California legional 'acility LIBRARY UNIVERSITY W CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO by MRS ETHEL ROGERS HISTORY OF THE CONFLICT BETWEEN RELIGION AND SCIENCE BY ]jOHN WILLIAM DRAPER, M. D., LL. D. PROFESSOR IN THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK, AUTHOR OF A TREATISE ON HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY, HISTORY OF THE INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT OF EUROPE, HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR, AN'D OF MANY EXPERIMENTAL MEMOIRS ON CHEMICAL AND OTHER SCIENTIFIC SUBJECTS NEW YORK D. APPLETON AND COMPANY 1898 ENTERED, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1874, by JOHN WILLIAM DRAPER, M. D., LL. D., In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. PREFACE. WHOEVER has had an opportunity of becoming ac- quainted with the mental condition of the intelligent classes in Europe and America, must have perceived that there is a great and rapidly-increasing departure from the public religious faith, and that, while among the more frank this divergence is not concealed, there is a far more extensive and far more dangerous seces- sion, private and unacknowledged. So wide-spread and so powerful is this secession, that it can neither be treated with contempt nor with punishment. It cannot be extinguished by derision, by vituperation, or by force. The time is rapidly approaching when it will give rise to serious political results. Ecclesiastical spirit no longer inspires the policy of the world. Military fervor in behalf of faith has dis- appeared. Its only souvenirs are the marble effigies of crusading knights, reposing in the silent crypts of churches on their tombs. That a crisis is impending is shown by the attitude of the great powers toward the papacy. The papacy vi PREFACE. represents the ideas and aspirations of two-thirds of the population of Europe. It insists on a political suprem- acy in accordance with its claims to a divine origin and mission, and a restoration of the mediaeval order of things, loudly declaring that it will accept no recon- ciliation with modern civilization. The antagonism we thus witness between Eeligion and Science is the continuation of a struggle that com- menced when Christianity began to attain political pow- er. A divine revelation must necessarily be intolerant of contradiction; it must repudiate all improvement in itself, and view with disdain that arising from the pro- gressive intellectual development of man. But our opinions on every subject are continually liable to mod- ification, from the irresistible advance of human knowl- edge. Can we exaggerate the importance of a contention in which every thoughtful person must take part whether he will or not? In a matter so solemn as that of reli- gion, all men, whose temporal interests are not involved in existing institutions, earnestly desire to find the truth. They seek information as to the subjects in dispute, and as to the conduct of the disputants. The history of Science is not a mere record of iso- lated discoveries; it is a narrative of the conflict of two contending powers, the expansive force of the human intellect on one side, and the compression arising from traditionary faith and human interests on the other. No one has hitherto treated the subject from this PREFACE. vii point of view. Yet from this point it presents itself to us as a living issue in fact, as the most important of all living issues. A few years ago, it was the politic and therefore the proper course to abstain from all allusion to this controversy, and to keep it as far as possible in the background. The tranquillity of society depends so much on the stability of its religious convictions, that no one can be justified in wantonly disturbing them. But faith is in its nature unchangeable, stationary; Science is in its nature progressive; and eventually a divergence between them, impossible to conceal, must take place. It then becomes the duty of those whose lives have made them familiar with both modes of thought, to present modestly, but firmly, their views; to compare the antagonistic pretensions calmly, impar- tially, philosophically. History shows that, if this be not done, social misfortunes, disastrous and enduring, will ensue. When the old mythological religion of Europe broke down under the weight of its own incon- sistencies, neither the Eoman emperors nor the phi- losophers of those times did any thing adequate for the guidance of public opinion. They left religious affairs to take their chance, and accordingly those affairs fell into the hands of ignorant and infuriated ecclesiastics, parasites, eunuchs, and slaves. The intellectual night which settled on Europe, in consequence of that great neglect of duty, is passing away; we live in the daybreak of better things. So- viil PREFACE. ciety is anxiously expecting light, to see in what direc- tion it is drifting. It plainly discerns that the track along which the voyage of civilization has thus far been made, has been left; and that a new departure, on an unknown sea, has been taken. Though deeply impressed with such thoughts, I should not have presumed to write this book, or to intrude on the public the ideas it presents, had I not made the facts with which it deals a subject of long and earnest meditation. And I have gathered a strong incentive to undertake this duty from the circumstance that a " History of the Intellectual Development of Eu- rope," published by me several years ago, which has passed through many editions in America, and has been reprinted in numerous European languages, English, French, German, Russian, Polish, Servian, etc., is every- where received with favor. In collecting and arranging the materials for the volumes I published under the title of " A History of the American Civil War," a work of very great labor, I had become accustomed to the comparison of con- flicting statements, the adjustment of conflicting claims. The approval with which that book has been received by the American public, a critical judge of the events considered, has inspired me with additional confidence. I had also devoted much attention to the experimental investigation of natural phenomena, and had published many well-known memoirs on such subjects. And per- haps no one can give himself to these pursuits, and spend PREFACE. i x a large part of his life in the public teaching of science, without partaking of that love of impartiality and truth which Philosophy incites. She inspires us with a desire to dedicate our days to the good of our race, so that in the fading light of life's evening we may not, on look- ing back, be forced to acknowledge how unsubstantial and useless are the objects that we have pursued. Though I have spared no pains in the composition of this book, I am very sensible how unequal it is to the subject, to do justice to which a knowledge of sci- ence, history, theology, politics, is required; every page should be alive with intelligence and glistening with facts. But then I have remembered that this is only as it were the preface, or forerunner, of a body of litera- ture, which the events and wants of our times will call forth. We have come to the brink of a great intel- lectual change. Much of the frivolous reading of the present will be supplanted by a thoughtful and austere literature, vivified, by endangered interests, and made fervid by ecclesiastical passion. What I have sought to do is, to present a clear and impartial statement of the views and acts of the two contending parties. In one sense I have tried to iden- tify myself with each, so as to comprehend thoroughly their motives; but in another and higher sense I have endeavored to stand aloof, and relate with impartiality their actions. I therefore trust that those, who may be disposed to criticise this book, will bear in mind that its object is x PREFACE. not to advocate the views and pretensions of either party, but to explain clearly, and without shrinking, those of both. In the management of each chapter I have usually set forth the orthodox view first, and then followed it with that of its opponents. In thus treating the subject it has not been necessary to pay much regard to more moderate or intermediate opinions, for, though they may be intrinsically of great value, in conflicts of this kind it is not with the mod- erates but with the extremists that the impartial reader is mainly concerned. Their movements determine the issue. For this reason I have had little to say respecting the two great Christian confessions, the Protestant and Greek Churches. As to the latter, it has never, since the restoration of science, arrayed itself in opposition to the advancement of knowledge. On the contrary, it has always met it with welcome. It has observed a reverential attitude to truth, from whatever quarter it might come. Recognizing the apparent discrepancies between its interpretations of revealed truth and the discoveries of science, it has always expected that sat- isfactory explanations and reconciliations would ensue, and in this it has not been disappointed. It would have been well for modern civilization if the Roman Church had done the same. In speaking of Christianity, reference is generally made to the Roman Church, partly because its adherents compose the majority of Christendom, partly because PREFACE. xi its demands are the most pretentious, and partly because it has commonly sought to enforce those demands by the civil power. None of the Protestant Churches has ever occupied a position so imperious none has ever had such wide-spread political influence. For the most part they have been averse to constraint, and except in very few instances their opposition has not passed be- yond the exciting of theological odium. As to Science, she has never sought to ally herself to civil power. She has never attempted to throw odium or inflict social ruin on any human being. She has never subjected any one to mental torment, physical torture, least of all to death, for the purpose of uphold- ing or promoting her ideas. She presents herself un- stained by cruelties and crimes. But in the Vatican we have only to recall the Inquisition the hands that are now raised in appeals to the Most Merciful are crimsoned. They have been steeped in blood! There are two modes of historical composition, the artistic and the scientific. The former implies that men give origin to events; it therefore selects some promi- nent individual, pictures him under a fanciful form, and makes him the hero of a romance. The latter, in- sisting that human affairs present an unbroken chain, in which each fact is the offspring of some preceding fact, and the parent of some subsequent fact, declares that men do not control events, but that events control men. The former gives origin to compositions, which, however much they may interest or delight us, are but a grade xii PREFACE. above novels; the latter is austere, perhaps even repul- sive, for it sternly impresses us with a conviction of the irresistible dominion of law, and the insignificance of human exertions. In a subject so solemn as that to which this book is devoted, the romantic and the popu- lar are altogether out of place. He who presumes to treat of it must fix his eyes steadfastly on that chain of destiny which universal history displays; he must turn with disdain from the phantom impostures of pontiffs and statesmen and kings. If any thing were needed to show us the untrust- worthiness of artistic historical compositions, our per- sonal experience would furnish it. How often do our most intimate friends fail to perceive the real motives of our every-day actions; how frequently they misin- terpret our intentions! If this be the case in what is passing before our eyes, may we not be satisfied that it is impossible to comprehend justly the doings of persons who lived many years ago, and whom we have never seen? In selecting and arranging the topics now to be pre- sented, I have been guided in part by " the Confession " of the late Vatican Council, and in part by the order of events in history. Not without interest will the reader remark that the subjects offer themselves to us now as they did to the old philosophers of Greece. "We still deal with the same questions about which they dis- puted. What is God? What is the soul? What is the world? How is it governed? Have we any stand- ard or criterion of truth? And the thoughtful reader PREFACE. xiii will earnestly ask, " Are our solutions of these prob- lems any better than theirs? " The general argument of this book, then, is as fol- lows: I first direct attention to the origin of modern sci- ence as distinguished from ancient, by depending on observation, experiment, and mathematical discussion, instead of mere speculation, and shall show that it was a consequence of the Macedonian campaigns, which brought Asia and Europe into contact. A brief sketch of those campaigns, and of the Museum of Alexandria, illustrates its character. Then with brevity I recall the well-known origin of Christianity, and show its advance to the attainment of imperial power, the transformation it underwent by its incorporation with paganism, the existing religion of the Koman Empire. A clear conception of its in- compatibility with science caused it to suppress forcibly the Schools of Alexandria. It was constrained to this by the political necessities of its position. The parties to the conflict thus placed, I next relate the story of their first open struggle; it is the first or Southern Reformation. The point in dispute had re- spect to the nature of God. It involved the rise of Mohammedanism. Its result was, that much of Asia and Africa, with the historic cities Jerusalem, 'Alex- andria, and Carthage, were wrenched from Christendom, and the doctrine of the Unity of God established in the larger portion of what had been the Roman Empire. XJV PREFACE. This political event was followed by the restoration of science, the establishment of colleges, schools, libra- ries, throughout the dominions of the Arabians. Those conquerors, pressing forward rapidly in their intellect- ual development, rejected the anthropomorphic ideas of the nature of God remaining in their popular belief, and accepted other more philosophical ones, akin to those that had long previously been attained to in India. The result of this was a second conflict, that respecting the nature of the soul. Under the designa- tion of Averroism, there came into prominence the the- ories of Emanation and Absorption. At the close of the middle ages the Inquisition succeeded in excluding those doctrines from Europe, and now the Vatican Council has formally and solemnly anathematized them. Meantime, through the cultivation of astronomy, geography, and other sciences, correct views had been gained as to the position and relations of the earth, and as to the structure of the world; and since Eeligion, resting itself on what was assumed to be the proper interpretation of the Scriptures, insisted that the earth is the central and most important part of the universe, a third conflict broke' out. In this Galileo led the way on the part of Science. Its issue was the overthrow of the Church on the question in dispute. Subsequently a subordinate controversy arose respecting the age of the world, the Church insisting that it is only about six thousand years old. In this she was again overthrown. The light of history and of science had been gradu- PREFACE. xv ally spreading over Europe. In the sixteenth century the prestige of Eoman Christianity was greatly dimin- ished by the intellectual reverses it had experienced, and also by its political and moral condition. It was clearly seen by many pious men that Eeligion was not accountable for the false position in which she was found, but that the misfortune was directly traceable to the alliance she had of old contracted with Eoman pa- ganism. The obvious remedy, therefore, was a return to primitive purity. Thus arose the fourth conflict, known to us as the Eeformation the second or North- ern Eeformation. The special form it assumed was a contest respecting the standard or criterion of truth, whether it is to be found in the Church or in the Bible. The determination of this involved a settle- ment of the rights of reason, or intellectual freedom. Luther, who is the conspicuous man of the epoch, car- ried into effect his intention with no inconsiderable success; and at the close of the struggle it was found that Northern Europe was lost to Eoman Christianity. We are now in the midst of a controversy respecting the mode of government of the world, whether it be by incessant divine intervention, or by the operation of pri- mordial and unchangeable law. The intellectual move- ment of Christendom has reached that point which Arabism had attained to in the tenth and eleventh cen- turies; and doctrines which were then discussed are pre- senting themselves again for review; such are those of Evolution, Creation, Development. xv i PREFACE. Offered under these general titles, I think it will be found that all the essential points of this great contro- versy are included. By grouping under these compre- hensive heads the facts to be considered, and dealing with each group separately, we shall doubtless acquire clear views of their inter-connection and their histori- cal succession. I have treated of these conflicts as nearly as I con- veniently could in their proper chronological order, and, for the sake of completeness, have added chapters on An examination of what Latin Christianity has done for modern civilization. A corresponding examination of what Science has done. The attitude of Eoman Christianity in the impend- ing conflict, as defined by the Vatican Council. The attention of many truth-seeking persons has been so exclusively given to the details of sectarian dis- sensions, that the long strife, to the history of which these pages are devoted, is popularly but little known. Having tried to keep steadfastly in view the determina- tion to write this work in an impartial spirit, to speak with respect of the contending parties, but never to con- ceal the truth, I commit it to the considerate judgment of the thoughtful reader. JOHN WILLIAM DRAPER. UNIVERSITY, NEW YORK, December, 187S. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. THE ORIGIN OF SCIENCE. PAGE Religious condition of the Greeks in the fourth century before Christ. Their invasion of the Persian Empire brings them in contact with new aspects of Nature, and familiarizes them with new religious systems. The military, engineer- ing, and scientific activity, stimulated by the Macedonian campaigns, leads to the establishment in Alexandria of an institute, the Museum, for the cultivation of knowledge by experiment, observation, and mathematical discussion. . It is the origin of Science 1 CHAPTER II. THE ORIGIN OF CHRISTIANITY. ITS TRANSFORMATION ON ATTAIN- ING IMPERIAL POWER. ITS RELATIONS TO SCIENCE. Religious condition of the Roman Republic. The adoption of imperialism leads to monotheism. Christianity spreads over the Roman Empire. The circumstances under which it attained imperial power make its union with Paganism a political necessity. Tertullian's description of its doc- trines and practices. Debasing effect of the policy of Constantine on it. Its alliance with the civil power. Its incompatibility with science. Destruction of the Alexan- drian Library and prohibition of philosophy. Exposition of the Augustinian philosophy and Patristic science gen- erally. The Scriptures made the standard of science . 34 xvii xviii CONTENTS. CHAPTER III. PAOIt CONFLICT RESPECTING THE DOCTRINE OF THE UNITY OF GOD. THE FIRST OR SOUTHERN REFORMATION. The Egyptians insist on the introduction of the worship of the Virgin Mary. They are resisted by Nestor, the Patriarch of Constantinople, but eventually, through their influence with the emperor, cause Nestor's exile and the dispersion of his followers. Prelude to the Southern Reformation. The Persian attack ; its moral effects. The Arabian Reformation. Mohammed is brought in contact with the Nestorians. He adopts and extends their prin- ciples, rejecting the worship of the Virgin, the doctrine of the Trinity, and everything in opposition to the unity of God. He extinguishes idolatry in Arabia by force, and prepares to make war on the Roman Empire. His suc- cessors conquer Syria, Egypt, Asia Minor, North Africa, Spain, and invade France. As the result of this conflict, the doctrine of the unity of God was established in the greater part of the Roman Empire. The cultivation of science was restored, and Christen- dom lost many of her most illustrious capitals, as Alexan- dria, Carthage, and, above all, Jerusalem . . . .68 CHAPTER IV. THE RESTORATION OF SCIENCE IN THE SOUTH. By the influence of the Nestorians and Jews, the Arabians are turned to the cultivation of Science. They modify their views as to the destiny of man, and obtain true concep- tions respecting the structure of the world. They as- certain the size of the earth, and determine its shape. Their khalifs collect great libraries, patronize every de- partment of science and literature, establish astronomical observatories. They develop the mathematical sciences, invent algebra, and improve geometry and trigonometry. They collect and translate the old Greek mathematical and astronomical works, and adopt the inductive method of Aristotle. They establish many colleges, and, with the CONTENTS. xix PAGE aid of the Nestorians, organize a public-school system. They introduce the Arabic numerals and arithmetic, and catalogue and give names to the stars. They lay the foun- dation of modern astronomy, chemistry, and physics, and introduce great improvements in agriculture and manu- factures . 102 ' CHAPTER V. CONFLICT RESPECTING THE NATURE OF THE SOUL. DOCTRINE OF EMANATION AND ABSORPTION. European ideas respecting the soul. It resembles the form of the body. Philosophical views of the Orientals. The Vedic theology and Buddhism assert the doctrine of emanation and absorp- tion. It is advocated by Aristotle, who is followed by the Alexandrian school, and subsequently by the Jews and Arabians. It is found in the writings of Erigena. Connection of this doctrine with the theory of conservation and correlation of force. Parallel between the origin and destiny of the body and the soul. The necessity of found- ing human on comparative psychology. Averroism, which is based on these facts, is brought into Christendom through Spain and Sicily. History of the repression of Averroism. Revolt of Islam against it. Antagonism of the Jewish synagogues. Its destruction undertaken by the papacy. Institution of the Inquisition in Spain. Frightful persecutions and their resuks. Expulsion of the Jews and Moors. Overthrow of Averroism in Europe. Decisive action of the late Vatican Council 119 CHAPTER VI. CONFLICT RESPECTING THE NATURE OF THE WORLD. Scriptural view of the world : the earth a flat surface ; loca- tion of heaven and hell. Scientific view : the earth a globe ; its size determined ; its position in and relations to the solar system. The three xx CONTENTS. PAGB great voyages. Columbus, De Gama, Magellan. Circum- navigation of the earth. Determination of its curvature by the measurement of a degree and by the pendulum. The discoveries of Copernicus. Invention of the telescope. Galileo brought before the Inquisition. His punishment. Victory over the Church. Attempts to ascertain the dimensions of the solar system. Determination of the sun's parallax by the transits of Venus. Insignificance of the earth and man. Ideas respecting the dimensions of the universe. Parallax of the stars. The plurality of worlds asserted by Bruno. He is seized and murdered by the Inquisition . . . 152 CHAPTER VII. CONTROVERSY RESPECTING THE AGE OF THE EARTH. Scriptural view that the earth is only six thousand years old, and that it was made in a week. Patristic chronology founded on the ages of the patriarchs. Difficulties arising from different estimates in different versions of the Bible. Legend of the Deluge. The repeopling. The Tower of Babel ; the confusion of tongues. The primitive language. Discovery by Cassini of the oblateness of the planet Jupiter. Discovery by Newton of the oblateness of the earth. Deduction that she has been modeled by mechanical causes. Confirmation of this by geological discoveries respect- ing aqueous rocks; corroboration by organic remains. The necessity of admitting enormously long periods of time. Displacement of the doctrine of Creation by that of Evolution. Discoveries respecting the antiquity of man. The time-scale and space-scale of the world are infinite. Moderation with which the discussion of the age of the . World has been conducted 182 CHAPTER VIII. CONFLICT RESPECTING THE CRITERION OF TRUTH. Ancient philosophy declares that man has no means of ascer- taining the truth. Differences of belief arise among the early Christians. An CONTENTS. xxi PAGE ineffectual attempt is made to remedy them by Councils. Miracle and ordeal proof introduced. The papacy resorts to auricular confession and the Inquisi- tion. It perpetrates frightful atrocities for the suppres- sion of differences of opinion. Effect of the discovery of the Pandects of Justinian and de- velopment of the canon law on the nature of evidence. It becomes more scientific. The Reformation establishes the rights of individual reason. Catholicism asserts that the criterion of truth is in the Church. It restrains the reading of books by the Index Expurgatorius, and combats dissent by such means as the massacre of St. Bartholomew's Eve. Examination of the authenticity of the Pentateuch as the Protestant criterion. Spurious character of those books. For Science, the criterion of truth is to be found in the revela- tions of Nature ; for the Protestant, it is in the Scriptures; for the Catholic, in an infallible Pope .... 201 CHAPTER IX. CONTROVERSY RESPECTING THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNIVERSE. ' There are two conceptions of the government of the world : 1. By Providence ; 2. By Law. The former maintained by the priesthood. Sketch of the introduction of the latter. Kepler discovers the laws that preside over the solar system. His works are denounced by papal authority. The foun- dations of mechanical philosophy are laid by Da Vinci. Galileo discovers the fundamental laws of Dynamics. Newton applies them to the movements of the celestial bodies, and shows that the solar system is governed by mathematical necessity. Herschel extends that conclu- sion to the universe. The nebular hypothesis. Theologi- cal exceptions to it. Evidences of the control of law in the construction of the earth, and in the development of the animal and plant series. They arose by Evolution, not by Creation. The reign of law is exhibited by the historic career of human societies, and in the case of individual man. Partial adoption of this view by some of the reformed Churches . 228 xxii CONTENTS. CHAPTER X. PAGE LATIN CHRISTIANITY IN RELATION TO MODERN CIVILIZATION. For more than a thousand years Latin Christianity controlled the intelligence of Europe, and is responsible for the result. That result is manifested by the condition of the city of Rome at the Reformation, and by the condition of the Continent of Europe in domestic and social life. European nations suffered under the coexistence of a dual government, a spiritual and a temporal. They were immersed in igno- rance, superstition, discomfort. Explanation of the fail- ure of Catholicism. Political history of the papacy: it was transmuted from a spiritual confederacy into an abso- lute monarchy. Action of the College of Cardinals and the Curia. Demoralization that ensued from the necessity of raising large revenues. The advantages accruing to Europe during the Catholic rule arose not from direct intention, but were incidental. The general result is, that the political influence of Catholi- cism was prejudicial to modern civilization . . . 245 CHAPTER XI. SCIENCE IN RELATION TO MODERN CIVILIZATION. Illustration of the general influences of Science from the his- tory of America. THE INTRODUCTION OF SCIENCE INTO EUROPE. It passed from Moorish Spain to Upper Italy, and was favored by the absence of the popes at Avignon. The effects of printing, of maritime adventure, and of the Reformation. Estab- lishment of the Italian scientific societies. THE INTELLECTUAL INFLUENCE OF SCIENCE. It changed the mode and the direction of thought in Europe. The trans- actions of the Royal Society of London, and other scien- tific societies, furnish an illustration of this. THE ECONOMICAL INFLUENCE OF SCIENCE is illustrated by the numerous mechanical and physical inventions made since the fourteenth century. Their influence on health and domestic life, on the arts of peace and of war. Answer to the question, What has Science done for humanity ? 286 CONTENTS. xxiii CHAPTER XII. PAGE THE IMPENDING CRISIS. Indications of the approach of a religious crisis. The pre- dominating Christian Church, the Roman, perceives this, and makes preparation for it. Pius IX. convokes an (Ecumenical Council. Relations of the different Euro- pean governments to the papacy. Relations of the Church to Science, as indicated by the Encyclical Letter and the Syllabus. Acts of the Vatican Council in relation to the infallibility of the pope, and to Science. Abstract of decisions arrived at. Controversy between the Prussian Government and the papa- cy. It is a contest between the State and the Church for supremacy. Effect of dual government in Europe. Dec- laration by the Vatican Council of its position as to Sci- ence. The dogmatic constitution of the Catholic faith. Its definitions respecting God, Revelation, Faith, Reason. The anathemas it pronounces. Its denunciation of modern civilization. The Protestant Evangelical Alliance and its acts. General review of the foregoing definitions and acts. Pres- ent condition of the controversy, and its future prospects 827 HISTORY OF THE CONFLICT BETWEEN RELIGION AND SCIENCE. CHAPTER I. THE OBIGItf OF SCIENCE. Religious condition of the Greeks in the fourth century before Christ. Their invasion of the Persian Umpire brings them in contact with new aspects of Nature, and familiarizes them with new religious systems. The military, engineering, and scientific activity, stimulated by the Macedonian campaigns, leads to the establishment in Alexandria of an institute, the Museum, for the cultivation of knowledge by experiment, ob- servation, and mathematical discussion. It is the origin of Science. No spectacle can be presented to the thoughtful mind more solemn., more mournful, than that of the dying of an ancient religion, which in its day has given consolation to many generations of men. Four centuries before the birth of Christ, Greece was fast outgrowing her ancient faith. Her philoso- phers, in their studies of the world, had been pro- foundly impressed with the contrast between the ma- jesty of the operations of Nature and the worthlessness of the divinities of Olympus. Her historians, consid- ering the orderly course of political affairs, the manifest uniformity in the acts of men, and that there was no 1 2 GEEEK MYTHOLOGY. event occurring before their eyes for which they could not find an obvious cause in some preceding event, began to suspect that the miracles and celestial inter- ventions, with which the old annals were filled,' were only fictions. They demanded, when the age of the supernatural had ceased, why oracles had become mute, and why there were now no more prodigies in the world. Traditions, descending from immemorial antiquity, and formerly accepted by pious men as unquestionable truths, had filled the islands of the Mediterranean and the conterminous countries with supernatural wonders enchantresses, sorcerers, giants, ogres, harpies, gorgons, centaurs, cyclops. The azure vault was the floor of heaven; there Zeus, surrounded by the gods with their wives and mistresses, held his court, engaged in pur- suits like those of men, and not refraining from acts of human passion and crime. A sea-coast broken by numerous indentations, an archipelago with some of the most lovely islands in the world, inspired the Greeks with a taste for maritime life, for geographical discovery, and colonization. Their ships wandered all over the Black and Mediterranean Seas. The time-honored wonders that had been glori- fied in the " Odyssey," and sacred in public faith, were found to have no existence. As a better knowledge of Nature was obtained, the sky was shown to be an illu- sion; it was discovered that there is no Olympus, noth- ing above but space and stars. With the vanishing of their habitation, the gods disappeared, both those of the Ionian type of Homer and those of the Doric of Hesiod. But this did not take place without resistance. At first, the public, and particularly its religious portion, de- EFFECTS OF DISCOVERY AND CRITICISM. 3 nounced the rising doubts as atheism. They despoiled some of the offenders of their goods, exiled others; some they put to death. They asserted that what had been 'believed by pious men in the old times, and had stood the test of ages, must necessarily be true. Then, as the opposing evidence became irresistible, they were content to admit that these marvels were allegories under which the wisdom of the ancients had concealed many sacred and mysterious things. They tried to rec- oncile, what now in their misgivings they feared might be myths, with their advancing intellectual state. But their efforts were in vain, for there are predestined phases through which on sjich an occasion public opin- ion must pass. What it has received with veneration it begins to doubt, then it offers new interpretations, then subsides into dissent, and ends with a rejection of the whole as a mere fable. In their secession the philosophers and historians were followed by the poets. Euripides incurred the odium of heresy. ^.-Eschylus narrowly escaped being stoned to death for blasphemy. But the frantic efforts of those who are interested in supporting delusions must always end in defeat. The demoralization resist- lessly extended through every branch of literature, until at length it reached the common people. Greek philosophical criticism had lent its aid to Greek philosophical discovery in this destruction of the national faith. It sustained by many arguments the wide-spreading unbelief. It compared the doctrines of the different schools with each other, and showed from their contradictions that man has no criterion of truth; that, since his ideas of what is good and what is evil differ according to the country in which he lives, they can have no foundation in Nature, but must be alto- 4 THE PERSIAN EMPIRE. gether.the result of education; that right and wrong are nothing more than fictions created by society for its own purposes. In Athens, some of the more advanced classes had reached such a pass that they not only denied the unseen, the supernatural, they even affirmed that the world is only a day-dream, a phantasm, and that nothing at all exists. The topographical configuration of Greece gave an impress to her political condition. It divided her people into distinct communities having conflicting interests, and made them incapable of centralization. Incessant domestic wars between the rival states checked her ad- vancement. She was poor, her leading men had be- come corrupt. They were ever ready to barter patriotic considerations for foreign gold, to sell themselves for Persian bribes. Possessing a perception of the beauti- ful as manifested in sculpture and architecture to a degree never attained elsewhere either before or since, Greece had lost a practical appreciation of the Good and the True. While European Greece, full of ideas of liberty and independence, rejected the sovereignty of Persia, Asiatic Greece acknowledged it without reluctance. At that time the Persian Empire in territorial extent was equal to half of modern Europe. It touched the waters of the Mediterranean, the ^Egean, the Black, the Caspian, the Indian, the Persian, the Eed Seas. Through its territories there flowed six of the grandest rivers in the world the Euphrates, the Tigris, the Indus, the Jax- artes, the Oxus, the Nile, each more than a thousand miles in length. Its surface reached from thirteen hun- dred feet below the sea-level to twenty thousand feet above. It yielded, therefore, every agricultural prod- uct. Its mineral wealth was boundless. It inherited the THE PERSIAN EMPIRE. 5 prestige of the Median, the Babylonian, the Assyrian, the Chaldean Empires, whose annals reached back through more than twenty centuries. Persia had always looked upon European Greece as politically insignificant, for it had scarcely half the territorial extent of one of her satrapies. Her expedi- tions for compelling its obedience had, however, taught her the military qualities of its people. In her forces were incorporated Greek mercenaries, esteemed the very best of her troops. She did not hesitate sometimes to give the command of her armies to Greek generals, of her fleets to Greek captains. In the political convul- sions through which she had passed, Greek soldiers had often been used by her contending chiefs. These mili- tary operations were attended by a momentous result. They revealed, to the quick eye of these warlike mer- cenaries, the political weakness of the empire and the possibility of reaching its centre. After the death of Cyprus on the battle-field of Cunaxa, it was demon- strated, by the immortal retreat of the ten thousand under Xenophon, that a Greek army could force its way to and from the heart of Persia. That reverence for the military abilities of Asiatic generals, so profoundly impressed on the Greeks by such engineering exploits as the bridging of the Helles- pont, and the cutting of the isthmus at Mount Athos by Xerxes, had been obliterated at Salamis, Platea, Mycale. To plunder rich Persian provinces had become an ir- resistible temptation. Such was the expedition of Ages- ilaus, the Spartan king, whose brilliant successes were, however, checked by the Persian government resorting to its time-proved policy of bribing the neighbors of Sparta to attack her. " I have been conquered by thirty thousand Persian archers," bitterly exclaimed 3 (} INVASION OF PERSIA BY GREECE. Agesilaus, as he reembarked, alluding to the Persian coin, the Daric, which was stamped with the image of an archer. At length Philip, the King of Macedon, projected a renewal of these attempts, under a far more formidable organization, and with a grander object. He managed to have himself appointed captain-general of all Greece, not for the purpose of a mere foray into the Asiatic satrapies, but for the overthrow of the Persian dynasty in the very centre of its power. Assassinated while his preparations were incomplete, he was succeeded by his son Alexander, then a youth. A general assembly of Greeks at Corinth had unanimously elected him in his father's stead. There were some disturbances in II- lyria; Alexander had to march his army as far north as the Danube to quell them. During his absence the Thebans with some others conspired against him. On his return he took Thebes by assault. He massacred six thousand of its inhabitants, sold thirty thousand for slaves, and utterly demolished the city. The military wisdom of this severity was apparent in his Asiatic cam- paign. He was not troubled by any revolt in his rear. In the spring B. c. 334 Alexander crossed the Hel- lespont into Asia. His army consisted of thirty-four thousand foot and four thousand horse. He had with him only seventy talents in money. He marched di- rectly on the Persian army, which, vastly exceeding him in strength, was holding the line of the Granicus. He forced the passage of the river, routed the enemy, and the possession of all Asia Minor, with its treasures, was the fruit of the victory. The remainder of that year he spent in the military organization of the conquered provinces. Meantime Darius, the Persian king, had THE MACEDONIAN CAMPAIGN. 7 advanced an army of six hundred thousand men to pre- vent the passage of the Macedonians into Syria. In a battle that ensued among the mountain-defiles at Issus, the Persians were again overthrown. So great was the slaughter that Alexander, and Ptolemy, one of his gen- erals, crossed over a ravine choked with dead bodies. It was estimated that the Persian loss was not less than ninety thousand foot and ten thousand horse. The royal pavilion fell into the conqueror's hands, and with it the wife and several of the children of Darius. Syria was thus added to the Greek conquests. In Damascus were found many of the concubines of Darius and his chief officers, together with a vast treasure. Before venturing into the plains of Mesopotamia for the final struggle, Alexander, to secure his rear and preserve his communications with the sea, marched southward down the Mediterranean coast, reducing the cities in his way. In his speech before the council of war after Issus, he told his generals that they must not pursue Darius with Tyre unsubdued, and Persia in pos- session of Egypt and Cyprus, for, if Persia should regain her seaports, she would transfer the war into Greece, and that it was absolutely necessary for him to be sov- ereign at sea. With Cyprus and Egypt in his posses- sion he felt no solicitude about Greece. The siege of Tyre cost him more than half a year. In revenge for this delay, he crucified, it is said, two thousand of his prisoners. Jerusalem voluntarily surrendered, and therefore was treated leniently: but the passage of the Macedonian army into Egypt being obstructed at Gaza, the Persian governor of which, Betis, made a most ob- stinate defense, that place, after a siege of two months, was carried by assault, ten thousand of its men were massacred, and the rest, with their wives and children, 8 CONQUEST OF EGYPT. sold into slavery. Betis himself was dragged alive round the city at the chariot-wheels of the conqueror. There was now no further obstacle. The Egyptians, who detested the Persian rule, received their invader with open arms. He organized the country in his own interest, intrusting all its military commands to Mace- donian officers, and leaving the civil government in the hands of native Egyptians. While preparations for the final campaign were being made, he undertook a journey to the temple of Jupiter Ammon, which was situated in an oasis of the Libyan Desert, at a distance of two hundred miles. The oracle declared him to be a son of that god who, under the form of a serpent, had beguiled Olympias, his mother. Immaculate conceptions and celestial descents were so currently received in those days, that whoever had greatly distinguished himself in the affairs of men was thought to be of supernatural lineage. Even in Eome, centuries later, no one could with safety have denied that the city owed its founder, Eomulus, to an accidental meeting of the god Mars with the virgin Rhea Sylvia, as she went with her pitcher for water to the spring. The Egyptian disciples of Plato would have, looked with anger on those who rejected the legend that Perictione, the mother of that great phi- losopher, a pure virgin, had suffered an immaculate conception through the influences of Apollo, and that the god had declared to Ariston, to whom she was be- trothed, the parentage of the child. When Alexander issued his letters, orders, and decrees, styling himself " King Alexander, the son of Jupiter Ammon," they came to the inhabitants of Egypt and Syria with an authority that now can hardly be realized. The free- thinking Greeks, however, put on such a supernatural GREEK CONQUEST OF PERSIA. 9 pedigree its proper value. Olympias, who, of course, better than all others knew the facts of the case, used jestingly to say, that " she wished Alexander would cease from incessantly embroiling her with Jupiter's wife." Arrian, the historian of the Macedonian expe- dition, observes, " I cannot condemn him for endeavor- ing to draw his subjects into the belief of his divine origin, nor can I be induced to think it any great crime, for it is very reasonable to imagine that he intended no more by it than merely to procure the greater authority among his soldiers." All things being thus secured in his rear, Alexander, having returned into Syria, directed the march of his army, now consisting of fifty thousand veterans, east- ward. After crossing the Euphrates, he kept close to the Masian hills, to avoid the intense heat of the more southerly Mesopotamian plains; more abundant forage could also thus be procured for the cavalry. On the left bank of the Tigris, near Arbela, he encountered the great army of eleven hundred thousand men brought up by Darius from Babylon. The death of the Persian monarch, which soon followed the defeat he suffered, left the Macedonian general master of all the countries from the Danube to the Indus. Eventually he extended his conquest to the Ganges. The treasures he seized are almost beyond belief. At Susa alone he found so Arrian says fifty thousand talents in money. The modern military student cannot look upon these wonderful campaigns without admiration. The passage of the Hellespont; the forcing of the Granicus; the winter spent in a political organization of conquered Asia Minor; the march of the right wing and centre of the army along the Syrian Mediterrnean coast; the en- gineering difficulties overcome at the siege of Tyre; the 10 EVENTS OF THE CAMPAIGNS. storming of Gaza; the isolation of Persia from Greece; the absolute exclusion of her navy from the Mediter- ranean; the check on all her attempts at intriguing with or bribing Athenians or Spartans, heretofore so often resorted to with success; the submission of Egypt; another winter spent in the political organization of that venerable country; the convergence of the whole army from the Black and Ked Seas toward the nitre- covered plains of Mesopotamia in the ensuing spring; the passage of the Euphrates fringed with its weeping- willows at the broken bridge of Thapsacus; the crossing of the Tigris; the nocturnal reconnaissance before the great and memorable battle of Arbela; the oblique move- ment on the field; the piercing of the enemy's centre a manoeuvre destined to be repeated many centuries sub- sequently at Austerlitz; the energetic pursuit of the Persian monarch; these are exploits not surpassed by any soldier of later times. A prodigious stimulus was thus given to Greek in- tellectual activity. There were men who had marched with the Macedonian army from the Danube to the Nile, from the Nile to the Ganges. They had felt the hyperborean blasts of the countries beyond the Black Sea, the simooms and sand-tempests of the Egyp- tian deserts. They had seen the Pyramids which had already stood for twenty centuries, the hieroglyph- covered obelisks of Luxor, avenues of silent and mys- terious sphinxes, colossi of monarchs who reigned in the morning of the world. In the halls of Esar-haddon they had stood before the thrones of grim old Assyrian kings, guarded by winged bulls. In Babylon there still remained its walls, once more than sixty miles in com- pass, and, after the ravages of three centuries and three conquerors, still more than eighty feet in height; there EFFECTS ON THE GREEK ARMY. H were still the ruins of the temple of cloud-encompassed Bel, on its top was planted the observatory wherein the weird Chaldean astronomers had held nocturnal com- munion with the stars; still there were vestiges of the two palaces with their hanging gardens in which were great trees growing in mid-air, and the wreck of the hydraulic machinery that had supplied them with water from the river. Into the artificial lake with its vast apparatus of aqueducts and sluices the melted snows of the Armenian mountains found their way, and were confined in their course through the city by the em- bankments of the Euphrates. Most wonderful of all, perhaps, was the tunnel under the river-bed. If Chaldea, Assyria, Babylon, presented stupendous and venerable antiquities reaching far back into the night of time, Persia was not without her wonders of a later date. The pillared halls of Persepolis were filled with miracles of art carvings, sculptures, enamels, alabaster libraries, obelisks, sphinxes, colossal bulls. Ecbatana, the cool summer retreat of the Persian kings, was defended by seven encircling walls of hewn and polished blocks, the interior ones in succession of in- creasing height, and of different colors, in astrological accordance with the seven planets. The palace was roofed with silver tiles, its beams were plated with gold. At midnight, in its halls the sunlight was rivaled by many a row of naphtha cressets. A paradise that lux- ury of the monarchs of the East was planted in the midst of the city. The Persian Empire, from the Hel- lespont to the Indus, was truly the garden of the world. I have devoted a few pages to the story of these marvelous campaigns, for the military talent they fos- tered led to the establishment of the mathematical and 12 EFFECTS ON THE GREEK ARMY. practical schools of Alexandria, the true origin of sci- ence. We trace back all our exact knowledge to the Macedonian campaigns. Humboldt has well observed, that an introduction to new and grand objects of Na- ture enlarges the human mind. The soldiers of Alex- ander and the hosts of his camp-followers encountered at every march unexpected and picturesque scenery. Of all men, the Greeks were the most observant, the most readily and profoundly impressed. Here there were interminable sandy plains, there mountains whose peaks were lost above the clouds. In the deserts were mirages, on the hill-sides shadows of fleeting clouds sweeping over the forests. They were in a land of amber-colored date-palms and cypresses, of tamarisks, green myrtles, and oleanders. At Arbela they had fought against Indian elephants; in the thickets of the Caspian they had roused from his lair the lurking royal tiger. They had seen animals which, compared with those of Europe, were not only strange, but co- lossal the rhinoceros, the hippopotamus, the camel, the crocodiles of the Nile and the Ganges. They had encountered men of many complexions and many cos- tumes: the swarthy Syrian, the olive-colored Persian, the black African. Even of Alexander himself it is re- lated that on his death-bed he caused his admiral, Near- chus, to sit by his side, and found consolation in listen- ing to the adventures of that sailor the story of his voyage from the Indus up the Persian Gulf. The con- queror had seen with astonishment the ebbing and flow- ing of the tides. He had built ships for the exploration of the Caspian, supposing that it and the Black Sea might be gulfs of a great ocean, such as Nearchus had discovered the Persian and Eed Seas to be. He had formed a resolution that his fleet should attempt the INTELLECTUAL CONDITION OF PERSIA. 13 circumnavigation of Africa, and come into the Mediter- ranean through the Pillars of Hercules a feat which, it was affirmed, had once been accomplished by the Pha- raohs. Not only her greatest soldiers, but also her greatest philosophers, found in the conquered empire much that might excite the admiration of Greece. Callisthenes obtained in Babylon a series of Chaldean astronomical observations ranging back through 1,903 years; these he sent to Aristotle. Perhaps, since they were on burnt bricks, duplicates of them may be recovered by modern research in the clay libraries of the Assyrian kings. Ptolemy, the Egyptian astronomer, possessed a Babylo- nian record of eclipses, going back 747 years before our era. Long-continued and close observations were neces- sary, before some of these astronomical results that have reached our times could have been ascertained. Thus the Babylonians had fixed the length of a tropical year within twenty-five seconds of the truth; their estimate of the sidereal year was barely two minutes in excess. They had detected the procession of the equinoxes. They knew the causes of eclipses, and, by the aid of their cycle called Saros, could predict them. Their estimate of the value of that cycle, which is more than 6,585 days, was within nineteen and a half minutes of the truth. Such facts furnish incontrovertible proof of the pa- tience and skill with which astronomy had been culti- vated in Mesopotamia, and that, with very inadequate instrumental means, it had reached no inconsiderable perfection. These old observers had made a catalogue of the stars, had divided the zodiac into twelve signs; they had parted the day into twelve hours, the night into twelve. They had, as Aristotle says, for a long time devoted themselves to observations of star-occulta- 14: INTELLECTUAL CONDITION OP PERSIA. tions by the moon. They had correct views of the structure of the solar system, and knew the order of emplacement of the planets. They constructed sun- dials, clepsydras, astrolabes, gnomons. Not without interest do we still look on specimens of their method of printing. "Upon a revolving roller they engraved, in cuneiform letters, their records, and, running this over plastic clay formed into blocks, pro- duced ineffaceable proofs. From their tile-libraries we are still to reap a literary and historical harvest. They were not without some knowledge of optics. The convex lens found at Nimroud shows that they were not unacquainted with magnifying instruments. In arithmetic they had detected the value of position in the digits, though they missed the grand Indian inven- tion of the cipher. What a spectacle for the conquering Greeks, who, up to this time, had neither experimented nor observed! They had contented themselves with mere meditation and useless speculation. But Greek intellectual development, due thus in part to a more extended view of Nature, was powerful- ly aided by the knowledge then acquired of the religion of the conquered country. The idolatry of Greece had always been a horror to Persia, who, in her invasions, had never failed to destroy the temples and insult the fanes of the bestial gods. The impunity with which these sacrileges had been perpetrated had made a pro- found impression, and did no little to undermine Hel- lenic faith. But now the worshiper of the vile Olym- pian divinities, whose obscene lives must have been shocking to every pious man, was brought in contact with a grand, a solemn, a consistent religious system, having its foundation on a philosophical basis. Persia, ITS BELIGIOUS CONDITION. 