Salifornia gional cility t fifteen auii ot|er QJJVtfiam (Sartou \ Jftftem 's, and offjer Drapers. printed IIP commandment of tlje ^tteen of dfriglanfc anD of jfcance, and alfo of t^e ^cincef of otic ^otereign Hoed rfje Bp t^eir moft tumble fubi'ett and fcctianr, ZKHtUtam Carton. (circa m.cccc.^c.) r l&eproduced (n ^toto4itl)og:capljp b? fe>repljen anD Jfartan, Cocnec of -at. paul'0 abdicated to ir (CQilllam Stirling e^artoell, in recognition of Ijte patronage and cucoucagcmnu, ijt3 obedient fertant, JI3 prefenting, in eraft fac'fimile, one of tbe cboiceff proDuftions of ; tfjep are common in tbe manufcript ^otae of tbe 1 5t() Centurp, anD fjatie fre-- quentlp foeen reprinteli footfj in tfje original latin anD in Cnglift, Carton'0 uerfion foeing pofltblp tjje earliefl. collcftion is noticeu fop Dr. Cbomas jFuller, as foeing firft fooofc of prapers tending to promote tfje Reformation: fjotoetier tbis map foe, tfjep foreatbc a fpirit of earned net)o= tion, ann prefent a gooD illuflration of tbe religious manuals of tbe perion. 3!t is more tban probafole ibat tbis is tbe firft foook of prapers in OEnglift) ifluen fop tbe followers of 223icfeliffe, anD cannot fout foe interefling as batting prepared tbe toap for tbe great moral and (piritual cbanges tbat enUeD ui tbe Eeformation, Cbe liforarp of tbe T5ritiHj ^ufeum, as migbt batie foeen crpeftet), contains tbe grcateff numfoer of fooofes printed fop Carton tbat batie etier foeen forougbt together. 31t includes among its treafures as manp as eigbtp*eigbt pieces from bis prefs, including fragments, and tbe ttoo rare trafts dif* cohered not long Once fop e$r. Winter lones, tbe prefent Principal librarian; of tobicb a toerp interefling account map foe feen in a letter addrelTed fop tbat gentleman to tbe late %ti l^enrp OBllis, and printed in tbe papers of tbe ^octetp of Antiquaries,* SDf tbefe no lefs tban eleven are unique. ou rrri. pp. 412-424* 3lt 10 fingular tbat out of ninetp*four toorks enumeratefc in Biases' a&mirable "Hife anfc Cppograpbp of (KJilliam Carton," no lefs tjjan tbirtp'tbree ate knoton to us onlp bp fingle copies, or bp fragments. " Jf," as is remarfeeti bp ^r. TBIanes, 4t more tfjan one^tfjirD of Carton's iffue f)a0 fteen nearly Defirogen, boto numerous map fratie been tjje cnttions of tobicb toe ftall probablp netier learn tbe erifience/' 3in conclutiing tbefe brief remarks upon tbis unique little uolume, it onlp remains to fap, tbat toe are inDebteU to