NDIA I . J {,*4^f*fis~&*}lat^- %-^-4-'- SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM SCIENCE HANDBOOKS, FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. "NATIONAL FOODS" are illustrated by several small groups of specimens in the "Food Collection" now exhibited in the Bethnal Green Branch of the South Kensington Museum. In that Collection examples will be found of the chief Food- Grains of India described in this Handbook : Rice, Wheat, and many kinds of Pulse are represented by numerous specimens, the majority of which once formed part of the India Museum. FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. BY A. H. CHURCH, \\ M.A. OXON., F.C.S., F.I.C. Professor of Chemistry in the Royal Academy of Arts, London ; Sometime Professor of Chemistry in the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester , Author of "Food, its Sources, Constituents, and Uses; " " The Laboratory Guide for Agricultural Students," etc., etc. Published for the Committee of Council on Education BY LONDON: CHAPMAN AND HALL, LIMITED. 1886. MAIN LIDU CHARLES DICKENS AND EVANS, CRYSTAL PALACE PRESS. CONTENTS. PAGE PREFACE ..-'. ... vii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS... ix BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTES .. ... ... xi PART I. THE CONSTITUENTS AND USES OF FOOD : Water in Food ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... i Salts or Mineral Matter ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 Albuminoids, Proteids, or Flesh- formers ... ... ... ... ... 2 Starch, Sugar, and Carbohydrates ... ... 4 Fibre, or Cellulose and Lignose ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 Oils and Fats ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 Food as Building and Reparative Material ; as Warming Material or Fuel ; as the Source of Energy ... ... ... ... ... 8 Nutrients and Food- Adjuncts 9 Classification of Food ... .. ... ... ... ... ... 10 PART II. DIETARIES AND RATIONS : A Mixed Diet 12 Diet and Work ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 13 The Nutrient Ratio : Nutrient Value ... ... ... ... ... 14 A Day's Ration ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 16 Tables for Calculating Rations 23 Examples of Rations 25 PART III. THE CEREALS ; CHARACTERISTICS AND CLASSIFICATION : Millets 34 Maize ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 65 Rice 66 Wheat ... 90 Bamboo Rice 102 vi CONTENTS. PART IV. BUCKWHEAT AND ITS ALLIES ; CHARACTERISTICS AND CLASSIFICATION : PAGE Amaranths ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 104 Quinoa ... ... ... ... ..* ... ... ... ... no Buckwheat ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 114 PART V. PULSE ; CHARACTERISTICS, PREPARATION, AND CLASSIFICATION : Lupines 123 Chick-peas ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 128 Vetches 131 Soy-beans ... ... ... 140 Haricots ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... T ^ Gram I4 g Pigeon-peas , ... r 6g PREFACE. THE present Handbook has been prepared mainly with the object of furnishing to Indian officials and to students of Indian agriculture a compact account of the alimentary value of the chief Food-Grains of our Eastern Empire. A few notes on the cultivation of some of the crops have been incorporated with the work, while an endeavour has been made in two introductory chapters to show how a knowledge of the composition of the several Food-Grains may be utilised in the fixing of rations and the adjustment of dietaries. The materials upon which I have drawn in compiling this volume were in great part gathered by Dr. J. Forbes Watson, who projected and, in some measure, carried forward towards completion an exhaustive treatise on Indian Foods. With that work in view, Dr. Forbes Watson not only collected much scattered information from a number of books, memoirs, and official documents, but caused many chemical analyses to be made ; some of these were published in the "Journal of the Society of Arts" so long ago as 1857. These analyses refer almost exclusively to air-dried Food-Grains : they were performed with every care, and, in some directions, were extended so far as to include quantitative determina- tions of each of the ash-constituents of the products under examination. I have not found it possible, in a concise Handbook such as the present, to avail myself of all the data furnished by Dr. Forbes Watson's collections ; but, on the other hand, I have supplied some missing facts and figures by means of inquiries and researches of my own. In the pages that follow the new analyses which I have myself made are indicated by the letter (c) ; the rest are Dr. Forbes Watson's. In not a few instances, however, the latter analyses have been controlled by fresh viii PREFACE. determinations of some of the constituents of the grains and seeds, and by the examination of additional and authenticated specimens. Specimens of most of the grains and seeds described in this Handbook may be seen in the Museums of the Royal Gardens, Kew, and in the Bethnal Green Branch of the South Kensington Museum. The collection at Bethnal Green is particularly rich in specimens illustrating many out of the hundreds of varieties of Indian rice ; the examples there presented of Indian wheat and Indian pulse are also numerous. Should a second edition of this brief and incomplete Handbook be called for, I trust that I shall be able to fill in many of its gaps and to make it more exact. The Indian and Colonial Exhibition at South Kensington will doubtless furnish me with ample materials for extension and improve- ment. I venture to express a hope that I shall not be held responsible for the rendering of the Indian names introduced into my pages, for I have no first-hand knowledge of the subject, and, having been obliged to gather the names of places and products from a great variety of sources, neither accuracy nor uniformity of transliteration has been secured. The chief works consulted in the preparation of this Handbook are recorded in the appended Bibliographical Notes ; other books therein named will be found useful by persons desirous of further information concerning Indian Plants and Food Crops. But, after all, it is to the indefatigable labours of Dr. Forbes Watson that I am chiefly indebted, and it is to him that any merits to be found in this volume must be, for the most part, attributed. May, 1886. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIGURE NAME OF PLANT. PACK 1 Paspalum scrobiculatum 38 2 Panicum miliaceum ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 41 3 Panicum miliare... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 45 4 Panicum frumentaceum 48 5 Panicum colonum ^ x 6, 7 Setaria italica ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 54 8, 9 Pennisetum typhoideum ... ... ... ... ... 56, 57 10 Coix Lachryma ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 61 11 Zea Mays ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 64 12,13 Oryza sativa 67,71 14 Saccharum officinarum 77 15,16 Sorghum vulgare 81,83 17,18 Eleusine coracana ... 88 19 Amarantus paniculatus ... IO 6 20 Chenopodium Quinoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ... m 21 Fagopyrum esculentum... ... ... ... ... ... ... 115 22 Arachis hypogsea ... ... ... ... ... ... .... 126 23 Cicer arietinum . . . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 129 24 Lathyrus sativus... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 133 25 Lens esculenta 137 26 Glycine Soja ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 141 27 Canavalia ensiformis ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 145 28 Phaseolus Mungo ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 149 29 Phaseolus aconitifolius ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 153 30 Vigna Catiang 157 31 Dolichos Lablab... ... ... ... . ... ... ... 160 $2, 33 Dolichos biflorus 163, 165 34,35 Cajanus indicus ... 168,171 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTES. BIRDWOOD, SIR G. " Economic Products of Bombay." Bombay, 1862. CHURCH, A. H. " Food, its Sources, Constituents, and Uses." London. 1876. COOKE, DR. M. C. "Report on the Oil Seeds in the India Museum." London, 1876. COTTON, J. S. "Moral and Material Progress of India, 1882-83." (Blue Book.) London, 1885. DRURY, COL. H. " Useful Plants of India." London, 1873. DUTHIE, J. F., and FULLER, J. B. " Field and Garden Crops of the North- West Provinces and Oudh." Parts i, ii. Roorkee, 1882-83. HOOKER, SIR J. D. " Flora of British India." London, 1875-85. HOOKER, SIR J. D., and BENTHAM, G. " Genera Plantarum." London, 1867-80. HUNTER, DR. W. W. " Imperial Gazetteer of India." Second Edition. London, 1886. KONIG, DR. J. "Chemie der Menschlichen Nahrungs- und Genussmittel." Berlin, 1879-80. LYON, J. B. " Food Tables." Bombay, 1877. MEINERT, DR. C. A. " Armee- und Volksernahrung." Berlin, 1880. POWELL, BADEN H. " Economic Products of the Punjab." Roorkee, 1868. ROXBURGH, DR. W. "Flora Indica." Calcutta, 1870. WATSON, DR. J. FORBES. MS. Collections ; Original Memoranda and Analyses ; and a Paper in the " Society of Arts Journal," November 27, 1857. WATSON, DR. J. FORBES. " Indian Products ; Industrial Survey of India." Part ii. London, 1872. WATT, G. " Economic Products of India. Part vi. Foods." Calcutta, 1883. FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. PART I. THE CONSTITUENTS AND USES OF FOOD. Water. This important compound, a combination of 2 parts by weight or 2 proportions of the element hydrogen, with 16 parts by weight or i proportion of the element oxygen, forms more than two-thirds by weight of the adult human body, and 80 per cent, of that of the infant. It enters largely into the very structure of the tissues, being, in fact, an actual food, and it acts as a carrier of food into and through the system. As a general rule our total daily meat and drink should contain about four-fifths of their entire weight of water, and in hot countries and seasons a good deal more. Milk, the natural and model food for infants, contains a proportion of water which is even larger than this, namely, 88 per cent. The average amount of water in the majority of ripe and air-dried Indian cereals, such as wheat, rice, and millets, and in the various kinds of Indian pulse, is one- eighth of their entire weight, or 12*5 per cent. This proportion of water varies, however, a little with different kinds of grain : in temperate climates it stands at a higher level than in the tropics and in semi-tropical countries, perhaps amounting to 14^ per cent. In leaves the proportion of water is much greater than in grains and pulse ; in succulent stems, roots, and fruits, it reaches its maximum in many kinds of melons, for example, 90 to 95 B FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. parts of water in the hundred is no unusual proportion. In the muscular tissue or pure lean of meat the water constitutes three- fourths of the whole. Mineral Matter or Salts. Although nearly all the constituents of food are capable of being burnt, and are therefore spoken of as combustible compounds, yet water and certain necessary saline matters are not the less nutritious because they cannot be burnt. The human body contains in every tissue and secretion some mineral matter ; in the bones and teeth a great deal. Phos- phates, carbonates, sulphates, and chlorides are the chief among the salts of the body. Lime, potash, soda, and magnesia are the metallic bases of these salts. Sometimes, however, these bases are united, not with the mineral acids (phosphoric, sul- phuric, etc.), but with the acids called organic, which invariably contain carbon. The mineral matters are generally supplied in sufficient quantity by an ordinary vegetable diet the " ash " which figures in all analyses representing roughly the amount of fixed or mineral matter present. Rice is perhaps the only important food in which these compounds are deficient. Common salt, however, has everywhere to be added to food as its two constituents, chlorine and sodium, are present in very small proportion in vegetable products, save in those which grow by the sea-shore or in the sea. Iron and silica, of which minute quantities are essential to the nourishment of the body, are furnished in ample quantity by all kinds of vegetable foods. In the analyses recorded in the following pages, some figures are given representing the percentages of potash and phosphoric acid in several food-grains ; it will be noticed that those grains or seeds from which the husk has been removed are poorer in ash than those which have not been so " cleaned." Albuminoids, Proteids, or Flesh-formers. From a colourless substance, which is the chief constituent of the albumen or white of egg, a whole group of related organic compounds containing nitrogen has been named "albuminoids." From the variety of forms in which they appear, and the numerous changes they undergo, the term "proteids" has also been applied to THE CONSTITUENTS AND USES OF FOOD. them ; while from a function in the body which they alone are competent to perform, they have been designated " flesh- formers." The difficulty of separating .the albuminoids in a pure and unaltered state has prevented chemists from unravelling their chemical constitution, which is, however, known to be exceedingly complex. All the albuminoids are either naturally soluble in water, or may be made so by the action of a fixed alkali, the so-called albuminates being thus formed. Their chief element, characterising by its presence the whole group, is nitrogen the element which constitutes seventy-nine parts by measure of common air, which is present in nitre, nitric acid, and ammonia, and which is generally so much more abundant in animal than in vegetable tissues. The percentage of nitrogen in the different albuminoids appears to range between 13 and 1 8^, but there are doubts as to the purity of the materials which, when submitted to analysis, have yielded these numbers. The range of variation in the percentage composition of the members of the whole group is shown in this table : Carbon ... ... . .. 50^6 to 54^3 per cent. Hydrogen ... ... 67 7-3 Nitrogen 12-8 ,, 18-5 ,, Sulphur ... -4 ., 17 Oxygen ... ... ... 2 with J Common Salt... ... ... 07 Oil or Fat 3-0 I (Phosphates, Potash Salts, etc. 0-3 * The amount of salt consumed per head per day in the Bombay Presidency just exceeds ^ ounce ; in Sind it is calculated to be little more than % ounce. 1 6 FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. It will be seen that the above percentages correspond to a ratio between the oil and the albuminoids of i : i '3, and between the oil and the starch of i : 3^5 the "nutrient-ratio" being about i : 4*5. Of the proportions to be introduced into a ration of a very important group of food-adjuncts, namely, the spices, condi- ments, and flavourers, no quantitative statement can be safely made. Examples of the amounts actually allowed per head per day have been published in several official Indian reports. One of these examples may be cited from the Indian Economist, of 1 5th October, 1870. Surgeon S. B. Partridge gives as materials for " curry stuff," ^ a drachm of garlic, y z a drachm of chillies, and the same quantity of mustard ; of black pepper, i y. 127 ( Starch 1-267 2-534 3-801 5-068 6-335 7-602 Moth ... ... ( Albuminoids 238 476 7M 952 1-190 1-428 /. 152 ( Starch 580 1*160 1-740 2*320 2-900 3-480 Peas ... ... ( Albuminoids 236 472 708 '944 riSo 1-416 /. 135 ( Starch 575 1-150 1725 2*300 2-875 3-45 Catiang-beans ... J Albuminoids 231 462 693 924 i-i55 1-386 /. 156 ( Starch 578 1-156 1734 2 "3 I 2 2-890 3-468 Haricots ... J Albuminoids 230 463 "690 "920 1-150 1-380 /. 147 I Starch 576 1-152 1-728 2-304 2-880 3'45 6 Mung-beans ... j Albuminoids 227 '454 681 908 i-i35 1-362 /. 151 ( Starch 608 1216 i 824 2-432 3 '040 3-648 Horse-gram ... ( Albuminoids '225 '45 675 "900 1-125 i-35o /. 162 ( Starch 603 i -206 1-809 2*412 3" OI 5 3-618 Lablab beans ... ( Albuminoids 224 448 672 896 I'I2O i'344 /. 161 ( Starch 574 1-148 1-722 2-296 2-870 3 '444 Pigeon-peas ... J Albuminoids 203 406 609 812 I-OI5 I'2l8 /. 169 | Starch 596 1*192 1-788 2-384 2-980 3-376 Clrick-peas ... J Albuminoids 195 390 585 780 '975 1*170 /. 128 I Starch 643 1-286 i 929 2-572 3-215 3-858 Inga beans ... J Albuminoids 176 352 528 704 880 1*056 /. 173 { Starch 807 1-614 2-421 3-228 4-035 4-842 7 oz. 2*471 4-858 2-233 3647 2*219 3' l6 4 2*205 3'479 2*086 4-165 I '7 I 5 8*869 1*666 4-060 1-652 4-025 1-617 4*046 1*610 4-032 I-587 4-276 i '5 75 4*221 1-568 4-018 1-421 4-172 i f 365 4'5 01 1-232 DIETARIES AND RATIONS. 25 Examples of Daily Rations. Now suppose that we have to arrange a dietary of which soy-beans and rice are the substantive constituents. Keeping the quantity of the more costly and less digestible pulse as low as possible and neglecting for the moment the question of fat or oil, we shall find from the 4th and 5th columns of table 2 and from the 8th column of table i, that 4^ ounces of soy-beans and 8 ounces of rice will supply the necessary amounts of albuminoids and starch : Albuminoids. Starch. Soy-beans, 4^ oz. furnish ... 1*589 ... 3-123 Rice, 8 oz. furnish '584 ... 6-376 2-173 9'499 Amounts required 2-128 ... 9-250 The only remaining question relates to the fat or oil of this ration. It so happens that soy-beans are rich in oil, the above quantity, of 4^ ounces, containing '851 of an ounce of oil. Now the theoretical quantity demanded by this ration is 752 of an ounce so that in this case no additional oil or fat is wanted. We will take another example, employing a ration in which rice is asso- ciated with a kind of pulse in which there is little more than a trace of oil, and where the albuminoids are present in no more than the ordinary proportion ; such a pulse is the lablab-bean. Adopt- ing the same plan of extracting figures from tables i and 2 as before, we find that Albuminoids. Starch. Lablab-beans, 8 oz. furnish ... 1792 ... 47 12 Rice, 6y 2 oz. furnish ... ... "438 ... 4*782 2-230 ... 9-494 Amounts required ... ... 2-128 ... 9-25 But there is no appreciable amount of oil in this ration ; it must be supplied either by an oily seed, or by a separated oil or fat. Assuming the latter plan to be adopted, we add ^ ounce oil, re- ducing the rice by 2^ ounces and increasing the lablab-beans by y* ounce ; the latter step is rendered necessary by the obligation 26 FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. of replacing in a more concentrated form the albuminoids with- drawn in the 2^ ounces of rice. The ration will then stand Albuminoids. Starch. Lablab-beans, 8^ oz. furnish ... 1*904 ... 4'999 Rice, 4 oz. furnish ... ... '292 ... 3'i88 y oz. Oil furnishes nil ... 1725 | &> 2-196 ... 9-912 These totals approach sufficiently near to the figures required by theory. We will not multiply examples of dietaries containing rice associated with pulse, but will consider the cases furnished by millets and pulse used together. Happily, the comparative rich- ness of the millets in albuminoids enables us to lower the amount of lablab or ordinary pulse which it is necessary to employ with them in constructing a standard ration. As an illustration we will use miing-beans and bajra (Pennisetum typhoidewri). By reference to the tables it will be found that something like these quantities are required : Albuminoids. Starch. Miing-beans, 6 oz. furnish ... 1*362 ... 3*648 Bajra, 8 oz. furnish '832 ... 6-328 2-194 ... 9-976 These form practically the ration required. But there is an insufficient amount of oil in this dietary ; adding & ounce of oil, we shall have to withdraw 2 ounces of bajra and to increase the miing by y z ounce. The figures become : Albuminoids. Starch. Miing-beans, 6^ oz. furnish ... 1*587 ... 4*276 Bajra, 6 oz. furnish ... ... '520 ... 3*955 y^ oz. Oil equal to nil ... 1*725 2-107 9'95 6 So far we have been considering dietaries belonging to the lowest or bare-sustenance scale ; the scales for moderate work and heavy work have now to be similarly discussed. DIP:TARIES AND RATIONS. 27 We begin with the dietary for moderate work, still assuming that the body- weight of the persons to be fed is 105 Ibs., and employing the same pulses and the same cereals as in the three examples of rations previously constructed. Referring, as before, to the tables, we find that Albuminoids. Starch. Soy-beans, 5 oz. furnish ... 1765 ... 3'47o Rice, 16 oz. furnish i'i63 ... 12752 2-928 ... l6'222 Amounts required... ... 2-954 ... 15779 As the oil contained in this ration is but i ounce and should be 1*4 ounces, it will be necessary to add the lacking 4-ioths. To do this without disturbing the ratio, \y z ounces of rice should be with- drawn, and >^ ounce of soy-beans added. Thus the amounts will be : Albuminoids. Starch. Soy-beans, 5^ oz. furnish ... 1*942 ... 3*817 Rice, 14^ oz. furnish ... ... "954 ... 1 1*552 Oil, T *Q- oz. equal ... ... nil ... '920 2-896 . . 16*289 If rice and lablab-beans be employed, the following amounts will be necessary : Albuminoids. Starch. Lablab-beans, 8 oz. furnish ... 1792 ... 4*592 Rice, 16 oz. furnish n68 ... 12752 2-960 ... 17-344 As, however, this dietary should include 1*41 ounces of oil, it will be necessary to supplement its natural deficiency in this constituent by adding at least i ounce. We withdraw, therefore, 4 ounces of rici, and add i ounce of lablab-beans. Albuminoids. Starch. Lablab-beans, 9 oz. furnish ... 2-016 ... 5-166 Rice, 12 oz. furnish ... ... "876 ... 9-664 Oil, i oz. equal to ... ... nil ... 2-300 2-892 ... 