UC-NRLF - POWER ,j! TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING GIFT OF Dodge Manufacturing Company Power Transmission Engineers And Manufacturers of the Dodge "NW^ Line i ower 1 ransmission machinery MAIN OFFICE AND WORKS, MISHAWAKA, INDIANA Branches and District Warehouses BOSTON NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA ST. LOUIS CHICAGO CINCINNATI PITTSBURGH MINNEAPOLIS LONDON, ENGLAND ATLANTA Agencies in nearly every city in the United States CABLE ADDRESS DODMANCO, NEW YORK THIS CATALOGUE SUPERSEDES &LL..PEV.I(7US FIGURATIONS. PRICE LISTS AND DIMENSION CHARTS ARE : SI5Kj&tt 1*6 CHANC'E'WITHOUT NOTICE : : : : .* ' *.* ' V:' ; . 2 '"* * "CATALOG C-12 Protected by Copyright DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 1 a 6- 1 O u. 249139 ! *** DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY > a to POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY Typical Branch House Views AH branches maintain Fitting Shops Shafting Rack to right Pulleys of small diameter, for convenience in handling and to economize in space, are racked DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Tables for Laying Out Shafting f *T* Q jj i iihHJ M-* 1 J hJ^- ^ Fig. i ^frl / - ,., , n ,, 4 R D -| Fig. 2 COUPLINGS Shaft Sizes Inches For Flange Ribbed and Grim Death. Length "B" See Fig. 1 For Collins Length U B" See Fig. 3 Length of One-half Coupling " E " See Fig. 3 Width of Solid and Split Safety Collars Flange Plain M. & F. Ribbed and Grim Death Dodge Collins For other dimensions see pages 15 and 18 For other dimensions see page 21 For other dimensions see page 15 For other dimensions see page 18 For other dimensions see page 21 For other dimensions see page 25 4-1 to 1 16 1 T \ to IX 6 7/J 2X 2 li 2 T 3 (T 1?8 ' 1 T 7 T to 1)4 t 9 3 T 3 - 2 s^ lit to 1^ 8 10^ 2 1 ! 3 9 7 gl 1H 111 to 2 9 11^ 3 xV 4 8j| i^ 2 T 3 g- to 2X 10 13# 3 T ff 4K 3|| 1ft 2 T V to 2^ llj/s 15 3^ 4^ \7/% 2H to 2X 12 V% 16^8 3^ 5^ 4yf \7/% 21f to 3 13X 17^ 4 T 3 7 5X 5X 17s 3 T 3 r to 3X UH 19^ 4JL ex 5|i 2 3 T V to S}4 15^ 20^ 4i| 6^ 6/i 2 3ii to 3X 16^ 22^8 41f 71^ 6 T 9 - 2// 31f to 4 17X 24 5X 7^ 7 2X 4 T V to 4X 18 23X 5K 8^ Vlf 3X 4^ to 4# 19 513. 85^ 77^ 3X 41i to 4'X 163^ 26^ 6 iV 8 T ^ 41f to 5 17 r/ 27 }/ 6 5 Q 3/ Q I/ 53 to 5X 4 3/ 16 /** 5y*g- tO 5^2 ~L8 3 / fi 7/ . B 5^ to 5^ For dimensions of Base Plates, see page 84-85 8V 51| to 6 19X TA For dimensions of Floor Stands, see pages 87 U /T- 3X 6 T V to y z 21 X 8 and 91' For dimensions of Fric- 3^ 6/j| to 7 8 T 9 -s- ^Te tion Clutches and Cut- off Couplings, see 7^r to l l / 2 25 % 9 1 pages 119 and 123. gi/ 71f to 8 25X 9|| For dimensions of Jaw Clutches, see page 23. 3>| 8 T 7 F to 8^ 8H to 9 ^ iox For dimensions of Key- less Couplings, see page 19. II POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY Fig. 3 Shaft Sizes Inches LENGTH OF BEARING Heavy Head Shaft Hanger Ring and Chain Oiling Drop Hangers, Post Hangers and Adjustable Pillow Blocks Pillow Blocks Rigid Ball and Socket Standard and Wick Oiling Capillary Ring and Chain Standard and Wick Oiling Ring and Chain Oiling Standard Ring, Chain or Collar Oiling For frame dimen- sions see page 31 For frame dimen- sions see page 42 For frame dimen- sions see page 51 For frame dimen- sions see page 35 For other dimen- sions see page 68 For other dimen- sions see page 69 For other dimen- sions see page 75 For other dimen- sions see page 77 H'toi l A to ix Wol# IHtOlfc 111 to 2 2 T \to2X 2 T Vto2^ 21| to 2^ 211 to 3 3 T \to3X 3 T Vto3>4 3|ito33^ 81f to 4 4 T 3 ^to4X 4 T vto4y 2 4Hto4K 41fto5 5 T Vto 5X 5 T \to 5/2 5Hto534 51f to 6 6 T Vto6.^ 6M to 7 7 T \to7; 71f to 8 8 T ^to8^ 81fto9 w 434 53^ 6|^ 7X 83^ 9^ 10# 11^ 12^ 13 T 9 e 143^ 15^ 16^ 173^ 18^ 19^ 20 20^ 213^ 22^ 5X 6X 73/ 8 sy 2 i>X 10^ 11/8 12^ 13^ UK 15^ 16^ 17^ 18# 19# 20^ 21 21^ 223/ 23^ 24^ 3 8# 4^ 5X 6 63/ 7^ 8X 9 93^ 10^ nx 12 12^ 13X 14X 15 6 7X S*/ 2 9^ 11 12^ 13>^ 143/4 7 16 17X 18^ 20 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 53^ 6>^ 7> 8^ 8% iox nx n?/ s 13 14 15 16X 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 6 634- 7^ I* 9J4 10^ tt*A 12 12X 13/2 HX 15 153^ 16^ HM 12X 14# 16*' 11 H 11% WH 19/8 '26^' 16^ 18^ 2134 10^ 18 22 22 24 26 * 25 18 19X 21 22^ 24 25^ 27 19X 20X 23 24^ 26 27^ 29 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 All tj'pes head shaft hanger bearings, and self -oiling ball and socket pillow blocks, when arranged for concealed col- lar, have one concealed collar in center of bearing (see Fig. 3). Drop and post hangers with all othertypesof self-oi!ing bearings, when arranged for concealed collar, have two concealed collars, located one at each end of bearing (see Fig. 2). The capillary bearing in this case is equiva- lent to the length of the bearing of % inch larger shaft size. 24 'X DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Horse Power of Steel Shafting For Line Shaft Service Shaft Sizes Inches REVOLUTIONS PER MINUTE 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 300 350 400 1% 2.1 2.6 3.2 3.7 4.2 4.7 5.3 6.3 7.4 8.4 1& 3.7 4.6 5.6 o.5 7.4 8.3 9.3 11.1 13.0 14.8 1% 6.0 7.5 9.0 10.5 12.0 13.5 15.0 18.0 21.0 24.0 1% 9.1 11.4 13.7 15.9 18.2 20.5 22.8 27.3 31.9 36.4 2^ 6 13.1 16.4 19.7 22.9 26.2 29.5 32.8 39.3 45.9 52 .4 2^6 18.1 22.6 27.2 31.7 36.2 40.7 45.3 54.3 63.4 72.4 2% 24.3 30.4 36.5 42.5 48.6 54.7 60.8 72.9 85.1 97.2 2% 31.7 39.6 47.6 55.5 63.4 71.3 79.3 95.1 111.0 126.8 3^6 40.5 50.6 60.8 70.9 81.0 91.1 101.3 121.5 141.8 162.0 3J6 50.8 63.5 76.2 88.9 101.6 114.3 127.0 152.4 177.8 203.2 3% 62.7 78.4 94.1 109.7 125.4 141.1 156.8 188.1 219.5 250.8 3% 76.3 95.4 114.5 133.5 152.6 171.7 190.8 228.9 267.1 305.2 4^6 109.2 136.5 163.8 191.1 218.4 245.7 273.0 327.6 382.2 436,8 4% 150.5 188.1 225.8 263.4 301.0 338.6 376.3 451.5 526.8 602.0 5^ 6 208.6 260.0 312.0 364.0 416.0 468.0 520.0 624.0 728.0 832.0 6 270.0 337.5 405.0 472.5 540.0 607.5 675.0 810.0 945.0 1080.0 6^ 343.3 429.1 415.0 600.8 686.6 772.4 858.3 1029.9 1201.6 1373.2 7 428.8 536.0 643.2 750.4 857.6 964.8 1072.0 1286.4 1500.8 1715.2 8 640.0 800.0 960.0 1120.0 1280.0 1440.0 1600.0 1920.0 2240.0 2560.0 For head and jack shafts, supported by bearings close to main sheave or pulley, so as to prevent transverse strain, the following formula may be used with safety: D 3 xR 125 D = Diameter of shaft in inches. R = Number of revolutions per minute. M = Horse Power. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY Price List and Weight per Foot of Patent Cold Finished Steel Squares for Keys, Splines, Etc. Square Weight per Ft. Price per Lb. Square Weight per Ft. Price per Lb. Square Weight per Ft. Price per Lb. x .212 I 1/8 4.303 I 2 13.60 X s .333 I 1 3 4.795 2is 14.46 H .478 1-18 VA 5.312 2/8 15.35 1 7 3 .651 ij 5 B 5.857 2i 3 s 16.27 K .850 i \y z 6.423 2/i . 17.22 1 9 S 1.076 1 10 1/6 7.026 2i s e 18.19 H 1.328 1 \y 2 7.650 2^ 19.18 8 H 1.608 J llB 8.301 8 2/ s 20.20 I % 1.913 1^ 8.978 2K 21.25 ii 2.245 Hi 9.682 8f| 23.43 % 2.603 1^4 10.41 2% 25.00 ii 2.959 ' 8 . 1H 11.17 29.34 i 3.400 1^ 11.95 3 30.60 1A 3.838 lil 12.76 ... Prices on finished steel flats furnished upon application. Key-seating Iron and Iron Center Wood Rim Pulleys, Rope Sheaves, Keys and Fitting Same to Shafts WIDTH OF FACE OF PULLEY Size of Shaft Inches 3 to 6 Inches 7 to 9 Inches 10 to 12 Inches 13 to 16 Inches 17 to 20 Inches 21 to 24 Inches 25 to 30 Inches 31 to 36 Inches / Key-seating Pulley $0.50 $0.60 $0.75 I#to8 j Price of Key .20 .30 .35 ' Fitting to Shaft 1.75 1.75 1.75 1 Key-seating Pulley .60 .75 .80 $1.00 $1.25 2/8 to 2^ -j Price of Key .30 .35 .40 .50 .60 ' Fitting to Shaft 1.75 1.85 2.00 2.25 2.40 t Key-seating Pulley .75 .85 1.25 1.75 2.35 $3.00 $3.75 $4.15 25/ 8 to 3 j Price of Key .33 .40 .50 .60 .70 1.00 1.20 .40 ( Fitting to Shaft 1.85 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.70 3.00 3.50 .00 i Key-seating Pulley .85 .95 1.30 1.80 2.45 3.10 3.80 .25 3/8 to 3^ -< Price of Key .50 .60 .70 .85 1.00 1.20 1.40 .70 ' Fitting to Shaft 1.95 2.10 2.30 2.50 2.90 3.20 3.70 .25 i Key-seating Pulley 1.00 1.20 1.50 2.00 2.70 3.35 4.00 .75 3^ to 4 -< Price of Key .67 .77 .87 .97 1.10 1.27 1.50 .90 ' Fitting to Shaft 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.70 3.15 3.85 4.50 5.00 / Key-seating Pulley 1.30 1.65 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.20 5.00 Wo4K < Price of Key .73 . .83 .93 1.05 1.20 1.35 1.65 2.00 ' Fitting to Shaft 2.35 2.70 3.00 3.35 4.20 5.00 5.85 6.70 i Kej'-seating Pulley 1.50 1.95 2.35 3 00 3.70 4.35 5.00 5.85 4^ to 5 -< Price of Key .83 .93 1.05 1.20 1.35 1.50 1.70 2.00 ' Fitting to Shaft 3.00 3.35 3.85 4.35 5.00 5.85 6.70 7.50 For sizes other than shown here, prices upon application. 10 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Standard Price List of Steel Shafting For bars i foot to 24 feet long inclusive; per foot and pound up to 5 inches diameter; also weight per foot up to and including 24 inches diameter. Shaft Sizes Inches Weight per Foot Price Shaft Sizes Inches Weight per Foot Price Shaft Sizes Inche? Weight Foot Per Foot Per Pound Per Foot Per Pound T 8 ^ cent per pound net extra. The above weights are for steel ; iron will run about 2 per cent, lighter. Boxing at cost. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 11 Telegraph Code for Ordering Shafting No. of Bars Code Word No. of Bars Code Word No. of Bars Code Word No. of Bars Code Word 1 Aband 12 Abberration 23 Ablegate 50 Abraid 2' Abandonee 13 Abeyant 24 Ablocate 55 Abrase 3 Abase 14 Abhor 25 Ablude 60 Abrasion 4 Abash 15 Abide 26 Abnegate 65 Abraum 5 Abate 16 Abject 27 Abnodate 70 Abraxas 6 Abbreviate 17 Abjudicate 28 Abode 75 Abray 7 Abdicate 18 Ab jugate 29 Aboding 80 Abreast 8 Abduce 19 Abjure 30 Abominate 85 Abridge 9 Abear 20 Ablactate 35 Aboon 90 Abroach 10 Abed 21 Ablaqueate 40 Abortive 100 Abroad 11 Aberrate 22 Ablead 45 Abound 200 Abrogable Diam. of Bars Code Word Diam. of Bars Code Word Diam. of Bars Code Word Diam. of Bars Code Word K Abscind 2J^ . Acarus 4# Accumbent 6K Acquiet A Absence 2-5 Acauline 4j. S 5 Accumulative 6j s g Acquire Absent 2^ Accelerate Accumulator 6^ Acquisition 7 Absinthe 2 -7_ Accent 47 Accurant 6j 7 g Acquitment ^ Absist 2/ Accentor 4K Accurardo 6% Acquittal 9 Absolute 2r 9 a Accentual 4, 9 8 Accurse 6l 9 B Acquittance y* Absolution 24i Access 4$ Accusation 65^ Acre \\ Absolve 2 1 1 Accession SJ Accuse 61e Acreage Absonate 2K Accessorj- Accustom 6K Acrid H Absorb 21s Accidence 41i Acerbitv 611 Acridness I? Absorbent 2% Accidental Acerrate ell Acrimony Absorption 211 Accipient 41 1 Acetate 611 Acrobat I TS Abstain 3 Accite 5 Acetic 7 Acropolis 11 Absterge 3A Acclaim 5 IB Acetone 71^ Acrorite I'-i Abstringe a!? Acclimate 5/i Ache 8 Acrostic Il 3 3 Abstruse Acclivity 5i 3 g Achieve 8^4 Acroter 1 / Absume 3/ Accolade 5j/ Achievement 9 Actinia ji Absurd 3i 5 s Accolent 5i S B Acid Actinice jrz Abuna 3|*i Accompany 5^i Acidifat 10 2 Actinism 1 jg Abundant 3 IS Accomplice 5i 7 e Acidity Actinoid Abusable gi/ Accomplished 5i/ Acidulate \\ Actinolite It's Abusage 3i 9 s Accord 5i 9 e Acidulous \\i Actionist 1 *6 Abuse g^z Accordant 5 Acinous 12 Activate lie Abut gii Accordion 511 Acme \zy> Activeness 18 Abuttal 3^ Accost 5^ Acology 13 " Activity ! y Abyss 313 Accouch oil Acolyte 13K Actless Acacia 3/8 Accourage Aconite 14 Actor iii Academic 311 Accourtoue 5}jj Acorn 14^ Actress 8 Academy Acadian * Accoy Accredit 6 6^ Acoustic Acquaint 15 16 Actuality Actualize 2f Acantha Acanthus 4/8 Accroach Accrue 6/ 8 6i 3 e Acquaintance Acquiesce 17 18 Actuary Actuate Length in Ft. Code Word Length in Ft. Code Word Length in Ft. Code Word Length in Ft. Code Word 1 Actuation 7 Acuteness 13 Adaptness 19 Addle 2 Actuator 8 Adage 14 Addeem 20 Addression 3 Acumen 9 Adagio 15 Adder 21 Adduce 4 Acuminate 10 Adamant 16 Addict 22 Adduction 5 Acuminose 11 Adamantine 17 Addiction 23 Adductive 6 Acute 12 Adamite 18 Additive 24 Addulcet Length in In. Code Word Length in In. Code Word Length in In. Code Word Length in In. Code Word | Adeling Adelite % Adenoid Adenose 4 5 Adherent Adhesion 9 10 Adipic Adipose Adelphous 1 Adeption 6 Adhesive 11 Adipsy i^ Adempt 2 Adeptist 7 Adhibit 5i Ademptive 3 Adfect 8 Adieu 12 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Price List for Key-seating and Shouldering Shafting l o KEY-SEATED FOR COUPLINGS, ENDS LEFT AS MADE BY MILLING CUTTER ROUND END KEY-SEATS, DRILLED WITH BOTTOM LEVEL MIDDLE KEY-SEATS FOR PULLEYS, ENDS LEFT AS MADE BY MILLING CUTTER SQUARE END KEY-SEATS, WITH BOTTOM LEVEL Diameter of Shaft Inches 1 o^a D O ^L -- en Elf! O< C/i to o> u .S o J i rt Middle Splines 2d Foot or More per Foot en T3 ;0 *j |l| Shoulders for Additional Foot or Fraction of Foot Xto Itf X M $0.35 $0.20 $0.75 $0.20 $1.00 $0.75 $0.50 Iffcto 1^ H T 3 J .40 .25 .80 .25 1.00 .80 .50 HI to 2X y z X .45 .30 1.00 .30 1.20 1.00 ^.75 2 A to 2^ H T 5 6 .70 .35 1.30 .35 1.40 1.30 1.05 21f to 3^ X >i .95 .45 1.55 .45 1.60 1.55 1.15 3 T \to 3^ # TV 1.25 .60 1.80 .60 1.80 1.80 1.30 3}|to 4tf 1 Yz 1.50 .80 2.05 .80 2.00 2.05 1.55 4r 5 ^ T 9 6 1.65 .90 2.25 .90 2.20 2.25 1.75 41f to 5X !X ^ 2.00 1.20 2.50 1.20 2.40 2.50 1.85 SfVto 5^ 1^ H 2.20 1.35 2.75 1.35 2.60 2.75 2.10 51f to 6X 1^ X 2.40 1.50 3.00 1.50 2.80 3.00 2.20 6 T \to 7X IX X 2.70 1.80 3.35 1.80 3.00 3.35 2.55 7&to 8X 2 X 3.20 2.55 3.85 2.55 3.60 3.85 3.10 8 T ^to 9X 2X Vs 3.70 3.35 4.35 3.35 4.20 4.35 3.70 9 T \ to 10 X 2>^ H 4.30 4.15 4.85 4.15 4.80 4.85 4.30 1Q& to 11X 2X H 4.90 4.80 5.45 4.80 6.00 5.45 4.90 llyV tO 12X 3 7 A 5.55 5.35 6.10 5.35 7.20 6.10 5.55 *For Reducing Shaft not to exceed one-half its own diameter Key-seats for Friction Clutches are made square ends. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 13 Standard Key-seat Dimensions For Shafts, Sleeves and Quills Table No. 1 Diameter of Shaft Sleeve or Quill KEY-SEAT DIMENSIONS Shafts Width Depth Sleeves,Quills Width Depth Diameter of Shaft Sleeve or Quill KEY-SEAT DIMENSIONS Shafts | Sleeves, Quills A B A B Width Depth Width Depth 2% to 2% to 3% to 3% to 4% to 4% to 5% to 5% to 6% to 7% to 8 to 8% to 2M 33^ 4M 4M 5M 5M 6M 7% K II 2 2 2K Ys M H M 3% tolOH to 11M 2M 3 12% to 13 y 13% to 14 y 15% to 16K 17% to 18% to 19 M 19% to 20M 20% to 21 y 21% to 22 M 22% to 23 K 23% to 24^ 2K 3 3J4 3K 3M 4 4M 4 ^ ^ 3% 5 5K 6 4 K ^ & K K K K Standard Key-seat Dimensions for Pulleys, Sheaves, Gears, etc. All pulleys, sheaves, gears, etc., will be key-seated as per above standards for shafts, when their bores equal or are less than the bores shown in table No. 2. Table No. 2 Diameter Inches Bore Inches Diameter Inches Bore Inches Diameter Inches Bore Inches Diameter Inches Bore Inches 6 to 10 10K to 18 18 K to 30 30^ to 42 3 3K 4K 42 % to 54 54 K to 72 72 Y to 90 90K to 108 5 6 1 1A 108K to 126 126 K to 144 144^ to 168 168K to 192 10K 12 13K 15 192^ to 216 2 16 K to 240 16K 18 When bores exceed limits listed in table No. 2, pulleys, sheaves, gears, etc. , will be key-seated as per the standard key-seats for sleeves and quills shown in table No .1 14 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Dodge Flange Couplings These couplings are finished all over, key-seated and keys fur- nished; they have finished bolts fitted to reamed holes. At a slight extra cost we will furnish our special MALE and FEMALE type, which is made by projecting a section of the flange of one half, into a recess in the other, outside of the bolt circle, thus assuring positive alignment. PRICE LIST INCLUDING KEYS Shaft Size Inches Price for Couplings and Keys not Fitted Code Word Price for Key- seating Shaft- ing, Fitting and Facing Coupling on same Code Word Total Price, Fitted to Shaft Complete Code Word l! 3 B $7.50 Agalaxy $2.40 Agrazing $9.90 Alcohol i 8.00 8.50 9.00 Agama Agaric Agast 2.50 2.60 2.75 Agreztic Agrimony Aground 10.50 11.10 11.75 Alcoran Alcove ' Alder 2& 10.50 Agate 2.90 Agul 13.40 Alderman 12.50 Age 3.10 Ahead 15.60 Aldine m 15.25 Agendum 3.25 Aheight 18.50 Ale 211 18.25 Ageness 3.50 Ahold 21.75 Alembic "j e 21.75 Agger 4.00 Aidant 25.75 Alert "IB 25.25 Aggrace 4.50 Aidless 29.75 Algebra Bit 29.25 Aggravate 5.00 Ailment 34.25 Algol W 33.25 Aggress 6.00 Airing 39.25 Alias 4 T 3 e 38.25 Aggrieve 7.00 Airsac 45.00 Alibi 4/5 43.25 Agile 8.00 Ajar 51.25 Alienate #1 49.00 Agility 9.00 Ajutage 57.75 Alight 41 54.75 Agio 10.00 Akimbo 64.75 Alimony SA 67.00 Agitate 11.00 Akin 78.00 Alive 6 81.00 Aglow 12.00 Alabaster 93.00 Alkaline 6^ 95.50 Agminal 13.50 Alack 109.00 Allah 7 110.00 Agnate 15.00 Alacrity 125.00 Allatrate T-A 126.00 Agnomen 18.00 Alamode 144.00 Alledge 8 142.00 Agnus 21.00 Alarm 163.00 Allegory &A 160.00 Agog 24.00 Alas 184.00 Alleviate 9 179.00 Agone 27.00 Alba 206.00 Alliance 9^ 199.00 Agonistic 30.00 Albatross 229.00 Alligator 10 220.00 Agonize 34.00 Albino 254.00 Allocate 10}* ' 11 243.00 270.00 Agony Agood 38.00 42.00 Albugo Album 281.00 312.00 Allot Allude 11 J* 305.00 Agrarian 46.00 Alcalde 351.00 Almanac 12 350.00 A&rar.p 50.00 A'o>iemic 400.00 Almighty Reducing Couplings are charged at the rate of the larger size shaft of the pair, and in ordering by wire combine code word for the larger shaft size with that of the smaller, so that when thus combined they will make one word. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY i:, Dimensions of Dodge Flange Couplings PLAIN Shaft Size Inches IA IH H 2if 8A 8 i 4A 10H 13 17 18X 19^8 20^ 24 27^ 28^ 29X 31 MALE AND FEMALE 11 14^8 16 19X 20^8 24X 25X 28 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY 'Grim Death" Compression Couplings A substantial safety coupling adapted to any class of service. Complies with all legal requirements as to safety by having bolt heads and nuts protected. Finished and polished on periphery and faced on ends. PRICE LIST INCLUDING KEYS Shaft Size Inches Price Code Word Shaft Size Inches Price Code Word IA $4.75 Almond SA $20.00 Aloof IA 5.50 Almoner 3A 23.00 Aloud in 6.25 Alms SH 26.00 Alpaca itt 8.00 Almude 311 30.00 Alpha 2A 9.00 Alnage *A 42.00 Alpine 2A 10.75 Aloe *H 55.00 Alsegno *H 13.00 Aloft 5i 7 e 68.00 Altaic 211 16.50 Alonet 5H 84.00 Altar - - ! Reducing Couplings are charged at the rate of the larger size shaft of the pair, and in ordering by wire combine code word for the larger shaft size with that of the smaller, so that when thus combined they will make one word. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 17 Ribbed Compression Couplings A moderate price coupling for medium service and particularly adapted for stock purposes. Complies with all legal requirements as to safety by having bolt heads and nuts protected. Finished and polished on periphery and faced on ends. This coupling when securely clamped to the shaft without key develops remarkable driving efficiency. If ordered in large quantities liberal discounts will be quoted. PRICE LIST INCLUDING KEYS Shaft Size Inches Price Code Word i& $3.05 Aluminum IT^ 4.20 Alvine lii. 6.30 Amadine ly g- i 7.40 Amass 2 T 3_ 9.00 Amative 2 rV 10.00 Amber 311. 11.00 Ambition 2i| 13.00 Ambrosia STS 16.50 Ambush && 20.00 Amenable *J 24.00 28.00 38.00 Amethyst Amicably Amilot Reducing Couplings are charged at the rate of the larger size shaft of the pair, and in ordering by wire combine code word for the larger shaft size with that of the smaller, so that when thus combined they will make one word. IS DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Dimensions of "Grim Death" and Ribbed Com- pression Shaft Couplings o o pE M -H- \ 1 1 RIBBED GRIM DEATH Shaft Sizes Inches to I/ Ifl 3 r 3 to 3/8 3 T 7 e to 3^ 3B to S7/& 3f| to 4% 41-1 to 5/8 5 T V to 5^ Grim Death" and Ribbed 10* 13% Grim Death 13^ W* 15* 16* 17* 19 Ribbed 12 13 14* 15* Solid Sleeve Couplings For Light Shafting Have countersunk set screws and are finished over entire surface. PRICE LIST Shaft Size Price Code Word Shaft Size Price Code Word if in. 1A in. ly 5 * m. $3.00 3.50 3.75 Amjado Amjetto Amkite lAin. IJiin. IT! in- $4.00 4.50 5.50 Amlabe Amlede Amklit POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 19 Dodge Keyless Compression Couplings An excellent coupling for ordinary service, is easily erected and fastened by compression. Great driving power is secured through flexibility of hub. . DIMENSIONS h-cH Shaft Size, Inches Shaft Size, Inches A 1 A to IX to 7/8 to 3 11* 12 PRICE LIST Shaft Size Price Code Shaft Size Price Code i ' Hf $4.75 5.50 6.25 8.00 Amulews Amuleze Amulia Amuliabo It lit $ 9.00 10.75 13.00 16.00 Amuliast Anabab Anacade Anafite DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Improved Dodge-Collins Compression Couplings With Interlocking Keys and Key-seats in Coupling and Shafts This coupling* is turned and polished over its entire surface and has no projections or recesses for gathering dust, dirt, lint, etc. , making- it an especially desirable type of coupling for textile service. The periphery may be used for belt driving if desired, PRICE LIST INCLUDING KEYS Shaft Size Inches Price Code Word Shaft Size Inches Price Code Word IA $ 4.75 Amnesty 2tt $15.85 Ampelite i* 5.50 Amniotic m 19.35 Amphibia IB 6.75 Amomum 3& 23.90 Amphide itf 8.25 Amoroso 3 T V 28.14 Amphora 2rV 10.35 Amorphy 3tt 32.15 Ampliate 2A 13.10 Amour 3|| 37.60 Amplify For Reducing Couplings add 10 per cent, to the price of the larger size. The difference in diameters should not exceed )4 inch. Reducing Couplings are charged at the rate of the larger size shaft of the pair, and in ordering by wire combine code word for the larger shaft size with that of the smaller, so that when thus combined they will make one word. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY Dimensions of Dodge-Collins Compression Couplings Size Inches Clearance Space 3ft 3ft 3H 4% 4% 14 SH 5H 8^6 22 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Jaw Clutch Couplings JAW CLUTCH COUPLING SQUARE JAWS CAST OR JAW CLUTCH COUPLING SPIRAL RIGHT OR I^FT HAND Are substantially designed for general service and finished all over in a first-class manner. PRICK LIST Shaft Sizes Inches Square Spiral Code Word Lever Charge for Fitting to Shalt Planed Jaws Cast Jaws Standard Leugth Price 1%6 1 7 /16 IHie 1 15 /16 2/16 2%6 2Hie 2i%e 3^/16 31%6 4%e 4i%e 6%6 6 6 ? % 7% 8 $19.45 23.20 26.85 29.70 33.75 37.10 41.35 49.20 52.20 68.10 92.00 116.25 133.75 149.25 173.50 212.50 233.50 255.50 $10.00 11.95 13.80 15.25 17.40 19.05 21.25 25.15 $10.00 11.95 .13.80 15.25 17.40 19.05 21.25 25.15 30.00 39.00 Anagraph Analogy Analysis Analytic Anapest Anathema Anatomic Ancestor Anchor Anchorite Anchovy Ancient Ancipital Andante Android Anecdote Anemone Angelic 4' 0" 4' 0" 4' 0" 4' 6" 4' 6" 4' 6" 4' 6" 4' 6" 4' 6" 5' 0" 5' 0" 5' 6" 5' 6" 6' 0" 6' 0" 6' 6" 6' 6" 7' 0" $2.00 2.00 2.00 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.45 2.95 2.95 3.20 3.20 3.45 3.45 3.60 3.60 3.90 $3.00 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.75 5.00 7.50 9.75 13.50 17.00 20.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 NOTE All Square Jaw Clutch Couplings up to and including 2 15-16 inch will be furnished with Cast Jaws unless Planed Jaws are specified. In ordering Spiral Jaw Clutch Couplings, see illustration for method of determining right or left hand, page 23. Code words above are for Square Jaw. For sizes 2 15-16 and under add code word "Planejaw" if Planed Jaws are wanted. If Spiral is wanted, let the word be follow.ed immediately by word "Ritand" or "Leftand" as case may be. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY Dimensions of Square and Spiral Jaw Clutches Shaft Size Inches D Shaft Size Inches 3M 4 1 A , 1% 1 2% 2% oo\ 8* 2334 25^ 13 ^H\ OiO i 1 \T CC rH r- 1 8* GM % 7M &A 9M 9M ll We Method of Ordering Right or Left Hand Spiral Jaw Clutch Couplings WHEN THIS SHAFT IS DRIVING \ \~ V t WHEMTHI5 SHAFT IS DRIVING _ "\ RIGHT HAND \ Code Word, Ritand zz y ^ WHEN THIS SHAFT IS DRIVIHG I 7 | WHEN THIS SHAFT IS DRIVING f LEFT HAND 7 Code Word, Leftand / 24 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Dodge Safety Collars SOLID SPLIT These collars are made solid and split for all sizes of shafting, and comply with all the legal requirements as to safety by having set screws and bolts protected. Finished and polished on periphery and faced on ends. PRICE LIST SOLID Shaft Size Inches Price Code Word Shaft Size Inches Price Code Word it $0.65 Arab 4 i $5.90 Arctic 1 3 .80 Arabian 53 6.55 Ardent IIB 1.00 Arabic 5/5 7.20 Arduous Its 1.20 Arbiter 511 7.90 Areca IIB 1.40 Arblast 6g 8.60 Arena 33 1.60 Arbor 9.35 Areola 2/8 1.80 Arborist 6/5 10.10 Argentine 2rl 2.10 Arbutus 6is 10.90 Argonaut 2ii 2.40 Arcade gl6 11.70 Argue 3jB "IB 2.70 3.00 Arcanum Archer f 14.05 16.20 Argument Argus 3.30 Archeus 18.45 Aridity sfl 8.60 Archil 9 2 20.70 Aristate 4j3 a 4.15 Archieve 23.10 Ark 4 r 7 B 4.70 Archness 10 2 25.75 Armada 31 5.30 Archontic PRICE LIST SPLIT Shaft Size Inches Price Code Word Shaft Size Inches Price Code Word 11 $0.95 Armental 411 $8.85 Arson 18 1.20 Armor 5i 3 g 9.80 Arterial ll 7 B 1.50 Arnica 10.80 Artesian l8 1.80 Aroma sfl 11.85 Artfully if! 2.10 Aromatic 5^1 12.90 Artifice 2i 3 s 2.40 Arousal 6i 3 6 14.05 Artilize 2r 7 B 2.70 Arquebus 6S 15.15 Artistic 2is 3.15 Arraign 8f| 16.35 Asarone 2r| 3.60 Arrant 6il 17.55 Asbestic 3i 3 5 4.05 Arrester 7|| 21.10 Asboline s 4.50 Arrision 8 24.25 Ascend 3^J 4.95 Arroba 8^ 27.65 Ascribe 3| 4r 3 S 5.40 6.25 Arrogant Arrosion 9 9K 31.05 34.70 Ashamed Ashantee 4ft ill 7.05 7.95 Arsenal Arsenic 10 38.65 Ashore POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 25 Dimensions of Dodge Solid and Split Safety Collars I I SOLID SPLIT 3 inches and under have but one set screw. Shaft Size Inches 1ft 1ft 2ft 2ft 2H 8ft 3ft 8H 4X Solid Collars ft 3 3ft 4ft 4 T 5 * 6ft 1/8 2 2 3X Split Collars 4H 5H 8 8X 8^ 9 9 104 3X Shaft Size Inches 6# 7 8 8X 10 11 11* 12 Solid Collars 13 13 14 14 17/8 Split Collars 12 12 13 18 14 14 17 17 2C> DODGE: MANUFACTURING COMPANY Improved Universal Joint Couplings SINGLE This type of coupling is not an economical transmitter and only practicable in small powers, moderate speeds and where space does not permit other forms of connections. PRICE LIST Shaft Size Inches Price Single Code Word Price Double Code Word ITS $50.00 Ashortz $100.00 Ashosido Hi 60.00 Ashosabo 120.00 Ashosige m 70.00 Ashoselm 140.00 Ashosiho 2 T V 75.00 Ashosham 150.00 Ashosim %& 80.00 Ashoshear 160.00 Ashosinto m 85.00 Ashoshive 170.00 Ashosippo SH 95.00 Ashoshoat 190.00 Ashutze 3iV 120.00 Ashoshute 240.00 Ashtist 8H 150.00 Ashosi 300.00 Asiacco DOUBLE POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 27 Dodge Adjustable Ball and Socket Hanger Frames with Standard and Self-oiling Bearings With over twenty-five years of unprecedented success in the markets of the world, we may consistently commend our line of Hangers and Bearings to all engineers and mill owners. No other make embodies such BEAUTY OF DESIGN, STRENGTH, and FACILITY FOR ERECTING. Specifications of Frames DROP AND POST HANGERS. Open side with double brace, in which are combined the essentials of a parted yet solid frame, machine finished base and adjusting plunger screws, true ball and socket connection with bearing and ample adiustment. SHORT DROP HEAD SHAFT HANGER OR ADJUSTABLE PILLOW BLOCK AND HEAVY HEAD SHAFT HANGERS, have open end frame, otherwise as above. All frames will be furnished only in drops as shown on pages following. Specifications of Bearings Standard. An inexpensive substantial bearing for general service. Is lubricated through cups cast in cap, by waste saturated with oil, or by grease applied directly or through Compression Cups, or by lubricating candles. Furnished in all sizes up to and including six inches. Capillary. This bearing is provided with a non-agitating lubricator, operating on the well-known principle of "CAPILLARY ATTRACTION," which conveys only clean oil to the shaft. Fur- nished in all sizes up to and including four inches. Ring. The ring with which this bearing is provided forms an endless oil conveyor driven by the friction of its own weight on the shaft, maintaining a copious supply of oil directly from the reservoir to the top of the shaft, from whence by gravity it flows over the entire bearing surface. Furnished in all sizes up to and including six inches. 28 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Chain. The chain with which this bearing" is provided also forms an endless oil conveyor, is very flexible and has a frictional bearing on the shaft over 180 degrees, and is capable of carrying a maximum supply of oil to the shaft from whence it gravitates, by means of channels, over the entire bearing surface. Furnished in all sizes up to and including five inches. Wick Oiling. Is much the same in appearance as our plain bearing, except that it has an oil reservoir on top, from which and by means of a wick, the shaft is lubricated the entire length of bearing; capillary attraction being the principle. For ordinary service and speeds this reservoir will require refilling but a few times during the year. Special wicks are not required; the ordinary hemp twine can be used to meet all requirements. These bearings are babbitted with the best grade of babbitt metal, are bored true to shaft and are faced on ends for collar. General We use only the very best grade of babbitt applicable to shaft service, which is securely anchored to the castings and machined up by special process. The ends of all bearings are faced. In self-oiling bearings, an effective system of wiping the oil from the shaft is provided, thus preventing damage to manufac- tured product and stock from overflow and dripping. *A11 bearings are interchangeable between the various types of frames in which they might be used, thus jobbers and dealers may provide themselves with a complete line of SHAFTING EQUIP- MENT within the range of a reasonable investment, and supply to their trade a standard of engineering, obtainable heretofore only on special order and at an advanced cost. To make our lists more comprehensive, we show on the intro- ductory page to each type of hanger frame, a full page illustration of frame and bearing, followed by a page devoted to the dimen- sions of the frame. After this, in their respective order, are shown the combined lists of frame and bearing. * Head Shaft Hanger Bearings can only be used in Head Shaft Hanger Frames. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 39 Dodge Bearing Metal Made especially for general mill and factory requirements. We claim this formula to be superior to any on the market that is advocated and sold for like purposes. Its use in our own plant for the past twenty years warrants this statement. The "Dodge" formula is the result of many tests to determine a composition of metals that would have the greatest wearing and highest anti-friction qualities and that would successfully meet the widest possible range. On initial orders of 100 pounds, we allow freight. Price upon application. Packed 50 pounds to the box. The Dodge line of bearing metals consists of ten grades and was designed to meet every known requirement, ranging from light loads and low speeeds to high speeds and heavy loads. For general service, however, the "Dodge" formula seems to give the best satisfaction, as it is more economical and more satisfactory to use it for light duty, than to use a cheaper grade for the same service. It not only lasts longer but saves the cost of relining. When used for medium-heavy, high-speed duty, it is as economi- cal and satisfactory as if other makes higher in cost were used. The name "Dodge" moulded in the bar* has the same significance to the buyer or user, as does the word "Sterling" to the purchaser of silver. It indicates quality. 30 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Dodge Heavy Head Shaft Hanger with Ring or Chain Bearing This Hanger is so constructed that it fulfills all the require- ments of heavy head or main shaft service, that embodies symmetry, strength and adjustment; these commendable features have made it the most popular Head Shaft Hanger Frame on the market. The Standard Drops are 12 and 18 inches, by use of shoes addi- tional drops of 2, 4 and 6 inches may be obtained with each frame. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY Dimensions of Dodge Heavy Head Shaft Hangers J Shaft Sizes Inches Frame Symbol B c D E Bolts F G H M 12 In. 18 In. 2% to 2% K 25 6 21 K 3K K 2 1'X 18K 24^ 12 18 3% to 3% 28 8 24 5 1 2X 1^ 193^ 253^ 12 18 4% to 4% T 31 9 26 53^ l/^ 2/^ 21 27 12 18 5J^to6 W 34 10 29 1 A \i/ 22/ l/^ 22 28 12 18 63^ to 7 Y 36 11 31 7 1# 2j/ 8 l 3 ^ 23X 29X 12 18 7^ to 8 6 E 38 12 32 y> 7% 3 2 24^ 30/8 12 18 Dimensions of Head Shaft Hanger Shoes Extending 12-in. drop to 14, 16 and 18 in. Extending 18-in. drop to 20, 22 and 24 in. F ; Shaft Sizes Inches Shoe Symbol B C D E Bolts F H 2% to 2% K 32X 6^ 29^ 4 H 1M 3% to 3% O 36 9 33 5 1 1/4 4% to 4% T 393/ lO 3 ^ 36^ 6 1/4 \y% 5JJ to 6 W 43^ ll 3 ^ 40 7 1M i/^ 6^ to 7 Y 46^ 13^ 43 8 IM$ i 3 ^" 7^to8 6-E 49 14^ 45 9 IK 2 32 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY a 2 SP "3 N to S^SfB SO 5C n C 00 H^ u'* ^ <^ to to to to la i tc to a w : s|8-i^^i2 !-^o P 0000 O O O O t3 | - L|T d^ 000 000 < O " T3 ^ "d * 000 O O O O O O O O O I POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 33 E | 2 .3 W -08 * 5 E A | SSS S.,8 SS88 88 8 I? I? S c eSS S|s S U S 8^ Is SSIES se ss e s ss = 2 gs & iB'WJisSgl bo rt ^s ^3 Ui -t-> N'-ioJi-iS'-'ctf'r-icST-ioi-i'aT-i'Oi-iajiNaxM.ii, bo bo P3 CQ 8 ^^ 8 S 18 S3 8*8 8 S.8 8 2s g oS^ ' esS 3 SsS feS@- 3 >, >, cs^^^^^^^^ igtijjSgPwG i 7 " 1 o; 1 " 1 flj^ ^>^ ^; > > > > ! Code Word Baroko Barraclade Barry r n Price 16.40 25.40 26.00 IT I Code Word Barolite Barracoon Barse I 2 1 5 Price 19.15 28.15 28.75 Code Word Barology Barracuda Barsowite Shaft Center * 10 Inches 12 Inches r Price 28.25 38.05 40.85 3 T5 Code Word Barometer Barras Barter 1 Price 30.70 40.50 43.30 [ 3j6- Code Word Barometric Barrator Barth f Price 35.90 46.10 49.05 "T* Code Word Barometz Barratrous Bartizan 1 Price 37.70 47.90 50.85 [ 3 T6 Code Word Baron Barratry Barton r /i_3 Price 42.10 55.10 57.90 I ^-^ Code Word Baronage Barren Bartram 1 Price 44.85 57.85 60.65 4y^ Code Word Baroness Barrender Barwood r 4 11 Price 53.75 72.55 T* J T ^ Code Word Baronet Baryta 1 4 15 Price 58.90 77.70 I Tff Code Word Baronial Barytic *To secure additional drops, shoes are used, but in connection with Head Shaft Hangers only. For prices of Base Plates for Pillow Blocks see pages 84 and 85. Dimensions of these Base Plates will be furnished on application. 40 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Dodge Adjustable Pillow Block or Short Drop Head Shaft Hanger With Wick-oiling Bearing PRICE LIST i Frame Symbol Sh?ft Sizes Inches Without Shoe With Shoe to make Shaft Center * 8 Inches 10 Inches f i* i I ITS Price Code Word Price Code Word $4.80 Barytone 4.90 Barytum $9.35 Bashful 9.45 Bashless $11.50 Basketry 11.65 Baslard E 111 Price Code Word 7.10 Basal 12.50 Bashule 14.90 Basnet a I ** I ** Price Code Word Price Code Word 9.25 Basalt 10.05 Basaltine 15.45 Basic 16.25 Basifier 18.05 Basque 18.85 Basquish K I 2H ( 21f Price Code Word Price Code Word 14.25 Basan 16.55 Basanite 23.25 Basil 25.55 Basilar 23.85 Basset 26.15 Bassetto Shaft Center * 10 Inches 12 Inches M I * [ 3 T V Price Code Word Price Code Word 20.95 Bascinet 21.40 Bascule 30.75 Basilisk 31.20 Basined 33.55 Bassock 34.00 Bassoon o I 3H [ 31f Price Code Word Price Code Word 28.80 Basement 32.70 Basen 39.00 Basisity 42.90 Ba si solute 41.95 Bassorine 45.85 Basta *To secure additional drops, shoes are used, but in connection with Head Shaft Hangers only. For prices of Base Plates for Pillow Blocks see pages 84 and 85. Dimensions of these Base Plates will be furnished on application. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 41 Dodge Adjustable Ball and Socket Drop Hanger for Standard and Self-oiling Bearings Showing Deep Threaded Plunger Screws and Removable Double Brace Links DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Dimensions of Dodge Adjustable Ball and Socket Drop Hanger Frames Shaft Symbol Size f Shaft in Inches ^ E to to 8 10 12 14 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 8 10 12 14 16 18 12 20^ 20^ 15 15 17 11) 21 22/s 17 5^ 6 157/8 13 17/8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IX IX IX IX IX IX IX IX f u \\ X Number andDiam. of Bolts at F TWO y 2 TWO y 2 TWO y 2 TWO y 2 TWO y 2 TWO y 2 Two >^ TwoX Two ^ Two ^ Two >6 Two > Two ^ Two % Two ^ Two ^ Two ^ Two X Two 3/ Two ^ Two^ Four ^ Four ^ Four POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINE.RY 43 Dimensions of Dodge Adjustable Ball and Socket Drop Hanger Frames Continued Shaft Symbol Size of Shaft in Inches Number and Diam. of Bolts at F Inches to 2^ K M to 3A to 3^ to R W >i to 6 20 24 30 36 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 30 36 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 30 36 12 14 16 18 20 24 30 36 14 16 18 20 24 30 16 18 20 24 30 16 20 30 23^ 2Q7/ 8 26 Y* 30X 17 18 20 20^ 23^ 27 30^ 21 # 25^ 27X 35/g 40 2372" 27^ 30 35^ 27^ 2872" 28^ 7/8 672- 10 8 8 j 10 12 10 11 12 12 1 -I 20^ 24^ 12 13X 19X 2378" 26 14 25^ 25 30^ 15 21 25 # 28^ 32X 20 21X 23X 28^ 22K 23^ 30X 1/8 5 6 5J/ 8 4X 4X 5 5X 6 674- STS 3 378 1 1 1 1 1/8 1 1 1/8 Four ^ Four ^ Four % Four Four 1ft Four 1^ Four IT Four 1ft Four ITS Four 1 J/ The shaft sizes shown here are for Standard, Capillary, Ring, Chain and Wick-oiling Bearings. The next size larger frame must be used for Capillary, Ring and Chain-oiling when they are ordered recessed for two concealed collars. For length of bearings, see page 7. 44 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY ic^o'd i O* od 5 ' _t >?,_,>, i <&V 0)0) (1)0) 0)0) 0303 0303 0303 0303 (U w ^g^ '" glssi 03 03 03 03 i. i^lS^S^S ^*Sd llsssl ! " ^ ^ ^' N C 0* Cc* G WWW s* 1^^ S. D Dd> OD 0)1) 0 00) 0> 03 03 03 PQ 03 03 03 PQ PQ PQ 03 03 sss^sgs^j 0) 0) D PQ 03 03 0) 0) 03 03 03 03 JO >0^0 00"0 >MO GO^OSr^ OS ^_j O *^ OO .5 fc-^wCO b b ^->o'^ co oo -5 os $3 ar 03 03 03 a>^i>^ .^^.y^ "d ^T! * o o O O O O O O O O O ri i-V^T^'oireJ'SrSrco'eo'ecw Q W O POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY a o 1 -I u cO O J} co co ^ S co pS = t CO co PQ O ^ J2 3 .tj ? fn ss H 1 2^ fe > *d O ,^J 25 ^ O O OQtcO^j O C d C2 !.--CVI~H o5.-iC.-H 85^^-^r^ o c c C PQ PQ PQ PQ PQ PQ W Q a? ** a? 7 ""* e8 3 2 * C >z2 o ffm o ^.-.'^-^ w -v.-J'd ^tCTHl/J ^S^* 05 jj^x ,xiJ w $^^2 0*^ M^CO^ ^^^ n S S S < c "bo o 3 c o $5o- ic"oO .0^.0 " bfi^bC* fcrp*- ~8*S H* g2S2S28232S28283 *ffl MM MM MM pq M ^.M M 0) $_ DO) tiC > ^ m n r* ^ ^ ^ ^ kfi ^M M MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM me Symbo haft Sizes Inches S F ic 3 MM M MM MM MM MM MM MM MM M MM MM MM MM MM MM 28.s sglal s Ss| s I& J s jsjs 1 s ggf g" 5 ^ S | S |2 | S ^S 5 S 2^ 2 J g g 2^ 2 S 2S 2 MM M MM MM MM MM MM MM M M M M M M MMMMMMMMMMMM o o ^ o S o^-< o ^ o^ o c o o eo 0*5 MM M MM MM MM MM Cfl -(-> o _Q o ^n ' i|*| ; M M - o M "S "S o o o o o o "S "8 "H 'H -S 'E oo oo oo oo oo OO OO OO OO OO (MOJ COM COCO M Q W O POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY -IT f K * & s o II "3 o 6Q W r 3 I o PH UU 00 00 00 00 00 o o o o oo oo oo oo oo sToT 5TS7 co 1 co* T S-T T? P3QWO W S O Di 48 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY I *oO I 0) -w c % g.S g S Q I-H re cc rt W - W >- g|sg ssssss 55- re re rt rt rt re O O 83.8 g S 28j gl g _g 55^-^0. ^ o. SI a i Hgj Q. re re re O O O O 0) o M o"J5 >n 3 10 c o- 2 >o * g S'H, 3'B. 00-^0 = 5 g S_ 6- rt rt rt CJ o o >> s 8|8a 8~ 8 o> 8 S - -- .- O 3 O w.a w o 8 8.3 SI- a * a * c ^H C S2 C H C *H C Si's 3 e rt rt rt rt re re CJ CJ CJ INCHES s 10 >> o ^ >O'O co i- * o t-..- , CJ CJ CJ 0^? (U sp! o o V3'| ^| sisi g c O) OH o o5"^; q 2 > 01 _ S Sv , n C n >, aj .- .-. _ i s i oo % 05=: o5i Q ; := ^_ o.2 w.H !-^_Q '".J2 ^ 3 "^ D 7>iC> O0> O >> i-H N CO fl O G O5 p ci G rt *c3 ^c5 T* 'cfl "13 "rt 11 rt ir ^ rt ' r ^ rt '"' rt U CJ CJ CJ O O s 8-aSD 8cg^ ~ ^.2-^.H 1 ri3 ids t^2 ci.2 o'^ 2j S HJ o od o oo"o re re rt rt 00 00 O O C oi.S -*.2" t-^.S* od. 2 1 "rt rt 13 13 13 00 00 .0 13 ^13 O O 13 '"'"re O O 1-1 13 rt ~re 0} ca >> _o; 00 8.1 -. i l ^ - 8^ 81 a 8 ! S- 2 8- .... ^_rt -*_rt ic_reo_re t-_o 05 'u O"^ iH (J CO U 6 O O CJ CJ O O ^"re ^13 l-i l-i 1^ 1_ 1_ T3 -g 'E "S "E "S .yi> ,ai> .s> .^> a) m o o | |^ fe 5 n r^ o o o o o CJ o 6 o o. "o II s - S ^ K 3 3 S S HUD icno S S -u u 11 c ^ r-~^- - r~~-s v^y^/ V ^^ ^^^ ^*~* ' CQ Q W o h^ s jr POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 49 Specially Fitted Bearings Dust-proof Ends Owing to repeated demands for special features we have incorporated with all bearings shown on the preceding pages a dust-proof device that will make practical their use in extremely dusty places, such as cement mills, paint mills, phosphate and fertilizer plants, stone crushing plants, brick yards, iron foundries, in fact any place where dust or grit is present. The many ad- vantages derived from this addition to bearings at once offsets the slight extra cost. Prices will be furnished upon application. Closed End The operators of textile mills generally require line and countershafting equipped with closed end bearings, also that thrust collars be concealed. To comply with these specifications we will furnish the capillary and ring-oiling bearings with closed end or recessed for two concealed collars, for which an extra charge is made. Prices will be furnished upon application. 50 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Dodge Adjustable Ball and Socket Post Hanger for Standard and Self-oiling Bearings Adjustable Ball and Socket Post Hanger with Ring-oiling Bearing Also Shows Removable Double Brace Links POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY .11 Dimensions of Dodge Adjustable Ball and Socket Post Hangers Frame Symbol Shaft Sizes Inches B Inches c Inches D Inches E Inches Number and Diam. of Bolts at F. Inches H Inches M Inches B if to IX 12* * ii* Two ^ H 6 D 1ft to IX 15 4 13 Two % H 5X E IT! to 3 17# 4^ 15X Two ^ H 5X G 2ft to 2)4 19# 5X 15# 2^ Four ^ ft G/S K 2ft to 3 20X 6 16X 3^ Four X % W M 3ft to 3^ 21 6^ 17 3X Four ^ i 8 3ft to 4 M# 8 17X 4 Four j4 i 8^r R 4ft to 4^ 25^ 9 20^ 5 Four ^ i 8X T 4ft to 5 27. 9/8 21^ 5X Four 1 \ft 8X W 5ft to 6 30X 10* 23^ 5X Four \y% 1/8 9^ The shaft sizes shown here are for Standard, Capillary, Ring, Chain and Wick-oiling Bearings. The next size larger frame must be used for Capillary, Ring and Chain-oiling when they are ordered recessed for two concealed collars. For length of bearings, see page 7. DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Dodge Adjustable Ball and Socket Post Hanger With Standard Bearing PRICE LIST Frame Symbol Shaft Sizes Inches Price Code Word Frame Symbol Shaft Sizes Inches Price Code Word if $4.40 Chingly M i g^ $19.00 Chivalry 1A 4.50 Chink M j 3- 7 ff 19.45 Chloris 5.50 Chipper O j 3j 25.45 Choal iff 5.60 Chippy 3i| 28.70 Chock E ifl 7.15 Chirm 4j\ 32.85 Choicely i 9.75 Chirp 4 T V 34.10 Choir K $ i 10.40 13.00 14.95 Chisley Chiton Chitter T* 4} I 4*1 43.35 46.40 Choker Cholera With Capillary Bearing PRICE LIST Frame Symbol Shaft Sizes Inches Price Code Word Frame Symbol Shaft Sizes Inches Price Code Word j 15 $5.35 Choose / 311 $15.60 Chorist "1 IT\ 5.50 Chopin 1 2-i| 18.35 Chorus D | TIT 6.30 6.55 Chopper Choragic Mj 33 T% 3n T-T* 27.30 29.65 Chough Choule E IT! 9.05 Choral o i 311 34.05 Chowder G i ^ ^T% 11.75 Chord i 3 1 ! 35.80 Chrism 2 T V 12.35 Chorea POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 53 Dodge Adjustable Ball and Socket Post Hanger With Ring Bearing PRICE LIST Frame Symbol Shaft Sizes Inches Price Code Word Frame Symbol Shaft Sizes Inches Price Code Word B IT** $5.70 Christmas Mj && $27.70 Churl Dj 1/f 6.50 Chrome 3jV 30.15 Churn 11! 6.75 9.30 Chronic Chub o | ||| 34.60 36.40 Chute Chyle G\ 12.00 Chuckish Rj ^iV 40.30 Ciceda 2 T 7 ^ 12.65 Chum 4 r 7_. 43.05 Cicely __ j 2-11. 15.95 Chunky j 41.1. 54.60 Ciconia } m 18.70 Church } 411 59.75 Cicurate With Chain Bearing PRICE LIST Frame Symbol Shaft Sizes Inches Price Code Word Frame Symbol Shaft Sizes Inches Price Code Word B IT"* $5.70 Cider Mj 3A $27.70 Cinque E it! 6.50 6.75 9.30 Cigar Ciliate Cilice i 1 30.15 34.60 36.40 Cinter Cipolin Cippus j 12.00 Cimia j ^iV 40.30 Circean 1 ^T 7 ff 12.65 Cimolite 1 4y 7 ff 43.05 Circlet K l 1 15.95 18.70 Cincture Cinematic TJ 11! 54.60 59.'75 Circum Circus 54 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Dodge Adjustable Ball and Socket Post Hanger With Wick Oiling Bearing PRICE LIST Frame Symbol Shaft Sizes Inches Price Code Word Frame Symbol Shaft Sizes Inches Price Code Word B D l % $4.70 5.85 5.95 Cizar Clabber Clachan K i Mj all $13.80 16.10 20.40 Clamber Clammy Clang E lyf 7.60 Clack ^Tff 20.85 Clank !. %T5 10.30 Clad j 3^1. 27.50 Clapper 2A 11.10 Clam } 41 31.40 Claret Dodge Sling Hangers We are prepared to furnish Sling Hangers for head-shafts, etc., fitted with either rigid or ball and socket pillow blocks, with or with- out adjusting wedges. Prices quoted upon receipt of specifications. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 55 Dodge Heavy Rigid Post Bearings Standard Self-Oiling Particularly useful in supporting- heavy line shafting to posts, and where more pulley clearance is desired than is obtainable with the drop hanger. Shafting so supported is less liable to get out of alignment than if sus- pended from floor beams. Ample vertical adjustment is secured by means of elongated slots in back plate. These bearings are made Standard, Capillary, Wick, Ring- and Chain-oiling, and at slight additional cost will be furnished with dust-tight or closed ends. Wick-Oiling 56 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Dimensions of Dodge Heavy Self-oiling Rigid Post Bearings Size of Shaft Inches 1^ tO 1/2 1ft to IX Ijf to 2 2^ to 2/2 2ftto2# 2ft to 3 31f to 4 4 T Vo4j 41f to 5 51f to 6 A Inch 13 15 B Inch 15 16X 20 24 25 27 80 33 c Inch 5X 5^ 6 11 D Inch 16 24^ E Inch F Number and SizeBolt Inches 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-1^8 G Inch 27/s 3 3 Inch Inch 14 17 18 18X 22 24 Inch 2/2 3 M Inch Inch 1H 2 2' 2 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 57 Dimensions of Dodge Heavy Standard and Wick-oiling Rigid Post Bearings Shaft Size F Bolt M 8 * 18% 3 8% 4& 4% 6 7 8/8 9/8 10# UN 12% 3% 3K 4/8 11 -% 12% 13% 4% 5% Dimensions for 4- Bolt Base 5% s* 16% 8% MM 11 WM 4% F 6 1 1% 1% 16 17 18 18# 19% 6 7 6 6% 7% NOTE: Wick Oiling furnished only up to 3ii shaft size. 58 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY "0 CO s I I c c CQ I r s s ** ^ 4) U oS S uuuouuouuououo ^^lo'to J> S OS 0) rH 4) T^ 3 l> ,T| T-< 13 TJH !3 00 '-M C^"^ OO^ 3 1O^ -rH" 1 ^ ^ O 'S ^T-(gi-l^-r-l-g(?3^- > CQ-i-'CQ*-'CCl :! CO! 3 ^I :! lo! :! UOUOOOUUUUUUUO OO O O 1O O O O ICr^O O_-- ^^ ord t- QO P co ^ co ^o^ o ce.g o 10 c . . ^O1OO?O GOPH-rH^^.'tit-y^H'^^^QO r ^ii-l < S 4=g a O ^T^CT l T-(>T-lg(Mgojgc^'QcOQ &3 s U O O O O O O O O U O -: a ouuuouuuuuoouo -l---Hl-lHH-,H oooooooooooooo OUOOOCJO ooo OOCJ M M 33.8 -l-> O B 5 2 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 59 Girder Clamps When it is necessary to attach drop hangers to I-beams and girders, clamps as shown in the accompanying illustration should be used, drilling of beams being thus avoided. Usually, clamps must be designed to suit each particular case, therefore when ordering give size and weight of beam, shaft size and drop of hanger frame. We also make a special Girder Clamp for Angle Iron Roof Trusses. Prices will be furnished on application. 60 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Dodge Countershafts Duplex Orton Clutch for Reversible Movement Cone or Single Drive Tight and Loose Pulleys and Single Driver Tight and Loose Pulleys and Cone Driver POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 61 Dodge Countershafts On the preceding page we illustrate several types of Dodge countershafts which, as will be observed, quite fully cover the requirements in this line. Either iron or wood pulleys or both will be furnished, as desired. Referring to details of construction: The hanger frames are neatly designed, well proportioned, strong and rigid. Bearings babbitted, reamed to size and capillary self-oiling. Loose pulleys reamed or bronze bushed as desired. Steel shafts turned, polished and equipped with safety collars. Arms are adjustable. Our Dodge Solid Friction Clutch, Orton type, is admirably adapted for countershaft duty, both as a substitute for tight and loose pulleys and for reverse movement. It is compact, simple, strong, durable, highly efficient and reliable. It is self-contained, symmetrically designed and in every way a very superior fric- tion clutch. As the range of requirements is wide, we do not list counter- shafts complete. Below we list the necessary fixtures in sets complete, and complete without arms. A set of fixtures embraces two shifter arms, two shifter arm bolts, two fingers with set screws, one 4-foot shifter rod, two shifter rod collars with set screws, one clamp with set screw. PRICE LIST OF DODGE COUNTERSHAFT FIXTURES Size Inches Price Complete without Arms Price Complete Size Inches Price Complete without Arms Price Complete 8 $3.40 $4.20 12 $4.05 $5.40 10 3.65 4.80 16 4.35 6.20 Additional shifter rod, 40 cents per foot list. When ordering fixtures state size of frames for which they are wanted. DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Solid Journal or Post Bearings These bearings can be used to advantage where the power is light, speed low and small first cost an object. We furnish them either babbitted or bored to shaft sizes. Adjustment is provided for in bolt slots. PRICE LIST, BABBITTED Shaft Sizes, Inches Price Code Word ' if $0.95 Conch IA 1.20 Concite i* 1.50 Concoct IB 1.80 Concord HI 2.10 Concreate 2& 2.70 Concrew 2& 3.20 Concubine 2H 3.60 Concuss m 4.80 Condense SA 5.90 Conder 3& 7.30 Condign SB 9.00 Condite SH 11.00 Condog NOTE: Bearings will be furnished Babbitted unless otherwise specified. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 63 Dimensions of Solid Journal or Post Bearings Shaft Sizes Inches Bolt 4X BA 311 13 3 3X if it 33^ HI if itt 2 6X 7 334- 64 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Common Flat Box Light in weight and strong; designed as an inexpensive bearing and for light work. Lubrication is provided for by means of a cup reservoir in the cap. The bolt slots in base allow for side adjustment. PRICE LIST Shaft Sizes, Inches Price Code Word H $1.00 Condole IT"* 1.35 Conduce TIT 1.65 Conduct in 2.00 Conduit in 2.30 Condyle 2 T 3 ir 2.80 Confab *^r 3.40 Confect m 4.10 Confer an 5.00 Confess 3 T 8 * 6.20 Confide s* 7.60 Confine 8H 9.50 Confitent sn 11.80 Confix POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 65 Dimensions of Common Flat Boxes Shaft Sizes Inches A B C D F Bolt G H J K M if tol 2 Q/2 1% 4^ ^ 1 # 2/ 3X 1 IA to i x 2X w IH 5>/ 2 H 1 ^ 2^ 3X IX IA to ix 3 8 2X 6^ H 1 X 2X 4X IX i^toix 3X 8^ 2X 6^ X IX X Q T/ 3>t 4X IX HI to 2 4 9/8 2^ ^X H IX ^ 3^ 5 IX 2 T \to2X 4X 10 3 7^ % 1/8 3X 5X IX 2A to 2X 5 io# 3X 8X X 1# 1 4 5X 2 31 1 to 2# 5/ 11X 3^ 9 X IX 1 4^ 6X 2^ 2}f to 3 6 12^ 3^ 9^ X IX 1/8 4X 6X 2>i SA to 3x 6K 12^ 4^ 9^ % 1^ 1# 5 7 2X 3 T V to 3/ 7 13^ 4^ 10^ 7 /s IX IX 5X 7X 2^ 31.1 to 3X 7^ 14X 4^ lift % 2 IX 5^ 8 2^ , 31f to 4 8 15 5 11X % 2 IX 6/8 8X 3X 66 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Standard and Wick-oiling Rigid Pillow Blocks Standard As made up to and including 2 ' .-inch Shaft Standard As made for 2%-inch Shaft and up Sectional View showing Wick-oiling POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 67 Standard and Wick-oiling Rigid Pillow Blocks Amply heavy and strong for any service they may be called upon to meet. The Standard has the ordinary method of lubrication in the cap. The Wick-oiling has an oil reservoir in the cap, with an absorbent wick which leads the oil down to the shaft. The general dimensions of these Pillow Blocks are same for both styles. Thev are babbitted, bored and faced on ends for collar. Standard PRICE LIST Shaft Sizes Inches Price Code Word Shaft Sizes Inches Price Code Word if } !. '{ } l. i 1 ( I 2 10 -< Conflict Conform Confuse Congee Conger p f' $14.40 j- 16.00 j j- 18.50 -j Connote Conoid Conquer Conquest Conscient 1H f 1 Congius Conglobe j- 21.00 -j Conscript Consecrate IK ) I Congou 411 / n/t fiA ) Consense 2 IS 2i 3 a \ a. { ) ( A Aft J Congree Congrue Congruent P r A . UO < j- 27.00 -j Conserve Consistory Console 2K 1 r 4 - 60 1 [ 5.50 -| 1 I Conic Conifer Conisor Conite | j- 34.00 | j- 43.00 -j Consonant Consort Conspirant Constable 2 M f ' 1 Conject 6i 7 B 1 ( Constat JH } 8.80 { Conjoin Conjugate I f ' 1 Constrict Construe % } 11.00 j Conjunct Conjure 7 7 ;- 61.00 \ ' 70 00 J Consul Consulter 3/8 1 i Connate 7L/ f 70 - 00 1 Consutile 8 j J 2 - 80 j Connex 7} g Contemn m 14.40 Connive 8 f ' i Content Wick-oiling Shaft Sizes Inches Price Code Word Shaft Sizes Inches Price Code Word IJJ j- $1.80 ] Contex Contort |i) j- $6.00 -[ Converse Convert IS } 2.30 | Contour Contra III \ ' \ Convict Convive ill \ 3.00 \ Contrast Contund r s I 9.50 { Convoke Convoy j \ 4.00 ] Contuse Conus ik* - 11.60 | Cook Cookee 2 [ 5.00 -j Conusor Convent s f I3 - M \ Coolish Coomb For larger sizes, prices upon application. 68 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Dimensions of Standard and Wick-oiling Rigid Pillow Blocks Shaft Sizes Inches Bolt F Sfd W.O. To Remove Cap K St'd W.O M %to -% to 2% to 2J^ to 2'Y 6 to 2% to 3% to 3% to 3% to 3% to 4% to 4J^ to 4% to to 6% to 7Jfg to 7% to 8Jfe to 9% to 10 10.% to IOK 11% to 12 1M IK 134 2 2K 2K S 3K 4 4K 4K 5 5K 6 6K \A 8K 3 334 4K 5K 6 634 7K * 934 IOK 12 13 13K 16% 18K 1934 24 24 30 31 36 12% 12% 15 16 16 17M 19% 20 21K 2334 273J 2734 31 2 1 3 4|4 5% 6% 7% 9% 10 I* 15 15 15K 19% 17M 22 K 22 24^ 13 134 IK 2 2K 3K 3K 4 IK IK IK 2 2 3^6 3 4 2^6 2% 2% 3% 4K 43^ 434 5K 5K 6^1 6% 7% 8K 834 10% 2% 3K 3% 1 4% 5% 5% 6% 6M 7% 7% 8 8K 8% IOK 11 12 3K 3% 4K 5 5^ 8K 9% 10% UK 12K 13% 14% 16% 534 7>| 7X 7% 8% 9K 10)6 10% 11 13K 1434 16 13K 153^ 18% 18% 21% 22 26K 2 2K 2% 2K 2%, 3' 3% 334 4K 4K 5 7K 10 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 69 Dimensions of Self-oiling Rigid Pillow Blocks and Quill Bearings Shaft Sizes Inches Bolts F u 1/ie to 1^ We to 1% l%to 1% l%to 2 2% to 2M 2^6 to 2% 2% to 2% 2% to 3 3% to Si^ 3^ to 3% 3% to 3% 3% to 4 &to 4% 4% to 5 5% to 5% 5% to 6 6^6 to 6% 6% to 7 7^6 to 7% 7% to 8 8^6 to 8K 8% to 9 9% to 9K 9% to 10 to 5 6 6% 7K 8 M 9^ 11% 12 12% 13iX 15 16% 18M 19% & & 27K 29 30% 32 33% 7 8 2 1^ 2 /8 3% 4 14 7 7% 5% 5% 6% 6% 8 8 8% Ql/ 9% 1 A 7 /s 7 20 4% 5 5% IK 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% ftf 2% 2% 2K 2% 3% 22 23K 24% 25^ 12 12% 28 29% 18 19M 20% 20K 21 22 15 1(5 2K 2K 2% 2% 2% 3% 5 6K 6% 7K 3% 3% 5% 63% 7% 10% 11% 12K 13K 5 5 5% 6 6% 7% 7% 8% 9% 12 ^ 15 15% 17 18 19 19% 21 22% 1M 2% 2K 2% 3% 3K 3% 6 6K 7 3* F 9K 10 IOK Diameter of Journals "Inches Quill Bearings 6 7 8 8K 8K 9 9 10 IOK 12 14 16 18 12 18 12 18 24 20 26 28 20 22 32% 15 13 14 18 20^ ^ 21 23K 24^ 27M ill 2K 2% 2% 2% 23^ 5 6 6 6K 6 6K 6K 6K 7% 7 7K 10% 12K 13 15 143, 14% 17% 16% 19 14 15% 16K 18% 18 19 18 18 8* 7 8K 7K 8K 7% 7% 10 9 IOK 70 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Self-oiling Rigid Pillow Blocks As Made 4'.j inches and Up, Smaller sizes 2 Bolts in Base Either ring, chain or capillary oiling* These bearings are strictly first class in every respect, and fully guaranteed for any kind. of heavy duty or high-speed service. They are designed so as to give a correct bearing length, base area and ample oil reser- voir capacity. All Pillow Blocks are carefully babbitted and bored, with ends and bases finished. Quill Bearings are the same as Pillow Blocks, except in length of bearing. These Pillow Blocks will be made dust tight, as shown, but at additional cost. Showing Dust-proof Ends and Spring Cover Oiler POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 71 UN-OILING ide Word - BMaJ- ** S - *&^- -! ' 3 3 N'N ei rt d pq o a Is *S ss sS i g5 if Slli JiSi'S^ Slfl^? SS &'3 OO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO uu uu uu uu uu uu uu uu uu uu uu uu uu uu uu ^ c. j ooooo C ING-OILIN lode Won bJD & OO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO uu uu uu uu uu uu uu uu uu uu uu uu uu uu uu c' o 2=S83 1 ( ( "i > i gggo-goggooggogg o X 2 o H B S^S^^^S^0 u 1 cH rt 7. .c! M t.Mnn.tffcm.m.m.m I Diameter 05 05 05 ~ -?> 00 ILING o 1 1 9 ^ofl V PILLARY > ^ ^ >^ ^ D ctf oj c3 rt e3 . N-OILING le Word Dp ^ i c. 3 ; uooou 1 < o ' i jj.5 3 o a S'S 'S o *? oo aa 2 2 2 ! $ ^'2 '> > x.S UJ U OO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO uu uu-uu uu uu uu uu uu uu uu uu uu uu uu uu m RING-OILING Code Word n fi f ""lH^'uGctf" H ~ V'~ ^2 'C 1> ^ C ctfu pctf rt.^ O S f3 OO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO cfo Oo OO OO OO OO OO o S S 0) H) ^522^^ 1 PQ u pq 1 c 1 2. i 4 S8^ggSSSSS U 19 1 G M\rt^ | S ^^.^^ ^n^^as ^^re << 5 j= X -5 72 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Extra Heavy Pillow Blocks Rolling Mill Type Prices upon Application POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 73 Dodge Patent Ball and Socket Pillow Blocks Standard and Self-oiling This type of Pillow Block is very popular with engineers, on account of the full ball and socket construction and the accessi- bility of its parts. The bearing may be removed from the housing and replaced without disturbing the shaft. Every requirement necessary for a 'satisfactory ball and socket journal bearing is included in its paramount advantages, and when furnished with an adjustable base plate, universal adjustment is secured. Full description, price and dimensions on following pages. 74 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Ball and Socket Pillow Blocks Standard As Made Up to 3 1 ., inches, Larger Sizes Have 4 Bolts in Base These bearings are strong and well made, have the true ball and socket feature, and steady pin in cap to prevent bearing from turning in housing. The bearing can be removed from shaft without disturbing alignment of same. They are babbitted, bored and faced on ends for collar. The bases of all housings are machine finished by our patent process, which makes them square with shaft center. Base plates to suit when ordered. PRICE LIST Shaft Sizes Inches Price Code Word Shaft Sizes Inches Price Code Word Shaft Sizes Inches Price Code Word $} $3.30 j Cream "j Creamy 3M 3Xf $17.00 j Cress ( Cresset l $61.00 j Crimple \ Crimson 1*1 IX f 3.90 j Creant \ Create 8& 8*1 21.00 ( Crested } Crestless ?*t 72.00 j Cringe "j Cringle H*f 4.60 j Creator "j Credent Bttl s# $ 25.00 j Creswell ] Cretose SI 83.00 j Crinite "i Crinkle l\ 5.60 ( Credo 1 Creed 8JI f 4 J 30.00 Creux I Crevice 9 s \ 95.00 j Crinoid \ Cripple l 7.00 j Creeky \ Creep *Ai 4X1 35.00 Crew Crewet m 109.00 ( Crisis 1 Crisp m 9.00 \ Creeper } Cremona 4Sj 4^2 r 40.00 Crib Cribble i*\ 124.00 \ Crispin \ Crispy *tti w\ 11.50 I Crenate ] Creole 4HI 43^ f 45.00 j Cricket "j Cricoid ai 140.00 j Critic 1 Grizzle 214 ) ( Crerjane 444 ) ( Crime j Croak 8 14.00 1 Crescent 5 f 50.00 "1 Crimp \ Croaker POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 75 Dimensions of Standard Ball and Socket Pillow Blocks Shaft Sizes Inches Bolt M 1A to to to to to a si 5|| Sft to 2% to 3 to3X to 3^ to 4 4 to 4% to 5 to y 2 to 6 10X 11 12X 2/2 3 8X 9 1 14 15 ) 22 to7 22 20 22 24 5/2 6/8 7/2 8 1 A 24^ 1/8 1/8 2 1/8 19 22 22^ 6A 76 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY As Made Up to 3 l /2 inches Larger Sizes Have 4 Bolts in Base Ball and Socket Pillow Blocks Self-oiling These bearings are either Capillary, Ring, Chain or Collar- oiling. The cut to right shows the general appearance of the first three, while the sectional view below shows the Collar type. The advantages of these vari- ous contrivances for oiling the bearing have previously been explained (see hanger bear- ings), therefore it is only nec- essary here to say that any one will give a perfectly lubricated and easy running bearing. All Pillow Blocks are babbitted, bored and faced on ends for collar. The oil reservoir is tapped and fitted with pipe plug for filling with and draining oil. The housings are of an improved strong pattern, giving a perfect ball and socket feature. The bases are planed by our patent process, which makes them square with the shaft center. Horizontal adjustment is provided for by slots for bolts in base. Four base bolts from 3 % -inch shaft up. When so ordered, any of these Pillow Blocks will be furnished with dust- proof ends, as shown in sectional view. Thrust collar can be substituted for light oiling Dust-proof Collar Oiler collar shown here. See Base Plates and Box Pattern Adjustable Floor Stands for these bearings, also dimensions and price list on pages following. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 77 Dimensions Self-oiling Ball and Socket Pillow Blocks : /' t-bo'lU Shaft Sizes Inches 1 T \ to IX 1 T V to \% l^i to 1^ llf to 2 2 T \ to 2X 2 T V to 2 l / 2 2lf to 3 3yV to 8# 31.1 to 3^ 31f to 4 4 T 7, to 4^ 41f to 5 6& 51f to 6 6 T V to 6 61f to 7 ** 71f to 8 81| to 9 Bearing A Length 7 8 9 I 10 f 11 i 12 f 13) 14 f 15 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 36 28H 25X 26^ 32^ 12 13/ 8 11 19 23^ 25^ 27 28^ 32 Bolt 1 1 1# IX IX 1/8 H IX 2^ 2X 27/s 3 H 1/8 3 T V 3X 8X 14 20 21X 27 M 10/ 11 12X 78 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY O o co Si* 3& pp PP o3o3 c3c3 o3 o3 s3 oj d o3 PP PP PP PP PP Sg^S-dg |gg pp pp pp >>>> >*>> >>>> >>>> oo oo oo oo uu oo oo /VdJOJ " d'd TJT! O'd 'd-d O'd 'd'O r o r a -a -a d'd "O-d 00 .,,00 o o . o o rt , o o ... o o - O O .,00 -,00 .,,00 (V z> t-ao 3 09 O i s a 13 -sls^ 8 %%*<> ^ 8^,, 8^ SS^S ^80 8^8^ SS "lU^la-IlS-lg ^ X* 8S rf %t *IS S'fcfc OO r-jjj 00 ,-Jr-J 00 00 j-jjj OO jjrj OO OO rjrj OO rj 00 33 00 ,3 00 rjrj OO ^ 3 'd ~ be o 'd 'da) 33 33 33 OO OO OO S^a; S >, 33 OO 33 OO 33 OO 33 OO 33 OO 33 OO 133 55 >d g g "33 "33 33 OO OO OO Js| ^BS ^sa ssSsS-S g 33 33 33 33 33 33 OO OO OO OO OO OO OO &8-03 00 OO eua g-gcs qj.g.a ^?b C?3 33 oo oo oo 'S2 00 22 22 22 OO OO 00 22 oo 22 oo OO 22 oo 22 22 oo oo OO OO 'd'd 'd'd 'd'd -d-d 'd'd ,.oo ! E-S c o 'd'd -d-d -d-d !- ^ O O ! Ill III |ll III III |ll III |^- 1^ 6 O O p O O O P O p O O O O OO OO O OO O OO O OO OO 1.8 2S POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 79 Bearings for Vertical Shafting SOLID SPLIT At the top of bearing there is a grease pocket wherein the oiling compound is packed. Furnished with solid body or with removable cap, as ordered. Babbitted and bored. Are adapted to any kind of vertical shaft work. PRICE LIST Shaft Sizes Inches SOLID Code Word Shaft Sizes Inches SPLIT Code Word Price Price 1ft $2.50 Damar 1ft $3.25 Dandy 1ft 2.85 Damask 1H 3.75 Danger H! 3.80 Dame IB 5.00 Dangle 2 i 3 ff 5 15 Damosel 2ft 6.25 Dank 2 T V 6.20 Dampen 2ft 7.50 Dankish 2H 7.30 Dampish 2H 9.00 Dannock 2H 8.95 Danaite 2 il 11.25 Daphine 8ft 10.20 Dance 3ft 13.00 Dapple 3ft 13.00 Dander 8ft 16.00 Dariole 8H 16.40 Dandify 8tt 22.00 Dark 80 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Bearings for Vertical Shafting Ball and Socket Adjustable Split Bearing and Frame The lubricating 1 feature of this bearing is same as the Solid Rigid Bearing, the split feature permitting the bearing to be placed on the shaft without disturbing pulleys, couplings, etc., and for use as a floor bearing. PRICE LIST Shaft Sizes Inches Price Code Word Shaft Sizes Inches Price Code Word 1* $3.95 Darkful 2*f $13.00 Daroo lit 5.00 Darkish 3 T 3 (f 15.00 Darrain HI 6.00 Darkling 3 T 7 ,a3v,aj3O -d vZ. 4? be be bi bt^ ajajojajDojiuiij QQGQQQQQ 88888888 r] rH TH rH rt W W (M ^O^DtO^OOOOC 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 SsWsW ao So ob O5 os o POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY I yj I S (0 < a, " I* I I s o3U & 03 -M ejs !>>C(X CO O 03 cc II 3 .2 a ! s i - - ' cDD4>4>DO2 51^ 301 and X to to 36 \ 52^ 16 48 12 \\/ 12 1^ B.&S. 1 A &A 42J Rigid 1 l 301 and 6 E to to 36V 58^ 18)^ 54 14 1% 14 1J^ B.&S. 8 8 42 J A 8^ 301 Rigid 6-K to to 36 \ 58^ 18J^ 54 14 1/^3 14 2 9 9 42j .... 9^2 91^ 301 Rigid 6 W to 10 to 12 36 \ 42J 58^ WH 54 14 11/2 14 2 NOTE. Dimensions of Floor Stands for Standard Rigid Pillow Blocks, Wick- oiling Rigid Pillow Blocks and Standard Ball and Socket Pillow Blocks furnished upon application. 88 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY V*N 3 GQ j .S .S v 3 3CKET o H Cfl a 1 u 0) ODD pppp ppp ppp CHES ^ j j PH 1 u ^___ _g_ _g_ ^ ' CO \ OH fa O W H a o d 0) 13 O IM III III is H fill III III ll II W D O iO Oi O O "jf t 5 ~ w w u H U a d ^ O O tntfltfltfl tfic/ii/i vT !/i x PPPP ppp ppp : g CHES PQ 3 j j W 1 S. 8 8 i w Pi % S fr O H o "2 o O u " -'S'l .'!- rf: 1 ^"SS.^ ESS 8*00 '> o fe.2 VH^^IH -~ i- :- ;_ I-H v- -/. r. y. DDDD DDD 0)DD DD DD PPPP PPP PPP PP PP Pi D S 8 8 8 8 8 iJ 00 O Tt* O ffi 8 STD SOCKET "H o i t, ^ D a ^ ; DODD 4)
/2 i 42 44X 13H 40^ 77/ 8 IX 10 3/ 2 For length of bearings, see page 7., DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Price List of Dodge Box Type Floor Stands with Self-oiling Bearings IM O N TYPE OF BEARING 2 a HI *c3j3 RING CHAIN COLLAR c/} T & Price Code Word Price Code Word Price Code Word f r 8ft $6300 Digester 63.00 Disbase $64.00 Dislimb M ift 66.00 69.00 Digging Digit 66.00 69.00 Disblame Discern 67.00 70.00 Dislive Dislodge I glo. 72.00 Dignify 72.00 Discerp 74.00 Dismal f 3_3^ 90.00 Diglyph 90.00 Discideo 91.00 Dismast 30 3 }I 93.00 96.00 Digraph Digress 93.00 96.00 Discipline Discloud 94.00 97.00 Dismaw Disobezo 99.00 Dike 99.00 Discomfit 101.00 Disordat o < r 3 T 3 ff 98.00 Dilate 98.00 Discompt 99.00 Dispace qr I 3rV 101.00 Dilator 101.00 Discordo 102.00 Dispandiz oD -^ 3fi 104.00 Dilute 104.00 Discourse . 105.00 Dispark I 3rS 107.00 Dimble 107.00 Discous 109.00 Dispel r 3fV 116.00 Dimness 116.00 Discovert 117.00 Dispend 42 i 3H 311 119.00 122.00 125.00 Dimplet Dine Diocese 119.00 122.00 125.00 Discrepe Discrown Discure 120.00 123.00 127.00 Dispirit Displat Displeto 24 j 1 80.00 84.00 88.00 Diopsis Dioptra Diorism 80.00 84.00 88.00 Discutet Disdain Disease 84.00 88.00 92.00 Displodc Disponet Disponge I 4ri 93.00 Diplomat 93.00 Disedge 97.00 Disport 30 j 1 120.00 124.00 128.00 Diplopy Dipolar Dipper 120.00 124.00 128.00 Disenroll Disfavor Disfriar 124.00 128.00 132.00 Dispread Disputz Disquiet I 4}f 133.00 Diptheria 133.00 Disgrace 137.00 Disrand T r 4y 3 ^ 139.00 Diptote 139.00 Disgust 143.00 Disray OR I 143.00 Dipyre 143.00 Disheir 147.00 Disrobe DO < 147.00 Dirk 147.00 Dishelm 151.00 Disrupt I 152.00 Disablet 152.00 Dishful 156.00 Dissect f 4 r s_ 159.00 Disaffect 159.00 Dishonour 163.00 Dissento 49 163.00 Disavow 163.00 Dishorn 167.00 Disserti 1 167.00 Disbando 167.00 Disjoinet 171.00 Dissipate I 172.00 Disbark 172.00 Disjunct 176.00 Dissolat o^ f 5r 7 - 170.00 Dissuado 30 x M_i 195.00 Distaff ' 190.00 Distaste w 36 \ 5!! 215.00 Disteno .^ ( 5^ 210.00 Distich 42 ^Tf 235.00 Distill ^ POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 93 Extension Wall Brackets When it is necessary to locate shafting near a wall, these Brackets, in connection with Pillow Blocks, make an excellent support, both horizontal and vertical adjustment being provided. All Wall Brackets have planed tops. Brackets with Bolt Slot Shaft Sizes and Symbol Extension from Wall to Shaft Center, inches Brackets will suit the following type Pillow Blocks 1% to Z% G {12 18 24 I Standard Rigid Self-oiling Rigid Standard Ball and Socket 30 36 J Self-oiling Ball and Socket Adjustable Pillow Block 2% to 3} M 12 2 Standard Rigid Self-oiling Rigid Standard Ball and Socket 1 s ! Self-oiling Ball and Socket Adjustable Pillow Block 3} to 4J4 R.. .. {12 18 24 } Standard Rigid Self-oiling Rigid (up to 4% Shaft) 30 36 J Adjustable Pillow Block 4# to 5^ U < S I Standard Rigid ' 30 J Bra ckets without B< >lt Slot 3K to 4% R 12 18 24 Standard Ball and Socket Self-oiling Ball and Socket 30 36 Self-oiling Rigid 4# to 5% U 18 ) 24 Standard Ball and Socket Self-oiling Ball and Socket 30 Self-oiling Rigid NOTE. Extension is M in dimensions. 94 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Extension Wall Brackets With Slot PRICE LIST Symbol M Extension Price Code Word WG G 12 $8.60 Dovish WG G 18 11.80 Dowable WG G WG G 24 30 16.60 19.60 Dowager Dowcet WG G 36 24.20 Dowdy WG M 12 13.90 Dower WG M 18 19.90 Downcast WG M 24 25.90 Downy WG M 30 31.90 Dozenth WG M 36 37.70 Drab WG R 12 18.70 Drabbish WG R 18 26.20 Drachma WG R 24 33.60 Dracina WG R 30 41.00 Draco WG R 36 48.40 Draff WG U 18 30.60 Draffish WG U 24 38.60 Draffy WG U 30 48.60 Drag NOTE. The distance from wall to shaft center is M. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 95 Dimensions of Extension Wall Brackets With Slot Shaft Sizes and Symbol F Size of Bolt M "N IV to! G M 3V to 4K R 4V to 5K U 20 20 32 8H 44 22 28 34 40 46 23 29 85 41 47 30 86 42 4X 4X 4V 4X 5V 5X 5X 6V 6X 6X 6V 27^ 33/8 17V 23X 29X 35X 24^ 29^ 35^ 24K 30 36 6 6 6/8 6/8 1 1 IK IX IX IX 2 IX 2 2 2X 2 2 2X 2X 1* IX 1 8 IX 1/8 iX 1/8 IX 1/8 2/8 2K 2K 3/8 3K 12 18 24 30 80 12 18 24 30 36 12 18 24 80 36 18 24 30 20 26 32 38 44 22 28 84 40 46 23 29 35 41 47 80 8(5 42 3X 3X 3X 3X 4X 4X 4X 5K 8/8 IOK 10X 11 11 NOTE. The distance from wall to shaft center is M. 96 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Extension Wall Brackets Without Slot PRICE LIST Symbol M Extension Price Code Word WR R 12 $17.60 Draggle WR R 18 25.80 Dragon WR R 24 34.20 Drainage WR R 30 42.60 Drake WR R 36 51.00 Dram WR U 18 31. 80 Drank WR U 24 40.00 Drape WR U 30 50.00 Draper NOTE. The distance from wall to shaft center is M. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 07 Dimensions of Extension Wall Brackets / r I C > - G . ..j__.. . Ti _U -o- Without Slot Shaft F Sizes and B c D E Size of G H j M N p Symbol Bolt r 23 ?K 18> 6 1 2 1 2^ 12 24 4^ 9 3X to 4K 29 ?K 24^ 6 1 2 1^ 2^ 18 30 47/S 9 . 35 7K 29j^ 63^ \y% 2X IX 3/8 24 36 4^ 9X R 41 7K 35^ 1# 2X 13/8 30 42 4/8 9X - 47 ?K 41^ 6X IX 2K IK 33/8 36 48 47/ 8 IOK 4X to 5K { 30 8K 24^ 6^ W 2X IX 3X 18 31K 5K iox 36 8K 30 7X IX 2J^ 1^ 3K 24 37^ 5/2 11 n 42 8^ 36 7X IX 2^ IK 3^ 30 43K 5K 11 NOTE. The distance from wall to shaft center is 98 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Wall Box Frames Class O These Frames have been designed for our regular Pillow Blocks, are strong and well made. Class O provides for horizontal adjustment only and the removal of Pillow Block Cap. Price list next page. Dimensions page 102. Class S This style Frame provides for both horizontal and vertical adjustment, also removal of Pillow Block Cap. Price list on pages 100 and 101. Dimensions furnished on application. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 99 $ & I I O to to a s .3 0) U 2 PILLOW BLOCKS AS SHOWN ADJUSTABLE (NEW DESIGN) 2 o 1 U B J3 S w W - hfl :^|_>>S^ lo^a sg^r =gl iQQQQQ QQQQ QQQQ QQQ 1 8SS88S 8S8S S8SS 555 auiEJ^ asQ CO CO 10 CO UJ SELF-OILING BALL AND SOCKET I o> g,J3 jj >> G ^ c 333333 3333 3333 333 333 QQQQQQ QQQQ QQQQ QQQ QQQ S g 8 g 8 S & 8 8 8 S SSSS 555 SSS 5^I^J1.1 j^J_s 8^s ^^ ,0^ joqtu^c; auiEJj asQ CO (O 10 CO CM O O O UJ LU S SEES STANDARD BALL AND SOCKET "H i> o U Cu g ^ a b -3 1 - >;' ^^ ^T3bo_Ji^ s S S a oo)o>o) 13 'u U J2^c 333333 3333 3333 "3 *3 "3 "3*33 QQQQQQ QQQQ QQQQ QQQ QQQ 1 oooooBaooooo S8SS oooooojo ^-^-f oooooo aujEjj ds[\ CO O 10 CO CM O O O LU LU SELF-OILING RIGID Code Word TjJ snaS^JD PDSS D3>>% ^ccrt .Q-Qo y QQQQQQ QQQQ QQQQ QQQ QGQ QQ saaasa ssss ssss sss 555 ss &!l^LX-^^ ^J^-5 aa_^a_a ^_^ 5_5_^ s s {oquiXc; auiEJj asQ T- CM - CO CM *- CO 0000 E S SEES STANDARD RIGID AND WiCK-OlLING 1 0) U hin i tin {LI ul iii ii QQQQQQ QQQQ QQGQ QQQ QQQ QQ 0) u aaaaaa ssss ssss sss 555 ss PH ^___ > ' ^J^T_^ ?^?._ 5Jt?l ^L?^ 5^ joqtuXg auiEJj asQ - CM i- CO CM i- DQ O O O O O saqouj sazig JjEqg 5^~^~^~^ ^ '^^ ^~V5 5~^ "~aT~^ J~ 100 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Adjustable Wall Box Frames Class S For Standard Rigid Pillow Blocks PRICE LIST Shaft Sizes Inches Price Code Word Shaft Sizes Inches Price Code Word 2 $8.60 Dyadic 6 $45.15 Earning 2X 9.55 Dye 6/2 . 48.95 Earth 2^ 11.25 Dying 7 52.85 Earthen 2# 12.70 Dyke 7/^2 58.00 Earth ling 3 14.85 Dynam 8 61.90 Earthy 3X 16.45 Dynasty 8/ 2 66.90 Earwig 3K 18.10 Eadish 9 71.45 Easel 3^ 19.80 Eager $/2 75.85 Easily 4 21.95 Eagle 10 80.90 East 4X 26.15 Eaglet iox 86.40 Easter 4X 30.20 Ear 11 91.90 Eat 43^ 33.15 Earing 11# 97.00 Eatage 5 36.05 Earl 12 104.00 Eaves 5> 40.45 Earnest For Self-oiling' Rigid Pillow Blocks PRICE LIST Shaft Sizes Inches Price Code Word Shaft Sizes Inches Price Code Word 2 $8.55 Ebb 5 $36.40 Eclipse 2// 9.55 Eblis 5/ 2 41.15 Eclogue 2/2 11.20 Ebony 6 46.25 Ecorche 2^ 12.70 Ebriety Q/2 50.00 Ecstasy 3 14.80 Eburna 7 53.70 Ectopy 3X 16.40 Ecbasis T/2 58.00 Ectype 3^ 17.95 Ecbole 8 63.90 Ecurie 3^ 19.95 Eccope 8/2 70.45 Eczema 4 21.90 Echinate 9 76.50 Edda 4^ 26.10 Echium 9/2 82.10 Eddish 4X 30.55 Echo 10 87.60 Eden 43/ 33 50 Eclat */4 POWER "101 Adjustable Wall Box Frames Class S For Standard Ball and Socket Pillow Blocks PRICE L IST Shaft Sizes Inches Price Code Word Shaft Sizes Inches Price Code Word l&tol# $8.00 Edental 3[ito4 $23.45 Edile ll|to2X 9.80 Edgeless 4 r Vto5 38.30 Edit 2&to2# 11.70 Edging 5- :r Vto6 47.35 Editor 2Hto3 15.25 - Edict 6-^07 54.70 Educe 3 T \to3X 18.70 Edify 7 A to 8 64.00 Eeke For Self-oiling Ball and Socket Pillow Blocks PRICE LIST Shaft Sizes Inches Price Code Word Shaft Sizes Inches Price Code Word iHtoa $9.05 Eery 5 T \to5^ $43.50 Effulge 2 T Vto2X 12.00 Efface 5^ to 6 49.45 Effund 2Hto3 15.75 Effigy 6 T \to6^ 53.25 Effuse 3 T \to3X 19.35 Efflate 6|ito7 58.45 Egad 3Hto4 23.00 Efforce 7Ato7^ 62.00 Egest 4^to4X 31.95 Efform 7Hto8 68.65 Egg 4&to5 38.65 Effray 8^to9 83.40 Egger 102 COMPANY Dimensions of Standard Wall Box Frames Class O N J K M H Type of Pillow Block Shaft Sizes Inches Symbol and Frame No. B C H J K M N O P C - ^ IK to 2% MB 1 15K 6 7K 9* K 13K 8 12K #2 2 2^ to 3% MC 2 19K 7K I 9 6 9& 11% il 16% 105* 15K H.S a 3K to 4% MC 1 23 9 % 11% 14K % 19K 13 18 111 4K to 5% MD 3 27 IOK li 13/6 17J4 ii 22% 15K 21 ^ .0 ^ 6 to 7 MD 2 31 12 K 15K 19K i 25K 18 24 1/2 { CC L 7% to 8 MD 1 35 13^ ii ISA 22% li's 28% 21 27 IK to 2% MC 3 19% 6 & ISA 15% ii 16% 14% 15% ^-|,c T-H fH 1^ rll 6% 16 11 14 17 19 21 23 27 34X 34 40X 48 54 W/2 2X 3 3 5 6/2 7 o S a 8 ^ , S t/5 "- 5^.2 ry. fl 6 7 8M 11H 20^ 23^ 25^ w 18 IS 22M 24^ 30^ NOTE. For clutches over 30 inches we recommend quills in place of sleeves. When clutches are bored near the maximum shaft size, the regular split collar is of a diameter greater than the H dimension of F ring, here shown, and necessitates the use of an off-set collar, see table of dimensions for off-set collars, page 127. 120 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Dodge Patent Split Friction Clutches PRICE LIST WITHOUT SLEEVE Size of Clutch Largest Size Clutch will Bore H. P. at 100 R. P. M. will Transmit *Speed Price Code Word 10 2^ 6 450 $38.50 Enderum 12 3 10 440 45.50 Endiaper 14 3X 15 4CO 54.50 Endive 10 4^ 20 420 70. CO Endlessly 18 5 25 410 90.00 Endocarp 20 6 32 400 110.00 Endoctrinc 22 6 40 390 135.00 Endodermic 24 Q/ 2 50 380 155.00 Endogen 28 7 80 360 190.00 Endosmose 30 7^ 98 350 238.00 Endoss 36 8 128 325 810.00 Endow 42 10 174 300 380.00 Endrudge 48 10 242 275 455.00 Endue 54 12 340 250 575.00 Enduement 60 12 480 225 720,00 Endymion *Speeds shown above are for clutches as are regularly built for ordinary factory requirements; when desired for higher speeds than shown above, prices will be quoted upon request accompanied by full information. These clutches to be used in connection with sleeves for driving pulleys, rope sheaves, gears, sprocket wheels, etc. Price list includes shifter yoke and fulcrum arm casting. When ordering by code, give code word for clutch size, immediately followed by code word for shaft size. See page u. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 121 Dodge Patent Split Friction Clutches Rear view of a 6o-inch Dodge Patent Split Friction Clutch and Cut-off Coupling, specially designed for heavy duty. This clutch is adapted to use on main receivers, quills, etc. All clutches are accurately balanced. 122 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Dodge Patent Split Friction Clutch Cut-off Couplings Cut-off Coupling The Cut-off Coupling feature of the Dodge Split Clutch is obtained by the substitution of hub H in place of the extended sleeve. This hub is keyed to the shaft and is provided with a bronze bushing for receiving the extended part of shaft, to which the driving plate is keyed, thus making a true male and female bearing for shafts, and assuring absolute alignment. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 123 Dimensions of Dodge Patent Split Friction Clutch Cut-off Couplings Clutch Size 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 28 30 36 42 48 54 60 8/ 2 11 UK 11 16 IOK 4X 4X 5X 11 14 17 19 21 23 25^ 27 34 40X 48 54 GO/2 67^ 11 11 H 9M M 8 8 8 8 8 11 11 It N 171* 21 21* 27^ 37^ 46^ NOTE. When clutches are bored near the maximum shaft size, and the regular split shaft collar is of a diameter greater than the H dimension here shown, it requires the use of an off-set collar ; for table of dimensions, see page 127. 124 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY T* 1 i Li 1 I'&fslfi*' S "iiiiiiiiiii CO c (M IO'QO ao a*ao"a o >]ao'ao'ao'ao a I "I I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 ; : < 5S C 1 a aS ao aS aS ao'aS'ao'ao'co'cS'a - ^' *. *^ a a c a c a c c c c c c:' r 1 T T 1 M r 1 f T l M M M M T T 1 M f 1 ^4 3! f EC /3 o M_< B O y) 1 ^ 1 " 5? *5 * ' ' ' glilsls^gislsfe'aSlg'SS'a : : ! D ^3 .22 G CJ F- ^i G < *-GO So Sg H^ 6* Sg pg B So 6 3 C iJ U fT, "Illllllllll :::;; 5 .2 w 2 rt cs rt'S rt"c3 ns o en du +j co o ao ao ao ao ao ao ao ao ao ao a ^ 1 M T3 en 0) *. * J 8 8 & ::.::.:::::::: : : : OJ (U 0) 4) ao ao ao ao ao ao a giO'g O'g lO'g O'g lO'g O'g >_i 3 ^a c a c c c c WWW WWWW-'-' ''' 73 c ^ 4rf "H * "o "H "a "H" 5 "? :::::::::::::::: 1 t | | 'g : ::::::::::: : :::::: : S'|8|8'|S|8| : ::::::::::: : : : : : : |-g^|S|g|s| : ::::::::::: : : j j : : 03 si * X # # * * 35 H5 ^ * 3 * * * ^ X cc M POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 125 a & U c .2 i a CO v 03 I a a a a c a a S ' S ^ S-j- 3 o o bco o JjO^o c aJO4>OOiO3o5oSioSc r r s^s's s s s : ^8 a s h g -gS^g^sis-gsls-is- i i~ ^ |" S w | w 1^ 2" ^ ^ ^ .S 05 TO 4) (I) SJ TO S ao "S.S "5.8 "uS aS aS o.S 8 IS a8 a a8 Sg'&8 ^8 a8 Is 18 fe 8 eo S o S b- S oo S S S "H o o rQMHrQ^r a MH^I^^^^MH^MHrO^'T3^^MHT3MH^I^T3 l ^T3 l ^T3*^^'- H 'U t - H 'D cScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScS 126 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Price List "H" parts (Hubs) for Dodge Split Clutch Cut-off Couplings Shaft Size Inches DIAMETER CLUTCH MECHANISM, INCHES 10 to 14 16 to 24 28 and 30 36 42 48 54 60 Ii 7 e i-U Hi 2 A 2 A 2H 2M 3^r 3 T 7 e 3H 3tf 4A 4H 5& 6 6K 7 7M 8 8M 9 10 11 12 $10.00 Enedazm 10.50 Enedeob 11.50 Enedim 12.00 Enedove 12.50 Enedub 13.00 Enefate 13.50 Enefear 14.00 Enefin 14.50 Enefold $13.50 Enefun 14.00 Enega 14.50 Enegart 15.00 Enegent 15.50 Enegim 16.00 Enegoat 17.00 Enegunt 17.50 Enehab .18.00 Eneham 19.00 Enehant 20.00 Enehaze 21.00 Eneheat 22.00 Enehem 23.00 Enehert $23.00 Enehenti 23.50 Enehit 24.00 Enehoc 24.50 Enehodt 25.00 Enehoem 26.00 Enehost 27.00 Enehozo 28.00 Enehum 29.00 Enehurt 30.00 Enehuso 31.25 Enejade 32 . 50 Enejar $28.50 Enelam 29.00 Enelast 30.50 Enehate 32.00 Enelazzo 33.50 Enemar 35.00 Enemater 36.50 Enemite 38.00 Enemize 39.50 Enemoat 41.00 Enemob $35.50 Enemode 37.00 Enemoft 38.00 Enemog 39.50 Enemoin 41.00 Enemole 43.00 Enemort 44.50 Enemoze 46.00 Enemun 47.50 Enepan 49.00 Enepetz 52.50 Enepint $42.00 Enepong 43.00 Eneput 44.00 Eneratz 45.00 Enerent 46.50 Enerite 48.00 Enerot 50.00 Enerule 52.00 Enesabo 54.00 Eneseat 58.00 Enesite $63.00 Enesuit 64.00 Enetant 65.00 Enetaste 66.00 Enetate 67.00 Enetear 68.50 Eneteum 71.00 Enetint 73.50 Enetirst 78.00 Enetoam 82.50 Enetub 87.00 Enetust $86.00 Enfabst 87.00 Enfaret 88.00 Enfaze 89.00 Enfeabo 90.00 Enfebin 92.50 Enfecat 95.00 Enfedam 99.00 Enfidet 103.50 Enfiead 108.50 Enfimo ..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Unless ordered Split, hubs will be furnsihed Solid. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 127 Dodge Patent Split Friction Cut-off Couplings Showing Largest Bore, Horse Power and Safe Speeds Size of Coupling Size of Shaft Equal to Capacity of Coupling Largest Size Coupling will Bon. H. P. at 100 R. P.M. will Transmit * Speed 10 1% 2J/6 6 450 12 3 10 440 14 23Z 3^> 15 430 16 2Jf6 4' 1 o 20 420 18 2% 5 25 410 20 2%B 6 32 400 22 33^ 6 40 390 24 3Jie 6/4 50 380 28 1 80 360 30 73^ 98 350 36 4jx 8 128 325 42 5% 10 174 300 48 10 242 275 54 6}^ 12 340 250 60 7% 12 480 225 * Speeds shown above are for clutches as are regularly built for ordinary factory requirements; when desired for higher speeds than shown above, prices will be quoted upon request accompanied by full information. Price list pages 124 and 125. NOTE. Unless ordered split, hubs will be furnished solid. Use of Off-set Stop Collars and Special E Parts with Dodge Patent Split Friction Clutches and Cut-off Couplings Clutch Size Shaft Sizes Requiring Off-set Stop Collars Width of Collar Clutch Size Shaft Sizes Requiring Off-set Stop Collars Width of Collar *10 *12 *14 16 18 20 22 24 2% to 2j^ inclusive 2% to 3 inclusive 3%: to 3}/2 inclusive 3% to 4^ inclusive 3% to 5 inclusive 4% to 6 inclusive 4% to 6 inclusive 4% to 6V4 inclusive F 5 5 5 28 30 36 42 48 54 60 6% to 7 inclusive 6% to 7^ inclusive 6% to 8 inclusive 1% to 10 inclusive 9% to 10 inclusive 9% to 12 inclusive 9% to 12 inclusive VA 5% 5 6 6 6 * Special E Parts 128 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Standard Extension Sleeves for Dodge Patent Split Friction Clutches These sleeves are standardized and interchangeable within reasonable limits of clutch diameters and shaft sizes, thus facil- itating 1 the stock carrying and quick delivery features of the Dodge Split Clutch, and reducing the risk of loss in substitu- tion and repairs. Our standard extension sleeve is not a mere bushing or liner, but is a part of the clutch, and when bolted in place the sleeve becomes a part of the mechanism for the transmission of power from shaft to pulley, gear, sheave or sprocket, etc. All sleeves are made from a high grade of cast iron, 'and are bored and reamed to suit shaft size. To secure perfect form and alignment, we adopted the process of finishing the entire sleeve before separation, after which it is split by cracking along the lateral lines of the splitting joint, the serrated edges thus produced forming perfect uniting sur- faces for the two halves when placed upon the shaft. Compression grease cups are fitted for lubrication For quills, see pages 168 and 169. For key-seating of sleeves, see page 129. For price list of sleeves, see pages 130 to 132. For standard diameters of sleeves, see pages 130 to 132. For bronze bushings for sleeves, see page 134. For babitting sleeves, see page 133. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 129 Standard Outside Diameter and Key-seats for Cast Iron Bored and Reamed Extension Clutch Sleeves for Split Clutches ALL CLUTCHES UP TO AND INCLUDING 80 INCHES Shaft Sizes Sleeve Diameter Key-seat Shaft Sizes Sleeve Diameter Key-seat if to IX a& # x% 4H to 4X 7 IX xX 1& to IX 211 X x% 41-| to 5X 7X 2 xX 111 to 2X 3 T V ^ xX 5 T V to 5^ 8 2 x ^8 2 T V to 2^ 31f .1 x x 5^ to 6 S/2 2X x ^ 21*. to 3 4 T V 1* xX 6 T \ to 6X 9 2X x^ 8& to 3X 41f IX xX 6 T V to 6X 9^ 2K x 3^ 3 T V to 3X && 1^ x X 6}f to 7 10 2^ x^ 31f to 4 51f 1# xX ?& to iy 2 iox 2X x 3^ 4r s * to 4 ^ 6^ IX xX Standard Outside Diameter and Key-seats for Babbitted or Bronze Bushed Extension Clutch Sleeves for Split Clutches ALL CLUTCHES UP TO AND INCLUDING 30 INCHES Shaft Sizes Sleeve Diameter Key-seat Shaft Sizes Sleeve Diameter Key-seat 1 T V to ix 1* to IX llf to 2 21f to 3X 3^ to 3^ 3X to 4 4& to 4X 31! x X IX IX 4yV to 4X 41f to 5 ^Tii to 5^2 5H to 5X 51| to 6X 6 T V to 6X 61f to 7 7JL to 7^ 2 2 2X 2X 2X 130 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY I u I #{ 0) ^ Q i u 53 o 1 1 a .H g -S u e CO I I a . -a 10 S * c3 "'TJ "^ ^ -" KJJS ^J= ^js -.S -.2 , 5 ^'.2 -^ .-3 _B Jd *H 10 5 T , CO !i 1 a 2| g ' g| 2"E S g| ol o* ol ! ?l *S S W P3 P^ W al s! " - pa pq pq pq pq pq pq pq S 2 pq pq 'H'H'H'H'H'H'H'H ).O 03 O a) O o> O -a SS'S. W H H 03 S 2 o ^ i +.3 "* oo'o3 0*3 i-J 03 CO 03 IOCS O003 i-Io3 Tj< s5 r^ 0> o" co a * a -t a * a * a -* a us a us a usa co c co * C 2S OS 03 O^ O'S Ofe O*^ O >> ON 00 o3 cog 9S N 00" COii (No co'S rf'S u? S co'S t^S t-S ooS oS ^- a rtd --id 1-1 a r-ia 1-1 c i- 1 c CNC W H W W W W W W 8g $% 1 g| 8| - " ^ CO M O o3 o o., o_ og ooo o^ g, d'3 co E o 3 <* o* Tjtcr 100* ic 1 ^ Cf S S'SI 8 S | 2| | | 8j 8| g 6, S'S, co'a co'a co'a co'a 'S. wwwwwww ' 5 'a ^'B, www 't 1 s 8| 8 S| S o (NO. -* . c- .- o CX (NO. (NO. (NO. COO. COO. COO. CO - COO, wwwwwwwww 8' 8 8 8 8 8 S S 8| 8| 8| 8| 8| 8| 8| 8| j j : : : ' ' ' ' w w w w w , w w w o o * o " o * o 'w ^w ^w ^w a) m en 'S si a> to ^ Pi] ||| U CO O o 1-1 ill w C 13 i ,2 ' I' POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 133 134 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY C/5 I *4 M I fa) a a. I I I i 0) si. s S'g 0-1 tn a a 8 8 8 BS8 Ss iH ^ tn af tn o H O < to 2 |mi"ilii g-a I'll fo gg^ooooggg^g 6"l >< H j 1-1 ' r ~ t !538S83SS;8 a.ii a p PL, fe s g Illlillllllil" 1 * cfi~^3 S? o 88g^88^JSSg^SSSS $$ fttrj "^ H ^ 11 11 00 *& 1 ~ l 33^ >rj frt O Q (31 GO to g SB 8 8 ^ 8 8 8 8 8 S 8 8 g S 8 i? 8 8 t^-QOOT^lOt^GOO-rHOO^ftOr^OOOCO-rHlOCi rf^ J3 O en 0) 4-i ^42 ^^ co t- " psiimilillllllll o>3^ n 1 N? 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COg C0_^ C0 g COg C0 CO.^ CO- COn* ^d ^ S CO-*-* t^O 00*^ CiC T^nJ COi) ^OQI t^-m O5 io.2 >oc ioc iod oo 100 >oo coi-i cou, coC co^ co ^ ""* <3 "^53 '"'a? '"'oS "^ w T ~*o> "^ w '~'a3 T ~'<3 TH o3 ^ 00 ral o o o o o o t^^CO+jCO^CO CD CO >o' 3 CO'!S <><2 OS ^H C0*rt S'o S'o 2^ ^2 2 S^ (U D D d) rt oo-^ r- C 1-3 g g CO. 3 ^ .in ^O . *o g >o" 2 ^'g "^'g ir5 ' ^(U ""* '"'S *"* ^ ^Pn PH PH PH f S 28 8 sl s5 ^ 8 ?S 8 8 g ?-S ^h (N-i^ -- ~>. -* ^ ,, ^ -, ,M-i .,. AJ ^ ,-v ^ oso os o oo oo T-Hr- iH, 8_ 8^ 8-^ 8g 8g 8^ eSS ^fe "fa "fa "fa "fa "fa "fa "fa "fa "fa "fa "fa O *O ^O ^ ^O .j O fM',2 ^^ f^S *" "'o !>!., t^u t^u-t^^ t^oo ^s "fa "fa "fa "fa SOin iTj iT)"!i^o2o o o o o o .SP os-^ oo^ i> c ^2 o *M . .- ^^ O 2 i>g t^d t^g t-g t-a t^c t^o i>o ooa ooa ooa Sfa '"'fa ^fa '"'fa ^S "fa "fa "fa "fa "fa "fa -^ *& ca^ co-2 co-d ^'S jo| t-| oo| . ir 1 -* V^VH c^jro ^TCO "JTO a t fi i>a t^cs t^c H S ^S ^S ^ ^g ^ II II If JH V- b ,u o a) o 0>O ajO jjO ti)O 0O gjO jju D 1-1 oj iJ 4) >-< |^ |^ |^ |^ j |^ |^ .g^ .a^ .g^ oooooooooo OOOOOOOOQO POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 143 o c 00 I o o J J .2 en | Si S.& 8- | 81 8 8 8 3*3 S SI 144 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY 1 O CO ^ a ^ <* I u I a co a> o ^i ^.s ^ S 1 ^ w i ?g .| | ?| 8^ 8^ 8s 8^ 8 8 83 8^ | | T|H >, il 8s g 8| S o * co c o 5) oo C 2 ^ SE si o c 1J s 280 . 60 Fulcrate 285 . 20 Fuldote $261.30 Frontier If rsi VH PH 8 S O s-s 279.00 rubunt 281.20 rucade .60 ndo si SO CO i => 4 1 1 | 8t c^ -c h ^0*0* | | 8t C^ -C^ T" s s 1^ -^ POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 145 Parts of Dodge Patent Split Friction Clutches IM Details of Parts A Wood Filled Disc. Ao Wood Filled Disc for Clutches 28 inches and under, adopted 1905. B Stationary Friction or Driving Plate. C Outside Friction Plate. D Lever for Clutches 28 inches and under, and over 28 inches since 1900. E Spool or Sliding Collar for Clutches 28 inches and under. a Spool or Sliding Collar for Clutches 30 inches and over, adopted 1900. F Thrust Collar. G Extended Sleeve. Go Extended Sleeve for Clutches 28 inches and under, adopted 1905. H Cut-Off Coupling Hub. I Shifter Yoke. T Draw Bolt. K Link for large Levers, adopted 1900. L Main Washers. M Jam Nut. N Spring. O Bolt for Sleeve or Coupling Connection to Disc. NOTE Parts A and B in Clutches over 30 inches have Arms instead of Web or Shell. When ordering Clutch Parts, give size of Clutch and the symbol shown on the part itself; if it is a bored part, the shaft size must also be given, 146 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY ooooooo S ' OS '* oocjooobb i I 2 H _- b b b b w b b O b b i : i : ' i : : r : : ^ p b 6 c5 b P b b b b b b b b b : : :::::::::: s* 1 3 QC '3 o:T 3'3^'3 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO M o o o o o o o o o o ^o ~o "o N O *o 4 1| S 1 S^J S.| S| S g g| 8 g S.e 8| | 8 8 g^ S| cS rt cj cj eS eS oS c3 oS cST-ieSi-icST-iSNaSNcj OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OCJOOOOOOOOOOOOU Q 'S (X s 2 o u 9ZJS jo o o * o QO POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 147 8>$ 3 *C SH * O cj ft rt Q O C .2 > O -~* O ?" 3 5' H as"^e 5 .S 3 S "". OC5000OOOOOC5OOOO w "Q a o M >>,::: a> C ffl SS S S S S 8 S H S S S 1 ~'c"'c N fl - 03 V 5 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Nuts for E (Per c4 cS O s3 v r> * ocoCo >n-tr:'-7Qr!n raT3^L J ! =^r n '5' nOlf 5 l ' n 2 ^ S c S c ^3 86 o fl 3 85 S 3 TJ. 05.C o -g so c > 3 8 *j a: In >% - J>!72 IIIII""I!III*"I"I" c ^ o 1| w : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : &'&~'>. T - : ^ ^ ^J :::::::::::::::::: o o O O O O * Si ^S 'i o^oo^loC^^IL., o^o*,^ - ox P OOC5C3OOOOOOOOOOO CD O 2 cj -o : : : : : : : : -, , _ ^ C r-,%<->r*^$^% f -3 tn ,r,bfl ' ' h i i 89 S8 g S a 88 g 8^ g 8 S8 g 8 S^8.c : : : : : : : : 5 o o o o o o o o o o o ** cc Cut-off Coup- ling Hub* a ,., Sleeves - 69t ass 6^1 aScd 395 'suoisujuiip mnb y^ o^ o^ o^ cj^ o^ ojj o^ o^ o^ o^ o^ o^ o^ o^ /vO>,*a),ha) *" a> u 4) u u ^n H V 4% 4% 10% 6 1% 6 5% 6% 1% 1% %& 5% 14% 7 2 7 6% 6% 2% /o a 6% 16 8 2% 8 7^ 2% 10% 1% IB 7 17% 9 . 10 9% 2% 11% 1% 7 20 10 3 2 11 10% 7% 12% 1 S u gT/ 21 12 14 3 4 5 12 13 11 12 8% 9 2% 3 17% IK I 1 7% 8% 23% 25 16 4% 6 14 13 9% 4% 19% IX o PH 9 28 Dimension "A" is the total over-all length of sleeve on shaft for Stand- ard Clutches as regularly made. This dimension can be made longer, but on special order only. When sleeves are made longer than standard, proper correction of total space "S" on shaft would be made. Table above shows standard length regularly furnished unless otherwise specified. Dimension "R" is the total available length of sleeve of Standard Clutches for carrying pulley, gear weave or sprocket. The width of face, or the length of the hub of pulleys, etc., would not exceed this dimension "B." All Standard Sleeves are tapped in the center and an oil pipe 2 l / 2 inches or 3 inches long, with a cap on end, is regularly furnished on each sleeve. Clutches 12 inches and larger may be specially bored for shafts larger than regular maximum as per third column of table. Special sleeve diameters G apply to these special bores. Clutches 9 inches and smaller have the taper sliding collar as shown; sizes 10 inches and larger have toggle mechanism except when operated in duplex. 150 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Standard Outside Diameter and Key-seats for Cast Iron Bored and Reamed Extension Sleeves for Solid Clutches ALL CLUTCH SIZES Shaft Sizes Sleeve Diameter Key-seat Shaft Sizes Sleeve Diameter Key-seat % to iy 2 2^6 ^x% 3% to 4 ^ 1^8 XM 1% to 2 2% MX% 4^6 to 4^ &%> i^xM 2J^ to 2M 3^ 6 KX^ 4% to 5 6 l /2 l^xM 2% to zy 2 3% 1 xM 5^ to 5>^ 7 iMxM 2% to 3 4^6 i^xM 5% to 6 7 l /2 2 xM 3X to 3y 2 4% iMxM Standard Outside Diameter and Key-seats for Bronze Bushed Extension Sleeves for Solid Clutches ALL CLUTCH SIZES Shaft Sizes Sleeve Diameter Key-seat Shaft Sizes Sleeve Diameter Key seat %tolM 2^6 ^ x ,% 3% to 3M 5^ 6 1% X M 1% to IM 2!^6 MX ^ 6 3% to 4M 5% li^xM 1% to 2 3^6 %x^ 45/ to 4^ 6^ i^xM 2^6 to 2M 3% l xM 4VY6 to 5M 7 l^xM 2^ 6 to 23^ 4^6 iHxM 5^ 6 to 5M ^ 2 xK 2% to 3K 4!^ 6 l^xK 5% to 6 8 2 x^ NOTE. For length of sleeve, see page 151. For clutches 4 to 9 inches inclusive, sleeves are not key-seated. Clutches 10 to 16 inches inclusive have key-seats in sleeves. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 151 Dodge Solid Friction Clutch or Cut-off Coupling Orton Type Phantom View . Clutch with Sleeve Applied to a Wood-split Pulley 152 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Dodge Solid Friction Clutch or Cut-off Coupling with Multiple Friction Discs Orton Type PRICE LIST Price Size of Clutch Inches H. P. at 100 R. P. M. Largest Bore Possible Speed* Clutch With Standard Length Iron Sleeve Additional Length of Sleeve Per Inch Clutch With Standard Length Bronze Bushed Sleeve Additional Length of Bronze Bushed Sleeve Per Inch Cut Off Coupling*" 4 1J4 IX 600 $15.00 $1.00 $18.00 $1.75 $15.00 5 2 ji/ 580 17.00 1.10 21.00 1.90 17.00 6 3 1% 560 20.00 .20 24.50 2.00 20.00 7 4 2 540 22.00 .30 27.00 2 10 22.00 8 5 2/4 520 27.00 .40 35.00 2.40 27.00 9 6 2% 500 30.00 .50 39.00 2.50 30.00 10 10 3 480 37.00 .60 47.00 2.60 87.00 12 15 3 440 45 00 .70 ; 57.00 2.70 45.00 12 Spl. 15 4 440 55.00 2.50 70.00 3.75 14 35 3/^2 400 65.00 2.00 80.00 3.25 "65" 66 14 Spl. 35 5 400 75.00 3.00 90.00 4.25 16 50 41^ 360 100.00 2.25 120.00 3.25 i66!66 16 Spl. 50 6 360 115.00 3.25 135.00 4.50 ^Speeds shown above are for Clutches as regularly built for ordinary factory requirements. When desired for higher speed than shown above, prices will be quoted upon request accompanied by full information. **These prices are for Cut-off Couplings where both Shafts are of the same diameter. If one Shaft is smaller than the other, requiring a reducing Cut-off Coupling, add 10 per cent to above prices. All Clutches will be furnished with iron sleeves unless bronze bushed sleeves are specifically ordered. For standard lengths of Clutch Sleeves, see page 151. POWR 'TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 153 Dimensions of Dodge Solid Cut-off Couplings Orton Type Size of Clutch Largest Shaft c D E F K L N T 4 IX 4X IK 5/8 X 4^ 2X IX 9 5 IK 4X IX 6^ X 4/8 3^ 1 9^ 6 IX 6^ l# m IX 5^ 3/8 IK HH 7 2 6^ 2^ 87/8 IX 6/8 3X 1H 1W 8 2X 7K 2X 10% IK 7 4 IX 13X 9 2K 7^ 2^ H/8 IK 7 4X 1/8 14X 10 3 7K 2^ 12^ i 6_% 4K 2 14K 12 4 8K 2X 15# IX 7X 5 2X 16X 14 5 9 3 17^ IX 8>i 5^ 2 2^ 17^ 16 6 W 4^ 19^ IK 9 6J/s 2X 20^ Clutches 9 inches and smaller have the taper sliding collar as shown; sizes 10 inches and larger have toggle mechanism. 154 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Dodge Solid Clutch Parts Orton Type A i A 2 A 3 A 4 A 5 A 6 A 7 A 8 A 9 A 10 An } Al2j Details of Parts Casing to which sleeve, or hub is cast. Rings which contain the Wooden Friction Blocks. Flanged Hub. Inside Driving Plate. Outside Driving Plate. Extended Bushing or Bearing for A 7 part. Ring which supports Levers. Sliding Collar. Ring to which Shifter Yoke is attached. Levers. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 155 M 7 O *1 O H TH 7 03 ,J (M G w C Q if g| g>> o! OB 3 Jj a O ^ 'a o O CD* Pu CD $ CD 4 C? i 7 I! O bo 8| 3 oJ G gg g| Sfi 0) ? < CD 3 CD CD cS " 1 f CD 0) CD 0) d CD CD O 50 in a o O T1 g og; in i> 8. og o So S| o o 1 <1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 *>. * 03 * cJ 05 '3 " 00 rt g CD CD CD CD O CD CD CD CD CD . I -2s o CD 1 1.20 Groundsel *O O ^H^. W "s o 1 2.05 Grouting 1 2.25 Growan CD 1 2.70 Growth 1 3.55 Grubber -5j 1 4.60 Grumbler 1 8 .2 Tj< o* -S8 -S| 4g 1 2.30 ommet ~di -si m S t* n el .;{ CD CD CD CD CD o O CD CD 2 T 1 $2.30 Grimace 'C CD 1 3.15 Grinder ^| CD 1 5.25 Grisette CD 1-1 in d _H . O* T-I O -21 s | -31 bo cJ bo 85 OJ 0) 01 oS d, 1 Ed CD CD CD CD t-. (H CD CD 5 2 CD O No. Pieces Price Code Word No. Pieces Price Code Word co 'O ^ c3 No. Pieces Price Code Word w 'O No. Pieces Price Code Word No. Pieces Price Code Word No. Pieces Price Code Word No. Pieces Price Code Word No. Pieces Price Code Word sazig ~%~ ^0^ CO t- 00 ""cr" -~^ v ^r~" s 1 156 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Plain Clutch Shifters Style E For line shafts, to be supported from above. Style F For line shafts, to be supported from timber or wall. Style D Adjustable For line shafts near the floor. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 157 8 - I i! ^ 1 1 1 J a e S= tr 'E C t S \ I tr So co g fl S 8 b S^j JS MW ^ *5 ' W tt , ^ If e t i s f cr | t c c t 1 ' 8 IH 4) iSa 2g % St IS 5 ^D V il si !! A s a M M w s i c t R tr 3$ & 3a Sh ,0 '-''ft ^ ft ^ < 03 CO ; 1 )-! '"' ^ ) S - y n W WWW ffi & (I > w 0+j ^ ' C > O > ^ 1-1 d 2- ^'-o '^J eo'S -1 is w o fe Q C$ Q CB o; H ffi ffi ffi w d L P J O ffi H g-s o. >O-H c S o? fe i* % os ^> o S oi S d S c s ** ! w _1 ^03 o3 03 " oj '" K K ffi W o3 ^ a ffi & s N OQ QO Q P* << s "^ c Q oi-2 os^ oi^ do c V^' '-^Y^' v^- b < 1 v~ 3 1 -1 *-^Y 158 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY 1 I (0 1 s ts W W ? s fc s< S 1 ~fc "'g '*f ffi K a w a a ffi WWffiWKWWK S ^ o ^ c ^ c ^ a ^ c ^ c 0Od)0(DD * B a o o & P, ^^^^^t^^^ ffiKEEffiEEa s ce 1-1 .(->>> s| f 8.1 S.f 8'1 | 3* 8 ^ -*^ -* ^ w >l 10 S) >,>>>i>.>>>i>>t>. KWKKffiKffiK r- * cS S So ' us 52 '" oc o~C O -2 '^'S obfl ' 065, o^ wq 5^ w5.c S g 1 ^ "-d *-S *-o ''S *l " : >>>->>>>> >i >-. >> : ffi W K K ffi W K O -2 ' Sc gg c8^ Sg 1 ^TJ S : si * M "i ^'5 ^'J ^5 ^^ ! >>>>>>>>>>: M K ffi W W ffi ffi : Ci CD eb S| Sjj S2 13^ 5 Sfl S^ : j 52 !id so J co"tc eo' o oo O co" -2 co' 4-> Ja o .3 + 3* C m s s s s s s : : w au fc ffi PH W W GO o so S^ a- Sg 8 i_ S.H g. s : : ^G N ^ wr H ""S M M ti M -S : : : : : : s s s s s s s : ; ffi M a a a a a - to CO to I I ,-.3 sg g g g* g^ as ib jj a| | o,| | cog ^ *? : : a w ffi a ffi ffi a to CO 1 "1 s| l *? .a s ..a i 1 g (N g (Kg , | 8 %* S 8^ gfl i i &% ?. fe i jj 5 d S i : 3333333 ' a a a a a a a <*! CO 0) O * in mjjomjo o us >oo ..^, ". rt O*^>^ ^^ ^^ a> 0^ 0^ 0^ 0^ Of 0^ 0^ 0^ 0^ 0^ 0^ ^ ^ ^ 3 3 Jta E^ ^ | ^ ^ ooooooooooo OOOOOOOUOOO ^aajj 'sjQAaq jo sq^Suaq; \vuoiiippv ^^^S^S^S^-S 00 s s o i I I s -M J I POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 165 166 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Quills The Quill outfit on opposite page shows a Quill, or hollow shaft, and Dodge split friction clutch. The Quill carries the driving sheave or pulley, is supported on its own bearings, and stands independent of the main driv- ing shaft which runs through it. This is a most excellent arrangement where it is necessary to throw portions of the power on or off without stopping the Quill line or jackshaft, the loss of power by friction being reduced to a minimum. Quills should be used in place of sleeves on all clutches above 30 inches. Quills are usually made of cast iron, but in cases where extra heavy use and service are required, cast steel should be adopted. They may be connected with the shaft through a friction clutch, jaw clutch or keyed flanges. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 167 Dimensions of Quills Shaft Size Diameter of Bearing Length of Bearing Diameter of Boss Bearing to Clutch End Key-seat in Boss E A D C 2if 5X 18M 6X 3 IX *X 3 T V 6 14 or 19^ 7 3X l^x X 3 if l /2 20M ?K 3^ 2 x X 4 T 7 ff 7 16-18-23 8 4 2 x ^ 4 lf 8 18-26 9 K 2X x y % 5 T V 8^ 12 or 18-27^ 9^ 5 % l /2. X ^ 5 if 9 12-18-24-29 10 5 2^ x ^ 6 T V 10 20-32 11 5^ 2^fx ^ m 10# 26-33^ 11^ 5^ 3 x ^ 7|f 12 28 13 57/8 3X x # 8jf 13 29^ 14 57/ 8 3^x^ 14 29^ 15 57/ 8 3^x K s B Length of boss, which should not be less than width of pulley face. C Is based on size of clutch, equal to capacity of shaft. For smaller clutches, see dimension B, page 119 L Total length of Quill, and is the sum of the dimension 2A + B + C + X inch. See page 69 for general dimensions of Quill bearings and 84 and 85 for base plates. Bearings for 13" and 14" diameter quill are Rolling Mill Pillow Blocks. 