a^r. Winter Jones, for obtaining tbe permiffion granten bp tbe Cruflees, to repropuce tbis rare volume in lpboto=litbograpbp bp s@r. 3pling, tobo bas Done fo mucb to promote tbis moUern procefs of repro^ nuftion; tbcrebp bringing tbis bibliographic treafure not onlp toitbin tbe reacb of ctjerpcolleftor of Carton's proDuc* tions, but alfo bp its price, toitbintbat>etienoftbe bumbleft of tbe lowers of olo books. 1 I w, SM u tnfcfes flbc&tt* of foufc* ccfcpng att glasnes fcnfctc &uct of al tcjxnfaut ftnncte ae o tbc c*tif< tbbp tibott tbcte mace mat) w tfec cn\x of t^c tboaloj. to fuff a^ep it) ftp mafcfc (<6 paf/toi)/ paffioijtbae ow^ of alt ftc fapnpfc . fot (c taufot) of of al ft* gtcfe ^tx^e g anjupfff^ g fo; tolbce fta< tow fuff tt^ff ti) ftp ftnotx afoa t^p paffioij oi) fte ctoffi/Ib^a uc fpecpa ou 9**&f{ m^D: t^pptaj^z Sponge mount of o6a<*e/Qtm> f Cbctop tfeca fo c 6foo^ an^ tbafet /" Qilfo $aue mgnpe cf (^ gtcfc anguj>ff^ ^at t^ou U^cc nj tb^5 t^ott tbe o nof&t Que mana of al te tootl of a man mag nof & mefu tcf)? cG>f (oo cruelty <^p ^atb ^g BCefft^ ftfcp it) fengt^e an^ 8te te fo t^c mcfua of djc ctoe t^at att t 3opnfc* of t^p^mmce tbctc fot^e&f ant> fbtBtoftct),^ ot mpn^ of tfcg 66fj pafftotj/ me g2^ fo cjx tbgtfe me fot^e bptb Ippa&t/auc fu ^aerdg fecfc 6aac mgnfc of ^ Or ubp I Iboime g fototbc fat tfcotf fuff a^ef? ti> fif fc Sp f to tfcc cr $e/ t$d( t^oa tbcte an ft> form it) all % Kmmctf 'footfcat t^ttv tba0 noo GmmciaB^pngc tt) l?i ng^t topnfc / (oo t$a( noo (ototbc ttoe K8e 60 %nc- ft't^e (o& of t^gfoft fo <$ of ($JPI ^oe d?ea tba^ no 9c& place getfotg fbz wgnfc of 6gt*ipaffton nar rnngffton g fbtpeueme met)/ f^pafct noffo QJue man'a of att gofilp &&&$/ 3aut mpnfc of d?e fc;gt&ou$ fnfulneflc i e^ou fiifftsfefl t^an atl t^pne en tbo^e Gone fmj^n crafting $ fc $*, 02 mpn^e of al pgfefuU Ifeo:^! czudt tptmtn*^ /J fefcc^ tt f u ^fiti m me fton> att mpt) tnmpee b^ Ip { gofttg / Qtn^ ggue me grace fo ^aut ifcnor an* pto&ctto^ o fp* memo tpa fl WOK*/ tb^ay t$ou oft6^2p paffgoi)/4jf ot mgn^e of d# o?pne of t^p gwfe mczcp Ib^pc^e t^ou ^a^?p . Y Spot)S0fofZoefpctafeftnnct0/an?>na^ ^> mclp fa tfc$ ga& mcrcg tb^ic^ $ou )ffi fiVtV.^^ ^ rfi7 rfirtf Hh^ffi?tirt-T Atttftt 1^ g $ou f^alt fe tbg^ me zaCf&nne mcrct feme tt) tfk ^wt of mg ^M/^t nope* Qfcue mazta .ft Jf f\ S*S\ ~ f^VUf]vv ji/fu vvuiww M{fnu f ttnoe ttj all t^png *^aue mi r~.^\\^* _ ii.^/ ^2^... L.^..*^^2 *\. ge po^ apenp <^/of tbljon) t noooomfotfe/6u< oonlg of tfyt vrf^v *-- ^--- toptfc e^ c ftpt^fullg g &o tboma $p (one ot mtfc of d?t'0 pafj(tot).g namdtg fb* *a< ftbez^ of fowO?/tfec to^tefc eg me pcrcc^ tfy fou& of ftt mo t^c ?&fffc t^fu ^au^ compaffiotj of t) al friBuiacton* ant> aff Ip g gofJIp/ an^> gguc me comfbzfc it) of ot) % wtbatfclp afftctto o pE/ $at te fo fajc/% Wt^ of man foufe,$ozttt}w& tfiat if mapc & patf igl# tt> all ,A /I / ^ t))m<^t9ttj4 nofier Qtuc mazta of dje agftl an& gal faffcv an* fuffttfci bc me fftot)/ gtaun* me fb uz of mg&tfj e$t Sftfft^ &t>g tt) tibc facra meni of t^e aulfe/ for tamt&p of mp fin comfbtA of m? fou6/Q?mct) noflSer Qtue mazta tpmpsfcfe/ Iau* tm& $af f to fafcfl fbt S* 6> 6e ^townc^ n) o fttf it) folbft finm/tec^ nw % lat^e pa of O merc &f^ p foz ,$a tbcnfc t^at $fT$/alfo% fottxIKe an ou Sonc^fatif fo me oufc of ftnnt/ant^rntt cue: afar t't dec&0 o < tboun^^ ft tge tytw - Qtue marta mptcotu of fa it) % cftm Bugpnatt &t>j? t^ou fu u fbi ttjc pafftoij tbtp fe ai pcrcgoue 6&^/ tfcat 3 maj>fo$e rate fipn mg GiMce ent/ noffa Qtuc matta moff mefofi &ot) tcff ftjng imozfal g mofj of tc (ototb tf?a< 4 ^1 tt?ou fuff ttfcfif/lblfci) al dfc mpgfy&a of fct ft66ttc0 fapffo fo tfy enclp^ ntj?n^e of t$a< angusff? g (ctolbe awt we:ct ot) me ti) mp laf | mj (ow^ f^tlfe angupf watta |om of almpg^p go^ f^tttpng K6cm0 of &* f pgutal fu uncc / fljauc mpn^ of t^g mcKe comcft? u comcn^p of % fafc ff tibp fofclp Sft tbif a ga& ctpcng ^ an^ Ibid; a form (tap g Btofte t)- ^zt f fclb pno; to 90 fbt our tg unfoi) t^c fotbcIG of tfcprtmcp/ $ 02 wpnc of t^af ptrcpo; foufcs.comfozfe me fo tbpt^ff ao? mj> ffcfffc/ tat 3 mag fc fo tibc tbortee/anfc Supng gofflg fo j tbat& te.$tifo nj $c lafJ ^ut of mj? ^ pazfyngfrc dbt* tbozloe. txpuc mg feu* ft coming fo t^e/lbbic^ it) t$e Kft ou tlatbe ot a pglgzmc/Q^ nof^r Qtue o mgna? o u mo gf it b^ fe tfect f< ou( of a tppc dtiffcx of ft^ fo^ o ur of ttffa % 66 ^p a* It ttpc dufi a Spot) $e pttf ^e an* tbata ou< o a ftnjg^te fpcte / foo f$at i fot>B Itoa^ not 6rf & a stops of Bfco^ m o| tbato. t$2ne at lap ae a Bunfett of mp: ctff< I as 6jKaufctf?e Scout of $p &&$# an* f matg of tg foncslbas&tgcfc mgnfc of ti)t* 6gtez pafftot)/ flbc tbotinfc mg ^tfe/an^ t^at mp fouCb of G> at mp ffc fc mage ft euez Gnge place / an* $a( mp Gup ng mag & cucv pfcfaunfe an* acccptaBft Q?n^ <^at tfy cnfc of mg 6ff mag fe foo comcn *a86/^a(3 mage pzprfucl pragfc <^ tbgtfc an fagn&e c lue m&ta teg (one of almggljfg go*.an* of eat fwffte^fi t^c Bgito faftcan* aH man6gn a agagt) tfc tfchfc &ap, &2*> (jaw mhci Spot) tw/djaf . But gef $p ctxaf uaj : % pttcRou^ paffto*) fae mt me om a me alt mp ^:ft 3 t^an6e t$e mofj mezcgf ul gtr 6e mctcgee me tn $t gcc6c Q(0 Ebct 11) mp (oitft/ a0 tt) R ^ t^at t? grace mcrcp att> cuct Kcp< me. me wn te fcut of ntR ivS tt^ mc2cg map ftcpe me for att Sn; . an^ foz all mg Ibcttc^ g ftn: fun Gift. QTn* t^i( 3 cat) not foe mg Kff j 3 ctpedfj 110 ptoptciue efto micfet peccafcti / Sel peccabict'/ 3 $anfte tfce alfo mp ^t6c. 3lnt> mp mofi gzadoue for fyt 6mef apto^ ? stacc t^a< t^ou f^c pcuci) me largely ti) t^t tbotloe afb; tt nmngot^ci: caa^c5e^auc a moofj gzactoue &m 3 Ebofc cttlp / f$a( an i< come t of tt)g^ att mp (Me 3 dbanfo |t/(^n^ aHe t$c tbotrf^tp tc ptrpfing te f$anf*e ft to t^c,ant fo none o j non fcug mawe '-''** i * * falufai) in mamie f*nc& Strginie/ef per Scecuw) .e( )X2 Sifcwa v^ulctffime ma (tt fue / ef pe? tlln^ ^ulctfftmu wrpue tuu quot) e^ ea fumpfiff i' e^au^t ptccc^ meac/(z tmpfe ^e Return medm&num t^ it fi&ra me a9 omm (ttBuiaciom g gufita a motfc fuftfoma. inffoitfe a6 o?6u0 mtc^t mqm^ g oo&fte/ ef aS 0165 Qtttftfcm/cti wwtc$0 ntt'sfcftnfc no^ jcpe/ nofhan) 6tmg cJ noffti afpicc iK oet 5rut no* Oraco ciue tcfptoe g malaomma quo tufc me intoccf u fo* % lp name/ an paffj> on/?atie S* fto fjmnc an& fu enfc % gtacs frnoiu an^ tbotf^tp of tfeg name, fe t^e lau^ g ptcgftng of % mo&tanfc Sirgpne.our la^p fa^ {>n& marie .Qf ns fe tfec ptouffgt of *ut itc^e fi?e map fto ouz ^ue^ frmag* ec^ tbgtib ot^ f an^> fa o; fr lPfa/3 *m % mo-op CM Vj uour/fo & fc m mofi tbsti mcefpfc^ g new/ fc fo me f ^fe g ptoftcf to))/agcnfi al mpne enrnge* tog an* goffclg ) QKctctf utt 3&f 3 bane none of$et ftufk frpt/ ne focotu . But tt) d?e ai& wig mg vx tc ftbcfc 3 W/tfc &tc^ of t? 3 goofcnc* rna^cff me of noug!f/fi6c Sn fotbpmof< e^cd&nt pmagc/ ^n^> tb^I 3 \3ba0fofZe.8p mg fttffe f a^t Qlume ftnno*tbgti? tj> ptcctoue 6fe^c ^cvt (bft IB mop gtactouflp Bbpt$ $$ ggfto of gzaoe mofi (fcugnglg ^ ante me (nfbt* mj mo fauyout we all tn it) tfet^ ptx(tn< Sff I *rt> af ; f tbc o&t of 35tfw ant) Sitggne tnmaculaft/djaf azf tbel of comfbtfc ans mo^et of metcg- ftngu^ fezfcljwfoatt t$a a^ cal&tbtt^ ^r6? gnoe/fe^cbgng <^ cuct fo fc ftngu oomfbirte 6> me ttj-att mg ne^/ ^>uf me newet fo fe ouetwme tbgt$ fcmp 02 fgnf utt ^toe/ 8u< ^Ijx me/tfcat 8g gtac^3 wag euet it) Sdrtuoutf Sugn gc ptce^e/(^f tib 9&tt2 of mg 5etib fc p fnt/tat mg goofflg cnmg$ tfcc Swap fiue pec tn a&um nuquam ftt ti)ft ^110 tfracl <&m it /"cf omnia pcccnto fcrntttu tcpce at) 9u mam. <&ut ttnfce0 cf g c mmc/g S cfot m fine quo mc$l cf< SaG^u ntc^tl [anctu muUtpfica fupcz n 00 mt c2or^iam foo.(tt* Stcfonam confta o?0 ^>mtne / ct fuprc I I emu* qtumicQi cupwr rtacm j S< non pofftnf mtc^i ticcm/mc co btngafot Sirf9 co# rt conftfiu tg fonu ( hi $eu6 otpofen* fil g afugtumcu^ cfiwi* ^ff Jftonte ct tgnie tej>fmgttt8$e/ Se fa&ufctme g peofecctot^ mce/quafi ne atfpugit' oc^ a^uctf^jti met tm mtct* ^cue aSta^nj^u* 3 3aoi>6/tt^ ottt) fenc Sm?cm/ t^ me f amuiu iuu ,(H. Set f amula ta*(ft. cf ^a mte$t coBut fb it) fonu/et fctmont ^< pUctta fft ota Sez mt 111 et auyCm in o?8u* fxi tp^ea dima faciaf mtc&i w nomine too faluu me fac/ e< me a6 oi6ue ^fttie Stfi0tK85 c< conoe^mtcbt fpacmm it) nomine too e; it^Qonori^ to^nifimS, })pe f i8 ^ei Siui qut in ctuoe f Imf2i/e( lancea lato* petfbzati ft / et & too pttctofo fanguine me i mtf^t ei tcce puecoe de camnio tgtno fezafii/ &g^tac/()Ktfaac/t( Ql&snago ^ ri fttfannam^ falfo czintine confiruaf ^nn) clamaui/Socc & (bain ocu&s mco^/qui Heuaut ocu&* rneoe in monfc^ catt om ma qui (tmcnf ^itw) Omtne fee paw ommpoftm* ^ rt mcmctia it) qua cowcn&afft ioctfftwuwj fpiaitu f t6) fat fcitt ntt ii ctif^/quan^ mi~* " ^ " ft " ^ / _ M *^ we; mozta in qtta topfpon^tftt e< gftofS rnahe rt pctfona ft'6) tut m 6ffoicfa cau qua M apoffodb ef euangeCifie/ettrt Ala caf2o **a e< pofcfUfc/u) c^u comttftaftt fpn) fcm fait in flora nona ^u Smtzt^fcj. qu? coimttftaffr P-^^t iu o ct ^tjcv fpn)meu t ^ne 35" omcnoo aam mc g coz ctcogttscoms otactonee tffima | m^ulgcncia c< pt*fcn(t6u0 f uga g co >. fnfcm* ficutttafe*)) g cau fclamftt) f ua ftfc ttcn in^ulgencta ei jSolunfa^n) fcuota / ij cucfie ptfpezt0 mun^tfapimciamc i*optzt6ue$ra c(cor omnt'Su* amtct* e< fewfaefcttSus nof bt* twam tf gCbrta (intpt6nni3ntmi Set* pmfcntt* cf emjnMctom 55tft nopte/ gracta g co folaccnenj rptfu0fci; prftucanciattj 6e mgamuz ^o in ,cui9 fancftffimtS corpus rt fangut ncm tjjfcnea^amu^ etSf nonpof; pn< nocra no$t mtmtct ntt St Jt6tfb g me me cozmtcnco pe: fiScl pn: aj mtfcnccr^iatoa no^ ptxua fptatt epc mtc^t ptcta feti(u.Scl ^cc^W^Ot.tpS ota ciom fwntt'fmefctctnft/ ct cuf^oe met o?6u6 fcteBus Stfe mcc/ocu^ aBta^ mtfia met g mttfe tt) a^tutxnurt) me a2c^angclum qut me %Mw*wiHMMMMMMMMnjfc4MMMi^xaMM^M^^wiM^BM^sa^ w 2^^^ H ;3kw W ;,.attf poo&gaf c< fcfcnfcaf a6 omwBu* tmmtj cis nws S$6tft6u$ cf tnwf$iK6ue me it) pee8c,u) . oogtf