15 as is the case with all empires of long duration, had passed through many changes of religion. She had fol- lowed the Monotheism of Zoroaster; had then accepted Dualism, and exchanged that for Magianism. At the time of the Macedonian expedition, she recognized one universal Intelligence, the Creator, Preserver, and Gov- ernor of all tilings, the most holy essence of truth, the giver of all good. He was not to be represented by any image, or any graven form. And, since, in every thing here below, we see the resultant of two opposing forces, under him were two coequal and coeternal prin- ciples, represented by the imagery of Light and Dark- ness. These principles are in never-ending conflict. The world is their battle-ground, man is their prize. In the old legends of Dualism, the Evil Spirit was said to have sent a serpent to ruin the paradise which the Good Spirit had made. These legends became known to the Jews during their Babylonian captivity. The existence of a principle of evil is the necessary incident of the existence of a principle of good, as a shadow is the necessary incident of the presence of light. In this manner could be explained the occur- rence of evil in a world, the maker and ruler of which is supremely good. Each of the personified principles of light and darkness, Ormuzd and Ahriman, had his subordinate angels, his counselors, his armies. It is the duty of a good man to cultivate truth, purity, and industry. He may look forward, when this life is over, to a life in another world, and trust to a resurrection of the body, the immortality of the soul, and a conscious future existence. In the later years of the empire, the principles of Magianism had gradually prevailed more and more over those of Zoroaster. Magianism was essentially a wor- 16 DEATH OF ALEXANDER. ship of the elements. Of these, fire was considered as the most worthy representative of the Supreme Being. On altars erected, not in temples, but under the blue canopy of the sky, perpetual fires were kept burning, and the rising sun was regarded as the noblest object of human adoration. In the society of Asia, nothing is visible but the monarch; in the expanse of heaven, all objects vanish in presence of the sun. Prematurely cut off in the midst of many great pro- jects, Alexander died at Babylon before he had com- pleted his thirty-third year (B. c. 323). There was a suspicion that he had been poisoned. His temper had become so unbridled, his passion so ferocious, that his generals and even his intimate friends lived in contin- ual dread. Clitus, one of the latter, he in a moment of fury had stabbed to the heart. Callisthenes, the inter- medium between himself and Aristotle, he had caused to be hanged, or, as was positively asserted by some who knew the facts, had had him put upon the rack and then crucified. It may have been in self-defense that the conspirators resolved on his assassination. But surely it was a calumny to associate the name of Aris- totle with this transaction. He would have rather borne the worst that Alexander could inflict, than have joined in the perpetration of so great a crime. A scene of confusion and bloodshed lasting many years ensued, nor did it cease even after the Macedonian generals had divided the empire. Among its vicissi- tudes one incident mainly claims our attention. Ptole- my, who was a son of King Philip by Arsinoe, a beauti- ful concubine, and who in his boyhood had been driven into exile with Alexander, when they incurred their father's displeasure, who had been Alexander's com- FOUNDATION OF ALEXANDRIA. if rade in many of his battles and all his campaigns, be- came governor and eventually king of Egypt. At the siege of Rhodes, Ptolemy had been of such signal service to its citizens that in gratitude they paid divine honors to him, and saluted him with the title of Soter (the Savior). By that designation Ptolemy Soter he is distinguished from succeeding kings of the Macedonian dynasty in Egypt. He established his seat of government not in any of the old capitals of the country, but in Alexandria. At the time of the expedition to the temple of Jupiter Ammon, the Macedonian conqueror had caused the foundations of that city t& be laid, foreseeing that it might be made the commercial entrepot between Asia and Europe. It is to be particularly remarked that not only did Alexander himself deport many Jews from Palestine to people the city, and not only did Ptolemy Soter bring one hundred thousand more after his siege of Jerusalem, but Philadelphus, his successor, redeemed from slavery one hundred and ninety-eight thousand of that people, paying their Egyptian owners a just money equivalent for each. To all these Jews the same privileges were accorded as to the Macedonians. In consequence of this considerate treatment, vast num- bers of their compatriots and many Syrians voluntarily came into Egypt. To them the designation of Helle- nistical Jews was given. In like manner, tempted by the benign government of Soter, multitudes of Greeks sought refuge in the country, and the invasions of Perdiccas and Antigonus showed that Greek soldiers would desert from other Macedonian generals to join his armies. The population of Alexandria was therefore of three distinct nationalities: 1. Native Egyptians; 2. Greeks; 18 THE ALEXANDRIAN MUSEUM. 3. Jews a fact that has left an impress on the religious faith of modern Europe. Greek architects and Greek engineers had made Alexandria the most beautiful city of the ancient world. They had filled it with magnificent palaces, temples, theatres. In its centre, at the intersection of its two grand avenues, which crossed each other at right angles, and in the midst of gardens, fountains, obelisks, stood the mausoleum, in which, embalmed after the manner of the Egyptians, rested the body of Alexander. In a funereal journey of two years it had been brought with great pomp from Babylon. At first the coffin was of pure gold, but this having led to a violation of the tomb, it was replaced by one of alabaster. But not these, not even the great light-house, Pharos, built of blocks of white marble and so high that the fire con- tinually burning on its top could be seen many miles off at sea the Pharos counted as one of the seven wonders of the world it is not these magnificent achievements of architecture that arrest our attention; the true, the most glorious monument of the Macedonian kings of Egypt is the Museum. Its influences will last when even the Pyramids have passed away. The Alexandrian Museum was commenced by Ptol- emy Soter, and was completed by his son Ptolemy Philadelphus. It was situated in the Bruchion, the aris- tocratic quarter of the city, adjoinng the king's palace. Built of marble, it was surrounded with a piazza, in which the residents might walk and converse together. Its sculptured apartments contained the Philadelphian library, and were crowded with the choicest statues and pictures. This library eventually comprised four hun- dred thousand volumes. In the course of time, probably on account of inadequate accommodation for so many THE ALEXANDRIAN MUSEUM. 19 books, an additional library was established in the adja- cent quarter Ehacotis, and placed in the Serapion or temple of Serapis. The number of volumes in this library, which was called the Daughter of that in the Museum, was eventually three hundred thousand. There were, therefore, seven hundred thousand volumes in these royal collections. Alexandria was not merely the capital of Egypt, it was the intellectual metropolis of the world. Here it was truly said the Genius of the East met the Genius of the West, and this Paris of antiquity became a focus of fashionable dissipation and universal skepticism. In the allurements of its bewitching society even the Jews forgot their patriotism. They abandoned the language of their forefathers, and adopted Greek. In the establishment of the Museum, Ptolemy Soter and his son Philadelphus had three objects in view: 1. The perpetuation of such knowledge as was then in the world; 2. Its increase; 3. Its diffusion. 1. For the perpetuation of knowledge. Orders were given to the chief librarian to buy at the king's expense whatever books he could. A body of transcribers was maintained in the Museum, whose duty it was to make correct copies of such works as their owners were not disposed to sell. Any books brought by foreigners into Egypt were taken at once to the Museum, and, when correct copies had been made, the transcript was given to the owner, and the original placed in the library. Often a very large pecuniary indemnity was paid. Thus it is said of Ptolemy Euergetes that, having obtained from Athens the works of Euripides, Sophocles, and ^Eschylus, he sent to their owners transcripts, together with about fifteen thousand dollars, as an indemnity. On his return from the Syrian expedition he carried 20 ORGANIZATION OF THE MUSEUM. back in triumph all the Egyptian monuments from Ec- batana and Susa, which Cambyses and other invaders had removed from Egypt. These he replaced in their original seats, or added as adornments to his museums. When works were translated as well as transcribed, sums which we should consider as almost incredible were paid, as was the case with the Septuagint transla- tion of the Bible, ordered by Ptolemy Philadelphus. 2. For the increase of knowledge. One of the chief objects of the Museum was that of serving as the home of a body of men who devoted themselves to study, and were lodged and maintained at the king's expense. Oc- casionally he himself sat at their table. Anecdotes con- nected with those festive occasions have descended to our times. In the original organization of the Museum the residents were divided into four faculties litera- ture, mathematics, astronomy, medicine. Minor branches wer appropriately classified under one of these general heads; thus natural history was considered to be a branch of medicine. An officer of very great distinc- tion presided over the establishment, and had general charge of its interests. Demetrius Phalareus, perhaps the most learned man of his age, who had been gov- ernor of Athens for many years, was the first so ap- pointed. Under him was the librarian, an office some- times held by men whose names have descended to our times, as Eratosthenes, and Apollonius Ehodius. In connection with the Museum were a botanical and a zoological garden. These gardens, as their names im- port, were for the purpose of facilitating the study of plants and animals. There was also an astronomical observatory containing armillary spheres, globes, solsti- tial and equatorial armils, astrolabes, parallactic rules, and other apparatus then in use, the graduation on the ORGANIZATION OF THE MUSEUM. 21 divided instruments being into degrees and sixths. On the floor of this observatory a meridian line was drawn. The want of correct means of measuring time and tem- perature was severely felt; the clepsydra of Ctesibius answered very imperfectly for the former, the hydrom- eter floating in a cup of water for the latter; it meas- ured variations of temperature by variations of density. Philadelphus, who toward the close of his life was haunted with an intolerable dread of death, devoted much of his time to the discovery of an elixir. For such pursuits the Museum was provided with a chemical laboratory. In spite of the prejudices of the age, and especially in spite of Egyptian prejudices, there was in connection with the medical department an anatomical room for the dissection, not only of the dead, but actual- ly of the living, who for crimes had been condemned. 3. For the diffusion of knowledge. In the Museum was given, by lectures, conversation, or other appropriate methods, instruction in all the various departments of human knowledge. There flocked to this great intel- lectual centre, students from all countries. It is said that at one time not fewer than fourteen thousand were in attendance. Subsequently even the Christian church received from it some of the most eminent of its Fathers, as Clemens Alexandrinus, Origen, Athanasius. The library in the Museum was burnt during the siege of Alexandria by Julius Caesar. To make amends for this great loss, that collected by Eumenes, King of Pergamus, was presented by Mark Antony to Queen Cleopatra. Originally it was founded as a rival to that of the Ptolemies. It was added to the collection in the Serapion. It remains now to describe briefly the philosophical 4 22 SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL OF THE MUSEUM. basis of the Museum, and some of its contributions to the stock of human knowledge. In memory of the illustrious founder of this most noble institution an institution which antiquity de- lighted to call " The Divine School of Alexandria " we must mention in the first rank his " History of the Campaigns of Alexander." Great as a soldier and as a sovereign, Ptolemy Soter added to his glory by being an author. Time, which has not been able to destroy the memory of our obligations to him, has dealt unjustly by his work. It is not now extant. As might be expected from the friendship that ex- isted between Alexander, Ptolemy, and Aristotle, the Aristotelian philosophy was the intellectual corner-stone on which the Museum rested. King Philip had com- mitted the education of Alexander to Aristotle, and during the Persian campaigns the conqueror contributed materially, not only in money, but otherwise, toward the " Natural History " then in preparation. The essential principle of the Aristotelian philosophy was, to rise from the study of particulars to a knowledge of general principles or universals, advancing to them by induction. The induction is the more certain as the facts on which it is based are more numerous; its cor- rectness is established if it should enable us to predict other facts until then unknown. This system implies endless toil in the collection of facts, both by experi- ment and observation; it implies also a close meditation on them. It is, therefore, essentially a method of labor and of reason, not a method -of imagination. The fail- ures that Aristotle himself so often exhibits are no proof of its unreliability, but rather of its trustworthi- ness. They are failures arising from want of a suffi- ciency of facts. ETHICAL SCHOOL OP THE MUSEUM. 23 Some of the general results at which Aristotle ar- rived are very grand. Thus, he concluded that every thing is ready to burst into life, and that the various organic forms presented to us hy Nature are those which existing conditions permit. Should the condi- tions change, the forms will also change. Hence there is an unbroken chain from the simple element through plants and animals up to man, the different groups merging by insensible shades into each other. The inductive philosophy thus established by Aris- totle is a method of great power. To it all the modern advances in science are due. In its most improved form it rises by inductions from phenomena to their causes, and then, imitating the method of the Academy, it descends by deductions from those causes to the detail of phenomena. While thus the Scientific School of Alexandria was founded on the maxims of one great Athenian philoso- pher, the Ethical School was founded on the maxims of another, for Zeno, though a Cypriote or Phoenician, had for many years been established at Athens. His disci- ples took the name of Stoics. His doctrines long sur- vived him, and, in times when there was no other con- solation for man, offered a support in the hour of trial, and an unwavering guide in the vicissitudes of life, not only to illustrious Greeks, but also to many of the great philosophers, statesmen, generals, and emperors of Eome. The aim of Zeno was, to furnish a guide for the daily practice of life, to make men virtuous. He insisted that education is the true foundation of virtue, for, if we know what is good, we shall incline to do it. We must trust to sense, to furnish the data of knowledge, and reason will suitably combine them. In this the affinity of Zeno to Aristotle is plainly seen. Every ap- 21 THE PRINCIPLES OF STOICISM. petite, lust, desire, springs from imperfect knowledge. Our nature is imposed upon us by Fate, but we must learn to control our passions, and live free, intelligent, virtuous, in all things in accordance with reason. Our existence should be intellectual, we should survey with equanimity all pleasures and all pains. We should never forget that we are freemen, not the slaves of society. " I possess," said the Stoic, " a treasure which not all the world can rob me of no one can deprive me of death." We should remember that Nature in her operations aims at the universal, and never spares individuals, but uses them as means for the accomplish- ment of her ends. It is, therefore, for us to submit to Destiny, cultivating, as the things necessary to virtue, knowledge, temperance, fortitude, justice. We must remember that every thing around us is in mutation; decay follows reproduction, and reproduction decay, and that it is useless to repine at death in a world where every thing is dying. As a cataract shows from year to year an invariable shape, though the water composing it is perpetually changing, so the aspect of Nature is nothing more than a flow of matter presenting an im- permanent form. The universe, considered as a whole, is unchangeable. Nothing is eternal but space, atoms, force. The forms of Nature that we see are essentially transitory, they must all pass away. We must bear in mind that the majority of men are imperfectly educated, and hence we must not needlessly offend the religious ideas of our age. It is enough for us ourselves to know that, though there is a Supreme Power, there is no Supreme Being. There is an in- visible principle, but not a personal God, to whom it would be not so much blasphemy as absurdity to impute the form, the sentiments, the passions of man. All STOICISM IN THE MUSEUM. 25 revelation is, necessarily, a mere fiction. That which men call chance is only the effect of an unknown cause. Even of chances there is a law. There is no such thing as Providence, for Nature proceeds under irresistible laws, and in this respect the universe is only a vast automatic engine. The vital force which pervades the world is what the illiterate call God. The modifica- tions through which all things are running take place in an irresistible way, and hence it may be said that the progress of the world is, under Destiny, like a seed, it can evolve only in a predetermined mode. The soul of man is a spark of the vital flame, the general vital principle. Like heat, it passes from one to another, and is finally reabsorbed or reunited in the universal principle from which it came. Hence we must not expect annihilation, but reunion; and, as the tired man looks forward to the insensibility of sleep, so the philosopher, weary of the world, should look for- ward to the tranquillity of extinction. Of these things, however, we should think doubtingly, since the mind can produce no certain knowledge from its internal re- sources alone. It is unphilosophical to inquire into first causes; we must deal only with phenomena. Above all, we must never forget that man cannot ascertain absolute truth, and that the final result of human inquiry into the matter is, that we are incapable of perfect knowl- edge; that, even if the truth be in our possession, we cannot be sure of it. What, then, remains for us? Is it not this the ac- quisition of knowledge, the cultivation of virtue and of friendship, the observance of faith and truth, an unre- pining submission to whatever befalls us, a life led in accordance with reason? 26 PLATONISM IN THE MUSEUM. But, though the Alexandrian Museum was especially intended for the cultivation of the Aristotelian philoso- phy, it must not be supposed that other systems were excluded. Platonism was not only carried to its full development, but in the end it supplanted Peripateti- cism, and through the New Academy left a permanent impress on Christianity. The philosophical method of Plato was the inverse of that of Aristotle. Its start- ing-point was universals, the very existence of which was a matter of faith, and from these it descended to particulars, or details. Aristotle, on the contrary, rose from particulars to universals, advancing to them by inductions. Plato, therefore, trusted to the imagination, Aris- totle to reason. The former descended from the de- composition of a primitive idea into particulars, the lat- ter united particulars into a general conception. Hence the method of Plato was capable of quickly producing what seemed to be splendid, though in reality unsub- stantial results; that of Aristotle was more tardy in its operation, but much more solid. It implied endless labor in the collection of facts, a tedious resort to ex- periment and observation, the application of demonstra- tion. The philosophy of Plato is a gorgeous castle in the air; that of Aristotle a solid structure, laboriously, and with many failures, founded on the solid rock. An appeal to the imagination is much more alluring than the employment of reason. In the intellectual de- cline of Alexandria, indolent methods were preferred to laborious observation and severe mental exercise. The schools of Neo-Platonism were crowded with specula- tive mystics, such as Ammonius Saccas and Plotinus. These took the place of the severe geometers of the old Museum. PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MUSEUM. 2Y The Alexandrian school offers the first example of that system which, in the hands of modern physicists, has led to such wonderful results. It rejected imagina- tion, and made its theories the expression of facts ob- tained by experiment and observation, aided by mathe- matical discussion. It enforced the principle that the true method of studying Nature is by experimental in- terrogation. The researches of Archimedes in specific gravity, and the works of Ptolemy on optics, resemble our present investigations in experimental philosophy, and stand in striking contrast with the speculative vaga- ries of the older writers. Laplace says that the only observation which the history of astronomy offers us, made by the Greeks before the school of Alexandria, is that of the summer solstice of the year B. c. 432, by Meton and Euctemon. We have, for the first time, in that school, a combined system of observations made with instruments for the measurement of angles, and cal- culated by trigonometrical methods. Astronomy then took a form which subsequent ages could only perfect. It does not accord with the compass or the intention of this work to give a detailed account of the contribu- tions of the Alexandrian Museum to the stock of human knowledge. It is sufficient that the 'reader should ob- tain a general impression of their character. For par- ticulars, I may refer him to the sixth chapter of my " History of the Intellectual Development of Europe." It has just been remarked that the Stoical philoso- phy doubted whether the mind can ascertain absolute truth. While Zeno was indulging in such doubts, Euclid was preparing his great work, destined to chal- lenge contradiction from the whole human race. After more than twenty-two centuries it still survives, a model 28 EUCLID ARCHIMEDES. of accuracy, perspicuity, and a standard of exact demon- stration. This great geometer not only wrote on other mathematical topics, such as Conic Sections and Porisms, but there are imputed to him treatises on Harmonics and Optics, the latter subject being discussed on the hypothesis of rays issuing from the eye to the object. With the Alexandrian mathematicians and physi- cists must be classed Archimedes, though he event- ually resided in Sicily. Among his mathematical works were two books on the Sphere and Cylinder, in which he gave the demonstration that the solid content of a sphere is two-thirds that of its circumscribing cylinder. So highly did he esteem this, that he directed the dia- gram to be engraved on his tombstone. He also treated of the quadrature of the circle and of the parabola; he wrote on Conoids and Spheroids, and on the spiral that bears his name, the genesis of which was suggested to him by his friend Conon the Alexandrian. As a mathe- matician, Europe produced no equal to him for nearly two thousand years. In physical science he laid the foundation of hydrostatics; invented a method for the determination of specific gravities; discussed the equilib- rium of floating bodies; discovered the true theory of the lever, and invented a screw, which still bears his name, for raising the water of the Nile. To him also are to be attributed the endless screw, and a peculiar form of burning-mirror, by which, at the siege of Syracuse, it is said that he set the Eoman fleet on fire. Eratosthenes, who at one time had charge of the library, was the author of many important works. Among them may be mentioned his determination of the interval between the tropics, and an attempt to as- certain the size of the earth. He considered the articu- lation and expansion of continents, the position of moun- ERATOSTHENES APOLLONIUS HIPPARCHUS. 29 tain-chains, the action of clouds, the geological submer- sion of lands, the elevation of ancient sea-beds, the open- ing of the Dardanelles and the straits of Gibraltar, and the relations of the Euxine Sea. He composed a com- plete system of the earth, in three books physical, mathematical, historical accompanied by a map of all the parts then known. It is only of late years that the fragments remaining of his " Chronicles of the Theban Kings" have been justly appreciated. For many cen- turies they were thrown into discredit by the authority of our existing absurd theological chronology. It is unnecessary to adduce the arguments relied upon by the Alexandrians, to prove the globular form of the earth. They had correct ideas respecting the doctrine of the sphere, its poles, axis, equator, arctic and antarctic circles, equinoctial points, solstices, the distri- bution of climates, etc. I cannot do more than mere- ly allude to the treatises on Conic Sections and on Maxima and Minima by Apollonius, who is said to have been the first to introduce the words ellipse and hyper- bola. In like manner I must pass the astronomical observations of Aristyllus and Timocharis. It was to those of the latter on Spica Virginis that Hipparchus was indebted for his great discovery of the precession of the equinoxes. Hipparchus also determined the first inequality of the moon, the equation of the centre. He adopted the theory of epicycles and eccentrics, a geo- metrical conception for the purpose of resolving the ap- parent motions of the heavenly bodies on the principle of circular movement. He also undertook to make a catalogue of the stars by the method of alineations that is, by indicating those that are in the same ap- parent straight line. The number of stars so catalogued was 1,080. If he thus attempted to depict the aspect 30 THE SYNTAXIS OF PTOLEMY. of the sky, he endeavored to do the same for the surface of the earth, by marking the position of towns and other places by lines of latitude and longitude. He was the first to construct tables of the sun and moon. In the midst of such a brilliant constellation of geometers, astronomers, physicists, conspicuously shines forth Ptolemy, the author of the great work, " Syn- taxis," " a Treatise on the Mathematical Construction of the Heavens." It maintained its ground for nearly fifteen hundred years, and indeed was only displaced by the immortal "Principia" of Newton. It commences with the doctrine that the earth is globular and fixed in space, it describes the construction of a table of chords, and instruments for observing the solstices, it deduces the obliquity of the ecliptic, it finds terrestrial latitudes by the gnomon, describes climates, shows how ordinary may be converted into sidereal time, gives reasons for preferring the tropical to the sidereal year, furnishes the solar theory on the principle of the sun's orbit being a simple eccentric, explains the equation of time, ad- vances to the discussion of the motions of the moon, treats of the first inequality, of her eclipses, and the motion of her nodes. It then gives Ptolemy's own great discovery that which has made his name immor- tal the discovery of the moon's eviction or second in- equality, reducing it to the epicyclic theory. It attempts the determination of the distances of the sun and moon from the earth with, however, only partial success. It considers the precession of the equinoxes, the discovery of Hipparchus, the full period of which is twenty-five thousand years. It gives a catalogue of 1,022 stars, treats of the nature of the milky-way, and discusses in the most masterly manner the motions of the planets. This point constitutes another of Ptolemy's claims to INVENTION OP THE STEAM-ENGINE. 31 scientific fame. His determination of the planetary orbits as accomplished by comparing his own observa- tions with those of former astronomers, among them the observations of Timocharis on the planet Venus. In the Museum of Alexandria, Ctesibius invented the fire-engine. His pupil, Hero, improved it by giving it two cylinders. There, too, the first steam-engine worked. This also was the invention of Hero, and was a reaction engine, on the principle of the eolipile. The silence of the halls of Serapis was broken by the water-clocks of Ctesibius and Apollonius, which drop by drop measured time. When the Roman calendar had fallen into such confusion .that it had become absolutely necessary to rectify it, Julius Caesar brought Sosigenes the astronomer from Alexandria. By his advice the lunar year was abolished, the civil year regulated en- tirely by the sun, and the Julian calendar introduced. The Macedonian rulers of Egypt have been blamed for the manner in which they dealt with the religious sentiment of their time. They prostituted it to the purpose of state-craft, finding in it a means of governing their lower classes. To the intelligent they gave phi- losophy. But doubtless they defended this policy by the ex- perience gathered in those great campaigns which had made the Greeks the foremost nation of the world. They had seen the mythological conceptions of their ancestral country dwindle into fables; the wonders with which the old poets adorned the Mediterranean had been discovered to be baseless illusions. From Olympus its divinities had disappeared; indeed, Olympus itself had proved to be a phantom of the imagination. Hades had lost its terrors; no place could be found for it. 32 POLICY OF THE PTOLEMIES. From the woods and grottoes and rivers of Asia Minor the local gods and goddesses had departed; even their devotees began to doubt whether they had ever been there. If still the Syrian damsels lamented, in their amorous ditties, the fate of Adonis, it was only as a recol- lection, not as a reality. Again and again had Persia changed her national faith. For the revelation of Zoro- aster she had substituted Dualism; then under new po- litical influences she had adopted Magianism. She had worshiped fires, and kept her altars burning on moun- tain-tops. She had adored the sun. When Alexander came, she was fast falling into pantheism. On a country to which in its political extremity the indigenous gods have been found unable to give any protection, a change of faith is impending. The ven- erable divinities of Egypt, to whose glory obelisks had been raised and temples dedicated, had again and again submitted to the sword of a foreign conqueror. In the land of the Pyramids, the Colossi, the Sphinx, the images of the gods had ceased to represent living reali- ties. They had ceased to be objects of faith. Others of more recent birth were needful, and Serapis confronted Osiris. In the shops and streets of Alexandria there were thousands of Jews who had forgotten the God that had made his habitation behind the veil of the temple. Tradition, revelation, time, all had lost their influ- ence. The traditions of European mythology, the reve- lations of Asia, the time-consecrated dogmas of Egypt, all had passed or were fast passing away. And the Ptolemies recognized how ephemeral are forms of faith. But the Ptolemies also recognized that there is some- thing more durable than forms of faith, which, like the organic forms of geological ages, once gone, are clean gone forever, and have no restoration, no return. They THE MUSEUM AND MODERN SCIENCE. 33 recognized that within this world of transient delusions and unrealities there is a world of eternal truth. That world is not to be discovered through the vain traditions that have brought down to us the opinions of men who lived in the morning of civilization, nor in the dreams of mystics who thought that they were in- spired. It is to be discovered by the investigations of geometry, and by the practical interrogation of Nature. These confer on humanity solid, and innumerable, and inestimable blessings. The day will never come when any one of the propo- sitions of Euclid will be denied; no one henceforth will call in question the globular shape of the earth, as recognized by Eratosthenes; the world will not permit the great physical inventions and discoveries made in Alexandria and Syracuse to be forgotten. The names of Hipparchus, of Apollonius, of Ptolemy, of Archi- medes, will be mentioned with reverence by men of every religious profession, as long as there are men to speak. The Museum of Alexandria was thus the birthplace of modern science. It is true that, long before its es- tablishment, astronomical observations had been made in China and Mesopotamia; the mathematics also had been cultivated with a certain degree of success in In- dia. But in none of these countries had investigation assumed a connected and consistent form; in none was physical experimentation resorted to. The character- istic feature of Alexandrian, as of modern science, is, that it did not restrict itself to observation, but relied on a practical interrogation of Nature. CHAPTEE II. THE ORIGIN OF CHRISTIANITY. ITS TRANSFORMATION ON ATTAINING IMPERIAL POWER. ITS RELATIONS TO SCIENCE. Religious condition of the Roman Republic. The adoption of imperialism leads to monotheism. Christianity spreads over the Roman Empire. The circumstances under which it at- tained imperial power make its union with Paganism a political necessity. Tertullian's description of its doctrines and practices. Debasing effect of the policy of Constantine on it. Its alliance with the civil power. Its incompatibility with science. Destruction of the Alexandrian Library and prohibition of philosophy. Exposition of the Augustinian philosophy and Patristic science generally. The Scriptures made the standard of science. IN a political sense, Christianity is the bequest of the Eoman Empire to the world. At the epoch of the transition of Borne from the republican to the imperial form of government, all the independent nationalities around the Mediterranean Sea had been brought under the control of that central power. The conquest that had befallen them in succes- sion had been by no means a disaster. The perpetual wars they had maintained with each other came to an end; the miseries their conflicts had engendered were exchanged for universal peace. Not only as a token of the conquest she had made, but also as a gratification to her pride, the conquering 34 MONOTHEISM IN THE ROMAN EMPIRE. 35 republic brought the gods of the vanquished peoples to Eome. With disdainful toleration, she permitted the worship of them all. That paramount authority exer- cised by each divinity in his original seat disappeared at once in the crowd of gods and goddesses among whom he had been brought. Already, as we have seen, through geographical discoveries and philosophical criticism, faith in the religion of the old days had been profoundly shaken. It was, by this policy of Eome, brought to an end. The kings of all the conquered provinces had van- ished; in their stead one emperor had come. The gods also had disappeared. Considering the connection which in all ages has existed between political and religious ideas, it was then not at all strange that polytheism should manifest a tendency to pass into monotheism. Accordingly, divine honors were paid at first to the deceased and at length to the living emperor. The facility .with which gods were thus called into existence had a powerful moral effect. The manufac- ture of a new one cast ridicule on the origin of the old. Incarnation in the East and apotheosis in the West were fast filling Olympus with divinities. In the East, gods descended from heaven, and were made incarnate in men; in the West, men ascended from earth, and took their seat among the gods. It was not the importation of Greek skepticism that made Rome skeptical. The ex- cesses of religion itself sapped the foundations of faith. Not with equal rapidity did all classes of the popula- tion adopt monotheistic views. The merchants and law- yers and soldiers, who by the nature of their pursuits are more familiar with the vicissitudes of life, and have larger intellectual views, were the first to be affected, the land laborers and farmers the last. 36 THE RISE OF CHRISTIANITY. When the empire in a military and political sense had reached its culmination, in a religious and social aspect it had attained its height of immorality. It had become thoroughly epicurean; its maxim was, that life should be made a feast, that virtue is only the seasoning of pleasure, and temperance the means of prolonging it. Dining-rooms glittering with gold and incrusted with gems, slaves in superb apparel, the fascinations of fe- male society where all the women were dissolute, mag- nificent baths, theatres, gladiators, such were the objects of Koman desire. The conquerors of the world had dis- covered that the only thing worth worshiping is Force. By it all things might be secured, all that toil and trade had laboriously obtained. The confiscation of goods and lands, the taxation of provinces, were the reward of suc- cessful warfare; and the emperor was the symbol of force. Ther was a social splendor, but it was the phosphorescent corruption of the ancient Mediterranean world. In one of the Eastern provinces, Syria, some persons in very humble life had associated themselves together for benevolent and religious purposes. The doctrines they held were in harmony with that sentiment of uni- versal brotherhood arising from the coalescence of the conquered kingdoms. They were doctrines inculcated by Jesus. The Jewish people at that time entertained a belief, founded on old traditions, that a deliverer would arise among them, who would restore them to their ancient splendor. The disciples of Jesus regarded him as this long-expected Messiah. But the priesthood, believing that the doctrines he taught were prejudicial to their in- terests, denounced him to the Koman governor, who, to satisfy their clamors, reluctantly delivered him over to death. THE RISE OF CHRISTIANITY. 37 His doctrines of benevolence and human brother- hood outlasted that event. The disciples, instead of scattering, organized. They associated themselves on a principle of communism, each throwing into the com- mon stock whatever property he possessed, and all his gains. The widows and orphans of the community were thus supported, the poor and the sick sustained. From this germ was developed a new, and as the events proved, all-powerful society the Church; new, for noth- ing of the kind had existed in antiquity; powerful, for the local churches, at first isolated, soon began to confed- erate for their common interest. Through this organ- ization Christianity achieved all her political triumphs. As we have said, the military domination of Rome had brought about universal peace, and had generated a sentiment of brotherhood among the vanquished na- tions. Things were, therefore, propitious for the rapid diffusion of the newly-established the Christian prin- ciple throughout the empire. It spread from Syria through all Asia Minor, and successively reached Cy- prus, Greece, Italy, eventually extending westward as far as Gaul and Britain. Its propagation was hastened by missionaries who made it known in all directions. None of the ancient classical philosophies had ever taken advantage of such a means. Political conditions determined the boundaries of the new religion. Its limits were eventually those of the Roman Empire; Rome, doubtfully the place of the death of Peter, not Jerusalem, indisputably the place of the death of our Savior, became the religious capital. It was better to have possession of the imperial seven- hilled city, than of Gethsemane and Calvary with all their holy souvenirs. 5 38 IT GATHERS POLITICAL POWER. For many years Christianity manifested itself as a system enjoining three things toward God veneration, in personal life purity, in social life benevolence. In its early days of feebleness it made proselytes only by persuasion, but, as it increased in numbers and influence, it began to exhibit political tendencies, a disposition to form a government within the government, an empire within the empire. These tendencies it has never since lost. They are, in truth, the logical result of its de- velopment. The Roman emperors, discovering that it was absolutely incompatible with the imperial system, tried to put it down by force. This was in accordance with the spirit of their military maxims, which had no other means but force for the establishment of con- formity. In the winter A. D. 302-'3, the Christian soldiers in some of the legions refused to join in the time-honored solemnities for propitiating the gods. The mutiny spread so quickly, the emergency became so pressing, that the Emperor Diocletian was compelled to hold a council for the purpose of determining what should be done. The difficulty of the position may perhaps be appreciated when it is understood that the wife and the daughter of Diocletian himself were Christians. He was a man of great capacity and large political views; he recognized in the opposition that must be made to the new party a political necessity, yet he expressly enjoined that there should be no bloodshed. But who can con- trol an infuriated civil commotion? The church of Nicomedia was razed to the ground; in retaliation the imperial palace was set on fire, an edict was openly insulted and torn down. The Christian officers in the army were cashiered; in all directions, martyrdoms and massacres were taking place. So resistless was the THE FIRST CHRISTIAN EMPEROR. 39 march of events, that not even the emperor himself could stop the persecution. It had now become evident that the Christians con- stituted a powerful party in the state, animated with indignation at the atrocities they had suffered, and de- termined to endure them no longer. After the abdica- tion of Diocletian (A. D. 305), Constantine, one of the competitors for the purple, perceiving the advantages that would accrue to him from such a policy, put him- self forth as the head of the Christian party. This gave him, in every part of the empire, men and women ready to encounter fire and sword in his behalf; it gave him unwavering adherents in every legion of the armies. In a decisive battle, near the Milvian bridge, victory crowned his schemes. The death of Maximin, and sub- sequently that of Licinius, removed all obstacles. He ascended the throne of the Caesars the first Christian emperor. Place, profit, power these were in view of whoever now joined the conquering sect. Crowds of worldly persons, who cared nothing about its religious ideas, be- came its warmest supporters. Pagans at heart, their influence was soon manifested in the paganization of Christianity that forthwith ensued. The emperor, no better than they, did nothing to check their proceed- ings. But he did not personally conform to the cere- monial requirements of the Church until the close of his evil life, A. D. 337. That we may clearly appreciate the modifications now impressed on Christianity modifications which eventually brought it in conflict with science we must have, as a means of comparison, a statement of what it was in its purer days. Such, fortunately, we find in the " Apology or Defense of the Christians against the 40 TERTULLIAN'S EXPOSITION OF CHRISTIANITY. Accusations of the Gentiles," written by Tertullian, at Rome, during the persecution of Severus. He ad- dressed it, not to the emperor, but to the magistrates who sat in judgment on the accused. It is a solemn and most earnest expostulation, setting forth all that could be said in explanation of the subject, a represen- tation of the belief and cause of the Christians made in the imperial city in the face of the whole world, not a querulous or passionate ecclesiastical appeal, but a grave historical document. It has ever been looked upon as one of the ablest of the early Christian works. Its date is about A. D. 200. With no inconsiderable skill Tertullian opens his argument. He tells the magistrates that Christianity is a stranger upon earth, and that she expects to meet with enemies in a country which is not her own. She only asks that she may not be condemned unheard, and that Roman magistrates will permit her to defend her- self; that the laws of the empire will gather lustre, if judgment be passed upon her after she has been tried, but not if she is sentenced without a hearing of her cause; that it is unjust to hate a thing of which we are ignorant, even though it may be a thing worthy of hate; that the laws of Rome deal with actions, not with mere names; but that, notwithstanding this, persons have been punished because they were called Christians, and that without any accusation of crime. He then advances to an exposition of the origin, the nature, and the effects of Christianity, stating that it is founded on the Hebrew Scriptures, which are the most venerable of all books. He says to the magistrates: " The books of Moses, in which God has inclosed, as in a treasure, all the religion of the Jews, and consequent- ly all the Christian religion, reach far beyond the oldest TERTULLIAN'S EXPOSITION OF CHRISTIANITY. 41 you have, even beyond all your public monuments, the establishment of your state, the foundation of many great cities all that is most advanced by you in all ages of history, and memory of times; the invention of letters, which are the interpreters of sciences and the guardians of all excellent things. I think I may say more beyond your gods, your temples, your oracles and sacrifices. The author of those books lived a thousand years before the siege of Troy, and more than fifteen hundred before Homer." Time is the ally of truth, and wise men believe nothing but what is certain, and what has been verified by time. The principal author- ity of these Scriptures is derived from their venerable antiquity. The most learned of the Ptolemies, who was surnamed Philadelphus, an accomplished prince, by the advice of Demetrius Phalareus, obtained a copy of these holy books. It may be found at this day in his library. The divinity of these Scriptures is proved by this, that all that is done in our days may be found pre- dicted in them; they contain all that has since passed in the view of men. Is not the accomplishment of a prophecy a testimony to its truth? Seeing that events which are past have vindicated these prophecies, shall we be blamed for trust- ing them in events that are to come? Now, as we be- lieve things that have been prophesied and have come to pass, so we believe things that have been told us, but not yet come to pass, because they have all been foretold by the same Scriptures, as well those that are verified every day as those that still remain to be ful- filled. These Holy Scriptures teach us that there is one God, who made the world-out of nothing, who, though daily seen, is invisible; his infiniteness is known only 42 TERTULLIAN'S EXPOSITION OF CHRISTIANITY. to himself; his immensity conceals, but at the same time discovers him. He has ordained for men, accord- ing to their lives, rewards and punishments; he will raise all the dead that have ever lived from the creation of the world, will command them to reassume their bodies, and thereupon adjudge them to felicity that has no end, or to eternal flames. The fires of hell are those hidden flames which the earth shuts up in her bosom. He has in past times sent into the world preachers or prophets. The prophets of those old times were Jews; they addressed their oracles, for such they were, to the Jews, who have stored them up in the Scriptures. On them, as has been said, Christianity is founded, though the Christian differs in his ceremonies from the Jew. We are accused of worshiping a man, and not the God of the Jews. Not so. The honor we bear to Christ does not derogate from the honor we bear to God. On account of the merit of these ancient patriarchs, the Jews were the only beloved people of God; he de- lighted to be in communication with them by his own mouth. By him they were raised to admirable great- ness. But with perversity they wickedly ceased to re- gard him; they changed his laws into a profane wor- ship. He warned them that he would take to himself servants more faithful than they, and, for their crime, punished them by driving them forth from their coun- try. They are now spread all over the world; they wander in all parts; they cannot enjoy the air they breathed at their birth; they have neither man nor God for their king. As he threatened them, so he has done. He has taken, in all nations and countries of the earth, people more faithful than they. Through his prophets he had declared that these should have greater favors, and that a Messiah should come, to publish a new law TERTULLIAN'S EXPOSITION OF CHRISTIANITY. 43 among them. This Messiah was Jesus, who is also God. For God may be derived from God, as the light of a candle may be derived from the light of another candle. God and his Son are the self-same God a light is the same light as that from which it was taken. The Scriptures make known two comings of the Son of God; the first in humility, the second at the day of judgment, in power. The Jews might have known all this from the prophets, but their sins have so blinded them that they did not recognize him at his first coming, and are still vainly expecting him. They believed that all the miracles wrought by him were the work of magic. The doctors of the law and the chief priests were en- vious of him; they denounced him to Pilate. He was crucified, died, was buried, and after three days rose again. For forty days he remained among his disciples. Then he was environed in a cloud, and rose up to heaven a truth far more certain than any human testimonies touching the ascension of Romulus or of any other Eoman prince mounting up to the same place. Tertullian then describes the origin and nature of devils, who, under Satan, their prince, produce dis- eases, irregularities of the air, plagues, and the blighting of the blossoms of the earth, who seduce men to offer sacrifices, that they may have the blood of the victims, which is their food. They are as nimble as the birds, and hence know every thing that is passing upon earth; they live in the air, and hence can spy what is going on in heaven; for this reason they can impose on men feigned prophecies, and deliver oracles. Thus they announced in Home that a victory would be obtained over King Perseus, when in truth they knew that the battle was already won. They falsely cure diseases; 44 TERTULLIAN'S EXPOSITION OF CHRISTIANITY. for, taking possession of the body of a man, they pro- duce in him a distemper, and then ordaining some rem- edy to be used, they cease to afflict him, and men think that a cure has taken place. Though Christians deny that the emperor is a god, they nevertheless pray for his prosperity, because the general dissolution that threatens the universe, the con- flagration of the world, is retarded so long as the glori- ous majesty of the triumphant Eoman Empire shall last. They desire not to be present at the subversion of all Nature. They acknowledge only one republic, but it is the whole world; they constitute one body, worship one God, and all look forward to eternal happiness. Not only do they pray for the emperor and the magistrates, but also for peace. They read the Scriptures to nourish their faith, lift up their hope, and strengthen the confi- dence they have in God. They assemble to exhort one another; they remove sinners from their societies; they have bishops who preside over them, approved by the suffrages of those whom they are to conduct. At the end of each month every one contributes if he will, but no one is constrained to give; the money gathered in this manner is the pledge of piety; it is not consumed in eating and drinking, but in feeding the poor, and burying them, in comforting children that are destitute of parents and goods, in helping old men who have spent the best of their days in the service of the faith- ful, in assisting those who have lost by shipwreck what they had, and those who are condemned to the mines, or have been banished to islands, or shut up in prisons, because they professed the religion of the true God. There is but one thing that Christians have not in com- mon, and that one thing is their wives. They do not feast as if they should die to-morrow, nor build as if they TERTULLIAN'S EXPOSITION OF CHRISTIANITY. 45 should never die. The objects of their life are inno- cence, justice, patience, temperance, chastity. To this noble exposition of Christian belief and life in his day, Tertullian does not hesitate to add an omi- nous warning to the magistrates he is addressing ominous, for it was a forecast of a great event soon to come to pass: " Our origin is but recent, yet already we fill all that your power acknowledges cities, fortresses, islands, provinces, the assemblies of the people, the wards of Eome, the palace, the senate, the public places, and especially the armies. We have left you nothing but your temples. Eeflect what wars we are able to undertake! With what promptitude might we not arm ourselves were we not restrained by our religion, which teaches us that it is better to be killed than to kill! " Before he closes his defense, Tertullian renews an assertion which, carried into practice, as it subsequently was, affected the intellectual development of all Europe. He declares that the Holy Scriptures are a treasure from which all the true wisdom in the world has been drawn; that every philosopher and every poet is indebted to them. He labors to show that they are the standard and measure of all truth, and that whatever is inconsistent with them must necessarily be false. From Tertullian's able work we see what Christian- ity was while it was suffering persecution and strug- gling for existence. We have now to see what it be- came when in possession of imperial power. Great is the difference between Christianity under Severus and Christianity after Constantine. Many of the doctrines which at the latter period were preeminent, in the for- mer were unknown. Two causes led to the amalgamation of Christianity with paganism: 1. The political necessities of the new 46 PAGANIZATION OF CHRISTIANITY. dynasty; 2. The policy adopted by the new religion to insure its spread. 1. Though the Christian party had proved itself sufficiently strong to give a master to the empire, it was never sufficiently strong to destroy its antagonist, pagan- ism. The issue of the struggle between them was an amalgamation of the principles of both. In this, Chris- tianity differed from Mohammedanism, which absolutely annihilated its antagonist, and spread its own doctrines without adulteration. Constantine continually showed by his acts that he felt he must be the impartial sovereign of all his people, not merely the representative of a successful faction. Hence, if he built Christian churches, he also restored pagan temples; if he listened to the clergy, he also con- sulted the haruspices; if he summoned the Council of Nicea, he also honored the statue of Fortune; if he accepted the rite of baptism, he also struck a medal bearing his title of " God." His statue, on the top of the great porphyry pillar at Constantinople, consisted of an ancient image of Apollo, whose features were re- placed by those of the emperor, and its head surrounded by the nails feigned to have been used at the cruci- fixion of Christ, arranged so as to form a crown of glory. Feeling that there must be concessions to the de- feated pagan party, in accordance with its ideas, he looked with favor on the idolatrous movements of his court. In fact, the leaders of these movements were persons of his own family. 2. To the emperor a mere worldling a man with- out any religious convictions, doubtless it appeared best for himself, best for the empire, and best for the con- tending parties, Christian and pagan, to promote their CHRISTIANITY UNDER CONSTANTINB. 