17-130 28 FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. In truth, a still larger proportion of lablab would be needed to realise the proper ratio between the constituents of this dietary ; but 9 ounces of pulse is already too large a quantity to be consumed daily, and we ought, wherever possible, to associate a third aliment with the two employed. For example, wheat or one of the millets might advantageously replace a part of the rice. In the third example of a moderate- work ration, mung-beans and bajra are assumed to be employed. Albuminoids. Starch. Mung-beans, 5^ oz. furnish ... 1-249 ... 3'344 Bajra, 16 oz. furnish ... ... 1-664 12*656 2-913 ... i6'ooo These quantities of mung and bajra contain about '65 ounce of oil ; this leaves 75 to be otherwise supplied. If ^ ounce be introduced, 3 ounces of bajra must be withdrawn and \y 2 ounces miing added : Albuminoids. Starch. Mung-beans, 7 oz. furnish ... I'SS; ... 4^276 Bajra, 13 oz. furnish 1-352 ... 10*183 Oil, Y^ oz. equal to nil ... 1725 2-939 ... 16-184 In the third dietary scale, that of hard work, a single example will probably suffice to show the mode of constructing the normal ration ; soy-beans and bajra shall be taken, and the small necessary addition of oil made. Albuminoids. Starch. Soy-beans, 6^ oz. furnish ... 2-295 4'5 ir Bajra, 13^ oz. furnish ... 1^404^ ... 10-578 Oil, ^ oz. equals nil ... 1725 3-699 ... Amounts required 3*635 ... The only dietaries, other than Indian, which are made up of similar foods and have been chemically examined, are those of Japan prisons. In these, however, no attempt seems to have DIETARIES AND RATIONS. 29 been made to adjust the composition of the rations to the work required, for the amounts of the pulse, seaweed, and other vegetables rich in nitrogen, are the same for all the classes, the quantities of rice or rice and barley given being augmented. As the body-weights of the Japanese prisoners do not differ much from those in Indian jails, we may usefully quote here the rations of such a prison as that of Tokio. Ration. Albuminoids. Fat. Starch. Nutrient-ratio. a. No work .... ... 17 ... 24 . .. 12-8 ... i : 7-9 b. Light labour 2'0 27 . .. 16-1 ... i : 8-1 c. Hard labour ... 2-9 .:. 3 2 .. 217 ... i : 8-6 The small quantities of albuminoids and of fat in these rations, and the excessive amount of starch, are very noticeable. In dietary c the nutrient-ratio of i : 8*6 should be contrasted with that of C given on p. 20, namely, i : 4 '66. The following are additional standard dietaries, reduced in the case of rations for adults, to a mean body-weight of 105 Ibs. Albuminoids. Fat. Starch, etc. Nutrient-ratio. I. Children of 6 to 15 years... 27 ... 1-3 ... 87 ... i : 4*33 II. Ordinary labour 3*12 ... 2-34 ... 10-37 ... i : 5-04 III. ... 3 >][ 5 ; I>2 r 4' 02 x : 5 33 The amount of mineral matter, including common salt, required per day, is just under i ounce. It should be observed that the amount of oil or fat in the dietary III. just given, is rather lower than is desirable. It could not, however, be increased unless a considerable diminution of the starch, already too high, were also effected ; of course, the amount of albuminoids would then have to be raised as the proportion in which they exist in this dietary is low. Many other standard dietaries have been proposed from time to time, in addition to those already given in previous paragraphs. On comparing them with all or nearly all the public dietaries in actual and extensive use, the latter show a deficiency of albuminoids and fat, and an excess of carbohydrates. The great cost of butchers' meat and the difficulty of obtaining regular FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. supplies of fish are the chief reasons why these defects have not been generally remedied. In many countries some improvement in this direction has been effected by the more abundant employment of pulse in the daily rations. As an illustration of the divergencies between an actual and a standard dietary we may cite the case of the average European soldier : Actual. Standard. Albuminoids 4-0 oz. ... 5-0 oz. Fat 1-25 ... 3-0 Carbohydrates ... ... i8'o ... 14-0 Nutrient-ratio = i : 5^25 ... i : 4^25 Nutrient-value 24*9 oz. ... 25*9 oz. PART III. THE CEREALS. THE grain of the grasses is a complete fruit ; in a few familiar cases (barley) it commonly retains as an additional and firmly- attached covering a pair of paleae. In all cases where these floral envelopes adhere to the winnowed grain they must be removed by some mechanical operation before the cereal can be used as human food ; the harshness of these envelopes as well as the indigestibility of the large amount of fibre which they contain necessitate this treatment. A considerable and often excessive proportion of starch is a characteristic feature of the composition of these grains. This constituent is present in largest proportion in the two millets, ragi and koda, and in cleaned, that is, husked rice ; in wheat, and many of the millets, the percentage of this nutrient is lower. Most of the larger cereal grains, which have been tested for sugar, have been found to contain a small proportion of that compound, or rather, at least two different kinds of sugar have been found in them, although the total amount of saccharine substance in well-ripened corn probably does not exceed 2 per cent. For the purposes of this work it is quite unneces- sary to distinguish between such sugar and the starch present in these grains ; in consequence, the starch and sugar with the dextrin, gum, and similar matters will always be found, in the following pages, under the single heading of " starch." It must not, however, be supposed that the starch of all these grains is absolutely identical in feeding value, for this substance, 32 FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. as extracted from different grains, is found to vary in the ease with which it is affected by hot water and by those digestive ferments which are capable of dissolving it during its passage through the alimentary tract. The proportion of flesh-forming substances, or albuminoids, in different cereals, varies much ranging from 1 8 per cent, in the hardest wheats to 6*5 per cent, in the poorest rice. In different varieties of many, perhaps most cereals, this consti- tuent does not oscillate between very wide limits ; but in wheat the range is very great. In Indian wheat, however, the .limit of variation in the percentage of albuminoid matter does not seem to exceed 6/4 per cent., that is from 10*3 to 167 per cent. There are considerable differences in the albuminoids present in different cereals, the albuminoids of wheat presenting more analogy to animal fibrin, and being more easy to separate and more tenacious, stringy, and elastic when separated from the other constituents of the grain than is the case with other cereals. Upon these peculiarities of wheat-albuminoids depends the power of forming a light vesiculated bread which wheat- flour possesses in an eminent degree. It is usual to calculate the amount of albuminoids in the cereal grains by multiplying the amount of nitrogen which analysis shows to exist in them by the coefficient 6*3. The results thus obtained are always too high, for the cereal grains invariably contain nitrogen in the form of compounds not albuminoid and not possessing the same functions in nourishing the body. But a large number of careful estimations of the actual albuminoids in well-ripened grains of the most familiar cereals has been made, with the result of showing that the amount to be deducted from the total calculated percentages of albuminoids may generally be neglected without serious error. Were such deductions allowed they would amount to from iy 2 to 9 parts from each 100 parts of albuminoids. As in most Indian-grown grains and seeds no such determinations of non-albuminoid nitrogen have been yet made, it would have been impossible to have corrected the figures in the following pages in accordance with the more Tin-; CKRKALS. 33 exact method. As the author of the present Handbook was the first chemist who devised an analytical method for dis- tinguishing between albuminoid and non- albuminoid nitrogen in foods, he may be permitted to add that exaggerated deduc- tions have been made in some published works on food and dietetics for non-albuminoid nitrogen. And he would further urge that, as many theoretical or standard dietaries have been constructed in part upon the old and incorrect data as to the albuminoids in the foods consumed, such dietaries may be not unfairly imitated by the use of analytical results obtained in the same, that is, the usual way. It would occupy too much space were all the evidence in support of this argument to be marshalled before our readers ; but, taken in connection with the other reasons we have urged, we think it justifies the course we intend to follow in the present elementary Handbook. There is good reason to conclude that the albuminoids of the cereals, while presenting, if pure, very slight variations in the proportions of their ultimate chemical elements, exist in a number of states or modifications. The so-called "gluten" of wheat may be resolved into three or possibly four constituents ; two of these occur in maize, where they are accompanied by a third albuminoid not found in wheat and called "zein." These are not products obtained by the chemical treatment to which the wheaten flour and maize flour are submitted in the processes of extraction they are edncts pre-existing in the raw materials operated upon. The properties of these, and other members of the group of cereal albuminoids, are probably identical in one respect only, namely, their value as nutrients ; their distinctive physical and mechanical properties are certainly in many cases well marked. Thus (as is stated on page 32) it is upon the peculiar elastic and viscous character of the chief albuminoid of wheai-grain, the gluten-fibrin, that its admirable appropriateness for the making of a light vesiculated bread depends. It may be here observed that those valuable mineral salts, the alkaline and earthy phosphates, are very intimately associated with the albuminoids, although tho union can hardly be regarded as a D 34 FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. chemical one. And it has often been observed that the larger the percentage of albuminoid matter in a grain the larger is the proportion of these phosphates. It is necessary to add a few words as to the oil or fat present in the cereals. Some of this, often a good proportion, resides in the coats of the grains, and in the embryos or "chits." When, therefore, wheat-grain is decorticated, and especially when, as in some modern processes of milling, the embryos are removed, the percentage of oil is much lowered. This will be obvious when we state that the embryos contain 14^ per cent, of oil and the different grades of bran from 2^ to 5, the whole wheat- grain not showing more than 2 per cent. Maize and barley are rich in oil rice very poor. In actual dietaries this deficiency of oil or fat is made up in several ways. Where fish or flesh meat is employed, a good deal of oil or fat is introduced therein, but the very common use in India of milk, or of some preparation from it, effects something in the same direction ; expressed fatty oils are also extensively employed. The mineral matter or ash in the grain of the cereals shows some variation both in quantity and in composition. In the unhusked grains it amounts on the average to less than 2 per cent. ; in cleaned rice it is as low as o'6 per cent., and may occasionally sink to 0*4. In paddy it amounts to 07 or 0*8 per cent. ; as a general rule, the removal of the coats of any cereal grain in dressing it, involves the abstraction of much mineral matter. The large group of the minor cereals, which may be designated " millets," together constitute a more important crop than either rice or wheat, and are grown more extensively, being raised from Madras in the South to Rajputana in the North. They occupy about 83 per cent, of the food-grain area in Bombay and Sind ; 41 per cent, in the Punjab ; 39 per cent, in the Central Provinces ; and 34 per cent, in the North-West Provinces. The chief species are Great Millet, or joar (Sorghum vulgare] ; sjDJJ^cf or bulrush millet, bajra (Pennisetum typhoideum) ; Rap-/ (Eleiisine coracana] ; THE CEREALS. 35 Italian millet (Setaria italic a)\ and Chena {Panicum miliaceuin). Besides these, other kinds are cultivated, such as Panicum miliare, and Paspalum scrobiculatum, while the grain of a few wild kinds is used in times of scarcity. The following table shows the number of acres in 1882-83 \J under two of the chief species of millet (Joar and Bajra) in five Provinces from which the returns are fairly complete : Joar. Bajra. Madras ... ... ... 3,691,127 ... 2,496,958 Bombay 5,392,469 ... 4,566,113 Punjab ... ... 2,552,248 ... 3,218,248 N.W. Provinces ... ... 2,828,375 ... 2,009,298 Berar ... ... ... 2,276,220 ... 92,322 More recently, the total area under millets has been estimated at 33^ million acres. As a rule the millets are all Kharif, or autumnal harvest crops, being generally sown in the early weeks of the monsoon, and in June or July, and reaped in October and November. Next in importance to the millets comes the group of the larger cereal grains. This includes wheat, rice, barley, and maize. The importance of the Indian wheats and of rice is discussed with some degree of fulness in the pages of the Handbook devoted to these cereals. While wheat approaches in composition that of a standard food, rice is very far from doing so, both in regard to albuminoids and mineral matters. Much more pulse for example, must be introduced into a rice diet than into one of wheat or into one of millet, in order that the chemical proportions of the several nutrients required for a perfect food may be reached. The chief methods of preparing or cooking the cereal grains for the food of man are mentioned under the heads of the several kinds to which they more particularly apply. (See, for example, under Rice, p. 73, Maize, p. 66, Bulrush-millet, p. 59.) The following table shows the number of acres, in 1882-83, under the two chief larger cereals, namely wheat and rice, in five D 2 36 FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. Provinces where both crops are important and whence fairly com- plete returns have been obtained : Wheat. Rice. Punjab ... ... 6,734.357 ... 775>3 6 7 N.W. Provinces 4,676,580 ... 3,055,933 Central Provinces ... 3,619,704 ... 4,416,054 Oudh ... ... 1,863,753 ... i,743' 01 5 Bombay ... ... 1,630,310 ... 1,874,934 As a general rule wheat and barley are Rabi, or winter harvest crops, being sown at the end of the monsoon and reaped between January and March. The Order Graminese or Grasses contains between 3,100 and 3,200 species. A conspectus of the tribes and genera of this Order so far as the plants described in the following pages are concerned is here given : Order, GRAMINESE. Tribes. Genera. i. PANICEA:. Paspalum, Panicum, Oplismenus, Setaria, Cenchrus, Pennisetum. ii. MAYDE.. Coix, Zea. iii. ORYZE^E. Oryza. vi. ANDROPOGONEA;. Saccharum, Sorghum, ix. AVENE^E. Avena. x. CHLORIDES. Eleusine. xii. HORDE^E. Triticum, Hordeum. xiii. BAMBUSE^E. Bambusa. The sequence in which the several kinds of Indian cereals and grain-substitutes are arranged and described in the following pages is that indicated in the above table. A few species have been, however, relegated to the closing paragraphs of the present Part, because our chemical information concerning them is either very meagre or absolutely wanting. In classifying the several kinds of cereals according to their composition the most useful plan to follow is one based on their relative richness in albuminoids. This richness is best expressed in the form previously explained (p. 14) under the name "nutrient- ratio," or the proportion between the albuminoid they contain and their starch, reckoning, however, with their starch, the starch- FIG. I. KODA MILLET (Paspalum scrobiculatum}. THE CEREALS. 39 equivalent of the oil present. In the following table the first column of figures give the nutrient-ratio, the second the percentage of albuminoids, and the third, the nutrient-value, or the added percentage of albuminoids, of starch, and of oil translated into its starch-equivalent. Nutrient-ratio, or Albuminoids, Name of Cereal. A ,, , , Ct u r Nutrient-value. Albuminoids to Starch, percentage ol. 1. Eleusine coracana... ... i 13 ... 5^9 ... 84 2. Paspalum scrobiculatum ... i 3. Oryza sativa ... ... i 4. Panicum frumentaceum ... i 5. Panicum miliare ... ... i 6. Zea Mays ... ... ... i 7. Sorghum vulgare ... ... i 8. Panicum colonum... ... i 9. Pennisetum typhoideum ... i 10. Setaria italica ... ... i 11. Sorghum saccharatum ... i 12. Bambusa arundinacea ... i 13. Hordeum vulgare... ... i 14. Panicum miliaceum ... i 15. Triticum sativum ... ... i It will be seen from the above tabular statement that Indian wheat (15), and Indian millet (14), present a nutrient-ratio not far removed from that of a standard diet (i 15); while Ragi (i), and Koda Millet (2), and Rice (3) are very deficient in their proportion of albuminoids or flesh-formers. KODA MILLET. Paspalum scrobiculaium, L. Sanskrit Koradusha, Kodrava. Hind. Kodaka. Beng. Koda. Punjab Kodra. North- West Provinces Kodon, Marsi. Telugu Allu. Gtijrat Menya. Bombay Kodra, Harik. Sinhalese Wal-amu. Tamil Waragu. This erect grass, which grows to a height of i to 2 feet, is frequent in tropical and sub-tropical Asia, and is largely grown, especially on poor soils. The seed is sown in June and July, the harvest takes place in October and November. It is used in the districts of Mirzapur, Gorakhpur, Patna, Shahabad, 10-8 ... 7-3 ... 86^ 9-5 ... 8-4 ... 88 8-4 ... 9-1 ... 85 8-3 ... 9'5 8-2 ... 9-3 ... 86 8 9-6 ... 85 7'6 ... io'4 ... 7'4 ... io'8 ... 91 6-4 ... n-8 ... 87 6-4 ... n-8 ... 87 6-3 ... 11-5 ... 84^ 6 ... i2'6 ... 89 5-2 ... 135 ... 4o FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. Saran, Bhagulpur, Purniah, and Santal Parganas. It is largely grown on the lowlands near the Ganges in Bhagulpur. The analysis of the grain without husk is here given : COMPOSITION OF KODA MILLET (HUSKED). In 100 parts. In I 11). Water 1 1 7 ... i O7.. 382 rrrs O 13 ' Albuminoids 7 o ... i ,, 5 2 ,, Starch ... 77 '2 I 2 )> i54 )> Oil 2 j O ] 47 Fibre ... 7 ... O )) 49 ) Ash I '3 O ,, 9 1 51 The nutrient-ratio is here i : 117, and the nutrient-value 89. It is said, apparently with truth, to be at times the cause of vertigo, and is not considered to be as digestible as Setaria italica ; the stems afford an inferior fodder. Koda is boiled and eaten in the same way as rice, or else is parched and ground, the meal being made into a kind of pudding. The alleged comparative indigestibility of this grain cannot be attri- buted to its percentage of fibre, which is unusually low, but must be owing to some constituent or some condition of the grain which ordinary chemical analysis does not reveal. Mr. Duthie says of this plant that it is the most largely- grown (in the North-West Provinces and Oudh) of all the lesser millets, being a favourite crop for inferior out-lying land. He adds that it is not a popular article of food ; the yield may amount to 10 or 12 maunds per acre, but much of this is chaff. CHENA OR INDIAN MILLET. Panicum miliaceum, L. Synonyms P. asperrimum (Lagasc.) ; P. Milium (Pers.). Sanskrit Vrihibheda. Hind. Chena, China. Beng. Chennah. Other ver- nacular names are : Sawan-jethwa, Kuri, Phikar, Rali, Bausi. In Tamil Varagu, Katacuny. This millet is an erect annual about 2 feet high, with rather broad hairy leaves and a much divided nodding panicle. It was early introduced and is largely grown in many parts of India ; FIG. 2. INDIAN MILLET (Panicum miliaccum} THE CEREALS. 43 it has become naturalised in Ceylon. It generally needs but little rain. It ascends the Himalaya as far as 10,000 feet. It is extensively cultivated in some parts of Purniah District, and is used also in Bhagulpur, Patna, and Champaran, the yield being considerable. It is a quick-growing plant,* a second crop being often obtained from the grain shed in harvesting the first. It proves a useful crop in times of scarcity, not only from its rapid growth, but from its flourishing in seasons of comparatively small rainfall. Mr. Duthie, however, states that in the districts on which he reports, this crop needs a good deal of watering, and that the yield does not amount to more than from 6 to 8 maunds per acre. In the Deccan it is sown in June and July, and reaped in November and December. COMPOSITION OF CHENA MILLET (HUSKED). In roo parts. In i Ib. Water I2'O . . i oz. 402 gr Albuminoids I 2 '6 2 , 7 Starch ... 69-4 ... I l ! 45 Oil v6 o , 2Z2 Fibre I'O ... o , J 70 Ash 1-4 ... o , 98 The nutrient-ratio is here i ; 6, and the nutrient-value 89. It should be noted here that a European sample of this millet, analysed without the husk, gave 15*3 per cent, of albuminoids, 6 1 '6 per cent, of starch, 5 per cent, of oil, and 3*5 per cent, of fibre ; these figures correspond to a nutrient-ratio of i : 4/8, and a nutrient-value of 88, and would lead to a still higher estimate of the worth of this food. This millet is boiled and eaten with milk and sugar, or with dal in curries, or as " mara," the grains being slightly boiled, dried, parched in hot sand, and then sifted from the husks ; the "mara" is then eaten with sour milk this preparation is a favourite food at marriage-feasts. * Mr. J. A. Baines states, however, that its growth is slower than that of Italian millet. 