168 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Dodge Patent Independence Wood Split Pulley The Dodge Independence wood split pulley was patented July 4, 1882, its advent marking- a revolution in the pulley art. By arranging the spoke bars, as shown in the illustration of our pulley as made from 9 to 36 inches inclusive, one-half of the pulley is separated from the other half, and from the fact that the parting lines are under pressure, a continuous rim is formed, thus through the system of reinforcement and inter- locking rim joint there is sustained at all times a uniform distribution of load at all points of the pulley's revolution, regardless of the severe shocks and severe strains brought on by intermittent loads. INTERCHANGEABILITY, which includes the standardization of bores and our patent system of interchangeable bushings has made it possible for the mill supply houses to carry a complete stock of our pulleys, enabling them at all times to immediately fill orders on telephone or telegraph notice, as through this system a wide range of shaft sizes is secured by substituting bushings in a standard bore of pulley. A pulley with a 3% -inch standard bore will accommodate a range of shaft sizes from i to 3^ inches in diameter. That noticeable feature in the running of Dodge pulleys THEY ALWAYS RUN TRUE is secured by the careful method of boring their centers, so that perfect concentricity may be obtained; this, together with the perfect construction of the bushings, enables the fitting of one of our pulleys so accurately to the shaft that when run it will appear as if it had been built for that particular place. Wabbly pulleys are the result of inaccuracies in boring the centers, and lack of care in the construction of the bushings. CONSTRUCTION The arm construction of a pulley requires more than incidental attention, in fact it is the weak point in pulley building, and as a chain is no stronger than its weak- est link, so likewise is a pulley no stronger than its arm con struction. In the Dodge type of construction the arms are made POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 169 up in pairs extending diametrically across the shaft, from rim to rim, by means of which integral double levers are formed. These arms are dovetailed and wedged into proper recesses made in the rims, then glued and anchored by means of anchor bolts, extending through each end of the arms and into a malleable anchor nut, which is imbedded into the rim. In addition to this substantial anchorage, molten brimstone is poured into the space at the end of the arms, which produces a stronger joint than can be made mechanically, because the brimstone does not shrink in cooling and produces a direct pressure on every fibre of the wood in the exposed space between the rim and arm. This elimination of ''lost motion" is the secret of the superb arm anchorage secured in our pulleys. This Trade Mark is on the hub of every pulley DURABILITY The Dodge pulleys are put together without nails, so that in event of there being any shrinkage or swelling there will be no appreciable effect on the pulley, whereas if nails were used, the slightest swelling would draw them, and in shrinking the segments would split, from the fact that when the nails are once loosened and drawn they will never go back to their original position. To overcome these defects we long ago adopted the glue process, which has resulted in the produc- tion of the most successful and durable pulley on the market. BALANCE Every pulley, large or small, is carefully balanced by a special process of our own, which assures an accurate bal- ance and true running on the shaft. The inside of rims are turned, eliminating to the smallest degree the collection of flying particles of dust, etc., that have a tendency to destroy the balance of pulleys. 170 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Dodge Patent Independence Wood Split Pulley Construction of pulleys up to and including 8 inches diameter Construction of Pulleys, 9 to 36 inches inclusive POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 171 Dodge Patent Independence Wood Split Pulley Construction of pulleys having a diameter of 38 inches or more Why Dodge Wood Split Pulleys Should Be Used Bores standardized. Every pulley balanced. Shaft com pression perfect. Carried in stock everywhere. Arm anchorage mechanically correct. You know what you are getting. Ample margin of safety for double-belt service. Every Independence wood split pulley carries the DODGE guarantee. The SPLIT feature enables you to place pulley in position without interfering with balance of shafting equipment. An Independence wood split pulley with standard bore will, by the use of our wood bush- ings, accommodate a wide range of shaft sizes. Over 2,000.000 sold in the past twenty years. Why not this a reason? 172 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Dodge Patent Independence Wood Split Pulleys Flange Pulley This pulley is made on special order with one or more flanges. See price list on page 176. Disc or Drum Pulley For flouring mills, textile mills, polishing and buffing wheels, or any place where the air may be filled with dust, fiber or lint. Prices upon application. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 173 Dodge Patent Independence Wood Split Pulleys Taper Cone Pulleys Made in any size, proportions, or capacity. Extensively used in paper mills. Inquiries should show speed and horse-power required. See price list on page 176 Three-step Cone Pulleys Made solid or split, with any number of steps and with any width of face. Made on special order only. See price list on page 176. 174 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Dodge Patent Independence Wood Split Pulleys Tight and Loose Pulleys These pulleys can be furnished: 1. Both pulleys crown face. 2. Tight pulley crown face ; loose pulley straight face and of smaller diameter. Unless otherwise ordered we will furnish both pulleys with crown face. The loose pulley is fitted with an iron sleeve, oil pipe and cap ; grease cups are furnished at an extra cost, see page 108. - STANDARD SLEEVES ARE MADE AS FOLLOWS Bore Outside Diameter Bore Outside Diameter 1* to 2^ m II 2^ to 2tf 3M PRICE LIST below. No extra charge will be made for the pulleys, but loose sleeves will be charged as per list Outside Diameter Length of Sleeve Price Outside Diameter Length of Sleeve Price 3^2 $2.20 44 $3.30 44 2.50 54 3.95 5 L /2 2.85 64 4.65 2& 61/2 3.35 3& 84 6.00 8 l / 2 4.15 104 7.65 10 4 4.95 124 9.00 12/2 5.75 144 10.40 34 2.40 04 5.65 44 2.90 84 7.35 54 3.50 3 if 104 9.00 2H 64 4.15 124 10.75 8 l /2 5.35 14% 12.75 104 6.50 124 7.65 For split sleeves add 50 per cent to aboye prices. Collar is additional. See page 24 for prices of same. Sleeves are ordinarily furnished one-half inch longer than face of pulley. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 175 Dodge Patent Independence Wood Split Pulley Bushing System The Wood Split Bushings Pulley Diameter Inches Standard Bore of Pulleys Inches Maximum Shaft Diameter with Bushing In ordering Bushings please note: Bushings will be furnished bored 3 to 4 2 1% to suit any shaft size up to the maxi- mum in each case. 4^ to 7 7^ to 23 s* 8A 2% An order for a Bushing should read: (i) BORE, ( 2 ) DIAMETER, (3) 23^ to 48 % l /2 3% LENGTH * Special 48y 2 to 72 4 4K 37s 4% * Made on order only. Price List Extra Bushings Lengths Inches OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF BUSHING 2 Inches 2/ 6 Inches 3 Inches 3^ Inches 4 Inches 4^ Inches 6 * Price $0.20 $0.30 $0.40 $0.50 $0.0 $0.70 6 "/ Code Word Hypere Hypocrite lacchus laon Ibis Iconium I Price .30 .40 .50 .60 .70 .80 8 ' Code Word Hyperion Hypogene ladera lapetus Ibneiah Icteria m * Price .40 .50 .60 .70 .80 .80 10 - ( 12 * Code Word PHce Hyphen Hypogyn lalemus .70 lapyx .80 Icarian .90 Icteroid 1.00 12 - t Code Word Hypilate Hyppish lalysus lardanis Icarione Ictus 14 * Price .60 .70 .80 .90 1.00 1.10 14 - Code W ord Hypirondo Hyrax lambe labicr. Icelandic Idalian ifi j ID J Price .70 .80 .90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1ft J Code Word Price Hypnotic .80 Hyssop Iambic 1.00 lasius 1.10 Icilius 1.20 Idbash 1.30 18 Code Word Hypo Hysteric Iambus Ibhar Icon Ideate " J 20 J Price .90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 Code Word Hypocist Hystrix lamiddae Ibidem Iconism Idem These prices are for any bore ordered within the limits shown above. When order- ing by code, the above word must be followed immediately by code word for shaft size (BORE), as shown on page 11. For single bushings we make a minimum net charge of 15 cents each for 2 and 2-^ fnches ; 25 cents each for 3 and 3% inches, and 50 cents for 4 and 4^ inches outside diameter. Larger special bushings, net price on application. 176 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Dodge Patent Independence Wood Split Pulley SCHEDULE OF EXTRAS COVERING SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION STANDARD CONSTRUCTION All pulleys of diameters and faces listed on pages 180 to 183 are standard and not subject to any extra charges, when made without special features and when bored as follows: 4 ancB diameter 2 inch bore- 3 inch diameter 1% inch bore \ 5 to 7 inch diameter 2%e inch bore j 8 to 23 inch diameter : 3 inch bore I With 24 to 48 inch diameter 3% inch bore \ Interchangeable 50 to 72 inch diameter 4 1 / inch bore ( Bushing 72 inch diameter up to 12 inch face 4Mj inch bore I System One pair of Bushings furnished without charge with each J pulley above, to bush same to proper shaft size. 72 inch, 13 inch and wider face Shaft size up to 6 inches 97 to 120 inch Shaft size up to l l / 2 inches ODD DIAMETERS When in fractions of an inch, or in odd inches not listed, use list of next larger diameter. ODD FACES When ordered in fractions of an inch, or in odd inches not listed, use list of next wider face. OFF-SET HUBS Add 10 per cent to final list. FLANGE PULLEYS Add to regular list prices as follows: Single flange : 20 per cent of list price. Double flange : 25 per cent of list price. Triple flange : 30 per cent of list price, STEP CONE PULLEYS Treat each step as a separate pulley, combine the lists and add 50 per cent. TAPER CONE PULLEYS Use list for largest diameter and full width of face and add 25 per cent to make total list. If face exceeds widest size listed, extend the list at the same rate per inch as that existing between the last two sizes listed, and add the 25 per cent. SPECIAL BORES For boring pulleys to fit shaft when bore is less than standard or for boring pulleys larger than standard but smaller than extra large bores shown in the following table, add 10 per cent to regular list. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 177 PERCENTAGE TO BE ADDED TO LIST Pulley Diameter Inches 15* 0* 25* S5* 50* 85* BORE IN INCHES Under 12 3 T %to 4 4 T ^to 5 SjL to 6 12 to 48 4y 1 -* Largest Bore 9 7" J- 1 Largest Bore 9 7 " "- 1 00 at Reg. Price ^1^ *> at Reg. Price * 1 ^ O5 at Reg. Price ^ ^ Largest Bore Q 7 " NO Largest Bore O 7 " tO at Reg. Price T O at Reg. Price 1 3 CO at Reg. Price i ^ O) at Reg. Price I^ 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 2t 26 28 30 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 It 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 $22.30 23.90 30.35 34.90 39.45 44.05 48.75 $25.60 27.40 34.80 40.05 45.30 '$52 .'80 57 30 50.55 56.00 65!50 70.90 76.40 82.00 87.60 66.45 72.20 78.00 84.95 90.00 96.10 34.60 39.05 11.50 12.90 15.15 16.50 18.65 21.65 23.40 25.65 27.85 30.40 62.00 12.20 13.35 15.80 16.80 19.75 22.40 23.90 26.25 31.10 35.90 40.70 45.50 50.50 54.80 66.85 71.75 76.60 ' '58.'i6 63.20 68.20 74.30 78.70 84 10 14.00 15.30 18.15 19.30 22.65 25.70 27.40 30.10 35.70 41.20 46.70 52.20 58.00 63.90 35.50 40.15 45.20 11.75 13.05 15 65 '$48.'50 '51.80 56.10 60.50 16.95 19.30 22.20 24.00 26.40 28.65 31.25 36.40 41.45 46.65 51.85 12.25 13.65 16.10 17.75 19.75 22.70 24.80 26.75 28.95 33.00 38.25 43.50 48.75 54.00 12.60 It. 10 16.50 18.50 13.05 14.45 16.30 17.50 20.55 23.15 24.85 27.55 31.80 37.30 42.85 48.40 54.00 59.40 15.65 16.90 18.15 20.85 23.65 2 5.70 28.30 33.10 39.55 46.00 52.40 58.90 65.30 14.95 16.55 18.70 20.10 23.60 26 55 $55.30 '.'.'.'.... 28.50 31.60 36.50 42.85 49.20 55.50 ...'.'..! 59 .'20 64.10 69.10 63.50 69.20 74.80 80.30 86.10 91.90 61.85 68.20 17.95 19 40 72.60 79.10 S5.50 91.80 98.40 105.00 20.85 23.95 27.15 29.50 32.50 38.00 45.40 52 80 60.20 20.40 23.75 69.50 75.30 67.60 75.00 79.50 86.10 1S7C DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Dodge Iron Center Wood Rim Pulleys Continued Diameter Inches Face, Inches SOLID SPLIT Diameter, Inches Face, Inches SOLID SPLIT 6 < jy be n ' 1 1 I 1 tj bo JO t/3 g < 1 3 O Q I < bo a 33 6 <3 jy 3 3 o Q | < JU "So a 03 e < V 3 I 30 32 % icko CO B.S *2 !* f 3s 34 ^ us^O ,-^H CO %V 52 I* %ti a ^ H? rt 36 V ICO 1-1 CO D V . u o *r^ fi 01 jj -5 cB 38 24 26 28 30 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 2.2 24 26 28 30 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 2) 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 4 5 6 $81.25 87.30 93.40 99 60 $92.90 99.80 106.70 113.75 "s'e^o 93.50 100.70 108.20 115.55 123.25 38 iC-O .-lir-l co gjj *2 l! ^ 40 ^ W|0) rH|rt CO SiS 1* E?tf ^ 42 z Ui'fO r-iir-l co D V 1-. S I! rt^ h4o 44 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 I'S 20 9-> 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 6 7 8 9 10 $31.40 34.55 37.10 40.55 46.40 53.70 61.20 68.80 76.30 83.80 92.25 $36 00 39.65 42.60 46.25 53.25 $18.15 19.40 20.75 23.45 26.35 28.55 31.30 36.40 43.10 49.80 56.50 63.20 69.90 "75 .'40 81.80 88 20 $20.85 22.30 23.85 26.95 30.25 32.80 35.95 41.80 49.45 57.20 64.90 72.60 80.30 61 70 70 30 79 00 $95.30 103.00 110.50 118.60 i2G.<;u 134.60 142.75 151.0.1 159.25 87.60 96.20 105.80 $108.75 117.70 126.45 135.50 144.65 153.70 163.00 172.50 181.80 '.'.'.'.'.'.'. 32.50 33.90 35.75 39.05 42.75 45.90 49 70 28.30 29.55 31.15 34.05 37.25 40.00 43.30 49.70 57.30 65.10 72.90 80.70 88.40 96.10 20.70 21.95 23.35 26.15 29.10 31.40 34.30 39.70 46.60 53.60 60.60 67.60 74.50 82.50 22.60 24.45 25.95 28.75 31.80 32.50 37.30 43.06 50.20 57.40 64.70 72.00 79.20 87.40 94.65 101.20 117.50 23.75 25.20 Oft OA 57.05 30.00 33.40 36.05 39.40 45.60 53.55 61.55 69 60 65.75 74.70 83.70 92.60 101.50 111.35 101.50 109.35 117.50 125.55 133.60 141.80 150.00 158.50 166.80 115.80 124.90 134.25 143.50 152.60 162.00 171.50 181.00 190.65 81.60 88.60 95.40 102.45 109.85 116.35 "89'.i'J 95.40 103.00 110.35 118.00 125. 45* 133.20 140.65 148.75 77.60 85.60 94.80 25.95 28.10 29.80 33.00 36.50 37.35 42.80 49.45 57.60 65.95 74.30 82.60 90.90 100.30 93.20 101.20 109.00 116.85 124.85 132.85 38.75 42.10 45.90 49.20 53.15 60.85 69.80 79 10 33.75 36.65 40.00 42.85 46.30 53.00 0.80 69.85 77.00 85.00 93.10 101.85 'ios'lio' 116.45 124.75 133.45 141.95 150.65 159.03 167.93 176.80 185.55 194.60 88.40 97.60 106.80 116.85 ' 123 .'50 133.00 142.55 152.45 162.20 172.00 181.75' 191.85 202.00 212.00 222.30 'i66'.75 109.00 117.45 125.80 134.50 143.00 151.80 160.50 169.60 '.'.'.'.'.'.'. 28.15 31.00 32 75 36.30 39.20 42.65 45.65 49.30 41.70 45.10 49.00 52.45 56.60 24.55 27.00 28.55 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 1S7D Dodge Iron Center Wood Rim Pulleys Continued Diameter Inches Face, Inches SOLID SPLIT Diameter Inches Face, Inches SOLID SPLIT g < ii 1 s Double Arm Single Arm Double Arm Single Arm Double Arm Single Arm Double Arm 1 CJX Largest Bore at A 7" & Largest Bore at A 7" J^ Largest Bore A 7 " .U O Regular Price ^16 00 Regular Price ^Tfr O at Reg. Price ^TT5 4^ 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 -40 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 6 7 8 9 10 12 $56.30 64.35 72.65 81.10 89.30 97.60 106.70 $114.70 124.75 133.50 142.65 151.50 160 55 $64.70 73.90 83.45 93.10 102.60 112.10 122.35 $131.20 142.50 152.50 163.00 173.35 183.50 193.85 204.50 214.00 225.30 236.20 Ot Largest Bore at 41 r " (Jl Largest Bore at 41 5" CJI Largest Bore at 415" CJJ O Regular Price ^1"8" 4^ Regular Price <^ Regular Price '!*> O 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 IS 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 6 7 s 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 6 8 9 1!) 12 14 $75.00 84.10 93.20 102.50 111.50 121.00 $86 10 96.60 107.20 $150.45 159.25 170.00 l'SO.60 186.75 117.60 128.00 138,80 $171.80 182.00 194.25 206.25 213.50 231.00 243.25 255.80 268.25 281.20 46.70 49.75 53.50 57.20 61.20 69.60 78.60 88.00 97.40 106. 9") 116.25 125.80 49.30 52.50 55.30 58.25 64.20 72.90 82.10 91.80 101.50 111.20 118.20 130.50 202.00 213.00 224.00 234.80 246.00 53.65 57.15 61.45 169.75 179 00 187.30 38.95 41.95 45.40 48.60 52.30 59.70 67.90 76.50 85.20 93.70 102.35 111.50 197.30 206.90 44 70 48 10 52 10 65.60 70.25 79.90 55 75 60 00 68.50 90.20 101.00 77.95 87.80 97 80 111.90 122.60 123.20 132.40 141.85 151.50 160.90 171 25 107.60 117.40 127.85 140.60 151.25 162.20 173.00 183.85 195.70 205.80 216.75 227.50 238.50 250.00 158.25 169.20 180.60 191.70 203.00 213.90 226.00 237.30 248.75 260.80 'i67J5 179.25 191.00 202 80 133.30 144.40 56.60 60.20 64.60 68.85 73.70 83.70 94.25 105.35 116.60 127.60 135.60 149.90 180.75 193.40 206.20 219.00 231.80 244.45 258.00 271.20 284.30 298.00 180.00 189.60 198.25 208.75 218.80 41.55 44.60 48.15 51.45 55.30 63.00 71.50 80.40 S9.20 98.00 106.85 116.20 47.65 51.15 55 25 59.00 63.45 72.30 82.05 92.20 102.50 112.60 122.70 133.40 ' 191 .'25 204.85 218.10 231.50 244.00 259.00 273.00 287.00 305.60 314.85 '130!75 140.50 150.25 160 50 149! 30 160.50 171.60 183.30 194.75 206.20 218.00 229.80 241.50 252.20 265.50 170 50 51.90 55.00 58.90 62.90 67.20 76.25 85.60 213.55 226.80 239.00 251.20 267.25 275.50 59.60 180 50 190 75 201 9 211.40 44.10 47.15 50. SO 54.25 58.20 66.25 220.80 232.30 50.65 54 15 63.20 67 70 r >8 35 72.25 77.20 87 60 62.30 66.80 76.10 98.30 187E DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Dodge Iron Center Wood Rim Pulleys Continued Diameter Inches Face, Inches SOLID SPLIT Diameter Inches Face, Inches SOLID SPLIT Single Arm Double Arm | Largest Bore at A 1 5 " CJt Largest Bore at A 1 fl" CJi i^3 Regular Price Regular Price 00 Regular Price f !6 O 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 6 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 6 7 6 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 $95.50 105.45 115.40 124.50 135.45 $i7i!66 189.40 201 80 $109.75 121.00 132.50 144.00 155.50 $222.20 216.25 230.50 244.75 259.20 273.30 288.10 302.50 317.25 332.50 214 .'66 228.60 243.55 258.30 273.50 288.50 304.00 319.00 334.50 350.30 O Largest Bore at K 7 " O Largest Bore at K 7 " O Largest Bore at K 7 " O 00 Regular Price ^1 Regular Price ^Tfr ^ Regular Price T6~ to 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 6 7 S 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 6 7 S 9 10 12 14 $110.65 121.50 131.75 144.00 155.95 64.70 69.10 74.30 80.00 86.30 95.40 105.20 115.75 126. en 137.35 150.25 164.35 $127.10 139.35 $206.50 220.30 234.60 248.95 263.45 278.00 293.00 308.00 323.00 338.25 151.20 165.35 178.95 $236.00 252.00 268.25 284.50 301.30 318.00 335.00 352.00 369.00 386.80 214.20 227.00 239.25 74 30 55.10 58.60 62.80 67.20 75.50 81.00 90.45 100.75 110.65 120.45 131.60 142.35 252.20 264.80 277.80 291.00 63.25 67.25 72.10 77.15 86.70 93.05 103.90 115.55 127.10 138.05 151.10 163.30 79.35 85.35 2li!45 229. SO 244.45 259.00 274.10 288.75 303 50 91.85 99.10 109.35 120.60 132.85 145.50 157.75 172.50 188.75 '246! 25 262.65 279.40 296.00 313.00 330.00 347.00 364.50 381.90 400.00 ' 187 .'36 200.00 213.20 226.10 239.30 252.50 266 10 58.30 62.10 66.65 71.40 76.80 85.70 95.05 105.65 116.00 126.00 137.90 149.00 279.20 292.80 306.75 210! 30 224 10 66.95 71.30 76.50 82.05 88.15 98.45 109.45 121.30 133.25 144.60 158.25 171.10 67.85 72.60 78.10 84.25 91.10 99.80 110.00 320.80 132.20 143.25 156.55 171.35 319.00 334.20 350.00 77.95 83.40 89.75 96.75 104.55 114.80 126 20 '225! 30 240.60 256.25 272.00 288.00 304.00 320.00 336.25 352.30 369.00 138.65 151 60 164.30 224.85 239.20 254.00 269.10 284.20 299 20 179.60 196.55 257.00 273.40 290.50 307.65. 324.90 342.00 359.75 377.50 395.50 414.00 61.56 65.60 70.50 75.70 81.60 90.50 100.00 238.00 252.00 266.00 280.00 294.10 313.00 322.75 70.60 75.30 71.10 76.25 82.00 88.50 95.80 104.75 115.00 314.50 330.30 346.00 362.30 81.60 87.45 94.15 101.65 110.00 80.95 86.95 93.60 103.90 115.05 120.25 131.80 ;;::..: POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 187F Dodge Iron Center Wood Rim Pulleys Continued Diameter Inches Face, Inches SOLID SPLIT Diameter Inches Face, Inches SOLID SPLIT Single Arm Double Arm Single Arm Double Arm Single Arm Double Arm Single Arm Double Arm Largest Bore at K 7 ^4 Largest Bore at K 7 " O> Regular Price -T<> O Regular Price * J 16 OO 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 $125.80 137.45 148.80 162.65 178.00 $144.45 157.70 Largest Bore at K 7 " v & J3 3 3 O O P 6 V HJlH s b" s ** li 7 t icko -IpH II II 8 *** HrH l 11 3* 9 Uo HTH 5 WH li 3s 10 % CN S 8 * B* ? 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 $220 2 50 285 3 20 3 60 4 05 8250 2 80 3 15 3 60 4 10 4 55 505 5 55 6 05 6 55 270 3 05 3 50 3 95 4 40 4 90 535 5 85 6 35 6 85 2 90 3 35 3 80 425 4 75 525 580 6 35 6 95 7 60 8 30 3 20 3 65 4 15 4 65 520 5 75 6 30 6 90 750 8 15 885 345 395 4 45 500 5 55 6 15 6 80 750 820 8 95 970 $370 4 00 4 60 4 95 560 6 05 $4 00 430 4 90 5 35 6 10 6 55 7 35 785 865 9 15 4 20 455 5 25 570 6 40 6 90 7 65 8 15 8 95 950 450 4 95 5 70 6 15 6 95 7 45 8 35 8 90 9 85 1050 11 60 480 525 6 05 655 7 40 7 95 8 85 9 45 1040 11 05 12 15 5 15 565 650 7 05 7 95 8 55 9 60 10 30 11 40 12 15 1335 11 '* CNI u J II If 12 t> CM s| w II An 13 S s| a 2 f* Is 14 cJ. Il U ,3 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 $330 3 75 4 20 4 70 5 25 5 85 $3 70 4 25 4 80 5 40 6 00 6 65 7 30 8 00 8 75 955 10 40 3 95 4 55 5 15 580 6 45 7 15 $500 5 45 6 25 6 75 7 65 825 $540 5 95 685 7 65 840 905 10 10 10 80 11 95 12 75 14 05 5 /5 6 40 7 35 800 9 05 9 75 10 90 11 65 1285 13 65 14 95 15 75 17 10 600 6 65 7 70 8 40 950 10 25 11 45 1225 13 50 1435 15 70 1660 1800 645 7 15 8 35 9 10 1035 11 15 1245 13 30 14 65 15 55 1700 1790 19 40 2 40 2 75 3 10 350 3 95 4 40 3 90 4 25 4 85 5 25 595 640 360 4 05 4 55 5 10 5 70 630 ' 5 40 585 6 75 7 30 8 30 8 90 8 60 9 35 10 15 10 95 11 75 1260 4 20 4 85 5 50 6 20 6 90 7 65 8 40 9 20 10 00 1085 11 70 12 60 1350 4 50 520 5 95 6 70 750 8 30 9 10 9 95 10 80 11 70 12 60 1350 14 45 2 65 3 00 3 40 380 4 25 4 75 4 25 4 60 530 570 6 45 6 95 3 65 4 35 4 90 550 6 10 6 75 7 45 5 45 6 15 7 10 7 70 8 70 9 35 1050 2 90 3 25 3 65 4 10 4 60 5 10 3 10 3 50 3 95 4 40 4 90 545 450 4 85 555 6 00 680 7 30 6 00 6 60 7 50 8 15 9 30 9 95 11 30 4 05 4 65 5 10 575 6 45 7 20 7 95 ' 480 5 20 600 6 45 7 30 785 "!.!!! Additional list for flanged, tight and loose, and large bores, see page 208. 192 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Solid and Split Iron Pulleys Price List Continued SOLID SPLIT SOLID SPLIT Diameter Inches OB . a iT O rt ft I | a 35 1 JS 1 o ss <& xx .0.0 3 3 ftp 1 JU "3) a en i ! as <& V 11 11 Q IH V tJ a 8- Cd y SHH tn 11 1 M 1 I I 35 1 X I o E3 ! XX .0.0 3 3 O O Qft 1 i> "3) a 00 1 X 3 g P Sii <& u u I! [Largest Bore at Ol 5" ** Largest Bore at O15." -+ Largest Bore at 915" -* Largest Bore at 97" j- Regular Price. A l OO Regular Price. ^TW -^ Regular Price. ^l O Regular Price. ^1^ OX 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 $435 485 5 65 6 10 685 7 70 860 465 5 20 580 6 50 7 30 8 20 9 20 490 550 6 25 7 00 785 8 75 975 520 5 85 6 60 7 40 8 30 930 1040 $480 5 55 6 35 7 15 8 00 8 85 975 10 65 11 60 12 55 13 50 1450 1550 5 10 5 80 660 7 45 850 9 20 10 10 11 05 1200 13 00 ^1400 15 00 16 05 1720 1820 540 6 25 7 10 8 00 8 90 9 85 10 80 11 80 12 80 1385 14 90 16 00 17 10 18 25 1940 570 6 65 7 60 8 55 9 55 10 55 11 60 12 65 1375 14 85 1590 1705 .'.'.". $630 6 80 805 .8 50 970 1055 11 95 $6 75 7 50 8 75 9 55 10 85 11 70 13 10 1400 15 45 16 40 17 90 18 90 2045 7 20 7 90 9 20 1005 11 60 12 30 1375 14 70 1620 17 20 18 20 1980 21 45 22 65 24 25 750 8 35 9 70 10 60 12 00 1295 14 45 1550 1700 18 05 18 70 2080 22 50 23 65 25 45 7 95 8 90 10 40 11 35 12 90 13-90 15 55 1660 1830 19 40 21 10 22 25 18 19 ** rHp-H CM ,J K% & jj W (ii d &1 tf Hlrf 20 ** HTH CM I| S jj v-t ) BJ &3 f?M rt w >4P4 21 '* CO !{ S 4-1 l-l $3 OfiS Erwi rt i> >4tf 15 16 17 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 24 26 28 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1545 6 25 705 7 90 885 9 85 10 95 575 6 65 755 8 50 9 45 10 45 11 55 1270 605 7 00 8 00 9 00 10 00 11 00 12 10 13 25 $1825 1945 2070 605 7 05 8 10 9 15 1025 11 35 12 40 1355 14 70 1590 17 10 18 35 19 60 20 90 2220 23 55 2490 640 745 8 55 965 1080 11 95 13 15 14 35 1560 1685 18 15 1945 20 80 22 15 2355 24 95 2640 675 7 85 9 00 10 15 11 35 1255 1380 15 05 16 35 17 65 19 00 20 35 21 75 $24 10 2530 27 25 830 9 30 10 95 11 95 13 60 14 70 16 35 1750 19 25 20 45 2230 2355 2545 26 75 28 75 30 10 32 15 8 85 9 90 11 60 12 70 14 45 1560 17 45, 1865 20 55 21 80 2380 25 10 27 15 2850 30 65 3205 3425 920 1030 12 05 1320 15 00 1620 18 10 19 35 21 30 2260 24 65 2600 28 10 $3945 43 00 46 60 5030 5405 $770 850 985 1070 12 20 1320 14 90 : ::: 6 75 7 30 8 40 9 10 10 40 11 30 1285 '.'.'.'.;: '.:::: 820 9 10 1060 11 55 13 10 14 10 15 85 1700 700 7 60 885 960 10 95 11 95 13 40 $31 60 34 35 37 15 40 00 4290 ' 850 945 11 05 1205 13 65 1465 16 40 1765 745 8 05 940 10 20 11 70 1265 14 35 ..... Additional list for flanged, tight and loose, and large bores, see page 208. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 193 Solid and Split Iron Pulleys Price List Continued SOLID SPLIT SOLID SPLIT 1 Diameter Inches 1 o tT y rt fc i 1 i 4-1 "5 1 S3 . 3 I N < V V 33 3 3 o o OQ i JU bo g 3 i V 3 1 N JP5 !! as Largest Bore at 7 " tO Largest Bore at O 7" tO Largest Bore at O 7" tO Regular Price. O1< W Regular Price. O1< N3 Regular Price. 16 >-* 16 17 18 19 20 22 24 26 28 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 26 28 30 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 28 $23 15 24 60 2605 2765 $2950 31 70 33 15 35 40 $4095 44 60 4830 42 20 56 05 43 40 4735 51 30 5530 59 35 6350 4555 49 55 5360 5775 tO Largest Bore at O_7~" bO Largest Bore at O 7 " tO tO O Regular Price. 16 C71 Regular Price. O1 *> CO 28 30 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 26 28 30 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 26 28 30 3 4 5 6 7 8 $5000 5335 $61 95 6625 4825 5240 5670 61 10 6555 70 10 5030 54 70 59 15 63 70 6830 7300 $7 05 8 20 9 35 1050 11 65 12 80 14 00 1520 $7 90 9 25 10 60 12 00 13 40 1485 16 30 17 80 19 SO $985 11 00 1290 14 05 1590 17 05 19 00 20 20 $1070 12 05 14 15 1555 1765 19 10 21 30 22 80 2505 26 60 28 95 3055 3295 3460 37 10 3880 41 35 43 10 45 75 $33 16 35 95 3885 41 90 44 90 $635 7 40 8 45 950 10 55 11 55 12 65 13 85 7 10 830 9 50 10 75 1200 13 30 1460 15 95 1730 18 70 20 10 21 55 23 00 24 50 26 00 27 55 29 10 30 70 32 35 $900 1005 11 75 1280 14 50 1550 1730 18 50 9 75 10 95 12 80 1405 15 95 17 25 1925 2060 2265 24 05 2620 2765 2985 31 35 33 65 3520 3755 39 15 41 65 20 85 22 40 24 00 25 60 27 25 28 90 30 60 39 30 34 05 35 80 3920 4245 45 85 4930 52 80 5635 7 40 860 9 80 11 00 12 20 13 40 14 65 1590 835 9 75 11 20 1265 14 15 1565 17 20 1875 20 35 21 95 23 60 2525 26 95 28 65 30 40 32 15 33 95 3575 37 60 39 45 10 20 11 40 13 35 1455 16 45 1765 1965 2090 11 15 12 55 14 75 16 20 1840 19 90 2220 23 75 26 10 27 70 30 15 31 80 3430 3600 38 60 40 35 4300 44 80 47 55 4940 35 10 3805 41 15 44 25 4740 50 60 670 780 890 10 00 11 10 12 15 1330 14 45 750 8 75 10 05 11 35 1270 1405 15 45 1685 18 30 19 75 21 25 22 75 24 30 25 85 27 45 29 05 30 70 32 35 34 05 935 10 45 12 20 1330 15 05 16 10 17 95 19 10 10 15 11 40 1335 14 65 1665 1800 20 10 21 50 23 65 25 10 27 35 2885 31 15 3270 35 10 36 70 39 15 40 80 4335 41 25 44 75 4830 51 90 5555 ! 3 i 775 9 00 1025 11 50 12 75 14 05 880 10 30 11 80 13 35 14 90 1650 1075 1200 14 10 15 35 1735 1865 11 80 13 30 1565 17 20 1950 21 10 37 10 4025 43 45 4670 Additional list for flanged, tight and loose, and large bores, see page 208. 194 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Solid and Split Iron Pulleys Price List Continued SOLID SPLIT SOLID SPLIT Diameter Inches 1 I 1 f 3 *- 3 I o Q II jj tj i u "bo ft I C-M CU 1 o a ^ g- ^ S-w i ! i 1 03 s 3 tt o Q 3 3 O O QQ $5820 63 25 68 35 73 45 78 70 84 00 8935 6050 6570 70 85 76 20 81 55 87 00 91 50 6360 68 90 1 3 3 O O QQ gU Sfl 1 bfi a Q II | Largest Bore at .07 " tO Largest Bore at O 7* tO Largest Bore at O 7 " tO | Regular Price. T^ OO Regular Price. TF <1 Regular Price. 1^ O> 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 26 28 30 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 26 28 30 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 $1535 16 70 $18 10 19 75 21 40 23 10 24 80 26 55 2830 30 10 31 90 33 75 35 60 3750 3940 41 35 $2075 22 10 $2350 25 15 2760 2930 31 85 3360 36 20 3800 40 70 4255 4530 47 20 5005 52 00 $53 15 5775 62 40 67 15 71 95 7685 5535 60 15 64 95 69 90 7480 7985 1 Largest Bore at O 7 " CO Largest Bore at O. 7 " tO Largest Bore at O 7 " tO Regular Price. 1 6 O Regular Price. ^To CO Regular Price. T1F 00 18 19 20 21 22 24 26 28 30 32 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 $3690 38 90 40 95 4300 45 10 $46 30 49 25 51 30 53 35 56 45 $47* 95 51 90 5600 60 05 64 25 6845 72 70 1 i | $9 00 1050 12 00 13 45 14 90 1635 17 95 19 45 21 05 $10 30 1200 1375 1550 1730 19 10 20 95 2280 24 70 2660 28 55 3050 3250 3450 3655 38 60 40 70 4280 44 95 47 10 49 30 $12 25 1375 16 15 1760 1985 21 30 2475 2525 27 70 13 55 1525 17 90 19 65 22 25 24 05 2675 2860 31 35 3325 36 10 3805 4095 42 95 4595 4800 51 05 53 15 56 30 5845 61 65 $4345 47 10 5080 54 55 58 35 6220 8 15 950 1080 12 10 13 45 14 80 16 20 1765 19 15 930 10 85 12 45 14 05 15 70 1735 19 05 20 75 2250 24 25 2605 27 85 29 70 31 55 33 45 3535 37 30 39 25 41 25 43 25 11 15 12 50 14 65 15 95 1805 19 40 21 60 2305 25 35 12 30 1385 16 30 1790 2030 21 95 2445 26 15 2870 30 45 33 10 3490 3760 3945 4225 44 15 4700 48 95 51 90 53 90 '56' 15 '58*50 6280 67 10 71 45 7585 23 24 26 28 30 32 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 4565 4950 5335 5730 61 20 6520 940 10 90 12 45 14 00 1585 17 15 1875 20 35 22 00 10 85 12 65 14 45 16 30 18 15 20 05 21 95 2390 2585 2785 2985 31 90 3395 36 00 38 10 40 25 42 40 4460 46 80 49 05 12 90 14 40 16 90 18 45 21 15 22 45 24 95 26 55 29 10 1435 16 15 1890 2075 23 45 2535 28 15 30 10 3295 3495 3790 3995 42 95 4500 48 10 50 25 5340 5560 58 85 61 10 .... 855 9 95 11 35 12*75 14 15 1555 17 00 1850 20 10 980 11 45 13 10 14 80 16 50 1825 20 00 21 80 23 60 25 45 27 80 2920 31 10 3305 34 90 11 80 13 20 1550 16 90 19 10 20 50 22 80 24 30 2675 1305 14 65 1725 18 95 21 45 23 20 25 80 27 60 30 25 32 10 3535 36 75 39 55 41 50 44 30 5260 '56'85 ...... Additional list for flanged, tight and loose, and large bores, see page 208. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 195 Solid and Split Iron Pulleys Price List Continued SOLID SPLIT SOLID SPLIT Diameter 1 Inches < V A a M 1 fe 1 bo a 35 "a; n & 1 s ** <& if 1 1 3 1 & fi-w 3 3 tj jti I 3 ,Q a M t ft 1 u ' li 1 1 V i s JH *QJ & | 3 1 V 1 11 V V 33 II 1 Largest Bore at Ol 5" *. Largest Bore at 1 5 " CO 1 Regular Price. 1* O Regular Price. Tfr CO 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 $16 20 18 35 2050 22 70 24 90 27 10 2935 31 60 33 90 $1875 21 30 2385 26 40 2900 31 60 3425 3680 3960 49 30 $2095 24 25 2640 29 65 31 85 35 15 37 40 40 75 4305 $2350 27 20 2975 3335 3595 3965 4230 45 95 4875 52 60 5535 59 25 6205 6605 68 90 7295 7585 80 00 8295 87 15 90 15 $89 20 96 05 10345 110 70 11805 12550 133 00 14060 148 25 15590 9270 9995 10730 114 70 122 10 12960 137 15 144 80 15250 160 25 1 Largest Bore at 1 5" . Largest Bore at Ol 5" *. Regular Price. "TV tO Regular Price. TF 1-4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 $1730 1955 21 85 24 20 2655 28 90 31 25 33 60 3600 $20 25 23 00 25 65 2840 31 15 3390 3665 3945 42 25 4505 4785 5070 53 55 5640 59 25 62 15 65 05 67 95 70 90 73 85 7680 $22 40 2585 28 15 31 60 33 95 3745 3980 4330 45 70 $2535 2930 31 95 3580 3855 4245 45 20 49 15 51 95 5595 5875 6280 6565 6975 72 60 78 75 7965 83 85 8680 91 05 9400 $9525 102 70 110 15 117 65 125 15 132 70 140 35 148 10 15590 16370 9885 10645 11420 121 95 129 75 137 60 14550 15350 161 55 16965 17800 4505 4780 5060 5340 5625 59 10 62 00 64 90 67 85 7080 7380 . . $7535 '80*95 \\\'.'. $80 65 "se'sb" 87 10 9305 99 10 10520 111 35 11755 123 80 130 10 92 95 99 10 10525 111 40 117 65 123 95 130 30 13670 1675 1895 21 15 23 40 2570 28 00 30 30 32 60 34 95 1950 22 15 2480 27 45 30 10 32 80 3550 38 20 4095 43 70 4645 4925 5205 54 90 5775 60 60 6360 6640 6935 7230 7535 21 85 2525 27 45 3080 33 10 3655 3885 4230 44 65 2460 28 45 31 10 3485 3750 41 35 4405 4790 5065 5460 5735 61 35 64 15 6825 71 10 7520 78 10 8230 8525 89 50 9255 17 90 2020 22 60 2500 27 40 2980 32 20 3465 37 10 21 05 2385 2665 2945 3225 3510 3795 4080 4370 4660 49 50 5245 5540 5835 61 35 6435 6735 70 30 7335 76 30 7940 2335 26 90 29 30 3285 35 25 3885 41 25 44 90 47 35 2650 3055 33 35 3730 40 10 44 15 47 00 51 05 5395 5780 60 70 6520 68 15 7240 7540 79 70 8270 8700 9005 94 35 9745 78 10 8350 8405 - 9o'i6 96 15 102 20 10830 11445 12065 12690 13325 8975 96 15 10250 108 90 11530 121 75 12825 134 80 141 45 148 15 Additional list for flanged, tight and loose, and large bores, see page 208. 198 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Solid and Split Iron Pulleys Price List Continued SOLID | SPLIT SOLID SPLIT Diameter Inches I & a M 8 rt fe 1 1 Ss * 1 ID PQ g+j C "< fi '- w aj 8,1 ?( si 46 i s o ** PH -M * x cB h rt u i4tf 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 $2000 2260 2505 27 60 30 20 32 80 3540 3795 40 45 $23 50 2655 29 60 3265 3575 38 85 41 95 45 10 4825 51 40 5460 6780 61 00 64 25 6750 7075 7405 77 35 8070 84 05 8750 '. '.'. $2585 29 65 3220 35 95 3855 42 40 4500 4880 5130 $2935 33 70 3675 41 00 44 10 48 45 51 55 5595 59 10 6325 66 45 71 25 7445 7905 8230 86 90 9020 94 90 9825 103 00 10645 10845 116 75 125 10 13350 141 95 15045 159 00 16765 17635 18505 19405 11255 121 15 12975 138 40 147 15 15585 164 60 17340 18220 190 95 19985 $8655 $9230 9305 9920 ioe'is 113 10 120 10 127 10 134 15 9955 106 15 11275 119 30 125 95 13265 139 35 146 10 15290, - 141 25 148 40, 15560 162 90 1930 21 75 24 20 2670 2925 31 80 3430 3680 3930 2265 25 65 2865 31 65 3465 37 70 4075 4380 4585 4995 5305 56 15 5925 6240 6555 6870 71 80 7505 7825 81 45 8475 2515 28 90 31 35 35 05 3760 41 40 4390 4765 50 15 2850 3280 3580 40 00 4300 47 30 50 30 5465 57 70 61 80 64 90 6960 72 70 77 20 8035 84 85 87 95 92 60 9580 100 40 103 70 2080 23 35 2595 28 55 31 20 3385 3650 39 15 41 60 2435 27 50 3065 33 85 3705 40 25 4345 46 70 49 95 5320 56 50 59 80 63 10 66 45 6980 73 15 7655 79 95 83 40 8685 90 30 2705 30 95 3355 37 40 4005 4400 46 65 5060 53 05 30 60 35 10 3825 42 70 4590 5040 53 60 58 15 61 40 6570 6900 73 95 77 25 82 00 8775 90 10 9350 9835 101 80 106 70 110 15 8965 9560 162' 75 9635 ioSOS 10990 11670 12350 13035 13720 14410 15100 15795 109 90 11705 124 30 131 45 13865 14585 153 05 160 25 167 40 | Additional list for flanged, tight and loose, and large bores, see page 208. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 199 Solid and Split Iron Pulleys Price List Continued SOLID SPLIT SOLID SPLIT Diameter Inches 1 o o I 1 u "So a 05 3 V 3 11 XX .0.0 3 3 zz i | 33 1 V I H5 1 D tj 33 II ^J VI i- OS o SM VI U M a ft 4J s M bo a 35 i V 63 < V V 1 1 V II - u ,fl I 22 3 3 ZZ 1 35 1 8 1 Largest Bore at A 7 " ^ Largest Bore at A 7 " J^ | Regular Price. ^Ifr 00 Regular Price. ^TS" V II O O i tj "So o OJ I X ,0 I 11 13 3 3 SS Largest Bore at A 15" UJ Largest Bore at A 1 5" CJl | Regular Price. ^Tfr O Regular Price. ^T6 . 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 ! .'.' ! $31 75 35 65 39 60 4355 4755 51 55 55 60 59 65 63 75 67 85 72 00 76 15 80 35 84 55 88 80 93 05 97 35 101 65 106 00 110 35 114 70 $39 75 4520 49 15 54 55 5855 64 05 68 10 73 65 77 75 83 10 87 25 9325 97 45 103 25 10750 113 35 11765 123 60 127 95 133 95 138 30 $15320 163 85 17455 185 40 196 35 20735 218 40 22950 240 60 251 95 16205 173 10 18440 19585 20735 21890 230 55 242 25 25400 56 58 U3JB ^r ll o"F & 4J VH tuO ^ 3$ 60 *to 4n T 1.8 gS -M I- 1 Largest Bore at K 7 " O O) 1 Diameter Regular Price. U l6^ OO Regular Price. ^TT O ^ Inches (fl U 1 M PH i *) "So a 3> i 3 o P II !! o o pp I JU bo o 25 4J 3 1 S 1 Regular Price. Tfr 4*. Regular Price. ^T6T (O o 36 38 40 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 8231 05 242 20 25345 8269 05 282 10 29545 18880 201 65 214 70 22780 241 10 25450 268 05 281 70 29540 30945 197 10 21020 22350 23685 25040 264 05 27780 291 75 38 40 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 826300 27520 830570 320 10 20555 218 95 23250 246 15 25995 27385 28795 30220 31650 331 15 21430 227 95 241 70 25570 269 85 284 10 29850 313 05 32765 34255 85555 6050 6550 7055 7565 8080 8600 91 25 9655 101 90 10730 11275 11825 12380 129 45 13520 141 05 14695 15295 86855 7525 8025 87 10 9220 99 15 10435 111 15 11645 12395 12935 136 70 14220 149 65 15530 163 00 16885 176 70 18270 84050 45 15 4985 54 60 5940 64 25 69 15 74 10 79 10 84 15 8925 94 40 99 60 104 85 110 15 11550 12090 126 35 131 85 137 40 14295 85055 5695 61 65 6805 7285 7940 8430 9095 9595 10245 10755 114 75 11995 12700 13230 13945 14485 152 15 15765 16505 17060 17775 18920 20075 21240 224 15 236 00 248 00 260 15 27240 28480 16300 174 00 185 15 19635 207 70 219 15 230 70 24235 254 10 26600 5855 63 60 6870 7385 7905 84 30 8960 94 95 10035 10580 11130 11685 12250 12820 133 9o 13980 14575 151 80 7220 79 05 84 15 91 15 9635 10345 10875 11570 121 10 12875 134 25 141 75 147 40 15505 160 80 16865 174 60 181 65 18880 ' 5265 57 50 6240 6735 7235 7740 8250 8765 9285 98 10 10340 10875 11415 11960 125 10 13065 136 30 14205 147 90 6505 71 60 7650 8320 8820 9500 100 10 10675 11195 11930 12460 131 80 13720 14450 15000 157 45 163 10 17020 17660 ..... 18545 15795 197 10 20880 22075 232 80 244 95 257 20 26960 282 10 29470 170 30 181 50 192 85 20425 21580 22745 23920 25105 For extra charge for flanged pulleys, see page 208. 202 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Solid and Split Iron Pulleys Price List Continued SOLID SPLIT SOLID SPLIT Diametey Inches in i ft M V i t^ f *o5 -1 1 Q II XX ,o3 s s o o PP 4J "5 pq 1 35 -M - 1 3 < JLjJU 33 b 3 8 8 55 w V A V 1 1 tj "Si a 1 3 ft II XX .0.0 3 3 O O ftp 1 jj "bo a o I 1 11 XX .0.0 ftfl 1 22 179 20 213 45 34 349 50 393 60 If} 23 186 65 223 15 36 358 95 412 55 X 24 26 194 20 $242 90 256 95 230 70 $279 40 295 75 38 40 .... 37565 392 60 ... 431 70 451 30 . 28 271 25 31235 Q/1 g $97 50 $119 00 BO 0,9 285 80 300 60 329 25 346 40 o4 9 10420 ... 127 95 (fi cB 34 315 36380 10 11 111 00 117 90 134 75 143 90 ffsi 0} U 86 38 330 85 34635 381 45 39930 to 12 13 12495 132 10 15095 160 10 HTrt 40 36210 41760 t-rj in 14 15 .... 13940 14680 ... 16740 177 40 80 9 89 70 9590 109 60 11795 rt . 16 17 15435 162 00 .... 18495 194 95 10 11 102 20 108 60 124 25 13280 fi 18 16980 20275 ** 12 13 14 115 15 121 80 128 55 13935 14790 154 65 * jj IH S-3 19 20 21 '.'.'.'. 177 70 18575 19390 213 00 221 05 231 60 10 oJ * 15 16 17 18 19 13540 142 35 14940 15660 ico GA 164 00 170 95 18025 187 45 IQ? on %& $& 122 23 24 26 28 '.'.'.'. 21060 21900 27490 290 60 30670 239 90 250 70 259 10 31500 333 15 351 70 * -4J *-" < rt R 20 21 22 : :: 171 30 17885 186 40 .... 204 40 21425 221 80 30 32 34 36 323 05 33965 35650 373 60 37055 389 65 40905 428 70 M 23 24 9(5 194 20 202 10 253 35 231 90 23980 291 05 38 40 391 00 40865 44860 468 95 28 282 80 qoe on QZ g 01 *S5 123 90 30 297 85 342 65 80 9 108 50 133 15 32 313 15 Ofif) 05 10 1*S fifl 140 25 31 328 70 378 35 11 ' ' ' 122 80 149 75 SB 344 50 396 60 12 130 15 157 10 38 360 55 415 05 *" to 13 137 60 166 60 40 376 85 433 95 HS 14 145 20 174 20 fto 8 93 55 114 25 in 15 16 15290 160 75 184 55 192 40 oZ 9 10 100 00 106 55 122 90 129 45 at . vX 17 18 .... 16870 176 80 202 75 210 85 *fc 11 113 20 138 30 O H 19 85 00 221 45 c T> 120 00 145 10 * 20 193 35 2 9 9 80 >n 13 126 90 153 95 +J (~< 21 9Q1 80 2*0 70 14 133 90 160 95 H 29 910 35 249 25 *,j 15 141 05 170 65 tfS 03 219 00 260 35 gjj 16 148 30 177 90 $a 24 227 80 286 35 269 15 3T 70 fl 17 155 65 187 55 9fi 302 70 34655 w^ 18 163 15 195 05 28 319 45 365 80 "S OJ 19 170 75 204 95 30 336 45 385 35 fts >n 178 45 212 65 32 353 70 405 15 aS 9 1 186 30 2^1 85 34 371 20 425 25 ilrt 99 194 25 230 80 36 388 95 445 60 23 209 30 241 20 00 407 00 466 20 ?1 210 40 264 00 249 30 302 90' 40 425 35 487 30 || For extra charge for flanged pulleys, see page 208. 204 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Solid and Split Iron Pulleys Price List Continued SOLID SPLIT SOLID SPLIT Diameter Inches V) V "u s tT u rt ft 1 JH M o aa i 1 I 11 3 V I li ^ 11 ss CO Largest Bore at KJL" CO Largest Bore at KJ7," OO 1 tO Regular Price. *** O Regular Price. 16 CO 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 $105 70 11295 120 30 127 80 13545 143 20 151 05 15905 167 20 17545 18380 192 30 20095 209 70 21855 227 55 236 70 $12890 13850 14585 15570 16335 17320 181 05 191 75 199 90 210 60 21895 229 90 23855 24980 25865 270 15 27930 $340 60 360 20 38000 400 15 420 60 441 40 46250 48385 505 70 35405 374 35 394 90 41575 43685 458 25 47995 501 90 525 00 Largest Bore at K JL CO Largest Bore at K ?." CO Largest Bore at K ?-" CO Regular Price. ^ O) Regular Price. r ^ Regular Price. OT6 tO 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 :::: $17225 18100 18985 19870 207 75 $207 10 21585 22725 236 10 247 70 25685 268 75 278 15 290 25 299 95 $368 00 38945 41050 432 10 45395 476 10 49850 521 25 54425 382 15 40400 426 05 448 40 471 00 49385 51700 54035 564 10 21690 226 20 23560 245 10 254 80 $322'85 341 65 360 05 37895 398 10 41750 437 15 45720 47720 .... $298 00 31505 33230 34985 36770 38585 40430 423 05 442 10 11875 127 10 13550 144 00 15260 161 30 170 10 17900 188 00 197 15 14460 15545 16385 174 85 183 45 19440 203 20 21495 22395 23570 24495 256 90 26635 278 55 28820 30060 31045 .... .... 10995 11755 12525 133 05 141 00 14905 15720 16550 17390 18240 191 05 19980 208 70 21780 22700 23630 24570 13400 144 00 151 70 161 90 16985 180 05 188 20 19925 207 65 118 65 22730 238 55 24745 259 10 26830 280 15 289 55 :::: 20640 21575 22520 234 75 24440 254 15 264 00 1 .... E: 1 33570 354 85 374 20 39380 413 65 43370 45405 474 65 49545 .... 310 20 32790 345 85 36405 38250 401 20 420 20 43950 45975 .... 12330 132 05 14085 14975 158 70 16770 17680 186 00 19530 20470 214 20 22380 233 50 243 30 15005 161 35 170 15 181 60 19055 201 85 21095 223 05 23235 24440 25390 266 15 27585 28835 114 30 12230 13035 13850 14670 15575 16365 13925 149 70 15775 168 35 176 55 18780 195 70 .... .... ::::::;:::: li For extra charge for flanged pulleys, see page 208. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 205 Solid and Split Iron Pulleys Price List Continued SOLID SPLIT SOLID SPLIT Largest Bore at K 7 * Q Largest Bore at K 7 " CO Largest Bore at K 7 " CO Diameter Regular Price. ^TB" O Regular Price. vT8 00 Regular Price, ^Tfr O Inches tfi u a M s a ft i a be a ' +i U PQ 1 11 11 o o an 3 PQ i> bti a & i V I 8? > 30560 31580 32885 339 15 131 45 14080 150 20 15970 169 25 17890 188 55 19830 20810 21790 22780 237 75 24780 257 95 268 15 278 40 288 70 41295 43495 457 05 47925 501 60 524 05 1 546 60 i 56935 393 60 414 80 436 10 45750 ! 17420 18695 14260 15255 For extra charge for flanged pulleys, see page 208. 206 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Solid and Split Iron Pulleys Price List Continued SOI vID SPLI T SO] vID SPIvI T Diameter Inches Face, Inches "5 05 Double Belt Double Arm Double Belt Single Belt Double Belt Double Arm Double Belt Diameter Inches Face, Inches i u I 182 80 220 00 19 270 95 322 30 1^ 193 00 232 75 %n 282 20 333 55 * 14 203 30 243 05 * 21 293 55 347 95 * !* 213 65 256 55 1C 99 304 95 359 35 lO 16 224 05 266 95 M 9^ 316 45 373 90 4-> 17 234 55 280 35 % 24 328 00 385 45 2s 1H 245 10 290 90 8.2 6 $451 45 $512 00 jj.w 19 255 70 304 40 pq (1, 28 475 10 500 7^ 20 266 40 315 10 * ^ 30 498 95 1 fU>K 7C -M ^ 21 277 15 ...... . 328 80 si ^9 522 95 592 90 $2 22 287 85 339 60 PNI 34 647 15 C9Q OA be 3 'i 298 80 ...... 353 40 rt v Sfi 571 55 637 90 as 1 24 309 70 364 30 H?tf 38 596 10 675 60 t-rrt 6 $424 60 $482 20 40 620 95 703 80 28 447 25 507 85 30 470 05 533 70 1 1 O g 157 90 192 60 39 492 90 659 60 112 9 . ... 168 50 206 15 34 616 00 585 80 10 179 20 216 85 Sfi 539 20 612 10 %n 11 190 00 230 60 38 562 55 638 50 * 12 200 85 241 45 to 686 10 665 30 *o 1^ 211 80 255 10 *i 14 292 85 266 15 ir\o g 147 60 180 20 2" 15 233 95 280 55 lUo 9 157 75 193 20 .a 16 245 15 291 75 10 167 95 203 40 PH 17 256 40 306 05 11 178 25 216 55 M - 18 267 70 317 35 i. 12 188 60 2 9 6 90 on c3 19 279 10 331 80 HS 13 199 05 239 95 &! 20 290 60 343 30 10 14 209 55 250 45 rt V 21 302 15 357 95 ts . 15 220 15 264 25 Hrf 22 313 80 369 60 Js 16 230 80 274 90 9^ 325 55 384 45 SI 17 241 55 288 60 24 337 30 396 20 mi 18 252 35 299 40 26 465 95 Kf>o nn M *-< 19 263 25 313 25 2H 490 25 555 45 3 20 274 70 324 70 30 514 70 583 10 Pli a 285 25 338 25 99 539 35 610 95 SSf 22 296 40 349 40 34 564 10 640 65 4tf 23 307 55 363 55 36 588 95 668 80 24 318 80 374 80 38 614 00 697 10 26 437 90 496 95 40 641 50 726 20 28 461 00 523 10 . . 30 484 35 549 55 114 g 163 20 198 95 32 607 75 576 05 9 174 05 212 80 34 531 40 602 85 i 10 185 00 223 75 36 655 15 629 75 ^ 11 196 05 235 80 38 579 15 656 85 irt 12 207 15 248 90 > 40 604 35 685 35 13 218 35 2g9 85 rt 14 2 9 9 65 274 15 tO $ 152 70 188 35 gg 15 241 00 288 85 g| 9 10 ... 16305 173 45 199 60 210 00 o p ^ 16 17 25245 263 95 .... 30030 314 90 fc-C 11 183 95 223 40 I^Jrt 18 275 50 326 45 PQf^ 12 194 65 234 00 ,q 19 287 15 341 20 30 530 20 600 20 ,> 19 303 50 360 35 1 H 39 555 40 68 65 M 20 315 80 372 65 1C 34 580 70 657 25 lO 21 3 9 8 15 388 25 ~r. ' 36 606 10 685 <)5 22 340 60 400 70 !8 38 631 75 714 85 Sfi 23 353 15 416 50 g-c 40 657 60 744 15 o'S 24 365 80 429 15 * s* 26 $509 85 *576 50 ,U U s 168 60 205 45 +1 l-l 9^ 535 70 605 65 f -g 9 179 70 219 60 f3 30 561 65 634 95 &s 10 190 90 230 80 ffa 99 587 85 664 50 5 H 20 9 20 245 15 32 34 614 25 694 30 H 12 213 55 256 50 36 640 85 724 30 IS 225 00 270 75 38 667 70 754 50 116 14 236 55 282 30 40 694 75 785 10 15 248 15 297 30 ' 'ft 16 17 259 85 271 65 30900 393 95 120 8 9 17980 191 40 21885 233 60 \o 18 283 50 335 80 10 203 05 245 25 19 295 45 350 90 ^ n 214 80 260 15 rt 20 307 45 362 90 "M 12 2 9 6 60 271 95 fi 21 319 50 378 15 13 238 50 286 75 o ^ 22 331 65 390 30 14 250 45 298 70 pqdi ? 343 90 405 75 t 15 262 50 314 25 x j &3 24 26 35620 495 00 418 05 560 10 -2 16 17 -- 274 65 286 90 326 40 341 90 ffS 28 520 40 588 75 * 18 299 25 354 25 ilrtl 30 545 95 617 60 19 311 70 369 95 32 571 65 646 60 t3 20 324 25 382 50 34 597 65 675 95 ffS 21 336 90 398 45 36 6 9 3 70 705 35 ,1rt 22 349 65 411 20 38 650 00 734 95 23 3g9 5Q 427 35 40 676 40 764 85 24 375 50 440 35 6 594 70 592 90 110 g 174 10 212 05 28 551 00 622 00 llo 185 50 26 55 30 577 50 652 45 10 196 95 238 00 32 604 25 682 60 jj 9Q8 4") 252 60 34 631 20 713 00 12 220 05 264 20 36 6-">8 35 743 60 13 231 75 278 75 38 686 60 775 25 14 243 50 280 50 40 713 35 805 60 15 255 30 305 75 For extra charge for flanged pulleys, see page 208. Pulleys of a special nature not catalogued or having special features not pro- vided for in list prices will be charged for according to cost, or we will always be glad to quote prices on such pulleys upon receipt of specifications. 208 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Tight and Loose Pulleys Additional Price to be Added to the List Price Diameter, Inches Face, Inches 3 and 4 5 and 6 7 and 8 9 and 10 11 and 12 13 and 14 15 and 16 6 to 9 10 to 15 16 to 20 21 to 30 31 to 42 43 to 60 $1.30 1.50 2.10 3.30 4.50 6.00 $2.00 2.30 2.90 4.10 5.50 7.40 $3.00 3.40 4.00 5.20 6.90 9.30 $4.50 6.00 5.50 6.80 9.00 12.00 $7.00 7.50 9.10 12.10 15.80 $12.50 16.50 21.00 $23.00 29.00 Additional Prices for Bores Larger Than Maximum as Specified in Standard List Diameter 6 to 15 inches. 16 to 30 inches. 31 to 60 inches. Add 10 per cent for each additional 3^-inch thereof. Add 10 per cent for each additional /^-inch thereof. Add 5 per cent for each additional %-inch thereof. or fractional part or fractional part or fractional part Double Flange Pulleys Additional Price to be Added to the List Price Diameter, Inches Price Diameter, Inches Price 6 to 7 $2 40 46 to 47 $33 85 8 to 9 . . 3 10 48 to 50 37 60 10 to 11 3 90 52 to 54 42 25 12 to 13 4 70 56 to 58 47 20 14 to 15 5 65 60 to 62 52 25 16 to 17 6 60 64 to 66 57 50 18 to 19 7 60 68 to 70 62 85 20 to 21 8 80 72 to 74 68 30 22 to 23 ... 10 15 76 to 78 73 75 24 to 25 11 50 80 to 82 ... . 79 30 26 to 27 13.05 84 to 86 84 75 28 to 29 14 70 88 to 90 90 10 30 to 31 16.40 92 to 94 95.40 32 to 33 18.20 96 to 98 100.85 34 to 35 20 05 100 to 102 106 00 36 to 37 21 95 104 to 106 111 80 38 to 39 24 10 108 to 110 117 15 40 to 41 ... 26.35 112 to 114 ... 122 35 42 to 43 28.75 116 to 118 127.35 44 to 45 31.30 120 132.05 Pulleys with one flange only take one-half of the above list. Pulleys with three flanges take one-half more than the list given above. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 209 The Dodge Standard Iron Split Pulley The Talk of the Trade With Interchangeable Bushing System 210 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY The Dodge Standard Iron Split Pulley With standardized bores and Dodge system of interchangeable bushings, represents the highest attainment in the manufacture of metal pulleys. As the result of many years of study and experiment, it embodies in design and proportion all the features essential to a satisfactory separable metal pulley for stock purposes, and is to its class what the Independence wood split pulley is to its branch of the pulley industry. Being designed for stock purposes, a dealer is able to deliver from his store that which has heretofore only been supplied at great expense and delay, and almost universally of a design far from satisfactory to the customer. For many purposes iron pulleys are indispensable, and manufacturers and users have been much inconvenienced by being compelled to await the pleasure of their local foundries or to get them from a distance. The Dodge standardized cast iron split pulleys place iron pulleys within the quick reach of all, and at prices quite comparable to the ordinary solid iron pulleys well known to the trade. No piece of machinery is subjected to the constantly shifting strain that a pulley receives, consequently a good pulley must contain unusual resisting qualities. In metal pulleys this is best secured by integral construction of the halves. Riveted or bolted structures of flexible materials do not contain the mechanical elements that insure safe, positive driving power or dura- bility of parts. Any proposition that enables a dealer to supply from stock, at reasonable prices, an article heretofore furnished only on special orders, and after much delay and inconvenience, certainly appeals sufficiently strong in itself to make comment unnecessary, especially when the article so furnished is superior in every way to the one formerly supplied. To mill owners the advantages are most apparent by reducing delays to a minimum, and supplying a pulley sought for by many whose work makes an iron pulley a necessity. Every One Having Experience with Machinery Knows the Following Facts That a solid iron pulley with its fixed bore, can be used only on the single size of shaft for which it was made. That the old-fashioned pulley of solid type cannot afterward be made split or separable. That because of these facts, the old-fashioned cast iron pulleys have never been satisfactorily carried in stock, POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 211 That iron pulleys are necessary for some kinds of service for which wood split pulleys are not suitable. That on account of the difficulty of quickly obtaining solid iron pulleys of desired specifications from mill supply dealers' stock, much inconvenience, delay and expense are incurred. All these difficulties are overcome by the Dodge Standard Iron Split Pulley with standardized bores and interchangeable iron bushings. The Design of the Dodge Standard Iron Split Pulley Secures the Following Specific Advantages The use of the pulley upon shafts of different sizes by the aid of inter- changeable bushings. The convenience and economy of time and expense in placing the iron pulley upon a shaft or removing to another shaft, it being unnecessary to disturb couplings, hangers, collars and other pulleys in position. The saving of the pulley from the scrap pile in case of replacing by one of another size, the original pulley being available for other service on a shaft of another size. The saving of time and trouble by obtaining immediately from the nearest dealer carrying stock. The assurance of accurate proportions and correct finish, the pulleys being machine molded, bored, machined to size and face polished. The perfect roundness of rim when split, the split being a fracture instead of a cut, and the rim ends fitting accurately into original position. It will be quickly noted by those interested in using pulleys and selling them, that the Dodge Standard Iron Split Pulley possesses for its particular field of service those desirable features that have in such a great degree secured the wide success of the Dodge Independence Wood Split Pulley. Standard Bores for Dodge Standard Iron Split Pulleys 6 to 9-inch diameter, inclusive 2J^-inch bore 10 to 24-inch diameter, inclusive 2%-inch bore 25 to 36-inch diameter, inclusive . . . . . 3^-inch bore 37 to 54-inch diameter, inclusive ..... 3%-inch bore Code word for standard bored pulleys to receive bushings, "Ironbush." 212 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Patent Split Iron Bushings Plain, for Compression, Set-screws or Square Keys All bushes are made and finished whole, and so remain until they are required for use upon the shaft. They are then split into halves by forc- ing an ordinary chisel into one of the two oblong slots in each bush, as shown in cut, separating the connect- ing metal at the ends of each slot. The fractured edges are dressed away slightly to provide for clamping clearance. The bush halves, one pair, are then placed in each end of the hub. The projecting trunnions of the bushes engage the apertures of the hub bore, and the bushed pulley is then ready to be clamped in place upon the shaft. One pair of bushings is furnished with- out charge with each stock pulley. When pulleys are ordered bored to fit the shaft, no bushings are furnished. Method of Cracking Bush Enlarged View of Hub, Showing Irregular Fracture and Mat- ing Edges of Rim Split Unsplit PRICE PER PAIR OF PATENT SPLIT IRON BUSHES Bushing- Bore Inches OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF BUSHINGS 2^ INCHKS 2|| INCHES 3^ INCHES 3|f INCHES Price Code Word Price Code Word Price Code Word Price Code Word | 80-50 .55 .60 .65 .70 .75 Tata Tatatam Tacet Tachos Tactitus Tacking $0-80 85 .90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 Tacto Tactual Tadorna Taedium Taenia Tafeu Taffeta $1.30 1.35 1.45 1.55 1.65 1.75 1.85 Taffy Tagger Taglet Taglia Tagus Tahan Tahrea $1.80 1.85 1-95 2.05 2.15 2-25 2.35 2.45 Taille Tailor Tailzie Tainet Tairn Tajassu Talang Talaria POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 213 Dodge "Standard" Iron Split Pulleys-Machine Molded Price List Standard Bore, 2 T V Inches for Pulleys 6 to 9 Inches Diameter DIAMETER 6 INCHES DIAMETER 7 INCHES DIAMETER-8 INCHES Face In. Price Code Word Face In. Price Code Word Face In. Price Code Word 3 4 $3.25 3.85 Talaus Talcite 5 6 $4.25 4.50 Talpa Talus 7 8 $5.35 5.60 Tangram Tanier 5 4.05 Talcky 7 5.15 Tamarin 6 430 Talcose 8 5.40 Tambac 7 8 4.95 5.20 Talega Talent DIAMETER-9 INCHES DIAMETER 8 INCHES 3 $3.70 A Qt^ Tanree DIAMETER-7 INCHES 3 $3.55 Tampion 5 4.OO 4.60 Tansy Tantalize 4 4.20 Tampoet 6 4.90 Tantalus 3 4 $3.40 4.00 Talmud Talon 5 6 4.45 4.70 Tampon Tamuger 7 8 5.60 5.90 Tantling Tantrum Standard Bore, 2}f Inches for Pulleys 10 to 24 Inches Diameter DIAMETER 10 INCHES DIAMETER 11 INCHES DIAMETER-12 INCHES 3 $3.85 Tapster 6 $5.80 Tarrock 9 $7.80 Taslet 4 4.50 Taranis 7 6.80 Tarsal 10 8.20 Tassel 5 4.80 Tardo 8 7.20 Tarsic 6 5.15 Tardy 9 7.50 Tarsier 7 5.85 Target 10 7.90 Tarsus DIAMETER-13 INCHES 8 6.20 Targum 9 6.55 Tarnish 10 6.90 Tarraco DIAMETER 12 INCHES 4 $5.55 Tasto 5 5.90 Tatch DIAMETER-ll INCHES 6 6.30 Tatouay 3 $435 Tartar 7 730 Tatta 4 5.35 Tartaric 8 7.75 Tattler 5 5.70 Tartly 9 8.10 Tattoo 3 $4.20 Tarragon 6 6.05 Tartuffe 10 8.55 Taurea 4 5.15 Tarras 7 7.05 Tasco 11 10.15 Taurica 5 5.45 Tarrier 8 7.40 Tasker 12 10.80 Taurine In ordering by wire, the code word for size of pulley must be immediately followed by code word for shaft size. See second table on page 11. 214 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Dodge "Standard" Iron Split Pulleys Continued Standard Bore, 2}f Inches for Pulleys 10 to 24 Inches Diameter DIAMETER 14 INCHES DIAMETER 17 INCHES DIAMETER 20 INCHES Face In. Price Code Word Face In. Price Code Word Face In. Price Code Word 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 $5.75 6.10 6.55 7.55 8.05 8.45 8.95 10.55 11.25 Tavern Tawdry Tawny Tawsable Tazza Teague Teasel Teathe Teazer 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 $7.40 8.55 9.05 9.60 10.15 11.90 12.50 14.40 Tempean Tempera Tempest Templar Temple Tempo Tempse Tempter 9 10 11 12 14 $12.20 12.90 15.20 16.00 18.00 Terebrate Teredine Teredo Terete Tereus DIAMETER 21 INCHES 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 $7.90 9.25 9.95 11.30 12.00 12.70 13.45 15.80 16.65 18.80 Terina Termes Termite Termius Termor Ternary Ternate Terrace Terrapin Terras DIAMETER 18 INCHES DIA MKTK'R IS TNPHKS 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 $6.65 7.15 7.70 8.90 9.45 10.00 10.60 12.40 13.10 15.15 Tenancy Tenant Tendon Tendrae Tendril Tendron Tendry Tenedos Tenet Tennis 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 $5.95 6.35 6.80 7.90 8.35 8.80 9.30 10.95 11.50 12.30 13.15 Technic Teehy Tecum Tedge Tedious Tedium Teenage Teeter Teething Tegmen Tegument DIAMETER-22 INCHES 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 $8.20 9.55 10.30 11.70 12.45 13.20 14.00 16.40 17.30 19.65 Terreote Terreous Terrier Terrific Terrify Terrost Terse Tertia Tertian Tertiate DIAMETER 19 INCHES DIAMETER-16 INCHES 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 $7.35 8.65 9.25 10.50 11.10 11.70 12.35 14.60 1535 17.60 Tenrec Tensive Tensor Tensure Tentacle Tentage Tenter Tenuate Tenuis Tenuity 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 $6.15 6.60 7.10 8.20 8.70 9.15 9.70 11.40 12.00 13.80 Teinland Telary Teleclus Telephus Telesia Teliost Teller Tellina Tellural Telluret DIAMETER-23 INCHES 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 $8.45 9.90 10.65 12.10 12.90 13.70 14.55 17.05 18.00 20.45 Tessera Tessular Testa Testable Testacy Testamur Testate Testator Testern Testiere DIAMETER-20 INCHES DIAMETER 17 INCHES 4 5 6 7 8 $7.60 8.95 9.60 10.90 11.55 Tepor Teraph Terapin Tercel Tercine 4 5 $6.40 6.90 Telmera Temerity In ordering by wire, the code word for size of pulley must be immediately followed by code word for shaft size. See second table on page 11. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 215 Dodge "Standard" Iron Split Pulleys Continued Standard Bore, 2f| Inches for Pulleys 10 to 24 Inches Diameter DIAMETER-24 INCHES DIAMETER 24 INCHES DIAMETER 24 INCHES Face In. Price Code Word Face In. Price Code Word Face In. Price Code Word 4 5 6 ; $9.70 11.25 12.05 13.85 Tetanic Tetanus Tether Tethys 8 9 10 11 $14.70 15.60 16.50 19.35 Tetra Tetrad Tetradite Tetragon 12 14 $20.40 22.95 Tetrapla Tetrapos Standard Bore, 3 T V Inches for Pulleys 25 to 36 Inches Diameter DIAMETER 25 INCHES DIAMETER 27 INCHES DIAMETER 30 INCHES 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 $10.10 11.65 12.50 14.35 15.30 16.25 17.25 20.15 21.30 23.90 Tetric Tetrical Tetter Tettish Teutates Teuton Teutonic Tewelt Textrine Textual 12 14 $23.15 25.85 Thebez Thecal 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 $17.15 18.40 19.70 21.15 24.40 25.85 28.80 Theurgy Thewed Thibetan Thible Thigh Thilk Thime DIAMETER 28 INCHES 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 $11.30 12 00 13.90 16.00 17.10 18.30 19.50 22.70 24.10 26.80 Theist Theme Themis Thenar Theocrat Theodas Theogony Theology Theon Theorbo DIAMETER-31 INCHES DIAMETER 26 INCHES 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 $13.45 15.45 16.70 19.10 20.45 21.85 23.30 27.85 29.35 32.40 Thisbe Thistle Thitsee Thole Tholus Thomean Thoral Thorax Thorina Thorite 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 $10.50 12.05 13.00 14.85 15.95 16.90 18.00 21.00 22.25 24.90 Thacker Thalamus Thaler Thalia Thalidan Thallus Thammuz Thane Thatch Thaumas DIAMETER 29 INCHES 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 b* $11.70 13.40 14.40 16.55 17.75 19.00 20.30 23.55 24.95 27.80 Theoric Theorist Theory Theriac Therial Thermal Thermic Theseus Thesicle Thesis DIAMETER 32 INCHES DIAMETER 27 INCHES 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 $13.90 16.05 17.25 19.70 21.15 22.65 24.15 28.80 30.35 33.50 Thorn Thornbut Thorow Thorp Thoth Thrace Thracian Thracis Thrack Thrall 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 $10.90 12.55 13.45 15.40 16.50 17.60 18.75 21.85 Theater Theatine Theatral Theatric Theave Theban Thebard Thebe DIAMETER 30 INCHES 4 5 6 $12.15 13.85 14.95 Theta Thetical Theurgic In ordering by wire, the code word for size of pulley must be immediately followed by code word for shaft size. See second table on page 11. 216 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Dodge "Standard" Iron Split Pulleys Continued Standard Bore, 3 T V Inches for Pulleys 25 to 36 Inches Diameter DIAMETER-33 INCHES DIAMETER 34 INCHES DIAMETER-35 INCHES Face In. Price Code Word Face In. Price Code Word Face In. Price Code Word 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 $14.40 16.60 17.85 20.35 21.80 23.45 25.00 29.70 31.30 34.60 Thrasea Thrather Thratrite Thrave Thraw Threap Threave Thresher Thrid Thrift 8 9 10 11 12 14 $22.60 24.30 25.85 30.65 32.30 35.70 Throne Throng Thrum Thrush u g Thuja 11 12 14 $31.55 33.30 36.80 Thwart Thymas Thymet DIAMETER 36 INCHES DIAMETER 35 INCHES 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 $15.90 18.25 19.70 22.45 24.10 25.85 27.60 32.50 34.30 37.90 Thyrsus Thyus Tiara Tibia Tibial Tiburo Tical Ticement Ticida Tidbit 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 $15.40 17.70 19.10 21.75 23.35 25.00 26.70 Thumb Thunder Thunny Thurl Thuya Thwack Thwalte DIAMETER-34 INCHES 4 5 6 7 $14.90 17.10 18.50 21.10 Thrips Thrissa Throat Throb Standard Bore, 3; "; Inches for Pulleys 37 to 54 Inches Diameter DIAMETER-38 INCHES DIAMETER 42 INCHES DIAMETER 46 INCHES 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 $19.05 21.45 23.10 27.85 28.95 30.80 32.70 38.25 40.15 44.00 Tiddel Tidology Tiercet Tifata Tiffany Tiffin Tiffish Tigella Tiger Tights 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 $21.40 24.20 26.10 30.45 32.45 34.50 36.60 42.35 44.50 48.80 Timmer Timnah Timocles Timon Timothy Tinamou Tinamus Tincal Tindalet Tinea 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 $24.15 27.20 29.35 33.95 36.25 38.50 40.85 46.90 49.30 54.10 Tipula Tirade Tirism Tirrit Tirwit Tirzah Titanans Titanate Titania Titanitem DIAMETER-40 INCHES DIAMETER-44 INCHES DIAMETER 48 INCHES 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 $20.20 22.80 24.60 28.80 30.70 32.65 34.65 40.30 42.30 46.40 Tigris Tilbury Tiling Tillage Tilmus Timaea Timarete Timbrel Timeas Timist 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 $22.75 25.70 27.75 32.20 3435 36.50 38.70 44.60 46.90 51.40 Tinge Tingent Tinning Tinsel Tinto Tipha Tippet Tipple Tipstaff Tipsy 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 $29.00 31.20 33.50 38.85 41.25 43.65 46.15 53.70 56.20 61.30 Titbiten Tithing Titia Titlark Titling Titmouse Titrate Titular Tituled Tityrus In ordering by wire, the code word for size of pulley must be immediately followed by code word for shaft size. See second table on page 11. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 217 Dodge "Standard" Iron Split Pulleys Continued Standard Bore, 3}! Inches for Pulleys 37 to 54 Inches Diameter DIAMETER-SO INCHES DIAMETER-52 INCHES DIAMETER 54 INCHES Face In. Price Code Word Face In. Price Code Word Face In. Price Code Word 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 $32.80 35.30 40.75 43.25 45.80 48.45 56.10 58.80 64.20 Toad Toast Tobacco Tobine Toccata Tocher Tockast . Tocsin Toddler 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 $34.50 37.10 42.65 45.30 48.00 50.75 58.50 61.40 67.20 Tofus Toilet Tokay Tolad Tolaites Tolasa Tolerant Tollage Tolsey 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 $36.20 38.90 44.65 47.40 50.20 53.05 61.00 64.00 70.20 Tomahawk Toman Tomatus Tomato Tombac Tompion Tomrig Tomyris Tonguy In ordering by wire, the code word for size of pulley must be immediately followed by code word for shaft size. See second table on page 11. View Showing Hub Construction, with Bushings in place 218 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Gearing Our list of gears, as shown on the following 1 pages, includ- ing those bored and key-seated, or set-screwed, together with mortise gears, wherein the teeth are accurately machine finished, is very full, and has been made as comprehensive as possible. The mortise gears are filled with thoroughly seasoned, hard maple cogs, accurately dressed so as to assure uniformity and correct pitch of teeth. They are very durable and smooth run- ning, and owing to their construction the teeth can be renewed at any time, and at small expense. In ordering, be as explicit as possible in giving the follow- ing required information: 1. The speeds of the two shafts. 2. Power to be transmitted. 3. The maximum or minimum diameter. 4. If spur gears, the distance between shaft centers. 5. The pattern number. 6. Pitch diameter. 7. Number of teeth, pitch arid face. 8. The exact size of bore in inches. 9. State whether or not keys or set-screws or both are desired. In ordering by wire, the code word covers all requirements except the key-seat and set-screw specifications. Spur For prices, see pages 237 to 253. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 210 Spur Gears %-Inch Pitch. Standard Face Width 1% Inches Pattern Number Number of Teeth Pitch Diameter Inches Hub Length Inches H. P. 100 R. P. M. Price Bored Keyseated 034010A 10 2.43 IX A $1.45 034011 A 11 2.66 .48 1,60 034012A 12 2.90 1^4 .5 1.75 034013A 13 3.13 1M .57 1.90 034014A 14 3.37 1/4 .6 2.05 034015A 15 3.61 1^4 .7 2.20 034017A 17 4.08 2M .74 2.40 034018A 18 4.40 .8 2.50 034020A 20 4.79 1/4 .9 2.85 034021 A 21 5.03 234 .92 3.00 034022A 22 5.27 1M .0 3.10 034025A 25 5.98 2 .1 3.50 034026A 26 6.22 2 .2 3.70 034030A 30 7.18 234 .31 4.20 034033A 33 7.89 234 .44 4.60 034034A 34 8.13 2 .5 4.75 034039A 39 9.32 234 .7 5.70 034040A 40 9.56 2 1.8 5.85 034046A 46 10.99 234 2.01 6.60 034047A 47 11.23 2/4 2.05 6.75 034050A 50 11.94 23^ 2.2 7.20 034055A 55 13.14 2/4 2.4 7.85 034060A 60 14.33 2/4 2.6 8.60 034067A 67 16.00 2^2 2.9 9.50 034070A 70 16.72 23"^ 3.1 9.90 034072A 72 17.19 23^* 3.14 10.20 034084A 84 20.05 2/4 3.7 11.90 034100A 100 23.87 2\4 4.4 14.00 034102A 102 24.35 2H 5.08 15.10 034116A 116 27.69 4.6 16.10 %-Inch Pitch. Standard Face Width 2 Inches 078010A 10 2.83 234 .7 $1.95 078011 A 11 3.11 .9 2.10 078012A 12 3.38 234 1.0 2.25 078013A 13 3.66 2/4 1.0 2.45 07 8014 A 14 3.93 234 1.1 2.65 078015A 15 4.21 234 1.2 2.75 078016A 16 4.49 234 1.3 3.00 078018A 18 5.04 234 1.5 3.40 07 8022 A 22 6.14 1.8 4.10 078025A 25 6.98 234 2.1 4.65 07 8030 A 30 8.37 2.4 5.25 07 8033 A 33 9.21 2 34 2.55 5.85 07 8037 A 37 10.32 23^ 3.1 6.45 07 8040 A 40 11.15 2/4 2.82 7.00 07 8044 A 44 12.27 23^ 3.6 7.55 078046A 46 12.82 2M 3.25 7.90 220 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Spur Gears Continued %-Inch Pitch. Standard Face Width 2 Inches Number Pitch Hub H. P. Price Pattern Number of Teeth Diameter Inches. Length Inches 100 R. P. M. Bored Keyseated 078050A 50 13.94 3 4.1 $8.60 078057A 57 ' 15.88 3 4.7 9.80 078064A 64 17.83 3 5.3 11.00 078073A 73 20.34 3 6.0 12.50 078086A 86 23.95 3 7.1 14.50 078 107 A 107 29.80 3 8.9 18.00 078123A 123 34.26 3 10.0 20.75 078135A 135 37.60 3 11.0 22.75 1-Inch Pitch. Standard Face Width 2\. Inches 001010A 10 3.24 3 .20 $2.50 001011A 11 3.55 3 .32 2.65 001012A 12 3.86 3 .44 2.85 001013A 13 4.18 3 .56 3.05 001014A 14 4.49 3 .68 3.25 001015A 15 4.81 3 .80 3.40 001016A 16 5.13 3 .92 3.55 001017A 17 5.44 3 2.04 3.75 001018A 18 5.76 3 2.16 3.95 001019A 19 6.08 3 2.28 4.15 00 1020 A 20 6.39 3 2.40 4.30 001021 A 21 6.71 3 2.52 4.50 001022A 22 7.03 3 2.64 4.70 001023A 23 7.33 3 2.76 4.90 001024A 24 7.66 3 2.88 5.10 001025A 25 7.98 3 3.00 5.30 001026A 26 8.30 3 3.12 5.50 001027A 27 8.61 3 3.24 5.65 00 1028 A 28 8.93 3 3.36 5.85 001029A 29 9.25 3 3.48 6.05 001030A 30 9.57 3 3.60 6.25 001031A 31 9.88 3 3.72 6.45 001032A 32 10.20 3 3.84 6.65 001033A 33 10.52 3 3.96 6.80 001034A 34 10.84 3 4.08 7.00 001035A 35 11.16 3 4.20 7.20 001036A 36 11.47 3 4.32 7.40 001037A 37 11.79 3 4.44 7.60 001038A 38 12.11 3k 4.56 7.80 001039A 39 12.43 3k 4.68 8.00 001040A 40 12.75 3k 4.80 8.20 001042A 42 13.38 3k 5.04 8.55 001044A 44 14.02 3k 5.28 8.95 001045A 45 14.34 3k 5.40 9.15 001046A 46 14.65 3k 5.52 9.35 001048A 48 15.29 3M 5.76 9.75 001049A 49 15.61 3k 5.88 9.95 001050A 50 15.93 3k 6.00 10.15 001052A 52 16.56 3k 6.24 10.55 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 221 Spur Gears Continued l-lnch Pitch. Standard Face Width 2% Inches Number Pitch Hub H. P. Price Pattern of Diameter Length 100 Bored Number Teeth Inches Inches R. P. M. Keyseated 00 1053 A 53 16.88 3^ 6.36 $10.70 00 1054 A 54 17.20 3K 6.48 10.90 00 1055 A 55 17.52 3^ 6.60 11.10 001056A 56 17.83 3M 6.72 11.30 001058A 58 18.47 3^ 6.96 11.70 001060A 60 19.11 3K 7.20 12.10 001062A 62 . 19.74 3^ 7.44 12.50 001063A 63 20.03 3^ 7.56 12.70 001064A 64 20.38 3^ 7.68 12.90 001066A 66 21.02 3^ 7.92 13.30 001067A 67 21.33 3^ 8.04 13.50 001068A 68 21.65 3^ 8.16 16.50 001069A 69 21.97 3^ 8.28 17.05 001072A 72 22.93 3^ 8.64 18.70 001074A 74 23.56 33^ 8.88 19.80 001075A 75 23.88 3^ 9.00 20.35 001076A 76 24.20 3k 9.12 20.90 001078A 78 24.83 3k 9.36 22.00 001079A 79 25.15 3k 9.48 22.55 001080A 80 25.47 3k 9.60 23.10 001081A 81 25.79 3k 9.72 23.65 001083A 83 26.42 3k 9.96 24.75 00 1084 A 84 26.74 3k 10.1 25.30 00 1085 A 85 27.06 3k 10.2 25.85 001088A 88 28.02 3k 10.6 27.50 001089A 89 28.33 3k 10.7 28.05 001092A 92 29.29 3k 11.0 29.70 001094A 94 29.93 3k 11.3 30.80 001096A 96 30.56 4 11.5 31.90 001098A 98 ' 31.19 4 11.8 33.00 001100A 100 31.84 4 12.0 34.10 001104A 104 33.11 4 12.5 35.70 001108A 108 34.38 4 13.0 37.30 001110A 110 35.01 4 13.2 38.10 001112A 112 35.65 4 13.4 38.90 001116A 116 36.92 VA 13.9 40.50 001120A 120 38.20 ^A 14.4 42.10 001124A 124 39.47 ^A 14.9 43.70 001132A 132 42.02 ^A 15.8 46.90 001140A 140 44.56 ^A 16.8 50.10 001144A 144 45.84 ^A 18.8 51.20 001146A 146 46.47 ^A 17.5 52.50 001150A 150 47.75 4 19.6 55.50 001158A 158 50.29 5 19.0 57.30 1^-Inch Pitch. Standard Face Width 3 Inches 118010A 10 3.64 zy 2 1.80 $4.10 118011A 11 3.99 3^ 1.98 4.30 118012A 12 4.35 3^ 2.16 4.55 222 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Spur Gears Continued iVInch Pitch. Standard Face Width 3 Inches Pattern Number Number of Teeth Pitch Diameter Inches Hub Length Inches H. P. 100 R. P. M. Price Bored Keyseated 118013A 13 4.70 &A 2.34 $4.75 118014A 14 5.06 3^2 2.52 5.00 118015A 15 5.41 33^ 2.70 5.25 118016A 16 5.77 33^ 2.88 5.50 118017A 17 6.12 33^ 3.06 5.75 118018A 18 6.48 33^ 3.24 6.00 118019A 19 6.83 33^ 3.42 6.25 118020A 20 7.19 33^ 3.60 6.50 118021 A 21 7.55 33^ 3.78 6.75 118022 A 22 7.90 33^ 3.96 7.00 118025A 25 8.98 33^ 4.50 7.75 118028 A 28 10.05 33^ 5.04 8.45 118030 A 30 10.76 33^ 5.40 8.95 118032 A 32 11.48 33^ 5.76 9.45 118034A 34 12.19 3k 6.12 9.90 118036 A 36 12.91 3y 6.48 10.40 118038A 38 13.62 3? 7.20 10.90 118040A 40 14.34 7.56 11.40 118042 A 42 15.05 3k 7.74 11.90 118043 A 43 15.41 3^ 7.92 12.15 118044A 44 15.71 8.10 12.40 118048A 48 17.20 3k 8.64 13.40 118049A 49 17.56 3k 8.82 13.65 118050A 50 17.92 3k 9.00 13.90 118052 A 52 18.63 4 9.36 14.40 118054 A 54 19.35 4 9.72 14.90 118055A 55 19.71 4 9.90 15.10 118056A 56 20.06 4 10.1 15.70 118058A 58 20.78 4 10.4 16.90 118060A 60 21.50 4 10.8 18.10 118062 A 62 22.21 4 11.2 19.30 118064 A 64 22.93 4 11.5 20.50 118066A 66 23.64 4 11.9 21.70 118068A 68 24.36 4k 12.2 22.90 118069 A 69 24.71 12.4 23.50 118070A 70 25.07 tk 12.6 24.10 118072 A 72 25.79 4k 13.0 25.30 118074A 74 26.51 4k 13.3 26.50 118075A 75 26.86 4k 13.5 27.10 118076A 76 27.22 4k- 13.7 27.70 118078A 78 27.94 4k 14.0 28.90 118084A 84 30.09 15.1 32.50 118085A 85 30.45 43^2 15.3 33.10 118086 A 86 30.86 43 x/ 2 15.5 33.70 118087A 87 31.16 43^2 15.7 34.30 118090A 90 32.23 43^ 16.2 36.10 118094A 94 33.67 43^ 16.9 38.50 118096A 96 34.38 43^ 17.3 39.70 118098 A 98 35.10 41^ 17.6 40.90 118100A 100 35.81 4/^ 18.0 42.10 118101A 101 36.17 VA 18.2 42.60 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 223 Spur Gears Continued 1%-Inch Pitch. Standard Face Width 3 Inches Number Pitch Hub H. P. Price Pattern Number of Teeth Diameter Inches Length Inches 100 R. P. M. Bored Keyseated 118104A 104 37.22 5 18.7 $44.10 118108A 108 38.67 5 20.0 46.10 118114A 114 40.83 5 21.0 49.10 118120A 120 42.97 5 22.0 52.10 118126A 126 45.12 5 23.0 55.10 118132A 132 47.27 5 24.0 58.40 118138A 138 49.42 5^ 25.0 61.10 118140A 140 50.13 5 l /2 25.0 62.10 118146A 146 52.29 5y 2 26.0 65.10 118150A 150 53.71 $ 1 A 27.0 67.10 118172A 172 61.60 6 31.0 78.10 118200A 200 71.61 6 36.0 92.10 1%-Inch Pitch. Standard Face Width 3'.. Inches 114010A 10 4.04 4 2.60 $5.50 114011 A 11 4.44 4 2.86 5.80 114012 A 12 4.83 4 3.12 6.10 114013A 13 5.22 4 3.38 6.40 114014A 14 5.62 4 3.64 6.70 114015A 15 6.01 4 3.90 7.00 114016A 16 6.41 4 4.16 7.25 114017A 17 6.80 4 4.42 7.55 114018A 18 7.20 4 4.68 7.85 114019A 19 7.59 4 4.94 8.15 114020A 20 7.99 4 5.20 8.45 114021 A 21 8.39 4 . 5.46 8.75 114022 A 22 8.78 4 5.72 9.05 114023 A 23 9.17 4 5.98 9.35 114024 A 24 9.58 4 6.24 9.60 114025A 25 9.97 4 6.50 9.90 114026 A 26 . 10.37 4 6.76 10.15 114027 A 27 10.77 4 7.02 10.45 114028 A 28 11.16 4 7.28 10.70 114029A 29 11.56 4 7.54 11.00 114030A 30 11.96 4 7.80 11.30 114031A 31 12.35 4 8.06 11.60 114032 A 32 12.75 4K 8.32 11.90 114034 A 34 13.55 4^ 8.84 12.45 114035A 35 13.94 4^ 9.10 12.75 114036 A 36 14.34 i 9.36 13.05 114038 A 38 15.14 4M 9.88 13.65 114040A 40 15.93 4M 10.4 14.20 114042 A 42 16.73 4)1 10.9 14.80 114044A 44 17.52 4M 11.4 15.40 114046A 46 18.31 4K 12.0 16.05 114048 A 48 19.11 ^A 12.5 16.65 114050 A 50 19.9-1 4^ 13.0 17.25 114051A 51 20.30 4^ 13.3 17.90 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Spur Gears Continued 1%-Inch Pitch. Standard Face Width 3% Inches. Number Pitch Hub H. P. Price Pattern Number ot Teeth Diameter Inches Length Inches 100 R. P. M. Bored Keyseated 114052 A 52 20.70 4 1^ 13.5 $18.55 114054 A 54 21.50 43^2 14.0 19.85 114056 A 56 22.29 4^A 14.6 21.15 114060A 60 23.88 4^A 15.6 23.75 114061A 61 24.28 4/4 15.9 24.40 114062 A 62 24.68 4/4 16.1 25.05 114064 A 64 25.47 434 16.6 26.35 114066A 66 26.27 4*4 17.2 27.65 114068A 68 27.07 4% 17.7 28.95 114070A 70 27.86 4M 18.2 30.25 114072 A 72 28.66 4/ 18.7 31.55 114073 A 73 29.05 4 19.0 32.20 114074A 74 29.45 19.2 32.85 114075A 75 29.85 4^1 19.5 33.50 114076A 76 30.25 5 19.8 34.15 114078A 78 31.04 5 20.3 35.45 114080 A 80 31.84 5 20.8 36.75 114082A 82 32.63 5 21.3 38.05 114084A 84 33.43 5 21.8 39.05 114085A 85 33.82 5 22.1 40.00 114086 A 86 34.23 5 22.4 40.65 114088 A 88 35.02 5 22.9 41.95 114089A 89 35.41 5 23.1 42.60 114090A 90 35.82 5 23.4 43.25 114092 A 92 36.61 53^ 23.9 44.35 114094A 94 37.40 5jMj 24.4 45.45 114096 A 96 38.20 5^2 25.0 46.55 114098A 93 39.00 53^ 25.5 47.65 114100A 100 39.79 5-K 26.0 48.75 114 102 A 102 40.57 53^ 26.5 49.85 114104A 104 41.38 53^ 27.0 50.95 114105A 105 41.78 5J^ 27.3 51.50 114112A 112 44.57 53^2 29.1 55.00 114115A 115 45.76 5/- 29.9 56.50 114116A 116 46.16 53^ 30.2 57.00 114120A 120 47.75 5/^ 31.2 59.00 114122A 122 48.54 6 31.7 60.00 114124A 124 49.34 6 32.2 61.00 114126A 126 50.13 6 32.8 62.00 114128A 128 50.93 6 33.3 63.00 114136A 136 54.11 6 35.4 67.00 114144A 144 57.30 6 37.4 71.00 114152A 152 60.48 6 39.5 75.00 114194A 194 77.19 7 50.4 96.00 1%-Inch Pitch. Standard Face Width 4 Inches 138010A 10 4.45 4 y 2 3.60 $7.10 138011 A 11 4.88 4% 3.96 7.45 138012A 12 5.31 41/2 4.32 7.80 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 225 Spur Gears Continued 1%-Inch Pitch. Standard Face Width 4 Inches Pattern Number Number of Teeth Pitch Diameter Inches Hub Length Inches H. P. 100 R. P. M. Price Bored Keyseated 138013A 13 5.74 4^ 4.68 $8.15 138014A 14 6.18 4^ 5.04 8.55 138015A 15 6.73 4^ 5.40 8.90 138016A 16 7.05 4^ 5.76 9.25 138018A 18 7.91 ^A 6.48 10.00 138020A 20 8.79 ^A 7.20 10.70 138022A 22 9.66 ^A 7.92 11.35 138025A 25 10.97 ^A 9.00 12.40 138028 A 28 12.28 4M 10.1 13.45 138029A 29 12.71 4^ 10.4 13.85 138030 A 30 13.15 4% 10.8 14.20 138032A 32 14.03 4M 11.5 15.60 138038A 38 16.65 4% 13.7 19.80 138040A 40 17.51 4M 14.4 21.20 138042A 42 18.40 5 15.1 22.60 138046A 46 20.14 5 16.6 25.40 138048A 48 21.02 5 17.3 26.80 138052 A 52 22.77 5 18.7 29.60 138054A 54 23.64 5 19.4 31.00 138055A 55 24.08 5M 19.8 31.70 138057A 57 24.96 5M 20.5 33.10 138058A 58 25.40 514 20.9 33.80 138060A 60 26.27 514 21.6 35.20 138061A 61 26.71 514 22.0 35.80 138064A 64 28.02 5M 23.0 37.60 138068A 68 29.77 514 24.5 38.80 138072A 72 31.52 ^A 25.9 41.20 138074A 74 32.39 ^A 26.6 42.40 138076A 76 33.27 ^A 27.4 43.60 138078A 78 34.15 ^A 28.1 44.80 138082A 82 35.90 5y 2 29.5 47.20 138085A 85 37.21 6 30.6 49.00 138088A 88 38.52 6 31.7 50.80 138092 A 92 40.27 6 33.0 52.80 138094A 94 41.15 6 33.8 53.80 138096A 96 42.02 6 34.5 54.80 138098A 98 42.90 '6 35.3 55.80 138104A 104 45.52 6 37.4 58.80 138106A 106 46.40 6 38.2 59.80 138110A 110 48.14 6 39.6 61.80 138112A 112 49.03 6^ 40.3 62.80 138113A 113 49.60 6K 40.7 63.30 138 130 A 130 56.90 6M 46.8 71.80 138140A 140 61.27 7 50.0 76.80 138148A 148 64.78 7 53.0 80.80 138156A 156 68.28 7 56.0 84.80 138176A 176 77.03 ? l /2 63.0 94.80 138190A 190 85.15 7y 2 68.0 101.80 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Spur Gears Continued 1%-Inch Pitch. Standard Face Width 4% Inches Pattern Number Number of Teeth Pitch Diameter Inches Hub Length Inches H. P. 100 R. P. M. Price Bored Keyseated 112010A 10 4.85 5 4.80 $8.80 112011A 11 5.32 5 5.28 9.25 112012A 12 5.79 5 5.76 9.70 112013A 13 6.27 5 6.24 10.15 112014A 14 6.74 5 6.72 10.60 112015A 15 7.21 5 7.20 11.00 112016A 16 7.69 5 7.68 11.45 112017A 17 8.16 5 8.16 11.90 112018A 18 8.64 5 8.64 12.35 112019A 19 9.11 5 9.12 12.80 112020A 20 9.59 5 9.60 13.25 112021 A 21 10.06 5 10.1 13.70 112022 A 22 10.54 5 10.6 14.15 112023 A 23 11.00 5 11.0 14.60 112024A 24 11.49 5 11.5 15.05 112025A 25 11.97 5 12.0 15.50 112026A 26 12.44 5M 12.5 15.90 112027A 27 12.92 5K 13.0 16.30 112028A 28 13.40 5M 13.4 16.75 112029 A 29 13.87 5M 13.9 17.20 112030A 30 14.35 5M 14.4 17.60 112031A 31 14.83 5M 14.9 18.30 112032 A 32 15.30 5K 15.4 19.00 112033 A 33 15.78 5K 15.8 19.70 112034A 34 16.26 5M 16.3 20.40 112036 A 36 17.21 5M 17.3 21.80 112037 A 37 17.69 5M 17.8 22.50 112038A 38 18.16 VA 18.2 23.20 112039A 39 18.64 VA 18.7 23.90 112040A 40 19.12 ^A 19.2 24.60 112041A 41 19.62 ^A 19.7 25.30 112042 A 42 20.07 5 1 A 20.2 26.00 112043A 43 20.55 $ 1 A 20.6 26.70 112044A 44 21.03 ^A 21.1 27.40 112045A 45 21.50 ^A 21.6 28.10 112046A 46 21.98 VA 22.1 28.80 112047 A 47 22.46 5 1 A 22.6 29.50 112048A 48 22.93 5 1 A 23.0 30.20 112050A 50 23.89 ^A 24.0 31.60 112051A 51 24.37 5M 24.5 32.30 112052 A 52 24.84 5H 25.0 33.00 112053 A 53 25.33 5^ 25.4 33.70 112054 A 54 25.80 5M 25.9 34.40 112055A 55 26.27 5^ 26.4 35.10 112056 A 56 26.75 5^ 26.9 35.80 112057 A 57 27.23 5M 27.4 36.50 112058 A 58 27.71 5M 27.8 37.20 112059 A 59 28.18 5% 28.3 37.90 112060A 60 28.66 5M 29. 38.60 112062 A 62 29.61 5M 30. 39.80 112063A 63 30.09 6 30. 40.40 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 227 Spur Gears Continued 1 1%-lnch Pitch. Standard Face Width 4% Inches Pattern Number Number of Teeth Pitch Diameter Inches Hub Length Inches H. P. 100 R. P. M. Price Bored Keyseated 112064A 64 30.57 6 31. $41.00 112065A 65 31.05 6 31. 41.60 112066A 66 31.52 6 32. 42.20 112067 A 67 32.00 6 32.5 42.80 112068A 68 32.48 6 33. 43.40 112069 A 69 32.96 6 33. 44.00 112070A 70 33.43 6 34. 44.60 112071A 71 33.91 6 34. 45.20 112072 A 72 34.39 6 35. 45.80 112075A 75 35.82 6 36. 47.60 112076A 76 36.30 1 A 36. 48.20 112077A 77 36.77 Yi 37. 48.80 112078A 78 37.26 &A 37. 49.40 112080A 80 38.21 ^A 38. 50.60 112082 A 82 39.16 VA 39. 51.80 112083 A 83 39.63 VA 39.2 52.40 112084A 84 40.12 ^A 40. 53.00 112085A 85 40.59 eH 41. 53.60 112086A 86 41.07 6H 42. 54.20 112087A 87 41.54 6^2 42. 54.80 112090A 90 42.98 $ 1 A 43. 56.60 112094A 94 44.89 6 1 A 45. 59.00 112095A 95 45.36 VA 46. 59.60 112096A 96 45.84 $ 1 A 46. 60.20 112098A 98 46.79 6 1 A 47. 61.40 112100A 100 47.75 VA 48. 62.60 112101A 101 48.23 7 48. 63.20 112 102 A 102 48.71 7 49. 63.80 112103A 103 49.18 7 49. 64.40 112 104 A 104 49.66 7 50. 65.00 112105A 105 50.14 7 50. 65.60 112106A 106 50.61 7 51. 66.20 112 109 A 109 52.05 7 52. 68.00 112110A 110 52.52 7 53. 68.60 112111A 111 53.00 7 53. 69.20 112 112 A 112 53.48 7 54. 69.80 112113A 113 53.96 7 54. 70.40 112 114 A 114 54.44 7 55. 71.00 112120A 120 57.30 7 58. 74.60 112124A 124 59.21 7 59. 77.00 112125A 125 59.69 7 60. 77.60 112130A 130 62.07 7^ 62. 80.60 112147A 147 70.19 7^2 71. 93.35 112150A 150 71.62 7^2 72. 95.60 112156A 156 74.48 8 75. 100.10 112166A 166 79.26 8 80. 107.60 112196A 196 93.58 9 94. 130. 1G 112204A 204 97.40 9 98. 136.10 228 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Spur Gears Continued 1%-Inch Pitch. Standard Face Width 5% Inches Pattern Number Number of Teeth Pitch Diameter Inches Hub Length Inches H. P. 100 R. P. M. Price Bored Keyseated 134010A 10 5.66 6 8.0 $12.30 134011A 11 6.21 6 8.8 12.90 134012A 12 6.76 6 9.6 13.50 134013A 13 7.31 6 10.4 14.10 134014A 14 7.86 6 11.2 14.70 134015A 15 8.42 6 12.0 15.30 134016A 16 8.97 6 12.8 15.90 134017A 17 9.52 6 13.6 16.55 134018A 18 10.08 6 14.4 17.20 134020A 20 11.19 6 16.0 18.40 134021 A 21 11.74 6 16.8 19.00 134022A 22 12.30 6 17.6 19.60 134023A 23 12.85 VA 18.4 20.25 134024A 24 13.41 6M 19.2 20.90 134025A 25 13.96 6M 20. 21.50 134026A 26 14.52 6M 21. 22.15 134027A 27 15.07 6M 22. 22.80 134028A 28 15.63 6M 22. 23.45 134029A 29 16.19 6^ 23. 24.05 134030A 30 16.74 6j| 24. 24.65 134032A 32 17.85 6^ 25.60 26.00 134033A 33 18.41 6^ 26. 26.65 134036A 36 20.08 6 1 A 29. 28.60 134039A 39 21.75 VA 31. 30.55 134040 A 40 22.30 Q 1 A 32. 31.15 134042A 42 23.42 &A 33. 32.45 134043A 43 23.97 Q 1 A 34. 33.10 134044A 44 24.53 6M 35. 33.75 134046A 46 25.64 6M 37. 35.05 134047A 47 26.20 6M 38. 35.70 134048A 48 26.76 6M 38. 36.40 134050A 50 27.87 6^ 40. 37.75 134052A 52 28.98 6% 42. 39.10 134054A 54 30.10 43. 40.45 134055A 55 30.65 7 44. 41.10 134056A 56 31.21 7 45. 41.75 134059A 59 32.88 7 47. 43.85 134064A 64 35.66 7^ 51. 47.35 134065A 65 36.22 7y 2 52.4 48.10 134066A 66 36.78 7 1 A 53. 48.80 134068A 68 37.89 1 1 A 54. 50.30 134070A 70 39.01 7M 56. 51.80 134071 A 71 39.56 7^ 57. 52.50 134072A 72 40.12 7^ 58.0 53.20 134074A 74 41.23 7^ 59. 54.70 134075A 75 41.79 7^ 60. 55.45 134076A 76 42.35 7^ 61. 56.20 134077A 77 42.91 7K 62. 56.95 134080A 80 44.60 ^A 64. 59.50 134084A 84 46.80 VA 67.7 63.05 134086A 86 47.92 7^ 69. 64.85 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 229 Spur Gears Continued 1 : ,-Inch Pitch. Standard Face Width 5'._, Inches Number Pitch Hub H. P. Price Pattern Number of Teeth Diameter Inches Length Inches 100 R. P. M. Bored Keyseated 134088A 88 49.03 8 70. 166.65 134091A 91 50.69 8 72. 69.50 134093A 93 51.81 8 74. 71.40 134094A 94 52.37 8 75. 72.35 134100A 100 55.71 8 80. 78.20 134104A 104 57.93 8 83. 82.20 134107A 107 59.61 8H 85. 85.40 134110A 110 61.28 8^ 88. 88.70 134112A 112 62.40 8^ 90. 91.10 134116A 116 64.62 sy 2 93. 95.70 134120A 120 66.85 &A 96. 100.70 134122A 122 67.96 % 1 A 98. 102.90 134124A 124 69.08 &A 99. 105.50 134130A 130 72.42 9 104. 113.25 134142A 142 79.16 9 114. 130.00 134150A 150 83.56 9 120. 140.00 2-Inch Pitch. Standard Face Width 6 Inches 002010A 10 6.47 6^ 11. $16.10 002011 A 11 7.10 6^ 13. 16.95 002012A 12 7.73 6^ 14. 17.80 002013A 13 8.36 6^ 15. 18.65 002014A 14 8.99 VA 16. 19.45 002015A 15 9.62 VA 17. 20.30 002016A 16 10.25 VA 18. 21.15 002017A 17 10.88 VA 19. 22.05 002018A 18 11.52 $ 1 A 21. 22.95 002019A 19 12.15 &A 22. 23.85 002020A 20 12.78 &A 23. 24.75 002021A 21 13.42 &A 24. 25.65 002022A 22 14.05 6M 25. 26.50 002023A 23 14.67 6M 26. 27.35 002024A 24 15.32 6M 27. 28.25 002025A 25 15.96 6M 29. 29.10 002026A 26 16.59 &A 30. 30.00 002027A 27 17.23 6M 31. 30.85 002028A 28 17.86 6f| 32. 31.70 002029A 29 18.50 6^ 33.3 32.50 002030A 30 19.13 7 34. 33.40 002031A 31 19.77 7 35. 34.30 002032A 32 20.40 7 36. 35.15 002033A 33 21.04 6^ 37.9 36.00 002034A 34 21.68 39. 36.90 002035A 35 22.31 7 40.2 37.75 002036A 36 22.95 7 41. 38.65 002037A 37 23.58 7M 42. 39.50 002038A 38 24.22 7M 43. 40.40 002040A 40 25.49 7M 46. 42.20 002042A 42 26.76 7M 48. 44.00 230 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Spur Gears Continued 2-Inch Pitch. Standard Face Width 6 Inches Pattern Number Number of Teeth Pitch Diameter Inches Hub Length Inches H. P. 100 R. P. M. Price Bored Keyseated 002044A 44 28.04 7M 50. $45.80 002045A 45 28.67 1 1 A 51. 46.65 002046A 46 29.31 iy 52. 47.55 002047A 47 29.94 7M 54. 48.40 002048A 48 30.58 7^ 55. 49.25 002049A 49 31.22 7^ 56. 50.15 002050A 50 31.85 7^ 57. 51.05 002051A 51 32.49 7^ 58. 51.95 002052A 52 33.12 7K 59. 52.90 002053A 53 33.76 7H 60. 53.85 002054 A 54 34.39 7^ 61. 54.80 002056A 56 35.67 7^ 64. 56.60 002057A 57 36.31 8 65. 57.55 002058A 58 36.94 8 66. 58.50 002 059 A 59 37.58 8 67. 59.45 002060A 60 38.21 8 68. 60.40 002061A 61 38.85 8 70. 61.35 002062A 62 39.49 8 71. 62.30 002063A 63 40.12 8 72. 63.25 002064A 64 40.76 8 73. 64.20 002065A 65 41.40 8 74. 65.20 002066A 66 42.03 8 75. 66.20 002067A 67 42.67 8 76. 67.20 002068A 68 43.30 8 78. 68.20 002069A 69 43.94 8 79. 69.20 002070A 70 44.58 8 80. 70.20 002071 A 71 45.21 8 81. 71.25 002074A 74 47.12 8 84. 74.30 002075A 75 47.76 8 86. 75.30 002076A 76 48.40 8^ 87. 76.35 002078A 78 49.67 ^A 89. 78.50 002080A 80 50.94 ^A 91. 80.75 002084A 84 53.49 ^A 96. 85.25 002085A 85 54.13 ^A 97. 86.35 002086A 86 54.76 8^ 98. 87.55 002088A 88 56.03 ^A 100. 89.90 002090A 90 57.31 ^A 103. 92.20 002092A 92 58.58 8^ 105. 94.55 002094A 94 59.85 8^ 107. 96.95 002095A 95 60.49 9 108. 98.20 002096A 96 61.13 9 109. 99.40 002098A 98 62.40 9 112. 101.90 002100A 100 63.67 9 114. 104.50 002101A 101 64.31 9 115. 105.80 002 102 A 102 64.94 9 116. 107 . 10 002 103 A 103 65.59 9 117. 108.40 002104A 104 66.21 9 119. 109.70 002108A 108 68.76 9 123. 115.15 002 109 A 109 69.40 9 124. 116.55 002110A 110 70.04 9 125. 117.95 002 112 A 112 71.31 9 128. 120.80 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 231 Spur Gears Continued 2-Inch Pitch. Standard Face Width 6 Inches Number Pitch Hub H. P. Price Pattern Number of Teeth Diameter Inches Length Inches 100 R. P. M. Bored Keyseated 002 113 A 113 71.94 9 129. $122.20 002 114 A 114 72.58 &A 130. 123.60 002 116 A 116 73.86 ^A 132. 126.70 002 117 A 117 74.49 9^ 133. 128.20 002 118 A 118 75.13 9^ 135.8 130.00 002120A 120 76.40 9^ 137. 132.90 002 126 A 126 80.22 9^ 144. 142.80 002128A 128' 81.49 9^ 147.3 156.36 002140A 140 89.13 9^ 160. 168.50 2',-Inch Pitch. Standard Face Width 7 Inches 214010A 10 7.28 7^ 17. $19.80 214011A 11 7.99 1 1 A 19. 20.90 214012A 12 8.69 7 1 A 20. 22.00 214013A 13 9.40 7 1 A 22. ' 23.10 214014A 14 10.11 iy> 24. 24.20 214015A 15 10.82 ^A 26. 25.25 214016A 16 11.53 ^A 27. 26.35 214017A 17 12.24 7^ 29. 27.40 214018A 18 12.96 1 1 A 31. 28.50 214020A 20 14.38 7^ 34. 30.70 214021A 21 15.10 7% 35. 31.80 214022A 22 15.81 7M 37. 32.85 214023A 23 16.50 7M 40.2 33.75 214025A 25 17.95 7M 43. 36.00 2 14027 A 27 19.38 8 46. 38.30 2 14028 A 28 20.09 8 48. 39.40 2 14029 A 29 20.81 8 49. 40.50 214031A 31 22.24 8 54.2 42.70 2 14032 A 32 22.95 8 56. 43.80 2 14034 A 34 24.39 8^ 58. 46.00 2 14035 A 35 25.10 8M 60. 47.10 2 14036 A 36 25.82 8^ 61. 48.25 2 14038 A 38 27.25 8M . 65. 50.50 214040A 40 28.68 ^A 68. 52.75 214041A 41 29.39 &A 69. 53.85 2 14042 A 42 30.11 ^A 71. 55.00 2 14044 A 44 31.54 ^A 75. 57.40 214045A 45 32.26 ^A 77. 58.65 2 14046 A 46 32.97 % 1 A 78. 59.85 214048A 48 34.40 ^A 82: 62.25 2 14049 A 49 35.12 ^A 83. 63.40 214050A 50 35.83 ^A 85. 64.60 214051A 51 36.55 9 87. 65.85 2 14052 A 52 37.26 9 88. 67.15 2 14054 A 54 38.70 9 92. 69.60 2 14056 A 56 40.13 9 95. 72.00 2 14057 A 57 40.84 9 97. 73.30 2 14059 A 59 42.27 9 100. 75.85 232 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Spur Gears Continued 2%-Inch Pitch. Standard Face Width 7 Inches Number Pitch Hub H. P. Price Pattern Number of Teeth Diameter Inches Length Inches 100 R. P. M. Bored Keyseated 214060A 60 42.99 9 102. $77.15 2 14062 A 62 44.42 9 105. 79.70 2 14063 A 63 45. 14 9 107. 80.95 2 14064 A 64 45.85 9 109. 82.15 2 14066 A 66 47.29 9 112. 84.95 2 14067 A 67 48.00 9 114. 86.35 214068A 68 .48.72 9^ 116. 87.75 2 14072 A 72 51.59 9H 126. 94.00 2 14080 A 80 57.31 9^ 136. 106.00 2 14081 A 81 58.05 9^ 138. 107.35 2 14084 A 84 60.17 10 143. 112.25 2 14085 A 85 60.89 10 144. 113.75 214088A 88 63.04 10 150. 118.40 214090A 90 64.47 10 153. 121.75 214091A 91 65.19 10 155. 123.55 2 14092 A 92 65.90 10 157. 125.20 2 14096 A 96 68.76 10 163. 132.20 214097A 97 69.48 10 165. 134.05 214100A 100 71.63 10 170. 139.40 214104A 104 74.49 10^ 177. 146.30 214105A 105 75.21 wy 2 179. 148.10 214107A 107 76.64 ioy 2 182. 151.70 214108A 108 77.35 IOK 183. 153.40 214109A 109 78.07 IOK 185. 155.10 214112A 112 80.22 ioy 2 191. 161.30 2%-Inch Pitch. Standard Face Width 7% Inches 212010A 10 8.09 8 22. $23.85 212011A 11 8.78 8 24.7 25.32 212012A 12 9.66 8 27. 26.80 212013A 13 10.45 8 29. 28.35 212014A 14 11.23 8 31. 29.90 212015A 15 12.02 8 33. 31.45 212016A 16 J2.81 8K 36. 33.00 212017A 17 13.61 8M 38. 34.50 212018A 18 14.40 8M 40. 36.05 212019A 19 15.19 8K 42. 37.55 212020A 20 15.98 8M 45. 39.10 212021A 21 16.77 8^ 47. 40.65 2 12022 A 22 17.57 8M 49. 42.20 2 12023 A 23 18.33 8H 51. 43.80 2 12024 A 24 19.15 8K 54. 45.40 212025A 25 19.95 8^ 56. 47.05 212026A 26 20.74 8^ 58. 48.70 2 12027 A 27 21.53 8K 60. 50.35 212028A 28 22.33 8H 62. 51.95 2 12029 A 29 23.12 8K 65. 53.50 212030A 30 23.92 % 1 A 67. 55.10 212031A 31 24.71 8M 69. 56.70 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 233 Spur Gears Continued 2%-Inch Pitch. Standard Face Width 7% Inches Number Pitch Hub H. P. Price Pattern Number of Teeth Diameter Inches Length Inches 100 R. P. M. Bored Keyseated 212032A 32 25.51 8H 71. $58.25 2 12033 A 33 26.30 8% 74. 59.85 2 12034 A 34 27.09 &A 76. 61.50 212035A 35 27.89 SH 78. 63.10 212036A 36 28.68 SM 80. 64.70 212037A 37 29.48 9 83. 66.35 2 12038 A 38 30.27 9 85. 68.00 2 12039 A 39 31.07 9 87. 69.65 212040A 40 31.86 9 89. 71.35 2 12042 A 42 33.45 9 94. 74.60 2 12043 A 43 34.25 9 96. 76.20 2 12044 A 44 35.04 9 98. 77.80 212045A 45 35.84 9 100. 79.40 2 12046 A 46 36.63 9^ 103. 81.00 2 12048 A 48 38.22 9^ 107. 84.30 212049A 49 39.02 9^ 109. 86.00 2 12050 A 50 39.82 9^ 112. 87.65 2 12052 A 52 41.41 9^ 116. 91.05 2 12053 A 53 42.21 9^ 118. 92.70 2 12056 A 56 44.56 9K 124. 99.85 212058A 58 46.18 9^ 129. 102.85 2 12060 A 60 47.77 vy 2 134. 105.25 2 12062 A 62 49.35 QM 139.5 108.75 2 12063 A 63 50.15 10 141. 110.25 2 12064 A 64 50.95 10 143. 112.05 2 12066 A 66 52.54 10 147. 115.65 212068A 68 54.13 10 152. 119.25 212070A 70 55.72 10 156. 122.65 2 12072 A 72 57.30 10 160. 126.35 212074A 74 58.90 10 165. 130.05 212076A 76 60.50 10H 169. 133.90 212078A 78 62.09 10^2 175.5 137.82 212080A 80 63.68 wy 2 178. 141.65 2 12082 A 82 65.27 ion ]83. 145.35 2 12083 A 83 66.06 10^ 187.7 147.31 2 12085 A 85 67.66 ioy 2 190. 151.40 2 12088 A 88 70.04 IOM 197. 157.30 212090A 90 71.63 ioy 2 201. 161.30 2 12092 A 92 73.23 11 205. 165.70 2 12096 A 96 76.41 11 214. 174.10 212098A 98 78.00 11 219. 178.55 212102A 102 81.18 11 228. 187.75 212105A 105 83.56 IOK 234. 194.50 212106A 106 84.36 UK 236. 196.75 212113A 113 89.93 UK 257. 213.00 212122A 122 97.09 12 272. 235.00 2%-Inch Pitch. Standard Face Width 8 Inches 234011 A 11 9.76 m 31. $28.85 234 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Spur Gears Continued 2%-Inch Pitch. Standard Face Width 8 Inches Pattern Number Number of Teeth Pitch Diameter Inches Hub Length Inches H. P. 100 R. P. M. Price Bored Keyseated 234012A 12 10.63 8^ 34. $30.85 234013A 13 11.49 8^ 37. 32.85 234015A 15 13.23 8 1 A 43. 37.10 234016A 16 14.10 9 46. 39.10 234019A 19 16.71 9 55. 45.35 234020A 20 17.58 9 58. 47.35 234021 A 21 18.45 9 60. 49.35 234022A 22 19.32 9 63. 51.35 234023A 23 20.17 9 66. 53.60 234027A 27 23.69 9 78. 61.85 234031A 31 27.18 ^A 90. 70.10 234034A 34 29.80 $ 1 A 99. 76.00 234038A 38 33.30 vy 2 110. 84.80 234040A 40 35.05 9^ 116. 89.30 234044A 44 38.55 10 127. 97.80 234048A 48 42.05 10 139. 108.35 234049A 49 42.92 10 142. 109.10 234055A 55 48.17 ioy 2 157. 127.00 234058A 58 50.79 ioy 2 168. 133.60 234062A 62 54.29 ioy 2 180. 142.40 234064A 64 56.04 ioy 2 185. 147.00 234067A 67 58.67 wy 2 194: 154.00 234069A 69 60.42 11 200. 159.10 234070A 70 61.29 11 203. 161.50 234072A 72 63.04 11 209. 166.10 234073A 73 63.92 11 212. 168.50 234078A 78 68.30 11 226. 180.50 234080A 80 70.04 11 232. 185.65 234082A 82 71.80 11. 238. 190.80 234086A 86 75.29 n^ 250. 200.50 234087A 87 76.16 U 1 A 252. 203.90 234089A 89 77.92 11^ 258. 208.50 234096A 96 84.04 ny 2 278. 232.00 2341 10A 110 96.30 12J4 319. 273.00 3-Inch Pitch. Standard Face Width 9 Inches 003010A 10 9.71 ^A 39. $33.90 003011A 11 10.65 9^ 44.5 36.75 003012A 12 11.59 9^ 47. 39.75 003013A 13 12.54 ^A 51. 42.65 003014A 14 13.48 9^ 55. 45.55 003015A 15 14.43 9^ 58. 48.25 003016A 16 15.38 9^ 62. 50.90 003017A 17 16.33 10 66. 53.80 003018A 18 17.28 10 70. 56.70 003020A 20 19.18 10 81. 62.00 003021 A 21 20.13 10 82. 64.90 003022A 22 21.08 10 86. 67.80 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 235 Spur Gears Continued 3-Inch Pitch. Standard Face Width 9 Inches Pattern Number Number of Teeth Pitch Diameter Inches Hub Length Inches H. P. 100 R. P. M. Price Bored Keyseated 003023A 23 22.00 10 90. $70.70 003024A 24 22.98 10 94. 73.60 003025A 25 23.94 10 98. 76.25 003026A 26 24.89 10 101, 79.15 003027A 27 25.84 10 105. 82.05 003029A 29 27.74 10 113. 87.85 003031A 31 29.65 10^2 121. 93.65 003032A 32 30.61 10^2 125. 96.60 003034A 34 32.51 10^ 133. 102.45 003035A 35 33.49 103^ 136. 105.35 003036A 36 34.42 10^ 140. 108.25 003038A 38 36.33 11 148. 114.00 003040A 40 38.24 11 156. 120.00 003041A 41 39.19 10 166. 123.25 003042A 42 40.14 11 164. 125.75 003043A 43 41.10 11 168. 129.25 003044A 44 42.05 11 172. 132.75 003046A 46 43.96 11 179. 139.75 003047A 47 44.92 11 183. 143.25 003048A 48 45.87 11 187. 146.75 003050A 50 47.78 11 195. 153.75 003052A 52 49.69 H^2 203. 161.00 003054A 54 51.69 11^2 211. 168.00 003055A 55 52.55 11H 215. 171.00 003056A 56 53.50 11^ 218. 174.00 003058A 58 55.41 11^ 226. 180.00 003060A 60 57.32 11H 234. 186.00 003062A 62 59.23 113-2 242. 193.00 003063A 63 60.19 12 246. 196.00 003064A 64 61.14 12 250. 199.00 003066A 66 63.05 12 258. 205.00 003068A 68 64.96 12 266. 212.00 003069A 69 65.91 12 270. 215.00 003072A 72 68.78 12 281. 225.00 003074A 74 70.69 12 289. 232.00 003076A 76 72.60 12^ 297. 238.00 003082A 82 78.32 12^ 320. 258.00 003084A 84 80.23 12H 328. 235.00 003088A 88 84.05 12 ]4 344. 281.00 003098A 98 93.60 13 382 320.00 003100A 100 95.51 13 390. 328.00 003 102 A 102 97.42 13 398. 337.00 003 105 A 105 100.28 13 410. 352.00 003 114 A 114 108.87 13^ 445. 394.00 003116A 116 110.78 14 452. 405.00 003120A 120 114.60 14 468. 427.00 003126A 126 120.33 14H 492. 463.00 003129A 129 123.19 14H 503. 483.00 236 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Gearing Bevel Miter For prices, see pages Bevel, 237 to 259; Miter, 260 to 267, POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 237 Bevel Gears %-Inch Pitch Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diameter Face Backing Length Hub Speed Ratio H. P. 100 R. P. M. Price Bored Key- seated 034161C 034161CP 21 13 5.03 3.13 Jg M I 1.61 .63 .39 $3.30 2.50 034170C 034170CP 34 20 8.13 4.79 1M ix i 4 2^ 2J4 1.70 1.0 .6 4.00 2.75 034200C 034200CP 34 17 8.13 4.08 m 1 1% 2.00 1.01 .51 4.75 2.80 034200CX 034200CPX 42 21 10.04 5.03 2 2 IK 3 2 2.00 1.25 .63 5.55 3.25 034215C 0342 15CP 112 52 26.74 12.42 1M m 3 2^8 2.15 3.34 1.55 12.30 6.15 034300C 034300CP 45 15 10.75 3.61 t% IK H 2M 3.00 1.34 .45 6.25 2.65 034394C 034394CP 67 17 16.00 4.08 IK 2 | 2/ / 8 2 3.94 1.99 .51 8.90 2.80 034400C 034400CP 56 14 13.38 3.37 IK IK *A % 4.00 1.67 .42 7.75 2.60 %-Inch Pitch 078187C 078187CP 30 16 8.37 4.49 2 2 i n 2K 1.87 1.6 .8 $5.10 3.00 078329C 078329CP 56 17 15.60 4.76 2 2 2K M 1 3.29 2.70 .82 9.00 3.10 078500C 078500CP 75 15 20.90 4.21 IK IK 1 2K 5.00 3.0 .4 11.75 2.80 1-Inch Pitch 001113C 001113CP 44 39 14.02 12.43 2 2 IK IK iff 1.13 3.0 2.5 $8.00 7.10 001122C 001122CP 22 18 7.03 5.76 2K 2K 1 2% 2% 1.22 1.76 1.44 4.50 3.95 001133C 001133CP 48 36 15.29 11.47 2K 2K 1 3K 1.33 3.84 2.88 8.50 6.25 001134C 001134CP 47 35 14.97 11.16 2 2 2 iH 1.34 3.4 2.3 8.25 6.50 001134CX 001134CPX 67 50 21.33 15.93 % 2 IK 3K 3K 1.34 6.2 4.6 14.00 9.00 238 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Bevel Gears Continued 1-Inch Pitch Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diameter Face Backing Length Hub Speed Ratio H. P. 100 R. P. M. Price Bored Key- seated 001137C 001137CP 22 16 7.03 5.13 2 2 % M 1% 1.37 1.76 1. $4.50 3.25 001150C 001150CP 48 32 15.29 10.20 28 W 6 *& 1.50 3.84 2.56 8.50 5.70 001154C 001154CP 40 26 12.75 8.30 2 2 2 3M 1.54 2.7 1.7 7.25 4.00 C01166C OJ1166CP 30 18 9.57 5.76 2 2 IX 1 1.66 2.0 1.2 5.75 3.00 001174C <001174CP 40 23 12.75 7.33 2g 2 M 3% 1.74 3.20 1.84 7.25 4.40 001177C 001177CP 39 22 12.43 7.03 2 2 2 % 2?' 1.77 3.12 1.76 7.10 4.20 001192C 001192CP 50 26 15.93 8.30 18 1 2^6 1.92 4.00 2.08 8.85 4.80 001200C 001200CP 36 18 11.47 5.76 *8 2 I i 2.00 2.88 1.44 6.65 3.65 001200CX 001200CPX 48 24 15.29 7.66 a8 ^ 2 3 M 2.00 3.84 1.92 8.50 4.60 '001200CY 001200CPY 60 30 19.11 9.57 2 2 1M 3 2.00 4.0 2.0 12.00 5.75 001211C 0012 11CP 38 18 12.11 5.76 2}1 2% 3^6 2.11 3.04 1.44 7.45 3.65 001237C 001237CP 45 19 14.34 6.08 2M 2*A 2^1 2.37 3.60 1.52 8.45 3.75 001250C 001250CP 35 14 11.16 4.49 i8 2 % in 2.50 2.80 1.12 6.90 3.15 001266C 001266CP 40 15 12.75 4.81 2 2 2 3 2 2.66 2.7 1.0 7.25 2.75 001294C 001294CP 50 17 15.93 5.44 l8 2 2M 2.94 2.5 8.6 8.00 5.00 001300C 001300CP 48 16 15.29 5.13 28 2% 2 3 M 3.00 3.84 1.28 9.05 3.35 001300CX 001300CPX 36 12 11.47 3.86 8 2% H 3% 2^ 3.00 2.88 .96 7.10 2.85 001310C 001310CP 62 20 19.74 6.39 ijj 2M 3^6 2% 3.10 4.96 1.60 12.05 3.90 001333C 001333CP 40 12 12.75 3.86 18 If 2 3 n 3.33 3.20 .96 8.20 2.85 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 239 Bevel Gears Continued 1-Inch Pitch Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diameter Face Backing Length Hub Speed Ratio H. P. 100 R. P. M. Price Bored Key- seated 001337C 001337CP 54 16 17.20 5.13 m H 3 2M 3.37 4.6 1.3 $10.70 3.35 001346C 001346CP 45 13 14.34 4.18 28 2 X 2% 3.46 3.60 1.04 9.10 2.95 001386C 001386CP 54 14 17.20 4.49 2$ 3 m 3.86 4.32 1.12 10.70 3.15 001417C 001417CP 96 23 30.56 7.33 2 2 3 H 1% 4.17 6.5 1.5 18.00 4.00 001457C 001457CP 64 14 20.38 4.49 *y> 3 | 2% 4.57 5.12 1.12 13.25 3.15 001487C 001487CP 78 16 24.83 5.13 *% 3^6 2M 4.87 6.24 1.28 15.75 3.35 001543C 001543CP 76 14 24.20 4.49 3 3 3M $ 5.43 7.7 1.4 16.00 4.00 001743C 001743CP 104 14 33.11 4.49 8 ^ 2l 7.43 8.8 1.2 20.00 3.15 1%-Inch Pitch 118113C 118113CP 34 30 12.19 10.76 3 3 2 iH 1.13 4.42 3.90 $8.95 7.45 118129C 118129CP 27 21 9.69 7.55 3 3 Ji 3j| 1.29 3.51 2.73 7.40 5.65 118138C 118138CP 58 42 20.78 15.05 3 3 2 1 A 3% 1.38 7.54 5.46 14.10 9.90 118140C 118140CP 70 50 25.07 17.92 3 3 2% 4^6 1.40 9.10 6.50 16.70 11.50 118150C 118150CP 33 22 11.83 7.90 2M IJi 3 3 1.50 3.3 2.2 8.25 5.25 118150CX 118150CPX 45 30 16.13 10.76 2^ ?8 3M 1.50 4.6 3.0 12.00 7.00 118175C 118175CP 70 40 25.07 14.34 3 3 i iH 1.75 9.5 5.4 20.30 10.90 118176C 118176CP 30 17 10.76 6.12 3 3 2 M H 1.76 3.90 2.21 8.00 4.80 118200C _118200CP 40 20 14.34 7.19 2^ 2 M 3 2.00 4.1 2.0 C 10.25 5.00 240 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Bevel Gears Continued 1%-Inch Pitch Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diameter Face Backing Length Hub Speed Ratio H. P. 100 R. P. M. Price Bored Key- seated 1182 IOC 118210CP 42 20 15.05 7.19 3 3 2% ij| 2.10 5.. 