47 union or amalgamation as much as possible. Even sin- cere Christians do not seem to have been averse to this; perhaps they believed that the new doctrines would dif- fuse most thoroughly by incorporating in themselves ideas borrowed from the old, that Truth would assert herself in the end, and the impurity be cast off. In ac- complishing this amalgamation, Helena, the empress- mother, aided by the court ladies, led the way. For her gratification there were discovered, in a cavern at Jeru- salem, wherein they had lain buried for more than three centuries, the Savior's cross, and those of the two thieves, the inscription, and the nails that had been used. They were identified by miracle. A true relic-worship set in. The superstition of the old Greek times reappeared; the times when the tools with which the Trojan horse was made might still be seen at Metapontum, the sceptre of Pelops at Chasroneia, the spear of Achilles at Phaselis, the sword of Memnon at Nicomedia, when the Tegeates could show the hide of the Calydonian boar and very many cities boasted their possession of the true palla- dium of Troy; when there were statues of Minerva that could brandish spears, paintings that could blush, im- ages that could sweat, and endless shrines and sanctua- ries at which miracle-cures could be performed. As years passed on, the faith described by Tertul- lian was transmuted into one more fashionable and more debased. It was incorporated with the old Greek mythology. Olympus was restored, but the divinities passed under other names. The more powerful prov- inces insisted on the adoption of their time-honored conceptions. Views of the Trinity, in accordance with Egyptian traditions, were established. Not only was the adoration of Isis under a new name restored, but even her image, standing on the crescent moon, reap- 48 PAGANIZATION OF CHRISTIANITY. peared. The well-known effigy of that goddess, with the infant Horus in her arms, has descended to our days in the beautiful, artistic creations of the Madonna and Child. Such restorations of old conceptions under novel forms were everywhere received with delight. When it was announced to the Ephesians that the Council of that place, headed by Cyril, had decreed that the Virgin should be called " the Mother of God/' with tears of joy they embraced the knees of their bishop; it was the old instinct peeping out; their ancestors would have done the same for Diana. This attempt to conciliate worldly converts, by adopt- ing their ideas and practices, did not pass without re- monstrance from those whose intelligence discerned the motive. " You have," says Faustus to Augustine, " sub- stituted your agapas for the sacrifices of the pagans; for their idols your martyrs, whom you serve with the very same honors. You appease the shades of the dead with wine and feasts; you celebrate the solemn festivities of the Gentiles, their calends, and their solstices; and, as to their manners, those you have retained without any al- teration. Nothing distinguishes you from the pagans, except that you hold your assemblies apart from them." Pagan observances were everywhere introduced. At weddings it was the custom to sing hymns to Venus. Let us pause here a moment, and see, in anticipa- tion, to what a depth of intellectual degradation this policy of paganization eventually led. Heathen rites were adopted, a pompous and splendid ritual, gorgeous robes, mitres, tiaras, wax-tapers, processional services, lustrations, gold and silver vases, were introduced. The Roman lituus, the chief ensign of the augurs, became the crozier. Churches were built over the tombs of martyrs, and consecrated with rites borrowed from the INTRODUCTION OF ROMAN RITES. 49 ancient laws of the Eoraan pontiffs. Festivals and com- memorations of martyrs multiplied with the numberless fictitious discoveries of their remains. Fasting became the grand means of repelling the devil and appeasing God; celibacy the greatest of the virtues. Pilgrimages were made to Palestine and the tombs of the martyrs. Quantities of dust and earth were brought from the Holy Land and sold at enormous prices, as antidotes against devils. The virtues of consecrated water were upheld. Images and relics were introduced into the churches, and worshiped after the fashion of the heathen gods. It was given out that prodigies and miracles were to be seen in certain places, as in the heathen times. The happy souls of departed Christians were invoked; it was believed that they were wandering about the world, or haunting their graves. There was a multi- plication of temples, altars, and penitential garments. The festival of the purification of the Virgin was in- vented to remove the uneasiness of heathen converts on account of the loss of their Lupercalia, or feasts of Pan. The worship of images, of fragments of the cross, or bones, nails, and other relics, a true fetich worship, was cultivated. Two arguments were relied on for the au- thenticity of these objects the authority of the Church, and the working of miracles. Even the worn-out cloth- ing of the saints and the earth of their graves were ven- erated. From Palestine were brought what were af- firmed to be the skeletons of St. Mark and St. James, and other ancient worthies. The apotheosis of the old Roman times was replaced by canonization; tute- lary saints succeeded to local mythological divinities. Then came the mystery of transubstantiation, or the conversion of bread and wine by the priest into the flesh and blood of Christ. As centuries passed, the 50 INTRODUCTION OP ROMAN RITES. paganization became more and more complete. Festi- vals sacred to the memory of the lance with which the Savior's side was pierced, the nails that fastened him to the cross, and the crown of thorns, were instituted. Though there were several abbeys that possessed this last peerless relic, no one dared to say that it was im- possible they could all be authentic. We may read with advantage the remarks made by Bishop Newton on this paganization of Christianity. He asks : " Is not the worship of saints and angels now in all respects the same that the worship of demons was in former times? The name only is different, the thing is identically the same, . . . the deified men of the Christians are substituted for the deified men of the heathens. The promoters of this worship were sensible that it was the same, and that the one succeeded to the other; and, as the worship is the same, so likewise it is performed with the same ceremonies. The burning of incense or perfumes on several altars at one and the same time; the sprinkling of holy water, or a mixture of salt and common water, at going into and coming out of places of public worship; the lighting up of a great number of lamps and wax-candles in broad daylight before altars and statues of these deities; the hanging up of votive offerings and rich presents as attestations of so many miraculous cures and deliverances from dis- eases and dangers; the canonization or deification of deceased worthies; the assigning of distinct provinces or prefectures to departed heroes and saints; the worship- ing and adoring of the dead in their sepulchres, shrines, and relics; the consecrating and bowing down to im- ages; the attributing of miraculous powers and virtues to idols; the setting up of little oratories, altars, and statues in the streets and highways, and on the tops of DEBASEMENT OF CHRISTIANITY. 51 mountains; the carrying of images and relics in pompous procession, with numerous lights and with music and singing; flagellations at solemn seasons under the notion of penance; a great variety of religious orders and fra- ternities of priests; the shaving of priests, or the tonsure as it is called, on the crown of their heads; the imposing of celibacy and vows of chastity on the religious of both sexes all these and many more rites and ceremonies are equally parts of pagan and popish superstition. Nay, the very same temples, the very same images, which were once consecrated to Jupiter and the other demons, are now consecrated to the Virgin Mary and the other saints. The very same rites and inscriptions are as- cribed to both, the very same prodigies and miracles are related of these as of those. In short, almost the whole of paganism is converted and applied to popery; the one is manifestly formed upon the same plan and principles as the other; so that there is not only a con- formity, but even a uniformity, in the worship of an- cient and modern, of heathen and Christian Rome." Thus far Bishop Newton; but to return to the times of Constantine: though these concessions to old and popular ideas were permitted and even encouraged, the dominant religious party never for a moment hesitated to enforce its decisions by the aid of the civil power an aid which was freely given. Constantine thus car- ried into effect the acts of the Council of Nicea. In the affair of Arius, he even ordered that whoever should find a book of that heretic, and not burn it, should be put to death. In like manner Nestor was by Theodo- sius the Younger banished to an Egyptian oasis. The pagan party included many of the old aristo- cratic families of the empire; it counted among its ad- herents all the disciples of the old philosophical schools. 52 DEBASEMENT OF CHRISTIANITY. It looked down on its antagonist with contempt. It asserted that knowledge is to be obtained only by the laborious exercise of human observation and human reason. The Christian party asserted that all knowledge is to be found in the Scriptures and in the traditions of the Church; that, in the written revelation, God had not only given a criterion of truth, but had furnished us all that he intended us to know. The Scriptures, there- fore, contain the sum, the end of all knowledge. The clergy, with the emperor at their back, would endure no intellectual competition. Thus came into prominence what were termed sa- cred and profane knowledge; thus came into presence of each other two opposing parties, one relying on human reason as its guide, the other on revelation. Paganism leaned for support on the learning of its philosophers, Christianity on the inspiration of its Fathers. The Church thus set herself forth as the depository and arbiter of knowledge; she was ever ready to resort to the civil power to compel obedience to her decisions. She thus took a course which determined her whole future career: she became a stumbling-block in the intellectual advancement of Europe for more than a thousand years. The reign of Constantine marks the epoch of the transformation of Christianity from a religion into a political system; and though, in one sense, that system was degraded into an idolatry, in another it had risen into a development of the old Greek mythology. The maxim holds good in the social as well as in the me- chanical world, that, when two bodies strike, the form of both is changed. Paganism was modified by Christi- anity; Christianity by Paganism. THE TRINITARIAN DISPUTE. 53 In the Trinitarian controversy, which first broke out in Egypt Egypt, the land of Trinities the chief point in discussion was to define the position of " the Son." There lived in Alexandria a presbyter of the name of Arius, a disappointed candidate for the office of bishop. He took the ground that there was a time when, from the very nature of sonship, the Son did not exist, and a time at which he commenced to be, asserting that it is the necessary condition of the filial relation that a father must be older than his son. But this assertion evidently denied the coeternity of the three persons of the Trinity; it suggested a subordination or inequality among them, and indeed implied a time when the Trinity did not exist. Hereupon, the bishop, who had been the successful competitor against Arius, displayed his rhetorical powers in public debates on the question, and, the strife spreading, the Jews and pagans, who formed a very large portion of the population of Alex- andria, amused themselves with theatrical representa- tions of the contest on the stage the point of their burlesques being the equality of age of the Father and his Son. Such was the violence the controversy at length assumed, that the matter had to be referred to the em- peror. At first he looked upon the dispute as alto- gether frivolous, and perhaps in truth inclined to the assertion of Arius, that in the very nature of the thing a father must be older than his son. So great, however, was the pressure laid upon him, that he was eventually compelled to summon the Council of Nicea, which, to dispose of the conflict, set forth a formulary or creed, and attached to it this anathema: "The Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church anathematizes those who say that there was a time when the Son of God was not, and 6 54 DISPERSION OP THE ALEXANDRIAN LIBRARY. that, before he was begotten, he was not, and that he was made out of nothing, or out of another substance or essence, and is created, or changeable, or alterable." Constantine at once enforced the decision of the council by the civil power. A few years subsequently the Emperor Theodosius prohibited sacrifices, made the inspection of the entrails of animals a capital offense, and forbade any one enter- ing a temple. He instituted Inquisitors of Faith, and ordained that all who did not accord with the belief of Damasus, the Bishop of Rome, and Peter, the Bishop of Alexandria, should be driven into exile, and deprived of civil rights. Those who presumed to celebrate Easter on the same day as the Jews, he condemned to death. The Greek language was now ceasing to be known in the West, and true learning was becoming extinct. At this time the bishopric of Alexandria was held by one Thcophilus. An ancient temple of Osiris hav- ing been given to the Christians of the city for the site of a church, it happened that, in digging the foundation for the new edifice, the obscene symbols of the former worship chanced to be found. These, with more zeal than modesty, Theophilus exhibited in the market-place to public derision. With less forbearance than the Chris- tian party showed when it was insulted in the theatre during the Trinitarian dispute, the pagans resorted to violence, and a riot ensued. They held the Serapion as their headquarters. Such were the disorder and blood- shed that the emperor had to interfere. He dispatched a rescript to Alexandria, enjoining the bishop, Theophi- lus, to destroy the Serapion; and the great library, which had been collected by the Ptolemies, and had escaped the fire of Julius Csesar, was by that fanatic dispersed. The bishopric thus held by Theophilus was in due THE MURDER OF HYPATIA. 55 time occupied by his nephew St. Cyril, who had com- mended himself to the approval of the Alexandrian con- gregations as a successful and fashionable preacher. It was he who had so much to do with the introduction of the worship of the Virgin Mary. His hold upon the audiences of the giddy city was, however, much weak- ened by Hypatia, the daughter of Theon, the mathe- matician, who not only distinguished herself by her expo- sition of the doctrines of Plato and Aristotle, but also by her comments on the writings of Apollonius and other geometers. Each day before her academy stood a long train of chariots; her lecture-room was crowded with the wealth and fashion of Alexandria. They came to listen to her discourses on those questions which man in all ages has asked, but which never yet have been answered: "What am I? Where am I? What can I know?" Hypatia and Cyril! Philosophy and bigotry. They cannot exist together. So Cyril felt, and on that feel- ing he acted. As Hypatia retired to her academy, she was assaulted by Cyril's mob a mob of many monks. Stripped naked in the street, she was dragged into a church, and there killed by the club of Peter the Reader. The corpse was cut to pieces, the flesh was scraped from the bones with shells, and the remnants cast into a fire. For this frightful crime Cyril was never called to account. It seemed to be admitted that the end sanctified the means. So ended Greek philosophy in Alexandria, so came to an untimely close the learning that the Ptolemies had done so much to promote. The " Daughter Li- brary," that of the Serapion, had been dispersed. The fate of Hypatia was a warning to all who would culti- vate profane knowledge. Henceforth there was to be no 56 PELAGIUS. freedom for human thought. Every one must think as the ecclesiastical authority ordered him, A. D. 414. In Athens itself philosophy awaited its doom. Justinian at length prohibited its teaching, and caused all its schools in that city to be closed. While these events were transpiring in the Eastern provinces of the Koman Empire, the spirit that had produced them was displaying itself in the West. A British monk, who had assumed the name of Pelagius, passed through Western Europe and Northern Africa, teaching that death was not introduced into the world by the sin of Adam; that on the contrary he was neces- sarily and by nature mortal, and had he not sinned he would nevertheless have died; that the consequences of his sins were confined to himself, and did not affect his posterity. From these premises Pelagius drew certain important theological conclusions. At Rome, Pelagius had been received with favor; at Carthage, at the instigation of St. Augustine, he was denounced. By a synod, held at Diospolis, he was ac- quitted of heresy, but, on referring the matter to the Bishop of Rome, Innocent I., he was, on the contrary, condemned. It happened that at this moment Innocent died, and his successor, Zosimus, annulled his judgment, and declared the opinions of Pelagius to be orthodox. These contradictory decisions are still often referred to by the opponents of papal infallibility. Things were in this state of confusion, when the wily African bishops, through the influence of Count Valerius, procured from the emperor an edict denouncing Pelagius as a heretic; he and his accomplices were condemned to exile and the forfeiture of their goods. To affirm that death was in the world before the fall of Adam, was a state crime. It is very instructive to consider the principles on CONDEMNATION OF PELAGIUS. 57 which this strange decision was founded. Since the question was purely philosophical, one might suppose that it would have been discussed on natural principles; instead of that, theological considerations alone were ad- duced. The attentive reader will have remarked, in Tertullian's statement of the principles of Christianity, a complete absence of the doctrines of original sin, total depravity, predestination, grace, and atonement. The intention of Christianity as set forth by him, has noth- ing in common with the plan of salvation upheld two centuries subsequently. It is to St. Augustine, a Cartha- ginian, that we are indebted for the precision of our views on these important points. In deciding whether death had been in the world before the fall of Adam, or whether it was the penalty inflicted on the world for his sin, the course taken was to ascertain whether the views of Pelagius were accord- ant or discordant not with Nature but with the theologi- cal doctrines of St. Augustine. And the result has been such as might be expected. The doctrine declared to be orthodox by ecclesiastical authority is overthrown by the unquestionable discoveries of modern science. Long before a human being had appeared upon earth, mill- ions of individuals nay, more, thousands of species and even genera had died; those which remain with us are an insignificant fraction of the vast hosts that have passed away. A consequence of great importance issued from the decision of the Pelagian controversy. The book of Genesis had been made the basis of Christianity. If, in a theological point of vieAv, to its account of the sin in the garden of Eden, and the transgression and pun- ishment of Adam, so much weight had been attached, it also in a philosophical point of view became the grand 58 ST. AUGUSTINE. authority of Patristic science. Astronomy, geology, ge- ography, anthropology, chronology, and indeed all the various departments of human knowledge, were made to conform to it. As the doctrines of St. Augustine have had the effect of thus placing theology in antagonism with sci- ence, it may be interesting to examine briefly some of the more purely philosophical views of that great man. For this purpose, we may appropriately select portions of his study of the first chapter of Genesis, as contained in the eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth books of his " Confessions." These consist of philosophical discussions, largely in- terspersed with rhapsodies. He prays that God will give him to understand the Scriptures, and will open their meaning to him; he declares that in them there is nothing superfluous, but that the words have a manifold meaning. The face of creation testifies that there has been a Creator; but at once arises the question, " How and when did he make heaven and earth? They could not have been made in heaven and earth, the world could not have been made in the world, nor could they have been made when there was nothing to make them of." The solution of this fundamental inquiry St. Augustine finds in saying, " Thou spakest, and they were made." But the difficulty does not end here. St. Augustine goes on to remark that the syllables thus uttered by God came forth in succession, and there must have been some created thing to express the words. This created thing must, therefore, have existed before heaven and earth, and yet there could have been no corporeal thing before heaven and earth. It must have been a creature, because the words passed away and came to an end; CRITICISM ON ST. AUGUSTINE. 59 but we know that "the word of the Lord endureth forever." Moreover, it is plain that the words thus spoken could not have been spoken successively, but simulta- neously, else there would have been time and change succession in its nature implying time; whereas there was then nothing but eternity and immortality. God knows and says eternally what takes place in time. St. Augustine then defines, not without much mys- ticism, what is meant by the opening words of Genesis: " In the beginning." He is guided to his conclusion by another scriptural passage: "How wonderful are thy works, Lord! in wisdom hast thou made them all." This " wisdom " is " the beginning," and in that begin- ning the Lord created the heaven and the earth. " But," he adds, " some one may ask, ' What was God doing before he made the heaven and the earth? for, if at any particular moment he began to employ himself, that means time, not eternity. In eternity nothing transpires the whole is present.'* In answering this question, he cannot forbear one of those touches of rhetoric for which he was so celebrated: " I will not answer this question by saying that he was preparing hell for priers into his mysteries. I say that, before God made heaven and earth, he did not make any thing, for no creature could be made before any creature was made. Time itself is a creature, and hence it could not possibly exist before creation. " What, then, is time ? The past is not, the future is not, the present who can tell what it is, unless it be that which has no duration between two nonentities? There is no such thing as ' a long time/ or * a short time,' for there are no such things as the past, and the future. They have no existence, except in the soul." 60 CRITICISM ON ST. AUGUSTINE. The style in which St. Augustine conveyed his ideas is that of a rhapsodical conversation with God. His works are an incoherent dream. That the reader may appreciate this remark, I might copy almost at random any of his paragraphs. The following is from the twelfth book: " This, then, is what I conceive, my God, when I hear thy Scripture saying, In the beginning God made heaven and earth: and the earth was invisible and with- out form, and darkness was upon the deep, and not men- tioning what day thou createdst them; this is what I conceive, that because of the heaven of heavens that in- tellectual heaven, whose intelligences know all at once, not in part, not darkly, not through a glass, but as a whole, in manifestation, face to face; not this thing now, and that thing anon; but (as I said) know all at once, without any succession of times; and because of the earth, invisible and without form, without any suc- cession of times, which succession presents 'this thing now, that thing anon; ' because, where there is no form, there is no distinction of things; it is, then, on account of these two, a primitive formed, and a primitive form- less; the one, heaven, but the heaven of heavens; the other, earth, but the earth movable and without form; because of these two do I conceive, did thy Scripture say without mention of days, In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. For, forthwith it subjoined what earth it spake of; and also in that the firmament is recorded to be created the second day, and called heaven, it conveys to us of which heaven he be- fore spake, without mention of days. " Wondrous depth of thy words! whose surface, behold! is before us, inviting to little ones; yet are they a wondrous depth, my God, a wondrous depth! CRITICISM ON ST. AUGUSTINE. 61 It is awful to look therein; an awfulness of honor, and a trembling of love. The enemies thereof I hate ve- hemently; that thou wouldst slay them with thy two-edged sword, that they might no longer be enemies to it: for so do I love to have them slain unto them- selves, that they may live unto thee." As an example of the hermeneutical manner in which St. Augustine unfolded the concealed facts of the Scriptures, I may cite the following from the thir- teenth book of the " Confessions; " his object is to show that the doctrine of the Trinity is contained in the Mosaic narrative of the creation: " Lo, now the Trinity appears unto me in a glass darkly, which is thou my God, because thou, Father, in him who is the beginning of our wisdom, which is thy wisdom, born of thyself, equal unto thee and co- eternal, that is, in thy Son, createdst heaven and earth. Much now have we said of the heaven of heavens, and of the earth invisible and without form, and of the dark- some deep, in reference to the wandering instability of its spiritual deformity, unless it had been converted unto him, from whom it had its then degree of life, and by his enlightening became a beauteous life, and the heaven of that heaven, which was afterward set be- tween water and water. And under the name of God, I now held the Father, who made these things; and under the name of the beginning, the Son, in whom he made these things; and believing, as I did, my God as the Trinity, I searched further in his holy words, and lo! thy Spirit moved upon the waters. Behold the Trinity, my God! Father, and Son, and Holy Ghost, Creator of all creation." That I might convey to my reader a just impres- sion of the character of St. Augustine's philosophical 62 CRITICISM ON ST. AUGUSTINE. writings, I have, in the two quotations here given, sub- stituted for my own translation that of the Kev. Dr. Pusey, as contained in Vol. I. of the " Library of Fa- thers of the Holy Catholic Church," published at Ox- ford, 1840. Considering the eminent authority which has been attributed to the writings of St. Augustine by the re- ligious world for nearly fifteen centuries, it is proper to speak of them with respect. And indeed it is not necessary to do otherwise. The paragraphs here quoted criticise themselves. No one did more than this Father to bring science and religion into antagonism; it was mainly he who diverted the Bible from its true office a guide to purity of life and placed it in the perilous position of being the arbiter of human knowledge, an audacious tyranny over the mind of man. The ex- ample once set, there was no want of followers; the works of the great Greek philosophers were stigmatized as profane; the transcendently glorious achievements of the Museum of Alexandria were hidden from sight by a cloud of ignorance, mysticism, and unintelligible jar- gon, out of which there too often flashed the destroying lightnings of ecclesiastical vengeance. A divine revelation of science admits of no improve- ment, no change, no advance. It discourages as need- less, and indeed as presumptuous, all new discovery, considering it as an unlawful prying into things which it was the intention of God to conceal. What, then, is that sacred, that revealed science, de- clared by the Fathers to be the sum of all knowledge? It likened all phenomena, natural and spiritual, to human acts. It saw in the Almighty, the Eternal, only a gigantic man. THE PATRISTIC PHILOSOPHY. 63 As to the earth, it affirmed that it is a flat surface, over which the sky is spread like a dome, or, as St. Augustine tells us, is stretched like a skin. In this the sun and moon and stars move, so that they may give light by day and by night to man. The earth was made of matter created by God out of nothing, and, with all the tribes of animals and plants inhabiting it, was finished in six days. Above the sky or firmament is heaven; in the dark and fiery space beneath the earth is hell. The earth is the central and most important body of the universe, all other things being intended for and subservient to it. As to man, he was made out of the dust of the earth. At first he was alone, but subsequently woman was formed fronj one of his ribs. He is the greatest and choicest of the works of God. He was placed in a paradise near the banks of the Euphrates, and was very wise and very pure; but, having tasted of the forbidden fruit, and thereby broken the commandment given to him, he was condemned to labor and to death. The descendants of the first man, undeterred by his punishment, pursued such a career of wickedness that it became necessary to destroy them. A deluge, there- fore, flooded the face of the earth, and rose over the tops of the mountains. Having accomplished its pur- pose, the water was dried up by a wind. From this catastrophe Noah and his three sons, with their wives, were saved in an ark. Of these sons, Shem remained in Asia and repeopled it. Ham peopled Af- rica; Japhet, Europe. As the Fathers were not ac- quainted with the existence of America, they did not provide an ancestor for its people. Let us listen to what some of these authorities say in support of their assertions. Thus Lactantius, refer- 64 THE PATRISTIC PHILOSOPHY. ring to the heretical doctrine of the globular form of the earth, remarks: " Is it possible that men can be so absurd as to believe that the crops and the trees on the other side of the earth hang downward, and that men have their feet higher than their heads? If you ask them how they defend .these monstrosities, how things do not fall away from the earth on that side, they re- ply that the nature of things is such that heavy bodies tend toward the centre, like the spokes of a wheel, while light bodies, as clouds, smoke, fire, tend from the centre to the heavens on all sides. Now, I am really at a loss what to say of those who, when they have once gone wrong, steadily persevere in their folly, and defend one absurd opinion by another." On the question of the antipodes, St. Augustine asserts that "it is impossible there should be inhabitants on the opposite side of the earth, since no such race is recorded by Scripture among the descendants of Adam." Perhaps, however, the most unanswerable argument against the sphericity of the earth was this, that " in the day of judgment, men on the other side of a globe could not see the Lord de- scending through the air." It is unnecessary for me to say any thing respect- ing the introduction of death into the world, the con- tinual interventions of spiritual agencies in the course of events, the offices of angels and devils, the expected conflagration of the earth, the tower of Babel, the con- fusion of tongues, the dispersion of mankind, the inter- pretation of natural phenomena, as eclipses, the rain- bow, etc. Above all, I abstain from commenting on the Patristic conceptions of the Almighty; they are too anthropomorphic, and wanting in sublimity. Perhaps, however, I may quote from Cosmos Indi- copleustes the views that were entertained in the sixth THE PATRISTIC PHILOSOPHY. 65 century. He wrote a work entitled " Christian Topog- raphy/' the chief intent of which was to confute the heretical opinion of the globular form of the earth, and the pagan assertion that there is a temperate zone on the southern side of the torrid. He affirms that, ac- cording to the true orthodox system of geography, the earth is a quadrangular plane, extending four hundred days' journey east and west, and exactly half as much north and south; that it is inclosed hy mountains, on which the sky rests; that one on the north side, huger than the others, by intercepting the rays of the sun, produces night; and that the plane of the earth is not set exactly horizontally, but with a little inclination from the north: hence the Euphrates, Tigris, and other rivers, running southward, are rapid; but the Nile, having to run up-hill, has necessarily a very slow current. The Venerable Bede, writing in the seventh century, tells us that " the creation was accomplished in six days, and that the earth is its centre and its primary object. The heaven is of a fiery and subtile nature, round, and equidistant in every part, as a canopy from the centre of the earth. It turns round every day with ineffable rapidity, only moderated by the resistance of the seven planets, three above the sun Saturn, Jupiter, Mars then the sun; three below Venus, Mercury, the moon. The stars go round in their fixed courses, the northern perform the shortest circle. The highest heaven has its proper limit; it contains the angelic virtues who de- scend upon earth, assume ethereal bodies, perform hu- man functions, and return. The heaven is tempered with glacial waters, lest it should be set on fire. The inferior heaven is called the firmament, because it sepa- rates the superincumbent waters from the waters be- 66 THE PATRISTIC PHILOSOPHY. low. The firmamental waters are lower than the spirit- ual heaven, higher than all corporeal beings, reserved, some say, for a second deluge; others, more truly, to temper the fire of the fixed stars." Was it for this preposterous scheme this product of ignorance and audacity that the works of the Greek philosophers were to be given up? It was none too soon that the great critics who appeared at the Reforma- tion, by comparing the works of these writers with one another, brought them to their proper level, and taught us to look upon them all with contempt. Of this presumptuous system, the strangest part was its logic, the nature of its proofs. It relied upon mira- cle-evidence. A fact was supposed to be demonstrated by an astounding illustration of something else! An Arabian writer, referring to this, says: "If a conjurer should say to me, ' Three are more than ten, and in proof of it I will change this stick into a serpent,' I might be surprised at his legerdemain, but I certainly should not admit his assertion." Yet, for more than a thousand years, such was the accepted logic, and all over Europe propositions equally absurd were accepted on equally ridiculous proof. Since the party that had become dominant in the empire could not furnish works capable of intellectual competition with those of the great pagan authors, and since it was impossible for it to accept a position of in- feriority, there arose a political necessity for the dis- couragement, and even persecution, of profane learn- ing. The persecution of the Platonists under Yalen- tinian was due to that necessity. They were accused of magic, and many of them were put to death. The profession of philosophy had become dangerous it was a state crime. In its stead there arose a passion for the THE PATRISTIC PHILOSOPHY. 67 marvelous, a spirit of superstition. Egypt exchanged the great men, who had made her Museum immortal, for bands of solitary monks and sequestered virgins, with which she was overrun. CHAPTER III. CONFLICT RESPECTING THE DOCTRINE OF THE UNITY OF GOD. THE FIRST OR SOUTHERN REFORMATION. The Egyptians insist on the introduction of the worship of the Virgin Mary. They are resisted by Nestor, the Patriarch of Constantinople, but eventually, through their influence with the emperor, cause Nestor's exile and the dispersion of his followers. Prelude to the Southern Reformation. The Persian attack; its moral effects. The Arabian Reformation. Mohammed is brought in contact with the Nestorians. He adopts and extends their principles, rejecting the worship of the Virgin, the doctrine of the Trinity, and every thing in opposition to the unity of God. He extin- guishes idolatry in Arabia, by force, and prepares to make war on the Roman Empire. His successors conquer Syria, Egypt, Asia Minor, North Africa, Spain, and invade France. As the result of this conflict, the doctrine of the unity of God was established in the greater part of the Roman Empire. The cultivation of science was restored, and Christendom lost many of her most illustrious capitals, as Alexandria, Carthage, and, above all, Jerusalem. THE policy of the Byzantine court had given to primitive Christianity a paganized form, which it had spread over all the idolatrous populations constituting the empire. There had heen an amalgamation of the two parties. Christianity had modified paganism, pagan- ism had modified Christianity. The limits of this adul- terated religion were the confines of the Roman Empire. With this great extension there had come to the 68 ECCLESIASTICAL DISPUTES. 69 Christian party political influence and wealth. No in- significant portion of the vast public revenues found their way into the treasuries of the Church. As under such circumstances must ever be the case, there were many competitors for the spoils men who, under the mask of zeal for the predominant faith, sought only the enjoyment of its emoluments. Under the early emperors, conquest had reached its culmination; the empire was completed; there remained no adequate objects for military life; the days of war- peculation, and the plundering of provinces, were over. For the ambitious, however, another path was open; other objects presented. A successful career in the Church led to results not unworthy of comparison with those that in former days had been attained by a suc- cessful career in the army. The ecclesiastical, and indeed, it may be said, much of the political history of that time, turns on the strug- gles of the bishops of the three great metropolitan cities Constantinople, Alexandria, Rome for supremacy: Constantinople based her claims on the fact that she was the existing imperial city; Alexandria pointed to her commercial and literary position; Rome, to her souvenirs. But the Patriarch of Constantinople labored under the disadvantage that he was too closely under the eye, and, as he found to his cost, too often under the hand, of the emperor. Distance gave security to the episcopates of Alexandria and Rome. Religious disputations in the East have generally turned on diversities of opinion respecting the nature and attributes of God; in the West, on the relations and life of man. This peculiarity has been strikingly mani- fested in the transformations that Christianity has under- gone in Asia and Europe respectively. Accordingly, 7 70 ECCLESIASTICAL DISPUTES. at the time of which we are speaking, all the Eastern provinces of the Roman Empire exhibited an intellect- ual anarchy. There were fierce quarrels respecting the Trinity, the essence of God, the position of the Son, the nature of the Holy Spirit, the influences of the Virgin Mary. The triumphant clamor first of one then of another sect was confirmed, sometimes by miracle-proof, sometimes by bloodshed. No attempt was ever made to submit the rival opinions to logical examination. All parties, however, agreed in this, that the imposture of the old classical pagan forms of faith was demon- strated by the facility with which they had been over- thrown. The triumphant ecclesiastics proclaimed that the images of the gods had failed to defend themselves when the time of trial came. Polytheistic ideas have always been held in repute by the southern European races, the Semitic have main- tained the unity of God. Perhaps this is due to the fact, as a recent author has suggested, that a diversified landscape of mountains and valleys, islands, and rivers, and gulfs, predisposes man to a belief in a multitude of divinities. A vast sandy desert, the illimitable ocean, impresses him with an idea of the oneness of God. Political reasons had led the emperors to look with favor on the admixture of Christianity and paganism, and doubtless by this means the bitterness of the rivalry between those antagonists was somewhat abated. The heaven of the popular, the fashionable Christianity was the old Olmypus, from which the venerable Greek divinities had been removed. There, on a great white throne, sat God the Father, on his right the Son, and then the blessed Virgin, clad in a golden robe, and " covered with various female adornments; " on the left sat God the Holy Ghost. Surrounding these EGYPTIAN DOCTEINES. 71 thrones were hosts of angels with their harps. The vast expanse beyond was filled with tables, seated at which the happy spirits of the just enjoyed a perpetual banquet. If, satisfied with this picture of happiness, illiterate persons never inquired how the details of such a heaven were carried out, or how much pleasure there could be in the ennui of such an eternally unchanging, unmov- ing scene, it was not so with the intelligent. As we are soon to see, there were among the higher ecclesiastics those who rejected with sentiments of horror these car- nal, these materialistic conceptions, and raised their pro- testing voices in vindication of the attributes of the Omnipresent, the Almighty God. In the paganization of religion, now in all directions taking place, it became the interest of every bishop to procure an adoption of the ideas which, time out of mind, had been current in the community under his charge. The Egyptians had already thus forced on the Church their peculiar Trinitarian views; and now they were resolved that, under the form of the adoration of the Virgin Mary, the worship of Isis should be restored. It so happened that Nestor, the Bishop of Antioch, who entertained the philosophical views of Theodore of Mopsuestia, had been called by the Emperor Theo- dosius the Younger to the Episcopate of Constantinople (A. D. 427). Nestor rejected the base popular anthro- pomorphism, looking upon it as little better than blas- phemous, and pictured to himself an awful eternal Di- vinity, who pervaded the universe, and had none of the aspects or attributes of man. Nestor was deeply imbued with the doctrines of Aristotle, and attempted to co- ordinate them with what he considered to be orthodox 72 THE NESTOEIANS. Christian tenets. Between him and Cyril, the Bishop or Patriarch of Alexandria, a quarrel accordingly arose. Cyril represented the paganizing, Nestor the philoso- phizing party of the Church. This was that Cyril who had murdered Hypatia. Cyril was determined that the worship of the Virgin as the Mother of God should be recognized, Nestor was determined that it should not. In a sermon delivered in the metropolitan church at Constantinople, he vindicated the attributes of the Eter- nal, the Almighty God. "And can this God have a mother? " he exclaimed. In other sermons and writ- ings, he set forth with more precision his ideas that the Virgin should be considered not as the Mother of God, but as the mother of the human portion of Christ, that portion being as essentially distinct from the divine as is a temple from its contained deity. Instigated by the monks of Alexandria, the monks of Constantinople took up arms in behalf of "the Mother of God." The quarrel rose to such a pitch that the emperor was constrained to summon a council to meet at Ephesus. In the mean time Cyril had given a bribe of many pounds of gold to the chief eunuch of the imperial court, and had thereby obtained the influ- ence of the emperor's sister. " The holy virgin of the court of heaven thus found an ally of her own sex in the holy virgin of the emperor's court." Cyril hastened to the council, attended by a mob of men and women of the baser sort. He at once assumed the presidency, and in the midst of a tumult had the emperor's rescript read before the Syrian bishops could arrive. A single day served to complete his triumph. All offers of ac- commodation on the part of Nestor were refused, his explanations were not read, he was condemned unheard. On the arrival of the Syrian ecclesiastics, a meeting of PERSECUTION AND DEATH OP NESTOE. 73 protest was held by them. A riot, with much blood- shed, ensued in the cathedral of St. John. Nestor was abandoned by the court, and eventually exiled to an Egyptian oasis. His persecutors tormented him as long as he lived, by every means in their power, and at his death gave out that "his blasphemous tongue had been devoured by worms, and that from the heats of an Egyptian desert he had escaped only into the hotter torments of hell! " The overthrow and punishment of Nestor, however, by no means destroyed his opinions. He and his fol- lowers, insisting on the plain inference of the last verse of the first chapter of St. Matthew, together with the fifty-fifth and fifty-sixth verses of the thirteenth of the same gospel, could never be brought to an acknowledg- ment of the perpetual virginity of the new queen of heaven. Their philosophical tendencies were soon indi- cated by their actions. While their leader was tormented in an African oasis, many of them emigrated to the Eu- phrates, and established the Chaldean Church. Under their auspices the college of Edessa was founded. From the college of Nisibis issued those doctors who spread Nestor's tenets through Syria, Arabia, India, Tartary, China, Egypt. The Nestorians, of course, adopted the philosophy of Aristotle, and translated the works of that great writer into Syriac and Persian. They also made similar translations of later works, such as those of Pliny. In connection with the Jews they founded the medical college of Djondesabour. Their mission- aries disseminated the Nestorian form of Christianity to such an extent over Asia, that its worshipers eventually outnumbered all the European Christians of the Greek and Roman Churches combined. It may be particularly remarked that in Arabia they had a bishop. Y4 THE PERSIAN CAMPAIGN. The dissensions between Constantinople and Alex- andria had thus filled all Western Asia with sectaries, ferocious in their contests with each other, and many of them burning with hatred against the imperial power, for the persecutions it had inflicted on them. A reli- gious revolution, the consequences of which are felt in our own times, was the result. It affected the whole world. We shall gain a clear view of this great event, if we consider separately the two acts into which it may be decomposed: 1. The temporary overthrow of Asiatic Christianity by the Persians; 2. The decisive and final reformation under the Arabians. 1. It happened (A. D. 590) that, by one of those revo- lutions so frequent in Oriental courts, Chosroes, the lawful heir to the Persian throne, was compelled to seek refuge in the Byzantine Empire, and implore the aid of the Emperor Maurice. That aid was cheerfully given. A brief and successful campaign restored Chosroes to. the throne of his ancestors. But the glories of this generous campaign could not preserve Maurice himself. A mutiny broke out in the Eoman army, headed by Phocas, a centurion. The statues of the emperor were overthrown. The Patriarch of Constantinople, having declared that he had assured himself of the orthodoxy of Phocas, consecrated him emperor. The unfortunate Maurice was dragged from a sanctuary, in which he had sought refuge; his five sons were beheaded before his eyes, and then he was put to death. His empress was inveigled from the church of St. Sophia, tortured, and with her three young daughters beheaded. The adherents of the massacred family were pursued with ferocious vindictiveness; of some the eyes were blinded, of others the tongues were THE EXPEDITION OF HERACL1US. 75 torn out, or the feet and hands cut off; some were whipped to death, others were burnt. When the news reached Rome, Pope Gregory re- ceived it with exultation, praying that the hands of Phocas might be strengthened against all his enemies. As an equivalent for this subserviency, he was greeted with the title of " Universal Bishop." The cause of his action, as well as of that of the Patriarch of Constanti- nople, was doubtless the fact that Maurice was suspected of Magian tendencies, into which he had been lured by the Persians. The mob of Constantinople had hooted after him in the streets, branding him as a Marcionite, a sect which believed in the Magian doctrine of two conflicting principles. With very different sentiments Chosroes heard of the murder of his friend. Phocas had sent him the heads of Maurice and his sons. The Persian king turned from the ghastly spectacle with horror, and at once made ready to avenge the wrongs of his benefactor by war. The Exarch of Africa, Heraclius, one of the chief officers of the state, also received the shocking tidings with indignation. He was determined that the impe- rial purple should not be usurped by an obscure centu- rion of disgusting aspect. " The person of this Phocas was diminutive and deformed; the closeness of his shaggy eyebrows, his red hair, his beardless chin, were in keeping with his cheek, disfigured and discolored by a formidable scar. Ignorant of letters, of laws, and even of arms, he indulged in an ample privilege of lust and drunkenness." At first Heraclius refused tribute and obedience to him; then, admonished by age and infirmi- ties, he committed the dangerous enterprise of resist- ance to his son of the same name. A prosperous voyage 76 INVASION OP CHOSEOES. from Carthage soon brought the younger Heraclius in front of Constantinople. The inconstant clergy, senate, and people of the city joined him, the usurper was seized in his palace and beheaded. But the revolution that had taken place in Constan- tinople did not arrest the movements of the Persian king. His Magian priests had warned him to act inde- pendently of the Greeks, whose superstition, they de- clared, was devoid of all truth and justice. Chosroes, therefore, crossed the Euphrates; his army was received with transport by the Syrian sectaries, insurrections in his favor everywhere breaking out. In succession, Antioch, Csssarea, Damascus fell; Jerusalem itself was taken by storm; the sepulchre of Christ, the churches of Constantine and of Helena were given to the flames; the Savior's cross was sent as a trophy to Persia; the churches were rifled of their riches; the sacred relics, collected by superstition, were dispersed. Egypt was in- vaded, conquered, and annexed to the Persian Empire; the Patriarch of Alexandria escaped by flight to Cy- prus; the African coast to Tripoli was seized. On the north, Asia Minor was subdued, and for ten years the Persian forces encamped on the shores of the Bosporus, in front of Constantinople. In his extremity Heraclius begged for peace. "I will never give peace to the Emperor of Rome," replied the proud Persian, " till he has abjured his crucified God, and embraced the worship of the sun." After a long delay terms were, however, secured, and the Roman Empire was ransomed at the price of " a thousand talents of gold, a thousand talents of silver, a thousand silk robes, a thousand horses, and a thousand virgins." But Heraclius submitted only for a moment. He found means not only to restore his affairs but to retali- INVASION OF CHOSROES. 7f ate on the Persian Empire. The operations by which he achieved this result were worthy of the most brill- iant days of Rome. Though her military renown was thus recovered, though her territory was regained, there was something that the Roman Empire had irrevocably lost. Reli- gious faith could never be restored. In face of the world Magianism had insulted Christianity, by profan- ing her most sacred places Bethlehem, Gethsemane, Calvary by burning the sepulchre of Christ, by rifling and destroying the churches, by scattering to the winds priceless relics, by carrying off, with shouts of laughter, the cross. Miracles had once abounded in Syria, in Egypt, in Asia Minor; there was not a church which had not its long catalogue of them. Very often they were displayed on unimportant occasions and in insignificant cases. In this supreme monment, when such aid was most urgently demanded, not a miracle was worked. Amazement filled the Christian populations of the East when they witnessed these Persian sacrileges per- petrated with impunity. The heavens should have rolled asunder, the earth should have opened her abysses, the sword of the Almighty should have flashed in the sky, the fate of Sennacherib should have been repeated. But it was not so. In the land of miracles, amazement was followed by consternation consterna- tion died out in disbelief. 2. But, dreadful as it was, the Persian conquest was but a prelude to the great event, the story of which we have now to relate the Southern revolt against Christianity. Its issue was the loss of nine-tenths of her geographical possessions Asia, Africa, and part of Europe. 78 MOHAMMED. In the summer of 581 of the Christian era, there came to Bozrah, a town on the confines of Syria, south of Damascus, a caravan of camels. It was from Mecca, and was laden with the costly products of South Arabia Arabia the Happy. The conductor of the caravan, one Abou Taleb, and his nephew, a lad of twelve years, were hospitably received and entertained at the Nesto- rian convent of the town. The monks of this convent soon found that their young visitor, Halibi or Mohammed, was the nephew of the guardian of the Caaba, the sacred temple of the Arabs. One of them, by name Bahira, spared no pains to secure his conversion from the idolatry in which he had been brought up. He found the boy not only precociously intelligent, but eagerly desirous of information, especially on matters relating to religion. In Mohammed's own country the chief object of Meccan worship was a black meteoric stone, kept in the Caaba, with three hundred and sixty subordinate idols, representing the days of the year, as the year was then counted. At this time, as we have seen, the Christian Church, through the ambition and wickedness of its clergy, had been brought into a condition of anarchy. Councils had been held on various pretenses, while the real mo- tives were concealed. Too often they were scenes of violence, bribery, corruption. In the West, such were the temptations of riches, luxury, and power, presented by the episcopates, that the election of a bishop was often disgraced by frightful murders. In the East, in consequence of the policy of the court of Constanti- nople, the Church had been torn in pieces by contentions and schisms. Among a countless host of disputants may be mentioned Arians, Basilidians, Carpocratians, MOHAMMED. 