44 FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. LITTLE MILLET. Panicum miliare. Lam. Synonyms P. attenuatum (Nees.) ; Milium effusum (Lour.). Hind. Kutki, Gundli. Tamil Chamai. Sinhalese Meneri. Beng. Gondula. Punjab Kutki. Telugu Nella-shama. Bombay Warai. Madras Shama. An annual grass, 2 to 3 feet high, producing many erect branching culms from a single seed. The panicle becomes beautifully bowed with the increasing weight of the grain. This species is cultivated to some extent in many districts ; it is grown in the Punjab up to the Kheri Pass ; also in Nepal and Central India. COMPOSITION OF LITTLE MILLET. In 100 parts. In I Ib, Water 10 '2 i OZ. 277 grs. Albuminoids 9 I i 199 ,, Starch ... 69 'o T 3 ;j 17 > Oil... ,, 6 o 2^2 Fibre ... 4 ' 6 ... o J 7 )5 J 322 ? * Ash 3 5 Q ,, 245 n The nutrient-ratio is here i : 8 '4, and the nutrient-value 85. Cattle are fond of the straw of this grass. 45 FIG. 3. LITTLE MILLET (Panicum miliare}. FIG. 4. SANWA MILLET (Panicum frumentaceurn). THE CEREALS. 49 SANWA MILLET. Paniciim frunientaccnm, Roxl). Synonyms Oplismenus frnmentaceus (Kunth.); Echinocliloa frumentacea (Link.). Hind. Sanwa, Samuka, Sawa. Beng. Samn, Kheri. Deccan Kathli. Si/iJ. Sarou. Kashmir Karin. Tclugn Bouth-shama. Sinhalese Wel- marukku. The culms of this millet are erect, from 2 to 4 feet high ; the leaves are large and the panicle ei^ct, oblong, and rigid. It is composed of numerous incurved spikes. Sanwa is the quickest growing of all the millets ; the harvest may take place within 6 weeks of the sowing. Where it is sown in April and May it is cut in June and July ; the June sowing is ready in August. As it ripens thus quickly and early, it affords a supply before the bajra harvest begins. Mr. Duthie, speaking of the North-West Provinces and Oudh, estimates the yield of grain as 8 to 10 maunds per acre, but on very poor soil it may be as low as 4. COMPOSITION OF SANWA (WITH HUSK). In 100 parts. In i Ib, Water 12 'O I oz. 402 grs. Albumincids 8 "4 ... I 11 !5 11 Starch ... 72 5 ' I 1 11 263 i Oil ? 'O o 2 IO Fibre ... 2 '2 O 11 11 J 54 i > 11 Ash I '9 ... o 11 '33 The nutrient-ratio is here i : 9^5, and the nutrient-value 88. Sdnwa does not take a high place among the millets. It is either boiled as rice, or boiled with milk, and eaten with sugar, or it is parched. 50 FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. SHAM A MILLET. Panicum colonum, L. Synonym Oplismenus colonus (Kunth.). Beng. Shama. North- West Provinces Sarwak, Shamak. This millet is common in the tropical and sub-tropical regions of the Old World it ascends to 6,000 feet in the Himalaya. The panicle contains 8 or 10 one-sided spikes, each /^ to 24 inch long. The stems are erect or decumbent at the base, about 2 feet or 3 feet high. COMPOSITION OF SHAMA (HUSKED). In 100 parts. In i Ih. Water I2'O I OZ. 403 grs. Albuminoids ... 9-6 -. I ,, 234 ,. Starch ... 74-3 ... II ,, 338 Oil 6 ... o ,, 42 , Fibre i '5 o . HT " " ICK , Ash 2'O ? ' ,, w j 140 ,, The nutrient ratio is here i : 8, and the nutrient-value 85. This millet, sometimes called "Wild Rice," or "Jungle Rice," is a poor food ; it is used, however, in some places where it grows freely (e.g., in Champaran), by a considerable number of labourers as a usual article of diet. It is very good fodder-grass. Other species of Panicum are occasionally, especially in times of drought, distress, or famine, consumed as food. Amongst these may be named P. flavidum (Retz.) ; P. fluitans (Retz.) (the common semi-aquatic species of Panicum) ; and P. hydaspicum (Edge.). The last species grows wild in the Punjab ; Edgeworth mentions that its seeds are swept up from the ground and are eaten by the poor. Another species, P. psilopodium (" kutki," "mijhri") is mentioned by Mr. Duthie as grown on the poorest land and yielding about 2 maunds of seed per acre. Other species named by the same authority are P. crus-galli (L.) ("bharti"), yielding an edible grain and good fodder, and P. Helopus (Trin.) (" kuri "), yielding an edible grain. FIG. 5. SHAMA MILLET (Panicum colonum). E 2 54 FIGS. 6 AND 7. ITALIAN MILLET (Setaria itahca). Two Varieties. THE CEREALS. 55 ITALIAN MILLET. Set aria italica, Beauv. Synonyms Panicum italicum (L.) ; Pennisetum italicum (Brown). Hind. Kangni, Tangan, Kayuni, Kungii, Rawla. Beng. Kakun. Sinhalese Tana-hal. Tamil Tinai. Tel. Kora. Sanskrit Kangu, Priyangu. This annual grass has a cylindrical panicle, at length nodding at the summit. It is frequently grown as an intermediate or subordinate crop ; in some districts it is sown in April and May, and cut in June and July ; in others it is sown from June to September, and reaped from September to January. It is largely used as human food in Patna, Saran, Bhagulpur, Dinajpur, and Purniah ; in some parts of Purniah it is extensively grown. Italian millet requires good land and is greatly benefited by manure. COMPOSITION OF ITALIAN MILLET (HUSKED). In ioo parts. In i Ib. Water ... ... ... 10*2 ... i oz. 277 grs. Albuminoids ... ... ,10 8 ... i , 318 Starch ... ... ... 73 '4 ... 12 Oil 2-9 ... o , 203 Fibre ... ... ... 1-5 ... o Ash O 84 .-, The nutrient-ratio is here i : 7 '4, the nutrient-value 91. Italian millet is generally regarded as nutritious and digestible, but in some places it is considered to be rather heating. Some- times it is boiled and eaten either alone or with the addition of milk and sugar (forming the preparation called "sir"). Sometimes it, is parched. The percentage of flesh-forming matter in this grain seems to vary a good deal from 9 to 13. The fibre in the unhusked grain may be as high as 8 per cent. A species of Cenchrus (C. echinatus, L.), a genus allied to Setafia and Pennisetum, is not uncommon on the more arid parts of the Punjab plains. The grain is used for food in times of scarcity. " Mr. Duthie remarks that Cenchrus catharticus (Del.) furnishes a grain used for food by the poor, who mix it with bajra. FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. BULRUSH MILLET. Pennisetum typhoideum, Rich. Synonyms Penicillaria spicata (Willd.); Holcus spicatus (L.) ; Panicum spicatum (Roxb.). Hind. Bajra, Bajri, Lahra. Tamil Cumbii. Tclugu Gantilu. FIG. 8. BULRUSH MILLLT (Fewiiietum typhoiileuni). An erect grass with thick round stems, generally 3 to 6 feet in height. The leaves are broad and long ; the spikes are terminal, cylinclric in form, and 6 to 9 inches long. n FIG. o. BULRUSH MILLET (Pennisetmn typhohleum}. THE CEREALS. 59 The seed is sown from June to August ; the crop is cut from August to December, but chiefly between September and November. In the North- West Provinces and Oudh, where it is extensively grown (over 2 million acres), the plant often attains a height of 6 to 8 feet ; the yield of grain is 5^ to 7 maunds. COMPOSITION OF BULRUSH MILLET (UNHUSKED). In 100 paits. In I Ib. Water ... 11-3 . i oz. 354 grs. Albuminoids 10*4 .. i 290 Starch ... 71-5 . .. IT 192 Oil ,,.,, O . 231 Fibre o o 1-5 . ' )J J o ,, 105 Ash 2'0 . .. o 140 The nutrient-ratio is here i : 7'6, and the nutrient-value 89^. This grain contains '42 per cent, of potash and '68 per cent, of phosphoric acid. In Patna (where this millet is commonly eaten), it is con- sidered somewhat heating ; in Mirzapur it is used in the cold season by the poorer classes. It is ground into flour and made into cakes ; or it is parched, coarsely ground, and then mixed with water, being eaten with giir, curds, etc. The chopped stalks are good fodder. Another Pennisetum, P. cenchroides (Rich.), is common in many parts of the Punjab where its seeds are swept up from the ground to be used as human food. Mr. Duthie names P. sanguinale (L.) as also furnishing an edible grain. 60 FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. JOB'S TEARS. Coix lacJiryma, L. Synonyms Coix arundinacea (Lamck.); Lithagrostis lachryma-Jobi (Gaertn.). Hind. Kauch-gurgur, Saukrii, Lechusa. Beng. Gurgur, Kunch. Bombay Kassaibija. Sinhalese Kikir-rindi. Naga Hills Re-si. A An annual grass, occurring as a weed of cultivation on the rice-fields of Bengal. It is found on the plains of the Punjab, in the North Provinces, and on the warm hillsides and valleys of the Himalaya. It ascends to 5,000 feet on the Naga hills. COMPOSITION OF JOB'S TEARS (HUSKED), C. In too parts. In I Ib. Water Albuminoids Starch Oil ... 13-2 ... ... 18-7 ... ... 58-3 -.. T2 2 OZ. 2 ,, 9 O ,, 49 434 M3 164. Fibre Ash 1-5 ... 2'I ,, o O T" 1 ^ 147 The nutrient-ratio is here i : 3-8, the nutrient-value 89. Throughout Assam, and in the Eastern frontier-lands of India, this coarse cereal constitutes an important food of the hill tribes, replacing to some extent the millets of Northern and Southern India. In Burma the grains are eaten after having been parched like Indian corn. In the sample of this grain which gave the above analytical figures it was found that the edible seed after the removal of the hard and shining gray husk did not weigh more than i for every 4 parts by weight of the whole grain operated upon. The whole grains of the wild kinds are exceedingly hard and are used as beads ; those of the cultivated variety are much softer and more easily husked. FIG. 10. JOB'S TEARS (Coix lachryma). FIG. II. MAIZE (Zea Mays}. THE CEREALS. 65 MAIZE. Zea Mays, L. Hind. Mukka-Bhuta, But, Makai, Janara. Beng Butta, Makka-janar. Punjab Makkai, Kukri, Bari-joar. Oudh Bari-jowar. Tamil Makka. Tel. Zonalu. Sanskrit Yavanala. This handsome annual erect grass bears its grain in a solitary axillary female spike. The grain varies much in colour, form, and size. The maize, though a native of South America, has been long cultivated in many parts of India : there are now over 2# million acres under this crop. It is sown in June and July and cut in September. COMPOSITION OF MAIZE (C.). In 100 parts. In I Ib. 2 oz. o grs. I 227 Water Albuminoids Starch Oil ... 12-5 ... 9'5 ... 707 ... V6 Fibre Ash 2'O 17 II o 137 252 140 119 The nutrient-ratio is here i : 8*3, and the nutrient-value The above percentages are the means deduced from several analyses of whole Indian-grown maize. They show a lower proportion of water and of oil than the average of European and American samples. The range in the latter, when a few exceptional and clearly abnormal results are excluded, is not wide. Generally, the American-grown maize contains about i per cent, more fat or oil than the East Indian. Maize is extensively used throughout the Benares, Patna, and Bhagulpur Divisions, chiefly amongst the peasantry. Young and green it is roasted and greedily eaten by natives of Gorakhpur, Behar, and Patna. .Maize is not considered so wholesome as wheat, being thought rather heating. The stems, both green and dry, and the leaves, are used as cattle food. F 66 FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. The grains are separated from the maize cobs by thrashing. There are three ways of preparing them for food : a. The grains are roughly ground and made into a kind of porridge or pudding. b. The grains are parched, pounded, winnowed, sifted, and ground into meal in hand-mills. The dough is made into cakes. c. The grains, parched in hot sand, become " pop-corn "- chebana, bhuna, kori. This is eaten with giir or salt by labourers and travellers at their midday meal. In the United States of North America, and in Peru and Chili, many varieties of maize are in cultivation. Some of the best kinds have large fruits with thin skins and are very prolific, the heads of corn or "cobs" being of considerable size. The pale or white-grained sorts are generally superior to those which have much colour. Esteemed American varieties are- Minnesota Early, Crosby Early, Eight-Row Early, Concord, and Stowell's Evergreen. It is very desirable that more attention should be paid to the selection of the best varieties of maize for cultivation in India. RICE. Oryza saliva, L. Hind. Ben*. -Dhan (cleaned rice is Chauwal, Chawal, Chaol, in Hind.}. Tamil Arisi. Telugutiri, Cheni, Matta-Karulu. Sind Sari. Sinhalese Goyang. Sanskrit Vrihi, Arunya, Dhanya. Rice is an annual grass belonging to the tribe Oryzeae of the natural order Graminese. It grows from 2 to 10 or more feet in height ; the panicles vary from 8 inches to a foot or even more in length, and become drooping; the fruit or grain is enclosed in but does not adhere to the pales. The several rice-crops of India may be termed spring, summer, autumn, and winter-rice, from the seasons in which the different varieties are harvested. Winter-rice is the most impor- tant, constituting as it does about three-fourths of the entire amount. Only in Pun, Maldah, Rajshahi, and Sylhet does spring- rice attain even so high a percentage of the entire crop as 12 FIG. 12. RICE (Oryza sativa). . F 2 THE CEREALS. 69 to 25 ; in other localities it is not grown at all or its amount is quite insignificant. The autumn or intermediate crop of rice is likewise of little or no importance, save in about a dozen localities out of 63 concerning which we possess statistics. How- ever, in Patna, Hazaribagh, Pun', and Cuttack, it may reach one-third -of the total out-turn, while it amounts to about one- fourth or one-fifth in Santal Parganas, Bankura, and Midnapur. Summer-rice is a very general crop throughout India. In one locality, Nuddea, it yields two-thirds of the total amount grown ; in Champaran, Birbhum, Dacca, and Faridpur, about one-third ; and in many other localities, about one-fourth. The several rice-crops bear different names in different parts of India ; in the present section we have generally employed the terms used in Bengal, Boro for spring-rice, Aus for summer- rice, Kartika for autumn or intermediate rice, and Aman for winter-rice. Spring-rice is sown, according to locality, from September to February, and reaped from March to June. Summer-rice is sown from May to July, and reaped from September to October. Autumn-rice is sown in Bengal from April to July, and reaped from August to November ; in Jessur it is sown in October and November, and reaped eleven months after. Winter-rice is sown from March to August, and reaped from November to January. Where one crop only of rice is grown in the year it is usually sown from May to August, and reaped from September to January. Where two crops are raised the yield of grain from both crops is little larger than that from one, but the straw of the crop gathered in the dry season, though a wretched fodder, is used for cattle-food. The two chief varieties of rice, winter and summer, are occasionally sown mixed together ; sometimes with Panicum miliaceum and Phaseolus Mungo. Peas, oil-seeds, barley, etc., are also largely sown over the nearly ripe crop, which, however, is cut before they appear above ground. With regard to the several rice-crops, Mr. G. Watt says : " A proprietor of an estate, with a fairly mixed soil, might have 70 FOOD-GRALNS OF INDIA. three, if not four, or even five, harvests of rice every twelve months, thus : "(i) Aus harvest, from July to August. " (2) Chotan dman, from October to November. " (3) Boran dman, from December to January. " (4) Boro, from April to May. " (5) Raida, from September to October. " Two harvests are all but universal in Bengal, with an occasional third but smaller one ; two crops are frequently taken qff the same field." " The long, thin chotan dman rices are eaten by the richer natives." Rice grows well in stiff clays, especially in drainage-beds and basins. Manure is not often used. It is sown in a moist soil, or even in aq actual mud, either broadcast or transplanted from a nursery when the plants are something less than a foot high ; the distance between the plants is about 6 inches. The yield of transplanted rice is 1 6 maunds of paddy per acre ; when sown broadcast it yields from 10 to 12 maunds. Mr. Duthie states that there are at least 100 cultivated varieties of rice in the North- West Provinces and Oudh ; a distinct -indigenous species of another genus, Hygrorhiza aristata (Nees), growing wild round lakes and marshes, is gathered and eaten by the poorer classes. The more important varieties of rice are semi- aquatic, and need copious and repeated irrigations. In some districts of Bengal a long-stemmed variety of rice is grown which will keep its head above 12 feet of water. On the other hand, there are varieties of rice which develop in temperate climates, even ascending the hills to an altitude of at least 8,000 feet, and requiring no irrigation. The analyses which have been made of a large number of samples of " cleaned " rice, give figures which are wonderfully accordant, considering the great differences in the appearance of the specimens and the very diverse conditions under which they have been grown. The fibre and adventitious earth are sometimes rather high from imperfect cleaning of the grain, but the nitrogenous constituents or albuminoids oscillate within FIG. 13. BEARDED PADDY (Oryza sativd) THE CEREALS. 73 narrow limits probably nine samples out of ten will be found to contain not less than 7 per cent., and not more than 8. COMPOSITION OF RICE. In 100 parts. In I Ib. Water 12-8 ... 2 oz. 21 grs. Albuminoids " 7'3 I ,. 74 Starch 78-3 -.- 12 231 ,, Oil 6 . . o 42 Fibre 'A o 28 ,, Ash -6 ... ,, 4^ The nutrient-ratio is i : icr8 and the nutrient-value 86>2. One hundred parts of rice contain no more than '065 part of potash and '284 part of phosphoric acid. There are many districts in India where rice forms not merely the chief food-stuff but ^ths or even iths of its total amount. In some places it even rises to ^ths or to llths of the whole quantity, as in Bardwan, Dinajpur, Maldah, Kuch Behar, Manbhum, and Darrang ; other districts might be named in which it constitutes the only food staple. Dhan is rice in the husk, or paddy. Chaol is rice husked by pounding in a wooden mortar ; in some districts it is, if new, parboiled and then dried before being pounded. Eight pounds of dhan produce 5 pounds of chaol ; the separated pericarp is burned, the perisperm is given to fowls and pigs. The operation of pounding is attended with considerable loss, because many grains are broken and then afterwards winnowed away when tossing the rice in the air from the woven straw scoop. Bhat is boiled rice. In Tirhut and Saran the chaol is first washed and then boiled at night, for the evening meal, in much water. It is strained when hot, one-half or one-third being set aside under water (to save the cost of more fuel) for the morning meal it has then become slightly acidulous. This preparation is eaten with curds, chillies, or one-fourth of dhal (pulse husked and split). Two pounds of cleaned rice weigh 5 pounds after boiling. The liquor is either thrown away or is drunk as a beverage after the addition of a little common salt, or is given to stall-fed milch 74 FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. cows. Where rice constitutes the almost entire food of the popu- lation, the throwing away of the water in which it has been boiled involves the loss of some of the mineral matter in which rice is notoriously deficient, and is to be deprecated ; no more water should be used in cooking this grain than can be absorbed by it. Rice is sometimes boiled in milk. The parching of rice is often done by stirring it in hot sand and then sifting out the grains. They burst, and are eaten dry, or else are ground, mixed with water, and consumed at midday meals by travellers and labourers. In Maldah the Hindustani-speaking population use rice and wheat, the pure Bengali confines himself to rice. In Benares rice is not much used, being replaced, amongst the poor, by wheat, barley, jowari, bajra, and maize. The industrial and labouring classes of Mirzapur consume but little rice, living chiefly on barley and the various millets. According to the " Report of the Famine Commission " the percentages of the rice-eating population in 7 provinces, etc., were : Madras .. ... ... 32 Central -Provinces ... ... 31 Mysore ... ... ... 20 Bombay ... ' ... .. 12 North-West Provinces and Oudh ... ... ... 19 Punjab ... ... ... 5 Berar 2 The exports of rice and paddy from India amounted in 1882-83 to 31^ million cwts. Sixty-eight percent, of this came from Burma, 26 per cent, from Bengal, and 4 per cent, from Madras. Of the total exports, 61 per cent, were sent to England or the Continent (including Egypt). Rice is eaten in many forms and prepared in many ways besides those already described. The five following preparations may be selected for notice : (i.) Churwa, Chura, or C/tira. Some dhan is boiled, dried, and pounded to separate the husks ; the chaol thus obtained is then heated in a wide-mouthed earthen pot, and while still hot is flattened by beating. This preparation may be eaten alone, but it is often made into balls with gur or molasses, or THE CEREALS. 