46 2.60 $11.35 5.40 118210CX 118210CPX 63 30 22.56 10.76 1% 3% 3'jl 2.10 9.55 4.55 16.30 7.45 118225C 118225CP 72 32 25.79 11.48 3 3 1 3M 2.25 9.8 4.3 18.30 8.50 118227C 118227CP 50 22 17.92 7.90 3 3 2% Ys 1 2.27 6.50 2.86 13.25 5.85 118237C 118237CP 38 16 13.62 5.77 3 3 2 y 8 IH 2.37 4.94 2.08 10.45 4.55 118300C 118300CP 60 20 21.50 7.19 2H 2 U 1 3.00 6.1 2.0 15.50 5.00 118300CX 118300CPX 72 24 25.79 8.61 3 3 3% 4 3.00 9.36 3.12 18.30 6.30 118344C 118344CP 62 18 22 .21 6^48 3 3 3% 3% 3% 3.44 8.08 2.34 16.05 5.05 118360C 118360CP 72 20 25.79 7.19 3 3 3^ sg 3.60 9.36 2.60 19.55 5.40 118385C 118385CP 100 26 35.81 9.33 3 3 4 5 V6 Q5/ &m 3.85 13.00 3.38 26.00 6.70 118420C 118420CP 84. 20 30.09 7.19 3 3 4% sM 4.20 10.92 2.60 23.85 5.40 118437C 118437CP 70 16 25.07 5.77 3 3 3 M 3M 4.37 9.10 2.08 20.30 4.55 118500C 118500CP 100 20 35.81 7.19 SS 4% 3% 5.00 15.00 3.05 29.40 5.65 118540C 118540CP 108 20 38.67 7.19 3 3 4% /Ye 4% 3^6 5.40 14.04 2.60 29.55 5.40 118554C 118554CP 122 22 43.69 7.90 3 3 5 M 4% 3% 5.54 15.86 2.86 47.00 5.85 118600C 118600CP 84 14 30.09 5.06 3 3 4 M 4^6 3% 6.00 10.92 1.82 24.00 4.20 118612C 118612CP 98 16 35.10 5.77 3 3 'M 4^ 6.12 12.74 2.08 28.85 4.55 1%-Inch Pitch 114108C 114108CP 26 24 10.37 9.58 $ 1 4 4 1.08 4.94 4.56 $9.00 7.90 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 241 Bevel Gears Continued 1%-Inch Pitch Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diameter Face Backing Length Hub Speed Ratio H. P. 100 R. P. M Price Bored Key- seated 114114C 114114CP 50 44 19.91 17.52 IH 2 2 1 1.14 9.50 8.36 $15.75 13.05 114122C 114122CP 55 45 21.89 17.92 2% 2 Iff 1.22 8.5 7.0 16.50 12.75 114123C 114123CP 74 60 29.45 23.88 i 3 2% 4% 4% 1.23 14.06 11.40 34.00 27.50 114131C 114131CP 55 42 21.89 16.73 2M 1 il 1.31 9.4 7.1 16.80 12.00 114133C 114133CP 48 36 19.11 14.34 i>l 1% 4M 1.33 9.12 6.84 24.00 17.00 114136C 114136CP 26 19 10.27 7.59 3 3 1|| iH 1.36 4.30 3.11 8.50 6.00 114145C 114145CP 58 40 23.09 15.93 m 2% 4,Ve 4 1.45 11.02 7.60 17.95 12.05 114147C 114147CP 50 34 19.91 13.55 lx l| 4% 1.47 9.50 6.46 15.75 10.50 114150C 114150CP 51 34 20.30 13.55 3 3 $ 4 4 1.50 9.5 8.3 15.50 10.00 114155C 114155CP 62 40 24.68 15.93 3 3 1* 3% 1.55 11.6 7.5 21.15 11.50 114158C 114158CP 60 38 23.88 15.14 *% 1$ 4M 1.58 11.40 7.22 27.50 17.00 114165C 114165CP 33 20 13.15 7.99 3 3 1 2 1 1.65 6.1 3.7 10.50 6.25 114167C 114167CP 60 36 23.88 14.34 m l| 4M 1.67 11.40 6.84 27.50 17.00 114173C 114173CP 52 30 20.70 11.96 3 3 $ 4 1.73 9.7 5.6 15.75 9.00 114175C 114175CP 70 40 27.86 15.93 in 1 4% 1.75 13.30 7.60 21.15 12.05 114175CX 114175CPX 35 20 13.94 7.99 1% 2K 3 1.75 6.65 3.80 11.60 6.85 114194C 114194CP 60 31 23.98 12.36 % IK 3H 1.94 9.3 4.8 17.75 9.00 114200C 114200CP 36 18 14.34 7.20 1 2 H 4Y 6 3% 2.00 6.84 3.42 11.95 6.30 114200CX 114200CPX 48 24 19.11 9.58 3 3 3 1 4 2.00 9.0 4.5 14.75 7.40 242 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Bevel Gears Continued 1%-Inch Pitch Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diameter Face Backing Length Hub Speed Ratio H. P. 100 R. P. M. Price Bored Key- Seated 114200CY 114200CPY 60 30 23.98 11.96 18 3^6 % 2.00 11.40 5.70 $18.45 9.55 114200CZ 114200CPZ 70 35 27.86 13.94 3 3 18 3?| 2.00 13.1 6.5 23.75 10.25 114208C 114208CP 52 25 20.70 9.97 3 3 Ijl ly s 2.08 9.7 4.6 15.75 7.60 114237C 114237CP 76 32 30.25 12.75 3 3 3 4 4 2.37 14.2 6.0 27.20 10.00 114250C 114250CP 50 20 19.91 7.99 3 3 3 H 1 2.50 9.3 3.2 15.25 6.70 114250CX 114250CPX 60 24 23.98 9.58 S8 ly s 4j| 2.50 11.40 4.56 19.80 7.90 114250CY 114250CPY 90 36 35.82 14.34 S8 IK 4% 2.50 17.10 6.84 41.25 11.10 114260C 114260CP 52 20 20.70 7.99 18 YB 3% 2.60 9.88 3.80 17.50 6.85 114265C 114265CP 85 32 33.82 12.75 "8 iy s 4 3 g 2.65 15.9 6.0 28.25 10.00 114286C 114286CP 40 14 15.93 5.62 S8 YB 3% 2.86 7.6 2.66 13.90 5.20 114300C 114300CP 45 15 17.92 6.01 3 3 3 sg 3.00 8.4 2.8 14.00 5.00 114300CX 114300CPX 114300CY 114300CPY 54 18 60 20 21.50 7.20 23.98 7.99 | 1 3% 3% 3.00 3.00 10.26 3.42 9.3 3.1 18.15 6.30 17.75 6.00 114323C 114323CP 84 26 33.43 10.37 i8 4% ^ 3.23 15.96 4.94 40.00 8.40 114333C 114333CP 60 18 23.98 7.20 S8 3% 4M 3% 3.33 11.40 3.42 21.15 6.30 114333CX 114333CPX 80 24 31.84 9.58 3 3 3 M 3M 3.33 15.0 4.5 31.50 7.40 114346C 114346CP 90 26 35.82 10.37 18 4% 4 3.46 17.10 4.94 41.25 8.40 114360C 114360CP 36 10 14.34 4.04 a8 w% 2^ 3.60 5.00 1.36 12.80 3.75 114400C 114400CP 76 19 30.35 7.59 3 3 "y 8 4 4.00 14.2 3.5 27.20 I 6.00 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 243 Bevel Gears Continued 1%-Inch Pitch Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diameter Face Backing Length Hub Speed Ratio H. P. 100 R. P. U. Price Bored Key- seated 114400CX 114400CPX 72 18 28.66 7.20 3^ 3K 4^ 6 % 4^6 3% 4.00 13.68 3.42 $24.90 6.30 114400CY 114400CPY 48 12 19.11 4.83 3^ 3^ &A y* 4 3% 4.00 9.12 2.28 17.25 4.60 114422C 114422CP 76 18 30.25 7.20 4 4 ^A Yz 5^ 4% 4.22 16.50 3.91 40.00 6.60 114444C 114444CP 142 32 56.50 12.75 4 4 4^ 6 % 4^ 4% 4.44 32.00 7.00 72.50 16.50 114450C 114450CP 72 16 28.66 6.41 3^ 3^ 4 $4 4^ 3^ 4.50 15.6 3.5 24.90 5.70 114455C 114455CP 82 18 32.63 7.20 4 4 4% ^ 4^ 4% 4.55 17.80 3.91 43.50 6.60 114458C 114458CP 55 12 21.89 4.83 4 4 3% # 4M 4^ 4.58 11.94 2.61 25.00 4.85 114463C 114463CP 74 16 29.45 6.41 3^ 3^ 4M & 4^ 3% 4.63 14.06 3.04 38.00 5.70 114500C 114500CP 90 18 35.82 7.20 3^ 3^ 4% Jf6 4% 3% 5.00 17.10 3.42 41.25 6.30 114589C 114589CP 106 18 42.18 7.20 3^ 3^ 4M H 4% 3M 5.89 20.14 3.42 37.50 6.30 114700C 114700CP 70 10 27.86 4.04 3 3 4M ^6 43^ 3M 7.00 12.82 1.63 36.50 4.00 1%-Inch Pitch 138118C 1381 18CP 26 22 11.40 9.66 3^ 3^ 2 1^ 3^ 3M 1.18 5.98 5.06 $10.70 8.70 138125C 138125CP 50 40 21.89 17.51 ^A 3^ 2% 1% 4^ 4.^6 1.25 11.50 9.20 29.00 24.00 138147C 138147CP 50 34 21.89 14.90 3^ 3^ 215/ 1^1 4^ 4M 1.47 11.50 7.82 18.65 12.40 138170C 138170CP 68 40 29.77 17.51 3^ 3^ 3^ 1% 1 1.70 15.64 9.20 24.40 14.25 138182C 138182CP 40 22 17.51 9.66 3^ 3^ 3 K t* 1.82 9.20 5.06 15.35 8.70 138233C 138233CP 42 18 18.40 7.91 3^ 3^ 3% We 4% 3% 2.33 9.66 4.14 26.00 7.50 138250C 138250CP 50 20 21.89 8.79 ^A ^A 3^ % 4^ 3M 2.50 11.50 4.60 18.65 8.10 244 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Bevel Gears Continued 1%-Inch Pitch Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diameter Face Backing Length Hub Speed Ratio H. P. 100 R. P. M. Price Bored Key- seated 112108C 112108CP 54 50 25.80 23.89 4 4 2% 2^ 4% 4^ 1.08 18. 17. $30.00 22 .40 112115C 112115CP 46 40 21.98 19.12 4 4 2M 2% 4K 4^ 1.15 15. 13. 22.50 18.55 112119C 112119CP 50 42 23.89 20.07 3^ 3^ 2^ 1M 4M 4J 1.19 15.7 13.2 23.75 20.00 112123C 112123CP 54 44 25.80 21.03 4 4 3 2% 4% 4^ 1.23 18. 15. 30.00 25.10 112125C 112125CP 30 24 14.35 11.49 4 4 2% 1^ 4jf 6 3% 1.25 10. 8. 15.65 12.15 112128C 112128CP 46 36 21.98 17.21 4 4 1% m 4M 4M 1.28 15. 12. 22.50 16.95 112132C 112132CP 58 44 27.71 21.03 4 4 3% 2% 5 4M 1.32 19. 15. 32.45 25.10 112133C 112133CP 40 30 19.12 14.35 4^ 4^ 3M 1H 5^ 4^ 1.33 16.2 12.1 20.50 15.00 112133CX 112133CPX 56 42 26.75 20.07 4 4 3% 2^6 4% 4% 1.33 18. 14. 31.20 19.30 112139C 112139CP 50 36 23.89 17.21 4 4 3^ 1% 4^ 4M 1.39 17. 12. 24.20 16.95 112142C 112142CP 54 38 25.80 18.16 4 4 3 2 5 5 1.42 19.4 13.6 27.75 14.00 112143C 112143CP 40 28 19.12 13.40 4 4 2M IK 4% 4^ 1.43 13. 9. 20.00 13.70 112146C 112146CP 51 35 24.37 16.73 4 4 2^ IK 4^ 4M 1.46 18.3 12.6 24.60 12.75 112147C 112147CP 56 38 26.75 18.16 4 4 3M IK 4% 4^ 1.47 18. 13. 26.70 17.80 112150C 112150CP 36 24 17.21 11.49 4 4 2M 1# 4^ 4^6 1.50 12. 8. 23.30 15.00 112152C 112152CP 76 50 36.30 23.89 4 4 334 1% 5M 4. 7 /^ 1.52 25. 17. 39.30 27.40 112155C 112155CP 62 40 29.61 19.12 4 4 3^ IK 5 4^ 1.55 20. 13. 34.00 23.55 112164C 112164CP 36 22 17.21 10.54 4 4 3 IK 4 5 /^ 4^ 1.64 12. 7. 18.30 11.30 112165C 112165CP 56 34 26.75 16.26 4 4 3^ 1H 4% 4% 1.65 18. 11. 31.70 16.15 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 245 Bevel Gears Continued 1%-Inch Pitch Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diameter Face Backing Length Hub Speed Ratio H. P. 100 R. P. M. Price Bored Key- seated 112166C 112166CP 48 29 22.93 13.87 4 4 i SI 1.66 16. 10. $23.40 14.15 112169C 112169CP 44 26 21.03 12.44 4 4 3 4H 1.69 15. 9. 21.70 13.00 112173C 112173CP 52 30 24.84 14.35 4 4 w W 1.73 17. 10. 30.00 19.55 112183C 112183CP 44 24 21.03 11.49 $ 2 4M 1.83 17.8 9.7 23.85 13.00 11219*0 112194CP 62 32 29.61 15.30 4 4 lj| 5^6 4% 1.94 20. 11. 29.00 15.40 112195C 112195CP 41 21 19.62 10.06 4 4 'jl 4M 1.95 14. 7. 20.45 10.90 112200C 112200CP 36 18 17.21 8.64 4 4 3-Y 6 SI 2.00 12. 6. 18.30 9.70 112200CX 112200CPX 52 26 24.84 12.44 4 4 W 4$ 2.00 17. 9. 30.00 13.00 112200CY 112200CPY 50 25 23.89 11.97 4 4 ?2 4% 2.00 17. 8. 24.20 12.60 112200CZ 112200CPZ 30 15 14.35 7.21 3M 1M 4 4 2.00 9. 4. 20.00 8.00 112204C 112204CP 55 27 26.27 12.92 4 4 4 5 2.04 19.8 9.7 28.10 13.40 112219C 112219CP 35 16 16.73 7.69 4 4 3^6 4% 2.19 12. 5. 19.25 8.70 112229C 112229CP 64 28 30.57 13.40 4 4 ii 1 2.29 21. 9. 37.00 13.85 112233C 112233CP 42 18 20.07 8.64 3* i 3^1 2.33 12. 5. 21.00 9.60 112243C 112243CP 68 28 32.48 13.40 4 4 i* ^ 2.43 22. 9. 38.75 13.70 112246C 112246CP 37 15 17.69 7.21 4 4 4 5 2.46 13.3 5.4 18.70 8.35 112247C 112247CP 84 34 40.12 16.26 1 i ^A 2.47 26.4 10.7 45.00 11.60 112250C 112250CP 50 20 23.89 9.59 4 4 3% m 2.50 17. 7. 26.00 10.55 112255C 112255CP 69 27 32.96 12.92 3^ 3 M % 2.55 21.7 8.5 33.40 13.00 246 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Bevel Gears Continued 1%-Inch Pitch Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diameter Face Backing Length Hub Speed Ratio H. P. 100 R. P. M. Price Bored Key- seated 112260C 65 31.05 A \S 1M 4 2.60 26.3 $31.20 112260CP 25 11.97 43 / 2 1 434 10.1 13.40 112278C 117 55.86 4 5% 6^ 2.78 42.1 65.50 112278CP 42 20.07 4 1M 5 15.1 21.00 112294C 50 23.89 4 37^ 4% 2.94 19. 29.65 112294CP 17 8.16 4 % 4^ 5. 9.15 112300C 54 25.80 4 4/ie 4^ 3.00 18. 27.75 112300CP 18 8.64 4 % 4% 6. 9.70 112300CX 60 28.66 4 4U 5 3.00 20. 30.35 112300CPX 20 9.59 4 % 4M 7. 10.55 112300CY 63 30.09 31^ 3M 4^i 3.00 19.8 29.00 112300CPY 21 10.06 3 Via 1^8 4M 6.6 10.25 1123DOCZ 78 37.25 4 4M 53^ 3.00 26. 37.80 112300CPZ 26 12.44 4 1 4^8 9. 13.00 112300CW 66 31.52 33^ 43^ 4% 3.00 18. 37.20 112300CPW 22 10.54 33^ H 6. 11.05 112308C 40 19.12 3 33^ 3M 3.08 10. 21.00 112308CP 13 6.27 3 % 3^8 3. 7.35 112357C 75 35.82 4 43^ 5^8 3.57 27.0 41.60 112357CP 21 10.06 4 i 4M 7.5 10.90 112378C 68 32.48 4 4% 51^ 3.78 22. 36.10 112378CP 18 8.64 4 ^ 4^8 6. 9.70 112386C 54 25.80 4 43^ 4M 3.86 18. 29.70 112386CP 14 6.74 4 ^ 4^8 5. 7.90 112400C 68 32.48 4 47^ 5 4.00 22. 36.10 112400CP 17 8.16 4 % 6. 9.20 112400CX 64 30.57 4 4% 47^ 4.00 21. 34.25 112400CPX 16 7.69 4 45ie 5. 8.70 112417C 100 47.75 4 5^8 5% 4.17 33. 57.85 112417CP 24 11.49 4 % 8. 15.00 112423C 72 34.39 5 51^ 6 4.23 24.4 45.00 112423CP 17 8.16 5 M 7.6 10.00 112429C 60 28.66 4 4M 4% 4.29 20. 34.65 112429CP 14 6.74 4 1 A 5. 7.90 112445C 98 46.79 4 6 5 7/g 4.45 32. 56.85 112445CP 22 10.54 4 ^ 4M 7. 11.30 112500C 90 42.98 4 53^ 53^ 5.00 32.4 47.80 112500CP 18 8.64 4 ^ 4^ 6.4 9.70 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 247 Bevel Gears Continued 1%-Inch Pitch Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diameter Face Backing Length Hub Speed Ratio H. P. 100 R. P. M.. Price Bored Key- seated 112514C 112514CP 72 14 34.39 6.74 4 4 4% H 4M 5.14 24. 5. $45.35 7.90 112533C 112533CP 64 12 30.57 5.79 4 4 4 M $ 5.33 21. 4. 41.60 7.00 112543C 112543CP 76 14 36.30 6.74 4 4 H 4^1 5.43 25. 5. 47.10 7.90 112600C 112600CP 96 . 16 45.84 7.69 4 4 6 5% 6.00 32. 5. 55.85 8.70 112600CX 112600CPX 102 17 48.71 8.16 4 4 Y> 4M 6.00 34. 6. 59.10 9.20 112600CY 112600CPY 90 15 42.98 7.21 4 4 5M 4M 6.00 30. 5. 53.45 8.30 112608C 112608CP 73 12 34.86 5.79 5 5 n 5% 6.08 30. 5. 50.55 7.50 112633C 112633CP 76 12 36.30 5.79 4 4 M 4 4 6.33 2.7 4.3 42.10 7.00 112771C 112771CP 108 14 51.57 6.74 4 4 "I 4M 7.71 36. 5. 68.00 7.90 112800C 112800CP 96 12 47.98 5.79 4 4 6 2 1 8.00 34.5 4.3 50.85 7.00 1121000C 1121000CP 140 14 66.84 6.74 4 4 8 H IH 10.00 46. 5. 92.00 7.90 1%-Inch Pitch 1341 IOC 1341 10CP 44 40 24.53 22.30 5 5 18 5% 1.10 24. 22. $33.80 28.85 134112C 134112CP 36 32 20.08 17.85 6 6 3 $1 1.12 23.4 21.1 30.00 27.00 134114C 1341 14CP 48 42 26.76 23.42 5 5 1$ 6 5 7 A 1.14 26. 23. 36.25 30.00 134121C 134121CP 58 48 32.32 26.76 5 5 m 6j| 1.21 31. 26. 42.35 33.50 134125C 134125CP 45 36 25.09 20.08 5 5 1% 6 1.25 24.7 19.8 37.00 26.35 134126C 134126CP 44 35 24.53 19.52 5 5 2 3 M 6 1.26 24. 19. 33.80 25.75 134131C 134131CP 42 32 23.42 17.85 5 5 2^ IK 1.31 23. 17. 32.45 23.85 248 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Bevel Gears Continued 1%-Inch Pitch Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diameter Face Backing Length Hub Speed Ratio H. P. 100 R. P. M. Price Bored Key- seated 134133C 32 17.85 5 3 5^ 1.33 17. $25.75 134133CP 24 13.41 5 1M 5^ 13. 18.75 134133CX 40 22.30 5 3% 534 1.33 22. 31.20 134133CPX 30 16.74 5 53^ 16. 22.55 134135C 54 30.10 5^2 3% 6K 1.35 32. 41.35 134135CP 40 22.30 ^A 2 1 A 63^ 24. 30.35 134136C 60 33.44 5 3% 6K 1.36 32. 43.40 134136CP 44 24.53 5 2% 5K 24. 31.15 134143C 43 23.97 4 3^ 4% 1.43 19. 30.60 134143CP 30 16.74 4 l 3 ^ 13. 21.65 134145C 45 25.09 5 3% 6K 1.45 24.7 37.00 134145CP 31 17.30 5 IK 5M 17.0 23.30 134147C 47 26.20 41^ 3 i^ 53/g 1.47 23. 34.80 134147CP 32 17.85 4^2 1% SK 16. 23.85 134150C 66 36.78 5 4 5% 1.50 36. 46.90 134150CP 44 24.53 5 2 5% 24. 31.15 134159C 54 30.10 5 4 5% 1.59 29. 40.00 134159CP 34 18.97 5 IK S 3 ^ 18. 25.15 134165C 66 36.78 5 434 6*4 1.65 36. 46.90 134165CP 40 22.30 5 2 SK 22. 28.85 134174C 33 18.41 5 334 514 1.74 18. 26.45 134174CP 19 10.63 5 1 4K 10. 15.50 134175C 42 23.42 5 3% 5% 1.75 23. 32.50 134175CP 24 13.41 5 5/ / g 13. 18.75 134178C 32 17.85 5 % 1 A 5/^2 1.78 17. 25.75 134178CP 18 10.08 5 1 4% 10. 15.00 134180C 54 30.10 5 4% 5% 1.80 29. 40.00 134180CP 30 16.74 5 1% 16. 22.55 134191C 42 23.42 5 3% 55^ 1.91 23. 32.50 134191CP 22 12.30 5 5M 12. 17.40 134194C 64 35.66 5 4% 6H 1.94 35. 45.80 134194CP 33 18.41 5 5% 18. 24.45 134197C 63 35.11 5 3.Y 6 4U 1.97 34. 45.20 134197CP 32 17.85 5 5K 17. 23.85 134200C 36 20.09 5 3M 51^ 2.00 19.8 28.50 134200CP 18 10.08 5 1 5 9.9 15.00 134200CX 60 33.44 5 3 5 2.00 33.0 45.50 134200CPX 30 16.74 5 IH 5M 16.5 22.50 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 249 Bevel Gears Continued 1%-Inch Pitch Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diameter Face Backing Length Hub Speed Ratio H. P. 100 R. P. M. Price Bored Key- seated 134200CY 134200CPY 64 32 35.66 17.85 5 5 4% 1% &/8 5M 2.00 35. 17. $45.80 23.85 134200CZ 134200CPZ 72 36 40.12 20.08 5 5 5M 1M 6J^ 6M 2.00 39.6 19.8 61.90 26.35 134211C 134211CP 76 36 42.35 .20.08 5 5 5y 8 VA 6^ 5M 2.11 41. 19. 56.65 26.35 134225C 134225CP 54 24 30.10 13.41 5 5 ^A We 5% 5^6 2.25 29. 13. 43.00 18.75 134236C 134236CP 52 22 28.98 12.30 5 5 ^A l l /8 5% 5M 2.36 28. 12. 41.60 17.40 134238C 134238CP 76 32 42.35 17.85 5 5 5^ We 6^ 5% 2.38 41. 17. 56.65 23.85 134245C 134245CP 108 44 60.17 24.53 5 5 6% 1% 7 5H 2.45 58. 24. 77.55 31.15 134247C 134247CP 74 30 41.23 16.74 5 5 5M 1M 6M 5% 2.47 40. 16. 55.35 22.55 134247CX 134247CPX 64 26 35.66 14.52 4 4 1 5% &A 2.47 28. 11. 47.00 19.35 134250C 134250CP 40 16 22.30 8.97 6 6 1M % 3 1 A 6M 2.50 26. 10. 36.35 14.70 134250CX 134250CPX 65 26 36.22 14.52 5 5 5y 2 IX 6^ 5 7 A 2.50 35.7 14.3 46.50 20.00 134267C 134267CP 48 18 26.76 10.08 5 5 &A M 5 5 /8 5M 2.67 26. 10. 39.00 15.00 134283C 134283CP 68 24 37.89 13.41 5 5 5M 1^6 6 5^ 2.83 37. 13. 51.70 18.75 134289C 134289CP 52 18 28.98 10.08 5 5 4% % 5M 5M 2.89 28. 10. 41.60 15.00 134300C 134300CP 45 15 25.09 8.42 5 5 *% % 5% 5^6 3.00 24. 8. 37.00 13.00 134300CX 134300CPX 60 20 33.44 11.19 4^ 4^ 4^ 6 % 4% 4M 3.00 29. 10. 46.70 16.00 134300CY 134300CPY 66 22 36.78 12.30 4^ 4^ 5 % 5M 5M 3.00 32.6 10.9 48.50 17.00 134310C 134310CP 62 20 34.55 11.19 5 5 &/8 % 6 5M 3.10 33. 11. 51.50 16.15 134333C 134333CP 50 15 27.87 8.42 5 5 4M % 5 &H 3.33 27.5 8.2 43.25 13.00 250 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Bevel Gears Continued 1%-Inch Pitch Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diameter Face Backing Length Hub Speed Ratio H. P. 100 R. P. M. Price Bored Key- seated 134333CX 134333CPX 80 24 44.60 13.41 5 5 5M 1 3.33 44. 13.2 $63.45 18.75 134355C 134355CP 78 22 43.46 12.30 5 5 5M 674 5 J/g 3.55 42.9 12.1 69.40 17.40 134357C 134357CP 50 14 27.87 7.86 5 5 5 5% 3.57 27. 8. 43.25 12.35 134378C 134378CP 68 18 37.89 10.08 6 6 3% X el 3.78 44. 12. 57.30 15.90 134400C 134400CP 80 20 44.60 11.19 5 5 Q % 5*5 4.00 43. 11. 63.45 16.15 134400CX 134400CPX 96 24 53.48 13.41 5 5 6 1 *% 4.00 52.8 13.2 79.70 18.75 134438C 134438CP 114 26 63.51 14.52 5 5 7 % 7 / 6 4.38 62. 14. 92.45 20.00 134444C 134444CP 80 18 44.60 10.08 5 5 1 A 6% 5/^ 4.44 43. 10. 67.70 15.00 134467C 134467CP 84 18 46.80 10.08 5 5 *! 5/^ 4.67 45. 10. 70.80 15.00 134533C 134533CP 96 18 53.48 10.08 5 5 1 6% 5.33 52. 10. 79.70 15.00 134550C 134550CP 88 16 49.03 8.97 5 5 6 5H 5.50 48. 9. 74.00 13.60 134569C 134569CP 74 13 41.23 7.31 5 5 1 1 5.69 40. 7. 63.30 11.65 134575C 134575CP 92 16 51.25 8.97 5 5 6% 1 5.75 50. 9. 76.70 13.60 134600C 134600CP 108 18 60.16 10.08 5 5 7 X 1% 6.00 59.4 9.9 94.00 15.00 134647C 134647CP 110 17 61.28 9.52 5 5 7% y 2 6% 5% 6.47 59. 9. 95.35 14.30 134753C 134753CP 128 17 71.30 9.52 5 5 8 y 2 S/'s 5/^ 7.53 69. 9. 107.25 14.30 134900C 134900CP 108 12 60.16 6.76 5 5 7 y 2 5/^4 9.00 59.4 6.6 94.00 11.00 1341000C 1341000CP 130 13 72.42 7.31 5 5 8 H 7M 10.00 70. 7. 114.50 11.65 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 251 Bevel Gears Continued 2-Inch Pitch Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diameter Face Backing Length Hub Speed Ratio H. P. 100 R. P. M Price Bored Key- seated 002108C 002108CP 52 48 33.12 30.58 5 5 3 3 M 6^ 1.08 37. 34. $51.15 44.75 002 11 1C 002111CP 40 36 25.49 22.95 *& 3% 2% 6 6 <| 1.11 31. 28. 42.00 35.60 002114C 002114CP 50 44 31.85 28.04 *% 3% 6% 1.14 39. 34. 50.00 41.80 002125C 002125CP 50 40 31.85 25.49 5 5 3% 5% 6 5% 1.25 35. 28. 48.95 38.00 002130C 002130CP 52 40 33.12 25.49 5^2 5/^j 2M elf 1.30 41. 31. 51.60 38.75 002132C 002132CP 37 28 23.58 17.86 53^ 2^6 6 2 1.32 29. 22. 39.40 29.20 002133C 002133CP 24 18 15.32 11.52 5 5 iM 5% 5% 1.33 17. 13. 27.45 20.35 002133CX 002133CPX 48 36 30.58 22.95 & 2% 5% 1.33 31. 23. 45.75 34.60 002133CY 002133CPY 28 21 17.86 13.42 $ 11 5% 1.33 18. 13. 30.30 22.15 002135C 002135CP 50 37 31.85 23.58 5^2 53^ g| 6% 1.35 39. 29. 50.00 36.45 002138C 002138CP 58 42 36.94 26.76 ig 4% 2% 7 6% 1.38 45. 33. 56.30 40.30 002140C 002140CP 42 30 26.76 19.13 *% '! ^ 1.40 33. 23. 43.60 30.90 002140CX 002140CPX 35 25 22.31 15.96 4/ / 2 / 4 3^2 3% 4 6 M 1.40 22. 16. 36.40 25.60 002143C 002143CP 50 35 31.85 22.31 5 5 2 We 1.43 35. 26. 49.45 34.50 002150C 002150CP 36 24 22.95 15.32 > 2 6^1 1.50 28. 19. 38.60 25.90 002150CX 002150CPX 48 32 30.58 20.40 H m el 1.50 37. 25. 48.45 32.50 002150CY 002150CPY 57 38 36.31 24.22 6 6 2 7 2 1.50 49.6 33.0 62.70 38.00 002153C 002153CP 46 30 29.31 19.13 5/^2 5/^j $ 1 1.53 36. 23. 46.80 30.90 002155C 002155CP 34 22 21.68 14.05 53^ 3% % 1.55 27. 17. 36.90 24.15 252 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Bevel Gears Continued 2-Inch Pitch Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diameter Face Backing Length Hub Speed Ratio H. P. 100 R. P. M. Price Bored Key- seated 002158C 002158CP 35 22 22.31 14.05 5 5 2% 5j| 1.58 24.3 15.9 $37.50 23.25 002161C 002161CP 58 36 36.94 22.95 Iy 2 2M 6 (%, 1.61 45. 28. 56.30 35.60 002161CX 002161CPX 50 31 31.85 19.77 Iy 2 4% 2^6 ul 1.61 39. 24. 50.00 32.00 002167C 002167CP 50 30 31.85 19.13 Iy 2 2 m 1.67 39. 23. 50.00 30.90 002169C 002169CP 44 26 28.04 16.59 1% i| IH 1.69 34. 20. 39.85 27.60 002175C 002175CP 42 24 26.76 15.32 1% $ eH 1.75 33.4 19.1 43.60 25.90 002177C 002177CP 46 26 29.31 16.59 5^2 53^ m 6'Ys 1.77 36. 20. 46.80 27.60 002180C 002180CP 36 20 22.95 12.78 53^ i% 6 * 1.80 28.7 15.9 38.60 22.00 002 I860 002186CP 41 22 26.13 14.05 5 5 iM sl 1.86 29.7 15.9 42.00 23.25 002190C 002190CP 76 40 48.40 25.49 m 5% 2% 1% 1.90 59. 31. 70.00 38.75 002192C 002192CP 50 26 31.85 16.59 *% 1M 1 1.92 39. 20. 50.00 27.60 002194C 002194CP 60 31 38.21 19.77 7 7 iH 1% 1.94 60.9 31.4 65.00 34.00 002 I960 002196CP 65 33 41.40 21.04 6 6 1J el 1.96 56.5 28.7 67.50 35.00 002200C 002200CP 48 24 30.58 15.32 IH 1 $ 2.00 37.00 19. 48.45 25.90 002200CX 002200CPX 60 30 38.21 19.13 1% m 6'% 2.00 47. 23. 57.90 30.90 0022 14C 0022 14CP 60 28 38.21 17.86 %t 1% 7 2.14 47.8 22.3 62.30 29.20 002223C 002223CP 58 26 36.94 16.59 6 6 5% eM 2.23 40. 22. 63.70 28.60 002227C 002227CP 50 22 31.85 14.05 7 7 *% f| 2.27 50.7 22.3 53.50 25.00 002231C 002231CP 60 26 38.21 16.59 5/^2 53^ 5% 1 2.31 47. 20. 62.30 27.60 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 253 Bevel Gears Continued 2-Inch Pitch Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diameter Face Backing Length Hub Speed Ratio H. P. 100 R. P. M Price Bored Key- seated 002233C 002233CP 42 18 26.76 11.52 S3 fl 1 2.33 33. 14. $46.90 20.60 002246C 002246CP 64 26 40.76 16.59 sU 5% 6% 6 2.46 50. 20. 65.50 27.60 002250C 002250CP 40 16 25.49 . 10.25 i3 1 6^6 2.50 31. 12. 45.10 18.80 002251C 002251CP 78 31 49.67 19.77 3 6 62 6 6^ IOM 12H 1.23 125. 99. $153.00 104.40 003129C 003129CP 48 37 45.87 35.38 8^ 8^ 6 4 wy 2 10 1.29 126.4 97.4 153.09 102.50 003132C 003132CP 50 38 47.78 36.33 8 1 A % 1 A 5>/ 6 4 9^ 10 1.32 130. 99. 150.00 104.40 003133C 003133CP 56 42 53.50 40.14 10 10 6!4 4% 11 llM 1.33 171. 134. 180.00 132.00 003147C 003147CP 44 30 42.05 28.70 8U & 1 A 5% 3)4 9^ 9% 1.47 114. 78. 129.00 85.25 003150C 003150CP 42 28 40.14 26.79 8 1 A 8 1 A 5^ w 10 8>^ 1.50 110.6 73.7 125.00 80.00 003166C 003166CP 50 30 47.78 28.69 ^A 8 1 A e 1 ^ 2M 9^ 9?^ 1.66 131.6 79.0 160.00 85.25 003200C 003200CP 72 3G 68.78 34.42 8 1 A 8^ 8M 3 lliX 10 2.00 189.7 94.8 220.00 100.00 0032250 003225CP 54 24 51.59 22.98 y> 8^4 4^ 2 IOK IOH 2.25 142.2 63.2 170.00 72.00 003263C 003263CP 50 19 47.78 18.23 & 1 A * 1 A 8% 1 9^ 8% 2.63 130. 49. 160.90 59.00 003300C 003300CP 48 16 45.87 15.38 & 1 A 8 1 A 7 1 8^ 8 1 A 3.00 126.4 42.1 153.00 50.00 003333C 003333CP 70 21 66.87 20.13 8 1 A 8^ 8 IK 11 vy 2 3.33 184.4 55.3 215.00 64.00 003474C 003474CP 90 19 85.96 18.23 8^ 8>S llfc 1M n% 9>i 4.74 234. 49. 300.00 59.00 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 261 Miter Gears %-Inch Pitch Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diameter Face Backing Length Hub Type H. P. 100 R. P. M. Price Bored Key- seated 034018E 03402 IE 034042E 18 21 42 4.32 5.03 10.04 m i^ 1% IK IM m 2K M M M .50 .58 1.16 $2.90 3.15 5.20 %-Inch Pitch 078030E 078040E 30 40 8.37 11.15 2 2 IK IK 2K 2K M M 1.35 1.80 $4.60 5.75 1-Inch Pitch 001018E 001019E 001020E 18 19 20 5.76 6.08 6.39 m H II IK 1M W% 2% M M M .9 1.42 1.33 $3.50 3.80 3.90 001020EG 001021EG 20 21 6.39 6.71 2 2 1^ 1% 2% 2M HT HT 1.33 1.39 3.90 4.05 00102 IE 21 6.71 2 We 2M M 1.39 4.05 00102 1EGX 001022EG 21 22 6.71 7.03 2 2 We IK 2^ 1% HT HT 1.39 1.46 4.05 4.15 001022E 001025E 001029E 22 25 29 7.03 7.98 9.25 2 2K 2K IK IK IK 1ft 2M 2M M M M 1.46 2.07 2.41 4.20 4.65 5.20 001029EG 001030EG 29 30 9.25 9.57 2^ 2K IK IK 234 2K HT HT 2.41 2.49 5.20 5.40 001030E 30 9.57 2K IK 2K M 2.49 5.40 001030EGX 001031EG 30 31 9.57 9.88 2K 2K- IK 1% 2Ji 3^ HT HT 2.49 2.57 5.40 5.50 001031E 31 9.88 2K 1% 3^ M 2.57 5.50 001031EGX 001032EG 31 32 9.88 10.20 2K 2H 1% IK 3^ 3M HT HT 2.57 2.66 5.50 5.65 001032E 001037E 001038E 001043E 32 37 38 43 10.20 11.79 12.11 13.70 to to to to \H- \H-\f V- 1 tSXfcOXrf^XtOX IK IK 1% 3M 2M 2% M M M M 2.66 2.84 3.15 3.57 5.65 6.35 6.50 7.20 001043EG 001044EG 43 44 13.70 14.02 2K 2K 1% 1% 3^6 3% HT HT 3.57 3.65 7.20 7.35 001044E 44 14.02 2K 1% 3% M 3.65 7.35 262 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Miter Gears Continued 1%-Inch Pitch H P Price Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diameter Face Backing Length Hub Type 1 00 ' R. P. M. Bored Key- seated 118023E 23 8.25 3 1H 3H M 2.99 $6.05 118025E 25 8.98 2/4 1/4 2/4 M 2.0 6.50 118029E 29 10.40 3 l/^ 3/4 M 3.77 7.25 118030E 30 10.76 2 \/y 1 3 M 3.25 7.40 118031E 31 11.20 2M 1% 3/4 M 2.5 7.60 118034E 34 12.19 3 1^1 3j| M 4.42 8.30 118034EG 34 12.19 3 lj^ 3)4 HT 4.42 8.30 118035EG 35 12.55 3 1^ 31^ HT 4.55 8.50 118035E 35 12.55 3 \y % 3H M 4.55 8.50 118036E 36 12.91 2M 1% 3/4 M 2.9 8.75 118039E 39 13.98 3 IT// 3^4 M 5.1 9.30 118045E 45 16 . 13 2% 2 4 M 4.5 10.50 118050E 50 17.92 3 2^6 3% M 6.5 11.55 118055E 55 19.71 3 M 7.2 12.50 1%-Inch Pitch 114019E 19 7.59 2M 1^6 2% M 2.2 $6.45 114020E 20 7.99 3 1/i 3^6 M 3.1 6.80 114020EG 20 7.99 3 1/fe 3% HT 3.1 6.80 114021EG 21 8.39 3 l/i6 3^6 HT 3.3 7.05 114021E 21 8.39 3 1% 3^6 M 3.3 7.05 114022E 22 8.78 3 1/4 3 M 3.8 7.40 114024E 24 9.58 33^ 1% 3% M 4.3 7.90 114025E 25 9.97 3M 1 3 M 4.2 8.20 114026E 26 10.37 3 1/4 3 3 /4 M 4.5 8.50 114027E 27 10.77 3K 1% 3% M 4.9 8.70 114027EG 27 10.77 3^2 1% 3% HT 4.9 8.70 114028EG 28 11.16 3^ iM HT 5.1 8.95 114028E 28 11.16 3^ 1%; 3^4 M 5.1 8.95 114030E 30 11.96 3 IJx/ 37^ M 5.2 9.20 114031E 31 12.36 3 l/^ 3% M 5.3 9.50 114035E 35 13.94 3/4 2 M 6.5 10.95 114036E 36 14.34 3V^ \\/Q 4/^8 M 6.5 11.05 114037E 37 14.80 3 2 4 M 6.4 11.35 114038E 38 15.14 3 2^g 4/4 M 6.6 11.70 114040E 40 15.93 3;H} 2/ / 8 4 M 7.2 12.05 114045E 45 17.92 % 1 A 2K 4M M 8.2 13.35 114045EG 45 17.92 3^2 2K 4J4 HT 8.2 13.35 114046EG 46 18.31 3;Hj 23/8 HT 8.3 13.65 114046E 46 18.31 3^ 2^ 4>2 M 8.3 13.65 114048E 48 19.11 3/4 1/4 4 M 8.1 14.05 114050E 50 19.91 31/2 2^ 4K M 9.1 14.60 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 263 Miter Gears Continued 1%-Inch Pitch H P Price Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diameter Face Backing Length Hub Type 100 ' R. P. M. Bored Key- seated 114050EG 50 19.91 33^ 2^ 4K HT 9.1 $14.60 114051EG 51 20.30 33^ 2^6 4% HT 9.2 14.85 114051E 51 20.30 3K 2% 4^ M 9.2 14.85 114055E 55 21.89 23^ 2 35^ M 7.9 15.50 114056E 56 22.29 334 2 4 M. 9.4 16.00 114060E 60 23.88 3/ / 2 2 4/ia M. 11. 17.10 114066E 66 26.27 33 2 4 M 11. 18.50 1%-Inch Pitch 138022E 22 9.66 3 IK 3% M. 4.2 $8.70 138030E 30 13.15 31^ 2J/0 4 M. 6.7 11.30 138035E 35 . 15.33 33^ 2H 4M M. 7.8 12.75 138038E 38 16.65 3/^ 2^/Q M. 8.4 13.65 138050E 50 21.89 3/ / 2 \l/g 41^ M 11.2 18.00 138065E 65 28.45 4 2M 5M M 16.5 21.00 1%-Inch Pitch 11202 IE 21 10.06 3^ 1H 3M M 5.7 $10.80 112021EG 21 10.06 31^ 1^2 3^ HT 5.7 10.80 112022EG 22 10.54 3^ 1M 3M HT 6.0 11.25 112022E 22 10.54 3;Mj i% 3M M. 6.0 11.25 112024E 24 11.49 4 \i/g 4/ M. 7.4 12.15 112025E 25 11.97 31^ 3M 53^ M 6.5 12.40 112027E 27 12.92 4 i/ 43^ M. 8.1 13.40 112028E 28 13.40 4 23i 43^ M. 8.7 13.75 112028EG 28 13.40 4 2 i^ 4^ HT 8.7 13.75 112029EG 29 13.87 4 23^8 4^8 HT 9. 14.15 112029E 29 13.87 4 23^ 4^8 M 9. 14.15 112030E 30 14.35 33-lz 2/^j 4M M. 7.8 14.25 112032E 32 15.30 4 2M 4% M 10. 15.35 112032EG 32 15.30 4 234 4% HT 10. 15.35 112033EG 33 15.78 4 2% HT 10. 15.75 112033E 33 15.78 4 2% 4^ M 10. 15.75 112036E 36 17.21 4 21^ M 11. 17.00 112037E 37 17.69 4 2% 5 4 M. 11. 17.35 112037EG 37 17.69 4 2^6 5 HT 11. 17.35 112038EG 38 18.16 4 2^6 4% HT 12. 17.80 112038E 38 18.16 4 2% 4% M 12. 17.80 112041E 41 19.62 4 2^2 M 13. 18.95 112041EG 41 19.62 4 2^ 4% HT 13. 18.95 112042EG 42 20.07 4 2M 4% HT 13. 19.30 264 t>Ot>GE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Miter Gears Continued 1%-Inch Pitch Hp Price Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diameter Face Backing Length Hub Type . A 100 R. P. M. Bored Key- seated 112042E 42 20.07 4 2 ^ 4% M 13. $19.30 112049E 49 23.41 4 2^8 4% M 15. 22.05 112049EG 49 23.41 4 2^ 4% HT 15. 22.05 112050EG 50 23.89 4 2% 5 HT 16. 22 .40 112050E 50 23.89 4 2% 5 M 16. 22.40 112055E 55 26.27 4 2 4} M 17. 24.30 112062E 62 29.61 4 2M 5i/g M 18.6 26.85 112063E 63 30.09 4 2% 5M M 20. 27.20 1%-Inch Pitch 134020E 20 11.19 4^ W 4^ M 9. $16.00 134020EG 20 11.19 41^ 1M 41^ HT 9. 16.00 13402 1EG 21 11.74 4^ 1% 4>8 HT 10. 16.65 13402 IE 21 11.74 41^ 1% 47^ M 10. 16.65 134022E 22 12.30 3^4 IJlj 35^ M 8. 17.10 134024E 24 13.41 5 2M 5i| M 12. 18.75 134024EG 24 13.41 5 2^ 51^ HT 12. 18.75 134025EG 25 13.96 5 2M 5M HT 13. 19.30 134025E 25 13.96 5 214 5M M 13. 19.30 134027E 27 15.07 5 23-2 5 M 14. 20.60 134027EG 27 15.07 5 2^ 5 HT 14. 20.60 134028EG 28 15.63 5 2^8 5/4 HT 14. 21.25 134028E 28 15.63 5 2^8 "/4 M 14. 21.25 134032E 32 17.85 5 2^8 5>i M 16. 23.85 134032EG 32 17.85 5 2^8 5^2 HT 16. 23.85 134033EG 33 18.41 5 2^8 53^ HT 17. 24.50 134033E 33 18.41 5 2^8 5^ M 17. 24.50 134036E 36 20.08 5 2% 5% M 18. 26.35 134036EG 36 20.08 5 2^ 5% HT 18. 26.35 134037EG 37 20.64 5 2M 5M HT 19. 26.95 134037E 37 20.64 5 2M 5% M 19. 26.95 134042E 42 23.42 5 2/4 6 M 21.8 30.00 134045E 45 25.09 5 3^6 6 M 23. 31.70 134045EG 45 25.09 5 3/16 6 HT 23. 31.70 134046EG 46 25.64 5 2% 5% HT 24. 32.35 134046E 46 25.64 5 2% 5% M 24. 32.35 134050E 50 27.87 4;Hj 5i/k M 23.4 34.75 134058E 58 32.32 5 3M 6>i M 30. 39.10 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 265 Miter Gears Continued 2-Inch Pitch H P Priee Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diameter Face Backing Length Hub Type 100 ' R.. P. M Bored Key- seated 002020E 20 12.78 5 2 5 M 14. $22.40 002022E 22 14.05 3^1 3M 5 M 13.4 23.75 002024E 24 15.32 5^ 1M 5% M 18. 25.95 002024EG 24 15.32 51^ 1/4 5/4 HT 18. 25.95 002025EG 25 15.96 ^A 3 6% HT 19. 26.70 002025E 25 15.96 &A 3 6% M. 19. 26.70 002025EGX 25 15.96 y> 3 53^ HT 19. 26.70 002026EG 26 16.59 &H 2M 6 HT 19. 27.60 002026E 26 16.59 514 2% 6 M 19. 27.60 002028E 28 17.86 5 1 4 2% 6 M. 21. 29.30 002034E 34 21.68 5)1 6% M. 25. 34.10 002034EG 34 21.68 5H 3^8 6% HT 25. 34.10 002035EG 35 22.31 ^A 3>i HT 26. 35.00 002035E 35 22.31 ^A 3K u M 26. 35.00 002036E 36 22.95 ]A 33^8 Q% M 26.9 35.25 002038E 38 24.22 6 2% V A M 31. 37.80 002038EG 38 24.22 7 3% ? 5 /8 HT 36. 40.80 002039EG 39 24.85 7 2 7 A 7^8 HT 37. 41.90 002039E 39 24.85 7 2 7 A 7^8 M 37. 41.90 00204 IE 41 26.13 5^2 2% 6 M 30. 39.60 002047E 47 29.94 5H 3 6M M 35. 44.00 002047EG 47 29.94 51^ 3 634 HT 35. 44.00 002048EG 48 30.58 sk 3% 6M HT 36. 44.75 002048E 48 30.58 5 1 4 3% 6M M 36. 44.75 002050E 50 31.85 e' Q^2 M 41. 47.95 002055E 55 35.03 ^A 3M Q% M 41. 49.90 002055EG 55 35.03 5>2 3/ 6% HT 41. 49.90 002056EG 56 35.67 53^ 3M 7 HT 41. 50.50 002056E 56 35.67 51^ 3M 7 M 41. 50.50 002063E 63 40.12 6/4 3 7/ M 55.7 57.50 002066E 66 42.03 sy 2 43^ 7M M 49. 57.50 2%-Inch Pitch 214022E 22 15.81 5 1^ 4M M 19. $30.45 214024E 24 17.24 6^A 3 2 7 4 M 26.8 34.20 214025E 25 17.95 6/4 3 7Y 6 M 28. 35.35 214028E 28 20.09 gi^ 3 /^ M 32. 38.95 214030E 30 21.53 6^2 2 M 6 8 M 34. 41.25 214032E 32 22.95 6^ 2% 6 ^ M 36. 43.55 266 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Miter Gears Continued 2%-Inch Pitch H P Price Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diameter Face Backing Length Hub Type 100 ' R. P. M. Bored Key- seated 214032EG 32 22.95 6K 2/ / 8 63^ HT 36. $43.55 214033EG 33 23.67 6K 3)| 7M HT 37. 44.50 214033E 33 23.67 6^ 3M 7M M 37. 44.50 214033EGX 33 23.67 63^ 3/4 7/ HT 37. 44.50 214034EG 34 24.39 6^2 3^8 7% HT 38. 45.65 214034E 34 24.39 6K 35^ 7% M 38. 45.65 214036E 36 25.82 Ql^ 3% M 41. 47.85 214040E 40 28.68 6M> 73^2 M 44.7 52.00 214041E 41 29.39 6-M> 3^1 7 V<> M. 45.8 53 . 00 214042E 42 30.11 6^ 7M M. 47. 54.20 214042EG 42 30.11 63^ 3% 7M HT 47. 54.20 214043EG 43 30.82 63-2 3^6 HT 49. 55.25 214043E 43 30.82 gl^ 3% 7K M 49. 55.25 214045E 45 32.26 9 3 8M M 69.7 57.55 214049E 49 35.12 ^A 4 M 55. 61.45 214049EG 49 35.12 1 A 4 7^ HT 55. 61.45 214050EG 50 35.83 ^A 4 HT 57. 62.45 214050E 50 35.83 1 A 4 7K M 57. 62.45 214054E 54 38.70 63/2' 4i/ 8 71^ M 61. 66.40 214060E 60 42.99 10 4^ 6 10% M 68. 86.40 2%-Inch Pitch 212017E 17 13.61 3 i^ 3 4M M 12. $25.15 212026E 26 20.74 7 23^ 8M M 38. 45.05 212030E 30 23.92 7 3% 1 7% M 44. 50.75 212032E 32 25.51 7 8 M 47.3 53.00 212034E 34 27.09 7 3% 8 M 50. 56.20 212034EG 34 27.09 7 3% 8 HT 50. 56.20 212035EG 35 27.89 7 H HT 51. 57.80 212035E 35 27.89 7 2K y s M 51. 57.80 212038E 38 30.27 7 3/^8 834 M 56.2 61.40 212040E 40 31.86 7 3Jie 73^ M 59. 64.60 212043E 43 34.25 8 4% 934 M 72. 72.00 212048E 48 38.22 7 8^6 M 71. 75.35 212049E 49 39.02 7 4M M 72.5 76.95 212050E 50 39.82 10 43-2 1134 M 106.0 92.00 212054E 54 43.00 9 33^ 93^ M 102.0 87.00 212070E 70 55.72 10 5K HM M 148.4 140.00 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 267 Miter Gears Continued 2%-Incbi Pitch H P Price Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diameter Face Backing Length Hub Type 100 R P M Bored Key- seated 234030E 30 26.31 7^ 5H 10M M. 57. $65.80 3-Inch Pitch 003026E 26 24.89 S y 2 4.^ 9Ye M 67. $75.90 003028E 28 - 26.79 8/4 4 9/4 M. 73.6 80.80 003032E 32 30.61 8/4 4% 9/4 M. 82. 89.85 003034E 34 32.51 8/4 9^ M 89.4 94.75 003038E 38 36.33 8 1 A 4M 10 M. 97. 104.40 003038EG 38 36.33 8 1 A 4M 10 HT 97. 104.40 003039EG 39 37.28 8^4 10 HT 100. 106.85 003039E 39 37.28 8 1 A 4>8 10 M. 100. 106.85 003042E 42 49.14 8/4 4J / 8 10 M 108. 114.00 003054E 54 51.60 8/4 5 10 M. 142.2 142.00 003064E 64 61 14 10 8 141/2 M. 198. 165.00 268 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Gearing Spur Mortise Bevel or Miter Mortise For prices, see pages Spur Mortise, 269 to 288; Bevel Mortise, 279 to 288 ; Miter and Hunting tooth Mortise, 289 to 292. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 269 Spur Mortise Gears and Pinions Gears, 1^-Inch Pitch Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diam. Face Length Hub H. P. 100 R. P. M. Price Finished 112028B 28 13.40 5 6% 7.4 $75.00 112042B 42 20.07 5 6M 10.9 92.00 112048B 48 22.93 5 6^ 12.6 100.00 112050B 50 23.89 4 5M 10.4 102.00 112054B 54 25.80 5 Qy 8 14.2 109.00 112066B 66 31.52 5 6% 17.4 117.00 112068B 68 32.48 4M 6K 16.8 119.00 112072B 72 34.39 5 6^ 18.9 124.00 112075B 75 35.82 7 9 27. 153.00 112078B 78 37.25 5 65/6 21. 132.00 112084B 84 40.12 5 6^ 21.9 141.00 112088B 88 42.02 5 6^ 24. 148.00 112096B 96 45.84 5 6M 25. 161.00 112108B 108 51.57 5 6^ 28.1 180.00 Pinions, 1%-Inch Pitch 112015BP 15 7.21 5M 6 3.8 $25.00 112018BP 18 8.64 5 ^A 4.7 30.00 112021BP 21 10.07 7M m 7.28 42.00 112023BP 23 11.07 5 ^A 6.0 37.25 112025BP 25 11.97 5 1 A 5% 6.58 40.25 112027BP 27 12.92 ^A 5M 7.10 43.25 112028BP 28 13.40 S I A 5^ 7.36 44.50 112031BP 31 14.83 5 5y 2 8.02 46.00 112032BP 32 15.30 5^ &A 8.44 49.50 112034BP 34 16.26 ^A 5% 8.91 52.50 112035BP 35 16.73 ^A 5M 9.27 53.75 112036BP 36 17.21 ^A 5M 9.49 55.00 112038BP 38 18.17 ^A 5^ 9.9 57.50 112040BP 40 19.12 5M 5^ 10.8 60.00 112042BP 42 20.07 &A 5M 11.0 63.00 112048BP 48 22.94 ^A 5M 12.6 71.50 112050BP 50 23.89 4 4M 9.2 66.00 112054BP 54 25.80 4 4| 42.1 150.00 002048B 48 30.58 7 9 32. 120.00 002050B 50 31.85 8 10/4 36.6 140.00 002054B 54 34.40 7 9 36. 129.00 002055B 55 35.03 6/4 9 32.7 131.00 002059B 59 37.58 7 9/4 37.8 140.00 002060B 60 38.21 7 9 40. 142 . 00 002063B 63 40.12 6/4 9 37.4 149 . 00 002066B 66 42.03 7 9 44 155.00 002067B 67 42.67 6 83^ 36.8 155.00 002072B 72 45.86 6 &/4 39.5 165.00 002075B 75 47.76 6 8 42. 162.00 002078B 78 49.67 7 9 52. 181.00 002080B 80 50.94 6/4 9 47.5 186.00 002084B 84 53.49 7 9/4 53.8 194.00 002088B 88 56.03 7 9 58. 204.00 002090B 90 57.30 7 9 59. 208.00 002091B 91 57.94 7 9 60. 211.00 002096B 96 61.13 7 9/4 61.4 222.00 002105B 105 66.85 5 8 48.5 206.25 002107B 107 68.12 7 9/4 68.5 255.00 002108B 108 68.76 10 1234 98.8 300.00 002112B 112 71.31 8 103^2 80. 300.00 002114B 114 72.58 9 11 97. 370.00 002116B 116 73.85 7 9 77. 275.00 002120B 120 76.40 7 93^ 76.8 310.00 002122B 122 77.67 7 9/4 78.1 315.00 002128B 128 81.49 8 10M 93.7 348.00 002129B 129 82.13 7 9/4 82.5 325.00 002136B 136 86.50 8 10 102. 400.00 002140B 140 89.13 8 11 106. 420.00 Pinions, 2-Inch Pitch 002015BP 15 9.62 7 y 2 7 y 2 9.9 $40.00 002017BP 17 10.88 7^2 7/4 11.2 44.50 002018BP 18 11.52 7 7/4 11.5 46.75 002019BP 19 12.15 7\4 7\4 12.5 48.50 002020BP 20 12.78 7/4 1]A 13.2 50.75 00202 IBP 21 13.42 7^4 7]A 13.9 52.75 002022BP 22 14.05 7^2 83^ 14.6 54.00 002024BP 24 15.32 7^4 73^2 15.8 58.50 002025BP 25 15.96 8M 8^ 18.2 69.00 272 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Spur Mortise Gears and Pinions Continued Pinions, 2-Inch Pitch Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diam. Face Length Hub H. P. 100 R. P. M. Price Finished 002026BP . 26 16.59 9^ 9M 22. $82 . 00 002027BP 27 17.23 7 7^ 17.2 70.00 002029BP 29 18.50 73^ 7M 19. 68.50 002030BP 30 19.13 73^ 7K 20. 71.00 002032BP 32 20.40 7K 73^ 21. 75.00 002033BP 33 21.04 7K 7M 21.8 77.50 002034BP 34 21.68 7 7^ 21.7 80.00 002036BP 36 22.95 7H 7^ 24. 83.00 002037BP 37 23.58 7^ 23.7 85.50 002039BP 39 24.85 123^ 13 44.6 147 . 50 002040BP 40 25.49 73^ 25.6 91.00 002044BP 44 28.04 73^ 7^ 29. 100.00 002046BP 46 29.31 7 7K 29.4 105 . 00 002048BP 48 30.58 5 5 21. 86.00 002053BP 53 33.77 7 7^ 33.9 118.00 002054BP 54 34.40 7K 7K 36. 121.00 002055BP 55 35.03 6 6^ 30.2 116.00 002056BP 56 35.67 7^ 7K 37. 125.00 002066BP 66 42.03 7^ 7^ 44. 147.00 002068BP 68 43.30 73^ 7^ ' 45. 151.00 002072BP 72 45.86 8 83^ 52.7 165.00 002082BP 82 52.22 7^ 7H 54. 183 . 00 002085BP 85 54.13 73^ 54.4 190.00 002136BP 136 86.58 7 7^ 87.1 303 . 50 Gears, 2%-Inch Pitch 214030B 30 21.53 7 9^ 24.1 $84.00 214040B 40 28.68 8 IOM 39. 123.00 214042B 42 30.11 8 IOM 40. 129 . 00 214048B 48 34.40 8 IOM 46. 145 . 00 214050B 50 35.83 8 10H 46. 150 . 00 214054B 54 38.70 8 IOM 52. 161.00 214060B 60 42.99 8 IOM 58. 177.00 214066B 66 47.29 8 10^ 64. 196.00 214067B 67 48.00 8 103^ 61.6 199.00 214072B 72 51.59 8 10M 69. 214.00 214084B 84 60.17 8 103^ 77.2 250.00 214096B 96 68.76 8 ioM 92. 292.00 214100B 100 71.63 8 10 M 96. 306.00 214102B 102 73.06 8 IOM 98. 312.00 Pinions, 2%-Inch Pitch 214018BP 18 12.96 8^ 83^ 17. $57 . 00 214022BP 22 15.81 12 '12^ 30.3 90.00 214024BP 24 17.24 83^ 8^ 23. 71.00 214025BP 25 17.95 8 83^ 23. 73.00 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 273 Spur Mortise Gears and Pinions Continued Pinions, 2%-Inch Pitch Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diam. Face Length Hub H. P. 100 R. P. M. Price Finished 214027BP 27 19.38 8 8^ 24.8 $78.00 214028BP 28 20.09 8K 8^ 27. 80.00 214030BP 30 21.53 8 8^ 27.6 85.00 214032BP 32 22.95 8^ 8^ 31. 89.00 214034BP 34 24.39 8^ 8^ 33. 94.00 214037BP 37 26.53 VA 8^ 36. 100.00 214038BP 38 27.25 7 7^ 30.6 100.00 214040BP 40 28.68 8^ 8^ 39. 108.00 214041BP 41 29.39 7 7K 33. 108.00 214043BP 43 30.82 8 8^ 39.5 115.00 214044BP 44 31.54 8K 8 1 A 42. 118.00 214045BP 45 32.26 8 8 l /2 41.4 121.00 214046BP 46 32.97 8^ ^A 44. 122.00 214048BP 48 34.40 8 1 A &A 46. 127.00 214050BP 50 35.83 8 8^ 46. 132.00 214053BP 53 37.99 8^ 8K 51. 140.00 214056BP 56 40.13 8M 8M 53.1 147.00 214057BP 57 40.84 5M 6 63.2 125.00 214102BP 102 73.06 8M 8M 96.7 267.50 Gears, 2%-Inch Pitch 212031B 31 24.71 6^ 9 28.4 $85 . 00 212036B 36 28.68 9 HM 47. 139.00 212048B 48 38.22 9 11M 63. 180.00 212050B 50 39.82 9 ny 2 63.4 187.00 212060B 60 47.77 10 12^ 6 87. 256.00 212063B 63 50.15 8 IOH 71. 220.00 212066B 66 52.54 9 11% 86. 248.00 212072B 72 57.31 9 H^6 94. 272 . 00 212085B 85 67.66 6^ 8V% 80. 251.00 212087B 87 69.24 6 8^ 73.6 260.00 212096B 96 76.40 9 ny a 126. 375.00 212098B 98 78.00 10 123^ 138. 425.00 212108B 108 85.95 9 HH 137. 426.00 Pinions, 2%-Inch Pitch 212015BP 15 12.02 8 8^ 16.9 $57.00 212017BP 17 13.61 6^ 7^ 17. 57.00 212018BP 18 14.40 93^ IOM 24. 70.00 212019BP 19 15.19 9 9^ 24.1 73.00 212020BP 20 15.98 % 1 A 9 23.9 72.00 212021BP 21 16.77 8 8^ 23.6 72.00 212023BP 23 18.33 9 9^ 24.2 86.00 212024BP 24 19.15 12 12 H 40.6 100.00 212027BP 27 21.53 9 9^ 34.2 95.00 212030BP 30 23.92 9^ 9^ 39. 104.00 274 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Spur Mortise Gears and Pinions Continued Pinions 2%-Inch Pitch Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diam. Face L S n u? h H. P. 100 R. P. M. Price Finished 212032BP 32 25.51 9^ 9^ 42. 8109.00 212036BP 36 28.68 9H 9^ 47. 121.00 212038BP 38 30.27 9^ ^A 50. 128 . 00 212049BP 49 39.02 10 IOM 69.1 196.25 212066BP 66 52.54 9^ 9H 86. 220.00 212100BP 100 79.59 8 8 1 A 112.8 315.00 Gears, 2%-Inch Pitch 234030B 30 26.31 10 13 52.5 $127.00 234042B 42 36.80 10 13 73.5 187.00 234060B 60 52.74 10 12M 107. 277.00 234062B 62 54.29 10 13 108.5 287 . 00 234072B 72 63.04 10 12^ 128. 340.00 234078B 78 68.30 10 12^ 140. 370.00 234081B 81 70.92 10 13 141.7 385 . 00 234084B 84 73.54 10 12M 150. 400.00 234102B 102 89.29 10 12^ 183. 500.00 Pinions, 2%-Inch Pitch 234017BP 17 14.97 10 10M 29.7 $77 . 00 234019BP 19 16.71 IOH 10$? 34. 84.00 234024BP 24 21.07 10 10M 42. 102 . 00 234026BP 26 22.81 10K Wy 2 47. 109 . 00 234027BP 27 23.69 10 IOM 47.2 113.00 234028BP 28 24.56 10^2 10^2 50. 115.00 234032BP 32 28.06 wy 2 wy 2 57. 130.00 234034BP 34 29.80 8 m 47.6 116.75 234036BP 36 31.55 103^ ioy 2 64. 146 . 00 234042BP 42 36.80 10 10M 73.5 167.00 234052BP 52 45.55 10 10M 91.0 223.75 234060BP 60 52.74 10 IOM 105. 258.50 Gears, 3-Inch Pitch 003025B 25 23.94 9 im 47. $120.00 003030B 30 28.70 11 14M 67.6 147 . 00 003034B 34 32.51 11 14^ 76.6 171.00 003039B 39 37.28 9 11% 74. 180.00 003040B 40 38.24 11 uy 2 90.2 207 . 00 003049B 49 46.82 11 13M 113. 261.00 003050B 50 47.78 11 14M 112.7 267 . 00 003052B 52 49.69 10 13M 106.6 276 . 00 003054B 54 51.69 11 13M 125. 294 . 00 003055B 55 52.55 11 11M 127. 300.00 003060B 60 57.32 11 14 135.3 327 . 00 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 275 Spur Mortise Gears and Pinions Continued Gears, 3-Inch Pitch Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diam. Face Length Hub H. P. 100 R. P. M. Price Finished 003066B 66 63.05 11 13M 153. $366.00 003072B 72 68.78 11 14K 162.3 432.00 003084B 84 80.23 10 13M 172.2 458.00 003090B 90 85.96 11 13M 208. 520.00 003092B 92 87.87 11 14M 210. 532.00 003100B 100 95.51 10 13M 205. 580.00 Pinions, 3-Inch Pitch 003013BP 13 12.54 9K 1034 25. $64.00 003015BP 15 14.43 ioy 2 HM 35.10 75.00 003018BP 18 17.28 HM 12 41.67 91.00 003019BP 19 18.23 n^ 12}4 44. 96.00 003022BP 22 21.08 11 11M 49.6 108.00 00302 3BP 23 22.00 UH 11H 53. 113.00 003025BP 25 23.94 9 9 45. 102.00 003027BP 27 25.84 UH UK 62. 131.00 00303 IBP 31 29.65 10 10M 63.5 155.00 003034BP 34 32.51 HH UK 79. 165.00 003038BP 38 36.33 11 11% 85.7 185.00 003039BP 39 37.28 9 9 70. 165 00 003043BP 43 41.10 11 11^ 96.9 215.00 003050BP 50 47.78 11 11M 112.7 250.00 00305 IBP 51 48.73 UK UK 118. 255.00 003055BP 55 52.55 11^ UK 127. 277.00 003056BP 56 53.50 UK UK 129. 282.00 003058BP 58 55.41 5K 6 61. 230.00 276 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Bevel Mortise Gears In Pairs, 1%-Inch Pitch Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diam. Face Back- ing L'gth Hub Speed Ratio Type H. P. 100 R.P. M. Price Finished 112112DM 112112DP 36 32 17.28 15.30 5 5 2 5% 1.12 M P 6.6 5.9 $66.00 45.00 112120DM 112120DP 42 35 20.07 16.71 5 5 3M 2 5% 5% 1.20 M P 7.7 6.4 75.00 48.00 112126DM 112126DP 48 38 22.93 18.16 5 5 2 8 6 5M 1.26 M P 9.1 7.2 98.00 52.00 112131DM 112131DP 42 32 20.07 15.30 5 5 3% 1 1.31 M P 8.0 6.1 90.00 45.00 112133DM 112133DP 40 30 19.12 14.35 5 5 ig 5M 1.33 M P 7.4 5.5 72.00 42 . 00 112141DM 112141DP 48 34 22.93 16.26 5 5 3M 5M 1.41 M P 9.1 6.5 98.00 47.00 112150DM 112150DP 48 32 22.93 15.30 5 5 m n 1.50 M P 9.1 6.1 98.00 45.00 112157DM 112157DP 66 42 31.52 20.07 5 5 4% V/8 6 1.57 M P 12.5 9.0 118.00 56.00 112180DM 112180DP 54 30 25.80 14.35 5 5 IH 5M 1.80 M P 10.0 5.5 94.00 42.00 112185DM 112185DP 48 26 22.93 12.44 5 5 1 iH 1.85 M P 9.1 4.9 98.00 37.00 112200DM 112200DP 54 27 25.80 12.92 5 5 5K 6^ 2.00 M P 10.0 5.0 94.00 38.00 112200DMX 112200DPX 60 30 28.66 14.35 5 5 4^ in 2.00 M P 11.4 5.7 108.00 42.00 112208DM 112208DP 54 26 25.80 12.44 5 5 tM i% 2.08 M P 10.3 4.9 103.00 37.00 112225DM 112225DP 54 24 25.80 11.49 5 5 1 i% 2.25 M P 10.3 4.6 103.00 35.00 112236DM 112236DP 66 28 31.52 13.40 5 5 i% in 2.36 M P 12.5 5.3 118.00 40.00 112245DM 112245DP 54 22 25.80 10.54 5 5 4% 1 2.45 M P 10.3 4.2 103.00 32.00 112250DM 112250DP 60 24 28.66 11.49 5 5 1 i 2.50 M P 11.1 4.4 103.00 35.00 112300DM 112300DP 72 24 34.39 11.49 5 5 5 1 i 3.00 M P 13.7 4.6 125.00 35.00 112327DM 112327DP 72 22 34.39 10.54 5 5 5Y 6 i 3.27 M P 13.7 4.2 125.00 32.00 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 277 Bevel Mortise Gears Continued In Pairs, 1^-Inch Pitch Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diam. Face Back- ing L'gth Hub Speed Ratio Type H. P. 100 R.P.M. Price Finished 112360DM 112360DP 72 20 34.39 9.59 5 5 5 M $ 3.60 M P 13.7 3.8 $125.00 30.00 In Pairs, 1%-Inch Pitch 134089DM 134089DP 43 48 23.97 26.76 6 6 3M 7 .89 M P 12.9 14.4 $80.00 82.00 134102DM 134102DP 42 41 23.42 22.88 4 Vo 4J / 2 2 1 1.02 M P 9.4 9.2 75.70 68.50 134107DM 134107DP 60 56 33.44 31.21 6 6 4^6 ^ 1.07 M P 18.0 16.8 120.00 94.00 1341 15DM 134115DP 60 52 33.44 28.98 6 6 4 3 7H 7M 1.15 M P 18.0 15.6 120.00 80.00 134122DM 134122DP 54 44 30.10 24.53 IK 6 5M 1.22 M P 11.5 9.3 85.70 74.25 134126DM 134126DP 43 3.4 23.97 18.97 6 6 ly* 8 1.26 M P 12.9 10.2 80.00 60.00 134127DM 134127DP 47 37 26.20 20.64 6 6 4 7 1.27 M P 14.1 11.1 85.00 64.00 134133DM 134133DP 36 27 20.08 15.07 $ 1M 5 1.33 M P 8.1 6.0 68.50 50.00 134133DMX 134133DPX 45 33 25.09 18.41 6 6 4J 6 1.33 M P 13.5 9.9 83.00 58.00 134137DM 134137DP 59 43 32.88 23.97 6 6 2 <$ 1.37 M P 17.7 12.9 118.00 74.00 134143DM 134143DP 60 42 33.44 23.42 6 6 2M 7 6% 1.43 M P 18.0 12.6 120.00 73.00 134167DM 134167DP 60 36 33.44 20.08 6 6 m 6M 1.67 M P 18.0 10.8 120.00 63.00 134170DM 134170DP 59 35 32.88 19.52 6 6 &A vl 1.70 M P 17.7 10.5 118.00 61.00 134170DMX 134170DPX 39 23 21.75 12.85 i|| 4 $ 1.70 M P. 6.8 4.0 90.00 35.00 134177DM 134177DP 64 36 35.66 20.08 6 6 5H 7 8 1.77 M P 19.2 10.3 127.00 63.00 134193DM 134193DP 54 28 30.10 15.63 6 6 3% 6H 1.93 M P 16.2 8.4 112.00 51.00 134194DM 134194DP 66 34 36.78 18.97 6 6 5 We 6% 1.94 M P 19.8 10.2 130.00 60.00 278 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Bevel Mortise Gears Continued In Pairs, 1%-Inch Pitch Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diam. Face Back- ing L'Rth Hub Speed Ratio Type H. P. 100 R.P.M. Price Finished 134197DM 134197DP 55 28 30.65 15.63 4^ 4^ 3M iy s 5 5 1.97 M P 12.4 6.3 $100.00 51.40 134200DM 134200DP 42 21 23.42 11.74 ^A 4^ 3 i 5 5 2.00 M P 9.4 4.7 75.70 38.50 134200DMX 134200DPX 56 28 31.21 15.63 5^ ^A 4 iy 2 6^ VA 2.00 M P 15.4 7.7 112.00 51.00 134200DMY 134200DPY 66 33 36.78 18.41 ^A 5 1 A 4 1M 6M 6^ 2.00 M P 18.1 9.0 130.00 58.00 134200DMZ 134200DPZ 60 30 33.44 16.74 6 6 4% ^A 6^6 6^ 2.00 M P 18.0 9.0 120.00 54.00 134204DM 134204DP 51 25 28.43 13.96 4 4 3H 2 5 6 2.04 M P 10.2 5.0 91.45 45.70 134208DM 134208DP 75 36 41.79 20.08 6M 6M Q}4 *iy* 2.08 M P 25.3 12.1 145.00 63.00 134214DM 1342 14DP 60 28 33.44 15.63 6 6 VA IX w* 6M 2.14 M P 18.0 8.4 120.00 51.00 134235DM 134235DP 80 34 44.60 18.97 6 6 &A 2 7 7^ 2.35 M P 24.0 10.2 154.00 60.00 134242DM 134242DP 68 28 37.89 15.63 6 6 IH 6M 2.42 M P 20.4 8.4 133.00 51.00 134250DM 134250DP 60 24 33.44 13.41 4M *M sy* 1M 6M m 2.50 M P 13.5 5.4 111.45 51.42 134254DM 134254DP 66 26 36.78 14.52 6 6 2^ IK 6% &/8 2.54 M P 19.8 7.8 130.00 48.00 134260DM 134260DP 78 30 43.46 16.74 6 6 5% 1H &A 6% 2.60 M P 23.4 9.0 151.00 54.00 134266DM 134266DP 80 30 44.60 16.74 6 6 VA IH 7 VA 2.66 M P 24.0 9.0 154.00 54.00 134283DM 134283DP 102 36 56.82 20.08 6 6 6% 1M 7^ 6M 2.83 M P 30.6 10.8 193.00 63.00 134300DM 134300DP 66 22 36.78 12.30 6 6 5H % 5 7 A G% 3.00 M P 19.8 6.6 130.00 41.00 134300DMX 134300DPX 60 20 33.44 11.19 6 6 6M Qy 8 VA 3.00 M P 18.0 6.0 120.00 38.00 134327DM 134327DP 72 22 40.12 12.30 6 6 5% H 5% 6% 3.27 M P 21.6 6.6 141.00 41.00 134392DM 134392DP 102 26 56.82 14.52 6 6 VA ^ 6% 6^ 3.92 M P 30.6 7.8 189.00 48.00 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 279 Bevel Mortise Gears Continued In Pairs, 1%-Inch Pitch Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diam. Face Back- ing L'gth Hub Speed Ratio Type H. P. 100 R.P.M. Price Finished 134487DM 134487DP 78 16 43.46 8.97 6 6 5% H 5^6 6% 4.87 M P 23.4 4.8 $151.00 32.00 134500DM 134500DP 75 15 41.79 8.42 6 6 7 H in 5.00 M P 22.5 4.5 145.00 31.00 2-Inch Pitch 002101DM 002101DP 56 55 35.67 35.03 7 7 4 9 1.01 M P 25.1 24.6 $132.00 111.00 002104DM 002104DP 48 46 30.58 29.31 7 7 3% 8j| 1.04 M P 23 22. 116.00 95.00 002110DM 002110DP 66 60 42.03 38.21 7 7 4M 4 9 1.10 M P 29.5 26.8 153.00 120.00 002111DM 002111DP 50 45 31.85 28.67 7 7 4% m 1.11 M P 24. 21. 120.00 93.00 002115DM 002115DP 60 52 38.21 33.12 7 7 3V m 1.15 M P 28. 24. 140.00 105.00 002117DM 002117DP 54 46 34.40 29.31 7 7 4M 3% *% 1.17 M P 25 22 128.00 95.00 002118DM 002118DP 45 38 28.67 24.22 7 7 4 8 8 1.18 M P 20.2 17. 109.00 80.00 002120DM 002120DP 54 45 34.40 28.67 7 7 3 4 8 8 1.20 M P 25.2 20.2 131.40 104.25 002120DMX 002120DPX 72 60 45.86 38.21 7 7 5^6 3% Iff 1.20 M P 34. 28. 165.00 120.00 002126DM 002126DP 48 38 30.58 24.22 7 7 4% 2% 8 1.26 M P 23. 18. 116.00 80.00 002129DM 002129OT 54 42 34.40 26.76 7 7 2% Iy 8 1.29 M P 25. 20. 128.00 87.00 002133DM 002133DP 40 30 25.49 19.13 7 7 2M 7M 1.33 M P 17.9 13.4 95.00 66.00 002133DMX 002133DPX 60 45 38.21 28.67 ^ 3M m 1.33 M P 24.9 18.5 140.00 93.00 002133DMY 002133DPY 48 36 30.58 22.95 7 7 4% 8 8 1.33 M P 23. 17. 116.00 76.00 002138DM 002138DP 72 52 45.86 33.12 7 7 2% 1% 1.38 M P 34. 24. 165.00 105.00 280 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Bevel Mortise Gears Continued 2-Inch Pitch Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diam. Face Back- ing L'gth Hub Speed Ratio Type H. P. 100 R.P.M. Price Finished 002142DM 002142DP 54 38 34.40 24.22 7 7 5 T! 1.42 M P 25. 18. $128.00 80.00 002150DM 002150DP 48 32 30.58 20.40 7 7 2% 8 8 1.50 M P 23. 15. 116.00 69.00 002150DMX 002150DPX 72 48 45.86 30.58 7 7 2M 8M 1.50 M P 34. 23. 165.00 98.00 002150DMY 002150DPY 54 36 34.40 22.95 7 7 2$ 8 7% 1.50 M P 25. 17. 128.00 76.00 002151DM 002151DP . 62 41 39.49 26.13 H 2H 8 8 1.51 M P 18.7 17.0 144.00 84.00 002152DM 002152DP 61 40 38.85 25.49 7 7 4 IK 1.52 M P 27.3 17.9 142 . 00 84.00 002152DMX 002152DPX 70 46 44.58 29.31 7 5% 2% 1% 1.52 M P 33. 22. 160.00 95.00 002159DM 002159DP 54 34 34.40 21.68 7 7 2 5 M 8 8 1.59 M P 25. 16. 128.00 73.00 002160DM 002160DP 48 30 30.58 19.13 7 7 2H ?H 1.60 M P 23. 14. 116.00 66.00 002165DM 002165DP 66 40 42.03 25.49 7 7 5% IH 1.65 M P 31. 19. 153.00 84.00 002168DM 002168DP 76 45 48.40 28.67 6 6 2M 7M 1.68 M P 29.1 17 = 2 168.00 90.00 002173DM 002173DP 60 34 38.21 21.68 6 6 $ 6M 1.73 M P 23. 13. 136.00 70.00 002180DM 002180DP 36 20 22.95 12.78 8 1 7M 1.80 M P 16. 9. 104.00 46.00 002193DM 002193DP 54 28 34.40 17.86 7 7 1M 77! 1.93 M P 25. 13. 128.00 62.00 002194DM 002194DP 60 31 38.21 19.77 7 7 i 7?l 1.94 M P 28. 15. 140.00 67.00 002195DM 002195DP 68 35 43.30 22.31 7 7 18 ?8 1.95 M P 30.4 15.7 157.00 74.00 002200DM 002200DP 56 28 35.67 17.86 7 7 $ 8 8 2.00 M P 25.1 12.5 132.00 62.00 002200DMX 002200DPX 60 30 38.21 19.13 7 7 We 8 2.00 M P 28. 14. 140.00 66.00 002200DMY 002200DPY 44 22 28.04 14.05 7 7 1 We 2.00 M P 21. 10. 112.00 50.00 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 281 Bevel Mortise Gears Continued 2-Inch Pitch Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diam. Face Back- ing L'gth Hub Speed Ratio Type H. P. 100 R.P.M. Price Finished 002204DM 51 32.49 53^2 5^6 6% 2.04 M 19. $115.00 002204DP 25 15.96 53 x/ 2 6^6 P 9. 56.00 0022 12DM 72 45.86 7 6% 7>8 2.12 M 34. 165.00 0022 12DP 34 21.68 7 I/Ye 8 P 16. 73.00 0022 14DM 90 57.30 7 6M 8^6 2.14 M 42. 201.00 0022 14DP 42 26.76 7 2 8% P 20. 87.00 002231DM 60 38.21 7 5% 7^8 2.31 M 28. 140.00 002231DP 26 16.59 7 1& 7% P 12. 58.00 002237DM 71 45.21 y> 7% 83/} 2.37 M 29.5 160.00 002237DP 30 19.13 63^ 13^ 7>2 P 12.5 64.00 002245DM 54 34.40 6 6% 7M 2.45 M 20.5 121.00 002245DP 22 14.05 6 1M P 8.4 48.00 002250DM 60 38.21 7 5% 7^ 2.50 M 28. 140.00 002250DP 24 15.32 7 7^ P 11. 54.00 002253DM 76 48.40 6^ 5 7M 2.53 M 31.6 170.00 002253DP 30 19.13 63^ 2 834 P 12.5 64.00 002254DM 66 42.03 7 6 734 2.54 M 31. 153.00 002254DP 26 16.59 7 !Jl6 7% P 12. 58.00 002255DM 92 58.58 63/2 6 7/ 2.55 M 38.2 200.00 002255DP 36 22.95 7M P 14.9 64.00 002267DM 88 56.03 7 6^ 7 13 ^ 2.67 M 41. 197.00 002267DP 33 21.04 7 8 P 16. 71.00 002282DM 96 61.13 7 7/ie 8 2.82 M 45. 213.00 002282DP 34 21.68 7 1>! 8 P 16. 73.00 002284DM 108 68.76 7 75^ 8M 2.84 M 51. 237.00 002284DP 38 24.22 7 1% 7J-6 P 18. 80.00 002288DM 75 47.76 7 7 3^2 8^ 2.88 M 33.6 171.00 002288DP 26 16.59 7 1 7M P 11.0 58.00 002300DM 72 45.86 7 6%, 7 3 /8 3.00 M 34. 165.00 002300DP 24 15.32 7 1/ie 7% P 11. 54.00 002306DM 92 58.58 7 6 8M 3.06 M 41.2 205.00 002306DP 30 19.13 7 8>8 P 13.4 66.00 002333DM 60 38.21 7 6M 7>fe 3.33 M 28. 140.00 002333DP 18 11.52 7 7^8 P 8. 42.00 002354DM 92 58.58 7 7 9 3.54 M 41.2 205.00 002354DP 26 16.59 7 VA 8M P 11.6 58.00 002360DM 72 45.86 7 6>8 734 3.60 M 34. 165.00 002360DP 20 12.78 7 % 7^8 P 9. 46.00 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Bevel Mortise Gears Continued 2-Inch Pitch Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diam. Face Back- ing L'gth Hub Speed Ratio Type H. P. 100 R.P.M. Price Finished 002400DM 002400DP 96 24 61.13 15.32 7 7 *ll & 4.00 M P 43. 10.7 $213.00 54.00 2%-Inch Pitch 214109DM 214109DP 72 66 51.59 47.29 8 8 1 10 4 1.09 M P 45. 42. $210.00 161.00 214111DM 214111DP 60 54 42.99 38.70 8 8 s* m 1.11 M P 38. 34. 180.00 135.00 214120DM 214120DP 48 40 34.40 28.68 9 9 VA l *% 1.20 M P 35.4 29.5 157.15 128.50 214133DM 214133DP 48 36 34.40 25.82 8 8 5^4 2^/0 9 9 1.33 M P 31.5 23.6 148.00 95.00 214135DM 214135DP 54 40 38.70 28.68 8 8 3 4 ly s 1.35 M P 35.4 26.2 163.00 103.00 214135DMX 214135DPX 62 46 44.42 32.97 8 8 2M 10 1.35 M P 40.6 30.1 185.00 118.00 214136DM 214136DP 57 42 40.84 30.11 9 9 5% 10 10 1.36 M P 40. 30. 198.00 115.00 214140DM 214140DP 66 47 47.29 33.69 8 8 m 9 1.40 P 42. 30. 195.00 120.00 214150DM 214150DP 36 24 25.82 17.24 8 8 4% 2% III 1.50 M P 23. 15. 116.00 66.00 214154DM 214154DP 68 44 48.72 31.54 8 8 2* 1 1.54 M P 44.6 28.8 200.00 120.00 214158DM 214158DP 60 38 42.99 27.25 8 8 2% 9Vo 1.58 M P 38. 24. 180.00 99.00 214165DM 214165DP 66 40 47.29 28.68 8 8 1 9 9J4 1.65 M P 42. 25. 195.00 103.00 214175DM 214175DP 70 40 50.15 28.68 8 8 1M in 1.75 M P 54.9 26.2 205.00 103.00 214191DM 214191DP 42 22 30.11 15.81 8 8 1% |i| 1.91 M P 26. 14. 132.00 61.00 214194DM 214194DP 66 34 47.29 24.39 8 8 2^ 9 1.94 M P 42. 21. 195.00 90.00 214200DM 214200DP 42 21 30.11 15.10 8 8 6 8M 2.00 M P ?7.5 13.7 132.00 59.00 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 283 Bevel Mortise Gears Continued 1 2%-Inch Pitch Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diam. Face Back- ing L'gth Hub Speed Ratio Type H. P. 100 R.P.M. Price Finished 214200DMX 214200DPX 72 36 51.59 25.82 6 6 2.00 M P 35.4 17.7 $200.00 94.25 214200DMY 214200DPY 60 30 42.99 21.53 8 8 67^ 1H 2.00 M P 38. 19. 180.00 81.00 214218DM 214218DP 72 33 51.59 23.67 8 8 5^/2 1 1/ 8M 9 2.18 M P 47.2 21.6 210.00 88.00 214220DM 214220DP 66 30 47.29 21.53 8 8 1 9 2.20 M P 42. 19. 195.00 81.00 214225DM 214225DP 90 40 64.47 28.68 8 8 2 2 9H 2.25 M P 57. 25. 255.00 103.00 214233DM 214233DP 84 36 60.17 25.82 8 8 7% 1% m 2.33 M P 53. 23. 240.00 95.00 214250DM 214250DP 60 24 42.99 17.24 8 8 ?M 2 2.50 M P 38. 15. 180.00 66.00 214257DM 214257DP 72 28 51.59 20.09 8 8 1% 10 8M 2.57 M P 47.2 18.4 210.00 76.00 214260DM 214260DP 78 30 55.87 21.53 6K2 1% 8 8 2.60 M P 41.6 16.0 217.10 80.00 214275DM 214275DP 88 32 63.04 22.95 8 8 1M 8M 2.75 M P 57.7 21.0 250.00 85.00 214282DM 214282DP 96 34 68.76 24.39 8 8 iM 8% 2.82 M P 60. 21. 270.00 90.00 214294DM 214294DP 56 19 40.13 13.67 8 8 8 9 9M 2.94 M P 36.7 12.4 170.00 54.00 214300DM 214300DP 84 28 60.17 20.09 8 8 7% 8^4 8% 3.00 M P 53. 18. 240.00 76.00 214327DM 214327DP 72 22 51.59 15.81 8 8 9 9* 3.27 M P 47.2 14.4 210.00 61.00 214348DM 214348DP 94 27 67.33 19.38 7 7 2M m 3.48 M P 54. 15.5 265.00 74.00 214353DM 214353DP 46 13 32.97 9.40 8 8 7 y 8 1% 3.53 M P 30.1 8.5 143.00 41.00 214400DM 214400DP 80 20 57.31 14.38 8 8 if 9 4 4.00 M P 52.4 13.1 230.00 57.00 214525DM 214525DP 84 16 60.17 11.53 8 8 1 11 5.25 M P 53. 10. 240.00 47.00 284 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Bevel Mortise Gears Continued 2%-Inch Pitch Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diam. Face Back- ing L'gth Hub Speed Ratio Type H. P. 100 R.P.M. Price Finished 212102DM 212102DP 70 69 55.72 54.93 10 10 3H 3 iog 1.02 M P 70.0 69. $285.00 225.00 212103DM 212103DP 60 58 47.77 46.18 9 9 5% i$ 1.03 M P 56. 55. 224.00 169.00 212104DM 212104DP 44 42 35.04 33.45 8 8 ly* 9M 1.04 M P 35.0 33.6 171.40 160.00 212107DM 212107DP 43 40 34.25 31.86 9 9 3M ly, 1.07 M P 38.7 36.0 166.00 121.00 212108DM 212108DP 50 46 39.82 36.63 8 8 2H 7% 1.08 M P 40.0 36.8 200.00 171.50 212110DM 212110DP 55 50 43.79 39.82 9 9 4* iof! 1.10 M P 52. 47. 208.00 147.00 212110DMX 212110DPX 42 38 33.45 30.27 9 9 1 10^6 1.10 M P 39. 36. 163.00 116.00 212117DM 212117DP 42 36 33.45 28.68 9 9 IH 10^6 1.17 M P 39. 34. 163.00 110.00 212124DM 212124DP 64 50 50.93 39.82 8 8M 6 9 1.24 M P 51.2 40.0 226.00 145.00 212126DM 212126DP 48 38 38.22 30.27 9 9 IH 10 8 1.26 M P 45. 36. 184.00 116.00 212129DM 212129DP 54 42 43.00 33.45 9 9 1 IOM 1.29 M P 51. 39. 204.00 126.00 212130DM 212130DP 60 46 47.77 36.63 9 9 3"! 1! 1.30 M P 56. 43. 224.00 136.00 212131DM 212131DP 42 32 33.45 25.51 9 9 1 9% 1.31 M P 39. 30. 163.00 100.00 212133DM 212133DP 48 36 38.22 28.68 9 9 6% 11 10 1.33 M P 43.2 32.4 184.00 110.00 212142DM 212142DP 54 38 43.00 30.27 9 9 6 10^6 1.42 M P 51. 36. 204.00 116.00 212150DM 212150DP 60 40 47.77 31.86 9 9 7 10 1.50 M P 54. 36. 224.00 121.00 212150DMX 212150DPX 72 48 57.31 38.22 . 9 9 6^ 108 1.50 M P 68. 45. 265.00 142.00 212158DM 212158DP 60 38 47.77 30.27 8 8 2! 9j| 1.58 M P 50. 32. 210.00 116.00 212158DMX 212158DPX 54 34 43.00 27.09 8 8 18 1.58 M P 45. 28. 188.00 105.00 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 285 Bevel Mortise Gears Continued 2%-Inch Pitch Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diam. Face Back- ing L'gth Hub Speed Ratio Type H. P. 100 R.P.M. Price Finished 212166DM 60 47.77 9 Q 5/8 10 1.66 M 56. $224.00 212166DP 36 28.68 9 2% 10^ P 34. 110.00 212175DM 42 33.45 9 &A 9^8 1.75 M 39. 163.00 212175DP 24 19.15 9 2% 9Jie P 23. 78.00 212195DM 78 62.09 9 7 9^ 1.95 M 73. 284.00 212195DP 40 31.86 9 2^ 10/4 P 38. 121.00 212200DM 70 55.72 8 734 9M 2.00 M 56. 250.00 212200DP 35 27.89 8 2% 9>i P 68. 108.00 212200DMX 60 47.77 9 6 7>/ 9% 2.00 M 56. 224.00 212200DPX 30 23.92 9 2% P 28. 94.00 212220DM 66 52.54 6 7J4 8^ 2.20 M 39.6 214.25 212220DP 30 23.92 6 1M 7% P 18. 100.00 212225DM 72 57.31 9 7 3 /8 9% 2.25 M 68. 265.00 212225DP 32 25.51 9 2 P 30. 100.00 212227DM 75 59.70 9 8^ 10^ 2.27 M 67.5 275.00 212227DP 33 26.30 9 1^4 9M P 29.7 104.00 212233DM 100 79.59 10 8% 10% 2.33 M 103. 410.00 212233DP 43 34.25 10 11% P 44. 135.00 212244DM 78 62.09 10 2% 10^6 2.44 M 81. 322 . 00 212244DP 32 25.51 10 1% 11 P 33. 100 .'00 212245DM 88 70.04 7 S 3 ^ 934 2.45 M 61. 300.00 212245DP 36 28.68 7 2 P 25.2 122.85 212250DM 60 47.77 9 7/4 9^ 2.50 M 56. 224.00 212250DP 24 19.15 9 1$8 9% P 23. 78.00 ' 212251DM 78 62.09 9 6^2 10 2.51 M 70.2 284.00 212251DP 31 24.71 9 2 IOM P 27.9 97.00 212297DM 83 66.06 9 8H 9M 2.97 M 74.6 300.00 212297DP 28 22.33 9 1% IOM P 25.2 88.00 212300DM 75 59.70 8 83/6 8% 3.00 M 60. 260.00 212300DP 25 19.95 8 *H 9 P 20. 80.00 2%-Inch Pitch 234108DM 54 47.30 10 Q y s 12 1.08 M 69. $247.00 234108DP 50 43.80 10 4% 11% P 64. 181.00 234110DM 42 36.80 8 5 9> 1.10 M 41. 171.50 2341 10DP 38 33.30 8 3H 9M P 37. 154.25 286 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Bevel Mortise Gears Continued 2%-Inch Pitch Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diam. 'Face Back- ing L'gth Hub Speed Ratio Type H. P. 100 R.P.M. Price Finished 2341 14DM 234114DP 55 48 48.17 42.05 10 10 6 4 UK 11 1.14 M P 67.1 58.5 $251.00 174.00 234116DM 234116DP 35 30 30.68 26.31 10 10 5 3K 10% 10% 1.16 M P 42.7 36.6 160.00 120.00 234120DM 234120DP 54 45 47.30 39.42 10 10 6^ 4M 12 UK 1.20 M P 65.9 54.9 247.00 168.00 234128DM 234128DP 54 42 47.30 36.80 9 9 3K wy 8 1.28 M P 59.3 46.1 234.25 177.00 234131DM 234131DP 46 35 40.30 30.68 10 10 4% 3^ 10 11% 1.31 M P 58. 44. 213.00 132.00 234142DM 234142DP 54 38 47.30 33.30 10 10 6% 3^ 6 11% n^8 1.42 M P 69. 48. 247 . 00 143.00 234150DM 234150DP 36 54 31.55 47.30 ^A 8 1 A 4^ 5% HM 9% 1.50 M P 39. 58. 156.00 170.00 234154DM 234154DP 66 43 57.79 37.67 10 10 sy 2 3% 12 11% 1.54 M P 84. 55. 300.00 160.00 234154DMX 234154DPX 60 39 52.54 34.18 10 10 m 3 11% 11 1.54 M P 73.2 47.5 273.00 147.00 234156DM 234156DP 75 48 65.67 42.05 12 12 5K 2^ IOM 1.56 M P 114. 73. 395.00 205.00 234177DM 234177DP 62 35 54.29 30.68 10 10 7^ 2% J?l 1.77 M P 79. 44. 281.00 132.00 234183DM 234183DP 68 37 59.54 32.43 10 10 8% 2^ 12 11 1.83 M P 82.9 45.1 308.00 140.00 234194DM 234194DP 66 34 57.79 29.80 10 10 7% 2^ 10% 11% 1.94 M P 84. 43. 300.00 130.00 234205DM 234205DP 72 35 63.04 30.68 10 10 9 2% 11% 11 2.05 M P 87.8 42.7 324.00 132.00 234241DM 234241DP 75 31 65.67 27.18 10 10 16% 2^ 13 13 2.41 M P 91.5 37.8 336.00 118.00 234266DM 234266DP 80 30 70.05 26.31 10 10 ' 10% IK 11% 10% 2.66 M P 97.6 36.6 357.00 114.00 234346DM 234346DP 90 26 78.79 22.81 10 10 10^ 10% 11% 10% 3.46 M P 109.8 31.7 400.00 114.25 234405DM 234405DP 72 16 63.04 14.10 10 10 11% 12 10K 4.05 M P 87.8 19.5 324.00 67.50 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 287 Bevel Mortise Gears Continued 3-Inch Pitch Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diam. Face Back- ing L'gth Hub Speed Ratio Type H. P. 100 R.P.M. Trice Finished 003104DM 003104DP 48 46 45.87 43.96 11 11 6^6 5M 13 12^6 1.04 M P 77. 74. $269.00 206.00 003112DM 003112DP 54 48 51.59 45.87 11 11 6M 4% 12% 12 1.12 M P 85.5 76.4 300.00 214.00 003122DM 003122DP 66 54 63.05 . 51.59 10 10 7M 4% 13 12 1.22 M P 95.5 77.9 334.00 225.00 003125DM 003125DP 60 48 57.32 45.87 11 11 7M 4% 12% 12% 1.25 M P 96. 77. 331.00 214.00 003129DM 003129DP 54 42 51.59 40.14 11 11 7M 4 12% 12M 1.29 M P 85.5 66.5 300.00 190.00 003131DM 003131DP 50 38 47.78 36.33 8 8 6^ 3M 10 9 1.31 M P 57.7 43.9 238.00 157.00 003133DM 003133DP 48 36 45.87 34.42 11 11 7 3% 12% 12% 1.33 M P 77. 58. 269.00 165.00 003142DM 003142DP 54 38 51.59 36.33 11 11 7^ 3M 12% 12% 1.42 M P 85.5 60.2 300.00 174.00 003143DM 003143DP 60 42 57.32 40.14 12 12 7H 2M 13 12% 1.43 M P 103.9 72.7 357.00 205.00 003160DM 003160DP 48 30 45.87 28.70 11 11 8 3M 12% 12 M 1.60 M P 76. 47.5 269.00 140.00 003174DM 003174DP 66 38 63.05 36.33 11 11 8 3% 11 3 X 12H 1.74 M P 106. 61. 362.00 174.00 003176DM 003176DP 60 34 57.32 32.51 11 11 7J/s 3 HM 12% 1.76 M P 96. 54. 331.00 157.00 003182DM 003182DP 51 28 48.73 26.79 9 9 7^ 2j^ 10^ 10% 1.82 M P 66.2 36.3 250.00 125.00 003183DM 003183DP 66 36 63.05 34.42 11 11 8^6 3^6 11% 12 M 1.83 M P 106. 58. 362.00 165.00 003184DM 003184DP 70 37 66.87 35.38 10 10 8 1 A 2^ 11% 11 1.84 M P 101. 53. 352.00 157.00 003185DM 003185DP 76 41 72.60 39.19 9 9 9% 3 IOM IOM 1.85 M P 98.5 53.1 360.00 177.00 003195DM 003195DP 72 37 68.78 35.38 12 12 9% 2^ 12Y 6 12% 1.95 M P 125. 64. 423.00 180.00 003200DM 003200DP 60 30 57.32 28.70 11 11 lOi^ 2^ 12^ 12 % 2.00 M P 95. 47.5 331.00 140.00 003200DMX 003200DPX 48 24 45.87 22.98 11 11 7^ 2^6 11% 11% 2.00 M P 77. 38. 269.00 116.00 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Bevel Mortise Gears Continued 3-Inch Pitch Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diam. Face Back- ing L'gth Hub Speed Ratio Type H.P. 100 R.P.M. Price Finished 003200DMY 003200DPY 76 38 72.60 36.33 9 9 8^ 2M IOM IOM 2.00 M P 100. 50. $360.00 165.00 003233DM 003233DP 63 27 60.18 25.84 10 10 8K 2 10 11M 2.33 M P 90.9 39. 320.00 121.00 003235DM 003235DP 66 28 63.05 26.79 10 10 7% 1% 11 11 2.35 M P 95.5 40.3 334.00 126.00 003266DM 003266DP 80 30 76.41 28.70 11 11 10K IJi 12K 12 2.66 M P 126.4 47.4 430.00 145.00 003273DM 003273DP 63 23 60.18 22.00 10 10 10^ IK HM 11 2.73 M P 90.9 33.2 320.00 110.00 003288DM 003288DP 72 25 68.78 23.94 11 11 ioy 8 IK UK n^ 2.88 M P 113.7 58.4 393.00 120.00 003303DM 003303DP 82 27 78.32 25.84 10 10 IOK IK UK IOK 3.03 M P 132. 45. 428.50 142.75 0033 10DM 003310DP 62 20 59.23 19.18 10 10 10% 1M n^ 10^ 3.10 M P 89.5 28.8 314.00 100.00 003350DM 003350DP 84 24 80.23 22.98 11 11 UK iH 12 M 12 3.50 M P 132.7 37.9 454.00 116.00 003365DM 003365DP 84 23 80.23 22.00 9 9 IOK iH 10 10 3.65 M P 108.8 29.9 400.00 105.00 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 289 Miter and Hunting Tooth Mortise Gears 1%-Inch Pitch Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diam. Face Backing Length Hub Type H. P. 100 R. P. M. Price Finished 112038FP 112038FM 38 38 18.16 18.16 4 4 2 2 5 5M P M 5.2 5.2 $48.00 68.00 112041FPG 112042FMG 41 42 19.62 20.07 5 5 *x 6M P M 6.89 7.06 55.00 90.00 112042FP 112042FM 42 42 20.07 20.07 5 5 1% 6 P M 7.2 7.2 56.00 90.00 112053FPG 112054FMG 53 54 25.33 25.80 5 5 3M 6 6M P M 9.1 9.3 70.00 94.00 112054FP 112054FM 54 54 25.80 25.80 5 5 3M 6 P M 9.07 9.07 71.00 103.00 112060FP 112060FM 60 60 28.66 28.66 5 5 3^8 6 P M 10.4 10.4 80.00 104.00 112065FPG 112066FMG 65 66 31.05 31.52 5 5 3^6 % P M 11. 11. 84.00 118.00 1%-Inch Pitch 134028FP 134028FM 28 28 15.63 15.63 4 4 2 3 ft P M 5.2 5.2 $46.00 64.00 134030FP 134030FM 30 30 16.74 16.74 3 3 2 m 4% P M 3.9 3.9 45.00 72.00 134031FPG 134030FMG 31 30 17.30 16.74 6 6 2 3 6 6M P M 8.7 8.4 54.00 68.00 134032FP 134032FM 32 32 17.85 17.85 3 3 m ly* P M 4.2 4.2 48.00 76.00 134035FPG 134036FMG 35 36 19.52 20.08 6 6 3^6 6% 7^6 P M 9.0 9.0 62.00 90.00 134041FPG 134042FMG 41 42 22.88 23.42 Jg 2 W P M 8.6 8.8 61.00 82.00 134043FP 134043FM 43 43 23.97 23.97 4/ / 2 4/^2 1% 6% P M 8.4 8.4 65.00 96.00 134045FP 134045FM 45 45 25.09 25.09 5 5 1% 5K 2 P M 10.5 10.5 75.00 90.00 134045FPG 134046FMG 45 46 25.09 25.64 6 6 3 7K P M 12. 12. 77.00 104.00 134050FP 134050FM 50 50 27.87 27.87 6 6 1 7^6 7% P M 13. 13. 85.00 112.00 290 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Miter and Hunting Tooth Mortise Gears Continued 1%-Inch Pitch Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diam. Face Backing Length Hub Type H. P. 100 R. P. M. Price Finished 134059FPG 134060FMG 59 60 32.88 33.44 6 6 2K 4^6 &/8 iy% P M 15. 15. $100.00 129.00 134060FP 134060FM 60 60 33.44 33.44 6 6 3M 4 7M 7H P M 16.8 16.8 102.00 120.00 134071FPG 134072FMG 71 72 39.56 40.12 6 6 3^ 4^ 6 6^ 7^ P M 19. 19. 116.00 141.00 2-Inch Pitch 002D35FPG 002036FMG 35 36 22.31 22.95 7 7 3% 3% 8 8% P M 15. 15. $75.00 102.00 002041FP 002041FM 41 41 26.13 26.13 7 7 3^ Ys 8^ 8^ P M 17. 17. 86.00 110.00 002043FP 002043FM 43 43 27.40 27.40 6 6 2 5 /8 2% 6^ 6^ P M 15.5 15.5 85.00 100.00 002047FP 002047FM 47 47 29.94 29.94 VA Yz 3M 4 7^ 7M P M 18.3 18.3 98.00 112.00 002054FP 002054FM 54 54 34.40 34.40 7 7 3% 4jfe 8^6 8M P M 23. 23. 110.00 128.00 002055FPG 002056FMG 55 56 35.03 35.67 8 8 3Ji 4% 9^ 9^ P M 26. 26. 127.00 154.00 002060FP 002060FM 60 60 38.21 38.21 7 7 3M 4M 8K 9^ P M 25.2 25.2 122.00 140.00 002065FPG 002066FMG 65 66 41.40 42.03 7 7 4^ 4% 8% 9^ P M 27. 27. 129.00 153.00 2%-Inch Pitch 214027FP 214027FM 27 27 19.38 19.38 6 6 3 4^ 6 6^ 7% P 12. M 12. $67.00 85.00 214029FPG 214028FMG 29 28 20.81 20.09 7 7 2M 4M 71 / /2 8M P 15.6 M 15.1 74.00 88.00 214031FPG 214032FMG 31 32 22.24 22.95 8 8 3K 4K 8^ 9^ P 19. M 19. 83.00 106.00 214033FP 214033FM 33 33 23.67 23.67 8 8 2^ 4 7M 9 P 20.3 M 20.3 88.00 108.00 214038FP 214038FM 38 38 27.25 27.25 7 7 3^ 4 8 8K P 20.4 M 20.4 95.00 118.00 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 291 Miter and Hunting Tooth Mortise Gears Continued 2%-Inch Pitch Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diam. Face Backing Length Hub Type H. P. 100 R. P. M. Price Finished 214041FPG 214042FMG 41 42 29.39 30.11 8 8 3% 9 9k P M 25. 25. $106.00 132.00 214042FP 214042FM 42 42 30.11 30.11 8 8 1 9k P M 25. 25. 108.00 132.00 214048FP 214048FM 48 48 34.40 34.40 7MJ 4 1 P M 27.7 27.7 125.00 137.00 214054FP 214054FM 54 54 38.70 38.70 8 8 1 *% P M 32. 32. 135.00 165.00 214060FP 214060FM 60 60 42.99 42.99 8 8 4 9 P M 36.9 36.9 148.00 180.00 214065FPG 214066FMG 65 66 46.57 47.29 8 8 4% 9k P M 38. 38. 159.00 195.00 214065FPGX 214066FMGX 65 66 46.57 47.29 7 7 4% 9 93^ P M 33. 33. 149.00 180.00 2^-Inch Pitch 212036FP 212036FM 36 36 28.68 28.68 9 9 32 ivy* P M 31. 31. $111.00 142.00 212040FP 212040FM 40 40 31.86 31.86 9 9 4^8 9k P M 33.8 33.8 121.00 156.00 212045FP 212045FM 45 45 35.84 35.84 9 9 4 d' 10k 1Q3/8 P M 38. 38. 135.00 174.00 212047FPG 212048FMG 47 48 37.43 38.22 9 9 5k loM P M 40. 40. 140.00 184.00 212049FPG 212050FMG 49 50 39.02 39.82 9 9 5 ioH P M 42.2 43.1 145 . 00 191.00 212054FP 212054FM 54 54 43.00 43.00 10 10 33^ 5 10 P M 50.7 50.7 168.00 210.00 212059FPG 212060FMG 59 60 46.97 47.77 9 9 5k 1?M P M 50. 50. 171.00 225.00 212060FP 212060FM 60 60 47.77 47.77 9 9 m 5 11 4 P M 50. 50. 175.00 225.00 212069FPG 212070FMG 69 70 54.93 55.72 10 10 3 log P M 64.7 65.7 257.00 270.00 212070FP 212070FM 70 70 55.72 55.72 38 4k 4 11 P M 69. 69. 270.00 285.70 292 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Miter and Hunting Tooth Mortise Gears Continued 2%-Inch Pitch Pattern Number Teeth Pitch Diam. Face Backing Length Hub Type H. P. 100 R. P. M. Price Finished 234040FP 234040FM 40 40 35.05 35.05 11 11 sy 2 m 10& 12 P M 50. 50. S162.00 203.00 234041FPG 234042FMG 41 42 35.92 36.80 10 10 4^ 5^ UK W/S P M 46. 46. 152.00 195.00 234057FP 234057FM 57 57 49.92 49.92 10 10 5 5 llM liM P M 65. 65. 204.00 260.00 234065FPG 234066FMG 65 66 56.92 57.79 10 10 5M 6^ 12 i2y 8 P M 73. 73. 230.00 300.00 3-Inch Pitch 003040FP 003040FM 40 40 38.24 38.24 11 11 5 5 5 / 8 12 M 12M P M 59.5 59.5 $190.00 235.00 003047FPG 003048FMG 47 48 44.92 45.87 11 11 &A % W/8 13^6 P M 70. 70. 210.00 270.00 003050FP 003050FM 50 50 47.78 47.78 11 11 &/S 6% 12% 13% P M 75. 75. 220.00 280.00 003053FPG 003054FMG 53 54 50.65 51.59 11 11 5 6 12 M 13 P M 78.8 80.3 230.00 300.00 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 293 Showing Spur Paper and Iron Friction Gearing Where it is desired to transmit power intermittently, a very satisfactory means will be found in the paper and iron friction gearing. We have patterns for eccentric boxes, thrust boxes and ball and socket boxes for use with iron and paper friction gearing. The paper wheel must always be used as the driver, never the driven. When ordering paper and iron friction gearing, please observe the following: Give diameter, face, bore and key-seat dimensions of driver and driven wheels. The horse-power of these gears can be readily calculated from the following: H.-P. = .00024 D x W x N. When " D " = diameter of wheel (mean diameter for miter or bevel) " W"=width of face " N " = revolutions per minute. The co- efficient of friction .2 with 150 Ibs. pres- sure per inch width of face. For price list of paperandiron wheels see following pages. These gears are made from carefully Showing Bevels designed patterns. 294 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Spur Paper Friction Gearing Diameter Inches Face Inches Price Diameter Inches Face Inches Price Diameter Inches Face Inches Price \ 3 $3.82 f 4 $12.77 { 6 $29.34 R J 4 4.58 6 16.42 8 34.78 1 6 8 6.04 7.52 16 8 10 20.06 23.84 22 j 10 12 40.44 45.88 { 4 6.62 12 14 27.50 31.44 14 16 51.34 56.88 6 8.60 m 10 8 10.58 c 8 39.74 [ 10 12.64 f 6 19.08 10 46.04 8 23.26 24 12 52.14 f 4 8.28 t n 10 27.58 14 58.24 6 10.72 18 12 31.78 [ 16 64.14 12 j 8 10 12 13.20 15.74 18.20 ^ 14 16 35.98 40.16 30 j 10 12 14 64.26 73.88 81.38 ( 4 10.74 r 6 23.76 I 16 90.10 | 6 13.84 8 28.54 f 10 95.18 14 8 10 16.96 20.16 20 10 12 33.46 38.24 36 \ 12 14 106.86 118.54 12 23.26 14 43.04 I 16 130.22 I 14 26.38 L 16 47.82 I 18 141.88 NOTE. The paper gear must always be the driver, not the driven. Spur Iron Friction Gearing Diameter Inches Face Inches Price Diameter Inches Face Inches Price Diameter Inches Face Inches Price / 4 $5.88 r 6 $12.04 r 10 $30.24 12 \ 6 7.36 i 8 14.84 "zn J 12 35.70 ( 8 8.90 on J 10 17.92 30 j 14 41.58 20 4 12 21.00 16 47.88 { 4 6.58 14 24.36 14 6 Q 8.34 10 OS ( 16 27.72 { 10 39.62 I O 10 Iv/ . UO 12.04 36 12 14 46.34 53.98 4 7.42 { 6 13.44 1 16 61.60 6 9.38 8 16.80 I 18 69.30 16 8 10 11.48 13.86 22 10 12 20.30 23.80 r 12 58.24 12 16.04 | 14 27.58 i 14 67.14 14 18.56 I 16 31.36 42 16 76.16 18 85.40 6 10.64 I 20 94.64 8 13.02 r 8 18.76 -i n 10 15.54 i 10 22.68 f 12 72.10 18 12 18.28 24 12 26.60 I 14 82.60 14 21.14 1 14 30.80 4o i 16 93.38 16 24.08 I 16 35.14 1 18 104.30 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 295 Bevel Paper and Iron Friction Gearing Increasing Speed Decreasing Speed A Bevel Paper Friction with Flanges. B Bevel Iron Friction. C Large Diameter. D Face. Increasing Speed Ratio I to I 'j Decreasing Speed Ratio I ' > to I A 6 2 $2.64 B 4 2 3.26 A 24 8 $37.30 B 16 8 20.34 A 4 2 $2.12 B 6 2 4.06 A 16 8 $20.06 B 24 8 31.06 A 9 3 4.82 B 6 3 5.08 A 27 10 50.18 B 18 10 26.04 A 6 3 2.80 B 9 3 6.76 A 18 10 27.58 B 27 10 40.92 A 12 4 7.44 B 8 4 7.32 A 30 12 68.82 B 20 12 32.14 A 8 4 4.58 B 12 4 10.14 A 20 12 38.24 B 30 12 51.82 A 15 6 13.84 B 10 6 10.96 A 33 16 101.12 B 22 16 40.30 A 10 6 8.60 B 15 6 16.06 A 22 16 56.88 B 33 16 68.88 A 18 6 17.74 B 12 6 13.00 A 36 16 122.52 B 24 16 45.54 A 12 6 10.72 B 18 6 19.12 A 24 16 64.14 B 36 16 76.62 A 21 8 28.54 6148 17.66 A 42 18 182.70 B 28 18 58.64 A 14 8 16.96 B 21 8 27.04 A 28 18 89.52 B 42 18 99.16 Increasing Speed Ratio I to 2 Decreasing Speed Ratio 2 to I A 8. 2 $3.34 B 4 2 3.26 A 12 3 6.60 B 6 3 5.08 A 24 8 $37.30 B 12 8 15.88 A 28 10 55.16 B 14 10 21.08 A 4 2 $2.12 B 8 2 4.86 A 6 3 2.80 B 12 3 8.38 A 12 8 13.20 B 24 8 31.06 A 14 10 20.16 B 28 10 42.56 A 16 4 11.10 B 8 4 7.38 A 32 12 77.40 B 16 12 26.92 A 8 4 4.58 B 16 4 12.94 A 16 12 27.50 B 32 12 55.70 A 20 6 22.44 B 10 6 11.32 A 36 14 111.38 B 18 14 33.40 A 10 6 8.60 B 20 6 21.16 A 18 14 35.98 B 36 14 70.48 NOTE. The paper gear must always be the driver, not the driven. A is paper friction. B is iron friction. 296 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Bevel Paper and Iron Friction Gearing Continued Increasing Speed Ratio I to 2>^ Decreasing Speed Ratio 2', to I A 10 2 $4.20 B 4 2 3.26 A 15 3 9.50 B 6 3 5.08 A 20 4 17.94 B 8 4 7.38 A 25 6 33.64 B 10 6 11.32 A 30 8 $52.38 B 12 8 15.88 A 35 10 84.12 B 14 10 21.08 A 40 12 122.98 B 16 12 26.92 A 50 14 218.16 B 20 14 38.00 A 4 2 $2.12 B 10 2 5.64 A 6 3 2.80 B 15 3 10.00 A 8 4 4.58 B 20 4 15.74 A 10 6 8.60 B 25 6 26.24 A 12 8 $13.20 B 30 8 38.98 A 14 10 20.16 B 35 10 53.94 A 16 12 27.50 B 40 12 71.14 A 20 14 43.04 B 50 14 101.64 Increasing .Speed Ratio I to 3 Decreasing Speed Ratio 3 to I A 12 2 $6.60 B 4 2 3.26 A 18 3 12.22 B 6 3 5.08 A 18 4 13.82 B 6 4 5.94 A 24 6 31.50 B 8 6 9.26 A 30 8 $52.38 B 10 8 13.20 A 36 10 89.12 B 12 10 17.76 A 42 12 138.79 B 14 12 22.96 A 48 14 201.88 B 16 14 28.80 A 4 2 $2.12 B 12 2 6.40 A 6 3 2.82 B 18 3 11.62 A 6 4 3.28 B 18 4 14.34 A 8 6 6.04 B 24 6 25.24 A 10 8 $10.58 B 30 8 38.98 A 12 10 15.74 B 36 10 55.56 A 14 12 23.26 B 42 12 74.98 A 16 14 31.44 B 48 14 97.24 Increasing Speed Ratio I to 4 Decreasing Speed Ratio 4 to I A 16 3 $9.50 B 4 3 3.96 A 24 4 23.90 B 6 4 5.94 A 32 6 46.82 B 8 6 9.26 A 40 8 $92.66 B 10 8 13.20 A 40 10 105.50 B 10 10 14.44 A 48 12 177.10 B 12 12 19.00 A 4 3 $2.12 B 16 3 10.54 A 6 4 3.28 B 24 4 18.54 A 8 6 6.04 B 32 6 33.20 A 10 8 $10.58 B 40 8 51.90 A 10 10 12.64 B 40 10 61.96 A 12 12 18.20 B 48 12 86.38 Increasing Speed Ratio I to 5 Decreasing Speed Ratio 5 to I A 20 3 $13.14 B 4 3 3.96 A 20 4 14.88 B 4 4 4.50 A 30 5 39.12 B 5 6.64 A 40 6 $79.86 B 8 6 9.26 A 40 8 92.66 B 8 8 10.50 A 50 10 169.54 B 10 10 14.44 A 4 3 $2.12 B 20 3 12.70 A 4 4 2.60 B 20 4 15.74 A 6 5 3.78 B 30 5 27.04 A 8 6 $6.04 B 40 6 40.96 A 8 8 7.52 B 40 8 51.90 A 10 10 12. U B 50 10 77.70 Increasing Speed Ratio I to 6 Decreasing Speed Ratio 6 to I A 24 4 $23.90 B 4 4 4.50 A 36 6 62.94 B 6 6 7.18 A 48 8 $141.14 B 8 8 10.50 A 48 10 159.12 B 8 10 11.10 A 4 4 $2.60 B 24 4 18.54 A 6 6 4.30 B 36 6 37.12 A 8 8 $7.52 B 48 8 62.02 A 8 10 9.10 B 48 10 74.64 NOTE. The paper gear must always be the driver, not the driven. A is paper friction. B is iron friction. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 297 Miter Paper and Iron Friction Gearing Large D ameter Inches Face Inches Price Iron Price Paper Large Diameter Inches Face Inches Price Iron Price Paper 61 2 $4.06 $2.76 , 6 $21.16 $23.76 ) 3 5.08 2.94 / 8 23.70 28.54 8 1 2 3 4 4.86 6.20 7.32 3 76 3.84 4.58 22 ) 6 8 10 23.20 28.38 32.68 29.34 34.78 40.44 ,0 | 2 a 5.64 7.30 8.74 5.18 5.90 6.62 f 24 6 8 10 25.24 31.06 36.00 33.64 39.74 46.04 ( 2 6.40 6.36 1 12 48.06 52.14 12 3 8.38 7.32 I 4 10.14 8.28 f 6 81.24 46.82 i 3 4 6 9.46 11.54 15.04 9.48 10.74 13.84 30 8 10 12 14 38.98 45.84 51.82 56.92 55.44 64.26 73.88 82.38 16 -j 4 6 12.94 17.08 12.78 16.42 f 8 10 46.78 55.56 83.52 95.18 ( 4 14.34 14.88 36 -1 12 63.46 106.86 18 \ 6 19.12 19.08 14 70.48 118.54 1 8 23.02 23.26 I 16 76.62 130.22 Price List of Eccentric and Thrust Boxes Eccentric Box Thrust Box Shaft Sizes Price ECCENTRIC THRUST Shaft Sizes Price ECCENTRIC THRUST Code Word Code Word Code Word Code Word 1 $7.00 8.25 9.50 11.00 Vesciniam Vesciniant Vesciniart Vesciniast Vesciniate Vescinieat Vescinieft Vesciniehr Bn 2J| 2ii $12.90 14.50 16.60 18.75 Vescinielm Vescinieno Vesciniom Vesciniot Vescinite Vesciniute Vescinivu Vescinizut With babbitted bearings, used for engaging and disengaging spur friction gearing. 298 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Sprocket Wheels for Link Belting Bored and Key-seated or Set-screwed PR ICE LIST No. 25 BORE 1 T 7 H INCHES No. 25 No. 25 Pitch Diam. Inches No. of Teeth Price Pitch Diam. Inches No. of Teeth Price Pitch Diam. Inches No. of Teeth Price IX ^/2 IX 2 2X p 3X 8y 2 8* < P btf 5^ 8" 6X 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 $1.10 1.10 - 1.15 1.15 1.20 1.20 , 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.50 1.55 1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.70 6* ?X 7^ ?X 8 8X 9 9X 18* 10X 10X il# 12 12* & 13X 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 40 42 43 44 45 48 $1.75 1.75 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.85 1.90 1.95 2.00 2.05 2.10 2.15 2.15 2.30 2.40 2.45 2.55 2.55 2.60 M# 15 15# 16 1?X 50 52 54 56 60 $2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.25 No. 32 BORE 1 T 7 B INCHES P 2X 8* i 4 4^ 4X 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 $1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.55 1.65 NOTE. An extra charge is made for wheels having special hubs, or wheels bored larger than specified above. NOTE. An order for a sprocket wheel should read: First, the chain number wheel is to suit; second, the pitch diameter; third, the number of teeth; fourth, the bore, and if key-seated or set- screwed; fifth, if solid or split. See page 320 for code. State which are the driving and which the driven wheels. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 299 Sprocket Wheels for Link Belting Continued No. 32 Nos. 33 and 34 Nos. 35, 45 and 55 Pitch Diam. Inches No. of Teeth Price Pitch Diam. Inches No. of Teeth Price Pitch Diam. Inches No. of Teeth Price 5X 5^ 53^ V 88 9X 9^ 10 10* 11* 12* 1!* ^ 16* 16# 17* 23 14 15 16 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 32 33 34 36 38 40 41 44 45 48 63 $1.70 1.80 1.85 2.05 2.15 2.20 2.25 2.30 2.35 2:40 2.45 2.70 2.80 2.85 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.35 3.40 3.60 4.50 16 18* is* 24 28^ 36 41 42 54 64 $3.30 3.65 3.70 4.90 5.90 28 30 31 3534: 54 58 60 69 $7.50 8.30 8.70 11.00 No. 42 BORE l{^ INCHES Nos. 35, 45 and 55 BORE Ijf INCHES 2 2^ 3^ 3^ 4^ 4^ 5X 53^ 6 7 % 9X 9^ 10^ as !!* 16# 8* 24 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 26 27 28 32 36 41 46 55 $1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 1.95 2.00 2.05 2.10 2.20 2.25 2.30 2.35 2.40 2.45 2.50 2.60 2.75 2.80 2.90 3.20 3.60 4.00 4.50 5.50 i* if 4X 5X 53^ 6* 63^ IX 7# 8X 8^ 9^ 93^ 10* 11* g* 14 14# 15 15% 16 16# 17 18 is# 20X 203^ 213/ 22^ 23X 23^ 24K 25X 253^ 5 6 7 8 9 10 . 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 36 39 40 42 44 45 46 48 49 50 $1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.50 3.70 3.80 3.90 4.00 4.10 4.20 4.30 4.60 4.70 5.10 5.20 5.40 5.80 6.00 6.20 6.50 6.60 6.80 Nos. 33 and 34 BORE 1/3 INCHES I* y 3K F 8 6* 5* 8^ 9 9^ 103^ HX 12 13 13# 1 15* 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 18 19 20 22 24 25 27 29 30 32 34 $1.25 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.10 2:20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 .20 No. 51 BORE 1^1 INCHES r 3X 3^ 4^ t* 5^ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 $1.40 1.45 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80 1.85 1.90 . An extra charge is made for wheels having special hubs, or wheels bored larger than specified above. NOTE. An order for a sprocket wheel should read: First, the chain number wheel is to suit; second, the pitch diameter; third, the number of teeth; fourth, the bore, and if key-seated or set- screwed; fifth, if solid or split. See page 320 for code. State which are the driving and which the driven wheels. 300 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Sprocket Wheels for Link Belting Continued No. 51 No. 52 No. 62 BORE 2 T 7 B INCHES Pitch Diam. Inches No. of Teeth Price Pitch Diam. Inches No. of Teeth Price Pitch Diam. Inches No. of Teeth Price 5% W 6% 7 75* I* 9 W 9/ 2 10 10# 10 l / 2 11 UK 12# 13^ 14 14K 15% 16 16% 18K 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 36 39 40 42 44 45 50 $1.95 2.00 205 2.10 2.15 2.20 2.25 2.35 2.40 2.45 2.50 2.55 2.60 2.70 2.75 2.90 3.05 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.60 3.70 4.10 20^ 21 22 23 23% 24 B* 26 26 V 2 30% 42 44 46 48 49 50 51 52 54 55 60 $4.80 5.00 5.20 5.40 5.60 5.70 5.80 6.00 6.20 6.40 7.00 3% 4^ 4% 5^ 5% 6K 6% 1 A sy 2 9y 2 10 ioy 2 11 ny 2 12 # 12% 13% U\ 15% 18 20 21 21% 1* 23% 25 X 25% 30% rt 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 28 30 34 38 39 41 42 43 45 48 49 58 $1.85 1.95 2.05 2.15 2.25 2.40 2.55 2.70 2.85 3.00 3.20 3.35 3.50 3.60 3.80 4.00 4.15 4.45 4.70 5.10 5.60 6.20 6.35 6.60 6.80 7.00 7.40 8.10 8.30 10.20 Nos. 57, 67 and 77 BORE 2 T 7 S INCHES 4 4K i* 6% 7y 2 t* 9V4 IF 11% 12H 18# 14 14% 155* 16tf 17 17% 18& 19 19% 2oy 2 22 23y 2 B* Iff 28 29^: 30 31% 32V 2 35K 36 38K 39% 41% 43 43% 47 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 32 33 34 35 36 38 40 41 43 44 48 49 52 54 56 59 60 64 $1.80 1.90 2.20 2.40 2.60 2.80 2.90 3.10 3.25 3.40 3.55 3.70 3.85 4.00 4.20 4.40 4.60 4.80 5.00 5.20 5.40 5.60 5.85 6.10 6.50 7.00 7.25 7.50 7.75 8.00 8.60 9.20 9.50 10.10 10.40 11.80 12.20 13.20 13.90 14.60 15.80 16.50 18.50 No. 52 BORE 1^| INCHES 2% 3# 3% 4 4% 5K 5% 6* ?ff 7 8 | 8* 9% 10 10H 11 11 H 12 12 13 14 ^ 14% 15% 15% 16 % !?! S* 19J< 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 40 $1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.75 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.15 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.60 3.70 3.80 3.90 4.00 4.10 4.15 4.20 4.30 4.60 No. 66 BORE 2 T 7 S INCHES 5 7 7y 2 sy 2 9 lOtf 11% 12 iW 8 11 12 13 14 16 18 19 25 $1.90 2.20 2.30 2.50 2.60 2.80 3.00 3.20 4.00 Nos. 75, 78 and 88 BORE 2} INCHES i 5% 6% & 5 6 7 8 9 10 $2.40 2.60 2.80 3.00 3.20 3.45 NOTE. An extra charge is made for wheels having special hubs, or wheels bored larger than specified above. f ; NOTE. An order for a sprocket wheel should read: First, the chain number wheel is to suit; second, the pitch diameter; third, the number of teeth; fourth, the bore, and if key-seated or set- screwed; fifth, if solid or split. See page 320 for code. State which are the driving and which the driven wheels. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 301 Sprocket Wheels for Link Belting Continued Nos. 75, 78 and 88 Nos. 85 and 95 Nos. 108 and 110 BORE 3 T 7 5 INCHES Pitch Diam. Inches No. of Teeth Price Pitch Diam. Inches No. of Teeth Price Pitch Diam. Inches No. of Teeth Price 9* 10 10% 11% 121/2 18* 14* 15 15% im 17j2 18* 19* 20 20% 21% 221/2 23* 1* 88 28* 1* 31 32i/ 2 33i/2 35 8S 40* 41 S* 48i/ 2 50 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 39 40 42 44 46 48 49 50 54 58 60 $3.70 3.95 4.20 4.50 4.80 5.20 5.60 5.80 6.20 6.60 6.90 7.30 r.65 8.00 8.30 8.60 8.90 9.20 9.50 9.80 10.10 10.70 11.10 11.50 11.90 12.40 13.40 13.90 14.90 15.90 17.10 18.30 19.00 19.70 22.50 24.80 26.00 8* 15* 161/2 17% 20% 22y 2 24 25* 27% 30% 311/2 33 34 35i/ 2 48i/ 2 60 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 19 20 22 24 25 26 27 28 38 47 $6.05 6.50 6.95 7.40 7.85 8.80 10.25 11.00 11.90 13.60 15.40 16.25 17.15 18.25 20.40 30.00 45.00 9i/2 12* 13% 16% 1* 19% 20 24* 27% 30% 36 42 45 48 6 8 9 11 12 13 14 16 18 20 24 28 30 32 $5.20 6.20 7.25 9.00 9.90 10.90 11.80 14.00 16.25 18.50 24.00 29.30 32.00 37.00 No. 114 BORE 3 T 7 5 INCHES No. 103 BORE 3 T 7 S INCHES 7 $ 10% HH 12% 13% 14% 16% 17% 18* 21 22 23 24 25 26% 31 % 33 35 36 37^ 42K 47^ 48^ 49% 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 30 32 34 35 36 41 46 47 48 $4.15 4.50 4.85 5.20 5.65 6.10 6.55 7.00 8.00 8.60 9.20 9.80 10.40 11.10 11.80 12.45 13.10 14.60 17.50 19.30 21.10 22.00 23.00 28.10 33.10 34.90 36.00 6 7 8 9 w 10% 11% 12% 13% 14% 15% 16% 17% 181/2 191/2 211/2 221/2 23i/2 25i/2 26^ 271/2 29* 30* 31 % 32i/2 33* 35* 37 % 39* 41 43 45 47 47% 52% 58% 64% 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 49 54 60 66 $3.60 4.00 4.40 4.80 5.25 5.65 6.05 6.45 6.85 7.25 7.65 8.05 8.45 8.90 9.40 10.35 10.80 11.20 12.25 12.75 13.30 14.40 15.20 16.00 16.80 17.60 19.25 21.20 23.10 24.80 26.50 28.20 29.90 30.75 34.90 40.00 45.50 No. 83 ALL DOUBLE TEETH BORE 2H INCHES 10H 11% 14H 16% 20i/2 24i4 30% 341/2 40% 16 18 22 26 32 38 48 54 64 $4.00 4.80 5.85 6.90 8.30 10.20 14.20 16.50 21.50 No. 122 BORE 3} INCHES 16 17% 19% 21 j* 231/2 2iy 2 291/2 si* 85* 37 40% 42^ 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 18 19 21 22 $ 9.75 10.80 12.80 14.60 16.50 20.00 21.80 23.60 27.80 30.00 34.00 36.00 Nos. 85 and 95 BORE 2j INCHES 7% 10 11% 6 8 9 $4.00 5.00 5.50 N OJE An extra charge is made for wheels having special hubs, or wheels bored larger than specified above. Wheels for Chain No. 93 made to order only. NOTE. An order for a sprocket wheel should read: First, the chain number wheel is to suit; second the pitch diameter; third, the number of teeth; fourth, the bore, and if key-seated or set- screwed; fifth, if solid or split. See page 320 for code. State which are the driving and which the driven wheels. 303 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Sprocket Wheels for Link Belting Continued No. 124 BORE 3^ INCHES No. 124 No. 124 Pitch Diam. Inches No. of Teeth Price Pitch Diam. Inches No. of Teeth Price Pitch Diam Inches No. of Teeth Price 9 lO 1 ^ n% 13 UK & 185* 19}* 1* 23 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 $ 5.50 6.20 6.90 7.70 8.50 9.40 10.20 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.20 15.20 24^ 26 - 28^ 8* 1* 8* & 47 19 20 22 23 24 25 27 28 30 32 34 36 $16.20 17.30 19.50 20.60 21.70 22.80 25.00 26.10 28.50 30.80 33.00 &5.30 4H 62 78 38 48 56 $38.00 52.00 66.00 No. 146 BORE 3i INCHES 16 18 20 32 36 8 9 10 16 18 $12.00 12.65 13.70 20.00 24.00 NOTE. An extra charge is made for wheels having special hubs, or wheels bored larger than specified above. NOTE. An order for a sprocket wheel should read: First, the chain number wheel is to suit; second, the pitch diameter; third, the number of teeth; fourth, the bore, and if key-seated or set- screwed; fifth, if solid or split. State which are the driving and which the driven wheels. Additional Price to be Added to the List Price for Split Sprocket Wheels No. of Chain NUMBER OF TEETH 4-7 8-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 71-75 76-80 25 32 33-34-42 35-45-55 $ $1.15 1.20 1.30 1.40 $1.15 1.25 1.35 1.50 $1.20 1.30 1.40 1.60 $1.20 .40 : .50 .75 $1.25 1.45 1.55 1.90 $1.25 1.50 1.65 2.00 $1.30 1.55 1.75 2.15 $1.35 1.65 1.85 2.35 $1.40 1.70 1.95 2.60 $1.45 1.80 2.05 2.85 $1.50 1.90 2.20 3.10 $1.55 2.00 2.35 3.35 $1.60 2.05 2.50 3.60 $1.70 2.15 2.65 3.85 $1.75 2.25 2.80 4.15 51 52 57-67-77 62 1.20 1.40 1.55 1.50 1.25 1.50 1.70 1.60 1.30 1.60 1.95 1.75 .40 .70 2.20 1.90 1.45 1.80 2.45 2.10 1.50 1.90 2.75 2.25 1.55 2.00 3.10 2.45 1.65 2.10 3.50 2.65 1.75 2.25 3.90 2.95 1.90 2.45 4.30 3.25 2.00 2.60 4.75 3.55 2.10 2.80 5.15 3.85 2.25 3.00 5.60 4.15 2.40 3.20 6.00 445 2.50 3.40 6.45 4.75 66 75-78-88 83-93 85-95 1.65 2.05 00 2.20 1.65 3.50 1.45 1.70 2.05 2.35 1.55 2.00 2.70 3.05 1.65 2.45 3.50 3.90 1.80 2.90 4.30 4.80 1.95 3.40 5.10 5.70 2.10 3.90 5.90 6.60 2.30 4.40 6.80 7.50 2.50 4.95 8.40 2.75 5.50 9.35 3.05 6.05 3.35 6.60 3.60 7.15 3.90 7.70 4.20 8.25 4.50 8.80 103 108-110 114 122 2.20 3.00 2.05 4.50 2.70 3.85 2.70 5.70 3.30 5.10 3.50 7.25 4.00 6.40 4.30 8.80 4.70 7.70 5.15 5.40 9.00 6.05 6.10 10.35 6.95 6.75 7.90 7.45 8.10 8.75 9.40 10.05 10.70 11.40 124 146 2.10 3.50 2.70 4.20 3.50 5.00 4.40 6.00 5.40 6.40 7.40 8.40 9.45 10.45 11.50 12.55 13.60 14.70 Code for Ordering Sprocket Wheels for Link Belting 25 Vescinose 32 Vescinot 33 Vescinota 34 Vescinoun 35 Vescinovu 42 Vescinowo 45 Vescinozi 51 Vesdaab 52 Vesdabo 55 Vesdacad 57 Vesdacarn 62 Vesdacatz 66 Vesdacaws 67 Vesdacaxy 75 Vesdacazu 77 Vesdacre 78 Vesdeah 83 Vesdeant 85 Vesdea/e 88 Vesdiano 93 Vesdiast 95 Vesdiatz 103 Vesdiawn 108 Vesdoabt 110 Vesdoadz 114 Vesdoam 122 Vesdoars 124 Vesdoave 146 Vesdoba 160 Vesdoco Code for Specifying Number of Teeth in Sprockets 4 Vesdocobi 17 Veseage 30 Vesfega 43 Vesheen 63 Vesicemo 5 Vesdocose 18 Veseahi 31 Vesfehia 44 Vesheft 64 Vesicento 6 Vesdocown 19 Vesearz 32 Vesfeku 45 Veshemn 65 Vesidawn 7 Vesdocozu 20 Veseate 33 Vesfete 46 Vesheoni 66 Vesidaze 8 Vesduab 21 Veseawt 34 Vesfibo 48 Vesheopz 69 Vesideni 9 Vesduace 22 Veseazu 35 Vesficam 49 Vesheost 70 Vesidont 10 Vesduaft 23 Vesfait 36 Vesfifi ' 50 Vesheoze 73 Vesidune 11 Vesduarm 24 Vesfawn 37 Vesgait 52 Vesiano 74 Vesiduti 12 Vesduazi 25 Vesfaze 38 Vesgame 54 Vesicant 75 Vesocol 13 Veseabt 26 Vesfeaf 39 Vesgaze 56 Vesicaste 77 Vesoculp 14 Veseace 27 Vesfebe 40 Vesham 58 Vesicate 80 Vespati 15 Veseado 28 Vesfedo 41 Veshart 59 Vesicawn 94 Vespeat 16 Veseaft 29 Vesfeez 42 Veshatz 60 Vesicead NOTE. The code word for number of teeth also indicates the pitch diameter. Figures denote chain number. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 303 Detachable Link Belting PRICE LIST Chain Number c -l ' S .S P-l J PH Approxi- mate Links to 10 Feet || 3 - o -C o 3 D 5 J <1 F 2 G 1 H 2 K 1 K 3 K 5 M 1 S 1 Coupler A 1 K 1 K 5 S 1 Coupler 52 A 1 A 3 C 1 D*E* F 2 G 1 K 1 K 8 Coupler 55 57 62 66 A^ 2 C 1 E 1 F 2 K 1 K 5 M 1 S 1 Coupler A 1 A 3 D 8 ^ 1 F 2 H 2 K 1 S 2 Coupler A 1 A 3 C 1 D 5 K 1 K 5 Coupler C 1 Coupler 67 75 A A 7 A 11 D 5 ^ 1 FFF 2 G 1 H 1 K 1 S 2 Coupler E 1 H 1 K 1 R 1 Coupler 77 78 83 A 1 E 1 F 2 G 1 H 1 K 1 R 3 S 2 Coupler A 3 A 11 D 5 ' 1 FFF 2 F 4 G :1 G 6 G 19 H 2 H 6 K 1 M 3 R 1 S 2 Coupler D 5^i FF G i M 3 Coupler 85 88 -2 FFF 2 F 5Q 6 H l K 2 K 4 R 7 M 3 52 Coupler A 1 A 3 A 7 F 2 F 8 G 1 G 6 H 1 K 1 R*S 2 Coupler 93 95 103 G 1 Coupler F 2 H 1 K 2 Coupler A 1 A 11 E 1 F 2 F 8 G 6 H 2 K 1 M 3 R 1 Coupler 108 FFF 2 Coupler 110 114 F 2 K 2 Coupler A 11 F 8 C= K 1 Coupler 122 124 146 F 2 K 2 Coupler A 11 F 2 F 8 G -1 G 6 K 1 M 3 ^ 1 Coupler E* F 2 F 5 K 2 K* POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 307 Special or Attachment Links Price Per Foot Attach CHAI N Nl JM BE R ment No. 25 32 33 34 35 42 45 51 52 55 A 1 A 2 $0.21 $0.24 .25 $0.17 $0.21 .27 $0.23 .32 $0.21 $0.20 .25 $0.25 $0.28 $0.25 32 A 3 .22 .21 .20 .32 .28 .34 32 C 1 D 3 .29 26 .32 27 39 .33 .32 .29 42 .27 34 .41 .33 39 .31 53 D 5 20 32 45 35 E 1 E 2 .21 .21 .18 .24 .25 .20 .21 .24 .... .33 .25 F 2 .27 .43 35 G 1 .28 .25 .21 .23 .32 H 1 32 H 2 28 35 K 1 K 3 .26 .30 .39 .25 .39 .29 .32 .26 .37 .26 .34 32 .35 .28 K 5 K 6 .23 .29 .23 .38 .25 .35 .39 .30 .24 .37 .25 .33 .32 .30 K 7 .43 M 1 27 .32 .29 .25 .28 S 1 .27 .25 .25 .25 .23 .28 .32 .25 Attach- CHAI N NL M BE R ment No. 57 62 66 67 75 77 78 83 85 88 A 1 $0.30 $0.32 $0.32 $0.37 $0.46 $0.70 A 2 .33 A 3 .33 .34 59 70 A 7 .37 63 All .34 50 $055 60 C 1 .30 .39 $0.40 .77 D 5 E 1 E 2 .37 .27 .27 .45 43 .37 $0.36 .38 .33 .65 .47 .67 .57 .57 $0.69 .72 .67 .64 F 2 F 4 .43 .... .... .48 ' .52 .64 .70 .71 .92 .92 .80 .71 F 5 92 F 8 .67 .... 1.06 .89 308 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Special or Attachment Links Continued Price Per Foot Not Included in Regular List Attach- ment No. CHAIN NUMBER 57 62 66 67 75 77 78 83 85 88 FF G 1 G 6 G19 H 1 H 2 H 6 K 1 K 2 K 3 K 4 K 5 K 7 M 1 M 3 R 1 R 3 S 1 S 2 $0.49 $0.73 .59 .68 $0.88 .74 $0.81 .71 .72 .78 $0.66 .73 .81 .76 .78 1.13 .61 .50 $0.52 $0.48 .51 .48 .66 .66 .70 $0.41 .44 .... .... .50 .45 45 1.01 .35 $0.35 $0.42 .40 .39 .42 .47 .63 .72 53 .54 .66 .... .85 80 .... .... .33 .91 73 68 .41 .54 .32 .36 .70 .42 .50 .75 .78 .86 .51 .29 .32 .32 89 35 .39 .52 .... .64 .62 Attach- ment No. CHAIN NUMBER 93 95 103 108 110 114 122 124 146 A 1 A 2 All D 5 E 1 E 2 F 2 F 5 F 8 FF G 1 G 6 G19 H 1 H 2 K 1 K 2 K 4 K 5 M 1 M 3 R 1 $0.91 $1.20 1.06 .... .... .91 1.02 .94 .... .... .... $1.45 1.73 $1.37 1.49 1.46 .... $1.10 1.11 $1.18 $1.27 1.35 $1.58 1.54 .... 1.26 U2 .97 .... 1.33 .... 1.84 $0.90 ".86 .96 ".84 1.13 1.09 .95 1.02 .95 1 47 .... 1.66 .... 1 58 .... .95 i".02 1.12 1.21 V.66 1.56 ^76 1.46 1.40 1.41 .... 1.16 .82 1.59 1.21 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 309 DODGE AMERICAN SYSTEM ROPE DRIVING 310 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Transmission of Power by Manila Rope Historical From the first attempt at transmitting power by wire cable in 1852 and afterwards in 1856, when James Combe commenced his experiments with hemp and manila rope, up to the present time, the use of rope for this purpose has gradually increased. In 1883 a marked advance in this art was made by the Dodge Manufacturing Company in an improvement on the so-called "English" system. This improvement was patented by us and designated the "DODGE AMERICAN SYSTEM." English or Individual Wrap System The English system uses separate and independent endless ropes in each groove of the wheel, depending on gravity for tension, and pinched grooves for adhesion. This system is only appropriate for drives where conditions are favorable. Note difference in length of the different Loops Dodge American or "Continuous Wind" System The Dodge American system uses but one continuous rope, winding over the driving and driven wheels as many times as are required to transmit the power, the return rope on the slack side forming a loop over the winder and traveling tightener, the tight- ener being controlled by a weight so that it may automatically regulate the tension of all the wraps of rope. This system was patented in 1885, but has since been greatly improved and made the subject of important additional patents. Explanatory The English system requires a splice in every wrap of rope. In the Dodge American system the rope is one continuous piece, re- quiring but one splice. The English system depends upon gravity POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 311 for tension, hence to increase the tension the ropes must be of larger diameter. The slack side of these ropes being loose they vibrate continuously and have a tendency to jump out of the grooves. To overcome this, deep grooves or high partitions are made in the wheels. These conditions increase the cost of the rope and splicing and require heavier rims in wheels than in the American system. Comparative Tables Comparison of face widths of sheaves in American and English systems of rope driving, using the Dodge and Engineers* Standard Grooves. Number of Grooves FACE WIDTHS FOR DIFFERENT ROPE SIZES -INCH DIAMETER Dodge Engrs 1 Std. 124-INCH DIAMETER Dodge Engrs' Std. DIAMETER Dodge Engrs' Std. 2% 3 4% 10 6 7 8 9 10 10 12 i 15 11M MM 15M 18M 11 12 13 14 15 22 23^ 213^ 23^ 20^ a* 28^ 27^ 24^ 263/ 8 28^ 30^ 23^ 25^ 27^ 29^ 25^ 32^ 34^ 16 17 18 19 20 25 s* 30^ 32^ 323^ 34^ 36^ 34^ 37 33^ Sj o7^b 39 37^ 393^ 41^ 43^ American System In the American system, the tension being regulated auto- matically, the ropes run without vibration, thus permitting the use of shallow grooves, lighter rope and lighter wheels, a saving in friction and power to move the heavier or English installation being the result. 312 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY English system of Grooves American system of Grooves Designing The American system tinder the direction of an experienced engineer can be designed to drive in any direction or angle. A building may be isolated at any convenient point distant from the power, machinery set up as desired, and the drive designed to connect with the power, leading the ropes in the most convenient line. It has been said: " A little knowledge is a dan- gerous thing," this is quite true in designing rope transmissions. The engineer designing a drive may understand the theory but fail in practice, and experience, which is absolutely indispensable in this line, as there are no two installations just alike. Each drive requires individual treatment, from the fact that the speed of shafts, amount of power to be transmitted, distance between centers and other conditions differ in nearly every case. In one installation the load will be steady, in another fluctuating, each requiring the utmost skill of the engineer. So it stands to reason that those who have had the longest term of experience will secure the best results and realize the greatest success. Scope For vertical driving, main engine drives and drives involving distances or angles the Dodge American system has many advan- tages over other modes of power transmission. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 313 Efficiency In general service this system is positive as to delivery of power, it is low in first cost, is noiseless and flexible, and never cumbersome. In transmitting power to detached buildings this system is most efficient and desirable, slippage is practically eliminated, and journal friction reduced to a minimum. The Selection of Rope The necessity of using a rope that is specially selected and laid for power transmission service cannot be overestimated. It should be uniform in diameter and weight throughout its entire length, so as to secure even alignment where a number of wraps of rope are used and where durability is desired. See pages 357 to 359 for treatise on rope. Wheels Carefully Made Rope wheels must be carefully designed and moulded to avoid shrinkage strains, and finished to assure accurate pitch diameters of grooves and even running of rope. Rope Diam. Min. Diam. Sheave Horse Power of One Rope at Different Speeds on Sheaves of Minimum Advisable Diameters 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 fcS h- '1 'Ml k 1 'Ml i \oa\cn\i-' \W\M\I-I \ K* p-> K* K* K> K* K* K* K" K* K* K* K^ K^ K* K* K' K^ ^ JJ e 5 J8 TT o > Oo -I-H -i-H TH -i-H TH 1-1 1-1 i-H (M (M O^ Q S ^ | & =S g IM ci ^ "^y. r S. r 2^2!^[Sl^ r S 2^^" ) ^^fi^ / ^ ^" """r^r^^n^^i > K -^ U >^ 53 * ^ -B g 00 QO OO 00 00 00 O5 O5 OS O5 O5 O5 O5 O5 O5 Oi O O O O O I-H -rH T-I -I-H T-H *o ? :r J rtc3aJaJc3rtc^c^oJrtTQ^TO r QooOOOOOOOOCJ iJlC/2 fl> y DD.r-5.r4.r5.r-; -r-5 -rH -r-J -r-J -rH .r-5 ^ ^rH .Vn ^rH -rH -rH .,5 -rH -rS -rH .rH .,5 -r-l -r-l -r-l U Wl "go _ !g O s ^^ ^j a> t j ssgissisggsiiigsgg^isgeggacooccco gs 1! SSS^ MH S - IllflllTi ili'fra 1*11*1 gslltsl ?. a. o, p p* p*"p, p, S +j 3 3 3 "-J3 +3 'j3 is 2 P *S S o *S *3 5 3 ^ S '^ c^ o S ^ ^ .- WWdCOCOCOCOCOCOCC^^^^ g ' S 332 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Dodge Patent American System of Rope Transmission Tension Carriages Style M Adjustable, for Horizontal Drives M POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 333 Dodge Patent American System of Rope Transmission Tension Carriages Style "H" carriage is the same as "M" and style "I" the same as "O" except, that in each case, the track gauge is fixed and carriage arms are made of cast iron. All our carriage wheel bearings are provided with compression grease cups. Style O Adjustable, for Vertical Drives T-iron guides are used with these carriages. In most cases where this carriage is used, the weights should be arranged as a counter- balance. Style J Used for Small Drives 334 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY 14 Code Word 1 . 1 II c$ c$ c$ c$ c$ o o o o o H-l ! o 1C O O O O O? 1C O CO CO CO -* ^ 00 Os' D ^ ^ )de Word 8 | | 1 1 f I -I 1 > > > > > >;>>>>> 88888 888888 ^ TH O O 1C TH > > > > 2 8 88888 888888 p4 < o E(M IO O CO CO ^ iO CD O5 CO GO IO CO GO i 1 T-H. iH CN d w tJ g )de Word * 1 1 s i en tn tn tn tn tn - 1 i 1 3 o 5 2 & ? 