79 Collyridians, Eutychians, Gnostics, Jacobites, Marcion- ites, Maronites, Nestorians. Sabellians, Valentinians. Of these, the Maronites regarded the Trinity as consist- ing of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Vir- gin Mary; the Collyridians worshiped the Virgin as a divinity, offering her sacrifices of cakes; the Nestorians, as we have seen, denied that God had " a mother." They prided themselves on being the inheritors, the possessors of the science of old Greece. But, though they were irreconcilable in matters of faith, there was one point in which all these sects agreed ferocious hatred and persecution of each other. Ara- bia, an unconquered land of liberty, stretching from the Indian Ocean to the Desert of Syria, gave them all, as the tide of fortune successively turned, a refuge. It had been so from the old times. Thither, after the Eoman conquest of Palestine, vast numbers of Jews escaped; thither, immediately after his conversion, St. Paul tells the Galatians that he retired. The deserts were now filled with Christian anchorites, and among the chief tribes of the Arabs many proselytes had been made. Here and there churches had been built. The Christian princes of Abyssinia, who were Nestorians, held the southern province of Arabia Yemen in possession. By the monk Bahira, in the convent at Bozrah, Mo- hammed was taught the tenets of the Nestorians; from them the young Arab learned the story of their perse- cutions. It was these interviews which engendered in him a hatred of the idolatrous practices of the Eastern Church, and indeed of all idolatry; that taught him, in his wonderful career, never to speak of Jesus as the Son of God, but always as "Jesus, the son of Mary." His untutored but active mind could not fail to be profound- ly impressed not only with the religious but also with 80 MOHAMMED. the philosophical ideas of his instructors, who gloried in being the living representatives of Aristotelian science. His subsequent career shows how completely their reli- gious thoughts had taken possession of him, and repeated acts manifest his affectionate regard for them. His own life was devoted to the expansion and extension of their theological cfoctrine, and, that once effectually established, his successors energetically adopted and dif- fused their scientific, their Aristotelian opinions. As Mohammed grew to manhood, he made other expeditions to Syria. Perhaps, we may suppose, that on these occasions the convent and its hospitable in- mates were not forgotten. He had a mysterious rev- erence for that country. A wealthy Meccan widow, Chadizah, had intrusted him with the care of her Syrian trade. She was charmed with his capacity and fidelity, and (since he is said to have been characterized by the possession of singular manly beauty and a most courte- ous demeanor) charmed with his person. The female heart in all ages and countries is the same. She caused a slave to intimate to him what was passing in her mind, and, for the remaining twenty-four years of her life, Mohammed was her faithful husband. In a land of polygamy, he never insulted her by the presence of a rival. Many years subsequently, in the height of his power, Ayesha, who was one of the most beautiful women in Arabia, said to him: " Was she not old? Did not God give you in me a better wife in her place?" " No, by God! " exclaimed Mohammed, and with a burst of honest gratitude, " there never can be a better. She believed in me when men despised me, she relieved me when I was poor and persecuted by the world." His marriage with Chadizah placed him in circum- stances of ease, and gave him an opportunity of indulg- MOHAMMED. 81 ing his inclination to religious meditation. It so hap- pened that her cousin, Waraka, who was a Jew, had turned Christian. He was the first to translate the Bible into Arabic. By his conversation Mohammed's detestation of idolatry was confirmed. After the example of the Christian anchorites in their hermitages in the desert, Mohammed retired to a grotto in Mount Hera, a few miles from Mecca, giving himself up to meditation and prayer. In this seclusion, contemplating the awful attributes of the Omnipotent and Eternal God, he addressed to his conscience the solemn inquiry, whether he could adopt the dogmas then held in Asiatic Christendom respecting the Trin- ity, the sonship of Jesus as begotten by the Almighty, the character of Mary as at once a virgin, a mother, and the queen of heaven, without incurring the guilt and the peril of blasphemy. By his solitary meditations in the grotto Mohammed was drawn to the conclusion that, through the cloud of dogmas and disputations around him, one great truth might be discerned the unity of God. Leaning against the stem of a palm-tree, he unfolded his views on this subject to his neighbors and friends, and announced to them that he should dedicate his life to the preaching of that truth. Again and again, in his sermons and in the Koran, he declared: " I am nothing but a public preacher. ... I preach the oneness of God." Such was his own conception of his so-called apostleship. Hence- forth, to the day of his death, he wore on his finger a seal-ring on which was engraved, " Mohammed, the messenger of God." It is well known among physicians that prolonged fasting and mental anxiety inevitably give rise to hal- lucination. Perhaps there never has been any religious 82 VICTORIES OF MOHAMMED. system introduced by self-denying, earnest men that did not offer examples of supernatural temptations and supernatural commands. Mysterious voices encouraged the Arabian preacher to persist in his determination; shadows of strange forms passed before him. He heard sounds in the air like those of a distant bell. In a nocturnal dream he was carried by Gabriel from Mecca to Jerusalem, and thence in succession through the six heavens. Into the seventh the angel feared to intrude, and Mohammed alone passed into the dread cloud that forever enshrouds the Almighty. " A shiver thrilled his heart as he felt upon his shoulder the touch of the cold hand of God." His public ministrations met with much resistance, and little success at first. Expelled from Mecca by the upholders of the prevalent idolatry, he sought refuge in Medina, a town in which there were many Jews and Nestorians; the latter at once became proselytes to his faith. He had already been compelled to send his daughter and others of his disciples to Abyssinia, the king of which was a Nestorian Christian. At the end of six years he had made only fifteen hundred converts. But in three little skirmishes, magnified in subsequent times by the designation of the battles of Beder, of Ohud, and of the Nations, Mohammed discovered that his most convincing argument was his sword. After- ward, with Oriental eloquence, he said, " Paradise will be found in the shadow of the crossing of swords." By a series of well-conducted military operations, his ene- mies were completely overthrown. Arabian idolatry was absolutely exterminated; the doctrine he proclaimed, that "there is but one God," was universally adopted by his countrymen, and his own apostleship accepted. Let us pass over his_stormy life, and hear what he DEATH OP MOHAMMED. 83 says when, on the pinnacle of earthly power and glory, he was approaching its close. Steadfast in his declaration of the unity of God, he departed from Medina on his last pilgrimage to Mecca, at the head of one hundred and fourteen thousand dev- otees, with camels decorated with garlands of flowers and fluttering streamers. When he approached the holy city, he uttered the solemn invocation: " Here am I in thy service, God! Thou hast no companion. To thee alone belongeth worship. Thine alone is the kingdom. There is none to share it with thee." With his own hand he offered up the camels in sacrifice. He considered that primeval institution to he equally sacred as prayer, and that no reason can be alleged in support of the one which is not equally strong in support of the other. From the pulpit of the Caaba he reiterated, " my hearers, I am only a man like yourselves." They re- membered that he had once said to one who approached him with timid steps: " Of what dost thou stand in awe? I am no king. I am nothing but the son of an Arab woman, who ate flesh dried in the sun." He returned to Medina to die. In his farewell to his congregation, he said: "Every thing happens according to the will of God, and has its appointed time, which can neither be hastened nor avoided. I re- turn to him who sent me, and my last command to you is, that ye love, honor, and uphold each other, that ye exhort each "other to faith and constancy in belief, and to the performance of pious deeds. My life has been for your good, and so will be my death." In his dying agony, his head was reclined on the lap of Ayesha. From time to time he had dipped his hand in a vase of water, and moistened his face. At last he 84 DOCTRINES OF MOHAMMED. ceased, and, gazing steadfastly upward, said, in broken accents: " God forgive my sins be it so. I come." Shall we speak of this man with disrespect? His precepts are, at this day, the religious guide of one- third of the human race. In Mohammed, who had already broken away from the ancient idolatrous worship of his native country, preparation had been made for the rejection of those tenets which his Nestorian teachers had communicated to him, inconsistent with reason and conscience. And though, in the first pages of the Koran, he declares his belief in what was delivered to Moses and Jesus, and his reverence for them personally, his veneration for the Almighty is perpetually displayed. He is horror- stricken at the doctrine of the divinity of Jesus, the worship of Mary as the mother of God, the adoration of images and paintings, in his eyes a base idolatry. He absolutely rejects the Trinity, of which he seems to have entertained the idea that it could not be in- terpreted otherwise than as presenting three distinct Gods. His first and ruling idea was simply religious reform to overthrow Arabian idolatry, and put an end to the wild sectarianism of Christianity. That he proposed to set up a new religion was a calumny invented against him in Constantinople, where he was looked upon with detestation, like that with which in after ages Luther was regarded in Eome. But, though he rejected with indignation whatever might seem to disparage the doctrine of the unity of God, he was not able to emancipate himself from an- thropomorphic conceptions. The God of the Koran is altogether human, both corporeally and mentally, if such expressions may with propriety be used. Very soon, THE FIRST KHALIF. 85 however, the followers of Mohammed divested them- selves of these base ideas and rose to nobler ones. The view here presented of the primitive character of Mohammedanism has long been adopted by many competent authorities. Sir William Jones, following Locke, regards the main point in the divergence of Mo- hammedanism from Christianity to consist " in denying vehemently the character of our Savior as the Son, and his equality as God with the Father, of whose unity and attributes the Mohammedans entertain and express the most awful ideas." This opinion has been largely entertained in Italy. Dante regarded Moham- med only as the author of a schism, and saw in Islam- ism only an Arian sect. In England, Whately views it as a corruption of Christianity. It was an offshoot of Nestorianism, and not until it had overthrown Greek Christianity in many great battles, was spreading rapid- ly over Asia and Africa, and had become intoxicated with its wonderful successes, did it repudiate its primi- tive limited intentions, and assert itself to be founded on a separate and distinct revelation. Mohammed's life had been almost entirely consumed in the conversion or conquest of his native country. Toward its close, however, he felt himself strong enough to threaten the invasion of Syria and Persia. He had made no provision for the perpetuation of his own do- minion, and hence it was not without a struggle that a successor was appointed. At length Abubeker, the father of Ayesha, was selected. He was proclaimed the first khalif, or successor of the Prophet. There is a very important difference between the spread of Mohammedanism and the spread of Christi- anity. The latter was never sufficiently strong to over- throw and extirpate idolatry in the Roman Empire. As 8 86 THE MOHAMMEDAN HEAVEN. it advanced, there was an amalgamation, a union. The old forms of the one were vivified by the new spirit of the other, and that paganization to which reference has already been made was the result. But, in Arabia, Mohammed overthrew and absolute- ly annihilated the old idolatry. No trace of it is found in the doctrines preached by him and his successors. The black stone that had fallen from heaven the me- teorite of the Caaba and its encircling idols, passed totally out of view. The essential dogma of the new faith " There is but one God " spread without any adulteration. Military successes had, in a worldly sense, made the religion of the Koran profitable; and, no mat- ter what dogmas may be, when that is the case, there will be plenty of converts. As to the popular doctrines of Mohammedanism, I shall here have nothing to say. The reader who is interested in that matter will find an account of them in a review of the Koran in the eleventh chapter of my " History of the Intellectual Development of Europe." It is enough now to remark that their heaven was ar- ranged in seven stories, and was only a palace of Orien- tal carnal delight. It was filled with black-eyed concu- bines and servants. The form of God was, perhaps, more awful than that of paganized Christianity. An- thropomorphism will, however, never be obliterated from the ideas of the unintellectual. Their God, at the best, will never be any thing more than the gigan- tic shadow of a man a vast phantom of humanity like one of those Alpine spectres seen in the midst of the clouds by him who turns his back on the sun. Abubeker had scarcely seated himself in the khalif- ate, when he put forth the following proclamation: " In the name of the most merciful God! Abubeker INVASION OP SYRIA. 87 to the rest of the true believers, health and happiness. The mercy and blessing of God be upon you. I praise the most high God. I pray for his prophet Moham- med. " This is to inform you that I intend to send the true believers into Syria, to take it out of the hands of the infidels. And I would have you know that the fighting for religion is an act of obedience to God." On the first encounter, Khaled, the Saracen general, hard pressed, lifted up his hands in the midst of his army and said: " God! these vile wretches pray with idolatrous expressions and take to themselves another God besides thee, but we acknowledge thy unity and affirm that there is no other God but thee alone. Help us, we beseech thee, for the sake of thy prophet Mo- hammed, against these idolaters." On the part of the Saracens the conquest of Syria was conducted with ferocious piety. The belief of the Syrian Christians aroused in their antagonists sentiments of horror and indignation. " I will cleave the skull of any blasphem- ing idolater who says that the Most Holy God, the Al- mighty and Eternal, has begotten a son." The Khalif Omar, who took Jerusalem, commences a letter to He- raclius, the Eoman emperor: " In the name of the most merciful God! Praise be to God, the Lord of this and of the other world, who has neither female consort nor son." The Saracens nicknamed the Christians "Asso- ciators," because they joined Mary and Jesus as part- ners with the Almighty and Most Holy God. It was not the intention of the khalif to command his army; that duty was devolved on Abou Obeidah nominally, on Khaled in reality. In a parting review the khalif enjoined on his troops justice, mercy, and the observance of fidelity in their engagements; he com- 88 FALL OF BOZRAH. manded them to abstain from all frivolous conversation and from wine, and rigorously to observe the hours of prayer; to be kind to the common people among whom they passed, but to show no mercy to their priests. Eastward of the river Jordan is Bozrah, a strong town where Mohammed had first met his Nestorian Christian instructors. It was one of the Roman forts with which the country was dotted over. Before this place the Saracen army encamped. The garrison was strong, the ramparts were covered with holy crosses and consecrated banners. It might have made a long defense. But its governor, Romanus, betrayed his trust, and stealthily opened its gates to the besiegers. His conduct shows to what a deplorable condition the popu- lation of Syria had come. After the surrender, in a speech he made to the people he had betrayed, he said: " I renounce your society, both in this world and that to come. And I deny him that was crucified, and whosoever worships him. And I choose God for my Lord, Islam for my faith, Mecca for my temple, the Moslems for my brethren, Mohammed for my prophet, who was sent to lead us in the right way, and to exalt the true religion in spite of those who join partners with God." Since the Persian invasion, Asia Minor, Syria, and even Palestine, were full of traitors and apostates, ready to join the Saracens. Romanus was but one of many thousands who had fallen into disbelief through the victories of the Persians. From Bozrah it was only seventy miles northward to Damascus, the capital of Syria. Thither, without de- lay, the Saracen army marched. The city was at once summoned to take its option conversion, tribute, or the sword. In his place at Antioch, barely one hundred and fifty miles still farther north, the Emperor Heraclius FALL OP DAMASCUS. 89 received tidings of the alarming advance of his assail- ants. He at once dispatched an army of seventy thou- sand men. The Saracens were compelled to raise the siege. A battle took place in the plains of Aiznadin, the Eoman army was overthrown and dispersed. Kha- led reappeared before Damascus with his standard of the black eagle, and after a renewed investment of sev- enty days Damascus surrendered. From the Arabian historians of these events we may gather that thus far the Saracen armies were little bet- ter than a fanatic mob. Many of the men fought naked. It was not unusual for a warrior to stand forth in front and challenge an antagonist to mortal duel. Nay, more, even the women engaged in the combats. Picturesque narratives have been handed down to us relating the gallant manner in which they acquitted themselves. From Damascus the Saracen army advanced north- ward, guided by the snow-clad peaks of Libanus and the beautiful river Orontes. It captured on its way Baalbec, the capital of the Syrian valley, and Emesa, the chief city of the eastern plain. To resist its further progress, Heraclius collected an army of one hundred and forty thousand men. A battle took place at Yer- muck; the right wing of the Saracens was broken, but the soldiers were driven back to the field by the fanatic expostulations of their women. The conflict ended in the complete overthrow of the Roman army. Forty thousand were taken prisoners, and a vast number killed. The whole country now lay open to the victors. The advance of their army had been east of the Jordan. It was clear that, before Asia Minor could be touched, the strong and important cities of Palestine, which was now in their rear, must be secured. There was a dif- ference of opinion among the generals in the field as 90 FALL OF JERUSALEM. to whether Csesarea or Jerusalem should be assailed first. The matter was referred to the khalif, who, right- ly preferring the moral advantages of the capture of Jerusalem to the military advantages of the capture of Cassarea, ordered the Holy City to be taken, and that at any cost. Close siege was therefore laid to it. The inhabitants, remembering the atrocities inflicted by the Persians, and the indignities that had been offered to the Savior's sepulchre, prepared now for a vigorous defense. But, after an investment of four months, the Patriarch Sophronius appeared on the wall, asking terms of capitulation. There had been misunderstandings among the generals at the capture of Damascus, fol- lowed by a massacre of the fleeing inhabitants. Sophro- nius, therefore, stipulated that the surrender of Jeru- salem should take place in presence of the khalif himself. Accordingly, Omar, the khalif, came from Medina for that purpose. He journeyed on a red camel, carrying a bag of corn and one of dates, a wooden dish, and a leathern water-bottle. The Arab conqueror entered the Holy City riding by the side of the Christian patriarch, and the transference of the capital of Christianity to the representative of Mohammedanism was effected without tumult or outrage. Having ordered that a mosque should be built on the site of the temple of Solomon, the khalif returned to the tomb of the Proph- et at Medina. Heraclius saw plainly that the disasters which were fast settling on Christianity were due to the dissensions of its conflicting sects; and hence, while he endeavored to defend the empire with his armies, he sedulously tried to compose those differences. With this view he pressed Tor acceptance the Monothelite doctrine of the nature of Christ. But it was now too late. Aleppo and FALL OF JERUSALEM. 91 Antioch were taken. Nothing could prevent the Sara- cens from overrunning Asia Minor. Heraclius himself had to seek safety in flight. Syria, which had been added by Pompey the Great, the rival of Cassar, to the provinces of Kome, seven hundred years previously Syria, the birthplace of Christianity, the scene of its most sacred and precious souvenirs, the land from which Heraclius himself had once expelled the Persian intruder was irretrievably lost. Apostates and traitors had wrought this .calamity. We are told that, as the ship which bore him to Constantinople parted from the shore, Heraclius gazed intently on the receding hills, and in the bitterness of anguish exclaimed, " Farewell, Syria, forever farewell! " It is needless to dwell on the remaining details of the Saracen conquest: haw Tripoli and Tyre were be- trayed; how Ca3sarea was captured; how with the trees of Libanus and the sailors of Phoenicia a Saracen fleet was equipped, which drove the Eoman navy into the Hel- lespont; how Cyprus, Rhodes, and the Cyclades, were ravaged, and the Colossus, which was counted as one of the wonders of the world, sold to a Jew, who loaded nine hundred camels with its brass; how the armies of the khalif advanced to the Black Sea, and even lay in front of Constantinople all this was as nothing after the fall of Jerusalem. The fall of Jerusalem! the loss of the metropolis of Christianity! In the ideas of that age the two antago- nistic forms of faith had submitted themselves to the ordeal of the judgment of God. Victory had awarded the prize of battle, Jerusalem, to the Mohammedan; and, notwithstanding the temporary successes of the Crusaders, after much more than a thousand years in his hands it remains to this day. The Byzantine historians 92 OVERTHROW OP THE PERSIANS. are not without excuse for the course they are con- demned for taking: " They have wholly neglected the great topic of the ruin of the Eastern Church." And as for the Western Church, even the debased popes of the middle ages the ages of the Crusades could not see without indignation that they were compelled to rest the claims of Eome as the metropolis of Christen- dom on a false legendary story of a visit of St. Peter to that city; while the true metropolis, the grand, the sacred place of the birth, the life, the death of Christ himself, was in the hands of the infidels! It has not been the Byzantine historians alone who have tried to conceal this great catastrophe. The Christian writers of Europe on all manner of subjects, whether of history, religion, or science, have followed a similar course against their conquering antagonists. It has been their constant pratice to hide what they could not depreciate, and de- preciate what they could not hide. I have not space, nor indeed does it comport with the intention of this work, to relate, in such detail as I have given to the fall of Jerusalem, other conquests of the Saracens conquests which eventually established a Mohammedan empire far exceeding in geographical ex- tent that of Alexander, and even that of Eome. But, devoting a few words to this subject, it may be said that Magianism received a worse blow than that which had been inflicted on Christianity. The fate of Persia was settled at the battle of Cadesia. At the sack of Ctesiphon, the treasury, the royal arms, and an un- limited spoil, fell into the hands of the Saracens. Not without reason do they call the battle of Nehavend "the victory of victories." In one direction they ad- vanced to the Caspian, in the other southward along the Tigris to Persepolis. The Persian king fled for his INVASION OF EGYPT. 93 life over the great Salt Desert, from the columns and statues of that city which had lain in ruins since the night of the riotous banquet of Alexander. One di- vision of the Arabian army forced the Persian monarch over the Oxus. He was assassinated by the Turks. His son was driven into China, and became a captain in the Chinese emperor's guards. The country beyond the Oxus was reduced. It paid a tribute of two million pieces of gold. While the emperor at Peking was de- manding the friendship of the khalif at Medina, the standard of the Prophet was displayed on the banks of the Indus. Among the generals who had greatly distinguished themselves in the Syrian wars was Amrou, destined to be the conqueror of Egypt; for the khalif s, not content with their victories on the J^orth and East, now turned their eyes to the West, and prepared for the annexation of Africa. As in the former cases, so in this, sectarian treason assisted then. The Saracen army was hailed as the deliverer of the Jacobite Church; the Monophysite Christians of Egypt, that is, they who, in the language of the Athanasian Creed, confounded the substance of the Son, proclaimed, through their leader, Mokaukas, that they desired no communion with the Greeks, either in this world or the next, that they abjured forever the Byzantine tyrant and his synod of Chalcedon. They hastened to pay tribute to the khalif, to repair the roads and bridges, and to supply provisions and intelligence to the invading army. Memphis, one of the old Pharaonic capitals, soon fell, and Alexandria was invested. The open sea behind gave opportunity to Heraclius to reenforce the garrison continually. On his part, Omar, who was now khalif, sent to the succor of the besieging army the veteran 94r FALL OF ALEXANDRIA. troops of Syria. There were many assaults and many sallies. In one Amrou himself was taken prisoner by the besieged, but, through the dexterity of a slave, made his escape. After a siege of fourteen months, and a loss of twenty-three thousand men, the Saracens captured the city. In his dispatch to the khalif, Amrou enu- merated the splendors of the great city of the West, "its four thousand palaces, four thousand baths, four hundred theatres, twelve thousand shops for the sale of vegetable food, and forty thousand tributary Jews." So fell the second great city of Christendom the fate of Jerusalem had fallen on Alexandria, the city of Athanasius, and Arius, and Cyril; the city that had imposed Trinitarian ideas and Mariolatry on the Church. In his palace at Constantinople Heraclius received the fatal tidings. He was overwhelmed with grief. It seemed as if his reign was to be disgraced by the down- fall of Christianity. He lived scarcely a month after the loss of the town. But if Alexandria had been essential to Constanti- nople in the supply of orthodox faith, she was also es- sential in the supply of daily food. Egypt was the granary of the Byzantines. For this reason two at- tempts were made by powerful fleets and armies for the recovery of the place, and twice had Amrou to renew his conquest. He saw with what facility these attacks could be made, the place being open to the sea; he saw that there was but one and that a fatal remedy. " By the living God, if this thing be repeated a third time, I will make Alexandria as open to anybody as is the house of a prostitute! " He was better than his word, for he forthwith dismantled its fortifications, and made it an untenable place. It was not the intention of the khalifs to limit their FALL OF CARTHAGE. 95 conquest to Egypt. Othman contemplated the annexa- tion of the entire North-African coast. His general, Abdallah, set out from Memphis with forty thousand men, passed through the desert of Barca, and besieged Tripoli. But, the plague breaking out in his army, he was compelled to retreat to Egypt. All attempts were now suspended for more than twenty years. Then Akbah forced his way from the Nile to the Atlantic Ocean. In front of the Canary Islands he rode his horse into the sea, exclaiming: " Great God! if my course were not stopped by this sea, I would still go on to the unknown kingdoms of the West, preaching the unity of thy holy name, and putting to the sword the rebellious nations who worship any other gods than thee." These Saracen expeditions had been through the interior of the country, for the Byzantine emperors, controlling for the time the Mediterranean, had retained possession of the cities on the coast. The Khalif Abdalmalek at length resolved on the reduction of Carthage, the most important of those cities, and in- deed the capital of North Africa. His general, Hassan, carried it by escalade; but reinforcements from Con- stantinople, aided by some Sicilian and Gothic troops, compelled him to retreat. The relief was, however, only temporary. Hassan, in the course of a few months, renewed his attack. It proved successful, and he de- livered Carthage to the flames. Jerusalem, Alexandria, Carthage, three out of the five great Christian capitals, were lost. The fall of Constantinople was only a question of time. After its fall, Rome alone remained. In the development of Christianity, Carthage had played no insignificant part. It had given to Europe 96 CONQUEST OF SPAIN. its Latin form of faith, and some of its greatest theo- logians. It was the home of St. Augustine. Never in the history of the world had there been so rapid and extensive a propagation of any religion as Mo- hammedanism. It was now dominating from the Altai Mountains to the Atlantic Ocean, from the centre of Asia to the western verge of Africa. The Khalif Alwalid next authorized the invasion of Europe, the conquest of Andalusia, or the Region of the Evening. Musa, his general, found, as had so often been the case elsewhere, two effective allies, sectarianism and treason the Archbishop of Toledo and Count Julian the Gothic general. Under their lead, in the very crisis of the battle of Xeres, a large portion of the army went over to the invaders; the Spanish king was compelled to flee from the field, and in the pursuit he was drowned in the waters of the Guadalquivir. With great rapidity Tarik, the lieutenant of Musa, pushed forward from the battle-field to Toledo, and thence northward. On the arrival of Musa the reduc- tion of the Spanish peninsula was completed, and the wreck of the Gothic army driven beyond the Pyrenees into France. Considering the conquest of Spain as only the first step in his victories, he announced his intention of forcing his way into Italy, and preaching the unity of God in the Vatican. Thence he would march to Constantinople, and, having put an end to the Roman Empire and Christianity, would pass into Asia and lay his victorious sword on the footstool of the khalif at Damascus. But this was not to be. Musa, envious of his lieu- tenant, Tarik, had treated him with great indignity. The friends of Tarik at the court of the khalif found means of retaliation. An envoy from Damascus ar- INVASION OF FRANCE. 97 rested Musa in his camp; he was carried before his sovereign, disgraced by a public whipping, and died of a broken heart. Under other leaders, however, the Saracen conquest of France was attempted. In a preliminary campaign the country from the mouth of the Garonne to that of the Loire was secured. Then Abderahman, the Saracen commander, dividing his forces into two columns, with one on the east passed the Ehone, and laid siege to Aries. A Christian army, attempting the relief of the place, was defeated with heavy loss. His western col- umn, equally successful, passed the Dordogne, defeated another Christian army, inflicting on it such dreadful loss that, according to its own fugitives, " God alone could number the slain." All Central France was now overrun; the banks of the Loire were reached; the churches and monasteries were despoiled of their treas- ures; and the tutelar saints, who had worked so many miracles when there was no necessity, were found to want the requisite power when it was so greatly needed. The progress of the invaders was at length stopped by Charles Martel (A. D. 732). Between Tours and Poictiers, a great battle, which lasted seven days, was fought. Abderahman was killed, the Saracens retreated, ed, and soon afterward were compelled to recross the Pyrenees. The banks of the Loire, therefore, mark the bound- ary of the Mohammedan advance in Western Europe. Gibbon, in his narrative of these great events, makes this remark: "A victorious line of march had been prolonged above a thousand miles from the rock of Gibraltar to the banks of the Loire a repetition of an equal space would have carried the Saracens to the con- fines of Poland and the Highlands of Scotland." OS INSULT TO ROMK. It is not necessary for me to add to this sketch of the military diffusion of Mohammedanism, the opera- tions of the Saracens on the Mediterranean Sea, their conquest of Crete and Sicily, their insult to Rome. It will be found, however, that their presence in Sicily and the south of Italy exerted a marked influence on the intellectual development of Europe. Their insult to Rome! What could be more hu- miliating than the circumstances under which it took place (A. D. 846)? An insignificant Saracen expedition entered the Tiber and appeared before the walls of the city. Too weak to force an entrance, it insulted and plundered the precincts, sacrilegiously violating the tombs of St. Peter and St. Paul. Had the city itself been sacked, the moral effect could not have been greater. From the church of St. Peter its altar of silver was torn away and sent to Africa St. Peter's altar, the very emblem of Roman Christianity! Constantinople had already been besieged by the Saracens more than once; its fall was predestined, and only postponed. Rome had received the direst insult, the greatest loss that could be inflicted upon it; the ven- erable churches of Asia Minor had passed out of exist- ence; no Christian could set his foot in Jerusalem with- out permission; the Mosque of Omar stood on the site of the Temple of Solomon. Among the ruins of Alexan- dria the Mosque of Mercy marked the spot where a Saracen general, satiated with massacre, had, in con- temptuous compassion, spared the fugitive relics of the enemies of Mohammed; nothing remained of Carthage but her blackened ruins. The most powerful religious empire that the world had ever seen had suddenly come into existence. It stretched from the Atlantic Ocean to the Chinese Wall, from the shores of the Caspian to DISSENSIONS OF THE ARABS. 99 those of the Indian Ocean, and yet, in one sense, it had not reached its culmination. The day was to come when it was to expel the successors of the Caesars from their capital, and hold the peninsula of Greece in sub- jection, to dispute with Christianity the empire of Eu- rope in the very centre of that continent, and in Africa to extend its dogmas and faith across burning deserts and through pestilential forests from the Mediterranean to regions southward far beyond the equinoctial line. But, though Mohammedanism had not reached its culmination, the dominion of the khalifs had. Not the sword of Charles Martel, but the internal dissension of the vast Arabian Empire, was the salvation of Europe. Though the Ommiade khalifs were popular in Syria, elsewhere they were looked upon as intruders or usurp- ers; the kindred of the apostle was considered to be the rightful representative of his faith. Three parties, dis- tinguished by their colors, tore the khalifate asunder with their disputes, and disgraced it by their atroci- ties. The color of the Ommiades was white, that of the Fatimites green, that of the Abassides black; the last represented the party of Abbas, the uncle of Mohammed. The result of these discords was a tripartite division of the Mohammedan Empire in the tenth century into the khalifates of Bagdad, of Cairoan, and of Cordova. Uni- ty in Mohammedan political action was at an end, and Christendom found its safeguard, not in supernatural help, but in the quarrels of the rival potentates. To internal animosities foreign pressures were eventually added; and Arabism, which had done so much for the intellectual advancement of the world, came to an end when the Turks and the Berbers attained to power. The Saracens had become totally regardless of Euro- pean opposition they were wholly taken up with their 100 POLITICAL EFFECT OF POLYGAMY. domestic quarrels. Ockley says with truth, in his his- tory: " The Saracens had scarce a deputy lieutenant or general that would not have thought it the greatest affront, and such as ought to stigmatize him with indel- ible disgrace, if he should have suffered himself to have been insulted by the united forces of all Europe. And if any one asks why the Greeks did not exert them- selves more, in order to the extirpation of these inso- lent invaders, it is a sufficient answer to any person that is acquainted with the characters of those men to say that Amrou kept his residence at Alexandria, and Moa- wyah at Damascus." As to their contempt, this instance may suffice: Ni- cephorus, the Roman emperor, had sent to the Khalif Haroun-al-llaschid a threatening letter, and this was the reply: " In the name of the most merciful God, Haroun- al-Raschid, commander of the faithful, to Nicephorus, the Roman dog! I have read thy letter, thou son of an unbelieving mother. Thou shalt not hear, thou shalt behold my reply! " It was written in letters of blood and fire on the plains of Phrygia. A nation may recover the confiscation of its prov- inces, the confiscation of its wealth; it may survive the imposition of enormous war-fines; but it never can re- cover from that most frightful of all war-acts, the con- fiscation of its women. When Abou Obeidah sent to Omar news of his capture of Antioch, Omar gently up- braided him that he had not let the troops have the women. " If they want to marry in Syria, let them; and let them have as many female slaves as they have occasion for." It was the institution of polygamy, based upon the confiscation of the women in the vanquished countries, that secured forever the Mohammedan rule. The children of these unions gloried in their descent MOHAMMEDANISM. 101 from their conquering fathers. No better 'proof can be given of the efficacy of this policy than that which is furnished by North Africa. The irresistible effect of polygamy in consolidating the new order of things was very striking. In little more than a single generation, the khalif was informed by his officers that the tjibute must cease, for all the children born in that region were Mohammedans, and all spoke Arabic. Mohammedanism, as left by its founder, was an an- thropomorphic religion. Its God was only a gigantic man, its heaven a mansion of carnal pleasures. From these imperfect ideas its more intelligent classes very soon freed themselves, substituting for them others more philosophical, more correct. Eventually they at- tained to an accordance with those that have been pro- nounced in our own times by the Vatican Council as orthodox. Thus Al-Gazzali says: " A knowledge of God cannot be obtained by means of the knowledge a man has of himself, or of his own soul. The attributes of God cannot be determined from the attributes of man. His sovereignty and government can neither be compared nor measured." CHAPTER IV. THE RESTORATION OF SCIENCE IN THE SOUTH. By the influence of the Nestorians and Jews, the Arabians are turned to the cultivation of Science. They modify t/trir ri> //. CM to the destiny of man, and obtain true conceptions respect- ing the structure of the world. They ascertain the size of the earth, and determine its shape. Their khalifs collect great libraries, patronize every department of science and literature, establish astronomical observatories. They develop the mathe- matical sciences, invent algebra, and improve geometry and trigonometry. They collect and translate the old Greek mathe- matical and astronomical works, and adopt the inductive method of Aristotle. They establish many colleges, and, with the aid of the Nestorians, organize a public-school system. They introduce the Arabic numerals and arithmetic, and catalogue and give names to the stars. They lay the founda- tion of modern astronomy, chemistry, and physics, and intro- duce great improvements in agriculture and manufactures. " IN the course of my long life," said the Khalif Ali, " I have often observed that men are more like the times they live in than they are like their fathers." This pro- foundly philosophical remark of the son-in-law of Mo- hammed is strictly true; for, though the personal, the bodily lineaments of a man may indicate his parentage, the constitution of his mind, and therefore the direction of his thoughts, is determined by the environment in which he lives. When Amrou, the lieutenant of the Khalif Omar, conquered Egypt, and annexed it to the Saracenic Em- 102 THE ALEXANDRIAN LIBRARY BURNT. 1Q3 pire, he found in Alexandria a Greek grammarian, John surnamed Philoponus, or the Labor-lover. Presuming on the friendship which had arisen between them, the Greek solicited as a gift the remnant of the great libra- ry a remnant which war and time and bigotry had spared. Amrout, therefore, sent to the khalif to ascer- tain his pleasure. " if," replied the khalif, " the books agree with the Koran, the Word of God, they are use- less, and need not be preserved; if they disagree with it, they are pernicious. Let them be destroyed." Accord- ingly, they were distributed among the baths of Alex- andria, and it is said that six months were barely suffi- cient to consume them. Although the fact has been denied, there can be little doubt that Omar gave this order. The khalif was an illiterate man; his environment was an environment of fanaticism and ignorance. Omar's act was an illustra- tion of Ali's remark. But it must not be supposed that the books which John the Labor-lover coveted were those which con- stituted the great library of the Ptolemies, and that of Eumenes, King of Pergamus. Nearly a thousand years had elapsed since Philadelphia began his collection. Julius Cfesar had burnt more than half; the Patriarchs of Alexandria had not only permitted but superintended the dispersion of almost all the rest. Orosius expressly states that he saw the empty cases or shelves of the li- brary twenty years after Theophilus, the uncle of St. Cyril, had procured from the Emperor Theodosius a re- script for its destruction. Even had this once noble col- lection never endured such acts of violence, the mere wear and tear, and perhaps, I may add, the pilfering of a thousand years, would have diminished it sadly. Though John, as the surname he received indicates, 104 THE ALEXANDRIAN LIBRARY BURNT. might rejoice in a superfluity of occupation, we may be certain that the care of a library of half a million books would transcend even his well-tried powers; and the cost of preserving and supporting it, that had demanded the ample resources of the Ptolemies and the Caesars, was be- yond the means of a grammarian. Nor is the time re- quired for its combustion or destruction any indication of the extent of the collection. Of all articles of fuel, parchment is, perhaps, the most wretched. Paper and papyrus do excellently well as kindling-materials, but we may be sure that the bath-men of Alexandria did not resort to parchment so long as they could find any thing else, and of parchment a very large portion of these books was composed. There can, then, be no more doubt that Omar did order the destruction of this library, under an impres* sion of its uselessness or its irreligious tendency, than that the Crusaders burnt the library of Tripoli, fanci- fully said to have consisted of three million volumes. The first apartment entered being found to contain nothing but the Koran, all the other books were sup- posed to be the works of the Arabian impostor, and were consequently committed to the flames. In both cases the story contains some truth and much exaggera- tion. Bigotry, however, has often distinguished itself by such exploits. The Spaniards burnt in Mexico vast piles of American picture-writings, an irretrievable loss; and Cardinal Ximenes delivered to the flames, in the squares of Granada, eighty thousand Arabic manu- scripts, many of them translations of classical au- thors. We have seen how engineering talent, stimulated by Alexander's Persian campaign, led to a wonderful de- velopment of pure science under the Ptolemies; a simi- INFLUENCE OF THE NESTOEIANS AND JEWS/1Q5 lar effect may be noted as the result of the Saracenic military operations. The friendship contracted by Amrou, the conqueror of Egypt, with John the Grammarian, indicates how much the Arabian mind was predisposed to liberal ideas. Its step from the idolatry of the Caaba to the monotheism of Mohammed prepared it to expatiate in the wide and pleasing fields of literature and philosophy. There were two influences to which it was continually exposed. They conspired in determining its path. These were 1. That of the Nestorians in Syria; 2. That of the Jews in Egypt. In the last chapter I have briefly related the per- secution of Nestor and his disciples. They bore testi- mony to the oneness of God, through many sufferings and martyrdoms. They utterly repudiated an Olympus filled with gods and goddesses. " Away from us a queen of heaven! " Such being their special views, the Nestorians found no difficulty in affiliating with their Saracen conquerors, by whom they were treated not only with the highest respect, but intrusted with some of the most important offices of the state. Mohammed, in the strongest man- ner, prohibited his followers from committing any in- juries against them. Jesuiabbas, their pontiff, con- cluded treaties both with the Prophet and with Omar, and subsequently the Khalif Haroun-al-Raschid placed all his public schools under the superintendence of John Masue, a Nestorian. To the influence of the Nestorians that of the Jews was added. When Christianity displayed a tendency to unite itself with paganism, the conversion of the Jews was arrested; it totally ceased when Trinitarian ideas were introduced. The cities of Syria and Egypt were 106 FATALISM OP THE ARABIANS. full of Jews. In Alexandria alone, at the time of its capture by Ararou, there were forty thousand who paid tribute. Centuries of misfortune and persecution had served only to confirm them in their monotheism, and to strengthen that implacable hatred of idolatry which they had cherished ever since the Babylonian captivity. Associated with the Nestorians, they translated into Syriac many Greek and Latin philosophical works, which were retranslated into Arabic. While the Nestorian was occupied with the education of the children of the great Mohammedan families, the Jew found his way into them in the character of a physician. Under these influences the ferocious fanaticism of the Saracens abated, their manners were polished, their thoughts elevated. They overran the realms of Philos- ophy and Science as quickly as they had overrun the provinces of the Roman Empire. They abandoned the fallacies of vulgar Mohammedanism, accepting in their stead scientific truth. In a world devoted to idolatry, the sword of the Saracen had vindicated the majesty of God. The doc- trine of fatalism, inculcated by the Koran, had power- fully contributed to that result. " No man can antici- pate or postpone his predetermined end. Death will overtake us even in lofty towers. From the beginning God hath settled the place in which each man shall die." In his figurative language the Arab said: "No man can by flight escape his fate. The Destinies ride their horses by night. . . . Whether asleep in bed or in the storm of battle, the angel of death will find thee." " I am convinced," said Ali, to whose wisdom we have al- ready referred " I am convinced that the affairs of men go by divine decree, and not by our administration." The Mussulmen are those who submissively resign them- FATALISM OF THE ARABIANS. 107 selves to the will of God. They reconciled fate and free-will by saying, " The outline is given us, we color the picture of life as we will." They said that, if we would overcome the laws of Nature, we must not resist, we must balance them against each other. This dark doctrine prepared its devotees for the ac- complishment of great things things such as the Sara- cens did accomplish. It converted despair into resigna- tion, and taught men to disdain hope. There was a proverb among them that " Despair is a freeman, Hope is a slave." But many of the incidents of war showed plainly that medicines may assuage pain, that skill may close wounds, that those who are incontestably dying may be snatched from the grave. The Jewish physician became a living, an accepted protest against the fatalism of the Koran. By degrees the sternness of predestination was mitigated, and it was admitted that in individual life there is an effect due to free-will; that by his voluntary acts man may within certain limits determine his own course. But, so far as nations are concerned, since they can yield no personal accountability to God, they are placed under the control of immutable law. In this respect the contrast between the Christian and the Mohammedan nations was very striking: The Christian was convinced of incessant providential inter- ventions; he believed that there was no such thing as law in the government of the world. By prayers and entreaties he might prevail with God to change the cur- rent of affairs, or, if that failed, he might succeed with Christ, or perhaps Avith the Virgin Mary, or through the intercession of the saints, or by the influence of their relics or bones. If his own supplications were un- availing, he might obtain his desire through the inter- 108 FATALISM OP THE ARABIANS. vention of his priest, or through that of the holy men of the Church, and especially if oblations or gifts of money were added. Christendom believed that she could change the course of affairs by influencing the con- duct of superior beings. Islam rested in a pious resig- nation to the unchangeable will of God. The prayer of the Christian was mainly an earnest intercession for benefits hoped for, that of the Saracen a devout expres- sion of gratitude for the past. Both substituted prayer for the ecstatic meditation of India. To the Christian the progress of the world was an exhibition of discon- nected impulses, of sudden surprises. To the Moham- medan that progress presented a very different aspect. Every corporeal motion was due to some preceding mo- tion; every thought to some preceding thought; every historical event was the offspring of some preceding event; every human action was the result of some fore- gone and accomplished action. In the long annals of our race, nothing has ever been abruptly introduced. There has been an orderly, an inevitable sequence from event to event. There is an iron chain of destiny, of which the links are facts; each stands in its preordained place not one has ever been disturbed, not one has ever been removed. Every man came into the world without his own knowledge, he is to depart from it per- haps against his own wishes. Then let him calmly fold his hands, and expect the issues of fate. Coincidently with this change of opinion as to the government of individual life, there came a change as respects the mechanical construction of the world. Ac- cording to the Koran, the earth is a square plane, edged with vast mountains, which serve the double purpose of balancing it in its seat, and of sustaining the dome of the sky. Our devout admiration of the power and THEY MEASURE THE EARTH. 