75 taken with curdled milk (doyi\ with milk and tamarinds, or with sweetmeats. (2.) ALochira is made by steeping the rough dhan for a night in cold water ; it is then parched and afterwards flattened by beating. (3.) Khoyi is made by parching rice which has been exposed to the dew. It is eaten with molasses, constituting murki, or with milk. (4.) Muri or Murhi is prepared by first heating chaol with salt for about half-an-hour in a shallow earthen vessel kept agitated, and finally parching it. It is eaten by the poor, generally by itself but sometimes with oil. (5.) Chaol-ka-atta is rice-meal made by slow grinding in heavy hand-mills. It is kneaded with water into balls or cakes (bhaka), which are boiled like a pudding, or used as bread. DIETETICS OF RICE. New rice is cheaper than old, not merely because the latter is more easily husked, nor because it is drier and therefore contains more nutriment in a given weight, but because it is more whole- some. New rice is almost generally considered unwholesome ; it is said to cause swellings of the mouth and throat, dyspepsia, diarrhoea, and fever. Prisoners obliged to live almost wholly on rice become anaemic, symptoms of land-scurvy supervening. Health rapidly deteriorates under its exclusive use, unless it be eaten in excessive quantity ; to this course there are obvious objec- tions. Then, too, there are some varieties of rice the "chits" or embryos of which are so hard that they cannot be digested by the strongest stomach ; prolonged boiling in water only partially softens them. As a rule, the rice which is sown on swampy ground, which is not transplanted, and which comes to maturity during or just at the close of the rainy season, is of the nature just described. The grains of this rice being large, cheap, and abundant, are much used by the very poor ; their 76 FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. use is frequently followed by the disorders of the alimentary canal, skin, and blood, named above. Local names for such rice are saru (the worst), jagar, singra, and jasuria. Much illness is occasioned, especially amongst the poor, through the eating of rice which has been imperfectly "cleaned;" dyspepsia, diarrhoea, dysentery, and ansemia are thus caused. It must always, how- ever, be remembered that the very best rice has two capital defects, being deficient in potash, phosphoric acid, lime, and other mineral matters, as well as in nitrogenous or flesh- forming matters, that is, albuminoids. This latter defect is best shown by the statement that while a perfect- food should contain less than 5 parts of starch or its equivalent to i part of albu- minoid, rice contains rather more than 10 of the former con- stituent to one of the latter. SUGAR-CANE. Saccharum officinarum, L. Beng. Ik, Uk, Kushiar, etc. North-West Provinces and OitdhIkh, Ukhari. Telugu Cheruku-bodi. Sanskrit Ikshu, Rusala, Pundra, Kanguruku. This strong cane-stemmed grass grows from 8 to 12 feet high, producing a large feathery plume of flowers. It occurs wild and cultivated throughout tropical and sub-tropical Asia. The "sets" or cuttings of one season's canes are planted in January or February in furrows to the number of about 20,000 to the acre ; irrigation is employed until the rains begin. The sugar-cane grows well on a good loam or light clay. The land needs frequent ploughing and generally a good deal of manure. It has been stated that any considerable quantity of nitrates in the soil or soil-water is prejudicial to this crop ; as a general rule, however, all the larger grasses are greatly bene- fited by small quantities of the nitrates of soda, of lime, or of potash. This crop practically occupies the ground twelve months ; usually it is preceded by a year's fallow. The yield of cut canes is said by Mr. Duthie to vary from 18 to 30 maunds per acre 77 FIG. 14. SUGAR-CANE (Sacchamm offieinarum}. THE CEREALS. 79 in the North-West Provinces and Oudh. A large succulent variety is grown chiefly as a sweetmeat. The sugar-canes, cut when about to flower, contain about 74 per cent, of water. The expressed juice contains a small quantity of albumen, i per cent. ; of organic acids, i per cent. ; and of mineral matter, r6 per cent. ; but its chief constituent is cane-sugar, accompanied by a small quantity of uncrystallisable or invert-sugar the latter compound increases greatly if the canes be damaged or bruised and are not immediately pressed or exhausted ; traces of another sugar (called raffinose and meli- tose) are also found in sugar-cane juice and in raw cane-sugar. The total amount of saccharine bodies in the juice of Indian canes approaches 24 per cent. Owing to defects in the native methods of extracting sugar, much loss and much deterioration of the crystalline sugar present occurs, while the product is impure, dark in colour, and mixed with much molasses. Analyses of samples of native cane-sugar reveal the presence of large quantities of uncrystallisable sugar, moisture, and mineral impurities. 8o FOOD-GRAINS OF* INDIA. GREAT MILLET OR GUINEA CORN. Sorghum vulgare, Pers. Synonyms Holcus Sorghum (L.) ; Holcus bicolor (L.); Andropogon Sorghum (Brot). Hind. Joar, Jawari, Janera, Jundri. Beng. Jowari. Punjab Jawar. Tamil Cholum. Telugu Jonna, Tella-Janular. Sanskrit Ziir n a . The culms of this millet are erect, the panicles branched and the grain enclosed in, but free from the hard shining outer glumes. Generally the seed is sown from June or July to September, and the crop cut in October or November up to January. Three to six seers of seed are sown at the beginning of the rains in rather elevated lands of a loamy or clayey kind. Sometimes the minor pulses are sown with it. The yield of grain amounts to 10 maunds, with 60 maunds of stems as fodder if irrigation has been used. Without irrigation, the yield is one-fifth less. To this yield must be added that of the accompanying crop of pulse. Sometimes, as in the North-West Provinces, Oudh, Punjab, joar is grown as cattle-fodder, having been sown and irrigated before the rains and cut green, early enough to make room for the succeeding cold- weather crop. It is very extensively grown in Madras; in 1875-76, more than 4^ million acres were under cholum. There are several well-marked varieties of this Sorghum ; they differ chiefly in the form of the panicle, which is sometimes dense and contracted, sometimes made up of drooping branches, and sometimes has expanding branches. COMPOSITION OF GREAT MILLET. In 100 parts. In I Ib. Water ... 12-5 ... 2 OZ. g rs. Albuminoids ... 9-3 ... I 214 j Starch ... 72-3 ... II 2 4 8 > Oil 2'O o , 14.0 Fibre 2'2 77 " o 154 i Ash I '7 . IIQ i The nutrient-ratio is here i : 8^, and the nutrient-value 86. 8i FIG. 15. GREAT MILLET (Sorghum vulgare). G FIG. 16. GREAT MIU.ET (Sorghum ztilgare G 2 THE CEREALS. 85 The grain contains '85 per cent, phosphoric acid and '21 per cent, potash. Joar is one of the most important rainy-season crops of India, forming with rice and wheat the chief staple foods of the country, especially in the Upper Provinces and Bengal. It is more palatable but less wholesome than maize. The meal is made with cakes, or the grains are parched and eaten with salt, or made into a paste and mixed with chillies, gur, etc. BROOM CORN. Sorghum saccharatum, Moench. Synonyms Holcus saccharatus (L.) ; Andropogon saccharatus (Roxb.). Hind. Deodhan. Deccan Shalii. This annual grass is cultivated in some parts of Northern India, either as fodder or on account of the sugar which can be extracted from the stems ; the grain, however, is sometimes used as food. COMPOSITION OF BROOM CORN. In 100 parts. In I Ib. Water ... ... ... 12 '8 ... 2 oz. 21 grs. Albuminoids ... ... ir8 ... i 388 Starch ... ... ... 68'3 ... 10 406 ,, Oil ... 3-0 ... o 210 Fibre 3-0 ... o 210 Ash ... ... ri ... o ,, 77 The nutrient-ratio is here i : 6-4, and the nutrient- value 87. The stems of this grass contain a good deal of sugar. When young and very immature invert-sugar is present in largest proportion, as they become more mature it diminishes, until when the grain is ripe three-fourths of the saccharine matter is cane-sugar. The total sugar varies from 6 to 18 per cent, the water from 80 to 66 ; 12 per cent, of cane-sugar is a fair average. This amount is liable to serious reduction if the sugar be not extracted directly the stems are cut. Some rich canes were found after three weeks to contain no less than 147 per cent, of invert-sugar and only 3-6 of cane-sugar. Mechanical injuries to the stems or the slightest touch of frost previous to 86 FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. their becoming ripe, are the chief causes of this deterioration. But the degradation of the cane-sugar occurs very largely during the operation of boiling down the juice, while an immense pro- portion is lost in the pressed residue. This grass is used as cattle fodder. Sorghum halepense (Pers.), " Baru," and S. verticillata (Beauv.), " Chirchitta," yield a grain which, according to Mr. Duthie, is sometimes eaten. OATS. A vena sativa, L. Hind. Welayti-jow. This annual grass has been cultivated to some extent of late years in a few parts of India. It is treated much in the same way as barley. COMPOSITION OF OATS. In 100 parts. Water .. ... ... ... ... ... 127 Albuminoids ... ... ... ... ... icri Starch ... ... ... ... ... ... 56 'o Oil 2-3 Fibre 16-6 Ash ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 '3 The samples from which the above analytical results were obtained do not compare favourably with oats of European growth. The average percentages in these are, 12 albuminoids, 6 oil, 1 1 fibre, and 3 ash. Sometimes the percentage of albu- minoids rises to 15^ and that of oil to 7. A good sample of fresh Scotch oatmeal gave me 16 per cent, albuminoids and 10 per cent, oil, with no more than 5 per cent, of moisture ; but it must be recollected that 100 Ibs. of oats yield no more than 60 Ibs. of oatmeal. Oats are grown in India chiefly for feeding the horses belonging to Europeans ; but the richer natives near the chief centres of English influence are beginning to appreciate the value of oatmeal as human food. So far as chemical composition and the ratio of the nutrients are concerned, oatmeal is an almost perfectly adjusted food. FIG. 17. RAGI (Eleusitu coracand]. FIG. 18 KAGI (vat: E. stiicia, Roxb.). THE CEREALS. 89 RAGI. Elemine coracana, Gaertn. Hind. Natchni, Nachani, Nagli, Mandua, Maruya. Beng. Mania, Modua. Oudh Mindwa. Punjab Mandal, Chalodra. Punjab and Bengal Hills Koda, Kodom. Himalaya Koda. Deccan and South India Ragi. Tamil Kaywur. Telugu Kawaru, Sodi, Ponassa. Sinhalese Puta-tana, Kurakkan. Sanskrit Rajika. This semi-erect to decumbent native grass belongs to the tribe Chloridese. It is a fairly productive rainy- weather crop for light soils ; it may be grown almost upon stones and gravel. It yields from 5 to 6 maunds of grain per acre upon the hills, 12 to 14 maunds in the plains, if carefully cultivated and weeded. It is the staple grain of the Mysore country ; sometimes it is there stored in pits and will keep good for years. It is frequently grown with summer-rice, ripening sooner, and thus affording earlier relief in times of scarcity ; the straw is used as fodder. Eleusine segyptiaca, a closely-allied species found wild on the road-sides of the Punjab and North-West Provinces, and indeed throughout Upper India, yields a poor unpalatable grain which, in times of scarcity, is occasionally collected and eaten. This species is common in the warmer parts of Ceylon. COMPOSITION OF RAGI. In 100 parts. Hulked. Whole. Water ... ... ... 13-2 ... 12-5 ... 202. o grs. Albuminoids ... 7-3 ... 59 ... o 413 Starch ... ... 73-2 ... 74-6 ... n 409 Oil 1-5 ... 0-8 ... o 56 Fibre ... 2-5 ... 3-6 ... o 252 Ash 2-3 ... 2-6 ... o 182 The nutrient-ratio is here 1:13, the nutrient-value 84. The percentage of phosphoric acid in the whole grains is about 0*4. Generally, this millet is sold at a cheaper rate than any other; in some places, in ordinary seasons, 130 to 140 Ibs. of it are procurable for about two shillings, and it is looked upon as a famine food, to which recourse is had only in times of 9 FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. drought or of deficient crops. Ragi is, however, commonly used in some districts, as by the poorer and lower classes of Patna Division, also in Bhagulpur, Santal Parganas, Dinajpur, and Gorakhpur. It is more esteemed than maize by the natives of Patna and Behar, but it is not, in general, a popular food, being considered difficult of digestion, productive of flatulence, and astringent. It is much less esteemed than joar and bajra. In Tirhiit, cakes made of ragi-flour are largely eaten. In Dar- jiling, a fermented liquor is prepared from the grain. WHEAT. Triticum vulgar e, L. Synonym Triticum sativum (Lamarck). Hind. Kunak, Giiin. Seng. Gom. Persian Gundum. Vernacular names include Khani, Mundi, Muria, Ratta, Seta, Kathia, Jamali, with many others. Sanskrit Godhiima, Saman. Wheat is an annual grass of unknown origin. It belongs to the tribe Hordese of the order Gramineae. There are a very large number of cultivated varieties of this plant, distinguished by the presence or absence of an awn, by the colour of the grain "red" or "white," by the hardness and translucency, or by the softness and opacity of the kernel, etc., etc. Great improvements in the size of the grain and its quality and yield have been effected of late years in England, but very little work in this direction has been yet accomplished in India. Continued artificial selection of the best grain has been the method pursued for this purpose ; the purity of the strain should be constantly kept in view. Generally speaking, wheat is grown in those parts of India where rice does not thrive ; nearly all the production is in- cluded in the region north of the river Tapti ; but rarely is it cultivated anywhere south of the Deccan. The average Indian yield has been estimated at 13 bushels per acre, which, con- sidering the very small depth of soil stirred by the light native plough, does not compare unfavourably with the 15 or 16 bushels THE CEREALS. 91 which is the mean wheat produce in France ; in England, how- ever, the average is something like 29 bushels. The above estimate of 13 bushels per acre (as the average yield of wheat in India) is, we believe, too high. A tabular state- ment given in the " Report for 1882-83 on the Progress and Condition of India" (page 193) justifies the adoption of a lower average, as will be seen from the figures that follow : ESTIMATED YIELD OF WHEAT, IN BUSHELS, PER ACRE. Land manured Land fairly Land badly and irrigated, cultivated. cultivated. North-West Provinces and Oudh ... 22 ... 15 ... 9 Punjab ... ... ... ... 20 ... n ... 7^ Central Provinces ... ... ... 16 ... 10 ... 6 Bombay ... ... ... ... 18 ... 10 ... 6 Berar ... ... 12 ... 8 ... 5 But the returns on which the above numbers are founded are confessedly imperfect ; while in several provinces, and, of course, in most Native States where wheat is grown, the statistics of average yield of dressed corn are incomplete, untrustworthy, or even altogether wanting. As to the Indian areas under wheat, rough estimates, which are probably not very far from the truth, have been published from time to time. The figures given below are probably within the mark, especially those for the Native States. The chief wheat-growing localities are alone included in the table ; in Madras, Assam, and Burma, wheat is not grown to an appre- ciable extent. ESTIMATED AREA UNDER WHEAT. British India : Acres. Bengal 850,000 \ North-West Provinces and Oudh 6,200,000 j Punjab ... ... ... ... 7,000,000 f Central Provinces 4,000,000 I 20 35>c Bombay ... ... 1,600,000 * Berar ... ... ... ... 700,000 ) Native States : Hyderabad ... ... ... 750,000 Central India Agency ... ... 2,500,000 . Rajputana 2,500,000 ' 5> 8 3 8 > oc Baroda ... 88,000 Grand total ... 26,188,000 FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. Dr. W. W. Hunter estimates the percentages of the Indian food-grain areas under wheat in several provinces to be North- West Provinces ... 57 Punjab ... ... ... 54 Central Provinces ... ... 27 Sind ... Bombay 12 7 The Indian area of wheat cultivation is denned by Dr. Forbes Watson, in his Report of 1879, as comprising the whole of Northern India up to the Garigetic Delta, and the whole of the table-land above the Ghats in Southern India. It extends through every district of the North-West Provinces, Oudh, the Punjab, Sind, the Central Provinces, and Berar ; also through every part of the Bombay Presidency, with the exception of some of the coast districts ; this crop is also grown in many parts of the interior of the Madras Presidency. Mr. J. F. Duthie, of Saharunpur, reports that wheat ("gehun" or "gohun") is the largest of all the crops grown in the North-West Provinces and Oudh. It is cultivated on all soils save the lightest sands, although a rather heavy loam suits it best. Many ploughings and a fine tilth are essential ; about four tons of dung or village manure per acre are usually applied. The seed is sown broadcast and covered by the plough, or it is dropped into the furrows by hand, or by means of a bamboo attached to the plough-stilt. A watering is given before sowing the grain, when the soil is too dry. Wheat is sometimes grown with barley, sometimes with gram. Fifteen maunds is the average yield of wheat grown by itself on irrigated land, 9 maunds on unirrigated land ; wherever possible it is irrigated. The weight of straw varies from \% to twice as much as the grain. The wheat is of course a cold-weather crop, being grown in the rabi season, between October and April. In the Deccan it is sometimes sown in September and reaped in January. In the Punjab the harvest is as late as May ; in Agra, June. Dr. Forbes Watson estimated the total wheat production of India in 1877 to be 40 million quarters, of which no more than i '3 million quarters were exported. The exports in 1881-82 THE CEREALS. 93 had risen to 4-5 million quarters, but fell in 1882-83 to 3-2 millions. In 1881-82 the value of the wheat exported from India exceeded that of the rice, and amounted to no less than 1 1 per cent, of the total exports. Forty-six per cent, of the exported wheat (in 1882-83) was destined for England, 25 per cent, for France, and ii per cent, for Belgium. The fluctuations of the Indian export wheat-trade depend not so much upon the local harvests as upon the yield in the United States and the prices ruling in Europe. The composition of wheat-grain shows some variations, but they are almost entirely limited to the relative 'proportions of starch and of nitrogenous matters, although the mineral matters or ash, and indeed all the minor constituents of the grain are, of course, not quite fixed in amount. Still, if a wet season increases the percentage of ash, if a thin-skinned well-developed sample contains less fibre, and if a plump dark-coloured specimen has a larger proportion of oil or fat, all such variations are quite unimportant in comparison with those exhibited by the starch and albuminoids. The starch, always constituting, as it does, something like two-thirds of the weight of the grain, does not show this difference in so marked a manner as the albuminoids. If the latter amount to 18 or 20 per cent., instead of 13, the former constituent will not be reduced (from 68) to less than 63 or 6 1 per cent. a reduction which, in comparison with the total amount present, is much less conspicuous than a rise from 13 to 20 in the nitrogenous compounds. Besides the general dryness of the grain of Indian wheat, which, as imported in bulk into this country and analysed promptly, contains at least 2 per cent, less moisture than average English wheat, the albuminoids are decidedly higher. I have never yet met with an Indian wheat containing less than 10 per cent, of albuminoids ; but a large number of samples of first- rate English, Canadian, and Australian samples give numbers between 8 and 9. The average percentage of albuminoids in the Indian examples yet analysed is about 13*5, but some specimens have been as low as 10*3, and some as high as 167. FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. All these estimations are based upon actual determinations of nitrogen, made either by Dumas's absolute nitrogen method <~> J O or by the easier process of combustion with soda-lime, the percentage of nitrogen obtained being then multiplied by 6*3. Many higher figures have been published, but these, so far as I can learn, have been obtained by a most misleading and incorrect method, namely, the weighing of the so-called "gluten" which is left after washing out the starch from a prepared dough by means of water. The gluten so separated is often largely contaminated with starch as well as with wheat-oil and wheat-fibre, while such contamination is too variable to admit of being allowed for. It is greatly to be regretted that many works on food-materials and dietetics should be disfigured by erroneous figures arising from the use of this unsafe process. As to the maximum percentage of albuminoids present in Indian wheat it is probable that it really does some- times exceed 167, the above-given number, but as yet I have no actual determinations confirmatory of this view. Much of the Indian wheat, whether white or red, has that translucent aspect which generally indicates a high percentage of albuminoids. In 1867 ("Practice with Science," i., pp. loi-m, 345-348), I pointed out some of the chief relationships between the aspect, density, weight per bushel, productiveness, and chemical composition of wheat-grain, showing more particularly that the exclusion of a small proportion of the lightest of the grains in a seed-corn tells very favourably upon the yield, and also that there is a very intimate connection between the translucency or horny cha- racter of a grain and a high percentage of albuminoids ; and, again, between the softness and opacity of a grain and a high percentage of starch. Such differences in the composition of wheat-grain show themselves not merely in different varieties of wheat, but even in the same variety of wheat when it has been grown under different conditions of climate or season. Even in the grains from a single ear similar differences may often be seen analysis show- ing sometimes 3 or 4 per cent, more albuminoids in some of such grains than in others Often a single grain will be partly horny THE CEREALS. 95 and partly opaque and soft in that case its composition will corre- spond with its intermediate aspect. By examining the cut surfaces of a grain which has been cut transversely with a sharp knife a fair notion of its richness or poverty in albuminoids may indeed be easily gained. AVERAGE COMPOSITION OF INDIAN WHEAT. In 100 pirts. In I Ib. Water ... 12-5 ... 2 oz. o grs. Albuminoids ... 13-5 ... 2 7 Starch ... 68-4 ... io 413 Oil I "2 o . 