T CODMAN & SHUETLEFF, 13 ^.IsTID 15 TIRIEIMIOilsrT BOSTON, MASS. MAKERS AND IMPORTERS OF SURGICAL AND DENTAL INSTRUMENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Would call the attention of the Medical Profession to their great variety of articles and apparatus intended for the use of the sick and invalids, among which are Rubber Ice and Hot Water Bags, Water Bottles, Ice Caps, Air Cushions, Urinals for ''Year on the Person, Porcelain Bed Pans and Urinals, Rubber Sheeting and Band- age Gum, Oiled Silk, Spongio-Piline, Bottle Taps, Feeding Cups and Tubes, Medicine Spoons, etc. Wheel Chairs, Arm Rests, Bed Bests, Crutches, Trusses, Supporters. Elastic Hose for Varicose Veins, etc., etc. Apparatus for Deformities and Deficiencies. French and American Galvanic Batteries, Electric Discs, Suspensories, Steam and Hand Atomizers, Nasal Douches, Syringes of every descrip- tion, Hearing Trumpets, Auricles and Conversation Tubes. ANTI DUST AND ANTI COLD AIB EESPIEATOES, Inhalers, Breast Pumps, etc., etc., all of best quality. AGENTS FOR DOUGLASS'S ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. Instruments and Apparatus of even' description made to order. Illustrated Catalogue of Surgical Instruments on application. UC51 Lib'KAKY THE BOSTON MEDICAL BOOKSTORE, A. WILLIAMS & CO., Medical and Scientific Booksellers, 283 Washington Street, cor. School. Catalogues, Medical, Scientific, and Miscellaneous, mailed on application. Very careful attention paid to mail orders. Subscriptions received for all Foreign and American Periodicals. HIT 1 The usual discount allowed to the profession and students. DR. WALTER CHANNING. Late of the Auburn, N. Y., and Danvers Insane Hospitals, WILL RECEIVE A FEW CASES OF MENTAL AND NERVOUS DISEASES, At his Residence in Brookline, Mass. P. O. address, Brookline, Mass. OFFICE IN BOSTON : 140 BOYHiSTOKT STREET. HOURS, 11-12 A. M. UNIVEKSITY OF THE CITY OF NEW YOKE, MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. 410 East Twenty-sixth St., op. Bellevue Hospital, New York City. THIRTY-NINTH SESSION. 1879-8O. FACULTY OF MEDICINE. REV. HOWARD CROSBY, D. D., Chancellor of the University. ALFRED C. POST, M. D., LL. D., Professor Emeritus of Clinical Surgery ; President of the Faculty. CHAS. I. PARDEE, M. D., Professor of Diseases of the Ear; Dean of the Faculty. JOHN C. DRAPER, M. D., LL. D., Professor of Chemistry. ALFRED L. LOOMIS, M. D., Professor of Pathology and Practice of Medicine. WILLIAM DARLING, A. M., M. D., F. R. C. S., Professor of Anatomy. WILLIAM H. THOMSON, M. D., Professor of Materia Mediea and Therapeutics. J. W. 8. ARNOLD, M. D., Professor of Physiology and Histology. J. WILLISTON WRIGHT, M. D., Professor of Surgery. WM. M. POLK, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children. FANEUIL D. WEISSE, M. D., Professor of Practical and Surgical Anatomy. LEWIS A. STIMSOX, M. D., Professor of Pathological Anatomy. AMBROSE L. RANNEY, M. D., Adjunct Professor of Anatomy. JOSEPH C. WINTERS, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. POST-GRADUATE FACULTY. D. B. ST. JOHN ROOSA, M. D., Professor of Ophthalmology. WM. A. HAMMOND, M. D., Professor of Diseases of the Mind and Nervous System. STEPHEN SMITH, M. D., Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery. J. W. S. GOULEY, M. D., Professor of Diseases of the Genito-Urinary System. MONTROSE A. FALLEN, M. D., Professor of Gynaecology. HE.VRY G PIFFARD, M. D., Professor of Dermatology. A. E. MACDONALD, M. D., Professor of Medical Jurisprudence. JAMES L. LITTLE, M. D., Clinical Professor of Surgery. THE COLLEGIATE YEAR is divided into three Sessions : A Preliminary Session, a Regular Winter Session, and a Spring Session. The Preliminary Session will commence September 17, 1879, and will con- tinue until the opening of the Regular Winter Session. It will be conducted on the plan of that Session. The Regular Winter Session will commence on the first of October, 1879, and end about the first of March, 1880. The location of the new College edifice being immediately opposite the gate of Bellevue Hospital, and a few steps from the ferry to Charity Hospital, Blackwell'g Island, the Students of the University Medical College are enabled to enjoy the ad- vantages afforded by these Hospitals, with the least possible loss of time. The Pro- fessors of the practical Chairs are connected with the Hospitals, and the University Students are admitted to all the Clinics given therein, free of charge. In addition to the daily Hospital Clinics, there are eight Clinics each week in the College building. Five Didactic Lectures will be given daily in the College Building, and Evening Recitations will be conducted by the Professors of Chemistry, Practice, Anatomy, Materia Mediea, etc., Physiology, Surgery, and Obstetrics, upon the sub- jects of their Lectures. The Spring Session embraces a period of twelve weeks, beginning in the first week of March and ending the last week of May. The daily Clinics, Recitations, and Special Practical Courses will be the same as in the Winter Session, and there will be lectures on Special Subjects by the members of the Post-Graduate Faculty. THE DISSECTING ROOM is open throughout the entire Collegiate year ; material is abundant, and it is furnished free of charge. STUDENTS WHO HAVE STUDIED TWO YEARS may be admitted to examination in Chemistry, Anatomy, and Physiology, and if successful, will be examined at the expiration of their full course of study, on Practice, Materia Med- iea and Therapeutics, Surgery, and Obstetrics ; but those who prefer it may have all their examinations at the close of their full term. FEES. For Course of Lectures, 140.00; Matriculation, $5.00; Practical Anatomy Fee, including material for dissection, $10.00 ; Graduation Fee, $30.00 ; Post-Graduate Certificate, $30.00. For further particulars and circulars, address the Dean, PROF. CHAS. INSLEE PARDEE, M. D., University Medical College, 410 East Twenty-sixth St., New York City. N. R. CAMPBELL & CO. (SUCCESSORS TO JAMES CAMPBELL), Respectfully call the attention of the Medical Profession to their un- surpassed facilities for supplying MEDICAL BOOKS, New or Old, promptly, and AT THE LOWEST PRICES. A full assortment of Books relating to MEDICINE, SURGERY,. DENTISTRY, PHARMACY, CHEMISTRY, and kindred sub. jects, ALWAYS ON HAND. Careful attention paid to mail orders, and all inquiries accompanied by a stamp, to pay return postage, promptly and carefully answered. Catalogues furnished upon application. 17 FRANKLIN ST., BOSTON, MASS. P. O. BOX 1052. THE PEIVATE INSTITUTION FEEBLE-MINDED YOUTH, At Jiarre, Mass,, ESTABLISHED, JUNE, 1848, Offers to parents and guardians superior facilities for the education and improvement of this class of persons, and the comforts of an elegant country home. GEORGE BROWN, M. D., SUPERINTENDENT. THE HIGHLANDS, WINCHENDON, MASS. DR. IRA RUSSELL, assisted bv his son, DR. F. W. RUSSELL, receives patients into his family who need treatment for NERVOUS AND MENTAL DISEASES. The utmost possible liberty is permitted, under suitable guardianship, to all the patients. Intelligent gentlemen are the attendants for male patients, and educated American women of experience are the companions and attendants for lady patients. Circulars, with references, can be obtained by addressing IRA RUSSELL, M. D., THE HIGHLANDS, WINCHHNDON, MASS. VALUABLE MEDICAL WORKS. A MANUAL OF THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF OPERATIVE SURGERY. By STEPHEN SMITH, A.M., M. D., Surgeon to Bellevue and St. Tincent Hospitals, New York. Very fully illustrated. 1 TO!., crown 8vo, 697 pages, cloth, 4.00 ; roan, $4.60. A handy book for practitioners, combining in a compact form all the essential mat- ter of the larger works on surgery. With numerous illustrations, and a full index which facilitates instant reference to all the details of operations. A TABULAR HANDBOOK OF AUSCULTATION AND PER- CUSSION. By HERBERT C. CLAPP, A. M., M. D., Instructor in Auscultation and Percussion in the Boston University School of Medicine, and Physician to the Heart and Lungs Department of the College Dispensary. Four plates. 8vo, TREATISE ON DENTAL CARIES. Experimental and Therapeutic Researches. By Dr. E. MAGITOT. Translated by THOMAS H. CHANDLER, M.D., .Dean of the Dental School of Harvard University. 8vo, $2.50. THE PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY OF THE EAR. By HER- MANN SCHWARTZE, M. D., Professor in the University of Halle. With the Au- thor's Revisions and Additions, and with the Original Illustrations. Translated by J. ORNE GREEN, A. M., M. D., Aural Surgeon, Boston City Hospital; Clinical Instructor in Otology in Harvard University. 8vo, $2.00. A COMPEND OF DIAGNOSIS IN PATHOLOGICAL ANAT- OMY. With directions for making Post-Mortem Examinations. By Dr. JO- HANNES OETH. Translated by G. K. SABINE, M. D., and F. C. SHATTDCK, M. D. Revised by R. H. FITZ, M. D. Svo, 93.50. THE ANATOMY OF THE HEAD. By THOMAS DWIGHT, M. D., Pro- fessor of Anatomy in the Medical School of Maine. 8vo, illustrated, $2.50. CIVIL MALPRACTICE. P'A treatise on Surgical Jurisprudence, with Chapters on Skill in Diagnosis and Treatment, Prognosis in Fractures, and on Negligence. By M. A. MCCLELLAND, M. D. 8vo, cloth, $3.50 ; sheep, $4.50. THE CURE OF RUPTURE, Reducible and Irreducible ; also, of Varicocele. By GEORGE HEATON, M. D. Edited^by J. H. DAVENPORT, M. D. 16mo, $1.50. A. PRACTICAL GUIDE TO THE STUDY OF DISEASES OF THE EYE. Their Medical and Surgical Treatment. By HENRI W. WILLIAMS, A. M., M. D. Crown 8vo, $3.00. RECENT ADVANCES IN OPHTHALMIC SCIENCE.\ IThe Boylston Prize Essay for 1865. By HKNEY W. WHLUMS^A. M., M. D. Crown 8vo, paper, $1.00. OUR EYES AND HOW TO TAKE CARE OF THEM. By HENRY W. WILLIAMS, A. M., M. D. 16mo, cloth, $1.00. AUTUMNAL CATARRH (Hay Fever). By MORRILL WTMAN, M. D. With illustrative maps and tables. 8vo, $2.00. %* These books can be obtained through Booksellers, or will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of price by the Publishers, HOUGHTON, OSGOOD & CO., BOSTON. 21 ASTOR PLACE, NEW YORK. SUNNYSIDE MEDICAL RETREAT FOR MENTAL AND NERVOUS DISEASES, INEBRIETY, AND THE OPIUM HABIT, Fort Washington, New York City. This home, under the management of Dr. EDWARD C. MANN, late Medical Superintendent of the New York State Emigrant Insane Asylum, receives cases of either sex affected with Mental Disorders, Inebriety, or the Opium Habit. The beauty of location and surroundings, extensive pleasure grounds, handsomely furnished apartments, and the attentions and comforts of home life, all combine to make Sunnyside an attractive and popular private retreat. Applications may be made to Dr. Mann, either by mail or person- ally, at 152d St., between 10th Ave. and Boulevard. Twelve trains daily from Hudson Kiver Depot, 30th St., and 10th Ave. Broadway and 23d St. line of stages run direct to depot. The profession respect- fully invited to call, and cordially welcomed. FQR_ PLEASURE, fiOMFORT, HEALTH, SMOKE THE OLD ORIGINAL, BRAND OF Durham Tobacco. BLACKWELL'S Genuine Durham SMOKING TOBACCO. See that it bears the Trade Nark of the Hull. Take no other. POPULAR BECAUSE RELIABLE. Put up in 1, 5, 1O, 25, 50, and 1OO Pound Cans. THEOPHILUS REDWOOD, Ph. D., F. C. S., Professor of Chem- istry and Pharmacy to the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, says in reference to this preparation : " UNGUENTUM PETROLEI appears to be obtained from crude Petro- leum by fractional distillation and subsequent purification. Products of a similar description have been introduced in pharmacy, and recom- mended as substitutes for animal or vegetable fats in the preparation of ointments or liniments. " Among these, the UNGUENTUM PETBOLEI is distinguished by its having a firmer consistence and a higher melting point, and in these respects it resembles pure lard, from which it differs in that it is en- tirely free from liability to become rancid or to undergo any chemical change. It has an amber color, and a smooth, jelly-like appearance, and is almost wholly free from odor or taste. It is free from, and in- soluble in water. It is very slightly soluble in rectified spirit, but very soluble in ether, in fixed oils and fats. I am of opinion that its char- acters and properties are such as to render it a valuable adjunct to our Materia Medico." Dr. TILBURY FOX (London), writes : " I like the UNGUENTUM PETROLEI very much indeed, and shall not fail to prescribe it." THE " LANCET " ANALYTICAL REPORT ON UNGUEHTUM PITROLEI. From the Lancet, London, October 20, 1877: " UNGUENTUM PETROLEI. Semi- transparent, pale yellow in color, and perfectly free from offensive smell. We con- sider it a valuable preparation, and hope its use will become as common in England as it is said to be in America/' From the Medical Times and Gazette, London, October 20, 1877:^" The sub- stance introduced under the name of UNGUENTUM PETROLEI is of abou t the consistence of good lard, has no smell, keeps any length of time, apparently, without becoming rancid, and may be exposed to any kind of atmosphere without undergoing chemical change. It has long been, we understand, in use in America, where it enjoys a wide-spread popularity ; and it will, we doubt not, come into extensive use here also as a vehicle for making ointments, as a demulcent in various diseases of the skin, and as a lubricant." PREPARED BY E.F. HOUGHTON & CO., 211 South Front St., Philadelphia. THE MEDICAL KEGISTER NEW ENGLAND. BY FRANCIS H. BROWN, M. D. BOSTON: HOUGHTON, OSGOOD AND COMPANY. C&e BtbermUe Prea*, Cambntoje. 1880. Copyright : FRANCIS H. BROWN, 1879. Thi Riverside Press, Cambridge : Printed by II. 0. Hough ton and Company. PEEFACE. IN the present edition of THE MEDICAL REGISTER the Author has again added largely to its contents. He has endeavored to place before the professional men of New England a strictly practical work, with such every-day in- formation as every physician, dentist, and pharmacist needs, and which it would cost much trouble and time to find, if found at all. The Author has again to thank many friends for their assistance. F. H. B. BOSTON, November, 1879. CONTENTS. ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. PAGl American Medical Association 3 Association of Medical Superintendents of American Institutions for the Insane 5 American Ophthalmological Society 6 American Otological Society 7 American Neurological Association 8 American Gynaecological Association 9 American Dermatological Association 10 American Laryngological Association 10 American Academy of Medicine 11 American Association for the Cure of Inebriates 12 American Public Health Association 12 American Social Science Association 14 Association of Medical Officers of American Institutions for Feeble-Minded and Idiotic Persons 15 New England Psychological Association 16 Association of American Medical Editors 17 American Medical College Association 17 American Dental Convention 17 American Dental Association 17 American Academy of Dental Science 18 American Pharmaceutical Association 20 National Board of Health "... 24 American Metric Bureau 25 Massachusetts Medical Society . . 27 Suffolk District Medical Society 31 Barnstable District Medical Society 32 Berkshire District Medical Society 32 Bristol North District Medical Society 33 Bristol South District Medical Society 33 Essex North District Medical Society 34 vi CONTENTS. PAGE Essex South District Medical Society 35 Franklin District Medical Society 35 Hampden District Medical Society 36 Hampshire District Medical Society 36 Middlesex East District Medical Society 37 Middlesex North District Medical Society 38 Middlesex South District Medical Society 38 Norfolk District Medical Society 39 Plymouth District Medical Society 40 Worcester District Medical Society 40 Worcester North District Medical Society 42 Massachusetts Medico-Legal Society 42 Massachusetts Dental Society 45 Merrimac Valley Dental Association 49 Connecticut Valley Dental Society 51 Massachusetts College of Pharmacy 51 Massachusetts MedicalrBenevolent Society 55 Boston Medical Association 58 Boston Society for Medical Observation 66 Boston Society for Medical Improvement 69 Obstetrical Society of Boston 71 Boston Society of Medical Sciences 72 Thursday Medical Club 73 South Boston Medical Club 74 Association of Life Insurance Examiners 74 Boston Society for Dental Improvement . 75 Boston Microscopical Society 76 Boston Druggists' Association 76 Dental Alumni Association of Harvard University 77 Harvard Odontological Society 77 Alumni Association of the Boston Dental College 78 Association of Alumni of the Massachusetts College of Phar- macy 78 Boylston Medical Society of Harvard University 79 Eoxbury Society for Medical Improvement 80 The Dorchester Medical Club 81 Walker Society for Medical Improvement 82 Boston Medical Library Association 83 Cambridge Society for Medical Improvement 84 Miller's River Medical Society 85 New Bedford Society for Medical Improvement . . ... 85 CONTENTS. vii FAOC Old Colony Medical Association 86 Newton Society for Medical Improvement 86 Pittsfield Medical Association 87 Springfield Society for Medical Improvement 87 Thurber Medical Association 88 Union Medical and Surgical Association 88 Worcester Association for Medical Improvement 89 Old Colony Dental Association 90 Maine Medical Association 90 Androscoggin County Medical Association 91 Cumberland County Medical Society 92 Penobscot County Medical Society 93 Somerset County Medical Society 94 Waldo County Medical Association 95 Portland Clinical Society 95 Mniue Dental Association 96 New Hampshire Medical Society 96 Centre District Medical Society 98 Connecticut River Valley Medical Society 99 Manchester Medical Society 100 Rockingham County Medical Society 101 Strafford District Medical Society 101 White Mountain Medical Society 102 New Hampshire Dental Society 103 New Hampshire Pharmaceutical Association 103 Vermont Medical Society 105 Addison County Medical Society 106 Burlington Medical and Surgical Club 106 Bennington County and Hoosick Medical Society 107 Chittenden County Medical Society 107 Franklin County Medical Association 108 St. Albans Medical Association 109 Orleans County Medical Society 109 Alumni Association of the Medical Department of the University of Vermont 110 Vermont Pharmaceutical Association Ill Rhode Island Medical Society 112 Providence Medical Association 113 Connecticut Medical Society 115 Fairfield County Medical Association 117 artford County Medical Association 117 viii CONTENTS. FAGI Hartford Medical Society 118 Hartford Library and Journal Association 118 Litchfield County Medical Association 118 Middlesex County Medical Association 119 New Haven County Medical Association 119 New Haven (City) Medical Association 119 New London County Medical Association 120 Nor walk Medical Society 120 Tolland County Medical Association 121 Windham County Medical Association 121 Connecticut State Dental Association 122 Connecticut Pharmaceutical Association 122 Connecticut Medico-Legal Society 122 MEDICAL SCHOOLS AND KINDRED INSTITUTIONS. Medical Department of Harvard University 125 Dental Department of Harvard University 135 Boston Dental College 140 School of Pharmacy of the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy . 142 Massachusetts Training School for Nurses 144 Boston City Hospital Training School for Nurses 147 Bo wdoin College Medical School of Maine 149 Portland School for Medical Instruction 152 Medical Department of Dartmouth College 154 Concord Medical School 157 University of Vermont Medical Department 157 Medical Department of Yale College 161 Connecticut Training School for Nurses 164 HOSPITALS AND DISPENSARIES. Massachusetts General Hospital 168 Boston City Hospital . . 172 McLean Asylum for the Insane 176 Boston Lying-in Hospital 177 Massachusetts Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary 178 Boston Lunatic Hospital 180 Deer Island Institutions Hospital Department 180 The Channing Home 181 House of the Good Samaritan 182 Carney Hospital 182 St. Joseph's Home for Sick and Destitute Servant Girls . . .183 CONTENTS. ix PAOI St. Elizabeth's Hospital 184 The Children's Hospital 185 St. Luke's Home 185 Washingtonian Home 186 Free Hospital for Women 187 St. Mary's Infant Asylum and Lying-in Ilospitul 187 Charlestown Free Dispensary and Hospital 188 Children's Sea-Shore Home 189 State Lunatic Hospitals 189 Psychopathic Retreat 192 Private Institution for Feeble-Minded Youth 192 Private Hospital for Mental and Nervous Disorders 192 Essex County Receptacle for the Insane 192 Shady Lawn 192 The Highlands 193 Herbert Hall 193 Adams Nervine Asylum 193 Cambridge Hospital 194 U. S. Naval Hospitals in New England 194 U. S. Marine Hospitals in New England 194 Lowell Hospital 194 St. John's Hospital, Lowell 195 Pacific Mills Home 195 St. Joseph's Hospital, New Bedford 195 Pittsfield House of Mercy 196 Salem Hospital 197 City Hospital, Springfield 198 Worcester City Hospital 198 Boston Dispensary 199 Dispensary for Diseases of Women 201 Dispensary for Children 201 Cambridge Dispensary 201 . Dispensary of the Dwight Manufacturing Company 202 Lowell Dispensary 203 Washburn Free Dispensary 203 Boston Diet Kitchen 204 South End Diet Kitchen 204 Maine General Hospital ... 204 Greely Hospital 206 Maine Insane Hospital 206 Portland Dispensary 206 X CONTENTS. PAQl New Hampshire Asylum for the Insane . . . '. 207 Rockingham County Insane Asylum 207 Mary Fletcher Hospital 207 Vermont Asylum for the Insane 208 Rhode Island Hospital 208 Butler Hospital for the Insane 210 Providence Dispensary 211 New Haven Hospital 212 Hartford Hospital 213 Retreat for the Insane, Hartford 213 Connecticut Hospital for the Insane, Middletown 214 Cromwell Hall 214 Spring Hill Home for Nervous Invalids 214 New Haven Dispensary 215 BENEVOLENT AND CHARITABLE ASSOCIATIONS AND ASYLUMS. Perkins Institution and Massachusetts Asylum for the Blind . . 219 Boston Asylum and Farm School for Indigent Boys 220 Temporary Home for the Destitute 220 Massachusetts School for Idiotic and Feeble-Minded Youth . .221 Children's Mission to the Children of the Destitute 222 Home for Aged Women 222 Home for Aged Colored Women 223 Home for Aged Men 224 Boston Provident Association 224 Boston North End Mission 225 Bureau of Charity 226 City Temporary Home 227 Church Home for Orphan and Destitute Children 227 Roxbury Charitable Society 228 Roxbury Home for Children and Aged Women 228 Infant School and Children's Home 229 Winchester Home for Aged Women 229 Avon Place Home 230 Massachusetts Infant Asylum 231 American Asylum for the Education and Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb 1 232 Other Institutions and Societies 233 : . CONTENTS. xi MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. PAOK U. S. Army Medical Service 241 U.S. Navy Medical Service 243 U. S. Marine Hospital Service 246 Examining Surgeons, Pension Bureau, Department of the Inte- rior 249 Medical Officers of Militia 252 State Board of Health, Lunacy, and Charity, Massachusetts . . 255 Medical Examiners, Massachusetts 256 Sanitary Association, Lynn, Mass 260 State Board of Health, Rhode Island 262 Sanitary Protective Association, Newport, R. 1 263 State Board of Health, Connecticut 264 Commissioner of Lunacy, Vermont 265 State Prison, Concord, Mass 265 State Reformatory Prison for Women, Sherborn, Mass. . . . 265 Commissioners of Pharmacy, New Hampshire 265 Statutes and Ordinances affecting Physicians and others . . . 265 Executive Officers, Boston, Mass 278 Medical Examiners for Life Insurance Companies 279 Public Baths 281 Fee Tables 281 Warren Museum of Harvard University 288 Warren Museum of Natural History 289 Medical Libraries 290 Medical Prizes 293 DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE.! Members of the Massachusetts Medical Society : Alphabetical List 299 Local List 368 Members of the Maine Medical Association : Alphabetical List 382 Local List 387 Members of the New Hampshire Medical Society : Alphabetical List 390 Local List 394 Members of the Vermont Medical Society : f Alphabetical List 397 Local List . 401 Xll CONTENTS. PAOI Members of the Rhode Island Medical Society : Alphabetical List 403 Local List 408 Members of the Connecticut Medical Society : Alphabetical List 409 Local List 419 Anatomical Draughtsman 423 Artificial Limb Makers and Dealers 423 Chemists (Analytical and Consulting) 424 Earth Closets 424 Leeches Applied 424 Medical Booksellers and Publishers 424 Medical Chairs 424 Instruments : Electro-Magnetic 424 Surgical and Dental 424 Microscopes, Microscope Materials, and Optical Instruments . . 424 Dealers in Vaccine Virus 425 Directory for Nurses 425 Veterinary Surgeons 425 ADDITIONS AND CORBECTIONS 427 INDEX . 429 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. MEDICAL REGISTER. ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. American Medical Association. IN May, 1846, a convention of medical men was held in the city of New York, which declared it expedient for the medical profession of the United States to institute a Na- tional Medical Association. In May, 1847, the convention assembled at Philadelphia, reorganized, and, having adopted a series of regulations, became known as " The American Medical Association." Its first annual meeting was con- vened in Baltimore, May 2, 1848 ; and, since that time, with the exception of the years 1861 and 1862, annual sessions have been held in large cities in different parts of the country. Delegates may be appointed to the association from permanently organized state medical societies, and such county and district medical societies as are recognized by representation in their respective state societies, and from the Medical Department of the Army and Navy of the United States. Persons who have served in the capacity of delegates become permanent members, and are priv- ileged to attend the meetings and participate in the affairs of the association, but without the right of voting. Any reputable physician, who is vouched for as such by three of the active or permanent members, can attend the meet- ings of the association, and is " entitled to participate in all its affairs, as in the case of delegates, except the right to vote." 4 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. " Each state, county, and district medical society, en- titled to representation, shall have the privilege of sending to the association one delegate for every ten of its regular resident members, and one for every additional fraction of more than half that number. " The medical staffs of the army and navy shall be en- titled to four delegates each." The meetings of the association are held annually, and commence on the first Tuesday in May, or first Tuesday in June. The next annual meeting will be held at New York, on the first Tuesday in June, 1880. The sum of five dollars is assessed annually upon each delegate to the sessions of the association, as well as upon each of the permanent members, whether present or not. Permanent members who, for three years, fail to pay this assessment are stricken from the roll of membership. A Judicial Council, consisting of twenty-one members, is intrusted with the decision of all questions of an ethical or judicial character. The decisions of this Council are final. A prize is offered annually by a committee of the asso- ciation for essays on medical subjects. (See article on Prizes.) The thirtieth volume of the Transactions will be pub- lished in November, 1879. The officers for the year 1879-80 are : President L. A. Sayre, M. D., New York, N. Y. Vice-Presidents Drs. K. B. Cole, California ; E. M. Hunt, New Jersey ; H. O. Marcy, Massachusetts ; F. P. Porcher, South Carolina. Treasurer R. J. Dunglison, M. D., Philadelphia, Pa. Permanent Secretary W. B. Atkinson, M. D., 1400 Pine Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Assistant Secretary Walter Gillette, M. D., New York, N. Y. Librarian William Lee, M. D., Washington, D. C. Committee on Library Johnson Eliot, M. D., Washington, D. C. Committee of Arrangements L. O. Vanderpoel, M. D., New York, N. Y., Chairman. UNITED STATES. 5 Committee on Publication W. B. Atkinson, M. D., Philadelphia, Pa., Chairman. Committee on Prize Essays Austin Flint, Sen., M. D., New York, N. Y., Chairman. Committee on Necrology J. M. Toner, M. D., Washington, D. C., Chairman. SECTION 1. Practice of Medicine, Materia Medica, and Physiology. J. S. Lynch, M. D., Maryland, Chairman. W. C. Glasgow, M. D., Missouri, Secretary. SECTION 2. Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children. Albert Smith, M. D., Pennsylvania, Chairman. Robert Battey, M. D., Georgia, Secretary. SECTION 3. Surgery and Anatomy. W. T. Briggs, M. D., Tennessee, Chairman. J. P. Adams, M. D., Minnesota, Secretary. SECTION 4. State Medicine, Medical Jurisprudence, etc. J. F. Hibbard, M. D., Indiana, Chairman. T. F. Wood, M. D., North Carolina, Secretary. SECTION 5. Ophthalmology, etc. B. A. Pope, M. D., Louisiana, Chairman. Eugene Smith, M. D., Michigan, Secretary. Association of Medical Superintendents of American Institutions for the Insane. The association was formed in Philadelphia in 1844, for the discussion of and consultation upon all matters pertain- ing to the welfare, best care, management, and medical and moral treatment of the insane. Past and present medical superintendents of all institutions for the insane, both pub- lic and private, throughout the American continent, are entitled to membership. About eighty hospitals are rep- resented, and the association includes one hundred and twenty members. The meetings are held annually, in May or June, at such places as may be agreed on by vote of the association. The next meeting will be held at Philadelphia, on the third Tuesday in May, 1880. The Transactions of the society are published in the " American Journal of Insanity." ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. OFFICERS. President C. A. Walker, M. D., Boston, Mass. Vice-President J. H. Callender, M. D. Nashville, Term. Treasurer and Secretary John Curwin, M. D., Harrisburg, Pa. MEMBEKS LIVING IN NEW ENGLAND. Merrick Bemis, Worcester, Mass. H. M. Quinby, Worcester, Mass. J. P. Brown, Taunton, Mass. C. A. Walker, Boston, Mass. Edward Cowles, Somerville, Mass. H. M. Harlow, Augusta, Me. J. H. Denney, Boston, Mass. J. P. Bancroft, Concord, N. H. Pliny Earle, Northampton, Mass. E. R. Chapin, Brattleboro', Vt. Edward Jarvis, Dorchester, Bos- Joseph Draper, Brattleboro', Vt. ton, Mass. J. W. Sawyer, Providence, R. I. G. F. Jelly, Boston, Mass. H. W. Buell, Litchfield, Conn. C. S. May, Danvers, Mass. J. S. Butler, Hartford, Conn. Edward Mead, Roxbury, Boston, W. B. Hallock, Cromwell, Conn. Mass. A. M. Shew, Middletown, Conn. J. G. Park, Worcester, Mass. H. P. Stearns, Hartford, Conn. American Ophthalmological Society. Organized in June, 1864. The purpose of this society is to advance the knowledge of ophthalmic science and art. Its members must be graduates in medicine, in good pro- fessional standing, who have an interest in ophthalmology. Candidates for membership must be nominated by two members of the society at one annual meeting, and are balloted on at the next annual meeting. Honorary mem- bers are elected in the same manner as active members. By an article of the constitution, adopted July 21, 1868, it is provided that " No member of this society shall attach to his name, in any public announcement, the title of ocu- list, or any similar title, or shall announce in print that he gives particular or exclusive attention to special practice." The annual meeting is held on the fourth Thursday of July, usually at Newport, R. I. The annual assessment is ten dollars. UNITED STATES. 1 The society publishes its Transactions, including the papers read at the annual meeting. OFFICERS. President H. D. Noyes, M. D., New York, N. Y. Vice-President W. F. Norris, M. D., Philadelphia, Pa. Recording Secretary and Treasurer R. H. Derby, M. D., New York, N. Y. Corresponding Secretary J. S. Prout, M. D., Brooklyn, N. Y. Publishing Committee Drs. E. G. Loring, D. B. St. J. Eoosa, K. H. Derby. MEMBERS LIVING IN NEW ENGLAND. David Coggin, Salem, Mass. J. J. B. Vermyne, New Bedford, W. S. Dennett, Boston, Mass. Mass. Hasket Derby, Boston, Mass. O. F. Wadsworth, Boston, Mass. J. H. Dix, Boston, Mass. Robert Willard, Boston, Mass. L. S. Dixon, Worcester, Mass. H. W. Williams, Boston, Mass. Gustavus Hay, Boston, Mass. C. H. Williams, Boston, Mass. B. J. Jeffries, Boston, Mass. H. G. Miller, Providence, R. I. H. L. Shaw, Boston, Mass. W. H. Carmalt, New Haven, F. P. Sprague, Boston, Mass. Conn. HONORART MEMBERS. G. A. Bethune, Boston, Mass. R. W. Hooper, Boston, Mass. Edward Reynolds, Boston, Mass. American Otological Society. This society was organized July 22, 1868, at Newport, R. L, for the advancement of aural science and art. Its members must be graduates in medicine, in good profes- sional standing, who have an interest in the ear and its diseases. Candidates must be proposed by two members, and are balloted on at the annual meeting. Honorary members may be chosen by the society. By a provision of the constitution, no member of this society is permitted to attach to his name the title of aurist, or any similar title, or shall announce in print that he gives attention to special practice. 8 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. The annual meeting is held on the third Wednesday of July, usually at Newport, R. I. The Transactions of the society are published annually. OFFICERS. President A. H. Buck, M. D., New York, N. Y. Vice-President C. H. Burnett, M. D., Philadelphia, Pa. Treasurer and Secretary J. J. B. Vermyne, M. D., New Bedford, Mass. Committee on Publication Drs. J. J. B. Vermyne, C. J. Blake, J. Orne Green. Committee on Progress of Otology Drs. C. H. Burnett, R. M. Ber- tolet. MEMBERS LIVING IN NEW ENGLAND. C. J. Blake, Boston, Mass. H. L. Shaw, Boston, Mass. J. H. Dix, Boston, Mass. J. J. B. Vermyne, New Bedford, J. Orne Green, Boston, Mass. Mass. H. G. Miller, Providence, R. I. American Neurological Association. The association was organized at New York, June 2, 1875. It has for its object the promotion of the study of neurological science in all its departments. The associa- tion includes active members, who may not exceed fifty at any time, and who must be residents of the United States, and foreign associate members, not exceeding at any time twenty-five, who must be non-residents. No one is eligible for membership unless he has previously sub- mitted a paper on some subject connected with neurological science, which paper must be approved by the Council. Active members only are entitled to vote at the meetings, and they alone are eligible to office. The annual session is held on the first Monday in June, at a place designated by the association at the previous annual session, and continues for three days. The annual assessment for each member is five dollars. The Transactions of the association are published an- nually, and also in the " Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases." UNITED STATES. OFFICERS. President F. T. Miles, M. D., Baltimore, Md. Vice-President R. T. Edes, M. D., Boston, Mass. Secretary and Treasurer -r- E. C. Seguin, M. D., New York, N. Y. Council Drs. F. P. Kinnicutt, New York, N. Y., and L. C. Gray, Brooklyn, N. Y. MEMBERS LIVING IN NEW ENGLAND. R. T. Edes, Roxbury, Boston, Mass. J. J. Putnam, Boston, Mass. D. F. Lincoln, Boston, Mass. S. G. Webber, Boston, Mass. American Gynecological Society. The inaugural meeting was held in New York, June 3, 1876. The object of this society is the promotion of knowledge in all that relates to the diseases of women and obstetrics. The number of Fellows is limited to sixty, with the idea of including only those physicians of the United States who devote their attention especially to this branch of medical science and practice. No one is eligible for active fellowship until he shall have submitted to the Council a paper on some subject connected with gynaeco- logical science. Meetings are held annually at such places as may be de- termined by the society. The Transactions of the society will be published an- nually. Through the courtesy of Dr. J. S. Billings, in charge of the National Medical Library, at Washington, each volume of the transactions of the society will con- tain a complete index of the current gynecological and ob- stetric literature of the twelve months preceding. OFFICERS. President T. G. Thomas, M. D., New York, N. Y. Vice-Presidents D. H. Storer, M. D., Boston, Mass.; H. P. C. Wilson, M. D., Baltimore, Md. Treasurer P. F. Munde', M. D., New York, N. Y. Secretary J. R. Clmdwick, M. D., Boston, Mass. 10 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. Council Drs. T. A. Emmet t, A. H. Smith, John Byrne, G. J. Engelmann. MEMBERS LIVING IN NEW ENGLAND. G. H. Bixby, Boston, Mass. W. L. Kichardson, Boston, Mass. J. R. Chadwick, Boston, Mass. A. D. Sinclair, Boston, Mass. G. H. Lyman, Boston, Mass. D. H. Storer, Boston, Mass. American Dermatological Association. Organized September 7, 1876. Its object is to promote the study of dermatology in all its relations. Its mem- bership is restricted to regular graduates in medicine of good standing, and specially interested in dermatology. These are active, or residents of the United States, and honorary, limited to ten at any one time, residents of this or a foreign country. All members are elected by ballot, on recommendation of the Council, on one day's previous notice or public presentation of their names. Only active members can vote. Meetings of the association are held annually at time and place agreed upon at previous meet- ing, and continue at least three days. Annual dues, five dollars. All papers read become the property of the association. Their disposition is under the control of the Council. OFFICERS. President L. A. Duhring, M. D., Philadelphia, Pa. Vice-Presidents Edward Wigglesworth, M. D., Boston, Mass. ; W. A. Hardaway, St. Louis, Mo. Treasurer I. E. Atkinson, M. D., Baltimore, Md. Secretary Arthur Van Harlingen, M. D., Philadelphia, Pa. MEMBERS LIVING IN NEW ENGLAND. F. B. Greenough, Boston, Mass. J. C. White, Boston, Mass. B. J. Jeffries, Boston, Mass. E. Wigglesworth, Boston, Mass. American Laryngological Association. Organized at Buffalo, N. Y., June 3, 1878. The object of the association is the promotion of knowledge in all UNITED STATES. 11 that relates to diseases of the upper air passages. Mem- bers of the association are known as Fellows, Correspond- ing and Honorary Fellows. The number of Fellows is lim- ited to fifty, that of Corresponding Fellows to thirty, and of Honorary to five American and fifteen foreign members. No one is eligible for active fellowship until he has sub- mitted to the Council a paper on some subject connected with laryngological science. The annual meeting is held in June. OFFICERS. President Louis Elsburg, M. D., New York, N. Y. Vice-President F. H. Davis, M. D., Chicago, HI. Secretary and Treasurer G. M. Lefferts, M. D., New York, N. Y. Librarian F. H. Baseworth, M. D., New York, N. Y. Council The President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, and Drs. W. C. Glasgow, St. Louis, Mo.; E. L. Shurley, Detroit, Mich.; J. H. Hartman, Baltimore, Md.; 11. P. Lincoln, New York, N. Y. MEMBERS LIVING IK NEW ENGLAND. F. I. Knight, Boston, Mass. Ephraim Cutter, Cambridge, Mass. American Academy of Medicine. Organized in September, 1876, with the object of pro- moting a higher standard of educational attainment in the profession, and in order to bring into relation with each other alumni of classical and medical schools, for the extension of the bounds of medical science, the relief of human suf- fering, and the prevention of disease. A candidate for membership must be a graduate of a respectable institution of learning, having received from it the degree of A. B. after a systematic course of study, pre- paratory and collegiate, of at least six years ; the degree of A. M. in course in accordance with the usages of such institutions, and that of M. D., after a regular course of at least three years. He must also have been in the actual practice of medicine for at least three years. The initiation 12 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. fee, which is the only pecuniary consideration, is five dol- lars. Regular meetings are held annually on the third Tuesday in September, and every alternate meeting is held in New York. OFFICERS. President Lewis H. Steiner, M. D., Frederic, Md. Vice-Presidents Vrs. R. L. Sibbet, Carlisle, Pa. : E. H. M. Sell, New York, N. Y. ; G. H. Larrison, New Jersey ; E. H. Sutton, Pitts- burgh, Pa. Treasurer N. A. Baldwin, M. D., Brooklyn, N. Y. Secretary R. J. Dunglison, M. D., Easton, Pa. American Association for the Cure of Inebriates. Organized in New York, November 29, 1870, to study the disease of inebriety, to discuss its proper treatment, and endeavor to bring about a cooperative public senti- ment and jurisprudence. Superintendents, physicians, and delegates from boards of directors of institutions for the treatment of inebriates are eligible to membership. The annual meeting is held on the second Tuesday of October, at such places as may be agreed on from year to year, generally in the city of New York. The Proceedings of the society and the essays read at the annual meeting are published annually. OFFICERS. President Willard Parker, M. D., New York, N. Y. Vice-President Albert Day, M. D., Boston, Mass. Secretary and Treasurer T. D. Crothers, M. D., New London, Conn. American Public Health Association. Formed in New York, April 18, 1872, for the advance- ment of sanitary science, and the promotion of organiza- tions and measures for the practical application of public hygiene. The members are selected with reference to their ac- UNITED STATES. 13 knowledged interest in or devotion to sanitary studies and allied sciences, and to the practical employment of the same. Such persons may be proposed to the Executive Committee, and, if approved by them, will be balloted on at a regular meeting of the association. The annual fee for membership is five dollars. The time and place of the annual meeting are fixed at the preceding annual meeting. The meetings are occupied with the reading of papers prepared by committees, and in their discussion. Special meetings may be held at such times and places as may be directed by the Executive Committee. OFFICERS. President J. L. Cabell, M. D., Charlottesville, Va. First Vice-President J. S. Billings, M. D., Washington, D. C. Second Vice-President Samuel Choppin, M. D., New Orleans, La. Treasurer H. B. Baker, M. D., New York, N. Y. Secretary E. H. Janes, M. D., New York, N. Y. Executive Committee Drs. C. B. White, Louisiana ; T. J. Turner, U. S. N. ; E. M. Hunt, New Jersey ; J. D. Plunkett, Tennessee; C. F. Folsom, Massachusetts ; C. N. Hewitt, Minnesota. MEMBERS LIVING IN NEW ENGLAND. Nathan Allen, Lowell, Mass. G. V. Carr, Providence, R. I. Azel Ames, Wakefield, Mass. J. R. Chadwick, Boston, Mass. G. T. Angell, Boston, Mass. C. W. Chamberlain, Hartford, Francis Bacon, New Haven, Conn. Conn. W. F. Channing, Providence, R. I. C. J. Blake, Boston, Mass. B. H. Cheeney, New Haven, H. I. Bowditch, Boston, Mass. Conn. H. P. Bowditch, Boston, Mass. H. G. Clark, Boston, Mass. A. W. Boardman, Boston, Mass. S. C. Cobb, Boston, Mass. E. H. Bradford, Boston, Mass. G. L. Collins, Providence, R. I. W. H. Brewer, New Haven, Edward Cowles, Somerville, Mass. Conn. H. G. Crowell, Boston, Mass. Henry Bronson, New Haven, Ephraim Cutter, Cambridge, Conn. Mass. L. C. Butler, Essex, Vt. J. P. Davis, Boston, Mass. 14 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. T. A. Doyle, Providence, R. I. A. H. Nichols, Roxbury, Boston, F. W. Draper, Boston, Mass. Mass. S. H. Durgin, Boston, Mass. C. W. Parsons, Providence, R I. J. W. C. Ely, Providence, R. I. J. C. Parsons, Hartford, Conn. H. L. Eustis, Cambridge, Mass. R. S. Peabody, Boston, Mass. George Engs, Newport, R. I. F. H. Peckham, Providence, R. I. C. F. Folsom, Boston, Mass. L. S. Pendleton, Lewiston, Me. G. F. French, Portland, Me. E. S. Philbrick, Boston, Mass. Wolcott Gibbs, Cambridge, Mass. E. C. Pickering, Boston, Mass. J. T. Gilman, Portland, Me- Peter Pineo, Hyannis, Mass. George Gray, Nashua, N. H. C. P. Putnam, Boston, Mass. E. E. Hale, Boston, Mass. George Raymond, Fitchburg, A. C. Hamlin, Bangor, Me. Mass. Edward Hitchcock, Amherst, W. L. Richardson, Boston, Mass. Mass. J. D. Runkle, Boston, Mass. H. D. Holton, Brattleboro', Vt. F. B. Sanborn, Concord, Mass. E. N. Horsford, Cambridge, Mass. J. W. Sawyer, Providence, R. I. J. W. Hubbell, New Haven, Conn. J. H. Shedd, Providence, R. I. E. Jarvis, Dorchester, Boston, D. P. Smith, Springfield, Mass. Mass. H. P. Stearns, Hartford, Conn. J. A. Judson, Newport, R. I. S. H. Tewksbury, Portland, Me. S. Lawton, Bangor, Me. C. H. Thomson, New Haven, F. L. Lee, Boston, Mass. Conn. C. H. Leonard, Providence, R. I. J. B. Upham, Boston, Mass. D. F. Lincoln, Boston, Mass. H. Van Brunt, Boston, Mass. W. P. P. Longfellow, Boston, William Ware, Boston, Mass. Mass. Robert White, Jr., Boston, Mass. Joseph Levering, Cambridge, Mass. O. C. Wiggin, Providence, R. I. Timothy Newell, Providence, R. I. E. Wigglesworth, Boston, Mass. William Nichols, Boston, Mass. H. W. Williams, Boston, Mass. E. S. Wood, Cambridge, Mass. American Social Science Association. Organized in 1865. The objects of the association are to aid the development of social science, and to guide the public mind to the best practical means of improvement in the several departments of 1. Education; 2. Health; 3. Trade and Finance ; 4. Social Economy ; 5. Jurispru- dence. There are five Department Committees, charged with the supervision of their respective departments, as above UNITED STATES. 15 named. Head-quarters in Boston. Branch associations exist at Philadelphia, Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, and New Haven. The chief work of the association at present is repre- sented by the general meetings, held yearly in different cities. Most of the papers read at these meetings are printed in the journal of the association, of which one or two numbers appear annually. Any person may become a member by paying five dollars and an annual assessment, at present fixed at five dollars. Payment of one hundred dollars constitutes life-membership. The Department Committees were all reorganized in 1873. Each one elects its own members, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee. That of the De- partment of Health numbers at present fifty-eight mem- bers. Its functions are nominally confined to the transact- ing of business, under the Executive Committee, but it constitutes, de facto, a private society for the study of san- itary science and medical jurisprudence, holding its ses- sions for the latter purpose on the third Wednesday of each month. OFFICERS. President D. C. Gilinan, Baltimore, Md. Treasurer H. A. Hill, Boston, Mass. Secretary F. B. Sanborn, Concord, Mass. Chairman, Department of Health G. E. Waring, Jr., Newport, R. I. Secretary, Department of Health D. F. Lincoln, M. D., Boston, Mass. Association of Medical Officers of American Institutions for Idiotic and Feeble-Minded Persons. Organized in 1876, at Media, Pa. " Its objects are the discussion of all questions relating to the causes, condi- tions, and statistics of idiocy, and to the management, train- ing, and education of idiots and feeble-minded persons." Its membership is confined to those who are actively or officially engaged in the work, or who have distinguished 16 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. themselves by some literary or other highly meritorious service. It holds annual meetings, usually at some established institution, and in the month of June. OFFICERS. President H. B. Wilbur, M. D., Syracuse, N. Y. Secretary I. N. Kerlin, M. D., Media, Pa. MEMBERS LIVING IN NEW ENGLAND. George Brown, Barre, Mass. H. M. Knight, Lakeville, Conn. Edward Jarvis, Dorchester, Bos- G. G. Tarbell, Roxbury, Boston, ton, Mass. Mass. New England Psychological Society. The association was founded December 14, 1875, and in- cludes the past and present Superintendents of Insane Asy- lums in New England. Meetings are held quarterly in the months of December, March, June, and September. OFFICERS. President H. M. Harlow, M. D., Augusta, Me. Vice-President C. A. Walker, M. D., Boston, Mass. Treasurer and Secretary H. M. Quinby, M. D., Worcester, Mass. J. P. Brown, Taunton, Mass. H. M. Harlow, Augusta, Me. J. H. Denny, Boston, Mass. J. P. Bancroft, Concord, N. H. Pliny Earle, Northampton, Mass. Joseph Draper, Brattleboro', Vt. G. F. Jelly, Boston, Mass. J. W. Sawyer, Providence, R. I. C. S. May, Danvers, Mass. J. S. Butler, Hartford, Conn. J. G. Park, Worcester, Mass. A. M. Shew, Middletown, Conn. H. M. Quinby, Worcester, Mass. H. P. Stearns, Hartford, Conn. C. A. Walker, Boston, Mass. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS. Geo. Brown, Barre, Mass. Ira Russell, Winchendon, Mass. T. W. Fisher, Boston, Mass. H. M. Knight, Lakeville, Conn. W. H. Lathrop, Tewksbury, Mass. G. W. Russell, Hartford, Conn. UNITED STATES. 17 Association of American Medical Editors. This association was organized in 1869. The first meeting was held at New Orleans, May 6, 1869, and meetings have been held annually since that date at the same time and place as the meetings of the American Medical Association. All editors of medical journals are considered to be members of the association, and, when present, participate in the meetings without the formality of an election to membership. OFFICERS. President T. S. Powell, M. D., Atlanta, Ga. Vice-President Frank Woodberry, M. D., Philadelphia, Pa. Permanent Secretary F. H. Davis, M. D., Chicago, 111. American Medical College Association. Organized June 2, 1876, to consider all matters relating to reform in medical college work. OFFICERS. President S. D. Gross, M. D., Philadelphia, Pa. Vice-President N. S. Davis, M. D., Chicago, 111. Secretary and Treasure* Leartus Connor, M. D., Detroit, Mich. American Dental Convention. Organized in Philadelphia, August, 1855. OFFICERS. President John Allen, New York, N. Y. '\ 7 ice-President C. S. Hurlbut, Springfield, Mass. Treasurer J. G. Ambler, New York, N. Y. Recording Secretary Ambler Tees, Philadelphia, Pa. American Dental Association. Organized at Niagara Falls, August 3, 1859, and in Washington, D. C., July 31, 1860. 2 18 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. OFFICERS. President A. L. Northrop, D. D. S. Vice-Presidents H. J. McKellops, D. D. S., H. A. Smith, D. D. S. Treasurer W. H. Goddard, D. D. S. Recording Secretary C. S. Smith, D. D. S. Corresponding Secretary J. H. McQuillan, M. D. American Academy of Dental Science. The object of this society is to promote the theoretical and practical knowledge of dentistry, and to elevate the standard of the science and the requirements of practition- ers of the profession. It was organized September 9, 1867. The Academy consists of Active, Associate, and Hon- orary Fellows. Active Fellows must be residents of Mas- sachusetts, and have received the degree of Doctor of Medicine, or Doctor of Dental Surgery, or Dental Medi- cine. Associate Fellows may be non-residents, but must have the same qualifications as Active Fellows. Honorary Fellows shall be such persons as are distinguished for their scientific and professional merits, either as dentists or phy- sicians. Other practitioners may be members, who, after a special and satisfactory examination by the Board of Censors, shall be recommended for membership. Two thirds of the Fellows present voting in the affirmative shall admit a candidate, who must sign the constitution and by-laws, and pay the admission fee of five dollars. There is also an annual assessment of five dollars on each Active Fellow, and each Associate Fellow residing in New England. The regular meetings of the Academy are held in Bos- ton on the first Wednesday of each month, except August, September, and October, at seven o'clock, p. M. The annual meeting is held in Boston on the last Mon- day in September, at ten o'clock, A. M., for the election of UNITED STATES. 19 officers, and the transaction of such business as may pro- mote the welfare of the Academy. 1 OFFICERS. President D. M. Parker, M. D., Boston. Vice-President E. G. Tucker, M. D., Boston. Recording Secretary W. L. Tucker, D. M. D., Boston. Corresponding Secretary G. T. Moffatt, M. D., D. M. D., Boston. Treasurer L. D. Shcpard, D. D. S., Boston. Librarian John Clough, M. D., Woburn. Censors J. L. Williams, M. D., W. W. Codman, M. D., E. N. Harris, D. D. S. MEMBERS PRACTISING IN NEW ENGLAND. Massachusetts. J. F. Adams, D. D. S., 4 Elm Street Worcester. J. H. Batchelder, M. D., 20 Washington Salem. E. P. Bradbury, D. M. D., 124 Commonwealth Avenue . Boston. H. F. Bishop, D. D. S., 30 Pearl Worcester. John Clough, M. D Woburn. T. H. Chandler, D. M. D., 222 Tremont Boston. John T. Codman, D. M. D., 347 Columbus Avenue . . Boston. William W. Codman, M. D., 113 Pinckney Boston. D. S. Dickerman, D. D. S., 74 Pearl Taunton. A. M. Dudley, D. D. S., 223 Essex Salem. Charles Eastham, M. D., 25 Tremont Boston. Albert T. Emery, D. D. S., 1 Mt. Vernon Boston. J. E. Fiske, M. D Salem. E. W. Foster, M. D., 5 Park Boston. E. N. Harris, D. D. S., 5 Park Boston. Daniel Harwood, M. D., 109 Boylston Boston. George T. Moffatt, M. D., D. M. D., 196 Boylston . . . Boston. D. M. Parker, M. D., 132 Boylston Boston. A. F. Preston, 21 Mt. Vernon Boston. William H. Rollins, D. M. D., 12 Beacon Boston. L. D. Shepard, D. D. S., 100 Boylston Boston. Elisha G. Tucker, M. I)., 11 Ashburton Place .... Boston. 1 The Academy has published The History of Dental and Oral Sci- ence in America during the past One Hundred Years, Boston and Philadel- phia 1876, pp. 286. 20 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. Joshua Tucker, M. D., 196 Boylston Boston. W. L. Tucker, D. M. D., 1 1 Ashburton Place .... Boston. J. L. Williams, M. D., 1 Mt. Vernon Boston. C. P. Wilson, D. M. D., 85 Newbury Boston. New Hampshire. A. P. Stevens, D. D. S Portsmouth. Rhode Island. C. A. Brackett, D. M. D Newport. W. B. Dennis, D. D. S Providence. W. B. Mead, D. D. S Providence. F. N. Seabury, D. D. S Providence. T. D. Thompson, D. D. S Providence. Connecticut. James McManus, D. D. S Hartford. J. M. Riggs, M. D. S Hartford. American Pharmaceutical Association. Organized at New York, October 15, 1851. The aim of this body is to unite the educated and reputable pharma- cists and druggists of the United States, for their own im- provement, for the advancement of the science and art of pharmacy, and for the good of the community at large. Every pharmacist or druggist of good standing, and teach- ers of pharmacy, chemistry, and materia medica through- out the United States, are eligible to membership. All local organizations of pharmacists are entitled to represen- tation by five delegates at the annual meeting of the asso- ciation, who become members for that year on paying the annual contribution. Pharmacists, chemists, and other sci- entific men, who may be thought worthy the distinction, may be elected honorary members. The fee for initiation is five dollars, and the same sum is to be paid by members as an annual fee. The payment of seventy-five dollars constitutes the person a life-member. The association holds its meetings annually, in Septem- ber, at such places as may be decided by vote. UNITED STATES. 21 The Proceedings of the association are published annu- ally. The officers for the year 1878-79 are : President G. J. Luhn, Charleston, S. C. First Vice-President F. T. Whiting, Great Barrington, Mass. Second Vice-President H. J. Rose, Toronto, Can. Third Vice-President W. H. Crawford, St. Louis, Mo. Treasurer Charles A. Tufts, Dover, N. H. Permanent Secretary John M. Maisch, Philadelphia, Pa. Local Secretary EH Lilly, Indianapolis, Ind. Reporter on Progress of Pharmacy C. L. Diehl, Louisville, Ky. MEMBERS LIVING IN NEW ENGLAND. Massachusetts. J. F. Babcock, Boston. Leopold Babo, Boston. W. W. Bartlet, Boston. Charles H. Bassett, Boston. William Bolles, Boston. D. E. Bonney, Boston. E. C. Boyden, Boston. Joseph T. Brown, Boston. Joseph T. Brown, Jr., Boston. E. P. Burley, Boston. Joseph Burnett, Boston. Henry Canning, Boston. Solomon Carter, Boston. Samuel M. Colcord, Boston. James B. Colton, Boston. T. J. Covell, Boston. Edward W. Cutler, Boston. Thomas Doliber, Boston. Erastus H. Doolittle, Boston. Charles I. Eaton, Boston. W. S. Folger, Boston. Henry D. Fowle, Boston. G. W. French, Boston. S. H. Fuller, Boston. S. K. Gilman, Boston. James A. Gleeson, Boston. Michael H. Gleeson, Boston. J. G. Godding, Boston. Pratt R. Hoagland, Boston. William F. Horton, Boston. Luther L. Jenkins, Boston. T. L. Jenks, Boston. Edward S. Kelley, Boston. Alvah Littlefield, Boston. John C. Lowd, Boston. James S. Melvin, Boston. Theodore Metcalf, Boston. William F. Nowell, Boston, J. J. O'Brien, Boston. Joseph L. Parker, Boston. Edgar L. Patch, Boston. I. B. Patten, Boston. Thomas Restieaux, Boston. George D. Ricker, Boston. G. T. Sears, Boston. S. P. Sharpies, Boston. Samuel A. D. Sheppard, Boston. F. C. Simson, Boston. Elijah Smalley, Boston. J. W. Snow, Boston. G. H. Stoddard, Boston. Daniel Stowell, Boston. J. S. Talbot, Boston. Orlando Tompkins, Boston. 22 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. Levi Tower, Jr., Boston. C. M. Trask, Boston. T. M. Turner, Boston. Stephen Webster, Boston. Daniel G. Wilkins, Boston. Benjamin O. Winslow, Boston. S. W. Winslow, Boston. G. W. Woodbridge, Boston. W. R. Wright, Boston. Robert R. Kent, East Boston. C. G. Underwood, East Boston. Isaac T. Campbell, South Boston. J. T. Jones, South Boston. J. T. Leary, South Boston. D. J. Sewall, South Boston. A. C. Smith, South Boston. Linus D. Drury, Roxbury, Bos- ton. G. M. Hoyt, Roxbury, Boston. H. W. Lincoln, Roxbury, Bos- ton. G. F. H. Markoe, Roxbury, Bos- ton. J. S. Craig, Dorchester, Boston. H. A. Prescott, Dorchester, Bos- ton. G. W. Warren, Brighton, Boston. George P. Kettell, Charlestown, Boston. E. C. Marshal], Charlestown, Bos- ton. Benjamin F. Stacey, Charlestown, Boston. G. H. Parker, Andover. John H. Hubbard, Cambridge. T. P. James, Cambridge. Augustus R. Bayley, Cambridge- port. E. C. Danforth, Cambridgeport. C. P. Orne, Cambridgeport. Joel S. Orne, Cambridgeport. Henry Thayer, Cambridgeport. John Buck, Chelsea. H. C. Holden, Clinton. H. H. Stackpole, Clinton. W. S. Merrill, Danvers. John Redfearn, Fall River. John Choate, Fitchburg. Charles Lillie, Great Barrington. R. E. Morgan, Great Barrington. Frederic T. Whiting, Great Bar- rington. E. G. Frothingham, Jr., Haver- hill. James L. Hunt, Hingham. G. B. Plummer, Hinsdale. Joseph O. Wild, Holyoke. Henry M. Whitney, Lawrence. Frederick Bailey, Lowell. F. H. Butler, Lowell. Charles I. Hood, Lowell. Samuel Kidder, Jr., Lowell. E. B. Gordon, Lynn. Benjamin Proctor, Lynn. S. C. Tozzer, Lynn. W. C. Brigham^ Medford. T. R. Clough, Medford. D. N. Howard, Medford. Charles W. Drake, Middleboro'. J. A. Rice, Milford. J. M. Phipps, Monson. C. H. Jagger, Nantucket. S. O. Daniels, Natick. J. E. Blake, New Bedford. F. R. Hadley, New Bedford. C. H. Lawton, New Bedford. H. A. Lawton, New Bedford. I. H. Shurtleff, New Bedford. J. P. Taylor, New Bedford. A. J. Atkinson, Newburyport. J. J. Noble, Newton. W. H. Griswold, North Adams. L. L. Atwood, Pittsfield. J. S. Whall, Quincy. C. S. Denham, Rockland. L. W. Easton, Rockland. UNITED STATES. 23 J. J. Estes, Rockland. Eben Blatchford, Rockport. T. B. Nichols, Salem. Edwin Buker, Shelburne Falls. G. H. Cowdin, Somerville. L. C. Flanagan, Somerville. C. P. Alden, Springfield. H. I). Ferree, Springfield. W. H. Gray, Springfield. J. T. Webber, Springfield. A. F. Marvel, Taunton. F. L. Harwood, Warren. Lucien Harwood, Warren. G. C. B urban k, Worcester. William Bush, Worcester. Harlan Fairbanks, Worcestei. T. A. McConville, Worcester. Nelson R. Scott, Worcester. W. H. Willard, Worcester. Maine. C. K. Partridge, Augusta. Samuel Anderson, Bath. N. S. Harlow, Bangor. J. F. Patten, Bangor. R. H. Moody, Belfast. Herschell Boynton, Biddeford. E. E. Shead, Eastport. G. A. Parcher, Ellsworth. S. D. Wakefield, Lewiston. H. T. Cummings, Portland. Edmund Dana, Jr., Portland. H. H. Hay, Portland. W. H. Jordan, Portland. B. A. Perkins, Portland. W. F. Phillips, Portland. Alfred Preston, Jr., Portland. J. W. Donnell, Richmond. Lebbeus Curtis, Searsport. J. Plaistcd, Waterville. J. H. Richardson, Yarmouth. New Hampshire. C. F. Hildreth, Allentown. C. S. Eastman, Concord. G. F. Underfill, Concord. A. T. Pinkham, Dover. B. F. Rackley, Dover. C. A. Tufts, Dover. W. H. Vickery, Dover. C. A. Merrill, Exeter. G. J. Appleton, Keene. P. J. Noyes, Lancaster. Benjamin Morrill, Littleton. F. C. Miville, Manchester. B. T. Perry, Manchester. E. S. Russell, Nashua. N. S. Whitman, Nashua. G. L. Dearborn, Newmarket. T. E. O. Marvin, Portsmouth. J. H. Thacher, Portsmouth. Dominicus Hanson, Rochester. S. F. Shaw, Rochester. C. M. Jones, Somersworth. George Moore, Somersworth. J. Y. Wingate, Somersworth. Vermont. G. A. Grossman, Brandon. W. J. Van Patten, Burlington. L. E. Sherman, Ludlow. A. W. Higgins, Rutland. 24 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. E. C. Lewis, Rutland. J. E. Young, Vcrgennes. E. C. Bingham, St. Johnsbury. M. K. Paine, Windsor. G. D. Randall, St. Johiisbury. Rhode Island. A. J. Congdon, East Greenwich. J. W. Cone, Providence. L. R. Blackman, Newport. S. Follansbee, Providence. W. H. Cotter, Newport. F. A. Hatch, Providence. W. A. Frost, Newport. N. N. Mason, Providence. J. H. Taylor, Newport. W. K. Reynolds, Providence, W. B. Blanding, Providence. R. F. Latimer, Westerly. W. E. Boutelle, Providence. G. E. Greene, Wyoming. A. L. Calder, Providence. Connecticut. F. V. Perry, Danbury. Romania Wells, New Haven. Stephen Goodrich, Hartford. A. F. Wood, New Haven. L. H. Goodrich, Hartford. H. H. Osgood, Norwich. C. A. Rapelye, Hartford. N. D. Sevin, Norwich. J. C. Wells, Hartford. W. B. Haight, Stamford. J. K. Williams, Hartford. S. C. Morrison, Stamford. H. E. Gates, Litchfield. Thomas Pickford, Wallingford. J. R. Pitt, Jr., Middletown. Nathan Dikeman, Waterbury. J. O. May, Naugatuck. L. I. Munson, Waterbury. T. F. Main, New Britain. Frederic Wilcox, Waterbury. R. H. Dimock, New Haven. R. S. Woodruff, Waterbury. E. A. Gessner, New Haven. J. T. Renouf, Winsted. Henry Kelsey, Jr., New Haven. Dwight Phelps, West Winsted. W. A. Spalding, New Haven. National Board of Health. Organized under act of Congress, approved March 3, 1879, to obtain information upon all matters affecting the public health, to advise the several departments of the government, the executives of the several States, and the commissioners of the District of Columbia, on all questions submitted to them, or whenever, in the opinion of the Board, such advice may tend to the preservation and im- provement of the public health. The Board consists of seven members appointed by the UNITED STATES. 25 President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate (not more than one of whom shall be appointed from anyone State), whose compensation, during the time when actually engaged in the performance of their duties under this act, shall be ten dollars per day each and reasonable expenses, and of one medical officer each from the Army, the Navy, and the Marine Hospital Service, and one from the Department of Justice. The officers so detailed receive no additional compensation. The Board meets at its office, corner of 15th and H streets, Washing- ton, D. C. The Board publishes a weekly bulletin of its Proceedings and of the public health. OFFICERS. President J. L. Cabell, M. D. Vice-President 3. S. Billings, M. D. Secretary T. J. Turner, M. D. Executive Committee Drs. J. L. Cabell, J. S. Billings, T. J. Turner, Stephen Smith, P. H. Bailhache, and S. F. Phillips. P. H. Bailhache, M. D., U. S. H. A. Johnson, M. D. M. H. S. E. W. Mitchell, M. D. S. M. Bemiss, M. D. S. F. Phillips. J. S. Billings, M. D., U. S. A. Stephen Smith, M. D. H. I. Bowditch, M. D. T. J. Turner, M. D., U. S. N. J. L. Cabell, M. D. T. S. Verdi, M. D. American Metric Bureau. Organized and incorporated in July, 1876, " to dissemi- nate information concerning the metric system ; to urge its early adoption, and to bring about its introduction wher- ever practicable. To this end it will secure the delivery of addresses, publish articles, circulate books, pamphlets, and charts ; distribute scales and measures ; introduce the practical teaching of the system in the schools ; and, in all proper ways, as far as the means at its disposal will 26 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. allow, the Bureau will urge the matter upon the attention of the American people, till they shall join the rest of the world in the exclusive use of the international decimal weights and measures." It has secured the delivery of several hundred addresses, and has distributed, mostly gra- tuitously, over two million pages of explanations of the system and its advantages. The Board of Trustees has charge of a fund of $10,000 loaned by friends of the sys- tem, to aid in the manufacture and distribution, at the lowest possible cost, of everything needed to teach, intro- duce, or use the international measures. This department has distributed over 100,000 metric articles throughout the country. Not only members of the Bureau, but all inter- ested, are supplied at the lowest rates, which, for the ma- jority of articles, is one half the retail price. The Bureau has offices at 32 Hawley Street, and has this year opened a central depository at 27 Franklin Street, from which branch depositories throughout the country are supplied. At these offices is a large collec- tion of articles pertaining to the metric system, number- ing over one thousand, which is free for consultation to all interested. The collection embraces not only the actual weights and measures, thermometers, barometers, scales, etc., as used in metric countries, but also all apparatus or publications for teaching or introducing the system. Membership in the society is open to any person of good moral character. The annual assessment is five dollars ; a gift of twenty-five dollars, or a loan to the sinking fund of fifty dollars, gives life-membership. There are also asso- ciate members Avho pay three dollars annually, and subscrib- ing members one dollar. Only full members receive all metric publications, and enjoy all the rights and privileges. The Bureau has now about six hundred members, of whom many are physicians. The Bureau publishes the " Bulletin of the American Metric Bureau," and sundry documents of interest and value, which will be sent to physicians and other profes- sional men on their application. ATA SSA CIIUSETTS. 27 OFFICERS. President F. A. P. Barnard, New York, N. Y. Vice-Presidents C. F. Adams, W. F. Bradbury, William Watson. Secretary Melvil Dewey, Boston, Mass. Massachusetts Medical Society. The Massachusetts Medical Society was formed in 1781, with power to elect officers, examine and license candidates for practice, hold real estate, and " continue as a body poli- tic and corporate by the same name forever." In June, 1782, after several preparatory meetings, by-laws were enacted, a common seal adopted, the society organized, and Dr. Edward A. Holyoke of Salem chosen the first presi- dent. In 1790 the first publication of the society was issued; the second appeared in 1804, and the third in 1806. The society is intended to include all regular physicians practising medicine within the Commonwealth, and admis- sion takes place according to the following prescribed laws of the State and the society : " No person shall hereafter become a member of the Massachusetts Medical Society, except upon examination by the Censors of said so- ciety ; and any person of good moral character, found to possess the qualifications prescribed by the rules and regulations of said society, shall be admitted a Fellow of said society." 1 The by-laws of the society referred to in the special law of the State are as follows : "Every candidate for admission into the MASSACHUSETTS MED- ICAL SOCIETY must, by proper credentials and examination, satisfy the Censors of said society that he possesses the following qualifica- tions for fellowship : " That he is not less than twenty-one years of age ; that he is of sound mind and good moral character ; that he has a good general 1 Chapter 82, Massachusetts Laws, 1859. 28 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. English education ; that he has a knowledge of the principles of exper- imental philosophy; that he has such an acquaintance with the Latin language as is necessary for a good medical and surgical education ; that he has studied medicine and surgery three full years under the direction, and attended the practice, of some reputable, regularly edu- cated physician or physicians ; that he has attended two terms of study, or two full courses of lectures in separate years, at an authorized med- ical school, recognized hy the Councillors of said society, and pos- sesses a diploma or its equivalent from such school ; that he does not profess to cure diseases by, nor intend to practise, spiritualism, homoe- opathy, allopathy, Thompsonianism, eclecticism, or any other irregular or exclusive system, generally recognized as such by the profession or declared so by the Councillors of said society ; and by a further exam- ination, a part of which shall be in writing, that he has an adequate knowledge of anatomy, pathological anatomy, physiology, general and medical chemistry, materia medica, therapeutics, midwifery, the theory and practice of medicine, clinical medicine, surgery, clinical surgery, hygiene, and public hygiene. " If successful in such an examination as to his credentials, char- acter, personal and professional qualifications, to the satisfaction of at least three of the Censors present, the candidate, after paying the District Treasurer the assessment for the current year and signing the By-laws, shall receive a certificate of membership (Digest xxvi., xxvii.), and be enrolled a Fellow of the society. "A candidate maybe examined at any stated meeting of Censors; but if the examination be unsatisfactory, he shall not be reexamined by any Board of Censors in less than six months afterwards, (xx., xxi.) " l Application for examination or reexamination must be made to the secretary of the society of the district in which the candidate resides. To prevent misunderstanding with regard to admission into the Massachusetts Medical Society, " Resolved, By the Councillors, with the concurrence of the society : " That the only courses of lectures recognized are those of regularly organized medical colleges empowered to confer the degree of M. D., courses embracing the several branches enumerated in By-law I. ; " That tickets or diplomas of botanic, eclectic, or homoeopathic col- 1 A Digest of the Acts of the Commonwealth relating to the Massachu- setts Medical Society, together with the By-laws, etc. Boston, 1874. MASSACHUSETTS. 29 leges, or of colleges devoted to any peculiar or exclusive system of medicine, are considered irregular, and will not be recognized under any circumstances. " And, That certificates from teachers who practise any peculiar or exclusive system of mediciue, who advertise, or who violate in any way the code of ethics adopted by the profession in this State, will not be taken, even though the teacher himself be a regular graduate in medicine." The Censors of Suffolk District (who are empowered to act for the society, and to examine all those who have not a residence in some other district of the State) meet in Boston on the Thursday next preceding the annual meet- ing of the society, and on the Thursdays before the last Saturday of September and of February ; but they cannot examine any candidate who is already a resident, or in practice, in any district except their own. The Censors of the other districts meet at the same place and on the same day as the district societies to which they belong. Any Fellow who has arrived at the age of sixty-five years, has paid all his assessments, or has been excused from them, and has notified the Treasurer of the society thereof in writing, may, on recommendation of a commit- tee and by a vote of the Councillors, become a Retired Member. He shall be entitled to all the privileges of a Fellow, and shall conform to all the requirements of the society, and be subject to all its penalties, except that he shall not be liable to assessments, nor be bound to accept any office in the society. Any Fellow, whose dues have been paid or remitted, may, on written application and for satisfactory reasons, first examined and reported upon by a committee, be al- lowed to resign fellowship and to withdraw from the so- ciety by a vote of the Councillors. The Massachusetts Medical Society includes seventeen district societies, all of which are under the control of the parent society. The district societies appoint their own officers and es- 30 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. tablish regulations for their particular government, not re- pugnant to the by-laws of the general society ; and are empowered to hold and dispose of books, instruments, and other personal property, exclusive of any authority of the general society. Together, the societies contain about 1350 members. The annual meeting of the society is held on such Wednesday in May or June, and at such place, as the Councillors shall from year to year determine. Ten members of the society constitute a quorum. The Councillors meet on the day preceding the annual meeting, and on the first Wednesday in October and Feb- ruary. Nine Councillors constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but a smaller number may adjourn the meeting. The Proceedings of the society, and the annual address, are, as a rule, published each year. Members of the so- ciety also receive a copy of Braithwaite's " Retrospect of Medicine and Surgery," at the expense of the society. [ Alphabetical and local lists of the active and retired members of the society, living within the State, are given in the Directory and Busi- ness Guide.] OFFICERS. President G. H. Lyman, M. D., Boston. Vice- President D. P. Smith, M. D., Springfield. Treasurer F. W. Draper, M. D., Boston. Corresponding Secretary C. W. Swan, M. D., Boston. Recording Secretary F. W. Goss, M. D., Roxbury, Boston. Librarian D. H. Haydcn, M. D., Boston. Committee on Publications Drs. G. C. Shattuck, R. M. Hodges, B. E. Cotting. Committee on Resignations Drs. James Aver, Francis Minot, J. C. White. Committee on Finances Drs. C. D. Homans, W. W. Wellington, G. J. Arnold. Committee to procure Scientific Papers Drs. H. W. Williams, Cal- vin Ellis, F. K. Paddock, G. S. Stebbins, J. R. Chadwick. Committee on Ethics and Discipline Drs. R. L. Hodgdon, G. J. Townsend, G. E. Francis, A. H. Johnson, Charles Howe. MASSACHUSETTS. 31 Orator T. H. Gage, M. D., Worcester. Anniversary Chairman J. Collins Warren, M. D., Boston. Committee of Arrangements Drs. Robert Amory, C. J. Blake, W. L. Richardson, J. Orne Green, F. C. Shattuck, E. G. Cutler. Suffolk District Medical Society. The society consists of Fellows of the Massachusetts Medical Society living in Boston (the city proper). East and South Boston, Chelsea, and Winthrop. It was or- ganized in 1849. The annual meeting is held on the last Saturday in March, and the semi-annual meeting on the last Saturday in October. Meetings for scientific purposes are held at the Medical Library, 19 Boylston Place, Boston, on the lust Saturday of every month, except June, July, and August. Ten members of the society constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. OFFICERS. President Calvin Ellis, M. D. Vice-President R. M. Hodges, M. D. Treasurer A. B. Hall, M. D. Secretary T. M. Rotch, M. D. Librarian B. J. Jeffries, M. D. Commissioner of Trials Charles W. Swan, M. D. Committee on Social Meetings Drs. Calvin Stevens, George W. Gay, H. I. Bowditch, J. P. Oliver. Councillors Drs. S. L. Abbot, James Ayer, H. H. A. Beach, H. J. Bigelow, C. J. Blnke, H. I. Bowditch, B. Brown, S. Cabot, D. W. Cheever, P. M. Crane, Hall Curtis, H. Derby, O. W. Doe, F. W. Draper, C. Ellis, R. H. Fita, C. F. Folsom, J. O. Green, S. A. Green, F. B. Greenough, A. B. Hall, D. H. Haydcn, R. M. Hodges, C. D. Homans, John Homans, W. Ingalls, J. F. Jarvis, B. J. Jeffries, G. H. Lyman, Francis Minot, F. E. Oliver, John P. Reynolds, W. L. Richardson, G. C. Shattuck, A. D. Sinclair, D. H. Storer, C. W. Swan, J. C. Warren, O. F. Wadsworth, C. E. Ware, J. C. White, H. W. Williams. Censors Drs. Thomas Waterman, E. H. Bradford, O. W. Doe, Thomas Dwight, A. M. Sumner. 32 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. Barnstable District Medical Society. The society consists of Fellows of the Massachusetts Medical Society living in Barnstable, Brewster, Chatham, Dennis, Eastham, Harwich, Orleans, Provincetown, Sand- wich, Truro, Wellfleet, and Yarmouth. It was organized September 2, 1840. The annual meeting is held at Barnstable on or before May 15th in each year, and the semi-annual meeting at such time and place as the President and Secretary may deter- mine. OFFICERS. President J. Leonard, M. D. Vice-President W. J. Nickerson, M. D. Treasurer C. M. Hulbert, M. D. Secretary W. N. Stone, M. D. Librarian J. M. Smith, M. D. Commissioner of Trials B. F. Seabury, M. D. Councillors Drs. S. H. Gould, C. M. Hulbert, G. N. Munsell, Peter Pineo. Censors Drs. J. M. Crocker, G. W. Doane, B. D. Gifford, A. H. Newton, B. F. Seabury. Berkshire District Medical Society. The society consists of Fellows of the Massachusetts Medical Society living in Adams, Alford, Becket, Cheshire, Clarksburg, Dalton, Egremont, Florida, Great Barrington, Hancock, Hinsdale, Lanesboro', Lee, Lenox, Montere}', Mount Washington, New Ashford, New Marlboro', Otis, Peru, Pittsfield, Richmond, Sandisfield, Savoy, Sheffield, Stockbridge, Tyringham, Washington, West Stockbridge, Williarnstown, and Windsor. It was organized in 1787. The annual meeting is held on the last Wednesday in April, and other meetings on the last Wednesday of each month. All meetings are held in the Directors' Room of the Berkshire Life Insurance Company in Pittsfield. MASSACHUSETTS. 33 OFFICERS. President H. J. MSllard, M. D. Vice-President A. N. Allen, M. D. Treasurer W. M. Mercer, M. D. Secretary W. L. Paddock, M. D. Librarian W. E. Vermilye, M. D. Commissioner of Trials Abner M. Smith, M. D. Councillors Drs. J. F. A. Adams, C. T. Collins, G. C. Lawrence, J. L. Miller, S. M. Reynolds. Censors Drs. O. J. Brown, C. W. Burton, F. K. Paddock, An- drew M. Smith, D. M. Wilcox. Bristol North District Medical Society. The society consists of Fellows of the Massachusetts Medical Society living in Attleboro', Berkley, Dighton, Easton, Freetown, Mansfield, Norton, Raynham, Reho- both, Swansea, and Taunton. It was organized June 20, 1849. The annual meeting is held in Taunton, and the semi- annual meeting either in Taunton or in Attleboro'. President H. C. Bullard, M. D. Vice-President N. M. Hansom, M. D. Secretary W. S. Robinson, M. D. Treasurer and Librarian Charles Howe, M. D. Commissioner of Trials Joseph Murphy, M. D. Councillors Drs. J. R. Bronson, Nornus Paige, S. D. Presbrey. Censors Drs. E. J. Bassett, J. P. Brown, Charles Howe, Nomus Paige, S. D. Presbrey. Bristol South District Medical Society. The society consists of Fellows of the Massachusetts Medical Society living in Acushnet, Chilmark, Dartmouth, Edgartown, Fairhaven, Fall River, Lakeville, Mattapoisett, Middleboro', Nantucket, New Bedford, Rochester, Tisbury, Wareham, and "Westport. It was organized in 1839. 34 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. The annual meeting is held at New Bedford, and a semi-annual meeting at such place as may be determined by vote of the society. OFFICERS. President E. P. Abbe, M. D. Vice-President C. L. Swasey, M. D. Treasurer, Secretary, and Librarian A. M. Pierce, M. D. Commissioner of Trials E. T. Learned, M. D. Councillors Drs. S. W. Bowen, R. T. Davis, F. H. Hooper, J. H. Mackie, A. B. Paun, F. A. Sawyer. Censors Drs. Jerome Dwelly, Henry Johnson, A. M. Pierce, C. D. Stickney, J. B. Whitaker. Essex North District Medical Society. The society consists of Fellows of the Massachusetts Medical Society living in Andover, Amesbury, Boxford, Bradford, Georgetown, Groveland, Haverhill, Lawrence, Methuen, Newbury, Newburyport, North Andover, Row- ley, Salisbury, West Newbury, and West Amesbury. It was organized November 3, 1841. The annual meeting is held at Haverhill on the first Wednesday in May ; other meetings in August, November, and February at such places as may be determined. OFFICERS. President W. H. Kimball, M. D. Vice-President John Crowell, M. D. Treasurer and Secretary G. W. Snow, M. D. Corresponding Secretary E. P. Hard, M. D. Librarian Sidney Drinkwater, M. D. Commissioner of Trials S. K. Towle, M. D. Councillors Drs. David Dana, C. G. Carleton, R. B. Root, G. W. Snow, J. C. Howe, S. K. Towle, William Cogswell, J. A. Douglas. Censors Drs. C. D. Hunking, E. P. Hurd, G. W. Garland, Michael Roberts, O. F. Seavey. MASS A CHUSE TTS. 35 Essex South District Medical Society. The society consists of Fellows of .the Massachusetts Medical Society living in Beverly, Danvers, Essex, Glou- cester, Ipswich, Lynn, Manchester, Marblehead, Middleton, Peabody, Rockport, Salem, Saugus, Topsfield, and Wen- ham. It was organized in 1781. The annual meeting is held in Salem on the first Tuesday in March. Other meetings are held every six weeks, at Salem and Lynn alternately. The library contains over twenty-four hundred bound volumes and seven hundred magazines and monographs. Many of the works were given by Dr. E. A. Holyoke, and other members now deceased. OFFICERS. President Joseph Garland, M. D. Vice-President J. G. Pinkham, M. D. Treasurer and Librarian William Mack, M. D. Secretary R. F. Dearborn, M. D. Commissioner of Trials Edward Newhall, M. D. Councillors Drs. C. Burnham, David Choate, J. P. Fessenden, J. W. Goodell, Y. G. Kurd, A. H. Johnson, C. A. Lovejoy, C. C. Pike, S. W. Torrey. Censors Drs. D. M. Elliot, Thomas Kittredge, J. D. Levering, C. S. May, C. C. Sheldon. Franklin District Medical Society. The society consists of Fellows of the Massachusetts Medical Society living in Ashfield, Bernardston, Bucklaud, Charlemont, Coleraine, Conway, Deerfield, Erving, Gill, Greenfield, Hawley, Heath, Leverett, Leyden, Montague, New Salem, Northfield, Orange, Howe, Shelburne, Shutes- bury, Sunderland, Warwick, and Wendell. It was organ- ized in January, 1851. The annual meeting is held on the second Wednesday in May, and quarterly meetings on the second Wednesday of July, October, and February, all in Greenfield. 36 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. OFFICERS. President F. J. Canedy, M. D. Vice-President J. H. Goddarcl, M. D. Treasurer, Secretary, and Librarian A. C. Deane, M. D. Commissioner of Trials C. L. Fisk, M. D. Councillors Drs. E. C. Coy, J. W. D. Osgood, C. E. Severance. Censors Drs. Charles Bowker, E. A. Deane, G. M. Read, A. C. Walker, R. C. Ward. Hampden District Medical Society. The society consists of Fellows of the Massachusetts Medical Society living in Agawam, Brimfield, Chicopee, Holyoke, Longmeadow, Monson, Palmer, Southwick, Springfield, Westfield, West Springfield, and Wilbraham. It was organized May 30, 1840, under a charter given by the Councillors of the state society to J. H. Flint, Will- iam Bridgman, George Hooker, Aaron King, B. B. Jones, Reuben Champion, John Appleton, and L. W. Humphreys. . The annual meeting is held on the third Tuesday in May, and other meetings on the first Tuesday in Feb- ruary, August, and November, at the Massasoit House, Springfield. OFFICERS. President Sanford Lawton, M. D. Vice- President Harlin Gamwrll, M. D. Treasurer, Secretary, and Librarian F. W. Chapin, M. D. Commissioner of Trials Cyrus Bi-11, M. D. Councillors Drs. H. C. Belden, T. L. Chapman, W. W. Gardner, V. L. Owen, P. LeB. Stickney, J. H. Waterman. Censors Drs. S. W. Bowles, L. S. Brooks, G. C. McClean, A. F. Reed, J. H. Waterman. Hampshire District Medical Society. The society consists of Fellows of the Massachusetts Medical Society living in Amherst, Belchertown, Chester- field, Cummington, Easthampton, Enfield, Goshen, Gran- M A SSA CHUSE TTS. 37 by, Greenwich, Hartley. Hatfield, Huntington, Middlefield, Northampton, Pelham, Plainfield, Prescott, South Hadley, Southampton, Ware, Westhampton, Williamsburg, and "Worthington. It was organized in September, 1840. The annual meeting is held on the second Wednesday in May, and quarterly meetings on the second Wednesday in July, October, and January. All meetings are held at Northampton. OFFICERS. President Vlce-President J. B. Learned, M. D. Treasurer James Dunlap, M. D. Secretary and Librarian C. M. Barton, M. D. Commissioner of Trials W. M. Trow, M. D. Councillors Drs. Pliny Earle, D. B. N. Fish, C. L. Knowlton, Daniel Thompson. Censors Drs. C. M. Barton, C. W. Cooper, J. E. Greenleaf, E. B. Nims, Christopher Seymour. Middlesex East District Medical Society. The society consists of Fellows of the Massachusetts Medical Society living in Burlington, Melrose, North Reading, Reading, Stoneham, Wakefield, Wilmington, Winchester, and Woburn. It was organized in 1851. The annual meeting is held on the second Wednesday in May, at such place as may be determined by vote of the society. Other meetings on the Wednesday evening of each month nearest the full moon. OFFICERS. President F. F. Brown, M. D. Vice-President D. W. Wight, M. D. Treasurer and Librarian J. O. Dow, M. D. Secretary J. R. Barss, M. D. Commissioner of Trials A. H. Cowdrey, M. D. Councillors Drs. J. M. Harlow, Frederic Winsor, W. S. Brown. Censors Drs. A. H. Cowdrey, W. F. Stevens, G. E. Putney, F. W. Graves, G. P. Bartlett. 38 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. Middlesex North District Medical Society. The society consists of Fellows of the Massachusetts Medical Society living in Acton, Billerica, Carlisle, Chelms- ford, Dracut, Dunstable, Groton, Littleton, Lowell, Pep- perell, Tewksbury, Tyngsboro', and Westford. It was or- ganized in 1844. The annual meeting is held on the last Wednesday of April, at two o'clock p. M. ; other meetings on the last Wednesday of July, October, and January, at half past two P. M., at the Natural History Room, Mechanics Building, Lowell. OFFICERS. President G. H. Pillsbury, M. D. Vice-PresidentG. E. Pinkham, M. D. Treasurer N. B. Edwards, M. D. Secretary G. C. Osgood, M. D. Librarian E. W. Trueworthy, M. D. Commissioner of Trials Nathan Allen, M. D. Councillors William Bass, Charles Button, C. W. Fisk, L. S.Fox, W. H. Leighton, M. G. Parker, Joel Spalding. Censors Drs. E. B. Aldrich, W. M. Hoar, W. H. Lathrop, Frank Nickerson, H. J. Smith. Middlesex South District Medical Society. The society consists of Fellows of the Massachusetts Medical Society living in those portions of Boston for- merly known as Brighton and Charlestown, Arlington, Ash- land, Belmont, Cambridge, Concord, Everett, Framing- ham, Holliston, Hopkinton, Lexington, Lincoln, Maiden, Marlboro', Maynard, Medford, Natick, Newton, Sherborn, Somerville, Stow, Sudbury, Waltham, Watertown, Way- land, and Westou. It was organized in 1851. Two stated meetings are held each year : the annual meeting, on the third Wednesday in April, at Waltham, or at such other place as the society may determine ; the second, on the second Wednesday in October, at Cam- MASSACHUSETTS. 39 bridge, or at such other place as the society may deter- mine. Seven members constitute a quorum for the dispatch of business. Special meetings may be called on the appli- cation of seven members. OFFICERS. President A. C. Webber, M. D. Vice-President Alfred Hosmer, M. D. Treasurer J. W. Willis, M. D. Secretary D. M. Edgerly, M. D. Librarian C. K. Cutter, M. D. Commissioner of Trials Z. B. Adams, M. D. Councillors Drs. B. F. D. Adams, A. H. Blanchard, R. A. Blood, N. S. Chamberlain, H. Chapin, J. G. Dearborn, J. C. Dorr, J. A. Dow, S. W. Driver, H. M. Field, S. Hanscom, J. L. Hildreth, D. W. Jones, A. C. Livermore, F. E. Porter, L. L. Scammell, A. J. Stevens, C. E. Vaughan, J. F. Wakefield, W. W. Wellington, J. H. Wright. Censors Drs. M. L. Brown, E. W. Emerson, M. A. Morris, A. L. Norris, L. R. Stone. Norfolk District Medical Society. The society consists of Fellows of the Massachusetts Medical Society living in those portions of Boston for- merly known as Roxbury, Dorchester, and West Roxbury, and in Bellingham, Brookline, Canton, Cohasset, Dedham, Foxboro', Franklin, Holbrook, Hyde Park, Medfield, Medway, Milton, Needham, Norfolk, Norwood, Quincy, Randolph, Sharon, Stoughton, Walpole, Weymouth, and Wrentham. It was organized in 1850. There are four stated meetings in each year, which are held at Willard's Hotel, in Hyde Park, on the second Tuesday of January, May, July, and November, at half past eleven A. M. The officers of the society are elected at the meeting in May. OFFICERS. President Robert Amory, M. D. Vice-President W. C. B. Fifield, M. D. Treasurer Norman Call, M. D. Secretary and Librarian C. E. Wing, M. D. Commissioner of Trials T. H. Dearing, M. D. 40 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. Councillors Drs. A. D. Bacon, W. S. Everett, R. T. Edes, P. O'M. Edson, G. W. Fay, D. S. Fogg, D. D. Gilbert, J. H. Gilbert, A. R. Holmes, C. E. Stedman, J. S. Streeter, S. E. Stone. Censors Drs. J. W. Chase, O. F. Rogers, G. K. Sabine, Joel Seaverns, E. T. Williams. Plymouth District Medical Society. The society consists of Fellows of the Massachusetts Medical Society living in Abington, Bridgewater, Brock- ton, Carver, Duxbury, East Bridgewater, Halifax, Han- over, Hanson, Hingham, Hull, Kingston, Marshfield, Pem- broke, Plymouth, Plympton, Rocklatid, Scituate, South Scituate, and West Bridgewater. It was organized May 27, 1851. The annual meeting is held on the second Wednesday in May, and a special meeting on the second Wednesday in October. The place of meeting is decided by vote of the society. OFFICERS. President H. W. Dudley, M. D. Vice-President W. R. Howes, M. D. Treasurer and Secretary B. F. Hastings, M. D. Commissioner of Trials J. S. Hammond, M. D. Librarian Benjamin Hubbard, M. D. . Councillors Drs. J. B. Brewster, N. P. Brownell, J. C. Gleason, Asa Millett, A. E. Paine. Censors. Drs. H. F. Borden, E. A. Chase, Francis Collamore, W. R. Howes, J. W. Spooner. "Worcester District Medical Society. The society consists of Fellows of the Massachusetts Medical Society living in Auburn, Barre, Berlin, Black- stone, Bolton, Boylston, Brookfield, Charlton, Clinton, Dana, Douglas, Dudley, Grafton, Hardwick, Harvard, Holden, Lancaster, Leicester, Mendon, Milford, Millbury, New Braintree, Northbridge, Northboro', North Brook- field, Oakham, Oxford, Paxton, Princeton, Rutland, Shrewsbury, Southboro', Southbridge, Spencer, Stirling, Sturbridge, Sutton, Upton, Uxbridge, Warren, Webster, MASSACHUSETTS. 41 Westboro', "West Boylston, West Brookfield, and Worces- ter. The society was organized as a district of the Mas- sachusetts Medical Society, September 26, 1804. The elements of this district organization had been in exist- ence, under the name of Worcester Medical Society, since 1794. The animal meeting is held on the second Wednesday of May, and other meetings on the second Wednesday of July, September, November, January, and March. Meet- ings are held in the library room of the society in the Worcester Public Library Building. In 1845 the Hon. Daniel Waldo of Worcester gave the society $6,000 ; and in 1851 Dr. Charles W. Wilder left it by his will $500. Both gifts were without conditions ; the income is now devoted to the increase of the library of the society. The library of the Worcester' District Med- ical Society was commenced in 1788, by the gift to the physicians of Worcester of " fifty pounds value in books," by Dr. Elijah Dix of Worcester. It now contains about 4,000 volumes. In 1859 Dr. John Green, a member of the society, be- queathed to the city of Worcester his private library, and provided for its increase. It was incorporated as a free public library in February, 1860. The library of the city now contains about 14,000 volumes, and the Green Fund gives it an annual income of about $1,500. OFFICERS. President F. D. Brown, M. D. Vice-President Emerson Warner, M. D. Treasurer L. Wheeler, M. D. Secretary G. J. Bull, M. D. Librarian L. S. Dixon, M. D. Commissioner of Trials J. H. Robinson, M. D. Councillors Drs. F. D. Brown, Henry Clarke, G. E. Francis, T. H. Gage, W. H. Lincoln, Orarael Martin, Warren Peirce, J. W. Rice, Joseph Sargent, Warren Tyler, C. A. Wilcox. Censors Drs. G. J. Bull, E. B. Harvey, J. W. Hastings, J. O. Marble, W. H. Workman. 42 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. "Worcester North District Medical Society. The society consists of Fellows of the Massachusetts Medical Society living in Ashburnham, Ashby, Athol, Ayer, Dana, Fitch burg, Gardner, Harvard, Hubbardston, Lancaster, Leominster, Lunenburg, Petersham, Phillipston, Royalston, Rutland, Shirley, Templeton, Townsend, West- minster, and Wiuchendon. It was organized in 1858. The annual meeting is held in Fitchburg, on the fourth Saturday in April, and quarterly meetings on the second Saturday of July, October, and January, at such place as the president and secretary may determine. The society is in possession of a library of 400 volumes, from which books may be taken by members. OFFICERS. President G. D. Colony, M. D. Vice-President E. J. Sawyer, M. D. Treasurer E. P. Miller, M. D. Secretary F. W. Russell, M. D. Librarian C. H. Rice, M. D. Commissioner of Trials C. C. Field, M. D. Councillors Drs. B. H. Hartwell, J. P. Lynde, Ira Russell, L. H. Thompson. Censors Drs. J. M. Blood, G. D. Colony, C. C. Field, G. W. Pierce, E. J. Sawyer. Massachusetts Medico-Legal Society. Organized July 9, 1877. Its purposes are to elevate the official character of the medical examiner, and to assist him in the discharge of his duties ; to collect and utilize such facts as have a medico-legal value ; to excite a gen- eral interest in the subject of forensic medicine, and to promote its successful cultivation. The society consists of regular and associate members. The by-laws offered the privilege of regular membership to any member of the Massachusetts Medical Society who, being duly qualified as a medical examiner, should subscribe to the constitution and by-laws before the first day of October, 1877. MASSACHUSETTS. 43 It was also provided that after that date qualified med- ical examiners, who were members of the Massachusetts Medical Society, on approval by the censors of the society, might be elected to regular membership at any stated meet- ing. The expiration, without renewal, of the commission of a medical examiner terminates his regular membership. Associate members consist in part of the Attorney- General of the Commonwealth, the several district attorneys in the State, and the members of the State Board of Health during their respective terms of office. The society may also, at any stated meeting, elect to permanent asso- ciate membership such persons, versed in medical, legal, or technical science, as may be recommended by the committee on nominations. The president, the vice-president, and the two secretaries constitute an executive board, whose duty it is to carry out the purposes of the society as expressed by its by-laws or its votes. The business of the society is managed and the expenses paid by the regular members. The associate members attend only those meetings to which they are invited, and then have full liberty to participate in all scientific or pro- fessional discussions, and to present communications. A fee of two dollars is paid by each regular member at the time of his admission ; assessments are made from time to time, if required to meet the expenses of the society. The stated meetings are held on the same day and at same place as the stated meetings of the Councillors of the Massachusetts Medical Society ; the annual meeting being on the same day as the annual meeting of said Councillors. Special meetings may be called by authority of the execu- tive board, and must be so called upon a written request of five regular members. Every member is required to forward to the corresponding secretary a report as full and complete as possible of each case which receives his official attention. The censors exercise a constant and careful supervision ; 44 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. notify the executive board of improper or unbecoming conduct on the part of any medical examiner or of any member of the society, and report the same to the society at a meeting called for the purpose. They use all the honorable means which they can command for the pur- pose of preventing the confirmation and appointment of any incompetent or unworthy person as medical examiner. The committee on the law of medical examiners, under instructions from the society, seeks from competent author- ity information as to the proper interpretation of the doubtful points of any existing law under which medical examiners may be called to act. The committee also, when directed by the society, asks for such legislative action as time and experience shall show to be desirable or neces- sary for the medical examiner. The Transactions of the society are published annually. OFFICERS. President Alfred Hosmer, M. D. Vice-President T. F. Breck, M. D. Recording Secretary and Treasurer Robert Amory, M. D. Corresponding Secretary S. W. Abbott, M. D. Censors Drs. J. F. A. Adams, T. F. Breck, E. C. Coy, F. W. Draper (Secretary), D. B. N. Fish, J. B. King, A. E. Paine, W. M. Parker, J. G. Pinkham, S. D. Presbrey (Chairman), J. L. Sullivan, C. C. Tower. Committee on Publication Drs. G. W. Snow, F. W. Draper, Y. G. Hurd. Committee on Law of Medical Examiners Drs. J. R. Bronson, G. S. Osborne, J. C. Gleason. Committee on Nominations Drs. J. L. Sullivan, C. C. Tower, D. B. N. Fish. REGULAR MEMBERS. S. W. Abbott, Wakefield. J. R. Bronson, Attleboro'. J. F. A. Adams, Pittsfield. C. A. Carlton, Salem. Robert Amory, Brookline. N. S. Chamberlain, Marlboro'. C. A. Bemis, Medway. E. C. Coy, Montague. T. F. Breck, Springfield. F. W. Draper, Boston. J. B. Brewster, Plymouth. Jerome Dwelly, Fall River. MASS A CHUSETTS. 45 D. B. N. Fish, Amhcrst. J. C. Gleason, Rocklund. Charles Haddock, Beverly. F. A. Harris, Boston. B. H. Hartwell, Ayer. J. L. Hildreth, Cambridge. J. G. S. Hitchcock, Foxboro'. D. W. Hodgkins, Brookfield. C. C. Holcombe, Lee. A. R. Holmes, Canton. Alfred Hosmer, Watertown. Y. G. Hurd, Ipswich. J. C. Irish, Lowell. H. A. Jewett, Northboro'. Henry Johnson, New Bedford. J. B. King, Nantucket. A. J). Kingsbury, Necdham. W. D. Lamb, Lawrence. E. P. Miller, Fitchburg. D. W. Miner, Ware. James Morison, Quincy. G. S. Osborne, Peabody. A. E. Paine, Brockton. W. M. Parker, Milford. John Pierce, Edgartown. J. G. Pinkham, Lynn. S. D. Presbrey, Taunton. J. M. Rice, Worcester. R. B. Root, Georgetown. Ira Russell, Winchendon. H. L. Sabin, Williamstown. G. W. Snow, Newburyport. J. L. Sullivan, Maiden. C. C. Tower, Weymouth. J. H. Waterman, Westfield. J. W. Winslow, Easthampton. Frederic Winsor, Winchester. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS. D. W. Bond, Northampton. H. P. Bowditch, Boston. E. G. Cutler, Boston. Thomas Dwight, Boston. R. H. Fitz, Boston. Asa French, Braintree. John C. Gray, Jr., Boston. W. B. Hills, Cambridge. A. H. Johnson, Salem. N. A. Leonard, Springfield. George Marston, New Bedford. G. K. Sabine, Brookline. E. J. Sherman, Lawrence. H. B. Staples, Worcester. Oliver Stevens, Boston. T. H. Tyndale, Boston. W. W. Wellington, Cambridge. E. S. Wood, Cambridge. (For list of Medical Examiners for Massachusetts see later page.) Massachusetts Dental Society. This organization was formed in May, 1864, and re- ceived an act of incorporation from the Legislature in April, 1865. Its object is to cultivate the science and art of dentistry and all its collateral branches, by means of a library and museum, professional lectures, and publications, and by premiums and medals for original researches and 46 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. discoveries ; to elevate and sustain the professional char- acter of dentists, and to promote amongst them mutual im- provement, social intercourse, and good-will. It includes active, junior, corresponding, and honorary members. Active members consist of practitioners of den- tistry residing in the State of Massachusetts. They must be twenty-one years of age, of good moral character, and have received a diploma from a respectable medical or dental college, or have been five years in the practice of dentistry, including term of pupilage. Junior members consist of students of dentistry and dentists not eligible to active membership. Corresponding members consist of practitioners of dentistry residing in other States of the Union, or in foreign countries, who manifest a disposition to advance the science and art of the profession by con- tributing to its literature. Honorary memberships are conferred by the society on distinguished members of the profession, and others who may merit the distinction. The fee for admission to the society is two dollars. Annual members pay an annual assessment of two dollars. Junior members pay only the admission fee. Correspond- ing and honorary members are exempt from the payment of all dues ; and as a mark of distinction for long con- tinued service in the profession, by special action of the society the dues of an active member may be remitted. The annual meeting of the society is held in Boston, on the second Thursday in December, and is of two days' continuance. The semi-annual meeting is held at such time, and in such town or city in Massachusetts, as may be determined by the society. Ten active members are neces- sary to constitute a quorum. OFFICERS. President L. D. Shepard, D. D. S., Boston. Vice-Presidents G. A. Gerry, D. D. S., Lowell ; Thos. Cogswell, Boston. MASSACHUSETTS. 47 Recording Secretary D. M. Clapp, Boston. Corresponding Secretary T. H. Chandler, D. M. D., Boston. Treasurer Edward Page, M. D., 1). M. D., Charlestown, Boston. Librarian F. M. Robinson, D. M. D., Boston. Microscopist R. R. Andrews, D. D. S., Cambridge. MEMBERS. G. C. Ainsworth, D. D. S., 178 West Springfield Street . . Boston. H. A. Baker, D. D. S., 99 Boylston " E. P. Bradbury, D. M. D., 124 Commonwealth Avenue . . " B. B. Chandler, 1745 Washington " T. H. Chandler, D. M. D., 222 Tremont " D. M. Clapp, 196 Boylston " B. S. Codman.M. D., 13 Tremont " J. T. Codman, D. M. D., 347 Columbus Avenue .... " Thomas Cogswell, 149 A Tremont " J. M. Daly, 29 Hollis " C. E. Dearborn, 132 Boylston " H. E. Dennett, D. D. S., 583 Tremont " D. S. Dickerman, D. D. S., 224 Tremont " C. W. Goddard, D. D. S., 8 Beacon G. F. Grant, D. M. D., 86 Pinckney " S. F. Ham, D. M. D., 5 Newbury " D. G. Harrington, D. M. D., 149 A Tremont " E. N. Harris, D. D. S., 5 Park N. W. Hawes, Hotel Boylston " E. B. Hitchcock, M. D., D. M. D., Hotel Pelham .... " E. G. Leach, D. D. S., 422 Columbus Avenue " Horatio Leseur, 34 Temple Place " T. O. Loveland, D. M. D., 5 Newbury " W. L. McDougall, M. D., 170 Tremont " S. J. McDonald, M. D., D. D. S., 375 Columbus Avenue . " G. T. Moffatt, M. D., D. M. D., 196 Boylston " Charles H. Osgood, D. D. S., 147 Tremont " F. M. Robinson, D. M. D., Hotel Boylston " I. A. Salmon, D. D. S., 149 A Tremont " N. E. Saville, 176 Tremont " L. D. Shepard, D. D. S., 100 Boylston " James Shepherd, 3 Hamilton Place " H. E. Smith, D. M. D., 100 Boylston " S. F. Stearns, 49 Hancock " 48 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. J. F. Stetson, D. D. S., 5 Park Boston. E. F. Taft, D. M. D., 1 Columbus Square " G. F. Waters, 8 Beacon " J. G. W. Werner, D. M. D., 548 Tremont I. J. Wetherbee, D. D. S., 46 Dover " J. E. Whitmore, M. D., D. D. S., 485 Tremont " Charles Wilson, D. M. D., 50 Allen " C. P. Ensworth, 3 Lewis East " L. B. Fenderson, D. D. S., 573 Broadway South " D. F. Whitton, D. M. D., 394 Broadway " " L. B. Dutton, 124 Warren Roxbury " Edward Page, M. D., D. M. D., 3 Dexter Row . Charlestown " W. E. Page, D. M. D., 3 Dexter Row .... " " W. E. Starbuck, D. D. S., Centre .... Jamaica Plain " E. S. Powers, D. D. S South Abington. J. J. Vincent, D. M. D Amherst. E. L. Crandall Attleboro'. E. F. Whitman, D. D. S East Bridgewater. R. R. Andrews, D. D. S., 23 Brattle Square . . Cambridge. E. O. Kinsman, D. D. S " C. Bullock Cambridgeport. William Milligan, D. D. S A. J. Smith, D. D. S East Cambridge. A. T. Willard, 21 Third Chelsea. D. B. Ingalls, D. D. S Clinton. T. D. Chamberlain (South) Framingham. A. W. Rowland, D. D. S., 283 Essex .... Lawrence. J. H. Kidder, 271 Essex " W. E. Riggs, D. D. S., 307 Essex " A. W. Burnham, D. D. S Lowell. G. A. Gerry, D. D. S S. J. Stevens, D. D. S Lynn. Leon Rideout, D. D. S. . . " P. B. Laskey, D. M. D Marblehead. C. G. Davis, D. D. S New Bedford. A. B. Jewell, D. M. D Newton. M. E. Pond Auburndale, " T. D. Shumway Plymouth. O. Howe Princeton. J. H. Batchelder, D. D. S., 20 Washington . . Salem. A. M. Dudley, D. D. S., 223 Essex " H. C. Meriam, D. M. D MASSACHUSETTS. 49 J. J. Anderson, D. D. S., 62 Bridge Springfield. J. S. Hurlbnt, 1). D. S., Shaw's Block . ... C. S. Hurlbut, D. D. S " F. Searle, 352 Main " A. W. Tenney Stoneham. E. A. Boyden (South) AValpole. A. Papineau Waltham. J. M. Sherman K. F. Home, D. D. S Watertown. J. F. Adams, D. D. S., 4 Elm Worcester. H. F. Bishop, D. D. S., 30 Pearl " O. F. Harris " G. F. Harwood, D. D. S " C. S. French Quincy. CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. C. A. Brackctt, D. M. D., New- L. C. Taylor, Hartford, Conn, port, R. I. HONORARY MEMBERS. Joshua Tucker, Boston, Mass. W. H. Atkinson, New York, N. Y. S. S. White, Philadelphia, Pa. T. B. Gunning, " " T. W. Evans, Paris, France. S. C. Barnum, " " JUNIOR MEMBERS. W. L. Glover, 548 Tremont Street, P. P. Nichols, 46 Dover Street, Boston. Boston. Merrimac Valley Dental Association. Organized in Lowell, Mass., October 29, 1863, for the purpose of promoting the welfare of the dental profession. Any respectable dentist may become a member. The annual meeting is held on the first Thursday of No- vember, and the semi-annual meeting on the first Thursday of May. An annual assessment of one dollar is paid by each member. OFFICERS. President A. M. Dudley, D. D. S., Salem, Mass. Vice-Presidents T. Fillebrown, D. M. D., L. F. Locke, M. D. Treasurer }!. Hill, D. D. S., Manchester, N. H. 4 50 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. Recording Secretary W. E. Riggs, D. D. S., Lawrence, Mass. Corresponding Secretary J. H. Kidder, M. D., Lawrence, Mass. Librarian A. Lawrence, M. D. ACTIVE MEMBERS. D. S. Bartlett, Boston, Mass. A. T. Bigelow, " " J. T. Codman, " " J. B. Coolidge, H. E. Dennett, " " D. F. Drake, G. B. Harriman, D. G. Harrington, C. W. Hodgdon, A. Lawrence, S. J. McDougall, M. Newton, C. H. Osgood, I. A. Salmon, L. D. Shepard, G. F. Waters, I. J. Wetherbee, J. A. Perkins, Amesbury, " J. Hemmenway, Athol Depot, " O. F. Swasey, Beverly, " T. W. Clements, Brookline, Wilkes Allen, Cambridge, R. R. Andrews, J. Fisk, Clinton, D.B. Ingalls, T. Palmer, Fitchburg, J. W. Palmer, J. P. Dennett, Gloucester, J. B. Wells, Ipswich, J. Austin, Lawrence, S. C. Bancroft, A. W. Howland, J. H. Kidder, D. T. Porter, W. E. Riggs, G. A. Gerry, Lowell, L. Rideout, Lynn, S. G. Stevens, P. B. Laskey, Maiblehead, S. J. Shaw, Marlboro', C. G. Davis, New Bedford, W. H. Noyes, Newburyport, T. D. Shumway, Plymouth, C. S. French, " "Qitincy, E. Baker, Salern, J. H. Batchelder, Salem, Mass. A. M. Dudley, " " J. E. Fisk, C. H. Harwood, W. Porter, " A. W. Tenney, Stoneham, D. S. Dickerman, Taunton, R. F. Horn, Watertown, C. T. Lang, Woburn, J. F. Adams, Worcester, S. W. Cooke, G. F. Harwood, " B. M. Pevey, " M. B. Preble, Auburn, Maine. J. L. Williams, Augusta, " T. Haley, Biddeford, J. W. Curtis, Brunswick, G. A. Haines, Dexter, G. W. Twitchell, Fairfield, F. A. Morgan, Gray, Isaac Goddard, Jr., Lewiston, E. Bacon, Portland, T. Fillebrown, Walter P. Johnson, " C. N. Pierce, Henry Leavitt, Skowhegan, A. N. Merrill, Thomaston, J. M. Fletcher, Bradford, N. E. G. Cummings, Concord, J. W. Little, C. W. Towle, G. A. Young, W. H. Hayes, Dover, C. M. Murphy, " C. W. Tasker, A. J. Young, " D. W. Edgerly, Farmingham, J. H. French, Fisherville, J. Guttinan, Great Falls, M. F. Smith, Henniker, E. B. Gushing, Lake Village, W. S. Bowles, Lebanon, ' L. W.San born, London, W. F. Childs, Manchester, C. W. Clement, ' II. MASSA CHUSETTS. 51 O. Dowlin, Manchester, N. H. Hill, S. J. Hill, J. B. Prescott, A. A. Russ, C. F. Fiske, M Iford, L. F. Locke, Nashua, A. Lull, A. T. Severance, Newmarket, C. H. Hayward, Peterhoro', S. N. Porter, H. B. P. Merrill, Plymouth, N. H. K. B. Goodall, Portsmouth, J. S. Perry, A. P. Stevens, J. W. Pray, Rochester, A. Severance, Salmon Falls, R. F. Cook, Suncook, E. Wood, East Wilton, W. II. Tillinghast, Providence, R.I. HONORARY MEMBERS. A. A. Cooke, Milford. G. L. Cooke, Milford. A. Robertson, Georgetown. Connecticut Valley Dental Society. Organized in Springfield, Mass., November 10, 1863. Meets semi-annually, in November and June. OFFICERS. President H. F. Bishop. Vice-Presidents H. W. Clapp, E. P. Goodrich. Treasurer N. Morgan. Secretary C. T. Stockwell. Massachusetts College of Pharmacy. Organized in February, 1823, and incorporated by the Legislature in 1852. The object of the college is to pro- vide the means of a systematic education ; to regulate the instruction of apprentices ; to promote a spirit of pharma- ceutical investigation, and to diffuse information among the members of the profession ; to discountenance the sale of spurious, adulterated, and inferior articles ; to regulate the business, as far as practicable and consistent with our social institutions ; to cherish habits of friendly intercourse ; and in general to advance the character and interests of the profession. Any adult person of correct deportment, who shall have been actively engaged as a dispensing apothecary for the 52 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. term of six years, either as principal or clerk, may be ad- mitted as a member of the college. He must be proposed in writing by two members, at a stated meeting of the Board of Trustees, and be balloted for at a subsequent meeting of the same. He must pay an admission fee of five dollars, and sign the by-laws of the college, and shall pay an annual contribution of five dollars as long as he shall continue a member. Graduates of the school of the College of Pharmacy are eligible to membership under the same regulations as other pharmacists. Associate and honorary members may be elected by the society on recommendation of the Board of Trustees. As- sociate members pay the same assessment as active mem- bers. The stated meetings of the college are held at 1151 Washington Street, Boston, on the first Monday of March, and on the first Thursdays of June, September, and De- cember, at three o'clock p. M. Ten members constitute a quorum. The pharmaceutical meetings of the college are open to all persons interested in pharmacy and collateral pursuits, and are held (alternately on afternoons at three o'clock, and evenings at half past seven o'clock) on the second Tuesday of each month. The Board of Trustees meet statedly on the first Thurs- day of each month, at three o'clock p. M. Five members constitute a quorum. [See " School of Pharmacy," under Medical Schools and Kindred Institutions.] OFFICERS. President T. L. Jenks. Vice-Presidents B. F. Stacey, A. E. Bayley. Treasurer C. I. Eaton. Recording Secretary Thomas Doliber. Corresponding Secretary G. F. H. Markoe. Auditor J. S. Melvin. Trustees I. B. Patten, G. H. Cowdin, E. S. Kelley, C. P. Orne, S. A. D. Sheppard, C. A. Tufts, D. G. Wilkins, H. Canning. MASSACHUSETTS. 53 MEMBERS. W. M. Allen, 569 Tremont Street Boston. Sylvester Almy Leopold Babo, 12 Boylston John S. Badger, 43 Temple Place " W. W. Bartlet, 675 Shawmut Avenue " C. H. Bassett, 504 Washington " J.P.Bradbury G. T. Brown " J. T. Brown, 504 Washington " J. T. Brown, Jr., 504 Washington Henry Canning, 90 Green " W. A. Chapin, Beach and Lincoln S. M. Colcord George Colton, 165 Cambridge " Thomas Doliber, 39 Tremont " C. I. Eaton, 1433 Washington " J. A. Gleeson, 151 Harrison Ave " W. P. Howard, 354 Hanover " L. L. Jenkins, 119 Lever ett " T. L. Jenks, Merrimac and Travers E. S. Kelley, Hotel Berkeley " Alvah Littlefield, 196 Lincoln F. M. Loring, 655 Tremont " J. S. Melvin, 43 Temple Place S. J. Noble, 55 Green " J. J. O'Brien, Hudson and Kneeland J. L. Parker, 232 Tremont " G. W. Parmenter, 270 Hanover " E. L. Patch, 90 Green " I. B. Patten, 39 Harrison Ave " W.F. Sawyer, 1152 Tremont " G. T. Sears, 50 Washington " S. A. D. Sheppard, 1129 Washington " Elijah Smalley, 270 Harrison Avenue " Levi Tower, Jr., 1681 Washington " A. G. Wilbor, 707 Washington " D. G. Wilkins, 11 Charles " R. R. Kent, 7 Winthrop Block East " D. E. Barry, 373 West Broadway South " H. C. Bispham, 468 Broadway " " I. T. Campbell, 239 West Broadway " " 54 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. M. H. Gleeson, 226 Broadway South Boston. W. A. Guild, 801 East Fourth " J. T. Leary, 239 West Broadway " " E. A. Alden, 2388 Washington Roxbury, " L. D. Drury, Warren and Dudley " " H. W. Lincoln, 185 Warren " " G. F. H. Markoe, Warren and Dudley .... " " George Warren, 2147 Washington " S. S. Bradford, 48 Main Charlestown, " G. P. Kettell, 250 Main G. D. Kicker, 51 Vine " " B. F. Stacey, Thompson Square " " . John Stowell, 46 Main " " Nahum Washburn, Jr Bridgewater. J. H. Hubbard, 468 Harvard Cambridge. A. R. Bayley, 607 Main Cambridgeport. C. P. Orne J. S. Orne, 493 Main " John Buck, 147 Winnisimmet Chelsea. H. F. Sumner " E. B. Gordon Lynn. S. C. Tozzer C. H. Jagger Nantucket. J. E. Blake New Bedford. Eben Blatchford Rockport. C. H. Price Salem. Joseph Price " G. H. Cowdin Somerville. N. R. Scott, 569 Main Worcester. C. A. Tufts Dover, N. H. C. A. Merrill Exeter, N. H. Lebbeus Scott Granport, Me. J. H. Taylor Newport, R. I. HONORARY MEMBERS. W. P. Bolles, M. D Boston. Joseph Burnett G. S. Jones, M. D " Theodore Metcalf " MASSACHUSETTS. 55 Massachusetts Medical Benevolent Society. The organization of this society dates from 1857 ; in 1871 it received an act of incorporation from the Legis- lature of Massachusetts. It has for its object the relief of its members, or of their families, should they need assist- ance ; and of such other members of the medical profes- sion or their families as may be deemed by the society suitable objects of its beneficence. It includes in its list of members physicians from all parts of the State. The Council of the society, to whom are intrusted the care of the funds and the distribution of its charities, are desirous of making the institution more widely useful, by extending its assistance to a larger num- ber of beneficiaries. In order to widen the circle of their charities, they desire to add largely to their numbers ; and physicians, who may be willing to aid a charity of such importance, are invited to become its members. It is also desirable that cases of destitution among the members of the profession may be brought to the notice of the officers, so that measures may be at once taken for their relief. The fee paid on entering the society is three dollars; and the annual assessment is two dollars. The payment of twenty-five dollars at one time, or of the annual assess- ment for twenty successive years, constitutes one a life- member, and at his option relieves him from future pay- ments. The donation of fifty dollars or more at one time entitles the donor to be inscribed among the benefactors of the society. The annual meeting is held on the last Thursday in October of each year. The Council holds its meetings on the last Thursday in January, April, and July. OFFICERS. President H. W. Williams, M. D. Vice-President S. A. Fisk, M. D. Treasurer Francis Minot, M. D. 56 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. Secretary D. H. Hayden, M. D. Trustees Drs. G. A. Bethune, J. H. Dix, Arthur Kemble, C. E. Stedman, Charles Haddock, G. J. Townsend, C. C. Holmes, John Homans, A. L. Mason. MEMBERS. S. L. Abbot, Boston. S. W. Abbott, Wakefield. B. F. D. Adams, Waltham. Ebeuezer Alden, Randolph. C. H, Allen, Chicago, 111. Robert Amory, Brookline. William Appleton, Jr., Boston. G. J. Arnold, Roxbury, Boston. James Ayer, Boston. J. B. Ayer. John Bacon, Boston. "W. H. Baker, Boston. A. B. Bancroft, Boston. H. J. Barnes, Boston. H. H. A. Beach, Boston. C. V. Bemis, Medford. G. A. Bethune, Boston. H. J. Bigelow, Boston. W. S. Bigelow, Boston. G. H. Bixby, Boston. C. J. Blake, Boston. J. G. Blake, Boston. W. E. Boardman, Boston. W. P. Bolles, Roxbury, Boston. J. N. Borland, New London, Conn. H. I. Bowditch, Boston. H. P. Bowditch, Jamaica Plain, Boston. E. H. Bradford, Boston. Buckminster Brown, Boston. F. H. Brown, Boston. J. F. Bush, Boston. E. M. Buckingham, Boston. Samuel Cabot, Boston. A. T. Cabot, Boston. J. R. Chadwick, Boston. Walter Channing, Boston. D. W. Cheever, Boston. H. G. Clark, Boston. Henry Clarke, Worcester. G. D. Colony, Fitchburg. Algernon Coolidge, Boston. B. E. Cotting, Roxbury, Boston. Edward Cowles, Somerville. P. M. Crane, Boston. Hall Curtis, Boston. T. B. Curtis, Boston. . E. G. Cutler, Boston. A. C. Deane, Greenfield. J. H. Denny, Boston. Basket Derby, Boston. John Dixwell, Boston. J. H. Dix, Boston. O. W. Doe, Boston. F. W. Draper, Boston. S. W. Driver, Cambridge. Horace Dupee, Boston. Thomas Dwight, Boston. R. T. Edes, Roxbury, Boston. P. O'M. Edson, Roxbury, Boston. Calvin Ellis, Boston. George Faulkner, Jamaica Plain, Boston. S. A. Fisk, Northampton. R. H. Fitz, Boston. J. S. Flint, Roxbury, Boston. Norton Folsom, Boston. C. F. Folsom, Boston. E. J. Forster, Charlestown, Bos- ton. T. E. Francis, Brookline. G. E. Francis, Worcester. M. F. Gavin, South Boston. F. W. Goss, Roxbury, Boston. J. Orne Green, Boston. M. C. Greene, Boston. R. C. Greenleaf, Jr., Lenox. F. B. Greenough, Boston. Charles Haddock, Beverly. J. L. Hale, Boston. F. C. Haven, Boston. Gustavus Hay, Boston. D. H. Hayden, Boston. George Hayward, Boston. J. T. Heard, Boston. C. H. Hildreth, Gloucester. J. L. Hildreth, Cambridge. MASS A CHUSETTS. 57 R. L. Ilodgdon, Arlington. R. M. Hodges, Boston. C. C. Holmes, Milton. O. W. Holmes, Boston. C. D. Homans, Boston. John Homans, Boston. Alfred Hosmer, Watertown. S. H. Kurd, Skaneateles, N. Y. C. E. Inches, Boston. H. B. Inches, Boston. William In gal Is, Boston. J. F. Jarvis, Boston. B. J. Jeffries, Boston. A. H. Johnson, Salem. J. J. Johnson, Northboro'. D. W. Jones, Newtonville. Arthur Kemble, Salem. F. I. Knight, Boston. J. A. Lamson, Boston. S. W. Langmaid, Boston. R. M. Lawrence, Boston. D. F. Lincoln, Boston. G. H. Lyman, Boston. William Mack, Salem. J. H. Mackie, New Bedford. A. L. Mason, Boston. H. E. Marion, Brighton, Boston. J. P. Maynard, Dedham. J. H. McCollom, Boston. J. G. Metcalf, Mendon. E. D. Miller, Dorchester, Boston. Francis Minot, Boston. J. J. Minot, Boston. F. G. Merrill, Boston. A. H. Nichols, Roxbury, Boston. J. T. G. Nichols, Cambridge. F. E. Oliver, Boston. H. K. Oliver, Boston. J. P. Oliver, Boston. G. S. Osborne, Peabody. Luther Parks, Boston. F. F. Patch, Boston. C. B. Porter, Boston. C. P. Putnam, Boston. J. J. Putnam, Boston. H. P. Quincy, Dedham. William Read, Boston. Edward Reynolds, Boston. J. P. Reynolds, Boston. M. H. Richardson, Boston. W. L. Richardson, Boston. T. M. Rotch, Boston. LeBaron Russell, Boston. G. K. Sabine, Brookline. Joseph Sargent, Worcester. H. M. Saville, Boston. F. C. Shattuck, Boston. G. B. Shattuck, Boston. G. C. Shattuck, Boston. B. S. Shaw, Boston. H. L. Shaw, Boston. O. B. Shreve, Salem. A. Shurtleff, Brookline. A. D. Sinclair, Boston. D. D. Slade, Newton. F. P. Sprague, Boston. John Stearns, Boston. C. E. Stedman, Dorchester, Bos- ton. Joseph Stedman, Jamaica Plain, Boston. Calvin Stevens, Boston. H. O. Stone, Salem. L. R. Stone, Newton. D. H. Storer, Boston. H. R. Storer, Newport, R. I. A. M. Sumner, Boston. C. W. Swan, Boston. G. G. Tarbell, Boston. H. E. Townsend, Boston. G. J. Townsend, Natick. J. B. Treadwell, Boston. Henry Tuck, New York, N. Y. E. G. Tucker, Boston. G. L. Underwood, Boston. J. B. Upham, Boston. C. E. Vaughan, Cambridge. O. F. Wadsworth, Boston. C. E. Ware, Boston. J. C. Warren, Boston. A. C. Webber, Cambridgeport. S. G. Webber, Boston. W. W. Wellington, Cambridgeport. Frank Wells, Boston. J. C. White, Boston. J. S. Whiting, Charlestown, Bos- ton. W. F. Whitney, Boston. W. J. Whitney, Boston. J. H.'Whittemore, Boston. 58 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. E. N. Whittier, Boston. H. W. Williams, Boston. Edward Wigglesworth, Boston. J. L. Williams, Boston. Robert Willard, Boston. B. F. Wing, Jamaica Plain, Boston. C. H. Williams, Boston. Frederic Winsor, Winchester. E. S. Wood, Cambridge. Boston Medical Association. A large number of the regular physicians of Boston are united in this association, for the purpose of regulating the medical police of the city, and establishing the fee- table. It was organized in 1806 ; and in 1808 adopted certain principles of government, which remain to-day as the foundation of a code governing all regular practitioners established in the city. The annual meeting of the association is held at 19 Boylston Place, on the first Monday in May. Each member pays the sum of one dollar on joining the association. The fee-table of the association is given at a later page of this volume. The code adopted in 1808 is given in full: CONSULTATIONS. Consultations should be encouraged in difficult and pro- tracted cases, as they give rise to confidence, energy, and more enlarged views in practice. On such occasions no rivalship or jealousy should be indulged ; candor, justice, and all due respect should be exercised towards the physi- cian who first attended ; and, as he may be presumed to be best acquainted with the patient and his family, he should deliver all the medical directions as agreed upon. It should be the province, however, of the senior consulting physician to propose the necessary questions to the sick. The consulting physician is never to visit without the attending one, unless by the desire of the latter, or when, as in sudden emergency, he is not to be found. No dis- cussion of the case should take place before the patient or MASSACHUSETTS. 59 his friends; and no prognostications should be delivered which were not the result of previous deliberation and con- currence. Theoretical debates, indeed, should generally be avoided in consultation, as occasioning perplexity and the loss of time ; for there may be much diversity of opinion on speculative points, with perfect agreement on those modes of practice which are founded, not on hypothesis, but on experience and observation. Physicians in consul- tations, whatever may be their private resentments or opinions of one another, should divest themselves of all partialities, and think of nothing but what will most effect- ually contribute to the relief of those under their care. If a physician cannot lay his hand to his heart and say that his mind is perfectly open to conviction, from what- ever quarter it may come, he should in honor decline the consultation. All discussions and debates in consultations are to be held secret and confidential. Many advantages may arise from two consulting to- gether, who are men of candor, and have mutual confidence in each other's honor. A remedy may occur to one which did not to another ; and a physician may want resolution, or a confidence in his own opinion, to prescribe a powerful but precarious remedy, on which, however, the life of his patient may depend ; in this case a concurrent opinion may fix his own. But when such mutual confidence is wanting a consultation had better be declined, especially if there is reason to believe that sentiments delivered with openness are to be communicated abroad, or to the family concerned, and if in consequence of this, either gentleman is to be made responsible for the event. The utmost punctuality should be observed in consulta- tion visits ; and to avoid loss of time it will be expedient to establish the space of fifteen minutes as an allowance for delay, after which the meeting might be considered as postponed for a new appointment. 60 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. INTERFERENCES. Medicine is a liberal profession ; the practitioners are, or ought to be, men of education ; and their expectations of business and employment should be founded on their degrees of qualification, not on artifice and insinuation. A certain undefinable species of assiduities and attentions, therefore, to families usually employing another, is to be considered as beneath the dignity of a regular practitioner, and as making a mere trade of a learned profession ; and all officious interferences, in cases of sickness in such fam- ilies, evince a meanness of disposition, unbecoming the character of a physician or a gentleman. No meddling inquiries should be made concerning them, nor hints given relative to their nature and treatment, nor any selfish con- duct pursued, that may, directly or indirectly, tend to weaken confidence in the physicians or surgeons who have the care of them. When a physician is called to a patient who has been under the care of another gentleman of the Faculty, be- fore any examination of the case, he should ascertain whether that gentleman understands that the patient is no longer under his care ; and, unless this be the case, the second physician is not to assume the charge of the patient, nor to give his advice excepting in instances of sudden attacks without a regular consultation ; and if such previously attending gentleman has been dismissed, or has voluntarily relinquished the patient, his practice should be treated with candor, and justified so far as probity and truth will permit ; for the want of success in the primary treatment of the disorder is no impeachment of professional skill and knowledge. It frequently happens that a physician, in incidental communications with the patients of others, or with their friends, may have their cases stated to him in so direct a manner as not to admit of his declining to pay attention to them. Under such circumstances his observations should MASSACHUSETTS. 61 be delivered with the most delicate propriety and reserve. He should not interfere in the curative plans pursued, and should even recommend a steady adherence to them, if they appear to merit approbation. DIFFERENCES OF PHYSICIANS. The differences of physicians, when they end in appeals to the public, generally hurt the contending parties ; but, what is of more consequence, they discredit the profession and expose the Faculty itself to contempt and ridicule. Whenever such differences occur as may affect the honor and dignity of the profession, and cannot immediately be terminated, or do not come under the character of viola- tion of the special rules of the association otherwise pro- vided for, they should be referred to the arbitration of a sufficient number of members of the association, according to the nature of the dispute ; but neither the subject-niat- ter of such references, nor the adjudication, should, if it can be avoided, be communicated to the public, as they may be personally injurious to the individuals concerned, and can hardly fail to hurt the general credit of the Faculty. DISCOURAGEMENT OF QUACKERY. 1 The use of quack medicines should be discouraged by the Faculty as disgraceful to the profession, injurious to 1 At a meeting of the Councillors of the Massachusetts Medical Society held February 3, 1858, the following resolutions were adopted : Resolved, That the Massachusetts Medical Society deem it dishonorable in its Fellows to append their names in any way recommendatory of secret or quack remedies, and any Fellow so exhibiting his name shall be consid- ered as acting in a manner derogatory to the dignity of a Fellow of this society. Resolved, That if any physician or chemist, through inadvertence or mis- apprehension, shall have been induced to give his recommendation or au- thority in any way to promote the circulation or sale of any secret or em- pirical medicine, he shall be expected publicly to disclaim or revoke the same. Resolved, That the Fellows of the Massachusetts Medical Society regard 62 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. health, and often destructive even of life. No physician or surgeon, therefore, should dispense a secret nostrum, whether it be his invention or exclusive property ; for, if it is of real efficacy, the concealment of it is inconsistent with beneficence and professional liberality ; and, if mys- tery alone give it value and importance, such craft implies either disgraceful ignorance or fraudulent avarice. CONDUCT FOR THE SUPPORT OF THE MEDICAL CHAR- ACTER. The esprit de corps is a principle of action founded in human nature, and, when duly regulated, is both rational and laudable. Every man who enters into a fraternity engages, by a tacit compact, not only to submit to the laws, but to promote the honor and interests of the association, so far as they are consistent with morality and the general good of mankind. A physician, therefore, should cautiously guard against whatever may injure the general respecta- bility of the profession, and should avoid all contumelious representations of the Faculty at large, all general charges against their selfishness or improbity, or the indulgence of an affected or jocular skepticism concerning the efficacy and utility of the healing art. with disapprobation and abhorrence all attempts to procure abortion, except in cases where it may be necessary for the preservation of the mother's life. Resolved, That when any Fellow of this society shall become cognizant of any attempt unlawfully to procure abortion, either by persons in the profession or out of it, it shall be the duty of such Fellow immediately to lodge information with some proper legal officer to the end that such infor- mation may lead to the exposure and conviction of the offender. Resolved, That no person convicted of an attempt to procure criminal abortion can, consistently with its by-laws, any longer remain a Fellow of this society. MASSACHUSETTS. 63 FEES. General rules are adopted by the Faculty,. in every town, relative to the pecuniary acknowledgments of their pa- tients ; and it should be deemed a point of honor to adhere to them ; and every deviation from, or evasion of, these rules should be considered as meriting the indignation and contempt of the fraternity. Gratuitous services to the poor are by no means pro- hibited ; the characteristic beneficence of the profession is inconsistent with sordid views and avaricious rapacity. The poor of every description should be the objects of our peculiar care. Dr. Boerhaave used to say they were his best patients, because God was their paymaster. It is obvious, also, that an average fee, as suited to the general rank of patients, must be an inadequate compensa- tion from the rich (who often require attendance not abso- lutely necessary), and yet too large to be expected from that class of citizens who would feel a reluctance in calling for assistance, without making some decent and satisfactory remuneration. EXEMPTION FROM CHARGES. All members of the medical profession, together with their families, should be attended gratuitously : but visits should not be obtruded officiously, as such civility may give rise to embarrassments, or interfere with that choice on which confidence depends. But distant members of the Faculty, when they request attendance, should be expected at least to defray the charges of traveling. Omission to charge, on account of the wealthy circum- stances of the physician, is an injury to the profession, as it is defrauding, in a degree, the common funds for its sup- port, when fees are dispensed with which might justly be claimed. 64 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. VICARIOUS OFFICES. Whenever a physician officiates for another by his de- sire, in consequence of sickness or absence, if for a short time only, the attendance should be performed gratuitously as to the physician, and with the utmost delicacy towards the professional character of the gentleman previously con- nected with the patient. SENIORITY. A regular and academical education furnishes the only presumptive evidence of professional ability, and is so hon- orable and beneficial that it gives a just claim to preemi- nence among physicians at large, in proportion to the degree in which it may be enjoyed and improved. Never- theless, as industry and talents may furnish exceptions to this general rule, and this method may be liable to difficul- ties in the application, seniority among practitioners of this town should be determined by the period of public and ac- knowledged practice as a physician or surgeon in the same. This arrangement, being clear and obvious, is adapted to remove all grounds of dispute among medical gentlemen ; and it secures the regular continuance of the established order of precedency, which might otherwise be subject to troublesome interruptions by new settlers, perhaps not long stationary in the place. OFFICERS. Secretary F. H. Davenport, M. D. Standing Committee Drs. Francis Minot, C. D. Homans, Buck- minster Brown, J. C. Warren. MEMBERS. S. L. Abbot. James Ayer. E. W. Aiken. J. B. Ayer. G. O. Allen. W. H. Baker. Andrew Alexander. H. H. A. Beach. William Appleton, Jr. C. B. Belt. MASS A CHUSETTS. 65 G. A. Bethune. G. F. Bigelow. H. J. Bigelow. G. H. Bixby. C. J. Blake. J. G. Blake. F. M. Blodgett. W. E. Boardman. W. P. Bolles. J. N. Borland. H. I. Bowditch. E. H. Bradford. W. P. Brechin. Buckminster Brown. F. H. Brown. E. M. Buckingham. F. E. Bundy. A. T. Cabot Samuel Cabot. B. F. Campbell. W. H. Campbell. D. W. Cheever. E. Chenery. H. G. Clark. Luther Clark. W. W. Codman. C. H. Colburn. Algernon Coolidge. B. E. Cotting. Edward Cowles. P. M. Crane. T. B. Curtis. Hall Curtis. E. W. Gushing. J. W. Cushing. Stephen Cushing. E. G. Cutler. W. J. Dale. B. F. Davenport. F. H. Davenport. Hasket Derby. J. H. Dix. F. W". Draper. W. A. Dunn. S. H. Durgin. Thomas Dwight. E. T. Eastman. P. O'M. Edson. Walter Ela. Calvin Ellis. C. A. Fernald. R. H. Fitz. D. V. Folts. H. H. Gallison. A. C. Garratt. G. W. Gay. F. W. Goss. J. F. Gould. Douglas Graham. F. H. Gray. J. Orne Green. S- A. Green. M. C. Greene. F. B. Greenough. J. L. Hale. A. B. Hall. Thomas Hall. E. A. W. Harlow. J. F. Harlow. M. K. Hartnett. W. H. H. Hastings. Gustavus Hay. D. H. Hayden. George Hayward, J. T. Heard. J. B. Hill. E. F. Hodges, R. M. Hodges. S. P. Holbrook. W. C. Holyoke. }. D. Homans. John Homans. R. W. Hooper. A. C. Howard. George Hubbard, David Hunt, Jr. G. S. Hyde. J. Hyndman. C. E. Inches. William Ingalls. J. F. Jarvis. B. J. Jeffries. B. O. Kinnear. Samuel Kneeland. J. A. Lamson. R. M. Lawrence, M. B. Leonard. D. F. Lincoln. G. H. Lyman. W. B. Mackie. 66 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. H. T. Mansfield. A. L. Mason. J. H. McCollom. Francis Minot. I. L. Moore. F. G. Morrill. K. W. Newell. A. H. Nichols. W. M. Ogden. F. E. Oliver. H. K Oliver. J. P. Oliver. J. P. Ordway. William Osgood. P. W. Page. W. H. Page. E. L. Parks. Luther Parks. F. F. Patch. E. A. Perkins. C. B. Porter. Abner Post. Robert Provan. C. P. Putnam. J. J. Putnam. William Read. Edward Reynolds. J. P. Reynolds. M. H. Richardson. W. L. Richardson. T. M. Rotch. LeBaron Russell. R. H. Salter. H. M. Saville. J. C. Sharp. G. C. Shattuck. B. S. Shaw. H. L. Shaw. A. D. Sinclair. E. M. Skinner. J. V. Smith. E. D. Spear, Jr. C. H. Spring. Horace Stacy. C. E. Stedman. Calvin Stevens. D. H. Storer. C. C. Street. A. M. Sumner. C. W. Swan. G. G. Tarbell G. N. Thomson. W. H. Thorndike. J. B. Treadwell. E. G. Tucker. Joshua Tucker. G. L. Underwood. J. B. Upham. F. W. Vogel. O. F. Wadsworth. C. E. Ware. J. C. Warren J. H. Warren. S. G. Webber. J. R. Webster M. W. Weld. Frank Wells. J. C. White. Robert White. W. F. Whitney. W. J. Whitney. E. N. Whittier. Edward Wigglesworth. Robert Willard. C. H. Williams. H. W. Williams. J. L. Williams. David Youngman. Boston Society for Medical Observation. Originally organized April 14, 1835 ; discontinued in 1838, and revived March 17, 1846. The society was formed on the plan of the Society for Medical Observation in Paris, of which Louis was president, " to make its members good observers of disease, to collect and arrange accurately recorded facts in furtherance of the cause of medical M. 1 SSA CHUSETTS. 67 science, and to publish from time to time the results of the examination of such facts." The members are classed as active, associate, honorary, and corresponding. The number of active members is limited to forty. Any member of the Massachusetts Medical Society, living in Boston, is eligible as a member. Active or associate mem- bers of twenty years' standing may be elected honorary members. Corresponding members are elected from those who, having been active or associate members, have left the State, but still desire to retain their connection with the society. Active members and honorary members who take the journals pay an annual assessment of seven dollars ; associate members four dollars. The payment of fifty dol- lars at one time constitutes one a life member. The meetings are held at the Medical Rooms, 19 Boyl- ston Place, the first and third Monday in each month, with the exception of July, August, and September. Eight members, active or associate, constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Most of the leading European and American medical journals are taken by the society, and are circulated among the active and honorary members. The society has a li- brary of more than one thousand volumes, including com- plete sets of medical periodicals and other valuable works, which is now deposited at the rooms of the Medical Li- brary Association, 19 Boylston Place. The annual meeting for the election of officers is held the first Monday in April. The semi-annual election of members takes place the first Monday in May and No- vember. OFFICERS. Secretary F. C. Shattuck, M. D. Treasurer J. F. Bush, M. D. Librarian C. P. Putnam, M. D. Pamphlet Librarian J. P. Oliver, M. D. 68 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. ACTIVE MEMBERS. J. B. Ayer. C. E. Inches. W. H. Baker. William Ingalls. H. H. A. Beach. F. I. Knight. G. H. Bixby. S. W. Langmaid. J. G. Blake. A. L. Mason. W. E. Boardman. J. H. McCollom. E. H. Bradford. F. G. Morrill. F. H. Brown. J. P. Oliver. E. M. Buckingham. Abner Post F. E. Bundy. C. P. Putnam. J. F. Bush. J. J. Putnam. J. R. Chadwick. W. L. Richardson. Edward Cowles. T. M. Rotch. T. B. Curtis. George Stedman. E. G. Cutler. A. M. Sumner. Hasket Derby. G. G. Tarbell. O. W. Doe. O. F. Wadsworth. W. A. Dunn. S. G. Webber. R. H. Fitz. E. N. Whittier. J. Orne Greene. Edward Wigglesworth. HONORARY MEMBERS. H. I. Bowditch. J. P. Reynolds. S. Cabot. G. C. Shattuck. Calvin Ellis. H. W. Williams. Francis Minot. LIFE MEMBER. B. J. Jeffries. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS. G. J. Arnold. G. M. Garland. C. J. Blake. G. W. Gay. W. P. Bolles. Gustavus Hay. A. T. Cabot. D. H. Hayden. F. H. Davenport. J. L. Hildreth. J. H. Denny. Alfred Hosmer. F. W. Draper. G. F. Jelly. S. W. Driver. ; D. F. Lincoln. S. H. Durgin.' H. E. Marion. Thomas D wight. J. T. G. Nichols. T. W. Fisher. C. B. Porter. C. F. Folsom. G. H. M. Rowe. Norton Folsom. G. K. Sabine. E. J. Forster. F. C. Shattuck. MASSACHUSETTS. 69 G. B. Shattuck. J. C. Warren. C. E. Stedman. Thomas Waterman. H. R. Stedman. Frauk Wells. E. H. Stevens. J. H. Whittemore. L. R. Stone. C. H. Williams. C. E. Vauglmn. E. S. Wood. CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. Z. B. Adams, Framingham. A. H. Nichols, Roxbury, Boston. R. T. Edes, Roxbury, Boston. Joseph Sargent, Worcester. John Green, St. Louis, Mo. Boston Society for Medical Improvement Incorporated March 20, 1839, for the purpose of im- provement of its members in the different branches of medical science. The meetings of the society are held at the hall of the Medical Library Association, 19 Boylston Place, on the second and fourth Monday in each month throughout the year. The annual meeting of the society is held on the second Monday in January. New members are elected on the second Monday of April and October. The society has a valuable anatomical collection, a cata- logue of which was published by the Curator, the late Dr. J. B. S. Jackson. 1 The collection has recently been presented to the Med- ical School of Harvard University, and, as soon as suit- able and safe accommodation can be furnished in the college building, will be removed to that place. The library of the society is now deposited at the rooms of the Medical Library Association. The scientific communications of the society are pub- lished in the " Boston Medical and Surgical Journal," and also in pamphlet form. 1 A Descriptive Catalogue of the Anatomical Museum of the Boston Society for Medical Improvement. By J. B. S. Jackson, M. D., Curator of the Museum, Professor of Pathological Anatomy in Harvard University. Boston, 1847. 70 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. OFFICERS. Treasurer, Secretary, and Cabinet-Keeper E. G. Cutler, M. D. Librarian H. K. Oliver, M. D. Prudential Committee Drs. D. H. Storer, Samuel Cabot, C. E. Ware, Francis Minot. Committee on Publications Drs. Francis Minot, R. M. Hodges. MEMBERS. S. L. Abbot. James Aver. W. H. Baker. H. H. A. Beach. G. A. Bethune. H. J. Bigelow. G. H. Bixby. C. J. Blake. J. G. Blake. W. P. Bolles. H. I. Bowditch. E. H. Bradford. Buckminster Brown. Samuel Cabot. D. W. Cheever. H. G. Clark. Algernon Coolidge. Edward Cowles. Hall Curtis. T. B. Curtis. Benjamin Gushing. E. G. Cutler. H. F. Damon. Hasket Derby. O. W. Doe. F. W. Draper. Thomas D wight. R. T. Edes. Calvin Ellis. R. H. Fitz. C. F. Folsom. G. M. Garland. F. H. Gray. J. Orne Green. S. A. Green. F. B. Greenough. J. L. Hale. W. H. H. Hastings. Gustavus Hay. D. H. Hayden. J. T. Heard. R. M. Hodges. O. W. Holmes. C. D. Homans. John Homans. R. W. Hooper. H. B. Inches. F. I. Knight. S. W. Langmaid. J. S. Lombard. G. H. Lyman. A. L. Mason. Francis Minot. A. H. Nichols. F. E. Oliver. H. K. Oliver. J. P. Oliver. Luther Parks. C. B. Porter. AbnerPost. C. P. Putnam. J. J. Putnam. Edward Reynolds. J. P. Reynolds. W. L. Richardson. T. M. Rotch. LeBaron Russell. F. C. Shattuck. G. B. Shattuck. G. C. Shattuck. B. S. Shaw. H. L. Shaw. A. D. Sinclair. F. P. Sprague. C. E. Stedman. D. H. Storer. A. M. Sumner. C. W. Swan. G. G. Tarbell. W. H. Thorndike. MASSACHUSETTS. 71 G. L. Underwood. S. G. Webber. O. F. Wadsworth. J. C. White. C. A. Walker. E. N. Whitticr. C. E. Ware. Robert Willard. J. C. Warren. H. W. Williams. Thomas Waterman. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS. B. E. Cotting, Roxbury, Boston. Joseph Sargent, Worcester. W. C. B. Fifield, Dorchester, W. W. Wellington, Cambridge Boston. port. R. L. Hodgdon, Arlington. W. G. Wheeler, Chelsea. G. F. Jelly, Boston. Morrill Wyman, Cambridge. Obstetrical Society of Boston. Organized December 7, 1860. The object of the society is the cultivation of knowledge in all that relates to Ob- stetrics and Diseases of Women and Children. The num- ber of members is limited to thirty. Any fellow of the Massachusetts Medical Society is eligible as a member. Honorary members may also be elected, who have all the rights and privileges of the society, except that of voting. The meetings are held at the houses of the members, and take place the second Saturday in each month, with the exception of July, August, and September. The trans- actions are published in the " Boston Medical and Surgical Journal." The annual meeting for the election of officers is held the second Saturday in January. The semi-annual election of new members takes place in April and October. OFFICERS. President G. H. Lyman, M. D. First Vice-President 3. P.Reynolds, M. D. Second Vice-President A. Hosmer, M. D. Treasurer W. L. Richardson, M. D. Recording Secretary C. W. Swan, M. D. Corresponding Secretary Hall Curtis, M. D. Prudential Committee Drs. B. E. Cotting, F. Minot, A. D. Sinclair, S. L. Abbot. PMishinrfiCommittee Drs. J. R. Chadwick, W. L. Richardson, G. J. Arnold. 72 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. MEMBERS. S. L. Abbot. C. D. Romans. G. J. Arnold. Alfred Hosmer. G. H. Bixby. William Ingalls. W. E. Boardman. G. H. Lyman. F. H. Brown. Francis Minot. J. R. Chadwick. Luther Parks. B. E. Getting. J. P. Reynolds. Hall Curtis. W. L. Richardson. O. W. Doe. A. D. Sinclair. F. W. Draper. C. E. Stedman. P. O'M. Edson. C. W. Swan. W. C. B. Fifield. Henry Tuck. E. J. Forster. W. W. Wellington. R. L. Hodgdon. The Boston Society of Medical Sciences. This society was organized September 9, 1869, and has for its object " the promotion of the sciences connected with medicine." Its meetings are held on the last Tuesday of each month, excepting June, July, and August, at half-past seven p. M., at the houses of the members. Members of the society may invite regular physicians, or scientific persons specially interested in the objects of the society, to be present at the meetings. Elections for membership take place in April and No- vember. Any regular physician is eligible. The annual assessment is four dollars. The officers of the society are a Secretary and a Treas- urer ; a Committee of Publication, consisting of the Sec- retary (chairman, ex officio) and two other members ; and a Nominating Committee, consisting of three members, all elected annually, at the meeting in September. The scientific communications of the society are pub- lished in the " Boston Medical and Surgical Journal." OFFICERS. Secretary J. J. Putnam, M. D. Treasurer Robert Amory, M. D. MASSACHUSETTS. 73 Committee of Publication Drs. C. F. Folsom, J. J. Putnam. Nominating Committee Drs. J. Orne Green, H. P. Bowditch, R. H. Fitz. Robert Amory. B. J. Jeffries. C. J. Blake. D. F. Lincoln. W. S. Bigelow. A. H. Nichols. W. P. Bolles. H. K. Oliver. H. P. Bowditch. J. J. Putnam. E. H. Bradford. H. P. Quincy. E. G. Cutler. W. L. Richardson. F. W. Draper. G. K. Sabine. Thomas Dwight. O. F. Wadsworth. R. T. Edes. J. C. Warren. R. H. Fitz. S. G. Webber. C. F. Folsom. J. C. White. G. M. Garland. Edward Wigglesworth. J. Orne Green, C. H. Williams. Gustavus Hay. E. S. Wood. William James. Thursday Medical Club. Organized in January, 1877, to promote social inter- course and good fellowship among its members, and mutual improvement in medical science. The number of members is limited to twenty-five ; meetings are held every two weeks. OFFICERS. President F. A. Harris, M. D. Vice-President George Stedman, M. D. Secretary and Treasurer J. A. Fleming, M. D. William Appleton. David Hunt, Jr. W. S. Bigelow. C. M. Jones. E. H. Bradford. B. O. Kinnear. Walter Channiug. S. C. Martin. W. S. Dennett. A. L. Mason. W. A. Dunn. W. L. Richardson. J. A. Fleming. G. K. Sabine. G. W. Galvin. George Stedman. G. M. Garland. W. F. Whitney. F. A. Harris. C. E. Wing. E. F. Hodges. 74 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. South Boston Medical Club. The club is composed of fellows of the Massachusetts Medical Society living in South Boston, and has for its objects professional improvement and social intercourse. It was organized February 25, 1873, and meets at houses of members on the second Thursday of each month. The annual meeting is held in. November. The club subscribe for and circulate a number of the current medical periodicals. OFFICERS. President C. A. Walker, M. D. Vice-President J. R. Draper, M. D. Treasurer C. B. Belt, M. D. Secretary T. G. Reed, M. D. Librarian E. S. Boland, M. D. MEMBERS. C. B. Belt. E. A. Gilman. E. S. Boland. E. M. Harding. T. 0. Cornish. C. E. McGowan. J. R. Draper. Robert Provan. H. S. Everett. T. G. Reed. J. S. H. Fogg. C. A. Walker. M. F. Gavin. A. H. Wilson. HONORARY MEMBER. G. H. M. Rowe. CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. W. W. Lovejoy, Philadelphia, Pa. J. T. Carter, , Va. Association of Life Insurance Examiners. The association was formed February 19, 1873, for the purpose of uniting the examiners of the various life insur- ance companies represented in Boston in such a manner as to give mutual cooperation and support ; to induce a more full understanding of the duties and responsibilities of med- MASSACHUSETTS. 75 ical examiners ; and to consider other subjects, important to the members themselves and the companies they repre- sent. All regularly appointed examiners, in good professional standing, living in Boston or vicinity, are eligible to mem- bership. The annual meeting is held in Boston on the third Wednesday in February ; and other meetings at such times as may be necessary. OFFICERS. President J. C. White, M. D. Treasurer and Secretary F. H. Brown, M. D. MEMBERS. G. J. Arnold. R. L. Hodgdon. G. F. Bigelow. F. I. Knight. W. E. Boardman. F. E. Oliver. F. H. Brown. H. K. Oliver. F. E. Bimdy. C. B. Porter. W. H. Campbell. D. H. Storer. Thomas Crozier, Jr. A. M. Sumner. Hall Curtis. C. W. Swan. J. W. Cashing. G. G. Tarbell. Horace Dupee. Thomas Waterman. E. J. Forster. J. C. White. A. B. Hall. Boston Society for Dental Improvement. The society meets on the second Tuesday of each month, except July and August, at the houses of the members. The number of members is limited to twenty. OFFICERS. Secretary and Treasurer T. O. Lovelaud, D. M. D., Boston. J. H. Batchelder, Salem. J. T. Codman, Boston. E. P. Bradbury, Boston. Thomas Cogswell, Boston. T. H. Chandler, Boston. S. F. Ham, Boston. D. M. Clapp, Boston. D. G. Harrington, Boston. 76 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. N. W. Hawes, Boston. Edward Page, Charlestown, Bos- T. O. Loveland, Boston. ton. G. T. Moffatt, Boston. F. M. Robinson, Boston. James Shepherd, Boston. Boston Microscopical Society. Organized in April, 1874, for the purposes indicated by the name of the society. It consists of resident, corresponding, and honorary mem- bers ; the last being limited to ten. Resident members only are entitled to vote, hold office, or transact business ; other members may attend the meetings and take part in the scientific discussions of the society. Any person of respectable character and attainments, who is inter- ested in the subject of microscopy, residing in the city of Boston or its neighborhood, is eligible to membership. The annual meeting is held on the first Thursday in March ; stated meetings for business on the first Thursday in each month, except July and August ; and meetings for scientific purposes on the third Thursday of each month, except June, July, and August. The initiation fee is five dollars, and an annual assess- ment, not to exceed a similar amount, is paid by each resi- dent member. OFFICERS. President David Hunt, Jr., M. D., Boston. Vice-Presidents Samuel Wells, Boston ; R. R. Andrews, D. D. S., Cambridge. Recording Secretary S. P. Sharpies, S. B., Boston. Corresponding Secretary W. G. Corthell. Treasurer and Custodian J. F. Brown. Council E. C. Brooks ; A. N. Blodgett, M. D. ; F. E. Osborn. Boston Druggists' Association. Organized in 1875 to secure unity among the members, and for social intercourse. All reputable druggists are eligible to membership on making proper application, and paying an initiation fee of five dollars. MASSACHUSETTS. 77 The annual meeting is held on the fourth Tuesday of January, and monthly meetings for social purposes on the fourth Tuesday of each month. OFFICERS. President N. J. Rust. Treasurer S. A. D. Sheppard. Secretary W. F. Horton. Dental Alumni Association of Harvard University. This association was organized in 1870, for the purpose of uniting the alumni of the Harvard Dental School. All graduates become members on the payment of three dollars as au initiation fee. The annual meeting is held in Boston on the day follow- ing Commencement at the university. OFFICERS. President E. P. Bradbury, D. M. D., Boston, Mass. Vice-President H. E. Smith, D. M. D., Boston, Mass. Treasurer Edward Page, M. D., D. M. D., Charlestown, Mass. Secretary T. 0. Lovcland, D. M. D., Boston, Mass. Harvard Odontological Society. Organized July 2, 1878, for the purpose of maintaining and cultivating professional and social relations among graduates of the Dental Department of Harvard University. Any graduate of the Dental School is eligible to member- ship. Regular meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month, except August. The admission fee, to be paid by active members only, is one dollar. OFFICERS. President D. F. Whitten. Treasurer H. F. Dunkel. Recording Secretary II. F. Hamilton. Corresponding Secretary W. E. Page. Prudential Committee H. F. Hamilton, M. K. Rand, Frank Perrin. 78 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. MEMBERS. H. F. Dunkel, D. M. D., Bos- Frank Perrin, D. M. D., Boston, ton. M. K. Rand, D. M. D., Boston. H. F. Hamilton, D. M. D., Bos- J. G. W. Werner, D. M. D., Bos- ton, ton. E. B. Hitchcock, M. D., D. M. D., D. F. Whitten, D. M. D., South Boston. Boston. W. E. Page, D. M. D., Charles- town, Boston. Alumni Association of the Boston Dental College. Organized in March, 1872. All graduates of the col- lege are eligible to membership. The annual meeting is held in March at the rooms of the college, 485 Tremont Street, Boston. OFFICERS. President D. B. Ingalls, D. D. S. Vice-Presidents C. M. Murphy, D. D. S., T. W. Clements, D. D. S. Treasurer C. H. Osgood, D. D. S. Secretary G. A. Gerry, D. D. S. Association of Alumni of the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy. Organized in 1869, in order to promote the interests of the college, and bring the graduates into closer fellowship with each other. All graduates of the college are eligible to membership. The association meets in Boston on the first Thursday of each month; the annual meeting is held on the day following that on which the Commencement exercises of the College of Pharmacy are held. OFFICERS. President W. W. Bartlet. First Vice-President W. C. Durkee. Second Vice-President E. P. Burley. Treasurer J. C. Lowd. Secretary E. E. Babb. MASSACHUSETTS. 79 Boylston Medical Society of Harvard University. The society was organized January 6, 1811, for the purpose of promoting emulation and inquiry among the students at the Medical School connected with Harvard University. It received an act of incorporation from the Legislature, June 13, 1823. The members are students of the school, and are elected at any meeting of the society, provided the candidate was proposed at the previous meet- ing by the Committee on Elections. The meetings are held in the Library of the Medical College, at eight o'clock on Friday evenings during the first terra, and at such times in the second term as the society may decide. The President of the society is a physician of regular standing, elected by the immediate members. The entrance fee is two dollars. A printed catalogue of the society is issued once in three years. The society is in possession of a fund, the gift of the late AVard Nicholas Boylston, M. D., the income of which is appropriated to prizes in the manner more fully de- scribed in a later part of the book. In accordance with the terms of incorporation, seven trustees, who must be practising physicians, are annually appointed, who have the sole management and control of the permanent funds of the society. OFFICERS. President E. G. Cutler, M. D. Vice-President W. W. Gannett. Secretary and Treasurer H. C. Ernst. Trustees of the Prize FundDvs. S. Cabot, G. C. Shattuck, H. W. Williams, C. E. Ware, O. W. Holmes, E. M. Hodges. Committee on Prize Dissertations Drs. J. C. White, D. W. Cheever, C W. Swan, F. I. Knight, J. C. Warren. 80 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. MEMBERS. D. P. Allen. W. P. Bowers. B. Burr. J. E. Cleaves. H. C. Coe. H. W. Gushing. E. J. Cutler. W. Davis. C. A. Dewey. F. F. Doggett. W. G. Eaton. E. P. Elliot. H. C. Ernst. S. A. Fisk. E. H. Grandin. C. Harrington, 2d. F. B. Harrington. W. D. Hodges. C. P. Hooker. H. P. Jaques. F. W. Johnson. F. H. Lombard. G. H. Monks. W. J. Otis. C. T. Peckham. M. V. Pierce. J. M. Randall. T. F. Sherman. W. P. Spring. H. L. Squires. C. P. Strong. W. N. Swift. H. Terry. G. L. Walton. L. J. Warren. H. B. Whitney. C. B. Witherlee. C. F. Withington. Roxbury Society for Medical Improvement. This society was incorporated in 1867, and was organ- ized for the mutual improvement of its members in the different branches of medical science. The members are divided into active, honorary, and associate, and are ad- mitted by ballot after nomination by the Prudential Com- mittee. Two negative votes exclude. Honorary and as- sociate members are chosen in the same manner. The number of active members is limited to thirteen. The members supply periodicals for circulation. Meetings of the society are held at the houses of the members on the fourth Thursday of each month, except June, July, and August. The annual meeting for the election of officers is held in April. OFFICERS. Treasurer and Secretary F. W. Goss, M. D. Librarian Norman Call, M. D. Prudential Committee Drs. P. O'M. Edson, A. H. Nichols. MASSACHUSETTS. 81 G. J. Arnold. F. W. Goss. W. P. Bolles. E. G. Morse. Norman Call. A. H. Nichols. W. H. Campbell. Joel Seaverns. R. T. Edes. Joseph Stedman. P. O'M. Edson. E. T. Williams. Treffle' Garceau. HONORARY MEMBER. B. E. Getting. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS. W. C. B. Fifield. Augustine Shurtleff. T. E. Francis. C. E. Stedman. J. S. Greene. G. L. Underwood. J. R. Little. J. A. Winkler. E. D. Miller. The Dorchester Medical Club. Organized in 1866, for social purposes, and for profes- sional improvement. The best British and American medical journals and all new books of interest to the general practitioner circulate in the club. An original paper is read and discussed at each meeting. Meetings are held monthly at the houses of members, on the Thursday evening nearest the full moou. The num- ber of members is limited to fourteen. OFFICERS. Secretary O. F. Rogers. Treasurer J. S. Greene. Book Committee C. E. Stedman, J. S. Greene, 0. F. Rogers. Henry Blanchard, Dorchester. W. S. Everett, Hyde Park. W. P. Bolles, Dorchester. W. C. B. Fifield, Dorchester. Benjamin Gushing, Dorchester. D. D. Gilbert, Dorchester. 11. T. Edes, Dorchester. J. S. Greene, Dorchester. 82 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. C. C. Holmes, Milton. E. D. Peters, Dorchester. E. D. Miller, Dorchester. O. F. Kogers, Dorchester. James Morison, Quincy. C. E. Stedmau, Dorchester. HONORARY MEMBER. J. P. Spooner, Dorchester. Walker Society for Medical Improvement. This society was organized in April, 1872, for the pro- motion of medical science, and for the cultivation of con- fidence and good feeling among the members of the profes- sion. All regular physicians residing in the cities and towns of Charlestown, Cambridge, Chelsea, Everett, Mai- den, Medford, Somerville, and Winthrop, are eligible as active members. Associate, corresponding, and honorary members are also elected. The society meets at the houses of members on the first Thursday of each month. The annual meeting is held on the first Thursday in April. OFFICERS. Secretary A. B. Gunter, M. D. Treasurer Edward Page, M. D. Prudential Committee Drs. E. J. Forster, J. F. Couch, M. A. Morris. MEMBERS. 11. A. Blood, Charlestown, Bos- A. B. Gunter, Charlestown, Bos- ton, ton. Horace Chapin, Somerville. C. A. Holt, Chelsea. J. F. Couch, Somerville. M. A. Morris, Charlestown, Bos- C. K. Cutter, Charlestown, Bos- ton. ton. Edward Page, Charlestown, Bos- J. G. Dearborn, Charlestown, ton. Boston. O. G. Ross, Revere. E. J. Forster, Charlestown, Bos- C. B. Shute, Maiden, ton. J. L. Sullivan, Maiden. J. F. Waketield, Everett. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS. F. H. Brown, Boston. W. L. Richardson, Boston. Thomas Waterman, Boston. MAtiSAC'JIUSETTS. S3 CORRESPONDING MEMBER. J. J. McCarthy, Charlestown, Boston. HONORARY MEMBERS. W. H. Eldridge, Charlestown, William Mason, Charlestown, Boston. Boston. Henry Lyon, Charlestown, Bos- J. S. Whiting, Charlestown, Bos- ton, ton. Boston Medical Library Association. Organized in August, 1875, and incorporated in 1877. The objects of this association are to maintain a library of medical and scientific books, journals, and pamphlets for ready reference ; to render the current medical literature accessible to physicians generally ; and to establish a place of resort for professional men. Regular physicians, dentists, pharmacists, and other sci- entific men are admitted to membership by vote of the Nominating Committee. The annual meeting is held on the first Tuesday in Oc- tober. One tenth of the whole number of members con- stitutes a quorum. The association owns and occupies the building No. 19 Boylston Place, which is open to members on any week day, except legal holidays, from half-past nine A. M. to six i>. M. It has a hall, capable of holding 200 persons, library, committee and other rooms. These rooms are used by all the medical societies in the city. The library contains about 10,000 volumes and 5,000 pamphlets. In the rooms of the association have been deposited the libraries of the Society for Medical Observation, the So- ciety for Medical Improvement, the Statistical Society, the Gynaecological Society of Boston, and the Boston Dispen- sary. It receives regularly over 100 American and foreign medical and scientific journals. It ha- complete files of all 84 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. the important journals that have appeared during the cent- ury- Exchanges of books are made from its large number of duplicates. The rooms of the association offer every advantage for reading, reference, rest, and the meeting of members for professional or social intercourse, and are freely offered to visitors not resident in the city. OFFICERS. President O. W. Holmes, M. D. Vice-President H. I. Bowditch, M. D. Treasurer T. M. Rotch, M. D. Secretary 0. F. Wadsworth, M. D. Librarian J. R. Chadwick, M. D. Executive Committee Drs. 0. W. Holmes, IV I. Knight, E. Wip- glcsworth, W. L. Richardson, C. P. Putnam, F. C. Shattuck, 0. F. Wadsworth, ex officio. Committee on Admissions Drs. H. P. Bowditch, Thomas Dwight, J. C. White, R. H. Fitz, O. F. Wadsworth, ex officio. Assistant Librarian E. H. Brigham, M. D. Cambridge Society for Medical Improvement. Organized in 1870, for the purpose of medical improve- ment. Members of the Massachusetts Medical Society, in good standing, living in Cambridge and its vicinity, are eligible to membership, and are elected by ballot. The society meets on the third Monday of each month at the Prospect House, Cambridgeport. OFFICERS. Chairnian H. 0. Marcy, M. D. Secretary J. M. Keniston, M. D. MEMBERS. B. F. T). Adams, Walthnm. L. L. Bryant, Cambridgeport. G. B. Ambrose, Cambridge. A. P. Clarke, Cftmbridgeport. Horace Berry, Boston. G. A. Coburn, Ea*t Cambridge. MASSACHUSETTS. 85 E. R. Cogswell, Cambridgeport. H. E. Marion, Brighton. T. E. Cunningham, Cambridge. O. H. Marion, Brighton. E. G. Cutler, Boston. Augustus Mason, Brighton. Ephraim Cutter, North Cam- F. F. Moore, Allston. bridge. J. T. G. Nichols, Cambridge. J. A. Dow, Cambridgeport. A. L. Norris, East Cambridge. W. W. Dow, Somerville. J. E. Somers, Cambridge. S. W. Driver, Cambridge. E. H. Stevens, North Cambridge. D. M. Edgerly, Cambridgeport. L. R. Stone, Newton. E. Farnham, Cambridge. J. B. Taylor, East Cambridge. W. C. Flowers, Cambridgeport. C. E. Vaughan, Cambridge. Norton Folsom, Cambridge. H. P. Walcott, Cambridge. J. L. Hildreth, Cambridge. A. C. Webber, Cambridgeport. R. L. Hodgdon, Arlington. F. O. Webber, Cambridgeport. A. F. Holt, Cambridgeport. W. W. Wellington, Cambridge- Alfred Hosmer, Watertown. port. W. L. Johnson, Cambridge. E. L. White, Somerville. J. M. Keniston, Cambridgeport. Reuben Willis, Somerville. J. H. Kenneally, Boston. W. A. Winn, Arlington. C. H. Malder, Lynn. E. S. Wood, Cambridge. H. O. Marcy, Cambridgeport. Morrill Wyman, Cambridge. Miller's River Medical Society. Organized in February, 1878, and meets on the first Saturday of each month. OFFICERS. President Edward Barton, M. D., Orange. Vice-Presidents J. P. Lynde, M. D., Athol ; M. Lindsay, M. D., Dana. Secretary and Treasurer H. Dean, M. D., Athol. New Bedford Society for Medical Improvement. Organized March 6, 1878. It is composed of regular physicians of New Bedford and vicinity, most of whom are members of the Massachusetts Medical Society. Meetings are held monthly at the houses of the members. OFFICERS. President George Atwood, M. D. Vice-President G. T. Hough, M. D. Secretary W. H. Taylor, M. D. 86 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. E. P. Abbe. A. M. Pierce. ' George Atwood. C. D. Prescott. Isanc Fairchild, John Spare. S. W. Hayes. W. H. Taylor. F. H. Hooper. E. T. Tucker. G. T. Hpugh. J. J. B. Vermyne. Henry Johnson. C. E. Waite. J. H. Mackie. Old Colony Medical Association. The society comprises certain members of the Massa- chusetts Medical Society living in Abington, Brockton, East Bridgewater, Hanover, Holbrook, Pembroke, and Randolph. It was organized in November, 1870, and has for its object the improvement of the members in medical matters, and the promotion of professional fellowship. The meetings are held monthly at the houses of the members. OFFICERS. President J. C. Gleason, M. D. Secretary A. F. Eastman, M. D. MEMBERS. H. F. Borden, Brockton. W. R Howes, Hanover. E. A. Chase, Brockton. J. B. Kingsbury, Holbrook. Francis Collamore, Pembroke. Asa Millet, East Bridgewater. H. W. Dudley, Abington. A. E. Paine, Brockton. A. F. Eastman, Randolph. W. Richards, Brockton. J. C. Glover, Abington. N. B. Tanner, Abington. B. F. Hastings, Abington. Newton Society for Medical Improvement. Organized November 15, 1875. The meetings are held every two months at the houses of the members. OFFICERS. President L. R. Stone, M. D. Secretary F. L. Thayer, M. D. MASSACHUSETTS. 87 MEMBERS. .7. H. Bodsre. Albert Nott. ,T. H, Deane. F. E. Porter. W. II. Hildreth. H. B. Stoddard. O. E. Hunt. L. R. Stone. F. P. Lord. F. L. Thayer. R. P. Loring. Pittsfield Medical Association. The association was organized in 1872 for social and professional purposes. It has for its members those Fel- lows of the Massachusetts Medical Society who live in Pittsfield. Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month, except through the summer months, at the houses of the members. Medical journals are taken by the asso- ciation, and are circulated among the members. OFFICERS. President A. M. Smith, M. D. Treasurer and Secretary W. E. Vermilye, M. D. Springfield Society for Medical Improvement. Organized in 1870, for mutual improvement and the cir- culation of home and foreign medical journals. Meetings are held every second Tuesday evening at Room 5, New Savings Bank Building. The annual assess- ment is three dollars. OFFICERS. President Sanford Lawton, M. D. Secretary, Treasurer, and Librarian S. W. Bowles, M. D^ H. C. Belden. Sanford Lawton. S. W. Bowles. C. P. Lyman. F. W. Chapin. A. T. McClean. David Clark. G. C. McClean. Jefferson Church. A. F. Reed. Albert Lambert. G. S. Stebbins. F. F. Lawton. P. Le B. Stickney. 88 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. Thurber Medical Association. Organized June 9, 1853, and named for Daniel Thurber, M. D., of Mendon, who died in 1836. It is composed of certain members of the Massachusetts Medical Society living in Milford and its vicinity. The meetings of the association are held in Milford, on the Thursday on or be- fore each full moon. The annual meeting is held in Oc- tober. The association has a library of upwards of 300 vol- umes, and a fund of $600, the income of which is applied to the purchase of medical works. The annual assessment is one dollar. OFFICERS. President G. C. Pierce, M. D., Ashland. Vice-President A. J. Stevens, M. D., Holliston. Treasurer J. G. Metcalf, M. D., Mendon. Secretary and Librarian J. A. Fay, M. D., Milford. MEMBERS. John Barns, Milford. W. M. Parker, Milford. R. R, Clarke, Whitinsville. F. W. Patten, Hopkinton. E. A. Daniels, Medway. Jefferson Pratt, Hopkinton. A. C. Fay, Milford. L. L. Scammell, Hopkinton. J. A. Fay, Milford. C. E. Spring, Holliston. Roland Hammond, Bellingham. G. A. Warren, Hopkinton. J. G. Metcalf, Mendon. C. A. Wilcox, Uxbridge. W. B. Nolen, Franklin. Jerome Wilmarth, Upton. Union Medical and Surgical Association. Organized in Weymouth, February 8, 1872. Meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month, generally at the houses of the members. The association includes mem- bers of the Massachusetts Medical Society living in Brain- tree, Hingham, Quincy, and Weymouth. OFFICERS. President G. W. Fay, M. D., Weymouth. Vice-President J. A. Gordon, M. D., Quincy. MASS A CH USETTS. 89 Treasurer and Secretary J. W. Spooner, M. D., Hingham. Corresponding Secretary R. E. Brown, M. D., North Weymouth. Librarian G. A. Colburn, M. D., Hingham. MKMKERS. F. J. Bonney, South Weymouth. J. F. Hnrlow, Qnincy. G. A. Colburn, Hingham. T. H. Dcaring, Bniintree. G. W. Fay, East Weymouth. F. F. Forsaith, Weymouth. J. H. Gilbert, Quincy. J. A. Gordon, Quincy. H. M. Perkins, Hinjrham. O. P. Piper, North Weymouth. J. W. Spooner, Hingham. G. W. Tinkham, Weymouth. C. C. Tower, South Weymouth. Worcester Association for Medical Improvement. Originally organized October 20, 1845 ; discontinued in 1846 ; revived in 1857 ; and continued until 1874. In 187G the society was reorganized as an association for med- ical improvement and the cultivation of good fellowship. The meetings of the society are held every alternate Wednesday evening, from the third Wednesday in Sep- tember to the first Wednesday in June of each year. Each member in turn entertains the society at his house, acts as chairman, and reads an original paper on some medical or surgical subject of general interest and capable of discus- sion. OFFICERS. Secretary and Treasurer G. J. Bull. MEMBERS. J. N. Bates. Merrick Bemis. G. J. Bull. Henry Clarke. C. H. Davis. Wesley Davis. L. S. Dixon. B. D. Eastman. G. E. Francis. T. II. Gage. L. H. Hammond. F. H. Kelley. H. S. Knight. J. O. Marble. E. Q. Marston. Oramel Martin. F. J. McNulty. A. R. Moulton. J. G. Park. C. H. Perry. H. M. Quinby. J. M. Rice. J. B. Rich. Joseph Sargent. W. T. Souther. Emerson Warner. Leonard Wheeler. Albert Wood. Rufus Woodward. W. H. Workman. 90 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. Old Colony Dental Association. Organized in Middleboro', August 15, 1866. OFFICERS. President W. E. Williams. Vice-Presidents C. G. Davis, Julius Thompson. Treasurer and Secretary L. W. Puffer. Maine Medical Association. A preliminary meeting was held at Brunswick, Maine, April 28, 1853, to organize an association for professional improvement, the cultivation of friendly intercourse be- tween its members, the faithful support of regular and honorable practice, and the promotion of medical science. The first annual meeting was held in Augusta on the 1st of the following June, when a board of permanent officers was chosen. The association was incorporated by the Legislature in March, 1855. Any person in good standing in the profession, a resi- dent of the State of Maine, who is a graduate of any medical school legally entitled to grant diplomas, may be- come a member on certifying these requirements to the Board of Censors, signing the by-laws, and paying the initi- ation fee of five dollars. Those members who have arrived at the age of seventy years, and have notified the treasurer of the association of the same in writing, having paid all their assessments, or having been excused from the same ; also those members who by reason of ill health have been obliged to retire from the practice of the profession, may become retired members. They retain all the privileges previously enjoyed, but do not pay assessments. Members whose dues have been paid or remitted may, on written application, be allowed to withdraw from the association. The Censors constitute a Board of Trial, for the pur- pose of acting on any charges brought against a member, with the power to pass such sentence as in their judgment may seem just. 91 Twenty-five members of the association constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The annual meeting is holden on such day in June and in such place as the Censors may determine ; semi-annual or quarterly meetings may be called at any time by the President, upon application being made by ten pr more members. The annual assessment is two dollars. The Transactions of the association, with the scientific papers read at the annual meeting, are published each year. The county societies of Maine have no connection with the State society. OFFICERS. President S. C. Gordon, M. D., Portland. Vice- Presidents J. B. Walker, M. D., Thomaston ; A. K. P. Meserve, M. D., Buxton. Treasurer T. A. Foster, M. D., Portland. Recording Secretary C. O. Hunt, M. D., Portland. Corresponding Secretary S. H. Weeks, M. D., Portland. Board of Censors Drs. E. H. Hill, Lewiston ; A. S. Thayer, Portland; D. L. Lamson, Fryeburg; F. C. Thayer, Waterville ; A. J. Billings, Freedom. Committee on Publication Drs. C. O. Hunt, ex offirio, Portland ; G. F. French, Portland; E. Stone, Deering; William Osgood, North Yarmouth; C. W. Snow, Skowhegan. Business Committee Drs. M. C. Wedgewood, Lewiston ; A. P. Snow, Winthrop; J. D. Lincoln, Brunswick. [Alphabetical and local lists of the active and retired members of the society, living within the State, are given in the Directory and Business Guide.] Androscoggin County Medical Association. Organized January 1, 1868. Any person in good stand- ing in the medical profession, who is a graduate of a medi- cal school legally qualified to grant diplomas, is eligible to membership. The annual meeting is held on the first Tuesday in January, and meetings for mutual improvement on the first Tuesday in each succeeding month during the 92 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. year, at the city building in Lewiston. An admission fee of one dollar is paid by each new member, and an annual assessment of the same amount. OFFICERS. President R. L. Harlow, M. D., Auburn. Vice-Presidents W. H. Jewett, M. D., Turner; E. H. Hill. M. D., Lewiston. Treasurer W. K. Oakes, M. D., Lewiston. Secretary A. Springer, M. D. J. W. Bede, Auburn. Henry Marble, Lewiston. J. H. Blake, North Auburn L. J. Martelle, Lewiston. E. F. Bradford, Mechanic Falls. Silvester Oakes, Lewiston. J. A. Donovan, Lewiston. W. K. Oakes, Lewiston. Edwin Eaton, Lewiston. A. M. Peebles, Auburn. E. G. Edgecomb, Turner. Albion Peirce, Greene. C. W. Foster, Auburn. R. R. Ricker, Lewiston. Alonzo Garcelon, Lewiston. Isaac Rounds, South Paris. Frank Garcelon, Livermore Falls. Edmund Russell, Lewiston. A. L. Gaubert, Mechanic Falls. F. E. Sleeper, Sabattus. W. C. Hall, Auburn. J. M. Small, Lewiston. R. L. Harlow, Lewiston. Roscoe Smith, Turner. E. H. Hill, Lewiston. A. Springer. E. S. Horr, Lewiston. B. F. Sturgis, Auburn. O. A. Horr, Lewiston. Jason Walker, Minot. H. L. Irish, Turner. M. C. Wedgewood, Lewiston. W. H. Jewett, Norway. S. E. Wentworth, Auburn. W. H. Jewett, Turner. Cumberland County Medical Society. Established in 1868. The meetings are held in the rooms of the Portland School for Medical Instruction at 188 Middle Street, Portland, on the last Wednesday of each mouth. The annual meeting is held in Portland at such place and on such day as the Business Committee may select. Ten members constitute a quorum. The ad- mission fee is three dollars, and the annual assessment two dollars. OFFICERS. President N. Shannon, M. D., Cape Elizabeth. Vice-President F. H. Gerrish, M. D., Portland. MAINE. 93 Treasurer B. B. Foster, M. D., Portland. (Secretary G. H. Cummings, M. 1)., Portland. E. T. Andrews, Gray. J. M. Bates, North Yarmouth. C. W. Bray, Portland. E. W. Brooks, Portland. A. H. Burbank, Yarmouth. John Buzzell, Portland. G. H. Chadwick, Portland. W. H. Colt, Standish. G. H. Cummings, Portland. W. T. Daly, Harpswell. I. T. Dana", Portland. Sarah W. Devoll, Portland. B. F. Dunn, Windham. C. O. Files, Portland. B. B. Foster, Portland. T. A. Foster, Portland. G. F. French, Portland. F. H. Gerrish, Portland. S. P. Getchell, Portland. . J. T. Oilman, Portland. S. C. Gordon, Portland. W. W. Greene, Portland. M. W. Hall, Cumberland. N. A . Hersom, Portland. E. E. Holt, Portland. J. S. Horr, Cumberland Mills. C. O. Hunt, Portland. II. II. Hunt, Gorham. Henry Hunt, Deering. Charles Hutchinson, Portland. Lucien Ingalls, Falmouth. It. P. Jenness, Saccarappa. A. T. Keen, Gorham. J. L. Kilgore, Windham. J. W. Lowell, Cape Elizabeth. G. Ludwig, Portland. H. P. Merrill, Portland. Alfred Mitchell, Brunswick. J. F. Newman, Gray. William Osgood, North Yar- mouth. A. M. Parker, Deering. D. O. Perry, Portland. C. A. Ring, Portland. I. C. Sawyer, Naples. R. P. Sawyer, Portland. N. Shannon, Cape Elizabeth. A. O. Shaw, Portland. H. N. Small, Portland. J. A. Spalding, Portland. D. D. Spear, Freeport. F. A. Stanley, Portland. C. W. Stockman, Portland. E. Stone, Westbrook. J. W. Stuart, Saccarappa. Joseph Sturdevant, Oak Hill. J. A. Sturgis, Standish. G. Sylvester, Saccarappa. S. H. Tewksbury, Portland. A. S. Thayer, Portland. D. M. Tolford, Portland. A. P. Topliff, Gorham. W. H. True, Portland. M. E. Webb, Saccarappa. C. E. Webster, Portland. S. H. Weeks, Portland. C. H. Witham, South Watcrboro' W. Wood, Portland. Penobscot County Medical Society. Organized February 16, 1854. Any physician in good standing, who is a regular graduate in medicine, or any one who shall have been in the regular and honorable practice of medicine for at least ten years, may become a member. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month, except July, August, and September, at Bangor. 94 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. OFFICERS. President W. H. Simmons, M. D., Bangor. First Vice-President S. M. Woodcock, M. D., Brewer. Second Vice-President W. L. Hunt, M. D., Brewer. Treasurer and Secretary W. C. Mason, M. D., Bangor. Standing Committee Drs. W. H. Brown, William Rogers, H. F. Hanson, A. C. Hamlin, R. J. Lemont. MEMBERS. J. B. Benjamin, Carmel. H. L Jewell, Bangor. John Benson, Newport. R. K. Jones, Bangor. Samuel Bradbury, Oldtown. S. J a ugh ton, Bangor. W. H. Brown, Bangor. R. J. L Waldo County Medical Association. The annual meet ing is held in May, on such day and in such place as the Standing Committee may determine ; and semi-annual and quarterly meetings may be called by the President, upon application being made by five or more members. OFFICERS. President L. W. Pendleton. Vice-President Elmer Small. Treasurer J. G. Brooks. Secretary J. M. Fletcher. A. J. Billings, Freedom. H. H. Johnson, Jr., Belfast. J. G. Brooks, Belfast. G. A. Libby, Brooks. A. C. Ellingwood, Belfast. G. W. Libby, Searsport. J. M. Fletcher, Belfast. B. F. Neal, Lincolnville. A. M. Foster, Belmont. L. W. Pendleton, Belfast. P. S. Haskell, Stockton. Elmer Small, Belfast. E. Hopkins, Jr., Searsport. J. C. Whitney, Thorndikc. Portland Clinical Society. Organized 26th of October, 1878. Its objects are the improvement of its members in the knowledge of medicine in all its branches, and the promotion of good fellowship. The regular meetings are held once a month, excepting in June, July, and August, at the residences of the members. The annual meeting occurs in September. Two negative ballots exclude an applicant from membership. Active and honorary members are elected in the same way. OFFICERS. President Israel T. Dana, M. D. Secretary Frederic Henry Gerrish, M. 1). Executive Committee Drs. Seth C. Gordon, Charles O. Hunt, Au- gustus S. Thayer. 96 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. Israel T. Dana. George F. French. Frederic H. Gcrrish. Seth C. Gordon. William Warren Greene. Nahum A. Hersom. Charles 0. Hunt. Henry P. Merrill. Charles A. Ring. Horatio N. Small. James A. Spalding. Augustus S. Thayer. Stephen H. Weeks. Maine Dental Association. Organized in Brunswick, September 18, 1866. ' Meet- ings are held annually on the third Tuesday in July. President Isaac Goddard, Lewiston. Vice-President G. M. Twitchell, Fairfield. Treasurer J. W. Carter, Brunswick. Secretary W. Fellows, Portland. Librarian Thomas Fillebrown, Portland. Elbridge Bacon. Oscar Brami. E. C. Bryant. J. W. Curtis G. F. Eames. D. W. Fellows. J. B. Fillebrown. Thomas Fillebrown. N. Gammon. J. Goddard. N. J. Haines. Thomas Haley. W. R. Johnson. Henry Kimball. Henry Leavitt. G. P. Lombard. J. H. Lombard. Charles F. Malbon. J. Mason. William McDavid, Jr. M. B. Preble. E. J. Roberts. C. P. Sawyer. C. P. Smith. G. W. Stoddard. G. M. Twitchell. J. L. Williams. New Hampshire Medical Society. The New Hampshire Medical Society was incorporated in 1791, with the power to elect officers, examine and license candidates for the practice of medicine and surgery, and "continue a body politic and corporate by the same name forever." NEW HAMPSHIRE. 97 An organization was effected, a seal adopted, and Dr. Josiub Bartlett was chosen the first President, the same year. Any person who has received a medical degree at any school or university authorized to confer the same, or who has been duly licensed by the Censors of a regularly con- stituted medical society, and sustains a good moral charac- ter, having signified his wish to join the society, may be proposed by the Council for membership, and voted for at any regular or special meeting of the society (a majority of two thirds of the votes cast being necessary to consti- tute a choice) ; but his election shall be void unless he pay the initiation fee, and subscribe to the by-laws and regulations, at or before the next annual meeting; which conditions it shall be the duty of the Secretary to com- municate to each person, together with the notice of his election. The annual meeting of the society is held in Concord oa the first Wednesday in June. The Council of the society meets on the day preceding the annual meeting. An initiation fee of three dollars is paid by each mem- ber, and an annual assessment of two dollars thereafter. Members who have reached the age of sixty years may, by permission of the Councillors, become retired members. They are entitled to all the privileges, and conform to all the requirements of the society ; they are not liable to as- sessments, nor bound to accept any office in the society. The county societies receive their charters from the state society. OFFICERS. President T. J. W. Pray, M. D., Dover. Vice-President G. P. Conn, M. D., Concord. Secretary M. W. Russell, M. D., Concord. Treasurer L. B. How, M. D., Manchester. Anniversary Chairman F. A. Stillings, M. D., Concord. Councillors Drs. A. H. Crosby, Concord ; H. B. Fowler, Bristol ; J. W. Parsons, Portsmouth ; J. R. Cogswell, Warner ; S. C. Whittier, 98 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. Portsmouth; S. W. Davis, Plymouth; H. A. Weymouth, Andover ; E. F. McQuesten, Nashua; D. P. Goodhue, Springfield; John Wheeler, Pittsfield ; I. A. Watson, Groveton ; S. P. Carhee, Haver- hill; G. C. Howard, Salem; L. M. French, Manchester; J. R. Ham, Dover; W. T. Smith, Hanover; F. A. Stillings, Concord ; C. T. Leslie, Sunapee; T. M. Gould. Raymond; I. G. Anthoine, Antrim. Censors Drs. George Cook, Concord ; D. S. Adams, Manchester ; L. G. Hill, Dover ; C. W. Manchester, Lebanon ; G. P. Greeley, Nashua; J. W. Parsons, Portsmouth ; C. K. Kelley, Milford ; J. H. Wheeler, Dover; A. C. Whipple, Ashland; C. P. Frost, Hanover. [Alphabetical and local lists of the active and retired members of the society, living within the State, are given in the Directory and Business Guide.] Centre District Medical Society. Organized in 1808. Any physician in Concord or its vicinity, possessing a medical degree from a reputable school of medicine, and who has been registered, according to the laws of the State of New Hampshire, is eligible to membership. The initiation fee is five dollars, and the annual assess- ment two dollars. OFFICERS. President J. R. Cogswell, M. D., Warner. Vice-President J. R. Kimball, M. D., Suncook. Treasurer M. W. Russell, M. D., Concord. Secretary George Cook, M. D., Concord. MEMBERS. I. H. Adams, Hooksett. Frank Eaton, East Weare. I. G. Anthoine, Antrim. M. H. Felt, Hillsboro' Br. J. P. Bancroft, Concord. H. B. Fowler, Bristol. R. B. Benner, Concord. C. P. Gage, Concord. G. C. Blaisdell, Contoocookville. E. E. Graves, Boscawen. W. G. Carter, Concord. B. E. Harriman, Concord. H. De W. Carvelle, Manchester. C. H. H:irrim;m, Hopkinton. J. R. Cogswell, Warner. A. B. Hoyt, Grafton. G. P. Conn, Concord. I. A. Isbell, Grafton. George Cook, Concord. J. R. Kimball, Suncook. A. H. Crosby, Concord. Harvey Knight, Fisherville. A. R. Dearborn, Concord. L. M. Knight, Franklin. NEW HAMPSHIRE. 99 J. H. Martin, Bradford. J. H. Sanborn, Franklin Falls. L. W. Peabody, Hennikcr. F. A. Stillings, Concord. J. M. Kix, Warner. G. D. Towne, Manchester. A. H. Robinson, Concord. J. E. Wallace, Concord. M. W. Russell, Concord. H. A. Weymouth, Andover. Connecticut River Valley Medical Association. Organized in 1859. The association is composed of physicians living in the valley of the Connecticut River, in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont. Stated meetings are held on the first Wednesday in May, July, and October, the first of which is the annual meeting, and is held at Bellows Falls, Vt. OFFICERS. President S. Nichols, M. D., Bellows Falls, Vt. Vice-President S. Cummings, M. D., Claremont, N. H. Treasurer E. R. Campbell, M. D., Bellows Falls, Vt. Recording Secretary D. P. Webster, M. D., Putney, Vt. Corresponding Secretary A. P. Richardson, M. D., Walpole, N. H. MEMBERS. E. S. Allbee, Bellows Falls, Vt. R. Clark, Windsor, Vt. C. A. Allen, Acworth, N. H. D. F. Coolidge, Ludlow, Vt. S. G. Allen, Whitingham, Vt. C. Cooper, Claremont, N. H. R. Atwood, Asctitneyville, Vt. Isaac Craigus, Lawrence, Mass. C. E. Baker, Claremont, N. H. H. P. Crane, Springfield, Vt. A. B. Bixby, Londonderry, Vt. A. B. Crosby, Hanover, N. H. G. A. Blake, Walpole, N. H. J. Crowley, Mt. Holly, Vt. A. F. Bliss, Woodsboro', Vt. A. R. Cummings, Claremont, F. Boardman, Cornish Flat, N. H. N. H. S. W. Bowles, Springfield, Mass. Silas Cummings, Fitawilliam, C. C. Boyden, Grafton, Vt. N. H. O. H. Bradley, Jaffrey, N. H. J. Draper, Brattleboro', Vt. N. G. Brooks, Charlestown, N. H. George Dresser, Chicopee, Mass. M. Bruce, Brattleboro', Vt. W. K. Dunham, Keene, N. H. G. W. Butler, Lempster, Vt. M. C. Edmonds, Weston, Vt. D.Campbell, Saxton's River, Vt. W. H. Ellis, Townshend, Vt. E. R. Campbell, Turner's Falls, Chas. Fisk, Jr., Greenfield, Mass. Mass. E. F. Foss, Grafton, Vt. A. S. Carpenter, Keene, N. H. . G. Foster, Putney, Vt. L. Chase, Springfield, Vt. C. P. Frost, Hanover, N. H. C. Clark, Townshend, Vt. J. T. Gale, Brattleboro', Vt. J. M. Clark, Brattleboro', Vt. Thos. Goodwillie, Vernon, Vt. 100 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. M. Goldsmith, Rutland, Vt. Vincent Gosselin, Bellows Falls, Vt. C. Adams Gray, Brattleboro',Vt. J. W. Gregg, Brattleboro', Vt. L. G. Groves, Claremont, N. H. H. M. Guild, Felchville, Vt. J. L. Harrington, Halifax, Vt. D. W. Hasleton, Cavendish, Vt G. C. Hill, Keene, N. H. H. D. Holton, Brattleboro', Vt. Joel Holton, Jamaica, Vt. G. W. Hunt, Cornish Flat, N. H. S. G. Jarvis, Claremont, N. H. G. Knight, Springfield, Vt. J. A. Loveland, Westmoreland, N. H. S. Nichols, Bellows Falls, Vt. H. S. Noble, Chester, Vt. E. H. Pettengill, Saxton's River, Vt. A. L. Pettie, Wilmington, Vt E. E. Phelps, Windsor, Vt. A. Pierce, Royalton, Vt. W. B. Porter, Walpole, N. H. J. H. Putnam, Ludlow, Vt. A. K. Richardson, Walpole, N. H. J. S. Richmond, Woodstock, Vt L. Sawyer, Springfield, Vt. C. A. Scott, Plymouth, Vt O. E. Sherwin, Woodstock, Vt. S. T. Smith, Alstead, N. H. Geo. Spofford, Windham, Vt. J. H. Steadman, West Brattle- boro', Vt. D. R. Storey, Proctors ville, Vt. F. J. Swift.'Wilmington, Vt. Cyrus Temple, Whitingham, Vt N. Tolles, Claremont, N. H. G. B. Twitchell, Jaffrey, N. H. Joseph De Vere, Fayetteville, Vt. C. A. Volk, Claremont, N. H. J. P. Warren, Brattleboro', Vt. 0. B. Way, Claremont, N. H. S. Webber, Charlestown, N. H. D. K. Webster, Gilsum, Vt. D. P. Webster, Putney, Vt. L. E. Wells, Athens, Vt F. Whitman, Bellows Falls, Vt. H. T. Whitney, Brattleboro', Vt. Manchester Medical Society. Chartered by the New Hampshire Medical Society June 20, 1876. The first meeting was held July 5. Meetings are held monthly. OFFICERS. President M. L. French, M. D. Vice-President H. De W. Carvelle, M. D. Treasurer and Secretary Mary S. Danforth, M. D. MEMBERS. C. D. Abbott. I). S. Adams. John Bell. C. F. Bouncy. H. T. Boutwell. D. P. Campbell. H. De W. Carvelle. M. S. Danforth. A. S. Emerson. Leonard French. L. M. French. John Geyer. R. J. P. Goodwin. William Holland. L. B. How. Eugene Mason. J. W. Mooar. W. M. Parsons. NEW HAMPSHIRE. 101 J. F. Richards. W. A. Webster. J. L. Robinson. Thomas Wheat. J. G. Sturgis. W. W. Wilkins. G. D. Towne. Rockingham County Medical Society. Organized December 17, 1873. The Society meets on the last Wednesday in January, April, July, and October, at such places as may be determined by vote. OFFICERS. President G. S. Downes, M. D., Nottingham. Vice-President T. O. Reynolds, Kingston. Secretary and Treasurer L. J. Gibbs, M. D., Epping. E. S. Berry, Candia. J. C. Eastman, Hampstead. J. T. Browii, Chester. L. J. Gibbs, Epping. H. B. Burnham, Epping. T. M. Gould, Raymond. D. S. Clark, Berry. T. 0. Reynolds, Kingston. R. A. Crittenden, Plaistow. L. J. Young, Candia. C. S. Downes, Nottingham. Strafford District Medical Society. This society was organized July 6, 1808, and from that time has never failed to hold its annual meeting. Its ob- jects are the unity of the profession and progress in medi- cal science. The annual meeting is held at Dover, on the Wednesday following the second Tuesday in December. The membership fee is three dollars, and the annual assess- ment one dollar. OFFICERS. President John Parker, M. D., Lebanon, Me. Treasurer C. A. Tufts, M. D., Dover. Secretary C. A. Fairbanks, M. D., Dover. Councillors Drs. S. C. Whittier, W. H. Horr, William Water- boose. 102 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. MEMBERS. E. S. Berry, Dover. C. E Blazo, East Rochester. D. T. P. Chamberlain, Dover. J. S. Daniells, Barrington. C. E. Elliott, Great Falls. C. A. Fairbanks, Dover. J. W. Farrington, Rochester. A. G. Fenner, Dover. R. B. Foss, Farmington. J. F. Hall, Portsmouth. J. R. Ham, Dover. J. J. Hazen, York, Me. L. G. Hill, Dover. Jeremiah Home, Dover. W. H. Horr, Salmon Falls. Alvah Jenkins, Great Falls. M. C. Lathrop, Dover. I. W. Lougee, Rochester. Nathaniel Low, Dover. A. C. Newell, Farmington. D. T. Parker, Farmington. John Parker, Lebanon, Me. J. W. Parsons, Portsmouth. J. G. Pike, Dover. T. J. W. Pray, Dover. B. W. Sargent, Rochester. J. H. Smith, Lowell, Mass. P. A. Stackpole, Dover. C. E. Swazey, Great Falls. W. H. Sylvester, Great Falls. C. A. Tufts, Dover. N. C. Twombly, Strafford. M. R. Warren, Rochester. William Waterhouse, Barrington. J. H. Wheeler, Dover. S. C. Whittier, Portsmouth. "White Mountain Medical Society. This society was chartered by the Legislature in June, 1820, on petition of Dr. Eliphalet Lyman and others. The first meeting was held in the town of Dalton, in Jime, 1821. The society holds its annual and semi-annual meet- ings on the Wednesday of the week in which the moon first fulls in January and July, generally at Wells River, Vermont. In January, 1874, the Moose Hillock Medical Society, and the Caledonia County Society of Vermont, united with the White Mountain Society. President S. J. Allen, M. D., White River Junction, Vt. Vice-President C. G. Adams, M. D., Island Pond, Vt. Secretary C. R. Gibson, M. D., Woodsville, N. H. Directors Drs. J. R. Nelson, Ira Brown, E. V. Watkins. Censors Drs. Tuttle, Gove, and Watson of N. H. ; Drs. Bullard, Folsom, and Smith of Vt. NEW HAMPSHIRE. 103 MEMBERS. C. G. Adams, Island Pond. S. J. Allen, White River Junction. S. J. Allen, Jr., White Kiver Junction. C. H. Boynton, Lisbon. O. H. Boynton, Lisbon. P. H. Brassard, St. Johnsbury. L. T. Brooks, St. Jolmsbury. E. J. Brown, Littleton. H. S. Brown, St. Johnsbury. Ira Brown, Wells River. A. G. Bugbee, Derby Line. Bugbee, Lancaster. G. R. Bugbee, Whitefield. G. B. Bullard, St. Johnsbury. C. S. 'Gaboon, Lyndon. H. S. Calderwood, St. Johnsbury. M. D. Carbee, Haverhill. S. P. Carbee, Haverhill. S. R. Carey, East Craftsbury. W. W. Carpenter, West Burke. A. I. Carter, Sheffield. William Child, Bath. F. H. Cilley, Barnet. C. H. Clarke, Haverhill. E. S. Cleveland, St. Johnsbury. J. H. Conerill, Danville. J. W. Copeland, Lyndon ville. A. A. Doty, Bradford. B. F. Eaton, Hartford. II. B. Flanders, West Fairlee. C. P. Frost, Hanover. C. R. Gibson, Woodsville. D. D. Grant, Wnlcott. F. C. Harris, Colebrook. L. W. Hubbard, Lyndon. H. C. Ide, East Burke. R. C. Jennie, East Corinth. R. T. Johnson, West Concord. F. F. Moffett, Littleton. W. B. Moody, Franconia. Mitchell, Lancaster. J. R. Nelson, Wells River. B. F. Page, St. Johnsbury. J. L. Patten, Whitefield. R. B. Skinner, Barton. D. B. Smith, Plainfield. Phineas Spaulding. T. R. Stiles, Wheelock. W. F. Templcton, Glover. C. M. Tuttle, Littleton. M. P. Wallace, Cabot. E. V. Watkins, Newbury. H. P. Watson, North Haverhill. I. A. Watson, Groveton. O. L. Watson, West Topsham. L. S. Wiswell, Cabot. M. R. Woodbury, Lancaster. J. F. Wright, Barton Landing. New Hampshire Dental Society. OFFICERS. President D. W. Edgerly, Farmington. Vice-President Hiram Hill, Manchester. Treasurer E. B. Davis, Concord. Secretary C. W. Clement, Manchester. New Hampshire Pharmaceutical Association, The association was incorporated in June, 1874, for the purpose of promoting the knowledge of pharmacy, and to unite the educated and reputable pharmacists in the State for mutual improvement and assistance. 104 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. Every pharmacist or druggist living within the State who has had three or more years' experience, either on his own account or in the employment of others, graduates of regularly organized pharmaceutical schools or colleges, and physicians regularly graduated, who have had at least one year's experience in compounding and dispensing drugs or medicines, are eligible to membership. The sum of five dol- lars is to be paid as an entrance fee, and the annual assess- ment is three dollars. Pharmacists, chemists, and other scientific men who may be deemed worthy the distinction may be elected honorary members. The meetings are held annually, and from time to time as the association may determine. To the active exertions of the association, the pharma- cists and physicians of the State are indebted for an act passed by the Legislature, to prevent incompetent persons from conducting the business of druggists and apothecaries. OFFICERS. President C- S. Eastman. Vice-Presidents C. C. Topliff, Dominions Hanson. Treasurer H. B. Foster. Secretary G. F. Underbill. Reporter on Progress of Pharmacy A. E. Wallace. G. F. Abbott, Littleton. L. B. Downing, Hanover. G. J. Appleton, Keene. C. S. Eastman, Concord. H. W. Boutwell, Manchester. A. P. Fitch, Concord. E. A. Brockway, Franklin. W. B. Fitts, Raymond. G. L. Brown, Concord. H. B. Foster, Concord. M. C. Brown, Meredith. C. H. Fowler, Fisherville. E. M. Bullard, Keene. G. H. Fowler, Bristol. D. S. Burnham, Milford. C. F. Gerrish, Manchester. Z. F. Campbell, Manchester. T. M. Gould, Raymond. F. H. Chapman, Franklin Falls. Dominicus Hanson, Rochester. F. A. Colby, Lancaster. J. R. Hanson, Manchester. R. T. Crowell, Concord. C. F. Hildreth, M. D., Allens- E. H. Currier, Manchester. town. F. V. Dana, Ashland. F. A. James, Manchester. C. C. Davis, Walpole. C. M. Jones, Great Falls. R. C. Dickey, Hillsboro'. H. P. Kendrick, Lebanon. VERMONT. 105 Perry Kittredge, Concord. E. S. Russell, Nashua. G. P. Ladd, Great Falls. S. F Sanderson, Rochester. L. A. Lamson, Hinsdale. F. W. Shackley, Dover. C. B. Littlefield, Manchester. S. F. Shaw, Rochester. W. A. Lovering, Nashua. G. A. Stevens, Tilton. E. B. Mann, Woodsville. E. H. Sturtevant, Franklin. S. D. Marden, Nashua. G. W. O. Tebbetts, Manchester. C. H. Martin, Concord. J. H. Thacher, Portsmouth. L. K. Mead, Manchester. C. C. Topliff, M. D., Fisherville. C. A. Merrill, Exeter. C. A. Tufts, M. D., Dover. George Moore, Great Falls. J. S. Tufts, Plymouth. B. A. Morgan, Wolfboro'. G. F. Underhi'll, Concord. P. J. Noyes, Lancaster. W. P. Underbill, Concord. D. T. Parker, Farmington. "W. H. Vickery, Dover. A. F. Perry, Manchester. A. E. Wallace, Nashua. F. J. Philbrick, Portsmouth. B. B. Weeks, Manchester. A. T. Pinkham, Dover. W. P. Whitcher, Lisbon. W. H. Piper, Suncook. J. W. White, Nashua L. Pitman, North Conway. J. A. Wiley, Manchester. W. R. Preston, Portsmouth. Isaac Willard, Orford. B. F. Rackley, Dover. J. T. Wingate, Dover. Vermont Medical Society. Organized in 1814. Any physician of good character may become a member upon recommendation of the Board of Councillors. The annual meeting is held on the second Wednesday of October at Montpelier, and a semi-annual meeting on the last Wednesday and Thursday of June, at such place as the society shall direct. Annual dues two dollars. OFFICERS. President G. B. Bullard, M. D., St. Johnsbury. Vice-President L. M. Bingham, M. D., Burlington. Secretary S. S. Clark, M. D., St. Albans. Treasurer S. Putnam, M. D., Montpelier. Auditor D. G. Kemp, M. D., Montpelier. Censors Drs. O. F. Fassett, S. J. Allen, E. N. S. Morgan. Board of Councillors. Addison County C. W. B. Kidder, Vergennes. Bennington County E. N. S. Morgan, Bennington. Caledonia County S. T. Brooks, St. Johnsbury. Chittenden County A. P. Grinnell, Burlington. 106 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. Essex County H. A. Cutting, Lunenburg. Franklin County J. H. Hamilton, Richford. Grand Isle County A. Harding, South Hero. Laraoille County J. B. Morgan, Cambridge. Orange County George Davenport, East Randolph. Orleans County C. S. Hinman, Charlestown. Rutland County A. T. Woodard, Brandon. Washington County J. H. Jackson, Barre. Windham County E. H. Pettengill, Saxton's River. Windsor County E. Hazen, Woodstock. [Alphabetical and local lists of the active and retired members of the society, living within the State, are given in the Directory and Business Guide.] Addison County Medical Society. Organized December 16, 1875. Regular meetings in June and December. Annual meeting on the Thursday after the second Tuesday in December. Dues one dollar. Q. Bass. W. N. Platt. E. H. Callender. E. 0. Porter. M. H. Eddy. E. P. Russell. J. P. Hinckley. B. F. Sutton. William Hopkins. Joseph Warner. C. W. B. Kidder. E. D. Woodbridge Burlington Medical and Surgical Club. Organized in December, 1872. Physicians in good standing, living in Chittenden County, are eligible to mem- bership. The meetings are held on the second Monday in each month at the club rooms in St. Paul Street, and the an- nual meeting in November. Original papers and cases in practice are presented by the members. The annual as- sessment is one dollar. OFFICERS. President W. Carpenter, M. D. Vice- President J. H. Richardson, M. D. Treasurer and Secretary P. J. Kent, M. D. VERMONT. 107 BIKMIJER8. H. H. Atwater. L. M. Bingham. L. F. Burdick. C. P. Burns. W. Carpenter. M. Cole. J. O. Crampton. H. Crandall. H. A. Crandall. C. N. Ferrin. A. P. Grinnell. P. J. Kent H. II. Langdon. W. B. Lund. J. L. Montmarquet. E. S. Peck. J. H. Richardson. L. F. Root. C. F. Storrs. A. D. Tagert. S. W. Thayer. W. L. Worcester. Bennington County and Hoosick Medical Society. Including the county of Bennington in Vermont, and the town of Hoosick in New York. Organized January 24, 1873. Annual dues fifty cents. Annual meeting on the second Wednesday in January, at Arlington Vt., and monthly meetings as decided by the society. W. H. Austin. C. J. Bacon. R. H. Bennett. B. M. Bishop. Homer Bushncll. S. S. Clemons. H. C. Day. M. Goldsmith. F. W. Goodall. R. H. Green. G. B. Raskins. L. H. Hem men way. John Millington. E. N. S. Morgan. L. B. Newton. W. S. Phillips. Lyman Rogers. S. W. Scott. Lemuel Sherwood. W. C. Stewart. Chittenden County Medical Society. Organized in 1864. Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of January, Ap:il, July, and October. The an- nual assessment is one dollar. 108 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. OFFICERS. President J. H. Richardson, M. D., Burlington. Vice-Presidents A. D. Tagert, M. D., W. B. Lund, M. D., Bur- lington. Treasurer H. A. Crandall, M. D., Burlington. Secretary W. L. Worcester, M. D., Burlington. MEMBERS. H. H. Atwater. H. O. Bartlett. A. L. Binjjham. L. M. Bingham. G. C. Brigga. G. W. Bromley. A. F. Burdick." L. F. Burdick. C. P. Burns. L. C. Butler. M. Cole. J. 0. Crampton. Hiram Crandall. H. A. Crandall. H. N. Curtis. B. Fairdiild. C. W. Ferrin. A. P. Grinnell. F. B. Hathaway. E. P. Howe. P. J. Kent. H. H. Langdon. W. B. Lund. J. F. Miles. J. W. Miles. D. H. Onion. E. S. Peck. J. H. Richardson. A. D. Tagert. S. W. Thayer. W. H. H. Varney. A. C. Welch. W. L. Worcester. Franklin County Medical Association. Organized in 1804. Annual meeting on the second Tuesday in May, and the semi-annual meeting on the last Tuesday in September. MEMBERS. Henry Baxter. Wilfred Botirden. John Branch. M. S. Brigps. A. M. Brown. J. L. Chandler. R. K. Clark. S. S. Clark. A. J. Darrah. George Dunsmore. J. H. Farnsworth. S. E. Farnsworth. O. F. Fassett. C. G. Fletcher. W. H. Giddings. G. S. Goodrich. G. B. Hall. H. P. Hall. J. H. Hamilton. C. F. Hawley. VERMONT. 109 W. R. Hutchinson. C C. Smith. S. W. Langdon. R. E. Welch. C. S. L. Leach. H. R. Wilder. O. E. Searle. C. C. Woodworth. R. Sherwood. St. Albans Medical Association. Organized in April, 1871. Its object is to promote the interests of the medical profession, and for the discussion of subjects pertaining to the practice of medicine and surgery. Regular physicians living in St. Albaus, of good char- acter, having diplomas from authorized medical schools, are eligible to membership. The annual meeting is held on the first Monday in April. Regular meetings on the first Monday in eacli mouth, at eight o'clock p. M. OFFICERS. President George Dunsmore, M. D. Treasurer and Secretary John Branch, M. D. MEMBERS. John Branch. O. F. Fassett. J. L. Chandler. H. P. Hall. S. S. Clark. G. H. Leonard. Joseph Comran. William Thibault. George Dunsmore. HONORARY MEMBERS. Ira Abell. J. H. Hamilton, Richford. Henry Baxter, Highgate. C. F. Hawley, Fairfax. W. G. Bliss. J. R. Howard. G. C. Briggs, Burlington. W. R. Hutchinson, Enosburgh Almon Clark, Sheboygan, Wis. Falls. R. K. Clark, Georgia. C. S. L. Leach, Swanton. C. L. Fletcher, Sheldon. R. E. Welch, Franklin. G. S. Goodrich, West Berkshire. R. II. Wilder, Swanton. J. B. Hall, Franklin. Orleans County Medical Society. Annual meeting on the first Wednesday in June. 110 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. C. G. Adams. D. W. Blanchard. J. A. Bowker. A. G. Bugbee. H. S. Caldenvood. W. Clark. A. E. Drew. C. W. Dustin. T. L. Button. T. M. Emory. C. L. Erwin. C. L. French. G. S. Green. C. S. Hinman. G. A. Hinman. T. H. Hoskins. Isaac Kimball. A. C. Martin. D. M. Parker. Lewis Patch. D. A. Robinson. C. S. Rogers. J. C. Rutherford. J. F. Skinner. R. B. Skinner. J. F. Wright. Washington County Medical Society. Organized February 11, 1869. Regular meetings on the first Thursday in January, April, July, and October. Annual meeting on the first Thursday of January, at Montpelier. A. E. Bigelow. P. D. Bradford. N. W. Braley. C. W. Brooks. W. N. Bryant. H. S. Calderwood. C. M. Chandler. Horace Fates. J. E. Frink. Asa George. Marcus Ide. MEMBERS. J. H. Jackson. Henry Janes. D. G. Kemp. W. F. Laselle. Edwin Porter. Sumner Putnam. D. B. Smith. T. J. Walker. J. B. Woodward. H. O. Worthen. Alumni Association of the Medical Department of the University of Vermont. Graduates of the medical department of the University and alumni of the University who have taken their med- ical degree elsewhere, in good standing, are considered members of the association. The annual meeting is held at Burlington on the Tues- VERMONT. Ill day of the Commencement week at the University. The aunual assessment is two dollars. Graduates of the Medical Department of the University of Vermont are requested to send their addresses, and also the addresses of other graduates, to the Secretary of the Alumni Association, at Burlington, Vermont, as it is im- portant that a complete and accurate register of the alumni be procured for the contemplated general catalogue. OFFICERS. President L. M. Bingham, M. D., Burlington, Vt. Vice-President Albert Nott, M. D., West Newton, Mass. Secretary A. D. Tagert, M. D., Shelburn, Vt. Executive Committee C. Cory, A. D. Tagert, P. J. Kent. Vermont Pharmaceutical Association. Incorporated November 17, 1870, for the advancement of pharmaceutical knowledge arid the elevation of the pro- fessional character of apothecaries and druggists through- out the State. Every pharmacist and druggist living in the State, of good moral and professional standing, hav- ing had three years' or more experience, graduates of reg- ularly organized pharmaceutical schools or colleges, and physicians, regularly graduated, are eligible to member- ship. The initiation fee is three dollars, and the annual assessment is two dollars. Honorary members are elected from persons considered worthy the distinction. The an- nual meeting is held at such time and place as the asso- ciation may determine. OFFICERS. President A. 0. Gates, Morrisville. Vice-Presidents W. J. Van Patten, Burlington; 11. G. Morton, West Randolph. Treasurer E. C. Lewis, Rutland. Secretary C. S. Boynton, Brandon* 112 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. MEMBERS. J. V. Babcock, Montpelier. H. D. Bailey, St. Albans. F. H. Bascomb, Montpelier. C. C. Bingham, St. Johnsbury. Freeman Bixby, Montpelier. Collin.s Blakely, Montpelier. C. S. Boynton, Brandon. K. Brainard, St. Albans. I. A. Brugh, Cambridge. E. W. Burritt, Burlington. C. L. Case, Brandon. H. H. Chapin, Wallingford. F. H. Chapman, Woodstock. W. K. Christian, Richmond. C. G. Comstock, Brandon. F. A. Cowdin, Rutland. E. R. Crandall, Stowe. H. D. Crooks, Rutland. G. A. Grossman, Brandon. O. B. Cutting, West Concord. H. G. Day, Bradford. J. B. Durkee, South Royalston. A. L. Dutcher, St. Albans. Daniel Dutcher, St. Albans. Frederic Dutcher, St. Albans. E. F. Dutton, Barton. M. 0. Evans, Waterbury. W. H. Eaton, Wells River. Francis Fenn, Rutland. W. H. H. Fisher, Rutland. W. H. Fletcher, Lyndonville. J. T. Flint, Derby 'Line. A. O. Gates, Morrisville. C. E. Gates, Stowe. G. E. Green, Brattleboro'. W. L. Greenleaf, Winooski. E. B. Hamlin, St. Johnsbury. A. W. Higgins, Rutland. W. F. Hood, Chelsea. W. M. Huntington, Rochester. H. D. Jones, Burlington. B. J. Kendall, Enosburg Falls. E. M. Kent, Bristol. G. F. Koon, North Bennington. J. H. Leonard, St. Albans. E. C. Lewis, Rutland. C. W. Locke, Springfield. E. A. Maxham, Bethel. F. A. Morse, West Rutland. L. A. Morse, Rutland. R. G. Morton, West Randolph. Timothy Neville, Swanton. J. E. Osborne, Bristol. M. K. Paine, Windsor. F. W. Pierce, Chester. G. D. Randall, St. Johnsbury. W. F. Richmond, Springfield. N. F. Rider, Middlebury. Homer Sheldon, Middlebury. A. F. Sherman, Ludlow. L. E. Sherman, Ludlow. C. E. Sias, St. Johnsbury. 0. B. Skinner, Essex Junction. C. A. Smith, Barre. Richard Smith, Richford. C. H. A. Stafford, Morrisville. G. A. Storer, St. Johnsbury. E. C. Thorn, Brattleboro'. 1. N. Thorn, Brattleboro'. W. J. Van Patten, Burlington. W. S. Vincent, Burlington. C. J. Waitt, Manchester. W. H. Wheeler, Springfield. C. D. Whitcomb, Lyndon. G. F. Woods, Bellows Falls. E. J. Young, Vergennes. Rhode Island Medical Society. Founded in 1812, and incorporated by the Legislature in the same year, the first named corporators being Drs. Amos Throop, William Bowen, Gordon Boweu, and others. Members are admitted to the society after nomination by the Censors ; they must possess a certificate or diploma RHODE ISLAND. 113 from some medical board of known and acknowledged re- spectability, and each application for membership must be presented in writing and be signed by at least two mem- bers of the society. On the payment of an admission fee of three dollars and signing the constitution, the diploma of the society is granted. The annual meeting of the society is held in Providence on the second Wednesday of June. Ten members con- stitute a quorum. Quarterly meetings are held on the third Wednesday of September, December, and March, in such city or town as the society shall appoint. The quar- terly meetings are chiefly devoted to the reading of disser- tations and medical papers, the report of cases, and the general advancement of medical knowledge among the members. Delegates to the American Medical Association are chosen at the meeting in March. The annual assessment is three dollars. OFFICERS. President E. T. Caswell, M. D., Providence. First Vice-P resident G. P. Baker, M. D., Scituate. Second Vice-President Charles O'Leary, M. D., Providence. Treasurer C. H. Leonard, M. D., Providence. Recording Secretary W. E. Anthony, M. D., Providence. Corresponding Secretary E. M. Harris, M. D., Providence. [Alphabetical and local lists of the members of the Society, living within the State, are given in the Directory and Business Guide.] Providence Medical Association. Organized in 1848. The members are regular practi- tioners of medicine in the city of Providence and vicinity, and Fellows of the Rhode Island Medical Society. No empirical or irregular practitioner, or any proprietor or vendor of patent medicines, is admitted or retained in the association. The annual meeting is held on the first Monday in 114 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. March. Monthly meetings are held on the first Friday in each month. The annual assessment is one dollar. OFFICERS. President H. G. Miller, M. D. Vice-President S. S. Keene, M. D. Treasurer W. H. Traver, M. D. Secretary V. 0. Harden, M. D. Standing Committee Drs. W. E. Anthony, J. W. C. Ely, C. O'Leary, T. Newell, A. E. Tyng. W. E. Anthony. G. P. Baker. A. R. Becker. W. O. Brown. A. G. Browning. W. T. Bullock. W. J. Burge. George Capron. G. W. Carr. E. H. Carver. E. T. Caswell. Sylvanus Clapp. F. C. Clark. G. L. Collins. E. B. Eddy. 3. W. C. Ely. C, W. Fabyan. C. W. Fill more. G. R. Fisher. N. A. Fisher. C. T. Gardner. L. F. C. Garvin. A. E. Ham. V. O. Harden. E. M. Harris. T. C. Hennessy. G. D. Hersey. Simeon Hunt. W. H. Hutchinson. S. S. Keene. G. H. Kenyon. Job Kenyon. N. B. Kenyon. Henry King. S. H. King. W. H. King. Eugene Kingman. C. H. Leonard. A. A. Mann. G. E. Mason. Robert Millar. H. G. Miller. J. W. Mitchell. John Morrow. Lloyd Morton. Timothy Newell. T. K. Newhall. R. F. Noyes. Charles O'Leary. W. H. Palmer. C. W. Parsons. F. H. Peckham. F. H. Peckham, Jr. J. E. Perry. T. W. Perry. G. A. Pierce. T. G. Potter. W. W. Potter. Gustav Radeke. J. W. Robinson. J. W. Sawyer. E. M. Snow. G. H. Stanley. J. E. Tobey. CONNECTICUT. 115 L. Traver. J. O. Whitney. W. H. Traver. Chase Wiggin. A. E. Tyng. O. C. Wiggin. F. L. Wheaton. Connecticut Medical Society. Organized iu 1791, and incorporated by the Legislature in 1870. The society includes eight county associations, all of which are under the control of the parent society and constitute its local branches. They are known by the name of the counties in which they are situated, and each association includes all members of the Connecticut Medi- cal Society within its limits. Eminent physicians not living in the State may be elected to honorary membership. Previous to 1793 Yale College conferred the honorary degree of Doctor of Medicine. From 1793 to 1813 in- clusive, honorary degrees were conferred by the Connecti- cut Medical Society, in accordance with its charter ; and during that time the honorary degree of Doctor of Medi- cine was not conferred by Yale College in any case, so far as can be ascertained. When the Medical College was organized and went into operation, the Medical Society, by agreement with Yale College, ceased to act indepen- dently in conferring degree?. The charter of the Medical College, after providing for degrees to be conferred by examination, provided that " The President of the College may also confer the Hon- orary Degree of Doctor of Medicine upon those persons whom the President and Fellows of the Medical Society shall recommend for that purpose." The superintendence and management of the society are vested in a body known as the " President and Fellows of the Connecticut Medical Society," consisting of the officers of the society proper, for the time being, and of five mem- bers each from the Hartford, New Haven, New London, Fairfield, Windham, and Litchfield county societies, and three each from Middlesex and Tolland. 116 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. Members are admitted through the county associations. No one is admitted to membership unless he shall have received the degree of Doctor of Medicine, or have been admitted ad eundem, from such medical authorities as this society shall deem proper to recognize. He must also reside and practise in the county in which his application is made. All members have the privilege of attending the meetings of the President and Fellows, and enjoy all the privileges except that of voting. The payment of the annual tax is optional with all members over sixty years of age. Any member of the society who shall make, vend, or publicly recommend, or who is directly or indirectly inter- ested in the manufacture, use, or sale of any nostrum or patent medicine, shall not be eligible to any office, and is liable to be suspended from the privileges of the society, or to expulsion. No member of the society shall hold professional con- sultation or intercourse with any other than licensed phy- sicians and surgeons in regular standing. The annual meeting of the President and Fellows is held on the day preceding the annual convention of the society, and in the same city where the convention is held. The convention is held on the Thursday following the fourth Wednesday in May, alternately at Hartford and New Haven. The annual meetings of the county associa- tions are held at such times and places as may be agreed on by them, provided the annual meeting shall be at least four weeks before the fourth Wednesday in May. The proceedings of the society are published annually. The annual assessment never exceeds five dollars. The nomination to professorships in the Medical Institu- tion of Yale College, since the year 1810, has been made by a joint committee of an equal number of persons ap- pointed by the President and Fellows of Yale College and the President and Fellows of the society. The Superintendent of the Retreat for the Insane has been nominated in like mariner since 1823. CONNECTICUT. 117 OFFICERS. President A. R. Goodrich, M. D., Vernon. Vice-President G. L. Platt, M. D., Watcrbury. Treasurer F. D. Edgerton, M. D., Middletown. Secretary C. W. Chamberlain, M. D., Hartford. Committee of Examination Drs. A. R. Goodrich, D. A. Cleve- land, G. H. Preston, M. Storrs, John Witter, J. E. Barbour, J. G. Stnnton. Committee to Nominate Professors in the Medical Institution of Yale College Drs. William Dening, C. B. Newton, L. N. Beardsley, I. G. Porter, H. M. Knight. Committee to Nominate Physician to Retreat for the Insane Drs. D. H. Nash, L. Holbrook, H. M. Knight, R. S. Goodwin, B. N. Com- ings. Committee on Matters of Professional Interest in the State Drs. W. A. M. Wainwright, L. S. Wilcox, W. L. Bradley. Committee of Publication Drs. C. W. Chamberlain, ex officio, F. D. Edgerton, G. W. Russell. Anniversary Chairman H. A. Carrington, M. D. Dissertator W. H. Carmalt, M. D. Alternate I. W. Lyon, M. D. [Alphabetical and local lists of members of the society, living with- in the State, are given in the Directory and Business Guide.] Fairfield County Medical Association. The society meets annually on the second Tuesday of April, alternately in Bridgeport, Norwalk, and Danbury. OFFICERS. President W. G. Bronson, M. D., New Canaan. Clerk W. C. Burke, Jr., M. D., South Norwalk. Censors Drs. W. A. Lockwood, C. H. Bill, J. R. Cummings. Hartford County Medical Association. Organized September 25, 1792. The society meets at Hartford annually in April. 118 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. OFFICERS. President R, W. Griswold, M. D., Rock Hill. Clerk James Campbell, M. D., Hartford. Fellows Drs. G. W. Russell, P. M. Hastings, A. W. Barrows. Hartford Medical Society. OFFICERS. Secretary H. G. Howe, M. D. Censors Drs. C. W. Chamberlain, G. C. Jarvis, H. S. Fuller. Hartford Library and Journal Association. OFFICERS. President L. S. Wilcox, M. D. Secretary George Parmalee, M. D. Executive Committee Drs. C. W. Chamberlain, G. C. Jarvis, G. H. Hawley. MICROSCOPICAL SECTION. Laboratory 25 Platt Street. President W. T. Bacon, M. D. Secretary C. W. Chamberlain, M. D. Litchfield County Medical Association. Organized in the year 1766. The annual meeting is held on the second Tuesday in October, and the semi- annual meeting on the fourth Tuesday in April. Quar- terly meetings in January and July. The annual and semi-annual meetings are held at Litchfield. OFFICERS. President R. S. Goodwin, M. D., Thomaston. Vice-President W. S. Munger, M. D., Watertown. Clerk J. J. Newcomb, M. D., Litchfield. Censors Drs. L. H. Wood, W. J. Beach, H. W. Buel. CONNECTICUT. 119 Middlesex County Medical Association. The society was organized in September, 1792. The animal meeting is held at Haddam. OFFICERS. President R. W. Mathewson, M. D., Durham. Clerk J. H. Graniss, M. D., Saybrook. Censors Drs. S. W. Turner, G. W. Burke, E. B. Nye. New Haven County Medical Association. The annual meeting is held in April, and the semi- annual meeting in October. OFFICERS. President M. C. White, M. D., New Haven. ^ice-President A. H. Churchill, M. D., Meriden. Clerk C. W. Gaylord, M. D., Branford. Censors Drs. W. H. Carmalt, H. A. Carrington, W. R. BartletL New Haven City Medical Association. Organized in 1803. Meetings are held every two weeks. Six months' professional residence is required before an application for membership is granted. OFFICERS. President A. E. Winchell, M. D. Vice-Presidents Drs. S. H. Bronson, E. Bulkley.. Secretary T. H. Russell, M. D. MEMBERS. W. G. Ailing. Henry Bronson. Francis Bacon. S. H. Bronson. W. R. Bartlett. Edward Bulkley. Frederic Bellosa. / W. H. Carmalt. E. H. Bishop. H. A. Carrington. T. H. Bishop. S. H. Chapman. E. L. Bissell. M. A. Cremin. W. L. Bradley. D. L. Daggett. 120 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. W. B. DeForrest. B. S. Lewis. F. L. Dibble. C. A. Lindsley. J. J. S. Doherty. J. F. Lines. H. A. Dubois. John Nicoll. G. B. Farnam. E. A. Park. J. P. C. Foster. Henry Pierpoint. C. A. Gallagher. T. H. Russell. Frank Gallagher. J. R. Sanford. T. P. Gibbons. L. J. Sanford. L. M. Gilbert. E. L. R. Thompson. S. D. Gilbert. D. A. Tyler. W. H. Hotchkiss. F. O. White. S. G. Hubbard. M. C. White. Levi Ives. F. H. Whittemore. R. S. Ives. L. D. Wilcoxson. Walter Judson. A. E. Winchell. D. C. Leavenworth. New London County Medical Association. The first steps for the foundation of a medical society in this county were taken in 1763, and the society was actually organized in 1775. At the first meeting Dr. John Barker was chosen President, and to this office he was an- nually elected to the time of his death in 1791. It is said that at the earlier meetings of the society Dr. Philip Turner gave lectures on military surgery. The society was incorporated by the Legislature in May, 1792, and organized under the act in the September following. The annual meeting is held on the second Tuesday in April, alternately at New London and Norwich. The annual assessment is two dollars. OFFICERS. President E. C. Kenney, M. D., Norwich. Clerk A. Peck, M. D., Norwich. Censors Drs. I. G. Porter, A. B. Haile, L. S. Paddock. Norwalk Medical Society. Organized December 21, 1868. Any physician in active practice in this town, who has had six months' professional CONNECTICUT. 121 residence, and who is eligible to membership in the Con- necticut Medical Society, may become a member. Meetings are held on the second Monday in each month at the residences of the members. OFFICERS. President J. C. Kendall, M. D. Vice-President W. A. Lockwood, M. D. Secretary W. C. Burke, Jr., M. D. J. E. Barbour. John Hill. F. V. Brush. W. A. Lockwood. W. C. Burke, Jr. J. A. McLean. J. G. Gregory. J. W. McLean. R. L. Higgins. M. B. Pardee. Tolland County Medical Association. Organized September, 1792. The annual meeting is held on the third Thursday in April. OFFICERS. President S. G. Risley, M. D., Rockville. Clerk G. H. Preston, M. D., Tolland. Fellows Drs. G. H. Preston, W. N. Clark, S. G. Risley. Windham County Medical Association. Organized at Windham, September 24, 1793. The an- nual meeting is held on the fourth Thursday in April, usually in Putnam, Willimantic, or South Killingly. The annual assessment is two dollars. OFFICEKS. President Elija Baldwin, M. D., South Canterbury. Clerk J. B. Kent, M. D., Putnam. Censors Drs. S. Hutchins, T. M. Hills, E. Baldwin. 122 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. Connecticut State Dental Association. Organized in Hartford, October 20, 1864. Meetings are held semi-annually. Connecticut Pharmaceutical Association. Organized February 9, 1876. The objects of this asso- ciation are to secure cooperation and concert of action in the advancement and diffusion of a knowledge of pharmacy and its collateral branches of science, and to promote the elevation of the professional character of, and facilitate an open and fraternal intercourse between, its members. Reputable apothecaries and druggists, and teachers of pharmacy, chemistry, and botany, are eligible to member- ship. The annual meeting is held on the first Wednesday in February, at a place selected by the association. The initiation fee is three dollars, and the annual as- sessment two dollars. OFFICERS. President H. H. Osgood, Waterbury. Vice-Presidents S. R. McNary, Hartford ; Romania Wells, New- Haven. Treasurer G. P. Chandler, Hartford. Secretary Frederic Wilcox, Waterbury. Connecticut Medico-Legal Society. OFFICERS. President H. C. Robinson. Vice-Presidents W. A. M. Wainwright, M. D. ; C. M. Joslyn. Secretary and Treasurer G. S. Parmalee, M. D. Librarian C. W. Chamberlain, M. D. Chemist H. C. Bolton. MEDICAL SCHOOLS AND KINDRED INSTITUTIONS. MEDICAL SCHOOLS AND KINDRED INSTITUTIONS. Medical Department of Harvard University. . North Grove Street, Boston, Mass. THE plan of study in this school was radically changed in 1871. Instruction is given by lectures, recitations, clin- ical teaching, and practical exercises uniformly distributed throughout the academic year. The year begins on the Thursday following the last Wednesday in September, and ends on the last Wednesday in June. There is a recess of one week at Christmas. The course of instruction has been greatly enlarged, so as to extend over three years, and has been so arranged as to carry the student progressively and systematically from one subject to another in a just and natural order. In the subjects of anatomy, histology, chemistry, and pathological anatomy, laboratory work is substituted for, or added to, the usual didactic lectures, and is as much re- quired of every student as attendance at lectures and reci- tations. Instead of the customary oral examination for the degree of Doctor of Medicine, held at the end of the three years' period of study, a series of written examinations on all the main subjects of medical instruction has been distributed for regular students through the whole three years. Every candidate for the degree must pass a satisfactory examina- 126 MEDICAL SCHOOLS, ETC. tion in every one of the principal departments of medical instruction at some time during his period of study. Members of any one department of Harvard University have a right to attend lectures and recitations in any other department without paying additional fees. Students in the Medical School, who wish to avail themselves of this opportunity of pursuing scientific or other studies, may do so without loss of time counted as medical study, to such extent and in such manner as the Medical Faculty shall in each case prescribe. Undergraduates intending to study medicine are advised to pay special attention to the study of Natural History, Chemistry, Physics, and the French and German languages, while in college. Requisites for Admission. All candidates for admis- sion, except those who have passed an examination for ad- mission to Harvard College, must present a degree in let- ters or science from a recognized college or scientific school, or pass an examination in the following subjects : 1. LATIN. The translation of easy Latin prose. French or German will be accepted, however, as a substitute for Latin. 2. PHYSICS. Candidates will be required to show such a knowledge of this subject as may be obtained from Bal- four Stewart's elementary works on Physics. The examinations will be conducted in writing, and in judging the work of the candidates the spelling, grammar, and construction will be considered. Graduates in medicine will not be required to pass this examination on joining the school. Division of Studies. First year. Anatomy, Physi- ology, and General Chemistry. 1 Second year. Medical Chemistry, Materia Medica, 1 Any student who shall have previously passed in the Undergraduate Department or Scientific School of Harvard University an examination in General Chemistry (including qualitative analysis), will be exempt from examination in this branch, and may pursue the study of Medical Chemis- try during his first year. MASSACHUSETTS. 127 Pathological Anatomy, Clinical Medicine, and Clinical Surgery. Third year. Therapeutics, Obstetrics, Theory and Practice of Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Surgery, and Clin- ical Surgery. The following methods of instruction are adopted in the several departments : Anatomy. Lectures ; various practical exercises, in- cluding abundant dissection under the direction of the dem- onstrator ; recitations from text-books ; histology. Physiology. Lectures, recitations, and practical instruc- tion in pathological histology. To students of the second and third classes opportunities are given for original inves- tigations in the laboratory. Chemistry is taught mainly by practical work in the lab- oratory, the student having his own desk and apparatus. General chemistry and qualitative analysis are taught dur- ing the first year. Besides the laboratory work, there is a lecture and a recitation every week. In the second year, medical chemistry is taught by lectures and laboratory work. Pathological Anatomy is taught by lectures, recitations, and practical instruction in pathological histology. The collection of the Warren Anatomical Museum is used to illustrate the lectures, and many morbid specimens are shown in afresh state. Students also receive practical in- struction in the method of making autopsies, to which they are admitted at both hospitals. Special classes in path- ological histology, including the diagnosis of tumors, are formed for those who are provided with a microscope. Such students are required to prepare the various objects. The school possesses a number of microscopes for the use of those students whose means will not permit the purchase of an instrument. Materia Medica and Therapeutics. Materia medica is taught by lectures and practical demonstrations. Thera- peutics, or the physiological action of drugs and their ap- 128 MEDICAL SCHOOLS, ETC. plication to disease, is taught in the third year by lectures, recitations and hospital exercises. Theory and Practice of Medicine. Lectures, recita- tions, and hospital visits. Clinical Medicine. Daily instruction by hospital visits and other exercises. Students are furnished with cases for personal examination, and are called upon to report them before the class, where they are criticised. Another exer- cise, known as the " Clinical Conference," affords an oppor- tunity for more thorough preparation of cases, more time being allowed for their study. The full written report of a case is read by the student who has examined it. In addition to this, a regular course of supplementary instruc- tion is given in auscultation and percussion, and in laryu- goscopy. Surgery. Lectures and recitations. There are also courses on surgical anatomy, minor surgery, surgical his- tology, bandaging, and operative suregry. In the latter, students of the third class are supplied with material for repeating the usual surgical operations. Instruction in clinical surgery is given at the Massa- chusetts General Hospital and City Hospital throughout the year. Obstetrics. Lectures and recitations. Students are instructed in the manual operations on the manikin, and will have opportunities to take charge of cases of obstetrics in their third year. A course of operative obstetrics, with practical illustrations on the cadaver, is given. Diseases of Women and Children. Lectures and clin- ical illustration. Ophthalmology. A complete course upon the diseases of the eye, including clinical instruction and the use of the ophthalmoscope. Dermatology. Lectures and clinical illustrations. Syphilis. Recitations and clinical instruction. Otology. Lectures and clinical instruction. Laryngoscopy, Auscultation, and Percussion. Lect- ures and demonstrations. MASSACHUSETTS. 129 Diseases of the Nervous System. Lectures and demon- strations. Hygiene. Lectures. Forensic Medicine. Lectures. The Medical Department of the University is established in Boston in order to secure those advantages for clinical instruction which are found only in large cities. Students are admitted to the practice of the physicians and surgeons of the Massachusetts' General Hospital, the Boston City Hospital, the Massachusetts Charitable Eye and Ear In- firmary, and the Boston Dispensary. Hospital Appointments. From eighteen to twenty students are selected annually for House Officers of the various Hospitals. Appointments to the Boston Lying-in Hospital are for a term of four months. The regular examinations are held in the following order : At the end of the first year. Anatomy, Physiology, and General Chemistry. At the end of the second year. Medical Chemistry, Ma- teria Medica, and Pathological Anatomy. At the end of the third year. Therapeutics, Obstetrics, Theory and Practice of Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Sur- gery, and Clinical Surgery. The regular examinations are held at the end of each year in June ; and a week before the opening of the school in September, on the studies of the preceding year. 1 The examinations are conducted mainly in writing. No student will receive his degree until he has passed a satis- factory examination in all the above-mentioned subjects, and presented a certificate from the Demonstrator of Anat- omy that he has satisfactorily dissected the three parts of the body. Those who fail in any subject may present themselves in that subject again at the next regular exam- ination. 1 The June examination is for those only who are members of the school at the time, and for those entitled to apply for a degree. 9 1:;0 MEDICAL SCHOOLS, ETC. Students are divided into three classes, according to their lime of study and proficiency. Students may be admitted to advanced standing in the regular course, but all who apply for admission into the second or third year's class must pass an examination at the beginning of the year in the branches already pursued by the class to which they seek admission, and furnish a satisfactory l certificate of time spent in medical studies. No student shall advance with his class, or be admitted to advanced standing, until he has passed the required exam- ination in the studies of the year, or a majority of them ; nor ?hall he become a member of the third class until he has passed all the examinations of the first in addition to a majority of those of the second year. Students who do not intend to offer themselves for a de- gree will, however, be received at any part of the course for one term or more. Any student may obtain, without an examination, a cer- tificate of his period of connection with the school. Requirements for a Degree. Every candidate must be twenty-one years of age, and of good moral character; must give evidence of having studied medicine three full years ; have spent at least one continuous year at this school; have presented a satisfactory thesis; and have passed the required examinations. Theses of conspicuous merit are mentioned with honor or read at the University Commencement. The degree of Master of Arts is open to graduates of the school, who are also Bachelors of Arts, and who pur- sue an approved course of study in medicine for at least one year after taking the degree of Doctor of Medicine. Libraries. The library at the Medical College is open to the student on the deposit of five dollars, to be re- funded to him when he may desire, after returning all books. The College Library at Cambridge is open to the 1 Certificates from teachers who practise any peculiar or exclusive sys- tem of medicine are not accepted. MASSACHUSETTS. 131 students of the Medical School. The Boston Public Library, which contains a large collection of medical books, may also be used by students recommended by the Dean. Fees and Expenses. Matriculation, five dollars; for a year, two hundred dollars ; for a half year alone, one hundred and twenty dollars ; graduation, thirty dollars. No degrees can be conferred until all dues to the school are discharged. Four yearly scholarships have been estab- lished, of the value of two hundred dollars each, open to meritorious students who have been at the school for one or two years. Laboratory assistants to the Professors of Physiology and Chemistry are annually appointed from such deserving students as need aid. Students holding these positions are exempt from the payment of the fee for tuition. Graduates' Course. For the purpose of affording to those who are already graduates in medicine additional facilities for pursuing clinical, laboratory, and other studies, for which they had not previously found leisure, in such subjects as may specially interest them, and as a substitute in part for the opportunities heretofore sought for in Europe, the Faculty have established a course for grad- uates, of which the following is a programme : Histology. The various methods of examining the dif- ferent tissues are employed, and opportunities for original research are offered. Fee, twenty dollars per term. Physiology. Opportunities for original investigation in the physiological laboratory. Fee, thirty dollars per term. Medical Chemistry. Practical instruction in the chem- ical laboratory in the analysis of the urine and other animal fluids in health and disease, and of poisons ; examination of blood stains and other objects connected with medico- legal investigations, with the application of the microscope to these processes. General analysis also, if desired. Lab- oratory fee, thirty dollars per term. Pathological Anatomy. Practical instruction in Patho- logical Histology and the examination of specimens in the 132 MEDICAL SCHOOLS, ETC. microscopical laboratory ; and opportunity for witnessing and making autopsies. Fee, twenty dollars per term. Surgery. A practical course of Operative Surgery, and instruction in the application of bandages and apparatus. Fee, twenty-five dollars per term. Auscultation, Percussion, and Laryngoscopy practically taught, and Diseases of the Larynx demonstrated by the aid of the oxyhydrogen light. Fee, twenty dollars per term. Ophthalmology. Clinical instruction, lectures on Dis- eases of the Eye, and demonstrations of the methods of performing operations. Exercise in the use of the oph- thalmoscope. Fee, twenty-five dollars per term. Otology. Lectures and clinical instruction on Diseases of the Ear. Fee, fifteen dollars per term. Dermatology. Clinical instruction in Diseases of the Skin, illustrated by patients in this department of the Mas- sachusetts General Hospital. Lectures. Fee, twenty-five dollars per term. Syphilis. Clinical instruction at the Boston Dispensary and at the City Hospital. (Second term.) Fee, fifteen dollars. Diseases of the Nervous System. Practical illustrations of the application of various forms of electricity. Lectures. Fee, fifteen dollars per term. Gyncecology. Clinical instruction in Diseases of Women. Fee, ten dollars. Obstetrics. Cases supplied. A course of Operative Midwifery. Fee, twenty dollars. Those pursuing this course may elect the studies to which they will give their attention, and allot the time they will devote to each. They will be exempt, unless at their op- tion, from examinations, and may obtain a certificate of at- tendance on this course of advanced study. On payment of the full fee for the course, they will have the privilege of attending any of the other exercises of the Medical School, the use of its laboratories and library, and all other rights accorded by the University. MASSACHUSETTS. 133 Graduates of other medical schools may obtain the de- gree of M. D. at this University after a year's study in the graduates' course. The required examinations may be passed in such order as is desired, but only at the stated seasons. The fee for a year is two hundred dollars ; for half a year, one hundred and twenty dollars. The Commencement of the Medical School will occur in June, at Cambridge, in common with that of other depart- ments of the University. For further information or cata- logues address the Secretary of the Faculty, Dr. R. H. Fitz, 18 Arlington Street, Boston, Mass. FACULTY. Charles W. Eliot, LL. D., President. Calvin Ellis, M. D., Jackson Professor of Clinical Medicine, Dean. Oliver W. Holmes, M. D., Professor of Anatomy. Henry J. Bigelow, M. D., Professor of Surgery. Francis Minot, M. D., Hersey Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine. John P. Reynolds, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics. Henry W. Williams, M. D., Professor of Ophthalmology. David W. Chcever, M. D., Professor of Clinical Surgery. James C. White, M. D., Professor of Dermatology. Robert T. Edes, M. D., Professor of Materia Medica. Henry P. Bo wd itch, M. D., Professor of Physiology. Charles B. Porter, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy, and Instructor in Surgery. Frederic I. Knight, M. D., Instructor in Percussion, Auscultation, and Laryngoscopy. J. Collins Warren, M. D., Instructor in Surgery. Reginald H. Fitz, M. D., Professor of Pathological Anatomy. William L. Richardson, M. D., Instructor in Obstetrics. Thomas Dwight, M. D., Instructor in Histology. Edward S. Wood, M. D., Professor of Chemistry. H. H. A. Beach, M. D., Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy. W. H. Baker, M. D., Instructor in Gynaecology. William B. Hills, M. D., Instructor in Chemistry. G. F. H. Markoe, Instructor in Materia Medica. Frank W. Draper, M. D., Lecturer on Forensic Medicine. C. F. Folsom, M. I)., Lecturer on Hygiene and Mental Diseases. H. P. Quincy, M. D., Assistant in Histology. 134 MEDICAL SCHOOLS, ETC. Thomas Waterman, M. D., Assistant in Anatomy. E. N. Whittier, M. D., Assistant in Clinical Medicine. G. M. Garland, M. D., Assistant in Physiology. E. G. Cutler, M. D., Assistant in Pathological Anatomy. W. F. Whitney, M. D., Curator of the Anatomical Museum. M. H. Richardson, M. D., Assistant in Anatomy. The following gentlemen will give special clinical in- struction : LECTURERS. Francis B. Greenough, M. D., and Edward Wigglesworth, M. D., in Syphilis. J. Orne Green, M. D., and Clarence J. Blake, M. D., in Otology. Joseph P. Oliver, M. D., and T. M. Rotch, M. D., in Diseases of Children. Samuel G. Webber, M. D., and James J. Putnam, M. D., in Diseases of the Nervous System. GRADUATES IN MEDICINE IN 1879. Henry H. Battey. Lnther W. Bennett. Albert F. Blaisdell, A. M. Vincent Y. Bowditch, A. B. Walter P. Bowers. Henry VV. Broughton, A. B. Constance Broyer. Robert Burns. Hubert L. Burrell. James E. Cleaves, A. B. George L. Collins, Ph. B. Robert B. Dixon. Samuel M. Donovan. William T. Dunnions. Thomas M. Durell. James Dwiirht, A. B. Wyllis G. Eaton, A. B. George R. Fessenden, A. B. Frederick Fuller, A. B. William W. Gannett, A. B. Guido H. Gardner. Charles W. Haddock. David G. Hall. Henry C. Hall. Richard C. B. Hartley. Henry C. Haven, A. B. Herbert D. Hicks. Charles E. Hill, A. B. Francis E. Hinds. William E. Holbrook, A. B. Walter H. Holmes, A. B. Charles P. Hooker. Henry Hun, Ph. B. James E. Keating. George F. Keene, A. B. Flavel J. Kyle. Walter W. Larrabee. Charles Eugene Meader. George W. Mills, S. B. Samuel J. Mixter, S. B. Francis H. Mullen. George A. Peavey. Cvrus T. Peckham, A. B. Walter B. Phut, Ph. B. Lewis H. Plimpton, A. B. John W. Pray. Morton H. Prince, A. B. James M. Randall. Francis R. Rix, A. B. Elliot D. Robbing. Gorham D. Rogers. William H. Rollins, D. M. D. Edward J. Ruddock, A. B. William B. Sawyer, A. B. Francis P. Scully. Jonathan J. Smith. .If A SSA CHUSETTS. 135 Willis P. Spring, A. B. Franklin C. Warren. Mylrs StMndish, A. M. Lewis J. Warren, A. B. Kthvin F. Stetson. Francis S. Watson, A. B. Gardner T. Swarts. Frederic W. Webber. Herbert Terrv. John B. Wheeler, A. B. William W. Townsend, A. B., Willard Wolcott. M. D. Samuel E. Wyman, A. B. Edric A. Wade. John F. Yonng. Alfred Walton. Dental Department of Harvard University. 50 Allen Street, Boston, Mass. The Dental School corresponds in the times and in many of the lectures to those of the Medical School. This school offers superior advantages, in that, while the instruction will be no less thorough in those depart- ments peculiar to Dentistry, it gives the student unusual facilities for the study of Anatomy, Physiology, Surgery, and Chemistry ; as the dental student pursues the same course in them as is required of the medical student, and in common with him has free access to the hospitals of the city, to the Microscope Room, the Chemical and Physio- logical Laboratories, the Dissecting Rooms, Library, and Museum of the Medical College, and the University Lect- ures. The last are special courses, delivered by men emi- nent in their departments, and embrace a wide range of medical and collateral branches. The establishment of the school in Boston secures to it, in connection with the Medical Department, those advan- tages for clinical instruction which are found only in large cities. The Professors teach by lectures, recitations, and clinics; and, under the direction of demonstrators, patients are as- signed to the students, who thus have an opportunity of operating at the chair, and becoming familiar by actual practice with all operations demanded of the dental practi- tioner. Instruction in this school is given throughout the aca- 136 MEDICAL SCHOOLS, ETC. demic year, and extends over two years. The term com- mences on the Thursday following the last Wednesday in September, and ends on the last Wednesday in June. It is divided into equal terms, with a recess of one week between them. There is also a recess of one week at Christmas. The following are the methods of study adopted in the various departments: Anatomy. Lectures, largely illustrated by the anatom- ical preparations and models of the Warren Museum, and by an extensive series of colored drawings and diagrams ; various practical exercises, including dissection under the direction of the Demonstrator ; recitations from text-books ; histology. Physiology. Lectures, recitations, and practical dem- onstrations in the laboratory. A new physiological lab- oratory has been fitted up, which is under the supervision of an able teacher, who devotes his whole time to this department. Chemistry is taught mainly by practical work in the laboratory, each student having his own desk and appara- tus. Besides the laboratory work, there is a lecture and a recitation every week. Surgery. Lectures and recitations. The surgical lect- ures are illustrated by a magnificent collection of colored drawings, and by recent and morbid specimens. All the new and approved surgical instruments and apparatus are exhibited, and their use explained. In addition to opera- tions on the living subject at the hospitals, Operative Sur- gery is taught, and operations are performed upon the dead body, as a part of the illustrations of the surgical lectures. A course of lectures in Oral Surgery will be given during the winter. Instruction in Clinical Surgery is given at the Massachu- setts General Hospital and City Hospital every week. Operative Dentistry. The instruction in this depart- ment is both didactic and practical. The professor and MASSACHUSETTS. 137 assistants endeavor to demonstrate all known methods of performing operations upon the teeth and other tissues involved. The treatment of irregularities, origin and treatment of decay, materials used for filling teeth, the most improved instruments used in operating, etc., are appropriately treated of. Clinics are held at the Infirmary, and every available means used to make the student practically ac- quainted with all the modern improvements of this impor- tant branch of dental science. Dental Pathology. The instruction from this chair will include the origin and development of the dental and ad- jacent tissues, and their various pathological conditions. A course of lectures on some special subjects relating to Dental Patholopy and Therapeutics is delivered during the winter by the Lecturer in this department. The lectures are illustrated, not only by the aid of the collection of pathological specimens belonging to the school, but also by models and diagrams. Instruction is also given in Microscopy as applied to Dental Histology, a valuable collection of microscopical objects being used to illustrate the formation and structure of the dental tissues. Dental Therapeutics. The instruction from this chair embraces the application of the general principles of medi- cine to the specialty of dentistry, with a consideration of sensitive dentine, caries, pulpitis, periodontitis, alveolar abscess, gingivitis, necrosis, and other diseased conditions of the dental and contiguous tissues, with reference to their treatment, and the therapeutical agents used therefor. Mechanical Dentistry. Lectures and practical work in the laboratory ; the manner in which mineral teeth are constructed to meet all cases, both special and general ; the principles and method of carving and furnace-work, and all compounds used for artificial teeth ; also Metallurgy, and the manner in which gold and silver plates are pre- pared and adapted to the mouth ; the use of rubber and 138 MEDICAL SCHOOLS, ETC. other articles as bases. It is the aim of the professor to tench not only the mere mechanical processes of dentistry, but that combination of art with mechanism which enables the practitioner to effect so much in restoring the symmetry of the face, and usefulness of the teeth, where they have been lost or impaired by accident or disease. The lectures, strictly dental, and the laboratory exer- cises, are held in the house No. 50 Allen Street. For the accommodation of the mechanical department an excellent laboratory has been prepared, with room for from forty to fifty students, eacli having his own drawer with its lock and key. Ample arrangements have also been made for the full demonstration of the manufacture of mineral teeth. On the same floor is a lecture-room, capable of seating from seventy to eighty students. The lectures, attended in common with the medical students, are delivered in the Medical College in North Grove Street. The Infirmary, which is a department of the Massachu- setts General Hospital, remains open, and the Demonstra- tor is in attendance at the out-patients' room daily through- out the year, offering to students unsurpassed facilities for acquiring practical knowledge and dexterity. Upwards of eight thousand operations have been performed upon seven thousand patients the past year. The regular examinations will be held in the following order, namely : At the end of the first year, Anatomy, including Dissec- tion, Physiology, and General Chemistry. A certificate from the Demonstrator of Anatomy will be required of each student, that he has satisfactorily dissected the three parts of the body. At the end of the second year, Dentnl Pathology, includ- ing a knowledge of gestation and Diseases of Women so far as they affect the mouth and throat, Dental Materia Medica and Therapeutics, Oral Surgery and Surgical Pathology, Operative and Mechanical Dentistry. The examinations MASSACHUSETTS. 139 in Operative and Mechanical Dentistry will include actual operation! and the preparation of specimens of Mechanical Dentistry. Students may be admitted to advanced standing upon passing a satisfactory examination in a majority of the studies already pursued by the class; but no student shall advance with his class or be admitted to advanced standing until he has passed such examination. Requirements for a Degree. The degree of Doctor of Dental Medicine (Dentarice Medicince Doctor) may be conferred upon each candidate of adult age, of good moral character, who shall have pursued his professional studies three years under competent instructors; he must have spent at least one continuous year at this school. He must maintain a thesis, have passed all the required examina- tions, and convince the Professors of Operative and Me- chanical Dentistry of his ability to meet satisfactorily the requirements of his art. Graduates of other dental schools who desire to obtain the dental degree of this University will be admitted to examination after attendance at this school for one year. The regular Commencement of the Dental School occurs in June, at Cambridge, in common with the other depart- ments of the University. fees. There are no fees for matriculation, for the di- ploma, or for the demonstrators. For the first year a stu- dent is a member of the school, the fee is two hundred dollars ; for the second year, one hundred and fifty dollars ; for any subsequent year, fifty dollars. Use of library and attendance on hospitals and dispensaries, free. Other information regarding the school will be given by the Dean, Dr. T. EL Chandler, 74 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Mass. Charles W. Eliot, LL. D., President. Thomas H. Chandler, A. M., D. M. D., Professor of Mechanical Dentistry, and Dean. Oliver W. Holmes, M. D., Professor of Anatomy. Henry J. Bigelow, M. D., Professor of Surgery. 140 MEDICAL SCHOOLS, ETC. , Professor of Dental Pathology and Therapeutics. George T. Moffatt, M. D., D. M. D., Professor of Operative Den- tistry. Henry P. Bowditch, M. D., Professor of Physiology. Charles B. Porter, M. D., Demonstrator of Practical Anatomy. Luther D. Shepard, D. D. S., Adjunct Professor of Operative Den- tistry. Nathaniel W. Hawes, D. M. D., Assistant Professor of Operative Dentistry. Edward S. Wood, M. D., Professor of Chemistry. Charles A. Brackett, D. M. D., Instructor in Dental Therapeutics. Arthur T. Cabot, M. D., Instructor in Oral Pathology and Sur- gery. Edwin P. Bradbury, D. M. D., Instructor in Operative Dentistry. F. M. Robinson, D. M. D., Instructor in Operative Dentistry. George F. Grant, D. M. D., Demonstrator of Mechanical Dentistry. Henry F. Dunkel, D. M. D., Demonstrator of Operative Dentistry. GRADUATES IN DENTAL MEDICINE IN 1879. Frederic E. Banfield. Edward S. Niles. Walter B. Currier. John W. Smith. Thomas C. Gillighan. Boston Dental College. 485 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass. Incorporated June 3, 1868, for the advancement of Den- tal Science and Art, by means of lectures, clinical instruc- tion, library, and museum. It is authorized by the Legis- lature to confer the degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery. In this institution all branches of the dental and collat- eral sciences are taught, so far as they can be made avail- able to the dentist. Every endeavor is used to make the course scientific and practical, by demonstration and ex- periment. Instruction is given by a corps of competent professors throughout the winter months, commencing No- vember 1. This course includes Dental Science and Oper- ative Dentistry, with careful instruction, not only in the rudiments of dentistry, but in their application to the va- rious operations on the teeth, the preparation and filling MASSACHUSETTS. 141 of cavities, the use of anaesthetics, etc. ; Mechanical Den- tistry, taught in the lecture-room and the laboratory, with the manufacture and mounting of teeth ; Anatomy and Physiology, and the Principles and Practice of Surgery, with especial reference to the parts about the oral cavity ; the Principles of Chemistry, so far as are practicable and necessary for the practical dentist, and Pathology and Dental Therapeutics. The spring session for operations (and one lecture a day) opens in March, and continues ten weeks. The exercises of the college are held in the building 485 Tremont Street, Boston. Lectures from 3 to 6 p. M. The college is furnished with all the necessary and most approved modern appliances requisite for dental instruction. In the same building is the Infirmary, which is open daily during the session, where every character of dental opera- tion will be performed and demonstrated, and opportunities given for the student to operate. The students of the college are permitted to visit the wards of the Massachusetts General and City Hospitals. Requirements for a Degree. In order to obtain the degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery, the candidate must be of good moral character, and twenty- one years of age ; must have devoted three years to the study of dentistry with a practitioner of dental surgery who shall be approved by the Faculty, including two full courses of lectures in this college ; and must have passed a satisfactory examina- tion by the Faculty. He must deliver to the Dean, three weeks before the end of the term, a thesis, written by him- self, on some subject pertaining to dentistry, and be pre- pared to defend the same at his examination ; also a speci- men of mechanical dentistry, which, properly labelled, shall be preserved in the museum. One course in any reputable dental or medical college, or five years' dental practice, will be accepted as equivalent to the first course in this college. The last course must be taken in this college. Candidates for admission to the college must pass a sat- isfactory examination by the Dean. 142 MEDICAL SCHOOLS, ETC. On graduation alumni are eligible to election by the Board of Trustees as Fellows of the College. Fees. Matriculation fee (paid but once), five dollars; full course, one hundred dollars; graduation, thirty dollars. Payment to be made at the beginning of the session. Other information regarding the college will be given by the Dean, Elisha Chenery, M. D., 65 Chandler Street, Boston, Mass. FACULTY. Isaac J. Wctherbee, D. D. S., President and Professor of Dental Science and Operative Dentistry. N. N. Noyes, D. D. S., Professor of Dental Art and Mechanism. C. H. Spring, M. D., Professor of Anatomy and Physiology. J. B. Treadwell, M. D., Professor of Principles and Practice of Surgery. Elisha Chenery, M. D., Professor of Pathology and Therapeutics. S. P. Sharpies, S. B., Professor of Chemistry and Metallurgy. Robert R. Andrews, Professor of Dental Histology and Microscopy. J. B. Coolidge, M. D., D. D. S., Clinical Lecturer. F. A. Locke, D. D. S., L. B. Fenderson, D. D. S., G. C. Ains- worth, D. D. S., H. A. Baker, D. D. S., F. A. Cooke, D. D. S., Dem- onstrators. W. E. Woodman, Demonstrator of Mechanical Dentistry, Carving Teeth, and Continuous Gum Work. GRADUATES IN DENTAL SURGERT IN 1879. C. H. Adams. G. B. Elliott. H. A. Baker. Charles Hamilton, Jr. F. W. Buffiugton. J. H. McQuade. W. P. Church. W. D. Porter. F. A. Cooke. A. W. Spooner. E. B. Davis. School of Pharmacy of the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy. The lectures of the School of Pharmacy under the con- trol of the College of Pharmacy, are delivered during the winter season at No. 1152 Washington Street, Boston. The annual course begins on the second Monday of October. The course comprises thorough and practical instruction MASSACHUSETTS. 143 by means of lectures, experiments, specimens, models, and diagrams in the departments of Chemistry, Botany, and Materia Medica, and Theory and Practice of Pharmacy. Ample accommodations are provided for the wants of the school, and students have free access to the library and cabinets of the college. No regular student will be admitted to the course who does not pass a preliminary examination ; special students not expecting a degree will be received as heretofore. Every person upon whom the diploma of Graduate in Pharmacy of this college shall be conferred must be of good moral character, must have arrived at the age of twenty-one years, have attended two courses of each of the lectures delivered in the college, or the senior course in this college after one course in some other recognized col- lege of pharmacy, and successfully passed the general examinations ; he must have served an apprenticeship of at least four years with some qualified pharmacist or phar- macists, of which f'ct he must produce satisfactory evi- dence to the Board of Examiners. He must also produce an original dissertation or thesis, in his own handwriting, upon some subject of Pharmacy, Materia Medica, Botany, Chemistry, or one of the branches of science closely con- nected therewith. The thesis, with the evidence of ap- prenticeship and diploma fee, shall be deposited with one of the Faculty on or before the 1st of March of the session in which the application shall be made. He must also be recommended in writing by the professors ; and if his application be finally approved of by the Board of Trus- tees, he shall receive the diploma of the college. The regular examination for the degree takes place in April. Only such students as may have served their time in dispensing stores will be entitled to the degree of Graduate in Pharmacy. Clerks from wholesale drug stores will re- ceive a certificate of proficiency, and will not le examined in extemporaneous plutmmcij. Medical students and others who are not looking forward to pharmacy as their calling, 144 MEDICAL SCHOOLS, ETC. will be admitted to the lectures in any of the departments they may wish. Such persons will be ineligible to the de- gree, but will in other respects have the same advantages as regular students of pharmacy. Fees. For each professor's ticket, fifteen dollars; ma- triculation ticket (once only), four dollars; diploma fee, ten dollars. For course in Botany (optional), ten dollars. Stu- dents employed by members of the college are required to pay but two dollars for matriculation. Students who have attended two full courses of lectures are exempt from further payments. Both senior and junior students must obtain their mat- riculation tickets before the second Monday in October, and register their names and addresses with S. A. D. Sheppard, Washington and Dover streets, Boston, from whom the lecture tickets may be obtained. They must be paid for before the 1st of November. Other information concerning the school may be obtained of Professor G. F. H. Markoe, Corresponding Secretary, corner of Warren and Dudley streets, Roxbury, Boston, Mass. FACULTY. E. L. Patch, Professor of the Theory and Practice of Pharmacy. W. P. Bolles, M. D., Professor of Materia Medica and Botany. G. F. H. Markoe, Professor of General and Analytical Chemistry. B. F. Davenport, M. D., Instructor in Practical and Analytical Chemistry. Board of Examiners. Thomas Doliber, J. S. Melvin, G. H. Cow- din, C. P. Orne, E. L. Patch. GRADUATES IN PHARMACY IN 1879. Thomas F. Goodale. Charles Naylor. Francis M. Harris. William H. Pierce. Edward M. Lowell. Francis A. Schouler. Edgar H. Luce. Charles W. Wells. John A. McDonald. Massachusetts Training School for Nurses. The school was organized November 1, 1873, for the pur- pose of giving thorough instruction in nursing to women MASSACHUSETTS. 145 desirous of becomins professional nurses. Applicants for admission must be from twenty-five to thirty-five years of age, and in sound health; must present a certificate from some responsible person as to their good moral character, and that they have had a good common-school education. The school is under the direction of a committee of twenty- four ladies, who meet on the first Tuesday of each month, and who visit the school and the courses in turn. Persons wishing to receive the course of instruction must apply to the Secretary, Miss M. A. Wales, 19 Brimmer Street, Boston. After approval by the Superintendent of the school and the Resident Physician of the Hospital, they are received for one month on probation. During this month they are boarded and lodged at the expense of the school, but re- ceive no compensation. The school is attached to the Massachusetts General Hospital, and the pupils serve in the wards of that institu- tion. They are under the authority of the Resident Physician and the Superintendent, and are subject to the rules of the hospital. Their fitness for the work, and the propriety of retaining or dismissing them at the end of the month of trial, is determined by the Resident Physician of the hos- pital and the Superintendent and Directors of the school ; and the same authorities can also discharge them at any time, in case of misconduct or inefficiency. They reside in the house provided for the school by the Directors, near the hospital, and serve as assistant nurses in the wards of the hospital. Those fulfilling the conditions of the probationary month are accepted as pupils. They must sign a written agree- ment to remain at the school for a year, and after that time to maintain, as paid nurses, a connection with the school for an additional year, in consideration of training received. The instruction includes : The dressing of burns, sores, and wounds ; the preparation and application of f omen tar 10 146 MEDICAL SCHOOLS, ETC. tions, poultices, and minor dressings ; the application of leeches, and subsequent treatment ; the administration of enemas ; the best method of friction to the body and ex- tremities ; the best means for the moving of patients, changing their clothing, giving baths in bed, and prevent- ing bed-sores ; bandaging ; making bandages and rollers ; lining splints ; making patients' beds ; changing sheets while the patient is in bed. They are taught to prepare food for the sick, and to secure, as far as possible, proper ventilation; to observe accurately the state of the secre- tions, expectoration, pulse, skin, appetite, temperature, sleep, eruptions, effect of diet, stimulants, or medicine. They are also instructed with regard to the management of conva- lescents. This instruction is given mainly by the Super- intendent and by the head nurses. Lectures, recitations, and demonstrations also take place at stated periods. Ex- aminations will take place from time to time, relative chiefly to practical points. The pupils are connected with the different wards for one year. They board and lodge at the home, and are paid ten dollars a month for their clothing and personal expenses. This sum is in nowise intended as wages, it being considered that their education during this time is a full equivalent for their services. At the expiration of one year they become full nurses, and receive such increase of pay as the Directors shall see fit. When the full term of two years is completed, the nurses thus trained receive (after final examination) diplomas certifying to their knowl- edge of nursing, their ability, and good character. The Directors reserve the right to terminate the connec- tion of any nurse or pupil with the school, for any reason which they may deem sufficient. During the winter the nurses attend lectures once a week, given by different physicians of the city. Physicians wishing the services of nurses from the Train- ing School should apply to Miss Richards, Superintendent of the school, at the Massachusetts General Hospital. MASSACHUSETTS. 147 Boston City Hospital Training School for Nurses. Boston, Mass. The Trustees of the Boston City Hospital organized in 1877 a Training School for nurses, for the purpose of giving a systematic and thorough course of instruction in nursing to women who intend to become professional nurses. The school is under the direction of the Trustees and a committee of the Hospital Staff, but is more immediately under the charge of the Superintendent of the school, and the Resident Physician and Superintendent of the Hos- pital. The pupils of the school reside at the Hospital and serve as nurses in the wards for men, women, and children, passing in rotation through the various services of the Hos- pital, in order that experience may be had in all the de- partments. Pupils of the school are under the authority of the Su- perintendent of the school and the Resident Physician of the Hospital, and are subject to the rules and regulations of the Hospital. The most desirable age for candidates is from twenty- five to thirty-five years : they must be in good sound health, and must present on application a certificate from two or more responsible persons (one a physician preferred) as to their good character, capabilities, and good health. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of the Hospital and the approval of the Trustees, they will be received for one mouth on probation. During tliis month they are boarded and lodged at the Hospital, but receive no com- pensation. At the end of the probationary month, if accepted as pupils, the candidate will sign an agreement to remain at the Training School for two years, and to conform to the rules of the Hospital. They will enter the wards as assistant nurses, and at the 148 MEDICAL SCHOOLS, ETC. end of the first year may be promoted to the position of head nurse. Pupils will receive for every month, after the month of probation, ten dollars per month during the first year, and fourteen dollars per month during the second year. This sum is for clothing and personal expenses, and is in nowise intended as wages, it being considered that their education during this time is a full equivalent for their services. The course of instruction includes : 1. The dressing of blisters, burns, sores, and wounds, and applying of fomen- tations, poultices, and minor dressings. 2. The applying of leeches, and subsequent treatment. 3. The administering of enemas. 4. The applying of friction to the body and extremities in the best method. 5. The managing of help- less patients in bed, in moving, changing clothing, giving baths, keeping patients warm or cool, preventing and dress- ing bed-sores, managing position, etc., and in feeding. 6. The making of bandages and rollers, etc., and bandaging. 7. The making of beds, and changing sheets, etc., with patients in bed. 8. The cooking, preparing, and serving of food and delicacies for the sick. They are also given some instruction in the best practi- cal methods of supplying fresh air, warming and ventilating sick-rooms in a proper manner, and are taught to take proper care of rooms and wards, in keeping all utensils perfectly clean and disinfected, etc., to observe the sick ac- curately in regard to the state of the secretions, expecto- rations, pulse, breathing, skin, temperature, eruptions, sleep, appetite, effect of diet or of stimulants and medicine ; and the managing of convalescents. The instruction is given mainly by the Superintendent of the Training School, and by the head nurses. Lectures, recitations, and demonstrations also take place at stated periods, being given by the Superintendent of the school and by the Surgeons and Physicians of the Hospital Staff. Pupils are required to take notes upon these lessons, and MAINE. 149 examinations, chiefly upon practical points, will take place from time to time. They will wear at all times, while on duty in the wards, the hospital uniform dress. When the full term of two years is completed, the nurses thus trained receive (after final examination) diplomas, certifying as to their knowl- edge of nursing, their ability, and good character. The right is reserved to terminate the connection of any nurse or pupil with the school, for any reason which may be deemed sufficient, by the authorities of the Hospital. When pupils have graduated, the nurses thus trained are at liberty to choose their own field of labor, and may be retained, if desired, as head nurses and instructors, with increased wages, or may go away as private nurses, or to other hospitals. The authorities of this school will endeavor, if desired, to secure places for graduates in hospitals or in private families where there is sickness. Persons desiring to become pupils of the Training School should apply to G. H. M. Rowe, M. D., Resident Physician and Superintendent, Boston City Hospital. Bowdoin College Medical School of Maine. Brunswick, Me. The Medical School of Maine, by an Act of the Legisla- ture, is placed under the superintendence and direction of the Board of Trustees and Overseers of Bowdoin College. By their joint authority all the degrees of M. D. are con- ferred. Instruction is given at Brunswick, and the term com- mences on the third Thursday in February. The medical library attached to this school is one of the best in the United States. It contains about 4,000 volumes, principally modern works, which have been selected with much care, and is annually increasing. It embraces the works of all authors of standard authority, and an extensive and valuable collection of plates. 150 MEDICAL SCHOOLS, ETC. The anatomical cabinet was purchased in Paris, and many of the preparations were there made under the direc- tion of the late Professor Thillaye. Its valuable speci- mens of morbid and comparative anatomy are constantly increasing. It has during the past year been thoroughly rearranged and enriched by valuable purchases abroad. Fees for admission to the several courses of lecture?, payable in advance, and by cash only, are seventy-five dollars. Matriculation, or library fee, payable each term, five dollars. Pupils who have attended two full courses of medical lectures, one of which has been in this school, are admitted to all subsequent courses without payment of any lecture fees. Students who have attended two full courses at other regular medical institutions are required to pay twenty-five dollars for admission to their first course of lectures at this school, in addition to the matriculation fee. The graduation fee, including the diploma, is twenty dollars. No student will be allowed to attend any course of lect- ures in this school without the certificate of the Secretary. Members of the medical profession are cordially invited to attend the lectures at any time. Graduates of other schools, who have been engaged three years in the regular practice of medicine, may receive a general ticket upon presentation of their diplomas and payment of the matric- ulation fee. Every student is expected to remain till the close of the term. Those who are absent during any por- tion of the term will receive certificates of actual attendance only. ^Examinations and Graduation. Students, and particu- larly candidates for a degree, are examined either daily or weekly on the subjects of the lectures. The Faculty, believing that it is desirable for students to pay especial attention to the primary branches during the first portion of their course of study, in order that they may be better prepared to appreciate the more advanced sub- jects in the latter part, have voted that any student may MAINE. 151 present himself for examination in Anatomy, Physiology, Mini Chemistry (any or all), at the regularly appointed time for examination, provided he previously present to the Secretary satisfactory evidence that, at the close of the cur- rent term, he shall have completed at least twelve months of actual study, and have attended a full course of lectures in this school. From the terms of the vote, this course will be recognized as a voluntary one. An official record of the result of the successful examination will be kept. The successful passage of an examination will not exempt a student from faithful attendance upon any exercises in any department during subsequent courses. The examinations for the degree of Doctor of Medicine are held by the Faculty of Medicine at the close of the course of lectures. Degrees are conferred at Commence- ment. The candidates must be twenty-one years of age, and must have devoted three years to their professional studies under the direction of a regular practitioner of medicine. They must have attended two full courses of lectures in some regular, incorporated medical institution ; and the last course, previous to examination, must have been at this school. They must deposit with the Secretary of the Fac- ulty satisfactory certificates of good moral character, and of having pursued their medical studies for the required term. They must also pass a satisfactory written and oral exam- ination in Anatomy, Physiology, Chemistry, Materia Med- ica, Pharmacy, Obstetrics, Pathology, and Practice. They must also read and defend a thesis or dissertation on some medical subject in the presence of the Faculty of Medicine. Other information regarding the school will be given by the Secretary of the Faculty, Dr. Alfred Mitchell, Brunswick, Me. FACULTY. Joshua L. Chamberlain, LL. D., President. Israel T. Dana, M. D., Pathology and Practice. William W. Greene, M. D., Surgery and Clinical Surgery. 152 MEDICAL SCHOOLS, ETC. Alfred Mitchell, M. D., Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children. Charles W. Goddard, A. M., Medical Jurisprudence. Frederick H. Gerrish, M. D., Materia Medica, Therapeutics, and Public Health. Henry Carmichael, Ph. D., Chemistry. Burt G. Wilder, M. D., Physiology. S. H. Weeks, M. D., Anatomy. Daniel F. Ellis, M. D., Registrar and Librarian. Augustus P. Dudley, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. John T. Gilman, M. D., from the Board of Trustees. William H. Todd, M. D., from the Board of Overseers. A. K. P. Meserve, M. D., A. J. Billings, M. D., from the Maine Medical Association. GRADUATES IN MEDICINE IN 1879. William Alden, M. D. John F. Manning. Reuben R. Barton. Myron L. Marr. William P. Cleveland. Nathaniel M. Marshall. John B. Curtis. Seth B. Morse. William A. Drake. Charles T. Moulton. Selden F. Greene. George H. Shedd. Charles H. Grout. William L. Simpson. George L. Gurney. Freeman E. Small. Melvin A. Harmon. Charles D. Smith. Eugene Holden. John G. Thomas. Ebenezer Humphrey. George L. Tobey. Fred. A. Jordan. Percy Warren. Frank L. Judkins. George F. Webber. Charles E. Knight. Ellery M. Wing. Charles Mabry. George L. Woods. Portland School for Medical Instruction. 188 Middle Street, Portland, Maine. The school was organized in 1858, in accordance with resolutions adopted by the American Medical Association, " cordially approving the establishment of private schools, to meet the increasing desire of medical students for a higher grade of professional education than can usually be acquired under the direction of a single instructor." The plan of instruction includes recitations, lectures, MAINE. 153 demonstrations, and other practical and didactic exercises. Systematic recitations are held in the departments of Anat- omy, Materia Medica and Therapeutics, Surgery, Theory and Practice of Medicine, Obstetrics, and Chemistry. The best text-books are adopted in the several branches, and the examinations are made as complete and rigid as pos- sible, the chief object of the teachers being to insist upon accurate medical scholarship. Familiar lectures and dem- onstrations are given in the course of the year, on the physical exploration of the chest, and diseases of the heart and lungs, on ophthalmic surgery, on minor and operative surgery, on the diseases of women, on physiological and microscopical anatomy, in the art of prescribing, and on the application of bandages and surgical dressings. Clin- ical instruction is afforded the students at the Maine General Hospital by the physicians and surgeons at that institution, at the Portland Dispensary, the Greely Hos- pital, and the U. S. Marine Hospital. Cases of midwifery are furnished to advanced students as far as possible. Students have access at all times to the anatomical and pathological museum connected with the school, which contains many valuable specimens, and is rapidly increas- ing in size and importance. The school-rooms occupy the third and fourth stories of the Canal National Bank Building, 188 Middle Street, and are in every way adapted to their use. There are two terms in each year : a summer term of sixteen weeks, commencing on the second Wednesday in June, and ending on the first Wednesday in October ; and a winter term, also of sixteen weeks, beginning on the second Wednesday of October, and closing the last of Jan- uary, thus allowing students to attend the spring course of lectures in the Medical School of Maine. The plan of study is so arranged as to cover the whole field in the two terms which constitute the year. Fees, for the year, sixty dollars ; for the summer term 154 MEDICAL SCHOOLS, ETC. alone, thirty-five dollars; for the winter term alone, forty dollars ; demonstrator's ticket (including material for dis- section), seven dollars. Students attending the school for half a term or less will be charged for half a term. All fees are payable invariably in advance. No person is admitted to the school who does not satisfy the board of instructors that he possesses at least a good common-school education. The fact of graduation from college or from a respectable high school or academy is taken as sufficient evidence of such acquirements ; but in the absence of a diploma or certificate to this effect, a written examination is held. A practical acquaintance with the metric system must be possessed on entrance, or made up within a month of study in the school. OFFICERS. J. T. Oilman, M. D., President of Board of Directors. I. T. Dana, M. D., Instructor in Theory and Practice of Medicine, and Diseases of the Chest. S. H. Weeks, M. D., Instructor in Surgery. W. W. Greene, M. D., Instructor in Ophthalmic and Clinical Sur- gery. C. O. Hunt, M. D., Instructor in Materia Medica and Therapeutics. F. H. Gerrish, M. D., Instructor in Physiology and Microscopical Anatomy. G. F. French, M, D., Instructor in Theory and Practice of Medicine. S. C. Gordon, M. D., Instructor in Diseases of Women. H. N. Small, M. D., Instructor in Obstetrics. C. W. Bray, M. D., Instructor in Anatomy. C. A. Ring, M. D., Instructor in Chemistry. Thomas Fillebrown, D. M. D., Instructor in Dentistry. A. P. Dudley, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. Medical Department of Dartmouth College. Hanover, N. H. The lecture course of this institution commences in the first week in August, and continues sixteen weeks. Six .Y/:iF HAMPSHIRE. 155 lectures are delivered daily, except Saturdays. Medical instruction is further <*iven by daily recitations, commenc- ing on the first Wednesday in December, and continuing till the last of June, annually. Students are classified accord- ing to their advancement in their studies, and take up in regular order the different branches of medicine. They are admitted to the public courses of lectures in the aca- demical department of the college. Ample facilities for dissection and for work in the chemical laboratory are afforded. They have ready access to the various museums of the institution. They also have the privilege of the college library on the same terms with students in the other departments of the college. Applicants for admission must be eighteen years of age, and unless already matriculants of this institution, or grad- nates of some reputable college, academy, or high school, must pass an examination as to their fitness for entering upon and appreciating the technical study of medicine. Examinations and Graduation. After the completion of two full years of the study of medicine, shown by proper certificate and two full courses of lectures, one at this col- lege, any student may be admitted, at the regular times, to an examination in Anatomy, Physiology, and General Chemistry. If satisfactorily passed this will take the place of the final examination. The fee for this examination will be ten dollars, which at the final examination will be deducted from the graduation fee. Every candidate for the degree of Doctor of Medicine must be twenty-one years of age, and must give satisfac- tory evidence of good moral character. He shall have attended two full courses of lectures on all branches of medical science, at some regularly authorized medical school, one of which shall have been at this institution. He shall give satisfactory evidence that he has devoted three full years to his professional studies, under the direc- tion of some regular practitioner, the time spent at lect- ures being included. He shall prepare and present to the 156 MEDICAL SCHOOLS, ETC. Faculty, at least three weeks before the examination, a dissertation on some medical subject, which he may be called upon to read and defend at his examination, as the Faculty may direct. There are two examinations, the first preceding the annual Commencement of the college, and the second at the close of the medical lectures. Fees. Matriculation (paid annually), five dollars ; for the course of lectures, seventy-seven dollars ; graduating expenses, twenty-five dollars. Students who have attended two courses, one of them at this institution, may attend tlie third on payment of the matriculation fee ; of those who have attended two courses at any other regular institution, twenty-five dollars will be required in addition to the ma- triculation fee. For recitations, for the term, forty dollars. Anatomical material extra, at cost. Prizes for excellence in various departments are offered by the professors to students attending the regular course. (See prizes, on a subsequent page.) Other information regarding the school will be given by the Dean, Dr. C. P. Frost, Hanover, N. H. FACULTY. Samuel C. Bartlett, D. D., LL. D., President. Edward E. Phelps, M. D., LL. D., Professor Emeritus of General Pathology, and Curator of the Stoughton Museum. Oliver P. Hubbard, M. D., LL. D., Professor of Chemistry and Pharmacy. Carlton P. Frost, M. D., Professor of the Science and Practice of Medicine. Edward S. Dunster, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Henry M. Field, M. D., Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeu- tics. Phineas S. Conner, M. D., Professor of Surgery. Lyman B. How, M. D., Professor of Anatomy and Physiology. John Ordronaux, M. D., LL. D., Professor of Medical Jurispru- dence. Jesse P. Bancroft, M. D., Lecturer on Mental Diseases. Louis Elsberg, M. D., Lecturer on Laryngology and Throat Diseases. W. W. Seely, M. D., Lecturer on Ophthalmology. Yl'.llMONT. 157 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE IN 1879. Fred E. Aldrich. Edward A. Isbell, B. S. John F. Boothby, D. D. S. Edwin P. Linfield. Edward P. Brewer. George F. Munsey. Edward J. Brown, A. B. Edwin O. Pearson, B. S. Frederic C. Clark. George L. Perry. Albion E. Cobb. Levi E. Quimby. Willie H. Foster. Frederic J. Small. Henry M. French, A. B. William T. Smith, A. B. Joseph W. Gordon. Silas A. Stephens. Frank E. Henderson. William F. Swasey. Edward B. Hitchcock, D. M. D. George S. Thompson. Erwin G. Inlay, Concord Medical School. Concord, N. H. This organization was formed for the purpose of supply- ing the necessary medical and clinical instruction to stu- dents, to enable them to meet the requirements of the new order of medical colleges having annual examinations. In- struction is given by recitations, clinical study, and lectures. The school year begins September 1, and continues until July 1. INSTRUCTORS. C. P. Gage, M. D., Instructor in Obstetrics and Diseases of Women, President. A. H. Crosby, M. D., Instructor in Surgery and Surgical Anatomy. G. P. Conn, M. D., Instructor in Theory and Practice, and Path- ology. W. G. Carter, M. D., Instructor in Materia Medica and Thera- peutics. G. W. Cook, M. D., Instructor in Anatomy and Physiology, Sec- retary. University of Vermont Medical Department. Burlington, Vt. The plan of instruction adopted by this institution con- sists of a complete course of scholastic lectures by able pro- fessors in the seven essential branches of medical science, 158 MEDICAL SCHOOLS, ETC. namely : Anatomy, Physiology, Materia Medica, Chemis- try, Surgery, Obstetrics, and the Theory and Practice of Medicine. In order to render the course of instruction as thorough as possible, lectures upon special subjects are delivered by non-resident instructors, eminent in their several branches. The winter course of lectures commences on the second Thursday of March, and continues sixteen weeks. This course consists of from five to six lectures daily. Clinics in the various branches of medicine and surgery are held during the regular term. A preliminary course of lectures and recitations on the Principles and Practice of Medicine, Surgery, Anatomy, Obstetrics, Diseases of Women, and Physiology commences on the first Thursday in November and' continues until March. Opportunity is offered for dis- section commencing on the second Thursday in December. Requirements for Graduation. Candidates for the de- gree of Doctor of Medicine, before presenting themselves for examination, must have attended two full courses of lectures, the latter in this college. They must have stud- ied medicine three years, under the direction of a regular .physician or surgeon, and have attained the age of twenty- one years. Each candidate is required to write a thesis on some subject connected with medicine, and to deposit it, together with his graduation fee, with the Dean of the Faculty, one month before the close of the session. Full certificates of the time of study, of age, and of moral character, must also be furnished. They must also pass a satisfactory exam- ination before the Medical Faculty and Board of Medical Examiners appointed by the State Medical Society. Two full courses of lectures are absolutely required, and no period of practice will be taken as an equivalent for one course. To prevent any misunderstanding with regard to the re- quirements for graduation, the Faculty desire to state that the only courses of lectures recognized are those taken at VERMONT. 159 medical colleges recognized by the American Medical As- sociation. The tickets and diplomas of eclectic, homoeo- pathic, or botanic colleges, or colleges devoted to any special system of medicine, are considered irregular, and will not be recognized under any circumstances. Certifi- cates from instructors who practise any peculiar system of medicine, or who advertise, or violate in any way the code of ethics adopted by the profession, will not be received, under any circumstances, even if the instructors be regular graduates in medicine. Graduates of other regular colleges, who desire a degree from this institution, must pass a satisfactory examination in the branches of Medicine, Surgery, and Obstetrics ; and if they be graduates of more than three years' standing, they must exhibit a certificate of membership in some med- ical society entitled to representation in the American Med- ical Association. They will be required to pay the matricu- lation and the graduation fee. No thesis is required. Prizes are offered each year by the Faculty for compe- tition by the students attending the regular course. (See prizes, on a subsequent page.) Fees, for matriculation, payable each term, five dollars ; for the full course of lectures, seventy dollars ; for grad- uation, twenty-five dollars ; for the preliminary course, thirty dollars. Materials for dissection furnished at cost. Students who have already attended two full courses of lectures in other regular schools are admitted on paying the matriculation fee and twenty-five dollars. Students who have attended two full courses in this school, or who have attended one full course in some reg- ularly established medical school and one full course in this school, are admitted to a third course of lectures on pay- ing the matriculation fee only. Graduates of this school are admitted without fee. Graduates of other regular schools, and theological stu- dents, are admitted on general ticket, by paying the ma- triculation fee. 160 MEDICAL SCHOOLS, ETC. Further information concerning the school may be ob- tained from Dr. A. P. Griunell, Secretary of the Faculty, Burlington, Vt. M. H. Buckham, A. M., D. D., President. S. W. Thayer, M. D., LL. D., Emeritus Professor of General and Special Anatomy. Walter Carpenter, M. D., Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine. John Ordronaux, M. D., LL. D., Emeritus Professor of Medical Jurisprudence. William Darling, M. D., F. R. C. S., Professor of General and Special Anatomy. A. F. A. King, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women. H. D. Hoi ton, M. D., Professor of Materia Medica and General Pathology. Marshall Calkins, M. D., Professor of Physiology and Microscopic Anatomy. J. L. Little, M. D., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Sur- gery. G. S. Smyth, Ph. D., University Professor of Chemistry and Toxi- cology. W. A. Hammond, M. D., Professor of Diseases of the Mind and Nervous System. R. W. Taylor, M. D., Professor of Diseases of the Skin. A. P. Grinnell, M. D., Professor of Diseases of the Heart and Lungs, Secretary. S. M. Roberts, M. D., Professor of Diseases of Children. A. T. Woodward, M. D., Professor of the Surgical Diseases of Women. E. S. Peck, M. D., Professor of Diseases of the Eye and Ear. L. M. Bingham, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy, and Assistant to the Chair of Surgery. H. H. Atwater, M. D., Instructor in Obstetrics and Diseases of Women. W. B. Lund, M. D., Instructor in Materia Medica. F. R. Ainsworth, Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy. W. C. Reeves, Jr., M. D., Assistant to the Chair of Diseases of the Mind and Nervous System. CONNECTICUT. 161 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE IN 1879. George F. Adams. Cassias J. Logins. Edmund H. Belyea. Miles Longshore. William Y. Bliss. Gregory A. Martin. Charles W. Bower. Henry J. Matthews. Alphonso V. Bowker. Austin E. May. Samuel W. Bragg. Joseph Mclsaac. Charles F. Branch. James B. Mcrritt, Jr. John D. Brewster. David 11. Moore. Moses W. Brooks. Frank S. Newell. Edwin M. Brown. William L. Paine. Will. E. Chapman. Herbert F. Pitcher. Mark R. Grain. Herbert T. Ilisdon. Charles S. H. Dewey. Thomas S. Robertson, Thomas Dolan. Ernest W. Russell. Chalres S. Drury. Edwin M. Shurtleff. Simon Eschelman. James B. Sumner. Joseph M. Everett. Frank H. Tilton. Edgar I. Fletcher. Honore D. Valin. Olin D. Greene. James T. Walker. Llewellyn E. Harrington. Mial D. Warren. William I). Hill. Charles F. C. Weston. Clifford E. Hugins. Charles S. Wheeler. Albert C. Kniskern. John C. Winter. Martin J. LaBelle. Henry A. Yenetchi. Leonidas J. Lestourneau. Medical Department of Yale College. New Haven, Conn. The course of instruction will in future be continuous throughout the year, which will be divided into two terms, a winter term and a spring term. The winter term will begin on Thursday, Oct. 2, 1879, and close on Wednesday, Feb. 11, 1880. The spring term will begin Feb. 26, and close July 1, 1880.. The curriculum of study extends over three years. The students are classified and their studies are made progress- ive, from the rudimentary to the practical branches. Recitations are judiciously introduced into the system of teaching, throughout the course, so that the best results may be obtained by combining them with didactic lectures. Large opportunities are also afforded for practical labora- 11 162 MEDICAL SCHOOLS, ETC. tory work in the various departments. Abundant facili- ties for clinical instruction are found in the numerous clin- ics at the College, the State Hospital, and the New Haven Dispensary. The latter charity is located upon the college grounds. The museum contains a large collection of natural and morbid specimens, numerous casts, plates, and models of elegant execution, and an extensive cabinet of Materia Medica, all of which are made practically useful in illus- trating the subjects taught. The libraries of the Univer- sity and the cabinets of mineralogy and natural history are also open for the use of students. New Haven offers special advantages to medical students for the study of Zoology, Comparative Anatomy, Botany, and other branches, under distinguished teachers, in connec- tion with the Sheffield Scientific School. Requirements for Graduation. Every candidate for a degree is required to possess, in addition to a good Eng- lish education, a competent knowledge of the Latin lan- guage and of the principles of natural philosophy ; to pre- sent to the Dean, two weeks before examination, a thesis, written by himself, upon some medical subject ; to present a satisfactory certificate that he is twenty-one years of age, and possesses a good moral character. He must have at- tended two full courses of public lectures, at least, one of which must have been in this institution. He must pre- sent a satisfactory certificate from a respectable and regular practitioner of medicine that he has attended to the study of physic and surgery for three years, including the time spent in attendance upon medical lectures. The committee of examination consists of the Faculty, and an equal number of the members of the Connecticut Medical Society, appointed by the President and Fellows of the same ; and the President of the society is ex officio President of the Committee. The examinations are con- ducted in writing. Two examinations for degrees are held annually : one at CONNECTICUT. 163 the close of the winter term, and the other on the Tuesday before Commencement, at the close of the spring term. fees, for matriculation, paid annually, five dollars ; lect- ures in winter term, one hundred and twenty dollars ; for the spring term, eighty dollars ; contingent expenses of labora- tory, spring term, ten dollars ; demonstrator's ticket, ten dollars (including material for dissection) ; graduation fee, thirty dollars. Other information regarding the institution may be ob- tained from the Dean, Dr. C. A. Lindsley, 15 Elm Street, New Haven. Noah Porter, D. D., LL. D., President. Benjamin Silliraan, M. D., Professor of General and Physiological Chemistry. S. G. Hubbard, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children. C. A. Lindsley, M. D., Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeu- tics, and Dean. M. C. White, M. D., Professor of Histology and Pathology. D. P. Smith, M. D., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Sur- gery. L. J. Sanford, M. D., Professor of Anatomy and Physiology. L. S. Wilcox, M. D., Professor of the Theory and Practice of Med- icine. J. K. Thacher, M. D., Professor of Physiology. H. P. Stearns, M. D., Lecturer on Insanity. W. H. Carmalt, M. D., Lecturer on Ophthalmology and Otology. W. H. Hotchkiss, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. GRADUATES IN MEDICINE IN 1879. George J. Angur. Alton W. Leighton, Ph. B. Scott R. Baker. William S. Miller. James C. Barker. George O. Robbins. Eli P. Flint. Charles T. Roberts. Robert J. Gibson, Ph. B. Charles G. Surridge. Andrew B. Gorham. James K. Thacher, A. B. George H. Hammond, A. B. Nathan P. Tyler, A. B. Thomas B. Jewett. William J. Wakeman, A. B. 164 MEDICAL SCHOOLS, ETC. Connecticut Training School for Nurses. New Haven, Conn. The Training School for Nurses is connected with the New Haven Hospital, and gives one year's training (o women desirous of becoming professional nurses. Those wishing to receive this course of instruction must apply to the Secretary of the society, when, if approved by the Ex- ecutive Committee, they will be accepted as pupils in the Hospital. The candidates must be over twenty-two, and under forty years of age, and must present a certificate from a clergyman or physician as to their good moral char- acter and sound health. They will be received for one mouth on probation, without compensation. They will be under the authority of the Superintendent of Nursing, and subject to the rules of the Hospital. The Superintendent will have full power to decide as to their fitness for the work, and the propriety of retaining or dis- missing them at the end of the month of trial. She can also discharge them at any time in case of misconduct or inefficiency, with the approval of the Committee of the Training School. Those fulfilling the conditions of the probationary month will be accepted as pupil nurses. They must sign a writ- ten agreement to remain under the direction of the school for eighteen months. They will reside in or near the Hos- pital, and serve as nurses in the wards for men and women. They will pass through the different wards of the Hospital, serving- and being taught for twelve months, and will be supplied with board and lodging as an equivalent for their services. No charge is made for instruction, and two dol- lars weekly are allowed for small personal expenses. Dur- ing the last five months of their connection with the school, the nurses will receive fourteen dollars a month and their board ; they will be assigned to their duties by the head nurse, and from time to time sent to the care of patients in private families. CONNECTICUT. 165 The instruction includes : 1. The dressing of blisters, burns, sores, and wounds ; the application of fomentations, poultices, and minor dressings. 2. The application of leeches. 3. The administration of enemas. 4. The use of catheter. 5. The keeping of temperature records. 6. The best methods of applying friction to the body and extremi- ties. 7. The management of helpless patients ; moving, changing, giving baths in bed, preventing and dressing bed- sores, and managing positions. 8. Bandaging, making ban- dages and rollers, lining of splints. 9. Making patients' beds, and removing sheets while the patient is in bed. 10. The keeping of all utensils, sponges, bed, tables, etc., per- fectly clean. The pupil nurses will be taught the preparation of nice articles of diet, and of drinks and stimulants for the sick ; also to understand the art of ventilation, and to make ac- curate observations, and report to the physician the various symptoms of patients. The teaching will be given by attending and resident physicians and surgeons, at the bedside of the patients, and in lectures, and by the Superintendent of Nursing. When the full term is ended, the nurses thus trained will be at liberty to choose their own field of labor, whether in hospitals, in private families, or in district nursing among the poor. On leaving the school, they will each receive a certificate of ability and good character, signed by the phy- sicians of the Committee and the President of the society. Efforts will also be made to secure for the graduates posi- tions in hospitals or in private families where there is sickness. The certificates will be renewed at fixed periods, in order to protect the public and to maintain the interest of nurses in the school. Physicians or others in any part of the State desiring to secure the services of trained nurses for men or women, medical or surgical patients, should apply by telegraph, or letter, stating the nature of the case, to the Superintendent of Nursing, State Hospital, New Haven, Conn. 166 MEDICAL SCHOOLS, ETC. The price per week for the services of a trained nurse is twelve dollars and her expenses, unless two members of a family are ill at the same time, when there will be a slight additional charge. OFFICERS. President Mrs. Noah Porter. Treasurer Samuel Hemingway. Secretary Mrs. Emily Belts. HOSPITALS AND DISPENSARIES. HOSPITALS AND DISPENSARIES. Massachusetts General Hospital. Blossom Street, Boston. INCORPORATED February 25, 1811; opened for the re- ception of patients September 3, 1821. From that time until December 31, 1878, an aggregate of 60,484 persons have been treated as in-patients, and since the year 1847, 19G.292 as out-patients. This institution, with the exception of the Pennsylvania Hospital, is the oldest establishment of its kind in the country. During the first year of its existence, it received substantial aid from the State, but, with this exception, it has been entirely supported by voluntary contributions from citizens of Boston and its neighborhood. Since 1872 four new pavilion wards have been con- structed on the grounds of the Hospital. These buildings are called the Jackson, Warren, Bigelow, and Townsend wards respectively, in memory of the valuable services of Drs. James Jackson, J. C. Warren, Jacob Bigelow, and S. D. Townsend. The Hospital has 215 beds. Patients suffering from medical or surgical diseases or injuries are received from any part of the United States or the Provinces. Chronic or incurable cases and such as need only the comforts of a home are, as a rule, refused admission. No contagious diseases are admitted. Application for admission must be made to the Resident Physician at the Hospital, between 9 and 11 A. M., and 3 and 4 p. M., Sundays excepted. Ac- 170 HOSPITALS AND DISPENSARIES, cidents admitted at any hour. In urgent cases, application may be made at other times. The price of board varies from four dollars and fifty cents to fifty-six dollars per week. Five weeks' board must be advanced upon enter- ing (any balance due being refunded), or an obligation with surety for its payment must be furnished. Out- patients are treated from 9 to 10 A. si., Sundays excepted. Ophthalmic patients are treated on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at 9 A. M. Friends may be admitted to see patients in the wards on each week-day from 11 to 12^; but no patient in any ward can receive more than one visitor a day. During the year ending December 31, 1878, there were treated at the hospital 1,950 in-patients, of which num- ber 1,461 were discharged well or relieved. The average number of patients was 165, and the average cost per patient, $9.87 per week. Beside those classed as in-pa- tients, 18,744 persons were treated as out-patients in the medical, surgical, and dental departments. In the Dental Department of the Hospital, which is open to the students of the Dental School of Harvard University, during the year ending December 31, 1878, 912 patients had teeth filled, 3,746 had teeth extracted. Patients in this department are treated each day at 2 p. M. Students connected with the Medical and Dental Schools are admitted to the clinical visits of the physicians and surgeons. Abundant opportunity is offered for becoming practically acquainted with disease in its various forms, and of witnessing surgical operations. Operations are per- formed during the winter, on Saturday, at 11 A. M., and during the summer on Wednesday and Saturday, at the same hour. The operating theatre is provided with seats for 400 persons. In April of each year two house pupils are appointed in the medical and four in the surgical department. They are selected from medical students who have completed three years of study, but have not taken their degrees, and enter upon their duties in August. J/. 1 SSA CHU SETTS. 171 A valuable medical library, including particularly many large and expensive works not generally found in private libraries, is connected with the institution, and a large number of journals are taken for the use of the medical staff. The general library, for the use of the patients, numbers 1,300 volumes. A new edition of the History of the Hospital, by the late N. I. Bowditch, Esq., for which a fund was provided by his will, was issued in 1872, under the editorial care of Rev. George E. Ellis, D. D., one of the Trustees at that time. The Warren Prize, founded by the late Dr. J. Mason Warren, in memory of his father, Dr. John C. Warren, is described on a later page of this volume. The ambulance of the Hospital, accompanied by a med- ical officer, is dispatched to any point within the city proper, north of Dover and Berkeley streets, for the con- veyance of cases of accident, or urgent sudden sickness, not contagious, to the Hospital, or elsewhere, upon notice from a physician, the police, or other responsible source, subject to the approval of the Resident Physician. In cases re- quiring gratuitous treatment, no charge is made. OFFICERS. President Henry B. Rogers. Vice-President Nathaniel Thayer. Treasurer Francis H. Peabody. Secretary Thomas B. Hall. Board of Consultation Edward Reynolds, M. D., H. I. Bowditch, M. D., D! H. Storer, M. D., C. E. Ware, M. D., Algernon Coolidge, M. D., Morrill Wyman, M. D. Resident Physician J. H. Whittemore, M. D. Visiting Physicians G. C. Shattuck, M. D. (Nov.-March), F. Minot, M. D. (March-July), C. Ellis, M. D. (Nov.-March), S. L. Abbot, M. D. (March-July), B. S. Shaw, M. D. (July-Nov.), G. G. Tarbell, M. D. (July-Nov.). Visiting Surgeons H. J. Bigelow, M. D. (Nov.-March), S. Cabot, M. D. (Nov.-March), R. M. Hodges, M. D. (March-July), C. B. 172 HOSPITALS AND DISPENSARIES. Porter, M. D. (March-July), J. C. Warren, M. D. (July-Nov.), H. H. A. Beach, M. D. (July-Nov.). Physicians to Out-patients D. H. Hay den, M. D. (March-July), W. L. Richardson, M. D. (Nov.-March), E. N. Whittier, M. D. (Nov.-March), E. G. Cutler, M. D. (July-Nov.), F. G. Morrill, M. D. (March-July), F. C. Shattuck, M. D. (July-Nov.). Surgeons to Out-patients T. B. Curtis, M. D. (Nov.-March), John Homans, M. D. (March-July), W. Sturgis Bigelow, M. D. (July-Nov.). Physician to Out-patients with Diseases of the Skin J. C. White, M. D. Physician to Out-patienls with Diseases of the Nervous System J. J. Putnam, M. D. Physician to Out-patients with Diseases of the Throat F. I. Knight, M. D. Ophthalmic Surgeon to Out-patients 0. F. Wadsworth, M. D. Dentist Henry F. Dunkel.D. M. D. Microscopist and Curator of the Pathological Cabinet R. H. Fitz, M. D. Chemist E. S. Wood, M. D. Artist H. P. Quincy, M. D. Medical House Pupils for 1879-1880 W. N. Bullard, H. P. Jaques. Surgical House Pupils for 1879-1880 W. J. Otis, G. H. Monks, D. P. Allen, G. G. Hayward. Apothecary Charles A. Clough. Boston City Hospital. Harrison Avenue, between Concord and Springfield Streets. As early as the year 1849, before the cholera, then epi- demic, had disappeared, the expediency of establishing; a city hospital was discussed ; and a committee of the City Council reported favorably upon a project of continuing the Fort Hill Hospital, as a means of alleviating the pains of " those who suffer in their uncomfortable arid often mis- erable homes when sick," but who could not enter the Massachusetts General Hospital, and who would not go to the Almshouse. The physicians of the city urged the adoption of this project as a temporary expedient ; the Board of Aldermen passed the necessary order for its ac- complishment, but it was rejected by the Common Council. MASSACHUSETTS. 173 No further steps were taken for the establishment of a hospital till the year 1856, when petitions were signed gen- erally by the members of the medical profession, urging the foundation of such an institution. The building known as the Lying-in Hospital, in Springfield Street, was pur- chased for the purpose ; but the city government was forced to abandon it for use as a hospital. In 1860, the Mayor, Hon. F. W. Lincoln, Jr., renewed the appeal of his predecessors in office to the City Council. In accordance with his suggestion, the land on which the Hospital now stands was appropriated to the purpose, and the building erected. The institution was opened for the reception of patients June 1, 1864. The Hospital has 375 beds, and is intended for the treat- ment, gratuitously, of those residents of the city of Boston who require temporary relief during sickness, and are una- ble to pay for treatment. Other persons are received on the payment of such sums as may be determined by the Board of Trustees. Applications for admission may be made at the Hospital by the patient in person, on any day of the week, Sunday excepted, between 9 and 11 A. M. Persons accidentally wounded, or otherwise disabled or in- jured, are received at all hours. Friends are allowed to visit patients on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Satur- day, from 2 to 3 p. M. Positively no admission on Sunday. Students are admitted to the clinical visits of the phy- sicians on Tuesday, at 9 A. M., and to the surgical clinic on Tuesday and Friday, at 10 A. M. Surgical out-patients are treated every day from 9 to 11 ; medical on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at the same hours. An ophthal- mic clinic is held by Dr. Williams or Dr. Wadsworth, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 9 A. M. ; an aural clinic by Dr. Green on the same days and h^ur ; and a clinic on syphilis and diseases of the skin by Dr. Wiggles- worth, on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at 11 A. M. Women suffering from the diseases incident to their sex are treated on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, from 9 to 11 174 HOSPITALS AND DISPENSARIES. A. M. Operations are performed in the amphitheatre be- fore physicians and students on Friday, at 11 A. M. Two surgeons to out-patients are appointed each year, and enter on their duties on the first Monday in April. In December and June of each year two medical, two surgical and one ophthalmic externes are appointed by competitive examination. They enter on their duties ou the first Monday in January and July following their ap- pointment. After serving six months as externes they be- come internes, transferring from the medical externe to the surgical externe service, and vice versa; the ophthalmic ex- terne becomes ophthalmic interne for six mouths, and dur- ing the last six months interne in charge of department for nervous and renal diseases. During the second and third periods of six months they live at the Hospital, and during the last six months are house physicians and house sur- geons. The report of the Hospital is published annually. In 1869 and 1877, the Trustees, aided by the members jjf the medical staff, published reports including valuable statisti- cal tables and scientific papers relating to the practice of the Hospital for the first ten years of its existence.] During the year ending April 30, 1879, there were treated in the hospital, 4,631 patients, with a daily average of 289. Besides the patients who received medical and surgical care as internes, 10,419 cases were treated as out- patients : namely, medical, 2,276 ; surgical, 4,594 ; ophthal- mic, 1,741 ; diseases of the ear, 327 ; diseases of the skin, 896 ; diseases of women, 240 ; diseases of the nervous sys- tem, 55 ; diseases of the throat, 290. Total number of visits made to the hospital by all classes, 31,822. The cost per patient was $7.21 a week. MASS A CH USETTS. 175 OFFICERS. President of Board of Trustees T. J. Dacey. Secretary H. H. Sprapue. Resident Physician and Superintendent G. H. M. Rowe, M. D. Consulting Physicians and Surgeons Edward Reynolds, M. D., J. B. Upham, M. D., B. E. Cotting, M. D., F. E. Oliver, M. D., Ben- jamin Cushing, M. D., A. D. Sinclair, M. D. Visiting Physicians J. G. Blake, M. D. (Jan .-March), Hall Cur- tis, M. D. (Jan.-March), G. H. Lyman, M. D. (Oct-Dec.), C. E. Stedman, M. D. (Oct.-Dec.), G. J. Arnold, M. D. (April-June), F. W. Draper, M. D. (July-Sept.), O. W. Doe, M. D. (April-June), A. L. Mason, M. D. (July-Sept.). Physicians for Diseases of the Nervous System R. T. Edes, M. D. (Feb.-July), S. G. Webber, M. D. (Aug.-Jan.). Visiting Surgeons C. D. Honians, M. D. (April 1 to Aug. 1), D. W. Cheever, M. D. (Dec. 1 to April 1), W. H. Thorndike, M. D. (Dec. 1 to April 1), W. C. B. Fifield (Aug. 1 to Dec. 1), William Ingalls, M. D. (April 1 to Aug. 1), Geo. W. Gay, M. D. (Aug. 1 to Dec. 1). Ophthalmic Surgeons H. W. Williams, M. D. (April 1 to July 1, and Oct. 1 to Jan. 1), O. F. Wadsworth (Jan. 1 to April 1, and July 1 to Oct. 1). Pathologist E. G. Cutler, M. D. Physicians to Medical Out-patients A. M. Sumner, M. D., G. B. Shattuck, M. D. Surgeons to Out-patients. W. P. Bolles, M. D., Thomas Dwight, M. D. Physician to Department for Diseases of Women: Out-patients W. E. Boardman, M. D., J. R. Chadwick, M. D. Physician to Department for Skin Diseases E. Wigglesworth, M. D. Physician to Department for Diseases of the Ear : Out-patients. J. Orne Greene, M. D. Physician to Department for Diseases of the Throat : Out-patients E. W. Cushing, M. D. Physician to Department for Diseases of the Nervous System : Out- patients J. H. Denny, M. D. House Physicians H. Hun, C. W. Haddock, S. E. Wyman. Medical Internes E. F. Dunbar, A. S. M. Chisholm. Ophthalmic Interne G. C. Clement. House Surgeons W. H. Holmes, G. F. Keene. 176 HOSPITALS AND DISPENSARIES. Surgical Internes W. B. Platt, H. L. Burrill. Medical Externes J. F. Young, E. H. Noyes. Ophthalmic Externe W. C. Emerson. McLean Asylum for the Insane. Washington Street, Somerville. The McLean Asylum is a branch of the Massachusetts General Hospital, and is under the control of its board of officers. It was opened for the reception of patients Oc- tober 6, 1818. It received its name from John McLean, who, at his decease, bequeathed the sum of $100,000 to the institution. From the date of its opening to December 31, 1875, 6,064 patients had been received. During the last year, 238 patients have been treated, of whom 6 were dis- charged recovered, and 39 much improved, or improved. The weekly average number of patients was 168. Rate of board from fifteen to fifty dollars per week. The re- port of the Asylum is published annually in connection with that of the Hospital. In June, 1875, the Trustees purchased for $75,000 a tract of laud containing about 107 acres, in Belmont, about seven miles from Boston, on the Fitchburg Railroad, for the use of the Asylum. The situation is one of great beauty, elevated, and salubrious. The greater part of the tract is now covered by a fine growth of trees, and an ap- parently copious supply of water is found at a convenient distance. The ground has been partially cleared, surveys have been made, and studies of building plans prepared, but no further action has yet been taken. OFFICERS. [General Officers the same as those for the Massachusetts General Hospital on a previous page.] Superintendent Edward Cowles, M. D. First Assistant Physician G. T. Tuttle, M. D. Second Assistant Physician W. B. Bancroft, M. D. MASSACHUSETTS. 177 Medical Student and Apothecary C. F. Denny. Steward George W. Whittle. Matron Mrs. Abby M. Whittle. Supervisors Ransom Willard, Miss Lucia E. Woodward. Boston Lying-in Hospital. 24 McLean Street, Boston. Organized iu 1832, for the relief of poor and deserving women during confinement. The first building for the use of the Hospital was situated on "Washington Street, near the present site of Rollins Street. In 1853, the Corporation bought 40,000 feet of land on Springfield and Worcester streets, on which the building now used by the Home for Aged Men was erected. For several years prior to 1872 the Hospital had not, by itself, furnished the accommodation for lying-in women for which its charter provided ; the objects of the institution were, however, carried out by the annual contribution of $1,000 to the New England Hospital for Women and Chil- dren, at which place the same class of patients was cared for. This donation ceased in 1871, and in January, 1873, the Board of Trustees opened the house numbered 24 Mc- Lean Street, with accommodations for 18 patients. In April, 1876, the next house was added, with wards for 18 additional patients. Urgent cases are received at any time. Whenever it is possible, application for admission must be made to the attending physician at the Hospital, at least one week be- fore the expected date of confinement, between 10 and 11 o'clock on any week day. A few free cases are taken. The lowest rate of board is twenty dollars for the two weeks next succeeding confine- ment, and except for special reason, no case will be kept longer than that after confinement. Patients taken at the Hospital prior to confinement will be charged three dollars and a half per week for board, and expected to perform any light duty required of them. 12 178 HOSPITALS AND DISPENSARIES. The two weeks' board must be paid upon entrance, or an obligation with surety for its payment must be fur- nished ; and in no case will any~ portion of this sum be re- funded, should the patient leave the Hospital before the ex- piration of the two weeks. The Hospital being intended for residents of Boston, patients residing out of town are charged thirty dollars, and no out-of-town cases are taken free except by special vote of the Trustees. Private patients are taken by special arrangement with the visiting physician. "Wet-nurses can usually be promptly supplied at the Hospital. The fee for a wet-nurse is ten dollars. Relatives may visit patients every day, except Sunday, from 3 to 4 P. M. OFFICERS. President Abbott Lawrence. Vice-President C. E. Ware, M. D. Treasurer Lemuel Shaw. Secretary H. F. Jenks. ' Consulting Physicians Francis Minot, M. D., J. P. Reynolds, M.D. Visiting Physicians W. L. Richardson, M. D., A. D. Sinclair, M. D. Massachusetts Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary. 176 Charles Street, Boston. This institution owes its origin to Drs. Edward Rey- nolds and John Jeffries, who, in November, 1824, opened a small room in Scollay's Building as a dispensary for the gratuitous treatment of the poor afflicted with diseases of the eye. In March, 1826, the success of their efforts had been such that their dispensary was regularly organized as the Boston Eye Infirmary. A month later it was incorpo- rated by the State Legislature under its present title. It was soon after removed to Court Street, and six years later to the Gore Mansion in Green Street, where it re- mained until 1850. It was then removed to the building MASSACHUSETTS. 179 now occupied in Charles Street, which was dedicated July 3 of that yi'ar. The Infirmary receives all patients with diseases of the eye and ear, making application for treatment. More than 9,000 patients are annually treated. The Infirmary is open daily, except Sunday, from 9 to 11 A. M. Patients who require admission as boarders may be received on payment of at least five dollars per week ; three weeks' board must be paid in advance. All applications for admission must be made at the Infirmary. The number of beds is fifty. Patients may be visited by their friends daily, except Sunday, between 11 and 12. Physicians are invited to attend the practice of the sur- geons, any day, from 9 to 11 o'clock. Students are ad- mitted on Monday and Friday, throughout the year, from 9 to 11 o'clock. Clinical instruction is given to physicians and students by members of the staff. Annual meeting of the Corporation the last Thursday in October. The Board of Managers meet on the first Tuesday of November, February, May, and August. OFFICERS. President Calvin Ellis, M. D. Treasurer F. H. Storey. Secretary E. I. Browne. Consulting Surgeon Gustavus Hay, M. D. Ophthalmic Surgeons Basket Derby, M. D., H. L. Shaw, M. D., F. P. Sprague, M. D., B. J. Jeffries, M. 1)., Robert Willard, M. D. Aural Surgeons H. L. Shaw, M. D., C. J. Blake, M. D. Assistant Surgeons W. S. Dennett, M. D., C. H. Williams, M. D. Microscopist and Curator of the Pathological Cabinet B. J. Jeffries, M. D. Interne H. W. Bradford, M. D. Externe G. W. Galvin, M. D. Aural Externe E. D. Spear, Jr., M. D. Superintendent George Stedman, M. D. 180 HOSPITALS AND DISPENSARIES. Boston Lunatic Hospital. First Street, South Boston. The Hospital was built in 1839, and was subsequently enlarged by the addition of two wings in 1846. The buildings, including yards and gardens, occupy five acres of land. The Hospital has a capacity for 200 patients, and is main- tained by the city of Boston, being under the management of the Board of Directors for Public Institutions. The Hospital is intended particularly for the insane of the city of Boston, and its use is now restricted to those only who have a "settlement" in the city. The poor are admitted without charge, but board is paid by those who are able. Patients are committed to the Hospital by the Judge of Probate for Suffolk County, or may be admitted by the President of the Board of Directors, under the Acts and Resolves of Massachusetts for 1862, chap. 223. (See laws and ordinances affecting physicians and others.) Application for admission should be made at the office of the Board of Directors, 30 Pemberton Square, or at the Hospital. On the 30th of April, 1878, there were 202 patients in the Hospital. OFFICERS. Superintendent and Physician C. A. Walker, M. D. Assistant Superintendent E. S. Boland, M. D. Deer Island Institutions Hospital Department. Boston Harbor. The Hospital connected with the public institutions of Boston is located on Deer Island in Boston harbor, with a branch at Rainsford Island. Patients are received from the City Almshouse, the House of Industry, and the House MASSACHUSETTS. 181 of Reformation for Juvenile Offenders. The Hospital is under the care of the Board of Directors for Public Insti- tutions. Olfice at 30 Pemberton Square. OFFICERS. Resident Physician Horace Berry, M. D. Assistant Physician J. B. Swift, M. D. Physician at Rainsford Island C. J. Rickcr, M. D. The Channing Home. 30 McLean Street, Boston. Established in May, 1857, by Miss Harriet Ryan (the late Mrs. Albee), through the assistance of friends whom she had drawn into sympathy with her benevolent purpose. It was incorporated in 1861. This is not a hospital in the common acceptation of the word, but a home for incura- bles, for those whose early death seems quite certain, or for those who will probably live for a long time, but needing constant medical attendance. Some of the patients have been inmates of the Home for many years, and no pay is taken from any of them. Application for admission must be made to the matron, at the Home. The institution has accommodations for 14 inmates. During the year ending April 1, 1879, 26 pa- tients were admitted, 16 died, 11 were discharged, and 14 remained in the Home. The annual meeting of the Corporation is held on the second Wednesday in April. A report of the Home is published annually. OFFICERS. President S. A. Green, M. D. Treasurer Theodore Metcalf. Secretary C. P. Curtis. Physicians A. L. Mason, M. D., J.B. Ayer, M. D., T. M. Rotch, M. D. Matron Eliza McDonnell. 182 HOSPITALS AND DISPENSARIES. House of the Good Samaritan. 6 McLean Street, Boston. Incorporated in I860, for the care and treatment of sick women and girls, and of boys below six years of age, espe- cially those suffering under diseases of long duration. It is supported by voluntary contributions and from the in- come of its funds. Patients must make personal applica- tion at the house between 9 and 12 o'clock on any day except Sunday. Terms of admission free. The annual meeting of the association is held on the second Wednesday in March. Visitors are admitted from 11.30 to 12.30, and from 3.30 to 4.30, on Monday, Wednes- day, and Friday. During the year ending December 31, 1877, 103 patients were treated in the institution. The report of the hospi- tal is published annually. OFFICERS. President Mrs. G. C. Shattuck. Treasurer Charles F. Shimmin. Secretary Miss Bobbins. Physicians G. C. Shattuck, M. D., F. E. Oliver, M. D. Surgeon Buckminster Brown, M. D. Carney Hospital. Old Harbor Street, South Boston. Established in June, 1863, and incorporated in 1865, for the purpose of affording relief to the sick poor. In 1868 a large and commodious brick structure was erected for the use of the sick. Both acute and chronic cases are received, contagious diseases excepted. The institution is in charge of Roman Catholic Sisters of Charity, but receives patients of all denominations. Application for admission must be made at the Hospital. The rate of board for pay-patients, treated in the wards, MASSACHUSETTS. 183 is five dollars or six dollars per week. The Hospital con- tains also a number of rooms for private patients, who pay from ten dollars to twenty-five dollars a week. Patients occupying private rooms may be attended by their own physicians, so long as they conform to the rules of the in- stitution. OFFICERS. Consulting Board H. I. Bowditch, M. D., M. K. Hartnett, M. D., D. H. Hayden, M. D., S. G. Webber, M. D. Visiting Surgeons S. W. Langmaid, M. D., John Homans, M. D., Thomas Dwight, M. D., E. H. Bradford, M. D. Visiting Physicians Hugh Ferguson, M. D., E. G. Cutler, M. D., G. B. Shattuck, M. D., Frank Wells, M. D. Ophthalmic Surgeon B. J. Jeffries, M. D. Accoucheur Hugh Doherty, M. D. Physician for Diseases of Women W. E. Boardman, M. IX Pathologist E. G- Cutler, M. D. St. Joseph's Home for Sick and Destitute Servant Girls. 46 East BrookHne Street, Boston. Incorporated in 1867, for the purpose of providing a home for, and otherwise aiding sick and destitute servant girls. It includes under its organization a hospital for the treatment of diseases, especially those of an incurable char- acter, and for women who have become exhausted and un- well while at their work, and need a temporary respite. The institution has 90 beds ; of which 24 are devoted to the hospital department. The institution was organized by, and is under the charge of, the Sisters of St. Francis. Application for admission must be made at the Home. The annual meeting of the Corporation is held on the second Tuesday in January. OFFICERS. President John Ryan. Secretary John Conlon. Physician S. P. Holbrook, M. D. 184 HOSPITALS AND DISPENSARIES. St. Elizabeth's Hospital. 78 Waltham Street, Boston. Established in 1867, by the Sisters of St. Francis, for the treatment of the medical and surgical diseases peculiar to women. It is especially intended for patients in mod- erate circumstances, who can afford to pay only a low rate of board and moderate fees for medical attendance. The institution has thirty-eight beds. Applications for admis- sion must be made to the Sister Superior at the Hospital. OFFICERS. Attending Physicians J. G. Blake, M. D., G. H. Bixby, M. D., S. L. Dutton, M. D., M. F. Gavin, M. D., F. E. Bundy, M. D. The Children's Hospital. 1583 Washington Street, Boston. The Hospital was founded in 1869, for the purpose of providing medical and surgical treatment for the diseases of children, and for the attainment and diffusion of knowl- edge regarding the diseases incident to childhood. It re- ceived an act of incorporation February 26, 1869. Patients between the ages of two and twelve, suffering from acute diseases, are received at the hospital. No pa- tient is admitted whose case is considered chronic or incur- able, unless there be urgent symptoms, which, in the opin- ion of the medical staff, are capable of being relieved ; nor will any be admitted having an infectious or contagious disease. Application for admission may be made any day at 9 A. M. ; but accidents and other cases of an urgent character will be received at any time. The beds in the Hospital are free to those who are really poor ; but a moder- ate charge is made to those who are able to pay. Patients from beyond the limits of the city will be received on pay- ment of not less than four dollars a week. The Hospital has thirty beds. MASS A C1IU SETTS. 1 85 In the summer of 1875, the managers established a Convalescent Home at Wrllosley, 14 miles from the city, on the Boston and Albany Railroad, with a capacity of 18 beds. During the year ending December 28, 1878, 177 pa- tients were treated at the Hospital'; and since its organi- zation, 1058. Of these, 154 had been discharged, 98 of whom were well ; 23 remained under treatment. The immediate care of the Hospital and the nursing is intrusted to ladies connected with the Protestant Episcopal Sisterhood of St. Margaret's, from East Griustead, Eng- land. The annual meeting of the Corporation is held Decem- ber 28. A report of the Hospital is published annually. OFFICERS. President Nathaniel Thayer. Vice-President R. C. Winthrop. Treasurer J. G. Wetherell. Secretary Francis H. Browu, M. D. Consulting Board F. H. Brown, M. D., John Homans, M. D. Physicians A. M. Sumner, M. D., F. G. Merrill, M. D., J. P. Oliver, M. D. Surgeons S. W. Langmaid, M. D., William Ingalls, M. D., E. H. Bradford, M. D. Assistant to the Medical Staff F. H. Davenport, M. D. Physician to the Convalescent Home U. O. B. Wingate, M. D. Pathologist E. G. Cutler, M. D. St. Luke's Home. Roxbury Street, Roxbury, Boston. Organized October 18, 1870, and incorporated January 1, 1872, for the purpose of providing gratuitous medical treatment to women and children convalescent from dis- ease, and to the poor in the neighborhood of the Home. In June, 1873, the Trustees opened a Sanitarium at Quisset, in the town of Falmouth, where patients can have the ad- vantage of country air during the summer months. Thirty- five patients can be received. 186 HOSPITALS AND DISPENSARIES. In the Home, forty patients can be accommodated. Pri- vate patients are admitted at the discretion of the physi- cians, on payment of board. Patients are admitted on ap- plication at the Home on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 10 A. M. Friends of the patients are admitted on Tues- day and Friday from 9 to 11. The annual meeting of the Corporation is held on St. Luke's Day. OFFICERS. President B. H. Paddock. Treasurer R. S. Fay. Secretary Causten Browne. Consulting Physicians F. E. Oliver, M. D., H. I. Bowditch, M. D., L. H. Luce, M. D. Attending Physicians O. W. Doe, M. D., A. M. Sumner, M. D. Washingtonian Home. 41 Waltham Street, Boston. Organized in 1857, and incorporated in 1859, for the cure of inebriates who wish to reform. Persons having a permanent home within the State, whose circumstances render it imperatively necessary, may be ad- mitted to a free bed ; all other persons will be charged for their board, according to their ability to pay, and the rooms, attendance, and accommodations furnished them, generally from ten to twenty dollars a week. Application can be made to the Superintendent at the Home, at any hour. A recommendation by some responsible person is required. The whole number of patients under charge from the opening of the Home until March 31, 1879, was 5,858, an average of about 265 per year, and the number for the year preceding that date was 295. The institution can furnish accommodations to forty inmates. An annual report of the Home is published. OFFICERS. President Otis Clapp. Vice-Presidents Joseph Story, William W. Warren, W. B- Spooner, William Claflin. MASSACHUSETTS. 187 Treasurer Daniel Allen. Clerk S. W. Sargent. Superintendent and Physician Albert Day, M. D. Free Hospital for "Women. 60 East Springfield Street, Boston. Established in December, 1875. The Hospital is entirely free, and receives only those women who suffer from dis- eases peculiar to their sex, and have not the means to ob- tain the medical advice or the care which they need. It con- tains fifteen beds, and is supported by contributions from religious societies and private individuals. The number of patients treated during the hospital year, which consists of forty weeks, is between ninety and one hundred. The act- ual expense of a bed for the hospital year is two hundred and fifty dollars ; but the payment of one hundred and fifty dollars secures to the donor of such sum the privilege of naming an occupant for a bed. Any society or any in- dividual supporting a bed is to be represented by one mem- ber of the Board of Trustees and one lady on the Board of Visitors ; and the society or individual has the right to fill the bed with any poor and worthy woman, if the medi- cal staff consider her case a proper one for treatment in this Hospital. Application for admission must be made at the Hospital. OFFICERS. Treasurer E. H. Sampson. Secretary J. W. Woods. Consulting Board D. H. Storer, M. D., A. D. Sinclair, M. D., J. P. Reynolds, M. D., F. Minot, M. D. Visiting Surgeon W. H. Baker, M. D. Surgeon to Out-patients F. H. Davenport, M. D. St. Mary's Infant Asylum and Lying-in Hospital Bowdoin Street, Dorchester, Boston. Founded by Roman Catholic Sisters of Charity and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in September, 1868, and 188 HOSPITALS AND DISPENSARIES. incorporated in September, 1870, as an institution for the maintenance and support of foundlings, orphan and half- orphan children. It also accommodates deserving indigent females during their confinement in childbirth. The asy- lum will receive 10 patients and 50 children. Application should be made to the Sister Superior at the institution. No distinction is made on account of re- ligion ; and no patient is refused on account of her inability to pay. Attending Physician E. D. Peters, Jr., M. D. Charlestown Free Dispensary and Hospital. 27 Harvard Square, Charlestown, Boston. The Charlestown Free Dispensary, which was organized April 25, 1872, in response to the suggestion of a physi- cian of Charlestown, and opened May 1, was kept in oper- ation for the reception and treatment of patients on three days of the week. At meetings of the Managers held in October and November, 1872, it was decided to ask for an act of incorporation, which would include a hospital when such an institution seemed desirable. The act was granted March 4, 1873. Advice and treatment are given to patients in the Dis- pensary department on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 12 M. OFFICERS. Executive Committee Henry Lyon, M. D., Chairman ; J. S. Whit- ing, M. D., C. F. Fairbanks. Treasurer B. F. Stacey. Secretary Gerald Wyman. Superintendent E. J. Forster, M. D. Medical Staff J. G. Dearborn, M. D., R. A. Blood, M. D., E. J. Forster, M. D., M. A. Morris, M. D., A. B. Gunter, M. D., C. K. Cutter, M. D. The annual meeting of the Corporation on the last Thursday in April. MA SSA CI1USETTS. 189 Children's Sea-Shore Home. Winthrop. Organized on the 27th of May, 1875, for the purpose of providing that poor sick children, or those recovering from disease, might obtain the advantage of change of air, and especially of sea breezes. During the first year the Home was located at Beverly Farms, and in later years at Plymouth and Germantown, Quincy. In 1878, the Cor- poration purchased a suitable house and land at Winthrop for the use of the Home. Children suffering from acute disease, and those likely to be benefited by the sea air, are received on application to either of the Managers. They will be retained for such time as, in the view of the attending physician, may seem desirable, generally from one to two weeks. When neces- sary, the mothers are allowed to accompany their children. No expense is incurred for the transportation or board of children or mothers. No diseases of a contagious charac- ter are received. A competent physician resides, at all times, at the Home. OFFICERS. President E. E. Hale. Treasurer Benjamin Kimball. Secretary George Thacher. Directors E. E. Hale, George Hayward, M. D., E. T. Williams, M. D., W. H. H. Hastings, M. D., C. P. Putnam, M. D., Mrs. Elliott Russell, Mrs. M. A. Hememvay. Physician E. T. Williams, M. D. State Lunatic Hospitals. Patients are admitted to the State Hospitals for the In- sane under the laws enacted for the purpose (Acts and Resolves of Massachusetts, 1862, chap. 223). They are under the charge of the Board of Health, Lunacy, and Charity. In the city of Boston, the business connected with the committal of insane persons is transacted through 190 HOSPITALS AND DISPENSARIES. the Secretary of the Board of Directors for Public Institu- tions ; office at 30 Pemberton Square. WORCESTER Authorized by the Legislature March 10, 1830. By the report of the Hospital for the year end- ing September 30, 1878, there were 509 patients in the Hospital. Rate of cost per week, $3.18. Superintendent J. G. Park, M. D. Assistant Superintendent E. Q. Marston, M. D. Assistant Physician A. R. Moulton, M. D. By an act of the Legislature in 1870, the Trustees were authorized to purchase a new site for a hospital, and to erect buildings thereon capable of containing 400 patients, the whole not to exceed $575,000. A tract of land, com- prising 275 acres, on the borders of Lake Quinsigamond, in the suburbs of Worcester, was purchased ; and the new buildings are in use. TAUNTON Established May, 1851. By an act of the Legislature in May, 1873, the Trustees were authorized to erect two new wings to the Hospital, thereby greatly en- larging its capacity. October 11, 1878, there were 579 patients remaining under care. Weekly cost of patients, $4.14. Superintendent J. P. Brown, M. D. Assistant Physician W. H. Gage, M. D. NORTHAMPTON Established in 1855. At the close of the year ending September 30, 1878, there were 429 pa- tients in the Hospital, at an average weekly expense of $3.44. Superintendent Pliny Earle, M. D. First Assistant Physician E. B. Nims, M. D. Second Assistant Physician Daniel Pickard, M. D. DANVERS In addition to the three hospitals named, the Legislature purchased in 1874 the farm owned by MASSACHUSETTS. 191 Francis Dodge, in the town of Danvers, Essex County, for the purpose of erecting an additional institution for the insane. " The estate embraces about two hundred acres, commanding a varied and beautiful prospect, the ocean in the distance on one side, the great mountain ranges on the other, and an intervale for many miles around filled with richly-cultivated farms and prosperous towns and vil- lages. The hill is far enough from the town to prevent its being encroached upon by increase of population, at least for many years to come, is abundantly supplied with water, and is accessible by good highways, and branches of the Boston & Maine and Eastern Railroads, which skirt its borders. With a moderate outlay, the situation, for which nature has done much, may be made the most attractive of all those now occupied by the public institutions of the Commonwealth." The Hospital was opened May 13, 1878. At the close of the year, ending September 30, 1878, there were 222 patients in the Hospital." OFFICERS. Superintendent C. S. May, M. D. First Assistant Physician H. R. Stedman, M. D. Second Assistant Physician E. M. Harding, M. D. Third Assistant Physician Julia K. Gary, M. D. Asylum for the Chronic Insane. Tewksbury. Opened October, 1866 ; number of patients, September 30, 1878, 251. Average cost per week, $2.00. Physician W. H. Lathrop, M. D. Hospital for the Chronic Insane. Worcester. Opened October 23, 1878 ; number of patients, Septem- ber 30, 1878, 375. Superintendent H. M. Quinby, M. D. 192 HOSPITALS AND DISPENSARIES. Psycopathic Retreat. Seaver Street, Roxbury, Boston. A private asylum for the insane, with rooms for 8 or 10 patients. Superintendent Edward Mead, M. D. Private Institution for Feeble Minded Youth. Barre. Established in June, 1848. Since' its opening 239 cases of defective mental condition have been treated. About 73 are at present hi the establishment. Application for admission, terms, etc., to be made to the superintendent. Superintendent George Brown, M. D. Private Hospital for Mental and Nervous Diseases. Boylston and Brighton Streets, Brookline. Opened in July, 1879. Accommodations for 8 inmates. Superintendent Walter Channing, M. D. Essex County Receptacle for the Insane. Ipswich. Attached to the House of Correction, and receives its patients wholly from Essex County. The Receptacle will accommodate about 70 inmates. Superintendent Y. G. Hurd, M. D. Shady Lawn. Gothic Street, Northampton. A private asylum, organized in 1874, for the care of in- valids, with especial reference to diseases of the nervous system and of the mind, and to ailments peculiar to women. Cases of addiction to the various narcotics, to alcohol and tobacco, are admitted, and also those cases of mental de- ficiency or general ill health which require the advantages MASSACHUSETTS. 193 and comforts of a private medical institution. Accommo- dations for from 20 to 30 inmates. Superintendent A. W. Thompson, M. D. The Highlands. Winchendon. Patients who need treatment for nervous and mental diseases are received into the family of the Superintendent. Six or eight can be accommodated. Dr. F. W. Russell can be consulted at his office, 527 Main Street, Worcester, on the first and third Wednesdays of each month. Superintendent Ira Russell, M. D. Assistant F. W. Russell, M. D. Herbert Hall. Worcester. A private institution, opened under authority, granted in 1873, by the Governor and Council, in accordance with chap. 288, sect. 8, 1864. Accommodations for about 20 patients. Superintendent Merriek Bemis, M. D. Adams Nervine Asylum. Centre Street, Jamaica Plain. Incorporated March 16, 1877, for the purpose of estab- lishing and maintaining a hospital to afford care and relief to indigent debilitated and nervous persons, inhabitants of the State, who are not insane and who may be in need of the benefit of a curative institution. The asylum owes its origin to Seth Ames, late of Newton, who bequeathed to it a large amount by his last will. It also receives for treat- ment persons, not indigent, who may be otherwise suitable for remedial treatment. The institution will accommodate about 50 patients. Applications for admission must be made to the Superintendent. 13 194 HOSPITALS AND DISPENSARIES. OFFICERS. President Samuel Eliot. Vice-President Alpheus Hardy. Treasurer C. W. Loring. Secretary J. C. Davis. Physician S. A. Green, M. D. Superintendent F. W. Page, M. D. Cambridge Hospital. Organized in 1867, and incorporated in 1869, for sick and disabled persons, residents of Cambridge. The Hospital was first opened for the care of women and children ; but it is hoped that it will be the beginning of a general hos- pital for Cambridge for the treatment of both sexes. At present the hospital is not in active operation ; but its or- ganization continues unchanged. President Morrill Wyman, M. D. Vice-President J. B. Taylor, M. D. Treasurer W. A. Bullard. Secretary H. P. Walcott, M. D. U. 3. Naval Hospitals In New England. [See U. S. Navy Medical Service, under Miscellane- ous Matters.] U. S. Marine' Hospitals In New England. [See U. S. Marine Hospital Service, -under Miscellane- ous Matters.] Lowell^ Hospital. Lowell. Established in 1839, and supported by the manufactur- ing corporations of Lowell, for the benefit of the opera- tives in their employ. Superintendent Hcrmon J. Smith, M. D. MASSACHUSETTS. 195 St. John's Hospital. High Street Square, Lowell. The Hospital was opened for the care of the needy poor of the city of Lowell, aud especially such as work in the mills, under an act of incorporation dated March 14, 1867. Patients are admitted on the lowest possible terms, at from five to ten dollars per week. If able to pay, they are expected to do so. No cases of infectious diseases, or confirmed insanity or inebriation, when known, are re- ceived. The nursing is supplied by Roman Catholic Sis- ters of Charity. The Hospital has sixty beds. Friends of the sick are allowed to visit them on Sunday, from 1^ to 4 ; on Tuesday and Thursday, from 1^ to 4, and from 6 to 7$. Visiting Physicians J. O. Green, M. D., Nathan Allen, M. D., C. A. Savory, M. D., Joel Spalding, M. D., F. C. Plunkett, M. D., A. W. Buttrick, M. D., G. H. Pillsbury, M. D., J. H. Gilman, M. D. The Pacific Mills Home. Lawrence. For the reception and care of sick persons employed at the Pacific Mills. The Home is under the professional and personal oversight of the Superintendent. A matron has the immediate charge. Terms, for board, medicine, and medical attendance, from five to seven dollars per week. Visiting days for friends of the sick : Sundays, from 2 to 5 P. M. ; Thursdays, from 3 to 5, and 7 to 8 P. M., aud at other times by special permission. Superintendent and Physician David Dana, M. D. St. Joseph's Hospital. Campbell and Pleasant Streets, New Bedford. Opened for the reception of patients June 21, 1873. The Hospital is under the control of the Sisters of Mercy, and has beds for 10 patients. 196 HOSPITALS AND DISPENSARIES. Patients having means are required to pay four weeks' board in advance ; females six dollars, and males seven dollars per week. Private rooms are provided for such as desire special accommodation. Applications for admission are to be made at the Hos- pital between 9 and 10 daily. Chronic cases will not be retained longer than may be necessary for relief of urgent symptoms. OFFICERS. President L. S. McMahon. Vice-President H. H. Forbes. Treasurer John McCullough. Secretary and Physician in Charge S. W. Hayes, M. D. Consulting Physicians and Surgeons George Atwood, M. D., J. H. Mackie, M. D., E. P. Abbe', M. D. Visiting Physicians and Surgeons S. W. Hayes, M. D., G. T. Hough, M. D., F. H. Hooper, M. D., Henry Johnson, M. D. Ophthalmic Surgeon J. J. B. Vermyne, M. D. Pittsfield House of Mercy. Incorporated in 1874, and supported by ladies of the several religious societies in Pittsfield. It is capable of accommodating 12 patients. The medical department is under the care of the medical and surgical directors, who share with other physicians of the town the professional care of the patients. The annual meeting of the Corporation is held in Pitts- field on the first Saturday in November, and stated meet- ings of the board of control on the last Saturday of each month. OFFICERS. President Mrs. John Todd. Treasurer Mrs. W. M. Root. Clerk Miss S. E. Sandys. Medical Director J. F. A. Adams, M. D. Surgical Director F. H. Paddock, M. D. MASSACHUSETTS. 197 Salem Hospital. 37 Charter Street, Salem. This institution was opened to the public October 1, 1874. It has a capacity of twenty-eight beds. Both free and pay patients are admitted. In 1878, 81 in- and 1583 out-patients were treated. Seamen entitled to treatment by the regula- tions of the United States Marine Hospital Service are re- ceived. The out-patient department is under the care of the med- ical staff. In order to aid this part of the Hospital, the funds of the Salem Dispensary (organized 1870) have been given to the institution, and its separate existence aban- doned. Recently one of the trustees has given to the hospital a loan collection of utensils for the sick-room, including syr- inges, urinals, bed-pans, rubber sheets, air-cushions, head- rests, etc. These articles are deposited at the Hospital for the use of the sick poor, and are delivered by the Superin- tendent to the bearer of a recommendation from physicians living in the city. Applications for admission to the Hos- pital are received between the hours of 12 and 1 daily. Patients can be visited by their friends any afternoon except Sunday, from 2 to 5. The department for out-patients is open daily from 12 to 1 o'clock, Sundays excepted. Eye and ear patients daily, except Saturday, from 11 to 12.30 ; dental patients on Mon- day and Thursday at 12.30. OFFICERS. President of Trustees J. B. Curwen. Attending Physicians Drs. G. A. Perkins, David Choate, William Neilson, A. H. Johnson. Attending Surgeons Drs. William Mack, Arthur Kemble, O. B. Shreve, C. A. Carlton. Ophthalmic Surgeon David Coggin, M. D. Physicians to Out-patients Joseph P. Fessenden, M. D., Thomas Kittredge, M. D. 198 HOSPITALS AND DISPENSARIES. Surgeon to Out-patients J. P. Fessenden, M. D. Dental Surgeon Jesse Eobbins, D. M. D. Pathologist A. H. Johnson, M. D. Admitting Physician David Coggin, M. D. House Surgeon T. L. Perkins. City Hospital. Boston Road, Springfield. Applications for admission may be made at the Hospital daily between 9 and 11 A. M. Medical Staff. Drs. W. G. Breck, President ; D. P. Smith, T. F. Breck, S. W. Bowles, V. L. Owen, T. D. Brooks, S. F. Pomeroy, Marshal Calkins, Alfred Lambert, Sanford Lawton, G. C. McClean. F. W. Chapin, Secretary. Worcester City Hospital. Wellington and Chandler Streets, Worcester. Incorporated by the Legislature May 25, 1871, and opened for the reception of patients October 2G, in the same year. By the will of George Jaques, the first secre- tary and the first benefactor of the Hospital, the city re- ceived, as residuary legatee of his estate, money and lands to the value of $250,000 or more, to be held in trust for the Hospital. At present the Hospital occupies Mr. Jaques's homestead, to which have been added two small pavilions. It has twenty-four beds. Applications for the admission of patients may be made at the Hospital between 9 and 11 A. M., any day in the week. Patients able to pay for treatment are admitted at such rates of board as the trustees determine, generally at ten dollars a week. Two weeks' board must be secured in advance. No patient is admitted whose case is considered incura- ble, unless there be urgent symptoms which can be re- lieved. No person having acute venereal disease, or any contagious disease, can be admitted to the Hospital. MASSACHUSETTS. 199 OFFICERS. President F. H. Kelly, M. D. Secretary Stephen Salisbury, Jr. Superintendent and Resident Physician J. R. Rich, M. D. Consulting Physicians Joseph Sargent, M. D., F.H. Kelly, M. D., B. D. Eastman, M. D. Visiting Physicians Rnfus Woodward, M. D., G. A. Bates, M. D., Oramel Martin, M. D., Henry Clarke, M. D., J. N. Bates, M. D., T. H. Gage, M. D., J. M. Rice, M. D., Albert Wood, M. D., Emerson Warner, M. D., G. E. Francis, M. D., J. 0. Marble, M. D., Leonard Wheeler, M. D. Oculist L. S. Dixon, M. D. Pathologist W. H. Workman, M. D. Boston Dispensary. Bennet and Ash Streets, Boston. Founded in 1796, and incorporated in 1801. This was the first institution of the kind in Boston, and the third in the United States. It is supported entirely by funds here- tofore contributed, and by private charity. It does not re- ceive any support or assistance from the city. At present the operations of the Dispensary are extended only over that part known as the city proper, East and South Bos- ton. The remaining portions of the city are otherwise provided for. The central office is situated near the centre of population, and is convenient of access. It was opened for use in 1856, and now accommodates out-patients, who come for treatment between the hours of 9 and 12. Phy- sicians are in attendance daily, who treat respectively men, women, children, and surgical cases. At 10 o'clock daily, dental patients are treated; at 11, those suffering from dis- eases of the skin ; and at the same hour, cases of nervous diseases. In addition to the service at the central office, the city is divided into nine districts ; and to each one is assigned a physician, whose duty it is to care for those unable to leave their homes. Medicines are given out at the central office 200 HOSPITALS AND DISPENSARIES. daily, from 8 A. M. to 7 p. M. ; on Sundays, from 1 to 2 P. M. ; and on legal holidays, from 9 to 10 A. M. Since October, 1796, 695,433 patients have been treated; since July 1, 1856, 576,630 patients have been treated at the central office and in the districts. During the year ending October 1, 1878, 22,694 cases were treated at the central office, and 17,160 cases in the districts, an aggre- gate of 39,854 patients. The number of recipes given, 88,696. The average daily attendance at the office was 169. The services of the staff are rendered gratuitously at the central office ; in the districts, the physicians receive a moderate compensation. Students are permitted to attend the practice of the phy- sicians and surgeons, on Tuesday and Friday, at 9 o'clock. The annual meeting of the Corporation is held on the second Thursday in October. The annual report of the Dispensary is published in No- vember. OFFICERS. President J. H. Wolcott. Treasurer F. E. Parker. Secretary Arthur Lincoln. MEDICAL STAFF. Superintendent W. H. H. Hastings, M. D. Surgeons Thomas Waterman, M. D., C. E. Inches, M. D., Wal- ter Ela, M. D., E. H. Bradford, M. D. Physicians Kobert Disbrow, M. D., K. H. Fitz, M. D., J. L. Hale, M. D., W. H. Baker, M. D., J. P. Oliver, M. D., W. C. Holyoke, M. D., G. B. Shattuck, M. D., B. M. Lawrence, M. D., John Dixwell, M. D., J. B. Ayer, M. D., J. F. Bush, M. D., F. H. Davenport, M. D., Abner Post, M. D., T. M. Rotch, M. D., M. H. Richardson, M. D., A. T. Cabot, M. D. Physician to Department for Diseases of the Skin F. B. Greenough, M.D. Physicians to Department for Nervous Diseases D. F. Lincoln, M. D., F. W. Vogel, M. D. Dentist F. E. Banfield. District Physicians No. 1, G. W. Copeland, M. D. ; No. 2, C. M. MASSA CHUSETTS. 201 Jones, M. D. ; No. 3, E. F. Hodges, M. D. ; No. 4, E. C. Booth, M. D. ; No. 5, ; No. 6, H. C. Haven, M. D. ; No. 7, W. F. Whitney, M. D. ; No. 8, W. J. G. Fogg, M. D.; No. 9, T. G. Reed, M. D. ORDERS FOR PHYSICIANS. Orders for District No. 1 (East Boston) may be left at the apothe- cary shop of Charles L. Fraser, comer of Meridian and London streets ; for Districts Nos. 2 and 3 (North End), at the apothecary shop of C. E. Eames, No. 396 Hanover Street; for District No. 4 (West End), at the apothecary shop of Emery Souther, No. 75 Green Street ; for Dis- tricts Nos. 5, 6, and 7, at the Central Office, corner of Ash and Bennet streets; and for Districts Nos. 8 and 9 (South Boston), at Police Station No. VI., Broadway. Dispensary for Diseases of Women. 18 Staniford Street, Boston. Organized 1873, for the treatment of the diseases pe- culiar to women. Over 2,500 patients have already been treated in this institution, the average daily attendance now being about 20. The Dispensary is made available for the purposes of clinical instruction. Open on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 9.30 A. M. Physician J. R. Chadwick, M. D. Dispensary for Children. 18 Staniford Street, Boston. Organized and opened November 8, 1873, for the treat- ment of the diseases incident to childhood. Patients received on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at 10 A. M. Physician C. P. Putnam, M. D. Cambridge Dispensary. Western Avenue and Green Street, Cambridge. Incorporated in 1874, for the purpose of providing, and maintaining a free dispensary and medical and surgical aid for the sick and disabled poor. 202 HOSPITALS AND DISPENSARIES. X The city is divided into five districts, to each of which is assigned a physician. In addition eight physicians are assigned for duty at the central office. The physicians are appointed by the directors in November of each year, and they commence their term of service on the first of January following. The central office is open for patients on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 3 to 4 p. M. The annual meeting of the Corporation is held on the third Thursday of October. The directors meet quarterly on the second Thursday of January, April, July, and Oc- tober. OFFICERS. President W. L. Whitney. Treasurer J. A. Holmes. Cleric J. L. Hildreth. Physician in charge at Central Office E. H. Stevens, M. D. Physicians attending at Central Office J. T. G. Nichols, M. D., C. E. Vaughan, M. D., S. W. Driver, M. D., D. M. Edgerly, M. D., A. P. Clark, M. D., A. F. Holt, M. D., E. H. Stevens, M. D.,"F. O. Webber, M. D. District Physicians No. 1, Edward Farnham, M. D. ; No. 2, L.L. Bryant, M. D. ; No. 3, G. A. Coburn, M. D. ; No. 4, D. M. Edgerly, M.*D.; No. 5, . Apothecaries Ward 1, W. A. Stone; Ward 2, J. M. Minott; Ward 3, Charles E. Stevens; Ward 4, O. H. Webber, E. C. Gove; Ward 5, J. C. Sylvia. Dispensary of the Dwiglit Manufacturing Company. Chicopee Falls. Opened for the relief of operatives in the mills of the Dwight Manufacturing Company June 1, 1878. Patients are treated on certificates, given by their overseers, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings at 7 o'clock, at the corner of Exchange and Dwight streets. Attending Physician D. H. Nutting, M. D. MASS A CHUSETTS. 20 3 Lowell Dispensary. Lowell. Established April 14, 1836, in order to furnish medicine and other needful articles, and medical advice and relief, to the sick poor of the city. Patients are treated at their homes and at the offices of the attending physicians. OFFICERS. President Theodore Edson. Secretary and Treasurer A. K. Chadwick. Consulting Physicians J. O. Green, M. D., C. A. Savory, M. D. Attending Physicians J. H. Oilman, M. D., Franklin Nickerson, M. D. Washburn Free Dispensary. 98 Front Street, Worcester. Incorporated April 20, 1871, in accordance with provis- ions in the will of Ichabod Washburn. A sum of money, the present value of which exceeds $150,000, was left to trustees in the city of Worcester by the late Ichabod Washburn in 1869, with directions that,, at the end of five years from his death, it should be ex- pended in the foundation and maintenance of a hospital and dispensary in memory of his deceased daughters. As the Washburn fund could not at once be made avail- able, it was thought advisable to organize the dispensary at an earlier date. Negotiations have since been entered into by which it is hoped that the Washburn legacy may be combined with that given to the city by the late George Jaques. OFFICEKS. President P. L. Moen. Treasurer J. D. Washburn. Secretary Stephen Salisbury, Jr. Superintendent Albert Wood, M. D. Physicians Leonard Wheeler, M. D., G. J. Bull, M. D., L. S. Dixon, M. D. 204 HOSPITALS AND DISPENSARIES. Boston Diet Kitchen. 17 Wall Street, Boston. Organized in December, 1874, for the relief of the sick poor at the North and West End. Plain, nourishing food is given on the orders of the dispensary and other physi- cians, and in no other way. It is a diet kitchen, and is intended only for the relief of the sick. The following is a list of articles given : beef tea, mut- ton broth or beef soup, oatmeal gruel or pea flour gruel, puddings of rice, farina, oatmeal, or hominy, milk, coffee, or cocoa, raw egg beaten with milk, fresh meat. Further information may be obtained on application at No. 17 Wall Street. South End Diet Kitchen. 19 Bennet Street, Boston. Organized in November, 1875, at the south part of the city, to provide simple food for the sick. All precautions are used against imposition, the certificate of the attend- ing physician being required to the fact that such food is needed by the patient, and cannot otherwise be procured. The list of articles furnished is the same as that given above. Open from 10 to 12. OFFICERS. President Mrs. Osborn Howes. Treasurer and Secretary Miss E. K. Wales. Managers Mrs. Fred. Cunningham, Mrs. W. W. Churchill, Mrs. H. O. Briggs, Mrs. E. B. Taylor, Mrs. W. Allen, Mrs. J. Taylor, Mrs. W. T. Eustis, Miss Shumway. Maine General Hospital. Congress Street, Portland. The Hospital owes its existence to the concerted action of the physicians of the State Medical Society, who in 1867 MAINE. 205 appointed a committee, of which Dr. John T. Gilman was chairman, to memorialize the Legislature for an act of in- corporation for a State General Hospital, to be located in Portland, and for an appropriation sufficient to secure its foundation. The bill incorporating the Hospital was passed in February, 1868, and by a subsequent enactment in 1870, the State ceded to the Corporation, on certain conditions, the lot of land, the site of the State Arsenal on Bramhall's Hill, for the desired purpose. By a grant from the city of Portland the Corporation enlarged its limits, the prop- erty now embracing more than seven acres, bounded on three sides bystreets, and with a frontage on Congress and Arsenal streets of more than five hundred feet. The Hos- pital is situated 145 feet above the level of the sea, and commands an extended view in all directions. The complete plan contemplates the erection of four pavilions, giving the Hospital at that time a capacity of 200 beds. At present it consists of a centre adminis- trative building and a pavilion ward, three stories high, 145 feet in length, with the necessary kitchen and boiler- house. It was dedicated October 22, 1874, and the first patient was received November 9. Application for the admission of patients must be made to the resident physician at the Hospital between the hours of 9 and 11 on any day of the week, except Sunday. Persons accidentally wounded are received at any hour. The price of board for paying patients varies from seven to twenty-five dollars per week, according to the accommo- dation furnished. Visitors are admitted to see patients be- tween 2 and 3 on any week day. The annual meeting of the Corporation is held on the first Tuesday of October. The Board of Directors holds a quarterly meeting at the Hospital on the Friday preced- ing the first Monday of January. April, July, and October. 206 HOSPITALS AND DISPENSARIES. OFFICERS. President J. B. Brown. President Board of Directors J. T. Gilman, M. D. Treasurer J. T. McCobb. Secretary F. H. Gerrish, M. D. Consulting Physicians and Surgeons Drs. J. T. Oilman, William Wood, H. H. Hill, C. E. Swan, A. J. Fuller, Alonzo Garcelon, Alfred Mitchell. Resident Physician and Superintendent C. 0. Hunt, M. D. Visiting Physicians Drs. I. T. Dana, H. N. Small, A. S. Thayer. Visiting Surgeons Drs. W.W. Greene, S. H. Weeks, S. C. Gordon. Pathologist F. H. Gerrish, M. D. House Pupils A. E. Andrews, M. D., E. D. Hill, M. D., J. L. M. Willis, M. D., C. E. Williams. Greely Hospital. Portland. Under the charge of the Overseers of the Poor of the City. Forty beds. Physician C. A. Ring, M. D. Maine Insane Hospital. Augusta. Founded in 1840. The asylum accommodates about 400 inmates. OFFICERS. Superintendent H. M. Harlow, M. D. Assistant Superintendent B. T. Sanborn, M. D. Assistant Physician E. C. Neal, M. D. Portland Dispensary. City Hall, Portland. Incorporated in 1854. Since the year 1854, 10,900 patients have been treated. Open every day, except Sun- day, from 3 to 4 P. M. NEW HAMPSHIRE VERMONT. 207 OFFICERS. President T. C. Hersey. Treasurer C. E. Webster, M. D. Secretary C. A. Ring, M. D. Consulting Physicians N. A. Hersom, M. D., C. E. Webster, M. D. Attending Physicians C. W. Bray, M. D., G. H. Cummings, M. D., E. E. Holt, M. D. Ophthalmic and Aural Surgeon J. A. Spalding, M. D. New Hampshire Asylum for the Insane. Concord. Founded in 1838, and opened for reception of patients in 1842. At the close of the year ending March 31, 1879, 268 inmates remained in the hospital. Patients are admitted by making application to the Su- perintendent, who will give full information as to terms, conditions, etc., and will furnish the necessary papers. The average annual cost is about five dollars a week. OFFICERS. Superintendent J. P. Bancroft, M. D. First Assistant Physician B. R. Benner, M. D., Second Assistant Physician C. P. Bancroft, M. D. Rockingham County Insane Asylum. Accommodations for 65 patients. Superintendent H. B. Burnham, M. D. Assistant F. W. Spaulding, M. D. The Mary Fletcher Hospital. Colchester Avenue, Burlington, Vt. Incorporated in 1876, and opened Jamuary 22, 1879. The Hospital owes its origin to Miss Mary Fletcher, of Burlington, who gave the sum of $185,000 for its erection. 208 HOSPITALS AND DISPENSARIES. OFFICERS. Physician-in-Chief Walter Carpenter, M. D. Surgeon-in- Chief J. L. Little, M. D. Consulting Physicians A. F. A. King, M. D., O. F. Fassett, M. D., A. T. Woodward, M. D. Consulting Surgeons S. W. Thayer, M. D., H. D. Holton, M. D., Samuel Allen, M. D. Attending Physicians A. P. Grihnell, M. D., J. H. Richardson, M. D. Attending Surgeons J. O. Cramton, M. D., L. M. Bingham, M. D. Vermont Asylum for the Insane. Brattleboro'. Established in 1834, by a bequest from Mrs. Annie Marsh, of Hinsdale. For the year ending July 31, 1878, 693 patients had been treated. The Asylum has accommo- dation for 410 patients. Average weekly cost, $3.81. OFFICERS. Superintendent and Physician Joseph Draper, M. D. First Assistant Physician J. M. Clarke, M. D. Second Assistant Physician O. W. Phelps, M. D. Rhode Island Hospital. Providence. In October, 1851, the Providence Medical Association appointed a committee to consider the necessity of organ- izing a hospital for the State and to report a mode in which it might be most effectually brought to the consider- ation of the public. This was done at the instance of Dr. Usher Parsons. In the following year the society again addressed a petition to the City Council of Providence, asking the gift of a certain lot of land for the use of the Hospital. Neither of these plans, however, succeeded. In the spring of 1863, Messrs. R. H. Ives, and his son Thomas P. Ives, trustees of the estate of Moses B. Ives, of Providence, invited the physicians of Providence to apply RHODE ISLAND. 209 for an act of incorporation for a hospital, and it was granted in March of that year. The sum of $40,000 was given by the trustees, and additional sums of $25,000 and $10,000 by themselves respectively. Mr. R. H. Ives, at later pe- riods still, further added to his donations to the Hospital, the aggregate of his gifts amounting at his death to over $61,000. The land, which had been used for hospital purposes for three quarters of a century by the people of Providence, was given by the city. The hospital was opened October 1, 1868. An admin- istrative building in the centre and two pavilions, all of brick, have, thus far, been constructed, with accommodation for 125 patients. Application for admission must be made by the patients in person, if possible. A limited number of free beds have been already endowed. Visitors are admitted to visit patients on each day of the week from 1 to 2. Physicians, and students of medicine of one year's stand- ing, are allowed to attend the clinics of the physicians and surgeons. OFFICERS. President G. I. Chace. Treasurer R. C. Taft. Secretary S. R. Dorrance. Consulting Physicians and Surgeons. Ariel Ballou, M. D., Otis Bullock, M. D., J. H. Eldridge, M. D., David King, M. D., E. M. Snow, M. D., H. E. Turner, M. D., A. C. Whitman, M. D., C. W. Fabyan, M. D., Lloyd Morton, M. D., J. W.JC. Ely, M. D., Sylvanus Clapp, M. D., C. W. Parsons, M. D., S. S. Keene, M. D., G. P. Baker, M. D. Visiting Physicians J. W. Mitchell, M. D. (Oct.-Dec.), E. M. Harris, M. D. (January-March), A. E. Ham, M. D. (April-June), O. C. Wiggin, M. D. (July-Sept.), J. W. Mitchell, M. D. (Oct.- Dec.). Visiting Surgeons G. W. Can, M. D. (Oct.-Dec.), E. T. Cas- 14 210 HOSPITALS AND DISPENSARIES. well, M. D. (January - March,) E. Millar, M. D. (April-June), Charles O'Leary, M. D. (July-Sept.), G. W. Carr, M. D. (Oct.-Dec.j. Admitting Physician W. T. Thurston, M. D. Surgeon to Department of the Eye and Ear H. G. Miller, M. D. Pathologist and Librarian Eugene Kingman, M. D. Physicians to Out-patients W. H. Traver, M. D., V. O. Harden, M. D., S. H. Mann, M. D., E. F. Noyes, M. D. Surgeons to Out-patients J. R. Morgan, M. D., F. C. Clark, M. D., G. W. Porter, M. D., G. D. Hersey, M. D. Surgical Interne W. E. White, M. D. Medical Interne G. L. Collins, Jr. Medical Externe F. L. Forsyth, M. D. Surgical Externe E. P. King. Superintendent W. T. Thurston, M. D. Butler Hospital for the Insane. Butler Avenue and North Street, Providence. The Butler Hospital for the Insane had its origin in a bequest of the late Hon. Nicholas Brown, of Providence, R. L, who died in September, 1841. Mr. Brown directed in his will that the sum of thirty thousand dollars be ap- propriated to the purpose of aiding in the establishment of a hospital for the insane, " where that unhappy class of our fellow-beings who are, by the visitation of Providence, deprived of their reason, may find a safe retreat, and be provided with whatever may be most conducive to their comfort and their restoration to a sound mind." In 1844, Cyrus Butler, Esq., a venerable merchant of Providence, whose mind had long been impressed with the great de- sirableness of such an institution, offered to add to the be- quest of Mr. Brown the sum of forty thousand dollars, on condition that an equal sum should be raised by subscrip- tion. The condition was speedily fulfilled by the contribu- tions of benevolent persons throughout the community. A charter of incorporation having already been obtained from the General Assembly, the first meeting of the Corporation was held March 20, 1844, and the hospital building was completed and opened for the reception of patients De- RHODE ISLAND. 211 cember 1, 1847. Since that time several important ad- ditions have been made. The " Ray Hall " was completed in the year 1866. It was the joint gift to the Hospital of Alexander Duncan and Robert H. Ives, and was named in honor of Dr. Isaac Ray, the Superintendent of the Hospital from its commencement to January, 1867. The Ray Hall contains a museum, a reading room, billiard room, and bowling alleys for the use of patients. Within a few years a large addition has been made to the east wing of the Hospital. It contains rooms for thirty patients, and many special arrangements suggested by experience, and is in- tended to furnish the best attainable conditions for the treatment of insanity in its active and curable stage. The Hospital was enabled to erect this addition by the liberality of Alexander Duncan, Esq., who gave towards defraying its cost the generous sum of $30,000. It was named in honor of David Duncan, for nine years a trustee, and liberal friend of the Hospital. The whole number of patients who have been admitted for treatment to July 1, 1879, is 2,453. The number of patients usually present in the Hospital is about 160. OFFICERS. President A. C. Barstow. Vice-President W. B. Duncan. Treasurer M. B. I. Goddard. Secretary C. M. Smith. Board of Consultation J. W. C. Ely, M. D., Sylvanus Clapp, M. D. Superintendent and Physician John W. Sawyer, M. D. Assistant Physician Henry J. Brickett, M. D. Providence Dispensary. Incorporated in 1829. Free medical attendance and medicines are furnished to the poor, who are visited at their own homes or receive treatment at the offices of the physicians. 212 HOSPITALS AND DISPENSARIES. Chairman of Managers C. W. Parsons, M. D. _ Treasurer J. W. Vernon. Secretary J. H. De Wolf. Attending Physicians W. H. Palmer, M. D., E. M. Harris, M. D., V. O. Harden, M. D., William Morgan, M. D. New Haven Hospital. New Haven. This institution was organized in 1827, and is under the charge of the General Hospital Society of Connecticut. During the year 1878, 394 patients were under treatment. Both free and pay patients are received. Applications for admission are made to the Superintendent of the Hospital. Accommodations for 200 patients. The annual meeting of the General Hospital Society is held at the Hospital on the third Thursday in April of each year, and the annual meeting of the Directors on the suc- ceeding day, and stated meetings on the third Friday of January, July, and October. In May, 1876, Dr. P. A. Jewett, then President of the State Society, delivered an address on the Semi-Centennial History of the General Hospital Society, with a history of Hartford Hospital, which has been published in pamphlet form. OFFICERS. President E. H. Bishop. Vice-President J. E. English. Treasurer L. S. Hotchkiss. Secretary F. L. Dibble. Attending Physicians M. C. White, M. D., T. H. Bishop, M. D., W. L. Bradley, M. D., H. S. Bronson, M. D., L. M. Gilbert, M. D., S. H. Chapman, M. D. Attending Senior Surgeons Francis Bacon, M. D., W. H. Carmalt, M. D. Attending Junior Surgeons W. H. Hotchkiss, M. D., T. H. Russell, M. D. CONNECTICUT. 213 Consulting Physicians and Surgeons Levi Ives, M. D., D. L. Dag- gett, M. D., C. A. Lindsley, M. D., F. L. Dibble, M. D., E. H. Bishop, M. D., T. B. Townsend, M. D., D. P. Smith, M. D., R. S. Ives, M. D., P. A. Jewett M. D., G. B. Farnam, M. D., L. J. Sanford, M. D., Walter Judson, M. D. Pathologist M.. C. White, M. D. Apothecary Miss Fanny Comstock. Resident Physicians J. P. Henriques, M. D., H. A. Oaks, M. D. Hartford Hospital. Hartford. Incorporated in May, 1854. In 1857 the corner-stone of the Hospital was laid, and it was inaugurated in 1859. When the original plan is completed there will be ac- commodations for 200 patients. Patients are admitted on orders from the Executive Committee. The ordinary charge per week is six dollars for the beds in the wards, and fifteen dollars per week for patients in private rooms. OFFICERS. President C. H. Northam. Vice-President Edson Fessenden. Treasurer and Secretary F. A. Brown. Superintendent Leander Hall. Consulting Physicians and Surgeons Drs. G. W. Russell, G. B Hawley, E. K. Hunt, A. W. Barrows. Visiting Physicians and Surgeons Drs. P. M. Hastings, J. C. Jack- son, G. C. Jarvis, W. A. M. Wainwright, G. F. Hawley, H. S. Fuller. Ophthalmic and Aural Surgeon W. T. Bacon, M. D. Resident Phijsician G. W. Finch, M. D. Assistant Resident Physician E. P. H. Griswold, M. D. Physicians and Surgeons to Out-patients Drs. C. W. Chamberlain, J. C. Campbell, G. P. Davis, Eli Warner, H. G. Howe, J. A. Coogan. Retreat for the Insane. Hartford. No patient is admitted for a shorter time than three months. Application for admission should be made to the Superintendent, who will supply the necessary papers. 214 HOSPITALS AND DISPENSARIES. OFFICERS. President W. R. Cone. Vice-President Calvin Day. Treasurer Thomas Sisson. Secretary J. B. Bunce. Physician and Superintendent H. P. Stearns, M. D. Assistant Physician C. W. Page, M, D. Junior Assistant Physician G. B. Packard, M. D. Connecticut Hospital for the Insane, Middletown. Incorporated in 1865, and organized in 1868. Patients are received under the lunacy laws of Connecticut, and forms of application for admission are supplied by the Superintendent. During the year ending November 30, 1878, 481 patients were under treatment. The price of board is $3.75. A history and description of the Hospital from its or- ganization is published in connection with the tenth annual report, 1876. OFFICERS. Superintendent and Physician A. M. Shew, M. D. First Assistant Physician James Olmstead, M. D. Second Assistant Physician W. E. Fisher, M. D. Third Assistant Physician C. E. Stanley, M. D. Pathologist E. C. Seguin, M. D. Cromwell Hall. Cromwell, Conn. An institution for insane of the private class. Is situ- ated two miles north of Middletowii. Superintendent W. B. Hallock, M. D. Spring Hill Home for Nervous Invalids. Litchfield, Conn. Established in 1858. Physician H. W. Buel, M. D. CONNECTICUT. 215 New Haven Dispensary. 64 Crown Street. Incorporated in 1872. Open daily from 8 to 10, Sun- days and holidays excepted. OFFICERS. President J. E. English. Vice-President C. A. Lindsley, M. D. Treasurer W. T. Bartlett. Secretary S. H. Bronson, M. D. Consulting Physicians Drs. Francis Bacon, D. P. Smith, L. J. Sanford, L. S. Wilcox, W. H. Carmalt. Attending Physicians Drs. S. H. Bronson, S. H. Chapman, W. H. Hotchkiss, J. P. C. Foster, T. H. Kussell, Henry Fleischner, C. P. Lindsley. BENEVOLENT AND CHARITABLE AS- SOCIATIONS AND ASYLUMS. BENEVOLENT AND CHARITABLE ASSOCIA- TIONS AND ASYLUMS. 1 Perkins Institution and Massachusetts Asylum for the Blind. 553 East Broadway, South Boston. FOUNDED in 1828. Young blind persons, of good moral character, can be admitted to the institution by pay- ing $300 per annum. This sum covers all expenses, ex- cept for clothing ; namely, board, washing, medicines, in- struction, the use of books, musical instruments, etc. The pupils must furnish their own clothing, and pay their own fares to and from the institution. The friends of the pupils can visit them whenever they choose. Indigent blind persons, of suitable age and character, belonging to Massachusetts, can be admitted gratuitously by application to the Governor for a warrant. The form employed will be furnished and all inquiries will be an- swered by the Superintendent at the institution. The number of inmates September 30, 1878, was 158.- Annual meeting of the Corporation in October. Visit- ors are admitted on Thursday. i More extended information than is contained in this book concerning the private charities of Massachusetts may be found in the tenth report of the Board of State Charities. 220 BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATIONS, ETC. OFFICERS. President Samuel Eliot. Vice-President John Cummings. Treasurer Henry Endicott. Director and Secretary Michael Anagnos. Medical Inspector John Homans, M. D. Boston Asylum and Farm School for Indigent Boys. Thompson's Island, Boston Harbor. The institution bearing this name was incorporated in 1835, and was formed by the union of two earlier organ- izations, the Boston Asylum for Indigent Boys and the Proprietors of the Boston Farm School. The first origi- nated in 1813, and the second in 1832. Its object is to provide a good home for those boys who have lost one or both parents, and have no homes of their own. The boys are either received with the understanding that their board is to be paid, in which case they can be taken away at any time, or they are given up to the Farm School, and remain until such time as the Directors see fit to apprentice them where they can learn to support themselves. The usual number of boys is 100. The annual meeting is held the second Tuesday in Jan- uary. The Committee on Admissions meets the first Tuesday in every month at 9 Doane Street, at 10 o'clock. OFFICERS. President J. Ingersoll Bowditch. Treasurer C. P. Bowditch. Secretary G. L. Deblois. Superintendent W. A. Morse. Temporary Home for the Destitute. 1 Pine Place, Boston. This institution is sustained by an organization formed in February, 1847, and due to the efforts of John Augustus, MASSACHUSETTS. 221 a poor shoemaker, and Eliza Garnaut, two benevolent citi- zens of Boston. It was incorporated in February, 1852, for the temporary reception of persons, over nine months of age, with the purpose of securing them permanent homes. Lately a few infants have been received. Relief is gratuitous. No prescribed time or conditions of admission. Since the opening of the home 5,000 persons have been cared for. The house will accommodate about 30. The annual meeting is held in December. OFFICERS. President John Ayres. Vice-President M. W. Weld. Treasurer J. D. Williams. Clerk S. P. Blake, Jr. Massachusetts School for Idiotic and Feeble - Minded Youth. 723 East Eighth Street, South Boston. Organized in 1848, as the result of the enthusiasm and energy of the late Dr. S. G. Howe, for the instruction and training of all grades of idiotic and feeble-minded children, distinctly as a school and not as a merely custodial insti- tution. Children of indigent parents in Massachusetts can secure gratuitous admission by application to the Governor. The number of state beneficiaries is fixed at 55. For others a small charge is made, proportionate to the means of the parents, and the trouble and cost of treating them. Residents of other New England States may avail them- selves of the school, as state beneficiaries, upon the nomi- nation of their Governors. Forms of application and in- formation will be furnished by the Assistant Superintendent, Dr. G. G. Tarbell, 105 Boylston Street, or at the school. The average number of inmates during the last year was 90. The annual meeting of the Corporation is held in Octo- ber. 222 BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATIONS, ETC. OFFICERS. President Samuel Eliot. Vice President Edward Jarvis, M. D. Treasurer F. W. G. May. Secretary W. B. Storer. Superintendent Edward Jarvis, M. D. Assistant Superintendent G. G. Tarbell, M. D. Children's Mission to the Children of the Destitute. 277 Tremont Street, Boston. Organized in March, 1849, and incorporated April, 1864, to foster in the minds of the young a spirit of Christian sympathy and active benevolence, and to adopt such meas- ures as shall rescue from vice and degradation the morally exposed children of the city. Destitute children, of either sex, between five and thirteen years of age, are received for adoption, or for temporary residence in worthy families. Persons in want of such children are invited to call and see them. A list of children, under five years of age, who are in readiness for adoption, is kept at the mission. The business of the society is conducted at the home on Tre- mont Street, from 8 A. M. to 5 p. M., from April to Octo- ber, and from 9 A. M. to 4 p., M. from October to April. The annual meeting of the Corporation is held on the first Wednesday in May. OFFICERS. President H. P. Kidder. Treasurer Henry Pickering. Secretary S. B. Cruft. Physician J. F. Bush, M. D. Home for Aged Women. 108 Revere Street, Boston. Incorporated in April, 1849, and organized in October following, for the purpose of providing for the support of aged indigent females not otherwise cared for. MASSACHUSETTS. 223 American-born women not less than sixty years of age, who have resided in Boston during the ten years preceding their application for admission, may be received by vote of the Board of Managers. The sum of $150 is required to be paid in each case, before admission, and the surrender of property to the Home. The Home contains accommodations for 100 inmates ; and rooms for 20 more can be constructed, if needed. The annual meeting of the Association is held on the second Thursday in January. A quarterly meeting of the Board of Managers is held on the third Thursday of Jan- uary, April, July, and October. Visitors are admitted on Wednesday from 2 to 5 p. M. OFFICERS. President Henry B. Rogers. Treasurer H. G. Denny. Secretary Henry Emmons. Consulting Physician Robert Willard, M. D. Attending Physician W. H. H. Hastings, M. D. Home for Aged Colored "Women. 27 Myrtle Street, Boston. Organized in 1860, at the suggestion of Mrs. R. P. Clarke, and incorporated in 1864, for aged colored women of good character, who are unable to take care of them- selves. If able, or if they have friends able to assist them, the beneficiaries are obliged to pay a small amount toward their maintenance. Application for admission may be made at the Home at any time. The Home has accom- modation for 20 inmates. Annual meeting on the second Wednesday in January. OFFICERS. President John Parkman. Treasurer L. W. Tappan, Jr. Clerk Miss Mary G. Curtis. Physician D. H. Hayden, M. D. 224 BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATIONS, ETC. Home for Aged Men. 133 West Springfield Street, Boston. Incorporated 1860. Respectable indigent men, born in the United States of America, who are at least fifty -five years of age, and have resided in Boston during the ten years next preceding their application for relief, may be placed on the list of beneficiaries, by vote of the Directors. They may be received into the Home, and be supported therein by relatives or friends, in whole or in part, or at the sole expense of the Corporation, as the circumstances or necessities of the case may seem to require. The Direc- tors may also, if they deem it expedient, aid any of them in their own homes. As a general rule, those received, who are to be supported entirely by the Corporation, will be required to pay $150 entrance money. On the 1st of January, 1879, the Home gave assistance to 35 beneficia- ries within and 30 outside the Home. Applications for admission to the Home, or for aid outside, must be made by the applicant, in person, if possible, on Friday, at 4 p. M. Visitors are admitted only on Wednesday and Saturday, from 9 to 11 A. M. and 3 to 5 p. M. The annual meeting of the Corporation is held on the second Monday in January. OFFICERS. President P. C. Brooks. Treasurer "James Longley. Clerk D. H. Coolidge. Physician C. D. Homans, M. D. Boston Provident Association. Bureau of Charity, Hawkins and Chardon Streets, Boston. Organized in 1851, and incorporated in 1854, for the systematic distribution of charity among the worthy poor. MASSACHUSETTS. 225 The city is divided into twelve district", which are sub- divided into 194 sections: for each section a visitor is ap- pointed, whose duty it is to attend every applicant for relief within its limits. Assistance is given in food, fuel, and clothing. From seven to eight thousand persons are relieved by the association each year, two thirds of them being foreigners. The Directory of the Association, with the names of visitors for the various portions of the city proper, will be furnished on application at the office. It is the intention of the association to meet every real want of the destitute and deserving poor which is made known to them. To carry out more fully and satisfactorily a true system of charity, the Directors urge the public to refrain from giving aid in any way to applicants in the street or at the doors. Office hours at the Bureau from 9 A. M. till 2 p. M., and from 3 to 5 P. M. ; in summer from 9 A. M. to 1 p. M. only. Annual meeting of the Association on the third "Wednes- day in May. OFFICERS. President Robert C. Winthrop. Treasurer Edward Jackson. Secretary William Hedge. General Agent Edward Frothirigham. Assistant Miss E. S. Nesbitt. Boston North End Mission. 201 North Street, Boston. Established in 1865, and incorporated in 1870, for the purpose of promoting the spiritual welfare and improving the social and moral condition of the vicious and degraded o portion of the community, by furnishing them counsel and assistance, as well as the comforts of a home. The mission is located in the midst of one of the most densely populated and most degraded portions of the city. Its doors are open 15 226 BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATIONS, ETC. throughout the day and evening, to alleviate want and dis- tress, to shelter the outcast, and to guide the erring. A reading-room, chapel, restaurant, industrial school, and work rooms are offered freely to every one who wishes to enjoy them. In 1872 the estate at Mount Hope, comprising about five acres, was purchased, and here is carried on a variety of employments, such as sewing of all kinds (by machine and by hand), laundry work, gardening, and, as far as practicable, floriculture. Domestic service in its several branches is also taught. President Silas Peirce, Jr. Vice-President C. W. Scudder. Treasurer J. H. Farrar. Secretary H. W. Chaplin. Bureau of Charity. Hawkins and Chardon Streets, Boston. The Bureau of Charity was organized and placed under the care of the Board of Overseers of the Poor, in order more fully to systematize the administration of certain pub- lic institutions, and to prevent imposture in the bestowal of charities. The Board of Overseers of the Poor was organ- ized in 1691, and, since that time, have administered the official charities, and have acted as trustees for the care of trust funds for the benefit of the poor. They meet on the first Wednesday of every month, at their office in the Charity Building. 1 OFFICERS. Chairman T. C. Amory. Treasurer F. W. Lincoln. Secretary Benjamin Pettee. Physicians Drs. C. W. Stevens, Charlestown ; E. T. Williams, Eoxbury ; George Faulkner, West Koxbury ; H. E. Marion, Brighton. MASSACHUSETTS. 227 The Charity Buildiiig is open, statedly, from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. In addition to the Overseers of the Poor and the City Physician, the following societies have rooms in the build- ing : BOSTON PROVIDENT ASSOCIATION. INDUSTRIAL AID SOCIETY. MASSACHUSETTS SOLDIERS' FUND. BOSTON SEWING CIRCLE. LADIES' RELIEF AGENCY. ASSOCIATED CHARITIES. GERMAN EMIGRANT AID SOCIETY. BOSTON POLICE BELIEF ASSOCIATION. COOPERATIVE VISITING SOCIETY. City Temporary Home. Bureau of Chanty, Chardon Street, Boston. The Temporary Home, under the charge of the Over- seers of the Poor, is designed to furnish provision for found- lings and persons in a destitute condition. Only women and children can be lodged there ; but meals are given to deserving persons, on application to the Overseers or Ma- tron. Church Home for Orphan and Destitute Children. Broadway, corner of N Street, South Boston. Founded in 1855 and incorporated in 1858 for the care of destitute children of all nationalities. Boys admitted from four to six years of age, and retained until ten ; girls received under eight years of age. Children of both sexes will be taken entire charge of, and provided with good homes when they arrive at a suitable age ; or will be re- ceived for one, two, or three years, to be returned to their parents at the end of that time. Children also admitted for shorter time, on payment of board. The institution receives 100 inmates. Application for admission must be made to Mrs. S. Eliot, 44 Brimmer Street, Mrs. F. Cun- 228 BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATIONS, ETC. ningham, 4 Chestnut Street, or Mrs. C. A. Welch, Jr., 47 M Street. Visitors admitted on Wednesday, between 2 and 5 P. M. ; parents and friends of the children on the last Wednesday of each mouth, between 2 and 5. The annual meeting of the Corporation is in November. President B. H. Paddock. Treasurer G. H. Richards. Secretary Mrs. R. F. Bond. Physicians J. R. Draper, M. D., Hugh Doherty, M. D. Roxbury Charitable Society. Roxbury, Boston. Organized in 1794, and incorporated in 1799, for the relief of the poor and the prevention of pauperism in Rox- bury. Relief, to a limited amount, is given in money, but the usual form is that of clothing, provisions, etc. An agent is employed by the society to receive applications for aid and to dispense relief. Between 300 and 400 persons are annually relieved. The Roxbury Dispensary, founded in 1847, has been merged in this society, and its separate organization abandoned. The agent of both charities is the same. His office is in Cox Building, corner of Dudley and Bartlett streets. OFFICERS. President J. F. Osgood. Treasurer Gorham Rogers. Secretary C. K. Dillaway. Agent L. H. Briggs. Physician E. T. Williams, M. D. Roxbury Home for Children and Aged Women. Copeland Street, Roxbury, Boston. Organized in 1856, to provide a home for orphan or half-orphan children, and for old women of small means, MA SSA CHUSETTS. 229 having no near kindred to care personally for them. Two dollars a week are charged for the board of children, and four dollars for women. The number of inmates is from sixteen to twenty, the proportions of women and children varying. The officers are chosen annually in April. OFFICERS. President John Rogers. Treasurer Adams Ayer. Secretary Sarah Bunker. Physician J. H. Streeter, M. D. Infant School and Children's Home. 36 Austin Street, Charlestown, Boston. Organized as the Charlestown Infant School Association in 1833, and reorganized in 1869 under its present title, as an institution for the protection and care of destitute children. Those living or born in Charlestown are pre- ferred. It can at present accommodate about 25 inmates. The institution is supported by voluntary subscriptions. OFFICERS. President Mrs. Gustavus V. Hall. Vice-President Mrs. Richard Frothingham. Treasurer Mrs. Darius Crosby. Secretary Miss Mary D. Balfour. Physician L. M. Willis, M. D. Winchester Home for Aged Women. 12 Eden Street, Charlestown, Boston. This institution, founded in October, 1865, is intended as a home for American-born women, over sixty years of age, who have resided in Charlestown for at least ten years, and are in destitute circumstances. Applicants for admission as inmates are received on probation for three months, after which residence is continued or terminated 230 BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATIONS, ETC. at the discretion of the Board of Managers. As a general rule, the sum of one hundred dollars is paid, and the fur- niture of a room furnished, for each inmate on entrance. Persons are occasionally admitted as boarders, but not to the exclusion of those entirely dependent. The building now occupied by the Home accommodates about 30 inmates. The annual meeting is held on the second Thursday of January. The Board of Managers hold meetings on the third Thursday of January, April, July, and October. OFFICERS. President Liverus Hull. Treasurer John Turner. Secretary A. E. Cutter. Avon Place Home. Cambridge. On the 30th of May, 1874, the home was established through the benevolence of James Huntington, of Cam- bridge, who at that time was able to carry into effect a long-cherished plan by which the comforts of a home could be furnished to destitute children. The trustees of the Home received from Mr. Huntington a deed of the house on Avon Place, valued, with the furniture, at about $10,000. It was incorporated in November, 1874. Application for the admission of children may be made to Mrs. R. B. Storer, Garden Street, or Mrs. Dr. Thayer, 80 North Avenue. The annual meeting of the Corporation is held on the last Saturday in May. OFFICERS. President Mrs. H. W. Paine. Treasurer Miss M. A. Ellis. Secretary Mrs. John Bartlett. Physicians Drs. J. L. Hildreth, J. T. G. Nichols, C. E. Vaughan, H. P. Walcott. MASSACHUSETTS. 231 Massachusetts Infant Asylum, Near Boylston Station, Jamaica Plain. The institution was incorporated May 15, 1867, for the purpose of assisting and providing for deserted and desti- tute infant children. During the last week in November, 1875, the Asylum was removed from its old quarters in Brookline to new buildings of its own on Chestnut Avenue, Jamaica Plain, near the Boylston Station on the Provi- dence Railroad. The structure consists of two wings, of two stories each, connected by a corridor of one story. The classes of children, for whom support is provided, are foundlings, whose parentage is unknown ; infants deserted by their known parents, or left orphans at a tender age ; the infant children of women unable to support them en- tirely, who can pay a part of their cost or can take some part in the care of them. These classes are received in the order of their necessities. As many mothers are re- tained as wet nurses as the necessities of the institution demand. Infants are also sent to good nurses outside the Asylum, either by procuring their adoption or by paying their board. In carrying out their object, the directors endeavor, at all times, to keep in mind the true relations between parents, when living, and their children, and ob- tain the support of the child from its parents or kindred, whenever it can be done. The annual meeting of the Corporation is held on the second Tuesday in April. The Directors meet on the first Tuesday of each month. Application for the admission of infants must be made to the Secretary of the Committee on Admissions, Miss A. P. Gary, 64 Beacon Street, Boston, on Tuesdays from 9 to 10 A. M., or by letter at any time ; or to Dr. C. P. Putnam, 63 Marlboro Street, at 1 daily. No child, born out of the State, is received except under the provisions of the law ; nor is any child taken if over nine months of age. 232 BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATIONS, ETC. All children are submitted to medical examination before admission. Application for children for adoption may be made to the matron at the asylum, or to a member of the Adop- tion Committee. Visitors will be admitted on any day except Sunday, be- tween 1 and 5. The maximum number of children under the care of the Asylum at any one time is 100, of whom about two thirds are boarded out in families. OFFICERS. President Samuel Cabot, M. D., Boston. Treasurer E. S- Philbrick, Brookline. Secretary L. W. Tappan, Jr., Boston. Consulting Physicians Samuel Cabot, M. D., M. E. Zakrewska, M. D. Attending Physicians Lucy E. Sewall, M. D., C. P. Putnam, M. D. Assistant Physicians Emma L. Call, M. D., G. K. Sabine, M. D. American Asylum for the Education and Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb. Hartford, Conn. Organized in 1817. The Asylum provides board and tuition at an annual expense of $175 for each pupil. Per- sons applying for admission must be between the ages of eight and twenty-five, of good natural intellect, capable of forming and joining letters with a pen legibly and cor- rectly, free from any immoralities of conduct and from any contagious disease. Application for the benefit of the legislative appropriations in the States of Maine and New Hampshire should be made to the secretaries of the States respectively ; in Massachusetts, to the Secretary of the Board of Education ; and in Vermont, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, to the governors of those States respectively. The time for admitting pupils is the second Wednesday in September, and at no other time in the year. MASSACHUSETTS. 233 OFFICERS. President Calvin Day. Treasurer Roland Mather. Secretary J. C. Parsons. Physician G. W. A very, M. D. Other Institutions and Societies. The names of the following additional institutions and societies in Massachusetts are given for convenience of reference, where such is desired. A full account of the purposes, the plan of organization, and the method of ad- ministration of many will be found in the tenth and thirteenth reports of the Board of State Charities of Massa- chusetts. Boston. American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Beacon Street, Athenaeum Building. Secretary, J. C. Cooke, Jr. Boston. American Library Association, 32 Hawley Street. Secretary, Melvil Dewey. Boston. Associated Charities, Charity Building, Chardon Street. Secretary, Z. D. Smith. Boston. Association for the Protection of Destitute Roman Catholic Children, Harrison Avenue, corner Concord Street. Secretary, James Havey. Boston. Home for Little Wanderers, Baldwin Place. Secretary, Pliny Nickerson. Boston. Bethesda Society, 32 Rutland Street. Secretary, Mrs. G. W. Warren. Boston Children's Friend Society, 48 Rutland Street. Secretary, Mrs. G. B. Drake. Boston. City Missionary Society, 19 Congregational House, Somer- set Street. Treasurer, S. F. Wilkins. Boston. Devens Benevolent Society, Charlestown. Secretary, Mrs. G. W. Stevens. Boston Episcopal City Mission, 164 Tremont Street. Secretary, H. W. Nelson. Boston Fatherless and Widows' Society. Secretary, Miss C. L. Warren. Boston Female Orphan Asylum, 750 Washington Street. Secretary, Miss M. A. Wales. 234 BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATIONS, ETC. Boston Flower Mission, Hollis Street Chapel. Boston. German Emigrant Aid Society. Secretary, George J. Wal- ther. Boston. Home for Aged Poor, Dudley Street and Woodward Ave- nue, Roxbury. Boston. House of the Angel Guardian, 85 Vernon Street, Roxbury. Superior, Father Justinian. Boston. House of the Good Shepherd, Tremont Street, opposite Par- ker Hill Avenue. Superior, Sister Mary Aloysius. Boston. Howard Benevolent Society. Secretary, G. F. Bigelow, M. D. Boston Industrial Aid Society for the Prevention of Pauperism, Bu- reau of Charity, Chardon Street. Secretary, C. T. Canfield. Boston. Industrial School for Girls, Centre Street, Dorchester. Sec- retary, Miss M. L. Hall. Boston. Ladies' American Home Education Society, 14 Tyler Street. Secretary, Mrs. G. M. Dawson. Boston. Needle Women's Friend Society, 149 A Tremont Street. Secretary, Miss A. A. Draper. Boston. New England Hospital for Women and Children, Codman Avenue, Roxbury. Secretary, Mrs. E. D. Cheney. Boston. Penitent Female's Refuge, 32 Rutland Street. Secretary, S. G. Dehlois. Boston Port and Seaman's Aid Society, Mariner's Home, North Square. Secretary, J. T. Prince. Boston. Scots' Charitable Society. Secretary, A. T. Laughton. Boston. Scots' Temporary Home, 77 Camden Street. Boston Seaman's Friend Society. Secretary, Bradford Torrey. Boston. Shawmut Universalist Flower Mission. Shawmut Avenne Universalist Church. Boston Society of Natural History, Berkeley Street, corner of Boy Iston- Secretary, Edward Burgess. Boston. St. Vincent's Orphan Asylum, Camden Street, corner of Shawmut Avenue. Secretary, Hugh O'Brien. Boston. The Widows' Society. Secretary, Mrs. Augustus Lowell. Boston Young Men's Benevolent Society. Secretary, Joseph Healy. Boston Young Men's Christian Association, Eliot and Tremont streets. Secretary, A. W. Chamberlain. Boston Young Men's Christian Union, 18 Boylston Street. Secretary, F. S. Clark. Boston Young Women's Christian Association, 68 Warrenton Street. Secretary, Miss A. S. Hayes. MASSACHUSETTS. 235 Beverly. Fisher Charitable Society. Secretary, William Endicott. Cambridge, East, Female Charitable Society. Secretary, Mrs. J. R. Knight. Cambridge Female Humane Society. Secretary, Mrs. J. M. Bartlett. Cambridge Humane Society. Secretary, Samuel Longfellow. Chelsea. Ladies' Union Relief Society, 2 Granite Block. Secretary, Mrs. M. E. Pearson. Chelsea. Winnisimmett Benevolent Society. Secretary, Edward Chase. Dedham. Temporary Asylum for Discharged Female Prisoners. Secretary, Miss H. B. Chickering. Fall River. Children's Home. Secretary, Milton Read. Haverhill Female Benevolent Society. Secretary, Miss A. P.Rogers. Haverhill. Old Ladies' Home Association. Secretary, Miss A. M. Wheeler. Lancaster. Charitable Fund in the Town of. Clerk, G. W. Howe. Lawrence Irish Benevolent Society. Lowell. St. Joseph's Charitable Society. Lynn Female Fragment Society. Secretary, Miss C. M. Burrill. Lynn. Hibernian Benevolent Association, Market and Tremont streets. Secretary, M. A. Donnovan. Lynn Widow and Orphan Society. Secretary, Miss H. N. Lamphier- Marblehead. Charitable Society. Marblehead Female Humane Society. Secretary, Mrs. E. C. Gregory. Marblehead. Hibernian Friendly Society, Barnard and Prospect streets. Secretary, John Cuddihy. Massachusetts Historical Society, 30 Tremont Street Secretary, George Dexter. Massachusetts Society for Aiding Discharged Convicts, 35 Avon Street. Secretary, S. A. Wilbur. Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 96 Tremont Street. Secretary, A. Firth. Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, 6 Pemberton Square. Agent, John Dixwell, M. D. Massachusetts Soldiers' Fund, Charity Bureau, Chardon Street, Bos- ton. Secretary, M. C. Greene, M. D. Nantucket. Ladies' Howard Society. Secretary, Mrs. Harriet Peirce. New Bedford. Association for the Relief of Aged Women. Secre- tary, Mrs. E. W. Howland. New Bedford. Dorcas Society. Secretary, Mrs. Joseph Brownell. New Bedford. Ladies' City Mission. Clerk, Mrs. D. D. Winn. New Bedford. Morning Star Beneficial Society. President, Noah Tillson. 236 BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATIONS, ETC. New Bedford Orphans' Home, Clark's Point Road. Secretary, Sarah T. Crapo. New Bedford. Union for Good Works, Purchase Street. Secretary, Emily H. Bourne. New Bedford. Woman's Reform and Relief Association. Secretary, Mrs. T. G. Morgan. Newburyport Female Charitable Society. Newburyport. General Charitable Society. Secretary, Miss E. H. Kimball. Newburyport. Howard Benevolent Society. Secretary, G. W. Hale. New England Moral Reform Society, 6 Oak Place, Boston. Secre- tary, Miss M. V. Ball. New England Scandinavian Benevolent Society, Boston. Secretary, C. A. Thalia. Newton Home for Orphan and Destitute Girls, Church Street. Northampton. Clarke Institution for Deaf Mutes. Principal, Miss H. B. Rogers. Northampton. Smith Charities. Clerk, C. G. Delano. Peabody. Charitable Tenement Association. Peabody. Female Benevolent Society. Secretary, Miss E. O. Proc- tor. Quincy. National Sailors' Home. Quincy. Sailors' Snug Harbor, Germantown. Secretary, J. F. Tuckerman. Salem. Association for the Relief of Aged and Destitute Women, Derby Street. President, B. H. Silsbee. Salem Charitable Building Association. Treasurer and Agent, C. H. Allen. Salem. City Orphan Asylum. President, Sister Mary. Salem. Dorcas Society. Treasurer, Miss Caroline Faben. Salem Female Charitable Society. Secretary, Miss H. O. Mack. Salem Fraternity, 175 Essex Street. Secretary, D. W. Moulton. Salem. Plummer Farm School, Winter Island. Superintendent, C. A. Johnson. Salem. Samaritan Society. President, Mrs. Lydia Short. Salem. Seaman's Orphan and Children's Friend Society, 7 Carpen- ter Street. Secretary, Miss E. A. Brown. Salem. Widow and Orphan Association. Secretary, Miss M. E. W. Jocelyn. Springfield. Hampden County Children's Aid Association. Secre- tary, Mrs. W. L. Warren. Springfield. Home for Friendless Women and Children, Buckingham Street. Clerk, Mrs. M. A. B. Forbes. MASSACHUSETTS. 237 Springfield. Union Relief Association. Secretary, G. H. Deane. Taunton Female Charitable Society. Secretary, Miss E. N. Jones. Trnro Benevolent Society. Secretary, S. H. Smith. Wellfleet. Marine Benevolent Society. Secretary, Giles Hopkins. Worcester Children's Friend Society, Main and Benefit streets. Sec- retary, Mrs. Nelson Wheeler. Worcester. Home for Aged Females, Orange Street. Secretary, H. T. Cheever. Worcester. People's Club, Brinley Hall. Secretary, Rebecca Joues. MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. U. S. Army Medical Service. Brig. Gen. J. K. BAENES, M. D., Surgeon-General, Washington, D. C. THE following memorandum has been issued for the in- formation of persons desirous of entering the Medical Corps of the United States Army : [EXTRACTS FROM LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES.] Act of Congress, approved June 30, 1834. "SECT. 1. Be it enacted, etc., That from and after the passage of this act no person shall receive the appointment of assistant surgeon in the army of the United States, unless he shall have been examined and approved by an army medical board, to consist of not less than three surgeons or assistant surgeons, who shall be designated for that purpose by the Secretary of War ; and no person shall receive the ap- pointment of surgeon in the army of the United States, unless he shall hare served at least five years as an assistant surgeon, and unless, also, he shall have been examined by an army medical board constituted as aforesaid." Act of Congress, approved June 23, 1874, and June 26, 1876. " The medical department of the army shall hereafter consist of one surgeon-general, .... one assistant surgeon-general, .... one chief medical purveyor, four surgeons, with the rank, pay, and emolu- ments of colonels, two assistant medical purveyors, .... eight sur- geons, with the rank, pay, and emoluments of lieutenant-colonels, fifty surgeons, with the rank, pay, and emoluments of majors, one hundred and twenty-five assistant surgeons, with the rank, pay, 1 and emolu- 1 $1,600 per annum. 16 242 MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. merits of lieutenants of cavalry for the first five years' service, and with the rank, pay, 1 and emoluments of captains of cavalry after five years' service." .... All candidates for appointment in the medical corps must apply to the Hon. Secretary of War for an invitation to appear before the Med- ical Examining Board. The application must be in the handwriting of the candidate, stating age and birthplace, and be accompanied by tes- timonials from professors of the college in which he graduated, or from other physicians of good repute. Candidates must be between twenty-one and twenty-eight years of age without any exceptions, and graduates of a medical college, evidence of which must be submitted to the Board before examination. The morals, habits, and physical and mental qualifications and gen- eral aptitude for the service of each candidate, will be subjects for care- ful examination by the Board, and a favorable report will not be made in any case in which there is a reasonable doubt. The following will be the general plan of the examination : I. A short essay, either autobiographical or upon some professional subject to be indicated by the Board. II. Physical examination. This will be rigid, and each candidate will, in addition, be required to certify " That he labors under no mental or physical infirmity, nor disability of any kind, which can in any way interfere with the most efficient discharge of his duties in any climate." III. Oral examination on subjects of preliminary education, general literature, and general science. The candidate must satisfy the board in this examination that he possesses a thorough knowledge of the branches taught in the primary schools, and a failure to show this will end his examination. Oral examination on scientific subjects will include Chemistry and Natural Philosophy ; and that on literary subjects will include English Literature, History of the United States and General History An- cient and Modern. Candidates possessing a knowledge of the higher mathematics, the ancient and modern languages, will be examined therein, and due credit given for a proficiency in any or all of these subjects. IV. Written examination on Anatomy, Physiology, Surgery, Prac- tice of Medicine and General Pathology, Obstetrics, and Diseases of Women and Children. Oral examination on these subjects, and also on Medical Jurisprudence, Materia Medica, Therapeutics, Pharmacy, Toxicology and Hygiene. Few candidates pay the attention to Hy- giene which it deserves, it is made an important subject in this ex- amination. 1 $2,000 per annum. U. S. NAVY MEDICAL SERVICE. 243 V. Clinical examination, medical and surgical, at a hospital. VI. Performance of surgical operations on the cadaver. The Board will deviate from this general plan whenever necessary, in such manner as they deem best to secure the interests of the ser- vice. The Board will report the merits of the candidates on the several branches of the examination, and their relative merit in the whole, ac- cording to which the approved candidates will receive appointments to existing vacancies, or to vacancies which may occur within two years thereafter. An applicant failing one examination-'' may be allowed a second after one year, but not a third. No allowance will be made for the expenses of persons undergoing examination, as this is an indispensable prerequisite to appointment, but those who are approved and receive appointments will be entitled to transportation on obeying their first order. (Signed) GEO. W. Me CHART, Secretary of War. WAR DEPARTMENT, November 30, 1878. The medical officers in the U. S. Army, on duty in New England, are : Lieut.-Col. J. F. Head, Post Surgeon, Fort Independence, Boston, Mass. Lieut.-Col. J. F. Hammond, Post Surgeon, Fort Adams, New- port, R. I. Lieut.-Col. R. H. Alexander, Post Surgeon, Fort Trumbull, New London, Conn. , Post Surgeon, Fort Warren, Boston, Mass. Lieut.-Col. Warren Webster, Post Surgeon, Fort Preble, Portland, Me. Capt. D. G. Caldwell, Fort Independence, Boston, Mass. U. S. Navy Medical Service. J. WINTHROP TAYLOR, M. D., Surgeon-General U. S. N., and Chier of Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Navy Department. CIRCULAR FOR THE INFORMATION OF PERSONS SEEKING ADMISSION TO THE MEDICAL CORPS OF THE NAVY. The Laws of the United States (Revised Statutes, Sections 1368, 1370, 1428, 1471, 1474) provide that "the active list of the Medi- 244 MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. cal Corps of the Navy shall consist of a Surgeon-General, with the relative rank of Commodore; fifteen Medical Directors, with the rel- ative rank of Captain ; fifteen Medical Inspectors, with the relative rank of Commander ; fifty Surgeons, with the relative rank of Lieu- tenant Commander or Lieutenant, and one hundred Assistant Sur- geons, with the relative rank of Master or Ensign ; and further, that no person shall be appointed Assistant Surgeon until he has been ex- amined and approved by a Board of Naval Medical Officers designated by the Secretary of the Navy, nor who is under twenty-one or over twenty-six years of age, nor who is not a citizen of the United States." Applicants for examination and appointment in the Medical Corps will apply to the Hon. Secretary of the Navy for permission to ap- pear before the Medical Examining Board. The application must be in the handwriting of the candidate, stat- ing age and place of birth. ORDER OF EXAMINATION. 1. Physical. This will be thorough, and, in addition, the candi- date will be required to sign a certificate that he is free from any ac- cidental or constitutional defects, and without any predisposition to disease. 2. Literary and Scientific. Familiarity with the branches taught in well-organized schools will be required, and this must include, at least, an elementary knowledge of Latin. Acquaintance with the natural sciences, ancient and modern lan- guages, and the higher mathematics will be considered, and due credit given for proficiency in any of them. 3. Professional. Oral and written examination will include Anatomy, Physiology, Surgery, Science and Practice of Medicine, Obstetrics, Diseases of Women and Children, Chemistry, Medical Jurisprudence, Materia Medica and Therapeutics, Pharmacy and Hygiene. There will be also clinical examinations at a hospital, involving the use of the thermometer, laryngoscope, ophthalmoscope, and micro- scope as aids to diagnosis, and surgical operations upon the cadaver. The Board will expect candidates to present respectable testimonials of moral and professional standing. Appointments will be made as vacancies occur in the order of merit in which candidates are reported by the Board, when a vacancy is to be filled, but a qualified candidate not appointed within a year must be reexamined. A candidate found not qualified will not be permitted to reappear for examination within a year, U. S. NAVY MEDICAL SERVICE. 245 When no interruption occurs the examination is usually completed within a week. No allowance can be made for the expenses of per- sons undergoing examination. R. W. THOMPSON, Secretary of the Navy. UNITED STATES NAVAL HOSPITAL. Chelsea, Mass. The Hospital is connected with the Navy Yard, but is situated on the opposite bank of Mystic River. It con- tains one hundred beds, and is intended for the treatment of sick and disabled men of the naval service. NAVAL MEDICAL OFFICERS ON DUTY IN NEW ENGLAND. NAVY YARD, PORTSMOUTH, N. H. Surgeon Charles H. Burbank, M. D. NAVAL* HOSPITAL, CHELSEA, MASS. Medical Director W. T. Hord, M. D. Surgeon Joseph Hugg, M. D. Passed Assistant Surgeon A. C. Heffinger, M. D. NAVY YARD, BOSTON. Medical Inspector T. W. Leach, M. D. Passed Assistant Surgeon F. B. Stephenson, M .D RECEIVING SHIP " W ABASH," BOSTON. Surgeon J. H. Clark, M. D. Assistant Surgeon C. W. Deane, M. D. NAVAL STATION, NEW LONDON, CONN. Passed Assistant. Surgeon M. C. Drennan, M. D. TORPEDO STATION, NEWPORT, R. I. Surgeon A. S. Oberly, M. D. 246 MEDICAL OFFICERS, ETC. United States Marine Hospital Service. JOHN B. HAMILTON, M. D., Supervising Surgeon-General, Wash- ington, D. C. The Marine Hospital Service of the United States, which furnishes medical and surgical relief to the sick and disabled seamen of the American mercantile marine, was established by Act of Congress, July 16, 1798, and reor- ganized by Acts of Congress, June 29, 1870, and March 3, 1875. The service is under the charge of a Supervising Surgeon-General, who is appointed by the President, by and with the advice of the Senate, and who is charged by law, " under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, with the supervision of all matters connected with the Marine Hospital Service of the United States, and with the disbursement of the fund." Relief is furnished to seamen at nearly one hundred ports of the ocean, gulf, and inland waters, either in hos- pitals established and maintained by- the government ex- clusively for seamen, or in private or municipal institutions, with which arrangements are made from time to time. From 15,000 to 20,000 sick and disabled seamen thus receive relief annually. The service is supported by a tax of forty cents per month, as " hospital dues," upon the wages of all persons serving upon documented vessels of the United States, engaged in the commerce of the oceans, lakes, and rivers, and upon the officers and men of the revenue cutters. Fishing vessels, canal boats, and private yachts are not included. A sick or disabled seaman, to obtain relief, must apply to a medical officer of the Marine Hospital Service, or to a United States collector of cus- toms, and must furnish evidence that he has been actually employed as an American seaman. Relief is not furnished to indigent seamen, not sick or disabled, or to seamen who have abandoned their vocation for any other employment. The medical corps consists of the Supervising Surgeon- General, and of Surgeons, Passed Assistant Surgeons, As- U. S. MARINE HOSPITAL SERVICE. 247 sistruit Surgeons, and a Medical Purveyor. Appointments to the service are made, after examination by a board of surgeons, to the grade of Assistant Surgeon. The ser- vice makes use of the nomenclature of diseases adopted by the Royal College of Physicians of London. A report of its transactions is issued annually. The district of the North Atlantic embraces the follow- ing-named relief-stations, namely : Bangor, Maine; Barnsta- ble, Mass. ; Bath, Maine ; Belfast, Maine ; Boston, Mass. ; Bristol, R. I. ; Burlington, Vt. ; Castine, Maine ; Eastport, Maine ; Edgartown, Mass. ; Ellsworth, Maine ; Fall River, Mass. ; Gloucester, Mass. ; Hyannis, Mass. ; Kennebunk, Maine ; Machias, Maine ; Marblehead, Mass. ; Nantucket, Mass.; New Bedford, Mass.; Newburyport, Mass. ; New- port, R. I. ; Plattsburg, N. Y. ; Plymouth, Mass. ; Port- land, Maine ; Portsmouth, N. H. ; Providence, R. I. ; Rockland, Maine ; Saco, Maine ; Salem, Mass. ; Vineyard Haven, Mass ; Waldoboro', Maine ; Wiscasset, Maine ; and York, Maine. The district of the Middle Atlantic includes Bridgeport, Conn. ; Middletown, Conn. ; New Haven, Conn. ; New London, Conn. ; and Stonington, Conn. All relief stations where the service is under the charge of a medical officer of the Marine Hospital Service are known as relief-stations of Class 1. Relief-stations where specific arrangements have been made for the care and treatment of sick or disabled seamen at rates fixed by the Treasury Department, but where collectors of customs, on account of the absence of a medical officer of the service, are authorized and required to issue permits, and to super- vise the relief furnished, shall be known as relief-stations of Class 2. All other ports where there are officers of the cus- toms revenue, but where, on account of the infrequency of applications for relief, the absence of any hospital, or from other causes, sick or disabled seamen are cared for only in cases of emergency, are known as relief-stations of Class 3. The Marine Hospital for the Port of Boston was origi- 248 MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. nally established in Charlestown in 1802 ; a second building was built at Chelsea in 1825-27. The present building, which has accommodations for 100 patients, cost $394,424, and was completed and occupied about 1860. The office for the reception of patients and for the treatment of those not requiring hospital- relief, is at the Custom House in Bos- ton. About 800 patients are treated annually. The Marine Hospital at Portland has accommodations for 50 patients, and is situated about three miles from the centre of the city, on Casco Bay. The Hospital was commenced in 1852, and completed in 1859, at a cost of $122,837. About 160 patients are treated annually. A hospital has recently been established by the service at Vineyard Haven, Mass. MEDICAL OFFICERS ON DUTY IN NEW ENGLAND. NAME AND RANK. STATIONS. DATE OP APPOINTMENT. SURGEONS. C. S. D. Fessenden. John Yansant. ASSISTANT SUBGEONS. F. H. Brown. ACTING ASSISTANT SUR- GEONS. W. A. Banks. R. D. Bibber. A. 0. Hamlin. S. B. Hunter. H. A. Oaks. Elmer Small. W. D. Stewart. K. H. Swett. W. H. Taylor. UNDER CONTRACT. Peter Pineo. Portland, Me. Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass. Waldoboro', Me. Bath, Me. Bangor, Me. JIachias, Me. New Haven, Conn. Belfast, Me. Edgartown, Mass. Ellsworth, Me. New Bedford, Mass. Hyannis, Mass. April 4, 1861. May 8, 1875. June 29, 1877. U. S. PENSION BUREAU. 249 Examining Surgeons, Pension Bureau, Department of the Interior. Acting under the direction of the Commissioner of Pen- sions, and in conformity to an act passed by Congress, and approved March 3, 1873. The duty of an examining sur- geon, under existing laws, is to examine applicants for in- valid pensions, persons claiming, as invalid dependants, for restoration to the pension rolls, and for increase of pen- sions ; also, to examine enrolled pensioners at such stated periods as the law requires. EXAMINING SURGEONS. Massachusetts. B. F. Hastings, South Abington. N. S. Babbitt, (North) Adams. H. A. Dean, Athol. B. H. Hartwell, Ayer. Peter Pineo, Barnstable. G. F. Thompson, Belchertown. Azel Ames, Boston. 1 C. B. Porter, Boston. G. G. Tarbell, Boston. Asa Millet, East Bridgewater. G. M. Morse, Clinton. P. M. Chase, Danvers. John Pierce, Edgartown. Jerome Dwelly, Fall River. George Jewett, Fitchburg. J. G. S. Hitchcock, Foxboro'. A. S. Garland, Gloucester. C. L. Fiske, Jr., Greenfield. Kendall Flint, Haverhill. H. M. Chase, Lawrence. Eliphalet Wright, Lee. David Rice, Leverett. Nathan Allen, Lowell. I. F. Galloupe, Lynn. C. A. Bemis, West Medway. J. S. Clark, Melrose. J. G. Metcalf, Mendon. J. B. King, Nantucket. J. H. Wright, Natick. J. H. Mackie, New Bedford. G. W. Snow, Newburyport. Warren Tyler, North Brookfield. Christopher Seymour, Northamp- ton. Edward Barton, Orange. William Holbrook, Palmer. J. F. A. Adams, Pittsfield. Alexander Jackson, Plymouth. J. M. Crocker, Provincetown. J. P. Fessenden, Salem. C; C. Chaffee, Springfield. F. W. Chapin, Springfield. D. P. Smith, Springfield. J. B. Chace, Taunton. F. A. Sawyer, Wareham. J. W. Hastings, Warren. D. W. Wright, Winchester. Oramel Martin, Worcester. J. M. Rice, Worcester. Albert Wood, Worcester. 1 In Boston the Board meets at its room, No. 50 U. S. Post Office Building, on the first and third Wednesday of each month, at 10 A. M. 250 MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. N. S. Davis, Abbot Village. F. B. Merrill, Alfred. B. F. Sturgis, Auburn. G. B. Brickett, Augusta. W. B. Lapham, Augusta. J. O. Webster, Augusta. R. K. Jones, Bangor. S. B. Morison, Bangor. E. F. Sanger, Bangor. R. D. Bibber, Bath. J. G. Brooks, Belfast. H. E. Hill, Biddeford. Frederick Quimby, Biddeford. James Sawyer, Biddeford. Alden Blossom, Boothbay. J. H. Kimball, Bridgton. W. C. Collins, Bucksport. E. H. Vose, Calais. G. A. Wheeler, Castine. Albert Pearson, Danforth. A. R. Lincoln, Denneysville. C. E. Philoon, Dixfiefd. E. A. Thompson, Dover. L. P. Babb, Eastport. O. M. Drake, Ellsworth. J. B. Severy, Farmington. William Buck, Foxcroft. D. L. Lamson, Fryeburg. Maine. Thaddeus Hildreth, Gardiner. T. S. C. Berry, Houlton. S. B. Hunter, Machias. George Googins, Millbridge. Hannibal Hamlin, Milo. S. A. Patten, Monson. J. T. Acorn, Newcastle. Byron Porter, Newport. William Osgood, North Yar- mouth. 0. N. Bradbury, Norway. B. C. Woodbury, Patten. F. A. Kimball, Phillips. W. S. Howe, Pittsfield. T. A. Foster, Portland. 1 C. O. Hunt, Portland. H. N. Small, Portland. G. H. Freeman, Presque Isle. W. A. Banks, Rockland. D. H. Owen, Sherman. J. S. Gushing, Skowhegan. G. A. Wilbur, Skowhegan. J. C. Whitney, Thorndike. Atwood Crosby, Waterville. C. M. Bisbee, West Sumner. A. B. Adams, Wilton. C. W. Taggart, Winthrop. New Hampshire. William Child, Bath. O. B. Way, Claremont. F. C. Harris, Colebrook. G. P. Conn, Concord. A. H. Crosby, Concord. C. P. Gage, Concord. J. H. Crombie, Deny. J. H. Wheeler, Dover. H. B. Burnham, Epping. W. G. Perry, Exeter. S. M. Dinsmoor, Francistown. L. M. Knight, Franklin. J. A. Hayes, Great Falls. S. P. Carbee, Haverhill. J. A. Dana, Holderness. T. B. Kittredge, Keene. D. B. Nelson, Laconia. D. L. Jones, Lancaster. J. A. Davis, Lebanon. T. E. Sanger, Littleton. L. B. How, Manchester. W. A. Webster, Manchester. W. W. Wilkius, Manchester. R. H. Meserve, Milan. W. H. H. Mason, Moultonboro. E. B. Hammond, Nashua. F. N. Gibson, New Ipswich. D. M. Currier, Newport. 1 In Portland the Board meets at the office of Dr. T. A. Foster, 5 Brown Street, on the first Wednesday of each month, at 10 A. M. U. S. PENSION BUREAU. 251 W. D. Chase, Peterboro'. J. A. Sanborn, Plymouth. J. F. Hall, Portsmouth. S. W. Roberts, Wakefield. R. H. King, Wolfsboro'. Vermont. H. 0. Worthen, Barre. J. F. Skinner, Barton. F. W. Goodall, Bennington. A. A. Doty, Bradford. O. G. Dyer, Brandon. C. A. Gray, Brattleboro. F. P. Wheeler, Bristol. H. H. Atwater, Burlington. H. H. Langdon, Burlington. W. B. Lund, Burlington. S. L. Wiswell, Cabot. S. N. Goss, Chelsea. H. S. Noble, Chester. E. O. Porter, Cornwall. H. M. Guild, Felchville. D. F. Cooledge, Ludlow. H. A. Cutting, Lunenburgh. C. S. Gaboon, Lyndon. S. S. Clemens, Manchester. E. P. Russell, Middlebury. C. M. Chandler, Montpelier. J. B. Woodward, Montpelier. E. J. Hall, Morrisville. E. V. Watkins, Newbary. J. C. Rutherford, Newport. P. D. Bradford, Northfield. Nathan Gale, Orwell. H. H. Niles, Post Mills. J. E. Morse, Royalston. C. L. Allen, Rutland. H. F. Grain, Springfield. O. F. Fassett, St. Allans. G. B. Bullard, St. Johnsbury. E. H. Pettengill, Saxton's River. R. F. Johnson, West Concord. E. F. Upham, West Randolph. O. W. Sherwin, Woodstock. H. E. Turner, Newport. G. W. Carr, Providence. Rhode Island. A. E. Ham, Providence. Robert Millar, Providence. Connecticut. H. L. W. Burritt, Bridgeport. W. D. Anderson, New Haven. W. C. Bennett, Danbury. E. L. Bissell, New Haven. Samuel Hutchings, Danielsonville. B. H. Cheney, New Haven. Rial Strickland, Enfield. C. B. Maltbie, Falls Village. M. C. Hazen, Haddam. C. W. Chamberlain, Hartford. H. S. Fuller, Hartford. G. C. Jarvis, Hartford. W. J. Beach, Litchfield. B. N. Comings, New Britain. A. W. Nelson, New London. J. K. Bacon, New Milford. J. E. Barbour, Norwalk. S. L. Sprague, Norwich. S. G. Risley, Rockville. James Welch, West Winsted. H. W. Shove, Woodbury. 252 MISCELLANE US MA TTERS. Medical Staff, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. NAME AND BANE. ATTACHED TO RESIDENCE. DATE OF COMMISSION. SURGEON-GENERAL. Rank Brig.- General. William J. Dale . . Governor's Staff. N. Andover. June 13, 1861. MEDICAL DIRECTORS (2). Rank Lieut.- Colonel. Robert Amory . . . 2d Brigade. Brookline. May 1, 1878. H. E. Marion .... 1st " Brighton. Aug. 23,1879. SURGEONS (10). Rank Major. E. J. Forster .... 5th Regt. Inf. 2d Brigade. Boston. May 19, 1871. P. M. Chase .... 8th " " " Danvers. Jan. 13, 1875. William L. Richardson 1st Corps of Cadets. Boston. Nov. 6. 1875. George E. Pinkham 6th Regt. Inf. 1st Brigade. Lowell. Aug. 5, 1875. David Clark .... 2d Regt. Inf. 1st " Springfield. Aug. 25, 1875. J. A. McDonough . . David Coggin .... 9th Regt. Inf. 2d " 2d Corps of Cadets. Boston. Salem. Aug. 23, 1878. Jan. 11, 1879. R. M. Lawrence . . 1st Regt. Inf. 1st Brigade. Boston. May 19, 1879. W. A. Dunn .... 1st Bat. Cav. 2d " Boston. Aug. 2, 1879. 0. T. Howe .... 1st Bat. Lt. Art. 2d " Lawrence. Aug. 12, 1879. ASSISTANT SURGEONS (12). Rank Ixt Lieutenant. N. S. Chamberlain . . C. H. Williams . . . 6th Regt. Inf. 1st Brigade. 1st Corps oi Cadets. Marlboro'. Boston. Aug. 21, 1876. June 19, 1877. E. 0. Otis 2d Bat. Lt. Art. 2d " Boston. Aug. 1, 1877. Thomas Kittredge . . 8th Regt. Inf. 2d " Salem. Aug. 21, 1878. O. J. Brown . . . 2d Regt. Inf. 1st " North Adams. Sept. 20, 1878. J. B. Heald .... Co. F, Cav. 1st " Westford. April 9, 1879. S. W. Hayes .... 1st Reg. Inf. 1st " New Bedford. May 19, 1879. G. J. Bull Bat B Lt. Art. 1st " Worcester. Aug. 30, 1879. U. O. B. Wingate . . j 5th Reg. Inf. 2d " Need ham. Sept. 27, 1879. Vacancy 2d Corps of Cadets. Vacancy 9th Reg. Inf. 2d Brigade. Vacancy 1st Bat. Cav. 2d " I MEDICAL BOARD OF EXAMINERS. Organized for the purpose of examining appointees in Medical Staff. Section 2249, Reg. M. V. M. Lieut.-Colonel Robert Amory, M. D., President. Lieut.-Colonel H. E. Marion, M. D. Major E. J. Eorster, M. D., Recorder. STATE MILITIA. Medical Staff, Maine Militia. 253 NAME AMI RANK. ATTACHED TO RESIDENCE. DATE OP COMMISSION. . ASST. SURG. -GENERAL. Rank Colonel. H. N. Small .... Governor's Staff. Portland. SURGEON. Q. W. Martin .... 1st Regiment Inf. Augusta. July 2, 1873. ASST. SURGEONS. H. L. Briggs .... C. W. Bray .... 1st Regiment Inf. 1st Regiment Inf. Bangor. Portland. Jan. 1,1876. July 11, 1877. Medical Staff, New Hampshire State Militia. NAME AND RANK. ATTACHED TO RESIDENCE. DATE OP COMMISSION. MEDICAL DIRECTORS. Rank Major. Ezekiel Morrill . . . J allies U. Sturgia . . Staff, 1st Brigade. Staff, 1st Brigade. Concord. Manchester. May 2, 1877. April 29, 1879. SURGEONS . J. H. Cutler .... F. A. Colburn . . . Emil Custer .... Henry E. Newell . . 2d Regiment Inf. 3d Regiment Inf. Amoskeag Veterans. 1st Regiment Inf. Peterborough. Lancaster. Manchester. Manchester. June 7, 1877. May 8. 1878. Feb. 22, 1879. May, 1879. ASST. SURGEONS. E. F. McQuestion . . George Cook .... Amoskeag Veterans. 3d Regiment Inf. Nashua. Concord. Feb. 23, 1874. May 20, 1879. Medical Staff, Vermont Militia. NAME AND RANK. ATTACHED TO RESIDENCE. DATE OF COMMISSION. SURGEOS-IN-CHIEP. - - - SURGEON. J. P. Crampton . . . 1st Regiment Inf. Winooski. July 22, 1876. ASST. SURGEONS. C. P. Thayer .... C. A. Gray L. 11 . C. Bingham . . 1st Regiment Inf. Light Battery. 1st Regiment Inf. Burlington. Brattleboro. Burlington. July 22, 1875. April 12, 1877. July 10, 187". 254 MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. Medical Staff, Rhode Island Militia. NAME AND BANK. ATTACHED TO RESIDENCE. DATS OF COMMISSION. SURGEON-GENERAL. Rank Colonel. 3. C. Budloug . . . Governor's Staff. Centredale. Mar. 24, 1875. ASST. SURG. -GENERAL. Rank Captain. W. E. Anthony . . . W. H. King .... Governor's Staff. Governor's Staff. Providence. Providence. May 26, 1873. July 1, 1874. SURGEON OF DIVISION. Rank Lieut.- Colonel. Q. H. Stanley .... 1st Division. Pawtucket. June 22, 1875. SURGEONS. Rank Major. G. W. Carr 2d Brigade. Providence. Jun0 7. 1875. G. T. Perry .... 1st Brigade. Natick. July 30, 1875. SURGEONS. Rank Captain. A.N.Lewis .... A. A. Jackson .... G. B. Peck, Jr. ... N. G.Stanton. . . . G. W. Porter .... G. H. Kenyon . . .' . Charles Hayes . . . W. Von Gottschalk . . T. H. O : Neil .... 3d Battalion Inf. 6th Battalion Inf. 1st Bat. Lt. Art. Newport Art. Co. 1st Battalion Inf. United Train Art. 1st Battalion Cav. 2d Battalion Inf. 5th Battalion Inf. Westerly. Providence. Providence. Newport. Providence. Providence. Providence. Providence. Providence. July 2, 1875. June 1, 1874. Aug. 23, 1876. April 27, 1879. Julv 19, 1877. April 29, 1878. May 16, 1878. June 26, 1878. July 31, 1878. MEDICAL EXAMINERS. 255 Medical Staff, Connecticut National Guard. NAME AND RANK. ATTACHED TO RESIDENCE. DATE OF COMMISSION. SURGEON-GENERAL. Rank Brigadier- Gen. Frank Gallagher . . . Governor's Staff. New Haven. Jan. 3, 1877. SURGEONS. Rank Major. B. L. Bissell .... G. F. Lewis .... C. M. Carleton . . . G. W. Avery .... 2d Regiment Inf. 4th Regiment Inf. 3d Regiment Inf. 1st Regiment Inf. New Haven. Bridgeport. Norwich. Hartford. Feb. 28, 1876. July 31, 1876. Mar. 30, 1878. Aug. 3, 1878. ASSISTANT SURGEONS. Rank First Lieut. W. B. Young .... G. L. Beardsley . . . W. C. Burke, Jr. . . H.G.Howe .... 3d Regiment Inf. 2d Regiment Inf. 4th Regiment Inf. 1st Regiment Inf. Norwich. Birmingham. South Norwalk. Hartford. Oct. 28, 1871. Feb. 8, 1878. May 28, 1878. Aug. 23, 1878. Board of Health, Lunacy, and Charity, Massachusetts. Organized by act of the Legislature, April 30, 1879 (Acts and Resolves 1879, 291), to take the place of the State Board of Health, the Board of State Charities, and the boards of trustees of various of the state charitable in- stitutions. The Board consists of nine persons, who hold their places for five years. They have general supervision over all the state charitable and reformatory institutions, including the State Lunatic Hospitals, State Almshouse, State Workhouse, the State Primary School, State Reform School, and State Industrial School for Girls. They also act as Commissioners of Lunacy. The Board meets at the State House each month on a day decided on, and makes an annual report to the Legis- lature. MEMBERS OF THE BOARD. Nathan Allen, M. D., Lowell. H. I. Bowditch, M. D., Boston. R. T. Davis, Fall River. C. F. Donnelly, Boston. 256 MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. Edward Hitchcock, Amherst. Ezra Parmenter, Cambridge. J. C. Hoadley, Lawrence. Albert Wood, Worcester. Moses Kimball, Boston. Secretary C. F. Folsom. STATE ALMSHOTJSE AT TEWKSBURT. Superintendent W. H. Lathrop, M. D. Assistant Physician Helen M. Marsh. STATE WORKHOUSE AT BRIDGEWATEB. Superintendent Nahum Leonard, Jr. Physician Edward Sawyer, M. D. STATE PRIMARY SCHOOL AT MONSON. Superintendent J. H. Bradford. STATE REFORM SCHOOL AT WESTBORO'. Superintendent L. H. Sheldon. Physicians E. B. Harvey, M. D., H. A. Jewett, M. D. STATE INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL AT LANCASTER. Superintendent N. P. Brown. Physician J. L. S. Thompson, M. D. Medical Examiners, Massachusetts. Appointed by the Governor, by and with the consent of the Council, for the term of seven years (Acts and Resolves, 1877, 200). The counties are divided into districts as shown below, but medical examiners are authorized to act at any place within the county for which they have been appointed. The law governing medical examinations is full on a later page. SUFFOLK. F. A. Harris, Boston, Northern District. F. W. Draper, Boston, Southern District. BARNSTABLE. District No. 1. G. N. Munsell, Harwich ; Harwich, Dennis, Yarmouth, Brews ter, Chatham, Orleans, Eastham. District No. 2. J. M. Smith, Barnstable ; Barnstable, Sandwich, Marsh- field, Falmouth. District No. 3. J. M. Crocker, Provincetown ; Provincetown, Truro, Wellfleet. MEDICAL EXAMINERS. 257 BERKSHIRE. District No. 1. H. L. Sahin, Williamstown; Williamstown, Clarks- burg, Adams, Florida, Savoy, New Ashford, Chesh- ire. District No. 2. J. F A. Adams, Pittsficld ; Lanesboro, Windsor, Pitts- field, Dal ton, Hinsdale, Peru, Hancock. District No. 3. C. C. Holcombe, Lee ; Richmond, Lenox, Washington, Becket, Lee, Stockbridge, Tyringham, Otis. District No. 4. S. Camp, Great Barrington ; West Stockbridge, Al- ford, Great Barrington, Monterey, Sandisfield, New Marlboro, Sheffield, Egremont, Mount Washington. BRISTOL. District No. 1. J. R. Bronson, Attleboro; Attleboro, Seekonk, Norton, Mansfield, Rehoboth. District No. 2. S. D. Presbrey, Taunton ; Taunton, Raynham, Easton, Berkley, Dighton. District No. 3. J. Dwelley, Fall River ; Fall River, Somerset, Swan- sey, Freetown, Westport. District No. 4. Henry Johnson, New Bedford ; New Bedford, Dart- mouth, Fairhaven, Acus>hnet. District No. 1. John Pierce, Edgartown ; Edgartown. District No. 2. William Leach, Tisbury ; Tisbury, Gosnold. District No. 3. Edwin Mayberry, Edgartown ; Chilmark, Gay Head. ESSEX. District No. 1. G. B. Stevens, Gloucester; Gloucester, Rockport. District No. 2. Y. G. Hurd, Ipswich ; Ipswich, Rowley, Hamilton, Essex. District No. 3. G. W. Snow, Newburyport ; Newburyport, Newbury, West Newbury, Amesbury, Salisbury. District No. 4. W. Coggswell, Bradford; Haverhill, Bradford, Mer- rimac. District No. 5. W. D. Lamb, Lawrence; .Lawrence, Methuen, An- dover, North Andover. District No. 6. R. B. Root, Georgetown ; Georgetown, Boxford, Tops- field, Groveland. District No. 7. Charles Haddock, Beverly ; Beverly, Wenham, Man- chester. 17 258 MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. District No. 8. G. S. Osborne, Peabody; Peabody, Danvers, Middle- ton, Lynnfield. District No. 9. J. G. Pinkham, Lynn ; Lynn, Saugus, Nahant, Swamp- scott. District No. 10. C. A. Carlton, Salem ; Salem, Marblehead. FRANKLIN. Eastern District. E. C. Coy, Montague ; Barnardston, Ewing, Gill, Greenfield, Leverett, Montague, New Salem, North- field, Orange, Shutesbury, Sunderland, Warwick, Wendell. Western District. F. J. Cassedy, Shelburne Falls ; Ashfield, Buck- land, Charlemont, Coleraine, Conway, Deerfield, Hawley, Heath, Leyden, Monroe, Rowe, Shelburne, Whateley. HAMPDEN. District No. 1. W. Holbrook, Palmer ; Brimfield, Holland, Palmer, Monson, Wales. District No. 2. T. F. Breck, Springfield ; Springfield, Agawam, Chico- pee, Longmeadow, Ludlow, West Springfield, Wil- braham. District No. 3. L. M. Tuttle, Holyoke j Holyoke. District No. 4. J. H. Waterman, Westfield ; Blandford, Chester, Gran- ville, Montgomery, Russell, Southwick, Tolland, Westfield. HAMPSHIRE. District No. 1. C. Seymour, Northampton ; Chesterfield, Cummington, Goshen, Hatfield, Northampton, Plainfield, Wil- liamsburg. District No. 2. J. W. Winslow, Easthampton ; Easthampton, Hunt- ington, Middlefield, Southampton, Westhampton, Worthington. District No. 3. D. B. N. Fish, Amherst ; Amherst, Granby, Hadley, Pelham, South Hadley. District No. 4. D. W. Miner, Ware ; Belchertown, Enfield, Greenwich, Prescott, Ware. MIDDLESEX. District No. 1. A. F. Holt, Cambridge ; Cambridge, Belmont, Arling- ton. MEDICAL EXAMINERS. 259 District No. 2. J. L. Sullivan, Maiden ; Maiden, Mcdford, Somerville, Everett. District No. 3. S. W. Abbott, Wakefield ; Melrose, Stoneham, Wake- field, Wilmington, North Reading. District No. 4. Frederic Winsor, Winchester; Woburn, Winchester, Lexington, Burlington. District No. 5. J. C. Irish, Lowell ; Lowell, Dracut, Tewksbury, Bil- lerica, Tyngsboro, Chelmsford. District No. 6. H. A. Barrett, Concord ; Concord, Carlisle, Bedford, Lincoln, Littleton, Acton, Boxboro. District No. 7. Alfred Hosmer, Watertown ; Newton, Watertown, Waltham, Weston. District No. 8. E. A. Hobbs, South Framingham ; Framingham, Way- land, Natick, Sherborn, Holliston, Hopkinton, Ash- land. District No. 9. N. S. Chamberlain, Marlboro'; Marlboro', Hudson, Maynard, Stowe, Sudbury. District No. 10. B. H. Hartwell, Ayer; Ayer, Groton, Westford, Dunstable, Pepperell, Shirley, Townsend, Ashby. NANTUCKET. J. B. King, Nantucket. NORFOLK. District No. 1. A. D. Kingsbury, Needham; Dedham, Needham, Nor- wood, Dover. District No. 2. C. Sturtevant, Hyde Park ; Hyde Park, Milton. District No. 3. J. Morison, Quincy ; Quincy, Randolph. District No. 4. C. C. Tower, Weymouth ; Weymouth, Braintree, Hoi brook. District No. 5. A. R. Holmes, Canton ; Stonghton, Canton, Walpole, Sharon. District No. 6. J. G. S. Hitchcock, Foxboro; Franklin, Foxboro, Wrentham. District No. 7. C. A. Bemis, Medway ; Medway, Medfield, Norfolk, Bellingham. District No. 8. Robert Amory, Brookline ; Brookline. District No. 9. G. P. Pratt, Cohasset ; Cohasset. PLYMOUTH. District No. 1. A. E. Paine, Brockton ; Brockton, West Bridgewater, East Bridgewater, South Abington. 260 MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. District No. 2. J. C. Gleason, Rockland ; Abington, Eockland, Han- over, Hanson, Hingham, South Scituate, Hull. District No. 3. J. B. Brewster, Plymouth; Plymouth, Marshfield, Halifax, Kingston, Scituate, Plympton, Duxbury, Pembroke. District No. 4. E. W. Drake, Middleboro ; Middleboro, Wareham, Mattapoisett, Carver, Lakeville, Marion. WORCESTER. District No. 1. J. P. Lynde, Athol ; Athol, Petersham, Phillipston, Royalston. District No. 2. Ira Russell, Winchendon ; Gardner, Templeton, Win- chendon. District No. 3. E. P. Miller, Fitchburg ; Ashburnham, Leominster, Lunenburg, Princeton, Westminster, Fitchburg. District No. 4. G. M. Morse, Clinton ; Berlin, Bolton, Clinton, Har- vard, Lancaster, Sterling. District No. 5. W. A. Jewett, Northboro; Grafton, Northboro, South- boro, Westboro. District No. 6. W. M. Parker, Milford ; Mendon, Milford, Upton. District No. 7. R. II. Clarke, Northbridge ; Blackstone, Douglass, Northbridge, Uxbridge. District No. 8. S. C. Hartwell, Southbridge ; Charlton, Dudley, Ox- ford, Southbridge, Sturbridge, Webster. District No. 9. D. W. Hodgkins, Brookfield ; Brookfield, North Brook- field, Spencer, Warren, West Brookfield. District No. 10. C. W. Whitcomb, Barre; Barre, Dana, Hardwick, Hubbardston, New Braintree, Oakham, Rutland. DistrictNo.il. J. M. Rice, Worcester ; Auburn, Boylston, Holden, Leicester, Millbury, Paxton, Shrewsbury, Sutton, West Boylston, Worcester. Sanitary Association, Lynn, Mass. Organized April 8, 1879. Its objects are to promote a general interest in sanitary science, and to diffuse among the people a knowledge of the means of preventing disease ; to secure the adoption by the city authorities of the most effectual methods of improving the sanitary condition of the city ; to provide its members, at moderate cost, with such skilled inspection as shall secure the proper sanitary SA MTARY ASSOCIATION, LYNN. 261 condition of their own premises, and those of other people in whom they may be interested. Any citizt-n of Lynn may become a member by paying the annual assessment. Each member is entitled to an annual inspection of one homestead or other building, with a report on its sanitary condition by some competent person or persons employed and paid by the Association ; occasional supplementary in- spection and advice concerning said homestead or building, as upon the occurrence of any severe or suspicious disease on the premises or during the prevalence of an epidemic; and inspection of other buildings, either public or private, in which he may have an interest, upon such terms as the Executive Council may determine. The officers of the Association diffuse sanitary knowledge among the people by public meetings, by tracts, and by articles in public newspapers ; investigate matters relating to the public health, and act with the health authorities of the city. The Executive Council meets once in three months. The Association meets annually in the month of April, and holds special meetings when called by the Execu- tive Council. The annual assessment is five dollars. For the inspection of buildings not otherwise provided for, the following sums are charged, payment in every in- stance to accompany the application : Dwellings owned by members ..... $3.50 Dwellings not owned by members .... 5.00 Factories owned by members 5.00 Factories not owned by members .... 8.00 Dwellings of summer residents of Lynn, Nahant, and Swampscott 10.00 Dwellings of poor people, beneficiaries of the Associa- tion 1.00 OFFICERS. President C. F. Coffin. Secretary J. G. Pinkham, M. D. Treasurer E. Q. Bacheller. 262 MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. Councillors Edwin Walden, James Purington, C. A. Coffin, B. V. French, William Porter, D. H. Sweetser, C. A. Lovejoy, M. D., A. H. Currier. COMMITTEES. On the Diffusion of Sanitary Knowledge A. H. Currier, Edwin Walden, B. V. French. On the Sanitary Condition of the City James Purington, C. A. Cof- fin, C. A. Lovejoy. On the Inspection of Buildings J. G. Pinkham, D. H. Sweetser, W. Porter. Legal Adviser T. B. Newhall. Inspecting Engineer C. A. Hammond, C. E. Assistant Inspector H. F. Pool. Chemical Analyst W. B. Hills, M. D. State Board of Health, Rhode Island. Incorporated by the Legislature of the State in 1878 (G. S. 680). The Board consists of six persons (three of whom must be physicians) two from the County of Provi- dence, and one from each of the other counties, and takes cognizance of the interests of life and health among the citizens of the State, makes investigations into the causes of disease, and especially of epidemics and endemics among the people, and other topics of general interest. They also have charge of the registration of births, marriages, and deaths. The Board meets at its office in Providence, on the first Wednesday of July, October, January, and April. The office of the Secretary is open daily from one to three o'clock. An annual report is published. MEMBERS OF THE BOARD. David King, M. D., Newport G. W. Jenckes, M. D., Provi- County, President. dence County. Elisha Dyer, Jr., Washington W. T. C. Wardwell, Bristol County. County. C. H. Fisher, M. D., Providence A. G. Sprague, M. D., Kent County, Secretary. County. SANITARY ASSOCIATION, NEWPORT. 263 Sanitary Protective Association. Newport, R. I. Established November 11, 1878, for the following ob- jects : 1st. To provide its members, at moderate cost, with such advice and supervision as shall insure the proper sanitary condition of their own dwellings. 2d. To enable members to procure practical advice, on moderate terms, as to the best means of remedying defects in houses of the poorer class, in which they may be inter- ested. 3d. To aid in improving the sanitary condition of the city. The first inspection does not cause any disturbance to household arrangements. It is followed by a report mak- ing specific recommendations, if any improvements in the household arrangements are thought necessary. The mem- bers are not bound to carry out these recommendations. The subsequent annual inspection will, so long as the sanitary arrangements remain in working order, entail no expense beyond the annual subscription. Each member is entitled to the following privileges in re- spect to property within the municipality of Newport. 1. An immediate report by the Inspecting Engineer of the Association on the sanitary condition of one dwelling or property, with specific recommendations, if necessary, as to the improvement of drainage, water supply, and ventila- tion, and a report upon the water by the Analyst. 2. An annual inspection of his premises, with a report as to their sanitary condition. 3. Occasional supplementary inspection and advice con- cerning the dwelling or property in respect of which he is a subscriber. 4. Each member by his annual payment secures the above privileges in respect of one dwelling or property occupied or designated by him. Should he be interested 264 MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. in two or more dwellings or properties, as owner or occu- pant, he may secure equal privileges in respect to them all, by paying the annual subscription for each. 5. A report, to be obtainable on payment of a special fee, on any dwelling or property, or plans thereof, which he may wish to hire or purchase. 6. Reports by the officers of the Association as to the sanitary condition of any dwellings or properties of the very poor, on payment of a moderate fee. 7. A report, without fee, upon the sanitary condition of any public building, as church, school-house, or place of public resort, within the city of Newport. Persons become members upon payment of an annual subscription, which, for original members, is limited to six dollars for permanent residents of Newport, and ten dol- lars for those whose houses are closed for a portion of the year ; this difference being based upon the fact that premises continuously occupied are more likely to be kept in good order, and therefore to require less rigid and ex- tensive examination. Membership shall cease upon failure at any time to pay this annual subscription within three months after it shall have become due. A meeting of the Association is held annually on the second Monday of November. OFFICERS. President Samuel Powel. Vice- President Francis Brinley. Recording Secretary E. M. Stedman. Corresponding Secretary H. R. Storer, M. D. Consulting Engineer G. E. Waring, Jr. Inspecting Engineer W. H. Fludder. Analyst W. B. Hills, M. D. State Board of Health, Connecticut. Established in 1878. The Board have advisory duties, are required to make investigations as to causes, prevalence, STATUTES AND ORDINANCES. 265 prevention of disease, etc., distribute information, cooperate with local boards of health for suppressing epidemics, and supervise registration of vital statistics. MEMBERS. J. S. Butler, M. D., Hartford, C. A. Lindsley, M. D., New President. Haven. A. C. Lippitt, New London. W. II. Brown, New Haven. A. E. Burr, Hartford. C. W. Chamberlain, M. D., Robert Hubbard, M. D., Bridge- Hartford, Secretary. port. Commissioner of Lunacy, Vermont. H. H. Atwater, M. D., Burlington, Vt. State Prison at Concord, Massachusetts. Warden S. E. Chamberlain. Physician W. B. Trull, M. D., Concord. Reformatory Prison for Women at Sherborn, Mass. Superintendent Mrs. E. C. Atkinson. Physician Lucy M. Hall, M. D. Commissioners of Pharmacy, New Hampshire. C. A. Tufts, M. D., Dover; C. S. Eastman, Concord ; G. F. Under- bill, Concord ; Elias Russell, Nashua. Abstract of Statutes and Ordinances affecting Physicians and Others. ATTEMPTS TO INDUCE ABORTION AND MISCARRIAGE. The attempt to induce miscarriage or abortion in pregnant females, whether by drugs or instruments, is forbidden by statute in all the States in New England. In Massachusetts the offender is punished by imprison- ment in the state prison for a term not less than five nor more than twenty years, if the woman dies; and by imprisonment not less than one nor more than seven years, and by fine not exceeding two thousand dollars, if the woman survives (G. S. 165, 9). In Maine (unless abortion is done as necessary for the preservation of the mother's life), if done with intent to destroy the child and thereby it is destroyed before birth, by imprison- 266 'MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. ment not less than five years, or by fine not exceeding one thousand dollars; if done with intent to procure the miscarriage of the woman, by imprisonment less than one year, and by fine not exceeding one thousand dollars (R. S. 124, 8). In New Hampshire, an endeavor to procure a miscarriage, by imprisonment not more than one year, or by fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ; and a person employing means to cause the death "of a quick child" (unless by reason of some mal- formation in the mother, or of difficult or protracted labor, the same shall be necessary to preserve the life of the mother, or shall have been advised by two physicians), shall be imprisoned from one to ten years, and pay a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars. The death of a woman during the attempt to procure miscarriage or abortion is con- sidered murder in the second degree, and is liable to be punished accord- ingly (G. S. 264, 11). In Vermont the procuring of abortion is punish- able by imprisonment for not less than five or more than ten years, in case the woman dies; or otherwise by imprisonment for not less than one year, nor more than three, and by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars (G. S. 117, 10). In Rhode Island, imprisonment not less than five nor more than twenty years,in case the woman dies ; otherwise not less than one nor more than seven years (G. S. 228, 23). In Connecticut a fine of not more than one thousand dollars, or imprisonment in the state prison uot more than five years, or both ; and any woman who shall do or suf- fer anything to be done on herself to produce miscarriage or abortion, is liable to a fine of not more than five hundred dollars, or imprisonment in the state prison not more than two years, or both. (G. S. XX. II. 11, 12). The advertisement, in any way, of means by which or persons of whom abortion may be procured, is punishable in Massachusetts by imprisonment not exceediug three years, or by fine not exceeding one thousand dollars (G. S. 165, 10). In Rhode Island, by imprisonment not exceeding three years (G. S. 232, 23). In Connecticut, by fine of not more than five hun- dred dollars (G. S. XX. II. 13). ADULTERATION OF FOOD, DRINKS, DRUGS, ETC., AND SALE OF CORRUPT OR UNWHOLESOME PROVISIONS. Punishable by imprisonment or fine in Massachusetts (G. S. 166, 1-6; 49; 57; 150, 1; 1866, 253, 5). The proper officers have authority to search for and destroy such articles as may be injurious to the public health (G. S. 166, 1; 1872, 231, 1-3; 1866, 253, 1, 4-7). In New Hampshire, punishable by statute (G. S. 253). Vermont (G. S. 118, 16.) In Rhode Island (G*. S. 233, 1-4 ; 119, 8; 118, 6-7). Under the Pharmacy Act, the adulteration or weakening of drugs involves the forfeiture of such articles, and the offender is deprived of the right of, practising in that State forever (G. S. 119, 8). In Connecticut the sale of adulterated liquors is punishable by fine or imprisonment (G. S. 9, 47). STATUTES AND ORDINANCES. 267 MI.PTCAL EXAMINATIONS, MASSACHUSETTS. SKCT. 1. The offices of coroner and special coroner are hereby abolished. SECT. 2. The governor shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the council shall appoint, in the county of Suffolk not exceed- ing two, and in each other county not exceeding the number to be desig- nated by the county commissioners as hereinafter provided, able and dis- creet men, learned in the science of medicine, to be medical examiners ; and every such nomination shall be made at least seven days prior to such appointment. SECT. 3. In the county of Suffolk each medical examiner shall receive, in full for all services performed by him, an annual salary of three thou- sand dollars, to be paid quarterly from the treasury of said county; and in other counties they shall receive for a view without an autopsy, four dollars; for a view and autopsy, thirty dollars; and travel at the rate of five cents per mile to and from the place of the view. SECT. 4. Medical examiners shall hold their offices for the term of seven years from the time of appointment, but shall be liable to removal from office at any time by the governor and council for cause shown. SECT. 5. Each medical examiner, before entering upon the duties of his office, shall be sworn and give bond, with sureties in the sum of five thou- sand dollars, to the treasurer of the county, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of his office. If a medical examiner neglects or refuses to give bond as herein required, for the period of thirty days after his appointment, the same shall be void and another shall be made instead thereof. SECT. 6. The county commissioners in each county shall, as soon as may be after the passage of this act, divide their several counties into suitable districts for the appointment of one medical examiner in each district under this act; and when such division is made shall at once certify their action to the secretary of the commonwealth, who shall lay such certificate be- fore the governor and council; but nothing herein shall prevent any med- ical examiner from acting as such in any part of his county. SECT. 7. Medical examiners shall make examinations as hereinafter provided, upon the view of the dead bodies of such persons only as are supposed to have come to their death by violence. SECT. 8. Whenever a medical examiner has notice that there has been found, or is lying within his county. th> dead body of a person who is supposed to have 'come to his death by violence, he shall forthwith repair to the place where such body lies and take charge of the same ; and if on view thereof and personal inquiry into the cause and manner of the death he deems a further examination necessary, he shall, upon being thereto authorized in writing by the district attorney, mayor, or selectmen of the district, city, or town where such body lies, in the presence of two or more discreet persons, whose attendance he may compel by subpoena if neces- 268 MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. sary, make an autopsy, and then and there carefully reduce or cause to be reduced to writing every fact and circumstance tending to show the con- dition of the body, and the cause and manner of death, together with the names and addresses of said witnesses, which record he shall subscribe. Before making such autopsy he shall call the attention of said witnesses to the position and appearance of the body. SKCT. 9. If upon such view, personal inquiry, or autopsy, he shall be of opinion that the death was caused by violence, he shall at once notify the district attorney and a justice of the district, police, or municipal court for the district or city in which the body lies, or a trial justice, and shall file a duly attested copy of the record of his autopsy in such court, or with such justice, and a like copy with such district attorney; and shall in all cases certify to the clerk or registrar having the custody of the records of births, marriages, and deaths in the city or town in which the person deceased came to his death, the name and residence of the person deceased, if known, or a description of his person, as full as may be for identification, when the name and residence cannot be ascertained, together with the cause and manner in and by which the person deceased came to his death. SECT. 10. The court or trial justice shall thereupon hold an inquest, which may be private, in which case any or all persons other than those required to be present by the provisions of this chapter may be excluded from the place where the same is held ; and said court or trial justice may also direct the witnesses to be kept separate, so that they cannot converse with each other until they have been examined. The district attorney or some person designated by him may attend the inquest and may examine all witnesses. An inquest shall be held in all cases of death by accident upon any railroad; and the district attorney or the attornej'-general may direct an inquest to be held in the case of any other casualty from which the death of any person results, if in his opinion such inquest is necessary or expedient. SECT. 11. The justice or district attorney may issue subpoenas for wit- nesses, returnable before such court or trial justice. The persons served with such process shall be allowed the same fees, and their attendance may be enforced in the same manner, and they shall be subject to the same penalties, as if served with a subpoena in behalf of the common- wealth in a criminal prosecution pending in said court, or before said trial justice. SECT. 12. The presiding justice or trial justice shall, after hearing the testimony, draw up and sign a report in which he shall find and certify when, where, and by what means the person deceased came to his death, , his name if known, and all material circumstances attending his death ; and if it appears that his death resulted wholly or in part from the unlaw- ful act of any other person, he shall further state, if known to him, the name of such person and of any person whose unlawful act contributed to such death, which report he shall file with the records of the superior court in the county wherein the inquest is held. STATUTES AND ORDINANCES. 209 SECT. 13. If the justice finds that murder, manslaughter, or an assault has been committed, he may bind over, as in criminal prosecutions, snch witnesses as he deems necessary, or as the district attorney may designate, to appear and testify at the court in which an indictment for such offence may be found or presented. SECT. 14. If a person charged by the report with the commission of any offence is not in custody, the justice shall forthwith issue process for his apprehension, and such process shall be made returnable before any court or magistrate having jurisdiction in the premises, who shall proceed therein in the manner required bylaw; but nothing herein shall prevent any justice from issuing such process before the finding of such report if it be otherwise lawful to issue the same. SECT. 15. If the medical examiner reports that the death was not caused by violence, and the district attorney or the attorney-general shall be of a contrary opinion, either the district attorney or the attorney-gen- eral may direct an inquest to be held in accordance with the provisions of this act, notwithstanding the report, at which inquest he, or some person designated by him, shall be present and examine all the witnesses. SECT. 16. The medical examiner may, if he deems it necessary, call a chemist to aid in the examination of the body or of substances supposed to have caused or contributed to the death, and such chemist shall be en- titled to such compensation for his services as the medical examiner certi- fies to be just and reasonable, the same being audited and allowed in the manner herein provided. The clerk or amanuensis, if any, employed to reduce to writing the results of the medical examination or autopsy shall be allowed for his services two dollars per day. SECT. 17. When a medical examiner views or makes an examination of the dead body of a stranger, he shall cause the body to be decently buried ; and if he certifies that he has made careful inquiry, and that to the best of his knowledge and belief the person found dead is a stranger, having no settlement in any city or town of this commonwealth, his fees, with the actual expense of burial, shall be paid from the treasury of the common- wealth. In all other cases the expense of the burial shall be paid by the city or town, and all other expenses by the county, wherein the body is found. SKCT. 18. When services are rendered in bringing to land the dead body of a person found in any of the harbors, rivers, or waters of the com- monwealth, the medical examiner may allow such compensation for said services as he deems reasonable, but this provision shall not entitle any person to compensation for services rendered in searching for such dead body. SECT. 19. In all cases arising under the provisions of this act, the med- ical examiner shall take charge of any money or other personal property of the deceased, found upon or near the body, and deliver the same to the person or persons entitled to its custody or possession; but if not claimed by such person within sixty days, then to a public administrator, to be administered upon according to law. 270 MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. SECT. 20. A.ny medical examiner who shall fraudulently neglect or refuse to deliver such property to such person within three days after due demand upon him therefor shall be punished by imprisonment in the jail or house of correction not exceeding two years, or by fine not exceeding five hundred dollars. SECT. 21. The medical examiner shall return an account of the ex- penses of each view or autopsy, including his fees, to the county commis- sioners having jurisdiction over the place where the examination or view is held, or in the county of Suffolk to the auditor of the city of Boston, and shall annex thereto the written authority under which the autopsy was made. Such commissioners or auditor shall audit such accounts and cer- tify to the treasurer of the commonwealth, or the treasurer of the county, as the case may be, what items therein are deemed just and reasonable, which shall be paid by said treasurer to the person entitled to receive the same. SECT. 22. [Provides for service and execution of writs when the sheriff is disqualified to act.] SECT. 23. [Provides for the performance of the sheriff's duties when the office of sheriff is vacant.] SECT. 24. [Repeals all former legislation inconsistent with this act.] SECT. 25. For the purposes of the appointment and qualification of medical examiners and the action of the county commissioners herein pro- vided for, this act shall take effect upon its passage, and shall take full effect on the first day of July next. Approved May 9, 1877. DEAD BODIES, DISSECTION, ETC. Physicians are authorized to receive and have in their possession, for the purpose of anatomical investigation and the instruction of students in Massachusetts (G. S. 27, 1-4). In Maine (R. S. 13, 1-2; 124, 26). In Vermont (G. S. 118, 19). In Connecticut professors and teach- ers of anatomy are obliged to give bonds, in the sum of one thousand dollars, that no body which shall have been removed from the grave ille- gally shall be brought within the building where lectures or demonstra- tions are given ; and any person performing any anatomical or surgical experiments on any corpse before such professor or lecturer shall have given such bond is liable to a fine of not less than five hundred nor more than two thousand dollars (G. S. 8, 10). The professors and teachers of chartered medical colleges in Connecticut are alone authorized to have in their possession dead bodies, and these are to be used only for the pur- poses of instruction (G. S. 13, 1-5). In Massachusetts the dead body cannot be surrendered for dissection if a request to the contrary is made by the deceased person during his last sickness, or by friends within twenty-four hours after his decease (G. S. 27, STATUTES AND ORDINANCES. 271 4). In Maine friends may require the body any time within three days of death (R. S. 13, 2). The violation of sepulture, and the dealing in or illegal possession of dead bodies, is punishable by imprisonment or fine in Massachusetts (G. S. 165, 35); Maine (R. S. 124, 26, 27); New Hampshire (G. S. 263, 12); Vermont (G. S. 118, 17); Rhode Island (G. S. 232, 21); and in Connec- ticut a person removing a body from the grave, without the consent of the near relations of the deceased, or receiving or concealing a corpse so re- moved, or dissecting such body, is liable to a fine of not less than two hun- dred nor more than two thousand dollars, and to imprisonment in the state prison for not less than two nor more than five years (G. S. 8, 9). EXEMPTION OF PROPERTY OF PHYSICIANS FROM ATTACHMENT AND EXECUTION FOR DEBT. In Vermont the professional books and instruments of physicians, to the value of two hundred dollars, are exempt (G. S. 47, 13). In Con- necticut the horse of any practising physician or surgeon, of a value not exceeding two hundred dollars, and his saddle, harness, and buggy, are exempt (G. S. 16, 10). CONTAGIOUS AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES. In Massachusetts boards of health are authorized to prevent the approach of, examine, remove, isolate, or provide medical and other attendance for persons affected with contagious or infectious diseases, and to secure, pu- rify, or otherwise dispose of baggage, clothing, or other goods supposed to be infected with diseases considered dangerous to the public health (G. S. 26, 15-26; Ibid. 51). In Maine (R. S. 114, 1-11). In New Hampshire (G. S. 102, 1-6). In Vermont (G. S. 97, 1-4). In Rhode Island (G. S- 74, 12-27). In Connecticut (G. S. 11, 1-19). In Massachusetts physicians and householders are required to give im- mediate notice of the occurrence of small-pox and any other diseases dan- gerous to the public health, under a penalty for non-performance, of not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars for the former, or not more than one hundred for the latter (G. S. 26, 47, 48). In Maine householders and physicians are similarly bound under a penalty of not less than ten nor more than thirty dollars (R. S. 14, 32, 33). In Maine the presence of a person at a duel as a surgeon, though no homicide ensues, is punishable by imprisonment for not more than twenty years, or by fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, and to be incapable of holding any place of honor, profit, or trust, for twenty years after con- viction. The engagement to act as surgeon at a duel renders the person 272 MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. liable to imprisonment not less than one year, and to be incapable, as in the preceding section, for five years (R. S. 118, 11, 12). In Vermont the presence of any person by previous engagement or appointment as a sur- geon on the occurrence of a duel, the result of which is fatal to either party, is liable to imprisonment not less than five years, or by fine not ex- ceeding one thousand dollars, and to be forever incapable of holding any place of honor, profit, or trust, under the constitution and laws of the State (G. S. 228). In Rhode Island he is liable for such action, or for advising, encouraging, or promoting a duel, to imprisonment not more than five years, or to fine not exceeding one thousand dollars (G. S. 228, 18). Boards of health are authorized by statute in Massachusetts, and their duties prescribed (G. S. 26, 1-8, Il-13). The State Board of Health, consisting of seven persons, was appointed in 1869 to take cognizance of the health of the commonwealth, to advise the government in regard to the location of public institutions, to examine into and report on the effect of the use of intoxicating liquors, and for other purposes. The board makes a report to the legislature annually in the month of January, and meets at the State House once in three months. No member, except the secretary, who is the executive officer, receives any salary (1869, 420, 1-5). ' In Boston it is the duty of the mayor to be vigilant and active in pro- tecting the public health; to see that the laws and ordinances in relation to the same are enforced; to communicate his views to the Board of Health, or the city council, from time to time, as he may deem expedient; and he shall have power to call upon the police and the various city officers to aid him in the performance of these duties. The Board of Health of Boston was organized by city ordinance in 1872. It consists of three members, who are appointed annually in January. The Board of Health, as hereby constituted, has and exercises all the powers vested in, and performs all the duties prescribed to the city coun- cil or the board of aldermen as a board of health, under the statutes and ordinances now in force. In Maine the appointment and duties of boards of health are provided for (R. S. 14, 14, 16). In New Hampshire (G. S. 101). In Vermont (G. S. 99, 1-14). In Rhode Island the several town councils and boards of aldermen act as boards of health, and make and carry out such regula- tions as they may deem best (G. S. 35, 11-12). In Connecticut (G. S. 11, 1-19). HOSPITALS. In Massachusetts cities and towns may erect and maintain hospitals for the relief of persons suffering from illness, or of persons with diseases dangerous to the public health. No such hospital can be established within one hundred rods of an inhabited dwelling-house iu an adjoining town STATUTES AND ORDINANCES. 273 without the consent of said town. No person may erect or use a building as a hospital in any part of a town prohibited by the authorities of such town under penalty of a fine not exceeding fifty dollars for each month such hospital is used. The selectmen and boards of health are required to give notice of infected places; and the hindrance of such officers in the performance of their duties, or the removal of the signs displayed for the purpose of warning travellers, renders the person so offending liable to a fine of not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars. Physi- cians and other persons in the hospitals for infectious diseases violating any of the regulations made for their government are liable to a fine of not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars (G. S. 26, 40-46, 51; 18T3, 2, 2; 1873, 192, 1). In Maine municipal officers are required to maintain hospitals for the care of patients having small-pox or similar dangerous diseases, and to provide means for the isolation of patients (R. S. 14, 26-31). In Massachusetts (G. S. 3, 7), Maine (R. S. 1, 4), New Hampshire (G. S. 1, 17), Vermont (G. S. 4, 6), Rhode Island (G. S. 22, 6), the word "insane" may include idiotic, non compos, lunatic, or distracted persons. In Massachusetts any of the judges of the supreme judicial, superior, and probate courts, and in the city of Boston of the municipal court, may commit to either of the state lunatic hospitals any insane per- son who in their judgment is a proper subject for treatment or custody; but in all cases the evidence and certificate of at least two respectable physicians, one of whom, when practicable, must be the attending physi- cian of the patient, is required to establish the fact of insanity. Notice must first be given in writing to the officers of the town or city of an in- tention to make an application for committal (1862, 223, 3-4; 1865, 268, 1.) The governor and council may license private establishments for the insane, and such asylums are subject to visitation by state officers at any time. The penalty for establishing such asylums without authority is a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars (1864, 288, 8, 9). The com- mission for the examination of insane convicts consists of the physician of the state prison as chairman, the superintendents of the state lunatic hospitals at Worcester and Taunton, together with the superintendents of the McLean Asylum at Somerville and the Boston Lunatic Hospital (1862, 8, 1; G. S. 180, 1). In Maine municipal officers may, on proper evi- dence presented before them, send to the insane hospital such insane per- sons as they may think best (R. S. 143, 12-14). In New Hampshire the judges of probate, overseers of the towns, parents and guardians, are empowered to commit to the state asylum insane persons, who are in such a condition as to be dangerous to themselves or others (G. S. 10, 12-17). In Vermont the selectmen of towns have similar powers (G. S. 20, 44). In Rhode Island a trial justice or clerk of a police court may issue a war- 18 274 MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. rant to bring insane persons before such court, and, if found insane, they may be committed to the Butler Asylum or the State Asylum. Any judge of the supreme court may also appoint three commissioners to examine a person considered insane, and committal may be made on their certificate. Insane persons are also to be received on the certificate of two practising physicians vouching for their insanity (G. S. 68, 1, 2). In Connecticut any insane person may be put in a suitable place of detention on the pres- entation of a sworn certificate, signed by some reputable physician, stating that he is insane. A judge of the superior court may appoint a commis- sion of three persons, one of whom shall be a physician and one a coun- sellor-at-law, for the examination of any person supposed to be insane; if in their opinion such person should be confined, the judge shall issue an order to that effect. A justice of the peace, or the first selectman of a town, may order an insane person going at large to be confined (G. S. 8, 6-11). JURY AND MILITARY DUTY. In Massachusetts physicians are exempt from jury duty, but this pro- vision does not affect the power of coroners and magistrates to summon and empanel jurors when authorized by other provisions of law (G. S. 132, 2; Ibid. 40). Physicians are also exempt from enrolment in the militia (320, 1874). In New Hampshire practising physicians are exempt from jury duty (G. S. 194, 3), and the officers and attendants of the in- sane asylum from military duty (G. S. 86, 4). In Vermont the superin- tendent of the asylum for the insane and the assistant physicians in the same are exempt from military duty (G. S. 110, 2). In Khode Island phvsicians and surgeons are exempt from jurv and military duty (G- S. 189, 2; 247, 5). PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. In Maine no person, except a physician or surgeon who commenced practice prior to February 16, 1831, or has received a degree at a public medical institution in the United States, or a license from the Maine Med- ical Association, is entitled to recover any compensation for medical or surgical services, unless previous to such services he has obtained a cer- tificate of good moral character from the municipal officers of the town where he then resided (R. S. 13, 3). In New Hampshire each and every medical society, organized under a charter from the Legislature, is obliged to appoint a board of not less than three censors, to examine and license practitioners of medicine, surgery, and midwifery. Every practitioner of medicine, surgery, or midwifery, including all per- sons who by sign or advertisement, or by any means whatever, offer their services to the public as practitioners of either medicine, surgery, or mid- wifery, or who by such sign or advertisement assume the title of doctor, is required to obtain a certificate of some one of the chartered medical socie- ties of the State; which certificate shall set forth that said censors have found the person to whom it is given qualified to practise all the branches STATUTES AND ORDINANCES. 275 of medical art mentioned in it; such certificate must be recorded by the ouiiity c-Ierk. A failure or neglect to have the certificate recorded within thirty days after its issue renders the person so neglectful liable to a fine t>f twenty-five dollars; and any person who shall practise medicine, sur- gery, or midwifery in this State, or who shall sign a certificate of death for purposes of burial or removal, whose aforesaid certificate is not recorded in the manner aforesaid, shall be liable to the penalties for the punishment of persons who shall practise without a certificate. Every person not a resident of this State is required to obtain a certifi- cate from some board of censors in tbis State, and cause the same to be recorded as herein provided, before he shall be permitted to practise the medical art within the State. Each board of censors shall issue certificates without fee to all physi- cians and surgeons who furnish evidence by diploma from some medical college or university, or by certificate of examination by some authorized board, which shall, after due investigation, satisfy said censors that the person so presenting such credentials has been, after due examination by a legally authorized board, deemed properly and adequately qualified to prac- tise the branches mentioned in such diploma or certificate. Any certificate issued by any board of censors as herein provided shall be valid through- out the State after being duly registered. Said censors shall also have power to revoke or annul any certificate, if in their judgment the person holding it has obtained it fraudulently, or has, by crime or misdemeanor, whereof such person shall have been duly convicted, forfeited all right to public confidence. It is declared a misdemeanor for any person to practise medicine, sur- gery, or midwifery in this State, unless authorized so to do by a certificate. And any person found guilty of such misdemeanor shall for the first of- fence be fined not less than fifty nor more than two hundred dollars; for any subsequent offence not less than two hundred nor more than five hun- dred dollars; which fine may be recovered by an action of debt for thf use of any person who shall sue therefor, or by an indictment. No person practising either of the branches of medicine, surgery, or midwifery within this State, without a certificate as provided in this act s-hall be permitted to enforce, in any of the courts of this State, the collec- tion of anj- fee or compensation for any services rendered, or medicine or material of any kind furnished, in the practice of any of the branches not mentioned in Mich certificate. The act does not apply to the practice of dentistry, or to those practition- ers of medicine who have resided five years in the town or city of their present residence (1875). PHAHMACY. Iii Massachusetts apothecaries and other persons are required to keep a record of the sale of arsenic, strychnine, corrosive sublimate, or prussic acid, without the written prescription of a physician, under penalty of 276 MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. not less than fifty dollars, and persons purchasing deadly poisons and giv- ing a fictitious name to the apothecary or other persons, are liable to a fine not exceeding fifty dollars (G. S. 166, 7). In Maine no person is allowed to sell such drugs, except on the prescription of a physician, with- out labelling each parcel sold with the name of the article and the word " Poison," and making record of such sale, under a penalty of not less than twenty nor more than fifty dollars, or imprisonment from thirty to sixty days (R S. 28). In New Hampshire druggists and apothecaries are re- quired to keep account of the sale of dangerous drugs (G. S. 253). In Ver- mont druggists must keep an account of the sale of poisonous drugs and of any anaesthetic agents. Giving an anaesthetic by inhalation or other- wise, for the purpose of committing any crime against the person or prop- erty of any citizen, renders one liable to imprisonment for not less than three years or for life (G. S. 118, 6). In Rhode Island no person, unless a registered pharmacist or registered assistant pharmacist, or one acting under the supervision of such, can retail, compound, or dispense medicines or poisons. This provision does not, however, apply to physicians who do not keep open shop for the sale of medicines, or prevent them from ad- ministering or supplying to their patients such medicines as they deem best. Registration is allowed only to graduates in pharmacy, practising phar- macists, or assistant pharmacists. The State Board of Pharmacy (consist- ing of seven members, and appointed every three years) are authorized to examine all applicants for registration, and to grant such as pass a satis- factory examination permission to engage in business. The fee for exam- ination and registration is ten dollars. A registered assistant pharmacist may be entitled to registration as a registered pharmacist, on payment of one dollar. The sale of medicines by other than registered pharmacists, or the as- sumption of the name of registered pharmacist, is forbidden under a pen- alty of fif ty dollars. The sale of poisons and of the whole class of emmenagogue and aborti- facient remedies is forbidden, except such articles are labelled with their names, and the word "Poison," and apothecaries are required to keep a list of such s#les (G. S. 119, 1-8). QUARANTINE. In Massachusetts towns may establish quarantine grounds in suitable places, within their limits; or if in other towns, with the consent of such towns. Two or more towns may at their joint expense establish quaran- tine grounds for their joint use, and may make suitable quarantine reg- ulations; and owners and masters of vessels, seamen and passengers, liable to quarantine, are bound to obey such regulations (G. S. 26, 32-39)- In Maine municipal officers of seaport cities and towns are authorized to make similar arrangements (R. S. 14, 17-25). In New Hampshire, (G. S. 103, 1-14). In Rhode Island (G. S. 74, 1-11). In Connecticut (G. S. 11, 4-12). STATUTES AND ORDINANCES. 277 REGISTRY AND RETURN OF BIRTHS AND DEATHS. In Massachusetts any physician having attended a person during his last illness shall, when requested, within fifteen days after the decease of such person, forthwith furnish for registration a certificate of the duration of the last sickness, the disease of which the person died, and the date of his de- cease as nearly as he can state the same. If any physician neglects or re- fuse's to make such certificate, he shall forfeit and pay the sum of ten dol- lars for the use of the town in which he resides (G. S. 21, 3). In New Hampshire physicians are required to make return of births and deaths annually before the fifteenth of April in each year, for which a fee is paid (G. S. 162, 3). In Vermont a physician who has been in attendance upon any person is required to leave a certificate of the cause of death with the town clerk within fifteen days after the interment of such person, under a fine, for neglect, of three dollars (G. S. 17, 7). In Rhode Island the phy- sician must make out a certificate within forty-eight hours of the death of a person (G. S. 77, 6). In Connecticut physicians and midwives are re- quired to furnish certificates of births within the first week of the month, after said birth, and physicians are required to give certificates of death during the first week of the next month following such death (G. S. 3, 3). VACCINATION. In Massachusetts parents and guardians shall cause their children and wards to be vaccinated before they attain the age of two years, and revac- cinated whenever the selectmen or mayor and aldermen shall after five years from the last vaccination require it. For every year's neglect the party offending shall forfeit the sum of five dollars. The selectmen and mayor and aldermen shall require and enforce the vaccination of inhabit- ants, and persons over twenty-one years of age failing to comply with such requirement are liable to a fine of five dollars. Towns are required to furnish the means of vaccination to such of their inhabitants as are unable to pay for the same (G. S. 26, 27-31). In Maine a town may provide for the vaccination of the inhabitants, and raise money to defray the expenses of the same. Inoculation with small-pox is forbidden under penalty of one hundred dollars for each offence (R. S. 14, 31, 35). In New Hampshire any town may appoint an agent for vaccination, who may vaccinate all persons at the expense of the town. Inoculation with small- pox is liable to a fine of one hundred and fifty dollars (G. S. 102, 1-6). In Vermont town officers may require vaccination in case of the presence and threatened spread of small-pox (G. S. 99, 1). The town councils in Rhode Island are obliged to provide public vaccination at the expense of said towns (G. S. 74, 25-27). In Connecticut boards of health may compel vaccination of the inhabitants of their several towns (G. S. 16, 17, 18). 278 MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. Executive Officers, Boston, Mass. Board of Health. The Board of Health of the City of Boston was organized under the statutes and in conformity with the ordinance of the city, passed December 2, 1872, and amended January 10, 1873. 1 The Board of Health have and exercise all the powers vested in and perform all the duties prescribed to the City Council or the Board of Aldermen as a Board of Health, under the statutes and ordinances now in force. It has the superintendence of all burial grounds except those under the control of trustees. They appoint, subject to the approval of the Mayor, and have under their control, the Superin- tendent of the Health Department, the City Physician, and Port Physician. The Board has its office at No. 32 Pemberton Square. Office hours 9 A. M. to 5 p. M. Members of the Board. S. H. Durgin, M. D., Chairman. J. M. Keith. G. F. Babbitt. Clerk of the Board ^- C. E. Davis, Jr. Superintendent of Health G. W. Forristall. City Physician S. A. Green, M. D. Assistant, J. H. McCollom, M. D. Office at Charity Bureau, Chardon Street : hours from 10 to 12 daily. Port Physician and Assistant Resident Physician at Deer Island J. B. Swift, M. D. Assistant, C. E. Woodbury, M. D. The quaran- tine grounds comprise those parts of Boston Harbor lying between Deer Island and Gallop's Island ; the hospital for this department is located on Gallop's Island. Superintendent of Lunatic Hospital and Physician at House of Cor- rection C. A. Walker, M. D. Physician at Rainsford Island C. J. Ricker, M. D. Physician at Almshouse, Austin Farm, and at Marcella Street Home O. F. Rogers, M. D. City Registrar N. A. Apollonio. Office at City Hall : office hours from 9 A. M. to 5 p. M. ; on Sunday from 10 to 12 A. M. The City Registrar records the births, deaths, and marriages, and grants certificates of all intentions of marriages. Board of Directors for Public Institutions The Board have charge of the Houses of Industry and Reformation, and Almshouse for Girls, 1 The city ordinance passed in 1869, under which matters of health were conducted up to January, 1873, was abolished on the adoption of the new ordinance. EXAMINERS FOR LIFE INSURANCE. 279 almshonses at Charlestown, Rainsford Island, and Austin Farm, the House of Correction, the Lunatic Hospital, and the Marcella Street Home. Application is to be made through the Clerk of the Board for commitments to the City and State Lunatic Hospitals. Office at 30 Pemberton Square. Members of the Board. Samuel Little, President. J. A. Smardon. L. A. Belknap. F. S. Pristeen. G. P. Baldwin. A. R. Cushing. Everett Torrey. C. J. Prescott. Frederic Pease. W. H. Hodgkins, Clerk. Examining Physician T. W. Fisher, M. D. Office hour 11 to 12. Physician to Deer Island Institutions Horace Berry, M. D. Life Insurance Companies Represented in Boston with their General Agents and Medical Examiners. 1 JEtna (Hartford, Conn.), 227 Washington Street. Dwight Chester. I. T. Hunt, M. D., 12 to 1|. Berkshire (Pittsfield), 223 Washington Street. F. J. Foss. H. G. Hemmenway, M. 1)., 1. Charter Oak (Hartford, Conn.), 258 Washington Street. G. B. Milliard. F. E. Oliver. M. D., 12 to l. Connecticut General (Hartford, Conn.), 15 State Sreet. Edwin Tilden. Connecticut Mutual (Hartford, Conn.), 230 Washington Street. Sidney F. Tyler. H. K. Oliver, M. D., llf to 12}. Continental (Hartford, Conn.), 10 Pemberton Square. W. S. Chamberlain. Equitable (New York), Equitable Building. H. T. Blodgett. A. M. Sumner, M. D. J. A. Lamson, M. D., 1 to 2. Germania, 138 Court Street. F. Krause. F. R. Staehli, M. D. Hartford Life and Annuity (Hartford, Conn.), 31 Milk Street. E. E. Burdon. S. W. Langmaid, M. D., 12 to 1. Home (New York), 70 Devonshire Street. J. M. Burgess. Hor- ace Dupee, M. D., 12 to 1. Homoeopathic (New York), 243 Washington Street. Henry Hale. J. H. Woodbury, M. D. 1 The name of the agent is given first; the name of the medical exam- iner is distinguished by the letters M. D. 280 MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. John Hancock, 16 Sears Building. S. H. Rhodes, President. J. C. White, M. D., 12| to If. Knickerbocker (New York), 31 Milk Street. W. D. Williams. G. F. Bigelow, M. D., 12 to 1. Life Association of America (St. Louis, Mo.), 1 Merchants' Ex- change. G. O. Carpenter. Manhattan (New York), 48 Congress Street. J. M. Everett. F. H. Brown, M. D. Massachusetts (Springfield), 31 Milk Street. M. V. B. Edgerly. E. N. Whi trier, M. D., 12 to 1. Mutual Benefit (Newark, N. J.), 15 State Street. S. M. Hedges. D. H. Storer, M. D., 11J to 12. Mutual Life (New York), 95 Milk Street. A. D. Smith, 3d. G. G. Tarbell, M. D., 12 to 1. National of Montpelier (Montpelier, Vt.), 242 Washington Street. J. T. Phelps. I. T. Hunt, M. D., 12 to 1. National of United States of America (Washington), 7 Exchange Place. L. M. Miller. F. H. Brown, M. D. New England, New England Mutual Life Building, Post-office Square. B. F. Stevens, President. John Homans, M. D., 12 to 2. New York (New York), Rialto Building, Milk and Devonshire streets. C. R. Griffing & Co. C. W. Swan, M. D., 1 to 2. North Western Mutual (Milwaukee, Wis.), Post-office Square. E. J. Smith. A. B. Hall, M. D., 12 to 1. Penn (Philadelphia, Pa.), 35 Congress Street. Barnard Bros. &. L. Button, M. D. Phoenix (Hartford, Conn.), 275 Washington Street. L. W. Burn- ham. F. E. Oliver, M. D. Provident Life and Trust (Philadelphia, Pa.), Rialto Building, 119 Devonshire Street. Hoag & Holway. S. L. Dntton, M. D. State (Worcester), 46 Congress Street. George Capron. Thomas Crozier, M. D., 12 to 1. Travelers (Hartford, Conn.), State Street. Hatch & Woodman. M. H. Richardson, M. D., 12 to 1. Union Mutual (Augusta, Me.), Director's Office, 153 Tremont Street, Boston. J. E. De Witt, President. A. Huntington, M. D. United States (New York), 17 Milk Street. W. H. Guild. W. E. Boardman, M. D. Vermont (Burlington), Simmons Building. C. W. Carter. F. E. Bundy, M. D. Washington (New York), 42 Congress Street, corner Exchange Place. C. W. Holden. F. H. Brown, M. D. FEE TABLES. 281 Public Baths. Boston, Mass. In order to provide more fully for the preservation of health among those resident in Boston, the City Government has provided public bathing-places as indicated below. They are open from June 1 to September 30, as follows : for males, on week days from 5 A. M. to 9 p. M., and on Sundays from 5 A. M. to 9 A. M. ; for females, on week days from 6 A. M. to 8 p. M., and on Sundays from 6 A. M. to 9 A. M. All the baths are closed by 10 p. M., and on Sundays at 9 1-2 A. M. General Superintendent H. A. Willard. FOR MEN AND BOYS. No. 1. West Boston Bridge, foot of Cambridge Street. No. 2. Craigie Bridge, foot of Leverctt Street. No. 3. Charles River Bridge, near Causeway Street. No. 5. East Boston Sectional Dock, 96 Border Street. No. 7. Federal Street Bridge. No. 8. Mt. Washington Avenue Bridge, near Federal Street. No. 10. South Boston, foot of L Street, Dorchester Bay. No. 11. Dover Street Bridge at South Pier. No. 13. Meridian Street Bridge, East Boston. No. 15. Swett Street, Roxbury. No. 17. Maverick Street, East Boston. No. 18. Chelsea Bridge, Charlestown. No. 20. Maiden Bridge, Charlestown. FOR WOMEN AND GIRLS. No. 4. Warren Bridge, near Causeway Street. No. 6. East Boston Sectional Dock, 96 Border Street. No. 9. South Boston, foot of Fifth Street. No. 12. Dover Street Bridge at South Pier. No. 16. Commercial Point, Dorchester. No. 19. Chelsea Bridge, Charlestown. No. 20. Maiden Bridge, Charlestown. Fee Table Boston (City proper). For each visit, either medical, surgical, or obstetrical, in cases of regular attendance, $3.00. For the first visit in a new case, it shall be considered proper to make a charge of from three to five dollars, 282 MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. and a similar charge should be made in cases in which but a single visit is required. In cases also of extraordinary service, detention, or attendance, or when, for any reason, the case is one of unusual impor- tance or responsibility, the charge should be proportionally increased ; and the duty to make such increased charge shall be considered oblig- atory upon the practitioner. For a visit in consultation, from $5.00 to $10.00. In case of a con- sultation, the attending physician may also charge the usual consul- tation fee instead of the fee for an ordinary visit. For each subse- quent visit in consultation, where the attendance is continuous, the fee may be from $3.00 to $5.00. For a visit after 9 p. sc. and before 8 A. M., from $5.00 to $10.00. In cases of consultation or other extraordinary attendance in the night, the fee for such extra attendance shall be added to that for a night visit. For attendance involving travel out of town, mileage shall be charged at a rate per mile, for short distances, of from $1.00 to $2.00. In cases of longer distances, travelled by railroad, the mileage may be reckoned, according to the time saved to the practitioner, at from half a dollar to a dollar. For advice at the physician's house, according to the importance of the case, unseasonableness of the hour, or time occupied, from $3.00 to $20.00. For a letter of advice, according to the importance of the case, or the time occupied, from $10.00 to $20.00. For an opinion involving a question of law in which the physician may be subpoenaed, $50.00. The above charge shall also be allowed in cases in which the physician is subpO3naed in consequence of an opinion obtained under any other pretext, but which is afterwards sought to be introduced as evidence in a suit or action. Also for at- tendance in court as an expert. In case of an opinion involving special study or experimental investigation, such additional service shall be charged in proportion to the time and labor expended. In case of detention in court as an expert, or in a matter involving a professional opinion, for each day's attendance after the first, the fee shall be $50.00. For a certificate of health, $5.00. For a post-mortem examination in a case of legal investigation, $50.00. For post-mortem examination made at the request of the family or relations of the deceased, $20 00. For vaccine inoculation, $5.00. FEE TABLES. 283 MIDWIFERY. For attendance during labor in the daytime, $20.00. For attend- ance, if any part of the attendance is in the night, $30.00. For at- tendance during tedious lahor, it shall he considered obligatory to make such additional charge as, in the discretion of the practitioner, the extraordinary detention or service shall seem to demand. Obstetric operations, when necessary, shall be charged in addition to the usual fee for attendance. In obstetrical practice, all subsequent visits shall be charged as in ordinary cases of attendance. In cases of labor, when the child is born, but not the placenta, be- fore the arrival of the accoucheur, the whole fee is to be charged. When both the child and placenta are born before the arrival of the accoucheur, half or the whole fee may be charged, according to circum- stances. This rule is intended to apply to cases in which the services of the accoucheur have been previously engaged, and in which the delay does not arise from his fault. If, in any case of labor, a second physician is called in consultation, and subsequently detained in joint attendance, both attending and consulting physicians shall be entitled to the full fee for attendance, and also to such additional amount as may be deemed proper in view of the importance of the case, the unseasonableness of the hour, or any extraordinary detention, or service rendered. OPERATIVE SURGERY. For capital operations, or operations of unusual difficulty, such as amputations of large limbs, ligation of large arteries, operations for stone in the bladder, removal of breasts or of other large tumors, operations for cataract, for strangulated hernia, for vesico-vaginal fistula, for cleft palate, etc., $100.00 to $500.00, according to the im- portance of the case and the pecuniary circumstances of the patient. For operations of secondary importance or difficulty, such as opera- tions for fistula in ano, for hare-lip, for the radical cure of hydrocele, tapping and injection of ovarian cysts, reduction of dislocations or fractures of large bones, amputation of fingers or toes, tracheotomy, removal of small tumors not involving important organs, passing catheter in cases of obstruction, ligature of arteries of secondary size, etc., $25 00 to $100.00. For minor operations, such as excision of tonsils, removal of nnsal polypi, tapping for hydrocele or for ascites, opening abscesses, cathe- terism, stitching recent wounds, cupping, passing sctons, excision of wens, etc., $5.00 to $25.00. 284 MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. After surgical operations, all subsequent visits shall be charged as in ordinary cases of attendance. It is not designed by these regulations to prevent the members of this association from rendering their services gratuitously to persons who are incapable of remunerating them without distressing them- selves or their families; and in every case, in settling his account, the practitioner may make any deduction which he conscientiously be- lieves that the circumstances of the patient render necessary. No member of this association shall omit charging any necessary visits made on the same day, on account of their number. No member of this association shall make a previous contract with any family for a definite sum, as a remuneration for his annual at- tendance on that family. Those physicians of the adjoining towns who are members of the Massachusetts Medical Society, or have been licensed by it, shall be requested to conform, in their charges, to the fee-bill of this associa- tion, whenever they attend patients in the city. Physicians called to visit other physicians, or their families, living at a distance from Boston, shall be entitled to charge one half the usual fees. Fee Table South Boston, Mass. For each visit within South Boston, daytime . . . $2.00 For each visit after 10 P. M., and before 7 A. M. . . . 3.00 to 5.00 For visit in consultation 5.00 to 10.00 For office consultation . . . 2.00 For vaccination at office 2.00 For vaccination at residence of patient 3.00 For attendance in midwifery, in daytime, including three subsequent visits 15.00 For attendance in midwifery, in night-time, including three subsequent visits 20.00 For reduction of dislocations and fractures . . . 10.00 and upwards For minor surgical operations 3.00 to 5.00 For syphilis and gonorrhoea, first visit 10.00 For each subsequent visit 2.00 (The above scale represents the minimum fees.) Fee Table Charlestown, Boston, Mass. For each visit, within the city limits, in the daytime . $2.00 to 5.00 For a visit after 10 P. M. and before 8 A. M. 3.00 to 10.00 FEE TABLES. 285 (In cases of consultation or other extraordinary attend- ance in the night, the fee for each extra attendance shall he added to that for a night visit.) For a visit in consultation $5.00 to 10.00 For attendance beyond the city limits, mileage shall be charged at a rate per mile, for short distances, of . 1.00 to 2.00 For advice at the physician's office, according to the importance of the case, unseasonableness of the hour, or time occupied 1.00 to 20.00 For vaccination at the physician's office 1.50 to 5.00 For vaccination at the patient's house 2.00 to 5.00 For attendance in midwifery 15.00 to 30.00 For making physical examinations 3.00 to 10.00 For certificates, life insurance, etc 3.00 to 10.00 For fractures 10.00 to 50.00 For dislocations 5.00 to 30.00 For minor surgical operations, such as stitching wounds, catheterism, etc 2.00 to 30.00 (After surgical operations, all subsequent visits shall be charged extra.) Fee Table Cambridge, Mass. Ordinary visit $2.00 Night visit 3.00 Consultation visit 5.00 Office consultation (payable at the time) 1.00 to 5.00 Obstetrical case (including four visits) 20.00 Vaccination at residence of patient 4.00 Vaccination at office 2.00 In venereal diseases, a fee of fifteen dollars shall be de- manded in advance; subsequent charges may be made at the discretion of the physician. In infectious diseases, the fee may be doubled. Reduction of dislocations, reduction of fractures, sur- gical operations, etc., according to the importance of each case, the minimum charge in any case being . 5.00 Bills presentable quarterly. Fee Table Chelsea, Mass. Ordinary visit $2.00 Visit between 10 p. M. and 7 A. M 4.00 Office visit. . . 1.00 to 1.50 286 ^MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. Office visit at night $2.00 Visit in consultation 5.00 Vaccination at office 1.50 Vaccination at residence of patient 2.00 to 3.00 Midwifery (with three to five subsequent visits) . . . 12.00 to 20.00 Midwifery (with instruments, additional) 5.00 Syphilis or gonorrhoea (in advance) 15.00 Minor operations 3.00 to 20.00 Adjustment of fractures and dislocations, and capital operations 20.00 to 100.00 Fee Table Hampden District, Mass. 1 Visit during the day $2.00 When detained, for each hour after the first .... 4.00 Single visits, when not the regular attendant . . . 4.00 Visit between 10 p. M. and sunrise 5.00 to 10.00 Consultation visit 6.00 to 10.00 Office consultations 1.00 to 2.00 Attendance on simple, natural cases of labor, with at- tendance for one day after delivery 10.00 to 25.00 Attendance on complicated, protracted, or instrumen- tal labors 20.00 to 50.00 Attendance on cases of miscarriage, exclusive of visits 10.00 to 25.00 Vaccination 2.00 Gonorrhoea, a retaining fee of $10, and $2.00 for each subsequent visit or consultation. Syphilis, a retaining fee of $20.00, and $2.00 for each subsequent visit or consultation. Small-pox, per visit 5.00 to 10.00 Surgical charges according to the nature of the case. Fee Table Middlesex East (Mass.) Medical Association. Adopted February, 1876. Ordinary visit $1.00 to 3.00 Night visit 2.00 to 4.00 Advice at office 0.75 to 3.00 Consultation 3.00 to 5.00 1 Adopted August 3, 1858, with this proviso, that "practitioners out of the city of Springfield may, at their discretion, make the standard of med- ical and obstetrical charges in the proportion of three fourths of the sums herein named." FEE TABLES. 287 Obstetrics and two visits $10.00 to 20.00 (Attendance over hours extra.) Difficult olwtetricfl 15.00 to 50.00 Fractures, first visit 5.00 to 20.00 Dislocations 5.00 to 20.00 Reducing hernia 3.00 to 10.00 Amputating extremities 25.00 to 100.00 Gonorrhoea, first week 5.00 to 10.00 Syphilis, first week 10.00 to 15.00 Paracentesis ahdominis 5.00 to 15.00 Aspiration, first time 5.00 to 20.00 Removing small tumors 3.00 to 10.00 Removing large tumors 10.00 to 100.00 Post mortem, at request 10.00 to 30.00 " " legal 50.00 to 100.00 Examination at office 2.00 to 5.00 Examination of urine 1.00 to 5. 00 School certificate .25 When call is more than one mile from office, 25 cents per mile ad- ditional. No physician going into another town shall charge less than the usual charge made by physicians of that town. Fee Table Providence (R. I.) Medical Association. Adopted September 6, 1869. Office consultation in ordinary cases $1.00 to 5.00 A letter of advice 3.00 to 5.00 Ordinary visits within the city in the daytime . . . 2.00 to 5.00 The same between 10 p. M. and 7 A. M. ..... 5.00 to 10.00 A visit in consultation 5.00 to 10.00 A visit out of town,' for every mile from the centre of the city 1.00 Vaccination 1.00 to 3.00 Obstetrical attendance, including three subsequent visits 1-5.00 to 50.00 Obstetrical operations 10.00 and upw. Unusual detention in all cases, except midwifery, per hour 3.00 to 5.00 An opinion involving a question where a physician may be subpoenaed 5.00 to 10.00 A post mortem examination, when required by law, or otherwise . , 25.00 to 50.00 288 MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. Operations in minor surgery S3. 00 to 25.00 Ordinary operations in surgery 25.00 and upw. Capital operations . . . . 50.00 and upw- "Warren Museum. Medical College, North Grove Street, Boston, Mass. The nucleus of this collection was formed by Dr. John C. Warren, who presented his collection to Harvard Col- lege, with five thousand dollars for its proper preservation, for the purpose of illustrating the lectures at the Medical School. The preparations were mostly the result of his own labors for forty or fifty years, with those of his friends and pupils. Among those engaged in making prepara- tions for it were Drs. Gamage, Edward Warren, Jeffries Wyman, George Parkman, Samuel Parkman, and Wins- low Lewis. Anatomical preparations were given to Dr. Warren, from time to time, by Drs. James Jackson, John Gorham, J. B. S. Jackson, and others. Many specimens were added to it, both surgical and anatomical, by Dr. J. M. Warren, who, during his visits to Europe, made a large collection of morbid bones and of the anatomical preparations of Auzoux. Since the collection came into the possession of the col- lege in 1847, it has been largely increased by gifts from various members of the profession and by the constant la- bors of its late curator, Dr. J. B. S. Jackson. A detailed catalogue of the specimens in the Museum has been pub- lished. 1 The Museum of the college now contains the Model Museum of Dermatology and Syphilography, established by Dr. Edward Wigglesworth, and by him given to the college. It is composed of models of diseases of the skin, each model being made from a cast taken directly from i Harvard University. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Warren Anatom- ical Museum, by J. B. S. Jackson, M. D., Curator of the Museum and Shattuck Professor of Morbid Anatomy. Boston : 1870. MEDICAL MUSEUM. 289 the patient, and subsequently colored at the bedside. The models were made by the celebrated French artist Baretta, modeller to the hospitals of Paris, and with him the com- position and method of staining employed remain a secret. The Museum comprises all the best specimens of the Museum of the St. Louis Hospital, as well as of the private' collection of M. Baretta, and is the first collection of these models brought to America. It contains about 200 speci- mens, and ranks, in point of numbers, second only to the collection of St. Louis. M. Baretta has given special at- tention to this Museum, and he offers it in America as a specimen of his powers, by which he is willing to be judged. The Warren Museum may be inspected by any person, on making application at the college. Warren Museum of Natural History. 82 Chestnut Street, Boston, Mass. Incorporated by the Legislature, February 19, 1858. The collections contained in this building have for their nucleus the skeleton of the great mastodon, the only per- fect specimen in existence, which was discovered in 1845, near the Hudson River at Newburgh, and purchased in 1846 by Dr. John C. Warren. Dr. Warren, knowing that all collections were, sooner or later, destroyed by fire, in 1849 erected the present fire-proof building for the pres- ervation of this specimen and for his other valuable collec- tions in natural history. The lower hall of the building contains the skeleton of the mastodon. At the side of it, and for the purpose of comparison, is that of the elephant " Pizarro," one of the largest elephants ever brought to this country, together with that of a horse. The room also contains one or two skeletons of the mastodon which have not been articulated, and a great number of the heads and teeth of animals at different periods of life. There are also the head of a whale, and casts of heads of various animals from the Brit- 19 290 MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. ish Museum, among which are those of fossil heads of ele- phants from the Himalaya Mountains. Around the room is arranged a specimen of the fossil skeleton of the Zeuglo- don Cetoides, sixty feet long. In the hall are slabs containing the fossil impressions of gigantic birds and of other large animals. The story above contains the specimens belonging to the late Dr. J. M. Warren. They consist of large collections of crania from all parts of the world, both human and comparative ; a specimen of the Ornithorhynchus paradoxus, with the stuffed skins of the male and female. Here is also the head, heart, and brain of Spurzheim, and a cast of his face taken im- mediately after death by Dr. Winslow Lewis, and an orig- inal picture of him by Fisher. The interesting collection of Peruvian mummies and crania, brought by John H. Blake, Esq., from ancient Peruvian cemeteries near Arica, are deposited in this room. Some of these crania, with others in the collection, are described in the work of Dr. Daniel Wilson on prehistoric man. In the smaller room are a collection of anatomical preparations, illustrative of healthy and morbid anatomy ; also casts of the egg of the gigantic birds, Epyornis and Dinornis, from New Zealand and New Holland, and many other objects of interest. The Museum can be visited by making application to Dr. J. Collins Warren, 58 Beacon Street, or Dr. Thomas Dwight, 70 Beacon Street. OFFICERS. President Mrs. Thomas Dwight. Treasurer Charles Lyman. Secretary Mrs. William Appleton. Medical Libraries. There are several extensive collections of books on medical subjects in New England, which are accessible to physicians and medical students. In addition to those named below, many physicians have large and important libraries, particularly rich on special subjects. MEDICAL LIBRARIES. 291 PUBLIC LIBKART, BOSTON. Boylston Street, near Tremont. 301,425 volumes, of which over 11,000 are medical ; 236,272 are in the central library in Boylston Street, and the remainder in the branches in the other portions of the city. The Library can be consulted by any person making application. Books can be taken from the Library by any inhabitant (a limited stay in the city constitutes one such), on presentation of his library card. The card is given on application at the Library. BOSTON ATHEN^UM. Beacon Street, near Park. 100,000 volumes, 4,500 of which are medical. The privileges of this private library can be enjoyed through friends who may be stockholders. LIBRARY OF THE MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL COLLEGE. A large library of standard books of reference and re- cent authorities is open to members of the medical class on the deposit of $5.00, to be returned when they shall cease to use the Library, and return all books loaned to them. The library room is open daily. BOSTON MEDICAL LIBRARY. At No. 19 Boylston Place, containing about 10,000 vol- umes and 5,000 pamphlets. For further description, see account on page 83. SPRINGFIELD CITY LIBRARY. This Library contains about 600 volumes of medical works. THE TREADWELL LIBRARY, At the Massachusetts General Hospital, Blossom Street, Boston, 5,000 volumes. This collection was the gift to the 292 MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. Hospital of the late Dr. Treadwell of Salem. It is for the use of the officers of the Hospital, and may be consulted by others by special favor. ESSEX SOUTH DISTRICT (MASS.) MEDICAL SOCIETY. The Library of the Essex South District Medical So- ciety contains over 2,400 bound volumes and 700 maga- zines and monographs. Many of the books were given by Dr. E. A. Holyoke of Salem, and other members, now de- ceased. The Library is deposited in Plummer Hall, Salem ; mem- bers of the Society are entitled to take out books. WORCESTER DISTRICT (MASS.) MEDICAL SOCIETY. Public Library Building, Worcester. 5,000 volumes, increased each year by the income derived from the Waldo and Wilder funds. The library is especially rich in recent works. The united funds amount to nearly $7,600. WORCESTER NORTH DISTRICT (MASS.) MEDICAL SOCIETY. The Society is in possession of a library of 400 volumes, from which books may be taken by members. THURBER MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, MILFORD, MASS. The Association has a library of upwards of 200 vol- umes, and a fund of $600, the income of which is applied v>r the purchase of medical books. LIBRARY OF THE MEDICAL SCHOOL OF MAINE, Brunswick, Me., contains about 4,000 volumes, principally modern works, and is annually increasing. It embraces the works of all authors of standard authority, and an ex- tensive and valuable collection of plates. MEDICAL PRIZES. 293 Prizes. The following prizes are offered for universal competi- tion by physicians and medical students : AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION PRIZES. The Committee of the Association on Prize Essays is authorized to receive original papers on any medical subject, from any persons who may choose to send them ; to decide upon the merits of these papers, and to select for presentation to the Association at its next session such as they may deem worthy of being thus presented. They may award a prize of one hundred dollars to the best original communica- tion. All communications must be sent to the chairman of the Committee on Prizes, with name and address of the author in a sealed envelope, on or before the 15th of April preceding the session. A declaration of authorship to any member of the Committee is to be regarded as a disqualification. BOYLSTON MEDICAL PRIZE. The Boylston Medical Committee, appointed by the President and Fellows of Harvard University, consists of the following physicians : D. H. Storer, M. D., President. Calvin Ellis, M. D. Merrill Wyman, M. D. Samuel Cabot, M. D. H. J. Bigelow, M. D. B. M. Hodges, M. D., Secretary. The following are the questions proposed for 1880 : I. Antiseptic Treatment. What are its essential details? How are they best carried out in practical form ? II. Diphtheria. Its causes, diagnosis, and treatment. The author of a dissertation considered worthy of a prize, on either of the subjects proposed for 1880, will be entitled to a premium of one hundred and fifty dollars. Dissertations on the above subjects must be transmitted, post-paid, to D. H. Storer, M. D., 182 Boylston Street, Boston, on or before the first Wednesday in April, 1880. The following are the questions proposed for 1881 : I. The Effects of Drugs, during lactation, on either nurse or nurs- ling. 294 MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. II. Injuries to the Back, without apparent mechanical lesion, in their surgical and medico-legal aspects. The author of a dissertation considered worthy of a prize, on either of the subjects proposed for 1881, will be entitled to a premium of three hundred dollars. Dissertations on these subjects must be transmitted as above, on or before the first Wednesday in April, 1881. Each dissertation must be accompanied by a sealed packet on which shall be written some device or sentence, and within which shall be in- closed the author's name and residence. The same device or sentence is to be written on the dissertation to which the packet is attached. The writer of each dissertation is expected to transmit his commu- nication to the President of the Committee, D. H. Storer, M. D., in a distinct and plain handwriting, and with the pages bound in book form, within the time specified. Any clew by which the authorship of a dissertation is made known to the Committee will debar such dissertation from competition. Preference will be given to dissertations which exhibit original work. All unsuccessful dissertations are deposited with the Secretary, from whom they may be obtained, with the sealed packet unopened, if called for within one year after they have been received. BOYLSTON MEDICAL SOCIETY PRIZES. In accordance with the will of the founder of the Society, Dr. Ward Nicholas Boylston, the sum of twenty-five dollars is appropriated an- nually, to be given in two prizes of fifteen and ten dollars respectively, to the author or authors of the most approved dissertation, considered worthy, on medical subjects to be selected by the author. ' The prize is open only to active members of the Society. The fund is cared for by a board of seven trustees, practising physicians in the Common- wealth, selected by the Society ; the prize is awarded by a committee of five physicians, also chosen by the Society. The names of the trus- tees and of the committee, for the present year, are given on page 79. Dissertations must be placed in the hands of the President of the Society on or before the 1st of January, together with a sealed envel- ope containing name and address of the author. The decision of the committee is announced at the last meeting of the Society in Feb- ruary. WARREN PRIZE. The Warren Prize was established by the will of Dr. J. Mason Warren, who gave the sum of $2,000 as a fund for a prize to be called MEDICAL PRIZES. 295 the Warren Prize, in memory of his father Dr. John C. Warren, the accumulated interest of which every three years is awarded for the best dissertation considered worthy of a premium, on some subject in Physiology, Surgery, or Pathological Anatomy. The arbitrators are the Medical Board of the Massachusetts General Hospital. In case no dissertation is thought worthy of a premium, the interest is added to the original fund and the amount of the premium increased. A prize of four hundred dollars is offered for 1880, and every three year subsequently. Each essay should be accompanied by a sealed envelope, containing the author's name and address, and be sent to the Resident Physician of the Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, on or before Febru- ary 1 of the year for which the prize is offered. DARTMOUTH COLLEGE PRIZES. A Pocket Case of Surgical Instruments (the " Crosby Case ") is offered by W. T. Smith, M. D., to the member of the Graduating Class who shall pass the best examination in all departments of medi- cine. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT PRIZES. Open to competition to students attending the regular course of lectures. A first prize of fifty dollars and a second prize of twenty-five dollars are offered by the Faculty. Members of the Graduating Class who have secured the highest marks of the Professors, in the stated exam- ination for the college degree, will be considered candidates for a spe- cial competitive examination in writing. A prize of twenty-five dollars will be awarded for the best Gradu- ating Thesis. , FISKE MEDICAL PRIZE. The late Dr. Caleb Fiske, formerly President of the Rhode Island Medical Society, bequeathed in his last will, for the benefit of the Society, the sum of $2,000, directing the proceeds to be applied to the payment of premiums for prize dissertations. The Trustees of the Fiske Fund, propose the following subjects for 1880: 1st. The true value of electricity in its application to surgery. 2d. The sympathetic nerve, its relations to disease. 296 MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. For the best dissertation on either of these subjects, the Trustees will pay two hundred dollars. Every competitor for a premium is expected to conform to the fol- lowing regulations, namely : To forward to the Secretary of the Trustees, on or before May 9, 1880, free of all expense, a copy of his dissertation, with a motto written thereupon, and also accompanying a sealed packet having the same motto inscribed upon the outside, and his name and place of residence within. Previously to receiving the premium awarded, the author of the successful dissertation must transfer to the Trustees all his right, title, and interest in and to the same, for the use, benefit, and behoof of the Fiske Fund. Letters accompanying the unsuccessful dissertations will be destroyed by the Trustees, unopened, and the dissertations may be procured by their respective authors, if application be made therefor within three months. SE. T. CASWELL, M. D. G. P. BAKER, M. D. C. P. O'LEAEY, M. D. EBEET PRIZE. The income of five hundred dollars is given annually by the American Pharmaceutical Society as a prize for the best essay, written by a member, containing original inves- tigations of a medicinal substance, determining uew proper- ties or containing other meritorious contributions to knowl- edge. The fund for this prize was given to the Association in 1873, by A. E. Ebert of Chicago. DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. EXPLANATION OF THE ALPHABETICAL AND LOCAL LISTS. IT is intended that these lists shall contain the names of all members of the State Medical Societies in New England living within those States, both active and retired, so far as they can be ascertained. Those members who, in the official cata- logue, are referred to certain towns in which they have last resided, but who are known not to be there at the present time, are, as a rule, omitted. In the Alphabetical List, in the societies of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island, the date, following the residence, is that of admission to the Society. The figures following the date denote the office hours. The date of academic and professional degrees, membership in societies, official positions held, authorship of books and articles, are given in succession. Except the date and source of the first academic and the medical degrees, however, no facts are given other than those authorized by the members themselves. This statement will explain the fre- quent omission of important data. The asterisk (*) signifies that no return hag been made to the author's circular. In Massachusetts and New Hampshire the dagger (f) marks retired members, who still live within the State ; and in Connecti- cut of those who have reached the age of sixty. Want of space prevents the pub- lication of more than three periodical articles. In the Local List, in Massachusetts, Maine, and New Hampshire, the date of incorporation follows the name of the town and county. The succeeding figures in- dicate the population as given in the U. S. Census of 1870 or 1875. The name of the post-office is given in brackets, when not fully indicated by the name of the town. Under the head of Boston (Suffolk County), Mass., are included all those living in the city, as at present constituted ; though residents of portions formerly known as Roxbury, Dorchester, and West Roxbury, are still considered by the Society ag belonging to the Norfolk District Society, and those in Charlestown and Brighton to the Middlesex South District Societv. DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCIETY. ALPHABETICAL LIST. ABBE, EDWARD P., resid., 119 County St. ; office, Ricketson's Block, New Bedford 1854 12 to 2. A.B.(Yale) 1848; M. D. (Harv.) 1852. Cons. Phys. St. Joseph's Hosp. ABBOT, SAMUEL L., 90 Mt. Vernon St., Boston 1841 till 9 ; 1 to 2$. A. B. (Harv.) 1838; M. D. (Harv.) 1841. Fellow Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. ; Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Improv. ; Obstet. Soc. of Bos. ; Bos. Soc. Nat. Hist. Vis. Phys. Mass. Gen. Hosp. Late editor Boa. Med. $ Surg. Jour. *ABBOTT, JOHN H., Fall River 1877. ABBOTT, SAMUEL W., Avon St., Wakefield 1862 8 to 9 ; 1 to 2. A. B. (Brown) 1858 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1862. Mass. Med. Leg. Soc. Contrib., " On Veratrum Viride," Bos. Med. $ Surg. Jour. ; "Evidence of Still-birth," Ibid., 1879; "Metric System in Medi- cine," Ibid., 1876. *t ADAMS, ABEL B., Monument St., Lexington 1838. M. D. (Harv.) 1836. ADAMS, BENJAMIN F. D., Lyman St., Waltham 1865 8 ; 2 ; 7. A. B. (Harv.) 1860; M. D. (Harv.) 1864. Mem. Camb. Soc. Med. Improv. ADAMS, FRANCIS W., Royalston 1876. A. B. (Amherst) 1862 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1868. *ADAMS, HENRY O., South Royalston 1869. ADAMS, J. F. ALLETNE, Wendell Ave., Pittsfield 1866 9 to 11 ; 7 to 9. M. D. (Harv.) 1866. Mem. Mass. Med. Legal Soc. Con- trib., " The Health of the Farmers of Mass.," Rep. State Bd. Health, 1874; "Cremation and Burial," Ibid., 1875 ; " Cottage Hospitals," Ibid., 1877. *ADAMS, JOHN Q., Wrentham 1873. 300 DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. ADAMS, Lucius S., Stockbridge 1851. M. D. (Berk.) 1829. *ADAMS, ZABDIEL B., Framingham 1855. A. B. (Bowd.) 1849 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1853. *AHEARNE, CORNELIUS A., Jr., 7 Church St., Lynn 1867. M. D. (Harv.) 1866. AIKEN, ELISHA W., B. Concord Square, Boston 1865 1 to 4 ; 6 to 9. M. D. (Harv.) 1863. ALDEN, EBENEZER, Main St., Randolph 1818. A. B. (Harv.) 1808 ; M. B. (Dart.) 1811 ; M. D. (Penn.) 1812. Hon. Mem. Conn. Med. Soc. Author, " Address before Dartmouth Med. Soc." 1819 ; "Historical Sketch of Mass. Med. Society," 1838; " The Early His- tory of the Medical Profession in Norfolk Co., Mass." 1853 ; "Med- ical Uses of Alcohol," 1871. Contrib., " Biographies of Deceased Physicians," Bos. Med. $ Surg. Jour. *ALDRICH, EZRA B., resid., 145 East Merriraac St. ; office, Merri- mac and John Sts., Lowell 1870. M. D. (Harv.) 1868. ALEXANDER, ANDREW, Neponset Ave., Harrison Square, Boston 1835. M. D. (Harv.) 1835. ALLEN, ALMON N., 155 North St., Pittsfield 1861 9 to 11 ; 7 to 9. M. D. (Albany) 1845. Mem. Pittsfield Med. Assoc. ALLEN, GEORGE O., Centre St., West Roxbury, Boston 1866 8 to 9 ; 1 to 2; 7 to 8. M. D. (Harv.) 1866. * ALLEN, JUSTIN, Topsfield 1859. M. D. (Harv.) 1856. ALLEN, NATHAN, 12 Kurd St., Lowell 1842 1 to 3 ; 7 to 9. A. B. (Amherst) 1836; M. D. (Penn.) 1841; LL. D. (Amherst) 1873. Phys. St. John's Hosp. Author, "Opium Trade between India and China ; its History and Effects ; " " Physiological Laws of Human Increase," Trans. Am. Med. Assoc., 1870. Contrib., " Physical Culture in Amherst College, a Report to the Trustees," 1868; "Hereditary Influences in Improvement of Stock," Mass. Bd. Agric., 1872 ; " Problems, Medical," etc. Address Mass. Med. ' Soc. *ALLEN, WILLIAM G., Mansfield 1862. *AMBROSE, GEORGE B., 352 Harvard St., Cambridge 1878. M. D. (Harv.) 1878. AMES, AZEL, Jr., 3 Avon St., Wakefield 1871. M. D. (Harv.) 1871. Author, "Sex in Industry," Boston, 1875. Contrib., " Dele- terious Influences in the Homes and Occupations of the Working Classes," Rep. Mass. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1873 ; " Work of Local Boards of Health," Rep. Mass. State Bd. Health, 1874. *AMES, JOSEPH S., Holden 1859. AMORY, ROBERT, Carlton and Colchester Sts., Longwood (P. O. MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCIETY. 301 Chapel Station), Brookline 1866 8 to 9; 1 to 3. A. B. (Ilarv.) 1863 ; M. I). (Harv.) 1866. Fellow Am. Acail. Arts and Sci. ; Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Observ. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Sci. ; Bos Soc. Nat. Hi>t. Author, " Bromides of Potassium and Ammonium, Physiological and Therapeutical Action," Boston, 1872 ; Wharton and Stille's Medical Jurisprudence, 3d edit., art. "Poisons," Phila., 1873; "Physiological Action of Nitrous Oxide," Boston, 1870; e CHEEVER, DATID W., 239 Boylston St., Boston 1858 2 to 3. A. B. (Harv.) 1852; M. D. (Harv.) 1858. Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Improv. Surg. Bos. City Hosp. ; Prof Clin. Surg. in Harv. Univ. Late editor Bos. Med. $ Surg. Jour. Author, " CEsophagot- oiny," Boston, 1868. Editor, " Surgical Reports, Boston City Hos- pital," 1870. CHENERY, ELISHA, 65 Chandler St., Boston 18688 to 9 ; 3. M. D. (Harv.) 1853. Mem. Maine Med. Assoc. Prof. Pathol. and MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCIETY. 311 Therap. Bos. Dental Coll. Contrib., " Chloral Hydrate and Mor- phine," Bos. Med. $ Surij. Jour., 1874; "Diphtheria successfully treated," Ibid., 1876. "Alcoholism in relation to other Forms of Disease," Jour, of Ineb., 1879. CHENEY, OSCAR D., Odd Fellows Bdg., Haverhill 1873. *CHIPMAN, WILLIAM E., 156 Broadway, Chelsea 1876. CHOATE, DAVID, 23 Norman St., Salem 1853 2 to 3 ; 7 to 8. M. D. (Harv.) 1854. Contrib., " Haematuria," Cos. Med. $ Surg. Jour., 1875. *tCHOATE, GEORGE, Cambridge 1826. A. B. (Harv.) 1818; M. D. (Harv.) 1822. *CLARK, CHARLES E., 51 Allen St., and 113 Salem St., Boston 1877. M. D. (Harv.) 1877. CLARK, DAVID, 177 State St., Springfield 1869 M. D. (Penn.) 1869. Mem. Springfield Med. Club. Phys. to Pub. Inst. Spring- field. *CLARK, HENRY G., 8 Mt. Vernon St., Boston 1835. M. D. (Bowd.) 1834. *CLARK, LUTHER, 3 Beacon Hill PL, Boston 1836. A. B. (Harv.) * 1833; M. D. (Harv.) 1836. CLARK, STEPHEN W., 10 Baker St., Lynn 1875. A. B. (Mich.) 1865; M. D. (Harv.) 1873. CLARKE, AUGUSTUS P., 693 Main St., Cambridgeport 18672 to 4 ; 7 to 10. M. D. (Harv.) 1862. Mem. Camb. Soc. Med. Improv. Contrib., " Cases of Tracheotomy," Bos. Med. Sf Surg. Jour., 1868 ; " Series of Histories of Wounds and other Injuries," Med. $ Surg. Hist, of the Rebellion ; " Cases of Puerperal Peritonitis." *CLARKE, HENRY, 9 Chestnut St., Worcester 1 855. M. D. (Harv.) 1850. CLARKE, ROWSE R., Whitinsville, Northbridge 1851. M. D. (Harv.) 1847. CLEMENT, GEORGE W., 1 Greenville St., Roxbury, Boston 1874 1 to 3. M. D. (Harv.) 1873. CLEMENT, THOMAS R., Centreville 1874. CLIFF, LEANDER A., 425 Shawmut Ave., Boston 1875. A. B. (New Brunswick) 1870; M. D. (Harv.) 1874. CLIFT, JOSEPH W., Harwichport 1877. M. D. (Harv.) 1872. CLOUGH, BENJAMIN F., 6 Myrtle St., Worcester 1869 1 to 4; 7 to 9. M. D. (Harv.) 1869. Mem. Wor. Assoc. Med. Improv. COBURN, GEORGE A., 13 Sixth St., East Cambridge 1874 7 to 9; 12 to 2; 6 to 8. A. B. (Amherst) 1868; M. D. (Harv.) 1873. Vis. Phys. Camb. Dispy. 312 DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. CODMAN, BENJAMIN S., 13 Tremont St., Boston 1850 10 to 3. M. D. (Harv.) 1845. Mem. Mass. Dental Soc. *CODMAN, WILLARD W., 113 Pinckney St., Boston 1843. M. D. (Harv.) 1843. COGGIN, DAVID, 358 Essex St., Salem 1869 8 to 9; 2 to 4. M. D. (Harv.) 1868. Mem. Am. Ophthal. Soc. Ophthal. Surg. and Supt. Salem Hosp. Contrib., "Cottage Hospitals," Boston Med. $ Surg. Jour., 1876. COGSWELL^ EDWARD R., 330 Broadway, Cambridgeport 1867 9 to 10. A. B. (Harv.) 1864; M. D. (Harv.) 1867. Mem. Camb. Soc. Med. Improv. ; Health Officer, Cambridge. Contrib., " Sani- tary Condition of Cambridge," Report Mass. St. Bd. Health, 1877. COGSWELL, GEORGE, Water St., Bradford 1832. **COGSWELL, GEORGE B., North Easton 1858. *COGSWELL. WILLIAM, Bradford 1846. COLBURN, CHARLES, H., Hingham 1874. M. D. (Harv.) 1874. COLLAMORE, FRANCIS, Pembroke (P. O. North) 1847. M. D. (Dart.) 1847. COLLINS, CLABKSON T., Great Barrington 1855 Professional reception days, Monday, Thursday, and Saturday. M. D. (Univ. N. Y.) 1843. Hon. Mem. N. Y. Med. Soc. ; Mem. N. Y. Acad. Med. Contrib., " Use of Electricity in Amenorrhrea," London Lan- cet, 1844 ; " Opening Abscess in Lung," N. Y. Jour. Med., 1844; " Address on Chronic Diseases of Women," Bos. Med. $* Surg. Jour., 1853. COLMAN, HENRY, Humphrey St., Swampseott 1874 till 94; 2 to 4. M. D. (Yale) 1874. Fel. Am. Acad. Arts and Sci.; Mem. Bos. Soc. Nat. Hist. COLONY, GEORGE D., 20 Blossom St., Fitchburg 1854 till 9 ; 1 to 3. A. B. (Dart.) 1843; M. D. (Penn.) 1846. *COLTON, JOHN J., Lowell 1877. *COMEY, PERLEY P., Clinton 1879. *COOK, CHARLES H., Natick 1879. * COOLIDGE, ALGERNON, 81 Marlboro' St., Boston 1854. A.M. (Harv.) 1869; M. D. (Harv.) 1853. *COOPER, CHARLES W., Amherst 1877. A. B. (Amherst) 1873 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1877. COPELAND, GEORGE W., 50 Maverick Sq., East Boston 1872 till 10 ; 12 to 2 ; 6 to 8. M. D. (Jeff.) 1869. Contrib., " Poisoning from Five Grains of Strychnia, treated by Chloroform," Bos. Med. &f Surg. Jour., 1873; " The Styloid Muscles and Anaesthetics," Ibid., 1874; "An Unnatural Position of the Head a cause of Death during Anaesthesia," Phila. Med. Times, 1874. MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCIETY. 313 *COPELAND, HORATIO F., South Abington 1878. M. D. (Harr.) 1865. COREY, FRANCIS E., 1 Parkman St., Westboro' 1871 1 to 2; 7 to 9. M. D. (Univ. Mich.) 1869. tCORNELL, WILLIAM M., 135 West Concord St., Boston 1844 1 to 10. A. B. (Brown) 1827 ; M. D. (Berk.) 1844; LL.D. (West- ern Univ.) 1863 ; S. T. D. (Jeff.) 1864. Mem. Bos. Soc. Nat. Hist. Editor, Guardian of Health. Author, " Observations on Epi- lepsy," 1850; "On Consumption," 1851 ; "How to Enjoy Life," Phila., 1863; " Ship and Shore Physician," 1855. *CORNISH, AARON, 64 Russell St., New Bedford 1865. *CORNISH, ELIAS H., Carver 1869. M. D. (Harv.) 1867. COTTING, BENJAMIN E., 76 Bartlett St., Roxbury, Boston 1837. A. B. (Harv.) 1834 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1837. Ex-Pres. Mass. Med. Soc. ; Mem. Council Am. Acad. Arts and Sci.; Assoc. Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Improv. ; Mem. Obstet. Soc. of Bos. ; Hon. Mem. Con. Med. Soc., and N. H. Med. Soc. ; Corr. Mem. Med. Soc., Athens, Greece ; Acad. de Quiriti, Rome, Italy. Cons. Phys. & Surg. Bos. City Hosp. Author, " Medical Addresses," containing " Nature in Disease," " My First Question as a Medical Student," and " Disease a Part of the Plan of Creation," Boston, 1875 ; " Consumption in Roxbury," Boston, 1854. Contrib., " Vaccination without Scar," Bos. Med. Sf Surg. Jour., 1872; "New Operation for Infleshed Toe-nail," Ibid., 1873 ; " Belfry Murder Case, and its Confirmation," Ibid., 1876. COUCH, JOHN'F., Webster Ave., Somerville 1872 till 8 ; 1 to 3 ; 7 to 8. M. D. (Harv.) 1872; L. M. (Rotundo, Dublin), 1874. Mem. Walker Soc. Med. Improv. *COWDREY, ARTHUR H., Stoneham 1866. M. D. (Harv.) 1857. CO WLES, EDWARD, McLean Asylum, Somerville 1872. A s B. (Dart.) 1859; M. D. (Dart.) 1862; (Coll. Phys. & Surg.) 1863. ; Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Observ. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Improv. ; Hon. Mem. Maine Med. Assoc. Supt. McLean Asylum. *COWLES, HENRY, Saxonville, Framingham 1856. M. D. (Harv.) 1843. COX, GARDNER, South Hadley Falls 1871. M. D. (Univ. Mich.) 1868. *COY, ERASTUS C., Montague City 1870. tCRANE, PHINEAS M., 1 Meridian St., East Boston 1839. A. B. (Harv.) 1824; M. D. (Harv.) 1828. CRAWFORD, JOHN W., 187 Oak St., Lawrence 1868. M. D. (Harv.) 1867. CREHORE, CHARLES F., Newton Lower Falls 1859. M. D. (Harv.) 1859. 314 DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. *CROCKER, JOHN M., Provincetown 1866. M. D. (Harv.) 1866. *tCROSS, ENOCH, Newburyport 1850. *CROWELL, JOHN, Winter St., Haverhill 1856. CROZIER, THOMAS, Jr., 223 Main St., Charlestown, Boston 1869 9 to 10; 2 to 3; 7 to 8. M. D. (Harv.) 1863. *CUNNINGHAM, THOMAS E., Cambridgeport 1877. *CURRIER, WILLIAM J., Lexington 1843. CURTIS, HALL, 2 Spruce St., Boston 1861 8 to 9 ; li to 3. A. B. (Harv.) 1854; M. D. (Harv.) 1857. Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Im- prov. ; Obstet. Soc. of Bos. Phys. Bos. City Hosp. CURTIS, THOMAS B., 70 Chestnut St., Boston 1874 2 to 4. A. B. (Harv.) 1862; M. D. (Paris), 1873. Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Observ. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Improv. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Sci. ; Am. Statist. Soc. ; Corr. Mem. Anat. Soc. Paris. Surg. to Out-pts. Mass. Gen. Hosp. *CUSHING, BENJAMIN, Percival Avenue, Dorchester, Boston 1849. A. B. (Harv.) 1842; M. D. (Harv.) 1846. GUSHING, ERNEST W., Hotel Berwick, Boston ; June to Sept. in- clusive at Nantasket 1875. 11 to 12; 5 to 6. A. B. (Harv.) 1867 ; M. D. (Coll. Phys. & Surg.) 1871. GUSHING, HENRY J., \ierrimac 1869 7 to 9 ; 12 to 2; 6 to 8. A. B. (Colby) 1864; M. D. (Harv.) 1867. *CUSHING, JOSEPH W., 29 Worcester St., Boston 1862. A. B. (Wesleyan) 1857 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1861. GUSHING, STEPHEN, 546 Shawmut Ave., Boston 1866 1 to 3 ; 6 to 8. M. D. (Harv.) 1866. CUSHMAN, THADDEUS T., Randolph 1874. M. D. (Bowdoin) 1844. Mem. Vt. Med. Soc. CUTLER, EDWARD R., 410 Main St., Waltham 1871 1 to 2 ; 8 to 9. M. D. (Harv.) 1863. CUTLER, ELBRIDGE G., 89 Boylston St., Boston 1872 1 to 2. A. B. (Harv.) 1868; M. D. (Harv.) 1872. Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Observ. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Improv. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Sci. Phys. to Out-pts. Mass. Gen. Hosp; Carney Hosp.; Pathologist City Hosp. CUTLER, WILLIAM B., 82 Dover St., Boston 1872 2 to 4; 7 to 9. M. D. (Harv.) 1872. CUTTER, CHARLES K., Franklin and Main Sts., Charlestown, Bos- ton 1876 till 9 ; 1 to 3 ; after 5$. A. B. (Tufts) 1872 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1876. CUTTER, EPHRAIM, 10 Roseland St., North Cambridge ; 20 Tremont Temple, Boston 1856 9 to 3. A. B. (Yale) 1852; M. D. (Harv.) 1856; (Penn.) 1857. Mem. Am. Pub. Health Assoc. ; MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCIETY. 315 Hon. Mem. Cal. Med. Soc. ; N. H. Mecl. Soc. Author, " Contribu- tions to the Treatment of Uterine Versions," 1876 ; " Thyrotomy Modified," 1870. Contrib., " The Physics of Cantation and Phona- tion," Bos. Jour. Chem., 1873; "Observations on the Eustachian Tubes with a New Catheter," Am. Jour. Med. Sci., 1872; "Thy- rotomy for the Removal of Growths upon the Vocal Chords," Bos. Med. fr Surg. Jour., 1869. CUTTER, JOHK C., Warren 1877 ; M. I). (Harv.) 1877. *DALE, WILLIAM H., 22 Leverett St., Boston 1875. M. D. (Harv.) 1876. DALE, WILLIAM J., North Andover and State House, Boston 1840. A. B. (Harv.) 1837 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1840. Surgeon-General, Mass. DAMON, HOWARD F., 2 Decatnr St., Boston 1862 9 to 10; 2 to 3. A. B. (Harv.) 1858; M. D. (Harv.) 1861. Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Improv. ; Bos. Microscop. Soc. ; Corr. Mem. N. Y. Dermat. Soc. Author, " Leucocythaamia " (Boylston Prize Essay), Boston, 1863; " Photographs of Skin Diseases," Boston, 1870; "Neuroses of the Skin," Philadelphia, 1868 ; " Structural Lesions of the Skin," Philadelphia, 1869; "New Treatment of Venereal Diseases by lodoform," Boston, 1872. Contrib., " Some General Remarks upon the Relative Frequency of Skin Diseases," Quar. Jour. Cutan. Med., 1870 ; " The Frequency and Varieties of Urticaria," Arch. Dermat., 1874. DANA, DAVID, 35 Jackson St., Lawrence 1850 8 to 9 ; 2 to 3 ; 7 to 8. M. D. (Harv.) 1847. Supt. and Phys. Pacific Mills Home ; Mem. Board of Health. DANIELS, EDWIN A., Medway 1 878 6fc to 8 P. M. M. D. (Harv.) 1877. Mem. Thurber Med. Soc. DAVENPORT, BENNETT F., 751 Tremont St., Boston 1871 till 9; 1 to 2. A. B. (Harv.) 1867 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1871 ; (Coll. Phys. & Surg.) 1871. Mem. Bos. Soc. Nat. Hist; Amer. Phar. Assoc. Instructor in Chemistry Mass. Coll. Phar. DAVENPORT, FRANCIS H., 156 Mt. Vernon St., Boston 1877 A. B. (Williams) 1870 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1874. Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Obs. Phys. Bos. Dispy. ; Asst. Phys. Children's Hosp. DAVIDSON, HERMAN E., 19 Middle St., Gloucester 1845. A. B. (Harv.) 1836; M. D. (Harv.) 1840. DAVIS, CHARLES H., Lincoln St., Worcester 1868 7 to 9 ; 2 to 3; 7 to 8. M. D. (Harv.) 1867. Mem. Wor. Soc. Med. Improv. DAVIS, GEORGE W., Croft's Block, High St., Holyoke 1870. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1868. 316 DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. *DAVIS, ROBERT T., 97 North Main St., Fall River 1847. M. D. (Harv.) 1847. DAVIS, SAMUEL A., 195 Main St., Charlestown, Boston 1867 till 10 ; 2 to 4. M. D. (Harv.) 1862. DAVIS, WESLEY, 42 Pleasant St., Worcester 1870 1 to 3. M. D. (Berk.) 1866. *DAVISON, ARCHIBALD T., 392 West Broadway, South Boston 1872. M. D. (Harv.) 1871. DAY, ALBERT, 41 Waltham St., Boston 1866. M. D. (Harv.) 1866. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Soc. Supt. & Phys. Washingtonian Home. Author, " Methomania," 1866. DAY, JOHN D., Dalton 1876. M. D. (Albany) 1875. DEAN, HENRY A., Church and Walnut Sts., Athol 186910 to 12 ; 2 to 5. M. D. (Dart.) 1868. *DEANE, ADAM C., Greenfield 1852. DEANE, EBENEZER A., Montague 1862. M. D. (Berk.) 1853. DEANE, JAMES R., Walnut St., Newton Highlands 1874 12 to 2 ; M. D. (Bowd.) 1860. Mem. Waldo Co. Med. Soc., Me. DEARBORN, ALVAH B., 56 Washington St., Newburyport 1871 7 to 9; 1 to 3; 7 to 9. A. B. (Bowd.) 1863; M. D. (Bowd.) 1870. DEARBORN, JOHN G., 2 Wood St., Charlestown, Boston 1872 9 to 10 ; 2 to 4 ; 6 to 8. M. D. (Univ. N. Y.) 1858. Mem. Walker Soc. Med. Improv. Phys. Charlestown Free Dispy. and Hosp. DEARBORN, REUBEN F.,403 Western Ave., Lynn 1 874 till 9 ; 1 ; after 7. A. M. (Dart.) 1870 ; M. D. (Univ. N. Y.) 1874. *DEARING, THOMAS H., Braintree 1862. M. D. (Harv.) 1861. DENNETT, WILLIAM S., Jr., Hotel Pelham, Boston 1874 1 to 4. A. B. (Bowdoin) 1871 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1874. Asst. Surgeon Mass. Char. Eye and Ear Infy. ; Ophthal. Surg. Bos. Dispy. *tDENNISTON, EDWARD E., Northampton 1834. *DENNY, JAMES H., 7 Newbury St., Boston 1863. A. B. (Dart.) 1859 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1867. DERBY, HASKET, 12 Beacon St., Boston 1862 11 to 3. A. B. (Amherst) 1855 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1858. Mem. Am. Ophthal. Soc. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Observ. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Improv. ; Heidelberger Ophthal. Gesell. Surg. Mass. Char. Eye and Ear Infy. ; OphthaL Surg. Home for Dest. R. C. Children. Author, " Modern Opera- tion for Cataract," Boston, 1871. Contrib., " Asthenopia, its Cause and Treatment," Bos. Med. $- Surg. Jour., 1862; "On the Im- portance of the Ophthalmoscope as an Aid to General Practice," Ibid., 1871 ; "An Analysis of Sixty-one Cases of Cataract by the Method of Graefe," Ibid., 1871. MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCIETY. 317 *tDEWOLF, THADDEUS K., Chester Centre 1841. DICKERMAN, LEMUEL, Foxboro' 1847. DICKSON, JAMES N., Huntington 1866 7 to 9 ; 6 to 9. M. D. (Berk.) 1865. DISBROW, ROBERT, 3 Edinboro' St., Boston 1867 12 to 4; 6 to 9. M. D. (Harv.) 1865. DIX, JOHN H., Hotel Pelham, Boston 1837 10 to 3. A. B. (Harv.) 1833 ; M. D. (Jeff.) 1836. Mem. Am. Ophthal. Soc. ; Am. Otolog. Soc. Author, " Changes of the Blood in Disease," Trans. from French of M. Gibert, Phila. 1840; "Treatise on Strabismus," Boston, 1841 ; "Essay on Morbid Sensibility of the Retina" (Boyl- ston Prize Essay), Boston, 1849. Contrib., " Sparkling Eye," Virg. Med. $ Surg. Jour., 1853 ; " Relief of Deafness," Bos. Med. & Surg. Jour., 1839 ; " The Ophthalmoscope and its Uses," Ibid., and Virg. Med. Sr Surg. Jour., 1856. DIXON, LEWIS S., resid., 8 Everett St. ; office, 26 Pearl St., Worces- ter 1871 10 to 1 ; 3 to 5. A. B. (Harv.) 1866; M. D. (Harv.) 1871. Mem. Wor. Soc. Med. Improv. Ophthal. and Aural Surg. Worcester City Hosp. ; Washburn Memorial Dispy. DIXWELL, JOHN, 6 Pemberton Sq., Boston 1873 2 to 5. A. B. (Harv.) 1870; M. D. (Harv.) 1873. Contrib., "Case of Double Nipple," Bos. Med. $ Surg. Jour., 1874. DOANE, GEORGE W., Hyannis, Barnstable 1846. M. D. (Harv.) 1844. *DODGE, EDGAR S., Boston 1877. DOE, ORLANDO W., 1 Union Park, Boston 1869 2 to 4. A. B. (Harv.) 1865 ; M. D. (Har-v.) 1869, Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Observ. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Improv. ; Obstet. Soc. Boston. Vis. Phys. Bos. City Hosp. ; Phys. St. Luke's Home. DOHERTY, HUGH, 396 W. Broadway, South Boston 1867 till 9 ; 12 to 2 ; after 5. A. B. (Williams) 1863; M. D. (Harv.) 1867 ; L. M. (K. & Q. C. P. I.) 1872. Obstet. Phys. Carney Hosp. ; Phys. Church Home. DOLE, FRANCIS F., Centre St., Chicopee 1861. M. D. (Bowdoin) 1859. DORR. JAMES C., Salem St., Medford 1852 8 to 9 ; 1 to 2. M. D. (Dart.) 1851. DOUGLASS, JOHN A., 95 Main St., Amesbury 1865 7 to 8 ; 1 to 2; 7 to 8. A. B. (Bowd.) 1854; M. D. (Coll. Phjs. & Surg.) 1861. DOW, JAMES A., 23 Magazine St., Cambridgeport 1871 1 to 2 ; 6 to 7. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1867. Mem. Vt, Med. Soc.; Camb. Soc. Med. Improv. Phys. Camb. Dispy. 318 DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. DOW, JOHN 0., Main & Woburn Sts., Reading 1860 12 to 2. M. D. (Castleton) 1846. DOW, WILLIAM W., Somerville 1871 2 to 7. M. D. (Harv.) 1869. *DOWNES, NATHANIEL, 49 Maverick Sq.,E. Boston 1878. M. D. (Harv.) 1846. *DRAKE, EBENEZER W., Middleboro 1847. DRAPER, EDGAR L., resid., Appleton St. ; office, Craft's Block, High St., Holyoke 1867 2 to 4 ; 7 to 9. A. M. (Amherst) 1867 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1867. DRAPER, FRANK W., 36 Worcester St., Boston 1869 8 to 9; 2 to 4. A. B. (Brown) 1862; M. D. (Harv.) 1869. Treasurer Mass. Med. Soc. Fel. Am. Acad. Arts & Sci. ; Mem. Mass. Med. Leg. Soc. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Observ. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Improv. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Sci. ; Obstet. Soc. Bos. ; Am. Pub. Health Assoc. ; Am. Statistical Soc. Phys. City Hosp. ; Lecturer on Forensic Med. Harv. Univ. Author, " Mass. Registration Reports," 1873 and 1874. Contrib., " The Evil Effects of the Use of Arsenic in certain Green Colors," Rep. Mass. St. Bd. Health, 1872; "The Post Mortem Di- agnosis of certain Forms of Asphyxia," Bos. Med. $ Surg. Jour., 1879 ; " House Accommodation of the Poor in Cities/' Rep. Mass. St. Bd. Health, 1873. DRAPER, JOSEPH R., 672 East Broadway, South Boston 1865 till 9; 1 to 3. A. B. (Williams) 1851 ; M. D. (Berk.) 1863. Phys. Church Home. *DRESSER, SIMEON P., Hinsdale 1873. DREW, DAVID F., 11 Franklin St., Lynn 1857 7 to 9; 1 to 3 ; 7 to 11. A. B. (Dart.) 1842; M. D. (Albany) 1855. *DRINKWATER, SIDNEY, Haver hill 1844. DRIVER, STEPHEN W., 5 Farwell PL, Cambridge 1865 2 to 3. A. B. (Harv.) 1859; M. D. (Harv.) 1863. DUDLEY, HENRY W., Abington 1866 12 to 2 ; 6 to 7. M. D. (Harv.) 1864. Mem. Old Colony Med. Assoc. *DUNBAR, EUGENE F., 7 Linwood PL, Charlestown, Boston 1879. *DUNBAR, HENRY O., Athol 1877. tDUNCAN, CHARLES M., Shelburne 1841. M. D. (Bowd.) 1833. DUNLAP, JAMES, 28 Main St., Northampton 1852 8 to 9; 1 to 3. M. D. (Coll. Phys. & Surg.) 1850. DUNN, WILLIAM A., 60 Chambers St., Boston 1874. M. D. (Harv.) 1875. Prof, of Chem. Boston College. DUPEE, HORACE, 84 Dover St., Boston 1837 3 to 4; 7 to 9. A. B. (Harv.) 1832; M. D. (Harv.) 1837. MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCIETY. 319 DURGIN, SAMUEL H., 32 Pemberton Square, Boston 1866 9 to 5. M. D. (Harv.) 1864. Chmn. Boston Board of Health. *DUTTON, CHARLES, Tyngsboro' 1867. M. D. (Harv.) 1863. BUTTON, SAMUEL L., 22 Dartmouth St., Boston 1866 2 to 4 j 7. M. D. (Harv.) 1860. D WELLY, JEROME, 27 Rock St., Fall River 1851. M. D. (Harv.) 1847. DWIGHT, JAMES, 70 Beacon St., Boston 1879. 12 to 1. A. B. (Harv.) 1874; M. D. (Harv.) 1879. DWIGHT, THOMAS, 70 Beacon St., Boston ; in Summer at Nahant 18681 to2f A. B. (Harv.) 1866; M. D. (Harv.) 1867. Fel. Am. Acad. Arts & Sci. ; Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Observ. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Improv. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Sci. ; Bos. Soc. Nat. Hist. Instruc. in Histol. in Harv. Univ. ; Surg. Carney Hosp. ; to Out-Pts. Bos. City Hosp. Late editor Bos. Med. fy Surg. Jour. Author, " The Anatomy of the Head," Boston, 1876. " Identification of the Human Skeleton," Boston, 1878. Contrib., "Description of the Balneoptera Musculus," Mem. Bos. Soc. Nat. Hist., 1873 ; " Struct- ure and Action of Striated Muscular Fibre," Proc. Bos. Soc. Nat. Hist., 1 873 ; " The Action of the Intercostal Muscles," Bos. Med. $ Surg. Jour., 1873. DWIGHT, WILLIAM, North Amherst 1862. A. B. (Amherst); M. D. (Berk..) 1843. Contrib., "Hydrometers," Bos. Med. fr Surg. Jour. EARLE, PLINY, State Lunatic Hosp., Northampton 1868. A. M. (Amherst) 1865; M. D. (Penn.) 1837. Mem. Assoc. Med. Supts. Am. Iristit. for Insane; N. Y. Med. & Surg. Soc. ; Phil. Med. Soc. ; N. Y. Acad. of Med. ; Fel. Coll. Phys. & Surg., N. Y.; Corr. Mem. Med. Soc., Athens, Greece. Supt. State Lunatic Hosp., Northamp- ton. Author, " A Visit to Thirteen Asylums for the Insane in Eu- rope," Phila., 1841 ; "History, Description, and Statistics of Bloom- ingdale Asylum for the Insane," New York, 1848; "Blood-letting in Mental Disorders," New York, 1858; "Institutions for the In- sane in Prussia, Austria, and Germany," New York, 1854. Con- trib., "The Pulse of the Insane," Am. Jour. Med. Sci., 1844 and 1845; " Paralysis peculiar to the Insane," Ibid., 1847 and 1849; "The Inability to distinguish Colors," Ibid., 1848. EASTMAN, ALBERT F., Abington 1874. EASTMAN, EDMUND T., 293 Shawmut Ave., Boston 1851 till 9^; 1 to 3; 5 to 7. A. B. (Harv.) 1846 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1850. EATON, W. WINSLOW, Holton St., Danvers 1865 1 to 2; 6 to 7. A. B. (Bowd.) 1861 ; M. D. (Univ. N. Y.) 1863. Mem. Maine Med. Assoc. 320 DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. *EAYRS, MARSHALL P., Myrtle St., near Dudley, Dorchester, Bos- ton 1875. M. D. (Harv.) 1874. EDDY, GEORGE S., 91 North Main St., Fall River 1866. M. D. (Harv.) 1866. EDES, ROBERT T., 372 Dudley St., Roxbury, Boston 1861 till 9; 1 to 2. A. B. (Harv.) 1858; M. D. (Harv.) 1861. Fel. Am. Acad. Arts & Sci. ; Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Observ. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Improv. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Sci. Professor of Mat. Med. in Harv. Univ. ; Phys. Bos. City Hosp. Author, " Nature and Time in the Cure of Diseases," Boston, 1868; "Physiology and Pathology of the Sympathetic Nervous System," New York, 1869. Contrib., " Origin and Significance of Renal Casts," Pub. Mass. Med. Soc., 1869 ; " Tumor Affecting the Nerves of the Seventh Pair and Cere- bellum," Bos. Med. $ Surg. Jour., 1873 ; "Pepsin," Ibid., 1874. ED GERLY, DAVID M., 84 Green St., Cambridgeport 1869 8 ; 2; 7. A. B. (Dart.) 1864; M. D. (Univ. N. Y.) 1867. Mem. Camb. Soc. Med. Improv. Phys. Camb. Dispy. ED SON, P. O'MEARA, 109 Warren St., Roxbury, Boston 1867 1 to 2. A. B. (Univ. Vt.) 1857 ; M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1860. Mem. Obstet. Soc. of Bos. ; Roxbury Soc. Med. Improv. *ED WARDS, CHARLES L., Hyde Park 1868. EDWARDS, NATHAN B., Chelmsford (P. O. North) 1846. M. D. (Berk.) 1844. ELA, WALTER, 9 Joy St., Boston 1874 2 to 4. A. B. (Harv.) 1871 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1875. Phys. Bos. Dispy. ELLIOT, DANIEL M., 40 Main St., Peabody 1875 2 to 3. A. B. (Dart.) 1864; M. D. (Harv.) 1869. *ELLIOT, JOHN W., Boston 1877. A. B. (Harv.) 1874; M. D. (Harv.) 1878. *ELLIOTT, JAMES P., North Woburn 1879. ELLIOTT, RUSSELL D., 154 Richmond St., Boston 1873. ELLIS, CALVIN, 114 Boylston St., Boston 1850 1 to 3. A. B. (Harv.) 1846 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1849. Fel. Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. ; Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Observ. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Improv. ; Corr. Mem. Patholog. Soc. of Phila. Prof, of Clinical Med. in Harv. Univ. ; Attend. Phys. Mass. Gen. Hosp. Contrib., " Destruction of Lung, caused by Pressure on the Primary Bronchus," Bos. Med. $ Surg. Jour. ; " The Tendency of Disease in one Part to excite it in another," Ibid., 1870 ; " Capillary Bronchitis," Clin. Lectures, 1874. *ELLIS, GEORGE L., Middleboro 1873. M. D. (Harv.) 1872. EMERSON, EDWARD W., Concord 1873. A. B. (Harv.) 1866; . U MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCIETY.' M D. (Harv.) 1874. Contrib., "Some Points in the Pathology wi^nST" f Ch lera Infantum >" Bos - Med. * Surg. Jour. ' RSON, JAMES, resid., Chestnut St.; office, Town-hall Building- Gardner 1863. M. D. (Dart.) 1857. RSON, JOHN S., 4 Washington Square, Lynn 1867 M. D. (narv.) 1855. EMERY, WILLIAM H., 1178 Tremont St., Roxbury, Boston -1870 1 to 2; 6 to 8. M. D. (Harv.) 1870. *EVELETH, EDWARD S., East Gloucester 1867 7 to 9 2 to 3 5 to 7. M. D. (Coll. Phys. & Surg.) 1866. EVELETH, PHILEMON, 135 Washington St., Marblehead 1870 - 1 to 3; 6 to 8. M. D. (Dart.) 1869. * E J E E ,1 T> H RACE S> ' 26 West Broadw *y, South Boston - 1 870 M. D. (Harv.) 1870. *EVERETT, JAMES B., Everett 1862. M. D. (Harv.) 1864 EVERETT, WILLARD S., Hyde Park- 1865-7 to 9 2 to 2 - 6 to 8. M. D. (Harv.) 1864. JAHES R "' Ashfield ~ 1879- M. D. (Berk.) 1866. EDWIN ' Camb "dge-1874. A. B. (Harv.) 1866. , EDWIN L., 1 New Heath St., Roxbury, Boston 1874 FAULKNER, GEORGE, Pond St., Jamaica Plain, Boston- 1848- 1 to 2. A. B. (Harv.) 1844; M. D. (Harv.) 1847 tFAY, ALLEN C., Milford 1837. FAY, GEORGE W., Broad St., East Wey mouth 1866 1 to * 7 .** T M> D> (HarV>) 1863> Mem ' Union Med. &Surg. Assoc." ' *bAx, JAMES M., Chester 1875. FAY, JOSEPH A., 107 Main St., Milford 1868. M. D (Berk ) 18fi7 Mem. Thurber Med. Assoc. FEARING, BENJAMIN, Wareham - 1861 - morning, noon even- ing. A. B. (Yale) 1848 ; M. D. (Jeff.) 1851. ELTON, GEORGE H., Haverhill 1879. FERGUSON, HOGH, 91 West Broadway, South Boston - 1858 ERNALD, CHARLES A., 1366 Washington St., Boston 1873 < to 10, -2 to 6. M. D. (Harv.) 1872. FERNALD, OTIS, 14 Vine St., Haverhill 1869 7 to 9 12 to s 7 to 9. M. D. (Bowd.) 1868. *tFERRE, HENRY, Dalton 1838. *FESSENDEN, JOSEPH P., 246* Essex St. Salem- 1873 .833 ; |*FIELD, HENRY M., Newton 1867. A. B. CHarv.) 1859 M D (Coll. Phya. & Surg.) 1862. 21 322 DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. FJFIELD, WILLIAM C. B., Ashland St., near Park, Harrison Square, Boston 1858. M. D. (Harv.) 1851. M. R. 'C. S. L. *FINN, JAMES A., Magazine St., cor. Dudley, Roxbury, Boston 1875. FISH, DYEB B. N., Amherst 1866 2 to 4 ; 7 to 8. M. D. (Berk.) 1862. Mem. Mass. Med. Leg. Soc. FISHER, C. IRVING, Holbrook 1873 8 to 9$ ; 12 to H. M. D. (Harv.) 1870. Mem. Old Col. Med. Assoc. Author, "A Classifica- tion of Medicines." Boston, 1873. FISHER, THEODORE W., 171 Warren Ave., Boston 1862 8 to 9 ; 1 to 3 ; 30 Pemberton Sq. 10 to 12. M. D. (Harv.) 1861. Mem. New Eng. Psychol. Assoc. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Observ. Examg. Phys. Bd. Dir. Pub. Instit., Bos. ; Phys. Bos. Dispy. Author, " Plain Talk about Insanity," Boston, 1872. Contrib., " Aphasia, and the Physiology of Speech," Bos. Med. $ Surg. Jour., 1870; "Reports on Progress in Mental Diseases," Ibid., 1873 to 1879 ; " Insane Drunk- ards," Trans. Mass. Med. Soc., 1879. *FISK, CHARLES L., Jr., Greenfield 1868. *FISK, CYRUS M., 6 Kirk St., Lowell 1872. FISK, SAMUEL A., King St., Northampton 1852. A. B. (Yale) 1844 ; M. D. (Penn.) 1846. Ex-Pres. Mass. Med. Soc. ; Mem. Corp. Clarke Instit. for Deaf-Mutes. FITZ, REGINALD EL, 18 Arlington St., Boston 1868 1 to 2. A. B. (Harv.) 1864 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1868. Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Observ. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Improv. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Sci. Prof, of Pathol. Anat. in Harv. Univ. ; Microscopist and Curator Pathol. Cabinet, Mass. Gen. Hosp. ; Phys. Bos. Dispy. FITZ, SAMUEL E., Warren St., cor. Warren PL, Roxbury, Boston 1878. A. B. (Harv.) 1862; M. D. (Harv.) 1878. *FLAGG, EDWIN B., Austin St., Worcester 1869. *FLAGG, URBANE H., Mittineague, West Springfield 1878. FLEMING, JAMES A., 30 Parmenter St., Boston 1874 8 to 10 ; 1 to 2i; 6 to 7i. M. D. (Harv.) 1875. Mem. Thursday Med. Club ; Corr. Mem. Ital. Soc. of Emulation, Rome. FLETCHER, SAMUEL W., Pepperell 1861. M. D. (Harv.) 1858. tFLINT, EDWARD, Leicester 1820. FLINT, JOHN S., 40 Dudley St., Roxbnry, Boston 1847. A. B. (Harv.) 1843; M. D. (Harv.) 1846. *tFLINT, KENDALL, 47 Main St., Haverhill 1841. A. B. (Amherst) 1831 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1839. *FLOWERS, WILLIAM C., Cambridgeport 1863. M. D. (Harv.) 1861. MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCIETY. 323 FOBES, JOSEPH B., Bridgewatcr 1856 12 to 2. M. D. (Harv.) 1839. *FOGG, DAVID S., Norwood 1847. *FOGG, WILLIAM J. G., 481 W. Broadway, South Boston 1877. A. B. (Harv.) 1873; M. D. (Harv.) 1876. *FOLEY, JAMES P., Fitchburg 1873. FOLEY. JOHN B., 88 Warren St., Roxbury, Boston 1877 2 to 4; 7 to 9. M. D. (Harv.) 1877 ; L. M. (K. Q. C. P. I.) 1878. Mem. Dublin Obstet. Soc. FOLSOM, CHARLES F., State House, Boston 1870 at 21 Joy St. 4 to 5. A. B. (Harv.) 1862 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1870. Secy. State Board of Health. FOLSOM, NORTON, 19 Berkeley St., Cambridge; 9 Park Square, Boston 1869 12 to 1. Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Observ. FOLTS, DANIEL V.,37 Maverick Sq., East Boston 1846 till 9; 2 to 4 ; after 6. M. D. (Albany) 1840. Contrib., " Dislocation of the Clavicle," Bos. Med. fr Surg. Jour. ; " Postural Taxis and Anaesthetics," t Balt. Phys. $ Surg. ; " Partial Dislocation of the Head of the Radius," Bos. Med. $ Surg. Jour. *FORSAITH, FRANCIS F., Weymouth 1856 8 to 10; 6 to 9. A. B. (Dart.) 1847 ; M. D. (Vt. Med. Coll.) 1852. Mem. Union Med. and Surg. Assoc. FORSTER, EDWARD J., 22 Monument Sq., Charlestown, Boston 1868 till "9; 2 to 3. M. D. (Harv.) 1868; L. M. (K. Q. C. P. I.) 1869. Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Observ. ; Obstet. Soc. of Bos. ; Walker Soc. Med. Improv. ; Bos. Soc. Nat. Hist. Supt. and Surg., Charlestown Free Dispy. and Hosp. ; Phys. to Charlestown Alms- house. Author, " Manual for Medical Officers of the Militia of the United States," N. Y., 1877. Contrib., " A New Method of Preparing Plaster of Paris Bandages," Bos. Med. $ Surg. Jour., 1875 ; " Dys- entery treated successfully by large Doses of Ipecacuanha," Ibid., 1877 ; " A Case of Cutaneous Calculus," Ibid., 1879. *FOSTER, CHARLES, Tewksbury 1877. M. D. (Harv.) 1877. *FOSTER, JAMES M., Wilbraham 1857. tFOSTER, JAMES W., North Attleboro' 1840. *FOSTER, LANORA, 733 Tremont St., Boston 1879. *FOSTER, WILLIAM H., Haverhill 1879. *FOWLER, EDGAR O., Danvers 1875. FOX, LORENZO S-, resid., 119 East Merrimac St. ; office, Weller Block, Lowell 1865 2 to 4 ; 7 to 9. M. D. (Harv.) 1863. *FOYE, CHARLES F., Haverhill 1877. FRANCIS, GEORGE E., 8 Elm St., Worcester 1866 2 to 4. 324 DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. A. B. (Harv.) 1858 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1863. Mem. Wor. Soc. Med. Improv. Surg. Wor. City Hosp. Contrib., " Obstetric Forceps as a Time Saver," Bos. Med. $ Surg. Jour., 1875. *FRANCIS, TAPPAN E., Davis Ave., Brookline 1848 3 to 4. A. B. (Harv.) 1844 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1847. FRANgOIS, EDWARD A. L., Saugus Centre 1868. M. D. (Harv.) 1866. *FREEMAN, GEORGE E., Brockton 1875. *FRENCH, JOHN 0., Hanover 1860. *FRENCH, JUSTUS C., Dedham 1877. M. D. (Harv.) 1875. *FRENCH, NATHAN, Maiden 1839. *FRENCH, SAMUEL W., Boston 1877. FRISBIE, JESSE F., Park St., Newton 1865. M. D. (Harv.) 1861. Mem. Bos. Soc. Nat. Hist. *FROST, GEORGE M., Peabody 1873. FULLER, HE\RY H., 202 Main St., Charlestown, Boston 1860 2 to 3 ; 7 to 8. M. D. (Harv.) I860. *FULTON, JOHN B., 12 Central Sq., East Boston 1867 12 to 2 ; 7 to 9. M. D. (Harv.) 1869. GAFFNEY, HENRY J., 119 Mason St., Salem 1870 2 to 3; 6 to 8. A. B. (St. Dunstan's Coll. P. E. I.) 1866 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1870. GAGE, THOMAS H., 50 Pearl St., Worcester 1854 2 to 4. M. D. (Harv.) 1852. Mem. Wor. Soc. Med. Improv. Surg. Worces- ter City Hosp. Contrib., " Hernia," Bos. Med. $ Surg. Jour. ; " Bronzed Skin," Ibid. GAGE, WILLIAM H., State Lunatic Hospital, Taunton 1869. M. D. (Harv.) 1869. First Asst. Phys. State Lunat. Hosp., Taunton. GALLISON, HENRY H., 34 Studio Building, Boston 1872 1 ; l to 3. M. D. (Harv.) 1872. GALLOUPE, ISAAC F., 1 Park St., Lynn J1852 2 to 4; 7 to 9. M. D. (Harv.) 1849. Mem. Lynn Med. Soc. Contrib., " Treatment of Fracture of the Patella," Bos. Med. $ Surg. Jour., 1877 ; " Uterine Fibroids," Ibid. GAMWELL, HARLOW, Holland St., Westfield 1866 8 to 10; 7 to 9. M. D. (Berk.) 1868. *GANNETT, WILLIAM W., Cambridge 1877. M. D. (Harv.) 1879. GARQEAU.TREFFLE, 10 Highland St., Roxbury, Boston 1863 till 9 ; 2 to 3 ; after 7. M. D. (Coll. Med. & Surg., L. C.) 1863 ; (Sch. Med. & Surg., Montreal) 1863. *GARDNER, WILLIAM W., 155 State St., Springfield 1866. GARLAND, ALBERT S., Pleasant St., Gloucester 1875. A. B. (Harv.) 1863; M. D. (Harv.) 1866. City Phys. Gloucester. MEDICAL SOCIETY. 325 GARLAND, GEOROE M., 98 Boylston St., Boston 1874. 2 to4; 7 to 8. A. B. (Harv.) 1871 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1874. Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Obs. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Improv. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Sci. ; Thur. Med. Club. Prof. Thorac. Dis., Univ. Vt.; Assistant in Physiol., Harv. Univ. Author, " Pneumono-Dynamics," Boston, 1878. Contrib., " Intestinal Digestion" (Boylston Prize), 1874; " Some Experiments upon the Curved Line of Dulness with Pleuritic Effusions," Bos. Med. $ Surg. Jour., 1874 ; " Pharyngeal Respiration," Jour. Physiol,, 1879. GARLAND, GEORGE W., Common St., Lawrence 1858 12 to 2. M. D. (Bowd.) 1837. Mem. N. H. Med. Soc. GARLAND, JOSEPH, 8 Pleasant St., Gloucester 1854 1 to 3. A. B. (Bowd.) 1844; M. D. (Jeff.) 1849. Contrib., "Case of Tra- cheotomy for Removal of Foreign Body from Larynx," Bos. Med. $ Surg. Jour., \8fjQ; "Erysipelas in Connection with Vaccination," Ibid., 1872 ; " Case of Extra-uterine Fcetation," Ibid., 1873. GARLAND, JOSEPH E., 8 Pleasant St., Gloucester 1876. A. B. (Harv.) 1873; M. D. (Harv.) 1877. GARRATT, ALFRED C., 37 Boylston St., Boston 1849 8 to 2, except Sunday. M. D. (Berk.) 1844. Author, "Electro-physiol- ogy and Electro-therapeutics," 1st edit., 1859; 3d edit., Boston, 1866; "Guide for using Medical Batteries," Phila., 1867. Con- trib., "Electro-puncture of Diaphragm and Heart, in Drowning, with Recovery," Bos. Med. $ Surg. Jour., 1860. GAVIN, MICHAEL F., 99 West Broadway, South Boston 1864 1 to 3. M. D. (Harv.) 1862; (R. C. S. I.) 1865. L. R. C. S. I. Contrib., " Treatment of Burns," Dub. Med. Press, 1866 ; " Removal of Ganglion by Dissection," Boston Med. $ Surg. Jour., 1869 ; " Com- parative Statistics of Suicide," Ibid., 1868. GAY, ALMON DB B., Belmont 1875. M. D. (Harv.) 1875. GAY, GEORGE W., 589 Tremont St., Boston 1869 2 to 4. M. D. (Harv.) 1868. Surg. Bos. City Hosp. ; Bos. Dispy. Con- trib., "Cases of Tracheotomy," Bos. Med. $ Surg. Jour., 1872; "Stricture of Urethra," Ibid., 1874; "Puerperal Convulsions," Ibid., 1874. GERRY, EDWIN P., Lamartine St., Jamaica Plain, Boston 1875. A. B. (Dart.) 1869; M. D. (Harv.) 1874. GIDDINGS, THEODORE, Housatonic, Great Barrington 1873. M. D. (Coll. Phys. & Surg.) 1868. GIDDINGS, WOOSTER P., Brighton Ave., Allston, Boston 1871 7| to 9; 12$ to 2; 6 to 7|. M. D. (Harv.) 1871. Mem. Camb. Soc. Med. Improv. Contrib., " Pyaemia," Bos. Med. $ Surg. Jour., 1872. 326 DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. GIFFORD, BENJAMIN D., South Chatham 1869 3 to 5. A. B. (Madison) 1864; M. D. (Albany) 1866. Mem. Fond du Lac Med. Soc. GIFFORD, SILAS S., High St., East Stoughton 1854 7 to 8; 1 to 2; 7 to 9. M. D. (Castleton) 1852. GILBERT, DANIEL D., Boston St., near Cottage, Dorchester, Boston 1869 U119; 2 to 4, exc. Saturday. A. B. (Harv.) 1861; M. D. (Berk.) 1864. Mem. Dor. Med. Club. GILBERT, JOHN H., Hancock St., Quincy 1854 7 to 8 ; 1 to 3 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1853. *GILFILLAN, THOMAS, Northampton 1874. GILMAN, EUGENE A., 564 East Broadway, South Boston 1872 1 to 3; 7 to 9. M. D. (Harv.) 1873. GILMAN, JOHN H., Welles Block, Lowell 1865 2 to 4; 7 to 9 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1863. Mem. Brit. Med. Assoc. Phys. St. John's Hosp. ; Phys. Lowell Dispy. Author, " Mortality Reports of City of Lowell," 1869-70. Contrib., "Case of Facial Paralysis," Bos. Med. and Surg. Jour., 1867; "Means to be employed for control- ling Small -pox," Ibid., 1871 ; " Report concerning Typhoid Fever in Lowell in 1869-1870," State Bd. Health Rep., 1871. *GINN, DAVID R., Dennis Port 1878. M. D. (Harv.) 1872. GLEASON, J. CONVERSE, Rockland 1870 1 to 2. A. B. (Am- herst) 1863; M. D. (Harv.) 1867. Mem. Mass. Med. Leg. Soc. ; Mem. Old Colony Med. Assoc. Contrib., " Erysipelas," Bos. Med. $ Surg. Jour., 1874; "On Strapping the Chest in Acute Pleuritis," Ibid. GODDARD, JOSIAH H., Orange 1866. A. B. (Amherst) 1856; M. D. (Coll. Phys. & Surg.) 1861. *GOLDSMITH, CHARLES A., Chatham 1873. M. D. (Harv.) 1869. GOODELL, JONATHAN W., 27 Ireson St., Lynn 1859 8 to 9; 12 to 2. M. D. (Berk.) 1854. Mem. Lynn Med. Soc. tGOODENOUGH, LEVI, South Sudbury 1847 12 to 2. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1829. Mem. Med. Soc. Univ. Vt. GORDON, JOHN A., Hancock St., Quincy 1871 2 to 3 ; 7 to 8. M. D. (Harv.) 1871. Mem. Union Med. & Surg. Assoc. Town Phys. of Quincy. *GORDON, WILLIAM A., Apponegansett, Dartmouth 1835. A. B. (Harv.) 1826; M. D. (Harv.) 1829. GOSS, FRANCIS W., Hotel Eliot, Roxbury, Boston 18692 to 3. A. B. (Harv.) 1862; M. D. (Harv.) 1869. Rec. Secy. Mass. Med. Soc. Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Improv. ; Rox. Soc. Med- Improv. [MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCIETY. 327 GOULD, JOSEPH F., 418 West Broadway, South Boston 1859 till 9 ; 1 to 4 ; 7 to 10. M. D. (Harv.) 1859. GOULD, JOSHUA B., Winter St., West Somerville 1858. M. D. (Woodstock) 1850. *GOULD, LAWRENCE M., Stoughton 1878 M. D. (Harv.) 1877. *GOULD, SAMUEL H., Brewster 1846. GRAHAM, DOUGLAS, 20 Dwight St., Boston 1873 2 to 3. M. D. (Jeff.) 1873. Contrib., " The Treatment of Sprains by Mas- sage, with a resume" of its Results in 308 Cases," New York Med. Rec., 1877; "Massage in Winter's Cramp and Allied Affections," Ibid., 1877; "Massage in Amenorrhcea and Dysmenorrhoea," Bos. Med. fr Surg. Jour., 1876. *GRAVES, FRANK W., Woburn 1878. *tGRAY, FRANCIS H., 1 Beacon Hill PL, Boston 1834. A. B. (Harv.) 1831 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1834. GREEN, CHARLES M., 78 Marlboro' St., Boston 1877 12 to 2. A. B. (Harv.) 1874 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1877. Dist. Phys. Bos. Dispy. GREEN, JOHN 0., resid., Pawtucket St.; office, Savings Bank Bdg., Lowell 1827 2 to 4. A.B. (Harv.) 1817; M. D. (Harv.) 1822. Phys. St John's Hosp. Contrib., " Cases of Fracture of the Liver," Am. Jour. Med. Sci., 1830; "Annual Address before Mass. Med- ical Society," 1846 ; "Address on Life and Character of John C. Dalton, M. D.," 1854. GREEN, J. ORNE, 12 Beacon St., Boston 1868 11 to 3. A. B. (Harv.) 1863; M. D. (Harv.) 1866. Mem. Am. Otological Soc. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Observ. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Improv. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Sci. Clinical Instructor in Otology in Harvard Univ. ; Aural Sur- geon Bos. City Hosp. Contrib., " Eleven Cases of Injury to the Ear from External Violence," Trans. Am. Otolog. Soc., 1869 ; " Obstinate Nausea, Vertigo, and Vomiting from Ear Disease," Bos. Med. $ Surg. Jour., 1867 ; " Cases Illustrative of Mastoid In- flammation," Ibid. GREEN, SAMUEL A., 35 Kneeland St., Boston 1856. A. B. (Harv.) 1851 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1854. GREENE, FRANCIS C., Easthampton 1854. M. D. (Yale) 1851. GREENE, JAMES S., Washington St., Dorchester, Boston. (P. 0. Milton) 1863 8|; 2|; 5 to 7. M. D. (Harv.) 1863. Mem. Dor. Med. Club. Contrib., "Air in the Veins as a Cause of Death," Am. Jour. Med. Sci., 1864; "An Unusual Case of Cancer," Ibid., 1876. t GREENE, MOSES C., 69 Green St, Boston 1846 2 to 4. M. D. (Dart.) 1835. 328 DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. GREENE, NATHANIEL, resid., 94 Pembroke St. ; office, 1 Hamilton PL, Boston 1864 9 to 2 ; 3 to 6. M. D. (Harv.) 1862. *GREENLEAF, JOHN R., Haydenville, Williamsburg 1871. GREENLEAF, RICHARD C., Jr., Lenox 1870 12 to 2. A. B. (Harv.) 1866 ; M. D. (Harv.),1870. Mem. Bos. Soc. Nat. Hist. GREENOUGH, FRANCIS B.,?Charles St.. Boston 1867 1 to 3. A. B. (Harv.) 1859; M. D. (Harv.) 1866. Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Improv. ; Roman Med. Soc. N. Y. Surg. Skin & Venereal Dept. Bos. Dispy. ; Clinical Instructor in Venereal Dis. in Harv: Univ. Contrib., " On the Treatment of Urethral Stricture," Bos. Med. $ Surg. Jour., 1867; " GonorrhoBal Rheumatism," Ibid., 1867 ; "Lostorfer's Syphilitic Corpuscles," Ibid., 1872. GRIGGS, THOMAS T., Grafton 1858 M. D. (Harv.) 1849. *tGROSVENOR, DAVID A., Jr., Danvers 1840. *GUNTER, ADOLPHCS B., 3 Dexter Row, Charlestown, Boston 1877. M. D. (Harv.) 1877. *HACKETT, CHARLES W., Maplewood 1875. *HADDOCK, CHARLES, Beverly 1848. *HADDOCK, CHARLES W., Beverly 1879. M. D. (Harv.) 1879. *HAGAR, JOSEPH, East Marshfield 1846. M. D. (N. Y. Univ.) 1846. HAHN, AMMI R., 35 Chelsea St., East Boston 1869 9 to 10; 7 to 8. A. B. (Dart.) 1865 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1869. HALE, JOSIAH L., 1 St. James Ave., Boston 1871 2 to 4. A. B. (Hobart) 1860; M. D. (Harv.) 1868. Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Improv. ; Bos. Soc. Nat. Hist. Phys. Bos. Dispy. HALL, ADINO B., 41 Somerset St., Boston 1846 till 9 ; 11; 1 ; 2| to 4. M. D. (Dart.) 1845. *HALL, EDWARD D., Boston 1873. M. D. (Harv.) 1873. HALL, HARRY P., Leominster 1877. *HALL, MARQUIS, Spencer 1866. *H ALL, THOMAS, Jr., 1452 Washington St., Boston 1867 9 to 10; 3 to 4. M. D. (Harv.) 1866. *HAMILTON, A. 0., 29 Lexington St., East Boston 1878. M. D. (Harv.) 1877. HAMILTON, CHARLES H., Manchaug, Sutton 1872 7 to 9. M. D. (Bellevue) 1869. *tHAMILTON, ERASMUS D., Conway 1835. *tHAMMOND, JOSIAH S., Plymp ton 1840. HAMMOND, LEMUEL H.,38 Myrtle St., Worcester 1863 12$ to3;7tolO. M. D. (Albany) 1858. HAMMOND, ROLAND, Bellingham 1875 7| to 8$ ; 1 to 2 ; 6 to MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCIETY. 329 9. A. B. (Tufts) 1868 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1872. Mem. Thurber Med. Assoc. HAMMOND, WILLIAM P., 401 Main St., Charlestown, Boston 1875 8 to 9; 1 to 3. A. B. (Amherst) 1869; M. D. (Hurv.) 1873. *HANDY, BENJAMIN J., Fall River 1871. M. D. (Harv.) 1871. *H ANNUM, JAMES W., Ludlow 1879. M. D. (Coll. Thy s.& Surg.) 1877. HANSCOM, SANFORD, Webster St., East Somerville 1869 till 9 ; 1 to 2f M. D. (Harv.) 1868. *HARDING, EDWARD M., Insane Asylum, Danvers 1875. HARLOW, EDWIN A. W., 34 Harrison Ave., Boston 1846 9 ; 2. A. B. (Harv.) 1841 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1846. Contrib., " Case of Prolapsus of the Umbilical Cord," Bos. Med. $ Sury. Jonr., 1861 ; "Case of Cynanche Parotidea with Metastasis," Ibid., 1862 ; " Case of Depression of the Frontal Bone during Labor," Ibid., 1871. *HARLOW, JAMES F., Quincy Point 1847. M. D. (Harv.) 1847. HARLOW, JOHN M., Woburn 1861 7 to 8 ; 1 to 2 ; 7 to 9. M. D. (Jeff.) 1844. Mem. Vt. Med. Soc. Town Phys. Woburn. Author, " Recovery after the Passage of a Tamping-iron through the Head," Boston, 1848. *HARRIMAN, JAMES L., Hudson 1878. HARRIS, FRANCIS A., 43 Hancock St., Boston 1872 2 to 4. A. B. (Harv.) 1866 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1872. Mem. Mass. Med. Leg. Soc. Contrib., "Local Anaesthesia of Larynx," Bos. Med. $ Surg. Jour., 1873. *HARRIS, JONAS C., Arlington 1 842. HARTLEY, JAMES W., 90 North Main St., Fall River 1859. M. D. (Harv.) 1852. *HARTNETT, MAURICE K., 178 Harrison Ave., Boston 1861 9 to 10 ; 2 to 4 ; 7 to 9. M. D. (Harv.) 1859. HARTWELL, BENJAMIN H., Mead's Block, Ayer 1870 8 to 9; 1 to 3; 6 to 8. M. D. (Jeff.) 1868. *HARVEY, EDWIN B., Westboro' 1867. A. B. ( Wesleyan) 1859 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1866. tHARWOOD, DANIEL, 109 Boylston St., Boston 1832. HASTINGS, BENJAMIN F., South Abington 1866. A. B. (Wil- liams) 1861 ; M. D. (Univ. N. Y.) 1863. Mem. Old Col. Med. Assoc. HASTINGS, JOSEPH W., Warren 1869 8 to 9 ; 3 to 5. M. D. (Harv.) 1856. HASTINGS, WILLIAM H. H., 128 Charles St., Boston 1870 1 330 DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. to 2. M. D. (Harv.) 1868. Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Observ. Supt. Bos. Dispy. Contrib., " Report of a Case of Adherent Placenta," Bos. Med. $ Surg. Jour., 1872. *HAVEN, HENRY C., 233 Marlboro' St., Boston 1878. M. D. (Harv.) 1879. HAY, GUSTAVUS, 91 Charles St., Boston 1859 12 to 2. A. B. (Harv.) 1850; S.B. (Harv.) 1853; M. D. (Harv.) 1857. HAYDEN, DAVID H., 201 Beacon St., Boston 18692. A. B. (Harv.) 1859; M. D. (Harv.) 1863. Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Ob- serv. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Improv. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Sci. Phys. to Out- pts. Mass. Gen. Hosp. ; Phys. Home for Aged Colored Women. HAYES, AUGUSTUS A., Longwood, Brookline 1850. M. D. (Dart.) Fel. Am. Acad. Arts. & Sci. ; Mem. Bos. Soc. Nat. Hist. ; Hon. Mem. Mass. Med. Soc. *HAYES, CHARLES C., Hyde Park 1867. HAYES, STEPHEN W., 4 Cummings Block, New Bedford 1870 8 to 9 ; 2 to 4 ; 7 to 9. M. D. (Harv.) 1870. Phys. in charge St. John's Hosp. HAY WARD, GEORGE, Pond St., Jamaica Plain, Boston 1843 till 9 ; 1 to 2f A. B. (Harv.) 1839 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1843. *HAY WARD, JOHN McL., Wayland 1858 1 to 2. M. D. (Harv.) 1858. HAZELTON, ISAAC H., Grantville, Needham 1 869. M. D. (Harv.) 1861. HEALY, JAMES J., 48 State St., Newhuryport 1873 10 to 12 ; 2 to 4; 7 to 8. M. D. (Coll. Phys. & Surg.) 1872. *HEARD, J. THEODORE, 20 Louisburg Sq-, Boston 1859 9 to 10; 1 to 2; 6 to 7. M. D. (Harv.) 1859. HEATH, CHARLES E., Lee 1869. M. D. (Albany) 1856. HEBBARD, ELLERY C., 23 Buckingham St., Boston 1874 8 to 10 ; 1 to 3 ; 6 to 8. M. D. (Bellevue) 1870. *HEED, HARMON, Pelham 1877. *HERRICK, ALBERT S., 192 Merrimac St., Lowell 1873. *HICKS, HERBERT D., 57 Hancock St., Boston 1879. M. D. (Harv.) 1879. *HILDRETH, CHARLES H., Church and Columbia Sts., Gloucester 1853. M. D. (Harv.) 1851. HILDRETH, JOHN L., 37 Brattle St., Cambridge 1868 2 ; 7. M. D. (Dart.) 1867; A. B. (Dart.) 1876. Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Observ. ; Camb. Soc. Med. Improv. Phys. Avon Home. HILDRETH, WILLIAM H., Newton Upper Falls 1870 8 ; 1 to 3 ; 7. M. D. (Dart.) 1868. *HILL, EDGAR D., Plymouth 1878. MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCIETY. 331 *HILL, JOUN B.,93 Chauncey St., Boston 1854. M. D. (Harv.) 1852. *HILLS, WILLIAM B., resid., Langdon St., Cambridge ; laboratory, Harvard Med. School, Boston 1874. A. B. (Harv.) 1871 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1874. Mem. Am. Chem. Soc. Instructor in Chem. in Harv. Univ. HITCHCOCK, ALFRED O., Fitchburg 1870. M. D. (Harv.) 1870. HITCHCOCK, JOSEPH G. S., Foxboro' 1853 12 to 2. A. B. (Middlebury) 1844 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1850. HOAR, WILLIAM M., Lowell 1874. HODGDON, RICUABD L., Pleasant St., Arlington 1854 till 8|; 12 to 1. A. B. (Bowd.) 1845; M. D. (Jeff.) 1852. Assoc. Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Improv. ; Mem. Obstet. Soc. of Bos. ; Camb. Soc. Med. Improv. HODGES, EDWARD F., 16 Lynde St., Boston 1875 1 to 3 ; 6 to 7. A. B. (Harv.) 1871 ; M. D. (Georgetown) 1874; (Harv.) 1877. Dist. Phys. Bos. Dispy. Contrib., " Yellow Fever in Brazil." HODGES, RICHARD M., 67 Marlboro' St., Boston 18532 to 3. A. B. (Harv.) 1847; M. D. (Harv.) 1850. HODGKINS, I DAVID W., East Brookfield 1869. M. D. (Coll. Phys. & Surg.) 1862. Contrib., " Use of Bromide of Potassium in Vomiting of Pregnancy," Bos. Med. Sf Surg. Jour. HOLBROOK, SILAS P., 184 West Brookline St., Boston 1862 till 9 ; 1 to 2; 4 to 5. A. M. (Brown) 1859; M. D. (Penn ) 1862. *HOLCOMBE, CHARLES C., Lee 1855. M. D. (Yale) 1850. HOLMES, ALEXANDER R., Canton 1854. HOLMES, CHRISTOPHER C., Milton 1841. A. B. (Harv.) 1837 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1840. HOLMES, HORACE M., Adams 1857. HOLMES, HOWLAND, Main and Waltham Sts., Lexington 1848 12 to 3. A. B. (Harv.) 1843 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1848. HOLMES, OLIVER W., 296 Beacon St., Boston 1836. A. B. (Harv.) 1829 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1836. Fel. Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. ; Mem. SocieteMed. d'Observation, Paris. Parkman Prof, of Anat. and Physiol. in Harv. Univ. Author, " Boylston Prize Disserta- tions," Boston, 1838 ; " Homoeopathy and its Kindred Delusions," Boston, 1842. Contrib., " Report on Medical Literature," Trans. Am. Med. Assoc., Vol. I. ; " The Contagiousness of Puerperal Fever," New Eng. Qrly. Jour. Med. fr Surg., 1 843 ; " Th Medical Profession in Massachusetts," Am. Jour. Med. Sci., 1876. HOLMES, W. H., 655 Shawmut Ave., Boston 1878. M. D. (Harv ) 1877. 332 DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. HOLT, ALFRED F., 98 Austin St., Cambridgeport 1867 8 to 9 ; 2; 7. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1860. Mem. Bos. Microscop. Soc. ; Camb. Soc. Med. Improv. HOLT, CHARLES A., 409 Broadway, Chelsea 1873 till 9 ; 1 to 3 ; 7 to 9; except Thursday evening. M. D. (Harv.) 1871. Mem. Walker Soc. Med. Improv. *tHOLT, DANIEL, 15 John St., Lowell 1846. M. D. (Yale) 1835. HOLYOKE, WILLIAM C., 413 Shawmut Ave., Boston 1872 1 to 3. M. D. (Harv.) 1872. Surg. to Out-pts. Bos. City Hosp. ; Dist. Phys. Bos. Dispy. HOMANS, CHARLES D., 90 Boylston St., Boston 1850 2 to 3. A. B. (Harv.) 1846 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1849. HOMANS, JOHN, 161 Beacon St., Boston 1862 till 9; 2 to 3. A. B (Harv.) 1858; M. D. (Harv.) 1862. Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Improv. Surg. Carney Hosp.; Surg. to Out-pts. Mass. Gen. Hosp. ; Med. Dir. Perkins Inst. for Blind. Contrib., " Antiseptic Ovari- otomy," Bos. Med. Sf Surg. Jour., 1879. tHOOKER, GEORGE, Longmeadow 1821. A. B. (Yale) 1814; M. D. (Yale) 1817. HOOKER, JOHN, 183 State St., Springfield 1870. M. D. (Worces- ter) 1848. *HOOPER, FRANK H., Boston 1876. M. D. (Harv.) 1877. *HOOPER, FREDERIC H., Parker House, New Bedford 1859. HOOPER, ROBERT W., 114 Beacon St., Boston 1836. A. B. (Harv.) 1830; M. D. (Harv.) 1836. HOSMER, ALFRED, Riverside PL, Watertown 1856 3. A. B. (Harv.) 1853 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1856. Fel. Am. Acad. Arts & Sci.; Mem. Mass. Med. Leg. Soc. ; Obstet. Soc. of Bos. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Obs. ; Camb. Soc. Med. Improv. Contrib., " The Abuse of the Alimentary Canal," Bos. Med. fr Surg. Jour. ; " A Peculiar Con- dition of the Cervix Uteri which is found in certain cases of Dystocia," Ibid.; " Introductory Address before the Mass, Medico- Legal Society," Ibid. HOUGH, GEORGE T., 95 Elm St., New Bedford 1869 2; 7. M. D. (N. Y. Med. Coll.) 1857. Mem. New Bedford Med. Club. Phys. St. Joseph's Hosp. *HOW, JAMES C., Pond St., Haverhill 1856. HOWARD, ARTHUR C., 91 Mt. Vernon St., Boston 1877 12 to 2 ; 6 to 7. A. B. (Harv.) 1877 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1877. Mem. Brit. Med. Assoc. *HOWARD, EUGENE, Newburyport 1877. *HOWARD, LEVI, Chelmsford 1849. M. D. (Dart.) 1845. MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCIETY. 333 HOWARTH, JAMES, Andovcr 1851. *IIOWE, CHARLES, 29 Summer St., Taunton 1848. M. D. (Harv.) 1848. HOWE, FRANCIS A., Newburyport 1854 11 to 12J; 2 to 3. A. B. (Amherst) 1848; M. D. (Harv.) 1854. *HOWE, GEORGE M., Framingham 1857. M. D. (Harv.) 1854. HOWE, OCTAVIUS T., Lawrence 1876. A. B. (Harv.) 1873. HOWES, WOODBRIDGE R., 2 Church St., Hanover 1866 1 to 3. M. D. (Harv.) 1854. Mem. Old Colony Med. Assoc. *HOYT, ALPHEUS E., Natick 1867. HUBBARD, BENJAMIN, 25 Main St., Plymouth 1844 2 to -3 ; 7 to 9. M. D. (Berk.) 1843. HUBBARD, GEORGE, 9 Portland St., Boston 1837. M. D. (Yale) 1835. *HUBON, P. E., Worcester 1879. HUCKINS, DAVID T., Watertown 1848. HULBERT, CHAUNCEY M., South Dennis 1854. M. D. (Vt. Med. Coll.) HULL, WILLIAM H., 13 Central Sq., East Boston 1866. M. D. (Harv.) 1865. HUMESTON, LUTHER F., Holyoke 1853. *HUNKING, CHARLES D., Haverhill 1876. A. B. (Harv.) 1871 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1877. HUNT, DAVID, 149 Boylston St., Boston 1875 11 to 2. A. M. (Brown) 1875; M. D. (Harv.) 1867. Mem. Bos. Soc. Nat. Hist. ; Bos. Micros. Soc. HUNT, ISRAEL T., 242 Washington St., Boston 1870. M. D. (Harv.) 1870. HUNT, OTIS E., Newtonville 1848 12 to 2; 5 to 7. M. D. (Berk.) 1848. Mem. Newton Soc. Med. Improv. HUNT, WILLIAM O., Waltham 1878. M. D. (Harv.) 1877. HUNTINGTON, ABEL, resid., Newton; office, 153 Tremont St., Boston 1877 10 to 3. M. D. (Univ. N. Y.) 1862. Contrib., "Light Weights as Insurance Risks," N. Y. Med. Rec., 1874. HUNTRESS, LEONARD, Jr., Lowell 1876. M. D. (Harv.) 1870. HURD, EDWARD P., 42 Fair St., Newburyport 1870 8 to 9 ; 1 to 3; 7 to 10. M. D. (McGill) 1865. City Phys., Newburyport. Contrib., " Germ Theory of Disease," Bos. Med. Sc Surg. Jour., 1874; "Physiology of Sleep," Trans. N. H. Med. Soc., 1873; " Neuralgia," N. Y. Med. Rec. HURD, YORICK G., Ipswich 1856. M. D. (Dart.) 1854. HURLEY, JOHN F., East Cambridge 1863. M. D. (Harv.) 1863. 334 DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. HUSE, RALPH C., Georgetown 1866. M. D. (Harv.) 1866. HUTCHINS, ISAIAH, West Acton 1864. HUTCHINSON, MA RCELLO, Lunatic Hosp., Taunton 1876. A. B. (Harv.) 1872; M. D. (Harv.) 1877. Second Asst.-Phys., Taunton Lun. Hosp. *HYDE, EDWARD, Lowell 1878. HYDE, GEORGE S., 72 West Newton St., Boston 1856. A. B. (Harv.) 1853; M. D. (Harv.) 1856. *HYNDMAN, JAMES, 46 Bowdoin St., Boston 1840. INCHES, CHARLES E., 88 Charles St., Boston 1865 1 to 3. A. B. (Harv.) 1861 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1865. INCHES, HERMAN B., 172 Tremont St., Boston 1836. A. B. (Harv.) 1831; M. D. (Harv.) 1834. INGALLS, WILLIAM, 556 Tremont St., Boston 1836 till 9; 3 to 4. M. D. (Harv.) 1836. Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Observ. ; Obst. Soc. of Bos. ; Bos. Soc. Nat. Hist. Surg. Bos. City Hosp. ; Chil- dren's Hosp. *IRISH, JOHN C., Middlesex and Central Sts., Lowell 1875. JACKSON, ALEXANDER, Plymouth 1843. M. D. (Harv.) 1843. tJACKSON, CHARLES T., Somerville 1833. M. D. (Harv.) 1829. JACKSON, EBEN, Union Square, Somerville 1872 till 9 ; 2 to 4. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1855. JACKSON, JOHN H., Fall River 1877. tJARVIS, EDWARD, Draper's Court, Dorchester, Boston 1833. A. B. (Harv.) 1826 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1830. Fel. Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. ; Mem. Assoc. Med. Supts. Am. Inst. Insane ; Am. Soc. Sci. Assoc. ; Brit. Soc. Sci. Assoc. ; Brit. Psycholog. Assoc. Author, "Physiology of Health," Phila. & N. Y., 1847-73; "Elementary Physiology," Phila. & N. Y., 1847-73 ; " Report on Insane and Idiots in Mass.," 1855 ; " Mortality Volume of the 8th U. S. Cen- sus." Contrib., various articles, reports, etc., in American and foreign journals, on Mental Diseases, Statistics, Sanitary Science, etc. JAR VIS, JOHN F.,56 Chambers St., Boston 1854. M. D. (Harv.) 1853. JEFFRIES, B. JOT, 15 Chestnut St., Boston 1857 9 ; 12 to 4; Sunday, 12 to 3. A. B. (Harv.) 1854 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1857. Mem. Am. Ophthalmolog. Soc. ; Interperiodic Cong, of Ophthal.; Bos. Soc. Med. Observ. ; Bos. Soc. Nat. Hist. Ophthal. Surg. Mass. Char. Eye and Ear Infy. ; Carney Hosp. ; N. E. Hosp. Women and Chil. Author, " The Eye in Health and Disease," Boston, 1871; " Animal and Vegetable Parasites of the Human Skin and Hair," MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCIETY. 335 Boston, 1872; " Boylston Prize Essay on Diseases of the Skin," Boston, 1871; "Color Blindness, its Dangers and its Detection," Boston, 1879. Contrib., "Enucleation of the Eyeball," Pub. Mans. Med. Soc., 1868; "Value of the Ohpthalmoscope to the General Practitioner," Mass. Med. Soc.; "105 Cases of Cataract Opera- tion," Bos. Med. if Surg. Jour., 1874. JELLY, GEORGE F., 123 Boylston St., Boston 1868. A. B. (Brown) 1864; M. D. (Harv.) 1868. JENKS, THOMAS L., 10 Allen St., Boston 1854. M. D. (Harv.) 1854. JENNINGS, JOHN H., 50 William St., New Bedford 1849. M. D. (Harv.) 1847. JEWETT, FREDERIC A., Grafton 1850. M. D. (Harv.) 1852. JEWETT, GEOEGE, Main St., Fitchburg 1847 1 to 3. M. D. (Berk.) 1847. JEWETT, HENRY A., Northboro' 1849. JOHNSON, AMOS H., 26 Winter St., Salem 1865 2 to 3; 7 to 8. A, B. (Harv.) 1853; M. D. (Harv.) 1865. Vis. Phys. Salem Uosp. JOHNSON, HENRY, 14 South Sixth St., New Bedford 1867. M. D. (Harv.) 1865. tJOHNSON, JOSHUA J., Northboro' 1840. JOHNSON, OTHELLO O., Framingham 1845. M. D. (Harv.) 1843. JOHNSON, OTIS H., resid., 66 Water St. ; office, Water St., n. Stage, Haverhill 1866. M. D. (Harv.) 1846. JOHNSON, WILLIAM L., 18 Story St., Cambridge 1878 2 to 6. M. D. (Han-.) 1878. Mem. Camb. Soc. Med. Improv. JONES, CLAUDIUS M., 77 Green St., Boston 1874 8 ; 1 to 3. 6 to 7. A. B. (Harv.) 1866; M. D. (Harv.) 1875. Mem. Thursday Med. Club. Phys. Bos. Dispy. JONES, DANIEL W., Walnut St., Newtonville 1856 8 to 9; 12 to 2. M. D. (N. Y. Univ.) 1852. JONES, GEORGE S., 164 Charles St., Boston 1846. M. D. (Hair.) 1846. JONES, GEORGE W., Belmont 1879. JONES, HENRY N., Kingston 1849. M. D. (Dart.) 1840. JONES, WILLIAM P., 42 Wall St., Boston 1871. M. D. (Harv.) 1871. JORDAN, CHARLES, Wakefield 1859. JORDAN, GEOHGB A., 50 Green St., Worcester 1873 1 to 4; 7 to 9. M. D. (Harv.) 1872. 336 DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. *JORDAN, REUBEN B., Swampscott 1877. *JOYCE, ROBERT D., 21 Bowdoin St., Boston 1867. *KEENE, JOSEPH W., 1654 Washington St., Boston 1876. M. D. (Harv.) 1878. KELLEY, SETH W., Pleasant St., Woburn 1874 8 to 9; 1; 7 to 9. A. B. (Dart.) 1869; M. D. (Harv.) 1874. *KELLEY, WILLIAM P., Woburn 1879. M. D. (Harv.) 1878. *KELLY, FRANK H., resid., 58 Front St.; office, 4 Carlton St., Worcester 1875. KEMBLE, ARTHUR, 85 Federal St., Salem 1863 2 to 3; 7 to 8. M. D. (Harv.) 1863. *KEMP, ALBA E., East Douglas 1861. KEMP, CHARLES P., 36 South Russell St., Boston 1 866 9 to 10 ; 12 to 2; 6 to 7. A. B. (Harv.) 1862; M. D. (Harv.) 1866. Mem. Bos. Soc. Nat. Hist. KENDRICK, FORD, Saundersville, Grafton 1877. M. D. (Univ. N. Y.) KENISTON, JAMES M., 13 Essex St., Cambridgeport 1872 2; 7. M. D (Harv.) 1871. Mem. Camb. Med. Improv. Soc. Contrib., " Chloral Hydrate in the Treatment of Insanity." *KENNEALLY, JOHN H., 1363 Tremont St., Roxbury, Boston 1877. M. D. (Harv.) 1876. KILBY, HENRY S., Wrentham 1877. A. B. (Harv.) 1873; M. D. (Harv.) 1878. KIMBALL, ARTHUR H., Cummington 1876 7 to 9; evenings. A. B. (Dart.) 1873; M.D. (Dart.) 1876. *KIMBALL, OILMAN, Merrimac St., cor. Worthen, Lowell, and 13 Temple St., Boston 1838. *KIMBALL, WALTER H., Andover 1846. *KIMBALL, WILLIAM G., Worthington 1879. KING, GEORGE, High St., Franklin 1848. M. D. (Coll. Phys. & Surg.) 1847. Mem. Thurber Med. Soc. KING, JOHN B., Nan tucket 1842. M. D. (Coll. Phys. & Surg.) 1832. KINGSBURY, ALBERT D., Needham 1875 till 9 ; 1 to 3 ; 6 to 7. M. D. (Georgetown) 1868. KINNEAR, BEVERLY O., 6 Beacon St., Boston 1875. M. D. (Penn.) 1870. Mem. Bos. Microscop. Soc. KITTREDGE, FRANK R. C., Waltham 1861. M. D. (Harv.) 1853- KITTREDGE, THOMAS, office, 214$ Essex St. ; resid., 14 Brown St., Salem 1874 2 \ to 3% ; 1\ to 8j. M.D. (Harv.) 1874; (L. I. Coll. Hosp.) 1874. Phys. to Out-pts. Salem Hosp. ; City Phys. Salem. MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCIETY. KNEELAND, SAMUEL, 61 Court St., Boston 1845. A. B. (Harv.) 1840; M. D. (Harv.) 1843. Fel. Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. ; Mem. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci.; Bos, Soc. Med. Improv. ; Bos. Soc. Nat. Hist. Prof, of Zool. and Physiol., Institute of Technol. Contrib.,. " Contagiousness of Puerperal Fever," Am. Jour. Med. Sci. ; " Hy- drotherapy," Ibid. "KNICKERBOCKER, GEOBGE S., Stockbridge 1877. A. B. (Rutgers) 1873 ; M. D. (Coll. Phys. & Surg.) 1876. KNIGHT, FREDERIC I., 131 Boylston St., Boston 1867 1 to 3.. A. B. (Yale) 1862; M. D. (Harv.) 1866. Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Observ. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Improv.; Fellow Am. Laryng. Assoc.; Corr. Mem. N. Y. Laryngolog. Soc. Instructor in Auscultation, Percussion, and Laryngoscopy in Harv. Univ.; Phys. to Out-pts. with Dis. of Throat, Mass. Gen. Hosp. Contrib., "Reports on Dis- eases of the Throat and Chest," Bos. Med. $ Surg. Jour. *KNIGHT, HENRY S., Worcester 1878. KNIGHT, NATHANIEL J., 16 Myrtle St., East Somerville 1852 7 to 9 ; 1 to 3. M. D. (Brunswick) 1835. *KNIGHT, STEPHEN C., Marblehead 1875. KNOWLTON, CHARLES L., Todd's Block, Northampton 1851 8 to 10 ; 7 to 9. M. D. (Jeff.) 1845. *LAMB, ORA H., Colrain 1874. LAMB, WILLIAM D., 181 Essex St., Lawrence 1 847 7 to 8; 1 to 2 ; 7 to 8. M. D. (Jeff.). LAMSON, JOHN A., 58 Temple St., Boston 1856 till 9 ; 2 to 4 ; 6 to 7. A. B. (Dart.) 1853 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1856. LANGMAID, SAMUEL W., 129 Boylston St., Boston 1865 1 to 3. A. B. (Harv.) 1859 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1864. Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Observ. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Improv. ; Bos. Soc. Nat. Hist. Surg. Chil- dren's Hosp. ; Carney Hosp. LATHROP, WILLIAM H., Tewksbury 1876. A. B. (Harv.) 1863 ;. M. D. (Penn.) 1865. Mem. New Eng. Psychol. Soc. Res. Phys. . State Almshouse, Tewksbury. LATIMER, JAMES A., 57 Otis St., East Cambridge 1873. *LAVIGNE, ALFRED W., 5 Welles Block, Lowell 1872. LAWRENCE, GEORGE C., Sumner St., North Adams 1851 7 to 8 ; 1 to 2 ; 7 to 9. M. D. (Berk.) 1847. LAWRENCE, ROBERT M., 83 Newbury St., Boston 1873 8 to 9 ; 2 to 3. M. D. (Harv.) 1873. *LAWTON, SANFORD, 30 Maple St., Springfield 1874. *LEACH, WILLIAM, Vineyard Haven, Tisbury 1856. M. D. (Harv.) 1856. 22 338 DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. *LEARNED, EBENEZER T., 12 Franklin St., Fall River 1839. LEARNED, JOHN B., Florence, Northampton 1870 8 to 9 ; 12 to 2 ; 7 to 10. M. D. (Coll. Phys. & Surg.) 1865. *LEAVITT, WILLIAM W., AVest Stockbridge 1865. LEIGHTON, WALTEK H., resid., Bridge St.; office, Central St., Lowell 1867 2 to 4 ; 7 to 9. M. D. (Jeff.) 1864. Mem. Lowell Med. Improv. Soc. *LELAND, GEORGE A., Boston 1877. LEONARD, JONATHAN, Sandwich 1831. M. D. (Harv.) 1828. *LEONARD, M. BLOOMFIELD, 7 Meridian St., East Boston 1850. M. D. (Harv.) 1848. *LEONARD, MILTON H., New Bedford 1879. *LESLIE, HORACE G., Amesbury 1871. *LESTER, WILLIAM, South Hadley 1851. *LEWIS, CHARLES W., Boston 1877. LINCOLN, DAVID F., 11 Joy St., Boston 1865 2 to 4. 1 A. B. (Harv.) 1861 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1864. Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Sci. Phys. Dept. for Nervous Dis. Bos. Dispy. Author, " Electro-the- rapeutics ; a Condensed Manual of Medical Electricity," Phila., 1874. Contrib., " Medical Education in Germany," Bos. Med. $ Surg. Jour., 1871-1872. LINCOLN, WILLIAM H., JMillbury 1864 12 to 2. M. D. (Bowd.) 1856. *LITTLE, J. RUSSELL, Centre St., Jamaica Plain, Boston 1867. *LIVERMORE, ABEL C., Stow 1859. M. D. (Harv.) 1859. LOGAN, SAMUEL M., Decatur St., cor. Havre, East Boston 1866 8 to 9 ; 1 to 2 ; 6 to 8. M. D. (Harv.) 1861. LORD, FRIEND D., Newton Lower Falls 1862 8 to 9 ; 1 to 2. M. D. (Bowd.) 1847. LORING, LEWIS W., Holden 1869. M. D. (Univ. Mich.)'.1860.J *LORING, ROBERT P., Newton 1876. *LOTHROP, JOHN L., East Somerville 1840. LOVEJOY, CHARLES A., 86 Broad St., Lynn 1872. A. B. (Harv.) 1868; M. D. (Harv.) 1872. *LOVEJOY, DANIEL H., Winchester 1875. *LOVEJOY, OLIVER S., Haverhill 1856. LOVERING, JOHN D., Main St., Essex 1866 7 to 9 ; 11 to 1 ; 5 to 9. A. B. (Dart.) 1853 ; M. D. (Albany) 1861. LUCE, LTMAN H., Falmouth 1874. M. D. (Bowdoin) 1869. Cons. Phys. St. Luke's Home for Convales. Contrib., " Case of Embolism of Brachial Artery," Bos. Med. $ Surg. Jour., 1877 ; " Cases of Death from Vaccination," Ibid., 1872. MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCIETY. 339 *LYMAN, GEORGE H., 121 Boylston St., Boston 1846. LYNDE, JAMES P., Athol 1855. M. D. (Harv.) 1852. *MACDONALD, JAMES, 42 Staniford St., Boston 1865. *MACDONALD, WILLIAM L., 176 Tremont St., Boston 1865 8 to 6. *MACK, DAVID, Bclmont 1863. M. D. (Harv.) 1863. *MACK, WILLIAM, 21 Chestnut St., Salem 1840. A. B. (Harv.) 1833; M. D. (Harv.) 1838. MACKIE, JOHN H., 7 Morgan St., New Bedford 1850. A. M. (Dart.) 1875; M. D. (Jeff.) 1850. Consult. Surg. St. Joseph's Hosp. Mem. Board of Health, City Physician, and Quarantine Physician. *MACKIE, WILLIAM B., 675 Tremont St., Boston 1864. M. D. (Harv.) 1862. *MANLEY, THOMAS H., Lawrence 1879. *MANN, BENJAMIN H., 2473 Washington St., Roxbury, Boston 1868. M. D. (Harv.) 1867. *MANN, JONATHAN, 121 Dartmouth St., Boston 1852. *MANNING, JOSEPH, Rockport 1854. MANSFIELD, HENRY T., Great Plain Ave., Needham 1869 till 9 ; 1 to 2 ; 6 to 7. M. D. (Harv.) 1868. MANSFIELD, JOHN R., Wakefield 1859 7 to 8; 1 to 2; 5 to 7. M. D. (Harv.) 1859. Mem. N. Y. Co. Med. Soc. MANSFIELD, JOSEPH D., Wakefield 1841. MARBLE, JOHN O., 14 Elm St., Worcester 1 870 2 to 4 ; 7 to 8. A. B. (Colby) 1863 ; M. D. (Georgetown) 1868. Mem. Wor. Soc. Med. Improv. Phys. Wor. City Hosp. MARCY, HENRY O., 690 Main St., Cambridgeport 1 863 2 to 4. A. B. (Amherst) 1863; M. D. (Harv.) 1864. Mem. Camb. Soc. Med. Improv. Contrib., " Fracture of the Patella, and Treatment by a New Method," Bos. Med. $ Surg. Jour., 1876 ; " Plastic Splints in Surgery," Ibid., 1877 ; " The Radical Cure of Hernia by the Use of the Carbolized Catgut Ligature," Trans. Am. Med. Assoc., 1878. MARION, HORACE E., Osborn's Block, Brighton, Boston 1870 12 to 2. S. B. (Dart.) 1866 ; M. D. (Dart.) 1869. Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Observ. ; Camb. Soc. Med. Improv. Contrib., " Pneumo-Em- pyaBma," Bos. Med. $ Surg. Jour., 1874. MARION, OTIS H., Osborn's Block, Brighton, Boston 1876. A. B. (Dart.) 1873. M D. (Harv.) 1876. MARRISAL, FELIX V., 113 South Main St., Fall River 1859. *tMARSH, AUSTIN, Carlisle 1839. *tMARSHALL, JONAS A., Fitchburg 1831. 340 DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. MARSTON, ENOCH Q., Lunatic Hospital, Worcester 1S76. M. D. (Harv.) 1876. Mem. Wor. Soc. Med. Improv. Asst. Phys. Worcester Lunatic Hosp. MARTIN, HENRY A., 27 Dudley St., Roxbury, Boston 1846 9 ; 3 to 6. M. D. (Harv.) 1845. tMARTIN, ORAMEL, 30 Pleasant St., Worcester 1 852 1 to 3. M. D. (Castleton) ; (Berk.) Hon. Mem. Vt. Medical Soc. Surg. Wor. City Hosp. MARTIN, STEPHEN C., 27 Dudley St., Roxbury, Boston 1874 till 9; 3 to 4. M. D. (Harv.) 1874. Mem. Bos. Soc. Nat. Hist. MASON, A. L., 265 Clarendon St., Boston 1872 9; 1| to 3* A. B. (Harv.) 1863; M. D. (Harv.) 1872- Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Observ. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Improv. Phys. Bos. City Hosp. ; Chan- ning Home. *MASON, AUGUSTUS, Warren St., Brighton, Boston 1844. A. B. (Brown) 1841 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1844. MASON, WILLIAM, 114 Main St., Charlestown, Boston 1855. A. B. (Bowd.) 1824; M. D. (Harv.) 1832. Hon. Mem. Walker Soc. Med. Improv. *MASON, WILLIAM C., Boston 1877. *MATHER, EDWARD E., Williamstown 1876. *MATTE, JOSEPH H. A., North Adams 1879. *MAXWELL, WARREN B., Farnumsville, Graf ton ia78. *MAY, CALVIN S., Insane Asylum, Danvers 1878. M. D. (Yale) 1873. MAYNARD, JOHN P., Dedham 1849 8 to 9 ; 1 to 2. M. D. (Harv.) 1848. Contrib., "Surgical Cases, treated by Collodion," Bos. Med. $ Surg. Jour., 1848; " Impalemeiit of a Child on a Hayfork," Ibid., 1857 ; " Medication in Disease," Ibid., 1872. MCALLISTER, JOHN G., 31 Jackson St., Lawrence 1868. M. D. (Coll. Phys. & Surg.) 1866. MCALLISTER, THOMAS S., 66 Main St., Amesbury 1874 7 to 8; 1 to 2; 7 to 9. M. D. (Bowd.) 1872. Mem. Newburyport Med. Soc. *McARTHUR, JOHN A., 31 South Common St., Lynn 1872. M. D. (Harv.) 1872. MCCARTHY, JEREMIAH J., 112 Main St., Charlestown, Boston 1874 8 to 9 ; 1 to 3 ; 7 to 9. M. D. (Harv.) 1870. Mem. Walker Soc. Med. Improv. *McCARTHY, MICHAEL, Watertown 1877. *McCARTY, JAMES J., Lowell 1878. M. D. (Harv.) 1878. *McCLEAN, GEORGE C., 40 Bliss St., Springfield 1875. MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCIETY. 341 McCOLLESTER, JOHN Q. A., Ayer 1857. McCOLLOM, JOHN H., 57 Dwight St., Boston 1869 8 to 9; 1 to 3. M. D. (Harv.) 1869. Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Obs. Assistant to City Phys , Boston. *McCORMICK, CORNELIUS J., Waltham 1875. McDONALD, ARCHIBALD E., 34 Parmenter St., Boston 1865 2 to 4. M. D. (Harv.) 1865. McDONALD, JAMES A., 116 Main St., Cliarlestown, Boston 1872 1 to 3. M. D. (Harv.) 1866. McDONNELL, JAMES H., Waltham 1872. M. D. (Harv.) 1871. McDONOUGH, JAMES A., 2 Lowell St., Boston 1867 1 to 4. A. B. (Georgetown) 1865; M. D. (Harv.) 1867. McDOUGALL, SAMUEL J., 375 Columbus Ave., Boston 1864 8 to 1 ; 2 to 5. M. D. (Albany) 1857. McGOWAN, CHARLES E., 121 K St., and 11 West Broadway, South Boston 1875 2 to 4. M. D. (Harv.) 1875. Mem. So. Bos. Med. Club. Ophthal. Externe Bos. City Hosp. *McGRATH, EUGENE J., Fall River 1876. M. D. (Harv.) 1876. *McLAUGHLIN, JAMES A., 224 Harrison Ave., Boston 1864. McNULTY, FREDERICK J., 112 Park St., Worcester 1872 till 9 ; 2 to 4; 7 to 9. M. D. (Georgetown) 1860. Mem. Wor. Soc. Med. Improv. Phys. Holy Cross Coll. MEAD, EDWARD, Seaver St., Roxbury, Boston 1872. M. D. (Ohio) 1841. Mem. Ohio Med. Soc. Contrib., " Moral Insanity," Trans. Ohio Med. Soc., 1857. *tMEAD, MARSHALL S., Northfield 1866. *MEADER, CHARLES E., East Cambridge 1878. *MECUEN, GEORGE E., 1083 Tremont St., Roxbury, Boston 1875. *tMEEKINS, THOMAS, Williamsburg 1840. *MERCER, WILLIAM M., Pittsfield 1867. M. D. (Harv.) 1866. tMETCALF, JOHN G., Hastings St., Mendon 1831. A. B. (Brown) 1820; M. D. (Harv.) 1826. Mem. Thurber Med. Assoc. Author, " Annual Address before Mass. Medical Society," 1826. Contrib., " Statistics in Midwifery," Am. Jour. Med. Sci., 1847. *MILLAHD, HENRY J., North Adams 1867. MILLER, ERASMUS D., Washington St., Dorchester, Boston 1839 2 to 4, exc. Sunday ; Mon., Wed., andFri., 1 to 4, for ladies only. A. B. (Brown) 1832; M. D. (Berk.) 1835. Contrib., "Intra-uter- ine Scarification," Bos. Med. $ Surg. Jour. MILLER, ERNEST P., 309 Main St., Fitchburg 1877 1 to 3 ; 6 to 8. A. B. (Harv.) 1872; M. D. (Harv.) 1877. Mem. Mass. Med. Leg. Soc. 342 DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. *MILLER, J. LELAND, Sheffield 1851. MILLER, Louis, Stockbridge 1868 8 to 10 ; 2 to 3. A. B. (Macon) 1849; M. D. (Cincinnati) 1851; (Coll. Phys. & Surg.) 1874. MILLET, ASA, East Bridgewater 1845. M. D. (Brunswick) 1842. Mem. Old Colony Med. Assoc. MINER, DAVID W., Ware 1855 8 to 10 ; 1 to 3. M. D. (Berk.) 1844. MINOT, FRANCIS, 65 Marlboro* St., Boston 1845 1 to 2. A. B. (Harv.) 1841 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1844 ; A. M. (Trin.) 1860. Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Observ. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Improv. ; Obstet. Soc. of Bos. Phys. Mass. Gen. Hosp. ; Prof. Theo. and Prac. of Phys. in Harv. Univ. *MINOT, JAMES J., Boston 1877. A. B. (Harv.) 1874; M. D. (Harv.) 1878. MOFFATT, GEOEGE T., 196 Boylston St., Boston July, 1879, to January, 1880, Boul. Hausmann, Paris 1861 9 to 4. M. D. (Harv.) 1860; D. M. D. (Harv.) 1870. Mem. Mass. Dental Soc.; Am. Acad. Dental Sci. ; N. Y. Odontol. Soc. ; Bos. Soe. Nat. Hist. Prof, of Operative Dentistry in Harv. Univ. Contrib., "Dental Eclecticism," Trans. Odontol. Soc. N. Y., 1875; "Professional Architecture," Johnston's Denial Miscel., 1876. MONTGOMERY, GEORGE, resid., 17 Essex St.; office, 1 State St., Newburyport 1874 at resid. 7 to 9; at office 11 to 1. M. D. (Bowdoin) 1854. *MOORE, FREDERIC F., Brighton Ave., Allston, Boston 1878. M. D. (Harv.) 1876. *MOORE, IRA L., Revere 1851 . *MOORE, JAMES W., Lynn 1873. *MOORE, SAMUEL L., Beacon St., Chelsea 1868. M. D. (Harv.) 1868. MORAN, JOHN B., 173 Roxbury St., Roxbury, Boston 1872 1 to 3. M. D. (Harv.) 1864. MORISON, JAMES, Sea St., Quincy 1870 3 to 5. A. B. (Harv.) 1844; M. D. (Maryland) 1846. Mem. Franco-Am. Med. Soc., Paris; California Med. Soc.; Dorchester Med. Club. Contrib., " Case of Glanders in the Human Subject," San Fsco. Med. Press, 1859 ; " Chlorate of Potass, in Typhoid Fever," Cal. Med. $ Surg. Jour., 1859. MORONG, ARTHUR B., 612 Tremont St., Boston 1878 2 to 4. A. B.(Amherst) 1871 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1876. *MORONG, EDWARD P., 44 Rutland Sq., Boston 1855. M. D. (Harv.) 1854. AfASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCIETY. 343 MORRILL, CHARLES P., North Andover Depot 1872 afternoon and evening. M. D. (Georgetown). MORRILL, F. GORDON, 161 Boylston St., Boston 1870 till 9; 2 to 4. M. D. (Harv.) 1869. Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Observ. Phys. Children's Hosp. ; to Out-pts. Mass. Gen. Hosp. MORRIS, MICHAEL A., 308 Main St., Charlestown, Boston 1873 till 9 ; 1 to 2J ; M. D. (Harv.) 1873. Mem. Walker Soc. Med. Improv. Snrg. Charlestown Free Dispy. and Hosp. Contrib., " Fracture of Patella, treated by Sanbom's Method," Bos. Med. fr Surg. Jour., 1876; "Division of the Tendo-Achillis in Fracture of the lower third of the Femur, a case of T fracture," Ibid., 1877. MORSE, EDWARD G., 113 Warren St., Roxbury, Boston 1870 1 to 3 ; 6 to 8. M. D. (Harv.) 1870. Mem. Roxbury Soc. Med. Improv. *MORSE, HENRY L., Boston 1878. A. B. (Harv.) 1874. MORSE, HORATIO G., 62 Zeipler St., Roxbury, Boston 1843 1 to 3. A. B. (Brown) 1840; M. D. (Harv.) 1843. *tMORSE, JAMES R., Union Sq., North Cambridge 1854. *MORSE, LUTHER B., Watertown 1846. MOULTON, ALBERT R., Lunatic Hospital, Worcester 1879. M. D. (Bowdoin) 1876. Mem. Wor. Assoc. Med. Improv. Asst. Phys. Wor. Lunat. Hosp. *MOULTON, BENJAMIN F., 18 Broadway, Lawrence 1870. M. D. (Harv.) 1867. MUNSELL, GEORGE N., Harwich 1860 1 to 2; 6 to 7. M. D. (Harv.) 1860. *MURPHY, JOSEPH, 50 School St., Taunton 1859. NEILSON, WILLIAM, 78 Washington St., Salem 1856 1 to 3 M. D. (Harv.) 1855. Phys. Salem Hosp. NEILSON, WILLIAM, Jr., Pleasant St., Marblehead 1872 1 to 3 ; 7 to 9. M. D. (Harv.) 1872. *NEWELL, ROBERT W., 24 Staniford St., Boston 1845 1 to 4. M. D. (Harv.) 1845. ft *NEWHALL, EDWAKD, 46 Broadway, Lynn 1854. M. D. (Harv.) 1848. NEWTON, ADIN H., Provincetown 1874. NICHOLS, ARTHUR H., 130 Warren St., Roxbury, Boston 1870 till 9 ; 3 to 7. A. B. (Harv.) 1863 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1866. Mem. Am. Soc. Sci. Assoc. ; Am. Statis. Soc. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Observ. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Improv. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Sci. ; Rox. Soc. Med. Im- prov. Contrib., " Charbon in Mass.," Report State Bd. Health, Ifr71; "The Effects on Health of the Use of Sewing Machines," Ibid., 1872; " The Adulteration of Milk," Ibid., 1873. 344 DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. *NICHOLS, GEORGE H., 7 Chester Park, Boston 1860. A. B. (Harv.) 1833; M. D. (Penn.) 1836. NICHOLS, JAMES R., Summer St., Haverhill, 1867. A. M. (Dart.) 1870; M. D. (Dart.) 1868. Late editor Boston Journal of Chemistry. Author, "Chemistry of the Farm and the Sea," Boston, 1868; "Fireside Science," Bos. and N. Y., 1872. NICHOLS, JOHN T. G., 63 Brattle Street, Cambridge 1859 8 ; 3. M. D. (Harv.) 1859. NICKERSON, FRANKLIN, resid., 165 Moody St.; office, Savings Bank Building, Lowell 1867 8 to 10; 2 to 4 ; 7 to 8. A. B. (Harv.) 1860; M. D. (Harv.) 1863. Mem. Bos. Soc. Nat. Hist. Phys. Lowell Dispy. *NICKERSON, WILLIAM J., South Yarmouth 1871 2 to 4. M. D. (Bowd.) 1870. NIMS, EDWARD B., Northampton 1874. A. B. (Williams) 1862; M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1864. Mem. Vt. Med. Soc. Asst. Phys. State Lunatic Hosp., Northampton. NORRIS, ALBERT L., 674 Main St., Cambridgeport 1865 2; 7. M. D. (Harv.) 1865. Mem. Walker Soc. Med. Improv.; Camb. Soc. Med. Improv. Contrib., " Diaphragmatic Hernia ; " " Ectopia Cordis ; " " Transfusio Sanguinis." NOTT, ALBERT, Washington St., West Newton 1875 7 to 9; 12 to 2. Mem. Vt. Med. Soc. *NOYES, RUFUS K., Lynn 1877. *NUTTING, DAVID H., Chicopee Falls 1879. M. D. (Phil.) 1853. Phys. Dwight Mfg. Co. Dispy. O'CONNELL, JOHN D., Warren and Washington Sts., Roxbnry, Boston 1876. *0'CONNOR, JAMES J., Holyoke 1867. M. D. (Harv ) 1865. OGDEN, WILLIAM M., 721 Tremont St., Boston 1866 10; 4. M. D. (Harv.) 1866. Mem. Bos. Soc. Nat. Hist.; Bos. Microscop. Soc. Phys. Bos. Indus. Temp. Home. *O LIVER, FITCH E., 27 Brimmer St., Boston 1843 3 ; 5. A. B. (Dart.) 1839; M. D. (Harv.) 1843. OLIVER, HENRY K., Jr., 10 Joy St., Boston 1855 1 to 3. A. B. (Harv.) 1852; M. D. (Harv.) 1855. Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Im- prov. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Sci. Phys. Mass. Gen. Hosp. ; Lecturer on Laryngoscopy in Harv. Univ. Contrib., " Treatment of Aphonia from Paralysis of Vocal Cords by External Manipulation of Larynx," A m. Jour. Med. Sci., 1870; "On Laryngeal Growths," Bos. Med. fr Surg. Jour., 1866 ; " On the Inhalation of Atomized Liquids," Ibid., 1866. MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCIETY. 345 OLIVER, JOSEPH P., 124 Boylston Street, Boston 1871 1 to 3. M. D. (Harv.) 1871. Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Observ.; Bos. Soc. Med. Tmprov. ; Soc. Sci. Assoc., Dept. Health. Clin. Instructor Dis. Chil. in Harv. Uuiv. ; Phys. Children's Hosp. ; Bos. Dispy. Contrih., " Treatment of Diarrhoea in Young Children," Bos. Med. $ Surg. Jour. ; " Paracentesis Thoracis," Ibid. *ORCUTT, ALMON M., Hardwick 1850. M. D. (Coll. Phys. & Surg.) 1849. ORDWAY, JOHN P., 1672 Washington St., Boston 1862 9 to 12. M. D. (Harv.) 1861. Contrih., " Treatment of Fistula in Ano," Bos. Med. $ Surg. Jour., 1877. OSBORNE, GEORGE, 15 Main St., Peahody 1833. A. B. (Harv.) 1818; M. D. (Harv.) 1829. OSBORNE, GEORGE S., 15 Main St., Peabody 1868 2 to 3 ; 7 to 8. A. B. (Harv.) 1860; M. D. (Harv.) 1863. Mem. Mass. Med. Leg. Soc. OSGOOD, GEORGE C., resid., 37 Arlington St. ; office, Merrimac and Suffolk Sts., Lowell 1866 till 10; 6 to 10. M. D. (Harv.) 1866 - iZ.^5 hvw^U^s jfc o,<-/ *OSGOOD, HAMiT.rnv 4qa_ghfr ma *^-* w ". Boston 1877. OSGOOD, JONATHAN W. D., Greenfield 1842 8 to 9; 1 to 2 ; 6 to 7. A.B. (Dart.) 1823; M. D. (Dart.) 1826. OSGOOD, WILLIAM, 69 Dartmouth St., Boston 1856 3. A. B. (Harv.) 1850; M. D. (Jeff.) 1855. *O'SULLIVAN, THOMAS J., Worcester 1878. OTIS, EDWARD O., Boston 1876. A. B. (Harv.) 1871. OTIS, ROBERT M., Poplar St., Roslindale, West Roxbury, Boston 1871 till 9; 12 to 3. A. B. (Harv.) 1866; M. D. (Bellevue) 1869. Contrib., "Prolonged Use of Hypodermic Injections of Morphia," Bos. Med. $ Surg. Jour., 1872. *OVIATT, GEORGE A., South Sudbury 1876. OWEN, VARILLAS L., 383 Union St., Springfield 1862 7 to 9 ; 2 to 4; 7 to 10. M. D. (Harv.) 1852. PADDOCK, FRANKLIN K., Pittsfield 1865 9 to 11; 7 to 9. M. D. (Berk.) 1864 ; A. M. (Williams) 1873. Mem. Pittsfield Med. Assoc. PADDOCK, WILLIAM L., Dalton 1876 9 to 11 ; 7 to 9. A. B. (Madison) 1873; M. D. (Coll. Phys. & Surg.) 1876. Mem. Pitts- field Med. Assoc. PAGE, FRANK W., McLean Asylum, Somerville ; after December 1, 1879, Adams' Nervine Asylum, Jamaica Plain 1879. Con- trib., " Cerebral Abscess," Phil. Med. fy Surg. Jour., 1869 ; " Thora- centesis," Trans. .Vt. Med. Soc., 1877. 346 DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. *tPAGE, HORATIO, N., 79 Tudor St., Chelsea 18G9. *PAGE, PRINCE W., 5 Causeway St., Boston 1871. *PAGE, WILLIAM H.,,48 Beach St., Boston 1854 2 to 3. M.D. (Harv.) 1853. *PAIGE, NOMUS, 37 Broadway, Taunton 1 864. PAINE, A. ELLIOT, resid., Centre St. ; office, 398 Main St., Brock- ton 1872. M. D. (Georgetown) 1865. PALMEE, H. ORLANDO, Hubbardston 1868 9 to 12. M. D. (Dart.) 1866. *PARK, JOHN G., State Lunatic Hospital, Worcester 1867. A. B. (Harv.) 1858; M. D. (Harv.) 1866. *tPARKER, DANIEL, Billerica 1837. *tPARKER, DAVID, Gardner 1839. *PARKER, DAVID M., 132 Boylston St., Boston 1840. *PARKER, EDGAR, 149 A Tremont St., Boston 1864. M. D. (Harv.) 1863. *PARKER, FRANCIS F., Chicopee 1875. A. B. (Tufts) 1865; M. D. (Harv.) 1869. PARKER, JAMES iO., Shirley Village 1841. A. B. (Amherst) 1834; M. D. (Berk.) 1841. PARKER, MOSES G., 9 First St., Lowell 1866. M.D. (Harv.) 1864 8 to 9; 1 to 3; 6 to 7. Mem. Ophth. Soc., N. Y. Phys. Lowell Dispy. PARKER, WILLIAM M., Milford 1866. M. D. (Berk.) 1853. Mem. Thurber Med. Assoc. PARKER, WILLIAM T., Lenox 1878 12 to 3. M. D. (Roy. Univ. Munich) 1873. *PARKS, EDWARD L., 13 Charles St., Boston 1877. *PARKS, LUTHER, 6 Chestnut St., Boston 1848. A. B. (Harv.) 1843; M. D. (Harv.) 1847. *PARSONS, CHARLES W., Worthington 1877. PARSONS, JOHN E., Main St., Aver 1865 7 to 9 ; 12 to 1; 6 to 7. M. D. (Harv.) 1863. *PATCH, FRANKLIN F., 23 Somerset St., Boston 1850. M.D. (Harv.) 1850. PATTEE, ASA F., 94 West Springfield St., Boston 1860 8 to 9; 12 to 2; 6 to 8. M.D. (Dart.) 1857. Contrib., " Veratrum Vi- ride," Jour. Mat. Med. ; " Gelseminum Semper," Ibid. *PATTEE, WILLIAM S., Quincy 1852. M. D. (Harv.) 1851. *PATTERSON, DAVID N., Lowell 1877. PAUN, AMOS B., Middleboro' 1869 till 9 ; 12 to 2 ; 6 to 7 ; even- ings. M. D. (Penn.) 1869. MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCIETY. 347 PEARSON, JOHN W., Merrimac and Worthen Sts., Lowell 1860. *tPECK, WILLIAM D., Sterling 1837. A. B. (Harv.) 1833; M. D. (Harv.) 1836. PEIRCE, WARREN, Sterling 1870 8 to 10; 1 to 2. M. D. (Harv.) 1869. *PERKINS, EDWARD A., 670 Tremont St., Boston 1854 till 9; 2 to 4; 7 to 8. M. D. (Harv.) 1854. *tPERKINS, GEORGE A., 127 Essex St., Salem 1851. M. D. . (Harv.) 1844. PERKINS, GEORGE T., 80 Waltham St., Boston 1863 8 to 9 ; 4 to 6. M. D. (Penn.) 1858. tPERLEY, DANIEL, 10 Breed St., Lynn 1832. A. B. (Dart.) 1828 ; M. D. (Dart.) 1831. Mem. Lynn Med. Soc. PERRY, CHARLES H., 813 Main St., Worcester 1866. A. M. (Brown) 1859; M. D. (Bellevue) 1866. PERRY, J. FRANK, resid., 769 Tremont St. ; office, 1101 Tremont St., Roxbury, Boston 1873 at office, 1 to 3 ; 6 to 8 ; at resid., 3 to 5 ; after 8. M. D. (Harv.) 1873. PETERS, EDWARD D., Adams St., Dorchester, Boston 1877 8 to 9 ; 2 to 3 ; 6 to 7. Mem. Dor. Med. Club. Phys. St. Mary's Inf. Asy. Contrib., " Conditions Affecting the Foetal Pulse." Bos. Med. fr Surg. Jour., 1877. PHELAN, ARTHUR, Q., Sumner St., Lowell 1879 8 to 9 ; 2 to 4 ; 7 to 9. M. D. (Univ. N. Y.) 1876. Mem. N. H. Med. Soc. ; Man- Chester Med. Soc. tPHELPS, EBENEZER S., Middleton 1837. License (Mass. Med. Soc.) 1816. *PHELPS, ROLLIN H., Littleton 1875. tPHILLIPS, HENRY P., Main St., North Adams 1837. A. B. (Williams) 1827; M. D. (Berk.) *tPHINNEY, ERASTUS O., Melrose 1841. M. D. (Harv.) 1841. PICKARD, DANIEL, Northampton 1878. tPICKETT, NOBLE B., Housatonic, Great Barrington 1845. M. D. (Yale) 1834. PIERCE, ANDREW M., 1 Ricketson Block, New Bedford 1875 9 to 11 ; 3 to 5 ; 7 to 8-J. M. D. (Coll. Phys. & Surg.) 1873. PIERCE, GARDNER C., Ashland 1874. A. B. (Dart.) 1863 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1866. PIERCE, GEORGE W., Leominster 1859. A. B. (Harv.) 1864. PIERCE, JOHN, Edgartowu 1840. M. D. (Bowel.) 1833. PIKE, CHARLES C., 16 Chestnut St., Peabody 1872 2 to 3 ; 7 to 8, exc. Sunday. M. D. (Dart.) 1869. Mem. N. H. Med. Soc. PILLSBURY, EDWARD L., 72 Harrison Ave., Boston 1866. 348 DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. *PILLSBURY, GEORGE H., 24 Kirkland St., Lowell 1870. A. B. (Dart.) 1866; M. D. (Harv.) 1869. *PILLSBURY, LEVI, Fitchburg 1840. PINEO, PETER, Hyannis, Barnstable 1850 2. M. D. (Bowd.) 1847. Mem. Am. Pub. Health Assoc. PINKHAM, GEORGE E., resid., 2 Tyler St. ; office, 129 Central St., Lowell 1865 2 to 3 ; 7 to 8. M. D. (Dart.) 1862. PINKHAM, JOSEPH G., 86 Broad St., Lynn 1869. *PLIMPTON, LEWIS H., City Hospital, Boston 1879. M. D. (Harv.) 1879. *PLUNKETT, FRANCIS C., Dutton and Market Sts., Lowell 1865. *POMEROY, STEPHEN F., Springfield 1874. *PORTER, CHARLES B., Arlington St., Boston 1866 3 to 4; 6 to 7. A. B. (Harv.) 1862 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1865. PORTER, F. E., Auburn St., Auburndale, Newton 1877 till 9 ; 1 to 3. A. B. (Wesleyan) 1869 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1873. Mem. New- ton Soc. Med. Improv. POST, ABNER, 183 Warren Ave., Boston 1870 1 to 2. A. B. (Yale) 1866; M. D. (Harv.) 1870. PRATT, CALVIN, Main St., Bridgewater 1868 1 to 2. M. D. (Harv.) 1866. Cons. Phys. Bridgewatgr Workhouse. PRATT, GUSTAVUS P., Cohasset 1867. M. D. (Harv.) 1863. *PRATT, JEFFERSON, Hopkin ton 1839. PRESBREY, SILAS D., Weir St., Taunton 1865 2 to 3. Mem. Mass. Med. Leg. Soc. A. B. (Harv.) I860; M. D. (Harv.) 1865. PRESCOTT, CHARLES D., resid., Eighth St.; office, 8 Liberty Hall Bdg., New Bedford 1867 9; 3 to 5 ; 7 to 8. M. D. (Dart.) 1866. Mem. New Bed. Med. Soc. Phys. to Bristol Co. Ho. Correc. PRIEST, GEORGE A., Manchester 1866 1 to 3 ; 8 to 10. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1853. *PRINCE, MORTON H., City Hospital, Boston 1879. M.D.(Harv.) 1879. PRO VAN, ROBERT, 381 West Broadway, South Boston 1860. M. D. (Harv.) 1860. PRYOR, THOMAS H., 26 Warrenton St., Boston 1873. A. B. (Harv.) 1859 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1862. Mem. Nova Scotia Med. Soc. PUTNAM, CHARLES P., 63 Marlboro' St., Boston 1 869 1 to 2|. A. B. (Harv.) 1865; M. D. (Harv.) 1869. Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Observ. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Improv. Phys. Mass. Infant Asylum; Lecturer on Dis. of Children in Harv. Univ. *PUTNAM, DANA B., 59 Temple St., Boston 1869. PUTNAM, JAMES J., 63 Marlboro' St., Boston 1870 1 to 2|. A. MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCIETY. 349 B. (Harv.) 1866; M. D. (Harv.) 1870. Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Observ. ; Bos. Soc. Med.Improv. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Sci. ; Am. Neurolog. Assoc. Phys. to Out-pts. with Nervous Die., Mass. Gen. Hosp. ; Lecturer on Dis. of Nerv. Sys. in Harv. Univ. PUTNAM, JOSEPH, M., Chestnut St. and Everett Ave., Chelsea 1877. PUTNEY, GEORGE E., Haven St., Reading 1876 7 to 9 ; 1 to 3 ; 6 to 8. M. D. (Harv.) 1876. Contrib., "A Case of Vicarious Men- struation," Bos. Med. $ Surg. Jour., 1878. QUIMBY, ELISHA H., 13 Church St., Salem 1863 2 to 4; 7 to 8. M. D. (Harv.) 1863. *QUIMBY, S. FOSTER, 48 Federal St., Salem 1873. M. D. (Harv.) 1864. QUINBY, HOSEA M., Worcester 1869. A. B. (Brown) 1865; M. D. (Harv.) 1868. QUINCY, HENRY P., Dedham, and Med. School North Grove St., Boston 1867 10 to 1. A. B. (Harv.) 1862; M. D. (Harv.) 1867. *RANDALL, GEORGE H., North Rehoboth 1853. *RANSOM, NATHANIEL M., Broadway and Dean Are., Taunton 1863. *RAYMENTON, WILLIAM H., Worcester, 1879. *READ, GEORGE M., South Deerfield 1877. READ, ROBERT M., 278 Hanover St., and 558 Tremont St., Boston 1878. Hanover St., 8 to 9 ; 3 to 4 ; Tremont St., 12 to 1 ; 6 to 7. M. D. (Harv.) 1877. Mem. Soc. Ital. d'Emulazione di Roma ; Bos- ton Portuguese Society. READ, WILLIAM, 558 Tremont St., Boston 1843 till 9 ; 3 to 5 ; 7. A. B. (Dart.) 1839; M. D. (Harv.) 1842. Author, " Placenta Prsevia, its History and Treatment " (Mass. Med. Soc.),Phila., 1861. Contrib., " Influence of the Placenta on the Development of the Uterus during Pregnancy," Am. Jour. Med. Sci., 1858; "On the Formation of Knots in the Umbilical Cord," Ibid., 1861. *REARDON, JEREMIAH J., Natick 1875. REDFEAKN, JOSEPH, Jr., Hotel Albemarle, Columbus Ave., Bos- ton 1873 8 to 9 ; Ito2; 6to7. M. D. (Coll. Phys.& Surg.) 1873. REED, ANDREW F., 234 Maple St., Holyoke 1874 2 to 3 ; 7 to 9. A. B. (Dart.) 1871 ; M. D. (Dart.) 1874. Mem. Springfield Med Club. *REED, THOMAS G., 455 West Broadway, South Boston 1876. *tRENTON, JOHN, Auburndale, Newton 1849. 350 DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. tREYNOLDS, EDWARD, 97 Boylston St., Boston 1823. A. B. (Harv.) 1811; M. D. (Brown) 1825; (Bowd.) 1825. REYNOLDS, JOHN P., 7 Park Sq., Boston 1853 H to 2| ; June, July, August, and Sept., at Nahant. A. B. (Harv.) 1845; M. D. (Harv.) 1852. Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Improv. ; Obstet. Soc. of Bos. REYNOLDS, SAMUEL M., Richmond 1868 8 to 9 ; 1 to 3 ; 7 to 9. M. D. (Berk.) 1866. *RICE, ALBERT R., 65 Bridge St., Springfield 1866. *RICE, AUSTIN B., Fiskdale, Sturbridge 1865. *RICE, CHARLES H., Fitchburg 1866. M. D. (Harv.) 1866. RICE, DAVID, Leverett 1853. M. D. (Berk.) 1842. Contrib., "Address before Franklin Dist. Med. Soc.," Bos. Med. $ Surg. Jour. *RICE, FREDERIC E., Springfield 1878. RICE, JOSEPH M., 31 Pleasant St., Worcester 1855 2 to 4 ; 7 to 8. M. D. (Castleton) 1853. Mem. Am. Med. Soc., Paris. Phys. Wor. City Hosp. RICE, WATSON E., New England Village, Graf ton 1873 12 to 2 ; 7 to 9. M. D. (Univ. Mich.) 1872. *RICH, JOSHUA B., Worcester 1877. RICHARDS, WILLIAM, Natick 1872. M. D. (Penn.) 1871; (Albany) 1852. Mem. Old Colony Med. Assoc. *RICHARDSON, EBENEZER C., Ware 1845. M. D. (Harv.) 1842. *RICHARDSON, HORACE, 23 Beacon St., Boston 1855. A. B. (Harv.) 1852; M. D. (Harv.) 1855. RICHARDSON, JOHN H., Medfield 1856. M. D. (Univ. N. Y.) *RICHARDSON, MAURICE H., 66 Beacon St., Boston 1876. A. B. (Harv.) 1873. RICHARDSON, WILLIAM L., 76 Boylston St., Boston 1867 1 to 2 ; 5 to 6. A. B. (Harv.) 1864 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1867. Fel. Am. Acad. Arts & Sci. ; Mem. Am. Gynaecol. Soc. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Observ. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Improv. ; Obstet. Soc. of Bos. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Sci. ; Bos. Soc. Nat. Hist. ; Obstet. Soc. of London. Instruc- tor in Obstet. in Harv. Univ. ; Phys. to Out-pts. Mass. Gen. Hosp. ; Bos. Lying-in Hosp. ; Surgeon 1st Corps Cadets, M. V. M. RICKETSON, ARTHUR, New Bedford 1861. M. D. (Harv.) 1860. *RILEY, THOMAS, South Adams 1875. *ROBERTS, MICHAEL, 187 Oak St., Lawrence 1863. M. D. (Harv.) 1862. *ROBERTS, OSCAR S., Pittsfield 1867. MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCIETY. 351 ROBINSON, ALBERT B., 61 Dudley St., Roxbury, Boston 1858 Ito3. M. D. (Buffalo) 1857. ROBINSON, JONATHAN H., Southboro' 1859. ROBINSON, WALTER S., 23 Broadway, Taunton 1876. ROCKWELL, JOSEPH W., Southwick 1866. ROGERS, ORVILLE F., Washington St., Dorchester, Boston 1873. M. D. (Coll. Phys. & Surg.) 1869. Mem. Dor. Med. Club. tROOT, MARTIN, South Byfield, Newbury 1834. M. D. (Castle- ton) 1825. ROOT, RICHMOND B., Georgetown 1867. M. D. (Harv.) 1867. ROSS, ORRIN G., Revere 1875. ROTCH, THOMAS M., 77 Marlboro' St., Boston 1873 \\ to 3. A. B. (Harv.) 1870; M. D. (Harv.) 1874. Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Obs. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Improv. Phys. Bos. Dispy. ; Channing Home. Author, " Emigration of the White Corpuscle in Inflam- mation" (Boylston Prize), Boston, 1873. Contrib., "Absence of Resonance in the fifth right Intercostal Space diagnostic of Pericar- dial Effusion," Trans. Mass. Med. Soc., 1878. ROWE, GEORGE H. M., Boston City Hospital, Boston 1871 9 to 11. A. B. (Dart.) 1864; M. D. (Harv.) 1868. Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Observ. ; South Bos. Med. Club. Res. Phys. & Supt. Bos. City Hosp. RUSSELL, FREDERIC W., Central St., Winchendon 1871 1 to 3; 7 to 9. A. B. (Harv.) 1869; M. D. (Univ. N. Y.) 1870. tRUSSELL, HENRY, Sandwich 1844. RUSSELL, IRA, Winchendon 1854 8 to 9 ; 1 to 3. A. B. (Dart.) 1841 ; M. D. (Univ. N. Y.) 1844. Mem. Am. Assoc. Supts. Inst. for Insane ; N. Eng. Psycholog. Assoc. Contrib., " Ce- rebro Spinal-meningitis," Med. $ Surg. Hist, of Rebellion; " Spu- rious Vaccination," Ibid. RUSSELL, LE BARON, 34 Mt. Vernon St., Boston 1844. A. B. (Harv.) 1832; M. D. (Harv.) 1842. RYAN, JAMES C., Abington 1867. tSABIN, HJBNRY L., Williamstown 1837. SABINE, GEORGE K., Harvard St., cor. Harrison PI., Brookline 1873 till 9 ; I to 2. S. B. (Norwich) 1868 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1873. Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Observ. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Sci. ; Mass. Med. Leg. Soc. Asst. Phys. Mass. Inf. Asy. tSALTER, RICHARD H., I Staniford St., Boston 1836. M. D. (Yale) 1831. SANBORN, EDWIN A., East Somerville 1876. SANBORN, JOHN E., Rockport 1876. A. B. (Wesleyan) 1845; M. D. (Harv.) 1850. 352 DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. *SANBORN, WILBUR F., East Somerville 1876. M. D. (Harv.) 1875. *SANDERS, CHARLES B., Acton 1870. SARGENT, GEORGE W., resid., 33 HaverhW St.; office, 181 Essex St., Lawrence 18584 to 6; 7 to 9. M. D. (Albany) 1857. Fhys. Law. House Correc. *SARGENT, JOSEPH, 492 Main St., Worcester 1840. A. B. (Harv.) 1834; M. I). (Harv.) 1837. SAVILLE, HENRY M., 276 Purchase St., Boston 1858. B. S. (Amherst) 1854; M. D. (Penn.) 1857. *SAVORY, CHARLES A., 6 Kirk St., Lowell 1850. *SAWYER, CHARLES M., Havcrhill 1874. *SAWYER, EDWARD, Bridge water 1866. M. D. (Harv.) 1865. SAWYER, EDWARD J., Gardner 1859 8 to 9 ; 1 to 3. M. D- (Vt. Med. Coll.) 1853. SAWYER, FREDERIC A., Wareham 1856 8 to 9; 12to2; 7 to 9. M. D. (Harv.) 1856. SCAMMELL, Lucius L., Grove St., Hopkinton 1842 11 to 2. A. B. (Dart.) 1837; M. D. (Harv.) 1842. Mem. Thurber Med. Assoc. tSEABURY, BENJAMIN F., Orleans 1833. M. D. (Harv.) 1830. *SEAVERNS, JOEL, 2 Dudley Place, Roxbury, Boston 1854 till 9 ; 2 to 5. A. B. (Harv.) 1850; M. D. (Harv.) 1854. SEAVEY, OSCAR F., Merrimac 1867. M. D. (Dart.) 1856. SEVERANCE, CHARLES E., Shelburne Falls 1871 8 to 9 ; 12 to 1 ; 6 to 7. M. D. (Univ. N. Y.) 1858. SEYMOUR, CHRISTOPHER, Northampton 1869 8 to 10; 7 to 9. M. D. (Mich.) 1869. Contrib., "Tubercular Meningitis," Phila. Med. Times; "Aphasia and Right Hemiplegia," Ibid. *SEYMOUR, JAMES D., Whately 1877. *SHARP, JOHN C., 54 Commonwealth Ave., Boston 1852. M. D. (Harv.) 1849. SHATTUCK, FREDERIC C., 22 Brimmer St., Boston 1873 1 to 3. A. B. (Harv.) 1868; M. D. (Harv.) 1872. Mem. Bos. Soc. Med. Obs. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Improv. Phys. to Out-pts. Mass. Gen. Hosp. SHATTUCK, GEORGE B., 24 Marlboro' St., Boston 1873. A. B. (Harv.) 1863; M. D. (Harv.) 1869. SHATTUCK, GEORGE C., 18 Staniford St., Boston 18361 to 3. A. B. (Harv.) 1831 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1835. SHAW, BENJAMIN S., 28 Marlboro' St., Boston 1852 1. A. B. (Harv.) 1847 ; M. D. (Harv.) 1850. MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCIETY. 353 SHAW, HENRY L., 159 Boylston St., Boston 1859 12 to 3. M. D. (Harv.) 1859. Mem. Am. Ophthal. Soc. ; Am. Otolog. Soc.;. Bos. Soc. Med. Improv. Surg. Mass. Char. Eye and Ear Infy. *SHA\V, THOMAS P., Lowell 1877. *SHELDON, CHAUNCEY C., Lynn 1876. SHEPAH1), WILLIAM H. H., Westminster 1866. SHREVE, OCTAVICS B., 27 Chestnut St., Salem 1869 H to 3 ; 7 to 8. A. B. (Harv.) 1863; M. D. (Coll. Phys. & Surg.) 1865. Surg. Salem Hosp. SHURTLEFF, AUGUSTINE, Boylston St., Brookline 1852. A. B.. (Brown) 1846; M. D. (Harv.) 1847. Mem. Bos. Soc. Nat. Hist. SHURTLEFF, HERBERT, Sterling 1870 12 to 2; after 6. M. D. (Albany) 1869. SHUTE, CHARLES B., Pleasant St., Maiden 1870 8 to 9 ; 2 to 3; 6 to 7. A. B. (Harv.) 1865; M. D. (Harv.) 1870. Mem. Walker Soc. Med. Improv. *SIBLEY, HARTWELL A., Chelsea 1878. SINCLAIR, ALEXANDER D.,35 Newbury St., Boston 1857 9 to 10; 2 to 4. M. D. (Harv.) 1857 ; L. M. (Edin.) 1858. Mem. Am. Gynaecol. Soc. ; Bos. Soc. Med. Improv. ; Obstet. Soc. of Bos. ; Bos. Soc. Nat. Hist. ; Obstet. Soc. of Lond. Cons. Phys. Bos. City Hosp. ; Phys. Bos. Ly.-in Hosp. Contrib., " Pelvic Cellulitis," Bos. Med. I>Y, Essex, (South Danvers, 1855; Peabody, 1868), 8066 Elliott, D. M.; Frost, G. M.; Osborne, G.; Osborne, G. S.; Pike, C. C. PKI.HAM, Hampstiire, (1742), 633 Heed, H. PEMBROKE, Plymouth, (1712), 1399 Collamore, F. (North). PEPPERELL, Middlesex, (1753), 1927 Fletcher, S. W.; Stickney, J. M. PITTSFIELD, Berkshire, (1761), 12,267 Adams, J. F. A.; Allen, A. N.; Brewster, J. M. ; Mercer, W. M. ; Paddock, F. K. ; Roberts, O. S. ; Smith, A. M.; Vermilye, W. E. PLYMOUTH, Plymouth, (1620), 6370 Brewster, J. B.; Hill, E. D.; Hub- bard, B. ; Jackson, A. PLYMPTON, Plymouth, (1707), 755 Hammond, J. S. PRINCETON, Worcester, (1759), 1063 West, J. T. 0. PKOVINCETOWN, Bamstable, (1727), 4357 Blaisdell, A. F.; Crocker, J. M. ; Newton, A. II. QUINCY, Norfolk, (1792), 9155 Gilbert, J. H. ; Gordon, J. A.; Harlow, J. F., (Point); Morison, J. ; Pattee, W. S.; Stetson, J. A. RANDOLPH, Norfolk, (1793), 4064 Alden, E.; Cushman, T. T.; Wales, B. L. READING, Middlesex, (1644), 3186 Brown, F. F.; Dow, J. 0.; Putney, G. E. REHOBOTH, Bristol, (1645), 1827 Randall, G. H., (North). REVERE, Suffolk, (1848), 1197 Moore, I. L. ; Ross, 0. G. RICHMOND, Berkshire, (1765), 1141 Reynolds, S. M. ROCKLAND, Plymouth, (1874), 4203 Gleason, J. C. ROCKPORT, Essex, (1840), 4480 Manning, J.; Sanborn, J. E. ; Tupper, A.M. ROWLEY, Essex, (1639), 1162 Bartlett, B. W. ROYALSTON, Worcester, (1765), 1260 Adams, F. W.; Adams, H. 0., (South). SALEM, Estex, (1639; city, 1836), 25j958 Bielby, P. P.; Carlton, C. A.; Choate, D. ; Coggin, D. ; Fessenden, J. P. ; Gaffney, H. J. ; Johnson, A. H.; Kemble, A.; Kittredge, T.; Mack, W.; Neilson, W.; Perkins, G. A. ; Quimby, E. H. ; Quimby, S. F. ; Shreve, 0. B. ; Stone, H. 0. ; Wheatland, H. SANDWICH, Barnstable, (1639), 3417 Bass, W. M., (Monument); Leon- ard, J.; Russell, H. SAUGUS, Essex, (1815), 2578 Fran9ois, E. A. L., (Centre). SCITUATE, Plymouth, (1636), 2463 Vinal, F. T. SHARON, Norfolk, (1765), 1330 Bacon, A. D. SHEFFIELD, Berkshire, (1733), 2233 Miller, J. L.; Smith, H. H. SHELBURNE, Franklin, (1768), 1590 Canedy, F. J., (Falls); Duncan, C. M.; Severance, C. E., (Falls); Taylor, A. H., (Falls). SHERBORN, Middlesex, (1674), 999 Blanchnrd, A. H. 380 DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. SHIRLEY, Middlesex, (1753), 1352 Parker, J. 0., (Village). SOMERVILLE, Middlesex, (1842; city, 1871), 21,868 Bancroft, W. B.; Barrett, G. D.; Bell, W. A.; Chapin, H.; Couch, J. F.; Cowles, E. ; Dow, W. W.; Gould, J. B., (West); Hanscom, S., (East); Jackson, C. T. ; Jackson, E.; Knight, N. J., (East); Lothrop, J. L., (East); Page, F. W.; Sanborn, E. A., (East); Sanborn, W. F., (East); Smith, J. J.; Tuttle, G. T.; Weston, E. H.; White, E. L.; White, H. C., (East); Willis, R., (North). SOUTHAMPTON, Hampshire, (1753), 1050 Wood, G. W. SOUTHBORO', Worcester, (1727), 2135 Robinson, J. H. SOUTHBRIDGE, Worcester, (1816), 5740 Bulfinch, G. G. SOUTH HADLEY, Hampshire, (1753), 3370 Cox, G., (Falls). SOUTH SCITUATE, Plymouth, (1849), 2456 Brownell, N. P. SOUTHWICK, Hampden, (1770), 1114 Rockwell, J. W. SPENCER, Worcester, (1753), 5451 Hall, M.; Wheeler, E. M. SPRINGFIELD, Hampden, (1636; city, 1852), 31,053 Beach, J.C.; Bowles, S. W.; Breck, T. F.; Breck, W. G.; Brooks, L. S.; Brooks, S. D.; Brown, J. R.; Calkins, M.; Chapin, F. W.; Clark, D. ; Gardner, W. W.; Hooker, J.; Lawton, S.; McClean, G. C.; Owen, V. L.; Pome- roy, S. F. ; Rice, A. R. ; Rice, F. E.; Smith, D. P.; Smith, S. F., (Indian Orchard); Stebbins, G. S.; Stickney, P. LeB.; Vaille, H. R. STERLING, Worcester, (1781), 1569 Peck, W. D.; Peirce, W. ; Shurt- leff, H. STOCKBRIDGE, Berkshire, (1739), 2003 Adams, L. S.; Knickerbocker, G. S.; Miller, L. STONEHAM, Middlesex, (1725), 4984 Brown, W. S.; Cowdrey, A. H. ; Stevens, W. F. STOUGHTON, Norfolk, (1726), 4842 Gifford, S. S., (East); Gould, L. M.; Young, C. S. STOW, Middlesex, (1683), 1022 Livermore, A. C. STURBRIDGE, Worcester, (1738), 2101 Rice, A. B., (Fiskdale). SUDBURY, Middlesex, (1639), 1177 Goodenough, L., (South) ; Oviatt, G. A. (South). SUNDERLAND, Franklin, (1714), 860 Trow, N. G. SUTTON, Worcester (1715), 3051 Hamilton, C. H. (Manchang). SWAMPSCOTT, Essex, (1852), 2128 Colman, H.; Jordan, R. B. SWANSEA, Bristol, (1667), 1308 Wellington, J. L. TAUNTON, Bristol, (1639; city, 1864), 20,445 Bassett, E. J. ; Brown, J. P. ; Chace, J. B. ; Gage, W. H. ; Howe, C. ; Hutchinson, M. ; Murphy, J. ; Paige, N. ; Presbrey, S. D. ; Ransom, N. M. ; Robinson, W. S.; Wood, A. ; Yale, J. C." TEMPLETON, Worcester, (1762), 2764 Batchelder, J. C., (Baldwinsville); Southard, W. F., (Baldwinsville); Tobien, A. S. TEWKSBURY, Middlesex, (1734), 1997 Foster, C.; Lathrop, W. H. ; Nichols, J. D. TISBURY, Dukes, (1671), 1525 Butler, W., (Vineyard Haven); Leach, W., (Vineyard Haven). MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCIETY. 381 TOPSFIELD, Essex, (1650), 1221 Allen, J. TOWNSEND, Middlesex, (1732), 2196 Chandler, L. G. TYNGSBOROUGH, Middlesex, (1789), 655 Dutton, C. UPTON, Worcester, (1735), 2125 Wanl, (.. W.: Wilmarth, J. UXBHIDGE, Worcester, (1727), 3029 Bennett, A. W. ; Wilcox, C. A. WAKEFIELD, Middlesex, (South Reading, 1812 ; Wakefield, 1868), 5349 Abbott, S. W. ; Ames, A., Jr.; Jordan, C.; Mansfield, J. D. ; Mans- field, J. R. WALPOLE, Norfolk, (1724), 2290 Stone, S. E. WALTHAM, Middlesex, (1738), 9967 Adams, B. F. D. ; Cutler, E. R. ; Hunt, W. 0.; Kittredge, F. R. C. ; McConnick, C. J. ; McDonnell, J. H. ; Warren, R. S. ; Willis, J. W. WARE, Hampshire, (1761), 4142 Miner, D. W.; Richardson, E. C.; Yale, J. WAKEHAM, Plymouth, (1739), 2874; Fearing, B.; Sawyer, F. A.. WARREN, Worcester, (1742), 3260 Bixby, J. P., (West); Cutter, J. C.; Hastings, J. W. WATERTOWN, Middlesex, (1630), 5099 Hoamer, A.; Huckins, D. T.; McCarthy, M. ; Morse, L. B. WAYLANU, Middlesex, (1780), 1240 Hayward, J. McL. WEISSTER, Worcester, (1832), 5064 Brown, F.-D. WEI.I.KLEET, Barnstable, (1763), 1988 Stone, W. N. WENHAM, Essex, (1643), 911 Thayer, S. E. WESTBOKO', Worcester, (1717), 5141 Corey, F. E.; Harvey, E. B. WEST BOYLSTON, Worcester, (1808), 2902 Warren, G. W. WEST BKOOKFIELD, Worcester, (1848), 1903 Blodgett, A. G. WKSTFIELD, Hampden, (1669), 8431 Gamwell, H.; Tucker, G. G.; Waterman, J. H. WESTFORD, Middlesex, (1729), 1933 Atwood, E. C. WESTMINSTER, Worcester, (1770), 1712 Shepard, W. H. H.; Swasey, G. B. WEST NEWBURY, Essex, (1819), 2021 Warren, 0. WKSTON, Middlesex, (1713), 1282 Smithwick, J. WEST SPRINGFIELD, Uampden, (1774), 3739 Belden, H. C. ; Flagg, U. H., (Mittineague). WEST STOCKBRIUGE, Berkshire, (1774), 1981 Leavitt, W. W. WEY MOUTH, Norfolk, (1635), 9819 Brown, 0. E., (North); Fay, G. W., (East); Forsaith, F. F.; Tinkham, G. W.; Tower, C. C., (South). WHATELY, Franklin, (1771), 958 Seymour, J. D. WII.BKAHAM, Hampden, (1763), 2576 Foster, J. M. ; Squier, A. 0. (North). WILLIAMSBURG, Hampshire, (1771), 2029 Greenleaf , J. R., (Hayden- ville); Meekins, T. WILLIAMSTOWN, Berkshire, (1865), 3683 Mather, E. E.; Sabin, II. L. ; Smith, A. M. WIKCHEMDON, Worcester, (1764), 3762 Russell, F. W.; Russell, I. 382 DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. WINCHESTER, Middlesex, (1850), 3099 Lovejoy, D. H. ; Wight, D. W.; Winsor, F. WIXTHROP, Suffolk, (1852), 627 Soule, H. S. WOBURN, Middlesex, (1642), 9568 Bartlett, G. P. ; Chase, C. E. ; Elliott, J. P., (North); Graves, F. W.; Harlow, J. M. ; Kelley, S. W. ; Kelley, W. P. ; Woodman, A. P. WORCESTER, Worcester, (1684 ; city, 1848), 49,317 Bates, G. A. ; Bates, J. N. ; Bemis, M.; Bull, G. J. ; Clarke, H. ; Clough, B. F.; Davis, C. H. ; Davis, W. ; Dixon, L. S. ; Flagg, E. B. ; Francis, G. E. ; Gage, T. H.; Hammond, L. H. ; Hubon, P. E. ; Jordan, G. A.; Kelley, F. H. ; Knight, H. S.; Marble, J. 0. ; Marston, E. Q. ; Mar- tin, O. ; McNulty, F. J. ; Moulton, A. R. ; O'Sullivan, T. J.; Park, J. G. ; Perry, C. H. ; Quinby, H. M. ; Raymenton, W. H. ; Rice, J. M. ; Rich, J. B. ; Sargent, J. ; Souther, W. T. ; Warner, E. ; Wheeler, L. ; Wood, A. ; Woodward, R. ; Woodward, S. B. ; Work- man, W. ; Workman, W. H. WORTHINGTON, Hampshire, (1768), 860 Kimball, W. G. ; Parsons, C. W. WREXTHAM, Norfolk, (1673), 2395 Adams, J. Q.; Kilby, H. S. YARMOUTH, Barnstable, (1639), 2264 Battershall, J. W., (Port); Nick- erson, W. J., (South). MAINE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. ALPHABETICAL, LIST. *Adams, Alonzo, B., Wilton. * Adams, E., Litchfield. *Albee, W. A., Union. Allen, J. L., 124 Maine St., Saco 1 to 3; 7 to 9. M. D. (Bowdoin) 1837. Member Saco and Bidde- ford Med. and Surg. Association. Andrews, Egbert T., Gray. M. D. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1873. Mem. Cumberland Co. Med. Soc. *Bacon, Alvan, Biddeford. Banks, William A., Rockland, M. D. (Jeff.) 1846. Act. Asst. Surg. U. S. M. H. S. *Barker, C. H., Wayne. *Bates, James, Yarmouth. (Hon.) *Bates, J.M., Yarmouth. *Heede, J. W., Auburn. *Bennett, J. L., North Fryeburg. *Besse. A. E., Sydney. M. D. (Bowdoin.) Mem. Kennebec Co. Med. Soc. *Bibber, R. D., Bath. Billings, A. J., Freedom. *Bird, A. S., Springvale. *Bisbee, C. M., West Suraner. *Blake, J. H., North Auburn. *Bolster, D. P., Weeks' Mills, China. *Boutelle, N. R., Waterville. *Bradbury, N. A., Sweden. Bradbury, O. N., Norway. M. D. (Brunswick.) *Bradford, E. F., Mechanic Falls, Mi not. *Bragdon, Edmund, Jr., West Bux- ton. Bray, Charles W., 10 Brown St., Portland 9 to 11 ; 2 to 4. M. D. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1874. Mem. Cumberland Co. Med. Assoc. Instructor in Anat. Port. Med. Sch.; Phys. Port. Dispy. *Brickett, George E., Augusta. *Bridgham, F. W., Sullivan. *Brooks, E. W., 365 Congress St., Portland. Brooks, John G., Belfast 1 to 2J; 6i to 8. A. B. (Dart.) 1848; M. D. (Jeff.) 1851. Mem. Waldo Co. Med. Soc. Brown, Thomas H., Paris. M. D. (Jeff.) 1837. Contrib., "Penetrat- MAINE MEDICAL SOCIETY. 383 ing Wound of the Posterior Tib- ial Artery, followed by Traumat- ic Aneurism Secondary Haem- orrhage Amputation," N. Y. Jour. Met!., 1852. *Brown, W. H., Bangor. Buck, SVilliam, Foxcroft- Burbank, A. H., Yarmouth. Buzzell, John, 70 Pleasant St., Portland. Caldwell, J., Buckfield. Carter, J. A., Boothbay. Chadwick, George H., 130 Oxford St., Portland. Chandler, C. P., Addison. Chase, Charles T., Thomaston. Chase, Freeman H., Orland 7 to 9 ; 6 to 10. M. D. (Bowdoin) 1864. Clark, S. O., Limerick. Coan, Elisha S., Garland 1 to 2; 6 to 9. M. D. (Bowdoin) 1870. Mem. Penobscot Co. Med. Soc. Cobb, William B., Standish. Coe, T. U., resid., 78 Court St. ; office, Hammond St., Bangor. A. B. (Bowdoin) 1857; M. D. (Jeff.) 1861. Colby, G. W., Waldoboro'. Cole, Lorenzo S., Second St., Hal- lowell 12 to 2. M. D. (Jeff.) 1856. Mem. Kennebec Co. Med. Assoc. Cook, John W., Casco. Crooker, L. J., Augusta. Crosby, Atwood, Waterville 7 to 9; 1 to 3. A. M. (Colby) 1873. M. D. (Bowdoin) 1864. Mem. Kennebec Co. Med. Soc. Cummings, H. T., 696 Congress St., Portland. A. B. (Bowdoin) 1841; M. D. (Harv.) 1844. Mem. Am. Phar. Assoc.; Me. Phar. Assoc. Commissioner of Phar- macy, Me. ; Inspec. Milk, Port- land. Contrib., " Mortar Prac- tice; a few Notes on Contusion," Proc. Am. Phar. Atsoc., 1875. Curtis, Roland, Main St., Richmond, 2 to 5; 7 to 9. M. D. (Bowdoin) 1874. Mem. Sagadahoc Co. Med. Soc. Gushing, J. S., Skowhegan. Cushing, R. K-., Bangor. Dana, I. T., 76 Free St., Portland. Day, J. F., Alfred. Devoll, Sarah W., 30^ High St., Portland. Dixon. Robert, Damariscotta. Dole, I). H., Portland. Donovan, J. A., Lewiston. Dunn, B. K., Windham. Eaton, J. R , Wilton. Kdgecomb, E., Lewiston. Ellis, Asher, Brunswick. Ellis, D. F., Brunswick. Emery, C. J., Biddeford. Estabrook, J. H., Rockland. (Hon.) Estabrook, T. L., Rockland. Evans, David, Garland. Everleth, F. M., Waldoboro'. Everleth, J. M., Mechanic Falls. Mi not. Faunce, N. D., North Waterford. Ferguson, Franklin B., Deer Isle. Fessenden, C. S. D., U. S. Marine Hospital, Portland. Fessenden, H. C., Eastport. Field, E. M., Bangor. Fisher, Paul M., Orono. Fletcher, J. M., Belfast. Fogg, E. G., Kendall's Mills, Fair- field. Foster, B. B., 428 Congress St., Portland. Foster, Charles W., Woodford's Corner. Foster, T. A., 5 Brown St., Port- land. French, George F., 666 Congress St., Portland 9 to 10 ; 2 to 4. A. B. (Harv.) 1859; M. D. (Harv.) 1862. Mem. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. ; Am. Pub. Health Assoc. ; Cumb. Co. Med. Assoc. Instruc- tor in Prac. of Med. and Lect. on Dermatol.in l j ort. Sch. Med. Inst. Frost, W. G., Portland. Fuller, A. J., Bath. Fuller, Edwin M., Bath. Fulton, A. M., Ellsworth. Garcelon, A., Lewiston. Garcelon, Frank, West Auburn. M. D. (Bowdoin) 1870. Mem. Androscoggin Co. Med. Assoc.; Franklin Co. Med. Assoc. Gaubert, A. Lewis, Mechanic Falls. Gerrish, Frederic H., 624 Congress St., Portland 9 to 10; 2 to 3. A. B. (Bowdoin) 1866 ; M. D. (Bow- doin) 1869. Mem. Cumberland 384 DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. Co. Med. Assoc. ; Port. Clin. Soc.; Cumb. Co. Phar. Assoc. Prof, of Mat. Med. and Lect. on Pub. Health in Bowdoin College; In- structor in Physiol. and Micro- scopy Port. Sch." for Med. Instruc. ; Pathologist Maine Gen. Hosp. Author, "Prescription Writing, de- signed for the use of students who have never studied Latin," Port- land, 1878. Contrib., ' Salicylic Acid, the experience of Maine Physicians in its use," Trans. Me. Med. Assoc. 1876-77 ; "The Sani- tarv Condition of Portland," Ibid., 1877; "The Duties of the Medi- cal Profession concerning Prosti- tution," Ibid., 1878. *Gi!man, John T., 41 Free St., Port- land. Goodwin, J. S., Portland. (Hon.) *Googins, George, Millbridge. *Gordon, S. C., 493| Congress St., Portland. *Grant, J. P., Saco. *Greene, William W., 30 High St., Portland. *Hall, Milton W., Cumberland Cen- tre. *Hall, 0. R., Locke's Mills. *Hamlin, A. C., Bangor. *Harlow, H. M., Augusta. Harlow, R. L., Auburn. Haskell, P. Sprague, Stockton 7 to 9 ; 2 to 3; 6 to 7. M. D. (Bow- doin) 1856. Mem. Waldo Co. Med. Assoc. Hawes, J. Q. A., Hallowell. M. D. (N. Y. Med. Coll.) 1857 Mem.- Kennebec Co. Med. Assoc. *Hawkes, Wilson L., York. Haynes, C. F., Skowhegan. *Hersey, A. L., Oxford. *Hersey, F. C., Pittstield. Hersom, Nahuin A., 106 Pine St., Portland 8 to 9 ; 1 to 3; 7 to 8. M. D. (Penn.) 1861. Mem. Cumb. Co. Med. Assoc. *Hildreth, T., Gardiner. *HiIl, E. H., Lewiston. Hill, Hampton E., Biddeford. Hill, H. H., Augusta. Hill, W. Scott, Augusta. Hitchcock, F. E., Rockland. Holt, Charles L., Portland. Holt, ErastusE., 11 Brown St., Port- land 9 to 11; 2 to 4. M. D. (Bowdoin) 1874. M. D. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1875. Mem. Cumb. Co. Med. Soc. Demon- strator Anat. in Bowdoin Coll. ; Phys. Port. Dispy. Contrib., " S'urgical Operations in Maine General Hospital," &c., Bos. Med. $ Sury. Jour., 1875-76. Hopkins, Elisha, Searsport 8 to 10; 2 to 4. M. D. (Harv.) 1854. Mem. Waldo Co. Med. Assoc. Horr, Elizabeth S., Lewiston. Horr, J. L., Cumberland Mills, Westbrook. Horr, O. A., Lewiston. Huckins, Jason, East Corinth. Hunt, Charles O., Maine Gen. Hosp. Portland 9 to 11; 1J to 3. A. B. (Bowdoin) 1861; M. D. (Penn.) 1868. Res. Phys. and Supt. Me. Gen. Hosp.; Perm. Secy. Me. Med. Assoc. ; Instructor of Mat. Med. Port. Sch. Med. Inst. Hunt, Henry H., Gorham 8 to 9 ; 1 to 2. Mem. Cumb. Co. Med. Assoc. Hunter, Samuel B., Machias. Hurd, E. E., Lyman. Huse, B. D. E., Camden. Hutchinson, Charles, 135 Spring St., Portland. Ingalls, Lucien, Falmouth. M. D. (Dart.) Mem. Cumberland Co. Med. Assoc. Jewell, H. L., Bangor. Jones, Ralph K-, resid., 31 Ohio St.; office, West Market Sq., Bangor. M. D. (Harv.) 1847. Mem. Penobscot Co. Med. Soc. Kendrick, Cyrus, Litchfield Corner 10 to 12; 5 to 7. M. D. (Jeff.) 1850. Kimball, Irving E., Wiscassett. *Kimball, J. E. L., Saco. Lamson, D. Lowell, Fryeburg 8 to 10; 2 to 4; 7 to 9. M. D. (N. Y. Univ.) 1857. Laughton, S., Bangor. *Leavitt, William B., Athens. Libby, Abial, Richmond. Libby, George W., Searsport. Linscott, J. J., Farmington. Lowell, James W., 10 High St., .i/.i/.v/-; M/-:/>rcAL ASSOCIATION. :;sr, Cape Elizabeth Ferry 2 to 5. M. D. (Bowdoin) 18'if,." Mem. Cum- berland Co. Mini. Assoc. Ludwig, Gardner, 50 High St., Portland. Lyford, K. II., Vinalhaven. Manson, JohnC.. Pittstield. M. D. (X. Y. Univ.) 18M. Mem. Somer- set Co. Med. Assoc. Marble, H-nry, Lewiston. Marshall, A. Q., New (Gloucester. Marston, D. E., Momiioutli. Mnrtel, Louis I., Walnut St., Lew- iston 8 to 10; 1 to 4 ; 7 to 9. M. D. (Montreal) 1873. Mem. An- droscoggin Co. Med. Assoc. Mayo, K. N., Orono. MeLaughlin, William, Harmony. Merrill, H. P., 30 Congress St., Portland. Meserve, A. K. P., Buxton. M. D. (Bowdoin) 1859. Mem. Saco and Bid. Med. Chir. Soc. Milliken, Charles J., Cherryfield 8 to 9; 4 to 5; 7 to 9." M. D. (Harv.) 1866. Mitchell, Alfred, Brunswick. Moody, Daniel, Clinton. Morton, J. A., Bethel. Moulton, J. F., Limington. Nash, Samuel A., North Berwick. Newman, J. F., Gray. Norm, L. E., Hampden. Nutting, J. D., Hallowell. Uakes, Sylvester, Auburn. Oakes, Wallace K., Auburn, office, 89 Lisbon St., Lewiston 10 to 12 ; 2 to 5; 7 to 9. A. B. (Bow- doin), 1870; M. D. (Coll. Phys. andSurg.) 1873. Mem. Andros- coggin Co. Med. Assoc. O'Brien, O. St C., Bristol. Osgood, William, North Yarmouth. A. B. (Bowdoin) 1840; M. I). (Bowdoin) 1850. Mem. Cumb. Co. Med. Assoc. Packard, Charles A., Bath. Page, A. F., Bucksport. Paine, R. E., Camden. Palmer, N. T., Brunswick. Parcher, George, Ellsworth. Parker, A. M., Stevens Plains, Deerin^. Parker, F. ii. Peebles, A. M., Auburn. Pendleton. Lewis W., Belfast to 10; 2 to 4; 7 to 8. M. D. (Al- bany) 1804. Pierce, James, South Waterboro'. Pierce, John G., Freoport. Plimpton, A. F., Gardiner. Porter, B., 2d, Newport. Price, Charles W., Bath. Pushor, Harris, Hartland. Quinby, Frederic, Saco. M. D. (Detroit) 1875. Mem. Cumb. Co. Med. Assoc. Contrib., "Spon- taneous Rupture of an Ovarian Cvst, followed by Recovery," >e- frait ev- Jfad..l87S. Richards, J. A., Farmington. Ricker, R. R., Lewiston. Ring, Charles A., 606 Congress St., Portland 8; 2. A. B. (Bowdoin) 18(58; M. D. (Bowdoin) 1872; (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1873. Mem. Cumb. Co. Med. Assoc. ; Port. Clin. Soc. Instructor in Cliem. Port. Sch. Med. Inst. City Phys. Portland. Robbins, J. H., Calais. Rogers, William, Uampden 9 to 3. M. D. (Bowdoin) 1872. Ross, O. E., Rockport, Camden. Russell, Edmund, Lewiston. Russell, F. H., Farmington. San born, B. T., Augusta. Sanger, E. F., Bangor. Sawyer, D. B., Lewiston. Sawyer, I. C., Naples. Sawyer, James, Biddeford. Seavey, Calvin, Bangor. Severv, J. B., Farmington. Miannon, N., Portland. Shaw, A. 0., 609 Congress St., Portland. Simmons, William H., resid., 14 High St.; office, 4 Kenduskeag Block, Bangor 9 to 10; 3 to 5. A. B. (Harv.) 1869; M. D. (Wiirz- burg) 1872. Mem. Penobscot Co. Med. Soc. Sleeper, Frank E., Sabattus. Small, Horatio N., 62G Congress St., Portland 8 to 9; 1 to 3; 7 to 8. M. D. (Dart.) 1802. Mem. Cumb. Co. Med. Soc. Phys. Me. (Jen. 386 DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. Hosp. ; Mem. Consult. Board City of Portland; Surgeon Gen. Me. V.M. Small, John M., 23 Park St., Lewis- ton 7 to 9 ; 12 to 2 ; 6 to 10. M. D. (Bowdoin) 1847. Mem. An- droscoggin Co. Med. Assoc. City Phys. Lewiston. Small. Reuben D., North Pownal. M. D. (Brunswick) 1871. *Smart, W. R., Camden. *Smith, A. R. G , Whitefield. *Smith, H. S. 13., Bowdoinham. *Smith, Roscoe, Turner. Snow, Albion P., Main St., Win- throp. M. D. (Bowdoin) 1854. Mem. Kennebec Co. Med. Assoc. Contrih.', ''Puerperal Convul- sions," Trans. Me. Med. Assoc. " Med. Eclecticism," Ibid. *Snow, E. P., Atkinson. Spalding, James A., 499J Congress St., Portland 10 to 4. A. B. (Dart.) 1866; M. D. (Harv.) 1870. Mem. Cumberland Co. Med. Soc. Contrib., "Atropia in Ophthalmic Surgery," Trans. Me. Med. Soc., 1875; ""Short Sight in Portland School Children," Ibid., 1876. *Spaulding, J. P., Richmond. *Spear, David D., Freeport. *Stanley, F. A., 253 Congress St. Portland. ^Staples, G. D., North Berwick. *Stevens, E. G., Biddeford. Stevens, Horace, Skowhegan. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1842. Mem. Som- erset Co. Med. Assoc. *Stevens, W. H., North New Port- land. *Stinson, A. T., China. *Stockwell, Emmons F., Alfred. *Stone, E., Stevens Plains, Deering. *Sturgis, B. F., Auburn. *Sturgis, John I., Gray. *Sturtevant, J., Oak Hill, Scarboro'. *Swasey, William, Limerick. *Swasey, William B., Cornish. *Sweat, M. E., North Parsonsfield. *Sweat, William, Hollis. *Swett, A. W., Winterport. *Tasker, B. F., Portland. *Tewksbury, S. H., 10 Brown St., Portland. Thayer, Augustus S., 6 Brown St., Portland 8 to 9 ; 1 to 3 ; 7 to 9. M. D. (Penn.) 1864. Mem. Cumb. Co. Med. Assoc. ; Portland Soc. Nat. Hist. Attend. Phys. Me. Gen. Hosp. *Thayer, F. C., Waterville. *Thompson, E. A., Dover. *Tibbetts, B. L., South China. *Tolford, D. M., 286 Congress St., Portland. *TopIiff, A. P., Deering. Toward, J. W., Augusta. *Vose, E. H., Calais. *Walker, Jason, Minot Corner. *Walker, J. B., Thomaston. *\Valton, Alfred, Bangor. *\Varren, Francis G., Biddeford. *Warren, Stanley P., Farmington. Webster, C. E., 123 Free St., Port- land 8 to 10; 1 to 3; 6 to 9. A. B. (Bowdoin) 1866; M. D. (Bowdoin) 1869. Mem. Cumber- land Co. Med. Soc. Cons. Phys. Port. Dispy. *Wedgewood, M. C., Lewiston. *Wedgewood, N. J., Lisbon. Weeks, Stephen H., 72 Free St., Portland. M. D. (Penn.) 1864. Mem. Cumb. Co. Med. Soc. Surg. Me. Gen. Hosp.; Instructor in Surg. Port. Sch. Med. Inst. Con- trib., " Therapeutic Action of Chloral Hydrate." Trans. Me. Med. Soc.; "Strangulated Her- nia," Ibid. *Wells, Eben, Freeport. (Hon.) *Wentworth, J. B., Brownfield. *Wentworth, S. E., Auburn. *Whitmore, C. W., Gardiner. *Whitmore, Stephen, Gardiner. *Whitten, P. M., Clinton. *Wilbur, G. A., Skowhegan. *Williams, Benjamin, Rockland. *Willis, J. L. M., Eliot. *Wilson, G. H., Albion. *Wood, William, 80 Free St., Port- land. *Woodcock, Galen M., Brewer. *Yates, O. K., West Paris. .1/.1/A7-: MK/'ICAI, ASSOCIATION. 887 MAINE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. LOCAL LIST. ADDISON, Wathinyton, (1797), 1202 Chandler, C. P. ALBION, Ktnm-bec, (1804), 1356 Wilson, G. II. ALFRED, York; (1794), 1224 Day, J. F.; Stockwell, E. F. ATHENS, Somerset, (1804), 1E40 Learitt, \V. B. ATKINSON, J'iscutayuis, (1819), 810 Snow, E. P. AUBURN, Androscoggin, (1842; city, 1869), 6169 Beede, J. W. ; Blake, J. H. (North); Harlow, R. L.; Oakes, S.; Oakes, W. K. (and Lewiston); Peebles, A. M.; Sturgis, B. F.; Wentworth, S. E. AUGUSTA, Kennebec, (Harrington, 1797; city, 1849), 7808 Brickett, G. E.; Crocker, L. J.; Harlow, H. M. ; Hill, 11. H.; Hill, W. S.; San- born, B. T.; Toward, J. W. BANGOU, Penobscot, (1791; city, 1834), 18,289 Brown, W. II.; Coe, T. U.; Cashing, R. K.; Field, E. M.; Hamlin, A. C.; Jewell, H. L.; Jones, R. K.; Laughton, S. ; Sanger, E. F. ; Seavey, C. ; Simmons, W. H.; Walton, A. BATH, Saaadahoc, (1781; city, 1848), 7371 Bibber, R. D. ; Fuller, A. J. ; Fuller, E. M. ; Packard, C. A.; Price, C. W. BELFAST, Waldo, (1773; city, 1853), 5278 Brooks, J. G.; Fletcher, J. M.; Pendleton, L. W. BETHEL, Oxford, (1796), 2286 Morton, J. A. BIDDEFOHD, York, (1718; city, 1855), 10,282 Bacon, A.; Emery, C. J.; Hill, H. E.; Sawyer, J.; Stevens, E. G.; Warren, F. G. BINGHAM, Somerset, (1812), 826 Parsons, D. E. BOOTHBAY, Lincoln, (1764), 3200 Carter, J. A. BOWDOIMIAM, Sagadahoc, (1762), 1804 Smith, H. S. B. BREWER, Penobscot, (1812), 3214 Woodcock, G. M. BRISTOL, Lincoln, (1765), 2916 O'Brien, O. St. C. BKOWNKIELD, Oxford, (1802), 1324 Wentworth, J. B. BRUNSWICK, Cumberland, (1738), 4687 Ellis, A.; Ellis, D. F.; Mitchell, A.; Palmer, N. T. BUCK FIELD, Oxford, (1793), 1494 Caldwell, J. BI-CKSPORT, Hancock, (1792), 3433 Page, A. F. BUXTON, York, (1772), 2546 Bragdon, E., Jr., (West); Meserve, A. K. P. CALAIS, Washington, (1809 ; city, 1850), 5945 Robbins, J. H. ; Vose, E. II. CAMDEN, Knox, (1791), 4512 Huse, B. D. E.; Paine, R. E.; Ross, O. E. r (Rockport); Smart, W. R. CAPE ELIZABETH, Cumberland, (1765), 5106 Lowell, J. W., (Ferry). CASCO, Cumberland, (1841), 998 Cook, J. W. CHERRYFIELD, Washington, (1816), 1760 Milliken, C. J. CHINA, Kennebec, (1790), 21 18 Bolster, D. P., ( Weeks's Mills); Stinsoii, A. T.; Tibbetts, B. L. (South). 388 DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. CLINTON, Kennebec, (1795), 1778 Moody, D. ; Whitten, P. M. CORINTH, Fenobscot, (1811), 1462 Huckins, J., (East). CORNISH, York, (1794), 1101 Swasey, W. B. CUMBERLAND, Cumberland, (1821), 1626 Hall, M. W., (Centre). DAMARISCOTTA, Lincoln, (1847), 1332 Dixon, R. DEEUING, Cumberland, (1871), Parker, A. M., (Stevens Plains); Stone, E., (Stevens Plains); Topliff, A. P. DEER ISLE, Hancock, (1789), 3414 Ferguson, F. B. DOVER, Piscataquis, (1822), 1983 Thompson, E. A. EAST MACHIAS, Washington, (1826), 2017 Baker, J. EASTPORT, Washington, (1798), 3736 Fessenden, H. C. ELIOT, York, (1810), 1769 Willis, J. L. M. ELLSWORTH, Hancock, (1800; city, 1869), 5257 Fulton, A. M.; Parcher, G. FAIRFIELD, Somerset, (1788), 2999 Fogg, E. G., (Kendall's Mills). FALMOUTH, Cumberland, (1718), 1730 Ingalls, L. FARMINGTON, Cumberland, (1794), 3252 Linscott, J. J. ; Richards, J. A.; Russell, F. H. ; Severy, J. B.; Warren, S. P. FOXCROFT, Piscataquis, (1812), 1178 Buck, W. FREEDOM, Billings, A. J. FREEPORT, Waldo, (1813), 717 Pierce, J. G. ; Spear, D. D. ; Well*, E. FRYEBURG, Oxford, (1777), 1508 Bennett, J. L. (North); Lamson, D. L. GARDINER, Kennebec, (1803; city, 1850), 4496 Hildreth, T.; Plimpton, A. F.; Whitmore, C. W. ; Whitmore, S. GARLAND, Penobscot, (1811), 1306 Coan, E. S. ; Evans, D. GORHAM, Cumberland, (1789), 2457 Hunt, H. H. GRAY, Cumberland, (1778), 1738 Andrews, E. T.; Newman, J. F. ; Sturgis, J. I. GREENWOOD, Oxford, (1816), 845 Hall, 0. R., (Locke's Mills). HALLOWELL, Kennebec, (1771; city, 1850), 3008 Cole, L. S. ; Hawes, J. Q. A. ; Nulling, J. D. HAMPDEN, Penobscot, (1794), 3068 Norris, L. E.; Rogers, W. HARMONY, Somerset, (1803), 978 McLaughlin, W. HARTLAND, Somerset, (1820), 1120 Pushor, H. HOLLIS, York, (1798), 1841 Sweat, W. LKWISTON, Androscoggin, (1795; city, 1861), 13,600 Donovan, J. A.; Edg.-combe, E. ; Garcelon, A. ; Hill, E. H. ; Horr, E. S. ; Horr, 0. A. ; Marble, H. ; Martel, L. I.; Oakes W. K. (and Auburn); Ricker, R. R.; Russell, E. ; Sawyer, D. B. ; Small, J. M. ; Wedgewood, M. C. LIMERICK, York, (1787), 1426 Clark, S. O. ; Swasey, W. LIMINGTON, York, (1773), 1630 Moulton, J. F. LISBON, Androscogyin, (1799), 2014 Wedgewood, N. J. LITCHFIELD, Kennebec, (1795), 1506 Adams, E. ; Kendrick, C., (Corner). LIVERMORE, Androscoggin, (1795), 1467 Garcelon, F., (Falls). LYMAN, York, (1780), 1053 Hurd, E. E. M. \f.\I-: MKDWAL ASSOCIATION. 