three figures in the costume of the time. (Draw- ing.) London, B. M. ■ C PITZNER (M.) (Modern.) Stag-hunt. Modern Painters. C PIZZOLO (Nicole). Padua. Was working in 1470. (Paduan School.) (Attributed.) Fragment of a Crucifixion. Christ on the Cross ; to the right, the wicked thief struggling; in the foreground, to the right, a cavalier, back view, and a soldier, kneeling. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. De Chennev. Col. 918 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4I PLASSAN (Antoine Emile). Born in Bordeaux, 1817. (Modern.) Morning. Modern Painters. — v He is Sleeping. do. C PLATZER (Johann Georg). Eppan, Tyrol, 1702- 1760. (German School.) Bacchus and Ariadne on the Island of Naxos. Cassel. C — C Battle of the Centaurs and Lapithae at the Wed- ding-festival of Pirithous and Deidamia. do. C — C PLINKE (A.) (Modern.) A Kindergarten. Children's Playground. PLOCKHORST (Bernhard). Brunswick, 1825. (Modern.) "Noli Me Tangere !" Holy Women at the Tomb. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; 7x10, $1.50. "Lord. Save Me!" D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. ♦Gift from Heaven. 1 (Companion pictures.) D., 16x21 ♦Guardian Angel. j inches, $5.00; also 7x10, $1.50. ♦"Suffer Little Children to "j (Companion pictures.) Come L'nto Me !" V D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; ♦The Good Shepherd. J ^°' 7^'°' ^^•^°' ♦♦Repose in Eg}pt. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; 7x10, $1.50. The Annunciation to the Shepherds. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00: 7x10, $1.50. Christ's Entry into Jerusalem Summer Pleasures. The Two Marys. ♦♦♦Flight into Egypt. D.. 16x21 inches, $500; also, 7x10, $1.50. Portrait of the Empress Augusta (bust). ♦♦♦The Resurrection. D., 16x21 inches. $5.00. ♦♦♦The Holy Family. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; 7x10, $1.50. ^lodern Painters. — do. — do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. ♦This subject comes in an Aquarelle Gravure, 16x21 inches, $12.00. •♦This subject comes in an Aquarelle Gravure, 20x27 inches, $18.00. »^^*This subject comes in an Aquarelle Gravure, 21x15 inches, $12.00. C C C c c c — c — c c c — c — c c c — c c c c c — c c c c c c c c c — c c c c c — c c c c c c do. C C C C — c do. C C C C — c do. C C — c do. — c do. — c c c — c do. — C — c — c do. c c — c c — c c — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 919 "Glory to God in the Highest !" Portrait of the Empress Augusta. ) (Companion Portrait of Emperor William I. j pictures.) *The Good Samaritan, D., I3|x20^ inches, $5.00. At the Foot of the Cross. D., 20^x15^ inches, $5.00. Martin Luther. PLUCHARD (Henri). (Modem.) In October. A Bell-finger. Born in Valenciennes. Gallery. Siaes , 2 2| 3 3i 4 4i Modern Painters. C — C C — C do. B — B B — B do. B — B B — B do. — B B B do. B — B B do. — — C C — C do. C do. — C PLUHR (C.) Reveries. (Modern.) do. C — C Flor- POCCETTI (Bernardino Barbatelli, called), ence, 1548-1612. (Florentine School.) The Holy Communion ; circular composition. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Young man, in costume of the times, walking to- wards right. (Drawing.) Man of the people, standing, right hand resting on a long stick. (Drawing.) St. Dominic Elected Archbishop of Florence. Paris, Louvre. do. C do. C (Fresco in the cloister of St. Mark.) Florence, S. Mar. C __ Drowned Youth Restored to Life. (Fresco in cloister of the Annunziata.) Florence, Annun. C Death of a Superior of the Order of Servites. (Fresco in cloister of the Annunziata.) do. C Corridor Ceilings of Uffizi Gallery. Ceiling in two panels. (Oriental corridor.) Florence, Uffizi. C Ceiling in two panels. (Oriental corridor.) do. c Ceiling in two panels. do. c Ceiling in two panels. do. c Ceiling in two panels. do. C Ceiling in two panels. do. c Whole ceiling, one panel. do. c Whole ceiling, one panel. do. C Costume : man standing, back view. (Drawing.) C, $1.75- do. ♦This subject comes in a Barjrto Print, 6>^x9 inches, $1.80. 920 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Si::cs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Four monks standing, turned to right. (Draw- ing.) Florence, Uffizi. C — Design for a round ceiling. (Drawing.) do. C Design for a ceiling; sketch. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Ornamentation for arch of ceiling. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Ceiling decoration. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Design decoration of square ceiling. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Corner of ceiling; design for decoration. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Caryatid between two windows and surmounting frieze. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Design for ceiling decoration. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Decoration for quarter of round ceiling. (Draw- ing.) C, $2.50. do. Design for ceiling ornaments. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. Ceiling decoration. (Pen and wash drawing.) C, .75. do. Decoration for wall and ceiling of church. (Pen and bistre drawing.) C. $1.75. do. Decoration for arch of a hall. (Pen and bistre drawing.) do. C Decorative design for ceiling. (Pen and wash drawing.) do. C Decorative design for ceiling. (Pen and wash drawing.) do. C POCCI (M. V.) (Modern.) Palm Sunday, 1871. Modern Painters. C Gundl of the Konigssee. do. C Mariedei of Zell. do. C Germanic Priestess. do. C C — C "Ever Thine !" do. C — C POECK (H.) (Modem.) '.Til Soon Have Him !" (Catching a butterfly.) do. C Patience Rewarded. D., about 8x10 inches, $1.50. do. C Sunday Idyll. ' do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 921 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Childhood's Pleasures. Modern Painters. C — C In the Country. do. C A Summer's Day on St. Theresa's Meadow. do. C POECKH (Th.) (Modern.) A Farewell Pinch of Snuff. do. C Confession of Guilt. do. C C Evening Peace. do. C C — C Golden Dreams. do. C POEL (Egbert Van der). Delft, 1621— Rotterdam, 1664. (Dutch School.) The Rustic House. Paris, Louvre. C — C — A Cottage. do, C — The Shore of Scheveningen. (Habich Coll.) Cassel. C — C The Environs of Delft after the Explosion of a Powder-mill on the 12th of October, 1654. London, N. G. C — C POELENBURG (Cornelis Van). Utrecht, 1586- 1667. (Dutch School.) Nymphs and saiyr. Paris, Louvre. C — Landscape with nymphs and dancing satyr. Brunswick. B Glorification of a picture of the Madonna. Cassel. C — C Triumph of Love. do. C — C Landscape. (Drawing.) C. $1.25. Dresden, R. C. Landscape with brook. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Landscape with cascade. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Old man standing, turned to left. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Italian landscape, mountainous. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Annunciation. Vienna Museum. C Calypso; grisaille. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Vienna, Albert. Diana Surprised by Actaeon ; composition of nine figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Nymphs Leaving the Bath. C, $1.25. do. -■ Nymphs, bathing, surprised by satyrs. Amsterdam. C C — C POETTING (A. V.) (Modern.) In the Clutch of a Dream. Modern Painters. C "Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt, weiss was ich leide." ("Only he who knows what longing is, knows what I suffer.") do. C 922 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ POETZELBERGER (Robert). Vienna, 1856. (Modern.) Sad Memories. ■ ' Modern Painters. — C — C The Bouquet. do. C Favorite Flower. do. C Evening Repose. do. C — C Withered Flowers — Withered Hopes. do. C Withered Leaves. do. C — C At the Woodland Spring. do. C Sweet Thoughts. do. C "My Peace is Gone!" do. C Con amore. D., 7x10 inches, $1.50. do. — C Autumn Leaves. D., 9x16 inches, $3.00. do. C — C Jewels for the Festival. do. C Song without Words. D., 7x10 inches, $1.50 ; and 16x21, $5.00. ^ do. C — C In the Library. do. C — C At the Old Garden-gate. D., 7x10 inches, $1.50. do. C — C The First-born. do. C In the Nursery. do. C Expectation. do. C C Autumn. D., 11x15 inches, $3.00. (Companion picture to "Courtship," by Scheurenberg.) The Orphans. Evening. A Stolen Meeting. *01d Songs. Artist's Proofs, 200 on India, 13x20 inches, $12.00 each ; D., $5.00. *Harmony. Tired of Waiting. Farewell. D., 15x19 inches, $5.00. Peace in the Country. Sunday Afternoon. The Bath. POHLE (Ludwig). (Modern.) A Young Venetian. Portrait of Ludwig Richter. Thuringian Girl. do. c — C do. C — c do. c do. C - c do. B B do. B — B do. B B do. B B do. C — C do. C C — C do. C do. C C — C do. B do. B »This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6ix9 inches, $1.80. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 923 POILLEUX SAINT-ANGE (Georges Louis). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Emma and Eginhard. Prefect Valentine Received by General Uhrich. Diogenes Asking Alms of a Statue. Execution of Porgon de la Barbinais. Etienne Marcel causing the reading of "Les Grandes Ordonnances" on the Place de Greve, March, 1357. POILPOT (Theophile). Born in Paris. (Modern.) ■ The Prey. POIRSON (Maurice). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Absolution. Passing of the Procession. The Veterans. POLLAJUOLO (Antonio). Florence, 1429 — Rome, 1498. (Florentine School.) (School of Pollajuolo.) Two nude male figures standing. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. Tobias and the Angel. (Drawing.) C., $1.25. Portrait of Simonetta Vespucci. (According to Berenson, by Pier di Cosimo.) Study of man seated. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. The Annunciation. (According to Woermann, by Francesco Cossa.) Warriors surprised while bathing. (Drawing.) Combat of Hercules and the Giants. (Engraving.) C., $2.50. Martyrdom of St. Sebastian. Madonna adoring the Child. Angel Raphael accompanying Tobias in his jour- ney to Media. Nude figure of youth restraining a horse. (Draw- ing-) Combat of nude warriors. (Drawing.) Portrait of Duke Galeazzo Maria Sforza. Two small pictures together : Hercules Strangling Antaeus, Son of the Earth ; and Hercules Striking down the Lernsean Hydra. Gallery. Shes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4*; Modern Painters. C do. — C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C C do. C do. C C Paris, Louvre. do. Chantilly. C Lille, Wicar Mus. Dresden. Dresden, R. C. do. London, Natl. G. do. do. London, B. ;M. Windsor. Florence, Uffizi, do. — C C — C C 924 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2\ 3 3^ A A\ SS. Eustace, James and Vincent. Florence, Uffizi. C Prudence. do. C Study of four nude figures, also torso and arm. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Study of nude figures seated. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Ornamental censer. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Two nude male figures seated. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Four nude male figures fighting. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Strength. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Prudence. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. — Justice. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. St. Peter standing, full face. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Saint standing, full face. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. St. James standing, full face. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Portrait of a pope seated, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Allegory; group of six figures. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Three nude men combatting a centaur. (Draw- ing.) C, .75. do. Bust of nude youth slightly turned to right, (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Young man standing, looking up. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Male head slightly turned to left. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Eve Spinning with Cain and Abel. (Pen and bistre drawing.) C. $1.25. do. (School of Pollajuolo.) Florentine student of XV. century seated on a tripod reading. (Pen and bistre drawing.) C, $1.00. do. (School of Pollajuolo.) Florentine artisan seated, his arms folded. (Pen and bistre drawing.) C, $1.00. do. (School of Pollajuolo.) Florentine student sit- ting on the ground, turned to left, writing. (Pen and bistre drawing.) C, $1.00. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 925 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3J 4 4^ (School of Pollajuolo.) Florentine artisan seated, working. (Pen and bistre drawing.) C, $1.00. Florence, Ufifizi. : (School of Pollajuolo.) Florentine artisan seat- ed, working. (Pen and bistre drawing.) C, $1.00. do. (School of Pollajuolo.) Florentine nobleman of XV. century seated, writing. (Pen and bistre drawing.) C, $1.00. do. (According to Venturi, by Pietro Pollajuolo.) St. Sebastian. Florence, Pitti. C POLLAJUOLO (Pietro del). Florence, 1443— be- fore 1496. (Florentine School.) The Annunciation. Berlin. C C — C David the Conqueror. do. C C Three draped male figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Florence, Uffizi. St. Zacharias at the Door of the Temple. (Pen and bistre drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Nude male figure, full face, arms outstretched. (Drawing in silver-point and ceruse.) do. C POMARET (Gabriellede). Born in Mende. (Mod- ern.) Recreation at the Orphan Asylum. Modern Painters. C POMERANZIO. See CIRCIGNANO. POMEY (Louis). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Good Advice. do. C The Fortune-teller. do. C Discouraged. do. C Portrait of a young girl. do. C An Amateur. do. C The Duet. do. _ C Going Out for a Walk. do. C Visit to the Convalescent. do. C The Pet Parrot. do. . C Grandmother's Birthday. POMPON (Paul). Born at Sens (Yonne). (Mod- ern.) Sailors Signaling. do. q 926 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. PONCE-CAMUS (Marie Nicolas). Paris, 1776 (?)- 1839. (French School.) Portrait of Marshal Mortier (Edouard Adolphe Casimir Joseph), Duke of Treviso (1768- 1835)- PONDEL (F.) (Modern.) Leaving Off Work. PONS (F.) (Modem.) Smiling Through Tears. PONTE (Jacopo de). See BASSANO (Giacomo). PONTORMO (II). See CARUCCI (Giacomo). POORTER (Willem). Haarlem, about 1635 (?). (Dutch School.) The Woman Taken in Adultery. (After original by Rembrandt.) Simeon on his knees in the temple holding the Child Jesus in his arms. Solomen Sacrificing to Strange Gods. POPE (Alexander). (Modern.) Prince. PI., 8x8 inches, $2.00. Ready. (Study of dogs.) PI., 16x13 inches, $2.00. POPE (Eric). The Sphinx. PI., 13x16 inches, $4.00. POPELIN (Gustave). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Sacrifice to ^sculapius. PORDENONE (Bernardino Licinio da). About 1533 (?)• (Venetian School.) Portrait of a noble Venetian lady. PORDENONE (Govanni Antonio Regillo da). PORDENONE or SACCHIENSE, called LICINIO da. Pordenone, 1483-1539. (Ve- netian School.) Old man (left profile), seated, writing in a book on a desk. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Lady in Mourning. Marriage of the Virgin. (Drawing.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Versailles. — C — Modern Painters. C do. C — C Dresden, R. C. do. Amsterdam. C — C Modern Painters. — do. do. do. C Dresden. — C C Lille. Dresden. C C — Dresden, R. C. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 927 Bust portrait of a man. God the Father blessing the world ; half-length figure. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Holy Family with Donors ; composition with ten figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Nude female figure, back view, extending her arms and ascending steps. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Christ in glory, surrounded by saints, angels, al- legorical figures, etc. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Choirs of angels, kings and princes crowned ; be- low. Prudence, Concord, and Justice. (Draw- ing-) Choirs of angels ; upper part of above drawing repeated on a larger scale. (Drawing.) Study for St. Christopher. (Drawing.) Portrait of the artist, by himself. Conversion of St. Paul. (St. Paul, struck by a flash of light, falls from his horse.) The Apostles around the tomb of the Virgin. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. The High Priest driving Joachim from the tem- ple ; in background, the angel appearing to Joachim. (Drawing.) Birth of the Virgin. (Drawing.) Death of St. Peter, Martyr. (Drawing.) Children dancing. (Drawing in black and white crayon.) (According to Venturi, by Bonifazio Veneziano HI.) Holy Family. Portrait of a man, book in hand. (According to catalogue of Doria Gallery, by P. P. Rubens.) (Attributed to Pordenone.) Presentation in the Temple. (Drawing.) Mystical subject : Madonna and Child Jesus with SS. Roch and Anthony of Padua. PORTA (della). See BARTOLOMMEO (Fra). PORTA (Giuseppe), called IL SALVIATINO. Castelnuovo de Gorfagnana, 1520 — Venice, 1585. (Venetian School.) Gallery. Sices, 2 Vienna, Liecht. — Vienna, Albertina. — 2i 3 3i 4 4i C — do. do. do. do. do. C — London, B. M. C — Florence, Uffizi. c — do. do. do. do. do. do. C Florence, Pitti. C Rome, Doria. Venice. Madrid, Prado. — C — 928 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Portrait of a young nobleman. (Copy after the picture in Dresden?) The body of Jesus supported by angels. (Drawing.) Baptism of Christ. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Bathsheba at the Bath. PORTAIL (Jacques Andre). Brest, end of the XVII. century — Versailles (?), 1759. (French School.) Two little negroes in racing costume. (Draw- ing-) Flute-player. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. POSSART (F.) (Modern.) Unespied. A nymph. In the Court of the Myrtles, Alhambra. POSSIN (R.) (Modern.) The Runaway. POSTMA. Bom at Haarlem, 1894. (Mod- ern.) A Sunday in the Tulip Fields of Haarlem. POT (Hendrik Gerritsz). Haarlem, 1600-1656. (Dutch School.) Portrait of Charles I., King of England. Portrait of a gentleman in his room. Gallant Company. A Banquet. POTTER (J. B.) Portrait of an old lady. PI., $2.00. 'POTTER (Paulus). Enkhuysen, 1625— Amster- dam, 1654. (Dutch School.) Horses tied at a cottage gate. The Meadow. White horse spotted with black ; to the right a deer and two hinds. Forest of The Hague. A sow. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. A hunt in the environs of The Hague. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Berlin. C Dresden, R. C. — Weimar. — Florence, Uffizi. — C De Goncourt Col. C do. Modern Painters. C do. C do. C C — C do. B ao. Paris, Louvre. c K^ Dresden. C — — The Hague. C — c London, N. G. C — c Modern Painters. — — — Paris, Louvre. • — c do. C — c — do. C c do. — c — do. — — — Berlin. C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 929 Hunting in a park. Cows and sheep at pasture. Cows on the border of a wood $1.25. Horses. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Cows. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Cow and sheep. (Engraving.) C, $1.00 Two horses. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Horses. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. On the Meadow. A countryman with flock. Dutch Shepherds. Landscape; goats and cows at rest. Interior of cow stable. (Drawing.) Landscape with cows. (Drawing.) (Engraving.) C, C. C. $1.25. $1.25. Ox at pasture; left side view. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Study of head of ox. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Study of a mastiflf. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. A Spring Morning. Orpheus Charming Wild Animals. Shepherds and their flocks. Landscape with animals. Horses at grass. Cows in meadow. The Young Bull. D., 20x27 inches, on India, $10.00; on Japan, $20.00. Detail of the above : the bull. Detail of the above : head of bull. Detail of the above : group of lambs to the left. Cows reflected in water. Meadow with cattle and pigs. Shepherds and shepherdesses. Landscape with cattle. The Old Gray Hunter. The Young Thief. Huntsmen on horseback at door of a tavern. The Young Bull. Landscape with cattle. Two sleeping pigs. The Cow. Gallery. Skes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4i Dresden. C do. C C Dresden, R. C. do. do. do. do. do. Cassel. C — C do. C — C Munich. C — C do. C — C Vienna, Albert. do. do. — do. do. Vienna, Czerniha. C Amsterdam. C C — C do. C C — C do. C — C Am. V. d. H. Col. C — do. C — The Hague. do. do. do. do. do. do. London, N. G. do. London, B. P. do. do. do. do C C C C — C C — C C C C C C C C — C C C — C c — c c c c c — c c St. Petersburg. C — C — 930 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. The Hunter's Life. (Picture in fourteen divi- sions.) Hunters Halting. The Watch-dog. D., 7^x9! inches, $2.00. Landscape. The Farmyard. D., 7x10 inches, $2.00. POTTER (Pieter). Enkhuysen, 1587— Amsterdam, about 1655. (Dutch School.) Guard-House ; two cavaliers and two women. (Rathbone Coll.) POTTHAST (Edward). Born in Cincinnati, O. (Modern.) Return of the Fisherman. Old Companions. The Fisherman. POTTS (Laslett J.) Born in Nottinghamshire, Eng., 1837. (Modern.) News of the Victory. POURBUS (Frans), the Elder. Bruges, 1545— Ant- werp, 1581. (Flemish School.) Portrait of Ambrose Pare (15 16-1590), physician of Charles IX. Portrait of a nobleman. Man with glass. D., 7x9 inches, $1.50. Portrait of an old woman. (Attributed to the Monogrammist P. F.). Portrait of a man 58 years old holding his gloves. Four panels representing the family of Van den Kerckove. Male portrait. Male portrait. Portrait of a lady. Portrait of the sculptor, Francavilla. Portrait of the artist, by himself. Portrait of a man sitting in an arm-chair (half length). POURBUS (Frans), the Younger. Antwerp, 1569- Paris, 1622. (Flemish School.) Portrait of Henry IV., King of France. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ St. Petersburg. C do. C do. C — C do. C do. Buda-Pesth. Modern Painters. do. do. do. Paris, Fac. of M. Old Masters. Brunswick. Dresden. Buda-Pesth. — do. — Bruges. — do. — Amsterdam. — Florence, Uffizi. — do. — St. Petersburg. — Paris, Louvre. — PIC. PIC PIC PIG PIC PIC PIC PIC PIC PIC C — B C C C C — C C C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 931 Portrait of Henry IV., King of France. Portrait of Guillaume du Vair, Guardian of the Seals of France under Louis XIIL, 1556-1621. Full-length portrait of Marie de Medicis (1573- 1642), Queen of France. Portrait of Anne of Austria (1602-1666), Queen of France. (Painted at the time of her ar- rival in France.) Portrait of Anne of Austria. Portrait of Gaston Jean Baptiste de France, Duke of Orleans, as a child (1608-1660), brother of Louis XIIL, Lieutenant-General of the kingdom. Portrait of Louis XIIL,' King of France (1601- 1643)- (School of Pourbus.) Portrait of Henry IV. ( 1 553-1610), King of France. Portrait of Henry IV., King of France. (School of Pourbus.) Portrait of Franqois Pithou (1543-1621), Advocate of Parliament in Paris, Procurator General, Jurist. Portrait of Marie de Medicis, Queen of France (1573- I 642). Full-length portrait of a lady. Portrait of Marie de Medicis. Ball at the Court of Albert and Isabella. Portrait of J. van der Gheenste, Justice and Alder- man of Briighes. Male portrait. (According to Venturi, by Anthony Moro). Male portrait. Portrait of a lady. (According to catalogue of St. Luke Academy, by Van Dyck.) Portrait of an unknown lady. POURBUS (Pieter). Gouda, 1510 (?)-i583 (?). (Flemish School.) Portrait of Elizabeth of Austria, wife of Charles IX. Old Masters. Portrait of Clement Marot, poet (1495- 1544). Nat'l Portraits. Male portrait. Vienna Mus. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2 J 3 3^ 4 4^ Paris, Louvre. C — do. C — C — Old Masters. _-C do. c - do. c National Portraits. — c — Czartoryski Col. — c — do. — ^ c ^ Chantilly. — — c — Troyes Museum. — c — Valenciennes M. Vienna, Liecht. C n — — Amsterdam. C — — The Hague. C — — — Brussels. c c do. — c — c Florence, Pitti. — c — Rome, Ac. St. L. C Madrid. ' c __ c 932 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ POUSSIN (Guaspard). See DUGHET. POUSSIN (Nicolas). Les Andelys, 1594— Rome, 1665. (French School.) Eleazar and Rebecca. Moses Saved from the Waters. Moses Saved from the Waters. Child Moses spurning the crown of Pharaoh with his feet. The Philistines Stricken with the Plague. Judgment of Solomon. Holy Family. Holy Family. The Blind Men of Jericho. The Woman Taken in Adultery. The Last Supper. The Assumption. Death of Sapphira. St. John baptizing the people on the banks of the Jordan. Vision of St. Paul. Rape of the Sabines. Rescue of the Young Pyrrhus. Mars and Venus. Mars and Rhea Sylvia. Bacchanal. Bacchanal. Echo and Narcissus. Triumph of Flora. The Concert. The Shepherds of Arcadia. Time Delivering Truth from the Attacks of Envy and Discord. Spring, or a Terrestrial Paradise. Summer, or Ruth and Boaz. Autumn, or the Grapes of the Promised Land. Winter, or the Deluge. Orpheus and Eurydice ; landscape. Apollo Enamored of Daphne. Portrait of Poussin. Paris, Louvre. C — c — do. C — c — do. c do. C — c — do. C — c — do. C — c — do. C — c — do. c — c ^ do. c — c — do. c — c — do. c — c — do. c — c — do. c — c — do. c — c — do. c — c — do. c — c — do. c — c — do. c — c — do. c — c — do. c — c — do. c — C — do. c — c — do. c — c — do. c — C — do. c — c — do. c . - do. c — c — do. — — c — c — do. c — c — do. c — c — do. c — c -^ do. c — c — do. c — c — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 933 Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 34 4 4^ Extreme Unction ; composition of several figures. (Drawing.) Paris, Louvre. C Holy Family in a landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Holy Family with the infant St. John and female saint. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. - Madonna and Child, St. John and two saints. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Mythological subject; group of three figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. '(Attributed to E. Lesueur.) Christ in Grotto. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Mythological subject ; man and woman seated be- fore six children. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Judgment of Solomon ; composition of many fig- ures. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. • Study for the Assumption of the Virgin. (Draw- ing.) C, $2.50. do. • Labors of Hercules ; composition of two figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Christ and the Apostles. (Drawing.) C, $IX)0. do. The Last Supper; sketch. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. d?). The Confirmation ; group of numerous figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. The Confirmation ; composition almost analogous to the above. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. r. The Baptism. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. The Baptism ; composition almost analogous to the above. (Drawing.) C. $1.25. do. Christ and the Apostles. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Moses Striking the Rock. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Mythological subject ; group of twelve figures. do, C Bas-relief after the antique. (Drawing.) do. C Landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Wooded landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Baptism of Christ. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Baptism of Christ. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Cupid Striking a Satyr. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Bacchanal. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do, Marriage of the Virgin. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Marriage of the Virgin. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. 934 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Two Cupids, mounted on goats, charging at each other with heads down ; two nymphs, nude, assist the fight. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Judgment of Solomon. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Annunciation. Numa Pompilius and the Nymph Egeria. Landscape with two nymphs. Holy Family. Massacre of the Innocents. Bacchanal. Leda. Theseus Discovering the Sword of his Father. Castor and Pollux; after the antique. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Adoration of the Magi; second composition. (Drawing.) Sketch for a Bacchanal. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Man standing, back view ; man seated, right pro- file, and two crouching figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Sketch for the Massacre of the Innocents. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. ♦ Draped figure standing, turned to right. (Draw- .ing.) C, .75. Draped figure standing. (Drawing.) C, .75. Child Jupiter nourished by the she-goat Amal- thea. St. Matthew writing at the dictation of an an- gel ; landscape of the Roman Campagna. Bacchanalian forest scene. Moses in the Ark of Bulrushes. Adoration of the Magi. Kingdom of Flora. Venus sleeping, with Cupid at her feet. Nymph Syrinx, pursued by the god Pan, takes refuge in the arms of the river-god Ladon. Portrait of the artist, by himself, in profile. Pieta. (Drawing.) Bacchus and Midas. Portrait of the artist, by himself (copy). Pieta. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4J Armand Col. do. Chantilly. do. do. do. do. 1 1 1 1 1 1 MINI MINI 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 i 1 1 1 do. do. do. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 Lille. do. do. do. do. do. do. Berlin. — C C — C do. — — C BC — BC Cassel. C — C Dresden. c do. C do. c C do. C C — B do. do. Dresden, R. IIcIII C. Munich. C — C do. C — c do. c — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 935 Pastoral scene; four figures in a landscape. (Drawing.) $1.75. The Destruction of Jerusalem. Mountainous landscape. Holy Family. Holy Family. (After Raphael.) God Appearing to Noah. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. (After Raphael.) Sacrifice of Noah. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Parting of Jacob and Laban. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Crossing the Red Sea. (Drawing.) C, $1.25, The Annunciation ; study. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Baptism of Christ; composition of six figures. (Drawing.) Baptism of Christ ; composition of eighteen fig- ures. (Drawing.) Assumption of the Virgin, surrounded by angels. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Group of three figures ; study for Diana and Actaeon. Group of seven figures ; study for the same sub- ject. (Drawing.) Group of five figures ; study for Diana and Actseon. (Drawing.) Satyr and Bacchante. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Bacchus and Ariadne. (Drawing.) Several Cupids in a wood. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Infant Bacchus lying on the ground. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. View of the Coliseum at Rome. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Study of trees. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Landscape with old bridge of two arches span- ning a river. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Wooded landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Wood. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Forest. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Wooded landscape with the view of a village in the distance. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4I Weimar. Vienna Museum. Vienna, Liecht. do. do. Vienna, Albert. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C C — C — 936 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3J 4 4J Mountainous and wooded landscape. (Drawing.) Vienna, Albert. C View of Rome. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Moses Saved from the Waters. (Drawing.) do. C Shipwrecked ; composition of numerous figures (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. . Bacchanalian Festival. London, N. G. C Bacchanalian Dance. do. C Sleeping Venus surprised by satyrs. do. C Jonah Thrown into the Sea. Windsor. C Group of people lifting a corpse. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. Chatsworth. Figure of a nude man kneeling, his arms out- stretched. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. • Mythological scene. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. do. Theseus at Troezene. Florence, Uffizi. C JEnesiS and Dido; landscape. (Drawing.) C., $1.25. do. Rape of Europa; landscape in background. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. do. — Rape of the Sabine Women ; architecture in back- ground. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. do. Baptism of Christ ; sketch. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. do. Bacchanal. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. do. Annunciation ; composition of two figures. (Drawing.) C., .75. do. Procession of children. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Episode of the Massacre of the Innocents ; group of three figures. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. do. Bacchanal. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Assumption of the Virgin. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Bacchanal. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. do. Martyrdom of St. Bartholomew. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. do. ■ Holy Family ; group of five figures. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. do. The Aldobrandini Nuptials. (Copied from the fresco in the Vatican.) Rome. Doria. C Parnassus. D., 9^x13 inches, $3.00. Madrid. C Triumph of Galatea. St. Petersburg. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 937 POWELL (William H.) ern,) General McClellan. Ohio, 1 824- 1 879. (Mod- POYNTER (Edward John). Paris, 1836. (Mod- ern.) ' A Corner in the Market-place. D., 150 Artist's Proofs on India, 15x15 inches, $5.00. Diadumene (Before the Bath). D., 100 Artist's Proofs on India, 20x12 inches, $5.00. *A Visit to ^sculapius. D., 19^x29 inches, $12,00; 100 Artist's Proofs on Japan, $40.00 each ; 175 Artist's Proofs on India, $30.00 each. PRADIER (J.) (Modem.) Night. Day. PRADILLA (Francisco). Born at Villanueva di Gallego, 1849. (Modern.) Surrender of Granada to Ferdinand the Catholic, January 2d, 1492. Dona Juana la Loca. Detail of above : head. PRAM-HENNINGSEN (C.) (Modern.) The Little Fisherman. The Doll. Love's Oracle. PRATERE (Edmond de). (Modern.) Winter Team at Brussels. PRATI (E.) (Modern.) Seizure. First Love. PRATJE (E.) (Modern.) Antigone. Feeding Pigeons. Hero. Freya. At the Bath. Born in Courtrai. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ City Hall, N. Y. PIC Modern Painters. B B do. B B Lon., S. Ken. M. — B B B Modern Painters. C do. C do. C Madrid, M. M. A. PIC PIC do. PIC do. C do. C do. C do. C C do. -c do. C — c do. C C — c do. C — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c ♦This subject comes in a Baryto Print, tyi^g inches, $1.80. 938 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. PRECHTEL (F.) (Modern.) The Forgotten Coffee. PREDIS (Ambrogio de). Born about 1500. Portrait of the Emperor Maximilian I. (Copy after Predis.) Portrait of Bianca Maria Sforza, second wife of Maximilian. Portrait of Bianca Maria Sforza. (Exhibition of portraits of women at the ficole des Beaux Arts, 1897.) Portrait of a woman. (Exhibition of portraits of women at the ficole des Beaux Arts, 1897.) PRELL (Hermann). Leipzig, 1854. (Modern.) Judas Iscariot. Repose in Egypt. Leopold of Anholt-Dessau and Anneliese. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. Portrait of Emperor William IL (Three-quarters length, in cuirassier uniform.) Portrait of Emperor William IL Emperor William IL on board his yacht "Hohen- zollern." The Prince and the Peasant. Artist's Proofs on Japan, i8fx22^ inches, $25.00: D., $5.00. PRELLER (Friedrich), the Younger. 1838. (Modem.) Diana and Actaeon. Weimar, PREUSSER (K. L.) The Spring. (Modem.) PREVITALI (Andrea), called CORDELINGHL Bergamo, about 1480-1 528. (Venetian School.) Madonna and Child Adored by SS. Catherine, Paul, Magdalen and a Donor. Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine. Madonna with the Child and infant St. John. Madonna and Child ; landscape in background. Madonna and Child seated. Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C — C Vienna Mus. C do. --C do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c c c — c do. B — B do. c c — c do. do. C C C — C C — C Berlin. do. Dresden. Buda-Pesth. London, N. G. c c — c c c — c c c c C — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 939 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ PREYER (Paul). (Modern.) Meditation. Modern Painters. C — C The Time of Roses. do. B PRICE (J. M.) (Modern.) Youth. do. B PRIESTMAN (D. W.) (Modern.) • Canal in Venice. PI., 7x13 inches, $2.00. Boston, Stet. Col. St. Mark's Square, Venice. PI., 7x13 inches, $2.00. Modern Painters. PRIMATICCIO (Francesco), called II. Bologna, 1 504- 1 570. (Bolognese School.) (After Francesco Primaticcio.) The Concert. Paris, Louvre. C — Diana at the Bath ; group of five figures in the foreground, and three others in the distance. (Drawing.) 'do. C Phoebus and Diana ; ceiling. (Drawing.) do. C Group of numerous figures ; composition for a ceiling. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. God the Father surrounded by numerous figures ; ceiling. (Drawing.) do. C — Rebecca and Eleazar; circular composition. (Drawing.) do. C Isaac and Jacob ; circular composition. (Draw- ing.) do. C Nymph reclining; behind her numerous Cupids. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Nymphs reclining; circular composition. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do. Cupid and two nude figures of women. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Woman reclining, back view. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Draped female figure seated. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Draped male fisfure seated. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Two draped male figures seated. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. The same. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. The same. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Draped male figure seated. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. 940 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Paris, Louvre. do. do. do. do. do. Armand Col. Chantilly, C Pan surrounded by four Cupids. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Woman seated ; allegorical figure. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Male figure entwined by a serpent. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Figure of a dead man lying on the ground. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Two nude male figures ; studies. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. (Attributed to Primaticcio.) Figure of a woman standing, holding a lyre. (Drawing.) C, , $1.00. Autumn ; nude young man bearing a basket filled with grapes ; behind him, a nude child play- ing with two panthers. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Portrait of Henry II., King of France (1519-1559). (Attributed.) Portrait of Odet of Coligny (1515- 1571), called the Cardinal of Chatillon. Portrait of the artist ; head in medallion, slightly turned to left. (Drawing.) C, .75. Apollo ; Zodiac. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Apollo on Parnassus ; composition of many fig- ures. (Drawing.) Juno Visiting the Sun. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Forge of Vulcan ; to the right. Mars and Venus. (Drawing.) Marriage of Thetis and Peleus; composition of numerous figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Medea seated. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Proserpina and Cerberus. (Drawing.) C., $1.25. Nymph reclining. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Nymph teasing a Satyr. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Sketch 6i five figures; study for Abduction of Dejanira. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Hercules putting on the robe of Nessus. (Draw- ing) Mythological subject ; group of five figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Ulysses having himself bound to the mast. (Drawing.) do. Vienna, Albert. do. do. C do. do. C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C — do. do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 941 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3J 4 4^ Ulysses' companions stealing a cow from Jupi- ter. (Drawing.) Vienna, Albert. C Ulysses killing the suitors. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Ulysses dispelling the shadows. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Penelope working; composition of three figures. (Drawing.) do. C Ulysses and his companions in the cave of Poly- phemus. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Ulysses and Circe. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Alexander and Roxana. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Ulysses burying his victims. (Drawing.) do. C Several nymphs and children. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Capture of Carthage ; composition of numerous figures. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. Woman, right profile, embracing her child. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. _ Young woman, draped, standing, and two nude children. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. A Christian martyr (female). (Drawing.) Chatsworth. C Capture of Samson. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. The Gods of Olympus. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. Subject for a ceiling. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Portrait of the artist, by himself. Florence, Uffizi. C — Design for a ceiling ; Jupiter and Juno with Apol- lo and the Muses ; design for the decoration of Fontainebleau. (Drawing.) do. C — Decorative design ; detail of a ceiling, Jupiter, Mars and Juno. (Drawing.) do. C — Group of warriors ; large composition. (Draw- ing.) do. C Composition of several figures in a landscape. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. Group of men, women and children. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. » do. Decorative figure of an old man seated. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Figure of a nude woman crowned by an angel. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. 942 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Allegory; composition of five figures. (Draw- ing.) Two women turned to left, a child, and behind them four other figures. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Study of a man; sketch. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. PRINCE (Jean Baptiste Le). Metz, 1733-1781. The Rendezvous. PRINS (Johann Huibert). The Hague, 1757-1806. (Dutch School.) Village Scenes. (Drawing.) PRINSEP (Valentine Cameron). India, 1836. (Modern.) First Awakening of Eve. 75 Artist's Proofs on India, 16x19 inches, $15.00 each; D., $5.00. PRIOU (Louis). Bom in Toulouse, 1845. (Mod- ern.) First Troubles of a Young Satyr. In Normandy. The Dawn. Music. The Dance. Feeding the Birds. Each One in Turn. Flora. Marauding. Caught in the Trap. A Marauder. Closed on Account of Marriage. A Good Neighborhood. The Bait. "This is Pleasure !" The Oath. A Satyr in Extremity. The First Sigh. Billet. PRITZELWITZ (J. V.) (Modern.) "I Beseech Thee !" Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Milan, Resta Col. — C — Milan, Brera. do. Munich. C C — C Dresden, P. G. C Modern Painters. B do. C do. . C do. C do. C rio. C do. C — C C do. C C do. C do. C C do. C C do. C C do. C C do. C C do. C C do. C C do. C do. ^ C do. C C do. B do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON 943 Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ PROBST (Carl). Vienna, 1854. (Modern.) In the Tavern. Modern Painters. C The Trumpeter of Sakkingen. do. C C C Medical Consultation. do. C — C PROCACCINI (Camillo). Born in 1546— Milan, 1625. (Milanese School.) Female head ; left profile. (Drawing.) Paris, Louvre. C Holy Family. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Vienna, Albertina. Two heads of Bacchantes turned to right. (Drawing.) do. C — A cherub. (Drawing.) do. C St. Francis kneeling, group of angels above. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Florence, Uffizi. The Lion of St. Mark. (Pen and bistre drawing.) C, .75. do. Annunciation. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Venice. Head of man, caricature, and head of young woman. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Two heads of old men turned to right. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Flying angel. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Three male heads and head of a child. (Draw- ing.) do. C Three heads of old men. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Holy Family with SS. John the Baptist and Jo- seph. St. Petersburg. C PROCACCINI (Ercole). Bologna, 1 520-1 591. (Bolognese School.) Study of three decorative figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Venice. » PROCACCINI (Giulio Cesare). Bologna, 1548- Milan, 1626. (Bolognese School.) Holy Family. Paris, Louvre. C — Joseph's Dream. Berlin. C Virgin kneeling, the Child, an angel, and St. Joseph. Dresden. C St. Sebastian borne by angels. Brussels. C C — C 944 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3I 4 4J Three sketches: woman and children kneeling, angel flying, bust of woman and old man. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Milan, Ambrosian Study for the dead Christ, and several figures in different positions. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Sketch for Madonna holding the Child, and sev- eral figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Study of several draped figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Eight studies of heads. (Drawing.) Milan, Resta Col. C Figure of a nude man, standing, throwing a heavy stone. (Drawing.) do. C — Two sketches for the Virgin and Child. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Venice. Two female heads. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Female bust and head of a young man. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. PR5LSS (F.) (Modern.) The Landlord's Daughter. Modern Painters. C — C Under the Christmas-tree. do. C — C Liesl the Fisher-girl. do. C Ophelia. do. C Return from the Shooting-match. (Companion picture to "Heavy Cavalry," by Rau.) D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. C C — C * Village Belles. ) (Companion pictures.) do. — C C C — C ♦Dressed for the Dance, j D., each 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. C C — C Room for Another. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. C C — C A Good Appetite. do. C An Alpine Rose. do. C C — C Lisl' from the "Mittenwald." do. C **One Heart and Mind. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. C C — C Goodbye. do. C — C PROTAIS (Paul Alexandre). Paris, 1825-1890. (French School.) Morning before the Attack. Chantilly. C Evening after the Fight. do. C ♦This subject comes in an Aquarelle Gravure, 16x21 inches, $12.00. **This subject comes in an Aquarelle Gravure, 21x15 inches, $12.00. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 945 PROUV6 (Victor). Born in Nancy. (Modern.) Magdalen. Nourmahal. Cluny (Saone-et-Loire), (French School.) PRUDHON (Pierre). 1758 — Paris, 1823. Christ on the Cross. Assumption of the Virgin. Crime Pursued by Justice and Divine Vengeance. Interview between Napoleon I. and Emperor Francis II. at Sarutschitz in Moravia, after the Battle of Austerlitz. Sketch of the ceiling of the Greek Hall in the Louvre. Study. Portrait of the Empress Josephine. Portrait of Mme. Jarre. Portrait of Baron Denon, Director General of Museums, Member of the Institute. Portrait of Marie Marguerite Lagnier (afterwards Mme. Versigny), painted in 1796. •'Rape of Psyche. Allegorical composition in honor of the marriage of Napoleon I. with Marie Louise. (Sketch.) Portrait of M. Vallet. Head of woman with diadem. (Pastel.) Portrait of Mile. Mayer. (Pastel.) Study of young woman. (Pastel.) Portrait of Mile. Mayer. (Drawing.) Cupid, kneeling, drawing his bow. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Cupid seated. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Cupid flying. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Assumption of the Virgin ; Virgin supported by two angels. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Bas-relief. (Drawing.) C, .75. Justice ; composition of eight figures. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Portrait of the artist in his youth. (Drawing.) C. $T.OO. Portrait of Princess Bonaparte. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4J Modern Painters. C do. C Paris, Louvre. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C C C — C C — C C — C — C C — C C — C C C C C C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. MastersXIX.Cen. C 946 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Portrait of Empress Josephine. (Pastel.) Portrait of Princess Elisa Bonaparte. Portrait of a member of the National Convention. Innocence Captivated by Love and Followed by Repentance. Portrait of Queen Hortense. Portrait of Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Peri- gord, Prince of Benevento (1754-1838), Di- plomatist, Statesman. Portrait of Antoinette Louise Jeanne de Gehe- neuc, Duchess de Montebello (?-i856). "The Cruel One Laughing at the Tears he Causes to be Shed." (Drawing.) C, $1.75. "Cupid Brought to Reason"; companion to the above. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Silvia (nude), on the edge of the fountain of Di- ana, is bound by the arms to a tree ; a Satyr is about to seize her, while a woman (Daphne) holds him back by the head. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. "Minerva Leading the Genius of the Arts to Im- mortality." (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Cupid Captivated by Psyche. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Portrait of Baroness Alexandra de Talleyrand, Duchess of Dino, at seven years of age ; full length, standing, three-quarters right view. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Design for letter-head for the French Constitu- tion : Minerva pledging Law to unite with Liberty. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Joseph and Potiphar's Wife. (Drawing.) C, $175- "Scratched by a Cat," or the Troubles Caused by Love ; seated under a bush, Cupid is leaning laughingly on the shoulder of a young girl, whom he has been making a cat scratch. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Masters XlX.Cen. C — do. C — do. C - do. C C do. C — Nat'I Portraits. C — do. Constantini Col. do. A. Dumas Col. Fichel Col. De Goncourt Col. Jahan Col. Marcille Col. do. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 947 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2j 3 3J 4 4^ "Autumn" ; old women in a vineyard, with prun- ing knives, cutting bunches of grapes, which are collected by Cupids in baskets, and piled by a faun into a donkey's panniers. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Nude Cupid, with his quiver behind him, laugh- ing and dancing. (Drawing.) "Deliverance of Anzia"; Anzia, bound to a tree, ready to be sacrificed, is saved by Perilaus. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Sleep of Psyche. Venus Surrounded by Cupids. Study of a woman. "Peace"; Bonaparte between two genii in chariot drawn by horses, preceded by Cupids dancing and escorted by women. (Drawing.) "Clotho," or "The Spinner" ; she is seated on the ground, turned to right, bust nude, legs en- veloped in drapery, distaff under arm, spindle in right hand. (Drawing.) "Lachesis,"or "The Disposer of Lots"; compan- ion to the above. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. "Spring"; in centre of frieze, on a car drawn by sprites, Cupid crowned by an angel ; on each side, nymphs, satyrs, and Cupids. (Draw- ing.) C, $2.50. 'Summer"; Ceres seated on u pedestal holding a sheaf and a leaf; on each side, reapers, bath- ers, etc. (Drawing.) "Autumn" ; in centre of frieze, Bacchus on a car drawn by panthers ; on each side, satyrs, nymphs, Bacchantes and Cupids. (Draw- ing.) C, $2.50. "Winter"; a feast, richly served, presided over by Momus and Cupid ; hunters returning from . the chase ; men, women and children enjoy- ing the pleasures of winter. (Drawing.) "Abode of Immortality" ; large Raphaelite compo- sition, upper part rounded. (Drawing.) Marcille Col. do. do. Chantilly. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C — C — 948 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. "Minerva," or "Philosophy"; woman in drapery standing on a pedestal, holding a curl in her left hand ; in her right, a figure of Minerva ; two Cupids, one above her head, the other sitting beside the pedestal. (Drawing.) C, •75- "Euterpe," or "Art." (Drawing.) C, $1.25. "Pandora," or "Wealth." (Drawing.) C, $1.25. "Innocence and Love"; landscape with a young girl repelling the caresses of a peasant boy. (Drawing.) Art, Wealth. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Madame Dufresne. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Queen Hortense. (Drawing.) C, .75. Queen Hortense and her two children. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Madame Dufresne holding a wreath of flowers. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The Empress Josephine. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The Empress Josephine standing in a park. (Drawing.) C. $1.25. The Empress Marie Louise. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Dumesny de Quincey, near Vesoul. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. King of Rome (medallion). (Drawing.) C, .75.. King of Rome, with bas-relief. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. , Adam and Eve Driven from Paradise. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. Joseph and Potiphar's Wife. (Drawing.) C, $1-75- Same subject. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The Assumption. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Same subject. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Cupid. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Love. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Apollo and the Muses. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. The same subject. (Drawing.) Rape of Proserpina. (Drawing.) Rape of Psyche. (Drawing.) C, $1,75. Gallery. Skes, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ Chantilly. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 949 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3J 4 4^ Same subject. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Chantilly. Sleep of Psyche. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. iEsculapius and Hygeia. (Drawing.) do. C Europa. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Lachesis, or the Disposer of Lots. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. A naiad. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Same subject. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Venus at the Bath. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Zephyr. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Friendship. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. — Pyrrhus and Andromache. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Same subject. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. The Soul Breaking the Bonds that Bind it to Earth. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. ■ The Soul. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Pleasure and Innocence. (Drawing.) do. C Repentance. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. '■ The Victim. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Themis, the Criminal, Dragged before Justice. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Nemesis dragging two criminals. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Study Guiding the Efforts of Genius. (Draw- ing.) C., $2.50. do. Nymph Teased by Cupids. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do- Minerva Leading the Genius of the Arts. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. do. Minerva. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. The French Constitution. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. The Genius of Liberty and Wisdom. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Cupid Laughing at the Tears he Causes to Fall. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Cupid Brought to Reason. (Drawing.) do. C Man between Vice and Virtue. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. "Scratched by a Cat," or the Troubles that Love Causes Us. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Cupid Caressing before Wounding. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. 950 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3J 4 4^ Cupid Caressing. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Chantilly. Venus, Hymen and Cupid. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. The Four Seasons (three subjects). (Drawing.) do. C Same subject. C, $1.00. do. Winter. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. ' do. . — Evening, Night. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Morning, Noon. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Philosophy. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Head of a child. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Study of a woman in drapery. (Drawing.) C, •75- The Vintage. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. The Young Mother. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. An Unhappy Family. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Same subject. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Female head ; profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Victory and Peace. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Hymen Seated on a Hillock. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. do. Landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Landscape. (Drawing.) do. C Fame. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. ^neas Departing for the Combat. (Drawing.) do. C Poetry. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. • Industry. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Victory. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Commerce. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. "^- Science. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Painting. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Study. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Navigation. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Agriculture. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Honor. (Drawing.) C. ^r.^t;. do. Portrait of M. Joursanvault, senior. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Portrait of M. Joursanvault, junior. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Woman seated : profile. (Drawing.) do. C — Study of a young man. (Drawing.) do. C Portrait of Mme. de Talleyrand at the age of 7 years. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. • — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 961 Portrait of a man seated in a park, (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Portrait of the Empress Marie Louise. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Portrait of a woman. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Portrait of a young man. (Drawing from a paint- ing.) C.,$i.25. La Nouvelle Heloise. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. The Soul. (Drawing.) Queen Hortense and her Children, (Drawing,) Daphnis and Chloe. (Drawing.) C, .75. Attributes of Painting. (Drawimg.) C, $1.25, Decorative subject for a Psyche. (Drawing.) C, $1,00. Bearing of the Cross. (Drawing.) C, .75. Study Guiding the Efforts of Genius. (Draw- ing.) C, .75. Mademoiselle Mayer. (Drawing.) C, .75. PRUDNIK (Ch. H. de). (Modern.) To Church. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Chantilly. do, do. do. do, do. C — do. C do. do, do. do. do. do. Modern Painters. C PRYNNE (E, Fellowes). (Modern.) *The Desire of all Nations. Artist's Proofs, I5^x 20^ inches, 50 on Japan, $24.00; 250 Artist's Proofs on India, $18.00 ; D., $5.00. do. Annunciation. do. Nativity. do. Ecce Homo. do. Crucifixion, do. ♦Magnificat. do. B B B B B B PUGET (Francois). ?-i707. (French School.) Portrait of the celebrated sculptor, Pierre Puget. Paris, Louvre. Portrait group of eight musicians and artists. do. — C — — c — PUGET (Pierre). 1622-1694. (French School.) Portrait of Pierre Puget, sculptor, painter, archi- tect and engineer. *This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^4x9 inches, $1.80. Marseilles Mus. C — 952 SOWLE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ PUIG-RODA (G.) (Modern.) The Orange-seller. Modern Painters. B At the Shoemaker's. do. B PUJOL (Alexandre Denis Abel de). Valenciennes, 1785-1861. (French School.) Study of a young man, his hands clasped. (Draw- ing.) C, $2.50. Lille. ; PULIGO (Domenico). Florence, 1475-1527. (Flor- entine School.) Madonna, Child and Angel. Florence, Pitti. C Holy Family. .do. C PULZONE (Scipione), called IL GAETANO. 1550 (?)-i583 (?). (Neapolitan School.) Portrait of Antoine Perrenot, Cardinal de Gran- velle (1517-1586), Minister to Philip IL Besanqon. — C — Male portrait. Chantilly. C Male portrait. do. C Female portrait (half length). Munich. C — C Male portrait. Madrid. C — PUPINI dalle LAME. Was working in Bologna in 1530. (Bolognese School.) St. Stephen standing, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Florence, Uffizi. Religious ceremony ; composition of many fig- ures. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. PURY (Edmond Charles de). Bom in Neuchatel. (Modern.) Italian Fencing-master. Modern Painters. C Family of Fishers ; Capri. do. C PUVIS de CHAVANNES (Pierre). Lyons, 1824— Paris, 1898. (Modern.) The Poor Fisherman. Paris, Lux. — — C Study for "Rest" ; decorative panel in the ^luseum of Amiens. (Red chalk.) do. C Summer. Paris, Hotel d. V. C Winter. do. C Victor Hugo doing homage to the city of Paris ; cameo. do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 953 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3J 4 4^ Decoration of the Pantheon of Paris, history of saint genevieve. St. Genevieve as a child in prayer. C Infancy of St. Genevieve, left panel. C Infancy of St. Genevieve, central panel. ' C Infancy of St. Genevieve, right panel. C Frieze : Faith, Hope, and Charity. • C Frieze : SS. Paterne of Vannes, Clement of Metz, Firmin of Amiens and Lucien of Beauvais. C SS. Lucain of Beauce, Martial of Limoges, Laza- rus of Marseilles, Solange of Berri, Martha of Provence, Columba of Sens, Madeleine of Provence, Crispian and Crispianus of Sois- sons. C SS. Saturnin of Toulouse, Julian of Brioude, Aus- tremoine of Clermont, Trophime of Aries and Paul of Narbonne. C *The four large panels and the four panels of the frieze together. Young girls on the sea-shore. Modern Painters. C The Prodigal Son. do. C Hope. do. C Happy Land ; decorative panel for mansion of M. Bonnat. • do. C Young woman at her toilet. do. C The Grove Sacred to the Arts and Muses. do. C Same subject in two parts, $4.00 each, or together. do. C Cartoon for the "Sacred Grove" in three sections. do. C Autumn (variation of picture in Museum of Lyons). do. C Beheading of St. John the Baptist. Masters X I X.Cen. C The Fisherman's Family. do. C — Head of young girl ; study. (Drawing.) do. C — Tamaris. R. de. Bon. Col. C The Magdalen of the Desert. Cheramy Col. C Summer, Durand Ruel Col. C Ludus pro Patria : first idea for the decoration of the Museum of Amiens. H. Vever Col. C ♦This subject comes in a large size Carbon, about 36x54 inches, $45-oo. 964 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3J 4 4^ MUSEE DE PiCARDIE AT AmIENS. Ave Picardia, Nutrix ; left section. Amiens. C Ave Picardia, Nutrix; right section. do. C War. do. C Peace. . do. C Work. do. C Rest. do. C Peace ; variant of the decoration in Amiens Mu- seum, do. C Work ; variant of the decoration in Amiens Mu- seum, do. C Ludus pro Patria ; young Picardians practicing with the lances. This subject comes in three sections, $4.00 each, or together. do. • C Cartoon for the "Ludus pro Patria." do. C Sleep. Lille. C Portrait of the artist. do. C Vision of Antiquity. Lyons Museum. C The Rhone and the Saone. do. C Christian Inspiration. do. C Inter Artes et Naturam. Rouen Museum. C Art of Pottery. Rouen Mus. of C. C Ceramic Art. do. C *Cartoon of the painting destined for the Grand Amphitheatre of the Sorbonne. This subject is in three parts, $4.00 each part. The whole united. do. C **Hemicycle of the Sorbonne. Orpheus. do. C Portrait of the artist, by himself. Florence. C — The Muses Welcoming the Genius of Enlight- enment. PI., ITX35 inches. $10.00; 10x13, $3.00; 12x38, $9.00; 11x15, $2.50. Boston Pub. Lib. C The Muses Welcoming the Genius of Enlight- enment (left section of the composition). do. C The Muses Welcoming the Genius of Enlight- enment (right section of the composition). do. C Astronomy. PI., 20x10 inches, $4.50; 12x6, $2.00; 9x4^, $1.00. do. *This subject also comes in a large size Carbon, at $35.00. • **The entire decoration comes in a large Carbon, 63 inches long, at $25.00. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 955 Gallery. Sices, 2 2i 3 3^ 4 4i Chemistry. PI., ^oxio inches, $4.50; 12x6, $2.00; 9x4^, $1.00. Boston, Pub. Lib. • Dramatic Poetry. PI., 20x10 inches, $4.50; 12x6, $2.00; 9x4^, $1.00. do. Epic Poetry. PI., 20x10 inches, $4.50 ; 12x6, $2.00 ; 9x4^, $1.00. do. History. PI., 20x10 inches, $4.50; 12x6, $2.00; 9x4^, $1.00. do. Pastoral Poetry. PI., 20x10 inches, $4.50; 12x6, $2.00; 9x4^, $1.00. do. Philosophy. PI., 20x10 inches, $4.50; 12x6, $2.00; 9x4^, $1.00. do. Physics. PL, 20x10 inches, $4.50; 12x6, $2.00; 9x4^, $1.00. do. History; history invoking the past. (Salon of 1896.) . C Virg-il ; bucolic poetry. (Salon of 1896.) C .i^schylus; dramatic poetry. (Salon of 1896.) C Astronomy; the Chaldean shepherds observing the movement of the planets. (Salon of 1896.) C Homer Crowned by the Iliad and Odyssey. (Salon of 1896.) C PYKE (Nott). (Modern.) At the Door. Modern Painters. C C — C PYLE (Howard). Born at Wilmington, Delaware, 1853. (Modern.) John Adams, Independence Hall. PI., 10x13 inch- es, $2.50. Bos., Loth. Col. King James VI, at Holyrood. PL, 10x13 inches, $2.50. do. Lord James Douglas. PL, 10x13 inches, $2.50. do. Washington's Horse Trade. PL, 10x13 inches, ' $2.50. do. Queen Elizabeth and Young Francis Bacon. PL, 10x13 inches, $2.50. do. Foot-race on Greek Race-course. PL, 10x13 inch- es, $2.50. do. Henry VIII. and Marjory Moore. PL, 10x13 inches, $2.50. do. 956 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Washington in his Garden at Mount Vernon. "They Read Only on Occasions." A Virginia Plantation Wharf. Even Sir William Berkeley, etc. Retreat from Great Meadows. Burial of Braddock. Washington and Mary Phillipse. In the Old Raleigh Tavern. Leaving Mount Vernon. Lady Washington's Arrival at Cambridge. Washington and Steuben at Valley Forge. Escape of Arnold. Mustered Out. Washington Bringing his Mother into the Ball room at Fredericksburg. Clerk of Congress Announcing to Washington his Election to the Presidency. Washington and Nelly Custis. Death of Washington. Capitol at Williamsburg. Braddock's Defeat, Battle of Monongahela PYNACKER (Adam), or PI JN ACKER. Near Delft, 1621-1673. (Dutch School.) Italian landscape with mules. D., 7x9 inches, $1.50. Evening landscape. (Attributed to Wynants.) Path winding through a forest. (Attributed to Abraham Coogh.) Landscape with mountains in the background. (Attributed to Roelof Van Vries.) Landscape; river bank. Italian landscape. QUADRONE (Giovanni Battista.) 1844. (Modern.) Parting is Hard. The Friends. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3i 4 4i Modern Painters! PIC — PIP, PIC do. PIf PIC do. PiC _ PIC PIC do. PIC PIC do. PIC PIC do. PIC PIC do. PIC PIC do. PIC PIC do. PIC PIC do. — PIC PIC do. PIC PIC do. PIC PIC do. PIC PIC do. PIC PIC 1 do. PIC PIC do. PIC PIC do. PIC PIC do. — PIC PIC do. PIC PIC Piedmont, QUAGLIO (Eugen). Munich, 1857. (Modern.) Riding-school in the XVIII. century. In Munich. Brunswick. — — B Munich. c — C Buda-Pesth. C — — do. C — — do. c St. Petersburg. — — — c do. c c C do. — — C Modern Painters. c c c do. — — — — — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 957 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ QUAST (Pieter). The Hague. Was working in 1632. (Dutch School.) • The Gin-seller. D., 7x9 inches, $1.50. Brunswick. B Caricature of a man. (Drawing.) C, .75. Dresden, R. C. Caricature of a woman. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. QUELLINUS or QUELL YN (Erasmus), the Elder. Antwerp, 1607- 1678. (Flemish School.) Cupid riding a dolphin ; decorative figure. Madrid. C — QUELLINUS or QUELL YN (Jean Erasmus), the Younger. Antwerp, 1634-1715. (Flemish School.) Dance of Cupids. (Engraving.) Dres., Royal Col. C Study for the picture in Antwerp, "The Last Sup- per." (Drawing.) Weimar. C QUESNEL (Augustin). Paris, b. 1595. (French School.) Woman playing the guitar. Buda-Pesth. C — QUESNEL (Frangois). 1544 (?)-i6i9. (French School.) (Attributed.) Portrait of Maximilian de Be- thune, Duke of Sully (i 560-1641). Chantilly. C — QUESNEL (Nicolas). Paris, 1632. (French School.) Portrait of Francois de I'Aubespine, Marquis of Hauterive and of Chateauneuf (i586?-i67o), Lieutenant-General, Governor of Breda. do. C — QUESNET (Jules). (Modern.) Gipsy-girl. (Salon of 1897.) Modern Painters. C QUINSAC (Paul). Born in Bordeaux. (Modern.) The Bath. do. C At the Mill of La Galette. do. C Temptation. do. C C Still-life. do. C Amaterassu, the Goddess of the Sun ; Japanese legend. do. C C The Fountain of Youth. Bordeaux Afus. C The Modelers. (Salon of 1897.) Modern Painters. C C 968 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. QUIRIZIO da MURANO. About the middle of the XV. century. (Venetian School.) Madonna adoring the Child. QUITTRY (R.) (Modern.) "Fingerhakeln." (A Finger Game.) Fresh from the Cask. RAAB (Georg). Vienna, 1821-1885. (Modern.) Elizabeth, Empress of Austria. ] (Comp'ion Francis Joseph, Emperor of Austria. •^ '^ ^ j raiiiiB Rudolph, late Crown Prince of Austria. J 1875. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3i 4 4i Venice. Modern Painters. C C — C do. C — C .pictures.) ■Painted Modern Painters. — do. — do. — _ B B _ B B _ B B RACH (L.) (Modern.) The Pause. do. RAE (Henrietta). (Modern.) A nymph. 75 Artist's Proofs on India, 21x13^ inches (all sold). do. ♦Spring Flowers (female head). 150 Artist's Proofs on India, 9x18 inches, $6.00; D., 9x7!, $2.00. Ariadne. A naiad. D., 21x14 inches, $5.00. RAEBURN (Sir Henry). Stockbridge, near Edin- burgh, 1756-1823. (English School.) Portrait of a Greenwich pensioner. Portrait of woman and children. (Exhibition of female portraits at the ficole des Beaux Arts, 1897.) RAFFAELLI (Jean Frangois). Born in Paris, 1845. (Modern.) In Gonon's Foundry. Paris, Lux. The Aged Convalescents. do. RAFFAELLINO del GARBO. See GARBO. RAFFAELLO (Santi). See RAPHAEL. RAFFET (Denis Augusta Marie). Paris, 1804-1860. (French School.) A grenadier ; infantry soldier of the first Republic. Paris, Louvre. Republican Drummers. Masters XIX Cen. do. B do. B B do. B B Paris, Louvre. — C - C c ♦This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 959 A Bernese woman, sealed, right profile. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. RAHN (Otto). (German School.) Entrance to a town with ancient houses. (Draw- ing-) RAIBOLINI (Francesco). See FRANCIA. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Bologna, 1488- 1546. (Engraving.) C, C, RAIMONDI (Marc Antcfnio). (Italian School.) Holy Family and St. John $1.00. Mythological subject. (Engraving.) Mater Dolorosa ; landscape. (Engraving.) Mater Dolorosa. (Engraving.) C, $1.25. Madonna suckling the Child. (Engraving.) $1.00. Woman reclining. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Portrait of an artist. (Engraving.) C, .75. Madonna and Child in clouds. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. The First Sin. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Adam and Eve Driven from Paradise. (Engrav- ing.) C, $1.00. Genius of the Arts. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Meditation. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Madonna and Child. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Triumph of Galatea. (Engraving.) Innocence. (Engraving.) C, $2.50. Massacre of the Innocents at Bethlehem. (En- graving.) C, $2.50. Dance of Cupids. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. RAINOUARD (Jeanie). (Modern.) Reverie. (Salon of 1897.) RALLI (Theodore). Born in Constantinople. (Modern.) The Enchantress. Bath of the Alhambra. Young Greek girl. After the Bath. (Salon of 1896.) Lille. Dresden, P. G. C. Dresden, R. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Modern Painters. C C do. do. do. do. C C C C 960 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ The Candle-seller. (Salon of 1896.) Modern Painters. C Vestibule of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem. (Salon of 1897.) do. C Before the Wall of Solomon at Jerusalem. (Salon of 1897.) do. '■ C RAMBAUD (Antonin). Born in Lyons. (Mod- em.) Sunset. do. C RAMBERG (Arthur von). Vienna, 1819 — Munich, 1875. (Modern.) Frederick II. of Sicily. Munich, R. Max. _ C C C Welcome. do. C Alpine Dairy-maid. do. C Love's Messenger. do. C Girl with Cat. do. C — C After Dinner. do. C C — C An Hour of Gossip. . Modern Painters. ^ — C The Mistress. do. C The Servant. do. C RAMENGHI (Bartolommeo). See BAGNACA- VALLO. RAMSAY (Allan). Edinburgh, 1715-1784. (Eng- lish School.) Portrait of Charlotte Sophia Mecklenburg-Stre- litz, Princess of Wales. Paris, Louvre. C — C — RAMSEY (Milne). Born in Philadelphia. (:Mod- ern.) Cromwell and his Daughter Elizabeth. Modern Painters. C RANG (Jean). Montpellier, 1674 — Madrid, 1735. (French School.) Portrait of Nicolas Lamoignon, Seigneur of Ba- ville (1648-1724), Superintendent of Claims, afterwards Intendant of Languedoc. Montpellier Mus. C — RANDANINI (C.) (Modern.) Preparations for the Carnival. Modern PainterS: C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 961 RANVIER (Joseph Victor). Born in Lyons. (Mod- ern.) Hunting with Snares. (Salon of 1864.) Infancy of Bacchus. (Salon of 1865.) Prometheus Unbound. Bacchus and Ariadne. Apple-picking. Fall of the Leaves. Rumor. (Ceiling of the Legion of Honor.) The Little Tortoise. Night. (Ceiling of the Legion of Honor.) Child with Swan. Soap-bubbles. RAOUX (Jean). Montpellier, 1677 — Paris, 1734. (French School.) Telemachus- Relating his Adventures to Calypso. Girl reading a letter. Pygmalion Enamored of his Statue. Portrait of Marie Frangoise Perdrigeon, Madame Boucher, as a Vestal Virgin. Portrait of Franqoise Prevost (1681-1741), opera dancer. RAPHAEL SANZIO (Raffaello SANTI, called). Urbino, 1483 — Rome, 1520. (Roman School.) Madonna and Child with St. John, usually called "La Belle Jardiniere." Madonna with the Diadem. (Known also as the "Madonna of the Veil," or the "Vierge au Sommeil de Jesus.") The Large "Holy Family" of Francis I. Holy Family. St. John the Baptist in the Desert. St. Margaret. St. Michael. St. George. St. Michael Overthrowing Satan. Portrait of Balthasar Castiglione. Detail of the above: Head of Balthasar Castig- lione. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4J Paris, Lux. C C do. C C Modern Painters. C C do. C C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. -C do. C Paris, Louvre, do. do. Versailles. Tours Museum. — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — — C Paris, Louvre. C — 'C B C B do. B — UC B C B do. C — C — C - do. C — do. C — C - do. — B BC B C - B do. — B B B C B do. C — do. C —C - do. C — C — C - do. «62 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Portrait of a young man. Portrait of Joanna of Aragon, wife of Prince As- canio Colonna, High Constable of the King- dom of Naples. Male portraits. (Attributed to Raphael.) Apollo and Marsyas. (School of Raphael.) Plenty. (School of Raphael.) Fresco of the Magliana. (After Raphael.) Madonna of Loretto. Replica of the Virgin of the Carnation. Head of St. Elizabeth. SS. Peter and Paul Appearing to Attila. (Draw- ing for the fresco of the Vatican.) (Draw- ing-) Battle of Constantine. (Drawing for the fresco of the Vatican, original size of drawing.) (Drawing.) C, $10.00. The same, reduced size. (Drawing.) Pope Julius If. Borne upon the Sedia Gestatoria. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. The Dead Christ Surrounded by the Holy Wom- en ; composition of eight figures. (Draw- ing.) C, $2.50. The Five Saints. (Drawing.) God the Father. (Drawing.) Several studies for the figure of Bramante. (Drawing.) St. Catherine of Alexandria ; study for picture in the National Gallery, London. (Drawing.) A sprite. (Drawing.) C, .75. Sketch for Madonna and Child and three other heads. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Figure of a saint, seated, full face, holding a book in left hand. (Drawing.) C, .75. Two figures of women, standing, and an angel. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Two nude men, standing, a woman, draped, a Cu- pid and a goat. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Two nude children and the head of another. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2i 3 3i 4 4i Paris, Louvre. BG B C B do. C B C B do. c — C — do. C do. C — do. c do. c — do. c — do. c do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C Paris, Louvre. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 963 , ^ Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Madonna, seated, holding the Child on her knees. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Paris, Louvre. The Dead Christ and Mourning Virgin standing. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Christ and the Apostles ; composition of twelve figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Study of man standing, left a^m raised. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. , Two nude male figures walking towards the right ; apostles for the Transfiguration. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Bust portrait of Maddalena Doni. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Commerce ; figure for the Vatican Caryatid. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. - do. Psyche presenting to Venus the vase containing water of the St3'^x. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Madonna of Francis I. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Holy Family ; study for the Virgin of the Palm Tree. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Madonna, seated, suckling the Child. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Head of angel for Expulsion of Heliodorus from the Temple. (Drawing.) do. C Head of angel for Expulsion of Heliodorus from the Temple. (Drawing.) do. C Joseph's Cup found in Benjamin's Sack. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. do. Design for a Last Judgment ; circular composi- tion. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Calumny; composition of ten figures. (Draw- ing.) C, $2.50. do. The Annunciation ; to the right, the Virgin seat- ed ; to the left, the angel turned towards her. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. Study ; six nude figures. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. * Study of nude male figure, the head inclined. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Study of nude male figure, head and hands miss- ing. (Drawing.) • do. C 964 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. ' Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Moses Receiving the. Tables of the Law. (Draw- • - ing.) . Paris, Louvre. C (Attributed.) St. Paul Preaching at Athens. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. -— ,.-7:,— J7- ^ (Attributed.) Group of many children playing. •-;■*'•!•:'■ (Drawing.) €.,$1.75. do. ——':—-- Woman standing, holding a child by the hand, and man turned to left. (Drawing.) €.,$1.75. do. — Seven nude figures of soldiers drawing the bow. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Crossing the Red Sea. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Two sketches of the Madonna and Child. (Draw- ing.) do. C (Attributed.) Alexander and Roxana. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. do. (Attributed.) Coronation of the Virgin. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. do. '— Group of Bishops for "La Disputa," or "Theolo- gy." (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. (After Raphael.) Head of old man, right profile. (Drawing.) do. C (After Raphael.) St. Michael and the t)ragon. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. (After Raphael.) Group of several men and a child before a king and a bishop. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Nude study ; young girl standing, left profile. Psyche. (Drawing.) do. C Study for a fresco of the Farnesina. (Drawing.) do. C Madonna, Child, SS. Sebastian and Roch. (Draw- ing.) do. C Madonna, called "La Belle Jardiniere." (Draw- ing.) do. — C A bishop. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. ; Lot's Flight ; Lot drags his two daughters to the left ; behind them, Lot's wife looking back. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Armand Col. Madonna and Child. Bancel Col. — ' — C Study of two nude shepherds standing. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. De Chennev. Col. 8ISTINE MADONNA RAPHAEL LEAVING MT. VERNON. PYLE HELIODORUS. MADONNA OF THE FISH. RAPHAEL REMBRANDT AT 32. REMBRANDT ANGELS' HEADS. REYNOLDS REYNOLDS AUTOMEDON WITH HORSES OF ACHILLES. REGNAULT SUNSET GLOW ROAD TO THE VILLAGE. RIECKE SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 965 Portrait of the Duke of Urbino (also known as portrait of the artist). St. Cecilia ; first idea for the picture at Bologna. (Pen and bistre drawing.) Nude man walking to left, left arm raised, right arm pressed against his chest. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Fragment for a Descent from the Cross, Magda- len stooping ; behind her St. John in prayer and three other figures standing. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Madonna and Child. Group composed of four draped figures ; the swooning Madonna supported by three holy women. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Group of four angels and three studies of heads for the Madonna and Child. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Head of the Virgin, almost full face, looking down. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Study of head for apostle for the Transfiguration ; that of the old apostle in left part of composi- tion. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The Three Graces. Madonna of Orleans. (Copy after Raphael, by F. Penni.) Madonna of Loretto. Woman kneeling, hands clasped, head upturned to the left; man's head. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Four nude male figures in different attitudes. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Study of three figures of hours throwing flowers, for the composition of the banquet of the Gods on the ceiling of the Farnesina. (Draw- ing.) C.,$i.75. First idea for "La Disputa," or "Theology" ; com- position of twenty figures representing the doctors and fathers of the church. (Draw- ing.) C. $2.50. Monk holding in his hands a book which he is reading. (Drawing.) Gallery. Shes, 2 2^ 3 3* 4 4^ Czartoryski Col. C — C Dutuit Col. C Gatteaux Col. Gay Col. Hookert Col. C Malcolm Col. do. do. do. Chantilly. C — do. C — do. do. do. do. do. do. C — 966 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Children fighting; cartoon in two pieces; to the left, three children, one mounted on a wild boar ; to the right, four children, one of whom also is mounted on a wild boar. (Drawing.) Detail of the above : left section. (Drawing.) Detail of the above: right section. (Drawing.) The two parts together. (Drawing.) C, $10.00. Study for one of the figures of the fresco of the Sibyls in the Church "della Pace" ; angel fly- ing and unrolling a scroll. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Group of five nude figures for composition of Holy Family. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. (School of Raphael.) Madonna, seated, holding Child on her knees, two angels placing a crown on her head, six other angels kneeling to right and left. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Three heads of apostles; cartoon. (Drawing.) Two heads of apostles ; cartoon. (Drawing.) Two heads of apostles ; cartoon. (Drawing.) Study for a Holy Family. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Head of old man turned three-quarters to right. (Drawing.) C, .75. Head of young girl turned three-quarters' to left. (Drawing.) C, .75. Head of man. right profile. (Drawing.) C, .75. Head of old man turned slightly to right. (Draw- ing.) C, .75. Male bust; study for the School of Athens. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Head of young man turned three-quarters to right. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Two studies; head of monk and bust of young man. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Several sketches for a Madonna and Child. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Head of man with beard, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Child seated holding a bird. (Drawing.) C, .75. Head of child, laughing, full face. (Drawing.) C.,.75. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3J 4 4^ Chantilly. C do. C do. C Lille. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do.. do. do. do. do. do. do. C do. C do. — — C — — — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 9.67 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Upturned head of woman, and two hands. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Lille. Head of man, right profile. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Four figures of apostles standing. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Study of standing figure for a victory. (Drawing.) do. C Bust of monk; sketch. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Head of young woman, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. -— Two archers standing, one front, the other back view. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Bust of young man, head turned slightly to left. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Young man standing playing the violin. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Two boys seated (for the Coronation of the Vir- gin?). (Drawing.) €.,$1.25. do. Head of old man turned to left. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Two figures: a philosopher and Apollo. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Head of woman turned to left. (Drawing.) C, .75- Two right feet and one left foot. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Nude male figure, standing, full face, looking down. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Two heads of old men, one full face, the other in profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Small sketch for Madonna and Child. (Draw- ing.) C, .75. do. Religious subject; group of several people. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. ,— Study of children. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Study for Madonna and Child. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Two studies of drapery. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Study for the Coronation of St. Nicholas of To- lentino. (Drawing.) do. C Head of old man, three-quarters left view. (Draw- ing.) C, .75. do. do. do. 968 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Bust of young woman turned slightly to left. (Drawing.) C, .75. Head of young man, three-quarters left view. (Drawing.) Female bust turned to right. (Drawing.) Head of woman, full face, looking down. (Draw- ing.) The planet Mars and an angel. (Drawing.) Fine composition for a Holy Family. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Anatomical study, man walking, one left arm and one right leg. (Drawing.) Study for a St. John. (Drawing.) Study for the Madonna of th€^ House of Alba at the Hermitage. (Drawing.) Study for the Madonna of the House of Alba at the Hermitage, the Virgin alone. (Drawing.) Head of old man, full face. (Drawing.) C, .75. Sketch ; four figures. (Drawing.) Study for the Apollo of the Parnassus. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. Study of drapery. (Drawing.) Sketch for the Coronation of St. Nicholas of To- lentino. (Drawing.) A genius. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. A genius. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Group of many nude figures. (Drawing.) Nude man seated. (Drawing.) Autograph letter of Raphael's. (Drawing.) C, •75- Madonna and Child (known as the Madonna of the Solly Collection). Madonna and Child with infant St. John (known as the Madonna della Casa Diotalevi). Madonna and Child between SS. Jerome and Francis. Madonna and Child with infant St. John (known as the Madonna Terranuova, or the Madon- na with the Scroll). Madonna and Child (known as the Madonna del- la Casa Colonna). Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ Lille. do. do. do. do.. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do! do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Berlin. do. do. do. do. — C _ c c C c c — c — — c c — c — c c — c — c c — c — C C C — BC BC C BC C — BC SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 969 (School of Raphael.) Three small pictures in one frame (Christ, Bishop Ercolano, Bishop Lodovico). *The Sistine Madonna. D., 25x35 inches, $18.00; 20x27, on Japan, $20.00; on India, $10.00; 7x 10, on Japan, $3.00; Artist's Proofs (the first gravure of the masterpiece ever published), 35x26 inches, proof before letters on India, $36.00; D., $15.00. Sistine Madonna, full length detail, Mother and Child. **Sistine Madonna, half-length detail ; Mother and Child. D., 25x35 inches, $18.00; 16x21, $5.00; on Japan, $10.00; 7x10, $1.50. Sistine Madonna (detail) ; St. Sixtus. Sistine Madonna (detail) ; St. Barbara. Sistine Madonna (detail) ; the two angels' heads. (After Raphael.) Adoration of the Magi. St. Cecilia with SS. Geminien, John the Evange- list, Magdalen and Paul. (Copy by Diony- sius Calvaert, after Raphael.) La Belle Jardiniere (copy). The Madonna della Sedia (copy). Madonna of the Scroll. Design for a plaque. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Eve standing holding the apple in her left hand. (Drawing). C, $1.25. The Genius of Diana ; for the Farnesina. (Draw- ing.) C.,$i.25. Genii flying. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Sketch for a frieze. (Drawing.) C, .75- Horsemen fighting. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Study of a head for the Burning Bush. (Draw- ing.) C, .75. Madonna and Child ; the heads alone. (Draw- ing.) C, .75. Martyrdom of St. Felicitas. (Drawing.) Gallery. Siacs, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Berlin. Dresden. do. BC C BC C — BC c — c do. do. do. BC BC BC C — BC c c do. _ B BC C — B do. C C do. do. do. — — ^ c" — — do. c Dresden, R. C. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. * This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80; also in a large size Carbon, 36x54 inches (half of the original size), $60.00. **This subject comes in an Aquarelle Gravure, 28x22 inches, $18.00; also in a Baryto Print (oval), ejxg inches, $1.80; also in a large size Carbon (exact size of the original), 34x42 inches, $60.00. 970 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Massacre of the Innocents. (Drawing.) Madonna di Casa Tempi. Madonna della Tenda (Madonna of the Curtain). Holy Family of the House of Canigiani. Portrait of Bindo Altoviti. Head of St. John. St. Cecilia (copy). St. Cecilia, half-length detail (copy). Study of nude child seated. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Study of nude child standing. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Male head turned slightly to left. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Bust of child; fragment of a cartoon. (Draw- ing.) C, $2.50. Head of young man, life-size, left profile. (Draw- ing.) C, $2.50. Male head, left profile, life-size. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Boy's head, left profile, life-size. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Head of warrior, left profile, life-size. (Draw- ing.) C, $2.50. Study for picture, "Madonna of the Fish," in Madrid. (Drawing.) C, $1.25, God the Father (after fresco in the Loggia in Vatican). (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Two Apostles h'ing on ground sleeping. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. A sacrifice ; sketch. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Mercury and Psyche : study for the paintings in the Farnesina. (Drawing.) C. $1.75. Figure for the Christ of the Five Saints. (Draw- ing.) C. $1.00. Study of a head, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Madonna and Child, with St. John (Madonna of the Meadow). Holy Family (in the style of Perugino). (Draw- ing.) C, .75. Gallery, Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3i 4 4| Dresden, P. . G. — c Munich. — C c C — C do. — C c c — C do. — C c c — C do. — C c c — C do. — c — C do. — C c c — C do. • — C — — — Weimar. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Vienna AIus. Vienna, Albertina. C — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 971 Gallery. Sices, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4J David and Goliath. (Drawing.) Vienna, Albert. C Judith standing holding the head of Holofernes in her left hand. (Drawing.) do. C — Study of four figures for the Massacre of the In- nocents. (Drawing.) do. C — Soldier for the Massacre of the Innocents and woman for the Judgment of Solomon. (Draw- ing.) do. C Three figures of nude men ; study for the Trans- figuration. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Two nude men crouching; study for the Trans- figuration. (Drawing.) do. C Study for the Miraculous Draught of Fishes; the boat and two groups of men and women. (Drawing.) do. C Two male busts, back view ; study for the Mirac- ulous Draught of Fishes. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. The Last Supper. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Studies ; three nude male figures, full face, and three torsos. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. The Holy Women at the Foot of the Cross. (Drawing.) €.,$1.25. do. Madonna, half-length figure, offering fruit to the Child. (Drawing.) • do. C — Madonna, Child and infant St. John. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. «io- Madonna, Child and St. Anne. (Drawing.) C, •75- Madonna, Child and infant St. John. (Drawmg.) C, .75- Madonna suckling the Child. (Drawmg.) C, .75. do. Madonna, reading, and the Child. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. ^°' Sketch of four heads and autograph. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. <^o- Two studies for the Madonna and Child. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. ' do» Three soldiers standing; study in the nude. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. do. do. 972 SOULE ART COMPANY, ^BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Holy Family; group of four figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Vienna, Albert, Sketch of the Virgin with the Child, the latter in five different attitudes. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Sketch of the ]\Iadonna and Child and seven stud- ies of the Child. (Drawing.) C, $1.00, do. Bust of the Virgin with the Child and two busts of an old man. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Several studies of men, women and children. (Drawing.) do. C Six sketches for the Madonna and Child. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Four studies for the Madonna and Child. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. ' do. Marriage of St. Catherine. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. ]Martyrdom of St. Stephen ; composition of nine figures. (Drawing.) do. C — Figure of an angel holding a branch of lilies. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Studies for one of the angels in the Church "del- la Pace" at Rome. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Bust and right arm of an angel ; study for the above fresco. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. A Bacchante and two dancing fauns. (Drawing.) do. C Apollo, back view ; study for the Banquet of the Gods. (Drawing.) do. ■ — C Muse, seated, turned to left. (Drawing.) C. $1.25. do. Muse, seated, turned to right, head turned to left. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Study in the nude for the picture of Alexander and Roxana. (Drawing.) do. — C Study of left-hand group for the School of Ath- ens. (Drawing.) do. r C — Fragment for "La Disputa," or "Theology"; the lower left-hand group. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. Group of three figures for the Incendio del Borgo (Conflagration in the Borgo). (Drawing.) C, $1.75- do. Male figure for the Incendio del Borgo. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. do. SISTINE MADONNA. LITTLE SAMUEL. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 973 Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Two nude male figures; drawing given by Ra- phael to Diirer with the autograph of the lat- ter. (Drawing.) ■ Vienna, Albert. C Man carrying his father; group for the Incendio del Borgo. (Drawing.) do. C Two horsemen; sketch. (Drawing.) do. C Draped male figure walking towards right. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Soldier protecting himself with his shield. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. • do. Study of a nude child, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Figure of Dante, for the Parnassus. (Drawing.) do. C Nude figure for the Transfiguration. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. Coronation of Charlemagne. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Fragment of a cartoon; head of a young girl, right profile. (Drawing.) do. C Charity. (Drawing.) do. C Sketch for a Descent from the Cross. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. do. Study of a child in various attitudes. (Drawing.) C, $1.75- ^o- Two soldiers fighting, standing, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Faun, back view. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Two men, half-length figures, and three heads of children. (Drawing.) C, $t.oo. do. Study of right arm. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Study of right foot. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Horse turned to left. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Study of horses. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Architectural "drawing; facade of a church. (Drawing.) C. $1.25. do. Mountainous landscape, houses in the centre. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Village in an open country. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. — ■ Landscape ; the houses of a town on a height. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. — 974 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sises, 22^ 3 3^ 4 4^ The Three Goddesses. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Vienna, Albert. Portrait of a young girl, half length, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Head of woman slightly turned to right. (Draw- ing.) do. C — Head of woman turned three-quarters to right. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Juno seated in her car. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. (School of Raphael.) Study of nude man stoop- ing, left profile. (Drawing.) do. C (Attributed to R. Ghirlandajo.) Portrait of a young man. Buda-Pesth. C Madonna, Child and St. John. do. C — (After Raphael.) Madonna adoring Child Jesus asleep ; to the right, the infant St. John (called "Madonna of the Lake"). do. C Study for the Assumption of the Virgin, (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do. • Vision of a knight. London, N. G. C Vision of a knight. (Design for above picture.) do. C St. Catherine of Alexandria. do. C C — C Portrait of Pope Julius II. seated in an arm-chair. do. C C — C Madonna, Child and St. John. do. C C — C Madonna and Child. do. C C — C Blenheim Madonna (Madonna degli Ansidei). do. C C — C Madonna of the Candelabri. (Property of Mr. Robinson.) London. C Raphael's Cartoons for Tapestries. Miraculous Draught of Fishes. Lon., Ken. Mus. C — C Detail of the above : right section. do. C Detail of the above : left section. do. C The sections united, 19x22 inches. C, $7.50. do. St. Paul at Athens. do. C — C Elymas Struck with Blindness. ° do. C — C SS. Paul and Barnabas at Lystra. do. C — C St. Paul and the Paralytic. do. C — C Detail of the above : left section. do. C ■ Detail of the above : middle section. do. C Death of Ananias. do. C C Christ's Charge to Peter. ("Feed My Lambs.") do. C — C Detail of the above : Christ. • do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 975 Gallery. Si::cs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Head of the Virgin, almost full face, looking down. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. London, B. M. Portrait of the artist in youth. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Draped male figure standing. (Drawing.) do, C — Heads of Madonna and Child. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Study of a head and a right hand. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Study of nude man crouching. (Drawing.) do. C — Coronation of the Virgin. (Drawing.) do. C — Study of nude man. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. C ♦This subject comes in an Aquarelle Gravore, 21x16 inches, $12,00, 998 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ "Welcome, Sweetheart !" Modern Painters. C — C "A Letter to Him." do. C — C RAUBER (Wilhelm). Marienwe'rder, 1849. (Mod- ern.) Heron-hawking. do. C Reconnoitring. do. C . Hunting Privilege in Olden Times. do. C — C Horse-dealer. do. C The Halt. do. C — C Fetching the Bride. do. C Hunting Party. do. C From Swedish Times. do. C — C In the Pump-room at Kissengen. do. — C — C Portrait of the Prince Regent Leopold of Ba- varia, do. B Andromeda. do. B RAUCH (Charles). Strasburg, 1791 — Nancy, 1857. (French School.) Portrait of the Duke of Enghien (Louis Antoine Henri de Bourbon), 1772-1804. Versailles. C — RAUDNITZ (A. von). (Modern.) A Strange Messenger of Love. A Gruesome Tale. Fragrant Greetings. In Sunday-clothes. Preliminaries of Peace. Delayed Addresses. Sweet Dreams. Reveries. In the Boudoir. A Difficult Crossing. Incredible Tales. Lisl, the Fisher-girl. In Good Keeping. An Apt Pupil. In Bad Temper. RAUECKER (S. Th.) (Modern.) The Newest Bacillus. End of the Song. Modern Painters. C — C do. C — c do. c c — c do. C — c do. c c — c do. c C — c do. c — c do. c do. c do. C — c do. c do. c do. R B do. B — B do. B B do. C — C • do. C — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 999 Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ RAUPP (Karl). Darmstadt, 1837. (Modem.) Clandestine Farewells. Modern Painters. C C — C Fishing on the Chiemsee (Bavaria). do. C — C A Winter Campaign. do. C — C Crossing Over. do. C C A Meeting on the Way Home. do. C Harvest on the Chiemsee (Bavaria). do. C Evening Quiet. do. C — C A Quiet Stream. do. C — C Evening on the Lake. do. C — C Arrival of the Steamboat. do. C In the Boat. ' do. C On the Steamboat's Bridge. do. C On the Chiemsee (Bavaria). do. C — C Mid-day Rest. do. — ^ C Approach of a Storm. do. C C — C On the Lake. do. C — C Nymphosa Alba. do. C — C With a Favorable Wind. do. C C — C Jolly Trip. do. _ c C C — C Too Late. do. C — C Startled. do. C — C Returning Home from a Convent School. do. C — C Before the Shower. do. _ C Arrival of the Abbess Irmingard at Frauen- Chiemsee in 894. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. C C — C "In God's Hand." do. C C — C Evening. do. B In the Storm. D., 18^x15 inches, $5.00. do. "God Protects His Own." do. C C — C Evening on the Chiemsee. do. • C — C Summer Morning on the Chiemsee. do. C The Fisherman's Farewell. do. C — C RAUPP (W.) (Modern.) On the Homeward Way. do. C — C RAVANNE (Leon Gustave). Born in Meulan (Seine-et-Oise). (Modern.) Departure of a Fishing-smack ; Arromanches. Last Blessing. At Low Tide ; Arromanches. do. C do. c - c do. - c 1000 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Si::cs, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4i Modern Painters. C C do. c do. c do. c do. c Return from the Sea. Dropping the Anchor. The Teasers. Careening Barques. (Salon of 1898.) At Cherbourg, October 5, 1896, (Salon of 1897.) RAVAUT (Rene Henri). Born in Paris. (Mod- ern.) Seraphine. do. C Young girl. do. C Return from Fishing; Villerville. (Salon of 1898.) do. C C The Sailor's Return. (Salon of 1899.) do. C KAVEL (6douard). Born in Geneva. (Modern.) Gallant Speeches. do. C The Romance of the Neighborhood. do. C A Rebellious Angel. do. C Exercises. do. C KAVENZWAAG (Jan Van). (Dutch School.) Landscape ; in the foreground, a herd at the watering-place. (Drawing.) C, $i.cx). Dresden, P. G. RAVERAT (Vincent Nicolas). Portrait of Jean Andoche Junot, Duke of Abrantes, General-in-Chief of the Army of Portugal, 1771-1813. RAVESTEYN (Anthonisz). XVII. century. (Dutch School.) Portrait of a man. Portrait of a woman. Portrait of a lady. RAVESTEYN (Jan Van). The Hague, 1 580-1665. (Dutch School.) Female portrait. Portrait of a young woman. Large portrait of a family. D., about 7x9 inches, $1.50. Portrait of a woman, half length. Old knight in armor. Versailles. — c Munich. c c do. — ___ — c — c London, N. G. — — — c c Paris, Louvre. c Old Masters. C — — — Brunswick. B Cassel. c — c Dresden. c c — — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1001 (Attributed to Nicolaes Elias Pickenoy. ) Male portrait. (Attributed to Nicolaes Elias Pickenoy.) Female portrait. Portrait of Nicolas Smeltzing, a general of Prince Maurice's. Amelia Elizabeth, Countess of Hanau, wife of William V., Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel. Ernestine, Countess of Ligne-Aronberg, Consort of Count John von Nassau-Siegen. Portrait of a captain in the service of the Repub- lic of the United Provinces. Portrait of a captain (Nicolas Smeltzing). Portrait of a captain (Prince Henry of Nassau?). Portrait of a captain (Charles Van der Noot?). Portrait of a captain (Jacques de Bury). Portrait of a captain (Daniel de Hartaing). Portrait of a captain. Female portrait. RAY (Clary). The Battleship Iowa. PI., iox2o| inches, $5.00; 6^x13, $2.00. The Battleship Massachusetts. PI., iox2oj inch- es, $5.00; 6|xi3, $2.50. RAYNAUD (Augusta). Born in Lyons. (Mod- ern.) Gallery. Sises, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Buda-Pesth. C do. C Amsterdam. The Hague. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Brussels. C — C C — C C c c — c c c — c c c — c c c — c c c — c c c — c — c — c — c — c A Cook of Olden Times. Modern Painters. C C ReALIER-DUMAS (Maurice). Born in Paris. (Modern.) The Neophyte. do. C C The Parc-aux-Cerfs. do. C C RECKNAGEL (Otto). (Modern.) Gamekeeper's Little Daughter. do. C — C A Poacher. do. C — C Stalking Red Deer. do. c — C Lucky Shot. do. C — C In the Moss. do. C End of the Duel. do. C — c Last Flight. do. C — c 1002 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Beating up Game in the Danube Meadows. Beating up Wild Boars in the Park of Waldsee Castle. Fleeing Chamois. Spoils of the Chase. Breeding-time of Woodcock. Morning Freshness. Woodcock. Diana's Booty. Battue for Black Game. Battue for Fallow Deer. Fallow Deer and Beaters. Good Spoil. The Veteran Stag. RECKNAGEL (Th.) (Modern.) Rosalind. REDER (H.) (Modern.) The Inundation. R6GAMEY (Frederic). Bom in Paris. (Modern.) Victor Hugo in his Study. REGGIANINI (V.) (Modern.) The New Dress. A Tell-tale Letter. Caught. An Unappreciative Audience. Pretty Polly. The Coquette. A Letter from Him. For Him. A Little Genius. "How Funny!" A Daughter of Eve. The Latest Novel. "What Shall I Tell Him?" Secret Correspondence. Butterflies. The New Shoes. Gallery. Sizes, ^ 2\ Z Z\ A A^ Modern Painters. C C — C do. C C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C do. C do. C C — C do. C — C do. C do. c do. c do. C do. _ c — C do. C do. C Modern Painters. C do. C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. C do. C do. c do. C do. C C — C do. C do. C do. C — C do. C do. C do. C — C do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1003 Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3J 4 4^ REGILLO (Giovanni Antonio). NONE (Licinio). See PORDE- Paris, REGNAULT (Alexandre Georges Henri). 1843-1871. (French School.) Equestrian portrait of Juan Prim. Execution without Trial under the Moorish Kings of Granada. Portrait of the Countess of Barck. The Madrilena ; woman standing, back view, in black robe and mantilla. (Water-color.) Peasant of La Mancha. (Water-color.) Automedon with the Horses of Achilles. REGNAULT (Jean Baptiste, Baron). Paris, 1754- 1829. (French School.) The Three Graces. Marriage of Prince Jerome Bonaparte and of the Princess Frederica Catherine of Wurtem- Paris, Louvre. do. Paris, Lux. do. Boston, M. C — C — C — F. A. c — c — c c c PIC PIC c — Paris, Louvre. C — C — berg, August 22, 1807. Versailles. c — (Detail of the above.) Head of Jerome alone. do. c — Portrait of Hortense Beauharnais as a young girl. MastersXIX.Cen. c — REICHENBACH (E.) (Modern.) From Nuremberg. Modern Painters. C — c REICHERT (C.) (Modern.) *Home Rule. do. — r. **The Five Senses (united). D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. — — Smelling. do. — c Seeing. do. — c Hearing. do. c Tasting, do. c Feeling. do. c "I'm the King of the Castle !" D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. do. c c "Keep the Pot a-Boiling!" D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. do. c c Pussy's Sonata. do. c c •This subject conies in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $t.8o. ••This subject comes in an Aquarelle Gravure, 21x15 inches, $12.00. 1004 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Siacs, 2 2^ 3 3J 4 4^ REID (Robert). (Modern.) Autumn. PL, 13x7 inches, $2.50; 9x5, $1.25. Modern Painters. -. Breezy Day. PI., 8x7 inches, $1.25. do. — Dawn. PI., 12x10 inches, $3.00; 9x7^, $1.75. do. Gladiolas. PL, 8x7 inches, $1.25. do. The Senses : Taste. Wash., Cong. Lib. ■ — The Senses : Sight. do. The Senses : SmelL do. The Senses : Hearing. - do. The Senses: Touch. (Each a female figure, draped.) PL, loxio inches, $2.50; yxy, $1.00; 5x5, .50. do. Wisdom. do. Understanding. do. Knowledge. do. Philosophy. (Each a half-length, seated female figure.) PL, 10x10 inches, $2.50; yxy, $1.00; 5x5, .50. do. The Trio. PL, loxio inches, $2.50; yxy, $1.50. do. REIFF (F.) (Modern.) A Nymph. Modern Painters. C C A Victim of Insanity. do. _ c C C — C Judged. do. C C — C REINHARDT (Johann Carl). (German School.) Dog lying down. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Dresden, R. C. Young peasant walking toward left. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Study of three dogs lying down. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. '■ Cows. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. do. A bull. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Dres., Pr. Geo. REINHART (Charles Stanley). Born in Pittsburg (United States), 1844. (Modern.) Waiting for the Absent. Modern Painters. — C ■ — REINICKE (Rene). Streutz-Naundorf, i860. (Modern.) Dancing the Minuet (boy). do. C — C Dancing the Minuet (girl). do. C — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1005 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ REINSTEIN (L.) Sonata. Modern Painters. C C — C REITMAYR (A.) (Modern.) Fiiendly Oracle. do. C REMBRANDT (Harmensz Van Ryn). Leyden, 1607 — Amsterdam, 1669. (Dutch School.) Angel Raphael Leaving Tobias. Paris, The Good Samaritan. St. Matthew, Evangelist. The Pilgrims of Emmaus. D., $5.00. ' Philosopher in Meditation. Philosopher in Meditation. The Carpenter's Family. Venus and Cupid. Portrait of an old man. Portrait of a young man. Male portrait. Female portrait. Flayed Ox. Woman at the Bath. The Bather. Male portrait. Portrait of Rembrandt wearing a chain. Portrait of Rembrandt in black velvet cap and chain. Portrait of Rembrandt in black cap. Portrait of Rembrandt as an old man, with pal- ette, do. C — C Male figure kneeling, back view. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Woman seated, full face. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Lion standing, looking at a dead man lying on the ground. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. The same subject. (Drawing.) C, $r.oo. do. Lion reclining. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. — Lion reclining. (Drawing.) C, $t.oo. do. Healing of the Father of Tobias. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Composition of ^ many figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. ao. Louvre. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. c do. C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. c do. c — c do. C — c do. C — c do. C — c do. C — c do. c — c do. C — c do. c 1006 • SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Siscs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ The Dream. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Paris, Louvre. Studies of male figures. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. — Canal in Holland. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Study of a man reading. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Study of an old man seated. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Head of an old man. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Study of a man reclining. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Pilgrims of Emmaus. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Study of a lion. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Composition of two figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. St. Peter in Prison. Andre Col. C — Ahasuerus sitting on a throne in his palace, sceptre in hand, surrounded by his court ; Esther, standing, imploring his clemency. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Arago Col. The Mill ; Dutch landscape, with plain in back- ground, traversed by a river. (Drawing.) Armand Col. C The Nurse ; a young woman, with an oriental head-dress, suckling a child. (Drawing.) C, ~ $1.00. do. Group of eight figures; five men and three women. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. De Beckerath C. Portrait of a man reading. De Besenval Col. C Head of old man. Bonnat Col. C — Bust of nude young woman. do. C — Portrait of the Burgomaster Sixt reading near a window. do. C — Jesus or John the Baptist Preaching; group of eleven figures and a child. (Drawing.) C, $i-25- do. Abraham Entertaining the Angels. Bourgeois Col. C Portrait of man laughing. Double Col. C — Portrait of old man. Durand-Ruel Col. C Portrait of man, head bare, draped in a lar^e cloak. do. C Portrait of a young girl at a window. do. C Portrait of an old woman. do. C David before Saul. do. j C Portrait of young man (1636). " do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1007 Nude female figure, standing, the right arm hang- ing down, the left arm bent and covered with floating drapery, the hand pressed agaiilst the right breast. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Judas restoring to the priests the price of his treason ; he is kneeling, feeling in his purse, while the three priests surrounding him are refusing to take the money. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Study of a man, full length, turned three-quar- ters to the left, his hands resting on his hips. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Jesus in the Midst of the Apostles (?). (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Figure of a man with a beard sitting in an arm- chair, turned towards the left, wrapped in a long robe. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Portrait of Cornelia Pronck (1633). Portrait of husband of the above (1632). Male portrait. The Standard-bearer. Portrait of Martin Daey (1634). Portrait of Machteld Van Doom, wife of the above. Male portrait; Professor Tulp (?). Portrait of man wearing felt hat holding his mantle with right hand.' Portrait of woman holding a fan. Portrait of young man. Head of Christ. Christ. Portrait of a young woman wearing black cap and feathers ; half-length figure in the em- brasure of a window. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Study of a boy wearing a cap. (Drawing.) C, •75- Sketch ; man sitting on a bench before a house. (Drawing.) C, .75. Drunken man robbed by a woman. (Drawing.) c, .75. Diana at the Bath. Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Fouret Col. Galichon Col. do. do. Mitchell Col. Henri Pereire C. C do. C E. de Pourtales C. C G. d. Rothsch'd C C do. C do. C De Sagan Col. C — — do. C do. C do. C De Saulcy Col. C Sedelmeyer Col. C do. H. Vever Col. do. do. Warnecke Col. C 1008 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Portrait of old man, profile. Head of man laughing. Head of young man. Nude male figure, his hands bound behind his back. For a composition of Christ at the Column. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Lion crouching, side view, right. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Young woman, full face, turned towards the left, wearing a large straw hat and carrying a basket. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Landscape ; in the middle a mill, animals and peo- ple ; in the background, a church. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. To the left, a man seated before a table with books ; to the right, a man on his knees. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Sketch for a historical subject. (Drawing.) Portrait of a man sitting at a table. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Head of old man. Portrait of the preacher, J. C. Sylvius. (Carst- anjen Coll.) The Constable of Bourbon. (Private Coll.) D., 17^x14 inches, $5.00. St. Peter among the soldiers of the High-priest. (O. Pein Coll.) Samson Threatening his Father-in-law. D., 19^ xi5f inches, $5.00. Wife of Tobias with the kid. D., 7x10 inches, $2.00. Joseph's Dream. D., 7|xioJ inches, $2.00. Portrait of the artist at about 30 years of age, in armor. D., I7f xi4f inches, $5.00. Portrait of the artist in fur cap. D., 18^x15 inch- es, $5.00. Moses Breaking the Tables of the Law. D., 19^ xi5f inches. $5.00. Portrait of Saskia, the artist's wife. D., 17^x13^ inches, $5.00. Rape of Proserpine. D., 16^x15^ inches, $5.00. Gallery. Sices, Warnecke Col. do. do. 2 2i 3 3i 4 C c c 4i Chantilly. ' — — — — — — do. ■ — — ^ do. — — — do. — — — do. Lille, Leng. Col. — — c do. Metz Museum. — — C — — — Berlin. do. • do. — — C — — — — c — do. — — c c — BC do. do. — c c c c do. — — BC C — BC do. — — BC C — BC do. — — C — — C do. do. B C BC C — C C — BC C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1009 3 3i 4 4i C C C C — C C c c C c — c C c — c Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ Jacob Wrestling with the Angel. D., 18^x15^ inches, $5.00. Berlin. Portrait of a rabbi. D., 19^x14^ inches, $5.00. do. • Portrait of the servant of the artist, Hendrickje Stoffels (at a window). D., 18^x14 in., $5.00. do. Susanna and the Elders. 14^x18 inches, $5.00. ' do. — C Daniel's Vision. D., I5ixi8f inches, $5.00. do. Joseph Accused by Potiphar's Wife. D., 19x14! inches, $5.00. do. C C — C Portrait of old man seated wearing red cap. D., 16^x1 1^ inches, $5.00. do. C C Sermon on the Mount. (Preaching of John the Baptist?). D., 15^x195 inches, $5.00. do. C — The Money-changer. D., 10x13^ inches, $3.00. do. C — C Young woman in armor (Judith or Minerva?). D., 18x14! inches, $5.00. do; C — C (School of Rembrandt.) Repose in Egypt. do. C C Portrait of an unknown man. D., on India pa- per, 7x9 inches, $1.50. Brunswick. B Portrait of the wife of the above. D., 7x9 inches, $1-50. do. B Christ and Mary Magdalen. D., 7x9 inches, $1.50. do. B Landscape with Storm. D., 7x9 inches, $1.50. do. B Portrait of a Family. D., 7x9 inches, $1.50. do. B B The Standard-bearer of the Civic Guard (copy). Cassel. — C C C C Saskia van Uylenburgh, Rembrandt's wife. D., I9!xi5! inches, $5.00. do. — C C C — C Portrait of an unknown person. D., 2o|xi2 inch- es, $5.00. do. _ C C C — C Portrait of the poet, Jan Hermansz Krul. D., 18x13! inches, $5.00. do. — C C C — C Portrait of Nicolas Bruyningh. D., i8|xi5! inches, $5.00. do. — C C C — C Jacob Blessing Joseph's Children. D., 15^x19! inches, $5.00. do. — C C C — C Portrait of himself, in helmet. D., 19x15:^ inch- es, $5.00. do. C C — C Nicolas Bruyningh (head). do. C C C The so-called "Quill-pen-cutter." (Supposed to be the portrait of the writing-master, Cop- penol.) D., 19x15 inches, $5.00. do. C C C 1010 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Portrait of an architect. D., 20x15 inches, $5.00. Landscape with ruins on a hill. D., 14x18^ inch- es, $5.00. Holy Family (so-called "Woodchopper's Fam- ily"). D., i8^xi2| inches, $5.00. Portrait of a young girl, or of a young woman (half length). D., 13^x12^ inches, $3.00. Portrait of himself. Winter landscape. D., 6^x8^ inches, $2.00. Bald-headed man. Man with the "Copper-nose" (study-head). 5fx4^, $2.00. Old man with the gold cross (study-head), 17x14 inches, $5.00. The Blinding of Samson (copy). Old man with fur cap (study-head). D., ; inches, $2.00. Youthful portrait of himself, about i627-'28. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ D., D., 5fx4i D.. 5fx4^ inches, $2.00. Man in armor (known as "The Watch"). D 19^x15^ inches, $5.00. An old man (study for a head). Saskia with a pink. Bust of a young woman laughing (Saskia, first wife of Rembrandt). D., 16^x13^ inches, $5.00; 16x21, $5.00; on Japan, $10.00. Bust portrait of man in black with a large lace collar (Willem BurggraeflF). D., 18^x13! inches, $5.00. Ganymede carried off to Olympus by Jupiter's eagle (Rape of Ganymede). D., 191x14^ inches, $5.00. Marriage of Samson. D., 14^x20 inches, $5.00. Huntsman detaching a bittern hanging from a hook. D., 19x13^ inches, $5.00. Portrait of Saskia van Uylenburgh, wife of the artist, holding flower. D., 17^x145 in., $5.00. Detail of the above : head of Saskia. Manoah's Sacrifice. D., I5fxi8^ inches, $5.00. Portrait of an old woman weighing gold. D., i6ixi4| inches, $5.00. Cassel. do. do. Mo. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Dresden. do. do. do. do. C C — c c c — c c c — c c c — c L. C — C C — c c — c c — c c — c c — c c — c c — c c — c c — c c c c c B C C — B c c c c c c c c — do. C - do. C - do. c c do. C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1011 Portrait of young man in a cuirass. D., 16^x14 inches, $5.00. Portrait of old man with white beard ; half-length figure. D., 185x14^ inches, $5.00. Detail of the above : the head alone. The Entombment. D., 19x13^ inches, $5.00. Portrait of the artist, and his first wife, Saskia, sitting on his lap. D., 19x1 5| inches, $5.00. Detail of the above: head of the artist. Detail of the above : head of Saskia. Portrait of the artist drawing. D., 16^x12^ inch- es, $5.00. Portrait of man wearing large hat with pearls D., 16^x13! inches, $5.00. Portrait of old man with cane. D., I7fxi4f inch- es, $5.00. Bust portrait of the artist, by himself. Portrait of man with fur cap sitting in arm-chair. D., I7|xi2 inches, $5.00. The Rabbi (copy). (School of Rembrandt.) Portrait of a young girl. Study of young girl reclining. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Four men around a table. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Tobias and the Angel. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Raising of Lazarus. (Drawing.) Nude man standing, back view. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Tobias and the Angel ; sketch. Portrait of the artist as a (Drawing.) Alan and woman ; sketch. (Drawing.) Man seated holding cards in his hands. (Draw- ing.) Man seated writing by the light of a candle. (Drawing.) Nude study ; young man standing. (Drawing.) Rape of Ganymede; sketch for the picture at Dresden. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Rape of Ganymede ; drawing more nearly finished. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Gallery. Siscs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ (Drawing.) standard-bearer. Dresden. do. C do. C do. C do. BC C BG do. C do. c c c L c c do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C — B C C C C c c c — c c — c Dresden, R. C. do. do. do. C do. • do. C do. C do. C do. ' C do. — C do. C do. do. — 1012 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. A Judgment; composition of man}^ figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Portrait of a man seated, full face. (Drawing.) The Burgomaster Sixt. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Portrait of the artist, by himself (1654). (En- graving.) C, $1.00. A child (William III.). (Engraving.) C, .75. St. Jerome. (Engraving.) C, $1.25. Portrait of Rembrandt drawing (1640). Engrav- ing.) C, $1.00. Portrait of an unknown man. (Engraving.) C, 75- Annunciation to the Shepherds, (Engraving, first state.) C, $1.25. The Good Samaritan. (Engraving.) C, $1.25. The Three Trees. (Engraving.) €.,$1.25. Portrait of the artist. (Engraving.) C, .75. Man, full face, with a cap. (Engraving.) C, .75. Male portrait. (Engraving.) C, .75. Portrait of a nobleman. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Dutch Farm (three cottages in the landscape). (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Interior of a garden. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Landscape: The ]\Iilkman. (Engraving) C, $1.00. The Hundred Guilder Piece. (Engraving ) The Last Supper; sketch. (Drawing.) Dutch interior. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Old man standing. (Drawing.) C, .75. Bust of old woman turned slightly to right. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. Landscape ; view of an old house. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. Dutch landscape with a river. (Drawing.) C., $1.25. Study for the Good Samaritan. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Portrait of the artist. (Engraving.) C, $1.25. Triumph of Mordecai. (Engraving.) C, $1.25. Annunciation to the Shepherds. (Engraving.) C, $1.25. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2i 3 3^ 4 4^ Dresden, R. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. J do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Dresden, do. do. do. do. / do. do. do. do. do. C. — C P. G. C. — C — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1013 Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ The Hunter. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Dresden, P. G. C. The Mill. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. do. Cottage with a haymow. (Engraving.) do. C Landscape with a man sketching. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. do. Death of the Virgin. (Engraving.) do. C The Large Descent from' the Cross. (Engrav- ing-) do. C Ecce Homo. (Engraving.) do. C Jesus Christ Presented to the People. (Engrav- ing-) do. C Christ Healing the Sick, or the Hundred Guilder Piece. (Engraving.) C, $2.50. do. Parable of the Husbandmen in the Vineyard. Frankfort. C Bust portrait of Margaretha Hendrikse van Bil- clerdyk. do. C Holy Family. Munich. — — C C — C Elevation of the Cross. do. C ■ C Sacrifice of Isaac. ' do. C C Portrait of the artist. * do. C C C The Nativity. do. C C The Entombment. do. C C The Ascension. do. C C Descent from the Cross. do. C C Dutch master of the School of Rembrandt (Ferd. Bol?). Portrait of a young woman. do. C C Portrait of a young man. do. C C An old man. (Now in the Royal Gallery of Schleissheim.) do. C C The Good Samaritan ; sketch. (Drawing.) C, •75- Weimar. The Reading; sketch. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. The Good Samaritan. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Rembrandt's portrait. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. Vienna, Mus. C Young man singing. c^o. C C St. Paul. do. C C — — Male portrait, full face. do. C C Female portrait. do. C C Rembrandt's mother. do. C C Rembrandt's portrait at the age of about 50 years. do. C C Diana and Endymion. Vienna, Liecht. C C 1014 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Portrait pf the artist in his youth. Calm Sea, Bust portrait of the artist at an advanced age. Portrait of the artist's sister. Portrait of a lady. ^lale portrait. Landscape : Abraham prostrating himself before God, and two angels. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Eleazar and Rebecca. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Landscape : Judah and Tamar. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Judah, Joseph and Benjamin. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Interior: Departure of Tobias. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Landscape : The Angel Leading Tobias. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Alarm of Tobias at Sight of the Fish. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Tobias Taking the Fish's Gall. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Jesus in the Midst of the Doctors. (Drawing.) Christ and the Woman of Samaria. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Beheading of St. John. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Christ before Caiaphas. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. The Unjust Steward. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The Master and ^he Shepherds. (Drawing.) Beheading of a saint. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Saul in the Cave of Adullam. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Old man, right profile, sitting at a table reading. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Young woman at her toilet. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Figure of a nude young man, seated, right profile. (Drawing.) C. $1.25. Nude male figure, standing, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Philosopher. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Young woman reclining, her chest bare. (Draw- ing.) C, .75. Gallery. Sices, 2 Vienna, Liecht. — do. — do. — do. do. — do. — 2i C 3i C C C c c 4 4^ Vienna, Albert. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C do. do. do. do. do. C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do: SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1015 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ Old woman sitting spinning. (.Drawing.) C, $1.00. Vienna, Albert. A — Old man seated, full face. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Two musicians standing. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Old woman standing, leaning on a cane. (Draw- ing.) C, .75. do. Old man seated ; four sketches of heads and studies of a hat. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Draped male figure standing, right profile. (Draw- ing.) C, .75. do. ' Old man leaning on his cane, back view. (Draw- ing.) C, .75. do. Sketch ; old woman carrying a pitcher. (Draw- ing.) C, .75. do. Beggar standing, back view. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Beggar standing, leaning on his staff, left profile. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Man sitting in a chair. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Woman carrying a child. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Sketch of old Woman, half-length figure, left pro- file. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. — Bust of old man, right profile. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Bust of old man, left profile. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Head of old woman, left profile. (Drawing.) C, •7S- do. (After Raphael.) Portrait of Balthasar Sastig- lione with autograph. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Landscape with view of a town in the distance. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Open landscape ; to the right, some old huts. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Dutch landscape with canal. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. View of a Dutch town on a river. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Landscape ; cottages surrounded by trees. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Landscape with old cottages. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Open landscape with trees in the foreground. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. 1016 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3J 4 4^ Landscape with wind-mill and houses. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Vienna, Albert. Wind-mill and houses on the banks of a river. (Drawing.) do. C Landscape with river spanned by drawbridge. (Drawing.) do. C View of a large town. (Drawing.) do. C Town traversed by a canal, large buildings to the right and left. (Drawing.) do. C Lion couchant, left side view. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Elephant standing, turned to right. (Drawing.) do. C (Attributed to Nicolas Maes.) Christ before . Pilate. Buda-Pesth. C (Attributed to Vermeer of Delft.) Portrait of woman holding a fan. do. C Angel appearing to St. Joseph. do. C Portrait of an old man seated leaning on a cane ; study for a St. Jerome. do. C (Attributed to Lievenz.) Bust of young woman with head upturned. (Rath. Coll.) do. C Landscape with obelisk, large trees in foreground, town in background. (Rath. Coll.) ' do. C Carcass of an ox suspended on a pole, (Rath. Coll.) do. C — Portrait of young Rembrandt. (Jules Andrassy Coll.) do. C — Portrait of Hendrickje StofTels. (Rath Coll.) do. C Study of man standing. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. *The Night Watch ; sortie of the company of Cap- tain Frans Banning Cocq. D., 7x10 inches, on Japan, $3.00. Amsterdam. C C C C — C Detail of the above : group of the two central fig- ures, do. C *The Syndics of the Cloth-Hall. D., 20x27 inches, $10.00; on Japan, $20.00. do. C C C C — C Detail of the above : central part. do. C Detail of the above : figure to right. do. C •This subject also comes in a larger size Carbon, 36x54 inches, $70.00. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1017 Portrait of Elizabeth Jacobs Bas, widow of Ad- miral Jochem Hendrick Swartenhout. D., i6x2i inches, $5.00; on Japan, $10.00. Detail of the above : the bust. Fragment of the picture, "Doctor Deyman's Les- son in Anatomy" (1656). The Bather. Portrait of an old man. The Jewish Bride. Detail of the above : central part. Study for a head (studio picture). (School of Rembrandt.) The Unworthy Guest. Simeon in the Temple. Susanna at the Bath. Professor Nicolaes Pierterszoon Tulp's Lesson in Anatomy. D., 20x27 inches, $10.00 ; on Japan, $20.00. Detail of the above: portrait of Professor Tulp (bust). Detail of the above : portrait of Professor Tulp (half length). Detail of the above : portraits of Jacob de Witt and Kalkoen. Detail of the above : portraits of Jacob Block, Ja- cob de Witt and M. Kalkoen. Detail of the above : portraits of Jacob Koolvelt and Adriaan Slabraq. Detail of the above : portrait of M. Hartmansz. Portrait of a youth. Portrait of the artist as an oflficer. D., 16x21 inch- es, $5.00 ; on Japan, $10.00. Male portrait. Head of an old man. Male portrait. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; on Japan, $10.00. Female portrait. (Detail of the above.) The Fisher Boy. Portrait of an old Jew. Portrait of a burgomaster. (Detail of the above.) Gallery. Siscs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Amsterdam. — c c C — c do. — — c — — — do. c c C — c do. — — c — do. — — c Am. V. de H. C. C c c c — c do. — — c — — — Amsterdam. — c — c do. — c — c The Hague. — — c C — c do. — — c C — c do. do. do. c c c — c — c c — c — do. do. do. — — c — c — c do. — — c do. — — c c — c do. — c c — c do. — — c do. — — c Brussels. — c C — c Antwerp. c — c do. — — c do. — — — — c — do. — . — c — do. c — c do. — — c 1018 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Descent from the Cross. The Woman Taken in Adultery. Adoration of the Shepherds. Portrait of a Jewish merchant. Woman at the Bath. Landscape with the History of Tobias and the Angel. A rabbi. Portrait of the artist (about 60 years old). Female portrait. Male portrait. The Musketeers of Amsterdam, or "The Night Watch" (copy of the time). Portrait of an old lady. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; on Japan, $10.00. Bust portrait of a man. Portrait of the artist (about 33 years old). PL, 15x19 inches, $5.00; 9x11, $2.00. Portrait of the artist, detail of the head alone. PL, 7x9 inches, $1.00; 6x7, :75. (School of Rembrandt.) "Suffer the Little Chil- dren to Come Unto Me." Burgomaster Pancras and his wife. (Probably the portrait of the artist and his wife, Saskia.) The Shipbuilder and his Wife (1633). Detail of the above : head of the man. Portrait of a lad}' holding a fan (1641). Detail of the above: bust. Portrait of the artist. Portrait of a rabbi. "Noli Me Tangere" ("Christ Appearing to Mary Magdalen.") Adoration of the Magi. Male head. Portrait, called the Countess of Desmond (prob- ably the mother of the artist). Money-changer counting money, surrounded by several persons. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Interior of a cottage ; to the right and left of win- dow, two oersons sitting. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ London, N. G. C do. C C — C do. C do. C C — C do. C C — C do. C do. C c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Chatsworth. do. — C — c c — c c c c c c c c c c London, B. P. C C do. c c do. c — do. c c do. c — do. c c do. c c do. c c do. c c Windsor. c c c c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1019 Portrait of the artist, by himself. Interior of a house. (Repetition of picture i;i Louvre entitled, "The Carpenter's Family.") Landscape ; on one side steep rocks, on the other a plain, and in the background a little vil- lage. Group of men and women in a landscape ; La- ban's Family (?). (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Portrait of an old man. Portrait of the artist, by himself. Queen Artemesia receiving the urn containing the . ashes of her husband, Mausolus. D., 15x16^ inches, $5.00. Queen Artemesia (central part of the above pic- ture). Abraham Entertaining the Angels. D., 14^x19 inches, $5.00. Abraham (detail, upper part of the picture). Sacrifice of Abraham. D., 20^x14 inches, $5.00. Sacrifice of Abraham (detail, upper part of the picture). Joseph's Coat. D., I5xi6f inches, $5.00. Potiphar's Wife Accusing Joseph. Fall of Haman. Holy Family. D., 17^x131 inches, $5.00. Return of the Prodigal Son. Parable of the Husbandmen in the Vineyard. D., 6fx9j inches, $2.00. Denial of Peter. Descent from the Cross. D., 10^x15 inches, $5.00. Incredulity of St. Thomas. D., lo^xio^ inches, $3.00. Danae. D., I5^xi6f inches, $5.00. Danae. (Detail of the above.) Portrait of an old woman known as Rembrandt's mother, seated, "holding a book. Rembrandt's mother. (Detail of the above.) Portrait of an old woman, known as Rembrandt's mother, seated, half-length figure, with hands crossed. D., 174x13^ inches, $5.00. Rembrandt's mother. (Detail of the above.) Gallery. Sises, 2 Florence, Uffizi. — 2i 3 3i C — 4 4i do. do. do. C Florence, Pitti. C do. PIC Madrid. do. St. Petersburg, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C — C PIC — PIC c 1020 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Si::es, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Portrait of an old woman, known as Rembrandt's mother, seated, her hands hidden in her sleeves. D., ii^xpf inches, $3.00. St. Petersburg. C Rembrandt's mother holding her spectacles. D., 113x9! inches, $3.00. do. C Portrait of the caligraphist, Lieven Willemszon van Coppenol. D., 17x15 inches, $5.00. do. C Head of the caligraphist, Lieven Willemszon. (Detail of the above.) do. C Portrait of a youthfvil warrior (or Pallas?). D. ' 16^x12^ inches, $5.00. do. C Portrait of an old Jew sitting in an arm-chair, do. C : Portrait of a man wearing a fur cap (called Sobi- eski?). D., 18JX12J inches, $5.00. do. C — C Portrait of a man. (Detail of the above.) do. C Young Jewish woman (Saskia). D., 18^x14^ inch- es, $5.00. do. C Young Jewish woman. (Detail of the above.") do. C Portrait of a Turk. do. C ■ Portrait of a Turk. (Detail of the above.) do. — - — C Portrait of an old officer. do. C — Portrait of an old Jew. do. C Portrait of an old man (head). do. C Young girl trying on an ear-ring. do. C — Portrait of an old man, with white beard, sitting in an arm-chair, his hands clasped. D., I7:^x 13J inches, $5.00. do. C Portrait of a young woman holding a pink. D., 16x13^ inches, $5.00. do. C Head of a young woman. (Detail of the above.) do. C The Rabbi Manasseh ben Israel. D., 16^x14 inch- es, $5.00. do. C — C The Rabbi Manasseh ben Israel (head, detail of the above). do. C Male portrait. D., iiixg^ inches, $3.00. do. C A nun and a child. do. ' C Portrait of an old woman. D., 17x14 inch.es, $5.00. * do. C Portrait of an old man. do. C Portrait of a young man. D., 9^x7^ inches, $2.00. do. C Girl with a broom. D., 9^x7! inches, $2.00. do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1021 Portrait of a man in a large felt hat with upturned brim (portrait of the poet Decker). D., I2^x 9f inches, $3.00. Portrait of young man wearing a hat. Portrait of woman seated, her hands clasped. Female head. (Detail of the above.) Reconciliation of Jacob and Esau (or the Meet- ing of David and Absalom?). D., 16^x13! inches, $5.00. Toilet of the young Jewish woman. The Polish Rider. (Coll. of Count Tarnowski.) D., I5|xi8 inches, $5.00. Portrait of Dr. Nicholas Tulp. ) CCompanion pictures.) Portrait of Mme. Nicholas Tulp. [ Ml? inches, $2.00; 7x9. Portrait of Titus Rembrandt. (Exhibition of fe- male portraits at the ficole des Beaux Arts, 1897.) . Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ REN AN (Ary). Aphrodite. Born in Paris, 1855. (Modern.) RENARD (Emile). Born in Sevres. (Modern.) The Baptism. (Salon of 1889.) Sleep. Sleep. Little girl with flowers. (Salon, of 1898.) RENAULT (Gaston). Born in Fontenay-Ie-Fleury (Seine-et-Oise). (Modern.) Daphnis and Chloe. Adam and Eve Finding the Body of Abel. RENAULT des GRAVIERS (Jacques Victor). Born in Fontenay-le-Fleury (Seine-et-Oise). (Modern.) Calypso. St. Petersburg. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C — Galicia, Poland. Boston M. F. A. do. Modern Painters. C Paris, Lux. C C Modern Painters. C do. C do. C C do. do. do. C REN6 (d'Anjou), or King Rene. 1409-1480. (French School.) Portrait of the King, painted by himself, and of His wife, Jeanne de Laval (?-i498) ; diptych. Nat'l Portraits. C — 1022 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. RENI (Guido). Bologna, 1575-1642. (Bolognese School.) David, the Conqueror of Goliath. The Annunciation, Purification of the Virgin. Christ and the Woman of Samaria. Christ Giving the Keys to St. Peter. Christ in Gethsemane. Ecce Homo. Mary Magdalen. Mary Magdalen. St. Sebastian. (Attributed to Reni.) The Sleep of Jesus. Head of bald old man, right profile. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. Studies of a man lying down, and one sleeping. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Head of woman leaning forward ; three-quar- ters left view. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Woman's head, full face. (Drawing.) Head of Christ looking up. (Drawing.) Figure of a monk kneeling, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Head of old woman, left profile. (Drawing.) Head of a man, shouting, three-quarters right view. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Head of an old man looking up, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. The Virgin contemplating the Infant Jesus asleep. Lucretia, half reclining on a bed, raising the pon- iard with which she is about to kill herself. Two crowned figures bearing a cross. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Man's head, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Figure of an old man, right profile. (Drawing.) Head of an old man, full face, and two hands. (Drawing.) The Anchorites, Paul and Anthony, in the Desert. Mater Dolorosa. Cephalus and Procris. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. Cupid presenting an arrow to Venus. c — c c — c c — c — — c c — c — — c c — c c — c c — c c — c — — c Gallery. Sizes, 2 2J 3 3^ 4 4^ Paris, Louvre. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Besanqon. do. Lille. do. do. do. Berlin. do. Brunswick. Dresden. C C C C — c B BC — BC B _ B BC C — B SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1023 (Companion to the (Oval picture.) (Drawing.) The child Bacchus. Ninus and Semiramis. The Virgin adoring the sleeping Child. Christ crowned with thorns and holding a reed. D., i6x2i inches, $5.00; also, 16^x13, on India, $5.00 ; on Japan, $10.00. Christ crowned with thorns, above.) Christ crowned with thorns. St. Francis. (Pastel.) The Crucifixion of St. Peter. Outline for Judith with the Head of Holofernes. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Outline : David with the head of Goliath. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Female bust turned to the left, (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Study for a St. John. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Study for the Crucifixion of St, Peter. (Drawing.) The Holy Family. (Engraving.) C, $l.OO. Assumption. Apollo Flaying Marsyas, Bearing the Cross. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Adoration of the Shepherds. (Drawing.) Assumption of the Virgin. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Head of St. Sebastian, life size. (Drawing.) Study for a Christ on the Cross. (Drawing.) C, $1.75- Death of a bishop. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Assumption of the Virgin. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. (Copy after Guido Reni.) Eros. "Ecce Homo," St. Jerome. St. Magdalen, The Child Jesus Asleep on the Cross, Adoration of the Shepherds, St. John the BLaptist. St. John the EvangeHst. The Immaculate Virgin. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Massacre of the Innocents ; study. (Drawing.) Study for the "Flight into Egypt." (Drawing.) Gallery. Siaes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4 Dresden. C C do. C C do. c do. BC C — B do. C C do. _ _ c C do. C Dresden, R. C. — C do. do, do. — do. do. C — do. Munich. — C C C — C do. _ c — C Weimar. do. C do. do. C do. do. Vienna Museum. C ,;lo. C Vienna, Liecht. C C do. C C do. C C — do. C C do. C do. C Vienna. Albert. do. C — do. C 1024 SOULE A.RT COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2|^ 3 3^ 4 4^ The Repose in Egypt. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Vienna, Albert. Sketch for a Holy Family. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. St. Stephen standing, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. • do. St. Jerome with his hands clasped; bust. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. A saint in prayer, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. St. Francis of Assisi standing ; at the left, another saint sitting on the ground reading a book. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. — Two saints in a boat, and two other boats. (Draw-' ing.) C, $1.75. do. Massacre of the Innocents ; above^ three angels. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Study for the Rape of Proserpine. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Head of an old man slightly turned to the left. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. A woman sitting, sleeping, holding two children ; above, angel flying. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Same subject , the woman lying on the ground. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Sketch for a Madonna and Child ; above, two angels. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Bust; young woman leaning on a table and read- ing a book by the light of a candle. (Draw- ing.) C, .75. do. Bust of a monk in prayer. (Drawing.) C. .75. do. Head of bald old man with a beard, left profile. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Suicide of Lucretia. (Korosy Coll.) Buda-Pesth. C Mary Magdalen. Amsterdam. C C — C Mary Magdalen. London, N. G. C The Child Jesus embracing little St. John. do. C C — C "Ecce Homo." do. BC BC — BC Christ on the Cross; at His feet, three apostles. , ' (Drawing.) C, $1.75. London, B. M. — Cleopatra. Windsor. C The Angels' Ladder. (Drawing.) Chatsworth. C The Cumaean Sibyl. Florence, Uflfizi. C PIC SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1025 Bradamante and Fiordespina. Portrait of the artist, by himself. Madonna with face upturned. Study of a nude child seated, repeated five times. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Head of an old man looking up. (Drawing.) The Virgin with the Child Jesus and little St. John. (Drawing.) C, $i.ou. Male head, three-quarters left view. (Drawing.) Woman kneeling, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Study of a nude child standing. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Madonna and Child with St. John ; sketch. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Study of a nude child lying on the ground. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Group of woman and three children. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Study of nude child, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Bust of young boy with his hands clasped. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Bacchus. Cleopatra. (According to Venturi, del Gennari.) St. Eliza- beth. Portrait of Beatrice Cenci. Detail of the above : head of Beatrice Cenci. Angel's head ; study. Ecce Homo. Ecce Homo. Mater Dolorosa. Contemplation. Mary Magdalen in Ecstasy. Fortuna. St. Sebastian. Mary Magdalen. The Virgin glorified, with two saints. St. Michael Overthrowing the Devil. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4I Florence, Uffizi. C do. C — do. C do. do. — C do. do. C do. do. do. do. do. — do. — do. Florence, Pitti. C do. C do. Rome, Barb. BC do. C Rome, Corsini. C do. C do. C do. C do. C Rome, Sciarra. C Rome, Ac. St. L. C Rome, Gal. Cap. C do. C Rome, Vat. Pin. C Rome, C. C. C. C C — — PIC 1026 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ *Aurora. D., 16x21 inches, on India, $5.00; on Japan, $10.00 ; 141x35^, $12.00. ' Rome, Ros. Pal. BC A ABC B — B Head of a saint, right profile. (Drawing.) Milan, Ambros. C — Head of a saint turned to the left. (Drawing.) do. C — Head of a saint turned three-quarters to the right, (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Venice. Head of an old man, left profile. (Drawing.) do. C Study of drapery. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. • Suicide of Cleopatra. Madrid. C Madonna of the Chair. do. ■ C Martyrdom of St. Sebastian. * . do. C The Apostle St. James. do. C Mary Magdalen. do. C Portrait of girl. do. — C — Adoration of the Shepheroo. St. Petersburg. C Repose in Egypt. do. C Adoration of St. Francis. do. C St. Peter; bust. do. , \_ St. Jerome with his hands clasped. do. — — C The Stitchers. do. -. C (After Reni.) Beatrice Cenci. do. C ReNOUARD (Paul). Born in Cour-Chevemy (Loir-et-Cher), 1845. (Modern.) Infirmary of the Invalides. (Drawing in Indian ink, relieved with water color.) C, $1.75, Paris, Lux. Portraits of the English artists: Millais, John Pettie, Frank Holl, Sir Frederick Leighton, and Alma Tadema. (Five drawings in black crayon.) do. C RENOUF (Emile). Born in Paris, 1845-1894. (Modern.) Morning Mists ; Getting under Sail. do. C An Old Tar. ' Modern Paitners. C Adrift. do. C The Capstan. do. C End of Day. . do. ■ C The Capstan. do. C Brooklyn Bridge. do. C ♦This subject comes in a large size Carbon, 36x48 inches, $70.00; also in a Baryto Print, 6)4x<) inches, $1.80; also in a Fac-Simile Gravure, 14^x35 J inches, $35.00; also a Carbon, 194x47 J inches, $35.00. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1027 Hunter on the Watch. Falls of Niagara. Storm at Sea. "Mon pauvre ami!" The Pilot. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. RENTEL (M.) (Modern.) Waiting for the Boats. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. ' C do. C do. c C — C do. do. RESTOUT (Jean). Rouen, 1592— Paris, 1768. (French School.) Ananias Laying Hands upon St. Paul. Paris. Louvre. Herminie at the Shepherd's. do. Portrait of a Dominican in meditation. Old Masters. Portrait of Don Louis Baudoin (?), Carthusian of Gaillon. Rouen Museum. C RETH (E. von), (Modern.) "Our Hearth and Home." Unattainable. RETTIG (H.) (Modem.) Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. ' In May. On the Corse. Hunter's Love. Thirsty Company. Called to her Vocation. Two Friends. REUTERN (Gerhard Christophorcwitch de). Ros- hof, 1794-1865. (Russian School.) Sacrifice of Abraham. REVAULT-LE-ROUX (Laura). (Modern.) Bird in a Cage. (Salon of 1899.) REVEL (Gabriel). Chateau-Thierry, 1643— Dijon, 1712. (French School.) Portrait of the sculptor, Franqois Girardon. Modern Painters. C do. ■■ C do. c — C do. C — C do. C — C do. c — C do. c do. c do. C — C do. C — C do. B B do. B St. Petersburg. C Modern Painters. C C Paris, Louvre. C — C — 1028 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. REX (J.) (Modern.) I Hans Sachs. REX (R., Count von). (Modern.) The Lord's Supper. REYN (Jean de). Dunkerque, 1610-1678. (Flem- ish School.) Supposed portrait of Pierre Corneille, second of the name (?-?), son of the Great Corneille, Captain of the Royal Light Cavalry. REYNAUD (Francois). Born in Marseilles. (Mod- em.) The Goat-herd of the Abruzzi. Auction Sale ; Grandcamp. (Salon of 1898.) REYNOLDS (Sir Joshua). Plympton, 1723— Lon- don, 1792. (English School.) Portraits of Lord and Lady Borringdon (chil- dren). Female portrait. Supposed portrait of Eugenie Adelaide Louise, Princess of Orleans, called Madame Adelaide ( 1 777-1848), daughter of Louis Philippe Jo- seph, Duke of Orleans, and of Louise Marie Adelaide de Bourbon-Penthievre, sister of King Louis Philippe L Bust of woman, three-quarters right profile, chest bare, scarf over shoulders, frizzed hair fall- ing over forehead. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Portrait of Lady Catesby ; left profile. (Draw- ing.) Portrait of Louis Philippe Joseph, Duke of Or- leans (1747- 1 793). Portrait of the Countess Waldergrave and child. Nude male figure standing. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The banished lord ; bust portrait. Portrait of Lord Heathfield holding the keys of the Fortress of Gibraltar. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. C — C Nat'l Portraits. Modern Painters. do. C C C Old Masters, do. Nat'l Portraits. Charras Col. Marcille Col. Chantilly. do. Dresden, R. C. London, N. G. do. C — C — C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1029 *Child Samuel in Prayer. *Angels' heads. *Age of Innocence. ' Portraits of the Rev. George Huddesford, Vicar of Loxley (Warwickshire), and of Mr. John Codrington Warwick Bampfylde. "The Snake in the Grass." (Young girl, seated, playing with a Cupid ; near her, in the grass, the head of a serpent.) Bust portrait of the lexicographer, Samuel John- son, 1 709- 1 784, The Prince of Wales, afterwards George IV. ; bust portrait. Portrait of a lady. "Robinetta" ; young girl with a robin. Mrs. Siddons as the Tragic Muse. D., 15x19 inches, $5.00. Portrait of himself. Cimon and Iphigenia. Death of Dido. *Georgina, Duchess of Devonshire, with her child (afterwards Countess of Carlisle). D., 2ifx 27^ inches, $12.00. Proofs before letters, on Japan, $48.00 ; on India, $36.00. Sophia Matilda, Duchess of Gloucester, as a child. Portrait of the artist, by himself. Portrait of the engraver, Franqois Bartolozzi. Cupid Loosening the Girdle of Venus. Hercules Strangling the Serpents. (Allegory on the Triumph of Young Russia.) Portrait of Mrs. Polk. PI., 11x9 inches, $2.00. Portrait of Mrs. Marsters ; sketch. (Exhibition of female portraits at the ficole des Beaux Arts, 1897.) Portrait of a young girl. (Exhibition of female portraits at the ficole des Beaux Arts, 1897.) REYZNER (Miecislaw.) Born in Lemberg (Aus- tria). (Modern.) Noon. Gallery. Sices, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ London, Nat. Gal. BG B do. B — BG B — B do. B G B do. do. C do. _-C do. c do. do. lie m London, G. H. London, B. do P. c do. Chatsworth. Windsor. Florence, Uffizi. Venice. St. Petersburg. do. Boston, M. F. A. do. do. — C C C c Modern Painters. C *This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. 1030 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Morning. Modern Painters. C C Evening. do. C Model Resting. do. C At the Water-side. do. ■ C Eastern woman. do. C Bacchante. do. C At Vespers. do. C Portrait of the explorer, Jean Dybowsky. do. C RHOMBERG (Hanno). Munich, 1819— Walchsee, Tyrol, 1869. (Modern.) Faithful Companion. do. C Father Importuned. do. C RIBALTA (Francesco de). Castellon de la Plana, 1553-1628. (Spanish School.) Saint Sebastian. Berlin. C Mary and John Returning from the Tomb of Christ. Munich. C — C A Happy Soul. Madrid. C RIBALTA (Juan de), the son of the above. King- dom of Valencia, 1 597-1628. (School of Va- lencia.) Pope Gregory surrounded b}' his cardinals. Dresden. C RIBERA (Jose de), called LO SPAGNOLETTO. Jativa, near Valencia, 1 588-1656. (School of Valencia.) Adoration of the Shepherds. Paris, Louvre. C — C — Christ in the Tomb. do. C — C — St. Paul the Hermit. do. C — C — Madonna and Child. do. C — C — The Club-foot. do. C Male figure bound to trunk of tree. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. St. Jerome. Old Masters. C St. Sebastian. Berlin. C ■ (Attributed.) ]\fartyrdom of St. Bartholomew. do. C Portrait of the painter Zurbaran. Brunswick. B Mater Dolorosa. Cassel. C — C St. Mary of Egypt praying on her knees beside her grave. Dresden. C — C B SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1031 Detail of the above : head of St. Mary. Martyrdom of St. Laurence. St. Paul the Hermit ; raven bringing him bread. St. Paul the Hermit ; a cross in his hand. St. Jerome. Diogenes Holding his Lantern. Male portrait. (According to Woermann, School of Ribera.) Mary Magdalen. Liberation of St. Peter. A torso ; study. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. St. Jerome reading. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Male head. (Engraving.) C, .75. St. Jerome. (Engraving.) C, $1.00, Susanna and the Elders. St. Andrew. St. Bartholomew. Old woman with a hen. Death of Seneca. Christ with the Scribes and Pharisees. Christ Bearing His Cross. Martyrdom of St. Peter. (Drawing.) Two martyrs. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Martyrdom of St. Andrew. Vanity. (Ascribed to a German imitator of Ri- bera.) St. Jerome. St. Jerome sitting on the ground. (Drawing.) $1.00. St. Francis. Hagar and Ishmael in the Desert, St. Andrew, Apostle. St. Bartholomew, Apostle. St. Thomas, Apostle. St. Andrew, Apostle. St. Peter, Apostle. Jacob's Ladder (Gen. xxviii.) D., 14^x19! inches, $5.00. St. Paul. Hermit, Meditating on Death. Women fighting. Martvrdom of St. Bartholomew. Gallery. Si. zcs. 2 2i 3 3i 4 4.^ Dresden. c do. c c do. c do. c do. c do. c c do. C do. C C do. C Dresden, R. C. do. do. do. Frankfort. C Munich. c C — C do. C — C do. c C — C do. C — C Vienna Museum. C C do. C Vienna, Albert. C Buda-Pesth. C Amsterdam. C c — c Florence, Uffizi. C do Florence, Pitti. C Rome, Doria. G — Madrid, Prado. — — c — do. do. do. do. c c c — c — do. c do. c — — — do. c — — — do. c — — do. C dp. do. do. 1=^=^1 do. c — ^ do. C do. C — do. C St. Petersburg. c do. c do. c 1032 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3J 4 4^ The Holy Trinity. . Madrid, Prado. C '- St. Augustine in Prayer. Martyrdom of St. Sebastian. St. Jerome in Prayer. Penitence of St. Jerome. A hermit in prayer. , A philosopher. Archimedes. Bust portrait of a woman ; study. (Fragment of picture burned in 1734.) do. C — The Magdalen. Madrid. A. St. F. C St. Anthony of Padua and the Child Jesus. St. Jerome in the Desert of Syria. St. Procopius, King of Bohemia. D., 9^x7^ inch- es, $2.00. Bust of St. Francis de Paula. RIBOT (Theodule). Breteuil (Eure), 1823— Paris, 1891. The Good Samaritan. (Salon of 1870.) Paris, Lux. C RIBUSTINI (V.) Madonna of the Holy Rosary. Modern Painters. B — B B Portrait of Leo XHI. do. B B RICARD (Louis Gustave). Marseilles, 1824 — Paris, 1872. (French School.) Portrait of Ricard. Paris, Louvre. C — Portrait of the artist, Charles Chaplin. Mast'rs XIX. C. C — RICCI (Antonio). See BARBALUNGA. RICCI (Arturo). (Modern.) Jealousy. Modern Painters. C C — C Clandestine Correspondence. D., 7x9 inches $1.50. do. C C — C A Wedding — A Joyful Occasion ! do. C C C "When Men Part Company." do. C C C The Surprise. do. C The Newly-married. do. C C C Tuscan "Improvisatore" at a Wedding. D., I9|x 29^ inches, $12.00. do. — B B B SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1033 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ z 3h 4 4h A Golden Wedding. D., 19x29 inches, $12.00. *"La Mano Caldo" ("Hot Cockles"). |D., 19x29 in., $12. Modern Painters. B B ♦Blind-man's-buff. J D.Sxyi5l2. ^°- ^ ^ ♦Cat and Mouse. D., 19x25! inches, $12.00. do. B Return from the Baptism. D., 15x19 inches, $5.00; 24x34, $15.00. do. Under Criticism. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. C C — C "He is Coming." do. C Art and Admiration. do. C — C RICCI or RIZZI (Sebastiano). Belluno, 1662-1734. (Venetian School.) Allegory. Paris, Louvre. C — Polyxena Sacrificed to the Shade of Achilles. do. C — The Continence of Scipio. do. C — RICCI ARELLI (Daniele), called Daniele de VOL- TERRA. Volterra, 1509 (?)-i566. (Floren- tine School.) Nude man, head bent between his arms. (Draw- ing.) do. C — (After Ricciarelli.") Nude man standing, full face, carrying a load on his left shoulder. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. do. (Attributed.) Male head, slightly inclined to- wards left. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Nude male figure, three-quarters length, his left arm' raised to grasp an unseen hand above. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Two studies of a left arm and the hand repeated. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Descent from the Cross. Chantilly. C Academical figure ; man standing, raising his left arm, and walking to right ; to the left, sketch of a male figure. (Drawing.) Vienna, Albertina. C — Two heads of children. (Drawing.) C, $1.00.' do. Two heads of a young man ; one turned to left, the other, in profile, to right. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. • do. Studies; three legs. (Drawing.) C. $1.00. do. • This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1. 80. 1034 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Male head, three-quarters right profile. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Chatsworth. Group of children with the attributes of astron- omy. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Study of draped female figure reclining; repeti- tion of the bust and right hand. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Florence, Uffizi. Descent from the Cross ; group of four figures. Study for the picture of the Trinita del Monte. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Two draped female figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Milan, Resta Col. -^ Three nude figures, standing, turned toward the centre. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Venice. Calvary. Madrid. C — RICCIO (Felice), called IL BRUSASORCI. Verona, 1540- 1605. (Venetian School.) Holy Family. Paris, Louvre. C — RICCIO (Mario). Belluno, 1679-1729. (Venetian School.) St. Paul Preaching; composition of many figures, Greek architecture in background. (Draw- ing.) do. C RICCIO da SIENA. (Italian School.) Adoration of the Shepherds. (Drawing.) Milan, Resta Col. C RICE (Henry W.) (Modern.) Becalmed. PI., 7x13 inches, $2.00. Boston. Stet. Col. RICHARDS (Samuel). (Modern.) The Day before the Wedding. do. C C — C RICHARDS (William Frost). Borti in Philadel- phia, 1833. (Modern.) The Wave. PI., 7x13 inches, $2.00. Boston. Stet. Col. The August Moon. . Chicago, Art Inst. PIC — PIC RICHEMONT (Alfred Paul Marie de). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Monks served by angels. (Legend of St. Domi- nic.) Modem Painters. C C Around the Cradle, (Salon of 1897.) do. C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1035 Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ RICHMOND (George). 1809. (Modern.) Portrait of William Hickling- Prescott. (Crayon.) D., 13x16 inches, $5.00. Modern Painters. RICHOMME (Jules). Born in Paris, 1818. (Mod- ern.) The Hurdy-gurdy Player. do. — C Cupids Hunting. do. C A Holiday. do. C The Difficult Letter. do. C A Country Song. do. C "Every One in his Turn." (Salon of 1898.) do. C RICHTER (Edouard). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Abandonment (Granada). do. C Lotus Flower. do. C Spanish-Arabian Fantasy. do. — C Zora, the Moorish Girl. do. C Two Turtle-doves. do. C Carmen. do. C C The Favorite of the Day. do. C C — C RICHTER (Gustav). Berlin, 1823-1884. (Mod- ern.) *Queen Louise. Artist's Proofs before letters, on India, 35^x22 inches, $36.00; D. 34x21, $15.00. Queen Louise (half length). Queen Louise (head only). Study-head for Queen Louise. Egyptian girl. j (Companion pictures.) Neapolitan boy (head). U_^ 16^x11^ inches, $5.00. Odalisque. J Roman girl. Nicolai Alexandrowltch, Grand Duke of Russia. Gipsy-boy. Building the Pyramids. Mother's Happiness. ) ,^ . . s v ^ , , ^ '^^ V (Companion pictures.) Father's Joy. f Gipsy-girl. The Two Brothers. Gipsy-girl. Cologne. B — B — do. B — — — do. — — B — do. — — B - - — B do. — B B B — B do. — B B B — B do. — B B B — B do. — — B B do. — — B B — B do. B B B — B ]\iunich, Max. B — B B — B do. B — B B — B do. B — B B — B do. B — B B — B do. — B B B — B do. — — B B — B * This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. 1036 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. - Oriental lady. Dusting the Pictures. Reverie. "I ,„ . . . . ^ . [ (Companion pictures.) Jainis' Daughter. Riding the Lion. Gips3'^-girl from Tauria. *Emperor William I. (cuirassier uniform, full length). Emperor William I. (bust). D., 18x15 inches, $5-00. Portrait of a boy. Portrait of Countess K. Empress Augusta. Portrait. ]Marie Paulovna, Grand Duchess Vladimir of Russia. Portrait of the artist, by himself. RICHTER (Helene). (Modern.) "Look ! Look !" Italian beggar-child. Girl of Capri. Petruccio. Roman mother. Lust for Plunder. Piccola. I (Companion pictures.) Clematis. RICHTER (Ludwig). Dresden, 1802— Pirna, 1873. (German School.) Landscape; view of the environs of Rome. (Drawing.) Sheep in a wood. (Drawing.) Italian landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Several persons in a boat crossing the Rhine. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Mountainous landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. •This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6>^x9 inches, $1.80. Gallery. Siacs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Munich, Max. B do. B do. B B — B do. B — — B Berlin. B — B B — B do. B B — B do. B — — B do. B — B B — B do. B — B do. _ — — B do. B — — B do. B — — — do. B — B — — B do. B — B B do. B — — B Modern Painters. , C C — C do. C C — C do. c C — C do. c c — C do. c c — C do. c — C do. B — do. — B — , do. — c — c Dresden, R. C. do. Dresden, P. G. do. do. do. C C — C do. C C — c do. — — — — — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1037 Gallery. Siacs, 2 2^ 3 3| 4 4^ RICHTER (O. D. von). (Modern.) Lucas Cranach Asking Catherine Bora's Hand for Dr. Martin Luther. Modern Painters. B B RICHTER (Wilhelm). Vienna, 1820. (Modern.) Royal Hunt in Hungary. do. — C C C — C RICKELT (C.) (Modern.) Wished-for Meeting. "Sleep Well, Great Emperor!" The Love-letter. RICO (Martin). Madrid. (Modern.) View from artist's window. PI., 10x16 inches, $3.00. Boston, Sher. Col. RIDEL (Louis). (Modern.) Autumn Thoughts. (Salon of 1898.) RIECKE (George). (Modern.) Sunset Glow. Comer of Barnyard. In the Marshes. Cedar Bluff. Road to the Village. Cows' Meeting-place. Mountain Road. In the Meadows. Bay Pastures. Spring Day. Pasture near Home. Return from Pasture. Edge of the Woods. Cattle at Rest. Sheep at Rest. Spring Pastures. Within the Fold. Meadow Pastures. Early June. Among the Hills. Valley Pastures. Barnyard Fowl. Valley Homestead. Modern Painters. , C c do PIC — PIC — do. — — — — PIC PIC ' do. PIC — PIC — do. PIC — PIC — do. PIC — "PIC PIC do. PIC — — PIC do. PIC — PIC — do. PIC — PIC — do. PIC — PIC — do. PIC — PIC — do. PIC — PIC — do. — — — — PIC PIC do. , — — — — PIC PIC do. — — — — PIC PIC do _ PIC PIC do — _ PIC — do — — — _ PIC PIC do — — — _ PIC PIC do. — _ PI C PI C do. _ PiC PIC do. _ PIC — do. . _ PIC PIC do. _^ _ PIC PIC 1038 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Beside the Bank. Modern Painters. PIC PIC Crossing the Mountain Stream. do. PIC — Shepherd's Home. do. PI C — Idlers. do. PI C — Highland Pasture. do. PI C _ Merino Sheep. do. PIC — Sheep Grazing. do. PIC — In the Birch Woods. do. PIC — Evening. do. PIC — Cattle Roaming. do. PIC — Under the Trees. do. PiC In the Fields. do. PIC Cows in Pasture. do. PIC RIEDEL (R.) (Modern.; Landscape (scene near Eisenach). do. C — C RIEDER (Marcel). Born at Thann (Upper Rhine). (Modern.) Dante Lamenting Beatrice. do. C C Undines. (Salon of 1896.) - do. C C Tomb of Daphnis. (Salon of 1897.) do. C C RIEDINGER (Johann Elias). Ulm, 1695-1767. (German School.) The Dying Stag. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Dresden, R. C. The Hunt. (Drawing.) Dresden, P. G. C Young woman in a landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Weimar. Deer and Lynx. (Drawing.) do. C Decorative panel for a hunting-piece. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. RIEFSTAHL (Wilhelm). Neustrelitz, 1827— :Mu- nich, 1888. (Modern.) In the Refectory. ' Modern Painters. — C C C — C Convent on the River Inn. do. C C — C Places of Devotion in the Cloisters of Brixen. do. — C C C — C Children's funeral in Possier. do. C — C Convent Cloisters in Brixen. do. C — C Testing the Novices. do. C C — C The Pantheon of Agrippa. do. B — B Fornm Romanum. do. B — B B SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1039 Gallery. Shes, 2 2J 3 3^ 4 4^ RIEGER (Albert). Vienna. (Modern.) St. Cantian (Fall of the Reka in the Rock-caves). St. Cantian (cathedral interior). St. Cantian (The Waterfall). Christmas-eve in the Alps. Bethlehem. Under the Cedars of Lebanon. The Caravan. Stormy Sea. On the Coast of Dalmatia. Marius on the Ruins of Carthage. Moonlight Night in Penzing, near Vienna. Waterfall by Moonlight. Falls of the Rhine at Schaflfhausen. Prayer in the Forest. Still-life in the Forest. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. Queen Waldlieb (The Queen's Wish). Queen Waldlieb (The Queen's Interment). Queen Waldlieb (The Wish Fulfilled). Cairo. A Summer Night's Dream. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. River Scenery. The Harbor of Trieste. Ruins near Schonbrunn. Woodland Stream. Vesper Hymn. Castle of Miramare. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. Rapids by Moonlight. D., about 16x21 inches, $5.00; 8x10, $1.50. A Mountain Torrent. Woodland Torrent. D., about 16x21 inches, $5.00. Castle of Laxenburg. Salvator Rosa Sketching by Moonlight. Moonlight at Trollhatten (Sweden). A Midsummer Night. The Phantom Ship. The Hay-wain. Ruins of an Indian Temple. RIEPENHAUSEN (Johann). Gottingen, 1788— Rome, i860. (German School.) Madonna. Modern Painters . c — c do. c — c do. — — — c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. — c — c do. — i — — c do. c — c do. c — — do. C c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. C c — c do. - — c — — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. — — c do. c c — c do. — — c do. c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c -- c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. — — c do. — — — — — c do. — B 1040 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. RIESENER (Henri-Fransois). Paris, 1767-1818. (French School.) Portrait of Elleviou, singer of the Opera Comique, 1769-1842. RIETH (P.) (Modern.) Fruitless Journey. RJGAUD y ROS (Hyacinthe Frangois Honorat Mathias Pierre Andre Jean). Perpignan, 1659 — Paris, 1743. (French School.) Presentation in the Temple. Portrait of King Louis XIV., painted in 1701. Portrait of Philip \ ., King of Spain, painted in 1700. Portrait of Jacques Benigne Bossuet, Bishop of Meaux, painted in 1699. Portrait of Martin van den Bogaert, sculptor, known in France under the name of Desjar- dins. Portraits of the artists, Charles Le Brun and Pierre Mignard. Portrait of Jules Hardouin-Mansard, architect and Intendant of the Royal Buildings, France. Portraits of unknown persons. Portrait of Robert de Cotte, first architect of the King, Intendant of Buildings, and Director of the Mint for Medals, France. Portrait of Cardinal de Polignac. Portrait of J. F. P. de Crequi, Duke de Lesdi- guieres, as a child. Portrait of P. de Berulle, First President of the ' Parliament of Grenoble. Male portrait. Study of a right and left hand. (Drawing.) Portrait of Louis XV. as a child. Portrait of Moliere (Jean Baptiste Poquelin), 1 622- 1 673. (Attributed.) Portrait of Henrietta Anne of England, Duchess of Orleans (1644-1670), daughter of Charles I. and Henrietta of France, wife of Philip, Duke of Orleans. Gallery. Si::cs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Versailles. Modern Painters. C Paris, Louvre. C do. C — C do. C — c do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. c do. C — c do. c do. c do. do. — C C do. C do. C do. c Old Masters. ^ — C c — National Portraits. C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1041 Portrait of Sebastian le Prestre de Vauban (1633- 1707), Marshal of France. Portrait of Francois de Salignac de la Mothe Fenelon (1651-1715), tutor of the Duke of Burgundy, Archbishop of Cambrai, writer, Member of the French Academy. Portrait of Jean de la Fontaine (1621-1695), writ- er of fables, Member of the French Academy (1683). Portrait of Louis Antoine de Montespan, Mar- quis, afterwards Duke of Antin (1665-1736), Lieutenant-General, Member of the Council of Regency and Minister of State, France. Portrait of Countess Bielinska and her daughter, afterwards Baroness de Besenval. Portrait of Jean Nadault (1701-1779), Advocate- General in the Parliament of Dijon, natural- ist, Member of the French Academy of Sciences. Portraits of Frangois Asselin, Chevalier, Sire of Frenelles (XVIII. century). (School of Rigaud.) Male portrait. Portrait of Louis XIV., King of France, standing, leaning on his sceptre. Portrait of Louis XV., King of France, holding a long sceptre in his left hand. Portrait of Louis XV., King of France, as a child. Portrait of Nicolas Boileau Despreaux, poet, sat- irist (1636-1711). Portrait of Madame (Elizabeth Charlotte de Ba- viere). Duchess of Orleans, surnamed the Princess Palatine (1652-1722). Portrait of Hyacinthe Rigaud, artist. Portrait of Jean Balthazar Keller, smelter (1638- 1702). Portrait of Jean Jacques Keller, smelter (1635- 1700). Portrait of the sculptor, Martin van den Bogaert, called Desjardins (1640-1694). Portrait of the artist, Pierre Mignard (1610-1695). Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Natl. Portraits. — — C — do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Versailles. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C — 1042 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. (School of Rigaud.) Portrait of Louis August Albert d'Ailly, Duke de Chaulnes, Marshal of France (1676-1744). i(After Rigaud.) Portrait of Louis Antoine de Pardaillan de Gondrin, Duke of Antin (1665- 1736). Portrait of the Marquis de Dangeau (Philippe de Courcillon, 1638-1720). Portrait, supposed to be of Jules Hardouin Man- sart (1646-1708), architect. (Portrait of the same.) Portrait of Marie of Orleans, Duchess of Ne- mours, Princess of Neufchatel (1625-1707), daughter of Louise of Bourbon and of Henry n. of Orleans, Duke of Longueville. Portrait of Frangois Girardon (1627-1715), sculp- tor, ]\Iember of the Royal Academy of Paint- ing and Sculpture, France. Portrait of Armand Jean le Bouthillier, Abbe de Ranee (1626-1700), reformer of La Trappe. Portrait of Bernard le Bouyer or Le Bovier de Fontenelle (1657-1757), writer, mathemati- cian, perpetual secretary of the French Acad- emy of Sciences. Portrait of Sebastian le Prestre de Vauban (1633- 1707), Marshal of France. Portrait of Louis de la Tour d'Auvergne, Count d'Evreux (?-i750.), Lieutenant-General of the Armies of the King, Colonel-General of French and foreign cavalry. Governor of the lle-de-France. Portrait of the Duchess Elizabeth Charlotte of Orleans. D., 15x20 inches, $1.50. King Augustus IIL as Elector. Male portrait. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Portrait of Cardinal de Rohan, half-length figure, full face, (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Portrait of the Duke de Boufflers, full face, bust. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Portrait of Henrietta, Duchess of Mantua, half- length figure, full face. (Drawing.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 31 4 4^ Versailles. do. do. Chantilly. do. Chateau de Dam. — Dijon Museum. Abbey of La T. Mont. Museum. Saintes Museum. C — C — C — C — — C — Tours Museum. C — Brunswick. B Dresden. C Weimar. Vienna, Albert. do. do. C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1043 Modern Painters. Boston, M. F. A. Berlin. A marshal of France, half-length figure, full face. (Drawing.) Portrait of Elizabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Or- leans, Princess Palatine. Portrait of Cardinal de Fleury. Portrait of Jacques Benigne Bossuet, Bishop of Meaux (1627-1704). RILEY (Th.) (Modern.) By Brink of Cooling Stream, D., 8xi6J inches, $3.00. RIMMER (WilUam). Evening — Fall of Day. PI., $2.00. RING (Ludgertom), the Elder. Miinster, 1496- 1547. (German School.) Portrait of a young man. RING (Ludgertom), the Younger. Miinster, after 1521 — Brunswick, 1583 or 1584. (German School.) The Wedding at Cana. RING (Max). (Modern.) Lorelei. The Rose. Lorelei's Victim. Model resting. Water-witch. Reverie. Repose. In the Land of Happy Dreams. A Wood-violet. RINGEL (Fritz). Born in Barmen. (Modern.) The Chronicle. RIOS (L. da). (Modern.)" "Father's Not Coming!" RIOULT (Louis Edouard). Montdidier, 1780- 1856. (French School.) Portrait of Maria Theresa Louisa de Savoie-Car- ignan, Princess of Lamballe, 1749-1792. Versailles. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Vienna, Albert. C — Buda-Pcsth. C do. C Florence, Ufiizi. c — B — B do. — C — C n Painters. C C c c — c do. — — — c — c do. — — c c — c do. — — — c — c do. — — — B — B do. — — B — — B do. — — — c — C do. — — — c — C do. — — c c — C do. do. B — B 1044 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4J RISLER (Charles Auguste). Born in Cernay (Al- sace). (Modern.) The Little Convalescent. Modern Painters. . — C The Pilferer. do. C RITTER (Casper). (Modern.) Ingeborg. do. C An Idyll. do. C — C At Grandmother's. do. C After the Bath. do. C — C Embroiderers of Appenzell. do. C — C Melody. do. C C — C *Morning (nude). D., 9^x19^ inches, $5.00. do. B RITTER (Paul). Nuremberg, 1829. The old square in front of the "Sebaldus Kirche" in the time of the entrance of Gustavus Adol- phus into Nuremberg, 1632. do. — C C C — C The market-place in Nuremberg in the day of the royal entrance of the Emperor Leopold L, 1658. do. — C C C — C The Court of the Guild-hall in Nuremberg on the day of the banquet commemorating the Peace of Westphalia. do. C The Reciter. do. C RITZ (R.) (Modern.) Festival of the Virgin of the Snow, in Zermatt, Canton Wallis. do. C C — C Alpine roses. do. C Evening before the Festival. do, ■■ C C — C Kitchen interior of the Valeria Castle at Sion. do. — C Botanist. do. C Mineralogist. do. C Zoologist. do. C Play without Profit. do. C — C RITZBERGER (A.) (Modern.) **Sweet Dreams. do. C C — C *This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $r.8o. **This subject comes in an Aquarelle Gravure, 15x12 inches, $;6.oo. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1045 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ RIVA (M. L. de la). (Modern.) Flowers and Fruit. Modern Painters. C RIVIERE (Briton). London, 1840. (Modern.) ♦The Empty Chair. D., 100 Artist's Proofs on In- dia, 14x20 inches, $15.00; D., $5.00. do. '■ A Blockade-runner. D., 17^x12:^ inches, $5.00. do. RIXENS (Jean Andre). Born in St. Gaudens (Haute-Garonne). (Modern.) Death of Agrippina. do. C Varnishing Day. do. C C RIZO (Jacques). Born in Athens. (Modern.) Cleopatra. do. C Indolence. do. C RIZZI or RIZI (Francesco). Madrid, 1608 — end of XVII. century. (Spanish School.) Leg of a piece of furniture. (Drawing in pen and bistre.) C, $1.00. Florence, Ufifizi. RIZZO. See SANTA CROCE (Francesco). ROBBECKE (M.) (Modern.) "The Ocean glittered far, far out In the last evening light." Modern Painters. C C — C After the Fire. do. C ROBBIA (Luca della). Florence, 1399-1482. (Ital- ian School.) Madonna seated holding the Child ; group twice repeated. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Florence, Uffizi. ROBERT (Hubert). Paris, 1733-1808. (French School.) View of the Pont du Gard. Paris, Louvre. C — C — Ancient portico of Marcus Aurelius. do. C — C — Portico of Octavia at Rome used as a fish market. do. C — C — Landscape. do. C — The Cascades of Tivoli. do. C — C — • This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. 1046 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Italian villa, staircase with statues ; in the fore- ground, a woman fetching water in a caul- dron, another holding a child by a leading- string. (Drawing.) View of the Pont-au-Change from an arch of the Pont-Neuf. (Drawing.) Gardens of Versailles. — Entrance to the Tapis Vert. Groves of Versailles. — The Baths of Apollo. Antique fountain with figures. (Drawing in red chalk, hatched and washed.) Lady walking. (Red chalk drawing.) C., $i.oo. ROBERT (Leopold Louis). The Chaux-de-Fonds (Switzerland), 1794 — Venice, 1835. (French School.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 21 3 3^ 4 4^ De Goncourt Coll. ■ — — c — do. — C — — Versailles. do. — — c c — Besangon. do. — c — — Arrival of reapers in the Pontine Marshes. Paris, Louvre. C — c — Return from the pilgrimage to La Madonna dell' Arco, Naples. do. C — c — Peasant woman of the Roman Campagna. do. — c — The Secret. Chantilly. — c — Woman weeping over the ruins of her home. do. C — — — ROBERT (Leo Paul). Bienne, Switzerland. (Mod- ern.) The Echo. Modern Painters. — c c c — c ROBERT-FLEURY (Joseph Nicolas). Paris, 1797- 1890. (French School.) Conference at Poissy in 1561. (Salon of 1840.) Paris, Lux. Portrait of the Duke de Montpensier as a child, seated on a couch, Chantilly. Portrait of the Duke d'Aumale as a child, seated on a bench. do. ROBERT-FLEURY (Tony). Born in Paris, 1838. (Modern.) Charlotte Corday at Caen. Vauban delivering the plans of the fortifications of the Chateau and Town of Belfort. do. Leda. do. Magdalene. do. — C — C — — C — Modern Painters. C C C C SOULE ART COMPAN Y, BOSTON. 1047 Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4J Modern Painters. C C do. C do. C C do. C do. C do. C do. c do. c do. C C do. c do. c do. C do. C do. c Berlin. q Dresden. C do. C London, Nat. G. C — C Modern Painters. C — C The Love-letter. Architecture. Sweet Reveries. Apotheosis of French Sculpture (ceiling). Warsaw ; scene from the Polish insurrection. Ophelia. "1789." "1889." Maternity. Fantasy. (Salon of 1896.) Thais. (Salon of 1896.) A courtesan. (Salon of 1897.) Under the Reign of Terror. — A Search. (Salon of 1898.) The Book. (Salon of 1899.) ROBERTI (Ercole). Madonna and Child. On the Way to Calvary. Christ Bound. Adoration of the Shepherds. — Pieta. ROBERTS (E.) (Modern.) Coming Events Cast Their Shadows Before. ROBETTA (G. de). Born at Florence, beginning of XVL century. Madonna and Child. (Engraving.) C, $1.25. St. Sebastian. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Allegory. (Engraving.) C, $1.25. ROBINSON (Theodore). Born at Irasburg, Ver- mont, 1854-1896. (Modern.) A Brittany Kitchen. PI., 7x13 inches, $2.00. ROBINSON (Thomas). Nova Scotia, 1835. (Mod- ern.) Cattle Ploughing. PI., 10x12 inches, $2.00. ROBUSTI (Jacopo). See TINTORETTO (II). ROCHEGROSSE (Georges). Born in Versailles, 1859. (Modern.) The Knight of the Flowers. Dresden, P. G. do. do. Boston, Stetson C. — Boston, M. F. A. Paris, Lux, Gallery. Si CCS, 2 2^ 3 3i 4 4i Modem Painters. C C do. C C do. C C do. — C — — — . do. — C c do. — — c do. — c c do. — c c do. — c — __ — do. — c c do. c — c do. — — C — c do. — — c do. — c C — c 1048 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Quail fighting. New Arrival in the Harem. The Fall of Babylon. (Detail of the above.) Tannhauser. Andromache. Pillage of a Gallic Roman villa by the Huns. Chattering of birds. Human Anguish. (Salon of 1896.) The Wedding Night. (Salon of 1898.) ROCHOLL (Theodor). (Modern.) Till Eulenspiegel. All Over. At the Outposts. Last Review by Emperor William I. ^ Episode from the Battle of Vion- (Compan- ville. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. )■ ion do. C C — C King William's Ride Around Se- pictures.) dan. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. J do. Transports of French Prisoners-of-War. do. Battle Around the Standard. do. Fight at the Outposts. do. "Niirnbergers never hang anyone until they have him !" do. The Wood-nymph. do. ROCHUSSEN (Charles). Rotterdam, 181 5. (Mod- ern.) Destruction of Heidelberg by the French in 1689. do. Destruction of Worms by the French, 1689. do. R5DIG (M.) (Modern.) *Beethoven at the Piano (full figure). D., 20x16 inches, $5.00. do. Beethoven (bust). D., I7|xi3^ inches, $5.00. do. *Mozart at the Piano (full figure). D., 20x16 inches, $5.00. do. *Mozart (bust). D., 17IX13I inches, $5.00. do. Schiller. D., 19IX15I, $5.00. do. Goethe. D., 19^x15^ inches, $5.00. do. ♦This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6|x9 inches, $1.80. C — c c — c — c . c c — c c -- c IIIc — c — c — c — — c B B B B B B B B B B B B SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1049 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ RODRIGUEZ-BLANES (Benito). Granada, 1650- 1737. (Spanish School.) Portrait of a naval hero. Munich. C — C ROEBER (Fritz). Elberfeld, 1851. (Modem.) The Holy Night. D., 21x15 inches, $5.00. The Last State Council of the Great Elector. - "And Angels Taught Him." D., 15^x18^ inches, $5.00. ROECHLING (C.) (Modern.) The March through the Home-village. Storming of the Little Castle of Gaisberg. Storming of the Heights at Spichejrn. ROEDERSTEIN (Ottilia). Born in Ziirich (Sv^itzerland). (Modern.) The Month of Mary. "Suflfer Little Children to Come Unto Me 1" Daily Bread. Bernadotte. (Salon of 1896.) St. John. (Salon of 1896.) ROEGGE (Wilhelm). Osterkappeln, Hanover, 1829. (Modern.) The Warrior's Return. The Irritated Father. The Convalescent. Mother-love. Motherly Warning. Happy People. A Holiday Hour. First Going-out. The Beloved's Songs. The 'Reaper's Return Home. Down the Hill. Sabbath Rest. Blowing Soap-bubbles. "I See My Beloved Coming !" His Picture. "Mother's Heart Soothes all Your Sorrows!" "Courage !" Modern Painters. B — — B do. — B B — — B do. — B do. C — c do. c — c do. c c — c do. — c — c do. — c — c do. — C — c do. — c do. • — c do. — c do. c do. — c do. — — _ — — c do. — — — c — c do. c — c do. — — — — — c do. ■ c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c c — c do. — — — — — c do. — — ~ c do. - c do. — . — — — do. — — — — — c do. — — — — - c 1050 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ jMaternal Joy. Modern Painters. C The Darling Sleeps. do. C Morning Porridge. do. C Opportunity Makes the Thief. do. C Spring is Coming ! do. C The Courteous Host. do. . • C The Tempter. do. C Youngest in the Nest. do. C Love's Sorrows. do. — C Important Discovery. do. C "Good Night !" 'do. C A Little Glass of Wine? do. C Going into Church. do. C At the Window. do. C Irreconcilable. do. C Secrets Discovered. do. C ROEHN (Alphonse Jean). Born in Paris, 1799- 1864. The Poacher. (Salon of 1850.) Paris, Lux. C ROELAS (Juan de las), called El LICENCIADO. Seville, about 1560 — Olivarez, 1625. (Span- ish School.) The Virgin in Glory adored by a Jesuit Father. Berlin. C — C Conception of the Virgin. Dresden. C ROESL (Joseph). Munich, 1853. (Modern.) Celebration of the Foundation. Modern Painters. C ROESLER (A.) (Modern.) St. Mary Magdalen. • do. C — C Captivating Sounds. ' do. C — C An Attempt. do. C — C "Struwwelpeter" Studies. do. C Avowal. do. C — C Parca, Goddess of Destiny. do. C — C Sympathy. do. C C — C Hortense. do. C Madonna. do. C — C Longing. do. C — C A Penitent. do. C — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1051 Love's Messenger. The Convalescent's Thanksgiving. In the Hands of the Philistines. D., 8xio inches, $1.50. Reveille. Lieutenant von Schmeling at Ligny. Saved ! (An episode from the Franco-German war.) Bayonet Charge at St. Quentin, 1871. *Teutonic Hearts. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4J Modern Painters. C — C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C ^ C C C B B B B — B B B B ROESTEL (A.) (A4odern.) For the Poor. do. On Christmas Morning. do. Childish Play. do. In the Fields. do. In the Spring. do. At Breakfast. do. Little Coquette. ~ do. The Rag-picker. do. Sleeping Child. do. Butterfly-hunt. * do. The Coquette. do. "Gaissepperl." do. Goose Lizzie. do. Diogenes, Junior. do. The Orphans. PI., 12x14 inches, $3.00; 9x11, $2.00. do. Hot Chestnuts. do. C C C C — C C C — C C C — C — C — C C — C — C C C — C — C C C C C C — C — C — C c ROETING (Julius). The Entombment. "It is Finished !" Dresden, 1821. (Modern.) do. do. c c c c c c ROGHMAN (Roelant). Amsterdam, 1597-1687. (Dutch School.) Mountain landscape at sunset. Mountainous landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Landscape with fountain. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. * This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. Cassel. Dresden, R. C. do. C — C 1052 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. ROHDE (Carl). Coblentz, 1840. (Modern.) The Courtship. Bob! Mother-joy. ' "Nine of Us !" ROI (J.) (Modern.) The Lost Soul. ROKES (Hendrik Martens), called Sorgh or Zorg. Rotterdam, 1621-1682. (Dutch School.) The Laborers in the Vineyard. D., 7x9 inches, $1.50. The Fish-market. Rotterdam Fishwife. The Zither-player. Fish-market. Vegetable-market. The Storm. ROLL (Alfred). Born in Paris, 1847. (Modem.) Manda Lametrie, farmer's wife. (Salon of 1888.) The Centennial of 1789. — M. Carnot at Versailles. Portrait of M. Jules Simon. Fourteenth of July, 1880. Child and Bull. Summer-time. Meal-time. The Younger Coquelin. Festival of Silenus. ROLSHOVEN (Julius). Born in Detroit (United States), 1858. (Modern.) Lauretta the Beautiful. Beatrice. Meditation. Hamlet. PL, 10x13 inches, $2.00. Gallery. Shes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. — C do. C do. C — C do. — C C — C ROMANELLI (Giovanni Francesco). 1610-1662. (Roman School.) Venus and Adonis. A muse. Viterbo, Brunswick. B Dresden. C — — — do. c Amsterdam. C — c do. c — c do. c — c do. — C — c Paris, Luxemb'g. c Versailles. c — Modem Painters. c c do. c c do. c do. c c do. c c do. c __ do. c c do. do. do. do. Paris, Louvre. Rome, G. of Cap. C C — C — C C — C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1053 ROMANI (Juana). (Modern.) Salome. (Salon of 1898.) Angelica. (Salon of 1898.) Mina da Fiesole. (Salon of 1899.) ROMANINO (Girolamo Romani). Brescia, 1485- 1566. (Venetian School.) Madonna and Child between SS. Roch and Louis of Toulouse. Pieta. (Attributed.) Judith. The Nativity. Sketch of a number of children. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. ROMANO (Giulio), Giulio PIPPI, called. Rome, 1 492- 1 546. (Roman School.) The Nativity. Holy Family. Triumph of Titus and Vespasian. Male portrait. Fauns and Bacchantes dancing. (Drawing.) Mars and Venus with four little cupids. (Draw- ing.) C, $2.50. Madonna and Child, St. Stephen kneeling, SS. Je- rome, Anthony and George standing. (Draw- ing-) Female figure walking toward right and raising a curtain. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Man on a horse turned to left. (Drawing.) Group of many figures, warriors and women. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Woman seated, turning her back and holding a child on her knees ; another child is standing behind her. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Miraculous Draught of Fishes : group of many figures. (Drawinsf.) C, $1.75. Holy Family ; composition of five figures. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Two figures of women. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Death of Orpheus ; composition of five figures. (Drawing.) Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ Modern Painters. C -; do. C -^ db. C Berlin. do. do. London, N. G. Florence, Uftizi. Paris, Louvre, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C C — C C C — C — C — C — C — C — — C C 1054 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Si::cs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Paris, Louvre. Lille. C Dresden. C — C C — B Dresden, R. C. C do. C Dresden, P. G. Weimar. do. do. Vienna, Albert. do. -. do. do. do. Resurrection of Christ. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Study for the picture, "The Continence of Scipio." (Drawing.) Holy Family, known under the name of "Madon- na della Catina." Arquebusiers in a boat; sketch. (Drawing.) Copy after the picture at Dresden, "The Madon- na della Catina." (Drawing.) Jupiter and three women ; group. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Allegory ; group of four figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. (After Raphael.) The Battle of Constantine. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. (After Raphael.) St. Peter appearing to Attila. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Sacrifice of Abraham. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Christ in glory borne by six angels. ( Drawing.) C, $1.75. Jupiter and Venus; group of six figures. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. Jupiter and Juno ; group, of three figures. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. Apollo and the Muses ; study in the nude. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. Judgment of Midas; group of six figures. (Draw- ing) Combat between ^neas and Tumus ; round com- position. (Drawing.) Combat between Horatii and Curatii. (Drawing.) Two amazons, two warriors and two horses' heads. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Victory standing on a pedestal, turned to left. (Drawing.) Two Cupids embracing. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Draped female figure seated, leaning her head on her left arm. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Hunting scene ; woman drawing a bow, man on horseback, young man killing a wild boar, a deer, a hare and several dogs. (Drawing.) C, $1.75- do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1055 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Ornaments. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Vienna, Albert. Decoration of a doorway. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Two heads of horses. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. — — (After Raphael.) Acis and Galatea. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Infancy of Jupiter. London, N. G. C C — C Study of four horses. (Drawing.) London, B. M. C A battle ; large composition. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. Mythological subject. (Drawing.) do. C — Allegory; group of many persons. (Drawing.) do. C — Young woman surrounded by dragons and chim- eras. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Chatsworth. Allegory: The Church Leading the Four Empires. (Drawing.) do. C — Study of a nude child standing, turned to left. (Drawing.) C., $1.25. do. The Circumcision. (Drawing.) - do. C Decorative subject for a plaque. (Drawing.) do. — C • Saint borne by angels. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Combat of Tritons. (Drawing.) do. C Detail of a frieze ; a man leading horses. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do. Combat of centaurs and amazons. (Drawing.) do. C — Decorative subject for a ceiling (Parable of the Tares and the Wheat). (Drawing.) do. C Combat of Gladiators. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Rape of Dejanira. (Drawing.) do. C Childish Sports. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Spoils being carried to a Roman general. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. do. Design for a tomb. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Judith with the Head of Holofernes. (Drawing.) do. C Allegorical figure with two genii. (Drawing.) do. C — Fecundity (allegory). (Drawing.) do. C Moses Saved from the Nile. (Drawing.) do. C Portrait of Cardinal Accolti d'Arezzo. Florence, Uffizi. C — Portrait of the artist, bv himself. do. C Evangelist seated, reading. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Group of warriors; sketch after the antique. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. 1056 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ Florence, Uffizi. do. — do. do. do. do. do. do. C Florence, Pitti. C do. C — PIC Rome, Pin. of \ at. C Composition of eight figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Four warriors standing; study after the antique. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Decorative design. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Female figure walking toward right ; antique sub- ject. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Fame. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Allegory; a sculptor in his studio surrounded by angels. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Group of three nude male figures crouching. (Drawing.) C, $1,00. Birth of Castor and Pollux. (Drawing.) (Copy after Raphael.) Madonna of the Lizard. Dance of Apollo and the Muses. (Giulio Romano and II Fattore.) Madonna, called the "Madonna di Monteluce." Detail of the frieze in the Hall of Friezes. Detail of the frieze in the Hall of Friezes. Detail of the frieze in the Hall of Friezes. Detail of the frieze in the Hall of Friezes. Detail of the frieze in the Hall of Friezes. Detail of the frieze in the Hall of Friezes. Detail of the frieze in the Hall of Friezes. Detail of the frieze in the Hall of Friezes. Detail of the frieze in the Hall of Friezes. Detail of the frieze in the Hall of Friezes. Detail of the frieze in the Hall of Friezes. Composition for an historical subject. (Drawing.) Design for a decoration. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. The Chariot of Apollo ; study for a ceiling. (Drawing.) Study for a bas-relief: Repast in Ancient Times. (Drawing.) Sibyl seated and an angel, caryatid. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. St. Jerome kneeling, a lion at his side. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Three female figures turned to right. (Drawing.) Chariot of the Sun ; composition for a ceiling. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Rome, Farn. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C Milan, Ambros. C — do. do. do, do. do. do. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 10f67 Miraculous Draught of Fishes. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Cupid Riding a Goat. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Female figure representing autumn. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Chimera. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Sketch of two sea-horses. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Sea Monsters. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Conversion of St. Paul. (Drawing.) Madonna and Child, to whom she is oflFering flowers. Madonna and Child, with St. John. Mythological. (Drawing.) ROMANY (Adele), nee de ROMANCE. Exhibit- ed between 1793-1824. (French School.) Portrait of Gaetano Apollino Baldasarre Vestri, called Vestris (1729-1808), dancer. ROMBOUTS (Jan). Lived in Haarlem about 1600. (Dutch School.) Landscape ; woods. Dutch village with a wind-mill. ROMBOUTS (Theodore). Antwerp, 1597-1637. (Flemish School.) Singers and zither-players. Peter Denying Christ. Christ as Pilgrim received by St. Augustine. The Dentist. The Card-players. ROMERSWALE (Marinus van), or Marinus van ZECUW, or Roymerswale. About 1500- 1560. (Flemish School.) Money-changer and his wife. A money-changer and his wife. Lawyer in his office. Parable of the Unjust Steward. Two lisurers weighing gold. St. Jerome Meditating on Death and the Last Judgment. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4\ Milan, Brera. Venice. do. do. do. do. do. St. Petersburg. do. Mahl. Col. C — PIC Nat'l Portraits. Brunswick. Dresden. C — B Munich. Vienna, Liecht. Antwerp. Madrid. Prado. do. — C — C C — C — C — — c Dresden. C C Munich. C — C do. C — c Vienna Museum. C — London, N. G. C — Madrid, Prado. C 1058 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Money-changer and his wife. Madonna suckling the Child. ROMEYN (Willem). Haarlem, 1624-1693. (Dutch School.) Mountainous landscape with herd of cows. (Drawing.) Study of a cow in a meadow. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. SROMNEY (George). Dalton, 1734— Kendal, 1802. (English School.) The Parson's Daughter (portrait). PI., 15x15 inches, $4.00; 9x9, $2.00. Lady Hamilton as a Bacchante. Lady Hamilton as the Spinster. Lady Hamilton as Diana. Mrs. Jordan as the Romp. Miss Bennveld. (Exhibition of female portraits in the ficole des Beaux Arts, 1897.) !RONDEL (Henri). Born in Avignon. (Modern.) General Boulanger. Starting for the Ball. The Letter. The Prayer to the Virgin. (Salon of 1899.) RONDINELLO (Nicole). Ravenna. Flourished in 1500. (Venetian School.) Madonna with the Child and St. John the Bap- tist. (According to catalogue of Doria Gal- lery, by Giovanni Bellini.) Madonna and Child. RONGIER (Jeanne). Born in Macon. (Modern.) The First Cloud. The Garret. Sitting for a portrait in 1806. Entrance to a convent. , . A churching. Fleur d'eau. The Time of Blossom. (Salon of 1896.) Butterflies. ^^Salon of 1898.) Youth. (Salon of 1898.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Madrid, Prado. C do. C — Paris, Louvre. Dresden, P. G. London, N. G. do. do. do. do. C C — C C — C C C C Modern Painters. C C do. C do. C do. C C Rome, Doria. do. C — Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C C do. C C do. C do. — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1059 RONNER (Henrietta). Bom in Amsterdam, 1821. (Modern.) The Final Stroke. New Tenants. The Exact Hour. Kittens. PL, 7x9 inches, $1.00; colored, $4.00. Cat and Kitten. "Trilby" (cat). Incautious. Friends. D., 11x15 inches, $3.00. RONOT (Charles). Born in Belan-sur-Ource (Cote-d'Or), 1820. (Modern.) St. Elizabeth of Hungary distributing alms. RONTINI (A.) (Modern.) Early Attachment. Maternal Jests. Invitation to the Dance. Morning Fragrance. RONTINI (R.) (Modern.) The, Mistress' Pet. Christmas Offerings. ROOS (Heindrich Johann). Ottersberg, 1631 — Frankfort, 1685. (German School.) Dog lying down. (Drawing.) • C, .75. Two sheep. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Four sheep. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Shepherd with his flock. (Drawing.) Sheep and ram. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Landscape and animals. (Drawing.) Study of a horse. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. ROQUEPLAN (Camille Joseph 6tienne). Main- mort, 1800-1845. (French School.) The Amorous Lion. The Page. ROSA (Salvator). Near Naples, 1615-1673. (Ne- apolitan School.) Tobias and the Angel. Ghost of Samuel appearing to Saul. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C C do. C do. C Boston, Sher. C. Chicago Art Inst. — C C do. C Modern Painters. C do. — C — C do. C do. C C — C do. C — C do. C C — C do. C — C do. C do. C — C Dresden, Roy. C. do. do. c do. Dresden, P. G. c do. MastersXIX.Cen. do. Paris, Louvre, do. — C C C — C — C 1060 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Battle-piece. Landscape. Group of four figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Figure of a man holding a sieve. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Landscape with St. Jerome in prayer. (Accord- ing to Woermann, Alessandro Magnasco.) Andromeda. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Study for a St. Sebastian. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Neptune. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Study for a Jonah. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. The Rivers; allegory. (Gravure.) C., $1.00. Mountainous landscape. Landscape. St. Jerome seated. (Drawing.) C., $1.75. Fall of the Titans ; composition of many figures. (Drawing.) C., $2.50. Three soldiers sitting around a table. (Drawing.) C.,.75- Head of a faun, i\M face. (Drawing.) C., $1.75. Sketch of a mountainous landscape. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. Christ and His Disciples. (Drawing.) Portrait of the artist, by himself. Sketch of two figures. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. Woman lying under a tree, and male bust. (Draw- ing.) C., $1.00. St. John Preaching; group of nine figures. (Draw- ing-) Bust of man sitting at table holding book in left hand. (Drawing.) C., .75. Virgin appearing to two saints ; sketch. (Draw- ing.) C., .75. ^ ^ Bust of man drinking, right profile. (Drawing.) C, .75- Group of several figures ; sketch. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. Three heads ; sketch. (Drawing.) C., .75. Draped male figure turned toward left ; sketch. (Drawing,) C., .75. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2J 3 3^ 4 4^ Paris, Louvre. C — C — do. C — do. do. Dresden. C Dresden, R. C. do. do. do. Munich. C — C do. — C — C Vienna, Albert. do. do. do. do. London, B. M. C — Florence, Uifizi. C — do. do. do. C — do. do. do. do. do. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1061 Draped male figure standing ; behind him two other figures. (Drawing.) C, .75. Martyrdom ; large composition. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Martyrdom ; composition of many figures. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Bust of man in armor, left profile. (Drawing.) C, .75- Three draped female figures lying on the ground. (Drawing.) C, .75. Busts of two men in armor. (Drawing.) C, .75. Faun and Bacchante. (Drawing.) C, .75. Two horsemen fighting. (Drawing.) C, .75. Male bust, left profile. (Drawing.) C, .75. Man drin]^ing, right profile. (Drawing.) C, .75. Draped female figure seated ; sketch. (Drawing.) C, .75. Draped female figure seated, and nude child standing. (Drawing.) C, .75. Four heads ; sketch. (Drawing.) C, .75. Male bust, full face. (Drawing.) C, .75. Duplicity. Portrait of the artist, by himself. Warrior. Portrait of an old man. Landscape : Diogenes Throwing Away His Por- ringer (?). Death of Abel. Mountainous landscape. Woman seated in a landscape holding a child in her arms. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The Prodigal Son. Portrait of a poet (bust). Portrait of a bandit (half-length figure). ROSALBA-CARRIERA. Venice, 1675-1757. (Ve- netian School.) Portrait of a woman with flowers in her hair. (Pastel.) Portrait of a girl holding a monkey. (Pastel.) Head of a girl, shoulders bare. (Pastel.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3i- 4 4^ Florence, Uflfizi. do. do. ' do. do. do. do. do. do. .— do. : do. do. do. do. Florence, Pitti. C do. C do. C do. C do. Rome, Doria. do. Milan. Ambrosian.- St. Petersburg. do. ■ - do. C C C Paris, Louvre. C — ■ do. C do. C 1062 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. (Attributed.) Portrait of Marie Victoire Sophie de Noailles, Countess of Toulouse, 1688-1766. (Pastel.) (Attributed.) Portrait of Mademoiselle de Cler- mont (Marie Anne de Bourbon), 1697-1741. I (Pastel.) (Attributed.) Portrait of an unknown woman. (Pastel.) Portrait of Frederick Christian of Saxony, Elec- toral Prince. (Pastel.) Noble Venetian lady of the Barbarigo family. (Pastel.) Portrait of the Duchess Orzelska, afterwards Duchess of Holstein. (Pastel.) Portrait of Princess de Teschen, formerly Count- ess Lubomirska. (Pastel.) Instability and Eternity holding each other by the hand. (Pastel.) Charity embracing Justice. (Pastel.) Victory. (Pastel.) Mater Dolorosa. (Pastel.) Mary Magdalen. (Pastel.) Mary Magdalen, with hair disheveled. (Pastel.) ROSALES (Eduado). Born in Madrid. (Modern.) Tobias and the Angel. ROSELLINO (Antonio). Florence, XV. century. (Florentine School.) Madonna and Child. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 Chantilly. do. do. Dresden. C do. C do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. • c do. c do. c Madrid, M. M. A. PU 3i 4 4i — C — — C — — C — _ PIC PIC Berlin. ROSEN (Georg, Count von). Paris, 1843. (Mod- ern.) Nordenskjold (full figure). ROSEN (Jean). Born in Warsaw. (Modern.) The Provocation (Poland, XVII. century). The General on a Journey. Mustering the Horses. Foraging. Modern Painters. B — B B do. C do. C do. — C do. — : C SOULE -ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1063 ROSENTHAL (Toby Edward). New Haven, Connecticut, 1848. (Modern.) The Orphans. Out of the Frying-pan into the Fire. "He Who Laughs Last — Laughs Best." Judging Constance de Beverley (Walter Scott's "Marmion"). When Mother is Away. Farewell to the Paternal Home. Constance. Our Grandmother's Dancing-lesson. D., 20x27 inches, $10.00; Proofs before letters, on Ja- pan, $25.00. Lazy Hans. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. Jack's Return. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. Curiosity. The Crucifix-carvers. Elaine. Alone Excluded from Spring! (From poem by Lenan.) Morning Prayers at Sebastian Bach's. D., 23x34 inches, $15.00. The Alarmed Boarding-school. Forbidden Longings. Mother's Darling. (From poem by Immermann.) A Vacant Place. On the Sly. The Cardinal's Portrait. D., 15^x19^ inches, $5.00. ROSEX, called Nicoletto da Modena. Modena, 1 595- ( ?) • ( Italian School.) Ornamental designs for architecture of grotesque figures and two escutcheons. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Ornamental designs for architecture of grotesque figures ; Cupid and two escutcheons. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Allegorical figure. (Engraving.) C, .75. Christ. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. — — c do. c — c do. C c — c do. c c — c do. c c c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. — — c do. c c c c — c do. c — c do. c c — c do. — — c do. c — c do. B — B B — B do. B — B do. B — B B — B do. B — B B — B do. • B do. B B do. B B do. B do. B Malcolm Col. do. Dresden, R. C. Dresden, P. G. 1064 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. ■ Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ A saint. (Engraving.) C, .75. Dresden, P. G. Stags and Hinds. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. do. David with the Head of Goliath. (Engraving.) C, .75. do. Allegory. (Engraving.) C., .75. do. Arabesques. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. do. ROSIER (Jean Guillaume). (Modern.) In the Sculptor's Studio. "None so blind as those who won't see. 21 inches, $5.00. At the Toilet. The Minuet. "In My Friend, Dupon's, Studio." Conquered. Modern Painters. — — C — C D., i6x do. C C — c do. c — c do. — c c c — c do. ■ — — — — — c do. c c — c ROSKOVICS (Ignaz). Szalok, Hungary, 1854. (Modern.) Hungarian peasant woman. do. B — B ROSELAND (Harry). Brooklyn, N. Y., 1866. (Modern.) A Serious Case. Young Opponent. An Apt Pupil. Dictating the Letter. The Answer. Aunty's Knitting-lesson. The Bottomless Pit. do. -PIC — PIC PIC do. . PIC _ PIC PIC do. PIC — PIC PIC do. PIC _ PIC PIC do. _ _ PIC _ PIC PIC do. PIC PIC do. PIC PIC ROSLIN (Alexandre). Malmoe (Sweden), 1718— Paris, 1793. (French School.) Girl ornamenting statue of Cupid with garland of flowers. Female portrait. Portrait of the naturalist, Carolus Linnaeus, 1 707- 1 778. Portrait of Franqois Boucher, first artist to the King (1704- 1 770). Paris, Louvre. do. Versailles. do. C C — c — c — c — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1065 Portrait of Jeanne Sophie Elizabeth Louise Sep- timanie de Vignerot du Plessis-Richelieu, Countess of Egmont-Pignatelli (1740-1769), daughter of Louise Francois Armand de Vig- nerot du Plessis, Duke de Richelieu, Marshal of France. Portrait of the artist, by himself. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4 Chateau de Dam. Florence, Uffizi. C C ROSS (Charles M.) Flekkefjord, 1843. (Modern.) Largo. Amateur Violonpellist. II Dolce Far Niente. The Intriguer. Little Postman. Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C do. C ROSSELLI (Cosimo), di Lorenzo FILIPPI. Flor- ence, 1438-1507. (Florentine School.) (Attributed to Rosselli.) Virgin in Glory. Madonna and Child. Apotheosis of the Virgin. Madonna and Child, with St. Anne and other saints. Entombment. Study for a St. John. (Drawing.) $1.00. Young man seated ; back of the above. (Draw- ing.) $1.00. St. Jerome in the desert kneeling before a cru- cifix. Madonna enthroned suckling the Child. St. Philip Benozzi entering the Order of the Ser- vites. (Fresco in the vestibule of the Church of the Annunziata.) Pharaoh Engulfed by the Red Sea. Moses Receiving Tables of the Law on Mt. Sinai ; Worship of the Golden Calf. Sermon on the Mount. — Healing of the Leper. The Last Supper. Madonna kneeling before the Infant Jesus. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Madonna and Child. Paris, Louvre. c — C ^ Chantilly. C Berlin. c do. c C — c do. c Dresden, R. C. do. _ London, N. G. c - Florence, Uffizi. _-C Florence, An. __c Rome, Sist. C. c do. c do. do. lie III Venice. St. Petersburg. c 1066 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. ROSSELLI (Matteo). Florence, 1 577-1650. (Flor- entine School.) The Mass. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Death of a saint ; round composition of many fig- ures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Study of draped female figure seated, the head thrice repeated. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. ROSSET-GRANGER (Edouard). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Eros. Infancy of Orpheus. Study. The Hierodules. Souvenir of Capri. The Charmer. ROSSETTI (Dante Gabriel). London, 1828— Birchington-on-Sea, 1882. (Modern.) Dante's Dream. Artist's Proofs on Japan, 2a|x 29 inches, with fac-simile of the artist, $36.00; on India, $30.00; D., $12.00. The Blessed Damosel. Artist's Proofs on Japan, 29x15^ inches, $48.00; on India, $36.00; D., $12.00. Proserpina. D., I9fx9| inches, $5.00. Day Dreams. D., 20:|xii| inches, $5.00. The Girlhood of Mary Virgin. The Beloved. Lilith. Mrs. Wm. Morris. Beata Beatrix. Rosa Triplex. Ecce Ancilla Domini. Salutation of Beatrice. La Donna della Finestra. The Sphinx. Cassandra. La Donna della Fiamma. Pandora. Hamlet and Ophelia. The Death of Lady Macbeth. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4J Paris, Louvre. Florence, Uffizi. — ' do. Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C do. C Montauban Mus. C Liverpool, Wa. G. PI Modern Painters. do. do. do. PI — do. PI _ PI _ do. PI _ PI ._ do. PI _ PI _ London, N. G. PI do. PI PI do. PI PI Modern Painters. "I — PI — do. PI — do. P| do. Fl — PI — do. PI do. PI do. PI - do. PI — SOULE ART COMPANY, 'BOSTON. 1067 ^ Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Mary Magdalen at the Door of Simon the Phar- isee. Modern Painters. P! PI PI — Mary Magdalen. do. PI The Parable of the Vineyard. do. PI Orpheus and Eurydice. do. ■ P' Miss Christina Rossetti. do. PI P' PI PI Lucy Rossetti. do. PI — ROSSI (A. M.) (Modern.) ♦"This Little Pig Went to Market." do. ■ ROSSI (Francesco). See SALVIATI. ROSSI (L.) (Modern.) Our Father. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. C C — C ROSSO (Giovambattista di Giacomo), called by the French, Maitre Roux. Florence, 1496 (?) — Paris, 1541. (Florentine School.) Pieta. Paris, Louvre. C — The Rival Songs of the Muses and the Pierides. do. C Mars and Venus ; group of five figures and sev- eral angels. (Draw^ing.) C, $2.50. do. . Grotesque head, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1-25. Lille. Decorative subject. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Sibyl and Prophets. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do, Triumphal car followed by many allegorical fig- ures. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Vienna, Albertina. Female figure seated raising right arm. (Draw- ing) do.* C — Holy Family ; composition of twelve figures. (Drawitig.) do. C — Venus and Adonis with a little Cupid. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Apollo Vanquishing the Python. (Drawing.) • do. C Angel playing the guitar. Florence, Uffizi. C PIC Assumption of the Virgin. (Fresco in vestibule of Church of the Annunziata.) Florence, Annun. C ♦This subject comes in an Aquarelle Gravure, 15x12 inches, $6.00. 1068 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. ROTA (G.) (Modern.) Girl with a parrot. ROTARI (Pietro), Count. Verona, 1707— St. Pe- tersburg, 1762. Mary Magdalen. Male portrait, bust, full face. (Drawing.) Girl weeping. Sleeping girl. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4| Modern Painters. C C — C ROTERMUND (Julius Wilhelm Louis). over, 1826. (jModern.) The Entombment. Han- ROTH (Alfred). Pausias. *Pieta. (Modern.) ROTTA (Antonio). Gorz, 1828. (Modern.) First Illusions. The Hunter's Family. Net-weaver. Star-fish. Little Innocence. "It's Warm Yet." Hungry. The Captive Mouse. Little Gardener. Children at play. "For Poor Mother." "Nothing to be Done !" The Cricket. 1 .^ . . ^ . _ , _ . > (Companion pictures.) Pussy s Temptation, j ROTTA (Silvio G.) (Modern.) The Story-book. Faun and nymph. Tempest. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. The Morning Prayer. Dresden. C C — B Dresden, P. G. Col. C Munich. c c — c do. c c — c Dresden. • B — P, B Modern Painters. c — C do. B — B do. C ^ C do. C C — C do. c do. C — c » do. c — c do. c do. c — c do. c — c do. C — c do. c — c - do. c — c do. • B B do. B B do. B B do. BC C — BC do. C C — BC do. do. BC ROTTE^HAMMER (Johann). 1623. (German School.) Death of Adonis. Munich, 1564- Paris, Louvre. — C C — ♦This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. . 1069 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4i Diana and Callisto. Paris, Louvre. C An allegory. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Dresden, R. C. Boys dancing. Munich. C — C Madonna and Child with infant St. John. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Weimar, Assumption of the Virgin. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. Allegory. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Chatsworth, Banquet of the gods. (Drawing.) do. C — ROTTMAYR (Johann Franz Michael Rottmayr von Rosenbrunn). Laufen, 1660 — Vienna, 1730. (German School.) Iphigenia in Aulis. Vienna Museum. C ROUBAUD (F.) (Modern.) Storming of Salti. Capture of Schamyls. Storming of Kars. Ready for the Attack. Cavalry Attack at Salti. Battle of Elisabethpol. Storming of Geok-Tepe. Capture of Dargo. Prayer in the Wilderness. Kurds. Kirghiz. Battle of Riiriik-Dara. Storming of Achulgos. Street in Samarcand. Baigo (popular game of Samarcand). Girls of Tiflis. A Tiflis vehicle. Prince Argutinski's Passage of the Caucasus; Storming of Simri. Death of General Saptzoflf. Capture of Eriwan. Battle of Kuschka. Entrance of Peter the Great into Tarki. Storming of Lenkoran. Explosion of the Fortress of Michaelowizy. Modern Painters. — C c c — c do. — C c c — c do. — C c c — c do. — — — c do. c c — c do. — C c c — c do. — c c c — c do. — c c c — c do. — — — c do. — — — c do. — — — c do. — c c c — c do. — c c c — c do. — c — c do. — c — c do. — — — c do. — — — — — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. — — — c do. — — — c do. c c — c do. — — — c do. — — — c 1070 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Entrance of the First Russian Regiment into Tifiis. Modern Painters. C C — C Prayer before the Battle. do. C C — C Wounded. do. C Lesghiens. '''^- B ■ B ROUBAUDI (Alcide Theophile). Born in Nice (Modern.) Night. do. C On the Threshold. do. C Psyche. do. C The Fencing Lesson. do. C The Last Adieu (Abbe Constantin). do. C Little Louis. do. C Miette and Nore. do. C C Mamzelle Pierrot. do. C C The Gipsy-girl. do. C ROUFFIO (Paul). Born in Marseilles. (Modern.) Seraphine's Violin. do. C Bath-time. do. C C Soap-bubbles. * do. C Return from the Ball. do. C Perrette. do. C The Fates. do. C , Girl watering flowers. do. C Leda. do. C The Dead Bird. do. C C ROUG6 (Robert de). Born in Paris. (Modern.) The Convalescent. do. C Demand in Marriage. do. C ROUGERON (Jules James). Born in Gevrey- Chambertin. (ATodern.) A public writer in Spain. do. C Giacina. {do. ' C — C Cella. do. C ROUGET (Georges). Paris, 1 784-1869. (French School.) Portrait of M. De Cailleux, Director of Museums, Member of the Institute. Paris, Louvre. C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1071 Portrait of Jacques Christophe Coquille Dugom- mier, General-in-Chief of the Army of the Eastern Pyrenees, 1736- 1794. Portrait of Francois Christophe Kellermann, Duke of Valmy, 1735-1820, General-in-Chief of the Army of the Moselle in 1792. ROUILLARD (Jean Sebastian). Paris, 1 788-1852. (French School.) Portrait of Marquis Emmanuel de Grouchy, Mar- shal of France, 1766-1847. Portrait of Charles Francois Dumouriez, General- in-Chief of the Army of the North, 1739- 1823. Portrait of Napoleon Bonaparte, General-in-Chief of the Army of Italy. ROUSSEAU (Jean Jacques). Born in Paris. (Modern.) End of the Sitting. ROUSSEAU (Philippe.) Born in Paris, 1816-1887. (Modern.) "Le Rapport." The Two Friends. The Breakfast. "Oh, My Bagpipes !" ROUSSEAU (Theodore). Paris, 1812— Barbizon, 1867. (French School.) The Forest of Fontainebleau ; sunset. Edge of a forest ; sketch. The Vieux Dormoir du Bas-Breau in the Forest of Fontainebleau. • Marshes. Bank of a river. ' Storm Eflfect. The Farm on the Moors. The Parish Bakery, near Tartas. After the Rain. Landscape. Sunset. Univ. Expos., '89. (H. Vever Coll.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3J 4 4J Versailles. do. C do. C do. C do. Modern Painters. C do. C do. C C do. C do. C Paris, Lou^ vre. C — C — C — do. C — do. c — c — do. do. do. c — c — MastersXD do. . do. :.Cen. zzlz^z do. c — do. c 1072 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Valley of Tiffauges. (H. Vever Coll.) Edge of the Forest ; sunset. (H. Vever Coll.) Pond at Sunset. Edge of the Forest of Fontainebleau. (Arnold and Tripp Coll.) Pond ; evening effect. (Arnold and Tripp Coll.) Landscape with animals. (Gallice Coll.) Sunset ; peasant woman watering a cow. (H. Vever Coll.) Valley of St. Ferjeux, Doubs. (Drawing.) Landscape. (Drawing.) $1.25. Landscape. PI., 9x12 inches, $2.00; 7x9, $1.00. Landscape. ROUSSELIN (Joseph Auguste). Born in Paris. (Modern.) The Warder's Daughter. Washer-women of Bizanos (lower Pyrenees). ROUSSIN (Georges). Born in St. Denis (lie de la Reunion). (Modem.) Asleep. Dancers. Summer. After the Bath. The Toilet. Violetta. (Salon of 1896.) Study. (Salon of 1899.) ROUX (Charles). (Modern.) "C'est la guerre." In Wild Flight. Hay-makers. ROUX (Jean). Vestal Virgin's OflFering. ROVEZZANO (Benedetto da). 1474-1554. (Flor- entine School.) Three candelabri ; ornamental designs. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 MastersXIX.Cen. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c 3i 4 4i do. C do. C Lille. Boston. M. F. A. Chicago Art Inst. pic Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C C do. C do. C C do. C C do. C .do. C do. C do. C do. C do. Florence, Uffizi. B B SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1073 Gallery. Sises, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ ROY (Marius). Born in Lyons. (Modern.) An Ambuscade (i870-'7i). Modern Painters. C Reminiscence of the Grands Manoeuvres. do. C ROY (Ulysse). (Modern.) A Martyr of the XVI. Century. do. C ROYBET (Ferdinand). Born in Uzes (Card), 1840. (Modern.) The Game of Chess. do. C The Drinking-song. do. C Gallant Speeches. (Medal of honor, salon of 1893.) do. C C Merry Folk. do. C C Male portrait (M. Vigneron) in the Renaissance costume. MasfersXIX.Cen. C The Astronomer. (Salon of 1898.) Modern Painters. C ROYER (Lionel). Born at Chateau-du-Loir (Sarthe). (Modern.) Daphne Changed into a Laurel-tree. do C Venus Protecting the Body of Hector. do. — C Fable of the Two Pigeons. do. C Madame Roland. do. C Love and Folly. do. C i867-'7o. do. C General de Charette at Patay. do. C To Cythera. do. C C Chloe. do. C C The Flag. — Pontifical Zouaves. do. C C Marguerite. — Temptation. do. C The Insistent Cupid. do. C C Opening Flower. do. C — • — C The Watch at Patay. do. C Cupid and Psyche. do. C C Cupid Punished. do. C C The Fourteenth of the Line at Eylau. do. C C The Rev. Father Monsabre. do. C C Tilsit. do. C C Return of the Soldier. do. C Battle of Goldberg. do. C St. Cecilia. . do. — C C 1074 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2 J 3 3^ 4 4^ Sweet Sunlight. Modern Painters. C C Rocroy. (Salon of 1897.) do. C C Judgment of Paris. (Salon of 1898.) do. C C Vercingetorix before Caesar. (Salon of 1899.) do. C Joan of Arc. D., 15x19 inches, ^5.00. do. B Our Lady of Lourdes. do. B B The Triumph of Venus. D., 21x10^ inches, $5.00. do. B B L'Empereur (Napoleon on horseback). D., 9fx I if inches, $3.00. do. ♦Madonna of the Birds. D., I9|xic4 inches, $5.00. do. B The Toilet of Venus. do. B B Telemachus on the Isle of Calypso. do. B B RUBEN (Franz). Prague, 1843. (Modern.) On St. Mark's Day. Flower-girl. The Lagoons of Venice. On the Brenta Coast. The Fusina Canal. do. do. do. do. do. C C — c C — c c — c c c c — c c — c c — c RUBENS (Peter Paul). Siegen (Duchy of Nas- sau), 1577 — Antwerp, 1640. (Flemish School.) Lot's Flight. Adoration of the Magi. Virgin surrounded by the Hol}^ Innocents. Madonna, Child and an angel in a garland of flowers. Raising of Lazarus. Thomyris, Queen of the Scythians, having the head of Cyrus plunged into a vessel of blood. Paintings Executed Between 1621 and 1625 for the Medici Gallery in the Palace OF THE Luxembourg. Destiny of Marie de Medici. Birth of Marie de Medici, April 26, 1575, at Flor- ence. • Education of Marie de Medici. (Detail of the above.) Henry IV. receiving the portrait of Marie de Medici. do. C Paris, Louvre, do. do. do. do. do. do. C — C — c — c — do. C do. c do. c *This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6>^X9 inches, f 1.80. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1075 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Marriage of Marie de Medici to Henrys IV. Paris, Louvre. C Landing of Marie de Medici at the Port of Mar- seilles, November 3, 1600. do. C Marriage of Henry IV. to Marie de Medici, at Lyons, December 10, 1600. do. C Birth of Louis XIII. at Fontainebleau, September 27, 1601. do. C Henry IV. Departing for the German War and Confiding to the Queen the Government of the Kingdom. Coronation of Marie de Medici. Apotheosis of Henry IV. ; Regency of Marie de Medici. Government of the Queen. Journey of Marie de Medici to the Ponts-de-Ce (in Anjou). do. C Exchange of the tw^o Princesses at the river Andaye, November 9, 1615. Success of the Regency. Majority of Louis XIII. The Queen fleeing from the Chateau de Blois on the night of February 21-22, 1619. Reconciliation of Marie de Medici with her son. Conclusion of Peace. Interview between Marie de Medici and her son. Triumph of Truth. do. C do. C do. C do. C Portrait of Francois de Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany, father of Marie de Medici. Portrait of Joanna of Austria, Grand Duchess of Tuscany, mother of Marie de Medici. Portrait of Marie de Medici, Queen of France, as Bellona. Portrait of Marie de Medici. Triumph of Truth and the Fates Spinning the Destiny of Marie de Medici ; sketch of two compositions in the gallery of the Luxem- bourg, do. C — C Portrait of Baron Henri de Vicq, Ambassador of the Netherlands at the Court of France. do. C — C do. — — C do. c do. C do. c do. c do. c do. c do. --C -- do. c — c do. — - — c — c do. C — c do. C — c 1076 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. of France, daughter of Portrait of Elizabeth Henry IV. Portrait of Helena Fourment, second wife of Rubens, and two of his children. Portrait of a lady of the Boonen family. The Kermesse. Tournament near the moats of a chateau. Landscape. Sacrifice of Abraham. Elevation on the Cross. Coronation of the Virgin. Philopoemen recognized by an old woman. Bust of old man. (School of Rubens.) Sleep of Diana. Mountainous landscape. (Drawing.) Portrait of the artist. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Mars, Minerva and Hercules. (Drawing.) Baptism of Christ ; composition of many figures. (Drawing.) Studies ; head of laughing woman, head of child, and sketch of man's head. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Archduke Albert on horseback. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. St. Stephen, draped, standing. (Drawing.) Two heads of children, left and right profiles. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Portrait of Marie de Medici ; head only, full face. (Drawing.) Young woman ; full-length portrait. (Drawing.) Young woman standing turned to left. (Draw- ing-) Elevation on the Cross ; composition of many fig- ures. (Drawing.) Dead Christ supported by the Virgin ; male and female saints. (Drawing.) (After Primaticcio.) Pluto Judging Souls. (Drawing.) After Michael Angelo Prophet Zachariah (on ceiling of the Sistine Chap- el). (Drawing.) Gallery. Sices, 2 2J 3 3^ 4 4^ C — Paris, Louvre. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C C — C — C — C — C — — C — C — C — C C — do. C C C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1077 The Prophet Joel (ceiling of the Sistine Chapel) (Drawing-.) The Prophet Ezekiel (ceiling of the Sistine Chap- el). (Drawing.) do. The Prophet Jeremiah (ceiling of the Sistine Chapel). (Drawing.) do. The Prophet Daniel (ceiling of the Sistine Chap- el). (Drawing.) ' do. The Cumaean Sibyl (ceiling of the Sistine Chap- el). (Drawing.) do. The Prophet Isaiah (ceiling of the Sistine Chap- el). (Drawing.) do. The Libyan Sibyl (ceiling of the Sistine Chap- el). (Drawing.) do. After Leonardo da Vinci. Battle of Anghiari. (Drawing.) Lion Hunt. (Drawing.) Triumph of Religion. (Drawing.) Peasants going to market. (Drawing.) St. Francis Receiving the Stigmata. (Drawing.) Holy Family Returning from Egypt. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Adoration of the Magi. (Drawing.) Adoration of the Shepherds. (Drawing.) St. Ignatius of Loyola Curing the Demoniacs. (Drawing.) do. St. Francis of Assisi Resuscitating the Dead. (Drawing.) do. Adoration of the Magi. (Drawing.) do. Descent from the Cross. (Drawing.) do. Lot and his Daughters. (Drawing.) do. Christ and an apostle; study for a Last Supper. (Drawing.) C, $2.50 and $1.25. do. Study of uprooted trees. (Pen drawing.) do. Study of nude male figure reclining. (Lead-pen- cil drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Head of sleeping child. (Lead-pencil drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Ten study-heads ; men. (Pen drawing.) do. Twelve study-heads; men. (Pen drawing.) do. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Paris, Louvre. C C QO. do. c do. do. do. I I 1 1 u 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 do. do do. c c — c c c 1078 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Two study-heads; men. (Pen drawing.) C, $i.oo. Flock crossing a ford. (Pen drawing.) C, $1.25. The Three Graces. (Drawing touched up.) Christ and God the Father. (Pen drawing.) Decapitation ; composition of many figures. (Water-color.) Three women holding a basket of flowers above their heads. (Drawing.) Angels holding a medallion representing the Ma- donna and Child. (Red chalk and lead-pen- cil.) Drunken Bacchus supported by fauns. (Draw- ing.) C, $2.50. Susanna and the Elders. (Drawing.) Diana Surprised. (Drawing.) Eight drawings from Roman statues and busts. (Drawing.) Nine drawings from Roman statues and busts. (Drawing.) Triumphal Procession ; composition of many fig- ures. (Drawing.) Study of a child. (Drawing.) C, .75. Adam and Eve. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Portrait of a young woman. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Atalanta and Meleager. (Drawing.) Head of a little girl. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Progress of Silenus. Venus Detaining Mars ; sketch. Portrait of Henry IV., King of France (1553- 1610). Study of a woman standing. (Drawing.) Portrait of a girl, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Portrait of man in armor. Head of an ass, with indications of an arm and a hand holding the bridle. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Diana Surprised. (Property of the Crown.) Bathers. (Property of the Crown.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4J Paris, Louvre. do. do. C do. C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Old Masters. do. Nat'l Portraits. Bonnat Col. De Chennev. Col. Durand-Ruel Col. Chantilly. Berlin. do. C C c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1079 Portrait of a man about 60 years old. (Knauss Coll.) Virgin in Glory with the Child and saints. The Child with the Bird (probably the second son of the artist). Neptune and Amphitrite, Bacchanal. Andromeda. Child Jesus with young St. John and angels. St. Cecilia. Perseus Delivering Andromeda. Detail of the above : Andromeda. Raising of Lazarus. Mars, Venus and Cupid. St. Sebastian. Conquest of Tunis by Charles V. Burial of Christ. Diana at the Chase. The Occupation of Paris by Henry IV. Coronation of the Virgin. Bust portrait of a man. Madonna and Child, called the Madonna of the Book. Fortuna. Portrait of the Marchese Ambrogio Spinola. D., 7x9 inches, $1.50. Portrait of a man. D., 7x9 inches, $1.50. Judith with the Head of Holofernes. D., 7x9 inches, $1.50. The Oriental. Meleager bringing to Atalanta the head of the Calydonian boar. Jupiter and Callisto. The \^ictor's Triumph. Maiden with a mirror. Diana and nymphs surprised by satyrs. Madonna and Child adored by saints. Woman with a rose in her hand. Flight into Egypt. Portrait of a young man (half length). Drunken Hercules. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3i 4 4i Berlin. — C — do. c C — C do. c C — BC do. c C — C do. — C c C — C do. — c c C — C do. BC C BC C — BC do. c C — BC do. do. do. c c BC C — C B — B do. — — C C do. c C —C do. c C — C do. — c C do. — C c C — C do. — C — C do. — — c C — C do. — c do. c c do. — c Brunswick. _ B do. — B do. B B Cassel. — c C C — C do. — c. C C — C do. — c C C — C do. — c C C — C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. c c — c do. — c —c do. — c —c do. — c — c do. — c —c 1080 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. (Rubens and F. Snyders.) Adoration of the Shep- herds. A lion hunt. Diana and her nymphs returning from the hunt (half-length figures). Diana and her nymphs returning from the hunt (half-length figures). Drunken Hercules supported by a faun and a Bacchante. Meleager presenting to Atalanta the head of the Calydonian boar. A hero crowned by Victory. St. Jerome on his knees. The daughter of Herodias. An old woman and two boys in a cave. Bathsheba, near a fountain, receiving a letter from the hands of a young negro. Large satyr pressing a bunch of grapes into a ves- sel held by a small satyr; before them lies a tigress with her young. The Boar-hunt. Judgment of Paris. The Garden of Love. Mercury preparing to administer the fatal blow to the sleeping Argus. The Last Judgment. St. Ignatius Exorcising the Demoniacs. Portrait of two sons of the artist, Albert and Nic- olas. Detail of the above : busts of the two boys. Female portrait. Portrait of a man putting on gloves. Portrait of a woman with her child. Portrait of a young man. An old man dressed as a bishop. Portrait of young woman holding roses in her left hand. Portrait of a woman with crimped hair (the art- ist's second wife ?). Portrait of an old man. (According to Woer- mann, by A. van Dyck.) Gallery. Sij::cs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4I Cassel. C c — c Dresden. C c — — do. c c do. c c do. c c do. c c do. c c — — do. c c — — do. c c — do. c c ^_ do. C C do. C c do. C c do. c C — B do. C — BC C — B do. c C do. c C do. c do. C — BC C — B do. — — c — — — do. c — — do. c C do. c C do. c c do. c c do. --C do. c c do. c , ^— ^^ SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1081 Portrait of an old woman. (According to Woer- mann, by A. van Dyck.) Portrait of young woman wearing a black veil. Portrait of a man standing near a table. Portrait of a blonde woman. Portrait of a woman with gold chain. Satyr and maiden with a fruit-basket (copy). Venus and Adonis (copy.) Diana and Actaeon (copy). Diana and her Nymphs at the Chase (copy). Hero and Leander (copy). Study for a Magdalen ; bust. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Jacob ; sketch. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Child's head, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Nude child turned to right. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Male head turned three-quarters to right. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Nude child, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Man standing, playing with the guitar, and woman seated. (Drawing.) (After Rubens.) The Lion-hunt. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Female figure. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. St. Catherine. (Engraving.) C, $1.25. Descent from the Cross. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Study of hands. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. King David playing the harp. Madonna enthroned surrounded by saints. (First sketch for the altar picture of the Church of St. Augustine at Antwerp.) A satyr and three nymphs. Portrait of a child (Rubens' son?). Last Judgment. Castor and Pollux abducting the daughters of Leucippus. Christ and Repentant Sinners. Susannah at the Bath. Garland of fruit. Slaughter of the Innocents. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Dresden. C — do. C c do. C c do. c — — do. — c — do. c do. c do. do. do. c c c Dresden, R, C. _ do. _ — — — do. — do. — do. _ do. — do. — — c do. __ do. — — — do. — — — Dresden, P. G. — — — — — — do. . — — . . — . — — — Frankfort. C — do. - — c do. do. Munich. c — c c — c — c do. — c c c — c do. — c c c — c do. c c — c do. — c c c — c do. — c c c — c 1082 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Sleeping Diana. Capture of Samson. Helena Fourment as a Bride. Resurrection of the Just. Rubens and his wife, Isabella Brant, in an arbor of honey-suckle. "It is Finished!" Earl and Countess of Arundel. Lion-hunt. Helena Fourment with her First-born. Portrait of Helena Fourment (half length). Portrait of an old woman. Portrait of Hugo Grotius. Portrait of a young girl. Portrait of a young man. Portrait of a Franciscan monk. Portrait of Doctor van Thulden. Rubens and his wife in a garden in Antwerp. Battle of the Amazons. !Meleager and Atalanta. Drunken Silenus. Idyllic landscape. Landscape with rainbow. Goddess of Victory Crowning Alars. Two satyrs. The Dying Philosopher: Seneca. Fall of the Damned. Portrait of a scholar. Diana resting after the chase. A\'ar and Peace. Adoration of Shepherds. Helena Fourment sitting in an arm-chair under a portico. Reconciliation of Jacob and Esau. A shepherd embracing a young woman. Elizabeth of Bourbon. Don Ferdinand of Spain. Philip IV. of Spain. Reconciliation of the Sabines and Romans. The Great Last Judgment. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; on Japan, remarque proofs, $10.00. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2i 3 3i 4 4i unich. C C — c , do. — C C C — c do. — C C C — c do. C C — c do. — C C C — c do. -- C C C — c do. — C C C — c do. — C C C — c do. — c c c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c . do. — c c c — c do. — c c c — c do. — c c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c — c do. — c c c — c do. — c c c — c do. c c — c. do. c — c do. — c c c — c do. — c c c — c do. — c c c — c do. — c c c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c c — c do. C C C — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1083 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Holy Trinity. Henry IV. Abdicating from the Regency. Reception of the Queen of France. Queen Marie Abdicates in Favor of Louis XIII. Education of Marie de Medici. Meeting of Marie de Medici with her son. Prosperous Reign of Marie de Medici. Henry IV. receiving the portrait of Marie de Medici. Coronation of Marie de Medici. Apotheosis of Henry IV. Prosperity of France. Annihilation of King Sennacherib. Conversion of Saul. St. Christopher. (Rubens and Jan Breughel.) Madonna within a garland of flowers. (Rubens and F. Snyders.) Boar-hunt. (Rubens and F. Snyders.) Latona fleeing with her children. (Rubens and F. Snyders.) Assumption of the Vir- gin. (Now in the Royal Gallery of Schleiss- heim.) Two nude children, seated, embracing. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. Miraculous Draught of Fishes ; composition of eight figures. (Drawing.) Portrait of two noblemen ; half-length figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Female head, three-quarters right profile. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Equestrian portrait of a nobleman. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Bald head of old man turned to left. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Studies of angels flying. (Drawing.) Herodiade ; composition of many figures. (Draw- ing.) C, $2.50. Herodiade ; another composition. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Munich, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C — C C C c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c — c c c — c C C — c c — UNIVERSIT- 1084 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4J Portrait of a nobleman, his head turned slightly to right, (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Juno, Mars, and Venus. (Drawing.) Portrait of a man, full face, bust. Birth of Christ. (Drawing.) Allegory. (Drawing.) Portrait of Lord Arundel. (Drawing.) Portrait of his little daughter. (Drawing.) Full-length portrait of Helena Fourment, the art- ist's second wife. Bust of Helena Fourment. (Detail of the above.) Festival of Venus. Emperor Maximilian I. in armor. Votive picture of the Brotherhood of St. Ilde- fonso; triptych. Subject of the central part: Madonna surrounded by female saints and Saint Idlefonso. Subjects of the panels, Archduke Albert and his wife. A warrior crowned by Victory. Pieta in a cave. Child Jesus, St. John, and two other children. Bishop Ambrose Forbidding Emperor Theodosius from Entering the Church. The Four Quarters of the Globe, represented by the Deities of the rivers Amazon, Nile, Dan- ube, and Ganges. Hunting the Calydonian Boar. Portrait of the artist at about 60 years of age. St. Francis Xavier Preaching and' Working Mir- acles. Ascension of the Virgin. St. Ignatius of Loyola; sketch. (Design for the altar-piece.) St. Francis Xavier; sketch. (Design for the altar-piece.) Pieta. St. Ignatius of Loyola Curing Demoniacs. St. Pepin and his daughter, St. Bega, half length. The Hermit and Angelica. Landscape Desolated by a Storm. Holy Family under an Apple-tree. Weimar, do. do. do. do. do. do. C C Vienna Museum. C C C C do. C C do. C C C C do. C C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C — C C C C C C C c c c c c c c c — c c c c c c c — c — c c c — c — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1085 Isabella L, wife of Philip IV. of Spain ; bust. Head of an old man with a white beard. Portrait of Isabella of Este, Margravine of Man- tua. Charles the Bold. Cimon and Iphigenia. An old Levite. King Ferdinand of Hungary joinsthe Infante Fer- dinand at Nordlingen, September 2d, 1634. Female portrait. Visitation of the Virgin (copy). Portrait of a Venetian lady (copy). (Rubens and Franz Snyders.) Head of Medusa. (Rubens and Franz Snyders.) Jupiter and Mer- cury at the House of Philemon and Baucis. History of the Death of the Consul, Decius Mus : Making the Dream Known. Inspection of the Sacrifice by the Augurs. The Consecration. Dismissal of the Lictors. Battle and Death of the Consul. The Funeral Ceremonies. Allegory. Christ on the Cross. The Entombment, Portrait of an old man. Portrait of an old woman. Assumption of the Virgin. Portrait of a nobleman. Portrait of an old man. Meeting of Henry IV. and Marie de Medici. Horatius Codes Defending the Bridge ; sketch. Head of a boy. Apollo and his Chariot, The Daughters of Cecrops and the Child Erich- thonius. Portrait of man with beard (the artist Rom- bouts?) ; head. The two sons of Rubens. D., 20x27 inches, $10.00; remarque proofs on Japan, $20.00. Tiberius and Agrippina. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Vienna Museum. C do. C C do. C C — do. C — do. C C — do. C - do.- C C — do. c — do. c — do. c — do. ^ c c — do. — C — Vienna, Liecht. C C — do. C C — do. C C — do. C C — do. C C — do. C — C C — do. c do. C C — ' do. C C — do. T c - do. C c — do. c c — do. C C — do. c c — do. c do. C do. c c do. c c — do. c c — do. C C — do. — C C C — do. C C — 1086 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4J St. Anne and Mary with Simeon and angels; sketch. Jupiter in Clouds. Ajax and Cassandra. Landscape. Toilet of Venus. Bacchanal. Portrait of the artist ; head; full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. (After Titian.) Sacrifice of Abraham. (Draw- ing) * Defeat of Sennacherib. (JDrawing.) Adoration of the Shepherds. (Drawing.) C, $1.25- Holy Family : composition of five figures. (Draw- ing.) C., $1.75. Body of Christ surrounded b}' four figures of saints. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Christ seated ; study. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Assumption of the Virgin. (Drawing.) Christ and the Twelve Apostles ; series of thirteen drawings. Christ. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. An apostle. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. An apostle. (Drawing.) An apostle. (Drawing.) An apostle. (Drawing.) An apostle. (Drawing.) i^n apostle. (Drawing.) An apostle. (Drawing.) An apostle. (Drawing.) An apostle. (Drawing.) An apostle. (Drawing.) An apostle. (Drawing.) An apostle. (Drawing.) SS. Peter and Paul : full length figures. (Draw- ing.) C, $2.50. (After Correggio.) Madonna and Child en- throned surrounded by four saints. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Studies of angels. (Drawing.) "Quos Ego." (Drawing.) C, Si .00. C, $1.00. C, $1.00. C, $1.00. C, $1.00. C, $1.00. C, $i.oo' $1.00. $1.00. $1.00. $1.00. C. C. C. C. Vienna, Liecht. C do. C do. do. do. do. C c c c c c c Vienna, Albert. do. C do. C — — do. do. do. do. do. C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1087 Gallery. Skcs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Boat full of men and women driven by a storm. (Drawing.) Vienna, Albert, C — Rape of Helen. (Drawing.) do. C — Group of five ladies and five monks standing. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. A dead soldier and a prisoner. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. Pegasus. '(Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. • Child Bacchus. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Decorative design for altar of Church of the Jes- uits at Antwerp. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. Decorative design for ceiling of same church. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. Mountainous and wooded landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Study of horse with saddle. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. Study of an ox. (Drawing.) do. C — Portrait of the Duke of Buckingham, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Male portrait, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Portrait of Marie de Medici; left profile. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Bust portrait of a young lady of the court of the Infanta at Brussels, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Head of child slightly turned to left and inclined. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Head of woman, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Two heads of young women turned to right. (Drawing.) do. C Head of old man, left profile. (Drawing.) C, .75- do. Two heads of bald old men, right profiles. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do. Study for a St. Catherine. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. ■ — Draped female figure seated, right profile. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. do. Draped female figure seated, back view. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. do. A 1088 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4| Bust of young woman carrying a dish, left pro- file. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Vienna, Albert. Young man carrying a ladder turned toward the left. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Study of male bust inclined, and study of right arm. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Blind man, bust, extending his arms ; left profile. (Drawing.) do. C — Study of male head, full face ; female head, left profile, and two pairs of clasped hands. (Drawing.) do. C — Study of various lions. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Melchisedec and Abraham ; composition of many figures. (Drawing.) do. C Defeat of Sennacherib ; sketch. (Drawing.) do. C iEneas and Dido. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. ■ (School of Rubens.) Fall of the Rebellious An- gels. Buda-Pesth. C (Attributed to Van Dyck.) Portraits of a man and woman : The Silver Wedding. do. C Mucins Scaevola before Porsenna. do. C Two nude children ; skebch. (Rath. Coll.) do. C — Femak head. (Rath. Coll.) do. C — Sketch for the Emperor Constantine. (Pulsky Coll.) do. C — Head of a child. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Bearing of the Cross. Amsterdam. C C — C Filial Love (Cimon and Pera). do. — C C C — C Portrait of the second wife of the artist, Helena Fourment. Ams., V. d. H. C. C C — C Portrait of Anne of Austria, wife of Louis XHL of France. do. C — C C — C Portrait of Isabella Brant, Rubens' first wife. The Hague. C C — C Detail of the above : head. do. C Portrait of Helena Fourment, Rubens' second wife. do. C C — C Detail of the above : head. do. C — Portrait of Michiel Ophovius in the costume of a Dominican. do. C C — C Adam and Eve in Paradise. (The figures and per- haps the horse are by Rubens ; the rest is by Jan Breughel.) do. C C — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1089 (After Rubens.) Departure of Adonis. Faun and nymph (copy). (Rubens and Jan Breughel.) Naiads with cornu- copia. Coronation of the Virgin. Venus at the Forge of Vulcan. Portrait of Jean Charles de Cordes. Portrait of Jacqueline V. Caestre, consort of Jean Charles de Cordes. The Virgin with the Child Jesus. Martyrdom of St. Ursula and her companions. Portrait of Archduke Albert. Portrait of the Infanta Isabella of Spain. Male portrait. Rape of Hippodamia ; sketch. Mercury and Argus ; sketch. Fall of the Titans ; sketch. Christ between the two thieves. Adoration of the Magi. St. Theresa Delivering Bernardino of Mendoza, founder of a Theresian convent at Valladolid, from the flames of Purgatory. Christ of the Straw ; triptych, central panel. The Virgin ; right panel. St. John the Evangelist ; left panel. Communion of St. Francis of Assisi. Education of the Virgin. Incredulity of St. Thomas ; triptych, central panel. Portrait of Chevalier Nicolas Rockox, the young- er, Burgomaster of Antwerp : right panel. Portrait of the wife of Rockox ; left panel. Madonna with the Parrot. Christ on the Cross. The Trinity. Descent from the Cross. Triumphal arch, called Arche de la Monnaie (an- terior facade). Triumphal arch, called Arche de la Monnaie (pos- terior faqade). Triumphal chariot. Portrait of Gaspard Gevartius (Gevaerts). Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ The Hague. C C — C do. C — C do. c — c Brussels. C c — c do. C c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. C — c do. C — c do. c — c do. C — c do. c — c do. c c c — c Antwerp, do. do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c ■ — do. c do. c do. c do. c ■ — do. c do. c — c — — do. — C do. C do. C do. C 1090 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Portrait of a nobleman. Jupiter and Antiope. (By Rubens and Breughel.) The dead Saviour mourned by the Holy Women and St, John. Triptych of the cathedral ; in the centre, Descent from the Cross. Rape of the Sabine Women. Peace and War (allegory). The Brazen Serpent. Landscape with view of the Chateau de Stein. Judgment of Paris. Triumph of Julius Caesar. (Study after cartoons of Mantegna at Hampton Court.) Portrait of a woman, known under the name of the "Straw Hat." Triumph of Silenus. Conversion of St. Bavon. Holy Family, with St. George, and other saints. Apotheosis of William the Bold of Holland. Horrors of War. Pan and Syrinx. St. George and the Dragon. The Farm, near Laeken. Assumption of the Virgin. The Falconer. The Family of Olden Barneveldt. Bishop Maldeus of Antwerp. Portrait of the artist, D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; remarque proofs on Japan, $10.00, Portrait of Helena Fourment, the artist's second wife, D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; remarque proofs on Japan, $10.00, Equestrian portrait of Philip H. St. Martin, Family of Sir Balthasar Gerbier, Lady Gerbier and four of her children. (Detail of the above.) Holy Family. Battle of Nordlingen. Winter. Summer. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2i 3 31 4 4| Antwerp, C ■ do. C — do. C Antwerp Cath, c — London, N. G, C c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. C C c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. — c — c do. — — — c — c do. — c — c do. • — c — c London, Buc, Pal, c c do. — — c c do. c c do. ' c c do. c c do. c c do. — c Windsor. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. \ c do. — — c c — c do. c — do. c c — c do. c c — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1091 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Equestrian portrait of the Archduke Albert, Governor of the Netherlands. Portrait of a man. Fall of the Angels. (Drawing.) Pan and Bacchus ; decorative medallion. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Group of Cupids. (Drawing.) C., $2.50. Five studies of cows. (Drawing.) Portrait of Helena Fourment, the artist's second wife. Portrait of Isabella Brant, the artist's first wife. Portrait of the artist, by himself. Another portrait of the artist, by himself. Venus and Adonis. The Three Graces. Hercules between Vice and Virtue. Bust of Helena Fourment, Rubens' second wife, full face, right hand on chest. (Drawing.) Assumption of the Virgin, surrounded by angels. (Drawing.) Repose of the Holy Family ; composition of five figures in a landscape. (Drawing.) Apparition of Christ. (Drawing.) Ulysses in the Isle of the Phaeacians ; landscape. Return from the Fields ; landscape. Portrait of the artist with his brother and the two philosophers, J. Lipse and Grotius. Horrors of War. St. Francis in Prayer. Holy Family of the Cradle. Holy Family. (After Rubens.) Portrait of the Duke of Buck- ingham. Visitation. (According to catalogue of Borghese Gallery, School of Rubens.) St. Sebastian. Portrait of a monk. The Three Graces. Faustulus Finding Romulus and Remus. Vision of St. Francis. Windsor, do. Chatsworth. do. do. do. Florence, Uflfizi. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C C PIC PIC _ C PIC do. C do. C Florence, Pitti. C - do. C - do. C - do. C - do. C - do. C — C - do. C - do. C PIC Rome, Borghese. C Rome, Corsini. C Rome. Doria. c Rome, A. St. L. — — c Rome, Gal. Cap. c do. c 1092 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Man fallen from his horse being devoured by a lion. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Mythological scene ; pen sketch. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. The Brazen Serpent. D., 15^x17^ inches, $5.00. Holy Family with St. John and St. Anne. Holy Family in a garden surrounded by saints. The dead Christ in the arms of His mother, with St. John and Mary Alagdalen Christ with two of His disciples at Emmaus. Religious act of Rudolph I., Count of Hapsburg, founder of the Austrian Empire. Rape of Proserpina. Perseus Delivering Andromeda. D., 19^x11^ inches, $5.00. Ceres and Pomona. Nymphs of Diana surprised by satyrs. D.. 8^x 2c4 inches, $5.00. Nymphs and satyrs. Judgment of Paris. D., lO^xiQf inches, $5.00. Judgment of Paris ; the three goddesses. (Right part of the above picture.) The Three Graces: Aglaia, Euphrosine and Thalia. Diana and Callisto. Mercury and Argus. Fortune (allegorical figure). D., 17x19 inches^ $5.00. (Detail of the above.) Saturn devouring one of his children. D., I7ix 8^ inches, $5.00. Rape of Ganymede by Jupiter disguised as an eagle. Portrait of the Archduke Albert, Sovereign of the Netherlands and of la Franche-Comte. Portrait of the Infanta Isabella Clara Eugenie, wife of the Archduke Albert. Portrait of the Regent of France, Marie de Me- dici. Portrait of a Princess of the House of France. The Garden of Love. D., 13^x19^ inches, $5.00. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4i Milan, Ambros. Venice. Madrid, Prado. -- C --- GO. do. do. c do. C do. c do. C do. C PIC do. C do. c do. C do. c do. do. C PIC do. C . do. C do. C PIC do. do. ' PIC c do. c do. do. do. c c c : PIC do. c — — — do. c — — . Jakob van Ruysdael, 162S-1682 THE HUNT In the Dresden Gallery Dutch School A SERIOUS CASE. LANDSCAPE. BATTLE OF LEXINGTON. COSSACKS DRIVING WILD HORSES. SCHREYER SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1093 Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4§ Peasants dancing (La Ronda). D., ii|xi7 inches, $5.00. The Tribute Money. Adam and Eve, or Original Sin. (Copy after Ti- tian.) Triumph of Truth over Error. (Sketch for a tap- estry.) Triumph of the Catholic Religion. (Sketch fo- a tapestry.) Law of Christ Triumphing over Paganism. (Sketch for tapestry.) Triumph of Charity. (Sketch for tapestry.) Triumph of the Holy Eucharist. (Sketch for tap- estry.) The Four Evangelists with Their Different At- tributes. (Sketch for tapestry.) Allegory of the Church Militant. (Copy after Rubens, by Van Balen.) The Chaste Susanna. St. Augustine, the Saviour and the Virgin. Detail of the above : The Saviour. Detail of the above : The Virgin. Madonna and Child. D., 10x8 inches, $2.00. Madonna with saints. Madonna receiving the homage of saints. Jesus at the House of Simon the Pharisee. D., 14x19 inches, $5.00. Descent from the Cross. D., 19^x13 inches, $5.00. Coronation of the Virgin. Bust of the Magdalen. Venus and Adonis. D., 14! xi6 inches, $5.00. Bacchanal. Bacchanal (Drunken Silenus). Perseus and Andromeda. D., 14^0^ inches, $5.00. The Tiber and Plenty. Rape of the Sabine Women. Madonna Giving a Cope to St. Ildefonso. Philip IV., King of Spain. Elizabeth of France, Queen of Spain. Victories of the Cardinal-Infante. Madrid, Prado. do. do. do. do. do. C do. C do. C do. _- C do. ■ c Madrid Ac. S. F. c do. c do. c do. c St. Petersbi Lirg. — — c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c -- do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. — — c 1094 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON.. The City of Antwerp, or Departure of Mercury, Temple of Janus. Marriage of Henry IV. (Sketch.) Birth of Louis XIII. (Grisaille.) Coronation of Marie de Medici. (Sketch.) Apotheosis of Henry IV. and Regency of Marie de Medici. (Sketch.) Glory of James I. (Sketch.) Apotheosis of James I. Portrait of Charles de Longueval, Count of Buc- quoy. Isabella Brant, Rubens' first wife. Isabella Brant. (Detail of the above.) Helena Fourment, Rubens' second wife. D., 20^x 9i, $5.00. Helena Fourment. (Detail of the above, half- length figure.) Portrait of an old lady. Portrait of a lady. (Detail of the above.) ^ Portrait of a young woman. (Rough sketch.) Portrait of a young man. Portrait of a young lady (standing) ; maid of hon- or to the Archduchess Isabella. D.. 9^x7^ inches, $2.00. Portrait of a cavalier. ) Portrait of a young lady. ( (Companion pictures.) Portrait of a Franciscan monk. Bust of old man. Portrait of an old man. Three heads of children (study). The Lion-hunt. (Sketch.) Shepherd and shepherdess in landscape, D., i/x 13^ inches, $5.00. Shepherd and shepherdess. (Detail of the above.) Statue of Ceres. Madonna and Child. D., 10^x7^ inches, $2.00. Madonna. PI., 9x12 inches, $2.00: 10x14, $2.50. Child's head. (Drawing.) PI., 7x9 inches, $1.00: C, $2.00. Gallery. Siscs, 2 2^ s 3i 4 4i St. Petersburg. C do. C do. c do. C do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. C do. C — C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. — do. do. do. do. Boston. M. F. A. do. C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1095 Gallery. Shcs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ RUDAUX (Edmond Adolphe). Born in Verdun (Meu^e). (Modern.) The Big Brother. Modern Painters. C C RUDOW (L.) (Modern.) The Reigning Princes of Germany. do. B — B B The Imperial Family. do. B — B B RUEGER (C.) (Modern.) Adagio. ' do. C RUEL (Leon). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Smell. do. C Capture of a post of the enemy by sharpshooters (1870). do. C Leda. do. C Temptation of St. Anthony. — Vision. do. C C Homage to Admiral Courbet. do. C Pierrot. do. C C RUFFO (Marguerite). Born in Paris. (Modern.) The Anemone. do. C "How Far Away !" do. C RUGENDAS (Georges Philippe). Augsburg, t666- 1742. (German School.) Horsemen halting before a tavern. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Dresden, R. C. Study of horses. (Drawing.) C., $2.50. do. — A battle. (Drawing.) C., $1.25. do. Horsemen crossing a plain. (Drawing.) C., $1.25. do. Horsemen. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. do. RULAND (H.) (Modern.) The Finale. Modern Painters. C — C RUPPERT (O. von). (Alodern.) Oberammergau. do. C — C The "Prince-Regent Bridge" in Munich. do. C RUSINOL (S.) (Modern.) A Bohemian. do. B RUSS (Robert). Vienna, 1847. (Modern.) Ravine of San Romedio in the Val di Non. do. C C — C 1096 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4J RUSSEL (John). Guildford, 1774-1806. (Eng- lish School.) The Cherries.— "Do You Wish Some ?" (Pastel.) Paris, Louvre. C — C — RUSTIGE (Heinrich von). Werl, Westphalia, 1810. (Modern.) Holbein showing to Henry VHI. and Anne Bo- leyn a leaf from his "Dance and Death." RUTH ART (Carl). Was living about 1660. (Ger- man School.) Large dogs fighting with bears. Three bears in their pit. (Drawing.) Modern Painters. C Dresden. C Dresden, R. C. C RUYSCH (Rachel). Amsterdam, 1664-1750. (Dutch School.) Flowers and fruit. Brussels. C — c Fruit. :Munich. c — c RUYSDAEL or RUISDAEL (Jacob van). Haar km, 1628 or 1629-1682. (Dutch School.) The Forest. Paris, Louvre. C — C — Storm on the Dikes of Holland. do. C — C — C — Landscape, called "The Thicket." do. C Landscape, called "The Sunbeam." do. C — C — Landscape. ' do. C — C — River bordered by large trees. do. C Entrance to a wood. do. C — C — Landscape. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. do. Landscape. (Drawing.) C., $1.25. do. — Watermill on the bank of a river. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. do. Landscape ; in the middle distance, a belfry. (Drawing.) C., $1.25. do. Landscape ; cascade, a chateau in background. Durand-Ruel C. C Landscape ; edge of a forest. do. C Entrance to a wood ; to the left, the edge of the wood ; to the right, winding road. (Draw- ing.) C., $1.25. Dutuit Col. Entrance to a wood. (Drawing in India ink.) do. C Beach of the Dunes at Scheveningen. Chantilly. C > The Old Oak. (Water-color.) do. '■ C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1097 Landscape ; to the left, large trees with leafless tops; to the right, trees, river and a hillock. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Turbulent Sea. Wooded landscape. View of Haarlem from the Dunes of Overveen. View of the Damplatz at Amsterdam. View from the Dunes of Overveen. Forest interior. The Forest of Oaks. Stormy Sea. Landscape with cottage. Dutch landscape. Dutch landscape. Mountainous landscape. D., 7x9 inches, $1.50. Waterfall and castle. D., 7x9 inches, $1.50. Waterfall and tower. D., 7x9 inches, $1.50. A waterfall. Hunters at a spring in the forest. (Habich Coll.) *"The Hunt." D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; remarque proofs on Japan, $10.00. The Jewish Cemetery. Entrance to the forest. Brook crossing a shady valley and forming a small cascade. Wooded landscape ; waterfall in foreground. The Monastery. The Wooden Bridge. Old Chateau of Bentheim. Open country covered with forests ; cart crossing ford. Landscape ; summer day. View of Haarlem. Waterfall before the Schlossberg. Landscape. (Engraving.) C, $1.25. Entrance to a wood. (Engraving.) Wooded landscape. (Drawing.) C. View of a city. (Drawing.) C, .75. Forest after a storm. Wooded landscape. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3 J 44^ C, $1.00. $1.25. Chantilly. — Berlin. C c — c do. C — — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. do. do. c c c — c — — c c — c do. c — c do. . c — c do. c — c do. c — c Brunswick. — — B do. — — B do. — — B Cassel. c — c do. c — c Dresden. c — c c — B do. c c do. c — do. c do. r^ — do. c c do. c — do. c — — — do. C — do. C — do. C do. C Dresden, R. C. do. Dresden, P. G do. Frankfort. C — do. C — *This subject also comes in large size, Carbon, 36x54 in., $70.00. 1098 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Small waterfall. Wooded landscape. The Sand-hill. The Waterfall. Winter landscape. Thatched cottage. Landscape. Landscape ; edge of a forest. (Drawing.) Landscape; sunken road. (Drawing.) The Great Poorest. Landscape with a river. Landscape with river in foreground ; to the left, two cottages ; to the right, a chapel. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Banks of a canal with some old ruins. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. Watermill in a landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Landscape; view of a large city in the distance. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Forest interior, called "The Pool." Ruined tower on the edge of a lake. The Torrent. W^inter. View of the City of Haarlem. The Repose. Landscape. View of a river near Vyk by Duurstede. D., 15X 21 inches, $5.00; remarque proofs on Japan, $10.00. Landscape. Landscape. Waterfall. The Cascade. A beach. View of Haarlem. Landscape with figures and animals. Haarlem Lake. The Ford. Landscape. Waterfall in Norway. Gallery. Sices, 2 2i 3 3^ 4 4^ Munich. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. — C — C do. C — C do. C — C Weimar. C do. C — Vienna Museum. C — C Vienna, Liecht. C Vienna, Albe do. do. do. Buda-Pesth. rtma. — — C — — — do. C — — — Amsterdam. C — do. C c c do. c — do. c c — c Am. V. d. H. Col. C — C — — — do. c — c c — c do. C — do. c — c do. c — c The Hague. c c — c do. c c — c do. C — — — Brussels. c — c do. c — c do. c — c Antwerp. c — do. c — — — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1099 Crossing the River. (Attributed also to Salomon van Ruysdael.) Landscape with waterfall and figures. Landscape with cascade. Landscape with waterfall; to the right, on hills, chateau and cottage. The Forest. The Cascade. Landscape ; wooded plain. The Watermill. View from the coast of Scheveningen. Rocky landscape. The Windmill. Landscape after rain. Landscape. *A morass in the middle of a forest. D., 9|xi3 inches, $3.00; Heliogravure, $5.00, A wood. Landscape with pond. D., 6fx9| inches, $2.00. ■ Landscape with a road leading to a village. Landscape with a pond. Landscape. Landscape with a cascade. Forest. Norwegian landscape. D., 10x13 inches, $3.00. View near Groningen. D., 7^x9^ inches, $2.00. Landscape. PL, 8x10 inches, $1.25. Skirt of the Forest. PI., 10x12 inches. $2.00. Ruined cottage. PI., 9x11 inches, $2.00. RUYSDAEL (Salomon van.) Haarlem, 1600 (?)- 1670. (Dutch School.) Open country with a village (oval form). Broad river bordered by brushwood. (Compan- ion picture to the above.) Landscape ; in foreground, some cows in water. View of Moerdyck. The Ford. View of a canal. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4I Antwerp. C London, N. G. C C do. C C do. ■ C C do. r do. C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C London, Buc. Pal. C C Florence, Uffizi. C Florence, Pitti. C St. Petersburg. C — C do. (; do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. N. Y., Met. Mus. Boston.. M. F. A. do. Dresden. do. C — — — do. C — — — Frankfort. c — Munich. C — c do. C — c ♦This subject also comes in the size of the original, 28x40 inches, $25.00. 