u 860 il4 UC-NRLF III :eley library B H E3E SbS LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class THEORY SI_OF: F-TNCING WITH THE FOIL IN FORM OF A CATECHISM, BY GEO. hei:n^tz, sr. ii^S. i>IASTKK OF THE S^VORJJ -XT THE U. S. ]^^.V^'A^. ACADP:ArV. Reprinted from "MIND AND BODY," a Journal, rlevottd to Physical Culture }x A — —^ Price, 25 Cenis,-^--' — FREIDENKER PUBLISHING COMPANY, herold builoinGj MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN. PLEASE, TAKE JVOTICE ! National Library of Physical Culture. Every work appertaining to Pliysical Culture, Gymnastics, Athlet Sports, Tactics. Fencing:, Ball Games, Roundels, Alarches, Drills, etc , will be advertised, dui'ing the sale of such book, on this list free - f charge if one copy of it is sent gratis to the publishers of "MiM> AND BODV." CATALOGUE. Art of Attack and Defense. A Manual ol Fencing, Sword and Bayonet Exercises, and Boxing. — By Major \V. J. Elliott 25 Art of Boxing, Dick's. — A Thorough Manual of Sparring and Self-Defence. Illustrated. 127 pages 25 Art of Wrestling, Dick's.— A Hand-Book of Thorough Instruction in Wrestling 25 Athletic Groupnigs, Taken from Life. — By Dr. Robert Nohr 25 Anthropometric Chart. — By Dr. Fr Pfister 02 Anthropometry and Physical Examination. A Book for Piaclical Use in Connection with Gymnastic Work and Physical Education. By Dr. J. W. Seavers 1,50 Calisthenics for Young Folks.— By Beal 60 Code Book of Gymnastic Exercises. — L. Puritz..._ .60 Elemenvaiy Apparatus Work of the German System of Gymnastics. — By E. H. Arnold, M. D. Arranged by Frances N. Boynton 25 Exercises upon the Horse, Horizontal Bar, Parallel Bars. — By A. B. Wegner i^ Games, Gymnastic— Classified by F,. H. Arnold. Compiled by Annie R. Hughes. Paper 60 Games, Physical, for the Youth. — By A. Leibold... .20 Games for .Schools and Gymnasia. — By W. C, Schaefer, Boards \ 50 Games, 15c. — By Carrie A. Harper i.oo Gymnastic Exercises for Elementaiy Schools, Su[.plenicntcd by Fancy Steps and Gaines. By Havriet E. Trask 67 Cyinn-istic Tactics. Part I: Taciics of the Individual.— By E. H. Arnold, M. D., Di- rector of Anderson Normal School of Gym- nastics 20 Gymnastics. A Textbook of the German-Ameri- can System of Gymnastics. Specially adapted to the Use of Teachers and Pupils in Public and Private Schools and Gymnasiums — By W. A. Stecher 3.00 Horizontal Bar, The — By H. Butterworth i.oo Indian Club Exercises Classified. — By A. K. Jones .50 Infantry Drill Regulations of the United States Army ....' j^ Manual for Physical Measurements. — By Dr. L. Gulick .' yn Manual of Exerci.ses in Free Gymnastics and Tactics.— Arranged by E. H. Arnold 20 Manual of Physical Culture for Public Schools. — .\nton Leibold 65 I Newcomb and Basquctte. Games for the Gymna- I ^ium. — (,"lara G. I3acr 25 I PLEASE ADD 10°|o FOR POSTAGE. Send vour orders to Physical Exercises. A Short Synopsis of the G- man System of Gymnastics and Their Beneficial Influence. By Dr. F. 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Steelier Siatiiticai Method'^. — By Geo. W. Moorehouse, M. L. Frum the Physiological l.aboratory, Lawrence Scientific School, Har\ard University System of Physical Culture. — Carl Betz. First Book : Free Gymnastics _ Seconi Book: Tactics Third Book: Light Gymn:istics Fourth Book ; Physical E.x. of the Playground.. Free Gynn:istics for District Schools Swedish System. — By l"!aron Nils Posse. The Swedish System of Educational Gyn nasties. 264 Illustrations. Latest Edition^ — Handbook uf School Gymnastics of the Swedish System. Cloth, 50 cts. Interleaved Cloth Tumbling. A Book of Tumbling, Tricks, Pyra- mids and Gaines. — J'>y H. Butterworth Whittaker's Aiiato nical Models. A ftctonal Repre- sentation of the Human Frame and Its Organs. . •3-> • 3» 1.25 . ''o .7c . iC FREIDE.\KER PUBLISHIX'G CO.. HoroM Building. Milwaukee. \\u (3^ INDEX^s^ Page. A. Theory of Fencing with the Foil in Form of a Catechism 3-11 Fundamental position, position of defence and engagement 3 Appel, advance and retreat, distance, lunge , 4-5 Openings, sword-blade, engagements 5 Parries " By opposition ""' By counterparries • ' By encircling • ^. s. 9 Feints, deceive " Attacks 8--9 Pressure, graze, chassey, counter-chasse}' ;.. 9 lieturn-attack, reraise, reprise, stop-thrust, time-thrust, straight- thrust 10-11 Disengagement, Cut-over ll B. Practical Instruction in Foil-Fencing ..12-53 CLASS LEvSSONS, FORMATION 12-35 Part I. Three Preliminary Lessons in Single Rf.nk with or without Arms '. 13-17 \Part II. Double Rank Lessons 18-26 First Series: Simple parries, 10 lessons 18-21 Second Series: Counter parries, 12 lessons 22-26 Part III. Counters by Order or Will; Exercises 1-50 27-35 The Salute 35 PLASTRON LESSONS (Individual Lessons 1-24) 36-52 Supplementary Questions to Catechism bv Prof. G. Witticb 53 UNiV u /TMERICAN GYMNASIA CO. THEORY OF FENCING IN FORM OF A CATECHISM. ,y.... ,.„,.. . . :c instructor ilm .r he beginning- of instruction F ■ il ' y the posivi(in ;■ iiivici'.. ' defence is the foundation in fencing ii-oiu whii^h aii attacks occur and in ^vhich all defences are made; whenever we advance or i-etreat it is from- this position and after . 1 ! attack we have to return to this position. \ corr-' •( 'Mositi- '" is absoluteiv essential. f;.-ncer de^-elnp irnm ihu'lnnifntr, i'.'ft) placing the right hc>;l in front of the left so that both feet form . ;2;ht angle between them, rhe left shoulder is well dr awn ;he left raturally down behind the body, palm c.i tiiv hand to the left; the light arm is extended obH(|uely downward; arm and foil are in one straight line; the right hand holds the handle of weapon, the thumb is directed upward and the point of the foil is about five inches from . 'ic ,:;iiaiii ^ and in a straight line with the right toe. .r'rorii Lids position the foil is raised over the right shouii.!cr, ■>wift]y sw)ing in front of body to the left atld held horizontally ■ ub-- *hc back of the left hand, (both'anr- -'•■•-bt); thence raised ■ ' pause into position of engagcwcn .llfttJ-cl as.Jiigh £i« • -t- '' ■■ -Ptu'^JiiL ^'iP ^"^ ^^ ^"^^ ^*' :ie same time the left arm :.s cievatcctTo a half cucie .jciiind licad .id left shoulder. Now both legs are bent, knee? well outward and finally the right foot is placed ■raartly at a ofaLout tv^ice its length in straight line with the left heel iront. The posiition of trunk and head is unchangc ' ul-F'.jtion: 4 .od cquHibriiuT of defend Ans w'i-:r; : i ■ (JUESTiox: 5. How is a double ''appel" executed? Answer: The foot in front is somewhat elevated and taps twice the ground in (juiek succession on the same place. Question : 6. How does one orm the position ot defence close to the front or rear? Answer: To close to the front is executed by extending the right arm, while the left arm drops to the left side and at the same tin.