■Ais^tkK University of California • Berkeley yM ^ MECHANISM THE HEAVENS. BY MRS. SOMERVILLE. LONDON: JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE-STREET. UDCCCXXXI. LONDON s PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOW£!>> Mamfortl-ttnat. 3Svhich have determined the planetary motions. PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. Xxxiii The larger planets rotate in shorter periods than the smaller planets and the earth ; their compression is consequently greater, and (he action of the sun and of their satellites occasions a nutation in their axes, and a precession of their equinoxes, similar to that which obtains in the terrestrial spheroid from the attraction of the sun and moon on the prominent matter at the equator. In comparing the periods of the revolutions of Jupiter and Saturn with the times of their rotation, it ap- pears that a year of Jupiter contains nearly ten thousand of his days, and that of Saturn about thirty thousand Saturnian days. The appearance of Saturn is unparalleled in the system of the world ; he is surrounded by a ring even brighter than him- self, which always remains in the plane of his equator, and viewed with a very good telescope, it is found to consist of two concentric rings, divided by a dark band. By the laws of mechanics, it is impossible that this body can retain its position by the adhesion of its particles alone ; it must necessarily re- volve with a velocity that will generate a centrifugal force suf- ficient to balance the attraction of Saturn. Observation con- firms the truth of these principles, showing that the rings rotate about the planet in 10^ hours, which is considerably less than tlie time a satellite would take to revolve about Saturn at the same distance. Their plane is inclined to the ecliptic at an angle of 31°; and in consequence of this obliquity of position they always appear elliptical to us, but with an eccentricity so variable as even to be occasionally like a straight line drawn across the [jlanet. At present the apparent axes of the rings are as 1000 to 160 ; and on the 29th of September, 1832, the plane of the rings will pass through the centre of the earth when they will be visible only with superior instruments, and will appear like a fine line across the disc of Saturn. On the 1st of December in the same year, the plane of the rings will pass through the centre of the sun. It is a singular result of the theory, that the rings could not maintain their stability of rotation if they were everywhere of uniform thickness ; for the smallest disturbance would destroy the equilibrium, which would become more and more deranged, till at last they would be precipitated on the surface of the XXXIV PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. planet. The rings of Saturn must therefore be irregular sdids of unequal breadth in the different parts of the circumference, so that their centres of gravity do not coincide with the centres of their figures. Professor Struve has also discovered that the centre of the ring is not concentric with the centre of Saturn ; the interval between the outer edge of the globe of the planet and the outer edge of the ring on one side, is 11".073, and on the other side the interval is 11".288; consequently there is an eccentricity of the globe in the ring of 0".215. If the rings obeyed different forces, they would not remain in the same plane, but the powerful attraction of Saturn always maintains them and his satellites in the plane of his equator. The rings, by their mutual action, and that of the sun and satellites, must oscillate about the centre of Saturn, and pro- duce phenomena of light and shadow, whose periods extend to many years. The periods of the rotation of the moon and the other satel- lites are equal to the times of their revolutions, consequently these bodies always turn the same face to their primaries ; how- ever, as the mean motion of the moon is subject to a secular inequality which will ultimately amount to many circumfer- ences, if the rotation of the moon were perfectly uniform, and not affected by the same inequalities, it would cease exactly to counterbalance the motion of revolution ; and the moon, in the course of ages, would successively and gradually discover every point of her surface to the earth. But theory proves that this never can happen ; for the rotation of the moon, though it does not partake of the periodic inequalities of her revolution, is affected by the same secular variations, so that her motions of rotation and revolution round the earth will always balance each other, and remain equal. This circumstance arises from the form of the lunar spheroid, which has three principal axes of different lengths at right angles to each other. The moon is flattened at the poles from her centrifugal force, therefore her polar axis is least ; the other two are in the plane of her equa- tor, but that directed towards the earth is the greatest. The attraction of the earth, as if it had drawn out that part of the moon's equator, constantly brings the greatest axis, and con- PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. XXXV * sequently the same hemisj)here towards us, which makes her rotation participate in the secular variations in her mean mo- tion of revolution. Even if the angular velocities of rotation and revolution had not been nicely balanced in the beginning of the moon's motion, the attraction of the earth would have recalled the greatest axis to the direction of the line joining the centres of the earth and moon ; so that it would vibrate on each side of that line in the same manner as a pendulum oscillates on each side of the vertical from the influence of gravitation. No such libration is perceptible ; and as the smallest dis- turbance would make it evident, it is clear that if the moon has ever been touched by a comet, the mass of the latter must have been extremely small j for if it had been only the hun- dred-thousandth part of that of the earth, it would have ren- dered the libration sensible. A similar libration exists in the motions of Jupiter's satellites ; but although the comet of 1767 and 1779 passed through the midst of them, their libration still remains insensible. It is true, the moon is liable to libra- tions depending on the position of the spectator ; at her rising, part of the western edge of her disc is visible, which is invisible at her setting, and the contrary takes place with regard to her eastern edge. There are also librations arising from the rela- tive positions of the earth and moon in their respective orbits, but as they are only optical appearances, one hemisphere will be eternally concealed from the earth. For the same reason, the earth, which must be so splendid an object to one lunar hemi- sphere, will be for ever veiled from the other. On account of these circumstances, the remoter hemisphere of the moon has its day a fortnight long, and a night of the same duration not even enlightened by a moon, while the favoured side is illumi- nated by the reflection of the earth during its long night. A moon exhibiting a surface thirteen times larger than ours, with all the varieties of clouds, land, and water coming successively into view, would be a splendid object to a lunar traveller in a journey to his antipodes. The great height of the lunar mountains probably has a considerable influence on the phenomena of her motion, the more so as her compression is small, and her mass considerable. XXXVI PRELLMINAUY DISSERTATION. In the curve passing through the poles, and that diametiT of the moon which always points to the earth, nature has furnished a permanent meridian, to which the different spots on her surface Ijave been referred, and their positions determined with as much accuracy as those of many of the most remarkable places on the surface of our globe. Tlie rotation of the earth which determines the length of the day may be regarded as one of the most important elements in the system of the world. It serves as a measure of time, and forms the standard of comparison for the revolutions of the celestial bodies, which by their proportional increase or de- crease would soon disclose any changes it might sustain. Theory and observation concur in proving, that among the innumerable vicissitudes that prevail throughout creation, the period of the earth's diurnal rotation is immutable. A fluid, as Mr. Babbage observes, in falling from a higher to a lower level, carries with it the velocity due to its revolution with the earth at a greater distance from its centre. It will therefore accelerate, although to an almost infinitesimal extent, the earth's daily rotation. The sum of all these increments of velocity, arising from the descent of all the rivers on the earth's surface, would in time become perceptible, did not nature, by the process of evaporation^ raise the waters back to their sources ; and thus again by removing matter to a greater distance from the centre, destroy the velocity generated by its previous approach ; so that the descent of the rivers does not affect the earth's rotation. Enormous masses pro- jected by volcanoes from the equator to the poles, and the contrary, would indeed affect it, but there is no evidence of such convulsions. The disturbing action of the moon and planets, which has so powerful an effect on the revolution of the earth, in no way influences its rotation : the constant friction of the trade winds on the mountains and continents between the tropics does not impede its velocity, which theory even proves to be the same, as if the sea together with the earth formed one solid mass. But although these circumstances be inefficient, a variation in the mean temperature would cer- tainly occasion a corresponding change in the velocity of rota- tion : for in the science of dynamics, it is a principle in a systenj PRELlMlNAtlY DISSERTATIOX. Xxxvii of bodies, or of particles revolving about a fixed centre, that the momentum, or sum of the products of the mass of each into its angular velocity and distance from the centre is a con- stant quantity, if the system be not deranged by an external cause. Now since the number of particles in the system is the same whatever its temperature may be, when their distances from the centre are diminished, their angular velocity must be increased in order that the preceding quantity may still remain constant. It follows then, that as the primitive momentum of rotation with which the earth was projected into space must necessarily remain the same, the smallest decrease in heat, by contracting the terrestrial spheroid, would accelerate its rota- tion, and consequently diminish the length of the day. Not- withstanding the constant accession of heat from the sun's rays, geologists have been induced to believe from the nature of fossil remains, that the mean temperature of the globe is decreasing. The high temperature of mines, hot springs, and above all, the internal fires that have produced, and do still occasion such devastation on our planet, indicate an augmentation of heat towards its centre ; the increase of density in the strata cor- responding to the depth and the form of the spheroid, being what theory assigns to a fluid mass in rotation, concur to induce the idea that the temperature of the earth was originally so high as to reduce all the substances of which it is composed to a state of fusion, and that in the course of ages it has cooled down to its present state ; that it is still becoming colder, and that it will continue to do so, till the whole mass arrives at the temperature of the medium in which it is placed, or rather at a state of equilibrium between this temperature, the cooling power of its own radiation, and the heating effect of the sun's rays. But even if this cause be suflicient to produce the ob- served effects, it must be extremely slow in its operation ; for in consequence of the rotation of the earth being a measure of the periods of the celestial motions, it has been proved, that if the length of the day had decreased by the three hundredth part of a second since the observations of Hipparchus two thousand years ago, it would have diminished the secular d XXXVlll PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. equation of the moon by 4".4. It is therefore beyond a doubt, that the mean temperature of the earth cannot have sen- sibly varied during that time ; if then the appearances exhibited by the strata are really owing to a decrease of internal tempe- rature, it either shows the immense periods requisite to produce geological changes to which two thousand years are as nothing, or that the mean temperature of the earth had arrived at a state of equilibrium before these observations. However strong the indications of the primitive fluidity of the earth, as there is no direct proof, it can only be regarded as a very probable hypo- thesis ; but one of the most profound philosophers and elegant writers of modern times has found, in the secular variation of the eccentricity of the terrestrial orbit, an evident cause of de- creasing temperature. That accomplished author, in pointing out the mutual dependences of phenomena, says — ' It is evi- dent that the mean temperature of the whole surface of the globe, in so far as it is maintained by the action of the sun at a higher degree than it would have were the sun extinguished, must depend on the mean quantity of the sun's rays which it receives, or, which comes to the same thing, on the total quan- tity received in a given invariable time : and the length of the year being unchangeable in all the fluctuations of the planetary system, it follows, that the total amount of solar radiation will determine, cceteris paribus, the general climate of the earth. Now it is not diflicult to show, that this amount is inversely proportional to the minor axis of the ellipse described by the earth about the sun, regarded as slowly variable ; and that, therefore, the major axis remaining, as we know it to be, con- stant, and the orbit being actually in a state of approach to a circle, and consequently the minor axis being on the increase, the mean annual amount of solar radiation received by the whole earth must be actually on the decrease. We have, therefore, an evident real cause to account for the phenome- non.* The limits of the variation in the eccentricity of the earth's orbit are unknown ; but if its ellipticity has ever been as great as that of the orbit of Mercury or Pallas, the mean temperatura of the earth must have been sensibly higher than it is at present ; whether it was great enough to render our PRE LIMINARY DISSERT/CTWiT* ,?', '^' xXl northern climates fit for the production oF^tfejfitlRl^ pIliAts, lUid for the residence of the elephant, and the other Inhabitants of the torrid zone, it is impossible to say. The relative quantity of heat received by the earth at dif- ferent moments during a single revolution, varies with the position of the perigee of its orbit, which accomplishes a tro- pical revolution in 20935 years. In the year 1250 of our era, and 29653 years before it, the perigee coincided with the sum- mer solstice ; at both these periods the earth was nearer the sun during the summer, and farther from him in the winter than in any other position of the apsides : the extremes of tem- perature must therefore have been greater than at present ; but as the terrestrial orbit was probably more elliptical at the distant epoch, the heat of the summers must have been very great, though possibly compensated by the rigour of the win- ters ; at all events, none of these changes affect the length of the day. It appears from the marine shells found on the tops of the highest mountains, and in almost every part of the globe, that immense continents have been elevated above the ocean, which must have engulphed others. Such a catastrophe would be occa- sioned by a variation in the position of the axis of rotation on the surface of the earth ; for the seas tending to the new equa- tor would leave some portions of the globe, and overwhelm others. But theory proves that neither nutation, precession, nor any of the disturbing forces that affect the system, have the smallest influence on the axis of rotation, which maintains a permanent position on the surface, if the earth be not disturbed in its rotation by some foreign cause, as the collision of a comet which may have happened in the immensity of time. Then indeed, the equilibrium could only have been restored by the rushing of the seas to the new equator, which they would con- tinue to do, till the surface was every where perpendicular to the direction of gravity. But it is probable that such an accu- mulation of the waters would not be sufficient to restore equi- librium if the derangement had been great ; for the mean den- sity of the sea is only about a fifth part of the mean density of the earth, and the mean depth even of the Pacific ocean is not d 2 x\ PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. more than four miles, whereas the equatorial radius of the earth exceeds the poUir radius by twenty-five or thirty miles ; consequently the influence of the sea on the direction of gra- vity is very small ; and as it appears that a great change in the position of the axes is incompatible with the law of equili- brium, the geological phenomena must be ascribed to an in- ternal cause. Thus amidst the mighty revolutions which have swept innumerable races of organized beings from the earth, which have elevated plains, and buried mountains in the ocean, the rotation of the earth, and the position of the axis on its surface, have undergone but slight variations. It is beyond a doubt that the strata increase in density from the surface of the earth to its centre, Avhich is even proved by the lunar inequalities ; and it is manifest from the mensuration of arcs of the meridian and the lengths of the seconds pendulum that the strata are elliptical and concentric. This certainly would have happened if the earth had originally been fluid, for the denser parts must have subsided towards the centre, as it approached a state of equilibrium ; but the enormous pressure of the superincumbent mass is a sufficient cause for these phe- nomena. Professor Leslie observes, that air compressed into the fiftieth part of its volume has its elasticity fifty times aug- mented ; if it continue to contract at that rate, it would, from its own incumbent weight, acquire the density of water at the depth of thirty-four miles. But water itself would have its density doubled at the depth of ninety-three miles, and would even attain the density of quicksilver at a depth of 3G2 miles. In descending therefore towards the centre through 4000 miles, the condensation of ordinary materials would surpass the utmost powers of conception. But a density so extreme is not borne out by astronomical observation. It might seem therefore to follow, that our planet must have a widely cavernous structure, and that we tread on a crust or shell, whose thickness bears a very small proportion to the diameter of its sphere. Pos- sibly too this great condensation at the central regions may be counterbalanced by the increased elasticity due to a very elevated temperature. Dr. Young says that steel would be compressed into one-fourth, and stone into one-eighth of its bulk at the earth's centre. However we are yet ignorant of PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. xtl the laws of compression of solid bodies beyond a certain limit ; but, from the experiments of Mr. Perkins, they appear to be capable of a greater degree of compression than has generally been imagined. It appears then, that the axis of rotation is invariable on the surface of the earth, and observation shows, that were it not for the action of the sun and moon on the matter at the equa- tor, it would remain parallel to itself in every point of its orbit. The attraction of an exterior body not only draws a spheroid tOAvards it ; but, as the force varies inversely as the square of the distance, it gives it a motion about its centre of gravity, unless when the attracting body is situated in the prolongation of one of the axes of the spheroid. The plane of the equator is inclined to the plane of the ecliptic at an angle of about 23° 28', and the inclination of the lunar orbit on the same is nearly 5° ; consequently, from the oblate figure of the earth, the sun and moon acting obliquely and unequally on the different parts of the terrestrial spheroid, urge the plane of the equator from its direction, and force it to move from east to west, so that the equinoctial points have a slow retrograde motion on the plane of the ecliptic of about 60".412 annually. The direct tendency of this action would be to make the planes of the equator and ecliptic coincide ; but in consequence of the rotation of the earth, the inclination of the two planes remains constant, as a top in spinning preserves the same inclination to the plane of the horizon. Were the earth spherical this effect would not be produced, and the equinoxes would always correspond to the same points of the ecliptic, at least as far as this kind of action is concerned. But another and totally different cause operates on this motion, which has already been mentioned. The action of the planets on one another and on the sun, occasions a very slow variation in the position of the plane of the ecliptic, which affects its inclination on the plane of the equator, and gives the equinoctial points a slow but direct motion on the ecliptic of 0".3l2 annually, which is entirely independent of the figure of the earth, and Avould be the same if it were a sphere. Thus the sun and moon, by Ojoving the plane of the equator, cause the equinoctial points xlii PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. to retrograde on the ecliptic ; and the planets, by moving the plane of the ecliptic, give them a direct motion, but much less than the former ; consequently the difference of the two is the mean precession, which is proved, both by theory and observa- tion, to be about 50". 1 annually. As the longitudes of all the fixed stars are increased by this quantity, the effects of preces- sion are soon detected ; it was accordingly discovered by Hip- parchus, in the year 128 before Christj from a comparison of his own observations with those of Timocharis, 155 years before. In the time of Hipparchus the entrance of the sun into the constellation Aries was the beginning of spring, but since then the equinoctial points have receded 30° ; so that the constellations called the signs of the zodiac are now at a con- siderable distance from those divisions of the ecliptic which bear their names. Moving at the rate of 50". 1 annually, the equinoctial points will accomplish a revolution in 25868 years ; but as the precession varies in different centuries, the extent of this period will be slightly modified. Since the motion of the sun is direct, and that of the equinoctial points retrograde, he takes a shorter time to return to the equator than to arrive at the same stars ; so that the tropical year of 365.242264 days must be increased by the time he takes to move through an arc of 50".l, in order to have the length of the sidereal year. By simple proportion it is the 0.014119th part of a day, so that the sidereal year is 365.256383. The mean annual precession is subject to a secular variation ; for although the change in the plane of the ecliptic which is the orbit of the sun, be independent of the form of the earth, yet by bringing the sun, moon and earth into different relative positions from age to age, it alters the direct action of the two first on the prominent matter at the equator ; on this account the motion of the equinox is greater by 0".455 now than it was in the time of Hipparchus ; consequently the actual length of the tropical year is about 4". 154 shorter than it was at that time. The utmost change that it can experience from this cause amounts to 43 '. Such is the secular motion of the equinoxes, but it is some- times increased and sometimes diminished by periodic varia- tions, whose periods depend on the relative positions of the sua PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. xliii and moon with regard to the earth, and occasioned by the direct action of these bodies on the equator. Dr. Bradley dis- covered that by this action the moon causes the pole of the equator to describe a small ellipse in the heavens, the diameters of which are 16" and 20''. The period of this inequality is nineteen years, the time employed by the nodes of the lunar orbit to accomplish a revolution. The sun causes a small variation in the description of this ellipse ; it runs through its period in half a year. This nutation in the earth's axis affects both the precession and obliquity with small periodic variations; but in consequence of the secular variation in the position of the terrestrial orbit, which is chiefly owing to the disturbing energy of Jupiter on the earth, the obliquity of the ecliptic is annually diminished by 0".52l09. With regard to the fixed stars, this variation in the course of ages may amount to ten or eleven degrees ; but the obliquity of the ecliptic to the equator can never vary more than two or three degrees, since the equator will follow in some measure the motion of the ecliptic. It is evident that the places of all the celestial bodies are affected by precession and nutation, and therefore all obser- vations of them must be corrected for these inequalities. The densities of bodies are proportional to their masses divided by their volumes ; hence if the sun and planets be assumed to be spheres, their volumes will be as the cubes of their diameters. Now the apparent diameters of the sun and earth at their mean distance, are 1922" and 17''.08, and the mass of the earth is the TjrWirth P^rt of that of the sun taken as the unit ; it follows therefore, that the earth is nearly four times as dense as the sun ; but the sun is so large that his attractive force would cause bodies to fall through about 450 feet in a second ; consequently if he were even habitable by human beings, they would be unable to move, since their weight would be thirty times as great as it is here. A moderate sized man would weigh about two tons at the surface of the sun. On the contrary, at the surface of the four new planets we should be so light, that it would be impossible to stand from the excess of our muscular force, for a man would only weigh a few pounds. All the planets and satellites appear to be of xUv PRELLMINARY DISSERTATION. less density than the earth. The motions of Jupiter's satel- lites show that his density increases towards his centre ; and the singular irregularities in the form of Saturn, and the great compression of Mars, prove the internal structure of these two planets to be very far from uniform. Astronomy has been of immediate and essential use in aftbrding invariable standards for measuring duration, distance, magnitude, and velocity. The sidereal day, measured by the time elapsed between two consecutive transits of any star at the same meridian, and the sidereal year, are immutable units Avith which to compare all great periods of time; the oscilla- tions of the isochronous pendulum measure its smaller por- tions. By these invariable standards alone we can judge of the slow changes that other elements of the system may have undergone in the lapse of ages. The returns of the sun to the same meridian, and to the same equinox or solstice, have been universally adopted as the measure of our civil days and years. The solar or astrono- mical day is the time that elapses between two consecutive noons or midnights ; it is consequently longer than the side- real day, on account of the proper motion of the sun during a revolution of the celestial sphere ; but as the sun moves with greater rapidity at the winter than at the summer solstice, the astronomical day is more nearly equal to the sidereal day in summer than in winter. The obliquity of the ecliptic also affects its duration, for in the equinoxes the arc of the equator is less than the corresponding arc of the ecliptic, and in the solstices it is greater. The astronomical day is therefore diminished in the first case, and increased in the second. If the sun moved uniformly in the equator at the rate of 59' 8".3 every day, the solar days would be all equal ; the time there- fore, which is reckoned by the arrival of an imaginary sun at the meridian, or of one which is supposed to move in the equator, is denominated mean solar time, such as is given by clocks and watches in common life : when it is reckoned by the arrival of the real sun at the meridian, it is apparent time, such as is given by dials. The difference between the time shown by a clock and a dial is the equation of time given in the A^«u- tical Almanac, and sometime-s ivmounts tp as much as sixteen PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. xlv minutes. The apparent and mean time coincide four times iu the year. Astronomers begin the day at noon, but in common reckon- ing the day begins at midnight. In England it is divided into twenty four hours, which are counted by twelve and twelve ; but in France, astronomers adopting decimal division, divide the day into ten hours, the hour into one hundred minutes, and the minute into a hundred seconds, because of the facility in computation, and in conformity with their system of weights and measures. This subdivision is not used in common life, nor has it been adopted in any other country, though their scientific writers still employ that division of time. The mean length of the day, though accurately determined, is not sufficient for the purjMJses either of astronomy or civil life. The length of the year is pointed out by nature as a mecisure of long periods ; but the incommensurability that exists between the lengths of the day, and the revolutions of the sun, renders it diflicult to adjust the estimation of both in whole numbers. If the revolution of the sun were accomplished in 365 days, all the years would be of precisely the same number of days, and would begin and end with the sun at the same point of the ecliptic ; but as the sun's revolution includes the fraction of a day, a civil year and a revolution of the sun have not the same duration. Since the fraction is nearly the fourth of a day, four years are nearly equal to four revolutions of the sun, so that the addition of a supernumerary day every fourth year nearly compensates the dift'erence; but in process of time further correction will be necessary, because the fraction is less than the fourth of a day. The period of seven days, by far the most permanent division of time, and the most ancient monument of astronomical knowledge, was used by the Brahmins in India with the same denominations employed by us, and was alike found in the Calendars of the Jews, Egyptians, Arabs, and Assyrians; it has survived the fall of empires, and has existed among all successive generations, a proof of their common origin. The new moon immediately following the winter solstice in the 707th year of Rome was made the 1st of January of the first year of Ciesar ; the 25th of December in his 45th year, is con- sidered as the date of Christ's nativity ; and Cajsar's 46th year is Klvi PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. assumed to be the first of our era. The preceding year is called the first year before Christ by chronologists, but by astronomers it is called the year 0. The astronomical year begins on the 31st of December at noon ; and the date of an observation expresses the days and hours which actually elapsed since that time. Some remarkable astronomical eras are determined by the position of the major axis of the solar ellipse. Moving at the rate of 61".906 annually, it accomplishes a tropical revo- lution in 20935 years. It coincided with the line of the equinoxes 4000 or 4089 years before the Christian era, much about the time chronologists assign for the creation of man. In 6485 the major axis will again coincide with the line of the equinoxes, but then the solar perigee will coincide with the equinox of spring ; whereas at the creation of man it coincided with the autumnal equinox. In the year 1250 the major axis was perpendicular to the line of the equinoxes, and then the solar perigee coincided with the solstice of winter, and the apogee with the solstice of summer. On that account La Place proposed the year 1250 as a universal epoch, and that the vernal equinox of that year should be the first day of the first year. The variations in the positions of the solar ellipse occasion corresponding changes in the length of the seasons. In its pre- sent position spring is shorter than summer, and autumn longer than winter ; and while the solar perigee continues as it now is, between the solstice of winter and the equinox of spring, the period including spring and summer will be longer than that including autumn and winter : in this century the diffe- rence is about seven days. These intervals will be equal towards the year 6485, when the perigee comes to the equinox of spring. Were the earth's orbit circular, the seasons would be equal ; their differences arise from the eccentricity of the earth's orbit, small as it is ; but the changes are so gradual as to be imperceptible in the short space of human life. No circumstance in the whole science of astronomy excites a deeper interest than its application to chronology. 'Whole nations,' says La Place, • have been swept from the earth, with their language, arts and sciences, leaving but confused masses of ruin to mark the place where mighty cities stood ; their PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. xlvU history, with the exception of a few doubtful traditions, has perished ; but the perfection of their astronomical observations marks their high antiquity, fixes the periods of their existence, and proves that even at that early period they must have made considerable progress in science.' Tlie ancient state of the heavens may now be computed with great accuracy ; and by comparing the results of computation with ancient observations, the exact period at which they were made may be verified if true, or if false, their error may be detected. If the date be accurate, and the observation good, it will verify the accuracy of modern tables, and show to how many centuries they may be extended, without the fear of error. A few examples will show the importance of this subject. At the solstices the sun is at his greatest distance from the equator, consequently his declination at these times is equal to the obliquity of the ecliptic, which in former times was deter- mined from the meridian length of the shadow of the style of a dial on the day of the solstice. The lengths of the meridian shadow at the summer and winter solstice are recorded to have been observed at the city of Layang, in China, 1100 years before the Christian era. From these, the distances of the sun from the zenith of the city of Layang are known. Half the sum of these zenith distances determines the latitude, and half their difierence gives the obliquity of the ecliptic at the period of the observation ; and as the law of the variation in the obliquity is known, both the time and place of the obser- vations have been verified by computation from modern tables. Thus the Chinese had made some advances in the science of astronomy at that early period ; the whole chronology of the Chinese is founded on the observations of eclipses, which prove the existence of that empire for more than 4700 years. The epoch of the lunar tables of the Indians, supposed by Bailly to be 3000 before the Christian era, was proved by La Place from the acceleration of the moon, not to be more ancient than the time of Ptolemy. The great inequality of Jupiter and Saturn whose cycle embraces 929 years, is peculiarly fitted for marking the civilization of a people. The Indians had deter- mined the mean motions of these two planets in that part of Xlviii PEELIMINARY DISSERTATION. their periods when the apparent mean motion of Saturn was at the slowest, and that of Jupiter (he most rapid. The periods in which that happened were 3102 years before the Christian era, and the year 1491 after it. The returns of comets to their perihelia may possibly mark the present state of astronomy to future ages. The places of the fixed stars are afifected by the precession of the equinoxes ; and as the laAv of that variation is known, their positions at any time may be computed. Now Eudoxus, a contemporary of Plato, mentions a star situate in the pole of the equator, and from computation it appears that x Dra- conis was not very far from that place about 3000 years ago ; but as Eudoxus lived only about 2150 years ago, he must have described an anterior state of the heavens, supposed to be the same that was determined by Chiron, about the time of the siege of Troy. Every circumstance concurs in showing that astronomy was cultivated in the highest ages of antiquity. A knowledge of astronomy leads to the interpretation of hieroglyphical characters, since astronomical signs are often found on the ancient Egyptian monuments, which were pro- bably employed by the priests to record dates. On the ceiling of the portico of a temple among the ruins of Tentyris, there is a long row of figures of men and animals, following each other in the same direction ; among these are the twelve signs of the zodiac, placed according to the motion of the sun : it is probable that the first figure in the procession represents the beginning of the year. Now the first is the Lion as if com- ing out of the temple ; and as it is well known that the agri- cultural year of the Egyptians commenced at the solstice of summer, the epoch of the inundations of the Nile, if the pre- ceding hypothesis be true, the solstice at the time the temple was built must have happened in the constellation of the lion ; but as the solstice now happens 21°.6 north of the constellation of the Twins, it is easy to compute that the zodiac of Tentyris must have been made 4000 years ago. The author had occasion to witness an instance of this most interesting application of astronomy, in ascertaining the date of a papyrus sent from Egypt by Mr. Salt, in the hieroglyi)hical researches of the late Dr. Thomas Young, whose profound and PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. xli-^ varied acquirements do honour not only to his country, but to the age in which he lived. The manuscript was found in a rnummy case ; it proved to be a horoscope of the age of Ptolemy, and its antiquity was determined from the configu- ration of the heavens at the time of its construction. The form of the earth furnishes a standard of weights and measures for the ordinary purposes of life, as well as for the determination of the masses and distances of the heavenly bodies. The length of the pendulum vibrating seconds in the latitude of London forms the standard of the British measure of extension. Its length oscillating in vacuo at the tempera- ture of G2° of Fahrenheit, and reduced to the level of the sea, was determined by Captain Kater, in parts of the imperial standard yard, to be 39.1387 inches. The weight of a cubic inch of water at the temperature of 62° Fahrenheit, baro- meter 30, was also determined in parts of the imperial troy pound, whence a standard both of weight and capacity is de- duced. The French have adopted the metre for their unit of linear measure, which is the ten millionth part of that quadrant of the meridian passing through Formentera and Greenwich, the middle of which is nearly in the forty-fifth degree of lati- tude. Should the national standards of the two countries be lost in the vicissitudes of human affairs, both may be recovered, since they are derived from natural standards presumed to be invariable. The length of the pendulum would be found again with more facility than the metre ; but as no measure is mathe- matically exact, an error in the original standard may at length become sensible in measuring a great extent, whereas the error that must necessarily arise in measuring the quadrant of the meridian is rendered totally insensible by subdivision in taking its ten millionth part. The French have adopted the decimal division not only in time, but in their degrees, weights, and measures, which affords very great facility in computation. It has not been adopted by any other people ; though nothing is more desirable than that all nations should concur in using the same division and standards, not only on account of the con- venience, but as affording a more definite idea of quantity. It is singular that the decimal division of the day, of degrees, weights and measures, was employed in China 4000 years ago ; I PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. and that at the time Ibn Junis made his observations at Cairo, about the year 1000, the Arabians were in the habit of era- ploying the vibrations of the pendulum in their astronomical observations. One of the most immediate and striking effects of a gravi- tating force external to the earth is the alternate rise and fall of the surface of the gea twice in the course of a lunar day, or 24^ 50" 48' of mean solar time. As it depends on the action of the sun and moon, it is classed among astronomical problems, of which it is by far the most difficult and the least satisfactory. The form of the surface of the ocean in equi- librio, when revolving with the earth round its axis, is an ellipsoid flattened at the poles ; but the action of the sun and moon, especially of the moon, disturbs the equilibrium of the ocean. If the moon attracted the centre of gravity of the earth and all its particles with equal and parallel forces, the whole sys- tem of the earth and the waters that cover it, would yield to these forces with a common motion, and the equilibrium of the seas would remain undisturbed. The difference of the forces, and the inequality of their directions, alone trouble the equi- librium. It is proved by daily experience, as well as by strict mecha- nical reasoning, that if a number of waves or oscillations be excited in a fluid by different forces, each pursues its course, and has its effect independently of the rest. Now in the tides there are three distinct kinds of oscillations, depending on dif- ferent causes, producing their effects independently of each other, which may therefore be estimated separately. The oscillations of the first kind which are very small, are independent of the rotation of the earth ; and as they depend on the motion of the disturbing body in its orbit, they are of long periods. The second kind of oscillations depends on the ro- tation of the earth, therefore their period is nearly a day : and the oscillations of the third kind depend on an angle equal to twice the angular rotation of the earth ; and consequently happen twice in twenty-four hours. The first afford no particular in- terest, and are extremely small ; but the difference of two con- secutive tides depends on the second. At the time of the solstices, PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. il this difference which, according to Newton's theory, ought to be very great, is hardly sensible on our shores. La Place has shown that this discrepancy arises from the depth of the sea, and that if the depth were uniform, there would be no difference in the consecutive tides, were it not for local circumstances : it follows therefore, that as this difference is extremely small, the sea, considered in a large extent, must be nearly of uniform depth, that is to say, there is a certain mean depth from which the deviation is not great. The mean depth of the Pacific ocean is supposed to be about four miles, that of the Atlantic only three. From the formulas which determine the difference of the consecutive tides it is also proved that the precession of the equinoxes, and the nutation in the earth's axis, are the same as if the sea formed one solid mass with the earth. The third kind of oscillations are the semidiurnal tides, so remarkable on our coasts ; they are occasioned by the com- bined action of the sun and moon, but as the effect of each is independent of the other, they may be considered separately. The particles of water under the moon are more attracted than the centre of gravity of the earth, in the inverse ratio of the square of the distances ; hence they have a tendency to leave the earth, but are retained by their gravitation, which this tendency diminishes. On the contrary, the moon attracts the centre of the earth more powerfully than she attracts the particles of water in the hemisphere opposite to her ; so that the earth has a tendency to leave the waters but is retained by gravitation, which this tendency again diminishes. Thus the waters immediately under the moon are drawn from the earth at the same time that the earth is drawn from those which are diametrically opposite to her ; in both instances producing an elevation of the ocean above the surface of equilibrium of nearly the same height ; for the diminution of the gravitation of the particles in each position is almost the same, on account of the distance of the moon being great in comparison of the radius of the earth. Were the earth entirely covered by the sea, the water thus attracted by the moon would assume the form of an oblong spheroid, whose greater axis would point towards the moon, since the columns of water under the moon and in the direction diametrically opposite to her are ren- IB PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. dered lighter, in consequence of the diminution of their gravi- tation ; and in order to preserve the equilibrium, the axes 90'' distant would be shortened. The elevation, on account of the smaller space to which it is confined, is twice as great as the depression, because the contents of the spheroid always remain the same. The effects of the sun's attraction are in all re- spects similar to those of the moon's, though greatly less in degree, on account of his distance ; he therefore only modifies the form of this spheroid a little. If the waters were capable of instantly assuming the form of equilibrium, that is, the form of the spheroid, its summit would always point to the moon, not- withstanding the earth's rotation ; but on account of their resistance, the rapid motion produced in them by rotation prevents them from assuming at every instant the form which the equilibrium of the forces acting on them requires. Hence, on account of the inertia of the waters, if the tides be consi- dered relatively to the whole earth and oj)en sea, there is a meridian about 30° eastward of the moon, where it is always high water both in the hemisphere where the moon is, and in that which is opposite. On the west side of this circle the tide is flowing, on the east it is ebbing, and on the meridian at dOf^ distant, it is everywhere low water. It is evident that these tides must happen twice in a day, since in that time the rotation of the earth brings the same point twice under the meridian of the moon, once under the superior and once under the inferior meridian. In the semidiurnal tides there are two phenomena particu- larly to be distinguished, one that happens twice in a month, and the other twice in a year. The first phenomenon is, that the tides are much increased in the syzigies, or at the time of new and full moon. In both cases the sun and moon are in the same meridian, for when the moon is new they are in conjunction, and when she is full they are in opposition. In each of these positions their action is combined to produce the highest or spring tides under that meridian, and the lowest in those points that are 90° distant. It is observed that the higher the sea rises in the full tide, the lower it is in the ebb. The neap tides take place when the moon is in quadrature, they neither rise so high nor sink so low as the PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. M spring titles. The spring tides are much increased when the moon is in perigee. It is evident that the spring tides must happen twice a month, since in that time the moon is once new and once full. The second phenomenon in the tides is the augmentation which occurs at the time of the equinoxes when the sun's de- clination is zero, which happens twice every year. The greatest tides take place when a new or full moon happens near the equinoxes while the moon is in perigee. The inclination of the moon's orbit on the ecliptic is 5° 9' ; hence in the equinoxes the action of the moon would be increased if her node were to coincide with her perigee. The equinoctial gales often raise these tides to a great height. Beside these remarkable varia- tions, there are others arising from the declination of the moon, which has a great influence on the ebb and flow of the waters. Both the height and time of high water are thus perpetually changing; therefore, in solving the problem, it is required to determine the heights to which they rise, the times at which they happen, and the daily variations. The periodic motions of the waters of the ocean on the hypo- thesis of an ellipsoid of revolution entirely covered by the sea, are very far from according with observation ; this arises from the very great irregularities in the surface of the earth, which is but partially covered by the sea, the variety in the depths of the ocean, the manner in which it is spread out on the earth, the position and inclination of the shores, the currents, the resistance the waters meet with, all of them causes which it is impossible to estimate, but which modify the oscillations of the great mass of the ocean. However, amidst all these irregu- larities, the ebb and flow of the sea maintain a ratio to the forces producing them sufficient to indicate their nature, and to verify the law of the attraction of the sun and moon on the sea. La Place observes, that the investigation of such relations between cause and effect is no less useful in natural philosophy than the direct solution of problems, either to prove the exist- ence of the causes, or trace the laws of their effects. Like the theory of probabilities, it is a happy supplement to the igno- rance and weakness of the human mind. Thus the problem of the tides does not admit of a general solution ; it is certainly Kf PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. necessary to analyse the general phenomena which might to result from the attraction of the sun and moon, but these must be corrected in each particular case by those local observations which are modified by the extent and depth of the sea, and the pecuhar circumstances of the port. Since the disturbing action of the sun and moon can only become sensible in a very great extent of water, it is evident that the Pacific ocean is one of the principal sources of our tides ; but in consequence of the rotation of the earth, and the inertia of the ocean, high water does not happen till some time after the moon's southing. The tide raised in that world of waters is transmitted to the Atlantic, and from that sea it moves in a northerly direction along the coasts of Africa and Europe, arriving later and later at each place. This great wave however is modified by the tide raised in the Atlantic, which sometimes combines with that from the Pacific in raising the sea, and sometimes is in opposition to it, so that the tides only rise in proportion to their difference. This great combined wave, reflected by the shores of the Atlantic, extend- ing nearly from pole to pole, still coming northward, pours through the Irish and British channels into the North sea, so that the tides in our ports are modified by those of ano- ther hemisphere. Thus the theory of the tides in each port, both as to their height and the times at which they take place, is really a matter of experiment, and can only be perfectly de- termined by the mean of a very great number of observations including several revolutions of the moon's nodes. The height to which the tides rise is much greater in narrow channels than in the open sea, on account of the obstruc- tions they meet with. In high latitudes where the ocean is less directly under the influence of the luminaries, the rise and fall of the sea is inconsiderable, so that, in all probability, there is no tide at the poles, or only a small annual and monthly one. The ebb and flow of the sea are perceptible in rivers to a very great distance from their estuaries. In the straits of Pauxis, in the river of the Amazons, more than five hundred miles from the sea, the tides are evident. It requires so many days for the tide to ascend this mighty stream, that the returning tides meet a succession of those which are coming PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. Iv up ; so that every possible variety occurs in some part or other of its shores, both as to magnitude and time. It requires a very wide expanse of water to accumulate the impulse of the sun and moon, so as to render their influence sensible ; on that account the tides in the Mediterranean and Black Sea are scarcely perceptible. These perpetual commotions in the waters of the ocean are occasioned by forces that bear a very small proportion to terres- trial gravitation : the sun's action in raising the ocean is only the • 3 " B.iAo ?g of gravitation at the earth's surface, and the action of the moon is little more than twice as much, these forces being in the ratio of 1 to 2.35333. From this ratio the mass of the moon is found to be only ny^th part of that of the earth. The initial state of the ocean has no influence on the tides ; for whatever its primitive conditions may have been, they must soon have vanished by the friction and mobility of the fluid. One of the most remarkable circumstances in the theory of the tides is the assurance that in consequence of the density of the sea being only one-fifth of the mean density of the earth, the stability of the equilibrium of the ocean never can be subverted by any physical cause whatever. A general inundation arising from the mere instability of the ocean is therefore impossible. The atmosphere when in equilibrio is an ellipsoid flattened at the poles from its rotation with the earth : in that state its strata are of uniform density at equal heights above the level of the sea, and it is sensibly of finite extent, whether it consists of par- ticles infinitely divisible or not. On the latter hypothesis it must really be finite; and even if the particles of matter be infi- nitely divisible, it is known by experience to be of extreme tenuity at very small heights. The barometer rises in propor- tion to the superincumbent pressure. Now at the temperature of melting ice, the density of mercury is to that of air as 10320 to 1 ; and as the mean height of the barometer is 29.528 inches, the height of the atmosphere by simple proportion is 30407 feet, at the mean temperature of 62", or 34153 feet, which is extremely small, when compared with the radius of the earth. The action of the sun and moon disturbs the equilibrium of the atmosphere, producing oscillations similar to those in the ocean, which occasion periodic variations in the heights of the e« Ivi PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. barometer. These, however, are so extremely small, that their existence in latitudes so far removed from the equator is doubtful ; a series of observations within the tropics can alone decide this delicate point. La Place seems to think that the flux and reflux distinguishable at Paris may be occasioned by the rise and fall of the ocean, which forms a variable base to so great a portion of the atmosphere. The attraction of the sun and moon has no sensible effect on the trade winds ; the heat of the sun occasions these aerial currents, by rarefying the air at the equator, which causes the cooler and more dense part of the atmosphere to rush along the surface of the earth to the equator, while that which is heated is carried along the higher strata to the poles, forming two currents in the direction of the meridian. But the rotatory velocity of the air corresponding to its geographical situation decreases towards the poles ; in approaching the equator it must therefore revolve more slowly than the corre- sponding parts of the earth, and the bodies on the surface of the earth must strike against it with the excess of their velocity, and by its reaction they will meet with a resistance contrary to their motion of rotation ; so that the wind will appear, to a person supposing himself to be at rest, to blow in a contrary direction to the earth's rotation, or from east to west, which is the direction of the trade winds. The atmosphere scatters the sun's rays, and gives all the beautiful tints and cheerfulness of day. It transmits the blue light in greatest abundance; the higher we ascend, the sky assumes a deeper hue, but in the expanse of space the sun and stars must appear like brilliant specks in profound blackness. The sun and most of the planets appear to be surrounded with atmospheres of considerable density. The attraction of the earth has probably deprived the moon of hers, for the refraction of the air at the surface of the earth is at least a thousand times as great as at the moon. The lunar atmos- phere, therefore, must be of a greater degree of rarity than can be produced by our best air-pumps ; consequently no terres- trial animal could exist in it. Many philosophers of the highest authority concur in the belief that light consists in the undulations of a highly elastic PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. Ivii ethereal medium pervading space, which, communicated to the optic nerves, produce the phenomena of vision. The experi- ments of our iUustrious countryman, Dr. Thomas Young, and those of the celebrated Fresnel, show that this theory accords better with all the observed phenomena than that of the emission of particles from the luminous body. As sound is propagated by the undulations of the air, its theory is in a great many respects similar to that of light. The grave or low tones are produced by very slow vibrations, which increase in frequency progres- sively as the note becomes more acute. When the vibrations of a musical chord, for example, are less than sixteen in a second, it will not communicate a continued sound to the ear ; the vibrations or pulses increase in number with the acuteness of the note, till at last all sense of pitch is lost. The whole extent of human hearing, from the lowest notes of the organ to the highest known cry of insects, as of the cricket, includes about nine octaves. The undulations of light are much more rapid than those of sound, but they are analogous in this respect, that as the frequency of the pulsations in sound increases from the low tones to the higher, so those of light augment in frequency, from the red rays of the solar spectrum to the extreme violet. By the experiments of Sir William Herschel, it appears that the heat communicated by the spectrum increases from the violet to the red rays ; but that the maximum of the hot invisible rays is beyond the extreme red. Heat in all probability con- sists, like light and sound, in the undulations of an elastic medium. All the principal phenomena of heat may actually be illustrated by a comparison with those of sound. The exci- tation of heat and sound are not only similar, but often iden- tical, as in friction and percussion ; they are both communi- cated by contact and by radiation ; and Dr. Young observes, that the effect of radiant heat in raising the temperature of a body upon which it falls, resembles the sympathetic agitation of a string, when the sound of another string, which is in unison with it, is transmitted to it through the air. Light, heat, sound, and the waves of fluids are all subject to the same laws of reflection, and, indeed, their undulating theories are perfectly similar, ^f, therefore, we may judge from analogy, the undu- Iviii PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. lations of the heat producing rays must be less freque.U tnan those of the extreme red of the solar spectrum ; but if the analogy were perfect, the interference of two hot rays ought to produce cold, since darkness results from the interferenceof two undulations of light, silence ensues from the interference of two undulations of sound ; and still water, or no tide, is the consequence of the interference of two tides. The propagation of sound requires a much denser medium than that of either light or heat; its intensity diminishes as the rarity of the air increases ; so that, at a very small height above the surface of the earth, the noise of the tempest ceases, and the thunder is heard no more in those boundless regions where the heavenly bodies accomplish their periods in eternal and sublime silence. What the body of the sun may be, it is impossible to con- jecture ; but he seems to be surrounded by an ocean of flame, through which his dark nucleus appears like black spots, often of enormous size. The solar rays, which probably arise from the chemical processes that continually take place at his sur- face, are transmitted through space in all directions ; but, not- withstanding the sun's magnitude, and the inconceivable heat that must exist where such combustion is going on, as the intensity both of his light and heat diminishes with the square of the distance, his kindly influence can hardly be felt at the boundaries of our system. Much depends on the manner in which the rays fall, as we readily perceive from the difierent climates on our globe. In winter the earth is nearer the sun by ^^gth than in summer, but the rays strike the northern hemi- sphere more obliquely in winter than in the other half of the year. In Uranus the sun must be seen like a small but bril- liant star, not above the hundred and fiftieth part so bright as he appears to us ; that is however 2000 times brighter than our moon to us, so that he really is a sun to Uranus, and probably imparts some degree of warmth. But if we consider that water would not remain fluid in any part of Mars, even at his equa- tor, and that in the temperate zones of the same planet even alcohol and quicksilver would freeze, we may form some idea of the cold that must reign in Uranus, unless indeed the ether has a temperature. The climate of Venus more nearly PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. llX resembles that of the earth, though, excepting perhaps at her poles, much too hot for animal and vegetable life as they exist here ; but in Mercury the mean heat, arising only from the intensity of the sun's rays, must be above that of boiling quick- silver, and water would boil even at his poles. Thus the pla- nets, though kindred with the earth in motion and structure, are totally unfit for the habitation of such a being as man. The direct light of the sun has been estimated to be equal to that of 5563 wax candles of a moderate size, supposed to be placed at the distance of one foot from the object : that of the moon is probably only equal to the light of one candle at the distance of twelve feet ; consequently the light of the sun is more than three hundred thousand times greater than that of the moon ; for which reason the light of the moon imparts no heat, even when brought to a focus by a mirror. In adverting to the peculiarities in the form and nature of the earth and planets, it is impossible to pass in silence the magnetism of the earth, the director of the mariner's compass, and his guide through the ocean. This property probably arises from metallic iron in the interior of the earth, or from the circulation of currents of electricity round it : its influence extends over every part of its surface, but its accumulation and deficiency determine the two poles of this great magnet, which are by no means the same as the poles of the earth's rotation. In consequence of their attraction and repulsion, a needle freely suspended, whether it be magnetic or not, only remains in equilibrio when in the magnetic meridian, that is, in the plane which passes through the north and south magnetic poles. There are places where the magnetic meri- dian coincides with the terrestrial meridian ; in these a mag- netic needle freely suspended, points to the true north, but if it be carried successively to different places on the earth's sur- face, its direction will deviate sometimes to the east and some- times to the west of north. Lines drawn on the globe through all the places where the needle points due north and south, are called lines of no variation, and are extremely complicated. The direction of the needle is not even constant in the same place, but changes in a few years, according to a law not yet determined. In 1657, the line of no variation passed through IX PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. London. In the year 1819, Captain Parry, in his voyage to discover the north-west passage round America, sailed directly over the magnetic pole ; and in 1824, Captain Lyon, when on an expedition for the same purpose, found that the variation of the compass was 37° 30' west, and that the magnetic pole was then situate in 63° 26' 51" north latitude, and in 80° 51' 25" west longitude. It appears however from later researches that the law of terrestrial magnetism is of considerable com- plication, and the existence of more than one magnetic pole in either hemisphere has been rendered highly probable. The needle is also subject to diurnal variations; in our latitudes it moves slowly westward from about three in the morning till two, and returns to its former position in the evening. A needle suspended so as only to be moveable in the vertical plane, dips or becomes more and more inclined to the horizon the nearer it is brought to the magnetic pole. Captain Lyon found that the dip in the latitude and longitude mentioned was 86° 32'. What properties the planets may have in this re- spect, it is impossible to know, but it is probable that the moon has become highly magnetic, in consequence of her proximity to the earth, and because her greatest diameter always points towards it. The passage of comets has never sensibly disturbed the sta- bility of the solar system ; their nucleus is rare, and their transit so rapid, that the time has not been long enough to admit of a sufficient accumulation of impetus to produce a perceptible effect. The comet of 1770 passed within 80000 miles of the earth without even affecting our tides, and swept through the midst of Jupiter's satellites without deranging the motions of those little moons. Had the mass of that comet been equal to the mass of the earth, its disturbing action would have shortened the year by the ninth of a day; but, as Delam- bre's computations from the Greenwich observations of the sun, show that the length of the year has not been sensibly affected by the approach of the comet, La Place proved that its mass could not be so much as the 5000th part of that of the earth. The paths of comets have every possible inclination to the plane of the ecliptic, and unlike the planets, their motion is frequently retrograde, Comets are only visible when near PRELIMINARY DISSERTATI their perihelia. Then their velocity is such thaF twice as great as that of a body moving in a circle at the same distance; they consequently remain a very short time within the planetary orbits ; and as all the conic sections of the same focal distance sensibly coincide through a small arc on each side of the extremity of their axis, it is difficult to ascertain in which of these curves the comets move, from observations made, as they necessarily must be, at their perihelia : but probably they all move in extremely eccentric ellipses, although, in most cases, the parabolic curve coincides most nearly with their ob- served motions. Even if the orbit be determined with all the accuracy that the case admits of, it may be difficult, or even impossible, to recognise a comet on its return, because its orbit would be very much changed if it passed near any of the large planets of this or of any other system, in consequence of their disturbing energy, which would be very great on bodies of so rare a nature. Halley and Clairaut predicted that, in conse- quence of the attraction of Jupiter and Saturn, the return of the comet of 1759 would be retarded 618 days, which was verified by the event as nearly as could be expected. The nebulous appearance of comets is perhaps occasioned by the vapours which the solar heat raises at their surfaces in their passage at the perihelia, and which are again condensed as they recede from the sun. The comet of 1680 when in its perihelion was only at the distance of one-sixth of the sun's diameter, or about 148000 miles from its surface ; it conse- quently would be exposed to a heat 27500 times greater than that received by the earth. As the sun's heat is supposed to be in proportion to the intensity of his light, it is probable that a degree of heat so very intense would be sufficient to convert into vapour every terrestrial substance with which we are ac- quainted. In those positions of comets where only half of their en- lightened hemisphere ought to be seen, they exhibit no phases even when viewed with high magnifying powers. Some slight indications however were once observed by Hevelius and La Hire in 1682; and in 1811 Sir William Herschel disco- vered a small luminous point, which he concluded to be the disc of the comet. In general their masses are so minute, Ixil PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. that they have no sensible diameters, the nucleus being princi- pally formed of denser strata of the nebulous matter, but so rare that stars have been seen through them. The transit of a comet over the sun's disc would afford the best information on this point. It was computed that such an event was to take place in the year 1827; unfortunately the sun was hid by clouds in this country, but it was observed at Viviers and at Marseilles at the time the comet must have been on it, but no spot was seen. The tails are often of very great length, and are generally situate in the planes of their orbits ; they follow them in their descent towards the sun, but precede them in their return, with a small degree of curvature ; but their extent and form must vary in appearance, according to the position of their orbits with regard to the ecliptic. The tail of the comet of 1680 appeared, at Paris, to extend over sixty-two degrees. The matter of which the tail is composed must be extremely buoyant to precede a body moving with such velocity ; indeed the rapidity of its ascent cannot be accounted for. The nebu- lous part of comets diminishes every time they return to their perihelia ; after frequent returns they ought to lose it altoge- ther, and present the appearance of a fixed nucleus ; this ought to happen sooner in comets of short periods. La Place sup- poses that the comet of 1682 must be approaching rapidly to that state. Should the substances be altogether or even to a great degree evaporated, the comet will disappear for ever. Possibly comets may have vanished from our view sooner than they otherwise would have done from this cause. Of about six hundred comets that have been seen at different times, three are now perfectly ascertained to form part of our system ; that is to say, they return to the sun at intervals of 76, 65^, and 3j years nearly. A hundred and forty comets have appeared within the earth's orbit during the last century that have not again been seen ; if a thousand years be allowed as the average period of each, it may be computed by the theory of probabilities, that the whole number that range within the earth's orbit must be 1400 ; but Uranus being twenty times more distant, there may be no less than 11,200,000 comets that come within the known extent of our system. In such a multitude of wandering bodies PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. Ixiii t is just possible that one of them may come in collision with the earth ; but even if it should, the mischief would be local, and the equilibrium soon restored. It is however more pro- bable that the earth would only be deflected a little from its course by the near approach of the comet, without being touched. Great as the number of comets appears to be, it is absolutely nothing when compared to the number of the fixed stars. About two thousand only are visible to the naked eye, but when we view the heavens with a telescope, their number seems to be limited only by the imperfection of the instrument. In one quarter of an hour Sir William Herschel estimated that IKiOOO stars passed through the field of his telescope, which subtended an angle of 15'. This however was stated as a specimen of extraordinary crowding ; but at an average the whole expanse of the heavens must exhibit about a hundred millions of fixed stars that come within the reach of telescopic vision. Many of the stars have a very small progressive motion, especially /x Cassiopeia and 61 Cygni, both small stars ; and, as the sun is decidedly a star, it is an additional rea- son for supposing the solar system to be in motion. The distance of the fixed stars is too great to admit of their exhi- biting a sensible disc j but in all probability they are spherical, and must certainly be so, if gravitation pervades all space. With a fine telescope they appear Uke a point of light ; their twinkling arises from sudden changes in the refractive power of the air, which would not be sensible if they had discs like the planets. Thus we can learn nothing of the relative dis- tances of the stars from us and from one another, by their apparent diameters ; but their annual parallax being insensible, shows that we must be one hundred millions of millions of miles from the nearest ; many of them however must be vastly more remote, for of two stars that appear close together, one may be far beyond the other in the depth of space. The light of Sirius, according to the observations of Mr. Herschel, is 324 times greater than that of a star of the sixth magnitude ; if we suppose the two to be really of the same size, their distances from us must be in the ratio of 57.3 to 1, because light dimi- nishes as the square of the distance of the luminous body increases. Ixiv PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. Of the absolute magnitude of the stars, nothing' is known, only that many of them must be much larger than the sun, from the quantity of light emitted by them. Dr. WoUaston determined the approximate ratio that the light of a wax can- dle bears to that of the sun, moon, and stars, by comparing their respective images reflected from small glass globes filled with mercury, whence a comparison was established between the quantities of light emitted by the celestial bodies them- selves. By this method he found that the light of the sun is about twenty millions of millions of times greater than that of Sirius, the brightest, and supposed to be the nearest of the fixed stars. If Sirius had a parallax of half a second, its dis- tance from the earth would be 525481 times the distance of the sun from the earth ; and therefore Sirius, placed where the sun is, would appear to us to be 3.7 times as large as the sun, and would give 1.3.8 times more light ; but many of the fixed stars must be immensely greater than Sirius. Sometimes stai-s have all at once appeared, shone with a brilliant light, and then vanished. In 1572 a star was discovered in Cas- siopeia, which rapidly increased in brightness till it even sur- passed that of Jupiter ; it then gradually diminished in splen- dour, and after exhibiting all the variety of tints that indicates the changes of combustion, vanished sixteen months after its discovery, without altering its position. It is impossible to imagine any thing more tremendous than a conflagration that could be visible at such a distance. Some stars are periodic, possibly from the intervention of opaque bodies revolv- ing about them, or from extensive spots on their surfaces. Many thousands of stars that seem to be only brilliant points, when carefully examined are found to be in reality systems of two or more suns revolving about a common centre. These double and multiple stars are extremely remote, requiring the most powerful telescopes to show them separately. The first catalogue of double stars in which their places and relative positions are determined, was accomplished by the talents and industry of Sir William Herschel, to whom astro- nomy is indebted for so many brilliant discoveries, and with whom originated the idea of their combination in binary and multiple systems, an idea which his own observations had PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. Ixv completely established, but which has since received additional confirmation from those of his son and Sir James South, the former of whom, as well as Professor Struve of Dorpat, have added many thousands to their numbers. The motions of revolution round a common centre of many have been clearly established, and their periods determined with consi- derable accuracy. Some have already since their first disco- very accomplished nearly a whole revolution, and one, if the latest observations can be depended on, is actually considerably advanced in its second period. These interesting systems thus present a species of sidereal chronometer, by which the chrono- logy of the heavens will be marked out to future ages by epochs of their own, liable to no fluctuations from planetary disturb- ances such as obtain in our system. Possibly among the multitudes of small stars, whether double or insulated, some may be found near enough to exhibit dis- tinct parallactic motions, or perhaps something approaching to planetary motion, which may prove that solar attraction is not confined to our system, or may lead to the discovery of the proper motion of the sun. The double stars are of various hues, but most frequently exhibit the contrasted colours. The large star is generally yellow, orange, or red ; and the small star blue, purple, or green. Sometimes a white star is com- bined with a blue or purple, and more rarely a red and white are united. In many cases, these appearances are due to the influences of contrast on our judgment of colours. For example, in observing a double star where the large one is of a full ruby red, or almost blood colour, and the small one a fine green, the latter lost its colour when the former was hid by the cross wires of the telescope. But there are a vast number of instances where the colours are too strongly marked to be merely imaginary. Mr. Herschel observes in one of his papers in the Philosophical Transactions, as a very remarkable fact, that although red single stars are common enough, no example of an insulated blue, green, or purple one has as yet been produced. In some parts of the heavens, the stars are so near together as to form clusters, which to the unassisted eye appear like thin white clouds : such is the milky way, which has its brightness Ixvi PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. from the diffiised light of myriads of stars. Many of these clouds, however, are never resolved into separate stars, even by the highest magnifying powers. This nebulous matter exists in vast abundance in space. No fewer than 2500 nebulae were observed by Sir William Herschel, whose places have been computed from his observations, reduced to a common epoch, and arranged into a catalogue in order of right ascension by his sister Miss Caroline Herschel, a lady so justly celebrated for astronomical knowledge and disco- very. The nature and use of this matter scattered over the heavens in such a variety of forms is involved in the greatest obscurity. That it is a self-luminous, phosphorescent material substance, in a highly dilated or gaseous state, but gradually subsiding by the mutual gravitation of its particles into stars and sidereal systems, is the hypothesis which seems to be most generally received ; but the only way that any real knowledge on this mysterious subject can be obtained, is by the determi- nation of the form, place, and present state of each individual nebula, and a comparison of these with future observations will show generations to come the changes that may now be going on in these rudiments of future systems. With this view, Mr. Herschel is now engaged in the difficult and laborious investigation, which is understood to be nearly approaching its completion, and the results of which we may therefore hope ere long to see made public. The most conspicuous of these appearances are found in Orion, and in the girdle of Andro- meda. It is probable that light must be millions of years travelling to the earth from some of the nebulae. So numerous are the objects which meet our view in the heavens, that we cannot imagine a part of space where some light would not strike the eye : but as the fixed stars would not be visible at such distances, if they did not shine by their own light, it is reasonable to infer that they are suns ; and if so, they are in all probability attended by systems of opaque bodies, revolving about them as the planets do about ours. But although there be no proof that planets not seen by us revolve about these remote suns, certain it is, that there are many in- visible bodies wandering in space, which, occasionally coming within the sphere of the earth's attraction, are ignited by the PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. Ixvii velocity with which they pass through the atmosphere, and are precipitated with great violence on the earth. The obli- quity of the descent of meteorites, the peculiar matter of which they are composed, and the explosion with which their fall is invariably accompanied, show that they are foreign to our planet. Luminous spots altogether independent of the phases have occasionally appeared on the dark part of the moon, which have been ascribed to the light arising from the eruption of volcanoes; whence it has been supposed that meteorites have been projected from the moon by the impetus of volcanic eruption ; it has even been computed, that if a stone were projected from the moon in a vertical line, and with an ini- tial velocity of 10992 feet in a second, which is more than four times the velocity of a ball when first discharged from a can- non, instead of falling back to the moon by the attraction of gravity, it would come within the sphere of the earth's attrac- tion, and revolve about it like a satellite. These bodies, im- pelled either by the direction of the primitive impulse, or by the disturbing action of the sun, might ultimately penetrate the earth's atmosphere, and arrive at its surface. But from what- ever source meteoric stones may come, it seems highly probable, that they have a common origin, from the uniformity, we may almost say identity, of their chemical composition. The known quantity of matter bears a very small proportion to the immensity of space. Large as the bodies are, the distances that separate them are immeasurably greater ; but as design is manifest in every part of creation, it is probable that if the various systems in the universe had been nearer to one another, their mutual disturbances would have been inconsistent with the harmony and stability of the whole. It is clear that space is not pervaded by atmospheric air, since its resistance would long ere this have destroyed the velocity of the planets ; neither can we affirm it to be void, when it is traversed in all directions by light, heat, gravitation, and possibly by in- fluences of which we can form no idea ; but whether it be re- plete with an ethereal medium, time alone will show. Though totally ignorant of the laws which obtain in the more distant regions of creation, we are assured, that one alone re- gulates the motions of our own system ; and as general laws Ixviii PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. form the ultimate object of philosophical research, wa-cannot conclude these remarks without considering the nature of that extraordinary power, whose effects w-e have been endeavouring to trace through some of their mazes. It was at one time imagined, that the acceleration in the moon's mean motion was occasioned by the successive transmission of the gravita- ting force ; but it has been proved, that, in order to produce this effect, its velocity must be about fifty millions of times greater than that of light, which flies at the rate of 200000 miles in a second : its action even at the distance of the sun may therefore be regarded as instantaneous ; yet so remote are the nearest of the fixed stars, that it may be doubted whether the sun has any sensible influence on them. The analytical expression for the gravitating force is a straight line ; the curves in which the celestial bodies move by the force of gravitation are only lines of the second order ; the attraction of spheroids according to any other laAV would be much more complicated ; and as it is easy to prove that matter might have been moved according to an infinite variety of laws, it may be concluded, that gravitation must have been selected by Divine wisdom out of an infinity of other laws, as being the most simple, and that which gives the greatest stabi- lity to the celestial motions. It is a singular result of the simplicity of the laws of nature, which admit only of the observation and comparison of ratios, that the gravitation and theory of the motions of the celestial bodies are independent of their absolute magnitudes and dis- tances; consequently if all the bodies in the solar system, their mutual distances, and their velocities, were to diminish propor- tionally, they would describe curves in all respects similar to those in which they now move ; and the system might be successively reduced to the smallest sensible dimensions, and still exhibit the same appearances. Experience shows that a very different law of attraction prevails when the particles of matter are placed within inappreciable distances from each other, as in chemical and capillary attractions, and the attraction of cohesion ; whether it be a modification of gravity, or that some new and unknown power comes into action, does not appear ; but as a change in the law of the force takes place at one end of the scale, it is PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. Ixix possible that gravitation may not remain the same at the im- mense distance of the fixed stars. Perhaps the day may come when even gravitation, no longer regarded as an ultimate prin- ciple, may be resolved into a yet more general cause, embracing every law that regulates the material world. The action of the gravitating force is not impeded by the in- tervention even of the densest substances. If the attraction of the sun for the centre of the earth, and for the hemisphere dia- metrically opposite to him, was diminished by a difficulty in penetrating the interposed matter, the tides would be more obviously affected. Its attraction is the same also, whatever the substances of the celestial bodies may be, for if the action of the sun on the earth differed by a millionth j)art from his action on the moon, the difference would occasion a variation in the sun's parallax amounting to several seconds, which is proved to be impossible by the agreement of theory with obser- vation. Thus all matter is pervious to gravitation, and is equally attracted by it. As far as human knowledge goes, the intensity of gravitation has never varied within the limits of the solar system ; nor does even analogy lead us to expect that it should ; on the contrary, there is every reason to be assured, that the great laws of the universe are immutable like their Author. Not only the sun and planets, but the minutest particles in all the varieties of their attractions and repulsions, nay even the imponderable matter of the electric, galvanic, and magnetic jBuids are obedient to permanent laws, though we may not be able in every case to resolve their phenomena into general principles. Nor can we suppose the structure of the globe alone to be exempt from the universal fiat, though ages may pass before the changes it has undergone, or that are now in pro- gress, can be referred to existing causes with the same certainty with which the motions of the planets and all their secular variations are referable to the law of gravitation. The traces of extreme antiquity perpetually occurring to the geologist, give that information as to the origin of things which we in vain look for in the other parts of the universe. They date the beginning of time ; since there is every reason to believe, that f Ixx PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. the formation of the earth was contemporaneous with that of the rest of the planets ; but they show that creation is the work of Him with whom * a thousand years are as one day, and one day as a thousand years.' PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. The infinite varieties of motion in the heavens, and on the earth, ohey a few laws, so universal in their application, tliat they regulate tlie cur^'e traced by an atom which seems to be the sport of the winds, with as much certainty as the orbits of the planets. These law8, on which the order of nature depends, remained unknown till the sixteenth century, when Galileo, by investigating the circum- stances of falling bodies, laid the foundation of the science of mechanics, which Newton, by the discovery of gravitation, after- wards extended from the earth to the farthest limits of our system. Tliis original property of matter, by means of which we ascer- taui the past and anticipate the future, is the link which connects our planet with remote worlds, and enables us to determine dis- tances, and estimate magnitudes, that might seem to be placed beyond the reach of human faculties. To discern and deduce from ordinary and apparently trivial occurrences the universal laws of nature, as Galileo and Newton have done, is a mark of the highest intellectual power. Simple as the law of gravitation is, its application to the motions of the bodies of the solar system is a problem of great difficulty, but so important and interesting, that the solution of it has engaged the attention and exercised the talents of the most distinguished mathematicians ; among whom La Place holds a distinguished place by the brilliancy of liis discoveries, as well as from having been the first to trace the influence of this property of matter from the elliptical motions of the planets, to its most remote effects on their mutual perturbations. Such was the object contemplated by bun in his splendid work on tlie Mechanism of the Heavens ; a work B 2 INTRODUCTION. which may be considered as a great problem of dynamics, wherein it is required to deduce all the phenomena of the solar system from the abstract laws of motion, and to confirm the truth of those laws, by comparing theory with observation. Tables of the motions of the planets, by which their places may be determined at any instant for thousands of years, are computed from the analytical formulae df La Place. In a research so profound and complicated, the most abstruse analysis is required, the higher branches of mathematical science are employed from the first, and approximations are made to the most intricate series. Easier methods, and more convergent series, may probably be discovered in process of time, which will supersede those now in use; but the work of La Place, regarded as embodying the results of not only his own researches, but those of so many of liis illustrious predecessors and contemporaries, must ever remain, as he himself expressed it to the writer of these pages, a monument to the genius of the age in which it appeared. Although physical astronomy is now the most perfect of sciences, a wide range is still left for the industry of future astronomers. The whole system of comets is a subject involved in mystery ; they obey, indeed, the general law of gravitation, but many generations must be swept from the earth before their paths can be traced through the regions of space, or the periods of their return can be determined. A new and extensive field of investigation has lately been opened in the discovery of thousands of double stars, or, to speak more strictly, of systems of double stars, since many of them revolve round centres in various and long periods. Who can ven- ture to predict when their theories shall be known, or what laws may be revealed by the knowledge of their motions ? — but, perhaps, Veniet tempxis, in quo ista qua nunc latent, in lucem dies extrahat et longioris tevi diligentia : ad inquisitionem tantorum cetas una non sufficit. Veniet tempus^ quo posteri nostri tarn aperta nos nescisse mirentur. It must, however, be acknowledged that many circumstances seem to be placed beyond our reach. The planets are so remote, that observation discloses but little of their structure ; and although their similarity to the earth, in the appearance of their surfaces, and in their annual and diurnal revolutions producing the vicissitudes of INTRODUCTION. d seasons, and of day and night, may lead us to fancy that they are peopled with inhabitants like ourselves ; yet, were it even permitted to form an analogy from the single instance of the earth, the only one known to us, certain it is that the J)hysical nature of the inhabit- ants of the planets, if such there be, must differ essentially from ours, to enable them to endure every gradation of temperature, from the intensity of heat in Mercury, to the extreme cold that probably reigns in Uranus. Of the use of Comets in the economy of nature it is impossible to form an idea ; still less of the Nebulse, or cloudy appearances that are scattered through the immensity of sphcfe; but instead of being surprised that much is unkno\vn, wd have reason to be astonished that the successful daring of man has develo{)ed so much. In the following pages it is liot intended to limit the Account of the M^canique Celeste to a detail of results, but rather to endeavottf to expldin the methods by which thiese restilts ate deduced from onH general equation df the motion of matter. To accomplish this, with- out having recourse to the higher branches of mathematics, is impos- sible ; many subjects, indeed, admit of geometrical demon stratiori ; but as the object of this work is rather to give the spirit of La Place's method than to pursue a regular system of demonstration, it would be a deviation from the unity of liis plan to adopt it in the present case. Diagrams dre iidt eifi^lo^ed ih La Place's tvorlc§, bbiiig unfiefcfe*3- sar}' to those versed in analysis ; some, however, will be occasionally introduced for the convenience of the reader. B2 4 DEFINITIONS, AXIOMS, &c. [Book I. I BOOK I. CHAPTER I. DEFINITIONS, AXIOMS, &c. 1. The activity of matter seems to be a law of tlie miiverse, as we know of no particle that is at rest. Were a body absolutely at rest, we could not prove it to be so, because there are no fixed points to which it could be referred ; consequently, if only one particle of matter were in existence, it would be impossible to ascertain whether it were at rest or in motion. Thus, being totally ignorant of absolute mo- tion, relative motion alone forms the subject of investigation : a body is, therefore, said to be in motion, when it changes its position with regard to other bodies which are assumed to be at rest. 2. The cause of motion is unknown, force being only a name given to a certain set of phenomena preceding the motion of a body, known by the experience of its effects alone. Even after experience, we cannot prove that the same consequents will invariably follow certain antecedents ; we only believe that they will, and experience tends to confirm this belief. 3. No idea of force can be formed independent of matter ; all the forces of which we have any experience are exerted by matter ; as gravity, muscular force, electricity, chemical attractions and repul- sions, &c. &c., in all which cases, one portion of matter acts upon another. 4. When bodies in a state of motion or rest are not acted upon by matter under any of these circumstances, we know by experience that they will remain in that state : hence a body will continue to move uniformly in the direction of the force which caused its motion, unless in some of the cases enumerated, in which we have ascer- tained by experience that a change of motion will take place, then a force is said to act. 5. Force is proportional to the differential of the velocity, divided Chap. I.] DEFINITIONS, AXIOMS, &c. 5 by the differential of the time, or analytically F = — , which is all we know about it. 6. Tlie direction of a force is the straight line in wliich it causes a body to move. This is known by experience only. 7. In dynamics, force is proportional to the indefinitely small space caused to be moved over in a given indefinitely small time. 8. Velocity is the space moved over in a given time, how small Boever the parts may be into wliich the interval is divided. 9. The velocity of a body moving uniformly, is the straight line or space over which it moves in u given interval of tune ; hence if the velocity v be the space moved over in one second or unit of time, vt is the space moved over in t seconds or units of time ; or representing the space by «, « = vt. 10. Thus it is proved that the space described with a uniform motion is proportional to the product of the time and the velocity. 11. Conversely, t>, the space moved over in one second of time, is equal to », the space moved over in t seconds of time, multiplied 1" 1" a by —» or V = « —- = — . t t t 12. Hence the velocity varies directly as the space, and inversely as tlie time ; and because t = —, V 13. The time varies directly as the space, and inversely as the velocity. 14. Forces are proportional to the velocities they generate in equal tunes. The intensity of forces can only be known by comparing their effects under precisely similar circumstances. Tims two forces are equal, which in a given time will generate equal velocities in bodies of the same magnitude ; and one force is said to be double of another which, in a given time, will generate double the velocity in one body that it will do in another body of the same magnitude. 15. The intensity of a force may therefore be expressed by the ratios of numbers, or both its intensity and direction by the ratios of lines, since the direction of a force is the straight line in which it causes the body to move. 16. In general, a line expressing the intensity of a force is taken in the direction of the force, begimiiug from the point of application. U DEFINITIONS, AXIOMS, &c. [Book I. 17. Since motion is the change of rectilinear distai^ce between two points, it appears that force, velocity, and motion are expressed by the ratios of spaces ; we are acquainted with the ratios of quan- tities only. Uniform Motion. 16. A body is said to move uniformly, whep, in equal successive intervals of time, how short soever, it moves over equal intervals of space. 19. Hence in uniform motion the space is proportional to the time. 20. The only uniform motion that comes under our observation is the rotation of the earth upon its axis ; all other motions in nature are accelerated or retarded, Tlie rotation of the earth forms the oply standard of time to which all recurring periods are referred. To be certain of the uniformity of its rotation is, therefore, of the gyea^est ipjportance. The descent of materials from a higher to a lower level at its surface, or a change of internal temperature, would alter the length of the radius, and consequently the time of rotation : such causes of disturbance do take place ; but it will be shown that their effects are so njinute as to be insensible, and that the earth's rotation has suffered no sensible change from the earliest times recorded. 21. Tlie equality of successive intervals of time may be measured by the recurrence of an event under circumstances as precisely similar as possible : for example, from the oscillations of a pendu- lum. When dissimilarity of circumstances takes place, we rectify our conclusions respecting the presumed equalit}' of the intervals, by introducing an equation, which is a quantity to be added or taken away, in order to obtain the equality. Composition and Resolution of Forces. Jig. 1. 22. Let m be a particle of mat- !»* .■: ■ g A -C ter which is free to move in every direction ; if two forces, repre- sented both in intensity and direction by the lines mA and mB, be applied to it, and urge it towards C, the particle will move by the combmed action of these two forces, and it will require^a force equal Cb»p. I.] DEFINITIONS, AXIOMS, &c. to their sum, applied in a contrary direction, to keep it at rest |t is then said to be in a state of equilibrium. 23. If the forces mA, mB, be ^3''^' applied to a particle m in contrary A. • B 4irection3, and if mB be greater than mA, the pajrticle w, will be put in motion by the difference of tliese forces, and a force equal to their difference acting in a contrary direction will be required to keep the particle at rest. 24. When the forces mA, mB are equal, ^pd i» pontrary direc- tions, the particle will remain at rest. 25. It is usual to determine the position of points, lines, surfaces, and the motions of bodies in space, by means of three plane surfaces, oP, oQ, oR, fig. 3, intersectmg at given angles. Tlie intersecting or co-or- dinate planes are generally assumed to be perpendicular to each other, 80 that xoy, xoz^ yoz, are right angles. The position of oj?, oy, oz^ the axes of the co-ordinates, and their origin o, are arbitrary ; that is, they may be placed where we please, and are therefore always assumed to be known. Hence the position of a point m in space is determined, if its distance from each co-ordinate plane be given; for by taking oA, oB, oC, fig. 4, respectively equal to the given distances, and draw- ing three planes through A, B, and C, parallel to the co-ordinate planes, they will intersect in m. 26. If a force applied to a particle of matter at m, (fig. 5,) make it ap- proach to the plane oQ uniformly by the space mA, in a given time t ; and if another force applied to m cause it to approach the plane oR uniformly by the space mB, in the same time <, the particle will move in the diagonal 1^ Jig. A. w 8 DEFINITIONS, AXIOMS, &c [Book I. mo, by the simultaneous action of tlicse two forces. For, since the forces are proportional to the spaces, if a be the space described in one second, at will be the space described in t seconds ; hence i( at be equal to the space tnA, and b t equal to |he space mB, we have t = ^i_ =: .^ ; whence mA = ~ mB a b b which is the equation to a straight line mo, passing through o, the origin of the co-ordinates. If the co-ordinates be rectangular, -- is the tangent of the angle moA, for mB = oA, and oAm is a right angle; hence oA : Am 111: tan Aom ; whence mA = oAx tan Aom = mB . tan Aom. As this relation is the same for every point of the straight line mo, it is called its equation. Now since forces are proportional to the velocities they generate in equal times, mA, mB are proportional to the forces, and may be taken to represent them. Tiie forces mA, mB are called component or partial forces, and mo is called the resulting force. The resulting force being that which, taken in a contrary direction, will keep the component forces in equilibrio. 27. Thus the resulting force is represented in magnitude and durection by the diagonal of a parallelogram, whose sides are mA, mB the partial ones. 28. Since the diagonal cm, fig. 6, is fS- 6- the resultant of the two forces mA, mB, whatever may be the angle they make with each other, so, conversely these two forces may be used in place of the smgle force mc. But mc may be re- solved into any two forces whatever which form the sides of a parallelogram of wliich it is the diagonal ; it may, therefore, be resolved into two forces ma, mb, which are at riglit angles to each other. Hence it is always possible to resolve a force mc into two others which are parallel to two rectangular axes ox, oy, situate in the same plane with the force ; by drawing through m the Unes ma, mb, respec- tively, parallel to ox, oy, and completing the parallelogram macb. 29. If from any point C, fig. 7, of the direction of a resulting force mC, perpendiculars CD, CE, be drawn on the directions of the Chap. I.] DEFINITIONS, AXIOMS, &c component forces mA, mB, these per- pendiculars are reciprocally as the com- ponent forces. That is, CD is to CE as CA to CB, or as their equals mB to mA. 30. Let BQ, fig. 8, be a figure formed by parallel planes seen in perspective, of which mo is the diagonal. If mo represent any force both in direction and intensity, acting on a material point m, it is evident from what has been said, that this force may be resolved into two other forces, mC, mR, because mo is the diagonal of the parallelogram mCoR. Again . fnC is the diagonal of the parallelogram " mQCP, therefore it may be resolved into the two forces mQ, mP ; and thus the force mo may be resolved into three forces, wP, mQ, and mR ; and as this is independent of the angles of the figure, the force 7710 may be resolved into three forces at right angles to each other. It appears then, that any force mo may be resolved into three other forces parallel to three rectangiUar axes given in posi- tion: and conversely, three forces mP, mQ, mR, acting on a material point m, the resulting force mo may be obtained by con- structing the figure BQ with sides proportional to these forces, and drawing the diagonal mo. 31. Therefore, if the directions and intensities with which any number of forces urge a material point be given, they may be reduced to one single force whose direction and intensity is known. For example, if there were four forces, mA, mB, mC, mD, fig. 9, acting on m, if the resulting force of mA and mB be found, and then that of mC and 771 D ; these four forces would be reduced to two, and by finding the resulting force of these two, the four forces would be reduced to one. 32. Again, tliis single resulting force may be resolved into three Jii/.9. ^ / ^ 10 PEFINITIONS, AXIOMS, &c. [B90V ?. fig- 10. forces parallel to three rectangular ax%s oar, oy^ oz, fig. 10, which would represent the action of the forces twA, wiB, &c., estimated in the direc- j, tion of the axes ; or, which is the same thing, each of the forces mA, mB, &c. acting on m, may be resolved into three other forces parallel to the axes. 33. Jj is evident that when the partial forces act io the same direction, their sum is the force in that axis ; and when some act ip one direction, and others in an opposite direction, it is their difference that is to be estimated. 34. Tlius any number of forces of any kind are capable of being resolved into other forces, in the direction of two or of three rectan- gular axes, according as the forces act ip the same or in different planes. 35. If a particle of matter remain in a state of equilibrium, though acted upon by any number of forces, and free to move in every direction, the resulting force must be zero. 36. If the material point be in equilibrio on a curved surface, or on a curved line, the resulting force must be perpendicular to the line or surface, otherwise the particle would slide. The line or sur- face resists the resulting force with an equal and contrary pressure. 37. Let oA=:X, oB=Y, oC=Z, fig. 10, be three rectangular component foyces, of which o»n=F is their resulting force. Thep, if mA, mB, mC be joined, om=F will be the hypothenuse cqminon to three rectangular triangles, oAm, o^m, and oCm. Let the angles »noA= a, w2oB=5i^. 2noC=c; then X=F cos a, Y=F cos 6, Z = F cos c. (1). Thus the partial forces are proportional to the cosines of the angles which their directions make with their resultant. But PQ being a rectangular parallelopiped P = X« + V + Z*. (2). Hence ?E-±llt^*= cos«a+cos«6+cos«c= 1. P When the component forces are known, equation (2) will give a value of the resulting force, and equations (1) will determine its direction by the angles a, 6, and c ; but if tlie resulting force be given, its resolution into the three component forces X, Y, Z, making * Chap. I.] DEFINITIONS, AXIOMS, &c u with it the angles a, b, c, will be given by (1). If one of the com- ponent forces as Z be zero, then c = 90°, F = VX* + V, X = F cos a, Y = F cos 4. 88. Velocity and force bebg each represented by the same space, whatever has been explained with regard to the resolution ai^fl com- position of the one applies equally to the other. The general Principles pf Equilibrium. 39. The general principles of equi- librium may be expressed analyti- cally, by supposing o to be the origin of a force F, acting on a particle pf matter at m, fig. 11, ip the direc^on om. If o' be the origin of the co- ordinates ; a, 6, c, the co-ordinates pf 0, and X, y, z those of m ; the dia- gonal om, which may be represented by r, will be O r= V^x-ay + {y-by + {z-cy But F, the whole force in om, is to its component forpe in oA :: r : (^ — v^ hence the componen); force parallel to the axis ox \^ In the same manner it may be shown, thj^t F ilZ^; FiiZ£) r r are the component forces parallel to oy and oz. of the diagonal gives ix r ^u r Jz "^oyi the equation r r ^y r hence the component forces of F afe Again, if F' be another force acting on the particle at m in another direction r', its component forces parallel to the co-ordinates will bp, 12 DEFINITIONS, AXIOMS, &c. [Book I. And any number of forces acting on rtie particle m may 'be Yesolved in the same manner, whatever their directions may be. If 2 be employed to denote the sum of any number of finite quantities, represented by the same general symbol is the sum of the partial forces urging the particle parallel to the axis ox. Likewise 2.F. (;— i; 2.F(-— ); are the sums of the par- tial forces that urge the particle parallel to the axis oy and oz. Now if F/ be the resulting force of all the forces F, F', F", &c. that act on the particle m, and if u be the straight line drawn from the origin of the resulting force to vi, by what precedes ^m-^ Ki)^ Ki) are the expressions of the resulting force F^, resolved in directions parallel to the three co-ordinates ; hence or if the sums of the component forces parallel to the axis x, y, z, be represented by X, Y, Z, we shall have If the first of these be multiplied by 5x, the second by 5y, and the third by Jz, their sum will be F;5m = X^x + Y5y + ZJz. 40. If the intensity of the force can be expressed in terms of the distance of its point of application from its origm, X, Y, and Z may be eliminated from this equation, and the resulting force will then be given in functions of the distance only. All the forces in nature are functions of the distance, gravity for example, which varies inversely as the square of the distance of its origin from the point of its appli- cation. Were that not the case, the preceding equation could be of no use. 41. When the particle is in equilibrio, the resulting force is zero ; consequently XJjT + YJy + Z^z = (3), which is the general equation of the equilibrium of a free particle. Chap. I.] DEFINITIONS, AXIOMS, &c. 13 42. Thus, when a particle of matter urged by any forces whatever remains in equilibrio, the sum of the products of each force by the element of its direction is zero. As the equation is true, whatever be the values of Jx, Jy, Jr, it is equivalent to the three partial equa- tions in the direction of the axes of the co'ordinates, that is to X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 0, for it is evident that if the resulting force be zero, its component forces must also be zero. On Pressure. 43. A pressure is a force opposed by another force, so that no motion takes place. 44. Equal and proportionate pressures are such as are produced by forces wliich would generate equal and proportionate motions in equal times. 45. Two contrary pressures will balance each other, when the motions which the forces would separately produce in contrary direc- tions are equal ; and one pressure will counterbalance two others, when it would jjroduce a motion equal and contrary to the resultant of the motions which would be produced by the other forces. 46. It results from tlie comparison of motions, that if a body remain at rest, by means of three pressures, they must have the same ratio to one anotlier, as tlie sides of a triangle parallel to the directions. On the Normal. 47. Tlie normal to a curve, or surface in any point nj, fig. 12, is the straight line otN perpendicular to the tangent «jT. If mm' be a plane curve wiN = V(j-a)*+(y-6)« X and y being the co-ordinates of m, a and 6 those of N. If the point m be on a surface, or curve of double curva- ture, in which no two of its elements are in the same plane, then, mN = ^{x ^ ay + iy - b)*+iz - cy », y, z bemg the co-ordinates of »m, and a, b, c those of N. The 1« DEFINITIONS, AXIOMS, &c [Book I. centre of curvature N, which is the intersection of two consecutive normals »nN, m'N, never varies in the circle and sphere, because the curvature is every where the same ; but in all other curves and sur- faces the position of N changes with every point in the curve or surface, and a, 6; c, are only constant from one point to another. By tliis property, the equation Of the radius of curvature is formed ftom the equation of the curve, or surface. If r be the radius of curvature, it is evident, that though it may vary from one point to another, it is constant for any one point m where Sr := 0. Equiiihrium &/ a Particle on a curved Surface: 48. The equation (3) is sufficient for the equilibrium of a particle of matter, if it be free to move in any direction ; but if it be con- strained to remain on a curved surface, the resulting force of all the forces acting upon it must be perpendicular to the surface, otherwise it would slide along it ; but as by experience it is found that re-action is equal and contrary to action, the perpendicular force will be re- sisted by the re-action of the surface, so that tlie re-action is equal, and contrary to the force destroyed ; hence if R^ be the resistance of the surface, the equation of equilibrium will be XU 4- YJy + ZJ^ = - R,Jr. Jjj Jy, ^zjxtQ arbitrary ; these variations may therefore be assumed to take place in the direction of the curved surface on which the particle moves : tlien by the property of the normal, Jr = ; wliicli reduces the preceding equatioh to Xlx f YJy -I- Zlz = 0. But this equation is no longer equivalent to three equations, but to two only, since one of the elements Jx, Sy, 5z, must be eliminated by the equation of the surface. 49. Tlie same result may be obtained in another way. For if tt = be the equation of the surface, then Ju =: ; but as the equa- tion of the normal is derived from that of the surface, the equation Jr = is connected with the preceding, so that Jr = N5m. But r = ^ix-ay + (y-by + (^-c)« whence Sr _ i—'a^ Sr _ y — ft. Jr _ z— c^ ^ "" r ' Jy "" ~r ' dz r~' Chap. I.] DEFINITIONS, AXIOMS, ftc; W consequently, , v on account of which, the equation .. = m^ .ves N. {(|)V (D'H- (-)•} ^- i. or 1 1^. = ym- m^ ©' for u is a function of x, ^, z ,* hence, ^'^^ = /75^iA^~7^i^VTTSiA«: and if tneii %tr becoiries XSm, and the equation of the equilibrium of a parlicle m, oh a curved line or surface, is X^x + Y5y + ZJz + X5m =: (4), where 5w is a function of the elements Sx, Jy, Jz : and as this equa- tion exists whatever these elements may be, each of them may be made zero, wliich will divide it into three equations ; but they will be reduced to two by the elimination of X. And these two, with tiie equation of the surface m = 0, will suffice to determine x, y, z, the co-ordinates of m in its position of equilibrium. Tliese found, N and consequently X become known. And since R^ is the resistaitce ih the JjteSSurfe, wWch is equal Jlnd contrary to the resistance, and is therefore determined. 50. llius if a particle of matter, either free or obliged to remain tin a curved line or surface, bfe urged by any number of forces, it tvill continue in equilibrio, if the sum of the products of each force by the clement of its direction be zero. us. DEFINITIONS, AXIOMS, &c. [Book I. Virtual Velocities. 51. This principle, discovered by John Bemouilli, and called the principle of virtual velocities, is perfectly general, and may be ex- pressed thus : — If a particle of matter be arbitrarily moved from its position through an indefinitely small space, so that it always remains on the curve or surface, wliich it ought to follow, if not entirely free, the sum of the forces which urge it, each multiplied by the element of its direction, ^vill be zero in the case of equilibrium. On this general law of equilibriimi, the whole theory of statics depends. 52. An idea of what virtual velo- city is, may be formed by supposing that a particle of matter m is urged in the direction wiA by a force ap- plied to m. If m be arbitrarily moved to any place n indefinitely near to m, then mn will be the virtual velocity of in. 53. Let na be drawn at right angles to ?;j A, then ma is the virtual velocity of m resolved in the direction of the force mA: it is also the projection of mn on wA ; for mn I ma :: 1 : cos vma and ma = mn cos nma. 54. Again, imagine a polygon ABCDM of any number of sides, either in the same plane or not, and suppose the sides MA, AB, &c., to represent, both in magnitude •'^^* ' — and direction, any forces applied to a particle at M. Let these forces be resolved in the direc- tion of the axis o x, so that ma, ab, be, &c. may be the projections of the sides of the polygon, or the cosines of the angles made by the sides of the polygon with ox to the several radii MA, AB, &c., then will the segments ma, ab, be, &c. of the axis represent the resolved portions of the forces estimated in that single direction, and calling a, /3, 7, &c. the angles above mentioned, ma = MA cos a ; a6 = AB cos /3 ; and be = BC cos 7, Chap. I.] DEFINITIONS, AXIOMS, &c 17 &c. and the sum of these partial forces will be MA cos a + AB cos /8 + BC cos 7 + &c. =r by the general property of polygons, as will also be evident if we consider that dm, ma, ab lying towards are to be taken positively, and be, cd lying towards x negatively ; and the latter making up the same whole bd as the former, their sums must be zero. Thus it is evident, that if any number of forces urge a particle of matter, the sum of these forces when estimated in any given direction, must be zero when the particle is in equilibrio ; and vice versd, when this condition holds, the equilibrium will take place. Hence, we see that a point will rest, if urged by forces represented by the sides of a polygon, taken in order. In this case also, the sum of the virtual velocities is zero ; for, if M be removed from its place through an infinitely small space in any direction, since the position of ox is arbitrary, it may represent that direction, and ma, ab, be, cd, dm, will therefore represent the virtual velocities of M in directions of the several forces, whose sum, as above shown, is zero. 55. The principle of virtual velocities is the same, whether we consider a material particle, a body, or a system of bodies. Variations. 56. The symbol i is appropriated to the calculus of variations, whose general object is to subject to analytical investigation the changes which quantities undergo when the relations which connect them are altered, and when the functions which are the objects of discussion undergo a change of form, and pass into other functions by the gradual variation of some of their elements, which had previously been regarded as constant. In this point of view, varia- tions are only differentials on another hypothesis of constancy and variability, and are therefore subject to all the laws of the differen- tial calculus. 57. The variation of a function may be illustrated by problems of maxima and minima, of which there are two kinds, one not sub- ject to the law of variations, and ^ another that is. In the former case, the quantity whose maxi- jW' mum or minimum is required * C 18 ?> DEFINITIONS, AXIOMS, &c. r[Book;i. depends by known relations on some arbitrary independent variable ; —for example, in a given cur\e MN, fig. 15, it is required to de- termine the point in which the ordinate p m is the greatest pos- sible. In this case, the curve, or function expressing the curve, remains the same ; but in the other case, the form of the func- tion whose maximum or minimum is 'required, is variable; for, •iV let M , N, fig. 16, be any two given points in space, and suppose it were required, among the infinite num- ber of curves that can be drawn between tliese two points, to deter- mine that whose length is a minimum. If ds be the element of the curve, J^da is the curve itself; now as the required curve must be a minimum, the variation ofj^ds when made equal to zero, will give that curve, for when quantities are at their maxima or minima, their increments are zero. Tlius the form of the ftinctionyVi* varies so as to fulfil the conditions of the problem, that is to say, in place of retaining its general form, it takes the form of that particular curve, subject to the conditions required. 58. It is evident from the nature of variations, that the variation of a quantity is independent of its differential, so that we may take the differential of a variation as d.^y, or the variation of a differen- tial as ^.dy, and that dAy = i.dy. 59. From what has been said, it appears that virtual velocities are real variations ; for if a body be moving on a curve, the virtual velo- city may be assumed either to be on the cur^'■e or not on the curve ; it is consequently independent of the law by which the co-ordinates of the curve vary, unless when we choose to subject it to that law. 19 CHAPTER II. VARIABLE MOTION. 60. When the velocity of a moving body clianges, the cause of that change is called an accelerating or retarding force ; and when the increase or diminution of the velocity is uniform, its cause is called a continued, or uniformly accelerating or retarding force, the incre- ments of space which would be described in a given time with the initial velocities being always equally increased or diminished. Gravitation is a uniformly accelerating force, for at the earth's surface a stone falls 16-^1^ feet nearly, during the first second of its motion, 48-^ during the second, SO-fj; during the third, &c., falling every second 32^2^. feet more than during the preceding second. 61. The action of a continued force is uninterrupted, so that the velocity is either gradually increased or diminished ; but to facilitate mathematical investigation it is assumed to act by repeated impulses, separated by indefinitely small intervals of time, so that a particle of matter moving by the action of a continued force is assumed to describe indefinitely small but unequal spaces with a uniform motion, in indefinitely small and equal intervals of time. 62. In this hypothesis, whatever has been demonstrated regarding uniform motion is equally applicable to motion uniformly varied ; and X, Y, Z, which have hitherto represented the components of an impulsive force, may now represent the components of a force acting uniformly. Central Force. 63. If the direction of the force be always the same, the motion will be in a straight line ; but where the direction of a continued force is perpetually varjing it will cause the particle to describe a curved line. Demomtration. — Suppose a particle impelled in the direction mA, fig. 17, and at the same time attracted by a continued force whose origin is in o, the force being supposed to act impulsively at equal successive infinitely small times. By the first impulse alone, in any given time the particle would move equably to A : but in the same time the action of the continued, or as it must now be considered the impulsive force alone, would cause it to move uniformly through C 2 20 VARIABLE MOTION. [Book I. ma ; hence at the end of that time the particle would be found in B, having described the fa- 17. ^^^^\ diagonal mB. Were the ,I> (« particle now left to itself, it would move uniformly to C in the next equal interval of time ; but the action of the second impulse of the attractive force would bring it equably to h in the same time. Thus at the end of the second interval it would be found in D, having described the diagonal BD, and so on. In this manner the particle would describe the polygon JwBDE ; but if the intervals between the successive impulses of the attractive force be indefinitely small, the diagonals w»B, BD, DE, &c., will also be indefinitely small, and will coincide with the curve passing through the points m, B, D, E, &c. 64. In tills hypothesis, no error can arise from assuming that the particle describes the sides of a polygon with a uniform motion ; for the polygon, when the number of its sides is indefinitely multiphed, coincides entirely with the curve. 65. The lines wA, BC, &c., fig. 17, are tangents to the curve in the points, m, B, &c. ; it therefore follows that when a particle is moving in a curved line in consequence of any continued force, if the force should cease to act at any instant, the particle would move on in the tangent with an equable motion, and with a velocity equal to what it had acquired when the force ceased to act. 66. Tiie spaces ma, B6, CD, fig. 18, &c., are the sagittifi of the in- definitely small arcs wB, BD, DE, 8fc. Hence the effect of the cen- tral force is measured by ma, the sagitta of the arc mB described in an indefinitely small given time, or by ^"^^^ ^ ^ =: ma, om being the radius 2 . om of the circle coinciding with the curve in m. 67. We shall consider the element or differential of time to be a constant quantity ; the element of space to be the indefinitely small Chap. II.] VARIABLE MOTION. 21 space moved over in an element of time, and the element of velocity to be the velocity that a particle would acquire, if acted on by a con- stant force during an element of time. Thus, if t, « and v be the time, space, and velocity, the elements of these quantities are dt, ds, and dv ; and as each element is supposed to express an arbitrary unit of its kind, these heterogeneous quantities become capable of compari- son. As a decrement only differs from an increment by its sign, any expressions regarding increasing quantities will apply to those that decrease by changing the signs of the differentials ; and thus the tlieory of retarded motion is included in that of accelerated motion. 68. In uniformly accelerated motion, the force at any instant is directly proportional to the second element of the space, and in- versely as the square of the element of the time. Demonstration. — Because in uniformly accelerated motion, the velocity is only assumed to be constant for an indefinitely small ds time, t>= — , and as the element of the time is constant, the dif- dt ferential of the velocity is <2o =: — ; but since a constant force, act- dt ing for an indefinitely small time, produces an indefinitely small velocity, Ydt = dv ; hence F= — . General Equations of the Motions of a Particle of Matter. 69. Tlic general equation of the motion of a particle of matter, when acted on by any forces whatever, may be reduced to depend on the law of equilibrium. Demonstration. — Let m be a particle of matter perfectly free to obey any forces X, Y, Z, urging it in the direction of three rectan- gular co-ordinates x, y, z. Tlien regarding velocity as an effect of force, and as its measure, by the laws of motion these forces will produce in the instant dt, the velocities Xrf<, Ydt, Zdt, proportional to the intensities of these forces, and in their directions. Hence when m is free, by article 68, d. — =iXdt; d.^=:Ydt', d.— =:Zdt; (5) dt dt dt for the forces X, Y, Z, being perpendicular to each other, each one is independent of the action of the other two, and may be regarded as 22 VARIABLE MOTION. [Book I. if it acted alone. If the first of these equations be multiplied by £jr, the second by ^y, and the third by ^z, their sum will be and since X — — ; Y - — ^ ; Z - — ; are separately zero, rf<* rf<* * + Dm* = ^d?~+~df; hence, d»* = rfx* + dy' when tlie curve Chap. II.] VARIABLE MOTION. 27 is in one plane, but when in space it is d«* =: cfcr" + dy* + dz* : and as , [the element of the space divided by the element of tlie dt time is the velocity : therefore, .dx*-\- dy* + rfa* _ 1 , . . i ^ *^. consequently, 2/(t, y^z) ■\- c =i r', c being an arbitrary constant quantity introduced by integration. 77. This equation will give the velocity of the particle in any point of its path, provided its velocity in any other point be known : for if A be its velocity in that point of its trajectory whose co-ordi- nates are a, h, c, then A« = c+ 2/(a, 6, c), and «• — A« = '2fix, y, z) - 2f(a, b, c) ; whence v will be found when A is given, and the co-ordinates a, b, c, Xf y, z, are known. It is evident, from the equation being independent of any particu- lar curve, that if the particle begins to move from any given point with a given velocity, it will arrive at another given point with the same velocity, whatever the curve may be that it has described. 78. Wiien the particle is not acted on by any forces, then X, Y, and Z are zero, and the equation becomes r' = c. The velo- city in this case, being occasioned by a primitive impulse, will be constant ; and the particle, in moving from one given point to another, will always take the sliortest path that can be traced be- tween these points, which is a particular case of a more general law, called the principle of Least Action. Principle of Least Action. A 79. Suppose a particle beginning to move ' ^^'^'^ from a given point A, fig. 20, to arrive at another given point B, and that its velocity at the point A is given in magnitude but not in direction. Suppose also that it is urged by accelerating forces X, Y, Z, such, that the finite value of Xdx + Ydy + Zdz can be obtained. We may then determine v the velocity of the particle in terms of *, y, 2, without knowing the curve described by the 28 VARIABLE MOTION. [Book I, particle in moving from A to B. If ds be the element of th** curve, the finite value of vds between A and B will depend on the nature of the path or curve in which the body moves. Tlxe principle of Least Action consists in this, that if the particle be free to move in every direction between these two points, except in so far as it obeys the action of the forces X, Y, Z, it will in virtue of this action, choose the path in which the integral J^vds is a minimum ; and if it be constrained to move on a given surface, it will still move in the curve in which J^vds is a minimum among all those that can be traced on the surface between the given points. To demonstrate this principle, it is required to prove the variation ofj'vds to be zero, when A and B, the extreme points of the curve are fixed. By the method of variations ^J'vds z=fl.vds: for y the mark of integration being relative to the differentials, is independent of the variations. ds Now h.vds = Su.ds + vlds, but r = — or tZs = vdt ; dt hence St> . d» = v^vdt = rf< j^ S . v', and therefore & . vds si dt . i^J . r' + v.l.ds. The values of the two last terms of this equation must be found separately. To find d^. ^S.c*. It has been shown that v« = c + 2f(Xdx + Ydy + Zdz), its differential is vdv = (Kdx + Ydy + Zdz), and changing the differentials into variations, i J.t)« = Xdx + YSy + Zh. If ^S.v* be substituted in the general equation of the motion of a particle on its surface, it becomes iS.c« = — U + -^ Sy + — Sz + XJu = 0. ^ dP d1? ■ dt* But XSu does not enter into this equation when the particle is free ; and when it must move on the surface whose equation is u = 0, iu is also zero ; hence in every case the term XSu vanishes; there- fore d<.iS.^=-^5.+ ^S, + Jls. is the value of the first term required. A value of tlie second term v.^.ds must now be found. Since ds^^ dx' + df + dz\ Chap. II.] VARIABLE MOTION. sd its variation is ds.^ds=: dx.^dx + dy.ldy + dz.^dz, but ds = vdt^ hence *• ^'^' •*" ""^^^^^-^ ^ v.^ds =i^hdx+^^dy+— Wz, dt dt dt which is the value of the second term ; and if the two be added, their sum is i.vd,^d\^lx + ^ly + ±lz\ \dt dt dt y as may easily be seen by taking the di£fercnti*il of the last member of this equation. Its integral is dx dy -^ dt dt '^ dz^ dt h. If the given points A and B be moveable in space, the last member of this equation will detemiinc their motion ; but if they be fixed points, the last member wliich is the variation of the co-ordinates of these points is zero : hence also hfvds = 0, which indicates either a maximum or minimum, but it is evident from the nature of the problem that it can only be a minimum. If the particle be not urged by accelerating forces, the velocity is constant, and the integral is vs. Then the curve » described by the particle between the points A and B is a minimum ; and since the velocity is uniform, the particle will describe that curve in a shorter time than it would have done any other curve that could be dra\vn between these two points. 80. The principle of least action was first discovered by Euler : it has been very elegantly applied to the reflection and refraction of light. If a ray of light IS, fig. 21, falls on any surface CD, it will be turned back or reflected in the direction Sr, so that ISA =; rSA. But if the medium whose surface is CD be dia- phanous, as glass or water, it will be broken or refracted at S, and will enter the denser medium in the direction SR, so that the sine of the angle of incidence ISA will be to the sine of the angle of refraction RSB, in a constant ratio for any one medium. Ptolemy discovered that light, when reflected from any surface, passed from one given point to another by the shortest path, and in the shortest time possible, its velocity being uniform. 80 VARIABLE MOTION. [Book I. Format extended the same principle to the refraction of light ; and supposing the velocity of a ray of light to be less in the denser medium, he found that the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to that of the angle of refraction, is constant and greater than unity. Newton however proved by the attraction of the denser medium on the ray of light, that in the corpuscular hypothesis its velocity is greater in that medium than in the rarer, which induced Maupertuis to apply the theory of maxima and minima to this problem. If IS, a ray of light moving in a rare medium, fall obliquely on CD the surface of a medium that is more dense, it moves uniformly from I to S ; but at the ^ point S both its direction and velocity are changed, so that at the instant of its passage from one to the other, it describes an indefinitely small curve, which may be omitted without sensible error : hence the whole trajectory of the light is ISR ; but IS and SR are described with different velocities ; and if these velocities be v and v', then the variation of IS X v + SR x t/ must be zero, in order that the trajectory may be a minimum : hence the general expression ^fvds =r becomes in this case J. (IS X r + SR X i/) = 0, when applied to the refraction of light; from whence it is easily found, by the ordinary analysis of maxima and minima, that v sin ISA = v' sin RBS. As the ratio of these sines depends on the ratio of the velocities, it is constant for the transition out of any one medium into another, but varies with the media, on account of the velocity of light being different in different media. If the denser medium be a crystallized diaphanous substance, the velocity of light in it will depend on the direction of the luminous ray ; it is constant for any one ray, but variable from one ray to another. Double refraction, as in Iceland spar and in crystallized bodies, arises from the different velocities of the rays ; in these substances two images are seen instead of one. Huygens first gave a distinct account of tliis phenomenon, wliich has since been investigated by others. Motion of a Particle on a curved Surface. 81. The motion of a particle, when constrained to move on a curve or surface, is easily determined from equation (7) ; for if the Chap. II.J VARIABLE MOTION. 81 variations be changed into differentials, and ifX',Y', Z'be elimi- nated by their values in the end of article 69, that equation becomes dx.d^x+dy.d^y^dz.d^z ^ Xcir + Ydy + Zdz dt* + R^ {dx . cos « + dy . cos $ + dz . cos 7}, R; being the reaction in the normal, and «, P, y the angles made by the normal with the co-ordinates. But the equation of the surface being u = 0, du:^^.dx + ^.dy+^.dz = 0; dx dy dz consequently, by article 69, \du = dx . cos « + dy . cos /8 + dz . cos y = ; so that the pressure vanishes from tlie preceding equation ; and when the forces are functions of the distance, the integral is 2/ (x, y, 2) -I- c rr v\ and A* - «' = 2/ (t, y, z) - 2f(a, 6, c), as before. Hence, if the particle be urged by accelerating forces, the velocity is independent of the curve or surface on which the par- ticle moves ; and if it be not urged by accelerating forces, the velo- city is constant. Tims the principle of Least Action not only holds with regard to the curves which a particle describes in space, but also for those it traces wlien constrained to move on a surface. 82. It is easy to see that the velocity must be constant, because a particle moving on a curve or surface only loses an indefinitely small part of its velocity of the second order in passing fVom one indefi- nitely small plane of a surface or side of a curve to the consecutive ; ^--^ a for if the particle be moving on ab with c ==^ e the velocity v ; then if the angle abe = /8, the velocity in be will be t> cos /8 ; but cos )8 = 1 — ^ /8» - &c. ; therefore the velocity on be differs from the velocity on ah by the indefinitely small quantity i u . ;8'. In order to determine the pressure of the particle on the surface, the analytical expression of the radius of curvature must be found. 32 VARIABLE MOTION. [Book I. Radius of Curvature. 83. The circle AmB, fig. 22, which coincides with a curve or curved surface through an indefinitely small space on each side of m the point of contact, is called the curve of equal curvature, or the oscu- lating circle of the curve MN, and om is the radius of curvature. fg. 22. Ill ^ plane curve the radius of cur- -A vature r, is expressed by 'Jid'xy + (d'yy N and in a curve of double curvature it is ds* >/(d'xy+{d'yy+ {d'zy ds being the constant element of the curve. Let the angle com be represented by 0, then if Am be the indefi- nitely small but constant element of the curve MN, the triangles com and ADm are similar ; hence mA : mD :'. om '. nic, or ds : dxl'A : sin 0, and sin = — In the same manner cos 6 = _i. ds ds But d . cos = — dd sin d, and rf0 = — — ; also d . sind =: siud do cos 9, and dO = — '- ; but these evidently become cos -^ de=: + ^. d^anddSrr -^ . d^; or dy ds dx ds de= + ^anide=:-£L. dy dx Now if om the radius of curvature be represented by r, then wjoA being the indefinitely small increment dO of the angle com, we have rl ds 111 : dO', for the sine of the infinitely small angle is to be considered as coinciding with the arc: hence f/0 =: _, whence r r = — — '—-^ = . . But dj* + dy* = ds*, and as ds is constant d'x d*!/ I y * dx.d:'x + dyd'y = 0. Whence ^ = - ^, or ( .^1^ = ^, d'y dx \ d'y J dx* Chap. II.] VARIABLE MOTION. 33 and adding one to each side of the last equation, it becomes dj*+dy' _ ds' _ (d^vy + id'yy Whence = r cos 0; SH = r cos «; Hj9 = Sj) — SH = r (cos 6 — cos «), and the elementary arc mA = rdQ ; hence the expression for the time becomes .u — — rdO dt = — . V 2g{h + r cos — r cos «) This expression will take a more convenient form, i( x = Cp = (I — cos d) be the versed sine of mSC, and ^ = (1 — cos <*) the versed sine of BSC ; then dO = , and ^ VARIABLE MOTION. [Book I. — rdx dt = J2x — J?* . 'J'2g{h + r/8 — rx) V = ij 2g{h ■\- r^ — rx). Since the versed sine never can surpass 2, if A + r/3 > 2r, the velocity will never be zero, and the pendulum will describe an inde- finite number of circumferences ; but if A + r/8 < 2r, the velocity v will be zero at that point of the trajectory where x — — -I— - , and r tlie pendulum will oscillate on each side of the vertical. If the origin of motion be at the commencement of an oscillation, A r= 0, and /r dx dt=. - ^ y/ — . Now S >Jfix-a^ /, X V^^~2 2j 2 2 2.4 4 2.4.6 8 ;refore, ^ S '^Px-x^X 2 2 2.4 4 I By La Croix' Integral Calculus, /-dx , 2x — Q\ , ^ ^ — . = arc (cos = L ) + constant. But the integral must be taken between the limits a: = /3 and d? = 0, that is, from the greatest amplitude to the point C. Hence — dx therefore, dt S-. tj^x - x* » being the ratio of the circumference to the diameter. From the same author it will be found that J J/ix - X* J ^ fix -x" between the same limits. Hence, if i^T be the time of half an oscil- lation, /~, /iV^ /^1'3V^* /1.3.5V /3' Chap. II.] VARIABLE MOTION. 47 This series gives the time whatever may be the extent of the oscil- lations ; but if they be very small, — may be omitted in most cases ; then = V \/ — . T = irx/j. (11) As this equation does not contain the arcs, tlie time is independent of their amplitude, and only depends on the length of the thread and the intensity of gravitation ; and as the intensity of gravitation is invariable for any one place on the earth, the time is constant at that place. It follows, that the small oscillations of a pendulum are performed in equal times, whatever their comparative extent may be. The series in which the time of an oscillation is given however, shows that it is not altogether independent of the amplitude of the arc. In very delicate observations the two first terms are retained ; so that for as /8 is the versed sine of the arc «, when the arc is very small, Vv(^T4*. /3 = -3- nearly. The term t \/ — \~a) ~Ti which is very small, is the correction due to the magnitude of the arc described, and is the equation alluded to in article 9, which must be applied to make the times equal. This correction varies with the arc when the pendulum oscillates in air, therefore the resistance of the medium has an influence on the duration of the oscillation. 108. The intensity of gravitation at any place on the earth may be determined from the time and the corresponding length of the pendulum. If the earth were a sphere, and at rest, tlie intensity of gravitation would be the same in every point of its surface ; because every point in its surface would then be equally distant from its centre. But as the earth is flattened at the poles, the intensity of gravitation increases from the equator to the poles; therefore the pendulum that would oscillate in a second at the equator, must be lengthened in moving towards the poles. 48 VARIABLE MOTION. [Book I. If h be the space a body would describe by its gravitatio^v during the tune T, then 2A = ^P, and because T« = t* . __ ; therefore S Arri^'.r. (13) If r be the length of a pendulum beating seconds in any latitude, this expression will give h, the height described by a heavy body during the first second of its fall. The length of the seconds pendulum at London is 39 . 1387 inches ; consequently in that latitude gravitation causes a heavy body to fall through 16.0951 feet during the first second of its descent. Huygens had the merit of discovering that the rectilinear motion of heavy bodies might be determined by the oscillations of the pendu- lum. It is found by experiments first made by Sir Isaac Newton, that the length of a pendulum vibrating in a given time is the same, whatever the substance may be of which it is composed ; hence gravitation acts equally on all bodies, producing the same velocity in the same time, when there is no resistance from the air. Isochronous Curve. 109. The oscillations of a pendulum in circular arcs being isochro- nous only when tlie arc is very small, it is now proposed to inves- tigate the nature of the curve in which a particle must move, so as to oscillate in equal times, whatever the amplitude of the arcs may be. The forces acting on the pendulum at any point of the cur^'e are the force of gravitation resolved in the direction of the arc, and the resistance of the air which retards the motion. The first is - g P , or -§• . — , tlie arc Am being indefinitely small ; and Am ds the second, which is proportional to the square of the velocity, is /ds \* expressed hy — 7i( — ) , in which n is any number, for the velocity is directly as the element of the space, and inversely as the element of dz ds* the time. Tlius — g — n — is the whole force acting on the ds dt* Chap. II.] VARIABLE MOTION. (49 pendulum, hence the equation F = — f article ^o , dz ds' d-s 68, becomes - ff — — n — = ds d(* dt^ The integral of which will give the isochro- rous curve in air ; but the most interesting results arc obtained when the particle is assumed to move in vacuo ; then n = 0, and the equation becomes — =r — «• — , ^ dC " ds . ds' wliich, multiplied by 2ds and integrated, gives — = c — 2gZf c being dP an arbitrary constant quantity. Let 2 =: h at m, fig. 29, where the motion begins, the velocity being zero at that point, then will c =: 2gh, and therefore — = 2g(h - z); dt^ " ^ ^ whence dt=z- ds 'J2g{h-z) the sign is negative, because the arc diminishes as the time increases. When the radical is developed, dt=- -A^ { 1 + i ±. + LJ il + &c. } ^2gh ^ 2 . 4 A« Whatever the nature of the required curve may be, s is a function of z ; and supposing this function developed according to the powders of ;:, its differential will have the form, ds dz = az' + 62" + &c. Substituting this value of ds in the preceding equation, it becomes dt = -J^.z.{i + L. V2^ ^* 2 2 . 4 /i« ^ A* ^ 2 A 2.4 — + &c. ]d2. J2g ^* 2 h 2 . 4 A* The integral of this equation, taken from 2 n: A to 2 =: 0, will give the time employed by the particle in descending to C, the lowest point of the curve. But according to the conditions of the problem, the time must be independent of A, the height whence the particle has descended ; consequently to fulfil that condition, all the terms of Uio • E m VARIABLE MOTION. [Book I. value of dt must be zero, except tlie first ; therefore b must be zero, and i + 1 = ^, or i = - ^ ; thus ds= az~^dz ; the integral of which is « = 2a2*, the equation to a cycloid DzE, fig. 30, with a horizontal base, the only curve in vacuo having the property required. Hence the oscillations of a pendulum moving in a cycloid are rigorously isochronous in vacuo. If r = 2BC, by tlie properties of the cycloid r = 2a', and if the preceding value of d« be put in d< = - ^_ its integral is < = § /Z. • arc (cos = ?ill^^ . It is unnecessary to add a constant quantity if r = ^ when < = 0. If ^T be the time that the particle takes to descend to the lowest point in the curve where z = 0, then T = /]i . arc (cos =—1) = ir. ,^^. S S Thus the time of descent through the cycloidal arc is equal to a semi- oscillation of the pendulum whose length is r, and whose oscillations are very small, because at the lowest point of the curve the cycloidal arc ds coincides with the indefinitely small arc of the osculating circle wliose vertical diameter is 2r. 110. The cycloid in question is formed by supposing a circle ABC, fig. 30, to roll along a straight line ED. The curve EAD traced by a point A in its circumference is a cycloid. In the same manner the cycloidal arcs SD, SE, may be traced by a point in a circle, rolling on the other side of DE. Tliese arcs are such, that if we imagine a thread fixed at S to be applied to SD, and then unrolled so that it may always be tangent to SD, its extremity D will trace the cycloid DzE; and the tangent zS is equal to the correspond- ing arc DS. It is evident also, that the line DE is equal to the circumference of the circle ABC. The curve SD is called the '} involute, and the curve Dz the evolute. In applying this princi- ple to the construction of clocks, it is so difficult to make the cycloidal arcs SE, SD, round which the thread of the pendu- lum winds at each vibration, that the motion in small circular arcs Chop. II.] VARIABLE MOTIOX. 51 is preferred. Tlie properties of the isoclironous curve were discovered by Huygens, who first applied tlie pendulum to clocks. 111. Tlie time of the very small oscillation of a circular pendulum is expressed by T=ty/ _L Jig. 31. r being tlie length of the pendulum, and conse- quently the radius of the circle AmB, fig. 31. Also i = aX ^ is the time employed by a heavy body to fall by the force of gravitation through a height equal to «. Now the time employed by a heavy body to fall through a space equal to twice the length of the pendulum will be t =y- hence iT:<::i:ryi.: y4r, or 1:< 2 that is, the time employed to move through the arc Am, which is half an oscillation, is to the time of foiling through fa- 32. twice the length of the pendulum, as a fourth of the circumference of the circle AmB to its dia- meter. But the times of falling through all chords drawn to the lowest point A, fig. 32, of a cir- cle are equal : for the accelerating force F in any chord AB, is to tliat of gravitation as AC : AB, ^ or as AB to AD, since the triangles are similar. But the forces being as tlie spaces, the times are equal: for as F : ff : : AB : AD and T : < :: ^ : ^, it follows that T = <. 112. Hence the time of falling tlirough the chord AB, is the same with that of falling tlirough the diameter ; and thus the time of falling through the arc AB is to the time of falling through the chord AB as — : 2, that is, as onc-fouith of the circumference to the dia- 2 £ 2 52 VARIABLE MOTION. [Book I. meter, or as 1 . 57079 to 2. Thus the straight line AB, tliough the shortest that can be drawn between the points B and A, is not the line of quickest descent. Curve of quickest Descent. 113. In order to find the curve in which a heavy body will descend from one given point to another in the shortest time possible, let CP = 2, PM = 3/, and CM = s, fig. 33. The velocity of a body moving in the curve at M will be^2^2, g- being the force of gravitation. Therefore /o — ^ jt da A/2gz = — or at =z — _ dt V 2gz the time employed in moving from M to m. Now let C/j == z +dz =2', pm =z y + dy =y', and Cm =: rfs + s = s'. Then the time of moving through mm' is . Therefore the time A/2gz' of moving from M to m' is — + — , which by hypothesis V 2gz V 2^2- must be a minimum, or, by the method of variations, ♦, ds Vz + J-^ = 0. VT' The values of 2 and r' are the same for any curves that can be drawn between the points M and m' : hence Mz = ^dz' = 0. Besides, whatever the curves may be, the ordinate om' is the same for all ; hence dy •{- dy' is constant, therefore ^(^dy + dy') =: : whence Jdyr: -My'\ and J + J — = = 0, from these considerations, VI *Jz' becomes ^ — — ^^^ = 0. Now it is evident, that the ds "Jz ds *Jz' second term of this equation is only the first term in which each variable quantity is augmented by its increment, so that dy _ dy' _ ^^ V" dsV z' ^y =0, ds sz Chap. II.] VARIABLE MOTION. 63 whence ^^ = A. ds J % But -^ is the sine of the angle that the tangent to the curve makes with the line of the abscissa;, and at the point where the tan- gent is horizontal this angle is a right angle, so that -ll =r 1 : hence ds if a be the value of z at that point, A = , and -^ = /_L» but, d^ = dy* + dz*, therefore "~ ^ a—z the equation to the cycloid, wliich is the curve of quickest descent. 64 [Book I. CHAPTER III. ON THE EQUILIBRIUM OF A SYSTEM OF BODIES. Definitions and Axioms. 114. Any number of bodies which can in any way mutually affect each other's motion or rest, is a system of bodies, 115. Momentum is the product of the mass and the velocity of a body. 116. Force is proportional to velocity, and momentum is propor- tional to the product of tlie velocity and the mass ; hence the only difference between the equilibrium of a particle and that of a solid body is, that a particle is balanced by equal and contrary forces, whereas a body is balanced by equal and contrary momenta. 117. For the same reason, the motion of a solid body differs from the motion of a particle by the mass alone, and thus the equation of the equiUbrium or motion of a particle will determine the equilibrium or motion of a solid body, if they be multiplied by its mass. 118. A moving force is proportional to the quantity of momentum generated by it. Reaction equal and contrary to Action. 1 19. The law of reaction being equal and contrary to action, is a general induction from observations made on the motions of bodies when placed within certain distances of one another ; the law is, that the sum of the momenta generated and estimated in a given direc- tion is zero. It is found by experunent, that if two spheres A and B of the same dimensions and of homogeneous matter, as of gold, be suspended by two threads so as to touch one another when at rest, then if they be drawn aside from the perpendicular to equal heights and let fall at the same instant, they will strike one another centrically, and will destroy each other's motion, so as to remain at rest in the perpendicular. The experiment being repeated with spheres of homogeneous matter, but of different dimensions, if the velocities be inversely as the quantities of matter, the bodies Chap. III.] EQUILIBRIUM OF A SYSTEM OF BODIES. 55 after impinging will remain at rest It is evident, tlmt in this case, the smaller sphere must descend through a greater space tlian the larger, in order to acquire the necessary velocity. If the ^, move in the same or in opposite directions, with diffcrenwf^iwcn^^ r^f r and one strike the other, the body that impinges will Ws^^sIcMf'} U S 1 7 Y i| the quantity of momentum tliat the other acquires. TmC5v^i<^£^QPf4iA cases, it is known by experience that reaction is equal and comJarjr to action, or that equal momenta in opposite directions destroy one another. Daily experience shows that one body cannot acquire motion by the action of another, without depriving tlie latter body of tlie same quantity of motion. Iron attracts the magnet with the same force tliat it is attracted by it; the same thing is seen in electrical attractions and repulsions, and also in animal forces ; for whatever may be the moving principle of man and animals, it is found they receive by the reaction of matter, a force equal and con- trary to that which tliey communicate, and in tliis respect they are subject to the same laws as inanimate beings. Mass proportional to WeigfU. 120. In order to show tliat the mass of bodies is proportional to their weight, a mode of defining their mass without weighing them must be employed ; the experiments that have been described afford the means of doing so, for having arrived at the preceding results, with spheres formed of matter of the same kind, it is found that one of the bodies may be replaced by matter of another kind, but of different dimensions from that replaced. That which produces the same effects as the mass replaced, is considered as containing the same mass or quantity of matter. Thus the mass is defined independent of weight, and as in any one point of the earth's surface every particle of matter tends to move with the same velocity by tlie action of gravitation, the sum of their tendencies constitutes the weight of a body ; hence the mass of a body is proportional to its weight, at one and the same place. Density. 121. Suppose two masses of different kinds of matter, A, of ham- mered gold, and B of cast copper. If A in motion will destroy the 56 ON THE EQUILIBRIUM OF [Book I. motion of a third mass of matter C, and twice B is requi.^d to produce the same effect, then the density of A is said to be double the density of B. Mass proportional to the Volume into the Density, 122. The masses of bodies are proportional to their volumes mul- tiplied by tiieir densities ; for if the quantity of matter in a given cubical magnitude of a given kind of matter, as water, be arbitrarily assumed as the unit, the quantity of matter in another body of the same magnitude of the density p, will be represented by p ; and if the magnitude of the second body to that of the first be as in to 1 , the quantity of matter in the second body will be represented by m y.p. Specijic Gravity. 1 23. Tlie densities of bodies of equal volumes are in the ratio of their weights, since the weights are proportional to their masses ; therefore, by assuming for the unit of density the maximum density of distilled water at a constant temperature, the density of a body will be the ratio of its weight to that of a like volume of water reduced to this maximum. This ratio is the specific gravity of a body. Equilibrium of two Bodies. 124. If two heavy bodies be attached to the extremities of an in- flexible line without mass, which may turn freely on one of its points; when in equilibrio, their masses are reciprocally as their distances from the point of motion. Dcmomtralion. — For, let two heavy bodies, m and m\ fig. 34, be at- tached to the extremities of ap inflexible line, free to turn round one of ^9' 34. its points «, and suppose the line to be bent in n, but so 'ii ^ little, that m'nm only dif- fers from two right angles by an indefinitely small angle amw, which may be represented by u. H g be the force of gravitation, gm, gm' will be the gravitation of the two bodies. But the gravitation gm acting in the direction na may be resolved into two forces, one in the Chap. III.] A SYSTEM OF BODIES. 57 direction mn, which is destroyed by tlie fixed point »», and another acting on m' in tlie direction m'm. Let mn = f, m'n =J' ; then m'm :::^f+f very nearly. Hence the wliole force gin is to the part acting on m' ii na I mm', and the action of m on m', is g^»v/ "rJ J . ijut fyitu I na 11 I '.to, for the arc is so small that it iia may be taken for its sine. Hence na=z b> .fy and the action of m on In tlie same manner it may be shown that the action of m' on m is ^^ u +7 J . ijut when the bodies are in equilibrio, these forces wf must be equal : therefore ^^^J "^ J J =: g^ U + J ) ^ whence wf wf gmf=igm'f, or gm : gm' ::/' :/, which is the law of equili- brium in the lever, and shows the reciprocal action of parallel forces. Equilibrium of a System of Bodies. 125. The equilibrium of a system of bodies may be found, when the system is acted on by any forces whatever, and when the bodies also mutually act on, or attract each other. Demonstration. — Let m, m', m^', &c., be a system of bodies attracted by a force whose origin is in S, fig. 35 ; and suppose each body to act on all the other bodies, and also to be itself subject to the action of each, — the action of all tliese forces on the bodies m, m', m", &c., are as the masses of these bodies and the intensities of the forces conjointly. Let the action of the forces on one body, as m, be first consi- dered ; and, for simplicity, suppose the number of bo- dies to be only three — m, wi', and m". It is evident that m is attracted by the force at S, and also urged by the reciprocal action of the bodies m' and m". Suppose m' and m" to remain fixed, and that m is arbitrarily moved to 7i : then mn is the virtual velocity of m ; and if the per- 5S ON THE EQUILIBRIUM OF [Book I. pendiculars 7jcr, nb, nc be drawn, the lines ma, mb, mc, «tfe the virtual velocities of m resolved in the direction of the forces which act on m. Hence, by the principle of virtual velocities, if the action of the force at S on m be multiplied by 7na, the mutual action of m and m' by mb, and the mutual action of m and m" by mc, the sum of these products must be zero wlicn the point m is in equilibrio ; or, m being the mass, if the action of S on m be F.m, and the reci- procal actions of m on m' and m" be p, p\ then wF X ma + p X mb + p' x wic = 0. Now, if m and m" remain fixed, and that m' is moved to n', then m'F' X m'a' + p y. m'b' + p" x m,'c' = 0. And a similar equation may be found for each body in the system. Hence the sum of all these equations must be zero when the system is in equilibrio. If, tlien, the distances Sm, Sm\ Sm", be represented by s, «', s", and the distances mm'y mm", m'm", hy f,f,f'\we shall have 2.mFh + l.p^f+ l.p^f ±, &c. = 0, 2 being the sum of finite quantities ; for it is evident that J/= mb + m'b', ^f =: mc + m"c", and so on. If the bodies move on surfaces, it is only necessary to add the terms KSr, R'Jr', &c., in which R and R' are the pressures or resistances of the surfaces, and ^r Jr' the elements of their direc- tions or the variations of the normals. Hence in equilibrio l.mFh + 2.J95/+ &c. + R5r + R'Jr', &c. = 0. Now, the variation of the normal is zero ; consequently the pres- sures vanish from this equation : and if the bodies be united at fixed distances from each other, the lines mm', m'm", &c., or f,fy &c., are constant : — consequently ^f= 0, 5/' = 0, &c. The distance /"of two points m and m' in space is /= ^(,r'-xy + (y'-yy+{z'-z)\ X, y, X, being the co-ordinates of 7/i, and x*, y', z', those of m' ; so that the variations may be expressed in terms of these quantities: and if they be taken such that J/= 0, J/' =: 0, &c., the mutual action of the bodies will also vanish from the equation, which is reduced to l.mF.h=0. (14). 126. Tims in every case llic sum of the products of the forces into the elementary variations of their directions is zero when the system is in equilibrio, provided the conditions of the connexion of the Chap. III.] A SYSTEM OF BODIES. 60 system be observed in their variations or virtual velocities, which arc tlie only indications of the mutual dependence of the different parts of the system on each other. 127. The converse of this law is also true — that when the prin- ciple of virtual velocities exists, the system is held in equilibrio by tlic forces at S alone. Demonstration. — For if it be not, each of the bodies would acquire a velocity v, v', &c., in consequence of the forces mF, m'F', &c. If J/j, Jn', &c., be the elements of their direction, then 2.wFJ« -- 2.nir^n =: 0. The virtual velocities Jn, Jn', &c., being arbitrary, may be assumed equal to vdt, v'dt, &c., the elements of the space moved over by the bodies ; or to c, t/, &c., if the element of the time be unity. Hence 2.wF5*— 2.wu'=0. It has been shown that in all cases S.»«FJs =: 0, if the virtual velocities be su])ject to the conditions of tlie system. Hence, also, 2. WW* = ; but as all squares are positive, the sum of tliese squares can only be zero if » = 0, v' = 0, &c. Therefore the system must remain at rest, in consequence of the forces Fm, &c., alone. Rotatory Pressure. 128. Rotation is the motion of a body, or system of bodies, about a line or point. Tiius the earth revolves about its axis, and bil- liard-ball about its centre. 129. A rotator)' pressure or moment is a force that causes* a system of bodies, or a solid body, to rotate about any point or line. It is expressed by the intensity of the motive force or momentum, multi- plied by the distance of its direction from the point or line about which the system or solid body rotates. On the Lever. 130. The lever first gave the idea of rotatory pressure or moments, for it revolves about the point of support or fulcrum. AVhen the lever mm', fig. 36, is in equilibrio, in consequence of forces applied to two heavy bodies at its extremities, the rotatory 60 ON THE EQUILIBRIUM OF [Book I. pressure of these forces, with regard to N, tlie point of supporirtnust be equal and contrary. Demonstration. — Let ma, m'a', fig.36, which are proportional to the velocities, represent the forces acting on m and J7i' during the inde- finitely small time in which the Jig. 36. bodies m. and m' describe the in- ^ definitely small spaces wjcr, m'a'. The distance of the direction of the "' forces Tna, vn'a' from the fixed point N, are Nm, Nm' ; and the momentum of m into Nm, must be equal to the momentum of m' into Nm' ; that is, the product of ma by Nm and the mass m, must be equal to the product of m'a' by Nm' and the mass m' when the lever is in equilibrio ; or, ma X Nm y,m — m'a' x Nm' x m'. But m.a X Nm is twice the triangle Nmcf, and m'a' X Nm' is twice the triangle Nm'a' ; lience twice the triangle Nma into the mass m, is equal to twice the triangle Nm'a' into the mass m', and these are the rotator)^ pressures which cause the lever to rotate about the fulcrum; thus, in equi- librio, the rotatory pressures are equal and contrary, and the moments are inversely as the distances from the point of support. Projection of Lines and Surfaces. 131. Surfaces and areas may be projected on the co-ordinate planes by letting fall perpendiculars from every point of them on these planes. For let oMN,fig. 37, be a surface meeting the plane xoy in 0, the origin of the co-ordi- nates, but rising above it to- wards MN. If perpendiculars be drawn from every point of the area oMN on the plane xoy, they will trace the area omn, which is the projection of oMN. Since, by hypothesis, xoy is a right angle, if the lines mD, 7iC, be drawn parallel to oy, DC is the projection of mn on the axis ox. In the same manner AB is the projection of the same line on oy. z JV / /y.37. / ff c n , // B^ / :vW ^ k Chap. III.] A SYSTEM OF BODIES, 61 Equilibrium of a System of Bodies invariably united. 132. A system of bodies invariably united will be in equilibrio upon a point, if the sum of the moments of rotation of all the forces that act upon it vanish, when estimated parallel to three rectangular co-ordinates. Demonstration. — Suppose a system of bodies invariably united, moving about a fixed point o in consequence" of an impulse and a force of attraction ; o being the origin of the attractive force and of the co-ordinates. Let one body be considered at a time, and suppose it to describe the indefinitely small arc MN, fig. 37, in an indefinitely small time, and let mn be the projection of this arc on the plane xoij. If w be the mass of the body, then m x mn is its momentum, estimated in the plane xoy ; and if oP be perpendicular to mn, it is evident that m X mn x oV is its rotatory pressure. But mn X oP is twice the triangle mon ; hence the rotatory pressure is equal to the mass m into twice the triangle mon that the body could describe in an ele- ment of time. But when m is at rest, the rotatory pressure must be zero ; hence in equilibrio, m X win x oP = 0. Let om7i, fig. 38, be the projected area, and complete the parallelo- gram oDEB ; then if oD, oA, the co-ordinates of m, be represented by X and y, it is evident that y increases, while x diminishes ; hence CD = — dj, and AB = dy. Join OE, then 7ioE = j^«D, because the triangle and parallelogram are on the same base and be- tween the same parallels ; also moE = i^AE : hence the triangle mon =: i^{ nD + AE. } /^. 38. Now wD =: — dx {y + dy) o (' T ) and AE = xdy, therefore mon = i^ (xdy -ydx)--\dxdy ; but when the arc mn is indefinitely small, ^dxdy = ^nE . mE may be omit- ^ ted in comparison of the first powers B of these quantities, hence the triangle mon = i (xdy — ydx), tlierefore m (xdy-^ydx) = is the rotatory pressure in the plane xoy 62 ON THE EQUILIBRIUM OF [Book I. when m is in equilibrio. A similar equation must exist for each co- ordinate plane when m is in a state of equilibrium with regard to each axis, therefore also m (^xdz - zdx) = 0, in{ydz — zdy) rr 0. The same may be proved for every body in the system, conse- quently when the whole is in equilibrio on the point o ^in(xdy — ydx) = ^m (idz — zdx} = 2m(ydz-zdy) = 0. (15). 133. This property may be expressed by means of virtual velo- cities, namely, that a system of bodies will be at rest, if the sum of the products of their momenta by the elements of their directions be zero, or by article 125 2mF^s = 0, Since the mutual distances of the parts of the system are invariable, if the whole system be supposed to be turned by an indefinitely small angle about the axis oz, all the co-ordinates z', z'\ &c., will be in- variable. If Jot be any arbitrary variation, and if 5x = y^zj Jy = — xlzs ^x'= y'lz: ly'= - x'lz: ; then / being the mutual distance of the bodies in and m' whose co-ordinates are x^y,z\ x', y\ z', there will arise 5/= y(x'-x)* + (y'-y)''-f-(2'-2)* = ^ (Jx' - It) 4- 2^ (}y' - ^) = \ { (-f'-O (2/'-3/) ^^-{y- y) (^'-^) Jot } = 0. So that the values assumed for J.r, Jy, J.r', dy' are not incompatible witli the invariability of the system. It is therefore a permissible assumption. Now if « be the direction of the force acting on m, its variation is J. = |ijx+|ijy, dx Sy since z is constant ; and substituting the preceding values of Jx, Jy, the result is J, = ii . y Jot - -^ . T Jot = Jot i li . y - ii .r I Jx ^ Jy (Jx ^ Jy j or, multiplying by the momentum Fm, Fmh = Fw \ y — — x — | Jot. I ^ Jx Jy j Chap. III.] A SYSTEM OF BODIES. 63 In the same manner witli regard to the body m! F'm'Ja' = F'm' | «'?!!.- a:' ?f^ Uct, V l3^ ly'S and 80 on ; and thus the equation SmFJs = becomes It follows, from the same reasoning, that 2mF|z|i- a^lil=0, I It Iz] I ly ^ IzS In fact, if X, Y, Z be the comj)onent3 of the force F in the direction of the three axes, it is evident tliat Xr=F|i; Y=Fif; Z = F^; Ix ly Iz and these equations become 2?ny.X — 2wx. Y = 27nr.X-2wx.Z = (16). Smz.Y - 2wiy.Z = But "^mYy — expresses the sum of the moments of the forces parallel to the axis of x to turn the system round that of z, and S^nFj — that of the forces parallel to the axis of y to do the same, but estimated in the contrary direction ; — and it is evident that the forces parallel to z have no effect to turn the system round x. There- fore the equation 2wtF [y — — x — )=0, expresses that the sum of the moments of rotation of the whole system relative to the axis of 2 must vanish, that the equilibrium of the system may subsist. And the same being true for the other rectangular axes (whose posi- tions are arbitrary), there results tliis general theorem, viz., that in order that a system of bodies may be in cquilibro upon a point, the sum of the moments of rotation of all the forces that act on it must vanish when estimated parallel to any three rectangular co-ordinates. 134. These equations are suilicient to ensure the equilibrium of the system when o is a fixed point ; but if o, the point about which it ro- tates, be not fixed, the system, as well as tlie origin o, may be car- 64 ON THE EQUILIBRIUM OF [Book I. ried forward in space by a motion of translation at the same i'soae that the system rotates about o, like the earth, whicli revolves about the sun at same time that it turns on its axis. In this case it is not only neces- sary for the equiUbrium of the system that its rotatory pressure should be zero, but also that the forces which cause the translation when re- solved in the direction of the axis ox, oy, 02, should be zero for each axis separately. On the Centre of Gravity. 135. If the bodies m, m\ m", &c,, be only acted on by gravity, its effect would be the same on all of them, and its direction may be considered the same also ; hence F=F=F" = &c., and also the directions Ix lx< ' ly ^ ' Tz f?~ ^■' are the same in tliis case for all tlie bodies, so that the equations of rotatory pressure become ^x ^ ly ^ \lz ^ dy ^ \^x Jz ^ or, if X, Y, Z, be considered as the components of gravity in the three co-ordinate axes by article 133 X.2my — Y.Stwj? = Z.Smy - Y.Smz = (17). X.'Zmz — Z.Smx = It is evident that these equations will be zero, whatever the direction of gravity may be, if 2mjc = 0, 2my = 0, Smz = 0. (18). Now since F — , F — , F — , are the components of the force 5x 5y Jz of gravity in the tliree co-ordinates ox, oy, oz, F.|i.2m; F. ^.2m; F. ^ .2m; ^x Jy Sz are the forces which translate the system parallel to these axes. But i Chap. III.] A SYSTEM OF BODIES. 65 if be a fixed point, its reaction would destroy these forces. is tlie diagonal of a parallelopipcd, of whicli h h h Jx ^ Jz' are tlie sides ; therefore these three compose one resulting force equal to F.2m. This resulting force is the weight of the system which is thus resisted or supported by the reaction of the fixed point 0. 136. Tlie point o round which the system is in equilibrio, is the centre of gravity of the system, and if that point be supported, the whole will be in equilibrio. On the Position and Properties of the Centre of Gravity. 137. It appears from the equations (18), that if any plane passes through the centre of gravity of a system of bodies, the sum of the products of the mass of each body by its distance from that plane is zero. For, since the axes of the co-ordinates are arbitrary, any one of them, as X Ovt', fig. 39, may be assumed to be the section of the plane in question, the centre of gravity of the system of bodies m, m', .,.'" J^3' ^^' &c., being in o. If the perpen- diculars mo, m'6, &c., be drawn a? from each body on the plane iT x\ the product of the mass m by the distance ma plus the product of m' by m'b plus, &c., must be zero ; or, representing the distances by z, z', z", &c., then mz + m'z — m" z' + m" z" + 8fc. = ; or, according to the usual notation, l..mz = 0. And the same properly exists for the other two co-ordinate planes Since the position of the co-ordinate planes is arbitrary, the properly 66 ON THE EQUILIBRIUM OF [Book I. obtains for every set of co-ordinate planes having their oripin in o. It is clear that if the distances wm, mb, &c., be positive on one side of the plane, those on the other side must be negative, otherwise the sum of the products could not be zero. 138. When the centre of gravity is not in the origin of the co- ordinates, it may be found if the distances of the bodies m, m\ m'\ &c., from the origin and from each otlier be known. Demonstration. — For let o, fig. 40, be the origin, and c the centre of gravity of the system m,m\ &c. Let MN be the sec- tion of a plane passing through c ; then by the property of the centre of gravity just m M * fig. 40. c h w. ■ a m" ; > / r A /■ i" N explained, but hence m.ma -f m'.m'b — m".vi"d + &c. = ; ma = oA — op', m'b = oA — op^, &c. &c., m (oA — op) + m (oA — op') + &c. =: ; or if Ao be represented by x, and op op' op", &c., by x x' x'\ &c., then will wi (I — x) + m' (x — x) — m" {x — x") + &c. = 0. Whence X (m + m' — m" + &c.) = mx + m'x' — m" x'' + &c., vix + m'x + &c. ^__ 2.W2X and, X = m + m — m"+ &c. 2.7n (19). Thus, if the masses of the bodies and their respective distances from the origin of the co-ordinates be known, this equation will give the distance of the centre of gravity from the plane yoz. In the same manner its distances from the other two co-ordinate planes are found to be . „ 'E.mz 1..?ny 1,771 (20). 139. Thus, because the centre of gravity is determined by its three co-ordinates J, ^, z, it is a single point. Chap. III.] A SYSTEM OF BODIES. 67 1 40. But tliese three equations give ^+ y +- - l^i (2m)« The last term of the second member is the sum of all the pro- ducts similar to tliose under 2 when all the bodies of the system are taken in pairs. 141. It is easy to show that the two preceding values of x*+y'+5" are identical, or that {Imy i^ {Imy or (2mj)* = 2m . Imx'^ — 2m7;i' (x' — x)*. A\'ere lliere are only two planets, then 2m =: m + m', 2wi? = mx + m'x', 2mm' = mm' ; consequently (2mx)* = (mx + mV)* = m-x* + m'*x'* + 2mm' xx'. With regard to the second member 2m.2mx*=(m f m') (7nx«+mV*)=m*x«+m'V«+m7nV+mmV, and 2mm' (x' — xy == mm'x* + mm'x* — 2nim'xx' ; consequently 2m. 2mx* — 2mm' (x'— x)* = m-x^ + m'*x" + 2mm'xx' = (27wx)*. Tliis will be the case whatever the number of planets may be ; and as the equations in question are symmetrical with regard to x, y, and r, their second members are identical. Thus the distance of the centre of gravity from a given point may be found by means of the distances of the different points of the sys- tem from this point, and of their mutual distances. 142. By estimating the distance of the centre of gravity from any three fixed points, its position in space will be determined. Equilibrium of a Solid Body. 143. If the bodies m, m', m", &c., be indefinitely small, infinite in number, and permanently united together, they will form a solid mass, whose equilibrium may be determined by the preceding equations. F 2 68 EQUILIBRIUM OF A SYSTEM OF BODIES. [Book I. For if jr, y, z, be the co-ordinates of any one of its indefinitels small particles dm, and X, Y, Z, the forces urging it in the direction of these axes, the equations of its equilibrium will be fXdm = /Ydm = fZdm = f(Xy-Yx) dm = ; /(Xz — Zj) dm =: ; f(Zy - V^) dm = 0. The three first are the equations of translation, which are de- stroyed when the centre of gravity is a fixed point ; and the last three are the sums of the rotatory pressures. 69 CHAPTER IV. MOTION OF A SYSTEM OF BODIES. 144. It is known by observation, that the relative motions of a sys- tem of bodies, are entirely independent of any motion common to the whole ; hence it is impossible to judge from appearances alone, of the absolute motions of a system of bodies of which we form a part ; the knowledge of the true system of the world was retarded, from the difficulty of comprehending the relative motions of projectiles on the earth, which has the double motion of rotation and revolution. But all the motions of the solar system, determined according to this law, are verified by observation. By article 117, the equation of the motion of a body only differs from that of a particle, by the mass ; hence, if only one body be con- sidered, of which m is the mass, the motion of its centre of gravity will be determined from equation (6), which in this case becomes m { X - :^^Ux + nz { Y - iJ^Uy + m {Z - ^Uz = 0. A similar equation may be found for each body in the system, and one condition to be fulfilled is, that the sum of all such equations must be zero ; — hence the general equation of a system of bodies is '•=^'"(^ - f >+''"0' - ^>+ H^ - §) '- ^''■'> in which S^nX, 27mY, SotZ, are the sums of the products of each mass by its corresponding com- ponent force, for 2mX =: mX -H m'X' -f m'X' + &c. ; and so 'for the other two. Also 2m — , 2m — ^ , 2m — , rf^ dt* df are the sums of the products of each mass, by the second increments of the space respectively described by them, in an element of time in the direction of each axis, since Im — z= m'f^ + m' — ■{■ &c. df dt* dt* 70 MOTION OF A SYSTEM OF BODIES. [Book L tlie expressions 2m —M., 2m — ~ *• have a similar signification. From tliis equation all the motions of the solar system -are directly obtained. 145. If the forces be invariably supposed to have the same in- tensity at equal distances from the points to which they are directed, and to vary in some ratio of that distance, all the principles of motion that have been derived from the general equation (6), may be ob- tained from this, provided the sum of the masses be employed instead of the particle. 146. For example, if the equation, in article 74, be multiplied by 2m, its finite value is found to be 2mV« = C 4- 22/m (Xdx + \dy -f Zdz), Tills is the Living Force or Impetus of a system, which is the sum of the masses into the square of their respective velocities, and is analogous to the equation V« = C + 2v, relating to a particle. 147. AVhen the motion of the system changes by insensible degrees, and is subject to the action of accelerating forces, the sum of the indefinitely small increments of the impetus is the same, whatever be the path of the bodies, provided that the points of depar- ture and arrival be the same. 148. When there is a primitive impulse without accelerating forces, the impetus is constant. 149. Impetus is the true measure of labour; for if a weight be raised ten feet, it will require four times the labour to raise an equal weight forty feet. If both these weights be allowed to descend freely by their gravitation, at the end of their fall their velocities will be as 1 to 2 ; that is, as the square roots of their heights. But the effects produced will be as their masses into the heights from whence they fell, or as their masses into 1 and 4 ; but these are the squares of the velocities, hence the impetus is the mass into the square of the velocity. Thus the impetus is the true measure of the labour em- ployed to raise the weights, and of the effects of their descent, and is entirely independent of time. 150. The principle of least action for a particle was shown, in article 80, to be expressed by ifvds =: 0, Chap. IV.] MOTION OF A SYSTEM OF BODIES. 71 when the extreme points of its path are fixed ; hence, for a system of bodies, it is lymvds = 0, or l^fmv^dt = 0. Thus the sum of the living forces of a system of bodies is a mmimum, during tlie time that it takes to pass from one position to another. If tlie bodies be not urged by accelerating forces, the impetus of the system during a given time, is proportional to that time, therefore the system moves from one given position to another, in the shortest time possible : wliich is the principle of least action in a system of bodies. On the Motion of the Centre of Gravity of a System of Bodies. 151. In a system of bodies the common centre of gravity of the whole cither remains at rest or moves uniformly in a straight line, as if all the bodies of the system were united in that point, and the concentrated forces of the system applied to it. Demonstration. — ^Tiiese properties are derived from the general equation (21) by considering that, if the centre of gravity of the system be moved, each body will have a corresponding and equal motion in- dependent of any motions the bodies may have among themselves : hence each of the virtual velocities Jj?, Jy, Sz, will be increased by the virtual velocity of the centre of gravity resolved in the direction of the axes ; so that they become 5x + J J, Sy + S^, J^ + S2 : thus the equation of the motion of a system of bodies b increased by the term. (--^1, arising from the consideration of the centre of gravity. If the system be free and unconnected with bodies foreign to it, the virtual velocity of the centre of gravity, is independent of the connexion of the bodies of the system with each other ; therefore Jl, S^, j£ may each be zero, whatever the virtual velocity of the bodies themselves may be ; hence 72 MOTION OF A SYSTEM OF BODIES. [Book I. ...{v-^}=o, ...{z-^}=..,. But it has been shewn that the co-ordinates of the centre of gravity are, 2.77JJ _ "2. my _ 2.7nz *' = ^=^ — ; y = -^^—^ ; ^ = -r=^ — Z.m 2..7n z..m Consequently, „_ _ ^.md^x^ ^-_ 2. md^y j?- — ^.md^z ax — — — ; ay — ^ ; az — — — . 2..tn 2..m 2..m Now 2 . md'X = dl-.'S,. mX ; 2 . md-y = dl^ . 2ntY ; J..?nd'z=:dl^2.?nZ; hence d»x_2.7nX. d'y _2.mY. d^z _ 2.mZ (•22). dt' 2.7/1 rf<« 2.m dt^ 2.m These three equations determine the motion of the centre of gravity. 152. Thus the centre of gravity moves as if all the bodies of the system were united in that point, and as if all the forces which act on the system were applied to it. 153. If the mutual attraction of the bodies of the system be the only accelerating force acting on these bodies, the three quantities 2wX, 2/nY, 2mZ are zero. Demonstration. — This evidently arises from the law of reaction being equal and contrary to action ; for if F be the action that an element of the mass ni exercises on an element of the mass wi', whatever may be nature of this action, m,'F will be the accelerating force with which m is urged by the action of m' ; then if f be the mutual distance of m and m', by this action only X _ m'F(x'-x) . Y -- m'F(y'-y) . ^ ^ mTjz'-z) ^^g). For the same reasons, the action of m' on m will give ^, _ mF (j? - x') . y, _ mF (y - y') . ^, __ mF (z - zQ . / ' / ' / ' hence mX + m'X' = ; mY + m'Y' =zO; mZ + m'Z' = ; and as all the bodies of the system, taken two and two, give the same results, therefore generally 2.mX = 0; 2.mY = 0; 2.mZ=:0. Chap. IV.] MOTION OF A SYSTEM OF BODIES. 73 154. Consequently J1=0; £Lr=.0- J±.=zO; d(* dt* dl* and integrating, x = at + b; y = aft + b'; z=:af't+b"; in wliich a, o', a" ; b, 6', 6", are the arbitrary constant quantities intro- duced by the double integration. Tliese are equations to straight lines ; for, sup- pose the centre of gravity to begin to move at A, fig. 41, in the'direction ox, the distance oA is invariable, and is repre- sented by b ; and as a< increfises with the time /, it represents the straight line AB. 155, Thus the motion of tlie centre of gravity in the direction of each axis is a straight line, and by the composition of motions it describes a straight line in space ; and as the space it moves over increases with the time, its velocity is uniform ; for the velocity, being directly as the element of the space, and inversely as the element of the time, is y(f)-^ifj-m^ Thus the velocity is constant, and therefore the motion uniform. 1 56. Tlicse equations are true, even if some of the bodies, by their mutual action, lose a finite quantity of motion in an instant. 157. Thus, it is possible that the whole solar system may be moving in space ; a circumstance which can only be ascertained by a comparison of its position with regard to tlie fixed stars at very distant periods. In consequence of the proportionality of force to velocity, the bodies of the solar system would maintain their re- lative motions, whether the system were in motion or at rest. On the Constancy of Areas. 1 58. If a body propelled by an impulse describe a curve A M B, fig. 42, in consequence of a force of attraction in the point o, that force may be resolved into two, one in the direction of the normal AN, 74 MOTION OF A SYSTEM OF BODIES. [Book I. and the other in the direction of the element of the curve qr tan- gent: the first is balanced by the centrifugal force, the second aug- ments or diminishes the velocity of the body ; but the velocity is always such that tlie areas AoM, MoB, described by the radius vector Ao, are proportional to the time ; that is, if the body moves from A to M in the same time that it would move from M to B, the area AoM will be equal to the area MoB. If a system of bodies revolve about any point in consequence of an impulse and a force of attrac- tion directed to that point, the sums of their masses respectively multi- phed by the areas described by their radii vectores, when projected on the three co-ordinate planes, are proportional to the time. Demon,' stration. — For if we only consider the areas that are projected on the plane xoy, fig. 43, tlie forces in the direc- tion oz^ which are perpendicular to that plane, must be zero ; hence Z = 0, Z' = 0, &c. ; and the general equation of the motion of a system of bodies becomes If the same assumptions be made here as in article 133, namely, Ix = y^CT Jy = — xtra Sx' = y'lts ly' — - .t'Jct, &c. &c., and if these be substituted in the preceding equation, it becomes, with regard to the plane xoy, t(Py — yd^x^ 2.W? /xd^y — ycPj:\ = 2wJ . (xY — yX). Clup. IV.] MOTION OF A SYSTEM OF BODIES. 75 In the same manner 2m . /'f^!f_z_^'\ - 2m . (zX - xZ) (24). are obtained for the motions of the system with regard to the planes xoz, yoz. These three equations, together with 2m. —=ilmX, 2m. ^r= 2wY, 2m. — = 2mZ, (25). are the general equations of the motions of a system of bodies which does not contain a fixed point. 159. When tlie bodies are independent of foreign forces, and only subject to their reciprocal attraction and to the force at o, the sum of the terms m { Xy - Yx} + m'{Xy - Y'x' }, arising from the mutual action of any two bodies in the system, m, m', is zero, by reason of the equality and opposition of action and reac- tion ; and tliis is true for every such pair as wj and m", m' and m", fcc. If/ be tlie distance of m from 0, F the force which m-ges the body m towards that origin, then X=-F_, Y=-FJL, Z=-F z / / / are its component forces ; and when substituted in the preceding equations, F vanishes ; the same may be shown with regard to m', m", &c. Hence the equations of areas are reduced to 2m, f yd'x — xd-y ] n \ uc- ] ' V { zd*x — xd^z 1 _ rt Zm| ^ 1=0, f yiPz-zd'y In i ""' 1 ' 2m and their integrals arc 2m { xdy — yds } = cdt. 2m { zdx — xdz } = c'dl. (26). Irn { ydz — zdy } = c"dt. As the first members of these equations are the sum of the masses of all the bodies of the system, respectively multiplied by the projec- 76 MOTION OF A SYSTEM OF BODIES. [Book I. tions of double the areas they describe on the co-ordina*ie planes, this sum is proportional to the time. If the centre of gravity be the origin of the co-ordinates, the preceding equations may be expressed thus, ^^f ^ ^rnm' { (x' - x) jdy' - dy) - (y' - y) jdx' - dx) } c'dt 2m So that the principle of areas is reduced to depend on the co-ordinates of the mutual distances of the bodies of the system. 160. These results may be expressed by a diagram. Let m, m', m", fig. 44, &c., be a system of bodies revolving about o, the origin 2m _2w?m'{(«'- 2) (dx' - dx) - (x' - x) (dz' - - dz) } Zm f _ 27nm' { (y' - -3,) (dz'-dz)-(z' -z) (dy'- -dy-)) fffA-i. of the co-ordinates, in consequence of a central force and a primitive impulse. — Suppose that each of the radii vectores, ^ om, om', om", &c., describes the indefi- nitely small areas, MoN, M'oN', &c., in an indefinitely small time, represented by dt ; and let mo7i, m'on', &c., be the projections of these areas on the plane xoy, Tlien the equation 2m { xdy — ydx } = cdt, shows that the sum of the products of twice the area mon by the mass m, twice the area m'on' by the mass wi', twice m"on" by the mass m", &c., is proportional to the element of the time in which they are described : whence it follows that the sum of the projections of the areas, each multiplied by the corresponding mass, is propor- tional to the finite time in which they are described. The other two equations express similar results for the areas projected on the planes xoz, yoz. 161. The constancy of areas is evidently true for any plane what- ever, since the position of the co-ordinate planes is arbitrary. The Chap. IV.] MOTION OF A SYSTEM OF BODIES. 77 three equations of areas give the space described by the bodies on each co-ordinate plane in value of the time : hence, if the time be known or assumed, the corresponding places of the bodies will be found on the three planes, and from thence their true positions in space may be determined, since that of the co-ordinate planes is supposed to be known. It was shown, in article 132, that 2m { xdy — ydx }, 2m { zdx — xdz }, 2m { zdy — ydz }, are the pressures of the system, tending to make it turn round each of the axes of the co-ordinates : hence the principle of areas consists in this — that the sum of the rotatory pressures wliich cause a system of bodies to revolve about a given point, is zero when the system is in equilibrio, and proportional to the time when tlie system is in motion. 162. Let us endeavour to ascertain whether any planes exist on which the sums of the areas are zero when the system is in motion. To solve this problem it is necessary to determine one set of co- ordinates in values of another. 163. If ox, oy^ or, fig. 45, be the co-ordinates of a point m, it is required to determine the position of mby means of ox', oy\ oz\ three new rectangular co-ordinates, having the same origin as the former. We shall find a value of ox or x first. Now, ox I ox/ : : 1 : cos xoxf or x' =: X cos xox'. ox i oy' :: 1 : cos xoy' or y' == x cos xoy'. ox I oz' : : 1 : cos xoz' or a' = J? cos xoz'. If the sum of these quantities be taken, after multiplying the first by cos xox\ the second by cos xoy\ and the tliird by cos jtoz', we shall have x' cos xox' + y' cos xoy' -f- z' cos xoz' = X { cos^ xoxf + cos* xoy' -{- coa' xoz' } =z x. Let 07, fig. 46, be the intersection of the old plane xoy with tho new x'oy' ; and let be the inclination of these two planes ; also let 70J:, 70X' be represented by "^ and 0. Values of the /y. 43. 78 MOTION OF A SYSTEM OF BODIES. [Book I. cosines of xox\ xoy', xoz\ must be found in terms of 0, ^, and 0. In the right-angled tri- angle r/xx', the sides 7^, {/. If these expressions for the cosines be substituted in the value of X, it becomes x =z x' { cos sin sin Y' + cos Y' cos } + y' { cos cos sin Y^ — cos Y^ sin } + 2' sin sin Y', In the same manner, the values of y and 2 are found to be y = x' { cos 6 cos Y' sin — sin Y' cos } + y' { cos cos Y' cos + sin Y^ sin } + 2' { sin cos Y' } 2 = — x' { sin M^ + c" wlience ^ e* + &* + c"« Sx'dy' — v'dx' , m — ^__£ = ^ f» ^ ^n j^ f., (27). itn = 0, dt ^^y'dz'-z'dy^^ dt Thus, in every system of revolving bodies, there does exist a plane, on which the sum of the projected areas is a maximum ; and on every plane at right angles to it, they are zero. One plane alone possesses that property. 165. If the attractive force at o were to cease, the bodies would move by the primitive impulse alone, and the principle of areas would be also true in this case ; it even exists independently of any abrupt changes of motion or velocity, among the bodies ; and also when the centre of gravity has a rectilinear motion in space. Indeed it follows as a matter of course, that all the properties which have been proved to exist in the motions of a system of bodies, whose centre of gravity is at rest, must equally exist, if that point has a uniform and rectilinear motion in space, since experience shows that the relative motions of a system of bodies, is independent of any motion common to them all. Demonstration. — However, tliat will readily appear, if J, jr, 5, be assumed, as the co-ordinates of o, the moveable centre of gravity estimated from a fixed point P, fig. 47, and if oA, AB, Bm, or j', y', z', be the co-ordinates of m, one of the bodies of the system with regard to the move- able point o. Tlien the co-ordinates of m relatively fg.Al 62 [Book I. CHAFlER V THE MOTION OF A SOLID BODY OF ANY FORM WHATEVER. 169. If a solid body receives an impulse in a direction passing through its centre of gravity, all its parts will move with an equal velocity ; but if the direction of the impulse passes on one side of that centre, the different parts of tlie body will have unequal velocities, and from this inequality results a motion of rota- tion in the body round its centre of gravity, at the same time that the centre is moved forward, or translated with the same velocity it would have taken, had the impulse passed through it. Thus the double motions of rotation and translation are produced by one impulse. 170. If a body rotates about its centre of gravity, or about an axis, and is at the same time carried forward in space ; and if an equal and contrary impulse be given to the centre of gravity, so as to stop its progressive motion, the rotation will go on as before it received the impulse. 171. If a body revolves about a fixed axis, each of its particles will describe a circle, whose plane is perpendicular to that axis, and its radius is the distance of the particle from the axis. It is evident, that every point of the solid will describe an arc of the same number of degrees in the same time ; hence, if the velocity of each particle be divided by its radius or distance from the axis, the quotient will be the same for every particle of the body. Tliis is called the angular velocity of the solid. 172. The axis of rotation may change at every instant, the angu- lar velocity is therefore the same for every particle of the solid for any one instant, but it may vary from one instant to another. 173. Tlie general equations of the motion of a solid body are the same with those of a system of bodies, provided we assume the bodies w», m', m", &c. to be a system of particles, infinite in number, and united into a solid mass by their mutual attraction. Let X, y, z, be the co-ordinates of dm, a particle of a solid body Chap, v.] MOTION OF A SOLID BODY. 83 urged by the forces X, Y, Z, parallel to the axes of tlie co-ordinates ; then if S the sign of ordinary integrals be put for 2, and dm for m, the general equations of the motion of a system of bodies in article 159 become d*x S . — dm = S . Xdm, dt* S . ^ dm = S . \dm, (28) dt^ ' ^ ^ S . — dm =: S . Zdm, dL* S (^JLy^J±£\ dm = S . (xY - yX)dm, S (^£±IiJ^ dm=:S. (zX - xZ)dm, fy£LZJ^\ dm=S. (yZ - zY)dm, (29) which are the general equations of the motion of a solid, of which m is the mass. Determination of the Equations of the Motion of the Centre of Gravity of a Solid in Space. 174. Let I+x', y+y', 2+2'» be put for j, y, z, in equations (28) then S . dm < — ^. }• = S . Xdm I dt* J S.dm|^^] = S.Ydm (30) S . dm \^l±-££\ = S . Zdm I di* i in which x, y, z, are the co-ordinates of o the moveable centre of gravity of the solid referred to P a fixed point, and x' y' z' are the co-ordinates of dm referred to o, fig. 47. Now the co-ordinates of the centre of gravity being the same for all the particles of the solid. s, , dm =: m dt* d*x dt* s, , dm — — = m dt* d*y dt* s, , d'5 , dm = 771 dl* ♦ G 2 d'z dt* 62 [Book I. CHAFIER V THE MOTION OF A SOLID BODY OF ANY FORM WHATEVER. 169. If a solid body receives an impulse in a direction passing through its centre of gravity, all its parts will move with an equal velocity ; but if the direction of the impulse passes on one side of that centre, the different parts of the body will have unequal velocities, and from this inequality results a motion of rota- tion in the body round its centre of gravity, at the same time that the centre is moved forward, or translated with the same velocity it would have taken, had the impulse passed through it. Thus the double motions of rotation and translation are produced by one impulse. 170. If a body rotates about its centre of gravity, or about an axis, and is at the same time carried forward in space ; and if an equal and contrary impulse be given to the centre of gravity, so as to stop its progressive motion, the rotation will go on as before it received the impulse. 171. If a body revolves about a fixed axis, each of its particles will describe a circle, whose plane is perpendicular to that axis, and its radius is the distance of the particle from the axis. It is evident, that every point of the solid will describe an arc of the same number of degrees in the same time ; hence, if the velocity of each particle be divided by its radius or distance from the axis, the quotient will be the same for every particle of the body. Tliis is called the angular velocity of the soUd. 172. The axis of rotation may change at every instant, the angu- lar velocity is therefore the same for every particle of the solid for any one instant, but it m.iy vary from one instant to another. 173. Tlie general equations of the motion of a solid body are the same with those of a system of bodies, provided we assume the bodies wi, m', m", &c. to be a system of particles, infinite in number, and united into a solid mass by their mutual attraction. Let Xj y, z, be the co-ordinates of dm, a particle of a solid body Chap, v.] MOTION OF A SOLID BODY. 83 urged by the forces X, Y, Z, parallel to the axes of the co-ordinates ; then if S the sign of ordinary integrals be put for 2, and dm for m, the general equations of the motion of a system of bodies in article 158 become S .—dm=:S. Xdm, dp S . ^ dm = S . Ydm, (28) dp ' ^ ^ S . — dm = S . Zdm. dP S ('f^!y^J^^ dm = S . (xY - yX)dm, S f^£±ZJ^^ dm = S . (zX - xZ)dm, (29) / yd'z -^2d^y \ a,n^s, (yz _ zY)dm. which are the general equations of the motion of a solid, of which m is the mass. Determination of the Equations of the Motion of the Centre of Gravity of a Solid in Space. 174. Let I+J', p+y'» 5+2', be put for j, y, z, in equations (28) then S . dm |^-L±i!f^| = S . Xdm S.dm{^^] = S.Ydm (30) S.dm{^l±i:i'l = S.Zdm I dp i in which J, y, z, are the co-ordinates of o the moveable centre of gravity of the solid referred to P a fixed point, and x' y' z' are the co-ordinates of dm referred to o, fig. 47. Now the co-ordinates of the centre of gravity being the same for all the particles of the solid. s, . d*r . dm dP d*l — m dp s, J d-3 , dm •' dP -m ^'^ dP s, . d'5 , dm dP d'z = ?n . dp ♦ Q 2 ^ MOTION OF A SOLID BODY. [Book I. And, with regard to the centre of gravity, S . x'dm = S . y'dm = S . z'dm = which denote the sum of the particles of the body into their respec- tive distances from the origin ; therefore their diflFerentials are S . dm — = S . dm -^ = di* S . dm AL = 0. dC" This reduces the equations (30) to m := S . Xc^fn dt^ m J^ = S . Ydm (31) dt* ^ m — — = S . Zdm. dt* These three equations determine the motion of the centre of gra- vity of the body in space, and are similar to those which give the motion of the centre of gravity of a system of bodies. The solid therefore moves in space as if its mass were united in its centre of gravity, and all the forces that urge the body applied to that point. 175. If the same substitution be made in the first of equations (29), and if it be observed that as I, ^, 2, are the same for all the particles S ixd^p — yd*!) dm =z m (7d^ — yd^x) S (lY - pX) dm = H.S.Ydm - y.S.Xdm ; also S (x'd*^ - y'd'J + ld*y' - yd^x') dm = cPy.S.x'dm- d^x.S.y'dm + J.S.d'y'.dm — ^.S.d'x'.dmssO, because x", y', z', are referred to the centre of gravity as the origin of the co-ordinates ; consequently the co-ordinates 7, p, z, and their differentials vanish from the equation, whicli therefore retains its original form. Similar results will be obtained for the areas on the Chap, v.] OF ANY FORM WHATEVER. u other two co-ordinate planes, and thus equations (29) retain the same forms, whether the centre of gravity be in motion or at rest, proving the motions of rotation and translation to be independent of one another. Rotation of a Solid. 176. If to abridge S (yZ - zY) dm = M, S (zX — xZ) dm = M', S (xY - yX) dm = M". The integrals of equations (29), with regard to the time, will be sfy^'-'^y^dm=:fMdt, / ydz - zdy \ \ di J S f^^fJZJ^\ dm =fM'dl, S /'^^y - 3/^A dm T^fM"dt. (32) These equations, wliich express the properties of areas, determine the rotation of the solid; — equations (31) give the motion of its centre of gravity in space. S expresses the sum of the particles of tlie body, and y relates to the time alone. 177. Impetus is the mass into the square of the velocity, but the velocity of rotation depends on the distance from the axis, the angle being the same ; hence the impetus of a revolving body is the sum of the products of each particle, multiplied by the square of its distance from the axis of rotation. Suppose oA, oB, oC, fig. 10, to be the co-ordinates of a particle dm, situate in m, and let them be repre- sented by J, y, 2 ; then because mA = Ro, mB = Qo, mC = Po» the squares of the distances of dm from the three axes ox, oy, oz, are respectively (mA)« = y' + 2% (mB)« = x« + r«. (mC)' = x' + y\ Hence if A', B', C, be the impetus or moments of inertia of a solid with regard to the axes ox, oy, oz, then A' = S . dm (/ + r*) B' = S . dm (x« + «•) (33) C = S . dm (x* + 3/'). 178. If an impulse be given to a sphere of uniform density, in a 13$ MOTION OF A SOLID BODY [Book I. direction which does not pass through its centre of gravity, it will revolve about an axis perpendicular to the plane passing through the centre of the sphere and the direction of the force ; and it will con- tinue to rotate about the same axis even if new forces act on the sphere, provided they act equally on all its particles ; and the areas which each of its particles describes will be constant. 179. If the solid be not a sphere, it may change its axis of rota- tion at every instant ; it is therefore of importance, to ascertain if any axes exist in the solid, about which it would rotate perma- nently. 180. If a body rotates permanently about an axis, the rotatory pressures arising from the centrifugal forces of the solid are equal and contrary in each point of the axis, so that their sum is zero, and the areas described by every particle in the solid are proportional to the time ; but if foreign forces disturb the rotation, tlie rotatory pressures on the axis of rotation are unequal, which causes a per- petual change of axis, and a variation in the areas described by the particles of the body, so that they are no longer j)roportional to the time. Tlius the inconstancy of areas becomes a test of disturbing forces. In this disturbed rotation the body may be considered to have a permanent rotation during an instant only. 181. When three axes of a solid body are permanent axes of ro- tation, the rotatory pressures on them are zero ; this is expressed by the equations S.xydm = 0; S.xzdni = ; S.y2dm:= ; which characterize such axes. To show this, it is necessary to prove that when these equations hold, the rotation of the body round any one axis causes no twisting effort to displace that axis ; for example, that the centrifugal forces developed by rotation round z, produce no rotatory pressure round y and x ; and so for the other, and vice versa. Demonstration. — Let r = V«r* + y* be the distance of a particle dm from z the axis of rotation, and let w be the angular velocity of the particle. By article 171 w =: —, therefore w'.r = — is the r T centrifugal force arising from rotation round r, and acting in the direction r. "When resolved in the direction ar, and multiplied by J'n, it gives to*rdm. = w*xdin, Chap, v.] OF ANY FORM VvHATEVEU. 8? which, regarded as a force tendinjr to turn the system round y, gives rotatory pressure = w-xzdni, because it acts at the distance z from the axis^. Therefore when S.xzdm r= 0, the whole eflect is zero. Similarly, when S.yzdm = 0, the whole effect of the revolving system to turn round x vanishes. Therefore, in order that z should be permanent axis of rotation, S.xzdm = 0, Syzdm =: 0. In like manner, in order that y should be so, S.xydm = 0, Szydm =. must exist ; and in order that x should be so Syxdm = 0, S . zxdm = must exist, all of which are in fact only three different equations, namely, S . xydm = 0, Sxzdm = 0, S . yzdm = ; (34) and if these hold at once, x,tj,z, will all be permanent axes of rotation. Thus the impetus is as the square of the distance from the axis of rotation, and the rotatory pressures are simply as the distance from the same axis. 182. In order to ascertain whether a solid possesses any permanent axes of rotation, let the origin be a fixed point, and let a/, y', z\ be the co-ordinates of a particle dniy fixed in the solid, but revolving with it about its centre of gravity. The whole theory of rotation is derived from the equations (32) con- taining the principle of areas. These are the areas projected on the fixed co-ordinate planes xoy, xoz, yoz, fig. 48 ; but if ox', oy\ oz' be the new axes that revolve with the solid, and if the values of x, y, 2, given in article 163, be substituted, they will be the same sums, when projected on the new co-ordinate planes x'ot/', x'oz' , ^oz', Tlic angles Q, f, and 0, introduced by this change are arbi- trary, so that the position of the new axes ox\ oy\ oz\ in the solid, remains indetcnninatc ; and these three angles may be made to fulfil any conditions of the problem. 183. The equations of rotation will take the most simple form if we suppose x' y' z' to be the principal axes of rotation, which they will become if the values of 9, f, and can be so assumed as to make the rotatory pressures S.x'z'dm, Sx'y'dm, Sy'z'dm, zero at once, then the equations (32) of the areas, when transformed to functions of x', y\ z\ and deprived of these terms, will determine the rot;ition of the body about its principal, or permanent axes of rotation, x', y\ z'. W MOTION OF A SOUD BODY [Book E 184. If the body has no principal axes of rotation, it will be im* possible to obtain such values of 0, and \jf, as will make the rota-> tory pressures zero ; it must therefore be demonstrated whetlier or not it be possible to determine the angles in question, so as to fulfil the requisite condition. 185. To determine the existence and position of the principal axes of the body, or the angles 0, 0, and ^, so that S.x'y'dm = 0; Sx'z'dm=:0; Sy'z'dm =z 0. Let values of x', y', 2*, in functions of x, y, z, determined from the equations in article 163 be substituted in the preceding expressions, tlien if to abridge, S.a^dm = I* Sy*dm = 7i* Sz'dm = s* S . xydm = f Sxzdm r: g Syzdm = h, there will result cos^.S.or'z'dm— 8in0.S.y'2'dm = (? — 71*) sin 6 sin ^ cos f + /sin (cos* ^ — sin* f) -{- cos 0{gcosf — h sin f) ; (35) sin S.x'z'dm -j- cos S.y'z'dm = sin 6 cos {Z* sin* Y' + n* cos* Y' — s* + 2/ sin f cos Y'} + (cos* — sin* 6) , (g&my{f + h cos f). If the second members of these be made equal to zero, there will be h sin yjf — g cos ylf , tan = , and (Z* — n*) sin y cos Y' + /(cos* Y' — sin* Y') i tan 20= gsinY^ + AcosY^ s» — f sm* Y*" — ?i cos' ^ — 2f sm Y' cos Y' bm itan2f>= ^^"' 1 - tan*0 by the arithmetic of sines ; hence, equating these two values of ^ tan 20, and substituting for tan its value in Y' ; then if to abridge, %t zz tan y, after some reduction it will be found that 0=:(gu + h) (hu - gy + {{r-n')U +fi\ - u*)} , {{hs' - hl^ +fg)u + gJi' - g^ ^ hf} ; where u is of the third degree. This equation having at least one real root, it is always possible to render the first members of the two equations (35) zero at the same time, and consequently (S . X 'z'dmy + (S . y'z'dmy =0. Chap, v.] OP ANY FORM WHATEVER. 89 But that can only be the case when Sx'z'dm = 0, Sy'z'dm = 0. The value of m = tan f, gives Y^, consequently tan 6 and 6 become known. It yet remains to determine the condition S . x'y'dm = 0, and the angle 0. If substitution be made in S . x'y'dm = 0, for x' and y' from article 163, it will take the form // sin 20 + L cos 20, H and L being functions of tlie known quantities and Y' ; as it must be zero, it gives tan 20 = - -T> ; Jti and thus the three axes ox', oy\ oz\ determined by the preceding values of 6, ^t and 0, satisfy the equations Sx'z'dm = 0, Sy'z'dm = 0, Sx'y'dm = 0. 186. The equation of the third degree in u seems to give three systems of principal axes, one for each value of u ; but u is the tangent of the angle formed by the axis x with the line of inter* section of the plane xy with that of x'y' ; and as any one of the three axes, x', y'y z', may be changed into any other of them, since the pre- ceding equations will still be satisfied, therefore the equation in u will determine the tangent of the angle formed by the axis x with the line of intersection of xy and x'y', with that of xy and x'x', or with that of xy and y'z'. Consequently the three roots of the equation in u are real, and belong to the same system of axes. 187. Whence every body has at least one system of principal and rectangular axes, round any one of which if the body rotates, the opposite centrifugal forces balance each other. This theorem was first proposed by Segner in the year 1755, and was demonstrated by Albert Euler in 1760. 168. The position of the principal axes ox', oj/*, 02', in the interior of the solid, is now completely fixed ; and if there be no disturbing forces, the body will rotate per- manently about any one of them, as oz'^ fig. 48 ; but if tlje rota- tion be disturbed by foreign forces, the solid will only rotate for an instant about oz'^ and in the next element of time it will rotate about oz",, and so on, per- petually changing. Six equa- tions are therefore require4 \o 90 MOTION OF A SOLID BODY [Book I. fix the position of tlie instantaneous axis 02" ; three will determine its place with regard to the principal axes ox', oy', oz', and three more are necessary to determine the position of the principal axes themselves in space, that is, with regard to the fixed co-ordinates ox, oy, oz. The permanency of rotation is not the same for all the three axes, as will now be shown. 