84 , Fibre 2'7 ... JJ T^ >- o 189 Ash I '7 o ., no . The nutrient-ratio is here i : 5*2, and the nutrient- value 84*6. It should be added that the starch named above contains a small quantity, about 2 per cent., of the sugar or sugars found in many cereals, but this' may be regarded as not appreciably lowering the nutrient-value of the 68'4 parts set down as "starch." The ash of wheat, though not large in amount, is of great importance as a source of mineral nutrients when this grain is used as human food, about 30 per cent, of it being potash and 45 per cent, phosphoric acid. The various mill-products obtained in grinding wheat differ much from each other and from the original grain, in several important particulars. For instance, the following figures were obtained in a series of analyses which I made of an entire series of such mill-products : Per cent. Nitrogen. Per cent. Oil. Whole Wheat ... ... 1*692 ... 2 '02 Flour (whites) ... ... 1-621 ... 1-4 Flour (seconds) ... ... 1*967 ... i'8z Bran ... ... 2-143 2-75 Sharps (fine) ... ... 2'6o8 ... 3*50 These products represent but four out of a total of twelve, but they suffice to show how large a proportion of nitrogenous 96 FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. matter and of oil are rejected when fine flour is the sole product reserved for human food. It must not, however, be assumed that all the nitrogen, say, in fine sharps, is albuminoid ; in fact, these fine sharps did not contain more than 13^ per cent, of albuminoids, though 2*608 of nitrogen corresponds to i6/4 per cent.; even the fine "whites" or flour contained a little nitrogen in non-albuminoid forms. The methods of employing wheat for human food in India vary somewhat, but the following are used to a considerable extent. The grain having been separated from the chaff, often rather imperfectly, is washed, sun-dried, and then ground between millstones into meal. The finest part or suji, the second grade or maida, and the coarsest or atta, are respectively used as follows : Suji and maida are employed chiefly in the making of confectionery, while the atta is made into unleavened bread or biscuits, usually in the form of flat cakes called chapatti or roti. These cakes constitute one of the chief articles of diet in many parts of India, as in Monghyr, Gorakhpur, and Behar ; they are eaten with dal, ghi, etc. They are prepared by kneading the flour with water into a dough, which is pressed into cakes and baked over a fire or on a hot earthen platter. Fried with ghi and sugar they are largely consumed by rich Hindus. A mixture of wheaten and barley flour is employed in some districts for making the chapatti. Fermented bread is, generally speaking, unknown in India, but it is eaten, both by Hindus and Moslems, especially by the rich and middle classes, in the principal towns of Patna and Behar. It should be mentioned here that scorbutic affections do not occur where wheat is a considerable or almost exclusive article of the daily dietary, a fact in marked contrast with the results observed in districts where rice is very largely consumed. A careful study and practical examination of the milling qualities of certain typical samples of Indian wheat was made by Messrs. McDougall Brothers, of Mark Lane, in 1882. From their report, addressed to the Secretary of State for India, we THE CEREALS. 97 tabulate the following particulars as to the four samples with which the experiments were made : Value (496 Ibs.) Weight per bush. Weight of 100 grs. No. i. Fine soft white ... 495-. ... 64 Ibs. ... 55-4 No. 2. Superior soft red ... 45$. ... 62^ ... 51-8 No. 3. Average hard white... 44^. ... 60 ,, ... 68-3 No. 4. Average hard red ... 43^. ... 61^ ... 777 Per cent. Flour. Middlings. Pollard. Bran. No. i. Ground under millstones ... 77'46 ... '82 ... 8'8 ... 12-0 Crushed between rollers ... 74-1 ... ii'o ... 8-7 ... 4-0 No. 2. Ground under millstones ... 78-0 ... r68 ... 98 ... 9-4 Crushed between rollers ... 75-4 ... 7-7 ... 13-5 ... 5-5 No. 3. Ground under millstones ... 80-52 ... -78 ... io'o ... 8-3 Crushed between rollers ... 73-2 ... 10*3 ... 14-3 ... 3-1 No. 4. Ground under millstones ... 79-88 ... -78 ... 13-2 ... 8-5 Crushed between rollers ... 74*2 ... 10-3 ... 13*8 ... 3-0 No. i. Is a wheat of medium-sized grain and high weight per bushel. One-and-a-half per cent, of impurities were removed before grinding it, and it was allowed to absorb 2 per cent, of water. It yielded a great quantity of pure white flour of superior bloom and having a slight beany flavour. No. 2. Half the grains were medium-sized, half small. 72 per cent, of impurities were removed before grinding it, and it absorbed 3'6 per cent, of water. It yielded a great quantity of flour of medium colour and strength. No. 3. Grains translucent and long. 37 per cent, of im- purities were removed before grinding ; being very dry it ab- sorbed 8 '4 per cent, of water it and No. 4 probably unsurpassed for quantity of flour ; the colour of the flour from No. 3 was medium. No. 4. Grains translucent, large, long, and coarse. 1*2 per cent, of dirt, etc., were removed before grinding it, and it absorbed 7*6 per cent, of water. The yield of flour (which was of medium colour with good bloom) was remarkably high. These Indian wheats require a liberal admixture of English or American, or " cold-country" wheat. The flours have an aromatic H 98 FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. or beany flavour, and need skill in mixing the grists. Probably from 25 to 50 per cent, of American wheats having a sweet, milky or nutty flavour would be required. The flours are " ricey," and yield a very large quantity of bread. The bread is too close and the crusts too hard and brittle when flours from unmixed Indian wheats are employed. The value of Indian wheats in European markets is often much lowered by preventable impurities. Very frequently they contain other cereal grains, especially barley ; gram and linseed sometimes occur in them, and they are often largely contaminated with sand and earth. Then, also, two or more kinds of wheat are found mixed together hard wheat with soft, and red wheat with white. While the soft wheats abundantly produced in Northern India are better adapted for milling purposes, the hard wheats of Southern India will prove particularly appropriate for the manu- facture of macaroni, vermicelli, and pates d'ltalie. This is owing to the very high percentage of gluten which they contain a point in which they resemble the Polish and other European wheats so much prized by the makers of macaroni. It appears that hard wheats, both white and red, are preferred for local consumption in India, and formerly commanded the highest prices. Hard white wheat is grown chiefly in the Deccan and Southern Mahratta country ; hard red wheat chiefly in Rajputana, the Central Provinces, and Bombay generally. Soft white wheat is grown to great perfection throughout Northern India, and also in Rajputana and Gujarat. It prefers a rich loam, well manured and irrigated, and a moderately severe winter. The most valuable sort of soft red wheat, under the name of pissi, comes from the Central Provinces, and especially from the Narbada valley. The predominant soil in this tract is a heavy black loam " black cotton soil " which retains moisture through- out the year, and consequently needs no irrigation. The straw of wheat is sometimes used in India as fodder, alone or mixed with barley straw and the haulms of pulse. THE CEREALS. 99 BARLEY. Hordeum vulgar e, L. Hind, Jau, Jow, Jawa. Seng. Jab. Tamil Barali-arishi. Telugu Yavala, Barali-bujyam. Deccan Satu. Guj. Jau, Ymwah. Burma Muya. Nepdl Tosa. Kangra Yoa. North- West Provinces Indurjou, Yurk. Sanskrit Situshiika, Yuva. This well-known annual grass produces many stems, 2 to 3 feet high, from a single grain. There are many strongly marked forms of this cereal, but it is now generally believed by botanists that they are all referable to a single species. The variety called " Six-rowed " (H. hexastichon] is the one usually grown in India ; another kind, cultivated in the inner Himalaya and Tibet, much resembles wheat in the form of the ear, and in the fact that the grains are naked. The cultivation of barley is practically confined to Northern India, rather more than one-third of the total being grown in the Punjab, and a little under two-thirds in the North- West ; the Allahabad and Benares Divisions show the largest areas in the latter province. In the Punjab this crop is heaviest in the South and South-East, and scarcely extends along or across the Indus. In the north of Bombay a little barley is grown. Generally barley is sown in October-November, and reaped in February, March, or April. Where indigo is grown in the kharif, barley is its usual accompaniment in the rabi. It is often cultivated in light or sandy soils and usually receives but little manure. Messrs. Duthie and Fuller estimated the yield of grain when it is grown alone at 16 maunds when twice irrigated, at 10 maunds when not irrigated ; the straw amounts to about i y? times the weight of the grain. It is sown and cultivated in the same way as wheat, but needs fewer ploughings. It is often grown with wheat or pulse. COMPOSITION OF BARLEY (HUSKED). In 100 parts. In i Ib. 1 2 '5 ... 2 oz. o grs. Albuminoids ... 11-5 ... I , 368 , Starch ... 7 182 , Ash 2*1 o . 147 f H 2 ioo FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. The nutrient-ratio is here i : 6'3, and the nutrient-value 84*5. The above analysis of a roughly-cleaned or husked sample of Indian barley, shows that it contains a higher percentage of albuminoids than average European barleys. This fact is con- firmed by the examination of other Indian samples. At the same time it must be recollected that it is inferior to Indian wheat in this particular, just as the hundreds of analyses which have now been made of European barley show that it likewise gives a lower average percentage of albuminoids than European wheat. When barley is completely cleaned or pearled, it loses a very large proportion of its albuminoids, so that European pearl barley (barley yields but 38 per cent, of pearl barley) does not usually show more than 6 or 7 per cent, of albuminoids. The "pearl dust" and "fine dust" separated in its preparation, and amounting together to 40 per cent, of the original grain, are however much richer, containing 12 or 14 per cent, of albuminoids ; Indian pearl barley would, however, in all probability contain as much as 10 per cent. Barley, as it is prepared for human food in India, is generally considered to be rather difficult of digestion. It is grown and eaten throughout the whole of the Patna Division. With wheat it forms an important staple diet in the Benares and surrounding divisions. The grain is usually cleaned by pounding in wooden mortars and winnowing. The grain is treated in one or other of the following ways : (i.) Ground into coarse meal and made into chapatti either alone or with wheat meal. In Tirhiit a mixture is used of barley i part, Indian corn 3 parts. (2.) Parched and ground into coarse flour called suttu ; this is stirred up with sufficient water to make a thick paste, to this a little salt is added, and the preparation is eaten with garlic, onions, or chillies. This mixture, generally admixed with flour of gram or other seeds or grains, forms the chief food of the larger part of the peasantry of Shahabad. Barley alone or even in admixtures is generally thought to be rather difficult of digestion, at least in the form in which THE CEREALS. ibi the grain is prepared for food in India. Barley mixed with horse-gram forms an excellent food for horses, and is known as " adour." From an observation made in a preceding paragraph it will have been remarked how very closely the pearl barley prepared in Europe approaches rice in its nutrient-ratio. The Indian cleaned barley is, as we have seen, much richer in albuminoids. This arises from two causes, one of which is the higher percentage of nitrogen naturally present in the average whole barley grain as grown in India ; the other is the imperfect way in which the Indian barley is cleaned previous to use as food. Some room there evidently is for improvements in the mode of carrying out the cleaning or pearling operation. A recently invented Dutch process might be used. It produces a pearled grain of larger size than that obtained by the usual operations ; the pearled grain attains a higher percentage ; its shape is not spherical, but much resembles that of the whole grain, and it is richer than the ordinary sort in oil, mineral matter, and albuminoids. The following details as to the great losses incurred in the English method of pearling barley drawn from my own investigations, may be useful : 100 Ibs. of barley yield 12^ Ibs. of " Coarse dust," and become " blocked barley." Blocked barley yields 14^ Ibs. of " Fine dust," and becomes "pot or Scotch barley." Pot barley yields' 25 # Ibs. of "Pearl dust," and becomes " pearl barley." The quantity of pearl barley thus obtained is about 37^ Ibs., a loss of 10 per cent, being unaccounted* for. The composition of the three waste products or " dusts" is in 100 parts : Coarse Dust. Fine Dust. Pearl Dust. Water 14-2 ... 13-1 ... i3'3 Albuminoids ... TO ... 17*6 ... iz'i Oil 17 ... 6-0 ... 3-4 Starch 46-9 ... 50*5 ... 67-2 Fibre ... ... 24-5 ... 8-5 ... r8 Ash 57 ... 4'3 2 ' 2 FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. In point of fact the albuminoids in all three analyses are much exaggerated, because the nitrogen from which they are calculated does not all exist in the albuminoid form. As an example of this correction, 6 parts must be deducted from the 17*6 per cent, of analysis 2 even then the n.6 left is a high amount. BAMBOO RICE. Bambusa arundinacea, Willd. Seng. Bansh, Bans. Punjab Magar bans, Nal bans. North- West India Kattung. Bomb. Mandgay. Telngu Veduru. Burma Ki-a-kap-wa. Sinhalese Kattii-iina-gass. Tamil Mungil. Sanskrit Vausa. This species of bamboo grows in large compact clumps of 30 to 100 stems, and generally attains a height of 30 to 50 feet, but is much taller on the west coast. The leaves are narrow, lanceolate, and from 4 to 8 inches long. The flowers appear at long intervals, all the stems of one clump being covered with flowers in the same season. The fruit (a caryopsis) much resembles in form and size the common oat, and is enclosed in a glume and palea. This plant is a native of Southern India, Belgaun, Jubbulpur ; it is cultivated in the sub-Himalayan tract of the Punjab. It occurs commonly on the margin of rivers in the warmer parts of Ceylon. COMPOSITION OF BAMBOO GRAIN (HUSKED). In ioo parts. In I Ib. I oz. 332 grs. Water iro I Albuminoids ... n-8 . I Starch 737 ..II Oil 0-6 o Fibre 17 . o Ash I'2 o The nutrient-ratio is here i : 6*4, and the nutrient-value 87. The food value of bamboo grain, after the removal of the husk, is high ; its defects are due to the low proportion of oil and of mineral matter. Of course it cannot be looked upon as a staple cereal, but, as an occasional substitute for a deficient rice or millet THE CEREALS. 103 crop, it has several times proved most serviceable. General Munro considers that it was this species (B. arundinacea) which, in 1864, during one of its occasional flowerings, furnished food to upwards of 50,000 persons in Kanara. It is stated that in 1812, in Orissa, a general flowering of the bamboo prevented a famine. The grain of other kinds of bamboo is, in all probability, similar in composi- tion to that of B. arundinacea. The three most important species are : B.spinosa (Roxb.), growing in Bengal, Gongachora, Goraghat, Assam, Dacca, Cachar, Tenasserim, Moulmein, Mergui, Pegu ; B. tulda (Roxb.), plains of Bengal and adjoining provinces ; and B. vulgaris (WendL), which is cultivated in many districts of India, particularly in the Western Deccan, Kolapur, Sattara, Poona, Sylhet, Cachar, Chittagong, and in the Eastern Punjab ; this last species grows also in Ceylon, where it is known as "una." Young shoots of bamboo are eaten like asparagus ; they are sometimes pickled. It is a favourite fodder. The plants, or rather the stems, do not survive the seeding at least this seems to be generally the case with the four species above named. General Munro (" Linn. Soc. Trans.," xxvi., pp. 87 to 157) describes 23 species of Bambusa as well as many allied plants belonging to other genera of Bambuseae. There is evidence that the grain of not a few of these has been used, or may be used, for human food. PART IV. BUCKWHEAT AND ITS ALLIES. THE Cock's Comb, Prince's Feather, and Love-lies-bleeding, the Spinach and Beet, the Rhubarb, Sorrel, and Dock, may be cited as familiar examples of the three types of plants which we have grouped together in the present part of this handbook. These plants are generally of weedy habit and rapid growth, and delight in soils containing much nitrogenous matter. Indeed, the succulent stems of many of the species contain at one time or another of their growth generally just before flowering an extraordinary amount of nitrates ; in the case of some species of Amarantus nearly 15 per cent, of these salts has been found. The fruits or seeds of these plants do not, so far as we know, widely differ in their chemical composition from the millets considered in the previous part of the present work, but complete analyses of several different kinds are still wanting. However, as might be expected from the extreme richness of the succulent parenchymatous tissues of these plants in nitrates just before they flower and the disappearance of those salts afterwards, the percentage of albuminoids (which are formed from nitrates) in the seeds is high, ranging between 13 and 19. Taken as a whole, this group of food grains shows a nutrient- ratio between the albuminoids and starch which closely approaches that demanded in a perfect food, while the proportion of oil and of useful mineral matter is also quite satisfactory. It should be noted that the seeds of Celosia, Amarantus, and Chenopodium are not enclosed, as are those of Fagopyrum, in a very thick husk or pericarp. Io6 FIG. 19. COMMON AMARANTH (Amarantits paniculatus). BUCKWHEAT AND ITS ALLIES. 107 The nutrient-ratio and nutrient-value of the three chief mem- bers of the present group will stand thus : Nutrient-ratio. Nutrient-value. Amaranth ... ... ... i : 5 '3 ... 90 Buckwheat ... ... ... i : 47 ... 86 Quinoa ... 1:3 78 The plants yielding the products to be discussed in the present chapter belong to three nearly related Natural Orders : Order, AMARANTACE.E. Genera. Tribe i. CELOSIE^. Celosia. ii. AMARANTACEJE. Amarantus. Order, CHENOPODIACE^E. Tribe i. EUCHENOPODIE^E. Chenopodium. Order, POLYGONACE^E. Tribe iii. EUPOLYGONE/E. Fagopyrum. Celosia cristata, L. Punjab Sil, Siyal, Siya, Mawal, Dhurra. An erect herbaceous annual, having smooth, generally oval, leaves. The numerous seeds are lenticular or reniform. It occurs throughout India, cultivated or as an escape. The seeds of this species of Celosia have not been submitted to detailed chemical analysis, but there are good reasons for concluding that, while generally inferior as a food-grain to Amarantus, it does not differ widely in chemical composition from that of the seeds of the common kind of Amarantus. COMMON AMARANTH. Amarantus paniciilatus, L. Synonyms A. frumentaceus (Ham. in Roxb. "Flora Indica"); A. anardana (Ham. in Wall. Cat.) ; A. speciosus (Sims) ; A. sanguineus (Linn.) ; A. strictus (Willd.). Beng. Sag. Tamil Pting-kiray. Punjab Ganhar, sil, sinl, sawal, bhabri, savalana, batu, daukar, chaulei, etc. A tall robust annual, stem striate, leaves long-petioled, elliptic or ovate-lanceolate acute or finely acuminate. Seeds yellowish io8 FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. white or black, with or without a border ; they are generally oVth inch in diameter, but variable in size as well as in form and colour. Some of the above-cited synonyms may belong to A. caudatus, a closely allied species. This plant is cultivated throughout India and Ceylon, and up to 9,000 feet in the Himalaya. The three analyses given below were made upon samples of seeds respectively identified with : A. frumentaceus (analysis A), A. anardana (analysis B), and a third form of the exact character of which some doubt exists (analysis C) ; analysis B is a recent one of my own. COMPOSITION OF AMARANTUS PANICULATUS (SEEDS). In 100 parts. Analysis A. Analysis B. Analysis C. In i Ib. Analysis B. Water .. 11-9- .. - 12-5 . 1 2 '6 2 oz. f o gr Albuminoids .. 137 .. 1 4*3 i3'6 . 2 , 126 , Starch .. 58-4 .. OO'A 55'4 9 , 290 , Oil 6-0 .. 6-8 . . 6-4 . i . 39 > Fibre .. 4-8 .. 3'4 . 6-8 . o , 238 , Ash .. 5-2 .. 2'6 . 5' 2 o , 182 , The nutrient-ratio is i : 5-3, and the nutrient-value 90. The red amaranth grown by the Bodagars on the Nflgiris and described as A. frumentaceus by Buchanan, is regarded by Cleghorn as identical with the " bathu " of the North-West Himalaya, which forms so remarkable a feature in the landscape at Simla in October and November. Dr. Wight says that "it is much cultivated on the slopes of the higher hills in several districts of Southern India. In Coimbatore, Salem, and Madura, I have frequently met with large fields of it, often on very steep slopes ; in such situations it often grows upwards of 6 feet high. The seed ground into meal forms the principal food of the wild inhabitants of these hills." Probably this is the same plant as " rajgirah," which, according to Colonel Sykes, is cultivated in the Deccan. He says it is not a bread-grain, but is eaten by those Hindus who keep the two fast days of each month. The practice is to parch the seeds, to reduce them to meal, and to eat this meal mixed with -sugar. The seeds are sown during the BUCKWHEAT AND ITS ALLIES. 