^ hy bringing the left heel towards the right and jx Lending both legs with l)ody erect. To close to the rear is executed in the same manner, ^Yith the exception that the right foot closes to the left heei. , OuESTiON : 7. How is the advance executed ? Answer: The right foot is placed cautiously and quickly about 8 to 12 inches to the front, followed by the left at the same distance with- out deranging the position of defence. Question: 8. How is the retreat executed' Answer: This is in reversed order of the advance; the left foot is placed about 8 to 12 inches directly to the rear, followed by the right foot with a light "appel" when placed down again. ^ Question: 9. When does one advance : Answer : One advances to shorten or. keep correct distance. y Question: 10. When does one retreat? Answer: One retreats to avoid a to close distance. y Question: 11. What is meant by distance? Answer: The distance is the 'interval between two opponents. It is a correct distance, when the point can reach the opponent in a lunging position. Question: 10. How is the extension of the arms executed? Answer: By extending both arms to their full length quickly but without any jerk; right and left hands as high as the shoulder and point in line with the breast of your opponent. In order to resunre the original position draw in your right hand quickly without jerking, at the height of the breast, elbow about 5 to 8 inches from the hip and in line of it, left arm in half circle behind the body. Question: 13. How is the lun^QV executed? Answer: The lunge is performed by extending both arms and left leg, while the right foot advances about twice its length, keeping at right angle with the left foot. Question: 14. What is the correct posture of the Imdy in the lungini^ position ? Answer: A correct lunge has t!it> following characteristics: The left foot is flat on the ground, the left leg is perfectly extended, the right foot is at a distance of abom four feet in straight line with the left heel, the right knee is vertically ah: is the execution of the art in all j its simple and compound movements of attack and defense. | The best practical instruction is undoubtcdl_v possible where the \ instructor has a single pupil before him, so that he can turn all his attention toward him alone and guide him in the beginning, wherever it is necessary-, with hand and sword. But it often happens that an instructor has to instruct too many pupils at one time, so that it becomes necessary to instruct them by classes; true, it is not very likely that an instructor can give a complete course of instruction in fencing entirely in classes without taking each pupil singly, because such class-taught pupils would have a po(jr show against others. I am, therefore, willing to write down a number of lessons w^hich will be most beneficial to the pupils, provided correct instruction accompany the execution. CLASS LESSONS. HOW TO DEPLOY TIIK CLASS FOR LNSTRUCTION. The pupils align in single rank, facing front. When they are dressed, they count off by twos from the right to the left and the instructor commands : 1. In two ranks form company : 2. March! At the first command each man faces to the right, except the first man on the right. At the second command the No. ones march up to the first man on the right and come to a front, while the No. twos march in succession behind No. one and face front. The class being in double rank, the instructor commands : 1. Bv the left {or right) tiank two paces take intervals: 2. March! 3. Halt! At the first command each man faces left (or right), except the ri^'ht (or left) file. At the second command the leading file steps off, followed by the next file by a distance of two paces, and so on. At the third command all come to a halt and front. Having taken the intervals the instructor commands : 1. In rear open order: 2. March! At the first command the rear men on the right and left wing step four paces back. At the second command the front rank will stand fast, the rear rank will step to the rear "and align themselves on the right guide. The instructor will place himself on the right flank in order to observe it the alignment is correct. If so, he commands : 1. Front! 2. Rear rank one pace left {or right) sideward: March! If the instructor wants to dismiss the class after instruction he commands: } 1. Rear rank one pace to the right {or left): March! 2. Close ] order: March! 3. By the right {or left) flank close intervals: 4 March ! -13- At the first command the rear rank steps one pace to the right (or left). At the second command the rear rank will close vip in quick time to the front rank. At the third command all face to the right (or left), except the right (or left) file. At the fourth command all march off to-* gether till they come to their proper places, then come to a halt and front. CLASS FENCING. Three Preliminary Lessons in Single Rank. FIRST LESSON. (Without Arms.) After taking intervals and open order the Instructor commands: 1. Half face to the left; 2.' Bend your knees; (stretch and bend several times.) 3. On guard; 4. Two appels ; 5. Close to the rear or close to the front; 6. Advance; 7. Retreat ; 8. Retreat and two appels ; 9. Extend the left leg; 10. Resume guard ; 11. 1, Extend the left leg; 2, Lunge; 12. Resume guard ; 13. 1, Lunge in one time; 2, Resume guard and retreat; 14. 1, Lunge; 2, Resume guard and leap to the rear. EXERCISES OF THE LEGS. 15. 1, Lunge; 2, Raise your bod}^ up and down; (several times.) 16. Rock on left and right leg; (several times.) Resume guard. EXPLANATIONS. 1. Each man tiirn on the left heel an eighth turn to the left, placing the right heel in front of the left, so both feet form a right angle. (Hands on hip.) Body erect, left shoulder well back. 2. Bend both knees, so the right knee is vertically above the instep of the right foot and the left knee vertically above the left toe. 3. Place the right foot twice its length to the front in a straight line with the left heel smartly on the ground, without deranging the upper part of the body. 4. Top the floor twice in quick succession \vith the right foot on the same place. 5. Bring the right heel toward the left heel and extend both legs, or bring the left heel toward the right and extend both legs. 6. Place the right foot cautiousl}' and quickly about 8 to 12 inches to the front, followed by the lelt foot at the same distance without deranging the upper part of the body. 7. Place the left foot 8 to 12 inches directly to the rear, followed by the right with a light appel when placed down again. -14- 8. Immediateh' after the retreat top the floor twice in quick succession with the right foot. 0. Keep the left foot flat on the ground and extend the left leg in full, - right knee vertically above the right toe. 10. Re-bend on the left leg and resume the former position. 11. After the extension of the left leg, keep the left foot flat on the ground and step forward with the right foot about 24 inches in a straight line with the left heel. Body erect, left hip well back, and right knee vertically above the instep of the right foot. 12. Relax and re-bend the left knee, and bring back the right foot to its former place with a light appel. 13. 1, Extend the left leg and at the same time step forward with the right foot to a proper lunge; 2, Resume guard and immediately the right foot touches the ground, step back witli the left, followed by the right with a light appel. 14. After lunge, spring back with the right foot towards the left heel, and immediately, after touching ground, spring back with left about 18 to 24 inches direct to the rear followed bv the right find resume position. On guard with a light appel. 15. After lunge, raise body up- and downward \vithout bending left leg. 1<). Relnx and re-bend left knee, then sharply extend it again, SECOND LESSON. (W.th Arms.) After taking intervals and open order the jjupils are rdl standing front with "Carry Sword." Tlie Instructor commands: 1. Half face to the left; 2. Take your guard; (in (> motions.) 3. Two appels ; 4. Close to the rear, or front ; 5. Take your guard; (in one time and three motions.) 6. 1, Advance; 2, Retreat; 3, Retreat two appels; 7. 1, Extend your arms; 2, Resume guard; 8. 1, Extend your arms; 2, Left leg; 3, Resume guard; 9. 1, Extend your arms; 2, Left leg; 3, Lunge; 4, Resume guard; 10. 1, Lunge in one time; 2, Resume guard; 11. 1, Advance; 2, Extend; 3, Lunge; 4, Resume guard; 12. 1, Retreat; 2, Extend; 3, Lunge; 4, Resume guard; 13. Explanation of feeble, middle, and fort of the blade; 14. Explanation of the lines of attack and defence; 15. 1, Parrv quarte; 2, Extend; 3, Limge ; 4, Resume guard and cover quarte ; 16. 1, Parr}^ tierce; 2, Extend; 3, Lunge; 4, Resiime guard and covcr tierce; 17. 1, Parry quinte; 2, Extend; 3, Lunge; 4, Resume guard and cover quartc; 18 1, Parry lower quarte; 2, Extend; .'!, Lunge; 4. Resume guard and cover quarte ; 19. 1, Parry tierce; 2, Parry lower tierce; 3, Extend; 4, Lunge ; 5, Re- sume guard and cover tierce; -15- 1, Parry seconde ; 2, Extend in high line of tierce ; o, Lunge; 4, Re- sume guard and cover tierce; 1, Parry second; 2, Encircle in high line of quarte; 3, Lunge; 4, Resume guard and cover quarte ; 1, Parry tierce; 2, Parry prime (low); 3, Cut; 4, Lunge; 5, Resume guard and cover quarte; 1, Parry tierce; 2, Parry prime (high); 8, Extend; 4, Lunge; 5, Resume guard and cover tierce. EXPLANATIONS. 