G ROVER FACTORY FIRE / Hox. EDWARD H. KEITH. Mayor of Brockton at time of disaster, and Chairman of Board of Trustees of Relief Fund. HISTORY L J OF THE rorkton IN AID OF SUFFERERS FROM THE R. B. GROVER & CO. FACTORY FIRE, BROCKTON, MASS., MARCH 20, 1905 PREPARED BY Rev. ALBERT F. PIERCE, D.D., Secretary of the Jldoisory Committee Cfje JFort $tll $rtss SAMUEL USHER 176 TO 184 HIGH STREET BOSTON, MASS. PRINTED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE FUND, FOR GENERAL DISTRIBUTION TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGB INTRODUCTION 5 NAMELESS IN DEATH (Poem) 6 I. BRIEF HISTORY OF THE FIRE 7 II. THE WORK OP RESCUE 11 List of Killed 14 III. A CITY IN MOURNING 16 Description of Monument 24 IV. STARTING A RELIEF FUND 27 V. ORGANIZATION OF THE RELIEF WORK 32 VI. THE AID RENDERED 38 Those who were Injured 39 List of Those Receiving Temporary Aid 4O Widows and Adult Dependents 52 Dependent Children 59 Rules Governing Children 60 List of Children 62 VII. INSURANCE AND BENEFICIARY ORGANIZATIONS 65 VIII. RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES 68 IX. A PERSONAL WORD OF APPRECIATION 70 SUBSCRIPTIONS 75 REPORT OF THE TREASURER 119 ILLUSTRATIONS. Portrait of Mayor Keith Frontispiece R. B. Grover & Co. Factory Facing page 7 After the Fire 10 Monument to Those Killed in the Disaster 15 House of Engineer, through which Boiler Passed 31 House of Miss Pratt, where Boiler Lodged ,,64 INTRODUCTION THIS history was prepared at the request of the trustees of the Brockton Relief Fund, and is intended as a simple record of the work done in granting aid to sufferers from the R. B. Grover & Co. factory fire. It was felt that the friends who had so gener- ously and cheerfully contributed of their means to the fund were entitled to a full report of all the money received and paid out, and of the methods which were used in its distribution. Very naturally the responsibility of collecting and arranging the material has fallen upon the Secretary of the Advisory Com- mittee, as he was more closely in touch with all the different parts of the work; but this record has been read to and approved by the Board of Trustees, and goes forth with their official indorsement. While the work was in preparation several inquiries came as to the amount of relief rendered through other channels, and also as to the proportionate number of workmen who were members of various fraternal and beneficiary organizations. While such inquiries lie somewhat outside the simple history of the relief work, yet realizing their value from the sociological point of view, and their bearing upon economic conditions, the writer has willingly taken the time to put the facts so far as he could ascer- tain them into permanent form for the sake of their value to the student of social life. In the preparation of this report the Enterprise and the Times, of Brockton, and The Shoeworkers' Journal, of Boston, have cheerfully rendered material assistance and shown many cour- tesies which the writer wishes publicly to acknowledge. With this brief word of explanation this history is sent forth as a record of real charity on the part of a generous and sympa- thetic public. BROCKTON, January, 1907. NAMELESS IN DEATH. (To the unidentified in Brockton's tragedy of March 20, 1905.) Crouched at complacent feast, Death, sombrous-winged, Reckons his largess with approving eye; While Grief hath fashioned lyres, a thousand-stringed, Far-sounding chords that question while they cry. Out into tideless, into dreamless drift, No friendly craft bespoke them while they sailed. From whence they came prayer also came the gift Of those who sought to lift the veil, and failed. Question them not, Grim Mariner, nor swerve From out the straightest course thy hand may frame; Before the Master, who had bid them serve, Nameless they come, to each receive a name. H. L. MARSHALL. (Reprinted from the Brockton Enterprise, by permission.) HISTORY OF THE BROCKTON RELIEF FUND i BRIEF HISTORY OF THE FIRE On Monday morning, March 20, 1905, the shoe factory of R. B. Grover & Co., located in the south end of the city of Brockton, Mass., was suddenly and completely destroyed by fire. Along with it the Dahlborg Block, the building known as the old Drake Tavern, four dwelling houses, two storehouses, and a blacksmith shop were also wholly consumed, besides three dwelling houses partially burned. This was one of the most disastrous fires the city has ever known, the property loss reaching $250,000, and the buildings destroyed covering some four acres of ground. But great as was the property loss, it was insignificant when com- pared with the destruction of human life and the injuries inflicted upon scores of workmen. The firm of R. B. Grover & Co. was among the best known in the city, the Emerson shoe which they manufactured having gained for them a wide reputation. They employed about four hundred and fifty workmen, and on the morning of the disaster some three hundred and sixty were in the building. The factory, which was a frame structure four stories high, was located on Main Street and extended along Calmar to Denton Street. At ten minutes before eight o'clock, soon after the work for the day had begun, suddenly, and without previous warning, the large boiler of the factory exploded. It was carried right up through the building, breaking the foundations and separating the tim- bers, causing the factory to collapse. After being lifted, the boiler was driven like a huge projectile clean through the dwelling 8 Brockton Relief Fund house located north of the'factory on Denton Street, which was the home of the engineer, and one hundred feet farther north into the dwelling house owned and occupied by Miss Mary Pratt, crashing into the side of the house and knocking it some two feet from its foundations. Fire immediately broke out and spread all through the factory. The escaping gas from the broken pipes fed the flames which within a few minutes envel- oped the entire building. Even the suddenness and fierceness of the fire would not have caused the loss of life had it not been for the collapse of the structure. In some places the floors of the different stories fell to within two or three feet of each other, and the spaces between were filled with a tangled mass of ma- chinery, pipes, and shafting. These pinned many of the work- men down as well as hemmed in and cut off the escape of others. Fifty-six persons perished in the fire, and two others died within a few days from the injuries received. About fifty more were seriously hurt, and many others had narrow escapes, some of whom received wounds, burns, and bruises, and many were rendered complete nervous wrecks. Among the killed and injured were workmen who had been in the employ of the factory for only a few days; others who had been a long time idle, and had just returned; while still others had gone to work for the first time that fatal Monday morning. Of the last class mentioned was Mrs. Dora Clark, of Whitman, who entered the factory for the first time in her life only ten minutes before the explosion occurred. The rending floor that threw a friend with whom she was conversing outward and to safety, threw her inward and into a seething caldron of fire, in which her body was burned beyond recognition. The case of Mr. James Ray Cole, who was not in the employ of the Grover Company, but who served the factory daily with drinking water, just as strikingly illustrates the uncertainty of human affairs and the fatality which often attends human life. He had just entered the building on his daily round when the explosion came, and the penalty demanded was the forfeit of his life. A young wife and two little children were left to mourn and to wonder at the seeming dark and mysterious ways of Providence. But the instances of escape from what otherwise appeared Grover Factory Fire 9 certain death were just as significant on the one hand as the apparent fatality on the other. Several persons had ceased working in the factory the Saturday night previous. Judging from circumstances, had they been in their accustomed places, escape would have been impossible. Other workmen had just gone from the building; some had for the moment been called from the danger point, while still others were unavoidably detained at home for a short period, thus reaching the factory just after the explosion had taken place. These incidents are mentioned to illustrate the tragic phases of human experience, and to show how strangely mixed are the bright and somber colors that are woven in the web of human life. The following is a list of the buildings which were wholly con- sumed or partially destroyed by the disaster. 1. The R. B. Grover & Co. shoe factory. Entirely destroyed. 2. A story and a half dwelling house on Main Street just north of the factory and near the fire station, known as the Marcus Reynolds home, owned by the Grover Company. Entirely destroyed. 3. The Dalhborg Block, a three-story structure, situated on the south corner of Main and Calmar streets, containing three stores, offices, and a public hall, and owned by Mr. C. F. Dahlborg. Completely destroyed. 4. The building south of the Dahlborg Block and known as the old Drake Tavern, owned by Mr. Emerson Goldthwaite, containing a restaurant and lodging rooms run by Mr. Luke S. Elmore. Entirely destroyed. 5. The Dahlborg workshop, two stories high, situated on Cal- mar Street and owned and used by Mr. C. F. Dahlborg for his plumbing and tinsmith trade. Wholly burned. 6. A two-story building, situated on Calmar Street west of the Dahlborg workshop, owned by Mr. C. F. Dahlborg and used by him for storage purposes. Entirely destroyed. 7. A blacksmith shop also situated on Calmar Street, owned by Mr. C. F. Dahlborg and used by him for a storehouse. En- tirely burned. 8. A two-story dwelling house at 104 Denton Street, owned by Mr. Emerson Goldthwaite and occupied by Mrs. Holmquist and Mr. Peter Anderson. Entirely burned. 10 Brockton Relief Fund 9. A two-story dwelling house at 99 Denton Street, owned and occupied by Mr. John W. Taft. So nearly destroyed as to be practically worthless. 10. A frame dwelling house on Denton Street north of the factory, owned by the Grover Company and occupied by Mr. David Rockwell, the engineer. Wrecked by the boiler passing through it. Rendered worthless. 11. A three-story house at 93 Denton Street, owned by Mr. August Burgess and occupied by himself and Mr. William Emery. The upper story burned and the house much damaged. 12. A house at 85 Denton Street, owned by Mrs. J. A. Peterson and occupied by herself and her son, Mr. Oscar Peterson. Partly burned. 13. A house at 74 Denton Street, known as the Galen Pratt house, owned and occupied by his daughter, Miss Mary Pratt. Knocked from its foundations and injured by the boiler crashing into it. c * o o S S .2 == s- C O) WJ 3 o cw _ , a S t; fci ,- c i ^"* ^ xs -^ ?^ Grover Factory Fire 11 II THE WORK OF RESCUE The disaster witnessed many narrow and even miraculous escapes, and incidents of rescue are recorded which are thrilling in the extreme. If it came within the province of this report, such stories could be related, so full of pathos and the spirit of heroism and self-sacrifice, as would stir the blood and fire the soul. No one can listen, for instance, to the account of Mr. George E. Smith, large of frame and big of heart, himself standing with his feet so firmly pinioned that he was unable to move them even a hair's breadth, yet assisting his nephew to escape and extricating Mrs. Lena S. Baker from a perilous position and saving her life, without having a higher conception of the heroic in man and receiving a fresh revelation of the divine spirit in the human soul. But all of these things were chronicled in the daily press at the time. Full and accurate descriptions were given of scores of incidents, with only such variations and conflicting statements as were due to the excited condition of those looking on, or to the mistakes and misapprehensions natural to the persons being rescued. It is neither the province nor the purpose of this report to present these matters in detail. Those who are interested to know more are referred to the columns of the Brockton Enter- prise and the Brockton Times, both of which papers devoted large space to an account of the catastrophe, and did much towards stirring the sympathies of the people and enlisting them in the work of caring for the injured and aiding the widow and the fatherless. But the work of rescue was the work of humanity and was earnestly and heroically engaged in by every one present or near enough to respond to the call. Other things for the moment were forgotten, and men gladly risked their lives to save those whose lives were imperilled. Crushing timbers and stifling smoke and burning flame were doing their deadly work, and only instant and heroic action would be of any avail. First of all and fore- most in the work of rescue were the workmen of the factory who 12 Brockton Relief Fund themselves were fortunate enough to escape. These assisted their fellows, extricating them from fallen timbers, rescuing them from the most perilous positions, and carrying them to places of safety. And many who were themselves wounded and burned and in great danger lingered long enough to lift an ob- struction from another, and to guide or enable him to effect his escape. The workman who, with a broken collar bone and suffering from other injuries, heroically kept on working until he was almost forcibly caused to desist, and was sent home to have his injuries attended to, is a case typical of many. The spirit of selfishness was not seen, but the nobler ones of charity and love and self-sacrifice were everywhere displayed. The efforts of the workmen from the burning factory were sup- plemented by those of their fellow-workmen from the Churchill & Alden factory across the way, the clerks from adjacent stores, and men from offices and homes nearby; mechanics, business men, laborers, physicians, and priests of the Most High, without distinction of class or race or creed, thus joining in the work of saving human life. It is without exaggeration to say that had it not been for the self-sacrifice and heroism thus displayed, the number of the killed and maimed would have been twofold greater than it was. Pinned down, hemmed in, rendered uncon- scious by falling timbers, placed for the moment beyond the power of self-help, the way of escape cut off, many more would have perished had not willing hands been near to render the assistance needed. Many of the injured were able to care for themselves and went unaided to their homes. Others required immediate surgical or medical attention. These were taken to stores and homes in the vicinity, where their wounds were dressed and such temporary help given as was possible. Telephone calls summoned physi- cians and nurses from every part of the city, who came hurriedly to the scene to render all possible aid. They worked with a devotion and skill worthy of the highest praise. Their labors were supplemented on every hand by neighbors and friends, who cheerfully rendered whatever assistance was in their power. Most of the injured were sent to their homes after receiving tem- porary attention, but some of the more critical cases were taken to the Brockton and Relief hospitals, where they might have Grover Factory Fire 13 the advantage of the best facilities and care which these places afforded. Among those treated at the former hospital were Mr. Andrew J. Lundell, who later died from the severe and ex- tensive burns received, and Mr. Elmer H. Dodge, whose injuries required the amputation of the right leg above the knee joint. Of those sent to the latter hospital, the most serious cases were Mr. Hiram J. Pierce, the assistant engineer, who died from his injuries, and Mr. William Lovejoy, of East Bridgewater, who suffered not only from a severe spinal injury, but also from pneu- monia developed through the inhaling of gases and smoke and from the exposure to which he was subjected. In the work of caring for the injured too high praise cannot be spoken of the many physicians who contributed so freely and cheerfully to this end, and who did much to alleviate the suffer- ings of the unfortunate; of the nurses who gave such kind atten- tion and sympathetic aid; and of the hospitals where such efficient and painstaking services were rendered without hope or expectation of reward. In the case of the Brockton Hospital this course was natural, as the institution is partly supported by public funds; but the Relief Hospital is a private institution without any assured income, yet it not only contributed its serv- ice, but returned to the relief fund a donation of two hundred and fifty dollars sent by the relief committee to partially reimburse it for the expenses incurred incident to the fire. The task of recovering from the fire the bodies of those who perished was carried on under the personal supervision of his Honor, Mayor Edward H. Keith. A large force of workmen was employed, who made a thorough search of the ruins. The work was prosecuted all through the hours of Monday, and when darkness came electric lights were strung and the work continued through the night and all day Tuesday, until the entire ground had been covered and it was felt that further search would be futile. So thoroughly was this work done that every piece of timber, shafting, and machinery was moved and every foot of space explored; and when afterwards it was feared by some that bodies had been overlooked, the mayor, who was anxious that everything possible should be done, repeated the operation, going over the entire ground a second time in order that the fears of the public might be allayed. Some time later the ashes 14 Brockton Relief Fund and debris were entirely removed and carted away, that assurance might be made doubly sure. As fast as the bodies were recovered they were placed in boxes and taken to a temporary morgue in a room of the building at 1007 Main Street, owned by Mr. Sylvester Rice, to await possible identification. Each case was numbered, and all information that might lead to identification was carefully preserved and tabulated. So badly were the bodies burned that it was only through little bits of clothing, rings, keys, charms, or other per- sonal effects that their identity could be discovered. All of this work of caring for these bodies was under the direction of Dr. A. E. Paine, the medical examiner, in which work he was ably assisted by Dr. E. P. Gleason, the city physician. These two men labored incessantly, Dr. Paine in particular giving all of the hours of the day and night from Monday till Thursday with scarcely any interruption. It was only through his most careful and persistent work that the number of the unidentified was finally reduced to thirty-five. The following is a list of the fifty-six who perished in the fire, together with the two who afterwards died from the injuries received. The former residence of each person is given, and the names of those who were identified are indicated. WALLACE R. ABERCROMBIE, 91 Florence Street. Mrs. ARTHUR ATWOOD, 102 Myrtle Street. IRVING C. BAKER, 30 Hope Street. Miss SERENA S. BARROWS, 50 Glenwood Street. (Body identified.) HARRY C. BARTLETT, East Bridgewater, Mass. (Body identified.) FRANK W. BELL, 619 Main Street. LEON BERGENSON, Barrows Block, Main Street. Miss MYRA BURGEN, 51 Market Street. GEORGE B. BURGESS, 365 North Warren Avenue. LINUS BURGESS, 748 Main Street. ERNEST C. CARLSON, 28 Carleton Avenue. (Body identified.) JESSE CHANDLER, 118 French Avenue. Mrs. DORA E. CLARK, Whitman, Mass. (Body identified.) JAMES RAPHAEL COLE, 1024 Warren Avenue. (Body identified.) WALTER E. COPELAND, Elm Square, West Bridgewater, Mass. Mrs. MARY J. CURTIS, Windsor House, corner Warren Avenue and Elm Street. ALBIN DAHLBORG, 73 Denton Street. TIMOTHY J. DESMOND, 40 Bradford Street. Monument in Melrose Cemetery, Brockton, erected by the city to the memory of those who perished in the disaster. The thirty- six unidentified bodies are here interred. Grover Factory Fire 15 Miss FLORENCE A. DUNHAM, 56 Chestnut Street. (Body identified.) FRANK L. EMERSON, 51 Myrtle Street. Mrs. GEOROIE B. EMERSON, 28 Myrtle Street. (Body identified.) WALLACE N. FINAL, 25 Grant Avenue. Miss MART FITZPATRICK, 55 Plain Street. ALPHONSE J. FORTIER, 162 Myrtle Street. HARRY S. HALL, West Bridgewater, Mass. ALMORAN HALLETT, 23 Haverhill Street. GRANVILLE HARTWELL, 601 Ash Street. (Body identified.) ISAAC S. HOXIE, 185 Menlo Street. Mrs. LILLIAN B. HURD, 806 Warren Avenue. (Body identified.) JAMES JACKSON, Abington, Mass. WILLIAM F. JEPFERS, Union Street, East Bridgewater, Mass. Mrs. STELLA KELLEY, 15 Park Street. HENRY C. KIBBEE, Elm Street, Bridgewater, Mass. (Body identified.) THOMAS F. L ANGLE Y, 162 Lawrence Street. Miss NELLIE LEARY, 15 Smith Avenue. Miss MARY LEONARD, 17 Pine Street. BARNABAS LEWIS, 515 North Main Street. Mrs. HANNAH LINDBERG, 5 Ouster Street. J. SAMUEL LOVEJOY, 23 Haverhill Street. JEROME A. MAYO, corner Main and Market streets. (Body identified.) Mrs. FLORENCE M. MERRILL, 895 Main Street. Miss MARY T. O'CONNELL, 290 North Gary Street. (Body identified.) Mrs. EMMA B. PRAY, 9 Sheppard Street. (Body identified.) ALBERT S. RAY, Campello, Mass. (Body identified.) DAVID W. ROCKWELL, 80 Denton Street. (Body identified.) GEORGE E. SMITH, 976 Warren Avenue. (Body identified.) JOSHUA F. SNOW, 87 North Main Street. STEPHEN SNOW, 120 Belmont Street. (Body identified.) RICHARD W. SPRIGINGS, 159 Warren Avenue. (Body identified.) Mrs. JENNIE STILES, 51 Market Street. JOHN N. SULLIVAN, 674 Montello Street. Mrs. EMMA M. TALLMAN, 26 Appleton Street. (Body identified.) SAMUEL A. TILEY, 370 Ash Street. Miss MARION TUFTS, 16 Essex Street. J. VICTOR TURNER, 923 Warren Avenue. (Body identified.) HENRY M. WEEKS, 4 Essex Street. ANDREW G. LUNDELL, 20 Ouster Street. (Died in the Brockton Hospital.) HIRAM J. PIERCE, 60 Myrtle Street. (Died in the Relief Hospital.) 16 Brockton Relief Fund III A CITY IN MOURNING Thursday, March 23, 1905, will long be remembered as an eventful day in the history of Brockton. It marked one of the scenes in the grim tragedy which death had played in our midst and which had filled the city and adjacent communities with such deep gloom. This was the occasion of the public burial services held over the remains of the unidentified dead. It was felt that #s these bodies could not be separated and known, and thus xeceive a fitting burial at the hands of their families and kindred, it was right and proper that the services should be of an official as well as public character. At the request of the mayor, the ministers of the city met on Tuesday afternoon and selected places where the services should be held, arranging the order of exercises, and designating those who should participate therein. On the evening of the same day, at the call of the mayor, a joint meeting of the city council was held to consider what action should be taken of an official character. At this meeting the council passed resolutions ex- pressing their deepest sympathy with the bereaved in their afflic- tion, and voted a sum of money sufficient to purchase a burial lot in which should be placed the bodies of the unidentified, and to erect thereon a suitable monument to their memory. In accord with this vote an order was passed appropriating the sum of $1,500, $1,000 of which should be expended in the purchase of a monument, and the balance used in securing a lot in Melrose Cemetery, which should be properly graded and beautified. It was also decided that Thursday, the time chosen for the public burial services, should be properly observed by the entire city. In keeping with this action the following order was unanimously passed: " Ordered, that the offices in the City Hall and all city departments, includ- ing schools, shall be closed on March 23; and it is " Resolved, that it is the sense of the City Council that all places of business Grover Factory Fire 17 be closed on that day in deference to the friends and relatives of the persons who lost their lives in the catastrophe at the R. B. Grover & Co. factory." In carrying out this order of the City Council the mayor issued the following proclamation : CITT OF BROCKTON, MAYOR'S OFFICE. March 22, 1905. As Thursday, March 23 inst., has been set apart for public funeral services over the remains of the victims of the late appalling catastrophe at the factory of R. B. Grover & Co. in this city, in order that there may be a proper observ- ance of the solemnity of the occasion, I have directed, in accordance with vote of the City Council, that the flags of the city be then displayed at half- mast, and that all municipal buildings, offices, and schools be closed. I also request that all shops, stores and factories and all other places of business, so far as possible, be closed. Signed, EDWARD H. KEITH, Mayor. When Thursday arrived, the streets of the city were thronged, not only with its own citizens, but with many who came from the surrounding towns. So great was the interest manifested, and so intense the desire to attend the services, that it was soon dis- covered that the City Theater and the Porter Congregational Church where it had been arranged that services should be held, would be entirely inadequate to accommodate the number who desired admission. The order, as originally arranged, was carried out with the exception of the changes made necessary in providing for additional meetings. The principal service was held in the City Theater, where his Honor, Mayor Edward H. Keith, presided. Upon the platform were seated his Excellency, Gov. William L. Douglas, the alder- men, the councilmen, and official chiefs of the various depart- ments of the municipal government, the general president and other officers of the Boot & Shoe Workers' Union, several clergy- men of the city and surrounding community, both Catholic and Protestant, and a number of other persons representing the labor unions and fraternal societies of the city. In introducing the services, Mayor Keith said: " Fellow citizens, and all who mourn to-day, our city has been visited by a terrible calamity, the magnitude of which almost baffles the power of description. It has cast a gloom over our community so dark as to sadden the stoutest heart and cause even the strongest to tremble with awe. And now, as we are 18 Brockton Relief Fund rising from our prostrate condition of overwhelming grief and suffering, we find our first duty in the care of the wounded and maimed, and also in the burial of the dead. Guided by a common impulse, our city to-day is hushed in mourning, and this multi- tude has assembled to witness the last act of love and respect paid to the victims of this great disaster. May God grant that never again in all our future history shall we be called upon to pass through so terrible an experience." Following the remarks of the mayor, Rev. Robert L. Rae, pastor of the Waldo Congregational Church, read the ninetieth psalm; Rev. Julian S. Wadsworth, pastor of the Central Methodist Episcopal Church, offered prayer; the boys' vested choir of St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church, fifty in number, directed by the organist, William G. Clifford, sang "Asleep in Jesus," and fol- lowed this by chanting " De Profundis," " Out of the depths I cry "; Rev. William E. Keating, senior curate at St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church, delivered a memorial address; St. Pat- rick's Church male quartet sang " Gathering Home "; Rev. Dr. Rush R. Shippen, pastor of the Unity Church, followed this with a tender address, and the benediction was pronounced by Rev. S. D. Turner, pastor of the Lincoln Congregational Church. The second service arranged was held in the Porter Congrega- tional Church. Rev. W. H. Morrison, pastor of the Universalist Church, presided. The service opened with an organ selection by Mr. George Sawyer Dunham, and a dirge was played by the Milo Burke Band, which was stationed in the rear gallery. After introductory remarks by the chairman, Rev. J. Alfred Anderson, pastor of the Swedish Lutheran Church, read the Scripture lesson, and prayer was offered by Rev. W. O. Ayer, pastor of the Warren Avenue Baptist Church; a selection was sung by a quartet com- posed of Mrs. R. R. Littlefield, Miss Susie R. Wade, Mr. C. L. Estey, and Mr. George W. Sprague; addresses were made by Rev. Dr. F. A. Warfield, of Milford, a former pastor of the Porter Congregational Church; Rev. George B.Titus, pastor of the First Baptist Church, and Rev. F. A. White, rector of the St. Paul's Episcopal Church; the Gerrish male quartet, composed of Messrs. A. L. Willis, F. A. Dunham, T. A. Norris, and F. S. Sprague, sang " Lead, Kindly Light," and the service was con- Graver Factory Fire 19 eluded with the benediction by Rev. Louis G. Hoeck, pastor of the New Jerusalem Church. So great were the crowds upon the street clamoring for admis- sion in order to hear the services that three other meetings were hastily improvised. The doors of the First Congregational Church were thrown open, and instantly the auditorium was crowded with people. Rev. Dr. Albert F. Pierce, pastor of the South Congregational Church, presided. Rev. Sherman E. Ellis, pastor of the South Street Methodist Episcopal Church, read the Scriptures, and prayer was offered by Rev. H. H. Jones, pastor of the Messiah Baptist Church. Brief addresses were delivered by Rev. G. Elmer Mossman, pastor of the Pearl Street Methodist Church, Rev. Dr. F. A. Warfield, of Milford, and the chairman of the meeting. The quartet of the South Congregational Church sang " In Heavenly Love Abid- ing," and the benediction was pronounced by Rev. Edgar B. French, pastor of the Wendell Avenue Congregational Church. St. Paul's Episcopal Church was also thrown open and in- stantly crowded to the doors. The meeting was presided over by Mr. C. R. Barrett. The choir sang " Nearer, my God, to Thee "; an address was made by Rev. Sherman E. Ellis, pastor of the South Street Methodist Episcopal Church, and this was followed with " Lead, Kindly Light," sung by the choir. Rev. W. H. Morrison, of the Universalist Church, then followed with an ad- dress, and after a brief prayer the recessional, " O what the Joy and the Glory must be," was sung by the choir. Canton Hall was the third place that was opened for an over- flow meeting. This was presided over by Rev. Julian S. Wads- worth, pastor of the Central Methodist Episcopal Church. Rev. John F. Kelliher, pastor of St. Margaret's Roman Catholic Church; Rev. R. L. Rae, pastor of the Waldo Congregational Church, Rev. G. A. Rainville, pastor of St. Joseph's Church of Salem, formerly pastor of the Church of the Sacred Heart of this city, and Rev. Mr. Wadsworth delivered addresses. When the several services were ended, the funeral procession was formed on Main Street at the foot of Ward. It was under the direction of the city marshal, Mr. William A. Boyden, with Major Charles Williamson, Capt. George E. Horton, and Mr. Francis E. Pope, as aids, and was composed of military, civic, 20 Brockton Relief Fund and fraternal organizations to the number of thirty-two. These were divided into four divisions, each division being led by a band of music, and at the head marched a platoon of police. The funeral cortege when formed was the most imposing proces- sion ever seen in Brockton. There were 2,451 men in line in the various marching formations. These were followed by five hearses and fifteen undertaker's wagons bearing the remains of the unidentified dead, and sixty-four carriages containing members of the bereaved families. Employees of the R. B. Grover & Co. factory to the number of one hundred, serving as a guard of honor, marched with solemn tread beside the vehicles containing the remains of their deceased shopmates. Five conveyances were filled to overflowing with the wealth of floral tributes that bore silent but unmistakable testimony to the love and esteem of sorrowing friends. To the solemn strains of the " Dead March" the procession passed down Main Street to Belmont Street, thence to Warren Avenue, to Pleasant Street, to Brockton Heights, and to Melrose Cemetery. At the cemetery the bodies were placed in the receiving vault, and the last solemn rites of the church were said by Rev. Ira E. David, of the Olivet Memorial Church, Rev. August L. Anderson, of the Swedish Congregational Church, Rev. R. M. Wilkins, of the Franklin M. E. Church, and Rev. Edwin P. Moulton, of the Wales Avenue Free Baptist Church. When the voice of prayer had died away, a squad of Company I, Heavy Artillery, under the command of Capt. George E. Horton, fired a salute, the taps were sounded, and the solemn services for the day were over. The compiler of this record has studiously avoided elaborate description. There has been great temptation in this direction, for the material is so abundant and of such character as to inspire the heroic and the beautiful. But the writer has sternly repressed himself and kept within the limits of a simple account devoid of all ornamentation. But he cannot refrain from inserting at this point the following descriptive sentiment, written by one of the reportorial staff and printed in the Brockton Times in its issue of Friday, March 24, the day after the public funeral. Grover Factory Fire 21 SORROW, THE GREAT COMMONER, UNITES THE CITY'S THOU- SANDS IN SIMPLE TRIBUTE TO THE NAMELESS DEAD As the sun sank slowly to rest upon its billowy bed of night, Brockton's rent and bleeding heart gave its final throb of sorrow. Its nameless dead had been carried reverently to the area of their long earthly sleep. The last rites had been said. The city had paid its greatest tribute. In the western heavens, limned against the sky as bright and as clear as that heavenly message of Bethle- hem that gave hope and joy to the wise men of the East, beamed the great evening star. Out of the darkness came the light. So out of the darkness of the mourning comes to-day the light of endeavor for those that live. The city has officially mourned. And such a mourning was there. In the theater, in the churches and halls chosen for the services which were to do honor to the lost loved ones, who shall ever be classed in earthly records by the cold numerals of the unidentified, were thousands of the weeping, sad-eyed men and women of the city. In the streets there were thousands more. In five places services of sorrow were held at once, and still the streets showed no diminution in the numbers of those who came from far and near to join in the great expres- sion of sympathy and brotherly love. When the eloquent words of the clergy were still, and the last crumbs of verbal comfort had been scattered, that the suffering might feed and be of better cheer, and the last note of the sad music had died away, the people went out into the streets. City officials, clergy, and others closer in touch with the vast sadness and its cause formed in the funeral cortege. Then to the meas- ured, somber sweetness of the dirges this long, sinuous line of black wound its slow way to the place of interment through miles of streets, whose covering of mud and slush was hidden by the thousands of those who came to see and respect by their presence the feeling at the depth of it all. In times of joy and celebration Brockton's streets have been filled many, many times, and the air has been rent with the blare of brass and the shrillness of vocal jubilation, but never before with all that vast concourse of people was there the stillness. It was the stillness as of one standing upon the very edge of the yawning abyss of death. Before the funeral procession passed, while the crowd waited, waited, and watched from their points of vantage, there was an occasional quiet jest, which only caused a sigh of relief at the slight easing of the tension, but as the squad of police appeared, and the strains of the death marches or the muffled beat of the drum came wafted gently on the still air to the ear, a hush fell on all. Throughout that long line of march, as the procession went by, the sound of the falling feet of the 22 Brockton Relief Fund marchers alone stirred the silence. The softest whisper could have been heard. It was the stillness of a great, overwrought crowd, than which there can be nothing more awful in its grim impressiveness. Those men who marched have shown in the past few days that they are men. They marched " in the silent manliness of grief," and the thousands inwardly mourned with them. There was no creed, no color line, no hostility of capital and labor; the common strifes of men were forgotten, and all were brought closer together in the beautiful harmony of the universal brotherhood. Sorrow, the great leveller, the great arbiter, had done its work. In that nerve-testing stillness now and then was heard a re- pressed sob, but there was no loud weeping, no cries, no hysteria, - the heaviness of the burden was too great for that. But there were tears, and there were dry eyes to which tears would have brought sweet relief. There was the touching tribute of the marching Knights of Columbus, in the formation of the cross, symbolical of all that Christ in his mercy and goodness can offer. Further along, noticed by but few, came the Liberty Band of Campello. 'Mid the music of the dirge there was one instrument that was still, the clarinet of David W. Rockwell, the engineer who lost his life at his post of duty. Draped in crape, it was borne quietly by a boy. At the end of the long line of marchers came the four hearses with their single caskets, and behind them the sixteen vehicles of death, bearing the other caskets. All knew that within them were those poor remnants of the broken earthly shell, marked by no name, distinguished only by number. Further yet again came the carriages of those who mourned. As far as the eye could reach came that interminable line of black. As the last passed out of sight the watcher felt his greatest realization of the wide compass, the terrible greatness of the disaster. As the cemetery was reached compassionate night slowly low- ered its sable mantle, as if to hide from vulgar sight those last, sad scenes. Into the cemetery passed the dead and those who mourned. The soldiers drew up in lines for them to pass through. The crowd gathered about. One by one the caskets were placed within the rude toolhouse. Now and then a lighted match added its weird light. The last of the nameless was placed on the top of that funeral pile. Cartridges were shoved into the breaches of the guns of the firing squad of Battery I. The snap of the lock clicked. The bugler sounded taps. The squad fired its salute. The flashes from the rifles fitfully lighted the scene, and showed the drawn faces of those who watched, and those who, from within those black carriages, made blacker in the night, drew aside the curtains to look their last long look at the cold coverings that held the shattered remnants of their loved. Gaunt and Grover Factory Fire 23 drear they looked in their sadness. Over all shone steadily that bright star in the heavens. Straggling in broken lines through the streets of the city last night, in gloom of the shadow of unlighted business blocks, re- turned those bodies of devoted men who had followed to the grave. Their feet dragged, but the lively music and the merry rattle of the drum told that it was over. From the darkness comes light; from death springs up eternity; from the great sorrow of the municipality must come the brightness of love and care for those who are gone. To-day, bravely, vigorously, the city takes up its work. While the number of bodies placed in the receiving tomb on the day of the public funeral was forty, yet on that same day one, and subsequently three others, were identified, which left the final number of unknown at thirty-six. These bodies rested in the vault until Tuesday, April 11, when they were interred in the lot which had been provided for this purpose. The day was cold and raw, and rain was driven before a bitter wind. Friends to the number of half a hundred had gathered to witness the services, which were simple but deeply impressive. A circular trench some forty-two feet in diameter had been dug in the center of the lot. Into this the caskets in their pine box coverings were lowered, and placed in the position of spokes in the wheel, all pointing to the common center which later was marked by the monument erected to their memory. Standing on an elevation somewhat above the people, the Rev. Dr. Albert F. Pierce de- livered a brief address recounting the scenes that had led up to the present, describing the plans for the burial plot and the monu- ment, and speaking a few words of comfort to the sorrowing friends. Rev. George B. Titus followed with an earnest and tender prayer. And when the benediction was pronounced, friends lingered about the grave loath to leave the spot that held such sad yet sacred memories. Each grave is marked with a simple slab that bears a number, not a name; and in the keeping of the superintendent of the cemetery is a list which tells whether it is male or female that is interred under the respective numbers. The friends of the de- ceased, by common consent, have chosen certain numbers which represent their dead and which they decorate with flowers in token of their affection and love, a touching and beautiful custom. 24 Brockton Relief Fund The memorial erected by the city was placed in position in the center of the lot on September 14, 1905. The monument is thirteen feet in height, six feet at the base, and is made of polished, frostproof granite. It stands facing the southeast, and has upon the shaft the following inscripton: ON MARCH 20, 1905, A BOILER EXPLOSION AND FIRE DESTROYED THE R. B. GROVER & Co. SHOE FACTORY. THERE WERE 58 LIVES LOST AND 150 PERSONS INJURED. On the panel at the base of the monument is chiseled: ERECTED BY THE CITY OP BROCKTON IN MEMORY OP THOSE WHO PERISHED IN THE FACTORY DISASTER, MARCH 20, 1905. On the northwest side of the shaft appears : IDENTIFIED AND BURIED ELSEWHERE: EMMA B. PRAY DORA E. CLARK ALBERT S. RAY JAMES R. COLE STEPHEN SNOW LILLIAN B. HURD JEROME A. MAYO HENRY C. KIBBEE HIRAM J. PIERCE GEORGE E. SMITH EMMA M. TALLMAN J. VICTOR TURNER ERNEST C. CARLSON RICHARD W. SPRIGINGS DAVID W. ROCKWELL MARY T. O'CONNELL ANDREW G. LUNDELL SERENA S. BARROWS GEORGIE B. EMERSON HARRY C. BARTLETT FLORENCE A. DUNHAM GRANVILLE HARTWELL Grover Factory Fire 25 On the southwest face of the monument is inscribed : UNIDENTIFIED AND BURIED IN THIS LOT: HARRY S. HALL CLAIR ATWOOD MYRA BURGEN FRANK W. BELL LINUS BURGESS MARY J. CURTIS IRVING C. BAKER LEON BERGENSON JESSE CHANDLER ALBIN DAHLBORG FRANK L. EMERSON GEORGE B. BURGESS WALLACE N. FINAL ALPHONSE J. FORTIER MARY FITZPATRICK TIMOTHY J. DESMOND WALTER E. COPELAND WALLACE R. ABERCROMBIE On the northeast face of the monument the list of the unidenti- fied is continued as follows: UNIDENTIFIED AND BURIED IN THIS LOT: JENNIE STILES NELLIE LEARY MARIAN TUFTS STELLA KELLEY ISAAC S. HOXIE JOSHUA F. SNOW MARY LEONARD SAMUEL A. TILEY HENRY M. WEEKS JAMES JACKSON BARNABAS LEWIS JOHN N. SULLIVAN HANNAH LINDBERG ALMORAN HALLETT J. SAMUEL LOVE JOY WILLIAM F. JEFFERS THOMAS F. LANGLEY FLORENCE M. MERRILL 26 Brockton Relief Fund After meeting all of the expenses of the city incident to the fire and the public burial, the balances remaining from the amounts appropriated for this purpose were put into a common fund to be expended in beautifying the burial lot and its sur- roundings. An artificial lake is to be formed just west of the monument, and that portion of the cemetery graded and orna- mented. Already the spot is visited by many sightseers and may be expected to prove a center of interest to the increasing number of visitors to this burial place of the dead. The monument is not pretentious, but it speaks silently and eloquently of the city's esteem for its unfortunate citizens and of their sympathy for the sorrowing friends. Grover Factory Fire 27 IV STARTING A RELIEF FUND As soon as the results of the disaster were realized, it was evi- dent that something must be done to relieve the distress which must inevitably follow. For so large a body of workmen to be instantly thrown out of employment was a serious matter in itself; but to meet the necessary expenses of caring for the sick and maimed, the burial of the dead, and the maintenance of orphan children and helpless, dependent aged, meant a work of sympathy and charity which would tax a most generous public. Yet never did a people respond more cheerfully; and in this work Brockton had the sympathy and aid of the entire country, par- ticularly that portion which was in any way related to the shoe industry. So readily and generously did the contributions flow in that it gave every one a new conception of the spirit of human brotherhood. The first contribution came in the form of a check for $1,000, and was sent to the mayor of the city to be used according to his individual judgment. This gift was from the United Shoe Machinery Company, of Boston, and was forwarded early in the afternoon of the day of the fire. On the evening of the same day the Joint Shoe Council, of Brockton, met and passed resolutions of sympathy and donated $500 as the beginning of a general relief fund. At the same time action was taken instructing their secretary to communicate with all the boot and shoe workers' unions of the country, asking them for donations in aid of this object. A study of the contributions will show that the shoe workers' unions in the various states very generously responded, in addition to a donation of $2,500 from the national organization with headquarters in Boston; and it will be seen that the unions of Brockton and vicinity contributed as organizations the sum of over $6,000. This is very liberal when we recall the fact on the one hand that the members of these same unions made generous contributions as individuals through the subscriptions that were taken up in the various 28 Brockton Relief Fund factories, and on the other that the organizations, in addition to their gifts, paid out the sum of over $10,000 in insurance and weekly benefits to the injured in this disaster. On Tuesday afternoon the Brockton Shoe Manufacturers' Association held a special meeting, and after passing resolutions of sympathy, adopted a motion calling upon all the members of the association not only for personal gifts, but to use their best endeavors in having subscriptions taken among their several friends and the employees of their factories. In addition the following communication was sent to the various members of the trade: BROCKTON, MASS., March 21, 1905. Gentlemen, At a special meeting of the Brockton Shoe Manufacturers' Association held this afternoon to make provision for and arrange to relieve the necessities of the sufferers of the lamentable disaster at the factory of R. B. Grover & Co., the Association, in addition to personal contributions, appointed a committee to make an appeal to their business associates to assist in relieving the suffering among the injured and the families left without support. Your cooperation is earnestly and respectfully solicited, and any amount that your sympathies will prompt you to donate will be gratefully received, acknowledged, and placed where it will be of incalculable benefit. Checks may be sent to Hervey Dunham, Brockton, Mass., Treasurer of the Association. Very truly yours, T. D. BARRY, JOHN S. KENT, MYRON L. KEITH, GEORGE H. SNOW, J. E. TIBBETTS, PRESTON B. KEITH, HERVEY DUNHAM, Treasurer, T. J. EVANS, Secretary, Committee. As the result of this appeal more than $11,000 were added to the general fund. As soon as it became known that a fund was to be started, the people began to show practical interest. On Tuesday the George E. Keith Company sent a contribution of $2,000; on Wednesday Gov. W. L. Douglas gave his personal subscription of $1,000, and many other citizens contributed generously. The same day Mr. E. A. Grozier, editor of the Boston Post, sent his personal Grover Factory Fire 29 check for $500 and opened the columns of that paper to receive subscriptions. About the same time the Brockton Enterprise and the Brockton Times each made a personal gift and opened their columns to record donations. While other papers con- tributed generous sums and aided by their influence, special credit is due to the three already mentioned for spreading infor- mation and creating interest in the movement. General interest seemed to grow apace, and the fund was rapidly increased. By Wednesday over $10,000 had been raised and by Friday over $24,000, while the papers of Saturday announced that the fund had grown to more than $39,000. Many agencies contributed to this success. Without making invidious distinction, it may be mentioned that Col. John J. Whipple secured several large sums through personal solicitation, and some of our merchants aided materially by inclosing cards in their business letters addressed to the trade. The responses to these appeals were surprisingly hearty and generous. At the beginning of the following week the general relief com- mittee appointed Mr. George Clarence Holmes as chairman of a special committee on subscriptions, with the earnest hope that the fund might be largely increased. To Mr. Holmes as chair- man of this committee a great deal of praise is due. Plans were formulated; churches, schools, fraternal societies, and business organizations were appealed to; and personal letters by the hun- dred were sent to various individuals and firms throughout the country. As a result of these efforts large gifts came from many individuals. Particular mention should be made of the donation received from the Carnegie Hero Fund. In a general letter sent out by Mr. Holmes, mention was made not only of the un- selfishness of the workmen while escaping from the burning building, but of the real acts of heroism and self-sacrifice that were displayed by many. This particular sentence in the letter attracted the attention of Mr. Andrew Carnegie, and he imme- diately requested his representative to look into the situation and ascertain if it called for any action on their part. As a result of the correspondence thus begun, and the personal visit of Mr. Carnegie's representative to Brockton, a donation of $10,000 was made to the fund. This came at a time when inter- est in the matter had somewhat abated, and served to give such 30 Brockton Relief Fund impetus to the movement that the amount was carried up to over $100,000. When it was first suggested that an appeal be made to the country in general for aid, it met with considerable opposition. It was felt that Brockton was able to care for its own, and that local pride should prevent us from soliciting from the public at large. It was soon discovered, however, that the work was of such magnitude that we were unable to bear it alone; and in addition it was found that the burden belonged not simply to Brockton, but to many other sections. While the explosion and fire occurred in our own city, and the dead and injured were within our own homes, yet all were not residents of this place. Among the killed and injured were found citizens of not only fourteen towns in Plymouth County, but residents of three other counties of Massachusetts, and not less than four other states and provinces. It was thus seen that it was but simple justice to appeal for outside aid, and it was with the assurance that the appeal would meet with a hearty response on the part of a gener- ous public. At the close of this record there is published a full list of the subscriptions that were made. If any omissions are found, or any errors whatever are discovered, they must be attributed to the oversight of the one preparing this report. Considerable care and labor in its preparation have been given, and it is hoped that the report is reasonably correct. If there are any errors that are not typographical, they are of names and addresses. Names were not always written in the most legible manner, and it is not strange if some names and addresses were not recorded correctly when one recalls to mind the excitement and confusion of that first week of the fire. The amount of the subscriptions, however, as prepared for this report, tallies exactly with the report of the Treasurer. The names of donors are placed in alphabetical order under each town, and the towns and cities are given in alphabetical order under each state, with the exception that Brockton is placed at the head of the list, and Massachusetts first of the states. While we gratefully recognize the sympathy and generosity of the many cities and communities which came to our relief, it is with a feeling of deep satisfaction that we recall that over fifty e * . T3 73 ~ rW B 3 > 'o o OD Grover Factory Fire 31 per cent of the fund less the Carnegie donation came from our little city alone. But to all sections which sprang to our aid, and to every individual who sent a contribution, however humble, to help us in mitigating the sufferings of the injured, and in minis- tering to the needs of the unfortunate and helpless, we express our profoundest gratitude and thanksgiving; and upon all we invoke the blessing of Him who said, " Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, ye have done it unto me." 32 Brockton Relief Fund ORGANIZATION OF THE RELIEF WORK It very early became evident that the disaster was so great and widespread as to call for relief on a large scale. Not only were many breadwinners thrown out of employment, but several families lost their sole support through the death of friends or through the injuries they received which incapacitated them for work for an indefinite period of time. In the latter case there were special care and medical service demanded which some were unable to provide. That some united effort for relief was neces- sary was not only evident, but was voiced by many citizens in several ways. The first definite step in this direction, however, was taken by the Brockton Joint Shoe Council, which was called together on the evening of that dreadful day. The Council passed resolutions of sympathy, appointed a committee of eight to confer with like committees that might be named by other bodies, and voted an appropriation of $500 towards a relief fund. The committee consisted of Messrs. Emmett T. Walls, Thomas C. Farrell, Frederick E. Studley, James Farrell, F. Moriarty, W. E. Jacoy, Walter Steele, and John P. Meade. A joint meeting of the City Council summoned by Mayor Keith was held on Tuesday evening. Suitable resolutions were presented and passed, and after action was taken respecting the public funeral and burial of the unidentified dead, which action is elsewhere recorded, the following order was adopted: " Resolved, that a committee, to consist of his Honor, the Mayor, three members of the board of aldermen, with such as the council may appoint, be constituted to take such action in this sad exigency as they shall deem proper, and to act in conjunction with any committee or committees which may be appointed for such purpose on the part of our citizens or of any organization." The following were appointed as the committee: May or Ed ward H. Keith, Aldermen C. Chester Eaton, Arthur E. Kendrick, and Edward Gilmore; and Councilmen George Swann, George W. R. Hill, Franklin Howes, A. T. Clancy, and William E. Bullivant. Grover Factory Fire 33 At a public meeting called by Mayor Keith, and held in Canton Hall on Friday evening, at which his Honor presided, expressions of public interest and sympathy were made, and a committee of eight citizens named to be members of the General Relief Com- mittee. The following eight persons were chosen: Mr. Walter Rapp, Mr. George Clarence Holmes, Mr. George W. Alden, Mr. Edward Cox, Dr. J. H. Drohan, Rev. Dr. Albert F. Pierce, Mr. Arthur Taber, and Mr. Fred Hoyt. The same evening the manufacturers and merchants of the city convened and appointed Mr. Myron L. Keith, Mr. Perley G. Flint, Mr. Emery L. Low, Col. John J. Whipple, Mr. John S. Kent, Mr. William L. Wright, Mr. Hervey Dunham, and Mr. Kenneth McLeod to represent them upon the relief work which might be planned. These thirty-two persons thus appointed convened that same Friday evening at nine o'clock in the chambers of the Common Council in City Hall, and organized themselves into the " General Committee of Relief for Sufferers from the R. B. Grover & Co. Factory Fire." All the members of the committee were present, and organization was effected by the choice of Mayor Keith as chairman and Mr. George W. Alden as secretary. Mayor Keith suggested the name of City Treasurer, Mr. William H. Emerson, as treasurer of the relief fund, and he was unanimously chosen for that position. After informal discussion it was voted: " That a board of five trustees shall be appointed by the mayor, of which Mr. Edward H. Keith shall be chairman, who shall have entire custody of the funds raised for the relief of the sufferers from the R. B. Grover & Co. factory fire, and that the trustees shall have authority to pay out the funds according to such plans and methods as shall be devised and approved by the general com- mittee." In accord with this vote the Chair announced the names of the following persons to serve as trustees: Edward H. Keith, Hervey Dunham, John J. Whipple, Myron L. Keith, and John P. Meade. The following was then unanimously voted: " That a com- mittee of investigation and recommendation, consisting of three members from each of the special committees now assembled, be appointed or elected as the committee of the whole may desire. This committee shall be considered as an advisory 34 Brockton Relief Fund committee, and shall report as such times as the general com- mittee may order." After conference on the part of the special committees, the following persons were named as the Advisory Committee: Messrs. Arthur E. Kendrick, George Swann, and Franklin Howes, of the City Council; Messrs. Thomas C. Farrell, Emmett T. Walls, and Frederick E. Studley, of the Joint Shoe Council; Messrs. John S. Kent, W. L. Wright, and Kenneth McLeod, of the Manufacturers and Merchants; and Messrs. Dr. Albert F. Pierce, Walter Rapp, and Dr. J. H. Drohan, of the Citizens' Committee. Upon the adjournment of the General Committee the twelve persons chosen as the Advisory Committee met in the committee room of the Council Chamber and organized by the election of Mr. Frederick E. Studley as chairman and Dr. Albert F. Pierce as secretary. This Council Chamber room was afterwards placed at the disposal of this committee, and was not only used as the place of meeting, but was made the headquarters for relief, and was kept open every week day and evening for several weeks. The Advisory Committee, after discussion and a full interchange of opinion, decided, not in exact form, but substantially, as fol- lows: 1. That aid should be given to every sufferer from the fire who was in actual need, whether said person was injured or not; or whether employed by the R. B. Grover & Co. firm or not. 2. Temporary relief must not be delayed in any proper case, but must be quickly rendered. 3. Every case so far as possible shall be personally investigated by at least two members of the committee, that the interests of the fund may be properly safeguarded and all parties justly dealt with. 4. Whatever aid is rendered shall be a direct gift of money to the individual or family, and the committee cannot assume re- sponsibility for medical attendance, nurse's fees, or any expense otherwise incurred. 5. Where more aid is required than a single donation, it shall not be given in large sums, but in weekly payments according to the nature of the individual case. 6. Blank forms shall be prepared on which a record of each serious case shall be made, including the nature and extent of Grover Factory Fire 35 injury received, wage-earning power, number of dependents in the family, other sources of income, etc. The following is a copy of the blank adopted, which is very general in form, and which was used in whole or in part according to the individual case investigated. It required discriminating judgment on the part of the visitors. No BROCKTON RELIEF FUND FOR SUFFERERS FROM R. B. GROVER & Co.'s FACTORY FIRE MARCH 20, 1905 Death or Injury Name Address Age .... Married or single Occupation Weekly wages Life insured. . . .Where and how much. . Own any real estate Value . REMARKS (as to amount of mortgage, interest due, etc.) Number in family dependent upon above person. Give names and ages, if they are children. The same, if they are elderly people. State wage-earning capacity of any at work. NAME AGE OCCUPATION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 . Additional information THE INJURY Nature and extent. . . Surgical aid rendered By whom Probable duration of disability. 36 Brockton Relief Fund Where was injured finally taken Remarks by visitor. (Note carefully existing conditions.) Name of visitor . . . . Date REPORT OF ATTENDING PHYSICIAN Name of Patient Address (The Relief Committee would esteem it a great favor if the attending physi- cian would not only report the nature of the injuries and probable duration of disability, but also impressions as to the financial condition of the patient, as such information will greatly assist the committee in a wise distribution of the funds contributed for this purpose. All information strictly confiden- tial.) [Signed,] , Physician. Address, Date, , 1905. ACTION OF THE RELIEF COMMITTEE (Signed) Chairman. Secretary. Date, , 1905. ACTION OF TRUSTEES To W. H. EMERSON, Treasurer: You are authorized and directed to pay to Name Residence The following sum $ C Weekly ] Payable-^ Monthly ^ [Otherwise J (Signed) Chairman of Trustees. Date, , 1905. Grover Factory Fire 37 This last rule subjected the committee to some criticism at first, a few persons resenting what appeared an impertinence in making unnecessary inquiries; but it was soon perceived that unless the Relief Committee was in possession of such knowledge they would have little to guide them in the appropriations which they were to make. In order that no worthy cases should be neglected, the com- mittee instructed the secretary to have the rooms open from ten in the morning till five in the afternoon, and from seven till nine in the evening. Notices were inserted in the public press, and people were urged to report to the committee the names of per- sons injured in the disaster, or any others whom they believed to be in need of aid on account of loss through the fire. Much of the work of the Advisory Committee naturally de- volved upon the chairman and the secretary, but every member of the committee cheerfully cooperated and rendered all possible aid. A great deal of time was given in visiting the injured, and not only was every case in Brockton looked after, but the com- mittee spent many hours and at considerable personal sacrifice in going to East Bridgewater, Stoughton, Randolph, and surround- ing towns on the same errand. Members of the committee went even as far as Worcester and North Brookfield to investigate and report upon individual cases. Some understanding of the labor involved may be inferred when it is said that there were eight meetings of the General Committee, each taking an evening, fifteen meetings of the Board of Trustees, and twenty-five sessions of the Advisory Committee, the latter beginning at seven in the evening and often lasting until midnight. There were two hundred and twenty cases personally investigated by two or more members of the committee, some of them being visited several times. And in addition to these were the cases of the children which had to be separately considered. But this was not too much of time or care to be given when it is remembered that a fund of over a hundred thousand dollars was to be distributed and among so many with such varying needs. 38 Brockton Relief Fund VI THE AID RENDERED The committee very naturally shrink from making public the aid rendered. They particularly feel it to be a delicate matter to publish the names of recipients ; and they would much prefer to cover the work of mercy with the veil of obscurity. But there are two considerations which led them to change their mind. First, there is the duty to donors of the fund. The committee were intrusted with large interests, and the individuals who con- tributed so generously of their means have a right to know how it was distributed. And secondly, as much of the work done has already found its way into the public press, it was judged it would be much more satisfactory if no discriminations were made, but a complete statement were given of all the work done and to all persons interested. Furthermore, the committee believe that a study of the cases and conditions will lead the public to feel that on the whole the trust was carefully administered and the real purposes of the fund secured. / It will also be borne in mind that the gifts were different from ordinary charity. The need was created by extraordinary cir- cumstances, and among the recipients were some of the very best citizens of our community who, through no fault of their own, were rendered powerless to provide for their families; and to minister to them in their time of need was the duty of their neighbors and friends. Two things must be remembered: first, some persons absolutely refused aid, though it was pressed upon them by the committee; and secondly, many others declined to report their cases though they were in real destitution, and knowledge of their condition came to the committee through others. With one or two exceptions no attempt at imposition was made; the spirit of greed or selfishness was nowhere mani- fested, and the experience of the committee of investigation leads them to testify to a keen sense of justice and a high standard of morality among the people. Grover Factory Fire 39 It may be that some cases needing aid were overlooked. The persons were too modest to speak for themselves, and the knowl- edge of their condition did not come to the committee. It may also be true that some mistakes were made in the method and the amount of relief granted, but such errors were of the head and not of the heart. The committee did the very best they knew how. The persons who needed assistance were divided into three classes: (1) Those injured, or who otherwise suffered from the fire; (2) widows and other adult dependents of those who were killed; and (3) children who were left orphans. These classes were considered separately, and the method of granting relief was different in the three cases. THOSE WHO WERE INJURED This class was itself subdivided. There were those who were but slightly hurt and who needed just a little to tide them over the exigencies arising from the unusual situation. In this class were also included some not injured, but who lost their clothing, money, and personal effects; and being thrown out of employ- ment, and having others dependent upon them, were unable to adjust themselves to the situation without assistance. In several such instances temporary aid was given. In the second place were those who were seriously injured and under extraordinary expense, because they required the care of trained nurses as well as medical attention, and at the same time had their families dependent upon them. To such substantial aid was rendered from week to week as necessity required, until in several instances the sum amounted to hundreds of dollars. So serious, however, were some of these cases that it was to the great regret of the committee that the condition of the fund did not permit of further help being given. Certain individual cases might properly have received assistance for at least two years. In order that the subscribers to the fund may know just what disposition was made of their money, the following list of persons aided is given, together with their addresses, a brief summary of their injuries and losses, and the amounts donated to each individual. No mention is made of the several cases investigated by the committee where no appropriation was made. 40 Brockton Relief Fund It may appear to many that unequal and perhaps unjust dis- tribution was made in some instances. Such judgment is quite likely to arise from the meager information in the possession of the reader. The committee had to take into consideration not merely the extent of the injury, but such facts as (1) Is the person married or single? (2) Has he a family dependent upon him? (3) Has he an income of his own? (4) What societies does he belong to and how much will he receive from them? (5) Is he at the hospital being cared for without expense, or looked after by friends at home, or dependent upon strangers, etc. It was with a knowledge of all these things, and only after patiently considering all the circumstances and factors in the case, that the committee reached its decisions. And so clear were all of these matters in the minds of the committee that with very few excep- tions their action was unanimous. LIST OF THOSE RECEIVING TEMPORARY AID 1. Miss Susie R. Bicknell, 7 Hervey Street. Severe bruises and contusion of body and limbs; very severe nervous shock; injured in back. March 25, $25; April 5, $15 per week for three weeks; April 12, $20; April 18, $15 per week for four weeks; June 2, $15 per week for four weeks; June 12, $340; July 21, $100. Total, $650. 2. Miss Mary J. MacDonald, 16 Essex Street. Bruises and severe nervous shock. March 25, $25; April 5, $25 per week for four weeks; May 2, $15 per week for four weeks; June 12, $115. Total, $300. 3. G. Walter Lawrence, 25 Tremont Street. Two ribs frac- tured, and cut across forehead requiring five stitches. Badly injured. March 25, $25; April 18, $75; May 17, $50; August 4, $150. Total, $300. 4. Thomas Clifford, 600 South Montello Street. Collar bone fractured. March 25, $25; April 5, $20 per week for four weeks. Total, $105. 5. Jesse Leavitt, 66 Pearl Street, Stoughton. Sprained ankle and rupture of the ligament. March 25, $25; April 5, $25 per week for four weeks. Total, $125. 6. Jerry St. Onge, 74 Provost Street. Besides bruises, received Grover Factory Fire 41 a rupture which necessitated going to the hospital for an opera- tion. March 28, $25; April 18, $25; May 2, $20 per week for four weeks; also suit of clothes, $11.28; pad, $3.08; July 12, $75. Total, $219.36. 7. William N. Shipman, 183 Spark Street. Two ribs broken; chest sprained; legs bruised; badly burned on face, neck, arms, and hands. March 28, $25; April 21, $10 per week for four weeks; May 26, $10 per week for four weeks; May 29, $200. Total, $305. 8. William Lightfoot, East Bridgewater. Contusion of spine; severe contusion of left thigh; numerous small burns; developed into a severe case of bronchitis from inhalation of soot and gases. March 28, $25; April 12, $10 per week for four weeks; May 12, $10 per week for four weeks; June 12, $495. Total, $600. 9. Henry Walsh, 35 Blaine Street. Cut on head; chest bruised; and nervous shock. April 18, $50. 10. Thomas F. McSherry, 444 Centre Street. Contusions, abrasions, and burns of face and arms; rib fractured; severe nervous shock; eye injured. April 12, $25; April 18, $25 per week for four weeks; May 26, $15 per week for four weeks; June 12, $40; July 21, $100. Total, $325. 11. Peter Joyce, 46 Huntingdon Street. Left wrist fractured; arm and back severely strained; leg bruised. April 5, $25 per week for four weeks; May 2, $15 per week for four weeks; May 29, $100. Total, $260. 12. John H. Joyce, 77 Farrington Street. Bruises on head and body; leg injured; severe nervous shock. April 5, $25 per week for four weeks; May 26, $30; June 26, $170; July 21, $100. Total, $400. 13. George A. Monk, 128 Clifton Avenue. Wounds on head, face, and hands; left eye injured requiring extended treatment. May 9, $100; June 12, $50. Total, $150. 14. Charles L. Rollins, East Bridgewater. Severe burns on the face and neck; ears, left shoulder, forearm, and wrist injured; contusion on right side and hip; separation of the cartilage of one rib; severe nervous shock. In Relief Hospital for several weeks. April 5, $25 per week for four weeks; May 2, $15 per week for four weeks; June 12, $90. Total, $250. 15. Miss Minnie Geary, 12 Union Street. Severe bruises; con- tusion of left breast from being pinned down by falling timbers; 42 Brockton Relief Fund severe nervous shock. March 25, $25; April 5, $25 per week for three weeks; April 18, $15 per week for four weeks; May 29, $15 per week for four weeks; June 12, $80. Total, $300. 16. Bror Lundell, 20 Ouster Street. Severe burns on face, neck, forearms, hands, and feet. April 18, $75; May 2, $75; July 28, $75. Total, $225. 17. Leon Hartwell, 601 Ash Street. Loss of money, clothes, and other property. April 18, $35. 18. Mrs. Thomas Delano, 12 Bartlett Street. Two deep wounds in front of the elbow; an abrasion on back of arm; wound on the shoulders; very severe nervous shock. April 21, $50; May 2, $15 per week for four weeks; May 29, $100; July 21, $30. Total, $240. 19. William Burke, 744 Montello Street. Cut on head; bruises on body; nervous shock. March 28, $25; April 14, $50. Total, $75. 20. Thomas F. Quirk, 51 Dover Street. Collar bone broken; badly bruised. March 30, $25; April 18, $25 per week for four weeks; May 12, $25; May 26, $25 per week for two weeks; June 16, $75. Total, $275. 21. Elmer H. Dodge, 148 Market Street. Head cut; arm bruised; right leg crushed, requiring amputation above the knee. Taken to the Brockton Hospital. March 25, $25; April 18, $25; and $15 per week for six weeks; June 12, $1,060. Total, $1,200. 22. Arthur C. Pierce, 60 Myrtle Street. Left arm and shoulder severely injured. April 18, $25; July 21, $150. Total, $175. 23. Karl Olson, 227 Sawtelle Avenue. Received internal in- juries and a severe blow on the head. March 28, $25; April 5, $25 per week for three weeks; May 2, $10 per week for eight weeks; June 28, $500. Total, $680. 24. Mrs. Lena S. Baker, 199 Centre Street. Cut on head; hands bruised; back injured; bruises all over body; severe ner- vous shock. April 7, $25; April 12, $15 per week for four weeks; May 9, $15 per week for four weeks; June 26, $55. Total, $200. 25. Miss Mary A. Leyden, 27 Exchange Street. Nervous shock; contusion of left side, hip, and thigh. April 18, $25; May 2, $25. Total, $50. 26. Miss Lizzie Leyden, 27 Exchange Street. Contusion on forehead, left shoulder, small of back, and right thigh; severe Grover Factory Fire 43 nervous shock. April 12, $15 per week for four weeks; May 2, $20 per week for four weeks; June 12, $210; July 21, $50. Total, $400. 27. Miss Ella Whitcomb, 613 Warren Avenue. Struck on lower part of back by steam pipe; severely bruised; severe ner- vous shock. April 12, $15 per week for four weeks; May 9, $15 per week for four weeks; June 28, $380. Total, $500. 28. Miss Kitty Noonan, 100 Forest Avenue. Left side bruised; contusion of limbs and body; severe nervous shock. April 19, $50; May 2, $10 per week for four weeks; June 12, $160. Total, $250. 29. Warren Lewis, 9 Brook Street. Loss of clothing. April 19, $20. 30. E. F. Raymond, 138 Belmont Street. Several bruises and severe nervous shock. May 2, $100. 31. Mrs. Walter E. Tripp, 62 Market Street. Contusion and bruises of shoulders, back, and hips. Chief injury was from heavy timber falling upon her shoulders, thereby injuring her spine and chest. April 19, $50; May 12, $10 per week for four weeks; June 12, $160. Total, $250. 32. Orrin M. Reynolds, 61 Myrtle Street. Two ribs fractured; cartilage separated from three lower ribs; contusions on head and other body bruises. April 12, $25 per week for four weeks; May 9, $15 per week for four weeks; June 12, $190. Total, $350. 33. William A. Emerson, 28 Myrtle Street. Fingers cut; leg and back injured; left foot wrenched and turned completely around. Very severely injured. April 12, $25; April 18, $25 per week for four weeks; May 26, $25 per week for four weeks; June 12, $225; July 21, $250. Total, $700. 34. Nathaniel A. Lewis, 71 Turner Street. Severely injured in attempt of friends to remove him from beneath fallen timbers, causing severe strain upon muscles about upper chest and shoul- ders and also injury to the spinal cord. April 5, $25; May 1, $25; May 2, $25, and $15 per week for eight weeks; May 19, $50; June 12, $600. Total, $845. 35. Mrs. William Cornell, 10 Turner Street. Contusion and bruises of both limbs and left thigh; severe nervous shock. April 19, $25; May 29, $100; June 28, $25. Total, $150. 36. Mrs. L. A. Wight, 93 High Street. Cut over right] eye; 44 Brockton Relief Fund chest, arms, and back bruised; nervous shock. April 12, $25 per week for four weeks; May 9, $10 per week for four weeks; June 12, $60. Total, $200. 37. Arthur Atwood, 102 Myrtle Street. Contusions of hand and arm. April 19, $40. 38. Mrs. Isabelle Simmons, 146 Forest Avenue. Bruised; nervous shock; loss of clothing and money to the value of $55. July 21, $40. 39. Miss Lizzie Mulvihill, 11 Prospect Street. Right side and ankle injured; number of bruises on body; nervous shock. April 6, $25; May 26, $10 per week for four weeks; June 12, $60. Total, $125. 40. Felix Pellend, 317 Grove Street. Rib broken; internal injuries received, causing internal hemorrhage. March 30, $25; April 5, $25 per week for four weeks; May 2, $25 per week for four weeks; June 28, $375. Total, $600. 41. Miss Nora Coughlin, 95 East Ashland Street. Jumped from a window and received contusions of the back and severe nervous shock. Sent to the Relief Hospital. April 15, $25; April 18, $7 per week for eight weeks; June 12, $19. Total, $100. 42. J. F. Brothers, 28 Foster Street. Loss of clothing, etc. May 12, $35. 43. A. P. Janes, 111 Green Street. Loss of property, etc. May 12, $30. 44. Charles H. Jagoe, 74 Chestnut Street. Contusions of the body and legs and severe nervous shock. April 7, $25; April 19, $15 per week for four weeks; May 26, $30; June 9, $100. Total, $215. 45. Mrs. Charles H. Jagoe, 74 Chestnut Street. Injured on the thigh; numerous contusions of the body; severe nervous shock. May 29, $30; June 9, $20. Total, $50. 46. Mrs. Charles Howard, 775 Main Street. Contusions, slight cuts, and nervous shock. Jumped from the fourth floor. April 21, $25; May 12, $35. Total, $60. 47. Mrs. Minnie A. Kelley, 97 North Main Street. Concussion of the spine and severe nervous shock. In the hospital for sev- eral weeks. April 12, $10*per week for four weeks; May 17, $10 per week for two weeks; June 2, $10 per week for four weeks; June 28, $100; August 5, $50. Total, $250. Grover Factory Fire 45 48. Miss Katherine T. Clancy, 602 Warren Avenue. Injured in the back, and severe nervous shock. April 19, $50; May 26, $15 per week for four weeks; May 29, $50. Total, $160. 49. Miss Annie M. Billing, 87 Ford Street. Wounded in the foot; body bruised; nervous shock. April 19, $50. 50. Miss Addie M. Pratt, 9 Wilkins Place, Campello. Jumped from window. Bruised on body and side injured. April 19, $50. 51. Mrs. Julia Shields, North Easton. Nervous shock. Lost clothing and cash to the amount of $29.50. April 19, $25. 52. Mrs. W. F. Wardwell, the"Checkerton." Severe contusion of the left shoulder and elbow; severe nervous shock. April 19, $25; May 9, $25; May 17, $25; July 21, $100. Total, $175. 53. Elmer Charles Smith, South Braintree. Cut on the top of head; body bruised; severe nervous shock. April 12, $10 per week for four weeks; May 12, $10 per week for four weeks. Total, $80. 54. Mrs. Minnie Willcutt, 9 Sheppard Street. Severe nervous shock and thigh injured. May 12, $75; June 9, $25. Total, $100. 55. Miss Marcilena Moshier, 9 Sheppard Street. Severe ner- vous shock and otherwise injured. May 12, $50; June 12, $100. Total, $150. 56. Emil Holmberg, Grant Avenue, Campello. Severe injury of the head; body bruised. April 21, $50; May 9, $25; May 29, $50; June 16, $75. Total, $200. 57. Hugh E. Dyer, 871 Warren Avenue. Fingers burnt; num- ber of bruises; severe nervous shock. April 19, $50. 58. Mrs. Annie Bicknell, 25 Rutland Street. Spine injured; scalp wound; several bruises on different parts of the body; severe nervous shock. April 19, $50; May 9, $25; May 26, $15 per week for four weeks; June 12, $165. Total, $300. 59. Edwin G. Whitmore, 19 Lilley Avenue. Cuts on wrist, back, and head; numerous bruises on head and body. April 19, 60. Jacob A. Lovell, Market Street, Rockland. Loss of cloth- ing, etc. April 14, $25. 61. Mrs. Mabelle Willis, Room 33, Bryant Block. Hands cut and nervous shock. April 21, $20; May 9, $25; May 29, $25. Total, $70. 62. Moses McGaughey, Randolph. A severe scalp wound; 46 Brockton Relief Fund bruised on the right arm; severe bruise on the left leg. Totally disabled for several months. April 15, $10 per week for four weeks; May 9, $10 per week for four weeks; May 29, $100; June 26, $400. Total, $580. 63. Cornelius Good, Randolph. Scalp wound; injured in the lower part of the back, and right thigh; nervous shock. April 15, $10 per week for four weeks; May 9, $10 per week for four weeks; May 29, $100; June 26, $50. Total, $230. 64. Joseph McLaughlin, 54 Tremont Street. Shoulder bone broken; bruises and cuts all over the body. April 7, $25; April 15, $10 per week for six weeks; June 9, $50; August 4, $165. Total, $300. 65. William Senter, 1329 Main Street. Small bone in the right leg broken; hip bruised; wound on scalp. April 5, $25; April 15, $10 per week for six weeks; June 9, $115. Total, $200. 66. Gus Backstrom, 29 Denton Street. Slight injury, nervous shock, and loss of clothing. April 14, $20. 67. Mrs. Emma Butler, 15 Bartlett Street. Contusion of right side of the back; spine injured. April 21, $50; May 9, $25; May 26, $10 per week for four weeks; May 29, $50. Total, $165. 68. Michael Leary, 15 Smith Street. Back strained and bruised. April 21, $50. 69. Mrs. H. Brodieur, 20 Harold Street. Bruises and contusion of the left arm and side. March 25, $25; April 14, $10. Total, $35. 70. Frank Pierce, 102 Myrtle Street. Cut on head by glass; contusion of the body; nervous shock. April 14, $25. 71. Ira K. Buck, 65 Laureston Street. Cuts on the hands; slight bruises; injured across the chest; nervous shock. July 21, $50. 72. Miss Marie Louise Hickey, 832 Warren Avenue. Bruises on the back, head, and fingers. April 14, $25; May 17, $50; June 9, $10 per week for six weeks. Total, $135. 73. Mrs. Nellie McCabe, 19 Grand Street. Bruised on the left arm and side; arm temporarily paralyzed; severe nervous shock. Besides her personal losses, she suffered the loss of $367 in money belonging to orders of which she was treasurer. April 21, $50; May 9, $100; May 29, $10 per week for four weeks; June 12, $210; June 28, $200. Total, $600. Grover Factory Fire 47 74. Mrs. Mollie Sturgis, 970 Main Street. Injured in back, and also from inhaling steam and smoke. Lost clothing, $67 in money, stock of furniture in the lunch room, also furniture in her house. April 12, $100; May 12, $100. Total, $200. 75. John Garvey, 50 Otis Street. Two cuts on head, one on right arm, and one on right ankle; rib fractured and left arm partially paralyzed. April 14, $10 per week for four weeks; May 9, $10 per week for four weeks; May 29, $100. Total, $180. 76. Harry E. Beals, 590 Warren Avenue. Contusion of the hips and sprain in back. April 14, $10 per week for four weeks. Total, $40. 77. Mrs. Thomas Chisholm, Bland Street, Campello. Lost clothing and money. April 14, $15. 78. Oscar E. Levine, 962 Warren Avenue. Bruised on both legs. Lost clothing and money. April 7, $25; April 14, $25. Total, $50. 79. Miss Mamie T. Conroy, North Brookfield. Suffered from bruises on body, injured foot, lame back, and finally nervous- prostration. April 15, $25; April 19, $15 per week for four weeks; May 26, $10 per week for four weeks; June 28, $200. Total, $325. 80. Mrs. Catherine Moran, 9 Skinner Street. Hands and shoul- der bruised and strained. Lost clothing. May 2, $50. 81. Mrs. Anna Jewett, 14 Pinkham Street. Wound of the scalp; contusions all over the body; spine injured; nervous shock. April 21, $50; May 29, $25; June 9, $75. Total, $150. 82. Walter Jordan, Whitman. Lost clothing. March 28, $5; April 5, $6. Total, $11. 83. Charles H. O'Brien, 191 North- Warren Avenue. Burnt on ankle; bruised on back. Lost clothing and cash to the value of $97. April 14, $50. 84. Edward O'Brien, 191 North Warren Avenue. Lost cloth- ing and watch and chain. April 14, $15. 85. Edward D. Mallery, 49 Perkins Street. Bruised across the knee and lost clothing. May 2, $25. 86. Arthur Richardson, 138 Belmont Street. Lost clothing. April 14, $15. 87. Charles L. Carlson, 8 Grand Street. Injured by falling beam. Lost clothing and $50 in money. May 9, $50. 48 Brockton Relief Fund 88. Peter E. Beshong, 32 Grove Street. Back strained. Lost clothing. April 14, $40. 89. Louis E. Beshong, 32 Grove Street. Loss of clothing. April 14, $15. 90. Nicholas Cralese, 38 Spring Avenue. Injured in back and fractured bone in ankle. Lost $125 in money, besides clothing. April 19, $50. 91. James Mannix, 119 Myrtle Street. Cut on the lower lip and on the upper arm; bruised in the lower limbs. April 14, $35. 92. Miss Eva Saunders, 139 Forest Avenue. Lost clothing. May 17, $25. 93. Miss Lois Saunders, 139 Forest Avenue. Lost clothing. May 17, $25. 94. Mrs. Ada M. Weeks, 87 Ford Street. Nervous shock. Lost clothing. April 14, $50. 95. Mortimer D. Richardson, High Street, Avon. Cut on foot; burns on both wrists and right hand; right ankle cut and sprained. April 12, $10; April 14, $30. Total, $40. 96. John Soderbom, 22 La Foye Street. Cut on side of face and injured on the head. April 12, $25; April 18, $50. Total, 97. Miss Lillian Grover, 23 Lyon Avenue. Back strained; nervous shock. Loss of clothing and money to the amount of $34. May 2, $10 per week for four weeks. Total, $40. 98. Miss Louise Brodieur, 20 Harold Street. Slight injury an<} loss of clothing. April 14, $30. 99. Miss Rose Brodieur, 20 Harold Street. Loss of clothing. April 14, $15. 100. Miss Lillian Werner, Main Street, corner of William Place. Bruised all over body; severe nervous shock. April 12, $10 per week for four weeks; May 26, $10 per week for four weeks; May 29, $75. Total, $155. 101. Robert Barlow, Stoughton. Scalp wound of head and bruises of the body; no bones broken, but injuries produced weak heart and caused great pain; developed a great swelling about the right hip and thigh. Severely injured. May 9, $100; May 26, $15 per week for four weeks; June 2, $240. Total, $400. 102. Miss Sarah M. Hickey, 832 Warren Avenue. Nervous shock and loss of clothing. April 18, $25. Graver Factory Fire 49 103. Julius Plotsky, 40 Bay Street. Right knee injured and much swollen. Confined to house for two weeks. Lost $20 in money and $30 in clothing. April 14, $50. 104. Ralph Churchill, 928 Warren Avenue. Lost clothing. Temporarily incapacitated for work by reason of shock. April 14, $25. 105. Miss L. W. Ryder, 926 Main Street. Lost clothing and received severe nervous shock. April 19, $25. 106. Mrs. Addie R. Copp, 78 Warren Avenue. Very slight injury, nervous shock, and loss of clothing. April 19, $25. 107. August Peterson, 822 Warren Avenue. Injury from in- haling heated air and smoke; nervous shock. April 19, $30. 108. Lester C. Randall, Avon. Loss of tools and clothing. May 26, $15. 109. Alexander Booth, 41 Grove Street. Struck on head with falling timber; incapacitated temporarily for work. May 18, $50. 110. William A. Coffey, North Weymouth. Injured in the back and shoulders; severe nervous shock; unable to work for several weeks. May 9, $50; May 26, $15 per week for four weeks; May 29, $90. Total, $200. 111. W. H. Hanley, Randolph. Injured in back and chest by falling timber; severe nervous shock; internal hemorrhage. Lost clothing, watch, and chain, besides money. May 9, $50. 112. O. H. McDonald, 278 Quincy Street. Cut on head; back and shoulders strained. Lost clothing and money. May 12, $50. 113. Miss Jessie Reddell, 1304 Main Street. Nervous shock and loss of clothing. May 1, $25; May 2, $10 per week for four weeks; May 29, $35. Total, $100. 114. Mrs. Maggie Doherty, 297 Court Street. Loss of clothing and money. Suffered severe nervous shock. May 12, $100. 115. Miss Adelaide Mullens, 297 Court Street. Lost clothing and other valuables. May 12, $30. 116. Edward C. Delory, 744 Montello Street. Lost clothing and tools. May 12, $25. 117. Mrs. Adell McCormick, 272 East Ashland Street. Back badly hurt and arm and hand cut. Lost clothing. Sole support of her family. May 17, $100; May 26, $15 per week for two weeks; May 29, $45. Total, $175. 50 Brockton Relief Fund 118. Richard A. Reardon, 62 Tyler Street. Lost clothing. May 12, $25. 119. C. Oscar Peterson, 85 Denton Street. Escaped without injury, but suffered nervous shock. Lost all household furniture in fire. May 12, $100. 120. Everett Eggleston, 33 Cottage Street. Somewhat bruised. Lost clothing to the value of $40. May 12, $35. 121. Victor Swanson, 52 Nillson Street. Bruised on the hip; also on the left knee and elbow. Lost clothing. May 12, $25. 122. Irving Chadbourne, 21 Tremont Street. Lost tools and watch. June 15, $10. 123. Mrs. Hilda Norling, Dahlborg Block, 1006 Main Street. Lost all household furniture by fire. No insurance. May 17, $100. 124. Mrs. Hilma Burgess, 13 Melrose Avenue. Injured in the right side and left kneecap. Lost clothing and money. May 17, $25. 125. Miss Margaret Rooney, 35 Foster Street. Lost clothing and small amount of money. May 12, $50. 126. Chandler Pettee, 190 Summer Street. Bruised across shoulders and hips. Lost clothing and money. May 17, $25. 127. James W. Vining, East Weymouth. Loss of clothing. Slight injury. May 26, $50. 128. Hosea Wade, 843 Main Street. Slight injury and loss of clothing. May 26, $50. 129. C. H. Rand, rear 52 West Elm Street. Lost clothing. May 17, $35. 130. Daniel MacDonald, 48 Main Street, Avon. Lost clothing. May 17, $50. 131. Charles H. Jacques, 11 Grant Avenue. Lost clothing, watch and chain. May 17, $35. 132. Harry Swanson, 1006 Main Street. Lost clothing. May 17, $25. 133. B. F. Benson, Lynn. Suffering from nervous prostration as result of the disaster. May 12, $100. 134. Fred A. Southwick, 6 Elm Street, Middleboro. Lost watch and clothing to the value of $150. May 17, $50. 135. Michael Fitzgerald, 168 Bartlett Street. Arm burned and back hurt. Injuries attended to at the Relief Hospital. May 17, $25. Grover Factory Fire 51 136. Mrs. Hattie Davenport, 85 Tremont Street. Slight in- juries and loss of clothing. May 17, $25. 137. Thomas W. Raymond, 1 Stafford Street, Plymouth. Had been burned out Friday before the Grover fire. In the Grover fire lost clothing and suffered severe nervous shock. May 17, $50. 138. Mrs. James Davenport, 4 Essex Street. Lost all her fur- niture stored in Dahlborg Block. No insurance. June 12, $100. 139. Ira A. Quimby, 21 Tremont Street. Lost clothing, tools, watch, and chain. May 26, $30. 140. Charles J. Olsen, Spring Street, Avon. Lost clothing and tools. May 17, $35. 141. M. J. Donovan, 55 Standish Street. Lost clothing, watch, and money. May 17, $25. 142. Patrick J. Hanley, 168 Bartlett Street. Lost clothing, etc. May 17, $50. 143. George C. Jones, 7 Fulton Street. Lost clothing. May 17, $35. 144. Forrest Corbett, 20 Pinkham Street. Severe nervous shock; caught cold from the disaster which developed into tubercular trouble. Compelled to go to a sanatorium. July 21, $250. (Died from this sickness, Feb. 24, 1907.) 145. Miss Mary Pratt, 74 Denton Street. House, the only source of her income, knocked from its foundation by the boiler. April 5, $25; May 9, $25. Total, $50. 146. John Fitzgerald, Perry Avenue, Stoughton. Injured by falling down stairs in going out of factory. Lost clothing and tools. June 15, $25. 147. Mrs. Lizzie M. Hibbard, 45 Tremont Street. Right side injured; nervous shock. Loss of clothing. Unable to work for many weeks. April 14, $10 per week for four weeks; May 26, $10 per week for two weeks; June 12, $40. Total, $100. 148. Henry O. Baker, South Easton. Loss of tools and cloth- ing. March 28, $10. 149. James P. Brown, 139 Tribou Street. Nervous shock. Lost clothing. April 17, $25. 150. Edgar M. Madan, Eastondale. Lost tools and clothing. March 28, $10. 151. Fred H. Bird, 491 West Street. Arm and body bruised; back injured. Lost clothing and watch. May 18, $45. 52 Brockton Relief Fund 152. Miss Edith Clark, 155 Lawrence Street. Left arm and side bruised. Lost clothing, hat, and umbrella. June 15, $50. 153. Charles E. Bump, Middleboro. Slightly injured. Lost clothing. Out of work, and has family to support. June 15, $50. 154. Miss Lydia Moses, 43 Parker Avenue. Cut on ear; body bruised. Lost clothing and money. June 15, $25. 155. August Burgess, 93 Denton Street. House damaged by fire and furniture burned; no insurance. July 3, $200. 156. Anonymous case. By special vote of trustees, placed in the hands of Myron L. Keith, trustee. July 21, $250. WIDOWS AND ADULT DEPENDENTS In considering the second class, viz., widows and adult depend- ents, there was a wide divergence of views as to the best form in which assistance should be given. After prolonged discussion and reflection, however, the committee came with rare unanimity to agreement upon the following points: 1 . That aid should be granted not only to widows, but to parents and other aged relatives who were shown to have been wholly or in part dependent upon the person killed. 2. The amount of money voted should be determined partly by the earning capacity of the persons aided, and largely by the property they possessed or insurance they received, together with the number of children depending upon them for support. 3. The grant should be given to the individual, and not be placed in the hands of a trustee. And yet the money should not be paid directly, but placed in a savings bank subject to order. The experience which time brings has served to justify the action of the committee in every particular. The fairness of the first rule is at once evident and needs no defense. The second rule, however, subjected the committee to adverse criticism. It was argued that all should be treated alike; discrimination or in- vidious distinction should not be made; no one had a sufficient competence, but every one needed all that could be given; to grant a less amount to some because they had economized and saved a little, and a larger amount to others because they had saved nothing, was, on the one hand, to tax thrift, and on the other to put a premium upon indolence or waste. The committee felt that it was a question of need; that to Grover Factory Fire 53 grant aid where a competency was possessed would be a misappro- priation of funds; that to grant the same aid to a widow with earning capacity and no one dependent upon her as was given to a mother with a family of little children and no visible means of support would be unjust; and that a fair consideration of all the circumstances required that the urgency of the case should determine the sum bestowed. The wisdom of the third rule has been increasingly evident. Not only are trustees of individual funds too often exacting and overbearing, and in many cases unjust towards the person whose interests they should protect, but in general are not needed. It was said by many in the community, women do not know how to handle large sums; they do not know the value of money. Experience has taught us that ninety-five per cent of the women did not want the money in hand, but wished it properly invested for them; that they preferred a savings bank at a small interest to some other forms of investment with a larger return, because they regarded it safer; and that they did not wish to spend any of the principle whatever if possible to avoid it, but to keep it against a time of absolute need. The secretary furnished each individual with a list of the principal savings banks within twenty miles of Brockton, together with the interest-bearing dates and the amount of interest paid on deposits; and the sums voted the several persons were deposited in such institutions as they selected, and the bank books turned over to the individual owners. In a few cases the money, instead of being deposited in a bank, was used in cancelling a mortgage on the home, and the secretary was requested to see that the transaction was properly done. He will never forget the many expressions of gratitude on the part of those who received aid; gratitude to those who had charge of the fund, and through them to the generous public, because the assistance rendered was all that stood between them and helpless poverty. Grants of not less than one hundred dollars were also made to the family in every case where some member was killed, and the body identified and given private burial. This was not done on the score of charity, but as an expression of sympathy and neighborly interest. In the following list is found first the name of the person killed, 54 Brockton Relief Fund and then the amount of aid rendered, and the person to whom it was given. Where the number of " dependents " is given it is not intended to state the number of persons left in the family of the deceased, but simply the persons who were wholly or par- tially dependent for their living. To appreciate the amount of aid given one must place these amounts alongside of the aid rendered in support of the children, as the provision made for them is in addition to what is recorded in the subjoined list. 1. Wallace Abercrombie, 91 Florence Street. Left a wife and two children dependent. Temporary aid granted. March 25, $25; June 2, $100. June 28, placed in the bank to the order of Mrs. Abercrombie, $1,000. Total, $1,125. 2. Mrs. Arthur Atwood, 102 Myrtle Street. Left no one de- pendent. 3. Irving Baker, 30 Hope Street. Left a wife and one child dependent. Temporary aid granted. April 5, $25; May 2, $50; June 2, $50. June 28, placed in the bank to the order of Mrs. Baker, $750. Total, $875. 4. Miss Serena Barrows, 50 Glenwood Street. May 26, $100 granted to her sister, Miss Genie Barrows, to cover funeral ex- penses. June 28, $200 to her sister, Mrs. Earl Bennett, as par- tially dependent. Total, $300. 5. Harry C. Bartlett, East Bridgewater, Mass. Left a wife and three children dependent. Temporary aid granted. March 25, $50; May 2, $50; June 2, $150. June 28, placed in the bank to the order of Mrs. Bartlett, $1,000. Total, $1,250. 6. Frank W. Bell, 619 Main Street. Left a wife dependent. Temporary aid granted. May 2, $50; June 28, placed in the bank to the order of Mrs. Bell, $1,000. Total, $1,050. 7. Leon Bergenson, Barrows Block, Main Street. Left no dependent. 8. Miss Myra Bergen, 51 Market Street. Left no dependent. 9. George B. Burgess, 365 North Warren Avenue. Left wife and one child dependent. Temporary aid granted. May 2, $50; June 15, $50. June 28, placed in the bank to the order of Mrs. Burgess, $500; July 21, placed in the bank to the order of Mrs. Burgess, $300. Total, $900. 10. Linus Burgess, 748 Main Street. Left no dependent. 11. Ernest C. Carlson, 28 Carleton Avenue. Left a wife par- Grover Factory Fire 55 tially dependent. July 28, placed in the bank to the order of Mrs. Carlson, $250. 12. Jesse Chandler, 1 18 French Avenue. Left a wife dependent. Aid granted. March 25, $45; May 2, $50. July 28, placed in the bank to the order of Mrs. Chandler, $1,000. Total, $1,075. 13. Mrs. Dora Clark, Whitman, Mass. Paid to her husband, Mr. Arthur E. Clark, $50 to cover funeral expenses. 14. James Raphael Cole, 1024 Warren Avenue. Left a wife and two children dependent, and an aged father partially dependent. Aid granted. March 28, $25; May 2, $100; June 2, $100; July 3, to his father, Mr. Taled Cole, $100. June 28, placed in the bank to the order of Mrs. Cole, $1,000. Total, $1,325. 15. Walter E. Copeland, Elm Square, West Bridgewater, Mass. Left a wife dependent. Aid granted. April 3, $25; April 6, $25; May 2, $50. June 28, placed in bank to the order of Mrs. Cope- land, $1,000. Total, $1,100. 16. Mrs. M. J. Curtis, Windsor House, corner Warren Avenue and Elm Street. Left no dependent. 17. Albin Dahlborg, 73 Denton Street. Left no dependent. 18. Timothy J. Desmond, 40 Bradford Street. Left a wife and four children dependent. Aid granted. April 5, $25 per week for four weeks; May 2, $50; June 2, $200. June 28, placed in the bank to the order of Mrs. Desmond, $1,000. Total, $1,350. (June 18, Mr. Hobart Ames, of North Easton, at the solicitation of the secretary, cancelled a mortgage of $400 held by him against Mr. Desmond.) 19. Miss Florence A. Dunham, 56 Chestnut Street. Aid granted. June 28, to her father, John W. Dunham, $250. 20. Frank L. Emerson, 51 Myrtle Street. Left a wife and daughter and an aged father partially dependent. Aid granted. April 2, $50; June 2, $50. June 28, placed in the bank to the order of Mrs. Emerson, $500; July 21, placed in the bank to the order of Mrs. Emerson, $250; July 15, placed in the bank to the order of his father, William Emerson, $200. Total, $1,050. 21. Mrs. Georgie Emerson, 28 Myrtle Street. Left no de- pendent. 22. Wallace Vinal, 25 Grant Avenue. Left a little child de- pendent. Aid granted. April 2, to Mrs. Gilmore Fish, grand- mother of the child, $50; June 2, $50; June 28, $200. Total, $300. (See aid for children.) 56 Brockton Relief Fund 23. Miss Mary Fitzpatrick, 55 Plain Street. Left parents partially dependent. Aid granted. April 12, $10 per week for four weeks. June 28, placed in the bank to the order of Mrs. Fitzpatrick, $360. Total, $400. 24. Alphonse J. Fortier, 162 Myrtle Street. Left a wife and three children dependent. Aid granted. March 25, $25; April 2, $50; June 2, $150. June 28, placed in the bank to the order of Mrs. Fortier, $750. Total, $975. 25. Harry S. Hall, West Bridgewater, Mass. Left a wife and three children dependent. Aid granted. April 2, $50; June 2, $150. June 28, placed in the bank to the order of Mrs. Hall, $1,000. Total, $1,200. 26. Almoran Hallett, 23 Haverhill Street. Left a wife de- pendent. Aid granted. April 2, $50; June 26, $25. June 28, placed in the bank to the order of Mrs. Hallett, $1,000. Total, $1,075. 27. Granville Hartwell, 601 Ash Street. Left a wife dependent. Aid granted. April 5, $25; May 2, $50. June 28, placed in the bank to the order of Mrs. Hartwell, $1,000. Total, $1,075. 28. Isaac S. Hoxie, 185 Menlo Street. Left a wife and three children dependent. Aid granted. March 25, $25; April 2, $50; June 2, $150. June 28, placed in the bank to the order of Mrs. Hoxie, $1,000. Total, $1,225. 29. Mrs. Lillian B. Hurd, 806 Warren Avenue. Left three children dependent. Aid granted. April 12, $50; June 2, $150. Total, $200. (For further aid, see list of children.) 30. James Jackson, Abington, Mass. Left no one dependent. 31. William F. Jeffers, Union Street, East Bridgewater, Mass. Left a wife and three children dependent. Aid granted. April 2, $100; June 2, $100. June 28, placed in the bank to the order of Mrs. Jeffers, $1,000. Total, $1,200. 32. Mrs. Stella Kelley, 15 Park Street. Left a mother partially dependent. Aid granted. July 21, placed in the bank to the order of her mother, Mrs. Evelyn A. Ferry, $500. 33. Henry C. Kibbee, Elm Street, Bridgewater, Mass. Left a wife dependent, and an invalid sister partially dependent. Aid granted. April 2, $50. June 28, placed in the bank to the order of Mrs. Kibbee, $1,000; August 1, placed in the bank to the order of Miss Lizzie M. Kibbee, $250. Total, $1,300. Grover Factory Fire 57 34. Thomas F. Langley, 162 Lawrence Street. Left a wife and three children dependent. Aid granted. April 2, $50; June 2, $150. June 28, placed in the bank to the order of Mrs. Langley, $1,000. Total, $1,200. 35. Miss Nellie Leary, 15 Smith Avenue. Left parents par- tially dependent. Aid granted. April 12, $50. June 28, placed in the bank to the order of Mrs. Leary, $250. Total, $300. 36. Miss Mary Leonard, 17 Pine Street. Left parents partially dependent. Aid granted. June 28, placed in the bank to the order of her father, $300. 37. Barnabas Lewis, 515 North Main Street. Left a wife de- pendent. Aid granted. April 5, $15 per week for four weeks; May 2, $50. June 28, placed in the bank to the order of Mrs. Lewis, $1,000. Total, $1,110. 38. Mrs. Hannah Lindberg, 5 Ouster Street. Left two children dependent. Aid granted. April 2, $50; June 2, $50. Total, $100. (For further aid, see list of dependent children.) 39. J. Samuel Lovejoy, 23 Haverhill Street. Left a wife de- pendent, and mother partially dependent. Aid granted. April 12, $10 per week for four weeks; May 2, $50. June 28, placed in the bank to the order of Mrs. Lovejoy, $750; June 28, placed in the bank to the order of his mother, $250. Total, $1,090. 40. Andrew G. Lundell, 20 Ouster Street. Left a wife and three children dependent. Aid granted. April 5, $25 per week for four weeks; May 2, $50; June 2, $150. June 28, placed in the bank to the order of Mrs. Lundell, $1,000. Total, $1,300. 41. Jerome Mayo, corner Main and Market streets. Left a mother partially dependent. Aid granted. June 28, to the mother, $300. 42. Mrs. Florence M. Merrill, 895 Main Street Left no one dependent. 43. Miss Mamie O'Connell, 290 North Gary Street. Left parents partially dependent. Aid granted. June 28, placed in the bank to the order of her father, $250. 44. Hiram J. Pierce, 60 Myrtle Street. Left a wife dependent. Aid granted. April 8, $25; May 2, $50. June 28, placed in the bank to the order of Mrs. Pierce, $1,000. Total, $1,075. 45. Mrs. Mary B. Pray, 9 Sheppard Street. Left no one de- pendent. 58 Brockton Relief Fund 46. Albert S. Ray, Campello, Mass. Left no one dependent. 47. David W. Rockwell, 80 Denton Street. Left a wife and four children dependent. Aid granted. March 28, $25; April 5, $25 per week for four weeks; May 2, $50; June 2, $150. June 28, placed in the bank to the order of Mrs. Rockwell, $1,000. Total, $1,325. 48. George E. Smith, 976 Warren Avenue. Left a wife and three children dependent. Aid granted. March 25, $25; April 13, $25; May 2, $100; June 2, $150. June 28, placed in the bank to the order of Mrs. Smith, $1,000. Total, $1,300. 49. Joshua F. Snow, 87 North Main Street. Left a wife and two children dependent, and a mother partially dependent. Aid granted. March 25, $25; May 2, $50. June 28, placed in the bank to the order of Mrs. Snow, $1,000; June 28, to his mother, Mrs. Irene Cash, $100. Total, $1,175. 50. Stephen Snow, 120 Belmont Street. Left no one dependent. May 15, $100 sent to the daughter to cover funeral expenses, but returned by her to the Relief Fund. 51. Richard W. Sprigings, 159 Warren Avenue. Left a wife and son dependent. Aid granted. April 12, $25 per week for four weeks; May 2, $50; June 2, $50. June 28, placed in the bank to the order of Mrs. Sprigings, $1,000. Total, $1,200. 52. Mrs. Jennie Stiles, 51 Market Street. Left an aunt, Mrs. Mary J. Sweetland, and a friend, Mrs. Mabel Eddy, partially dependent. Aid granted. March 25, $25; May 2, $50. June 28, placed in the bank to the order of the aunt, $350; June 28, to Mrs. Eddy, $200. Total, $625. 53. John N. Sullivan, 674 Montello Street. Left a wife and four children dependent. Aid granted. March 28, $25; May 2, $50; June 2, $200. June 28, placed in the bank to the order of Mrs. Sullivan, $1,000. Total, $1,275. 54. Mrs. Emma M. Tallman, 26 Appleton Street. Left a mother and a son dependent. Aid granted. March 28, $25; May 2, $50; May 19, $100; June 2, $50. June 28, placed in the bank to the order of her mother, Mrs. Alice Clapper, $600. Total, $825. 55. Samuel Tiley, 370 Ash Street. Left a wife and two children dependent. Aid granted. April 5, $25 per week for four weeks; May 2, $50; June 2, $100. June 28, placed in the bank to the order of Mrs. Tiley, $1,000. Total, $1,250. Grover Factory Fire 59 56. Miss Marion Tufts, Campello, Mass. Left no one dependent. 57. J. Victor Turner, 923 Warren Avenue. Left a wife de- pendent. Aid granted. May 2, $50. June 28, placed in the bank to the order of Mrs. Turner, $1,000. Total, $1,050. 58. Henry M. Weeks, 8 Essex Street. Left a wife dependent. Aid granted. June 28, placed in the bank to the order of Mrs. Weeks, $750. DEPENDENT CHILDREN In dealing with the children the committee realized they were facing a serious problem. Here were no less than threescore left without a father to provide for them; and to make it possible for them to secure an education, and at the same time to be sup- ported until they reached a wage-earning age, was a matter which required most earnest and painstaking consideration. Three methods were proposed, and each for a time had ardent advocates. First, it was suggested that a fair division of the fund be made among the children, and the amount be paid at once to the parent or guardian. It was contended that by this plan equal justice would be done to all; that for several reasons it would best satisfy those having charge of the children; that it would be satisfactory to the public who had created the fund; that the money would be sure to go to the very families for whose benefit it had been con- tributed; and that the committee having done its duty would be relieved of further responsibility. On the other hand, it was maintained with equal force that in many cases the money would soon be used for household expenses; in this way older ones would receive the benefit rather than the children; the children would thus be left without provision before they developed a wage- earning capacity; and the purpose for which this portion of the fund had been created would be defeated. Secondly, it was suggested that a division be made as in the first place, except that the money should be placed in the hands of a trustee for each child, or the children of a single family, who would see that it was expended only in the interests of those under his care. This method seemed to avoid some of the objections to the first plan, but was soon found to involve so many diffi- culties and uncertainties that it was entirely discarded. The third plan suggested was to set aside so much of the general 60 Brockton Relief Fund relief fund as could be consistently appropriated in the interest of the children, and have this paid over at stated times and in specified amounts for a certain definite period of years. After mature reflection it was thought that this method preserved all of the best features of the other two and at the same time avoided their difficulties. It secured for each child substantial aid, suffi- cient to enable the parent or guardian to have the child continue in school at least through the grammar grades; it paid the money, without any restrictions as to expenditure, directly to the mother or guardian, who should be the best judge of the child's needs; in case of the death of the mother the income of the child was not imperilled; and all of this could be secured without undue labor or responsibility on the part of the Board of Trustees. Some of the special features of this plan are that the fund is drawing interest and thus adding to the amount given to the children; that it is secured by being in the custody of a national bank; that not less than one hundred dollars are contributed yearly to each beneficiary; and that these payments are to con- tinue to each child until it is sixteen years of age. Following are the rules governing in the aid given to children. They were formulated by the Advisory Committee, and are given here in the form in which they were reported to the Board of Trustees. The trustees adopted them without amendment, and they are being carried out to the very letter. FOR CHILDREN'S AID For the aid of dependent children the Sub-Committee on Relief, by its action of June 28 and August 4, 1905, makes to the Board of Trustees the following recommendations: 1. Each child shall receive not less than one hundred dollars annually until sixteen years of age. 2. No child, by reason of age, shall receive in the aggregate less than five hundred dollars. 3. Payments for the children shall be made quarterly, beginning with October 1, 1905. 4. Payments shall be made to such parent or friend of the child as the trustees in their judgment may think best fitted to receive and expend the same. 5. If any child die before reaching sixteen years of age, further payments in behalf of that child shall cease, and one hundred dollars shall be given to the parent, guardian, or trustee as a death benefit. Grover Factory Fire 61 6. If at any time the fund will warrant it, a larger sum than one hundred dollars per annum may be paid to each child. 7. The amounts of payments shall be so arranged that when the last child shall reach sixteen years of age, the fund shall be exhausted. 8. The trustees shall have the power and right to remove any child from the list of those receiving aid at any time when, in their judgment, the child, on account of changed circumstances, is no longer dependent. 9. The trustees shall have the right, and are hereby requested, to with- hold the appropriation from any child who performs daily labor for hire during the hours of the regular public school sessions. 10. The fund for the children shall be invested in and be administered through such bank or banks as shall be determined by the trustees. 11. In case there shall be a vacancy in the Board of Trustees, the remaining members of the Board shall fill such vacancy within six months; and in case of failure to do so, the General Committee shall be called together for this purpose. (Signed) ALBERT F. PIERCE, Secretary of Sub-Committee. BROCKTON, August 5, 1905. To insure the proper carrying out of the foregoing provision, the Trustees were requested to set aside $43,000, or as much of such sum as was necessary, from the general fund for this purpose. In accord with the tenth rule, the Brockton National Bank was made the depository of the fund; and the directors, in view of its char- acter and purpose, generously agreed to pay three per cent interest on the amount of the deposit. The bank also assumed the re- sponsibility of paying quarterly to the proper persons the several amounts due the beneficiaries, as from time to time authorized and directed by the Board of Trustees. By this arrangement, what at first seemed a very formidable undertaking has become a simple task. To guard and administer a fund through sixteen years at first thought caused men to hesitate. It was not a duty to be coveted. But in the simple form into which it has developed it works smoothly, without entailing special care or labor on any individual. The bank guarantees the integrity of the fund; pays generous interest upon the same; writes the checks once every three months; and makes its returns through the Treasurer to the Board of Trustees. The Trustees once a quarter, through its chairman and treasurer, sends a written order to the bank, and the whole work is done. 62 Brockton Relief Fund To facilitate the work of the Treasurer, the Secretary of the Sub-Committee on relief prepared and printed a blank form, giving the name of each dependent child, showing the date of birth, the time when payments for such child should cease, and the parent or person to whom payment should be made, together with the street address of the same. A copy of this form is here inserted, not only to show the manner in which the order is drawn, but to give full information respecting the children who are on the dependent list. BROCKTON NATIONAL BANK: Please pay to the order of the following persons the sums set opposite their respective names and charge the same to the Brockton Relief Fund for Suf- ferers from the Grover Factory Fire. PATEE Mrs. Jennie A. Abercrombie AMOUNT CHILD . $ I Mildred .Tpnnip BORN PAYMENTS END May 31, 1905 April 1, 1921 May 31, 1905 April 1, 1921 Sept. 2, 1890 July 1, 1906 54 Tribou Street Mrs. Julia F. Burgess .$ ( Alice Geraldine Edward F. 365 No. Warren Avenue Mrs. E. Isabella Bartlett .$ ( Rachel Whitman Rn+K Aug. 12, 1903 Dec. 5, 1901 Mar. 25, 1900 Nov. 4, 1899 July 1,1919 Oct. 1,1917 April 1, 1916 Oct. 1, 1915 East Bridge-water Mrs. Edna S. Baker .$ ( Richard Franklin Freeman C. 30 Hope Street Mrs. Sarah J. Cole 22 Rockland Street .s... . . . ( Sarah Forrester < Guy Alexander Aug. 1,1904 Sept. 5,1898 July 1,1920 July 1,1914 Mrs. Elisabeth T. Desmond , 40 Bradford Street Mrs. Addie F. Emerson $ ... {Mildred Mary June 6,1902 April 8,1899 Dec. 13,1895 Nov. 22, 1892 Oct. 16, 1893 Aug. 30, 1902 April 1,1918 April 1, 1915 Oct. 1,1911 Oct. 1,1908 Oct. 1,1909 July 1,1918 .f John Dennis Vera 311 Hammond Street Mrs. A. J. Fish , guardian .$ Leonis M. Final 25 Grant Avenue Mrs. Claire Alice Fortier 162 Myrtle Street ..$... ( Isabella M. < Jeannette D. ( Edna M. Mar. 20,1902 Sept. 22, 1897 Aug. 29, 1895 Jan. 1, 1918 July 1, 1913 July 1, 1911 Mrs. Lizzie Alice Hall 21 Cottage Street ..$... ( Helen Packard ] Mattie Bartlett I Mildred Emerson May 9, 1903 June 16,1893 Dec. 16,1891 April 1,1919 April 1,1 909 Oct. 1,1907 Mrs. Gertrude M. Hoxie 185 Menlo Street ..$... ( David A. < Beatrice L. (Carl M. Nov. 17, 1899 Mar. 25,1898 Dec. 21,1894 Oct. 1,1915 Jan. 1,1914 Oct. 1,1910 Charles S. German, trustee . 70 Dover Street ..$... ( Ruth F. Kurd May 13, 1900 Aug. 18,1892 Mar. 18,1891 April 1,1916 July 1,1908 Jan. 1,1907 ( Alice M.Hurd Mrs. Nellie M. Jeffers East Bridgewater ..$... ( Alice Isabel < Thomas Richard ( William Campbell Oct. 28,1905 Aug. 17, 1903 July 5, 1901 Oct. 1,1921 July 1,1919 July 1,1917 Mrs. Christina M. Langley . . . 162 Lawrence Street Lars O. Lindberg, trustee ..$... ..$... S Raymond Harold F. Francis J. I Elisabeth Oct. 6, 1895 Aug. 24, 1893 June 13, 1891 June 10, 1894 July 26,1890 Oct. 1,1911 July 1,1909 April 1,1907 April 1, 1910 July 1,1906 ^.107 Tribou Street 1 Helen Grover Factory Fire 63 PAYEE AMOUNT CHILD BORN PAYMENTS END (Edwin Conrad Nov. 12, 1894 Oct. 1,1910 Mrs. Emma Lundell $ ) Kari j U8t inus June 16, 1892 April 1 , 1908 20 Custer Street ( Augusta E. Oct. 12,1890 Oct. 1,1906 f Inez David July 15,1905 July 1,1921 Mrs. Joanna H. Rockwell $ I Gwendoline Grover Sept. 26, 1903 July 1,1919 Stoughton t Oscar Joseph June 9,1898 April 1,1914 C Clifton Granville Sept. 11,1896 July 1, 1912 (Viola Aug. 14,1896 July 1,1912 Mrs ' o> h e V t "oV 1 'V $ 1 Lillian Sept. 15, 1894 July 1. 1910 28 Franklin Street ( Mattie Oct. 30,1890 Oct. 1,1906 Mrs. Grace L. Snow $ ( Stanley Eldredge Aug. 31, 1900 July 1, 1916 87 No. Main Street f Earle Freeman Mar. 21, 1896 Jan. 1, 1912 Mrs. Hattie M. Sprigings $ Richard Wright June 15, 1892 April 1, 1908 159 Warren Avenue (Francis Murray Mar. 28,1902 Jan. 1,1918 Frederick LawrenceSept. 18, 1899 July 1, 1915 John Noonan June 8, 1898 April 1, 1914 Irene Nov. 19, 1896 Oct. 1, 1912 Mrs. Alice Clapper, trustee $ Clark A. Tallman Dec. 1,1891 Oct. 1,1907 26 Appleton Street Mrs. Ida L. Tiley". . , . . .$ I Elgin Washburn Sept. 18, 1897 July 1, 1913 370 Ash Street ( Malcolm Leonard Sept. 7,1895 July 1,1911 Total, $ This order of dollars is payment in aid of dependent children, and is in full for the quarter beginning 1, 19 . Treasurer. Brockton, Mass., 19 The Trustees of the Relief Fund approve of the above order and authorize payment of the same. Chairman. Brockton, Mass., 19 It will be noticed from a perusal of the foregoing list that the number of children for whom provision was made is fifty-five; that they come from twenty-three families; that four of the children were born after the disaster; that ten of them live outside of Brockton; and that fifteen will reach sixteen years of age before having received $500. The trustees began the method of closing accounts with such children as reached sixteen years of age by depositing the balance of the $500 remaining due in some savings bank for each child. In this way four cases were closed last year. But it has seemed wise to the trustees to interpret the first and second rules as meaning that payments shall continue after the beneficiary has reached sixteen years of age in every case necessary 64 Brockton Relief Fund to make the sum total of payments $500, and this is the plan they have been pursuing since 1906. The compiler of this record ventures the opinion that the wisest and best thing done in the entire work of relief is the provision made for these children. To relieve temporary distress was a work of charity and of love, but this would have been done by sympathetic neighbors and friends had no public fund been created. The assistance rendered the widows and other adult dependents was timely and needed, but these could have cared for themselves, or have found a home somewhere, even though at great loss and sacrifice. But without the provision for the children there would have been the breaking up of homes, the separation of little ones, the prevention of an education on the part of many, and the consequent loss and blighting of many lives. By the wise and generous provision made, every family has thus far been kept intact, and long after the Grover disaster will be forgotten by the thousands, and will be only a sad memory in the minds of a few, the beneficent influences of the children's fund will be seen and appreciated. The payments will cease in 1921, but the fruitage will remain until the rising generation shall have passed away. E I 1 . ~ .2 s 8 g 5 c 2 -" S* a -a S 0> qj "-> M ^4 tx !3 the family. But, as the Grover Factory was a union shop, and all the workmen were compelled to be members of the organization, this fact is not taken into account in the following data. There- fore, when it is stated that a workman was or was not a member of a fraternal society, the Shoe Workers' Union is always to be excepted. The data here given cover inquiries respecting 116 cases, 52 being of those who were killed, and 64 of those injured. Taking up first the cases of those who lost their lives, the number is divided into men, 37, and women, 15. Of the 37 men, 23 carried life insurance, 5 in two different companies; 18 were owners of real estate; and 19 were members of beneficiary orders (other than the Shoe Workers' Union), while 6 of the 19 belonged to more than one such organization. Of the 15 women, 7 carried insurance on their lives, 1 in two companies; 4 owned real estate; and 1 belonged to a beneficiary lodge. Of the 64 persons injured, the inquiries covered 28 married men, 8 single men, 15 married women, and 13 single women. Of the 28 married men, 10 carried life insurance (one in three companies); 13 owned real estate; 12 belonged to fraternal benefit orders (4 to more than one); while 4 were not included in any of the foregoing classes. Of the 8 single men, 2 were insured, the same 2 were owners of real estate, and none of the 8 belonged to benefit orders. The data for the 15 married women show that 3 carried life insurance; 3 were owners of real estate; 2 belonged to benefit orders; and 8 of the 15 are not included in any of these classes. Of the 13 unmarried women, 3 carried insurance; 3 were owners of real estate; 2 belonged to fraternal societies, and 8 were not included in any of the foregoing cases. To make the account of local relief more complete, and the above reports a little fuller, the Secretary corresponded with all of the fraternal organizations of the city and endeavored to secure from them definite statements as to the sums they had paid to beneficiaries on account of the Grover disaster. He found diffi- culty in securing the information desired. The rules of these Grover Factory Fire 67 organizations forbid the making of such matters public, and the desirability of it was questioned by many. The facts gleaned were so meager as to raise the question of the wisdom of publishing them at all. However, it may be said that the report from one lodge of K. of P. showed that $1,030 had been paid on account of three deaths, and $125 to the relief of two members; three lodges of I. O. O. F. had paid $1,375 on account of eight deaths, and $296 for the relief of eight members; that Brockton Lodge B. P. O. E. had paid $972, and an additional $495.21 had been contributed through it from several lodges in other parts of the state. I have little doubt that the amount paid out for insurance and local relief through tbe various channels mentioned was equal to forty per cent of the public relief fund which was raised and administered by the General Committee on Relief. 68 Brockton Relief Fund VIII RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES In section four, entitled " Starting a Relief Fund," an ac- count is given of the manner in which the funds for the work of relief were solicited. Much of this money came directly to the Mayor of the city, with the instruction that it should be expended under his personal supervision and according to his own judg- ment. All of this sum, however, was placed in the keeping of the Treasurer of the Relief Fund, subject to the order of the Relief Committee. As the money was received it was from day to day deposited by the Treasurer in the two local national banks, which very kindly paid three per cent interest upon the deposits. This very materially added to the fund, as a glance at the report of the Treasurer will show. The interest thus received amounted to nearly $900. The expenditure of the fund was very carefully guarded. No unnecessary expenses were incurred, and the most rigid economy was practiced. In this connection it is proper to say that the Trustees and General Committee very freely contributed of their time and services. Outside of necessary postage, printing, sta- tionery, and a stenographer, there was absolutely no cost in ad- ministering the fund. No salary was paid to any person, and no remuneration of any kind whatsoever was received. Indeed, the personal expenses of the committee necessary to the prosecution of the work were borne by the individual members. In order that the public may be informed as to the actual cost of administration, the following list of bills is given, which include everything ex- pended up to the time of closing all the work of temporary relief and the turning of the fund over to the Brockton National Bank. Since that time the bank has not only administered the fund without charge, but as stated elsewhere has paid three per cent interest on the amount deposited. It is not egotism to say that perhaps never before was a large fund so efficiently and economi- cally handled. The actual cost was less than one fourth of one per cent. That is, it took less than one cent to distribute four Grover Factory Fire 69 dollars. Or, to put the matter in another form, during the four months of work on the part of the committee, the entire cost of administration amounted to only one fourth of the interest re- ceived on the daily deposits. That is, the committee received in subscriptions, $104,187.87, and not only paid out every cent of this in relief work, but added to this amount $643.75, which was interest on the fund over and above all expenses. Following is a detailed statement of expenses : EXPENSE ACCOUNT. 1905. May 10 Miss Annie Sharood, stenographer $21.00 22 Miss Annie Sharood, stenographer 14.00 23 Standard Printing Company, printing 3.00 23 Howard Job Print, for printing 14.10 June 9 Subscription Committee, for postage and envelopes . . . 35.55 26 Miss Annie Sharood, stenographer 9.15 29 Dr. A. E. Paine, for medical examinations 31.50 29 Dr. J. W. Gorman, for medical examinations 31.50 30 William S. Morey, stationery, etc 12.75 July 31 Stenographer 36.00 31 Postage $6.49 Transportation 7.00 Copying, stationery, etc 25.39 38.88 Total cost of administering fund $247.43 70 Brockton Relief Fund IX A PERSONAL WORD OF APPRECIATION The writer begs the indulgence of a generous public while he expresses a word of appreciation in behalf of those engaged in the work of relief. It may be distasteful to these individuals to be singled out and have mention made of their work, but it is done without their knowledge, and wholly on the writer's own respon- sibility. The members of the general and special committees were chosen from all classes, parties, and creeds, but they worked together in the utmost harmony, and never for one moment did earthly dis- tinctions intrude. It was beautiful to note the brotherly Christian spirit that pervaded the thoughts and desires of all. And the cheerful spirit with which many gave their time and sacrificed their personal interests to contribute to the common good is worthy of all praise. Without making invidious distinction, per- sonal reference can be made to his Honor, Mayor Edward H. Keith. He easily surpassed all others in his devotion to the interests of the suffering and unfortunate. During that fatal week he scarcely knew what rest and sleep were. And to his judgment, tact, and untiring effort are due much of the success attending the work of rescue and relief. He seemed to discern the right thing to be done and did it in such a way as to com- mend him to the thoughtful people of the community. Words of appreciation may also be spoken of Mr. William H. Emerson, Treasurer of the Relief Fund. For many years he has been the city treasurer, and during the years of his incumbency he has persistently and positively declined to be identified with outside affairs, and in some instances at the sacrifice of consider- able personal gain. But he gave himself heartily and cheerfully to this work, devoting to it many hours of the day and night, and rendering to the cause invaluable assistance. While all of the members of the General Committee are worthy of particular notice, Mr. Frederick E. Studley, chairman of the Advisory Committee, and Mr. George Clarence Holmes chairman Grover Factory Fire 71 of the Subscription Committee, are deserving of special praise. The former gave a great deal of time, being present not only at the meetings of the committee, but spending several days at the relief rooms the first weeks they were open, assisting the Secretary in every possible way. And Mr. Holmes was the heart and soul of the movement for subscriptions. An indefatigable worker, a genius hi the invention of methods, and a man full of faith and push, he inspired others and was the means of increasing the fund to such large proportions. Special mention might be made of the fire and police depart- ments, and of the heroic and effective service which they ren- dered; of the many physicians who worked with such painstaking skill and care without thought of reward; of scores of citizens who contributed freely of their time; of the hospitals and trained nurses that were the very essence of devotion to a noble charity; of the local press and the chivalrous service rendered by their reportorial staff, which did so much to awaken interest and make possible the splendid results in the raising of the relief fund. Of course thanks are due to the many who so generously contributed of their substance to the common good. In this Brockton did her part nobly, but so quick and hearty was the response from the outside world that we are placed under a lasting debt of gratitude. To these and all others the Secretary, speaking for the innocent and helpless sufferers from the great disaster, ex- presses profound gratitude and appreciation. May they all in due time hear the Master's commendation and receive his reward. SUBSCRIBERS An unknown friend, through Governor William L. Douglas $2,500.00 A. B. S., Loyal Lodge Brockton, 10.00 A. F. & A. M., St. George Lodge .... 100.00 A. O. H. of Plymouth County .... 86.00 A. O. H., Ladies' Auxiliary, of Plymouth County 55.00 A. O. U. W., Brockton Lodge No. 54 .. 25.00 A. O. U. W., Campello Lodge 25.00 A Child .15 A Wanderer (C. E.) 10.00 Abbott, Preston 2.00 Alden Company, George W 50.00 Alden, John 25.00 Alger, A. H. & Co 25.00 Algonquin Club 265.00 Allen, James Sydney 10.00 Allen, W. Fred 5.00 Allen, W. G 5.00 Anderson, E. W 10.00 Anderson & Nelson 25.00 Anderson & Nelson, Employees .... ,, 19.00 Appleton, Susan A 5.00 Arnold, A. E 1.00 Arnold Brothers 10.00 Atwood, Annie H 20.00 Atwood, William B 25.00 Averill, Miss A. A 5.00 Averill, Dr. J. H 5.00 B. & S. Workers' Local Union No. 74 . 200.00 B. & S. Workers' Mixed Union No. 38 . 150.00 B. & S. Workers' Union, Geo. W. Dis- ney, General Organizer 5.00 74 Brockton Relief Fund B. P. O. E., The Brockton Lodge No. 669, Net Proceeds Brockton, $972.00 Bacon, J. E., M.D 15.00 Bailey, George W 18.50 Baine, C. L 25.00 Baker Brothers 25.00 Bakers' Union No. 180 50.00 Baptist Jr 5.00 Barry, T. D. & Co 200.00 Barry, T. D. & Co., Employees .... 525.00 Bates, M. H 25.00 Battery I, M. V. M 25.00 Battles, David W 25.00 Baxendale Box Toe Company .... ,, 25.00 Beals, Arthur L., M. D 10.00 Besse, Baker & Co 100.00 Besse, Baker & Co., Employees .... 8.00 Bixby, C. C 50.00 Blanchard, H. L 15.00 Bonney, E. L 50.00 Bonney, E. L., Employees 19.50 Bostock, Thomas & Sons 10.00 Boston Credit Company 10.00 Boston Mutual Life Insurance Com- pany, Brockton Agency 50.00 Boyden, Marshall, through ,, 4.12 Braconier, F. L 25.00 Bray, C. H 5.00 Brest Company, J 10.00 Bretzen, A 3.00 Brewer, Peter 2.00 Brewer & Stetson 25.00 Bricklayers and Masons' International . Union No. 5 25.00 Brockton Agricultural Society 500.00 Brockton Automobile Club 10.00 Brockton Beef Company ,, 25.00 Brockton Business University 25.00 Brockton Choral Society Concert ... 410.00 Graver Factory Fire 75 Brockton Co-operative B. & S. Company, Brockton, $100.00 Brockton Co-operative B. & S. Com- pany, Employees 176.50 Brockton Cricket Club 25.00 Brockton Die Company, Employees . . 46.86 Brockton Fire Department 121.14 Brockton Gas Light Company ,, 500.00 Brockton Gas Light Co., Employees . . 57.00 Brockton Gospel Reform Club .... ,, 2.00 Brockton Heel Company 100.00 Brockton Heel Company, Employees . . 100.20 Brockton Laborers' Union No. 9105 . . 25.00 Brockton Last Company 100.00 Brockton Last Company, Employees . . 70.00 Brockton Leather Company 25.00 Brockton Leather Company, Employees, 60.00 Brockton Lodge of Elks 200.00 Brockton Master Builders' Association . ,, 100.00 Brockton National Bank 500.00 Brockton Post Office and Stations, Clerks 31.00 Brockton Printing Pressman's Union . . 25.00 Brockton Rand Company 100.00 Brockton Rand Company, Employees . 35.57 Brockton Shoe Manufacturers Associa- tion, Interest on Collections 6.55 Brockton Sole Pattern Company .... 10.00 Brockton Stay Company 25.00 Brockton Times 100.00 Brockton Times, Local Employees ... ,, 36.75 Brockton Veteran Fireman's Associa- tion, Ladies' Auxiliary ,, 25.00 Brockton Webbing Company 25.00 Brockton Webbing Company, Em- ployees 22.00 Brockton Welting Company 100.00 Brockton Woman's Club 50.00 Brooks, John Graham 20.00 Brown, Daniel E., M.D 10.00 76 Brockton Relief Fund Brown, James W Brockton, $5.00 Brown, W. L 10.00 Bryant, H. L. & W. C 50.00 Bryant, W. H., G. H. and E. S 50.00 Buck, Ira 5.00 Building Laborers' Union 10.00 Building Trades' Council 10.00 Burbank, Dr. John S 5.00 Burgess, L. S 10.00 Burke, Milo 10.00 Burr, J. A 10.00 Butler, Nathan 10.00 Caldwell, W. H 25.00 Callahan, Cornelius 25.00 Callahan, John F. & Co 25.00 Candy Makers' Union No. 266 25.00 Carayanis, Nicholas G 10.00 Carlson & Lendblad 10.00 Carpenters' Union 100.00 Carter, George A., Employees 38.53 Gary, Mrs. Matilda F 50.00 Cash given through City Marshal . ... 1.00 Caswell, B. L 5.00 Caulkins, M 5.00 Chamberlain & Fletcher 25.00 Charity 250.00 Chase, E. A., M.D 10.00 Chevigny, Dr. H. H 5.00 Churbuck, L. M 5.00 Churches : Advent Christian Church 21.00 Central M. E. Church Choir 35.00 Central M. E. Church, Ladies' Aid Society 25.00 Central M. E. Church, Mercy and Help Department, Perkins Chap- ter, Epworth League 25.00 Central M. E. Church, Opportunity Circle 10.00 Grover Factory Fire 77 First Baptist Church Brockton, $10.10 New Church Society of Young Matrons, 55.00 New Jerusalem Church 45.82 Porter Congregational Church, Mrs. O. L. Randall, H. A. P. Class ... 5.00 South Congregational Church, Inter- mediate C. E. Society 5.00 South Congregational Church, King's Daughters, Steadfast Circle .... 5.00 South Congregational Church, Sun- day-school 76.25 South Congregational Church, Sun- day-school Class, Easter Offering . 2.00 South Congregational Church Sun- day-school, Primary Department . 5.00 South Street Methodist Episcopal Church 20.00 St. Paul's Church, Loyal Circle, King's Daughters 15.00 St. Paul's Episcopal Church, St. Elizabeth Guild 10.00 Swedish Congregational Church Sun- day-school 28.70 Unity Church, Woman's Alliance . . 10.00 Unity Church, Young People's Guild . 15.00 Universalist Church, Junior Union . . 2.00 Universalist Church, Young People's Christian Union 5.00 Wendell Ave. Congregational Church . 38.91 Wendell Ave. Congregational Church Cheerful Helpers 10.00 Wendell Ave. Congregational Church Sunday-school 2.52 Churchill & Alden 500.00 Churchill & Alden, Employees 431.95 Churchill & Washburn 50.00 City Water Department, Employees . . 39.00 Clan McDonald Auxiliary 10.00 Clark, Ezra W 5.00 78 Brockton Relief Fund Clark, N. A Brockton, $25.00 Clark, N. A. & Co 25.00 Cleveland, W. F 10.00 Cobb, M. L 50.00 Coleman & Allen 10.00 Coleman & Allen, Employees 10.00 Collection from C. R. M 100.00 Collins, J. F 10.00 Commercial Club 200.00 Condon Brothers & Co 25.00 Condon Brothers & Co., Employees . . 38.85 Connelly, J. S., Employees 12.00 Cook & Perkins 10.00 Copeland, Davis ,, 5.00 Copeland, Lucius T 5.00 Copeland, Warren T 5.00 Corcoran, James T 25.00 Corona Kid Company 100.00 Cote, William A 5.00 Coy, B 5.00 Craft, Harrington & Co 25.00 Craft, Harrington & Co., Employees . . ,, 71.35 Creasy, E. A 10.00 Crocker, Frank L 10.00 Cross, C. H 5.00 Cross, C. H., Employees 22.00 Crowell, F. L 5.00 Crystal Creamery 50.00 Cutters' Local Union No. 35 300.00 D. A. R., Deborah Sampson Chapter . . ,, 50.00 D. of P., lona Council 25.00 Damocles Sewing Circle 5.00 Darling, George E 5.00 Daughters of St. George, Ladies' Somer- set Lodge 25.00 Davidson, Annabell 10.00 Davis, Edgar B 100.00 Davis, Oscar C 25.00 Dawson, T. H. & Co. and Employees . . 17.00 Grover Factory Fire 79 Day Optical Company Brockton, $5.00 Dean, Miss L. F 5.00 Dean, Penney Company 25.00 Dean, Penney Company, Employees . 6.75 Dickerman, James 9.00 Dingle, S. K 2.00 Dione Assembly No. 5 Pythian Sister- hood 10.00 Donahue, John 10.00 Douglas, W. L 1,000.00 Douglas Shoe Company, W. L., Em- ployees 2,500.00 Dove, A 5.00 Dove, Susan C 5.00 Drake, Herbert S 100.00 Drake, Kneil & Hunt 25.00 Drake, W. O. and Clerks 10.00 Drohan, James H 10.00 Dunbar, George 5.00 Dunbar, Harry 25.00 Dunbar Pattern Company 25.00 Dunbar, Walter M., Agent Metropolitan Shoe Company 10.00 Dutra, Frank J 15.00 Dyce, James Company 100.00 Dyer, Mrs. R. G 5.00 Eaton, C. A. Company 100.00 Eaton, C. A. Company, Employees ... 274.25 Eaton, William 5.00 Edgar, James Company, 500.00 Edgar, James Company, Employees . . 103.00 Edgar, James Company, money from store clock 38.57 Edison Electric 111. Company 100.00 Edison Electric 111. Company, Em- ployees Brockton and Whitman, 31.00 Edson's Smoke House Brockton, 25.00 Egan, William F 5.00 Elastic Goring Weavers' Association . . 100.00 80 Brockton Relief Fund Eldridge, George W Brockton, $10.00 Electric Ry. Employees of America, Brockton Division No. 235 50.00 Elliott, F. E. & I. P 10.00 Ellis, M. F. & Co 15.00 Emerson, W. H 10.00 Emery Leather Company 10.00 Emery, W. B 5.00 Empire Laundry 26.50 Engeldrekt Lodge 10.00 Engine Company No. 3 10.00 Enterprise Publishing Company .... 100.00 Enterprise Publishing Company, Em- ployees 41.00 Estabrook & Co 200.00 Eva A. Hill Lodge, Degree of Honor . . 10.00 Ewell-Cooper Company and Employees, 15.00 Fairey, V. Harry 25.00 Farrell, James J 5.00 Farrell, T. C. (contribution of Local Bus. Agts. B. & S. W. U.) 5.00 Felker, C. H. & Co 25.00 Felker,C.H.& Co., Employees .... 20.00 Felton, Charles R 10.00 Field, Barzillai 10.00 Field, D. W 1,000.00 Field, Fred F. Shoe Company .... 200.00 Field, Fred F. Shoe Company, Em- ployees 260.00 Fillebrown, C. R 25.00 Filoon, V. & F. W 100.00 Filoon,V.&F. W., Employees .... 55.45 Finishers' Union No. 37 300.00 Flagg, Harry W 10.00 Flagg, Willis H 10.00 Flagg & Willis, received through .... 490.00 Flagg & Willis, Employees 17.00 Flower, Hattie W 2.92 Fowler, Annie L 5.00 Grover Factory Fire 81 Fraser Dry Goods Company Brockton, $100.00 Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie No. 617 . 50.00 Frazier, Robert 5.00 French, George T 10.00 French, George T., Employees ,, 5.00 French, Herbert S 15.00 French, Seth L 3.00 French, W. L 25.00 Friedman, Alfred 10.00 Friend 2.00 Friend .50 Friend 2.00 Friend 4.00 Friend 1.00 Friend 2.00 Friend 5.00 Friend 2.00 Friend 2.00 Friend 3.00 Friend 1.00 Friend 1.00 Friend, Campello 1.00 Friend (C. N. G.) 3.00 Friend (C. W. M.) 50.00 Friend (F. R. W.) 1.00 Friend (G. B.) 5.00 Friend (H. W. N.) 2.00 Friend (J. E. B.) 10.00 Friend of the Afflicted 5.00 Friend (O. M.) 2.00 Friend, " Unaccounted for " 20.00 From a Friend 2.00 From a Friend 2.00 From Friends 5.00 From a Vamper 2.00 Frost, Annie M 5.00 Frost, C. T 10.00 Fullerton, B. M 5.00 G., Miss 5.00 82 Brockton Relief Fund G. A. R., Fletcher Webster Post No. 13 . Brockton, $150.00 Gardner, Ellis 5.00 Gardner, F. C 5.00 Gardner, Silas H 50.00 Garrett, Drislane & Co., and Employees . 20.00 Garvey, John 1.00 Gayner, I. P 25.00 Gayner, I. P., Employees 10.00 Gifford, Mrs. T. E 10.00 Gillespie Bros 25.00 Globe Market Employees 12.00 Goddard, Warren 25.00 Golden Sporting Shoe Company .... 25.00 Golden Sporting Shoe Company, Em- ployees 25.00 Goldman, B 10.00 Goldthwaite, C. H 25.00 Goldthwaite & Bixby Drug Store Em- ployees 17.00 Goodman, Mrs. S 10.00 Goodrich, Mildred, Cora Knowles, Marion Goodrich, and Mary Wheelock, 1.00 Goodwin, E. E., M.D 10.00 Goodwin, Samuel 25.00 Gordon, John H 5.00 Gospel Reform Club Sunday-school . . 2.00 Grandmother 1.00 Grant, George A 5.00 Gray Shoe Pattern Company 10.00 Green, F. E 10.00 Green, George F. Coal Company .... 25.00 Gregor, John 25.00 Grogan & Donnelly 20.00 Grossman, S. D. Company 10.00 Grover, R. B. & Co 1,000.00 Gurney Bros. Company and Employees, 111.00 Guy Furniture Company 15.00 H.V.&V.F. A., Ladies' Auxiliary ... 10.00 Hadaway, J. B 25.00 Grover Factory Fire 83 Hall, Andrew F.,D.D.S Brockton, $5.00 Hall, E. C. Company 50.00 Hall, John W 10.00 Hall, L. H. & Son, and Employees . . 22.75 Hancock V. V. and Firemen's Associa- tion 25.00 Hanley, W. E 25.00 Hastings, A. B 50.00 Hastings, Mary B 5.00 Hathaway, Mrs. S. Augusta 100.00 Hathaway, William W 25.00 Hawley, Frank 5.00 Hayward, Miss 5.00 Hebrew Ladies' Benevolent Association . 10.00 Heptasophs 5.00 Hewett, Herman S 25.00 Hewett, Mary O 25.00 Hickey, Charles M 25.00 Hill, Ada T 5.00 Hill, Mr. and Mrs. G. W 25.00 Hillberg, Charles R. & Co 25.00 Hillberg, Charles R.& Co., Clerks ... 6.00 Hobbs, W. H 10.00 Holbrook, Susan J 10.00 Holland, Charles P 10.00 Holland, Richard 5.00 Hollywood, J. M 25.00 Holmes, Frank 10.00 Holmes, George C 100.00 Holmes, George C., Employees .... ,, 43.00 Home National Bank 500.00 Howard & Caldwell 100.00 Howard & Caldwell, Clerks 17.00 Howard, Clark & Co 25.00 Howard Club 50.00 Howard, F. A 5.00 Howard & Foster 300.00 Howard & Foster, Employees ,, 286.84 Howard, Frank S 50.00 84 Brockton Relief Fund Howard, Franklin, and Family .... Brockton, $10.00 Howard, Fred B 50.00 Howard, George 25.00 Howard Job Print and Employees ... 50.00 Howard, Mary Cobb 100.00 Howard, Sewell P 5.00 Hub Gore Makers 100.00 Hub Gore Works, Employees 71.50 Huggons, S. H. & Co 25.00 Hurley Shoe Company 50.00 Huxford, L. F 5.00 Hydeman & Lassner 5.00 I. F. W. Club 10.00 Independent Die Company 25.00 Independent Social Circle 5.00 Innes, Thomas B 50.00 I. O. B. A., Plymouth Rock Lodge No. 289 15.00 I. O. B. A., Pride of Brockton Lodge, No. 373 10.00 I. O. O. F., Aurora Lodge of Rebekah, No. 140 25.00 I. O. O. F., Beatrice Rebekah Lodge . . 10.00 I. O. O. F., Campello Lodge No. 227 . . 25.00 I. O. O. F., Edward E. Bennett Lodge . 5.00 I. O. O. F., Loyal Willow Lodge, Man. Unity 25.00 I. O. O. F., M. U., Colonial Girls' Orches- tra of Loyal Anchor Lodge 19.58 I. O. V. T., Harrison Lodge No. 248 . . 10.00 Jackson, P. H 50.00 Jackson, P. H., Employees 56.25 Jenkins, George O., Employees .... 32.00 Jenney, J. E 5.00 Jenny Lind Lodge 10.00 Jocoy, William E 5.00 Johnson, Andrew, Building Mover ... 5.00 Johnson, Andrew, Building Mover, Em- ployees 26.50 Grover Factory Fire 85 Johnson, J. Emil Brockton, $5.00 Joint Shoe Council No. 1 500.00 Jones, E. A. Company 25.00 Jones, E. A. Company, Employees ... 8.66 Journeymen Tailors' Union 25.00 Kedusha, Chevra 10.00 Keith, Edward H 25.00 Keith, Edwin 25.00 Keith, George E. Company 2,000.00 Keith, George E. Company, Employees, 2,531.03 Keith, J. C 50.00 Keith, P. B. Company 500.00 Keith, P. B. Company, Employees ... 392.63 Keith, Ziba C 25.00 Kelleher, Rev. J. F 10.00 Kelleher, Patrick 5.00 Kelley-Buckley Company 50.00 Kelley-Buckley Company, Employees . 51.15 Kelly, Rev. James J 100.00 Kendall, Edward & Sons 200.00 Kent, Patrick 5.00 Keswick Bowling Alleys 10.00 Kimball Bros. & Sprague 25.00 King, N. C 20.00 Kingman, F. C 25.00 Kingman, F. C. Shoe Company, Em- ployees 50.50 Knight, George & Co., [Employees ... 28.83 Ladies' Hebrew Circle 5.00 Laird-Pryor Company and Employees . 50.00 Lane, S. B 5.00 Lasters' Union No. 192 250.00 Last Makers' Union 25.00 Laundry Workers' Union No. 64 .... 10.00 Laurette Club 5.00 La Vake, James O 10.00 Leonard, A. D 3.00 Letter Carriers' Association, Branch No. 156 100.00 86 Brockton Relief Fund Levaggi & Efravega & Luketti, Victor . Brockton, $1 15.00 Lewis, Thomas P 10.00 Lincoln, Edward 1.00 Lincoln, G. A 5.00 Logen Enighet, No. 72 Vasa Orden, U. S. A 5.00 Long, D. W 30.00 Loring & Howard 25.00 Low, E. M 100.00 Low, E. M. ; Employees 40.00 Lowney, Oscar 25.00 Loyal Acacia Lodge of Odd Ladies No. 4 5.00 Luddy, Ellen 2.00 Lundin & Hultman 46.80 Lundin & Hultman, Employees .... 8.75 Lynch, P. J 10.00 Lynch, P. J., Employees 5.00 M.C. O.F., St. Thomas Ct 50.00 M. O. at C. A 1.00 Mackie Bros. Company 40.00 Maguire Bros 25.00 Manley, Milo 10.00 Mansfield, E. A 75.00 Marlow, William 3.00 Marshall, C. S. & Co 50.00 Marshall, C. S. & Co., Employees ... 58.00 Marshall, H.T 50.00 Marston, Mrs. S. J 10.00 Mason, Clara W 10.00 Mason, W. B 5.00 Master Horse Sheers' National Prot. Association, Local No. 364 25.00 Master Plumbers' Association 100.00 Mathews, M. F 5.00 Mawhinney Last Company ,, 50.00 Mawhinney Last Company, Employees . 37.00 Maxwell, Charles T 2.00 Maynard, S. H 5.00 Grover Factory Fire 87 McCarthy, Dennis Brockton, $5.00 McCarthy, John D 25.00 McCarthy, Dr. Thomas H 20.00 McDonald, J. B 1.00 McGowan & Gower 10.00 McKee, James T 5.00 McLeod, Ella E 10.00 McNally, C. S. W 10.00 McNamara, J. J., M.D 5.00 Meade, J. P 5.00 Mellen & Leach 10.00 Mercer Clothing Company 50.00 Mercer Clothing Company, Clerks ... 7.00 Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, Employees 35.00 Miller, O. A., Treeing Machine Com- pany 100.00 Miller, O. A., Treeing Machine Company, Employees 107.54 Mitchell, Ardella S 10.00 Mogren, Carl, his Clerks and Newsboys . 8.00 Mondamin Club 10.00 Moore, C. H 1.00 Morey, William S 10.00 Moriarty, Frank 5.00 Morin, J. M., M.D . 10.00 Morton, W. H 10.00 Mullins Bros 25.00 Murphy, Joseph F 5.00 National Fireworks Employees .... ,, 12.00 National Shoe & Leather Exchange . . ,, 75.00 N. E.G. P., Banner Lodge No. 81 ... 25.00 N. E. O. P., Mayflower Lodge 25.00 Nelson, Charles A. & Son 15.00 Nelson, Nicholas P 10.00 Nelson Paper Box Company 50.00 Nesbitt, Peter 5.00 Nesmith, Miss Bessie ,, 5.00 Nesmith Shoe Company 50.00 88 Brockton Relief Fund Nesmith Shoe Company, Employees . . Brockton, $50.50 Nevins, Charles D [ 10.00 Newton, Henry 5.00 New York & Boston Despatch Express Company, Employees 32.00 New York, New Haven & Hartford Rail- road Company 1,000.00 Nooner, James 5.00 Norling, Charles A., 8 Linnea Ave. ... 1.00 Norling, Mrs. Tilda 1.00 Norris, T. A 25.00 Noyes, Charles A 25.00 Nutter, Ira N 25.00 Nutter, Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. ... 10.00 Nye, J. B., through 20.00 Nye, James H 25.00 O'Brien, John W 25.00 O'Donnell, J. M. & Co 50.00 O'Donnell, J. M. & Co., Employees ... 105.81 O. of E.S., Brockton Chapter No. 87 . . 10.00 Old Colony Pomona Grange 20.00 Old Colony Rand Company 100.00 Old Colony Street Railway Company . . 500.00 O.S.S. G., Earl of Shaftesbury Lodge . 50.00 Owens, R. F 25.00 Packard, Clinton F 5.00 Packard, D. W. C 20.00 Packard, Elmer C 25.00 Packard, Everett T 25.00 Packard, M. A. Company 300.00 Packard, M. A. Company, Employees . 623.25 Packard & Marston 20.00 Packard, N. R. & Co 100.00 Packard, N. R. & Co., Employees ... 80.00 Packard, Robert 2.00 Packard, S. E. & Sons 250.00 Packard, S. E. & Sons, Employees ... 50.00 Packard, S. F. & Son 10.00 Packard, Susie May .22 Grover Factory Fire 89 Paine, Dr. A. E Brockton, $10.00 Painters, Decorators and Paper Hangers of America, Local Union No. 296 . . 50.00 Parker, Henry F 5.00 Parks, J. E 3.15 Patterson, Charles A 10.00 Pearson, L. W 5.00 Peck, Howard C 2.00 Peck, M. C 3.00 Peckham, H. C 10.00 Peerless Rebekah Lodge 10.00 Peerless Sewing Circle 5.00 Percival, George 5.00 Perkins, Dr. C. Ernest 10.00 Perkins, Mary E 5.00 Perry, H. T 20.00 Perry, H. T., Employees 9.25 Pierce, Benjamin F 10.00 Pierce, Charles S 100.00 Pierce, C. S., Employees 141.50 Pierce & Packard 50.00 Plumbers' Union 25.00 Poitras, J. F. X., M.D 5.00 Police Department, Regular Officers . . 125.00 Ponemah Lodge No. 411 5.00 Poole, H. A. & Son 10.00 Poole, Miss Maud 2.00 Pope, E. Francis 10.00 Pope, J. H 25.00 Porter, Ahira L 5.00 Porter, F. Bart 5.00 Porter, George W 10.00 Porter, Henry F 5.00 Powers Bros 25.00 Price, F. L 25.00 Prouty & Co 25.00 Puffer, Loring W 10.00 Puritan Counter Company and Em- ployees 10.00 90 Brockton Relief Fund Pythagoras Sewing Circle P. S., Montello, Brockton, $10.00 Rackliffe, Mildred, Miriam Thomas, Marion Frost and Marion Tanner, money earned .50 Rafferty, J. B 2.00 Ramona Club, Montello ,, 5.00 Randall, Glance L 5.00 Rapp, Walter 25.00 Rapp, William 100.00 Rathbone Sisters, J. A. Hill Temple . . 5.00 Rathbone Sisters, Myrtle Temple ... 5.00 Recreation Club 5.00 Red Men, Pequot Tribe No. 35 .... 15.00 Reed, Mrs. G. A 25.00 Retail Clerks of Brockton, Joint Com- mittee 50.00 Hetail Dry Goods Clerks' Association . . 25.00 Reynolds, Bion F 100.00 Reynolds, Bion F., Employees .... 80.75 Reynolds, Drake & Gabell 100.00 Reynolds, Drake & Gabell, Employees . 86.00 Reynolds, Luke W 25.00 Rhoads, Mary A 10.00 Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. C. F 100.00 Richmond, L. & Co 50.00 Richmond, L. & Co., Employees .... 30.00 Ripley, Henry C 5.00 R. M. L 5.00 Robinson, E. F 25.00 Robinson, E. F., Employees 10.00 Robinson, Hon. H. W 100.00 Robinson, The H. W. Carpet Com- pany 50.00 Robinson, H. W. Company 100.00 Robinson, H. W. Company, and Robin- son, H. W. Carpet Company, Clerks . 56.00 Rosenburg, Happ & Siegel 10.00 Russell, B. B 20.00 Russell, David A., W. R. C 10.00 Grover Factory Fire 91 Russell, John, 22 School St Brockton, $5.00 Russell, M. E 5.00 Ryder, J. F 10.00 Sampson, E. T. & N. W 10.00 Sargent, J. S. & Son 25.00 Savage, Abbie S 25.00 Savage, W. H. & Co 53.00 Saxton, Bernard 25.00 Saxton, Bernard, Clerks 5.00 Scandinavian Benevolent Society ... 25.00 Scandinavian 100 Men's Club ., 25.00 Scavenger Team Drivers 12.00 Schilling, James 5.00 Schools: Forest Ave. School Children .... 1.22 Hancock School Children 6.00 High School Scholars 25.15 High School Teachers 52.50 Howard School Children 17.12 Huntington School Children .... 36.01 Keith School Children 10.35 Kingman School Children 6.89 Lincoln School Children 43.60 Park St. School Children 4.20 Perkins School Children 13.33 Prospect School Children 12.10 School Teachers of Brockton .... 179.75 Shaw School Children 5.20 Sylvester School Children 2.85 Union School Pupil 1.00 Union School Children 14.59 Winthrop School Children, Candy Pennies 8.56 Scott, G. V 15.00 Scott, G. V., Employees 35.00 Seaberg, Adolf F 5.00 Sejser, N. P 5.00 S. E. M 2.00 Sewing Machine Supplies 100.00 92 Brockton Relief Fund Sewing Machine Supplies, Employees . Shaw, F. M. & Son Shaw, F. M. & Son, Employees .... Sherman, N. B Shurtleff, H. A., M.D Silva, G. E Silva, G. E., Employees Simmons, John W Simpson Spring Company, Employees . Skillings, R. R Skivers' Local Union No. 406 Smith-Dove Manufacturing Company . Smith, F. L Smith, Herman Smith, Julia F Smith, U. C Smith & Wade, Employees Snell & Atherton, Employees Snow, Mrs. George G Snow, Mrs. G. G Snow, G. G. Company Snow, G. G. Company, Employees . . Snow, John W Sole Fasteners and Rough Rounders' Union No. Ill Sons of Veterans, R. B. Grover Camp Southard, L. C South End Farm Employees, Campello . South Massachusetts Telephone Com- pany St. Rocho Lithuanian Society Stable Workers' Union No. 10,018 . . . Stacey, Adams & Co Stacey, Adams & Co., Employees . . . Stall & Dean Manufacturing Company . Stall & Dean Manufacturing Company, Employees Standard Shoe Company Brockton, $23.00 100.00 108.25 10.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 33.00 10.00 50.00 100.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 25.00 28.25 19.00 50.00 25.00 100.00 550.00 10.00 200.00 10.00 10.00 30.00 250.00 50.00 100.00 200.00 255.13 50.00 32.75 25.00 Grover Factory Fire 93 Standard Supply Company Brockton, $25.00 Staples Coal Company 100.00 Starr, Clark H 10.00 Steam & Gas Fitters' Union No. 316 . . 10.00 Stein Block Company 100.00 Stevens, Thomas 1.00 Stone, F. L 7.00 Stone Masons' Union No. 14 15.00 Storey, Charles R 15.00 Storey, Charles R. Company 25.00 Straffin, N. F 25.00 Straffin, William D 5.00 Street Department, Employees .... 19.00 Studley, Frederick E 5.00 Sullivan, John A. & Co 25.00 Sullivan, M. A 1.00 Superior Polish Company, The .... 10.00 Sweatt, W. B 10.00 Sweetser, A. T 25.00 Sympathizer 2.00 Sympathy (E. K.) 25.00 Taber, Elmer M 5.00 Taber Leather Company 25.00 Taft, F. O., & Co 10.00 Taft, John W 10.00 Taunton Lumber Company 100.00 Taylor, E. E. & Co 100.00 Taylor, E. E. & Co., Employees .... 483.95 Taylor, Edric R 5.00 Ten Times One Club 85.00 Terry, A. B. & Co. and Employees ... 14.00 Thatcher, Dr. George A 10.00 ThayerBros 10.00 Thomas, H. O 10.00 Thompson, A. C 50.00 Thompson Bros 100.00 Thompson Bros., Employees 288.00 Thorndike, Dr. James S 10.00 Thome, William H 10.00 94 Brockton Relief Fund Thurber & Wade Brockton, $25.00 Tibbetts, J. E 100.00 Tibbetts, J. E., Employees 141.50 Tilden, D. D. & L. C 25.00 Tilton, C. W 10.00 Tilton Heel Company, Employees ... 51.65 Tinkham, H. L 100.00 Tolman, F. S 100.00 Tolman, Harry C 25.00 Treers' Union No. 36 100.00 Tuck Manufacturing Company and Em- ployees 75.00 Tuesday Afternoon Club 15.00 Turrell, H. N 5.00 Union Credit Company 10.00 Union Shank Company, Employees . . 29.75 Union St. Jean Baptist Society of America ,, 26.50 Union Veterans' Union 10.00 United Order of the Golden Star, Lincoln Commandery No. 11 10.00 United Shoe Machinery Company, Agents and Office Force ,, 87.50 United States Express Company, Check . 1.00 Unknown 5.00 U.O.O.F., Howard Colony No. 69 ... 10.00 Vampers' Union No. 256 150.00 Van Ness, Joseph, Publishing Company . 100.00 Vega Club 113.31 Vincent, J. K 25.00 Walls, Emmet T. (Contribution of Local Bus. Agents, B. & S. W. U.) 5.00 Washburn, F. B. & Co 100.00 Washburn, F. B. & Co., Employees ... 62.05 Water Works Repair Shop Employees . , 10.00 Wheeler, George A 10.00 Wheeler & Wilson Manufacturing Com- pany 100.00 Whipple, John J 25.00 Grover Factory Fire 95 White-Dunham Shoe Company .... Brockton, $200.00 White-Dunham Shoe Company, Em- ployees 504.52 White, Frank E 100.00 White, Jonathan 30.00 Whitman & Keith Company 100.00 Whitman & Keith Company, Em- ployees 221.50 Whitman, Mrs. Lena Wade 10.00 Whitman, Mrs. Lena Wade, Young La- dies' Employees 5.50 Wilkins, Mrs. George H 25.00 Wilkins, Horace W 2.00 Willett, L 5.00 Willey, Chester O 10.00 Williams Bros 25.00 Williams, Joseph, Gary Hill 2.00 Winner, E. A 25.00 Winsor, Harry G 5.00 W.O.G.C., Volunteer Commandery . . 5.00 Woldstad's Shoe Store 5.00 Woman's Christian Temperance Union . 5.00 Woman's Relief Corps No. 7, Fletcher Webster Post 35.00 Woodbridge, F. L 25.00 Woodbridge, F. L., Employees .... 22.00 Woodman, Alvin 10.00 Woods' Barber Shops 10.00 Woodward, H. F 100.00 Woodward & Wright 100.00 Woodward & Wright, Employees ... 40.00 Wright Bros., Inc 10.00 Y. M. C. A., Bottle 19.03 Young Matrons' Club 10.00 Total contributions from Brockton $47,678.26 Alden, C. H., Employees Abington, $146.00 Arnold, M. N. & Co., Employees .... 450.00 Beals, Mr. and Mrs. George A 20.00 96 Brockton Relief Fund N. E. O. P., Merrimack Lodge No. 195 . Amesbury, $5.00 Strong, Rev. W. E Amherst, 2.05 Falconer's Bible Class, Mrs. J. D Ashdale Farms, 5.00 Ashland School, Grade No. 7 Ashland, 1.50 Bigney, S. O. & Co Attleboro, 50.00 Stewart, William 2.00 Wauneta Colony of Pilgrim Fathers . . 4.00 Woman's Relief Corps No. 45 5.00 Avon Baptist Sunday-school Avon, 13.25 Local Union No. 275 20.00 Day, Thomas C Barnstable, 25.00 A. A. M. C Boston, 1.00 Adams' Express Company 25.00 Adams, Melvin O 10.00 Agoos, L. & Co 25.00 American Hide & Leather Company . . 500.00 American Oak Leather Company ... 500.00 Ames, Mary S 300.00 B. & S. Workers' Union, National Organization 2,500.00 Baker, Charles F. & Co 100.00 Balform, Son & Co 5.00 Bancroft, F. B 25.00 Barnett Leather Company 25.00 Barry & Keyes 25.00 Beaconsfield Hotel Employees, Brookline, 40.00 Beckwith Leather Company 50.00 Bedford- Willis Company, The .... 5.00 Beebe, Lucius & Sons 100.00 Bemis, J. M 50.00 Bennett, J. E., East Boston 5.00 Bisbee, Emma F 10.00 Bliss, Albert W 25.00 Blodgett, Merritt & Co 50.00 Bond, Harold L. Company 10.00 Boston Blacking Company 100.00 Boston Counter Company 100.00 Boston Dry Goods Company 50.00 Boston Globe . 500.00 Grover Factory Fire 97 Boston Ice Company, Employees . . . Boston, Boston Last Company ,, Boston Newsboys' Protective Union No. 9077, A. F. of C Boston Post, Contributions Boston Post Office, Clerks of the Central Office Boston Transcript Boston Typographical Union No. 13 .. Bowdoin Manufacturing Company ... ,, B. P. O. E., Brookline Lodge No. 886 . . Brainerd, C. R. & Co ,, Brown, Charles D. & Co Brown, Durrell & Co Brown & Fiske ,, Brown, George W Brown, Max ,, Burt, D. Arthur ,, Carter, Carter & Meigs Central Labor Union, Cambridge ... Chase & Sanborn ,, Cigar Makers' Union No. 97 Cloverdale Creamery Company .... Columbia Counter Company ,, Columbia Kid Company Columbia Skirt Company Cook, E. E Cottle, F. E Curran & Burton ,, Dahl & Eilers Leather Company .... Day, Henry B., of R. L. Day & Co. ... ,, Dean-Chase Company ,, Decrow, W. E Demnig & Rogers ,, Draper, Eben S Dungan, Hood & Co ,, Dunn, Green Company Durnin, McLaughlin & Co Eagle Oil & Supply Company .25 50.00 15.00 964.74 175.50 100.00 25.00 5.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 100.00 50.00 100.00 25.00 10.00 50.00 10.00 100.00 25.00 50.00 100.00 25.00 5.00 5.00 100.00 100.00 25.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 25.00 100.00 100.00 25.00 10.00 50.00 98 Brockton Relief Fund Eastern Expanded Metal Company . . Boston, $25.00 Eisendrath, B. D 20.00 Engineer, An 1.00 England Walton Company 100.00 Evans, John R. & Co 50.00 Fallen, W. J 100.00 Farley, Harvey & Co 50.00 Farnsworth, Hoyt & Co 100.00 Fenno, Herbert L 25.00 Ferdinand, Frank 105.00 Field, J. W. & Co 25.00 Flynn, C. G 25.00 Fogg, George P 10.00 Foss, Eugene N 500.00 Fox, A. & Co 11.50 Fredricton, J. W 5.00 Friend 10.00 Friend 50.00 Friend 10.00 Friend 2.00 Friend (Brookline, Mass.) 10.00 Friend (M. J. C.) 5.00 Friends 10.00 Friends 10.00 Friends 25.00 Frost, George Company 25.00 Frostel, Albert & Sons 100.00 Gallun, A. F. & Sons, Boston & Mil- waukee 100.00 Grass & Gordon 10.00 Gray, Clark & Engle 50.00 Green, Harry D 1.00 Guild, Curtis, Jr 25.00 Gutterson, Herbert E. & Co 25.00 Hale Galloup Company 15.00 Hallett, M. C 25.00 Hancock Inspirator Company, Em- ployees 53.00 Harris, Miss Carrie L 5.00 Grover Factory Fire 99 Harris, Charles T Boston, $5.00 Hastings, A. W. & Co 25.00 Hathaway, Soule & Harrington .... 25.00 Hauthaway, C. L. & Son 200.00 Hay, Rev. and Mrs. Clinton 10.00 Helburn Leather Company ,, 25.00 Herman, Joseph M. & Co 25.00 Hobbs & Warren Company 10.00 Holbrook, W. H. & Co 100.00 Holland Manufacturing Company ... 25.00 Hosmer, Codding Company 50.00 Hotel Gladstone Residents, Roxbury . . 43.00 Houston, James A 25.00 Hovey, C. F. & Co 100.00 Howes Bros 50.00 I. O. O. F., King Solomon Lodge .... 15.00 Jackson & Newton Company 25.00 James, The George Co 15.00 Jordan, Marsh & Co 100.00 Keefe, Cornelius, Jr 100.00 Kennedy, John A. & Co 10.00 Kidder, Peabody & Co 250.00 Kistler, Leesh & Co 100.00 Lally, W. J. & Co 25.00 Lamson & Hubbard ,, 25.00 Lang, Tillman & Tupper 100.00 Lawrence, Amory A 100.00 Leatherbee, C. W. Lumber Company . . ,, 25.00 Lee, Higginson & Co 500.00 Lee, John Alden 1.00 LeviseurBros 100.00 Lind, B. F 15.00 Linscott, J. M 10.00 Locke &Knox 100.00 Lufkin, R. H 10.00 Martin, George Leather Company ... 25.00 McCarter, J. G 50.00 McElwain, W. H. Company 250.00 McKim, R. B 5.00 100 Brockton Relief Fund Means, Charles J Boston, $25.00 Mellin's Food Company 25.00 Moore, Baker & Co 10.00 Moore, B. N. & Sons 50.00 Morgenthan, Henry 100.00 Morse, J. C. & Co 100.00 Mosser, William F. & Co 100.00 National Fire Appliance Company ... 25.00 Neagle, Otis S. Company, Inc 25.00 N. E.G. P., Geneva Lodge, Dorchester . 5.00 New England Blacking Company ... 50.00 New England Shoe & Leather Ex- change 1,180.00 New England Trunk Company .... 50.00 Newman, I. & Son 25.00 New York & Boston Despatch Express Company 25.00 Noonan, T. Company 10.00 Odence, Charles 30.00 Ohabei Shalom Temple Sunday-school . 10.66 Ohio Leather Company ,, 50.00 Peerless Machinery Company 100.00 Pfister & Vogel Leather Company ... 100.00 Pierce, S. S. Company 100.00 Pinkham, H. T 25.00 Plant, Thomas G. Company 50.00 Pope, Arthur W. & Co 100.00 Post Publishing Company 500.00 Power, J. H. & Co 25.00 Preferred Mercantile Company .... 100.00 Proctor-Ellison Company 100.00 Rice & Hutchins * 500.00 Ricker, E. Son & Co 25.00 Riken, J. H. . . .? 2.00 Riley& Burke 25.00 Riley, Thomas C 25.00 Rousmaniere-WilliamSjCompany ... 100.00 Rueping, Fred, Leather Company ... 100.00 Rime, Thomas W. & Co 25.00 Grover Factory Fire 101 Ryan, James Boston, $20.00 Sands, Taylor & Wood Company .... 100.00 Schoellkopf & Co 50.00 Scott, J. C. and Friends 15.00 Seelye Manufacturing Company .... 25.00 Seigel-Eiseman & Co 250.00 Shaw, J. F. & Co 100.00 Sheares' Club, Cambridge 1.00 Sherwin, Edward 10.00 Shuman, A. Company 100.00 Singer Sewing Machine Company ... 1,000.00 Southwick, L. B 25.00 Spiers Fish Brick Company 15.00 Sprague, Nugent Company 15.00 Standard Manufacturing Company ... 5.00 Standard Oil Company of New York, Boston Department 200.00 Stetson, W. A 50.00 Sudbury Manufacturing Company ... ,, 5.00 Surpass Leather Company, Boston and New York 100.00 Sympathizer 5.00 Talbot & Co 50.00 Thayer, Foss & Co 50.00 Thayer, N. F 5.00 Thomas, Charles U. & Co 50.00 Thread Agency, The 200.00 Tobin, John F 25.00 Tracy Bros. Leather Company ,, 25.00 Trasier, Henry & Co 100.00 Traveling Salesman 2.00 Trent, James, Manager New England News Company 50.00 Tubular Rivet Company 100.00 Union Spec. Sewing Machine Company . ,, 50.00 United Commercial Travelers of Amer- ica, Boston Council 50.00 United Shoe Machinery Company ... 1,000.00 United States Leather Company .... 1,000.00 102 Brockton Relief Fund Vinson & Howard Company Boston, $10.00 Wadleigh, H. W. & Co ' 100.00 Waldo Bros 25.00 Walker, Victor 10.00 Walter Baker Employees 400.00 Ward, Samuel Company 15.00 W. C., Mrs 5.00 West, Frank N 10.00 Whipple, J. R. & Co 100.00 Whipple, Sherman L 25.00 Whittemore Bros. & Co 100.00 Wholesale & Commission Fresh Fish Dealers 206.00 Williams, George Fred 10.00 Williams, Mr 5.00 Woodbury,E.S.&Co 25.00 Woods, John M. & Co., East Cambridge . 25.00 Young, John D. & Sons 50.00 Young, Richard 100.00 Hamilton, Morton W Bradford, 5.00 A Friend Braintree, 2.00 Bridgewater Relief Corps No. 169 . . . Bridgewater, 5.00 Friends 8.00 McElwain Company, W. H., Employees, 145.10 Perkins Company, The Henry, Employees 34 .00 Steam Fire Engine Company No. 1 ... 10.00 U. O. G. C., Provident Commandery No. 383 6.75 McMurtry, A. J. & G. H Brighton, 10.00 Local Union No. 271 Chelsea, 15.00 The Boston Harness Company Concord, 25.00 Creese & Cook Company Danvers, 25.00 Grand Concert and Ball in Odd Fellows' Hall Duxbury, 70.00 M. E. Sunday-school E. Bridgewater, 5.00 Alfred C. Monroe Relief Corps No. 170 . 5.00 Union Cong. Sunday-school 12.70 Woman's Justin Dimick Relief Corps No. 47 . 5.00 Grover Factory Fire 103 G. A. R. Post No. 52 Easton, $5.00 Ladies' Outlook Club 6.00 Eastondale Woman's Alliance Eastondale, 5.00 Eastondale Woman's Relief Corps No. 52, 5.00 Elijah A. Morse Sons of Veterans . ... 5.00 Billings, Charles C., " Squirrel's Nest " . E. Wareham, 10.00 Ducey, Mrs. Bessie D., and Dickerson, Mrs. Helen M E. Weymouth, 1.00 First Cong. Sunday-school 15.00 Mixed Union No. 53 25.00 Elmwood Fire Company Elmwood, 10.00 Andrews & Co. Employees Everett, 74.35 B. P. O. E., Everett Lodge 25.00 B. P. O. E., Fall River Lodge No. 118 .. Fall River, 25.00 Cardroom Protective Association ... 25.00 Cotton Mule Spinners' Association ... ,, 50.00 Coughlin, John T 50.00 Davis, N. F 2.00 Fall River Bartenders' Union, Local No. 99 10.00 Fall River Loom Fixers' Association . . ,, 25.00 Fall River Textile Council 100.00 Marston, C. A., of the " Wilbur "... 50.00 Order Sons of St. George, U. S. Grant Lodge No. 182 10.00 Slade, David F 5.00 Society of St. Vincent de Paul 100.00 Typographical Union No. 161 10.00 Weavers' Progressive Association ... ,, 50.00 Webb, Frederick 25.00 Fraternal Order of Eagles, Fitchburg Aerie No. 448 Fitchburg, 25.00 Musicians' Protective Union No. 173 . . ,, 10.00 Sympathizer Gardner, 1.00 F. L. Bonney Woman's Relief Corps . . Hanson, 10.00 King's Daughters, Gordon Rest Circle . ,, 5.00 B. P. 0. E., Haverhill Lodge No. 165 . . Haverhill, 25.00 Charlesworth, E 5.00 Cutters' Union 10.00 104 Brockton Relief Fund Haverhill Benefit Concert Haverhill, $362.06 Haverhill Central Labor Union Concert . 29.50 B. &S. W.U Holbrook, 10.00 King's Daughters, In- As-Much Circle . . 5.00 King's Daughters, In-His-Name Circle . 5.00 Sunshine Band 2.00 Winthrop Cong. Church 75.60 Draper Company Hopedale, 500.00 Business Men's Association and Friends . Hyde Park, 110.00 K. of P., Cape Ann Lodge No. 55 .... Lanesville, 10.00 B. P. O. E., Lawrence Lodge No. 65 . . Lawrence, 25.00 Leominster Light & Power Company, Employees Leominster, 10.00 L. W. S Linden Highlands, 1.00 B. P. 0. E., Lowell Lodge No. 87 . . . . Lowell, 25.00 1. 0. 0. F., Manchester Unity 25.00 Lilley, C. S 25.00 Aborn, C. H. & Co Lynn, 60.00 Bailey & Davis 3.35 Bartlett, Albion 27.25 Bates, Charles S 10.00 Belonga, G. W. Co 16.50 Bemis & Wright 25.00 Blake, Charles E. & Co 25.00 Bodwell, J. A. & Co 100.00 B.&S. Workers Local Union No. 99 . . 25.00 B. & S. Workers Local Union No. 108 . 25.00 B. & S. Workers Local Union No. 289 . 25.00 B. P.O. E., Lynn Lodge No. 117 . ... 25.00 Brophy Bros. Shoe Company 100.00 Brown, C. A. & Co. (H. W. Breed) ... 5.00 Caunt, Joseph & Co 103.30 Children of Lynn 3.15 Cobb, Charles H. and Employees ... 23.25 Corcoran, Thomas & Sons 15.70 Cox, Samuel 1.00 Creighton, G. A. & Son 60.00 Cross, John H 117.85 Cushman & Cushman 30.00 Grover Factory Fire 105 Cushman & Hebert Lynn, $45.50 Daniels, George F. Company 24.00 Dibble, William B 4.00 Dickinson, Joseph 25.00 Donovan, D. A. & Co 55.00 Downs & Watson Company 30.00 Dunbar, Everett H 25.00 Eagle Shoe Company 32.05 Engel Hodgkins Shoe Company .... 21.65 Faunce & Spinney 111.50 Fisher, Alfred D 18.40 Ford, H. R. & Co 21.00 Forien, Frederick 1.00 Grover's Sons, J. J 72.50 Harney Bros 50.00 Hennessey & Thomson 69.80 Herrick Shoe Company, G. W 25.75 Hoag&Walden 44.50 Howe & Stocker 15.00 Hoyt, Howe & Co 22.25 Johnson, Luther S. & Co 61.10 Joint Council No. 4 100.00 Jones, V. K. & A. H 34.30 Kellam-Goller-Land Company .... 42.05 Kiely, T. J. & Co 10.00 Lasters' Union No. 32 50.00 Lord, A. & Co 5.00 Luddy & Currier 44.00 Lynn Baseball & Amusement Com- pany 184.35 Lynn Central Labor Union 25.00 Lynn Grocery & Provision Clerks' Asso- ciation 10.00 Lynn Shoe Company 10.00 Merrill Shoe Company, G. D 16.50 Miller-Hapgood Shoe Company .... 13.25 Morning Star Shoe Company 48.20 Morse & Logan 50.00 Murray Shoe Company 30.00 106 Brockton Relief Fund Nicholson, R. A. & Co Lynn, $7.35 Obear, Joseph L 2.25 Orne & Grover 20.00 Phelan, James & Son 80.00 Porter, William & Son 50.00 Randall- Adams Company ,, 27.00 Richardson, Charles H 10.00 Ricker Shoe Company, E. T 30.00 Seymour & Jackson ,, 15.00 Shea & Donnelly 10.00 Sherry Shoe Company 13.30 Smith, Aaron F. Company 40.00 Thomas & Tarr, J. B 25.00 Timson & Co 15.75 Travers, T. F. & Co 13.50 Tuttle, W. H. Company 10.25 Walton & Logan Company 211.60 Watson Shoe Company 42.50 Welch & Landregan 109.29 Williams, Clark & Co 104.55 Wilson, Charles E 22.25 Wilson, Charles E., through 24.75 Worthley, Mark J 35.00 Ancient Order of Hibernians, Division No. 38 Maiden, 10.00 Mansfield Board of Trade Mansfield, 25.00 B. & S. Workers Local Union No. 306 . Marblehead, 20.00 Grand Concert, April 10, 1905 Marlboro, 660.85 Marlboro Business Men's Club 50.00 Maynard Loom Textile Union No. 401 . Maynard, 25.00 Whittaker, Mr. and Mrs. William H. . . 1.00 B. P. O. E., Medford Lodge, through D. W. Long Medford, 25.00 Friend 1.00 Hansen, F. E Melrose, 1.00 B. & S. Workers Local Union No. 20 . . Middleboro, 100.00 I. O. O. F., Assawampsett Lodge .... 25.00 Archer, Calvert B Milford, 5.00 B. P. O. E., Milford Lodge No. 628 ... 25.00 Grover Factory Fire 107 Carroll-Hixon-Jones Company, Em- ployees Milford, $50.00 Friend 25.00 Huchins, Temple & Wood, Stitching- Room Employees 25.35 Mittineague Paper Company Mittineague, 25.00 Graham, John, and son Bert Mt. Washington, 1.00 Lodge, Henry Cabot Nahant, 25.00 Natick Box Company Natick, 25.00 B. P. O. E., New Bedford Lodge .... New Bedford, 225.00 B. P. O. E., New Bedford Lodge No. 73 . 50.00 B. & S. Workers Local Union No. 21 . . 21.50 B & S. Workers Local Union No. 238 . 30.00 Crapo, W. W 25.00 Dawson & Son ,, 5.00 Friend 1.00 Grinnell, Frederick 25.00 Kirby, Jr., George & Co 10.00 Local Union No. 243 50.00 New Bedford Cotton Weavers' Pro- tective Association ,, 25.00 New Bedford Finishers (Sympathy) . . 1.00 Nye, Jr., Willard 10.00 Shurtleff, John R 2.00 Trinitarian Cong. Church Collection . . 50.00 Arnold Bros. & Co N. Abington, 25.00 B. & S. Workers Local Union No. 371 . 50.00 Chamberlain, Albert ,, 4.00 Crossett, Lewis A 100.00 McPherson Relief Corps No. 108 .... 10.00 Reed Lumber Company, The E. P. ... 25.00 B. P. O. E., North Adams Lodge No. 487, N. Adams, 25.00 B. & S. Workers Local Union No. 285 . . 25.00 Ames, John S N. Easton, 300.00 Ames, Lothrop ,, 300.00 Ames, William H 100.00 Carpenters' Union No. 784 25.00 R. A. Council No. 866 10.00 Unity Church, Young Matrons' Club . . ,, 5.00 108 Brockton Relief Fund B. & S. Workers Local Union No. 52 .. N. Grafton, $100.00 Congregational Church N. Middleboro, 20.00 Congregational Church Junior C. E. Society .90 Hawes, Elisha N. Stoughton, 3.00 B. & S. Workers Local Union No. 361 . . N. Weymouth, 25.00 Gushing, Frank Onset, 5.00 Onset Fire Department 35.00 National Wool & Leather Company . . Peabody, 25.00 B. P. O. E., Pittsfield Lodge No. 272 . Pittsfield, 20.21 Burns, Robert, and other conductors . . Plymouth, 28.00 Citizens of the Town of Plymouth ... 1,105.35 Dewlly, Jediah 5.00 G. A. R., Collingwood Post No. 76 ... 25.00 The Little Workers 14.00 Friend and Follower Provincetown, 1.00 Sons of St. George, Granite Lodge No. 193 Quincy, 10.00 Translucent Fabric Company 25.00 Belcher, Henry A Randolph, 25.00 B.&S. Workers Local Union No. 122 . . 25.00 Farnham, Dr. C. C 5.00 Houghton, Ralph 5.00 North School Children and Teachers . . 15.35 Prescott School 12.00 Richards & Brennan Company .... 100.00 Richards & Brennan Company, Em- ployees 194.75 G. A. R., Wm. B. Eaton Post No. 199 . . Revere, 10.00 M. E. C 1.00 Beal & McCarthy Rockland, 10.00 Beal & McCarthy, Employees 8.00 Business and Professional Men .... 78.25 Holy Family Church . 124.00 Hurley Shoe Company, Employees ... 136.50 Ladies' Enthusiastic Whist Club .... 2.00 Packard, S.E.& Son, Employees. ... 22.25 Red Men, Mattakeesett Tribe No. 153 . 20.00 Rice & Hutchins, Employees 192.00 Grover Factory Fire 109 Sons of Veterans, Gen. Hartsuff Camp No. 50 Rockland, $10.00 Spence, James W 100.00 Spence, John & Co 100.00 Standish Dramatic Club, The 241.03 Terhune Shoe Company, J. W., Em- ployees 140.00 Wright, E. T. & Co 50.00 Wright, E. T. & Co., Employees .... 183.11 B. P.O. E., Salem Lodge No. 799 . . . Salem, 25.00 Rainville, Rev. G. A 25.00 Silver Lake Sewing Circle Silver Lake, 5.00 First Baptist Church Somerset, 11.50 B. P. O. E., Somerville Lodge No. 917 . . Somerville, 100.00 Cutler, S. Newton 5.00 Slater & Morrill, Employees S. Braintree, 237.75 Stephen & Willis Company ,, 25.00 Williams-Kneeland Company, Em- ployees 250.00 Richard, The Stephen Company .... Southbridge, 25.00 Allen, F. C S. Framingham, 10.00 Mixed Union No. 19 25.00 Welch, William J 10.00 W. T. H S. Hanson, 1.00 Woman's Christian Union 5.00 Friend S. Weymouth, 5.00 Stetson Shoe Company, Employees . . ,, 200.00 B. & S. Workers Local Union No. 139 . . Springfield, 10.00 B. & S. Workers Local Union No. 215 . . 25.00 Dickinson, Francke W ,, 5.00 Goetting, A. H 10.00 Wright, Horace P 100.00 Zeikel, E. M 10.00 Ellis, Rachel, Ruth Capen and Marion Clapp, Proceeds of candy sale .... Stoughton, 5.00 Fitzpatrick Shoe Company, Employees . ,, 120.00 N. E. O. P., Benefit Lodge No. 198 ... 10.00 Phinney Counter Company, J. G. . . . ,, 100.00 Phinney Counter Company, Employees . ,, 200.00 110 Brockton Relief Fund Plymouth Rubber Company, Employees, Stoughton, $26.25 Stoughton Fire Department 25.00 Stoughton Veteran Fireman's Associa- tion 25.00 Upham Bros. Company 75.00 Upham Bros. Company, Employees . . 216.50 Coyle, John D Surfside, 10.00 Bonney Benefit Whist Party Swampscott, 26.50 Brogan, M. E 1.50 Residents of Swansea Swansea, 20.00 A. F. & A. M., Ionic Lodge Taunton, 50.00 B. P. O. E., Taunton Lodge No. 150 . . 25.00 Bristol Club 50.00 Cash . 10.00 Eldridge, Hon. John H 10.00 Hall, F. S 25.00 I. O. 0. F., Elizabeth Poole Rebekah Lodge No. 25 5.00 Rhoades, M. M. & Sons Company ... 100.00 Tetlow, Edward A 5.00 Bourn, Hadley & Co Templeton, 5.00 Lefevere, J. E Waltham, 1.00 Middleton, Thomas 2.00 Howard Seminary Pupils W. Bridgewater, 33.00 First Universalist Church Weymouth, 31.80 First Universalist Church Sunday-school, 5.00 Nadell, Warren F 1.00 Third Universalist Parish and Y. P. C. U., 25.25 Union Cong'l Church of Weymouth andBraintree 35.53 Woman's Relief Corps No. 102 10.00 American Shoe Finding Company . . . Whitman, 100.00 B. & S. Workers Local Union No. 31 . . 50.00 B. & S. Workers Local Union No. 69 . . 50.00 Carpenters' Union No. 1018 25.00 Charity Whist given by Whitman La- dies 310.00 Coming Men of America, Bay State Lodge No. 3686 1.00 Grover Factory Fire 111 Commonwealth Shoe & Leather Com- pany, Employees Whitman, $525.55 Cong'l Church and Sunday-school ... 20.25 Epworth League Circuit of Methodist Churches and Vicinity 10.00 Fisk, Edward & Co 50.00 G. A. R. Post No. 78 25.00 Oilman, Alton S 1.00 Oilman, Archie C 1.00 Gurney, D. B., Fac. Employees .... 150.00 K of P., Plymouth Rock Lodge No. 43 . 25.00 N. E. O. P., Whitman Lodge No. 86 . . 5.00 Regal Shoe Company 600.00 Regal Shoe Company, Employees ... 451.45 Smith, S. A 5.00 Vida Rebekah Lodge No. 43 10.00 Whitman Band 58.00 Whitman Board of Trade, Citizens' Committee 500.00 Whitman Board of Trade, Citizens and Committee 61.00 Whitman Shank Company, Employees . 6.50- Whitman Sympathizer, A 1.00 Whitman Woman's Alliance 10.00 Swedish Society Nordstjernan No. 49, Vasa Order Woburn, 10.00 Goes, Loring Worcester, 10.00 Gilbur Last Company 25.00 Hayward, Samuel R 100.00 Phoenyo Caffein Company 20.00 Washburn, Charles G 25.00 White, Rev. and Mrs. Elliot 5.00 CALIFORNIA. B. & S. Workers Union Local No. 324 . Oakland, $5.00 B.&S. Workers Local Union No. 335 . Petaluma, 5.00 Atherton, A. H San Francisco, 5.00 Boot & Shoe Mfgs. Association .... 50.00 B. & S. Workers Local Union No. 216 50.00 112 Brockton Relief Fund CALIFORNIA Continued. B. & S. Workers Local Union No. 320 . San Francisco, $5.00 Boot & Shoe Workers Union 58.00 Brown, Mark L 2.50 Dunnuck, C. M 2.50 Evans, C. W 5.00 Farrell, T. F 2.50 Hallahan, Walter J 5.00 Hawley, Carson 2.50 Jackson, William 5.00 James, W. H. H 5.00 Jones, A. B 2.50 Medire, A. F 5.00 Pitts, J. E 10.00 Prince, R. J 10.00 Poole, C. H 5.00 Price, L. R 5.00 Roberts, L. T 5.00 Ryan, W. H 5.00 Smith, Charles H 2.50 Walk Over Shoe Store 5.00 Wetherby, B. F 5.00 Young, E. C 5.00 Young, George H 25.00 Young, Mrs. George H 2.50 CONNECTICUT. Beacon Falls Rubber Shoe Company . . Beacon Falls, $25.00 B. & S. Workers Local Union No. 323 . . Danbury, 25.00 Sawyer, L. D New Haven, 2.00 ILLINOIS. Arnstein, Eugene Chicago, $50.00 Swift & Co., through Cahoon, Kingman & Swift 100.00 Union Special Mch. Company 50.00 B. & S. Workers Local Union No. 124 . . Elgin, 5.00 IOWA. B. & S. Workers Local Union No. 363 . . Keokuk, $10.00 Grover Factory Fire 113 LOUISIANA. B. & S. Workers Local Union No. 269 . . New Orleans, $25.00 MAINE. Carll, W. R Alfred, $2.20 Cushman, Hillis Company, National Shoemakers, and Briggs, Howard & Pray, Lasters Auburn, 39.50 Cushman, Hollis Company, Cutting and Stitching Room 18.00 Field Bros. & Gross Company, Em- ployees 20.00 National Shoemakers'Factory Cutters . 26.00 Treers and Finishers of Auburn, Me. . . 60.25 United Shoe Machinery Company, Office Employees 22.50 National Shoemakers, Stitching Room Employees Dennison, 19.50 B. & S. Workers Local Union No. 344 . . Ellsworth, 25.00 Byrne, Philip J., General Organizer B. & S. W. U Lewiston, 1.00 Foss & Packard, Employees 16.85 National Shoemakers, Additional from Employees 84.30 Shoe Workers of Lewiston, Me 75.48 Wise & Cooper, Employees 17.25 B. & S. Workers Local Union No. 349 . . Mechanics Falls, 25.00 E.N.P Portland, 10.00 Schlotterbeck & Foss Company .... 25.00 MICHIGAN. B. & S. Workers Local Union No. 30 . . Detroit, $10.00 Schmidt, Carl E. & Co 200.00 MINNESOTA. Holm, Rev. Carl W Red Wing, $10.00 MISSOURI. B.&S. Workers Local Union No. 13 . . St. Louis, $25.00 B. & S. Workers Local Union No. 25 50.00 114 Brockton Relief Fund MISSOURI Continued. B. & S. Workers Local Union No. 126 . St. Louis, $10.00 B. & S. Workers Local Union No. 338 . 25.00 Lasters' Union No. 470 10.00 NEBRASKA. B. & S. Workers Local Union No. 292 . Omaha, $10.00 NEW HAMPSHIRE. First Baptist Church Manchester, $9.21 Reed, H. B. & Co 100.00 NEW JERSEY. B. & S. Workers Local Union No. 125 . Camden, $5.00 NEW YORK. Mixed Union No. 160 Brooklyn, $10.00 Murphy, J. W 10.00 B. & S. Workers' Local Union No. 405 . Hornellsville, 10.00 Alexander, Andrew, Estate of New York City, 500.00 American Leather Company 50.00 Bier, Arthur & Co 5.00 Blumenthal Bros 10.00 B. & S. Workers Union No. 309 .... 10.00 Borden's Condensed Milk Company . . 25.00 Bourne, S. W 25.00 Corset, R. & G. Company 10.00 Favorite Skirt Company 5.00 Finkelstein, H 5.00 Fleischman Company, The 100.00 Goldfield, Joseph A 5.00 Haley, C. J. & Co 5.00 Kaplan, Hyman 2.00 Kirsh Manufacturing Company .... 33.50 Kops Bros 25.00 Larocque, Joseph 100.00 Martin, M. & Co 5.00 Mendelson, Leo & Co 10.00 Muller, Schall & Co 25.00 Neilson & Crossley 5.00 Grover Factory Fire 115 NEW YORK Continued. Palmer, Solon (Palmer's Perfumes) . . New York City, $5.00 Perkins, George W 100.00 Rosenberg Bros. & Lockwood 15.00 Rosenthal & Grotta 5.00 Samuels, Abraham }) 5.00 Schoolhouse, Charles & Son 10.00 Sicher, D. E. & Co 10.00 Solzman, M 2.00 Spool Cotton Company, The 100.00 Stein, P 2.00 Steinhardt, A. & Bro 5.00 Werthimer & Co 5.00 Will, E. J 20.00 Woolworth, F. W. & Co 100.00 Woolworth, F. W. & Co., Employees . . 27.75 Rochester Joint Shoe Council Rochester, 50.00 Yawman & Erbe Manufacturing Com- pany 25.00 B. & S. Workers Local Union No. 159 . . Syracuse, 15.00 OHIO. Mears, T. Y Chagrin Falls, $1.00 B. & S. Workers' Local Union No. 222 . Cincinnati, 10.00 Janacsek, Mrs. Lajos Cleveland, 1.00 Zimmerman, F 2.00 B. & S. Workers Union No. 347 .... Hamilton, 5.00 Rosenbaum, F. A. & Co Youngstown, 5.00 PENNSYLVANIA. Allen, H. W Emlenton, $5.00 B. & S. Workers Local Union No. 377 . . Honesdale, 10.00 B.&S. Workers Local Union No. 41 IB , Lebanon, 7.37 Ardross Worsted Company, Frankford . Philadelphia, 5.00 Baum, Louis B 10.00 Folwell Bros & Co 10.00 Ingber & Wertheimer ,, 2.00 Carnegie Hero Fund^ommission . . . Pittsburg, 10,000.00 Heleig, Lorin 5.00 116 Brockton Relief Fund RHODE ISLAND. Bass, Rev. E. C., D.D Providence, $10.00 B. P. O. E., Providence Lodge No. 14 . . 100.00 Cherry, W. S 10.00 Friend (C. F. T. E.) 2.00 Mathewson St. Church Collection ... 41.00 McHale, W. H 15.00 Morehouse, B 2.00 Snow, B. F 1.00 Typographical Union No. 33 25.00 White, John R. & Son 50.00 Friend in Sympathy Woonsocket, 1.00 VERMONT. Buchanan, Enos B Chester, $5.00 WISCONSIN. B. & S. Workers Local Union No. 394 . . Eau Claire, $5.00 B. & S. Workers Local Union No. 340 . . Janesville, 5.00 B. & S. Workers Local Union No. 276 . . Racine, 10.00 CANADA. B. & S. Workers Local Union No. 228 . . Hamilton, $15.00 B. & S. Workers Local Union No. 234 . . 5.00 B. & S. Workers Local Union No. 251 . . Montreal, 5.00 B. & S. Workers Local Union No. 249 . . 10.00 B. &S. Workers Local Union No. 266 . . 15.55 B. & S. Workers Local Union No. 267 . . 7.00 B. & S. Workers Local Union No. 233 . . Toronto, 10.00 ENGLAND. Coy, William $5.00 Jenkins, William H., Manager Emerson Shoe Store London, 10.00 Walk Over Shoe Stores: Campbell, John T. . 11s. Od. Harris, Thomas G. 1 10 Harrison, Fred T. 1 15 Irish, Will F. . . . 1 12 Rackliffe, Marvin M., London, 100 Grover Factory Fire 117 ENGLAND Continued. Walk Over Shoe Stores: Reuss, John .... London, 1 5s. Qd. Benson, Charles H. . Birmingham, 1 10 Gascoigne, W. H. . . Liverpool, 186 Hargan, Edward . . Manchester, 170 Coltart, G Edinburgh, Scot., 150 Harris, William E. . Glasgow, 1 10 6 Ramsay, David . . 50 Woodman, George H., Manager of Walk Over Shoe Stores in Great Britain 20 $170.02 Grand total of contributions, $104, 187.87 REPORT OF THE TREASURER STATEMENT OP THE RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS OP THE BROCKTON RELIEF FUND FOR SUFFERERS FROM R. B. GROVER & Co.'s FACTORY FIRE AT THE TURNING OVER OP THE SAME TO THE BROCKTON NATIONAL BANK. RECEIPTS. Contributions $104,187.87 Interest on deposits 891.18 Amount refunded 118.00 $105,197.05 DISBURSEMENTS. Paid out for relief $61,410.79 Paid Brockton National Bank 43,786.26 $105,197.05 W. H. EMERSON, Treasurer. BROCKTON, MASS., March 1, 1907. To THE TRUSTEES OF THE BROCKTON RELIEF FUND FOR SUFFERERS FROM R. B. GROVER & Co.'s FACTORY FIRE: This is to certify that we have examined the books and accounts of the Treasurer of the fund to September 30, 1905, and find that the total receipts for the fund were $105,197.05; that there had been paid for relief $61,410.79, for which proper vouchers are on file. Balance on hand September 30, 1905, $43,786.26, of which $43,686.26 was on deposit in the Brockton National Bank and $100 in the hands of the trustees. Respectfully submitted, C. C. CROCKER, B. B. WINSLOW, Auditors. HV THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW. Series 9482 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 000 876 595 o