109 rains ; the crop is ripe from October to February ; the green leaves are used as a fresh vegetable. One plant will produce 1 00,000 seeds. BENGAL AMARANTH. Amarantus gangeticiis, L. Synonyms A. tricolor (L.) ; A. tristis (L.); A. melancholicus (L.) ; A. lanceolatus (Roxb.); A. oleraceus (Roxb.); A. polygamus (Roxb.); A. lividus (Roxb.); A. amboinicus (Herb. Ham. in Wall. Cat.) ; A. inamoenus (Willd.). Hind. Rukta-shaka, Lab-shak. Ben*. Lalsag, dengiid. An erect, stout, handsome species, generally 2 to 3 feet high ; leaves 2 to 5 inches, long-petioled, ovate-oblong, or lanceolate obtuse, but very variable ; seed uVth inch in diameter, lenticular and black. Cultivated and in cultivated ground throughout India and Ceylon ; common in Bengal. COMPOSITION OF AMARANTUS GANGETICUS (HUSKED SEEDS), C. In 100 parts. In I Ib. Water ... ... ... i2'i ... i oz. 410 grs. Albuminoids ... ... 14^5 ... 2 140 Starch 6r8 ... 9 ,, 388 ,. Oil... ... 6-3 ... i 3 Fibre ... ... ... 2 '6 ... o 182 ,, Ash ... ... ... 2'6 ... o 182 The nutrient-ratio is here i : SJ4> an d the nutrient-value nearly 91. The analysis shows that we have in these seeds a food in which the proportions, not merely of albuminoids to total starch plus the starch-equivalent of the oil, but also of the oil itself, are very nearly those of an ideal 'or standard ratio. The Amaranth last described is almost identical with this species in this important respect. Chenopodium album, L. Punjab Irr, Bathua, Jausag, Lunak, Mustakh, Bajar banj, Ratta, Siriari, Taku, Gaddi-Sinugar. Laddkh Em. This erect herb has rhomb-ovate, toothed, somewhat powdery leaves ; the flowers are small and green, the seeds lenticular. \ no FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. It is cultivated in Bengal, in the Punjab, and at considerable heights on the Himalaya. The same species is said to be grown in Kashmir, largely in the Province of Ladakh. The leaves of Ch. album are used as a pot-herb and as a green vegetable. They are rich in mineral matters, particularly in potash salts. They likewise contain a considerable amount of albuminoids and of other compounds of nitrogen. The seeds, of which we possess no complete analysis, are considered superior to buckwheat. QUINOA SEED. Chenopodium Quinoa, Willd. This species of Chenopodium was introduced from Peru. Its leaves have long slender petioles ; they are ovate, wedge-shaped at the base, and pulverulent, with a glaucous or at length reddish meal ; the seeds are shining, with a sub-acute margin. The stem is stout and erect, and sometimes attains a height of 5 feet. The flowers are produced in panicles, both axillary and terminal ; they are green and inconspicuous. A light argillaceous soil or a loam is suitable for the growth of this plant. It may be sown in furrows or on ridges a yard apart, the plants in the rows being singled so as to leave 2 feet between each ; but it yields heavier heads of grain when sown in nurseries and then transplanted to the fields. The harvest takes place seven months after seed-time. It is a hardy plant, which may be grown successfully in countries and climates and at elevations above the sea such as are suited to the barley crop. According to an analysis made by the late Dr. A. Volcker of the bitter variety of Quinoa seed which variety appears to differ from the ordinary sort only in the presence of a small quantity of a bitter and acrid substance the following numbers represent the COMPOSITION OF QUINOA. In roo parts. In I Ib. Water ... ... ... i6 - o ... 2 oz. 245 grs. Albuminoids ... ... 19-2 ... 3 , 32 Starch, etc 47*8 ... 7 Oil 4-8 ... o Fibre 8-0 ... i Ash 4-2 ... o 283 336 122 294 FIG 20. QUINOA {Chenopodium Quinoa), BUCKWHEAT AND ITS ALLIES. 113 The ash is rich in potash and phosphoric acid, containing one-third its weight of each of these constituents. The nutrient-ratio is i : 3, and the nutrient-value 78. Were it not for the rather high proportion of indigestible fibre present in Quinoa seed, it would constitute a food of remarkable rich- ness. As it is, it equals several of the pulses in its percentage of albuminoids, while it contains no insignificant amount of oily matter. There is considerable nutritive resemblance between Quinoa seeds and oats ; both products are capable of sustaining life in a healthy condition without the aid of other foods. Quinoa seeds should be soaked for a short time in water and boiled quickly therein ; then this water should be thoroughly drained away on a sieve or colander, and the cooking finally completed in another portion of fresh water. By this treatment the bitter principle present in one of the chief varieties of this seed is removed. Quinoa seeds are extremely small; 15,000 weigh no more than an ounce. ii4 FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. BUCKWHEAT. Fagopyrum esculentum, Moench. Synonyms F. vulgare (Endl.) ; F. sarracenicum (Dumort.) ; Polygonum fago- pyrum (L.); P. dioicum (Hamilt.). Punjab Kala-Trumba, Chin, Kathu, Bras, Tsubri, Phapra. An upright annual herb of quick growth ; stem, hollow and angular ; leaves, hastate or cordate triangular ; fruit, trigo- nous, with keeled edges. Northern India, ascending to 11,500 feet in Kumaon. In the absence of any analysis of Indian-grown common buckwheat, the figures that follow may be taken as representing the ordinary composition of the husked seeds of this plant. COMPOSITION OF BUCKWHEAT (HUSKED), C. In 100 parts. In I 11). Water ... 13-4 - 2 oz. 63 g rs. Albuminoids ... 15-2 ... 2 l8 9 J Starch ... 63-6 ... IO ii 77 , Oil V4 O ,i 2 3 8 Fibre o i f \J . 147 > Ash 2-3 .. ii l61 , The nutrient-ratio is here i : 47, and the nutrient-value 86. No analyses have been published of the following species of Fagopyrum grown in India: F. emarginatum, Roth. (Nepal, Kunawar) ; F. cymosum, Meisn. (Nepal, Mussori, Kashmir, Kumaun) ; F. triangulare, Meisn. (Nepal, Kumaun, Sirmur, Assam) ; and F. rotundatum, Bab. (Kunawar, Kumaun). Buckwheat is used by the poorer classes in some parts of Upper India as food ; the seeds are ground into meal and made into thin cakes. Fagopyrum tataricum, Gaertn. Synonyms F. dentatum (Moench.) ; Fagotriticum sibiricum (L.) ; Frumentum sarracenicum (Act. Nat. Cur.) ; Polygonum tataricum (L.). North- West Provinces Daran. The six species of buckwheat grown in India are so similar that they are generally confounded together by the natives Fio. 21. BUCKWHEAT (Fagofyrum I 2 BUCKWHEAT AND ITS ALLIES. 117 under the same names " kotu," " bro," etc. None of the buckwheats are considered equal to the millets even in the hills ; in the plains they are regarded as heating and unpalatable. They make a bitter, poor, and hard bread. The species are all cultivated to a great height, even up to 14,000 feet in Ladak ; the crop is an autumnal one. An imperfect chemical analysis of the fruits or unhusked seeds of the present species shows it to resemble very closely the common kind cultivated in Europe, the albuminoids being io - 9 per cent., the oil 2 '4, and the ash 7 ; the percentages of albuminoids and oil would be considerably raised by the removal of the husk. The buckwheats are amongst the foods which may be law- fully eaten on the Hindu fast days. PART V. PULSE OR LEGUMINOUS SEEDS. The Characteristics of Pulse Preparation of Pulse for Food Use of Pulse in India Botanical and Chemical Classification of Pulses. THE seeds of leguminous plants, generally known as pulse, differ chemically from the cereal grains in several particulars. They sometimes contain rather more oil or fat a constituent which may rise even to 17 per cent, (in Inga-beans), to 18 per cent, (in soy- beans), or to 50 per cent, (in pea-nuts). They rarely yield less than 2> per cent., and often as much as 4, of mineral matter or ash. More important, however, than either of these constituents, is the nitrogenous matter of pulse. This is often called legumin, or vegetable casein, but in reality it varies in different kinds of pulse, and it is a mixture, not a single definite compound. Three substances have been separated from the so-called vegetable casein, none of them being identical in all respects with the casein of milk. They are called respectively, gluten-casein, legumin, and conglutin, but it would be hazardous to affirm that the substances described under these names are perfectly definite compounds. They contain, in 100 parts Carbon 51' to 54' Hydrogen ... ... ... ... 6*8 7*1 Nitrogen ... ... ... 14-8 18*5 Oxygen ... 22- 27- Sulphur -5 r PULSE OR LEGUMINOUS SEEDS. 119 Legumin occurs in largest proportion and in the larger number of kinds of pulse ; conglutin is said to be chiefly characteristic of the lupine. With all these compounds much phosphate or phosphorus is associated ; it is always difficult and sometimes impossible to separate this substance from the vegetable caseins. For the purpose of calculation it will be quite sufficient to assume one composition for the albuminoids of all vegetable foods including pulse. We assume, throughout the present work, that all these albuminoids contain i^'^>7 per cent, of nitrogen, so that we may always calculate the amount of albuminoids present by multiplying the nitrogen found in an analysis by the coefficient 6'3 ; for 15-87 x 6-3 = 99*981, practically 100. It is quite true that some of the samples of legumin extracted from pulse contain nearly 1 7 per cent, of nitrogen, but the amount is often lower, and we shall not be led into any serious error by adopting the figure named above. Another point connected with the nitrogen of pulse must be here noted. Some of this nitrogen exists in the form of nitrogen compounds which are not albuminoid which are not flesh-formers, in fact, and which, for all we know, may be entirely without nutritive value. These substances are simpler in constitution than the albuminoids, and are often of the nature of alkaloids lupinine, a bitter basic substance from lupines, is one of these, asparagine is another. But the quantity of nitrogen existing in pulse in the form of non-albuminoid compounds of all kinds is small, not exceeding 3 to 5 per cent, of the total albuminoids in the common kinds of ripe pulse ; in the seeds, stems, and pods of the unripe plants it is very much larger. The digestibility of the albuminoids in pulse as compared with that of the corresponding compounds in the cereal grains, has been usually regarded as low. In general, they are not only digested and absorbed at a slower rate, but a larger proportion of the total amount present remains unattacked and unused in its passage along the alimentary tract. The proportion of unused to used albuminoids is proportionately highest when the pulse forms the largest part of the ration ; it is much reduced when the pulse con- 120 FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. stitutes not more than one-fourth of the daily food ; and it is still further lowered when the pulse is eaten with milk, butter and eggs, or with other easily digested animal foods. Even under favourable circumstances the unabsorbed portion amounts to 8 per cent, of the total. Of starch in pulse from 93 to 96^ per cent, may be taken up, but the fat or oil is less available, except in the case of the more oleaginous kinds, such as soy-beans and pea-nuts. Many kinds of pulse should be prepared for food by first removing the seed-coats or skins of the seeds. The slow but thorough cooking of the meal obtained by grinding the split seeds is important. As illustrations of the various modes of preparing pulse for food, the plans adopted in certain localities for treating chick-peas and pigeon-peas may be cited. Chick-peas are thus used ; they are either i. Parched and then eaten with or without oil ; or they are parched and ground into coarse meal which is stirred up with water, garlic, onion, or a chillie being added, ii. Ground into flour and made into chapatties or sweet cakes, these generally, however, containing other flours ; or the flour is made into balls with water and spices, these balls being then fried in oil. iii. Husked, split, and then boiled with condiments, iv. Steeped in cold water till they swell, and then eaten either alone or with salt, or else fried in oil or ghi with chillies. Pigeon-peas are thus used ; they are either i. Parched in hot sand and eaten dry, or with salt or oil. ii. Ground into flour and made into cakes, or ground into meal and mixed with water. iii. Steeped in cold water and rubbed into a paste, small pieces of the fruit of Cucurbita Pepo, salt, carminative seeds and sometimes asafcetida being added. The mass is made into balls, which are dried in the sun and used in curries ; this preparation seems peculiar to Behar, Patna and Purniah Districts. iv. Boiled in about six times their bulk of water until soft, condiments being then added turmeric, black pepper, PULSE OR LEGUMINOUS SEEDS. 121 capsicum, and sometimes cumin and coriander fruits, with the leaves of Laurus Cassia and salt. A little broken capsi- cum with mustard oil or ghi is heated in another vessel and browned, the above preparation of dhal being poured into it. To these recipes may be added a note as to the desirability of washing most kinds of pulse in cold water, and the useful effect (especially in the case of lentils) of a brief soaking in water to which a little carbonate of soda has been added ; the alkaline liquor removes a part of the bitter principle present in the pulse, and is then thrown away. The proportion of pulse to cereal consumed as food differs much in different parts of India. As examples the following Districts may be named where pulse constitutes from /^ to -h of the food-stuffs consumed, or else is a mere trivial adjunct : Hugh', % of the rice. Cachar, with fresh vegetables # of the food-stuffs. Bogra, Puri, ^ of the food-stuffs. Murshidabad, I of the rice. Noakhali, Dinapur, Gaya, Saran, i of the food-stuffs. Dinajpur, Maldah, T V of the food-stuffs. Manbhum, V of the food-stuffs. Tirhut, OT of the food-stuffs. Ranjpur, Dacca, mere adjuncts. Faridpur, many kinds of pulse are eaten when fish is not attainable. Chittagong, pulse is eaten by well-to-do natives. The following tabular statement gives the number of acres under pulse in 1882-83 m tne ^ ve provinces from which the returns are fairly complete : Various Pulses. North- West Provinces 4,350,664 Punjab 3,664,662 Madras ... 1,955,946 Bombay ... ... ... ... ... 1,699,432 Berar ... ... ... ... ... 467,465 12,138,169 122 FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. The Order Leguminosae is the second largest Order of flowering plants : it contains between 6,000 and 7,000 species. A conspectus of the tribes and genera of this Order so far as the plants described in the following pages are concerned is here given : Sub-Order I., PAPILIONACE^. Tribes. ii. GENISTE^E. v. GALEGE^E. vi. HEDYSARE.E Sub-Tribe 5. STYLOSANTHE^E. vii. VICIE^E. viii. PHASEOLE^E Sub-Tribe i. GLYCINE^:. ,, 2. ERYTHRINE^E. ,, 3. GALACTIE^:. 4. EUPHASEOLE^E. 5. CAJANE^:. Sub-Order II., CESALPINIE/E xiv. GASSIER. xvi. AMHERSTIE^;. Sub-Order III., MIMOSE/E xxii. ACACIE^E. Genera. Lupinus. Cyamopsis. Arachis. Cicer, Vicia, Lathyrus, Pisum, Lens. Glycine. Mucuna. Canavalia. Phaseolus, Vigna, Dolichos, Psophocarpus. Cajanus. Ceratonia. Tamarindus. Pithecolobium. The sequence in which the several kinds of Indian pulse are arranged and described in the following pages is that indicated in the above table, except that a few species, chiefly belonging to Mucuna, Psophocarpus, and Tamarindus, are relegated to the closing paragraphs of the present part of the work, because no detailed chemical analyses of these plants have been made. In classifying the several species of pulse according to their chemical composition, the most useful plan to follow is one based on their relative richness in albuminoids, or rather on the value of their nutrient-ratios, that is, the proportion between their albuminoids and their starch, reckoning, however, with their starch, the starch-equivalent of the oil they contain. In the following table the first column of .figures gives the above-named nutrient-ratio ; the second column the percentage of albuminoids ; PULSE OR LEGUMINOUS SEEDS. 12 and the third the " nutrient- value," or, in other words, the added percentages of albuminoids, of starch, and of oil translated into its starch-equivalent. Name of Pulse. 1. Lupines ... 2. Vetches ... 3. Cyamopsis-beans 4 Vetch lings 5. Soy-beans 6. Sword-beans 7. Peas 8. Lablab-beans 9. Moth-beans 10. Lentils ... ir. Vigna-beans 12. Haricot-beans . 1 3. Horse-gram 14. Miing-beans 15. Pigeon-peas 1 6. Lima-beans 17. Chick-peas 1 8. Inga-beans 19. Pea-nuts... 20. Carob-beans Nutrient-ratio, or Albuminoids to Starch. I I i "4 1-6 I '7 I 17 I 2'O I 2'2 I 2'4 I 2'5 I 2'5 I 2 '5 I 2 '5 I 2 '5 I 27 1 27 I 3' I 3' 2 I 3 '3 4-6 I 5'2 T 8-5 Albuminoids, percentage of. 317 29-8 31*9 35'3 25-0 23-6 2 2 '4 24-9 23-1 23-0 19-8 I9-5 I7'6 Nutrient-value. 77 81 79 87 .. 105 80 8r 80 81 .. 87 81 75 - 83 .. 83 80 80 .. 84 98 .. 151 68 THE LUPINE. Lupinus albus, L. Hind. Turmas. Punjab Bakla-misrie. This well-known annual herb, a native of the Levant, is cultivated in some parts of India. It is much grown in some parts of Europe, particularly in Germany, where several varieties of L. albus, and two or three other species, are cultivated mainly for the sake of the seeds. COMPOSITION OF LUPINES (G). In 100 parts. Water ... 12-5 .. Albuminoids ... 317 .. Starch 337 Oil... .Q Fibre I3'5 Ash 3-6 In I Ib. 2 oz. o grs. 5 32 5 !7i o 35 2 7 o 252 / 124 FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. The nutrient-ratio in lupines is i : i'4, and the nutrient- value 77. The high amount of fibre present in these seeds renders a good deal of the albuminoids and oil they contain unavailable for digestion. It should also be noted that the seeds of most varieties of lupine contain one or more bitter principles. These contain nitrogen, are of the nature of alkaloids, and are poisonous. The seeds of the blue lupine contain a liquid alkaloid, different from the two alkaloids found in the yellow lupine. The seeds of some few varieties may perhaps be free from these objectionable constituents, but careful and complete experiments to determine this point are still wanting. The poisonous alkaloids of lupines are dissipated or destroyed when the seeds are thoroughly cooked by boiling. GUAR-BEANS. Cyamopsis psoralioides, D.C. Synonyms Psoralea tetragonoloba (Linn.); Lupinus trifoliatus (Cav.) ; Dolichos psoralioides (Lamk.); D. fabseformis (L'Herit). Hind. Mutki-pulli. Punjab Mot-safaid, Guar. Tarn. Koth-averay. Tel. Goruchik-kudu. A robust, hairy, erect annual herb, 2 to 3 feet high. It belongs to the sub-order Papilionacese of the Leguminosae and to the tribe Galegeae. The other species of Cyamopsis is African. The pods of this species are thick, and from \% to 2 inches long. It grows on the plains from the Himalaya to the Western Peninsula. It is cultivated, not only for its ripe seeds, but as a green vegetable, the pods being eaten like those of French beans. The dry beans are used as food for animals as well as for man ; an average yield is 10 maunds per acre. COMPOSITION OF GUAR-BEANS. In 100 parts. In i Ib. Water n'8 ... i c Albuminoids ... ... 2()'.8 ... 4 Starch 46-2 ... 7 Oil... i '4 ' z. 388 , 336 ,' 98 Fibre 77 I Ash s'i ... o , 102 , 217 The nutrient-ratio is here i : 17, while the nutrient-value is 79 ; the indigestible fibre is rather high. 126 FIG. 22. PEA-NUT (Arachis hypogani). PULSE OR LEGUMINOUS SEEDS. 127 THE PEA-NUT. Arachis hypogcea, L. Hind. Miing-phullie, Biie-mung, Vilayeti-mung. Punjab Chawal miigra. Beng. China-badano, Alke-kulay. Tel. Nela-sanagalu. Tamil Nelay-cadalay. Sanskrit Bochanaka. The ground or pea-nut is an annual herb with procumbent branches. It belongs to the sub-order Papilionacese, the tribe Hedysareae, and the sub-tribe Stylosanthese. It presents some- what the appearance of a large kind of clover ; it has small, bright yellow, pea-like flowers borne on long stalks ; these, after flowering, curl downwards and force the immature pod into the soil, where it ripens. The pod is about i l / 2 inch long and contains from 2 to 3 seeds, 75 of which weigh one ounce. This plant is probably of American origin, although it has been long cultivated in India, on the West Coast of Africa, and in many other tropical countries. There is a similar plant, Voandzeia sub- terranea, allied to Vigna, which grows under the same conditions. COMPOSITION OF PEA-NUTS (C). In ioo parts. In I Ib. Water 7-5 ... i o Albuminoids ... ... 24^5 ... 3 Starch ... ... ... 117 ... i Oil .. ... 50-0 8 z. 87 gr 403 382 o Fibre ... ... ... 4-5 ... o Ash r -8 ... o 315 126 The nutrient-ratio is here i : 5-2, and the nutrient-value so high as 151. As half the weight of pea-nuts is oil, they require a considerable admixture of starchy food in order to become a wholesome and economical article of diet. The green and unripe pods are less oily and more easily digested ; they have an agreeable taste when roasted. Pea-nuts, after the greater part of the oil has been extracted by pressure, yield a cake well adapted for feeding cattle. 