1. After "half face left" the left arm hangst naturally down behind the body, palm of the hand to the left, the right arm extended obliquely downward, arm and foil in one straight line; the right hand holds the foil in one straight line by the handle of weapon ; the thumb is upward and the point of loil is about five inches from the ground and in a straight line with the toe. 2. First Amotion: Raise the hand and bring the blade over the right shoulder ; Second Motion : Bring the blade in front of the body towards the left hip. back of left hand under tlie flat of the hand, fingers near the guard, both arms straight; Third Motion: Raise both arms directly over head; Fourth Motion: Drop the right hand to the height of breast, elbow about 5 to 9 inches from the hip and in line of it, point of foil as high as the chin, at the same time the left arm is falling back to a half circle behind head and left shoulder; Fifth Motion: Bend both legs, knees well outward; Sixth Motion: Place the right foot smartly about twice its length in a straight line vi'ith the left heel to the front. The position of head and trunk is unchanged. 3. Tap the floor twice in quick succession w^ith the right foot on the same place ; 4. Raise the right hand as high as forehead, arm extended ; at the same time drop the left hand behind the body and bring the right heel towards the left or left heel towards the right and extend both legs, body erect. 5. Execute first motion ; 2, Execute 2d, 3d, and 4th motion without pause; 3, Bend knees and take position of "On Guard". 6. While to advance or to retreat, w^ork only with the lower part of the legs and don't derange the position of body and blade. 7. 1, Extend both arms to their full length quickly but without any jerk, right hand as high as the chin and the point of the foil as high as the breast, left hand in a straight line with left shoulder; 2, Draw in your right hand and resume the original position. 8. After extension of both arms, extend left leg, right knee vertical to right toe; 3, Re-bend on left leg and resume the original position. 9. After extension of both arms and left leg, advance the right foot about twice its length grazing the ground, keeping it at right angle with left foot ; at the same time drop left hand about 3 inches above 3. -IG- left leg, the thumb upward, and the palm of the hand directed to the left. 4th, Press from the ground with the right foot, relax and re- bend the left leg, toss up the left hand, draw in the right arm to its correct place and resume the original position. 10. Extend both arms and the left leg and lunge in one motion. 11. .\dvance and immediately, when the left foot touches the ground, lunge. 12. Retreat and immediateK- after appel with right foot lunge. 13. The instructor will here explain that part of the blade ^vhere the engagement takes place, also the part which you thrust and the part which you parry with. 14. The instructor will here explain the different openings, how to parr\' them in a simple manner and how to Jittack in a direct line from those parries. 15. Move the hand and blade swiftl}^ about 6 inches to the left, point of the sword parallel with the hand ; extend the arm with opposition to the left, point directed with center of the breast, and lunge. 16. Move the hand and blade swiftl_Y about 6 inches to the right, point of the sword parallel with the hand; extend the arm with opposition to the right, point directed with center of the breast, and lunge. 17. Move the hand swiftly to the left downward, hand slightly turned, thumb on top, point directed slightly left and to the front ; extend the arm with opposition left, point directed with center of the breast, and lunge. 18. Describe a half circle with the point of your sword from right to left downward, point as high as the hip; hand remains at the same height ; extend the arm with opposition left, point directed with center of waist, and lunge. 19. After parrying tierce, describe a half circle with the point of vour sword from left to right downward, point as higli as the; hip hand remains at the same height; extend the arm with opposition riglit, point directed with center of waist, and lunge. 20. Describe a half circle with the point of your sword from left to right downward; at the same time the hand is slighth' lowered and turned, " thumb downward but mostly to the left; then turn yoitr hand, finger nails upward, and bring the point of your sword in high line of tierce with opposition to the right, and directed with center of breast, and lunge. 21. After the parrv of seconde, turn the hand, finger nails upward, and swiftly raise it in high line of quarte with good opposition to the left, point directed with center of breast, and lunge. 22. After the parry of tierce, turn the hand, thumb to the left; at the same time the point moves slightly to the right and is lowered towards the left side, blade vertical between both legs and right hand close in front of left shotdder, thumb towards the l)ody ; then describe with steadv hand a full circle around bodv and if point is directed with center of breast extend arm with opposition left, and lunge. -17- After the parry of tierce, execute the same motions as in 22 with the exception that the hand is drawn to the left side of head, and point of foil is directed forward with center of body; then extend arm with high hand and opposition to the left, and "lunge. THIRD LESSON. After taking intervals and open order the instructor commands : 1, Half face to the left; 2, Take j-our guard; (in one time and three motions). 1, Feint in line; 2, Advance; 3, Lunge; 4, Resume guard. 1, Feint in line; 2, Advance and lunge; 3, Resume guard. 1, Feint in line and advance; 2, Lunge; 3, Resume guard. 1, Feint in line and advance and lunge; 2, Resume guard. 1, Parry quarte and tierce; 2, Extend and lunge; 3, Resume guard and parry quarte. 1, Pan-y tierce and quarte; 2, Extend and lunge; 3, Resume guard and parry tierce. 1, Parry quarte and lower quarte; Extend and lunge; Resume guard and parry quarte. 1, Parry tierce and lower tierce; Extend and lunge; Resume guard and parry quarte; 1, Parr}' tierce and seconde ; Encircle and lunge; Resume guard and parry lower quarte. 1, Pany lower tierce and lower quarte; 2, Extend and lunge; 3, Resume guard and parry lower tierce. 1, Parry lower cpiarte and lower tierce; 2, Extend and lunge; 3, Resume guard and parr}- tierce. 1, Parry seconde and prime (low); 2, Cut and lunge; 3, Resume guard and parry tierce. Parr^' seconde and prime (high); 2, Extend and lunge; 3, Resume guard and parry tierce. 1, Parry lower tierce and cjuarte; 2, Extend and lunge; 3, Resume guard and parry tierce. 1, Parry quinte and tierce; 2, Extend and lunge; 3, Resume guard and parry quarte. 1, Parry lower quarte and tierce; 2, Extend and lunge; 3. Resume guard and parry quarte. 1, Extend and kmge ; 2, Resume guard and parry tierce and quarte. 1, Extend and lunge; 2, Resume guard and parry tierce and lower tierce. 1, Extend and lunge; 2, Resume guard and jjarry quarte and lower quarte. 1, Extend and lunge; 2, Resume guard and parry tierce and seconde. 1, Encircle and lunge ; 2, Resume guard and parry lower quarte and quarte. 1, Extend and lunge; 2, Resume guard and parry lower tierce and tierce ; 1, Extend and lunge; 2, Resume guard and parr}- prime (high* and seconde. -is- ] 2n 26 1, Encircle and Ivmge; 2, Resume guai'd and pany tierce aa^i. prime (low). 1, Cut and lunge; 2, Resume guard and parry tierce and lower tierce. 27. 1, Parry lower quarte; quarte; tierce; seconde and prime (low); 2, Cut and lunge, 3, Resume guard and cover quarte. \Tr-^£_ — The exercise of the legs should be very frequently practiced. EXPLANATIONS. In this lesson where the pupils perform two parries in succession. always form the first in full, then swiftly form the second. If attacking from the last parry, always keep opposition and elevation of the hand in the same line where the parry took place, except when the encircling from the parr}^ of seconde takes place; in that case keep strong opposition lo the left. Remark: To determine how long each lesson is to be dwelt upon depends on the progress of the pupils and the pressure of circumstances A good instructor will never pass from one lesson to another until the pupil fully understands and can execute all the previous lessons. (22 Lessons in 2 Series.) First Series: Simple Parries in 10 Lessons. Rem.\rk : — Before each lesson the instructor will explain to the pupils the attaclr and defense of each lesson. He will at first let No. 1 execute the attack and No. 2 the defense, then No. 2 attacks and No. 1 defends. FIRST LESSON. .\fter taking intervals and open ranks all No. Ones (front rank) face about, both ranks come to a half face to the left and take their guard with engagement quarte. The instructor commands: No. 1. Advance ! Retreate ! Tierce engage ! Quarte engage ! Double engage ! Tierce engage ! Double engage ! Retreat and quarte engage ! 9. Retreat and tierce engage ! 10. Advance by doidile engagement ! 1. 2. 3. 4. T). 6. 7. 8. 11. Retreat by double engagement ! 12. Quarte engage ! 13. Advance by double engagement ! 14. Retreat by doidde engagement ! No. 2. Retreat (at the samecommand ). Advance. Cover in tierce. Cover in quarte. 5. Cover tierce and quarte. 6. Cover in tierce. 7. Cover quarte and tierce. 8. Advance and cover in quarte. 9. Advance and cover in tierce. 10. Retreat and cover quarte and tierce. 11. Advance and cover quarte and tierce. Cover in quarte. Retreat and cover tierce and quarte. Advance and cover tierce and quarte. 12. 13. 14. — ID- SECOND 1. 1, Ouarte engage; 2, Extend; 3, Lnnge ; 4, On guard ! 2. 1, Tierce engage; 2, Extend; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! >. 1, Quarte engage ; 2, Extend in lower quarte ; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! k 1, Tierce engage ; 2, Extend in lower tierce ; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! S. 1, Extend in lower tierce ; 2, Lunge ; 3, Guard ! LESSON. 1. Opposition in quarte. 2. Opposition in tierce. 3. Parry lower quarte. 4. Parry lower tierce. 5. Parry seconue. THIRD L. 1, Quarte engage; 2. Disengage; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! .'. 1, Disengage ; 2, Lunge ; 3, On guard ! ). 1, Tierce engage ; 2, Disengage ; 3, Lunge ; 4. On guard ! r. 1, Cut; 2, Lunge; 3, On guard! I. 1, Cut; 2, Lunge; 3, On guard! LESSON. 1. Parry tierce. 2. Parry quarte. 3. Parry quinte. 4. Parrv tierce. T). Parry quarte. FOURTH 1, Quarte engage ; 2, Feint in line and disengage ; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! 1, Feint in line and disengage ; 2, Lunge ; 3, On guard ! 1, Tierce engage ; 2, Feint in line and disengage ; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! 1, Feint in line and lower quarte; 2, Lunge ; 3, On guard ! 1 , Tierce engage ; 2, Feint in line and lower tierce; 3, Lunge; 4, On guard ! 1, Feint in line and lower tierce; 2, Lunge ; 3, On guard ! LESSON. 1 . Opposition quarte and parrA' tierce. 2. Opposition tierce and parry quarte. 3. Op])ositif)n tierce and parr}- quinte. 4. Opposition quarte and parry lower quarte. "). Opposition tierce and parry lower tierce. 6. Opposition tierce and pnrry seconde. . 1, Quarte engage ; 2, Mark 1— 2 ; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! . 1, Mark 1—2 ; 2, Lunge; 3. On guard ! . 1, Tierce engage; 2, Mark 1—2; 3. Lunge ; 4, On guard ! FIFTH LESSON. 1. Parry tierce and quarte. 2. Parry tierce and quinte. 3. Parry quarte and tief ^ —20— 4. 1, Ouarte engage ; 2, Cvit and | 4. Parry tierce and quarte. disengage ; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! 5. 1, Cut and disengage; 2, Lunge; 5. Parr}^ tierce and quinte. r>, On guard ! 6. 1. Tierce engage ; 2, Cut and i (>. Parry quarte and tierce, disengage ; 3, Lunge ; 4, On Sfuard ! 1. 1, Ouarte engage; 2. Feint lower quarte and deceive lower quarte; o, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! 2. 1, Feint lower tierce and deceive lower tierce ; 2, Lunge ; 3, On guard ! 3. 1, Feint lower quarte and de- ceive lower quarte into high line; 2, Lunge ; 3, On guard ! 4. 1, Tierce engage; 2, Feint lower tierce and deceive lower tierce into high line ; 3, Lunge; 4, On guard ! 5. 1, Feint seconde and deceive seconde; 2, Lunge; 3, On guard! SIXTH LESSON. 1. Parr\' lower quarte and lower tierce. Parry lower tierce quarte. and 3. Parry lower quarte and quart-e. 4. Parr}"- lower tierce and tierce. 5. Parrv seconde and tierce. SEVENTH LESSON. 1. 1, Quarte engage; 2, Feint in line and mark 1 — 2 ; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! 2. 1, Feint in line and mark 1 — 2 ; 2, Lunge ; 3, On guard ! 3. 1, Tierce engage; 2, Feint in line and mark 1 — 2 ; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! 4. 1, Ouarte engage ; 2, Feint in line, lower quarte, and deceive lower quarte ; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! 5. 1, Feint in line, lower tierce, and deceive lower tierce ; 2, Limge ; 3, On guard ! 6. 1, Feint in line, seconde, and deceive seconde ; 2, Lunge ; 3. On guard ! 1. Opposition quarte and parrj- tierce and quarte. 2. Opposition quarte and parry tierce and quinte. 3. Opposition tierce and parry quarte and tierce. 4. Opposition quarte and parry lower quarte and lower tierce. 5. Opposition tierce and parry lower tierce and lower quarte. (). Opposition tierce and jiarry. seconde and tierce. EIGHTH LESSON. 1. 1, Quarte engage; 2, Mark 1 — 11. Parry tierce, quarte, and tierce. 2 — 3 ; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard 1 1 -21- 1. 1, Mark 1—2—3; 2, Lunge; 3, i 2. Parr\- quarte, tierce, and qiiarte. On guard ! i i. 1, Tierce engage ; 2, Mark 1—2 3. Parry quarte, tierce, and quinte. — 3 ; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! . 1, Cut and mark 1 — 2; 2, Lunge; 4. Parr}- tierce, quarte, and tierce. 3, On guard ! 1. 1, Cut and mark 1 — 2 ; 2, Lunge ; 3, On guard ! ». 1, Tierce engage ; 2, Cut and mark 1 — 2 ; 3, Lunge ; 4-, On iruard. 5. Parry quarte, tierce, and quarte. G. Parry quarte, tierce, and ciuinte. NINTH LESSON. . 1, Quarte engage; 2, Mark 1 — 2 1. Parry tierce, quarte, and lower and lower quarte; 3, Lunge; 4, quarte. On guard ! . 1, Tierce engage ; 2, Mark 1 — 2 | 2. Parry quarte, tierce, and lower and lower tierce ; 3, Lunge ; 4. I tierce. On guard ! j . 1, Mark 1 — 2 and lower tierce ; 3. Parrj' qviarte, tierce, and seconde. 2, Lunge ; 3, On guard ! . 1, Feint of disengage, lower I 4. Parry quarte, lower quarte, and quarte, and deceive lower quarte; lower tierce. 2, Ltmge ; 3, On guard ! . 1, Quarte engage; 2, Feint of 5. Parry tierce, lower tierce, and disengage, lower, and deceive lower tierce ; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! . 1, Feint of disengage, seconde, ;ind deceive seconde ; 2, Lunge ; 3, On guard ! lower quarte. G. Parry tierce, seconde, and tierce. TENTH LESSON. . 1, Quarte engage; 2, Feint lower quarte, quarte. and lower quarte ; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! . Tierce engage ; 2, Feint lower tierce, tierce, and lower tierce ; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! . 1, Feint seconde, tierce, and lower tierce ; 2, Lunge ; 3, On guard ! . 1, Quarte engage; 2, Feint lower quarte, quarte, and disengage ; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! '. 1, Feint lower tierce, tierce, and disengage ; 2, Lunge ; 3, On guard ! . 1, Tierce engage ; 2, Feint seconde, tierce, and disengage ; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! 1. Parry lower quarte, quarte, and lower quarte. 2. Parry lower tierce, tierce, and lower tierce. 3. Parry seconde, tierce, and sec- onde. 4. Parrv lower quarte, quarte, and tierce. 5. Parrv lower tierce, tierce, and qnarte. 6. Parrv seconde, tierce, and (|uarte. Second Series : Counter Parriei^ in 12 Lessons FIRST LESSON. 1. Parry counter quarte. 2. Parrv counter tierce. 1. 1, Quarte engage; 2, Disengage; 3, Lunge ; 2, On guard ! 2. 1, Tierce engage ; 2, Disengage ; 3, Lunge ; 4, On gviard ! 3. 1, Disengage ; 2, Lunge ; 3, On guard ! ■i. 1, Disengage ; 2, Lunge ; 3, On guard ! 5. 1, Quarte engage ; 2, Cut ; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! 6. 1, Tierce engage ; 2, Cut ; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! 3. Parr}' prime (low). 4. Parry prime (high). 5. Parr}' counter quarte. 6. Parrv counter tierce. SECOND LESSON. 1. 1, Quarte engage ; 2, Feint in line and disengage ; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! 2. 1, Tierce engage ; 2, Feint in line and disengage ; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! 3. 1, Feint in line and disengage ; 2, Lunge ; 3, On guard ! 4. 1, Feint in line and disengage ; 2, Lunge ; 3, On guard ! 5. 1, Quarte engage ; 2, Feint in line and lower quarte; 3, Lunge; 4, On guard ! (). 1, Tierce engage ; Feint in line and lower tierce ; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! 1. Opposition quarte and parry counter quarte. 2. Opposition tierce and parry counter tierce. 3. Opposition tierce and parry prime (low). 4. Opposition tierce and parry prime (high). 5. Opposition quarte and encircle lower quarte (in high line of tierce). 6. Opposition tierce and encircle lower tierce (in high line of quarte). THIRD 1. 1, Quarte engage; 2, Mark 1 — 2 ; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! 2. 1, Mark 1—2; 2, Lunge; 3, On guard ! 3. 1, Quarte engage; 2, Mark 1 — 2 ; 3, Limge ; 4, On guard ! 4. 1, Quarte engage ; 2, Mark 1 — 2 ; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! 5. 1, Quarte engage ; 2, Cut and disengage ; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! 6. 1, Cut and disengage; 2, Lunge; 3, On guard ! LESSON. 1. Parry tierce and counter tierce. 2. Parry quarte and counter quarte. 3. Parry tierce and prime (low). 4. Parry tierce and prime (high). 5. Parry tierce and counter tierce, 6. Pari'y quarte and counter quarte. FOURTH 1, Ouarte engage; 2, Feint lower quarte and deceive lower quartc; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! 1, Tierce engage; 2, Feint lower tierce and deceive lower tierce ; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! 1, Ouarte engage; 2, Feint lower quarte and deceive lower quarte; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! 1, Feint lower tierce and deceive lower tierce ; 2, Lunge ; 3, On guard! 1, Feint lower quarte and de- ceive lower quarte in high line ; 2, Lunge ; 3, On guard ! 1 , Feint lower tierce and deceive tierce in high line; 2, Lunge ; 3, On gu ard ! 1, Tierce engage ; 2, Feint sec- onde and deceive seconde ; 3, Lv.nge ; 4, On guard ! LESSON. 1. Parry lower quarte and counter lower quarte. 2. Parry lower tierce and counter lower tierce. 3. Parry lower quarte and encircle counter lower quarte (in high line of tierce). 4. Parry lower tierce and encircle counter lower tierce (in high line of quarte). 5. Parry lower quarte and tierce. 6. Parry lower tierce and quarte. 7. Parry seconde and quarte. 1. Ouarte engage; 2, Double; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! 1, Double ; 2, Lunge ; 3, On guard ! 1, Double; 2, Lunge; 3, On guard ! 1, Double; 2, Lunge; 3, On guard ! 1, Tierce engage; 2, Double; 3, Lunge : 4, On guard ! 1, Double ; 2, Lunge ; 3, On guard ! FIFTH LESSON. 1. Parry counter quarte and tierce. 2. Parry two counter tiercCvS. 3. Parry counter tierce and quarte. 4. Parry two counter quartes. 5. Parrv counter tierce and prime (low). 6. Parrv covmter tierce and prime (high). SIXTH LESSON. 1, Ouarte engage ; 2, Double into lower line ; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! 1, Tierce engage; 2, Double into lower line ; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! 1, Double into lower line; 2, Lunge ; 3, On guard ! 1, Quarte engage; 2, Double into lower line ; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard! 1. Parry counter quarte and lower quarte. 2. Parrv counter tierce and lower tierce. 3. Parry counter tierce and seconde. 4. Parry counter quarte and en- circle lower quarte (in high line of tierce). — 2-i- 5. 1, Double into lower line ; 2, \ .". Parry counter tierce and encircle Lunge ; o, On guard ! j lower tierce (in high line of I quarte). SEVENTH LESSON. 1. 1, Quarte engage ; 2, Feint in line and mark 1 — 2 ; o, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! 2. 1, Feint in line and mark 1 — 2 ; 2, Lunge ; o, On guard ! 3. 1, Feint in line, lower quarte, and deceive lower quarte ; 2, Lunge ; 3, On guard ! 4. 1, Tierce engage ; 2. Feint in line, lower tierce, and deceive lower tierce ; o, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! 5. 1, Quarte engage ; 2. Feint in line, lower quarte, and deceive lower quarte in high line ; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! 6. 1, Feint in line, lower tierce, and deceive lower tierce in high line; 2, Lunge ; 3, On guard ! 7. 1, Tierce engage; 2, Feir^ ^.n line, seconde, and deceive sec- onde ; .">, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! Opposition quarte and parry tierce and counter tierce. Opposition tierce and parrv quarte and counter quarte. Opposition quarte and parrv lower quarte and counter lower quarte. Opposition tierce and parrv lower tierce and counter lower tierce. Opposition quarte and parT\- lower quarte and tierce. Opposition tierce and parry lower tierce and quarte. Opposition tierce and parr\' sec- onde and quarte. EIGHTH LESSON. 1. 1, Quarte engage ; 2, Mark 1 — 2—3 ; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! 2. 1, Tierce engage ; 2, Mark 1—2 —3 ; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! 3. 1, Mark 1—2—3 ; 2, Lunge ; 3, On guard ! 4. 1, Quarte engage; 2, Cut and mark 1—2 ; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! 5. 1, Tierce engage ; 2, Cut and mark 1—2 ; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! 6. 1, Cut and mark 1—2; 2, Lunge; 3, On guard ! Parrv tierce, quarte, and counter quarte. Parrv quarte, tierce, and counter tierce. Parrv quarte, tierce, and prime (low"). Parrv tierce, quarte, and counter quarte. Parrv quarte, tierce, and counter tierce. Parrv quarte, tierce, and prime (high). NINTH 1. 1, Ouarte engage ; 2, Double and disengage ; .'', Lunge ; 4-, On guard ! 2. 1, Tierce engage; 2, Double and disengage ; 8, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! '.. 1, Ouarte engage ; 2, Double and disengage ; 3, Lunge ; -i. On guard! k 1, Quarte engage ; 2, Double and disengage ; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! ). 1, Double and disengage ; 2, Lunge ; 3, On guard ! '). 1, Double and disengage ; 2, Lunge ; 3, On guard ! 1. ON. 4. 6. Parry counter quarte, tierce, and (|uarte. Parry counter tierce, quarte, and tierce. Parry counter guarte, tierce, and prime (low). Parry counter quarte, tierce, and counter tierce. Parr}^ coimter tierce, quarte, and counter (|uarte. Parry counter quarte, tierce, and prime (high). 1, Ouarte engage; 2, Mark 1 — 2 and deceive counter tierce ; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! 1, Mark 1 — 2 and deceive counter tierce ; 2, Lunge ; 3, On guard ! 1, Mark 1 — 2 and deceive counter quarte; 2, Lvinge ; 3, On guard! 1, Mark 1 — 2 and deceive counter quarte; 2, Lunge; 3, On guard! 1, Ouarte engage; 2, Mark 1 — 2 and deceive counter tierce ; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! 1, Ouarte engage; 2, Mark 1 — 2 and deceive counter tierce ; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! TENTH LESSON. 1. Parry tierce, counter tierce, and quarte. 2. Parry tierce and two counter tierces. 3. Parry quarte, counter quarte, and tierce. 4. Parr}' quarte and two counter quartes. 5. Parrv tierce, coiuiter tierce, and prime (low). 6. Parry tierce, counter tierce, and prime (high). ELEVENTH LESSON. 1, Ouarte engage; 2, Mark 1—2 1. Parry tierce, counter tierce, and and deceive counter tierce in lower tierce. lower line ; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! 1, Mark 1 — 2 and deceive counter | 2. Parry quarte, counter quarte, quarte in lower line ; 2, Lunge ; and lower quarte. 3, On guard ! 1 , Mark 1 — 2 and deceive counter tierce in lower line ; 2, Lunge ; 3, On guard ! 1, Quarte engage ; 2, Double and deceive tierce in lower line ; 3, Lunge ; 4, On guard ! P*arry tierce, counter tierce, and seconde. Parry counter quarte, tierce, and lower tierce. -2'>. Quarte Engage; Engage tierce, doviblc, re-doiible, and lunge resume guard, encircle lower quarte, and return. 14. Tierce Engage : Engage quarte, double, re-double, and lunge resume guard, encircle lower tierce, and return. Remark.— By the 1st, 3d, 5th, 7th, 9tli, 11th, and 13th attack the instructor will bring the blade ot the pupil in line ot quai'te, and by the 2d, 4th, Gtli, 8th, 10th, 12th, and 14th attack in line of tierce, and while the pupil resumes guard the instructor attacks in lower line. EIGHTH LESSON. 1. Quarte Engage: Double engage, disengage, and lunge; resume! guard, ])arry counter quarte, encircle Hank, and return. 2. Tierce Engage : Double engage, disengage, and lunge ; resiime guard, parry counter tierce, return lower tierce, and return. 3. Quarte Engage : Double engage, mark 1 — 2, and lunge ; resume guard, parrv counter quarte, encircle flank, and return. 4. Tierce Engage: Double engapc, mark 1 — 2, and lunge; resume guard, parry covmter tierce, and i-eturn lower tierce. ij. Quarte Engage: Double engage, mark 1 — 2 — o, and lunge; resume guard, parry counter quarte, encircle flank, and return. €). Tierce Engage: Double engage, mark 1 — 2 — 3, and lunge; resimie guard, parrv counter tierce, and return lower tierce. 7. Quarte Engage: Doul^le engage, double, and lunge; resume guard, parry counter quarte, encircle flank, and return. 8. Tierce Engage : Double engage, doul^le, and lunge ; resume gtiard, parry counter tierce, and return lower tierce. 9. Quarte Engage : Double engage, double, disengage, and lunge ; resume guard, parry counter quarte, encircle flank, and return. 10. Tierce Engage ; Double engage, double, disengage, and lunge ; resume guard, parry counter tierce, and return lower tierce. 11. Quarte Engage : Double engage, mark 1 — 2, deceive coimter tierce, and lunge ; resume guai"d, parry counter quarte, encircle flank, and return. 12. Tierce Engage: Double engage, mark 1 — 2, deceive counter quarte, and lunge ; resume guard, parry counter tierce, and return lower tierce. 13. Quarte Engage: Double engage, double, re-double, and lunge; resume guard, parry counter quarte, encircle flank, and return. 14. Tierce Engage: Double engage, double, re-double, and lunL;e . resvime guard, parry counter tierce, and return lower tierce. Remark.— By the 1st, 3d, 5th, Tlh, 9th. lltli, and 13th attack the instructor will bring the blade of the pupil in line of quarte, and by the 2d, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, and 14th attack in line of tierce, and while the pupil resumes guard the instructor attacks by disengage. NINTH LESSON. 1. Quarte Engage: 1, Extend and bnige ; 2, Resume gtiard, parrv counter ([uarte, cut, chassey tierce, and return. 2, Tierce Engage; 1, Extend and lunge; 2, Resume gtiard, parry counter tierce, cut, chassey quarte, and return. — 4y- 3. Ouarte Engage : 1, Disengage and lunge ; 2, Resume guard, parry counter quarte, cut, chassey quartc, and return. 4. Tierce Engage : 1, Disengage and lunge ; 2, Resume guard, parry counter tierce, cut, cliassey quarte, and return. 5. Ouarte Engage: 1, Mark 1—2 and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry counter quarte, cut, chassey tierce, and return. 6. Tierce Engage : 1, Mark 1—2 and lunge ; 2, Resume guard, parry counter tierce, cut, chassey quarte, and return. 7. Ouarte Engage : 1, Mark 1 — 2—3 and lunge ; 2, Resume guard, parry counter quarte, cut, chassey tierce, and return. 8. Tierce Engage : 1, Mark 1 — 2 — 3 and lunge ; 2. Resume guard, parry counter tierce, cut, chassey quarte, and return. 9. Ouarte Engage: 1, Double and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parr\' counter quarte, cut, chassey tierce, and return. 10. Tierce Engage : 1, Double and lunge ; 2, Resume guard, parrv counter tierce, cut, chassey quarte, and return. 11. Oviarte Engage : 1, Double, disengage, and lunge ; 2, Resume guard, parr}' counter quarte, cut, chassej' tierce, and return. 12. Tierce Engage: 1, Double, disengage, and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry counter tierce, cut, chassey quarte, and return. 13. Ouarte Engage: 1, Mark ] — 2, deceive counter tierce, and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry counter quarte, cut, chassey tierce, and return. 14. Tierce Engage : 1, Mark 1 — 2, deceive counter quarte, and lunge ; 2, Resvime guard, parry counter tierce, cut, chasse}- quarte, and return. 15. Ouarte Engage: 1, Double, re-double, and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry counter quarte, cut, chassey tierce, and return. IG. Tierce Engage: 1, Double, re-double, and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry counter tierce, cut, chassey quarte, and retiirn. Remakk.— By the 1st, 3d, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th, and 15th attack the in- structor will bring the blade of the pupil in line of quarte, and by the 2d, 4-th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th, and 16th attack in line of tierce, and while the pupil resumes guard the instructor attacks by disengage. TENTH LESSON. 1. Ouarte Engage: 1, Extend and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry counter quarte, cut, and return into lower line. 2. Tierce Engage : 1, Extend and lunge ; 2, Resume guard, parry counter quarte, cut, and return into lower line. 3. Ouarte Engage: 1, Disengage and lunge; 2, Same parry and return. 4. Tierce Engage: 1, Disengage and lunge; 2, do. o. Ouarte Engage: 1, Mark 1 — 2 and lunge; 2, do. (>. Tierce Engage : 1, Mark 1—2 and lunge ; 2, do. 7. Quarte Engage: 1, Mark 1—2—3 and lunge; 2, do. 5. Tierce Engage: 1, Mark 1—2—3 and lunge; 2, do. 9. Quarte Engage: 1, Double and lunge; 2, do. 10. Tierce Engage: 1. Double and lunge, 2, do. 11. Ouarte Engage: 1, Double, disengage, and lunge; 2, do. 12. Tierce Engage: 1, Double, disengage, and lunge; 2, do. ' h; —44- 13. Quarte Engage : 1, Mark 1—2. deceive counter tierce and lunge ; 2 14. Tierce Engage: 1, M^irkl — 2, deceive counter quarte iiud lunge ; 2 lo. Quarte Engage: 1, Double, re-double, and lunge; 2 Kj. Tierce Engage : 1, Double, re-double, and lunge ; 2 do. do. do. Remark. — By each attack the instructor will bring the blade of the pupil in Hnd of quarte, and while the pupil resumes guard the instructor attacks by a disengage. ELEVENTH LESSON. 1. Quarte Engage : 1, Extend and lunge ; prime (high), and return. 2. Tierce Engage : 1, Extend and lunge ; prime (high), and return. 3. Quarte Engage: 1, Disengage and lunge ; 2, Same parrv and return Resume guard. Resume giiard, parrv parrv 4. Tierce Engage : ^^. Quarte Engage: ('). Tierce Engage : 7. Quarte Engage: >■'. Tierce Enffaee : 1, Disengage and lunge ; 1 , Mark 1 — 2 and lunge ; 2. 1, Mark 1 — 2 and lunge ; 2, 1, Mark 1—2—3 and lunge ; 2. 1, Mark 1 — 2 — 3 and lunge ; 2, 5). Quarte Engage: 1, Double and lunge ; 2, 10. Tierce Engage: 1, Double and lunge; 2, 11. Quarte Engage: 1, Double, disengage, and lunge; 2, 12. Tierce Eng^asre : 1, Double, disengag^e, and lunije ; 2. 13. Quarte Engage: 1, Mark 1 — 2, deceive counter tierce, and lunge ; 2, 14. Tierce Engage : 1, Markl — 2, deceive counter quarte, and lunge ; 2, 1"). Quarte Engage : 1, Double, re-double, and lunge; 2, ](j. Tierce Engage: 1, Double, re-double, and lunge; 2, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Remark. — By each attack the instructor will bring the blade of the pupil in iine of tierce, and while the pupil resumes guard the instructor attacks Idv a disengage. TWELFTH LESSON. 1. Quarte Engage: 1, Extend and lunge; 2, Resume guard, prime (low), cut, and return. 