3 tn tn tn tn tn -M 02 O > > > > > >>>>>> 8 0000 0000 S ^ ^3 8 O O O O O O 1C - "^ O O 00 O* t- OS C5 1C 00 CO y-4 ^ TH 0* )de Word & f 2 1 cd aj o o o tn tn tn tn tn i . i' ! S 1 > 8 5 .5? .2 tn tn tn tn tn tn O > > > > > >>>>>> tn cm 8 8 8 8 8 o o o o o o o o o o o o i | S | | | 1 % 1 1 3 1 ! 2 2 5 j^ ^ 3 w o s> > > > > >>>>>> u 88888 888888 g 3 3 8 1C ^ O O 00 O7 t^ OS OS 1C GO CO TH TH i-H 03 f JO, l^M la^aure ia "^ ^^ CO CQ 00 Oi CO CO T^ T^ ^ O> CO C7 "^ QO i^ O CO Z> 00 C5 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 335 Electrical Tell-tale Patented For detecting and announcing any accident that may strand transmission ropes. In transmitting power by ropes, especially over long dis- tances, as is now done by the American system (Dodge patents), it is of great importance to get early intelligence of any cause which might, if not stopped at once, result in more or less injury to the transmission rope; our tell-tale mechanism accom- plishes this purpose by ringing an alarm bell, and when used in connection with our electrical let-off, the clutch is automati- cally thrown out, and the machinery stops. Price of tell-tale, $8.00; bell, one pair dry batteries, 50 feet of (double) wire, staples, etc., $6.00; price complete, $14.00; extra wire (double), 50 feet each, $1.25. 336 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Dodge Patent American System of Rope Transmission Hangers for Tension Carriage Ti/ack The extension pattern is to be bolted to wall or post, and is best suited for Styles I and G carriages. The drop pattern to be bolted to timbers overhead is used ex- clusively for Styles H, L and M carriages. Extension is distance from foot to edge of track, drop from foot to top of track. DROP HANGER When inverted forms an excellent hanger stand DROP PRICE LIST FOR ONE COMPLETE HANGER Drop or Extension 2-in. Pipe Style H & M, 24 to 48 in. Wheels " 2^-in. Pipe StyleG,24to66m.,H&M 54 to 72 in. Wheels 2 l A-in. Pipe Style G, 72 to 96 in. H & M 84 to 96 in. Wheels Price Code Word Price Code Word Price Code Word 12 $5.65 Vocative $6.15 Volge $7.55 Vomanus 14 5.90 Vocio 6.40 Volition 7.85 Vomer 16 6.15 Voconius 6.65 Volitive 8.15 Vornica 18 6.40 Vogesus 6.90 Volleyed 8.45 Vomit 20 6.65 Vogle 7.15 Volow 8.75 Vomitory 22 6.90 Vogling 7.40 Volox 9.05 Vomitote 24 7.15 Voglite 7.65 Volsini 9.35 Vopiscus 2C 28 7.40 7.65 Vogue Voider 7.90 8.15 Voltago Voltaic 9.65 9.95 Vortex Vosegus 80 7.90 Voirdire 8.40 Voltaism 10.25 Votaress 82 8.15 Voiture 8.65 Volti 10.55 Votary 34 8.40 Volandum 8.90 Voltzite 10.85 Vote 86 8.65 Volanna 9.15 Volumist 11.15 Voting 88 8.90 Volante 9.40 Volumna 11.40 Votive 40 9.15 Volary 9.65 Volupia 11.65 Voturi 42 9.40 Volatile 9.90 Voluptas 11.90 Voussoir . 44 9.65 Volcanic 10.15 Volupty 12.15 Vowel 46 9.90 Volcano 10.40 Volusus 12.40 Voyage 48 10.15 Volens 10.65 Volute 12.65 Voyageur 50 10. 4C Volesus 10.90 Volvox 12.90 Vugg In ordering by wire, code word for hanger must be immediately followed by code word for carriage. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 337 Price List of Track per Foot SINGLE DOUBLE Wheels 24 to 66 Inches Wheels 72 to 96 Inches Wheels 20 to 48 Inches Wheels 54 to 96 Inches Z l / 2 x 2^-inch Angle Iron 3-inch I-beam % l /2 x 2X-inch Angle Iron 3-inch I-beam Price Price Price Price $0.70 $0.90 $1.40 $1.80 Single track is used on Style "G." Price List of Weight Rope Sheaves CASTER PATTERN SIDE WALL PATTERN No. Rope, Inches Price No. Rope, Inches Price 1 X $5.50 1 X $6.00 2 IX 9.00 2 IX 10.00 3 1# 15.00 4 2 25.00 Price List of Weight Rods Rope, Inches Rod, Inches Length, Inches Price 1 H 24 $2.75 1 H 30 2.90 1 H 36 3.25 IX U 30 3.75 IX X 36 3.90 IX X 42 4.40 1# # 36 4.50 w ^8 42 4.70 w H 48 4.90 2 1 36 5.60 2 i 42 6.35 2 i 48 7.10 2 i 54 8.00 2 i 60 8.90 Price list of weights and weight ropes furnished upon application. 338 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Dodge "Firmus" Manila Transmission Rope Blue Strand 4 Strand 3 Strand Manufactured exclusively for us by the best rope makers in the country, and especially for transmission of power and hoisting purposes. It is made from the choicest grades of manila hemp it is possible to obtain; hemp that is painstakingly selected for its light color, toughness and strength. The lubricant used in this rope is a special preparation quite unlike the ordinary tallow so frequently used. In the four-strand rope there is a heart or core which is made of Italian fibre, and which is extremely strong, soft and flexible, constituting an ideal bed or bearing surface for the four strands. On account of its soft nature this core readily absorbs the special lubricant, so that it is retained in proper amount on the inside of the rope where it is most needed to overcome the internal friction. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 339 Dodge Firmus Manila Transmission Rope Blue Strand Is carried in stock from y 2 to 1^4 inches, three-strands; from I to 2 inches, four-strands, in coils of 4,000 feet. Owing to the superior quality of this rope we are unable to furnish it in competition with rope of ordinary make. When ordering specify the Firmus or Blue Strand (trade- mark) manila rope. Prices upon application. ESTIMATED WEIGHTS f 8 pi Weight 6.3 .* Strain Borne Code Words in Pounds of Code Words ciS o X +**< by New Rope for Diameter Coils for O9 ">S in Pounds of Rope 4,000 Feet in Stock Coils J- s a s o5 Length CQ <^^ # 9X 2,870 Wardrobe 380 Warpage ^ 16 4,400 Wardsman 640 Warper K 20 5,330 Wareful 800 Warray H 30 7,515 Warfare 1,200 Warrior 34 8,775 Warily 1,360 Wart \ I/ 42 11,620 Wariment 1.680 Warted IX 50 13,200 Warine 2,000 Washable \y% 65 16,700 Warish 2,600 W ashing l/^ 70 18,620 War i son 2,800 Washo 1^6 85 22,775 Warlike 3,400 Washtub 1^ 105 27,370 . Warling 4,200 Wasp 2 130 32,400 Warmful 5,200 Waspish 2// 170 43,775 Warmth 6,800 Wassail 2/2 192 50,120 Waropot 7,680 Waster Caution We wish to call particular attention to the blue strand which is put in all Firmus Rope. This blue strand not only identifies the goods, but expresses our guarantee that they are what they should be in every respect. 340 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY AA-Al Rope Dressing After some twenty-five years' experience with rope driving engineering, we feel that we can consistently recommend to users of rope power transmissions our AA-Ai Rope Dressing as the best compound obtainable for the preservation of all kinds of manila and cotton ropes, when used for power transmission or hoisting- purposes. The ingredients of this rope dressing form an elastic coating over the surface of the rope, which reduces the abrasive contact and wear between the rope and sheaves; when applied as directed find on exposed ropes, it furnishes excellent protection against the weather, also securing better adhesion of the rope in the grooves. This dressing reduces the wear from internal friction to a minimum, and will save its cost many times in prolonging the life of the rope. Put up in screw-top tin cans, containing 5 or 10 pounds, as desired. It is estimated that 10 pounds will cover about 800 feet of 1% inch rope, or its equivalent, if used according to directions. Price, 40 cents per pound; special prices in lots of 100 pound:> or more. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 341 Water Wheel Harness Fly Wheels and Balance Wheels Hardwood Lagging Belt Conveyors Spiral Steel Conveyors Car Pullers Leather Belting Bolts, Nuts and Hanger and Lag Screws Circumference and Area of Circles Miscellaneous Formulae 342 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Water Wheel Harness In applying water to the production of power, the turbine wheel has been brought up to a high state of efficiency. In the installation of these wheels, the matter of "transmit- ting machinery" has been more or less passed over as being a necessary adjunct without due consideration to its merit. When installing a fine steam plant, care is taken to put in a first-class jackshaft with floor stands, quills, friction clutches, self-oiling adjustable pillow blocks, etc., thus providing against all the possible ills to which machinery is heir. A water power plant, using up-to-date wheels, calls for as high-class engineering equipment in harness and connections as a steam plant. We have given the planning and arranging of water wheel harness careful attention, with a view of producing designs strong and durable, smooth running gears, and a minimum of friction in all bearings, making in all respects an outfit equal to the connections necessary for the finest steam plant. The harness is mounted on two lines of heavy I-beams, par- allel to horizontal shaft, resting on solid concrete walls forming the penstocks for the wheels. Spanning these two lines of I-beams are heavy iron arches, or beams, carrying the bearings for shafts and gears. The form of these arches assures rigid construction and durability, low cost of maintenance and minimum friction. The system is so arranged that one or more wheels may be stopped and disconnected and the balance continued in operation, or they may be arranged in groups or units of three or four, or ten or twelve, and coupled together driving a line shaft. To this shaft may be coupled a large generator, or driving wheels for rope or belts, distributing power as required. On the following pages are shown views of some recent installations erected by this branch of our engineering depart- ment. Below are mentioned a few well-known plants in which we have installed water wheel harness. Mishawaka Woolen Mill, Mishawaka, Ind. The Oliver Chilled Plow Co. Power Plant, South Bend, Ind. The South Bend Electric Light & Power Co., Buchanan, Mich. Elkhart Electric Light Co., Elkhart, Ind. Manistique Light & Power Co., Manistique, Mich. Southwest Missouri Electric Light and Power Co., Joplin, Me. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 343 344 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 345 Dodge Fly-wheels and Balance Wheels With our exceptional foundry and machinery equipment tor the manufacture of fly-wheels, balance wheels, large transmitters, etc., we have decided to make a special effort for this class of work, and offer for your consideration the following reasons why zve can make it to your interest to give us your business; especially do we solicit the consideration of manufacturers of engines who may not have sufficient capacity for casting and finishing all or certain portions of their requirements: 1. Expert service as to correctness of design with reference to safety of operation as well as economy of manufacture. 2. Foundry facilities second to none, insuring high grade castings. 3. Machine shop facilities unsurpassed anywhere for producing the highest class of finish at the minimum cost. 4. Geographical location with reference to deliveries to shops of manufacturers or direct to their customers at minimum expense as to transportation charges. Possessing such advantages as only those having continuous and extensive business can afford to maintain, we are in position to compete with manufacturers of less favorable equipment and location as against their own cost of manufacture and delivery, and to relieve them from risks in manufacturing this very important engine part. Not only do we solicit incidental business in this line, but also in the matter of annual or tonnage contracts, whereby a con- tinuous business may be assured, on which basis we can compete most favorably. Whenever purchasers desire fly- wheel insurance, policies will be furnished at a moderate additional cost. This will appeal to conservative manufacturers and purchasers as being a most desir able protection against exigencies of manufacture and usage. 346 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Dodge Fly-wheels and Balance Wheels Balance Wheel TYPE "A" Code Wastete TYPE "B" Code Wasteum Regular Split TYPE "C" Code Wastewil Sectional Rim with One Arm Integral Flanged Solid Hub TYPE "D" Code Wastezo Sectional Rim -with One Arm Integral Flanged Split Hub Rim and Arm Separable, Flanged Split Hub POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 347 Dodge Fly-wheels and Balance Wheels Belt Fly-wheel TYPE "E" Code Wastfam TYPE "F" Code Wastfel Regular Split, Single Arm TYPE "G" Code Wastfoem Regular Split, Double Arm with Rim Bolting Flange TYPE "H" Code Wastgan Rim and Arms Separable, Flanged Solid Rim and Arms Separable, Flanged Hub, Double Arms Split Hub, Double Arms 348 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Dodge Fly-wheels and Balance Wheels Built-up Grooved Fly-wheels TYPE "I" Code Wastgart TYPE "J" Code Wastian Regular Split, Single Arms TYPE "K" Code Wastief Rim and Arms Separable, Flanged Solid Hub, Double Arms Regular Split, Double Arms TYPE "L" Code Wastigh Rim and Arms Separable, Flanged Split Hub, Double Arms POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 349 Hardwood Lagging The principal use of hardwood lagging lies in its application to balance wheels, in many cases these balance wheels having narrow faces, and are not suitable for power transmission pur- poses. By. applying our special hardwood laggings, the wheel may be either grooved for a rope drive or it may be turned for a belt transmission. This application obviates the necessity of purchasing a new driving wheel, and is the more attractive as the cost is comparatively small, and the work done without undue stoppage or disturbance to the other equipment. A main line shaft belt transmission may be converted into a rope drive, and the maximum of power secured, resulting from the saving of frictional losses in the bearings. Or, a rope drive may also be turned into a belt transmission, if for any reason such a change is wanted. As the lagging can be made of any width, a wider belt can be used on a flywheel having the lagging, or two or more belts, side by side, employed on the same rim. In fact, the applications of the lagging are endless. Our system of manufacturing hardwood laggings is the result of many years' experience, and through the use of numerous patented appliances, as well as patents upon the construction as an entirety. This is an exclusive specialty orig- inal with us, our facilities being of the highest order. We maintain a regular erecting crew, with full mechanical equip- ment. This work and alterations in main drives are made with but little loss of time, and at small expense compared with the cost of new flywheels. As the lagging increases the effective diameter of the fly- wheel, the linear velocity is increased by the greater diameter, the speed of rotation remaining the same. The familiar fact of greater coefficient of friction, or driving power of the wood surface over iron, is applicable in this case, and is worthy of serious consideration. Further particulars, with prices, upon application. 350 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY P. & ]?. Corbin, New Britain, Ct., 15' diam., grooved for eighteen 1%" ropes. Citizens Traction Co., Oshkosh, Wis., diameter 17', face 37", for belt service. Dells Pap. & Pulp Co., Eau Claire,Wis., 19' dia., grooved for eighteen 1%" ropes. T. Forman Co., Ltd., Petoskey, Mich., 17' diain., grooved for twelve 1%" ropes. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 351 Belt Conveyors The Dodge belt conveyor system consists of the conveying belt, head and tail pulleys, carriers and return rolls, with their bearings, shafts and take-ups, together with such additional fixtures as are necessary to meet the various conditions in the different installations. The most important feature in our conveyor is the perfect sepa- ration of the conveying belt from the carriers and the effectiveness with which it receives, carries and distributes its load. In the Dodge conveyor special attention has been given the de- tails in design, so that the highest conveying efficiency may be obtained and the frictional losses minimized. From the illustrations it will be noted that there are no complex parts to be continually getting out of order, causing frequent shut- downs and losses. Ample adjustment in the several parts has been provided for, so that a proper roll alignment may be secured. The system for lubrication is positive and copious, in fact, the Dodge con- veyor is built to run continuously, hence the delivery of material is positive and at all times dependable. Our conveyors handle material in Boiler houses and power plants Breweries Brick yards Cement works Chemical works Clay works Coal yards Coke plants Concentrating works Contractors for handling earth, clay, stone, etc. Copper mines Cotton oil mills Crushed stone plants Cyanide works Fertilizer works Gas works for handling coal or coke Glass factories Grain elevators Iron and steel plants Lead mines Lime works Malt houses Phosphate works Piers, docks and freight depots Plaster works Pulp and paper mills Reduction plants Rice mills Sand and gravel pits Smelting works Stamp mills Sugar refineries Zinc mines with ease and at a saving in cost that will make it to your advantage to consult us and get our prices. When sending sketches and specifications upon which you want an estimate, we particularly request that you furnish us with full information explanatory of the various conditions sulr- rounding your proposed installation. Our engineering force in this department has been specially trained for this class of service, 352 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY but as every belt conveyor outfit differs, we require all the data possible that we may give you the full benefit of their advice and experience. The installation of a belt conveying- system should never be attempted without the aid of skilled engineers in this particular branch of service, even should the idlers and other accessories be properly designed. The life and effectiveness of the system de- pends upon a judicious selection of the belt. Only an experienced engineer can do this, as he alone is capable of determining just how the belt should be. made and of a material best adapted for the product to be carried and handled. Should the belt be injudici- ously selected, or the design of system faulty, its efficacy would be so hampered that instead of being operated at a profit it would show a steady loss and be a never ending source of trouble and annoyance. Answers to the following questions should be furnished us when asking for an estimate: 1. How long is the conveyor? 2. Is it level? 3. If not level, how many feet rise? 4. Capacity desired per hour in pounds, tons, cubic feet or bushels? 5. What kind of material? 6. Average size of material? 7. Size of largest piece? 8. Is it wet or dry? 9. Is it hot or cold? 10. What are its chemical properties? 11. How will the material be fed into the belt, whether from machines, bins or by hand? 12. At one or more points? 13. How will the conveyor be supported? 14. At which end could power be most easily applied? 15. How will the conveyor be driven, by motor, engine or line shaft? If line shaft, give size, speed and relative location to conveyor. 16. Would conveyor discharge at end or at intermediate points? 17. What would conveyor discharge into? 18. Give full data if possible with sketch; if reference is made to any of the eight drawings on following pages, give number. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 353 Standard Designs The adaptability of our system is clearly shown in the fol- lowing- drawings, which represent our standard designs; should, however, an occasion arise where special combinations are neces- sary, we are prepared to furnish a conveyor system that will meet any possible conditions. Level conveyor using eh her flat or troughed '^elt. Receives material at one end and discharges at the other. DESIGN N?Z. Inclined conveyor using either flat or troughed belt. Receives material at one end and discharges at the other. DESIGM MS3. Combination inclined and straight conveyor using flat or troughed belt. 354 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Standard Designs T S- DESISHNt*. Showing horizontal and inclined conveyor, each being independent of the Other. Adapted for either flat or troughed belt. DESIGN MS5. Combination straight and inclined conveyor using either flat or troughed belt. Material may be discharged on the inclined conveyor through a spout, set in proper relation to the idlers- CB - ! 4 DESIGH M. Level conveyor using either flat or troughed belt. Receives material at one end and discharges by means of tripper at any intermediate point. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 355 Standard Designs DESIGN N?7. Level conveyor using either flat or troughed belt. Receives material at one end and discharges at fixed intermediate points by means of two trippers, one with special spout for returning material to the belt if desired. DESIGN N98. Receives material at either end and discharges same by means of a four- pulley reversible tripper at any intermediate point. Roll Spacing and Take-up Adjustment For Ores, Stone, Sand, Etc. Troughing carriers for conveyors carrying ores, stone, sand, gravel, cement, clinker, coal, coke, ashes, phosphate, earth, etc., should be spaced from four to five feet apart. Travel of take- ups should be approximately one per cent, of the total length of belt. For Grain For flat belts, space carriers five to six feet apart. For troughed grain belts space carriers five to six feet apart, making each alternate carrier a regular flat belt carrier, as it is not neces- sary to use troughing carriers throughout for conveyors of this character. Space return rollers, ten to twelve feet apart. Travel of take-ups approximately one per cent, of the total length of belt. 356 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Capacities of Troughed Belt Conveyors Material Weighing 125 Pounds per Cubic Foot SPEED, 200 FEET PER MINUTE SPEED, 400 FEET PER MINUTE SPEED, 600 FEET PER MINUTE Width of Conveyor Belt Largest Largest Largest Inches Size of Cube Number Size of Cube Number Size of Cube Number That Can of Tons That Can of Tons That Can of Tons Be Carried per Hour Be Carried per Hour Be Carried per Hour Inches Inches Inches 10 1# 10 # 25 X 35 12 2 15 % 40 X 55 14 2X 25 % 60 X 75 16 3 40 1 85 % 125 18 4 50 1# 115 X 175 20 5 75 2 150 1 250 22 5 95 2 190 1 350 24 6 125 3 250 1 475 26 6 160 3 325 iX 600 28 7 200 4 410 IX 750 30 7 250 4 500 2 900 32 8 300 5 600 2 1100 34 8 350 5 710 2 1300 36 9 450 6 850 2 1500 Material Weighing 100 Pounds per Cubic Foot 10 IX 8 X 20 X 28 12 2 12 X 32 X 44 14 2/2 20 % 48 X 60 16 3 32 1 68 X 100 18 4 40 IX 92 X 140 20 5 60 2 120 1 200 22 5 76 2 152 1 280 24 6 100 3 200 1 380 26 6 128 3 260 IX 480 28 7 160 4 328 IX 600 30 7 200 4 400 2 720 32 8 240 5 480 2 880 34 8 280 5 568 2 1040 36 9 360 6 680 2 1200 Grain Weighing 60 Pounds per Bushel Width of conveyor belt inches . 16 18 20 22 24 26 Flat belts, bushels per hour . 2500 3250 4000 4750 5500 6250 Troughed belts, bushels per hour 3500 4800 6000 7000 8500 9500 Width of conveyor belt inches . 28 30 32 34 36 40 Flat belts, bushels per hour . . 7000 7750 8500 9250 10000 13dOO Troughed belts, bushels per hour 10500 11500 12500 14000 15000 19500 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 357 Troughing and Return Roll Carriers Type A Three Pulleys 358 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Troughing Roll Carriers V Troughing and Return Roll Carriers Separable When upper roll only is used, it is known as Type C When lower roll only is used, it is known as Type D When used as shown in illustration, it is known as Type E POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 359 Troughing and Return Roll Carriers Price List Width of Belt Type A Type B Type C TypeD List Price List Price List Price List Price 12" $26.65 $18.65 $18.00 $13.35 14" 26.85 18.85 18.20 13.85 16" 29.50 20.00 19.50 14.00 18" 30.50 21.10 20.65 15.15 20" 30.70 21.35 20.85 15.35 22" 31.20 21.70 21.35 15.50 24" 31.50 22.70 22.35 16.85 26" 34.00 23.20 22.85 17.00 28" 34.35 23.35 23.00 17.20 30" 34.85 23.70 23.50 17.35 32" 37.35 25.50 23.70 18.50 36" 38.35 25.70 25.50 18.70 42" . 41.35 27.35 27.20 20.20 48" 44.35 28.85 28.70 21.70 360 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Dodge Belt Conveyor Rollers Concentrating Roller All Have Steel Gudgeon Accurately Balanced PRICE LIST Width of Belt Inches Roller BEARING Wood Roller Iron Roller Additional for Con- centrating Roller Plain Self- oiling 18 5^ x21 11 x 2K !**{ Price Code Word $2.00 Wrack $7.65 Wryness $3.00 ' 15 j Price 2.10 8.10 3.00 20 5^4 x 23 is x 2% ITS x2j^ j Code Word Wrangle Xanthian 22 5^x25 it x 2^ lAxM{ Price Code Word 2.20 Wrappage 8.85 Xanthic 3.00 24 5% x27 11 x 2% li 3 sx2K] Price Code Word 2.35 Wrasse 9.80 Xanthine 3.00 26 5^ x29 11 x 2^ li 3 sx2K] Price Code Word 2.45 Wrathful 9.75 Xauthite 3.00 O o 28 5^x31 lix2K l 1 3 B x2K-| Price Code Word 2.60 Wreak 10.45 Xantho 3.00 (i 30 5K x 33 11 x 2K 1AX2K] Price Code Word 2.70 Wreaking 10.80 Xantippi 3.00 o p. 32 5^ x35 I5X2K li 3 sx2K-| Price Code Word 2.80 Wreath 11.20 Xebece 3.00 1 j Price 2.95 11.70 3.00 3 31 y z x 37 is x 2% I Code Word Wrestle Xenea o i-i ( Price 3.05 12.25 3:00 y 36 5^ x 39 l|x2K Ii 3 s x2^ j Code Word Wretch Xenetus 38 5^x41 li x 2K ( Price Code Word 3.20 Wriggle 12.70 Xenium 3.00 ir j Price 3.30 13.20 3.00 40 Yz x 43 ii x 2% 1 fs x 2J^ | Code Word Wrinkle Xenocles 1 Price 3.40 13.65 3.00 42 $y z x 45 lfx2K Ii 3 sx2^ Code Word Wrist Xenophon J POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 361 Dodge Belt Conveyor Rollers Continued Iron Pulley Roller Iron Pulley Concentrating Roller PRICE LIST "3 SHAFT PULLEY ROLLER CONCENTRATING ROLLER o Code Code si Word Word t^H D'am. Length No. of Pulleys Price No. of Pulleys Price 18 Ii 3 3 27 4 6x4 $4.80 Xenotine 2 8x4 $7.50 Xystici 20 ll 3 * 29 4 6x4 4.95 Xeraphim 2 6x4 6.25 Xystus 22 1A 31 4 6x4 5.05 Xerasia 2 6x4 6.35 Yacht 24 li 3 * 33 5 6x4 6.00 Xeres 3 6x4 7.S5 Yachting 26 1& 35 5 6x4 6.10 Xeriff 3 6x4 7.45 Yager 28 ll 3 B 37 5 6x4 6.20 Xerodes 3 6x4 7.55 Yak 30 1A 39 5 6x4 6.30 Xiphias 3 6x4 7.65 Yama 32 1A 41 6 6x4 7.10 Xiphoid 4 6x4 8.65 Yank 34 Jl 3 B 43 6 6x4 7.20 Xuthus 4 6x4 8.75 Yankee 36 I A 45 6 6x4 7.30 Xychus 4 6x4 8.85 Yaourt 88 1A 47 7 6x4 8.40 Xylite 4 6x4 8.90 Yapon 40 ii 3 5 49 7 6x4 8.55 Xylotile 5 6x4 9.95 Yarnen 42 1& 51 7 6x4 8.65 Xypete 5 6x4 10.00 Yarrish 362 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Dodge Improved Self-oiling Concentrating Rollers PRICE LIST Width of Belt Inches CROSS BAR Size of Roller * Price Code Words Size Length 18 Hx2 25 5^x9 $12.45 Yaulp 20 y 2 xs 27 5j| x 9 12.55 Yawl 22 y 2 x2 29 5>| x 9 12.65 Yawling 24 y 2 x2 31 5^x9 12.75 Yawn 26 28 y 2 x2 Vz x2 33 85 5^ x 9 5>| x9 13.35 13.45 Ycleped Yearn 80 32 Yz x2 y 2 x2 37 89 5^x9 5^x9 13.55 13.65 Yearning Yeast 34 y 2 x2 41 5^ x9 13.75 Yelk 36 y 2 x2 43 5^x9 13.85 Yellow 38 H x2 45 5^ x9 13.95 Yenite 40 Vi x2 47 5^ x9 14.05 Yeoman 42 y 2 x2 49 5ji x 9 14.15 Yergas "Includes bar but not stands. PRICE LIST OF BAR STANDS PER PAIR Height of Bar Price Code Word 5 $2.10 Yesa 6 2.10 Yesado 7^ 2.20 Yesafi 9^ 2.30 Yesagu 11 2.40 Yetand 12 2.50 Yetebs 18* 2.60 Yetegn Bar Stands POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 363 Dodge Belt Conveyor Stands With Plain and Self-oiling Bearings C B PRICE LIST OF ONE STAND WITH BEARING Bore of Bearing Inches PLAIN Flat Bearing Low Stand High Stand Double Stand | * " ) .A | Price Code Word Price Code Word Price Code Word Price Code Word A $0.30 Yewu .50 Yezidee B $0.95 Yodel 1.45 Yodeling C $1.25 Yojan 1.75 Yokelet D $1.55 Yonker 2.25 Youngth SELF-OILING E $1.00 Youth 1.25 Youthful F $1.75 Yttria 2.35 Yttrious G $2.05 Yttrium 2.65 Yucca H * $2.35 Yufts 3.15 Yulan * Extension Stand for Bar. 364 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Dodge I-Beam Frame Belt Conveyor Tightener Designed especially for heavy work, and is made for any desired length of travel. The frame is constructed of steel I-beams on which are mounted ball and socket self-oiling bearings, actuated through screw and hand wheel, clearly shown in the cut. PRICE LIST PER PAIR 1 Length of Adjustment Inches DIAMETER OF SHAFT lit 26 m 3/ B 3}| 4A 19 J Price $39.90 $47.00 $60. CO $89.90 $105.00 $145.50 12 j Code Word Yule Zalates Zariaspa Zechin Zeno Zethes 1B J Price 41.75 50.00 62.50 92.50 108.75 150.00 18 j Code Word Yunx Zalecus Zarnich Zedoary Zenob:a Zeugma o^ * Price 43.60 52.50 65.00 95.10 112.50 154.50 24 - ( Code Word Zabaism Zambo Zathua Zeine Zeolite Zeuxo o rt ( Price 45.45 55.00 67.50 97.70 116.25 159.00 30 -| Code Word Zabatus Zamia Zayat Zelia Zeolitic Zibet Qft j Price 47.30 57.50 70. CO 100.30 120.00 163.50 OO < ( Code Word Zabolus Zamite Zeal Zelus Zephyr Ziega A9 1 Price 49.15 60.00 72.50 102.90 123 75 168.00 42 j Code Word Zaccho Zantiot Zealant Zemindar Zerda Zigira jfl * Price 51.00 62.50 75.00 105.50 127.50 172.50 48 1 Code Word Zaffer Zanyism Zealot Zenana Zero Zigzag K/l j Price 52.85 65.00 77.50 108.10 131.25 177.00 54 j Code Word Zagreus Zaphara Zebra Zendik Zeta Zillah fin f Price 54.70 67.50 80.00 110.70 135. CO 181.50 60 - ( Code Word Zainet Zarax Zebu Zenith Zetetic Zincite NOTE. This price does not include pulley, shaft or collars. See the respective price lists for same. They are additional. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 365 Take-ups For use when it is necessary to take up slack in belts, as in elevators. Made to pull and push. Style "A" Code Word Zinciteag Style "B" Code Word Zinciteat PRICE LIST PER PAIR AND DIMENSIONS Shaft Size Inches LIGHT* HEAVY t 12-Inch 18-Inch 16-Inch 28-Inch 1 H 23 TF O 7 4i $ 9.00 9.30 9.60 10.00 10.40 $ 9.70 10.00 10.30 10.70 11.10 $29.40 30.60 32.20 33.50 35.10 $34.00 35.10 36.70 38.40 39.00 Code word for shaft size, see page 11. Code Words: * Zinciteaca tZinciteam 366 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY The Dodge Single Self-propelling Tripper This type of frame is made either hand or self-propelled, viz., with or without the clutches and sprocket driving mechanism for moving the tripper. Bearings are self-oiling and adjustable. Tripper can be readily moved in either direction. In the propelling mechanism, both side frames are connected by a geared cross-shaft, thus assuring an equal travel of each side of frame on its respective rail, thereby eliminating all twisting and binding which is so noticeable in a frame driven from one side only, or with two independent mechanisms. For convenience of operator, both clutch operating levers are placed on the same side of tripper. PRICE Li ST Width of Belt HAND-PROPELLED SELF-PROPELLED Two Pulley Single with Swivel Spout Code Word Two Pulley Single with Swivel Spout Code Word 20 24 30 36 42 48 $250.00 270.00 300.00 Zincitego Zinciteim Zinciteop $350.00 370.00 400.00 440.00 490.00 550.00 Zinciteuz Zincitime Zincitist Zincitizo Zincitoad Zincitobo POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 367 The Dodge Double Self-propelling Tripper This type is self-propelling, viz. : fitted with clutches and sprocket driving mechanism for moving the tripper. The cross driving mechanism between the side frames is on the same general line as in our single tripper, eliminating all twisting and binding. The bearings are self-oiling and adjustable. Both clutch operating levers are placed on the same side. This type of frame can be built either single or reversible, viz. . with two or four pulleys. In the single or two-pulley type the discharge spout is arranged to divide the load on either side of the belt by simply operating the slides in the spout. This type of single tripper can be fitted with a split spout arranged to discharge its load at either side or to return any part of it to the belt. In the reversible the product from the conveyor belt can be received when tripper is running in either direction, and can be delivered from either or both sides at the same time, the delivery being controlled by a gate valve. PRICE LIST Width of Belt Two PULLEYS Width of Belt FOUR PULLEYS Self-propelling Single, with Double Dis- charge Spout Code Words Self-propelling Reversible, with Double Dis- charge Spout Code Words 20 24 30 86 42 48 $425.00 450.00 485.00 530.00 595.00 650.00 Zincitoez Zincitomb Zincitoos Zincitops Zincitost Zincitozu 20 24 30 3(5 42 48 $500.00 530.00 570.00 20.00 700.00 750.00 Zincitude Zincoaz Zincobab Zincobef Zincobite Zincodaim 368 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Standard Spiral Steel Conveyor A PRICE LIST AND DIMENSIONS c StS 111 02 M Q Standard Length of Section in Feet Inside Diam. of Hollow Shaft Inches Recom- mended Revolutions per Minute Maximum Capacity per Hour Bushels Price per Foot Standard Steel Code Words Price per Foot Galvanized Steel Code Words 4 6 9 12 16 on 2 16 on 3 18 8 10 10 12 12 12 12 1 1% i* 2 3 3 100 HO 150 160 160 160 ICO 100 300 1,000 2000 3,000 5,000 6,000 $1.40 2.00 2.50 3.50 5.00 6.25 7.50 Zincoea Zincoeadi Zincoeb Zincoebat Zincoeda Zincoedam Zincoefl $1.90 2.70 3.50 5.00 7.00 8.75 10.50 Zincoefist Zincoego Zincoegoze Zincoehu Zincoehume Zincoeko Zincoelab The standard length of a section, as given above, includes the length of one hanger bearing. The price of each standard section includes the necessary lining, one coupling and one hanger with bolts. An extra charge is made for driving ends and all other accessories. In ordering conveyor, please refer to the letters as indi' catcd below. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY' 369 Standard Spiral Steel Conveyor Dodge Bearing Ends PRICE LIST OF DRIVING ENDS Conveyor Diameter Inches Price Code Words 4 $2.00 Zincofaat 6 3.00 Zincofads 9 4.50 Zincofag 12 8 00 Zincofagim 14 11.50 Zincofahl 16 on 2 13.00 Zincofaim 16 on 3 14.00 Zincofake 18 17.00 Zincofalz For Driving End The use of these cast iron bearing ends greatly strengthens the conveyor box. The bearings are babbitted, bored and faced, and can be tapped and fitted with grease cup. PRICE LIST OP DISCHARGE ENDS For Discharge End Conveyor Diameter Inches Price Code Words 4 $1.75 Zincofamo 6 9 2.75 4.00 Zincofany Zincofelt 12 7.00 Zincofemi 14 10.00 Zincofesu 16 on 2 11.50 Zincofet 16 on 3 12.50 Zincofewr 18 15.00 Zincofezo 370 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Dimensions of Wood Conveyor Boxes Conveyor boxes should be made of kiln-dried lumber, other- wise they might shrink and cause the conveyor to run out of true. The following table shows the proper dimensions for conveyor boxes. For 4-inch boxes use ^-inch lumber; for 6-inch, 1-inch; for 8 to 10-inch, 1^-inch, and for 12-inch and larger it is best to use 2-inch stuff. Diameter Conveyor Inches A Inches B Bore Inches C Inches D Inches E Inches P Inches 4 3^ 1 5 7/ & M 3 6 4^ 1% 7 1 &y> 4% 6 * l /2 2 7 1 &/ 2 6 8 5H 1 9 *5s 4^2 4K 8 2 9 \y 2 4 1 / 6 9 6j| IK 10 \y 5 4^ 9 63< 2 10 Wz 5 6 9 6^ 2j 7 B 10 1 V' 5 15 10 7 1J4 11 i 1 /! 5K A\/ 10 7 2 11 i^ 5 1 A 6% 10 7 2i 7 a 11 IT/ &A 7A 12 9 2 13 2 2 6K 6 12 9 2i 7 B 13 2 6^ 7i 5 s 12 9 8 13 2 6^ 9 14 9K 2 15 2 75s 6 14 9^ 2i 7 s 15 2 7K 7! S 8 14 9K 3 15 2 *2*i/ 9 16 11 2 17 2 8^ 6 16 11 2i 7 s 17 2 8K 7i 5 5 16 11 3 17 2 8M 9 18 11 3 19 2 9J4 9 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 371 Standard Spiral Steel Conveyor Dodge Conveyor Hangers No.13 Code Words Zincofoam PRICE LIST OF CONVEYOR FIXTURES Conveyor Diameter Inches Hangers Nos. Hangers Couplings Regular Lining per Foot Flights Delivery Gate 19 j Price $0.40 80.50 $0.08 $0.50 $9.00 12 j Code Word Zincofoist Zincofuost Zincohapod Zincohede Zincohelt 1Q J Price .75 .75 .10 .80 12.00 13 J Code Word Zincofoit Zincofuoze Zincohapst Zincoheef Zincohemn iq 14 j Price 1.00 .75 .16 1 00 18 00 Lo 9 L*T < Code Word Zincofoize Zincofute Zincoheap Zincoheft Zincohens 19 iq -14. j Price 1.80 1.50 .20 1.40 24.00 1Z lo, 11 ( Code Word Zincofood Zincogast Zincoheart Zincohego Zincoheod iq -J4 j Price 3.40 1.50 .34 1.75 30.00 lo, J** ( Code Word Zincofu Zincogaze Zincoheazo Zincoheh Zincohere 16 on 2 13, 14 j Price Code Word 3.80 Zincofuad 1.50 Zincoham .36 Zincohebi 2.50 Zincoheil 35.00 Zincohewe 16 on 3 13, 14 -j Price Code Word 4.50 Zincofues 2.50 Zincohant .36 Zincohebim 2.50 Zincoheju 35.00 Zincohiat i Price 5.50 2.50 .49 40.00 18 13, 14 J Code Word Zicofuo Zincohapi Zincohect Zincohibo In ordering by wire, always give code word for hanger wanted. 372 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Standard Spiral Steel Conveyor Counter-shaft Drives When the conveyors are located at right angles to the power delivering shaft, a successful method of driving is by means of our miter gear counter-shaft, to which is attached the driven sprocket wheel or pulley. When conveyors are located parallel with the power delivering shaft, the paper and iron friction drive can be used to advantage. In this case the iron wheel is placed on the conveyor shaft and if it is necessary to arrange the conveyor so that it can be started or stopped at will, the paper wheel shaft should be supported in a ball and socket and eccentric bearing. PRICE LIST OF MITER GEAR COUNTER-SHAFT DRIVE Conveyor Diameter Inches Price Complete Code Word Conveyor Diameter Inches Price Complete Code Word 4 6 9 12 $8.00 10.00 15.00 26.00 Zincohidan Zincohidbo Zincohidci Zincohoad 14 16 on 2 16 on 3 18 $40.00 40.00 45.00 Upon appli- Zincohoam Zincohoast Zincohoave cation j POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 373 Standard Spiral Steel Conveyor Drives for Right Angle Conveyor No. 1 Cut No. i shows the best and most improved method for right angle drive, and should be used in all cases where if is practicable to place the deliv- ering conveyor a few inches above the receiving conveyor. Cut No. 2 shows the right angle drive for conveyors on the same level. This method is very successful, but not as efficient as shown above. PRICE LIST j No. 2 |S| o ^ d d fc 4 J Price $11.50 $8.00 4 1 Code Word Zincohob Zincuad Price 17.50 10.00 Code Word Zincohobo Zincuest Price 21.00 18.00 9 Code Word Zincohock Zincuoin 12 * Price 38.00 24.00 ~i Code Word Zincohode Zincuum 1 ) Price 65.00 30.00 14 < Code Word Zincohosm Zoaab 16on2J Price Code Word 65.00 Zincohoze 30.00 Zoabite I Price 75.00 40.00 loond j Code Word Zincohuad Zoaboad iQ \ Price 90.00 50.00 1 Code Word Zincohub Zoabund 374 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Standard Spiral Steel Conveyor Conveyor Boxes Made of Steel Conveyor boxes made of steel are rapidly taking the place of those made of wood, due to the fact that they are stronger, more rigid and last longer. , The first cost is a trifle more than the wood box but the difference is more than offset in the superior service. We are prepared to furnish prices on these boxes complete or the various parts, for conveyors from 4 to 18 inches diameter inclusive. Prices upon application. Support Bearing End POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 375 Standard Spiral Steel Conveyor Dodge Delivery Gates for Conveyor Boxes Made of Steel No. 1 Cut No. 1. The gate open. Prices for these gates will be furnished upon application. Cut No. 2. The 'gate closed, with our revolving spout attached. No. 2 376 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Dodge Safety Car Puller Style B PRICE .LIST OF STYLE B SAFETY CAR PULLER Price Code Word Regular size (5 to 8 cars) without rope drum and $175.00 Zoabust Regular size (5 to 8 cars) with rope drum and 225.00 Zoacote Regular size (5 to 8 cars) without rope drum and 125.00 Zoacuf Regular size (5 to 8 cars) with rope drum and 175.00 Zoadide Double Sheave for Car Puller Rope When desired, we furnish heavy iron sheaves (as shown in illustration) at an additional net cost of: Diameter Single Double M2 inches 18 inches $10.00 20.00 $15.00 30.00 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 377 Manufacturers' Price List of Leather Belting Oak Tanned In Effect November 21, 1906 Size, In. Single Size, In. Single Size, In. Single Size, In. Single % $0.12 W i $0.90 15 $3.60 30 $7.20 H -15 4 .96 16 3.84 32 7.68 H .18 i 1 / $ 108 17 4.08 34 8.16 .21 5 1.20 18 4.32 36 8.64 1 .24 5 l / 2 1.32 19 4.56 38 9.12 1^ .30 6 1.44 20 4.80 40 9.60 1% .36 6H 1.56 21 5.04 42 10.08 IK -42 7 1.68 22 5.28 44 10.56 2 .48 ' 8 1.92 23 5.52 48 11.52 2^ .54 9 2.16 24 5.76 52 12.48 2/ 2 .60 10 2.40 25 6.00 56 13.44 11 2.64 26 6.24 (50 14.40 3 .72 12 2.88 27 6.48 64 15.36 3'^ .78 13 3.12 28 6,72 68 16.32 3 l / .84 14 3.36 29 6.96 72 17.28 All double belts double list price Solid Round Belting Size, In. Price Size, In. Price Size, In. Price Size In. Price Size, In. Price % $0.05 A $0.07 X $0.10 T 5 6 $0-14 H $0.18 Twist Leather Belting / 8 $0.06 1^ -10 * $0.14 .18 % $0.23 .30 ^ $0.36 H .46 /' $0.60 .72 Cut Lacing Size, Inches Per 100 Feet Size, Inches Per 100 Feet Size, Inches Per 100 Feet K $1-25 3/8 $1.75 H $3.00 i 5 5 1-50 1/2 2.25 % 3.75 Rubber Belting Width . Inches 2 - p1 ^ 3-ply 4-ply 6-ply 6-ply 1SS2. ^v* 4n>- 6-ply 1% $0.13 $0.15 1 0.19 $0.23 n *3h& $1.63 $1.96 2 .18 .20 .25 .31 $0.37 1.78 2.15 2> .22 .25 .31 .38 .46 ii t**j 1.56 1.95 2.34 3 .26 .30 .37 .45 .55 II <$* N 1.69 2.11 2 54 3% .30 .35 .43 .53 .65 Ik f f^^83 2.28 2.74 4 .34 .40 .50 .61 .75 *ff~ If 5 \^96 2.44 2.94 .45 .55 .69 .84V f 41 \M-2.22 2.77 3.33 5 .42 .50 .61 .76 v .9iX Ja -1 2.49 3.10 3.73 6 .50 .60 .72 .89 Kps kjii W\ 2.77 3.47 4.16 7 .59 .70 .81 1-Q4-A, I 3.08 3.85 4.62 8 .67 .80 .96 \jfay i ~3mJ% 2e 1 3.39 4.23 5.08 9 .76 .90 [.7 mtu 1 61^/r 28 3 70 4.62 5.54 10 .84 1 00 L 20 W 1.77 30 4.00 5.00 6.00 Kndless belts made to order, for which three feet extra will be charged. 378 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Rubber Belting Price List Effective May 2, 1910 Inch 2-ply 3-ply 4-ply 5-ply 6-ply "-ply 8-ply 1 $ .09 $ .11 $ .13 \\t .11 .13 .16 VZ .13 .15 19 $ .23 1% .15 .17 ,22 .27 2 18 .20 .25 .31 $ .37 2} .22 .25 .31 .38 .46 3 .26 .30 .37 .45 .55 gv- * A .30 .35 .43 .53 .65 .34 .40 .50 .61 .75 $ .86 4% .38 .45 .55 .69 .84 .96 5 42 50 .61 .76 .91 1 06 6 .50 .60 .72 .89 1.08 1.25 $1.44 7 .59 .70 .84 1.04 1.25 1.46 1.68 8 .67 .80 .96 1.19 1.44 1.68 1.92 9 .76 .90 1.07 1.34 1.60 1.88 2.16 10 .84 1.00 1.20 1.49 1.77 - 2.09 2.40 11 .92 1.10 .32 1.63 1.96 2.29 2.62 12 1.00 1.20 .43 1.78 2.15 2.50 2.85 13 .10 1.30 .56 1.95 2.34 2.73 3.12 14 .19 1.40 .69 2.11 2.54 2.96 3.39 15 .28 1.52 .83 2.28 2.74 3.19 3.65 16 .37 1.65 1.96 2.44 2.94 3.42 3.92 18 .55 1.87 2.22 2.77 3.33 3.88 4.44 20 1.74 2.09 2.49 3.10 3.73 4.35 4.97 22 1.94 2.33 2.77 3.47 4.16 4.85 5.54 24 2.16 2.60 3.08 3.85 4.62 5.39 6.16 26 2.38 2.86 3.39 4.23 5.08 5.93 6.78 28 2.60 3.12 3.70 4.62 5.54 6.47 7.39 30 2.82 3.39 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 32 3.04 3.65 4.31 5.39 6.47 7.55 8.62 34 3.26 3.92 4.62 5.78 6.93 8.09 9.24 36 3.48 4.18 4.93 6.16 7.39 8.62 9.86 38 3.70 4.44 5.24 6.55 7.85 9.16 10.47 40 3.92 4.71 5.55 6.93 8.32 9.70 11.09 42 4.14 4.97 5.85 7.32 8.78 10.24 11.70 44 4.36 5 24 6.16 7.70 9.24 10.78 12.32 46 4.58 5.50 6.47 8.08 9.70 11.32 12.94 48 4.80 5.76 6.73 8.47 10.16 11.86 13.55 50 5.02 6.03 7.08 8.85 10.63 12.40 14.17 52 5.22 6.29 7.39 9.24 11.09 12.94 14.78 54 5.46 6.56 7.70 9.63 11.55 13.48 15.40 56 5.68 6.82 8.01 10.01 12.01 14.01 16.02 58 5.90 7.08 8.32 10.40 12.47 14.55 16.63 60 6.12 7.35 8.62 10.78 12.94 15.01) 17.25 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 379 Rules for Determining Diameter and Speed of Rope Sheaves, Pulleys or Gears The driving pulley is called the Driver, and the driven pulley the Driven. If the number of teeth in gears are used instead of diameter, in these cal- culations, number of teeth must be substituted wherever diameter occurs. To determine the diameter of Driver, the diameter of the Driven and its revolutions, and also revolutions of Driver being given. Diameter of Driven x revolutions of Driven = Diam. of Driver Revolutions of Driver To determine the diameter of Driven, the revolutions of the Driven, and diameter and revolutions of the Driver being given. Diameter of Driver x revolutions of Driver Revolutions of Driven = Diam. of Driven To determine the revolutions of the Driver, the diameter and revolutions of the Driven, and diameter of the Driver being given. Diameter of Driven x revolutions of Driven ^ =Rev. of Driver Diameter of Driver To determine the revolutions of the Driven, the diameter and revolutions of the Driver, and diameter of the Driven being given. Diameter of Driver x revolutions of Driver ^ . _ . = Rev. of Driven Diameter of Driven NOTE. Rope sheaves should be at least 63 diameters of the rope, never less than 40, as the durability of the rope depends entirely upon this factor. The diameter of pulleys should be as large as can be admitted, provided they will not produce a belt travel greater than 5,000 feet per minute. About 4,000 feet, and low tension is good practice. Rule for horse-power of belts: Multiply diameter of pulley in inches by revolutions per minute, and this product by width o f . belt in inches, divide by 3,300 for single or 2,100 for double. Rule for Horse-power of Gearing Face in inches x square of thickness of Tooth at pitch line in inches x velocity Length of Tooth from point to root in inches x 63 Equals horse-power at safety of 8; ultimate tensile strength, 30,000 pounds pei square inch. Velocity to be in feet per minute at pitch line. For bevels, thickness, length and velocity to be taken at center of face. For mortise wheels and pinions use thickness of pinion tooth. If greater margin of safety is desired, multiply above result by 8 and divide by factor of safety desired; 2,200 feet per minute at pitch line for iron gearing, and 3,000 feet for wood and iron, are excessive velocities, and should be avoided, if possible. 380 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Fractions of a Lineal Inch in Decimals Fractions Decimals of an Inch Fractions Decimals of an Inch Fractions Decimals of an Inch a i 1 Decimals of an Inch 0.015625 H 0.265625 If 0.515635 f! 0.765625 x 0.03125 3 9 * 0.28125 H 0.53125 j .1 0.78125 0.04687 1! 0.296875 " 0.546875 \ i 0.796875 s 0.0625 & 0.3125 T 9 6" 0.5625 0.8125 A 0.078125 S 0.328125 ft 0.578125 i j 0.828125 IHT 0.09375 0.34375 0.59375 H 0.84375 0.109375 H 0.359375 ^9 0.609375 0.859375 X 0.125 H 0.375 % 0.625 ^ 0.875 & 0.140625 ft 0.390625 il 0.640625 5^ 0.890625 A 0.15625 0.40625 t 0.65625 - 0.90625 It 0.171875 If 0.421875 0.671875 |J ' 0.921875 A 0.1875 7 0.4375 | 0.6875 ^j 0.9375 0.203125 ft 0.453125 | 0.703125 f; - 0.953125 0.21875 if 0.46875 ft 0.71875 ll * 0.96875 if 0.234375 it 0.484375 0.734375 li 0.984375 X 0.25 X 0.5 5 0.75 1.000 Lineal Inches in Decimal Fractions of a Lineal Foot Lineal Inches Lineal Foot Lineal Inches Lineal Foot Lineal Inches Lineal Foot h 0.001302083 IX 0.15625 6^ 0.5625 in 0.00260416 2 0.1666 7 0.5833 S 0.0052083 2M 0.177083 7X 0.60416 # 0.010416 2X 0.1875 7# 0.625 T 8 ^ 0.015625 2^ 0.197916 7^ 0.64583 X 0.02083 2^ 0.2083 8 0.66667 T 5 TT 0.0260416 2^ 0.21875 8^ 0.6875 ^ 0.03125 2^ 0.22916 8^ 0.7083 TV 0.0364583 2^ 0.239583 8^ 0.72916 T/ /2 0.0416 3 0.25 9 0.75 T 9 ff 0.046875 3X 0.27083 9X 0.77083 ^ 0.052083 3K 0.2916 9^ 0.7916 ii 0.0572916 3^ 0.3125 9^ 0.8125 S 0.0625 4 0.33333 10 0.83333 0.0677083 4X 0.35416 iox 0.85416 ^8 0.072916 4X 0.375 io>< 0.875 if 0.078125 4^ 0.39583 iox 0.89583 1 0.0833 5 0.4166 11 0.9166 IX 0.09375 5^ 0.4375 nx 0.9375 IX 0.10416 5*/ 2 0.4583 iiX 0.9583 IX 0.114583 5% 0.47916 HX 0.97916 IK 0.125 6 0.5 12 1.000 1^ 0.135416 ey 0.52083 / IV 0.14583 ^'/T QJ4 0.5416 *-i"l \J/2 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 381 Circumferences and Areas of Circles Diameters, I-I6 Inch up to and Including 120 Inches. Advancing, I-I6 to I; 1-8 to 50 ; 1-4 to 80, and 1-2 to 120 Diameter Inches Circumference Inches Area Square Inches Diameter Inches Circumference Inches Area Square Inches Diameter Inches il O Area Square Inches A .19635 .00307 4X 14.137 15.904 9^ 30.237 7-3.759 /8 .3927 .01227 4^ 14.529 16.800 934- 30.630 74.662 A .5890 .02761 43^ 14.922 17.720 9^ 31.023 76.588 % .7854 .04909 15.315 18.665 .9817 .07670 10 31.416 78.540 3 A> 1.1781 .1104 5 15.708 19.635 10^ 31.808 80.515 yV 1.3744 .1503 16.100 20.629 ioX 32.201 82.516 X 1.5708 .1963 g i/ 16.493 21.647 10/8 32.594 84.540 T 9 ff 1.7771 .2485 5/ 16.886 22.690 IOK 32.986 86.590 j>8 1.9635 .3068 17.278 23.758 10^ 33.379 88.664 ii 2.1598 .3712 K5/ 17.671 24.850 1034: 33.772 90.762 M 2.3562 .4417 53^ 18.064 25.967 10^ 34.164 92.885 i 1 7* 2.5525 2.7489 .5185 .6013 18.457 27.108 11 $4.558 ' 95.033 If 2.9452 .6903 6 18.849 28.274 iix 34.950 35.343 97.205 99 402 1 IX 1/8 3.1416 3.5343 3.9270 4.3197 4.7124 5.1051 5.4978 5.8905 .7854 .9940 1.2271 1.4848 1.7671 2.0739 2.4052 2.7611 6/ 8 7 19.242 19.635 20.027 20.420 20.813 21.205 21.598 21.991 29.464 30.679 31.919 33.183 34.471 35.784 37.122 38.484 n>! 12 35.735 36.128 36.521 36.913 37.306 37.699 38.091 38.484 101.623 103.869 106.139 108.434 110.753 113.097 115.466 117.859 2 6.2832 6.6759 7.0686 7.4613 7.8540 3.1416 3.5465 3.9760 4.4302 4.9087 7/ 8 22.383 22.776 23.169 23.562 23.954 39.871 41.282 42.718 44.178 45.663 123/8 12^ 123/ 38.877 39.270 39.662 40.055 40.448 120.276 122.718 125.184 127.676 130.192 2 8.2467 8.6394 5.4119 5.9395 Vi 24.347 24.740 47.173 48.707 13 13^ 40.840 41.233 132.732 135.297 2^ 9.0321 6.4918 13X 41.626 137.886 8 25.132 50.265 133^ 42.018 140 . 500 3 9.4248 7.0686 8/-6 25.515 51.848 42.411 143.139 3/4 9.8175 7.6699 8X 25.918 53.456 13^5 42.804 145 . 