University Prints Series G European Architecture Edited by Professors Chase, Pope and Post of the Department of Fine Arts, Harvard College The University Prints Boston, Mass. 1916 463 f\ f i ri ,- 3u7b ) COPYRIGHT, 1916 BY THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS Stanhope JMrcss F. H.GILSON COMPANY BOSTON, U.S.A. N S3 Sable of Contents* INTRODUCTION v PLATES i-5o CATALOGUE ix Series of Hmtoergttp prints; in bound volumes (S3. 00 each), and cut (one cent each, 80 cents per hundred). SERIES A. Greek and Roman Sculpture (500) SERIES B. Early Italian Art (500) SERIES C. Later Italian Art (500) SERIES D. Art of the Netherlands and Germany (500) SERIES G. Architecture (500) in cut form only SERIES E. French and Spanish Art (250) SERIES F. British Painting (150) SERIES M. Egyptian Sculpture (25) , . ' - < . * jeuropean Hrcbitecture The University Prints included in the present vol- ume cover the architecture of the more important countries of Europe from the earliest times down to the close of the Renaissance. No attempt has been made to cover the field of modern architecture in which as yet it is difficult to trace any significant movement. On the other hand, certain examples from Egypt, Mesopotamia and Syria have been included on account of the intimate relation between these regions and Europe in their culture development. As they are included, however, primarily in the interest of Euro- pean architecture, only the latter appears in the title. The subjects have been selected and all questions of scholarship decided by Professors Pope, Chase and Post of the Department of Fine Arts of Harvard Col- lege. Professor Chase is responsible for the classical section, Professor Pope for the Byzantine, French, English and German, and Professor Post for the Italian and Spanish. This division follows in general the line of their own specialized interests, and assures expert knowledge in each department. It is further to be noted that these scholars are themselves practical teachers, long accustomed to the use of University Prints in their own classes. It would be difficult to have a better guarantee of the practical value and significance of the material here presented. As in every comprehensive and really representative art vi EUROPEAN ARCHITECTURE series, there are subjects which are not pretty, but there are none which are not significant as illustrating some important architectural principle or embodying some signal architectural achievement. In one important particular the plan, as first con- ceived, has undergone serious modification. It was at first hoped that the series might meet the requirements of both the historical and the technical student of architecture, the man of culture and the architect. The first requires views of buildings, the second requires analysis of construction, classified detail, etc. It soon became apparent, however, that this double purpose was quite impossible within the limits set. Indeed, with the immense field to be covered and the necessity of representing interiors as well as exteriors, often more than one of each, it was difficult to bring even the most general views within the limit of five hundred numbers. The presentation of analytical material was therefore reluctantly abandoned, save for a very few cross sections, construction drawings and ground plans which were judged indispensable even for the purpose of the general student. Experience must determine whether this part of our plan can be later realized. The problem of classification, always difficult in a matter involving so much individuality as art, here presents difficulties quite unusual. With all their cross influences and affiliations, pictures and statues usually belong to a definite period and are the work of indi- vidual artists. The same is true of most modern build- ings. But in the period under consideration, this was the exception rather than the rule. A cathedral be- gun in the twelfth century may be finished in the fifteenth, with minor modifications for centuries after. EUROPEAN ARCHITECTURE vii Inasmuch as each century built in its own style with little or no regard for the style of earlier periods, such a building is a composite representing, it may be, every stage in the evolution of cathedral architecture in that locality. The parts of such a building find their place readily enough in a chronological or stylistic classifica- tion, but the building as a whole proves quite refrac- tory. The slight characterization which is possible in the printed title of each picture has proved an embar- rassing problem. Beyond this, any attempt to group these subjects in a way to indicate logical affiliation en- countered obstacles which seemed insuperable. Within the few main divisions, chiefly geographical or sepa- rated by marked historical epochs, the subjects have been arranged alphabetically, by location. A more fundamental grouping would require dissection and explanations for which there is no present oppor- tunity. It is our ambition to meet this need by the issue of a critical handbook such as has proved so in- valuable an adjunct to our series on Greek and Roman sculpture, and Italian Art, but no definite announce- ment can as yet be made with regard to such an issue. Once more we would remind the reader that the University Prints are intended for the student and lover of art rather than for purposes of miscellaneous illustration. This will account for the omission from the series, of buildings famous for literary or historic associations, but of inferior architectural interest, and conversely, for the inclusion of buildings unknown to fame, but of importance in the history of architectural development. The student can not be too strongly counseled not to pick out merely "famous" buildings. Such buildings are seldom famous on account of their viii EUROPEAN ARCHITECTURE architecture, and their fame due to other causes is usually a hindrance to the student's purpose. To those who seek a systematic knowledge of architecture, the careful editing, scholarly selection and correct desig- nation which is a unique characteristic of the Uni- versity Prints, are invaluable. Especially to the teacher will this trustworthiness commend itself. Instruction based on unrepresentative and mislabeled illustrative material is like doctoring with mislabeled drugs. The mischief resulting is often serious and permanent. The prints contained in this volume, like all others of our publication, are normally sold as individual prints, and selected to suit. The bound volume, a novel feature of these series, is intended for libraries and in particular for teachers who use the individual prints in their classes. A chief reason for the bound volume is the hope that teachers may be induced to consult it in making their selections for class use, in- stead of ordering from a printed list. The inevitable result of the latter method is to fall into a narrow rut of choice determined by outside accidents. We may order from a catalogue a picture by Raphael on the strength of his name, though we have never seen it (few do, however), but the name of a building which we have not happened to see or read about, means absolutely nothing. Such a building can never make its appeal or disclose its charm unless we see it. It is earnestly hoped, therefore, that the teacher or student who is seriously intent upon knowing architecture, will turn over these pages with the utmost care before making his selection. Do not trust to the catalogue. This is the catalogue, the only one that will permit of intelligent choice. TOt/i 0. 5 UJ I- O * O -o o s INTERIOR. TEMPLE OF AMON-RE Abu Simbel THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON EGYPTIAN XIX DYNASTY G 4 X ' *?