GIFT OF RANSACKING THE SCRIPTURES BIBLE RULES FOR BIBLE STUDY WITH INDEX OF BIBLE INCIDENTS Third Edition By KEITH L. BROOKS IFT RANSACKING THE SCRIPTURES BIBLE RULES = FOR == BIBLE STUDY By KEITH L. BROOKS *,,;';: v - t . > ^ , : ;*;*: >: Copyright*} 9?Q \ J By Ac/7/i L. Brooks BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES 536-558 South Hope St. Los Angeles California INDEX Bible Rules for Bible Study 3 Importance of the Word 7 Methods of Bible Study. > 8 Important Chapters of the Bible 9 Number of Chapters in the Books 11 Why the Bible was Written 12 Key Notes of the Books 13 Key Verses of the Books 14 Writers and Dates of the Books 15 Christ in the Books 17 Outward Divisions of the Bible... 18 Conclusions of the Books 19 Facts About the Bible.., 23 Dispensations! Divisions . ... 25 Inspiration of the Bible _ 27 Index of Bible Events and Facts 34 ! ! ' '* ..:'.:..: [BIBLE RULES for BIBLE STUDY | S-E-A-R-C-H The Bible is God's Love Letter to every Christian. It is therefore the Christian's business to "search out" its teachings, or to put it even more literally "Ransack the Scriptures." (Acts 17:11; Jn. 5:39.) As we would study every word and medi- tate upon every paragraph of a love letter from one near to our hearts, that we might gather every expres- sion of love and every thought for our good, so we should "explore" the Word of God that we may grow in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ, our Divine Lover. Yet the Bible is a great feast into which thousands never venture for themselves. Too many people want their Bible study in capsules, sugared to taste and made to slip down easily, requiring no chewing. No Christian can be what God wants him to be on capsule food. The Bible is the most inspiring and fascinating book in all the world if you go at it with the help of the Holy Spirit. You can bring it down to every experience of life, and you ought to bring your experiences up to it. The Book you will want for your pillow when you are dying, as Joseph Cook has said, is the Book you ought to study while you are living. I offer here some general rules for Bible study, grouped under the letters "s-e-a-r-c-h." SYSTEMATICALLY 2 Tim. 2:15, "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed; rightly dividing the Word of Truth." A mechanic would be a failure if not familiar with his tools. A Christian, not familiar with the Word of God, is a wall-flower in the church. Systematic study is the great need. The grasshopper method of Bible study (jumping here and there) gets nowhere. Were you studying for a professional career, you would not open your book today at Chapter 6 and read a bit; to- morrow hastily read a few par- agraphs of the first chapter and next read the index. You would read systematically and seriously to get the author's thought. Be just as intelligent in reading the Bible. EARNESTLY Psa. 119:18, "Open mine eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of thy Law." You could not get the most from an art gallery without one to lead and explain. Much ofi interest would be missed by travel- ing alone. The Bible is a picture gallery of vast extent. To enjoy it and find its richest treasures a guide is needed to enlighten our un- derstanding. Jno. 16:14 says, "The Holy Spirit shall glorify me, for He shall take of the things of mine and show it unto you." Let the Spirit of God reveal. Take the things hard to understand to Him, and on bended knee, with Bible open before you, see what He will give you. If the heart is honest in the prayer, and you are willing to walk in the light as He reveals it, marvelous things will break in upon your soul. \ NXIOUSLY Ps a. 119:27, /A "Make me to understand the way of thy precepts, so SHALL I ' TALK OP THY WONDROUS WORKS." If you are a Christian, you are going to meet the assaults of the devil's agents who seek to undermine the faith. The Word of God is the weapon that puts the enemy to silence. If Jesus used it (Matt. 4) and defeated Satan in His face to face encounter, how much more should we use it in dealing with his agents. The Bible does not need our de- fense. It needs our study. It will defend itself. It is its own com- mentary. Seek the answers to all difficulties not from human reason- ings, but anxiously from God's Word. It is not what men think but what God's Word says that counts. REGULARLY Psa. 1:2, 3, "His delight is in the law of the Lord and in His law dotn he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by riv- ers of water that bringeth forth his fruit in his season. His leaf also shall not wither and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper." The man who DAILY meditates on the Word bears the fruit of patience in the time of suffering; faith in the sea- son of trial; a holy joy in seasons of prosperity he is never void of fruit. What he does prospers. There is a blessing concealed in every cross, loss or sorrow that comes his way and he never fails to find it. He is an evergreen tree. The sign of spiritual life is always with him. You don't try to eat enough on Monday morning to last you for the week. If you did, you would be in a most sickly condition at the end of the week. Those who get mixed up in the prevalent false doctrines, are those who get sickly from ir- regular feeding on the Word. Be regular. Put it first on your pro- gram. Let nothing interfere. CAREFULLY 2 Tim. 3:16, 17, "All Scripture is given by in- spiration of God and is profit- able for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in right- eousness. That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly fur- nished unto all good works." Then do not be skimming over passages in it that do not at first glance seem to yield food for thought. It is not a question of how many times you have been through the Bible, but how many times the Bible has been through you. If you are looking for chestnuts, and the leaves upon the ground seem to con- ceal them, you will take a stick and poke over and over again in the same spot. You are surprised that you find so many of the brown nuts in the spots where you had at first thought there were none. Likewise you will be amazed at what one seem- ingly unimportant verse will yield when you crack it open. HUMBLY Jno. 7:17, "If any man will do His will he shall know of the teaching." Un- less we study the Bible wholly pur- posed to yield our lives to the truth God reveals, His revelations will cease and the Book will become dry. It does not do to evade the truth that God shows us. God cannot give His treasures to disobedient hearts. IMPORTANCE OP THE WORD 1. By it we are begotten 1 Pet. 1:23 2. By it we grow 1 Pet. 2:2 3. By it we are cleansed... .Jno. 15:3 4. By it we are built up Acts 20 : 32 5. By it we are fed Jer. 15:16 6. By it we are sanctified Jno. 17:17 7. By it we are protected Psa. 119:11 8. By it we are led Psa. 25:5 9. By it we are satisfied Psa. 119:103 SOME METHODS OF BIBLE STUDY FOB BEGINNERS 1. Synthetic. Bible study by books. Take each book of the Bible and read it several times through so as to get the scope of the book. Find the key expres- sions, key verses, key chapter, its prac- tical teaching, its presentation of Christ, its dispensational setting. 2. Parallel. Bible study by references. Using a good reference Bible, look up the marginal references. Better still, get "Treasury of Scripture Knowledge," a book which treats every verse in the Bible by parallel references. There is no better commentary on the Bible than the Bible itself. 3. Topical. Bible study by topics. A topical text book will be of help. This groups the important Scripture passages topically. "What the Bible Teaches" (Tor- rey) is a larger and more thorough work of this nature. For instance, take the sub- ject of "Justification" and carefully read every passage containing this word. 4. Microscopic. Bible study by concord- ance. A Cruden's Concordance is good, but the thorough student will want "Strong's Exhaustive Concordance." Take great words of Scripture and look up their use in different passages. This will suggest Bible outlines pf a very practical nature. For instance, find the "fear nots" of the Bible, noting the different things we are told we are not to fear, etc. 5. Explanation. Bible study by commen- tary. Reading a chapter in your Bible, read the comments of some good Bible authority with it. Matthew Henry's Commentary is practical for the ordinary student. 