389 MACHIAS, Wnfhinyton, (1784), 2525 Hunter, S. B. MiLLKKiDiiK, Wrtithitiytoii, (1848) 1558 Googins, G. MI.NOT, Aniti-iwiif/iii, (1SU-21, ir>i; ( .) lirudfurd, K. F., (Mechanic Falls) ; Eve-loth, ,!. M., (Mechanic Falls); Gaubert, A. L., (Mechanic Falls); Walker, J., (Corner). MONMOUTH, Kenntbec, (1792), 1744 Marston, D. E. MONSON, Piscatfujuis, (1822), 604 Patten, S. A. NAPLKS, Cumberland, (1834), 1058 Sawyer, I. C. NEW GLOUCESTER, Cumberland, (1774), 1496 Marshall, A. Q. NKWFOKT, Penobscot, (1814), 1559 Porter, B., 2d. NEW PORTLAND, Somerset, (1808), 1454 Stevens, W. H., (North). NORTH BKKWICK, York, (1831), 1623 Nash, S. A. ; Staples, G. D. NOKTK YARMOUTH, Cumberland, (1849), 940 Osgood, W. NORWAY, Oxford, (1797), 1955 Bradbury, O. N. ORLAND, Hancock, (1800), 1701 Chase, F. H. OROSO, Penobscot, (1806), 2889 Fisher, P. M. ; Mayo, E. N. OXFORD, Oxford, (1829), 1633 Hersey, A. L. PARIS, Oxford, (1793), 2766 Brown, f. H. ; Yates, O. K., (West). PAKSONSFIELD, York, (1785), 1894 Sweat, M. E., (North). PITTSFIELD, Somerset, (1819), 1813 Hersey, F. C. ; Manson, J. C. PORTLAND, Cumberland, (1786; city, 1832), 31,413 Bray, C. W. ; Brooks, E. W. ; Buzzell, J. ; Chadwick, G. H. ; Cummings, II. T. ; Dana, I. T. ; Devoll, S. W. ; Dole, D. H. ; Fessenden, C. S. D. ; Foster, B. B.; Foster, T. A.; French, G. F.; Frost, W. G.; Gerrish, F. H. ; Gil- man, J. T.; Goodwin, J. S. ; Gordon, S. C. ; Greene, W. W.; Her- som, N. A.; Holt, C. L.; Holt, E. E.; Hunt, C. 0.; Hutchinson, C.; Ludwig, G.; Merrill, H. P.; King, C. A.; Shannon, N.; Shaw, A. ; Small, H. N. ; Spalding, J. A. ; Stanley, F. A. ; Tasker, B. F. ; Tewksbury, S. H.; Thayer, A. S.; Tolford, D. M.; Webster, C. E.; Weeks, S. H.; Wood, W. POWNAL, Cumberland, (1808), 981 Small, R. D., (North). PRF.SQUE ISLE, Aroostook, (1859), 970 Parker, F. G. RICHMOND, Sagadahoc, (1823), 2442 Curtis, R.; Libby, A.; Spaulding, J. P. ROCKLAND, Knox, (1848; city, 1854), 7073 Banks, W. A.; Estabrook, J. H.; Estabrook, T. L.; Hitchcock, F. E.; Williams, B. SABATTUS, Androscoayin, ( ) Sleeper, F. E. SACO, York, (1718: city, 18G7), 5755 Allen, J. L.; Grant, J. P.; Kimball, J. E. L.; Quinby, F. SANFORD, York, (1768), 2397 Bird, A. S., (Springvale). SCARBOKO', Cumberland, (1658), 1691 Sturtevant, J. (Oak Hill). SEARSPORT, Waldo, (1845), 2282- Hopkins, E.; Libby, G. W. SID.NKY, Kennebec, (1792), 1472 Besse, A. E. SKOWHEOAN, Somerset, (Millburn, 1823; Skowhegan, 1836), 3893 Cush- ing, J. S. ; Haynes, C. F. ; Stevens, II. ; Wilbur, G. A. DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. STANDISII, Cumberland, (1785), 2089 Cobb, W. B. STOCKTON, Waldo, (1857), 2089 Haskell, P. S. SULLIVAN, Hancock, (1789), 796 Bridgham, F. W. SUMNER, Oxford, (1798), 1110 Bisbee, C. M., (West). SWEDEN, Oxford, (1813), 549 Bradbury, N. A. THOMASTON, Knox, (1777), 3092 Chase, C. T. ; Walker, J. B. TURNER, Androscoggin, (1786), 2380 Smith, R. UNION, Knox, (1786), 1702 Albee, W. A. VINAL HAVEN, Knox, (1789) 1851 Lyford, E. H. WALDOBOKO', Lincoln, (1773), 4140 Colby, G. W.; Eveleth, F. M. WATERBORO', York, (1787), 1548 Pierce, J. (South). WATERFORD, Oxford, (1797), 1286 Faunce, N. D. (North). WATERVILLE, Kennebec, (1802), 4852 Boutelle, N. R.; Crosby, A.; Thayer, F. C. WAYNE, Kennebec, (1798), 938 Barker, C. H. WESTBROOK, Cumberland, (Stroudwater, 1814), G630 Foster, C. W., (Woodford's Corner); Horr, J. L., (Cumberland Mills). WHITEFIELD, Lincoln, (1809), 1594 Smith, A. R. G. WILTON, Franklin, (1803), 1907 Adams, A. B. ; Eaton, J. R. WINDHAM, Cumberland, (1762), 2428 Dunn, B. F. ; Parsons, J. A. WINTERPORT, Waldo, (1860), 2744 Swett, A. W. WINTHROP, Kennebec, (1771), 2229 Snow, A. P. WISCASSET, Lincoln, (1802), 1977 Kimball, I. E. YARMOUTH, Cumberland, (1849), 1872 Bates, J. ; Bates, J. M. ; Burbank, A. H. YORK, York, (1647), 2654 Hawkes, W. L. NEW HAMPSHIRE MEDICAL SOCIETY. ALPHABETICAL LIST. *Abbot, A. W., Sanbornton 1872. Abbot, O. D., Manchester 1876 4 to 5; 7 to 9. M. D. (Berk- shire) 1850. Adams, Daniel, S., resid., 440 Han- over St.; office, Concord and Elm Sts., Manchester 1873 10 to 12; 3 to 5; 7 to 9. M. D. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1872. Mem. Manchester Med. Soc. *Adams, Ira H., Hooksett 1875. Allen, Carl A., Acworth 1878. M. D. (L. I. Coll. Hosp.) 1874. Mem. Conn. Riv. Val. Med. Soc. *Anthoine, I. G.. Antrim 1876. *Bancroft, J. P., 'Concord 1858. *Barney, J. W., Concord 1870. fBassett, Thomas, Kingston 1837. M. D. (Dart.) 1824. Benner, R. R., Concord 1878. M. D. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) Mem. Mass. Med. Soc. First Asst. Phys. N. H. Asy. Ins. Berry, Edward S., Candia 1873. M. D. 1870. Mem. Rockingham Co. Med. Soc. *Bickford, A., Dover. *Blaisdell, Frank, Goffstown, 1878. *BlaisdelI, George C., Contoocook, Hopkinton 1869. *Bonney, C. F., Manchester 1872. *Boutwell, Henrv T., Manchester 1879. Boynton, Charles H., Lisbon 1866. \NE\V MKMCAL SOCIETY. 391 8 to 10: 6 to 8. M. D. (Berk- shire) 1853. Mem. White Mt. Med. Soc. Brooks N. ('...rharlestown 1869. Brown, .1. F., Chester 1865. *Bunton. Svlvanus, Mount Vernon 1855. Burnham, Abel C., Hillsboro' Bridge 1870. *Burnhain, Frederic, Oxford 1878. Burnham, Hosea B., Epping 1856. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1853. Mem. Rockingham Dist. Med. Soc. Phys. Rockingham Co. Insane Asy. Buswell, A. C., Amherst 1879. *Bvrnes. William F., Manchester 1874. Canney, H. C., Manchester 1867. *Carbee, Samuel P., Haverhill 1866. *Carr, A. F., Goffstown 1873. Carr, Edgar S., Pittsfield 1867. *Carter, William G., Concord 1869. *Carvelle, H. De W., Manchester 1879. *Chamberlin, D. T. P., Dover 1873. Chase, W. D., Peterboro' 1874. Child, William, Bath 1867. Clark, David S., Derrv 1867. tCoburn, Elijah, Nashua 1845. Cogswell, John R.. Warner 1876. M. D. (Dart. ) 1864. Mem. White Mt. Med. Soc. Conn, Granville P., 210 Main St., Concord 1865 7 to 9; after- noons. M. D. (Dart.) 1855. Mem. Am. Pub. Health Assoc. ; Centre Dial. Med. Soe. ; Hon. Mem. Vt. Med. Soc. City Phys. Concord. Contrib., " Pneumo-Pericarditis," Bos. Med. $ Surrj. Jour., 1871. Cook, George W.,' Main St., Con- cord 1869 1 to 2 ; 7 to 8. M D. (Dart.) 1869. Mem. Centre Dist. Med. Soc. City Phys. Con cord. Crittenden, R. A., Plaistow 1877 Crosby, Albert H., resid., Eagle Hotel; office, Exchange BIk. Concord 1871 li to 3 ; 6J to 9. A. B. (Dart.) 1848; M. D (Dart.) 1860. Mem. Centre Dist Med. Soc. Crosby, George A., Manchester 1863. tCmnmings, Silas, Fitzwilliam 1841. Currie, Thomas H., Lebanon 1845. urrier, David M., Park St., New- port 1873. M. D. (Dart.) 1867 7 to 8; 12 to 2; 6 to 9. Con- trib. "Cases of Delivery by Exter- nal Pressure," Am. Jour. Obstet. 1878. Cutler, George I., West Swanzey 1873. Cutler, John H., Peterboro 1879. Dana, John A., Ashland 1867. Danforth, M. S., Manchester 1878. Daniels, J. S., Barrington 1876. *I)avis, James A., Lebanon 1867. Davis, S. W., Plymouth 1877. Dearborn, Alfred R., Concord 1870 1 to 3. M. D-. (Bowdoin) 1866. Dearborn, D. S., Brookline 1876. Dearborn, John H., Kingston, 1879. Dearborn, S. G., Nashua 1873. Dearborn, T. B., Milford. Dinsmoor, S. M., Francestown 1869. Dix, M. C., Hinsdale 1878. Dodge, C. M., Manchester 1878. Downes, Charles S., Nottingham 1874. M. D. (Castleton) 1844. Mem. Windsor Co. Med. Soc.; Vt. Med. Soc.; Moosehillock Med. Soc.; Rockingham Co. Med. Soc. Contrib., " Notes of a Complete Forward Dislocation of the Tibia and Fibula." Eastman, Josiah C., Hampstead 1840. Eaton, Frank, East Weare 1879. Eaton, Harrison, Merrimac 1842. Emerson, Arthur L., Manchester 1879 Evans, Earl, Winchester 1846. Fairbanks, Charles A., resid., 31 Orchard St. ; office, 22 Central St., Dover 1878 10 to 12; 2 to 4. B. S. (Dart.) 1871; M. D. (Harv.) 1877. Mem. Strufford Dist. Med. Soc. Stratford County Phys. Farrington, James, Rochester. 392 DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. *Felt, M. F., Hillsboro Bridge 1877. *Fenner, A. G., Dover 1857. *Ferguson, John Manchester. *Fos-, R. B., Fariniugton 1870. *tFowler, H. B., Bristol 1862. French, John M., Campton Village 1878. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1877. *French, Leonard, Manchester 1865. *French, L. M., Manchester 1875. Frost, Carlton P., Hanover 1872. A. B. (Dart.) 1852; M. D. (Dart.) 1856; (N. Y. Univ.) 1857. Mem. Conn. Valley Med. Soc.; Vt.Med. Soc. ; Pres. Bd. Health Hanover. Prof. Sci. and Pract. of Med. and Dean in Dart. Med. Coll. tGage, Charles P., Concord 1839. Gibbs, Locero J., Epping 1876. 8 to 9; 1 to 2; 7 to 9; M. D. (Dart.) 1874. Mem. Buckingham Co. Med. Soc. *Gibson, F. N., New Ipswich 1871 M. D. (Dart.) 1861. *Gleason, A. R., Fitzwilliam 1872. *Goodhue, D. P., Springfield 18U5. *Goss, Oliver, Lake Village, Gilford 1853. Gould, True M., Raymond 1855. M. D. (Dart.) 1854. Graves, Eli E., Bosca wen 1869 12 to 1. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1868. Mem. Centre Dist. Med. Soc. Phys. Merrimac Co. Almshouse. Greelev, George P., Nashua, M. D. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1857. *Haley, Frank, Seabrook 1858. *Hall," J. F., Portsmouth. Ham, John R., resid.. 16 Orchard St.; office. 16 Central St., Dover 1869. M. D. (Bowdoin) 1866. Mem. Strafford Co. Med. Soc. Contrib., " The Changes in our Climate and their Effects upon Disease," Trans. N. H. Med. Soc., 1874. " The Dover (N. H.) Physicians," Trans. N. H. Med. Soc., 1879. *Hammond, E. B., Nashua. Harrinian, B. E., Pleasant and South Sts., Concord 1878. M. D. (Dart). 1877. Mem. Centre Dist. Med. Soc. ; Manchester Dist. Med. Soc. *Harriman, H. H., Hopkinton 1878. *Hazleton, D. W., Bristol, 1879. *Hill, L. G., Dover 1839. Holbrook, Guv, West Stewartstown 1872 8" to 12; 2 to 8. M. D. (Albany) 1866. Holland, "William, resid., 143 Han- over St.; office, 5 Hanover St., Manchester 1875 2 to 5; 7 to 9. M. D. (Dart.) 1873. Mem. Manchester City Med. Society. How, Lyman B.," resid., 568 Birch St.; office, Lowell and Elm Sts., Manchester 1864 2 to 4; 7 to 9. A. B. (Dart.) 1860; M. D. (Dart.) 1863. Mem. Manchester Med. Soc. Prof. Anat. and Phys. in Dart. Coll. *Howard, G. C., Salem 1878. *Jarvis, S. G., Claremont 1876. *Jones, D. W., Portsmouth 1876. *Kellev, Cyrus K., Milford 1878. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1848; (Dart.) 1848. *Kempton, W. C., Grantham 1876. *Kiinball, J. R., Suncook 1870. *Kint-sbury, Charles F., Lyme 1860. *Kittredge, Thomas B., Keene 1851. *Knight, Harvey, Fisherville, Con- cord 1877. *Knight, Luther M., Franklin 1839. *Ladd, John G., Pittsfield 1879. Larabee, George H., Suncook 18692 to 3; 7 to 10. M. D. (Harv.) 1864. *Lathrop, M. C., Dover 1876. *Lestie, C. F., Sunapee 1877. *Lougee, Isaac ^\ ., Rochester 1856. *Manahan, Val., Enfield 1854. *Manchester, C. W., Lebanon 1873. *MarshalI, John C., Lyme 1877. *Mason, G.-L., Moultonboro' 1876. *Mason, W. H. H., Moultonboro' 1847. *McQuesten, E. F., Nashua 1873. *Moody, W. B., Franconia 1874. *Nash," H. M., Manchester 1877. *Newell, A. C., Farmington 1870. Odell, Joseph O., Greenland NEW HAMrsillHE MEDICAL SOCIETY. 393 1868; A. B. (Dart.) 1852; M. D. (Marv.) 1855. *O. (Castleton) 1842. Allen, S. J., Jr., White River Junc- tion. Atwater, II. H., Burlington. M. 1). (Vt. Med. Col.) 1851. Bailey, K. C., Rochester. Ballon, 1'. C., Monkton Ridge. M. 1). (Berk.) 1842. Bartlett, II. <)., Milton. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1857. Baxter, II. H., Franklin. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1867. Bigelow, A. K., Barre. 'M. D. (Vt. Med. Col.) 1845. Bingham, A. L., Williston. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1875. Bingham, L. M., Burlington. M. D. (Univ. Vt.)1870. Blanchanl, 1). W., Middlebury. M. U. (Univ. Vt.) 1859. Bovnton, Henrv, Woodstock. M. IX (Univ. Vt.)"l852. Bradford, P. D., Northfield. M. L>. (Vt. Med. Col.) 1833. Bralev, N. W.. Barre. M. D. (Vt. M.-d. Col.) 1844. Branch, John, St. Alhans. M. D. (Vt. Acad. Med.) 1837. Briggs, G. ('., Burlington. M. D. (Mich.) 1:>3. Brigham, (.'. W., Pittsfield. M. D. (Dart.) 18.V.). Bromley, George W., Richmond. M. D. (Castleton) 1844. Brooks, C. W., Stowe. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1870. Brooks, S. T., St. Johnsbury. Ilrown, Ama^a M.. Sheldon. M. I). (Dart.) 18:W. Mem. Franklin Co. M.-d. Soc. Brown, Ira, Wells River, Newburv. M. D. (Castleton) is:,:i. Bruce, M. L.. Brattleboro. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1872. Brush, K. R., Cambridge. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1858. Brush, Salmon, Cambridge. M. D. (Castleton) 1832. Bryant, W. N., Northfield. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 187:). Bugbee, A. G., Derby Line. *Bnllard, G. B., St. Johnsbury. M. I). (Dart ) 1854. Burdick, F. N. Burdick, L. F., Winooski. Colches- ter. M. D. (Castleton) 1852. Butler, Lucius C., Essex. M. D. (Woodstock) 1843; (Dart.) . Mem. Chittenden Co. Med. Soc.; Hon. Mem. Franklin Co. Med. Soc. Contrib., " The Physiolog- ical Properties and Therapeutic Action of Veratrum Viride," 1865; " Decadence of the American Race, the Cause and Remedy, " 1867; " Intoxication by Alcohol its Medical and Social Aspects Duties of Physicians," 1869. Calderwood, H. S., Greensboro'. M. D. (Coll. Plivs. Surg.)1870. Campbell, K. R., Bellows Falls. M. 1). (Univ. Vt.) 1875. Mem. Conn. Riv. Val. Med. Assoc. Contrib , " Unusual Cure of Ovarian Dis- ease." Bos. Med. $ Sury. Jour. 1877. Carpenter, Walter, Burlington. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1857. Chafee, K. F., Strafford. Chandler, C. M , St. Albans. M. D. (Harr.) 1854 Chandler. M. II., Woodstock. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1869. *('hc-nev. Nelson. Cillev, F. II., Barnet. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1874. Mem. White Alt. Med. Sue. 398 DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. *Clark, R. K., Georgia. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1866. *Clark, S. S., St. Albans. M. D. (Castleton) 1849. *Colby, F. A., Cabot. *Cole, Cliarles, West Haven. *Cole, Matthew, Burlington. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1825. *Conland, James, Brattleboro. *Corey, Cliarles, Waterville. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1863 *Corey, S. R., Craftsbury. M. D. (Befk.) 1851. *Crampton, J. 0., Winooski, Col- chester. M. D. (Castleton) 1861; (Bellevue) 1862. *Crandall, H. A., Burlington. M. D. (Castleton) 1859. *Crowley, John, Mt. Holly. License. (Warren Co. N. Y. Med. Soc.) 1827. *Curtis, H. N. *Cutting, H. A., Lunenburgh. M. D. (Dart.) *Davenport, George, East Randolph. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1849. Davis, Eugene W., Springfield 7 to 9; 1 to 2; 7 to 9. M. D. (Univ. N. Y.) 1878. Mem. Conn. Riv. Val. Med. Assoc. *Draper. Joseph, Brattleboro. M. D. (Jeff ) 1858. Dunsmore, George, St. Albans 12 to 2; 6 to 8. A. B. (Middle- bury) 1854; M. D. (Middlebury) 1851; (Castleton) 1855; (Ohio Med. Coll.) 1871. Mem. St. Albans Med Assoc.; Franklin Co. Med. Soc. *Dyer, O. G., Brandon. M. D. (Castleton) 1843. *Eddy, M. H., Middlebury. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1865. ^Edmunds, M. C., Weston. M. D. (Univ. Vt) 1858. *Erwin, C. L., Newport (Centre). M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1867. *Fairchild, Benjamin, Milton. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1830. *Fairman, Erastus P., Wolcott. M. D. (Coll. Phys. & Surg.) 1854. *Fales, Horace, Waterbury. M. D. (Vt. Med. Coll.) 1848. Fassett, Oscar F., 15 Bank St., St. Albans 12 to 2; 6 to 8. M. D. (Vt. Med. Coll.) 1851. Mem. Franklin Co. Med. Soc.; St. Al- bans Med. Assoc. *Ferrin, C. M., Essex Junction. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1865. Mem. Chit- tenden Co. Med. Soc. ; Burlington Med. & Surg. Club. *Field, Andrew E., Barre. M. D. (Dart.) 1846. *Flagg, Robert L., Jeffersonville, Cambridge. M. D. (Castleton) 1856. *Frink, J. E., Waterbury. M. D. (Univ. Vt.)1861. *Gaylord, Charles, Hardwick. *Goldsmith, Middleton, Rutland. M. D. (Coll. Phys. & Surg.) 1841. *Goodall, F. W., Greensboro'. M. D. (Coll. Phys. & Surg.) 1863. *Goodrich, G. S., W. Berkshire. M. L). (Univ. Vt.) 1854. *Goodrich, V. C., Brookneld. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1873. *Goodwillie, Thomas, Vernon. A. B. (Dart.) 1863; M. D. (Dart.) 1866; (Coll. Phys. & Surg.). *Gray, Charles A, Brattleboro'. M.'D. (Bellevue), 1869. *Greeley, G. B. *Green, Lorenzo M., Bethel. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1876. *Grinnell, Ashbel P , Burlington. M. D. (Bellevue) 1868. *Gu?tin, Walter, South Strafford. M. D. (Dart.) 1859. *Hall, A. G., East Fairfield. M. D. (Mich.) 1870. *Hall, E. J., Morrisville, Morris- town. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1858. *Hall, Horace P., St. Albans. M. D. (Berkshire) 1853. *Hamilton, J. H., Richford. M. D. (Castleton) 1859. *Harding, Abram, South Hero. M. D. (Vt. Med. Coll.) 1830. *Harris, N. M. *Haskins, George B., Arlington. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1864. *Hazen, Edwin, Woodstock. M. D. (Vt. Med. Coll.) 1841. *Hemenway, Lewis H , Manchester. A. B. (Middlebury) 1864; M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1866. *Hinman, C. L., Charleston. *Hinman, G. A., West Charleston. VKIIMONT MEDICAL SOCIETY. 899 A. M. (Univ. Vt.); M. D. (Med. Coll. Vt.) 1841. *Ilo!brook, T. J., Wolcott. llolton, Hi'iirv IX, Brattleboro'. M. 1) uN- Y.'Univ.) 18tiO. A M. (Univ. Vt.) 1879. Mem. Conn. River Vul. Med. Assoc.; Bos. (iyiuvcol. Soc.: Kueky Mt. Med. Assoc. ; Am. Pub. Health Assoc.; Assoc. Mem. British M.-d. As-ue.; Prof. Mat. Med. and Gen. 1'athol. Univ. Vt. Contrib., " Diphtheria," Trans. Am. Mtd. Assoc., xviii. *Horton, C. W , Brattleboro'. *Howe, E. P., Jericho. M. D. (Al- bany) 1857. Huntington, W. M., Rochester. M 1) (N. V. Univ.) 1845. Ilutchinson, William K., Enos- burgh Fall?. M. D. (Castleton) 1849. Ilvde, A. J. Hyde, M. T., IsIeLaMotte. Jackson, J. H., Barre. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1865. Janes, Henry, Waterbury till 9; 6 to 7. M. D. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1855. Mem. Wash. Co. Med. Soc. Contrib., "Gunshot Fractures, especially of the Fe- mur," Trans. Vt. Med. Soc., 1809-70; "On some of the Acci- dents following Amputation," Ibid., 1871-73. Jones, H. K., Benson. M. D. (Cas- tleton). Kemp, Dean G., Montpelier. M. D. (Bellevue) 1866. Kent, P. J., Burlington. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1800. Ketchum, Thomas J., Pittsford. M. I). (Castleton) 1848. Kidder, C. W. B., Vergennes. M. I). (Castleton) 1843. Kimball, Isaac, Coventry. Kingsbury, F. L., Waterbury. Knight, A. E., Springfield. Knight, Harvev, Springtield. M. D. (Univ. Vt.") 1870. Lane, G. E., Williamstown. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1864. Langdon, H. II., Burlington. M. D. (Castleton) 1851. Leach, C. S. L., Swanton. M. D. (Univ. Vt.)1868. Lund, W. H., Burlington. M. D. (Mich.) 1804. Macombar, J. K.. Montpelier. M. 1). (CaMleton) 1856. *Mr('ollom, William, Woodstock. "Miles, .). \V.. Blneaborgh. M. D. (Vt. Med. Coll.) 1888. Morgan, B. F., Bennington. M. D. (Castleton) 1825; (Phila.) 1855. Morgan, E. N. S., Bennington. M. 1). (Mich ) 1847. Morgan, J. B., Johnson. M. D. (Castleton) 1858. Morse, F. L., Windsor. M. D. (Mich.) 1872. Nelson, J. 11., Wells River. M. D. (Coll. Phys. & Surg.) 1869. Nichols, G. W., St. Allmns. Niles, Harrv II., Post Mills, Th.-t- ford. M. D. (Dartmouth) 18-'!4 Nimblet, O. L., Monkton. M. D. (Univ. Vt.)1854. Noble George N., Wallingford. License (Rutland Co. Med. Soe.) Noble, H. S., Chester. M. D. (Coll. Phys. & Surg.) 1871. Onion, D. 11., Milton. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 18-27. Paine, Ezra. Montpelier. Patch, Lewis, North Derby. M. D. (\Yaterville)1831. Patten, J. C., Alburgh Springs. (Univ. Vt.) 1871. Peek, Charles W., Brandon. M. D. (L. I. Coll. Hosp.)186G.- Pettee, A. L., Wilmington. M. D- (Vt. Med. Coll.) 1835. Pettengill, Kdward H., Saxton's River, Buckingham. M. D. (Harv.) 1866. A. M. (Middle- boro') 1877. Mem. Conn. Riv. Val. Med. Assoc.; White Riv. Med. Soc. Phelps, R. H., Barnard. Plant, A. M., St. Albans. Platt, W. N., Shoreham. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1869. Pond, E. A., Rutland. M. D. (Harv.) 1853. Porter, E. O., Cornwall. M. D. (Castleton) 1859. Putnam, Sunnier, Montpdier. M. D. (Med. Coll'. Vt.) 184-^i Mem. Washington Co. Med. Soc. ; White Mt. Med. Soc. Contrib., " The 400 DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. Prohibitory Law in the Light of Sanitary Science," Bos. MeJ. tf Surff. 'Jour., 1873; "Remittent Subacute Meningitis," Ibid., 1877. Richardson, J. H , Winooski, Col- chester. *Richmond, Albert, Rochester. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1868. *Richinond, J. S , Woodstock. M. D. (Vt. Med. Coll.) 1853. *Robinson, D. A., Island Pond, Brighton. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1859. Rockwell, W. H., Brattleboro'. *Rodiman, H. L.. Bridgewater. Ross, 0. E. *Rublee, C. C., Montpelier. M. D. (Coll. Phys. &Surg.) 1873. *Rnss, Kimball, South Pomfret. M. D. (Castleton) 1827. *Sawyer, Langdon, Springfield. M. D. (Castleton) 1843. *Scott, Charles A., Tvson, Plym- outh. M. D. (Castleton) 1843^ Sheldon, Lorenzo, West Rutland. M. D. (Castleton) 1824. Sherwood, Ralph, Fairfield. M. D. (Berk.) 1863. Simpson, T. G., Vershire. M. D. (Dart.) 1856. Skinner, K. B., Barton. M. D. (Harv.) 1858. *Smith, Albert, Qtieechy, Hartford. M. D. (Dart.) 1858. *Smith, Chapman C., Richford. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1865. Smith, Charles C., Gaysville, Stockbridge. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1805. Soiners, A. B., Jericho. M. D. (Coll. Phys. & Surg.) 1872. Spafford, George, Windham. M. D. (Albany) 1859. *Spencer, Calvin, East Clarendon. Sperrv, Charles A. W., Hartford. M. D. (Castleton) 1859. Stedman, J. H., West Brattleboro'. Stevens, Samuel E., West Wind- sor. M. D. (Univ. Penn.) 1870; (Berk.) 1831. Stiles, A. W., Sudbury. Stiles, Joseph N., Windsor. Swift, F. J., Wilmington. M. D. (Berk.) 1804. Tagert, A. D., Shelburne. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1864. Terrv, Orman. Bethel. M. D. (Vt. Med. Coll.) 1841. Thaver, Samuel W., Burlington. A.'M. (Dart.); M. D. (Wood- stock) 1838. Tucker, Laban. Tuttle, L. M. Upham, E F., West Randolph. M. D (Castleton) 1854. Varney, W. H. H., Charlotte. M. D" (Berkshire) 1802. Wallace, M. P., Cabot. Ward, R. C., Orwell. Warner, E. D. Warren, J. P., Brattleboro'. M. D. (Dart.) 1820. Watkins, Eustace V., Newbury. M. D. (Dart.) 1850. Watson, A. 0. Watson, Oliver L., West Topsham. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1864. Welch, A. C., Williston. M. D. (Castleton) 1843. Welch. Rodman E., Franklin. M. D. (Bellevue) 1872. Wells, D. E., Hardwick. Wheeler, F. P., Bristol. M. D. (Castleton) 1840. Whitcomb, H. H., South Royal- ston. Wight, W. M., Whiting. Wilbur, S. J , Montgomery. M. D. (Univ.Vt.) 1866. Wilder, Hoyt R , Swan ton. M. D. (Mich.) 1870 ; (Detroit) 1871. Winslow, J. M., Brownington. Wiswell, Sherburne L , Cabot. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1852. Woodward, A. T., Brandon. A. M. (Middlebury) 1858 ; M. D. (Cas- tleton) 1847. Woodward, George, Johnson. M. D. (Univ. Vt.)1865. Wort hen, H. O., Barre. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1869. Wright, W. M. Wright, W. P , Brownington. M. D. (Berk.) 1838. VERMONT MEDICAL SOCIETY. 401 VERMONT MEDICAL SOCIETY. LOCAL LIST. ALBURGH, Grand Isle, (1792), 1716 Patten, J. C., (Springs). ARLINGTON, Bennington, (1768), 1634 Haskins, G. B. BAKKRSFIKLD (1795), BARNARD, Windsor, (1778), 1208 Phelps, R. H. BARNET, Caledonia, (1783), 2000 Cilley, F. H. BAKRK, Washington, (1793), 1882 Bigelow, A. E. ; Braley, N. W. ; Field A. E. ; Jackson, J. H. ; Worthen, H. O. BARTON, Orleans, (1798), 1911 Skinner, R. B. BKNMXGTON, Bennington, (1763), 5760 Morgan, B. F. ; Morgan, E. N. S. BENSON, Rutland, (1786), 1244 Jones, H. R. BERKSHIRE, Franklin, (1794), 1609 Goodrich, G. S., (West). BETHEL, Windsor, (1782), 1817 Green, L. M.; Terry, O. UKANDON, Rutland, (1784), 3571 Dyer, 0. G. ; Peck, C. W. ; Wood- ward, A. T. BRATTLEBORO', Windham, (1781), 4933 Bruce, M. L. ; Conland, J.; Draper, J.; Gray, C. A.; Holton, H. D. ; Horton, C. W. ; Rockwell, W. H. ; Stedman, J. H., (West); Warren, J. P. BRIDGEWATER, Windsor, (1785), 1141 Rodiman, H. L. BRIGHTON, Essex, (1832), 1535 Adams, C. G. ; Robinson, D. A., (Island Pond). BRISTOL, Addison, (1789), 1365 Wheeler, F. P. BROOKFIELD, Orange, (1785), 1269 Goodrich, V. C. l!i:o\vxiNGTON, Orleans, (1796), 901 Winslow, J. M.; Wright, W. P. BURLINGTON, Ckittenden, (1787), 14,387 Atwater, H. H. ; Bingham, L. M.; Briggs, G. C.; Carpenter, W.; Cole, M.; Crandall, H. A.; Grinnell, A . P. ; Kent, P. J. ; Langdon, H. H. ; Lund, W. B. ; Thayer, S.W. CABOT, Washington, (1788), 1279 Colby, F. A.; Wallace, M. P.; Wis- well, S. L. CAMBRIDGE, Lamoille, (1785), 1919 Brush, E. R.; Brush, S.; Flagg, R. L., (Jeffersonville). CHARLESTON, Orleans, (1806), 1278 Hinman, C. L. ; Hinraan, G. A. (West). CHARLOTTE, Chittenden, (1787), 1430 Varney, W. H. H. CHESTER, Windsor, (1766), 2052 Noble, H. S. CLARENDON, Rutland, (1778), 1173 Spencer, C., (East). COLCHESTER, Cldttenden, (1791), 3911 Burdick, L. F., (Winooski); Crampton, J. O., (Winooski); Richardson, J. II., (Winooski). CORNWALL, Addimm, (1784), 966 Porter, E. O. COVENTRY, Orleans, (1803), 914 Kimball, I. CRAFTSBUKT, Orleans, (1792), 1330 Corey, S. R. 26 402 DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. DERBY, Orleans, (1798), 2039 Bugbee, A. G., (Line); Patch, L., (North). ENOSBURGH, Franklin, (1798), 2077 Hutchinson, W. R, (Falls). ESSEX, Chittendtn, (1780), 2022 Butler, L. C. ; Ferriu, 0. M., (Junc- tion). FAIKFIELD, Franklin, (1790), 2391 Hall, A. G., (East); Sherwood R. FRANKLIN, Franklin, (1793), 1612 Baxter, H. H. ; Welch, R. GEORGIA, Franklin, (1788), 1603 Clark, R. K. GREENSBORO', Orleans, (1792), 1027 Calderwood, H. S. ; Goodall, F. W. HARD WICK, Caledonia, (1795), 1519 Gaylord, C.; Wells, D. E. HARTFORD, Windsor, (1768), 2480 Allen, S. J., (White River Junction); Allen, S. J., Jr. (White River Junction); Smith, A., (Queechy); Speny, C. A. W., (West). HINESBURGH, Chittenden, (1787), 1573 Miles, J. W. ISLE LA MOTTE, Grand /&,.( 1791), 1497 Hyde, M T. JERICHO, Chittenden, (1786), 1757 Howe, E. P.; Somers, A. B. JOHNSON, Lamoille, (1789), 1558 Allen, J. ; Morgan, J. B. ; Wood- ward, G. LUNKNBURGH, Essex, (1763), 1000 Cutting, H. A. MANCHESTER, Bennington, (1766), 1897 Hemenway, L. H. MIDDLEBURY, Addison, (1796), 3086 Blanchard, U. W. ; Eddy, M. H. MILTON, Chittenden, (1780), 2062 Bartlett, H. O. ; Fairchild, B.; Onion D. H. MONKTON, Addison, (1762), 1000 Ballou, P. C., (Ridge); Nimblet, 0. L. MONTGOMERY, Franklin, (1802), 1423 Wilbur, S. P. MONTPELIER, Washington, (1791), 3023 Kemp, D. G. ; Macomber, J. E. ; Paine, E. ; Putnam, S. ; Rublee, C. C. ; Woodward, J. B. MORRISTOWN, Lamoille, (1796), 1897 Hall, K. J., (Morrisville). MOUNT HOLLY, Jutland, (1792), 1552 Crowley, J.. NEWBURY, Orange, (1763), 2241 Brown, I., (Wells River); Nelson, J. R., (Wells River); Watkius, E. V. NEWPORT, Orleans, (1802), 2000 Erwin, C. L., (Centre). NORTHFIELD, Washington, (1794), 3410 Bradford, P. D. ; Bryant, W. N. ORWELL, Addison, (1787), 1192 Ward, R. C. PITTSFIELD, Rutland, (1793), 482 Brigham, C. W. PITTSFORD, Rutland, (1770), 2127 Ketchum, T. J. PLYMOUTH, Windsor, (1787), 1285 Scott, C. A., (Tyson). POMFRET, Windsor, (1773), 1251 Russ, K-, (South). RANDOLPH, Orange, (1783), 2829 Davenport, G., (East) ; Upham, E. F. (West). RICHFORD, Franklin, (1799), 1481' Hamilton, J. H. ; Smith, C. C. RICHMOND, Chittenden, (1794), 1300 Bromley, G. W. ROCHESTER, Windsor, (1788), 1444 Bailey, E. C. ; Huntington, W. M.; Richmond, A. ROCKIXGHAM, Windham, (1760), 2854 Campbell, E. R., (Bellows Falls); Pettengill, E. H., (Saxton's River). ROYALSTON, Windsor, (1774), 1679 Whitcomb, H. H., (South). RHODE ISLAND MEDICAL SOCIETY. 403 RUTLAND, Rutland, (1799), 10,000 Allen, C. L.; Goldsmith, M. ; Pond, E A.; Sheldon, L., (\\ SHELBI-KNE. Chitttitdtti, (1787), 1190 Tagert, A. D. SHELDON, Franklin, (17'Jl), 1700 Brown, A. M. SIIOKEIIAM, Addison, (1786), lii'i Phut, W. N. SOUTH HERO, Grand Me, (1788), 586 Harding, A. SPRINGFIELD, Windsor, 2937 Davis, E. W.; Knight, A. E. ; Knight, H. ; Sawyer, L. ST. ALBANS, FraulJR*, ( 1788), 7014 Branch, J. ; Chandler, C. M ; Clark, S. S.; Dunsmore, G. ; Fassett, O.K.; Hall, II. P.; Nichols, G. W.; Plant, A. M. ST. JoiixsBUHY, Caledonia, (1790), 4665 Brooks, S. T. ; BuIIard, G. B. STOCKBRIDGE, Windsor, (1792), 1269 Smith, C. C., (Gaysville). STOWK, Lamoltle, (1797), 2049 Brooks, C. W. STRAKFORD, Oranye, (1779), 1290 Chaffee, F. F.; Gustin, W., (South). SUDBURY, Rutland, (1789), 601 Stiles, A. W. SWANTON, Franklin, (1790), 2866 Leach, C. S. L. ; Wilder, H. R. THETFORD, Orange, (1761), 1600 Niles, H. H., (Post Mills). TorsiiAM, Orange, (1763), 1400 Watson, O. L., (West). VERGEXNES, Addison, (1788), 1600 Kidder, C. W. B. VERNON, Windham, ( ), 764 Goodwillie, T. VERSHIKE, Orange, J1783), 1140 Simpson, T. G. WAULIXGFORD, Rutland, (1778), 2023 Noble, G. N. WATKUIU I:Y, Washington, (1790), 2633 Fales, H. ; Frink, J. E. ; Janes, II.: Kingsbury, F. L. WATEKVILLE, Lamoille, (1824), 573 Corey, C. HAVEN, Rutland, (1792), 483 Cole," C. Windsor, (1800), 931 Edmunds, M. C. WHITING, Addison, (1785), 430 Wight, W. M. WII.UAMSTOWN, Oranye, (1781), 1250 Lane, G. E. WIU.ISTON, Chittenden, (1786), 1441 Bingham, A. L. ; Welch, A. C. WILMINGTON, Windham, ( ), 1246 Pettee, A. L. ; Swift, F. J. WIMHIA.M, Windham, (1795), 544 Spafford, G. WINDSOR, Windsor, (1786), 1699 Morse, F. L.; Sterens, S. E , (West) ; Stiles, J. N. WOI.COTT, Lamoille, (1791), 1132 Fairman, E. P.; Holbrook, T. J. WOODSTOCK, Windsor, (1773), 2910 Boynton, H. ; Chandler, M. II.; Hazen, E. ; McCollom, W ; Richmond, J. S. RHODE ISLAND MEDICAL SOCIETY. AU'HABKTICAL LIST. *Alil)ott, John II., Centrcville, War- wick 1872. *Aldrich, Henry, Wyoming, Hop- kin ton I860". *Allen, I'xlward S., Providence 1876. *Anm'll, Emory A., Providence 1870. 404 DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. Anthony, "Walter E., 310 Benefit St., Providence 18G7 2 to 4 ; 7 to 8. A. B. (Brown) 1864; M. D. (N. Y. Univ.) 1867. Mem. R. I. Pharmaceut. Assoc. ; Prov. Med. Assoc. Asst. Sur. Gen. R. I. Con- trib. "Diphtheria," Proc. R. I. Med. Soc., "Tetanus," Bos. Med. -75. Stanley, George H., 20 Mill St., Paw'tucket 1870 2 to 4; 7 to 9 ; Sunday, 1 to 2; 7 to 8. M.I >. (Harv.) 1850. Mem. Prov. M..1. Assoc. Stanley, George W., Slatersville, Sniithneld 1850. Sullivan. Dennis J., Providence 1876. Sullivan, J. K., Providence. Tobey, James E., Central Falls, Lincoln 1872. Traver, Lorenzo, Providence 1868. Traver, William II., Providence 1863. Turner, Henry E., Newport 1837. Tyng, Anita E., 65 High St., Prov- "idence. 1872. M. I >. (Woman's Med. Coll., Phil.) 1864. Mem. Prov. Med. Assoc. ; Alumna? As- soc. Worn. Med. Coll. Contrib., "Puerperal Eclampsia," Com. R. I. Med. Soc. 1874; "Causes of 111 Health among Women," Report R. I. State Bd. Health, 1879. Vinton, Frederic A , Providence 1875. Walker, E. F., Providence. Wallace, William V., Providence 1875. Weeks, A. P., Providence 1874. Wheaton, Francis L., Providence 1832 White, W. R., Providence. Whitford, Byron, Providence. \Vhitnev, James O-, Pawtucket 1848. Wiggin, Charles P., Providence 1875. Wiggin, Chase, Providence 1848. Wiggin, Oliver C-, Providence 18G7. Wilbur, John, Westerly 1874. Wiiisor, John, Anthony, Coven- try. Woods, Marshall, Providence 1850. 408 DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. RHODE ISLAND MEDICAL SOCIETY. LOCAL LIST. BRISTOL, Bristol, 5302 Barnes, G. P.; Briggs, L. "W.; Drury, S. S.; Martin, L. A. ; Pike, G. A. BURRILLVILLE, Providence, ( ), 4674 Bruce H. J., (Pascoag). CHEPACHET, Potter, A. COVENTRY, Kent, 4349 Winsor, J., (Anthony). CRANSTON, Providence, 4822 Lawton, T. C. EAST GREENWICH, Kent, 2660 Eldredge, J. H.; Greene, "W. B. ; Man- chester, C. B. EAST PROVIDENCE, Providence, 2660 Carpenter, F. B., (Watchemoket); Carpenter, G. E., (Watchemoket); Hunt, S. (Watchemoket). FISKEVILLE, Clarke, C. K. GEORGIAVILLE, Nutting, T. HOPKINTON, Washington, 2682 Aldrich, H., ( Wyoming); Bentley, J. N., (Olueyville); Briggs, A. B., (Ashaway); Clark, E. P., (Hope Valley). JOHNSTON, Providence, 4192 Eddy, E. B. LINCOLN, Providence, 7889 Garvin, L. F. C., (Lonsdale); Haines, G. B., (Valley Falls); Mann, A. A., (Central Falls); Tobey, J. E., (Central Falls). NATICK, Perry, G. T. NEWPORT, Newport, 12,521 Birkhead, W. H.; Butler, S. W. ; Francis, S. W.; King, D.; Lindsley, J. F.; Eankin, F. H.; Turner, H. E. NEW SHOREHAM, Newport, 1113 Buttrick, J. T. NORTH KINGSTON, Washington, 3568 Church, S. B., ( Wickford); Myers, S. 0., (Wickford). NORTH PROVIDENCE, Providence, 20,495 Millar, J., (Fruit Hill). PAWTUCKET, Providence, 6619 Bishop, P. E. ; Clapp, L. W.; Clapp, S.; Conway, J. ; Harrington, J. R. ; Morton, L. ; Stanley, G. H. ; Whit- ney, J. O. PORTSMOUTH, Newport, 2003 Cone, D. E. ; Greene, B. PROVIDENCE, Providence, 68,904 Allen, E. S. ; Angell, E. A. ; Anthony, W. E. ; Baker, G. P.; Ballon, C. O. ; Berry, G. A. ; Bowen, W. S. ; Brickett, H. J. ; Brown, W. O. ; Browning, A. G. ; Capron, G-; Carr, G. W. ; Carver, R. H. ; Caswell, E. T. ; Chapin, J. B. ; Clark, F. C. ; Douglas, S. C. H. ; Ely, J. W. C. ; Fabyan, C. W. ; Fillmore, C. W. ; Fisher, C. H., (and North Scituate); Fisher, G. R.; Fisher, N. A.; Forsyth, F. L.; Gardner, C. T.; Gorman, B. F.; Greeley, A. J. ; Greene, W. H. ; Ham, A. E.; Hardon, V. O.; Harris, E. M.; Hen- nessey, T. C.; Hersey, G. D.; Hill, L. S.; Holbrook, U. H.; Hutch- inson, W. F. ; Keene, S. S.; Kenney, W. ; Kenyon, G. H. ; Kenyon, J.; King, H. ; King, S. H. ; King, W. H. ; Kingman, E. ; Leonard, C. H. ; Mahar, T. ; Mann, S. H. ; Mason, G. E. ; Mathews, A. R. ; Millar, R. ; Miller, H. G.; Mitchell, J. W.; Morgan, J. R. ; Newell, T. ; CONNECTICUT MEDICAL SOCIETY. 409 Newhall, T. K.; Noyes, R. F.; O'Leary, C.; O'Neil, T.; Palmer. W. H.; Parsons, C. W. ; Peckham, F. H.;" Pcckham, F. H., Jr.; IVrrin, N. ; Perry, E. H.; Perry, T. W. ; Pierce, G. A.; Porter, <;. W. ; Potter, T. G.; Potter, W. M. ;" Radeke, G. ; Raymond, C. N. ; Rcmi. Robbins, A. O.; Robinson, J. W. ; Sawyer, J. W.; Simons, T. G.; Smith, S., Jr.; Snow, E. M.; Sullivan, D. J.; Sullivan, J. E.; Traver, L.; Traver, W. H. ; Tyng, A. E.; Vinton, F. A.; Walker, E.F.; Wallace, W. V.; Weeks/A.D.; Wheaton, F.L.; White, W. K.; Whitford, B. ; Wiggin, C. ; Wiggin, C. D. ; Wiggin, O. C. ; Woods, M. RICHMOND, Washington, ( ), 2064 Saunders, A. A., (Carolina Mills). SCITUATE, Providence, 3846 Bowen, W. II.; Fisher, C. H., (North and Providence); Smith, W. H. SOUTH KINGSTON, Washington, 4493 Maryott, C. E.; Perry, J. E. SMITHFIELD, Providtnce, 2605 Stanley, G. W., (Slatersville). WARKKN, Bristol, 3008 Bullock, O. ; Marchant, J. M. WARWICK, Kent, 10,453 Abbott, J. H., (Centreville); Burge, W. J., (Pawtuxet); Dedrick, A. C., (Centreville); Fifield, M., (Centreville); Hanaford, J. ; Kenyon, J., (River Point); Kenyon, N. B., (River Point); King, D. O., (Pontiac). WESTERLY, Washington, ( ), 4709 Crandall, H. N. ; Wilbur, J. WOONSOCKET, Providence, 11,527 Archambault, A.; Ballou, A. ; Ed- wards, D. M. ; Hills, J., (Bernontown); Jenckes, G. W. ; Madden, P. H. ; Monroe, W. C. ; Paine, A. M. CONNECTICUT MEDICAL SOCIETY. ALPHABETICAL LIST. Abernethy, Augustus H., Bridge- port. M. I). (Yale) 1864. *Aimes, J. Martin, West Haven, Orange. M. D. (Yale) 1858. *t Allen, Francis F., North Granby. Allen, Howard 0., Broadbrook 8 to 10; 1 to 3. M. D. (N. Y. Univ.) Mem. Hart. Co. Med. Soc. *t Allen, Hull, Milford. M. D. (N. Y. Univ.) 1821. *Alling, A. S-, Stratford. Ailing, Willis G., New Haven. M. D. (Yale) 1870. Almy, L. B., Norwich. Alsop, Joseph W., Jr., Middle- town. M. D. (N. Y. Univ.) 18C4. Andrews, William H., Milford. A very, George W., Hartford. M. 1). (Yale) 1861. Bacon, Francis, New Haven. M. D. (Yale) 1853. Bacon, J. Knight, New Milford. M. D. (Yale) 1864. Bacon, W. T., Hartford. tBaker, Rufus, Middletown. M. D. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1844. Baldwin, Elijah, South Canterbury. A. B. (Yale) 1841; M. D. (Harv.) 1845. *t Baldwin, James, Danbury. M. D. (Yale) 1825. Baldwin, N. C., South Britain, Southbury. M. D. (Yale) 1827. Banks, Nehemiah, Wallingford. M. D. (Yale) 1844. Barber, A. D.. Bethel. M. D. (Berkshire) 1854. Barber, Willett P., Lebanon, Gro- ton. M. D. (Dart) 1870. Barbour, James E., Norwnlk. M. D. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1865. Barker, John W., resid., Wood- 410 DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. bridge ; office, Westville, New Haven 1H to 2 ; 7 to 9. M. D. (Yale) 1870. *Barnes, Lewis, Oxford. A. B. (Yale) 1847; M. D. (Buffalo) 1851. Barnett, John F., West Haven, Orange 10 to 7. M. D. (Yale) 1869. Mem. N. H. Co. Med. Soc. *Barolet, F. X., Putnam. M. D. (Montreal), I860. *Barrows, A. \V T ., Hartford. M. D. (Yale) 1841. Barstow, Caspar, South Wind- ham. Bartlett, Walter R., 157 Church St., New Haven. M. D. (Yale) 1871. Mem. N. H. City Med. Assoc. ; N. H. Co. Med. Assoc. Author, Dissertation Conn. Med. Soc., 1879. Contrib., ' Causes of Dis- ease in Country Houses ; Individ- ual as Related to Natural Hy- giene," Sanitarian, 1878; "Prin- ciples of Hygiene and Conserva- tism, as Related to Surgery," Proc. Conn. Med. Soc., 1879. *Beach, Willis J., Litchfield. M.D. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1867. *fBeardsley, Ambrose, Birming- ham, Cheshire. Beardsley, George L., Main St., Birmingham, Cheshire 9 to 10i ; 7 to 9. A. B. (Yale) 1870; M. D. (Bellevue) 1873. Mem. Bell. Alum. Assoc. Contrib., "The Import and Treatment of Ulcers," Phil. Med. <$ Surg. Rep., 1876. *Beardsley, L. N., Milford. M. D. (Yale) 1838. *Bell, A. W., Moodus, Haddam. M.D. (Univ. N. Y.) 1874. *Bell, Newton S., Windsor. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1864. Bellosa, Frederic, 103 Court St., New Haven 8 to 9 ; 2 to 3 ; 7 to 8. M. D. (Yale) 1872. Town Phys. *t Bennett, E. P., Danbury. M. D. (Berkshire) 1826. *Bennett, Farnam O., Westford. M. D. (Berkshire) 1859. *Bennett, Maurice B., Coventry. M. D. (Berkshire) 1863. *Bennett, William C., Danbury. A. B. (Yale) 1858; M. D. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1860. *Bennett, W. H., Bridgeport. *Bid\vell, Edwin, Deep River, Say- brook. M. D. (Yale) 1847. *Bidwell, John W., West Winsted, Winchester. M. D. (Berkshire) 1846. Bill, Curtis H., 543 Main St., Bridge- port 1\ to 9; 1 to 3; 7 to 8. M. D. (N. Y. Univ.) 1859. Mem. Fairfield Co. Med. Soc. ; Bridge- port Med. Assoc. *Birch, George W., North Stamford. M. D. (Yale) 1858. *t Bishop, E. Huggins, New Haven. A. B. (Yale) 1826 ; M. D. (Yale) 1829. *Bishop, T. H., New Haven. M. D. (Yale) 1860. *Bissell, Evelyn L., New Haven. *Bissell, William, Lakeville, Rox- bury. A. B. (Yale) 1855; M. D. (Yale) 1856. *Blake, C. L., Essex. M.D. (Yale) 1875. *Blake, C.L., Northfield, Litchfield. *tBlodgett, Joshua, West Stafford. M. D. (Berkshire) 1825. *Bloomfield, T. B., Old Saybrook. M D. (Coll. Phys. and" Surg.) 1876. *Bohannan, R. L., Darien. *Bouton, George B., Westport. M. I). (Yale) 1856; (N. Y. Med. Coll.) 1856. *t Brace, Edward, West Hartford. M. D. (Castleton) 1828. *Bradlev, W. Lockwood, New Ha- ven. "A. B. (Yale) 1860; M. D. (Yale) 1864. *Bradstreet, E. T., Meriden. *Braman, F. N., New London. M. D. (Bellevue) 1866. *Brandegee, E., Berlin. A. B. (Yale) 1833; M. D. (Yale) 1838. *Bravton, Charles N., Stonington. M." D. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1873. *Britt, A. B., Southbury. M. D. (Yale) 1832. *Bromley, Daniel T., Hartford. M. D. (Yale) 1867. *tBronson, Henry, New Haven. M. D. (Yale) 1827. CONNECTICUT MEDICAL SOCIETY. 411 Bronson, Stephen H., New Haven. M. D. (Yale) 18f>6. Brown, Francis W., Woodbury. Brown, Orlando, Washington. M. I). (Yale) 1851. Brownson, William G., New Ca- naan. M. D. (Coll. Phvs. and Surg.) 18ti3. Buel, Henry W., Litchfield. A. B. (Yale) 1844: M. D. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1847. Buell, Virgil, Harwinton, Wood- bury. M. D. (L. I. Coll. Hosp.) Buesch, F. V., Norwalk. Buesch, M. G., Bridgeport. Bulkley, Edward, New Haven. M. D.'(Yale) 1856. Bull, J. Norris, Alderidge House, Plainville. 7 to 9 ; 6 to 8. M. D. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1878. Mem. Hart. Co. Med. Soc.; Farm- ington Val. Med. Soc. Bunce, H. C., Glastonbury. M. D. (Yale) 1850. Burchard. William M., Montville. Burke, George W., Middletown. M. D. (Yale) 184-3. Burke, William C., Jr., South Nor- walk. M. D. (L. I. Hosp. Coll.) 1875. Burnap, S. R., Windsor" Locks. Windsor. M. D. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1862. Burwell, Jerry. New Hartford. flintier, John S., Hartford. A. B. (Yale) 1825; M. D. (Jeff.) 1828. Camp, C. W., Canaan. Campbell, James, 28 Buckingham St., Hartford 8 to 9 ; 1 to 3 ; 7 to 9. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1870. Mem. Hart. Med. Soc.; Hart. Med. Library and Jour. Assoc. Campbell, W", North Branford. Carleton, Charles M., Norwich. M. D. (Harv.) 1861. Cartnalt. W. H., 18 College St., New Haven 8 to 2. M. I). (Coll. Phys. and Surg. ) 1861. Mem. N. Y. Ophthal. Med. Soc.; N. H. Co. Med. Soc. Senior Surg. Conn. State IIosp. Lecturer oj) Ophthalmology and Otology Med. Inst. Yale Coll. Carrington, Charles, Farmington. M. D. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1860. Carrington, Henry A., New Haven. M. [>. (Harv.) 1848. *Ca*-idy, Patrick, Norwich. M. I>. (Univ. Vt.). Castle, Frank E., resid., 70 North Main St.; office, Hank St., Water- bury 8 to 9; 1 to 3; 7 to 8. M. I). (Yale) 1870. Mem. N. II. Co. Med. Soc. *f('atlin, Benjamin H., Meridcn. M. D. (Yale) 1810. Chamberlain, Charles W., 187 Asy- lum St., Hartford. 8 to 10; 1 ' to 3.J; 7 to 9. A. B. (Brown) IM;T ; M*. D. (Coll. Phvs. and Surg.) 1871. Mem. Hartford M-d. Assoc. ; Lib. and Jour. Assoc. ; Sec'y Conn. Med. Soc.; Conn. Med". Leg. Soc.; Am. Pub. Health Assoc. Secy. Conn. State l!d. Health. Contrib., "I>arvngeal Phthisis," Trans. Conn. ' M, I. Soc. ; " Epidemics in Connecti- cut." Ibid. Chamherlin, M. N., Cheshire. A. B. ( Yale) 1857; M. D. (Yale) 18fi6. Chapman, Albert T., Mystic. M. I). (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1864. Chapman, S. H., New Haven. A. B. (Yale) 1866; M. D. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1869. Child, E. M., Meriden. fChild.s, Seth L., East Hartford. M. D. (Vt. Med. Coll.) 1835. Churchill, Asa H., West Meriden. M. I). (Yale) 1857. Clark, F. 1'., Danbury. fClark, William N., "Stafford, it. I). (Yale) 1830. Clary, George, New Britain. M. D. (Yale) 1857. Classon, A. T., Danbury. Cleaveland, Daniel A., Middletown. M. I). (Bowdoin)185G. tCoates, A. \V..M\stir River, Gro- ton. M. D. (Yale) 1843. Coates, E. Frank, Mystic Bridge, Stonington. M. D. (Yale) 1843. Coates, Frank A., Mvstic. M. I>. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1875. Coholan, M. J., New Britain. Comings, B. N., New Britain. M. D. (Castleton) 1845. 412 DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. *Couch, Charles F., Gaylordsville. *Coogan, Joseph A., Hartford. M. D. (Bellevue) 1876. fCotton, John, East Woodstock, Westford. M. D. (Harv.) 1871. tCrary, David, Hartford. M. D. (Castleton) 1834. *Crarv, David, Jr., Hartford. M. D. (Yale) 1869. *Cremin, M. A., New Haven. *Crossfield, F. S., Hartford. Crothers, Thomas D., Hartford. M. D. (Albany) 1865. Mem. Hart. Co. Med. Soc. ; Jour, and Liby. Assoc. : Am. Assoc. Cure of Ineb. Supt. Walnut Hill Asylum. Editor Quart. Jour. Ineb. *Cummings, James R., Bridgeport. M. D. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1862. *Daggett, David L., New Haven. A. B. (Yale), 1839; M. D. (Yale) 1843. *Darling, Asahel E., Killingly. M. D. (Harv.) 1872. Davis, Charles H. S., 60 Pleasant St., Meriden 12i to 3 ; 6 to 8. M. D. (N. Y. Univ.") 1865. Mem. Soc. d'Anthropologie, Paris; N. H. Co. Med. Soc. Author, "Bos- ton Medical Register," 1866. Contrib. "The Voice as a Music- al Instrument," Boston, 1879; "Diphtheria and its Treatment," Rich, and Louis. Med. Jowr.,1879; " Clergyman's Sore Throat," Buff. Med. Jour., 1879; "Is Con- sumption a Preventative Dis- ease? " Va. Med. Monthly,, 1878. *Davis, E. H., Central Village, Plainfield. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1872. *Davis, George P., Hartford. A. B. (Yale) 1866; M. D. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1869. *Davis, H., Wallingford. M. D. (Yale) 1855. *fDe Forest, W. B., New Haven. A. B. (Yale) 1831; M. D. (Yale) 1840. *Dean. Henry S., South Coventry. M. D. (Jeff.) 1852. *Deming, William, Litchfield. M. D. (Yale) 1856. Derrickson, John B., Warren. M. D. (Jeff. ) 1850. Mem. Litchfield Co. Med. Soc. *Dibble, Frederic L., New Haven. M. D. (Yale) 1859. Dickinson, Francis L., Rockville, Stafford. M. D. (Yale) 1840. *Doherty, J. J. S., New Haven. *Downs, F. B., Bridgeport. *jDowns, Mvron, Roxburv. M. D. (Yale) 1830. *DuBois, Henry A., New Haven. M. D. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1830. *Dunham, M. V. B., Greenfield Hill. *|Dutton, Thomas, Milford. *Dwight, Edward, New Haven. *Dwyer, John, Hartford. M. D. (N. Y. Univ.) 1871. *tDyer, Elijah, Norwich. M. D. (Berkshire) 1828. *Edgerton, Francis D., Middletown. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1863; (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1864. *Edwards, George W., North Gran- by. *t Ellsworth, P. W., Hartford. A. B. (Yale) 1837 ; M. D. (Penn.) 1839. *Ensign, R. E., Poquonock, New Britain. M. D. (Albany) 1858. *EsterIy, H. P., Watertown. Farnam, deorge B., 37 Hillhouse Av., New Haven. M. D. (Yale) 1869. Mem. Roman Med. Soc. N. Y. Surg. State Hosp. *Fenis, Anna J., Meriden. *Field, Albert, East Hampton, Chat- ham. M. D. (L. I. Coll. Hosp.) 1867. Fisher, William E., Middletown. A. B. (Phila. High Sch.); M. D. (Penn.) 1876. Asst. Phys. Conn. Hosp. for Ins. *Fisk, Marcus L., Warehouse Point, East Windsor. M. D. (Penn.) 1842. *Fiske, I. P., Southington. *Fitch, Frederic J., Meriden. *Fleichner, H., New Haven. *Foster, J. F. C., New Haven. A. B. (Yale) 1869. M. D. (Yale) 1875. Fox, Charles J., Main St., Williman- tic, Windham. 7 to 8 ; 12 to 2 ; CONNECTICUT MEDICAL SOCIETY. 413 6 to 8 ; M. D. (Univ. N. Y.) 1876. Mem. Windham d>. Med. Soc. Cpntrib. " PoNoiuuis Kthvt of Ar- nica with Acute Eczema Resulting as a Consequence," N. Y. .!/''<. 1875; "Successful Cure of Irre- ducible Strangulated Femoral Hernia," Ibid., 187(i. Harrison, Benjamin F., Wallingford. A. M. (Yale) 1872; M. P. (Yale) 1836. Fel. Am. Ai-ad. Arts & Sci. ; Mem. Co. Med. S..c. <'uii- trib., "Solution of Ice on Inland Waters," Am. .fuur. Sci., 1863. 414 DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. *Hart, S. W., New Britain. M. D. (Yale) 1855. "Hastings, P. M., Hartford. M. D. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1842. *|Hawley, 'George B., Hartford. A. B. (Yale) 1833; M. D. (Yale) 1836. *Hawley, George F., Hartford. M. D. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1867. *Hazen, Miner C., Haddam. M. D. (Univ. Mich.) 1855. Heady, Elias B., Cornwall Bridge. M. D. (Yale) 1872. Mem. Litch- field Co. Med. Soc. *Heaney, A. G., Thomaston, Plym- *Hicko'k, O. S., Ridgefield. M. D. (Berk.) 1854. *Higgins, R. L., South Norwalk. M. D. (Bellevue)1867. *Hill, Edwin A., East Killingly. M. D. (Harv.) 1850. Hill, John, Main St., South Nor- walk 7 to 9 ; 12 to 1 ; 6 to 8. M. D. (N. Y. Univ.) 1845. Mem. Norwalk Med. Assoc. *Hills, T. Morton, Willimantic, Windham. M. D. (Yale) 1863. *HoIbrook, Lowell, Thompson. M. D. (N. Y. Univ'.) 1848. *Hotchkiss, William H., New Haven. A. B. (Yale) 1869; M. D. (Yale) 1872. *fHough, Alanson A., Essex. M. D. (Yale) 1832. *tHough, Henry W., Putnam. M. D. (Yale) 1836. *IIowanl, William, Avon. Howe, Harmon G., 4 Village St., Hartford till 10; 12 to 3; 7 to 8J. M. D. (Univ. Vt.) 1873; (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1875. Mem. Hart. Co. Med. Soc. ; Hart. City Med. Soc. ; Hart. Med. Liby. and Jour. Assoc. *Hubbard, Charles IT., Essex. M. D. (Yale) 1860. *Hubbard, Robert, 100 State St., Bridgeport. M. D. (Yale) 1851. *llubbard, Stephen G., New Haven. M. D. (Dart.) 1843. Hudson, William M., Hartford. M. D. (Jeff.) 1855. *fHughes, Dyer, Hampton. *Hunt, E. K., Hartford. A. B. (Yale) 1833. M. D. (Jeff.) 1828. tlliintington, Eliplialet, Windham. M. D. (Dart.) 1847. *Huntington, S. H., Bethlehem. *Hurlburt, G. A., Buckingham, Glasionbury. M. D. (Coll.*Phys. and Surg.) 1865. *Hutchins, Samuel, West Killinglv, M. D. (Harv.) 1841. *tHutchinson, Ira, Cromwell. M. D. (Yale) 1825. *flves, Levi, New Haven. M. D. (Yale) 1838. *Ives, Robert S., New Haven. A. B. (Yale) 1864; M. D. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1866. *Jackson, J. C., Hartford. M. D. (Jeff.) 1847. *Jarvis, George C., Hartford. M. D. (N. Y. Univ.) 1861. fJennings, George H., Jewett City, Griswold. M. D. (L. I. Coll. Hosp.) 1875. Mem. New Loud. Co. Med. Soc. *Jewett, J. B , Birmingham, Che- shire. *fJewett, P. A., New Haven. A. B. (Trinity) 1837; M. D. (Yale) 1840. *John.son, George O., Clinton, Say- brook. M. D. (Univ. Md.) 1869. *tJohnson, S. C., Seymour. License (Conn. Med. Soc.) 1829. *Judson, W. H., Wauregan. *Judson, Walter, 131 York St., New Haven. M. D. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1870; A. B. (Yale)"l864. *Kelsey, William L., Willington. Kendall, John C., Norwalk. A. B. (Yale) 1870; M. D. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1875. Mem. N. Y. Co. Med. Soc.; Fairfield Co. Med. Soc. *t Kendall, Joshua, Seymour. Kent, John B., Putnam 11 to 12; 3 to 6; 7 to 8. M. D. (Harv.) 1869. *Kinney, E. C., Norwich. Knight, H. M.. Lakeville, Roxbury. M. D. ( Berkshire) 184'.). *Knight, William W., Sharon. M. D. (Berkshire) 1856. *La Pierre, Julian, Columbia, Bol- CONNECTICUT MEDICAL SOCIETY. 415 ton 9 to 11; 7 to 9. M. D. (Belle- vue) 1871. *J>a Kue, Onior, I'utnuin. M. D. (M<, in real) 1S71. *Latlirop, J. C., North Grosveiior- dale, riiompson Lander, Robert, Bridgeport. II. D. (Yale) 1871. Leavenworth, I). C., New Haven. iM. 1). (Yale) 1865. *Lee, J. Hamilton, Killingworth, Saybrook. M. I). (Yale) 1859. Leonard, A. S., West Woodstock. Westford. M. D. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1866. Lew.?, B. S., New Haven. M. D. (Harv.) 1875. Lewis, George F., 303 State St., Bridgeport 12 to 2; 6 to 8. A. 15. (Yale) 18(54; M. D. (Yale) 186(5. Mem. Hartford Med. Assoc. Police Surg. Hart. Lewis, George K., Collinsville, Can- ton. M. D. (Yale) 1865. Lewis, John B., 73 Sigourney St., Hartford. M. D. (Univ. N. Y.) 1S.">3. Mem Conn. Med. Leg. Soc. ; N. Y. Med. Leg. Soc. Au- thor, " Stratagems and Conspira- cies to Defraud Life Insurance Companies," N. Y., 1878. Lewis, William A., Moosup, Plain- litld. M. D. (Harv.) ISM. Lindsley, Charles A., 132 Olive St., New Haven 8 to 9 ; 1 to 3. A. B. (Trinity) 1849 ; M. D. (Yale) 1852. Fel. Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. ; Mem. N. 11. Med. Assoc.; Hon. Mem. K. J. Med. Soc.; Sec. Gen. Hosp. Soc. Conn.; Vice-1'res. N. H. Dispy. ; Prof. Mat. Med. and Therap.'Yale Coll.; Health Off. N. H. Lindsley, C. P., New Haven. Lines, J. F., New Haven. M. D. (Yale) 18G-2. Lockwood, W. A., Norwalk. M. 1). (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1864. Lyman, Edward P., New PreMon, Washington. M. D. (Yale) 1842. Lyon, Edward B., New Britain. M. D. (Berkshire) 1S.J2. Lyon, Irving W., Hartford. M. b. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1863. Mailhouse, M., 151 Meadow St. New Haven 8 to 10; 1 to :>, : f, to 8. Ph. B. (Yale) IsTii; M. I >. (Yale) 1878. N. II. City M.-d. Soc. N. H. Co. .Med. Soc. town Phvs. X. II. 1 *tManning, Mason, Mvstic. M. D. (Yale) 1840. tManwaring, Robert A., New Lon- don. M. D. (Yale) 1845. Martin, T. F., Bridgeport. Mason, Jarvis K , Sullield. 7 to 9; 12 to 2; 7 to 10. A. B. (Yale) 1855; M. D. (Harv.) 18(51. Con- trib., "Extensive Adhesions of Pelvic Organs," N. Y. Med. !!., ii.; "Suppuration in Peritoneal Cavity," Bus. Med. 7. McDonald, K. \V., Waterburv. M. D. (N. Y. Univ.) 1871. McGatighey, J. 1)., NVallingfonl. nMcIntosh, L. W., Hast Hartford. Mclvnight, K. .J., liast Hartford. Meers, E. S., Naugatuck. fMiner, Garry H., Morris. M. D. (Yale) 1824. Morgan, John, 24 Main St., Middle- town. M. D. (Yale) 1869. Mem- ber Middlesex Co. Med. Soc.; Central Med. Assoc. Morse, E. T., South Killingly. 2 to 4; 7 to 9. M D. (Univ.'Vt ) 1877. *.M linger. Elisha, East Lyme. *Muiii:er, W. S., Watertown. M. D. (Yale) IS.',:,. fNash, David H., Bridgeport. M. D. (Yale) 1834. Xels.m, A. W., 104 State St., New London 12 to 2; 4 to 6. M. I). (Harv.) 18(51. Nelson, J. Dewitt, North Stoning- 416 DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. ton. M. D. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1875. Mem. New London Co. Med. Soc.; N. Y. Co. Med. Soc. Neville, John J., 90 East Main St., Waterbury. 8 to 10 ; 1 to 3 ; 6 to 8. M. I). (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1876. Mem. Waterbury Med. Assoc. *Newcomb, J. J., Litchfield. M. D. (Yale) 1875. *Newton, C. B., Stafford Springs. M. D. (Yale) 1856. *Newton, S. B., East Hartford. *Nickerson, N., Meriden. M. D. (N. Y. Univ.) 1857. *Nicoll, John, New Haven. M. D. (Yale) 1854. *Nolan, Robert, Norwalk. *Nooney, Edwin D., Strafford. *North, Alfred, Waterbury. M. D. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1861. North, J. ft.. Goshen. 7 to 9^; 5 to 9. M. D. (L. I. Coll. Hosp.) 1873. *Noyes, Selden W., Haddam. M. D. (Penn.) 1868. *|Nye, Elisha B., Middletown. M. D. (Yale) 1838. O'Connor, Matthew C., 89 Grand St., New Haven. 8 to 10 ; 2 to 3 ; 7 to 9. A. B. (St. Francis Xav. Coll.) 1869; M. D. (Coll. Phys. & Surg.) 1873. Phys. St. Franc. Orph. Asv. 0'Flaherty,"John, Hartford. M. D. (Albany) 1864. Olmstead", James B., Hospital for Insane, Middletown. A. B. (Yale) 1872 ; M. D. (Yale) 1874. *Osborne, C. H., Southport. *Paddock, Lewis S., Norwich. M. D, (N. Y. Univ.) 1854. *Page, C. W., Hartford. *Parker, Julian N., South Manches- ter. M. D. (Yale) 1867. Parmelee, George L., 25 Pratt St., Hartford. 9 to 4. M. D. (L. I. Coll. Hosp.) 1869 ; D. M. D.(Harv.) 1870. Mem. N. Y. Odontolog. Soc. ; Am. Acad. Dent. Sci. ; Odontolog. Soc. G. B. ; Conn. State Dent. Soc.; Conn. Val Dent. Soc.; Conn. Med. Leg. Soc. ; Hartford City Med. Soc. ; Med. Lib. and Jour. Assoc. ; Am. Assec. Adv. Sci. *Parsons, Edward F., Thompson- ville, Enfield. M. D. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1858. Peck, Anthony, Norwich. 8 to 9 ; 6J to 7J. A B. (Hamilton) 1872 ; M. D. (Univ. N Y.) 1875. Mem. New Lond Co. Med. Soc. *Perkins, William S. C., Norwich. M. D. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1860. *Phelps, J. W., Wolcottville, Sharon. *tPhinney, Elisha, Norwich. *Pierpont, H., New Haven. M. D. (Yale) 1854. *Pinney, Charles H., Derby. M. D. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1853. *fPlatt, Gideon L., Waterbury. M. D. (Yale) 1838. Porter, George L., 266 State St., Bridgeport 7 to 9; 1 to 3; 5 to 7. A. M. (Brown) 1859; M. D. (Jeff.) 1862. *t Porter, Isaac G-, New London. *Potter, Henry, New London. M. D. (Yale) 1867. Powers, Frederic, Westport 12 to 1. M. D. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1870. Mem. Fairfield Co. Med. Soc. *Preston, G. H., Tolland. M. D. (Castleton) 1844. *Reid, Thomas, Trumbull. *Reynolds, G. P., Guilford. M. D. (N. Y. Univ.) 1852. *tRichards, Lewis, New Canaan. M. D. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.). Rising, Henry M., South Glaston- bury. M. D. (Yale) 1868. Mem. Hartford Co. Med. Soc. *Risley, Stephen G., Rockville. M. D. (N. Y. Univ.) 1846. *Roathe, B., Norwich. *Roberts, G. R., Collinsville, Can- ton. Robinson, Rienzi, West Killingly 12 to 2; 6 to 8. M. D. (L. I. Coll. Hosp.) 1869. Mem. Wind- ham Co. Med. Soc. *t Rockwell, Sidney W., East Wind- sor Hill. License (Conn. Med. Soc.) 1844; M. D. (Conn. Med. Soc.) 1855. *t Rogers, Charles H., Central Vil- CONNECTICUT MEDICAL SOCIETY. 417 lace, Plainfield. M. D. (Yale) 1847. Rogers, Frederic, Willimantic, Win.lham. M. L>. (N. Y. Univ.) 1863. Ruckoldt, Arthur. New Haven. Russell, Gordon W. ( Hartford. M. D. (Yale) 1837. Russell, Thomas II.. 156 Elm St., New Haven 9.\ to 10.V ; 2.\ to 3\ ; 7i to 8. Ph B. ( Yale); M. U.~( Yale) 1875. Surg. State Hosn.; Phys. N. H. Dispy. *Sands, Samuel, Darien. License (Westchester Co. New York.) 1848. *Sanford, Edward, West Cornwall. M. D. (N. Y. Med. Coll.) 1859- fSanford, George W., Simsbury. M. I). (Berkshire) 1836. *Sanford, I. R., West Cornwall. *Sanford, Leonard J., 126 Crown St., New Haven. M. D. (Jeff.) 1854. *Sears, 0. A., Portland. M. D. (N. Y. Univ.) 18(J2. *Sheffrey, Charles W., Bridgeport. M. D.'(Yale) 1862. Shelton, Gould A., Huntington (P. O. Birmingham) 8 to 9; 1 to 2; 7 to 9. M. U. (Yale) 1869. Shephard, George R., Hartford 12 to 2; 7 to 8. M. D. (Yale) 18GG. Mem. Hartford Co. Med. Soc. *Shew, Abraham M., Middletown. M. D. (Jeff.) 18G4. *Shove, Harinan W., Woodbury. M. D. (Yale) 1853. fSimmons, John H., Ashford. M. D. (Yale) 1833. Smith, Andrew J. F., 89 Noble St., Bridgeport. M. D. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.)1863. Mem. Fairfield Co. Med. Soc. Smith, F. L., Stafford Springs. Smith, Ira S., New Haven. A. B. (Trinity); M. D. (Harv.) 1869. Sprague, Seth L., Norwich. A. B. (\Vesleyan) 1849; M. -D. (Harv.) 1850. Mem. New London Med. Soc. Stanley, C. E., Middletown. Stanton, J. G., New Ixmdon. A. B. (Amherst) 1870; M. D. (Wurz- burg, Bav.) 1873. 27 Stanton, George D., Stonington. M. D. (Bellevue) 1865. Steadman. (',. W., Southington. Stearns, Henrv P., Retreat for In- sane, Hartford. A. B. (Yale) 1853 M. !>., (Yale) 1855. Stevens, J. H.. Norfolk. M. D. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1S.V_>. tStillman.'R. F., North Haven. St. John, H. B., Hartford. fStoddard, Thomas, Seymour. M. D. (Yale) 1836. Stone, J. S., New Britain. M. D. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1865. Storrs, Melancthon, Hartford. A. B. (Yale) 1852 ; M. D. (Yale) 1853. *t Strickland, Rial L., Thompson- ville, Enlield. M. D. (Albany) 1839. Simmer, Charles F., Bolton. Surredge. C. J., Hartford. Swasey, Erastus P., New Britain. M. D. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1869. Swett, W'. P., Harwinton, Wood- burv. Swift, E. D., Hamden. Talbot, R. B., Hartford. fTalcott, Alvan, Guilford. A. B. (Yale) 1824; M. D. (Yale) 1831. Pres. Guilford lust. Teeple, G. M., Bridgeport. M. D. (Albany) 1840. (Thomson, Charles S., Fair Haven. M. D. (Yale) 1822. Thomson, E. L., New Haven. M. 1). (Yale) 1874. Thomson, William II., Fair Haven. M. D. (Yale) 1862. Thompson, B. S., Salisbury. fTiffany, R. II., Hartford". M. D. (Castleton) 1837. Todd, William S., Ridgefield. A. B. (Wesleyan) 1864; M. D. (C.-ll. Phys. "and Surg.) 1869. Mem. Croton Med. and Surg. Union. Townsend, T. Beers, New Haven. M. I). (Yale) 1858. Tracy, A. \V.. Mfriden. Tread'well, Oliver F., Hamden (Box 800, New Haven). A. B. (Yale) 1862: M. I). (Yale) 1865. fTremaine, W. II.. Hartford. M. D. (Berkshire) 1338. 418 DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. *Trent, J. H., Terryville. Plym- outh. *Trowbridge, William H., North Stamford. M. D. (Yale) 1855. Turner, Sylvester W., Chester. A. B. (Yale) 1842; M. D. (Yale) 1846. *Tyler, David A., New Haven. M. D. (Yale) 1844. *Wainwright, W. A. M., Hartford. M. D. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1867. *Wakeman, M. H., Beading. *Ward, E. T., Bridgeport. * Warner, Abner S., Wethersfield. M. D. (Dart.) 1847. *Warner, Eli, 75| Main St., Hart- ford. M. D. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1867. *Warren, J. A., Ellington. M. D. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1860. *Way, Henry E., Bristol. *Webb, D. "M., Madison. A. B. (Yale) 1846; M. D. (Yale) 1849. *Weed, A. J., Hartford. *Welch, James, West Winsted, Winchester. M. D. (Berkshire) 1831. *Welch, William W., Norfolk. M. D. (Yale) 1839. *Wheeler, Frank, Farmington. M. D. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1852. *Whitcomb, James B., Brooklyn. M. D. (Bowdoin) 1826. *White, Frederic 0., New Haven. M. D. (Yale) 1873. *White, Moses C., New Haven. M. D. (Yale) 1854. *tWhite, R. A., Simsbury. M. D (Yale) 1832. *Whiton, F. J., North Manchester. *\Vhittemore, F. H., New Haven. *\Vhittemore, F. J., New Haven. M. D. (N. Y. Univ.) 1851. *\Vilcox, Lucian S., Hartford. A. B. (Yale) 1850 ; M. D. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1855. *t Williams, A. L., Brookfield. Li- cense (Yale) 1832; M. D. (Jeff.) 1840. fWilliams, Lewis, Pomfret. M. D. (Harv.) 1842. Wilson, F. M., 343 Broad St., Bridgeport. A. B. (Colby) 1871; M.D.( Harv. 11875. Mem. Bridge- port Citv Med. Soc. *Wilson, "S. A., Windsor. M. D. (Yale) 1852. Winchell, Alverd E., 6 Pearl St., New Haven 8 to 9 ; 2 to 3 ; 7 to 8. A. B. ( Wesleyan) 1857 ; M. D. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1864. Mem. N. H. Med. Soc. ; N. H. Co. Med. Soc. *Witter, John, Putnam. M. D. (Yale) 1857. *Witter, Orin, Chaplin. *Witter, William, Greenville, Frank- lin. M. D. (Yale) 1865. *Wood, E. A., North Branford. Wood, Luther H., Water St., Wol- cottville, Sharon 7 to 9 ; 1 to 2 ; 6 to 9. Ph. B. 1867 ; M. D. ( Yale) 1869. Mem. Litchfield Co. Med. Soc. Contrib., "Influence of Men- tal Activity upon the Excretion of Phosphoric Acid by the Kid- neys," Trans. Conn. "Med. Soc., 1869. *Wood, William, East Windsor Hill. M. D. (N. Y. Univ.) 1847. tWoodruff, William, Thomaston, Plymouth. M. D. (Yale) 1826. tWoodward, Ashbel, Franklin. M. D. (Bowdoin) 1829; (Yale) 1855. Hon. Mem. Me., N. H., Vt., R. I., N. Y., N. J., Med. Societies. *Wordin, N. E., 165 Fairfield Av., Bridgeport. A. B. (Yale) 1870; M. D. (Jeff.) 1872. *\Vorthington, Albert B., Middle Haddam, Chatham. M. D. (Yale) 1847. Wright, Theodore G., Plainville 7 to 9 ; 12 to 2 ; 6 to 7. M. D. (N. Y. Univ.) 1865. Mem. Litch- field Co. Med. Assoc. *Wyle, William C., Sandy Hook, Huntington. M. D. (N. Y. Univ.) 1870. *Young, Francis J., Bridgeport. M. D. (Yale) 1866. Zink, Walter, Branford 7 to 9 ; 12 to 7; 7 to 8. M. D. (Wurzburg) 1862. CONNECTICUT MEDICAL SOCIETY. 419 CONNECTICUT MEDICAL SOCIETY. LOCAL LIST. ASHFORD, Windham, (1714), 1241 Simmons, J. H. AVON, Hartford, (1830) 987 Howard, W. BERLIN, Hartford, (1785), 2436 Brandegee, E. BETHEL, Fairjield, (1759), 2311 Barber, A. D. BETHLEHEM, Litchfeld, (1787) 750 Huntington, S. H. BLOOMFIELD, Hartford, (1835), 1473 Gray, H. BOLTON, Tolland, (1720), 576 La Pierre, J., (Columbia); Sumner, C. F. BRANFORD, New Haven, ( ), 2488 Campbell. W., (North); Gaylord, C. W.; Wood, E. A. (North); Zink, W. BRIDGEPORT, Fairjield, (1821), 19,835 Abernethy, A. H.; Bennett, W. H. ; Bill, C. H. ; Buesch, M. G. ; Cummings, J. R. ; Downs, F. B.; Hubbard, R. ; Lauder, R. ; Lewis, G. F. ; Martin, T. F.; Nash, D. H. ; Porter, G. L. ; Sheffrey, C. W.; Smith, A. J. F.; Teeple, G. 11.; Ward, E. T. ; Wilson, F. M. ; Worden, N. E. ; Young, F. J. BRISTOL, Hartford, (1785), 3788 Way, H. E7 BROADBROOK, Hartford, ( ), Allen, H. 0. BROOKFIELD, Fairjield, (1788), 1193 Williams, A. L. BROOKLYN, Windham, (1786), 2354 Whitcomb, J. B. CANAAN, Litchfield, (1739) 1257 Camp, C. W. CANTON, Hartford, (1806), 2639 Lewis, G. F., (Collinsville); Roberts, G. R., (Collinsville). CHAPLIN, Windham, (1822), 704 Witter, 0. CHATHAM, Middlesex, (1767), 2771 Field, A., (East Hampton); Worth- ington, A. B., (Middle Haddam.) CHESHIRE, New Haven, (1780) 2344 Beardslej', A., (Birmingham); Beardsley, G. L., (Birmingham); Chamberlin, M. N. ; Jewett, J. B., (Birmingham). CHESTER, Middlesex, (1836), 1094 Turner, S. W. COKXWALL, Litchfidd, ( ), 1772 Heady, E. B., (Bridge); Sanford, E., (West); Sanford, I. R., (West). COVENTRY, Tolland, ( ), 2057 Bennett, M. B. ; Dean, H. S., (South); Goodwin, R. H., (South). CISOM \VELL, Middlesex, ( ), 1856 Hutchinson, I. DANBUKY, Fairjield, ( ), 8753 Baldwin, J. ; Bennett, E. P.; Ben- nett, W. C.; Clark, F. P.; Classon, A. T. DARIF.N, FairfiM, (1820), 1808 Bohannan, R. L.; Sands, S. DKKHY, A'.-w Haven, (1675), 8020 Pinney, C. H. DUISIIAM, .}fl. Hartford, (1784), 3007 Childs, S. L.; Mclntosh, L. W.; McKnight, E. J.; Newton, S. B. 420 DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. EAST WINDSOR, Hartford, (1768), 2882 Fisk, M. L., (Warehouse Point); Rockwell, S. W., (Hill); Wood, W., (Hill). ELLINGTON, Tolland, (1786), 1452 Warren, J. A. ENFIELD, Hartford, ( ), 6322 Parsons, E. F., (Thompsonville); Strickland, R. L., (Thompsonville). ESSEX, Middlesex, ( ), 1669 Blake, C. L. ; Hough, A. A.; Hubbard, C. H. FARMINGTON, Hartford, (1645), 2616 Carrington, C.; Wheeler, F. FRANKLIN, New London, (1786), 731 Jennings, G. H. (Griswold); Wit- ter, W., (Greenville); Woodward, A. GLASTONBURY, Hartford, (1690), 3560 Bunce, H. C. ; Hurlburt, G. A., (Buckingham); Rising, H. M., (South). GOSHEN, Litckfield, (1749), 1223 North, J. H. GRANBY, Hartford, (1786), 1517 Allen, F. F., (North); Edwards, G. W., (North). GREENFIELD HILL, Fairfield, ( ), Dunham, M. V. B. GROTON, New London, (1705), 5124 Barber, W. P., (Lebanon); Coates, A. W., (Mystic River); Gray, J., (Mystic River). GUILFORD, New Haven, ( ), 2576 Reynolds, G. P.; Talcott, A. HADDAM, Middlesex, (1668), 2071 Bell, A. W., (Hoodus); Hazen, M. C.; Noyes, S. W. HAMDEN, New Haven, (1786), 3028 Swift, E. D.; Treadwell, 0. F. HAMPTON, Windham, (1786), 891 Hughes, D. HARTFORD, Hartford, (1784), 37,743 Avery, G. W.; Bacon, W. T.; Barrows, A. W. ; Bradley, W. L. ; Bromley, D. T. ; Butler, J. S. ; Campbell, J. ; Chamberlain, C. W. ; Coogan, J. A. ; Crary, D.; Crary, D., Jr.; Crossfield, F. S. ; Crother, T. D.; Davis, G. P.; Dwyer, J.; Ellsworth, P. W.; Froelich, C. E.; Fuller, H. S-; Hammond, E. F.; Hastings, P. M.; Hawley, G. B.; Hawley, G. F.; Howe, H. G.; Hud- son, W. M. ; Hunt, E. K. ; Jackson, J. C. ; Jarvis, G. C. ; Lewis, J. B. ; Lyon, I. W.; Mayer. N.; O'Flaherty, J.; Page, C. W.; Parmelee, G. L. ; Russell, G. W.; Shephard, G. R.; Stearns, H. P.; Storrs, M. ; Surredge, C. J. ; Talbot, R. B. ; Tiffany, R. H. ; Tremaine, W. H. ; Wainwright, W. A. M.; Warner, E.; Weed, A. J.; Wilcox, L. S. HUNTINGTON, Fairfield, (1789), 1527 Shelton, G. A. (P. 0., Birming- ham); Wyle, W. C., (Sandy Hook). KILLINGLY, Windham, (1709), 5712 Darling, A. E. ; Graves, T., (West); Hill, E. A., (East); Hutchins, S., (West); Morse, E. T., (South); Robinson, R., (West). LITCHFIELD, Litchfield, (1724), 3113 Beach, W. J. ; Blake, C. L. (North- field); Buel, H. W. ; Deming, W. ; Gates, H. E. ; Newcomb, J. J. LYME, New London, (1667), 1181, Munger, E., (East). MADISON, New Haven, (1826), 1814 Webb, D. M. MANCHESTER, Hartford, (1823), 4223 Griswold, R.M., (North); Parker, J. N., (South); Whiton, F. J., (North). / MERIDEN (West), New Haven, (1806), 10,495 Brad street, E. T. ; Catlin, CONNECTICUT MEDICAL SOCIETY. 421 B. H. ; Child, E. M.; Churchill, A. H., (West); Davis, C. II. S. ; Ferris, A. J. ; Fitch, F. J. ; Nickerson, N. ; Tracy, A. W. MIDDLE-TOWN, Middlesex, (1784), 11,126 Alsop, J. W., Jr. ; Baker, R. ; Burke, G. W. ; Cluavtland, D. A.; Edgerton, F. D. ; Fisher, W. E.; Griswold, E. P. H. ; Hallock, W. B. ; Morgan, J. ; Nye, E. II. ; Olm- stead, J. B. ; Shew, A. M. ; Stanley, C. E. MILFORD, New Haven, (1639), 3405 Allen, H. ; Andrews, W. H. ; Beards- ley, L. N. ; Dutton, T. MONTVILLE, New London, (1786), 2495 Burchard, W. M. MORRIS, Litchjield, ( ), 707 Miner, G. H. MYSTIC, New London, ( ), Chapman, A. T. ; Coates, F. A.; Manning, M. NAUGATUCK, New Haven, ( ), 2830 Meers, E. S. NEW BRITAIN, Hartford, ( ), 9480 Clary, G. ; Coholan, M. J. ; Cora- ings, B. N.; Ensign, R. E., (Poquonock); Hart, S. W. ; Lyon, E. B. ; Stone, J. S. : Swasey, E. P. NEW CANAAN, Fairfield, (1801), 2497 Bronson, "W. G. ; Richard?, L. NEW HARTFORD, Litchjield, (1733), 3078 Burwell, J. NEW HAVEN, New Haven, ( ), 50,840 Ailing, W. G. ; Bacon, F. ; Barker, J. W., (Westville) ; Bartlett, W. R. ; Bellosa, F. ; Bishop, E. H. ; Bishop, T. H. ; Bissell, E. L. ; Bradley, W. L. ; Bronson, H. ; Bronson, S. H. ; Bulkley, E. ; Carmalt, W. H. ; Carrington, H. A. ; Chapman, S. H. ; Cremin, M. A. ; Daggett, D. L. ; De Forrest, W. B. ; Dibble, F. L. ; Doherty, J. J. S. ; Du Bois, H. A. ; Dwight, E. ; Far- nam, G. B. ; Fleishner, H. ; Foster, J. F. C. ; Gallagher, F. ; Gibbons, T. P.; Gibson, R. G.; Gilbert, L. M.; Gilbert, S. D., (Fair Haven); Hotchkiss, W. H. ; Hubbard, S. G. ; Ives, L. ; Ives, R. S. ; Jewett, P. A. ; Judson, W. ; Leavenworth, D. C. ; Lewis, B. S. ; Lindsley, C. A. ; Lindsley, C. P. ; Lines, J. F. ; Mailhouse, M. ; Nicoll, J. ; O'Connor, M. C. ; Pierpont, H. ; Ruckoldt, A. ; Russell, T. H. ; Sanford, L. J. ; Smith, I. S. ; Thomson, C. S., (Fair Haven) ; Thomson, E. L. ; Thomson, W. H., (Fair Haven) ; Townsend, T. B. ; Tyler, D. A. ; White, F. O. ; White, M. C. ; Whittemore, F. H. ; Whittemore, F. J. ; Winchell, A. E. NEW LONDON, New London, ( ), 9576 Braman, F. N. ; Manwaring, R. A. ; Nelson, A. W. ; Potter, H. ; Potter, I. G. ; Stanton, J. G. NEW MILFORD, Litchjield, ( ), Bacon, J. K. ; Couch, C. F. (Gaylordsville). NORFOLK, Litchjield, (1758), 1641 Stevens, J. H. ; Welch, W. W. NORTH HAVEN, New Haven, (1786), 1771 Goodyear, R. B. ; Stillman, R. F. NORWALK, Fairfield, (1649), 12,119 Barbour, J. E. ; Buesch, F. V. ; Burke, W. C., Jr., (South); Gregory, J. G. ; Higgins, R. L., (South); Hill, J., (South) ; Nolan, R. ; Kendall, J. C. ; Lockwood, W. A. NORWICH, New London, ( ), 16,653 Almy, L. B. ; Carleton, C. M. ; Cassidy, P. ; Dyer, E. ; Haile, A. B. ; Kinney, E. C. ; Mason, W. II. ; Paddock, L. S. ; Peck, A. ; Perkins, W. S. C. ; Phinney, E. ; Routhe, B. ; Sprague, S. L. 422 DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. OLD LTME, New London, ( ), 1362 Griffin, E. D. ; Ham's, G. W. OLD SAYBROOK, Middlesex, ( ), 1215 Bloomfield, T. B. ; Grannis, J. H. ORANGE, New Haven, (1822), 2634 Aimes, J. M., (West Haven); Bar- nett, J. F., (West Haven). OXFORD, New Haven, (1798), 1338 Barnes, L. PLAINFIELD, Windham, (1713), 4521 Davis, E. H., (Central Village); Lewis, W. A., (Moosup); Rogers, C. H., (Central Village); Judson, W. H. (Wauregan). PLAINVILLE, Hartford, ( ), 1433 Bull, J. N. ; Wright, T. G. PLYMOUTH, Litchfield, (1795), 4149 Goodwin, R. S., (Thomaston) ; Heaney, A. G., (Thomaston); Treat, J. H. (Terryville); Woodruff, W., (Thomaston). POMFRET, Windham, (1713), 4521 Williams, L. PORTLAND, Middlesex, ( ), 4693 Hammond, C. E. ; Sears, 0. A. PUTNAM, Windham, ( ), 4192 Barolet, F. X. ; Hough, H. W. ; Kent, J. B. ; La Rue, 0. ; Witter, J. READING, Fairfield, (1767), 1624 Wakeman, M. H. RIDGEFIELD, Fairfield, ( ), 1919 Hickok, O. S. ; Todd, W. S. ROCKY HILL, Hartford, ( ), 971 Griswold, R. W. ROXBURY, Litchfield, (1801), 919 Bissell, W., (Lakeville); Downs, M.; Knight, H. M., (Lakeville). SALISBURY, Litchfield, (1745), 3303 Thompson, B. S. SAYBROOK, Middlesex, ( ), 1267 Bid well, E., (Deep River); Gilbert, G. C. H., (Westbrook); Johnson, G. O., (Clinton); Lee, J. H., (Kil- lingworth). SEYMOUR, New Haven, ( ), 2122 Johnson, S. C. ; Kendall, J. ; Stod- dard, T. SHARON, Litchfield, (1739), 2441 Hanchett, T. S., (Wolcottville) ; Knight, W. W. ; Phelps, J. W., (Wolcottville) ; Wood, L. H., (Wolcottville). SIMSBURY, Hartford, ( ), 2051 Sanford, G. W. ; White, R. A. SOUTHBURY, New Haven, (1786), 1318 Baldwin, N. C., (South Britain); Britt, A. B. SOUTH CANTERBURY, Windham, ( ), 5412 Baldwin, E. SOUTHINGTON, Hartford, (1779), 4314 Fiske, I. P. ; Stedman, G. W. SOUTHPORT, Fairfield, ( ) Osborne, C. H. STAFFORD, Tolland, ( ), 3405 Blodgett, J., (West) ; Clark, W. N. ; Dickinson, F. L., (Rockville); Gilnack, F., (Rockville); Goodrich, A. R., (Vernon Depot); Newton, C. B., (Springs); Risley, S. G., (Rock- ville); Smith, F. L., (Springs). STAMFORD, Fairfield, ( ), 9714 Birch, G. W., (North); Geib, H. P.; Haight, N. D. ; Trowbridge, W. H., (North). STONINGTON, New London, (1801), 6313 Brayton, Chas. N. ; Coates, E. F., (Mystic Bridge); Nelson, J. D., (North); Stanton, G. D. STRATFORD, Fairfield, ( ), 3032 Ailing, A. S. ; Nooney, E. D. SUFFIELD, Hartford, (1835), 3277 Mason, J. K. ; Mather, W. H. BUSINESS GUIDE. f 423 THOMPSON, Windham, (1785), 3804 Holbrook, L. ; Lathrop, J. C., (North Grosvenordale). TOLLAND, TollaiHl, (1715), 1216 Preston, G. H. TRUMBULL, Fairfield, (1798), 1335 Reid, T. WALLINGFORD, New Haven, ( ), 3676 Banks, N. ; Davis, H. ; Har- rison, B. F. ; McGaughey, J. D. WARREN, Litchjield, (1786), 673 Derrickson, J. B. WASHINGTON, Litchjield, (1779), 1563 Brown, O.; Lyman, E. P., (New Preston). WATERBURT, New Haven, (1686), 13,106 Castle, F. E. ; Griggs, E. L. ; McDonald, E. W. ; North, A. ; Neville, J. J. ; Platt, G. L. WATERTOWN, Litchfield, (1780), 1698 Esterl y, H. P.; Munger, W. S. WAUREGAN, Windham, ( ) Judson, W. H. Wi STFORD, Windham, ( ), Bennett, F. O. ; Cotton, J., (East Woodstock); Leonard, A. S., (West Woodstock). WKST HARTFORD, Hartford, ( ), Brace, E. WESTON, Fairfield, (1787), 1054 Gorham, F., (and Westport). WESTPORT, Fairfield, (1835), 3361 Bouton, G. B. ; Gorham, F., (and Weston); Powers, F. WETHERSFIELD, Hartford, ( ), 1533 Warner, A. S. WILLINGTON, Tolland, (1728), 942 Kelsey, W. L. WILTON, Fairfield, (1802), 1994 Emery, A. E. WINCHESTER, Litchjield, (1771), 4096 Bidwell, J. W., (West Winsted); Welch, J., (West Winsted). WINDHAM, Windham, (1692), 5412 Barstow, C., (South); Fox, C. J., (Willimantic); Griggs, O. B., (Willimantic); Hills, T. M., (Williman- tic); Huntington, E. ; Rogers, F., (Willimantic). WINDSOR, Hartford, ( ), 2693 Bell, N. S. ; Burnap, S. R., (Windsor Locks); Wilson, S. A. WOODBURY, Litchjield, (1674), 1931 Brown, F. W.; Buell, V., (Har- winton); Swett, W. P., (Harwinton); Shove, H. W. Anatomical Draughtsman. H. P. Quincy, M. D., Med. School, N. Grove St. . . Boston, Mass. Artificial Limb Makers and Dealers. Codman & Shurtleff, 13 and 15 Tremont Street Boston. James W. Drake, 7 Kearsarge Avenue " Fisk & Arnold, 8 Hamilton Place " Leach & Greene, 1 Hamilton Place " Marvin Lincoln, 8 Hamilton Place " B. F. Palmer, 83 Green Street " 424 DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE. Chemists (Analytical and Consulting). James F. Babcock, 10 Rollins Street Boston. A. A. Hayes, M. D., 4 State " S. Dana Hayes, 4 State " H. M. Johnson, 82 Water " Stephen P. Sharpies, 114 State " Earth Closets. Earth Closet Company, 19 Doane Street Boston. C. D. Holmes, 20 Creek Square " Murdock Parlor Grate Co., 21 Washington " Leeches Applied. Mrs. Daley, 21 Warrenton Street Boston. Medical Booksellers and Publishers. N. R. Campbell, 17 Franklin Street Boston. David Clapp & Son, 564 Washington " ' A. Moore, 2 Hamilton Place " Frank Rivers, 28 School " Schoenhof & Moeller, 40 Winter (foreign) " A. Williams & Co., 283 Washington " Medical Chairs. Wilson Adjustable Chair Mfg. Co., 535 Washington St. . . Boston. Instruments Electro-Magnetic. Thomas Hall, 19 Bromfield Street Boston. E. S. Ritchie & Sons, 150 Tremont " Charles Williams, Jr., 109 Court " Instruments Surgical and Dental. Codman & Shurtleff, 13 and 15 Tremont Street Boston. Leach & Greene, 1 Hamilton Place " S. S. White, 13 and 16 Tremont Row " Microscopes, Microscope Materials, and Optical Instru- ments. Boston Optical Works, 161 Devonshire Street Boston. Leach & Greene, 1 Hamilton Place " BUSINESS GUIDE. 425 J. T. Ogden, 594 Washington Boston. Thaxter & Brother, 416 Washington " Samuel Thaxter & Son, 125 State " Robert B. Tolles, 48 Hanover " Widdifield & Co., 34 West G. F. H. Markoe, Warren and Dudley . . . Roxbury, " Vaccine Virus, Dealers in. Codman & Shurtleff, 13 and 15 Tremont Street .... Boston. Norton Folsom, M. D., address, Mass. Gen. Hospital ... " Leach & Greene, 1 Hamilton Place " H. A. Martin, M. D., 27 Dudley Street .... Roxbury, " B. D. Gifford, M. D South Chatham. S. S. Gifford, M. D. East Stoughton. K. H II. FIT/, 18 Arlinyton .vo ,/, /i,.stf.. Delightful Books for Young Folks. The liodlfj/s Afoot. A book of interesting stories, illustrated with 79 charm- ing pictures, and ornamented with covers that are attractive outside and in- side. 1.50. The Bodleys on Wheel*. A large book full of charming stories, including lively poems and travels, with 77 excellent pictures, and a curiously ornamental cover. 1.50. The Bodley's Tellitiff Stories. With 81 attractive pictures, and a richly illuminated cover. 1.50. Doings of the Kodley Family in Town and Country. With 77 beau- tiful illustrations. 1.50. *** For sale by all Booksellers. Sent, postpaid, on receipt of price by the Publishers t HOUGHTON, OS600D &, CO., BOSTON. PHYSICIANS Wishing to place Patients where the treatment advised by them can be continued under medical supervision, and where they can have the benefit of A Dry, Tonic Atmosphere and Eetired Situation, Are requested to communicate with the undersigned. His house is upon an estate of 300 acres, on the west shore of Lake Champlain, at the head of a lovely bay, and commands superb views of the Green and Adirondack Mountains, which are within easy driving distance. S. F. DICKINSON, M. D. WESTPORT, ESSEX Co., N. Y. REFERENCES. COL. FRANCIS L. LEB, Boston. SAFFORD E. HALE, M. D., Elizabethtown, N. T. HEXRY I. BOWDITCH, M. D., Boston. JUDGE ROBERT S. HALE, Elizabethtown, N. Y. THEODORE W. FISHER, M. D., Boston. PROP. CHARLES A. SEELET, New York. HON. MATTHEW HALE, Albany, N. Y. B. P. STEVENS, M. D., Jamaica, L. I. J. W. BARSTOW, M. D., Flushing, L. I. SHADY LA WN. A PRIVATE MEDICAL. HOME FOR INVALIDS. Chartered by Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Diseases of the Mind and Nervous System ; Medical and Surgical Treatment of Ailments of Women ; The Alcohol and Opium Habits; The Laryngitis of the Seaboard; Chronic Diseases. A. W. THOMPSON, A. M., M. D. (Hanr.), Formerly of Northampton Lunatic Hospital : Ex-Pres. Hampshire Medical Society. This elegant and veteran establishment has been recently further equipped and improved, Steam Heat has been introduced, and the proprietor and founder is con- fident that it is now better suited than ever before to satisfy the eminent physicians who have honored it with their recommendations, as well as the comfort or luxury - F? eking class of invalids. Progressive study in certain cases, a specialty. HUNGARIAN WINES. D. A. MAYER, IMPORTER, 526 Broadway, ttd^&3 s &^ w York City. The Wines of Hungary cannot be commended too highly ; they are unquestion- ably the " Ultima Thule " of the vintage, and are truly pronounced in an Eng- lish scientific work published by Charles Griffin & Co., of London as being drier than French Wines, more mellow than those of the Rhine, and more piquant than the choicest of Spain. I have constantly on hand, from frequent importations, a large variety of Hungarian wines, in their original state and purity. My commer- cial connections with the proprietors of the vintages in the principal wine districts of Hungary enable me to offer to the public, wines in their virgin purity, superior quality, flavor, and aroma. The Honorable Judge* of the International Exhibition, held at Philadelphia, in 1876, awarded to D. A. Mayer the highest premium " Prize Medal '' for purity and superior quality, of Hungarian Winet. The medical fraternity of Europe recommend these wines for their remedial prop- erties, as also many eminent Physicians of the city of New York, mrl throughout the United States, certify to their value as an ordinary tonic for strengthening the system of the convalescent, and for their recuperative powers they are admitted to be a panacea for many of the " ills thatflefk is heir to." Professor Liebig thus writes : " Wine, as a restorative, as a means of refreshment when the powers of life are ex- hausted, as a means of correction and compensation where [Disproportion occurs in nutrition, and the organism is deranged in its operation, and as a means of protec- tion against transient organic disturbances, Wine is surpassed by no product o/ Nature or Art.*' And again he observes : " Wine is the universal medicine for the healthy as well as for the sick, for tb infant or adult, and it is as milk to the aged." CHEMICAL REPORTS ON MALTINE, By R. OGDEN DOREMUS, M.D., LL. D. PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY AND TOXICOLOGY, BELLBVUE HOSPITAL MEDICAL COLLZGE ; PROFESSOR OP CHEMISTRY AM) PHYSICS, COLLEGE OP THE CITY OP XEW YORK. NEW YORK, April 17, 1879. I have Tisited the works at Cresskill, on the Hudson, where MALTISE is prepared, and spent portions of two days in witnessing the chemical processes for making the same. I was particularly impressed with the thorough cleanliness observed, as well as with the completeness of the apparatus employed for accomplishing the desired result from the first treatment of the grains to the concentration of the liquid product by evaporation in vacua. The operation is effective in extracting the whole of the nutritive constituents of the grains of malted Barley, Wheat, and Oats, with but a flight residue, and is the most complete method yet devised, with which 1 am acquainted, for accomplishing this object. MALTINE is superior in therapeutic and nutritive value to any Extract of Malt made from Barley alone, or to any other preparation of any one variety of grain. From a chemical and medical stand-point, I cannot commend too highly to my pro- fessional brethren this unique and compact variety of vegetable diet and remedial agent, nutritive to every tissue of the body, from bone to brain. Respectfully, B. OGDEN DOREMUS. By Prof. JOHN ATTFIELD, F.C.S. PROFESSOR OF PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY TO THE PHARMACEUTICAL SOCIETY OF GREAT BRIT- AIN J AUTHOR OF A MANUAL OF GBSERAL MEDICAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY. LONDON, 17 BLOOMSBURY SQUARE, W. C., October 28, 1878. To Messrs. Reed Carnrick. GENTLEMEN : I have analyzed the extract of malted Wheat, malted Oats, and malted Barley, which you term MALTINE. I have also prepared, myself, some ex- tract from these three malted cereals, and have similarly analyzed it, and may state at once that it corresponds in every respect with the Maltine made by myself. As regards the various Malt Extracts in the market, I may remark that your MALTINE belong* to the non-alcoholic class, and is far richer, not only in the directly nutri- tious materials, but in the farina-digesting Diastase. In comparison, your MALTINB is about ten times as valuable as a flesh former; from five to ten times as valuable as a heat producer ; and at least five times as valuable as a starch-digesting agent. It contains, unimpaired and in a highly concentrated form, the whole of the valua- ble materials which it is possible to extract from either malted Wheat, malted Oats, or malted Barley. Yours faithfully, JOHN ATTFIELD. LIST OF MALTINE PREPARATIONS. MALTINE, Plain. MALTINE with Alteratives. MALTINE with Beef and Iron. MALTINE with Cod Liver Oil and Fancreatine. MALTINE with Cod Liver Oil and Phosphates. MALTINE with Hops. MALTINE with Hypophosphites. MALTINE with Pepsin and Pan- creatine. MALTINE with Phosphates. MALTINE with Phos. Iron, Qui- nia, and Strychnia. MALTINE Ferrated. MALTINE WINE. MALTINE WINE with Pepsin and Pancreatine. MALTO-YERBINE. PEOFESSIONAL OPINIONS OF MALTINE, During the past year we have received nearly one thousand letters from the Medical Profession in this country and Great Britain, referring to the therapeutic value of MALTINE ; their character is indicated by several extracts which we present below. BALTIMORE, MD., January 20, 1879. We hare realized decided benefit In a large number of case* treated in the City Hospital and at the Dispensary connected with it, from your preparations of Malt- in*. Many persons will welcome them as most efficacious and palatable substitutes for Cod Liver Oil, and as covering a wider range of application. 8. WESLEY CHAMBERS, M. D., Rtl. Phys., City Hospital. BALTIMORE, MB., January 20. 1879. We take pleasure in Having, in behalf of your preparations of Maltine, that they have fully come up to the measure of your representations. They have given us the greatest satisfaction. We have used them extensively to the great benefit of our patients. DAVID STREETT, M. D., Rts. Phys., Maternite Hospital. 36 WBTMOUTH STBBET, PORTLAND PLACE, LO.NDOIC, May 30, 1879. I am ordering your Maltine very largely. LEONOX BROWN, F. R. C. S., Sen. Surg. Centl. Throat and Ear Hasp., etc. 75 LEVER ST., PICCADILLY, MASCHESTBR, January 16, 1879. I have used your Maltine pretty extensively since its introduction, and have found it exceedingly useful ; particularly in cases where Cod Liver Oil has not agreed, have I found the Maltine with Beef and Iron most valuable. J. SHEPHERD FLETCHER, M. D., M.R. C.S. EDDI CKOSS Hocsi, ROM, Marck 8, 1879. I am very pleased to bear testimony to the great value of Maltine. 1 prescribe it extensively and with the best results, specially in ansemic conditions of the system with much stomach irritability, which it seems to allay very speedily. J. W. NORMAN, M.B..M.R.C.8. MALTIME is now in the handa of the Wholesale Trade throughout the United States. We guarantee that MALTIKE will keep perfectly in any climate, or any season of the year. Faithfully yours, REED & CARNRICK, New York. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, BUKLIUGTON, VT. TWENTY-SIXTH SESSION, 188O. FACULTY OF MEDICINE. MATTHEW HENRY BUCKHAM, A. M., D. D., BURLINGTON, VT., SAMUEL WHITE THAYER, M. D., LL. D., BURLINGTON, VT., Emeritus Professor of General and Special Anatomy WALTER CARPENTER, M. D., BURLINGTON, VT., Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine JOHN ORDRONAUX, M.D..LL. D., NEW YORK CITY, Emeritus Professor of Medical Jurisprudence. WILLIAM DARLING, A. M., M. D., LL.D., F. R. C. S., NEW YORK CITY. Professor of General and Special Anatomy. A. F. A. KING, M.D., WASHINGTON, D. C. Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women. HENRY D. HOLTON, M. D., BRATTLEBORO, VT., Professor of Materia Medica and General Pathology. JAMES L. LITTLE, M. D., NEW YORK CITY, Professor of the Pnnciples and Practice of Surgery. A. P. GRINNELL, M. D., BURLINGTON, VT., Professor of Physiology and Microscopic Anatomy. RUDOLPH A. WITTHAUS, M. D., NEW YORK CITY, Professor of Chemistry and Toxicology. PROFESSORS OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS. WILLIAM A. HAMMOND, M. D., NEW YORK CITY, Professor of Diseases of Mind and Nervous System. D. B. ST. JOHN ROOSA, A.M., M.D., NEW YORK CITY, Professor of Diseases of the Eye and Ear. ROBERT W. TAYLOR, M. D., NEW YORK CITY, Professor of Diseases of the Skin. STEPHEN M. ROBERTS, M. D., NEW YORK CITY, Professor of Diseases of Children. A. T. WOODWARD, BRANDON, VT., Professor of Surgical Diseases of Women. G. M. GARLAND, M.D., BOSTON, Professor of Thoracic Diseases. CLINTON WAGNER, M.D., NEW YORK CITY, Professor of Diseases of the Throat. HOSPITAL ADVANTAGES. The MARY FLETCHER HOSPITAL having been opened during the past year, Clini- cal Instruction will be given in the wards and in the commodious amphitheatre at- tached to the Hospital, on Wednesdays and Saturdays, during the session. THE REGULAR TERM will commence on the first Thursday in March, 1880. and continue until the last Tuesday in June. The Preliminary Term begins on the first Thursday of September, 1879, and will continue until March i, 1880. FEES FOR THE REGULAR SESSION. Matriculation Fee, payable each term $5.00 Fees for the full Course of Lectures by all the Professors 70.00 Graduation Fee 25.00 Material for dissection will be furnished at cost. The tickets are to be taken out at the beginning of the session. Students who have already attended two full courses of lectures in other regular schools are admitted on paying the matriculation fee and 825-00. Students who have attended two full courses in this College, or who have attended one full course in some regularly established medical school and one full course in this College, are admitted to a third course of lectures on paying the matriculation fee only. GRADUATES of this school are admitted without fee. GRADUATES of other regular schools and THEOLOGICAL STUDENTS are admitted on general ticket by paying the matriculation fee. For further particulars and circulars address the Secretary, PROP. A. P. GRINNELL, M.D., Burlington, Vt. BELLEVUE HOSPITAL MEDICAL COLLEGE, CITY OF NEW YORK. SESSIONS OF 1879-'8O. THE COLLEGIATE TEAK ID this Institution embraces a preliminary Autumnal Term, the Regular Winter Session, and a Spring Session. The Preliminary Autumnal Term (or !>>7'.t- '8 nn.1 .l.uly clinical lectures, will be given, as heretofore, by tin- entire Faculty, in the name num- ber and order as during the Regular Session. Stodmtii itten.l the Reg- ular Session are recommended to attend the Preliminary Term, but such attendance is not required. The Kegular Session will begin on Wednesday, October 1, 1879, and end about the 1st of March, 1880. During thU Session, in addition to four didactic lect- ures on every week-day except Saturday, two or three hours are daily allotted to clinical instruction. The .Spring Session consists chiefly of recitations from Text-Books. This Session begins <>n the 1st of March and continued until the firat of June. During this Session, daily recitations in all the departments are held by a corps of examin- ers appointed l>y the Faculty. Short courses of lectures are given on special sub- jects, aud regular clinics are held in the Hospital and in the College building. FACULTY. ISAAC E. TAYLOR, M. D., Emeritus Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women, and President of the Faculty. JAM KS R \\ OOD. M. D., LL. D., Emeritus Professor of Surgery. FORDYCK BARKER, M. D., LL. D., Professor of Clinical Midwifery and Disease* of Women. AUSTIN FLINT, M. D., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Medicine and Clinical Medicine. W. H. VAN Bl'HEN, M.D., Professor of Principles and Practice of Surgery, Disease* of the Genito-Uriuary System, and Clinical Surgery. LEWIS A. SAYRE, M. D., Professor of Orthopedic Surgery and Clinical Surgery. ALEXANDER B. MOTT, M. D., Profess, r of Clinical and Operative Surgery. WILLIAM T. LUSK, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Chil- dren, and Clinical Midwifery. A. A. SMITH, M. D., Lecturer on Materia Medica and Therapeutics, and Clinical Medicine. AUSTIN FLINT, JR., M. D., Professor of Physiology and Physiological Anatomy, and Secretary of the Faculty. JOS. D. BRYAXT, M. D. , Professor of General, Descriptive, and Surgical Anatomy. K. OGDEN DOREMUS, M. D., LL. D., Professor of Chemistry and Toxicoloity. EDWARD G. J ANEIVAY, M. D., Professor of Pathological Anatomy and Histology , Diseases of the Nervous System, and Clinical Medicine. frofessors of Special Departments, etc* HENRY D. NOYKS, M. D., Professor of Ophthalmology and Otology. J. LEWIS SMITH, M. D., Clinical Professor of Diseases of Children. EDWARD L. KEYES, M. D., Professor of Dermatology , and Adjunct to the Chair of Pi inciples of Surgery. JOHN I'. GRAY, M. D., LL. D., Professor of Psychological Medicine and Medical Jurisprudence. ERSKINK MASON, M. D., Clinical Professor of Surgery. LEROY MILTON YALE, M. D., U>eturer Adjunct upon Orthopedic Surgery. JOSEPH W. HOWE.M. I)., Clinical Professor of Surgery . BEVERLY UOltlNSiiN. M. D., Lecturer upon Clinical Medicine. FRANK II. BOSWORTH, M. IK, Lecturer upon Diseases of the Throat. CHAS. A. DOREMUS, M. D., PH. D., Lecturer upon Practical Chemistry and Toxi- cology. FREDERICK S. DENNIS, M. D., M. R. C. S., ) _ _ .,.,-_ _ f *....,.. WILLIAM H. WKLCH, M. D., \ V*mott&t<>n of Anatomy. FEES FOR THE REGULAR SESSION. - Fe for Ticket* to til the Lecture* during the Preliminary and Regular Term. indudiiiK CUnic-al Lecture.. fli.ui; Matriru: i ..M). 10.110 ; Graduation Fee, SO 00. FEES FOR THE SPRING SESSION.- Matriculation (Ticket valid for the following Winter), ...!> ; Kecitationi, Clinien, and Lecture*, 34.00 i DisMction (Ticket valid fur th* following Winter), 1 For the Annual Circular and Catalogue, giving regulations for graduation and other information, addres* PROF AUSTI N FLINT, JR., Secretary, Believue HosfJtlat Medical Colltgi. PHOSPHOROLE. PHOSPHORUS and COD-LIVER OIL Have now an established position throughout the civilized world as important therapeutical agents. A PERFECT COMBINATION OF THE TWO Has long been a desideratum, since they are both of value in the same disorders, while the cases in which one is demanded and the other con- tra-indicated are exceedingly rare. The combination in PHOSPHOROLE has the twofold advantage of furnishing The best possible form for the administration of Phosphorus, and a more effective form for the administra~ tion of Cod-Ziiver Oil, As a means then of administering phosphorus in the many cases in which it is indicated as a nervous tonic and stimulant, it is claimed that PHOSPHOROLE is The best attainable in the present state of our knowledge. PHOSPHOROLE is handsomely put up in pint bottles only, and may be obtained ft all first-class druggists throughout the United States. Descriptive Circulars furnished upon application. Correspondence with Physicians solicited. BILLINGS, CLAPP & Co. MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS, BOSTON. L Direct Importer of tt Ever brought STRICTLY FOR A 000 607 263 WUU1UUUI U11U I Tokay cr_Ausbrnch, E8 to this Country. MEDICINAL USE. 13 West 11th Street. New York. Mr. REICH will be pleased to Me those of the Med- ical Profession who may desire to avail themselves of the opportunity of procuring Strictly First-class Wines, which have received the indorsement of the most eminent medical men of the country, as is evi- denced from the following letters of commendation which have been received : " This is to certify that I have examined Mr. L. REICH'S TOKAYER AU3BRUCII, TOKAYEIl MAS- LAS, and BUDA1 IMP. I take great pleasure in commending these Wines to the Medical Profession because of their purity.' 1 R. OGDEN DOREMU3. M. D., LL. D. Prof, of Chemistry and Toxicology in Bellevue linn- pltal Medical College, and Professor of Chemistry and Physics in College of the City of New York. " We have used in our practice the Hungarian Wines sold by Mr. LORENZ REICH, who puts them on the market unadulterated, just as they are imported. To this fact we attribute their great value as a med- icine in diseases where such tonics are indicated, especially in those which are attended by defective digestion and imperfect assimilation. We cordially recommend Mr. Reich and his Wines to our professional brethren." J. MARION SIMS, M. D., Late Surgeon to the Woman's Hospital, New York. ALFRED I,. LOOMFS, M. D., Prof, of Pathology and Practice of Medicine, I'niver- sity of City of N-w York. JOSEPU PANCOAST, M. D., Kmeritus'^Prof. of General, Descriptive, and Surgical Anatomy, Jefferson Medical College. The Wines will be shipped to any part of the United States. Physicians wishing to test these Wines will, on application.be fur- nished with an original bottle at half price. I>:R,IOE LIST. Per Case of 12 Bottles. Per Case of 12 Bottles. Tokayer AuBbruch, 1866. . .$30.00 I Somlyai Impl., 1868 $14.00 Tokayer Maslas, 1866. . . 24.00 | Budai Impl., 1868 12.00 NOTICE. My Wines are not for sale in any drug store or from dealers. To be obtained only by direct application to L BEIOH, 13 West llth St.between Broadway & University Place. NEW YORK.