$&/ V i G 5 ROCK-CUT TOMB OF AMENI. INTERIOR Beni Hasan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON EGYPTIAN XII DYNASTY O 6 TOMB OF ADU Dendera. THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON EGYPTIAN VI DYNASTY G 7 G 8 G 9 INTERIOR. TEMPLE OF HORUS Edfu THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON EGYPTIAN PTOLEMAIC PERIOD Q 11 G 12 G 13 CO z ce Q. Eg CO h a: co uj o > m G 14 THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON G 15 CENTRAL AISLE. GREAT HYPOSTYLE HALL Temple of Amon, Karnah (In front, column of Taharka, XXV Dyn.) THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON G 17 CLERESTORY. HYPOSTYLE HALL Temple of A man, Karnah 'HE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON EGYPTIAN XIX DYNASTY i- o CO t- CC CO ui o > 03 G 19 CO I- CC 00 ui O > m G 20 THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON EGYPTIAN XVIII. XIX DYNASTIES G 21 1 ^s . a. Z 5 2 * H oc O CO CO t- CC CO LU O > m z 3 UJ I t- G 22 X Rj G 23 ~l_roo oo oo ( JOOOOOOO ooooo oooo ooooo oooo ooooo oooo ooooo oooo ooooo oooo ooooooooo > o 'i I 00 I- CC 03 8 G 24 Bud Capital, Early Form. Abusir, V Dynasty Clustered Column with Bud Capital TYPES OF SUPPORTS Column with Bud Capital, Later For THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON EGYPTI G 25 GATE OF ISHTAR Babylon THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MESOPOTAMIAN VI CENT. B. C. G 26 PALACE OF SARGON Khorsabad THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MESOPOTAMIAN VIII CENT, B. C. Q 27 WINGED HUMAN-HEADED BULL Palace of Ashur-nazir-pal Nineoeh (British Museum, London) THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MESOPOTAMIAN IX CENT. B. C. G 28 Oc UJ -v II * 2 TYPES OF VAULTS THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MESOPOTAMIAN (Jt 3O STAIRWAY TO QUEEN'S APARTMENT (Wooden columns restored) Palace, Knossos, Crete THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON AEGEAN LATE MINOAN PERIOD < z UJ < O O to i- CC CO ui O > CD CO (- r oo Llj O > CO z D Ui I G 35 a -s CO z Q. >: z t o to t- CC CO LU O > CQ z G 36 L - G 37 o * m* u . UJ I DC Z O UJ O oo H CC 00 uj O > m 38 CO 1- - co uu O > CQ G 39 G 4O CO O o. O K O < G 41 o * CO HI "* M St f 8 sl CC: cc u. z o HI I a. 00 1- CC CO ID O > CO z h- s Z T W h CC CO ui O > CO THE PARTHENON. STYLOBATE SHOWING CURVATURE Athens THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GREEK 447-432 B. C. G 45 * m ui Ul H QC Z O iu O O 2 TV-.- 1. 9 I-. '* i i | H- Ul ' 4 ' ' -J oc Ul ;.'^t(. 5 jin m I \ur ',m Jf t r M , CO H OC CO UJ O > CO Z Ul PORCH OF THE MAIDENS (Caryatid Porch) Erechtheum, Athens THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GREEK V CENT. B. C. NORTH PORCH Erechtheum, Athens THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GREEK V CENT. B. C. DOOR OF NORTH PORCH (before restoration) Erechtheum, Athens HE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GREEK V CENT. B. O. 3 05 co 5 Q 51 m t- tt CO > CO z G 52 G 53 cc z O ui a ES (0 (- CC CO u o > a Z 3 < O c i- o z 00 H DC CD UJ O > m CHOREGIC MONUMENT OF LYSICRATES Athens IE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GREEK IV CENT. 8. O. U 57 TREASURY OF THE ATHENIANS Delphi THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GREEK V CENT. B. C. TREASURY OF THE CNIDIANS (restored) Museum, Delphi THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GREEK VI CENT. B. C. 00 3 O I U_ to O c z i O 5 G 61 CORINTHIAN CAPITAL FROM THE THOLOS Epidaurus THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GREEK IV CENT. B. C. o X CO UJ . z S CO H T CO uj O > CO z D UJ o O o! 5> u. +z o g cr co uj O > CQ TEMPLE OF POSEIDON SHOWING INTERIOR COLONNADES Pcustum, Italy THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GREEK V CENT. B. C. / - 2 yts i o S, CO h- QC CO 111 O > CD Q 67 o X CO* UJ . UJ (- cc z tt-S i- 5 0) (- (0 uj O > m z 3 u I G 68 o z , UJ ? rww 00 h E 05 UJ O > 03 O tt - UJ Z Q '8 >- Z b o OT fc; K uj O > ffl Z z < 5 I- O Z z * < _ z "5 t O co H CE CO UJ O > CD DOORWAY, TEMPLE OF JUPITER Baalbek, Syria THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROMAN II CENT. A D. Q Z < < s CO I- tr co LU o > OQ z 3 111 I" 5 fc O* CO H X CO LU O > CO Z 3 LU H z . s J O C* 77 C* 78 z 5 cc u i III I H k. O- UJ | CO = 03 I- o: o UJ C > a Ul cc < Ul H *^ G 81 5 II ft t .'*-<.. -viT-= CD H r co LU O > m G 82 1 G 83 G 84 5 D UJ CO 1 <*! o 111 X F I 5 m H cc to iu O > CO /i ROUND TEMPLE NEAR THE TIBER Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROMAN I CENT. A. D. K 111 a, Z S 1 co h r co uj O > CO z D UJ I I- G 93 AQUEDUCT Segovia, Spain THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROMAN I CENT. B. C.(?) G 94 PALACE OF DIOCLETIAN Spalato, Dalmatia THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROMAN IV CENT. A. D. G 95 TEMPLE OF THE SIBYL' Tiuoli THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROMAN CENT. B. O. G 96 I z la IE G 99 OPUS INCERTUM OPUS RETICULATUM OPUS LATERICIUM OPUS MIXTUM ROMAN WALLS. SHOWING METHODS OF FACING CONCRETE WITH STONE OR BRICK THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON G 1OO Dome Centers for coffering of dome Rib system of dome METHODS OF VAULT CONSTRUCTION THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROMAN G 101 -4 r i- < z 0) > G 1O2 So K * o 09 Z e G 1O3 H 00 > O w ^5> o * i fc o 8 03 H uj O > OJ z G 104 G 105 Is JO CO ^ Q 5 CO I- cr co ui O > m z 3 UJ X I- G 1O6 < Z B O * I O O e 107 LITTLE METROPOLITAN CHURCH Athens THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BYZANTINE XII CENT. Q 108 tr sl cr o Ul ZH * < O 2> CD o "S z 5 CO H- C CO uJ O > m z 3 U X GROUND STORY AND GALLERY ARCADES FROM NAVE Santa Sophia, Constantinople THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BYZANTINE VI CENT. INTERIOR WITH CENTRAL DOME FROM AISLE Santa Sophia, Constantinople THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BYZANTINE VI CENT. DOMICAL VAULT IN CORNER COMPARTMENT OF GALLERY Santa Sophia, Constantinople THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BYZANTINI VI CENT. DETAIL OF VAULTS AND CAPITAL Santa Sophia, Constantinople THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BYZANTINE VI CENT. < 5 G 117 >x 00 G 118 s* G 110 EXTERIOR S. Pantaleemon, Salonica THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BYZANTINE XII CENT. ST. IRENE, CONSTANTINOPLE SANTA SOPHIA. CONSTANTINOPLE PLANS OF BYZANTINE CHURCHES THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON G 121 INTERIOR Baptistery of the Orthodox, Rauenna THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON EARLY CHRISTIAN V CENT. \- o -I a be * QC Q UJ C > a z D Ul I I- G 123 INTERIOR San Vitale. Rauenna THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON EARLY CHRISTIAN VI CENT. G 124 m ~ cc 9 o O 15 C3 TJ 1 Z v >^ z E o cc si o- u z o < > CO 5 O uj X z o Q 125 CIRCULAR AISLE Santa Costanza. Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON EARLY CHRISTIAN IV CENT. 127 LU d I Z S < * II Z .= < ; X '5, eo \- CC 00 uj O > CO 31 if < s m * u. - O "C g* G 120 t- Q oo O - Z < u LLJ O o < 5 03 I- tr co ui O > m (0 Ul o cc 3 O UJ I UJ z Gr 131 CATHEDRAL. TROIA XI CENT. CATHEDRAL, MONREALE XII CENT. PLANS OF CENTRAL AND SOUTHERN ROMANESQUE CHURCHES THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON G 132 V Q 133 EXTERIOR Cathedral, Altamura THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROMANESQUE xi-xm CENT. G 134 FACADE AND CAMPANILE Cathedral, Amalfi THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROMANESQUE XIII CENT. G 135 o _. X co I- OC CO LU O > CO z 3 G 137 O K g U. U. G 138 1 a < "s O 139 G140 $.