6. Chapter Summary. Bible study for the purpose of analyzing each chapter. Special note books have been prepared for this kind of work. One by the author of this book- let, is called, "Through My Bible, Chapter by Chapter." Blank space is provided for the student to note the principal charac- ters, important events, promises, memory verses, spiritual lesson, how Christ is seen, etc. This is a very helpful method. FOUNDATION WORK As one of the first essentials in Bible study, the memorizing of the books of the Bible in their order, will be found the greatest help. I would also learn the number of chapters in each book, especially in the New Testament. In locating passages, a knowledge of these will be found invaluable, enabling one to turn instantly to the chapter and verse desired. As the next aid, I would suggest learning some of the key chapters of the Bible, so that when ready help is wanted on somes important topic, one can imme- diately turn to a chapter dealing specifically with that subject. Fol- lowing is a list of some of the more important of these: Abiding chapter John IS Addition chapter 2 Pet. 1 Admonition chapter Heb. 13 Apostasy chapter 2 Thess. 2 Ascension chapter Acts 1 Assurance chapter 1 John 5 Atonement chapter Heb. Backslider's chapter _ Jer. 3 Baptism chapter Matt. 3 Beatitude chapter Matt. 5 Beginning chapters Gen. 1, John 1 Bottomless chapter Eph. 3 Bread chapter John 6 Business Man's chapter Prov. 8 Character chapter Job 29 Chastening chapter Heb. 12 Christian's chapter 1 Pet. 2 Commandments chapter Exo. ; Consecration chapter Rom. 12 Convert' s chapter Isa. 12 Courage chapter Josh. 1 Crucifixion chapter _ John 19 Deacon chapter Acts 5 Death to Sin chapter Rom. 6 Duty chapter , Ezek. 33 Excuse chapter _ _ Luke 14 Faith chapter Heb. 11 Fear Not chapter _ Isa. 41 Fisherman's chapter Luke 5 Fool's chapter Prov. 26 Gift chapter 1 Cor. 12 Harlot's chapter Prov. \ Heaven chapter Rev. 21 Holy Spirit chapter John 16 Household chapter Col. 3 Hypocrite chapter Matt. 23 Intemperance chapter Prov. 23 Jew and Gentile chapter _ Rom. 11 Joyful chapter Psa. 98 tudgment chapter Rom. 14 ight chapter John 8 Lord's Supper chapter John 13 Lost and Found chapter Luke 15 Love chapters 1 Cor. 13; 1 Jno. 4 Marriage chapter Eph. 5 Millennium chapter Rev. 20 Minister's chapter Ezek. 34 Moralist's chapter Psa. 14 Mother's chapter Judges 13 Nativity chapter.. Luke 2 New Birth chapter John 3 Peace and Promise chapter John 14 Pentecost chapter Acts 2 Poor Man's chapter Luke 14 Prayer chapter John 17 Preacher's chapter Isa. 61 Repentance chapter Luke 13 Resurrection chapter 1 Cor. 15 Revival chapter _ Joel 2 Rewards chapter 1 Cor. 3 Rich Man's chapter Luke 16 Ruin chapter Rom. 1 Saddest chapter Luke 22 Safety chapter Psa. 91 Saloon Keeper's chapter Psa. 10 Salvation chapter Rom. 10 Scorner's chapter Prov. 1 Self-righteous chapter Rom. 2 Separation chapter 2 Cor. 6 Sermon on the Mount Matt. 5, 6, 7 Service chapter Luke 10 Shepherd chapters..Psa. 23; Ezek. 34; John 10 Sight chapter John 9 Sinner's chapter Luke 19 Soldier chapter Eph. 6 Soul Saving Psalm Psa. 126 Sower's chapter _ Luke 8 Sufferer's chapter Is. 53 Temptation chapter Matt. 4 The Believer's Hope chapter 1 Thess. 4 The Disciple's Prayer..- Matt. 6 The Great Psalm _ Psa. 119 The Seven Great Parables Matt. 13 The Transfiguration Matt. 17 Tithing chapter _ , Mai. 3 Today chapter Heb. 3 Tonic Psalm Psa. 27 Traveler's chapter Psa. 2 10 Victory chapter _ Rom. 8 Virgin's chapter Matt. 25 Water chapter _ John 4 Widow's chapter Isa. 54 Wife's chapter _ Prov. 31 Wisdom chapter Prov. 3 Wise Man's chapter Prov. 15 Woman's Psalm _ Psa. 45 Work chapter _ James 2 Number of Chapters The student will find it very helpful to memorize the number of chapters in each book of the Bible. It is an aid, not only in locating Scripture but helps to visualize the books in the mind. Old Testament Genesis 50 Exodus 40 Leviticus _ 27 Numbers 36 Deuteronomy 34 Joshua 24 Judges ~ 21 Ruth " 4 I. Samuel _ 31 II. Samuel 24 I. Kings 22 II. Kings 25 I. Chronicles -. 29 II. Chronicles . . . . 36 Ezra _ 10 Nehemiah 13 Esther . - 10 Job ...... ." 42 Psalms 150 Proverbs - ~ 31 Ecclesiastes _ 12 Song of Solomon _ 8 Isaiah _ _ 66 Jeremiah 52 Lamentations - 5 Ezekiel .. 48 Daniel 12 Hosea . _.. . . 14 Joel 3 Amo s *. 9 Obadiah _.~~~__~~_~~~_~. 1 11 Jonah _ ...... . 4 Micah '.'.""..." L."".ZZ"Z."Z 7 Nahum 3 Habakkuk 3 Zephaniah 3 Haggai _ 2 Zechariah 14 Malachi ...._ __ 4 New Testament Matthew 28 Mark 16 Luke __ 24 John 21 The Acts 28 Romans 16 I. Corinthians 16 II. Corinthians - ....... 13 Galatians _ 6 Ephesians - 6 Philippians - 4 Colossians 4 I. Thessalonians 5 II. Thessalonians 3 I. Timothy ^ 6 II. Timothy 4 Titus 3 Philemon 1 Hebrew s 13 i T ames 5 Peter _ _-. 5 II Peter - 3 I. John . ... .5 II. John . 1 III. John 1 Jude - 1 Revelation . 22 WHY WAS THE BIBLE WRITTEN? 1. Because the truth must be published Rev. 21:5 2. That we might believe. Jno. 20:31 3. For our learning Rom. 15:4 4. For our admonition..! Cor. 10:11 5. For our assurance....! Jno. 5:13 6. To make us thoughtful 2 Pet. 3:1-2 7. To make our joy full 1 Jno. 1:4 12 KEY NOTES OF BOOKS A knowledge of the key notes of all the books of the Bible will also prove most helpful. Old Testament Gen Beginnings Exod Covenant Lev Atonement Numb -.Discipline Deut Obedience osh Possessions udges _ - Failure uth Kinsman 1 and 2 Sam Kingdom 1 and 2 Kings Royalty 1 and 2 Chron .Temple Ezra - Restoration Neh... Political Esther -..Providence Job - Testing Psalms Praise Prov Wisdom Eccl Vanity Song of Sol Love Isa Salvation Jer -Warning Lam Chastening Ezek Visions Dan _ Kingdom Hos Return Joel- Judgment Amos Punishment Obad Edom Jonah -..Repentance Micah - Controversy Nahum -Nineveh Habak -.Faith Zeph Remnant Hag Build Zech ~ _ God's ways Mai - Robbery New Testament Matt -.Savior of the world Mark -..Servant of man Luke Son of man John Son of God Acts Witness Romans Justification 1 Cor - God's Power 2 Cor Our sufficiency Gal Liberty Eph -In Christ Phil Gain 13 Col Fullne s s 1 and 2 Thess Comfort 1 Tim Church order 2 Tim Doctrine Titus .....Ministry Phile Brotherhood Heb New Covenant James Works 1 Pet _ Christian's Hope 2 Pet Last Days 1 John _ ...Assurance 2 John _ Truth 3 John Fellow Helper Jude Kept Rev Overcome KEY VERSES Old Testament Gen 1:1 Exo _ _ _ 12:23 Lev ......~"..~..~." 16:34 Num _ .. 33:1 Deut. . .. 10:12, 13 Josh 1:3 Judges 21:25 Ruth _ 4 : 14 I. Sam. /..... 10 :2S II. Sam _ * I. Sam. 10:25 I. Kings 2 :12 II. Kings 10:10 I. Chron. H. Chron. 15:2 II. Chron 15:2 Ezra . _ _ .. 1:5 Neh .2:5 Esther 4 :14 Job 1:9 Psalms " 29:2 Prov. 9:10 Eccl .~ 2:11 Song Sol. 6:3 Is " 53:5 Jer. .. 7:28; 46:1 Lam 2:11 Ezek. 1:1 Dan. 2:22 Hosea " ...... -.14:9 Joel _ 2:13 Amos ...~ . _ 4:12 Obad .. 21 Jonah _ 3:2 Micah _ _ 1 :8, 9 Nah. 1:8, 9 Hab _ .2:4 Zeph 1:4; 3:13 14 Hag _ _ 1:8 Zech .. _ 8:2 Mai ~ 3:8 New Testament Matt. 27:37 Mark 10:45 Luke -.. _ _..19:10 John .... .20:31 Acts 1:8 Rom. _ 1:17 I. Cor. 1 :2 II. Cor. .. . 7:6; 12:9 Gal. 3 :2 Eph 1:3 Phil 3:7, 14; 4:4 Col. 2:10 I. Thess. ..... -1:10 II Thess. 3:5 I. Tim. _ 3 :9 II. Tim ~- 1 :13 Titus ............................."I 3 :8, 9 phile - - 17 Heb. '.._". ." 