2. Tierce Engage : 1, Extend and lunge ; 2, Resume guard, prime (low), cut, and return. 3. Quarte Engage: 1, Disengage and lunge; 2, Same parry and r 4. Tierce Engage: 1, Disengage and lunge; 2, do. n. Quarte Engage: 1, Mark 1 — 2 and lunge; 2, do. 0. Tierce Engage: 1, Mark 1 — 2 and lunge; 2. do. 7. Quarte Engage : 1, Alark 1 — 2—*) and lunge; 2, do. 8. Tierce Engage : 1, Mark 1 — 2 — 3 and lunge ; 2, do. 0. Quarte Engage : 1, Double and lunge; 2, do. 10. Tierce Engage: 1, Double and lunge: 2. do. 11. Quarte Engage : 1, Double, disengage, and lunge; 2, do. 12. Tierce Engage- 1, Double, disengage, and lunge; 2, do. parrv piirrv cturn. — 4.",- 13. Quarte Engage: 1, Mark 1—2, deceive counter tierce, and lunge ; 2, do. 14. Tierce Engage: 1, Mark 1—2, deceive counter quarte, and lunge ; 2, do. 15. Quarte Engage: 1, Double, re-double, and lunge; 2, do. IG. Tierce Engage : 1, Double, re-double, and lunge ; 2, do. Remark.— By each attack the instructor will bring the blade of the pupil in lin' of tierce, and while the pupil resumes guard the instructor attacks by ;i disengage. THIRTEENTH LESSON. 1. Quarte Engage : 1, Mark 1—2 and lunge ; 2, Resume guard, parry tierce, quarte, and return. 2. Tierce Engage: 1, Mark 1—2 and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parrv quarte, tierce, and return. 3. Quarte Engage: 1, Mark 1—2 and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parrv tierce, counter tierce, and return. 4. Tierce Engage: 1, Mark 1 — 2 and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parrv quarte, counter quarte, and return. o. Quarte Engage: 1, Mark 1 — 2 and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parrv tierce, quinte, and return. 6. Tierce Engage : 1, Mark 1 — 2 and lunge ; 2, Resume guard, parrv tierce, prime (high), and return. 7. Quarte Engage: 1, Mark 1 — 2 and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parrv tierce, prime (low), cut, and return. 8. Tierce Engage : 1, Mark 1—2 and lunge ; 2, Resume guard, parrv tierce, chassey quarte, and return. 9. Quarte Engage: 1, Mark 1 — 2 and lunge; 2, Resvime guard, parrv quarte, chassey tierce, and return. 0. Tierce Engage : 1, Mark 1 — 2 and lunge ; 2, Resume guard, parry tierce, counter chassey tierce, and return. 1. Quarte Engage: 1, Mark 1 — 2 and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry quarte, counter chassey quarte, and return. iEMARK.— By the 1st, 3d, 5th, 6th, 7th, Sth, and 10th attack the instructor will bring the blade of the pupil in line of quarte, and by the 2d, 4th, 9th, and 11th attack in line of tierce, and while the pupil resumes guard the in- structor attacks by 1 — 2. FOURTEENTH LESSON. 1. Quarte Engage: 1, Double and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry counter quarte, tierce, and return. 2. Tierce Engage : 1, Double and lunge ; 2, Resume guard, parry counter tierce, quarte, and return. 3. Quarte Engage: 1, Double and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry two counter quartes, and return. 4. Tierce Engage : 1, Double and lunge ; 2, Resume guard, parry two counter tierces, and return. 5. Quarte Engage : 1, Double and lunge ; 2, Resume guard, ])arry counter tierce, quinte, and return. 6. Tierce Engage : 1, Double an. Quarte Engage : 1, Mark 1 — 2, deceive counter tierce, and lunge ; 2, Resume guard, parry tierce, two counter tierces, and return. 4-. Tierce Engage : 1, Alark 1 — 2, deceive counter quarte, and lunge ; 2, Resume guard, parry quarte, two counter quartcs, and return. ~). Quarte Engage: 1, Mark 1 — 2, deceive counter tierce, and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry tierce, counter tierce, chassc}' quarte, and return. fi. Tierce Engage : 1, Mark 1 — 2, deceive counter quarte, and lunge ; 2, Resume guard, parr}- quarte, counter quarte, chassey tierce, and return. 7. Quarte Engage : 1, Mark 1 — 2, deceive counter tierce, and lunge ; 2, Resume guard, parry tierce, counter tierce, counter chassey tierce, and return. 8. Tierce Engage: 1, Mark 1 — 2, deceive counter cpiarte, and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parr}- qviarte, counter quarte, counter chassey ([uarte, and return. 9. Quarte Engage: J, Mark 1 — 2, deceive counter tierce, and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry tierce, counter tierce, quinte, and return. 10. Quarte Engage: 1, Mark 1 — 2, deceive counter tierce, and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry tierce, counter tierce, prime (high), and return. -49- 11. Quarte Engage: 1, Mark 1 — 2, deceive counter tierce, and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry tierce, counter tierce, prime (low), cut and return. Remark.— By the 1st, 3d, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th, and 11th attack the instructor will bring the blade of the pupil in line of quarte and by the 2d, 4th, 6th, and 8th attack in line of tierce, and while the pupil resumes guard the instructor attacks according to the parries of the pupil. NINETEENTH LESSON. 1. Quarte Engage: 1, Double, re-double, and lunge, 2, Resume guard, parry counter quarte, tierce, counter tierce, quarte, and return. 2. Tierce Engage: 1, Double, re-double, and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry counter tierce, counter quarte tierce, and return. 3. Quarte Engage: 1, Double, re-double, and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry counter quarte, two counter of tierce, and return. 4. Tierce Engage: 1, Double, re-double, and lunge; 2, Resume guard, and parry counter tierce, quarte, two counter of quarte, and return. 5. Quarte Engage: 1, Double, re-double and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry counter quarte, tierce, counter tierce, chassey quarte, and return. 6. Tierce Engage: 1, Double, re-double and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry counter tierce, quarte, counter quarte, chasse}' tierce, and return. 7. Quarte Engage: 1, Double, re-double, and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parr}- counter quarte, tierce, counter tierce, counter chassey tierce, and return. 8. Tierce Engage: 1, Double, re-double, and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry counter tierce, quarte, counter quarte, counter chassey quarte, and return. 9. Quarte Engage: 1, Double, re-double, and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry counter quarte, tierce, counter tierce, quinte, and return. 10. Quarte Engage: 1, Double, re-double, and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry counter quarte, tierce, counter tierce, prime (high), and return. 11. Quarte engage: 1, Double, re-dovible, and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry counter quarte, tierce, counter tierce, prime (low), cut, and return. Remark.— By the 1st, 3d, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th, and 11th attack the instructor will bring the blade of the pupil in line of quarte and by the 2d, 4th, 6th, and 8th attack in line of tierce, and while the pupil resumes guard the instructor attacks according to the parries of the pupil. TWENTIETH LESSON. 1. Quarte Engage: 1, Double into lower line, deceive lower quarte, and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry counter quarte, lower quarte, lower tierce, and returiL 2. Tierce Engage: 1, Double into lower line, deceive lower tierce, and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry counter tierce, lower tierce, lower quarte, and I'eturn. 3. Quarte Engage: 1, Double into lower line, deceive lower quarte, and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry counter quarte, lower quarte, encircle lower tierce, and return. -50- 4. Tierce Engage: 1, Double into lower line, deceive lower tierce, anc lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry counter tierce, lower tierce, encircle lower quarte, and return. 5. Quarte Engage: 1, Double into lower line, deceive lower quarte, and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry counter quarte, lower quarte, counter lower quarte, and return. G. Tierce Engage: 1, Double into lower line, deceive lower tierce, and lunge; Resume guard, parry counter tierce, lower tierce, counter lower tierce, and return. 