$ G 141 APSE San Francesco, Bologna THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XIII CENT. INTERIOR San Francesco, Bologna THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XIII CENT. Iti I u fi 0-3 < -a G 144 ui a oo UJ i go I- -a X l UJ * 00 h E CO UJ O > CO Z 3 UJ I Q 145 I s . = z < DC 03 h- OC 00 in O > CD Z D Q 146 G 147 INTERIOR Cathedral, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XIV CENT. Q 148 CROSS-SECTION OF DOME Cathedral, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RENAISSANCE. XV CENT. ARCHITECT, BRUNELLESCH G 149 G 15O EXTERIOR Bargello, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOTON GOTHIC XIII CENT. G 151 O - * CO h cr oo iu O > O EXTERIOR Or San Michele, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XI 1 1(7), XIV CENT. G 153 G154 ll G 155 INTERIOR Santa Maria Novella, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XIII. XIV CENT, Q 156 Q 157 THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON INTERIOR San Miniato, Florence ROMANESQUE X\ CENT. G 158 G 159 EXTERIOR Palazzo Guinigi, Lucca THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XIII on XIV CENT. FACADE San Qiusto, Lucca THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROMANESQUE X(?)-XII CENT. G 161 G 162 G 163 APSE Cathedral. Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XIV. XV CENT. G 164 NAVE Cathedral, Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC BEGUN IN XV CENT G 165 G 167 FACADE Cathedral, Modena THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROMANESQUE XII. XIII CENT. CO 8 II ui u CO a. G 169 INTERIOR Cathedral, Modena THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROMANESQUE XII CENT. APSE Cathedral, Monreale THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON SICILIAN ROMANESQUI XII CENT. G 171 C c 2* tc. . P! CO I- DC (0 UJ O > m z 3 I- 5 (0 . O ~o G 173 FA9ADE Cathedral, Oruieto THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XIV CENT. G 174 G 175 50 X S UJ % CO H t (0 tu O > CQ PALATINE CHAPEL Palace, Palermo THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON SICILIAN ROMANESQUI XII CENT. G 177 5 00 X 40 fc Q- CD uj O > m a ITS G 179 o = - x 00 h tr oo m o > a z D G 180 * 1 G 181 FA9ADE San Michele, Pauia THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROMANESQUE XII CENT. CO H T CO LU O > CQ X UJ 51 < 5 U. .5 CD h tr co uj O > m z 3 ui I G 184 G 185 NAVE LOOKING EAST Cathedral, Pisa THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROMANESQUE XI. XII CENT. 00 LU uj O z _ f* is 5-2 D (B (- ( (0 Ul O > ca G 187 EXTERIOR Baptistery, Pisa THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROMANESQUE. GOTHIC XII-XIV CENT. \- c CO I- tr co ui o > CQ Or 188 G 190 INTERIOR Cathedral, Siena THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XIII. XIV CENT. FACADE Palazzo Pubblico, Siena THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XIII. XIV CENT. G- 192 FACADE Palazzo Tolomei, Siena THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XIII CENT. G 193 I ID 65 o> \- t CO ui O > 00 G 194 G 195 G 196 ^pf~' "" * ^*^TtftC* *- * " . -^ APSE AND TRANSEPT Cathedral, Trani THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROMANESQUE XII CENT. G197 a iG8 < 0-g < a G 190 z z r w 5 = N X B> = sf 00 \- tr CD iu O > CO CAPITALS San Marco, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BYZANTINE XI. XII CENT. G 2O1 G 202 K 2 UJ O I- o X - Ul G203 nifnriHiiu rij nil '"&**** FACADE Palazzo Loredan, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BYZANTINE (remodelled) XI OR XII CENT. G 2O4 FACADE Palazzo Pisani, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XIV, XV CENT, G 205 APSE Santa Maria del Frari, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XIV CENT. G 206 SI Q207 INTERIOR Sant' Anastasia, Verona THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XIII-XV CENT. G 208 CO Z LU UJ Z O CO I- C CO iu O > CO G 2O9 G 2.0 FA9ADE Palazzo Bariolini, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RENAISSANCE. XVI CENT. ARCHITECT. BACCIO D'AGNOl Q 211 EXTERIOR Palazzo Riccardi, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RENAISSANCE. XV CENT. ARCHITECT. MICHELOZZO G 212 O 0$ G 213 FACADE Palazzo Rucetlai, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RENAISSANCE. XV CENT. ARCHITECT. ALBERT! G 214 UJ u. O . < "S O'g- < -I u. N N G 215 PLAN AND SECTION Pazzi Chapel, Florence IE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RENAISSANCE. XV CENT. ARCHITECT. BRUNELLESCHI G 216 G 217 CAMPANILE Santo Spirito, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RENAISSANCE. XVI CENT. ARCHITECT, BACCIO D'AGNOLO G 218 FACADE Sant' Andrea, Mantua THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RENAISSANCE. XV CENT, ARCHITECT, ALBERTI G 219 i O O Z UJ < I- OD = 2 < > < 5 00 h C 00 u O > CO G 220 INTERIOR Sacristy of San Satiro, Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RENAISSANCE XV CENT. G 221 EAST END AND LANTERN Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RENAISSANCE. XV CENT. ARCHITECT. BRAMANTE (?) G 222 Z I- So 00 H 1C CC til O > CO G 223 .1 O t I G 224 u. g Q i- ri Q 225 u i-' o o Z LU LU 2 2 - CO I- cc co uj o > co G 226 FACADE Church of the Gesu, Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RENAISSANCE. XVI CENT. ARCHITECTS. VIGNOLA AND DELLA PORTA G 227 52 o < K Z < i E en - tr oo UJ O > 00 G 228 G 229 ' - . O w 5f Sg 1^ LU O c z < CO 00 O I- 9 oc i B! O CO h C CO UJ O > m G 23O COURT Palazzo Massimi, Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RENAISSANCE. XVI CENT. ARCHITECT. PERUZZI G 231 (Jr IL TEMPIETTO San Pietro in Montorio, Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RENAISSANCE. EARLY XVI CENT. ARCHITECT, BRAMANTE G 233 A u O O . = < (E 00 UI O > G 234 NAVE AND CROSSING San Pietro in Vaticano, Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RENAISSANCE. XVI. XVII CENT. ARCHITECTS, CHIEFLY BRAMANTE, MICHELANGELO AND MADERNA G 235 BRAMANTE PERUZZI MICHELANGELO SAN GALLO THE YOUNGER PLAN OF PRESENT EDIFICE PLANS OF ST. PETER'S. ROME THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON G 236 X < tr a. < m CO C CO Q CO h CC UJ C > z D 111 X I- G 237 00 > U h o o Z UJ < h 00 7 cr <3 oo I- CE CO u O > a z 3 UJ Z I- G 238 O a O a- G 239 > CO X Z ui O K 2 O < UJ S "- 2i < o 2 tt CO h- CC CO ui O > CO Z 3 G 24O G 241 G 242 EXTERIOR Santa Maria del Miracoli. Venice RENAISSANCE. XV CENT. ARCHITECT. P. LOMBARDO ui 5 2 &= G 245 FACADE Palazzo Valmarana, Vicenza THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RENAISSANCE. XVI CENT. ARCHITECT, PALLAOIO G 246 G 247 SOUTH PORCH AND SIDE OF NAVE Cathedral, Albi THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC (Fortress Church) XIV-XVI CENT. G 248 G 249 WEST END Cathedral, Angouleme THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROMANESQUE XII CENT. G 250 (0 < S O >.- O G 251 WEST END Cathedral, Amiens THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC MAINLY XIII CENT. XV CENT. ADDITIONS G 252 \l NAVE. LOOKING EAST Cathedral, Amiens THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XIII CENT. CHOIR FROM TRIFORIUM Cathedral, Amiens THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XIII CENT. G 255 ID . co ui ui O < 5 2 * 2* UI z ! o _- UJ g Q "g < CO H tr en uj O > m z D UI . 