ox THK VOHMATION OF ENGLISH WOHDS BY MEANS OF ABLAl 1', A c; RAM .MA KARL WARNKE, HALLE s ON THE FORMATION OF ENGLISH WORDS BI MEANS OF ABLAUT. A GRAMMATICAL ESSAY KARL WARME, ph.d. HALLE A/s. MAX N I E M E Y E R. 18 7s. /; ft. Ills' yy3 »-<*i»4i..f»« K UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNEH SANTA BARBARA in all Teutonic languages we are able to distinguish two principles ruling over the whole of what English gram- marians call Etymology. In the declension as well as in the formation of words two manners of proceeding are at work: either new elements are added to the original and simple form of the word, without that form itself undergoing any material alteration, or the word is modified in one of its essential parts, viz. in the vowel which combined with consonants constitutes its stem. As to the former method, the elements affixed to the root have often lost their original form, and frequently they have even dwindled down to only one letter; but the greater the progress is, made by comparative philology, the more it appeaj-s that those syllables and letters which, apparently without any meaning themselves, have served to call into existence new words and new forms, were once possessed of a distinct and clear signification. The only difterence existing between them and those prefixes and suffixes w^hose forms have not been curtailed, and whose meaning is still discernible, is that they date from a period much more remote than the latter, and that, like chemical compounds, they have been intimately blended wdth a stem, whilst the others like mechanic com- pounds, have preserved both their form and their meaning. Thus to give only one instance, the consonant suffix k as we have it in liawk^ hullock &c., is of pronominal origin (AS. ic ') See R. Morris, Historical Outlines of English Accidence, Lon- don 1875, p. 213 (Note 2). 1 7»*f V Quite as frequently, however, new words have heen formed by means of vowel-change. Two sorts of vowel- change may be distinguished in English words: the one is due to exterior influence; the other is based on a funda- mental law valid in all Teutonic dialects. It is well known that certain vowels whose pronunciation did not diifer much, very often took each other's place in the early written language. When language got more fixed and settled, when more ideas arose, and consequently more words were needed, no better expedient oflered than to assign a particular domain to either of these forms. Thus are to be considered: bathe heath, bless bliss, clam clem, desk disk, meddle middle, neb nib, quid cud, rudder rother (in rothernails), stud stot, than then, thrash thresh, truth troth. The same is the case in a number of French words, where the right vowel, not caught by the ear of the common })eople, was introduced by writing: cafe coffee, chant chaunt, cleff cliff, cull coil, molasses melasses, ostrich estrich, pair peer, poult pullet, rosin resin, tamper temper. Very often the vowel has lost its original sound by the influence of certain subsequent consonants. Before the liquid consonants m and n, the vowels a and o were indiscriminately used in AS.; so we have* in modern English the double forms: can C071, hale whole, ramp romp; similarly, deal dole, mean moan, load lade. — Especially easy is a change of vowel before the guttural r, by which the clear sound of a prece- ding vowel is invariably modified so that often it may quite as well be represented by one vowel as by another. In the written documents of English provincial dialects we in fact sometimes meet with almost all vowels before r in the same word: f. i. vargin, vergin, virgin, vorgin, vurgin. This proceeding has enriched the vocabulary of the English tongue with a number of words; f. i. birth berth harth , carl churl, charm churm, churn quern, dear darling dilling , dark dirk, farther further, girth garth, mirk murky, orchil archil, perilous patulous, shark sherk shirk, whirl ?v]iorl. No change of vowel properly speaking is to be stated in a number of words in which the dilfereut vowel is caused by the one word having been taken from a difterent language. Due to French influence are: cave, caije, rank existing by the side of cove, cope, ring. From a Northern source have been derived: hai^k, frisk, rinille occurring by the side of hirch, fresh, run. Brisk is a Celtic word, h7'usk is = Fr. brus- que. Directly from the Latin as a mot savant has been taken probe, the popular form of which is proof {prove). In all these instances the vowel-change is accidental: the second form is the same as the first, only with a slightly modified pronunciation. It is different in a number of cases w^here we meet with a regular transition from / to a and u. This regular transition is, also by English grammarians, called Ablaut. Its origin dates from a piehistorical period, and the words formed by it bear a much more primitive character than those produced by composition — an opinion which seems to be illustrated and corroborated by the i'act that all Teutonic dialects in course of time have been deprived of this faculty, whilst on the other hand, every day new words may be called into existence by means of composition. The primitive character of the Ablaut- formations will still more distinctly be set off, if we consider the origin and the character of the three vowels which they exhibit, and if we examine those words themselves in an historical point of view. Vowels are produced by the tube which in form of a cavity is adjoined to the head of the windpipe, being either lengthened or shortened, and by the tongue and lips taking different forms. The vocal tube is shortest when we utter the sound /, the head of the windpipe having its highest stand; it is longest when we bring forth the sound u, the head of the windpipe having then gone as far down as possible; it has a middle position with regard to a, in which case the tube is longer than with i and shorter than with u. On the other side, when pronouncing /, the tongue takes a concave form, and the lips get rounded; when uttering a, the tongue has its natural position, an I the lips are simply opened. Thus the different shape of the vocal tube as well as the different position of the tongue and lips, show that I* i or u form the keynotes of the vocal gamut, the exact middle of which is taken by a. Between either i and a, or a and u, there is an infinite series of various vowels, none of which, however, exceeds either / or w, and none of which is produced with the whole vocal apparatus being in a more regular position than it is when bringing forth a. The three vowels i, a, and u, therefore, may justly be called the fundamental pillars ou which the whole system of vocali- sation has been constructed. From the remarks just made it also appears of what particular sound each of the three vowels is possessed. The shorter the vocal tube is, and the broader the opening made by the lips, the clearer and tiuer is the sound produced ; and the more the tube is lengthened, and the more the lips are rounded, the more the sound becomes dull and hollow. Thus / represents a clear and even a shrill sound, a is loud and strong, u is loud and hollow. Compared with either a or u, i, being not possessed of the same force as those two, sounds rather soft and low. The category of words, therefore, in which, already a priori, we may expect to meet with Ablaut, are those expressive of sound, w^hich, only from the occurrence of Ablaut, may be supposed to belong to the oldest elements of language. That, in fact, they are so, is proved by the history of language. According to the most generally adopted opinion, onoma- topoeia was the principle which first led man to the use of language, and it was only in process of time that this principle was amplified and transferred from the imitation of sound to the representation of all other things that struck the senses. Max M tiller i), differing from this theory, thinks that, as bodies like glass and bells are possessed of a particular sound, the faculty of thinking necessitated the organs of speech to perform adequate vibrations in order to produce sounds and words. But he, too, is under the necessity of owning that a number of words in all languages ') Lectures on the Science of Language. Loudon 1S64. p.372 seqq., p. 402. are formed in an onomatopoetic way. As men acquire a gi'eat part of their ideas by the impression which the objects surrounding them make on their senses, so it is in fact of language. Nature, proving its very life by perpetual move- ment and noise , presents a rich variety as .to the eye so to the ear of the contemplative looker-on. Thus the words, generally called sounds, took their origin — words which compose a great part of the vocabulary of all nations, and which for the English language have been carefully compiled by Koch in an Essay, bearing the title Linguistische Allotria, and published after the author's death by Dr. Wilhelm (Eisenach 1875). The sounds once brought into existence, it was not difficult to take another step in the formation of new words. Soon the sharp ear of man perceived that very often several sounds succeed each other, which either represent a mere repetition, or give the same sound in diiferent shades. In the former case the simplest manner of proceeding would have been twice to repeat the same word; and although there are instances of that having been indeed the case, as bee -bee, paw -paw, yet in general the English language, avoiding such monotonous and poor -looking formations, preferred to give them more variety by a change of the initial consonant of the second word, f. i. bow-wow, hoo-hoo, fol-lol, hirdum dirdum, hubbub, whurlie-birlie &c. In all these instances the radical vowel has been preserved (in tvhurlie- birlie there is only an irregular and arbitrary spelling) for the simple reason that the sound originally expressed by these words has not undergone any alteration. In a number of cases, however, the second sound was, although bearing the same general character as the first, yet perceived to be as distinct from it, as the echo is distinct from the sound which effects it. In order to represent this difference, no easier and more appropriate expedient offered itself, than to repeat the stem not with any alterations affecting the first consonant, but with a simple and regular change of the vowel, i. e. with Ablaut. As we have in German formations, exhibiting all three vowels, f. i. piff^ pa/f puff, bim ham bum, so we meet also in English with combinations, like cling clang clung, fee faw fum, knick knack knock, rim ram ruff. 1 am at a loss to discover the meaning of the third form in such expressions, if it be not that the ear felt better pleased with, or found greater completeness in, three sounds. For beside expressions like those just mentioned, we have instances where the English language, although not choosing to affix a third modification with u, yet for the sake of completeness added a third word with a vowel different from the first tw^o. Thus we read in Shakespeare (Tempest I, i): ding dang hell. Other examples are to be met with in Halliwell's interesting book: Tlie Nursery Rhymes of England {2"'^ Ed. London, 1843) : p. 16. See saw sack a day. p. 82. Little John Jiggy Jag. p. 94. John Cook had a little gray mare, He haw hum, Her hack stood up, and her hones they were hare, He haw hum. p. 109. Bing dong darrow The cat and the sparrow. p. 125. Sing danty hahy ditty. p. 141. Tick tack too. Generally, however, two of these forms were thought sufficient to express the same idea as is conveyed by three. So w^e hear in German pi/f pa/f, piff pn/f^ him bam, him hum quite as often as the forms with the three vowels; and the number of English words with only two vowels by far surpasses the quantity of those exhibiting three. A number of these double -formations are to be found in the scientific grammars of the English tongue i) ; the completest list has been given by Koch iu the above-mentioned Essay. Koch has, however, omitted to give the particular development of *) Fiedler, Wissenschaftlidie Graiuniatik der Engl. Sprache I, Zerbst, 184S, p. 200. — E. Miitzner, Graiiiiuatik der Engl. Sprache. Berlin 1873, 2"'! Ed., I, p. 474. each of these forms. When looking for the words, contained in this list, in the dictionaries, we