1100 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. View of the Beach of Scheveningen and the Fish- market. (Drawing.) View of a large river ; to the right, a cattle trans- port. (Drawing.) $1.75. Combat of horsemen. (Rath. Coll.) Cluster of trees on the bank of a river; a villa in the background. (Rath. Coll.) Entrance to a Dutch village. Tavern of the "White Swan." Feast of the Passover in Holland. Travelers halting before a hostelry. The Halt. RYCKAERT (David), third of the name. Ant- werp, 1612-1661. (Flemish School.) Interior of a studio. Peasant family (old and young). Peasant family (old and young). Peasants in a tavern. Musical entertainment. Musical entertainment of ladies and gentlemen. The Alchemist. Cobbler's workshop. Chemist in His Laboratory. RYLAND (H.) (Modern.) *Neaera. Artist's Proofs, 150 on India, 13^x9 inches, $15.00; D., $3.00. Ruth. D., 16x7^ inches, $3.00. Alcyone. Artist's Proofs, on India, 19x13 inches, $10.00 each; D., $5.00; 8x10, $1.50. La Penseriosa. Artist's Proofs, on Japan, 2ifx 11^ inches, $15.00 each ; on India, $10.00 each ; D., $5.00. Across the Sea. Love-song. Idleness. Rose garlands. Garland-sellers. Alcestes. Gallery. Sisds, 2 2^ 3 3J 4 4^ Vienna, Albert. C uo. Buda-Pesth. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C Amsterdam. C Paris, Louvre. Dresden, do. Vienna Museum. Vienna, Liecht. Vienna, Czernina. Buda-Pesth. Amsterdam. Brussels. Modern Painters, do. c — c — c c c c c C c c c c c c — c — c* — c do. C C — C do. do. ---C — C do. C — C do. c — C do. r — C do. C C — C do. — — — — — C ►This subject comes in a Barj'to Print, 6^x9 inches. Si. 80. TAKING A PILOT. GEORGE WASHINGTON. STUART MARTHA WASHINGTON. STUART SHEEP IN PICARDY. CARITAS. THAYER. PAUL REVERE. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1101 SABBATINI (Lorenzo), called IL LORENZINO. Bologna, 1533 (?)-i577. (Bolognese School.) Holy Family. Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine, with the Infant Jesus. SACCHI (Andrea). Rome, 1 598-1661. (Lombard School.) Portrait of a general of the Augustine order. SACCHI (Pier Francesco). Pavia, beginning of the XVL century. (Lombard School.) Christ on the Cross. St. Martin, St. Jerome and St. Benedict. Peasants in front of an ale-house. SACCHIENSE (Giovanni Antonio). See PORDE- NONE. SACHTLEVEN or SAFTLEVEN (Cornells). Rotterdam, 1606-1681. (Dutch School.) Musical peasants. Study of a peasant dancing, back view. (Draw- ^^ ing.) C, .75. Study of a peasant woman dancing, front view. (Drawing.) C, .75. Skating. Interior of a stable. The Barn. SACHTLEVEN (Herman). Rotterdam, 1609- 1685. (Dutch School.) Landscape. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. View in a town. (Drawing.) View of a large town in Flanders. (Drawing.) Flat country traversed by a river. (Drawing.) Mountainous landscape ; to the left, a chateau on a hill ; to the right, a river. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Landscape with trees in the foreground. (Draw- ing-) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4| Paris, Louvre. Dresden. C — C — Old Masters. — — C — Berlin. do. Amsterdam. C C — C C — C C — C Dresden. C Dresden, P. G. do. Cassel. C — C Buda-Pesth. C — Brussels. C — C Dresden, R. C. Dresden, P. G. Vienna, Albert. do. — C — — C — — C — do. do. 1102 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Landscape ; to the left, on a height, the houses of a small village ; to the right, in the distance, view of a town. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Landscape with a deep gorge. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Seashore ; two peasants, man and woman, in the foreground. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Wooded and mountainous landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. SACK (E.) (Modern.) After the Bath. Scherzo Amoroso (Toilet of Venus). A Violet Grew in the Meadow. SACKSEN (H.) (Modern.) Little Dove. Tristitia. Last Refuge. SADLER (Walter Dendy). Dorking, Surrey, 1854. (Modern.) Chorus. Artist's Proofs, 50 on Japan, 23^x30 inches (all sold) ; 250 on India, $36.00 each ; D., $12.00. A Cure for Gout. Artist's Proofs, 200 on Japan, 13x19 inches, $24.00 each ; 200 on India, $18.00 each ; D., $5.00. SAIN (Edcuard). Born in Cluny (Saone-et-Loire). (Modern.) Excavations at Pompeii. (Salon of 1866.) Fisherman's Family. Andromeda. The Paternal Blessing. The Lovers. The Prayer. (Salon of 1896.) The Tarascona. — Dance of Capri. (Salon of 1898.) The Grasshopper. (Salon of 1898.) Intoxication. (Salon of 1899.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Vienna, Albert. do. do. do. n Painters. C — C do. c c — c do. c — C do. C — c do. — — — c do. c — c do. PI _ •_ dc. Paris, Lux. C C Modern Painters. C do. C do. C C do. C do. ' C do. c C do. C C do. c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1103 SAIN (Paul Jean Marie). Avignon, Vancluse, (Modern.) Martyrdom. (Salon of 1897.) Melancholy. (Salon of 1897.) Gallery. Si::es, 2 2i 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. C C SAINT AUBERT (de). (French School.) The Concert, (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Lille, Leng. Col. SAINT-AUBIN (Augustin de). Paris, 1736-1807. (French School.) Bust portrait of a young woman, right profile, wearing high head-dress with ribbons. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Woman, left profile, wearing her hair in a large puflF, long gloves, violet dress trimmed with bows, tassels and ruffles. (Drawing.) C, ■ $1.25. Young woman standing, her arms folded. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. SAINT-AUBIN (Gabriel Jacques de). Paris, 1724- 1780. (French School.) Portrait of Louis XVL, Dauphin, two Cupids playing at the bottom of the frame. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75, Woman feeding a child lying on her knees. (Drawing,) C, $1.25. "The Salon of 1757." Several persons, one of whom is a Turk, stopping before the statue of a reclining Venus. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. "Sunday at Saint-Cloud." Among the stalls in the middle of a circle formed by the crowd, a man and woman are dancing to the sound of of a violin and harp. (Drawing.) View of the Pont-Neuf and o-f La Samaritaine, taken from the Quai de la Megisserie. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. "Be Discreet, at Least!" (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Study for a view of the Boulevards. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. De Gon court Col. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 1104 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2J 3 3^ 4 4^ SAINT-GENOIS (Charles Albert de). Bom in Avesnes. (Modern.) An Encore at the Concert. Modern Painters. C SAINT-GERMIER (Joseph). Born in Toulouse. (Modern.) The Woman with Roses. do. C SAINTIN (Jules Emile). Born in Lemee (Aisne), 1829. (Modern.) Venus and Cupid. do. C Maternal Love. do. C Leda. do. C ^miliana. do. C Abandonment. " do. C C La Roussotte. do. C Mile. Reichemberg (in the role of Alix in "Gar- in"). do. C The Bather. do. C Flowers of Nice. do. C • Apple-seller. do. C Portrait of Mile. A. D. do. C Repose. do. C Reverie. do. • C The Laugher. do. C The Housewife. do. C Reveries. do. C C Child-study.— The Breakfast. do. C The Last Prayen do. C SAINT-JEAN (P.) (Modern.) Reverie. do. C C — C The Favorite. do. C C The Pink Parasol. do. C SAINTPIERRE (Gaston Casimir). Born in Nimes, 1833. (Modern.) An oflFering to Sidi-Bou-Medine. do. C Alone. do. . C Aziza, Child of Tlemcen. do. C The Enchanted Spring. do. C C The Sultana. do. C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1105 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ The Song of Aziza. Modem Painters. C Saadia the Happy. do. C Little Servant Girl of Tlemcen. do. • C Soudja-Sari. do. C Zina. do. C C On the Lookout. do. C C Venus. do. C C Jeanne. do. C Study ; a mulatto woman. do. C Flora caressed by Zephyrus. do. C C An Unexpected Caress. - Marseilles Mus. C Yamina. (Salon of 1896.) Modern Painters. C Two Good Friends. (Salon of 1897.) do. C C Judith. (Salon of 1899.) do. C Woman of Tlemcen. (Salon of 1899.) do. C SAINT-QUSNTIN. XVIH. century. (French School.) Marriage of Figaro; different scenes. (Drawing.) Paris, Com. Fran. — • C Marriage of Figaro; different scenes. (Drawing.) do. C Marriage of Figaro ; different scenes. (Drawing.) do. C Marriage of Figaro ; different scenes. (Drawing.) do. C Marriage of Figaro ; different scenes. (Drawing.) do. C Near a washing-place in the shade of a willow are washer-women and an unharnessed cart, in which little peasant children are eating and playing ; in the foreground, a peasant is bath- ing some children. (Drawing.) De Goncourt Col. C Pastoral. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Lille, Leng. Col. SALA (Emilio). Alcoy, near Valencia, 1850. (Modern.) In the Open Air. Modern Painters. C Impressionist of XVIII. century. do. C C Waiting. do. C — C SALA (Jean). (Modern.) Mater Amorosa. (Salon of 1899.) do. C C Spanish costume. PI., 7x13 inches, $2.00. Boston, Stet. Col. SALANSON (Eugenie). Born in Albert (Somme). (Modern. ) A Daughter of the Strand. Modern Painters. C 1106 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ The Little Merchant. Modem Painters. C Departure for Night Fishing. do. C In the Port. do. C C Return from Fishing. do. C On the Beach. do. C The Good Catch. do. C Gathering Sea-weed. do. C The Fisherman's Sail. do. C The Fisherman's Daughter. do. C Collecting Wreckage. do. C Girl of the Fields. do. C C At Low Tide. do. C Maria the Fisher. do. C En Route. do. C C The Repose. do. C The Prawn Fisher. do. C Young fisher-girl of the Leghe. do. C • C In the Port. do. C Maria, the Little Dear (fisher-girl of Granville). do. C Sea-weed Gatherer. (Salon of 1896.) do. C In the Harbor. (Salon of 1897.) do. C C Jeanne, a trading-woman of Treport. (Salon of 1899.) do. C SALENTIN (Hubert). Zulpich, 1822. (Modem.) A Country Funeral. do. — C C C — C Going to Church. do. — C C C — C Little Red-Riding-Hood. do. C C — C On the Road to School. do. C — C Madonna. do. C C — C Shepherd's Children. do. C C — C Child's nurse. do. C — C Brother and Sister. do. C — C The Stork. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. C C — C Darby and Joan. do. C — C Ave Maris Stella. do. C C — C We Three. do. C — C Flower of the Heath. do. C C — C At the Forest Brook. do. C — C Genevieve. do. C — C A flower of the woods. do. C C — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1107 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2j 3 3i 4 4i Madonna and the Child Jesus. D., 7x10 inches, $1.50. Modern Painters. C C — C Forester's Little Daughter. do. C C — C Ave Maria. do. C — C Mother Anna. do. C — C St. Francis. do. C — C A Peaceful Evening. do. C — C Madonna and Infant Christ. do. C — C Boat Ahoy ! do. C C — C A Peaceful Day. . do. C — C Thl Ymmg Shepherdess. }(^°'"P''"'nP''='»^"-> do. B do. B Feeding the Pigeons. do. c C — C The Forester's Daughter. do. C — C A Beautiful Summer Day. do. — — — C — C Sunday Morning. do. c C — c SALIMBENI (Ventura). Sienna, 1557-1613. (School of Sienna.) St. Hyacinthe resuscitating a child. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Florence, Uffizi. _ Virgin appearing to St. Francis of Padua. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Birth of the Virgin. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Holy Family. Florence, Pitti. C SALINAS (P.) (Modern.) A Wedding in Aragona. A Christening in Aragona. The Marriage Feast. Leave-taking. The Torero's Farewell. Modern Painters. C C SALINGER (G.) Hob-nobbing. (Modern.) C do. C C — C do. C — c do. C C — C do. C C — c do. % — c SALLAERT (Anthonie). Brussels, 1590; died af- ter 1648. (Flemish School.) The Infanta Isabella at Tir du Grand-Serment. Procession of the Virgins of Sablon. Brussels. do. C — C C — C 1108 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ SALLES (Jules). Born in Nimes. (Modern.) "Take Ale!" Modern Painters. C Young Brittany woman going to market at Quim- per. do. ■ C An Eve of the XVIII. century. do. — — C The First Pipe. do. _ _ C The Exordium. do. C Santarella. do. C An Arlesienne. do. C Fienarolla. do. C Poor Creature. do. C Birth of Castor and Pollux. • do. C Italian woman and her child. do. C Margxterite at the Spinning-wheel. do. C Albanian nurse. do. C The Accordion. do. C Amalfi. do. — — C C Bad Pussy ! do. ■ C Covetousness. do. C *C Among the Glaciers. do. C C The Signal. do. C C Offering to Cupid. do. C A woman of \^alais. do. C C Last Roses of Paestum. do. C C "Do Not Forget Me!" do. C C The Nymph of Cauterets. do. C C Sold at Retail. do. C An Episode of the Hunt. do. C "Here are Flowers !" do. C Joan of Arc Listening to the Voices. do. C C Picciola. do. C C SALLES WAGNER (Adelheid.) Born in Dres- den, 1825. (Modern.) The Betrothed. do. C Truth Enchained b}^ Falsehood. do. C Queen Bertha. do. C — C The Echo. do. C Flora. do. C The Daughter of Jairus after her Resurrection. do. C Hungarian gipsy-girl. do. ; C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1109 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Bathers. Modern Painters. C C Daughters of Jerusalem hanging their harps on the willow-trees. do. — ^ C The Little Drummer. do. C The Little Trumpeter. ' do. C Young Brittany girl in prayer. do. C Eve's Consolation. do. C The Birds'-nester. do. C Tambourine-player. do. C The Legend of the Alyscamps. tlo. C Two Friends. do. C SALMEGGIA (Enea). Bergamo, (?)-i626. (Ital- ian School.) Christ Delivering the Keys to St. Peter. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Venice. SALMSON (Hugo). Born in Stockholm, 1843 (Modern.) At the Barrier of Dalby in Skane, Sweden. (Sa- lon of 1884.) Paris, Lux. C A battle. Modern Painters. C C SALTINI (P.) (Modern.) Caricatures. do. , B B SALTZMANN (Carl). (Modern.) Constantinople. do. C C — C Emperor William IL arriving at Kronstadt. D., 14IX29I inches, $10.00. do. — B 3 B Manoeuvering, do. C C — C SALVI (Giovanni-Battista). See SASSOFERRA- TO. SALVI ATI (Francesco), called ROSSI. Florence, 1510-1563. (Florentine School.) Satyr; study for a caryatid. (Drawing.) Dresden, R. C. C Composition ; group of nine figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Composition for an unknown subject. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Weimar. . 1110 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Jupiter and Cupid. (Drawing.) Vienna, Albert. C Bacchante and Satyr. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Gymnastic exercises ; composition of several fig- ures. (Drawing.) do. C — War; group of three figures. (Drawing.) do. C Male portrait, bust, almost full face. do. C — Bust of young man. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Chatsworth. Bust of young man wearing a hat, three-quarters right view of head. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Pope Pius I v. Pardoning the Rebels. (Drawing.) do. C Reception of a prince by the Pope and the Doge of Venice. (Drawing.) do. C — Portrait of the artist, by himself. Florence, Uffizi. C Portrait of an unknown man. do. C The Visitation ; large composition of many fig- ures. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. Mythological subject: large composition. (Draw- ing.) do. C Mythological subject. (Drawing.) do. C Design for a frame. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. * do. Design for a frame. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Sketch for a frieze. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. A caryatid ; decorative subject. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Decorative sketch. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Ornaments and decorations. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Drawing for a coffer. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Three ornamental subjects. ^Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. The Construction of the Temple ; large composi- tion. (Drawing.) do. C Study for a mural decoration. (Pen drawing.) C, .75. do. Frieze with caryatids. (Pen and bistre drawing.) do. C Holy Family. Madrid. C SALZeDO (Paul). Born in Bordeaux. (Modern.^ The Accused. Modern Painters. C Card-playing. (Salon of 1899.) do. C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. nil SAMMACCHINI (Orazio). Bologna, 1532- 1577. (Bolognese School.) Holy Family; beside them, St. Catherine kneel- ing. SANDERS (Jan). See HEMESSEN (Jan van). SANDHAM (Henry). Born at Montreal, Canada, 1842. (Modern.) Village Blacksmith. PI., 10x13 inches, $2.00. Summer Breezes. PI., 9x12 inches, $2.00. Ready for the Welding. PL, 9x13 inches, $2.00. Carpenter's Shop. PL, 9x13 inches, $2.00. Mrs. Hovey. PL, 9x13 inches, $2.50. Joys of Youth. PL, 6x16 inches, $3.00. Spirit of Autumn. PL, 10x13 inches, $2.50. Battle of Lexington, or Dawn of Liberty. SANDRART (Joachim). Frankfort, 1606-1688. (German School.) Vanity ; allegory. (Drawing.) Archimedes. Portrait of Hendrick Bicker. Portrait of Eva Geelvinck. The Civic Guards, under Captain E. Bicker Van Swieten, 1640. SANDREUTER (H.) (Modern.) Art and Inspiration. At the Gate of Heaven. Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ SANFORD (W.) Listen. (Modern.) SAN GALLO (Antonio da). 1485- 1546. (Floren- tine School.) Three figures of women and four children. (Drawing in pen, black crayon and ceruse.) C, $2.50. SAN GIMIGNANO. See TAMAGNI (Vicenzo). SAN MARTIN (Cosme). Born in Valparaiso. (Modern.) Repose of the Model. Dresden. C Modern Painters. do. do. do. do. do. do. PiC — PIC — Dresden, R. C. Vienna, Liecht. Amsterdam, do. do. Modern Painters, do. do. — C — C C C Florence, Uffizi. Modern Painters. C 1112 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. SANO DI PIETRO (or Ansano), di Menico. Si- enna, 1406-1480. (School of Sienna.) Dream of St, Jerome. Death of St. Jerome. St. Jerome appearing to two people, and SS. Je- rome and John appearing to St. Augustine. Mystic Marriage of St. Francis of Assisi to Chas- tity, Poverty and Humility. SAN SEVERING (Lorenzo di). Worked at Ur- bino in the XV. century. <'Umbrian School.) Marriage of St. Catherine. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Paris, Louvre, do. do. Chantilly. London, N. G. — C C c c — c SANSOVINO (Jacopo Tatti, called). Florence, 1477-1570. (Florentine School.) Figure surrounded by ornaments; study for a sarcophagus. (Drawing.) Lille. Design for a tomb. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Weimar. Two architectural designs for a large doorway. (Drawing.) London, B. M. SANT (James). London, 1820. (Modern.) A Pinch of Poverty. Artist's Proofs on Japan, i8fxi4^ inches, $20.00; on India, $15.00; D., $500- Modern Painters. Little Stella. Artist's Proofs, 75 on India, 18x15 inches, $15.00; D., $5.00. do. C C — C B B SANTA CROCE (Francesco Rizzo). Santa Croce, 1 507- 1 541. (Venetian School.) Adoration of the Magi. Martyrdom of St. Sebastian. The Woman Taken in Adultery in the Presence of Christ. (According to Bode, Venetian School.) Berlin. do. St. Petersburg. C — C C SANTA CROCE (Girolamo). 1 502-1 537. (Vene- tian School.) The Nativity. Berlin. Madonna and St. Joseph, surrounded by angels, adoring the Child Jesus. Dresden. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1113 Magny (Seine-et- (French School.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ SANTERRE (Jean Baptiste). Oise), 1658 — Paris, 1717. Susanna at the Bath. Portrait of Santerre. Portrait of Nicolas Boileau Despreaux (1636- 171 1), satirical poet, Member of the French Acaaemy. Portrait of Marie Adelaide of Savoy, Duchess of Burgundy (1685-1712). SANTI (Giovanni). Urbino (?)-i494. (Umbrian School.) The Resurrection ; Christ standing on an open sepulchre ; four sleeping Roman soldiers are grouped around the tomb ; in the background, a landscape. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Madonna-enthroned, Child and saints. Madonna and Child. Madonna and Child. SANTI (RafTaello). See RAPHAEL. SANTVOORT (Dirck Van). Amsterdam, 1610- 1680. (Dutch School.) Jesus Christ at Emmaus. Portraits of the Burgomaster Dirck Bas and his family. Regents of the Work-house at Amsterdam in 1638. Portrait of Frederik Alewyn. Portrait of Agatha Goelvinck. Paris, Louvre, do. Nat'l Portraits. Versailles. — C — C — C — — C — — C — Malcolm Col. Berlin. do. London, Nat. Gal. C C C — C Paris, Louvre. C — C — Amsterdam. C C — C do. C C — C do. c do. c SANZIO (Raphael). See RAPHAEL. SARACENI (Carlo), or SARACINO. Venice, 1585-1625 (?). (Venetian School.) Vanity. The Repose in Egypt. Rome, Corsini. - Rome, Doria. C - C - SARGENT (John). Born in Florence, 1856. (Mod- ern.) La Carmencita. Fumes of Ambergris. Paris, Lux. Modern Painters. - C - C — c 1114 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ El Jaleo (Spanish dance). Modem Painters. C Head of Neith and figure of Astarte, from the "Triumph of Religion." PI., 13x8 inches, $3.00. Boston Pub. Lib. Figure of Moloch, from the "Triumph of Re- ligion." PL, 13x8 inches, $3.00. do. Confusion of the Children of Israel ; lunette from the "Triumph of Religion." PI., 8^x13 inch- es, $3.00. do. The Frieze of the Prophets. PL, 17x93 inches, $20.00; 10x55, $9.00; 6^x35, $4.00: 4^x24, $2.00; 2^x14, $1.00. do. Left wing, from Frieze of the Prophets. PL, lox 12 inches, $2.00. do. Central group, from Frieze of the Prophets. PL, 10x30 inches, $5.00. do. — Right wing, from Frieze of the Prophets. PL, 10x12 inches, $2.00. do. Frieze of the Prophets, divided into five panels. Each panel: PL, 17x19 inches, $4.00; loxii, $2.00; 6ix7, $1.00; 4^x5, .75 : 2^x3, .25. do. Hosea. (Detail from Frieze of the Prophets.) PL, 22x8 inches, $4.00: 17x6, $2.00; 10x13, $2.00: 13x5, $1.50; 6x14, $1.25: 10x3^, $1.00; 6x2, .50. do. Head of Hosea. (Detail from above.) PL, i6x 20 inches, $5.00; 10x12, $2.00; 7x9, $1.00; 4x5, .50; 3iMi -25- do. Isaiah. (Detail from Frieze of the Prophets.) PL, 17x7 inches, $3.00; 10x13, $2.00; 7^x15^, $1.50; 6^x13, $1.25; 10x4, $1.00; 6^x3, .50. do. Daniel. (Detail from Frieze of the Prophets.) PL, 17x21 inches, $5.00: 10x13. $2.00. do. Ezekiel. (Detail from Frieze of the Prophets.) PL, 10x13 inches, $2.00. do. Zephaniah. (Detail from Frieze of the Prophets.) PL, 10x13 inches, $2.00. do. Haggai. (Detail from Frieze of the Prophets.) PL, 10x13 inches, $2.00. do. Whole end view of decorations. PL, 16x20 inch- es, $4.00 ; 6Jx8, .75. do. Spanish dancer. PL. 8^x13 inches, $2.50. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1115 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Portrait of Edwin Booth (from sketch for the portrait owned by "The Players."). PI., iQx 16 inches, $7.50; 13x10, $3.50; 9x7, $2.00. Bos., Pub. Lib. SARTO (Andrea del) (also known as Andrea del Agnolo, and Andrea Vannucchi). Florence, 1487-1531. (Florentine School.) Charity. Pans, Louvre, C — C — Holy Family. do. C — C — C — Holy Family. do. — ^ C — C — St. John standing, two-thirds length. (Drawing.) do. . C Figure of St. Joseph for the "Madonna del Sac- co." (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Body of Christ Lamented by the Virgin, St. John, and another saint. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Draped male figure seated. C, $1.00. do. Man standing, draped, turned toward left. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Two heads of a young man, full face. (Drawing.) do. C Adoration of the Magi ; composition of several figures. (Drawing.) do. • ^ C Nude man standing, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.75- do. Head of laughing child, right profile. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Male head, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Female head, inclined, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Study in the nude for a Dead Christ. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Dififerent studies of hands and feet. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. Child's bust, hands clasped. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Bald head of old man, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. (Attributed.) Head of young man with a cap, al- most full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Bust of man holding a book ; sketch. (Drawing.) C, .75. ^ do. 1116 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Head of young girl turned to left. (Drawing.) C, .75. Paris, Louvre. Head of young girl turned to left. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. (Attributed.) Head of old man, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Descent of the Holy Spirit. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. (After Del Sarto.) Madonna and Child with young St. John. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. (Attributed.) St. Ann kneeling, with hands clasped. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Head of young woman smiling, (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. . Head of young woman (probably Lucretia della Fede), three-quarters left view. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Paris, Ec. d. B. A. Winged child, nude, standing, holding a large vase on its shoulder. (Drawing.) C, .75. Chantilly. Portrait of a woman, seated, holding a book in her left hand. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. The Entombment ; group of seven persons around Christ. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Lille. Birth of the Virgin. (Drawing.) do. C Madonna and Child surrounded by saints. Berlin. C C C Detail of the above : Madonna and Child. do. C Portrait of Lucretia, wife of the artist. do. C Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine. Dresden. C Sacrifice of Abraham. do. C C (Attributed.) Holy Family. (According to Woermann, by Vincenzo Catena.) do. C Holy Family. Munich. _ c C C — C Study for the "Madonna del Sacco" ; fresco at Florence. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Weimar, Two female heads, full face, (Drawing.) C, $1.75- do. — ■ Figure of young man for the Parable of the Vine. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. The Archangel Raphael guiding the young To- bias. Vienna Museum. C Pieta. D., 20x27 inches, $10.00; remarque proofs on Japan, $20.00. do. C C C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1117 Madonna with Child and young St. John. Birth of the Virgin. (Drawing.) Husbandmen of the Vineyard ; group of six fig- ures. (Drawing.) Madonna and Child ; study for the "Madonna del Sacco." (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Four saints standing. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Landscape with St. John the Baptist standing. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Figure of a woman standing, for "Birth of the Virgin." (Drawing.) Figure of a young man standing, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. St. John standing, his arms raised. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Female portrait, bust, turned three-quarters to left. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. (After Del Sarto.) Madonna seated, holding the Child on her knees, and behind her the young St. John. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Jupiter and Leda. Holy Family. Portrait of the artist, by himself. D., 16x21 inch- es, $5.00. Three draped male figures. (Drawing.) Female bust. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Four saints standing ; above, four angels. (Draw- ing-) Madonna and Child, with SS. Anna. John and Elizabeth. Bust portrait of Lucretia della Fede, wife of the artist. Madonna and Child with voung St. John. Holy Family. (Drawing.) Two studies of men dancing. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Portrait of the celebrated Gia Sansonius, sculptor. Decorative subject ; candelabrum borne by two angels. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Portrait of the artist, bv himself. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4i Vienna Museum. C Vienna, Albertina. C — do. C — do. do. do. do. C do. do. do. do. Brussels. C — C London, N. G. C do. C C — C London, B. M. C — do. C C — ^ C C do. Windsor. do. do. Chatsworth. do. do. do. Florence, Uffizi. C Florence, Uffizi. PIC do. c do. c do. - — c 1118 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes. 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Madonha and Child, SS. Francis and John the Evangelist. (The Madonna del Arpie.) Florence, Uffizi. PIC PIC Portrait of a young man. Bust portrait of the artist, by himself (Commesso of Vallombrosa?). St. James with two children at his knees. . Male head slightly turned to right. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Portrait of a woman, half-length figure, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Boy's head, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Study of four hands. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Study of left hand. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Male figure standing, half length, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Head of laughing child. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Pieta; composition of six figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Holy Family with the young St. John. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Adoration of the Magi ; composition of many fig- ures. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Angel's head, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Head of young men, left profile. (Drawing.) C. $1.00. do. Male head, left profile. (Drawing.) €.,$1.75. do. St. John preaching. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Study for a Last Supper; four figures in bust length. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Head of woman inclined slightly to left. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Drapery. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Study for the Nativity of the Virgin in the An- nunziata at Florence. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Pieta ; composition of four figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Male bust; study for a Last Supper. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Male bust ; study for a Last Supper. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1119 Draped male figure, half length, head turned to right. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Female head, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Angel kneeling, left profile. (Angel Gabriel, for the Annunciation of the Pitti Palace.) (Drawing.) Draped female figure standing, full face. (Draw- ing) Draped male figure standing, head turned to right. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Adoration of the Magi ; composition of many fig- ures. (Drawing.) Draped male figure standing, full face. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Draped male figure walking toward left. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Female head, left profile. (Drawing.) C, .75. Child's head turned to right. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Child's head, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The Resurrection ; sketch. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Figure of a young man. (Red crayon drawing.) C, $1.00. Study of a child for the picture "Charity." (Scalzi, Florence.) (Red crayon drawing.) C, $1.00. Descent from the Cross. Holy Family. Portrait of the artist, by himself. Holy Family. History of Joseph. History of Jos'^'ph. Annunciation. Portrait of the artist and his wife. Madonna in glory, and four saints. The Annunciation. The Annunciation. (Detail of the above.) The Dispute over the Trinity. Portrait of the artist, by himself. Assumption of the Virgin. Assumption of the Virgin. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Florence, Uffizi. do. do. — C do. C do.* do. — C — do. do. do. do. do. : do. do. Florence, Pitti. C do. PIC PIC do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C PIC do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C 1120 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. St. John the Baptist. Detail of the above : head. Madonna, Child and saints. Detail of the above : Madonna and Child. Madonna and Child. Holy Family. Four saints. Detail of the above : St. Michael. Two cherubs. Madonna of the Sack ("Madonna del Sacco). (Fresco of the Church of the Annunziata.) St. Philip and the Leper. (Fresco of the vesti- bule of the Church of the Annunziata.) St. Philip Confounding the Players. (Fresco of the vestibule of the Church of the Annun- ziata.) St. Philip Driving away the Demon. (Fresco of the vestibule of the Church of the Annun- ziata.) Death of St. Philip. (Fresco of the vestibule of the Church of the Annunziata.) Relics of St. Philip Working Miracles. (Fresco of the vestibule of the Church of the Annun- ziata.) Birth of the Virgin. (Fresco of the vestibule of the Church of the Annunziata.) The Magi Kings. (Fresco of the vestibule of the Church of the Annunziata.) The Visitation. (Fresco of the cloister of the Scalzi.) Beheading of St. John. (Fresco of the cloister of the Scalzi.) Charity. (Fresco of the cloister of the Scalzi.) Faith. (Fresco of the cloister of the Scalzi.) Hope. (Fresco of the cloister of the Scalzi.) Baptism of Christ. (Fresco of the cloister of the Scalzi.) Preaching of St. John. (Fresco of the cloister of the Scalzi.) St. John before Herod. (Fresco of the cloister of the Scalzi.) / Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ Florence, Pitti. ^ PIC PIC do. PIC do. C — C do. c do. PIC PIC do. c Florence Acad. c do. PIC PIC do. PI C ' PI c Flor., Ch. of An. _ _ c do. c do. — C do. C do. C do. C do. c do. c Flor. Cl. if Scalzi i. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1121 Dance of Herodias. (Fresco of the cloister of the Scalzi.) Birth of St. John. (Fresco of the cloister of the Scalzi.) St. John Baptizing the Multitude. (Fresco of the cloister of the Scalzi.) Angel announcing to Zacharias a numerous pos- terity. (Fresco of the cloister of the Scalzi.) Herodias with the head of St. John, (Fresco of the cloister of the Scalzi.) The Lord's Supper. ''Fresco of convent of San Salvi.) Holy Family. Madonna, Child and St, John. Holy Family. (After Del Sarto.) Two draped male figures walk- ing toward left. (After the fresco of the An- nunziata at Florence.) (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Study of four legs. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Draped male figure turned toward spectator, head turned to right. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Portrait of Lucretia di Baccio della Fede, wife of the artist. Madonna, Child, St. John, and two angels. Mystical subject: Madonna, Child, St. Joseph, and an angel. Madonna with the Child on her knee, and St. Jo- seph. Sacrifice of Abraham. Madonna and Child. Madonna, Child, St. John, and two angels. Holy Family with SS. Catherine and Elizabeth, and the young St. John. St. Barbara. Holy Family with St. John the Baptist and St. Joseph. SASSETTA (Stefano di Giovanni), called. First half of XV. century. (Siennese School.) Madonna and Child. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2\ 3 3^ 4 4i Flor., CI. of Seal. C do. C do. C do. C do. C Flor., Con. S. Sal. C Rome, Barberini. C Rome, Borghese. C Rome, Doria. C Milan, Amb. — Milan, Resta Col. — Venice. — Madrid, Prado. do. do. C C PIC PIC do. C do. C do. C do. C St. Petersburg. C do. C do. Berlin. C 1122 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON, SASSOFERRATO (Giovanni Battista Salvi). Sas- soferrato, 1605 — Rome, 1685. (Roman School.) Sleep of the Child Jesus. The Virgin. The Virgin. Holy Family (copy after Raphael). Madonna of the Constabile Family (copy after Raphael). The Annunciation (copy after Baroccio.) Holy Family. Madonna and Child surrounded by cherubs' heads. Madonna in Prayer. Madonna bending over the Child sleeping in her arms. Female head, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Madonna in Prayer. Madonna and sleeping Child. The Virgin. Holy Family, Madonna in Prayer. Madonna in Affliction. Portrait of the artist, by himself. Madonna and Child. The "Fornarina" of Raphael. (According to cat- alogue of Borghese Gallery, portrait of the Fornarina by Giulio Romano.) Holy Family. Madonna in Prayer. Madonna in Contemplation. Madonna holding the Child asleep upon her knees. Madonna of the Bird. Madonna and Child with St. John. Madonna praying ; bust. r.' UVAGE (Henri). Born in Blois. (Modern.) OflFering ; scene from antiquity. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Paris, Louvre. — — C — c do. — — c — do. — — — — c — do. — — c — do. c _ do. — — c — — — Chantilly. — — c — — — Dresden, — — c c — — do. — c c — do. _ c c Dresden, R. C, — — — Munich. — — c c c Vienna, Liecht. — — c c — do. — — c c Vienna, Czernina . — — — c London, N. G. — — c c c Florence, Uflfizi. — — c — — PIC do. — — — — c Rome, Borg. Gal. — — c — — — do. - c Rome, Doria. — — c do. — — c Madrid, Prado. — — c — do. — — — — c St. Petersburg. — — c — — — do. — — c — — — do. Modern Painters. - c r iSAVERY (Roeland). Courtrai, 1 576— Utrecht, 1639. (Flemish School.) Noah's Ark. Dresden. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1123 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ SAVINI (A.) (Modern.) Fascination, Modern Painters. C. C — C The Victor's Reward. do. . C — C Honeyed Words. do. C C — C SAVOLDO (Giovanni Girolamo). Brescia (?), 1480; was still living in 1548. (Venetian School.) Male portrait. Paris, Louvre. C — Head of old man with long white beard, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Head of old man, right profile. (Drawing.) do. C Venetian lady. Berlin. B — B C — BC Pieta. do. C — C Mary Magdalen approaching the sepulchre. London, Natl. G. C C — C Transfiguration. Florence, Uflfizi. C SAWYER (A.) (Modern.) "Evoe ! lo Bacche !'' (Bacchanal procession.) Artist's Proofs, 20 on etching paper, 7^x22^ inch- es, $18.00; D., $5.00. Modern Painters. SCAFFAI (L.) (Modern.) Fishing. do. C — C Debut in Riding. do. C — C SC ALBERT (Jules). Bom in Douai (Nord). (Mod- ern.) A Fine Bottle. do. C Under a Parasol ; idyll. do. C In Front of Greuze at the Louvre. do. '■ — C False Alarm. * do. C C Banks of the Marne. do. C C The Rowers. do. C "Does He Love Me?" . do. C C On Land. do. C C Field Flowers. do. C Drifting. do. C C Picnic on the Grass. do. C The Embarkation. do. C Summertime. • do. — C A Good Hit. do. C C 1124 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ In the Very Act. Modern Painters. C Badinage. do. C At the Bois de Boulogne. do. C C Flirtation. do. C The Cold Bath. do. C The Toilet. do. C A Bather. do. " C The Trial. • do. C C Repose. do. C The Wave. do. C C At Rest. ' do. C On the Sands. do. C Face to the Enemy. do. C On the Ice. do. C Marauders. do. C C Chilly. do. C Vaccination Gratis. do. C At the Sea Baths. do. C C Nude female figure. do. C Into the Water. do. C' The Diver. do. C C "Let Us Go Merrily." do. C C **Come into my Boat !" do. C C The Shower. do. C The Buoy. do. C Spring. do. C Summer. do. C The Satyr's Festival. (Salon of 1898.) do. C C The Douche. do. R B Ronde Antique (dance). D., 20x28 inches, $10.00. do. SCANNELL (Edith). (Modern.) Cupidon. D., 10x18 inches, $1.50. do. *C "That's You, Pussy!" D., 10x18 inches, $1.50. do. C C Out of Reach (Little Eva). D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; 10x8, $1.50. do. C C — C Once upon a Time. Artist's Proofs on India, 2ifxi5^ inches, $15.00 ;D., $5.00. do. c C —C Daisy Dimple. do. C Pierrot. D.. 10x8 inches, $1.50. do. C Little Red-Riding-Hood. do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1125 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3i 4 4i A Little Rambler. Artist's Proofs on India, 24fx I4f inches, $15.00; D., $5.00; 10x8, $1.50. Modern Painters. C C — c Puss in the Corner. do. — c — c The Little Bridesmaid. do. c — c Mignon. do. — — — c — c Dick Primrose. do. — — — c Under the Mistletoe. D., 10x8 inches, $1.50 ). do. — — — c — c Onr Darling. do. c — c SCARSELLINO. Ferrara, 1551-1621. (School of Ferrara.) Holy Family; group of five figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.00, Florence, Uffizi. — — SCAVEZZI (Prospero). Brescia. (?), 1590. (Ital- ian School.) Decorative composition for a door panel. (Pen and bistre drawing.) C, $1.25. do. — — SCHACHINGER (G.) (Modem.) Cupids. Modern Painters. C c "The Early Work Shows What the Master Will Be!" do. — — — c — c Good Appetite ! do. — — — c — c "Little Red-Riding-Hood. do. — — — c First Children of Spring. do. c c — c Richildis. do. — c — c "Dear Dolly!" do. — c — c Isabella. do. — — — c Daughter of the Castle's Lord. do. — c — c The Ring. do. c c — c "Spring Bloomed Along the World!" do. c c — c "I See My Beloved Coming," do. — c — c Donata. do. — — — c Irene. do. — — — c Prie-Dieu. do. — — — — — c Senta. do. — — — c — c "From Him !" do. c c — c Bridal Jewels. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. — C c c — c In Japanese Morning-costume, < do. c c — c Happy Expectations. do. — — — c Paternoster, do. — — — c — c 1126 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C do. C — C do. C SCHAD (P.) (Modern.) At the Sewing-girl's. "The Evening Will Come!" Asylum. Corpus Christ! Procession. SCHADE (W.) (Modern.) The Witch. Mother-joy. Painful Situation. SCHADOW (Wilhelm von). Berlin, 1789-1861. (German School.) Episode of the Russian War. (Drawing.) SCHAEFER (M.) (Modern.) Onerous Passage. In the Nursery. SCHAEPPI (Sophie). Bom iii Winterthur. (Mod- ern.) Spring. SCHAEUFFELEIN (Hans Leonhard). Nordlin- gen, 1492-1539. (German School.) Christ on the Mount of Olives. The Last Supper. Christ's Farewell to His Mother (in two panels). Draped female figure kneeling, left profile. (Draw- ing.) C, $2.50. Christ. The Crucifixion. Portrait of a lady. Martyrdom of St. Paul. SCHAFFNER (Martin). Ulm (?). Worked in the XVI. century. (German School.) Altar-picture : SS. Luke, Jerome, Andrew, and Nicolas. (Hainauer Coll.) Annunciation. Presentation in the Temple. Pentecost. Death of the Virgin. Female costume. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Dresden, P. G. C Modem Painters. C do. B do. C Berlin. C do. C do. C Dresden, R. C. Munich. C — C Vienna Museum. C do. C — Florence, Uffizi. — • — C Berlin. C Munich. C C — C do. c C — C do. C — C do. C — C Venice. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1127 SCHALCKEN (Godefried). Dordrecht, 1643— The Hague, 1706. (Dutch School.) Boy fishing. Young man playing with a false face. D., 7x9 inches, $1.50. The Waffle-eater. Young girl sitting before a light reading a letter. Young girl holding a lighted candle. The artist examining a bust of Venus with a light. Servant holding an egg up to the light. Young woman adjusting an ear-ring. "Twelfth Night." The Concert. Young girl carrying a candle. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ SCHALTEGGER. Children playing. After the Bath. Pensive. (Modern.) SCHAUBROEK (P.) Antwerp, 1542 (?); died after 1605. (Flemish School.) St. John the Baptist preaching. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50 SCHAUER (G.) (Modern.) King Lear. "It is I, Mr. Bailiff" (from "William Tell"). Brigand's wife in flight. SCHAUMANN (Heinrich). (Modern.) Parasite in the Menagerie. Artist's Jealousy. Rural Medical College. The Juggler. National Festival. Bridal Procession. National Festival in Cannstadt. A Pair of Curiosities. Gossip. Village Clinic. Tiilringen, 1841. Berlin. C Brunswick. B Cassel. C — C Dresden. C C do. C — do. C C do. C c The Hague, c c — c London, B. P. . — C do. — c do. c Modern Painters. C do. C do. C — C Brunswick. B Modern Painters. C C — C do. B do. B B do. C -- do. C do. c c do. c do. c do. c do. c c C do. c do. C do. C 1128 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3J 4 4I Circus Attractions. Modern Painters. C Bear-leader in a Swabian village. • do. C SCHAUSS (Ferdinand). Berlin, 1832. (Modern.) An Italian. do. C Leander. do. C C A Dryad. do. — C C C — C Reveries. ' do. C C — C SCHEDONE or SCHIDONE (Bartolommeo). Modena, 1570 (?)-i6i5. (Lombard School.) Holy Family. Paris, Louvre. C — C — Christ Borne to the Tomb. do. Z — Child St. John seated. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Landscape with Rest on the Flight into Egypt. Brunswick. B Madonna surrounded by angels. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Venice. SCHEELE (E.) (Modern.) An Attic Philosopher. D., 14IX17 inches, $5.00. Modern Painters. B SCHEFFER (Ary). Dordrecht, 1795— Paris, 1858. (French School.) Death of Gericault. Paris, Louvre. C — The Suliote women. do. C — C — Temptation of Christ. do. C St. Augustine and his mother, St. Monica. ' do. C — C — C — The Christ of the Reed. do. C — C — Portrait of General Cavaignac. MastersXIX.Cen. C — Francesca da Rimini. do. C — Portrait of Lamartine. do. C — Portrait of the artist, by himself. do. C — Portrait of Queen Mary Amelia. Chantilly. C Portrait of Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Peri- gord, Prince of Benevento (1754- 1838). do. C Portrait of the Duke of Nemours in the costume of a Hussar officer. do. C SCHEFFER (Henri). The Hague, 1798-1862. (French School.) Portrait of Philippe Henry de Girard (1775- 1845), engineer, inventor of a flax-spinning ma- chine (1810). Nat'l Portraits. C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1129 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Portrait of Prince Eugene de Beauharnais, Vice- roy of Italy, 1781-1824. Portrait of Armand Carrel, 1800-1836. SCHEIETS (Mathias). Hamburg, 1640-1700. (Ger- man School.) Violin-player. (Engraving.) C, .75. SCHELFHOUT (Andre). The Hague, i787-(?). (Dutch School.) Study of trees. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. SCHENCK (Augusta Frederic Albert). Born in Gliickstadt (Duchy of Holstein), 1828. (Mod- ern.) Wisp of Straw. "Geese" ; souvenir of Auvergne. Lost (sheep). PI., 7x13 inches, $2.50; 5x10, $1.25. SCHENNIS (Fr. von). (Modern.) Park of Versailles. SCHEPP (A.) (Modern.) In the Studio. Weary. The Artist-Princess. SCHERRER (Jean Jacques). Born in Lutterbach (Alsace). (Modern.) Alsatian woman at the spinning-wheel. Raising of the Widow's Son of Nain. Scene in the Temple. Marshal Brune, August 2, 181 5. SCHERRES (Carl). Konigsberg, 1833. (Modern.) *Inundation. D., Ii|x2i inches, $5.00. [(Companion Landscape in April. j pictures.) Hut in the woods after a thunderstorm. Winter landscape. Landscape on the Havel. SCHEUERMANN (L.) (Modern.) Arabian Dance. Versailles, do. Dresden, R. C. Dresden, P. G. C — C — Modern Painters. C do. — — C C New York, M. M. Modern Painters. B do. do. do. do. do. do.' do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C — C c c c C c c c B B B B — B B B B B B B •This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6>^x9 inches, $1.80. 1130 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. SCHEURENBERG (Josef). Diisseldorf, 1846. (Modern.) The World Forgetting. D,, 16x21 inches, $5.00. On Sunday. The artist. Little Matron. Faithful Escort. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. The Courting. (Companion picture to Poetzel- berger's "Autumn.") D., 11x15 inches, $3.00. The Lord's Day. Madonna with angels. D., 13x19 inches, $5.00. A Long Road. D., 9^x20 inches, $5.00. Joys of the Sea. D., 12x20 inches, $5.00. Virginitas ; bust. D., 12^x10 inches, $3.00. The Peasant Boy's Offering to the Divine Child. SCHIAVONE (Andrea MeldoUa, called II). Se- benico (Dalmatia), 1522-1582. (Venetian School.) Mountainous landscape. Hunting scenes. The body of our Lord supported by an angel and by Joseph of Arimathea. Parnassus. Adoration of the Shepherds, (Drawing.) C, $1.25. SCHIAVONE (Gregorio). Dalmatia. Was work- ing in 1470. (Venetian School.) (Attributed.) Madonna and Child. Madonna and Child enthroned. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. — C — C — c — c — c — c c c — c — c — c B B B C C — C Berlin. do. Dresden. Munich. ^lilan, Ambrosian. C C C — C — C Paris, Louvre. Berlin. — C — C — — C C SCHIAVONI. (Modern.) Contentment. SCHICK (Rudolf). (Modern.) The Two Leonoras (Tasso). SCHIEDER (F.) The Last Rose. (Modern.) SCHIERTZ (G. W.) (German School.) Sea-piece. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Modern Painters. ■ — C do. do. C C ~ C C Dresden. P. G. C. SOULE ART COMPANY. BOSTON. 1131 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3J 4 4^ SCHIKANEDER (J.) (Modern.) Contemplation. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. Modern Painters. C C — C SCHILDKNECHT (G.) (Modern.) Session of the Council. do. C SCHILL (Adrian). Born in Batavia. (Modern.) The Impresario and his Company. do. C SCHLABITZ (G.) (Modern.) On the Sixth Floor. do. C SCHLEIBNER (K.) (Modern.) Morning Prayers. do. C — - C The Holy Family. do. C C — C Receiving the Rosary. do. C C — C SCHLEICH (Eduard). Bavaria, 1812— Munich, 1874. (German School.) Landscape. do. C SCHLESINGER (Felix). Hamburg, 1833. (Mod- ern.) Arrival of the Mail-coach. do. C — C Presents from the Fair. do. C The Farewell. do. C At Dinner. do. C In School. do. C A Snoring Trio. do. C Kindergarten. do. C The First Green. do. C In an artist's studio. do. C Out of Danger. do. C C — C In Danger. do. C C — C Under a Protecting Roof. do. C — C "Now be Good Again." do. C The Puppy. do. C The Sick Dog. ' do. C — C Dumplings. do. C In the Swing. do. q The Swing, do. C — C Early Snow. do. C — C Feeding-time. do. C 1132 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sices, 2v 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ A Disturber of the Peace. Modem Painters. C — C A Pair of Nutcrackers. do. C — C SCHLESINGER (Henri GuiUaume). Born at Frankfort-on-the-Main, 1814. (Modern.) Correggio drawing his children. do. C The Mistress's Bonnet. do. C The Broken Pot. do. — C At the Theatre. do. C Woman with a parrot. do. C Loves of Other Times and Loves of To-day. do. C Loves of Other Times (detail). do. C Loves of To-day (detail). do. C The Modem Venus. do. C — C The Favorite. do. C The New Lord. do. — C An Amateur's Lesson. do. C Mignon. ' do. C Christmas Presents. do. C C SCHL5SSER (Carl). Darmstadt, 1836. (Modern.) "Sleep, Little Brother, Sleep !" . do. — C After the Meal. do. C Afternoon Luncheon. do. C C The Advocate. do. C SCHMADEL (Max von). Augsburg, 1856. (Mod- ern.) For All-Souls. do. C C — C The Temptation. do. C Vanity. do. B B SCHMID (J.) (Modern.) Charity. do. " ■ B — B SCHMID (Matthias). See, Tyrol, 1835. (Modern.) Opportunity Makes the Thief. Mendicant Friars. The Censor. Moving under Difficulties. Giving Confession-certificates in the Tyrol. The Piper. do. C — C do. c c do. C C — C do. . C C do. c c — c do. c — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1133 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Priestly Warning. Modern Painters. C Gallant Hunter. do. C Secret Engagement. do. C At Home. do. C The Pastor's Toilet. do. C C — C Quiet and Serene. do. C C — C Dashed Down. do. _ c C C — C Before the Session. do. C Disturber of the Peace. dc. C — C Blind-man's-buff. do- C C — C Forsaken. do. C C — C Patron Saint. do. C — C Consolation in Prayer. . do. C The Letter. do. C Washing the Crucifix. do. C — C On Pilgrimage. do. C C — C Forbidden Fruit. do. C C The Favorite Joint. do. C C C "God Watch Over Thee !" do. C C — C Discovered. "^ do. C — C The Redeemer. do. C C — C War of Deliverance (of the German states in 1813). do. C C — C The Anniversary. do. C . — C Teasing. do. C C — C Confession. • do. C On Strike. do. C — C In the Home Garden. do. C — C Bad Prospects. do. C — C The Toy Merchant. do. C — C The Smugglers* Halt. " do. C Tyrolia. do. C — C Incredulous. do. C "What Does He Take Us For?" do. C C — C Medical Advice. do. C A Wildflower. do. C Tantalizing. do. C C A Critical Moment. do. C C Longings. do. C The Rest. do. C 1134 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. SCHMID-BREITENBACH (F.) (Modern.) "That Abominable Smoking!" (Trumpeter of Sakkingen). "My Son is Coming!" Father's Pet. Love's Longing. Meeting Again. School Recess. SCHMIDT (G. Friedrich). (German School.) ' Male portrait. (Engraving.) C, $i.OO. SCHMIDT (L.) (Modern.) Latest News. SCHMIDT (Max). Berlin, 1818. (Modem.) Solitude. ) ,„ . . ^ . „ v (Companion pictures.) Hut on the Lake. | (Companion pictures.) Landscape with lake. J Each, D., 13x18 in., $5.00. Polyphemus. ~ Nausicaa. (Landscapes from the "Odyssey.") Calypso. I (Companion pictures.) Eumaeos. The Gamekeeper's Hut. At the Spring. On the Downs. Landscape with castle. | (Companion pictures.) Sea-view. j D., 20x13 inches, S5.00. Forest-scene. D.. 14x19^ inches. $5.00. Sea-piece. D., 14x20 inches, $5.00. Woodland Peace ; landscape. D., about 14x22 inches, $6.00. SCHMIDT (R.) (Modem.) Before the Enemy. SCHMIDT (Th.) (Modern.) Carnival in the Country. Vanquished. A Cinderella. Difficult Parting. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3J 4 4I Modern Painters. C — C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C Dresden, R. C. Modern Painters. C do. — — B B — B do. — — B B do. — — B B do. — — B B do. — — B B do. — — B B do. — ^ B B do. — — B B do. — — B B do. — — B B do. — — B B do. — — B B do. — — B B do. — do. — do. — B do. — C do. C do. — C do. — C do. — C — C SOULE 'ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1135 Gallery. Sices, 2 2\ t, 31 4 4^ The Puppet. Modern Painters. C A Hindrance. do. C The First Step. do. C The Photographer in the Country. do, C — C SCHMIDT-CONSTANT. (Modern.) A Question. do. B B Honeymoon. do. — — B B SCHMIECHEN (Hermann). Neumark, in Silesia, 1855. (Modern.) Ermine ; study-head. do. C — C Bust-portrait of a woman. do. C — C Lady with ruff. do. C — C Study-head of a woman. do. C — C A Dream after the Festival. do. — C C C — C A Walk in the Park. do. C C — C Beatrix. do. C — C Stella. do. C — C Flamenca. , do. C — C Nora. do. C Faustina. do. — C C C — C Cordelia. do. C — C Irene. ' do. C C — C Edelweiss. do. C C — C Venus. , do. C Lady Rutland. do. C Julia. do. C — C Catherina. do. C La Pensierosa. do. . C Luna. do. C C — C Psyche. do. C C — C La Favorita. do. C C Papa's Pet. do. C Gabriella. do. C ATathilde. do. C Midsummer. Artist's Proofs on India, 2Tfxi5f inches, $15.00 each; D., $5.00; 10x8, $1.50. do. C C C SCHMITT (Guide). Heidelberg. (Modern.) Gretchen. do. _ _ C C — C Sampling Heidelberg Beer. do. C C 1136 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. SCHMITZBERGER Qoseph). Munich, 1851. (Modern.) Hesitation. Hare-hunting, Struggle for the Spoils. The Beater. Hunting-scene. "What a Marvel !" "You can not put Old Heads upon Young Shoulders." Opportunity Makes the Thief. Fox with Prey. The Rights of the Stronger. Well Fed. Six Weeks Old. Inquisitive People. The Dinner-party. Alone in the House. Partridge-shooting. Pheasant-shooting. Gamekeeper. A Good Bag. A Happy Family. Partridge-shooting. Reynard in Distress. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. The Plunderer. The Intruder. An idyll. On the .Alert. "Into the Jaws of Death." Shamming Sleep. D., 16x21 inches. $5.00. The Doctor's Visit. D., 8x10 inches. $1.50. SCHMUTZLER (Leopold). Minuet. His Little Highness. His Latest Poem. Ungracious. The Suitor. "Be Friends Again !" Obstinate. (Modern.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C do. C do. c do. c do. C C — C do. C — C do. c C — C do. C do. C — C do. C C — C do. C do. C — C do. C — C do. B — B do. c C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C do. C — C do. C — C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. do. do. C do. C — C do. C do. '■ C — C do. C — C do. C do. C —C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1137 Sweets of Courtship. "Father, Forgive Them!'* First Steps. His First Birthday. Pleasant Conversation. Grandfather's Delight. Domestic Happiness. "Guess Whom It's For!" Stars of the Night. One, Two, Three. Repartee. A Bacchanalian Feast. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C C — C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. — — — c c c — c c c z C — — — c c — c c c z z C — — C c — c — — c c c — — c c c — — — c c c — c SCHMUZ-BAUDISS (Th.) (Modern.) "At Peace with all the World am I !" do. SCHNARS-ALQUIST (H.) (Modern.) Help in Sight. do. C SCHNEIDER (F.) (Modern.) Last Hours of the Duchess of Burgundy. In the old "Grottenhof" at Munich. The Fool's Punishment. Abundantia. "It's Anna." ^ "It's Tony." Venus with Cupids. Wine, Woman, and Song. Emperor Charles V. going to the Convent of Saint Just. Portrait of a woman ; I. (three-quarters length). A Bench as a Love-letter. Queen of the Festival. Portrait of a woman; II. (three-quarters length). Indisposed. Michael Angelo reading his sonnets to Vittoria Colonna. A Dancing-lesson in the Temple of Dionysus. A Banquet. Expectation. do. do. — — — c — c — c do. do. — C — c c — — — do. — c — c do. — c — c do. c c — c do. — c c c — c -1o. — c c c — c do. — c do. — c do. — c — c do. — c — c do. — c — c do. — c c c — c do. c c c c — c do. — c — c do. __■ — — c — c 1138 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Nydia. A Roman Festival. Song of Olden Times. SCHNEIDER (H.) (Modern.) Van Dyck painting the children of Charles I. An Encounter. SCHNEIDER (Felicie). Born in Saint-Cloud (Seine-et-Oise). (Modern.) Child's Play. The Last of the Family. An Escapade. The Large Washing. Over Hedge and Ditch. The Well. The Little Convalescent. SCHNEIDER (Louis Amable). Born in Paris. (Modem.) A Little Help. Hunting. "Ken a Vo !" (Au Revoir !) ; Brittany. Yesterday, To-day, To-morrow. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modem Painters. C C — C do. c c — C do. — C C C — C SCHNEIDT (M.) Spring Song. Consolation. (Modern.) SCHNITZLER (F.) (Modem.) The Stingy Rich Uncle. Critical Customers. Evil Tongues. Forgetful. The First Skating-lesson. SCHNETZ (Jean Victor). Versailles, 1786— Paris, 1870. (French School.) Vow to the Madonna. Youth of Sixtus Fifth. SCHNORR von CAROLSFELD (Julius). Leipsic, 1794 — Dresden, 1872. (German School.) Faith, Hope, and Charity. (Drawing.) do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Paris, Louvre, do. B — B B — B B — B B — B C C C C C C C C — c c c c c c c — c c — c - ' c c c — c C C — C — Dresden. R. C. C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1139 Gallery. Sises, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4I St. Peter walking on the water. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Dresden, R. C. The Niebelungen. (Drawing.) do. C Historical composition. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Dresden, P. G. C. Historical composition. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Battle between Christian warriors and barba- rians. (Drawing.) do. C View of the city of Florence. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. ' . do. Landscape with the houses of a village. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Martin Luther in Worms. Munich, Max. — C C C ■ Battle of Iconium. do. C C — C SCHOBELT (Paul). Magdeburg, 1838. (Mod- ern.) Venus and Bellona. Modern Painters. B B SCHOEVARDS (Mathys). Brussels, i665-(?) (Flemish School.) Procession of the Carnival-oxen. Brussels. C — C Fish-market on the Coast. do. C — C SCHOLTZ (Julius). Breslau, 1825. (Modern.) Choir-boy. Modern Painters. C Last Banquet of Wallenstein's Generals. do. — C C C C Volunteers in 1813 before King Frederick Wil- liam IH. of Prussia in Breslau. do. B — B B Herman and Dorothea (from Goethe's epic poem). do. B B SCHOLZ (F.) (Modern.) Convent Music-lesson. do. C SCHOLZ (M.) The Farewell. ■ do. C An Agreeable Guest. do. C "Your Health, Brother!" do. C An Organ Recital. do. C SCHOLZ (Richard). Game-beaters returning home. do. C Clara Schumann. do. C — C Genevieve of Brabant. do. C C — C 1140 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. SCHONGAUER (Martin), called Martin SCH5N. Colmar, 1450 (?)-i488. (German School.) A saint standing, (Drawing.) C, $1.25. (Attributed.) Torment of a Lost Soul. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. The Saviour. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. (Attributed.) Madonna and Child seated on a bench. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Christ Entering Jerusalem. The Last Supper ; Christ offering a wafer to Judas, who is identified by the large purse he is holding in both hands. Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. The Kiss of Judas. Jesus before Pilate. The Flagellation. The Crown of Thorns. The Bearing of the Cross. Descent from the Cross. The Entombment. Descent into Hades. The Resurrection. Jesus and Mary Magdalen. Incredulity of St. Thomas. The Ascension. Descent of the Holy Ghost. St. John the Baptist, surrounded by the people, pointing out Christ accompanied by two dis- ciples and St. George, vanquisher of the dragon. Madonna adoring the Child. Angel of the Annunciation. St. Anthony, hermit, father of the Cenobites. Madonna of the Annunciation. (Attributed.) Madonna of the Rose Bush. (Attributed.) Detail of the above. A bishop. (Drawing.) C. $1.00. Lady of the Times. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Portrait of an old man with a fur cap, holding a chaplet in his hands with the inscription : "Pius Joachim." Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4I Paris, Louvre. — do. do. — Mitchell Col. _ Colmar. — — C — do. C do. — — c — — do. c — — — do. . c — — do. c — do. — — c do. c — — — do. — — c — do. c — — — do. c — — — do. c do. c — — — do. c — — — do. c — — — do. — — c — — do. c do. C • do. c do. c • do. c Colmar. Ch. S. do. Lille. AL C do.. Basle. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1141 Madonna and Child holding a bird on his hand. (Pen drawing.) C, $1.25. Preparations for the Crucifixion on two sheets joined. (Pen drawing.) (School of Martin Schongauer.) Altar-piece: Christ on the cross with saints. St. Catherine standing, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Female bust turned slightly to left. (Drawing.) C, .75- Female portrait, profile. (Engraving.) C, .75. Female portrait, full face. (Engraving.) C, .75. Escutcheon. (Engraving.) C, .75. St. Veronica. (Engraving.) C, .75. Child Jesus. (Engraving.) C, .75. Escutcheon. (Engraving.) C, .75. St. George and the Dragon. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. St. George and the Dragon ; medallion. (Engrav- ing.) C, .75. Christ Sinking under the Weight of the Cross. (Engraving.) Bishop's crosier. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. An angel. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. The Virgin. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Madonna and Child. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Madonna and Child. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. A young monk ; bust. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. A battle. (Engraving.) C, $2.50. St. Michael. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. St. Sebastian. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. A saint. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Female portrait. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. A saint. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. The Flight into Egypt. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Arabesques. (Engraving.) C, .75. Portrait of Ariosto. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. A Censer. (Engraving.) C, $1.25. The Nativity. Holy Family. (After Schongauer.) St. Sebastian. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Basle. do. C Berlin. C Dresden, R. C. do. — do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C — do. do. do. do. do. Dresden, P. G. C. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Munich. C — C Vienna Museum. C — do. C — 1142 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Christ Shown to the People. (School of Schongauer.) Christ at the House ot Simon the Pharisee. Death of the Virgin. Christ; full face, bust. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Female bust turned to left. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Holy Family. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Horseman fighting a demon. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. SCH5NLEBER (Gustav). Bietigheim, Wiirtem- berg, 1851. (Modern.) On the Canal at Ostend. In the Harbor of Antwerp. On the Riviera, Dutch village. -» (Companion pictures.) Flushing Harbor, j D., 11x15 inches, $3.00. On the Seashore. Venice. D., 16x21 inches. $5.00. Nieuwkerk (village in Holland). Quinto al Mare. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. Riviera di Levante. SCHOLTZE (G. G.) (German School.) Bust portrait of a man, full face. (Drawing.) SCHOLZE (Daniel). . (German School.) The Poulterer. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. SCHONFELD (Johann Heinrich). Biberach, 1609-1675. (German School.) Two male heads. (Engraving.) C, .75. SCHOONJANS (Anton). Antwerp, 1650— Vien- na, 1726. (Flemish School.) Narcissus. (Now in the Royal Gallery of Schleissheim.) SCHOPIN (Henri Frederic). Liibeck, 1804-1880. Portrait of Jean Jacques Regis de Cambaceres, Duke of Parma, Arch-Chancellor of the Em- pire (1753-1824). Gallery. Brussels. Sides, 2 2i 3 3i 4 C — 4i C do. C — C London, N. G. C Florence, Uffizi. do. do. do. ^lodern Painters. C — C do. C do. C do. C — C do. C — C do. C do. C C do. C do. C do. C C Dresden, P. G. C. Dresden, R. C. do. Munich. C Versailles. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1143 SCHOREL or SCHOOR (Jan van). See SCOREL. SCHORN (O.) (Modern.) Sampling the Beer. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4J Modern Painters. C SCHOTEL (Petrus Johannes). Dordrecht, 1808- 1865. (Dutch School.) Sea-piece; entrance to a seaport. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Dresden, P. G. C. SCHONTEN (E.) (Modern.) A Cross with Flowers is the Lot of Man ! SCHOYERER (Joseph). (Modern.) Urner-See from the Riitli. The Jungfrau. The Achensee. ■• The Madonna del Sasso at Locarno. Capri. The Rosegg Glacier. The Lake of Thun. Eiger, Monch and Jungfrau with the Lauter- brunnenthal, from the Schynigen Platte. The Wetterhorn and Schreckhorn with the Grin- delwald Valley from the Danube (Schyni- gen Platte). SCHRADER (Julius). Berlin, 1815. (Modern.) Mrs. Claypole and Oliver Cromwell. Devotion. Frederick L, Elector of Brandenburg, receiving the oath of allegiance from Berlin and Co- logne (1415)- Cromwell in Whitehall. Young lady of rank. SCHRADER (R.) (Modern.) Sheltering Trees. Rencontre. Racing Day in Charlottenburg. An Anxious Moment. Steeple-chase. Modern Painters. — do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C — C do. do. — c c c — c c c — c — — c c — c c — — c c — c — — c c — c c — c do. C C do. c — C do. B — B B — B do. B — B B — B do. B B — B do. C C — C do. C do. B B do. B B do. B B 1144 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. SCHRAM (A. H.) (Modern.) St. Cecilia. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. Bianca Capello. Gloria in Excelsis Deo. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; 8x10. $1.50. Danae. D., 10x14 inches, $3.00. Morning Visit. Adoration. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. In the Garden of Alcazar. After the Bath. The Judgment of Paris. Nymphs' Revenge. A Witch. Preparing for the Festival. Spanish Dancer, Dolce far Niente. *Lily. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters, do. SCHRAUDOLPH (Claudius), the Younger. nich, 1843. (Modern.) Scene in a Munich brewerv. Mu- do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. — C C c c c c c — c c c — c c — c c — c C C — c c c — c C C — c c c C — c c — c C — c c SCHRAUDOLPH (Johann von). Oberstdorf, Al- gau, 1808- 1879. (Modern.) The Nativity. Madonna with saints. St. Anthony. SCHREIBER (Charles Baptiste). Bom in Paris. (Modern.) Improvisation. Italian women going to the well. SCHREYER (Adolphe). Bom in Frankfort-on- the-Main, 1828. (Modem.) Charge of the Artillery of the Guard at Traktir, August 16, 1855. (Salon of 1865.) Halt at the Fountain. PI., 19x35 inches, $12.00; 11x20, $4.00; 9x13, $2.00; colored PI., $6.00. Bedouins at War. The Courier. Munich, Max. Modern Painters. do. do. do. Paris, Lux. Boston, M. F. A. Modem Painters. do. C C C — C C — c c C C » C C C C — C •This subject comes in an Aquarelle Gravure, 12x12 in., $6.oa SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1145 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Ready for the Fight. Modern Painters. C C — C Enemy in Sight. do. C C — C The Halt. 1 (Companion pictures.) do. C — C The Advance-Guard. j D., 11x15 inches, $3.00. do. C — C Wallachian Mail-coach. ^ do. C C — C Wallachian Team. (Companion picture to Kow- alski's "Flight?') D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. Arab Scouts. Chicago Art Inst.— PIC — PIC — PIC SCHRODER (Albert). Vienna, 1856. (Modern.) Troubadour. Modern Painters. C "Thy Health, Thou Maiden with Golden Hair !" do. C — C Sham fight. do. C — C Rosy Days. do. C C — C Cozy Hours. do. C Successful Suit. do. C First Love. do. C C — C "If We Only Were Married !" do. C — C Those Wonderful Days of First Love. do. C *Between Two Fires. (Companion picture to Volkhart's "Dangerous Trifling.") D., i6x 21 inches, $5.00; also 7x10, $1.50. do. C C — C An Interesting Story, do. C Forget-me-not. do. — C — C New Little Brother. D., 7x10 inches, $1.50. do. C — C A Significant Visit. do. C — C Always Jolly ! do. C L^ndecided. do, — C — C In a Good Humor. do. — C Sweet Harmony. do. C — C Taken by Storm. do. C — C A Duet. do. C — C **The Beginning of a Romance. | (Companion do. B — B **Parental Joy. J pictures.) do. B B A Coveted Prize. do. C "Beer, Glorious Beer!" do. C The Minstrel. do. C C Tales of Combat, do. C — C Castles in Spain. do. C — C *This subject comes in an Aquarelle Gravure, 21x15 inches, $12.00. **This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. 1146 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. An Attentive Listener. *A Merry Song. SCHROEDTER (G.) (Modern.) Nymph at the Well. Major and Minor, Time of Roses. Young Love. **Forget-me-not. (Female figure.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 Modern Painters. — do. — 2^ 3 3i 4 4i C — C (Companion pictures.)* SCHRYVER (L. de). (Modern.) ***Street Scene in Paris (Avenue du Bois). Preparing for the Arrival of the Transatlantic Train at Paris. Spring. D., i8|xii^ inches, $5.00. Summer. D., i8|xii^ inches, $5.00. Autumn. D., 18^x11^ inches, $5.CX). Winter. D., 18^x11^ inches, $5.00. SCHUCH (Werner). Hildesheim, 1843. (Mod- ern.) Emperor William IL (from the original portrait). Disturber of the Peace. Skirmisher. Uncertain Ground. Bad Path. At the Cairn. Imperial Proclamation. In Winter Quarters. Near the Enemy. Reconnoitrer. Riding to Hounds in the Time of Karl Theodore. Mansfield's Troops. Thomas of Abensberg. Hard Times. Escort of the Corpse of Gustavus Adolphus from Liitzen to Wolgast. SCHULER (Max). (Modern.) General Field-Marshal von Manteuflfel. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Berlin, Nat. do. do. do. do. do. do. . do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. B B B B B B B B B B B Gal. — C C C — C C — C C C C — C C — C C — C C — C c C c c C — c C — c B BC — BC B — B B •This subject comes in an Aquarelle Gravure, 21x15 inches, $12.00. ••This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. ***This subject comes in a Fac-Simile Gravure in color, 8x9} inches, $6.00. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1147 SCHULLER (C.) (Modern.) Goose-girl. D., 14x20^ inches, $5.00. SCHULTHEISS (Karl). Neutchatel, 1775 (?). (German School.) Musical entertainment. The Bee-keeper. Old Heads and Young Hearts. SCHULTZE (Carl). Dusseldorf. (Modern.) * Landscape with Mill (Eifel Mountains). D., 14x21 inches, $5.00. SCHULTZE (R.) (Modern.) The Jungfrau from Murren. SCHULZ-BRIESEN (Edward). Haus-Amstei- bei-Neun, Dusseldorf, 1831. (Modern.) The Copyist. In the Attic. Children's Carnival. Duty. Pleasure. The Connoisseur. The Research. Sunday Morning Service. Captive Gipsy. The Appointment. Quiet and Serene. SCHUPPEN (Jacob van). Fontainebleau, 1669- 1751. (Flemish School.) Portrait of the artist, by himself. SCHURMANN (Fr.) (Modern.) Pheasant-shooting. Escaped. Easy Prey. SCHUSTER-WEIDENBERG. (Modern.) On Strange Soil. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Berlin, Nat. Gal. do. do. do. do do. B — B B B B B C C — C do. C C — C do. C do. — C C C — C do. C do. .; C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. C do. C — C do. C — C do. C Vienna, Liecht. C C Modern Painters. B do. B do. B do. C *This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6>^x9 inches, $1.80. 1148 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ SCHUSTER-WOLDAN (Georg). (Modern.) Legend. D., 15x19 inches, $5.00. Modern Painters. SCHUT (Cornelius). Antwerp, 1597-1655. (Flem- ish School.) Neptune and Amphitrite. Dresden. C The Annunciation. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Vienna, Albertina. — Beheading of St. George. Antwerp. C Bacchanal; sketch. (Drawing.) €.,$1.25. Florence, Uffizi. SCHUTZE (Wilhelm). Berlin, 1814. (Modern.) Zoology in the Kindergarten. Modern Painters. C C — C In the Kindergarten. do. C In Spring. do. C In Autumn. do. C The Little Delinquent. do. C C — C Ginger-bread Vender. do. C C — C Fallen Asleep. do. C Lying in Ambush. do. C The Goose-girl. do. C May-shower. do. C The Congratulatory^ " do. C C — C "Here, Hansel !" do. C — C The Punishment. do. C — C Avoided Suitor. do. — — — C — C Blind-man's-buff. - do. — — C C — C Good Comradeship. do. — C Hospitalit3\ do. C Disturber. . do. — C Too Hot. do. C The Sick Doll. do. C Morning Greeting. do. C — C Eavesdropping. do. C C — C The Patient. do. C — C Early Friends. do. C — C A Little Complication. ' - do. C — C The Sick Pussy. do. C — C Pussy at the Doctor's. - do. C — C The Villain Caught. do. Q C — C Making Coffee. . do. C C — C Caught the Mouse. ' do. C — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1149 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ Diligence and Laziness. Modern Painters. C — C Early Friendship. do. C Pussy's Breakfast. do. C "Give Me Your Paw!" do. C The Kittens. do. r C The Broken Bottle. do. C — C School Examination. , do. — C — C Green Frog. do. C — C Surprise. do. C C — C Early Friends. do. C C — C A Rude Friend. do. C — C A Bad Singer. do. C C — C The Little Bird-catchers. do. C C — C Feeding Pussy. do. C C — C Girl and kittens. do. C C — C The Blotted Copy-book. do. C — C Sick Teckel. do. C — C Disturber. do. C — C Idyll of the Attic. do. C — C "Taste It, Pussy!" do. C Pussy's Toilet. do. C SCHUTZEMBERGER (Louis.) Born at Stras- burg, 1825. (Modern.) Terpsichore. (Salon of 1861.) _ Paris, Lux. C Ferrywoman of the Rhine. Modern Painters. C Ariadne Forsaken. do. C Diana at the Bath. do. C The Gorgon. do. C C Souvenir of Alsatia. do. C The Spring. do. C Sleeping nymph. do. C Callisto. do. C Study. do. C Departure for the Fishing. — Banks of the Rhine. do. C Leaving the Bath. do. C Bacchante. do. C Ulysses. do. C The Serenade. do. C Return of Ulysses. do. C Ulysses and the Cyclops. do. C 1150 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. SCHUZ (Theodor). Wurtemberg, 1830. em.) Sunday Afternoon in the Village. Before the Service. In Spring. SCHWABE (E.) (Modern.) In the Cemetery. Old Christmas Joys. A Delegation of Workmen. SCHWABE (H.) (Modern.) Faust and Marguerite. Happiness. Peace. Day. Night. SCHWABENMAJER (G.) (Modern.) Venus, the Foam-born. (Mod- Gallcry. Shes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. — C C C — C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. c — C — C r* T> B — — B C C C n C c c SCHWARTZ (Albert). Berlin, 1833. (Modern.) Mother's Kiss. do. C — C SCHWARTZ (Christoph). Ingolstadt, 1550 (?)— Munich, 1597. (German School.) The Bearing of the Cross. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Dresden, R. C The Artist's Family. The Virgin with the Child Jesus. St. Catherine. St. Jerome. Munich. c — C do. C — c do. C — c do. c — c SCHWARTZE (Th.) (Modern.) St. Cecilia. Modem Painters. C C SCHWARZENFELD (A. von). Villanyer. Janos. Alpine dairy-maid. Good Prospects. In Good Spirits. (Modern.) do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1151 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 32 4 4i SCHWENINGER (Carl), Jr. Vienna, 1818. (Mod- ern.) The Conjurer. Modern Painters. C C — C A Quiet Nook. do. — C C C — C Before the Bath. • do. C C — C Summer. do. C — C Winter. do. C — C Echoes of Love. do. C — C Diplomats. do. C C — C On Nimble Wings. do. C C — C Eavesdropping. do. C — C Musical Entertainment. do. C — C Jolly Company. do. C — C On the Edge of the Forest. do. C — C The Farewell. do. C C — C Alone. do. C Welcome Guests. • do. C A nymph. do. C The Newest Poem. do. C — C Judgment of Paris. do. C C — C After the Chase. do. C — C Politics. do. C — C Macbeth. do. C — C The Honeymoon. do. C C — C Certain Victory. do. C Hearts that Have Found Each Other. do. C C — C School for Scandal. do. C — C On the Promenade. do. — C Thoughtful. do. C — C In the Studio. do. ^ C — C The Minstrel. do. C C — C The Book-worm. do. C Love's Happy Hour. do. C Stag-hunting. do. C Undine. do. C Deer-stalking. do. C — C In Blissful Dreams. do. — C — C Criticism. do. C — C With the Castle's Lord. do. C Pensive. do. C C — C In Time of Peace. do. C — C 1152 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. B do. B B do. B B do. B B do. B do. B — B do. B — B do. c C — C do. C C — C do. C C — C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. C — C do. C do. C — C do. ■ C C — C The Sisters. Tete-a-Tete. War Reminiscences. Poetry. The Garden of Love. Hildegard. *The First Cloud. 1 (Companion Evening. J pictures.) The First Glimpse. Love's Confession. 'Twas in the Time of Roses. Wedded. The Honeymoon. "Don't Tell r The First-born. In After Years. The Two Generations. "When We Were Young." Love's Fetters. Concert at Court. The Toilet. Reminiscences. Welcome May. Parting Brings Such Sweet Sorrow. SCHWENINGER (R.) (Modern.) The Lodger. The Rudiments. The Rabbits. The Kittens. Puppies. At the Hearth. The Bird-Fancier. SCHWENZEN (H.) (Modern.) A Flower of the Heath. The Little Truant. SCHWIERING (H.) (Modern.) A Children's Party. Love's Dream. D., 15x19 inches, $5.00. do. C — C do. C C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. c — C do. c do. C do. B do. B — B do. B B do. ♦This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6Jx9 inches, $i.3o. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1153 SCHWILL (W.) Sweet Harmony. (Modern.) SCHWINDT (Moritz von). Weimar; was work- ing in i860. (German School.) Happiness ; allegory. (Drawing.) €.,$1.25. SCHWOISER (Eduard). Briisau, Moravia, 1827. (Modern.) Henry IV. in Canos^a. SCIUTI (Giuseppe). Catania, Sicily. The Funeral of Trimoleone. Pindar at the Olympic Games. Ancient Roman after-dinner scene. (Modern.) SCKELL (Ludwig). (Modern.) The Minnesinger. Obergiinzburg, Swabia, 1842. SCOREL (Jan van), or SCHOORL. Schoorl, near Alkmaar, 1496 — Utrecht, 1562. (Dutch School.) Portrait of Cornelius Aerntsz Van der Dussen, Secretary of the Town of Delft, in 1550. Portrait of Agatha van Schoenhoven. Baptism of Christ. The Repose in Egypt. (Rath. Coll.) St. Magdalen. Bathsheba and King David. Portrait of a 5'oung man. Portrait of a young woman. SCRETA (Carl). Prague, 1604-1674. (German School.) Portrait of Bernard de Witte. SEBASTIANI (Lazzaro). Was painting at the end of the XV. century. (Venetian School.) The Holy Manger. St. Anthony of Padua and two saints. SEEL (Adolf). Wiesbaden, 1829. (Modern.) In the Alhambra. Gallery. Siaes, 2 2^ 3 Modern Painters. Dresden, P. G. C. 3i 4 4i C — C Munich, Max. C C C Modern Painters. — C C do. C do. — C C do. Berlin. C c — c do. c c c do. . — — c Buda-Pesth. C — — — Amsterdam. C c — c do. c — — — St. Petersburg. — c do. — — — — c — Dresden. Venice. do. Modern Painters. C -^ C 1154 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. SEELEY (G. B.) (Modern Taking a Pilot. Homeward Bound. S]&G6 (Alexandre). Born in Paris, 1817-1885. (Modern.) The Furze in Bloom. (Salon of 1876.) SEGHERS (Daniel). Antwerp, 1590-1661. (Flem- ish School.) Still-life. Garland of St. Ignatius. (E. Quellin and D. Seghers.) Christ within a garland of flowers. SEGHERS (Gerard). See ZEGHERS. SEGHERS (Hercules), or SEGERS. 1589— Am- sterdam, 1650. (Dutch School.) Dutch landscape. Level country in Holland (in the foreground, two shepherds with their flocks). Level country in Holland. SEIBOLD (Christian). Mayence, 1703 — Vienna, 1768. (German School.) Portrait of Seibold. Old woman with green head-kerchief. Head of a young girl. Portrait of the artist, by himself. Portrait of the daughter of the artist. Portrait of the artist, by himself. Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. PIC — PIC — PIC PIC do. PIC Paris, Lux. c Berlin. c — c Antwerp. c Brussels. c — c Berlin. C do. C do. C Paris, Louvre. C — Dresden. C Vienna Museum. C Vienna, Liecht. C C — do. C C — Florence, Ufiizi. C — SEIFERT (Alfred). Horovic, Bohemia, 1850. (Modern.) A Summer Night's Dream. Modern Painters. C — c Ophelia. do. c Scene in a Munich beer-cellar. do. c Serenade. do. — c The Dawn of Love. do. c — c Minstrel. do. — c c c — c Love's Bliss. do. c — c A nymph. do. c — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1155 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Ghost-stories. Modern Painters. C C — C Hildgunde, do. C Mater Dolorosa. do. . C Sleeping Beauty. do. C — C "Is He Thinking of Me?" do. C — C "Be Merciful to Me !" * do. C Visit of an Old Friend. do. C "Is He Looking?" do. C C — C Sunday Morning. do. C C C Gossiping. (Companion picture to "At the Well.") D., 7x10 inches, $1.50. do. C C — C First Roses. , do. C C — C Carola. do. C Philippine Welser with Jan Augusta. do. — C C C C Bertrane. do. C Deliana. do. C Bellinda. do. C Waldtraut. do. C Gismonda. do. C Sophia. do. C Lute-player. do. C Elli. do! C Toni. do. C At the Well. (Companion picture to "Gossip- ing.") D., 7x10 inches, $1.50. do. C C — C Beritola. ' do. ■ C Simona. do. C Salvestra. do. C Francesca. do. C Filippa. do. C The May-queen. do. C Theodora. do. C Siritha. ' * do. C Over the Garden Wall. do. C C The Last Load. do. C C C C Estrella. do. C Juana. do. C Celia. do. C Elvira. do. C Inez. do. C Florida. do. C 1156 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Dolores. Casilda. Always Gallant. Weclina. Huberta. Hedwiga. Wanda. Angel's Greeting. "Though he's far, far away, "Is he still thinking of me?" Secrets. Love's Yearning. Erna. Susanna. Magdalena. Juliana. Ange. Wild Rose. Chloe. The Lute-player. Sirens. On a Word. The Anniversary. Gammon. Alpine Rose. Edelweiss. Electra. Olivia. Love's Greeting. A Good Friend. Return from the Fields. Irene. Isolde. Selene. The White Dove. Felicia. Livia. Forget-me-not. Clotilde. Centifolia (Rosa centifolia). Garden-poppy (Bloom of Youth). Gallery. Siacs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. do. do do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. — C C C c c — c c c C C C — c C — c C C C — c c c c c r c c c c — c — c — c c c c — c c — c — c c c — c c c — c r c c c — c — c — c C c — c c c c — c r c — c r . . r- c — C c c c — c — c — c ARAB SCOUTS. OFF THE COAST OF MAINE. SHEPPARD A MEADOW POOL. A R r ^' OPTH£ HOMEWARD BOUND. OF PALADA BRIDGE VENICE. SHEPPARD ON THE BEACH IN SPAIN. TORRE ULYSSES DERIDING POLYPHEMUS. TURNED RETURNING FROM MARKET. TROYON ALEXANDER HAMILTON. TRUMBULL SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1157 Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ Campanula. Modern Painters. C On the Virgin's Shrine. do. C Liane. do. C Agatha. do. C Adeline. do. C — C Violetta. do. C C — C "Alone, but not Lonely." do. C Kitty. do. C Vicky. do. C Zerline. do. — — C Arabella. do. C Flora. do. C — C Anita. do. C — C Mabel. do. C — C Sylvia, dO. C — C The Secret. do. C — C Forest Solitude ! D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. C — C Expectation. do. C — C C — C Alma. do. C '— C Josephine. do. C — C Rose Blossoms. do. C — C Confession. do. C Erica. do. ■ C Geraldine. do. C Thoughtful. do. C Dreaming in the Woods. do. C Rosalinde. do. C Memories. do. C — C Lola. do. C Thea. do. C From Long Ago. do. — C Reapers Returning Home. do. C C C Gathering Wood. do. C Holly-leaves. do. Q Among the Grape-vines. do. C C Sweetheart. do. C Innocence. do. C C C Myrtle-blossoms. do. q Spring. . do. C — C Waiting for Him. do. C C C St. Cecilia. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. C C C 1158 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Hypatia (half-length). Modem Painters. B B AVow. . do. B B *The Echo (nude). do. B B A Flower-girl. do. B ♦Love's Sighings. D., 2ofxi2f inches, $5.00. do. B *Hortensia. do. B Rock Roses. D., 2ofxii^ inches, $5.00. do. B * Viola. do. C — BC *Rosa. do. — C — C The Spirit of Summer. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. do. C C — C Autumna. do. C — C The Best Joke of the Season. do. C — C Ideala. • do. C — C SEIGNAC (Guillaume). (Modern.) Bacchante. (Salon of 1897.) do. C C The Last Roses. (Salon of 1897.) do. C C Flora. (Salon of 1898.) do. C SEIGNAC (Paul). Born in Bordeaux. (Modern.) Sunday Morning. do. C The Skein. do. C SEILER (Carl). (Modern.) The Scholar. , do. C At the Chemist's. do. ■ C His Worship. do. C Treaty of the Hague, 1785. do. C Work of Art. do. C Episode from the Arrest of Voltaire in Frankfort- on-the-Main. do. C — C In Reply. do. C Dangerous Situation. do. C Frederick the Great in the Forest of Parchwitz. do. C — C SEITZ (Anton). Roth, near Nuremberg, 1830. (Modern.) The Auction. do. C Scene in an Inn. do. C — C Poultry-dealer. do. C Domestic Scene. do. C •This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1159 Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4i The Chemist. Modern Painters. C Italian Image-vender. . do. C Roasting Potatoes. do. C SEITZ (Otto). Munich, 1846. (Modern.) Happy Hours. do. C Neptune's Voyage. do. — C C C King Edward's sons. do. C C A Wave. do. — — B B SEITZ (Rudolf). Munich, 1842. (Modern.) Noble Passions. . do. C SELIGMANN (A.) Hercules and Omphale. do. C Thisbe. do. C — C SELINGER (Emily). (Modern.) Roses. PI., 9x13 inches, $2.50. dO; Peonies. PL, 9x13 inches, $2.50. do. SELINGER (Jean Paul). (Modern.) Prayer. PI., 13x16 inches, $4.00; 9x13, $2.50; col- ored PI., $6.00. do. — At the Opera. PI., 13x16 inches, $4.00; 9x13, $2.50; 7x9, $1.00. do. — "Thy Will be Done." PI,, 10x13 inches, $2.50. do. Sabbath Afternoon. PI., 10x13 inches, $2.50. do. — The Engagement Ring. PI., 12x15 inches, $4.00; 10x13 inches, $2.50; 7x9, $1.00; colored PI., $6.00. do. SELL (Christian). Altona, 1831. (Modern.) Transporting Prisoners. do. C Battle of Koniggratz. do. B B — B Laying the Cable between Berlin and Cologne. do. B B SELLIER (Charles). Born in Nancy. (Modern.) Leda. do. C Repose of Almee. do. C C SELLMER (C.) (Modern.) The Poacher's Revenge. do. — — — — — R 1160 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. SELTZ (Jules). Born in Hericourt (Haute-Saone). (Modern.) Study. SEMENOWSKI. See EISMAN SEMENOWSKI. SeNET (R.) (Modern.) In a Spanish Locanda. SeON (Alexandre). Born in Chazelles-sur-Lyon (Loire). (Modem.) Flowering Broom. The Virgin. SERENDAT de BELZIM. Bom in the lie Mau- rice. (Modern.) Morning Prayer. Morning Star. Evening Star. (Salon of 1896.) "Aren't They Nice !" (Salon of 1899.) SERGENT (Lucien Pierre). Bora at Massy (Seine-et-Oise). (Modern.) Under Fire. Episode of the Battle of Bazeilles, August 31, 1870. Episode of the Battle of Epinay. The Rear Guard ; Army of the North, 1870. Eve of Departure; souvenir of Puys (lower Seine). SERI (Antoine Paul Ponce Robert de). (French School.) Female portrait. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. SERMONETA (Girolamo Sciolante da). 1504— Rome, 1580. (Umbrian School.) Pieta. SERRA (E.) (Modern.) "SuflFer Little Children to Come Unto Me." SERRES (Antony). Born at Bordeaux. (Mod- ern.) Washer-women. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. ^ C do. C do. C do. C C do. C C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C Dresden, R. C. • Berlin, Racz. C Modern Painters. C C — C do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1161 Gallery. Sizes. 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C C do. C do. C do. C do. C The Song. An Allegory. Return from School. Rogation Days. Children of the Village. SESTO (Cesare da). Milan about 1480— Sesto, near Milan, 1524 (?). (Lombard School.) Madonna sitting on the ground with the Child Jesus and St. John ; also, the figure of a man seated. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Madonna and Child. Child's head, full face. (Drawing.) C, .75. St. Catherine of Alexandria. Leda with the Swan. (Drawing.) Two genii with vases. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Genius ; design for candelabrum. (Drawing.) C, •75- Madonna of the Girdle. Study of a left arm and two hands. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Study of right and left arm. (Drawing.) Study of right hand. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Study of two left hands. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Academical figure of young man running. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Female head turned slightly to right. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Adoration of the Magi ; composition of many fig- ures. (Sketch for picture in Museum of Naples.) (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Madonna and Child. Paris, Louvre. Old Masters. C — Dresden, R. C. Frankfort. C Vienna, Albertina. C — do. do. Rome, Vat. Pin. C Venice. do. C do. do. do. do. St. do. Petersburg. SETTIGNANO (Desiderio da). XVII. century. (Italian School.) Design for an altar for the Church of San Lorenzo in Florence. (Pen and bistre drawing.) C, $2.50. Design for an altar richly ornamented. (Draw- ing) Florence, Uffizi. Venice. 1162 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. SEVESTRE (Jules Marie). Born at Breteuil (Eure). (Modern.) After the Bath. Nymph and satyr. Nymph as huntress. Nymph in repose. Bathers. The Bath. At the Bath. Pursued. Leda. SEWELL (Robert V.) New York. (Modern.) Bacchanals. PL, 7x13 inches, $3.00. Detail from the above : three of the dancers. PI., 9x7 inches, $2.00. . SHADE (W. A.) (Modern.) Tantalizing. My Daily Visitor. SHAW (Annie Cornelia). Troy, N. Y., 1852. (Mod- ern.) The Russet Year. SHEPHERD. (Modern.) Mammy's Lullaby. PL, "/xy inches, .50. SHEPPARD (Warren). (Modern.) Palada Bridge, Venice. Entrance to Public Garden, Venice. Desdemona's Palace, Venice. The Grand Canal, Venice. Garden in the Guidecca, Venice. Near All Saints, Venice. Venice. Evening on the Lagoon. Off the Coast of Maine. A Breezy Day. Moonlight. Becalmed. Fishing-boats. ♦ Galkry. Sices. 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. — C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. do. do. C C — C do. C Chicago Art Inst. PIf Boston, Loth. C. Modern Painters. PIC — PIC — do. PIC— PIC PIC do. PIC— PIC — do. PIC — do. PIC — PIC — do. PIC PIC do. PIC PIC do. PIC PIC do. PIC — PIC — do. PIC do. . PIC do. PIC do. PIC SOULE 4RT COMPANY, BOSTON. 1163 SHIELDS (Frederic J.) Hartlepool. (Modern.) *The Annunciation. Gallery. Sizes. 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4I Modern Painters. B (Engraving.) C. SHILT and BOLSWERT. Portrait of a burgomaster $1.00. Dresden, R. C. SHIRLAW (Walter). Paisley, Scotland, 1837. (Modern.) The Sciences. (Eight decorations in the Library of Congress. Each science is represented by a female figure.) Archaeology. Botany. Astronomy. Chemistry. Zoology. Physics. Mathematics. Geology. Each of these eight, PL, 5x13 inches, $1.50. Bacchus (pastel fragment). | (Companion pictures.) Bacchante (pastel.) j PL, 13x7 inches, $3.00) 9x5, $1.50 Evening Hymn (pastel design for stained-glass"' window). PI., 14x21 inches, $5.00; 9x13, $3.00; 6x9, $1.50. Rainbow (pastel design for stained-glass win- dow). PI., 14x21 inches, $5.00; 9x13, $3.00; 6x9, $1.50. The Fiddler. PI., 20x16 inches, $6.00; 12x9, $3.00. Modern Painters Greeting. PL, 20x12 inches, $5.00; 12x10, $3.00; 9x6, $1.50; 5^x3^, .50. do. In Church. PL, 20x16 inches, $6.00; 12x10, $3.00; 9x7, $1.75. do. Magdalen (seated, half-length figure). PL, 13X II inches, $3.00; 9x7^, $1.75. do. Morning (pastel design for stained-glass win- dow). PL, 20x13 inches, $5.00; 13x9, $3.00; 9x6, $1.50. do. Mother and Child. (Drawing.) PL, 21x17 inch- es, $6.00; 12x10, $3.00; 9x71, $1.75. do. ♦This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. Wash., Con. Lib. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Modern Painters, do. >■ (Companion pictures.) 1164 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Reflection, PL, 12x7 inches, $3.00 ; 9x5, $1.50. Modern Painters. St, Jerome. (Drawing.) PI., 13x11 inches, $3.00; 9^x8, $2.00, do, Spirit of the Autumnal Woods, (Water-color.) PL, 20x12 inches, $5.00; 13x8, $3.00; 9x5^, $1,50, do. The Sunflower (decorative panel in oil). PL, 11x20 inches, $5.00; 7x13, $3.00; 5x9^, $1.50, do. The Toad-stool (pastel), PL, 20x13 inches, $5,00; I3X9» $300; 9x6, $1,50. do. The Death Song. do. PIC PIC The Flower Market. do. PIC PIC SIBERECHTS (Jan). Antwerp, 1627— London, 1703. (Flemish School.) Landscape with pasturage. Munich. C — C Interior of a farm. Brussels. C — C SICARD (N.) (Modem.) Line of Cavalry, (Salon of 1898,) Modern Painters. C Eve of the Battle of Montmirail. (Salon of 1899.) do. C SICHEL (Nathaniel). Bom in Mayence, 1844. (Modern.) Cardinal de Guise receiving the head of the Ad- miral de Coligny in Rome. do. C SICHEL (N,) (Modern,) Medea. do. — C C C — C Girl of Colchis. do. C C — C Gipsy-girl. do. C C — C Salome. do. _ C C C — C Girl of Judea. do. C C — C Nubian girl. do. C C C Girl of Montenegro. • do. BGC BC The Shepherd-boy of Capri. do. C C C Fatima. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. — C BC C — BC Fatima (bust). do. Q Q — C An Egyptian princess. do. — C BC C — BC Nitetis. do. C C — C Almee. do. _ c C C — C Pandora. do. — C C C — C FIGHTING TEMERAIRE. GOING TO LABOR. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1165 Hamatelliva. Malavika. Girl of Tunis. Hero. Nicolo. The Mandolin-player. Favorite Flower. Mariska. Girl of Thebes. The Savoyard. Neapolitan Girl. The Beauty of the Harem. Woman of Andalusia. Fellah girl. Little Johnnie. Grecian girl. Water carrier. 1 Sicilian flower-girl. \ (Companion pictures.) Pompeian girl. Little Fritz. Cetheris. At the Seashore. In Distress. Cleopatra. Dalmatian girl. A Duo. Deborah. Girl of Trastevere. Alceste. The Favorite. A Messenger of Love. Egyptian girl. Gipsv Queen. ) .^ . . . . jy . \ \ (Companion pictures.) j>ajaQere. j Summer. Odalisque. Aspasia. Yum-Yum. Mignon. Fellah woman and child. \ (Companion pictures.) [■ (Companion pictures.) t (Companion pictures.) Gallery. Sizes. 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modem Painters. C C C C — C do. C C — C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. C C C C — C do. c C — C do. C — C do. BC C — BC do. c C — C do. BC C — BC do. C C — BC do. C — C do. B B do. B do. B B do. B B do. — — B B do. B B do. B do. B B do. B B do. B do. B B do. B B do. B B do. B B do. B B do. B B do. B B do. B B do. ^ B B do. B B do. B B do. B do. B do. B B do. B — B B do. B B do. B B 1166 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes. 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ In Bondasfc. ) .^ . . ^ . Modern Painters. B B Jephtha. I (Companion pictures.) ^^ _ _ B _ _ B A Roman girl. do. B Pascuccia. do. B Judith. do. B B L3^dia. do. B — B Turandot. do. B B Vestal Virgin. do. B B The girls of Tangier. do. B B "Rest on Me Yon Dark Eyes." do. B B Sappho. . do. B B *Camille. D., 2o|xi2 inches, $5.00. do. B The Caliph's Daughter. do. B B Lotos. do. B Mirjam. do. B Dreaming. do. C — C Rachel. do. C C — C Erin. do. C C — C Marguerite. do. C C — C Semiramis. do. C C — C Antigone. ' do. ■ C C — C A Nautch girl. do. 'C — C SIEBER (Edward G.) Brooklyn, N. Y. (Modern.) The Meadow Pool. do. PfC PIC SIECK (B.) (Modern.) Woman of Venice. do. C C Juliet Capulet. do. C C — C Vittoria Accorombona. do. C C SIEGER (V.) (Modern.) The Belated Sermon. do. C C SIEGERT (August). Neuwied, 1820-1883. (Mod- ern.) In the Bay-window. do. C C SIEMIRADZKI (Henri). Grodno, 1843. (Mod- ern.) In the Flower of the Days of Caesar. do. C ♦This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1167 Gallery. Christ at the House of Mary and Martha. D., i6x2i inches, $5.00. Modern I Bacchanal. D., 7x10 inches, $1.50. do. Temptation of St. Jerome. do. Greek Vase-vender. D., 20x27 inches, $10.00. do. Viaticum. do. Christ and the Woman of Samaria. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. Art Wins the Heart. do. Greek Idyll. do. Consolation and Help. do. The Careless Lovers. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. Mimic Representation of the Judgment of Paris. D., 13x29 inches, $10.00. do. The Living Torches of Nero. do. The Sword-dance. D., 10x20 inches, $5.00. do. The Beggar. do. He and She. do. The Rock of Tiberius at Capri. do. A Priest of Tsis. do. Cremation of a South Russian Chief (X. century). do. Summer Night in Old Pompeii. do. Warriors of Swiatoslaw at a Ritual Massacre. do. The Song of the Slave. D., i8xii inches, $5.00. do. Rural scene. do. At the Fountain. do. Follow a Good Example. do. (Detail from the above.) do. Phryne at Eleusis. D., 18x35 inches, $12.00. do. *Woman or Vase? D., 21x29 inches, $12.00. do. Waiting and Watching. do. An Itinerant Art Dealer. do. in Arcadia. do. A Grecian Home. do. A Little Argonaut. do. SIEPEN (A.) (Modern.) Field Flowers. dc Studio. do. "Good Luck." do. Sizes. 2 2^ 3 3i 4 A\ 'ainters. — C C C — C — C C C — C c C — C — C c C — C c C — c c c.— c c c — c c c — c c C — c — B B B B — P> B B B B B B B — — B B B B — B B B B B B B B B B B — B B B — B B C C — C C C — C C C — C C C — C C C — C — C — C C B •This subject comes also in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, ti. 8a 1168 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. SIEPEN (W.) (Modern.) "He's Coming." SIGALON (Xavier). Uzes (Card), 1788-Rome, 1837. (French School.) The Young Courtesan. Cupid Disarmed. Gallery. Sizes. 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modem Painters. C Paris, Louvre, do. SIGNOL (Emile) School.) The Woman Taken in Adultery Paris, 1804-1892. (French (Salon of 1840.) Paris, Lux. Cor- SIGNORELLI (Luca d'Edigio di Ventura). tona, 1441-1523. (Florentine School.) Birth of the Virgin. Adoration of the Magi. Fragment of a composition. (School of Signorelli.) Madonna and Child. Nude man standing, back view, his arms raised and hands clasped. (Drawing.) Two nude figures of men standing. (Drawing.) Nude man, back view, carrying a corpse on his shoulders. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Nude male figure, right profile. (Drawing.) Composition of two nude figures ; one wrestler throwing another. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Demon holding by the head nude man thrown to the ground ; to the left, study of a nude man kneeling. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Various studies of male and female figures, chil- dren and heads. (Drawing.) Three nude male figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Two figures of soldiers and a head. (Drawing.) C, .75- Male head. Altar panel : SS. Catherine of Sienna, Clara and Jerome. Altar panel: SS. Augustine, Anthony of Padua, and Catherine of Alexandria. The God Pan. The Visitation. C C C — C — C — Paris, Louvre. C — do. C — C — do. C — C — do. C _ do. — — — — c — do. c — do. Gatteaux Col. C Malcolm Col. Chantilly. Lille. C do. do. '- . Berlin. C do. c C — C do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1169 by C, Holy Family. (According to Woermann, Piero di Cosimo.) Two pilasters with figures of saints. Studies of four nude figures. (Drawing.) $1.25. (School of Signorelli.) Tiberius Gracchus. Triumph of Chastity. The Nativity. The Circumcision. Hercules Strangling Antaeus. (Drawing.) Faith, Hope, and Charity. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Holy Family. Group of nude figures, demons and animals. (Pen drawing.) Martyrdom of a saint and two studies of nude figures. (Drawing in red and black crayon.) C, $1.25. Lucretia killing herself. (Black crayon drawing on white paper.) C, $1.00. Holy Family. Madonna and Child surrounded by saints. The Crucifixion. Moses, the Law-giver ; Aaron Receiving the Rod ; Mourning at the Death of Moses. SIGNORINI (T.) (Modern.) Prayer in the Mosque. SIGRISTE (G.) (Modern.) Napoleon at Wagram. D., 14x20 inches, $5.00. SILVESTRE (Louis de). Paris, 1675-1760. (French School.) Louis XIV. receiving the Electoral Prince of Saxony at Fontainebleau, September 27, 1714. Hercules pursuing Nessus abducting Dejanira. Equestrian portrait of King Augustus H. SIMANOWITZ (Ludovika von). Stuttgart, 1761- 1827. (German School.) Friedrich von Schiller. Charlotte von Schiller. Gallery. Sizes. 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Dresden. C — . — — do. C — Dresden, R. C. Buda-Pesth. C London, N. G. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c Windsor. — — — c Chatsworth. — Florence, Uffizi. c — do. do. C — do. Florence, Pitti. Florence Acad. do. C C C Rome, Sist. Chap. C — Modern Painters. : — do. — C — C Versailles. — — — — c __ Dresden. — — C — do. — — — C — — Modern Painters. c c do. — — — c — c 1170 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. SIMM (Franz A.) Vienna, 1853. (Modern.) Inopportune Visit. Sharply Watched. The Pride of the Family. D., 11x15 inches, $3.00. Amateur Concert. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. *Bicycle Outing. "None so Deaf as Those Who Won't Hear !" Rehearsing a Duet. SIMMLER (Wilhelm). (Modern.) The Poacher Shot. SIMMONS (Edward). Concord, Massachusetts, 1852. (Modern.) The Muses. (Nine tympanum decorations in the Library of Congress. Each muse is repre- sented as a seated figure.) Melpomene. PL, 7^x13 inches, $2.50; 5^x9^, $1.00; 4x6, .50. Clio. Thalia. Euterpe. Terpsichore. Erato. Polyhymnia. Urania. Calliope. Each of these eight, PI., 7^x13 inches, $2.50 ; 5^x9^, $1.00. Justice (mural decoration). PL, 21x12 inches, $5.00; 13x8, .$3.00. Detail from the above (three-quarters length fig- ure). PL, 13x7 inches, $3.00. Liberty, Fraternity, and Equality (mural decora- tion). PL, 13x9 inches, $3.00. The Fates (mural decoration). PL, 13x9 inches, $3.00. Atropos (detail from the above). PL, 12x10 inch- es, $3.00. The Months (mural decorations). Each month, PL, 8x13 inches, $2.00; 6x9, $1.00. Gallery. Sises. 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. — C do. C — C do. c c — C do. B — — B do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C W^ash., Con. Lib. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. N. Y. Cr. Ct. Bl. do. do. do. do. N. Y., Ast. House. ♦This subject comes in a Pac-Simile Gravure, in colors, lo^xii inche*;. $10. oa SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1171 The Seasons (mural decorations). Each season, PI., 8x13 inches, $2.00; 6x9, $1.00. SIMON (P. Robert). Hagar. (Drawing.) C, $1,00. SIMON DE CHALONS. Chalons, XVI. century. (French School.) Mater Dolorosa. (According to catalogue of Ror- ghese Gallery, School of Raphael.) SIMONE da CUSINGHE. End of XIV. century. (Venetian School.) The Madonna of Mercy. SIMONETTI (Attilio). Rome. (Modern.) Gallery. Sices. 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ N. Y., Ast. House. Dresden, P. G. C. Rome, Borghese. C — Veni Division of the Spoils. Modern Painters. C C — c The Prince. do. c — c Soldier of the XV. century. do. c — c SIMONI (G.) (Modern.) Alexander the Great in Persepolis. do. c c — c SIMONIDY (Michel). (Modern.) Winter Perfumes. (Salon of 1899.) do. — c SIMONS (J. F.) (Modern.) The Ferreter. do. c — c The Wolf and the Sheep. do. c — c Teasing. do. c — c SINDICI (F.) (Modem.) "No Song, No Supper." s do. c — c The Waning of the Honeymoon. do. — . c — c SINDING (Otto). Konigsberg, Norway, 1842. (Modern.) Shipwreck. do. c The Mermaid. do. c — c Northern Winter-night. dc. c — c King Hako. do. c — c Tarantella. do. — — — — c Autumn Storm. do. c — c The Eagles' Battle. do. c c — c 1172 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. SINIBALDI (Paul Jean). Bom in Paris. (Mod- ern.) Jemmapes (November 6, 1792). A Notice. In the Studio. French Commerce receivmg samples of the raw materials presented to it by Peace and Abundance. (Salon of 1897.) Industry : the Arts and Sciences presenting their discoveries to Industry. (Salon of 1898.) An Artist's Model. Gallery. Sises. 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modem Painters. C do. do. do. do. C C SINKEL (Henricus Johannes). Alruch in the Netherlands, 1835. (Modem.) St. Cecilia. do. The Magnificat. do. Madonna. do. The Nativity. do. *Child Christ with the Fourth -v ,^ . ^ ,. _ , /, jN / (Comp. pictures.) Commandment (head). V t-. o ■ ^ do. ,r • ,r. /, ,\ i D., 8x0 m.. $2.00. *Sancta Maria Virgo (head). ; do. The Queen of Heaven. D., 20^x115 inches, $5.00, do. The Nativity of Christ. D.. 15x20^ inches, $5.00. do. Christ Bearing the Cross. do. Ave Maria. D., 15x19 inches, $5.00. do. — — — — — C , — — — — — c — — c C — c B B B B — — B B B — B B B B SIRANI (EUsabetta). Bologna. 1638-1665. (Bo- lognese School.) Woman seated ; bust. (Drawing.) Dresden, R. C. C Four saints, one of whom is kneeling, the others standing. (Drawing.) C, .75. Venice. SIRANO (Giovanni Andrea). Born in Bologna in 1610-1670. (Italian School.) Fame. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Dresden. R. C. Faun and Satyr. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. do. SIROUY (Achilla). Born at Beauvais. (Modern.) Drinking Song. Modem Painters. C *This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1173 SISTERS (Antonio de). Born at Barcelona. T Mod- ern.) Two Comrades. SKAGA (A. M.) (Modern.) Happy Days of Youth. Ring-a-Ring-Rounder. The First Waltz. A Messenger of Spring. SKARBINA (Franz). Berlin, 1849. (Modern.) Waloes Flusterg. (Salon of 1896.) A Serious Word. At Variance. Intimacy. At the Seaside. On the Dike. SKIPWORTH (F. M.) (Modern.) "He Cometh Not." Artist's Proofs on India, 2o|x 165 inches, $15.00; D., $5.00; 8x10, $1.50. Hesitation. Artist's Proofs on India, 21^x145 inches, $15.00; D., $5.00; 8x10, $1.50. Roses. Beauty and the Beast. SKRAMSTAD (Ludwig). Hamar, Norway, 1855. (Modern.) Autumn. Winter. SLINGELANDT (Pieter Corneliss van), 1640-1691. (Dutch School.) A Dutch family. The Interrupted Music-lesson. The Poultry-shop Window. The Seamstress. The Rehearsal. The Lace-maker. Gallery. Sizes. 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. C — C do. C do. C do. C — C do. C do. — ■■ B do. B do. B do. B do. B Leyden, SLINGENEYER (Ernst). 1823. (Modern.) Camoens. Loochristi, Belgium, do. do. do. do. do. do. Paris, Louvre. Dresden, do. Munich. Amsterdam. London, B. P. do. C C — C c c — c c c — c — c — c c c c — — c c — c — c — c — c — c — c c — c c 1174 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. SMEDLEY (WUUam T.) Pennsylvania. (Mod- ern.) Girl and boy in orchard. PI., 8xio inches, $1.25. Mary Meeting Colonel Stoughton. PL, 7x9 inch- es, .75. SMIBERT or SMYBERT (John). Bom in Edin- burgh, Scotland, 1684 (?) — Boston, 1751. (American School.) Portrait of Judge Edmund Quincy. PI., 10x12 inches, $2.00. SMITH (Alfred E.) Waterford, Conn., 1854. (Modern.) A Southern Beauty. PI., 13x16 inches, $4.00: lox 13, $2.00 ; 7x9, $1.00. A Southern Beauty (head). PI., 7x9 inches, $1.00. Nathaniel Hawthorne. PL, 18x22 inches, $6.00; 10x13, $2.00; 7x9, $1.00. Robert Louis Stevenson. PL, 12x15 inches, $3.00; 10x13, $2.00; 7x9, $1.00. Ralph Waldo Emerson. PL, 12x15 inches, $3.00; 10x13, $2.00; 7x9, $1.00. SMITH (Carlton). (Modern.) "From Over the Sea." Artist's Proofs on India, 2ifxi3^ inches, $15.00 each; D., $5.00; 8x10, $1.50. SMITH (Henry Pember). (Modern.) Marine study. PL, 7x13 inches, $2.00. SMITH-HALD (Frithjof). Born at Christiansand (Norway). (Modern.) Morning in the Kristianiafjord. Expectation. Unrest. The Calm, Return from Fishing. D., i3fx2o| inches, $5.00. Month of August in Norway. End of Day. D., i3fx2of inches, $5.00. SMITS (Eugene). Antwerp, 1826. (Modern.) The Singing-lesson. Gallery. Sizes. 2 2\ 3 3^ 44^ Boston, Loth. C. ■ do. Boston, M. F. A. Modern Painters. do. do. do. do. do. C C — C klodern Painters, do. do. C C C c do. C . do. C c — c do. C do. C do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1175 Gallery. Sizes. 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ SNAYERS (Peter). 1592-1667. (Flemish School.) The Pantry. The Siege. The Battle of Hochst, 20th of June, 1622. Still-life (study) (Pieter Snyers?). Horse, back view, and a man in armor, front view. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Three horses and six male figures ; sketch. (Drawing.) €.,$1.25. Frankfort. Buda-Pesth. Brussels. London, N. G. Florence, Uffizi. do.* C — C C — C SNYDERS or SNYERS (Frans). Antwerp, 1579- 1657. (Flemish School.) Cock-fight. Berlin. — c — c Study of dogs' heads. do. — ■ c — c Boar-hunt. D., 7x9 inches, $1.50. Brunswick. — — — B Kitchen-piece. Cassel. — c — c A dead roebuck, several pieces of game, and fruit. Dresden. — — C — Still-life : a dog and her puppies. do. — c Interior: still-life. (Drawing.) $1.75. Dresden, R. C. — — A dog. (Drawing.) do. — — — c A lioness strangling a boar. Munich. — c c c — c Lions pursuing a roebuck. do. — c c c — c Large kitchen-piece. do. — — c c — c Vegetable-vender. do. — c — c Boar-hunt. do. — — c c — c SNYDERS (Frans), H. van BALEN, and J. 1 BRUEGHEL. Boar-hunt. Berlin, Raczyn. — c — c After the Chase. Munich. — c — c A Terrestrial Paradise. Vienna Museum. — — c — — — Fish-market. do. — — c c A Fish-market. do. — — c Deer-hunt. Vienna, Liecht. — — c — -^ Deer-hunt. do. — — c — Still-life. do. — — c — — — Hen defending her chicks against a hawk. Buda-Pesth. — — c — — __ Game and vegetables. Amsterdam. — — c c — c Game and fruit. Brussels. — — — c — r Studies of stags and hinds. do. — c — c 1176 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sices. 2 2j 3 3^ 4 4^ SNYDERS (Frans), and A. van DYCK. Game and poultry. The Hague. C — C Boar-hunt. Florence, Uffizi. C Figure of a woman before a table loaded with fruits. Madrid. C Dog fight. St. Petersburg. C SODOMA (Giovanni Antonio de BAZZI), called II. Vercelli, 1477-1549: (Siennese School.) Leda. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Head of the Virgin inclined to right. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. God the Father. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Charity. Madonna and Child, with St. Joseph. Head of the archangel Michael. Holy Family. Madonna, Child, SS. Francis and Catherine. (Attributed.) Venus; bust. (Attributed also to the Venetian School.) Portrait of the artist, by himself. St. Sebastian. Virgin with the Child Jesus and St. Gismonda (back of the above). Sketch ; four figures complete, three heads and a horse. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Portrait of a 3^oung man wearing a laurel crown. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Descent from the Cross ; composition of many figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Sketch ; four figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Sketch of a composition (martyrdom of a wom- an?). (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Draped female figure standing. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Two figures placed in niches. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. The body of Christ on the knees of the Virgin. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Nude woman standing, and two genii. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Paris, Louvre. — Lille. do. — Berlin. C c — c Munich. c — c do. c — c \'ienna Museum. c — Buda-Pesth. c — The Hague. c — Florence, Uffizi. c — do. c — — PIC do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do: SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1177 (Drawing.) The Saviour ascending to heaven C, $2.50. St. Christopher ; study for the picture in the Spada Gallery. (Red crayon drawing.) C, $1.25. Holy Family. Pieta. Leda, Ceiling of the Stanza della Segnatura. Detail of the framing of the ceilings of Raphael. Rome, Vatican. Detail of the framing of the ceilings of Raphael. Detail of the framing of the ceilings of Raphael. Detail of the framing of the ceilings of Raphael. Centre of the ceiling of the Stanza. Marriage of Alexander and Roxana : Left part. Right part. The two parts united, 54x68 inches. C, $8.00. Left part. Middle part. Right part. The three parts united, 58x77 inches. Two Cupids ; Genii of Hymen. (Detail of the above.) Group of women. (Detail of the above.) Roxana. (Detail of the above.) Alexander presenting the crown to Roxana. (De- tail of the above.) Two figures of young men. (Detail of the above.) The Family of Darius before Alexander : Left part. Right part. The two parts united, 18x28 inches. C, $8.00. Vulcan. The Family of Darius before Alexander: Left part. Middle part. Right part. The three parts united, 19x42 inches. (Attributed.) The Magdalen seated, with a book. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Gallery. Sizes. 2 2^ t, 2>h A A^ Florence, Uffizi. do. Rome, Borghese. do. do. do. do. do. do. Rome, Farnesina. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C C C C C C C C C — C — — C — — C — C C c c c c c c C Milan, Ambros. 1178 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes. 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Mary Magdalen at the foot of the cross. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25, Milan, Resta Col. SOGGI (Nicolo). Florence, (?) — Arezzo, 1554. (Florentine School.) Madonna, Child, and four saints. Florence, Pitti. C SOGLIANI (Giovanni Antonio). Florence, 1492- 1544. (Florentine School.) Madonna and Child, with young St. John. Florence, Uffizi. C Head of a 3'oung man. (Drawing in black crayon on yellowish paper.) C, $1.25. do. — SOHN (Carl), junior. Diisseldorf, 1845. (Mod- em.) On the Balcony. Modem Painters. C Spanish woman. At Dessert. Child with parrot. Field Flowers. A Bud Among the Blossoms. D., 11x15 inches, $3.00. An Old Wedding Custom. Brother and Sister. Joys of Old Age. A Japanese girl. ^ At the Masquerade. SOHN (K.) (Modern.) Vanquished. SOHN (Wilhelm). Berlin, 1830. (Modern.) Study-head. Flemish woman. At the Spinning-wheel. SOLARIO (Andrea). Milan (?), about 1458 — about 1530. (Lombard School.) Madonna of the Green Cushion. Portrait of Charles d'Amboise. The Crucifixion. Head of St. John the Baptist. do. — C C C — C do. — C C C — C do. c C — C do. — C C C — C do. C — C do. — C C C — C do. c C — c do. c C — c do. B B do. B B do. c do. C — c do. B B do. B Paris, Louvre. C — C — do. C — C — do. c — C — do. c — C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1179 Gallery. Siacs. 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Head of St. John, three-quarters right view. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Paris, Louvre. Portrait of a man ; presumably of the ruling fam- ily of Bentivogli of Bologna. Berlin. C Christ Bearing the Cross. do. B B Head of Christ. (Detail from the above.) do. B Portrait of Giovanni Christoforo Longono, Milan- ese gentleman. London, N. G. C C — C Portrait of a Venetian senator. do. C C — C Christ on the road to Calvary. Rome, Borghese. C SOLIMENA (Francesco), called I'Abbate Ciccio. Nocera de Pagani, 1657 — Naples, 1747. (Ne- apolitan School.) Combat of the Lapithi and Centaurs. Dresden. C Juno, accompanied by Iris, ordering Argus to watch lo after her metamorphosis. do. C Mater Dolorosa. do. C C SOLIS (Virgilius). Nuremberg, 15 14-1562. (Ger- man School.) Samson and Delilah. (Drawing.) -C., .75. Dresden, R. C. The women of Europe. (Engraving.) C, .75. do. Two vases. (Engraving.) C, $1.25. do. - Judith. (Engraving.) C, .75. do. Peasant. (Engraving.) C, .75. do. SOLOMON (Simeon). (Modern.) Magdalen (head). Modern Painters. PI The Fruit of the Passion of Love. do. PI Head of Medusa. do. PI "My soul is sorrowful unto death." do. PI Ave Maria. — Angel of the Annunciation. do. PI PI Ecce Ancilla Domini. do. PI — PI Somnium in Somnio. do. PI The Doubt of Pandora, ' do. PI Waiting till Daybreak. do. — — PI Night and her Child, Sleep. do. PI Isabella and Lorenzo. do. PI "And angels ministered unto Him." do. PI PI The Raising of Jairus' Daughter. do. PI Head of Child Christ. do. PI 1180 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. The Mystical Bridegroom, "Dixit sponsus veni dilecta mea." Hertha. Annunciation. Night bidding the Dream to Descend to Earth. Paolo and Francesca da Rimini. Hero at Abydos Awaiting Leander. "Nessum maggior dolore." "Lord, I believe : help Thou mine unbelief." The Angel of the Children. "He giveth His beloved sleep." Diana and Endymion. The Rose of Sharon. "I am my beloved's, and he is mine." The Angel of Wrath. "For their angels do always behold the face of my Father." St. Peter. Between Shine and Shade. The Angel of Death. The Avenging Angel. The Child of Hermes and Aphrodite. "Lord, it is L" Dante's Dream. Mercurius rusticus. The Dawn of Love. Twilight and Sleep. Love Confronted by Death. Time, the Consoler and Comforter. Hope. Apollo and Daphne. Many Waters Cannot Quench Love. Love Singing to ]\Iemory. Mignon. "And Jesus turned and looked upon Peter." Blind Bartimaeus. Imperial Rome. Conscience. Orestes. "Man is born to trouble," etc. Head ot Christ. Gallery. Sizes . 2 2^_ 2> 3* 4 4i Modern Painters. PI PI do. PI PI do. • PI do. do. do. do. PI do. do. do. do. PI PI zzz do. — PI PI do. PI PI do. — — PI PI do. PI do. PI PI do. — PI do. — PI do. — — PI do. PI — — do. — PI — do. — — PI do. — — PI — do. — — PI PI do. — PI PI do. PI PI do. PI PI do. PI PI do. P! PI do. — — PI PI do. PI PI do. PI PI do. — — PI PI do. PI PI do. — — — — PI — do. — PI — do. — PI _ do. — PI — do. Pi — do. — — — PI SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1181 SOLOMON (Solomon Joseph). England. (Mod- ern.) Orpheus. Artist's Proofs on India, 24fxi7^ inch- es, $25.00; D., $5.00; 8x10, $1.50. *The Judgment of Paris. Artist's Proofs, 250 on India, 25x17 inches, $24.00; D., $10.00. SOMERSCALES (Thomas). (Modern.) Volunteers for a Boat's Crew. Artist's Proofs, 150 on India, 15^x28^ inches, $24.00; D., $10.00. SONDERLAND (Fritz). Dusseldorf, 1836. (Mod- ern.) Germania. "Kladderadatsch." • Helpless. The Modest Guest. Before the Judge. High Taxes. A Mistaken Genius. Eavesdropper. The Boarder. "Come to Table." The Anticipation. The Tid-bit. The Little Bird-catchers. "Sleep, Baby, Sleep." Trial of Patience. The Starling. In the Kitchen. Tricks with Cards. May has Come. Prayer before Lessons. "You Mustn't Touch." .Ample Food. Insidious Proposal. Knitting-lesson. The Forgotten Birthday Poem. Temptation. *This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. Gallery. Sizes. 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters, do. do. — C C — C B B B do. C do. C do. C do. _ _ c C — C do. c C — C *do. C — - C do. C — C do. C do. C do. C — C do. C do. C do. C do. C — C do. C do. C — C do. C — C do. ^ — C — C do. C — C do. _ c — C do. C — C do. C do. C do. C — C do. B B do. B 1182 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. '. I (Companion pictures.) Pussy's Temptation Before the Soiree. A Message of Spri Turned Out. Brother and Sister. The Emperor's Favorite Flower Performance in a Menagerie. "Con Amore." "Behave Yourself." Chronological Lesson Puss at Play. (Companion pictures.) Gallery. Si ses. 2 2| 3 3i 4 4^ odern Painters. B B do. B B do. B B do. B do. — B do. B B do. B B do. B B do. B B do. B B do. B B SONDERMANN (Hermann). Berlin, 1832. (Mod- ern.) Happy Mother. do. , C — C A Pastime. do. C — C A Jolly Song. do. C — C The Egotists. do. C "Who Ventures, Wins." do. C Grandfather's Pet. do. C SONREL (Elizabeth). Born at Tours. (Modern.) Sleep of the Virgin. do. C C Christ Lamented by the Holy Women. (Salon of 1896.) Spring has Come. (Salon of 1897.) Flora. (Salon of 1897.) Melody of Spring. (Salon of 1897.) Flora's Retinue. (Salon of 1897.) Branches. (Salon of 1898.) A Louis Quinze Flower-girl. (Salon of 1898.) SORBI (R.) (Modern.) Cornered. do. C C SOREAU (Peter). (German School.) Man seated, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Dresden, R. C. — SORGH or ZORGH. See ROKES (Hendrik Mar- tens). do. c C do. c do. c do. c do. C do. r^ do. c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1183 SOUBRE (Charles). Liege, 1865. (Modern.) A family of the Gueux before the Council of Blood. The Banquet of the Gueux. SOUCHON (Fransois). Alais, 1787-1857. (French School.) Portrait of Louis XVIIL (Drawing.) Bust of young girl turned to left. (Drawing.) Bust of young woman turned to left. (Draw- ing-) The young woman with the hind. (Drawing.) The Odalisque. (Drawing.) SOULACROIX (F.) (Modern.) "You Can't Deny It!" D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; 8x10, $1.50. The Lovers' Seat, D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. The Spider and the Fly. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. Morning Toilet. Friendly Advice. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. Declined with Tltenks. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. "Entrez!" Music-studies. The Lovers. Expectation. "Just Listen." Playmates. Scandalizing. SOUZA-PINTO (Jose Jiulio de). Born in the Tie Terceira (Portugal). (Modern.) The Torn Breeches. Lost! Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. — C C C — C do. _ c C C — C Lille. SOWERBY (K.) Cats. (Modern.) SOYER (Paul). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Lace-makers at Asnieres-sur-Oise. (Salon of 1865.) The Dawn. do. C — — C do. C do. C do. C Modern Painters. C c — c do. C c — c do. c c — c do. — _ — c — c do. — c — c do. .- — c — c do. c c — c do. c — c do. — — — c do. c — c do. c c — c do — - — — c — c do. c c — c do. do. do. Paris, Lux. Modern Painters. C C C — C C — C c 1184 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ SPADA (Leonello). Bologna, 1 576-1622. (Bo- lognese School.) The Concert. Paris, Louvre. Death of Cleopatra ; composition of five figures. (Drav^ing.) C, $1.25. Venice. SPADA (Simone). Madonna enthroned, with the Child and saints. Berlin. SPAGNA (Giovanni di Pietro), called Lo. (?), 1529 (?). (Umbrian School.) The Nativity. Madonna and Child. God the Father, (Drawing.) C, .75. Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane. Adoration of the Child Jesus. Madonna and Child with saints. SPAGNOLETTO (Lo). See RIBERA (Jose de). SPAGNOLO (Cincinnato Romolo), called. Flor- ence, 1 502-1 593. (Florentine School.) Homage to the Gods ; small composition of man}- figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. SPAGNOLO. See CRESPI (Giuseppe Maria). SPANGENBERG (Friedrich). 1874. (Modern.) Geiserich in Rome. Gottingen, 1843- SPANGENBERG (Gustav Adolf). Hamburg, 1828— Berlin, 1891. (Modern.) The Household Spirit. Luther's Arrival at Worms. The Procession of Death. The Path of Virtue or of Vice. Will-o'-the-wisp. The Three Marys at the Sepulchres. Young Luther at Mrs. Cotta's House. D., 15X 21 inches, $5.00. St. John's Eve at Cologne. Paris, Louvre. — — C — c — do. — — C — c — Dresden, R. C. — — — — — . London, N. G. — — c c — c Rome, Pin of Vat. . — — c — — — St. Petersburg. — — c — — — Florence, Uffizi. Modern Painters. C C C — C do. C C — C do. B — B B do. B — B B — B do. B B do. B B do. B B do. B — B B do. B B SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. iim SPARKS (H. B.) (Modern.) The Sheik's Favorite. Laughing- E3'^es. Hide-and-seek. A coquette. SPECHT (F.) (Modern.) Family of Monkeys. SPEIER or SPEYER (Christian). (Modern.) Fantasia. Soldiers' Quarters. Ruprecht, Prince of Bavaria. A Cavalry Song. SPENCE (T. R.) (Modern.) Disciples of Sappho. Artist's Proofs on India, Qx 2i| inches, $15.00; D., $5.00. SPERL (Johann). Buch, near Nuremberg, 1840. (Modern.) Wedding Procession in Swabia. For the Festival. SPERLICH (H.) (Modern.) The First News. The Steady Customer. SPERLING (H.) (Modern.) The "Five Senses" in scenes from dog-life : Taste. Hearing. Scent. Feeling. Sight. The above together, as screen. B., 7x9 inches, $5.00. (The same.) D., 15x34 inches, $12.00. (The same.) Artist's Proofs, 200 on India, i8x 37 inches, $24.00 each. "He Comes." Visit of Condolence (dogs). Gallery. Sizes, 2 2J 3 3I 4 4^ Modern Painters. C — C do. C C — C do. C — C do. C — C (Companion pictures.) do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C — C — C C — C — C B B C C C C C _ _ B E B B B B _ _ B B _ _ B B B _ B B _ B B 1186 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. *Reveries (dogs). *Saved ; dog protecting kitten. D., 14x20^^ inch- es, $5.co. A Tete-a-tete. *On the Scent. D., 8f|x2oJ inches. $5.00. *The Booty. D., 8Jx20:|^ inches, $5.00. Christmas in the Woods. SPIELER (M.) (Modern.) In a Village Church in Silesia. Landlord's Little Daughter. Beata. Leila. Hero. Harriet. SPIELTER (Carl Johann). Bremen, 1851. (Mod- ern.) Ophelia. Cupid and Psyche. Juliet Capulet and Friar Lorenzo. The Last Jewel. Hard Times. The Miniature. SPINELLO (Aretino). About 1333-^410. (Flor- entine School.) (In the manner of Spinello.) Last Supper. St. John the Baptist and another saint. — Behead- ing of John the Baptist. Calvary. Battle of St. Ephesus against the Pagans of Sar- dinia. SPINETTI (Cesare). Born in Rome. (Modern.) Rebecca. SPIRIDON (Ignace). Born in Rome. (Modern.) Sappho. Visit to the Museum. Love Guides Us. Temptation of Diana. Gallery. Si::;es, 2 2^ 3 3^ Modern Painters. B — 4i B do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Berlin. B B B B B C C — C C — C C — C C C — C C — C C — C C B B Buda-Pesth. C Florence, Uffizi. C Pisa, Cam. San. C Modern Painters. C do. C C do. C do. C C do. C ♦This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1187 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3i 4 4i Lais. Modern Painters. C C The Favorite. do. C C Cupid as Pilot. do. C C Follette. do. C C INI. Monteverde in his studio in Rome. do. C Vanity. (Salon of 1898.) do. c c Mandolin-player. (.Salon of 1898.) do. c c The Spider. (Salon of 1898.) do. c c SPITZER (Emanuel). Papa, Hungary, 1845. (Modern.) News of the Railroad Accident. The Surprise. A Surprise for Papa. A Position of Trust. "My Dear Chariie !" Home Industry. SPITZWEG (Carl). Munich, 1808-1885. (Mod- ern.) The Cactus Friend. The Antiquary. The Postman. Commander of the Fortress. The Councilor-at-Law. The Hermit. The Patrol. Present, Arms ! The Hussar. The Hermit. Attic-room. Art and Science. The Eternal Bridegroom. The Stork. SPORRER (Philip). (Modern.) Elizabeth (Tannhauser). SPR ANGER (Bartholomaiis). Antwerp, 1546— Prague, 1625. (Flemish School.) Ulysses and Circe. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C — C C C — C C C — C C — C C C c c c c c c c c c c c c — c Vienna Museum. 1188 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Si/:cs, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ SPRENGER (W.) (Modern.) At the Work-table. Modern Painters. C SPRING (A.) (Modem.) Sleeping monk. do. ■ C In the Kitchen. do. C Knitting-school. do. C — C Rich Spoils. do. C Undesired Blessing. do. C Little Vegetable-dealer. do. C An Art-pleasure. do. C Hour of Noon. do. C In Church. do. — C SPRINKMANN (C.) (Modern.) Spring Dreams. do. C C — C In the Garden. ' do. C The Approach. do. C — C In May. do. ' c C — C Confidential Friends. do. C — C "Remind me not that I alone Can never see the Spring !" do. C — C SPRONG (Gerard). Haarlem, 1600-165 1. (Dutch School.) Portrait of a woman. Paris, Louvre. C — Portrait of a man. . St. Petersburg. C SQUARCIONE (Francesco). Padua, 1394-1474. (School of Padua.) Madonna and Child. Berlin. C C — C Faun and nymph. (Engraving.) C, .75. Dresden, P. G. C. ■ — (Attributed.) Mythological scene. (Engrav- ing.) do. C Warrior in armor, standing, front view. (Pen, wash and ceruse drawing.) Florence. Ufiizi. C — Christ on the cross between the two thieves. (Pen drawing on yellowish paper.) do. C — STACHIEWITZ (T.) (Modern.) "Prav for L's!" Modern Painters. C — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1189 STAEBLI (A.) Winterthiir, 1842. (Modern.) Landscape. Threatened Thunder-storm. STAHL (Friedrich). Munich, 1863. (Modern.) Bathing-beach at Ostend. STALLAERT (Joseph). Merchtem, Belgium, 1825. (Modern.) The Last Fight of the Gladiators. The Cave of Diomed. Iris. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. STAMMEL (Eberhard). Duren, 1832. (Modern.) After the Chase. Veteran of 181 3. STANFIELD (William Clarkson). Sunderland, 1793 — London, 1867. (English School.) Portsmouth Harbor. STANCE (Bemhard). Dresden, 1807-1880. (Mod- ern.) Moonlight Night. STAR (Dirk van). Middle of XVL century. (Dutch School.) St. Bernard and the Holy Family. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. The Deluge. (Engraving.) The Drummer and his Child. (Engraving.) C, 75- Madonna and Child with St. Benedict. (Engrav- ing.) C. $1.00. Painter of the Madonna and Child. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Woman kneeling. (Engraving.) C, .75. Warrior drinking. (Engraving.) C, .75. Madonna and Child with St. Elizabeth. (En- graving.) C, .75. STARNINA (Giovanni). (Italian School.) (School of Stamina.) Dante and Beatrice ; sketch. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. C do. do. do. do. do. do. London, B. P. C — C c C — c C — c ' C C — c c Modern Painters. C C C Dresden, R. C. do. C — do. Dresden, P. G. — do. do. do. do. Venice. 1190 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. STARR-CANZIANI (L.) (Modem.) The Voice of the Woods. STAVEREN (Johan Adriaensz van). Ley den, (?)- 1669. (Dutch School.) A scholar in his study. STECH (Andreas). Dantzic— died, 1697. Burgomaster Stech out walking before the gates of Dantzic. STEDELIN (Assmus). School.) A painted table-top. About 1533. (Swiss STEEN (Jan). Leyden, 1626- 1679. (Dutch School.) Flemish feast in a tavern. Family repast. Bad Company. Strolling Musicians. The Money-changers Driven from the Temple. Head of laughing man ; signed with a monogram. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. A concert. Merr}^ Company. The Garden of the Inn. The Quarrel over the Game of Cards. The Marriage Contract. D., 7x9 inches, $1.50. The Bean-feast. The Marriage at Cana. Expulsion of Hagar. Mother and Child. Young man standing; sketch. ("Drawing.) C, $1.25. Man joking with a servant. The Alchemist. Physician and Patient. Brawl between Peasants and Townsfolk. Peasant Wedding. Dissolute Life. Gallery. Sices, 2 2j 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C — C Paris, Louvre. Brunswick. Cassel. B C C — C Paris, Louvre. C do. C do. — c — c Old Masters. — c — do. — c — De Beckerath Col. Durand-Ruel Col. C — . Berlin. — c c do. C C — c do. c — c Brunswick, — — B Cassel. C c c Dresden. C c — — do. C c — do. — — c Dresden, R. C. Frankfort. — c — do. — c — Munich. c — c do. c — c Vienna Mus. C — — — do. C c — — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 119L The Cat Family. Village Festival. (Rath. Coll.) Portrait of Jan Steen. The Prince's Day. (Fete of the Prince of Or- ange.) Feast of St. Nicholas. The Parrot's Cage. The baker Oostwaert with his wife and one of Jan .Steen's sons. The Scullery-maid. The Dancing-lesson. The Quack Doctor. The Drinking Couplcf The Happy Family. The Sick Lady. Family scene. After the Carouse. Merry Home-coming. Village Wedding. A menagerie. Doctor feeling a young woman's pulse. Doctor visiting a sick young woman Family of Jan Steen. Jan Steen's Tavern. Rhetoricians. A Gallant Proposal. Twelfth-night. The Music-master. A terrace-scene. Dutch Merry-making. The Card-players. TAvelfth-night. The Violin-player. The Bed-chamber. Peasants at play. Village Scandal. Interior of a Dutch cottage. The Repast. The Doctor's Visit. D., 9^x7^ inches, $2.00. The Drinkers. D., 9^x7^ inches, $2.00. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Buda-Pesth. C do. C — Amsterdam. C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Amst., V. H. Col. do. do. do. do. do. The Hague. do. do. do. do. Brussels. do. do. London, N. G. do. London, B. P. do. do. do. do. do. do. Windsor. Florence, Uffizi. St. Petersburg. do. C C — C C C — C C C C C C C C C — C C — C — C — c C C — c c C — c C C — C C C — C C — c c — c c c — c C C — c c C — c c C — c c C — c C — c C — c C — c C — c c c C C — C C — C C C C 1192 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. STEENWICK or STEIN WYCK (Hendrick van), the Elder. 1550 — Frankfort, 1604. (Dutch School.) View of an interior. STEENWICK or STEIN WYCK (Hendrick van), the Younger. Amsterdam, 1580 (?) — Lon- don, after 1649. (Dutch School.) Christ at the House of Martha and Mary. View of the interior of a Gothic church. King Charles I. of England in a hall. Queen Henrietta Maria in a drawing-room. A square. STEER (Henry). London, 1858. (Modern.) ATiflF. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ London, N. G. — Paris, Louvre. Dresden. do. do. The Hague. C C — C — Vw. C — C Modern Painters. C STEFANORL (Modern.) Baptism of the Prince. STEFANO VENEZIANO. netian School.) (Attributed to Stefano Veneziano.) and Child. XIV. century. (Ve- Madonna do. Paris, Louvre. C STEFFAN (Johann Gottfried). Wadenswyl, Switzerland, 1815. (Modern.) Approach of Evening. On the Lake of Brientz. In the Bavarian Alps. Mountain brook in the Swiss Alps. . Sketch from the Bernese Oberland. On the Way to the Klonsee (Canton Glarus), Evening at Netstal (Canton Glarus). On the Ramsau. A ravine in Glarus. Eastern Declivity of the "Hochkalten" Ramsau, Bavarian Alps. On the Reichenbach (Bernese Oberland). On the Reichenbach (Bernese Oberland). The Deserted Mill. (Companion picture to "On the Ramsau.") D., about 11x15 inches, $3.00. Modern Painters. — do. — C C — do. do. dp. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C — C — C — C — C — C C C — C — c c c c c c c c c c c c c c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1193 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ t, Z\ A Ah Mountain Solitude. Modern Painters. C C — C Falls of the Rhine at Graubunden. do. C On the Slopes of the Isar. do. C , Lake of Brientz. • do. C Noon at Klonthal Lake. do. C — C On the Ramsau. (Companion picture to the "Deserted Mill.") D., 11x15 inches, $3.00. do. C — C The Fatschbach (Canton Glarus). do. C C — C At the Foot of the Glarnisch. do. C C — C Landscape in the Valley of Ober-Hasli (Bernese Oberland). do. C C — C The Murgsee. * . do. C C — C Autumn in the Mountains. do. C C — C On the Lake of Klonthal. do. C — C On the Murgsee. (Companion picture to Feld- hiitter's "Der Konigssee,") D., 16x21 inch- es, $5.00; 8x10, $1.50. do. ■ C C — C Mountain brook in Glarus. do. C — C In the Early Morning. do. - C — C The Alps Opposite the Glarnisch. do. — C In Threatening Weather. do. C Mountain brook in Graubtinden. do. — C In the Valley of the Murg. do. C Evening landscape. (Ramsau, with Watzmann.) do. C — C Mountain brook in the St. Gall Overland. do. C Evening on the Lake of Brientz. do. '■ C Bursting of the Storm Across the V^alley of the Rosenlain, do. ■ — • — C Evening on the Lake of Starnberg. do. C Cataract at Graubunden. do. C C A Cascade. do. • — C C After the Storm. do. C C STEFFECK (Carl Constantin Heinrich). Berlin, 1818 — Konigsberg, 1890. (Modern.) Gipsy-boy. Steeple-chase. ) ,^ . . ^ . __ ,, ,. )■ (Companion pictures.) Hallali. ) On Horseback. Visiting the Sick Friend. The Dead Foal. do. C — C do. B — B B — B do. B B do. B do. B do. B • 1194 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. B — B B — B do. B — B do. B B — B do. B do. B — B do. B B — B do. B do. B do. B do. B do. B B • do. B do. B , do. B do. B do. B do. B do: — — B do. B do. B do. B do. B B , do. B do. B do. B B do. B B do. B — B B — B The Victor. Before the Race. Dogs at play. A Gipsies' Rest. Mare and young. Boy and hound. Insurgent. (Portrait of a horse.) Diedenhofen. (Portrait of a horse.) Mare. Pug-dog. Gipsy-boys on horseback. Stallions. Linton. (Portrait of a horse.) Verveville. (Portrait of a horse.) Plappeville. (Portrait of a horse.) Good Hope, from Buccaneer and Gosse. Vitus, from Blue Gown and Perfection. Portrait of a horse. Portrait of a horse. Portrait of a horse. Mare with Foals. Roes Pursued. Stolz, from Rustic and Sweet Home. A Rest at the Well. The First Victory. The Quitzows ^Marauding. The Victor of Weissenburg and Worth. Albrecht Achill in Fight with the burgers. General Field Marshal von Manteuffel. Emperor William. Emperor William (bust with helmet). ♦Queen Louise and her two eldest sons. 14 inches, $5.00. Portrait of a boy. Nurem- D., 19X do. B B — B do. B B do. B B do. B do. B — B B do. B STEGER (Johann). About 1 690-1710. (German School.) Christ and His Disciples. (Drawing.) C., $1.75. Dresden, R. C. ♦This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $i.8a SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1195 STEINHARDT (C. F.) Causeries. Ornament. Before the Soiree. Struck Dead. Creation of Eve. Peccatum Mors, (Modern.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C C — C do. C do. C do. C _ C C C — C do. C — C Bom STEINHEIL (Adolphe Charles ^douard). in Paris. (Modern.) Looking for an Important Piece. The Usurer. The President of the Republic conferring med- als on the Chasseurs of the Tenth Alpine Battalion. (Salon of 18^8.) STEINMETZ (F.) (Modern.) The Morning Salutation. The Last of His Race. Disturbed Repose. By the Fireside. Souvenir of the 9th of March, 1888. STELLA (Jacques). Lyons, 1596 — Paris, 1657. (French School.) The dead Christ supported by the Virgin. STELZNER (H.) (Modern.) Dolce far Niente. In the Music-room. Luther in Coburg. Luther in his family circle. Buried in Devotion. IMinding Geese. "Joyful and Sorrowful." Music in Luther's Family. Gathering Mushrooms. Luther at Mrs. Cotta's. STENGELIN (Alphonse). Born in Lyons. (Mod- ern.) Dunes of Holland. Farm in the Woods at Van der Sande (Holland). do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Paris, Louvre. c C C — C C B — B C — C Modern Painters. C do. C do. C — C do. c C — C do. C do. C do. C do. C — C do. c do. C — C do. do. 1196 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. A clearing. (Salon of 1896. ) Moonlight on the North Sea. (Salon of 1896.) Morning in Bresse. (Salon of 1897.) Autumn Sunlight. (Salon of 1897.) Setting Sun. (Salon of 1897.) Sheepfolds of Drente. (Salon of 1897.) Cottage in Drente (Holland). (Salon of 1898.) Nocturne. (Salon of 1898.) Dunes in Holland. (Salon of 1899.) Autumn Evening. (Salon of 1899.) STEPHENS (W. Reynold). (Modern.) *Summer. Artist's Proofs. 200 on India, 14^x285 inches, $30.00; D., $12.00. STETKA (G.) Inquisitive. (Modem.) (Mod- STETTEN (Carl von). Born at Augsburg, ern.) In April. The Spring in the Woods. An Italian in Paris. STEUBEN (Charles Guillaume Auguste Henri Frangois Louis, Baron de). Mannheim, 1791-1856. Portrait of Jean Charles Pichegru, General-in- Chief of the Armies of the North and of the Rhine and Moselle (1761-1804). STEVENS (Alfred). The Model. Brussels, 1828. (Modern.) STEVERS. See PALAMEDESZ. L.) Born in Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C — do. C do. ■ C do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. do. do. do. do. B B — B C — C C C C C C C — C Versailles. Modern Painters. C — — C STEWART (Julius (Modem.) A Hunt Ball. Full Speed. At the Helm. The River Banks at Bougival Woman with Flowers. Philadelphia. do. C do. C do. — — ^^ do. c do. c c c ♦This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6JX9 inches, $1.80. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1197 I Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Study. Modern Painters. C Pleasures of Summer. do. C C Autumn. do. C C Spring. (Venice.) do. C C Winter. (Paris.) do. C C Huntresses. (Salon of 1899.) do. C A Baptism. Artist's Proofs, 200 on India, 19IX29 inches, $36.00 each. do. STIEGER (O.) (Modern.) The First Sprout. do. C — C STIELER (E.) (Modern.) An Artist's Trial. do. C C — C Brew-house "Bock" Beer. do. C The Four Temperaments. do. C Summoned. do. C In- the People's Theatre. do. C — C STIELER (Joseph). Mentz, 1781— Munich, 1858. (German School.) ' (Gallery of Beauties.) Rosalie Julie von Bonar, nee Countess Grohoska. Munich, R. P. — Amalie von Schintling. do. — Isabella, Countess of Taufkirchen-Engelburg. do. — Charlotte von Hagn, actress to the Bavarian Court. do. — Cornelia Vetterlein. do. — Marianne, Marquise Florenzi, nee Countess Bu- cinetti. do. — Mathilde, Freiin von Jordan. do. — Therese Spence, nee Renard. do. — Anna Hillmayr, Munich citizen's daughter. do. C C — C Maximiliana Borzaga. do. C C — C Anna R. Kaula. do. C C — C Auguste Strobel. do. C C — C Lady Jane Erskine. do. C C — C Wilhelmina Sulzer, actress to the Bavarian Court. do. — Helene Sedlmayer, Munich citizen's daughter. do. — Antonie W.allinger, dancer. do. — Marie, Oueen of Bavaria. do. — c c — c c c — C" c c — c c c — c c c — c c c — c c c — c c c — c c c — c c c — c c c — c c c — c 1198 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Augusta, Archduchess of Austria, wife of the Prince-Regent Leopold. Alexandra, Princess of Bavaria. Sophie, Archduchess of Austria. Lady Milbanke. Katharina Bozzaris, maid of honor to the Queen of Greece, lanthe, Lady Ellenborough, nee Digby. Countess of Waldbott-Bassenheim, nee Princess of Oettingen-Spielberg. Irene, Countess of Arco-Steppberg, nee March ese of Pallavicini. Crescentia, Princess of Oettingen-Oettingen and Wallerstein. Freiin Frederike von Gumppenberg. Karoline Lizius. Regine Daxenberger, Munich citizen's daughter, Josepha Conti, nee Reh. Carlotta, Countess of Boos-Waldeck, nee Freiin of Breitbach-Biirresheim. Amalie, Freiin von Krudener. Caroline, Countess Holnstein, nee Freiin v. Spiering, Ludovika, Freiin von Neubeck. Elizabeth List. Maria Dietsch, Maria, Countess of Lansfeld (Lola Montez). STIMMER (Tobias). Schaflfhausen, 1534, (Ger- man School.) Christ and the Samaritan woman ; large compo- sition. (Drawing.) Male portrait, full face, bust. (Drawing.) STOCK (Doris). Leipsic, 1761-1815. (German School.) Portrait drawing of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1789). STOCKMANN (H.) (Modem.) 'Twixt Love and Duty. Happy Days. Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Munich, R. P. c C — C do. c C — C do. C C — C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. . c C — C do. c C — C do. C c — c do. C c — c do. C c — c do. . c c — c do. c c — c do. c c r- do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c Dresden, R. C. do. do. Modern Painters, do. C — C C — C C C — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1199 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ STOCKS (M.) (Modern.) Four of a Kind. Modern Painters. B A Happy Family. do. C Good Friends. do. C Bad Lodgers. _ do. C Home Happiness. do. C Good-for-Nothing Fellow. do. C A Misfortune. do. ■ C Trifles. do. C Fire-worshipper. • do. G Of Dark Origin. * do. C The Easter Hare. do. C The Pasha. do. C On Christmas Morning. do. C A Delicate Taste. do. C Hostile Brothers (dogs). do. B Pussy at Home. do. — B The Eviction (dogs). do. B STOELZEL (Friedrich). (German School.) Male portrait, bust left profile, in a medallion. (Drawing.) Dresden, R. C. C STONE (Marcus). London, 1840. (Modern.) *In Love. Artist's Proofs, 200 on India, 20x30 inches (all sold) ; D., 19x29, $12.00. Modern Painters. B — B B *The Return of the Lover. Artist's Proofs, 150 on India, 23x11! inches, $18.00; D., $8.00. do. B B Bright Summer. Artist's Proofs, 125 on Japan, 19^x12 inches, $24.00; 125 on India, $18.00; D-, $5-oo- do. B B A Sailor's Sweetheart. Artist's Proofs, 100 on Japan, 16^x28^ inches, $48.00; 200 on India, $36.00; D., $12.00. do. **A Stolen Kiss. Artist's Proofs on India, 27|xiTf inches, $25.00; D., $10.00. do. STOOP (Dirk van). Dordrecht, 1610-1686. (Dutch School. ) Two Horses. (Engraving.) C., $1.00. Dresden, R. C. ♦This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. **This subject comes in an Aquarelle Gravure, 21x15 inches, $12.00. 1200 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Horses. (Engraving.) C, $i.oo. Rest at the Well. STORTENBECKER (A.) (Modern.) "Let Us In!" STORY (William W.) Salem, Massachusetts, 1819. (Modern.) *Colonel William Prescott (from the statue at Bunker Hill). STOTHARD (Thomas). London, 1755-1834. (English School.) The Pilgrimage to Canterbury. STRAATEN (Jan van), or STRADANUS. Bruges, 1536-1605. (Flemish School.) Small landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Banquet of the Gods. Large composition of many figures in a circle. (Drawing.) STRATHMANN (C.) (Modem.) The Foundling. Assembh^ of Fops. Father and Son. After Traveling in the Orient. STRAUCH (Lorenz). Nuremberg, 1554-1630. (Ger- man School.) Portrait of a young woman. STREBEL (R.) (Modern.) After Hard Fight. Fighting with Sin. Felis Vulgo Catus. — A Cat! A New Acquaintance. Doctor and Patient. STRECHINE (St. von). (Modern.) Landscape. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Dresden, R. C. Brussels. C — C Modern Painters. C Boston. London, N. G. C Dresden, R. C. Vienna Museum. Florence, Uffizi. — C — C Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C St. Petersburg. C Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C do. C — C do. C ♦This subject comes in a Carbon, 17x23 inches, $5.00. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1201 STRECKER (E.) (Alodern.) Domestic Happiness. STRIGEL (Berahard). Memmingen, 1460 (?)- 1528. (German School.) Portrait of Johannes Cuspinian and his family. Mary Magdalen and John the Baptist. Part of an altar-piece. David with the Head of Goliath. Portrait of Haller (half length). Emperor Maximilian I. and his family ; six por- traits. Emperor Maximilian I., profile, half length. Christian Charity. Portrait of the Emperor Maximilian I, Portrait of the Emperor Charles V. Portrait of King Louis H. of Hungary as a child. Portrait of Hans Haller of Hallerstein. (Attributed.) Portrait of Charles V. (Accord- ing to catalogue of Borghese Gallery, sup- posed portrait of Charles V., by Holbein.) Portrait of an unknown person. (According to catalogue of Corsini Gallery, by Holbein.) STROBL (A.) (Modem.) The Master Has Gone Out. A sketch. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C C Berlin. C — — c do. — — c do. — — c Munich. — — — c — c do. \ c — c Vienna Museum. C _ \ do. c — — — do. c — — — do. — c — do. — — c — do. — — c — Buda-Pesth. — c — Rome, Borghese. c — — — Rome, Corsini. c — — — Modern Painters. c do. — — — — — c STROZZI (Bernardo, called II Capuccino Geno- vese). Genoa, 1 581-1644. (Genoese School.) Madonna and Child. St. Anthony of Padua holding the Child Jesus in his arms. • Rape of Europa. David with the Head of Goliath. Woman with a bass-viol. STROZZI (Zanobi). Florence, 1412-1468. (Flor- entine School.) Portrait of Giovanni Bicci de IVIedici. Paris, Louvre. — — do. - Berlin. Raczyn. — Dresden. — do. — — C — C — C — — C - C C C C Florence, Uflfizi. C 1202 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. STRUDWICK (John Melhuish). London, 1849. (Modern.) *Elaine. Artist's Proofs, 100 on Japan, 21x15 inches, $20.00; 100 on India, $15.00; D., $5.00. *Golden Strings. Artist's Proofs, 75 on Japan, i4|xio inches, $24.00; 75 on India, $18.00; D., $5.00. St. Cecilia. Artist's Proofs on Japan, 9x7! inch- es, $12.00 each ; D., $2.00. STRUTT (A.) (Modern.) **'*Oh ! You Little Darling!" D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. STRUTT (William). (Modern.) Watching for Stragglers. Artist's Proofs, 50 on India, ii^x2oJ inches, $18.00; D., $5.00. A Cloud of Witnesses. D., iofx2o^ inches, $5.00. Live and Let Live. Artist's Proofs, 40 on India, 14^x20 inches, $15.00; D., $5.00. The Cold Shoulder. (Companion picture to "Getting It Hot.") Artist's Proofs, 150 on India, 14x20 inches, $18.00; D., $5.00. Getting It Hot. (Companion picture to "The Cold Shoulder.") Artist's Proofs, 150 on In- dia, 14x20 inches, $18.00; D., $5.00. Peace. Artist's Proofs on India, 13^x22 inches, $15.00; D., $5.00. STRUTZEL (Otto). (Modern.) On the High-road. At Mittendorf. In Spring. At Dachau. On the Isar. STRY (Abraham van). (Dutch School.) Young woman seated ; study $1.25. Old woman seated, left profile. View of a canal. (Water-color.) Dordrecht, 1 753-1826. (Drawing.) C, (Drawing.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. B B do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. B — C C — C _ B B B C C C C C — C Dresden, P. G. C. do. Weimar. ♦This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. **This subject comes in an Aquarelle Gravure, 15x12 inches, 5.00. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON 1203 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ STRYOWSKI (Wilhelm). Dantzic, 1834. (Mod- ern.) Ruthenian Idyll. Modern Painters. B A Summer Night on the Weichsel. do. B B STUART (Charles). (Modern.) Their Highland Home. Artist's Proofs on In- dia, 18x271 inches, $20.00; D., $5.00. Their Native Land. Artist's Proofs on India, 18x271 inches, $20.00 ; D., $5.00. STUART (Gilbert). Narragansett, Rhode Island, 1756-1828. (American School.) George Washington (the Athenaeum portrait). PI., 7x9 inches, $1.00. (The same.) Oval, 14x20 inches. Martha Washington (the Athenaeum portrait). PL, 16x20 inches, $4.00; 10x12, $2.00; 7x9, $1.00; D., 14^x18, $5.00, on India. Washington at Dorchester Heights. PL, 12x19 inches, $4.00. General Knox. PL, 9x11 inches, $2.00; 7x9, $1.00. Josiah Quincy. PL, loxii inches, $2.00. Thomas JefTerson. PL. T2xio inches, $3.00; D., i6Jx2o inches, $5.00, on India. Governor Brooks. PL, 9x7 inches, $1.50. John Jay. D., i6Jx20 inches, $5.00, on India. James Madison. D., i6|x20 inches, $5.00, on In- dia. Paul Revere (bust portrait). STUCHLICK (F.) A Bud. (Modern.) STUCK (Franz). Stettenweis, 1863. Gathering Mushrooms, I. Gathering Mushrooms, II. Champagne. Amor Tmperator. Secret Commission. In Deadly Fear. A Rogue. (Modern.) do. do. Boston, M. F. A. — do. — PIC — PIC PIC PIC do. PIC do. do. do. do. do. do. — do. do. PIC Modern Painters, C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C 1204 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 44 Innocentia. Modem Painters, C Fauns fighting. do. C — C Guardian of Paradise. do. C — C Medusa. do. C Crucifixion of Christ. do. C C — C Sin. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. do. C — C The Sphinx. do. C C — C Stud3^ do. C War. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. O'STUCKENBERG (F.) (Modem.) Modern Amazons. do. C Harold ; sire, Blair Athol ; dam, Cerus ; English hunter. do. C Gladys ; sire, Richmond ; dam, Slynge ; English hunter. do. C Thoroughbred stallion, Hesberg; sire, Hymen- aus ; dam, Marylebone. do. C STUELER (M.) (Modern.) ♦Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men. do. B STUERBOUT. See BOUTS. STURM (L.) (Modern.) Ruth. do. C STURM (M.) (Modem.) Spring. do. C — C SUARDI (Bartolommeo) , called II Bramantino. Milan (?), about 1530. The Circumcision. Paris, Louvre. C — C — Group of five donors kneeling, turned to left. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Dresden, R. C. Similar group turned to right. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Ten nude children, singing, grouped around a desk. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Milan, Resta Col. Nude man seated ; to the right, another figure, back view. (Drawing.) Venice. C *This subject comes in a Barj-to Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1205 Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 41^ Christ standing, blessing a man kneeling. (Draw- ing.) Venice. C Head of a woman and helf-length figure of a man holding a flower; round picture. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. SUBLEYRAS (Pierre). Uzes (Card), 1699— Rome, 1749. (French School.) , Martyrdom of St. Hippolytus. Paris, Louvre. C — C — The Falcon. (Story of La Fontaine.) do. C Marriage of the Virgin ; sketch. (Drawing.) C, $1.75- do. Portrait of Pope Benedict XIV. (1675-1758). Chantillv. C Portrait of Pierre Lucas (XVIIL century), sculptor. Toulouse Mus. C — SUCHODOLSKA (L. von). (Modern.) The Somnambulist. Modern Painters. '- C — C Martinmas-goose. do. C Before the Looking-glass. do. C "Miinchener Kindl." 4o. C — C First School Testimonial. do. C SUCHODOLSKI (Zdislaw von). (Modern.) The Dreamer. do. C C — C An Antique. do. C — C Nativity. do. C C — C SUEUR (Eustache le). See LE SUEUR. SUHRLANDT (Carl). Schwerin. (Modern.) Good Friends. do. C C — C On the Scent. do. C C — C SULLY (Thomas). Horncastle, England, 1783 — America, 1792. (American School.) Boy with torn hat. PI., 12x10 inches, $2.00; 8x6, $1.50. do. Commodore Decatur. do, PIC SUNDER. See CRANACH, the Elder. 1206 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. SUNDTHAUSEN (C.) (Modern.) A Village Virtuoso. A Vestal Virgin. SUS (W.) (Modem.) Inseparable. Little Wild Rose. The Nativity. , A Delightful Chat. SUSTER. See ZUSTRIS. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C C do. do. do. do. do. C C C c C — c c C C — c c — c SUSTERMANS or SUTTERMANS (Joost or Justus). Antwerp, 1597 — Florence, 1681. (Flemish School.) Portrait of Leopold de Medici as a youth. Portrait of a young woman. Portrait of the Duchess Claudia standing. Portrait of Galileo (bust). Portrait of the artist, b}' himself. Portrait of a gentleman of the Puliciani family. Portrait of the Princess Claude, daughter of Fer- •dinand L, de Medici, wife of the Archduke Leopold of Austria. Portrait of Cardinal Leopold de Medici. Female head, full face. (Drawing.) Portrait of Victoria della Rovere. wife of the Grand Duke Ferdinand IL de Medici, in the costume of the Vestal Tuccia. Portrait of the son of Frederick IIL of Denmark. Portrait of Duke Cosimo IIL as a child. Portrait of Frederic II. de Medici. (Attributed.) St. Sebastian. SUVlfeE (Joseph Benoit). Bruges, 1743 — Rome, 1807. (French School.) Portrait of Andre Marie de Chenier (1762-1794), poet. Paris, Louvre. C — Berlin. C — c Vienna Museum. C — Florence, Uffizi. C — do. C — do. ----C — do. ^2 do. C — do. c — Florence, Pitti. c do. ^ c — do. C — do. c — do. c NatT Portraits. C — SUYKENS (H.) (Modern.) Day of Confirmation. Modem Painters. B SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1207 SWANEVELT (Herman van), called Herman of Italy. Born in Woerden ; was working in 1650. (Dutch School.) Italian landscape with bridge. D., 7x9 inches, $1.50. Landscape. (Engraving.) C, $1.25. Wooded landscape ; in foreground, to the left, group of six women. (Drawing.) Wooded landscape. (Drawing.) Landscape ; to the right, seven women and a child. (Drawing.) Landscape ; hare hunt. (Drawing.) SWEBACH (Jacques Frangois Joseph). Metz, 1769 — Paris. 1823. (French School.) A Halt. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. SWEDOMSKY (Paul). Born in Russia. (Mod- ern.) Victims of History. SWEERTS (Michael). About 1655. (Dutch School.) Interior of a room in an ale-house. SYRUTSCH5K (W.) (Modern.) Steeple-chase Accident. SZERNER (W.) (Modern.) Armed Polish Trooper Reconnoitring. SZINYEY (P. von). (Modern.) In the Fields. SZYMANOWSKI (W. von). (Modern.) Always Jolly. Peasants' Quarrel. Pierrette. Out of Church. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Brunswick. B Dresden, R. C. Florence, Uffizi. C do. C do. C do. C De Goncourt Col. Modern Painters. — Munich. Modern Painters. do. SZYNDLER (Pantaleon). (Modern.) A Drama of the Seraglio. Born in Warsaw. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C — C — C — C — C — c c c — C — c — c — C — c — c 1206 SOULE ART COMPANY, ' BOSTON . Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4* Odalisque. Modern Painters. C C Eve. ^o- ^ Portrait of M. S. do. C TACCONI (Francesco). Cremona. Worked about 1464. (Italian School.) Madonna enthroned, holding the Child on her ]^nees. London, N. G. C C — C TAFURI (Raphael). (Modem.) Politics. Modern Painters. C C — C TAMAGNI (Vincenzo) da San Gimignano. ? — Florence, 1530. (Roman School.) Madonna with the Child, who is embracing the young St. John. (According to Woermann, North Italian School, second half of the XVI. century.) Dresden. C B TAMBURINI (J. M.) (Modern.) The Daily Scrape. ^Modern Painters. C Caught. do. — C The Last Bottle. do. C Autumn. do C The Monastery Tailor. PI., 8x10 inches, $2.00. Bos., A.W.Stet. C. TANZI (Antonio d'Enrico). Alagna, 1574 (?)- 1644. (Italian School.) Study of nude male figure, full face. (Drawing.) Dresden, R. C. C TAPISSIER (Edmond). Bom in Lyons. (Mod- ern.) Helen. Modern Painters. C TARAVAL (Hugues). Paris, 1728- 1785. (French School.) Triumph of Amphitrite. Paris, Louvre. C — C — Study of a nude girl kneeling. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. De Goncourt Col. TARBELL (Edmund Charles). West Groton, Mass. (Modern.) Girl in pink and green. PL, 12x9^ inches, $3.00; 9jx6J, $1.50. Modern Painters. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1209 Gallery. Shcs, 2 2^ ^ 3i 4 4i TARDIEU (Jean Charles). Paris, 1765. (French School.) Sale of the Innocents. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Paris, Louvre. TARENGHI (E.) (Modern.) Defence. Modern Painters. C The Letter. do. C TASSAERT (Octave). Paris, 1800-1874. (Mod- ern.) An Unhappy Family. (Salon of 1850.) Paris, Lux. C — C — Young girl and rabbit. MastersXIX.Cen. C — Temptation of St. Hilarion. do. C — Sleep of the Child Jesus. do. C — Sarah the Bather. do. C — Assumption of the Virgin. do. C — Mirabeau and the Marquis de Dreux-Breze. do. C — The Magdalen. do. C — TATTEGRAIN (Francis). Born in Peronne. (Modern.) Convalescent. Modern Painters. C The Old Boat. do. C Useless Mouths. (Salon of 1896.) do. C C TATTI (Francesco). (Italian School.) Madonna and Child in a halo, SS. Roch and Se- bastian in adoration. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Venice. TATTI (Jacopo). See SANSOVINO. TAVERNIER (Paul). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Giving Directions. Bat-1'Eau. Hunting the Wild Boar. End of the Fight. Bat-1'Eau. The Hunt. (Salon of 1898.) Rendezvous. (Salon of 1898.) TAYLOR (Tom). (Modern.) On his Best Behavior. do. Modern Painters. c do. C — — — do. C do. c c do. c c do. _ c do. _ c 1210 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. TAYLOR (WiUiam Ladd). Grafton, Massachu- setts, 1855. (Modern.) The Nun. PI., 7x9 inches, $1.25. The Cloisters. PL, 5x12 inches, $1.50. The Lightning Flash. PI., 8x12 inches, $2.00. The Two Monks. PL, 9x13 inches, $2.00. "But I, Sir Arthur, Saw the Holy Grail." PL, 8x II inches. $2.00. The Pageant. PL, 8x12 inches, $2.00. Against the Rising Moon. PL, 8x12 inches, $2.00. The Interview. PL. 8x12 inches, $2.00. Before the King. PL, 8x12 inches, $2.00. Girding on his Armor. PL, 7x9 inches, $1.25. Outside the Gate. PL, 8x1 1 inches, $2.00. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Bos., Lothrop Col. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. TEMPEL (Abraham Lamberts Jacobsz), called van den. Leeu warden, 1622 or 1623 — Amster- dam, 1672. (Dutch School.) A nobleman and his wife in their park. Wife of Admiral van Balen (?). Portrait of Machteld Bas, widow of Abraham de Visscher. Portrait of Abraham de Visscher. Portrait of an old lady. TEMPESTA (Antonio). Florence, 1555 (?)— Rome, 1630. (Italian School.) A Reception ; subject taken from Roman history. (Drawing.) Paris, Louvre. Hunting the Deer and Wild Boar. (Drawing.) C-, $2.50. Dresden. P. G. C. Triumphal Pomp: composition in a circle. (Draw- ing-) Florence, Uffizi. Battle; composition in a circle. (Drawing.) do. Battle ; composition of many figures. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. Ornamented plate. (Pen, bistre and ceruse draw- ing.) C, $2.50. do. Berlin. — — — C — c Cassel. C — c Amsterdam. C C — c do. C Am., V. d. H. Col. C C — c c — c c TEMPLE (Hans). (Modern.) A Musical Evening. Modem Painters. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1211 TENIERS (Abraham). 1629-1670. (Flemish School.) A guard-house. TENIERS (David), the Elder. Antwerp, 1582-1649. (Flemish School.) The Archers; village scene. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Landscape with cattle on hill. D., 7x9 inches, $1.50. Landscape. Dutch ale-house. Landscape ; view from the environs of Antwerp. Landscape ; environs of Antwerp. TENIERS (David), the Younger. Antwerp, 1610— Brussels, 1690. (Flemish School.) The Prodigal Son at Table with Harlots. Works of Charity. Temptation of St. Anthony. The Village Festival. Tavern near a river. Tavern interior. Tavern interior. Heron Hunt. The Smoker. The Knife-grinder. The Duet. Tavern interior. Interior. Village Festival. Tavern. The Collector. Landscape. Landscape with farm. Group of four men in a tavern. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The Wicked Rich Man at Table. (Drawing.) C, $1.75- Dutch scene ; preparations for a meal. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. Village tavern. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Madrid. Dresden, R. C. — Brunswick. — B Brussels. — C — C London, B. P. — — C C St. Petersburg. — — C do. — — c Paris, Louvre. — c — C — do. — — c — C -^ do. — — c — do. C — c — c — do. — — c — c — do. — — c — c — do. — — — — c — do. — — c — do. » — — c — do. — — — — c — do. — — c — do. — — c — do. — — G — do. — — c — do. — — G — do. — — c — do. — — G — do. — — G — do. m _ do. do. _ do. — — 1212 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON, The Smoker. Portrait of the Great Conde, Louis II. of Bourbon, Prince de Conde (1621-1686). The Players. The artist and his family. Temptation of St. Anthony. Temptation of St. Anthony. Flemish Fair. Backgammon Players. Company at Table. The Alchemist. D., 7x9 inches, $1.50. Bath-room. Card-players. Peasants in a tavern. Peasant with a wheelbarrow. Peasants' dance in front of an ale-house. Peasants playing skittles. Village Dentist. Flemish Fair. Young man, jug in hand, sitting on an upturned cask (portrait of the artist?). Armed men playing dice in a guard-house. Peasants sitting at a table, smoking, drinking, and playing cards. The guard-house, with the liberation of St. Peter. Alchemist with his crucible. Temptation of St. Anthony. Peasants taking their repast. Grand Village Fair. Peasants playing dice. Kitchen interior (picture painted in collaboration with C. Bickx and Van Verendael). Kirmess at the "Half-Moon." Writing Down the Reckoning. In the tavern. Tavern scenes. (Drawing.) Man seated. (E«graving.) C.. $1.00. The Target. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. St. Jerome in the Desert. The Smoker. Landscape (from the Brentano Coll.). Gallery. Siacs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Old Masters. C ~ Chantilly. C — Berlin. C do. C C — c do. c C — c do. c do. c C — C do. — C — BC do. c Brunswick. B Cassel. C — c do. c — c do. C — c do. C — c do. C — c do. C — c do. C — c Dresden. C do. c c do. do. c c do. c c do. c c do. c c do. c do. c c do. C C do. c do. c — do. c do. c Dres., Royal Col. c do. do. Frankfort. do. do. I c" I - - I SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1213 Landscape ; companion picture to the above. Flemish wine-room. Peasant dance in a Flemish ale-house. Peasant wedding. Interior of a Flemish peasant's room, Italian Fair. Peasant playing violin. The Smokers. Interior of an ale-house. Cat concert. Monkeys at dinner. Company of monkeys. Peasants smoking. Two peasants yelling. Lot and His Daughters. An alehouse. The former Archducal Gallery in Brussels : View of first wall. View of second wall. View of third wall. View of fourth wall. Prodigal Son. (After Teniers.) Peasant-woman lighting a pipe. Winter landscape. Thieves sacking a village. Bird-shooting at Brussels. Peasant wedding ; bride and groom in foreground. Picture gallery of the Grand Duke Leopold Wil- liam at Brussels. Old man and the servant-girl. Peasants dancing. Fair-day. The Guitar Player. The Stable. Bone-setter operating on the foot of a peasant. The Guard. The Hour of Rest. The Village Tavern. Village Fair. Rustic scene. The Players. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Frankfort. Munich, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. — do. — do. — do. — do. — do. — do. — do. — do. — do. — do. — do. — Vienna Museum. — do. — do. — do. — do. — do. — -do. — do. — Vienna, Liecht. — do. — Buda-Pesth. — Amsterdam, do. do. Amst., V. de H. do. do. — C C — C C C C — C C C C — C C — C C C C — C C — C C — c C — c C — c C — c c — c c — c c — c c — c C — c C — c C — c c — c C — c C — c — — c — c — C C — c c c c — — c c — c ~ C C — c — c c — c — c C — c 1214 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 H 3 3i 4 4i The Kitchen. The Hague. C c — c The Alchemist. do. — — c c c Flemish Fair. Brussels. — — C c — c Flemish landscape. do. — — — c — c Village Doctor. do. — — — c — c The Five Senses. do. — — — c — c Interior of a picture-gallery. do. — — — c — c Temptation of St. Anthony, do. — — — c — c TENIERS (David), the Younger, and /an Noen. At the Market. do. — c — c Panorama of Valenciennes. Antwerp. c — — — Flemish drinkers. do. — — — c — Afternoon. do. — — — — c — The Old Woman. do. — — — — c — • The Singer. do. — — — — c — The Money-changers. London, N G. — — c — — — Teniers' Castle at Perck. do. — c c — c Backgammon-players. do. — — — c — c Old woman peeling a pear. do. — — c — c Village Festival. do. — — c c — c Drummer beating his drum. Lorfdon, B. P. — c c — — Harvest home in Holland. do. — — c c — Village Festival. do. — - — c c — — The Dance. do. — — c — — — Village Festival. do. — c c — — The Bagpipe-plaj'^er ; village festival. do. c c — — The Kitchen. do. — c c — — A castle in Holland. do. — — c c Teniers' family. do. c The Alchemist. do. c A drinker. Rome, Borghese. — c Peasants' Festival. Madrid. c Rustic Festival. do. _ c _ Peasant dance before a rustic house. do. c _ Peasants' Repast. do. c The King Drinks. do. __ c The Gracious Farmer's Wife. do. _ c The Monkey as Artist. do. c _ The Monkey as Sculptor. do. — r Monkeys drinking and playing. do. — — — — r — . SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1216 Gallery. Sises , 2 2^ 3 3i 4 4i School of Monkeys. Madrid. — — C — Monkeys smoking and drinking. do. — — C — The Monkeys' Banquet. do. — — — — C — A Guard-house. do. — C ■ Archduke Leopold William's picture-gallery at Brussels. do. c — c — The Country-house. do. — — c Landscape ; in foreground, a family of gipsies. do. — — c — — Temptation of St. Anthony, Abbot. do. — — — — C — Temptation of St. Anthony. do. — — c — Temptation of St. Anthony. do. — — — — c — Arquebusiers of Antwerp collected on the Great Square. St. Petersburg. c — c — — — The Guard. do. — — c Village Festival. do. — c Village Festival before an Inn. do. — c Flemish merry-making. do. — — c The Wedding Feast. do. — — c The Game of Checkers. do. — c A Flemish Fair. do. — c Kitchen interior. do. — c Kitchen invaded by monkeys. do. — C — Landscape. do. — c The Cattle Sale. do. — c The Sale Concluded. do. — c Seaport. do. — — c TENR6 (Henry). Born in Saint-Germain-en-Laye. (Modern.) A Presentation. A Touch of Powder. Three Little Orphans. Morning. Supper. A Cotillion. Between two Victories. Joking. (Salon of 1896.) Arrival of the Barge in 1810. The Castellane in her family. Reading. (Salon of 1898.) (Salon of 1897.) (Salon of 1897.) Modern Painters. C c do. C c do. c do. — c do. C c do. c c do. c c do. c c do. c c do. c c do. c c 1216 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ TER-BRUGGHEN (Hendrik). De venter, 1588— Utrecht, 1629. (Dutch School.) Flute-player, I. Cassel. C — C The Flute-player, II. do. C — C TERBURG (Gerard), or TER BORCH. Zwolle, 1617 — Deventer, 1681. (Dutch School.) An officer offering money to a young woman. The Music-lesson. The Concert. Assembly of ecclesiastics. The Reading-lesson. Portrait of a woman. Portrait of Jan de Witt, Grand Pensioner of Hol- land. The Music-lesson. Paternal Exhortation. Portrait of the Seigneur of Marienburg, uncle of the artist. Portrait of Gertrude Terburg, wife of the above. Male portrait. Portrait of a young man. The Smoker. The Knife-grinder's Family. The Concert. The Consultation. Lute-player. House-music. The Messenger ; an officer writing an order await- ed by his trumpeter. Young woman washing her hands in a basin held by a servant. The Lute-lesson. Woman standing before a table, back view. Officer reading a letter. Officer standing, front view. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Officer standing, back view. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Hunter standing leaning on his gun. (Drawing.) Young woman tasting wine. Paris, Louvre. do. do. do. do. Old Masters. do. do. Berlin. Cassel. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 1. do. Dresden. do. do. do. do. c — c — c — c — c — c c — — c c — c c — — — c c c c BC c — c c — — c c — — c c c — c c c — c c c c — c — c c c C C — B C C — C C — Dresden, R. C. do. Dresden, P. G. C. C Frankfort. C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1217 The Love-letter. Boy with a dog. Boy tying his shoes. (Drawing.) C, ^i.oo. Young woman peeling an apple. Family portraits. (School of Terburg.) Family picture about the date 1660. Portrait of the artist, head full face. (Drawing.) C, .75- Nobleman seated, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Lady seated, back view. (Drawing.) Cavalier seated playing cards. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Drinker seated holding jug in left hand. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Fortune-teller seated, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The Trumpeter. Portrait of Gerard Terburg. Portrait of Geertien Matthyssen, widow Thys Daems, wife of Gerard Terburg. Paternal Advice. Boy with a dog. Taking the oath at the signing of the Peace of Miinster, 15th of May, 1648 (cop-y). The Dispatch. Portrait of the artist, by himself. The Mandolin-player. The Guitar-lesson. The Peace of Miinster. Portrait of a gentleman. The Letter. The Meal. A Dutch lady. View of an interior. The Musician. The Rustic Messenger. A Concert. Portrait of an officer. A Glass of Lemonade. D., 9^x7^ inches, $2.00. Gallery. Si:::cs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Munich. C — C do. C — C Weimar. Vienna Mus. — C C — Vienna, Liecht. C do. C Vienna, Albertina. do. do. ■ C — do. do. do. Buda-Pesth. C Amsterdam. C — do. — -1- c — ■ do. C — C c — c Am., V. de H. C. c c c Amsterdam. c c The Hague. c c — c do. c c — c Antwerp. — — c — London, N. G. c c — c do. c c — c do. — c — c London, B. P. c c — — ■ do. — c — Florence, Uffizi. — c — St. Petersburg. c ' — — — do. J — c — do. c — — — do. c — — — do. — c — do. — — — — — — 1218 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ TERWESTEN (Mathias). The Hague, 1670- 1757. (Dutch School.) Mars and Venus surrounded by little Cupids. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Dresden, R. C. TESCHENDORFF (Emil). Stettin, i8?3. (Mod- ern.) Ariadne. Modern Painters. B A gipsy. do. C — C Sad Days. do. C C — C Antigone. do. — C C C — C Iphigenia. do. — C C C — C Electra. do. — C C C — C TESTA (Pietro). Lucca, after 1610— Rome, 1650. (Italian School.) Madonna and Child, with St. Elizabeth at the side and angels above. (Drawing.) Paris, Louvre. C Adoration of the Cross ; three drawings. (Draw- ing.) C, $2.50. Chatsworth. Several Cupids in a landscape. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Florence, Uffizi. Several Cupids in a landscape. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. Return of the Prodigal Son; study. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Venice. TEXIDOR (Modesto). Born in Barcelona. (Mod- ern.) The Wounded Heart. Modern Painters. C THAYER (Abbott Henderson). Boston, Massa- chusetts, 1849. (Modern.) Caritas. (Awarded the prize of the W. L. El- kins fund at the Exhibition of the Philadel- phia Academy, 1895-96.) PI., 20x12 inches, $5.00; 13x8, $3.00: 9x6, $1.25; 6x9, .75; 6x4, •50- Bos., M. of F. A. PIC — PIC — Angel. PI., 20x16 inches, $6.00; 12x9, $3.00; 9x7, $i-50- Modem Painters. Florence. PI., 7x13 inches, $2.50. Bruns., M., Walk. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1219 Brother and Sister (portraits). PL, 20x16 inch- es, $6.00; 12x10, $3.00; 9x7, $1.50. Mother and Child (portrait). PI., 20x16 inches, $6.00; 12x10 inches, $3.00; 9x6, $1.50. THEOTOCOPULI. See GRECO. THERSBUSCH (Anne Dorothea LISIEWSKA). Berlin, 1728- 1782. (German School.) Portrait of Frederic II., King of Prussia (1712- 1786). THIELE (Arthur). Dresden, 1841. (Modern.) Deer with kid. Deer on the moor. "Wounded to Death." Red deer on the Eibsee. Rutting-season of chamois. Stags in Late Autumn. D., 21x16 inches, $5.00. Winter in the Bavarian Highlands. D., 21x16 inches, $5.00. A Highland stag. Stag bellowing. Deer in winter. THIELE (Johann Alexander). Erfurt, 1685-1752. (German School.) Portrait of W. Hollar. (Engraving.) C., $1.00. Landscape. (Engraving.) C., $1.00. Landscape. (Engraving.) C, .75. THIEM (P.) (Modern.) Homesickness. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4I Modern Painters. do. Versailles. — — — — c - Modern Painters. c — c do. c — c do. c c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c c — c do. c — c do. c — c Dresden, R. C. do. do. Modern Painters. — C — C THIER (Bernhard Heinrich). Lundinghausen, 1751-1814. (Dutch School.) Flock at Pasture. (Drawing.) C., $1.75. Dresden, P. G. C. THIERSCH (Ludwig). Munich, 1825. (Mod- ern.) Christ healing the lame man at the Pool of Bethesda. Modern Painters. C 3 3i 4 4i C C — C C C — C — C — C — C ~ C — C — C c C — C — C — C — C — C 1220 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Siaes, 2 2j Alaric Hailed as Victor by the Greeks in Athens, 396 A. D. Modern Painters. — C "Suffer the Little Children to Come unto Me !" do. — C Venetian water-carrier. do. Orpheus and Eurydice. do. Christ Bearing the Cross. do. Christ Healing the Sick. do. Acis and Galatea surprised by Polyphemus. do. Christ on the Mount of Olives. do. THIRION (Eugene Romain). Born in Paris, 1839. (Modern.) The Muse Euterpe. do. C The Poet and the Fountain. do. C Field-flowers. do. — C An Oriental. do. C A Waif. do. C THOMA (Hans). Bernau, Black Forest, 1839. (Modern.) Flora. do. C The Guardian of the Valleys. do. C Spring Roundelay. D., 13x10 inches, $3.00. do. — Landscape. D., 10x13 inches, $3.00. do. Ideal Summer Day. D., 10x12 inches, $3.00. do. Solitude. D., 7fx8g inches, $2.00. do. THOMAS (Seymour). Born in Texas. (Modern.) The Innocent Victim. do. C C THOMPSON (Harry). Born in London. (Mod- ern.) Landscape and sheep. Chicago Art Inst. PIC PIC — PIC Sheep in Picardy. do. PIC PIC — PIC TH5NE (F.) (Modern.) Blowing soap-bubbles. Modern Painters — C "Do You Know Him?" do. C Early Attachment. do. C C C THOREN (Maurice), De. (Modern.) Awakening. (Salon of 1897.) do. C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1221 THOREN (Otto von). Vienna, 1828. (Modern.) Wallachian Team. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ Modern Painters. C THORNE (William). (Modern.) Song without words. Bom in the United States. do. C C THORNHILL (Philip). (Modern.) Andromeda. Artist's Proofs on India, 2ifxiof inches, $15.00; D., $5.00. do. THULDEN (Theodor van) (Flemish School.) The Netherlands Pay Homage to the Virgin Flemish wedding. Trivmiphal Arch of Philip I. Triumphal Arch of Philip I. (back). [606-1676 (?). the Virgin. Vienna Museum. C — Brussels. — C — Antwerp. — C ). do. C c THUMANN (Paul). Tschacksdorf, Lusatia, 1834. (Modern.) Return of the victorious Germans after the bat- tle in the Teutoberger Forest. D., 28x22 inches, $1.00. The Baptism of Wittekind. *The Fates. ] D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; 8x10, $1.50, I (Companion pictures.) *The Sirens, I D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. Clotho. *Psyche at Nature's Mirror. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; 8x10, $1.50. Maud. Ellen. The Bather. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; 8x10, $1.50. Water-nymphs. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. "Behold, I Bring You Glad Tidings!" D,, 16x21 inches, $5.00. Sylvade. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. Nymph of the Well. The Echo. ■n Painters. C C c c — c do. C c c c — c do. C c c c — c do. c c c — c do. — — c c — c do. c c — c do. — — — c — c do. — — — c — c do. — — c c — c do. — — c c — c do. c c — c do. — — c c — c do. — — c c — c do. — — c c — c This subject comes in an Aquarelle Gravure, 16x21 inches, $12.00. 1222 SOULE ART COMPANY, BJDSTON. *Art Wins the Heart. Artist's Proofs, 225 on Japan, 20x15^ inches, $20.00; 175 on India, $15.00; D., $5.00. THURMER (J.) (German School.) Ruins of Ancient Athens. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Porta del Popolo, Rome. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Villa d'Este, Tivoli. (Drawing.) View of Rome. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. View in the Environs of Rome. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Temple of Paestum. (Drawing.) TIARINI (Alessandro) lognese School.) Virgin appearing to two saints Si. 00. Rinaldo and Armida. Bologna, 1577- 1658. (Bo- ( Drawing.) C, TIBALDI (Pellegrino). BOLOGNA. See PELLEGRINI da TIBERIO d'ASSISI. Worked at Assisi in 1520. (Italian School.) Drawing for a figure of Tiberius, painted in the Cathedral of Montefalco. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The Three Theological Virtues. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Charity. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. TIBERIO TINELLI. Venice, 1586-1638. (Vene- tian School.) Portraits of two persons. (According to cata- logue of Gallery of the Capitol, by Anthony van Dyck.) TIDEMAND or TIEDEMANN (Adolf). Mandel, Norway, 1814-1876. (Modern.) The Bridal Procession. Past and Future. ) .^ Family Prayers. | ^^''"'P^ nion pictures.) Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. — B B B Dresden, P. G. C. do. do. C do. do. do. C Lille. '■ Munich. C C — C Venice. do. do. Rome, Gal. Cap. C Modern Painters. B — B B do. B do. B • This subject comes in a Baryto Print. 6^x9 inches, $1.80 ; also in a Fac-simile Gravure. in color. 20x1 = inches. $15.00. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. i22af Grandfather's Benediction. (Tidemand and J. Jacobson.) Norwegian Lap- landers hunting reindeer. (Tidemand and Morten-Miiller.) Colonel Sin- clair landing at Romsdalen, 1612. TIELENS, TILENS or TILEN (Hans or Jan). Antwerp, 1589-1630. (Flemish School.) Mountain-valley. TIEPOLO (Giambattista). Venice, 1696-1770. (Venetian School.) The Last Supper. Banner with two sides ; on the one, St. Martin of- ficiating; on the other. Madonna, Child and St. John ; each side. Pendentive ; allegorical figures. Pendentive ; allegorical figures. Martyrdom of St. Agatha. After the Bath. Ceremonious Reception. The Distribution of the Crown of Roses by St. Dominic. Presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple. Adoration of the Magi. Calchas and Iphigenia. Sacrifice of Iphigenia. Head of young man. (Drawing.) Head of old man. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. St. Catherine of Siena. Christ on the Mount of Olives. St. Ferdinand. Madonna appearing to saints. Entombment ; group of eight figures. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Descent from the Cross. (Drawing.) The Eucharist. Chariot of Venus. (Study for a ceiling.) Dog. PI., 16x20 inches, $6.00; 10x12, $3.00. St. Helen presenting her son, the Emperor Con- stantine, in Heaven. PI., 8ix2i inches, $5.00; 6x13. $2.50. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4J Modern Painters. B — B B do. do. C — C B — B B Berlin. Paris, Louvre. — — c — c — do. c c Old Masters. c — — — do. c — — — Berlin. — — c c — c do. — — c c — c do. — — — c — c do. c Dresden. c — — — Munich. — C c c — c do. — — — c — c do. — c — c Weimar. — — — c do. — — — — Vienna Museum. c c — — Vienna, Liecht. — — r c c — Buda-Pesth. c — — — do. — — c — Florence, UflEzi. Venice. C Madrid. C — C — do. C — C — Old Masters. do. 1224 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Head of Mary, Mother of Christ. (Detail of the above.) PI., 9^x7^ inches, $2.00; 5x7^, $1.00. Mary and Elizabeth. (Detail of the above.) PL, 13x10^ inches, $3.50; 9^x7^, $2.00. St. Helen. (Detail of the above.) PL, 9^x7^ inches, $2.00; 7^x5, $1.00. Detail. (Upper third of picture.) PL, 17x21 inches, $7.50; 9^x7^, $2.00. Cherubs. (Detail.) PL, 9^x7^ inches, $2.00. (Detail; lower third of picture.) Michael with Drawn Sword. PL, 21x17 inches, $7.50; 13X loj, $3.50 ,-9x7, $2.00. TIESENHAUSEN (Paul von). Idser, Estronia, 1837— Munich, 1876. (Modern.) Fleet of Men-of-war. Storm at Sea. TILBORG (Gillesvan). Brussels, 1625 (?)-i678(?). (Flemish School.) A Dutch Wedding. A Repast. (Portraits.) The Princes of Ligne, Chimay, Rubempre, Thurn and Taxis, and the Duke of Arenberg in front of the Palace of the Dukes of Brabant in Brussels. Interior of an inn. TILIUS (Johannes or Jan van). Bois-le-Duc, be- ginning of XVn. century; died after 1681. (Dutch School.) The Seamstress. TILLIER (Paul). Bom in Boupere (Vendee). (Modern.) The Fan. The Well. Study. Awakening of Ariadne. Study. After the Ball. A Dream. Gallery. Si::cs, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Old :\lasters. do. do. do. do. do. Modern Painters, do. Dresden. The Hasfue. Brussels. Rome, Borghese. — C — c c — c c — c C c — c Dresden. C Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1225 Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4i Leda. Modern Painters. C "What Does That Mean ?" do. C Girl with flowers. do. C Naiad. do. C Adoration of the children. do. C C Curious. do. C The Awakening. do. C Risette. do. C "Good Day I" do. C The Siesta. do. C Reverie. do. C C Young girl. do. C Bather. do. C The Torrera. do. C C The Cigarette. do. C C Bathers. do. — C Chilly. • do. C C The Fan. do. C C A cat. do. C Bather. x do. C The Reading. do. C C The Toilet. do. C The Reader. do. C C Mam'zelle Rose. do. C Flower of the Water-side. do. ' C Madam Harlequin. - do. C C Malicious. do. — — C Without Ceremony. do. '■ C The Toilet. (Salon of 1896.) do. C — C The Cupid Juggler. (Salon of 1896.) do. C — C The Dreamer. (Salon of 1897.) do. C Florentine Charity. (Salon of 1898.) do. C Leaving the Bath. (Salon of 1898.) do. C Magdalen. (Salon of 1899.) do. C C Bathers. (Salon of 1899.) do. " — C TIMBAL (Louis Charles). Paris, 1821-1880. (French School.) The Muse an'd the Poet. Paris, Louvre. C C 1226 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. TINTORETTO (Domenico Rubusti), called. in Venice in 1562; died there in 1637. netian S^chool.) Portrait of a procurator of St. Mark. Portrait of a Venetian senator. Christ blessing Venetian patricians. The Three Magi Kings. Born (Ve- Gallcry. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 Vienna Museum. C do. C do. C do. C TINTORETTO (Jacopo Robusti, called II). Ven- ice, 1 5 19- 1 594. (Venetian School.) Susanna at the Bath. Paradise. Portrait of Tintoretto. Susanna at the Bath. Madonna and Child with saints. Portrait of Pietro Mocenigo. Descent from the Cross. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Head of St. Peter, full face, looking upward. (Drawing.) Male bust, turned to right. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Pieta. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Portrait of a procurator of St. Mark. Luna with the hours. Portrait of Venetian gentleman. Madonna and Child with St. Catherine, an admiral of the Republic of Venice kneeling before them. The Rescue ; two nude women escaping from a tower by a rope ladder are received by a cav- alier standing in a boat. Women playing different musical instruments in a landscape. The Last Supper. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Pascal Cicone, Doge of Venice. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Portrait of the Doge, Marc Antonio Trevisani (?). A Venetian noble with his son, with the Doge of Venice. Andrea Veselius. Paris, Louvre. C — C — do. C — C — do. C — C — do. C — do. C — C — do. C — 'do. do. C Lille. do. Berlin. C do. C C — C Cassel. C — C Dresden. C C do. c c do. c Dresden, R. C. do. Frankfort. C Munich. c C — C do. c C — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1227 Design for the picture of the Scuola di San Rocco. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Portrait of Marc Antonio Barbaro. Portrait of a procurator of St. Mark's. Sebastiano Veniero, victor in the sea-fight of Le- panto. Susanna and the Elders. Portrait of a man in an arm-chair. Lucretia thrusting the dagger into her breast. Portrait of an old man and of a boy. Apollo and the Muses. Man in suit of armor. Portrait of a man. God the Father seated on clouds borne by three angels. (Drawing.) Sacrifice of Abraham. (Drawing.) C, .75. The Golden Calf ; composition of eight figures. (Drawing.) Adoration of the Shepherds. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Adoration of the Kings. (Drawing.) Massacre of the Innocents. (Drawing.) The Last Supper. (Drawing.) C., $1.75. Christ on the Mount of Olives. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Ecce Homo ; composition of many figures. (Draw- ing-) Assumption of the Virgin. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Deliverance of Souls from Purgatory. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. Descent from the Cross. (Drawing.) The Woman Taken in Adultery. Male portrait. Male portrait. The Martyrdom of St. Mark ; sketch. St. George killing the dragon. Origin of the "Milky Way." Portrait of an old man, with a long white beard, head slightly turned to left. (Drawing.) Sketch for the Marriage at Cana. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ Weimar. — — — — Vienna Museum. c — — — do. — c do. c c do. — C c c — — do. — c do. — — c c — — do. c c — — do. — — c c — — do. — — c c — — do. — c — Vienna, Albertina. C do. do. C — do. do. C — do. C — do. do. do. do. do. do. Buda-Pesth. Brussels. do. do. London, N. G. do. London, B. M. do. — C C C — C C — C C — C C C — c c — c 1228 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Study for the Massacre of the Innocents. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. Christ surrounded by six angels appearing to a Doge and other personages kneeling. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Study for a ceiling: Madonna and Child between two saints. (Drawing.) First idea of the miracle of St. Mark. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Sketch of two figures reclining. (Drawing.) C, $175- Christ on the cross between the two thieves ; at the foot of the cross the three Marys ; swoon of the Virgin. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. . Miracle of St. Mark. Adam and Eve. Descent from the Cross. St. Justina with the three treasurers, Justinian, Soranzo and Badoer, and their secretaries. The Woman Taken in Adultery. Detail of the above : head of the woman. Portrait of the Doge Alviso Mocenizo, elected 1570. Portrait of Andrea Cappello. Madonna and Child with four senators. Portrait of Jacques Soranzo (also attributed to Titian). The Marriage at Cana. Portrait of Sansovino, architect and sculptor. The Last Supper. (Drawing.) Study after the antique. (Drawing.) Group of four women. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. The Last Supper. (Drawing.) Martyrdom of St. Mark; composition of many figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The Entombment ; group of ten figures. (Draw- ing.) C, $2.50. Body of Christ borne by two angels. (Drawing.) Venus, Cupid and Vulcan. Portrait of Vincent Zeno. Male portrait. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ London, B. AL 4 4i Venice. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. — C — C C C c c c c c c do. C Florence, Uffizi. C ; — do. C do. C — do. C do. do. c do. do. do. C — Florence, Pitti. C do. C do. C SOUL-E ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1229 Male portrait. The Magdalen. Preparations for a Repast; composition of many figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Mercury. (Drawing.) Portrait of the Venetian General, Sebastian Ve- niero. Male portrait. D., 10x8 inches, $2.00. Baptism of Christ. Portrait of. an archbishop. Portrait of a young Venetian girl holding a rose in her hand. Portrait of a warrior. Joseph and Potiphar's wife. The Chaste Susanna. Portrait of a young Venetian girl. Portrait of a man in armor (bust). Portrait of a young Venetian girl. Portrait of a young woman, her chest bare. Bust portrait of a young woman. (School of Tintoretto.) Portrait of a young Ve- netian lady. Nativity of St. John the Baptist. Deliverance of Andromeda. Andromeda. (Detail of the above.) Male portrait (half-length figure). Portrait of Marinus Grimanus. PI., 20x16 inches, $7.50; 12x10, $3.00; 9x71, $2.00. TIRATELLA (E.) (Modern.) Italian street scene. TISCHBEIN (Carl Ludwig). Dessau, 1797— Bricke- burg, 1855. (German School.) Queen Louise. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ Rome, Doria. C — Rome, Gal. of C. C — 4 4^ Milan, Resta Col. Milan, Brera. C - Madrid, do. do. IIcIII do. C - do. c - do. C — do. c — do. C — do. c do. C do. C — do. do. IIIIc I do. c - St. Petersburg. — _ c do. c do. c do. c Modern Painters. C — C do. C C TISCHBEIN (Johann Friedrich August). Maes- tricht, 1750 — Heidelberg, 1812. (German School.) Portrait of the Emperor, Paul I. Old Masters. Lion and lioness; study. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Dresden, P. G. C. 1230 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Portrait of William V., Prince of Orange, 1748- 1806. (Pastel.) Portrait of Frederika Sophia Wilhelmina, Prin- cess of Prussia, wife of William V., Prince of Orange, 1747-1820. (Pastel.) Portrait of William Frederic, Prince of Orange, afterwards William I., King of the Nether- lands, 1772-1843. (Pastel.) Portrait of Frederika Louisa Wilhelmina, Prin- cess of Prussia, wife of William I., 1775-1837. (Pastel.) (See also under Champney.) Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Amsterdam. do. do. do. — C — C — C — TISCHBEIN (Johann Heinrich), the Elder. The Hague, 1722 — Cassel, 1789. Lessing as a youth. Venus and Eros. Jupiter and Callisto. Acis and Galatea. Berlin. B Cassel. C — C do. C — C do. C — C TISCHBEIN (Johann Heinrich Wilhelm). Hayna, 1751 — Rutin, 1829. Queen Louise of Prussia. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; 8x10, $1.50. Modem Painters. C C — C TISI (Benvenuto). See GAROFALO. TISSOT (James). Born in Nantes, 1836. (Mod- ern.) Meeting of Faust and Marguerite. (Salon of 1861.) Paris, Lux. C C TITEUX (Eugene). Born in Aiglemont (Arden- nes). (Modern.) Visit to the Artillery Museum. Trumpeter of Cuirassiers. TITI (Tiberio). Florence; flourished about 1612. (Florentine School.) Portrait of Leopold de Medici (afterwards cardi- nal) as a child. Modern Painters. C do. C Florence, Pitti. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1231 TITIAN, Tiziano VECELLIO. Pieve di Cadore, 1477-1576. (Venetian School.) Madonna and Child adored by saints. Madonna of the Rabbit. Holy Family. Holy Family. The Disciples of Emmaus. Christ Led to Torment. Christ Crowned with Thorns. The Entombment. St, Jerome. The Council of Trent. Jupiter and Antiope. Portrait of Francis I. Alleg-ory. Alphonso de Ferrara and Laura de' Dianti. Male portrait. The man with the glove. Male portrait. Male portrait. Titian's mistress (?). Mountainous landscape with Rape of Europa. (Drawing.) The Apostles ; sketch. (Drawing.) (Attributed.) Figure of a soldier walking to- wards right. (Drawing.) Madonna and Child in a landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Judgment of Paris. C, $1.25. Halberdier standing, leaning against a wall. (Drawing.) Young girl seated ; behind her, to the right, bust of a woman ; to the left, head of a man. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Mountainous landscape with houses. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Choir of children in clouds. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Man, prostrate on the ground, stabbed by a mur- derer; a tree behind the group. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Paris, Louvre, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — c — c — c — c — c — c — c — c — c — c — c — c c — c — c — c — c C — C — c — c — c — c — c — — B — B do. C do. C do. C — do. do. do. C do. do. do. Paris, E. d. B. A. 1232 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Woman at the bath. Reclining Venus. The Nativity; St. Joseph and the Virgin kneeling, leaning against the cradle of Jesus : to the left, a shepherd on his knees. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Portrait of Perrenot de Granvelle, Guardian of the Seals, and Prime Minister of Charles V. Christ of the Reed. Lion seizing a wild sow which is trying in A^ain to escape. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Nude Venus, sleeping in a landscape. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Bust of satyr. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Landscape ; woman seated in foreground. (Draw- ing-) Angels and various sketches. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Portrait of the daughter of Robert Strozzi. Detail of the above : bust alone. Portrait of Lavinia, daughter of the artist. Portrait of the artist, by himself. Portrait of Giovanni Moro, Venetian admiral, died in 1539- Portrait of a young man. Portrait of a nobleman. "The Tribute Money." D., 16x21 inches, on India, $5.00; on Japan, $10.00; 25^x19^, on India, $12.00. Madonna and Child, SS. John the Baptist, Mag- dalen, Jerome, and Paul. Detail of the above : SS. Magdalen and Jerome. Detail of the above : Madonna and Child. Madonna, Child and St. Joseph adored by Al- phonso I., Duke of Ferrara, his wife, Lucretia Borgia, and his son. Venus reclining crowned by Cupid (copy?). Portrait of a young woman with a vase. Portrait of a lady in mourning. Portrait of an unknown man. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Old Masters. C - do. C Malcolm Col. BesanQon. Chantilly. do. do. Lille. do. do. Berlin. do. do. do. do. do. Cassel. Dresden. do. • do. do. do. do. do. do. do. — C — — C — c c c c c — C — C BC BC — BC BC — BC — - BC C — BC — C C — c — c — c — c c c — c — C BC C — B c — C C — C — — C — c — c c — B c — c c — — — BC C — B — — c c — — c c — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1239i Portrait of a bride. (According to Woermanii, Lavinia, daughter of Titian.) Portrait of Lavinia, daughter of Titian, as a mat- ron. (Fine copy, probably from Sassoferrato.) Sleep- ing Venus. (According to Woermann, an authentic Giorgione.) D., 12x19! inches, on India, $5.00. Detail of the above : Venus, half length. Portrait of a lady in red dress. St. Jerome kneeling. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Landscape and town on the seashore. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Heads of Socrates and Seneca. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Copy of the picture at Dresden: "Madonna and Child with St. John the Baptist," etc. Copy of the picture : "Reclining Venus Crowned by Cupid." Head of young man turned to left. Venus and a Bacchante. A Venetian noble. Landscape with Madonna and Child. Vanity. Bust-portrait of a young man. Emperor Charles V. Virgin and Christ-child. Christ crowned with thorns. Portrait of Isabelle of Este. Madonna and Child, SS. Jerome, Stephen and George. Portrait of Titian's physician. Diana and Callisto. Danae. Madonna and Child (Gipsy Madonna). Ecce Homo. The Entombment. Holy Family (Madonna of the Cherries). D., 20x27 inches, on India, $10.00; on Japan, $20.00. The Little Tambourine-player. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Dresden. C C do. C C — — do. C B BC B do. BC B do. C ■ Dresden, R. C. do. do. do. C — do. — — — c Frankfort. — — c — — — Munich. — c c C — c do. — — — C — c do. . — — c C — c do. — — c C — c do. — — c C — C do. — c c C — c do. — c c C — C do. — — — C — c Vienna Museum. — — c do. C „ c do. — — c — — — do. — — c C do. — — c C — c do. — — c C — c do. — — c do. — — c C do. c c c C do. — — c C 1234 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Portrait of Jacopo de Strada, holding a statuette of Venus. Nymph and shepherd. Allegory ; young man holding a rnirror before a woman. Young woman with furs. Portrait of the elector, Johann Friedrichof Saxpny. Filippo Strozzi (?), a Florentine patrician. Woman Taken in Adultery. St. James. Benedetto Varchi, the celebrated Italian poet and historian. (School of Titian.) Venus kissed by Mars. Madonna and Child. Portrait of Andrea Griti, doge of Venice. Sacrifice of Abraham ; sketch of picture in the Salute, Venice. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. The Entombment ; Magdalen kneeling in front, back view. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. First sketch of the principal group of the Madon- na Pesaro at Venice. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. St. Jerome on his knees, turned to left ; landscape in background. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. St, Jerome on his knees lighting a lantern to read a book placed on the ground. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. St. Peter, Martyr ; varied sketch of the picture at Venice. (Drawing.) Cephalus inconsolable for having killed Procris. (Drawing.) Landscape ; the flutist, the shepherd, playing the flageolet, advances at the head of his flock toward the right. (Drawing.) Landscape ; view of a town with hills in back- ground ; toward foreground, a brook spanned by a bridge upon which two persons are standing ; farther in front, two washerwomen and a woman sleeping. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Landscape ; in background, toward left, a village and mill with three large wheels ; to the right, distant hills. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Vienna Museum, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Vienna, Liecht. Vienna Czernina. Vienna, Albertina. do. do. do. — C — C — C C — C C C c c c c c do. do. do. do. do. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1235 (Attributed to Giorgione.) Portrait of Antonio Brocardo. The Woman Taken in Adultery ; sketch for the picture at Vienna. (Rath. Coll.) Octavio Farnese and his mistress as Venus (copy). John of Sforza, Bishop of Paphos, presented to St. Peter by Pope Alexander VI. Holy Family. Rape of Ganymede. Venus and Adonis. Bacchus and Ariadne. Christ appearing to Mary Magdalen after his Res- urrection. Madonna and Child with SS. John the Baptist and Catherine. Portrait of Ariosto. A concert, or a Kapell-meister giving a music-les- son. Italian landscape with figures and animals. Madonna and Child in glory, surrounded by five angels. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Six children dancing. (Drawing.) Triumph of Amphitrite. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Landscape with rustic houses, young man lying on ground. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Two studies of Life of St. Jerome. (Drawing.) Portrait of the artist and Andrea Franchesini (Giovanni Bellini?). (School of Titian.) Rape of Ganymede. Madonna and Child ; to the left, St. John. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Bust-portrait of a man, head, left profile. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Pope Julius II., half-length figure. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Prodigal son guarding his flock, (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Procession of prelates presenting the tiara to the Pope. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Portrait of the artist. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2J 3 3^ 4 4^ Buda-Pesth. do. The Hague. Antwerp. London, N. G. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. London, B. P. C — C c c — c c c — c C C — c c c c c c — c c c c London, B. M. do. C do. ' -- ■ do. do. C Windsor, do. Chatsworth. do. do. do. do. do. C C — C — c 1236 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 2> Zh A A^ Head of a warrior, three-quarters left view. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Madonna and Child welcoming young St. John. (Drawing.) Portrait of the artist, by himself. Madonna with the Child Jesus standing, and young St. John. Portrait of the Duchess d'Urbino,wife of Francois Marie della Rovere. Portrait of Frangois Marie della Rovere, Duke d'Urbino, in armor. Battle between the Imperial troops and the Ve- netian army at Cadore. Madonna supporting the Child with her right hand. Madonna with the Child and St. Catherine. Portrait of a woman known as "Flora." Detail of the above : Flora. Madonna and Child, to whom St. John is oflFering flowers ; at his side, St. Anthony, the Hermit. Detail of the above : the Virgin. Portrait of Catherine Comaro, Queen of Cyprus. (Detail of the above.) Madonna and Child surrounded by saints. Reclining Venus. Portrait of the Prelate Beccadelli. Reclining Venus, known as the "Mistress of the Duke d'Urbino." (Detail of the above.) Man seated, a book in which he has been reading resting on his right knee ; he is looking up- ward toward the right ; study for an Evan- gelist. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Landscape ; to the left, entrance to a forest : to the right, view of a valley surrounded by wooded hills. (Drawing.) Landscape ; toward left, in foreground, a clump of trees ; to the right, a town : in background, mountains. (Drawing.) C. $1.75. Landscape ; to the right, in foreground, the child St. John with his lamb. (Drawing.) Chatsworth. do. C Florence, Uffizi. C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C do. C do. c do. C — PI C PI c do. B — BC B do. c do. c do. C — C do. c do. C — do. c do. C do. c do. c C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1237 Gallery. Skes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Landscape ; near the middle foreground, two tall trees; to the right, in background, a town situated at the entrance to a valley between steep hills. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Florence, Uffizi. Two men standing turned towards right. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Design for fountain in form of a shell, surmounted • by statue of Venus. (Drawing.) do. C St. Nicholas seated, full face, the cross in his right hand, and on his knees a book with the three loaves. (Drawing.) do. C Two Cupids and a child playing with a dog. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Death of St. Peter, Martyr ; first sketch for the principal group of the picture at Venice. (Drawing.) C, $1.25, do. Male head turned to left ; apparently a study from an antique bust of a Roman emperor. (Draw- ing.) do. C Man with a beard, seated, front view, reading a book resting on his right knee and apparently holding a falcon in his raised left hand. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. . Donor kneeling, right profile ; study in red chalk for the Madonna Pesaro at Venice. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do. Roman soldier standing, looking toward left, but extending his left hand toward right. C, $1.00. do. Portrait of a woman, looking toward right, the body turned slightly toward left. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. Pentecost ; the composition is very similar to that of the picture in the Salute, Venice. (Draw- ing.) C.-, $2.50. do. Madonna appearing to four saints ; first pen sketch for the ATadonna di San Nicolo of the Vatican. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Man, half nude, seated on the ground ; behind him, to the left, another man. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. 1238 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Marriage of St. Catherine. Portrait of a woman, called "Titian's Mistress" (La Bella). PI., 16x20 inches, $4.00; 7x9, $1.00. (Detail of the above.) Portrait of Pietro Aretino. The Magdalen. (According to Venturi, by Tintoretto.) Portrait of Louis Comaro. Male portrait. Bacchanal. (After Titian.) Portrait of Philip IL, King of Spain. Portrait of Cardinal Hippolyte de Medici in Hun- garian costume. Male portrait. The Saviour. (According to Venturi, copy by the School of Ferrara of the XVL century.) Portrait of Alphonso L, Duke of Ferrara. Sacred and Profane Love. Detail of the above : Profane Love. St. Dominic. Venus Bandaging Cupid's Eyes. (Called, accord- ing to catalogue of Borghese Gallery, "The Three Graces.") (After Titian.) Venus, Cupid and a satyr. (Ac- cording to catalogue of Borghese Gallery, by Paul Veronese.) Herodias. (According to catalogue of Doria Gal- lery, by Licinio da Pordenone.) The Three Ages. (After the original belonging to Lord Ellesmere.) Portrait of Marco Polo. The Magdalen. Portrait of three men and a child. St. Jerome in the desert. Baptism of Christ. Portrait of the Doge, Giovanni Mocenigo. The Madonna of "St. Nicolo de Frari." Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Florence, Pitti. C BC do. BC — BC — do. C — do. C — do. c — do. c - do. c — do. C — do. do. C — do. c do. --C - do. C — Rome, Borghese. C — C — do. C — do. c — do. do. C C Rome, Doria. C do. C do. C do. c Rome, Sciarra. c Rome, A. St. L. c Rome, Gal. of C. c Rome, Vat. Pin. c do. c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1239 Madonna and Child with a nobleman prostrate be- fore them. St. John the Baptist, and a saint standing under a tree. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Several children in various positions and bust of a warrior. (Drawing.) ♦Assumption of the Virgin, called the "Assunta." Detail of the above : the Virgin. Detail of the above: Virgin and angels. St. John the Baptist. Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple. Detail of the above: the Virgin. (Attributed.) Wild boar galloping to left, and the head of a second below. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. (Attributed.) Upper part of a human skeleton raising both arms. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. (Attributed.) Sketch of a nude male figure, back view. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. The Bacchanal. D., 14^x16^ inches, $5.00. Offering to the Goddess of Love. D., 15^x151 inches, $5.00. Portrait of Alphonso I. d'Este, Duke of Ferrara. D., 17x131 inches, $5.00. Full-length portrait of King Philip II. D., i8|x io| inches, $5.00. **Venus and Adonis. D., 15^x165 inches, $5.00. The Fall. D., 18x14 inches, $5.00. **Equestrian portrait of Charles V. on the Battle- field of Miihlberg. D., 18x15 inches, $5.00. Danae receiving the shower of gold. D., I2fxi7f mches, $5.00. Venus enjoying music. D., iifxig inches, $5.00. Reclining Venus. (Detail of the above.) Venus and Cupid entertained with music. D., 13x185 inches, $5.00. Salome with the head of John the Baptist. The Holy Trinity (La Gloria). D., 191x13^ inch- es, $5.00. Gallery. Sises, 2 2| 3 3I 4 4^ Rome, Farnesina. C Milan, Resta Col. Milan, Brera. Venice. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Madrid. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C _ C C _ C C — C C — C C — C *This subject comes in a large Carbon, 36x54 inches, $70.00. **This subject comes in a large Carbon, 22x28 inches, $12.00. 1240 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Ecce Homo. The Entombment. D., 14^x18 inches, $5.00. ♦Our Lady of Sorrows. Philip 11. offering his infant son, Don Ferdinand, to heaven. (Allegory.) Address of General Marquis del Vasto to his sol- diers. Mater Dolorosa, her hands clasped. D., 10^x9 inches, $2.00. Religion succored by Spain. (Allegory.) Portrait of Titian. D., 13x9^ inches, $3.00. Portrait of a lady. Diana and Actaeon. Diana and Callisto. Portrait of the Empress, Donna Isabella of Portu- gal, wife of Charles V. D., 17x14 inches, $5.00. Detail of the above : bust. Charles V. D., i7fxio^ inches, $5.00. Jesus Bearing the Cross. Jesus Christ and Simon the Cyrenian. The Saviour appearing to Mary Magdalen. Portrait of a Knight of Malta. D., i6f xi3f inches, $5.00. St. Margaret. D., 18^x13^ inches, $5.00. Prometheus. D., 17x14^ inches, $5.00. Holy Family with St. Bridget. (Formerly ascribed to Giorgione.) D., 12^x19 inches, $5-00. Madonna holding the Child Jesus on her knees. The Saviour (half-length figure). Madonna and Child with the Magdalen. The Repentant Magdalen. D., 17x14 inches, $5.00. The Toilet of Venus. D., 16x13* inches, $5.00. Danae. D., 12^x19^ inches, $5.00. Pope Paul in. Cardinal Antonio Pallavicini. Portrait of a young woman. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3i 4 4^ :\Iadrid. C — C — do. C do. C — C do. do. C C do. — — C PIC . do. c do. C do. _ c do. C — C — do. C — C — do. C — C do. c do. c do. C — C — do. C do. : C - do. do. do. do. St. Petersburg. C do. c do. c do. c • do. c —, do. c do. c do. c do. c •This stibject comes in a large Carbon, 22x28 inches, $12.00. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1241 TITO (Ettore). Castellamare, Gulf of Naples, 1859. (Modern.) On the Lago di Garda. Friday in Venice. At St. Martha's. The New Shoes. TITO (Santi di). Borgo San Sepulcro, 1538- 1603. (Florentine School.) Three saints appearing to the inhabitants of a town. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. Young man standing turned to right. (Draw- ing.) C., $1.00. Portrait of the artist, by himself. Head of young girl. Figure of an apostle seated, writing, right profile. (Drawing.) C., $1.75. Pieta ; composition of eight figures, three angels above. (Drawing.) C., $1.75. Building of the Temple of Solomon. (Fresco.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ TOBIAS (A.) (Modern.) The Little Housekeeper. TOBAR (Alonso Miguel de). (Spanish School.) Portrait of Murillo. Higuera, 1678-1758. TOCQUfi (Louis). Paris, 1696-1772. (French School.) Portrait of Marie Leczinska, Queen of France. Portrait of Louis of France, Dauphin, son of Louis XV., at 10 years of age. Portrait of Mme. de Graffigny (?). Portrait of Dumarsais. Portrait of the sculptor, John Baptist Lemoyne, junior. Portrait of Abel Franqois Poisson, Marquis of Marigny, Director General of Buildings, 1727- 1781. Portrait of the poet, Jean Baptiste Louis Gresset. 1709-1777. ]\Iodern Painters. do. do. do. Vienna, Albert. do. Florence, Uffizi. C — do. C — do. " do. Flor., Ch. S. L. A. C Modern Painters. B Madrid. is, Louvre. C do. C — c do. c — c do. — c do. Versailles. do. C — c c 1242 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Portrait. of Sophie Philippine Elizabeth Justine de .France (1734-1782), daughter of Louis XV. and Marie Leczinska. Portrait of an unknown woman. Woman at her toilet. (Exhibition of female por- traits at the ficole des Beaux Arts, 1897.) Portrait of a woman. (Exhibition of female por- traits at the ficole des Beaux Arts, 1897.) TODARO (V.) A troubadour. "His Letter." (Modern.) TOFANO (Edouard). Helen. Born in Naples. (Modern.) TOJETTI (Domenico). Born in Rome. (Modern.) Behind the Scenes. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3I 4 4^ Nat'l Portraits. Chantilly. — C — C — Modern Painters, do. do. do. — C C C C C C TOL (Dominicus Van). Bodegreven ; was living about 1620. (Dutch School.) The Smoker. (De Carstanjen Coll.) Berlin. Girl with hen. Cassel. Old woman winding wool. Dresden. The Herring-eater. do. TOLNAY (A.) On the Turf. (Modern.) — C — C — C — C C C TOMMASI (E.) (Modern.) The Kiss. Mimi. Reverie. Shrimp Fishing. Return from Fishing. Late. TOMMASO da MODENA (da Mutina). Traviso; latter half of XIV. century. (Bolognese School.) Madonna and Child, St. Wenceslaus, and St. Pal- matius. Modern Painters. — C — C do. do. do. do. do. do. C C v.. C C C C C Vienna Museum. C — SOULE ART COMPAN F. BOSTON. 1243 Gallery. Shes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C — C do. C Dresden, R. C. C Weimar. C Munich. C — C London, B. M. — C Modern Painters. TOMPKINS (F. H.) (Modern.) "Trust in God !" Memories. TOORENVLIET (Jacob). (Dutch School.) The Counsel. (Drawing.) Young woman. (Drawing.) Leyden, 1641-1719. TORBIDO (Francesco), called II MORO. Verona, 1500-1581. (Italian School.) Portrait of the artist. Drawing for a monumental tomb. TORNA (O.) (Modern.) On the Malar-see. D., 20x15 inches, $5.00. TORRE (Antonio de la). Born in Murcia, Spain. (Modern.) On the Beach. TORREGIAONI (Bartolommeo). (?)-i674 (?). (Neapolitan School.) Sea view. (According to catalogue of Doria Gal- lery, by Claude Lorrain.) TORRINI (P.) (Modern.) Visit to the Nurse. TORTEBAT (Jean). Paris, 1652-1718. (French School.) •. Portrait of the artist, Jean Jouvenet, called the Great. TORTE^Z (Victor). Born in Paris. Venus and Cupid. Return from the Fields. (Idyll.) A first introduction to the studio. The Album. Spring. A Bather. Sleep. Young Mother. Merry Sport. (Modern.) Madrid, M. M. A. PIC PIC Rome, Doria. C Modern Painters. C — C Paris, Louvre. C — C Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C 1244 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4I TOUDOUZE (Edouard). Born in Paris, 1844. (Modern.) Coquetry. Modern Painters. C Study. do. C Corner of a garden. do. C C Reverie. do. C October. do. C C Autumn Flowers. " do. C C The Flower Market. do. C TOULMOUCHE (Auguste). Born in Nantes, 1829- 1890. (Modern.) Morning. do. C C TOULOT (Jules). Bom in Champeix (Puy-de- Dome). (Modem.) ~ Flower of the Palm. do. C Sleep of a Lost Soul. do. C Salammbo. do. C The Golden Ass. do. C C Doves of Carthage. do. C Amber Beads. do. C TOURNEMINE (Charles Emile de). Toulon, 1814-1873. (French School.) African elephants. Paris, Louvre. C — C — Turkish habitation near Adalia (Asia Minor). do. C C TOURNES (Etienne). Born in Bordeaux. (Mod- ern.) Study ; sleeping woman. Modern Painters. C TOURNIER (Louis). Born in Auch. (Modern.) Leda. do. C TOURNIERES (Robert). Ifs, near Caen, 1668- 1752. (French School.) Portrait of Francois Marie Arouet de Voltaire (1694-1778), philosopher, poet. Member of the French Academy. Roue„ Museum. C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1245 TOUSSAINT (Louis). Konigsberg, Prussia, 1826. (Modern.) Frightened. TOUSSAINT (Pierre). (Modern.) For Mid-Lent (XVIII. century). (Salon of 1896.) Before Starting to the Festival. (Salon of 1896.) TOUZe (J. L.) Paris, 1747-1807. (French School.) "Theatrical scene." (Drawing.) C, $2.50. TRAYER (Jules). Bor/i in Paris, 1824. (Modern.) The Pancake-seller ; market-day at Quimperle. (Salon of 1866.) A Difficulty. Resting. Young woman sitting reading. (Drawing.) TREBACZ (M.) (Modern.) The Interval. The Inquisitive Model. On Christmas Morning. TRECK (Jan Jansz). Still-life. TREIDLER (Adolf). Berlin, 1846. (Modern.) In the Villa Borghese. Carnival scene. A Jolly Song. Carnival in Rome. Marietta. Charles V. and Francis I. At Ischia. Maruccia (Italian girl). Roman girl. Carnival in Rome. Limoni. TReMOLLIERES (Pierre Charles). Cholet in Anjou, 1703 — Paris, 1739. (French School.) Little shepherdess looking at a boy sleeping in a garden. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C — C do. C C do. C De Goncourt Col. Paris, Lux. C C Modern Painters. C do. C Lille. C Modern Painters. C — C do. C — C do. C — C Brussels. C — C Modern Painters. C — C do. C — C do. C do. C — C do. C — C do. B — B B — B do. B B do. B do. B do. B — B do. B B De Goncourt Col. 1246 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Si::cs, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ Paris, Louvre. c — C — Cassel. C C — C do. C — C TREVISANI (Angelo). Was working at Venice in 1730. (Venetian School.) Madonna holding the sleeping Jesus. Madrid. C — TREVISANI (Francesco). Capo d'Istria, 1656- 1746. (Venetian School.) Sleep of the Child Jesus. Triumph of Galatea. Triumph of Galatea. Madonna showing the Child Jesus to the child St. John. Dresden. C TRINQUESSE or TRINQUESE (J.) Took part in the exhibitions from 1791 to 1799. (French School.) Portrait of an incroyable. Old Masters. C — Portrait of the artist's wife. Xatl. Portraits. C — C — Portrait of a woman lying on a couch. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. De Goncourt Col. TRIQUET (Jules). (Modem.) Mistletoe. (Salon of 1899.) Modern Painters. C C TRISTAN (Luis). Toledo, 1586-1640. (School of Toledo.) St. Francis of Assisi. Paris, Louvre. C TROJANOWSKI (W.) (Modem.) Alone for the first time. Modern Painters. i— C TROOD (W. H.) (Modern.) *The Dog-race ; National. Artist's Proofs on India, 12^x28 inches, $20.00; D., $5.00; 8x10, $1-50. do. C C — C Scrambling for Dinner. D., 16x9 inches, $3.00. do. C C Breakfast. Artist's Proofs, 150 on India, 14x21 inches, $15.00; D., $5.00. do. B B TROOST (Cornells). Amsterdam, 1697-1750. (Dutch School.) The "Malade Imaginaire"; illustration. (Draw- ing) Dresden, P. G. C. C ♦This subject conies in an Aquarelle Gravure, 21x15 inches, $12.00. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1247 •/3 75. c, •75 c, •75. c, •75. The Demand in Marriage. (Drawing.) The Presentation. (Drawing.) Inspectors of the Collegium Medicum. TROTTI (Molosso). Was working at Cremona in 1555. (Italian School.) Ornaments. (Drawing.) Ornaments. (Drawing.) Ornaments. (Drawing.) Ornaments. (Drawing.) Ornaments. (Drawing.) God the Father seated, turned to left. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Bust of God the Father turned to right. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Three men in a bark. (Drawing.) C, .75. (School of Trotti.) Madonna seated with the Child Jesus and child St. John. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. TROUILLEBERT (Paul Desire). Born in Paris. (Modern.) The Charmer. Bathers. Ariadne. TROY (Francois de). Toulouse, 1645 — Paris, 1730. (French School.) Portrait of the artist, Nicolas Simon Alexis Belle (1674- I 734). Portrait of the architect, Jules Hardouin Mansart (1645-1708). Martial Music. Marriage of the Duke of Burgundy, son of Louis of France, called the Grand Dauphin, and of Marie Anne Christine of Bavaria, and grand- son of Louis XIV. Portrait of the Duchess de Phalaris, nee d'Harau- court (-P-I782). Portrait of the Countess de Pontchartrain (?- 1714), wife of the First President of the Par- liament of Brittany. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Weimar. C do. C Amsterdam. C Florence, Uffizi. do. do. do. do. — do. do. do. do. Modern Painters. C C do. C do. C Versailles. do. do. Nat'l Portraits. C — do. Rennes Museum. — C 124S SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. TROY (Jean Frangois de). 1679 — Rome, 1752. (French School.) Louis XIV. receiving the Persian ambassadors. Portrait of Hilaire Bernard de Requeleyne, Baron de Longepierre (1659-1721), tragic poet. Oyster Breakfast. Portrait of Anne Marie de Beuzelin de Bosmelet (XVIII. century), daughter of Jean, Lord of Bosmelet, President a Mortier of the Parlia- ment of Rouen (?). The Declaration of Love. (Kuhtz Coll.) The Loosened Garter. (Kuhtz Coll.) Gallant Conversation. The Breakfast. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Old blasters. Natl. Portraits. Chantilly. Rouen Museum. Berlin. do. do. do. C — C — C C c C C TROYON (Constant). Sevres, 1810— Paris, 1865. (French School.) Oxen Going to Labor ; morning effect. Return to the Barnyard. The Turkey-keeper. Seashore near La Touques. Meeting of sheep in a deep road. Beagles. White cow rubbing itself. The Little Shepherd Girl. ""Return from the Market. Going to Pasture. Oxen Ploughing. Cows at the Watering-place. Valley of La Touques. Cows at the Watering-place. Landscape with sheep.. PI., 10x12 inches, $2.00; 7x9, $1.00. Landscape near Dieppe. PI., 10x13 inches, $2.00. Oxen Ploughing. PI., 10x12 inches, $2.00. Goat and sheep. PI., 9x13 inches, $3.00. *Cow among the Cabbages. *The Lane. *Cows in the Valley Touques. * This subject comes in a large Carbon, 17x23 inches, $5.00. Paris, Louvre. C c — c — do. C c — c — MastersXIX.Cen. do. do. — — c c — c — Arnold & T. Col. — — c — — — do. — — c — — — do. — — c — Chicago Art Inst. — PIC — PIC — PIC MastersXIX.Cen. — — c — — — do. — — c — — — H. Vever Col. — — — — c — Durand-Ruel Col. — — c — — — Gallice Col. — — c — — — Bos. Mus. of F. A, do. do. .— — — — — — I I z I Brims. M., Walk. — — — — — — W. H. Stewart C. — — — — — — do. — — — — — — do. ^_ SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1249 Gallery. Siscs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4J TRUBNER (Wilhelm). Heidelberg, 1851. (Mod- ern.) Caesar at the Rubicon. Modern Painters. C "Hail, Caesar! We that are about to die, salute thee." do. C Musical Laborers. do. C Light Cavalry. do. C Lady Macbeth. do. • C "To Be, or Not To Be !" do. C Ludgate Hill, London. do. C C Nice Fruit. do. C TRUFFAULT (G.) (Modern.) Ulysses and Telemachus. (Prix de Rome, 1880.) do. ^ C TRUMBULL (John). Lebanon, Connecticut, 1756 — New York, 1843. Portrait of Alexander Hamilton. PI., 9x12 inches, $2.00; 7x9, $1.00 Bos. Mus. of F. A. PIC — Portrait of Mr. Stephen Minot. PL, 9x11 inches, $2.00. do. Portrait of Mrs. Stephen Minot. PI., 9x11 inches, $2.00. do. ♦Signing the Declaration of Independence. New Haven, Y. C. **Washington Resigning his Commission. do. The Surrender of Burgoyne at Saratoga. D., 18x27 inches, on India, $7.50. do. The Surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown. D., i8x26| inches, on India, $7.50. do. Portrait of Alexander Hamilton (from drawing of painting from life). D., i6|x20:^ inches, $5.00. do. Portrait of General Clinton. New York, C. H. PIC — PIC Portrait of Alexander Hamilton. do. PIC (The same.) Bos., M. of F. A. PIC — TRUTZNER (E.) (Modern.) Sir John Falstaff. D., 15x19 inches, $5.00. Modern Painters. B TSCHAN (J. B.) (Modern.) An Anonymous Present. do. C *This subject comes in a large Carbon, 18x27 inches, $10.00. *♦ This subject comes in a large Carbon, 20x32 inches. $10.00; also 17x23 inches, $5.00. 1250 SOULE ART COMPANY; BOSTON. Seelow, Brandenburg, TSCHANTSCH (Albert). 1843. (Modern.) Knight Harold. Love's Dreams. In Love's Felicity. A Roman dancer. A Sunflower. TUCK (K.) (Modern.) A Spring Symphony. TUKE (Henry Scott). York, 1858. (Modern.) Sailors playing cards. Artist's Proofs on India, 13^x22 inches, $15.00; D., $5.00. TURA (Cosimo, called II Cosme). Ferrara. Born between 1410 and 1430; died between 149/ and 1498. (School of Ferrara.) Pieta. Monk standing. Madonna and Child enthroned between SS. Apol- lonia and Catherine ; at their feet, SS. Augus- tine and Jerome. St. Sebastian. St. Christopher. Madonna and Child enthroned. Draped figure of an old man turned to right, but looking at the spectator. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Madonna and Child (with frame). Detail of the above: Madonna and Child. TURCHI (Alessandro). See ORBETTO. TURGY (A. P. de). (Modem.) Study. (Salon of 1897.) Nymph. (Salon of 1898.) TURINI (Giovanni). Died about 1464. (School of Siena.) Head of young woman, full face. (Drawing.) Study of nude woman standing, full face. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Gallery.^ Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. — C C C — C do. c C — C do. C do. c C — C do. — C — C ao. do. C C — C C C — C Paris, Louvre. C — c — do. — c — Berlin. C c c do. — — c do. . — — c London, ] ^^. G. c — c Florence, Uffizi. Venice. c — — do. c Modern Painters, do. Florence, Uffizi. C C C do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1251 Gallery. Sbcs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Study of nude woman standing, back view. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Florence, Uffizi. TURNER (Charles H.) Boston, Mass. (Modern.) Colonial Coquette. PL, 7x13 inches, $2.50. Modern Painters. TURNER (Charles Yardley). (Modern.) Mural decorations, frieze : Lunette. About .10x13 inches. Lunette. 10x13 inches. Square panel. 8x10 inches. Square panel. 8x10 inches. Pedentive. 10x13 inches. Pedentive. 10x13 inches. Pedentive. 10x13 inches. Corner pair. 10x13 inches. Corner pair. 10x13 inches. Corner pair. 10x13 inches. Right spandril. 10x13 inches. Right spandril. Right spandril. Right spandril. Right spandril. Right spandril. Right spandril. Right spandril. Right spandril. Right spandril. Left spandril. Baltimore, 1850. Left spandril. Left spandril. Left spandril. Left spandril. Left spandril. Left spandril. Left spandril. Left spandril. Left spandril. Lunette. Lunette. 10x13 inches. 10x13 inches. 10x13 inches. 10x13 inches. 10x13 inches. 10x13 inches. 10x13 inches. 10x13 inches. 10x13 inches. 10x13 inches. 10XT3 inches. 10x13 inches. 10x13 inches. 10x13 inches. 10x13 inches. 10x13 inches, 1OXT3 inches, 10x13 inches. 10x13 inches. 12x20 inches. 12x20 inches. New York, Wald.-Ast. Hotel. PIC do. PIC do. PIC do. PIC do. PIC do. PIC do. PIC do. PIC do. PIC do. PIC do. PIC do. PIC do. PI c do. . PIC do. PIC do. PIC do. PIG do. PIC do. PIC do. PIC do. • PI c do. PIC do. PIC do. PIC do. PIC do. PIC do. PIC do. PIC do. PIC do. PIC do. PIC do. PIC 1252 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ The Triumph of Manhattan. (Mural decoration.) New York, PI., 8^x76 inches, $15.00; 5^x50, $7.50. Manhattan Hotel. Spring. (Decorative panel.) do. Summer. do. Autumn. Each PI., 11^x8 inches, $3.00; 8x6, ^ $1.25. do. TURNER (Joseph Mallard William). London, 1775-1851. (English School.) The Quay of Calais : French fishermen preparing to go out to sea ; the English packet-boat en- tering port. London, N. G. C Shipwrecked vessel ; fishermen trying to save the crew. do. C Death of Admiral Nelson, killed in the Battle of Trafalgar, on board the ship "Victory," Octo- ber 21, 1805. do. C Winter sunrise. do. C Crossing the Brook. do. C Dido Building Carthage, or the Origin of the Car- thaginian Empire, do. C Gulf of Baiae ; Apollo and the Cumaean Sibyl. do. C Caligula's palace and bridge, Gulf of Baise. do. C Childe Harold's Pilgrimage (Italy). do. C — The"FightingTemeraire"towed to her last berth. do. C — C Ulysses deriding Polyphemus. PI., 12x19 inches, _^$4.oo; 7x11, $2.00. do. C The Slave Ship. PI., 10x13 inches, $2.00. Boston, ^L F. A. TURNER (Marguerite). Born in Saintes (Charente- Inferieure.) (Modern.) Arranging the Pose. Modern Painters. C TUTTING (J. B.) (Modern.) Earnest Inquiry. do. C C — C TWACHTMAN (John H.) Cincinnati, Ohio, 1853. (Modern.) On the Terrace. PI., 7x8^ inches, $2.00. do. TYRAHN (G.) (Modem.) Forenoon on the Ice. do. C — C COUNTESS POTOCKA. WATER GATE. VAN MARCKE SOUIlE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1253 TYTGADT (Louis). Born in Lovendegem (Bel- gium.) (Modern.) Ferencza the Gipsy Maid, Episode of the Oriental War. UBERTINO (Francesco). See BACCHIACCA. UCCELLO (Paolo DONO, called Paolo). Flor- ence, 1397-1475. (Florentine School.) Bust portraits of Giotto, Paolo Uccello, Dona- tello, Brunelleschi, and Giovanni Manetti. Battle. (Attributed to Paolo Uccello.) St. John the Bap- tist as a child. Battle of "San Egidio," 1416. Three soldiers standing, turned to left. (Draw- ing.) C., $1.00. Combat of horsemen. UDEN (Lucas van). Antwerp, 1595-1672. (Flem- ish School.) Flat country intersected with canals ; figures. (The figures are by Tenier.s.) Banquet of the Gods. UDINE (Giovanni da). Udine, 1489 or 1494-1561 or 1564. (Venetian School.) Ornaments and decorative design. (Drawing.) C., $2.50. Decorative designs. (Drawing.) C., $2.50. Decorative designs. (Drawing.) €.,$2.50. Two candelabra with grotesque figures. (Pen and bistre drawing.) Two candelabra with grotesque figures. (Pen and bistre drawing.) C., $1.00. Design for a fountain. (Pen and black crayon drawing.) C., $1.00. Room of the Incendio del Borgo: Battle of Ostia, or Victory of Leo IV. over the Saracens ; left part. Right part. The two parts united, 19x29 inches. C., $18.00. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3J 4 4^ Modern Painters, do. Paris, Louvre, do. do. London, N. G. London, B. M. Florence, Uffizi. Dresden. Vienna, Liecht. C — C — Lille. Dresden, R. C. do. Florence, Uffizi. C do. do. Rome. Vat. Pin. C do. C do. — 1254 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4| UETZ. Lived about 1835. (German School.) Portrait of Beethoven. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. Modern Painters. C — C UHDE (Fritz von). Wolkenburg, Saxony, 1848. (Modern.) The Elector John George III. of Saxony with the Plotho Regiment in the Battle of Vienna, 1683. do. — C C The Last Supper. D., I7|xi5f inches, $5.00; 28x 22, $10.00. do. — C C C — C Study-head. do. C Annunciation of the Nativity to the Shepherds. do. C C — C The Actor. do. B B Entombment of Christ. Artist's Proofs, 100 on Japan, 21x29 inches, $30.00; D., $12.00. do. *Holy Eve. D., 16x20 inches, $5.00. do. The Adoration of the ^Magi. D., iifxipf inches, $5.00. do. The Sermon on the Lake. D., 15^x20^ inches, $5.00. do. Christ Healing the Sick. D., 12x10 inches, $3.00. do. UITEWAEL (Joachim). Utrecht, * 1566- 1638. (Dutch School.) A Feast of the Gods. D., 7x9 inches, $1.50. Brunswick. — B ULFT (Jacob Van der). Gorcum, 1627 (?)— after 1688. (Dutch School.) Roman Festival ; large composition. (Drawing.) Lille. C — ULMANN (Benjamin). Born in Blotzheim (Alsa- tia). (Modern.) The Liberator of the Territory (Session of June 16, 1877). Modern Painters. C C ULMUS (Joseph Paul). Madonna enthroned, with saints. Berlin. C — C ULRICH (Charles F.) New York, 1858. (Mod- ern.) Midday Rest. Modern Painters. C C — C Lace-weavers in Buron. do. C — C ♦This subject comes in a Bar>''to Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1255 Dreamland. D., 16x21 inches, $5.cx). Idyll. Gallery. Sizes. 2 2^ 3 3^ Modern Painters. C C do. C 4 4i — C — c UMBRICHT (Honore). Born in Obernai (Alsa- tia). (Modern.) "Even Although !" In the Mountain. UNGER (E.) (Modern.) Goods by the Post-train. Letter-writer for Lovers. A Bad Cold. do. do. do. do. do. C C C — C C C UNGEWITTER. Attack of the 7th Cuirassiers at Mars-la-Tour. do. — B — B UNTERBERGER (Franz). Innsbriich, 1838. (Mod- ern.) Street scene in the Monreale (Palermo). do. C — C UPTON (J. A.) (Modern.) Italian woman at her devotions. do. C C — C URLAUB (Georg). St. Petersburg, 1845. (Mod- ern.) Riding Home from the Fight. do. C — C URWICK (W.) (Modern.) A Kentish maiden. Artist's Proofs on India, 2i^x 12^ inches, $15.00; D., $5.00; 8x10, $1.50. do. A Thorn. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. do. UTRECHT (Adriaen van). Antwerp, 1 599-1652. (Flemish School.) Portrait of a man. Berlin. Fruit-piece. Brunswick. A kitchen-piece. Cassel. Table covered with fruits, pastry, and other food. Dresden. — C C — C C C C C C C B C Still-life. Interior of a kitchen. Amst., V. H. Col. C — Brussels. C 1256 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes. 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ VACCARO (Andrea). Naples, 1598-1670. (Nea- politan School.) Christ appearing to the Virgin after the Resur- "* rection. Dresden. C VADDER (Lodewyck de). Brussels, 1605-1655. (Flemish School.) Landscape. Munich. C — C VAGA (Perino del). See BUONACORSI. VAIL (Eugene Laurent). Born in Saint-Malo (He- . et- Vilaine), 1857. (Modern.) On the Thames. Modern Painters. C "Mon Homme!" * do. C VAILLANT (Vallerant). Lille, 1623-1677. (French School.) Male portrait, nearly full face. (Drawing.) Dresden, P. G. C. C Portrait of a cardinal ; bust. (Drawing.) Weimar. C Portrait of a lady. (Drawing.) do. C VALCKENBORCH (Frederik van). Mechlin, 1570 — Nuremberg, 1623. (Flemish School.) The Fair. Vienna Musebm. C VALCKENBORCH (Lucas van). Mechlin, 1530 or 1 540-1625. (Flemish School.) Winter landscape. do. C VALCKENBORCH (Maerten van). Mechlin, 1542 — Frankfort-on-the-Main, 1604. (Flem- ish School.) February. do. C VALCKENBORCH (Henri van). Louvain, 1570— after 1585. (Flemish School.) Rocky landscape with mill. Brunswick. B VALCKERT (Werner van). Amsterdam, begin- ning of XVn. century. Portrait of H. Swartenhout. Amsterdam. G — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1257 Three regents, and the Director of the leper hos- pital. Four regents, and the Director of the leper hos- pital, 1624. VALDES-LEAL (Juan de). Cordova, 163 1— Se- ville, 1691. (Spanish School.) Assumption of the Virgin. VALENTIN (Le). See BOULONGNE (Jean de), called. VALENTINO (Mile. A.) (Modern.) The First-born. (Salon of 1898.) VALENTINYI (J.) (Modern.) Fisher-children of Capri. Beggar-boy of Naples. VALLET (Frederiq). (Modern.) Intimacy. (Salon of 1898.) VALLIER (Lina). (French School.) Portrait of Benjamin Constant (of Rebecque), 1 767- 1 830. VALLOIS (Paul). Born in Rouen. (Modern.) Low Tide at Etretat (Lower Seine). VAN BEERS (Jan). Born in Lierre (Belgium). (Modern.) Summer Evening. Abandonment, Charles V. The First Step. Winter Morning. Winter Morning. (Detail of the above.) Bertha. Margarita. At Ostend. Timid. The Love-letter. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Amsterdam. C — C do. . C — C London, N. G. C — C Modern Painters. C C C ' C C do. do. do. Versailles. Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. • c do. c do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C C do. C C do. C C 1258 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, ^ 2^ 3 3J 4 4^ "Really?" Modern Painters. C Cuckoo! . do. C Pierrette Merry. do. C The First Confession. do. C C The First Confession. (Detail.) do. C On the Balustrade. do. C Return from the woods. do. C Pierrette with a fan. do. C On the Grass. do. C Expectation. do. C C In the Sunlight. do. C "My Heart is over the Sea." do. C First Snow. do. C Pierrette. do. C Snake-charmer. do. C Rose-colored Dreams. (Salon of 1897.) do. C Private and Confidential. (Salon of 1898.) do. C Summer Evening. (Salon of 1898.) do. C VAN DEN BOS (George Pierre Marie). Born in Ghent. (Modern.) Eliane. do. C Study. do. C Expectation. do. C The Reading. do. C The Three Sisters. do. C "He Loves Me !" do. C Souvenir. do. C Spring Morning. do. C Sweet Souvenir, do. C "He Loves Me !" do. C Summer season (Ostend). do. C Winter season (Cannes). do. C Return from the Bath. do. C Maternal Happiness. do. C C The Lesson. do. C Morning. do. C "Adieu, Papa." do. C Puppets of Childhood. do. C C In the Fields. do. C In his Sentry-box. do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1269 Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ The Mirror, Modern Painters. C Happy Mother. do. C Autumn Afternoon. do. C C Perfect Love. do. C The Three Graces. do. C C Eve. do. — C Reverie. do. C Inspiration. ' do. C The Swing. - do. C The Hammock. do. C Convalescence. do. C The Beach at Trouville. do. C The Bather. do. C C Confidence. do. C In 1889. do. C C In Flowers. do. C C The Heir. do. C C Charity. do. C C Music. do. C C Improvisation. do. — — C C Visiting. do. C C . The Exile. do. C C The Game of Bowls. do. C "Fructidor"; fruit month. do. C C Awakening of Spring. do. C The Confession. do. C Reverie. do. C A Patrician. do. Close of Day. do. C C Tattling. do. C C For the Crown ; Constantine Brancomir and Militza. do. C C The Flower-girl. (Salon of 1898.) do. C C The Rainbow. (Salon of 1898.) do. C VANDERLYN (John). Kingston on the Hudson, 1766-1852. President Monroe; bust portrait. New York, C. H. PIC — VAN HOWE (Edmond). Born in Bruges (Bel- gium.) (Modern.) A learned amateur. Modern Painters. C Sorcery. do. C 1260 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. VAN INGEN (W. B.) (Modern.) Executive departments. United States (four tym- panum decorations) : 1. State and Treasury. 2. Post Office and Justice. 3. War and Xavy. 4. Agriculture and Interior. Each PL, 7x21 inches, $3.50; 5x13, $1.50. L'Allegro (tympanum decoration). PL, 6x9 inch- es, $1.00. II Penseroso (tympanum decoration). PL, 6x9 inches, $1.00. Love and Grief. PL, 18x9 inches, $5.00; 12x6, $3.00. VANLOO (Charles Amedee Philippe). 1719 — after 1790. (French School.) Venus and Eros. Turin, Nice, VAN-LOO (Charles Andre), called CARLE. 1705 — Paris, 1765. (French School.) ^f arriage of the Virgin and St. Joseph. A Halt in the Hunt. Portrait of Marie Leczinska, Queen of France, born in 1703, died in 1768. Portrait of the architect, Jacques Germain Souf- flot. Head of young woman turned three-quarters to right. (Drawing.) Portrait of Louis XV., King of France. Portrait of Joseph Paris, called Paris-Duvemay (1684-1770), financier, politician, first In- tendant of the Military School. Portraits of Pierre Fran(;ois, Marquis of Rouge (1702-1761), Field Marshal, Lieutenant Gen- eral of the Army of the King. Portrait of Charlotte Helvetius as a child, daugh- ter of Claude Adrien Helvetius, wife of the Count de Mun. Portrait of Marie Catherine Fredon (1712-1773), artist, wife of the engraver, Jean Charles Frangois. Gallery. Sises, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Washington, L. C. do. do. do. do. do. do. Berlin, Raczynski. C Paris, Louvre, do. do. do. do. Versailles. Natl. Portraits. C C C C C — c — C — — C — c — do. do. do. C C DON BALTHAZAR CARLOS. VELASQUEZ A GOLDEN AUTUMN DAY. VAN MARCKE OCEAN RACE. VALENKAMPH THREE CHILDREN OF CHARLES I. VANDYKE FORGE OF VULCAN. VELASQUEZ VANDYKE AND COUNT OF BRISTOL VANDYKE VELASQUEZ SURRENDER OF BREDA. VELASQUEZ SPRING MORNING. V^IEGAND SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1261 Gallery. Siscs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4i Woman seated, in pompadour costume, butterfly head-dress on her low coiffure. (Drawing.) De Goncourt Col. C Head of young girl, left profile. (Drawing.) do. C Head of yoimg girl, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Spanish Conversation. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. ■, Study of an artist in his studio. (Drawing.) do. C — Head of young girl bowed, left profile, wearing a small cap. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. White Col. Theseus. Besangon. C — Young woman playing with children and distrib- uting beads among them. Chantilly. C — Portrait of Louise Blandine de la Riviere de Mur, Countess of Lusignan (1720-?), daughter of Marquis de Riviere, Lieutenant General of the Armies of the King. Niort Museum. C — Study of man seated, raising his left arm. (Draw- ing.) C. $1.00. Dresden, P. G. C Madonna with the Child in her arms. Florence, Uffizi. C VAN LOO (Jacques or Jakob). Sluys, Flanders, 1614-1670. (Dutch School.) Portrait. of Fran<;oise Athenais de Rochechouart, Marquise de Montespan (1641-1707), mistress of Louis XIV. Natl. Portraits. C — VAN LOO (Jean Baptiste). Aix, 1684- 1745. (French School.) Diana and Endymion. Paris, Louvre. C — C — Portrait of Marie Leczinska, Queen of France (1703- 1 768). Versailles. C (By Van Loo and Parrocel.) Equestrian portrait of Louis XV., King of France. do. C — VAN-LOO (Louis Michel). Toulon, 1707 — Paris, 1771. (French School.) Portrait of the architect, Jacques Germain Souf- flot. Paris, Louvre. C — Portrait of Louis Michel Van-Loo. do. C Portrait of Carle Van-Loo, uncle of the artist, in the midst of his family. Versailles. C — Portrait of Louis Michel Van-Loo, artist. do. . C •" 1262 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON, Portrait of Charles Nicolas Cochin (1715-1790), engraver, designer, writer, perpetual secre- tary of the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture, guardian of the drawings of the king. Gallery. Skes. 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Natl. Portraits. C — VANNI (Francesco). Siena, 1563-1609. (Sienese School.) The Repose in Egypt. Martyrdom of St. Irene. Christ Bound ; composition of six figures. (Draw- ing) Landscape, with a monk standing, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Head of a nun, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Female figure standing, her hands clasped. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Apotheosis of the Virgin ; composition of several figures. (Drawing.) The Virgin in Glory ; upper part of the above composition. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. The Visitation. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. The Virgin giving a scapulary to a monk. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. St. Anthony of Padua holding the Child Jesus and kneeling before the Virgin. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Death of St. Anthony of Padua. (Drawing.) St. Hyacinth restoring a child to life ; above, the Virgin in glory, (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Nun carrying the viaticum. (Drawing.) C, Head of a dead nun. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Nun standing with her hands clasped, and the repetition of the head. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Madonna and Child. (Engraving.) C, .75. Madonna and Child with young St. John. Flagellation of Christ. Vision of St. Francis of Assisi. (Drawing.) C, $i-75- Paris, Louvre, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do, do. do. do. Dresden, R. Vienna Mus. do. C C London, B. M. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1263 Death and Assumption of the Virgin ; design for a picture for the end of a chapel. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Death of a saint (female). (Drawing.) The Nativity ; composition of many figures. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Virgin appearing to St. Francis of Padua. (Draw- ing-) Coronation of the Virgin. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Christ appearing to two saints. (Drawing.) Pieta ; composition of eleven figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Religious subject ; composition of numerous fig- ures. (Drawing.) VANNI (Turino). Rigoli, near Pisa; worked from 1390 to 1^08. (Florentine School.) ^ Madonna and Child. VANNUCCI (Pietro). See PERUGINO. VANNUCCHI (Andrea). See ANDREA DEL SARTO. VANNUTELLI (Scipione). Rome, 1834. (Mod- ern.) Trio in the Garden. Robing of a Novice. VANVITEL (Gaspero), called DEGLI OCCHIA- LI. Utrecht, 1647 — Rome, 1736. (Italian School.) View of Rome from the side of the Tiber, near the Castello Sant' Angelo. VAROTARI (Alessandro), called PADOVANINO. Padua, 1590-1650. (Venetian School.) Venus and Cupid. Judith with the Head of Holofernes. Study-head. The Woman Taken in Adultery. Judith. Gallery. Si::es, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Chatsworth. Florence, Uffizi. C — do. do. C do. do. C do. do. C — Paris, Louvre. C — Modern Painters. C do. C — C Florence, Uffizi. C Paris, Louvre. C — Dresden. C C do. B Vienna Museum. C do. C C 1264 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Lucretia, poniard in hand. Florence, Uffizi. C • Callisto and the Nymphs at the Bath. (Accord- ing to catalogue of Academy of St. Luke, by Titian.) Rome, A. St. Luke. C Vanity. (According to catalogue of St. Luke Academy, by Titian.) do. C VASARI (Giorgio). Arezzo, 1511-1574. (Floren- tine School.) The Annunciation. Resurrection of Christ. (Drawing.) Three angels appearing to Abraham. (Drawing.) Decorative composition. (Drawing.) The Holy Family. Jacques, Prevost of Paris, Wounded in the Siege of Ravenna. (Drawing.) Forge of Vulcan ; composition for a frieze. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Marriage at Cana. (Drawing.) Sister of Lazarus at the feet of Christ. (Draw- • ing.) Marriage at Cana. Madonna seated holding the Infant Jesus on her knees. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. King receiving the homage of a vassal. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Ceiling. (Drawing.) Portrait of the artist, by himself. The Forge of Vulcan. Portrait of Lorenzo de Medici, called the Mag- nificent. Abraham at table ; above, three angels. (Draw- ing) Christ sinking under the weight of the cross ; composition of many figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.75- Raising of Lazarus. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Adoration of the Magi. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Charity. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. The Circumcision. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Paris, Louvre. C — C — Lille. ^ C do. C — do. C — Vienna Mus. C Vienna, Albertina. C do. do. C do. C Buda-Pesth. C — London, B. M. Chatsworth. do. C — Florence, Uffizi. C do. C — do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 12t»& Feast; composition of many figures. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Design for a ceiling in seventeen sections. (Draw- ing-) Design for a ceiling. (Drawing.) Sketch for decoration. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Holy Family. St. Luke Painting the Virgin. (Fresco.) Alexander Taming Bucephalus ; left part. Alexander Taming Bucephalus ; right part. Alexander Taming Bucephalus ; the two parts united, 18x28 inches. C, $8.00. Design for a catafalque for Michael Angelo. (Drawing.) The Pope presenting the hat to a cardinal ; group of many figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Madonna, Child and two angels. VASQUEZ (Carlos). (Modern.) The Quarrel. (Salon of 1899.) VASSELON (Marias). Born in St. Etienne. (Mod- ern.) Primavera (legend). St. Magdalen. Coquetry. Spring. (Salon of 1898.) VAUQUELIN (Rene). Born in Elbeuf. (Mod- ern.) Reminiscence of the East. VAUTIER (Benjamin). Morges, Switzerland, 1829. (Modern.) A Disputed Move. Before the Session. Invitation to the Dance. Brigette. On a Sketching-tour. Study for a woman's head. Reveries. Sunday Afternoon. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Florence, Ufiizi. do. do. do. Florence, Pitti. C Flor., Ch. S. L. A. C Rome, Farnesina. C do. C do. Milan, Resta Col. C — Venice. Madrid. . C Modern Painters. C do. do. do. do. do. C c c c C do. C C — C do. — C.C C — c do. — C C C — c do. C C — C do. C C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. — C C C — C 1266 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Expectation. Alodern Painters. C — C The Warning. do. C — C Fallen Asleep. do. C — C Waiting-room at the Post-station. do. — C C C — C The Arrest. do. — C C C — C The Vine-dresser. do. C — C A Nap during Office-hours. do. — C C C — C A Visit Home. do. — C C C — C In the Forest. do. C — C Peasants before the Judge. do, — C C C — C Visit of the Newly-married Couple. D., 20x27 inches, $10.00. do. — C C C C Regina. do. C — C Involuntary Confession. D., 20x27 inches, $10.00. Basle Museum, — C C C — C A Letter from the Valley. Modern Painters. — — C C — C Susel. do. C The Mariner. . do. C — C Stubborn Fellow. do. — C C C — C A Tempting Display. do. — ■ — C C — C The Botanist in his Rambles. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. . do, C C — C In Church. do. C — C Before the Church. do. — C C C — C The Magician. do, C C C C — C A Prodigal Son. do, — C C C — C A Gallant Professor. D., 16x21 inches, $5,00. do, C C — C The Fugitive Model. do, _c BC C — BC "I went to the fountain, but I did not drink !" do, C A Child's Comforting. do, C C — C Barbara, . do. C An Anxious Hour. do, — C C C — C Visit to the Convalescent. do. C C — C The Faint-hearted Suitor. do, — — C C — C Procuring the Marriage License. D,, 20x27 inch- es, $10.00. do. C C C C — C A Guest in the Gentlemen's Room. do. C C — C Playing with the Cat. 1 do. C — C Forsaken. do. C C — C Overheard. do, C C — C A Willing Model, do, C C — C A Game of Chess, D., 16x21 inches, $5,00. do. C C — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1267 Before the Village Magistrate. "Good Morning, M' Dear!" The Anniversary Dinner. A Funeral in the Country. Dancing-room in a Swabian village. At the Solicitor's. Bible-lesson. The Mother's Illness. In the Cloisters. Snubbed. The Bride's Departure from Home. D., 26x32 inches, $15.00. First Dancing-lesson. ^ D., 13x19 in., $5.00. y (Companion pictures.) A Pause in the Dance, j The Toilet. Going to the Magistrate. D., 13x20 inches, $5.00. The Christening. D., 13x20 inches, $5.00. A Curious Occurrence. Hypochondriac. The Cousin. ) (Companion pictures.) Playing Old Maid. \ Each, D., 14x19 in., $5.00. In the Barber's Shop. Much Ado About Nothing. The Morning Bath. Not Embarrassed. Calling on the Friend. Marketing-day in a Swabian village. D., 13x20! inches, $5.00. VAVIN (A.) Woodland Path. PI., 9x12^ inches, $2.00. VAYSON (Paul). Born in Gordes (Vaucluse), 1841. (Modern.) The Bulls of La Camargue. The Hay-harvest. Departure for the Arena. — Scene in Camargue, (Salon of i8q8.) do Gallery. Sizes , 2 2I 3 3i 4 4i Modern Painters. C C — C • do. C C — C do. B — B B — B do. B — B B — B do. B — B B — B do. B — B B — B do. B — B B — B do. B — B B — B do. B — B B — B do. B B — B do. B — B B — B Berlin. B — B B — B Modern Painters, B — B B do. B B do. B — B B — B do. B — B B do. B B do. B B do. B — B B do. B — B B do. B B do. — B — B do. B B do. B — B do. B B do. B do. do. C do. C 1268 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. J VECCHIETA (Lorenzo di Pietro). Siena, 1412 1480. (Sienese School.) Virgin holding the Child Jesus seated on her knees. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ ^ 4^ Florence, Uffizi. C VECELLI (Francesco). Cadore, 1475- 1560. (Ve- netian School.) Madonna and St. Jerome, St. Francis and St. An- thony. Munich. VECELLI (Tiziano). See TITIAN. — C C C — C VEDDER (Elihu). New York, 1836. (Modern.) Government. — Series of five decorations : 1. Government. Washington, L. C. 2. Corrupt Legislation. do. 3. Anarchy. do. 4. Good Administration. do. 5. Peace and Prosperity. do. Each in three sizes. PI., ic4x2i inches, $4.50; 7x14, $2.50; 5x10, $1.00. Minerva. (Mural decoration in mosaic.) PI., 21x14 inches, $6.00: 13^x9, S3.00: 9x6, $1.25; 6x4, .50. do. Head of Minerva. (Detail of the above.) PI., 21x14 inches, $6.00; 131x9, $3.00: 9x6, $1.25; 6x4, .50. do. Art. (Mural decoration.) PI., 7x13 inches. $2.50. Bruns., M., Walk. Color. (Detail of the above.) PL, 10x13 inches, $3.00. do. Thought. (Detail of "Art.") PI., 10x13 inches, S3.00. do. Cup of Death. (Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.) PI., 20x10 inches, $6.00; 13x6^, $3.50. Modern Painters. Samson. ) (Companion pictures.) do. Delilah. \ Each, PI., 17x21 in., $7.50; 10x12, $4.00. do. Diana. PI., 9x12^ inches, $2.75; 6^x9, $1.50. do: Lazarus. PL, 15x21 inches, $7.50; 9^x13, $4.00; 6x9, $2.00; 3^x6, .75. do. Soul between Faith and Doubt. (Drawing.) 'PL, 15x19^ inches, $6.00 (size of the origin- al) ; 8^x11. $3.00. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1269 VEEN (Martin van). See HEEMSKERK. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 2> Zi A A\ VEEN (Otho Venius, or Octavio). Leyden, 1558 — Brussels, 1629. (Flemish School. ) Mystical Marriage of St. Catherine. Brussels. C C — C VEITH (E.) (Modern.) Once upon a Time. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. St. Cecilia. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. The Spring of Life. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. *Madonna. Nymphs Surprised. The Nymphs' Revenge. Farewell. **Madonna.' (Madonna of the Woods.) D., I3^x 19 inches, $5.00. VELASQUEZ (Don Diego Rodriguez de Silva y). Seville, 1599-1660. (School of Seville.) Pbrtrait of the Infanta Maria Marguerita, daugh- ter of Philip IV. (See also under Champ- ney.) Portrait of Philip IV., King of Spain. Portrait of Philip IV. Company of thirteen persons, among whom may be seen, to the left, Velasquez and Murillo. Portrait of the Infanta Maria Theresa, afterwards Queen of France. Portrait of a young woman. Portrait of Don Pedro Moscoso de Altamira, Dean of the Royal Chapel of Toledo, after- wards Cardinal. Portrait of Maria Theresa as a child. Portrait of an Infanta. Portrait of Philip IT., half-length figure. Study of young man, back view, painting on a large canvas placed before him. (Drawing.) C. $1.75. Sketch for an equestrian figure. (Drawing.) ♦This subject comes in an Aquarelle Gravure, 21x15 inches, $12.00. **This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. Modern Painters. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. c c c — c c — c — c c c c c c c — c — c — c B B Paris, Louvre. C — C do. C — C do. c c — c — do. c — C — do. c — C ~ do. C — C — Old Masters. c — do. C do. •_-C Malcolm Col. Lille. Q 1270 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Male portrait. Portrait of Alessandro del Borro, Italian General. Detail of the above : bust alone. Portrait of Maria Anna (1606-1646), sister of Philip IV. of Spain and wife of Emperor Fer- dinand III. Portrait of a jester of Philip IV. (Don Antonio el Ingles.) Female portrait. (Attributed.) Male portrait. Caspar de Guzman, Count of Olivarez, Duke of San Lucar. Male portrait, bust. (Old man with white hair and beard.) Male portrait, half-length figure (with hand on sword). Detail of the above : the head. Head of laughing boy. (Drawing.) St. Jerome in meditation. (Drawing.) Portrait of Cardinal Gaspard Borja (Borgia). (Drawing.) Portrait of the Infanta Maria Marguerita Theresa of Spain. The Duke of Olivarez. (Now in the Royal Gal- lery of Schleissheim.) Portrait of himself. Infanta Donna Maria of Austria. (Possibly by Del Mazo.) Portrait of Philip IV. of Spain, bust. Portrait of the Infant Felipe Prosper, 2 years old. Laughing boy. Portrait of the Infant Don Balthazar Carlos, 10 years old. Portrait of the Infanta Marguerita Theresa, 4 years old. Portrait of the Infanta Marguerita Theresa. Portrait of the Infanta Maria Theresa, 15 years' old. Portrait of Queen Maria Anna. Bust of young man playing the guitar, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ Berlin. C C — C do. C C C C — C do. C do. C C — C do. C C — c do. C C — c do. c Dresden. C c do. c c do. c — c C — B do. c c Dresden, R. C. c do. c • Frankfort. c do. c Munich. c — c do. C — c do. C — c Vienna Mus. do. do. c c c c c do. do. C C do. C -- do. do. I--^II Vienna, Albert. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1271 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Bust of man playing the guitar, full face. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Vienna, Albert. Cavalier standing, right profile. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Lady standing, left profile. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Portrait of a young nobleman standing, slightly turned to left. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Philip IV. on horseback. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. (Attributed to Flemish School.) Portrait of a man on horseback. Buda-Pesth. C Portrait of the Infant Don Balthazar Carlos, 12 years old. , The Hague. C C — C Spanish landscape. do. C Philip IV. of Spain (full length). London, N. G. C Bust portrait of Philip IV., King of Spain. do. C Philip IV. of Spain hunting the wild boar. do. C — C Christ of the Column. do. C C — C Adoration of the Shepherds : "The Manger." do. C (Attributed.) Dead warrior, picture known un- der the name of "Orlando Muerto." do. C Portrait of Don Balthazar Carlos, Prince of Spain. London, B. P. C Equestrian portrait of Philip IV., King of Spain. Florence, Ufifizi. C — ■ Portrait of the artist, by himself. do. C — Horseman galloping toward the right. (Draw- ing.) do. C Horseman galloping toward the left. (Drawing.) do. C Male head, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. (According to Venturi, Bolognese School.) Male portrait. Florence, Pitti. C Portrait of Philip IV., King of Spain. do. — — C Portrait of Pope Innocent X. (J. E. Pamfili, 1574- 1655). Rome, Doria. C — C Detail of the above: Innocent X. (bust). do. C Portrait of the artist, by himself. Rome, Gal. Cap. C The Crucifixion. D.. 17^x12 inches, $5.00. Madrid. C — C PIC Coronation of the Virgin. D., i8|xi3J inches, $500. do. C — C PIC Detail of the above: the Virgin (bust). do. C PIC St. Anthony, Abbot, visiting St. Paul, First Her- mit. D., I7fxi3 inches, $5.00. do. C 1272 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3J 4 4| *The Topers (Los Borrachos). D., 14x19;^ inch- es, $5.00. Madrid. C — C PIC Detail of the above : three peasants' heads. do. C Detail of the above : head of laughing peasant. do. C **The Forge of Vulcan. D., I4fxi9i inches, $5.00. do. C — PIC PIC Detail of the above : the three smiths, to the right. do. C Detail of the above : the smith seen in profile. do. C Detail of the above : the smith facing spectator. do. C Detail of the above : the god Apollo. do. C PI C Detail of the above : head of Apollo. d6. PI C ^Surrender of Breda (Las Lanzas). D., 15^x18^ inches, $5.00. do. C — PIC PIC **The Tapestry Weavers (Las Hilanderas). (Tap- estry manufactory of St. Isabel of Madrid.) D., 15x20 inches, $5.00. do. C — PIC PIC Detail of the above : figures to the right. do. • PIC **The Maids of Honor (Las Meninas) ; also known as the King's Family. D., 17^x15^ inches, $5.00. do. C Detail of the above : left part of the picture. do. C Mercury and Argus. D., 10x20 inches, $5.00. do. C Equestrian portrait of King Philip III. do. C Detail of the above : bust of the King. do. C Equestrian portrait of Queen Margarita of Aus- tria, wife of Philip III. do. C Equestrian portrait of King Philip IV. D., I5|x 16 inches, $5.00. Detail of the above : bust of the King. Equestrian portrait of Queen Isabella of Bourbon, first wife of Philip IV. D., 15^x16 inches, $5.00. Detail of the above : bust of the Queen. ♦Equestrian portrait of Don Balthazar Carlos. D., 15^x13 inches, $5.00. Detail of the above : head of the Prince. ♦♦♦Equestrian portrait of Count Olivarez. D., I5^x 12 inches. $5.00. Detail of the above : bust of the Count. do. C — C PIC do. - _ C do. __c do. C do. C —PIC PIC do. PIC PIC do. C — C PI c do. c * This subject comes in a large Carbon, 22x28 inches, $12.00; also in a large Carbon, 36x54 inches, $70.00. ♦•This subject comes also in a large Carbon, 22x28 inches, $12.00. ***This subject comes also in a large Carbon, 36x54 inches, $70.00. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1273 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4I Full-length portrait of Philip IV. as a youth. Madrid. C .Bust portrait of Philip IV. as a youth. D., 10x8 inches, $2.00. do. C Portrait of the Infanta Donna Maria, Queen of Hungary, sister of Philip IV. D., 9^x7^ inches, $2.00. do. C — C — Portrait of the Infant Don Carlos, second son of King Philip III. D., 17^x101 inches, $5.00. do. C Portrait of King Philip IV. in hunting costume. D., 18x1 if inches, $5.00. do. C PIC Portrait of the Infant Don Ferdinand of Austria, brother of Philip IV. D., 18x10^ inches, $5.00. do. C PIC Full-length portrait of Prince Don Balthazar Car- los, 6 years old, in hunting costume. D., 17^ X9I inches, $5.00. do. C PIC Detail of the above: bust of the Prince. • do. C PIO Portrait of Donna Maria Anna of Austria, second wife of Philip IV. do. C Portrait of Donna Maria Anna of Austria, second wife of Philip IV., with variation in the po- sition of the curtain. do. C PIC Portrait of King Philip IV. at an advanced age. Philip IV. at prayer. Donna Maria Anna of Austria, second, wife of Philip IV., at prayer. do. C Portrait of Don Balthazar Carlos, son of Philip IV., 14 years old. D., 18x12^ inches, $5.00. Portrait of Philip IV., aged about 5a Portrait of the Infanta Maria Theresa of Austria, daughter of Philip IV. Detail of the above: head. D., 18x12^ inches, $5.00. Profile portrait of Donna Juana Pacheco, wife of Velasquez (?). D., 9|x7| inches, $2.00. (The same ; detail.) Portrait of young girl (probably daughter of Ve- lasquez). Portrait of young girl (daughter of Velasquez?'). Portrait of an elderly lady. Detail of the above : bust. do. — — C do. — — C do. — — C do. C — — — do. C do. C PIC do PIC do. — — C — C PIC do PIC do. C — C PIC do. C — c — do. c — do. c — — __ 1274 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Portrait of Don Antonio Alonso Pimentel, Count of Eonavente. D., 17x13^ inches, $5.00. Madrid. C — C Detail of the above : bust. do. C Half-length portrait of the sculptor Montaiiez. D., 1 7x 1 3i inches, $5.00. do. C — C PIC Detail of the above : head. do. C Portrait of a buffoon or actor of Philip IV., sur- named Pablillos de Valladolid. D., i7fxioJ inches, $5.00. do. C PIC Detail of the above : head. do. C PIC Portrait of a jester of Philip IV., nicknamed Don Juan of Austria. D., i8xio| inches, $5.00. do. C PIC Detail of the above : head. do. C Portrait of a dwarf of Philip IV., called El Pri- mo. D., iix8| inches, $2.00. do. C Portrait of a dwarf of Philip IV., Don Sebastian de Morra. D., iofx7j inches, $2.00. Portrait of a dwarf of Philip IV., Don Antonio, the Englishman. D., I2fx9f inches, $3.00. The Boy of Vallecas (a dwarf belonging to Phil- ip IV.). D., iofx8^ inches, $2.00. Detail of the above : bust. The Idiot of Coria (dwarf belonging to Philip IV.). D., iix8| inches, $2.00. yEsop. (Entire figure.) D., 18x9^ inches, $5.00. Head of ^Esop. (Detail.) Moenippus. (Entire figure.) D., 18x9^ inches, $5.00. Head of Moenippus. (Detail.) The God IVIars. D., I7fx9^ inches, $5.00. Male portrait (bust). View from the Gardens of the Villa Medici at Rome. D., 8x7 inches, $2.00. do. C View from the Gardens of the Villa Medici at Rome. (Attributed.) Study of the head of an old man. Cristobal de Pernia, jester, called Barbarossa. D., 17^x10^ inches, $5.00. Adoration of the Alagi. D., 19x11! inches, $5.00. Portrait of the poet Don Luis de Gongora y Ar- gote. do. C do. — — c PIC do. C — c PIC do. — c PIC do. — — c do. — c PIC do. c — PIC PIC do. — — c do. c — c PIC do. — — c — — — do. — — c PIC do. — — c — c — do. c — do. c — c — do. c do. c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1275 M. A. Gallery. Male portrait (bust). Madrid. Pope Innocent X. (bust ; study for the picture of the Doria Palace, Rome). do. King Philip IV. of Spain. (Full-length portrait.) do. Portrait of Philip IV, of Spain (bust). do. Portrait of the Duke d'Olivarez. (Full-length portrait.) D., 2oJxi2^ inches, $5.00. do. Portrait of the Duke d'Olivarez (bust). do. Young peasant laughing. do. (Attributed.) An old monk. - do. Queen Mariana of Austria. PI., 7x9 inches. $1.25. N. Y. M VELDE (Adriaen Van de). Amsterdam, 1635 or 1636-1672. (Dutch School.) Beach at Scheveningen. Landscape with animals. Landscape with animals. Herd at pasture. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Two sheep and a sheep's head. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Landscape with animals ; to the right, a fortress. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. • Peasants and animals among ruins. The Watering-place; to the left, in foreground, two cows lying down ; another cow coming down a hill toward a group of sheep ; to the right, a fourth cow drinking in a brook, which forms a cascade. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Chantilly. Herd in a Forest. Berlin. Animals on the bank of a river. do. River landscape. do. Travelers inquiring the way. Cassel. Woman drinking. Dresden. Landscape with animals. do. Artist drawing ruins. do. The Skaters. (Sport on the Ice.) do. Herd at pasture. do. Landscape with animals. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Dresden. R. C. Study of nude female figure, full face. (Draw- ing.) do. Si::cs, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ C C — C — — C - is. Louvre. C — do. C — c — do. c — c — do. do. do. Durand-Ruel Col. C — — — c — c — — — c c c c c c — — c c c c — B — — c — — — 1276 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Cows and sheep at pasture. (Engraving.) C, $i.oo. Dogs. (Engraving.) C, $i.oo. Goats. (Engraving.) C, $i.oo. Cows at pasture. (Engraving.) C, $i.OO. Cows at pasture. (Engraving.) C, $i.oo. Young bull. (Engraving.) C, $i.oo. Horse browsing. (Engraving.) C, $i.oo. A cow. (Engraving.) C, $i.oo. Cows at pasture. (Engraving.) C, $i.oo. Cows at pasture. (Engraving.) C, $i.oo. Cows at pasture. (Engraving.) C, $i.oo. Deer in a forest glade. The Deer Hunt. Twilight landscape. A shepherd driving his flock. Landscape. Heavily-laden Ferryboat. Argus and lo. Wooded landscape with a river forming a cas- cade ; in the foreground, two peasants, man and woman, watching their herd of three cows, a horse and a sheep. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Peasant woman and shepherd with his flock in a landscape, bordered in the foreground by a river. (Drawing.) Landscape ; peasant on horseback in the midst of his flock. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Young man standing, his head turned to right. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. The artist and his family in the country. The Chase. The Cottage. The Ferry. Animals. Pleasures of Winter. Landscape with goats and kids. Starting for the Hunt. Italian landscape with figures and animals. Landscape with cattle. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Dresden, R. C. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Frankfort. C — do. C Munich. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C Vienna, Liecht. C C Vienna, Albert. do. C do. — do. Amsterdam. C — C do. ; C — C do. C — C do. C — C The Hague. C — C Antwerp. C — London, N. G. C — C London, B. P. C C — do. C C — do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1277 The Farmstead. Landscape. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ London, B. P. C — — Windsor. C VELDE (Esaias van de). Amsterdam, 1590 — The « Hague, 1630. (Dutch School.) Summer. Cassel. Whiter. do. VELDE (Esaias van de) and F. MOUCHERON. Goats in the forest. do. Amusement on the Ice. Munich. Sport on the Ice. Amsterdam. — c — c — — — c — c c c — c — c — c — c VELDE (Willem van de), the Younger. Amster- dam, 1633 — Greenwich, 1707. (Dutch School.] Sea-piece. Paris, Louvre. — — c — Fishing-boats in Port. Durand-Ruel Col. — — C — — Sea in a calm. Chantilly. — — c — — — Coast scene. Cassel. — — — c — c Flock of sheep. (Drawing.) Dresden, R. C. — — — c Tranquil Sea. Frankfort. — — c — Quiet Sea. Munich. — — — c — c vSea-piece. do. — c — c Naval battle. (Drawing.) Weimar. — — — c Sea-piece. Buda-Pesth. — — c — Port of Amsterdam. Amsterdam, — — c — — — Four days' fight (June 13, 1666) against the Eng- lish fleet. do. — — c c — c The Prize Brought into Port. do. — — c c — c A Stiff Breeze. do. — — c c — c The Calm. do. — — — c c c The Cannon Shot. Ams., V. d. H. C. — — c c c Episode of the naval battle of June 18, 1666. The Hague. — — c c — c View of the "Y," part of the harbor of Amster- dam. do. __ c c Quiet sea, with ships. do. c c View of the Zuyder Zee. Brussels. — c c Sea in a Calm. Antwerp. — — c — Coast scene : A Calm. London, N. G. — — — c — c River-scene. do. — — — c — c 1278 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. A Calm. Stormy Sea. A Light Breeze. An Ocean Calm. VJELY (Anatole). Born in Roussoy (Somme), 1838-1882. (Modern.) The Heart's Awakening. Seduction. The Parroquets, VENEZIANO (Agostino). Adoration of the Shepherds. •75. (Engraving.) C, VENEZIANO (Bonifazio II.). See BONIFAZIO. VENEZIANO (Domenico). Beginning of XV. century — 1461. (Florentine School.) Martyrdom of St. Lucia. Madonna with the Child Jesus in her arms ; to the right, SS. John the Baptist and Francis ; to the left, SS. Nicholas and Lucia. Adoration of the Shepherds. VENEZIANO (Polidoro). See LANZANI. VENNE (Adriaen Van de). Delft, 1589— The Hague, 1662. (Dutch School.) Fete given on occasion of conclusion of truce in 1609, between Archduke Albert of Austria, sovereign of the Netherlands, and the Dutch people. Summer. Winter. ^ Merry party out of doors. Allegory: "Wat maelk man al om gelt." Prince Maurice of Orange, the King of Bohemia (Frederic V., Elector of the Palatinate), and several princes of the House of Orange, on horseback. Gallery. Si::;es, 2 2i 3 3^ 4 4^ London, B. P. C do. C do. C do. C Modern Painters, do. do. Dresden, R. C. C C C c Berlin. Florence, Uffizi. St. Petersburg. C — C — Paris, Louvre. Berlin. do. Cassel. Buda-Pesth. Amsterdam. C — C — C C C C — C — C C — C C — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1279 Gallery. Si. CCS, 2 2\ 3 Z\ 4 A\ Amsterdam. C C — C do. c — — — do. c do. c do. c c — c do. c — — — do. c — — — Fishing for Souls. Detail of the above: left part. Detail of the above : central part. Detail of the above : right part. Prince Maurice of Orange visiting the Kirmess at Ryswyck, near The Hague, i6i8. Detail of the above : right part. Detail of the above: left part. VENNE (A. V. d.) (Modern.) Horse bewitched. Modern Painters. C Hungarian bridal procession. , do. C A Crafty Tell-tale. do. C VENUSTI MARCELLO, called IL MANTUANO. Mantua, 1515-1576. (Florentine School.) Holy Family. London, Nat. Gal. C — C (Attributed.) Portrait of ^Michelangelo. (Ac- . cording to catalogue of Gallery of the Capi- tol, by Michelangelo.) Rome, Capitol. C VERBOECKHOVEN (Eugene J.) Warneton, Western Flanders, 1798 — Brussels, 1881. (Modern.) Summer's Evening. Modern Painters. PIC VERBOOM(Adriaen), ver BOOM, called. Worked at Amsterdam from 1640 to 1670. (Dutch School.) The Cross-roads. Amsterdam. C Setting Out for the Chase. Brussels. . C — C VERDIER (Frangois). Paris, 1651-1730. (French School.) Saint kneeling before the Virgin holding the Child Jesus. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Paris, Louvre. — •' VERDYEN (E.) (Modern.) The Bird's Nest. Modern Painters. C C — C Eva. do. C — C Albion. do. Z — C 1280 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sices, 2 2\ 3 2>i A Ah. VERELST or VAN ELST (Pieter). (?)- Amster- dam, 1653. (Dutch School.) Old man sitting before a coal fire. Dresden. C — VERENDAEL or VEERENDAEL (Nicolas van). Antwerp, 1640-1691. (Flemish School.) Wreath of fiowers around a relief of the Madonna and Child. Berlin. C — C VERESTSCHAGIN (Basil or VassUy). Novgo- rod, 1842. (Modern.) Pictures from the Campaign in Turkestan, 1864- 1865. (Special prices.) Modem Painters. 1. Mortally Wounded. do. 2. Officers with Flag of Truce. do. 3. Forgotten and Left Behind. do. 4. The Spies. do. 5. Unexpected Attack. do. 6. Surrounded. . do. 7. Presentation of the Trophies. do. 8. The Triumph. do. 9. Thanksgiving. do. 10. Apotheosis of War. do. Doors of a mosque. do. Prison in Samarcand. ■ do. "Let them Come." do. "They have Come." ' do. r Doors of Tamerlane's Palace in Samarcand. do. From Mountain to Valle}-. do. The Sale. do. A Khirghiz. do. From the cyclus of pictures, "Napoleon in Russia" : Before Moscow. D., iQixisf inches, $5.00. do. At the Kremlin. D., 19x15^ inches, $5.00. do. Bad News. D., 13^x20^ inches, $5.00. do. The Retreat. D., 13x22 inches, $5.00. do. VERGESES (Hippolyte de). Born in Issoire (Puy- de-Dome). (Modern.) Le Petit Lever d'une Parisienne. do. ; C VERHAGEN. See HAGEN (Joris van der). II 12 13 14, 15 16 17 18 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1281 VERHAS (Franz). Born in Termonde (Belgium), 1827. (Modern.) School Review (1878). Gallery. Siscs, 2 2| 3 3J 4 4J Modern Painters. C — VERHAS (Jan). Termonde, 1834. (Modern.) The First Bath. do. VERKOLJE (Jan). Amsterdam, 1650— Delft, 1693. (Dutch School.) A lady, trumpeter, and an old woman (also called "The Temptation"). Dresden. C C A Family Concert. Amsterdam. C — C VERMEER. See MEER (Van der). VERMEHREN (O.) (Modern.) Romeo and Juliet. Wood Idyll. Modern Painters. C — C do. C C — C VERNET (Claude Joseph). Avignon, 1714— Paris, 1789. (French School.) Sea-piece : Noon, or the Tempest. Sea-piece : Evening, or Sunset. Sea-piece : Night, or Moonlight. Landscape: Morning. Landscape : The Bathers. Sea-piece : Return from Fishing. View of the cascades of Tivoli. Seaport; moonlight effect. View of the town and roadstead of Toulon, 1756. View of the port of Cette, taken from the sea, behind the redoubt, 1762. View of the port of Rochefort. View of the Seine opposite the Palais Bourbon, with ships, wooden rafts, little boats filled with ladies and gentlemen. (Drawing.) View of a town. (Engraving.) C, $1.25. Storm at Sea. Sunset. (Now in the Royal Gallery of Schleiss- heim.) Paris, Louvre. C — c do. C — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c — do. c — c do. — c do. c — c do. c — c — do. c — c do. c — c — De Gon court Col. — c Dresden, R. C. — — — — Munich. c c — C do. C — C 1282 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. VERNET (Antoine Charles Horace), called Carle. Bordeaux, 1758 — Paris, 1836. (French School.) Deer hunt for the festival of St. Hubert in 1818 in the woods of Meudon. Philip, Duke of Orleans, and his son, the Duke of Chartres, afterwards Louis Philippe L, King of the French, at a hunting rendezvous in 1788. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Paris, Louvre. Chantilly. C — C VERNET (Emile Jean Horace). Paris, 1789- 1863. (French School.) The Barriere de Clichy; Defence of Paris, 1814. Portrait of Jean Baptiste Isabey, painter of min- iatures. Siege of Constantine ; assaulting columns begin- ning to move forward, October 13, 1837. Siege of Constantine; capture of the town, Octo- ber 13, 1837. Capture of the Smalah d'Abd-el-Kader at Taguin, May 16, 1843. This picture is in three sep- arate parts, each — The whole united. Battle of Isly, August 14, 1844. Battle of Wagram, July 6, 1809. Fight of Habrah, December 3, 1835. (After Vernet.) Battle of Valmy, September 20, 1792. Portrait of IMarshal Gouvion Saint-Cyr (Laurent, Marquis of), 1764- 1830. The Duke de Chartres, afterwards Louis Philippe, saving the lives of two priests. Portrait of General Foy. Fleeing Arab. Arab carrying away the skin of a lion which he has just killed. Portrait of Brother Philip (of the Brothers of the Christian Doctrine). Portrait of King Louis Philippe surrounded by his sons. Portrait of Marshal Canrobert. Paris, Louvre. do. Versailles. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C C C c c c klastersXL X.Cen. C do. C do. C do. --C -- do. --C -- do. c do. c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1283 Portrait of Mile, Mars. Portrait of the Duke of Orleans, afterwards Louis Philippe I., at 30 years of age. Portrait of the same, in 1818. The Flag of Truce. Napoleon I.'s last review of the Guard in the court of the Carrousel. (ficole des Beaux Arts, 1898.) Czar Nicholas I. and his family in the costume of the XVI. century, (ficole des Beaux Arts, 1898.) VERNET-LECOMTE (Emile). Born in Paris, 1 82 1. (Modern.) For the Rhubarb Tart. Happy Future. Gipsy-child with a bear. VERNIER (Emile). Born in Lons-le-Saulnier. (Modern.) Loading the Nets. VERNON (A. L.) (Modern.) The Heiress. Artist's Proofs, I4|x9^ inches, on Japan, $10.00; on India, $5.00; D., $3.00. Leaving Home. , Artist's Proofs, 15x9 J inches, on Japan, $10.00; on India, $5.00; D., $3.00. The Elopement. Artist's Proofs, on Japan, $18.00; on India, $12.00. Going to Town. Artist's Proofs, on Japan, $18.00; on India, $12.00. A Marriage Settlement. Artist's Proofs, 9^x13! inches, on India, $12.00; D., $3.00. VERONESE (Alessandro). See ORBETTO. VERONESE (Bonifazio). See BONIFAZIO. VERONESE (Paul), Paolo CALIARI. 1 528- 1 588. (Venetian School.) Burning of Sodom. Susanna and the Elders. Swoon of Esther. Holy Family. Verona, Gallery. Sizes, Masters XlX.Cen. Chantilly. do. do. 2 2^ 3 3i 4 C C C ' — — C _ _ 4i C — Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. do. do. do. do. do. Paris, Louvre. C — C do. C — C do. — — C — C do. C — C 1284 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Holy Family. Marriage at Cana. (Detail of the above.) Repast at the house of Simon the Pharisee. Christ sinking under the weight of the cross. Calvary. Disciples of Emmaus. (Detail of the above.) Jupiter hurling thunderbolts against Crimes. Portrait of a young woman. Jesus healing Peter's mother-in-law. Holy Family with saints. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Head of a negro, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Holy Family with the child St. John. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Madonna and Child adored by two monks. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Figures of a man and child, standing, in the cos- tume of the times. (Drawing.) Three doctors of the church standing. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. The dead Christ : the body of Christ is extended on a bier, covered with a pall ; around are the implements of the Passion. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Mars and Minerva. Apollo and Juno. Portrait of the artist's wife. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. Death of Cleopatra. (Follower of Paolo Veronese.) The family of Darius before Alexander the Great after the Battle of Issus. Adoration of the Magfi. Marriage at Cana. Madonna and Child enthroned between SS. John the Baptist and Jerome ; Faith, Hope, and Charity presenting to them the Cecina (?) family. Jesus bearing the cross. Gallery. Shcs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Paris, Louvre. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C — C — c — C — c — C — c — C — c — C — do. do. do. C De Chennev. Col. « Malcolm Col. Berlin. C C — C do. C Brunswick. B Cassel. C C do. Dresden. do. c — C — B BC C — B — B BC C — B do. do. C C _ B BC C — B SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1285 Centurion of Capernaum imploring the healing of his servant. Moses Saved from the Nile. The Crucifixion. Christ with His Disciples at Emmaus. Leda and the Swan. Presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple. (According to Woermann, by Paolo Farina- ti.) Detail of the above : central part of picture. Susannah at the Bath. (From the collection of the heirs of Paolo Ver- onese.) Holy Family. Two satyrs teased by nymphs. (Drawing.) C, $i.75- Pieta ; body of Christ supported by the three Marys. (Drawing.) C, $i.OO. A martyr. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Copy of the picture at Dresden, Madonna of the Cecina Family. (Drawing.) Portrait of a lady (three-quarters length). Jupiter and Antiope. Christ and the Centurion. Holy Family. Cupid. The Centurion of Capernaum. Bearing of the Cross. (Now in the Royal Gallery at Schleissheim.) Adoration of the Magi (copy). (Studio and School of Veronese.) Death of Cleo- patra. (School and Studio of Veronese.) The Woman Taken in Adultery. (School of Veronese.) A woman with a boy. Marriage at Cana ; a first composition. (Draw- ing-) Two figures of saints standing. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Family of Darius. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Ceiling; the Glory of Venice. Strength ; symbolical figure. (Rath. Coll.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Dresden. C c do. c c do. c B do. c — c c do. c c do. c do. c do. do. Dresden, R. C. c c — — — do. do. do. c Munich. c C — c do. c C — c do. C — c do. c C — c do. c — c do. C — c do. ___ C — c do. C — c do. C C do. • C — c do. C C — C Weimar. c do. do. Buda-Pesth. c do. c 1286 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Christ before the house of Jairus. Madonna and Child with saints. Adoration of the Kings. The Annunciation. (Studios of Paolo Veronese.) Abraham's Sacri- fice. Marriage of St. Catherine. The Virgin kneeling. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Adoration of the Magi. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Madonna seated, turned to right, holding the Child Jesus. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Raising of Lazarus ; composition of many figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. The three crosses and the Holy Women at the foot of the cross. (Drawing.) St. Andrew on his knees, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.75- St. Sebastian surrounded by four saints ; above, the Virgin in glory. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Allegorical figure of a woman standing, holding a banner. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Caryatid : satyr, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Caryatid: man, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Adoration of the Kings. Holy Family, with St. Theresa and St. Catherine. Juno showering treasure upon Venice. Family of Darius at the feet of Alexander after the Battle of Issus (333 B. C). Vision of St. Helen. Rape of Europa. Adoration of the Magi. Male head, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Historical subject. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. A marriage. (Drawing.) Diana and her nymphs. (Drawing.) Repose in Egypt. (Drawing.) A hunt. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Studies of heads. (Drawing.) Torture and death of a female martyr. (Draw- ing) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Vienna Museum. C C — • — do. C C do. C C do. C — do. C Vienna, Liecht. C C Vienna, Albert. do. do. do. do. C — do. do. do. do. The Hague. C — C Brussels. C — C do. C — C London, N. G. C C — C do. c — C C — C do. C — C do. c C — C London, B. M. -. do. do. C do. C do. C do. Chatsworth. C do. — C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1287 Pope and Doge at St. Mark's. (Drawing.) Pilgrims of Emmaus. (Drawing.) (School of Veronese.) Raising of Lazarus. Portrait of the artist, by himself. St. Catherine on her knees. Annunciation of the Virgin. Martyrdom of St. Justina. Esther before Ahasuerus. Head of St. Paul (study). Elevation of the Cross. Holy Family with St. Catherine. Group of five male figures armed. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Composition of many figures ; architectural back- ground. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. The Magdalen at the feet of Christ; large compo- sition. (Drawing.) Female portrait. (According to Venturi, School of Veronese.) The Marys at the sepulchre. (According to Venturi, School of Veronese.) Jesus taking leave of his mother before the Passion. Baptism of Christ. Portrait of Daniel Barbaro. Preaching of St. John the Baptist. St. Anthony of Padua preaching to the fishes. Rape of Europa. St. Helen. The Crucifixion ; the three crosses and group of women at the foot of the cross. (Drawing.) C. $1.75- Three figures of saints, the one in the middle sit- ting, holding a crosier. (Drawing.) Angels and saints surrounding the cross. (Draw- Two dogs and a cat. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Venus and Adonis. D., 16^x14-5 inches, $5.00. Jesus and the Centurion (St. Matthew viii.). Moses Saved from the Waters of the Nile. D., 12^x9^ inches, $3.00. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ Chatsworth. C do. C — Florence, Uffizi. C do. C — do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Florence, Pitti. do. do. - do. do. Rome, Borghese. do. Rome, Capitol. Rome, Vat. Pin. Milan, Ambros. do. Milan, Brera. Venice. Madrid., do. do. C — C C C C C C C C C C C C -^ 1288 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Th€ Repentant Magdalen. Allegory : Youth between Vice and Virtue. Moses Saved from the Waters of the Nile. Descent from the Cross. Mars and Venus. Gallery. Shcs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Madrid. C do. C St. Petersburg. C — do. C do. C do. De Chennev. Col. VERROCCHIO (Andrea de Michele di Francesco CIONE, called). Florence, 1435 — Venice, 1488. (Florentine School.) Study from one of the bronze horses of St. Mark's, Venice. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Paris, Louvre. Study for a St. John standing, and four other sketches. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Nine sketches of children in various attitudes. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Studies and various sketches. (Drawing.) C. $1.25. Madonna holding the Child on her knees standing on a cushion, an angel kneeling presenting her a vase of flowers ; also several studies of nude and draped figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Chantilly. Study of nude man kneeling, holding bellows. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Six studies of horses, mounted and unmounted; above, the Centaur Nessus carrying off Dejanira; below, to the left, figure of St. Jerome standing. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Two studies of a saint standing; to the left, St. Jerome kneeling ; to the right, a saint read- ing; behind him, an angel standing, draped. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Studies of various figures, three of which are angels kneeling in adoration. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Warriors on horseback, armed from head to foot, swords in hand ; below, an angel kneeling. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Four studies of men standing, three of whom are nude. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Christ on the Cross. Berlin. C C — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1289 Coronation of the Virgin. Madonna and Child. (Studio of Andrea del Verrocchio.) The Christ- child and St. John. Portrait of a young girl. (School of Verrocchio.) Madonna and Child. (School of Verrocchio.) Madonna with two saints and a donor. Study of nude figure running toward right. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Madonna and Child enthroned in the midst of four saints. Sketch of children ; Jesus standing and other fig- gures, (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Head of angel, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Study from the bronze statue of David, by Ver- rocchio at Florence. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Head of child and head of old man in profile. (Drawing in pen, silver-point, and ceruse.) C, .75- Head of woman and two heads of children. (Drawing in pen, silver-point, and ceruse.) (On the back of this drawing are four fig- ures.) C, $1.00. Study of a horse and a man's head. (Drawing in silver-point on pink paper.) C, $1.25. Baptism of Christ. (The angel in the foreground is by Leonardo da Vinci.) (School of Verrocchio.) Madonna and St. Joseph adoring the Child Jesus. (Attributed.) Cavalier on horseback, left profile. (Drawing.) Madonna and Child. VERSCHUIER (Lieve). Rotterdam, 1630- 1691. (Dutch School.) Conflagration of London. Arrival of King Charles H. of England in Rotter- dam. See-saw. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Berlin. do. — C C — c c do. C do. C do. C — C Buda-Pesth. C London, B. M. Florence, Uffizi. C do. do. . do. do. do. do. Florence Acad. C Rome, Borg. Gal. C Milan, Ambros. C St. Petersburg. C Buda-Pesth. C — Amsterdam, do. c c — c — c V 1290 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON VERSPRONCK (Joannes). Haarlem, 1597-1662. (Dutch School.) Portrait of Pieter Jacobz Schout, Burgomaster (in 1614) of Haarlem. Male portrait. (Van de Poll Coll.) Regents of the House of the Holy Ghost. VERTANGEN (Daniel). The Hague, 1598-1657. Landscape with Diana. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. VERWILT (Frangcis). Rotterdam, 1 598-1690 or 1691. (Dutch School.) Portrait of an admiral's son. VESIN (J.) (Modern.) The Courteous Gentleman. Wedding Procession in Bohemia. Through Thick and Thin. Spoils of the Chase in the Carpathians. Wedding procession. Hunt in Pruhonitz: (a) Breakfast in the Plieas- antry, Dec. ist, 1890. Hunt in Pruhonitz : (b) All the Game. — His Im- perial Highness, Archduke of Austria, receiv- ing the spoils of the chase, Dec. 3d, 1890. Searching for the dead game. Archduke Franz Ferdinand d'Este at the chase. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ VESTERMAN (Lucas). Child Jesus and St. John. (Engraving.) C, .75. VESTIER (Antoine). Avallon, 1740-1824. (French School.) Portrait of the artist's wife. Portrait of a young woman. Portrait of a lady with her two children. Young woman at her toilet. Queen Marie Antoinette at Trianon. Portrait of an unknown woman. Portrait of Thuret, called the dean of the Vet- erans (1699-1807), decorated with the Legion of Honor at time of creation of the order. Amsterdam. do. Haarlem. Brunswick. Amsterdam. Modem Painters, do. do. do. do. do. B C C — C C C C C C — C — C — C — C C C do. C c — c do. — — c do. — c — c Dresden, R. C. — — — Paris, Louvre. C c do. — — — — c Old blasters. c — — — do. — c — do. — — c — do. — c — Tours Museum. c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1291 VETTER (Hegesippe Jean). Born in Paris, 1820. (Modern.) Mascarille presenting Jodelet to Cathos and Madelon. (Salon of 1865.) Moliere and Louis XIV. (Salon of 1864.) Mazarin. (Salon of 1872.) VEYRASSAT (Jules Jacques). P.orn in Paris, 1825. (Modern.) The Ferryboat. In Normandy. Autumn. August in La Brie. Farrier ; Normandy. The Token. Towing at Samois. Horse pasture. PI., 9^x12^ inches, $2.00. VEZIN (Frederic). (Modern.) The Slave Sale. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. Regatta. Sea-piece. A Little Cloud. Separated. Our Debut. "If Music be the Food of Love, Play on !" VEZOUX (Maurice). (Modern.) Vision of Christ. (Salon of 1898.) VIANELLI (Albert). Born in Naples. (Modern.) Intimacy. VIANI (Maria Domenico). Bologna, 1670-1711. (Bolognese School.) Reclining Venus and Cupids. VIBERT (Georges Jean). Born in Paris, 1840. (Modern.) Young woman reading. The Knife-grinder. Palm Sunday. PL, 7x9 inches, $1.25. Gallery. Sizes. 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4I Paris, Lux. C do. C C — C do. C C Modern Painters, do. • do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. c _ _ c c — — — c c c — c c c c — c do. do. Dresden. C C C C C C — C C — c Modern Painters, do. N. Y., M. M. A. 1292 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sices. 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ VICO (Enea). Parma, 1523-1567. Portrait of Laura Tairacine. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Dresden, R. C. Drawing for a coffer. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Florence, Uffizi. VICTOOR or FICTOOR (Jan). Amsterdam, 1620- 1673. (Dutch School.) Portrait of a young girl. Paris, Louvre. C — C — The Capture of Samson. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. Brunswick. B Finding of Moses. Dresden. C The cup found in Benjamin's sack. do. C Expulsion of Hagar and Ishmael. Buda-Pesth. C The Pork-butcher. Am., V. de H. C. C Portrait of M. Jean Appelman, Burgomaster of Amsterdam, Haarlem. C Village Cobbler. London, N. G. C — C VIDAL (Eugene). Bom in Paris. (Modern.) The "Journal de Modes." Modern Painters. C VIDAL (Vincent). Bom in Carcassinne, 181 1. (Modern.) Fallen angel. (Drawing in various crayons.) Paris, Lux. C A Tear of Repentance. (Drawing in various cray- ons.) do. C Polyhymnia. (Drawing in various crayons.) do. C VIEIRA (Frangois). Lisbon, 1700 (?)-i783. (Span- ish School.) The Virgin enthroned. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Dresden, R. C. VIGIER (Walter). Solothurn, Switzeriand, 185 1. (Modern.) Heroic fight of the Swiss at the Red Tower, 1798. Modern Painters. C C — C Mayor Wengi preventing the religious war in Solothurn, 1533. do. C C — C A gleaner. do. C — C Gathering Strawberries. do. C Council of War of the Swiss in the year 1653. do. C VIGNON (Henri de). Born in Belfort, 181 5-1883. (Modern.) Mater Christi. do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1293 VIGNON (Philippe). Paris, 1634-1701. (French School.) Portrait of Mademoiselle de Blois and of Made- moiselle de Nantes, daughters of Louis XIV. and Mme. de Montespan. VILLA (6mile). Born in Montpellier. (Modern.) Noble lady (XVI. century). The Organ Lesson (XVI. century). The Charmer. The Larks' Mirror. Difficult to Choose. VILLACIS (Nicolas de). Murcia, (?)-i690. (Span- ish School.) , St. Rosa of Lima received in heaven by the Vir- gin and Child. VILLEGAS (Jose). Seville, 1848. The Bath. "Don't Be Afraid !" (Modern.) VIMONT (Edouard). Bom in Paris. (Modern.) Hercules between Vice and Virtue. VINCENT (Frangois Andre). Paris, 1746-1816. (French School.) Full-length portrait of Bergeret, Receiver-Gen- eral of the Finances and Treasurer of the Or- der of St. Louis. VINCHON (Jean Baptiste Auguste). Paris, 1787- 1855. (French School.) Portrait of Francois Severin Marceau, 1769-1796, volunteer of the ist Battalion of Eure-et- Loire in 1792. Enrollment of Volunteers. — July 22, 1792. VINCI (Leonardo da). Bom in Vinci (Tuscany), 1452 — Cloux, near Amboise, 15 19. (Floren- tine School.) St. John the Baptist. Madonna, Child, and St. Anne. Madonna of the Rocks. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Versailles. Modern Painters. — C do. C do. C do. C C do. C Buda-Pesth. C Modern Painters. C C do. C do. Besangon. Versailles, do. — C — C — Paris, Louvre. C — C do. C — C do. C ^ C 1294 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sices. 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Supposed portrait of Lucretia Crivelli. Paris, Louvre. C "La Joconde." (Mona Lisa.) do. C — C "La Joconde"; head alone, size of the original. do. C Bacchus. do. C — C — (School of Leonardo da Vinci). Madonna of the Scales. do. C — C — (School of Leonardo da Vinci.) Holy Family. do. C — (School of Leonardo da Vinci.) Female portrait. do. 1 C — Portrait of a woman with thick hair, bust turned to right, decided outlines. do. C Female head, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. • do. Female head turned to left. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Head of Bacchus, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Child's head turned to left. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Child's head, left profile. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Female head, bent, turned to left. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Male head turned to right. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Child's head turned to right ; study for St. John the Baptist in the picture, "Madonna of the Rocks," in the Louvre. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Head of bald old man turned to left ; drawing in the style of Piero di Cosimo. (Drawing.) C, $1.00: do. . Head of young man wearing a cap, left profile : to the left, sketches of three heads. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Child's head, left profile, the Infant Jesus in the picture, "Madonna of the Rocks." (Draw- ing.) C, .75. do. Bust of young man with quantities of hair, turned to right. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Head of bald old man turned to left. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Head of young man, right profile, wearing a crown of oak leaves. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1295 Gallery. Sizes. 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Female bust, full face ; above, profile of young man; (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Paris, Louvre. Female head, full face, drapery around the head. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. (Attributed.) Head of old man, almost bald, turned to right. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Study of drapery of seated figure. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Study of drapery of the Virgin in the picture, "St. Anne," in the Louvre. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Study of drapery for a kneeling figure. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do. (School of Da Vinci.) Abduction of Ganymede. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Study of six men in different attitudes for the un- finished picture of the "Adoration of the Kings" in the Uffizi, Florence. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Study of Christ for the "Last Supper," of several figures sitting conversing, an instrument with writing, etc. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. (School of Da Vinci.) The Virgin, St. Anne, and the Infant Jesus. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. (School of Da Vinci.) Male head turned to left. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. (After Da Vinci.) Male head turned to left, after a lost original by Leonardo da Vinci. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do. (School of Da Vinci.) Two nude men lighting. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. (School of Da Vinci.) Bust of girl, full face, up- turned. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. (School of Da Vinci.) Female bust, right pro- file. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. (After Da Vinci.) Four male busts, wearing hel- mets of grotesque shapes. (Drawing.) C, $I75- ' do. (After Da Vinci.) Four male busts, like the above. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. (After Da Vinci.) Four male busts, like the above. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. 1296 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. (After Da Vinci.) Four male busts, like the above. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. (School of Da Vinci.) Drawing of three poles for banners. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. (School of Da Vinci.) Altar-screen of Cjothic style. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. (After Da Vinci.) Five male heads ; caricatures. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Six male and female heads; caricatures. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. (After Da Vinci.) Legendary scene ; saint, fol- lowed by a prince, addressing a traveler kneel- ing before him ; in background, a loggia and four figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. (After Da Vinci.) Group of five busts; carica- tures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. (After Da Vinci.) Head of St. Anne, after the picture "St. Anne" of the Louvre. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. Animals fighting. (Drawing.) C, .75. Holy Family. (Drawing.) C, .75, Leda. Studies of nude figures, including three groups and three isolated figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Four soldiers in a fighting attitude, and two sol- diers fleeing from the explosion of a bomb. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Hanged man, wearing long robe, his hands bound behind his back. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Madonna and Child, the latter taking a vessel from a king kneeling; to the right and left, various personages. (Drawing.) €.,$1.25. Three studies of Victory placing a shield on a trophy. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Draped male figure, with a long speaking-trum- pet, shouting in the ear of a nude figure ; in the lower part, two draped figures seated. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Bust of warrior, profile, his cuirass and helmet richly ornamented. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Gallery. Sizes. 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Paris, Louvre. do. Old do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Masters. Armand Col. do. De Chennev. Col. Galichon Col. Malcolm Col. do. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1297 Bust of an old man turned to right, covered with a mantle. (Drawing.) C, .75. Portrait of woman, half-length 'figure, head full face, figure three-quarters, arms folded. (Drawing.) Study for the child in the Holy Family of the Louvre. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Christ rising from the dead in presence of SS. Leonard and Lucia. Madonna with the Child and young St. John. (According to Woermann, by Lorenzo di Credi.) (School of Da Vinci.) Herodias with the Head of John the Baptist. Jesus standing on the knees of His mother ; beside them, two angels holding lilies. (According to Woermann, by Francesco Caroto.) Two nude male figures running to right. (Draw- ing.) C, .75. Head of old man, right profile. (Drawing.) C, •75- Nude figure crouching. (Drawing.) C, .75. Study for the Virgin, full face, bust. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. (After Da Vinci.) Madonna and Child. (After Da Vinci.) Madonna and Child. Head of young man turned to right. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Leda kneeling, with the swan at her right, the eggs at her left. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Head of bald old man, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. (After Da Vinci.) Group of five busts ; carica- tures. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. (Attributed.) Head of an old man, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Heads of apostles ; studies for "The Last Supper" in .Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan : St. Bartholomew. (Drawing.) St. James the Less. (Drawing.) St. Andrew. (Drawing.) Gallery. Si:::cs. 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Mitchell Col. Chantilly. do. Berlin. Dresden. — C — C C do. do. Dresden, R. C. do. do. do.. Munich, do. Weimar. do. do. do. do. — C — C — C C — C — do. c do. c do. c 1298 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Judas and St. Peter. (Drawing.) St. John. (Drawing.) St. Thomas and St. James. (Drawing.) St. Philip. (Drawing.) St. Matthew. (Drawing.) (School of Da Vinci.) Madonna and Child. Two studies of heads. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Head in profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Bust of young woman. (School of Da Vinci.) Christ bearing the cross. The Visitation ; composition of five figures. (Drawing.) Head of Christ wearing the crown of thorns. (Drawing.) C, .75. Head of St. Anne from the picture, "St. Anne," in the Louvre. (Drawing.) Head of the Virgin from the same picture. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Ascension of Mary Magdalen ; the saint is sur- rounded by six angels. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Bust of St. Peter turned to right. (Drawing.) C, 75- Study of man standing, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Head of monk turned to left. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Portrait of Jerome Savonarola, bust in left pro- file, with frame. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Two half-length figures and four heads ; carica- tures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Two heads turned to left ; caricatures. (Draw- ing.) C, .75- Study of two horses. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Study of the drapery of a woman seated. (Draw- ing-) Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Gallery. Weimar. do. do. do. do. Buda-Pesth. do. do. Vienna, Liecht. C C do. C Vienna, Albert. do. C — do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. — C Joined and Framed by Vasari. Female bust, right profile ; caricature. (Draw- ing.) Vienna. Albert. Head of girl turned to left. (Drawing.) do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1299 Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4i Head of old man wearing a cap, right profile ; car- icature. (Drawing.) Vienna, Albertina. Head of bald old man turned to right ; caricature. (Drawing.) do. ' C Head of old man, left profile ; caricature. (Draw- ing.) do. Right profile of old man; caricature. (Drawing.) do. Head of bald old man, right profile ; caricature. (Drawing.) do. (Attributed to Raphael.) The Child, St. John the Baptist standing. (Drawing.) do. Madonna and Child with young St. John and an angel. (Madonna of the Rocks.) London, N. G. C C — C Head of old man, full face. (Drawing attributed to Bernardino dei Conti.) (Drawing.) C, $1.00. London, B. M. Male head, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Madonna and Child, full face (Madonna half length.) (Drawing attributed to Bernardino dei Conti.) (Drawing.) do. C — Male head, right profile. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Male head turned to right, looking down. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. — Study of nude figure holding a rod ; study from the David of Michelangelo. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Three heads : caricatures. (Probably by a Flem- ish master.) (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. ; Head of woman, caricature, profile turned to right. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Head of bald old man, caricature, left profile. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Implements of war with manuscript notes. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Allegory ; young man holding a mirror, and ani- mals fighting; landscape with rocks; exact copy of original in the Louvre. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. (Attributed.) Male head turned to right. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. 1300 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. (Attributed.) Male bust turned to right, German costume. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Head of young man turned to left wearing a fan- tastic helmet. (Drawing.) C. $i.oo. Female head turned to left. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Head of Christ (?), left profile. (Drawing.) C, $i. Head of old man, left profile, fantastic drapery. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Male head, full face. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Four caricatures ; in the centre, a ram lying down. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Two heads turned three-quarters to left. (Draw- ing-) Two caricatures, half-length figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. IMale head, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Leda. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. A procession (grotesque subject) ; old man, half- length figure, turned to left, and seven sketches of heads. (Drawing.) Four caricatures, (Drawing.) C. $1.25. Four caricatures. (Drawing.) C. $1.25. Four caricatures: busts. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Grotesque subject; below a cartouche with coats- of-arms. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. St. Catherine. Study for the head of St. Philip in the fresco of "The Last Supper." (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Study for the head of Judas in the same fresco. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Sketch for the entire fresco. (Drawing.) Four sketches of the equestrian monument of Francesco Sforza. (Drawing.) Another sketch of the same monument. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Studies for the same monument: Horseman galloping toward the left, (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Horse in three diflFerent positions. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Horse walking. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ London, B. M. do. do. do. do. do. Chats worth. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. A\'indsor. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1301 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3I 4 4^ Sketch of a Holy Family, the Child Jesus playing with a cat. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Windsor. Neptune surrounded by four sea-horses. (Draw- ing.) do. C — Allegorical composition. (Drawing.) do. C Nude men raising a heavy cylinder by means of a large crane and other machinery. (Drawing.) do. C Young woman standing, extending her left hand. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Beggar standing, his legs in chains. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Young man richly dressed, a sword in his hand. (Drawing.) do. C Young man on horseback, a sword in his hand. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Sketches ; horsemen galloping. (Drawing.) do. C Draped figure standing. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Study of drapery of a woman kneeling. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Nude man with a beard standing, full face. (Drawing.) do. C The same, back view. (Drawing.) do. C Nude young man standing, full face. (Drawing.) do. C Nude man standing, arms spread out, full face. (Drawing.) do. C Lower part of a nude man standing. (I^rawing.) C, $1.25. do. Nude man kneeling. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Nude young man standing. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. — Nude man standing, thrice repeated, also a small sketch of a fight. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Study of a child for the "Madonna of the Rocks," and the child in the arms of its mother. (Drawing.) do. C Two studies of a child. (Drawing.) do. C Head of Leonardo, left profile. (Drawing.) do. C Head of old man with long hair, full face. (Draw- ing.) do. C Head of old man, full face. (Drawing.) do. C -- 1302 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Bust of bald man, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Windsor. Old man seated, half length, right profile. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do. Male head, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Male head, full face, hair interlaced with leaves; also head of a lion. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Head of old man, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. The same head, less finished. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Head of old man with a long beard, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Head of young man, also architectural sketches. (Drawing.) €.,$1.25. do. Bust of nude man, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Head of man with a beard, hair curled, right pro- file. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Head of young man with curled hair, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Head of young man, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Head of veiled woman looking to left ; study for the St. Anne of the Louvre. (Drawing.) do. Similar head looking to right ; study for the same picture. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Head of young woman, the hair braided, four times repeated (Leda). (Drawing.) do. The same head, larger. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Head of young girl, a little to left. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Head of young woman inclined to left. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Bust of young woman looking to left. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do. Bust of young woman, almost left profile. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do. Head of young woman inclined to right. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Head of woman, full face, looking down. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1303 Female figure, half length, right profile. (Draw- ing.) C, $i.oo. Bust of young woman, right profile. (Drawing.) Female head, right profile, life size, traced in out- line, (Drawing.) Caricatures : five heads, one crowned with oak leaves. (Drawing.) Caricatures : two female heads, two male heads. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Caricatures : eight heads. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Caricatures : two male heads. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Caricatures: grotesque head of an old woman. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Study of two clasped hands. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Right hand ; study for the angel of the "Madonna of the Rocks." (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Study of left hand and drapery. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Study for the hands of the Mona Lisa. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Study of two feet for the "St. Anne" of the Louvre. (Drawing.) Study of a child's foot and another foot for the same picture. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Study of animals: horses, etc. (Drawing.) Study of animals : cats, etc. (Drawing.) Study of a tree. (Drawing.) (School of Da Vinci.) Head of young woman, turned to right, looking to left. (Drawing.) Portrait of the artist, by himself. Head of Medusa. Portrait of a young man, full face. Adoration of the Kings. Annunciation. Female head, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Study of drapery for a standing figure. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Study of drapery for a kneeling figure turned to left. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Windsor. do. C C C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C Florence, Uffizi. PIC do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C — — C PIC 1304 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Female head inclined and turned to right. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Florence, Uffizi. Study of a child seated. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Female bust, full face, arms folded. (Drawing.) do. C — Female head, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. — Female bust, head turned to left. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Study of drapery. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. — Bald head of an old man turned to left. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Sketch of two male heads and manuscript notes with the date 1478. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Madonna and Child. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Female head slightly turned to right. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Female head, right profile. (Copy from the draw- ing in the Louvre.) (Drawing.) do. — -: C Head of old man, caricature, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Head of old man, left profile, caricature. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. do. Head of old man wearing a cap, right profile, car- icature. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Male head, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Study of drapery of kneeling figure. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Madonna and Child with a cat in its arms. (Draw- ing.) C, .75. do. Male head, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. ' C Bust of young man with abundant hair ; opposite, bald old man. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Chimera attacking a lion. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Studies of figures and architecture for the back- ground of the unfinished picture of the Ad- oration of the Magi in the Uffizi. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Madonna and Child. (Drawing in wash and ce- ruse on canvas.) C, $2.50. do. Head of woman wearing a veil. (Drawing in sil- ver-point and ceruse.) .75. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1305 Head of bald old man, profile. (Drawing in sil- ver-point.) C, .75. Rocky landscape with lake ; above, to the left, is the inscription, "Di, di Sta Maria della Neve. addi 5 d'aghosto 1473." (Pen drawing on white paper.) C, $1.25. (According to Venturi, School of Florence, 1510.) Female portrait (Monaca?). (According to Venturi, by Ridolfo del Ghirlanda- jo.) Portrait of a jeweler. (School of Da Vinci.) Drawing of a female head, St. Jerome. St. Margaret. Female head turned to right. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Nude figure kneeling, back view ; study for a St. Jerome. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Head of young man turned to left ; copy of a lost original. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Female head turned to right. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Child's head turned to right. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Head of man with a long beard turned to right. (Drawing, attributed to Hans Holbein, the Elder.) (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Study of the Child Jesus seated, and head of the angel in the picture of the Madonna of the Rocks in the National Gallery, London. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Head of a woman turned to left, her hair braided. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Head of young woman turned to right, with a pearl necklace. (Drawing attributed to Ber- nardino dei Conti.) (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Head of bald old man, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Bust of warrior turned to right. (Drawing.) C, $T.OO. Bust of young woman turned to right. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Florence, Uffizi. do. Florence, Pitti. C — Rome, Borghese. C Rome, Vat. Pin. C Rome, Farnesina. C Milan,Ambrosian. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. '■ do. do. do. 1306 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON Bust of man turned to right, wearing a cap. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Milan, Ambros. Head of child turned to right, representing Max- imilian, son of Ludovico il Moro; study of Bernardino dei Conti for an altar-picture with the same face, in the Palazzo Brera, Milan. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. do. Study of a right hand, curved. (Drawing attributed to Marco da Oggione.) (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Study of nude youth seated on the ground, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Study of nude male figure standing, turned to left and leaning on a stick. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Nude female figure kneeling, holding a vase of flowers, and a combat of a satyr and a goat. (Drawing attributed to Cesare da Sesto.) (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Two sketches of a combat between a knight and a dragon. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Six small sketches ; two caricatures, a tiger, a horse, a man standing, a leg. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Portrait of Leonardo da Vinci, left profile. (Drawing.) do. Male head, right profile, caricature. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Child seated embracing a cat. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Female bust turned to left. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Man in armor on horseback, almost full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Head of young woman, full face ; copy from Bel- traffio. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Bust of bald old man turned to right, caricature. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Bust of young girl, full face, wearing a pearl neck- lace. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Bust of a woman looking down. (Study for a Leda ?). (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Bald head of old man, right profile. (Drawing attributed to Francesco da Melzo, dated 1520, with manuscript note.) (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1307 Gallery. Sises, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Female bust turned to left. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Milan, Ambros. Study of two heads and two female busts. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do. Study of three heads of children ; girl, full face, half length, and an old man, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Male head turned to right. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Female head, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Bust of nude young girl. (Drawing attributed to Gian Pietrino.) (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Male bust, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. — Bust of a man wearing a cap, left profile. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do. Heads of St. Peter and Judas ; sketch from "The Last Supper" in Milan. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Five studies : group of three horses, two heads of children turned to left, bust of old woman, bust of young woman, and an animal in front of a dead man. (Drawing.) C, $t.oo. do. Head of the Virgin from the picture, "St. Anne," in the Louvre at Paris. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Head of the Virgin from the same picture. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do. Bust of old man, right profile, caricature. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do. Bust of a man, right profile, wearing a cap, cari- cature. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Bust of old man, right profile, caricature. (Draw- ing.) do. C Female bust, left profile, caricature. (Drawing.) do. C Bust of girl, left profile. (Drawing.) do. C Bust of an old man turned to left, and of an old woman. (Drawing.) do. C Bald old man, bust, right profile, caricature. (Drawing.) do. C Bust of old woman, left profile, caricature. (Draw- ing.) do. C Male bust, right profile, caricature. (Drawing.) do. C Male bust turned to right. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Torso of young man, his arms behind his back. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. 1308 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON Head of a man turned to left wearing a cap. (Drawing attributed to Hans Holbein, the El- der.) (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. Milan, Ambros. Male bust, left profile, the head covered with a cap, with inscription (portrait of a general of the German army, dated 1623) ; drawing, in the style of Paris Bordone. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Male bust, left profile, the head covered with a cap, with inscription (portrait of Marquis Pescara, dated 1524) ; drawing, in the style of Paris Bordone. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Head of bald old man turned to right. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do. Two studies of legs, and entire figure in profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Three studies : satyr with a lion, nude figure of young man standing, full face, and man standing, profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Head of man wearing a cap, full face. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do. Head of young woman turned to left. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Two heads of angels ; the one on right is a study for the angel in the picture, "Madonna of the Rocks," in the National Gallery, London. (Drawing.) C., $1.25. do. Study of dead Christ. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. do. Woman sitting on the ground, and a nude child kneeling ; copy of a drawing from Cesare da Sesto. (Drawing.) C., $1.00. do. Male head turned to left. (Drawing attributed to Bernardino dei Conti.) (Drawing.) C, $1.00. " do. Head of woman leaning forward ; copy from the "Madonna of the Green Cushion," picture in the Louvre, by Solario. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Two busts of mei^, one facing the other, carica- ture. (Drawing.) do. Bust of a Jew and of an old woman, caricatures. (Drawing.) do. Gallery. Si::cs, 2 2J 3 3^ 4 4^ SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1309 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3I 4 4| Bust of an old man, left profile. (Drawing.) Milan, Ambros. C Bust of an old woman, right profile, caricature.* (Drawing.) do. C Two male busts, heads in right profile, carica- tures. (Drawing.) do. C Two male busts, the heads left profile, caricatures. do. C Male bust, head covered with a cap, right profile. (Drawing.) do. C Group of three busts of old men turned to left, caricatures. (Drawing.) do. C Two busts of old men, one laughing, caricatures. (Drawing.) do. C Three sketches of young men in profile, and two heads of old men, caricatures, one laughing. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Head of old man turned to right. (Drawing at- tributed to Filippino Lippi.) (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Bust of boy with long hair. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Head of horse turned to left. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Bust of young man, full face, with abundant hair, head covered with a cap. (Drawing attrib- uted to Beltraffio.) (Drawing.) do. C Female bust, full face. (Drawing attr,ibuted to Beltraffio.) (Drawing.) do. C Head of Christ ; study for "The Last Supper" in Milan. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Milan, Brera. The Last Supper (fresco). (Photographed from the engraving by Raphael Morghen.) Milan, S. AL d. G. C C C C — C *The Last Supper (after a drawing specially made from the original fresco by Professor A. Hol- laender). D., 175x34:!^ inches, on India, $15.00. do. Male head, right profile, with indications of pro- portions and explanations in manuscript. (Drawing.) C., $1.25. Venice. Anatomical sketches ; two busts and a leg. (Draw- ing.) C., $1.00. do. Study for the picture "St. Anne" in the Louvre. (Drawing.) C.. $1.25. do. *This subject comes in a Baryto Print, about 6j4x9 inches, $1.80. 1310 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Study for the picture "St. Anne" in the Louvre. ^ (Drawing.) C, .75. • Venice. Studies for the Child Jesus in the picture "St. Anne" in the Louvre. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Copy of the head of St. Anne in the picture "St. Anne" in the Louvre. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Study of a right arm. (Drawing attributed to Cesare da Sesto.) (Drawing.) do. C Portrait of Leonardo da Vinci as an old man, head turned to right. (Drawing.) do. C Nude male figure, full face, with explanations of proportions, after the rules of Vetravius ; six- teen lines of manuscript. (Drawing.) C, $1.75- do. Right profile of an old man. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. (Attributed.) Female head turned to right. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Head of old man turned to right, caricature. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. Three women dancing. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Six male busts and one female bust, caricatures. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Three male busts and two female busts, carica- tures. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Head of young Bacchus, full face. (Copy of a drawing of Beltraffio.) (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Anatomical study; two right arms. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Head of Christ wearing the crown of thorns. (Drawing.) C, .75. . do. Study of the Child Jesus seated, and of two busts ; portraits of the Emperor Maximilian and of his betrothed, Bianca Maria Sforza. (Draw- ing attributed to Ambrogio Preda.) (Draw- ing.) C, .75. do. (Attributed.) Female bust, left profile, carica- ture. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. ~ (Attributed.) Bust of young man with large head of hair, turned to left. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1311 Study for "The Last Supper" at Milan, with notes in mjfnuscript by the hand of the master. (Drawing.) (Attributed.) La Gioconda ; portrait of Mona Lisa. The Madonna Litta. D., 9^x7:!^ inches, $2.00. Holy Family. D., 9^x7^ inches, $2.00. Madonna and Child. (Detail of the' above.) Portrait of a lady (Mona Lisa?), Portrait of a lady. (Detail of the above.) Portrait of a lady. PI., 7x9 inches, $1.25. VINCK (Frans). Antwerp. (Modern.) Coming- Out of Church. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Venice. Madrid. C St. Petersbui ■g- C do. do. do. c c — — — do. c N. Y., M. M. A. — — Modern Painters. C C C VINCKBOONS (David). Mechlin, 1578— Amster- dam, 1629. (Dutch School.) Festival in a Garden. (Drawing.) Lille, Leng. Col. — — c — Flemish Fair. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. Brunswick. — — — B VINEA (Francesco). Forli, in the Romagna, 1845. (Modern.) After the Bath. Modern Painters. — — c c — c The Lady of the Castle. do. — c — c 11 Feudatorio. do. — c — c La Curiosa. do. — — — — — c At the Tavern. do. — — c c — c Wine-cellar scene. do. — c c — c *Love, Wine, and Music. D., l6x2i inches, $5.00; 8x10, $1.50. do. c c — c Morning Coffee. do. — — — c The Kitten. do. — — c c — c The Mistress' Favorite Diversion. do. — C c c — c My Sweetheart (companion picture to "Longing," by Kiesel). D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. — — c c — c *A Romance. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. do. — — c c c A Gust of Wind. do. c c Jealousy. do. — — — c — — Old "^'ine and Young Love. D., 7^x9 inches. $1.50. do. c c — c "Coffee, Sir?" do. c c — c •This subject comes in an Aquarelle Gravure, 21x15 inches, $12.00. 1312 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ Blind-man's-buflf. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. Modern Painters. — '■ C *The Fortune-teller. ] (Companion pictures.) do. B B *A New Cavalier, jD., 15x20 inches, $5.00. do. B B "Love, to My Aid !" D., 20x14 inches, $5.00. do. B *A Vintage Festival. D., I2fx20 inches. $5.00. do. B VINIEGRA y LASSO (Salvadore). Cadiz, 1862. (Modern.) Blessing the Fields in the Year 1800. do. C C — C *Guitar-lesson. ' do. — B VION (Alexandre). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Imprudent Sports. do. C C The Awakening. do. C Condemned without Mercy. do. C Awakening of Psyche. do. ■ C Spring. do. C Spring. do. C Cupid and Psyche. do. — C VIRY (Paul). Born in Poce. (Modern.) The Letter from the Fiance. do. C Petits Canards. do. C Modest Confession. - do. C VISSCHER (Cornells de). Amsterdam, 1629 (?)- 1658 (?). (Dutch School.) Female portrait, half-length figure, seated, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Paris, Louvre. Male portrait, bust turned three-quarters to left. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Full-length portrait of an old woman seated be- fore a spinning-wheel, turned to right. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Dutuit Col. Portrait of a man seated, half-length figure, turned three-quarters to right ; white collar, large mantle, hat resting on his knees. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. do. Male portrait, profile turned to left. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Dresden, R. C. — Male portrait, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. ♦This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6>^x9 inches, $1.80. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. I 1313 Two heads of young people. (Drawing.) C, $i.oo. St. George and the Dragon. (Engraving.) C, $1.25. Head of old woman. (Engraving.) C, .75. VITI (Timoteo). Urbino, 1470 (?)-i524. (Um- brian School.) (After Raphael.) Madonna seated in the midst of a landscape holding the Child Jesus, stand- ing; at her side, the young St. John kneeling. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. The Crucifixion ; composition of many figures. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Pieta: Madonna seated at the foot of the Cross, the body of Christ extended before her. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. St. Barnabas between SS. John the Baptist and Catherine, formerly attributed to Francia. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. VIVARINI (Antonio), called Antonio de MURA- NO. Murano, 1435 (?) — Venice, 1470. (Ve- netian School.) *Adoration of the Kings. Three events from the life of the Virgin ; first se- ries. Three events from the life of the Virgin ; second series. (School of Vivarini de Murano.) Altar-triptych : St. Jerome, St. Mary Magdalen, St. Catherine. (School of Vivarini de Murano.) Pieta. St. Peter and St. Jerome. (Attributed.) St. Francis and St. Mark. (Giovanni and Antonio Vivarini.) Paradise. (Giovanni and Antonio Vivarini.) Archangel Gabriel. (Giovanni and Antonio Vivarini.) Annunciation. VIVARINI (Bartolommeo). Murano; worked in Venice between 1450 and 1499. (Venetian School.) St. George and the Dragon. Gallery. Sices, Dresden, R. C. do. do. 2 2^ 3 3i 4 4i Chantilly. Vienna, Albert. do. Venice. Berlin. C — C C — C do. do. do. C — C do. C London, N. G. C — C do. C — C Venice. C do. c do. C Berlin. C — C ►This subject comes in an extra size Carbon, 36x54 inches, $70.00. 1314 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. • Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ St. Ambrose and other saints. Vienna Museum. C Madonna and Child with two angels. do. C Madonna and Child with SS. Paul and Jerome. London, N. G. C Madonna and sleeping Child with saints. Venice. C iVIVARINI (Luigi or Alvise). Murano; worked from 1464 to 1503. (Venetian School.) Madonna and Child enthroned, surrounded by saints. Berlin. C C — C Madonna and Child with saints. do. C (School of Luigi Vivarini.) Madonna and Child with angels. do. C (School of Luigi Vivarini.) The Annunciation. do. C St. Clara. Venice. C Madonna and Child enthroned, with saints. do. C VIVIEN (Joseph). Lyons, 1657-1734. (French School.) Portrait of Samuel Bernard (1651-1739), financier. (Pastel.) Rouen Museum. C Portrait of the artist, by himself. Munich. C C Fenelon, Archbishop of Cambray. do. C C Portrait of the artist, by himself. Florence, Uffizi. C VLIEGER (Simon de). Rotterdam, 1601— Am- sterdam, a little before 1660. (Dutch School.) Sea in a Calm. Paris, Louvre. C — C — Coast of Holland. Cassel. C C Landscape. (Drawing.) Dresden, R. C. C Landscape. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. do. Storm on the North Sea. Munich. C C Landscape: The Hare Hunt. Buda-Pesth. C Sea-piece. do. C Fishermen by the water-side at Scheveningen. (Rath. Coll.) do. C Calm Sea. ^ Vienna Museum. C VLIET (Wilhem van der). Delft, 1 584-1642. (Dutch School.) Bust portrait of a young woman. Vienna, Liecht. C A Jesuit. London, N. G. C — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1315 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3J 4 4^ VOET or VOUET (Jacob Ferdinand). Antwerp, 1639; after 1691. (Flemish School.) Portrait of Cardinal Dezio Azzolini. Berlin. VOGEL (Christian Leberecht). Dresden, 1759- 1816. (German School.) Two little boys (sons of the artist) turning over the leaves of an A B C picture-book. Dresden. C C — VOGEL (Hugo). Magdeburg, 1855. (Modern.) Duke' Ernest, the Confessor of Brunswick-Liine- burg, taking the Sacrament in both kinds at Celle, 1530. Madonna. Luther Preaching at the Wartburg. VOGEL (Ludwig). Ziirich, 1788-1879. (Modern.) Rupprecht, Royal Prince of Bavaria. Learning the Alphabet. Forsaken. Portrait of Beethoven. 8x10, $1.50. Portrait of Mozart. D 10, $1.50. Chopin. Haydn. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. Gliick. Mendelssohn. Wolfgang von Goethe. Friedrich von Schiller. Bach. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. Handel. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50 Madonna and Child. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; 16x21 inches, $5.00; 8x Hanover. Modern Painters. Hamburg, — C C C B — B C C Modern Painters. C — do. C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. — C C C C B C C c c — c c c — c c c — c c c — c c c — c c c — c c c — c c c — c c c — c c c — c VOGEL DE VOGELSTEIN (Charles). Wilden- fels, 1788 — Munich, 1868. (German School.) Female bust, head inclined, almost full face. (Drawing.) Female bust, left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Portrait of a boy. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Dresden, R. C. do. Dresden, P. G. C. — C 1316 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3f 4 A\ VOGLER (Heinrich). (Modern.) Lady playing the mandolin. Modern Painters. — c A New Instrument. do. C C — c Visit to the Nurse. do. c — c Goldfish. do. — c The Parrot. do. c c — c' Princess Eboli. do. c c — c "Give Your Little Hand !" do. c — c Happy Moments. do. c c — c War in Peace. do. c c — c Expectation. do. c — c A Lesson. do. — c Lost in Thought. do. c c — c "Forever Thine." D., i6x2i inches, $5.00; 8x10, $1.50. do. c c — c Surprised. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. c c — c An Emblem of Love. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. do. c — c "Farewell, not Good-bye !" do. c c — c A Love Poem. do. c c — c Blissful Aloments. do. c c — c A Souvenir. do. c — c *Love's Query. do. *The Wedding Morn. Behind Cupid's Back. D., 15^x20 inches, $5.00. do do. — B **Pets. D., 20x29 inches, $12.00. do. B — — B VOILLEMOT (Charles). Born in Paris, 1822. (Modern.) Fantasy of Spring. do. C Spring. do. C B — BC Fleeing from Cupid. do. C The Dulcimer-player. do. C Reverie. do. C May Flowers. do. C C That One ! do. C C April. do. C Young girl with a dove. do. C Portraits of Georges and Jeanne Hugo. do. C *This subject comes in a Fac-Simile Gravure, in color, 14x10 inches, $10.00. **This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1317 Sweet Dreams. L'Orangere (bust of a woman). VOIRIN (Jules Antoine). Born in Nancy. (Mod- ern.) Horse. — Artillery. VOIRIOT '(Guillaume). (French School.) Portrait of the artist, Jean Marc Nattier. Portrait of Charles Pierre Colardeau (1732-1776), poet, Member of the French Academy. Portrait of Pierre Robert le Cornier de Cideville (1693-1776), Magistrate. VOIS (Arie or Ary de). Leyden, about 1630-1680. (Dutch School.) Portrait of a man sitting at his desk. Jolly Toper. The Smoker. The Violin-player. Lady feeding a parrot. VOLCKER (R.) (Modern.) Before the Wedding. The Village Flora. VOLK (Douglas). Pittsfield, Massachusetts, 1856. (Modern.) Voice of the Pines. PI., 13x6 inches, $2.50; 8^x4, $1.00. Ye Maiden's Reverie. PI., 19x11^ inches, $6.00; 13x8, $3.00; 9x5^, $2.00. V5LKER (Hermann). Berlin, 1810-1848. Old Ferry near Stralsund. D., 13x20! inches, $5.00. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4* Modern Painters. C C do. B B do. C — — c Paris, Louvre. C — — — Natl. Portraits. — c — Rouen Museum. — c — Paris, Louvre. c Cassell. c — c Munich. c — c Amsterdam. — c — do. — — — c — c Modern Painters. C C — C do. C do. do. do. — B — — B VOLKHART (Max). Dusseldorf, 1848. (Mod- ern.) A Trio. do. — C — C The Picnic. . do. — C C C — C In Time. do. C — C The Girl He Left Behind Him. do. C C — C 1318 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Domestic Happiness. Mother's Darling. D., 8xio inches, $1.50. Undecided. Dangerous Trifling (companion picture to Schro- der's "Between Two Fires"). D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; 7^x9, $1.50. "Take Care!" D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. A Day of Solemn Rest. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. Hearts are Trumps. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. The Farewell. D., 20x27 inches, $10.00; Artist's Proofs, 26^x18^, on Japan, $25.00; on India, $20.00. A Cross Fire. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. "How Happy Could I be with Either !" D., i6x 21 inches, $5.00; 8x10, $1.50. The Winning Move. A Love Story. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; 8x10, $1.50. The Marriage Contract. Love is Blind. VOLKMAR (Charles). (Modern.) By the Brook. A Happy Family. • Ducks' Paradise. VOLKMER (Hans.). (Modern.) *Mozart's First Love. VOLLMAR (L.) (Modern.) A country domestic scene. Grandmother's Best Fairy-story. The Kittens. Sister's Best Puzzle. The Suitor. ^ In Spring. Fortune-telling with Cards. The Explanation. Little Zither-player. Pet of the House. The Suitor. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ Modern Painters. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 3 3i 4 4^ C C — C C C — C — C — C C C c c c c c c c c c c c c — c c c c c c c c c c c c c — c — c — c — c — c — c — c PIC PIC — PIC — PIC c do. c do. C C — C do. c do. c C — C do. c do. c — c do. c do. c — c do. c c — c do. c — c do. c c — c *This subject comes in an Aquarelle Gravure, 21x15 inches, $12.00. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1319 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2j 3 3^ 4 4^ The Picture-book. Modern Painters. C C — C Caught Mouse. do, , C C — C In the Early Morning. do. C — C Barbara. do. C Congratulations. do. C C — C The Love-letter. do. C C — C Instruction. do. C Absorbed in Thought. do. C The Rabbits. do. C — C Attentive Listeners. do. C — C The Tale of the Cannibals. do. C The Children's Pet. do. C — C Twilight Hour. do. C VOLLON (Alexis). Born in Paris, 1833. (Mod- ern.) In Carnival Time. do. C Mezzetin and Florine. do. C C VOLLON (Antoine). Born in Lyons, 1833. The Spaniard. C. Rodriguez C. C — VOLPE (V.) (Modern.) Music-lesson. Modern Painters. C — C In Doubt. do. C VOLTERRA. See RICCIARELLI (Daniele). VOLTERRANO. See FRANCESCHINI (Bal- dasarre). VOLTZ (Friedrich). Nordlingen, 1817— Munich, 1886. (Modern.) The Herds Returning Home. do. C — C Cows at the Lake : Autumn Morning. do. C Cattle, I. do. C Cattle, II. do. C Cattle, in. do. C Cattle, IV. do. C Cattle at Mid-day. do. C — C Cattle emerging from a beech-wood. do. C — C Cattle at the lake in rainy weather. do. C — C Cattle returning home in the evening. do. C Cows by the lake, under the oaks. do. C C — C 1820 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Evening. Morning. Pasturage. A Summer Day. 1 ,^ . . j^ 1 y (Companion pictures.) Dusk. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 31 4 4| Modern Painters. C do. C do. c C — C do. B B do. B B VOLTZ (Ludwig). Augsburg, 1825. (Modern.) Stags fighting. After the Chase. Fleeing roe-buck. Deer. Stag bellowing. In High Regions, Royal Stag. Stags in the Highlands. VOLZ (M.) Melody. Maria. (Modern.) VOLZ (Wnhelm). Carlsruhe, 1855. (Modern.) Hero. Battle of the Flowers. Alberich. VONNOH (Robert William). Hartford, Connect- icut, 1858. (Modern.) Reveries. Phoebe. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. VOORT (Cornelis van der). Antwerp, 1576 — Amsterdam, 1624. (Dutch School.) Portrait of a gentleman with red beard. Dresden. Meeting of the Civic Guards. Amsterdam. Regent-piece, with six portraits. do. VOS (Cornelis de.) Hulst, 1581 (?)— Antwerp, 1651. (Flemish School.) (Attributed.) Female portrait. Paris, Louvre. The artist's daughters. Berlin, Double portrait. do. The Director of the Orphan-asylum, Solomon Cock, of Antwerp, Cassel, C C — — C C C C C C C C C C C C c C C c c c c c c c — c — c — c — c — c — ■— c c c — c c — — c — c c — c c — c c _ c — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1321 The Hutten family. The artist's family. The Anointing of Solortion. Portrait of the artist and his family. Portrait of Abraham Grapheus, the Elder, mes- senger of the corporation of St. Luke. St. Norbert collecting the hosts and sacred ves- sels concealed during the reign of the her- esy of Tankelin. VOS (Martin de), the Elder. Antwerp, 1532-1603. (Flemish School.) Moses Presenting the Tables of the Law to the Israelites. Male portrait. Female portrait. St. Thomas touching Christ's Wounds ; triptych, central panel. Baptism of Christ ; right panel. Beheading of St. John the Baptist ; left panel. Caesar's ' Penny ; triptych, central panel. The Tribute-money ; right panel. The Widow's Mite ; left paneL Portrait of the artist, by himself. VOS (Simon de). Antwerp, 1603-1676. (Flemish School.) Love's Chastisement. Portrait of the artist, by himself. (Property of the Hospital Board.) VOSBERG (Heinrich). Leer, East Friesland, 1833. (Modern.) At the Churchyard Gate. Solitude. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00; 7^x9, $1.50. VOSS (Carl), Rome, 1856. (Modern.) Pilgrimage to Kevlaar. Family Concert. Grata dei Conte before the corpse of her son. Love is Deaf. Always Diligent. Jealousy. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Munich. ^^ — C — C Buda-Pesth. C Vienna Museum. C Brussels. C C — C Antwerp. do. The Hague. Brussels. do. • Antwerp. do. do. . do. do. do. Florence, Uffizi. Berlin. Antwerp. C — C C C — C — C — C C C C C C C — c — c — c Modern Painters. C do. C C — C do. C do. C — C do. — C — C do. C — C do. C do. C 1322 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. VOUET (Simon). Paris, 1590-1649. (French School.) Madonna, Child and St. John. Christ on the Cross. Christ at the Tomb. Portrait of Louis XIII. Allegory of Wealth. The Chaste Susanna. (School of Vouet.) Christ appearing to Mary- Magdalen. Apollo and the Muses. Deposition from the Cross ; group of three fig- ures. (Drawing.) St. Stephen kneeling. (Drawing.) VRANCX (Sebastian). Antwerp, 1573-1647. (Flem- ish School.) Cavalry Skirmish. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. Brunswick. VRIENDT. See FLORIS. VRIES (Abraham de). Rotterdam (?), before 1662. (Dutch School.) Portrait of David de Moor. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3i 4 Paris, LouVre. C — C .do. C — C do. C — c do. C — c do. C — c do. C — c do. C — c Buda-Pesth. C — c Vienna, Albertina. — c do. 4i Amsterdam. C VRIES (Adriaen de). Amsterdam, about 1600 (?). (Dutch School.) Bust portrait of a man. (De Sagan Coll.) Berlin. Male portrait (probably that of the artist). Dresden. VRIES (Hans Vredeman de). Leeuwarden, 1527 — Antwerp, after 1604. (Dutch School.) Architecture : view of a palace. Vienna Museum. Architecture : view of a palace with fountain and arcade. Landscape : Autumn. Landscape : Winter. Landscape: Spring, VRIES (Roelof de). 1634— Haarlem, 1669. (Dutch School.) Landscape : cottages in the midst of a wood. Landscape with cottages. B C C C — do. C do. C do. C do. C Frankfort. C do. c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1323 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4| VROOM (Hendrick Cornelis). Haarlem, 1566- 1640. (Dutch School.) Forest landscape. Berlin. C Dutch farm-yard. (Drawing.) Dresden, R. C. C The Galleys of Spain Sunk before Gibraltar, 1607. Amsterdam. C — C VUILLEFROY (Felix de). Born in Paris, 1841. (Modern.) Bulls and a heifer. Modern Painters. C Bad Weather on the Cliffs of Dieppe. do. C Herd of Cattle in the Oberland. do. C The Watering-place. do. C The Farm Pond. do. C WACH (Karl Wilhelm). Berlin, 1787-1845. (Ger- man School.) Psyche and Cupid. do. B , B — B WACHSMUTH (M.) (Modern.) "Give It Back." do. C WAEL (Cornelis de). Antwerp, 1592-1662. (Flem- ish School.) Interior of a Dutch tavern. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Dresden, R. C. Interior of a prison. (Drawing.) Florence, Uffizi. C WAGNER (Alexander). Pesth, 1838. (Modern.) Horsemanship. Modern Painters. C Chariot Race in the Circus Maximus, in Reign of Domitian, 88 A. D. do. C C C C — C Horse Races in Debreczin, Hungary. do. — C C C — C Ancient Bull-fight in the Arena. do. • — C C C C Spanish Newspaper-dealer. do. C A Spanish Mail-coach near Toledo. do. — C C C — C Picador. do. — C C C — C Mazeppa. do. — C C C — C At the Gates of Cordova. do. C C — C Driving the Horses on the Meadows of Hartoba- gy. do. — C C C — C Villa d'Este in Tivoli. do. C C — C Wedding procession on the "Puszta." do. C Hungarian wedding procession. do. C 1324 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. WAGNER (C.) (Modern.) Emperor William the \'ictorious. The Victor of Worth (Emperor Frederick), Bismarck at Versailles. Emperor William I. and his Suite. *Beethoven. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3J 4 4^ ■>Com- ipanion j pictures Passau, 1847. (^lodern.) WAGNER (Ferdinand). Mandolin-player. Love's Oracle. The Churching. Evening Devotion. The Mother's Prayer. A Merry Party. The Letter. Cleopatra. Rest. Diana. The Falconer. A Bacchante. Night. Aphrodite. Venetian Serenade. WAGNER (Jacob). Bavaria, Germany. (Modern.) My Girl. Daughter of Italy. PI., 10x12 inches, $2.00. W. M. Hunt (from a drawing). PI., 10x13 inch- es, $2.00. WAGNER (Martin). W^urzburg, 1778. (German School.) Luda Parodisiaca ; large composition. (Draw- ing.) C, $2.50. WAGNER (Paul). (Modem.) On the Edge of the Brook. Devotional. Italian Child. Siesta. On the Heath. ^lodern Painters. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C — c (^ c — — c c — — — — c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c — c B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C — C do. do. do. Dresden, R. C. Modern Painters. C C — C do. C — C do. C do. C do. C C — C '^This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6>^x9 inches, $1.80. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1325 Gallery. Shcs. 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. C C — C do. . _ c — C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. C do. C do. C — C do. C do. C — C do. C — C do. c C — C do. C — C do. C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. _ c C C — C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. C — C do. C do. c C — C do. C do. C — C do. C do. C do. c C — C do. c C — C do. C — C do. c C — C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C — C do. C do. C — C do. C — C do. C Withered Leaves. In the Poultry-yard. Blowing Soap-bubbles. Return from the Fields. Hansel and Gretel. Cupids, Spring Blossoms. Right or Left. The Coffee-mill. On the Lake. Jesting. Heroes of the Future. The Patient Grandmother. The Lamb. Musical Friends. Grandmother's Pet. On the Hearth. Spring Idyll. The Little General. Elf. "Done It!" Angling. Mignon. In the Forest. My Pet. Little Trout-fisher. "There Comes Papa !" Parting is Pain. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00 On Sunday Morning. "Now I am fine !" *Christmas-time. Sad Tidings. Obstinacy. Obtrusive. Shame-faced. "Now You are Pretty !" "The Soldiers are Coming." Siesta. In the Arbor. Protected. ♦ This subject conies in an Aquarelle Gravure, 16x21 inches, $12.00. 1326 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sices. 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Portrait of Leopold, Prince-Regent of Bavaria (in hunting costume). Modern Painters. C C — C Happy Dreams. do. C The Awakening of Spring. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. do. C C — C Spirit of the Woods. do. C C — C Dragon-fly. do. B WAGREZ (Jacques). Bom in Paris. (Modern.) Eros. do. C Hesiod. do. C Cupid's Quadriga. do. C C St. Clara of Assisi, Foundress of the Order of Clarisses (XIII. century). do. C A Judgment of Paris (Florence, XV. century). do. C A fairy. ^ do. C The Pigeons of St. Mark (XV. century). do. C The May Festival in Florence. do. C C A Baptism at St. Mark's (XV. century). do. C C Ophelia. do. C C Morning Fete in Venice (XV. century). do. C C The Decameron. do. C C Proclamation of an Edict at Venice (XV. cen- tury), do. C C Evening Song. do. C C Romeo and Juliet. do. • C Juliet. do. C C The Finding of Moses. ^ do. C C St. John the Baptist in the Wilderness. do. C Brunehilde appearing to Siegmund (Walkyrie). D., $6.00; edition de luxe, $20.00. do. C C Diana. ' do. C Madame Nenuphar. do. C Tannhauser in the Venusberg. (Salon of 1896.) D., $6.00 ; edition de luxe, $20.00. do. C C Joan of Arc and the Heavenly Voices. (Salon of 1897.) do. C C Kapell-meister of St. Mark's, Venice (XV. cen- tury). (Salon of 1898.) do. C C The Miracle of the Roses. (Salon of 1899.) do. C C WAHL (A.) (Modern.) Too Late ! do. C — C SOULE ART COMPANY. BOSTON. 1327 do. c do. C — C do. c — C do. C — C Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ WALCH (E.) (Modern.) St. Aloysius. Modern Painters. C The Guardian Angel. The Good Shepherd. Death of St. Joseph. Madonna and Child. WALDEN (Lionel). Norwich, Conn., 1862. (Mod— ern.) Taking a Sail. (Salon of 1897.) do. C C Casting Steel (night eflfect). (Salon of 1897.) do. C WALDMULLER (F. G.) (Modern.) After School. do. B B WALKER (Charles A.) (Modern.) At Close of Day. PL, 9^x13 inches, $2.50. do. Milking-time. PI., 10x13 inches, $2.50. do. WALKER (Henry O.) Boston. (Modern.) Lyric Poetry (seven tympanum decorations). PL, 10x21 inches, $4.50; 6x13, $2.00. Wash., Lib. Con. Decorations in the Library of Congress : Ganymede. do. Adonis. do. . Comus. • do. Endymion. do. Uriel. do. The Boy of Winander. do. Each, PL, 7|xi3 inches, $2.50; 5^x9!, $1.00. WALKER (James Alexander). Bom in Calcutta (East Indies). (Modern.) The Billet. Modern Painters. C Lancers Reconnoitring. do. C Cuirassier Scouting. do. C The Word of Command. do. C Waiting. do. C Return from the Fields. do. C Scouting. do. C C The Guide. do. C C 1328 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Alert. Representatives of the People with the Army (1796).— The Defile. Forgotten (War of 1870). WALFER (Robert). (?)-i658. (English School.) Portrait of Oliver Cromwell. WALLER (Samuel Edward). Gloucester, Eng- land, 1850. (Modern.) *The Ruined Sanctuary. Artist's Proofs, 350 on India, 21x15^ inches, $15.00; D., $5.00. WALLRAVEN (J.) (Modern.) Return from the Chase. "Stop, Thief!" WALTER (O.) **Vienna Prater. WALTHER (Clara). (Modern.) Music-lessons. A Trio. A Song of Olden Time. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. Madonna. , Memories. Sunshine. WANDSCHEER (M.) (Modern.) Pour la Promenade. Harmony. Echoes, In Summer. Confidential Friend. WARD (Edward Matthew). Pimlico, 1816-1879. (English School.) "The South Sea Bubble"; scene before a bank in 1720. James II. in his palace at Whitehall receiving the news of the landing of the Prince of Orange in 1688. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^^ Modern Painters. C do. do. St. Petersburg. — C C C C — Modern Painters. B do. C do. C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. London, N. G. C — — c — c — c — — C c c c c — c c c c I — — c — c c c — c — c — c — c do. *This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. **This subject comes in Aquarelle Gravure, 21x15 inches, $12.00. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1329 WARD (de Lancey). Born in New York. (Mod- ern.) An Italian Cobbler. WARDLE (A.) (Modern.) Hard Pressed. Artist's Proofs, 50 on India, I3|x 2oi inches, $18.00; D., $5.00, On the Moors Resting. Artist's Proofs, 100 on India, 13^x20^ inches, $18.00; D., $5.00. WARTHMULLER (R.) (Modern.) From Mothers. At the Outposts. "My Dear Sweetheart." "The King!" Trifling. Maiden's Vengeance. An Anxious Night (Frederick II. the night after the Battle of Torgau, in the church at El- sing). Pause in the Ball. Frederick the Great before the corpse of Schwe- rin. Reconnoitring. Pouting. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3I 4 4^ Modern Painters. C do. do. do. C do. C do. C do. c C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C C — C do. C C — C do. C — C do. C do. C WATERLOO (Antoine). Utrecht (?), 1662. (Flemish School.) Landscape with a river. (Drawing.) Forest traversed by a river. (Drawing.) Outskirts of an oak forest. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Landscape with two roads crossing each other in the middle ; background, the outskirts of a wood. (Drawing.) Landscape : an avenue. (Drawing.) €.,$1.75. Entrance to a town ; to the right, two roads lead over a bridge spanning a river. (Drawing.) Wooded banks of a river. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Landscape with view of a village on right and river on left. (Drawing.) Dresden, Roy. C. C Dresden, P. G. C. C — Vienna, Albertina. do. — C do. do. C — do. do. 1330 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. WATERLOW (Ernest Albert). London, 1850. (Modern.) *The Nursery. Artist's Proofs, 50 on India I3fx 21 inches, $18.00; D., $5.00. WATERNAU (Hermine). Bom in Paris. (Mod- ern.) On the Edge of the Brook. WATERS (Sadie). (Modern.) The Virgin of the Rosebush. (Salon of 1899.) WATSON (WilUam SmelHe). Edinburgh, 1796- 1874. (English School.) ^♦Portrait of Sir Walter Scott. Gallery. Sizes. 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. B — do. B do. Edinburgh, N. G. WATTEAU (Francois Louis Joseph). Valen- ciennes, 1758-1823. (French School.) Head of young girl turned three-quarters to left. (Drawing.) Lille. , — c — Lady seated; costume of the XVIII. century. (Drawing.) do. • — c — Gay company in the open air. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. — Female portrait, full face, bust. (Drawing. ) do. c Portrait of a girl, head in left profile. (Drawing.) do. c Female portrait, three-quarters view of bust. (Drawing.) do. c Female portrait, head in left profile. (Drawing.) do. c Portrait of the artist, bust. (Drawing.) do. c WATTEAU (Jean Antoine). Valenciennes, 1684 — Nogent-sur-Marne, 1721. (French School.) Embarkation for the Island of Cythera. Paris, , Louvre. C — c — Gilles. do. C — c — The IndiflFerent One. do. — — — — c — La Finette. do. — — — — c — Gay Company in a Park. do. c — c — The Conjurer. do. — c — * This subject comes in a Baryto Print, b%Tiq inches, $1. 80. ♦•This subject comes in a large Carbon, 17x23 inches, $5.00. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1331 Judgment of Paris. The False Step. Autumn. Jupiter and Antiope. (Attributed to Watteau.) Pastoral scene. Three male figures, drapery and costumes. (Drawing.) €.,$1.75. Three male figures, costumes. (Drawing.) C, $1.75- Study ; three male and three female heads. (Drawing.) Two male figures, costumes. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Draped female figure, standing, back view, head turned to left. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Nude torso of a woman turned to right. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Nude male figure. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. . Five heads of women and three heads of negroes. (Drawing.) Eight heads of young women and head of a man. (Drawing.) Head of a Chinaman, right profile ; three studies of a hand and two cats. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Five female heads. (DraWing.) C, $1.25. Flute-player; the head alone in right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Three male heads. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Study ; five busts of young girls and three heads. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Bust of a woman seated, left profile. (Drawing.) C.,$i.25. Three studies of young girls. (Drawing.) Study of a woman (a Fountain?). The Gamut of Love. At the Sign of the Monkeys (cafe). Portraits of Hamoche, Francisque, Mile. Delisle, Desjardins, Paghette, in the roles of Pierrot, Harlequin, Colombine, Crispin and Cassan- dra in the play of the "Toire Saint-Laurent" at the Opera Comique in 1716. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ Z 3h 4 Paris, Louvre. C do. C do. c do. C — c do. c 4i Old do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Masters do. do. Natl. Portraits. C 1332 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Young woman in profile, walking toward left, her chest bare, her hands resting on her bust. (Drawing.) Young woman at her toilet. (Drawing in three crayons.) Two women seated, one turned to right, looking at the spectator, the other in profile in the op- posite direction. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. A Mezzetin dancing, repeatecj four times, back view, front, three-quarters, etc. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Autumn ; study of a nude male figure. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Spring; study of a nude female figure. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.75. Five studies of a woman's hands. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Studies of woman's head in various aspects ; be- low, peasant woman's head, mask and man's head. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. The Cradle. (Drawing.) Arabesque engraved with the title "The Temple of Diana." (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Maid arranging the hair of her mistress. (Draw- ing) Bust of a young woman wearing a cap, in two at- titudes. (Drawing.) Four studies of a female bust. (Drawing.) C, $i75- The Flute-player, standing; near him a young woman seated, her arm resting on a cage. (Drawing.) Nine studies of heads ; above, five female heads in various attitudes ; below, male head, female bust, back view, female head bowed, male head. (Drawing.) Venus and Cupid. Pastoral. The Mandolin-player. Soubrette. Study of a man standing. (Water-color.) Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Bonnat Col. Dutuit Col. C c Galichon Col. De Goncourt Col. do. do. do. do. do. C — do. do*. C Malcolm Col. C do. Marcille Col. Rutter Col. Chantilly. do. do. do. do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1333 Young woman sitting on the ground, covering her head with a mantle ; towards right, a man's head, three-quarters view. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Woman sitting on the ground, three-quarters left view of head. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Turk's head ; below, young girl's head and man's head. (Drawing.) Study of five heads. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Study of three heads. (Drawing.) Picnic on the Grass. Pleasures of the Theatre Franqais. Fete Galante. Company of ladies and gentlemen on a terrace. Company on a lawn near a statue of Venus. The Mill. (Engraving.) C, $1.75. Embarkation for Cythera.. Detail of the above : right part. Detail of the above : left part. Gallant Company. The Lesson in Love. Rural Pleasures. The Concert. The Dance. Detail of the above : group of children. The French Comedians. The Enseigne de Gersaint (left part). The Enseigne de Gersaint (right part). Female head. (Drawing.) C, .75. Portrait of a young man bowing Decorative panel. (Drawing.) The Doctor of Italian Comedy. $1.00. Woman at the Bath. (Drawing.) Young girl standing, left profile. $1.25. Grove with a group of ladies (Drawing.) C, .75. Screen. (Drawing.) Chinaman seated, front view. (Drawing.) $2.50. (Drawing.) (Drawing.) C, C, $1.00. (Drawing.) C, and cavaliers. C, Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3J 4 4^ Chantilly. do. Lille, Leng. Col. C do. do. C Berlin. C C do. C C do. C — C C — C Dresden. C C do. C C Dresden, R. C. Potsdam. C do. C do. — ^ C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C Weimar. do. C do. C Vienna, Albert. do. do. do. do. C — do. 1334 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ The French Comedy. Amsterdam, C — C Guitar-player. London, B. P, C ^ Male figure, bust, turned to left. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. London, B. M. Head of negro turned to left. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Head of negro, almost left profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Lady seated, turned to right. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Two female figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. ■ do. Study of four figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. (After Rubens.) One male and two female busts. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Young cavalier in the costume of the times. (Drawing.) do. C Bust of young woman, right profile, and head of young woman, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25, ~. do. Landscape with houses. (Drawing.) do. C Various studies ; above, pastoral scene. (Draw- ing.) Chatsworth. C Pastoral scenes; four compositions. (Drawing.) do. C Rural scenes ; four different compositions. (Draw- ing.) do. C Knights with a lady in a garden. Florence, Uffizi. C • Betrothal and Rustic Ball. Madrid. C Fete in the Gardens of Saint-Cloud. do. C Savoyard with his Marmot. St. Petersburg. C A Mezzetin playing the guitar. D., 9x7 inches, $2.00. do. C A Picnic. D., 6fx8f inches, $2.00. do. WATTEAU (Louis Joseph). Valenciennes, 1731- 1803. (French School.) Drunken Grenadiers. (Drawing.) De Goncourt Col. C Soldiers Halting (XVHL century). (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Lille. ' Triumph of Bacchus. (Drawing.) do. C Soldiers on the March. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1335 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Pastoral ; group of six persons. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Lille. Outdoor Repast. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. do. Rustic scene. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Rustic scene. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. ^ • WATTER (Josef). Bavaria. (Modern.) The Hunter from the Palatinate. Modern Painters. C Girl with cat. ^ do. C — C Almost Caught. do. C — C In the Country. do. C C — C Pleasant Drive. do. C C — C "Guess !" do. C — C Tke Butterfly. do. C The Little Knitting-woman. do. C — C My Best Beloved. do. C — C Roaming through the Woods. do. C C — C An Hour in the Cafe. do. C WATTS (George Frederick). Born in London, 1818. (Modern.) Love and Life. Paris, Lux. Sir Galahad. PI., 16x37 inches, $18.00; 12^x231, $6.00. London, R. A. C PI Prometheus. Building the Ark. Meeting of Jacob and Esau. Esau. The Good Samaritan. Idle Child of Fancy. Mischief. The People Who Sat in Darkness. Mid-day Rest. Genius of Greek Poetry. Condottiere. After the Deluge. Among the Ruins. Alice. Miss Mary Anderson. Angel of Death. Arcadia. Modern Painters. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. — PI PI PIC — C — PI PI PI PI PI PI PI — c PI PI — c PI PI PI PI — c PI c PI PI — PI — c 1336 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Ariadne, Ariadne in Naxos. Artemis. Aspirations. A Bacchanal. Birth of Eve. Britomart and her nurse. Chaos. Charity. Court of Death ; study. Creation of Eve. Mrs. Cropper. Cupid Fishing. Daphne. Daughter of Herodias. Dawn. Death Crowning Innocence. Death of Abel ; study. Dedicated to all the Churches. De Profundis. Dove that Returned to the Ark. PI., $7.50. Dove that Returned not Again. Dweller in the Innermost. Earth. Echo. Endymion. Europa and the Bull. Eve Tempted. Eve Repentant. Faith. Fata Morgana. First Whisper of Love. "For he had great possessions." Found Drowned. Ganymede. Garden of Zeus. Lady Godiva. Good Luck to Your Fishing. Greek Idyll. Miss Rachel Gurney. The Happy Warrior. Gallery. Sices, . 2 2| 3 3i 4 4i Modern Painters. — PI — — do. PI — — do. — — c do. . PI PI do. PI — — do. — PI — — do. c PI — C do. — — — pl' — — do. — CO — — c do. — — — PI — — do. PI PI — — do. — — — — — c do. PIC — — c do. — — — PI — c do. — — — PI — — do. — C — PI — c do. PI PI — do. — — — PI — do. — PI — — do. — — c do. Pi PI — do. PI PI — do. — — — PI do. — — — PI do. — — — — — c do. — — — PI PI — do. — — — PI — c do. PI PI — do. PI PI do. — — — PI do. PIC Pi — c do. — — — — — c do. c Pi — c do. — — — PI do. — — — PI — c do. — PJ do. — — — PI — do. ■ PIC PI — c~ do. c — — c do. c — — — do. PIC PI — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1337 The Heron. Hope. Horror. Hyperion. In the Land of the Weissnichtwo. Iris. Irish Famine. Jonah. The Judgment of Paris. Life's Illusions. Little Red-Riding-Hood. Love and Death. Love and Life. The Mentone Mountains. The Messenger. The Minotaur. Neptune's Horses. A nymph. Olympus on Ida. Ophelia. Orpheus and Eurydice. Paola and Francesca da Rimini. Parting of Achilles and Briseis. Peace and Good-will. The Prodigal Son. Progress. Psyche, Pygmalion's wife. The Rain Cloud. "The rain it raineth every day." Reverie. The Rider on the Red Horse. The Rider on the White Horse. Salome. Samson. The Schoolmaster's Daughter. The Seamstress. Sic Transit Gloria Mundi. The Standard-bearer. Sympathy. Temptation of Eve. Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3i 4 4i Modern Painters. C C do. — c PIC PI — c do. c c do. — PI do. — — — PI do. — — PI Pi do. — — c PI — c do. — PI do. — c c c do. c — — c do. — Pi do. — c PIC Pi — c do. — c PIC Pi — - c do. - — - c do. — c do. — — — c do. c — — — do. c c do. PI do. — — — PI — c do. c c PIC PI — c do. — PIC PIC Pi — c do. . PI — — — do. — — — Pi do. — PI — c do. — ■ — • — PI do. do. do. — — — PI — c PI C — c do. do. do. — c — PIC — c PI PI do. PIC PI do. do. do. c PI Pi do. — Pi do. — c c PI — c do. — PI do. — Pi do. — c — c 1338 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes > 2 2i 3 3^ 4 4| "The habit does not make the monk." Modern Painters . PI Thetis. do. C c Time, Death, and Judgment. do. _ PIC PIC PI — c The Triumph of Love. do. PI PI Uldra. do. PI Una and the Red Cross Knight. do. PI — Under a Dry Arch. do. PI _ Vindictive Anger. do. c Watchman. do. PI — "When poverty comes in at the door." do. Fl The Wife of Plutus. Portraits : do. c c Albert Edvv^ard as Prince of Wales. do. PI _ Duke of Argyll. do. PI — Matthew Arnold. do. PI — Prince Jerome Bonaparte. do. _ p; _ Sir William Bow^man. do. PI — Sir Benjamin Brodie. do. Pi _ Robert Browning. do. PI _ Earl Brown low. do. • PI — Sir Edward Burne-Jones. do. PI — Philip H. Calderon. do. PI _ Lord Campbell (in robes). do. PI _ Thomas Carlyle (1869). do. PI _ (The same, 1877.) do. PI — Countess Castiglione. do. PI _ Sir Charles Clarke. do. PI Sir Alexander Cockburn. do. PI — Walter Crane. do. PI _ Lord Davey. do. PI _ Professor Donders. do. PI — Marquis of Duflferin, do. PI _ Miss Mary Fox. do. PI _ Lady Garvagh. do. PI _ W. E. Gladstone (1865). do. PI _ Marchioness of Granby. do. PI _ Sir Peter Grant. do. PI _ Guizot (1856). do. PI _ Russell Gurney. do. PI _ Sir Charles Halle. do. PI ._ Lord Hobart. do. PI _ SOULE ART COMPANY, 'BOSTON. 1339 Lady Holland. Herr Joachim. Prince de Joinville. Mrs. Langtry. Lord Lawrence. Sir Henry Layard. W. E. Lecky. Lord Leig-hton. Princess Levin. Lady Lilford. Earl of Lothian. Earl of Lytton (1884). Cardinal Manning (1882). Dr. Martineau. George Meredith. John Stuart Mill. William Morris (1880). :W. L. Motley. Lady Mount Temple. Max Miiller. Sir William Napier. Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Lord Rothschild. Earl Russell. Lord John Russell. (The same, when a child.) Marquis of Salisbury. Earl of Shaftesbury. Lord Sherbrook. Dean Stanley. Leslie Stephen. Mrs. Leslie Stephen. Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe. Algernon Charles Swinburne. Sir Henry Taylor. Lord Alfred Tennyson (1859). (The same, 1891.) (The same, half length, 1891.) Thiers (1856). Tricoupis. Marchioness of Waterford. G. F. Watts at 18. Gallery. Sizes .2 2-^3 3^ 4 4* Modern Painters, do. do. do. do. ZZZI PI — PI — PI — PI — PI — do. — __ — — Fl — do. do. do. ■ do. do. PI — PI _ PI — PI — PI — do. — PI _ do. — PI — do. — PI _ do. do. do. — PI — PI — PI — do. — PI — do. — — — — . PI — do. — PI — do. PI — do. — PI — do. — PI — do. do. do. — — ri — PI — PI — do. do. do. PI — P: — Pi — do. — — PI — do. — — — PI — do. do. do. do. do. . PI — PI — PI — PI _ PI — do. do. do. do. do. PI — Pi _ PI — PI — PI — do. — — — — PI — 1340 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ G. F. Watts in armor, half length. Modern Painters. PI — G. F. Watts (1864). do. PI — Mrs. Watts. do. PI — Countess Walewski. do. PI — Lord Wensleydale. do. PI — Thomas W>ight. do. PI — Hon. Mrs. Percy Wyndham. do. PI — WATTS (F.) (Modern.) View on the Rhine. do. P' C — — — WEBER (Adolphe). Born in Boulay (Lorraine), 1842. (Modern.) Temptation. do. . C WEBER (F.) (Modern.) Countess Zriny. do. — C — C The Billet-doux. do. C WEBER (F. X.) (Modern.) Funeral Obsequies in Pompeii. do. ^ C — C WEBER (M.) (Modern.) Sappho. do. C WEBER (Theodor). Born in Leipsic, 1838. (Mod- ern.) Pilot Boat. do. C The Port of Ostend. do. C WEBLUS (M.) (Modern.) Flora. do. _ ._ c C — C WEEKES (Catherine). (Modem.) *The Crucifixion. do. B *Madonna. do. B *Sponsa Mystica. do. B WEEKS (Edwin Lord). Boston, 1849. (Modern.) Camel Driver from Punjab. PL, 7x13 inches, $2.00 ; colored, $6.00. Bos., Stet. Col. The Last Voyage. Modern Painters. C — C A Rajah of Jodhpore. do. C — C ♦This subject comes in a Baxyio Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1341 Gallery. Si;:es, , 2 2j 3 3h 4 4h WEENIX (Jan Baptist). Amsterdam, 1621 — Huys-Termey, near Utrecht, 1660. (Dutch School.) Marauders Repulsed. Paris, Louvre. C — c — Still-life ; four partridges hanging from a nail. (Drawing.) Dresden, R. C. — — c — Sleeping girl. Munich. — c — c Dead Game. Vienna, Liecht. C — — — Still-life. do. — — c — — — Dutch lady at her toilet. Brussels. — — — c — c Woman playing violin. (Exhibition of female portraits at the ficole des Beaux Arts, 1897.) c — — — WEENIX (Jan). Amsterdam, 1640-1719. (Dutch School.) Spoils of the Chase. Paris, Louvre. — — c — c — The Hare. Cassel. — — — c — c Still-life with a hare. Dresden. — c Still-life with a hare. Munich. — c c __ c Still-life with peacock. do. — — c c c Still-life with urn. do. — c c Still-life with goose. do. c c Girl fallen asleep. do. — c c Huntsman with game. do. — — — c c Portrait of a woman sitting in a garden. Buda-Pesth. — — c Game and fruit. Amsterdam. — — c c The Country-house. do. — — c c The Dead Swan. The Hague. c c Game and fruit. Brussels. c c — c WEERTS (Jean Joseph). Born in Roubaix (North), 1847. (Mod,ern.) Assassination of Marat (July 13, 1793). Temptation of St. Anthony. Bara. St. Francis of Assisi, dying, has himself carried to Santa Maria di Porzioncula. Night of the 9th and loth : Thermidor. (Salon of 1897.) WEESE (M.) (Modem.) Summer Visitor. Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C do. do. C C C C — C 1342 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3J 4 4^ A Hard Lot. Modern Painters. C Domestic Happiness. do. C Theodore Korner ("Thou Sword upon My Thigh"). do. C C — C A Surprise. do. B Morning in the Nursery. do. B 3 Two Families. do. B WEGMANN (Bertha). Soglio, Switzerland, 1847. (Modern.) Charitable Gift. do. ' C Foster-sisters. do. C Blossom-time. do. C C Blissful. do. C Night. do. C WEIGANDT (Konrad). Nuremberg, 1842. (Mod- ern.) Luther's Wedding Celebration, June, 1525, at Wittenberg. do. C — C C — C WEILER (L. von). (Modern.) The Prophetess. do. C Italian woman asleep. do. C WEINBERGER (A.) (Modern.) Pointer and setter seeking out birds. do. C — C Threatening Danger. do. C — C Game beside the water. do. C C — C Escaped. do. C Rawyl, a St. Bernard. do. C ' Bull-dog, Helios. do. C — C WEINEISS (H. G.) (Modern.) "Oh-h-h-h !" do. C WEISER (Josef). Potschkan, Silesia, 1847. (Mod- ern.) The Last Refuge. Dresden. C C — C Absolved. Modern Painters. C C Duet. do. . C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1343 Age doesn't shield from folly. Father's Joy. The Friar's Hay-harvest. The Interrupted Wedding. After Long Separation. "Hail to Our Emperor!" For the Entertainment of His Excellency. During Carnival. The Two Brides. Visit to the Studio. Atropa. Disturbed Smoking-party. Her New Mamma. Gallery.. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Paitners. C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C C C — C C — C C — C C — C C — C C C — C C C — C C C — C C — C C C — C B B B WEISHAUPT (Victor). ern.) Return Home. In the Meadow. Cattle. Munich, 1848. (Mod- do. C ~ C do. _ B B do. — - _ B B WEISS (George). (Modern.) Episode of the Plateau d'Avron. (Salon of 1899.) do. C C WEISSER (Charles Louis Augusta). Born in Montbeliard (Doubs). (Modern.) Awakening. WEISSER (E.) (Modern.) The Golden Age. Mignon. do. do. do. C C C C C — C WEISZ (Adolphe). Born in Buda (Hungary). (Modern.) The Bride. Request for the Publication of the Banns. Hercules and Omphale. Namouna. Sunflower. The Slavic Bride. Zuleima. Shake Hands. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C — C — C C C C C C c c 1344 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3i 4 4^ Study from nature. Modern Painters. C C Rival Bouquets. do. — C The Signal. do. c C The Wedding Present. do. — — c C "It is I !" do. — — c C Victorious Youth. do. c C Angelica saved by the Paladin Rugp"iero (Orlan- do Furioso). do. c C Nymph finding the head and the lyre of Orpheus. do. — C c C — C Smell. do. B B The New Model. do. — — B B An Act of Courage. do. P, B Easter Holidays. D., 21x16 inches, $5.00. do. B B *Othello and Desdemona. D., 13^x20^ inches, $5.00. do. — B B WEIR (JuUan Alden). West Point, N. Y., 1852. (Modem.) The Green Bodice. PL, 12x8 inches, $3.00 ; 9x6, $1.50. New England Village. PL, 10x13 inches, $3.00; 6^x84, $1.50. WEITSCH (Johann Friedrich). Hessendamm, near Wolfenbiittel, 1723-1803. (German School.) The Eormer Oak Forest at Querum, near Bruns- wick. WENCKER (Joseph). Born in Strasburg, 1848. (Modern.) Artemis. (Salon of 1893.) St. Elizabeth of Hungary. Bather. Nymph as Huntress. Summer. (Salon of 1896.) Summer Evening. (Salon of 1899.) W^N^TZIANOW (Alescei Gawrilowitch). jine, 1 780-1864. (Russian School.) Young Russian peasant. Ne- do. do. Brunswick. — B Paris, Lux. C C Modem Painters. C C — C do. C do. C do. C L, do. C C St. Petersburg. — C ♦This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, §r.8o. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1345 WENGLEIN (J.) Munich, 1845. (Modern.) Landscape of the River Inn. Collecting lime-stones in the channel of the Isar at Tolz. Early Spring. Munich, from Fohring. Lime-kilns in the Valley of the Isar. The Channel of the Isar at Tolz. View over the Valley of the Isar at Tolz. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C C — C Munich. — C C C — C Modern Painters. C WENT WORTH (Cecilia). (Modern.) A Prayer. Born in New York. WERENSKIOLD (Erik). Sweden, 1855. (Mod- ern.) Childish Jokes. Dolce Far Niente. A Meeting. A Question. WERFF (Chevalier Adriaen Van der). Kralingen, near Rotterdam, 1659 — Rotterdam, 1722. (Dutch School.) Adam and Eve. Chastity of Joseph. Nymphs dancing. Adam and Eve. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. Two chess-players. The Shepherd in Love. Pastoral scene. Portrait of the artist surrounded by his family. Lot and his daughters. Venus and Cupid. Mary Magdalen. Judgment of Paris. Child Jesus Caressing Young St. John. The Annunciation. Expulsion of Hagar. Nude figure of young girl reclining. (Drawing.) Expulsion of Hagar. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C — C C C — C C — C C — C — C C c — c c — c _ c Paris, Louvre. — c — c — c — GO. do. C Brunswick. _ — — B do. , — — — B Cassel. c — C Dresden. c c do. do. do. . c c c — c c do. — c C — do. c c — . — do. c c — '. do. c c do. BC c — B Dresden, R. C. — — — C Munich. c — c 1346 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. The Elector, John William. The elector's wife, Maria Anna Louisa. Christ Crowned with Thorns. * Allegorical picture. Children with a bird. Diana and Callisto. The Virgin with the Child Jesus and St. John. The Annunciation. The Visitation. The Boy Christ in the Temple. Christ Mocked. Flagellation of Christ. Bearing the Cross. The Entombment. The Resurrection. The Ascension. Pentecost. Assumption of the Virgin. Repose in Egypt. Woman kneeling, back view. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Portrait of the artist, by himself. The Entombment. Venus Embraced by Cupid. The Dancing-lesson. Filial Love (Cimon and Pera). Two children. Portrait of the artist, by himself. Adoration of the Shepherds. Portrait of John, Duke of Marlborough. Adam and Eve Driven from Paradise. Bathsheba Presenting Abigail to David. Holy Family. Assumption of the Virgin. Mary Magdalen in the Desert. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3J 4 4^ Munich. c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c . do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c do.- c — c do. c • — c Weimar. Amsterdam. C — zz do. c — — — do. — — c — do. c London, B. P. do. Florence, Uffizi. c c C — do. — — — — c — Florence, Pitti. c , St. Petersburg. — — — — c — do. C — — do. c — do. c — do. c — WERFF (Pieter van der). Kralinger-Ambacht, 1665 — Rotterdam, 1718. (Dutch School.) Two men at table with a plate of mussels before them. St. Jerome reading. Dresden. do. C C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1347 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ WERGELAND (O.) Christiania, 1844. Mod- ern.) Normans on the March. Modern Painters. C In Church. do. C Loki and Sigyn. do. C An Early Glass. . do. C Gathering wood. do. C Eidsvold, 1814. do. C C — C The Pilot. do. C The Life-boat. do. C — C WERNER (Anton von). Frankfort-on-the-Oder, 1843. (Modern.) Prisoner-of-War. D., 20x27 inches, $10.00. Prince Bismarck in the Federal Council. The 90th birthday of Emperor William I. Art- ist's Proofs, on India, 27^x20! inches, $25.00 ; D., $10.00. Emperor William I. Emperor Frederick. Count von Moltke in his study at Versailles. Coimt von Moltke before Paris. General Field-Marshal Count von Moltke. Frieze on the Victory Column at Berlin. La Festa. King William of Prussia proclaimed Emperor of Germany, Versailles, January i8th, 1871. King William I. arriving at Saarbriicken, 1870. Emperor Frederick and Prince Frederick Charles. Victoria (allegory). Prince Bismarck and Field-Marshal Count von Moltke. do. B B The Germans assaulting the Heights of Spicher- en, 1870. The Tribute Money. Emperor Frederick. Prince Frederick Charles. Prince Bismarck. General Field-Marshal Count V. Moltke. The Baptism. do. C C C C — C do. C C C C — C do. C C C C — c do. — C c C — c do. — C c C — c do. — — B B — — do. — B — B do. B — — — do. — B B — — — do. B — B B do. B — do. B — — B do. B — — B do. B — — B do. B B do. B — B B do. B (Companion portraits.) (Bust, oval.) do. do. B do. B do. B 1348 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ The Congress at Berlin in 1878. Modern Painters. B Emperor William I. at the mausoleum of Charlot- tenburg before leaving for the war, 1870. do. B — B B Founding the Order of the "Black Eagle." do. B Baptism of Emperor William's great-grandson, 1882. do. B Silesian Rifles No. 5 at Floring, 1870. do. B General Reille delivering Napoleon's letter of sur- render to King William. do. B — B B Meeting of Bismarck and Napoleon on the main road of Donchery. do. B — B B Moltke at Sedan watching the progress of the bat- tle, do. B B The Capitulation of Sedan. do. B — *King William of Prussia proclaimed Emperor of Germany at Versailles, 1871. D., 28x33 inch- es, $15.00; 16x19, $5.00. do. B Emperor William II. (half length). do. B — B B Konigsberg, June 18, 1701. do. B — B B *In the Quarters before Paris, 1870 (Spoils of War). D., 15^x21 inches, $5.00. do. B B Opening of the Reichstag by Emperor William II. the 25th of June, 1888. D., 29x49 inches, $50.00. do. Celebration of Moltke's 90th birthday. do. B Emperor William I. and the Lichtenfeld Cadets. D., 15x19 inches, $5.00. do. B WERNER (Fritz). Berlin, 1828. (Modern.) The sutler women between the two regiments of Dessau and Bavaria. do. — C C C — C WERNER (H.) (Modern.) Knitting-lesson. Under the Nut-tree. In Time of Harvest. Forester's Daughter. Great Discovery. A Severe Winter. Daily Guests. do. C do. C — C do. C — C do. C C — C do. C — C do. C C — C do. c — c ♦This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1349 In the Attic-room, Knitting-school. A Letter from Him. Gallery. Sbcs, 2 2{ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C — C do. C C — C do. C — C WERNER (Joseph). Berne, 1637-1710. (German School.) An Artist in his Studio. (Drawing.) Dresden, R. C. — WERTHEIMER (Gustave). Born in Vienna. (Modern.) The Black Friends. On the Watch. (Salon of 1896.) Ray of Love. (Salon of 1896.) Froufrou. (Salon of 1896.) Eglantine. (Salon of 1896.) The Queen's Tribute. (Salon of 1896.) The Guardians of the Temple. (Salon of 1896.) The Siren's Triumph. (Salon of 1897.) Royal Family. (Salon of 1897.) The Kings of Thebes. (Salon of 1898.) Topsy. Aphrodite of Scheveningen. lodern Painters. C do. C c do. c c do. c c do. c c do. c c do. c — c do. c c do. c c do. c c do. C — c do. c — c WERTHMULLER (Adolphe Ulrich). Stockholm, 1751 — Wilmington, Delaware, 181 1. (After Werthmiiller.) Portrait of Queen Marie Antoinette walking m the Gardens of the Tri- anon between her two children, the Dauphin Charles and the Duchess d'Angouleme. (The original is in the Museum at Stockholm.) Karlstein, Reichenhall, 1831. WEX (Wilibald). (Modern.) The Poacher. Lost Path. Rich Spoils. The Konigsee. WEYDEN (Harry Van der). (Modern.) The Fisher Maiden. PL, 8x12 inches, $2.50. Scheveningen. PL, 9^x12 inches, $2.00. Versailles. C — C Modern Painters. C do. c do. C do. C — C Bos., Stet. Col. ^ do. _ 1350 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. WEYDEN (Roger van der), Rogier de la Pasture or Roger de Bruges. Tournai, about 1400 — Brussels, 1464. (Flemish School.) Madonna and Child. Descent from the Cross. Head of the Virgin. (Drawing.) C, .75. (Attributed.) Christ on the Cross ; St. John sup- porting the Virgin. The Dead Christ extended, his right arm hanging down, his left resting on his right thigh. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Hell ; panel of the altar-screen at the Hospice. St. Anthony ; panel of the altar-screen at the Hos- pice. Portrait of the Grand Batard de Bourgogne. Triptych ; central panel, the Descent from the Cross ; left panel. Holy Family ; right panel, I Christ Appearing to Mary after His Resur- rection. Triptych ; central panel. Baptism of Christ ; left panel, Birth of John the Baptist ; right panel, Beheading of John the Baptist. Triptych ; central panel. The Nativity ; left panel, Emperor Augustus and Tiburtine Sibyl ; right panel. The Star Appearing to the Magi. Portrait of Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy (1433-1477)- Descent from the Cross (copy). Madonna and Child. Christ on the Cross ; at' His feet, the Virgin, St. John and Mary Magdalen. Madonna and Child standing under a canopy ; to the left, SS. Peter and John the Baptist; to the right, SS. Cosmas and Damien. Three scenes from the life of John the Baptist. C, $8.00. (School of Van der Weyden.) St. Veronica. (School of Van der Weyden.) Madonna suck- ling the Child. ■ (School of Van der Weyden.) Fragment of a Crucifixion. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Paris, Louvre, do. do. do. C — C — C — Berlin. do. do. do. do. do. Dresden. Frankfort. do. do. do. do. Armand Col. Beaune. IcIII do. __ _ c Chantilly. - C C C — c C C — c C C — c — c c c — c c — c c c — — c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 12lbX (School of Van der Weyden.) Christ on the Cross; at His feet, the Virgin in a swoon. The evangelist, St. Luke, drawing the Madonna. Annunciation. Presentation in the Temple. Adoration of the Magi. Christ on the Cross, SS. Veronica and Mary Mag- dalen (triptych). Madonna and Child. St. Catherine. Jesus Christ taken down from the cross and mourned by the Virgin, Mary Magdalen, St. John and other disciples. The Annunciation ; the Virgin is received by an angel at the steps of the temple. Birth of Christ. — Adoration of the Magi. Portrait of Charles the Fearless. The Seven Sacraments : triptych, central panel, the Eucharist ; right panel, Baptism, Con- firmation, Confession ; left panel, Ordination, Marriage, Extreme Unction. The Annunciation. Portrait of Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy. The Entombment. The Entombment. Draped male and female figures standing ; be- tween them, draped male figure kneeling. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Burial of Christ ; composition of nine figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. The Crucifixion. (Central panel of triptych.) Right and left panels of same triptych. (Attributed.) Descent from the Cross. D., I4^x. 19^ inches, $5.00. The Crucifixion. (Triptych, central part.) Punishment of Original Sin. (Right part.) The Last Judgment. (Left part.) WEYDEN (Roger van der), the Younger. Brus- sels, about 1505 — Antwerp, from 1537 to 1543. (Flemish School.) Portrait of the artist and his wife. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4Jt Frankfort. Munich. do. do. do. C C — C C C — C C C — C — C C C — C Vienna Museum. C — C do. C — do. C — The Hague. C C — C Brussels. C C — C do. C C — C do. C — C Antwerp. do. do. London, N. G. Florence, Uffizi. do. C C C C c do. Madrid. C do. C do. c do. c do. c do. c c — London, N. G. C 1352 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Mary Magdalen. The Annunciation. WHISTLER (James McNeil). Born in Baltimore, 1834. (Modern.) Arrangement in black and gray : portrait of the artist's mother. Little Rose. PI., 19x12 inches, $5.00; 8x12, $2.00. Head of a Blacksmith. PI., 8x12 inches, $2.00, WHITTAKER (J. B.) (Modern.) The Old Puritan. A Puritan Maid. A Puritan Maid. (Detail.) WICAR (Jean Baptiste Joseph). Lille, 1762-1834. (French School.) Allegory. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Allegory. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Marriage of the Virgin ; sketch. (Drawing.) C, Marriage of the Virgin ; more finished drawing. (Drawing.) WICHGRAF (F.) (Modern.) Portrait of Friedrich Bodenstedt. WIDNMANN (F;) (Modern.) Fortuna. Nobilitas. Moderatia. Prudentia. Spoils of the Chase. WIE (G.) (Modern.) Sudden Attack. WIEGAND (Gustave). (Modern.) A Bit of Old Jersey. A Spring Morning. Staten Island Homestead. Willow Brook. Under the Willows. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ London, N. G. — St. Petersburg. Paris, Lux. Boston, M. F. A. do. C C C Modern Painters. PIC — PiC PIC PIC do. do. PiC — PIC PIC PIC Lille. do. do. do. C — — Modern Painters. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. B B do. C do. PIC — PIC — do. — PIC PIC — PIC PIC do. PIC do. - - PIC PIC do. PIC PIC SOULE ART COMPAN Y, BOSTON. 1353 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2l 3 3i 4 4i Modern Painters. — — — — PIC PIC do. — — — — PIC PIC do. — — —^ — PIC — do. — — — — PIC PIC do. — — — — PIC — do. — — — PIC — Gardener's Cottage. November. June. The Old Farm. Winter. Midsummer. WIEGANDT (B.) (Modern.) The Convalescent. First Prayer. In a Summer Residence. Thumb-sucker. WIESCHEBRINK (Heinrich). Dtisseldorf, 1852. (Modern.) Ave Maria. WIGE (Van). Mountainous landscape. (Drawing.) WIGGINS (Carleton). Turners, New York, 1848. (Modern.) Pastoral. PL, 7x13 inches, $2.00. WILDENS (Jan). Antwerp, 1586-1653. (Flemish School.) Winter landscape. View of the city of Antwerp. WILHELM (K.) (Modern.) Cupid's Post-office. WILKE (H.) (Modern.) Socrates Taking Leave of his Pupils. WILKIE (Sir David). Cults, Fifeshire, Scotland, 1785-1841. (English School.) Knox preaching before the lords of the congre- gation, June 10, 1559. Weakness and Anger. Blind-man's-buff. Dance at the Wedding. do. C do. C — C do. C do. ■ C do. B Dresden, R. C. C Bos., Sher. Col. Dresden. — — C Amsterdam. c Modern Painters. C C — C do. London, N. G. C London, B. P C C do. C C do. C C 1354 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sij:cs. 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Spanish Court of War. London, B. P. C — C The Maiden of Saragossa. do. C Guerilla's Departure. do. C Guerilla's Return. do. C WILLAERTS (Abraham). Utrecht, 1613 (?)- 1671 (?). (Dutch School.) Coast with church steeple. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. Brunswick. B WILLARD (A. M.) Bedford, Ohio, 1836. (Mod- ern.) Yankee Doodle, or the Spirit of '76. Marblehead, T. H. PIC — PIC — PIC PIC WILLE (Pierre Alexandre), the Younger. Paris, 1748— (?). (French School.) The Little Cap. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. De Goncourt Col. The Reprimand ; old woman turned toward a young girl. (Drawing.) London, B. M. C WILLEMS (Florent). Born in Liege (Belgium), 1823. (Modern.) Woman with a carnation. Modern Painters. C WILLETTE (Adolphe). Born in Chalons-sur- Marne, 1857. (Modern.) Valmy. (Pen drawing relieved with blue cray- on.) C, $1.75. Paris, Lux. Temptation of St. Anthony. Modern Painters. C WILLIAMS (J. Haynes). Worcestershire, Eng- land, 1834. (Modern.) The Miniature. Artist's Proofs, 75 on India, lo^ X13I inches (all sold) ; D., $3.00. do. B — B *No Thoroughfare. Artist's Proofs, 100 on India, 22x15 inches, $18.00; D., $5.00. do. B WILLROIDER (Ludwig). Villach, 1845. (Mod- ern.) Landscape in Corinthia. do. C On the Riviera. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. — . C — C ♦This subject comes in a Baryto Print, 6^x9 inches, $1.80. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 3355 Gallery. Sizes. 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ WILSON. (Modern.) Gathering Blackberries. Modern Painters. C WILT (Thomas Van der). Piershil, Holland, 1659 —Delft, 1733. (Dutch School.) Game at Draughts. Berlin. C — C WIMMER (C.) (Modern.) The Rising Moon. Modern Painters. C — C Christmas Eve. - do. C — C Hunter's Returning. do. C — C View of the Simmsee. do. C Winter in the Mountains. do. C — C Fraunhofer demonstrating the spectrometer. do. C C — C Fraunhofer discovering the spectrum. do. C — C WIMMER (R.) (Modern.) "Charming, Your Reverence !" do. C Diana Resting. do. C C — C Love's Presentiments. do. C — C A Tonic. do. C Leopold, Prince-Regent of Bavaria. do. C C — C Emperor William H. on the captain's bridge of His Majesty's ship "Hohenzollern." D., 20x 27 inches, $10.00. do. C C C C — C Leopold, Prince-Regent of. Bavaria, in the uni- form of the order of the Knights of St. Hu- bert (three-quarters length). do. C C — C Emperor William H. (bust), in the uniform of a general. do. C C — C Emperor William H. (three-quarters length, ad- miral's uniform). do. — C C C C Emperor William H. (three-quarters ; uniform of Hussar). do. C C — C Emperor William H. (bust; uniform of a Hus- sar). Emperor William H. (in admiral's uniform). Portrait of Emperor William H. (bust). Emperor William H. on horseback. WINCKEBOONS (David). See VINCKBOOMS. do. C C — c do. C C — c do. B B do. B — B 1356 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. WINCKELES (O.) View of the New Market Square, Dresden. (Drawing.) WINGHE (Joost van). Brussels, 1544 — Frankfort, 1603 or 1605. (Flemish School.) Apelles and Campaspe. WINTERH ALTER (Xavier Fransois). Baden, 1806-1873. (German School.) Portrait of a Russian princess. Portrait of the Empress Eugenie (Marie Eugenie de Gusman, Countess of Teba and of Monti- jo). Portrait of Marshal Sebastiani (Francois Horace, Count, 1772-1851). Portrait of the Empress Eugenie. Portrait of Monseigneur the Due d'Aumale. WINTERNITZ (Richard). (Modern.) Dancing-lesson. WIRSCHING (S.) (Modem.) Mother Anna. St. Catherine. Portrait of Pope Leo XIIL WISCHNIOWSKY (J.) (Modern.) "You Fast very Well!" Pierrette. WISINGER-FLORIAN. (Modern.) Spring Flowers. Gallery. Shcs, 2 2J 3 3.V 4 4^ Dresden, P. G. C. C Vienna Aluseum. C Paris, Louvre. — Versailles. — C — C do. C — MastersXIX.Cen. C Chantilly. C Modern Painters. C do. C — C do. C do. c C — C do. C do. C do. C WISLICENUS (Hermann). Eisenach, 1825. (Modern.) Spring. do. B B Summer do. B B Autumn. do. B B Winter. do. — — B — — B SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 135^ Gallery. Sizes, 2 2i 3 3^ 4 4i WITT (Jacob de). Amsterdam, 1695-1754. (Dutch School.) ' Spring. Cassel. C — C Burning of Troy. (Kilenyi Coll.) Buda-Pesth. C — — — The Sciences and Arts. (Allegory.) St. Petersburg. C — Cupid. do. c — Children's Bacchanal. do. c — Bacchanal of four children. do. c — WITTE (Emanuel de). Alkmaar, 1607— Amster- dam, 1692. (Dutch School.) Interior of a church. Amsterdam. Interior of a church. The Hague. Interior of a church. Brussels. C — C C — C C — C WITTE (Pietro Candido de). Bruges, 1 548-1628. (Flemish School.) Holy Family ; group of nine figures. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Florence, Uffizi. WITZEL (R.) (Modern.) Welcome News, Modern Painters. C — C WIWEL (N.) (Modern.) "Quoth the raven — 'Never more !' " D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. WODZINSKI (J. von). Between the Acts. Children's Ball. (Modern.) do. do. do. C — C C — C C — C WOHLGEMUTH (Michael). Nuremberg, 1434- 15 19. (German School.) Ursula Hans Tucherin. Cassel Imperial Mass. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Dresden, R. Bust of the Virgin holding the Child Jesus on her left arm. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Departure of the Twelve Apostles. Munich. Crucifixion. ' do. Descent from the Cross. do. The Entombment. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Venice. C — C — C — C — C — C — C — C 1358 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. WOHNLICH (C.) (Modern.) From the fourth legend of Riibezahl. WOLF (A.) (Modern.) Giorgione. Woman of Dalmatia. Love's Services. WOLF (Johann Andreas). 1652-1716 (?). (Ger- man School.) Christ and the Woman of Samaria. (Drawing.) C., $1.75. Winter landscape ; a village. (Drawing.) WOLF (O.) (Modern.) "Mamma, I Congratulate You." An Anxious Hour. WOLFF (H.) (Modern.) Berchtesgaden, with the Watzmann. WOLFF (W.) (Modern.) Hedda (female bust, oval picture). WOLFROM (F. E.) (Modern.) Summer Pleasures. Summer Dancers. Don Juan. Lorelei. At Dessert. Entertainment. In the Garden. Our Pet. WOLLEN (W. B.) (Modern.) England versus Australia. Artist's Proofs, 200 on India, 18^x29^ inches, $24.00; D., $12.00. Abu Klea. D., 13x20^ inches, $5.00. WOLTER (F.) (Modern.) Madonna. Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C — C do. c C — c do. c — c do. c c — c Dresden, R. C. Dresden, P. G. C Modern Painters. C C — C do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C — C c C — C B B C — C c C — c c — c c c c — c c c c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 135» Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3J 4 4^ WOLTERS (G.) (Modern.) Hare-hunting, - Modern Painters. C At the Fox's Earth, do. C WOLTZE (Berthold). Havelberg, Brandenburg, 1829. (Modern.) "He's Coming !" Dangerous Operation. Bankrupt. In Church. Into Hostile Life. Across the mountains. Absorbed. Complicated Sitviation. A Sense of Beauty. Under a Strange Flag. Return Home from Church. At the Window. Return from the Town. Circumnavigator of the Globe once more with Mother. A Lost Sunbeam. At Breakfast. A Martyr to Science. The Emigrants. Lost Happiness. Grandfather and Grandchild. Social-Democratic Pupil. A Letter from America. In a Foreign Country. Adieu ! Adieu ! A Dark Path, Lovers. WONSAM (Anton). See WORMS. WOOD (C. Haig). (Modern.) Preparing for Conquest. Artist's Proofs on In- dia, 18x25 inches, $15.00; D., $5.00; 8x10, $1.50. do "Answer Him Fairly, Yea or Nay." Artist's Proofs on India, I7fx24f inches, $15.00; D., $5.00; 8x10, $1.50. do do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. C c — c do.. c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. , c — c do. c c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c c — c do c do. c do. c — c do. r do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. r do. zzz V, — B 1360 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. WOODBURY (Charles Herbert). (Modern.) Rock and the Sea. PI., 9x12 inches, $3.00. WOODBURY (Marcia Oakes). (Modern.) Weary. PI., 10x13 inches, $2.50. Dutch women. PL, 6|xi2 inches, $3.00. The Smoker. PL, 10x12 inches, $3.00; 7x8, $1.50. WOPFNER (Josef). Schwaz, Tyrol, 1843. (Mod- ern.) Fugitive Alsatians before Strasburg. Fishing. Pursuing poachers. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. For the Christening. In the Storm. Bad Weather. Gallery. Sizes. 2 2i 3 3^ 4 4I Modern Painters. do. do. do. do. C C do. . C do. — C C C — C do. C do. c C — C do. c C — C WORES (Theodore). San Francisco. (Modern.) Juliet Capulet. WORMS (Anton Wonsam von). (School of Cologne.) Last Judgment. The Crucifixion. 1528-1561. WORMS (Jules). Born in Paris, 1832. (Modern.) Romance a la Mode. The Carlist. The Wedding Gown. In the Very Act. In Passing. Under the Charm. The Torero's Story. The Pursuit. A Wheedler. A Little Don Juan. WOUTERS (Frangois). Liene, Brabant, 1612- 1659. (Flemish School.) (Attributed to Julien David TenierS.) The Flight into Egypt. do. C — C Berlin. C Buda-Pesth. C Paris, Lux. C C Modern Painters. C do. C do. C — do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. C Buda-Pesth. — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1361 WOUWERMAN (Philips). Haarlem, 1619-1668. (Dutch School.) The Boeuf Gras in Holland. Starting for the Chase. The Riding-school. Cavalry Encounter. Cavalry Encounter. Huntsmen and cavaliers halting before an inn. Peasants with a hay-wagon. The Pilgrims. Horseman with kicking horse tied to a post, against which a boy is leaning ; to the right, two gentlemen with a child and a dog ; to the left, group of people. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Cavalry fight. The Halt. (Carstanjen Coll.) The Riding-school. Huntsmen halting on the bank of a river. The Ascension. D., 7^x9 inches, $1.50. The Return of the Falconers. The Riding-school. The Harvest. The dappled horse in front of the forge. Noon-rest of the farm-laborers. Peasants resting. The white horse at the forge. Peasant at the market with the old white horse. Rest at the Well. Coast-scene. Coast-scene. Stag-hunt. The Wooden Bridge. The Stag-himt. Landscape with a figure. Cavalier and peasant woman. Return from Fishing. Cavalry-fight near a burning mill. Stable of an inn with horsemen. Departure for the Falcon-chase. Departure for the Hunt. Starting for the Hunt. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Paris, Louvre. C do. c do. c do. c do. C do. C do. c do. c Dutuit Col. — Chantilly. . C — Berlin. c do. c c — c do. — — — C — Brunswick, — — — B Cassel. c c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. — — — c — c do. — c — c do. c — c do. c — c do. c — c Dresden. c do. c do. c do. c do. c do. c — do. c c do. c — do. c r1-> — — — B 1362 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4.^ Bear and Wild-boar Hunt. Dresden. — — C Stag-hunt on the shore of a lake. do. C Camp on the banks of a river. do. C A horseman in the courtyard. do. C Return from the Chase. do. C Horse and dog led by two men. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Dresden, R. C. _ Personage on horseback ; behind him two peas- ants, man and woman. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Horsemen halting before an inn. Frankfort. Landscape. Munich. Stag-hunt. do. The Battle of Nordlingen, 1634. do. Gipsy-encampment. do. Landscape, do. Plundering a village. do. The Travelers. do. Riding-ground near a stable. do. The Stable. do. The Watering-place. do. Winter landscape. do. After the Chase. do. The Carter. do. The Falcon-chase. do. Riding-school and horse-pond. Vienna Museum. Landscape. Vienna, Liecht. — The Post-wagon. do. Landscape, with a river. do. A Battle. do. Woman on horse led by a peasant, and group of two figures lying on the ground. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Vienna, Albert. Three horsemen halting before a tavern. (Draw- ing.) do. C — Saddled horse, turned to left. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Three greyhounds ; study. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. The High School. Buda-Pesth. C The Heron-hunt. Amsterdam. C Storming of Coeworden, 1672. do. C — C — c c C — — c — c c c — c c — c c — c c — c c c c — c — c — c c — c — — — c c — c — c — — — c c — c — c c c c c c c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1363 Gallery. Siacs, 2 2i 3 3^ 4 4i The Watering-place. Amsterdam. C — C C — C Landscape. do. The Skittish Horse. do. C — C Arrival at the Inn. The Hague. _ — c c — c Leaving the Inn. do. c c — c The Riding-school. do. c — c Cavalry Combat. do. c — c An Encampment. do. c — c Setting Out for the Hunt. Brussels. c — c Episode of the Chase. do. c — c Halt of cavaliers. Antwerp. c — Interior of a stable. London, Natl. G. c c — c The Hay-harvest. London, B. P. — — c c The Falconers. (P. Wouwerman and Jean Wynants.) do. c c — A horse-market. do. c A horse-market. do. c Falconers pausing to rest. . do. C The Pistol-shot. do. c The Cat Race. St. Petersburg. c A Road. do. c Travelers' Halt. do. c Skirmish of Out-posts. , do. c Stag-hunt. do. c WOUWERMAN (Pieter). Haarlem, 1623— Amsterdam, 1682. (Dutch School.) Gipsy Halt. (Drawing.) The Hunting Party. Weimar. Amsterdam. WRIGHT (Ethel). A Path of Roses. (Modern.) Modern Painters. — B B WUNDERLICH (H.) (Modern.) The Holy Handkerchief of St. Veronica. do. B WUNDERWALD (Willy). The Flight into Egypt. Madonna and Child. (Modern.) do. do. — C C C 1364 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4I WUNNENBERG (Carl). DUsseldorf, 1850. (Mod- em.) After Confession. Modem Painters. C Evening. do. C C — C Vestal Virgin. Artist's Proofs on Japan, 21x12^ inches, $15.00; D., 16x21, $5.00. do. C C — C Claudia. dc. C Beatric ^ do. -: C Italian Shepherd. do. C C — C Flora. ' do. C C — C Flora. . do. C C — C * Wooing. Artist's Proofs, 50 on Japan. 21x12^ inches, $24.00: 50 on India. $18.00; D., $5.00. do. B B The First-born. do. B *On the Banks of the Peneios. do. B B WUNSCH (M.) (Modern.) Unusual Haul. do. — C Sunshine. ' do. C — C Approaching Storm. do. C — C Nazi. do. C Susi. do. C The Apple-thief. do. . _ C — C The Toy Pistol. do. ^ — C Teasing the Baby. do. C Plotting Mischief. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. do. C C — C Disputed Rights. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. do. — C Pietro. do. C Pepino. do. C The Dog's Toilet. do. C — C Boys playing cards. do. C The Height of Their Ambition. " do. C — C A Rustic Beauty. do. C — C "My Dolly." do. C Amongst the Brambles. do. C WUTTKE (Carl). (Modern.) Rome. do. C C WYBURD (L.) (Modern.) Alav. do. C ♦This subject comes in a Baryto Print, Sli^g inches, $i.Sa SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1366 Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4| WYCK (Thomas). Beverwyck, 1616— Haarlem, 1677. (Dutch School.) Deer-hunt near the River. The Encampment on the River. The Well; an interior. (Drawing.) WYNANTS (Jan). Haarlem, about 1600— Amster- dam, after 1679. (Dutch School.) Edge of a forest. Landscape. (The figures are by Adriaan van de Velde.) Landscape. (The figures are by J. Lingelbach and Wyntrank.) Morning landscape. Evening landscape. Landscape ; wooded hills. Landscape ; wooded sand-hills. Landscape. (Drawing.) A Road in the Dunes. (Figures by J. Lingel- bach.) Edge of the forest. Landscape with animals. Landscape traversed by a road. Dresden, do. Dres., Royal Col. Paris, Louvre. do. Frankfort. Munich. do. do. do. Weimar. The Hague. do. Brussels. St. Petersburg. C — C — C — C — C — C C C C — C — C C C — C — C C — C C C C C C C C XYLAN DER (Wilhelm). (Modern.) On the North Sea. Mouth of the Thames. Copenhagen, 1840. Modern Painters, do. C C — c — C — c YKENS (Frans). Antwerp, 1601-1693. School.) Still-life. (Flemish Berlin. C YOUNG (Eduard). "No, indeed!" The Prize-bull. "Exactly!" Chamois Hunter. Prague, 1823. (Modern.) Modern Painters. C C — C do. C C — C do. C C — C do. C C — C YPERMAN. Born in Bruges. (Modern.) Madonna and Child. do. C C 1366 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4! YVON (Adolphe). Born in Esch wilier (Alsace), 1817-1893. (Modern.) Capture of the Tower of Malakoff, September 8, 1855. Versailles. ■ C Pass of Malakoff, September 8, 1855. do. C Marshal Ney supporting the rear guard of the Grande Armee ; retreat from Russia, Decem- ber, 1812. do. C Battle of Solferino, June 24, 1859. do. C Charge of the French Cuirassiers at ReichshofTen. Modern Painters. C C The Great of the Earth. do. C Diana. do. C 1798. — Napoleon in Egypt. (Water-color.) do. C 1812. — Napoleon I.'s Retreat from Russia. (Wa- ter-color.) do. Q Percheron horse. do. Q Volunteer for one year. do. C Portrait of M. Henry Martin. do. q Portrait of M. Paul Bert. do. C Leda. do. C The Christian Legend. ' do. C C Children with a hind. do. C Alsace. do. C Music. do. C At the Fountain. do. C Camot, President of the Republic. do. C C The same (detail). do. C Trace-horses. do. Q Napoleon i. decorating artists. do. C Aurora (ceiling). do. C ZAAK (G.) (Modern.) "How Happy Could I Be with Either!" do. B ZACCHIA (Paolo II Vecchio). Vezzano, near Lucca, beginning of the XVI. century. (Flor- entine School.) Portrait of a musician. Paris, Louvre. C C ZACH (C.) (Modefn.) Barry and Nero. D., i6x2t inches, $5.00. Modern Painters. C Misdoers. do. C C — C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1367 ZACHTLEVEN. See SACHTLEVEN. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ ZAFFONI (Giovanni Maria). See CALDERARI. ZAGANELLI (Francesco). Cotignola. Worked from 1505 to 1527. (School of Romagna.) Madonna and Child enthroned, between SS. John and Sebastian. The 7\nnunciation ; to the left, St. John the Bap- tist ; to the right, St. Anthony of Padua. A Miracle from the Legend of St. Anthony of Padua. (Attributed.) A Miracle from the Legend of St. Anthony of Padua. (Attributed.) ZAMPIERI (Domenico). See IL DOMENICHI- NO. Chantilly. Berlin. do. do. C — — C C — c c c ZASINGER or ZATZINGER (Mattheus or Mar- tin). Flourished in Alunich about 1500. Warrior in his armor ; profile, turned to left. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Dresden, R. C. Warrior in his armor, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. ZEEMAN (Remigius Nooms, called Reinier). View of a town in Holland. Cassel. C — C ZEEUW. See ROMERSWALE. ZEGERS (Gerard), or SEGHERS. Antwerp, 1591- 1651. (Flemish School.) Male bust turned to right. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Male bust turned to left. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Madonna and Child ; St. John offering a bird to the Child Jesus. • Marriage of the Virgin. ZEISIG (J. CI., named Schoenau). Zittau, after 1737 — Dresden, 1806. (German School.) A Musical Entertainment. (Drawing.) Dresden, R. C. do. Vienna Mus. C — Antwerp. C — Dresden, P. G. C. — C 1368 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON ZEITBLOM (Bartholomaus). Lived in Ulm, 1484- 1517. (German School.) Handkerchief of St. Veronica. St. Margaret and St. Ursula. ZELOTTI (Battista). Verona, about 1532- 1592. (Venetian School.) (Attributed.) Portrait of a lady. ZENALE (Bernardo Martini). Treviglio, 1436- 1526. (Italian School.) (Attributed.) St. Mark seated on a throne : to the right, group of six figures kneeling; to the left, four other figures in prayer. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. ZENISEK (J.) (Modern.) "My Pussy." Vanity. Alma. First Violets. Monica. Greek bride. Forget-me-not. Rosetta. Alceste. Philina. Wild-flower. Marischka. Siesta. "My Little Playmate." Day-dreams. Carmen. Rosamund. Marie. Lost in Thought. "My Pet." The First Cherries. ZENKER (J.) (Modern.) St. Veronica. Gallery. Sices, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ Berlin. Munich. London, N. G. Malcolm Col. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C — C do. C C C C C C — C C C — c c — c c c — c c c — c ^ c — c c c C — c c c c c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1369 ZEREGO (Mathews). Penitent Magdalen, ZERESO or CERESO (Mateo). Burgos, 1635— Madrid, 1675. (Spanish School.) John the Baptist. Christ Bound. St. Mary Magdalen. ZEWY (C.) (Modern.) The Young Wife. "Faint Heart Ne'er Won Fair Lady," ZEZZOS (Alessandro). (Modern.) Cinderella. The Little Princess. ZICK (Alexander). (Modern.) Psyche and Charon. ZIEGER (H.) and BECKER. Evening Idyll. ZIEGLER (Th.) Dr. Martin Luther (after Lucas Cranach). ZIEM (Felix). Born in Beaune, 1821. (Modern.) View of Venice. View of Antwerp. La Pointe du Vieux Serail. ZIER (Edouard). Born in Paris. (Modern.) Psyche. The Wicked Rich Man. Truth and Fable. A Siren. ZIER (Victor Casimir). Born in Warsaw, 1822. (Modern.) lloly Family. Echo Bewailing Narcissus. Biblis. Gallery. Si:;es, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4J Vienna, Czernina. C Cassel. Buda-Pesth. The Hague, C — C C C — C Modern Painters. C do. do. do. do. do. do. C C c c c — c B B B Paris, Lux. Arn. & Tripp C, Gallice Col. C C Modern Painters. C do. c do, c do, c do. C do. c do. c 1370 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4^ ZILLHARDT (Jenny). Bom in St. Quentin. (Modern.) "Help Yourselves, Ladies !" Modern Painters. C ZINKEISEN (A.) (Modern.) Hansel and Gretel. do. B ZIMMER (Wilhelm). Apolda, Saxe-Weimar, 1853. (Modern.) On Furlough. do, C C — C Pause in the Dance. do- C C — C A Dance. do. C — C From Thuringia. do. C — C The Magician. do. C C — C In Service. do. C Long-expected News. do, C Fishermen in Council at Monchgut. • do. — — C ■ — — C The Bathing Chapel. do. C — C A Field-practice. do. C ZIMMERMANN (Albert). Zittau, Saxony, 1808. (Modern.) May Wine. do. C ZIMMERMANN (C.) (Modern.) End of the Fight. do. C Old animal with calf. do. C Stag and roes. do. B B Stag in Spring. do. B B ZIMMERMANN (Ernst). Munich, 1852. (Mod- ern.) Christ in the Temple. do. — C C C — C Lost, do. C Fishwife, do. C — C Fisherman's cottage. do. — C The Goose. do. C C — C Fishwife. do. C Business Friends. do. C C — C Brew-house Beer and Music. do. C Jolly old man. do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1371 Gallery. Sices, 2 2\ 3 3^ 4 4^ Adoration of the Shepherds. Modern Painters. — C C C — C Music-lesson. do. C C — C Madonna. do, C C — C Conquered. do. C A Merry Story. do. C — C The Disturber of the Peace. do. C At Dice. do. — C Christ and the Fishermen. D., 8x10 inches, $1.50. do. C C — C Leopold, Prince Regent of Bavaria. do. — C C C — C Christus Consolator. do. C C — C Still-life. do. C A Fresh Tankard. do. C Christ at the House of Mary and Martha. do. C — C A Question. do. — C Devotions. do. C "Honor Thy Father and Mother." do. C The Prelate. do. C Dice-players. do. — C Indian Summer. do. C ■'Once Upon a Time." do. C Christ Appearing to the Doubting Thomas. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. C C C At the Fishmonger's. do. C Holy Family. do. C C "One of You Will Betray Me." do. C — C Adoration of the Infant Christ. do. C C Wallensteiners Billetted. do. C C "Come Unto Me All Ye That Labor, and I will Give You Rest." do. C C The Little Hero. do. C C A Stirring Incident. do. C C Joseph with the Christ Child. do. B ZIMMERMANN (Richard). nich, 1875. (Modern.) Winter landscape. Zittau, 1820 — Mu- do. ZIMMERMANN (Reinhard Sebastian). Hagenau, 1815. Testing the Brew. Peasants' wedding in Dachau. do. do. — C — C 1372 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2h 3 3^ 4 4 J The Intercepted Messenger. Modern Painters. C — C The First-born. do. C Grandfather's Joy. do. C Before the Audience. do. — - — C C Triumphant Message. do. C C — C The Emigrants. do. C C In a Dilemma. do. C Merry Entertainment. do. C A Good Drop. do. C Announcement to the Kindergarten. do. C C Wedding in Dachau. do. — C C Amateurs' Visit to the Studio. do. C ZIPPER (G.) (Modern.) Madonna. do. C C Tristitia. do. C Mignon. do. C C ZMURKO (F.) (Modern.) Cleopatra. do. C ZONARO (F.) (Modern.) Popular Festa in Venice. Returning from the Field. A Musical "At Home." A Calm at Venice. Spring. On the Bridge of Spires. A Modern Roman. do. C C — c do. C C — c do. C — c do. C — c do. — c do. c — c do. — c ZOPPO (Marco). Bologna. Worked at Padua and Venice from 1468 to 1498. (School of Padua.) Madonna and Child surrounded by saints. Pieta ; the body of Christ supported by two angels. Berlin. C C Vienna Museum. C C — C ZUBER (Henri). Born in Rixheim, 1844. (Mod- ern.) September Pastures. MastersXIX.Cen. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1373 ZUBER-BUHLER (Fritz). Born in Lode (Swit- zerland). (Modern.) Harvest of Roses. Little Coquette. The Big Brother's Little Christmas. The First Thorn. The Little Favorites. Little Glutton. Idleness. Prometheus. Distraction. Stealthy Reading. The Sleeper. Wheedling. ' Dew. Zephyr. Breakfast. Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Modern Painters. C C do. — C do. C do. C do. C do. C do. ' C do. C do. C C do. C C do. C C do. : C do. C C do. C C do. C C ZUCCHERELLI (Francesco). Pitigliano, Tus- cany, 1702 — Florence, 1788. (Florentine School.) Landscape. Landscape. Windsor, do. — C C C ZUCCHERO (Federigo). Duchy of Urbino, 1542 — Ancona, 1609. (Italian School.) Sculptors working at the faqade of the chapel of San Lorenzo, Florence. (Drawing.) C, $i-25- Interior of the Chapel of San Lorenzo at Flor- ence. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Medallion portrait of Taddeo Zucchero. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Bust of young girl ; behind her, head and hand of a boy. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Two busts of young girls. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Six people in the street of a town. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Boy's head, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Female head turned to right. (Drawing.) C, •75- Paris, Louvre. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 1374 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Head of man, right profile, wearing a large hat. (Drawing.) C, .75. Paris, Louvre. Bust of bald old man with long beard. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. do. Bust of old man turned slightly toward the right. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Young monk, full face, bust. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Male head, full face. (Drawing.) C, .75. do. (After Zucchero.) Sleeping Antiope and a satyr. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. . Decorative design for a vaulted ceiling. (Draw- ing.) Weimar. C Calumny, (Drawing.) do. C — Prophet, sibyl, and five angels. (Drawing.) C, .75. Vienna, Albert. Jesus Healing the Paralytic ; composition of many figures. (Drawing.) do. C — The Holy Trinity surrounded by angels; below, four saints. (Drawing.) do. C — Two apostles standing. (Drawing.) do. C — Achilles Recognized by Ulysses ; composition of many figures. (Drawing.) do. C Bust of a man holding a book. (Drawing.) C, .75- clo. Six saints grouped upon a staircase ; at the top, the Madonna and Child, with several saints. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. Coronation of the Virgin. (Drawing.) Chatsworth. C The Last Judgment ; below, three figures, Faith, Hope, and Charity. (Drawing.) do. C The Silver Age ; allegory. Florence, Uffizi. C — Decorative design. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. do. Portrait of the daughter of the Viceroy of Naples, full face, bust. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Milan, Ambrosian Orpheus at the Gates of Hades. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Milan, Resta Col. Orpheus Bringing Back Eurydice. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. do. Old man seated, right profile. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Venice. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1375 Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ t, 2,2 4 4h St. Augustine Converting the Heretics. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.25. Venice. ZUCCHERO (Taddeo). Duchy of Urbino (1529) — Rome, 1566. (Italian School.) Flying angels; design for a ceiling. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Paris, Louvre. (After Zucchero.) Group with Christ surround- ed by the people. (Drawing.) do. C Beheading of John the Baptist ; group of five fig- ures. (Drawing.) do. C Emperor Charles V. prostrating himself before Pope Paul III. (Drawing.) do. C Pope blessing a flag in a church. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Vienna, Albertina. Michael Angelo stopping to see Taddeo Zucchero at work. (Drawing.) do. C — Coronation of the Vii-gin. (Drawing.) London, B. M. C — The great of the earth placing themselves under the protection of the Virgin. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. Chatsworth. The Entombment. (Drawing.) C, $2.50. do. Musicians and an artist. (Drawing.) do. C The Concert. (Drawing.) do. C Allegory of human life ; large composition of many figures. (Drawing.) Florence, Uflfizi. C Adoration of the Shepherds. (Drawing.) ^do. C The Annunciation ; large composition. (Draw- ing.) do. C The dead Christ. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Milan, Resta Col. ZUEGEL (Heinrich). Murrhard, Wiirtemberg, 1850. (Modern.) At the entrance to the Munich Art Gallery. D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. Modern Painters. C C — C "Dogs Not Admitted." D., 16x21 inches, $5.00. do. C C Before the Sheepfold. do. C ZUILL (A. L.) Little Mice. PI., 7x9 inches, $1.00, do. 1376 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. ZUMBUSCH (L.) The Miser. (Modern.) ZUNDT (Matthias). Nuremberg, 1498-1586. (Ger- man School.) Escutcheon held by two soldiers. (Design for glass.) C, $2.50. ZUBARAN (Francisco de). Born in Estremadura in 1598; died in Madrid in 1662. (School of Seville.) St. Peter Nolasco and St, Raymond de Penafort. Funeral of a bishop. St. Apollina. Head of monk covered with a hood, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. St. Bonaventura and St. Thomas Aquinas, Adoration of the Virgin. Judith v/ith th-^ head of Holof ernes. Vision of St. Celestin (St. Bonaventura?) ; the saint visited by an angel refuses the papal crown. St. Francis of Assisi. Immaculate Conception. Franciscan monk in prayer. Vision of St. Peter Nolasco. Child Jesus asleep on the cross. D., 7fxio^ inches, $2.00. "Santa Casilda." Monk in Ecstasy. A begging friar. A begging friar. A begging friar. A begging friar. A begging friar. The Virgin's Prayer. St. Laurence standing, his left hand resting on the gridiron. ZUSTRIS or SUSTER (Lambert Frederic). Am- sterdam, 1526 — Munich, 1600 (?). (Dutch School.) Venus and Cupid. Gallery. Shcs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4J Modern Painters. C Dresden, R. C. Paris, Louvre. C — c — do. c — c — do. c — c — Malcolm Col. _ _ Berlin. c c — c Berlin, R. G. c — c do. c — c Dresden. c c B Munich. — c — c Buda-Pesth. c — — — London, N. G. c c — c T^Iadrid. c — — — do. do. Madrid, Ac. St. F. c c c — — — do. c — — — do. c — — — do. c — — — do. do. St. Petersburg. c c — — — — — — do. — — C Paris, Louvre. — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1377 Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ ZWILLER (Auguste). Born in Didenheim (Al- sace). (Modern.) "Hush !" Modern Painters. C C Persevering Catechism. do. C St. Cecilia. do. C C Centenary of the Union of France and Miilhau- sen. (Salon of 1899.) do. C UNKNOWN MASTERS. Gallery. Sices. 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Mary Magdalen (Carlo Dolci?). Amsterdam. C — C Portrait of an old man (half length). do. C C Portrait of the architect, Giuliano San Gallo. do. C — C Adoration of the Magi. do. C C XVI. Century. Emperor Otto, Chantilly. C — DUTCH SCHOOL. XIV. Century. Panel commemorative of the Seigneurs de Montfort killed in the battle against the Frisians in 1345. ' XV. Century. Madonna and Child, to whom St. Jerome and a fe- male saint present a family of donors. Adoration of the Kings. Passion of the Redeemer. XVI. Century. Abraham's Sacrifice. Panel of a triptych about 1 520-1 530. — "The Rain of Manna." Panel of a triptych about 1 520-1 530. — Melchisedec Bearing Bread and Wine to Abraham. (About 1500.) Holy Family in a room. (About 1500.) Altar-triptych. (About 1548.) Female portrait. XVII. Century. A Chamber of Rhetoric. Paris Louvre. C — Portrait of a young man wearing a broad felt hat and a mantle. do. C — Landscape. (Drawing.) Lille, Leng. Col. — C Old woman holding a distaff. Dresden. C Young woman playing the harpsichord, her master, standing at her side, singing. do. C Amsterdam. c Berlin. do. Amsterdam. II^IcI Paris, Louvre. --.--c- Amsterdam. __c do. c Dresden. c do. c do. c SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1379 Soldiers playing dice. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Two horses and a horse's head. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. (Attributed to Van der Heist.) Portrait of a woman, half-length figure. (Rath. Coll.) (Attributed to Van der Heist.) Portrait of an ad- miral. (Rath. Coll.) Portrait of Willem van de Velde, secretary of Hugo de Groot (Grotius). Portrait of Elisa de Houweningen, wife of Willem Van de Velde. (She was the servant of Gro- tius, and aided in his escape in 1621.) Group of many figures taking off their clothes to give to others. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. (About 1600.) Christ in the Temple. (About 1640.) Town on a river. Miscellaneous, Portrait of a woman. (Exhibition of female por- traits at the ficole des Beaux Arts, 1897.) Portrait of an engraver. Mary Magdalen. Portrait of a boy. Portrait of a young man. Interior of a picture-gallery. Amsterdam Musketeers. Old woman sewing. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Dresden, R. C. do. Buda-Pesth. _ _c do. -C Amsterdam. _c — do. Milan, Brera. Munich, do. Munich. Brussels. The Hague. London, N. G. do. do. do. do. C Female portrait. ENGLISH SCHOOL. XVII. Century. Chantilly. C — C C — C C — C — — C — C — C C — C C — C C — C FLEMISH SCHOOL. XIV. Century. Virgin suckling the Infant Jesus (right panel) ; the Donors (left panel). Antwerp. XV. Century. Holy Family. Paris, Louvre. Pastoral Instruction. do. Portrait of Isabella of Bavaria, Queen of France. do. The Angelic Salutation. do. C — C 1380 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Woman standing, full face, wearing a trailing robe and lifting in her hand a necklace of red beads passed around her neck. (Miniature.) C, $1.25. Young woman sitting on the ground holding a fal- con and caressing a dog. (Miniature.) C, $1.00. Physiognomy and costumes of the ancient Dukes of Burgundy, their wives and children. (Miniature.) C, $2.50. Bust of old woman wearing veil. (Drawing.) C, .75. Head of old man wearing a cloth cap. (Drawing.) C, .75- Study of hands. (Drawing.) C, .75. Head of old man. (Drawing.) C, .75. Portrait of Philip the Handsome, King of Castile (1478-1506). Adoration of the Magi. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Mater Dolorosa. Portrait of Cardinal de Bourbon. Portrait of Philip of Cleves, Lord of Ravenstein. (Water-color.) The Sieur de Bourdillon : the Count de Ligny ; busts with caps and fur mantles. (Drawing.) The Circumcision. (Hainauer Coll.) Christ on the Cross. Soldiers amusing themselves in an inn. fleeting and fetes of archers in the XV. century, Salvator Mundi (double diptych, right panel, re- verse) ; supposed portrait of Antoine Vydoot (left panel, reverse). Marriage of the Virgin (picture in two divisions). XVI. Century. Female portrait. Portrait of the Emperor Maximilian I. Male portrait. Triptych : in centre, Madonna and Child ; left panel, the donor and his son under the protection of St. John the Baptist ; right panel, wife of the donor, accompanied by St. John the Evangelist. Gallery. Si::cs, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4J Paris, Louvre. do. do. do. do. do. do. Versailles. Malcolm Col. Chantilly. do. do. do. Berlin. do. Frankfort. Antwerp. do. Madrid. Paris, Louvre, do. do. C — C C — C — C — C — _ _ c — — c c — c do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1381 Adam and Eve ; reverse of the above panels. Male head, three-quarters view. (Drawing.) C, 75- Male portrait. Portrait of a man and his wife. Descent from the Cross. Adoration of the Kings. Portraits of a man and a woman in Flemish cos- tume. ' Portrait of an unknown man. Portrait of a scholar. Madonna and Child. Madonna, Child and St. John. Lucretia killing herself. XVII. Century. The Entombment (after an Italian master). Portrait of an old woman. Portrait of Anne, Princess of Orange. (Water- color.) C, $i.oo. Portrait of Walburge, Countess of Horn. (Water- color.) C, $i.oo. Portrait of James, Duke of jMonmouth (1649-1685). Portraits of two young unknown princes. Child Jesus among the Doctors. (Drawing.) Portrait of a lady. (About 1630.) Alexander the Great in the studio of Apelles. Peasants warming themselves around a fire. (Draw- ing.) C, $1.00. Male bust, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Head of man with beard, full face. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. St. John Preaching to the Multitude. (Drawing.) C, $1.75. Miscellaneous. Descent from the Cross. Assumption of the Virgin. The donor and two priests ; two donors. Portrait of a donor ; portrait of a donor's wife. William von Croy, Herr von Chievres. Virgin in adoration ; and tlie Circumcision. Gallery, Sizes. , 2 2i 3 3i 4 4^ Paris, Louvre. — — — c — do. London, N. G. — — — c — do. — — c — c do. do. — C C — — — Florence, Uffizi. do. Rome, Dona. — c — c — c Madrid. — c — c — do. — c — — — do. — — — — c — Paris, Louvre. c c do. — c — — — do. — — — — — — do. _ _ _ Versailles. — — — c — do. — — — c — Weimar. — — — — c Antwerp. — c — — — The Hague. — — — c — c Chatsworth. _ _ Florence, Uffizi. — — — — — — do. — — — — — — Milan, Brera. — — — — — — Brussels. _ _ c c c do. — c c — c do. — c c — c do. — c c — c do. — — c — c do. — — c — c 1382 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Portrait of Jean Micault and of his wife, Leonie van Welle, with their children. Christ on the Cross. The Virgin with the Child Jesus Interior of a picture-gallery. Portrait of a Duke of Burgundy. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 Brussels. do. do. do. do. SCHOOL OF BRUGES. The Virgin. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Weimar. 3* 4 4i C C C — C c — c c- — c c — c SCHOOL OF FLANDERS. The Angel's Greeting (Ave Maria). Munich. FRENCH SCHOOL XIV. Cexturv. (Reign of Charles VI., 1380-1422.) Martyrdom of St. Denis the Areopagite, First Bishop of Paris. (Reign of Charles VI., 1380-1422.) Dead Christ supported by God the Father. (Reign of Charles VI., 1380-1422.) The Entomb- ment. C — C Paris, Louvre. — do. do. C — C — C — XV, Century. Descent from the Cross. Portraits of Jean Juvenal des Ursins, Baron de Trainel, President of the Parliament (died, 1431), of his wife, Michelle de Vitry, and of their eleven children. Female portrait. Pieta. Virgin suckling the Child. Scene in the Roman Senate. color, relieved with gilt on vellum.) Quarrel of Charles the Bald and Gerard de Rous- sillon (in three scenes). (Miniature on vel- lum taken from a manuscript.) Emblems of the Passion. (Miniature on vellum.) Joan of Arc before the Madonna and Child en- throned ; to the left, the Archangel Michael. (Miniature in body Paris, Louvre. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Versailles. C C — C C — C — C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1383 National Portraits. Moulins Cath. Rheims, Arch. P. Dresden, R. C. Portrait of Louis XL, King of France (1423-1483). (Body color on vellum.) Portrait of Charles VIIL (1470-1498), King of France. Portrait of Anne of Brittany (1477-15 14), Queen of France. Portraits of Pierre IL, Duke de Bourbon, Sire de Beaujeu (1439-1503) ; of Anne of France, his wife, daughter of Louis XL (1462-1522), and of Suzanne de Bourbon, their daughter; triptych. C, $8.00. St. Louis, King of France. Jupiter seated. (Drawing.) C, $1.25, XV. Century (1488). Pierre IL, Duke de Bourbon, Sire de Beaujeu, son- in-law of King Louis XL (with St. Peter in a landscape). Paris, Louvre. Anne of France, Duchess de Bourbon, Lady de Beaujeu, daughter of King Louis XL (with St. John the Evangelist in a landscape). Burgundian School XV. Century. Portrait of John the Fearless, Duke of Burgundy. Portrait of Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy. Portrait of John the Fearless, Duke of Burgundy (1371-1419). (Drawing in two crayons and water-color.) Portrait of Philip, called the Good, Duke of Bur- gundy ( I 396-1467). Portrait of John the Fearless (1371-1419), Duke of Burgundy. Lucretia and her attendants. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. A camp ; in foreground, five soldiers. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Small altar-piece, with the title : "In Hope." Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ C Czartoryski Col. — do. C — C c c — do. Paris, Louvre, do. c — c c c National Port's. C do. Chantilly. Dresden, R. C. do. Frankfort. XVI. Century (between 1500 and 1560). Abbess kneeling before her Prie-Dieu. Paris, Louvre. Portrait of Francis I., King of France. do. Portrait of Francis L, King of France. do. — C — — C — — C — — C — 1384 ■ SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sises, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Portrait of Charles de Cosse, first of the name, Count de Brissac, Marshal of France. Paris, Louvre. C — Portrait (supposed) of Jean d'Albon, Lord of St. Andre. do. C — Portrait of Jean de Bourbon-Vendome, Count d'Enghien. do. C — Portrait of a queen of France. do. C — XVL Century (between 1525 and 1531). Portrait of William, Baron de Montmorency. Paris, Louvre. C — XVL Century (between 1550 and 1600). Portrait of Francis de Lorraine, Duke of Guise, killed in the siege of Orleans in 1563. Paris, Louvre. C — : Portrait of Michel de I'Hopital, Chancellor of France. do. C — Portrait of Jean Babou, Lord of la Bourdaisiere, v etc., Marshal General of Artillery in 1567. do. C — Portrait of an unknown man. do. C Portrait of Silvia Pica de la Mirandola, Countess de la Rochefoucauld. do. C Portrait of Francois, Duke of Alengon, as a child. do. ■ C Portrait of Louise de Lorraine, Queen of France, wife of Henry IIL do. C Portrait of Diana of France, Duchess of Angouleme, natural and legitimatized daughter of Henry IL, King of France. do. C Portrait of Nicolas de Neuville, Lord of Villeroy, Secretary of State under the Kings Charles IX., Henry IIL, Henry IV., and Louis XIII. do. C — Portrait of Claude de Beaune, Lady de Chateau- brun. Duchess de Roannais. tlo. C Female portrait. do. C Portrait of Chuestien de Savigny, one of the lieu- tenants of the Duke de Mayenne. do. C Portrait of Gaspard de Coligny. do. C Portrait of Catherine de Medici, Queen of France. do. C Female portrait. do. C Full-length portrait of Henry III., King of France. do. C C Portrait of Henry IIL, King of France. do. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1385 Ball given at the court of Henry III., on the occa- sion of the marriage of Anne, Due de Joyeuse, with Marguerite of Lorraine, in 1581. Henry HI. kneeling at the foot of the cross. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2J 3 3^ 4 4^ Paris, Louvre, do. C C XVL Century. Portrait of Balzac d'Entragues. (Miniature.) C, $i-00. Paris, Louvre. Portrait of Saint-Megrin. (Miniature.) C, $1.00. do. Portrait of Rene d'Amoncourt, Lord of Montigny- sur-Aube. Versailles. Portrait of Charles de la Rochefoucauld, Count de Ranfan, Colonel General of the French In- fantry, killed in 1562. do. Portrait of Pomponne de Bellievre, Chancellor of France (1529-1607). do. Portrait of Franqois de Bonne, Duke de Lesdigui- eres, Constable of France (1543- 1626). do. Portrait of Anne du Plessis Liancourt. do. Portrait of Marguerite de Bourbon, Duchess of Nevers (15 16-1589). do. Portrait of Jeanne de Hallewin, Lady d'Alluye, maid of honor to Catherine de Medici. do. Portrait of Philippine de Montespedon, Princess of Roche-sur-Yon, maid of honor to Catherine de Medici. do. Portrait of Madeleine of France, Queen of Scotland, daughter of Francis I. (i 520-1 537). do. Portrait of Marguerite of France, Duchess de Savoy, daughter of Francis I. (1523-1574). do. (?) Portrait of Lorenzo II. de Medici, Duke of Ur- bino, 1492-1519. do. Portrait of Charles VII., King of France (1403- 1461). do. Portrait of Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy ( 1 396-1467). do. Portrait of the same. do. Portrait of Maximilian I., Emperor of Germany (1459-1519), with his family. do. Portrait of Margaret of Burgundy (1457-1482). do. — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — c — c — c — c — c — c — c 1386 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Portrait of Claude of France, wife of Francis I. (1499-1524). Portrait of Claude of France, wife of Francis I. (1499- 1 524). Portrait of Renee de France, Duchess of Ferrara (1510-1575). Portrait of Charles V. (1500-1558). Portrait of Frangoise de Longw}^ Countess of Charny, wife of Admiral de Chabot. Portrait of an unknown lad3^ Portrait of Beatrice Pacheco d'Ascalona, Countess of Montbel and Entremonts. Portrait of Marv Tudor, Queen of England (1516- 1558). Portrait of Louise de Hallewin, married in 1560 to Philibert de Marcilly-C3pierre. Portrait of Christine de Lorraine, Grand-Duchess of Tuscany (1565- 1636). Portrait of Cosimo IL di Medici, Grand-Duke of Tuscany (1590-1621). Portrait of Philip the Bold, Duke of Burgundy (1342- 1 404). Portrait of John the Fearless, Duke of Burgundy (1371-1419). Portrait of Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy (1433-1477)- Portrait of Pierre IL, Duke of Bourbon, Sire de Beaujeu (1439-1503). Portrait of Louis XIL, King of France (1462-1515). Portrait is in the original size, 5x6 inches. (Water-color.) The same, size reduced with frame. Portrait of Francis L, King of France (1494-1547). (Bronze medallion, gilded.) Portrait of Anne of Este, daughter of Hercules IL and of Renee of France, married in 1549 to Franqois of Lorraine, Duke de Guise : after- wards to Philip of Savoy, Duke of Xemours ; died in 1607. (Miniature on wood.) Portrait of Mary Stuart. Queen of France, after- wards of Scotland (1542-1587). Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3J 4 4I Versailles. C — Nat'l do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Portraits. do. do. C — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — c — c — c — do. do. C — C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1387 Portrait of Renee de Rieux (1550-?), called La Belle de Chateauneuf, maid of honor to Cath- erine di Medici, mistress of Henry III. (Min- iature on vellum.) Portrait of Claude de Lorraine (1496-1550), first Duke of Guise, Count d'Aumale, Peer and Grand Huntsman of France. (Miniature on vellum.) Portrait of Charles of Savoy, Duke of Nemours (1567-1595), Chief of the Leaguers; defended Paris against Henry IV. Portrait of Louis des Balbes de Berton, Seigneur of Crillon (1541-1615), Captain. Portrait of Pierre de Ronsard, poet (1524-1585).' (Drawing in two crayons.) Portrait of Pierre de Bourdeille, Seigneur and Sec- ular Abbe of Brantome, writer (i540?-i6i4). Portrait of Nicolas Rapin (i540?-i6o8), Latin and French poet. Portrait of Caesar, Duke of Vendom'e (1594-1665), natural son of Henry IV. and Gabrielle d'Estrees, Governor of Burgundy under Louis XIV. (Miniature on paper.) Portrait of Antoine de Bourbon, King of Navarre, father of Henry IV. (1518-1562). Portrait of Henry I. of Lorraine (1550-1578), third Duke of Guise, called "Le Balafre." Portrait of a woman, perhaps one of the daughters of Artus de Gouffier, Duke of Roannais. Portrait of Renee de France (1510-1576), Duchess' of Ferrara, daughter of Louis XII. Supposed portrait of Gabrielle d'Estrees as a child (1572 (?)-i599), mistress of Henry IV. Portrait of Gaspard de Coligny (1517-1572), second of the name. Lord of Chatillon-sur-Loing, Admiral of France, called Admiral de Cha- tillon. Portrait of Madeleine de J'Aubespine (1542-1617), married in 1559 to Nicolas de Neufville, Lord of Villeroy, Secretary and Minister of State. Portrait of Henry III. (1551-1589), King of France. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2J 3 3^ 4 4^ Natl. Portraits. C — do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Czartoryski Col. do. do. do. do. Society of the History of Protestantism. Carnavalet Mus. Chantilly. C — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — C — c c c 1388 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3I 4 4^ Portrait of Michel de THopital (1507-1573), Chan- cellor of France. Chantilly. C — Portrait of Gabrielle d'Estrees (1572?-! 599). do. C Portrait of Jeanne Frangoise Frenyot de Chantal ( 1 572-1641), foundress of the first Convent of Dijon, Convent of the Visitation. the Visitation. C — Portrait of Pierre du Terrail, Seigneur de Bayard (1475-1524). (Drawing in two crayons.) Portrait of Marguerite de Valois, Queen of Navarre, afterwards of France (1552-1615). Portrait of Joan of Arc, Maid of Orleans (1412- 1431)- (School of Hans Holbein the Younger.) ]\Iale por- trait. Portrait of Jacqueline, Countess de Montbel and Entremonts (?). Portrait of the three brothers de Chatillon-Coligny : Cardinal Odet, Admiral Gaspard and Colonel- General Frangois. Grenoble Library. ■ — — — C Montpellier Mus. C — Rouen Museum. C — Cassel. Frankfort. C — — C c The Hague. School of Fontainebleau. XVI. Century. Diana. Continence of Scipio. Venus at her Toilet. Paris, Louvre, C — C — do. C — C — do. c School of Fruily. XVL Century (after 1530). Allegorical representation of Peace and War. Berlin. The Ascension. School of Northern France. XVL Century (about 15 10- 1530). Berlin. XVn. Century. Portrait of Louis XIV. in the costume of the Hun- dred Swiss. Paris, Louvre. Portrait of the poet Scarron (1610-1660). C ~ C — C — Paris, Com. Fran. C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1389 Procession of the League, February 4, 1593. Portrait of Anne of Gonzaga-Cleve, Countess Pala- tine of the Rhine, 1616-1684. Portrait of Maria Theresa of Austria, Queen of France, 1638-1683. Provost of the merchants and the aldermen of the city of Paris, 1612-1614. Portrait of Gaston-Jean-Baptiste de France (Mon- sieur), Duke of Orleans, brother of Louis XIIL, 1608-1660. Portrait of Anne de Rohan Chabot, Princess of Sou- bise, 1648- 1 709. Portrait of Nicolas Claude Fabri, Seigneur of Peyresc, Councilor in the Parliament of Pro- vence, 1580-1637. Portrait of Philip Nericault Destouches, writer of comedies, 1680-1754. Portrait of Jean Baptiste Coquelin, called Moliere, writer of comedies, 1622-1673. Portrait of Frangois Michel le Tellier, Marquis of Louvois, Minister and Secretary of State, 1641-1691. Portrait of Henry de La Tour d'Auvergne, Viscount of Turenne. 1611-1675. Tournament given by Louis XIV. in 1662, Portrait of Henry IV., King of France (i 553-1610) ; in centre of composition, the Virgin and Child Jesus ; in foreground, the two donors, namely, Henry IV. and one of his sons ; twen- ty-eight personages of the times are grouped around the King of France. Portrait of Louis XIV., King of France; marble medallion. Portrait of Anne Tvlarie Louise d'Orleans, Duchess of Montpensier, called Mademoiselle and La Grande Mademoiselle (1627-1693), daugh- ter of Gaston, Duke of Orleans, brother of Louis XIIL, and Marie de Bourbon. Duchess de Montpensier. (Miniature on lined vel- lum.) Gallery. Versailles. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3| 4 4i C Nat'l Portraits. do. do. 1390 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Portrait of Anne Marie Louise of Orleans, Duchess of Montpensier, called Mademoiselle and La Grande Mademoiselle (1627-1693), daughter of Gaston, Duke of Orleans, brother of Louis XIIL, and of Marie de Bourbon, Duchess of Montpensier. Portrait of Louise Marguerite of Lorraine, Princess of Conti (?-i63i), daughter of Henry L de Lorraine, third Duke of Guise ; wife of Fran- cois, Prince of Conti. Portrait of Frangois Girardon (1627-1715), sculptor. Member of the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture. Supposed portrait of Anne de Lenclos, called Ninon de Lenclos (1615-1705), courtesan. Portrait of a magistrate. (Miniature.) Portrait of a treasurer of France. (Miniature.) C., $2.50. Portrait of the wife of a treasurer of France. (Min- iature.) C., $2.50. Portrait of Jacques Francois de Johanne, Chevalier, Marquis of Saumery, Governor of Chambord and tutor to the royal children of France (1690-1697). Female portrait. Portrait of Catherine Henriette de Balzac d'En- traigues. Marquise de Verneuil (1579-1633), mistress of Henry IV. Portrait of Frangoise Elizabeth ^farie of Savoy- Nemours (1646-1683), known before her mar- riage as Mademoiselle d'Aumale, wife of Al- phonso VL, afterwards of Peter H., Kings of Portugal. Portrait of Louise Marguerite of Lorraine, Princess of Conti (?-i63i), daughter of Henry L of Lorraine, third Duke of Guise, and wife of Francois, Prince of Conti. Portrait of the Duchess de Longueville (1619-1679), Anne Genevieve de Bourbon, daughter of Henry H. of Bourbon, Prince of Conde, and of Charlotte Marguerite de Montmorency. Gallery. Sices, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Natl. Portraits. do. do. C — — C — do. do. — C — — C — do. do. do. C Czartoryski Col. C do. do. Chantilly. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1391 Gallery. Siscs, 2 2^ 3 3J 4 4I Portrait of Marie of Orleans, daughter of Henry II. of Orleans, Duke of Longueville (1625-1707), married to Henry de Savoy, last Duke of Ne- mours. Chantilly, Portrait of Louis Al-exander de Bourbon, Count of Toulouse (1678-1737), son of L'ouis XIV. and of the Marq^iise de Montespan, Grand Ad- miral of France, represented as a novice of the Order of the Holy Ghost. do. Supposed portrait of Thomas Corneille (1625-1709), dramatic poet. Chantilly in 1683. Portrait of Louis de Rouvroy, Duke de Saint-Simon (1675-1755), historian. Portrait of Jean Savaron (1550-1622), jurist and scholar. Deputy from the Third Estate to the States General of 1614. Portrait of Jacques Benigne Bossuet (1627-1704), Bishop of Meaux, orator, philosopher, writer, Member of the French Academy. Portrait of Madeleine de Souvre, Marquise de Sable (1598-1678), writer. Portrait of the Duchess Isabelle de Luines, wife of M. de Luines,4Councilor at Metz. XVIII. Century. Female portrait. Paris, Louvre. Female portrait. do. Two Cupids in clouds. do. Two Cupids garlanded with flowers, a helmet, and sword. ■ do. Portrait of Csesar Gabriel de Choiseul, Duke de Praslin. do. Portrait of the Count of Artois, afterwards King Charles X. do. Female portrait. do. Portrait of Moreau the Younger. do. Portrait of a young man. (Pastel.) ^^ do. Portrait of Madame Elizabeth (Elizabeth Philippine Marie Helene de France), daughter of Louis, Dauphin, and sister of Louis XVI. (1764- 1794). Versailles. — C do. do. Chartres Mus. Clermont, Palais (1g Justice. Meaux, Bishop's Palace. Naugis Mus. — c — — c — c — Troves Museum. C — C — C — — c — c — c — c — c — c C — c — c — C — C — c 1392 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Portraits of Louis XV. and the Infanta of Spain. Portrait of Marie Anne Victoire, Infanta of Sp^in, first betrothed to Louis XV., afterwards mar- ried to the King of Portugal (1718-1781). Portrait of the Countess de Genlis (Stephanie Fe- licite Ducrest), 1746-1830. Portraits of Louise Elizabeth of France, Infanta, and of Anne Henriette of France, twin daugh- ters of Louis XV. Portrait of Madame Adelaide (Marie Adelaide of France), daughter of Louis XV. (1733- 1799). Portrait of Jean Franqois de Troy, artist, 1679-1752. Portrait of Madame Louise (Louise Marie of France), daughter of Louis XV. (1737-1787), represented as a Carmelite. Portrait of sculptor. Portrait of Colbert (Jean Baptist), Controller Gen- eral of the Finances, 1619-1683. Portrait of Marie Thereso Louise de Savoy Carig- nan, Princess de Lamballe, 1749-1792. Portrait of Louise Elizabeth de Bourbon Conde, Princess de Conti, 1699-1755. Portrait of Catherine II., Empress of Russia, 1729- 1796. Portrait of Queen Marie Antoinette. Portrait of Queen Marie Antoinette, taken at the Temple after the death of Louis XVI. Portrait of Maximilian Robespierre (1759- 1794). Portrait of an unknown woman. Portrait of Marie Antoinette of Austria (1755-1793), Queen of France. Portrait of Marie-Josephe of Saxony (1731-1767), daughter of Augustus III., Elector of Sax- ony and King of Poland, and of Marie- Josephe, Archduchess of Austria, wife of Louis of France, Dauphin (1747), and mother of Louis XVL, Louis XVIII., and Charles X. Portrait of Charles Genevieve Louis August Andre Timothee de Beaumont, Chevalier d'Eon (1728-1810), political agent, litterateur, pub- licist. (In body-color on paper.) Gvllcry. Versailles. do. Sizes. 2 2j 3 ^ C 3i 4 4* do. do. do. do. do. C C do. C do. c do. c do. — c c C — C — do. C Old ISIasters. C do. c do. c do. c National Portraits. C — do. do. C — SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1393 Portrait of Charles Timothee de Beaumont, Chev- alier d'Eon (1728-1810), in female cos- tume. Portrait of Alexandre Davy de la Pailleterie Dumas (1762- 1 807), General of Division, Command- er-in-chief of the Army of the Eastern Pyre- nees and of the Army of the West. Portrait of Francois Marie Arouet de Voltaire (1694-1778), philosopher, poet, Member of the French Academy. Portrait of Franqoise d'lssembourg d'Happoncourt, Dame de Graffigny (1695-1758), writer. Portrait of Frangoise d'Issembourg' d'Happoncourt, Dame de Graffigny (1695-1759), writer. (Pas- tel.) Portrait of Marie de Vichy-Chamron, Marquise du Deflfand (1697- 1780). Portrait of Henry Louis Cain, called Lekain (1728- 1778), tragedian. Portrait of Louis Henri de Bourbon Conde (Mon- sieur le Due), 1692-1740. Portrait of Charlotte de Rohan Soubise, Princess of Conde (1737-1760). Portrait of Prmce Louis Joseph de Bourbon Conde (1736-1818). Portrait of an unknown woman. Portrait of Esprit Flechier (1632-1710), orator, writer. Bishop of Nimes, Member of the French Academy. Male portrait in a medallion. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4I Nat'l Portraits. — — C — do. do. do. do. do. do. Chantillv. do. — C — — C — — C — ' C — do. C do. C Nimes, B. P. C — Dresden, R. C. XIX. Century. Portrait of Lucien Bonaparte, Prince de Canino, 1755-1840. Portrait of General Duroc (Geraud-Christophe- Michel), Duke of Frioul, 1772-1813. Child standing. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Portrait of Napoleon I. standing. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Versailles. Lille. do. do. C C 1394 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. GERMAN SCHOOLS. Westphalian School. XIII. Cextury. Master of Soest, about 1200-1230; altar-piece in three divisions : Christ before Caiaphas, the Crucifixion, the Marys at the Sepulchre. Berlin. Master of Soest, about 1250-1270; altar-piece in three divisions: the Holy Trinity, with Mary, and John the Evangelist. do. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 4I SCHOOL OF THE LOWER RHINE. XIV.-XVI. Centuries. (Attributed also to the Dutch School of the XV. Century.) Christ on the cross between the two thieves. Joseph recognizing in Mary the mother of the Saviour. (About 1325-1350.) Death of the Virgin. (About 1480-1500.) Descent from the Cross. (About 1510.) Back of an altar-piece. XIV. Century. Old man draped. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Sketch ; two male figures kneeling. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Buda-Pesth C Life of Christ in 35 pictures. Cologne School. XIV. Century. XV. Century. (Drawing.) C, iWoman standing, back view, $1.00. Peasant dance. (Copy from a fresco of Hans Hol- bein the Younger.) Peasant dance; continuation of the above. Pieta ; woman holding her dead son on her knee. SS. Martin, Eucher and Sebastian. (Painting on wood, with the date 15 12, and the coat-of- arms of the Rappolsteins, originally in the parish church of Ribeauville.) Berlin. C do. C do. C — C do. C Dresden, R. C. do. Berlin. C Paris, Louvre. Basle. do. Colmar. do. SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1396 SS. Maurice, Martin, and Ursula. (Reverse of the above picture : coat-of-arms of the Ribeau- pierre Geroldseck.) (Austrian master, about 1480-1500.) Madonna and Child. Adoration of the Magi. The Holy Trinity. Incident from the Story of the Holy Cross. St. Jerome holding a death's-head. (School of A. Durer?) Adam and Eve. (Accord- ing to Woermann, early Flemish School.) Christ on the Cross. (Engraving.) C, .75. The Two Hermits. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Scene from the Middle Ages. (Engraving.) C, $1.50. The Raising of Lazarus. (Engraving.) C, $1.25. Christ Tempted. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Ascension of Christ. Jesus on the cross between two thieves. Virgin and Child Jesus adored by saints. St. Mary Magdalen and St. Thomas. St. George and St. Catherine. Flagellation of Christ. Seated figure, draped. (Drawing.) C, .75. The Nativity. The Annunciation. (About 1450-1500.) Madonna and Child (about 1400). Triptych : central panel, Madonna and Child and Holy Women ; right and left panels, St. Eliz- abeth and St. Agnes. Madonna and Child surrounded by angel musicians. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2^ 3 3I 4 4^ Colmar. C Berlin. C do. C do. C do. C Dresden. C do. C Dresden, R. C. do. do. do. do. Brussels. C — C do. c C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C do. C — C Paris, Louvre. Berlin. C do. C C do. C do. Buda-Pesth. C — C Silesian-Bohemian School. XV. Century. The Magi. Berlin, Raczyn. C Swabian School. XV. Century. Madonna and Child, with St. Anne. (About 1450.) Beriin. The Holy Father, Cornelius. (About 1490.) Munich. St. Cyprian. do. C C — C C — C 1396 SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. Madonna and Child in a landscape. (Drawing.) Two foot-soldiers standing; to the right, a horse man with a woman on his saddle. (Draw Tht Crucifixion. (About 1460-1500.) School of Nuremberg. XV.-XVI. Centuries. Gallery. Sizes, 2 2| 3 3^ 4 Paris, Louvre. J. Gigoux Col. — Berlin. — 4i C c c GERMAN SCHOOL. XVI. Century. Adoration of the Magi. Abraham's Sacrifice. Male portrait. Portrait of John Cingisus. Angel kneeling. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. Group of five people. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Descent from the Cross. (Drawing.) C, $1.00. St. George. (Drawing.) C, $1.25. Female head; profile. (Drawing.) C, .75. Male portrait. (Hainauer Coll.) Adoration of the Child. (Hainauer Coll.) Male portrait. (About 1500-1530.) Female portrait. Portrait of a young architect. (About 1530-1550.) Portrait of a woman holding a rosary. Portrait of Caspar Neumann. Tiburtine Sibyl. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Phrygian Sibyl. (Engraving.) C, $1.00, Erythraean Sibyl. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Samian Sibyl. (Engraving.) C, $1.00, Hellespontine Sibyl. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Persican Sibyl. (Engraving.) C, $1.00, Cumgean Sibyl. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. The Prophet Amos. (Engraving.) C., $1.00. Delphic Sibyl. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Chymic Sibyl. (Engraving.) C, ?i.oo. Libyan Sibyl. (Engraving.) C, $1.00. Allegorical figure. (Engraving.) Female portrait. Paris, Louvre. C — C — do. C — do. C — C — do. C — do. do. do. do. do. Berlin. C — do. _ C — do. C do. C do. C Dresden. C do. . Dresden, P. G. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. C — Vienna Museum. C SOULE ART COMPANY, BOSTON. 1397 Symbolical representation of Chapters III and IV. of the Acts of the Apostles. History of Esther. The Three Magi Kings. Male portrait. Portrait of a lady. Adam and Eve driven from Paradise. ' Portrait of a man with a black cap and fur mantle. Full-length portrait of Queen Mary Stuart. Detail of the above : bust. Portrait of Anne Boleyn, wife of Henry VIII. (Pic- ture which belonged to Queen Elizabeth about 1585.) Christ on the Cross. Vision of St. Eustace Albert Diirer.) Male portrait. Female portrait. The Three Graces ; allegory. The Three Ages of Life ; allegory (From the engraving by Gallery. Si::es, 2 2^ 3 3i 4 4i Vienna Mus. C do. C — do. - C — do. — C — do. - — — C — do. — c — do. — c — Windsor. C — do. c — — — do. c — Florence, Uffizi. — — c — Rome, Doria. c — do. c — Madrid. c — do. c — Dresden. — — — — — c Portrait of a man. North German Master. XVI. Centur-y. Dresden. School of Cologne.