8* Q 257 CHOIR Cathedral, Beauuais THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XIII CENT. Q 258 X tt> .2 L 259 CENTRAL DOOR OF WEST PORTAL Cathedral, Bourges THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XIII CENT. Q 26O O Z : O O INTERIOR FROM AMBULATORY Cathedral, Bourges THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC MAINLY XIII CENT. UKTEOOnWC I l<:-> fc: CO s NAVE. LOOKING EAST Ste. Trinite (Abbaye-aux-Dames), Caen THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROMANESQUE XI-XII CENT. CO H- CC CO Ld O > 03 Z D UJ I PORTE DE L'AUDE Carcassonne THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON XII-XIII CENT. VIEW FROM SOUTHEAST Cathedral, Chartres THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC Xll-Xlil CENT. G 269 WEST END Cathedral, Chartres THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XII-XIII CENT. G 27O s ! B / Q 271 \ Z UJ \- o o _ 81 "- 5 03 O i o 0. t- CC 00 uj O > 00 Z 3 Ul Z I- G 272 NAVE. LOOKING EAST Cathedral, Chartres THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XII-XIII CENT. G 273 CHOIR AND NAVE. LOOKING WEST Cathedral, Chartres THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XII-XIH CENT. G 274 Q 275 UJ c i! QO G 276 NAVE AND NORTH AISLE. LOOKING WEST Abbey, Jumieges THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROMANESQUE XI CENT. Q 277 WEST END Cathedral, Laon TRANSITIONAL XII-XIII CENT. G 278 CHEVET (Apse) Cathedral, Le Mans THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XIII CENT. G 280 si G 281 CHURCH FROM SOUTHWEST Morienual THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROMANESQUE XI-XII CENT. I NORTH AISLE OF NAVE Church, Morienval THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROMANESQUE XI CENT. G 284 NAVE, LOOKING EAST Cathedral, Noyon THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON EARLY GOTHIC XII-XIII CENT. Q 285 * 00 < 111 5 en G 286 NAVE. FROM AMBULATORY St. Front, Perigueux THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROMANESQUE XII CENT. RESTORED XIX CENT. Q 287 WEST END Cathedral (Notre Dame), Paris THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XIII CENT. Cr UBS xl Ss O S O 45 tt o G 280 NAVE. LOOKING EAST Cathedral (Notre Dame), Paris THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XII-XIM CENT. SAINTE-CHAPELLE Paris THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XIII CENT. Q 291 CO t- C CD UJ O > CO h z . Ul h O Z X [^ ^ O X > Q X LU i. a O X H 00 if > m z a UJ z G 293 NORTH AISLE, LOOKING EAST Cathedral (St. Pierre), Poitiers THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROMANESQUE AND GOTHIC XII-XIII CENT. G 294 WEST END Cathedral, Reims THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XII-XV CENT. G 295 I s O ^ X uj O > DO G 296 I C 21 Q 297 -* -,-;- NAVE, LOOKING WEST Cathedral, Reims THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XMI CENT. G 298 NAVE, LOOKING WEST St. Remi, Reims THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROMANESQUE AND GOTHIC XI AND XII CENT, Q 290 WEST END Cathedral, Rouen THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XM-XV CENT. G 300 TOUR DE BEURRE (Butter Tower) Cathedral, Rouen THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC (Flamboyant) XV CENT. NAVE, LOOKING EAST Cathedral, Rouen THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XIII CENT. O LU o <=> or . CO (- CC CO iu O > m IK 2 u fo * > U. X G 3O4 HALF-TIMBER HOUSES Rue St. domain, Rouen THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MEDIAEVAL Q 305 NAVE, LOOKING EAST Abbey Church, St. Denis THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XIII CENT. G 3O6 5 .2 DC . P Q 3O7 Z < < UJ S o 5 o: < 00 I- r oo uj O > CD Q 308 NAVE FROM AMBULATORY Church, St. Benoit-sur-Loire THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROMANESQUE XI-XII CENT. G 3O9 G 310 NAVE. LOOKING EAST Abbey Church, St. Sermer THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON TRANSITIONAL XII CENT. G 311 IT SOUTH AISLE, LOOKING EAST Abbey Church, St. Germer THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON EARLY GOTHIC XII CENT. G 312 1 5 h D = O ^ CO =0 2 O? oc a. > ^ G 313 irar^^_ui ,- y; ;-- f / S - / ' /" / ' / I w I- O O - O G> z . 5 ui .= I- ^ z =0 ffl H C CD oi O > CQ G 315 WEST END Church, St. Leu d'Esserent THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROMANESQUE AND EARLY GOTHIC XII CENT. i ' ft Jl f -f NAVE, LOOKING WEST Church, St. Leu d'Esserent THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON EARLY GOTHIC XII CENT. Q 317 VIEW FROM SOUTH Cathedral, Senlis THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XII-XIII AND XVI CENT. NAVE. LOOKING EAST Cathedral, Sen/is THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XII-XIII CENT. Q 319 (0 H C 00 UJ O > m z D UJ Z H J SOUTH TRANSEPT Cathedral, Soissons THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON EARLY GOTHIC XII CENT. G 321 NAVE, LOOKING EAST Cathedral, Soissons GOTHIC XIII CENT. o: 3 z 2 S o i CC =0 G 323 EAST END St. Sernin, Toulouse THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROMANESQUE XI-XIII CENT. NAVE. LOOKING EAST St. Sernin, Toulouse THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROMANESQUE XI-XIII CENT. Q 325 WEST END Cathedral, Tours THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC AND RENAISSANCE XH-XVI CENT, G 326 G 327 NAVE, LOOKING EAST Church, Vignory THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROMANESQUE XI CENT. to l- CC CO uj O > CO G 329 < o I E E Ei M h tt 00 lu O > m z G 331 PARIS L ONO,TUO,NAU AND TKANSVERSE S.OT.ONS OF OATH THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON G 333 IX E M LU h- ^ S-5 at >- z t O j- tc 00 uj O > CO z 3 UJ X I- I/ l 31 UJ % o a CO H CC CO UJ O > 00 II 00 O co ii * t CD H tr oo ui O > CD z O UI X OF FRANCIS I WITH STAIRCASE Chateau. Blois THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RENAISSANCE XVI CENT. G 337 DETAIL OF STAIRCASE Chateau, Blois THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC AND RENAISSANCE XVI CENT. G 339 < u O O si c D 3 < g 5 il tS CQ z 3 Q 340 I? * > tt X - U. ,0 G 342 8* II - a 51 UJ . O H Z O < UI CO K O .2 OC CO iu O > m z 3 UJ z 345 HOUSE OF DIANE DE POITIERS Rouen THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RENAISSANCE XVI CENT. s U s^ O "5 tr y Q 347 G 348 G 340 CHAPEL Palace, Versailles THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RENAISSANCE. XVII AND XVIII CENT. ARCHITECT. J. H. MANSARD G 350 Q 351 J UJ o tS 00 E CO iu O > CD z D UJ G 352 a it to o UJ E 1 CO H tr o iu C > c z Z3 u I I- Q 353 Is o z o o z . 1 3S . K "o, E I ES GO (- tt (0 uj o > CD Z 3 u 1-3 L. * O CO O 1! u. > 'S > o UJ > G 355 / . o 2 x 00 O l 1 > Z t o < fc cr iu O > CD Z 3 ui CJ 357 02 Z e 00 H cr CO Z D UJ I NAVE, LOOKING WEST Cathedral, Canterbury THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC ("Perpendicular; LATE XIV CENT. G 359 CO = UJ X z 5 CO t- Q: to LU O > CD z 3 UJ Z VIEW FROM RIVER Cathedral, Durham THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROMANESQUE (Norman) AND GOTHIC XI-XIV CENT. 361 81 li 8! 00 H CC 00 ui O > m z D UJ I u K 3" 82 tu x o I 5 8! OS K ki GO - ^ X i O > a . O -S 00 I- Q- (0 to O > B> z 3 z O UJ Q J z .= - eo H CC CO uj O > CQ Z D III Z (1 367 * HI I s 00 a O * (r o 00 K cc w ui O > CD PRIOR'S GATEWAY Cathedral, Ely THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROMANESQUE (Norman) XII CENT. 369 NAVE, LOOKING EAST Cathedral, Ely THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROMANESQUE TNorman) XII CENT. CHOIR, LOOKING EAST Cathedral, Ely THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XIII CENT. Q 371 X 5 h C O O o z oo i 13 UJ < 00 t- K 00 uj O > CO G 372 a P a Q 373 h I O o x X 0) H a oo uj O > CQ Z D UJ Z G 374 1? 1 O 5 _J 5 UJ Q 375 o o _ 1 X UI 3 a oo O? O 5 00 )- IT 00 ui O > ca Z 3 00 tlJ 5) 3 1 O 5 CO O 1! G 377 CHOIR. LOOKING EAST Cathedral, Gloucester THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC (Perpendicular) XIV CENT. Q 370 G 380 I E D. E? CO H cr co uj O > CO z D tu I G 381 VIEW FROM NORTHWEST Cathedral, Licfifeld THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XIII CENT. o I UJ 52 s 81" 2 o CO z i 0. E 03 h CC CD UJ O > m z D UJ I K 383 u 1 O o- 1 (0 -_- I! u. e o UJ > 03 t- CE CO UJ O > 03 O 384 WEST END Cathedral, Lincoln THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROMANESQUE (Norman) AND GOTHIC XII-XIV CENT. G 385 z O iu 5 i- > O 5 O 7 ! a U. a UJ O > a* z 3 G 387 CHOIR, LOOKING WEST Cathedral, Lincoln THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XMI CENT. 388 tt O X O -i 5 UJ o G 380 CHAPTER HOUSE Cathedral, Lincoln THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON 7( GOTHIC XIII CENT. G 391 3* O i tr i G 392 CHOIR. LOOKING EAST Westminster Abbey, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XIII CENT. G 393 394 ... INTERIOR OF HENRY VII'S CHAPEL Westminster Abbey, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC (Late Perpendicular) XVI CENT. Q 395 X u I- O 1 uj O > 03 Z. o u z D Sx z < o tc ui D. < C I o 1 co -3 z c 1 o 1 CO I- CC CO uj O > CO z 3 UI I G 397 = 1 x 111 or 00 SI 3! 01 H ET 0} uj O > co W H a co ui o > oo z D I h G 309 NAVE AND CHOIR Cathedral, Oxford THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC (Early Transitional and late Perpendicular) XII-XVI CENT. 51 CO H e oo LU O > m z D m NAVE. LOOKING EAST Cathedral, Salisbury THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XIII CENT. G 4O7 gfc 1 K 5? (0 t- tr co iu O > m 33 G 409 r~ ** 8 = o c I- O w 5 2 h 00 < UJ I 5 p (0 H tt CD ui O > 03 Z D NAVE. LOOKING EAST Cathedral, Wells THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XIII CENT. UJ v. ^ I^s . 11 I* QC 0, U- * 413 NORTH TRANSEPT Cathedral, Winchester THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROMANESQUE XI-EARUY XII CENT NAVE. LOOKING EAST Cathedral, Winchester THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC (Perpendicular) XV CENT. O 415 ffl I- tc eo u O > CD Z WEST END Cathedral, York FHE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC (Perpendicular) MAINLY XV CENT. O 00 z G 425 t- "5. z s >- z t o a H (T 00 ui O > CD Z 3 UJ z F = o > (- X 00 K ul I 00 h < o O "5. K 5 eo H cr co uj o > CQ G 427 WEST END St. Paul's, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RENAISSANCE. 1875-1710 ARCHITECT, SIR CHRISTOPHER WREN ^ Q =0 Z 00 H tt CO UJ O > CD y HARVARD HOUSE Stratford THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON XVI CENT. It O 8* M . - .. m H cr oo w O > CD Q 432 MIHRAB Mosque, Cordova THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MOORISH X CENT. G 433 DOME Of MIHRAB Mosque. Cordova THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MOORISH X CENT. G 435 I I- 00 Z tt oo uj O > CO fel \ G 437 HALL OF THE TWO SISTERS: WALL Alhambra, Granada HHE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MOORISH XIV CENT. O 4! e X CO OJ I oc a o 81 t. I j: X CO 1 O z < Q. CO u. o 00 m z US < i J Q. " j " S = - o: p "I x * 00 h cc co iu O > CD z D UJ INTERIOR San Vicente, Auila THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON TRANSITIONAL TO GOTHIC XII CENT. FACADE Santo Tomas, Auila THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON LATE GOTHIC LATE XV CENT. INTERIOR (Before Restoration) San Juan Bautista. Banos de Cerrato THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON VI8IGOTHIC ^CT FACADE AND TOWERS Cathedral, Burgos THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XIII-XV CENT. Q 447 TRANSEPTS AND CROSSING Cathedral, Burgos THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC Xlll-XVI CENT. G 448 INTERIOR OF LANTERN Cathedral, Burgos THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON LATE GOTHIC XV CENT. (Rebuilt XVI Cent., o w o . > z t O 00 H K (0 uj O > CO z 3 UJ NAVE OF CHURCH Convent of Las Huelgas, Burgos THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON EARLY GOTHIC LATE XII CENT. 0451 CO I- tr co tu O > CQ G 452 Q 453 EXTERIOR Cathedral, Leon THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XIII CENT. 6 454 NAVE, LOOKING WEST Cathedral, Leon THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XIII CENT. G 455 i o o i I (to* H "i i in O > a APSE San Lorenzo, Sahagun ROMANESQUE LATE XII OR EARLY XIII CENT. G 457 NAVE Old Cathedral, Salamanca THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON EARLY GOTHIC XII, XIII CENT. EXTERIOR OF APSE AND DOME Old Cathedral, Salamanca THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON . ROMANESQUE AND EARLY GOTHIC XII. XIII CENT. G 459 G 46O G 461 NAVE Cathedral, Santiago de Compostela THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROMANESQUE XI. XII CENT. G 462 00 UJ uj O z _ 1? O ( CD K tr ao uj O > CO SOUTH PORCH AND TOWER San Esteban, Segovia THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROMANESQUE XIII CENT. G 464 9V\''-':* :r ~ - 'fr "* *~V'\" ' -"V I''' I 'i O Q 465 INTERIOR Cathedral, Seville THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON LATE GOTHIC XV CENT. G 466 VIEW FROM CLOISTER Cathedral, Tarragona THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROMANESQUE AND GOTHIC XII-XIV CENT. INTERIOR Cathedral, Tarragona THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON EARLY GOTHIC XII. XIII CENT. Q 468 INTERIOR Cathedral, Toledo THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XIII CENT. G 469 INTERIOR San Juan de los Reyes. Toledo THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON LATE GOTHIC LATE XV CENT. G 47O G 471 O I t-' O iu O O u) > b x > z t o 00 t- tr eo uj O > CD Z G 472 FACADE San Gregorio, Valladolid THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PLATERESQUE LATE XV CENT. O 473 o > z Z X < 81 ui 5 00 < 00 K a oo iu o > ca z D UI I G 474 SANCTUARY OF THE CHURCH Escorial THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RENAISSANCE SECOND HALF, XVI CENT. CHIEF ARCHITECT, JUAN DE HERRERA G 475 INTERIOR Cathedral, Granada THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RENAISSANCE. XVI CENT. CHIEF ARCHITECT. DIEGO DE 8ILOE G 476 in lii co a w o CD h o: co QJ O > CO G 477 INTERIOR La Lonja (Exchange), Saragassa THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RENAISSANCE XVI CENT. O 478 tu 16 Q K < 5 G 479 ii ti 00 K OC 00 UJ O > CD z 3 G 48O FACADE Cathedral, Valladolid THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RENAISSANCE LATE XVI CENT. 481 EXTERIOR FROM SOUTH Cathedral, Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle) E UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CAROLINGIAN AND GOTHIC IX AND XIV-XV CENT. 7 G 482 G 483 WEST END Cathedral, Cologne THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XIII-XIX CENT. Q 484 1 co U 485 NAVE, LOOKING EAST Cathedral, Cologne THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XIII-XIX CENT. G 486 EAST END Church of the Apostles, Cologne THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROMANESQUE XIII CENT. G 487 VIEW FROM SOUTHEAST Cathedral, Freiburg HE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XIM-XIV CENT. G 488 Hi CO I CE I UJ I > i z 3 UJ I F 489 EAST END St. Godehard, Hildesheim THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROMANESQUE XII CENT. G 49O INTERIOR. LOOKING EAST St. Godehard, Hildesheim THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROMANESQUE XII CENT. (Restored XIX Cent.) O 491 KNOCHENHAUERAMTHAU8 (Butcher's Guild Hall) Hildesheim THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON LATE GOTHIC XVI CENT. (Restored XIX Cent.) G 402 I E o. > z b o CO I- C 00 uj O > CO z UJ O 403 NAVE. LOOKING EAST Laach THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROMANESQUE XII CENT. VIEW FROM SOUTHWEST Cathedral, Malm (Mayence) THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON X MAINLY ROMANESQUE XII-XIV CENT. G 495 NAVE. LOOKING EAST Cathedral, Mainz (Mayence) THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROMANESQUE XII CENT. G 496 WEST END Cathedral, Strassburg THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XIV- XV CENT. Q 497 VIEW ACROSS NAVE Cathedral, Strassburg THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XIII CENT. VIEW FROM SOUTHWEST Cathedral. Ulm THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XIV-XVI AND XIX CENT. O 490 VIEW FROM SOUTHWEST St. Stephen, Vienna HE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOTHIC XIV-XV CENT. G 500 European Architecture NOTE. The subjects in this series are arranged alphabetically by places within the several sections. Since many styles and peiiods are often represented in a single building, it has not seemed practicable to carry the principle of stylistic or chronological classification beyond the divisions into sections. In designating, specify Series G, in addition to number. Classical Architecture Egyptian G 1 Abu Simbel. General view of rock-cut Temples. G 2 Abu Simbel. Temple of Amon-Re. Facade. G 3 Abu Simbel. Temple of Amon-Re. Interior. G 4 Beni Hasan. Rock-cut tomb of Khnumhotep. G 5 Beni Hasan. Rock-cut tomb of Ameni. Interior. G 6 Dendera. Tomb of Adu I. G 7 Der-cl-Bahri. Temple of Queen Hatshepsut. G 8 Edfu. Temple of Horus. Pylon. G 9 Edfu. Temple of Horus. Peristyle. G 10 Edfu. Temple of Horus. Interior. Gil Edfu. Temple of Horus, from top of Pylon. G 12 Ghizeh. Pyramid and Mastaba construction. See M 103, Sphinx and Pyramid of Cheops. G 13 Ghizeh. Pyramid of Khafra (Chefren). See M 106, Head of Chefren. G 14 Ghizeh. " Temple of the Sphinx." G 15 Karnak. Temple of Amon from behind Sanctuary. G 16 Karnak. Temple of Amon. H> -p.>-t> ! I l.ill. ( Ai-lr. G 17 Karnak. Temple of Amon. Hypostylc Hall, Clerestory. G 18 Karnak. Temple of Amon. First Pylon with Avenue of Sphinxes. G 19 Karnak. Temple of Aimm. Hypostylc Hall, Re-t. .ration See M 117, View acrose HypnMylr Hall. G 20 Luxor. Temple of Amon. G 21 Luxor. Temple of Amon. Restoration. G 22 Medinet Habu. Temple of Amon from rear. See M 120, wall sculpture. G 23 Plans of Egyptian TempK-. G 24 Types of Egyptian Supports. For Egyptian Sculpture, see M 101-125, x European A rchitecture Mesopotamia!! ^ G 25 Babylon. Gate of Ishtar. G 26 Khorsabad. Palace of Sargon. Plan and restoration. G 27 Nineveh. Winged Human-headed Bull. (London, British Museum.) G 28 Assyrian Temple-tower (ziggurat). G 29 Types of Mesopotamian vaults. Aegean G 30 Knossos. Palace. Stairway to Queen's Apartment. See A 2, Throne. G 31 Mycenae. Lion Gate. G 32 Mycenae. Treasury of Atreus. See A 4, 9, 10, Mycenaean gold work. G 33 Phaistos. General view. See A 1, Phaistos, stairway. Tiryns. Cyclopean Walls. Tiryns. Gallery in the Wall. Tiryns and Knossos. Plans of Palaces. Greek G 37 Aegina. Temple of Aphaia. See A 78-83, Pediment sculptures. Athens. Acropolis from Hill of the Muses. Athens. Acropolis. Restoration. Athens. Acropolis. Plan. Athens. Parthenon from Northwest. Athens. Parthenon from Southeast. Athens. Parthenon. Interior looking East. G 44 Athens. Parthenon. Stylobate showing curvature. See A 136-164, Parthenon sculptures. G 45 Athens. Erechtheum from Southeast. G 46 Athens. Erechtheum from West. G 47 Athens. Erechtheum. Porch of the Maidens. See A 165, 166, Porch and Caryatid. ' G 48 Athens. Erechtheum. North Porch. G 49 Athens. Erechtheum. Door of North Porch. G 50 Athens. Propylaea from Southwest (before restoration). G 51 Athens. Propylaea from East (before restoration). European A rchiteclure xi G 52 Athens. Temple of Athena Nike. See A 169-171, Temple sculptures. G 53 Athens. " Theseum." See A 92, 131-133, Sculptures from Theseum. G 54 Athens. Temple of the Olympian Zeus. G 55 Athens. Choragic Monurrent of Lysicrati-s. G 56 Athens. Theatre of Dionysus. G 57 Bassae. Temple of Apollo Epicurius. G 58 Delphi. Treasury of the Athenians. G 59 Delphi. Treasury of the Cnidians. See A 44, Frieze, Treasury of the Cnidi;m>. G 60 Epidaurus. Tholos. Restoration. G 61 Epidaurus. Capital from the Tholos. (Athens, National Museum.) G 62 Epidaurus. Theatre. G 63 Girgenti. Temple of Concord. G 64 Olympia. Heraeum. G 65 Psestum. Temple of Poseidon, showing interior colonnade-. G 66 Pergamum. Acropolis. Restoration. G 67 Priene. Theatre. G 68 Segesta. Temple. G 69 Plans of Greek Temples. G 70 Greek Orders. For Greek Sculptures in general, see Series A. Roman G 71 Aspendus. Theatre. G 72 Baalbek. Temple of the Sun and Temple of Jupin-r. G 73 Baalbek. Temple of Jupiter. Doorway. G 74 Nimes. " Maison Can cV." G 75 Nimes. Pont clti ( lard. G 76 Pompeii. Basilica. G 77 Pompeii. Stabian Baths. G 7S Pompeii. House of the Vettii, Peristyle. See B 8-11, Wall Paintings. G 79 Pompeii. Small Theatre. G 80 Rome. Forum Ronianum. G 81 Rome. Forum Romanum. Plan. G 82 Rome. Basilica Julia (restored). Xll European A rchitecture G 83 Rome. Basilica of Constantine.' G 84 Rome. Colosseum. Exterior. , G 85 Rome. Colosseum. Interior. G 86 Rome. Arch of Constantine. See A 346, 347, Sculptural decorations. .G 87 Rome. Pantheon. Exterior. G^ 88 Rome. Pantheon. Interior. G 89 Rome. Round Temple near the Tiber. G 90 Rome. " Temple of Minerva Medica." G 91 Rome. Tomb of Hadrian (Castel 1 Sant' Angelo). G 92 Rome. Baths of Caracalla. G 93 Segovia. Aqueduct. G 94 Spalato. Palace of Diocletian. G 95 Tivoli. " Temple of the Sibyl." G 96 Treves. Roman Gateway (" Porta Nigra"). G 97 Verona. Interior of Amphitheatre. G 98 Roman Orders. G 99 Roman Walls. G 100 Roman Methods of Vaulting. For Roman Sculptures, see A 325-348, 414-438. Byzantine Architecture Apse. North Arm. North Sideof Octagon. G 101 Kalat-Seman. St. Simeon Stylites. G 102 Kalat-Seman. St. Simeon Stylites. G 103 Kalat-Seman. St. Simeon Stylites. G 104 Kalb Louzeh. Church. Front. G 105 Kalb Louzeh. Church. Nave and Apse. G 106 Tafka. Church. Arches over Nave. G 107 Athens. Little Metropolitan Church. G 108 Athens. Church of the Kapnikarea. G 109 Constantinople. Cistern of the Thousand and One Col- umns. G~-UO Constantinople. Santa Sophia. G 111 Constantinople. Santa Sophia. (i 112 Constantinople. Santa Sophia. Arcades from Nave. G 113 Constantinople. Santa Sophia. Dome, from Aisle. Exterior. Interior looking East. Ground Story and Gallery Interior with Central European A rchitecture xiii Constantinople. Santa Sophia. Domical Vault in Corner Compartment of Gallery/ G 115 Constantinople. Santa Sophia. Detail of Vaults and Capital. G 116 Constantinople. St. Irene. Eastern End. G 117 Daphni. Church. Exterior. G 118 Phocis. St. Luke. Churches of Monastery. Exterior. G 119 Salonica. St. PantaleenYbn. Exterior. G 120 Constantinople. Plans f St. Irene and Santa Sophia. Italian Architecture Early Christian G 121 Ravenna. Baptistery of the Orthodox. Interior. See B 23, 24, Mosaics. G 122 Ravenna. Sant' Apollinare' Xuovo. Interior. See B 27, 28, Mosaics. G 123 Ravenna. San Vitale. Interior. See B 29, 30, Mosaics. ' G 124 Plans of Basilicas. G 125 Rome. San Clemente. Interior. See B 33, Mosaic. G 126 Rome. Santa Costanza. Circular Aisle. See B 17, 18, Mosaics. G 127 Rome. San Giorgio inVelabro. Narthex and Campanile. G 128 Rome. San Paolo fuori le Mura. Interior^ See B 21, Mosaic. G 129 Rome. Santa Maria in Trastevere. Interior. See B 35, 36, Mosaics. Mediaeval G 130 Plans of Lombard-Romanesque Churches. G 131 Plans of Central and Southern Romanesque Churches. G 132 Plans of Gothic Churches. G 133 Altamura. Cathedral. Exterior. G 134 Amalfi. Cathedral. Facade and Campanile. xiv European A rchitecture G 135 Arezzo. Cathedral. Exterior. G 136 Assisi. San Francesco. General View. G 137 Assisi. San Francesco. Apse from Cloister. See B 51, 53, 55, 56, 93, Interior and decorations. G 138 Bari. San Niccola. Fagade. G 139 Bari. San Niccola. Triforium. G 140 Bitonto. Cathedral. Fagade. G 141 Bologna. San Francesco. Apse. G 142 Bologna. San Francesco. Interior. G 143 Cefalu. Cathedral. Facade. G 144 Cefalu. Cathedral. Exterior. See B 38, Mosaics. G 145 Chiaravalle. Abbey Church. G 146 Florence. Cathedral and