HF . iSOQa. DOCUMENTS DfPT. STATE OF NEW YORK PuBLfc Service Commission SECOND DISTRICT Atjiax v Decembo- 12, 1908. To. The following order has been adopted by this CommissioOj aad is hereby served on you. Please acknowledge receipt at once. Yours very truly. State of New Y<«k, Office ot tbe Public 5emce CommiBsion SECONO DISTRICT i- I hare compared the following copy with the original on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole thereof. XQitnees my hand and tbe Seal of Office of the Public Ser- Tice Commission, Second District, at the City of Albany, this twelfth day cf December, one thousand nine hunoTe-1 i.nd eight. Seeretarjf. 274665 State of Xew York, Public Sebtick Commission, Seooxd Distkict. At a session of the Public Service Commission, Second District, held at the Capitol, Albany, on the lat dav of December, 1908. Present : Fbaxk W. Stetexs, Chairman, Thomas M. Osborne, Mabtix S. Decker, James E. Sague, JoHX B- Olmsted, Commissioners. Ordered: That, except as hereinafter provided: 1. On and after Jannary 1, 1909, every electrical corporation whose revenues' from electric operations as defined in the hereto annexed schedule marked *' Schedule A" were during the year ended June 30, 1907, below the sum of five hundred thousand dollars <$o00,000i shall keep upon its books the ac- counts prescribed or defined in the said " Schedule A", so far as the said accounts are pertinent to the facts and circumstances of the said corporation. The term electrical corporation is used herein in the sense defined in the Public Service Commissions Law. 2. On and after the date of service of this order on any such electrical corporation, such corporation shall not charge to any account representing cost of property any discount or commission on securities issued by the said corporation, but shall charge all such discounts, commissions, and other expense connected with the issue of securities subsequent to the said date ot service, in accordance with the directions contained in the definitions of the account named Organization, and the account named Unamortized Debt Div count and Expense, in the said " Schedule A". • 3. On and after .January 1, 1909, every such electrical corporation shall keep upon its books the accounts prescribed or defined in the hereto annexed schedule marked " Schedule B ", so far as the same are pertinent to tbo facts and circumstances of the said corporation. 4. During the year beginning January 1, 1909, any said corporation may for purposes of comparison with prior years keep on its books any account pertaining to revenues, revenue deductions, income deductions, and appro- priations fas defined in the said "Schedule B") which it had on its hooka during '-the year begun January 1, 190S; provided that on or before January I, 1909, there be filed with the Public Service Commission a statement con- taining a list of the said accounts pertaining to the year b^un January 1, 1908, and definitions of such accounts. 5. For purposes of improving the efficiency of administration and operation, any corporation may, unless or until otherwise ordered, keep upon its bocAs any temporary or experimental accounts and any accounts covering particular divisions of its operations, provided that in respect of each such temporary, [31 4 PyiiikiC,S^ifcVl03ff« Commission, Second District •experimental, or divisional account, the said corporation shall file with tlw Public Service Commission, at least ten days in advance of the time when the said account is to be instituted, a statement showing the name of the «aid account, the date when it is to be instituted, the purpose for which it la to be kept, the period of time during which it is to be kept, and a clear ■aai accurate definition of the classes of items and facts to be contained in the said account; and in case of a divisional account, the definition of the "division covered. Upon compliance with the provisions of this paragraph, «iiy account herein prescribed or defined in either said " Schedule A" or said ^' Schedule B " may be subdivided. 6. All notices herein required to be filed concerning accounts shall be up(Hi •sheets 9i^ inches by 12 inches in size, and shall be entitled in the name of the corporation filing said notices, followed by a brief statement of the charae- i)cr of the accounts covered by the notice. SCHEDULE A. BALANCE SHEET OR IXDICAXT ACCOUNTS. 1. Electrical Cotporations and Electric Operations defined. — Section 2 of the Public Service Commissions Law defines eleetrical corporatum m» follows : I 2. . . . The term " electrical corporation "... inclades eTery corpora- tion, company, association, Joint stock association, partnership and person, their leflBees, trustees or receirers appointed by any conrt whatsoever (other than a rail- road or street railroad corporation generating electricity for its own use ciclu- ■iTely). owning, operating, managing or controlling any plant or property for generating and distribnting, or generating and selling for distribation, or distribat- faig electricity for light, heat or power or for the transmission of electric current for sach purposes. Electric operations, as the term is hereinafter used, include all acts and transactions directly connected with the operation of a plant for the produc- tion of electric energy, the transmission thereof and the supply thereof to consumers for light, heat, or power, and all operations incident thereto, in- eluding the collection of revenues therefor and the disposition of byproducts produced in connection therewith. 3. Accounts to be kept by double-entry method. — All accoimts kept by anj corporation or person within the scope of the present order shall on and after January 1, 1909, be kept by the double-entry method. XoTE. — This requirement is not intended to apply to purely statistical accounts. CAPITAL ACCOUNTS.- 3- Capital defined. — As the term is used herein, by capital of a corporation is meant all property devoted to the rendering of the services or the pro- duction of the commodities which are within the purposes of the corporation. 4. Fixed Capital defined. — Capital which has an expectation of life in service of more than one year (exception being made of hand and other small portable tools liable to be l tetmine the prfco of sach Improvements, they shall be appraised at thrir fair cask valoe for use la waA operatloBs, and sach apinaiaed value shall be charsed to ths 10 Public Sekvice Commission, Second District appropriate structures account, and excluded from the account " Land Devoted to Electric Operations ". If such Improvements are not devoted to electric operations but are devoted to other operations or held as investments, the cost (or appraised value if the cost Is not determined In the contract of acquisition) shall be charged to the appropriate Investment account or capital account for other operations. If the improvements are removed or wrecked, the salvage (less the cost of removal or wreckage) shall be excluded from the account " Land Devoted to Electric Opera- tions ". The entries in this account must be made in such wise as to enable the corporation to show in its annual report to the Public Service Commission the subdivision of the cost of its land devoted to electric operations into the following: Land Occupied by Generating Stations. Land Occupied by Outside Sub-stations. Water Rights. Other Land Devoted to Electric Operations. 101. Obganization. Charge to this account all fees paid to governments for the privilege of incorporation, and all office and other expenditure incident to organizing the corporation or other enterprise and putting it in readiness to do business. This includes cost of preparing and distributing prospectuses, cost of solicit- ing subscriptions for stock (but not for loans nor for the purchase of bonds or other evidence of indebtedness), cash fees paid to promoters, and the actual cash value at the time of organization of securities paid to promoters for their services in organizing the enterprise, counsel fees, cost of preparing and issu- ing certificates of stock, and cost of procuring certificates of necessity from state authorities, and other like costs. Like costs incident to preparing and filing certificates of authorization of increase of capital stock, and to the negotiation and issue of stock thereunder, shall be classed as additions. Cost of preparing and filing certificates of amendment of articles of incorporation shall be classed as a betterment. Cost of preparing and filing papers in con- nection with the extension of the term of incorporation or with reincorporation consequent upon reorganization shall be classed as a renewal. This account shall not include any discounts upon stocks or other securities issued, nor shall it include any costs incident to negotiating loans or selling bonds or other evidence of indebtedness. E102. Franchises (Electbic). To this account shall be charged " the amount (exclusive of any tax or an- nual charge) actually paid to the State or to a political subdivision thereof as the consideration for the grant of such franchise or right" (section 69 of the Public Service Commissions Law) as is necessary to the conduct of the corporation's electric operations. If any such franchise is acquired by mesne assignment, the charge to this account in respect thereof must not exceed the amount actually paid therefor by the corporation to its as- signor, nor shall it exceed the amount specified in the statute above quo'ted. Any excess of the amount actually paid by the corporation over the amount specified in the statute shall be charged to the account " Other Intangible Electric Capital ". If any such franchise has a life of not more than one year after the date when it is placed in service, it shall not be charged to this ac- count but to the appropriate accounts in " Operating Expenses," and in " Pre- payments " if extending beyond the fiscal year. Payments made to the State or to some subdivision thereof as a considera- tion for granting an extension for more than one year of the life period of a franchise shall be classed as renewals. Those made as a consideration for AccocxTS FOR Electrical Corporatioxs 11 franchises or crtensions thereof covering additioiul territory to he operateJ fts a. part of an existing srstem shall be classed as betterments. If the fran- chiaes cover separate and distinct new enterprises, the payments therefor sbaB be daaaed as original. XOTK. — Annnal or more freqnent paymnits in respect of franchises must not be diarsed to this acconnt bat to tbe appropriate tax or operating expense acoooBt. E103. Patest-bights (Electric). Charge to this account the cost of all rights (having a life of more than one year from the date what placed in service) acquired by the corporation in or under valid patents granted by the United States to inventors for in- ventions and discoveries vhich are necessary to the economical conduct of the corporation's electric operations. If any such right is extmded to eoret m. further period of time than that covered by the original grant, the coat of such extension shall be classed as a renewal. A patent-right acquired for nae in »n existing system and necessary to the economical operation thereof shall be classed as an addition. EI04. Otheb Ixtasgible Eiectkic Capital. Charge to this account the e<»t of all other property coming within the definition of intangible capital and devoted to electric operations. All entries of charges to this account shall describe the acquired property with suflEkiait particularity clearly to identify it, and shall also show specifically tint principal from whom acquired and all agents representing such principal in the transaction; also the term of life of such property, estimated if not known, and if estimated, the facts upon which the ^timate is based. E121. GeXEKAL STBrCTTBES. Charge to this account the cost of all buildings and other structures of s permanent character devoted to general corporate purposes, not restricted to electric operations and not includible in any of the departmental accounts; also of aU fixtures permanently attached tJiereto and made a part thereof, such as water pipes and fixtures, steam pipes and fixtures for warming and ventilating, gas pipes and fixtures for lighting, etc, electric wiring and fix- tures for lighting, signaling, etc; elevators, etc, and the engines and motors specially provided for operating them; furnaces, boilers, etc, spaciaHy pro- vided for producing steam for such engines and for heating: electric gen- erators spedally provided for producing current for lighting sac*! buildings, etc. This account includes such piers and other foundations for machinery and apparatus as are designed to be as permanent as the buildings in (or in connection with) which they are constructed, and to outlast the first ma- chinery or apparatus mounted thereon. Note A. — Among sacti boildlnss maj be mentioned general office boOdlngs. gen- eral shop baildings, general storehouses, general stable baildings, etc Where general offices, shops, storehonses. stables, etc.. are in baildings Incladible in a departmental account, as c. g., in a power station bailding, no part of the cost of sncb bonding shall be diarged to this acconnt. This accoont is provided for stmc- tnres of a general or miscellaneons character not assignable to any partJcnlar department. Note B. — When fnmaces and boilers are nsed primarily for famishing steam for some particnlar department and only incidentally for famlditng steam for heating a general boUdlng and operating the equipment therein, the atire cost of such fnmaces and boUers shall be charged to the appropriate departmoital capital account, and no part to the account ** General Structures ". 12 PuuLio Sekvick Commission, Second District Note C. — The cost of specially provided foundations, not expected to outlast the machinery or apparatus mounted thereon, should be charged to the same account as is the cost of the machinery or apparatus for which they are provided. E122. General Equipment. Cliurge to this account the cost of all equipment "of general structures, as provided under tiie following heads: a. General Office Equipment: This includes the cost of all equipment of general offices, such as desks, chairs, tables, movable safes, filing cases, drafting room equipment, and other like olRce appliances and equipment; also engi- neering instruments. b. General Shop Equipment: This includes the cost of all equipment specially provided for general shops, such as furnaces, boilers, gas producers, engines, electric generators, and other power apparatus used in operating machinery in such shops; machine tools, cranes, hoists, shafting, belts, and the like shop equipment; also such smithing equipment in general shops as is used principally for other general pur})oses than shoeing horses and repairing vehicles. NoTK. — Hand and other small portable tools liable to be lost or stolen shall not be included herein, but portable tools and apparatus of special value may be charged to this account and remain herein so long as record is kept of the personn to whom such tools and apparatus are issued and such persons are made respon- sible therefor. c. General Store Equipment: This includes the cost of all equipment of general store structures, such as movable counters, movable shelving and other movable equipment of like nature, carts, barrows, trucks, etc., and other apparatus and appliances used in handling materials and supplies. Note. — Counters, shelving and the like which are permanently attached to the structure shall be charged to account No. E12I, "General Structures," and not to this account. d. General Stable Equipment: This includes the cost of all equipment of general stables, including horses, harness, drays, wagons, automobiles and other vehicles, equipment of shoeing shops, harness repair shops, vehicle re- pair shops, etc. E131. Dams, Canals, and Pipe Lines. Charge to this account the cost of all dams, canals, aqueducts, and pipe lines devoted to the utilization of water power and the delivery of the water to the headgate of the turbine or water-wheel; also that of all wasteways from the outlet of the draft-tube to the point of final discharge. This in- cludes all gates, valves, and other accessories of such dams ; also wasteways, sluices, forebays, grids, walls, fences, etc., for the protection of such canals and pipe lines, and all trestles and other supporting structures; also all viaducts, bridges, foot-bridges, etc., over and accessory to or necessitated by such canals, aqueducts, and pipe lines. E132. PowEB Plant Buildings. Charge to this account the cost of material used and labor expended in erecting buildings to be used for housing power generating plants. This ac- count includes cost of excavations, permanent foundations, drainage, gas and water pipes and connections, grading grounds, and furniture and fixtures when permanently attached to and made a part of the building; also th« cost of architects' plans, and of superintendence of construction. ACCOIIXTS FOB Ex-ECTKICAI. CoRPOKATIOXS 13 EI41a. FCKXAGES, BOILEBS, A3SO ACCSSSOKIES. Change to tikis aeeomit the cost of all furnaces, boilers, and boiler appaiatas and aeoessories devoted to the produetion of steaai for nae in geaoating ekctrie energv. This inehideB boilers and Tahcs thoeio a t ta ched, appwrtenaas fomaoes and grates, and floes leadii^ to aiiHAestada and ehimnefs, aad tha speeialH- prorided fonndatioas and setting of such bmlers and appnrtaiaaees; also iro« sBofecstadka. It alao inthides nwehanieal stokers and other like apparatus f^li«iiii>«l power for the prodactwa of deetric energy. This includes the spedal^ {Rotided foundati«ms and wrtti a gs of soch enginiBt, also their goremors and all other apputeaant apparatos atta c h e d thereto from and indnsiTe of the head^tes and gu i wuis to (bat esdnsne at) the wastewi^. Where the deetrk rotor is momted on (not mereljr eoopled to) the shaft of the hydraolie engine, the shaft shall be con- sidered a part of the hjdraolic engine and the deetric rotor thereon shall be considered a part of the eleetrie equipment. E143a. Gas PaoDucsas asd AccMsaamaa. Charge to this account the cost of prodncers and a««BMOii e s devoted to the prodnetion of gas for the purpose of operatii^ eleetrie generators, iadnding the cost of specially prorided foundations and aetiiugs for sodh prodneeia and accessories. This account includes producers, eetmomiaers, legeueia torsy Taporiaers, steam injecton, scrubbers, exhauster outfits, seals, specially pro- rided boflers and pumps, flues and piping blower engines, pipes for the eon- dnetitm of gas from soeh producers to holders and to gas engines, holders for producer gas, exhaust {npes from gas engines, etc. It does not induds pipes whose primary purpose is the warming of buildings; nor does it iit< dude power transmission apparatus, or water pipes, steam pipes, water pomps, or inspirators. S143b. Gas EsGma. Charge fo this aceount the cost of all gas engines devoted to the produc- tion of electric energy, including the specially prorided foundatXHls and set- tings of such engines. The engine includes the inlet Talve, gofvemor, aad ignition aad startiBg aqipaxalns, but not the pipe leading firom the gts hoUm; 14 Public Service Commission, Second Distkict nor the exhaust pipe. Wliere tlie electric rotor is mounted on the engine shaft, the shaft shall be considered a part of the engine and the electric rotor thereon shall be considered a part of the electric equipment. E144a, Electric Genebators. Charge to this account the cost of all electric generating apparatus driven by engines operated by steam, water, or gas; and rotaries and motor generat- ing sets, exciters, etc., wlien not installed in connection with transmission sys- tems. This includes tlie specially provided foundations and settings of such apparatus. Where the electric rotor of such apparatus is mounted on the shaft of the steam, hydraulic, or gas engine, the rotor is to be included herein, but not the shaft. Belts, countershafts, and other like intermediaries between sucli engines and the generators are also to be excluded herefrom. Note. — Regarding transmission and distribution, see the note to account No. fil63, "Transmission System". (See page 15.) E144b. AccEssoBY- Electbic Poweb Equipment. Charge to this account the cost of all electric equipment of generating stations not includible in the last foregoing account. This account includes bus-bars, regulators, station switchboards and equipment, such as circuit- breakers, switches, ammeters, voltmeters, wattmeters, and the like, and their foundations and settings; also headgate motors, pump motors, air com- pressor motors, etc., and special high-tension transmission equipment at power stations, such as high-tension bus-bars, high-tension switchboards, high-tension switches, high-tension current transformers, high-tension light- fiing arresters, high-tension potential transformers, high-tension reactive coils, high-tension choke coils, high-tension grounding devices and resistances, high- tension raising and lowering transformers, etc. E145. Miscellaneous Poweb Plant Equipment. Charge to this account the cost of all miscellaneous equipment at power plants which is not includible in any of the foregoing accounts. This includes such mechanical apparatus as belts, pulleys, hangers, countershafts, and other apparatus intermediary between the prime mover and the electric generator, cranes, hoist?, etc., and machine tools and such other tools at power plants as are proper to be capitalized, etc. ^OTD. — This account should not include any sub-station equipment. E151. Sub-station Buildings. ■Charge to this account the cost of material used and labor expended in erecting buildings to be used for power sub-station purposes, including ex- cavations, permanent foundations, drainage, gas and water pipes and connec- tions, grading grounds, and furniture and fixtures when permanently attached to and made a part of the building; also the cost of architects' plans, and of superintendence of construction. NOTB. — No charge should be made to this account In respect of a power plant J)uilding, even though such building also contains sub-station apparatus. E152. Sub-station Equipment. ^Charge to this account the cost of all equipment of sub-stations. Such equipment includes not only electric machinery and apparatus, including atorage batteries, in sub-stiilions, but also all other furniture and equipment, auch as furnaces, boilers, stoves, elevators, etc., permanently assigned to such stations bnt not aflRxed to the structures thereof. It does not include labora- tory instruments and apparatus not permanently assigned tlisreto, nor does it include tools only temporarily assigned to such stations. Accounts fob Electkical Cokporatioxs 15 E161. Poles aitd Fixtubes. Charge to this account the cost of towers, structures, poles, cross-arms, and insulator pins; braces, brackets, and other pole fixtures; guvs and other sup- ports for holding the towers, structures, and poles in position; and all labor expended in connection with the construction of pole lines or structures for carrying the transmission and distribution systems. £162. UXDESCGSOUXD COSDUITS. Charge to this account the cost of conduits required for underground wires and cables, including manholes, ducts and pipes, sewer connections, sewer traps, and all material necessary for the completion of the underground con- duit system devoted to the protection of tlie transmission and distribution systems. El 63. Traxsmissios System. Charge to this account the cost of the transmission system, including cables, wires, insulators, and insulating material. KoTE. — When the electric current generated (or received from another corpo- ration) is condacted, either at the voltage of generation (or receipt) or at a higher voltage, to a point where it is (a) lowered in voltage by means of step- down transformers, or changed as to kind or frequency by means of (b) motor generator sets, ^c) rotary converters, or (d) frequency changers, that portion of the outside line or conductor system antecedent to the said stepdown transformers, motor generator sets, rotary converters, or frequency changers, shall be classed as the Transmission Sjrstem ; except, however, that primary wiring in lighting systems at not to exceed 4,400 volts, 4-wire, 3-pbase, shall be classed as a part of th« Distribution System. Tie-lines between generating stations and sub-stations shall follow the same rule. Line transformers are not included among the '* stepdown transformers " above mentioned. El 64. DiSTRiBLTiox System. Charge to this account the cost of all distribution main conductors and feeders, including the cost (in place) of all cables, wires, insulators, and insulating material. This account shall be subdivided so as to show separately the following: a. Overhead Distribution System; b. Edison Tube System, including the cost in place of all the Edison tube system material, such as junction boxes, tubing material and conductors, coupling boxes, etc.; • c. Other Utiderground Distribution System. KoTB A. — The amounts charged to the subdivisions above stated will be reqolred to be separately reported in the annual reports of the corporation to the Public Service Commission. Note B. — For the distinction between the transmission system and the distribu- tion system, see the note to account No. E163, " Transmission System **. EI60. Line T&ansfobmers asd DmcES. CHuirge to this account the cost of all line transformers (both overhead and underground), pole line lightning arresters, transformer cut-out boxes, line cut-out switches, etc., in the distribution system. f Note. — Upon filing with the Public Service Commission a notice thereof, the aeconntlng corporation may also include in this account the cost of line trans- formers and devices temporarily withdrawn from service. El 66. Electric Services. Charge to this account the cost of all conductors (and appurtenant in- sulation, ducts, and supports) connecting the distribution mains with electric apparatus and appliances in the possession of consumers. Note. — Cost of renewing or modifying serrices shall not be charged to this account. 16 Public Service Commission, Second District E167a. Electric Meters. Charge to this account the cost of meters used in determining the amount of electric energy delivered to the several consumers to whom it is supplied. Note A. — Cost of setting, removing, or re-setting such meters sliall not be charged to this account. Note B. — Upon filing with the Public Service Commission a notice thereof, the accounting corporation may also Include in this account the cost of consumers' meters temporarily withdrawn from service. El67b. Electbic Meter Installation. Charge to this account the cost of the first setting of meters for determining the amount of electric energy delivered upon the premises of consumers, in case it is the policy of the corporation to capitalize the cost of such setting. Note A. — Cost of removing such meters and of setting other meters substituted for them shall not be charged to this account but to account No. E533, " Setting and Removing Meters and Transformers". (See page 41). Note B. — This account must not include at any time the cost of installation of a greater number of consumers' meters than are actually in service. E171. Municipal Street Lighting System (Electric). Charge to this account the cost (in place) of all property of the company in poles, cross-arms, pins, braces, insulators, etc., arc circuits, lamps, and out- fits and suspensions, specially provided for the municipal street lighting system. Such cost includes cost of material, transportation, setting poles, etc., and restoring the surface of the street to the condition required by the municipality. This account does not include any part of the general dis- tribution system, but only things in the utilization plant beyond the service and devoted to the municipal service. Note A. — Where the municipality requires for its special benefit the extension of mains and services for street lighting, such extensions may, so long as used solely for street lighting, be charged to this account, provided a full description of the extensions so charged and the amounts charged in respect thereof be filed with the Public Service Commission on or before the date when the entry thereof is made upon the books of the corporation. Note B. — If the corporation uses in its street lighting system the same type of arc lamps that it uses in its commercial lighting system, and uses them inter- changeably, it will be permitted, upon filing with the Public Service Commission a notice thereof, to charge the cost of all arc lamps in its street lighting system to account No. E172, " Commercial Arc Lamps ". El 72. Commercial Arc Lamps. Charge to this account the cost of all property of the company in commer- cial arc lamps supplied to consumers (including municip-il buildings) where such lamps have an expectancy of life in service of more than one year. Note A. — Meters supplied to consumers are provided for In a foregoing account and should not be included herein. Note B. — Upon filing with the Public Service Commission a notice thereof, the accounting corporation may also include in this account the cost of arc lamp* temporarilj/ withdrawn from service. E173. Glower Lamps. Charge to this account the cost of all property of the company in electric glower lamps supplied to consumers (including municipal buildings) where such lamps have an expectancy of life in service of more than one year. Note A. — Meters supplied to consumer^ are provided for in a foregoing account and should not be included herein. Note B. — This account is restricted to long-life Incandescent, or glower lamp» such as the Nernst, and does not Include the ordinary carbon filament incandescent lamps. Short-life incandescent lamps (I. e., those having an expectancy of llfs of Accounts foe Eukctricai. Cokporatioxs IT fK^tt one jcar) Aall be cbarged to tte awroiRiate operattns expeaa*- ■ecoat when Iwied fur oae. aad piUa to tliat tlae tlMj AmU be carried la tt* apprapciate "Materials and SnppUea* aeeoont. Nan a— Upon ffling witii the PoUic Serriee CtaniMHatnn a notke thereof, tbe aeeoontiBg oocporatiaB may also indnde in this aeeoont the cost of lone-Uf e tn- caadeseent laaps feiyorsnly vit&drawn tnm werriot. E174. Electkic Motoks JlXd HIeaikbs. Chai^ to this account the cost of all propertr of the eompanv in electrie motors and heatos kaaed to emsmnezs (inchiding mmtieipalities), and of a1^ appnrtenanees thereof, soeh as fans, etc Xoxs. — Upon fillne with the Poblie Service Cawiiaaion a notice tlwreoC, the ae- eoanttans covpontion suit also Indnde In this aeeoant flie cost of deetrie omMots- aad benters temporanlg withdrawn Cron anrlee. £175. Elsctsic Tools axd Jmflbmssts. Charge to tiiis aeeoant the cost of all tools and implements emiing withi» tiie scope of the definition (see note, page 5| of electric fixed capital and. ■ot eorered hy any of the foregoing eqoipment aceoimta. El 76. Electric Labobaiokt Equtpmest. Chsrge to this account the cost of all testing apparstos and laboratoix eqpd^icat not elsewhere provided for. IknsL^TUa aeeoant indndes aU electric tcsUns appantos and cqoipaMnt tn labscataries. It does not Indnde sndi instrvncats as are pennancntly aa^ened to CCBontins statioBs. snl^statlons. and tiie flke; snch as station anuBeteis. vrtt- ■wtos, and wattmeters, etc. E177. Othxb Tajsgiblb Electkic Capttai^ €3iazge to this aeeoant ibe cost of all' tangible eketrie enpltal sot elaewhere- psorided for. ;^81. EXGEXCCnKO AXD SCFCRIXTEMWIXCE. Charge to this aeeoant all expenditares for serriees of engineers, drafts- men, and soperintendents employed eeific constroetion. Non. — When employees enomerated abore are engaged m worit not cliarseabl» to eonstmefian. tlidr pay and expenses shall be diarsed to tbe spedllc woefc on £282. Law ExpESDrrcBES Dcbtvg Coy smuc T io x. Charge to this account general expenditares of the following nature, in- enrred in eonneetion with the etmstructifm of an electric plant, namely: the pay and expenses of all eoansel, solicitors, and attorneys, their eletka and attendants:, and expoises of thar offices; printing briefs, I^al forms, testi- mony, reports, ete.; payments to arbitrators for the settlement of dispated ^pestimis ; eosts of suit and payments of special fees, notarial fe^^, and wit neaa fees; and expenses connected with taking depositions; also aU I^al and court exp^Kses^ When any of the expenditures above enumerated can be chaiged directly to^ the aeeoant for which incurred, they shall be so charged and not to this ae- eotmt. Expenditures in connection with the acquisition of the right of way or other land ahall be charged to accotrat No. El 10, "Innd Devoted tstments, whether boond or free, will be required to be claasilled with at least the followtmr -detail : Boond investments will be reqoired to be divided into the three classes : " Ifort- gased or Pledged Investments.** ** Contractual Pond Investments," and ** Other Boond Investments ". Each of these three classes, and the class " Free Invest- ments,** will be reqoired to be sobdlvided into the following : Funded Debt of Con- trolling Corporations. Ponded Debt of Affiliated Corporatioas. Ponded Debt of Oni- trolled Corporations, Sto^s of Controlling Cit shall, except as herein other- wise directed, be charged to an appropriate account in this group of accoimts. Note. — Bj " amortization " of any charge or credit is meant its gradual ex- tinction. The word is broader than the word " depreciation," since the latter is restricted ordinarily to tangible property. Tlie word " depreciation " also imports more of the idea of fluctuating value and. is complicated somewhat with the question of cost of replacement at market prices. Because it is considered unnecessary in connection with the gradual consumption or expiration of life of capital to con- sider the question of cost of replacement until the replacement is actually made, at which time the cost of replacement is duly charged to the appropriate account, and because provision is necessary for the gradual extinction of certain charges (such as those for some kinds of capital, those for extraordinary casualties, for discount on debt, etc.), to which the term "depreciation" does not well apply, it is considered advisable to use the term " amortization " in connection with the extinction of such charges, and of certain corresponding credits, such as premiums on debt outstanding. 331. UNAMORTIZED DEBT DlSCOUXT AXD EXPEXSE. When funded debt securities and other evidences of indebtedness are dis- posed of for a consideration whose cash value is less than the sum of the par value of the securities or other evidences of indebtedness and the interest thereon accrued at the time the transfer takes place, the excess of such sum of the par value and accrued interest over the cash value of the consideration received shall be charged to this account. To this account shall also be charged all expense connected with the issue and sale of evidences of debt, such as fees for drafting mortgages and trust deeds, fees and taxes for record- ing mortgages and trust deeds, cost of engraving and printing bonds, certifi- cates of indebtedness, and other commercial paper having a life of more than one year, fees paid trustees provided for in mortgages and trust deeds, fees and commissions paid underwriters and brokers for marketing such evidences of debt, and other like expense. At or before the close of each fiscal period thereafter, a proportion of such discount and expense based upon the life of the security to maturity shall be credited to this accoimt and charged to account No. 928, "Amortization of Debt Discount and Expense ". Such dis- count and expense may, if desired, be amortized more rapidly through charges of all or anj- part of it, either at the time of issue or later, to the account " Other Deductions from Surplus ". 332. Otheb Suspexse. To this account shall be made all debits not elsewhere provided for and the proper final disposition of which is uncertain. This will include all such matters as expense of preliminary surveys, plans, investigations, etc., made for determining the feasibility of projects imder contemplation. Should any such project later be carried to completion, such amounts shall be credited to this account and charged to the proper capital account; should it be abandoned, such amoimts shall be charged to " Corporate Surplus or Deficit '*. 24 Public Service Commission, Second District A\ hen the proper disposition of any matter charged to this account is deter- mined, it shall be credited to this account and charged to the appropriate Account. 31. Securities Actually Issued and Later Re-acquired. — For the case of securities actually issued by the corporation and later re-acquired by it, the following account is provided: 340. Re-acquibed Securities. When securities, whether funded debt or stocks, have been actually issued to bona fide holders for value (or after such issue by another corporation have been assumed by the accounting corporation), and after such issue (or Assvimption) have been acquired by the corporation under circumstances which require that they shall not be treated as paid or retired, they shall be charged at face values to this account. 32. Debt defined. — The word debt, as here used, covers all absolute obliga- tions to pay money at a definite time or times, or at a time or times which are capable of being made definite by demand or other act of the creditor. It d;)e3 not cover contingent obligations, such as obligations to pay rent for future enjoyment of the term, liabilities of indorsers upon paper not yet •defaulted, etc. Debt is divided into Funded Debt and Unfunded Debt. 33. Funded Debt defined. — Funded Debt comprises all debt which by the terms of its creation does not mature until more than one year after date of creation. 34. Unfunded Debt defined. — Unfunded Debt comprises all debt which by the terms of its creation matures one year or less after the date of creation or after demand. 35. Funded Debt accounts. — Funded debt shall be divided in the accounts into classes, such classes being determined by the four characteristics: (1) mortgage or other lien or security therefor, (2) rate of interest, (3) interest ■dates, and (4) date of maturity. A separate sub-account shall be raised for each such class of funded debt, and no two amounts of debt not agreeing in respect of all four of the characteristics above named shall be included in the same sub-account. The title of each sub-account of funded debt shall exjiress the four characteristics above stated, that is to say: mortgage or other lien or security, rate of interest, dates of maturity of interest, and •date of maturity of principal ; as e. g., " First Mortgage 5% QF 10, Aug. 10, 1928," which means funded debt secured by the company's first mortgage, "bearing interest at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum, interest maturing ■quarterly on February 10th, May 10th, August 10th, and November 10th of each year, principal maturing August 10, 1928. Where any portion of the funded debt rests only on the general credit of the corporation and is not specially secured or supported by lien of any character, it shall for the purposes of these accounts be known as a " deben- ture ". " Debentures " thus include promissory notes unsecured by mortgage ■or other lien, also those securities commonly known as " plain bonds ". To the appropriate sub-account in " Funded Debt " shall be credited when issued the par value of the amount of evidences of funded indebtedness issued. The entry shall show not only the amount issued but the purpose for which issued, and shall make intelligible reference to the book, page, and account Accounts foe Electrical Coeporations 25 whereon are shown any discounts or premiums realized on the amount issued. If the consideration received for the issue is anything else than money, the entry shall show further the principal to whom issued, and shall describe with sufficient particularity to identify it the actual consideration received for the issue. If the issue in any case is to an agent of an undisclosed prin- cipal, the name and business address of such agent and the fact of his agency ehall be shown in the entry. 36. Unfunded Debt accounts. — The accounts for unfunded debt are defined as follows: 351. Taxes Accbued. Credit to this account at the close of each month the taxes accrued during the month, and make corresponding charges to the appropriate " Taxes " account. Credits to the account "Taxes Accrued" will necessarily be based upon estimate until the amount of tax levied for the tax period is known; such estimates shall be based upon the best data available, and as soon a» the amount of tax for the period is known the account involved shall be adjusted to conform. When any tax is paid it shall be charged to this account and credited to " Cash " or other suitable account. 352. Recei\'eb's Certificates. When any receiver acting under the orders of a competent court is in poa- sessjon of the property of the corporation and under the orders of such court issues certificates of indebtedness chargeable upon such property, the par value of such certificates shall be credited to this account. Interest accruing upon such certificates shall also be credited monthly to this account. 353. Judgments Unpaid. When any judgment of indebtedness is rendered by a court of competent jurisdiction against the corporation, or any fine or penalty requiring the payment of money is assessed bj' such a court against the corporation, and na appeal accompanied by stay of execution has been taken therefrom within the time allowed by law for such appeal, the amount of such judgment shall be credited to this account, and the entry shall designate the action or suit as a consequence of which such judgment is pronounced or such fine or penalty assessed. The designation of the action or suit shall show the court, the term thereof, the parties, and the character of the action or suit. Interest accruing upon any such judgment shall be credited monthly to this account. Note. — In case of appeal and affirmance In whole or in part from which Judg- ment of affirmance a further appeal lies, the same rule shall apply as upon entry of original Judgment. 