802 3X 10.210 8.2957 26.310 55.088 133/ 43.197 148.489 33^ 10.602 8.9462 S/ 2 26.703 56.745 43.589 151.201 Q/4 10.995 9.6211 27.096 58.426 3^5 11.388 10.320 8% 27.489 60.132 14 43.982 153.938 33^ 11.781 11.044 $% 27.881 61.862 14^5 44.375 156.699 3#f. 12.173 11.793 14X 44.767 159.485 9 28.274 63.617 14/8 45.160 162.295 4 12.566 12.566 9/^ 28.667 65.396 14^ 45.553 165.130 41^ 12.959 13.364 9X 29.059 67.200 14^3 45.945 167.989 4X 13.351 14.186 93^ 29.452 69.029 143^ 46.338 170.873 43^ 13.744 15.033 29.845 70.882 U7/8 46.731 173.782 382 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Circumferences and Areas of Circles Continued Diameter Inches Circumference Inches i Area Square Inches Diameter Inches Circumference Inches Area Square Inches Diameter Inches Circumference Inches Area Square Inches 15 47.124 176.715 21 65.973 346.361 27 84.823 572.556 15/^ 47.516 179.672 21 # 66.366 350.497 27 /^ 85.215 577.870 15X 47.909 182.654 21 X 66.759 354.657 27X 85.608 583.208 15/8 48.302 185.661 21^/8 67.151 358.841 27^ 86.001 588.571 15^ 48.694 188.692 67.544 363.051 27^ 86.394 593.958 15^ 49.087 191.748 21 fy 67.937 367.284 27^ 86.786 599.370 15X 49.480 194.828 21 X 68.329 371.543 27 X 87.179 604.807 157/8 49.872 197.933 217/8 68.722 375.826 27^ 87.572 610.268 16 50.265 201.062 22 69.115 380.133 28 87.964 615.753 16>6 50.658 204.216 22/s 69.507 384.465 28 > 88.357 621.263 16X 51.051 207.394 22X 69.900 388.822 28 X 88.750 626.798 51.443 210.597 22}i 70.293 393.203 28^ 89.142 632.357 16X 51.836 213.825 22y 2 70.686 397.608 28^ 89.535 637.941 16^ 52.229 217.077 225fj 71.078 402.038 28^ 89.928 643.594 16X 52.621 220.353 22% 71.471 406.493 28 % 90.321 649.182 16^ 53.014 223.654 22/8 71.864 410.972 28/8 90.713 654.839 17 53.407 226.980 23 72.256 415.476 29 91.106 660.521 17^ 53.799 230.330 23^ 72.649 420.004 29^ 91.499 666.277 17X 54.192 233.705 23 X 73.042 424.557 29 X 91.891 671.958 54.585 237.104 23^ 73.434 429.135 29^ 92.284 677.714 17/^ 54.978 240.528 23^ 73.827 433.731 29^ 92.677 683.494 17^ 55.370 243.977 23^ 74.220 438.363 29^ 93.069 689.298 17X 55.763 247.450 23X 74.613 443.014 29 X 93.462 695.128 17^ 56.156 250.947 75.005 447.699 29^ 93.855 700.981 18 56.548 254.469 24 75.398 452.390 30 94.248 706.860 18/8 56.941 258.016 24^ 75.791 457.115 30^ 94.640 712.762 18X 57.334 261.586 76.183 461.864 95.033 718.690 57.726 265.182 24^ 76.576 466.638 30^ 95.426 724.641 18/^ 58.119 268.803 24^ 76.969 471.436 30K 95.818 730.618 18^ 58.512 272.447 24^ 77.361 476.259 30^ 96.211 736.619 18X 58.905 276.117 24X 77.754 481.106 30X 96.604 742.644 18/8 59.297 279.811 247/8 78.147 485.978 30^ 96.996 748.694 19 59.690 283.529 25 78.540 490.875 31 97.389 754.769 19/^ 60.083 287.272 25^ 78.932 495.796 81 M 97.782 760.868 19X 60.475 291.039 25X 79.325 500.741 six 98.175 766.992 19^8 60.868 294.831 25^ 79.718 505.711 98.567 773.140 19/^ 61.261 298.648 25^ 80.110 510.706 31^ 98.968 779.313 19^6 61.653 302.489 25^ 80.503 515.725 31^5 99.353 785.510 19X 62.046 306.355 25X 80.896 520.769 31 X 99.745 791.732 19^ 62.439 310.245 257/8 81.288 525.837 81$ 100.138 797.978 20- 62.832 314.160 26 81.681 530.930 32 100.531 804.249 20^ 63.224 318.099 26^ 82.074 536.047 32^ 100.924 810.545 20X 63.617 322.063 82.467 541 . 189 101.316 816.865 20^ 64.010 326.051 26^ 82.859 546.356 32^ 101.709 823-. 209 20^ 64.402 330.064 26^ 83.252 551.547 32^ 102.102 829.578 20^ 64.795 334.101 26^ 83.645 556.762 32^ 102.494 835.972 20X 65.188 338.163 26X 84.037 562.002 32X 102.887 842.390 65.580 342.250 26^ 84.430 567.267 32^ 103.280 848.833 * POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 383 Circumferences and Areas of Circles Continued Diameter Inches Circumference Inches cfl g 122.915 1202.26 45# 141.764 1599.28 33X 104.458 868.30 39X 123.307 1209.95 45X 142.157 1608.15 333^ 104.850 874.84 39^ 123.700 1217.67 45^ 142.550 1617.04 33^ 105.243 881.41 39^ 124.093 1225.42 45^ 142.942 1625.97 33^ 105.636 888.00 39# 124.485 1233.18 45^ 143.335 1634.92 33^ 106.029 894.61 39X 124.878 1240.98 45X 143.728 1643.89 337/8 106.421 901.25 39^ 125.271 1248.79 45^ 144.120 1652.88 34 106.814 907.92 40 125.664 1256.64 46 144.513 1661.90 34^ 107.207 914.61 40 1 / 8 126.056 1264.50 46^ 144.906 1670.95 34X 107.599 921.32 40X 126.449 1272.39 46X 145.299 1680.01 343/8 107.992 928.06 40^ 126.842 1280.31 463/s 145.691 1689.10 34^ 108.385 934.82 40^ 127.234 1288.25 46^ 146.084 1698.23 34^ 108.777 941.60 40^ 127.627 1296.21 46^ 146.477 1707.37 34X 109.170 948.41 40X 128.020 1304.20 46X 146.869 1716.54 34^ 109.563 955.25 40^ 128.412 1312.21 46^ 147.262 1725.73 35 109.956 962.11 41 128.805 1320.25 47 147.655 1734.94 35^ 110.348 968.99 41 M 129.198 1328.32 47^ 148.047 1744.18 35X 110.741 975.90 41X 129.591 1336.40 47X 148.440 1753.45 353^ 111.134 982.84 41^ 129.983 1344.51 473^ 148.833 1762.73 35^ 111.526 989.80 41 */ 2 130.376 1352.65 47K 149.226 1772.05 35 # 111.919 996.78 41^ 130.769 1360.81 47# 149.618 1781.39 35X 112.312 1003.78 41 tf 131.161 1369.00 473^ 150.011 1790.76 35^ 112.704 1010.82 41 # 131.554 1377.21 47^ 150.404 1800.14 36 113,097 1017.88 42 131.947 1385.44 48 150.796 1809.56 36>i 113.490 1024.95 42^ 132.339 1393.70 48^ 151.189 1818.99 36 X 113.883 1032.06 42X 132.732 1401.98 48X 151.582 1828.46 36> 114.275 1039.19 42>i 133.125 1410.29 483^ 151.974 1837.93 36^ 114.668 1046.35 42^ 133.518 1418.62 48^ 152.367 1847.45 36^ 115 061 1053.52 42^ 133.910 1426.98 48^ 152.760 1856.99 36X 115 453 1060.73 42X 134.303 1435.36 48^ 153.153 1866.55 36^ 115.846 1067.95 42% 134.696 1443.77 48^ 153.545 1876.13 37 116.239 1075.21 43 135.088 1452.20 49 153.938 1885.74 37^ 116.631 1082.48 43^ 135.481 1460.65 49^ 154.331 1895.37 37X 117.024 1089.79 43X 135.874 1469.13 49X 154.723 1905.03 373^ 117.417 1097.11 43^ 136.266 1477.63 493/ 8 155.116 1914.70 37^ 117.810 1104.46 43^ 136.659 1486.17 49X 155.509 1924.42 37^ 118.202 1111.84 43^ 137.052 1494.72 49^ 155.901 1934.15 37X 118.595 1119.24 43X 137.445 1503.30 49 X 156.294 1943.91 37^ 118.988 1126.66 43^ 137.837 1511.90 49^ 156.687 1953.69 38 38^ 38X 383/ 8 119.380 119.773 120.166 120.558 1134.11 1141.59 1149.08 1156.61 44 44^ 44^ 4tt 138.230 138.623 139 015 139.408 1520.53 1529.18 1537.86 1546.55 50 50Y 50K 50X 157.080 157.865 158.650 159.436 1963.50 1983.18 2002.96 2022.84 38^ 120.951 1164.15 44^ 139.801 1555.28 51 160.221 2042.82 38^ 121.344 1171.73 44^ 140.193 1564.03 six 161.007 2062.90 38 3y 4 ' 121.737 1179.32 44X 140.586 1572.81 5l/ 2 161.792 2083.07 38^ 122.129 1186.94 44^ 140.979 1581.61 51X 162.577 2103.35 384 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Circumferences and Areas of Circles Continued Diameter Inches Circumference Inches Area Square Inches Diameter Inches Circumference Inches Area Square Inches Diameter Inches Circumference Inches Area Square Inches ] 52 163.363 2123.72 63 197.920 3117.25 74 232.478 4300.84 52X 164.148 2144.19 63^ 198.706 3142.04 74X 283.263 4329.95 52/ 2 164.934 2164.75 63^ 199.491 3166.92 74^ 234.049 4359.16 5234- 165.719 2185.42 6334- 200.277 3191.91 74K 234.834 4388.47 53 166.504 2206.18 64 201.062 3216.99 75 235.620' 4417.86 53X 167.490 2227.05 64^ 201.847 3242.17 75X 236.405 4447.37 53>i 168.075 2248.01 64^ 202.633 3267.46 75^ 237.190 4476.97 5334- 168.861 2269.06 6434- 203.418 3292.83 75X 237.976 4506.67 54 169.646 2290.22 65 204.204 3318.31 76 238.761 4536.46 54X 170.431 2311.48 65X 204.989 3343.88 76^ 239.547 4566.36 54X 171.217 2332.83 65 >J 205.774 3369.56 76 % 240.332 4596.35 54^ 172.002 2354.28 6534 206.560 3395.33 76^ 241.117 4626.44 55 172.788 2375.83 66 207.345 3421.19 77 241.903 4656.63 55^ 173.573 2397.48 66>( 208.131 3447.16 77X 242.688 4686.92 55^ 174.358 2419.22 66 y z 208.916 3473.33 77^ 243.474 4717.30 55^ 175.144 2441.07 66^ 209.701 3499.39 77X 244.259 4747.79 56 175.929 2463.01 67 210.487 3525.66 78 245.044 4778.36 56X 176.715 2485.05 67^ 211.272 3552.01 78^ 245.830 4809.05 56^ 177.500 2507.19 67^ 212.058 3578.47 78^ 246.615 4839.83 5634- 178.285 2529.42 67K 212.843 3605.03 78^ 247.401 4870.70 57 179.071 2551.76 68 213.628 3631.68 79 248.186 4901.68 57X 179.856 2574.19 68X 214.414 3658.44 79 # 248.971 4932.75 57X 180.642 2596.72 68^ 215.199 3685.29 79^ 249.757 4963.92 5734- 181.427 2619.35 68X 215.985 3712.24 79X 250.542 4995.19 58 182.212 2642.08 69 216.770 3739.28 80 251.328 5026.55 58X 182.998 2664.91 69X 217.555 3766.43 80^ 252.898 5089.58 58^ 183.783 2687.83 69^ 218.341 3793.67 58 3/ 184.569 2710.85 693^ 219.126 3821.02 81 254.469 5153.00 81# 256.040 5216.82 59 185.354 2733.97 70 219.912 3848.45 59X 186.139 2757.19 70X 220.697 3875.99 82 257.611 5281.02 59^ 186.925 2780.51 70^ 221.482 3903.63 82 y z 259.182 5345.62 59^ 187.710 2803.92 7034 222.268 3931.36 83 260.752 5410.61 60 188.496 2827.43 71 223.053 3959.19 83^ 262.323 5476.00 60X 60^ eOK 189.281 190.066 190.852 2851.05 2874.76 2898.56 71 X 71# 71^ 223.839 224.624 225.409 3987.13 4015.16 4043.28 84 84^ 263.894 265.465 5541.77 5607.95 85 267.035 5674.51 61 61 # 191.637 192.423 2922.47 2946.47 72 72X 226.195 226.980 4071.50 4099.83 85X 268.606 5741.47 61 X 193.208 2970.57 72^ 227.766 4128.25 86 270.177 5808.80 61 3/ 193.993 2994.77 723/ 228.551 4156.77 86^ 271.748 5876.55 62 62^ 194.779 195.564 3019.07 3043.47 73 73X 229.336 230.122 4185.39 4214.11 87 87^ 273.319 274.890 5944.68 6013.21 62 >J 196.350 3067.96 73^ 230.907 4242.92 88 276.460 6082.12 62^ 197.135 3092.56 733^ 231.693 4271.83 88^ 278.031 6151.44 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 385 Circumferences and Areas of Circles Continued Diameter Inches Circumference Inches Area Square Inches Diameter Inches Circumference Inches 03 1 Diameter Inches Circumference Inches Area Square Inches 89 279.602 6921.14 100 314.159 7853.98 111 348.717 9676.89 ' 89^ 281 . 173 6291.25 100^ 315.730 7938.72 111X 350.288 9764.28 90 282.744 C361.73 101 317.301 8011.85 112 351.858 9852.03 90^ 284.314 6432.62 101^ 318.872 8091.36 112X 353.430 9940.20 91 285.885 6503.88 102 320.442 8171.28 113 355.000 10028.75 91 X IC87.456 6573.56 102^ 322.014 8251.60 113^ 356.570 10117.68 92 289.027 6647.61 103 323.584 8332.29 114 358.142 10207.03 92^ 290.598 6720.07 108# 325.154 8413.40 114 j^ 359.712 10296.76 93 292.168 6792.91 104 326.726 8494.87 115 361.283 10386.89 93^ 293.739 6866.16 104^ 328.296 8576.76 115X 362.854 10477.40 94 295.310 6939.78 105 329.867 8659.01 116 364.425 10568.32 94X 296.881 7013.81 W5/2 331.438 8741.68 116^ 365.996 10659.64 95 298.452 70S8.22 106 333.009 8824.73 117 367.566 10751.32 95^ 300.022 7163.04 106^ 334.580 8908.20 117^ 369.138 10843.40 96 301.593 7238.23 107 336.150 8992.02 118 370.708 10935.88 96^ 302.164 7313.84 107^ 337.722 9076.24 118^ 372.278 11028.76 97 304.734 7389.81 108 339.292 9160.88 119 373.849 11122.02 97^ 306.306 7474.20 108 y 2 340.862 9245.92 119X 375.420 11215.68 98 307.876 7542.96 109 342.434 9331.32 120 376.991 11309.73 98 l /> 309.446 7620.12 109^ 344.004 9417.12 99 311.018 7697.69 110 345.575 9503 . 32 312.588 7775 . 64 347.146 9589.92 2 Miscellaneous For the area of a circle . . X square of diameter by For the diameter of a circle . X circumference by For the circumference of a circle X diameter by For the surface of a ball . . X square of diameter by For the cubic inch in a ball . X cube of diameter by For the side of an equal square X diameter by .7854 .31831 3.1416 3 1416 .5236 .8862 386 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY United States Standard Bolts and Nuts oj o o e~ OS 5 .0454 .0678 .1257 .4193 .5510 1.0541 1.2938 1.7441 2.3001 454 1,257 2,018 4,193 5,510 10,541 12,988 17,441 bc^ .0231 .0426 .0613 .0893 .1560 .2630 .3570 .5880 .7690 1.04 1.43 1.72 2.94 4.35 .0131 .0192 .0383 .0500 .0700 .1350 .2-220 .3240 .4630 .6 .9010 .18 .47 .50 .45 1.38 2.31 4.26 6.13 8.93 15.60 26.30 85.70 58.80 76.90 104 148 ITS "it 1.31 1.92 3.33 5.00 7.00 13.50 22.20 32.40 46.30 67.60 90.10 118 147 250 345 .0213 .0306 .0417 .0545 .0852 .1227 .1670 .2181 .2760 .3410 .4120 .4900 .6680 .8720 Hanger Screws PRICE PER 100 Length Inches J^ and IB Inch y s Inch /s Inch K Inch % Inch Y Inch 7 / & Inch 1 Inch o $3.00 $3.60 $4.24 $5.06 $6.19 8& 3.19 3.83 4.54 5.44 6.75 $9.90 3 3.38 4.05 4.84 5.81 7.31 10.73 3K 3.57 4.28 5.14 6.19 7.88 11.55 $15.00 4 3.75 4.50 5.44 6 56 8.44 12.38 16.00 4^ 3.94 4.73 5.74 6.94 9.00 13.20 17 00 5 4.18 4.95 6.04 7.31 9.56 14.03 18 00 $?6 25 5K 4.S2 5.18 6.34 7.69 10.13 14.85 19.00 27.50 6 4.50 5.40 6.64 8.06 10.69 15.68 20 00 28 75 6^ 5.62 6.94 8.43 11.25 16.50 21.00 30.00 7 5.84 7.24 8.80 11.82 17.33 22.50 31.25 7^ 6.06 7.54 9.17 12.38 18.15 23.44 32 50 8 6.28 7.84 9.55 12 95 19.03 24.37 83 75 9 .... 8.14 13.51 19.85 26.25 8' 62 10 ' ' l6!30 14.08 20.68 27.50 37 11 14.64 21.50 28.75 89 38 12 .... 15.21 22.32 30.00 41.25 >- ^_ > ! POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 387 Lag Screws with Square Heads Gimlet-point Lag Screw Manufacturers' Standard List Adopted Sept. 20, 1899, to take effect Oct. I. 1899 PRICE PER 100 Length in Inches ... 3 /8 ft * *dK X N 1 IK $2.25 $2.70 $3.15 $3.75 2 2 2.45 2.96 3.47 4.11 $5.00 2.65 3.22 3.79 4.47 5.50 $7.90 3^ 2.85 3.48 4.11 4.83 6.00 8.60 $12.50 3.05 3.74 4.43 5.19 6.50 9.30 13.50 $18.20 4 2 3.25 4.00 4.75 5.55 7.00 10.00 14.50 19.50 3 45 4.26 5.07 5.91 7.50 10.70 15.50 20.80 5 2 8.65 4.52 5.89 6.27 8.00 11.40 16.50 22.10 5% 3.85 4.78 5.71 6.63 8.50 12.10 17.50 23.40 6 4.05 5.04 6.03 6.99 9.00 12.80 18.50 24.70 6K 4.25 5.30 6.85 7 35 9 50 13.50 19.50 26.00 7 4.45 5.56 6.67 7.71 10.00 14.20 20.50 27.30 7K 4.65 5.82 6.99 8.07 10.50 14.90 21.50 28.60 8 4.85 6.08 7.31 8.43 11.00 15.60 22.50 29.90 9 5.25 6.60 7.95 9.15 12.00 17.00 24.50 82.50 10 5.65 7.12 8.59 9.87 13.00 18.40 26.50 35.10 11 6.05 7.64 9.23 10.59 14.00 19.80 28.50 87.70 12 6.45 8.16 9.87 11.81 15.00 21.20 30.50 40.30 The following extras are to be understood as a part of the coach and lag screw list : Hexagon heads, 10 per cent, extra. Revised Price List of Wrought Iron and Steel Washers Adopted Oct. 9, 1895 Diameter Inches Size of Hole Inches Thickness Wire Gauge Size of Bolt Inches Price per Pound 100-pound Kegs Number in 100 Pounds 1* I No. 18 No. 16 A $14. 12.2 39400 13900 % H No. 16 JL 11.4 11250 1 No. 14 "fa 10.5 6800 f T/ Vz No. 14 7 9.7 4300 IX 9 No. 12 I/ 9.20 2600 IK y& No. 12 & 9.10 2250 1# i? No. 10 s/. 9. 1300 2 1$ No. 10 % 8.80 1010 9# 15 No. 9 % 8.80 860 2 1 A l^ No. 9 1 8.80 625 2% IK No. 9 1% 8.80 520 3 m No. 9 1% 9. 400 3# IK No. 8 IH 9. 800 3% No. 8 IK 9.20 280 3K iff No. 8 IH 9.20 240 4 l?i No. 8 IK 9.50 215 ty\ 2 No. 8 1% 9.50 190 4j| 2/8 No. 8 2 9.50 175 Washers in less than keg lots additional cost. 388 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Timber in Mill Construction Formulae for Safe Loads Columns and Struts GEORGIA YELLOW PINE ( Length in inches Safe load per square inch==l, 000-10 } Least breadth in inches TEXAS YELLOW PINE ( Length in inches Safe load per square mch= 850-8.5 ) Lea s t breadth in inches OAK AND NORWAY PINE c i i i ' *en * K { Length in inches Safe load per square mch= 750-7.5 j Least breadth in inches WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE < Length in inches Safe load per square inch= 625-6 ( Leas t breadth in inches Beams SUPPORTED AT ENDS AND LOADED AT MIDDLE ( Breadth x square of depth x C Safe load in pounds= ] - Span in feet SUPPORTED AT ENDS AND UNIFORMLY LOADED Safe load in pounds= x breadth x square of depth x C Span in feet SUPPORTED AT ENDS AND LOADED AT ONE POINT NOT THE MIDDLE c Breadth x square of depth x total span x C Safe load in pounds= | 4 x the product of the two distances of the load from support SUPPORTED AT ENDS AND Two EQUAL LOADS AT AN EQUAL DISTANCE FROM EACH END Safe load in pounds ( Breadth x square of depth x C at each point \ 4 x the distance of the load from support Value of Constant "C" as Used in Above Formula Material "C" Material "C" Georgia Yellow Pine 100 White Pine 60 Texas Yellow Pine . 90 Oak White 75 Norway Pine . 70 Spruce .... 50 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 389 DODGE "EUREKA" WATER SOFTENER AND PURIFIER 390 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Dodge "Eureka" Water Softener and Purifier Showing Some of the Working Parts POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 391 Dodge "Eureka" Water Softener and Purifier That the manufacturer is fast awakening to the fact that in fac- tory economics one of the first things to be considered is his coal-pile, is strongly evidenced by the increased demand for some automatic device that will not only eradicate, but will as well prevent boiler ocale, and at the same time soften water for all commercial purposes. Heaters, stokers, economizers, pipe coverings, all tend to conserve the energy produced by combustion, and to convert it into a potent factor. Manufacturers recognize these accessories as modern devel- opments in steam engineering and consider them good investments. But strange to say the very essence of economical steam generation, a non-scale-forming feed water, has escaped their attention. The vital question of a suitable feed water lies in its chemical properties, and as all natural waters are impregnated, to a greater or 1 esser extent with soluble metallic salts, the water when evaporated into steam deposits these salts on the boiler tubes and forms a coating as hard as adamant. In process of time this deposit increases, and as it is a non-con- ductor of heat, the consumption of coal increases in proportion to the thickness of deposit. Soft Water for Manufacturing Processes In many industries a pure, soft water is a prime necessity for the manufacture of fine goods, as well as their economical production. An example is seen in the manufacture of textiles. When hard water is used in wool scouring, and soap is one of the scouring agents, a sticky, insoluble curd is formed which adheres ten- aciously to the fiber, effectively filling the pores. Such action serious- ly interferes with the dyeing operations by preventing the uniform entrance of the dye to all parts of the fiber, thus producing defects, such as spots, streaks, and "rubbing off." The penetration of the bleaching fluid is also opposed, thereby giving rise to yellow oxidation products due to the presence of fatty matter, and non-uniformity in the finished goods. 392 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Dodge "Eureka" Water Softener Explanatory Drawing Illustrating Mechanism POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 393 With soft water these difficulties are obviated, and the saving in scouring agents is enormous, as well as the reduction in the consump- tion of alkalis, dyes, and chemicals. Distilleries, tanneries, paper mills, laundries, and many other in- dustries find soft water beneficial in their processes, and this can now be produced in any quantities desired. Public and private institutions, hotels, hospitals, etc., secure relief from the choking-up with scale of the hot water pipes by using soft water, while the saving in soap in the laundry and baths pays large returns on the investment in a first-class water-softening apparatus. A Rigid Investigation In order to overcome the trouble and expense caused by scale in our own B. & W. boilers, in 1903 a committee was appointed from among our engineering staff to investigate the subject of water soften- ing. A very rigid investigation of all the best water softeners on the market was made, with the result that the "Eureka" Water Soften- er and Purifier was selected and installed in that year. At that time there was no intention on the part of the company of acquiring the rights of manufacture and sale. This machine worked such astonish- ing economies in the upkeep expense of 4 the boiler plant, that after a rigid test of over two years, and an investigation of the performance of this and other types of machines in various localities, overtures were made by us leading to the purchase of all manufacturing and selling rights. A large steel working shop was built and over a hundred machines have since been sold and are in successful operation. Method of Operation The Automatic " Eureka" Water Softener and Purifier consists of two main parts a large decanting chamber, in which the chemical reaction, sedimentation, and clarification occurs, and a lime saturating tank for the production of a clear lime water. The raw water from well, river, or other source, enters an open distributing tank B (see cut) through a brass inlet valve connected by a rod and lever to a float in the decanting tank, this device auto- matically stopping and starting the machine, according to the quantity of treated water that may be drawn off for use through the outlet pipe. The automatic inlet valve maintains a constant head of water in tank B ; the weight of this water (except that diverted to lime sat- 394 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Marion Paper Company, Marion, Indiana Capacity 4,280 Gallons per Hour POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 395 urating tank) in falling over the wheel E furnishes all the motive power needed to drive the mechanism. From distributing tank B a certain percentage of the raw water feeds through a pipe and hollow shaft into lime tank J, in which is produced a clear, powerful saturated lime solution, or "extract of lime," of uniform strength. This solution contains none of the impuri- ties common to all limes, as they are settled out during the saturating process, and falling into the cone, are blown to the sewer by opening valve U for a few seconds daily. The lump lime is placed in a com- partment in the top of the lime tank where it is submerged in the water and slaked. Proceeding downward in a regulated flow through the large central tube, the slaked lime is thoroughly mixed, by a stirring device, with the raw water turning upwards from the bottom of the hollow shaft ; the propelling power for actuating the stirring apparatus being supplied by the water-wheel. The percentage of raw water entering through the hollow shaft displaces a like amount of the saturated solution, which flows through a trough near the top of the lime tank into the down- take tube M in the decanter. Here it meets the raw water that has passed over the water- wheel, and also a predetermined amount of soda solution from tank G. A specially designed mixing pan in the top of tube M thoroughly commingles this composition, and the treating process immediately begins. After passing downward through tube M the water turns up- ward through the spiral accelerator plates N, upon which (as well as in the cone) the solid matter is deposited in the form of thin putty or sludge. Gravitating down the sharply inclined plates, the sludge drops into slime-catchers and is conducted into the cone to be flushed to the sewer. This sedimentation process in no way interferes with the slow upward trend of the water, nor does this water movement molest the settling of the solid substances. The " Eureka' ' system is entirely self-cleaning. By simply open- ing valves S and U for a few seconds daily, the rush of water down- ward entirely removes all accumulated sludge. Only a few inches of water is used in the flushing process. After leaving the accelerator plates, the now softened and puri- fied water passes through a wood-fiber filtering bed, which thoroughly clarifies it. This filter is also cleansed of impurities during the flushing of the machine as above described. The filtering material (excelsior) requires renewal only at long intervals. 396 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Philip Carey Manufacturing Company, Lockland, Ohio Capacity, 10,700 Gallons per Hour POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 397 Emerging from the filter bed the soft, clear water enters reservoir Y and is drawn off for use through outlet pipe at X, flowing from the machine by gravity. The machine may be supplied by gravity, city mains or private pumps, the initial pressure being of importance only so far as the fur- nishing of power is concerned. It is never necessary for any purpose whatsoever to enter the machine, there being no moving parts under water requiring atten- tion. Access to the interior is easily made, however, after the water has been drained off. The engineer in charge or some intelligent attendant can give the plant all necessary attention in from 15 to 30 minutes at off times during the day, without any interference with his regular work. The space required for installation is very small compared with the large volume of water treated. Both indoor and outdoor installa- tions are common. The reagents (chemicals) employed in the softening and purifying process are easily obtainable and a low price in the open market, and can be carried on hand in such quantities as maybe desirable or convenient. Outside of the weight of the water in the machine no pressure or strain is borne by the material used in the construction, but an ample factor of safety is always allowed. There are but few wearing parts, the load carried being very slight. If kept in paint, the same as would be required by any metal exposed to the action of the elements, a "Eureka" plant will endure for a great many years. There is no internal corrosion as the treated water contains no corrosive agents as is the case with natural water. All incrusting solids in solution, iron compounds, suspended and organic matter are removed from water by the "Eureka" system, as well as the corrosive properties. Each case is treated individually according to the requirements. It is therefore essential that an analysis should be made of the water to be treated. We have a fully equipped laboratory, manned by expert chemists, where all the chemical engineering problems are fully worked out, leaving nothing for the purchaser to bother with. A testing cabinet, with apparatus, is furnished with each machine and the few simple tests required daily can be easily and quickly made. They show precisely the results of the treating process, and no chemist or skilled attendant is necessary. Complete and instructive literature will be furnished upon re- quest to interested inquirers. 398 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Mechanical Rubber Co., Chicago, 111. Capacity, 10,000 Gallons per Hour POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 399 INDEX 400 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY PAGE AA Al ROPE DRESSING 342 ADJUSTABLE BALL AND SOCKET DROP HANGER Description 27, 28, 34 Dimensions 35 Capillary bearing ..... 37 Chain bearing 39 Price list with . -^ Ring bearing ..... 38 Standard bearing ..... 36 Wick-oiling bearing ... . 40 ADJUSTABLE BALL AND SOCKET PILLOW BLOCK Shoes for .35 Description . . 27, 28, 34 Dimensions .......... 35 f Capillary bearing ..... 37 | Chain bearing 39 Price list with . 83 ( Dimensions and price list . . 84 FOR QUILL BEARINGS 8 4 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 401 BEARINGS CAPILLARY PAGE . 27, 28 Bearing length 7 f Adjustable ball and socket drop hanger 45 -n . ,. , -,, J Adjustable ball and socket pillow block Price list with . 1 Adjustable ball and socket post hanger 37 52 [_ Short drop head shaft hanger . 37 CHAIN Description 28 Bearing length 7 f Adjustable ball and socket drop hanger | Adjustable ball and socket pillow block 47 39 Price list with . ^ Adjustable ball and socket post hanger 53 Heavy head shaft hanger . 33 [^ Short drop head shaft hanger . 39 CLOSED END Description and price list 49 DUST-PROOF Description and price list ... 49 FOR VERTICAL SHAFTING Description and price list . 79, 81 RING Description ......... 27 Bearing length ........ 7 f Adjustable ball and socket drop hanger 1 Adjustable ball and socket pillow block 46 38 Price list with . | Adjustable ball and socket post hanger 53 j Heavy head shaft hanger 32 [_ Short drop head shaft hanger . 38 SPECIALLY FITTED 49 STANDARD Description . . . 27 Bearing length 7 f Adjustable ball and socket drop hanger Prire list with J Adjustable ball and socket pillow block 1 ' 1 Adjustable ball and socket post hanger 44 36 52 [_ Short drop head shaft hanger . 36 STEP Description and price list ...... 81 WICK-OILING Description ......... 28 Bearing length 7 f Adjustable ball and socket drop hanger p - ,. . ., ! Adjustable ball and socket pillow block 1 ' 1 Adjustable ball and socket post hanger 48 40 54 [_ Short drop head shaft hanger . 40 BELT CLAMPS 108 BELT TIGHTENERS ... . . 364 BELT CONVEYORS Bar stands 364 Capacity of troughed belts 356 Car puller 378 Car puller sheaves 378 Concentrating and conveyor rollers Description 359-360 353-357 Information necessary for an estimate 354 Oscillating stands .... 363 Pulley rollers .... 357-358 Take-ups ..... 367 Trippers 368-369 Price list of pulley rollers . 359 402 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY BELTING Cut lacing for ... PAGE 377 For finding horse-power 379 Price list Rubber belting . ] Solid round .... Twist leather Rubber . BELT TIGHTENERS CLASS A VERTICAL Description, dimensions, price list . CLASS B HORIZONTAL Description and price list . CLASS C VERTICAL Description and price list BEVEL GEARING 377 377 377 377 378 104, 105 106 107 237-259 BEVEL IRON FRICTION GEARING BEVEL MORTISE GEARING 295-296 276-288 BEVEL PAPER FRICTION GEARING .... BINDER FRAMES STYLE "A" Description and price list 295-296 112 STYLE "B" Description and price list 113 BOLTS AND NUTS (Dimensions of, U. S. Standard) . BOX TYPE FLOOR STANDS (Universal adjustment) Description, dimensions and price list BRONZE BUSHINGS For clutch sleeves, price list . 386 90-92 134 BUSHINGS For clutch sleeves, price list, bronze For wood split pulleys, description and price list For "Standard" iron split pulleys, description and price list Method of cracking ....... CAPACITY OF TROUGHED CONVEYING BELTS CAPILLARY SELF-OILING BEARINGS Bearing length Description Price list with f Adjustable ball and socket drop hanger ! Adjustable ball and socket pillow block I Adjustable ball and socket post hanger [_ Short drop head shaft hanger CAPILLARY-OILING BALL AND SOCKET PILLOW BLOCK3 Adjustable floor stands for ....... Description .......... Dimensions Price list . CAPILLARY-OILING RIGID PILLOW BLOCKS Adjustable floor stands for Description .......... Dimensions Price list . . ... 134 175 212 212 356 7 27 45 37 52 37 86-89 73,76 77 78 86-89 70 69 71 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 403 CAR PULLER CAR PULLER SHEAVES CHAIN SELF-OILING Bearing length Description . Price list with BEARINGS f Adjustable ball and socket drop hanger | Adjustable ball and socket pillow block { Adjustable ball and socket post hanger Heavy head shaft hanger (^ Short drop head shaft hanger CHAIN-OILING BALL AND SOCKET PILLOW BLOCKS Adjustable floor stands for Box floor stands for Description Dimensions Price list CHAIN-OILING RIGID PILLOW BLOCKS Adjustable floor stands for ..... Description . . . . . . . . . Dimensions ........ Price list CIRCUMFERENCE AND AREAS OF CIRCLES CLAMP HUB IRON PULLEYS Description How to order Keys for Price list Standard sizes of key-seats for .... CLOSED END BEARINGS Description and price list CLUTCHES SOLID ORTON TYPE Description Dimensions Drawing showing assembled parts Horse-power In connection with countershafts .... Maximum bore ....... Pprtc j Description of . ' } Price list of . . Price list of mechanism ..... Will drive pulley ....... SPLIT Description ........ Dimensions Horse-power Maximum bore ... ... Price list without sleeve, mechanism only Use of off-set stop collars Parts J Description .... ' | Price list C 10-inch clutch complete with sleeve I 12-inch clutch complete with sleeve I 14-inch clutch complete with sleeve Price list with . <{ 16-inch clutch complete with sleeve I 18-inch clutch complete with sleeve | 20-inch clutch complete with sleeve ^ 22-inch clutch complete with sleeve PAGE 376 376 7 28 47 39 53 33 39 86-89 90-92 76 77 78 86-89 70 69 71 381-385 186-189 189 9 191-208 13 49 148-157 149 148 152 61 152 154 155 152 152 114-147 119 120 120 120 127 145 146, 147 . 135 136 137 138 139 140 ui 404 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY CLUTCHES Continued SPLIT PAGE ( 24-inch clutch complete with sleeve . 142 Price list with . ^ 28-inch clutch complete with sleeve . 143 ( 30-inch clutch complete with sleeve . 144 Babbitting (extra for) 133 Bronze bushings .... 134 Description ..... 116, 128 ci ppvp<5 I Key-seats for Sleeves . . 4 Outside diameter .... 129 129 ( 10 to 14 inches 130 Price list for clutches ] 16 to 24 inches 131 ( 28 to 30 inches 132 CLUTCH CUT-OFF COUPLINGS DODGE SOLID ORTON TYPE Description ......... 151-156 153 Horse-power 152 In connection with countershafts 61 Maximum bore 152 Parts J Description ' 1 Price list 154 156 Price list of mechanism . . 152 Speed 152 Will drive pulley 152 DODGE SPLIT Description 122-127 Dimensions ......... 123 Horse-power ......... 120 Maximum bore . . . . . . 120 Price list 124, 125 Speed 120 Use of off-set stop collars 127 CLUTCH SHIFTERS STYLE "A" ADJUSTABLE Single stand Description and price list Double stand Description and price list Duplex Description .... 160 161 163 STYLE D" ADJUSTABLE | FrfcelFs" " ! " 156 159 STYLE "E" ^ Description . 156 "j Price list 137 c VT T7> ( Description . { Price list 156 158 STYLE "H" SINGLE AND DOUBLE GEAR j price^St 011 162 162 c UTTM D ( Description . STYLE ] j Price list . 163 163 COLLARS DODGE SAFETY . Pr^^st" 18 25 24 OFF SFT STOP For s P Ht clutches .... For clutch cut-off couplings SLIDING AND THRUST FOR SPLIT FRICTION CLUTCHES . 127 127 146 COLLAR OILING BALL AND SOCKET PILLOW BLOCKS Adjustable floor stand for 86-89 Box type floor stand for . 90-92 Description . 73-78 Dimensions ......... 77 Price list ......... 78 Base plates for ,,,,,, 82, 83, 85 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 405 PAGE COLLINS-DODGE COUPLINGS ... .,, 20,21 COMMON FLAT BOXES Description and price list ....... 64 Dimensions 65 COMPRESSION COUPLINGS Description and price list ... 20 Dimensions 21 Description and price list 16 Dimensions . . 18 DODGE-COLLINS "GRIM DEATH" P 3 Description and price list ... 17 J Dimensions ...... 18 COMPRESSION GREASE CUPS ... ... 108 CONCENTRATING ROLLERS ....... 357-358 CONE WOOD SPLIT PULLEYS STEP . . . Description and price list . . . 173 TAPER . . . Description and price list . . . 173 CONVEYOR BOX ENDS ........ .372 CONVEYOR HANGERS ........ .371 CONVEYOR ROLLERS ........ 357-362 COUNTERSHAFTS . . ..... . . .60,61 COUNTERSHAFT DRIVES FOR CONVEYORS .... 372 COUPLINGS Description and price list ... 20 Dimensions ...... 21 Description and price list ... 14 Dimensions ...... 15 Description and price list ... 16 Dimensions . ..... 18 Description and how to order . . . 22, 23 Dimensions ...... 23 Price list ....... 22 JAW CLUTCH, SQUARE { gg^jgj * P"<* t 22, 23 KEYLESS . . Description and price list . . . 19 R IBBED COMPKESSTON DODGE-COLLINS . FLANGE "GRIM DEATH" JAW CLUTCH, SPIRAL - SOLID SLEEVE . Description and price list ... 18 UNIVERSAL JOINT . Description and price list ... 26 CUT-OFF COUPLINGS See "Clutch Cut-off Couplings" CUT-OFF COUPLING HUBS Price list of ..... 126 DETACHABLE LINK BELTING See "Link Belting" DELIVERY GATES FOR STEEL CONVEYOR .... 375 DELIVERY GATES FOR WOOD CONVEYOR .... 371 DIMENSIONS OF WOOD CONVEYOR BOXES . . . .370 DISC WOOD SPLIT PULLEYS Description and price list . . 172 DODGE AMERICAN SYSTEM ROPE TRANSMISSION Description, etc ......... 310-342 DODGE-COLLINS COUPLINGS | Efmen?ioM ^ ^^ ^ '. 21 DODGE SAFETY COLLARS 24,25 406 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY PAGE DRAW BOLTS FOR SPLIT CLUTCH . . 145,147 DRESSING FOR ROPE ......... 340 DROP HANGERS See "Hangers" DUST-PROOF BEARINGS Description and price list . . 49, 70, 76 DYNAMO PULLEYS Description . . . 184,185 ECCENTRIC AND THRUST BOXES Description and price list . 297 ELECTRICAL TELL TALES Description and price list . . 335 EUREKA WATER SOFTENER AND PURIFIER . . 390-398 EXTRA HEAVY PILLOW BLOCKS Description and price list . 72 FITTING KEYS TO SHAFTING Price list ..... 9 FLANGE COUPLINGS ., anc P rice list FLANGE PULLEYS, IRON Description 186-187 How to order . . 88 189 Keys for .......... Price list .... 208 Standard sizes of key-seats for . FLANGE WOOD SPLIT PULLEYS Description and price list 174 TTT AT RnYTTQ 5 Description and price list FLAT BOXES . . j Dimensions 65 FLOOR STANDS ADJUSTABLE FOR ( Description and price list RIGID PILLOW BLOCKS ( Dimensions " cc so ADJUSTABLE FOR BALL AND ( Description and price list . lb "~ SOCKET PILLOW BLOCKS \ Dimensions . . . . 8 J Box TYPE (Universal ^ Description and price list Adjustment) . } Dimensions ...... FLY-WHEELS OR BALANCE WHEELS .... 345-348 o {Horse-power of shafting . Working strain of link belting ' oo For safe loads in mill construction . ^ 8 FRACTIONS OF A LINEAL INCH IN DECIMALS 38 FRICTION RINGS FOR SPLIT CLUTCH .... 145,146 GEARING 259 BEVEL Price list 276*288 BEVEL MORTISE Price list 318 INSTRUCTIONS FOR ORDERING MITER Price list ... 261-267 MITER MORTISE Price list 289-292 RULE FOR DETERMINING SPEED 397 SPUR Price list 218-235 SPUR MORTISE Price list 269-288 PAPER AND IRON FRICTION Description and price list . 293-297 GIRDER CLAMPS - 59 GREASE CUPS . . . 108 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 40? "GRIM DEATH" COUPLINGS Description and price list .. Dimensions ..... GUIDE PULLEYS Description, price list, etc HANGERS ADJUSTABLE BALL AND SOCKET DROP Description ..... Dimensions ..... f Capillary bearing I Chain bearing . Price list with . twitn . { Ringing b e arm g ..... 32 SHORT DROP HEAD SHAFT OR ADJUSTABLE PILLOW BLOCK Description .......... 27,34 Dimensions .......... 35 Shoes for .... ...... 35 f Capillary bearing ..... 37 Chain bearing ...... 39 Price list with . <{ Ring bearing ...... 38 Standard bearing ..... 36 (^Wick-oiling bearing .... 40 SLING HANGERS Illustration and description .... 54 HANGER SCREWS .......... 386 HANGER SHOES FOR HEAVY HEAD SHAFT HANGERS . 31 HARDWOOD LAGGING ........ 349-350 HEAVY HEAD SHAFT HANGERS Description ....... ... 27, 30 Dimensions .......... 31 Shoes for ...... .... 31 p ri ce i irt with. j -g : : : ; : ; g HEAVY RIGID POST BEARINGS 55-58 HORSE POWER OF Gearing Belts .... Shafting Solid clutches Split clutches HUBS FOR CUT-OFF COUPLINGS 379 379 8 152 114 126 408 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY INFORMATION NECESSARY FOR AN ESTIMATE ON BELT PAG K CONVEYORS 352 INFORMATION NECESSARY FOR AN ESTIMATE ON ROPE TRANSMISSION 315 INFORMATION REGARDING LEATHER BELTING ... 379 IRON CENTER WOOD RIM PULLEYS Description 182-185 Dynamo pattern description ..... 182-184 Guide pulley 109 Key-seating .......... 9 Rule for determining speed ....... 382 Size of keys for ._........ 9 Textile type description 183 IRON PULLEYS CLAMP HUB Description 186-187 How to order 188, 189 Keys for .......... 9 Key-seating, price for ........ 9 Price list ........ 192-225 Rule for determining speed u 397 Standard key-seats ....... 13 FLANGE Description 186-187 How to order .189 Keys for 9 Key-seating, price for ........ 9 Price list 225 Rule for determining speed . . . . . 397 Standard key-seats ....... 13 GUIDE . . . . ) 109 REGULAR ALL IRON SOLID Description 186-187 How to order 188, 189 Keys for 9 Key-seating, price for 9 Price list 192-225 Rule for determining speed 397 Standard key-seats . . . . . . . . . 13 REGULAR ALL IRON SPLIT Description 186-187 How to order 188,189 Keys for 9 Key-seating, price for ........ 9 Price list 192-225 Rule for determining speed 397 Standard key-seats ........ 13 SPECIAL How to order and descriptive code .... 188, 189 STANDARD IRON SPLIT Description ... 209-212 Method of cracking bushings for . . . . . . 212 Price list for bushings 212 Price list of pulleys 213-217 Rule for determining speed 379 Standard bores .... 211 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 409 IRON PULLEYS Continued TIGHT AND LOOSE Description How to order Keys for ... Key-seating, price for Price list . . Sleeves for IRON FRICTION GEARING Description and price list JAW CLUTCH COUPLINGS ( Dimensions SPIRAL . . . ] How to order ( Price list and description . s ( Dimensions ' | Price list . JOURNAL BOXES KEYS Description and price list Dimensions Fitting to shaft Price list of, for shafts Standard sizes of; for shafting, pulleys, sheaves, etc. Steel squares for KEY-SEATING Iron center wood rim pulleys .... Iron pulleys ........ Shafting, price for Sheaves Standard, for shafting, pulleys, sheaves, etc. . LAGGING LAG SCREWS LEATHER BELTING Rule for determining horse-power of LENGTHS OF BEARINGS LEVERS FOR DODGE SOLID FRICTION CLUTCHES LEVERS FOR DODGE SPLIT FRICTION CLUTCHES LINEAL INCHES IN DECIMAL FRACTIONS LINK BELTING LINKS FOR SPLIT FRICTION CLUTCH LEVERS . MITER GEARING MITER IRON FRICTION GEARING .... MITER MORTISE GEARING MITER PAPER FRICTION GEARING .... MULE STANDS ADJUSTABLE Description and price list STATIONARY Description and price list PAGE 208 188, 189 9 9 208 189 293-297 23 23 22 23 22 63 9 13 9 9 9 . 12, 13 9 13 349-350 387 379 7 164 146 380 303-308 145, 147 261, 267 297 289-292 297 111 110 410 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY NUTS FOR SPLIT FRICTION CLUTCH DRAW BOLTS . OFF-SET STOP COLLARS For clutches and cut-off couplings . ORTON CLUTCH- See "Clutches" OSCILLATING STANDS FOR BELT CONVEYORS . PAGE 145, 147 127 363 PAPER FRICTION GEARING . . . 293-297 PILLOW BLOCKS Wall box frames for . 98-102 Wall brackets for . . 93-97 ADJUSTABLE Description . . . 27, 34 Dimensions . , 35 f Capillary bearing .... 37 Cham bearing 39 Price list with Ring bearing m 38 Standard bearing .... ^Wick oiling bearing .... 36 40 Shoes for . 35 \ !Box type floor stands for . . 90-92 BALL AND SOCKET Adjustable floor Base plates for stands for . 86-89 . 82-85 ( Description Capillary . ] Dimensions . 76-78 77 ( Price list 78 f Adjustable floor stands for . 86-89 Base plates for . 82-85 Chain Box type floor stands for . Description . 90-92 . 76-78 Dimensions . 77 _ Price list 78 'Adjustable floor stands for . 86-89 Base plates for . 82-85 Collar Box type floor stands for . Description ..... . 90-92 . 76-78 Dimensions 77 Price list . 78 = Adjustable floor stands for . 86-89 Base plates for . . 82-85 Ring . . j Box type floor stands for Description . 90-92 . 76-78 | Dimensions ..... 77 Price list . 78 f Adjustable floor stands for . 86-89 1 Base plates for .... . 82-85 Standard . <{ Description 74 1 Dimensions 75 ^ Price list . . 74 RIGID f Description 66,67 Standard and 1 Dimensions 68 Wick-oiling j Price list 67 [Base plates for .... . 82-87 ROLLING MILL TYPE 72 SELF-OILING RIGID f Adjustable floor stands for 86-89 . Description 70 Capillary ^ Dimensions 69 Chain and Ring Price list 71 Base plates for . . . . 82-85 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 411 POST BEARINGS HEAVY RIGID Capillary . Chain Ring Standard . Wick-oiling ( Description j Dimensions ( Price list ( Description j Dimensions ( Price list i Description j Dimensions ( Price list ( Description j Dimensions ( Price list ( Description ] Dimensions ( Price list PAGE 55 56 58 55 56 58 55 56 58 55 57 58 55 57 58 [>See " Iron Pulleys " POST BOXES See "Post Bearings" PULLEYS ALL IRON Clamp hub . . . Flange .... Guide .... Solid Split Standard split Tight and loose . IRON CENTER, WOOD RIM Dynamo type Guide Textile type WOOD Cone Disc Dodge wood split Drum ..... Independence wood split Taper cone . . . . . | Tight and loose . . . . J PULLEY ROLLERS FOR BELT CONVEYORS . QUILLS Base Plates for self-oiling rigid pillow blocks . Code for ordering quill bearings Dimensions of quills . ... Dimensions of bearings for quills . General description RIBBED COMPRESSION COUPLINGS Description and price list .... Dimensions ....... RIGID PILLOW BLOCKS See " Pillow Blocks " RIGID POST BEARINGS, HEAVY-See "Post Bearings " RING-OILING BEARINGS Bearing length Description ...... See " Iron Center, Wood Rim See " Wood Split Pulleys " 359-360 82-84 71 167 69 166-167 17 18 7 27,28 412 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY RING-OILING BEARINGS Continued PAGE f Adjustable ball and socket pillow block . 38 | Adjustable ball and socket drop hanger . 47 Price list with . ^ Heavy head shaft hanger ... 32 | Adjustable ball and socket post hanger . 53 1^ Short drop head shaft hanger ... 38 RING-OILING BALL AND SOCKET PILLOW BLOCKS Adjustable floor stands for 86-89 Box floor stands for 90-92 Description 73-78 Dimensions 77 Price list 78 RING-OILING RIGID PILLOW BLOCKS Adjustable floor stands for 86-89 Description .......... 70 Dimensions 69 Price list 71 ROLLING MILL TYPE PILLOW BLOCKS 72 ROPE Firmus Blue Strand Manila 338-339 ROPE DRESSING AAA1 Description and price list ... 340 ROPE SHEAVES See "Sheaves" ROPE TRANSMISSION .310 Information necessary for an estimate .... 315 RULE FOR DETERMINING DIAMETER AND SPEED OF PULLEYS, ETC 379 SAFETY COLLARS Description and price list 24 Dimensions .......... 25 SCREW CONVEYORS 387 SCREW CONVEYOR HANGERS . . . . . . .386 SCREWS, HANGER 387 SCREWS, LAG 405 SELF-OILING BALL AND SOCKET PILLOW BLOCKS-See "Pillow Blocks" SELF-OILING RIGID PILLOW BLOCKS See "Pillow Blocks" SHAFTING Code for ordering 11 Formula for figuring horse-power ...... 8 Horse-power .......... 8 Keys price list ......... 9 Key-seats (Standard) 13 C Per foot . 10 p rice J For key-seating 1 Per pound 10 (^ For shouldering and Splines ... 12 Stuffing boxes for 103 Table for laying out 6, 7 Wall thimbles for 103 Weight per oot . 10 POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 413 SHEAVES PAGE Code for ordering . boi Description ........ 324, 334 Face, width of .330 Keys price list . 9 Key-seating (Standard) . 13 Price list key-seating . 9 Rope sheaves price list . 325 SHIFTER LEVERS FOR DODGE SOLID CLUTCH Price list . 164 SHIFTER YOKE FOR DODGE SPLIT CLUTCH Price list . 147 SHOES FOR ADJUSTABLE PILLOW BLOCKS .... 35 SHOES FOR HEAVY HEAD SHAFT HANGERS .... 31 SHORT DROP HEAD SHAFT HANGERS See "Hangers" SLEEVES Babbitting 133 Bronze bushings . 134 Description 115,128 Key-seats and outside diameter 129 10 to 14-inch clutch 130 Price list . -1 16 to 24-inch clutch . . . . . 131 28 and 30-inch clutch .... 132 With 10-inch clutch complete . . . 135 With 12-inch clutch complete ... 136 With 14-inch clutch complete . . . 137 With 16-inch clutch complete ... 138 p - , , With 18-inch clutch complete ... 139 With 20-inch clutch complete ... 140 With 22-inch clutch complete . . . 141 With 24-inch clutch complete ... 142 With 28-inch clutch complete . . . 143 With 30-inch clutch complete . . . 144 For tight and loose iron pulleys 189 For tight and loose wood pulleys 174 SLIDING COLLARS FOR SPLIT CLUTCHES .... 146 SLING HANGERS . 54 SOLID ALL IRON PULLEYS See "Iron Pulleys" SOLID FRICTION CLUTCH, ORTON TYPE See "Clutches" SOLID JOURNAL BOXES .62,63 SOLID SLEEVE COUPLINGS 18 SPECIALLY FITTED BEARINGS 49 SPECIAL PULLEYS 188 SPIRAL JAW CLUTCH COUPLINGS Dimensions .......... 23 How to order 23 Price list j 22 SPIRAL SCREW CONVEYORS Conveyor box ends ....... 369 Conveyor hangers ....... 371 Countershaft drive , . . 373 414 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY SPIRAL SCREW CONVEYORS Continued Delivery gate for steel . Delivery gate for wood Dimensions of wood conveyor boxes Right angle drive .... Spiral conveyors .... Standard designs with illustrations . Steel conveyor boxes SPLIT ALL IRON PULLEYS See " Iron Pulleys SPRINGS FOR SPLIT CLUTCHES SPROCKET WHEELS SPUR GEARING SPUR IRON FRICTION GEARING SPUR MORTISE GEARING . . . SPUR PAPER FRICTION GEARING SQUARE JAW CLUTCH COUPLINGS Dimensions Price list and description PAGE 375 371 370 373 368 368 374 47 298-302 218-235 293-294 286-288 293-297 23 22 STANDARD BALL AND SOCKET PILLOW BLOCKS Adjustable floor stands for Description ........ Dimensions Price list . . 86-89 74 75 74 STANDARD BEARINGS Bearing length Description ["Adjustable ball and socket drop hanger I Adjustable ball and socket pillow block Adjustable ball and socket post hanger Short drop head shaft hanger STANDARD DESIGNS OF BELT CONVEYOR INSTALLATIONS 353-355 Price list with 7 27,28 44 36 52 36 STANDARD IRON SPLIT PULLEYS Description .... Method of cracking bushings Price list .... Price of bushings . Standard bores 209-212 212 213-217 212 211 STANDARD RIGID PILLOW BLOCKS Description 66, 67 Dimensions .......... 68 Price list . . . 67 STATIONARY MULE STANDS HO STEEL CONVEYOR BOXES .... ... 374 STEEL SQUARES For keys, price and weight per foot . . For splines, price and weight per foot . . , . POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 415 STEP BEARINGS FOR VERTICAL SHAFTING STEP CONE WOOD SPLIT PULLEYS . . . STOP COLLARS STUFFING BOXES TABLE FOR LAYING OUT SHAFTING . TAKE-UPS FOR BELT CONVEYOR OUTFITS . TAKE-UPS, STYLES "A" AND "B" . , . TAPER CONE WOOD SPLIT PULLEYS .... TELL-TALES- ELECTRICAL TENSION CARRIAGES . . . Track for Weight rods and sheaves for . . TEXTILE PULLEYS THIMBLES, WALL . . . ... THRUST AND ECCENTRIC BOXES THRUST AND SLIDING COLLARS FOR SPLIT CLUTCH TIGHT AND LOOSE WOOD PULLEYS .... TIGHT AND LOOSE ALL IRON PULLEYS TIMBER USED IN MILL CONSTRUCTION TRACK FOR TENSION CARRIAGES TRACK HANGERS FOR TENSION CARRIAGES TRIPPERS UNIVERSAL JOINT COUPLINGS VERTICAL SHAFTING Bearings for blocks Description Dimensions Price list Pillow ( Description blocks ( Price list WALL BOX FRAMES f Self-oiling ball and socket "} | Self-oiling rigid . . | CLASS O for ^ Standard ball and socket | Standard rigid I Adjustable ball and socket ( Self-oiling ball and socket CT ASS S for J Self - ilin g n g id ] Standard ball and socket (^Standard rigid . WALL BRACKETS With bolt slots Without bolt slots WALL STUFFING BOXES WALL THIMBLES " WASHERS WATER SOFTENER AND PURIFIER EUREKA WATER WHEEL HARNESS WEIGHT RODS FOR TENSION CARRIAGES WEIGHT ROPE SHEAVES FOR TENSION CARRIAGES PAGE 81 173 24, 127 103 6,7 365 365 173 335 332-334 332 332 . - 183 103 297 146 174 189 388 331 336 366, 367 26 79-81 102 99 102 100, 101 , 93-95 , 96, 97 103 103 387 390-398 342-344 337 337 416 DODGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY WEIGHT OF SHAFTING PER FOOT WICK-OILING BEARINGS Bearing length Description Price list with f Adjustable ball and socket drop hanger J Adjustable ball and socket pillow block | Adjustable ball and socket post hanger (^ Short drop head shaft hanger WICK-OILING RIGID PILLOW BLOCKS Description ..... Dimensions Price list PAGE 10 7 27,28 48 40 54 48 66,67 68 67 WOOD SPLIT PULLEYS Bushings for ...... Description and plates showing construction Disc or drum pulleys .... Flange Fractional diameters and face widths Prices, 3 to 144 inches in diameter . Special bores Special prices Standard bore . . . Step cone pulleys ..... Taper cone pulleys .... Tight and loose 175 168-181 172 172 176, 177 178-181 176 176 176 173 173 174 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. ;)EC 4 1935 LD 21-100m-7,'33 YC ^7049