an^o/et ttj of 6$ focte ojx^ enoo/ Sfnotijpeaanjm tfio ficu&/nec|5 in fttinen^ m^tco/ Qttcc^i geCe crtfit mtc^ael / per gtaciam qnarn et uif^t >te e< ii) omm fcmpott a iaj^f f ttaS omntBue cwpottsriaJf/ fanctt angcK ^ei faccunift nuct c^t ct fuppKco Soe omnte 9uc ^^^^^^^^ ^ ^ / v C Q?Sa 2acto w> comma Jf^\Ommc i^u $fc f tK o?t Stut ^u^ gfbw.qiu mun^u utt me mifitu jxcc^fettm /Scl mifitam cow fttimu^.Scl mtfma cm mum cttatura ^ pcccafoz / Sel pcccatzt$ peccant cozamtc ^nc etooram t< Utjctt c^ta.auazicm guta.ct lugutta /fln tmt^ ego fun fo cotam met mte pcccaf atcfe/Sentam pe ootam (tntt6u*-f f ufuttV ^omtm u qm nc ee ptctaft^g mtfttt(02^tc/ptoptct9 ef2o nttcbi peccafczt.Sel ptccatttct. a mtct(pacuui)Sct* pwt&ncte/pctqtja fc&am of a jxccata mea/quta nefcto S6t f ugtanj ntfi a* & aw* mcue/ quia to sc* Site mca e{ tt fttta^to morfuo^ / Om y me martet rmfi:t:cot^tc/p2afe pt me fancttan mepafttatc5?ome/ct fancft Otafc pto me peccafeti^d jxccano S< Qtc cf mefci num faluazt me/quomam mope ef pauper fu quonta fcwe fun)/faltturt)facfne qm (ut.cwomam a& fc oomme anmmi tra; am Imaut/Q uomam hi *>& fi mtft'0/2 muifc mtfcttcot^te omniS^ t uocantiBn^ 6c/^3un8u0 pctctp? o^acto mm mcam/cf tnfen^c Soci^pttcado?0 n t**/mu ^t confcmpfam , peccaii obmn> ci6f ^ tie pafrie ^f^2tun)/ pezfiuctanctam as cfr JtL V ^ VV ^V^WV*!!* /^\ Otoqut&twmtcu* mcttsalGga* ucttt u) mc e pcr fuarn t fui cefamcf toncrt). > pic ctuctft^e otm popu&^> . qui pto mam a6 tmpio^ merit'* fuppftctum pc2tufiff t. men fandu tga$/c< con/tSo toe aKfoae/quafcnue nttl,' tiBs &fu0,Sd6f omm tuSulacow et augufita SclG6ctaminc. Mtfii ^ttctam r ^tgnum falitfi* pone tij tuunj sominc ef ptofcgc nos/rf non w nofts pl^5 noceii^ / a pefie cpc^imic Gifeamut . ft / Qfcngcft tut facti noe i tt cuf (Wtf9 ctsfeaf ef fcwefcat carifes ota fu&tt/ Ski co&ix/monamut fu6t Siuam9 g ptaufcam9 at fine 6:210 *K*/ mimtci. fj^Oto/ Ottmiws (Keffa qucfum9 omntpo6en0 tt nufincot0^eit0 / $t qut ocuofifft; mt rears fenttci mcrtte mttacufttf ful -^ - gencta, pic menha af fictu ttcowmu* ti) &m$.*tu c< omniu fco^g (uo^g into; ctffiomUu* aSomnt pcfte/ft6ix,mor8) actnptoutfa ntotfc. fc2teq5 cruamut maft e g gau^ia fonpttona a^tptfci me ^j <*. ^ _ ^% ^f/ / -* i t teamw. f[ O quam magmftcun) cpE nome Bue mulunt ft^ucta/ ? corpora. fun( t?tc cf S6tqj fcpulte.e^ antmt otutt) fiuti) ccfttnfc*>.|r fct mtam toamc^riofam Cm &if uncftjg.ct mtfiwoe ^ fingulatxn) tio fpee ^5lla ttottmtte fme.ntft fac< fuf as pnwrgtncm