128 FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. THE CHICK-PEA. Cicer arietinum, L. Hind. Chola, Channa, Ghana, Hurbari, Adas, Chela, Rohala. Seng. But, Chala, Chuna. Tarn. Cadalei. Telugti Harimandha-kam. Sanskrit Chennuka. A viscose much-branched annual, with pinnate leaves usually having a terminal leaflet. The plant attains a height of 2 feet or more. The pods are ^ to i inch long, and usually contain two seeds which are generally somewhat symmetrically crinkled : about 90, sometimes less, weigh one ounce. Of the 7 species of Cicer 2 are Indian. The genus Cicer belongs to the tribe Vicieae, and the sub-order Papilionacese. The chick-pea or common gram is largely cultivated in the Northern Provinces and the Nilgiris. It is sown in August or September, and reaped in April and May ; if sown in October or November, it is ready in February, March, or April. The plants should be i foot apart, 2 feet being left between the rows. The ripe, unhusked seeds are largely used for horses and cattle in many parts of India ; the seeds, after parching, grinding, steeping, or the removal of the husks, form an important food in some districts, chiefly for the labouring class. The young leaves fried in oil or ghi are also considered wholesome : they are sometimes ordered as the exclusive diet in leprosy by native physicians. The figures given below are the means of 9 analyses of the unhusked peas and of 4 analyses of the peas from which the husk has been removed. COMPOSITION OF THE CHICK-PEA. In 100 parts. In i Ib. Husked. With Husk. Husked. Water .... 11-5 ... n-2 ... i oz. 367 grs. Albuminoids ... 217 ... 19-5 ... 3 , 20 7 Starch ... 59-0 ... 53-8 ... 9 i J 92 , Oil 4*2 ... 4'6 o , 294 , Fibre ro 7-8 o 70 Ash 2'6* ... 3'it ... 7 If o , 182 , * i'i of phosphoric acid. f 0-8 of phosphoric acid. FIG. 23. CHICK-PEA (Cicer arietinum). 129 PULSE OR LEGUMINOUS SEEDS. 131 The nutrient-ratio in the unhusked peas is i : 3*3 ; the nutrient- value is 84. When growing, this pea exudes a sour secretion which contains acid oxalate of potash, and other acid salts. The second Indian species of Cicer is C. soongaricum, the leaves of which are 3 to 4 inches long, the leaflets in 10 to 12 pairs, the end a spiral tendril. It belongs to the temperate and alpine region of the Western Himalaya, from 9,000 to 15,000 feet : Piti Lahiil, Kumaun, Tibet, etc. I have not succeeded as yet in obtaining a sample of this species of chick-pea for analysis. THE VETCH. Vicia sativa, L. Hind. Anhuri. Lahore Mattz-rewari. A slender annual belonging to the tribe Viciese. Its leaves have 8 to 1 2 leaflets ; the pod is i ^ to 2 inches in length, 8 to lo-seeded. It occurs in the North-West Provinces, from the plains of Bengal up to 7,500 feet in Kumaun, and is probably not anywhere truly wild but always cultivated, though it is said to occur spontaneously in the Patnd District, where, though little used or esteemed, it is made into cakes by the poor. V. nar- bonensis occurs in the Punjab near Peshawar. It is probably an introduction. COMPOSITION OF VETCHES. In 100 prirts. In i Ib. Water IO'I ... i oz. 270 gr Albuminoids 3^5 ... 5 > 17 Starch ... 47-6 ... 7 , 270 Oil 9 o , 63 Fibre 6-7 ... i , 3 l Ash 3' 2 o , 224 The albuminoids in the above analysis of Indian vetches are rather high, the average of European samples giving 27^5 per cent. only. The nutrient-ratio in the Indian vetches is i : i'6. K 2 132 FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. The garden and field beans of Europe are also grown in India ; they are the seeds of Vicia Faba (L.), commonly known as Faba vulgaris. They contain on an average about 25 per cent, of albuminoids and 7*5 per cent, of fibre. These beans are grown to a considerable extent in the North-West Provinces. THE VETCHLING. Lathyrus sativus, L. Synonym Cicercula alata (Moench.). Hind. Khesdri, Kussiir, Kasari, Kassar-tiuri, Latri. Beng. Teyuri, Teora. Punjab Chural. Sind Matar. A much-branched annual herb, having equally pinnate leaves ; leaflets 2, linear or lanceolate. The pods are i% inch long, 4 to 5-seeded. It is spread through the Northern Provinces, ascending from the plains of Bengal to 4,000 feet in Kumaun. The genus Lathyrus belongs to the tribe Viciese of the sub- order Papilionaceae. There is another species, not an Indian plant (L. tingitanus), which like L. sativus is extensively cultivated. This is a cold-weather or rabi crop, and is grown on land unfitted for most other pulse. It is 1 sown in October and November and reaped in March and April. COMPOSITIONT OF VETCHLINGS. Ill IOO p.ll S. In I Ib. Water JO'I r oz 270 grs, Albuminoids ... 31-9 ... 5 45 >i Starch and Fibre ... 53'9 - 8 273 Oil Q o . 6"? . Ash y ... 3-2 ... ' "O o 224 The nutrient-ratio is here about i : 175, while the nutrient- value is nearly 87. There is reason to suspect the occasional presence, in injurious proportion, of a poisonous bitter principle in this vetchling. It has a bad reputation, and is almost universally regarded in Bengal as unwholesome, deranging digestion, and producing dysentery, diarrhoea, and various skin diseases. But some allowance must be made for the prejudice of the Bengalese. It is most used by the poorer classes, being 133 FIG 24. VETCHLING (Lathyrus PULSE OR LEGUMINOUS SEEDS. 135 the cheapest and most abundant pulse. Many cases of sudden and incurable paralysis have been undoubtedly traced to the large and continuous use of this seed. It formed, by a series of accidents, the chief food, during the years 1829-33, of some of the eastern villages of Oudh. Many cases of sudden paralysis of the lower extremities occurred during that period, the persons attacked being generally under thirty years of age. This is a coarse kind of pulse, hard and difficult to cook. It is used in Behar and Patna in curries. It is also made into paste- balls which are fried in ghi and eaten with boiled rice ; it is also eaten as dal. THE PEA. Pisum sativum, L. Hind. Mattar, Gol-mattar, Buttani-chola. JBeng. Bura-mattar, Kuda. Tamil Pattanie. Sanskrit Harenso. The garden pea, a familiar annual herb, the leaves having three pairs of entire glaucous leaflets, and large leafy stipules. Pisum belongs to the tribe Vicieae. As a wild plant P. sativum is regarded as a native of the South Caucasus to Persia. It has been long cultivated in India. The pea prefers heavy ground, and generally receives little cultivation, manure or irrigation. The produce of ripe seeds varies from 7 to 8 maunds per acre, without irrigation ; on irrigated land the yield is increased to 10 up to 16 maunds. The green pods are largely eaten before the general crop is cut in February, March, or April ; the sowing takes place in October and November. COMPOSITION OF PEAS. In 100 parts. Husked. Unhusked. Water ... irS .. . 12-5 ... 2 oz. o grs. Albuminoids ... 28-2 .. . 23-6 ... 3 340 Starch ... 55' 54-5 8 315 Oil ... i'S 1-3 ... o 91 Fibre I 'O S'7 o 399 Ash ... 2-5* .. J / . 2- 4 t ... \J X X '* 168 * i - o of phosphoric acid. f o'8 of phosphoric acid. 136 FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. The mean of a large number of analyses, made of peas grown in Europe, shows an almost complete accordance with the above results, which yield a nutrient-ratio of i : 2^4 and a nutrient- value of 81, in the unhusked pulse. In some districts this pea is not much esteemed in comparison with other pulse. Undoubtedly it has a tendency to produce flatulence, and is unwholesome when imperfectly cooked or im- perfectly freed from the tough coat of the seed. In the south of the Purniah District it is largely eaten uncooked, and causes or aggravates dysentery and diarrhoea. The field pea, sometimes called Pisum arvense, is a variety or sub-species of this species. It is sown and reaped at the same time as the garden pea. It is rightly regarded as more in- digestible than the latter, but there is no constant difference of chemical composition between the two sorts. The garden pea has round seeds and 4 to 6 leaflets, the field pea marbled compressed seeds and 2 to 4 leaflets. For methods of preparing these peas for food see page 1 20. THE LENTIL. Lens esculenta, Moench. Synonyms Ervum lens (L.) ; Cicer lens (Willd.). Hind. Masiiri, Mussiir. Beng. Buro-Mussiir, Mussiiri. This plant belongs to the tribe Viciese ; the botanical name by which it is best known is Ervum lens, but the genus Ervum has now been sunk, partly in Lens. The lentil is a branched annual with oblong leaflets, usually 8 in number. The pod is broad and short, and contains 2 seeds, weighing from i to i/^ grain apiece in the large seeded variety. The seeds are compressed, and have the form of a bi-convex lens. This plant has been largely cultivated from very ancient times ; its native country is unknown. The lentil may be grown on almost all soils ; it flourishes upon those which, while light, lie low. It is grown like peas as FIG. 25. LENTIL (Lens esculent^} ; i 1 PULSE OR LEGUMINOUS SEEDS. a cold-weather crop, being sown in September and October, and reaped in March and April. It is commonly cultivated, especially in the North-West Provinces and Madras. It yields from 6y 2 to 8 maunds per acre, or, if irrigated, 10 to 12 maunds. The yield might be increased if more pains were taken in the selection of seed for sowing, as there are some varieties of the lentil which produce seeds weighing twice as much as the small common sort, and which yet do not make a proportionately increased demand upon the resources of the soil. COMPOSITION OF LENTILS. ill IUU pclIlS. Husked. With Husk. In i Ib. Water ... n-8 ... 117 .. i oz. 380 gr Albuminoids ... 25-1 ... 24-9 .. 3 43 Starch ... 58-4 .- 56-0 .. . 8 420 Oil 1-3 ... I'S o I0 5 Fibre I'2 ... 3'6 .. o 252 Ash 2'2* ... 2-3+ - o 161 The nutrient-ratio in lentils is i : 2*5, and the nutrient- value 87. The lentil is generally regarded as a pulse of the second class, inferior to miing (Phaseohis Mungo), but equal to urhur, the pigeon-pea. It is highly nutritious but somewhat heating ; it should be carefully freed from the husk or coat. The bitter substance which occurs in lentils may be removed to some extent by soaking them for a short time in water in which a little carbonate of soda (common washing soda) has been dissolved. The meal of lentils, deprived of their coat, is of great richness, containing generally more albuminoid or flesh-forming matter than bean or pea-flour. The preparations advertised under the names of " Revalenta," " Ervalenta," etc., consist mainly of lentil meal, mixed with the flour of barley or some other cereal, and common salt. * o'8 of phosphoric acid. t 07 of phosphoric acid. 140 FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. THE Sov-r.EAX. Glycine Soja, Sieb. and Zucc. Synonyms Soja hispida (Moench.); Dolichos Soja (Linn.); Soja angustifolia (Miq.). Hind. Bhat, Bhatwan. Punjab Bhut. Beng. Gari-kulay. Naga Tsu-dzi. This important bean is the seed of Glycine Soja, a small, sub-erect, trifoliate, hairy annual, with pods generally 3 to 4-seeded. It belongs to the natural order Leguminosae, sub- order Papilionacese, tribe Phaseoleae, and sub-tribe Glycineae : 5 genera are included in this sub-tribe. Glycine contains about 12 species, chiefly Australian, but 3 are Indian, namely, G. javanica, G. pentaphylla, and our present species. The soy-bean forms a considerable article of food in China and Japan. Since 1873 it has been successfully grown, as an experiment, in some of the warmer parts of Europe. It is widely spread in the outer Himalaya, and tropical regions from Kumaun to Sikkim, and the Khasir, and the Naga Hills to Upper Burma. It is often cultivated, rather largely in Busti and Gorakhpur, Patna and Purniah Districts. This crop is generally grown by itself; the seeds are sown from June to September; the harvesting takes place between November and January. It is consequently a kharif crop. The seeds should be placed at a depth not exceeding i to \y z inch ; 1 8 plants may be left, after weeding and thinning, to the square yard. A peaty soil, or one rich in organic matter, suits the plant best ; a calcareous soil is also favourable to its growth. Sulphate of potash is a good manure ; nitrogen may be supplied either as nitrate of soda, or, in the case of soils poor in organic matter, in the form of rape or mustard cake, but it is rarely needed, while large applications of nitrogenous manure exert a distinctly injurious effect upon the yield of beans. So far as we know, this very important, vigorous, and productive pulse is not attacked by any insect or parasitic fungus. Although there are a number of varieties of the soy-bean, the chief differences between them lying in the size, shape, and colour 141 FIG. 26. SOY-BEAN (Glycine So/a). PULSE OR LEGUMINOUS SEEDS. 143 of the seeds, yet these varieties are not distinguished by definite differences in chemical composition. That composition entitles the soy-bean to the highest place, even amongst the pulses, as a food capable of supplementing the deficiencies of rice and of other eminently starchy grains. Very few vegetable products are so rich as this bean at once in albuminoids and in fat or oil, the former constituent amounting on the average to 35 per cent, and the latter to 19. The cultivation of the pale large-seeded varieties should be extended. COMPOSITION OF SOY-BEANS (C.).* In TOO parts. In I Ib. Water ... ... ... ii'o ... i oz. 333 grs. Albuminoids ... 35-3 ... 5 283 Starch and Sugar ... ... 26*0 ... 4 70 Fat ... 18-9 ... 3 10 Fibre 4'2 ... o 294 Ash ... 4-6 ... o 322 The nutrient-ratio is here about i : 2, while the nutrient- value is 105. Potash forms nearly one-half, and phosphorus- pentoxide one-third of the ash of the soy-bean. Ripe soy-beans require long soaking, preferably in warm water, in order to render them soft. In China and Japan three preparations are extensively made from the soy-bean. Soy sauce is the best known of these, but more important are the soy or bean cheeses, and a kind of paste. The beans are sometimes pressed for the sake of the oil they yield ; the residual cake forms an extremely rich cattle food, con- * The mean percentages, deduced from 8 analyses of unhusked soy-beans, 4 of the samples being of Chinese origin, and from 2 of husked soy-beans, are thus given by Dr. Forbes Watson : With Husk. Husked. Water ... ... ... ;;; 9-1 ... io'3 Albuminoids... ... ... ... 40^4 ... 43-6 Starch and Sugar ... .;. ... 25*1 ... 21*0 Fat ... ... 15-8 ... 15-5 Fibre... ... ... ... ... 5*2 ... 4-4 Ash ... ... ... ... ... 4-4 ... 5-2 144 FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. taining as it does 40 per cent, of flesh-formers and 7 per cent, of oil. The soy-bean may also be grown as a fodder plant. If cut just when the pods are fully formed it makes an excellent hay, superior to that of the lentil. THE SWORD-BEAN. Canavalia ensiformis, D.C. Synonyms Canavalia gladiata (B.C.); C. incurva (D.C.); Dolichos ensiformis (L.); D. gladiatus (Jacq.) ; C. virosa (W. & A.); C. Stocksii (Dalz.); C. rnollis (W. & A.). Hind. Kudsumber, Mukhum-smo, Chotu-sino. Beng. Mukshimo-shino. Tamil Segapii, Velay-thumbettan, Coli-averakai. Telugu Chamma, Yerra-tum- bettan-kaya. Deccan Chotie-saymke-pullie. Sinhalese Awara. Mysore Kakara-parang. Burma Pai-noung-neo. A twining perennial or biennial herb with trifoliate leaves, the leaflets being ovate or oblong, and from 4 to 6 inches in length. The pod is 8 to 1 2-seeded, 6 to 9 inches long (and even more), and i to i# inch broad. This species of Canavalia extends from the Eastern Himalaya to Ceylon and Siam ; it is commonly cultivated. COMPOSITION OF SWORD-BEANS (C.). In ioo part*. In I Ib. Water ... 12-5 . 2 oz. o grs. Albuminoids ... 25-0 . .- 4 Starch ... 48-6 . 7 339 Oil... 2-8 . o , , 106 ,, Fibre 7'7 - 3) ^ " .. I 102 Ash 3 "4 ,. o 238 The nutrient-ratio is here i : 2*2, and the nutrient-value 80. FIG. 27. SWORD-BEAN (Canavalia ensiformis}\ PULSE OR LEGUMINOUS SEEDS. 147 HARICOT-BEANS. Phaseolus vulgar is, L. Hind. Bakla, Loba. A well-known annual, having sub-erect or twining stems 6 to 10 feet long, and pods 4 to 6 inches long, with 4 to 6 seeds. Many cultivated forms of this plant have been described. The ripe seeds of many varieties of this species are known in Europe as haricot-beans. The unripe pods are largely used as a green vegetable under the names of French beans and kidney-beans. Amongst the very numerous varieties of haricots cultivated in Europe as a green vegetable, one of the best is the Haricot Beurre of the French. The pods of the scarlet-runner (P/i. multiflorus), or Haricots d'Espagne, are similar, but the ripe seeds are often unwholesome. COMPOSITION OF HARICOT-BEANS. In 100 parts. In i Ib. Water I4'o 2 oz. 105 grs. Albuminoids ... 23-0 ... 3 . 2 97 ii Starch ... 52-3 ... 8 , 161 Oil 2''Z o 161 Fibre 5'S o , L\J 1 ,, > 385 Ash 2-9 ... o , 203 The nutrient-ratio is i : 2-5, and the nutrient-value 75. Besides the species of Phaseolus here described or men- tioned three others are cultivated in India, namely : Ph. calcaratus, Ph. semi-erectus, and Ph. lunatus. The first of these is commonly cultivated in the tropical zone ; it has a narrow, recurved, 8 to i2-seeded pod. Ph. semi-erectus has a longer and still narrower pod with many seeds ; it is spread through the Western Peninsula and Ceylon. The third of these species, Ph. lunatus, is a very different kind of bean ; a brief account of it will be found on page 155. L 2 148 FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. THE MUNG-BEAN (includes BLACK GRAM and GREEN GRAM). Phaseolus M^lngo. Synonyms Phaseolus Mungo (Roxb.) ; P. Max (Roxb.) ; P. aureus (Ham.). Hind. Dord, Mung, Thikirf, Mug. Beng. Mash-kulay, Miig. Punjab Mash, Urd. Madras Pessalu. Sanskrit Mudga, Masha. This species of Phaseolus includes a number of forms to several of which specific rank has been accorded by some botanists ; a typical form and 3 varieties are now recognised. The type includes P. Max (Roxb.), with black seeds, P. aureus (Ham.), with yellow seeds, and the green-seeded P. Mungo of Roxburgh. The typical form has sub-erect or flexuose stems, which with the pods are densely hairy. The varieties are : Var. i, glaber (Roxb.), having the habit of the type but with glabrous stems, leaves, and pods. It is the P. glabrescens of Steudel. Var. 2, wightianus (Grah.), having elongated slender stems. It is P. Wightii (W. & A.), and P. subvolubilis (Ham.). Var. 3, radiatus (L.), having elongated twining stems densely clothed. It is identical with P. Roxburghii (W. & A.), and P. setulosus (Dalz.), and near the species P. trinervius (Heyne), which may after all be a fourth form of Phaseolus Mungo. The pod of this species is \y z to 2^ inches long, by \ to \ inch broad; it contains 10 to 15 seeds, and is slightly recurved. The seeds vary much in colour and a good deal in size ; they are sometimes dull, sometimes shining. The type form is wild, and universally cultivated, ascending to 6,000 feet in the North- West Himalaya. The var. radiatus exists in two forms : one, having large blackish seeds, ripens (according to Mr. Duthie) in the North-West Provinces and Oudh, in September ; the small green-seeded sort is gathered in October and November. According to the same authority this variety prefers stiff soils, while the typical form is generally grown on light sands. The yield is about 5 maunds per acre. 149 FIG. 28. MUNG-BEAN (Phaseolus Mungo}. PULSE OR LEGUMINOUS SEEDS. 1 5 r Of this bean in its many varieties, a large number of analyses have been made without disclosing any decided differences in chemical composition. However, other things being equal, pre- ference should be given to the larger-seeded varieties. This plant withstands drought well, and forms a valuable food resource when millets fail. It is ruined by heavy rains during its flower- ing. It is sown, according to locality, in June to September, and reaped from September to December. COMPOSITION OF MUNG-BEANS (G). In 100 parts, with Husk. Type Type Var. In I Ib. Green Seeds. Yellow Seeds. Radiatus. Water ... ... io'8 ... 11-4 ... 10*1 i oz. 270 grs. Albuminoids ... 22*2 ... 23-8 ... 227 3 ,, 276 Starch 54-1 ... 54-3 ... 55-8 8 406 Oil ... 27 ... 2-0 ... 2-2 o 154 Fibre 5-8 ... 4-2 ... 4-8 o ,, 336 Ash ... 4-4 ... 3-8 ... 4-4* o 308 The nutrient-ratio of the unhusked beans is i : 27, the nutrient- value 83. The fibre in the husked beans is reduced to n per cent, all the other constituents being proportionately increased. In most localities this bean is esteemed highly, and is regarded as wholesome ; it is generally eaten by the richer classes, and is resorted to by all, wherever possible, in times of sickness. By some authorities it is stated to cause flatulence unless eaten with asafcetida. But it must be remembered that all pulse has this tendency, if it form too large a proportion of the day's ration or be insufficiently cooked. It is of interest to note that the ash of the straw or stems and leaves of one of the varieties of this bean (var. 3, radiatus) is some- times eaten, in Dinajpur for example, in lieu of salt. The craving for mineral matter brought about by the marked deficiency of rice in ash- constituents, is partially satisfied by the use of the ashes not only of this pulse, but of several other kinds. * Includes n of phosphoric acid. 152 FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. THE MOTH- BEAN. Phaseolus aconitifolius, Jacq. Synonyms Ph. trilobus (Wall.), Dolichos dissectus (Lam.). Hind. Mut, Mote, Moth, Mothi, Bhringga, Meth-kalai. Beng Kheri. Assam Matti-kalaie. Tamil Tulka-pyre. Telugu Kunciima-pesalu. Sind Mohar. This bean is the produce of a trailing slender-stemmed herb belonging to the tribe Phaseolese. It is found from the Himalaya to Ceylon, in the tropical region, and extends up to 4,000 feet in the North- West. It is cultivated in Oudh, Allahabad, Farruckabad, Patna District, Purniah District, Assam, Gorakhpur. The pods are stouter and the seeds larger than in the allied species, Ph. trilobus (Ait). It is often grown on the worst land which can be made to yield a crop at all. It is frequently sown with bajra, the bulrush millet, on light sandy soils. An average produce is 8 maunds from an acre. It is not esteemed as a food for man, for although it is rich in nutrients, it is generally thought to possess heating properties. It is a kharif crop, being sown in June, July, August, or September, and reaped in November, December, and January. COMPOSITION OF MOTH-BEANS. In 100 parts. In I Ib. Water ... II-2 ... i oz. 347 grs. Albuminoids ... 