UC-NRLF • •'•■'■•■''■''''"muiimimmiii f^ m XTbe TUniversiti? of Cbicaao FOUNDED BY JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER m TABLETS FROM THE R. CAMPBELL THOMPSON COLLECTION IN HAS- KELL ORIENTAL MUSEUM A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ARTS AND LITERATURE IN CANDIDACY FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (department of SEMITIC LANGUAGES AND LITERATT;^S^:.r«r^ .^ BY IVAN LEE HOLT Reprinted from The American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures Vol. XXVII, No. 3, April 191 1 XTbe 'Glniversiti^ ot Cbicaoo FOUNDED BY JOHN D ROCKEFELLER TABLETS FROM THE R. CAMPBELL THOMPSON COLLECTION IN HAS- KELL ORIENTAL MUSEUM A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ARTS AND LITERATURE IN CANDIDACY FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (DEPARTMENT OF SEMITIC LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES) BY IVAN LEE HOLT Reprinted from The American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures Vol. XXVII, No. 3, April 191 1 EXCHANGE MAlhl SEMITIC LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES (CONTINUING HEBRAICA) THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF Volume XXVII APllIL, 1911 Number 3 TABLETS FROM THE R. CAMPBELL THOMPSON COL- LECTION IN HASKELL ORIENTAL MUSEUM, THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO By Ivan Lee Holt St. Louis, Mo. The tablets here published belong to a collection presented to the University of Chicago in 1908, by Mr. R. Campbell Thompson, formerly assistant profes&pr of the Semitic lan- guages in the LTniversity. It is a'ow;, k;no^3l' as 'the ; Ri'C.T. Collection and contains, in addition" 'tcA th(i ' tablets herein pub- lished, (1) a few other badly broken contract tablets; (2) about fifty fragments of tablets, including the fragments of many astronomical texts; (3) nearly two hundred cones or fragments of cones of Gudea. Most of the tablets are in a poor state of preservation ; many crumble in the hands, while several others have been rubbed so badly that the text is scarcely legible. This has rendered work on them very difficult. Few restorations have been made ; these are inclosed in brackets in the transliterations. Every trace of a sign has been indicated in the texts. ROT, 1 Transliteration : (Obv.) ' [L a-du] I [L]. ^[L a]-du II [C]. ^L] a-dd III [CLj. »[L] A-DU IV [CC|. ^L A-DU V CCL. «L a-du VI CCC 'L A-DU VII CCCL. *'[L a]-du VIII CCCC. "[L a]-du IX [CCCCL]. 19.3 . 904280 194 The American Journal of Semitic Languages '"[L a1-du X |D|. (Rev.) '[L] a-du XI | DL], ^'[L] a-du XII (DCl. '[L] A-Du XIII [DCL]. *[L] A-DU XIV [DCC|. '[L a-du XV DCCL] '[h A-DU XVI DCCC] '[L A-DU XVII DCCCL.] ^L a-du XVIII CM.] «[L A-DU XIX CML.] '"[L A-DU XX M.] Translation: (Obv.) 50 X 1 = 50, 50x2=100, 50x3 = 150, 50x4 = 200, 50X5 = 250, 50x6 = 300, 50x7 = 350, 50x8 = 400, 50x9 = 450, 50X10 = 500. (Rev.) 50X11 = 550, 50x12 = 600, 50x13 = 650, 50x14 = 700, 50x15 = 750, 50x16 = 800, 50x17 = 850, 50x18 = 900, 50x19, = 950, 50X20=1, (XX). It is interesting to note the method of writing numerals in this multiplication table, Adu is the regular Sumerian equiva- lent for the English "times," German "Mai." Cf. Prince, SL, p. 19. Its use in the arithmetical formulae of the Babylonians is an indication of the persistent influence of Sumerian culture on Babylon ; cf. Hilprecht, BE, XX, p. 23. RCT, 2 Transliteration: (Obv.) 'l/2ma-na 3 siklu kaspi . . . . -maru sa -mDa-bi-bi . . . ^'mMar-duk . . . Hx^ ^'" (Rev.) 'am6i sang-u -ndNabu . . . -Babili'^i ^m Ar-sa-[ka-a sar sarrani]. Arab&^j6;note-: npaj. ; : Translation:* (ObV;) ''l'/^ mina 3 shekels of silver . . . , son of DabilU i :/.:.;',;Miirc|uk .; ..'. .'V.-and (Rev.) The priest Nabu- . . . .' T^aByldu '. '.' '. *.' Arsaces, king of kings. Aramaic note : "Writing of . . , ." L. 2 : For Dabibi as a name element cf. Tallqvist, Xciibdhij- lonisches Namenbuch* See also Clay, BE, VIII, Part I, under the list of proper names. Rev. 1-3 : For other tablets from this period cf. ZA, III, pp. 129 f. Aramaic note: cf. Stevenson, Assijridn und B(ibijloni(ui Contracts, p. 144, No. 40. RCT, 3 Transliteration: (Obv.) ' '^Bel ... - apil '"''Ea-ilutu(-tu)-ibui -^a-na harrani inim-ma ma-la ina eli Mp-pu-.su a-hi ina ti-tur '"''Bel-iddin Mt-ti Ri-mut- tiBel ik-kal «a-di 4 siklu kaspi pu-ut zitti '1/3 Ri-mut-«iBel la epus sa eli Mi'u kaspi .sa harrfini " '"fiNabu-mudammik apil-su sa 'nfJNabft-taris apil ™ l"'RiJ-lmlt-'^Bel apil-su sa -' [Ea]-ilfttii(-tu)-ibni. Translation : (Obv.) Bel . . . , son of Ea-ilutu-ibni, for a partnership. Whatever therein they shall make, a share in this profit Bel-iddin together with Rimut-Bel shall enjoy, up to 4 shekels of silver for a share. One- third (of his share) Riniftt-Bel has not paid in, which (is specified) on the tablet of silver of partnership of Nabti-mudammik, the son of Nabu-taris, the son of Ea-ilutu-ibni. Witnesses : Labasi-Marduk the son of Kabtiya, the son of Egibi. (Rev.) Rimut-Bel, the son of [Ea]-ilutu- ibni. This tablet deals with a partnership. Bel-iddin and Rimut- Bel are the contracting parties ; one-third of the latter's share has not been paid in ; the amount of income on a share is limited. L. 3: harraui is, perhaps, "business partnership"; cf. Strass- maier, Nb, 199, -1, and Nbk, 88, 5. L. 4 : titur is profit, surplus (ini) ; cf. Strassmaier, Nbk, 51, 4, and Cijr, 148, 7. L. 5 : ikkal = shall enjoy. L. 8: Gis-Li-HU-si-UM = li'u, tablet. Br., 1127. Cf. Johns, AssijriaH Deeds and Documents,* pp. 115 and 116. RCT, 4 Transliteration: (Obv.) ' pi . . . ^. . . . ^dggi-erba mar ... "... ir-is-ti(?) ul si-ni(-ik)? ... *. . . a a^ba Addaru lib-bu-u .... ^ mes .sir .... Translation : (Obv.) Bel-erba, the son of (?) not (be pressed together) (?) . . . month Addar in the midst of All that can be read with certainty in this tablet is the proper name in 1. 2. L. 3: sinik, from sanaku = press together, close. Reading uncertain. L. 4 : libbti = ina libbi. RCT, 5 Transliteration: '18kaki-me -a-na i?pidnu f ^lainahirBSl- itti-ia 12 ka mahir ♦arah Abu umu 9 ^an. Translation : 18 ka of meal for the table Bel-ittiya has not received ; he has received 12 ka. Month Abu, day the ninth. ♦Hereafter, ADD. t Written gi5-da. 196 The American Journal of Semitic Languages Bel-ittiya has received only a part of the meal he ordered for taV)le use. gis-da = pidiiu ; of. Strassmaier, Nb, 95, 5; '219, 2; 558, 11. See also II R, 40 a, b, 4;i, and Peiser, BahyloniscJie Vertrdfjc* p. 802. LI. 1 and 3: For ka see Johns, Babylonian and Assyrian Laws, etc., pp. 398 and 399, where further litera- ture is cited. RCT, f) Transliteration: (Obv.) '[Ina hul-iid lib-]M-[su ^. . . . ru-ba »™^i mu-ban-nu .... ''bit Samas sa Sippara^^'f ^^^^ . . . *arah Tebetu u arah Addaru napharu 4 arhu amel mu- [ban-nuj Mua E-babbara(-ra) u 4 arhe .... ''sa l)it ^Belit Sipparaif abti - i t - 1 a n - n u in a r •» B a - 1 a - [t i Mna hu-ud lib-bi-su a-na i-ti-[ru hia-di-e dul-lu sa nam-zi-tum a-di eli *ki-[it] dul-lu-su a-na arhiS siklu kaspi • • . ' ka bit(?j .... (Rev.) ' 'a -sar sa-nam-mu .... 1/2 ma-na kaspi i-nam-din ^a">^ic^)inu-dii(?) 'ndBel-uballit(-it) mar mdNabu-it-tan-nu ^^silli-dBel am6igal-la sa mU-din-na-' Msten(A-AN)ilku(-u). (Edge)mdBel- uballit(it) Babiliki arahAiruumu IS^au sa ttu lO^an niAr-[tab- sa-as-su sar matati]. (End) .... dul-lu sa(?) id-di-nu dul- lu 198 The American Journal of Semitic Languages Translation: Nabfl-ittannu the son of Balati willingly for the payment completing of the work on the vessels; until the end of his work (at the rate of) 3 shekels of silver per month . , In case another .... he shall pay 1/2 mina of silver. The artisan(?) Bel-uballit the son Nabft-ittannu (and) Silli-Bel the slave of Udinna' have received one [copy]. Bel-uballit, Babylon, month of Ayaru, day the thirteenth, year the tenth of Artaxerxes king of lands. .... work of ... . They have paid; work .... Nabti-ittannu lets the contract for the making of some kind of a vessel, the workman to receive 3 shekels of silver a month. L. 3: nadie, inf. of nadii, completing, doing (lit. putting down). Dullu: cf. BA, I, 509. namzitum = vessel of some kind (root J^T'J), Mischkrug( ?). Cf. Strassmaier, Nb, 761, 6 (namzu siparri) and Peiser, BV, p. 287, 1, II. (Rev.) L. 2: asar = in case, if. L. 3: ^™®'mtidti ( ?) : Is this "the one who knows," hence "expert workman," "craftsman"? L. 5: the full expression is isten safari ilkti = have taken one copy of the con- tract. Cf. the parallel instance in BA, III, p. 477, Bemerkungen. For contract work to metal workers see Luckenbill, AJSL, XXIII, 321 f. KCT, 10 Transliteration: (Obv.) 'mi-sir sa ^Xa-zi -ultu muhhi mi-sir sa •" ^sa md]3el-a-su-u-a *ultu muhhi mi-sir sa "" bu Translation: Boundary of Nazi from the boundary of of Bel-asua .... from the boundary of This tablet fixes the boundary of a piece of land extending from the property of one man to that of another. LI. 2 and -4: the only place in these tablets where ultu is written ideographi- cally (ta). For the phrase ultu muhhi misir cf. Strassmaier, Nb, 17, 2. L. 3: Bel-astia, Bel is my physician. Cf. Strass- maier, Dr, 379, 42. ROT, 11 Transliteration : (Obv). '1 1 / 2 m a - n a 6 s i k 1 u k a s p i s i - m i - s i - en-numakkuru ^Nin-ib .... ^sa aiuBlt-za-an-hi mu-bi . . . . *sa ina kata mXa-nit-tum .... ^ en-su-nu zer-la- . . . « turn dBel .... '. . . . m . . . . Tablets from R. Campbell Thompson Collection 199 Translation: 1 1/2 minas, 6 shekels of silver the jn-ice of the small cattle, the propert}" of Xin-il) .... of the city Bit-zaiihi . . . which b}' the hands of Tanittmu .... their(?) Bel The purchase of small cattle(?) belonging to the temple of Ninib is here recorded. L. 2: si-en-nu = si-e-nu( ?). The context seems to point to such an interpretation. L. 3: Bit- zanbi- Where? It was perhaps in a territory sacred to Ninib. ROT, 12 (A and B) Transliteration: (Obv.) '. . . . 2 1/2 nia-na si(?) . . . 2aiuKutu sa '««'Nabu-aheP^-iddiua(-na) ^mari-su sa "Su-la-a mar»nE-gi-bi M-na kata ™Zeri-ia mari-su sa '"'^^Nergal-ubal- lit(-it) ^mar "^Sag-di-di a-na ka-si-ia(?) .... ku ®i-sa-mu- m a i - n a a - d i u - s u . . . . s u - m a ' i k - k a - b a u a r - k i 1 / 3 ma-na kaspi '^a-na Zeri-ia id-di-nu-ma ri-hi-it "mas-ka-nu is-ba-tii a-di eli sa dup-pi '°sa zeri sa mahir u raas-ka- nu-u i-kat-tu-ma (Rev.) ^Zeri-ia ma -'i-na sa-la-su a-na kaspi ul i-na-ad-din ^a-na si-ri k-ti ul i-sa-ar-ra-ak *u a-na ri-e-mu-tu ul i-ri-mu '" hu-bu-ut-ta-tum a-na muhhi "^ul i-di-su ik- a "Pa-ni mdBel-etir(-ir) «»Kln-zer mdNergal-usallim ^mdBel-uballit(-it) mRin-zer- aplu(?) mRa-nu-nu ameidaianu ■'•"Ri-mut- Bel(?) mNa-di-nii-u '"<^Nabu-iddina(-na)(?) mdXabu-na'id(?) sar Babiliki 9k an 12(B): Top edge, i-na 3-su. Right edge, i-na 3-su, Bottom edge, 2 2/3 ma-na kaspi Left edge, 2 2/3ma-na kaspi a-di kabti ... . a-di kabti 10 m a - u a 10 m a-na Translation: .... 2 1/2 minas city Kutha of Nabft- ahe-iddina the son of Sula the son of Egibi through Zeriya the son of Nergal-uballit the son of Sagdidi for maintenance(?) They shall agree on until and after 1/3 miua of silver to Zeriya they have paid and the rest of the pledge they have taken according to the tablet from the seed which has been received, then they will have completed the pledge. Zeriya in three (payments) for the silver he shall not pay; for a gift he shall not give it, and for a favor he shall not remit it ...... a loan to they shall not renew Before Bel-etir, Kin-zer, Xergal-usallim, Bel-uballit, Kin-zer- aplu(?), Banunu, the judge, Rimut-Bel(?), Nadinu, Nabu-iddiua(?). Nabonidus king of Babylon the ninth. 12(B) (edges): In three payments(?). 2 2/3 minas of silver for 10 minas. 200 The American Journal of Semitic Languages Nabu-ab6-iddina through his agent Zeriya has placed a loan for the purchase of food su[)[)lies(?). The loan is to be i)aid to Zeriya in money and kind. L. 2: Ktitu; cf. Strassmaier, Nh, 47, rev. 13. Nabu-ahe-iddin a/s Sula a/ Egibi is well known in the reigns of Nebuchadrezzar, Evil-Merodach and Nabonidus. Cf. Tallqvist, xVA^. L. 5: ka-si-ia( ?) ^maintenance, root nC5. Cf. Nb, 2()9, 3, where this meaning seems to be clear. L. 6 : isamuuia, present tense. L. 7: ika])a, the imperfect context renders it uncertain whether this is a complete word (kebu = speak), or only the last part of another word. L, 9 : adi eli = according to; cf. Nb, 17, 3. L. 10: ikatuma = pay uj) in full, completely satisfy; root Tinp . (Rev.) L. 2: the debtor appears to be the subject of inMdin while the creditor is the subject of the verbs in the next two lines. The force of the lines seems to be : This is a strictly business transaction ; the debtor is not to pay his debt in a succession of small amounts, nor shall the creditor cancel the obligation because of a particular friend- ship for the debtor. L. 5 : hubuttatum = loan without interest; cf. Meissner, Beitrdge znm altbabylonischen Privatrecht, 117, and ZA, VI, 444. L. 10 : the reading of the king's name is uncertain. For the duplicate text (12, B) see the comment on RCT, 22. In a salasu on the edge may refer to three payments. RCT, 13 Transliteration: (Obv.) ' 11 -'.... slmu ekli-su kaspi ... ^ . . . gu-ub-ba-af?) ul i-si ... *. . . mes ki-im-tum ni-su-tum u sa-la-tum . . . (Rev.) ' amei a-si-i sa i-ra-ag-gu- .... "... ma ekli su-a-tini ul na-di-iu . . . '. . . ul ina-hi-ir '""^1 pa-kir-ra-nu kaspi t a - a - a n . Translation : the price of his field (in) silver . . . (?).... there is not (they) shall not complain, whatever family, male and female members .... .... the physician who sliall complain "• that field is not given is not received," he is a plaintitf. The money .... This tablet has reference to complaint proceedings against the sale of a tield. L. 5: nisutum u salatum == male and Tablets from R. Campbell Thompson Collection 201 female ; cf. Tallqvist, .VX (Rev.) This is a i)ortioii of the ivgu- hu- formula for complaint. Cf. Tallqvist under ""'<^'pakirranu. ROT, 14 Transliteration: (Obv.) ' . . . KAK bi-ri-hu - . KAK bi-ri-hu ^ . KAK l)i-ri-hu *. . . KAK bi-ri-hu ' . . . KAK bi-ri-feu «. . . KAK bi-ri-hu "... KAK b.i-ri-hu. The text is too fragmentary to warrant any translation. Because of the seven repetitions of these signs one might expect this fragment to be a portion of a charm or incantation text; biit it seems to be rather a portion of a syllabary. Its meaning is uncertain. RCT, 15 Transliteration: (Obv.) ' kaspi[simi] . . . ^amiitu gal- lat sa mSu- .... ^mArdi-ia apil-su sa >". . . . ^apil m£pes(-es)-ili(?) . • =*E-sag-ila ''a-na makkuru [E- sag-ila] . . . (Rev.) 'am§iniu-kin-nu -apil-su sa mdMar- duk- .... 3mdXabu-bu-un-su-tur *apil ameigangu Gula mBa- .... "mTabi-ia apil mKa-za(?) mlddin- dNabu apil-su sa . . . . Babili^i arah «ifiNabti-ua'id [sar Babiliki]. (Side) aban kunukku ^Zeri-ia ameisa-tam(-mu) E-sag-ila. Translation : silver the price of . . . the slave of Su- . . . Ardiya the son of ... . the son of Epes-ili .... Esagila for the property of Esagila .... Witnesses : the son of Marduk .... Nabu-bun-sutur .... the son of the priest of Gula, Ba Tabiya the sou of Ka-za(?) . . • , Iddin-Nabu the son of Babylon mouth Nabu-na'id, king of Babylon. (Side) Seal of Zeriya the store-keeper of Esagila. A slave sale or purchase is here recorded. L. 2 : one would expect s^igallat {Nb, 253, 6) ; but cf. Nh, 082 and KB, IV, 244, 43, 1. Rev. 1. 3 : on the name Nabu-biin-stitur cf. Tallqvist, NN. Edge, ^"S' sat am: Tallqvist is not sure of the meaning. The sutummu was the storehouse; cf. Nb, 648, 12; 168, 2; 550, 3, etc. There was not only a royal storehouse but ap- parently a storehouse for each temple.* The ^'"^'satam was not a judge {Riclttcr; cf. Reiser in the places cited in KB, in the footnote), but the keeper of the storehouse. Cf. Johns, *For iitkUtional evideuco of this fact cf. KB, IV, 172, No. II, 27, and 224, No. II. 202 The American Journal of Semitic Languages ADD (local governor), and especially Godbey, Notes on Some Officials of flic Sdrj/oiiid Period, p. 33, note. KCT, 16 Transliteration: ga-lu-u e(?)-kur-gal i Ea-iddina(-na) . . . .(?) se a-zi-bi(?)-di(?) Translation: . . .(?) . . .(?) . . Ea-iddina . . grain (?) . .(?) L. 1 : . . . galnn. Reading uncertain; the tirst sign may not be ga. L. 2: kur gal is sadu rabu; when preceded by the determinative for deity it is Bel. It is not possible to tell what the first sign is; it may be E(bitu) — but no such temple is known. RCT, 17 Transliteration: (Obv.) '. . . . siklu kaspi . . . -. . . . i-? ?. . . . . . sa >ndgj|inas-zer-ibui ... ' ku-tum ... *. . . . 9 . . . . (Rev.) 'nifiNabti-kudurru-usur -'sar BabiliC^i], Translation : . . . . shekels of silver . . . . ? of Sanias- zer-ibni ? 9 . . Nebuchadrezzar, king of Baby- lon. So little of the tablet remains that it is impossible to make out its contents. It is one of the collection, however, that bears the name of the king under whom it was dated, viz., Nebuchad- rezzar. The name, Samas-zer-ibni, is known on several con- tracts of the time of Nebuchadrezzar. Cf. Tallqvist, XN, under same. RCT, 18 Transliteration: (Obv.) ^2 ma-na kaspi si-mi - bi(?) ^apil middiu- ^'Marduk sa, . . . . [mlkisa]-a apil "iNur- ^Sanias * sattu 8-kan m'^Nabu-Uc'i'id sar mati ■' an-nu sa eli ki-it sa * turn? ? a-ua muhlii(?) is-ku-nu-ma ' "'dBel-ili-su e-di-ru Ma i-si Ku- .... tuin a-ua "^Iddin- d]\Iarduk ''ik-bi um-ma kaspi a-na e-di-ri-it '"la i-si mNfij-. fiSamas u '"Zer- (Rev.) ' ""'«i inu-kin-nu ^Mu-ra-nu mari-su sa '"fiMarduk-sum-ibni -'apil "lE-gi-bi ™fiMarduk- zer(?)-ibni? mar mMu-ra-nu ^apil mE-gi-bi "id^abft-apil- iddin apil-su sa '»<'Nabu-muballit(-it) ^apil mfiBel-e-te-ru indNabu-ku-.sur-su apil-su sa '^'"Mu-ra-su-u apil ^Pap-pa- a-a mLil)-lut apil-su sa ''"'itti- dMarduk-balatu apil mE-gj. bi •"'•Bel-it-tan-uu "amoi dup-sar maru sa n^Ikisa- ^Marduk Tablets from R. Campbell Thompson Collection 203 apil ™Kalbi- dNannar ''Babiliki arahUlulu umu 2r,iNa-na-a . • • -^ • • mJddina-'iBel ". . . . ^Marduk apil am^isangu* ^Adad mdga- mas-zer-ikisa ' apil "'•iSin-balatu-A-si ' sa mdBel- '". ... turn Translation: king(?) against Sapik-zer the son of Dummuku the son of Zer-iljiii. At the end of the month * Written e-bae. 204 Tile American Journal of Semitic Languages Du'iizu .... iiiiiias 1/8 shekels of isihcr, halved, he shall pay . . . . }sabu-itti3a, the Cilician to Iddiii-Nabu, the sou of Buuanu, the son of Li'6a Iddiii-Nabfi to Sakin-Nabfi will make good (they) have paid and Sapik-zer, the son of Dinnmuku, son(?) of Zer-ibni, the son of Silla, the son of the master-builder .... of Nabu-ittiya the slave. (Rev.) (he) will make good (he) will make good (the debt) paying (it) the son of Bel-ahe- iddin -nmsallim, the son of Sin-balatu-A-si .... -ahe-musal- lim Ebal)]«ua .... Nana Iddin-Bel -Mar- duk, the son of the priest of Adad, Samas-zer-ikisa the son of Sin-balatu-A-si ... of Bel Sapik-zer for a loan or a debt owes some silver. L. 4: bitka; cf. BA, I, 516, note 2, and Peiser, BV, 229. L 5: ameiaiujji. likaia=Cilician. For the so-called gentilic ending cf. Delitzsch, Assijrische Grammatik, pp. 55 f. For Hilakku see Delitzsch, Wn lof/ (las Paradics, pp. 245, 249, 288. L. 10: «"»^irab-bani = chief architect. (Rev.) 1. 2: for the writing ittiru cf. Xh, 350, 17, and 764, 18. L. 7: E-BAR:=sangu. Cf. BA, I, p. 279, where Jeremias reads e-mas ; this reading is shown to be incorrect by Scheil, Bee. Trav. XVIII, 33, No. XII, face ii, 3, where the word is written phonetically e-ba-ar. LI. 4 and 8: Sin-balatu- a-si. It is difficult to tell what the reading of a-si should be. RCT, 20(A) Transliteration: (Obv.) '. . . ma-na . . . siklu kaspi bit-ka(?) -. . . nu sa "^Mu-se-zib-tum apil »'Nviru(ru)-ra-am(?) ina muhhi ^'mgi-ig-ku apil-su sa "nlddin-apli mar '»E-gi-bi .... *fMu-se-zib-tiim u ^Na-ru-u am6]ia.(mu)-ta-ni-su .... ^el(?)- tum sa ^Mu-se-zib-tum a-na sum middin-apli ad- ^ . . . . . tum u el-tum sa ^Na-ru-u "a-na sum sa ">Si-is-ku sat-ra- tum mas-ka-nu sa n^Mu-se-zib-ftum) 'i-di an^^^a-me-lut-tum ia-a-nu hubullu kaspi ia-a-nu '''i '"f'lrfisvi sa-nam-ma a-na muljhi i(?)-ra-gam-mu-ma '"a-na muhhi sa "'Mu-se-zib kas- pa'a 2 ma-na . . . siklu kaspi "mah(?)-ri-tu sa bit-ka ia-(?)-nu mahir(?) .... '- i-tam-ku(?) .... (Rev.) '"ifiMarduk-na(?)-sir(?) apil-su sa "'Itti-^'iMarduk-balatu ^i-na hu-ud lib-bi-su a-na ■*.... la-su a-na la-ma-a-du ameijim-u-tu ^'"Itti-ia u 3 arhoi'i-a-na ^'"Gu-za- nu maru sa ™|Ja-am-ba-ku mar"""'i tu 'id-din :*'n^'niu- u-tu dul-hi . . . na-su ga .... 'ki-i ul-tam-mi-du-su it-ta- ad-din ">''iMarduk-(na)(?)-sir(?) 'a-na '"Gu-za-nu i-nam- din ki-i la ul-tam -mi-du ''I sattu 3 ka .se-bar man-da-at sa Tablets from R. Campbell Thompson Collection 205 '>'Itti-''Marduk-balatu '""iGu-za-nu a-na "itJMaicluk-na-sir(?) "niitti-dMarduk-balatu(?) isten(ta-a-aii) sa-ta-ri. (Top edge) sattu I^an, etc. (Right edge) sattu Ikan, etc. (Bottom edge) kaspa'a(?), etc. (Left edge) kaspa'a(?), etc. Translation: . . . minas . . . shekels of silver, halved, .... .... of Musezibtum, the son of Ntiruram(?) against Sisku, the son of Iddin-apli, the sou of Egibi Musezibtum and Narft, his female slaves .... The contract(?) of Musezibtum in the name of Iddin-apli and the contract(?) of Naiu in the name of Sisku is written, as a pledge of Musezibtum. A mortgage on the slaves there is not; interest on the money theie shall not be. Another creditor shall make his claim therefor and because of the fact that Musezib the money, 2 minas . . . shekels of silver, formerly (?) received . . (Rev.) Marduk-nasir(?), the son of Itti-Marduk-balatu, willingly to .... for teaching. The servant Ittiya and 3 months to Guzanu the son of IJambaku, the son of the he gave; the servant the work If he teaches him he shall pay Marduk- nasir(?) to Guzanu will pay; (but) if he does not teach him for each year 3 ka of grain, the tribute of Itti-Marduk-balatu, Guzanu to Marduk- nasir(?) (shall pay). Itti-Marduk-balatu one copy (shall take). (Top edge) First year. (Right edgej First year. (Bottom edge) Silver, etc. (Left edge) Silver, etc. This tablet deals with the sale of two female slaves, Musezib- tum and Narti. The owner bears the name Musezibtum (11. 2 and 7 ) and sells to Sisku. It seems that one of these slaves, Musezibtum, is deeded over to the father of Sisku, viz., Iddin-apli. The transac- tion calls for "no mortgage and no interest on the money." The reverse, however, deals with a different case. Marduk-nasir( ?), the son of Itti-Marduk-balatu, is apprenticed to Guzanu to learn a trade. In case he learns the trade Guzanu will be remunerated ; but if he does not learn it then Guzanu must pay the father 3 ka of grain a year. There is a duplicate of this tablet (20 B), whose reverse is badly broken but seems to contain the list of witnesses to the obverse, which is the same as the obverse of 20 A. For further discussion see notes on RCT, 22. L. 2: the name Ntlru (-ru)-ram may not be read correctly. L. 4: ^'^^^ lamutanisu; cf. BA, I, 497, and especially the note on the use of the word in Tallqvist, NN. el- turn probably means contract ; cf. Lex. L. 7 : satratum is pm. L. 8: idi; cf. BA, I, 517. amelutum is an abstract collective noun {Menschheit). (Rev.) 1. 3: '^•"^'MU-utu 206 The American Journal of Semitic Languages denotes some kind of service; cf. Nb, 336, 4 and 780, 4. L. 0: cf. BA, I, p. 509. L. 7: ki-i^^^in case, ultammidu is IIIj (ustalmid— :ultaimid = ultammid). Cf. Dt4itzsch, AG^, 128. L. 9: se-bar; cf. 5.4, I, 515. L. 11: cf. BA, III, 466, No. 15; 477, No. 27 ; and Nb, 760, 25. RCT, 21 Transliteration: (Obv.) ' m^iMarduk-iklsa-an-ui ^n^^'sa-na- nu-u sa aluSa-ha-ri-nu apil-su sa "^Ardi-ia-a -nis '^Bel f'Nabvi u '"Da-ri-ia-mus sarri a-na '"''Nabu-aheP'-bul-lit 'niari-su sa "»Itti- Marduk-balatu mar "^E-gi-bi it te-me 'a-ki-i a-di-i umu 26kan g^ arah Simanu sa sattu 14kan mDa- ri-ia-mus ^sar Ba])iliki ri(?) .... tum(?) . . . ma a-na as(?) .... ka(?) ^sa aii Babiliki umu 13(?)kan arah Xisaunu sa sattu 14kan ' mDa-ri-ia-mus sarri .... mu-ti . . . . su e-na-uu Mk-ba-a um-ma ab-kam-ma(?)a-na ''"dNabu-aheP^-bul-lit u ha(?) . . ar(?) .... as-su •" u . . ta(?)-an-na'am6i ir-ru-u-tu " mdXabti- ahePM)ul-lit nu (Rev.)'. . . . ar e-si-sib(?) . . . ma a-na "i^^Nabu-ahe-bul-lit - '"f'Marduk-ikisa- an-ui iua Bel sarri it-te-me ^ki-i a-na uu .... kab . . . . amei mu-kin-nu U-bar apil-su sa ^m'^Marduk-etir mar "^ . . . . . . . ^Lib-hit apil-su sa "'Zeri-ia ^apil "^E-di-ru apil-su sa '"<^Nabu-zer-iddiu apil "^La-a-ba-si ^mdjifabu- iddin apil-su sa "^^Nabu-bul-lit-su apil-su sa '"Iddin- f^Xabft '•"Di-di-ia apil-su sa i"La-a-ba-si «"^Nabu .... ha . . . **apil-su sa ™dBel-iddin apil ""Niir-ilani m. . . . tum apil-su sa radjijabfj-ka-sir 'apil"! amei pahharu mcigamas-iddin apil- su sa ""Ki-na-a mar nitiEa-ua(?)-sir(?) '"mdAdar-iddin apil-su sa ™Kal-ba-a a^ei sangu ^Marduk "'ndBgi.ahe/''-iddin apil- su sa 'nd]sjabu-KU(?)-lisir apil Mu-se-zib- dXabu(?) '-mlddin- ''Bel apil-su sa mSamas-bullit-su apil mdXabu-balat-su- ik-bi. Translation: Marduk-ikisjinni the second officer of Saharin, the sou of Ardiya, in the name of Bel, Xabii, and Darius, the king, unto Nabfi- ahe-bullit, the son of Itti-]\Iarduk-l)alatu, the son of Egibi, swore as follows : " To the 2()th da}' of the month Simanu of the fourteenth year of Darius king of Babylon to of the citj' Babylon .... the thirteenth (?) da}' of the month Xisannu of the fourteenth year of Darius the king his(?) ... at that time he spoke as follows ? ... to Nabfi-ahe-bullit .... (Rev.) to Nabu-ahe- bullit Marduk-ikisauni by(?) Bel (and) the king swore ac- cording to Witnesses : Ubar, the son of Marduk-6tir, the son Tablets from R. Campbell Thompson Collection 207 of , Liblut, the son of ZeriAa, the son of Ediru, the son of Nabft-zer-iddin, the son of Labasi, Nabft-iddin, the son of Nabtl- biillit, the son of Iddin-Xabu, Didiya, the son of Lal)ashi, Nabti- ... ha .... the son of Bel-iddin, the .son of Xur-ihtni, the son of Nal)U-kasir, the son of the potter, Sanias-iddin, the son of Kina, the son of Ea-nasir(?), Adar-iddin, the .son of Kalba, the priest of Marduk, Bel-ahe-iddin, the son of Nabu-KU-lisir, the son of Musezib-Nabti, Iddin-Bel, the son of Samas-bullitsu, the son of NabH-balatsu-ikbi. Mardnk-ikisanni takes an oath in the name of Bel, Nabti, and the reigning king. Darius, to Nabu-ahe-bullit. The next lines are too mutilated to tell his words. L. 1: ^'"^'sananii ^the second officer (administrative). ^'"Saharinu. Usually written Salj-ri-in (Sah-ri-ni, Sah-ri-in-nu). L. 2: the tirst sign seems to be zi ; it is the same zi that occurs so often in the in- cantations — ZI AN-NA HE-PA (in the name of heaven be thou cursed, etc.); cf. Thompson, Devils, passim. L. 8: the verb bakamu (pluck out) does not suit the context ; abkamma is probably the last part of an incomplete word. L. 10 : ^"^^irrutu. Delitzsch {HWB) recognizes four forms of a ram (1'^X) — (1) curse, (2) bind, (3) burn, (4) tremble; from (2) there is a noun formation, irru = fetter, sling, rope. Can irrtitu be a forma- tion from this? ^""^Hrrtitu would then probably be a trapper, a slinger. (Cf. arru [if rr^] = Vogelfaenger.) There is no context to help determine the meaning. Rev. 1. 9 : ?'"^'pahharu (duk-ka-bur)== potter. Cf. Reiser, BY, p. 248 and Pinches, PSBA, XXIII, 204, 9-10. Aramaic, Xnrs. RCT, 21 (B, C, and D) 21, B: (upper edge) sattu 10, sattu 10. etc. ; (lower edge) same as upper edge. 21. C : (upper edge) sattu 10, sattu 10, etc.; (lower edge) '"Kabti-ilani- dBel dup-sar. 21, D: 2 2/3 ma-na 7 siklu(?) a-di kabti .... 10 ma-na . . . .; (right edge) i-na 3-su, etc. 21, B: (upper and lower edges) tenth 3'ear. 21, C: (upper edge) tenth year; (lower edge) mKabti-ilani- "^ire'u(?) sa "'f'Xabti-ikisa i-bu-ku u i-na lib-bi is-tu-ru 'um-ma 2 ina-na 10 siklu kaspi sImi ^Sik-ku-u u '"Lib-lu-(tu) 'm-'Nabft-ikisa i-lik-ki 1 1/8 ma-na kaspi simi '"'iNabti-it-tan-nu "'"dBel-ki-sir i-lik-ki ar-ki m^Bel-ki-sir it-ti '"mdXabti-iklsa ana eli simi •»c'Na))u-it-tau-uu (Rev.) 'it-ti 2 ma-na 10 siklu ba-ab-ti 3 1/2 uja-na kaspi -simi fSik-ku-u ""iNabu-it-tan-nu u '"Lib-lu-tu ''"fiXabu-ikisa il- te-ki a-di-i ii-il-tim sa simi gam-ru-tu ^ '«fiBel-ki-sir u '"dXabu-ikisa sa pu-ut us-ku-tu ahu-tum ^ isten pu-ut saui(-i) na-su-ii amelmu-kin-nu "^'^Bel-u-dam-mi-ik *maru sa 'ndBel-ahe/''-iddin mar mE-gi-bi '"<' Bel-ib-ni mari-su sa ''nlddina(-na)- f>Nabu mar a^^' ba'ru '"''Nabu-tab-ni-usur mari-su sa ^™Ri-mu-tu mar a>"si re'u ™TJlbi-ia mari-su sa ''■"«lSamas-erba(-ba) mar am^l isparu fiEa mdNabu-tab-ta-ni- usur ^"ameisangu mari-su sa mKit-ti-ia mar amel isparu ^Ea "Babiliki arahKislimu umu 21kan sattu B^an, (Edges): 22, A: (bottom) mKabti-ilani- fiBel(?) dup-sar, "»Kabti-ilani- (iBel(?) dup-sar. 22, C: (bottom) mBalati-ilani ....mi "' B a - . . . . a . . . . , i-na 3 - s u i-na 8 - s u i-na 3 - s u , "1 ati-ilani . . . . mi '"Ba- . . . . a . . . . ; (left) i-na 3-su i-na 8-su i-na 3-su i-na 3-su. 22, D: ™Balati-ihini mZer-lisir, etc. 22, E: ..?... na 1 nu(?), etc. 22, F : ? . na 1 nu(?), etc. 22, G: (top) ka-tim . . . na 1 nu ka-tim . . . na 1 nu; (right) ka-tim; (bottom) ka-tim ka-tim mBalati-ilani '"Zer-lisir ka-tim; (left) . . . na 1 nu. 22, H : (top) '"Marduk-nasir apil-su sa; (right) ka-tim; (l)ottom) ; (left) Translation : Sikku, Xabu-ittannu and Liblutu, the slave property which Itti Marduk-])alatu, the .son of Bel-ahe-iddin, the son of Egibi, for 3 1/2 minas of silver as a complete price, through the agency of Nabu-ikisa, the son of Selibi, the son of the major domus and Bel-ki.sir, the son of Sula, the son of Egibi, the shepherd of Nabu-ikisa, has received and written concerning as follows: "2 minas 10 shekels of silver the price of Sikku and Lililutu Xabii-ikisa shall receive, 1 1/8 minas of silver the price of Nabii-ittannu Bel-ki.sir shall receive. After Belkisir along with Nabft-ikisa, not only the price of Nabft-ittannu but also 2 minas 10 shekels of silver the rest of the 8 1/2 minas of silver, the total price of Sikku Nabii-ittannu and Liblfitu, that Nabu-ikisa has received (has received) — then for a receipt of tlu^ full price Bel-kisir and Nabft-ikisa, acting for the priesthood (?), stand security (one for the other). Witnesses : Bel-udammik, the son of Bel-alje-iddin, the son of Tablets from R. Campbell Thompson Collection 209 Eg-ibi, Bel-ibni, the sou of Iddin-Nabvi, the son of the fisher, Xabtl- taljui-usur, the sou of Riuifttu, the sou of the shepherd, Tabiya, the sou of Sauias-erba, the sou of the weaver of Ea, Nabu-tabtaui-usur, the priest, the son of Kittiya the son of the weaver of Ea. Babylon mouth Kisliuni day the twenty-first 3'ear the fifth. (Edges): 22, A: (bottom) Kabti-ilani-Bel scribe, Kabti-ih\ni-Bel scribe. 22, C : (bottom) Bah\ti-ilaui in three pay- ments (?), etc. Balati-ilaui ; (left) in three payments (?). 22, D : Balati-ilani Zer-lisir. Libhit, Nabu-ittannu, and Sikku, the slaves of Itti-Marduk- balatu, were purchased for 3^ minas of silver by Nabu-ikisa and Bel-kisir, acting as agents, the price of each slave and its pur- chaser being specified. The two purchasers stand surety for each other. L. 4: ^-"Siabu blti^majordomus. Cf. Clay, P^, XIV and XV, index of officials. L. (>: ibuku is prt. from TTniS<2 = receive. (Rev.) 1. 1: babti; cf. BA, I, 683, L. 4: us-ku-tu; cf. ZA, I, 421), and Meissner, SeUene assyrische Ideogranime, 3456. According to Prince, SL, us = man and ku =^ important; hence us-ku = important official. II R, 21, 39, c, explains us-ku as kalii eme-sal. The kalti was a priestly functionary. In Pognon, Bavicm, p. 60, the ^™^'us-ku is mentioned in connection with the ^™^^MAs-MAs as sent to consecrate a canal — a relisrious function. Whatever the function of the officer, there seems to have been an association of them — uskutu ahfitum (the readinor of the latter may, however, be amelu-ut-tum instead of ahu- tum). LI, 9 and 10: isparu; cf, BA, I, 496. There are eight duplicates of this tablet; there are no differences or variations in the texts except that 22, H has an erasure of the last half of 11, 4 and 5 of the reverse; but the edges of the different tablets vary considerably — in fact no two are alike in this respect. The same head is observed as the seal-impression on all of them that have seals, but there is always a variation in the number or the position of these heads. There seem to be four possibilities of explana- tion in regard to these duplicates: (1) The tablets are forgeries, A careful examination of the tablets by three very competent Assyriologists and judges of tablets has convinced them that such is not the case. (2) Duplicates are due to the fact that each con- 210 The American Journal of Semitic Languages tracting pfii'ty took a copy (isten s atari ilteki). But at least two difficulties confront this supposition in this case — [fi) there would be no demand for so many copies and (6) they would not likely be found in the same place. (3) Duplicates are made to be deposited in the various archives of the administrative and judicial system — as we would: send a copy of a document to the county clerk, the secretary of state of the particular state, etc. But the last argument (6) against (2) applies with striking force here. (4) They are practice tablets copied by ap[)rentices in some office or school for the scribes. There must have been much training of this kind before a scribe had mastered the art of writ- ing a faultless legal document. It is such practice in such a school that produced the duplicates we are considering. In the first place the same head is impressed on the duplicates of 12, 18, 20, 21, and 22 — perhaps the seal of the scribe who was instructing. Furthermore the same inscription will be found on different tablets, e.g.. ina 3-su (12, B and 21, D) Marduk-nasir apil-su sa(?) (22, H [top] and 24, edge), etc. Such marks may indi- cate some particular individual's work. When such a well-known document as Xb, 13 is found reproduced exactly (24) except that the edges differ one is apt to think of -[practice work. The crown- ing evidence is furnished by 20 (A and B) ; 20, B is a regular contract with the business transaction on the obverse and the list of witnesses on the reverse. But 20, A, with the same obverse has as its reverse what should be the obverse of another tablet. This is clearly practice work. That these are practice tablets is further indicated by the fact that w'hile dated (month, day, year, etc.) no king's name appears. The number of duplicates of this tablet found furnishes the most interesting datum al)out the collection. KCT, 23 Transliteration: (Obv.) ' Intu - . . . na-nu Mna "'La-ba-si-''Marduk *apil- su sa mfi Bel-ibni apil «*'"f'i ma-Ui-ra-uu biti ^ sag-an-ta mdBel- iimf'i sa-tam-(mu) ^ s.\g-ki-ta "^ La-ba-si- ''Marduk apil-su sa ' '"ciBel-ibui apil'namei ma(?)-hi-ra-nu biti ^ku-uni9 .... ab(?) . . . tu . . . . nam .... a])-tum "ki-i Tablets from R. Campbell Thompson Collection, 211 1/3 ma-na i siklu kaspi pisu(u) '°uu ^La-ba-si-d Mar- duk " ameinangaru . . . '-•am6i(f) ma(?)-bi(?)- ra(?)-nu apil-su sa nidNabti-[ukin(-in)] "apil ""Nftr-dPap-suk- kal lua-hir im-[lnii] 'M-se(?)-is a-na simi '^ . . . . [siklu] kaspi (Rev.) ' siklu kaspi .... - simi biti-su ki-bi .... ^ka .... ib ... . tu-tum mBi-ba- .... ^apil-su sa '" O 214 The American Journal of Semitic Languages VY .Rl > o > pes ^'^^ '±M^ > O > CD O > o l^ V- V ^ > o »o 215 d h3 RCT 12 (A and B) ^m ^^TT ig" T T ^W ^ ^ 'ilf ^ 10 #-^4?|^ ^^<^S:'^^ Lo.E -^T '^ U.E. ropeated 8 times R.E. repeated 4 times '(^i^4'?P-'?V' /y lT^-#/// LE same aB Lo.E 216 Tablets from R. Campbell Thompson Collection 217 RCT 13 Obv. 1 / '/■/ /, H^ Rev 1 Lo E RCT 11 Obv 1 ^ > t ^ fp ^ ^ 218 The American Journal of Semitic Languages > O i > o & m ^ fe l^tl 4g?^^l!^ % j3 o 0) w 6 RCT 18 Obv. It V.E If^K Lo.E 219 c^ <:^C^=<' 220 The American Journal of Semitic Languages RCT 19 ' ''; / ' f/ /ji/', ,/ W MH^TvMt^ Rev. I t 10 f|t-^A4 '^r^>^%M>^^^^^ K Tablets from R. Campbell Thompson Collection 221 RCT 20(A) 10 Tf^4WAYTvi^15/^flTHTTr'ff'W. !^^ 10 223 224 The American Jouuxal of Semitic Languages RCT 21 (A, 15, (', U) 10 i; ^ ^^-]ymp^^0!0i$i>i Rev., ^^^'/4"WTf '^T'^^^W'^^ Tablets from R. Campbell Thompson Collection 225 U.E. Lo.E RCT 21 (B, C, and D; Edges) ■^^ 44 ^.O L.E. ^a ficiYir U.E. ^^^ ^m^ repeated 3 times Lo.E ,^ ^ ^ H Lo.E RE. ( /r repeated r^ times 226 The American Journal of Semitic Languages RCT 22 (A, H, C, D, E, F, G, H) EdKes of RCT 22(A) 10 i^mwYi^>^4m\^^r^mm^>:t i>mM^^'^i'm'^YYii^'^m^^'^^'^ U.E. L.E. Lo.E C^ >^W^ ja t^ Tablets from R. Campbell Thompson Collection 227 tm) w^^ ^c^' d P d o t3 n3 '^ fl -M -^j -l-= _o d ci cS OJ © •4^ Ch Ph a ^ ^ 2 en /^ ^^^ ^ -2 ^ h- :2 y W <4=^ a p4 p4 1-4 0^ v^ >- n o 228 The American Journal of Semitic Languages w w S 9 ^5 iC' ;r 1< 5^ L_ 7). ^ o H H --xs Tablets from R. Campbell Thompson Collection 229 REGISTER OF PROPER NAMES Atlar-iddiii a/s Kalba-a 21 Rev. 10. Aidi-ia-a 21, 1. Ardi-ia a/s ... . a/Epes-ili 15, 3. Ar-sa-ka-a 2 Rev. 3. Ar-tah-sa-as su 9 edge 2. Balat-sii a/ E-sag-gil-a-a 7, 4. Balat-su-Samas 7, 8. Ba-nu-nu 12 Rev. 8. Bel-alje-iddin 19 Rev. 8. a/s Nabu-KU-lisir a/ Mu-se-zib-Xabu 21 Rev. 11. m/ E-gi-bi 22, 2 ; 22 Rev. 6. Bel-a-su-u-a 10, 3. Bel-erba 4, 2. Bel-e-te-ru 18 Rev. 4. Bel:etir 12 Rev. 7. ■ Bel-ibni 28,4; 23 Rev. 7. m/s Iddina(na)-Xalm 22 Rev. 6. Bel-ibni 23, 7. Bel-iddin 3, 4. a/ Nur-ilani 21 Rev. 8. Bel-ili-su 18, 7. Bel-it-tau-mi 18 Rev. 6. Bel-itti-ia 5, 3. Bel-ki-sir 22, 9 ; 22 Rev. 4. m/ Sula-a m/ E-gi-bi 22, 5. Bel-uballit 9 edge 1 ; 12 Rev. 8. m/ Nabti-it-tan-nu 9 Rev. 3. Bel-u-dam-mi-ik m/ Bel-ahe-iddin m/ E-gi-bi 22 Rev. 5. Bel USUI- 8 Rev. 1. Bi-ba- .... a/s Nabu-ukin a/ Nur-Pap-sukkal 23 Rev. 3. Dabi-bi 2, 2. Da-ri-ia-mus 18 Rev. 9 ; 21, 2 ; 21, 4; 21,7. Di-di-ia a/s La-a-ba-si 21 Rev. 7. Du-um-mu-kii a/Zer-ibni 10,3; 10,8. Ea-iddina(na) 16, 3. Ea-ilutu(tu)-ibni 3, 2 ; 3, 9; 3 Rev. 2. Ea-na(?)-sir(?) 21 Rev. 9. E-di-ru 21 Rev. 5. E-gi-bi 8, 11; 12, 8; 18 Rev. 2; 18 Rev. 3; 18 Rev. 6; 20, 3; 21,3; 22,2; 22,5; 22 Rev. 6. Epes-ili 15, 4. E-sag-gil ... 6 Rev. 3. E-sag-gil-a-a 7, 5. Gu-za-nu 20 Rev. 8 ; 20 Rev. 10. m/ Ha-am-l)a-ku 20 Rev. 5. Hi-il-pu(f) m/ Nabu-ku-sur-su 8, 1. Iddina(na)-apli a/s Nap-pa-hu a/ Kab-ti-ia 23 Rev. 9. Iddin-apli m/ E-gi-bi 20, 8 ; 20, 5. Iddin-Bel 19 Rev. 6. a/s Samas-buUit a/ Nabu-balat-su-ik-bi 21 Rev. 12. Iddin-Marduk 18, 8 and 8. Iddina(na)-Nabu 22 Rev. 7. Iddin-Nabu 19, 7 ; 21 Rev. 6. a/s 15 Rev. 6. a/s Bu-na-uu a/ Li'ea 19, 6. 230 The American Journal of Semitic Languages Tdcliti-Pap-sukkal 28 Rev. 10. IkisH-a a/ Nftr-Saraas 18, 3. Ikisa-Marduk a/ Kalbi-Nannar 18 Kev. 7. Itti-Marduk-balatu a/ E-gi-bi 18 Rev. 6 ; 20 Rev. 1 ; 20 Rev. 9 ; 21, 3. m/ Bel-ahe iddin m/ E-gi-bi 22, 2. Kab( )-ti-ia 23 Rev. 9. a/ E-gi-bi 3, 11 Kal-ba-a 21 Rev. 10. Kalbi-Naniiar 18 Rev. 7. Ka-za 15 Rev. 5. Ki-na-a m / Ea-na( ? )-.sir ( ?) 21 Rev. 9. Kiu-zer 12 Rev. 7. Kin-zer-aplu 12 Rev. 8. Kit-ti-ia 22 Rev. 10. Ku-ra-su 7 Rev. 6. La-a-ba-si 21 Rev. 5; 21 Rev. 7; 23 Rev. 10. a/s Balat-su a/ E-sag-gil-a-a 7, 4. Labasi-Marduk 23, 10. a/s Kab-ti-ia a/E-gi-bi 3, 10. a/s Bel-ibni 23, 3; 23, 6; 23 Rev. 5. Lib-lut a/s Itti-Marduk-balatu a/ E-gi-bl 18 Rev. 5. a/s Zeri-ia a/ E-di-ru 21 Rev. 4. Lib-lu-tu 22, 1 ; 22, 7 ; 22 Rev. 2. Marduk-etir m/ . . .' . 21,4. Marduk-ikisa-au-ui 21 Rev. 2. a/s Ardi-ia 21, 1. Marduk-na(?)-.sir(?) n/s Itti-Marduk-balatu 20 Rev. 1 and 10. Ma rduk-su m -ibni a/ Balat-su-Samas 7, 3. a/ E-gi-bi 18 Rev. 1. a/s 7 Rev. 3. Marduk-zer( ?)-ibni( ?) m/ Mu-ra-nu a/ E-gi-bi 18 Rev. 2. Mu-ra-nu a/ E-gi-bi 18 Rev. 2. m/s Marduk-sum-ibni a/ E-gi-bi 18 Rev. 1. Mu-ra-su-u a/ Pap-pa-a-a 18 Rev. 5. Mu-se-zib 20, 10. Mu-se-zib-Nabu 21 Rev. 11. Mu-se-zib-tum a/ Nuru-( ru)-ra-am ( t) 20, 2 and 7. Mu-se-zib-tum(f) 20,4; 20,5, Nabu-balat-su-ik-bi 21 Rev. 12. Nabu-bul-lit-su a/s Iddiu-Nabu 21 Rev. 6. Nabu-bu-un-su-tur 15 Rev. 3. Nabu-ahe-buMit 21, 9 ; 21, 11 ; 21 Rev. 1. m/s Itti-Marduk-balatu m/ E-gi-bi 21, 2. Nabu-ahe-iddina(na) ni/s Su-la-a m/ E-gi-bi 12, 2. Nabu-apil-iddin a/s Nabu-mul)allit(it) a/ Bel-e-te-ru 18 Rev. 3. Nabxi-iddina(na) 12 Rev. 9. Nabu-iddin a/s Nabu-bul-lit-su a/s Iddin-Nabu 21 Rev. 6. Tablets from R. Campbell Thompson Collection 231 Nabft-ikisa 22, 6; 22, 8; 22, 10; 22 kev. 3; 22 Rev. 4; 23 Rev; 12. m/s Se-il-li-bi 22, 4. Nabu-it-taii-nu 9 Rev. 2; 22, 1. 22,8; 22,10; 22 Rev. 2. m/ Balati 9, 1. Nabu-itti-ia 19, 5 ; 19, 10. Nabu-ka-sir 21 Rev. 8. Nabu-kudunu-iisur 17 Rev. 1. Nabu-KU-lisir a/ Mu-se-zib-Nabii 21 Rev. 11. Nabu-ku-sur-su 8, 2. a/s Mu-ra-su-u a/ Pap-pa-a-a 18 Rev 4. Nabu-muballit(it) a/ Bel-e-te-ru 18 Rev. 3. Nabu-mudammik a/s Nabu-taris(is) a/ Ea-ilutu(tu)-ibni 3, 9. Nabu-na'id 15 Rev. 8; 18, 4; 12 Rev. 10. Nabu-sum-usur 8 Rev. 1. Nabu-tab-ni-usur m/s Ri-mu-tu 22 Rev. 7. Nabu-ta])-ta-iii-usur m/s Kit-ti-ia 22 Rev. 9. Nabu-taris(is) a/ Ea-ilutu (tu)-ibui 3, 9. Nabu-ukin(in) a/ Nui-Pap-sukkal 23, 12; 23 Rev. 4. Nabu-zer-ibni a/ La-a-ba-si 21 Rev. 5. Nabu- . . . ha- . . . a/s Bel-iddin a/ Nur-ilani 21 Rev. 7. Na-di-nu-u 12 Rev. 9. Na-na-a 19 Rev. 6. Nap-pa-hu a/ Kab-ti-ia 23 Rev. 9. Na-ru-u (f ) 20, 4 ; 20, 6. Na-zi- .... 10, 1. Nergal-uballit(it) m/ Sag-di-di 12, 4. Nergal-usallim 12, 7. Nur-ilani 21 Rev. 8. Nur-Pap-sukkal 23, 13 ; 23 Rev. 4. Nur-Samas 18,3; 18, 10. , Nuru(ni)-ra-am(?) 20, 2. Nu-ub-ta-a(f) m/s Marduk-sum-ibni a/ Balat-su-Samas 7, 2. Pap-pa-a-a 18 Rev. 5. Ri-mut-Bel 3, 5; 3, 7; 12 Rev. 9. a/s 3 Rev. 1. Ri-mu-tu 22 Rev. 8. Sad-din-nu 7 Rev. 4. Sag-di-di. 12, 5. Sik-ku-u(f) 22, 1 ; 22, 7 ; 22 Rev. 2. Sin-balatu-A-SI 19 Rev. 4 and 8. Sil-la-a "l9, 9. Silli-Bel 9 Rev. 4. §a-kin-Nabu 19, 7. Samas-bullit-su a/ Nabu-balat-su-ik-bi 21 Rev. 12. Samas-eiba 22 Rev. 9. Samas-iddin a/s Ki-na-a a/ Ea-na(?)-sir(?) 21 Rev. 9. Samas-zer-ibni 17, 3. Saraas-zer-ikisa 19 Rev. 7. Sapik-zer a/s Du-um-mu-ku a/ Zer-ibui 19, 2 ; 19, 8. Se-il-li-bi 22,4. Si-is-ku 20, 7 s/s Iddina-apli a/E-gi-bi 20,3. Su-la-a m/ E-gi-bi 12, 3; 22,5. 232 The American Journal of Semitic Languages Tabi-ia U-bar a/ Ka-za .... 15 Rev. 5. a/ . . . . ilani 23 Rev. 8. iii/s Samas-erba 22 Rev. 8. U-din-ua-a' 9 Rev. 4. Ta-nit-tum 11,4. Zer-ibni 19,3; 19,9. U-bar Zeri-ia 12, 8; 12 Rev. 1 ; 15 side 2. a/s Maiduk-etir a/ E-di-ru 21 Rev. 4. m/ 21 Rev. 3. m/s Nergal-uballit a/s XabtA .... m/ Sag-di-di 12, 4. Is 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. ■>f3 ^Qd^tDg TT-CSH— 3! X^ ^_ * OCT 2 8 OiC*^ \6N^' W> *^ R-C'U >'^ jUJl"TSS§2r RtCDlD ^^ 1672'*'*'* LD 21A-50m-8,'61 (Cl795sl0)476B General Library University of California Berkeley Photomount Pamphlet Binder Caylord Bros., Inc. Makers Stockton, Calif. PAI. \M. 21, 1808 U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES CDssmoam SG'^SSO THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY