Board of Estimate and Apportionment REPORT ' OMMITTEE ON FRANCHISES IN RELATION TO PENDING PE1\ : NS FOR THE RIGHT TO OPERATF MOTOR BUS ROUTES IN' THF. BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN Will i PROPOSED FORM OF CONTRACT 'XTOBER 13, r" BUREAU OF FRANCHISE; ROOM 1307 MLNICIPU, fU.lLDlNC. .^ '^^. boifo^ Board of Estimate and Apportionment REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FRANCHISES IN RELATION TO PENDING PETITIONS FOR THE RIGHT TO OPERATE MOTOR BUS ROUTES IN THE BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN WITH PROPOSED FORM OF CONTRACT OCTOBER 15, I9I5 BUREAU OF FRANCHISES ROOM 1307 MUNICIPAL BUILDING M. B. Beown Pbinting i Binding Co., 37-41 Chambers Street. N. Y. City of New York, Board of Estimate and Apportionment, October IS, 1915. To the Board of Estimate and Apportionment: Gentlemen — The Franchise Committee, to which has been referred the question of the advisability of granting the right to operate additional motor omnibus' routes in the Borough of Manhattan, begs to present its report thereon and submit for your consideration a form of contract, which is herein recommended be granted to one of the applicant companies. Your Committee recognizes the urgent needs of transit facilities in certain dis- tricts in the Borough of Manhattan, and has therefore viewed with much interest the pending applications as' having an important effect on the needs of the community. It seems desirable that there be included in this report a brief statement of the action with respect to motor buses already taken by the Board, as well as of the various steps taken by your Committee before arriving at the conclusions herein presented. But one stage coach or omnibus company has. during recent years, been author- ized to operate in the Borough of Manhattan. Prior to the year 1913 the laws were such that the company had and would continue to have a virtual monopoly unless amendments were affected by the legislature. Obligations, which in many cases were impossible to fulfill, were required of new corporations, while practically no condi- tions were imposed on the existing corporation. The attention of the Board was directed to this condition by a report of the Bureau of Franchises, which recom- mended amendments to the law, designed to remove this inequality. The Board immediately took the necessary action to obtain the legislation, resulting in the enact- ment of chapter 769 of the Laws of 1913, which law accomplished the object sought. The Board at that time had before it one petition for the right to operate omni- buses, which had been presented by the New York Motor Bus Company. Inc., under date of December 19, 1912. Subsequent to the enactment of the new law the Board received petitions from three other companies', namely : the Manhattan Motor Bus Company, Inc.. the Fifth Avenue Coach Company and the People's Five Cent Bus Corporation. All of the petitions were referred to the Bureau of Franchises for report. It was well known that motor omnibuses had, during a number of years, been used to a very large extent and with apparent success in several European cities, notably London and Paris. Because of the limited experience with these vehicles in New York, a representative of the Bureau of Franchises, pursuant to the authority of a resolution of the Board, was sent abroad for the purpose of investigating the operation of motor omnibuses in London and Paris, with a view to obtaining such information relative thereto as would aid the City in reaching a determination upon the proposed operation of motor omnibuses in this City. The report upon this investigation was presented to the Board in November, 1913, and was quite illuminative in that it showed particularly what should be (guarded against and pointed out the necessity for strict regulation of the service. The report was referred to your Committee to recommend a policy to be followed with reference to the pending applications. Your Committee agreed that there arc points in the Borough of Manhattan between which there is no direct means' of transportation, though the need for such facilities is quite apparent. It was recopnized. however, that to merely operate lines connecting the points between which facilities are urgently needed would result in a system of disconnected routes, unattractive to the operator and less serviceable to the traveling public than a more comprehensive system. For example, cross-town lines through Central Park, operated alone, would be of less service than similar lines operated in conjunction with longitudinal lines on both the East and West Sides with transfer privileges. Consequently the Bureau of Franchises was directed to lay out a comprehensive system of routes and to draft a form of franchise contract which it would recommend for the franchise. After your Committee had considered the system of routes and form of contract submitted by the Bureau of Franchises, it ordered the same printed for distribution and advertised a public hearing thereon, to be held on December 18, 1914. At this hearing there were heard many property owners and representatives of civic associa- tions, ■ the applicant companies and the street railway companies operating in the Borough of Manhattan. So much interest was taken in the matter that an adjourned hearing was held on December 29 and still another on December 31, 1914. At the close of the hearings the applicant companies and others were given until January 9, 1915, to file briefs. Your Committee received before and subsequent to the hearing hundreds of communications in favor of and against the granting of specific routes and in favor of and against the proposal of some particular applicant, as set forth in its petition. Several meetings of the Committee were subsequently held at which the suggestions and criticisms contained in the communications and briefs were consid- ered. Many modifications of the routes and of the contract were made as a result. After these modifications, the contract and the map of the routes were again printed for distribution and on April 27, 1915, a further public hearing was held. In laying out the system of routes finally adopted, your Committee has followed three principles : First — That the system should be a comprehensive one. Second — It should contain routes giving facilities between various points where none now exist, and Third — That the routes should be such as to directly compete as little as possible with existing transit systems. The form of contract for a franchise finally adopted contains clauses providing for most complete regulation as to the weight and dimensions of vehicles and as to their operation. It is unique in that provision is made for extension upon order of the Board, and routes may, within certain fixed limits, be modified to conform with traffic conditions. The system of routes adopted by the Committee in no way con- forms with that applied for by any of the applicants. In consequence it was decided by the Committee to ask each of the applicant companies to submit proposals based upon the form of contract and system of routes adopted by the Committee. The con- ditions upon which the proposals were to be made were outlined in the letter addressed to the applicants by the Committee (See Appendix A). The form of con- tract left blank the provisions for compensation to the City, the date upon which the operation should commence, the maximum weight and dimensions of vehicles (the maximum weight and dimensions adopted by the Committee being indicated), the maximum rate of fare, the headway of vehicles and the conditions under which the Board may order extensions. Four proposals were received and publicly opened by the Acting Mayor on behalf of the Committee on June 1, 1915, at noon. After these proposals had been read and the meeting adjourned a communication was received from the Manhattan Motor Bus Company, one of the original applicants, submitting a proposal based upon a plan of sharing the operating profits with the City after first deducting eight per cent, upon the investment. Your Committee has refused to receive this proposal for the reason that it was presented to the Committee after the hour fixed for the opening of the proposals. If it had been received it would have been rejected for the reason that the proposal was incomplete in that no effort had been made on the part of the Company to modify the contract adopted by the Committee in accordance with the terms of its proposal. Therefore, the proposal could not be compared with the others which had been submitted in complete form. The proposals opened and publicly read were: Two by the Fifth Avenue Coach Company, one by the New York Motor Bus Company, Inc., and one by .Messrs. O. C. Brunner and W. T. Gridley, jointly. The last named had no pending applica- tion for a franchise. Your Committee has made a careful study of these proposals and of the analysis and comparison of the same made by the Bureau of Franchises, and beg to submit the following with respect thereto: Proposal of O. C. Brunner and W. T. Gridley (Jointly). This proposal is incomplete. It shows that the proponents are unfamiliar with the previous negotiations, and it is not based primarily on the form of contract submitted by the Committee. It was therefore impossible to make a comparison with the other bids. It offers no guaranteed minimum annual payments, nor does it offer an initial payment. The type of vehicle has evidently not been considered. The zones into which it proposes to divide the City are not given, therefore the rate of fare is not accurately stated. There is no definite offer in regard to extensions. It is therefore the opinion of the Committee that this proposal should be rejected. Proposal No. 2 of the Fifth Avenue Coach Company, the Present Operating Company. This is a proposal in which the prominent feature is an offer to divide equally with the City the net profits in excess of a sum equal to the net operating profits from the existing routes for the year ending June 30, 1915. The net profits are to be those accruing from both the existing and new routes, and are defined as any and all in- come or profits from whatever source, less deductions, as follows : 1. All taxes against the Company in connection with or incident to the operation of the Company's routes. 2.- All operating expenses, including reasonable maintenance, depreciation and ob- - solescence. 3. A sum equal to 6 per cent, per annum, on plant and equipment furnished for the operation of new routes or future extensions thereof and upon cost of additional equipment for existing routes, together with such sum neces- sary to amortize within the period of 25 years the equipment for the opera- tion of the new routes or extensions thereof. 4. .'\ sum equal to net profits from the existing routes for year ending June 30, 1915. If there be a deficit in any year after such deductions, the same shall be cumulative and must be made up with interest, compounded semi-annually at five per cent, per annum, before the City is entitled to any of the net profits. In case of disagreement as to the amount of depreciation, obsolescence and amortization, it shall be submitted to arbitration. Under this offer the existing and proposed new lines would be merged and operated as one system and would practically be put on the same basis, sirKe the Company agrees to accept the net profits for the year ending June 30, 1915, as the annual profits for the existing lines during the term of the grant. Any plan for the operation of a public utility on the profit sharing basis requires an accurate and fair determination of the net profits, and should therefore provide a manner by which each party shall have at least sufficient supervising power to protect itself against expenditures detrimental to its interests. A method should also be provided whereby the sums expended should be authorized after a fair determination as to their necessity. There is no hint of any such control in this proposal of the Fifth Avenue Coach Company. For example, the sums representing reasonable maintenance, depreciation and obsolescence must be determined ; so must also the rate of amortiza- tion to be applied to the equipment of the new routes or extensions thereof; likewise the cost of the plant and equipment to be furnished for the operation of new routes or future extensions and the cost of the additional equipment for the existing lines. In fixing all these items, disagreement between the City and the Company is almost certain to appear. It is true the Company proposes that in case of a disagreement as to the amount of depreciation, obsolescence or amortization, arbitration may be re- sorted to, but there is no such provision with respect to a disagreement as to the amount expended for maintenance or the determination of the amounts upon which six per cent, per annum is to be computed. The City has had one notable experience with the profit sharing plan, where the City did not by the terms of the franchise have any supervision over expenditures either in the original investment or in subsequent operations. The result has been such that one could hardly conscientiously recommend another similar grant. The certificates of the Public Service Commission for the extensions of the ele- vated railroad system of the Inlerborough Rapid Transit Company :md the New York Municipal Railway Corporation provide for a division of profits with the City, but unlike the proposal of the Fifth Avenue Coach Company, these certificates provide for the full and complete supervision of all operations in connection with the enter- prise of construction, equipment, maintenance and operation. The certificates them- selves state that it is the intention of the Commission that the certificates shall be con- strued in such a manner that the City shall be afforded all proper and necessary means of safeguarding its right to one-half the excess of net profits. However, the City's experience with respect to these certificates has not as yet been sufficient to base thereon any conclusion. There are other objections to the proposal which would justify the Committee's recommending its rejection, but it is believed that the one given is sufficiently apparent to make further discussion needless. Your Committee recommends that this proposal be rejected. Comparison of Proposal No. 1 of tiik Fifth Avenue Ciuch Company with the Proposal of thf. New York Motor Bus Company, Inc. Routes Prof'oscd to be Ol>cratcd. l-'iflh .Izcitue Coach Conitaity — This Company, generally speaking, adopted the routes proposed by the Committee, with the following exceptions : (a) The routes upon which the Company is already operating. (b) The portion of the West Side Route between 72nd Street and 135th Street, the Company proposing to substitute its own route on Riverside Drive to take the place of that portion of the West Side Route. (c) Manhattan Street and 12Sth Street Route. (d) Convent Avenue Route (Already operated by the Company). (e) Columbia University Loop and connection with 110th Street. (f) The Crosstown Route in 39th and 40th Streets. In addition to the above, certain minor changes and additions are made in the system adopted by the Committee. It will be noted from the above that the system adopted by the Committee has been amended to enable the Company to operate the new routes in conjunction with the existing system. Nnv York Motor Bus Company, Inc. — This Company, generally speaking, adopted all the routes proposed by the Committee, with the following exceptions : (a) The St. Nicholas Avenue, Edgecombe Road and 167th Street Route, for the reason that the Fifth Avenue Coach Company is already operating upon the portion of this route which lies south of 155th Street. (b) .\ portion of the loop around Columbia University and its connection with 110th Street. The Company proposed certain routes in addition to those adopted by the Com- mittee, which it states may be included in its proposal at the option of the City, but which arc not made a necessary part of the proposal by the applicant. These routes consist of : 1. Minor changes and additions, such as streets necessary to make loop terminals. 8 2. The substitution of Broadway from 72nd Street to 107fh Street for Amster- dam Avenue, 86th Street and West End Avenue. 3. Fiftli Avenue, from 26th Street to 48tli Street; I'.roadvvay from 39th Street to 34th Street; 31st, 32iid, 33ril, 3-lth and 46th Streets, between the East and West Side Routes. The four crosstown streets in the vicinity of 34th Street are selected for the pur- pose of forming one crosstown route only, the actual operation of such route to lake place in such streets as will ofTer the greatest convenience and conform with trafTic conditions. Forty-sixth Street is selected by the Company as a substitute for 48th Street. It is stated that the Company believes that 46th and 47h Streets would make a better crosstown route than would 47th and 48th Streets. Both of these proposals arc based upon the form of contract adopted by the Com- mittee and arc submitted in such form tliat a direct comparison of the two proposals can be made. Each Company has made certain changes in the form of contract in addition to submitting proposals for the clauses which the Committee left blank. In an analysis, therefore, of the two proposals the clauses divide themselves naturally into three classes : First — Those for which amendments are asked by the Fifth Avenue Coach Company, but which arc accepted by the New York Motor Bus Company. Second — Those for which amendments are asked by both Companies. Third — Those with respect to which the Committee requested the Companies to submit proposals. Each class is herein discussed in the order named above. First — Clauses for Which Amendments are Asked by the Fifth Avenue Coach Company, but Which .Are .Accepted by the N'nw York Motor Bus Com- pany. 1. The Company asks that section 2, subdivision fourth, which provides that the right granted shall not be exclusive, be amended by adding the provision that if any loss of revenue results from the granting of a franchise to another company on the same route, then such loss of revenue shall be ascertained and fixed, cither by agree- ment or by arbitration, and the damage deducted from the franchise payments for either the existing routes of the Company or new routes for which a franchise is pro- posed to be granted. The Constitution of the State of New York prohibits the granting of an exclu- sive franchise. Therefore, any grant which the City may make would not be an exclu- sive one, even if the clause in question were omitted. The reason for inserting the clause in franchises other than for street railways, which the Board has granted dur- ing the past ten years is that there can thereafter be no misunderstanding with re- spect to the intent of the City in making the grant. The modification of the clause suggested, whereby the City would be penalized in carrying out the provisions of the Constitution would tend to estop the City from granting similar rights, and, in effect, make the original grant an exclusive one. The clause might better be omitted entirely than modified as requested by the Fifth Avenue Coach Company. There is, however, another feature of this proposed amendment which deserves attention. Can the City fix conditions for a new franchise to this Company which will, in eflfect, modify the conditions of the existing franchise? The Company is now operating under laws which require the payment to the City of five per cent, of its gross receipts, and annual car license fees of twenty dollars ($20) per car. The amendment proposed by the Company for the so-called non-exclusive clause might in effect result in tlie reduction of the payments under the existing franchise. Your Com- mittee feels that such an amendment could not be accepted. Another important point with respect to this amendment is that it would prac- tically be impossible to determine the amount of the loss of revenue resulting from the granting of a franchise to another company on the same route. 