Campanile. See B 52, 430, Other views. G 147 Florence. Cathedral. Interior. G 148 Florence. Cathedral. Plan of Dome. G 149 Florence and Cremona. Cross-sections of Baptisteries. See B 428, Baptistery, Florence. G 150 Florence. Bargello. Exterior. G 151 Florence. Bargello. Court. G 152 Florence. Or San Michele. Exterior. See B 404-407, 425, 433, 494, Sculptures. G 153 Florence. Palazzo Vecchio and Loggia dei Lanzi. G 154 Florence. Santa Maria: Novella. Exterior. G 155 Florence. Santa Maria Novella. Interior. See B 82-85, 103-108, 196-201, 216, Wall decorations. G 156 Florence. San Miniato. Fagade. G 157 Florence. San Miniato. Interior. G 158 Lucca. Cathedral. Exterior. G 159 Lucca. Palazzo Guinigi. Exterior. G 160 Lucca. San Giusto. Facade. G 161 Lucca. San Michele. Exterior. G 162 Milan. Cathedral. Exterior.. G 163 Milan. Cathedral. Apse. G 164 Milan. Cathedral. Nave. G 165 Milan. Sant' Ambrogio. West Front, showing Atrium. G 166 Milan. Sant' Ambrogio. Nave. G 167 Modena. Cathedral. Facjide. European A rchitecture xv G 168 Modena. Cathedral. Apse and South Side. G 169 Modena. Cathedral. Interior. n>. G 192 Siena. Palazzo Tolomei. Fagade. G 193 Siena. San Galgano. Abbey Church. N.i\r. G 194 Toscanella. San Pietro. Fagade. G 195 Toscanella. San Pietro. Interior. G 196 Trani. Cathedral. Apse and Transept. G 197 Troia. Cathedral. Fag;i(!c. G 198 Venice. San Marco. xvi European Architecture G 199 Venice. San Marco. Interior. G 200 Venice. San Marco. Byzantine Capitals. See B 34, 40, Mosaics; B 374, Sculpture; C 474 Door. G 201 Venice. Ca d'Oro. Facade. G 202 Venice. Ducal Palace. Exterior. G 203 Venice. Palazzo Loredan. Facade. G 204 Venice. Palazzo Pisani. Facade. G 205 Venice. Santa Maria dei Frari. Apse. G 206 Venice. Santa Maria dei Frari. Interior. G 207 Verona. Sant' Anastasia. Interior. G 208 Verona. San Zeno. Facade. Renaissance G 209 Florence. Laurentian Library. Vestibule. G 210 Florence. Palazzo Bartolini. Facade. G 211 Florence. Palazzo Riccardi. Exterior. G 212 Florence. Palazzo Riccardi. Coufrt. See B 160-162, Chapel decorations. G 213 Florence. Palazzo Ruccelai. Facade. G 214 Florence. Pazzi Chapel. Facade. G 215 Florence. Pazzi Chapel. Plan and Section. G 216 Florence. San Lorenzo. Interior.- SeeB 448, 449, '"Pulpits. G 217 Florence. Santo Spirito. Campanile. G 218 Mantua. Sant' Andrea. Facade. "*N G 219 Mantua. Sant' Andrea. .Nave. ) G 220 Milan. San Satiro. Interior of Sacristy. G 221 Milan. Santa Maria delle Grazie. East End and, Lantern. G 222 Montepulciano. San Biagio. Exterior. G 223 Montepulciano. San Biagio. Interior. G 224 Pa via. Certosa. Fagade. See C 425-430, Sculptures. ~ G 225 Rimini. San Francesco. Facade. See B 223, Wall decoration. G 226 Rome. Church of the Gesu. Fagade. G 227 Rome. Palazzo Cancellaria. Facade. G 228 Rome. Palazzo Farnese, Facade. G 229 Rome. Palazzo Farnese. Court. G 230 Rome. Palazzo Massimi, Court, European A rchitecture xim Nave and Crossing. Plans. Cloisters. G 231 Rome. Piazza del Campidoglio and Palaces. G 232 Rome. San Pietro in Montorio. II Tempietto. G 233 Rome. Piazza di San Pietro. 234 Rome. San Pietro in Vaticano. 235 Rome. San Pietro in Vaticano. See C 137, Dome. G 236 Rome. Santa Maria della Pace. See C 180-182, Wall decorations. G 237 Rome. Villa di Papa Giulio. Court. G 238 Venice. Ducal Palace. Court. See C 284, 334-336, 357-359, Wall decorations. G 239 Venice. Library and Loggetta of Campanile. Cf C471; See C 473, Sculpture. G 240 Venice. Palazzo Vendramin. G 241 Venice. San Giorgio Maggiore. Facade. 'X G 242 Venice. San Giorgio Maggiore. Interior, v G 243 Venice. Santa Maria dei Miracoli. Exterior. G 244 Verona. Palazzo Bevilacqua. Facade. G 245 Vicenza. Palazzo Valmarana. Facade. French Architecture Mediaeval G 246 . Abbeville. St. Vulfran. West Portal. G 247 Albi. Cathedral. South Porch and Side of Nave. G 248 Albi. Cathedral. Choir and Nave. G 249 AngouleTne. Cathedral. West End. G 250 Angoulerre. Cathedral. Nave looking East. G 251 Amiens. Cathedral. West Kml. G 252 Amiens. Cathedral. Na\c looking East. G 253 Amiens. Cathedral. Choir from Triforium. G 254 Avignon. Palace of the Popes. G 255 Bayeux. Cathedral. Arcade of Nave. G 256 Beauvais. Cathedral from Southeast. G 257 Beauvais. Cathedral. Choir. G 258 Blois. Chateau. Wing of Louis XII. G 259 Bourges. Cathedral. Central door of West Portal. G 260 Bourges. Cathedral. Nave looking East. xv Hi European A rchitecture G 261 Bourges. Cathedral. Interior from Ambulatory. G 262 Bourges. House of Jacques Coeur. Court. G 263 Caen. St. Etienne. Nave looking East. G 264 Caen. Ste. Trinite. West End. G 265 Caen. Ste. Trinite. Nave looking East. G 266 Carcassonne. General View. G 267 Carcassonne. Porte de 1'Aude. G 268 Chartres. Cathedral. View from Southeast. G 269 Chartres. Cathedral. West End. G 270 Chartres. Cathedral. West Portal. G 271 Chartres. Cathedral. Porch of South Transept. G 272 Chartres. Cathedral. Nave looking East. G 273 Chartres. Cathedral. Choir and Nave looking West. G 274 Chaumont. Chateau. G 275 Clermont-Ferrand. Notre- Dame-du-Port. Choir and Apse. G 276 Jumieges. Abbey. Nave and North Aisle looking West. G 277 Laon. Cathedral. West End. G 278 Laon. Cathedral. Nave and Choir from Triforium. G 279 Le Mans. Cathedral. Chevet (Apse). G 280 Mont St. Michel. View from Northeast. G 281 Mont St. Michel. Crypte de 1'Aquilon. G 282 Morienval. Church from Southwest. G 283 Morienval. Church. North Aisle of Nave. G 284 Noyon. Cathedral. Nave looking East. G 285* Perigueux. St. Front. View from Southeast. G 286 Perigueux. St. Front. Nave, from Ambulatory. G 287 Paris. Cathedral (Notre Dame). West End. G 288 Paris. Cathedral (Notre Dame). View from South. G 289 Paris. Cathedral (Notre Dame). Nave looking East. G 290 Paris. Sainte Chapelle. G 291 Pierrefonds. Chateau before restoration. G 292 Pierrefonds. Chateau after restoration. G 293 Poitiers. Cathedral (St. Pierre)." North Aisle looking East. G 294 Reims. Cathedral. West End. G 295 Reims. Cathedral. West Portals. G 296 Reims. Cathedral. View from Northeast. G 297 Reims. Cathedral. Nave looking West. G 298 Reims. St. Remi. Nave looking West. G 299 Rouen. Cathedral. West End. European A rchiteciure xix G 300 Rouen. Cathedral. Tour de Beurre (Butter Tower). G 301 Rouen. Cathedral. Nave looking East. G 302 Rouen. St. Ouen. View from Southeast. G 303 Rouen. Palais de Justice. G 304 Rouen. Rue St. Romain. Half-timber Houses. G 305 St. Denis. Abbey Church. Nave looking Ka-t. G 306 St. Denis. Abbey Church. Choir and Ambulatory from Transept. G 307 St. Benoit-sur-Loire. Church. Apse. G 308 St. Benoit-sur-Loire. Church. Nave from Ambulatory. G 309 St. Germer. Church and Sainte Chapelle from South. G 310 St. Germer. Church. Nave looking East. G 311 St. Germer. Church. South Aisle looking East. G 312 St. Germer. Sainte Chapelle. G 313 St. Germer. Sainte Chapelle. Interior looking East. G 314 St. Gilles. West Portals. G 315 St. Leu d'Esserent. Church. West End. G 316 St. Leu d'Esserent. Church. Nave looking West. G 317 Senlis. Cathedral. View from South. G 318 Senlis. Cathedral. Nave looking East. G 319 Sens. Cathedral. Nave looking East. G 320 Soissons. Cathedral. South Transept. G 321 Soissons. Cathedral. Nave looking Ea-t . 