109 wisdom of God should be excited by the spectacle of this vast crystalline brittle expanse, which has been safe- ly set in its position without so much as a crack or any other injury. Above the sky, and resting on it, is heaven, built in seven stories, the uppermost being the habitation of God, who, under the form of a gigantic man, sits on a throne, having on either side winged bulls, like those in the palaces of old Assyrian kings. These ideas, which indeed are not peculiar to Mo- hammedanism, but are entertained by all men in a certain stage of their intellectual development as re- ligious revelations, were very quickly exchanged by the more advanced Mohammedans for others scientifi- cally correct. Yet, as has been the case in Christian countries, the advance was not made without resistance on the part of the defenders of revealed truth. Thus when Al-Mamun, having become acquainted with the globular form of the earth, gave orders to his mathema- ticians and astronomers to measure a degree of a great circle upon it, Takyuddin, one of the most celebrated doctors of divinity of that time, denounced the wicked khalif, declaring that God would assuredly punish him for presumptuously interrupting the devotions of the faithful by encouraging and diffusing a false and atheis- tical philosophy among them. Al-Mamun, however, per- sisted. On the shores of the Eed Sea, in the plains of Shinar, by the aid of an astrolabe, the elevation of the pole above the horizon was determined at two stations on the same meridian, exactly one degree apart. The distance between the two stations was then measured, and found to be two hundred thousand Hashemite cubits; this gave for the entire circumference of the earth about twenty-four thousand of our miles, a deter- mination not far from the truth. But, since the spheri- HO T11KIK PASSION FOR SCIENCE. cal form could not be positively asserted from one such measurement, the khalif caused another to be made near fu fa in Mesopotamia. His astronomers divided them- selves into two parties, and, starting from a given point, each party measured an arc of one degree, the one northward, the other southward. Their result is given in cubits. If the cubit employed was that known as the royal cubit, the length of a degree was ascertained with- in one-third of a mile of its true value. From these measures the khalif concluded that the globular form was established. It is remarkable how quickly the ferocious fanati- cism of the Saracens was transformed into a passion for intellectual pursuits. At first the Koran was an obstacle to literature and science. Mohammed had extolled it as the grandest of all compositions, and had adduced its un- approachable excellence as a proof of his divine mission. But, in little more than twenty years after his death, the experience that had been acquired in Syria, Persia, Asia Minor, Egypt, had produced a striking effect, and Ali, the khalif reigning at that time, avowedly encouraged all kinds of literary pursuits. Moawyah, the founder of the Ommiade dynasty, who followed in 661, revolu- tionized the government. It had been elective, he made it hereditary. He removed its seat from Medina to a more central position at Damascus, and entered on a career of luxury and magnificence. He broke the bonds of a stern fanaticism, and put himself forth as a culti- vator and patron of letters. Thirty years had wrought a wonderful change. A Persian satrap who had occa- sion to pay homage to Omar, the second khalif, found him asleep among the beggars on the steps of the Mosque of Medina; but foreign envoys who had occasion to seek M on \vyah, the sixth khalif, were presented to him THEIR LITERATURE. \\\ in a magnificent palace, decorated with exquisite ara- besques, and adorned with flower-gardens and fountains. In less than a century after the death of Mohammed, translations of the chief Greek philosophical authors had been made into Arabic; poems such as the " Iliad *' and the " Odyssey," being considered to have an irreligious tendency from their mythological allusions, were ren- dered into Syriac, to gratify the curiosity of the learned. Almansor, during his khalifate (A. D. 753-775), trans- ferred the seat of government to Bagdad, which he con- verted into a splendid metropolis; he gave much of his time to the study and promotion of astronomy, and established schools of medicine and law. His grand- son, Haroun-al-Easchid (A. D. 786), followed his exam- ple, and ordered that to every mosque in his dominions a school should be attached. But the Augustan age of Asiatic learning was during the khalifate of A*l-Mamun (A. D. 813-832). He made Bagdad the centre of science, collected great libraries, and surrounded himself with learned men. The elevated taste thus cultivated continued after the division of the Saracen Empire by internal dissen- sions into three parts. The Abasside dynasty in Asia, the Fatimite in Egypt, and the Ommiade in Spain, be- came rivals not merely in politics, but also in letters and science. In letters the Saracens embraced every topic that can amuse or edify the mind. In later times, it was their boast that they had produced more poets than all other nations combined. In science their great merit consists in this, that they cultivated it after the manner of the Alexandrian Greeks, not after the manner of the European Greeks. They perceived that it can never be advanced by mere speculation; its only sure progress 112 THEY ORIGINATE CHEMISTRY. is by the practical interrogation of Nature. The essen- tial characteristics of their method are experiment and observation. Geometry and the mathematical sciences they looked upon as instruments of reasoning. In their numerous writings on mechanics, hydrostatics, optics, it is interesting to remark that the solution of a problem is always obtained by performing an experiment, or by an instrumental observation. It was this that made them the originators of chemistry, that led them to the invention of all kinds of apparatus for distillation, sub- limation, fusion, filtration, etc.; that in astronomy caused them to appeal to divided instruments, as quadrants and astrolabes; in chemistry, to employ the balance, the theory of which they were perfectly familiar with; to construct tables of specific gravities and astronomical tables, as those of Bagdad, Spain, Samarcand; that pro- duced their great improvements in geometry, trigonom- etry, the invention of algebra, and the adoption of the Indian numeration in arithmetic. Such were the results of their preference of the inductive method of Aristotle, their declining the reveries of Plato. For the establishment and extension of the public libraries, books were sedulously collected. Thus the Khalif Al-Mamun is reported to have brought into Bagdad hundreds of camel-loads of manuscripts. In a treaty he made with the Greek emperor, Michael III., he stipulated that one of the Constantinople libraries should be given up to him. Among the treasures he thus acquired was the treatise of Ptolemy on the mathe- matical construction of the heavens. He had it forth- with translated into Arabic, under the title of " Alma- gest." The collections thus acquired sometimes became very large; thus the "Fatimite Library at Cairo con- tained one hundred thousand volumes, elegantly tran- THEIR GREAT LIBRARIES. H3 scribed and bound. Among these, there were six thou- sand five hundred manuscripts on astronomy and medi- cine alone. The rules of this library permitted the lending out of books to students resident at Cairo. It also contained two globes, one of massive silver and one of brass; the latter was said to have been constructed by Ptolemy, the former cost three thousand golden crowns. The great library of the Spanish khalifs eventually numbered six hundred thousand volumes; its catalogue alone occupied forty-four. Besides this, there were seventy public libraries in Andalusia. The collections in the possession of individuals were sometimes very extensive. A private doctor refused the invitation of a Sultan of Bokhara because the carriage of his books would have required four hundred camels. There was in every great library a department for the copying or manufacture of translations. Such manu- factures were also often an affair of private enterprise. Honian, a Nestorian physician, had an establishment of the kind at Bagdad (A. D. 850). He issued versions of Aristotle, Plato, Hippocrates, Galen, etc. As to ori- ginal works, it was the custom of the authorities of col- leges to require their professors to prepare treatises on prescribed topics. Every khalif had his own historian. Books of romances and tales, such as " The Thousand and One Arabian Nights' Entertainments," bear testi- mony to the creative fancy of the Saracens. Besides these, there were works on all kinds of subjects his- tory, jurisprudence, politics, philosophy, biographies not only of illustrious men, but also of celebrated horses and camels. These were issued without any censorship or restraint, though in later times works on theology required a license for publication. Books of reference abounded, geographical, statistical, medical, historical, THEIR GREAT LIBRARIES. dictionaries, and even abridgments or condensations of them, as the "Encyclopedic Dcitionary of all the Sciences/' by Mohammed Abu Abdallah. Much pride was taken in the purity and whiteness of the paper, in the skillful intermixture of variously-colored inks, and in the illumination of titles by gilding and other adorn- ments. The Saracen Empire was dotted all over with col- leges. They were established in Mongolia, Tartary, Persia, Mesopotamia, Syria, Egypt, North Africa, Morocco, Fez, Spain. At one extremity of this vast region, which far exceeded the Roman Empire in geo- graphical extent, were the college and astronomical ob- servatory of Samarcand, at the other the Giralda in Spain. Gibbon, referring to this patronage of learn- ing, says: " The same royal prerogative was claimed by the independent emirs of the provinces, and their emu- lation diffused the taste and the rewards of science from Samarcand and Bokhara to Fez and Cordova. The vizier of a sultan consecrated a sum of two hundred thousand pieces of gold to the foundation of a college at Bagdad, which he endowed with an annual revenue of fifteen thousand dinars. The fruits of instruction were communicated, perhaps, at different times, to six thousand disciples of every degree, from the son of the noble to that of the mechanic; a sufficient allowance was provided for the indigent scholars, and the merit or industry of the professors was repaid with adequate sti- pends. In every city the productions of Arabic litera- ture were copied and collected, by the curiosity of the studious and the vanity of the rich." The superintend- ence of these schools was committed with, noble liberal- ity sometimes to Nestorians, sometimes to Jews. It mattered not in what country a man was born, nor what THE ARABIAN SCIENTIFIC MOVEMENT. H5 were his religious opinions; his attainment in learning was the only thing to be considered. The great Khalif Al-Manmn had declared that " they are the elect of God, his best and most useful servants, whose lives are devoted to the improvement of their rational faculties; that the teachers of wisdom are the true luminaries and legislators of this world, which, without their aid, would again sink into ignorance and barbarism." After the example of the medical college of Cairo, other medical colleges required their students to pass a rigid examination. The candidate then received au- thority to enter on the practice of his profession. The first medical college established in Europe was that founded by the Saracens at Salerno, in Italy. The first astronomical observatory was that erected by them at Seville, in Spain. It would far transcend the limits of this book to give an adequate statement of the results of this imposing scientific movement. The ancient sciences were greatly extended new ones were brought into existence. The Indian method of arithmetic was introduced, a beautiful invention, which expresses all numbers by ten charac- ters, giving them an absolute value, and a value by posi- tion, and furnishing simple rules for the easy perform- ance of all kinds of calculations. Algebra, or universal arithmetic the method of calculating indeterminate quantities, or investigating the relations that subsist among quantities of all kinds, whether arithmetical or geometrical was developed from the germ that Dio- phantus had left. Mohammed Ben Musa furnished the solution of quadratic equations, Omar Ben Ibra- him that of cubic equations. The Saracens also gave to trigonometry its modern form, substituting sines for chords, which had been previously used; they elevated 116 ARABIAN ASTRONOMY. it into a separate science. Musa, above mentioned, was the author of a " Treatise on Spherical Trigonometry." Al-Baghadadi left one on land-surveying, so excellent, that by some it has been declared to be a copy of Eu- clid's lost work on that subject. In astronomy, they not only made catalogues, but maps of the stars visible in their skies, giving to those of the larger magnitudes the Arabic names they still bear on our celestial globes. They ascertained, as we have seen, the size of the earth by the measurement of a de- gree on her surface, determined the obliquity of the ecliptic, published corrected tables of the sun and moon, fixed the length of the year, verified the precession of the equinoxes. The treatise of Albategnius on " The Science of the Stars " is spoken of by Laplace with re- spect; he also draws attention to an important fragment of Ibn-Junis, the astronomer of Hakem, the Khalif of Egypt, A. D. 1000, as containing a long series of obser- vations from the time of Almansor, of eclipses, equi- noxes, solstices, conjunctions of planets, occultations of stars observations which have cast much light on the great variations of the system of the world. The Ara- bian astronomers also devoted themselves to the con- struction and perfection of astronomical instruments, to the measurement of time by clocks of various kinds, by clepsydras and sun-dials. They were the first to intro- duce, for this purpose, the use of the pendulum. In the experimental sciences, they originated chem- istry; they discovered some of its most important re- agents sulphuric acid, nitric acid, alcohol. They ap- plied that science in the practice of medicine, being the first to publish pharmacopoeias or dispensatories, and to include in them mineral preparations. In mechanics, they had determined the laws of falling bodies, had AGRICULTURE AND MANUFACTURES. ideas, by no means indistinct, of the nature of gravity; they were familiar with the theory of the mechanical powers. In hydrostatics they constructed the first tables of the specific gravities of bodies, and wrote treatises on the flotation and sinking of bodies in water. In optics, they corrected the Greek misconception, that a ray pro- ceeds from the eye, and touches the object seen, intro- ducing the hypothesis that the ray passes from the ob- ject to the eye. They understood the phenomena of the reflection and refraction of light. Alhazen made the great discovery of the curvilinear path of a ray of light through the atmosphere, and proved that we see the sun and moon before they have risen, and after they have set. The effects of this scientific activity are plainly per- ceived in the great improvements that took place in many of the industrial arts. Agriculture shows it in better methods of irrigation, the skillful employment of manures, the raising of improved breeds of cattle, the enactment of wise codes of rural laws, the introduc- tion of the culture of rice, and that of sugar and coffee. The manufactures show it in the great extension of the industries of silk, cotton, wool; in the fabrication of cordova and morocco leather, and paper; in mining, casting, and various metallurgic operations; in the mak- ing of Toledo blades. Passionate lovers of poetry and music, they dedicated much of their leisure time to those elegant pursuits. They taught Europe the game of chess; they gave it its taste for works of fiction romances and novels. In the graver domains of literature they took delight: they had many admirable compositions on such subjects as the instability of human greatness; the consequences of irre- ligion; the reverses of fortune; the origin, duration, 10 1 l ^ THEIR THEORY OP DEVELOPMENT. and end of the world. Sometimes, not without sur- prise, we meet with ideas which we flatter ourselves have originated in our own times. Thus our modern doctrines of evolution and development were taught in their schools. In fact, they carried them much farther than we are disposed to do, extending them even to in- organic or mineral things. The fundamental principle of alchemy was the natural process of development of metalline bodies. " When common people," says Al- Khazini, writing in the twelfth century, " hear from natural philosophers that gold is a body which has at- tained to perfection of maturity, to the goal of com- pleteness, they firmly believe that it is something which has gradually come to that perfection by passing through the forms of all other metallic bodies, so that its gold nature was originally lead, afterward it became tin, then brass, then silver, and finally reached the develop- ment of gold; not knowing that the natural philoso- phers mean, in saying this, only something like what they mean when they speak of man, and attribute to him a completeness and equilibrium in nature and con- stitution not that man was once a bull, and was changed into an ass, and afterward into a horse, and after that into an ape, and finally became a man." CHAPTER V. CONFLICT RESPECTING THE NATURE OF THE SOUL. DOCTRINE OF EMANATION AND ABSORPTION. European ideas respecting the soul. It resembles the form of the body. Philosophical views of the Orientals. The Vedic theology and Buddhism assert the doctrine of emanation and absorption. It is advocated by Aristotle, who is followed by the Alexan- drian school, and subsequently by the Jews and Arabians. It is found in the writings of Erigena. Connection of this doctrine with the theory of conservation and correlation of force. Parallel between the origin and destiny of the body and the soul. The necessity of founding human on comparative psychology. Averroism, which is based on these facts, is brought into Christen- dom through Spain and Sicily. History of the repression of Averroism. Revolt of Islam against it. Antagonism of the Jewish synagogues. Its destruction undertaken by the papacy. Institution of the Inquisition in Spain. Frightful persecutions and their results. Expulsion of the Jews and Moors. Overthrow of Averroism in Europe. Decisive action of the late Vatican Council. THE pagan Greeks and Romans believed that the spirit of man resembles his bodily form, varying its appearance with his variations, and growing with his growth. Heroes, to whom it had been permitted to de- scend into Hades, had therefore without difficulty recog- nized their former friends. Not only had the corporeal aspect been retained, but even the customary raiment. The primitive Christians, whose conceptions of a future life and of heaven and hell, the abodes of the 119 120 TnE SOUL. blessed and the sinful, were far more vivid than those of their pagan predecessors, accepted and intensified these ancient ideas. They did not doubt that in the world to come they should meet their friends, and hold converse with them, as they had done here upon earth an expectation that gives consolation to the human heart, reconciling it to the most sorrowful bereave- ments, and restoring to it its dead. In the uncertainty as to what becomes of the soul in the interval between its separation from the body and the judgment-day, many different opinions were held. Some thought that it hovered over the grave, some that it wandered disconsolate through the air. In the popular belief, St. Peter sat as a door-keeper at the gate of heaven. To him it had been given to bind or to loose. He admitted or excluded the spirits of men at his pleasure. Many persons, however, were dis- posed to deny him this power, since his decisions would be anticipatory of the judgment-day, which would thus be rendered needless. After the time of Gregory the Great, the doctrine of purgatory met with general ac- ceptance. A resting-place was provided for departed spirits. That the spirits of the dead occasionally revisit the living, or haunt their former abodes, has been in all ages, in all European countries, a fixed belief, not con- fined to rustics, but participated in by the intelligent. A pleasing terror gathers round the winters-evening fire- side at the stories of apparitions, goblins, ghosts. In the old times the Romans had their lares, or spirits of those who had led virtuous lives; their larvae or lemures, the spirits of the wicked; their manes, the spirits of those of whom the merits were doubtful. If human testimony on such subjects can be of any value, there is ASIATIC PSYCHOLOGICAL VIEWS. 121 a body of evidence reaching from the remotest ages to the present time, as extensive and unimpeachable as is to be found in support of any thing whatever, that these shades of the dead congregate near tombstones, or take up their secret abode in the gloomy chambers of dilapi- dated castles, or walk by moonlight in moody solitude. While these opinions have universally found popular acceptance in Europe, others of a very different nature have prevailed extensively in Asia, and indeed very generally in the higher regions of thought. Ecclesias- tical authority succeeded in repressing them in the six- teenth century, but they never altogether disappeared. In our own times so silently and extensively have they been diffused in Europe, that it was found expedient in the papal Syllabus to draw them in a very conspicuous manner into the open light; and the Vatican Council, agreeing in that view of their obnoxious tendency and secret spread, has in an equally prominent and signal manner among its first canons anathematized all per- sons who hold them. " Let him be anathema who says that spiritual things are emanations of the divine sub- stance, or that the divine essence by manifestation or development becomes all things." In view of this au- thoritative action, it is necessary now to consider the character and history of these opinions. Ideas respecting the nature of God necessarily in- fluence ideas respecting the nature of the soul. The eastern Asiatics had adopted the conception of an im- personal God, and, as regards the soul, its necessary con- sequence, the doctrine of emanation and absorption. Thus the Vedic theology is based on the acknowl- edgment of a universal spirit pervading all things. " There is in truth but one Deity, the supreme Spirit; he is of the same nature as the soul of man." Both the 122 EMANATION AND ABSORPTION. Vedas and the Institutes of Menu affirm that the soul is an emanation of the all-pervading Intellect, and that it is necessarily destined to be reabsorbcd. They con- sider it to be without form, and that visible Nature, with all its beauties and harmonies, is only the shadow of God. Vedaism developed itself into Buddhism, which has become the faith of a majority of the human race. This system acknowledges that there is a supreme Power, but denies that there is a supreme Being. It contemplates the existence of Force, giving rise as its manifestation to matter. It adopts the theory of emanation and ab- sorption. In a burning taper it sees an effigy of man an embodiment of matter, and an evolution of force. If we interrogate it respecting the destiny of the soul, it demands of us what has become of the flame when it is blown out, and in what condition it was before the taper was lighted. Was it a nonentity? Has it been annihilated? It admits that the idea of personality which has deluded us through life may not be instan- taneously extinguished at death, but may be lost by slow degrees. On this is founded the doctrine of trans- migration. But at length reunion with the universal Intellect takes place, Nirwana is reached, oblivion is attained, a state that has no relation to matter, space, or time, the state into which the departed flame of the ex- tinguished taper has gone, the state in which we were before we were born. This is the end that we ought to hope for; it is reabsorption in the universal Force supreme bliss, eternal rest. Through Aristotle these doctrines were first intro- duced into Eastern Europe; indeed, eventually, as we shall see, he was regarded as the author of them. They exerted a dominating influence in the later period of EMANATION AND ABSORPTION. 123 the Alexandrian school. Philo, the Jew, who lived in the time of Caligula, based his philosophy on the theory of emanation. Plotinus not only accepted that theory as applicable to the soul of man, but as affording an illustration of the nature of the Trinity. For, as a beam of light emanates from the sun, and as warmth ema- nates from the beam when it touches material bodies, so from the Father the Son emanates, and thence the Holy Ghost. From these views Plotinus derived a prac- tical religious system, teaching the devout how to pass into a condition of ecstasy, a foretaste of absorption into the universal mundane soul. In that condition the soul loses its individual consciousness. In like manner Porphyry sought absorption in or union with God. He was a Tyrian by birth, established a school at Borne, and wrote against Christianity; his treatise on that sub- ject was answered by Eusebius and St. Jerome, but the Emperor Theodosius silenced it more effectually by causing all the copies to be burnt. Porphyry bewails his own unworthiness, saying that he had been united to God in ecstasy but once in eighty-six years, whereas his master Plotinus had been so united six times in sixty years. A complete system of theology, based on the theory of emanation, was constructed by Proclus, who speculated on the manner in which absorption takes place: whether the soul .js instantly reabsorbed and re- united in the moment of death, or whether it retains the sentiment of personality for a time, and subsides into complete reunion by successive steps. From the Alexandrian Greeks these ideas passed to the Saracen philosophers, who very soon after the capture of the great Egyptian city abandoned to the lower orders their anthropomorphic notions of the na- ture of God and "the simulacral form of the spirit of 124 ARABIC PSYCHOLOGY. man. As Arabism developed itself into a distinct scien- tific system, the theories of emanation and absorption were among its characteristic features. In this aban- donment of vulgar Mohammedanism, the example of the Jews greatly assisted. They, too, had given up the anthropomorphism of their ancestors; they had ex- changed the God who of old lived behind the veil of the temple for an infinite Intelligence pervading the universe, and, avowing their inability to conceive that any thing which had on a sudden been called into ex- istence should be capable of immortality, they affirmed that the soul of man is connected with a past of which there was no beginning, and with a future to which there is no end. In the intellectual history of Arabism the Jew and the Saracen are continually seen together. It was the same in their political history, whether we consider it in Syria, in Egypt, or in Spain. From them conjointly Western Europe derived its philosophical ideas, which in the course of time culminated in Averroism; Averro- ism is philosophical Islamism. Europeans generally re- garded Averroes as the author of these heresies, and the orthodox branded* him accordingly, but he was nothing more than their collector and commentator. His works invaded Christendom by two routes: from Spain through Southern France they reached Upper Italy, engender- ing numerous heresies on their way; from Sicily they passed to Naples and South Italy, under the auspices of Frederick II. But, long before Europe suffered this great intel- lectual invasion, there were what might, perhaps, be termed sporadic instances of Orientalism. As an ex- ample I may quote the views of John Erigena (A. D. 800). He had adopted and taught the philosophy of Aristotle, ERIGENA. 125 had made a pilgrimage to the birthplace of that philos- opher, and indulged a hope of uniting philosophy and religion in the manner proposed by the Christian eccle- siastics who were then studying in the Mohammedan universities of Spain. He was a native of Britain. In a letter to Charles the Bald, Anastasius expresses his astonishment " how such a barbarian man, coming from the very ends of the earth, and remote from human conversation, could comprehend things so clearly, and transfer them into another language so well." The general intention of his writings was, as we have said, to unite philosophy with religion, but his treatment of these subjects brought him under ecclesiastical censure, and some of his works were adjudged to the flames. His most important book is entitled " De Divisione Na- turae." Erigena's philosophy rests upon the observed and admitted fact that every living thing comes from some- thing that had previously lived. The visible world, being a world of life, has therefore emanated necessarily from some primordial existence, and thnt existence is God, who is thus the originator and conservator of all. Whatever we see maintains itself as a visible thing through force derived from him, and, were that force withdrawn, it must necessarily disappear. Erigena thus conceives of the Deity as an unceasing participator in Nature, being its preserver, maintainer, upholder, and in that respect answering to the soul of the world of the Greeks. The particular life of individuals is therefore a part of general existence, that is, of the mundane soul. If ever there were a withdrawal of the maintaining power, all things must return to the source from which they issued that is, they must return to God, and be ab- sorbed in him. All visible Nature must thus pass back 126 ERIGENA. into " the Intellect " at last. " The death of the flesh is the auspices of the restitution of things, and of a return to their ancient conservation. So sounds revert back to the air in which they were born, and by which they were maintained, and they are heard no more; no man knows what has become of them. In that final absorp- tion which, after a lapse of time, must necessarily come, God will be all in all, and nothing exist but him alone." " I contemplate him as the beginning and cause of all things; all things that are and those that have been, but now are not, were created from him, and by him, and in him. I also view him as the end and intransgressible term of all things. . . . There is a fourfold conception of universal Nature two views of divine Nature, as origin and end; two also of framed Nature, causes and effects. There is nothing eternal but God." The return of the soul to the universal Intellect is designated by Erigena as Theosis, or Deification. In that final absorption all remembrance of its past experi- ences is lost. The soul reverts to the condition in which it was before it animated the body. Necessarily, there- fore, Erigena fell under the displeasure of the Church. It was in India that men first recognized the fact that force is indestructible and eternal. This implies ideas more or less distinct of that which we now term its " correlation and conservation." Considerations con- nected with the stability of the universe give strength to this view, since it is clear that, were there either an increase or a diminution, the order of the world must cease. The definite and invariable amount of energy in the universe must therefore be accepted as a scientific fact. The changes we witness are in its distribution. But, since the soul must be regarded as an active principle, to call a new one into existence out of noth- AL-GAZZALI'S PSYCHOLOGY. 127 ing is necessarily to add to the force previously in the world. And, if this has been done in the case of every individual who has been born, and is to be repeated for every individual hereafter, the totality of force must be continually increasing. Moreover, to many devout persons there is some- thing very revolting in the suggestion that the Al- mighty is a servitor to the caprices and lusts of man, and that, at a certain term after its origin, it is necessary for him to create for the embryo a soul. Considering man as composed of two portions, a soul and a body, the obvious relations of the latter may cast much light on the mysterious, the obscure relations of the former. Now, the substance of which the body con- sists is obtained from the general mass of matter around us, and after death to that general mass it is restored. Has Nature, then, displayed before our eyes in the ori- gin, mutations, and destiny of the material part, the body, a revelation that may guide us to a knowledge of the origin and destiny of the companion, the spiritual part, the soul? Let us listen for a moment to one of the most pow- erful of Mohammedan writers: " God has created the spirit of man out of a drop of his own light; its destiny is to return to him. Do not deceive yourself with the vain imagination that it will die when the body dies. The form you had on your entrance into this world, and your present form, are not the same; hence there is no necessity of your perishing, on account of the perishing of your body. Your spirit came into this world a stranger; it is only sojourning, in a temporary home. From the trials and tempests of this troublesome life, our refuge is in God. In reunion with him we shall find eternal rest a rest 128 ARE ANIMALS AUTOMATA f without sorrow, a joy without pain, a strength without infirmity, a knowledge without doubt, a tranquil and yet an ecstatic vision of the source of life and light and glory, the source from which we came." So says the Saracen philosopher, Al-Gazzali (A. D. 1010). In a stone the material particles are in a state of stable equilibrium; it may, therefore, endure forever. An animal is in reality only a form through which a stream of matter is incessantly flowing. It receives its supplies, and dismisses its wastes. In this it resembles a cataract, a river, a flame. The particles that compose it at one instant have departed from it the next. It depends for its continuance on exterior supplies. It has a definite duration in time, and an inevitable moment comes in which it must die. In the great problem of psychology we can not ex- pect to reach a scientific result, if we persist in restrict- ing ourselves to the contemplation of one fact. We must avail ourselves of all accessible facts. Human psychology can never be completely resolved except through comparative psychology. With Descartes, we must inquire whether the souls of animals be relations of the human soul, less perfect members in the same series of development. We must take account of what we discover in the intelligent principle of the ant, as well as what we discern in the intelligent principle of man. Where would human physiology be, if it were not illuminated by the bright irradiations of compara- tive physiology? Brodie, after an exhaustive consideration of the facts, affirms that the mind of animals is essentially the same as that of man. Every one familiar with the dog will admit that that creature knows right from wrong, and is conscious when he has committed a fault. Many ARE ANIMALS AUTOMATA? 129 domestic animals have reasoning powers, and employ proper means for the attainment of ends. How numer- ous are the anecdotes related of the intentional actions of the elephant and the ape! Nor is this apparent intelligence due to imitation, to their association with man, for wild animals that have no such relation exhibit similar properties. In different species, the capacity and character greatly vary. Thus the dog is not only more intelligent, but has social and moral qualities that the cat does not possess; the former loves his master, the latter her home. Du Bois-Eeymond makes this striking remark: " With awe and wonder must the student of Nature regard that microscopic molecule of nervous substance which is the seat of the laborious, constructive, orderly, loyal, dauntless soul of the ant. It has developed itself to its present state through a countless series of generations." What an impressive inference we may draw from the statement of Huber, who has written so well on this subject: " If you will watch a single ant at work, you can tell what he will next do! " He is con- sidering the matter, and reasoning as you are doing. Listen to one of the many anecdotes which Huber, at once truthful and artless, relates: " On the visit of an overseer ant to the works, when the laborers had begun the roof too soon, he examined it and had it taken down, the wall raised to the proper height, and a new ceiling constructed with the fragments of the old one." Surely these insects are not automata, they show intention. They recognize their old companions, who have been shut up from them for many months, and exhibit senti- ments of joy at their return. Their antennal language is capable of manifold expression; it suits the interior of the nest, where all is dark. 130 ARE ANIMALS AUTOMATA? While solitary insects do not live to raise their young, social insects have a longer term, they exhibit moral allVrt ions and educate their offspring. Patterns of pa- tience and industry, some of these insignificant creat- ures will work sixteen or eighteen hours a day. Few men arc capable of sustained mental application more than four or five hours. Similarity of effects indicates similarity of causes; similarity of actions demands similarity of organs. I would ask the reader of these paragraphs, who is famil- iar with the habits of animals, and especially with the social relations of that wonderful insect to which refer- ence has been made, to turn to the nineteenth chapter of my work on the " Intellectual Development of Europe," in which he will find a description of the social system of the Incas of Peru. Perhaps, then, in view of the similarity of the social institutions and personal conduct of the insect, and the social institutions and personal conduct of the civilized Indian the one an insignificant speck, the other a man he will not be disposed to dis- agree with me in the opinion that " from bees, and wasps, and ants, and birds, from all that low animal life on which he looks with supercilious contempt, man is destined one day to learn what in truth he really is." The views of Descartes, who regarded all insects as automata, can scarcely be accepted without modifica- tion. Insects are automata only so far as the action of their ventral cord, and that portion of their cephalic ganglia which deals with contemporaneous impressions, is concerned. It is one of the functions of vesicular-nervous mate- rial to retain traces or relics of impressions brought to it by the organs of sense; hence, nervous ganglia, being composed of that material, may be considered as regis- FUNCTIONS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 131 tering apparatus. They also introduce the element of time into the action of the nervous mechanism. An impression, which without them might have forthwith ended in reflex action, is delayed, and with this duration come all those important effects arising through the in- teraction of many impressions, old and new, upon each other. There is no such thing as a spontaneous, or self- originated, thought. Every intellectual act is the con- sequence of some preceding act. It conies into exist- ence in virtue of something that has gone before. Two minds constituted precisely alike, and placed under the influence of precisely the same environment, must give rise to precisely the same thought. To such sameness of action we allude in the popular expression " common- sense " a term full of meaning. In the origination of a thought there are two distinct conditions: the state of the organism as dependent on antecedent impressions, and on the existing physical circumstances. In the cephalic ganglia of insects are stored up the relics of impressions that have been made upon the common peripheral nerves, and in them are kept those which are brought in by the organs of special sense the visual, olfactive, auditory. The interaction of these raises insects above mere mechanical automata, in which the reaction instantly follows the impression. In all cases the action of every nerve-centre, no mat- ter what its stage of development may be, high or low, depends upon an essential chemical condition oxida- tion. Even in man, if the supply of arterial blood be stopped but for a moment, the nerve-mechanism loses its power; if diminished, it correspondingly declines; if, on the contrary, it be increased as when nitrogen monoxide is breathed there is more energetic action. 132 REGISTERED IMPRESSIONS. Hence there arises a need of repair, a necessity for rest and sleep. Two fundamental ideas are essentially attached to all our perceptions of external things: they are SPACE and TIME, and for these provision is made in the ner- vous mechanism while it is yet in an almost rudimentary state. The eye is the organ of space, the ear of time; the perceptions of which by the elaborate mechanism of these structures become infinitely more precise than would be possible if the sense of touch alone were re- sorted to. There are some simple experiments which illustrate the vestiges of ganglionic impressions. If on a cold, polished metal, as a new razor, any object, such as a wafer, be laid, and the metal be then breathed upon, and, when the moisture has had time to disappear, the wafer be thrown off, though now the most critical in- spection of the polished surface can discover no trace of any form, if we breathe once more upon it, a spectral image of the wafer comes plainly into view; and this may be done again and again. Nay, more, if the pol- ished metal be carefully put aside where nothing can deteriorate its surface, and be so kept for many months, on breathing again upon it the shadowy form emerges. Such an illustration shows how trivial an impression may be thus registered and preserved. But, if, on such an inorganic surface, an impression may thus be indel- ibly marked, how much more likely in the purposely- constructed ganglion! A shadow never falls upon a wall without leaving thereupon a permanent trace, a trace which might be made visible by resorting to proper processes. Photographic operations are cases in point. The portraits of our friends, or landscape view, may be hidden on the sensitive surface from the eye, but REGISTERED IMPRESSIONS. 133 they are ready to make their appearance as soon as proper developers are resorted to. A spectre is con- cealed on a silver or glassy surface until, by our necro- mancy, we make it come forth into the visible world. Upon the walls of our most private apartments, where we think the eye of intrusion is altogether shut out and our retirement can never be profaned, there exist the vestiges of all our acts, silhouettes of whatever we have done. If, after the eyelids have been closed for some time, as when we first awake in the morning, we suddenly and steadfastly gaze at a brightly-illuminated object and then quickly close the lids again, a phantom image is perceived in the indefinite darkness beyond us. We may satisfy ourselves that this is not a fiction, but a re- ality, for many details that we had not time to identify in the momentary glance may be contemplated at our leisure in the phantom. We may thus make out the pat- tern of such an object as a lace curtain hanging in the window, or the branches of a tree beyond. By degrees the image becomes less and less distinct; in a minute or two it has disappeared. It seems to have a ten- dency to float away in the vacancy before us. If we attempt to follow it by moving the eyeball, it suddenly vanishes. Such a duration of impressions on the retina proves that the effect of external influences on nerve-vesicles is not necessarily transitory. In this there is a corre- spondence to the duration, the emergence, the extinc- tion, of impressions on photographic preparations. Thus, I have seen landscapes and architectural views taken in Mexico developed, as artists say, months subsequently in New York the images coming out, after the long voyage, in all their proper forms and in all their proper 11 134 EXPLANATION OF MKMORY. contrast of light and shade. The photograph had for- gotten nothing. It had equally preserved the contour of the everlasting mountains and the passing smoke of a bandit-fire. Are there, then, contained in the brain more perma- nently, as in the retina more transiently, the vestiges of impressions that have been gathered by the sensory organs? Is this the explanation of memory the Mind contemplating such pictures of past things and events as have been committed to her custody? In her silent galleries are there hung micrographs of the living and the dead, of scenes that we have visited, of inci- dents in which we have borne a part? Are these abid- ing impressions mere signal-marks, like the letters of a book, which impart ideas to the mind? or are they actual picture-images, inconceivably smaller than those made for us by artists, in which, by the aid of a microscope, we can see, in a space not bigger than a pinhole, a whole family group at a glance? The phantom images of the retina are not percep- tible in the light of the day. Those that exist in the sensorium in like manner do not attract our attention so long as the sensory organs are in vigorous operation, and occupied in bringing new impressions in. But, when those organs become weary or dull, or when we experi- ence hours of great anxiety, or are in twilight reveries, or are asleep, the latent apparitions have their vivid- ness increased by the contrast, and obtrude themselves on the mind. For the same reason they occupy us in the delirium of fevers, and doubtless also in the solemn moments of death. During a third part of our life, in sleep, we are withdrawn from external influences; hear- ing and sight and the other senses are inactive, but the never-sleeping Mind, that pensive, that veiled enchant- NATURE OF RELIGIOUS IMPRESSIONS. 135 ress, in her mysterious retirement, looks over the am- brotypes she has collected ambrotypes, for they are truly unfading impressions and, combining them to- gether, as they chance to occur, constructs from them the panorama of a dream. Nature has thus implanted in the organization of every man means which impressively suggest to him the immortality of the soul and a future life. Even the benighted savage thus sees in his visions the fading forms of landscapes, which are, perhaps, connected with some of his most pleasant recollections; and what other conclusion can he possibly extract from those unreal pictures than that they are the foreshadowings of an- other land beyond that in which his lot is cast? At intervals he is visited in his dreams by the resemblances of those whom he has loved or hated while they were alive; and these manifestations are to him incontro- vertible proofs of the existence and immortality of the soul. In our most refined social conditions we are never able to shake off the impressions of these occur- rences, and are perpetually drawing from them the same conclusions that our uncivilized ancestors did. Our more elevated condition of life in no respect relieves us from the inevitable operation of our own organiza- tion, any more than it relieves us from infirmities and disease. In these respects, all over the globe men are on an equality. Savage or civilized, we carry within us a mechanism which presents us with mementoes of the most solemn facts with which we can be concerned. It wants only moments of repose or sickness, when the influence of external things is diminished, to come into full play, and these are precisely the moments when we are best prepared for the truths it is going to suggest. That mechanism is no respecter of persons. It neither 136 EFFECT OF REGISTERED IMPRESSIONS. permits the haughtiest to be free from the monitions, nor leaves the humblest without the consolation of a knowledge of another life. Open to no opportunities of being tampered with by the designing or interested, requiring no extraneous, human agency for its effect, but always present with every man wherever he may go, it marvelously extracts from vestiges of the impres- sions of the past overwhelming proofs of the realities of the future, and, gathering its power from what would seem to be a most unlikely source, it insensibly leads us, no matter who or where we may be, to a profound belief in the immortal and imperishable, from phantoms which have scarcely made their appearance before they are ready to vanish away. The insect differs from a mere automaton in this, that it is influenced by old, by registered impressions. In the higher forms of animated life that registration becomes more and more complete, memory becomes more perfect. There is not any necessary resemblance between an external form and its ganglionic impres- sion, any more than there is between the words of a message delivered in a telegraphic office and the signals which the telegraph may give to the distant station; any more than there is between the letters of a printed page and the acts or scenes they describe, but the let- ters call up with clearness to the mind of the reader the events and scenes. An animal without any apparatus for the retention of impressions must be a pure automaton it cannot have memory. From insignificant and uncertain begin- nings, such an apparatus is gradually evolved, and, as its development advances, the intellectual capacity in- creases. In man, this retention or registration reaches perfection; he guides himself by past as well as by COMMUNICATION OF KNOWLEDGE. 137 present impressions; he is influenced by experience; his conduct is determined by reason. A most important advance is made when the capa- bility is acquired by any animal of imparting a knowl- edge of the impressions stored up in its own nerve-cen- tres to another of the same kind. This marks the ex- tension of individual into social life, and indeed is essen- tial thereto. In the higher insects it is accomplished by antenna! contacts, in man by speech. Humanity, in its earlier, its savage stages, was limited to this: the knowl- edge of one person could be transmitted to another by conversation. The acts and thoughts of one generation could be imparted to another, and influence its acts and thoughts. But tradition has its limit. The faculty of speech makes society possible nothing more. Not without interest do we remark the progress of development of this function. The invention of the art of writing gave extension and durability to the registra- tion or record of impressions. These, which hed hitherto been stored up in the brain of one man, might now be imparted to the whole human race, and be made to en- dure forever. Civilization became possible for civili- zation cannot exist without writing, or the means of record in some shape. From this psychological point of view we perceive the real significance of the invention of printing a de- velopment of writing which, by increasing the rapidity of the diffusion of ideas, and insuring their permanence, tends to promote civilization and to unify the human race. In the foregoing paragraphs, relating to nervous im- pressions, their registry, and the consequences that spring from them, I have given an abstract of views presented in my work on " Human Physiology," published in 138 THEORY OF EMANATION. 1856, and may, therefore, refer the reader to the chap- ter on " Inverse Vision, or Cerebral Sight; " to Chapter XIV., Book I.; and to Chapter VIII., Book II., of that work, for other particulars. The only path to scientific human psychology is through comparative psychology. It is a long and wearisome path, but it leads to truth. Is there, then, a vast spiritual existence pervading the universe, even as there is a vast existence of matter pervading it a spirit which, as a great German author tells us, " sleeps in the stone, dreams in the animal, awakes in man? " Does the soul arise from the one as the body arises from the other? Do they in like man- ner return, each to the source from which it has come? If so, we can interpret human existence, and our ideas may still be in unison with scientific truth, and in ac- cord with our conception of the stability, the unchange- ability of the universe. To this spiritual existence the Saracens, following Eastern nations, gave the designation " the Active Intel- lect." They believed that the soul of man emanated from it, as a rain-drop comes from the sea, and, after a season, returns. So arose among them the imposing doctrines of emanation and absorption. The active in- tellect is God. In one of its forms, as we have seen, this idea was developed by Chakia Mouni, in India, in a most mas- terly manner, and embodied in the vast practical system of Buddhism; in another, it was with less power pre- sented among the Saracens by Averroes. But, perhaps we ought rather to say that Europeans hold Averroes as the author of this doctrine, because they saw him isolated from his antecedents. But Mo- AVERKOCISM. 139 hammedans gave him little credit for originality. He stood to them in the light of a commentator on Aris- totle, and as presenting the opinions of the Alexandrian and other philosophical schools up to his time. The following excerpts from the " Historical Essay on Aver- roism," by M. Kenan, will show how closely the Sara- cenic ideas approached those presented above: This system supposes that, at the death of an indi- vidual, his intelligent principle or soul no longer pos- sesses a separate existence, but returns to or is absorbed in the universal mind, the active intelligence, the mun- dane soul, which is God; from whom, indeed, it had originally emanated or issued forth. The universal, or active, or objective intellect, is uncreated, impassible, incorruptible, has neither begin- ning nor end; nor does it increase as the number of in- dividual souls increases. It is altogether separate from matter. It is, as it were, a cosmic principle. This one- ness of the active intellect, or reason, is the essential principle of the Averroistic theory, and is in harmony with the cardinal doctrine of Mohammedanism the unity of God. The individual, or passive, or subjective intellect, is an emanation from the universal, and constitutes what is termed the soul of man. In one sense it is perishable and ends with the body, but in a higher sense it en- dures; for, after death, it returns to or is absorbed in the universal soul, and thus of all human souls there remains at last but one the aggregate of them all. Life is not the property of the individual, it belongs to Nature. The end of man is to enter into union more and more complete with the active intellect reason. In that the happiness of the soul consists. Our des- tiny is quietude. It was the opinion of Averroes that 140 AVERROISM. the transition from the individual to the universal is instantaneous at death, but the Buddhists maintain that human personality continues in a declining manner for a certain term before nonentity, or Ninvana, is at- tained. Philosophy has never proposed but two hypotheses to explain the system of the world: first, a personal God existing apart, and a human soul called into existence or created, and thenceforth immortal; second, an imper- sonal intelligence, or indeterminate God, and a soul emerging from and returning to him. As to the origin of beings, there are two opposite opinions: first, that they are created from nothing; second, that they come by development from preexisting forms. The theory of creation belongs to the first of the above hypotheses, that of evolution to the last. Philosophy among the Arabs thus took the same direction that it had taken in China, in India, and in- deed throughout the East. Its whole spirit depended on the admission of the indestructibility of matter and force. It saw an analogy between the gathering of the material of which the body of man consists from the vast store of matter in Nature, and its final restoration to that store, and the emanation of the spirit of man from the universal Intellect, the Divinity, and its final reabsorption. Having thus indicated in sufficient detail the philo- sophical characteristics of the doctrine of emanation and absorption, I have in the next place to relate its history. It was introduced into Europe by the Spanish Arabs. Spain was the focal point from which, issuing forth, it affected the ranks of intelligence and fashion all over Europe, and in Spain it had a melancholy end. ANDALUSIAN CIVILIZATION. The Spanish khalifs had surrounded themselves with all the luxuries of Oriental life. They had magnificent palaces, enchanting gardens, seraglios filled with beau- tiful women. Europe at the present day does not offer more taste, more refinement, more elegance, than might have been seen, at the epoch of which we are speaking, in the capitals of the Spanish Arabs. Their streets were lighted and solidly paved. The houses were frescoed and carpeted; they were warmed in winter by furnaces, and cooled in summer with perfumed air brought by underground pipes from flower-beds. They had baths, and libraries, and dining-halls, fountains of quicksilver and water. City and country were full of conviviality, and of dancing to the lute and mandolin. Instead of the drunken and gluttonous wassail orgies of their North- ern neighbors, the feasts of the Saracens were marked by sobriety. Wine was prohibited. The enchanting moonlight evenings of Andalusia were spent by the Moors in sequestered, fairy-like gardens or in orange- groves, listening to the romances of the story-teller, or engaged in philosophical discourse; consoling themselves for the disappointments of this life by such reflections as that, if virtue were rewarded in this world, we should be without expectations in the life to come; and recon- ciling themselves to their daily toil by the expectation that rest will be found after death a rest never to be succeeded by labor. In the tenth century the Khalif Hakem II. had made beautiful Andalusia the paradise of the world. Chris- tians, Mussulmen, Jews, mixed together without re- straint. There, among many celebrated names that have descended to our times, was Gerbert, destined sub- sequently to become pope. There, too, was Peter the Venerable, and many Christian ecclesiastics. Peter 142 AVERROISM IN ANDALUSIA. says that he found learned men even from Britain pur- suing astronomy. All learned men, no matter from what country they came, or what their religious views, were welecomed. The khalif had in his palace a manu- factory of books, and copyists, binders, illuminators. He kept book-buyers in all the great cities of Asia and Africa. His library contained four hundred thousand volumes, superbly bound and illuminated. Throughout the Mohammedan dominions in Asia, in Africa, and in Spain, the lower order of Mussulmen en- tertained a fanatical hatred against learning. Among the more devout those who claimed to be orthodox there were painful doubts as to the salvation of the great Khalif Al-Mamun the wicked khalif, as they called him for he had not only disturbed the people by introducing the writings of Aristotle and other Greek heathens, but had even struck at the existence of heaven and hell by saying that the earth is a globe, and pretending that he could measure its size. These persons, from their numbers, constituted a political power. Almansor, who usurped the khalifate to the preju- dice of Hakem's son, thought that his usurpation would be sustained if he put himself at the head of the ortho- dox party. He therefore had the library of Hakem searched, and all works of a scientific or philosophical nature carried into the public places and burnt, or thrown into the cisterns of the palace. By a similar court revolution Averroes, in his old age he died A. D. 1198 was expelled from Spain; the religious party had triumphed over the philosophical. He was de- nounced as a traitor to religion. An opposition to phi- losophy had been organized all over the Mussulman world. There was hardly a philosopher who was not AVERKOISM AMONG THE JEWS. 14.3 punished. Some were put to death, and the conse- quence was, that Islam was full of hypocrites. Into Italy, Germany, England, Averroism had si- lently made its way. It found favor in the eyes of the Franciscans, and a focus in the University of Paris. By very many of the leading minds it had been ac- cepted. But at length the Dominicans, the rivals of the Franciscans, sounded an alarm. They said it de- stroys all personality, conducts to fatalism, and renders inexplicable the difference and progress of individual intelligences. The declaration that there is but one in- tellect is an error subversive of the merits of the saints, it is an assertion that there is no difference among men. What! is there no difference between the holy soul of Peter and the damned soul of Judas? are they identi- cal? Averroes in this his blasphemous doctrine denies creation, providence, revelation, the Trinity, the efficacy of prayers, of alms, and of litanies; he disbelieves in the resurrection and immortality; he places the sum- mum bonum in mere pleasure. So, too, among the Jews who were then the leading intellects of the world, Averroism had been largely prop- agated. Their great writer Maimonides had thorough- ly accepted it; his school was spreading it in all direc- tions. A furious persecution arose on the part of the orthodox Jews. Of Maimonides it had been formerly their delight to declare that he was "the Eagle of the Doctors, the Great Sage, the Glory of the West, the Light of the East, second only to Moses." Now, they proclaimed that he had abandoned the faith of Abra- ham; had denied the possibility of creation, believed in the eternity of the world; had given himself up to the manufacture of atheists; had deprived God of his attri- butes; made a vacuum of him; had declared him inac- 144 SUPPRESSION OP AVERROISM. ccssible to prayer, and a stranger to the government of the world. The works of Maimonides were committed to the flames by the synagogues of Montpellier, Barce- lona, and Toledo. Scarcely had the conquering arms of Ferdinand and Isabella overthrown the Arabian dominion in Spain, when measures were taken by the papacy to extinguish these opinions, which, it was believed, were undermin- ing European Christianity. Until Innocent IV. (1243), there was no special tri- bunal against heretics, distinct from those of the bish- ops. The Inquisition, then introduced, in accordance with the centralization of the times, was a general and papal tribunal, which displaced the old local ones. The bishops, therefore, viewed the innovation with great dislike, considering it as an intrusion on their rights. It was established in Italy, Spain, Germany, and the southern provinces of France. The temporal sovereigns were only too desirous to make use of this powerful engine for their own political purposes. Against this the popes strongly protested. They were not willing that its use should pass out of the ecclesiastical hand. The Inquisition, having already been tried in the south of France, had there proved to be very effective for the suppression of heresy. It had been introduced into Aragon. Now was assigned to it the duty of deal- ing with the Jews. In the old times under Visigothic rule these people had greatly prospered, but the leniency that had been shown to them was succeeded by atrocious persecution, when the Visigoths abandoned their Arianism and be- came orthodox. The most inhuman ordinances were issued against them a law was enacted condemning SUPPRESSION OF AVERROISM. 