2. Section 2, fifth, whicli provides that the City may purchase the property of the Company at the end of the term of grant, has been modified by requiring the City to give the Company six months' notice before the end of the term of grant should the City decide to purchase the property. The Committee does not feel that there should be any objection to such proposed amendment. 3. Section 2, Subdivisions Sixteenth and Seventeenth, have been amended by eliminating the provision which permits the Board to require withdrawal of vehicles from service should defects develop which would render them unsuitable for public service after having been approved by the Board. This is supervision which the Board should have. If exercised, it would tend toward the general betterment of the type of vehicle, a matter in which the City is vitally interested if it is to authorize the operation of self-propelled passenger vehicles in public streets. 4. Section 2, Subdivision Eighteenth, has been amended by providing that the Company will only obligate itself to comply with laws and ordinances not inconsistent with the prii-ilege conferred under the contract. The clause adopted by the Com- mittee requires the Company to comply with all laws and ordinances. Manifestly the City cannot, by the terms of the contract, relieve the Company from its obligations under any law or ordinance. The Committee feels that it cannot recommend a nio So E E E o o u U 4> Ul j: 3 ** n »^ o u O E -if c o a. o a. E o U 3 CQ ' u IS \>- o o a a .§.§ 'H'c S 3 c *j n ui V) o o. E •^ 3 0/ ^ .t: ^ u &/ — — J3.^ — S it W 4* rt u. t t C C — t> "O ^ i/ . c n o. E o U tn 3 CQ o . o i-2 2 o o. E o U 3 03 It; : o x> c 14 41 •icte J2 -" ° ° C C 4j 4j E c ra rt T3 C 4> E -a c 4J V : : E £ :£ C J=>- 4* — ^- > c rt r . c c - 3^'.2.2 5 c f u C E y c i O o 4* rt 4/ •s ..2-7; o S U 4) — .iiAj — - 41 trt rt j^ ^ « t^ 2 u 9 >^ 4> a. 4; o.^ .£ cji; I. vrz 3 4; c •o t: 4> -- 4) . M — 4^ .— 1; Or/1 *- i; ^ 4; u « " rt b:«uc/;< OS _! k ^J M 41 I -I o 4; 4* o CO-- T3 . C >. rt 4j tfl 6*° 2 o OPS c o c 4> << > o -< — tj 4» 4> « c c E E u en C 5j.- 41 •^E E « < . ■ c •£ : s t; -^ c ' ^S 4» -'I O > — c ^ 4; ^' > c .-r •- u u C (n ^ O o 3 ^ £1£ v- 3 U P o c £ ^•'r 4- ' 3 a -30.5- SJ It: o E .0 3 c a o. E o U 19 III view of the foregoing, your Committee is of tlic opinion that the offer of the New York Motor Bus Company, Inc., is the one most advantageous to the City and the public, and that, in fact, Proposal No. 1 of the Fifth Avenue Coach Company is one which could not properly be accepted by the City. After the Committee reached this conclusion it next directed its attention to the wording of the clauses and changes sulimitlcd in the proposal of the New York Motor Bus Company. It was believed that tlie wording was in some cases insuf- ficiently clear for the terms of a contract. Tin's was true particularly in respect to tlic rate of fare and extension of time clauses. The Bureau of Franchises was accord- ingly directed to redraft those clau.<;es in such a way to avoid as far as possible any misunderstanding as to their meaning and to insert therein such provisions as are necessary to protect the interests of the City in carrying out the offer of the Com- pany. The Committee felt also that tliis Company's offer to commence making the miiiiinum aiimial payments on the date wlien operation shall begin upon any of the lines, instead of on the date when the contract is signed by the Mayor, was not in line with the City's former policy. The same was also true with reference to that portion of the Company's ofTcr which provided for mandatory instead of discretionary extension of time liy the Board if operation is prevented by legal proceedings, works of public improvement, or otlier causes not within the control of the Company. Consequently the Bureau of Franchises was directed to confer with representatives of the Company with a view to making those changes in the contract which would eliminate the two objections above noted. The Company has expressed its willingness to eliminate the mandatory provision with respect to the extension of time for the commencement of operation. It argues, however, that conditions have materially changed with respect to the deliveries of material since its proposal was made. While it believes it can place 100 vehicles in operation within six months, it feels that two months' additional time would be of great benefit and would place the Company in a position where it would feel better able to comply with the terms of the contract. Consequently the Company has agreed to commence the payments to the City upon the date when the certificate of con- venience and necessity by the Public Service Commission is granted, provided it is given eight months instead of six months to place in operation 100 vehicles. The contract herewith presented contains the amendments agreed to by the Company and a redraft of the rate of fare and extension of route clauses. Some of the changes and additions to routes proposed by the Xcw York Motor Bus Company have been accepted by your Committee as follows : The addition of a loop at the northerly end of the West Side line at 193rd Street; the addition of a two-block extension for terminal purposes on Park Avenue, between 12Sth and 127th Streets; the addition of a loop in the vicinity of Morningside Drive and 120th Street ; the addition of a loop at the westerly and easterly terminals for the crosstown line through 79th Street; the addition of a loop in the vicinity of Park Avenue at the easterly terminal of the Crosstown Line in Transverse Road No. 1 through Central Park; the substitution of 46th Street between Park Avenue and Broadway for 48tli Street between the same limits; the addition of 31st and 20 33r(l Streets between Madison Avenue and Seventh Avcnnc ; tlic elimination of th« line from ll.fth Street to Broadway by tlie way of St. Nicliolas Avenue, St. Nicholas Place, Edgecomb Koad and 167th Street; the elimination of St. Nicholas Avenue from 148th Street to 152nd Street; the elimination of Morningsidc Drive from 110th Street to 116th Street; the elimination of 120th Street from Amsterdam Avenue to Broadway and from Claremont Avenue to Riverside Drive, and the elimination of 79th Street from West End Avenue to Riverside Drive. W illi respect to the other changes proposed, your Committee feels that it would be unwise to alter the system in accordance therewith. The Committee feels that while it is desirable to introduce a crosstown line in the vicinity of 34th Street, that street should not be used for that purpose on account of the congested traffic con- ditions. The use of Broadway south of 39th Street v\oul(l likewise tend to add to congestion in the vicinity of Herald Square. Your Committee agrees that no rights should be granted on those thoroughfares at the present time. There has been included, though not asked for by tlie Company, 42nd and 4Sth Streets from Park Avenue to Vanderbilt Avenue and Vanderbilt Avenue from 42nd Street to 45th Street. The right to use those thoroughfares has been proposed upon the condition that the Board shall have the right at all times to fix the ratio of the number of vehicles which shall be operated upon Vanderbilt Avenue to the number whicli shall be operated upon the elevated roadway around the Grand Central Station or upon the temporary route in Lexington Avenue. The same recommendation has been made with resi)ect to the operation in 31st Street and 3,ird Street. The contract containing these modifications is submitted herewith. The recommendations of your Committee arc: First. — That the proposal of the Manhattan Motor Bus Company be not received. Second. — That the proposal of Messrs. Brunncr and Gridley be rejected. Third. — That both proposals of the Fifth Avenue Coach Company be rejected. Fourth — That the New York Motor Company be advised to file an amended petition for the routes contained in this form of contract, in order that the Board may r.ct thereon. It is believed that that Company has submitted the best offer and that the contract as now presented, which embodies this ofTcr, is a good and satis- factory one for the City to accept. The Company has stated that it is willing to accept the amendments hereinbefore discussed. The President of the Company has, as a guarantee of the Company's good faith, placed in the hands of the Committee a certified check in the sum of sixty thousand dollars ($60,000) drawn to the order of the Comptroller. This check is presented upon the condition that it is to be returned forthwith if the Board fails to grant the franchise to the New York Motor Bus Company. If, on the other hand, the Board grants the franchise according to the proposal the check is to be delivered to the Comptroller of tlie City with instructions that in the event the Company fails to accept the franchise the money is to remain the property of the City, but if the 21 franchise is accepted by the Company the money is to be applied by the Comptroller to the initial payment and security deposit required by the franchise, which sums amount to sixty thousand dollars ($60,000). Respectfully submitted, JOHN PURROY MITCHEL, Mayor; GEORGE McANENY, President, Board of Aldermen ; DOUGLAS MATHEWSON, President, Borough of The Bronx; Franchise Committee. 