'G 322 Toulouse. St. Sernin. View from Northwest. G 323 Toulouse. St. Sernin. East End. G 324 Toulouse. St. Sernin. Nave looking East. G 325 Tours. Cathedral. West End. G 326 Vezelay. Abbey Church. Nave from West IW.h. G 327 Vighory. Church. Nave looking East . Beauvais. Basse-oeuvre. Longitudinal Sect ion. Clermont-Ferrand. Notre- Dame-du- Port. TtMKvme Section. G 329 Caen. Ste. Triniteand St. Etiemie. Traiuvene Sections. G 330 Plans of French Gothic Cathedrals. Amiens, Chartn- and Paris. G 331 Longitudinal and Transverse sect ions of Gothic Amiens, Paris and Bourges. G 332 Plans of Gothic Chapels and Cathedrals. Le MaO*,Ste Chapelle (Paris) and Reims. xx European Architecture Renaissance G 333 Amboise. Chateau from the River. G 334 Azay-le-Rideau. Chateau. G 335 Blois. Chateau. Wing of Francis I. G 336 Blois. Chateau. Wing of Francis I, with Staircase. G 337 Blois. Chateau. Wing of Francis I. Detail of Staircase. G 338 Chambord. Chateau. G 339 Chenonceaux. Chateau. G 340 Fontainebleau. Cour du Cheval Blanc (Cour des Adieux). G 341 Paris. Hotel Carnavalet. Facade. G 342 Paris. Louvre. West Side of Court. G 343 Paris. Louvre. East Front. G 344 Paris. Luxembourg Palace from Garden. G 345 Rouen. House of " Diane de Poitiers." G 346 Versailles. Palace from East. G 347 Versailles. Palace from Gardens. G 348 Versailles. Palace. Galerie des Glaces. G 349 Versailles. Palace Chapel. G 350 Plans of Palaces. Louvre, Blois and Fontainebleau. English Architecture Mediaeval G 351 Barton-on-Humber. St. Peter's. Tower. G 352 Cambridge. St. Sepulchre. G 353 Cambridge. King's College. Chapel. Interior looking West. G 354 Canterbury'. Cathedral from Southwest. G 355 Canterbury. Cathedral from Southeast. G 356 Canterbury. Cathedral. Crypt. G 357 Canterbury. Cathedral. Choir looking West. G 358 Canterbury. Cathedral. Nave looking West. G 359 Canterbury. King's College. Porch. G 360 Durham. Cathedral. View from River. G 361 Durham. Cathedral. View from Southeast. G 362 Durham. Cathedral. Nave looking East. Durham. Cathedral. Galilee Chapel Edinburgh. Holyrood Palace. European Architecture xxi G 365 G 366 G 367 G 368 G 369 G 370 G 371 G 372 G 373 G 374 G 375 G 376 G 377 G 378 G 379 G 380 G 381 G 382 G 383 G 384 G 385 G 386 G 387 G 388 G 389 G 390 G 391 G 392 G 393 G 394 G 395 G 396 G 397 G 398 G 399 G 400 G 401 Edinburgh. Castle. View from Southeast. Edinburgh. St. Giles. West End. Ely. Cathedral. View from Southeast. Ely. Cathedral. Prior's Gateway. Ely. Cathedral. Nave looking East. Ely. Cathedral. Choir looking East. Exeter. Cathedral. East End. Exeter. Cathedral. Nave looking East. Fountains Abbey. View from East. Fountains Abbey. Nave looking East. Fur ness Abbey. View from South. Gloucester. Cathedral. View from Southeast. Gloucester. Cathedral. Gloucester. Cathedral. Iffley. Parish Church. Kenilworth. Castle. View from Northwest. Choir looking West. View from Southwest. West End. View from Northeast. Nave looking East. Choir looking West. Triforium of Angel Choir. Chapter House. View from South. Exterior of Henry VII's Choir looking East. Cloister. Lichfield. Cathedral. Lichfield. Cathedral. Cathedral. Cathedral. Cathedral. Cathedral. Cathedral. Cathedral. Cathedral. Westminster Abbey. Westminster Abbey. Lincoln. Lincoln. Lincoln. Lincoln. Lincoln. Lincoln. Lincoln. London. London. Chapel. London. Westminster Abbey. London. Westminster Abbey. London. Westminster Abbey. Chapel. London. Westminster Hall. London. Tower. St. John's Chapel. Malmesbury. Abbey. Nave looking West. Melrose. Abbey. View from South. Oxford. Cathedral. Nave and Choir. Oxford. Christ Church College. Oxford. Magdalen Tower. Choir looking East. Detail of Triforium. Interior of Henry VI I '- xxii European Architecture G 402 Peterborough. 'Cathedral. West Front. G 403 Peterborough. Cathedral. Nave looking West. G 404 Salisbury. Cathedral. West Front. G 405 Salisbury. Cathedral. View from Northeast. G 406 Salisbury. Cathedral. Nave looking East. G 407 Tintern Abbey. Nave looking West. G 408 Warwick. Castle. G 409 Wells. Cathedral. West Front. G 410 Wells. Cathedral. View from Southeast. G 411 Wells. Cathedral. Nave looking East. G 412 Winchester. Cathedral. View from Northwest. G 413 Winchester. Cathedral. North Transept. G 414 Winchester. Cathedral. Nave looking East. G 415 Windsor. Castle. View from River. G 416 Windsor. Castle. St. George's Chapel. G 417 York. Cathedral. West End. G 418 York. Cathedral. View from South. G 419 York. Cathedral. Nave looking East. G 420 York. Cathedral. Five Sisters Window. G 421 Plans of Gothic Cathedrals. Salisbury, Lincoln and York. Renaissance G 422 Burghley House. Facade. G 423 Haddon Hall. General View. G 424 Haddon Hall. View from Garden. G 425 Hampton Court. Entrance. G 426 Hampton Court. View from Gardens. G 427 London. St. Paul's. West End. G 428 London. *~~St. Paul's. Nave and Choir looking East. G 429 London. Whitehall. Banqueting Hall. G 430 Stratford. Harvard House. Spanish Architecture Moorish G 431 Cordova. Mosque. Interior. G 432 Cordova. Mosque. Mihrab. G 433 Cordova. Mosque. Dome of Mihrab. European Architecture xxiii G 434 Granada. Alhambra. General View. G 435 Granada. Alhambra. Court of the Myrtles. G 436 Granada. Alhambra. Court of the Lions. G 437 Granada. Alhambra. Hall of the Two Sisters: Wall. Mediaeval G 438 Plans of Gothic Churches. G 439 Avila. San Pedro. Exterior. G 440 Avila. San Vicente. Main Portal. G 441 Avila. San Vicente. Interior. G 442 Avila. Santo Tomas. Facade. G 443 Bafios de Cerrato. San Juan Bautista. Interior (before restoration). G 444 Barcelona. Cathedral. Interior. G 445 Barcelona. Santa Maria del Pino. Side View. G 446 Burgos. Cathedral. Facade and Towers. G 447 Burgos. Cathedral. Transepts and Crossing. G 448 Burgos. Cathedral. Interior of Lantern. G 449 Burgos. Cathedral. Cloister. G 450 Burgos. Convent of Las Huelgas. Nave. G 451 Guadalajara. Palace of Dukes de 1'Infantado. Facade. G 452 Guadalajara. Palace of Dukes de 1'Infantado. Court. G 453 Leon. Cathedral. Exterior. G 454 Leon. Cathedral. Nave looking West. G 455 Oviedo. San Miguel de Linio. Exterior. G 456 Sahagun. San Lorenzo. Apse. G 457 Salamanca. Old Cathedral. Nave. G 458 Salamanca. Old Cathedral. Exterior of Apse and Dome. G 459 Salamanca. Old Cathedral. Interior of Dome. G 460 San Cugat del Valles. Cloister Court. G 461 Santiago de Campostela. Cathedral. Navr. G 462 Santo Domingo de Silos. Monastery. Cloister Court. G 463 Segovia. San Esteban. South Porch and Tower. G 464 Seville. Cathedral. Exterior, with Giralda Tower. G 465 Seville. Cathedral. Interior. G 466 Tarragona. Cathedral. View from Cloister. G 467 Tarragona. Cathedral. Interior. G 468 Toledo. Cathedral. Interior. xxiv European Architecture G 469 Toledo. San Juan de los Reyes. Interior. G 470 Toro. Cathedral. Exterior. G 471 Valencia. La Lonja (Exchange). Facade. G 472 Valladolid. San Gregorio. Facade. Renaissance G 473 Escorial. Monastery. General View. G 474 Escorial. Church. Sanctuary. G 475 Granada. Cathedral. Interior. G 476 Salamanca. Palacio Monterey. Exterior. G 477 Saragossa. La Lonja (Exchange). Interior. G 478 Toledo. Hospital of Santa Cruz. Fagade. G 479 Toledo. Alcazar. Court. G 480 Valladolid. Cathedral. Facade. German Architecture G 481 Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle). Cathedral. Exterior from South. G 482 Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle). Cathedral. Interior. G 483 Cologne. Cathedral. West End. G 484 Cologne. Cathedral. From South. G 485 Cologne. Cathedral. Nave looking East. G 486 Cologne. Church of the Apostles. East End. G 487 Freiburg. Cathedral from Southeast. G 488 Goslar. Kaiserhaus. G 489 Hildesheim. St. Godehard. East End. G 490 Hildesheim. St. Godehard. Interior looking East. G 491 Hildesheim. Knochenhaueramthaus (Butchers' Guildhall). G 492 Laach. Abbey Church from Northwest. G 493 Laach. Abbey Church. Nave looking East. ** G 494 Mainz (Mayence). Cathedral from Southwest. G 495 Mainz. Cathedral. Nave looking East. G 496 Strassburg. Cathedral. West End. G 497 Strassburg. Cathedral. View across Nave. See D 464467, Sculptures. G 498 Ulm. Cathedral. From Southwest. G 499 Vienna. St. Stephen from Southwest. \J G 500 Worms. Cathedral from Southwest. . xj UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 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