11:40 James . - - 2:26 I. p e t 2 :7 II. Pet. .. J. Pet. 2:7 I. John 5 :13 II. John 3 III John -3 jude .4, 13 Rev. ll :1 WRITERS AND DATES Old Testament Gen ....Moses (About 1500 B. C.) Exo Moses (About 1500 B. C.) Lev... -.Moses (About 1500 B. C.) Num Moses (About 1500 B. C.) Deut Moses (About 1500 B. C.) Josh Joshua (About 1425 B. C.) Judges Samuel (About 1410 B. C.) Ruth Unknown (About 1300 B. C. I. Samuel Uncertain, Samuel, Nathan or Gad (About 1155 B. C.) II. Samuel Uncertain (About 1155 B. C.) I. Kings Uncertain (About 560 B. C.) II. Kings ....Uncertain (Ezra) (About 560 B. C.) I. Chron Uncertain (Ezra) (About 1000 B. C.) II. Chron... . .Uncertain (Ezra) (About 530 B. C.) Ezra Ezra (About 536 B. C.) Neh. _,Nehemiah (About 445 to 448 B. C.) 15 Esther .Uncertain (Mordecai) (464-434 B. C.) Job Uncertain (Moses, Elihu or Job) (During times of Abra- ham. Oldest Book in Bible) Psalms David, Moses, Asaph, Ethan, Sons of Korah (1500-1000 B. C.) Prov .Solomon (990 to 995 B. C.) Eccl Solomon (980 to 985 B. C.) Song Sol Solomon (980-985 B. C.) Is Isaiah (766 to 679 B. C.) Jer Jeremiah (About 580 to 600 B. C.) Lam Jeremiah (About 588 B. C.) Ezek Ezekiel (About 570-590 B. C.) Dan Daniel (About 534 B. C.) Hosea Hosea (790-725 B. C.) Joel Joel (Either 860-850 B. C. or 400-380 B. C.) Amos Amos (870-783 B. C.) Obad Obadiah (900-880 B. C.) Jonah Jonah (825-790 B. C.) Micah Micah (758-710 B. C.) Nahum Nahum (About 660 B. C.) Hab Habakkuk (608-590 B. C.) Zeph Zephaniah (639-609 B. C.) Hag Haggai (About 520 B. C.) Zech Zechariah (520 B. C.) Mai Malachi (440-410 B. C.) New Testament Matt Matthew (A. D. 37) Mark Mark (called John) (A. D. 57- 63) Luke Luke (A. D. 63-68) John John (the Apostle) (A. D. 85- 90) Acts Luke (A. D. 65) Rom Paul (About A. D. 60) I. Cor Paul (A. D. 59) II. Cor Paul (A. D. 60) Gal. Paul (A. D. 60) Eph Paul (A. D. 64) Phil Paul (About A. D. 64) Col Paul (About A. D. 64) I. Thess Paul (A. D. 54) II. Thess Paul (A. D. 54) I. Tim Paul (About A. D. 63) H. Tim Paul (About A. D. 64) Titus Paul (About A. D. 63) Phile Paul (A. D. 64) Heb Probably Paul (About A. D. 65) Tames James (A. D. 60) I. Pet Peter (A. D. 60) II. Pet Peter (A. D. 66) I. John Apostle John (A. D. 90) II. John John (A. D. 90) 16 HI. John John (A. D. 90) Jude Jude (A. D. 66) Rev Apostle John (A. D. 96) CHRIST AS SEEN IN THE BOOKS OF THE BIBLE Gen. The Seed of Abraham. Exo. The Lamb of God. Lev. The High Priest. Num. The Star of Jacob. Deut. The Prophet Like Moses. Josh. Captain of the Lord's Hosts. Judge. The Messenger of Jehovah. Ruth Our Kinsman. Kings King of Kings. Chron. As God's True King. Ezra Lord of Heaven and Earth. Neh. Lord of Heaven and Earth. Esther Our Mordecai. Job. Risen Redeemer. Psa. Son of God. Prov. Wisdom. Ecc. As Above the Sun. Song of Sol. One Altogether Lovely. Isa. Suffering and Glorified Prophet. Jer. The Lord of Righteousness. Lam. The Man of Sorrows. Ezek. High Priest of God. Dan. Christ the King. Hos. Risen Son of God. Joel The Outpourer of the Spirit. Amos Thy God, O Israel. Obad. The Lord is in His Kingdom. Jonah The Risen Prophet. Micah The Bethlehemite. Nah. The Bringer of Good Tidings. Hab. The Lord in His Holy Temple. Zeph. The Lord in Israel's Midst. Hag. The Desire of All Nations. Zech. Prophet, Priest and King. Mai. Sun of Righteousness. Matt. King of the Jews. Mark Servant of the Lord. Luke The Perfect Son of God. John Risen Son of God. Acts Ascended Lord and Christ. Rom. Lord our Righteousness. 1 Cor. First Fruits of the Dead. Gal. Christ our Freedom. Eph. Head of the Church. Phil. Ascended Lord Jesus Christ. Col. Fulness of the Godhead. Thess. As Coming Lord. Tim. As the Only Potentate. Titus As God Our Saviour. Phile. As Payer of Sin Debt. 17 Heb. Great High Priest Passed into the Heavens. Jas. The Lord Drawing Nigh. 1 Pet. The Suffering Lamb. 2 Pet. The Lord of Glory. John's Epistles Coming Son of God. Jude The Coming Judge. RCT. The Throne Sitter. OUTWARD DIVISIONS Classification of Scripture for con- venience in study has been the rule from earliest times. Luke 24:44 classifies the Old Testament as "Law, Prophets and Psalms." Fol- lowing are the structural divisions of the Bible: Old Testament PENTATEUCH (Books of Law) Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. HISTORICAL Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 Kings Nehemiah, Esther. and 2 Kings, 1 and 2 Chronicles, Ezra, POETICAL Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Lamentations. PROPHETICAL Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi. New Testament HISTORICAL Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts. DOCTRINAL Galatians, Romans, Hebrews. CHURCH ORDER 1 and 2 Corinthians, 1 Timothy, Titus. CHURCH TRUTH Ephesians, Colossians. CHRISTIAN LIFE Philippians, 1 Thessalonians, Philemon, James, 1 Peter, 1 John. COURSE OF THE AGE 2 Thessalonians, 2 Timothy, 2 Peter, 2 and 3 John, Jude. PROPHETICAL Revelation. 18 CONCLUSIONS OF THE BOOKS The student will find it helpful to note at the beginning of each book of the Bible, a statement that briefly sums up the spiritual teach- ings of the book. These conclusions are as follows: Genesis The failure of man under every condition is met by the salvation of God. Exodus Redemption is by the blood and that alone. Leviticus Access of the redeemed to God is only through the blood. Holiness of the redeemed is imperative. Numbers The redeemed are saved ^ to serve and must be on their guard against unbelief. Deuteronomy Obedience to God is impera- tive. Joshua The faithfulness of Jehovah to His own has been fully demonstrated. Judges Man is prone to wander from God. God's grace ever pursues and seeks to restore the backslider. Ruth True rest comes only through re- demption and union. I. Samuel Prayer should have a great place in our lives that the power of God may work for and through us. II. Samuel Be sure your sin will find you out. I. Kings Jehovah is the sovereign ruler of Israel, blessing the obedient, punishing the disobedient, and forgiving the penitent. II. Kings God's Word is certain of fulfil- ment to saint and sinner. I. Chronicles Jehovah is the sovereign Lord, blessing the obedient and punishing the disobedient. II. Chronicles Seeking and serving the Lord is the secret of a vital religion and a life of victory. Ezra God's Word should have a place and power in the religious, social and civil life of His people. Nehemiah Prayer, pains and perseverance are the conditions of successful work for God. Esther The great God takes a real in- terest in all our affairs and shapes His providences to work out His glory through them. 19 Job Trial is the school of trust not al- ways given as chastisement, but sometimes for our education. Psalms Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness and give to Him the glory due His name. Proverbs The most intensely practical thing in the world is godliness. Ecclesiastes Apart from God, life is full of weariness and disappointment. Song of Solomon Christ covets the full communion of His people and blessedness comes to all who walk in His fellowship. Isaiah Salvation is by the grace of God and through the vicarious suffering of Christ. Jeremiah Judgment is the certain result of sin. God is long suffering, not willing that any should perish. Lamentations Sin brings misery. The compassion of Jehovah for the subjects of His wrath, is marvelous. Ezekiel God is marvelously good to those who show a desire to walk with Him, and terribly severe upon those who persistently rebel against Him. Daniel God is universal sovereign of all and is yet to be acknowledged as such by all men. Hosea God longs for the return of back- sliders, pleads with them and makes every inducement for their repentance. Joel Repentance, a heart broken for sin and from sin, is necessary, if the judgments of God are to be averted. Amos National sin inevitably spells na- tional judgment. Obadiah We should take solemn warning against the perils of pride and anti- Semitism. Jonah God is the God of the Gentiles as well as of the Jew. Micah God abhors injustice and ritual- ism. He takes delight in pardoning peni- tent sinners. Nahum An awful doom awaits the apos- tate. Habakkuk God is perfectly consistent with Himself, even though evil is long per- mitted. Zephaniah Our God is a jealous God. Haggai God demands first place in life and service. Zechariah The infinite care and love of God is over His people through the cen- turies. Malacbi Remember Jehovah, repent to- ward Him, return to Him and render to Him that which is His due. 20 Matthew Jesus, the Messiah-King, was rejected and killed but His wounding was for our transgression, and He was bruised for our iniquities. He is coming again to rule and judge. Mark Jesus is the Mighty Worker, who came, not to be ministered unto, but to minister. Luke Jesus is the Ideal Man, the