22 Synopsis of Provisions of Contract. Section 1. Grant; descriptions of streets in which right is granted. Section 2. Conditions of grant. First — Term of grant: 15 years with privilege of 10 years renewal. Second — Compensation. Initial payment $,?0,riOO 00 Five per cent, of ktoss rcifipls with minimum aiimi;il payments as follows : I'irst year $.1(),(X)0 (K) Second year 35,000 00 Succccdinji; flircc years -lO/XX) 00 per annum Succeeding five years 50,000 CO per annum Succeeding five years 60,000 00 per annum Third — .Annual charges to continue throughout wliole term. I'Ourth — Kiglit not exclusive. Fifth — City may purchase all or any part of the property of Company upon an agreed value or value to be determined l)y arbitration. Si.xth — Rights not to be assigned williout consent of Board. Seventh — Commencement of operation; Company to place in operation 100 ve- liicks iii>Hniicnths and a sufficient number to operate all lines in twelve months. Eighth — Company not allowed to erect structures in the streets. Ninth — Limitations of weight, dimensions, etc., of vehicles. Tenth — Information to be painted on vehicles. EleveiUh — No advertising signs to be permitted on tlic outside of vehicles. Twelfth — Destinalion of vehicles to he plainly indicated. Tliirteenth — Number of passengers to l)c carried not to exceed seating capacity. I'ourteenth — Vehicles to be heated. Fifteenth — Vehicles to be lighted. Sixteenth — \'ehicles must be submitted for approval before they are put in opera- tion. Seventeenth — Vehicles to be maintained in good and safe repair; Company to permit inspection of vehicles and to withdraw vehicles from service if unfit for public use and to remedy defect before restoring same to service. Eighteenth — Laws and ordinances affecting operation to lie compliid with. Ninetecntl) — Kate of fare, b'are to be ten cents between all points willi certain named routes upon which the fare .shall be five cents. Twentieth — I'requency of service and discretion of Hoard with reference to num- ber of vehicles on certain streets. Twenty-first — Company to open, by means of snow plows, passage sixteen feet in width over all routes not occupied by street railways. Twenty-second — Use of streets other than those described in the contract. Twenty-third — Coinpany to operate, pursuant to specified conditions, extensions or additional routes upon order of the Board. Twenty-fourth — Board has right to change routes of Company within fixed limits. 23 Twenty-fifth — Company to report to Board. Twenty-sixth — Company to keep accurate books of account. Twenty-seventh — Company to keep accurate books of data with respect to different service and different classes of vehicles. Twenty-eighth — City may sue for forfeiture. Twenty-ninth — Damages for inefficient public service. Thirtieth — Company to assume all liability to persons and property. Thirty-first — Security deposit. Thirty-second — Definition of words "notice," "order" and "direction." Thirty-third — Definition of words "streets" or "avenues." Thirty- fourth — If powers of the Boanl or other authorities are transferred to any other board or authority, then such other board or authority to act in place of Board or such other authority. Section 3 — Nothing in the contract to be construed as limiting power of Public Service Commission. Section 4 — Company promises, covenants and agrees to conform to and abide by al' the terms and conditions. Proposed Form of Motor Bus Franchise. This contract, made and executed in duplicate this day of " 19 , by and between The City of New York (hereinafter called the City), party of the first part, by the Mayor of said City, acting for and in the name of said City, under and in pursuance of the authority of the Board of Estimate and .Apportionment of said City (hereinafter called the Board), and the Company (hereinafter called the Company), party of the second part, Witnesseth : In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the parties hereto do hereby covenant and agree as follows: Section 1. The City hereby grants to the Company, subject to the conditions and provisions hereinafter set forth, the right and privilege to maintain and operate a stage or omnibus route for public use in the Borough of 'Manhattan, in The City of New York, upon the following routes, to wit: Beginning in 14th Street at Union Square; thence along 14th Street to Irving Place; thence along Irving Place to 20th Street; thence east along 20th Street to Graniercy Park East; also west along 20th Street to Gramercy Park West; thence north along both Gramercy Park East and Gramercy Park West to 21st Street; thence cast along 21st Street from Gramercy Park West, and west along 21st Street from Gramercy Park East to Lexington Avenue; thence along Lexington Avenue to 23d Street; thence along 23d Street to Madison Avenue; thence along Madison Avenue to 40th Street; thence along both 39th and 40th streets from Madison Avenue to Park Avenue; thence along Park Avenue to 42d Street; thence along 42d Street to Vanderbilt Avenue ; thence along Vanderbilt Avenue to 45th Street ; thence along 45th Street to Park Avenue, and also upon a viaduct proposed to be constructed in Park Avenue for the purpose of connecting the roadway of Park Avenue at about 40th Street with the elevated roadway on the southerly side of the Grand Central Station ; thence along said viaduct to said elevated roadway on the southerly side of the Grand •1 24 Central Station ; thence along the elevated roadway on the southerly and on the westerly sides of the Grand Central Station to 45th Street ; thence along 45th Street to Park Avenue ; thence along Park Avenue to 96th Street ; provided that during the period prior to the date of the opening to traffic of said viaduct in Park Avenue from about 40th Street to the elevated roadway on the southerly side of the Grand Central Station, the route of the operation around the Grand Central Station shall be northerly along Park Avenue to 42d Street ; thence along 42d Street to Lexington Avenue ; thence along Lexington Avenue to 46th Street ; thence along 46th Street to Park Avenue ; thence northerly along Park Avenue ; but after the completion of said viaduct the operation along Park Avenue from the southerly terminus of said proposed viaduct to 42d Street, along 42d Street from Park Avenue to Lexington Avenue, along Lexington Avenue from 42d Street to 46th Street, and along 46th Street from Lexington Avenue to Park Avenue, shall cease, and the operation shall be continued upon the said viaduct and said elevated roadways on the southerly and westerly sides of the Grand Central Station. Beginning in 14th Street at Union Square ; thence along 14th Street to 7th Avenue ; thence along 7th Avenue to Longacre Square and Broadway ; thence along Longacre Square and along Broadway to Columbus Circle. (Provided that if the Board sees fit it may at any time during the term of the contract order the Company to operate along 7th Avenue from Broadway to 57th Street; thence along 57th Street to Broad- way, instead of along Broadway from 7th Avenue to 57th Street, and if the Board shall so order, then the Company shall discontinue the operation on tliat portion of Broadway between 48th and 57th streets) ; thence along Columbus Circle on each side thereof to Broadway; thence along Broadway to its intersection with 72d Street and Amsterdam Avenue (provided that if and when the existing street railway tracks in Central Park West, between Columbus Circle and 72d Street, shall be removed to a position at or near the center of the roadway, the route shall then continue along Central Park West from Columbus Circle to 72d Street; thence along 72d Street to its intersection with Broadway or Amsterdam Avenue, and the company shall then discontinue the use of that portion of Broadway between its intersection with Columbus Circle and its intersection with 72d Street or Amsterdam Avenue) ; thence along Amsterdam Avenue to 86th Street; thence along 86th Street to West End Avenue; thence along West End Avenue to Broadway; thence along Broadway to St. Nicholas Avenue; thence along St. Nicholas Avenue to its intersection with Wadsworth .\venue or 193d Street; thence along Wadsworth Avenue or 193d Street to 192d Street; thence along 192d Street to St. Nicholas Avenue. Beginning at the intersection of Madison Avenue and 31st Street; thence along 31st Street to 8th Avenue; thence along 8th Avenue to 33d Street; thence along 33d Street to Madison Avenue. Beginning at the intersection of Sixth Avenue and 31st Street, thence along Sixth Avenue to 33rd Street. Beginning at the intersection of Broadway and 39th Street; thence along Broadway to 7th Avenue, or Longacre Square. Beginning at the intersection of 7th Avenue with 39th and 40th streets; thence along both 39th and 40th streets to their intersection with Park Avenue; said route 25 in 39th Street to lie used for one-way traffic only, and said route in 40th Street to be used for one way traffic only. Beginning at the intersection of 6th Avenue and 39th Street; thence along 6th Avenue to 40th Street. Beginning at the intersection of Broadway with 46th and 47th streets ; thence along both 46th and 47th streets to their intersections with Park Avenue; said route in 46th Street to be used for one way traffic only and said route in 47th Street to be used for one way traffic only. Beginning in 6Sth Street at its intersection with Park Avenue; thence along 65th Street to and across 5th Avenue to Transverse Road No. 1 through Central Park ; thence along said Transverse Road to Central Park West at 66th Street ; thence along 66th Street to Broadway (provided that if the Company shall subsequently operate along Central Park West and 72d Street from Columbus Circle to the inter- section of 72d Street and Broadway, instead of along Broadway from Columbus Circle to 72d Street, as herein provided, then the Company shall discontinue the operation along that portion of 66th Street between Central Park West and Broadway. Also beginning at the intersection of Park Avenue and 64th Street ; thence along 64th Street to Madison Avenue ; thence along Madison Avenue to 65th Street. Beginning at the intersection of Avenue A and 79th Street; thence along Avenue A to 80th Street ; thence along 80th Street to East End Avenue ; thence along East End Avenue to 79th Street ; thence along 79th Street to and across 5th Avenue to Transverse Road No. 2 through Central Park; thence along said Transverse Road to Central Park West, at 81st Street ; thence along Central Park West to 77th Street ; thence along 77th Street to Columbus Avenue ; thence along Columbus Avenue to 79th Street; thence along 79th Street to West End Avenue; thence along West End Avenue to 80th Street ; thence along 80th Street to Broadway ; thence along Broadway to 79th Street. Beginning in 96th Street, at its intersection with Park Avenue ; thence along 96th Street to 5th Avenue; thence along 5th Avenue to Transverse Road No. 4 through Central Park at 97th Street; thence along said Transverse Road to Central Park West; thence along Central Park West to 96th Street; thence along 96th Street to West End Avenue. Beginning in 110th Street at its intersection with Broadway; thence along 110th Street to 8th .Avenue and around the Circle at the intersection of 8th .Avenue and 110th Street. Beginning at the intersection of Morningside Drive and 119th Street; thence along 119th Street to Amsterdam .Avenue; thence along Amsterdam .Avenue to 120th Street; thence along 120th Street to Morningside Drive ; thence along Morningside Drive to 116th Street; thence along 116th Street to Claremont Avenue; thence along Clare- mont Avenue to 120th Street ; thence along 120th Street to Broadway. Beginning in Manhattan .Avenue at its intersection with 110th Street; thence along Manhattan Avenue to Morningside Avenue (Morningside Park East) ; thence along Morningside Avenue, or Morningside Park East, to Convent Avenue : thence along Convent Avenue to St. Nicholas .Avenue ; thence along St. Nicholas Avenue to its intersection with Broadway. 26 BcKinning in Manhattan Street at or near tlic terminal of the 130th Street Ferry to Fort Lee; thence along Manhattan Street to 125th Street; thence along 12Sth Street to Park Avenue; thence along Park Avenue to 127th Street. Beginning in ISSth Street at its intersection with Broadway; thence along ISSth Street and along the viaduct in 155th Street to a point on said viaduct over tlic station of the elevated railroad at the intersection of ISSth Street and yth Avenue. Beginning in Fort Washington Avenue at its intersection with Broadway; thence along Fort Washington Avenue to ISlst Street; thence along 181st Street to St. Nicholas .\vcnuc. Also along any or all of the following portions of streets and avenue which may be necessary for the Company to use in order that it may conform with traffic regulations : Union Siiuare West and Union Siiuare East from their intersections with 14th Street to their intcr.sections with 17th Street. Fifteenth and 16th streets from their intersections with Irving Place to their intersections with Union Sijuare East- Seventeenth Street from its intersection with Irving Place to its intersection with Broadway. Forty-first, 42d and ASlh streets from their intersections with Broadway to their intersections with 7th Avenue. Seventh Avenue from Longacre Square to 48th Street. Fifty-seventh and 58th streets from their intersections with Broadway to tluir intersections with 8th .Xvcnuc and 8lh Avenue from its intersection with 57th Street to Columbus Circle. One Hundred and Sixty-seventh Street from Broadway to St. Nicholas Avenue. .■\nd to cross such oilier streets and avenues, named and unnamed, as may be encountered in said routes. The said routes hereby authorized are shown upon a map entitled : (Here insert title of map.) and signed by , President, and Engineer, copy of which is attached hereto, is to be deemed a part of this contract, is to be construed with the text thereof, and is to be substantially followed, provided that temporary deviations therefrom may be permitted as hereinafter set forth. Section 2. The grant of tliis privilege is subject to the following conditions, which shall lie complied with by the Company: pirst Tlic said riglit to maintain or operate said stage or omnibus routes shall be held and enjoyed by the Company for the term of fifteen (15) years from the date upon which this contract is signed by the Mayor, with the privilege of renewal of said contract for the further period of ten (10) years upon a fair revaluation of such right and privilege. Such right and privilege shall be valued as if the Company had not exercised the same for the said period of fifteen (15) years, and no allowance shall be made to the Company in such valuation by reason of such exercise. If the Company shall determine to exercise its privilege of renewal it shall make application to the Board, or any authority which shall be authorized by law to act for the City in place of the Board. Such application shall be made at any time not earlier than two (2) years and not later than one (1) year before the expiration of the original term of this contract. The determination of the revaluation shall be sufficient if agreed to in writing by the Company and the Board, but in no case shall the annual rate of compensation to the City be fixed at a less amount than the sum required to be paid during the last year prior to the termination of the original term of this contract. If the Company and the Board shall not reach such agreement on or before the day one (1) year before the expiration of the original term of this contract, then the annual rate of compensation for such succeeding ten (10) years shall be reasonable, and either the City (by the Board) or the Company shall be bound upon request of the other to enter into a written agreement with each other fixing the rate of such compensation at such amount as shall be reasonable, but in no case shall the annual rate so fixed be less than the sum required to be paid for the last year prior to the termination of the original term of this contract, and if the parties shall not forthwith agree upon what is reasonable, then the parties shall enter into a written agreement fixing such annual rate and at such amount as shall be determined by three dis- interested persons selected in the following manner: One disinterested person shall be chosen by the Board; one disinterested person shall be chosen by the Company; these two shall choose a third disinterested person, and tlie three so chosen shall act as appraisers and shall make the revaluation aforesaid. Such appraisers shall be chosen at least six (6) months prior to the expiration of this original contract, and their report shall be filed with the Board within three (3) months after they are chosen. They shall act as appraisers and not as arbitrators. They may base their judgment upon their own experience and upon such information as they may obtain by inquiries and investigations, without the presence of either party. They shall have the right to examine any of the books of the Company and its officers under oath. The valuations so ascertained, fixed and determined shall be conclusive upon both parties, but no annual sum shall, in any event, be less than the sum refjuired to be paid for the last year of the original term of this contract. If in any case the annual rate shall not be fixed prior to the termination of the original term of this contract, then the Company shall pay the annual rate theretofore prevailing until the new rate shall be determined, and shall then make up to the City the amount of any excess of the annual rate then determined over the previous annual rate. The compensation and expenses of the said appraisers shall be borne jointly by the City and the Company, each paying one-half thereof. Second — The Company shall pay to the City for the privilege hereby granted the following sums of money : (a) The sum of thirty thousand dollars ($30,(KX)) in cash within thirty (30) days after the date on which this contract is signed by the Mayor, and before anything is done in exercise of the privilege hereby granted. (b) During the first term of five (5) years an annual sum which shall be equal to five (5) per cent, of its gross annual receipts, but which sum shall not be less than thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) during the first year of this contract, thirty-five thousand dollars ($,^.\000) during the second year of this contract and forty thousand dollars ($40,000) per annum during the succeeding three (3) years of this contract. During the succeeding term of five (5) years an annual sum which shall be equal 28 to five (5) pir cent, of its gross annual rccupts, but wliicli sum shall not be less than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000). During the remaining term of five (5) years an annual sum which shall be equal to five (5) per cent, of its gross annual receipts, but which sum shall not be less than sixty thoueand dollars ($60,000). The gross annual receipts mentioned almve shall l)c the gross receipts of the Company from all sources, except from the operation of extensions and additional routes which may he hereafter authorized. The annual charges shall commence from the date upon which the Company obtains the approval of this contract and a certificate of convenience and necessity from the Public Service Commission, as required by law. The Company hereby agrees to file this application with the Public Service Commission fur such approval and such certificate within ten (10) days from the date of this contract. All annual charges as above shall be paid into the Treasury of the City on November 1 of each year and shall be for the amount due to September 30 next preceding. Provided that the first payment shall he only for that proportion of the annual charge fixed as the time between the date upon which such annual charges commence, as determined under the conditions of the preceding paragraph and September 30 following shall bear to the whole of one year. .\ny and all payments to be made by the term of this contract to the City by the Company shall not be considered in any manner in the nature" of a tax, but such payments shall be made in addition to any and all taxes of whatsoever kind or description, now or hereafter required to lie paid by any ordinance of the City, or resolution of the Board, or any law of the State of New York. Third — The annual charges or payments shall continue throughout the whole term of this contract, notwithstanding any clause in any statute or in the charter of any other company providing for payment for similar rights or franchises at a different rate. Fourth — Nothing in this contract shall be deemed to affect in any way the right of the City to grant to any individual or other corporation a similar right or privilege upon the same or other terms and conditions, over the same streets and avenues, here- inbefore described. Fifth — At the termination or forfeiture of this grant, the City, at the election of the Board, shall have the right to purchase all or any part of the property of the Company used for the purpose of the operation of the stage or omnibus system hereby authorized at a sum equal to a fair value of such property, exclusive of any value which such property may have by reason of this contract. If the Company and the City cannot agree upon a fair value of such property, then the value thereof shall be determined and fixed by arbitration at the instance of either party upon notice to the other party hereto, in the following manner : One disinterested person shall be chosen by the Company, one disinterested person shall be chosen by the Board, and the two so chosen shall choose a third disinterested person. The decision under oath of any two of such persons, who shall be so selected, shall be final and conclusive. 29 If cither the Company or the City fails to appoint an arbitrator as herein provided, or should the first two arbitrators fail to agree on the selection of the third arbitrator within thirty (30) days after the first two arbitrators shall be chosen, or if no two arbitrators so selected shall agree upon the value of such property within sixty (60) days after the arbitrators shall be so selected, then such value may be fixed by a ^ Q ^ comm issiongr appointed by the Supreme Court on the application of either party. Sixth — The rights and privileges hereby granted shall not be assigned, either in whole or in part, or leased or sublet in any manner, nor shall title thereto, or right, interest or property therein, pass to or vest in any other person or corporation whatsoever, either by the act of the Company, or by operation of law, whether under the provisions of the statutes relating to the consolidation or merger of corporations or otherwise, without the consent of the City, acting by the Board, evidenced by an instrument under seal, anything herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding, and the granting, giving or waiving of any one or more of such consents shall not render unnecessary any subsequent consent or consents; and no assignment, lease or sub-lease of the rights or privileges hereby granted, or of any part thereof, or of any of the routes mentioned herein, or of any part thereof, shall be valid or effectual for any purpose unless the said assignment, lease or sub-lease shall contain a covenant on the part of the assignee or lessee that the same is subject to all the conditions of this contract; and that the assignee or lessee assumes and will be bound by all of said conditions, and especially said conditions as to payments, anything in any statute or in the charter of such assignee or lessee to the contrary notwithstanding, and that the said assignee or lessee waives any more favorable conditions created by such statute or its charter, and that it will not claim by reason thereof or otherwise exemption from liability to perform each and all of the conditions of this contract. Seventh — The Company shall place at least one hundred vehicles in regular opera- tion within eight (8) months from the date of the signing of this contract and a sufficient number of vehicles to operate all of the routes herein authorized within twelve (12) months from the date upon which this contract is signed by the Mayor, provided that such period may be extended by the Board for a period or periods not exceeding in the aggregate six (6) months; and, provided, further, that when the commencement of said operation shall be prevented by legal proceedings in any court or by works of public improvement, or from other causes not within the control of the Company, the time for the commencement of such operation may be extended for the period of such prevention, but no delay shall be allowed for unless the court pro- ceedings shall be diligently prosecuted by the Company, and provided further that in no case shall such delay be deemed to begin until the Company shall have given written notice to the Board of any such court proceedings or other occasion of delay, and deliver to the Board copies of any injunction or other orders, and the papers upon which the same shall have been granted, and unless upon the request of the Board, the Company shall, in writing, consent that the Board, either in its own name as a party, or in the name of the City as a party, may intervene in any such proceeding. Eighth — Nothing herein contained shall be construed as permitting the grantee to 30 erect any structures whatever upon City streets, and the Company shall not construct or maintain any fixture or structure in the street unless especially authorized by reso- lution of the Board. Nintli— .Ml vehicles which may be operated pursuant to this contract sliall com- ply with the following general requirements : 1. They shall be propelled by power generated or contained within the vehicle itself, bi:t no power shall be used which will in its generation or use produce smoke or noxious odors sufficient, in the opinion of the Board or its authorized representa- tives, to constitute a nuisance. 2. The maximum weight, includins fuel, water, oil or any other material or any accessories used in operation, shall not exceed ten thousand five hundred (10,500) pounds. 3. The maximum width shall not exceed seven (7) feet six (6) inches. 4. The maximum height over all shall not exceed ten (10) feet nine (9) inches. 5. The maximum height of the floor of the upper deck shall not exceed eight (8) feet. 6. The maximum length shall not exceed twenty-five (25) feet. 7. Tlicy shall be designed and constructed in a manner which will permit ease and freedom of movement under all conditions. 8. The distribution of weight on axles, length of wheel base and other features of design shall be such as to avoid skidding as far as possible and shall be such as to permit easy steering and control. 9. They shall be fitted with brakes capable of stopping and holding the same under all conditions. 10. All parts shall be so constructed that no undue noise or vibration shall result from operation. 11. They shall be so constructed that the oil or grease cannot drop on the roadway. Tenth — No stage or omnibus shall be operated pursuant to this contract unless there shall be painted thereon in letters sufficiently large to be clearly legible at a distance of seventy-five feet : (a) The name of the Company owning and operating such vehicle. (b) The number of the vehicle which is assigned to it upon receiving the approval of the Board or its authorized representatives. (c) The number of adults for which the vehicle has seating space. Eleventh — No advertising signs shall appear on the outside of any stage or omnibus. Twelfth— The destination of each stage or omnibus shall be plainly indicated on the front of the vehicle, and shall lie illuminated at night. Thirteenth— The numlier of passengers to be carried in any vehicle shall at no time exceed the seating capacity of the vehicles. Fourteenth — The inclosed portion of all stages or omnibuses which are operated on said routes shall be heated during the cold weather, in conformity with such laws and ordinances as are now in force affecting surface railway cars or such laws and 31 ordinances affecting stages or omnibuses as may hereafter, during the term of this contract, be in force, or as may be required by resolution of the Board. .Fifteenth— Tile inclosed portion of all stages or omnibuses operated on said routes shall be well lighted and as may be required by resolution of the Board. Sixteenth — Before any stage or omnibus is put in service it must be submitted to the Board or its authorized representatives and receive the approval thereof. If any vehicle which may be so submitted for approval shall not conform with the require- ments herein the Company shall not operate such vehicle. If after a vehicle shall have been so approved, defects develop which in the opinion of the Board or its authorized representatives render it unsuitable for public service, then the Board or its authorized representatives may require the withdrawal of such vehicle from service. Upon being approved by the Board or its authorized representatives, each vehicle shall be given a number which shall not be changed so long as such vehicle shall be operated by the Company, unless and until the Company shall notify the Board that it proposes to change the number of the vehicle and of the new number which it is proposed to use. Seventeenth — All vehicles operated pursuant to this grant shall be maintained in good and safe repair and in a manner which will in all ways render the vehicle fit for public service. The Company shall permit the Board or its authorized representatives to inspect at all reasonable times any or all the vehicles used by the Company. If upon inspection any vehicle shall appear in the judgment of said Board or its authorized representatives to be unfit for public service, then the Company shall, upon notice, immediately withdraw such vehicle from service, and shall remedy the defect and notify the Board or its authorized representatives that the defect has been remedied before such vehicle shall be restored to service. Eighteenth — .-Ml laws and ordinances affecting the operation of stages or omnibuses now in force or which may be in force during the term of this contract shall be complied with by the Company. The Company shall also comply with and enforce the carrying out of any orders or regulations which may be issued by the Board, de- signed for the protection of persons, of property or of the comfort and health of the public. Nineteenth — The rate of fare for any passenger shall not exceed ten (10) cents, and upon the payment of such fare a passenger shall be entitled to ride as directly as possible from any point on the routes hereby authorized to any other point on the routes hereby authorized, either in one vehicle or by means of one or more transfers to other vehicles, provided that for a single fare of ten (10) cents no pas- senger shall be entitled to return toward the point at which the ride originated, and the Company shall accordingly issue transfers upon demand, good within a reasonable time, at the intersection or meeting of any two of the Company's operating routes at some point of such intersection or meeting to be designated by the Company. In consideration of the right hereby granted the Company agrees to operate "special" five-cent lines over the streets hereinafter described, all of which streets are included in the routes hereby authorized. The rate of fare for any passenger upon said "special" lines shall not exceed 32 five (5) cents, and upon the payment of such fare a passenger shall be entitled to ride as directly as possible from any point on said "special" lines herein described to any other point connected by said "special" lines, either in one vehicle or by means of one or more transfers to other vehicles, provided that for a single fare of five (S) cents no passenger shall be entitled to return toward the point at which the ride originated, and the Company shall accordingly issue transfers upon demand, good within a reasonable time at the intersection or meeting of any two of the said "special" lines at some point of sucli intersection or meeting to be designated by the Company. The streets in which said "special" five-cent lines shall be operated are described as follows : Broadway from 14th Street to 17th Street; 17th Street from Broadway to Irving Place; 4th Avenue from 14th Street to 17th Street; 16th Street from 4th Avenue to Irving Place; 15th Street from 4th Avenue to Irving Place; 14th Street from Irving Place to 7th Avenue; 7th Avenue from 14th Street to 33d; 33d Street irum 8th Avenue to Madison Avenue; 8th Avenue from 31st Street to 33d Street; 3Ist Street from 8th Avenue to Madison Avenue ; Irving Place from 14th Street to 20th Street; all streets bounding Gramcrcy Park; Lexington Avenue from 21st Street to 23d Street ; 23d Street from Lexington Avenue to Madison Avenue ; Madison Avenue from 23d Street to 40th Street; 40th Street from Madison Avenue to Park Avenue; 39th Street from Madison Avenue to Park Avenue ; Park Avenue from 39th Street to 42d Street ; along the viaduct proposed to be constructed in Park Avenue for the pur- pose of connecting the roadway of Park Avenue at or about 40th Street with the ele- vated roadway on the southerly side of the Grand Central Station ; the elevated road- way on the southerly side of the Grand Central Station between the said viaduct and the elevated roadway on the westerly side of the Grand Central Station ; the elevated roadway on the westerly side of the Grand Central Station; 45th Street from Van- derbilt Avenue to Park Avenue; Park Avenue from 45fh Street to 46th Street; 46th Street from Park Avenue to Lexington Avenue; Lexington Avenue from 42d Street to 46th Street; 42d Street from Lexington Avenue to Vanderbilt Avenue; Vanderbilt Avenue from 42d Street to 43th Street. Sixty-sixth Street from Broadway to Central Park West ; Transverse Road No. 1 through Central Park from Central Park West to 5th Avenue; 65th Street from 5th Avenue to Park Avenue ; Park Avenue from 65th Street to 64th Street ; 64th Street from Park Avenue to Madison Avenue; Madison Avenue from 64th Street to OSth Street. Broadway from 79th Street to 80th Street; 80th Street from Broadway to West End Avenue; West End Avenue from 80th Street to 79th Street; 79th Street from West End Avenue to Columbus Avenue; Columbus .Avenue from 79th Street to 77th Street; 77th Street from Columbus Avenue to Central Park West; Central Park West from 77th Street to Transverse Road No. 2 through Central Park; Transverse Road No. 2 through Central Park from Central Park West to Fifth Avenue; 79th Street from Fifth Avenue to East End Avenue; East End Avenue from 79th Street to 80th Street; 80th Street from East End Avenue to Avenue A; Avenue A from 80th Street to 79th Street. 33 Ninety-sixth Street from West End Avenue to Central Park West; Central Park West from 96th Street to Transverse Road No. 4 through Central Park; Transverse Road No- 4 through Central Park from Central Park West to Fifth Avenue ; Fifth Avenue from Transverse Road No. 4 through Central Park to 96th Street; 96th Street from Fifth Avenue to Park Avenue. Park Avenue from 127th Street to 125th Street; 125th Street from Park Avenue to Manhattan Street; Manhattan Street from 125th Street to Fort Lee Ferry; Broad- way from Manhattan Street to St. Nicholas Avenue ; St. Nicholas Avenue from Broad- way to 193d Street; 193d Street or Wadsworth Avenue from St. Nicholas Avenue to 192d Street; 192d Street from Wadsworth Avenue to St. Nicholas Avenue; Morning- side Avenue from 125th Street to Convent Avenue; Convent Avenue from Morning- side Avenue to St. Nicholas Avenue ; St. Nicholas Avenue from Convent Avenue to Broadway; 167th Street from Broadway to St. Nicholas Avenue; 155th Street from Broadway to Eighth Avenue; Fort Washington Avenue from Broadway to 181st Street; 181st Street from Fort Washington Avenue to St. Nicholas Avenue- Twentieth — Stages or omnibuses shall be run on said routes at intervals of not more than fifteen (15) minutes between the hours of 7 A. M. and 12 o'clock midnight, and as much oftener as reasonable convenience of the public may require or as may be directed by resolution of the Board, and stages or omnibuses shall be operated on such routes and at such intervals between the hours of 12 o'clock midnight and 7 A. M. as reasonable convenience of the public may require, or as may be directed by resolution of the Board. It is hereby agreed that the Board shall at all times during the term of this contract have the right to fix, for any period, the maximum number of vehicles which shall be operated in 31st Street and 33d Street, from Madison Avenue to Eighth Avenue, and to fix, for any period, the ratio of the number of vehicles operated on Vanderbilt Avenue between 42d Street and 45th Street to the number of vehicles operated over the elevated roadway on the southerly and westerly sides of the Grand Central Station, and to fix. for any period, the ratio of the number of vehicles operated on Vanderbilt Avenue between 42d Street and 45th Street, to the number of vehicles operated over the temporary route, Lexington Avenue from 46th Street to 42d Street. Twenty-first — In the event of snowfall the Company shall, as directed by the Com- missioner of Street Cleaning, open by means of snow plows or brooms, a passage sixteen feet in width over all or any of the routes herein authorized and not occupied by a street railway. Twenty-second— It is understood that the Company shall operate, pursuant to this contract, only the routes herein authorized, but should vehicular traffic be diverted from any portion of any of the streets or avenues upon which the Company is herein authorized to operate because of fires, parades or because of any other event which will close the street to vehicular traffic temporarily, then the Company may use such other streets, or avenues as are necessary to continue the operation. If, however, for any reason any of the streets and avenues in which the operation is hereby author- ized shall be closed to vehicular traffic for a longer period than twenty-four hours, 34 then the Company shall communicate with the Board or its authorized representatives and obtain authority for the operation upon other streets and avenues for the period during which said street or avenue may be closed. Twenty-third — If in the opinion of the Board it shall at any time during the uriginal term, or during the first seven (7) years of the renewal term of this contract, be deemed necessary that the Company operate an extension or extensions to any of the routes herein authorized or routes in addition to and distinct from and in no way con- nected with those herein authorized, and the Board shall so order after a public hearing, notification of which shall be given to the Company at least ten (10) days prior to the date thereof, then the Company shall within thirty (30) days after the date of such order, apply for a franchise for a term expiring not later than the date of the expiration of this contract, and shall accept a franchise or right to operate such extension, exten- sions or additional routes, which franchise shall contain the following special clauses: "(1) The Company shall keep accurate accounts of the gross receipts from all sources acquired from the operation of the route herein aulhoriccd and of the number of bus miles operated thereon, and shall take such means as are necessary and approved by the Board to keep such accounts. "(2) The annual cost of operation of the route herein authorized shall be deemed to equal the sum of the follounng items: "(a) The number of bus miles actually operated thereon, multiplied by the average cost of operation per bus mile over the entire system of the Company, which average cost of operation shall include a sum suffi- cient to pay for the depreciation of physical property, which sum shall in no ez'cnt be less than an amount sufficient to pay for three (3) years' depreciation during the term of this franchise. "(b) Interest at the rate of si.v (6) per cent, per annum upon the value of the physical property actually required to carry on the operation of the route herein authorized, which value, unless a less z'alue is agreed to by the Company and the City, or a less value determined by arbitra- tion, shall be an amount equal to ten thousarnd dollars ($10,000) for each additional vehicle for the operation of the route herein author- ized. The number of additional vehicles necessary for said operation on the route herein authorized shall be deemed to be equal to the num- ber of bus miles operated thereon per annum, divided by the average number of bus miles per annum operated by each of the vehicles of the Company over its entire system, which shall in no case be less than twenty thousand miles. "(3) The gross receipts as hereein used shall be the actual receipts to the Cotnpany resulting from the operation of the route herein authorized from any source wluitsoever. If said route is operated in conjunction with any other route or routes of the Company not described in this frat\- chise, then the gross receipts shall be deemed to be one and one-third (I'A) times the cash fares collected on said route, one half (■/$) the cash fare value of the transfers collected on said route and that proportion of the receipts of the 35 Company from advcrlisiiiy privileges as the number of bus miles per annum operated on the route herein authorized bears to the total bus miles operated per annum by the Company upon all the routes then operated u-ithin the City, unless some other method to determine the gross receipts shall be agreed to by the Com- pany and the City. "(4) // during any year ending September 30 the cost of operation of the route herein authorized shall exceed the gross receipts therefrom for that year, then the amount of the excess of cost of operation over such gross receipts shall be deducted frmn the payments to the City for that year required by the first or original franchise granted to the Company. "(5) // during any year the total cost of operation of all the routes operated by the Company under franchises applied for in compliance linth orders of the Board pursuant to section 2, subdiiision ticenty-third, of the original franchise of the Company, exceeds for the corresponding year the aggregate of the gross re- ceipts therefrom by an amount in excess of three and three-fourths (3J4) per cent, of the gross receipts of the routes of the Company operated pursuant to said original franchise, then the Company shall hare the right to discontinue and abandon one or more of such routes operated in compliance with orders of the Board as is necessary to limit the loss to an amount not exceeding said three and three-fourths (3f4) per cent, of said gross receipts. The routes to be abandoned shall be selected by the Board." All other terms and conditions of such franchise shall be the same as contained in this contract, unless otherwise mutually agreed to by the Company and the City, with, however, the following exceptions, omissions, changes and additions : 1. Section 2. subdivision second, clause (a) shall provide for the payment of an amount bearing the same ratio to thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) as the length of such extension or additional route bears to the length of the streets described herein unless a greater amount is agreed to by the Company. 2. Section 2, subdivision second, clause (b) shall provide for a payment of five (5) per cent, of the gross receipts for such extension or additional route during the term of the contract, with reasonable minimum annual payments, to be agreed upon between the City and the Company. 3. Section 2, subdivision seventh, shall contain a specified period within which to commence operation, which period shall be sufficient to enable the Company to reason- ably comply therewith. 4. Section 2, subdivision nineteenth shall provide for a maximum rate of fare to be determined by the Board, but which shall in no case, without the consent of the Company, be fixed at an amount less than five (5) cents. 5. Section 2, subdivision twentieth shall provide for maximum headway of vehi- cles to be determined by the Board. 6. Section 2, subdivision thirty-first shall provide for the deposit as security of a sum which may be mutually agreed upon by the Ciiy and the Company. In case, how- ever, such an agreement cannot be reached, the amount of the security deposit shall 36 bear the same ratio to tliirty thousand dollars ($30,000) as the length of the extension or additional route shall bear to tlic streets herein described. 7. Section 2, subdivision twenty-third sliall be omitted. 8. Said contract shall also contain the following clause : "// any dispute shall at any time arise bet~veen the parties hereto in regard to the amount or amounts due or to be credited to either the Cily or the Conu- /iiiiiy under the terms of this contract, or if the City at any time questions the cquily of the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) per %-ehicle as the amount upon K'/iiV/i interest at the rate of six (6) per cent, per annum is to he charged as a port of operatintj cost, as herein proiided for, then such amount or amounts shall be determined by arbitration at the instance of either parly upon notice to the other party hereto, in the folloxving manner: "One disinterested person shall be chosen by the Company, one disinterested person shall be chosen by the Board, and the two so chosen shall choose a third disinterested person. The decision under oath of any two of such persons who shall be so selected, shall be final and conclusive. "If either the Company or the City fails to appoint an arbitrator as herein pro- 7.!. H^^;*;"" ■s \N ■'■■: " __,ujiiii]P||W|||^ji|i^ --^''*\>; •Miii- -. „3; ; ;iOi[r*Q!|QilD(lJ5?!''''snnnni|5nna:i5!||ff^.7; I CITY OF NEW YORK BOARD OF ESTIMATE AND APPORTIONMENT BUREAU OF FRANCHISES ■louDmfBninaoiJDBHGarinr' ' Vinaifliijnnrffinpii^gglljr.;.,' OnmDDCOOQCffilDIIODI)'^ MAP FRANCHISE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDING IHE GRANTING OF * fNANCHiSC FOR ADDITIONAL MOTOR BUS ROUTES OATCD OCTOBER, 1915 - ■■■ ■ --lO^p-^QOOUyQDL' . «>.-V> MIHV^^Ar 'nmtftmt ^b>-KAW Iamv-v^ o 43 Sixth — The minimum number and length of extensions which you are willing to construct at the order of the Board at any time during the term of the contract. You are asked to submit your proposition with the understanding that the Com- mittee shall have the right to reject any proposition you may make. The Commit- tee, however, will only recommend to the Board the grant of a franchise to the company which, in its opinion, offers the best proposition as to adequate service, rate of fare and compensation to the City, and is able to demonstrate that a grant to it will best serve the interests of the City and the traveling public. Your proposition should be submitted to his Honor, the Mayor, Chairman of the Franchise Committee, on or before 12 o'clock noon, June 1, 1915, on which date the propositions of all the companies will be opened. The envelopes should be marked "Proposition of the Company for motor bus opera- tion." By order of Franchise Committee. JOHN PURROY MITCHEL, Mayor; GEORGE McANENY, President, Board of Aldermen; DOUGLAS MATHEWSON, President, Borough of The Bronx. James D. McG.\nn. Secretary.