are struck by the absence of a great number of them; and it is not difficult to find -the reason why the lexicographers did not admit them. There is an unmistakable tendency inherent to the English language to avoid and give up all cumbrous and clumsy formations: the whole of English accidence, f. i., bears a character more symmetric and simple that that of most other European languages. The same notable feature may be discovered in the formation of words. Disdaining the somewhat homely double -formations of which we are treating, the language was soon contented to employ only one part of them for the representation of an idea which had at first, more exactly, though less elegantly, been rendered by the two or three words put by the side of each other. The places where we may be most sure still to meet with such formations are those in which language has not deve- loped itself with the same rapidity as in the centres of intellectual activity; the people whose vocabulary is richest in such formations are those in whom the influence of civili- sation has not yet stifled primitive feelings and primitive expressions. Such words, therefore, are most frequent in the provinces, in the unlettered ranks of society, and in the nurseries, where the child unconsciously performs the same task as a nation in the earliest stages of its development. These remarks, however, only bear upon the double- forms; those imitative words, on the contrary, which, in separate forms, present the three or two vowels, are as many fresh and healthy leaves on the fair, broad- branched tree of the English language. Turning to those words themselves, we may divide them into four categories according to the four difi'erent sorts of Ablaut: I. i a u, II. i a, m. i u, IV. a u. 8 Of these sounds u requires to be considered apart. AS. u has preserved its okl German pronunciation only wlien //, /-f-cons., or sh are following: f. i. full, hull; bulrush, pulpit; hush, cushion; generally it has adopted the sound which lies between u and o, and which Walker represents by u. On the other side also o has taken a part of the functions of M, as it was indeed for a long period to be found by its side. Therefore we need not be surprised to see b as well 2 , as w, the domains of which were daily extending, as substi- tutes for u whose use was compassed within the most narrow limits. Thus the three categories exhibiting u, have, each of them, two subdivisions, the one with o, the other 2 with u. To the fourth class belong two words in which we have u, written ew, and which are also displaying a 3 different pronunciation of a, viz. a, written aw. These words are: tetv-taw, an archaistic expression, to break hemp, and gerv-gaw a showy trifle (influenced by Fr. joujou?) Koch, whose arrangement differs from ours, sets up two more categories, the types for which are e — a, and i — e. But as e does not occur in the regular Ablaut / a u, the words, given by Koch, cannot claim a place among our words. Besides, none of them occurs in the written language; see-sarv, which is the last of the list, and which seems to be connected with ■?»/f=serra, as the movement expressed by see-saw is similar to that of a saw at work is to be com- pared with tee-totum, tee-totaller, didapper, and on the other side with formations like fee-faw. — It is different in the last of Koch's categories, which contains only one word: slip step. This word is given by Wheatly in his Dictionary of Reduplicated Jf'ords (London 1866); and in fact e and i often taking each other's place (cp. p. 2) we have to con- sider slip step as a reduplicated form rather than constitute for it a new class of Ablaut. Thus we see, in the imitative words there is hardly any anomaly to be met with in the employment of what is called Ablaut, i. e. the regular transition of i to a and u. Only twice in the long list of words belonging to this cate- gory (in tew -law and gerv-gaw) do we meet with a long vowel, never do we find a diplithong, both of which, as is well known, did not exist in the first period of language, but were called into existence by composition of the short vowels either with themselves or with one another. Nor does the preceding or the following consonant bear a cha- racter that might engage us to think the change of vowel in- fluenced by it. It is different in another class of Ablaut. For not only in imitative words do we meet with a regular change of vowel, but a similar change may also be noted in the verb. Heyne^) even defines the origin and character of Ablaut in the following manner: 'Ablaut has its origin and its basis in the verb. By regular vowel-change in the root -syllable a difference is effected between the Present and the Past tenses of the verb, and this regular vowel- change is called Ablaut.' In this definition Heyne follows Grimm who on different occasions states that the Ablaut in the Teutonic dialects originated in the verb. A look into the origin of these forms, such as it has been established by comparative philology will, however, convince us that we have not to consider the Past Tenses of strong verbs as genuine Ablaut- formations. In the Aryan languages all strong verbs originally re- duplicated their root in order to express the idea of the Perfect Tense. Distinct traces of tliis proceeding are dis- cernible in Latin as well as in the oldest German dialects. As to Latin, it may be sufficient to call to mind forms like cecidi, pependi, tutudi, dedi, didici. Reduplication has taken a somewhat modified shape in the oldest Teutonic dialect extant; in Gothic only the first consonant of the word was repeated not with the following vowel as in pependi, tutu- di, but always with the same sound ai, f. i. falfalp from falpa, haibland from hlanda, faiflok from fleka. A few verbs, ') Laiit- und Flexionslehre. Paderborn 1862, p. 18. 10 in AS., exhibit the same sort of reduplication, the vowel in the first syllable being however e\ hcctan — hehdt — lieht lacan — lelAc — leolc Imtan — lelcei — leort ondrcedan — * ondredrwd — ondreard rcedan — *rerod — reord. Although still in the first period of the English language this last remnant of reduplication disappears, and forms ivith a simple prolonged vowel {het, lee, let, ondred, red) are more in use, yet those few forms permit us to take a look into a period ot the English language of which we do not possess any documents, and in which we are entitled to suppose all those verbs which in Gothic form the Perfect Tense by reduplication, to have followed the same principle. Only the five mentioned, however, out of 51, preserve the double consonant: all the rest indicate the loss of the second consonant by lengthening the vowel: f. i. G. falpa — faifalp; AS. fealde — febld. G. slepa — saislep; AS. slcepe — slep. G. saia — saiso; AS. sdrve — seoiv. These verbs compose, according to Koch (Grammatik p. 238 scqq.) the first division of strong verbs. In the second division which in its six classes comprises a far greater number of words than the first, none of the ancient dialects has forms which distinctly bear the marks of original reduplication. But also here do we meet with reduplication in the parent-speech; and even if we did not, the influence, exercised by the concluding consonant on the preceding vowel, would bring us to conclude that the Ablaut found in the verb is different from the Ablaut in imitative words. Jloreover, this opinion seems to be confirmed by the fact that the verbs belonging to CI. I, II and VI of the second division of strong verbs, have the same vowel in the P. P. as in the Present Tense, just like those of the first division. But as in the other three classes we find in the P. P. and sometimes also in the Plural of the Preterit Tense the vowels u or o, it seems to be probable that Ab- 11 laut such as it existed in onomatopoetic words was also here of a certain influence. After these remarks it will be evident that the above- mentioned opinion of Heyne must be modified and that we have to distinguish two different sorts of Ablaut. That vowel-change which a certain number of verbs undergo, and which generally and emphatically is called Ablaut, is not the most simple and original one. On the contrary, pi-imary Ablaut is only to be found in onomatopoetic words, and if, in the declension of the verb, we retain the denomi- nation introduced by Grimm, and sanctioned by the use which all grammarians since him have made of it, we cannot but insist upon discriminating it from the primary one, compared with which it can only lay claim to a secondary part. Having thus tried to establish the different nature of the two sorts of Ablaut existing in the English language, we shall little hesitate as to the order in which we have to consider the \vords formed by it. First we shall examine the onomatopoetic formations, then we shall turn to those words which have been derived from strong verbs. It has already been exposed that according to their origin a great part of the words belonging to the first category, are expressive of sound, the pitch of which is indicated by the very Ablaut. Seeing how convenient the latter was to set forth the different shades of the same notion, people soon transferred the use of it to another class ot words which are in a manner related to those expressive of sound. These are the words which convey to us the idea of motion. A man, not able to restrain the violent emotions to which he is subject, shouts and jumps at the same time whilst deriving a particular pleasure from some- thing. On the other side, people not used to give vent to all their feelings, often cannot help expressing the afflictions under which they labour, by gesture as well as by lamentation. Thus it is to be explained that the Latin verb plangere originally signifying to beat or strike, has adopted the meaning of lamenting (poetically even plangere alqm to bewail a person). Nor is the English language without 12 analogous instances; there exist not a small niiml)er of expressions which raav be used in reference both to sound and to motion. The: word strain, derived from 0. Fr. estreindre L. stringere, has beside its original meaning, taken the sense of melody and song. March, in all European languages, is first the act of moving by regular steps and in a fixed order, then a piece of music often attending that act. Several adjectives, originally applied to different kinds of motion, are, when joined to the pertinent substantives, generally understood as relating to sound; such are piercing, spliiting, rending. Another proof of the connection, existing between sound and movement, is the phrase: to set one's teeth on edge, by which the disagreeable movement is expressed which thrills through one's body on hearing a harsh and jarring sound. When speaking of a Stentorian voice, few persons may remember that the first sense of Gr. orivco is to straiten. It is therefore not surprising that the English language following a principle in the formation of words expressive of sound, has employed the same principle in the formation of words expressive of motion. As in the former class the two or three vowels express as many shades in the- sound, so in the latter they notify a change in the movement: the movement not continuing in the same direction, becomes irregular. If the words, showing the different vowels, are not compounded, but exist independently by the side of each other, the same rules apply as in the first category, viz. the lighter the vowel the quicker the movement, the broader the vowel the slower and heavier becomes the movement. — Another step taken in the development of the meaning of these words deserves to be mentioned. Motion and form have a similar relation to each other as sound and motion. The shape of an object often is nothing but the result of a preceding movement, as seems sufficiently to be proved by the substantives: a crease, a fold, a joint, a plicature, a point, a bristle (derived by metathesis from to burst). These are ^ the three ^classes to which the words exhibiting primitive Ablaut belong; it Avill be easy to place each of them in one of these categories. 