354. INTEKEST Accbued. Credit to this account at the close of each month the interest accrued during the month upon indebtedness of the corporation. When such interest is paid it shall be charged to this account and credited to " Cash " or other suitable account. The account " Interest Accrued " does not include interest on judgments, nor that upon receiver's certificates. The interest accruing on any judgment against the corporation or upon any receiver's certificate shall be credited to the account to which such judgment or receiver's certificate stands credited. Note. — When coupon Interest matures It should be transferred from the sub- account " Unmatured Coupon Interest Accrued " to the sub-account " Coupon In- terest Matured". When such Interest Is paid out of coupon special deposits the ■nb-account " Coupon Interest Matured " should be charged and the account " Coupon Special Deposits " credited. 2G Public Service Commission, Second Distkict 355. Dividends Declabed. When any dividend is declared it shall be credited to thia account and here remain until i.t is paid, when it shall be charged to this account and credited to " Cash " or other suitable account. 356. Bills Payable. When any note, draft, or other bill payable which matures not later than one year after date of issue (or of demand) or assumption by the corporation of primary liability thereon is issued or assumed, the par value thereof shall be credited to this account, and when it is paid it shall be charged to this account and credited to " Cash " or other suitable account. E3o7a. Consumers' Deposits — Electric. Credit to this account, as such deposits are made, all cash deposited with the corporation by consumers as security for the payment of electric bills. De« posits refunded shall be charged to this account and credited to " Cash ". Deposits applicable to uncollectible or worthless electric bills shall, at the close of tlie fiscal year (or earlier, at the option of the accounting corporation), be credited to the account of the consumer involved and debited to this account. 357b. Other Accounts Payable. ( redit to this account when incurred all liabilities of the corporation upon open accounts, except those provided for in the foregoing account " Con- sumers' Deposits ". 358. Other Unfunded Debt. Credit to this account at face value all unfunded debt upon which the corporation is liable and which is not elsewhere provided for. 37. Reserves. — ^Reserves shall be classified as Permanent and Temporary. 38. Permanent Reserves defined. — By Permanent Reserves are meant those that must be maintained intact during the life of the corporation. Permanent reserves shall be classified into the two classes: Premiums on Stocks, and Other Permanent Reserves, 371. Premiums on Stocks. Premiums on stocks shall be sub-classified with respect to the several classes of stocks, for definitions of which see the accounts under the head " Stocks ". A sub-account shall be kept for each particular class of stocks, and such sub-accounts shall be severally entitled: Premiums on Debenture Stocks, Premiums on First Preferred Stocks, Premiums on Second Preferred Stocks, etc., and Premiums on Common Stocks. When a premium is realized upon an issue of any particular class of stock, such premium shall be credited to the sub-account above provided for such class of stock, and such credit shall remain in such account so long as such stock remains outstanding. By a premium realized (as the words are above used) is meant the excess of the actual money value (at the time of issue of the stock) of the consideration received for such issue over the par value of the amount of stock issued. If the stock is issued by the corporation to its treasurer or other agent, the excess of the actual money value of the consideration obtained by such agent in exchange for such stock over the par value thereof shall be considered the premium realized. AccouMs FOE Electbical Corporations 27 372. Other Pebmane-st Reserves. Credit to this account all reserves not above provided for created to remain intact until the dissolution of the corporation. A separate sub-account shall be created for each particular purpose for which a reserve is raised, and the purpose of the reserve shall be designated in the title of the account thereof and shall be expressed in full in the first entry in such account. 39. Temporary Reserves defined. — By Temporary Reserves are meant those that are not intended to remain intact during the life of the corporation. Temporary reserves shall be classified as Contractual Reserves and yon-con- trajstnal Reserves. 40. Contractual Reserves defined. — Contractual Reserves are reserves neces- sitated by contracts of the corporation, as e. g., reserves to cover sinking funds provided for in mortgages, etc. A separate sub-account shall be raised for each particular contractual reserve, and to such account shall be credited all appropriations and accumulations made in accordance with the contract provisions under which such reserve is created. The purpose of the reserve shall be designated in the title of the account thereof and sliall be expressed in full in the first entry in Such account. 41. Non-contractual Reserves defined. — y on-contractual Reserves are such temporary reserves as are raised without being required under any contract. Noncontractual reserves are divided into Required and Optional. 4a. Required Reserve accounts. — Required reserves are provided for in the following accounts: 374. Accrued Amortization of Capital. Credit to this account such amounts as are charged from time to time i/y " Operating Expenses," or other accounts to cover depreciation of plant and equipment, and other amortization of capital. When any capital is retired from service, the original money cost thereof (estimated if not known, and where estimated, that fact and the facts upon which the estimate is based shall be stated in the entry), less salvage, shall (except as provided in account No. ElOO, "Fixed Capital, December 31, 1908,") be charged to this account. Tlie amount originally entered or contained in the charges to any capital account in respect of such capital so going out of service shall be credited to such capital account, and any necessary adjusting entry made to the appropriate sub-account under the account " Corporate Surplus or Deficit ". 375. Unamortized Premium on Debt. When funded debt securities or other evidences of indebtedness are dis- posed of for a consideration whose cash value is greater than the sum of the par value of such securities or other evidences of indebtedness and the interest thereon accrued at the time the transfer takes place, the excess of the cash value of such consideration received over the sum of the par value of the securities or other evidence of indebtedness and the accrued interest shall be credited to this account. At monthly intervals thereafter a proportion of such premium based upon the life of the security or other evidence of in- debtedness to maturity shall be charged to this account and credited to "Amortization of Premium on Debt" in "Income" account; or at the option of tlie corporation the charge to this account may be delayed to a time not later than the date of maturity of the debt, in which case the proportion ap- 28 Public Service Commission, Second Disteict plicable to the period covered by the then current income account shall be credited to the account "Amortization of Premium on Debt," and the re- mainder of the credit shall be to the account " Other Additions to Surplus ". 376. Other Required Reserves. Credit to this account all required reserves not elsewhere provided for. Th* first entry of a credit to this account with respect to any particular reserve shall show the purpose of the reserve, and every subsequent entry Witb respect to that reserve shall designate the reserve to which it relates. 43. Optional Reserve accounts. — Optional Reserves are those the creation of whicli is solely within the discretion of the corporation. For such reserves the following two accounts are provided: 381. Casualties and Insurance Reserve. When any admitted liability arises because of loss or damage to the prop- erty of others, or of injuries to employees or other persons, the amount of the liability may (if not previously provided for by insurance or self-insur- ance) be charged to the appropriate opin-ating expense or other accounts and credited to this account, against which (in such case) the actual cost of satis- faction of the liability shall be charged when the matter is determined. If the extent of the liability can not be ascertained promptly after the lia- bility arise?, it may be estimated as accurately as practicable for the purpose of determining the immediate charge to the expense or other appropriate account, in which case the matter shall be adjusted when the extent of the liability is definitely ascertained. If the loss is of such character that it is in whole or in part indemnifiable under any contract of insurance carried by the corporation, the indemnifiable portion of the loss shall be charged to the insurer and credited to " Casualties and Insurance Reserve ". Also credit to this account tlip amounts charged to the operating expense account "Insur- ance " to cover self-carried risks. 382. Other Optionai. Reserves. A sub-account shall be raised for each particular reserve, and its title shall designate the purpose of such res^erve and the first entry therein shall express in full such purpose. 44. Stocks defined. — By Stocks of a corporation, as the term is here used, are meant those securities which represent jjermanent interests in the corpora- tion or interests which, if terminable, are so only at the option of the cor- poration. 45. Stocks classified. — Stocks are classified as — Debenture Stocks, First Preferred Stocks, Second Preferred Stocks, etc., and Common Stocks. 46. Debenture Stocks defined. — Debenture Stocks are those issued under a contract to pay absolutely thereon at specified intervals a specified return. 47. First Preferred Stocks defined. — First Preferred Stocks are those which have the first claim upon such dividends as may be distributod. They may be cumulative or noncumulative, participating or nonparticipating. If cumu- lative, the amount by which the dividend at any dividend period fails to. reach the stipulated rate is carried forward to continue as a claim upon dividends Accounts fob Eubctbicai, Cokporatioxs 29 until satisfied; if noneumulative, such amoant Upaea. If a first preferred sto^ is participating, it is not limited to tlie atipnlated ra,te in the amoimt of diri- dends which it may reoeive, but is entitled to participate, in aeeordanee with the terms of the contract under which it is issued, in further dividends; if nonparticipating, it is limited to the stipulated rate. 48. Second Preferred Stocks defined. — Second Pr^erred Stocks are thoaa whose claims in the distribnfiaai at dividends are next after those of first inferred stocks. These rtoeka may also be cumulative or noneomnlaUve, par- ticipating or nonparticipating. 49. Common Stocks defined. — ComwuM Stocks are tiiose whose claims in tha distribution of dividends are subordinate to the claims of all other stocks. 50L Votiiqs Powers. — iitocks differ ako in r^ard to ihe voting powcn inci- dent to ownership of them. 51. Retirement of Stocks. — Stocks are sometimes issued under contracts wherein the issuing corporation reservea to itself the right to retire them at its option, either absolute or subject to conditions expressed in the contracts whereunder the stocks are issued. 52. Separate account required for each class of stocks. — In the accounts of sto^s outstanding, a separate account shall be raised for each class of stodc issued, and no two stodcs shall be considered of the same class unless they are equal in their interest or dividend rights, their voting rights, and tho conditions under which they may be retired. The characteristics of any class of stodES in these three regards shall be' designated in the title of the aeeomit raised to cover such stocks and shall be clearly expressed in the first entry in such account. To the account for any class of stocks shall be credited when issued the par value of the amount of stock of that class issued. If such issue is for money, that fact shall be stated; and if for any other am- eideration than money, the person to whom issued shall be designated, and the consideration for which issued shall be described with sufficient par- ticularity to identify it; if such issue is to the treasurer, or other agent of the corporation, to be by him disposed of for the benefit of the eorporatian, that fact and the name of such agent shall be shown; and such agent shall In his account of the disposition thereof show the like details concerning the consideration realized thereon, which account when accepted by the oorpo- rati merchandise sold, or as a return upon its property (or interests in property). Revenues are classified as Operating Revenues and Non-operating Revenues. 4. Operating Revenues defined. — Operating Revenues are those derived from the sale of products and merchandise, from services rendered, and from returtt on property used by the person or corporation in its own operations. 5. Non-operating Revenues defined. — you-opcrating Rfvenucs are those derived as a return upon the property of the corporation In the hands of others or from its interests in property in the hands of others. They may be sub-classified as Rents, Interest, Dividends, and Miscellaneous. 6. Revenue Deductions defined. — Revenue Deductions include Expenses, Taxes, and Uncollectible Bills. 7. Expenses defined. — Expenses are those outgoes (including capital con- sumed) necessary to the production of the commodities sold and the services rendered, and to the collection of the revenues. They are divided into Operat- ing Expenses and Non-operating Expenses. Operating Expenses are those incident to the operating revenues. [301 Accounts fok Electrical Cokpoeations 31 8. Taxes defined. — Taxes are those annual or other payments exacted hj governments for the purpose of raising funds for public uses. 9. Uncollectible Bills defined. — When a corporation is engaged regularly in rendering to general consumers a service, or in supplying to such con- sumers a commodity (as e. g., electric energy or gas for light, heat, cr power), current accounts or claims against such consumers for such service rendered or commodity supplied which are incapable of collection by the exer- cise of reasonable diligence are included under the name Uncollectible Bills. 10. Gross Income, Income Deductions, and Net Corporate Income defined. — Revenues, diminished by expenses, taxes, and uncollectible bills, give an amount called Gross Income, which is applicable to corporate and leased properties. Gross income is subject to several compulsory deductions, mostly contractual, like rent, interest, etc., and the remainder after these are made^ is called Xet Corporate Income, which being subject only to the discretion of the corporation is most conveniently carried directly to the corporate sur- plus. The accounts covering the compulsory deductions from gross income, as above defined, are called the Income Deduction accounts. 11. Appropriation accounts defined. — The accounts covering the yearly changes in the corporate surplus are called the Appropriation accounts, since practically all of the matters covered by them are within the discretion of the corporation, although they also include certain adjustments made because of facts of previous years imperfectly accounted for at the time (whether through error or through lack of information), and certain other minor matters like extraordinary expenses not chargeable as deductions from reve- nues; also such matters as profits on the sale of capital, and profits and losses on the sale of investments. 12. Definitions of Electric Operating Revenue accounts. — Credits to the various revenue accounts shall be made upon the basis of bills rendered or of gross prices. Discounts for prompt payment, corrections of overcharges, overcollections theretofore credited and afterward corrected, authorized abate- ments and allowances, and other corrections and deductions shall be charged to the revenue account to which they relate. In the following definitions of accounts the letters and numbers prefixed to the titles are inserted solely for convenience of reference and are no part of the titles or of the definitions: 401. Municipal Street Lighting — Abc* Credit to this account all revenues derived from lighting streets for munici-- pal corporations by means of arc lamps. 402. Municipal Street Lighting — Incandkscent. Credit to this account all revenues derived from lighting streets for munici- pal corporations by means of incandescent electric lamps. Note. — In the foregoing two accounts the word '• streets " is to he interpreted to include parks, plazas, and all other public places not classified as buildings. 403. Lighting Municipal Buildings — Electbic. Credit to this account all revenues derived from lighting municipal build- ings by means of electric lamps, and from electric energy supplied for such ' Charges to this and the following revenue accounts must be made In such wise as to permit their classiflcatlon in the annual report of the corporation to the Public Service Commission. 32 Public Service Commission, Second District purposes, or for heat or power in municipal buildings where such energy ii supplied at lighting rates and is not separately measured. 404. MuNiciPAi, Heat and Power — Electbic. Credit to this account all revenues derived from municipal corporations for electric energy supplied at special heat or power rates to such corporations for the production of heat and power. 405. Miscellaneous Electbic Revenue — Municipal. Credit to this account all revenues derived from supplying electric energy to municipal corporations and not provided for in the foregoing accounts; also those from the letting of meters, motors, and other electric equipment to such corporations. 406. Commebcial Flat Rate Lighting. Credit to this account all revenues derived from consumers other than municipal corporations for electric lighting at fiat rates per year, per month, per night, per hour, or other time unit, or on any basis independent of the quantity of energy supplied. 407. COMMEBCLAL FLAT RATE POWEB. Credit to this account all revenues derived from all consumers,, except municipal, railroad, and other electrical corporations, for electric energy supplied for heat or power at special flat rates per year, per month, per night, per hour, or other time unit, or on any basis independent of the quantity of energy supplied. 408. Commebcial Metebed Lighting. Credit to this account all revenues derived from all consumers, except municipal corporations, for measured electric energy supplied for electric lighting where the total receipt is dependent on the quantity of energy supplied. Note. — Where electric energy flowing through any meter Is used by any other consumer than a municipal corporation for both arc and Incandescent lighting, or for arc and Incandescent lighting and incidentally for power purposes such as running fans, sewing machines, etc., the revenues derived therefrom shall be credited to this account 409. Commebcial Metebed Poweb. Credit to this account all revenues derived from all consumers, except municipal, railroad, and other electrical corpwrations, for measured electric energj' supplied for boat or power at special heat or power rates, where the total receipt is dependent on the quantity of energy supplied. 410. Railboad Cobpobations. Credit to this account all revenues derived from electric energy sold to street and other railroad corporations for the propulsion of their cars, for running their shops, and for other power, and for heating purposes. If such energy is incidentally used for lighting also, but the portion used for lighting is not separately measured, the revenue therefrom shall be included in this account. 411. Other Electbical Cobpobations. Credit to this account all revenues derived from electric energy sold to other electrical corporations to be by them distributed over their own lines to consumers. If any portion of such energy is incidentally consumed by such corporations for their own benefit, whether for light, heat, or power, it shall Accounts fok Ei.ixtiucai. Cokpokations 33 be included herein, if not separately measured, or if included under the same contract with that which is distributed by them to consumers. 421. Rent of Electric Meters. Credit to this account all revenues derived from the letting of electric meters to others than municipal corporations. 422. Rent of Electric Appliances. Credit to this account all revenues derived from the letting of electric motors, fans, heating appliances, batteries, lamps, and other electric apparatus and appliances (except meters) to others than municipal corporations. Where the contract of letting names only a single consideration for both the letting and the maintenance of the appliances so let, the entire revenue shall be included in this account. 423. Electric ^Ierchandisk and Jobbing Revenue. Credit to this account all receipts from the sale of electric merchandise andl from electric jobbing. Charge to this account the cost to the accounting corporation of electric merchandise sold, such cost including transportation i charges paid on such goods. Credit also to this account tlie profit or commission accruing to the cor- poration on all jobbing work performed by it as agent under agency contracts,. whereunder it undertakes to do jobbing work for another for a stipulated! profit or commission upon its actual expense for labor, materials, and supplies;. Note A. — In Jts annual reports to the Public Service Commission the reporting corporation will be required to analyze the credits and debits to this account. Note B. — This account does not include receipts from the sale of superseded equipment, or of junk or other scrap or salvage. 424. Sale of Byproducts. Credit to this account all revenue derived from the sale of ashes, cinders, chemical waste, gas producer residuals, and other byproducts of electric operations. 425. Joint Electric Rent Revenue. When any corporation engages in electric operations for the production of some of its product for the benefit of another or others under an arrangement for apportioning the expense upon the basis of the relative amounts of benefit to the several participants in the arrangement, if such arrangement provides for the receipt by the corporation of an\- profit or return upon its property, such profit or return upon property shall, as it accrues, be credited month by month to this account. Such profit or return must be over and above any provision for wear and tear and depreciation of plant involved in the said production, and the amount thereof must be as provided in the arrangement under which the joint production occurs. 426. Break-dowx Service. Credit to this account all revenues derived from the insurance of a supply of electric energy to a stipulated amount to concerns ordinarily producing their own or procuring it from sources other than the corporation acting as insurer. 427. Otheb Miscellaneous Electric Rs:ventje, Credit to this account all revenues derived from others than municipal cor- porations for the supply of electric energy and service and from other electric operations not includible in any of the foregoing accounts. 2 34: Public Sekvice Commission, Secoxd District 13. Revenue from Outside Operations. — The detailed revenue accounts for operations other than the above mentioned will be provided for elsewhere. 14. Operating Expenses defined. — By the operating expenses of a corpora- tion are meant such expenses as are necessary to the maintenance of the corporate organization, the rendering of services required or authorized by law, the sale of merchandise, the production (including herein capital con- sumed) and disposition of the commodities produced, and to the collection of the revenues therefor. Expenses directly incident to the collection of non- operating revenues and the maintenance of the property from which non- operating revenues are derived are excluded from operating expenses. 15. Definitions of certain terms used in connection with expense accounts. — Except where some other meaning is clearly specified in the definitions of the accounts, the following words, wherever used herevmder, liave the meanings below stated: Cost means cash or money cost, and not price based on a term of credit. Labor means human services of whatever character. Cost of labor includes wages, salaries, and fees paid to persons for their services. Cost of materials and supplies includes all specifically assignable transporta- tion charges incurred in obtaining the delivery of such materials and sup- plies upon the premises of the purchaser, and cost of any special tests made thereon prior to their acceptance; and in case the accounting person or cor- poration desires, it may include a suitable proportion of store expenses (when the materials and supplies are passed through stores) and the cost of further transportation to the place of consumption, and a suitable proportion of the expenses of the purchasing department, in which case a corresponding credit shall be made to the suitable expense account as hereinafter provided. Cost of repairs, when made by the accounting person or corporation, includes cost of labor expended and material consumed, less salvage, if any. Note. — It Is not required that the transportation element of cost sliall be as- signed with a greater degree of accuracy than to the nearest cent per unit of material or supply. Where a single transportation Item covers a multitude of things the portion of the expense not assigned to specific things should be charged to the same account that store expenses are charged to. 16. Definitions of Electric Operating Expense accounts. — In the following definitions of accounts the letters and numbers prefixed to the titles are inserted solely for convenience of reference and are no part of the titles or of the definitions: GENERAL ACCOUNTS. I. Production Expenses. II. Transmission Expenses. III. Electric Storage Expenses. IV. Distribution Expenses. V. Utilization Expenses. VI. Commercial Expenses. VII. General and Miscellaneous Expenses. I. PRODUCTION EXPENSES.- Nora. — In case the accounting corporation operates two or more separate and distinct plants for the production of electric energy, It will be required to keep (with the detail herein prescribed) separate accounts covering production at tb« Accounts fob Electkical Coepokations 35 several plants. Charges to these and other operating expense accoiints most be made in such detail as to permit their analysis in accordance with the prescribed heads in all cases except the labor accounts. E501. Statiox Scperixtexdexce axd Labor. Charge to this account all matters provided for under the following heads: Statiox Superixtexdexce axd Cabe: This head includes salaries and per- sonal expenses of superintendents and assistants, chemists, clerks, janitors, watchmen, elevatormen, and also that portion of the salaries and expenses of the engineering staff assignable to the generating plant. BoiLEB Labor: This head includes the cost of labor in boiler room and elsewhere in and about the premises having to do with making steam, in- cluding such labor as that of fire room engineers and assistants, water tend- ers., firemen, coal handlers, ash handlers, boiler cleaners, and feed-pump men. PhODUCER Labor: This head includes the cost of all labor in and about the premises having to do with the production of power gas. ExGiXE L^BOB: This head includes the cost of labor on prime movers of all kinds, including such labor as that of chief engineers and assistants, engineers, oilers, wipers, and machinists. Eij:ctbic Labor: This head includes the cost of all labor in connection with the electric generating apparatus and devices, beginning with the gen- erators direct connected or belted to the prime movers, and including the switchboard, feeder terminal board, and to where the electric current leaves thj station for the transmission or distribution system, including such labor as that of system operators or load dispatchers; foreman over regulators, regulators, and assistants; switchboard men, brushmen, wipers, and wiremen. E502. Fuel fob Power. Charge to this account all matters provided for under the following heads: Fuel fob Steam : This head includes the cost of fuel, whether coal or oil, used under the boilers for electric generation, at the cost delivered in the bunkers or tanks: also any special expen.se incurred in disposing of ashes. Flel for Producer Gas: This head includes the cost of fuel used for generating producer gas. Note. — No portion of the cost of boiler room labor shall be charged to this accoant. E503. Water for Power. Charge to this account all matters provided for under the following heads: Water for Steam Power axd Gas: This head includes the cost of feed water and of water for condensers; also the cost of boiler compound. Water used for general station purposes is not to be included. W.\TER ix>B Hydraulic Power: This head includes the cost of all water purchased for the purpose of operating hydraulic power plants in the electric department. . E504. Lubricants fob Poweb. Charge to this account the cost of lubricants for machinery in the gener- ating station; but not oil for transformers, grease for wagons, or oil for lanterns. -E505. Phoductiox Sl-pplies a2to Station Expense. Charge to this account all matters provided for under the following heads: Production Supplies: This head includes the cost of all supplies, tools, etc.. used in the generating plant which are consumed in the operating pro- 36 Public Service Commission, Secoxd Disteict cess, tlie replacement of vvhicli does not constitute a repair or renewal ; also the cost of repairs of such tools. This covers such matters as waste, pack- ing, wipers, gauge glasses, gauge washers, manhole gaskets, handhole gaskets, fire room tools, steam and air hose, belts, screws, nails, tools, dynamo brushes, etc. Station Expense: This head includes the general and miscellaneous ex- penses in the generating plant not specifically chargeable to -other accounts, including such matters as lighting, heating, and cleaning systems; fire protection system; janitors' supplies; ice and water; telephone and toilet services at station; and care of streets, yards^, and sidings. E507. Repaiks of Poweb Plant Buildings. Charge to this account the coat of repairs of buildings and structures used for power station purposes; cost of repairs of fixtures therein; cost of main- taining walks, driveways, and grounds connected witii such buildings; cost of delivering material, including freight charges, if any; and all incidental expenses connected with the maintenance of such buildings and structures. The term " buildings and structures," in addition to embracing the build- ings proper, shall be understood to include fixtures when immovable and built in as a part of the structure; permanent foundations and piers; pipes for gas, water, sewerage, and drainage; apparatus for heating, lighting, and ventilating; freight and passenger elevators with fixtures and appurtenances; platforms; appliances for protecting buildings against fires; fences, walls, sidewalks, and pavements within the limits of grounds immediately adjacent to such buildings. Note. — The cost of replacement of a building or structure, when In excess of $100, shall be treated through the appropriate capital account ; when less than $100, It may be charged directly to this account or a sub-account hereunder. E508. Repairs of Fiknaces, Boili.us, and Accessories. Charge to this account all matters provided for under the following heads: Repairs of Furnaces and Boilers: This head includes the cost of re- pairing boilers and furnaces, including specially provided foundations and settings, iron smokestacks, and such matters as brick work, bridge wall, arclies, jambs, grate bars, stoker l>ars and webs, furnaces, valves, superheat- ers, damper regulators, and tubes. Repairs of Boiler App.aratis: This head includes the cost of repairing feed water, coal and ash handling systems, and auxiliary apparatus in the fire room ; including such matters as feed pumps, blower engines, coal con- veyor, digger, troUej' and cable tower, crusher and belt links, brackets, wheels, chutes and gates; ash conveyor cars, winches, motors, buckets, shaft, chain, and wheels; filters, boiler compound injector and pump; heaters, primary and secondarj'; economizers and water meters. Repairs of Steam Accessories: This liead includes the cost of repairing the piping system in connection with the making of steam and delivery thereof to the prime movers; including such matters as water feed piping, cold main, hot main, water nuction, valves, joints, jackets, ash pit drains and ash pocket syphons, oil drains from engine crank pits, receiving tanks, filter pumps to engine valve, steam and exhaust line systems, sewer connections, and air line. Accounts fob Electeical Corporations 37 £509. Repaibs of Steam Engines. Charge to this account all matters provided for under the following heads: Repairs of Reciprocatikq Engines: This head includes the cost of re- pairing reciprocating steam engines used in the power plant. Repairs of Steam Turbines: This head includes the cost of repairing steam turbines used in the power plant. Repairs of Other Steam Engine Equipment: This head includes the cost of repairing apparatus auxiliary to the prime movers, including such matters as condensers, packing tubes, renewing tubes, heads and doors, and miscellaneous; and pumps, air and circulating, wet vacuum, dry vacuum, and oil systems, but excluding the power conveying apparatus. E510. Repairs of Hydraulic Power Plant. Charge to this account all matters provided for under the following heads: Repairs of Dams, Canals, and Pipe Lines: This head includes the cost of repairing hydraulic structures. Such structures include dams, embank- ments, etc., for impounding water, and all appurtenant gates, valves, weirs, wasteways, canals, conduits and other channels (including riprap, lining walls, etc.), pipe lines, aqueducts, and supporting trestles, etc., forebays and ap- purtenant sieves and grids, wasteways, etc., and all viaducts, bridges, foot- bridges, etc., over and accessory to or necessitated by such canals, aqueducts, and pipe lines; also the wasteways conducting water from the outlet of the draft-tube to the point of final discharge. Repairs of Turbines and Water-wheels : This head includes the cost of repairing wheel-gates, turbines, and other hydraulic apparatus from the inlet valve to and including the wheel governor and to the outlet of the draft-tube. E511. Repairs of Gas Power Equipment. Charge to this account all matters provided for under the following heads: Repairs of Gas Producers and Accessories: This head includes the cost of repairing apparatus devoted to the generation of producer gas to be consumed in gas engines in the electric generating station; also the cost of repairing gas conductor and exhaust pipes and other auxiliary gas power ap- paratus. This covers producers, economizers, regenerators, vaporizers, steam injectors, scrubbers, exhauster outfits, seals, specially provided boilers and pumps, flues and piping, blower engines, holders, etc. Power conveying ap- paratus is not included herein. Repairs of Gas Engi>t:s: This head includes the cost of repairing gas engines devoted to the production of electric energy, including inlet valves, governors, and ignition and starting apparatus. E512. Repairs of Power Plant Electric Equipment. Charge to this account all matters provided for under the following heads: Repairs of Electric Generators: This head includes the cost of repair- ing dynamos, alternators, and other electric generating apparatus driven by steam, water, or gas power; and rotaries and motor generating sets, exciters, etc., when not installed in connection with transmission system. Repairs of Accessory Electric Equipjient: This head includes the cost of repairing the electric generating apparatus not includible in the foregoing account. This covers bus-bars, regulators, station cables, station switchboards and equipment, such as circuit-breakers, switches, ammeters, voltmeters, watt- meters, etc. (and their specially provided foundations and settings), and the 38 iPuBLic Service Commission, Second District station terminal board ; also head-gate motors, pump motors, air compressor motors, etc., and special high-tension transmission equipment at power sta- tions, such as high-tension bus-bars, high-tension switchboards, high-tension switches, high-tension current transformers, high-tension lightning arresters, high-tension potential transformers, high-tension reactive coils, high-tension choke coils, high-tension grounding devices and resistances, high-tension rais- ing and lowering transformers, etc., but not wiring for lighting the station. E513. MiscEixANEOUS Station Repairs. Charge to this account all matters provided for under the following heads: Repairs of Station Tools and Implements: This head includes the cost of repairing station tools and implements that have been capitalized (except firo tools, elsewhere provided for). Among the principal items in this ac- count are blacksmiths', machinists', and pipe fitters' tools, pump room tools, engine tools, and cutting tools. Repairs of Miscellaneous Station Equipment: This head includes the cost of repairing station apparatus not includible in the foregoing repair accounts, particularly the power transmission equipment, such as shafting, belting, and clutches; motors, hoists, and cranes, etc. E514. Steam from Other Sources. Charge to this account the cost of all purchased or jointly produced steam consumed in the power plant of the electric department. Note. — In case such steam is jointly produced, i. e., produced by another person or corporation under a joint arrangement for sharing the cost of production in pro- portion to the benefits to the several participants, the charge to this account may include a proportion to cover depreciation of plant employed as well as the propor- tion of direct expense, but it must not include any allowance or return upon the cost or value of the plant. Such allowance or return upon property must be charged to account No. 922f, " Other Rent Deductions ". (See page 53.) E5J5. Power Ga^ from Other Sources. Charge to this account the cost of all gas consumed in the gas power plants of electric generating stations, but not produced in the electric department; this includes the cost of gas produced for the corporation by another corpo- ration under any joint arrangement for the sharing of expense (upon the basis of the relative amounts of benefit to the several participants), in- clusive of provision in such expense for depreciation of plant, but exclusive of allowance for profit or return upon the value of property used in such production. E516. Electric Energy from Other Sources. Charge to this account the cost, at the point of delivery to the corporation, of all electric energy purchased or produced for the corporation by another corporation under any joint arrangement for the sharing of expense (upon the basis of the relative amounts of benefit to the several participants), inclusive of provision in such expense for depreciation of plant, but exclusive of allow- ance for profit or return upon the value of property used in such production. n. TRANSMISSION EXPENSES. E521a. Transmission Subway Rent. Charge to this account the rents payable accruing for ducts leased from •ther corporations or from a municipal corporation. Note. — In case the rented subway is used for distribution as well as for trans- mlBSion, the rent should be apportioned between this account and account No. E521b, " Distribution Subway R«nt ". AccoL'XTs ¥OB, Electeical Cokporatioxs 39 E522a. Tbaxsmissiox Pole axd Fixture Repaibs. Charge to this account the cost of repairing and renewing poles, cross-arma, and insulator pins; braces, brackets, and other pole fixtures; guys and other supports for holding the poles, towers, and other structures in position; also repairs of towers and other structures maintained primarily for supporting the overhead transmission system. This account does not include insulators. Note A. — The cost of repairing and renewing poles and fixtures which carry both transmission and distribution condactors should be apportioned between this ae- connt and accoont Xo. &>22b. " Distribution Pole and Fixture Repairs ". Note B. — The cost of replacement of towers and otber stmctures maintained primarily for supporting the overhead electric construction shall, when the In- dividaal costs of the same equal or exceed $100, be treated through the appropriate capital accounts. When the individual cost is less than $100, the replacement may be charged directly to this account. £523a. Tbaxsmissiox UxDEBGBOxr;n) Cosdcit Kepaibs. Charge to this account the cost of patrolling and inspecting as well as repairing transmission underground conduits, including renewing ducts and pipes, enlarging and repairing manholes, re-paving streets over such structures, etc This account does not include any repairs of conductors or of the in- solation there motor generator sets, (c) rotary converters, or (d) frequency changers, that portion of the outside line or conductor system antecedent to the said stepdown trans- formers, motor generator ~ sets, rotary converters, or frequency changers, shall be classed as the Transmission System ; ertxpt. however, that primary wiring In lighting systems at not to exceed 4,400 volts, 4-wIre, 3-phase. shall be classed as a part of the Distribution System. Tie-lines between generating stations and sub-stations shall follow the same rule. Line transformers are not Included among the " stepdown transformers " above mentioned. E525. Sub-station Labor. Charge to this account the cost of all labor employed in superintending and operating sub-stations, including not only that of regulators, brushmen, and others engaged in operating the electric apparatus, but also that of clerks, janitors, watchmen, etc. E526. Sc^-STATioir Supplies and Expenses. Charge to this account the cost of supplies consumed and expenses incurred in connection with the operation of sub-stations, such as telephone rents, light, hea^ etc 40 Public Service Commission, Second District E527. Repaibs of Sub-station Botldings. Charge to this account the cost of repairing sub-station buildings and per- manent fixtures therein, including grounds and adjacent streets, vaults, sheds, pits, sidewalks, etc. E528. Repairs of SuB-STATiosf Equipment. Charge to this account the cost of repairing apparatus in sub-stations, in- cluding sub-station cables, switchboards and instruments, station terminal board, etc. Note. — This account should not Include the cost of repairing any storage battery equipment, for which see account No. E529, " Electric Storage Expenses," under the head of "Repairs of Storage Battery Accessories ". III. ELECTRIC STORAGE EXPENSES. E529. Electeic Storage Expenses. Charge to this account all matters provided for under the following heads: Storage Battf.by Labor: This head includes the salaries and personal ex- penses of superintendent, clerks, and batterymen, including inspectors and testers. Storage Battery Supplies: This head int-ludes the- cost of acid and dis- tilled water in cells, soda, sponges, brooms, mops, waste, rags, hydrometers, thermometers, automatic cell fillers, rubber hose, gloves, shoes, paint, etc., and brushes for boosters and compensators. Storage Battery Renewals: This head includes the cost of renewing worn-out cells, including diaphragms, negative and positive plates, lead in strip, spelter, pails, candles, dry boards, tank bands, sheet lead, glass plates, glass covers, hydrogen generators, jumpers, clamps, lampblack, etc. Repairs of Storage Battery Accessories: This head includes the cost of repairing tanks, battery room flooi*, switches, regulating apparatus, boosters, and compensators. IV. DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES. E531. Electric Distribution Superintendence. Charge to this account the salaries and personal expenses of superintendents and clerks, and also that portion of the salaries of the engineering staff of the company which is assignable to distribution. E532. Electric Distribution Records and Office Expense. Charge to this account all matters provided for under the following heads: Electric Distribution Maps and Records: This head includes the cost of maps and records of overhead and underground lines, including salaries and personal expenses of mappers and draftsmen, cost of drawing material, etc. Electric Distribution Office Expense: This head includes the cost of all other supplies and expenses of the office of the superintendent of the distribution department. E533. Setting and Removing Meters and Transformers. Charge to this account the cost of all supplies consumed and all expenses incurred in connection with the operation of service transformers and coo- flumers' meters. This includes such matters as setting and removing such transformers and meters, connecting and disconnecting services, and the like. Accounts fok Electrical Corporations 41 Note. — In case It is the policy of the accounting corporation to charge the cost of the first setting of consumers' meters to capital, such charge should be made to account Xo. E167b, " Electric Meter Installation ". E521b. DiSTBiBUTiox Subway Re:?t. Charge to this account the rents payable accruing for underground con- duits used for distribution conductors. Note. — In case the rented subway is used for transmission as well as for dis- tribution, the rent should be apportioned between this account and account No. E521a, " Transmission Subway Rent ". E522b. DiSTBiBXjTiox Pole axd Fixtdbe Repaibs. Charge to this account the cost of repairing and renewing poles, cross- arms, and insulator pins; braces, brackets, and other pole fixtures; guys and other supports for holding the poles, towers, and other structures in position; also repairs of towers and other structures maintained primarily for support- ing the OTcrhead distribution system. This account does not include insulators. Note A. — The cost of repairing poles and fixtures that carry both transmission and distribution conductors should be apportioned between this account and account No. E522a, " Transmission Pole and Fixture Repairs ". Note B. — The cost of replacement of towers and other structures maintained primarily for supporting^ the orerhead electric construction shall, when the Indi- vidual costs of the same equal or exceed $100, be treated through the appropriate capital accounts. VTben the Individual cost is less than $100, the replacement may be charged directly to this account. E523b. DisTBiBtmoN UM)EBGBOujn) Conduit Repaibs. Charge to this account the cost of maintaining subways and underground conduits, including repairs of the tube, of manholes, of paving over such subways and of all ducts and conduits, but not any repairs of conductors or of the insulation thereof. Note. — The cost of maintaining (including patrolling and Inspecting) under- ground conduits and subways which carry both transmission and distribution con- ductors should be apportioned between this account and account No. E523a, " Trans- - mission Underground Conduit Repairs ". E534. DiSTMBUTiox System Repaibs. Charge to this account all matters provided for imder the following heads: OvEBHE.\D DiSTBiBUTiON SYSTEM Repaibs : This head includes the cost of patrolling, testing, and repairing the overhead conductors in the distribution system. Edison Tube System Repaibs : This head includes the cost of inspecting, testing, and repairing the Edison tube system, including junction boxes, tubing and conductors, coupling boxes, etc. Otueb Usdebgbouxd DISTBIBUTIOX System Repaibs: This head includes the salaries and expenses of patrolmen, testers, etc., as well as the cost of repairing damaged subway distribution conductors. E535a. Repaibs of Electbic Sebvices. Charge to this account the cost of repairing underground and overhead services leading from the mains to the consumers' premises. E535b. Repaibs of Tbaxsfobmebs. Charge to this account the cost of labor and material consumed in main- taining transformers, including renewing oil, re-painting, re-winding, removal and replacing; also repairs of such switches and cut-outs as are the property of the corporation on consumers' premises. 42 Public Service Commission, Second District E536. Klectkic Metkr Operation' and Repairs. Charge to this account all matters ])rovi(lecl' for under the following heads: Electric ;Meter Operation : This head includes the salaries and expenses of superintendents and clerks in the meter bureau, and also that portion of the salaries of the engineering staff of the corporation assignable to this account; also the cost of light, heat, ice, water, and other supplies and ex- penses in connection with the naeter-testing bureau ; and the cost of testing meters on consumers' premises or in meter shops. Electric Meter Repairs: This head includes the cost of repairing meters in the distribution service, including new i>arts, new jewels, cleaning, and painting. V. UTILIZATION EXPENSES. 541. Commercial Arc Operation. Charge to this account all matters provided for under the following heads: Commekcial Arc Labor: This head includes the cost of labor employed in trimming and inspecting arc lamps on private consumers' premises and in niunicipal buildings. Commercial Arc Supplies: This head includes the cost of all supplies (such as carbons, globes, etc.) for arc lamps on private consumers' premises and in municipal buildings. 542. Commercial Arc Repairs. Charge to this account the cost of keeping in repair private consumers' arc lamps and those in municipal buildings; including such matters as setting and removing lamps, repairing parts, changing for repairs and adjustment, and testing during adjustment and after repairs. 543. Commercial Incandescent Operation. Charge to this account all matters provided for under the following heads: Commercial Incandescent Installation: This head includes the cost of the first installation of incandescent lamps on consumers' premises (includ- ing cartage and delivery exjjenses) unless consumer is charged for the first installation, or unless it is proper to charge such first installation to capital. (See account No. EJ73, "Glower Lamps," page 16.) Commercial Incandescent Rene\vals: This head includes the cost of renewing incandescent lamps on consumers' premises (including cartage and delivei-y expense) and cost of photometering incandescent lamps. Credit to this account under this head any rebate received for the return of stubs, or allowances relating thereto. 544. Consumers' Instaixation Expenses. Charge to this account all matters provided for under the following heads: Inspection of Consumers' Premises: This head includes the cost of in- spection of consumers' premises, including such matters as the charge for municipal certificates, charge for Board of Fire Underwriters' Inspection, certificates, and that portion of the salaries and expenses of the engineering staflf or of other departments than the distribution department engaged in technical work properly assignable to this account. Repairs of Consumi-his' Installations: This head includes the cost of all labor and material furnished to consumers for inside work without special charge, including such matters as attention to complaints or to improving Accounts fob Electrical Cokporatioxs 43 the character of service, r?placing or repairing wiring fixtures or electric appliances, moving appliances Irom place to place in houses and re-connect- ing the san:e, etc. 545. Municipal Street Arc Operation. Charge to this account all matters provided for under the following heads: MrxiciPAL Street Arc Labor: This head includes the cost of labor em- ployed in trimming and inspecting the arc lamps of the municipal street lighting system. ilcMCiPAL Street Arc Supplies: This head includes the cost of carbons, globes, etc., for the arc lamps of the municipal street lighting system. 546. Municipal Street Arc Repairs. Charge to this account the cost of changing location of lamp posts, chang- ing lamps for repairs and adjustments, renewals, repairs of mast arms, hangers, poles, ropes, etc., and painting poles; also that portion of the arc lamp shop expense assignable thereto. 547. Municipal Street Incandescent Operation. Charge to this account all matters provided for under the following heads: Municipal Street Incandescent Installation: This head includes the cost of the first installation of incandescent lamps in the municipal street lighting system, unless it is paid by the municipal corporation, or the lamps are of such character that it is proper to charge to capital. (See account No. E173, "'Glower Lamps."' page 16.) Municipal Street Incandescent Renewals: This bead includes the cost of renewing incandescent lamps in the municipal street lighting system. 548. Municipal Streett Incandescent Repairs. Charge to this account the cost of repairing municipal incandescent street lamps and fixtures. Note. — This does not Include Items chargeable to maintenance of poles and their fixtures, or of subways, or conductors. VI. COMMERCIAL EXPENSES. E551. Commercial Administration — Electric. Charge to this account the matters prescribed under the following heads: a. Commercial Department Indexing: This covers the cost of indexing meters, including indexers' lamps. b. Commercial Department Collecting : This covers the expense of the col- lection bureau, including collectors' salaries or commissions, badges, car fares, and delivering bills. c. Commercial Department Contracts: This covers such part of the cost of the contract department as is not assignable to the Promotion Office, in- cluding attention to bill questions. d. Commercial Department Accounting : This covers the cost of keeping the accounts of consumers, being a proportion of the salaries and expenses of general officer and assistants in charge of the commercial department, and salaries of bookkeepers and all clerks in the accounting department having to do with consumers' accounts. €. Commercial Department Miscellaneous: This covers all expenses in- curred in selling electric power and products, in determining the amount of su Davacbs. Ghaige to th» aceoofc all exptwsa {otker than lav mrpfmrnn pnmded for im tibe niiffccdin^, aceomt) en aeeomt of peraoss kiDed or injincd and fropatj dmmMged in eomMctkn with the . (C> aad (c). abore grrca. Hon B. — The cQc^ensatioa of the general solicitor or eoaasei aad other attor- neya engaged partly ia tbe defease or aettlemeat of Hummel suits and partly ta other legal wotk riioald be piup c tlj importlo aed bet aee a this aceooat and account Ksu KSSS,' ** Gcaeial Law BxpcasBS". SOCB Cl If it is desired tint tte charge to opeiatiag ttptasfi oa aceoaat of law I ipi urn II in coaaectioa with dsmages Aall be npoa soaw arfetttaiy basia, the ■t so charged shaH be ciedl ted to aceoaat Xol 381. " Cssaalties and Inananee aad the actual d liliaisem eats abore caamcrated shall be charged sgsiaar ■t. 48 Public Seevice Commission, Second District E848. Gknebal Stationery and Feinting. Charge to this account all expenses for stationery and printing, stationery supplies, and postage, except as hereinafter provided: The cost of printing briefs and other legal papers shall be charged to account No. E836, " General Law Expenses," or No. E847b, " Law Expenses Connected with Damages," in accordance with the purpose of the printing. The cost of printing signs, posters, and other advertising matter shall be charged to account No. EC552, " Promotion Expenses — Electric," under the head of " Advertising ". The cost of such mechanical calculators, typewriters, duplicating machines, and other office appliances as are not properly capitalized, shall, if for use in general offices, be charged to account No. E835, " General Office Supplies and Expenses " ; or if for the use of departmental offices, to the proper depart- mental accounts. EC850. Stobe and Stable Expenses. Change to this account all matters provided for under the following heads: Store Expenses: This head includes all salaries and expenses in connec- tion witli storerooms, including cost of sending material and supplies from general storerooms to branch storerooms, and tlie collection of scrap material. Stable Expenses: This head includes the cost of feed, keep, and shoeing of horses, wages of stablemen, hostlers, veterinary expenses, and all other expenses of stabling horses; also the cost of repairing harness and vehicles. Note. — The cost of horses purchased to replace others should he charged to account No. E122, " General Equipment ". E852. Undistributed Adjustments — Balance. At least once a year an inventory of materials and supplies shall be taken, and the difference (in respect of any particular class of materials and sup- plies) between the ledger and inventory balances debited or credited to thia account in case it can not be assigned to a specific account. Credit to this account all discounts recovered through the prompt payment of bills for materials and supplies consumed in operation, unless such discounts are applied to the particular bills. Note. — Where materials and supplies have been used In construction as well as In operation, a suitable proportion of the shortages or overages disclosed by the Inventory may be debited or credited to account No. E285, " Miscellaneous Con- struction Expenditures". E853. Duplicate Electric Charges — Cb. Credit to this account all charges made to any accounts in electric operating expenses in respect of any electric power or other product of electric opera- tions of the corporation consumed therein. 17. Expenses of Outside Operations.— The detailed expense accounts for other than electric operations will be elsewhere provided for. 18. Tax accounts. — An account shall be kept of the taxes chargeable against each particular class of operations, and one for those chargeable against non- operating revenues. Each tax account shall be appropriately entitled (as e. g., " Taxes Assignable to Electric Operations," " Taxes Assignable to Noii- AccoirsTS FOK Elkctkicai. Corpobatioss 49 opesmtiiig Berenaes," etc), and sludl be ao kept as to show separately tha foUamingz State Framekue Tax AccsrAis. Charge to this account month by month all accruals required to be made to sinking funds in aeeordanee with the proTisi<»s of mortgages or other ODatraets requiring Oe establishment of rinking funds. AH accruals to sink- ing or other funds created wdnntarily by the corporation and not in puxsn- aaee of the prorisioBS of any mortgage or other sontract or of the reqnire- of law shall be excluded herefrom. 934. GcABAimss of Pekcoihc Pat^cexts. CSwige to this account all unsecured accruals of obligations ^arising eontraiAB whereby the corporation has guaranteed the aimiuil or aiors fre- fmemt-pmodic payment of money or performanee of other obligation OB fte part of another corporation or person, and because of the default of sach other corporation or penon the lialHlity of the pr«ait corporation has be- eoaae actual. This account does not include such matters as guaranties of paymoit of primeipal of funded debt and other nmilar things relating to a aeries of years, nor does it include any guaranties for which the corporation has protected itself tiirough taking ample security. If insnflieient s ee ui i^ has hem taken in respect of such »»nin«^ or more frequent payments^ the mmstcured portion thereof shall be charged to this account. 54 Public Sekvice Commissio:^, Second District 925. Loss ON Operations of Otuebs. Whenever in accordance with the terms of any contract the corporation is bound to contribute toward reimbursement of the losses resulting from the operations of others, all liabilities accruing to the corporation from such source shall be charged to this account. 926. Othee Contractual Deuuctions frou Income. Charge to this account month by month all contractual liabilities arising from annual or other more frequent periodic matters and not includible in any of the foregoing accounts. This account includes only deductions from income and not any liabilities arising in exchange for goods or other things purchased. 927. Amortization of Landed Capital. Charge to this account at the close of any fiscal period such portion of the original money cost (estimated if not known) of landed capital as is necessary to cover the proportion of the life thereof expired during such period. Note A. — The amounts charged to this account shall be concurrently credited to account No. 374, "Accrued Amortization of Capital ". (See page 27.) Note B. — When anj- landed capital expires or is otherwise retired from service (as e. g., through sale), the capital account or other indicant account (if any) originally charged therewith shall be credited with the amount originally charged, the account "Accrued Amortization of Capital " shall be debited with all amounts theretofore credited to such account in respect of such landed capital so going out of service, the appropriate account shall be debited with the proceeds of sale (if any), and any necessary adjustment shall be made through the "Corporate Surplus or Deficit " account. 928. Amortization of Debt Discount and Expense. Charge to this account at or before the close of any fiscal period that pro- portion of the unamortized discount and debt expense on outstanding debt which is applicable to the period. This proportion shall be determined ac- cording to a rule, the uniform application of which during- the interval be- tween the issue anri the maturity of any debt will completely amortize or wipe out the discount at which such debt was issued and the debt expense connected therewith. Such amortization may at the option of the corporation be earlier effected by charging all or any portion of such discount and debt expense to account No. 939, " Other Deductions from Surplus," immediately upon issue of the debt or thereafter. 929. Amortization of Premium on Debt — Cb. C-redit to this account at or after the close of any fiscal period the propor- tion of the premium at which outstanding debt was issued which is applicable to the period. This proportion shall be determined according to a rule, the uniform application of which during the interval between the issue and the maturity of any debt will completely amortize or wipe out the premium at which such debt was issued. Such amortization may at the option of the corporation be ettected by crediting all or any portion of such premium to account No. 931b, " Other Additions to Surplus," only upon the maturity of the debt. 34. Appropriations. — The balance resulting from closing the foregoing Income Deduction accounts for any fiscal period into Gross Income for that period gives the Net Corporate Income for the period. The net corporate income being of the same nature as the corporate surplus shall be closed into the " Corporate Surplus or Deficit " account. The group of accounts which Accoryrs fok Elbctmcai. CoKPOKATio3irs 55 Apv fnr avr fiscal period ttc rliingw n ti« *GMpa»te Suploi or Defiai" ■iiiiiiBBi mi« des^Mlcd tiK 'ApfntKimtiam'' aetoota, far the icaaiH that aateiaaliallT all of tkem are aabject aaij to tlw diseicliaM of tte cocpoFa- tim. ^tibe CMl of cadk fiscal period eack of the 'Jkppto^iatiaa' aeeoota dtaU be doaed iato the '^ CJ al Are LsMps IS El 73. 0owcr Lmmps !• E174. Bl e cti i L Motms aad Hcatos 17 EITSl Kkitiie TiMis aad lavkeaKats IT eifC TkMiii LabocatatT Efatpiaeat IT E177- Oaer TaagiHe Bleetiic Cqrttal IT E3SL ir >i fcl a«> il a ft aad g ai i eilal««de « ee IT ES8S. Law En ieBM Btaies Dwrtag Cu MUtUow . it tajaries Dtiag Caailimliua it Tnea DaiiBc OaaativetliM is MiKcOaaeoas Oiaaliai liua Bxpeaditaies IS B286u laUicat Darftig Ouaatiactioa 18 OIIOl Laad la Otfcer Dep aittaU 18 OlOS. rtaadUses ia Other Depactaaeats IS O103. Fateat-rights la Other P^ga ilaaj ts 19 OKHL Other lataaeWe Capital ia Other DepaitBcats 19 012a TaagAle Ca^tal la Other Depa itawj ts 19 rtOJkTVSQ CkmCAU E la Ibtexflala aa« Sapplles 19 L Ch* 20 2. mils KecefTaM^ «• 58 Public Service Commission, Second Disteict FAGB 3. Accounts Receivable 20 4. Interest and Dividends Receivable 20 5. Other Current Assets 21 Investments. 300. Investments 21 Special Deposits. 311. Coupon Special Deposits 21 312. Dividend Special Deposits 22 813. Other Special Deposits 22 Prepayment Accounts. 321. Prepaid Taxes 22 322. Prepaid Insurance 22 323. Prepaid Rents 22 324. Other Prepayments 22 Suspense Accounts. 331. Unamortized Debt Discount and Expense 23 332. Other Suspense 23 Re-acquired Securities. 340. Re-acqulred Securities 24 Debt. 360. Funded 24 Unfunded 24 351. Taxes Accrued 25 352. Receiver's Certificates 25 353. Judgments Unpaid 25 354. Interest Accrued 25 355. Dividends Declared 26 356. Bills Payable 26 E357a. Consumers' Deposits — Electric 26 357b. Other Accounts Payable 26 358. Other Unfunded Debt 26 Reserves. Permanent 26 371. Premiums on Stocks 26 372. Other Permanent Reserves .- 27 Temporary 27 Contractual 27 Required 27 374. Accrued Amortization of Capital 27 375. T'namortized Premium on Del>t 27 376. Other Required Reserves 28 Optional 28 381. Casualties and Insurance Reserve 28 382. Other Optional Reserves 28 Stocks. 390. Stocks 28 SCHEDULE B: INCOME ACCOUNT. Operating Revenues. 401. Municipal Street Lighting — Arc 31 402. Municipal Street Lighting — Incandescent 31 403. Lighting Municipal Buildings — Electric 31 404. Municipal Heat and Power — Electric 32 405. Miscellaneous Electric Revenue — Municipal 32 406. Commercial Flat Rate Lighting 32 407. Commercial Flat Rate Power 32 408. Commercial Metered Lighting 32 400. Commercial Metered Power 32 410. Railroad Corporations '32 411. Other Electrical Corporations 32 List of Accouxts 59 PACK 421. Bait of Electric Meters 33 422. Bait of Electric Appliances 33 423. Electric Herctumdlse and Jobbing Berenne 33 424. Sale of Byproducts S3 425. Joint Electric Bent Bevenne 33 426. Break-down Service 33 427. Other Sliscellaneoos Electric Bevenne 33 Operating Expenses. /. Prodmctiom t^pcuz*». E501. Station Superintendence and Labor 35 E502. Fuel for Power 35 E5u3. Water for Power ". 35 E504. Lubricants for Power 35 E505. Production Supines and Station Expense 36 E307. Bei»airs of Power Plant Buildings 36 £^508. Bepairs of Pumaces, Boilers, and Accessories 36 1m09. Bepairs of Steam Engines 37 E510. B^tairs of Hydraulic Power Plant 37 E511. Kqiairs of Gas Power Equipment 37 E512. Bcftairs of Power Plant Electric Equipment 37 E513. Miscellaneous Station Bepairs 38 E514. Steam from Otber Sources 38 E515. Power Gas from Other Sources 38 E516. Electric Energy from Other Sources 38 //. TrantmiMsUm Expenses. B521a. Transmission Subway Kent 38 E522a. Transmission Pole and Fixture Bepairs 39 E523a. Transmission Underground Conduit Bepairs 39 E524. Transmission System Bepairs 39 E525. Sub-station Labor 39 E526. Sob-staticm Supplies and Expenses 39 B527. Bepairs of Sub-station Buildings 40 ^28. Bepairs of Sub-station Equipment 40 ///. Elertric Storage Expenses. Eo29. Electric Storage Expenses 40 IV. DisbUmluM Expenses. E531. Electric Distribution Scperintendence 40 E532. Electric Distribution Becords and Expense 40 E533. Setting and BemoTing Meters and Transformers 47 E521b. Distribution Subway Bent 41 E522b. IMstrlbntion Pole and Fixture Bepairs 41 Bo23b. Distribution Underground Conduit Bepairs 41 E534. Distribution System Bepairs 41 E535a. Bepairs of Electric Services 41 E535b. Bepairs of Transformers 41 B536. Electric Meter Operation and Bepairs 42 F. UtUization Expenses. 541. Commercial Arc Operation 42 542. Commercial Arc Bq^lrs 42 543. Commercial Incandescent Operation 42 544. Consumers' Installation Expenses 42 5-.W. Municipal Street Arc Operation 43 546. Municipal Street Arc Bepairs 43 547. Municipal Street Incandescent Operation 43 548. Municipal Street Incandescent Bepairs 43 VI. Commercial Expenses. E551. Commocial Administration — Electric 43 ECS52. Pranotion Expenses — Electric 44 60 Public Service Commission, Second District PAGET VII. Oeneral and Miscellaneous Expenses. E832. General OflScers and General Office Clerks 44 E835. General Office Supplies and Expenses 44 E836. General Law Expenses 4» E837. Miscellaneous General Expenses 45 E838. Insurance 45 E839. Relief Department and Pensions 45 E840. Electric Franchise Requirements 45 E842. General Amortization — Electric 45 E845. Electric Expenses Transferred — Cr 46^ E846. Joint Operating Expense — Cr 4ft E847a. Accidents and Damages 47 E847b. LaW Expenses Connected with Damages 47 E848. General Stationery and Printing 48 EC850. Store and Stable Expenses 48 E852, Undistributed Adjustments — Balance 4S E853. Duplicate Electric Charges — Cr 48- Taxks. E860. Taxes 4S E870. Uncollectible Electric Bills 4l> Non-operating Ukvknuks. E901a. Rent Accrued from Lease of Electric I'lant ' 4!> EfiOld. Miscellaneous Rert R<^venues 50 E902. Interest Revenues r,0 E903. Dividend Revenues 5t> E904. Profits from Operations of Others 51 E905. Miscellaneous Non-operating Revenues 51 Non-operating Rkvknue Deductions. 910. Non-operating Revenue Deductions 51 a. Rent Expense 51 b. Interest Expense 51 c. Dividend Expense 51 d. Others' Operations Expense -. 51 e. Miscellaneous Non-operating Expense 52 f. Non-operating Taxes 52 g. Uncollectible Non operating Revenues • 52 IxcoMB Deductions. 921. Interest Deductions 52 922a. Rent for Lease of Other Electric Plant 52 922. Other Rent Deductions 53 923. Sinking Fund Accruals 5a 924. Guaranties of I'eriodic Payments 53 925. Loss on Operations of Others S-t 926. Other Contractual Deductions from Income 34 927. Amortization of Landed Capital 54 928. Amortization of Debt Discount and Expense 54 929. Amortization of Premium on Debt — Cr 54 Appuopbiation Accounts. 931a. Bad Debts Collected 55 931b. Other Additions to Surplus 55 932. Expenses Elsewhere Unprovided for 55 933. Dividends on Outstanding Stocks 55 934. Amortization Elsewhere Unprovided for 55 935. Appropriations to Reserves 55 93«i. Uiits to Controlled Corporations 55 937. Other Appropriations 56 938. Bad Debts Written Off 56 939. Other Deductions from Surplus 56 27466 /?6^ CO UNIVERSITY OF e\LIFORNL\ LIBRARY >•.