7. Ouarte Engage: 1, Double into lower line, deceive lower quarte, and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry counter quarte, lower quarte, encircle counter lower quarte, and return. 8. Tierce Engage: ], Double into lower line, deceive lower tierce, and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry counter tierce, lower tierce, encircle counter lower tierce, and return. 9. Tierce Engage: 1, Double into lower line, deceive lower tierce; 2, Resume guard, parry counter tierce, seconde, prime (low), cut, and return. Remark.— By the 1st, 3d, 5th, and 7th attack the instructor will bring the blade of the pupil in line with quarte and by the 2d, 4th, 6th, 8th, and 9th attack in line with tierce, and while the pupil resumes guard the instructor attacks according to the parries of the pupil. TWENTY-FIRST LESSON. Engagerrient Quarte. 1. 1, Disengage and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry tierce, and return. 2. 1, Disengage and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry tierce, counter tierce, and return. 3. 1, Disengage and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parr\' tierce, quarte, and return. 4. 1, Disengage and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry tierce, quarte, counter quarte, and return. 5. 1, Disengage and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parr}- tierce, quarte, lower quarte, and return. 6. 1, Disengage and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parrv tierce, quarte, lower quarte, counter lower quarte, and return. 7. 1, Disengage and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parrv tierce, quarte, lower quarte, lower tierce, and return. 8. 1, Disengage and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry tierce, quarte, lower quarte, lower tierce, counter lower tierce, and return. 9. 1, Disengage and lunge ; 2. Resume guard, parry tierce, counter tierce, cpiarte, counter quarte, lower quarte, counter lower quarte, lower tierce, counter lower tierce, and return. Kem.\kk. — By each attack the instructor will bring the blade of the pupil in line f)f quarte, and while the pn]>il resumes guard he will attack according to the parries of the pupil. TWE.NTV-SECOM) LESSO.N. Engagement Tierce. 1. 1, Disengage and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parr}' quarte, and return. 2. 1, Disengage and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry quarte, counter quarte, and return. -51- 3. 1, Disengage and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry quarte, tierce, and return. 4. 1, Disengage and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry quarte, tierce, counter tierce, and return. 5. 1, Disengage and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry quarte, tierce, lower tierce, and return. 6. 1, Disengage and lunge ; 2, Resume guard, parry quarte, tierce, lower tierce, counter lower tierce, and return. 7. 1 , Disengage and lunge ; 2, Resume guard, parry quarte, tierce, lower tierce, lower quarte, and return. 8. 1, Disengage and lunge ; 2, Resume guard, parry quarte, tierce, lower tierce, lower quarte, counter lower quarte, and return. 9. 1, Disengage and lunge ; 2, Resume guard, parry quarte, counter quarte, tierce, counter tierce, lower tierce, counter lower tierce, lower quarte, counter lower quarte, and return. Remark.— By each attack the instructor will bring the blade of the pupil in line of tierce, and while the pupil resumes guard he will attack according to the parries of the pupil. TWENTY-THIRD LESSON. Engagement Quarte. 1. 1, Mark 1 — 2 and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry lower quarte, and return. 2. 1, Mark 1 — 2 and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry lower quarte, counter lower quarte, and return. 3. 1, Mark 1 — 2 and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry lower quarte, lower tierce, and return. 4. 1, Mark 1 — 2 and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry lower quarte, lower tierce, counter lower tierce, and return. 5. 1, Mark 1 — 2 and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry lower quarte lower tierce, tierce, and rettirn. 6. 1, Mark 1 — 2 and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry lower tpiarte, lower tierce, tierce, counter tierce, and return. 7. 1, Mark 1 — 2 and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry lower quarte, lower tierce, tierce, quarte, and return. 8. 1, Mark 1—2 and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry lower quarte, lower tierce, tierce, quarte, counter quarte, and return. 9. 1, Mark 1 — 2 and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry lower quarte, counter lower quarte, lower tierce, counter lower tierce, tierce, counter tierce, counter quarte, and return. Remark.— By each attack the instructor will bring the Ijlade of the i^upil in line of quarte, and while the pupil resumes guard he will attack according to the parries of the pupil. TWENTV-EOURTH LESSON. Engagement Tierce. 1. 1, Mark 1 — 2 and lunge; 2, Resume guard, parry lower tierce, and return. 2. 1, Mark 1 — 2 and lunge ; 2, Resume guard, piirry lower tierce, counter lower tierce, and return. 3. 1, Mark 1 — 2 and lunge ; 2, Resume guard, parry lower tierce, lower quarte, and return. 4. 1, Mark 1—2 and lunge ; 2, Resume guard, parr}- lower tierce, lower quarte, counter lower quarte, and return. 5. 1, Mark 1 — 2 and lunge ; 2, Resume guard, parry lower tierce, lower quarte, quarte. and return. 6. l,.Mark 1 — 2 and lunge ; 2, Resume guard, parry lower tierce, lower quarte, quarte, counter quarte, and return. 7. 1, Mark 1 — 2 and lunge ; 2, Resume guard, parrv lower tierce, lower quarte, quarte, tierce, and return. 8. 1, Mark 1 — 2 and lunge ; 2, Resume guard, parry lower tierce, lower quarte, quarte, tierce, counter tierce, and return. 9. 1, Mark 1 — 2 and lunge ; 2, Resume guard, parry lower tierce, counter lower tierce, lower quarte, counter lower quarte, quarte, counter quarte, tierce, counter tierce, and return. Remark. — By each attack the instructor will bring the blade of the pupil in line of tierce, and while the pupil resumes guard he will attack according to the parries of the pupil. ^ THE FOLLOWING SUPPLEMENTARY QUESTIONS TO THE CATECHISM HAVE BEEN KINDLY SUBMITTED FOR INSERTION AFTER PAGE 11 BY PROF. GEO. WITTICH, director normal school of n. a. g. u. question: 55. What is a feint in the line and how is it parried? Answer: A feint in the line is a false thrust in the engaged line, no matter which, with the intention of causing the opponent to parry. It is parried by moving only the point of the foil horizontally in the direction of the feint until parallel with the hand. Question: 56. What is a feint in line and disengage, and how can this attack be parried ? Answer: The feint object and parry is explained in Question 55. The disengage follows the feint without rebending the arm the moment the feint is taken by the opponent. The disengage can be parried by simple opposition or counter parry. Question: 57. What is a mark 1—2 and mark 1—2— .'5, and how can these attacks be parried ? Answer : A mark 1 — 2 consists of a feint of disengage and a disengage with lunge. The mark 1 — 2 — 3 consists of two feints of disengage and a disengage with lunge. The mark 1 — 2 can be parried by simple opposition or by simple opposition and counter. The mark 1 — 2 — 3 can be parried by simple opposition or by two simple oppositions and counter. Question: 58. What is a double and how can it be parried? Answer: A double consists of a feint of disengage and a disengage with lunge, same as the mark 1 — 2. But the feint of the double is parried by counter and the disengage can be parried by counter or simple parry. / I lEW HAVEN lORMAL SCHOOL OF GYMNASTICS inderson Normal School of G5'tnn? . s) E. H. ARNOLD, M. 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