13 Remembering what has been stated about the origin of our words, I think we shall not go far astray when supposing that at first all imitative words were used as interjections. An interjection is defined by English grammarians as an articulate exclamation; and it matters not whether this exclamation is a sudden outburst of subjective feeling or the imitation of a sound. To the former of these classes belong all those words and syllables by which people are in the habit of expressing pain and joy, admiration and contempt, surprise and disgust, doubt and protestation, to the latter all those which are called sounds. And as well as by the interjection haa is represented the bleating of a sheep, or by the interjection hotv-rvojv the barking of a dog, we may also suppose that formations like ding-dong, by which the ringing of bells is expressed, or chitchat which means idle talk, have originally been interjections. But in no other point, perhaps, the liberty which pervades the whole of the English language, has been so much set forth as here. For almost all these words have taken the function of verbs, without losing their character as interjections, and in conse- quence of a proceeding more common and less surprising, they are also used as substantives. Thus slip slap slop continue still to be interjections, but are at the same time quite as frequently to be met with as verbs and substantives. Those formations, however, in which twice the same stem, only with the vowel changed, occurs, are generally not liked as verbs, as indeed their form, not very elegant in itself, would, if inflected, have become exceedingly clumsy: they are employed as substantives, and in some few cases as adjectives and adverbs. As to the form of these words, the early date which we assign to them, entitles us to anticipate that in most cases we have mere roots, i. e. most of the words cannot be reduced to a simpler or more original form. Sometimes, however, the root is somewhat modified by the nasal conso- nant n having intruded after the vowel which serves to connect the consonant elements of the root. Mfitzner (Grammatik, Berlin 1S73, I, p. 188) says that n is to be 14 found before a guttural and dental g beginning the following syllable, as in messenger 0. Fr. messagier , passenger 0. Fr. passagier, popinjay , 0. Fr. popegai. In the words, given by Miltzner, n is of an inorganic character, it has been added merely to render tbe pronunciation more easy; besides it does not occur in the root - syllable. It is different in a certain number of imitative words. There, n occurs in the root-syllable; it lias its place not only before ^, which is generally indeed tbe last letter of the word, but also before ch and k] it is moreover not of an inorganic cbaracter, but produces a distinct change in the signification of the word. For as tbe short vowel in the root-word is lengthened by the added n, so the sound or movement represented by tbe word, gets more protracted. — The same remarks apply to wi, which, however, according to its nature, has not been put before gutturals, but before the labials h and p. Besides, to no small a number of words belonging to tbis category, are added the suffixes le or er. Both / and r being what is called trills, and no great difference existing in the use made of tbem, they may conveniently be consi- dered together. Firstly, both of them are possessed of the faculty of imparting a frequentative meaning to the word in question; and as things which often follow eacb otber, or are put together in a great number, are generally not very extensive, it is easily to be conceived that the endings le and er also have a diminutive power, with wbicb idea that of depreciation is narrowly connected. The same dimiuutive and depreciative sense is inherent to the suffix y, which is to be found in some of our words, f i. in dilly-dally. As for the use of either er or le, no distinct rules seem to have been observed, both having the same force, they were in- discriminately used, until time gave each of them its particular domain. It may, however, be stated that the root containing / er was preferred, as in clitter clatter clutter, flitter flutter, and on the other hand, when r already was in the root, le was chosen for the suffix, f i. crinkle crankle, rimple rample, trimple trample, prittle prattle &c. In the following pages 1 shall give a list of the words 15 formed by primary Ablaut as far as they occur in the written language of the day, and as completely as I have been able to compile them. According- to the four diiiereut sorts of Ablaut, I shall (iivide them into four categories, in each of which I shall first give the simple and nasalized roots, and then the derivations with le^ er^ and y. A. i a (ii). • I. i a 0. 1. Pure Koots. 1. Chip, Chap. Chop. These words originally represent the noise of an object breaking or cracking. A sharp sound being i)roduced by a small fragment being separated from a hard body, to chip is to detach or cut oft' a small piece. — The vowel a representing a loud and clear sound, to chap is to cleave or split. — o expressing a hollow and resounding noise, to chop is to sever by loud strokes which more or less rapidly succeed one another, f i. to chop meat, to chop oft' trees. 2. Flip. Flap. Flop, to flip to give a blow with some- thing thin and flexible. To this word belong flippant, an isolated hybrid formation (cp. blatant), moving quick and ightly, lively, forward, and fillip a rap on the nose. — to flap to strike with something broad and loose, or to move such things , f i. wings. — to flop. The sound of the blow is of a more hollow description. 'i.' Jig. Jag. Joy. The original signification of a particu- lar kind of sound, which is still discernible in the deriva- tives jiggle, giggle, gaggle, has been supplanted by that of a broken jolting movement; and as the latter is produced by a rugged surface, jig has also adopted the meaning of irregular form or shape. — to jog to move heavily and 16 slowly, to be tossed and shaken when moving thus. — jig- jog, or jick- a- jog, that sort of jerking movement which is experienced by people driving on an uneven and rugged road. — to jag to make notches in something. 4. Knick. Knack. Knock, to knick to cause a noise as of something small breaking. — to knack represents a louder noise as is produced f. i. by a snap with the fingers: hence, to have a knack at something, to be skilled and dextrous in something that it may as easily be performed as a snap with the fingers, i) — to knock to strike or dash together ; the word represents a loud and hollow sound, such as is caused by the iron knocker at the doors of English houses. — knick-knack, generally used in PI., and also written nick- nacks, things that are easily to be broken, and as such things cannot be of much use, small articles for show. 5. Nip. Knap. Knop (h). to nip (the inital A-, preserved in G. kneifen, has dropped) to pinch; originally perhaps the noise caused by a thing being tightly compressed be- tween two surfaces. — • to knap to crack, to open with a cracking noise; hence the substantive knap summit of a mountain; as to the transition in the meaning from loud noise to elevation, cp. to knoll and a knoll. Similarly knop bud (cp. G. Knospe)] only another form for k7iop is knob any kind of protuberance. 6. Slip. Slap. Slop, to slip represents a soft, hardly perceptible sound as of something moving down a slippery surface; to move along the surface of something, — to slap to cause a flat noise, as of a blow" with the flat hand. — to slop, according to Wedgwood, an imitation of the sound of dashing water, to produce such a sound by pouring some liquid in or out ; also to drink hastily. — Related with the latter signification is that of slip-slop bad drink, small beer. A similar transition in the meaning is to be stated in wish- wash, snipes, switchel; slip-slop is also used when speaking of a lax and washy style of composition. 1) See Wedgwood, A Dictionary of English Etymology. 2 nd Ed. London 1872. 17 7. Tip. Tap. Top. Up, originally the lig-ht sound pro- duced by one small thing touching another, hence, the end or point of a small article, to tap to strike gently, the instru- ment with which the blow is performed, being, however, flatter than in the case of tip. — top. The original sense of causing a loud noise by knocking, having been lost, it is, like tipj applied to the end of a thing with which a blow may be given, and the latter limitation having also dropped, ' to the highest part of anything in general. Used as a verb, it signifies any action the object of which is the top of a tiling, particularly, to add oi- take away the top of a thing. — tip-top, used as a substantive or as an adjective, is, in its meaning, a sort of superlative either of lip or of top. 8. Ding. Dang. Dong. The fundamental idea is to pro- duce a loud, resounding noise, to ding to throw down with a loud noise. — to dang to strike, to give a heavy blow. Both these words are but little used. Very frequently, however, occurs a composite form in which, besides, the original meaning of sound is more distinctly set olf: ding- dong, an imitation of the ringing- of bells. 2. Words with the Suffixes le and <;r. 9. Diddle. Daddle. Doddle express the different degrees of a stag-geriug, reeling movement. The original significa- tion of sound is still to be discovered in Sc. dad = slam (Wedgwood). These words also present an instance of what has been said about the intimate relation existing between the suffixes le and er\ by the side of diddle, daddle occur didder to tremble, dadder to render confuse, as a trembling hand f. i. does. The same remark applies to the following- two groups of words. 10. Gibber. Gabble. Gobher. Both to gibber and to gabble signify to talk idly, and it is only according to the intensity of the noise which is to be represented that either the one or the other is preferred. — gibble-gabblc idle, nonsensical talk. — to gobble to cry like a turkey-cock. 11. Titter. Tatter (le J. Tattle, to titter to produce a 18 succession of sharp thin sounds; hence to laugh in a suppressed manner, expressing inward joy, cp. G. kichern, Gr. xix^lCiiv. — to tattle expresses a succession of open sounds, to prate. The suffix cr^ occurring in other Low German dialects, PI, D. tatern, was not employed in English, because the word formed by it might have been easily confounded with to tatter to tear, derived as it seems from a Scandinavian source. — to totter to tremble, to shake. — titter-totter swing. — tittle-tattle nonsensical talk. il. i a u. 1. Pure Roots. 12. Crimp. Cramp. Crump, to crimp to lay in light waves or plaits. — to cramp, the contraction is more constrained than in crimp; hence a cramp a brace which holds together pieces of timber. Crump occurs only as an adjective, and signifies crooked, bent. The corresponding verb is to crumple cp. No. 80. 13. Big. Dag. Dug. to dig to drive a pointed instrument into something, then to throw up earth, dag, originally like dig, the thrust with a sharp instrument, then the instrument itself with which the blow is given, dagger. It seems, however, impossible to reduce, as Wedgwood does, all the significations which dag has taken, only to this origin; cp. MuUer Et. Worterbuch p. 272. — to dug to stoop to, to bow to. 14. Dip. Dap. Dab. Dub. All of them originally express the more or less loud noise of water agitated, to dip to immerse the end of an object in a liquid. — to dap has the same meaning, only the movement is slower. — to dab, like dap, to give a blow wdth the flat hand; hence 'a sei)a- rate portion of a substance, so much as is thrown down at once.' Wedgwood. — to dub a) to make a loud noise; b) to strike, particularly to make one a knight. — Used as a substantive, it is more narrowly conuected with to dip, meaning a small pool of water. 19 2. Mixed Forms (partly Pure Roots, partly Derivatives). 15. Hack. Haggle. Higgle. Huck. Huckster, to hack to give a stroke with a sharp instrument, hence to cut in small pieces. — to haggle, a diminutive form of hack, to cut in small pieces; as a person trying to buy at a cheaper price than is proposed by the tradesman, is, as it were, cutting or hacking off a part of the fixed sum, to haggle also signifies to chaffer, to stickle for the price of something. — to higgle. Beside the latter signification, with which may be compared G. knickern from knack, and Knicker a stingy fellow, it means to expose small things for sale — a signi- fication which naturally devolves from such articles being often cut in pieces before being sold. — to liuck, a word not much in use, with the same signification as haggle and higgle. Directly derived from it is the substantive huckster a person who exposes small articles, particularly eatables, for sale. 16. Himp. Hump. Hamper. The skipping movement expressed by hip (cp. Nr. 72) has lost its vivacity in hiinp. — hump J the original meaning of tardy, irregular motion having been lost, hump, transferred to shape, means a protu- berance on the back. — hamper the instrument by which a person is prevented from moving freely. \]iamper basket has been derived from M. L. hanaperium, 0. Fr. ha7iap.^ 17. Scrip. Scrap. Scrub. Scribble. Scrabble. The funda- mental idea is the crack made by a hard body in breaking ; hence scrap a small fragment, particularly of paper, scrip a bit of paper, already filled with writing. The signification of wallet, satchel is explained by Wedgwood as 'a receptacle for scraps, a scrap-sack' cp., however, Miiller, Etym, Wb. 11, p. 303, s. scribe. — to scrub, implying a loud and harsh sound, is to rub or scrape with something rough. — The diminutive ending le added, scribble and scrabble are used of writing quickly and without care. Scribble-scrabble what is scribbled or scrawled. 18. Sniff'. Snuff". Sniffle. Snaffle. Snuffle. All these words represent the sound made by drawing breath through the nose, to sniff or s7iuff at something, to smell at something 20 as certain animals are in the liabit of doing, to snnff to blow one's nose^ is also transferred to the cleansing of other things: to suuif a candle &e. In the signification of anger, indignation, snuff may be compared with G. anschnanhen and Fr. ronfler. The vowel a is to be found in tlj.e derivative snaffle which, like its parallel forms snuffle and sniffle^ means to speak through the nose. 3. Words with the Suffixes le and er. 19. Bihhle. Babble. Bubble, to babble to make a mur- muring noise as a brook dabbling along over stones; to prate like a babe, to utter words imperfectly or unintelligibly. — to bubble, from the sound of a boiling liquid, which is not so clear as that of water quietly flowing along. The vowel i is in bibb le -babble, a colloquial expression for idle talking. Shakespeare T. N. IV, 2. 20. cutter. Clatter. Clutter, to clatter to make a rattling noise, the syllable clat being, according to Wedgwood, equivalent to clack or slap. — to clutter represents the hollow noise made by a multitude of persons stirring quickly and actively, to bustle. As in Nr. 19, / is found in clitter-clatter, signifying din, confuse talking, as in some provinces also does clatter- clutter. 21. Fiddle. Faddle. Fuddle, to fiddle, like to fad die, signifies to move up and down in an uneasy manner, then, to toy, to trifle with something. It may be that the formation of fiddle violin has been influenced by the verb, although Wedgwood ought to have made mention of Diez' derivation of the word from vitulari to caper about and be wanton like a calf. To which of these etymologies w^e may incline, the transition of the meaning is the same, viz. from movement to sound. — to fuddle; Wedgwood thinks it to be a by-form of fuzzle with which it shares the meaning to get drunk. But this meaning may quite as well have been taken from the heavj^, irregular manner of walking of a drunken person, whereas in fuzz, fuzzle the idea of mixture and confu^iou has led to the same signification. — fiddle-faddle trifling, insi":uificaut. 21 22. Fbnble. Famhle. Fumhle. to famhle to talk imperfectly- like a child; tbeu, the sense of talking lost, it is applied to other kinds of imperfect and awkward acting. — to fimhle, in conformity with the light vowel i, is to touch lightly and frequently (le) with the end of one's fingers. — to fumble to grope about in a clumsy manner. — The original sense of talking imperfectly, of having an impediment in one's speech, is again discovered in fimble-fanible feigned pretences, lame excuses, called so, because apologies of that description are generally not brought forth in fluent words. 23. Piddle. Paddle. Puddle, to piddle. That the sounds of liquids being slowly poured out was originally expressed by this word, is evident from the fact that both in England and Germany, children employ it in the sense of making water. Then it is used of other childish actions, to do light and trifling work. . In the signification to eat a bit here and there, there seems to have taken place a confusion with bit. — The signification of splashing in the wet has been more distinctly preserved in paddle than in piddle. It does not only mean to move the water with the hand, but it is used of a certain kind of rowing, as a paddle is a sort of short oar. In the sense of moving water with the hand, Fr. patte seems to have been of a certain influence on paddle. Water, being moved, becomes troubled, and if it is shallow, even dirty and muddy; hence to puddle to trouble, to make dirty; a puddle a small quantity of muddy water. 24. Ramble. Rumble. Rimple. Rumple, to rumble, G. rummeln to make a hoarse protracted sound; as such noise is often accompanied by a protracted iriegular movement, to ramble is to rove about. — The words showing the sharp consonant p are used in a transitive sense, and transferred to form, signify to wrinkle, to crease; particularly to knit one's brows. III. i a u 0. 25. Click. Clack. Cluck. Clock. Click a distinct thin sound, a click of the door-latch, of the pendulum, of the mill, 22 with the tongue. — clack represeuts a louder souucl than click, the clack of a whip, the clack of a horse-hoof. — click-clack represents tlie noise made by a pair of wooden shoes, &c. — to cluck (G. glucken) to call as a hen does her chickens. — clock, called so from the striking. 26. Slihher. Slabber. SliMer. Slobber. All of them originally express the sound of trickling w^ater. (o slabber to spill water. — to slobber to let tlie saliva fall from the mouth as little children do. — to slubber to soil as with dirt, slibber -slabber negligent, careless. B. i a. 1. Pure Roots. 27. Chit. Chat, to chat or chatter (cp. Fr. caqueter, G. klatschen) to talk on iudifterent subjects in a familiar manner. — chit-chat idle talk. 28. Clink. Clank. The nasal consonant n serves to make the sharp sound expressed by click, clack tinnient and ringing, to clink is chosen if that sound is produced by small objects, to clank is used of large and bard bodies. — clink-clank an imitation of the ringing of bells &c. — By the change of the hard guttural k into the flat one g, the sound is softened. 29. Clip. Clap. Clip, an imitation of the sound of scissors, hence to cut oflF a small piece as with a single stroke of scissors. — to clap to strike together two flat objects, as the palms. 30. Clish. Clash, to clash to produce a loud rattling sound, as weapons striking together. — Clish-clash or clish-ma- clash a substantive form with the same meaning. 31. Crick. Crack, to crick represents a sharp sound like that of a creaking door or of cloth being reut asunder. — to crack to sound like a hard object breaking or splitting. — Crick-crack, a substantive form like clish-clash. 23 32. Flim. Flam. The origiual uotion of rapid move- ment has been transferred to transitory actions and to things not possessed of any substantiality; thus to flam to tell lies. — flim-flam, like fiddle-faddle, tritie. nonsense. 33. Griff- graff by hook and by crook, somehow or other. 34. Kim-kam against the grain, in a wrong way. 35. Mish. Mash. Connected with to mix, mish-mash signifies things that are mixed up and mingled. — to mash to crush into a soft mass. 36. miz-maze , an isolated form by the side of maze a labyrinth, a place with many winding passages; also used as a verb, to render confuse. 37. Pick-a-hack on one's back. Wedgwood thinks pick-a-hack to have been put for pick-pack which occurs with the same signification; the substantive hack, however, seems to have been of a certain influence on the formation of the word. 38. Pit. Pat. Pit originally represents a soft sound like that of the throbbing heart; then it expresses the tramping of feet, and hence has been derived the meaning to make holes in the ground like those of footsteps; in a more amplified signification it simply means to make holes. — to pat to give a light blow or tap with the palm of the hand, cp. the colloquial expression in G. Pafsche hand. — Pit-a-pat, pitty-pat, an imitation of the beating of the heart. The interposed a or y seems to indicate the pause existing between the two sounds or movements expressed. 39. Prink. Prank. The radical image seems to be that of a show which strikes the eye; cp. the same Ablaut in G. blink und blank with a similar meaning. Both to prink and to prank signify to set something out for show, to dress or adjust ostentatiously &c. The third vowel u is to be found in G. prunken. 40. Piiff-raff. The original idea seems to have been that of a clattering, confused noise. Like miz-maze, riff-raff intensifies tlie simple raff, signifying refuse, dregs, scum of 24 auytliing-; more particularly a crowd of vul^^ar, noisy people, a mob. 41. Rip. Rap. Ultimately, according to Wedgwood, derived from the sound of scratching or tearing, to rip is to separate the parts of a thing by producing that peculiar thin sound, i. e. by cutting or tearing. — to rap to strike with a quick sharp blow, to rap at a door. — inp-rap the noise produced l)y several loud knocks. 42. Smick. Smack. An imitation of the sound heard in kissing or tasting, also a smack with a whip, a smack at the head. — smick-smack, used colloquially and deprecia- tively, continual kissing. 43. Snip. Snap, to snip to cut off with a sharp click, such as is caused by a pair of scissors. The vowel i, im- plying a diminutive notion, is particularly used when small portions are separated from something ; in G. the same idea is expressed by the suffix el in schnippdln. — to snap. The original sense of a sharp sudden sound is still discernible in the signification to break asunder ; then it is to bite and swallow, from the sound produced by the jaws being opened and shut on a sudden. — snip-sjiap a clapping noise, a lively dispute or altercation. See Meriy Wives IV, 5. 44. Thwick. Thwack, to thwack to strike with something flat and heavy. Thwick -thwack like many other words, formed in the same way, expresses the sound of blows. 45. Tick. Tack, to tick to make a clear distinct sound as a watch or clock. Applied to a slight touch, it means to dot. — to tack. The original meaning of a sharp sound having been quite lost, it signifies, as is still discernible in several terms of marine, a sharp movement abruptly checked. Then, as words expressive of movement are often applied to shape and form, tack takes the meaning of thrust, projection, point. — tick-tack the sound of a watch or clock. 46. Tig. Tag. Byforms of tick, tack; tig an expression used in the games of children ; tag an especial sort of tack, viz. the metallic point put at the end of a lace. 47. ling(k). Tang. These nasalfzod forms of tig(ck), tag are imitations of a more or less ringing sound, as is pro- 25 duced f. i. by a bell. The same applies to the forms tingle, tangle, tankle, in which the suffix le indicates the continua- tion of the act of riugiug". — tang, tangle originally express the dissonant sound, which is caused by an instrument being- put in tune. Thence the idea of irregularity and confused- ness is transferred to intricate or involved textures. Thus it comes that to tangle takes the signification to unite con- fusedly, and that tang, in several technical terms, sigTjifies the instrument which serves to unite two parts of the same object (the tang- of a file or blade unites the file or blade with the handle or hilt). In the same way, tang, tangle seaweed are to be explained as something confuse and iri- tricate. 