145 them all to be slaves. It was not to be wondered at that, when the Saracen invasion took place, the Jews did whatever they could to promote its success. They, like the Arabs, were an Oriental people, both traced their lineage to Abraham, their common ancestor; both were believers in the unity of God. It was their defense of that doctrine that had brought upon them the hatred of their Visigothic masters. Under the Saracen rule they were treated with the highest consideration. They became distinguished for their wealth and their learning. For the most part they were Aristotelians. They founded many schools and colleges. Their mercantile interests led them to travel all over the world. They particularly studied the science of medicine. Throughout the middle ages they were the physicians and bankers of Europe. Of all men they saw the course of human affairs from the most elevated point of view. Among the special sciences they became proficient in mathematics and astronomy; they com- posed the tables of Alfonso, and were the cause of the voyage of De Gama. They distinguished themselves greatly in light literature. From the tenth to the four- teenth century their literature was the first in Europe. They were to be found in the courts of princes as phy- sicians, or as treasurers managing the public finances. The orthodox clergy in Navarre had excited popular prejudices against them. To escape the persecutions that arose, many of them feigned to turn Christians, and of these many apostatized to their former faith. The papal nuncio at the court of Castile raised a cry for the establishment of the Inquisition. The poorer Jews were accused of sacrificing Christian children at the Passover, in mockery of the crucifixion; the richer were denounced as Averroists. Under the influence of Torquemada, a THE INQUISITION. Dominican monk, the confessor of Queen Isabella, that princess solicited a bull from the pope for the establish- ment of the Holy Office. A bull was accordingly issued in November, 1478, for the detection and suppression of heresy. In the first year of the operation of the In- quisition, 1481, two thousand victims were burnt in Andalusia; besides these, many thousands were dug up from their graves and burnt; seventeen thousand were fined or imprisoned for life. Whoever of the persecuted race could flee, escaped for his life. Torquemada, now appointed inquisitor-general for Castile and Leon, illus- trated his office by his ferocity. Anonymous accusa- tions were received, the accused was not confronted by witnesses, torture was relied upon for conviction; it was inflicted in vaults where no one could hear the cries of the tormented. As, in pretended mercy, it was forbid- den to inflict torture a second time, with horrible du- plicity it was affirmed that the torment had not been completed at first, but had only been suspended out of charity until the following day! The families of the convicted were plunged into irretrievable ruin. Llo- rente, the historian of the Inquisition, computes that Torquemada and his collaborators, in the course of eighteen years, burnt at the stake ten thousand two hun- dred and twenty persons, six thousand eight hundred and sixty in effigy, and otherwise punished ninety-seven thousand three hundred and twenty-one. This frantic priest destroyed Hebrew Bibles wherever he could find them, and burnt six thousand volumes of Oriental litera- ture at Salamanca, under an impiitation that they incul- cated Judaism. With unutterable disgust and indigna- tion, we learn that the papal government realized much money by selling to the rich dispensations to secure them from the Inquisition. BANISHMENT OF THE JEWS. 147 But all these frightful atrocities proved failures. The conversions were few. Torquemada, therefore, insisted on the immediate banishment of every unbap- tized Jew. On March 30, 1492, the edict of expulsion was signed. All unbaptized Jews, of whatever age, sex, or condition, were ordered to leave the realm by the end of the following July. If they revisited it, they should suffer death. They might sell their effects and take the proceeds in merchandise or bills of exchange, but not in gold or silver. Exiled thus suddenly from the land of their birth, the land of their ancestors for hundreds of years, they could not in the glutted market that arose sell what they possessed. Nobody would purchase what could be got for nothing after July. The Spanish clergy occupied themselves by preaching in the public squares sermons filled with denunciations against their victims, who, when the time for expatria- tion came, swarmed in the roads and filled the air with their cries of despair. Even the Spanish onlookers wept at the scene of agony. Torquemada, however; en- forced the ordinance that no one should afford them any help. Of the banished persons some made their way into Africa, some into Italy; the latter carried with them to Naples ship-fever, which destroyed not fewer than twenty thousand in that city, and devastated that penin- sula; some reached Turkey, a few England. Thou- sands, especially mothers with nursing children, infants, and old people, died by the way; many of them in the agonies of thirst. This action against the Jews was soon followed by one against the Moors. A pragmatica was issued at Seville, February, 1502, setting forth the obligations of the Castilians to drive the enemies of God from the 148 EXPULSION OP THE MOORS. land, and ordering that all unbaptized Moors in the kingdoms of Castile and Leon above the age of infancy should leave the country by the end of April. They might sell their property, but not take away any gold or silver; they were forbidden to emigrate to the Mo- hammedan dominions; the penalty of disobedience was death. Their condition was thus worse than that of the Jews, who had been permitted to go where they chose. Such was the fiendish intolerance of the Span- iards, that they asserted the government would be justi- fied in taking the lives of all the Moors for their shame- less infidelity. What an ungrateful return for the toleration that the Moors in their day of power had given to the Chris- tians! No faith was kept with the victims. Granada had surrendered under the solemn guarantee of the full enjoyment of civil and religious liberty. At the insti- gation of Cardinal Ximenes that pledge was broken, and, after a residence of eight centuries, the Mohammedans were driven out of the land. The coexistence of three religions in Andalusia the Christian, the Mohammedan, the Mosaic had given opportunity for the development of Averroism or philo- sophical Arabism. This was a repetition of what had occurred at Rome, when the gods of all the conquered countries were confronted in that capital, and universal disbelief in them all ensued. Averroes himself was ac- cused of having been first a Mussulman, then a Chris- tian, then a Jew, and finally a misbeliever. It was affirmed that he was the author of the mysterious book "De Tribus Impostoribus." In the middle ages there were two celebrated hereti- cal books, "The Everlasting Gospel," and the "De AVEEROISM IN EUROPE. 149 Tribus Impostoribus." The latter was variously im- puted to Pope Gerbert, to Frederick II., and to Averroes. In their unrelenting hatred the Dominicans fastened all the blasphemies current in those times on Averroes; they never tired of recalling the celebrated and out- rageous one respecting the eucharist. His writings had first been generally made known to Christian Europe by the translation of Michael Scot in the beginning of the thirteenth century, but long before his time the literature of the West, like that of Asia, was full of these ideas. We have seen how broadly they were set forth by Erigena. The Arabians, from their first cultivation of philosophy, had been infected by them; they were current in all the colleges of the three khalifates. Considered not as a mode of thought, that will sponta- neously occur to all men at a certain stage of intellectual development, but as having originated with Aristotle, they continually found favor with men of the highest culture. We see them in Eobert Grostete, in Eoger Bacon, and eventually, in Spinoza. Averroes was not their inventor, he merely gave them clearness and ex- pression. Among the Jews of the thirteenth century, he had completely supplanted his imputed master. Aris- totle had passed away from their eyes; his great com- mentator, Averroes, stood in his place. So numerous were the converts to the doctrine of emanation in Chris- tendom, that Pope Alexander IV. (1355) found it neces- sary to interfere. By his order, Albertus Magnus com- posed a work against the "Unity of the Intellect." Treating of the origin and nature of the soul, he at- tempted to prove that the theory of "a separate intellect, enlightening man by irradiation anterior to the individ- ual and surviving the individual, is a detestable error." But the most illustrious antagonist of the great com- 12 150 ST. THOMAS COMBATS AVEHROISM. mentator was St. Thomas Aquinas, the destroyer of all such heresies as the unity of the intellect, the denial of Providence, the impossibility of creation; the victories of " the Angelic Doctor " were celebrated not only in the disputations of the Dominicans, but also in the works of art of the painters of Florence and Pisa. The indignation of that saint knew no bounds when Chris- tians became the disciples of an infidel, who was worse than a Mohammedan. The wrath of the Dominicans, the order to which St. Thomas belonged, was sharpened by the fact that their rivals, the Franciscans, inclined to Averroistic views; and Dante, who leaned to the Dominicans, denounced Averroes as the author of a most dangerous system. The theological odium of all three dominant religions was put upon him; he was pointed out as the originator of the atrocious maxim that " all religions are false, although all are proba- bly useful." An attempt was made at the Council of Vienne to have his writings absolutely suppressed, and to forbid all Christians reading them. The Do- minicans, armed with the weapons of the Inquisition, terrified Christian Europe with their unrelenting perse- cutions. They imputed all the infidelity of the times to the Arabian philosopher. But he was not without support. In Paris and in the cities of Northern Italy the Franciscans sustained his views, and all Christendom was agitated with these disputes. Under the inspiration of the Dominicans, Averroes became to the Italian painters the emblem of unbelief. Many of the Italian towns had pictures or frescoes of the Day of Judgment and of Hell. In these Averroes not unfrequently appears. Thus, in one at Pisa, he figures with Arius, Mohammed, and Antichrist. In another he is represented as overthrown by St. Thomas. AVERROISM ANATHEMATIZED. 151 He had become an essential element in the triumphs of the great Dominican doctor. He continued thus to be familiar to the Italian painters until the sixteenth cen- tury. His doctrines were maintained in the University of Padua until the seventeenth. Such is, in brief, the history of Averroism as it in- vaded Europe from Spain. Under the auspices of Fred- erick II., it, in a less imposing manner, issued from Sicily. That sovereign had adopted it fully. In his " Sicilian Questions " he had demanded light on the eternity of the world, and on the nature of the soul, and supposed he had found it in the replies of Ibn Sabin, an upholder of these doctrines. But in his conflict with the papacy he was overthrown, and with him these heresies were destroyed. In Upper Italy, Averroism long maintained its ground. It was so fashionable in high Venetian so- ciety that every gentleman felt constrained to profess it. At length the Church took decisive action against it. The Lateran Council, A. D. 1512, condemned the abettors of these detestable doctrines to be held as here- tics and infidels. As we have seen, the late Vatican Council has anathematized them. Notwithstanding that stigma, it is to be borne in mind that these opin- ions are held to be true by a majority of the human race. CHAPTER VI. CONFLICT RESPECTING THE NATURE OP THE WORLD. Scriptural view of the world: The earth a flat surface; location of heaven and hell. Scientific view : The earth a globe ; its size determined ; its posi- tion in and relations to the solar system. The three great voyages. Columbus, De Gama, Magellan. Circumnavigation of the earth. Determination of its curvature by the measure- ment of a degree and by the pendulum. The discoveries of Copernicus. Invention of the telescope. Galileo brought before the Inquisition. His punishment. Victory over the Church. Attempts to ascertain the dimensions of the solar system. Deter- mination of the sun's parallax by the transits of Venus. Insignificance of the earth and man. Ideas respecting the dimensions of the universe. Parallax of the stars. The plurality of worlds asserted by Bruno. lie is seized and murdered by the Inquisition. I HAVE now to present the discussions that arose respecting the third great philosophical problem the nature of the world. An uncritical observation of the aspect of Nature persuades us that the earth is an extended level surface which sustains the dome of the sky, a firmament divid- ing the waters above from the waters beneath; that the heavenly bodies the sun, the moon, the stars pursue their way, moving from east to west, their insignificant size and motion round the motionless earth proclaiming 152 THEOLOGICAL VIEW OF THE EARTH. 153 their inferiority. Of the various organic forms sur- rounding man none rival him in dignity, and hence he seems justified in concluding that every thing has been created for his use the sun for the purpose of giving him light by day, the moon and stars by night. Comparative theology shows us that this is the con- ception of Nature universally adopted in the early phase of intellectual life. It is the belief of all nations in all parts of the world in the beginning of their civilization: geocentric, for it makes the earth the centre of the uni- verse; anthropocentric, for it makes man the central object of the earth. And not only is this the conclusion spontaneously come to from inconsiderate glimpses of the world, it is "also the philosophical basis of various religious revelations, vouchsafed to man from time to time. These revelations, moreover, declare to him that above the crystalline dome of the sky is a region of eternal light and happiness heaven the abode of God and the angelic hosts, perhaps also his own abode after death; and beneath the earth a region of eternal dark- ness and misery, the habitation of those that are evil. In the visible world is thus seen a picture of the in- visible. On the basis of this view of the structure of the world great religious systems have been founded, and hence powerful material interests have been engaged in its support. These have resisted, sometimes by re- sorting to bloodshed, attempts that have been made to correct its incontestable errors a resistance grounded on the suspicion that the localization of heaven and hell and the supreme value of man in the universe might be affected. That such attempts would be made was inevitable. As soon as men began to reason on the subject at all, THEORY OP COSMAS INDICOPLEUSTES. they could not fail to discredit the assertion that the earth is an indefinite plane. No one can doubt that the sun we see to-day is the self-same sun that we saw yes- terday. His reappearance each morning irresistibly sug- gests that he lias passed on the underside of the earth. But this is incompatible with the reign of night in those regions. It presents more or less distinctly the idea of the globular form of the earth. The earth cannot extend indefinitely downward; for the sun cannot go through it, nor through any crevice or passage in it, since he rises and sets in different posi- tions at different seasons of the year. The stars also move under it in countless courses. There must, there- fore, be a clear way beneath. To reconcile revelation with these innovating facts, schemes, such as that of Cosmas Indicopleustes in his " Christian Topography," were doubtless often adopted. To this in particular we have had occasion on a former page to refer. It asserted that in the northern parts of the flat earth there is an immense mountain, behind which the sun passes, and thus produces night. At a very remote historical period the mechanism of eclipses had been discovered. Those of the moon demonstrated that the shadow of the earth is always cir- cular. The form of the earth must therefore be globu- lar. A body which in all positions casts a circular shadow must itself be spherical. Other considerations, with which every one is now familiar, could not fail to establish that such is her figure. But the determination of the shape of the earth by no means deposed her from her position of superiority. Apparently vastly larger than all other things, it was fitting that she should be considered not merely as the centre of the world, but, in truth, as the world. All ANCIENT MEASURES OF THE EARTH'S SIZE. 155 other objects in their aggregate seemed utterty unim- portant in comparison with her. Though the consequences flowing from an admission of the globular figure of the earth affected very pro- foundly existing theological ideas, they were of much less moment than those depending on a determina- tion of her size. It needed but an elementary knowl- edge of geometry to perceive that correct ideas on this point could be readily obtained by measuring a degree on her surface. Probably there were early attempts to accomplish this object, the results of which have been lost. But Erastosthenes executed one between Syene and Alexandria, in Egypt, Syene being supposed to be exactly under the tropic of Cancer. The two places are, however, not on the same meridian, and the dis- tance between them was estimated, not measured. Two centuries later, Posidonius made another attempt be- tween Alexandria and Ehodes; the bright star Canopus just grazed the horizon at the latter place, at Alexandria it rose 7. In this instance, also, since the direction lay across the sea, the distance was estimated, not meas- ured. Finally, as we have already related, the Khalif Al-Mamun made two sets of measures, one on the shore of the Eed Sea, the other near Cufa, in Mesopotamia. The general result of these various observations gave for the earth's diameter between seven and eight thousand miles. This approximate determination of the size of the earth tended to depose her from her dominating posi- tion, and gave rise to very serious theological results. In this the ancient investigations of Aristarchus of Samos, one of the Alexandrian school, 280 B. c., powerfully aided. In his treatise on the magnitudes and distances of the sun and moon, he explains the ingenious though 156 THE PYTHAGOREAN SYSTEM. imperfect method to which he had resorted for the solu- tion of that problem. Many ages previously a specula- tion had been brought from India to Europe by Pythago- ras. It presented the sun as the centre of the system. Around him the planets revolved in circular orbits, their order of position being Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, each of them being supposed to rotate on its axis as it revolved round the sun. According to Cicero, Nicetas suggested that, if it were admitted that the earth revolves on her axis, the difficulty presented by the inconceivable velocity of the heavens would be avoided. There is reason to believe that the works of Aris- tarchus, in the Alexandrian Library, were burnt at the time of the fire of Caesar. The only treatise of his that has come down to us is that above mentioned, on the size and distance of the sun and moon. Aristarchus adopted the Pythagorean system as rep- resenting the actual facts. This was the result of a rec- ognition of the sun's amazing distance, and therefore of his enormous size. The heliocentric system, thus re- garding the sun as the central orb, degraded the earth to a very subordinate rank, making her only one of a company of six revolving bodies. But this is not the only contribution conferred on astronomy by Aristarchus, for, considering that the movement of the earth does not sensibly affect the ap- parent position of the stars, he inferred that they are incomparably more distant from us than the sun. He, therefore, of all the ancients, as Laplace remarks, had the most correct ideas of the grandeur of the universe. He saw that the earth is of absolutely insignificant size, when compared with the stellar distances. He saw, too, that there is nothing above us but space and stars. THE PTOLEMAIC SYSTEM. 157 But the views of Aristarchus, as respects the em- placement of the planetary bodies, were not accepted by antiquity; the system proposed by Ptolemy, and in- corporated in his " Syntaxis," was universally preferred. The physical philosophy of those times was very im- perfect one of Ptolemy's objections to the Pytha- gorean system being that, if the earth were in motion, it would leave the air and other light bodies behind it. He therefore placed the earth in the central position, and in succession revolved round her the Moon, Mer- cury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn; beyond the orbit of Saturn came the firmament of the fixed stars. As to the solid crystalline spheres, one moving from east to west, the other from north to south, these were a fancy of Eudoxus, to which Ptolemy does not allude. The Ptolemaic system is, therefore, essentially a geocentric system. It left the earth in her position of superiority, and hence gave no cause of umbrage to re- ligious opinions, Christian or Mohammedan. The im- mense reputation of its author, the signal ability of his great work on the mechanism of the heavens, sustained it for almost fourteen hundred years that is, from the second to the sixteenth century. In Christendom, the greater part of this long period was consumed in disputes respecting the nature of God, and in struggles for ecclesiastical power. The author- ity of the Fathers, and the prevailing belief that the Scriptures contain the sum of all knowledge, discour- aged any investigation of Nature. If by chance a pass- ing interest was taken in some astronomical question, it was at once settled by a reference to such authorities as the writings of Augustine or Lactantius, not by an ap- peal to the phenomena of the heavens. So great was 158 SARACEN INVENTIONS AND DISCOVERIES. the preference given to sacred over profane learning, that Christianity had been in existence fifteen hundred years, and had not produced a single astronomer. The Mohammedan nations did much better. Their cultivation of science dates from the capture of Alexan- dria, A. D. 638. This was only six years after the death of the Prophet. In less than two centuries they had not only become acquainted with, but correctly appreci- ated, the Greek scientific writers. As we have already mentioned, by his treaty with Michael III., the Khalif Al-Mamun had obtained a copy of the " Syntaxis " of Ptolemy. He had it forthwith translated into Arabic. It became at once the great authority of Saracen astron- omy. From this basis the Saracens had advanced to the solution of some of the most important scientific prob- lems. They had ascertained the dimensions of the earth; they had registered or catalogued all the stars visible in their heavens, giving to those of the larger magnitudes the names they still bear on our maps and globes; they determined the true length of the year, discovered as- tronomical refraction, invented the pendulum-clock, improved the photometry of the stars, ascertained the curvilinear path of a ray of light through the air, ex- plained the phenomena of the horizontal sun and moon, and why we see those bodies before they have risen and after they have set; measured the height of the atmos- phere, determining it to be fifty-eight miles; given the true theory of the twilight, and of the twinkling of the stars. They had built the first observatory in Europe. So accurate were they in their observations, that the ablest modern mathematicians have made use of their results. Thus Laplace, in his " Systeme du Monde," adduces the observations of Al-Batagni as affording in- contestable proof of the diminution of the eccentricity THE THREE GREAT VOYAGES. 159 of the earth's orbit. He uses those of Ibn-Junis in his discussion of the obliquity of the ecliptic, and also in the case of the problems of the greater inequalities of Jupiter and Saturn. These represent but a part, and indeed but a small part, of the services rendered by the Arabian astrono- mers, in the solution of the problem of the nature of the world. Meanwhile, such was the benighted con- dition of Christendom, such its deplorable ignorance/ that it cared nothing about the matter. Its attention was engrossed by image-worship, transubstantiation, the merits of the saints, miracles, shrine-cures. This indifference continued until the close of the fifteenth century. Even then there was no scientific inducement. The inciting motives were altogether of a different kind. They originated in commercial rival- ries, and the question of the shape of the earth was finally settled by three sailors, Columbus, De Gama, and, above all, by Ferdinand Magellan. The trade of Eastern Asia has always been a source of immense wealth to the Western nations who in suc- cession have obtained it. In the middle ages it had centred in Upper Italy. It was conducted along two lines a northern, by way of the Black and Caspian Seas, and camel-caravans beyond the headquarters of this were at Genoa; and a southern, through the Syrian and Egyptian ports, and by the Arabian Sea, the headquar- ters of this being at Venice. The merchants engaged in the latter traffic had also made great gains in the transport service of the Crusade-wars. The Venetians had managed to maintain amicable relations with the Mohammedan powers of Syria and Egypt; they were permitted to have consulates at Alex- andria and Damascus, and, notwithstanding the military ICO Till-: VOYAGE OP COLUMBUS. commotions of which those countries had been the scene, the trade was still maintained in a comparatively flour- ishing condition. But the northern or Genoese line had been completely broken up by the irruptions of the Tartars and the Turks, and the military and political disturbances of the countries through which it passed. The Eastern trade of Genoa was not merely in a precari- ous condition it was on the brink of destruction. The circular visible horizon and its dip at sea, the gradual appearance and disappearance of ships in the offing, cannot fail to incline intelligent sailors to a be- lief in the globular figure of the earth. The writings of the Mohammedan astronomers and philosophers had given currency to that doctrine throughout Western Europe, but, as might be expected, it was received with disfavor by theologians. When Genoa was thus on the very brink of ruin, it occurred to some of her mariners that, if this veiw were correct, her affairs might be re- established. A ship sailing through the straits of Gi- braltar westward, across the Atlantic, would not fail to reach the East Indies. There were apparently other great advantages. Heavy cargoes might be transported without tedious and expensive land-carriage, and with- out breaking bulk. Among the Genoese sailors who entertained these views was Christopher Columbus. He tells us that his attention was drawn to this sub- ject by the writings of Averroes, but among his friends he numbered Toscanelli, a Florentine, who had turned his attention to astronomy, and had become a strong advocate of the globular form. In Genoa itself Colum- bus met with but little encouragement. He then spent many years in trying to interest different princes in his proposed attempt. Its irreligious tendency was pointed DISCOVERY OF AMERICA. 1G1 out by the Spanish ecclesiastics, and condemned by the Council of Salamanca; its orthodoxy was confuted from the Pentateuch, the Psalms, the Prophecies, the Gos- pels, the Epistles, and the writings of the Fathers St. Chrysostom, St. Augustine, St. Jerome, St. Gregory, St. Basil, St. Ambrose. At length, however, encouraged by the Spanish Queen Isabella, and substantially aided by a wealthy seafaring family, the Pinzons of Palos, some of whom joined him personally, he sailed on August 3, 1492, with three small ships, from Palos, carrying with him a letter from King Ferdinand to the Grand-Khan of Tar- tary, and also a chart, or map, constructed on the basis of that of Toscanelli. A little before midnight, October 11, 1492, he saw from the forecastle of his ship a mov- ing light at a distance. Two hours subsequently a sig- nal-gun from another of the ships announced that they had descried land. At sunrise Columbus landed in the New World. On his return to Europe it was universally supposed that he had reached the eastern parts of Asia, and that therefore his voyage had been theoretically successful. Columbus himself died in that belief. But numerous voyages which were soon undertaken made known the general contour of the American coast-line, and the discovery of the Great South Sea by Balboa revealed at length the true facts of the case, and the mistake into which both Toscanelli and Columbus had fallen, that in a voyage to the West the distance from Europe to Asia could not exceed the distance passed over in a voyage from Italy to the Gulf of Guinea a voyage that Colum- bus had repeatedly made. In his first voyage, at nightfall on September 13, 1492, being then two and a half degrees east of Corvo, 162 TUB VOYAGE OP DE OAMA. one of the Azores, Columbus observed that the compass- needles of the ships no longer pointed a little to the east of north, but were varying to the west. The deviation became more and more marked as the expedition ad- vanced, lie was not the lirst to detect the fact of variation, but he was incontestably the first to discover the line of no variation. On the return-voyage the reverse was observed; the a variation westward dimin- ished until the meridian in question was reached, when the needles again pointed due north. Thence, as the coast of Europe was approached, the variation was to the east. Columbus, therefore, came to the conclusion that the line of no variation was a fixed geographknl line, or boundary, between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. In the bull of May, 1493, Pope Alexander VI. accordingly adopted this line as the perpetual boun- dary between the possessions of Spain and Portugal, in his settlement of the disputes of those nations. Subse- quently, however, it was discovered that the line was moving eastward. It coincided with the meridian of London in 1662. By the papal bull the Portuguese possessions were limited to the east of the line of no variation. Informa- tion derived from certain Egyptian Jews had reached that government, that it was possible to sail round the continent of Africa, there being at its extreme south a cape which could be easily doubled. An expedition of three ships under Vasco de Gama set sail, July 9, 1497; it doubled the cape on November 20th, and reached Calicut, on the coast of India, May 19, 1498. Under the bull, this voyage to the East gave to the Portuguese the right to the India trade. Until the cape was doubled, the course of De Gama's ships was in a general manner southward. Very soon, THE DOUBLING OF THE CAPE. 163 it was noticed that the elevation of the pole-star above the horizon was diminishing, and, soon after the equator was reached, that star had ceased to be visible. Mean- time other stars, some of them forming magnificent constellations, had come into view the stars of the Southern Hemisphere. All this was in conformity to theoretical expectations founded on the admission of the globular form of the earth. The political consequences that at once ensued placed the Papal Government in a position of great embarrass- ment. Its traditions and policy forbade it to admit any other than the flat figure of the earth, as revealed in the Scriptures. Concealment of the facts was im- possible, sophistry was unavailing. Commercial pros- perity now left Venice as well as Genoa. The front of Europe was changed. Maritime power had departed from the Mediterranean countries, and passed to those upon the Atlantic coast. But the Spanish Government did not submit to the advantage thus gained by its commercial rival without an effort. It listened to the representations of one Ferdinand Magellan, that India and the Spice Islands could be readied by sailing to the west, if only a strait or passage through what had now been recognized as " the American Continent " could be discovered; and, if this should be accomplished, Spain, under the papal bull, would have as good a right to the India trade as Portugal. Under the command of Magellan, an ex- pedition of five ships, carrying two hundred and thirty- seven men, was dispatched from Seville, August 10, 1519. Magellan at once struck boldly for the South Amer- ican coast, hoping to find some cleft or passage through the continent by which he might reach the great South 164 THE VOYAGE OF MAGELLAN. Sea. For seventy days he was becalmed on the line; his sailors were appalled by the apprehension that they had drifted into a region where the winds never blew, and that it was impossible for them to escape. Calms, tempests, mutiny, desertion, could not shake his resolu- tion. After more than a year he discovered the strait which now bears his name, and, as Pigafetti, an Italian, who was with him, relates, he shed tears of joy when he found that it had pleased God at length to bring him where he might grapple with the unknown dangers of the South Sea, " the Great and Pacific Ocean." Driven by famine to eat scraps of skin and leather with which his rigging was here and there bound, to drink water that had gone putrid, his crew dying of hunger and scurvy, this man, firm in his belief of the globular figure of the earth, steered steadily to the north- west, and for nearly four months never saw inhabited land. He estimated that he had sailed over the Pacific not less than twelve thousand miles. He crossed the equator, saw once more the pole-star, and at length made land the Ladrones. Here he met with adven- turers from Sumatra. Among these islands he was killed, either by the savages or by his own men. His lieutenant, Sebastian d'Elcano, now took command of the ship, directing her course for the Cape of Good Hope, and encountering frightful hardships. He dou- bled the cape at last, and then for the fourth time crossed the equator. On September 7, 1522, after a voy- age of more than three years, he brought his ship, the San Vittoria, to anchor in the port of St. Lucar, near Seville. She had accomplished the greatest achieve- ment in the history of the human race. She had cir- cumnavigated the earth. The San Vittoria, sailing westward, had come back THE SIZE OF THE EARTH. 165 to her starting-point. Henceforth the theological doc- trine of the flatness of the earth was irretrievably over- thrown. Five years after the completion of the voyage of Magellan, was made the first attempt in Christendom to ascertain the size of the earth. This was by Fernel, a French physician, who, having observed the height of the pole at Paris, went thence northward until he came to a place where the height of the pole was exactly one degree more than at that city. He measured the dis- tance between the two stations by the number of revo- lutions of one of the wheels of his carriage, to which a proper indicator had been attached, and came to the conclusion that the earth's circumference is about twen- ty-four thousand four hundred and eighty Italian miles. Measures executed more and more carefully were made in many countries: by Snell in Holland; by Nor- wood between London and York in England; by Picard, under the auspices of the French Academy of Sciences, in France. Picard's plan was to connect two points by a series of triangles, and, thus ascertaining the length of the arc of a meridian intercepted between them, to com- pare it with the difference of latitudes found from celes- tial observations. The stations were Malvoisine in the vicinity of Paris, and Sourdon near Amiens. The .dif- ference of latitudes was determined by observing the zenith-distances of 8 Cassiopeia. There are two points of interest connected with Picard's operation: it was the first in which instruments furnished with telescopes were employed; and its result, as we shall shortly see, was to Newton the first confirmation of the theory of universal gravitation. At this time it had become clear from mechanical considerations, more especially such as had been deduced 13 1C6 THE SIZE OP Till: l.AKTII. by Newton, that, since the earth is a rotating body, her form cannot be that of a perfect sphere, but must be that of a spheroid, oblate or flattened at the poles. It would follow, from this, that the length of a degree must be greater near the poles than at the equator. The French Academy resolved to extend Picard's operation, by prolonging the measures in each direction, and making the result the basis of a more accurate map of France. Delays, however, took place, and it was not until 1718 that the measures, from Dunkirk on the north to the southern extremity of France, were com- pleted. A discussion arose as to the interpretation of these measures, some affirming that they indicated a prolate, others an oblate spheroid; the former figure may be popularly represented by a lemon, the latter by an orange. To settle this, the French Government, aided by the Academy, sent out two expeditions to measure degrees of the meridian one under the equator, the other as far north as possible; the former went to Peru, the latter to Swedish Lapland. Very great difficulties were encountered by both parties. The Lapland com- mission, however, completed its observations long be- fore the Peruvian, which consumed not less than nine years. The results of the measures thus obtained con- firmed the theoretical expectation of the oblate form. Since that time many extensive and exact repetitions of the observation have been made, among which may be mentioned those of the English in England and in India, and particularly that of the French on the occasion of the introduction of the metric system of weights and measures. It was begun by Delambre and Mechain, from Dunkirk to Barcelona, and thence extended, by Biot and Arago, to the island of Formentera near Mi- norca. Its length was nearly twelve and a half degrees. COPERNICUS. 167 Besides this method of direct measurement, the fig- ure of the earth may be determined from the observed number of oscillations made by a pendulum of invariable length in different latitudes. These, though they con- firm the foregoing results, give a somewhat greater ellipticity to the earth than that found by the measure- ment of degrees. Pendulums vibrate more slowly the nearer they are to the equator. It follows, therefore, that they are there farther from the centre of the earth. From the most reliable measures that have been made, the dimensions of the earth may be thus stated: Greater or equatorial diameter 7,925 miles. Less or polar diameter 7,899 " Difference or polar compression 26 " Such was the result of the discussion respecting the figure and size of the earth. While it was yet undeter- mined, another controversy arose, fraught with even more serious consequences. This was the conflict re- specting the earth's position with regard to the sun and the planetary bodies. Copernicus, a Prussian, about the year 1507, had completed a book " On the Eevolutions of the Heavenly Bodies." He had journeyed to Italy in his youth, had devoted his attention to astronomy, and had taught mathematics at Home. From a profound study of the Ptolemaic and Pythagorean systems, he had come to a conclusion in favor of the latter, the object of his book being to sustain it. Aware that his doctrines were totally opposed to revealed truth, and foreseeing that they would bring upon him the punishments of the Church, he expressed himself in a cautious and apolo- getic manner, saying that he had only taken the liberty of trying whether, on the supposition of the earth's 1C8 THE BOOK OF COPERNICUS. motion, it was possible to find better explanations than the ancient ones of the revolutions of the celestial orbs; that in doing this he had only taken the privilege that had been allowed to others, of feigning what hypothesis they chose. The preface was addressed to Pope Paid III. Full of misgivings as to what might be the result, he refrained from publishing his book for thirty-six years, thinking that " perhaps it might be better to follow the examples of the Pythagoreans and others, who delivered their doctrine only by tradition and to friends." At the entreaty of Cardinal Schomberg he at length pub- lished it in 1543. A copy of it was brought to him on his death-bed. Its fate was such as he had anticipated. The Inquisition condemned it as heretical. In their de- cree, prohibiting it, the Congregation of the Index de- nounced his system as " that false Pythagorean doctrine utterly contrary to the Holy Scriptures." Astronomers justly affirm that the book of Coperni- cus, " De Revolutionibus," changed the face of their science. It incontestably established the heliocentric theory. It showed that the distance of the fixed stars is infinitely great, and that the earth is a mere point in the heavens. Anticipating Newton, Copernicus im- puted gravity to the sun, the moon, and heavenly bodies, but he was led astray by assuming that the celes- tial motions must be circular. Observations on the orbit of Mars, and his different diameters at different times, had led Copernicus to his theory. In thus denouncing the Copernican system as being in contradiction to revelation, the ecclesiastical authori- ties were doubtless deeply moved by inferential consid- erations. To dethrone the earth from her central dominating position, to give her many equals and not a INVENTION OF THE TELESCOPE. 169 few superiors, seemed to diminish her claims upon the Divine regard. If each of the countless myriads of stars was a sun, surrounded by revolving globes, peo- pled with responsible beings like ourselves, if we had fallen so easily and had been redeemed at so stupendous a price as the death of the Son of God, how was it with them? Of them were there none who had fallen or might fall like us? Where, then, for them could a Savior be found? During the year 1608 one Lippershey, a Hollander, discovered that, by looking through two glass lenses, combined in a certain manner together, distant objects were magnified and rendered very plain. He had in- vented the telescope. In the following year Galileo, a Florentine, greatly distinguished by his mathematical and scientific writings, hearing of the circumstance, but without knowing the particulars of the construction, invented a form of the instrument for himself. Im- proving it gradually, he succeeded in making one that could magnify thirty times. Examining the moon, he found that she had valleys like those of the earth, and mountains casting shadows. It had been said in the old times that in the Pleiades there were formerly seven stars, but a legend related that one of them had mysteri- ously disappeared. On turning his telescope toward them, Galileo found that he could easily count not fewer than forty. In whatever direction he looked, he dis- covered stars that were totally invisible to the naked eye. On the night of January 7, 1610, he perceived three small stars in a straight line, adjacent to the planet Jupiter, and, a few evenings later, a fourth. He found that these were revolving in orbits round the body of the planet, and, with transport, recognized that they 170 DISCOVERIES OP GALILEO. presented a miniature representation of the Copernican system. The announcement of these wonders at once attract- ed universal attention. The spiritual authorities were not slow to detect their tendency, as endangering the doctrine that the universe was made for man. In the creation of myriads of stars, hitherto invisible, there must surely have been some other motive than that of illuminating the nights for him. It had been objected to the Copernican theory that, if the planets Mercury and Venus move round the sun in orbits interior to that of the earth, they ought to show phases like those of the moon; and that in the case of Venus, which is so brilliant and conspicuous, these phases should be very obvious. Copernicus him- self had admitted the force of the objection, and had vainly tried to find an explanation. Galileo, on turning his telescope to the planet, discovered that the expected phases actually exist; now she was a crescent, then half-moon, then gibbous, then full. Previously to Copernicus, it was supposed that the planets shine by their own light, but the phases of Venus and Mars proved that their light is reflected. The Aristotelian notion, that celestial differ from terrestrial bodies in being incorruptible, received a rude shock from the dis- coveries of Galileo, that there are mountains and val- leys in the moon like those of the earth, that the sun is not perfect, but has spots on his face, and that he turns on his axis instead of being in a state of majestic rest. The apparition of new stars had already thrown serious doubts on this theory of incorruptibility. These and many other beautiful telescopic discov- eries tended to the establishment of the truth of the Copernican theory and gave unbounded alarm to the PUNISHMENT OF GALILEO. Church. By the low and ignorant ecclesiastics they were denounced as deceptions or frauds. Some affirmed that the telescope might be relied on well enough for terrestrial objects, but with the heavenly bodies it was altogether a different affair. Others declared that its invention was a mere application of Aristotle's remark that stars could be seen in the daytime from the bot- tom of a deep well. Galileo was accused of imposture, heresy, blasphemy, atheism. With a view of defend- ing himself, he addressed a letter to the Abbe Castelli, suggesting that the Scriptures were never intended to be a scientific authority, but only a moral guide. This made matters worse. He was summoned before the Holy Inquisition, under an accusation of having taught that the earth moves round the sun, a doctrine " utterly contrary to the Scriptures." He was ordered to re- nounce that heresy, on pain of being imprisoned. He was directed to desist from teaching and advocating the Copernican theory, and pledge himself that he would neither publish nor defend it for the future. Know- ing well that Truth has no need of martyrs, he assented to the required recantation, and gave the promise de- manded. For sixteen years the Church had rest. But in 1632 Galileo ventured on the publication of his work entitled " The System of the World/' its object being the vindi- cation of the Copernican doctrine. He was again sum- moned before the 1 Inquisition at Eome, accused of hav- ing asserted that the earth moves round the sun. He was declared to have brought upon himself the penal- ties of heresy. On his knees, with his hand on the Bible, he was compelled to abjure and curse the doc- trine of the movement of the earth. What a spectacle! This venerable man, the most illustrious of his age, 172 PUNISHMENT OP GALILEO. forced by the threat of death to deny facts which his judges as well as himself knew to be true! He was then committed to prison, treated with remorseless se- verity during the remaining ten years of his life, and was denied burial in consecrated ground. Must not that be false which requires for its support so much imposture, so much barbarity? The opinions thus de- fended by the Inquisition are now objects of derision to the whole civilized world. One of the greatest of modern mathematicians, refer- ring to this subject, says that the point here contested was one which is for mankind of the highest interest, because of the rank it assigns to the globe that we in- habit. If the earth be immovable in the midst of the universe, man has a right to regard himself as the prin- cipal object of the jcare of Nature. But if the earth be only one of the planets revolving round the sun, an in- significant body in the solar system, she will disappear entirely in the immensity of the heavens, in which this system, vast as it may appear to us, is nothing but an insensible point. The triumphant establishment of the Copernican doctrine dates from the invention of the telescope. Soon there was not to be found in all Europe an astron- omer who had not accepted the heliocentric theory with its essential postulate, the double motion of the earth a movement of rotation on her axis, and a movement of revolution round the sun. If additional proof of the latter were needed, it was furnished by Bradley's great discovery of the aberration of the fixed stars, an aberra- tion depending partly on the progressive motion of light, and partly on the revolution of the earth. Bradley's discovery ranked in importance with that of the preces- sion of the equinoxes. Roomer's discovery of the pro- DISTANCE OF THE EARTH FROM THE SUN. 173 gressive motion of light, though denounced by Fon- tenelle as a seductive error, and not admitted by Cas- sini, at length forced its way to universal acceptance. Next it was necessary to obtain correct ideas of the dimensions of the solar system, or, putting the problem under a more limited form, to determine the distance of the earth from the sun. In the time of Copernicus it was supposed that the sun's distance could not exceed five million miles, and indeed there were many who thought that estimate very extravagant. From a review of the observations of Tycho Brahe, Kepler, however, concluded that the error was actually in the opposite direction, and that the esti- mate must be raised to at least thirteen million. In 1670 Cassini showed that these numbers were alto- gether inconsistent with the facts, and gave as his con- clusion eighty-five million. The transit of Venus over the face of the sun, June 3, 1769, had been foreseen, and its great value in the solution of this fundamental problem in astronomy appreciated. With commendable alacrity various gov- ernments contributed their assistance in making obser- vations, so that in Europe there were fifty stations, in Asia six, in America seventeen. It was for this pur- pose that the English Government dispatched Captain Cook on his celebrated first voyage. He went to Ota- heite. His voyage was crowned with success. The sun rose without a cloud, and the sky continued equally clear throughout the day. The transit at Cook's station lasted from about half-past nine in the morning until about half-past three in the afternoon, and all the observations were made in a satisfactory manner. But, on the discussion of the observations made at the different stations, it was found that there was not 174 DIMENSIONS OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM. the accordance that could have been desired the result varying from eighty-eight to one hundred and nine million. The celebrated mathematician, Encke, there- fore reviewed them in 1822-'24, and came to the conclu- sion that the sun's horizontal parallax, that is, the angle under which the semi-diameter of the earth is seen from the sun, is 8^^ seconds; this gave as the distance 95,274,000 miles. Subsequently the observations were reconsidered by Hansen, who gave as their result 91,- 659,000 miles. Still later, Leverrier made it 91,759,- 000. Airy and Stone, by another method, made it 91,400,000; Stone alone, by a revision of the old obser- vations, 91,730,000; and finally, Foucault and Fizeau, from physical experiments, determining the velocity of light, and therefore in their nature altogether differing from transit observations, 91,400,000. Until the results of the transit of next year (1874) are ascertained, it must therefore be admitted that the distance of the earth from the sun is somewhat less than ninety-two million miles. This distance once determined, the dimensions of the solar system may be ascertained with ease and precision. It is enough to mention that the distance of Neptune from the sun, the most remote of the planets at present known, is about thirty times that of the earth. By the aid of these numbers we may begin to gain a just appreciation of the doctrine of the human destiny of the universe the doctrine that all things were made for man. Seen from the sun, the earth dwindles away to a mere speck, a mere dust-mote glistening in his beams. If the reader wishes a more precise valuation, let him hold a page of this book a couple of feet from his eye; then let him consider one of its dots or full- stops; that dot is several hundred times larger in sur- face than is the earth as seen from the sun! DISTANCES OF THE STAES. 175 Of what consequence, then, can such an almost im- perceptible particle be? One might think that it could be removed or even annihilated, and yet never be missed. Of what consequence is one of those human monads, of whom more than a thousand millions swarm on the sur- face of this all but invisible speck, and of a million of whom scarcely one will leave a trace that he has ever existed? Of what consequence is man, his pleasures or his pains? Among the arguments brought forward against the Copernican system at the time of its promulgation, was one by the great Danish astronomer, Tycho Brahe, origi- nally urged by Aristarchus against the Pythagorean system, to the effect that if, as was alleged, the earth moves round the sun, there ought to be a change of the direction in which the fixed stars appear. At one time we are nearer to a particular region of the heavens by a distance equal to the whole diameter of the earth's orbit than we were six months previously, and hence there ought to be a change in the relative position of the stars; they should seem to separate as we approach them, and to close together as we recede from them; or, to use the astronomical expression, these stars should have a yearly parallax. The parallax of a star is the angle contained between two lines drawn from it one to the sun, the other to the earth. At that time, the earth's distance from the sun was greatly under-estimated. Had it been known, as it is now, that that distance exceeds ninety million miles, or that the diameter of the orbit is more than one hundred and eighty million, that argument would doubtless have had very great weight. In reply to Tycho, it was said that, since the paral- 170 DISTANCES OP TUB STARS. lax of a body diminishes as its distance increases, a star may be so far off that its parallax may be imperceptible. This answer proved to be correct. The detection of the parallax of the stars depended on the improvement of instruments for the measurement of angles. The parallax of a Centauri, a fine double star of the Southern Hemisphere, at present considered to be the nearest of the fixed stars, was first determined by Hen- derson and Maclear at the Cape of Good Hope in 1832-'33. It is about nine-tenths of a second. Hence this star is almost two hundred and thirty thousand times as far from us as the sun. Seen from it, if the sun were even large enough to fill the whole orbit of the earth, or one hundred and eighty million miles in diameter, he would be a mere point. With its com- panion, it revolves round their common centre of grav- ity in eighty-one years, and hence it would seem that their conjoint mass is less than that of the sun. The star 61 Cygni is of the sixth magnitude. Its parallax was first found by Bessel in 1838, and is about one-third of a second. The distance from us is, there- fore, much more than five hundred thousand times that of the sun. With its companion, it revolves round their common centre of gravity in five hundred and twenty years. Their conjoint weight is about one-third that of the sun. There is reason to believe that the great star Sirius, the brightest in the heavens, is about six times as far off as a Centauri. His probable diameter is twelve million miles, and the light he emits two hundred times more brilliant than that of the sun. Yet, even through the telescope, he has no measurable diameter; he looks merely like a very bright spark. The stars, then, differ not merely in visible magni- BRUNO. 177 tude, but also in actual size. As the spectroscope shows, they differ greatly in chemical and physical constitution. That instrument is also revealing to us the duration of the life of a star, through changes in the refrangibility of the emitted light. Though, as we have seen, the near- est to us is at an enormous and all but immeasurable dis- tance, this is but the first step there are others the rays of which have taken thousands, perhaps millions, of years to reach us! The limits of our own system are far be- yond the range of our greatest telescopes; what, then, shall we say of other systems beyond? Worlds are scat- tered like dust in the abysses in space. Have these gigantic bodies myriads of which are placed at so vast a distance that our unassisted eyes can- not perceive them have these no other purpose than that assigned by theologians, to give light to us? Does not their enormous size demonstrate that, as they are centres of force, so they must be centres of motion suns for other systems of worlds? "While yet these facts were very imperfectly .known indeed, were rather speculations than facts Giordano Bruno, an Italian, born seven years after the death of Copernicus, published a work on the " Infinity of the Universe and of Worlds; " he was also the author of " Evening Conversations on Ash- Wednesday," an apol- ogy for the Copernican system, and of " The One Sole Cause of Things." To these may be added an allegory published in 1584, " The Expulsion of the Triumphant Beast." He had also collected, for the use of future as- tronomers, all the observations he could find respecting the new star that suddenly appeared in Cassiopeia, A. D. 1572, and increased in brilliancy, until it surpassed all the other stars. It could be plainly seen in the day- time. On a sudden, November llth, it was as bright 178 BRUNO. as Venus at her brightest. In the following March it was of the first magnitude. It exhibited various hues of color in a few months, and disappeared in March, 1574. The star that suddenly appeared in Serpentarius, in Kepler's time (1604), was at first brighter than Venus. It lasted more than a year, and, passing through various tints of purple, yellow, red, became extinguished. Originally, Bruno was intended for the Church. He had become a Dominican, but was led into doubt by his meditations on the subjects of transubstantiation and the immaculate conception. Not caring to conceal his opinion, he soon fell under the censure of the spiritual authorities, and found it necessary to seek refuge suc- cessively in Switzerland, France, England, Germany. The cold-scented sleuth-hounds of the Inquisition fol- lowed his track remorselessly, and eventually hunted him back to Italy. He was arrested in Venice, and confined in the Piombi for six years, without books, or paper, or friends. In England he had given lectures on the plurality of worlds, and in that country had written, in Italian, his most important works. It added not a little to the exasperation against him, that he was perpetually de- claiming against the insincerity, the impostures, of his persecutors that wherever he went he found skepti- cism varnished over and concealed by hypocrisy; and that it was not against the belief of men, but against their pretended belief, that he was fighting; that he was struggling with an orthodoxy that had neither morality nor faith. In his " Evening Conversations " he had insisted that the Scriptures were never intended to teach science, but morals only; and that they cannot be received as of SCIENTIFIC IDEAS OF BRUNO. 179 any authority on astronomical and physical subjects. Especially must we reject the view they reveal to us of the constitution of the world, that the earth is a flat sur- face, supported on pillars; that the sky is a firmament the floor of heaven. On the contrary, we must believe that the universe is infinite, and that it is filled with self-luminous and opaque worlds, many of them in- habited; that there is nothing above and around us but space and stars. His meditations on these subjects had brought him to the conclusion that the views of Aver- roes are not far from the truth that there is an Intel- lect which animates the universe, and of this Intellect the visible world is only an emanation or manifestation, originated and sustained by force derived from it, and, were that force withdrawn, all things would disappear. This ever-present, all-pervading Intellect is God, who lives in all things, even such as seem not to live; that every thing is ready to become organized, to burst into life. God is, therefore, " the One Sole Cause of Things/' " the All in All." Bruno may hence be considered among philosophical writers as intermediate between Averroes and Spinoza. The latter held that God and the Universe are the same, that all events happen by an immutable law of Nature, by an unconquerable necessity; that God is the Uni- verse, producing a series of necessary movements or acts, in consequence of intrinsic, unchangeable, and ir- resistible energy. On the demand of the spiritual authorities, Bruno was removed from Venice to Eome, and confined in the prison of the Inquisition, accused not only of being a heretic, but also a heresiarch, who had written things unseemly concerning religion; the special charge against him being that he had taught the plurality of worlds, a I si) TIIK MURDER OP BRUNO. doctrine repugnant to the whole tenor of Scripture and inimical to revealed religion, especially as regards the plan of salvation. After an imprisonment of two years he was brought before his judges, declared guilty of the acts alleged, excommunicated, and, on his nobly refusing to recant, was delivered over to the secular authorities to be punished " as mercifully as possible, and without the shedding of his blood," the horrible formula for burning a prisoner at the stake. Knowing well that though his tormentors might destroy his body, his thoughts would still live among men, he said to his judges, " Perhaps it is with greater fear that you pass the sentence upon me than I receive it." The sentence was carried into effect, and he was burnt at Rome, February 16th, A. D. 1600. No one can recall without sentiments of pity the sufferings of those countless martyrs, who first by one party, and then by another, have been brought for their religious opinions to the stake. But each of these had in his supreme moment a powerful and unfailing sup- port. The passage from this life to the next, though through a hard trial, was the passage from a transient trouble to eternal happiness, an escape from the cruelty of earth to the charity of heaven. On his way through the dark valley the martyr believed that there was an invisible hand that would lead him, a friend that would guide him all the more gently and firmly because of the terrors of the flames. For Bruno there was no such support. The philosophical opinions, for the sake of which he surrendered his life, could give him no con- solation. He must fight the last fight alone. Is there not something very grand in the attitude of this solitary man, something which human nature cannot help ad- miring, as he stands in the gloomy hall before his inex- MURDER OF BRUNO. 181 orable judges? N~o accuser, no witness, no advocate is present, but the familiars of the Holy Office, clad in black, are stealthily moving about. The tormentors and the rack are in the vaults below. He is simply told that he has brought upon himself strong suspicions of heresy, since he has said that there are other worlds than ours. He is asked if he will recant and abjure his error. He cannot and will not deny what he knows to be true, and perhaps for he had often done so before he tells his judges that they, too, in their hearts are of the same belief. What a contrast between this scene of manly honor, of unshaken firmness, of inflexible adherence to the truth, and that other scene which took place more than fifteen centuries previously by the fireside in the hall of Caiaphas the high-priest, when the cock crew, and " the Lord turned and looked upon Peter " (Luke xxii. 61)! And yet it is upon Peter that the Church has grounded her right to act as she did to Bruno. But perhaps the day approaches when posterity will offer an expiation for this great ecclesiastical crime, and a statue of Bruno be unveiled under the dome of St. Peter's at Rome. CHAPTER VII. CONTROVERSY RESPECTING THE AGE OF THE EARTH. Scriptural view that the Earth is only six thousand years old, and that it was made in a week. Patristic chronology founded on the ages of the patriarchs. Difficulties arising from different estimates in different versions of the Bible. Legend of the Deluge. The repeopling. The Tower of Babel ; the confusion of tongues. The primitive language. Discovery by Cassini of the oblaleness of the planet Jupiter. Discovery by Newton of the oblateness of the Earth. Deduc- tion that she has been modeled by mechanical causes. Con- firmation of this by geological discoveries respecting aqueous rocks; corroboration by organic remains. The necessity of admitting enormously long periods of time. Displacement of the doctrine of Creation by that of Evolution. Discoveries re- specting the Antiquity of Man. The time-scale and space-scale of the world are infinite. Modera- tion with which the discussion of the Age of the World has been conducted. THE true position of the earth in the universe was established only after a long and severe conflict. The Church used whatever power she had, even to the in- fliction of death, for sustaining her ideas. But it was in vain. The evidence in behalf of the Copernican theory became irresistible. It was at length universally admitted that the sun is the central, the ruling body of our system; the earth only one, and by no means the largest, of a family of encircling planets. Taught by the issue of that dispute, when the ques- 182 AGE OF THE EARTH. 183 tion of the age of the world presented itself for con- sideration, the Church did not exhibit the active resist- ance she had displayed on the former occasion. For, though her traditions were again put in jeopardy, they were not, in her judgment, so vitally assailed. To de- throne the Earth from her dominating position was, so the spiritual authorities declared, to undermine the very foundation of revealed truth; but discussions respecting the date of creation might within certain limits be per- mitted. Those limits were, however, very quickly over- passed, and thus the controversy became as dangerous as the former one had been. It was not possible to adopt the advice given by Plato in his " Timasus," when treating of this subject the origin of the universe: " It is proper that both I who speak and you who judge should remember that we are but men, and therefore, receiving the probable mythological tradition, it is meet that we inquire no further into it." Since the time of St. Augustine the Scriptures had been made the great and final authority in all matters of science, and theologians had deduced from them schemes of chronology and cosmogony which had proved to be stumbling-blocks to the advance of real knowledge. It is not necessary for us to do more than to allude to some ot the leading features of these schemes; their peculiarities will be easily discerned with sufficient clear- ness. Thus, from the six days of creation and the Sab- bath-day of rest, since we are told that a day is with the Lord as a thousand years, it was inferred that the dura- tion of the world will be through six thousand years of suffering, and an additional thousand, a millennium of rest. It was generally admitted that the earth was about four thousand years old at the birth of Christ, PATRISTIC CHRONOLOGY. but, so careless had Europe been in the study of its annals, that not until A. D. 527 had it a proper chronol- ogy of its own. A Roman abbot, Dionysius Exiguus, or Dennis the Less, then fixed the vulgar era, and gave Europe its present Christian chronology. The method followed in obtaining the earliest chro- nological dates was by computations, mainly founded on the lives of the patriarchs. Much difficulty was en- countered in reconciling numerical discrepancies. Even if, as was taken for granted in those uncritical ages, Moses was the author of the books imputed to him, due weight was not given to the fact that he related events, many of which took place more than two thousand years before he was born. It scarcely seemed necessary to regard the Pentateuch as of plenary inspiration, since no means had been provided to perpetuate its correctness. The different copies which had escaped the chances of time varied very much; thus the Samaritan made thirteen hundred and seven years from the Creation to the Deluge, the Hebrew sixteen hundred and fifty- six, the Septuagint twenty-two hundred and sixty- three. The Septuagint counted fifteen hundred years more from the Creation to Abraham than the Hebrew. In general, however, there was an inclination to the supposition that the Deluge took place about two thou- sand years after the Creation, and, after another interval of two thousand years, Christ was born. Persons who had given much attention to the subject affirmed that there were not less than one hundred and thirty-two different opinions as to the year in which the Messiah appeared, and hence they declared that it was inexpedi- ent to press for acceptance the Scriptural numbers too closely, since it was plain, from the great differences in different copies, that there had been no providential PATRISTIC CHRONOLOGY. 185 intervention to perpetuate a correct reading, nor was there any mark by which men could be guided to the only authentic version. Even those held in the highest esteem contained undeniable errors. Thus the Septua- gint made Methuselah live until after the Deluge. It was thought that, in the antediluvian world, the year consisted of three hundred and sixty days. Some even affirmed that this was the origin of the division of the circle into three hundred and sixty degrees. At the time of the Deluge, so many theologians declared, the motion of the sun was altered, and the year became five days and six hours longer. There was a prevalent opinion that that stupendous event occurred on Novem- ber 3d, in the year of the world 1656. Dr. Whiston, however, disposed to greater .precision, inclined to post- pone it to November 28th. Some thought that the rainbow was not seen until after the Flood; others, ap- parently with better reason, inferred that it was then first established as a sign. On coming forth from the ark, men received permission to use flesh as food, the antediluvians having been herbivorous! It would seem that the Deluge had not occasioned any great geographical changes, for Noah, relying on his antedi- luvian knowledge, proceeded to divide the earth among his three sons, giving to Japhet Europe, to Shem Asia, to Ham Africa. No provision was made for America, as he did not know of its existence. These patriarchs, undeterred by the terrible solitudes to which they were going, by the undrained swamps and untracked for- ests, journeyed to their allotted possessions, and com- menced the settlement of the continents. In seventy years the Asiatic family had increased to several hundred. They had found their way to the plains of Mesopotamia, and there, for some motive that 180 PATRISTIC CHRONOLOGY. we cannot divine, began building a tower " whose top might reach to heaven." Eusebius informs us that the work continued for forty years. They did not abandon it until a miraculous confusion of their language took place and dispersed them all over the earth. St. Am- brose shows that this confusion could not have been brought about by men. Origen believes that not even the angels accomplished it. The confusion of tongues has given rise to many curious speculations among divines as to the primitive speech of man. Some have thought that the language of Adam consisted altogether of nouns, that they were monosyllables, and that the confusion was occasioned by the introduction of polysyllables. But these learned men must surely have overlooked the numerous conver- sations reported in Genesis, such as those between the Almighty and Adam, the serpent and Eve, etc. In these all the various parts of speech occur. There was, however, a coincidence of opinion that the primitive language was Hebrew. On the general principles of patristicism, it was fitting that this should be the case. The Greek Fathers computed that, at the time of the dispersion, seventy-two nations were formed, and in this conclusion St. Augustine coincides. But difficulties seem to have been recognized in these computations; thus the learned Dr. Shuckford, .who has treated very elaborately on all the foregoing points in his excellent work " On the Sacred and Profane History of the World connected," demonstrates that there could not have been more than twenty-one or twenty-two men, women, and children, in each of those kingdoms. A very vital point in this system of chronological computation, based upon the ages of the patriarchs, was the great length of life to which those worthies attained. PATRISTIC CHRONOLOGY. 187 It was generally supposed that before the Flood " there was a perpetual equinox/' and no vicissitudes in Nature. After that event the standard of life diminished one- half, and in the time of the Psalmist it had sunk to seventy years, at which it still remains. Austerities of climate were affirmed to have arisen through the shifting of the earth's axis at the Flood, and to this ill effect were added the noxious influences of that universal catastro- phe, which, " converting the surface of the earth into a vast swamp, gave rise to fermentations of the blood and a weakening of the fibres." With a view of avoiding difficulties arising from the extraordinary length of the patriarchal lives, certain divines suggested that the years spoken of by the sacred penman were not ordinary but lunar years. This, though it might bring the age of those venerable men within the recent term of life, introduced, however, another insuperable difficulty, since it made them have children when only five or six years old. Sacred science, as interpreted by the Fathers of the Church, demonstrated these facts: 1. That the date of Creation was comparatively recent, not more than four or five thousand years before Christ; 2. That the act of Creation occupied the space of six ordinary days; 3. That the Deluge was universal, and that the animals which survived it were preserved in an ark; 4. That Adam was created perfect in morality and intelligence, that he fell, and that his descendants have shared in his sin and his fall. Of these points and others that might be mentioned there were two on which ecclesiastical authority felt that it must insist. These were: 1. The recent date of Creation; for, the remoter that event, the more urgent the necessity of vindicating the justice of God, who ap- 188 SCIENTIFIC COSMOGONY". parcntly had left the majority of our race to its fate, and had reserved salvation for the few who were living in the closing ages of the world; 2. The perfect con- dition of Adam at his creation, since this was necessary to the theory of the fall and the plan of salvation. Theological authorities were therefore constrained to look with disfavor on any attempt to carry back the origin of the earth to an epoch indefinitely remote, and on the Mohammedan theory of the evolution of man from lower forms, or his gradual development to his present condition in the long lapse of time. From the puerilities, absurdities, and contradictions of the foregoing statement, we may gather how very un- satisfactory this so-called sacred science was. And per- haps we may be brought to the conclusion to which Dr. Shuckford, above quoted, was constrained to come, after his wearisome and unavailing attempt to coordinate its various parts: " As to the Fathers of the first ages of the Church, they were good men, but not men of uni- versal learning." Sacred cosmogony regards the formation and mod- eling of the earth as the direct act of God; it rejects the intervention of secondary causes in those events. Scientific cosmogony dates from the telescopic dis- covery made by Cassini an Italian astronomer, under whose care Louis XIV. placed the Observatory of Paris that the planet Jupiter is not a sphere, but an oblate spheroid, flattened at the poles. Mechanical philosophy demonstrated that such a figure is the necessary result of the rotation of a yielding mass, and that the more rapid the rotation the greater the flattening, or, what comes to the same thing, the greater the equatorial bulg- ing must be. FORMATION OF THE EARTH. 189 From considerations purely of a mechanical kind Newton had foreseen that such likewise, though to a less striking extent, must be the figure of the earth. To the protuberant mass is due the precession of the equinoxes, which requires twenty-five thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight years for its completion, and also the nutation of the earth's axis, discovered by Bradley. 'We have already had occasion to remark that the earth's equatorial diameter exceeds the polar by about twenty-six miles. Two facts are revealed by the oblateness of the earth: 1. That she has formerly been in a yielding or plastic condition; 2. That she has been modeled by a mechanical and therefore a secondary cause. But this influence of mechanical causes is mani- fested not only in the exterior configuration of the globe of the earth as a spheroid of revolution, it also plainly appears on an examination of the arrangement of her substance. If we consider the aqueous rocks, their aggregate is many miles in thickness; yet they undeniably have been of slow deposit. The material of which they con- sist has been obtained by the disintegration of ancient lands; it has found its way into the water-courses, and by them been distributed anew. Effects of this kind, taking place before our eyes, require a very consid- erable lapse of time to produce a well-marked result a water deposit may in this manner measure in thick- ness a few inches in a century what, then, shall we say as to the time consumed in the formation of depos- its of many thousand yards? The position of the coast-line of Egypt has been known for much more than two thousand years. In that time it has made, by reason of the detritus brought 190 ANTIQUITY OP THE EARTH. down by the Nile, a distinctly-marked encroachment on the Mediterranean. But all Lower Egypt has had a similar origin. The coast-line near the mouth of the Mississippi has been well known for three hundred years, and during that time has scarcely made a percep- tible advance on the Gulf of Mexico; but there was a time when the delta of that river was at St. Louis, more than seven hundred miles from its present position. In Egypt and in America in fact, in all countries the rivers have been inch by inch prolonging the land into the sea; the slowness of their work and the vastness of its extent satisfy us that we must concede for the opera- tion enormous periods of time. To the same conclusion we are brought if we con- sider the filling of lakes, the deposit of travertines, the denudation of hills, the cutting action of the sea on its shores, the undermining of cliffs, the weathering of rocks by atmospheric water and carbonic acid. Sedimentary strata must have been originally de- posited in planes nearly horizontal. Vast numbers of them have been forced, either by paroxysms at intervals or by gradual movement, into all manner of angular in- clinations. Whatever explanations we may offer of these innumerable and immense tilts and fractures, they would seem to demand for their completion an incon- ceivable length of time. The coal-bearing strata in Wales, by their gradual submergence, have attained a thickness of 12,000 feet; in Nova Scotia of 14,570 feet. So slow and so steady was this submergence, that erect trees stand one above another on successive levels; seventeen such repetitions may be counted in a thickness of 4,515 feet. The age of the trees is proved by their size, some being four feet in diameter. Round them, as they gradually went GEOLOGICAL EVIDENCE OF THE EARTH'S AGE. 191 down with the subsiding soil, calamites grew, at one level after another. In the Sydney coal-field fifty-nine fossil forests occur in superposition. Marine shells, found on mountain-tops far in the interior of continents, were regarded by theological writ- ers as an indisputable illustration of the Deluge. But when, as geological studies became more exact, it was proved that in the crust of the earth vast fresh-water for- mations are repeatedly intercalated with vast marine ones, like the leaves of a book, it became evident that no single cataclysm was sufficient to account for such results; that the same region, through gradual varia- tions of its level and changes in its topographical sur- roundings, had sometimes been dry land, sometimes cov- ered with fresh and sometimes with sea water. It be- came evident also that, for the completion of these changes, tens of thousands of years were required. To this evidence of a remote origin of the earth, derived from the vast superficial extent, the enormous thickness, and the varied characters of its strata, was added an imposing body of proof depending on its fos- sil remains. The relative ages of formations having been ascertained, it was shown that there has been an advancing physiological progression of organic forms, both vegetable and animal, from the oldest to the most recent; that those which inhabit the surface in our times are but an insignificant fraction of the prodi- gious multitude that have inhabited it heretofore; that for each species now living there are thousands that have become extinct. Though special formations are so strikingly characterized by some predominating type of life as to justify such expressions as the age of mol- lusks, the age of reptiles, the age of mammals, the intro- duction of the new-comers did not take place abruptly, < KKAT1ON AND ELOLUTloN. as by sudden creation. They gradually emerged in an antecedent age, reached their culmination in the one which they characterize, and then gradually died out in a succeeding. There is no such thing as a sudden crea- tion, a sudden strange appearance; but there is a slow metamorphosis, a slow development from a preexisting form. Here again we encounter the necessity of ad- mitting for such results long periods of time. Within the range of history no well-marked instance of such development has been witnessed, and we speak with hesitation of doubtful instances of extinction. Yet in geological times myriads of evolutions and extinctions have occurred. Since thus, within the experience of man, no case of metamorphosis or development has been observed, some have been disposed to deny its possibility altogether, affirming that all the different species have come into existence by separate creative acts. But surely it is less unphilosophical to suppose that each species has been evolved from a predecessor by a modification of its parts, than that it has suddenly started into existence out of nothing. Nor is there much weight in the re- mark that no man has ever witnessed such a transfor- mation taking place. Let it be remembered that no man has ever witnessed an act of creation, the sudden appearance of an organic form, without any progenitor. Abrupt, arbitrary, disconnected creative acts may serve to illustrate the Divine power; but that continu- ous unbroken chain of organisms which extends from palaeozoic formations to the formations of recent times, a chain in which each link hangs on a preceding and sustains a succeeding one, demonstrates to us not only that the production of animated beings is governed by law, but that it is by law that has undergone no change. GEOLOGICAL EVIDENCE OF THE EARTH'S AGE. 193 In its operation, through myriads of ages, there has been no variation, no suspension. The foregoing paragraphs may serve to indicate the character of a portion of the evidence with which we must deal in considering the problem of the age of the earth. Through the unintermitting labors of geologists, so immense a mass has been accumulated, that many volumes would be required to contain the details. It is drawn from the phenomena presented by all kinds of rocks, aqueous, igneous, metamorphic. Of aqueous rocks it investigates the thickness, the inclined positions, and how they rest unconformably on one another; how those that are of fresh- water origin are intercalated with those that are marine; how vast masses of material have been removed by slow-acting causes of denudation, and extensive geographical surfaces have been remodeled; how continents have undergone movements of elevation and depression, their shores sunk under the ocean, or sea-beaches and sea-cliffs carried far into the interior. It considers the zoological and botanical facts, the fauna and flora of the successive ages, and how in an orderly manner the chain of organic forms, plants, and animals, has been extended, from its dim and doubtful begin- nings to our own times. From facts presented by the deposits of coal coal which, in all its varieties, has originated from the decay of plants it not only demon- strates the changes that have taken place in the earth's atmosphere, but also universal changes of climate. From other facts it proves that there have been oscillations of temperature, periods in which the mean heat has risen, and periods in which the polar ices and snows have covered large portions of the existing continents gla- cial periods, as they are termed. One school of geologists, resting its argument on 194 ASTRONOMICAL EVIDENCE. very imposing evidence, teaches that the whole mass of the earth, from being in a molten, or perhaps a vaporous condition, has cooled by radiation in the lapse of mill- ions of ages, until it has reached its present equilibrium of temperature. Astronomical observations give great weight to this interpretation, especially so far as the planetary bodies of the solar system are concerned. It is also supported by such facts as the small mean den- sity of the earth, the increasing temperature at increas- ing depths, the phenomena of volcanoes and injected veins, and those of igneous and metamorphic rocks. To satisfy the physical changes which this school of geologists contemplates, myriads of centuries are re- quired. But, with the views that the adoption of the Co- pernican system has given us, it is plain that we can- not consider the origin and biography of the earth in an isolated way; we must include with her all the other members of the system or family to which she belongs. Nay, more, we cannot restrict ourselves to the solar system; we must embrace in our discus- sions the starry worlds. And, since we have become familiarized with their almost immeasurable distances from one another, we are prepared to accept for their origin an immeasurably remote time. There are stars so far off that their light, fast as it travels, has taken thousands of years to reach us, and hence they must have been in existence many thousands of years ago. Geologists having unanimously agreed for perhaps there is not a single dissenting voice that the chronolo- gy of the earth must be greatly extended, attempts have been made to give precision to it. Some of these have been based on astronomical, some on physical principles. Thus calculations founded on the known changes of the ANTIQUITY OF MAN. 195 eccentricity of the earth's orbit, with a view of deter- mining the lapse of time since the beginning of the last glacial period, have given two hundred and forty thousand years. Though the general postulate of the immensity of geological times may be conceded, such calculations are on too uncertain a theoretical basis to furnish incontestable results. But, considering the whole subject from the present scientific stand-point, it is very clear that the views pre- sented by theological writers, as derived from the Mo- saic record, cannot be admitted. Attempts have been repeatedly made to reconcile the revealed with the dis- covered facts, but they have proved to be unsatisfactory. The Mosaic time is too short, the order of creation in- correct, the divine interventions too anthropomorphic; and, though the presentment of the subject is in har- mony with the ideas that men have entertained, when first their minds were turned to the acquisition of natu- ral knowledge, it is not in accordance with their present conceptions of the insignificance of the earth and the grandeur of the universe. Among late geological discoveries is one of special interest; it is the detection of human remains and hu- man works in formations which, though geologically recent, are historically very remote. The fossil remains of men, with rude implements of rough or chipped flint, of polished stone, of bone, of bronze, are found in Europe in caves, in drifts, in peat- beds. They indicate a savage life, spent in hunting and fishing. Eecent researches give reason to believe that, under low and base grades, the existence of man can be traced back into the tertiary times. He was contempo- rary with the southern elephant, the rhinoceros lepto- 196 ANTIQUITY OF MAN. rhinus, the great hippopotamus, perhaps even in the miocene contemporary with the mastodon. At the close of the Tertiary period, from causes not yet determined, the Northern Hemisphere underwent a great depression of temperature. From a torrid it passed to a glacial condition. After a period of prodi- gious length, the temperature again rose, and the gla- ciers that had so extensively covered the surface receded. Once more there was a decline in the heat, and the gla- ciers again advanced, but this time not so far as for- merly. This ushered in the Quaternary period, during which very slowly the temperature came to its present degree. The water deposits that were being made re- quired thousands of centuries for their completion. At the beginning of the Quaternary period there were alive the cave-bear, the cave-lion, the amphibious hippopota- mus, the rhinoceros with chambered nostrils, the mam- moth. In fact, the mammoth swarmed. He delighted in a boreal climate. By degrees the reindeer, the horse, the ox, the bison, multiplied, and disputed with him his food. Partly for this reason, and partly because of the increasing heat, he became extinct. From middle Eu- rope, also, the reindeer retired. His departure marks the end of the Quaternary period. Since the advent of man on the earth, we have, therefore, to deal with periods of incalculable length. Vast changes in the climate and fauna were produced by the slow operation of causes such as are in action at the present day. Figures cannot enable us to appreciate these enormous lapses of time. It seems to be satisfactorily established, that a race allied to the Basques may be traced back to the Neo- lithic age. At that time the British Islands were un- dergoing a change of level, like that at present occur- ANTIQUITY OF MAN. 197 ring in the Scandinavian Peninsula. Scotland was ris- ing, England was sinking. In the Pleistocene age there existed in Central Europe a rude race of hunters and fishers closely allied to the Esquimaux. In the old glacial drift of Scotland the relics of man are found along with those of the fossil elephant. This carries us back to that time above referred to, when a large portion of Europe was covered with ice, which had edged down from the polar regions to southerly latitudes, and, as glaciers, descended from the summits of the mountain-chains into the plains. Countless spe- cies of animals perished in this cataclysm of ice and snow, but man survived. In his primitive savage condition, living for the most part on fruits, roots, shell-fish, man was in posses- sion of a fact which was certain eventually to insure his civilization. He knew how to make a fire. In peat- beds, under the remains of trees that in those localities have long ago become extinct, his relics are still found, the implements that accompany him indicating a dis- tinct chronological order. Near the surface are those of bronze, lower down those of bone or horn, still lower those of polished stone, and beneath all those of chipped or rough stone. The date of the origin of some of these beds cannot be estimated at less than forty or fifty thou- sand years. The caves that have been examined in France and elsewhere have furnished for the Stone age axes, knives, lance and arrow points, scrapers, hammers. The change from what may be termed the chipped to the polished stone period is very gradual. It coincides with the domestication of the dog, an epoch in hunting-life. It embraces thousands of centuries, The appearance of arrow-heads indicates the invention of the bow, and the 15 198 ANTIQUITY OP MAN. rise of man from a defensive to an offensive mode of life. The introduction of barbed arrows shows how in- ventive talent was displaying itself; bone and horn tips, that the huntsman was including smaller animals, and perhaps birds, in his chase; bone whistles, his compan- ionship with other huntsmen or with his dog. The scraping-knives of flint indicate the use of skin for clothing, and rude bodkins and needles its manufacture. Shells perforated for bracelets and necklaces prove how soon a taste for personal adornment was acquired; the implements necessary for the preparation of pigments suggest the painting of the body, and perhaps tattooing; and batons of rank bear witness to the beginning of a social organization. With the utmost interest we look upon the first germs of art among these primitive men. They have left us rude sketches on pieces of ivory and flakes of bone, and carvings, of the animals contemporary with them. In these prehistoric delineations, sometimes not without spirit, we have mammoths, combats of rein- deer. One presents us with a man harpooning a fish, another a hunting-scene of naked men armed with the dart. Man is the only animal who has the propensity of depicting external forms, and of availing himself of the use of fire. Shell-mounds, consisting of bones and shells, some of which may be justly described as of vast extent, and of a date anterior to the Bronze age, and full of stone implements, bear in all their parts indications of the use of fire. These are often adjacent to the existing coasts; sometimes, however, they are far inland, in certain in- stances as far as fifty miles. Their contents and posi- tion indicate for them a date posterior to that of the great extinct mammals, but prior to the domesticated. ANTIQUITY OP MAN. 199 Some of these, it is said, cannot be less than one hun- dred thousand years old. The lake-dwellings in Switzerland huts built on piles or logs, wattled with boughs were, as may be in- ferred from the accompanying implements, begun in the Stone age, and continued into that of Bronze. In the latter period the evidences become numerous of the adoption of an agricultural life. It must not be supposed that the periods into which geologists have found it convenient to divide the prog- ress of man in civilization are abrupt epochs, which hold good simultaneously for the whole human race. Thus the wandering Indians of America are only at the present moment emerging from the Stone age. They are still to be seen in many places armed with arrows, tipped with flakes of flint. It is but as yesterday that some have obtained, from the white man, iron, fire-arms, and the horse. So far as investigations have gone, they indisputably refer the existence of man to a date remote from us by many hundreds of thousands of years. It must be borne in mind that these investigations are quite recent, and confined to a very limited geographical space. No researches have yet been made in those regions which might reasonably be regarded as the primitive habitat of man. We are thus carried back immeasurably beyond the six thousand years of Patristic chronology. It is diffi- cult to assign a shorter date for the last glaciation of Europe than a quarter of a million of years, and human existence antedates that. But not only is it this grand fact that confronts us, we have to admit also a primitive animalized state, and a slow, a gradual development. But this forlorn, this savage condition of humanity 200 AGE OF THE EARTH. is in strong contrast to the paradisiacal happiness of the garden of Eden, and, what is far more serious, it is in- consistent with the theory of the Fall. I have been induced to place the subject of this chapter out of its proper chronological order, for the sake of presenting what I had to say respecting the na- ture of the world more completely by itself. The dis- cussions that arose as to the age of the earth were long after the conflict as to the criterion of truth that is, after the Reformation; indeed, they were substantially included .in the present century. They have been con- ducted with so much moderation as to justify the term I have used in the title of this chapter, " Controversy," rather than " Conflict." Geology has not had to en- counter the vindictive opposition with which astronomy was assailed, and, though, on her part, she has insisted on a concession of great antiquity for the earth, she has herself pointed out the unreliability of all numerical estimates thus far offered. The attentive reader of this chapter cannot have failed to observe inconsistencies in the numbers quoted. Though wanting the merit of ex- actness, those numbers, however, justify the claim of vast antiquity, and draw us to the conclusion that the time-scale of the world answers to the space-scale in magnitude. CHAPTER VIII. CONFLICT RESPECTING THE CRITERION OF TRUTH. Ancient philosophy declares that man has no means of ascertain- ing the truth. Differences of 'belief arise among the early Christians. An inef- fectual attempt is made to remedy them by Councils. Miracle and ordeal proof introduced. The papacy resorts to auricular confession and the Inquisition. It perpetrates frightful atrocities for the suppression of dif- ferences of opinion. Effect of the discovery of the Pandects of Justinian and develop- ment of the canon law on the nature of evidence. It becomes more scientific. The Reformation establishes the rights of individual reason. Catholicism asserts that the criterion of truth is in the Church. It restrains the reading of books by the Index Ex- purgatorius, and combats dissent by such means as the mas- sacre of St. Bartholomew's Eve. Examination of the authenticity of the Pentateuch as the Prot- estant criterion. Spurious character of those books. For Science the criterion of truth is to be found in the revelations of Nature ; for the Protestant, it is in the Scriptures; for the Catholic, in an infallible Pope. " WHAT is truth? " was the passionate demand of a Roman procurator on one of the most momentous occa- sions in history. And the Divine Person who stood before him, to whom the interrogation was addressed, made no reply unless, indeed, silence contained the reply. Often and vainly had that demand been made before 201 202 T1IE CRITERION OP TRUTH. often and vainly has it been made since. No one has yet given a satisfactory answer. When, at the dawn of science in Greece, the ancient religion was disappearing like a mist at sunrise, the pious and thoughtful men of that country were thrown into a condition of intellectual despair. Anaxagoras plaintively exclaims, " Nothing can be known, nothing can be learned, nothing can be certain, sense is limited, intellect is weak, life is short." Xenophanes tells us that it is impossible for us to be certain even when we utter the truth. Parmenides declares that the very con- stitution of man prevents him from ascertaining abso- lute truth. Empedocles affirms that all philosophical and religious systems must be unreliable, because we have no criterion by which to test them. Democritus asserts that even things that are true cannot impart cer- tainty to us; that the final result of human inquiry is the discovery that man is incapable of absolute knowl- edge; that, even if the truth be in his possession, he cannot be certain of it. Pyrrho bids us reflect on the necessity of suspending our judgment of things, since we have no criterion of truth; so deep a distrust did he impart to his followers, that they were in the habit of saying, " We assert nothing; no, not even that we assert nothing." Epicurus taught his disciples that truth can never be determined by reason. Arcesilaus, deny- ing both intellectual and sensuous knowledge, publicly avowed that he knew nothing, not even his own igno- rance! The general conclusion to which Greek philoso- phy came was this: that, in view of the contradiction of the evidence of the senses, we cannot distinguish the true from the false; and such is the imperfection of rea- son, that we cannot affirm the correctness of any philo- sophical deduction. THE CRITERION OP TRUTH. 203 It might be supposed that a revelation from God to man would come with such force and clearness as to settle all uncertainties and overwhelm all opposition. A Greek philosopher, less despairing than others, had ventured to affirm that the coexistence of two forms of faith, both claiming to be revealed by the omnipotent God, proves that neither of them is true. But let us remember that it is difficult for men to come to the same conclusion as regards even material and visible things, unless they stand at the same point of view. If discord and distrust were the condition of philosophy three hundred years before the birth of Christ, discord and distrust were the condition of religion three hun- dred years after his death. This is what Hilary, the Bishop of Poictiers, in his well-known passage written about the time of the Nicene Council, says: " It is a thing equally deplorable and dangerous that there are as many creeds as opinions among men, as many doctrines and inclinations, and as many sources of blasphemy as there are faults among us, because we make creeds arbitrarily and explain them as arbitrarily. Every year, nay, every moon, we make new creeds to describe invisible mysteries; we repent of what we have done; we defend those who repent; we anathe- matize those whom we defend; we condemn either the doctrines of others in ourselves, or our own in that of others; and, reciprocally tearing each other to pieces, we have been the cause of each other's ruin." These are not mere words; but the import of this self-accusation can be realized fully only by such as are familiar with the ecclesiastical history of those times. As soon as the first fervor of Christianity as a sys- tem of benevolence had declined, dissensions appeared. Ecclesiastical historians assert that " as early as the sec- 204 EARLY CHRISTIAN COUNCILS. ond century began the contest between faith and rea- son, religion and philosophy, piety and genius." To compose these dissensions, to obtain some authoritative expression, some criterion of truth, assemblies for con- sultation were resorted to, which eventually took the form of councils. For a long time they had nothing more than an advisory authority; but when, in the fourth century, Christianity had attained to imperial rule, their dictates became compulsory, being enforced by the civil power. By this the whole face of the Church was changed. (Ecumenical councils parlia- ments of Christianity consisting of delegates from all the churches in the world, were summoned by the au- thority of the emperor; he presided either personally or nominally in them composed all differences, and was, in fact, the Pope of Christendom. Mosheim, the historian, to whom I have more particularly referred above, speaking of these times, remarks that " there was nothing to exclude the ignorant from ecclesiastical preferment; the savage and illiterate party, who looked on all kinds of learning, particularly philosophy, as per- nicious to piety, was increasing; " and, accordingly," the disputes carried on in the Council of Nicea offered a re- markable example of the greatest ignorance and utter confusion of ideas, particularly in the language and ex- planations of those who approved of the decisions of that council." Vast as its influence has been, " the ancient critics are neither agreed concerning the time nor place in which it was assembled, the number of those who sat in it, nor the bishop who presided. No authentic acts of its famous sentence have been com- mitted to writing, or, at least, none have been trans- mitted to our times." The Church had now become what, in the language of modern politicians, would be THE COUNCIL OF NICEA. 205 called " a confederated republic." The will of the coun- cil was determined by a majority vote, and, to secure that, all manner of intrigues and impositions were re- sorted to; the influence of court females, bribery, and violence, were not spared. The Council of Mcca had scarcely adjourned, when it was plain to all impartial men that, as a method of establishing a criterion of truth in religious matters, such councils were a total failure. The minority had no rights which the majority need re- spect. The protest of many good men, that a mere ma- jority vote given by delegates, whose right to vote had never been examined and authorized, could not be re- ceived as ascertaining absolute truth, was passed over with contempt, and the consequence was, that council was assembled against council, and their jarring and contradictory decrees spread perplexity and confusion throughout the Christian world. In the fourth century alone there were thirteen councils adverse to Arius, fif- teen in his favor, and seventeen for the semi-Arians in all, forty-five. Minorities were perpetually attempt- ing to use the weapon which majorities had abused. The impartial ecclesiastical historian above quoted, moreover, says that " two monstrous and calamitous errors were adopted in this fourth century: 1. That it was an act of virtue to deceive and lie when, by that means, the interests of the Church might be promoted. 2. That errors in religion, when maintained and ad- hered to after proper admonition, were punishable with civil penalties and corporal tortures." Not without astonishment can we look back at what, in those times, were popularly regarded as criteria of truth. Doctrines were considered as established by the number of martyrs who had professed them, by mira- cles, by the confession of demons, of lunatics, or of per- 206 TRUTH DETERMINED BY MIRACLES. sons possessed of evil spirits: thus, St; Ambrose, in his disputes with the Arians, produced men possessed by devils, who, on the approach of the relics of certain martyrs, acknowledged, with loud cries, that the Nicean doctrine of the three persons of the Godhead was true. But the Arians charged him with suborning these infer- nal witnesses with a weighty bribe. Already, ordeal tribunals were making their appearance. During the following six centuries they were held as a final resort for establishing guilt or innocence, under the forms of trial by cold water, by duel, by the fire, by the cross. What an utter ignorance of the nature of evidence and its laws have we here! An accused man sinks or swims when thrown into a pond of water; he is burnt or escapes unharmed when he holds a piece of red-hot iron in his hand; a champion whom he has hired is van- quished or vanquishes in single fight; he can keep his arms outstretched like a cross, or fails to do so longer than his accuser, and his innocence or guilt of some im- puted crime is established! Are these criteria of truth? Is it surprising that all Europe was filled with im- posture miracles during those ages? miracles that are a disgrace to the common-sense of man! But the inevitable day came at length. Assertions and doctrines based upon such preposterous evidence were involved in the discredit that fell upon the evi- dence itself. As the thirteenth century is approached, we find unbelief in all directions setting in. First, it is plainly seen among the monastic orders, then it spreads rapidly among the common people. Books, such as " The Everlasting Gospel," appear among the former; sects, such as the Catharists, Waldenses, Petrobrussians, arise among the latter. They agreed in this, " that the public and established religion was a motley system AURICULAR CONFESSION AND THE INQUISITION. 207 of errors and superstitions, and that the dominion which the pope had usurped over Christians was unlawful and tyrannical; that the claim put forth by Home, that the Bishop of Borne is the supreme lord of the universe, and that neither princes nor bishops, civil governors nor ecclesiastical rulers, have any lawful power in church or state but what they receive from him, is utterly with- out foundation, and a usurpation of the rights of man." To withstand this flood of impiety, the papal gov- ernment established two institutions: 1. The Inquisi- tion; 2. Auricular confession the latter as a means of detection, the former as a tribunal for punishment. In general terms, the commission of the Inquisition was, to extirpate religious dissent by terrorism, and sur- round heresy with the most horrible associations; this necessarily implied the power of determining what con- stitutes heresy. The criterion of truth was thus in pos- session of this tribunal, which was charged " to discover and bring to judgment heretics lurking in towns, houses, cellars, woods, caves, and fields." With such savage alacrity did it carry out its object of protecting the in- terests of religion, that between 1481 and 1808 it had punished three hundred and forty thousand persons, and of these nearly thirty-two thousand had been burnt! In its earlier days, when public opinion could find no means of protesting against its atrocities, " it often put to death, without appeal, on the very day that they were accused, nobles, clerks, monks, hermits, and lay persons of every rank." In whatever direction thought- ful men looked, the air was full of fearful shadows. No one could indulge in freedom of thought without ex- pecting punishment. So dreadful were the proceedings of the Inquisition, that the exclamation of Pagliarici 208 THE INQUISITION. was the exclamation of thousands: " It is hardly possi- ble for a man to be a Christian, and die in his bed." The Inquisition destroyed the sectaries of Southern France in the thirteenth century. Its unscrupulous atrocities extirpated Protestantism in Italy and Spain. Nor did it confine itself to religious affairs; it engaged in the suppression of political discontent. Nicolas Eymeric, who was inquisitor-general of the kingdom of Aragon for nearly fifty years, and who died in 1399, has left a frightful statement of its conduct and appall- ing cruelties in his " Directorium Inquisitorum." This disgrace of Christianity, and indeed of the human race, had different constitutions in different countries. The papal Inquisition continued the tyran- ny, and eventually superseded the old episcopal inqui- sitions. The authority of the bishops was unceremo- niously put aside by the officers of the pope. By the action of the fourth Lateran Council, A. D. 1215, the power of the Inquisition was frightfully in- creased, the necessity of private confession to a priest auricular confession being at that time formally estab- lished. This, so far as domestic life was concerned, gave omnipresence and omniscience to the Inquisition. Not a man was safe. In the hands of the priest, who, at the confessional, could extract or extort from them their most secret thoughts, his wife and his servants were turned into spies. Summoned before the dread tribu- nal, he was simply informed that he lay under strong suspicions of heresy. No accuser was named; but the thumb-screw, the stretching-rope, the boot and wedge, or other enginery of torture, soon supplied that defect, and, innocent or guilty, he accused himself! Notwithstanding all this power, the Inquisition failed of its purpose. When the heretic could no longer con- EFFECTS OF THE INQUISITION. 209 front it, he evaded it. A dismal disbelief stealthily per- vaded all Europe a denial of Providence, of the im- mortality of the soul, of human free-will, and that man can possibly resist the absolute necessity, the destiny which envelops him. Ideas such as these were cher- ished in silence by multitudes of persons driven to them by the tyrannical acts of ecclesiasticism. In spite of persecution, the Waldenses still survived to propagate their declaration that the Roman Church, since Con- stantine, had degenerated from its purity and sanctity; to protest against the sale of indulgences, which they said had nearly abolished prayer, fasting, alms; to affirm that it was utterly useless to pray for the souls of the dead, since they must already have gone either to heaven or hell. Though it was generally believed that philos- ophy or science was pernicious to the interests of Chris- tianity or pure piety, the Mohammedan literature then prevailing in Spain was making converts among all classes of society. We see very plainly its influence in many of the sects that then arose; thus, " the Brethren and Sisters of the Free Spirit " held that " the universe came by emanation from God, and would finally return to him by absorption; that rational souls are so many portions of the Supreme Deity; and that the universe, considered as one great whole, is God/' These are ideas that can only be entertained in an advanced intel- lectual condition. Of this sect it is said that many suffered burning with unclouded serenity, with trium- phant feelings of cheerfulness and joy. Their orthodox enemies accused them of gratifying their passions at midnight assemblages in darkened rooms, to which both sexes in a condition of nudity repaired. A similar accu- sation, as is well known, was brought against the primi- tive Christians by the fashionable society of Eome. 210 TOE PANDECTS OP JUSTINIAN. The influences of the Averroistic philosophy were apparent in many of these sects. That Mohammedan system, considered from a Christian point of view, led to the heretical belief that the end of the precepts of Christianity is the union of the soul with the Supreme Being; that God and Nature have the same relations to each other as the soul and the body; that there is but one individual intelligence; and that one soul per- forms all the spiritual and rational functions in all the human race. When, subsequently, toward the time of the Reformation, the Italian Averroists were required by the Inquisition to give an account of themselves, they attempted to show that there is a wide distinction be- tween philosophical and religious truth; that things may be philosophically true and yet theologically false an exculpatory device condemned at length by the Lateran Council in the time of Leo X. But, in spite of auricular confession, and the Inqui- sition, these heretical tendencies survived. It has been truly said that, at the epoch of the Reformation, there lay concealed, in many parts of Europe, persons who en- tertained the most virulent enmity against Christianity. In this pernicious class were many Aristotelians, such as Pomponatius; many philosophers and wits, such as Bodin, Rabelais, Montaigne; many Italians, as Leo X., Bembo, Bruno. Miracle-evidence began to fall into discredit during the eleventh and twelfth centuries. The sarcasms of the Hispano-Moorish philosophers had forcibly drawn the attention of many of the more enlightened eccle- siastics to its illusory nature. The discovery of the Pandects of Justinian, at Amalfi, in 1130, doubtless exerted a very powerful influence in promoting the study of Roman jurisprudence, and disseminating better THE DECRETALS. 211 notions as to the character of legal or philosophical evi- dence. Hallam has cast some doubt on the well-known story of this discovery, but he admits that the celebrated copy in the Laurentian library, at Florence, is the only one containing the entire fifty books. Twenty years subsequently, the monk Gratian collected together the various papal edicts, the canons of councils, the dec- larations of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church, in a volume called " The Decretum," considered as the earliest authority in canon law. In the next century Gregory IX. published five books of Decretals, and Boniface VIII. subsequently added a sixth. To these followed the Clementine Constitutions, a seventh book of Decretals, and " A Book of Institutes," published to- gether, by Gregory XIII., in 1580, under the title of " Corpus Juris Canonici." The canon law had grad- ually gained enormous power through the control it had obtained over wills, the guardianship of orphans, mar- riages, and divorces. The rejection of miracle-evidence, and the substitu- tion of legal evidence in its stead, accelerated the ap- proach of the Eeformation. No longer was it possible to admit the requirement, which in former days An- selm, the Archbishop of Canterbury, in his treatise, " Cur Deus Homo," had enforced, that we must first believe without examination, and may afterward en- deavor to understand what we have thus believed. When Cajetan said to Luther, " Thou must believe that one single drop of Christ's blood is sufficient to redeem the whole human race, and the remaining quan- tity that was shed in the garden and on the cross was left as a legacy to the pope, to be a treasure from which indulgences were to be drawn," the soul of the sturdy German monk revolted against such a monstrous asser- 212 THE REFORMATION. tion, nor would he have believed it though a thousand miracles had been worked in its support. This shameful practice of selling indulgences for the commission of sin originated among the bishops, who, when they had need of money for their private pleasures, obtained it in that way. Abbots and monks, to whom this gainful com- merce was denied, raised funds by carrying about relics in solemn procession, and charging a fee for touching them. The popes, in their pecuniary straits, perceiving how lucrative the practice might become, deprived the bishops of the right of making such sales, and appro- priated it to themselves, established agencies, chiefly among the mendicant orders, for the traffic. Among these orders there was a sharp competition, each boast- ing of the superior value of its indulgences through its greater influence at the court of heaven, its familiar connection with the Virgin Mary and the saints in glory. Even against Luther himself, who had been an Augustinian monk, a calumny was circulated that he was first alienated from the Church by a traffic of this kind having been conferred on the Dominicans, instead of on his own order, at the time when Leo X. was rais- ing funds by this means for building St. Peter's, at Rome, A. D. 1517; and there is reason to think that Leo himself, in the earlier stages of the Reformation, attached weight to that allegation. Indulgences were thus the immediate inciting cause of the Reformation, but very soon there came into light the real principle that was animating the controversy. It lay in the question, Does the Bible owe its authen- ticity to the Church? or does the Church owe her au- thenticity to the Bible? Where is the criterion of truth? It is not necessary for me here to relate the well- THE REFORMATION. 213 known particulars of that controversy, the desolating wars and scenes of blood to which it gave rise: how Luther posted on the door of the cathedral of Witten- berg ninety-five theses, and was summoned to Rome to answer for his offense; how he appealed from the pope, ill informed at the time, to the pope when he should have been better instructed; how he was condemned as a heretic, and thereupon appealed to a general council; how, through the disputes about purgatory, transubstan- tiation, auricular confession, absolution, the fundamental idea which lay at the bottom of the whole movement came into relief, the right of individual judgment; how Luther was now excommunicated, A. D. 1520, and in de- fiance burnt the bull of excommunication and the vol- umes of the canon law, which he denounced as aiming at the subversion of all civil government, and the .exalta- tion of the papacy; how by this skillful manceuvre he brought over many of the German princes to his views; how, summoned before the Imperial Diet at Worms, he refused to retract, and, while he was hidden in the castle of Wartburg, his doctrines were spreading, and a ref- ormation under Zwingli broke out in Switzerland; how the principle of sectarian decomposition embedded in the movement gave rise to rivalries and dissensions be- tween the Germans and the Swiss, and even divided the latter among themselves under the leadership of Zwingli and of Calvin; how the Conference of Marburg, the Diet of Spires, and that at Augsburg, failed to com- pose the troubles, and eventually the German Reforma- tion assumed a political organization at Smalcalde. The quarrels between the Lutherans and the Calvinists gave hopes to Rome that she might recover her losses. Leo was not slow to discern that the Lutheran Ref- ormation was something more serious than a squabble 16 THE REFORMATION. among some monks about the profits of indulgence-sales, and the papacy set itself seriously at work to overcome the revolters. It instigated the frightful wars that for so many years desolated Europe, and left animosities which neither the Treaty of Westphalia, nor the Council of Trent after eighteen years of debate, could compose. No one can read without a shudder the attempts that were made to extend the Inquisition in foreign coun- tries. All Europe, Catholic and Protestant, was horror- stricken at the Huguenot massacre of St. Bartholomew*! Eve (A. D. 1572). For perfidy and atrocity it has no equal in the annals of the world. The desperate attempt in which the papacy had been engaged to put down its opponents by instigating civil wars, massacres, and assassinations, proved to be alto- gether abortive. Nor had the Council of Trent any better result. Ostensibly summoned to correct, illus- trate, and fix with perspicacity the doctrine of the Church, to restore the vigor of its discipline, and to re- form the lives of its ministers, it was so manipulated that a large majority of its members were Italians, and under the influence of the pope. Hence the Protestants could not possibly accept its decisions. The issue of the Reformation was the acceptance by all the Protestant Churches of the dogma that the Bible is a sufficient guide for every Christian man. Tradition was rejected, and the right of private interpretation as- sured. It was thought that the criterion of truth had at length been obtained. The authority thus imputed to the Scriptures was not restricted to matters of a purely religious or moral kind; it extended over philosophical facts and to the interpretation of Nature. Many went as far as in the old times Epiphanius had done: he believed that the LUTHER. 215 Bible contained a complete system of mineralogy! The Keformers would tolerate no science that was not in accordance with Genesis. Among them there were many who maintained that religion and piety could never nourish unless separated from learning and sci- ence. The fatal maxim that the Bible contained the sum and substance of all knowledge, useful or pos- sible to man a maxim employed with such pernicious effect of old by Tertullian and by St. Augustine, and which had so often been enforced by papal authority was still strictly insisted upon. The leaders of the Eef- ormation, Luther and Melanchthon, were determined to banish philosophy from the Church. Luther declared that the study of Aristotle is wholly useless; his vilifi- cation of that Greek philosopher knew no bounds. He is, says Luther, "truly a devil, a horrid calumniator, a wicked sycophant, a prince of darkness, a real Apol- lyon, a beast, a most horrid impostor on mankind, one in whom there is scarcely any philosophy, a public and professed liar, a goat, a complete epicure, this twice execrable Aristotle." The schoolmen were, so Luther said, " locusts, caterpillars, frogs, lice." He entertained an abhorrence for them. These opinions, though not so emphatically expressed, were entertained by Calvin. So far as science is- concerned, nothing is owed to the Eeformation. The Procrustean bed of the Pentateuch was still before her. In the annals of Christianity the most ill-omened day is that in which she separated herself from science. She compelled Origen, at that time (A. D. 231) its chief representative and supporter in the Church, to aban- don his charge in Alexandria, and retire to Caesarea. In vain through many subsequent centuries did her leading men spend themselves in as the phrase then 216 CALVIN. went " drawing forth the internal juice and marrow of the Scriptures for the explaining of things." Uni- versal history from the third to the sixteenth century shows with what result. The dark ages owe their darkness to this fatal policy. Here and there, it is true, there were great men, such as Frederick II. and Alphonso X., who, standing at a very elevated and gen- eral point of view, had detected the value of learning to civilization, and, in the midst of the dreary prospect that ecclesiasticism had created around them, had rec- ognized that science alone can improve the social con- dition of man. The infliction of the death-punishment for difference of opinion was still resorted to. When Calvin caused Servetus to be burnt at Geneva, it was obvious to every one that the spirit of persecution was unimpaired. The offense of that philosopher lay in his belief. This was, that the genuine doctrines of Christianity had been lost even before the time of the Council of Nicea; that the Holy Ghost animates the whole system of Nature, like a soul of the world, and that, with the Christ, it will be absorbed, at the end of all things, into the substance of the Deity, from which they had emanated. For this he was roasted to death over a slow fire. Was there any distinction between this Protestant auto-da-fe and the Catholic one of Vanini, who was burnt at Tou- louse, by the Inquisition, in 1629, for his " Dialogues concerning Nature? " The invention of printing, the dissemination of books, had introduced a class of dangers which the per- secution of the Inquisition could not reach. In 1559, Pope Paul IV. instituted the Congregation of the In- dex Expurgatorius. " Its duty is to examine books and manuscripts intended for publication, and to decide THE INDEX EXPURGATORIUS. 217 whether the people may be permitted to read them; to correct those books of which the errors are not nu- merous, and which contain certain useful and salutary truths, so as to bring them into harmony with the doc- trines of the Church; to condemn those of which the principles are heretical and pernicious; and to grant the peculiar privilege of perusing heretical books to cer- tain persons. This congregation, which is sometimes held in presence of the pope, but generally in the pal- ace of the Cardinal-president, has a more extensive jurisdiction than that of the Inquisition, as it not only takes cognizance of those books that contain doctrines contrary to the Eoman Catholic faith, but of those that concern the duties of morality, the discipline of the Church, the interests of society. Its name is derived from the alphabetical tables or indexes of heretical books and authors composed by its appointment." The Index Expurgatorius of prohibited books at first indicated those works which it was unlawful to read; but, on this being found insufficient, whatever was not permitted was prohibited an audacious at- tempt to prevent all knowledge, except such as suited the purposes of the Church, from reaching the people. The two rival divisions of the Christian Church Protestant and Catholic were thus in accord on one point: to tolerate no science except such as they con- sidered to be agreeable to the Scriptures. The Catho- lic, being in possession of centralized power, could make its decisions respected wherever its sway was acknowl- edged, and enforce the monitions of the Index Expurga- torius; the Protestant, whose influence was diffused among many foci in different nations, could not act in such a direct and resolute manner. Its mode of pro- cedure was, by raising a theological odium against an 218 THE SCRIPTURES THE STANDARD OP SCIENCE. offender, to put him under a social ban a course per- haps not less effectual than the other. As we have seen in former chapters, an antagonism between religion and science had existed from the earli- est days of Christianity. On every occasion permitting its display it may be detected through successive centu- ries. We witness it in the downfall of the Alexandrian Museum, in the cases of Erigena and Wiclif, in the con- temptuous rejection by the heretics of the thirteenth century of the Scriptural account of the Creation; but it was not until the epoch of Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo, that the efforts of Science to burst from the thraldom in which she was fettered became uncontrol- lable. In all countries the political power of the Church had greatly declined; her leading men perceived that the cloudy foundation on which she had stood was dis- solving away. Repressive measures against her antago- nists, in old times resorted to with effect, could be no longer advantageously employed. To her interests the burning of a philosopher here and there did more harm than good. In her great conflict with astronomy, a conflict in which Galileo stands as the central figure, she received an utter overthrow; and, as we have seen, when the immortal work of Newton was printed, she could offer no resistance, though Leibnitz affirmed, in the face of Europe, that " Newton had robbed the Deity of some of his most excellent attributes, and had sapped the foundation of natural religion/' From the time of Newton to our own time, the di- vergence of science from the dogmas of the Church has continually increased. The Church declared that the earth is the central and most important body in the universe; that the sun and moon and stars are tribu- tary to it. On these points she was worsted by astron- THE PENTATEUCH. 219 omy. She affirmed that a universal deluge had covered the earth; that the only surviving animals were such as had been saved in an ark. In this her error was estab- lished by geology. She taught that there was a first man, who, some six or eight thousand years ago, was suddenly created or called into existence in a condition of physical and moral perfection, and from that condi- tion he fell. But anthropology has shown that human beings existed far back in geological time, and in a sav- age state but little better than that of the brute. Many good and well-meaning men have attempted to reconcile the statements of Genesis with the discov- eries of science, but it is in vain. The divergence has increased so much, that it has become an absolute oppo- sition. One of the antagonists must give way. May we not, then, be permitted to examine the au- thenticity of this book, which, since the second century, has been put forth as the criterion of scientific truth? To maintain itself in a position so exalted, it must chal- lenge human criticism. In the early Christian ages, many of the most emi- nent Fathers of the Church had serious doubts respect- ing the authorship of the entire Pentateuch. I have not space, in the limited compass of these pages, to present in detail the facts and arguments that were then and have since been adduced. The literature of the subject is now very extensive. I may, however, refer the read- er to the work .of the pious and learned Dean Pri- deaux, on " The Old and New Testament connected," a work which is one of the literary ornaments of the last century. He will also find the subject more recently and exhaustively discussed by Bishop Colenso. The following paragraphs will convey a sufficiently distinct impression of the present state of the controversy: 220 THE PENTATEUCH. The Pentateuch is affirmed to have been written by Moses, under the influence of divine inspiration. Con- sidered thus, as a record vouchsafed and dictated by the Almighty, it commands not only scientific but universal consent. But here, in the first place, it may be demanded, Who or what is it that has put forth this great claim in its behalf? Not the work itself. It nowhere claims the author- ship of one man, or makes the impious declaration that it is the writing of Almighty God. Not until after the second century was there any such extravagant demand on human credulity. It ori- ginated not among the higher ranks of Christian phi- losophers, but among the more fervid Fathers of the Church, whose own writings prove them to have been unlearned and uncritical persons. Every age, from the second century to our times, has offered men of great ability, both Christian and Jewish, who have altogether repudiated these claims. Their de- cision has been founded upon the intrinsic evidence of the books themselves. These furnish plain indications of at least two distinct authors, who have been respec- tively termed Elohistic and Jehovistic. Hupfeld main- tains that the Jehovistic narrative bears marks of hav- ing been a second original record, wholly independent of the Elohistic. The two sources from which the nar- ratives have been derived are, in many respects, contra- dictory of each other. Moreover, it is asserted that the books of the Pentateuch are never ascribed to Moses in the inscriptions of Hebrew manuscripts, or in printed copies of the Hebrew Bible, nor are they styled " Books of Moses" in the Septuagint or Vulgate, but only in modern translations. THE PENTATEUCH. 221 It is clear that they cannot be imputed to the sole authorship of Moses, since they record his death. It is clear that they were not written until many hundred years after that event, since they contain references to facts which did not occur until after the establishment of the government of kings among the Jews. No man may dare to impute them to the inspiration of Almighty God their inconsistencies, incongruities, contradictions, and impossibilities, as exposed by many learned and pious moderns, both German and English, are so great. It is the decision of these critics that Genesis is a narrative based upon legends; that Exodus is not historically true; that the whole Pentateuch is unhistoric and non-Mosaic; it contains the most extraor- dinary contradictions and impossibilities, sufficient to involve the credibility of the whole imperfections so many and so conspicuous that they would destroy the authenticity of any modern historical work. Hengstenberg, in his "Dissertations on the Genuine- ness of the Pentateuch," says: " It is the unavoidable fate of a spurious historical work of any length io be involved in contradictions. This must be the case to a very great extent with the Pentateuch, if it be not gen- uine. If the Pentateuch is spurious, its histories and laws have been fabricated in successive portions, and were committed to writing in the course of many cen- turies by different individuals. From such a mode of origination a mass of contradiction is inseparable, and the improving hand of a later editor could never be capable of entirely obliterating them." To the above conclusions I may add that we are expressly told by Ezra (Esdras ii. 14) that he him- self, aided by five other persons, wrote these books in the space of forty days. He says that at the time 222 TUB PENTATEUCH. of the Babylonian captivity the ancient sacred writings of the Jews were burnt, and gives a particular detail of the circumstances under which these were composed. He sets forth that he undertook to write all that had been done in the world since the beginning. It may be said that the books of Esdras are apocryphal, but in return it may be demanded, Has that conclusion been reached on evidence that will withstand modern criti- cism? In the early ages of Christianity, when the story of the fall of man was not considered as essential to the Christian system, and the doctrine of the atone- ment had not attained that precision which Anselm eventually gave it, it was very generally admitted by the Fathers of the Church that Ezra probably did so compose the Pentateuch. Thus St. Jerome says, " Sive Mosem dicere volueris auctorem Pentateuchi, sive Es- dram ejusdem instauratorem operis, non recuso." Cle- mens Alexandrinus says that when these books had been destroyed in the captivity of Nebuchadnezzar, Esdras, having become inspired prophetically, repro- duced them. Irenams says the same. The incidents contained in Genesis, from the first to the tenth chapters inclusive (chapters which, in their bearing upon science, are of more importance than other portions of the Pentateuch), have been obviously com- piled from short, fragmentary legends of various author- ship. To the critical eye they all, however, present peculiarities which demonstrate that they were written an the banks of the Euphrates, and not in the Desert of Arabia. They contain many Chaldaisms. An Egyptian would not speak of the Mediterranean Sea as being west of him, an Assyrian would. Their scenery and ma- chinery, if such expressions may with propriety be used, are altogether Assyrian, not Egyptian. They were such ASSYRIAN TILE RECORDS. 223 records as one might expect to meet with in the cunei- form impressions of the tile libraries of the Mesopo- tamian kings. It is affirmed that one such legend, that of the Deluge, has already been exhumed, and it is not beyond the bounds of probability that the remainder may in like manner be obtained. From such Assyrian sources, the legends of the crea- tion of the earth and heaven, the garden of Eden, the making of man from clay, and of woman from one of his ribs, the temptation by the serpent, the naming of animals, the cherubim and flaming sword, the Deluge and the ark, the drying up of the waters by the wind, the building of the Tower of Babel, and the confusion of tongues, were obtained by Ezra. He commences ab- ruptly the proper history of the Jews in the eleventh chapter. At that point his universal history ceases; he occupies himself with the story of one family, the de- scendants of Shem. It is of this restriction that the Duke of Argyll, in his book on " Primeval Man/' very graphically says: " In the genealogy of the family of Shem we have a list of names which are names, and nothing more to us. It is a genealogy which neither does, nor pretends to do, more than to trace the order of succession among a few families only, out of the millions then already existing in the world. Nothing but this order of succession is given, nor is it at all certain that this order is consecu- tive or complete. Nothing is told us of all that lay be- hind that curtain of thick darkness, in front of which these names are made to pass; and yet there are, as it were, momentary liftings, through which we have glimpses of great movements which were going on, and had been long going on beyond. No shapes are distinct- ly seen. Even the direction of those movements can _-i ii\ I:K>I: AtTiiousini' OF THE PENTATEUCH. only be guessed. But voices are heard which are as the voices of many waters." I agree in the opinion of Hup- feld, that " the discovery that the Pentateuch is put to- gether out of various sources, or original documents, is beyond all doubt not only one of the most important and most pregnant with consequences for the interpretation of the historical books of the Old Testament, or rather for the whole of theology and history, but it is also one of the most certain discoveries which have been made in the domain of criticism and the history of literature. Whatever the anticritical party may bring forward to the contrary, it will maintain itself, and not retrograde again through any thing, so long as there exists such a thing as criticism; and it will not be easy for a reader upon the stage of culture on which we stand in the present day, if he goes to the examination unpreju- diced, and with an uncorrupted power of appreciating the truth, to be able to ward off its influence." What then? shall we give up these books? Does not the admission that the narrative of the fall in Eden is legendary carry with it the surrender of that most sol- emn and sacred of Christian doctrines, the atonement? Let us reflect on this! Christianity, in its earliest days, when it was converting and conquering the world, knew little or nothing about that doctrine. We have seen that, in his " Apology," Tertullian did not think it worth his while to mention it. It originated among the Gnostic heretics. It was not admitted by the Alex- andrian theological school. It was never prominently advanced by the Fathers. It was not brought into its present commanding position until the time of Anselm. Philo Judseus speaks of the story of the fall as symboli- cal; Origen regarded it as an allegory. Perhaps some of the Protestant churches may, with reason, be accused INFALLIBILITY. 225 of inconsistency, since in part they consider it as myth- ical, in part real. But if, with them, we admit that the serpent is symbolical of Satan, does not that cast an air of allegory over the whole narrative? It is to be regretted that the Christian Church has burdened itself with the defense of these books, and voluntarily made itself answerable for their manifest contradictions and errors. Their vindication, if it were possible, should have been resigned to the Jews, among whom they originated, and by whom they have been transmitted to us. Still more, it is to be deeply regret- ted that the Pentateuch, a production so imperfect as to be unable to stand the touch of modern criticism, should be put forth as the arbiter of science. Let it be remembered that the exposure of the true character of these books has been made, not by captious enemies, but by pious and learned churchmen, some of them of the highest dignity. While thus the Protestant churches have insisted on the acknowledgment of the Scriptures as the criterion of truth, the Catholic has, in our own times, declared the infallibility of the pope. It may be said that this infallibility applies only to moral or religious things; but where shall the line of separation be drawn? Om- niscience cannot be limited to a restricted group of questions; in its very nature it implies the knowledge of all, and infallibility means omniscience. Doubtless, if the fundamental principles of Italian Christianity be admitted, their logical issue is an infal- lible pope. There is no need to dwell on the unphilo- sophical nature of this conception; it is destroyed by an examination of the political history of the papacy, and the biography of the popes. The former exhibits all the errors and mistakes to which institutions of a 226 INFALLIBILITY. confessedly human character have been found liable; the latter is only too frequently a story of sin and shame. It was not possible that the authoritative promulga- tion of the dogma of papal infallibility should meet among enlightened Catholics universal acceptance. Se- rious and wide-spread dissent has been produced. A doctrine so revolting to common-sense could not find any other result. There are many who affirm that, if infallibility exists anywhere, it is in cecuraenical coun- cils, and yet such councils have not always agreed with each other. There are also many who remember that councils have deposed popes, and have passed judgment on their clamors and contentions. Not without reason do Protestants demand, What proof can be given that infallibility exists in the Church at all? what proof is there that the Church has ever been fairly or justly represented in any council? and why should the truth be ascertained by the vote of a majority rather than by that of a minority? How often it has happened that one man, standing at the right point of view, has de- scribed the truth, and, after having been denounced and persecuted by all others, they have eventually been con- strained to adopt his declarations! Of many great dis- coveries, has not this been the history? It is not for Science to compose these contending claims; it is not for her to determine whether the crite- rion of truth for the religious man shall be found in the Bible, or in the oecumenical council, or in the pope. She only asks the right, which she so willingly accords to others, of adopting a criterion of her own. If she regards unhistorical legends with disdain; if she consid- ers the vote of a majority in the ascertainment of truth with supreme indifference; if she leaves the claim of infallibility in any human being to be vindicated by the THE VOLUME OF NATURE. 227 stern logic of coming events the cold impassiveness which in these matters she maintains is what she dis- plays toward her own doctrines. Without hesitation she would give up the theories of gravitation or undu- lations, if she found that they were irreconcilable with facts. For her the volume of inspiration is the book of Nature, of which the open scroll is ever spread forth before the eyes of every man. Confronting all, it needs no societies for its dissemination. Infinite in extent, eternal in duration, human ambition and human fanati- cism have never been able to tamper with it. On the earth it is illustrated by all that is magnificent and beautiful, on the heavens its letters are suns and worlds. CHAPTER IX. CONTROVERSY RESPECTING THE GOVERNMENT OP THE UNIVERSE. There are two conceptions of the government of the world : 1. By Providence; 2. By Law. The former maintained by the priesthood. Sketch of the introduction of the latter. Kepler discovers the laws that preside over the solar system. His works are denounced by papal authority. The foundations of mechanical philosophy are laid by Da Vinci. Galileo dis- covers the fundamental laws of Dynamics. Newton applies them to the movements of the celestial bodies, and shows that the, solar system is governed by mathematical necessity. Herschel extends that conclusion to the universe. The nebular hypothesis. Theological exceptions to it. Evidences of the control of law in the construction of the earth, and in the development of the animal and plant series. They arose by Evolution, not by Creation. The reign of law is exhibited by the historic career of human societies, and in the case of individual man. Partial adoption of this view by some of the Reformed Churches. Two interpretations may be given of the mode of government of the world. It may be by incessant di- vine interventions, or by the operation of unvarying law. To the adoption of the former a priesthood will al- ways, incline, .since it must desire to be considered as standing between the prayer of the votary and the provi- dential act. Its importance is magnified by the power it claims of determining what that act shall be. In the pre-Christian (Roman) religion, the grand office of the 228 GOVERNMENT BY LAW. 229 priesthood was the discovery of future events by oracles, omens, or an inspection of the entrails of animals, and by the offering of sacrifices to propitiate the gods. In the later, the Christian times, a higher power was claimed; the clergy asserting that, by their interces- sions, they could regulate the course of affairs, avert dangers, secure benefits, work miracles, and even change the order of Nature. Not without reason, therefore, did they look upon the doctrine of government by unvarying law with dis- favor. It seemed to depreciate their dignity, to lessen their importance. To them there was something shock- ing in a God who cannot be swayed by human entreaty, a cold, passionless divinity something frightful in fa- talism, destiny. But the orderly movement of the heavens could not fail in all ages to make a deep impression on thought- ful observers the rising and setting of the sun; the increasing or diminishing light of the day; the waxing and waning of the moon; the return of the seasons in their proper courses; the measured march of the wander- ing planets in the sky what are all these, and a thou- sand such, but manifestations of an orderly and un- changing procession of events? The faith of early ob- servers in this interpretation may perhaps have been shaken by the occurrence of such a phenomenon as an eclipse, a sudden and mysterious breach of the ordinary course of natural events; but it would be resumed in tenfold strength as soon as the discovery was made that eclipses themselves recur, and may be predicted. Astronomical predictions of all kinds depend upon the admission of this fact that there never has been and never will be any intervention in the operation of natural laws. The scientific philosopher affirms that 17 230 KKI'LKU. the condition of the world at any given moment is the direct result of its condition in the preceding moment, and the direct cause of its condition in the subsequent moment. Law and chance are only different names for mechanical necessity. About fifty years after the death of Copernicus, John Kepler, a native of Wiirtemberg, who had adopted the heliocentric theory, and who was deeply impressed with the belief that relationshipsexist in the revolutions of the planetary bodies round the sun, and that these if correctly examined would reveal the laws under which those movements take place, devoted himself to the study of the distances, times, and velocities of the plan- ets, and the form of their orbits. His method was, to submit the observations to which he had access, such as those of Tycho Brahe, to computations based first on one and then on another hypothesis, rejecting the hy- pothesis if he found that the calculations did not accord with the observations. The incredible labor he had undergone (he says, " I considered, and I computed, until I almost went mad ") was at length rewarded, and in 1G09 he published his book, " On the' Motions of the Planet Mars." In this he had attempted to reconcile the movements of that planet to the hypothesis of eccen- trics and epicycles, but eventually discovered that the orbit of a planet is not a circle but an ellipse, the sun being in one of the foci, and that the areas swept over by a line drawn from the planet to the sun are propor- tional to the times. These constitute what are now known as the first and second laws of Kepler. Eight years subsequently he was rewarded by the discovery of a third law, defining the relation between the mean distances of the planets from the sun and the times of their revolutions; "the squares of the periodic times are KEPLER. 231 proportional to the cubes of the distances." In "An Epitome of the Copernican System," published in 1618, he announced this law, and showed that it holds good for the satellites of Jupiter as regards their primary. Hence it was inferred that the laws which preside over the grand movements of the solar system preside also over the less movements of its constituent parts. The conception of law which is unmistakably con- veyed by Kepler's discoveries, and the evidence they gave in support of the heliocentric as against the geo- centric theory, could not fail to incur the reprehension of the Eoman authorities. The congregation of the Index, therefore, when they denounced the Copernican system as utterly contrary to the Holy Scriptures, pro- hibited Kepler's " Epitome " of that system. It was on this occasion that Kepler submitted his celebrated re- monstrance: " Eighty years have elapsed during which the doctrines of Copernicus regarding the movement of the earth and the immobility of the sun have been pro- mulgated without hindrance, because it was deemed allowable to dispute concerning natural things, and to elucidate the works of God, and now that new testimony is discovered in proof of the truth of those doctrines testimony which was not known to the spiritual judges ye would prohibit the promulgation of the true sys- tem of the structure of the universe." None of Kepler's contemporaries believed the law of the areas, nor was it accepted until the publication of the " Principia " of Newton. In fact, no one in those times understood the philosophical meaning of Kepler's laws. He himself did not foresee what they must in- evitably lead to. His mistakes showed how far he was from perceiving their result. Thus he thought that each planet is the seat of an intelligent principle, and 232 KEPLEK. that there is a relation between the magnitudes of the orbits of the five principal planets and the five regular solids of geometry. At first he inclined to believe that the orbit of Mars is oval, nor was it until after a wea- risome study that he detected the grand truth, its ellip- tical form. An idea of the incorruptibility of the celes- tial objects had led to the adoption of the Aristotelian doctrine of the perfection of circular motions, and to the belief that there were none but circular motions in the heavens. He bitterly complains of this as having been a fatal " thief of his time." His philosophical daring is illustrated in his breaking through this time- honored tradition. In some most important particulars Kepler antici- pated Newton. He was the first to give clear ideas re- specting gravity. He says every particle of matter will rest until it is disturbed by some other particle that the earth attracts a stone more than the stone attracts the earth, and that bodies move to each other in propor- tion to their masses; that the earth would ascend to the moon one-fifty-fourth of the distance, and the moon would move toward the earth the other fifty-three. He affirms that the moon's attraction causes the tides, and that the planets must impress irregularities on the moon's motions. The progress of astronomy is obviously divisible into three periods: 1. The period of observation of the apparent mo- tions of the heavenly bodies. 2. The period of discovery of their real motions, and particularly of the laws of the planetary revolutions; this was signally illustrated by Copernicus and Kepler. 3. The period of the ascertainment of the causes of those laws. It was the epoch of Newton. DA VINCI. 233 The passage of the second into the third period de- pended on the development of the Dynamical branch of mechanics, which had been in a stagnant condition from the time of Archimedes or the Alexandrian School. In Christian Europe there had not been a cultiva- tor of mechanical philosophy until Leonardo da Vinci, who was born A. D. 1452. To him, and not to Lord Bacon, must be attributed the renaissance of science. Bacon was not only ignorant of mathematics, but de- preciated its application to physical inquiries. He contemptuously rejected the Copernican system, alleg- ing absurd objections to it. While Galileo was on the brink of his great telescopic discoveries, Bacon was pub- lishing doubts as to the utility of instruments in scien- tific investigations. To ascribe the inductive method to him is to ignore history. His fanciful philosophical suggestions have never been of the slightest practical use. No one has ever thought of employing them. Except among English readers, his name is almost un- known. To Da Vinci I shall have occasion to allude more particularly on a subsequent page. Of his works still remaining in manuscript, two volumes are at Milan, and one in Paris, carried there by Napoleon: After an interval of about seventy years, Da Vinci was followed by the Dutch engineer, Stevinus, whose work on the principles of equilibrium was published in 1586. Six years afterward appeared Galileo's treatise on mechanics. To this great Italian is due the establishment of the three fundamental laws of dynamics, known as the Laws of Motion. The consequences of the establishment of these laws were very important. 234 GALILEO. It had been supposed that continuous movements, such, for instance, as those of the celestial bodies, could only be maintained by a perpetual consumption and perpetual application of force, but the first of Galileo's laws declared that every body will persevere in its state of rest, or of uniform motion in a right line, until it is compelled to change that state by disturbing forces. A clear perception of this fundamental principle is essen- tial to a comprehension of the elementary facts of physical astronomy. Since all the motions that we wit- ness taking place on the surface of the earth soon come to an end, we are led to infer that rest is the natural condition of things. We have made, then, a very great advance when we have become satisfied that a body is equally indifferent to rest as to motion, and that it equally perseveres in either state until disturbing forces are applied. Such disturbing forces in the case of com- mon movement are friction and the resistance of the air. When no such resistances exist, movement must be perpetual, as is the case with the heavenly bodies, which are moving in a void. Forces, no matter what their difference of magni- tude may be, will exert their full influence conjointly, each as though the other did not exist. Thus, when a ball is suffered to drop from the mouth of a cannon, it falls to the ground in a certain interval of time through the influence of gravity upon it. If, then, it be fired from the cannon, though now it may be projected some thousands of feet in a second, the effect of gravity upon it will be precisely the same as before. In the inter- mingling of forces there is no deterioration; each pro- duces its own specific effect. In the latter half of the seventeenth century, through the works of Borelli, Hooke, and Huyghcns, it had be- NEWTON. 235 come plain that circular motions could be accounted for by the laws of Galileo. Borelli, treating of the mo- tions of Jupiter's satellites, shows how a circular move- ment may arise under the influence of a central force. Hooke exhibited the inflection of a direct motion into a circular by a supervening central attraction. The year 1687 presents, not only an epoch in Euro- pean science, but also in the intellectual development of man. It is marked by the publication of the " Prin- cipia" of Newton, an incomparable, an immortal work. On the principle that all bodies attract each other with forces directly as their masses, and inversely as the squares of their distances, Newton showed that all the movements of the celestial bodies may be accounted for, and that Kepler's laws might all have been predicted the elliptic motions the described areas the relation of the times and distances. As we have seen, Newton's contemporaries had perceived how circular motions could be explained; that was a special case, but Newton furnished the solution of the general problem, contain- ing all special cases of motion in circles, ellipses, pa- rabolas, hyperbolas that is, in all the conic sections. The Alexandrian mathematicians had shown that the direction of movement of falling bodies is toward the centre of the earth. Newton proved that this must necessarily be the case, the general effect of the attrac- tion of all the particles of a sphere being the same as if they were all concentrated in its centre. To this central force, thus determining the fall of bodies, the designation of gravity was given. Up to this time, no one, except Kepler, had considered how far its influence reached. It seemed to Newton possible that it might extend as far as the moon, and be the 236 UNIVERSAL GRAVITATION. force that deflects her from a rectilinear path, and makes her revolve in her orbit round the earth. It was easy to compute, on the principle of the law of inverse squares, whether the earth's attraction was suffi- cient to produce the observed effect. Employing the measures of the size of the earth accessible at the time, Newton found that the moon's deflection was only thir- teen feet in a minute; whereas, if his hypothesis of grav- itation were true, it should be fifteen feet. But in 1609 Picard, as we have seen, executed the measure- ment of a degree more carefully than had previously been done; this changed the estimate of the magnitude of the earth, and, therefore, of the distance of the moon; and, Newton's attention having been directed to it by some discussions that took place at the Royal Society in 1679, he obtained Picard's results, went home, took out his old papers, and resumed his calculations. As they drew to a close, he became so much agitated that he was obliged to desire a friend to finish them. The ex- pected coincidence was established. It was proved that the moon is retained in her orbit and made to revolve round the earth by the force of terrestrial gravity. The genii of Kepler had given place to the vortices of Des- cartes, and these in their turn to the central force of Newton. In like manner the earth, and each of the planets, are made to move in an elliptic orbit round the sun by his attractive force, and perturbations arise by reason of the disturbing action of the planetary masses on one another. Knowing the masses and the distances, these disturbances may be computed. Later astronomers have even succeeded with the inverse problem, that is, know- ing the perturbations or disturbances, to find the place and the mass of the disturbing body. Thus, from the NEWTON. 237 deviations of Uranus from his theoretical position, the discovery of Neptune was accomplished. Newton's merit consisted in this, that he applied the laws of dynamics to the movements of the celestial bodies, and insisted that scientific theories must be sub- stantiated by the agreement of observations with calcu- lations. "When Kepler announced his three laws, they were received with condemnation by the spiritual authorities, not because of any error they were supposed to present or to contain, but partly because they gave support to the Copernican system, and partly because it was judged inexpedient to admit the prevalence of law of any kind as opposed to providential intervention. The world was regarded as the theatre in which the divine will was daily displayed; it was considered derogatory to the ma- jesty of God that that will should be fettered in any way. The power of the clergy was chiefly manifested in the influence they were alleged to possess in changing his arbitrary determinations. It was thus that they could abate the baleful action of comets, secure fine weather or rain, prevent eclipses, and, arresting the course of Nature, work all manner of miracles; it was thus that the shadow had been made to go back on the dial, and the sun and the moon stopped in mid-career. In the century preceding the epoch of Newton, a great religious and political revolution had taken place the Reformation. Though its effect had not been the securing of complete liberty for thought, it had weak- ened many of the old ecclesiastical bonds. In the re- formed countries there was no power to express a con- demnation of Newton's works, and among the clergy there was no disposition to give themselves any concern about the matter. At first the attention of the Prot- 238 '''in-: was engrossed by the movements of his great enemy the Catholic, and when that source of disquie- tude ceased, and the inevitable partitions of the Kefor- mation arose, that attention was fastened upon the rival and antagonistic Churches. The Lutheran, the Calvin- ist, the Episcopalian, the Presbyterian, had something more urgent on hand than Newton's mathematical demonstrations. So, uncondemned, and indeed unobserved, in this clamor of fighting sects, Newton's grand theory solidly established itself. Its philosophical significance was infinitely more momentous than the dogmas that these persons were quarreling about. It not only accepted tb.5 heliocentric theory and the laws discovered by Kep- ler, but it proved that, no matter what might be the weight of opposing ecclesiastical authority, the sun must be the centre of our system, and that Kepler's laws are the result of a mathematical necessity. It is impossible that they should be other than they are. But what is the meaning of all this? Plainly that the solar system is not interrupted by providential inter- ventions, but is under the government of irreversible law law that is itself the issue of mathematical neces- sity. The telescopic observations of Herschel I. satisfied him that there are very many double stars double not merely because they are accidentally in the same line of view, but because they are connected physically, revolving round each other. These observations were continued and greatly extended by Herschel II. The elements of the elliptic orbit of the double star of the Great Bear were determined by Savary, its period being fifty-eight and one-quarter years; those of another,