human- divine One, who came to seek and to save that which was lost. John Jesus is the eternal Son of God, who came into the world to reveal God in terms of human life. Acts The work that Jesus "began" to do was, and is, continued by Him through the Holy Spirit. Romans Justification is by faith without works, and is the righteousness of Christ imputed to the believer, wherein he is made eternally safe. I. Corinthians Jesus Christ our risen Lord is Head of the Body working through His people by the Holy Spirit. II. Corinthians The Christian is God's ambassador, with a spiritual and glorious ministry, finding in Christ consolation in all his sufferings and sufficiency for every testing. Galatians Christ is the Deliverer from the law and mere externalism and leads into glorious liberty. Ephesians The Church is the Body of Christ. Each believer has an exalted posi- tion through grace and is to have a walk in accordance with that position. Philippians Christ is the believer's life, pattern, object, and strength. Colossians The Godhead was incarnate in Jesus Christ, in whom the believer is com- plete. I. Thessalonians The coming of the Lord Jesus is imminent. The hope of His re- turn is the great hope and inspiration and comfort of the true Christian. II. Thessalonians The Christian is to wait, watch and work for the coming of the Lord Jesus, when He will be glorified in His saints and His saints shall be eter- nally satisfied in Him. I. Timothy God would have the minister and the Christian know "how they should behave in the house of God" and how "to hold the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience." II. Timothy The Christian must be loyal to Christ and to the truth, enduring as a good soldier against all persecution, and in the midst of growing apostasies. 21 Titus Christ's ministers should follow the divine order as revealed in the Epistles, for the conduct of the Church. Philemon Wise and good ministers of Jesus Christ will have great and tender care of young converts to encourage and hearten them, and get them received into the fellowship of the saints. There is a spiritual brotherhood between all true be- lievers, however distinguished as to their station of life, and we should therefore seek to strengthen and help those who have been newly united to the Christian family. Hebrews The cure for faint-heartedness toward the Gospel is a right conception of the glory and work of our Great Hign Priest who has passed into the heavens. James The evidence of faith is good works. I. Peter Those who are walking with Christ will be enabled to suffer patiently, joyously and to the glory of God. II. Peter The believer must be pure and loyal in the days of corruption and apos- tasy, and hastening the coming of Christ by every means. I. John Salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ brings a life of fellowship with God, joyfulness, victory, safety and certainty. II. John The test of our love to God is universal obedience to Him, and we have need to maintain this love, for there are many destroyers of it in the world those who subvert the faith, denying the person or the work of Jesus Christ. Let such men not be entertained as ministers of Christ, nor given support in any way. III. John Ministers of Christ should abound in, and joy in hospitality toward fellow helpers in the Lord, and should be- ware of the peril of a domineering leader- ship which stands in the way of blessing to the people of God. Jude Believers must be on their guard lest they be robbed of any essential ar- ticle of Christian faith by the cunning craftiness or plausible pretenses of ungodly men who pose as teachers and lie in wait to deceive. Our duty in the presence of the apostasy is to earnestly contend for the faith ? trusting to be kept from stumbling by walking in the perpetual consciousness of God's love through Christ, looking to- ward the day when we shall be presented before Him with exceeding joy. 22 Revelation The Lord Jesus Christ is the gloriously exalted One, the Alpha and Omega. He is the High Priest of His peo- ple; the Bridegroom of the Church; the King-Judge of all mankind. IMPORTANT FACTS ABOUT THE BIBLE Three Oldest Bibles. 1. The Alexandrian (called Codex Aleph). Kept at St. Peters- burg; owned by the Greek church. In book form, four volumes. Copied in fifth century. Presented to King Charles I. in 1628. In good state of preservation. 2. The Vatican (called Codex B). Kept at Rome by the Roman Church. Book form, 700 leaves. Copied in beginning of fourth century. 3. Sinaitic (called Codex A). Kept in British Museum, owned by Protestant Church. Book form. Nearly as old as the Vatican. Old Testament. The oldest translation we have is called Septuagint. Written in Greek, copied from Hebrew, about 280 B.C. Translated by 70 translators for King Ptolemy for the library at Alexandria, in third century B.C. Our present O. T. came through this channel. The ancient origin of the O. T. is well corroborated by the discoveries of archaeologists. The N. T. shows that the O. T. as we have it was in the hands of Christ and the disciples. (Jno. 5:39; Acts 17:11; Lk. 24:44, 45, etc.) Christ is recorded as having quoted from 22 of the 39 O. T. books. Over 1500 O. T. passages are quoted in the N. T. Christ set His seal of authority to every O. T. book which has since been attacked by critics. New Testament. The ancient origin of the N. T. can now be easily established from the writings of many who lived in the first and second centuries. We find in the works of Origen, two-thirds of the N. T. Tertullian makes 2500 references to it. Irenaeus makes 1200 references, 400 of which are to the Gospels. Clement of Alexandria makes 300 references. Clement of Rome, a disciple of the disciples (died 95 A.D.), wrote a letter to the church at Corinth which is still preserved, quoting copiously from the N. T. Polycarp, disciple of John, wrote a letter to the church at Philippi, still pre- served, making many quotations. Papias wrote a work, "The Sayings of Jesus." 23 Papias was a friend of Polycafp. The N. T. has therefore been possessed since the first Christian era. Books in the N. T. Two of the earliest translations of the N. T. show us what books comprised the N. T. from the beginning. 1. The Peshito, or Syriac Version, completed before 150 A.D. contained the four Gospels, 14 Epistles of Paul, 1 John, 1 Peter, James. Five books missing but no book not found in our present N. T. is included in it. 2. The Latin Version, made in second century. Contains the Gospels, Acts, 13 Epistles of Paul, 3 of John, 1 Peter, Jude, Revelation. Three missing, but no book not found in our present N. T. is included. These two versions together include all in our N. T. except 2 Peter, and NO OTHERS. First Book Printed was the Bible, between 1450 and 1455 A.D. at Mentz, Germany, by Gutenberg, the reputed inventor of printing. First whole Bible in English printed by Miles Coverdale, 1535. First Complete Translation of whole Bible into English by John Wycliff, 1380. First N. T. in English printed by Wm. Tyndale, 1525. Chapter divisions in O. T. made by Cardi- nal Hugo, middle 13th century. Verse Divisions of O. T. made by Rabbi Nathan, adopted by Robert Stephens, French printer, in his edition of Vulgate Bible, 1555. They were transferred to the Authorized Version in 1611. Apocrypha, are books contained in some editions of the O. T. They were not orig- inally written in Hebrew. They were not counted as inspired by the Jews and were excluded from the canon at the Reformation. They contain no statements claiming divine inspiration. PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY 1. Pray that you may see its treasures.... Psa. 119:18 2. Pray that it may furnish you topics for conversation Psa. 119:27 3. Pray that it may guide your life Psa. 119:33 4. Pray that it may become the ground of wholehearted service Psa. 119:34 5. Pray that it may kindle adoration Psa. 119:38 6. * Pray that it may give you a true edu- cation Psa. 119 : 125 f. Pray that it may inspire you to true prayer Psa. 119 :169 24 DISPENSATIONAL. DIVISIONS A careful study of the Bible will show seven great judgments mapped out for human history, some of which have already fallen, others being yet future. Seven times man has or will start a new period un- der favorable conditions, according to the mercy of God, but each time, he is seen to strive to become inde- pendent of God's truth, and judg- ment from God's hand is necessary. The trial of the Serpent runs over every Garden of Eden man has made. Each dispensation is a new test of the natural man, and each one proves him a failure apart from dependence on God. Five of these unequal periods are past; the sixth is now in progress; the seventh and last is just before us. The Seven Periods of Time 1. Age of Innocence From Adam (Gen. 2:7) to expulsion from Eden as result of the fall. The judgment that fell as a re- sult of Adam's disregard of the respon- sibility placed upon him, is seen in . Gen. 2 and 3. 2. Age of Conscience (1656 years). From the expulsion to the flood. Having received knowledge of good and evil, the race came under this measure of responsibility to "do good and eschew evil." Yet eventually "all flesh corrupted His way" and God closed the period with the flood. (Gen. 3:7 to 7:11, 12, 23, etc.) 3. Age of Authority (427 years). Flood to confusion of tongues and dispersion. The race again started with eight persons, en- trusted by God with the government. Again we see the attempt to become independent of God on the Plains of Shinar. and the vis- iting of the judgment. (Gen. 9:1, 2; 11:1-8.) 4. Age of Promise (430 years). From dis- persion to Egyptian bondage. God entered into covenant with one man, Abram, giving 25 promises conditional upon obedience. These were all eventually violated and the chosen people are turned over to bondage to the cruel Egyptians. (Gen. 12:1-3 through Exod. 1:13-14.) 5. Age of Law (1524 years). From Israel's regathering to the tragedy of the Cross. The chosen people were redeemed out of the hand of the oppressor and the Law was given to Moses for them. Their his- tory from this point shows their persistent violation of these commands and eventually they are driven into the dispersion which still continues. (Exod. 19; 2 Kings 17:1-18 and 25:1-11; Rom. 10:5; Gal. 3:10.) 6. Age of Grace (19 years). From sac- rificial death of the Lord Jesus to the translation of the church. Faith in Christ is the condition of salvation to all. (John 6:29.) The predicted close of this age is an unbelieving world, and church members, who, while they may live morally, deny the Word of God; in fact, a general apostasy. We see the close in 1 Thess. 4:16-17. Then follows the Great Tribulation (seven years Matt. 24:21-22; Dan. 12:1; Jer. 30:5-7). At its close the Lord with His church comes in power and great glory to set up Hii kingdom on earth. 7. Millennial Age (1000 years). From Christ's return in glory to Judgment of the Great White Throne. This is the thou- sand year period predicted during which Christ will rule over restored Israel, which has become the central nation of the earth. Satan is bound during this time, but at its close is "loosed for a little season," gathering many to battle against Christ, but being defeated by the "fire which came down from Heaven." After the resurrec- tion of the wicked dead for judgment, we are to have the eternal state, the new heavens and new earth. 26 THE BIBLE How We Know the Bible is a Divine Record: For two reasons the Christian should be familiar with some of the best arguments in support of the fact that the Bible is a divine record. 1. The firm establishment of his own faith. 2. For the purpose of refuting the arguments of skeptics. By "inspiration of the Scriptures" is not meant that every act recorded in the Bible is an inspired act, but that the record in the original, is a correct record from start to finish, for the reason that the writers were "borne along by the Holy Ghost." OUTLINE The Bible: 1. Has a makeup which is MYS- TERIOUS. 2. Has a unity that is MARVEL- OUS. 3. Has a depth that is MATCH- LESS. 5. Has an influence that ia MIGHTY. 6. Has a fulfillment that is MAN- IFEST. 7. Has a proof that is MATUR- ABLE. 1. A Makeup That Is Mysterious. Everywhere in the universe we read that God has a mathematical mind. Study the stars and you will find many in groups of seven. In the sphere of light, there are seven col- ors. In the sphere of music there are seven whole tones in the scale. In the sphere of time there are seven days in the week. In the sphere of birth of animals and fowls, seven is seen in many ways: in the hatching 27 of eggs (hen sits three sevens, pigeon two sevens after the eggs are laid, etc.), the hatching of fish ova. In the sphere of human life, seven is written everywhere: the body is com- pletely renewed every seven years; the seventh, fourteenth and twenty- first days are the critical days in dis- eases. In fact, wherever we turn we find seven in nature. The mathematics of the Bible at- tract attention. Over 300 times the number seven is on the surface, and it is always significant, indicating "perfection or completion/' It is the perfect number. The best proofs we have of the divine origin of the Bible, are from accidental details which de- velop as we study the Bible deeply. These sevens keep coming to light. Great doctrines will naturally divide under seven points; divine conclu- sions will come under seven state- ments; prophetic times will fall into periods of sevens. No human foresight could have ar- ranged this. It only comes out with deep study. Conclusion: The God who wrote the perfect number seven all over the universe, must be the God who inspired the writers of Scripture. 2. A Unity That Is Marvelous. Composed of many separate books; written by many men who lived in many countries; in many centuries; engaged in many walks of life in the midst of many different circum- stances; spread over 1500 years in preparation how shall we account for the marvelous UNITY of the Scriptures as they are assembled? 28 God's plan of redemption by the blood runs through every book. With- out any one of these books the Bible would be incomplete. Some allege to find discrepancies in the Bible, but always under care- ful study, these apparent contradic- tions vanish and perfect unity re- mains. Conclusion: A great master-mind, that of God Himself must have been back of the Bible, inspiring each writer. 3. A Depth That Is Matchless. Man's books are soon exhausted and tossed aside, for the reason that when the human mind has possessed their contents they are no longer needed. Man's books are ever chang- ing. These are the days of loose-leaf encyclopaedias and dictionaries. It is said that out of every 1000 publications 600 never pay the cost of printing; 200 just pay, 100 yield slight profit; fewer yet are profitable. Six hundred and fifty books out of 1000 are forgotten within a year; 150 more in three years; less than 50 out of 1000 survive 7 years' publicity. Out of over 50,000 publications of the seventeenth century only about 60 are known to have been main- tained and reprinted. Most libraries are cemeteries of dead books, because man's writings are so soon exhausted and because their statements so soon go out of date or are found to be erroneous. How is it with the Bible? A life- time of study cannot exhaust it. Gen- erations of men giving their time .to it cannot get to the bottom of its 29 wisdom. Thousands of volumes are written yearly in comment on Bible themes. Thousands of volumes are written yearly in criticism of the Bible, a fact which in itself proves the Bible has a mysterious quality, that so many intelligent men devote their time to fighting it. But the Bible lives on in spite of those who are trying to fathom it; in spite of those who write against it; in spite of the fanaticism of many of its friends. Its promises are still being tested. Its prophecies are still coming to pass. No changes have ever been necessary in it . Conclusion: The Bible cannot be a humanly devised book because hu- man beings cannot exhaust it. 4. An Existence That Is Miraculous. Men have always fought the Bible because it is the one book that fights them in their sins. It is "The sword of the Spirit." Demons and men have employed everything to put the Bible out of commission, and never with such or- ganized force as the present day. The infidel Voltaire said that it took 12 men to start Christianity, but that one (himself) would destroy it. The very room where he wrote after- ward fell into the hands of the For- eign Bible Society and was stored full of Bibles. The very desk on which Ingersoll wrote much of his infidel literature, fell into the hands of a great Bible student who has sent Christian literature throughout the earth. 30 The more the Bible is fought, the higher it rises. It never had such a mighty hold upon the world as it now has. Conclusion: If man wrote the Bible he could get rid of it. "The Word of the Lord abideth forever" therefore no man can defeat it or de- stroy it. 5. An Influence That Is Mighty. The Bible is the only miracle working book in the world. It is an ever-present and everlasting miracle- working power. Its message has picked up thousands from the gut- ters and given the most helpless hu- man wrecks power to stand vic- torious over sin and to serve God. Where there is no Bible, sin runs rampant. No infidel chooses to live in a land where there is no Bible. Where pulpits are untrue to the Bible, Godlessness and worldliness exist to an alarming degree. The greatest nations are what they are because of their attitude to the Bible. Nations that have sunk back into heathenism, and those that are to- day sinking, have everyone of them, turned their backs on the Bible for their self-devised philosophies. The only reason men do not want the Bible is because it would change their lives. The water in the pipes will rise as high as the level of the reservoir. The Bible is the Book that lifts men to God. From whence then, must it have come? Conclusion: A Book which has such mighty power to elevate life to- ward God must have been inspired by God. 31 6. A Fulfillment That Is Manifest. The claims of the Bible are over- whelmingly proven by fulfillment of its prophecies hundreds of years after they were written. So detailed and specific, uttered so long before the events transpired, are its prophe- cies, that it is certain no human fore- sight could have anticipated the events. (a) Some argue that predictions were written after the events. But what of the fact that, although noth- ing has been added to the prophecies, they are still being fulfilled before our eyes and that details of proph- ecies partly fulfilled years ago are only recently being completed? This is clearly seen in the prophecies con- cerning the Jews and the events of the closing of the present age. (b) Some argue that predictions are mere guesswork. If the keenest men today who are guiding the des- tinies of our land, men having per- fect knowledge of present conditions and tendencies and dangers, were asked to write what would happen in detail ten years from now, they could not do it. It is the unexpected that happens. The anticipations of the most farseeing are constantly mocked by the bitter irony of events. (c) Some argue that the predic- tions suggested the fulfillment to men. But prophecies have been, and are being fulfilled by men entirely ig- norant of them or men who have struggled desperately to avert their fulfillment or by the very elements. Conclusion: Prophecy came not in old time by the will of man but holy 32 men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. 2 Pet. 1:21. 7. A Proof That Is Maturable. (The testimony of personal experi- ence.) God sets a divine seal of the authority of the Bible in the soul of the believer. Those who accept the salvation it offers are prom- ised the gift of the Holy Spirit. The believer who has thus become the '"temple of the Holy Ghost" knows of a surety that the Bible is true. Why do men continue to believe in the Bible in spite of the enmity and scoffing of the world? Because faith has been verified in vital personal ex- perience. When one has been born of the Spirit, they need no argu- ment. (But see 1 Cor. 2:14). God has provided a way of access to the truth. If a man will put him- self right before God, as the Bible de- mands, his experience will kill all his arguments. The unbeliever has ac- cess to thousands of competent wit- nesses who have experimentally tested the Bible, therefore there is no excuse for unbelief. Conclusion: The fact that mil- lions have had the seal of the Holy Spirit placed in their own souls proves that no other than God could have inspired the Bible. 33 INDEX OF PRINCIPAL. BIBLE EVENTS AND FACTS Aaron's Rod that budded Num. 17. Abiding Chapter Jn. IS. Abijam, Accession of over Judah 1 Kgs. 15:1-7. Abraham and Lot Gen. 13, 14. Abraham, Call and Covenant Gen. 12; 13:14- 18; IS. Abraham, death of Gen. 25:7-11. Absalom, Slaying of 2 Sam. 18. Absalom, Steals the love of ten tribes from David 2 Sam. 15. Achan, Sin of Josh. 7. Adamic Covenant Gen. 3:14, 15. Adonijah's plot to seize kingdom 1 Kgs. 1. Adulterous Wife (Israel) Hosea 2. Aeneas, Healing of Acts 9. Agrippa, Paul before Acts 26. Ahab, Accession of, over Israel 1 Kgs. 16:28-34. Ahab Covets Naboth's vineyard 1 Kgs. 21. Ahab, Judgment on 2 Kgs. 10. Ahasuerus* Great Feast and Story of Vashti Esther 1. Ahaz Reign over Judah 2 Kgs. 16. Ahaziah, Accession of, over Judah 2 Kgs. 8:25-27. Ai, Conquest of Josh. 8. Almsgiving Mt. 6. Altar fire, Vision of Ezek. 10. Amaziah Reign over Judah 2 Kgs. 14. Amon Reign over Judah 2 Kgs. 21:19-22. Ananias and Sapphira Acts 5. Anointing of Jesus by Mary Mt. 26:6-13; Mk. 14; Jn. 12. Antioch, Church at Acts 11. Anxiety, Jesus' care for Mt. 6:25-34. Ark, Brought into Solomon's temple 1 Kgs. 8. Ark, David bringing it to Jerusalem 2 Sam. 6. Ark Taken by Philistines, becomes a curse to them 1 Sam. 4-5. Armor, Christian Eph. 6. Asa, Accession of. over Judah 1 Kgs. 15:9- 15. Ascension Acts 1. Assurance 1 Jn. 5. Assyrian Captivity of Israel 2 Kgs. 17. Athaliah Destroys royal seed 2 Kgs. 11. Atonement Chapter Heb. 9. Axe Lost, recovered by Elisha 2 Kgs. 6. Azariah Reign over Judah 2 Kgs. 14:21, 23. Baasha, Accession of. over Israel 1 Kgs. 15:27-31. 34 Babel, Tower of Gen. 11. Babylon the Great Rev. 17-18. Babylonian Captivity of Judah 2 Kgs. 24:11- 16; ch. 25; 2 Chron. 36. Balaam, Doctrine of Num. 25. Balaam's Ass Num. 22. Baptism of Jesus Mt. 3:13-16; Lk. 3:21, 22; Jn. 1:31-34. Barabbas, Jesus or Mt. 27:15-24; Lk. 23; Mk. 15; Jn. 18. Barnabas. Call ofActs 13. Barren Fig Tree Mt. 21:18-22; Mk. 11. Beast Vision of Daniel Dan. 7. Beatitudes Mt. 5; Lk. 6. Benjamin, Birth of Gen. 35:16-18. Bethany, Supper at Jn. 12. Bethesda, Pool of Jn. 5. Blessings of the law Deut. 28. Blind man healed Jn. 9. Blind men healed, two Mt. 9:27-34. Boaz, the kinsman- reedemer Ruth 2-4. Boiling Pot, Parable of Ezek. 24. Bondwoman and her son cast out Gen. 21:9-21. Book of the law found by Hilkiah 2 Kgs. 22:8-20; ch. 23; 2 Chron. 34. Bread of Life Jn. 6. Burning Bush Moses and Ex. 3. Burning Vine, Vision of Ezek. 15. Caesar, Paul before Acts 25. Caiaphas, Jesus before Mt. 26; Mk. 14. Cain and Abel Gen. 4. Canaan, Final Conquest of Josh. 11. Centurion's Servant, Jesus and Mt. 8; Lk. 7:1-10. Children, Blessed Mt. 19:13-15; Mk. 10; Lk. 18. Children, Sermon on Mt. 18; Mk. 9; Lk. 9. Christ, Vicarious Sacrifice Is. 53. Christian Liberty 1 Cor. 8. Circumcision, Established as sign of Abra- hamic covenant Gen. 17:9-14. Civilization, Antediluvian Gen. 6:4. Civilization, the first Gen. 4:16-24. Cities of Refuge Num. 35; Deut. 4:41-49; 19; Josh. 20. Clothes, Woman's Deut. 22:5. Commandments Deut. 5:7-14, 16-21; 6:5. Commandments Ex. 20. Consecration Rom. 12. Corinth, Paul at Acts 18. Cornelius and Peter Acts 10. Council at Jerusalem Acts 15. Covenant, the Davidic 2 Sam. 7. Covenant, the Palestine Deut. 29-30. Creation, of Male and Female Gen. 2:7-25. Creation (rather preparation of earth for in- habitants after it had for a long season 35 been waste and void) Gen. 1:2-2:7. Creation, the original Gen. 1:1. Crucifixion of Jesus Mt. 27; Mk. 15; Lk. 23; Jn. 19. Curses of the Law Deut. 27:9-26. Daniel, History of Dan. 1. David and Goliath 1 Sam. 17. David, Choice of as king 1 Sam. 16. David, Death of 1 Kgs. 2. David, Received as King of Judah 2 Sam. 2 and Israel 2 Sam. 5. David's Discouragement 1 Sam. 27. David's Great Sin 2 Sam. 11. His Repent- ance Ch. 12. David's Song of Deliverance 2 Sam. 22 and last words 2 Sam. 23. David's Wanderings in Rejection 1 Sam. 21-30. Day of Atonement Lev. 16. In Israel. Deacon Chapters 1 Tim. 3; Acts 6. Deacons, the First Acts 6. Dead to Law Rom. 7. Death, Spiritual Rom. 3. Death to Sin Rom. 6. Deborah and Barak pursue Sisera Judges 4. Decalog Ex. 20. Deity of Christ Jn. 1. Demoniac healed Mt. 12:22-30; Mk. 3:22-30; Lk. 11:14-23. Demons of Gadara Mt. 8:28-34; Mk. 5; Lk. 8:26-40. Depravity, Human Rom. 1. Disciples instructed Mt. 10; Mk. 6; Lk. 9. Disciples' Prayer Mt. 6; Lk. 11. Divorce, Jesus and Mt. 5:31, 32; 19:3-11; Mk. 10:2-12. Divorce, Mosaic Laws of Deut. 24:1-4. Dorcas, Raising of Acts 9. Drag net, Parable of Mt. 13:47-52. Draught of Fishes Lk. 5. Dross in furnace, Parable of Ezek. 22. Drunkenness of Noah Gen. 10:20-23. Dry Bones, Vision of Ezek. 37. Duty Chapter Ezek. 33. Egyptians, Drowned in Red Sea Ex. 14. Elah, Accession of, over Israel 1 Kgs. 16:8-10. Election Rom. 9. Elijah and Prophets of Baal on Carmel 1 Kgs. 18. Elijah, Fed at Cherith and Zarephath 1 Kgs. 17:1-16. Elijah Raises Widow's Son 1 Kgs. 17:17-24. Elijah, Translation of 2 Kgs. 2. Elijah under Juniper Tree in Discourage- mentI Kgs. 19. 36 Elisha and Lost Axe 2 Kgs. 6. Elisha and Noxious Pottage 2 Kgs. 4:38-41. Elisha and Widow's Cruse of Oil and Rais- ing Son of Shunammite 2 Kgs. 4. Elisha, Call of 1 Kgs. 19:19-21. Elisha, Call of 2 Kgs. 2. Elisha Feeds One Hundred Men 2 Kgs. 4:42-44. Elisha, Illness and Death of 2 Kgs. 13:14-25. Elisha Leads the Blinded Syrians to Sa- maria 2 Kgs. 6:18-23. Elisha's Promise of Water 2 Kgs. 3. Ephesian Elders, Paul and Acts 20. Esau, Birth of Gen. 25:24-26. Esau, Sale of Birthright Gen. 25:27-34. Esther Made Queen, and Her Courage- Esther 2-5. Eunuch, Philip and the Acts 8. Exaltation Chapter Heb. 1. Excuses Lk. 14. Ezra, His Expedition from Babylon Ezra 7-8. Faith Chapter Heb. 11. Faithless Shepherds Ezek. 34. Fall of Man and Woman Through Sin- Gen. 3. False Prophets, Test of Deut. 13. False Teachers, Test of-Mt. 7:15-20. Feasts of Jehovah Lev. 23. Passover, Un- leavened Bread, First Fruits, Wave Loaves, Trumpets, Day of Atonement, Tabernacles. Felix, Paul before Acts 23-24. Festus, Paul before Acts 25. Figs, Sign of the Jer. 24. Fig Tree, Parable of Mt. 24:32-36; Mk. 13; Lk. 21. Five Thousand Fed Mt. 14:15-21; Mk. 6; Lk. 9; John 6. Flesh Pots of Egypt Num. 11:12-13. Flood Gen. 6-8. Food for Israel; Dietary Laws Deut. 14. Food, Prescribed for Israelites Lev. 11. Four Thousand Fed Mt. 15:32-39; Mk. 8:1-9. Foxes and Firebrands, Samson's Judges 15. Furnace, the Harmless Dan. 3. Gallio and Paul Act* 18. Gamaliel, Warning of Acts 5:34-39. Garment and Bottles, Parable of Mt. 9:16, 17; Mk. 5:22-43; Lk. 8:41-56. Gedaliah, Governor over Palestine 2 Kgs. 25:22-30. Genealogy, of Adam Gen. 5. Genealogy of Jesus Mt. 1; Lk. 1. Genealogy, of Noah, Shem, Ham and Japheth Gen. 10. Genealogy, Shem Gen. 11:10-32. 37 Gethsemane, Jesus in Mt. 26:36-46; Mk. 14; Lk. 22. Gideon, Call of Judges 6. His Victory- Judges 7. Gifts, Spiritual 1 Cor. 12. Glory, Daniel's Vision of Dan. 10. Glory, Vision of Ezek. 1. God, as El Elyon (Most High God) Gen. 14:17-24. God, as El Shad-dai (Almighty God) Gen. 17 :1. Goliath Defies Israel 1 Sam. 17. Good Shepherd Jn. 10. Great Commission Mt. 28:16-20; Mk. 16:15- 18. Great Eagle, Parable of Ezek. 17. Haman, Conspiracy of Esther 3. Handwriting on the Wall Dan. 5. Heaven Rev. 21. Herodians, Jesus' Answer to Mt. 22:15-22; Mk. 12; Lk. 20. Hezekiah, Reign over Judah 2 Kgs. 16:19, 20. Hezekiah's Illness and Recovery 2 Kgs. 20. Hezekiah's Prayer and the Answer 2 Kgi. 19. Hid Treasure, Parable of Mt. 13:44. Hidden Stones, Sign of Jer. 43. Holy Spirit Jn. 16. Hoshea, Reign over Israel 2 Kgs. 17:1, 2. Householder, Parable of Mt. 21:33-46; Mk. 12; Lk. 20. Idolatry, Penalty of Deut. 17:2-7; 18:9-14. Image of Nebuchadnezzar's Dream Dan. 2. Importunate Friend, Parable of Lk. 11:5-10. Impotent Man of Lystra Acts 14. Intemperance Prov. 23. Intercessory Prayer of Jesus Jn. 17. Isaac, a Bride for Gen. 24. Isaac, Birth of Gen. 21. Isaac, Death of Gen. 35:27-29. Isaac, Offering of Gen. 22. Isaac, Promise of Gen. 17:15-19. Isaiah's Transforming Vision Is. 6. Ishmael, Birth of Gen. 16. Israel, Assyrian Captivity of 2 Kgs. 17. Israel Chapter Rom. 11. Israel Demands a King 1 Sam. 8. Israel, Egyptian Bondage Ex. 1, etc. Israel, the Adulterous Wife Hosea 2. Israel, Wandering Num. 15-20; Deut. 2-3. Jacob and Esau Reconciled Gen. 33. Jacob and Esau, Stolen Blessing Gen. 27. Jacob at Haran Gen. 29. Jacob, Birth of Gen. 25:24-26. 38 Jacob's Dying Blessing Gen. 49. Jacob's Vision Gen. 28. Jacob Wrestling with Angel Gen. 32:34-32. Jairus' Daughter Raised Mt. 9; Mk. S; Lk. 8. lames and John, Ambitions of Mt. 20:20-28; Mk. 10:35-45. Jehoahaz, Reign over Israel 2 Kgs. 13. Jehoash, Accession over Israel 2 Kgs. 13. Jehoiachin, Reign over Judah 2 Kgs. 24:6-9. Jehoiakim, Reign over Judah 2 Kgs. 23:34- Jehoram, Accession of over Israel 2 Kg. 1:17, 18. Tehoshaphat, Accession of over Judah 1 Kgs. 22:41-49. Jehu, Anointed King of Israel 2 Kgs. 9. Jephtha's Vow Judges 11. Jericho, Conquest of Josh. 6. Jeroboam, Disobedience and Death of 1 Kgs. 14. Jeroboam II, Reign over Israel 2 Kgs. 14:23-27. Jeroboam, The Rise of 1 Kgs. 11:26-40. Jesus, Baptism of Mt. 3:13-16; Lk. 3:21, 22; Jn. 1:31-34. Jesus, Birth of Mt. 1:18-25; Lk. 1:26-35; ez'ebel, Slaying of 2 Kgs. 9:30-37. oab, Flight and Death of 1 Kgs. 2:28-34. oash, Accession of over Judah 2 Kgs. 11. ob'i Humility before God Job 42. ob's Opinion of Himself Job 30. ohn the Baptist, Ministry of Mt. 3; Lk. 3; Jn. 1. John the Baptist, Murder of Mt. 14; Mk. 6; Lk. 9. Jonah and the Great Fish Jonah 1-4. Jonathan and David, Their Love Covenant 1 Sam. 18. Jonathan's Protection of David 1 Sam. 20. Jonathan's Victory over Philistines 1 Sam. Joseph, Story of Gen. 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47. Joshua, Appointment of Num. 27:15-23. 'oshua, His Call Josh. 1. oshua, Last Counsels of Josh. 23. osiah, Reign over Judah 2 Kgs. 21:23-26; ch. 22. Jotham, Reign over Judah 2 Kgs. 15:32-38. Judas Sells Christ Mt. 26:14-16; Mk. 14; Lk. 22. Judges, Selected to Solve Problems of ! raelites Ex. 18. Judges, The First Judges 3. Judging Mt. 7. Judging Rom. 14. 39 Judgments, The (law) Ex. 21. ustification Rom. 5. Kadesh-Barnea Experience Num. 11. Kadesh-Barnea, Failure at Deut. 1. King, Israel Demands 1 Sam. 8. Kings, First Mention Gen. 14. Laborers in Vineyard, Parable of Mt. 20. Lame Man at Temple Gate Acts 3. Language, Confounded Gen. 11. Law and Grace Gal. Law, Br9ken Ex. 32. Law. Dispensation of; Its Inauguration-* Ex. 19. Law, Saints Go to 1 Cor. 6. Law, The Second Tables of Ex. 34. Lazarus, Raising of Jn. 11. Leaven, Parable of-Mt. 13; Lk. 13. Leprosy, Law Concerning Lev. 13, 14. Light on a Hill Mt. 5:14-16. Linen Girdle, Sign of Jer. 13. Lord of the Sabbath Mt. 12. Lord's Prayer Mt. 6; Lk. 11. Lord's Supper Instituted Mt. 26:26-29; Mk. 14:22-25; Lk. 22:17-20; 1 Cor. 11:23-25. Lost Coin, Parable of Lk. 15. Lost Sheep, Parable of Lk. 15. Lot and His Wife Gen. 19. Love 1 Cor. 13. Love 1 Jn. 4. Macedonia, Paul's Call to Acts 20. Magi, Visit of Mt. 2. Magnificat Lk. 1:46-56. Man with Measuring Reed, Vision of Ezek. 40. Manasseh, Reign over Judah 2 Kgs. 21. Manna and Quails Ex. 16. Marriage 1 Cor. 7. Marriage at Cana Jn. 2. Marriage Feast, Parable of Mt. 22; Lk. 14. Marriage of Lamb Rev. 19. Mars Hill Sermon Acts 17. Mediation Chapter Heb. 8. Memorial Stones Josh. 4. Menahem, Reign over Israel 2 Kgs. 15:16, Mephibosheth and David 2 Sam. 9. Meribah, Water of Num. 20. Millennium Chapter Rev. 20. Moabite Rebellion Defeated 2 Kgs. 3. Mordecai and Haman Esther 6-7. Mosaic Law Ex. 20 on. Moses, Birth of Ex. 2. Moses, Death of Deut. 34. Moses, Lack of Eloquence Ex. 4. Moses' Last Counsels Deut. 31. 40 Moses, Song of Deut. 32. Motherhood, Laws of (given to Israel) Lev. 12. Mothers' Chapter Judges 13. Murder, The First Gen. 4:8-17. Mustard Seed, Parable of Mt. 13; Mk. 4. Naaman, the Leper Healed 2 Kgs. 5. Naboth's Vineyard Coveted by Ahab 1 Kgs. 21. Nadab, Accession of over Israel 1 Kgs. 15:25, 26. Nathan and Bathsheba's Plot to Seize King- dom 1 Kgs. 1. Nazarite Laws Num. 6. Nehemiah's Expedition to Jerusalem Neh. 2. Nehemiah's Prayer Neh. 1. New Birth Jn. 3. Nicodemus, Jesus and Jn. 3. Noahic Covenant Gen. 8:20-22; 9:24-27. Nobleman's Son Healed Jn. 4:46-54. Offerings, Peace Lev. 3. Offerings, Sin Lev. 4. Offerings, The Burnt Lev. 1. Offerings, The Meat Lev. 2. Offerings. Trespass Lev. 5. Olivet Discourse of Jesus Mt. 24; Mk. 13; Lk. 21. Omri, Reign of over Israel 1 Kgs. 16:23-27. Palestine Covenant Deut. 29-30. Palsied Man Healed Mt. 9; Mk. 2; Lk. 5. Passage of Jordan, Israel's Josh. 3. Passover, Law of Num. 9. Passover, Origin of Ex. 12. Passover, Preparation of- for Jesus Mt. 26:17-19; Mk. 14; Lk. 22. Paul and Silas Acts 16. Paul's Arrest and Trials Acts 21-25. Peace Chapter Jn. 14. Pearl, Parable of Mt. 13:45, 46. Pekah, Reign over Israel 2 Kgs. 15:23-26. Pekahiah, Reign over Israel 2 Kgs. 15:21, 22. Pentecost Acts 2. Peter in Prison Acts 12. Peter's Confession Mt. 16:13-18; Mk. 8; Lk. 9; Jn. 6. Peter's Denial Mt. 26:69-75; Mk. 14; Lk. 22; Jn. 18. Peter's Sermon Acts 2. Peter's Wife's Mother Mt. 8:14-18. Pharaoh, Contests of Israel with Ex. 5-12. Pharaoh's Heart Hardened Ex. 4. Pharisee and Publican, Parable of Lk. 18: 9-14. Pharisees, Jesus' Answer to Mt. 22:34-46; Mk. 12. 41 Pharisees, Jesus' Denunciation of Mt. 23; Mk. 12; Lk. 20. Philip, Ministry of Acti 8. Philippian Jailor, Conversion of Actt 16. Philosophers, Paul and Acts 17. Pilate, Jesus before Mt. 27; Mk. 15; Lk. 23; Jn. 18. Pottage, The Noxious 2 Kgf. 4:38-41. Potter's House, Sign of Jer. 18-19. Pounds, Parable of Lk. 19. Powerless Disciples Mt. 17:14-21; Mk. 9; Lk. 9. Priesthood (Levitical), Inauguration of Ex. 28. Priests, Beginning of Their Ministry Lev. 9. Priests, Laws for Lev. 21, 22. Prodigal Son, Parable of Lk. 15. Prophets of Baal and Elijah 1 Kgs. 18. Purim, Feast of Instituted Esther 9. Queen of Sheba and Solomon 1 Kgs. 10. Rahab and Spies Josh. 2. Rainbow Gen. 9:13-16. Ram and Rough Goat Vision Dan. 8. Rebecca, Bride of Isaac Gen. 24. Rehoboam, Death of 1 Kgs. 14. Rehoboam, The Accession and Folly of 1 Kgs. 12. Repentance Chapter Lk. 13. Rest Chapter Heb. 4. Resurrection 1 Cor. 15. Resurrection of Jesus Mt. 28; Mk. 16; Lk. 24; Jn. 20. Revival Chapter Joel 2. Rich Man and Lazarus Lk. 16. Rich Young Ruler Mt. 19:16-26; Mk. 10; Lk. 18. Riches, Jesus' Law of Mt. 6:19-24. Rod that Budded Num. 17. Ruth's Choice Ruth 1. Sabbath Given to Israel Ex. 16:23-36. Sabbath, in Israel Ex. 35. Sabbath, The First Gen. 2:1-3. Sabbatic Year Deut. 15. Sabbatic Year Lev. 25. Sadducees, Jesus' Answer to Mt. 22:23-33; Mk. 12; Lk. 20. Safety Psalm Ps. 91. Salt of the Earth-Mt. 5:13. Salvation Chapter Rom. 10. Samson and Delilah Judges 16. Samson and Lion Judges 14. Samson. Birth of Judges 13. Samson's Riddle Judges 14. Samson's Victory with Jawbone of an Ad- judges 15. Samuel, Birth of 1 Sam. 1. 42 Samuel, The Child in the Tabernacle 1 Sam. 2, 3. Sanhedrin, Jesus before Mt. 26; Mk. 14. Sarah, Death and Burial of Gen. 23. Satan, Doom of Rev. 20. Satan, History of Is. 14; Ezek. 28. Saul and Witch of Endor 1 Sam. 28. Saul, Chosen King of Israel 1 Sam. 9. Anointed 1 Sam. 10. Saul, Death of 1 Sam. 31. Saul, Intrudes into Priest's Office 1 Sam. 13. Saul of Tarsus, Conversion of Acts 9. Saul Persecuting Christians Acts 8. Saul's Incomplete Obedience; Spares Agag 1 Sam. 15. Scape- goat Lev. 16. Seals, Seven Rev. 6-8:1. Self -righteousness Rom. 2. Sennacherib Invades Judah 2 Kgs. 18:13-25. Separation Chapter 2 Cor. 6. Sermon on the Mount Mt. 5-7; Lk. 6. Serpent of Brass Num. 21. Service Chapter Lk. 10. Seth, Birth of Gen. 4:25, 26. Seth, His Family Gen. 5:6-32. Seven Churches, Messages to Rev. 2-3. Seventy Weeks, Vision of Dan. 9. Shadow on Dial of Ahaz Turned Back Ten Degrees 2 Kgs. 20:9-11. Shadrach, Meshach, Abed-nego Refuse tQ Worship Image Dan. 3. Shallum, Reign over Judah 2 Kgs. 15:13-15. Sharp Knife, Sign of Ezek. 5. Shunammite Lad Restored to Life 2 Kgs. 4. Sighing Prophet, Parable of Ezek. 21. Sign of Jonas Mt. 12:38-42; Lk. 11:29, 30. Silversmiths, Uproar of at Ephesus Acts 19. Simeon, Adoration and Prophecy of Lk. 2:25-38. Slaughter of Babes, Herod's Mt. 2:16-18. Smitten Rock at Meribah Ex. 17. Soldier's Chapter Eph. 6. Solomon and Queen of Sheba 1 Kgs. 10. Solomon Anointed King 1 Kgs. 1. Solomon, Birth of 2 Sam. 12:24, 25. Solomon, Energy and Fame of 1 Kgs. 9:10- 28. Solomon's Alliance with Pharaoh 1 Kgs. 3. Solomon's Departure from God 1 Kgs. 11. Solomon's First Show of Wisdom 1 Kgs. 3:16-28. Solomon's House 1 Kgs. 7. Solomon's Sermon 1 Kgs. 8. Sodom, Destruction of Gen. 19. Song of the Redeemed Ex. 15. Sorcerer, Opposition of the Acts 13. Sower, Parable of Mt. 13; Mk. 4; Lk. 8. 43 Spiritualism, Warning Against Deut. 18:9- Spiritualism, Warnings Against Lev. 19:31\ 20:6. Stephen's Address before Council Acts 7. Strange Fire of Nadab and Abihu Lev. 10. Sun Standing Still Josh. 10. Tabernacle, Building of Ex. 36-40. Tabernacle, Plans of Ex. 25-31, 36-38. Talents, Parable of Mt. 25:14-30. Tares and Wheat, Parable of Mt. 13. Temple, Adversaries Hinder Restoration of Under Cyrus' Reign Ezra 4. Temple, Cyrus' Decree for Restoration of Ezra 1-3. Temple, Darius' Decree for Restoration of Ezra 6. Temple, Future Ezek. 40-41-42-43-44. Temple Repaired Under Jehoiada 2 Kgs. 12:9-16. Temple Repaired under Josiah 2 Kgs. 22. Temple, Solomon Prepares to Build 1 Kgs. 5. Starts to Build 1 Kgs. 6, 7. Temptation of Jesus Mt. 4; Mk. 1; Lk. 4. Ten Lepers Healed-Lk. 17:11-19. Ten Virgins, Parable of Mt. 25. Thessalonica, Church at Acts 17. Tile, Sign of Ezek. 4. Timothy, Call of Acts 16. Tongue Jas. 3. Tongues 1 Cor. 14. Transfiguration Mt. 17; Mk. 9; Lk. 9. Traveler's Psalm Ps. 2. Tree, Vision Dan. 4. Tribute Money, Miracle of Mt. 17:24-27; Mk. 12:13. Triumphal Entry Mt. 21; Mk. 11; Lk. 19. Trumpets, Seven Rev. 8, 9. : Two Foundations Mt. 7:24-29. Two Sticks, Sign of Ezek. 37. Two Ways Mt. 7:13-14. Unclean Spirits Go Out and Return Mt. 12:43-45; Lk. 11:24-26. Unjust Steward, Parable of Lk. 16. Unmarried Prophet, Sign of Jer. 16-17. Unpardonable Sin Mt. 12:31, 32; Mk. 3:29, 30. Uzziah, Reign over Judah 2 Kgs. 15:1-5. Vials, The Seven Rev. 15, 16. Victory Chapter Rom. 8. Vine and Branches Jn. 15. Vineyard, Parable of Jehovah's Is. 5. Viper's Bite, Miracle of Paul Acts 28w Virgin Birth, Prediction of Is. 9. Vow, Paul Takes a Jewish Acts 21. 44 Walking on Water, Jesus Mt. 14:22-36; Mk. 6; Jn. 6. Wall, Rebuilding Jerusalem's under Nehe- miah Neh. 3-6. Wandering of Israel Num. 15-20. Warfare, Laws of Deut. 20. Washing of Feet Jn. 13, Water from the Rock Num. 20. Waves Stilled-Mt. 8:23-27; Mk. 4:36-41; Lk. 8:22-25. Widow's Chapter Is. 54. Widow's Mite Lk. 21; Mk. 12:41-44. Widow's Oil, Increase of 2 Kgs. 4. Wife's Chapter Prov. 31. Wild Gourds in the Pottage 2 Kgs. 4:38-41. Wisdom Chapter Prov. 3. Witch of Endor and Saul 1 Sam. 28. Withered Hand Healed-Mt. 12:9-14; Mk. 3; Lk. 6. Woman of Samaria Jn. 4. Woman Taken in Adultery Jn. 8. Woman with Issue of Blood Mt. 9:18-26; Mk. 5:22-43; Lk. 8:41-56. Woman's Psalm Ps. 45. Women, in Church 1 Cor. 11. Works Jas. 2. Year of Jubilee Lev. 25. Yokes, Sign of the Jer. 27-28. Zaccheus, Conversion of Lk. 19. Zechariah, Reign over Israel 2 Kgs. 15:8, 9. Zimri, Reign of over Israel 1 Kgs. 16:11-20. 45 HOW TO DETECT HERESIES There are seven tests in First John four that are useful to test any im- pression, spirit or doctrine: 1. Does it confess the true hu- manity of Jesus Christ? I John 4:2. 2. Does it confess the true divin- ity of Jesus Christ? I John 4:9, 16. 3. Does it confess the vicarious atonement of Jesus Christ? I John 4:10, 14. 4. Does it tend to worldliness, and to a love of the outward? I John 4:4, 5. 5. Do the deeply spiritually- minded agree with it? I John 4:6. 6. Does it witness to the spirit of divine love? I John 4:7, 8. 7. Does it accord with the teach- ing of God's Holy Spirit? I John 4:13. OTHER SIMPLE HELPS By KEITH L. 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