48. Trick. Track, trick artifice, originally perhaps a stroke; cp, the same development of meaning in G. Sireich. — track step, print of the foot, then a beaten way or path. — tric-trac. Directly taken from the Fiench; cp. Scheler, Dictionnaire Etymologique (Bruxelles 1872): 'mot de fan- taisie, anc. tic-tac, onomatopec tiree du bruit que font les des lances sur le da?nier\ 14. Trip. Trap, to trip to move with light quick steps. — trap. The original sense of a flat sound may be illustra- ted by a comparison between E. trap -door and G. Klappe. In the same manner trap a spring for taking game, is to be explained, w^hilst the same word has been applied to bodily shape in the meaning of a heavy igneous rock, rocks of tliat description generally occurring in a tabular form. 50. Zig-zag. The change of the vowel is corresponding with the change in the movement or in the shape of an object. From zig-zag have, by a proceeding not very fre- quent in such words, been derived zigzaggery, zigzaggy. 2. Words with the Suffixes le and er. 51. Crinkle. Cr ankle. Nasalized forms of crick, crack. With the common transition from sound to movement, to crinkle is to run in flexures as lightning does, to crank, to crankle to wind, to meander; the latter, besides, is used as a transitive verb, to break into angles. 26 52. Dibble. Dabble, to dabble, in a neuter sense, is to splash; used as an active verb, it means to dip something into water. — to dibble generally used of an angle -line thrown into the water. — dibble-dabble rubbish. 53. Dingle. Dangle (Cp. No. 8). to dangle to swing, as a pendulum. — dingle a narrow rocky vale is taken by Miiller to be a by form of dimple. But as swinging objects generally are of a certain length, but not very thick and broad, it rather belongs to dangle, and is to be compared with words as pit and swang. — dingle-dangle swinging, pendent, also the object which is swinging. 54. Fingle. Fangle. According to Wedgwood nasalized forms of G. fick-facken , to fidget, move to and fro without apparent purpose. An antiquated form is to fang to catch, take hold of, which seems to have influenced the meaning of fangle (cp. the subst. fang the tusk of a boar by which the prey is seized and held). — fangle whimsies, a sudden odd idea. — fang led, in new-fangled ideas &c, is con- trived, devised, fingle-fangle a worthless thing, an insigni- ficant trifle. 55. Giggle. Gaggle, to giggle to laugh in a suppressed manner. — to gaggle to quackle as ducks do. 56. Jingle. Jangle, to jingle to produce a sharp rattling sound. — to jangle, the sound produced is louder and more discordant. 57. Mingle. Mangle, to mingle to blend, to mix. — 7ningle- mangle expresses the same idea as mish-mash (No. 35). 58. Mggle. Naggle. to niggle 'to eat mincingly', and as people often do so with an atfected air, to naggle, beside the signification just given, is also to give one's self airs. 59. Pitter. Patter (cp. No. 58). Both of them represent the more or less loud sound of falling rain or hail &c. 60. Prittle. Prattle, to prattle, a diminutive form of to prate. — to prittle has the same signification, the sound being, however, somewhat lighter than in prattle. — prittle-prattle, like bibble-babble , gibble-gabble &c. idle, nonsensical talk. 61. Quiver. Quaver, to quiver to shake slightly. — to quaver to tremble, to vibrate. 27 62. nibble -Rabble, the same signification as riff-raff (No. 40). 63. Shilly-shally, foolery, irresolution. 64. Skimble-skamble, confusedly. 1 King Henry IV, 2, 1. 65. Dilly. Dally, to dally to waste one's time in trifles. Then, the act of caressing and fondling a person being considered as a mere loss of time, it also means to inter- change caresses. — dilly-dally v. n. to pass one's time in trifling, i. e. to delay business of a serious character. In some dialects it also is lazy, lazy girl. In a number of words, belonging to this category, a, after w, takes the sound of o (see Matzner, Gramm. I, p. 30) : 66. Swing. Swang. to swing to move from side to side, to vibrate. — swang, soft wet ground, shaking and yielding under one's feet, i. e. a bog, a moor, cp. quagmire, connected with quake = to quiver, shake. — swing -swang a movement like that of a pendulum, which in some parts of England, is, according to Wedgwood, called stving- swang. 67. Swish. Swash. Both these words represent the sound of rushing waves or of the roaring sea ; hence swash, used as a substantive, a violent stream, a torrent. — s?vish- swash = slip-slop No. 6. 68. Widdle. Waddle, to waddle to throw, when walking, the body from one side to the other. — Widdle- waddle, to walk widdle-waddle = to walk as ducks do. 69. Jlhip. Whap. to whip represents the swinging sound of a lash; to strike with a lash. — to whap, collo- quially used for to flog, expresses the same swinging sound, produced, however, not by a swinging, but by an unbending object. 70. Ttviddle. Twaddle, to twiddle to act with levity, to trifle; to twiddle about one's mustachios; a by -form of twiddle is tweedle, in which the long vowel expresses a somewhat slower movement. — to trvaddle, twiddle- twaddle express, like many other words of the same description, idle, nonsensical talk. 28 C. i (u). i. i 0. 1. Pure Roots. 71. Fib. Fob. to fib seems originally to be the imitation of a smart, rapid movement, and as things rapidly movi;ig before our eyes, do not only fail to give us a clear idea of their nature, but often even make a wrong impression on us, it is easily to be conceived how to fib has taken the sense of practising upon a person, and of telling lies. The same development has been taken by to fob to which, however, the altered vowel has imparted an intensive meaning, to defraud, to cheat. G Kniff by which in some cases E. fob may be rendered represents a similar development of meaning. As to fob = pocket, Miiller (Etymologisches Wurterbuch I, p. 395) is inclined to suppose that the idea of shutting rapidly led people to call, by distinction, that object which is very often shut and opened, a fob. 72. Hip. Hop. to hip to skip as birds do. — to hop implies a more energetic muscular movement, to leap or jump either on both legs or on one. The haunch is called hip from its being the agent of such movement. — hip-hop to hip. 73. Sing-song does not belong to the imitative words in the strict sense of the term, for the simple reason that similar comjiositions generally consist of two verbs. Sing- song has been formed in analoay to many other words, representing the sound of the human voice, generally with a depreciative meaning; the vowel a seems to have been chosen on account of the substantive song already existing; cp. G. Sing sang. 2. Words with Suffixes. 74. Hiccius - doctius = hie est doctus, a juggler; the accidontnl Ablaut seems to have contributed to the formation of this curious word. 75. Kibble - cobble. The radical image is an irregular 29 noise as is caused by stones being- cut. to kibble to cut or grind in a rough way; cobble, cobble-stones large, rough stones; used as a verb, to cut stones, transferred to other kinds of action, it is to work unskilfully. 76. Ninny -nonny irresolute, wavering like a child. It, ninna ninna is used in the sig-nification to still children. II. I u. 77. Bin. Dun. to din to cause a loud continued sound (L. tinnire). — to dun to make a hollow noise, to clamour, then to claim a debt with importunity, to bother, 78. Fizz. Fuzz, to fizz represents a hissing sound as is caused by boiling water or by fire being extinguished. As things which fizz, generally form a loose and frothy mass which it is easy to separate, to fuzz is to rip up, to pull in pieces, and the substantive fuzz is applied to any kind of particles which are apt to evaporate. On the other hand, things which evaporate composing a confuse mass, to fuzz and fuzzle, in a tropical sense mean to confuse the head v/ith drink (cp. fuddle, No. 21). 79. Hiss. Huzz. to hiss to make a prolonged sound like that of the letter s. — to huzz, like to buzz, to make a dull sound, like that of a bee in flight, to murmur. SO. Crimple. Crumple. Compare crimp, crump No. 12. to crumple is the verb corresponding to the adjective crump, to ruffle, to crease; to crimple has the same signification, the creases produced Iteing only finer and more frequent. III. i u. 81, Lill. Loll. Lull. The letter / being easily produced by the tongue, and being often employed by little children instead of other letters, it is not surprising that in many languages it serves to express the imperfect speech of children. In English, / has not been combined with the vowel a, as in L. lallare, Gr. XaXtlv, G. lallen, but, as a 30 sort of compensation, the vowel u occurs in two shapes, viz. and u. to lill, an antiquated word, to gasp as a dog out of breath; very rarely it is used like to loll to put out one's tongue. Spenser F. Q. I, 34: 'Curled with thousand adders venomous And lilled forth his bloody, teaming long.' to lull to produce those protracted and monotonous sounds by which a child is put to sleep; cp. lullaby song used to lull children asleep; then, to cause to rest by soothing influences, to quiet, to assuage. — A child lulled in is or becomes sleepy. Thus to loll signifies to be lazy and sleepy, to act indolently, to lie at ease as a baby going to sleep; and as the tongue of an old jade or an exhausted dog hangs dangling from his mouth, it also is to put out one's tongue, cp. to lill. D. a u (rarely o) 1, Pure Roots. 82. Bang. Bung, to bang to beat with something large and rough. — to bung has a similar signification, f. i. to bung up a person's eye. bung. s. the stopper of a cask, from the hollow sound caused by driving it in. 83. Crash. Crush. Crush-crash. All of them are expressive of a clattering, boisterous noise, to crush represents the sound produced by two hard bodies being ground, hence to press between two hard bodies. 84. Cranch. Clinch. They are nasalized forms of cra^A, crush (Nr. 83), sh having been changed into ch on account of the nasal n. Cranch or craunch represents the prolonged sound of crash, which is produced by one object slowly bruising and pounding another object. It is also used, as is always to crunch, in the sense of gnashing one's teeth. 31 85. Flash. Flush. Flash, oiigiiiallv the sound of a rush of water or sudden burst of flame, a quick transitory move- ment like that of lightning; then a sudden burst of light, a momentary brightness. — to flush to flow suddenly, as the blood of a person blushing. 86. Gash. Gush. The original signification is a loud noise like that of splashing water, to gash to make a long and deep incision in something, particularly in flesh. — to gush to rush forth in a copious stream. 87. Grab. Grub, to grab to lay hold of, to seize; cp. the same vowel and the same signification in Prov. G. grapsen. to grub originally to clear a piece of ground of weeds, then to dig. Connected with, though not derived from, A^. graban. 88. Rash. Rush. They express 'the sound accompanying any violent action'. Wedgwood, to rash to throw violently down as a boar does with his tusks; rash, adj., hasty and hurrying without consideration and thought. — to rush to move with violence, as the wind or a river. 2. Words with the Suffixes le, er. 89. Gargle. Gurgle. They represent the sound of bubbling water, to gargle to rinse one's throat — to gurgle to rush forth in an inegular noisy current. 90. Maffle. Muffle, to maffle represents a sound such as is produced by toothless jaws clapping together; hence to stammer, to speak in a broken and faltering voice, in the signification to wrap up. it is, however, derived from muff, see Muller, Etym. Worterb. II. p. 111. Both these meanings have been joined in expressions like a muffled oar, a nniffled drum, i. e. an oar or a drum at which a twisted 'piece of cloth has been fastened in order to deaden the sound. 91. Straggle. Struggle. The signification of broken sound, which Wedgwood supposes these words to have had at first, having been lost, they only refer to broken movement. to straggle to wander carelessly about; and as a person leaving the direct road and following his own way, must 32 be prepared to find many obstacles, to struggle is to strive or make ellbrts, to exert one's energies. 3. Mixed Forms. 92. Dlah. Blabber. Blubber. Blob. All of them are originally, according to Wedgwood, an imitation of tlie sound of dashing water, to blab or blabber to talk loosely and foolishly, to blubber to weep noisily ; the vowel u is in its place, because the noise produced by crying and sobbing is much hollower than that etfected by mere talking. As crying is necessarily accompanied by swollen lips and cheeks, blub, used as a verb and as an adjective, signifies to swell, swollen. A parallel form with blub is blob: a) the mouth distorted by crying b) anything swollen, f. i. blob-cheeked, blob-lipped. — A byform of blab is bleb which has taken the particular sense of a watery pustule. 93. Slatter. Slottery. Slut. Originally an imitation of the sound of dashing water or splashing dirt. Hence to slatter to walk slovenly, as a person walking through dirt. Slottery, sluttish dirty; slut a dirty woman. Having thus enumerated the words and groups of words in w^hich primary Ablaut has been preserved, I shall now turn my attention to the so called strong verbs, i. e. to those which form their Past Tense by change of vowel i). This change of vowel does not only serve to distinguish the Perfect Tense and the Past Participle both from each other and from the Present Tense, but as many verbs, substantives and adjectives have been derived from strong veibs, it is also of great importance for the formation of words. Grimm, *) The works made use of for the following disquisition are: J. Grimm, Deutsche Grammatik II, GOttingen 1826. — Fr. Koch, Histo- rische Grammatik der Engl. Sprache 1803—1869.— R. Morris, Histo- rical Outlines of English Accideuce, London 1875. — Wedgwood, Dictionary of English Etymology, London 1872, — Miiller, Etymo- logisches Worterbuch der Englischeu Sprache, Coetheu 1 865. — Grein, Sprachschatz der angelsJichsichen Dichter, Cassel und Gottiugen 1861. — I have adopted the classificaiiou and arrangement of verbs given by Koch. 33 in the second part of his grammar, has given a list of such words, as far as they occur in the oldest German dialects; I shall try in the following pages to fix what words in Modern English are still to be considered as formed by means of Ablaut. As the same AS. sound represents several sounds in Modern English, and as, on the other side, the same English vowel is based on several sounds in the parent speech, the words derived from strong verbs cannot have taken so regular a development as the onomatopoetic words, and in each case, therefore, it will be necessary to set out from the original AS. form. The strong verbs are divided into two groups: those in which the original method of reduplication may still be discovered in Gothic and partly also in AS., and those in which the traces of this method have been totally effaced in all Teutonic dialects. Examining the words belonging to the first of these categories, we are struck by the complete absence of all derivative formations. The reasons of this grammatical phsenoraenon lie in the very character and nature of these verbs. The root-vowel in them was for a much longer time kept up than in those of the second category, and it was only at a comparatively recent period that in the Perfect Tense the combination eb rose into existence. When at last this moment arrived, the time in which new words were created by means of Ablaut, had already past, and it was impossible to employ the newly- contracted forms for that purpose. All the words, therefore, of which I have to treat in the following pages, have been derived from the second category of strong verbs; and even their number must still be limited as it is well known that many of them have been lost in course of time. The first class, f. i., comprised, according to Koch, 73 verbs, of which less than one half — only 34 — have survived; all the rest have disappeared. Part of them gave up their })lace to French verbs, teldan to cover, Mimman to sound, grimman to rage, Ihman to cease, pwingmi to constrain, hweorfan to return &c; in other cases, there existed already in AS. two words conveying 34 the same idea, and one of them, seeming to be superfluous, was dropped. It is curious to see that in such cases the language generally preferred a weak verb to a strong one; so: pencean, pyncan to think to simian, teoUan to toil to srvincan, clwmian to cleanse to sweorfan, ascian to ask to gefregnan. What has been stated with regard to one class, applies of course to all others, and as besides in Modern English we sometimes find a weak form by the side of a strong one, we are fully entitled to draw the conclusion that in process of time weak verbs became preponderating, and consequently the number of words formed by means of Ablaut less frequent; and that, on the other hand, in a stage of the language of which no monuments are extant, the number of strong verbs and that of their derivatives was greater than in AS. — And indeed, it does not unfrequently hai)pen that some of the old Teutonic dialects represent the strong verb which has been lost in AS. In other cases, the existing Ablaut -formations clearly point to a lost root- verb, of which Grimm .also enumerates a certain number; it needs, however, hardly be added that we cannot proceed too cautiously on this hypothetical ground. There is still another change of vowel to be taken into account which, essentially differing from Ablaut, is often to be met with in words created by means of Ablaut. The endings which added to the root, served to form verbs and substantives, exercised, in their turn, an influence on the root-vowel. This change is called Umlaut; and in AS. it is particularly produced by a following <', by which a preceding deep vowel is rendered more light and clear. The complete scheme for the I -Umlaut in AS. is: a becomes e u becomes y u becomes 5' a ie ea y efi 5' 6 e eo y eo 5^ (cp. Koch Gr. p. 43, § 38; March, A Comparative Grammar of the AS. Tongue § 32). As we shall have instances of all these changes, it is not necessary to give any hiere. The words, derived from strong verbs by means of Ab- laut, with which in many cases Umlaut has been combined, 35 may naturally be divided into three classes: either they are verbs, or they are substantives, or lastly adjectives. The strong- verbs which are, if not the oldest, yet the most characteristic constituents of the vocabularies of the Teutonic dialects, form as it were a stock which may well be diminished but which does not allow of any augmentation. Thus it is impossible that they should have procreated strong verbs; in spinnan span spunnen and spannan spon spanen we have two diiferent roots, as also the significations in AS. to spin and to allure have nothing in common. It is the same in scafan scof scafen to shave and sceofan sceaf scufon scofen to shove. All the verbs, on the contrary, derived from strong verbs, are weak ones, i. e. they express tense not by changing their root-vowel, but by composition with de{te). A characteristic sign of AS. weak verbs is their Present-stem ending in ia (Inf ian). In many stems i has disap- peared, not, however, without leaving traces of its existence ; either it has geminated the last consonant of the root, lecgan (= legian), sellan (= selian) dippan (= dipian), or it has been the cause of Umlaut taking place, md'uan, sprengan, styrman. The most simple and natural way of forming weak verbs from strong ones was only to change the ending, that is to say, to use the same root for the formation of a strong and a weak verb. As by this proceeding the idea expressed by the strong verb could hardly be modified, several weak verbs were in AS. indiscriminately employed by the side of strong ones, until at last they succeeded to supersede the latter, to grin, to elope, to love, to step, to well, to wield are based on the weak verbs grinjan, dh-ledpian, leofjan, steppan, wellan, wyldan, which, in their turn, have taken the place of strong verbs, viz. grhian, hleupan, leofan, stapan, weallan, wealdan. Only one verb, corresponding in its form to those just mentioned, differs in its signification. This verb is to fell, from feUan, which exists by tlie side of fyllan as wellan by the side of wyllan, the forms with e having been ultimately preferred in order to distinguish these words from to fill = to make full, and the auxiliary verb / will. To fell is the 36 transitive form of to fall and has taken a causative meaning-, signifying to cause to fall, to prostrate. In that respect it is connected with a whole group of verbs to which, quite in the same way, the vowel e imparts a transitive meaning, in which, however, e is not the Umlaut of the vowel exhibited by the Present Tense, but of that which in found in the Perfect Tense. The vowel a {ce) of which e is the Umlaut, being employed in the Perfect Tense of the first three classes of the second division of strong verbs, all the transitive verbs with causative meaning, derived from strong verbs and exhibiting- the vowel e, belong to one of these three categories. I. to bind (AS. hindan) to tie together; to bend (AS. bendan) to make a thing apt to be tied with another one, i. e. to render curved, to crook something by straining it. to blink (AS. blincan) to wink, to shut one's eyes on a sudden; to blench (AS. blencan) to make one shut his eyes, as by a sudden fright, to hinder, prevent; generally in a' transitive sense like to blink. to drink (AS. drincan)\ to drench (AS. drencan) to cause (a horse) to drink. to stink (AS. stincan)] to stench (AS. stencan) to cause that something stinks. to qninch (AS. quincan), originally to go out, then trans- ferred to other kinds of rapid movement; to quench (AS. quencan) to cause to go out, to put out, to extinguish. to wind (AS. windan)\ to wend (AS. wendan) originally like Gr. wenden, to cause something to wind itself. But very early to wend has taken an intransitive sense = to walk. It has been somewhat different in AS. hlindan Hurbidum, nubilum esse', AS. blendan to cause something to become turbidum, nubilum ; i. e. a) to mix things together so that they cannot be easily distinguished, b) to render the eyesight dim. That these two meanings might be distinguished, the signification b) was transferred to to blind, which after the original strong verb had been quite lost, was formed from the adjective blind. In AS. belonged to the same category: scrincan screnean; 37 sincan sencan; springan sprengan; stringan stretigan; in all these eases, however, the weak forms were not possessed of sufficient vitality to exist by the side of the strong ones: the latter, on the contrary, have also taken their functions. A diiferent way w^as taken in AS. smgan, AS. sengan to cause to sing, i. e. to give a particular sound as that of light objects being burnt; then to burn slightly; the idea of AS. sengan, for which we should expect sench (cp. blench, drench, stench), has, however, not been expressed by change of vowel, but by a modification of the last consonant. There is no Umlaut in steorfan perire, stearfjan perdere ; to starve, in Modern English, has both these significations. II. AS. cfve/an to be tormented, to die; AS. cwelian, cwellan to kill and to quell: two parallel forms derived from the same AS. word, III. to lie (AS. licgan); to lay (AS. lecgan) to cause to lie, to put or place. AS. cwican to move (cp. quick)] AS. cwacjan, cweccan = to quake, originally to make something move; then cmican having been lost, in an intransitive sense, to tremble, to shudder. to sit (AS. sittan); to set (AS. settan) to cause to sit, to put or place. To these may be added: to tear (AS. teran), to tar to cause to tear, to incitate, derived from Fr. tarier, which is based on a weak Germanic verb, 0H6. zerjan; cp. Diez, Etymol. Worterb. II, p. 436. The same causative meaning is in some derivatives from the Perfect Tense of verbs, belonging to the fifth class. to bite (AS. bitan); to bait (AS. bdtjan, bwtan) to set the dogs at somebody, to provoke. AS. blican to shine, blcecan to make shining, to bleach. AS. tiban to sail, to go; Icedan to lead. to rise (AS. a-risan), rear (AS. a-rceran) to bring up to maturity. A less tropical meaning is exhibited by another form in which Umlaut has not taken place, viz. to raise (AS. a-rasjati) to cause to rise, to uplift. t lihan to lend ; Icenan to loan (about the change of <5 38 into oa see Miitzner Gr. p. 121) to cause a person to lend, to borrow. f strican to g'o ; sti-eccan to sirelch. To these verbs may be added one belonging- to the fifth class: hugan to tiow, to bend; hijgan (from the Perfect Tense hcdli) to cause to bend, to hiuj, fnmi an ancient symbol; see Grimm, Rechtsaltertiiraer 608. Many of the verbs, however, derived from verbs belonging to CI. I and VI, and exhibiting the vowel of the Perfect Tense, particularly those in which Umlaut has not been employed, have not a factitive meaning, but are used to render the idea expressed by the strong verb, more intense, or to impart to it a particular shade. I. to climb (AS. climhan)\ to clamber has the same meaning as to climb, with the only difference that by the ending er, expressing repetition, the single movements by which we advance in climbing, are rendered more conspicuous. to wind (AvS. windan)] to wander (AS. wandrian or wa7idUan). Both in to wander and to clamber the suffix seems to have prevented Umlaut from taking place. to wring (AS. wringaii)\ to wrench {wrencan)] it has the same meaning as to wring, the action expressed by it is only more keen and intense. VL t glnan:, to ijawn (AS. gt/niau). to gripe (AS. grtpan) to seize and hold fast with the hand; to grope (AS. grdpjan) to endeavour to find something by touching and feeling, a particular kind of griping. -f snibau to slit, still existing as an adjective snith = piercing, cutting ; to snathe to top trees. to strike (AS. strican) to touch with a blow, to hit with some force -^ to stroke {X^. stracjan) gently to moAe the hand along the surface of something. — In the same w ay have been formed, although an AS. root-verb does not exist, to pike and to poke. f grinan] to groan (AS. grdnjan). 39 (Ulan (see Grimm N. < 492) partiri ; to deal, to dole (AS. dxelan, cp. to loan p. 37) to divide, to distribute. In two words, belonging- to CI. VI, the weak form with the vowel of the Perfect Tense has succeeded in superseding the strong one, viz. reofan to reave {reafjan), preotan to threat {predtjan). Having thus enumerated the verbs showing the vowel of the Perfect Tense of verbs, belonging to CI. I, II, III, V, and VI, we have still the fourth class left, which has o in its Perfect Tense. In the weak verbs, derived from it, we consequently expect e {ee). But it is only in one case that here we have both the strong and the weak form, and in that case the strong verb only exists in AS.: f sacan to fight; secan to seek. And yet, not a small number of verbs having been formed quite in the same way, we are allowed to suppose that at an earlier stage of the English language many more strong verbs, showing in their Present Tense a, in their Perfect Tense o, were existing. The latter vowel is still discernible in substantives and adjectives (cp. also sake), to which the weak verbs apparently belong. Thus are to be explained: doom (AS. doni), to deem (deman). — boot (AS. bot), to beet (AS. hetan), to add fuel to the fire, formerh' to improve. — food (AS. foda), to feed (AS. fedan). — cool (AS. col), to keel (AS. celan). — blood (AS. blod) , to bleed (AS. bledan). — /vhore (AS. hore-, as to the addition of tv, cp. Matzner, Grammatik pp. 186 — 7), to hire {hi/ran). — hood {AS. hod) to heed (AS. hedan). — brood (AS. brod), to breed (AS. bredan). — moot (AS. motjan), to meet (AS. me tan). — AS. som, to seem (AS. semian). — OS. wopan, to /veep (AS. wepan). — OS. spod (G. sputen), to speed (AS. spedan). The English lauguage thus employing the vowel of the Perfect Tense in the formation of verbs, we may, even a priori, suppose to find verbs which exhibit the voAvel of the in I'iis^t raiticii)lc. As 1 liavc already mentioned that only in CI. 1, 11, and VI the vowel of the P. P. essentially differs from that of the Present Tense, such verbs can only be formed in those three classes; but the question even takes a simpler form, because in fact we only find such derivatives in CI. 1 and VI. — As to the meaning of these verbs, they exhibit the same idea as is conveyed by the rootverb, not in its generality, but somewhat modified and mostly applied to one distinct object. In several cases the original strong verb has been lost, and the derived w^eak verb has, also with regard to its signification, taken its place. The number of the verbs belonging to these groups, was much greater in AS., and in modern English we do not often find both the root-verb and that which shows the vowel of its P. P. /. to stint (AS. stintan) to confine within certain limits, to stunt (AS. styntan) to hinder something from taking its ordinary size. Goth, hinpan to take ; from the Perfect Tense with Um- laut has been formed to hent(d) (AS. hentmi)^ to seize, to pursue; from the P. P. to hunt (AS. huntian) to endeavour to seize something, })artieularly, to pursue game with hounds. Goth, gairdan] AS. gyrdan to gird. f AS. grimian\ AS. yrmiian to grunt] the latter seems however to have been influenced by F. grondir (* L. grundire). VI. f AS. dreopan] AS. dropjan to drop] AS. drypan to drip. f AS. deopan\ AS. dyppan to dip. AS. fleolan to fleet; flotjan to float. AS. steoran styran to stear; AS. sHjrian to stir. AS. spreotan to spi'out; AS. spryttmi to sprit. A 1 'articular development is to be stated in four verbs which have oo : steopan — stupian to stoop, dreopan — dru- pian to droop, u in both of them being the vowel exhibitid by the Plural of the Preterit Tense. To them have been joined two verbs which, according to rule, could not give 41 rise to such forms, viz. to smuon from swinan swan stvi/w/i, to swoop from swipan swap swlpen. It may be that tlie sig-iiificatioii has been of some in- fluence on these forms : all four of them expressing a move- ment down to the ground, the dark vowel in its prolonged form was perhaps pieferred ; on the other hand, /, preceded by w, was in AS. often changed into ir. wudu {widu), wu- duwe (widiiwe), swura (swira); (see Koch, Gramniatik § 'M). Verbs, besides, may in English easily be derived from substantives and adjectives, so that it is often difl'ieult to say w^hich of them is the original word, either the substan- tive and the adjective, or the verb. It is not surprising that also here in some cases Umlaut is found: knot, s., a) knottjan to knot\ b) cmjttan to knit. — knoll, s., an elevation of earth, a small hill; to knoll to ring the bell at a funeral. The AS. verb cne(y)llan has disappeared, leaving, however, the substantive knell (AS. cne(y)lt), the stroke of the funeral bell. (These words give another instance of the transition from the idea of movement to that of shape). — A similar proceeding seems to have taken place in loft. s. and to lift. Of adjectives which have given rise to verbs, I mention: hroad (AS. brad)\ to bread (AS. br(edan) to expand, to extend. — full] to fill (fijllan). — foul (AS. ful) to defile (AS. d-ff/lan) to render foul. The second division of words derived from strong verbs by means of Ablaut, is composed by substantives. Here, too, we have to distinguish two categories of words: those which show the vowel of the Perfect Tense, and those in which the vowel of the Past Participle is to be met with. The form of the substantives from the Perfect Tense is generally that of the Perfect itself without any suffix added, and it is only in a few cases that either a vowel or a consonant has been joined to it. The AS. suffix a has been reduced to a silent e in hare (AS. hara from hisan 42 rjrinim No. 5r)8), snake (AS. s)iuca fron) s)i(ca)i). It has luodified the final consonant iji tvrelch (AS. wrwca from ?vrecun). — In the same way, the AS. suffix ?< has been softened down to e in namu (AS. w(/»m from ni/nan), share {scearu from sceran), scale (AS. scealu from scelan Gr. No. 563). ?< has been amalgamated with ^, and has produced w in law (AS. /a(7^< from licgun). — The suffix e has disappeared in load {-star) (AS. Idt5e iter from li^au). — The suffix th has been preserved in heallh (AS. ^(^/d from helan). It has taken the form of / in height (AS. hedht)o from heohan Gr. 539). /? aheady existed in AS. in craft (AS. crwft from criban Gr. 541), draught (AS. i/ro/^/ from dragan). — ^m is to be found in token (AS. ^ace?« from tihan). — el with Umlaut occurs in steeple (AS. stepel from stapari). The influence exeicised by the vowel of the Perfect Tense on the signification of words belonging- to this group is not the same in all of them. March (Gr. § 230) says: 'the vowels of the past denote result', but he is obliged to add: 4n many derivatives this force is lost'.i) The following remarks will prove, in how many instances the principle given by March does not apply, and w^ill at the same time show how manifold the functions are which Ablaut has to perform in these words. 1. If the verb has a transitive meaning, the correspond- ing substantive often expresses a concrete object which is the result of the action of the verb. This seems to be the proper domain of the vowel of the Perfect Tense as the action must precede the ol)ject which is produced by it. By far the greater number of substantives exhibiting the vowel of the Perfect Tense liave adopted this signification. I. mall (AS. mealt from meltan), song (AS. sang from s/ngan), thong (from pingan), warp (AS. tvear/i from weor- /lan), II. barn (AS. beam from beran), name (AS. namu from nimaii), breach (AS. brcec from brecan) III. /ret in fretwork &c. (AS. frcet from /retau), wreck (AS. wr(cc from ') See Grimm, Grammatik II, '>S. 43 wrecan'), law (AS. lagu from Iccgaii)^ IV. groove (AS. grof from grafan), draught (AS. droht from dragan), stool (AS. 5?d/ from stalan Grimm 464), doom (AS. 6?ow from daman Gr. 466), V. /?a<7 (AS. bat from bitan), sloat(s) (from slitan), loan (AS. /few from lihau), token (AS. /rk^w from tihan), deal {dcel from dilan), rope (AS. ra/j from ripan), VI. ^Aot^t' (AS. ^cea/" from sceofan), throe {predf from preowan) &c. 2. The vowel of the Perfect Tense often serves to form a concrete substantive of which the verb may be predicated. As the same verb may be connected with many substantives, it is obvious that mere chance has often determined the particular meaning; of the substantive; so hall, being'origin- ally that which sounds, might quite as well have adopted the signification of trumpet (cp. clarion) or of anything apt to produce a loud sound. Such concrete substantives have been formed from intransitive verbs as well as from transi- tive verbs; in the latter case they often signify the object or instrument which serves to produce the action of the verb. To this class belong: I. hall {AS.heal from hellan), hellow(s) (AS. h^lg from belgan), stan.p (from stimpan), wand (from fvittdan), hand (from Goth, hinpan), crank (from crin- can), slang (from slmgan)] II. dwale (from dwelan), tare (from teran), scale (AS. scealu from scelan Gr. 563); IV. fool (AS. fot from fatan), hook (from hacan)] V. dough (AS. dag from digan Gr. 514), goad gad (AS. gad from gidan Gr. 506), loam {k^. lam from Gr. 494); V^I. leak (from lucan). 3. The vowel of the Perfect Tense expresses the action of a verb rather in an abstract manner : the word has, as it were, the signification of the infinitive used as a substantive: I. damp (AS. dimpan Gr. 368), throng (AS. prang from pringan)] III. craft (AS. crfeft Gr. 541), smack {AtS.s/ncec Gr. 553); IV. wood (AS. wod from 7vadan\ V. shrove (from scrifan), stroke (from stricau)^ VI. height (AS. hedhtSo Gr. 539), need (AS. nedd neod Gr. 534). 4. In some cases the substantive, derived from the Perfect Tense of the V' Class signifies the place where the action of the verb is particularly apt to pass: glade (from glidan), road (from ridan), strode (from stridan), load (from lidan), abode (from abidati). 