23-8 ... 3 353 Starch ... 56-6 ... 9 ,, 25 Fat 6 o . 42 Fibre o 294 Ash 3-6* ... o 252 ,, The nutrient-ratio is here about i : 2*5, while the nutrient- value is 8 1. o - 8 of phosphoric acid. FIG. 29. MOTH-BEAN (Phaseolus aconififoiius). PULSE OR LEGUMINOUS SEEDS. 155 THE LIMA OR DUFFIN-BEAN. Phaseolus lunatus, L. Hind. Kursumbulle-pullie, Bunbur-butti. Punjab Lobiya. A tall twining biennial herb, easily distinguished by the pods from other species of Phaseolus. The pod is 2 to 3 inches long, by y% to y% inch broad The seeds are large, but variable both in colour, markings, and size. This plant is cultivated almost every- where throughout India, but is probably a native of America. A white variety of seed (from Mysore) was selected for analysis. These seeds averaged 16^2 grains in weight apiece. The seeds of a common black-veined variety weigh about 7 grains each. COMPOSITION OF LIMA OR DUFFIN-BEANS (C.). In 100 parts. In I Ib. Water i3'3 . 2 oz. 56 gr Albuminoids 197 3 , 67 Starch ' . 57-8 . 9 108 Oil 1'2 o , 84 Fibre 4'3 o > 301 Ash 37 o , 2 59 The nutrient-ratio is here i : 3-2, and the nutrient-value 80. This is one of the species of Phaseolus which sometimes exhibits marked poisonous properties. It is desirable that great care should be taken in selecting for cultivation the best variety of Lima-beans. The large oval white- seeded kinds, with at the most a brown or black mark close to the hilum, are preferable to those with flattened, rather reniform seeds having blotches of red or veinings of black. 156 FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. CATIANG-BEANS. Vigna Catiang (Endl.). Synonyms Dolichos catiang (L.) ; D. sinensis (L.) ; D. melanophthalmus (D.C.). Hind. Lobia, Rawds, Rausa, Souta, Bora. Beng. Barbati. Deccar. Chowli. Punjab Rawan, Souta. Sanskrit Lasunda, Raja-masha. Vigna is a genus of Euphaseolese, a sub-tribe of Phaseoleae. V. Catiang includes many cultivated varieties, differing much in habit of growth as well as in the shape, size, and colour of the seed. The plant is sometimes low and sub-erect (typical V. Catiang), sometimes (var. sinensis) tall and voluble. The pods in the culti- vated forms are under y z inch broad, but may attain i foot up to 2 feet in length ; the pods contain from 10 to 20 seads. It is a native plant, and is universally cultivated in the tropical zone. It flourishes in comparatively poor soils and sustains fairly well a con- siderable degree of drought. Vigna Catiang is sown in July and August, and reaped in October and November. The white-seeded sort is generally considered the best. It is often grown with other crops. An ounce weight corresponds to about 1 50 seeds. COMPOSITION OF CATIANG-BEANS. In I Ib. 2 oz. 14 grs. 3 5t 35 8 37i o 77 o 294 o ,i 252 The nutrient-ratio in these (unhusked) beans is therefore i : 2*5, and the nutrient-value 81. They are thought to be rather heating and less digestible than urd or miing (Phaseolus Mungo). The green pods are sometimes cooked. * i - o of phosphoric acid. f i '2 of phosphoric acid. In 100 parts. Husked. With Husk. Water ... 12-5 ... 127 . Albuminoids ... 24-1 ... 23-1 . Starch ... 56-8 ... 55-3 . Oil 1-3 ... ri . Fibre 1-8 ... 4-2 . Ash 3 '5* 3'6t '57 FIG. 30. VIGNA-BEAN ( Vigna Catiang], i6o FIG. 31. LABLAB-BEAN (Dohchos Lablab), PULSE OR LEGUMINOUS SEEDS. 161 THE LABLAB-BEAN. Dolichos Lablab, L. Synonym Lablab vulgaris (Savi). Hind. Sim, Pertab-sing. Beng. Bunsim, Giirdal-shim. Tehigu Annapa, Sem, Sembi, Shimbi. Tamil Mutcheh. Sanskrit Nespava, Shimbi. This wide-twining perennial, or, in cultivation, annual herb, belongs to the same sub-tribe of the Phaseoleae as Vigna and Phaseolus. It is a true native of India, ascending to 6,000 feet in the Himalaya, and is in universal cultivation. The stems sometimes attain a length of 16 to 20 feet; the recurved flat oblong pod is i ^ to 2 inches long by % to Y\ inch broad. It is 2 to 4-seeded ; there are about 150 seeds to an ounce. Many varieties have been fully described and have received specific names. This pulse is grown not only for its ripe seeds but also for its green pods, which are used as a vegetable. In some places it is grown with castor-oil plants, as if alone it would need stakes as a support. COMPOSITION OF LABLAB-BEAN s. In 100 part?. In i Ib. i oz. 410 grs. 3 . 255 8 . 294 98 17 238 The nutrient-ratio, deduced from analysis 4, is i : 2*5, the nutrient-value is 80. It will be seen, however, on comparing the several analyses given above, that the percentage of albu- minoids is rather variable. The extreme range is probably not more than 6 per cent. Of the numerous forms of Lablab the majority are eaten as a green vegetable. * ro of phosphoric acid. M With Husk With Husk Husked With Husk I T, C.). (2, C.). (3)- (4). Water 14-6 .. 14-3 .. - I2'I ... I2'I . Albuminoids 17-1 . .. 20-5' .. . 24-4 ... 2 2 '4 . Starch 57'4 53-5 . 57-8 ... 54'2 Oil 2> 3 2 '2 1-5 ... 1-4 . Fibre 5-o .. 5-8 - J'2 6-5 Ash 3'6 37 . 3'0 ... 3'4* 1 62 FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. HORSE GRAM. Dolichos biflorus, L. Synonym Dolichos uniflorus (L.). Hind. Kulthi, kultf. Punjab Kalat, Gagli, Barat, Botang. Tamil Wula-walu. Sanskrit Kol u th a . This species of Dolichos is either sub-erect or twining in habit. The pod is much recurved, \y 2 to 2 inches in length, 5 to 6-seeded. It is wild in the Himalaya to Ceylon and Burma, ascending to 3,000 feet in Sikkim. It is not infrequently culti- vated, being generally sown from August to November, and reaped from November to February. COMPOSITION OF HORSE GRAM (C.). In 100 parts. Unhusked. In I Ib. Water II'O i oz. 333 grs. Albuminoids ... 22-5 ... 3, 262 , 7 77 Starch ... 56-0 ... 8 , 420 Oil I 'Q o , I -J-7 . Fibre ... 5'4 ... ' OO !> , 378 Ash ... 3-2 ... o , 224 The nutrient-ratio is here i : 27, and the nutrient-coefficient 83. The ash of these beans contains nearly one-third of its weight of phosphoric acid. The long-continued use of these beans is regarded as injurious ; they are reputed, in some districts, to cause cedematous swellings. The haulms are a good fodder. FIG. 32. HORSE GRAM (Dolichos fa'florus). 163 M 2 FIG. 33. HORSE GRAM (Dolichos biflorus). 1 58 FIG. 34. PIGEON-PEA (Cajanus indicus]. PULSE OR LEGUMINOUS SEEDS. 169 THE PIGEON-PEA. Cajanus ' indicus, Spreng. Synonyms Cytisus Cajan (L.) ; Cajanus flavus (D.C.); Cajanus bicolor (Wall.). Hind.A.r\\a.r, Thiir, Dal, Burrie-tuvar, Arhuku, Shakul. Beng. Dal-urur, Orol. Tamil Thovaroy. Telugti KandalU. Sanskrit Adaki, Arhuka. The pigeon-pea belongs to the sub-tribe of the Cajanese, the 5th under the tribe Phaseoleae. There is but one species of Cajanus, and that is not truly Indian but African, although it has been long cultivated in India, as the existence of a Sanskrit name (arhuka) for it testifies. It is an erect shrub with slender branchlets. The pod is straight, from 2 to 3 inches long, and % to y?. inch broad, 3 to 5-seeded. A variety, C. bicolor, has the yellow standard of the corolla beautifully veined with red. This plant is extensively grown almost throughout India. It is sown in June or July, and reaped according to locality from December to March. It is commonly grown with juar, bajra, or cotton. It prefers a light but moist soil ; it is rarely irrigated. The yield of seeds varies from 7 to 16 niaunds per acre when the crop is one of this pea alone. COMPOSITION OF THE PIGEON-PEA. In 100 parts. Husked Unhusked Unhusked (i, W.). (2, C). (3, W.). Water 10-5 ... 13-3 ... 11-4 ... i oz. 361 grs. Albuminoids ... 22*3 ... 17*1 ... 20^3 ... 3 ,, 108 ,, Starch ... ... 60-9 ... 557 ... 56-4 ... 9 n Fat 2-1 ... 2-6 ... 1-4 ... o 98 Fibre 1-2 ... 7'5 7' 1 I 59 Ash 3-0* ... 3-8 ... 3'4f ... o 238 The nutrient-ratio is, in analysis 3 (the mean of 3), about 1:3; the nutrient-value is 80. This pea is largely consumed by all classes in many parts * o'8 of phosphoric acid. t o'9 of phosphoric acid. 1 70 FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. of India. In Saran it is eaten to a larger extent than any other pulse, and is prized next to Moth (Phaseolus aconitifolius). It is wholesome and nutritious when properly freed from the husk, its irritant and laxative character being thus greatly reduced. It is not unusual to find that the higher-priced and finer qualities of this pea have been slightly oiled before sale, to improve their appearance. This practice is not unknown in reference to wheat in the South of Europe. For the modes of preparing the pigeon-pea for human food see the general observations on Pulses, page 1 20. THE LOCUST OR CAROB-BEAN. Ceratonia Siliqua, L. Punjab Kharnub-nubti, Kharniib-shami. This tree, a native of the countries bordering on the Medi- terranean, attains a height of 20 to 30 feet. Its pods are known as carob or locust-beans. The seeds, which are small, hard, and reddish brown, are surrounded by a sweet mucilaginous pulp of agreeable flavour. Carob-pods are 6 inches to i foot in length, and about i inch broad. COMPOSITION OF CAROB-PODS (C.). In 100 parts. In I Ib. Water ... 14-6 ... 2 oz. 147 grs. Albuminoids ... ... 7*1 ... i ,, 60 Sugar (5 1 '8 per cent.) and other Carbohydrates ... 67-9 ... 10 378 Oil ri ... o 77 Fibre ... 6-4 ... i 10 Ash 2-9 ... o 203 The nutrient-ratio is here about i : 8-5, and the nutrient-value 68. As sugar, pectose, gum, etc., occupy the place of starch in these pods, the starch-equivalent cannot be calculated in the ordinary way, for the sugar, etc., are of less nutrient worth than starch, containing for a given weight less carbon. FIG. 35. PIGEON-PEA (Cajanus indicus). PULSE OR LEGUMINOUS SEEDS. 173 The carob-tree was introduced into India about the year 1840. Several attempts to acclimatise it have been subsequently made with varying measures of success. The failures which have occurred have generally been due to neglect of the plants during their young state, or to the unsuitable climate of the localities where they have been planted. The tree flourishes in a dry and poor soil, and requires such a climate as prevails in many parts of the Punjab, the North-West Provinces, Oudh and Rajputana. The tree fruits when it is 6 or 7 years old, and when in full bearing produces about 8 cwt. of pods per tree. In Cyprus, where the tree grows luxuriantly, several varieties are distin- guished ; the pods of the best kinds are less astringent than those of the wild sort. They are used occasionally in Southern Europe for human food, especially in times of scarcity, and are prized everywhere as horse and cattle fodder. For the latter purpose they are generally employed with beans or barley. The wood of the carob-tree is sound and hard. THE INGA-BEAN. Pithecolobium dulce, Benth. Synonym Inga dulcis (Willd.). A middle-sized tree, belonging to the natural order Legumi- noseae, sub-order Mimoseae, and tribe Acacieae, with bipinnate glabrous leaves ; a native of tropical America, but cultivated throughout India. The pod is 4 to 5 inches long, 6 to 8-seeded. The black seeds are half enveloped in a white pulpy edible aril. COMPOSITION OF INGA-BEANS (C). In 100 parts. In i Ib. Water 13-5 ... i oz. 70 grs. Albuminoids 17-6 ... 2 357 Starch, etc. 41-4 ... 6 273 Fat 17-1 .., 2 322 Fibre ... 7-8 ... r 108 Ash 2-6 o ,, 182 174 FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. The nutrient-ratio is here i : 4*6, while the nutrient-value is 98. The indigestible fibre is rather high. In the absence of chemical analyses of other Indian legu- minous seeds, a mere mention of a few of the more important must suffice. Psophocarpus palustris (Desv.). A slender herb, a native of Africa, but cultivated in the tropics. It has a nearly rect- angular pod, 2 to 4 inches long by y 2 to V 4 inch broad, with 4 to 8 seeds. This genus belongs to the sub-tribe Euphaseoleae. Mucuna is a genus of Erythrinese, a sub-tribe of Phaseolese. There are three species, M. pruriens (D.C.), M. capitata (W. & A.), and M. nivea (D.C.), unless, indeed, these be cultivated forms of but one species. They are annual herbs, having pods varying in length from i to 6 inches. Tamarindus is a genus of Amherstiese, a tribe of Csesalpiniese. The Tamarindus indica (L.) is a tree growing to a height of 20 to 30 feet. The seeds are sometimes eaten in times of scarcity. The pulp surrounding the seeds is sour, and is employed as a gentle laxative medicine ; it also forms an ingredient in chutnees and curries. The moist tamarind pulp contains, on an average, about 5% per cent, of acid tartrate of potash, 6% of tartaric acid, and 2^ of citric acid. It does not fall within the scope of the present work to enumerate and describe the various oily and saccharine fruits and the numerous fresh vegetables which are used in India as human food. The same statement must be made with regard to the condiments, spices, and flavourers which form such im- portant ingredients in the popular dietaries of the country. Up to the present time we have at our disposal very few data concern- ing the composition of fresh Indian-grown fruits and vegetables. But we may safely affirm that their value as food mainly depends upon the fat or oil and sugar and other carbohydrates they contain ; upon the presence of the organic acids, citric, tartaric, and malic ; and upon their mineral ingredients, espe- PULSE OR LEGUMINOUS SEEDS. 175 cially their potash and phosphoric acid. Other saline com- pounds, such as nitrates, also exist in these vegetable products ; these are not without dietetic value. Taken as a group, these fresh fruits and vegetables, while adding to the com- bustible nutrients of the substantive articles of food, supply the mineral matters in which the latter are often, as is particularly the case with rice, notably deficient. They share also, with flavouring substances, the useful office of imparting variety and palatability to what would otherwise be a monotonous and insipid diet. This is a function which the physiologist, rather than the chemist, can more thoroughly appreciate. Since the foregoing pages were in type I have been enabled, through the kindness of Mr. G. Watt, the Superintendent of the Indian Economic Court in the Indian and Colonial Exhibition, to secure a number of additional specimens for examination. Some time must elapse before they can all be analysed, but amongst them there are four examples of oleaginous seeds, of which I am able to give at once the percentage composition. It should, however, be premised that the quantities of oil set down amongst the constituents may include, in one or two cases, a little resin and colouring matter, and also that the albuminoids have been calculated from the total nitrogen found by analysis, and so may be somewhat exaggerated. Such specimens as required it were first of all freed from their indigestible coverings, the cleaned kernel being analysed in the state in which it is usually eaten or as prepared for cooking. Shorea robusta (Gaertn.). Hind. Sdl. This is a large timber-tree of considerable importance, belonging to the Natural Order Dipterocarpeae. It occurs in the sub- Himalayan tract from the Sutlej to Assam ; and in the eastern districts of Central India, from the Ganges to the Godaveri, extending westward to the longitude of Mandla. The fruit is 176 FOOD-GRAINS OF INDIA. eaten by the Santals in times of scarcity ; the seeds are regularly consumed in a particular preparation with mahua flowers. COMPOSITION OF SAL (SEEDS), C. In 100 parts. Water icr8 Albuminoids ... ... ... ... ... 80 Starch, etc. ... ... ... ... ... 627 Oil 14-8 Fibre ... ... ... ... ... ... 1-4 Ash ... 2-3 The nutrient -ratio, calculated from the above figures, is i : 12, and the nutrient- value 105. The latter number is probably above the truth, for it is likely that a not incon- siderable part of the nutrients in these hard seeds of unappetis- ing appearance exists in an indigestible condition. Pistacia vera (Linn.). This small tree, which belongs to the Anacardiaceae, is not a native of India; but large quantities of its fruits (pistachio nuts) are imported from Afghanistan into North- Western India, where they are consumed by all classes. The Afghan tree is almost certainly identical with that of the Mediterranean shores. COMPOSITION OF PISTACHIO-KERNELS (C.). In 100 parts. Water 5-9 Albuminoids ... .. ... ... ... 24-4 Starch, etc. ... ... ... ... ... 3-5 Oil 62-5 Fibre 1-3 Ash 2*4 The nutrient-ratio is here i : 6, and the nutrient- value 172. This Afghan sample contained n per cent, more oil than I found in European pistachio-kernels. PULSE OR LEGUMINOUS SEEDS. 177 Buchanania latifolia (Roxb.). Beng. Chirongi. Punj. Chirauli. This tree belongs to the Anacardiaceae. It is found in the sub- Himalayan tract from the Sutlej eastward, ascending to 3,000 feet. The kernels are much eaten as a substitute for almonds ; but a fine oil, in large quantities, may be, and some- times is, expressed from them. COMPOSITION OF CHIRAULI-KERNELS (C.). In 100 parts. Water ... ... ... ... ... ... 5-7 Albuminoids ... ... ... ... ... 27^9 Mucilage, etc. ... ... ... ... ... 27 Oil 58-6 Fibre ... ... ... ... ... ... 1-8 Ash ... 3-3 The nutrient-ratio is here 1:4*9, and the nutrient-value 165. Pinus gerardiana (Wallich). The neosia or edible pine is a moderate-sized conifer, found in the arid parts of the North- West and Punjab Himalaya, and extending into Afghanistan, at altitudes of 6,000 to 9,000 feet. The seeds are collected and stored for use. They form an important article of food in the regions where the tree occurs, and they are also brought into India by Afghan traders. COMPOSITION OF NEOSIA-KERNELS (C.). In too parts. Water 87 Albuminoids ... ... ... ... ... 13-6 Starch, etc. ... ... ... ... ... 22*5 Oil 51-3 Fibre 0*9 Ash 3-0 The nutrient-ratio is here i : io'3, and the nutrient-value 154. N INDEX. Albuminoids Amaranths Amarantus gangeticus Amarantus paniculatus Arachis hypogsea Avena saliva Ba"jra Bamboo rice Bambusa arundinacea Bare-sustenance diet . Barley Bean oil . Body-weight Broom corn Buchanania latifolia . Buckwheat Buckwheat-allies Bulrush millet . Csesalpinieae Cajanus indicus Canavalia ensiformis . Cane-sugar Carbohydrates . Carob-beans Catiang-beans . Celosia cristata . Ceratonia Siliqua Cereals Cereal-table 104 109 107 127 86 56 1 02 102 2O 99 8 19 85 177 114 104 56 122 169 144 5 4 170 156 107 170 3 1 23 PAGE Chena millet .... 40 Chenopodium album . .109 Chenopodium Quinoa . .no Chick-peas . . . .128 Chick-peas, preparation of. . 120 Chirauli-kernels . . 177 Cicer arietinum . .128 Classification of food . . 10 Coix lachryma .... 60 Common salt . . . 15 Condiments . . . .16 Conglutin . . . . .119 Cutin 7 Cyamopsis psoralioides . .124 Daily rations . . . 16, 25 Diet and work . . . .13 Dolichos biflorus . . .162 Dolichos Lablab . . .161 Eleusine coracana ... 89 Fagopyrum esculentum . .114 Fagopyrum tataricum . .114 Fats 7 Fibre . . . . . 6 Flesh-formers .... 3 Food-adjuncts . . . . 9, n Foot-tons . . . . 14, 19 Gluten . . . -33 Gluten-casein . . . .118 Glycerides .... 7 INDEX. 179 PAGE PAGE Glycine Soja 140 Neosia-kernels . . 177 Gram . 148 Nitrogen compounds . . 3, 32, 118 Graminese . 36 Nutrients . 9 Grasses . 36 Nutrient-ratio . 14, 1 8, 39, 107, 123 Great millet . 80 Nutrient- value . 14, 1 8, 39, 107, 123 Guar-beans . 124 Oats. . 86 Guinea corn . . 80 Oil in rations . . 26, 27, 28 Gundli . 44 Oils .... 7, 34 Hard-work diet . 20, 29 Oryza sativa . 66 Haricots . 147 Panicum colonum . 50 Heat-units 13 Panicum frumentaceum . 49 Hordeum vulgare . 99 Panicum miliaceum . 40 Horse gram 162 Panicum miliare . 44 Indian corn . 65 Papilionaceae 122 Inga-beans !73 Paspalum scrobiculatum 39 Italian millet 55 Pea nuts . . 127 Joar .... . 80 Pearl-barley 101 Job's tears . 60 Peas . . 135 Kangni millet . 55 Pease-oil . 8 Koda millet 39 Pectose 6 Lablab-beans . 161 Pennisetum typhoideum . - 56 Lathyrus sativus . 132 Peptones . 4 Legumin . . 119 Phaseolus aconitifolius . 152 Leguminosae 122 Phaseolus lunatus ISS Lens esculenta . . 136 Phaseolus Mungo . 148 Lentils 136 Phaseolus vulgaris . 147 Lima-beans 155 Pigeon-peas 17, 1 20, 169 Little millet . 44 Pinus gerardiana 177 Locust-beans . 170 Pistacia vera . . 176 Lupines 123 Pisum sativum . i35 Lupinus albus . . 123 Pithecolobium dulce . r 73 Mahua flowers . 6 Proteids . 2 Maize . . 65 Pulse . 118 Mannite . . - 6 Pulse, acreage of 121 Millets 34 Pulse, importance of . 121 Mimosese . 122 Pulse-table 2 4 Mineral matter . 2, 17, 34 Quinoa 110 Mixed diet 12 Ragi . . 8 9 Moderate-work diet . 20, 29 Rice 17, 66 Moth-beans . I 5 2 Rice, dietetics of 75 Mucilage . 6 Rice-oil 8 Miing-beans . 148 Rice, preparation of . 73 i8o INDEX. PAGE PAGE Saccharum officinarum . . 76 Vetches . . I3 1 Salt .... '5 Vetchlings I3 2 Salts 2 Vicia sativa . 131 Sa"nwa millet . 49 Vigna Catiang . 156 Setaria italica . 55 Water .... I Shama millet . 50 Water in Indian grains i, 93 Shorea robusta . 175 Wheat .... 34, 90 Sorghum saccharatum .85 Wheat, acreage of . 91 Sorghum vulgare . 80 Wheat, character of . 94, 96 Soy-beans . 140 Wheat, composition of - 93 Standard diet . . 13, 15, 20 Wheat, mill-products of 95 Starch 4, 3 1 Wheat, oil of . . 8,34 Starch-equivalent 17, 23, 24, 36 Wheat, production of . 92 Sugar 5, 3 1 Wheat, varieties of . 98 Sugar-cane . 76 Wheat, yield of. . 91 Sword-beans . 144 Zea Mays .... 65 Uses of food 8 Zein 33 CHARLES DICKENS AND EVANS, CRYSTAL PALACE PRESS RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Bldg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (415)642-6233 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW AUG 1 1 199Q 586539 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY