f!A GORTON LASSWADE MIDLOTHIAN % wf&* ^ ' IvsHv^J** Az** I PHILOSOPHICAL WOEKS HON. D.C.L. OXON. THE COLLECTED WORKS OF BISHOP BERKELEY. With Prefaces and Annotations, and an Account of his Life. Four vols. 8vo. Revised Edition. Clarendon Press. 2, 18s. " It is highly creditable to the Delegates of the Clarendon Press to have pro- posed this edition of Berkeley's Works, and it is dilticult to conceive that idea better carried out than it has been by Professor Fraser." Quarterly Review. "At length we have a complete edition of Berkeley's Works, which reflects credit alike on the University Press of Oxford and on the University of Edinburgh." Edi'/iJjurgh Review, SELECTIONS FROM BERKELEY. Witli an Introduction and Notes. For the use of Students in the Universities. One vol. crown 8vo. Clarendon Press. 7s. 6d. "Of the Notes, as of the Introduction, we can safely affirm that they reveal so much care and acuteness, so much candour and familiarity with metaphysical speculations, and such a capacity for presenting the most abstruse questions in language which is never pedantic, but always directly and luminously expressive oi the subject under discussion, as to render the present volume a typical specimen of first-class philosophical editing." Spectator. BERKELEY. "Philosophical Classics for English Readers." New Edition. W. Black wood & Sons. Crown 8vo, Is. " If all volumes of philosophical classics were, like this, literature would n ceive a great acquisition, and general readers a great boon."- Scotsman. LOCKE'S ESSAY CONCERNING HUMAN UNDER- STANDING. Annotated ; with Prolegomena, biographical, critical, and historical. Two vols. 8vo. Clarendon Press. ,1, 12s. "An edition of the great philosophical classic of which the English-speaking world may well be proud." (American} Philosophical lie clew. LOCKE. "Philosophical Classics for English Readers." W. Blackwood & Sons. Crown 8vo, Is. "A model of what such a work should be." Spectator. THOMAS REID. Famous Scots Series. Olipliant, Anderson, A; Ferrier. Fcap., Is. (id. "An expert's work of the best kind." G'uartlian. PHILOSOPHY OE THEISM. Gilford Lectures delivered before the University of Edinburgh in 1894-00. A New Edition. One vol. demy 8vo. W. Blackwood & Sons. 6s. (>d. net. "A notable contribution to philosophical and religious thought." (Quarterly Review. BIOGRAPHIA PHILOSOPHICA BIOGBAPHIA PHILOSOPHIC! A RETROSPECT BY FELLOW OF THE BRITISH ACADEMY ; HON. D.C.L. (OXFORD), HON. LL.D. (GLASG. & EDIX.) LITT.D. (DUBLIN); PROFESSOR (EMERITUS) OF LOGIC AND METAPHYSICS, AND FORMERLY GIFFORD LECTURER ON NATURAL THEOLOGY. IN THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH UT HORA, SIC VITA SECOND EDITION WILLIAM BLACKWOOD AND SONS EDINBURGH AND LONDON MCMV All Rights reseri-ed 7, , rn 10 WIFE, MY CONSTANT LOVING SUPPORT FOR FIFTY-FOUR YEARS. PREFACE. IT may appear to some that in the following pages the Biographia is too prominent, to others that the Philosophia is in excess, and perhaps a larger number may think that there is too much of both. When I remembered how the modesty of David Hume confined his narrative of the events of his own really memorable life within about a dozen pages, I was ready to agree with the first of these opinions, and to resolve that this Retrospect should remain unpublished. But I reflected that here the Biographia was introduced for the sake of Philosophia, so that it was not a story of personal incidents for their own sake. The narra- tive is intended partly to infuse some familiar human interest into this account of a philosophical endeavour to deal with the riddle of the Uni- verse ; and partly to show how racial, educational, and social influences, as well as changing phases of thought and national sentiment, in the last eighty years of the nineteenth century, have tended to Vlll PREFACE. direct the issue of that intellectual endeavour. Besides, as my former publications have been largely fragmentary, it seemed that their latent unity and general drift might become more ap- parent through a medium which, I fear after all, is too autobiographical. The second, fourth, fifth, and eighth chapters are chiefly philosophical : the rationale of theistic faith and hope, in which the preceding chapters converge, is presented in outline in the eighth. The other chapters are more mixed. In the first and seventh I have perhaps unduly indulged in local and personal recollections which might have been multiplied to an indefinite extent. In the third chapter I was led to approach two ecclesiastical revolutions, each of commanding interest in the recent church history of Britain, and which in some respects resemble one another the Oxford Movement, inspired by Newman, which still agitates the ancient historic Church of England, and the Edinburgh Movement, in- spired by Chalmers, which conducted to eccle- siastical disruption in Scotland. I have to thank Professor Pringle-Pattison, my successor in the Chair of Hamilton, for his kindness in reading the proofs, and for useful suggestions. GORTON, HAWTHORNDKX, March 1904. PREFATORY NOTE TO THE SECOND EDITION. I AVAIL myself of a second edition of the ' Bio- graphia' to offer thanks for sympathetic criticism given to the philosophy of theistic faith in which it issues. According to this philosophy, common- sense experience and human science (either con- sciously or tacitly) presuppose a moral or religious final conception of the universe of things and persons in which we participate with all that this conception is found by reflection to involve in its development through the ages ; so that inevitable theistic faith, instead of contradicting the physical order of things, is really its reasonable foundation. How alien soever man may at present be from his divine ideal, the truth that we have our personal being in a universe eternally rooted in Active Eeason or Omnipotent Goodness is thus the lesson at once of religion and philosophy. March 1905. CONTENTS. CHAPTEE I. IN THE LAXD OF LORXE : EARLY MEMORIES. 1819-1833. PACK Some awakening questions in boyhood In what, and why, am I? Early environment at Ardchattan Genealogical Frasers of Strichen Croy and Culloden Campbells of Barcaldine and Glenure Barcaldine Castle Murder of my great-granduncle, Colin Campbell of Glenure, in 1752 'Allan Breck' and ' Kidnapped' A metaphysical Colin Campbell of Achnaba A centenarian at Gallanach Ardchattan manse family My mother and Church of England Evangelicalism Visit to Strathnairn in 1824 Johnson and Boswell at Cawdor manse Miss Macaulay and her nephew "Tom" The "Comet" The sultry summer of 1826 Dunollie and the lords of Lome General Campbell of Lochnell Ardchattan parish school in 1827 and Archibald MacCallum Bishop Corrie Sir Colquhoun Grant My desultory education 'Edinburgh Evening Courant' Glasgow in 1829 and the Catholic Relief Bill Parliamentary Reform and Lord John Russell Favourite books Sir Walter Scott interdicted My metaphysical aunt and John Locke Robert Owen Sir Guy Campbell Ardchattan Priory and the Camp- bells of Ardchattan Laurence Dundas Campbell and " Junius " Inverawe and its legends Bonawe and William Wordsworth Some Lome clergymen John Macleod Campbell Gaelic language and literature and the Gael The Land of Lome in the olden time 1 X CONTENTS. CHAPTEE II. IN EDINBURGH : THE ENIGMA OF THE UNIVERSE. 1833-1842. My tutor in 1833 At Glasgow College Professors William Ramsay, Sir Daniel Sanclford, and James Mylne Edin- burgh in 1836 Professor Pillans David Ritchie and Philosophy in 1835 " Christopher North " Thomas Brown on "Cause and Effect" What is meant by "a cause " ? - David Hume in intellectual perplexity Berkeley, Coleridge, and Kant Sir William Hamilton in 1838 His select class for young metaphysicians His re- unions at 11 Manor Place- J. W. Sernple and J. F. Ferrier Theories of external Perception and of active Causation Commencement of theological studies Hamil- ton and Chalmers Theism of Chalmers Bishop Butler Jonathan Edwards and Universal Necessity What is Death? "Obstinate questionings" German Idealism Edinburgh College companionship John Cairns, James Walker, and David Masson Essay on "Toleration" in 1841 , 38 CHAPTER, III. AN ECCLESIASTICAL DIGRESSION. 1842-1816. Church History and Doctor Welsh The Oxford Movement and Anglo-Catholicism The ' Record ' newspaper The Historic Church-Catholic Studies in Thomas of Aquin, Pascal, and Fenelon Ecclesiastical Infallibility Biblical Infallibility Hooker and the Puritans London visited in 1842 House of Commons Oxford and Newman Belgium, the Rhine, and Rotterdam Ecclesiastical war in Scotland " Voluntaries " and national secularisation Chalmers on Church Establishment in divided Christ- CONTENTS. XI endom Ecclesiastical freedom in the national Estab- lishmentThe "Veto" Act of the Church Viscount Melbourne Sir William Hamilton on "Non-Intrusion" Two Ecclesiastical Ideals in collision in Scotland Dis- ruption in 1843 Cramond and Arthur Collier At Steeple Langford in 1903 Essay on "Leibniz" in 1846 Grantoii House Notable persons Patrick MacDougall Welsh, Candlish, and Guthrie Sir David Brewster Hugh Miller Lord Jeffrey John Stuart Blackie on "a Free Univer- sity " Logic Chair in New College Tour in France and England in 1846 . . . . .83 CHAPTER IV. RETURN TO PHILOSOPHY : ' NORTH BRITISH REVIEW.' 1846-1856. My new environment " A Scottish Pascal " John Veitch, Alexander Balmain Bruce, and Alexander Nicolson Hamilton's "Eeid" in 1846 Chalmers, Morell, and Ger- man Pantheism Death of Chalmers in 1847 Cambridge and Bath in 1848 Hamilton's reunions at 16 Great King Street Doctor Logan and Lord Acton Mill's ' Logic ' Comte's ' Philosophic Positive ' Essay on Hamilton's "Eeid" in 1848 Studies in Aristotle's 'Organon' and the ' Novum Organum ' Editorship of ' North British Review ' in 1850 A summer in England F. D. Maurice, Charles Kingsley, and A. P. Stanley Carlyle and Mill Oxford and Herstmonceaux Some North British Re- viewers Essay on Hamilton's 'Discussions' in 1852 Theistic causation Essay on ' The Insoluble Problem ' in 1854 Is God in any way knowable by man ? Essay on ' Augustinianism,' or the final Destiny of Men, in 1855 Essay on Ferrier's 'Metaphysics' in 1855 Principal William Cunningham versus Isaac Taylor and the ' North British Review' Scottish ecclesiastical theology in the early and the latter part of the nineteenth century Death of Sir William Hamilton in 1856 Contest for the vacant Chair . 127 Xll CONTENTS. CHAPTER V. IN THE CHAIR OF HAMILTON. 1856-1891. Cousin's advice New phases of thought in the 'Fifties and 'Sixties Young Scotland and old Scottish Philosophy Hamilton's ' Lectures ' and Hansel's ' Bampton Lectures ' Hamilton's 'Unknowable Reality' Mansel's two Moral- ities Mill versus Hamilton Spencer's adaptation of Hamilton and Mansel Spinoza, " De Deo," and Essay on Spinoza in 1863 Hegelian Theism My Philosophical Via Media Essays on " The Real World of Berkeley " in 1862, and on his 'Divine Language of Vision' in 1864 The ultimate Spirituality and Spiritual Activity of the Uni- verse An Oxford Edition of Berkeley proposed Houghton Conquest The Berkeley MSS. referred to by Southey Berkeley's ' Siris ' and the immanence of Deity Public interest in Berkeley Logic in the Edinburgh class-room Inference and Divine Intuition Psychology in the class-room Special class for Metaphysics The young metaphysicians and their " Philosophical Society " CHAPTER VI. THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH. 1859-1889. Scottish University Reform in 1858 The University of Edin- burgh reorganised by Inglis Its Academical Administra- tion Brougham and Inglis successively its Chancellors Gladstone and Carlyle Rectors in succession Carlyle's Rectorial Address Death of Principal Lee in 185!) Sir David Brewster, Principal, and his academical inspiration Principal Sir Alexander Grant in 1868 Extraordinary development of the ITniversity and its resources under CONTENTS. Xlll Grant Some contemporary Professors The " Symposium Academicum" Founded by Principal Robertson in 1792 Portrait of Robertson Symposiasts and guests at Sym- posia Academical Reform in 1889 under Lord Kinnear Bacon s warning to universities . . 207 CHAPTEE VII. ACADEMICAL VACATIONS. 1856-1890. Samuel Johnson and Thomas Chalmers on Scottish academical vacations and professors Professorial authorship Loco- motion Annual visits to London Its local associations- Haunted houses The Athenaeum Club and its memories The " London Metaphysical Society " in 1869-81 Names of members Questions discussed My last sight of Herbert Spencer Parting visits to J. S. Mill and Thomas Carlyle Lord and Lady Amberley Little Fife House Lady Stanley of Alderley Lord John Russell at Pembroke Lodge Emerson, the Grotes, J. A. Froude, Browning, &c. Isaac Taylor at Stanford Rivers His dual personality according to Sir James Stephen The Church and non- conformity A curious dream The manor-house of Oates and John Locke Cambridge andWhewell A plurality of inhabited worlds ? Oxford and Lord Palmerston Stan- ley, Mansel, Jowett, and Green Ireland in 1870 In the episcopal palace at Cloyne ' The Querist ' Maynooth and Doctor Russell Butler's ' Analogy ' or Locke's ' Essay ' ? The Clarendon Press Butler at Stanhope in 1726-38 Locke's early life in Somerset Nynehead Court Locke and Esther Masham's correspondence Locke's library at Horseley Towers Tennyson at Farringford The Queen's Jubilee in 1887 Summers at Rydal and Gras- mere Fox How Summers in the vale of Yarrow Two benevolent pastors Doctor Russell's ' Reminiscences ' Scott and Wordsworth in Yarrow Life in Yarrow John Veitch . 226 XIV CONTENTS. CHAPTER VIII. IN TENEBRIS LUX. 1891-1904. In retirement Hawthornden 'Locke' in 1890 An an- notated Locke's 'Essay' in 1891-94 Locke's criticism of "experience" Hume's Question The English Philoso- phical Succession Kant's criticism of reason in ex- perience Kant the complement of Locke Gifford Lectures in 1894-96 Theistic Philosophy " Natural causes" Science presupposes God Spencer's unde- nominational Religion Comte's three stages Theism, Metaphysic, and " Positive Science " in their mutual relations The constituents of Theistic Faith Philoso- phical rationale of Theistic Faith Development con- sistent with Theistic Faith Order in Things and moral disorder in Persons Can this be reconciled with Theistic Faith? How things depend on persons Supreme sig- nificance of persons in the Universe Natural Order and personal free agency Mysteries are not necessarily contradictories Human interest in Theistic Faith Must Persons be immortal ? Theistic Hope Supposed signs of human immortality Atheistic, Pantheistic, and Theistic Philosophy Theistic Philosophy the Via Media Objec- tions to the Via Media Theistic Philosophy and Christ- ianity Gospel of Theistic Faith and Hope and the Gospel of Christ respond to one another A final Question Visit to Holland ' Life of Thomas Reid' in 1898 Isle of Skye Charles Edward and the '45 Berkeley re- edited in 1899-1901 The Land of Lome revisited 278 BIOGRAPHIA PHILOSOPHIC!. S CHAPTER I> IN THE LAND OF LORNE : EARLY MEMORIES. 1819-1833. ' ' Those recollected hours that have the charm Of visionary things, those lovely forms And sweet sensations that throw back our life, And almost make remotest infancy A visible scene, on which the sun is shining." WORDSWORTH. PERPLEXITIES of religious thought have been at all times springs of metaphysical reflection. It was by them in crude forms that I was first attracted to inquiries which have engaged my life. The originating Cause of the universe in which I found myself, and how I could know that this Cause was God, were questions that disturbed my boyhood seventy years ago. I had been wont as a child to picture God as a King upon a throne, in re- mote solitude in the blue sky, yet anon interfer- A 2 BIOGRAPHIA PHILOSOPHICA. ing, in an arbitrary way and with awful severity, in. the affairs of the planet which I had lately entered, and which I was told had been sud- denly created by God six thousand years before. I wanted proof that this was so. A book of theological lectures by Dwight, President of Yale College, and son-in-law of Jonathan Edwards, was often consulted for help, in its opening discussions on natural theology. In searching my father's library for some book which might relieve my secret distress, on account of thoughts which seemed to involve deadly sin, I had lighted upon this book, and found that it touched my per- plexities. It told me that God was needed to explain the world, because an eternal succession of finite causes was an absurdity ; and also that Matter could not be the supreme cause, inasmuch as it must itself have been caused by an ante- cedent. This somehow aggravated instead of re- lieving my difficulties. For I failed to see the absurdity of an unbeginning and endless succession of changes ; or at any rate why latent powers in Matter might not explain everything. And this arbitrary Governor of the world, living somewhere in the firmament, seemed as much to need a God to explain his own existence as any of IN WHAT, AND WHY, AM I ? 3 the persons or things he was supposed to account for. About my thirteenth and fourteenth year all this occasioned anxious thought. Questions about birth and death followed. If the conscious lives of men continue after their bodies die, why do those who believe this not add the years after death to those before death to determine their present age, and so speak of St Paul or of Csesar as now almost two thousand years old? And then, in an endless life, how can I, a million times a million years after this, remember anything that happened in the present century, or have interest in, or identity with, the boy now living on this earth ? Questions of this sort haunted me in indistinct forms, with restless craving for settlement. I can hardly tell when or how these thoughts first rose. What am I ? What sort of universe is this in which I find myself? What is to be its final upshot and mine ? These questions were all working in me in a dim, half-conscious way. Perhaps this is common among the young. I do not find, in my early surroundings, or in family antecedents, how, so early and so long, they came to occupy my thoughts. But influence of place and race must not be overlooked. 4 BIOGRAPHIA PHILOSOPHICA. My father was a minister in the Church of Scotland. I first saw light in 1819, l in the manse of Ardchattan, on the shore of the north side of Loch Etive, in the romantic Land of Lome in Argyllshire. Lome is bordered on one side by the Western Sea, and the Grampians guard it on the east a region mostly of green undulating hills of moderate height. Its northern part consists of two peninsulas one the country of Appin and of Jacobite and Nonjuror Stewarts, opening to the east through the awful defile of Glencoe ; the other the peninsula of Benderloch, possessed by Argyll, Breadalbane, and Cawdor Campbells, separated from Appin by Loch Creran, and from south Lome by Loch Etive. Oban was the local metropolis, eighty years ago a modest sea- side village, now a summer resort of fashion. Cruachan is the mountain monarch of this his- toric region. The manse of Ardchattan in Benderloch, isolated from the world on three sides by the sea, and on the east by pathless mountains, was an ideal home for meditative seclusion. It was circled by hills, varied by valleys and clear streams, with luxuriant vegetation like Westmoreland or Wales. 1 On September 3. ARDCHATTAN. 5 Early impressions of this sublime panorama, un- folded around the manse, are now more vivid in my imagination than any later experience in this world of sense. Benderloch was full of mythical traditions and historic memories. Pictish myths of regal state at Beregonium, the fabled capital of the Picts, and Ossianic dreams of Uisnach and his sons ; in more credible history, encounters of Bruce with the Lords of Lome ; later still, tragic incidents in the wars of Mon- trose ; also relics of mediaeval faith in the ruined priory of Ardchattan, or of feudal life in the castle of Barcaldine. In its insular isolation Benderloch was seldom visited by travellers, although in September 1803 Wordsworth and his sister passed through it in their Scottish tour; and in 1824 MacCulloch described in glowing language the route from Connel to Loch Creran. " Every- thing," he says, " is beautiful on the road between the two lochs. It is but five miles, but it is a day's journey to a wise man ; and the castle of Barcaldine, with its freshness and its avenue of living trees, carries one back into the past with a startling vividness." 1 To-day a railway from 1 The old castle is now (1904) in process of restoration by Sir Duncan Campbell of Barcaldine. 6 BIOGRAPHIA PHILOSOPHICA. Connel to Glencoe traverses the two peninsulas of Benderloch and Appin, opening to the world some of the grandest scenery in Britain. My family inheritance was Celtic. My father traced his descent from a branch of the Frasers of Strichen, who in the seventeenth century pos- sessed a small property at Tyrie in Aberdeen- shire. Ardent support of the House of Stuart was their ruin. Soon after 1715, shattered in fortune, they migrated to Stratherrick on Loch Ness, to the lands of their kinsman, Fraser of Foyers ; and some years before Culloden they had moved to Croy in Strathnairn, where my great-grandfather and grandfather held land on Kilravock. Culloden is in the parish of Croy, and my great - grandfather, lame at the time through an accident, told how he watched the scene, before the battle began, in a shower of sleet which soaked the ground ; how the battle when it came lasted only for a short half hour ; then how he saw the tide turn, the Highland army in retreat to Inverness or to the mountains, and the Prince with a few companions in flight over the moorlands to Stratherrick. My grandfather, unlike his Jacobite and Non- juror ancestors, was an evangelical prcsbyterian, CAMPBELLS OF BARCALDINE. 7 although his grandmother was a daughter of John Gordon, the last bishop of Galloway before the Eevolution, who was afterwards a convert to Eome, and is still remembered as the subject of the Decision of Pope Clement XI. in 1704, which disallowed Anglican ordination for the Roman communion. The fervid Calvinism of Calder, the good minister of Croy, converted my grandfather to Presbyterianism ; and so it was in the Puritan atmosphere which sheds awful solemnity over human life that my father passed his youth in the last two decades of the eighteenth century. My mother was a daughter of Alexander Campbell, laird of Barcaldine and Glenure, who was descended from the knights of Kilchurn, and was head of one of the families that divided among them the peninsula of Benderloch. Her granduncle, Colin Campbell of Glenure, a younger son of Barcaldine, and of Lucia, daughter of Sir Ewan Cameron of Lochiel, was the victim in the celebrated Appin murder by gunshot in the wood of Lettermore, in May 1752, which inspired Gleig in his novel of * Allan Breck,' Stevenson in ' Kidnapped,' and Neil Munro in ' Doom Castle.' The mystery of this murder touched my im- agination in those early years. The murdered 8 BIOGRAPHIA PHILOSOPHICA. Campbell was in 1752 factor of estates in Appin forfeited by the Stewarts after Culloden, and was obnoxious as the agent in evictions. James Stewart at Acharn, in Appin, was condemned as a con- spirator, and was hung in chains at Ballachulish ; Allan Breck, the reputed actor, escaped to France. In my childhood I knew an aged native who re- membered the ghastly spectacle of the skeleton under the moon, on winter nights the terror of her youth. The ' Scots Magazine ' tells that it was blown down in a hurricane three years after the execution, and by order of the court in Edinburgh was again suspended. The end of Allan Breck is told by Scott in the Introduction to ' Kob Roy ' ; but unless Mr Andrew Lang has the key to the mystery, the murder of Glenure is likely to retain a secret for ever. A more remote maternal relative than Glenure was Colin Campbell, laird of Achnaba, a son of the first laird of Barcaldine, and minister of Ardchattan from 1667 till 1726 ; in repute among contemporary mathematicians, intimate with the Gregories, and a correspondent in Latin of Sir Isaac Newton. He was a metaphysician too. He produced for his own satisfaction a ' Demonstra- tion of the Existence of God/ before Samuel GLENUKE AND ACHNABA. 9 Clarke's ' Demonstration ' was given to the world ; likewise an 'Essay on the Divine Trinity in Unity.' Both were privately printed a century and a half after his death. They suggest know- ledge of Descartes and Spinoza and Locke's ' Essay.' What one of Campbell's correspondents calls his " vicious modesty " has concealed him from fame. I well remember his granddaughter in the summer of 1826, a few months before her death, in the beautiful home of her old age, at Gallanach near Oban. She was then in her hundredth year ; born when George I. was king and Walpole Prime Minister, when Newton and Clarke were still alive, before Berkeley had seen Rhode Island, when Locke and Leibniz were lately dead, and when the romance of the '45 was far in the future. A brother of my vener- able friend was killed at Culloden. Campbell's ' Demonstration ' is not uninteresting in metaphysical theology. It turns in one part on our conception of Power and in another on our conception of Infinity. That everything which had a beginning must have had a producer, or " that there must be something before every- thing that began," is one of his postulates. That whatever is limited must at last be limited by a 10 BIOGRAPHIA PHILOSOPHICA. Being that is unlimited, is another. And the in- finite Being must be uncompounded, for other- wise each part of the compound would limit the other parts and the whole. Finally, whatever is uncompounded must be Spirit. But a human conception of infinity must, he confesses, be in- adequate. " The indivisible Infinite or Perfect, who out of nothing made all except Himself, hath not possibly in His own nature this and that, nor now and then in His duration ; albeit our weak faculties attribute to Him different faculties and times : these are all in His infinity an indivisible point, whose circumference is no- where, and whose centre is everywhere. Therefore we cannot know God in His infinity, albeit we know what finitude can know of Him. Our finite knowledge of God may be true, but cannot be perfect with respect to its infinite object, while both true and perfect with respect to the finite subject ; and this not for defect of God's power to reveal, but from defect in the nature of the subject to whom the revelation is made. I certainly see that God is, and yet I see that He is infinitely more than I can see. If we intend more in rising to these sublime thoughts than the raising of our devotion to the object of our thoughts, and presume curiously to pry into the MY MOTHER. 11 Divine Majesty, we shall be confounded with the glory, as the eye is blinded by looking on the sun." In the tract on triune Deity Campbell argues that God must be triune from the im- possibility of His having existed in solitude prior to the creation of the universe. "There- fore God did eternally beget God ; and this eternal Issue could not but reciprocally love and be loved ; while this mutual Love, proceeding from the producer and the produced, we may be allowed to call the Eternal Spirit." Hence the need in reason for triune Deity. All this touches the imagination, when we recollect the troubled time and the rude surrounding society. 1 My mother was the chief early influence in my life. I was devoted to her in childhood with a romantic affection. In my first seven years she was my only teacher. She had been educated in England, and afterwards lived much in the South ; for years at Clapham, where she formed lifelong 1 Campbell's courage was shown when he volunteered to declare the parish of Ardnamurchan vacant, after the deposition of the popular "Mhaighstir Alasdair," who refused to conform to pres- bytery. " Dressed in the kilt, and armed with a sword in one hand and a cocked pistol in the other," Campbell, we are told, "defied the stormy audience and delivered his message." See 'Among the Clanranalds' (p. 140), by the Rev. Charles Macdonald, priest of Moidart (Oban, 1889). 12 BIOGRAPHIA PHILOSOPHICA. friendships with Cecils, Elliotts, Venns, and Clark- sons of the " Clapham sect" of evangelical church- people, commemorated by Sir James Stephen, representatives of the gracious religious philan- thropy which transformed English society and the English Church in the early years of the nineteenth century. She inspired my childhood with her own Anglican enthusiasm. Dulwich and Norwood and Balham, Clapham Common, with its lawns and cedars as they were before Greater London had submerged them, also the Thames at Reading, all seemed, when I first saw them in later years, to be part of the familiar experience of childhood. My favourite nurse-maid, Anne M'Coll, who had been with my mother in England, and shared her affection for its life and Church, added her influence. It was encouraged by books given to me Goldsmith's ' History,' ' Robinson Crusoe,' ' Sandford and Merton,' tales by Hannah More and by Legh Richmond, and the 'Fairchild Family/ with its curious pictures of evangelical life in the Church of England, and of scenery in Worcestershire and Berkshire. The sunny lands of the South were in this way invested with a lasting halo in the fancy of a dreamy child in the Land of Lome. When the 'Tales of a Grand- THE MANSE FAMILY. 13 father' appeared in 1827, the Scotland of Scott was a rival inspiration, at a time when faint echoes of Culloden were still reverberating among the Highland mountains. I was the eldest in a family of twelve. We lived a self-contained home-life of Spartan frug- ality. The modest income of a parish minister in the Church of Scotland was reduced by my father's generosity to a brother. In consequence the ten sons had a strong motive for testing the law which confers survival in the battle of life. Like the vicar's family described by Goldsmith, "we loved each other tenderly, and our fond- ness increased as we grew older. We had no revolutions to fear, nor fatigues to undergo ; all our adventures were by the fireside, and all our migrations from the blue bed to the brown. And it is needless to attempt describing the characters of young people that had seen but very little of the world." My own experience was confined within the isolated peninsula of Benderloch during my first fourteen years, except a few weeks in Strathnairn in 1824, and a few days in Glasgow in 1829. I grew up a shy, awkward boy ; unobservant of what lay outside some strong individual tastes ; 14 BIOGRAPHIA PHILOSOPHICA. physically educated by lonely walks, work in the manse garden or oaring in a boat ; and with no outside youthful companionship. My earliest recollections go back to 1822. In August of that year an English clergyman and his wife visited the manse. I have now a distinct mental picture of their arrival, an uncommon event in that solitary region. They had come from seeing George the Fourth keep Court at Holyrood. Their report of the doings in the Scottish metro- polis, prolonged in family talk, as of a great event, exercised my fancy, and Edinburgh was pictured as the New Jerusalem, and King George moving about with a golden crown upon his head. A visit of the Rev. Lcgh Richmond, author of the ' Dairyman's Daughter,' is a more dimly remem- bered incident, I think also in 1822. A memory which belongs to the following year is due to talk at the time about the murder of Weare, a London gentleman, by Thurtell, son of an alderman in Norwich, under singular circum- stances of treachery and atrocity, in Gill's Hill lane in Hertfordshire. The particulars so affected me that half a century afterwards I spent a summer day in and around that Hertfordshire JOHNSON AND BOSWELL. 15 lane, comparing the localities with the evidence taken in the trial. It was this Gill's Hill lane murder that suggested to Thomas Carlyle a defi- nition of " respectability." At Thurtell's trial occurred the following colloquy : " What sort of person was Mr Weare ? He was always a respect- able person. What do you mean by respectable ? He kept a gig" Carlyle long rejoiced in "gig- manity" as a synonym. Thurtell also figures in De Quincey's essay on " Murder considered as one of the Fine Arts." The visit to Strathnairn in August 1824 is prominent among these relics of childhood. A steamboat was then a novelty in the Highlands. We travelled to and from Inverness in the " Comet," the earliest experiment in Highland steam navigation. The " Comet " was memorable for its tragic fate in the following year, when in a dark October night it was suddenly submerged in collision with another steamer, at the entrance to the Clyde, and more than sixty passengers were drowned. As many of them inhabited Argyll and Inverness, families around us were mourners, and faith in steam as a motive force was for a time suspended in the Highland mind. In Nairnshire we were entertained at the manse 16 BIOGRAPHIA PHILOSOPHICA. of Cawdor by Mr Grant, the old minister, who had helped to entertain Johnson and Boswell more than half a century before, when his manse was occupied by a Macaulay. Boswell tells how he had "dreaded a whole evening" at Cawdor manse for Johnson, as likely to be " heavy," but that " Mr Grant, an intelligent, well-bred minister in the neighbourhood, was there, and assisted us by his conversation." Their host that evening was Lord Macaulay's uncle ; and when he died our host Grant succeeded him. It happened too that early in that summer an aunt of Lord Macaulay visited my father's manse. I remember a picnic on our glebe and various encounters with Miss Macaulay, as well as the tradition of her pride in her young nephew " Tom," then at Cambridge, soon to become famous through his essay on Milton in the 'Edinburgh Review.' The Macaulays are connected by birth with Ardchattan, for the historian's grandmother was a daughter of Camp- bell of Inveresragan, whose small family property, in the eighteenth century, was within a mile of my birthplace ; their home was among the yew- trees of Blarcreen, and their tombs are in the chapel of the ruined priory at Ardchattan. THE SULTRY SUMMER OF 1826. 17 The summer of 1826 was, I believe, the hottest and driest in the nineteenth century. Almost no rain fell from May till August. I recollect the long-continued sultry haze over the mountains of Lome, Loch Etive daily a sea of glass, the smoke of kelp-burning ascending from its rocky shores, and the sunsets reflecting the hills of Mull and Morven in purple and crimson and gold. I can picture a sultry Sunday in that year in the quaint, rudely furnished, crowded parish church, then beside the manse, and the welcome given to the sublime imagery of the Apocalypse in the words which formed the text: "These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more ; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat." That whole summer of 1826 is now the beautiful dream of childhood " Heaven lies about us in our infancy." Dunollie is another memory. It was early in that sultry summer that I was first taken to visit this romantic home of the MacDougalls, once Lords of Lome. Their ivy-clad castle, which guards the B 18 BIOGRAPHIA PHILOSOPHICA. entrance to Oban Bay, is the most picturesque ruin amono- the Hebrides. We were entertained CD by the mother of the chief; her son was in England on the eve of his marriage. 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