44 5. An {miniated object is rarely expressed by the Per- fect form: wretch (AS. rvrccca from wrecan), swain (AS. swan from swman), neat {neat from neotan), hare (AS. hara from hisan Gr. 550), ^wa^e (AS. stiaca from snican). The substantives derived from tiie Tast Participle of strong- verbs are in their form similar to those of the preceding" group. Here, as well as there, we have a number of substantives exhibiting the mere stem , the ending en of the P. P. having been dropped. In other cases suffixes have been added, so t in dolt (from dwelan), er in blunder (from blindan), sler in holster Tfrom hellan), ling in foundling (from findau), ard in drunkard (from drincan), uca in bullock (AS. bulluca from bellan), el (with Umlaut) in bundel (AS. hyndel from bindan). a has disappeared in float (AS. /lota), droj) (AS. dropa), sprot (AS. sprotu). As to the signification of these substantives, it is, as may be anticipated, impossible to give a rule which applies to all of them. In the greater number of words, however, the substantive with the vowel of the P. P. has the meaning of the P. P. and is, as it were, a compensation for the lost faculty of the English language to use the P. P. as a sub- stantive: I. hulk (from belgan), gulp (from gelpan), clump (from cli/npan), rump (from rimj)an), bundle (AS. byndel from bindan), ground (AS. grund from grindan), word (AS. 7vord from weorpan); II. hole (AS. hoi from helan), mull (AS. mol from melan), shore (AS. score from sceran); VI. drop (AS. dropa from dreopan), lot (AS. hlot from hleotan), shot (from sceotan), loss (from leosan), lock (from liican), bow (AS. fto^a from bilgan). The substantive derived from the Past Participle may also denote an object of which the verb may be predicated: borough or burron- (from bergan), float (AS. fJota from fteotan). In two cases the vowel of the P. P. signifies the object by means of which the action of the verb is produced: 45 slot a doorbolt (OHG slioj,a)i)j lid (AS. hlkl from hltdan to cover). Now and then the vowel of the P. P. is found in sub- stantives expressing' animated objects: bullock (AS. hulluca from bellan), hoioid (AS. hund from hhipan), doll (from drvelaii). Having" thus given the general remarks suggested by the form and the meaning of tlie substantives which have been derived from strong verbs, I shall proceed to enumerate them as completely as possible according to the six classes to which they belong. I. Pr. i {e, eo) Perfect ea («) P. P. u (o). Bellmi to bell J still used = to cry like a hart or boar. S. hell, the instrument which gives forth loud, ringing sounds. — hullock (AS. bulluca) a young bull; bull itself seems not to have existed in AS. Meltan to melt\ s. milt, a concoquendo, solvendo succum (Grimm); malt {AS./nealt) barley moistened and dried. Belgan to swell; hellofvs (AS. hcelg) the instrument which sucks air, which swells. — bulk that which is swollen, the magnitude of a substance. — boll a capsule. — bolster a long, thick cushion. — Umlaut has taken place in AS. bylig = hu(i)lge; the same word in the form of belg has produced belly. — bowl, although belonging to the same root* has been taken from Fr. boule. Gilpan to gulp, to swallow^; gulp a draught. Gildttu to })ay; the vowel i of the Present Tense has been changed into e in geld fine, and in gelt tinsel; to the same verb belong guild and guilt; the vowel of the P. P. is to be found in gold. Srvimman to swim; sivamp marsh, bog. It seems to be the same word as AS. swam fungus G. Schwamm, although in similar cases the addition of an inorganic b was preferred. Rimpan to rimple (see p. 21); nimp the part of the body which easily gets rumples or rimples. Bindan to bind; band a ligament with which things 46 may be bound tog-ether; bond, the same form as hand, used generally when speaking- of moral and legal obligations, (as to the change of a and o before n + cons., see Koch § 23, Matzuer 1, p. 120). U, the vowel of the P. P. occurs with Umlaut in bundle (AS. byndel) several things l)ound togethei-. Findan to find: foundling a cliild that has been found. Grindan to grind; ground (AS. grund) what is ground, tlie surface of the earth, soil. Rindan to push; rand margo. Windan to wind; wand a rod; as to wound (AS. 7vund) and wonder (AS. wundor), see Gr. No. 383). Crincan to yield, cp. crinkle p. 25; crank a bend or turn. Drincan to drink; drunkard an habitual drinker. Geongan to go; gang a number of persons going together. Singan to sing; song (AS. sang) that Avhich is sung. Stingan to sting; stang a pole. Swingan to swing: swang a bog; Midler thinks it to be = swamp; but beside the form not agreeing with this etymology, swamp from swimman, and quagmire from quake, both expressive of the same idea, seem to speak in favour of the derivation from swingan. Pringan to press; throng (AS. prang) a crowd. Pwingan to constrain; thong (AS. pwang) that which constrains, fastens. Wring an to wring: wrong (used as a subst., adj., and verb). heorgan to guard; borough (AS. hurg) originally a fortified town which protects. The same word in a some- what different form is to be found in the names of places: Canterbury, Newbury, Kingsbury. weorpan to throw; warp (AS. wearp) texture, a technical term in weaving. weorpan to become; word (AS. word^ an idea, as it were, realized; wort (AS. wyrt) a herb. To this category we add with Grimm the following verbs which either exist in other Teutonic dialects or which are suggested by extant derivatives: 47 OHG. hellan to sound; hall (AS. heal) a large, resouiidiug room or passage. climpan; clamp a beam; clump a joist. blindan; blunder a gross mistake. dimpaji (Gr. ^Qh)\ damp moisture; dump{s) sadness; for the transition in the meaning, op. fumes, vapours, also Fi-. vapeurs. crimpan (Gr. 370); cramp a restraint or contraction. slingan (Gr. 421); slang 'a long narrow strip of land', cp. Muller, Et Worterbuch II, 344. Mndan (Goth, h'lnpan Gr. 395): hand = 'mauus qua eapimus'; hound (AS. hund) 'canis qui capit'. Ungan (Gr. 423); lungs. stimpan (Gr. 586); stamp a forciljle impression with something, the instrument which serves to give such au impression; stump that part of a thick object, which remains after the top has been cut off. brinnan (Gr. 371); brand a burning piece of wood; b7-uni the sudden collision of two things, fiery shock. keo?man (Gr. 613); kern; corn. II. Pres. /. Perf. (c, a. P. P. u. o. drvelan to render torpid; drvale a poisonous plant which causes sleepiness and torpidity, nightshade; dolt a heavy stupid fellow. helan to hide, to cover; health (AS. hcelb) the state of being entirely covered i. e. sound, hole (AS. hoi) belongs, according to Miiller, to the same verb. jiiman to take; name (AS. namu) that which an object, em])hatically speaking, takes or adopts. beran to bear. From the Present Tense have been derived: barley (AS. bere); barn (AS. bern); birth (AS. byrd); berth (?); barm (AS. beorma), cp. G. Hefe from heben. — The vowel of the Perfect Tense is in barn (AS. beam) that which has been borne, child. — bier the instrument which serves for bearing, has been taken from Fr. biere, which, in its turn, is of Germanic oiigin, AS. ba^r = bier. 48 sceran to shear. From the Present Tense: shire (AS. scire)] sheriff (AS. scirgerefa), shirt; orig'iually, any short garment, a petticoat, an apron. From the Perfect Tense: share (AS. scearv) a certain portion; shore the margin of the land next to a sea or lake ])y which the sea or lake is as it were separated from the land. teran to tear; tare that which tears, a weed. hrecan to break. From the Present Tense: breach AS. brice (Fi-. breche). From the Perfect Tense: tjrake 'a place overgrown with ferns and shrubs' (see Miillcr Et. Wb., s. v.) According to Grimm we have to add: melan (Gr. 560); 7neal (AS. melu); mull (AS. mol). scelan separare (Gr. 563); skill, with the vowel of the Present Tense, properly, the faculty of separating and distinguishing; scale{s) (AS. scalu) balance by which things are separated ; scale (of a tish) (AS. scealu) ; scall scab, scurf. III. Pres. e. Perf. ce. P. P. (e, i. rvefan to weave; web that which is woven, has been derived from the P. P. — woof does not occur in AS.; o, it is true, Aery early intrudes into the P.P. of the verbs belong- ing to this class, but as AS. o is but rarely changed into 00 {cok = cook J sona = soon, see Matzuer p. 122), woof remains an anomalous formation. gifan to give; gabel (AS. gafol) duty on salt, originally that which is given ; this meaning has been preserved in gift. fretan to eat away ; fret (AS. frcet) relieve, originally that which is corroded. tredan to tread; trode has been formed from a later P. P., cp. woof; in trode, however, AS. o has regularly developed itself into oo. wrecan to wreak ; wretch (AS. wrwca) ; licgan to lie; law {k'^.lagu), cp. the same development of meaning in G. setzen, Gesetz. sit tan to sit; seat (AS. scet) the thing on which we seat. biddan to bid; bead (AS. bed), originally prayer. 49 sticcan lo stick {U.?d'inQ,\\ p. 389); slake; slock; sleak seem^ to have been derived from a Skandinavian source, see Miiller. Besides, Grimm supposes the following verbs, belonging to the same class, to have been los^t: crifan (540), stifan (540 b), stedan (545), hisan (550), smican (553), from which he derives the substantives: crafl, staff, stead, hare and hair, smack. IV. Pres. a. Perf. 6. P. P. a. stapan to step; the vowel of the Present Tense has been preserved in staple\ the vowel of the Perfect Tense with Umlaut in AS. stepel steeple. In stop the influence of 0. Fr. estoper from AS. stuppa tow, oakum, is not to be denied. grafan to dig, to grave; grave (AS. graif)\ the same word hnd, already in AS., the signification of lucus, grove\ as to the change of (e into «, cp. sta;l — stole, hrcek — broke, see Matzner p. 120; the original signification is: alley in a wood, thence a small forest giving shade like the trees shading a walk. — The vowel of the Perfect Tense is in AS. grof groove channel or ditch. hacan to hake; beech (AS. boce^ bece), because that tree was used for baking, cp. Gr. gyijyog connected with
20); thunder (punor). heopan (524); heap {heap); hop (heope). steopan (526); stop. sireopan (527); strypan to stripe] strap and strop (AS. strop). grcotan (5H1); grit (AS. greol)] grout (AS. griit)] groats has taken the same development as slope &c. sneotan (532); snot. meoda7i (533); meed (AS. med). leohan (53b), lie (AS. ledh). heohan (539); height (AS. hedhbo). The number of Adjectives derived from strong verbs by means of Ablaut is much smaller than that of verbs and substantives. Exhibiting, as for the greater part they do, the vowel of the Perfect Tense, the express like a number of substantives with the same vowel, the result of an action. Some adjectives show the vowel of the P. P.; particularly those which have m, I, or ;• after the root vowel. — I may add that some of the substantives mentioned in the last pages are also used as adjectives, according to the well- knowm principle of the English language to employ the same word without any alteration for quite different parts of speech; f. i. damp (s., a., adj.), wrong (s., adj., and v.). I. grimman to rage; grim wild, angr}-; gram surly. crincan to yield; AS. crane weak, near to death, is in 5;^ Modern English a term of marine = in danger to tilt over; in other sign iti cations, there seems to have taken place a confusion with rank, cp. Miiller s. crank. drincan; drunk. crimpan : crump. winnan to take pains, to fight; n-an having- fought, lieing tired, looking tired and worn out, i. e. ])ale. sUntan (Gr. 385); slant sloping. blincan (Gr. 40G); blank shining. The word being however but rarely used in AS., it seems to have been taken fr(mi the French. llngan {Gr. iT'i)] long {AS. lafojng)] perhaps like blank due to French influence. stringan (Gr. 425) ; strong (AS. stra(o)ng\ dimban (Gr. 591); dim dark; in a tropical sense, dumb speechless. II. drvelan; dull (AS. dot). helan to hide, cover; hollow derived from hole, sceran to shear; short, originally having lost something from its original length. III. tvitayi (Gr. 543); rvet (AS. wcet). IV. jvadan to rush; wood rushing as people do when in a rage. granan (Gr. 468); with Umlaut, gree^i (AS. grhi). V. sdnan to shine; sheen (AS. scene) = brilliant; the obsolete shone, bearing the same signification, is based on the 0. E. Perfect form shon. blican to shine; black and bleak (AS. bide and blac). wican to }ield; weak (AS. wedk\ for the change from ed into ea cp. Matzner p. 110. bridan pandere (Gr. 162); broad (AS. brad), hitan (Gr. 499); hot (AS hat). VI. deofan to dive; deaf (AS. deaf), reodan to redden; red (AS. read). heohan attollere (Gr. 509); high (AS. hedh). steopan fundere (Gr. 526); steep (AS. stedp). 54 In the foregoing pages I have tried to enumerate the words which have been derived from strong verl>s by means of Ablaut. As since the time of the Norman con- quest the English language in the declension as well as in the formation of woids has preferred tlie syntlietical metiiod to the analytical one, it is not surprising that in AS. the number of words formed in tliat way was much greater than in the modern speech. But though only existing in a reduced number, these words are of the highest value, as they prove that also in the formation of words the English language has preserved one of the essential characteristics of all Teutonic dialects. rj iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1205 02709 2350