189. The principal axes possess this property — that the moment of inertia of the solid is a maximum for one of these, and a minimum for another. Let a/, y', z', be the co-ordinates of rfm, relative to the three principal axes, and let x, y, z, be the co-ordinates of the same element referred to any axes whatever having the same origin. Now if C = S (j;« + 2/*) dm be the moment of inertia relatively to one of these new axes, as 2, then substituting for x and y their values from article 163, and making Az^S (y'^+z").dm; B= S (x'^+z'^)dm ; C =: S {xf^+y'^)dm ; the value of C will become C =:.Ami^e sin« + B sin« e cos* + C cos* 6, in which sin* Q sin* (p, sin* Q cos* 0, cos* 0, are the squares of the cosines of the angles made by ox', oy', oz', with oz ; and A,B, C, are the moments of inertia of the solid with regard to the axes x', y', and z', respectively. The quantity C is less than the greatest of the three quantities A, B, C, and exceeds the least of them ; the greatest and the least moments of inertia belong there- fore, to the principal axes. In fact, C must be less than the greatest of the three quantities A, B, C, because their joint coeffi- cients are always equal to unity ; and for a similar reason it is always greater than the least. 190. When A =: B :=i C, then all the axes of the solid are prin- cipal axes, and it will rotate permanently about any one of them. The sphere of uniform density is a solid of tliis kind, but there are many others. 191. When two of the moments of inertia are equal, as .4 = 2?, then C = ^ sin* + C cos* ; and all the moments of inertia in the same plane with these are equal : hence all the axes situate in that plane are principal axes. Tlie ellipsoid of revolution of uniform density is of this kind ; all the axes in the plane of its equator being principal axes. 192. An ellipsoid of revolution is formed by the rotation of an ellipse ABCD about its joainor axis BD. Then AC is its equator. .Chap, v.] OF ANY FORM WHATEVER. §1* /ig.49 When the moments of inertia are unequal, tlie rotation round the axes which liave their moment of inertia a maximum or minimum is stable, that is, round the least or greatest axis ; but the'rotation is unstable round the third, and may be destroyed by the slightest cause. If stable rotation be slightly deranged, the body will never deviate far from its equilibrium ; whereas in unstable rotation, if it be disturbed, it will deviate more and more, and will never return to its former state. 193. Tliis theorem is chiefly of importance with regard to the rotation of the earth. If xoy iji?. 46) be the plane of the ecliptic, and z its pole ; x'oy' the plane of the equator, and z' its pole : then oz' is the axis of the earth's rotation, zoz' = is the obliquity of the ecliptic, yN the line of the equinoxes, and y the first point of Aries : hence xoy =r ^r is the longitude of ox, and x'oy = is the longitude of the principal revolving axis ox', or the measure of the earth's ro- tation : oz' is therefore one of the permanent axes of rotation. The earth is flattened at the poles, therefore oz' is the least of the permanent axes of rotation, and the moment of inertia with regard to it, is a maximum. AVere there no disturbing forces, the earth would rotate permanently about it ; but the sun and moon, acting unequally on the different particles, disturb its rotation. These dis- turbing forces do not sensibly alter the velocity of rotation, in wliich neither theory nor observation have detected any appreciable varia- tion ; nor do tliey sensibly displace the poles of rotation on the sur- face of the earth ; that is to say, tlic axis of rotation, and the plane of the equator which is perj)en- dicular to it, always meet the surface in the same points ; but these forces alter the direction of the polar axis in space, and pro- duce the phenomena of preces- sion and nutation ; for the earth rotates about oz", fig. 50, while oz" revolves a]K)ut its mean place oz'j and at the same time oz' describes a cone about oz ; so that the motion of the axij of rotation 92 MOTION OF A SOLID BODY [Book I. is very complicated. That axis of rotation, of which all the points remain at rest during the time dt, is called an instantaneous axis of rotation, for the solid revolves about it during that short inters al, as it would do about a fixed axis. The equations (32) must now be so transformed as to give all the circumstances of rotatory motion. 194. The equations in article 163, for changing the co-ordinates, will become x =i ax' + by' + cz' y — a'x' + h'y' + dz' (36) 2 = a"x' + h"y' + c"z'. If to abridge a = cos Q sin ^ sin + cos yji cos h t= cos B sin "^ cos — cos ^t sin c = sin sin "^ a' = cos 9 cos Y' sin — sin ^r cos h' = cos Q cos Y' cos + sin Y' sin c' = sin 6 cos Y' a" = — sin +(— ^-> / a'db" ^ a'dc" — c"da' + c'da" - a"dc' \ , , ^ ^'dc" - C'di' + c'dh" - l."dc-\ ^,^, I ^„ ^ j.^ ^, If o', a", b'y &c. be eliminated from this equation by their values in (38), and if to abridge cdb + c'db' + c"db" = - bdc - b'dc' - b"dc" = pdt adc + a'dc' + a"dc" = — cda - c'da' - c"da" = qdi (39) bda + b'da' + b"da" r=i - adb - a'db' - a"db" zz rdt il = S (y'« + 2'«) dm ; i = S (x'* + z'*) dm; C = S (t'« +3/'*) dm. And if S.j'y' dm = ^.x'zdm = S.y'z'dtn = 0, it will be found that aAp + bBq + cCr = /Mdt ; by the same process it may be found that a'Ap + b'Bq + c'Cr = fM'dt, a"Ap + b"Bq + c"Cr= fM'dt. 196. If the differentials of these three equations be taken, making all the quantities vary except A, D, and C, then the sum of the first differential multiplied by a, plus the second multiplied by a', plus the third multipUed by a", will be INk MOTION OF A SOLID BODY [Book I. A^ + (C - B).qr = aM + a'M' + a"M", dt in consequence of the preceding relations between a a' a", h h' b'\ c c' c", and their differentials. By a similar process the coefficients h V b"f &c., may be made to vanish, and then if aM + a'M' + a" M" = N bM + b'M' + b" M" = isr cM + c'M' + c" M" = N" the equations in question are transformed to A^ + iC - B).qr = JV dt B^ + (^ - C).rp = Nf (40) dt at And if a, a\ a", 6, 6', &c., and their differentials, be replaced by their functions in 0, Y', and ^, given in article 194, the equations (39) become pdt =: sin sin O.d^^r — cos 0.dd qdt = cos sin 0.d^^ + sin (f>.d9 (41) rdt =z d

«4-9"+r* In the same manner COS 2'W = ^ and cos z"oy' = — ^ 96 MOTION OF A SOLID BODY [Book I. Consequently oz" is the instantaneous axis of rotation. /y.51. 201. The angular velocity of rota- tion is also given by these quantities. If the object be to determine it for a point in the axis, as for example where oc = 1 , then x' = 0, 3/' = 0, and the values of da?, dy, dz give, when divided by dt, dO dMf . a dO . —L sm 0, — cos t?, — sin0, dt dt dt for the components of the velocity of a particle ; hence the resulting velocity is VdO* + df * sin ^0 _ dt Vg* + r\ which is the sum of the squares of the two last of equations (41). 199. But in order to obtain the angular velocity of the body, tliis quantity must be divided by the distance of the particle at c' from the axis oz" ; but this distance is evidently equal to the sine of z"oCy the angle between oz' and oz", the principal and instantaneous axes of rotation; but T is the cosine of this angle ; hence s/ 1 - or \^?* + V* , is the sine ; V^ + 9« + r* ^p^ and therefore Vu* + q^ + r^ is the angular velocity of rotation. Thus, whatever may be the rotation of a botly about a point tliat is fixed, or one considered to be fixed, the motion can only be rotation about an axis that is fixed during an instant, but may vary from one instant to another. 200. Tlie position of the instantaneous axis with regard to the three principal axes, and the angular velocity of rotation, depend on J), q, r, whose determination is very imi)ortant in these researches ; and as they express quantities independent of the situation of the fixed plane xoy, they are themselves independent of it. 201. Equations (40) determine the rotation of a solid troubled by the action of foreign forces, as for example, that of the earth when Chap, v.] OP ANY FORM WHATEVER. ^ disturbed by the sun and moon. But the same equations will also determine the rotation of a solid, when not disturbed in its rotation. Rotation of a Solid not subject to the action of Disturbing Forces^ and at liberty to revolve freely about a Fixed Point, being its Centre of Gravity, or not. 202. Values of p, q, r in terms of the time must be obtained, in order to ascertain all the circumstances of rotation at every instant. If we suppose that there are no disturbing forces, the areas are constant : hence the equations (40) become A. dp + (C - B).q.r.dt = 0; B.dq + (^ - C).r.p.dt = 0; (45) C:dr + (B — A).p.q.dt = 0. If the first be multiplied by p, the second by fAk->r{C-A)).Ci^\ Tliis equation will give by quadratures the value of t in r, and reci- procally the value of r'mt; and thus by the substitution of this value of r in equations (48) the tliree quantities p^qwA r become known in functions of the time. U 98 MOTION OF A SOLID BODY [Book I. Tliis equation can only be integrated when any two of the moments of inertia are equal, either when A = B, B = Cj orAszC; in each of these cases the solid is a spheroid of revolution. 203. Tims p, q, r, being known functions of the time, the angular velocity of the solid, and its rotation with regard to the principal axes, are kno>vn at every instant. 204. This however is not sufficient. To become acquainted with all the circumstances of rotation, it is requisite to know the position of the principal axes themselves with regard to quiescent space, that is, their position relatively to the fixed axes x, y, z. But for that purpose the angles 0, >^, and 9, must be determined in functions of the time, or, which is the same tiling, in functions of p, q, r, which may now be regarded as kno\vn quantities. If the first of equations (45) be multiplied by a, the second by 6, and the tliird by c, their sum when integrated, in consequence of the relations between the angles in article 194, is aAp + bBq + cCr = /, by a sunilar process a'Ap + b'Bq + c'Cr = ?, (50) a"Ap + b"Bq + c"Cr = I", /, l\ I", being arbitrary constant quantities. These equations co- incide with those in article 195, and contain the principle of areas. Tliey are not however three distinct integrals, for the sum of their squares is AY + -8*9* + CV = f' + V' + I"*, in consequence of the equations in article 194. But this is the same with (47) ; hence Z* + i" + I"* = h* being an equation of condition, equations (50) will only give values of two of the angles 0, y, and 0. Tlie constant quantities /, /', I", correspond with c, c', c", in article 164, therefore i^t a/P + I'* + l'" is the sum of the areas described in the time t by the projection of each particle of the body on the plane on which that sum is a maximum. If xoy be that plane, I and I' are zero : therefore, in every solid body in rotation about an axis, there exists a plane, on wliich the sum of the areas described by the projections of the par- ticles of the solid during a finite time is a maximum. It is called the Invariable Plane, because it remains parallel to itself during Chap, v.] OF ANY FORM WHATEVER. W the motion of the body : it is also named the plane of the Greatest Rotatory Pressure. Since / = 0, 1=0, I'' = h, if the first of equations (50) be multiplied by a, the second by a', and the third by a", in consequence of the equations in article 194, their sum is a" = —E: h in the same manner it will be found that h h or, substituting the values of a", 6", c", from article 194, sin 0' sin 0' = - :^, sin 0' cos ' =z - ?1, cos 0'= —. (51) h h h The accented angles 0', 0', Y^', relate to the invariable plane, and ^» 0> V> 'o ^^^ ^\tdi plane. Because p, g, r, are known functions of the time, 0' and B' are determined, and if dO be eliminated between the two first of equation (41), the result will be sin* e'.df' = sin 0' . sin 0'.pd< + sin 0' . cos ' .qdt But in consequence of equations (51), and because Ap" + Bq':=k - Cr*, d\U' = ^"^ - ^ . kdt; and as r is given in functions of the time by equation (49), y is determined. Thus, p, q, r, Y''. ^'> Vid 0', are given in terms of the time : so that the position of the three principal axes with regard to the fixed axes, ox, oy, oz ; and the angular velocity of the body, are known at every instant. 205. As there are six integrations, there must be six arbitrary constant quantities for the complete solution of the problem. Be- sides h and k, two more will be introduced by the integration of dt and dy'- Hence two are still required, because by the assumption of xoy for the invariable plane, I and /' become zero. Now the three angles, rj/', 0', 0', are given in terms of p, q, r, and these last are known in terms of the time ; hence f, 0', 0*, (fig. 49,) are known with regard to the invariable plane xoy : and • H2 100 MOTION OF A SOLID BODY. [Book I. by trigonometry it will be easy to determine values of y{/, 0, 0, with regard to any fixed plane whatever, which will introduce two new arbitrary quantities, making in all six, which are requisite for the complete solution of the problem, 206. Tliese two new arbitrary quantities are the inclination of the invariable plane on the fixed plane in question, and the angular dis- tance of the line of intersection of these two planes from a line arbi- trarily assumed on the fixed plane ; and as the initial position of the fixed plane is supposed to be given, the two arbitrary quantities are known. If the position of the three principal axes with regard to the inva- riable plane be known at the origin of the motion, 0', $', will be given, and therefore p, q, r, will be known at that time ; and then equation (46) will give the value of k. The constant quantity arising from the integration of dt depends on the arbitrary origin or instant whence the time is estimated, and that introduced by the integration of d"^' depends on the origin of the angle f\ which may be assumed at pleasure on the invariable plane. 207. The determination of the sixth constant quantity h is very interesting, as it affords the means of ascertaining the point in which the sun and planets may be supposed to have received a primitive impulse, capable of communicating to them at once their rectilinear and rotatory motions. The sum of the areas described round the centre of gravity of the solid by the radius of each particle projected on a fixed plane, and respectively multiplied by the particles, is proportional to the moment of the primitive force projected on the same plane ; but this moment is a maximum relatively to the plane which passes through the point of primitive impulse and centre of gravity, hence it is the invariable plane. 208. LetG,fig. 52,be the centre ofgravityofa body of whichABC is a section, and suppose that it lias received an impulse in the plane ABC f9' 52. at the distance GF, from its centre of gravity ; it will move forward in space at the same time that it will rotate about an axis perpendicular to the plane ABC. Let v be the velocity generated in the centre of gravity by the pri- mitive impulse ; then if m be the mass of the body, m.c.GF will bs the moment of this Chap, v.] OF ANY FORM WHATEVER. 101 impulse, and multiplying it by ^i, the product will be equal to the Bum of the areas described during the time t ; but this sum was shown to be It V/'+r+Z"* ; hence ^P + I"- + /"* = m.v.GF = h ; which determines the sixth arbitrary constant quantity h. Were the angular velocity of rotation, the mass of the body and the velocity of its centre of gravity known, the distance GF, the point of primi- tive impulse, might be determined. 209. It is not probable that the primitive impulse of the planets and other bodies of the system passed exactly through their centres of gravity ; most of them are observed to have a rotatory motion, though in others it has not been ascertained, on account of their immense distances, and the smallness of their volumes. As the sun rotates about an axis, he must have received a primitive impulse not pass- ing through his centre of gravity, and therefore it would cause liim to move fonvard in space accompanied by the planetary system, unless an impulse in the contrary direction had destroyed that motion, which is by no means likely. Thus the sun's rotation leads us to presume that the solar system may be in motion. 210. Suppose a planet of uniform density, whose radius is R, to be a sphere revolving round the sun in S, at the distance SG or r, with an angular velocity represented by ?f, then the velocity of the centre of gravity will be t> = uT. Imagine the planet to be put in motion by a primitive impulse, passing through the point F, fig. 53, then the sphere will -^'3- ^3- rotate about an axis perpendicular to the invariable plane, with an angular velocity equal to r, for the components q and p at right angles to that plane will be zero; hence, the equation V/*+T«+7^ = m.r.GF. becomes I" = mur.TG ; and I" =. rC. Tlie centre of gjTation is that point of a body in rotation, into which, if all the particles were condensed, it would retain the same degree of rotatory power. It is found that the square of tlie radius of gyration in a sphere, is equal to f of the square of its scmi-diamctcr ; i02 MOTION OF A SOLID BOD^ [Book t 2 hence the rotatory inertia C becomes _ m R*, thus /" = r X 1 m RS and GF = i- . E . JL. 5 b r u 211. Hence, if the ratio of the mean radius of a planet to its mean distance from the sun, and the ratio of its angular velocity of rotation to its angular velocity in its orbit, could be ascertained, the point in which the primitive impulse was given, producing its motion in space, might be determined. x> 212. Were the earth a sphere of uniform density, the ratio — r would be 0.000042665 ; and the ratio of its rotatory velocity to that in its orbit is known by observation to be 366.25638, whence GF R r= ; and as the mean radius of the earth is about 4000 miles, 160 the primitive impulse must have been given at the distance of 25 miles from the centre. However, as the density of the earth is not uniform, but decreases from the centre to the surface, the distance of the primitive impulse from its centre of gravity must have been some- thing less. 213. The rotation of the earth has established a relation between time and the arcs of a circle. Every point in the surface of the earth passes through 360° in 24 hours ; and as the rotation is uni- form, the arcs described are proportional to the time, so that one of these quantities may represent the other. Tims, if « be an arc of any number of degrees, and t the time employed to describe it, 360° : a : : 24 : < : hence « = t ; or, if the constant co-effi- 24 cient — be represented by n, a = nt, and sin « = sin nt, cos u 24 s= cos nt In the same manner the periodic time of the moon being 27.3 days nearly, an arc of the moon's orbit would be /, and may also be expressed by nt. Thus, n may have all values, so that nt is a general expression for any arc that increases uniformly with the time. Chap, v.] OF ANY FORM WHATEVER. 103 214. The motions of ihe planets are determined by equations of tliese forms, + tru = R + 7rM = 0, which are only transformations of the general equation of the mo- tions of a system of bodies. The integrals of both give a value of u in terms of the sines and cosines of circular arcs increasing with the time ; the first by approximation, but the integral of the second will be obtained by making u = cf, c being the number whose Napierian logarithm is unity. Whence d'u = CCd^x + dx*), and tlie equation in question becomes d*x + dx* +yn*dt^ = 0. Let dx =: ydt, then (Px = dydf, since the element of the time is constant, which changes the equa- tion to dy + dt (w» + 3/*) = 0. If y = m a constant quantity, dm =: dy =: 0, hence n* + in* =: ; whence m = ^: 7t \/-l, but dx = ydt = ip udt y/ — I, the integral of which is X = If ;j< -J - I. As X has two values, u = c' gives u = bc""^, and n = b'c-"'^ ; and because either of these satisfies the conditions of the problem, their sum u = bd"^^ + b'c-*"^, also satisfies the conditions and is the general solution, b and b' being arbitrary constant quantities. But c^^^=: cos 7it + V - 1 sin ni, c~^~i=:co8 7it — 'J — \ sin vl. Hence « =: (6 +6') cos 7it -|- (6 — b') V — 1 sin 7it. Let b + b' = M sin c ; (6 — 6) V - 1 = M cos « ; and then u =: Mfsin « cos nt + cos e sin vt) or 11 = M sin (nl + e), 104 MOTION OF A SOLID BODY. [Book I. which is the integral required, because M and e are two arbitrary constant quantities. 215. Since a sine or cosine never can exceed the radius, sin. (7?^+ e) never can exceed unity, however much the time may increase ; therefore m is a periodic quantity whose value oscillates between fixed limits which it never can surpass. But that would not be the case were 71 an imaginary quantity ; for let 71 = « ± ;8 V"^ ; then the two values of x become x=:fit+at »J — 1 x= fit - at V - 1, consequently, g^+««A/=T _ c/».c'^''^ = c^'jcos at + \/^ sin oU} c''-'^"^ = c^ .0-""'^^= &"{cos at — J'^ sin at} whence m = c*' { (6 + 6') cos «< + (6 — 6) ^/~^ l sin oct} or substituting for A + 6' ; (6 — 6') V— 1 ; u = or — = 2.. cos ^ + C, dt^ A C being an arbitrary constant quantity. 223. If a simple pendulum be considered, of which all the atoms are united in a point at the distance of / from the axis of rotation ot, its rotatory inertia will be ^ = mP, m being the mass of the body, Chap, v.] OF ANY FORM \VHATEVER. 109 and I* = z* -^ y'. In this case I =z L. Substituting this value for A, we find = -£. cos + C. dt* I 224. Thus it appears, tliat if the angular velocities of the com- pound and simple pendulums be equal when their centres of gravity are in the vertical, their oscillations will be exactly the same, provided also that the length of the simple pendulum be equal to the rotatory inertia of the solid body with regard to the axis of motion, divided by the product of the mass by the distance of its centre of gravity from the axis, or ^ = — . mL Thus such a relation is established between the lengths of the two pendulums, that the length of a simple pendulum may be found, whose oscillations are performed in the same time with those of a compound pendulum. In this manner the length of the simple pendulum beating seconds has been determined from observations on the oscillations of the com- pound pendulum. 110 [Book I. CHAPTER VI. ON THE EQUILIBRIUM OF FLUIDS. Definitions^ 8fc. 225. A FLUID is a mass of particles which yield to the slightest pressure, aiid transmit that pressure in every direction. 226. Mobility of the particles constitutes the difference between fluids and solids. 227. There are, indeed, fluids in nature whose particles adhere more or less to each other, called viscous fluids ; but those only whose particles do not adhere in any degree, but possess perfect mobility, are the subject of this investigation. 228. Strictly speaking, all fluids are compressible, for even liquids under very great pressure change their volume ; but as the compres- sion is insensible in ordinary circumstances, fluids of perfect mobility are divided into compressible or elastic fluids, and incompressible. 229. The elastic and compressible fluids are atmospheric air, the gases, and steam. When compressed, these fluids change both form and volume, and regain their primitive state as soon as the pressure is removed. Some of the gases are found to differ from atmospheric air in losing their elastic form, and becoming liquid when com- pressed to a certain degree, as lately proved by Mr. Faraday, and steam is reduced to water when its temperature is diminished ; but atmospheric air, and others of the gases, always retain their gaseous form, whatever the degree of pressure may be. 230. It is impossible to ascertain the forms of the particles of fluids, but as all of them, considered in mass, afford the same pheno- mena, it can have no influence on the laws of their motions. Equilib Hum of Flu ids. 231. When a fluid mass is in equilibrio, each particle must itself be held in equilibrio by the forces acting upon it, together with th« pressures of the sunoundiug particles. Qiap.VI.] ON THE EQUILIBRIUM OF FLUIDS. Ill 232. It ia evident, that whatever the accelerating forces or pres- sures may be, they can all be resolved into component forces parallel to three rectangular co-ordinates, ox, oy, oz. Equation of Equilibrium. 233. Imagine a system of fluid particles, forming a rectangular A; c parallelopipedon A B C D, fig. 56, and \ — vp suppose its sides parallel to the co-ordi- '^~\ ^ nate axes. Suppose also, that it is pressed ^ 3 B on all sides by the surrounding fluid, at the same time that it is urged by accelerating forces. 234. It is evident, that the pressure on the face A B, must be in a contrary direction to the pressure on the face C D ; hence the mass will be urged by the difference of these pressures : but this difference may be considered as a single force acting either on the face A B or C D ; consequently the difference of tlie pressures multiplied by the very small area A B will be the whole pressure, urging the mass parallel to the side EG. In the same manner, the pressures urging the mass in a direction parallel to £B and EA, are the area E C into the dif- ference of the pressures on the faces E C and BF ; and the area ED into the difference of the pressures on £ D and A F. 235. Because the mass is indefinitely small, if x, y, z, be the co- ordinates of E, the edges EG, E B, E A, may be represented by dx, dy, dz. Then p being the pressure on a unit of surface, pdydz will be the pressure on the face A B, in the direction E G. At G, x becomes x + dx, y and z remaining the same ; hence as p is con- sidered a function of x, y, z, it becomes p' = ;> -t- I -j^ J dx at the point G ; hence p — p' = — f — ]dx, and pdydz — p'dydz = — ( -E.) dx , dydz. \dxj Now pdydz is the pressure on AB, andp'dydz is the pressure on CD ; hence — ( —] dx.dydz =: (p <- p') dydz 112 ON THE EQUILIBRIUM OF FLUIDS. [Book I. is the difference of the pressures on the faces A B and C D. In the same manner it may be proved that -(^^ dy . dxdz, and - f-E^ dz.dydx are the differences of the pressures on the faces B F, AG, and on ED, AF. 236. But if X, Y, Z, be the accelerating forces in the direction of the axes, when multiplied by the volume dx dy dz^ and by p its density, they become the momenta p.Kdx dy dz, p.Y dx dy dz, p.Ti dx dy dz. But these momenta must balance the pressures in the same direc- tions when the fluid mass is in equilibrio ; hence, by the principle of virtual velocities {,X-|Ux+ {,Y - |Uy + {pZ - gbz = 0, or ^ Jx + ^ Jy + ^ Jz = P {XJx + \ly + 5Zr}. dx dy dz As the variations are arbitrary, they may be made equal to the dif- ferentials, and then d'p-p {Xdj? + Ydy + Zdz } (52) is the general equation of the equilibrium of fluids, whether elastic or incompressible. It shows, that the indefinitely small increment of the pressure is equal to the density of the fluid mass multiplied by the sum of the products of each force by the element of its direction. 237. This equation will not give the equilibrium of a fluid under all circumstances, for it is evident that in many cases equilibrium is impossible ; but when the accelerating forces are attractive forces directed to fixed centres, it furnishes another equation, which shows the relation that must exist among the component forces, in order that equilibrium may be possible at all. It is called an equation of condition, because it expresses the general condition requisite for the existence of equilibrium. Equations of Condition. 238. Assuming the forces X, Y, Z, to be functions of the distance, Chap. VI.] ON THE EQUILIBRIUM OF FLUIDS. 113 by article 75, Tlie second member of the preceding equation is an exact differential ; dhd as p is a function of x, y, 2, it gives the par- tial equations dx dy dz but the differential of the first, according to y, is d^p _ d . pK dxdy dy and the differential of the second, according to x, is d^p _ d.pY ^ dydx dx , d . /)X d . pY hence — i— - = — dy dx By a similar process, it will be found that d . pY _ d . pZ ^ d .pX __ d . pZ dz dy ' dz dx These three equations of condition are necessary, in order tliat the equation (52) may be an exact differential, and consequently inte- grablc. If the differentials of these three equations be taken, the sum of the first multiplied by Z, of the second multiplied by X, and of the third multiplied by — Y, will be = X.^ - Y.^ + Z.*^ - X.^ + Y.^ - Z.^ dz dz dy dy dx dx an equation expressing the relation that must exist among the forces X, Y, Z, in order that equilibrium may be possible. Equilibrium will always be possible when these conditions arc fulfilled ; but the exterior figure of the mass must also be deter- mined. Equilibrium of homogeneous Fluids. 239. If the fluid be free at its surface, the pressure must be zero in every point of the surface when the mass is in equilibrio ; so that p =. Q^ and /) { Xdx + Ydy + Zc/2 } = 0, whence fi^^^^ + Vt/y + Zdz) = constant, supposing it an exact differential, the density being constant. The resulting force on each jmrticle must be directed to the inte- I 114 ON THE EQUILIBRIUM OP FLUIDS. [Book 1. rior of the fluid mass, and must be perpendicular to the surface ; for were it not, it might be resolved into two others, one perpendicular, and one horizontal ; and in consequence of the latter, the particle would slide along the surface. If 7/ =: be the equation of the surface, by article 69 tlie equation of equilibrium at the surface will be \dx + Ydy + Zdz = Xdw, \ being a function of x, y, z ; and by the same article, the resultant of the forces X, Y, Z, must be perpendicular to those parts of the surface where the fluid is free, and the first member must be an exact differential. Equilibrium of heterogeneous Fluids. . 240. When the fluid mass is heterogeneous, and when the forces are attractive, and their intensities functions of the distances of the points of application from their origin, then the density depends on the pressure ; and all- the strata or layers of a fluid mass in which tlie pressure is the same, have the same density throughout their whole extent. Demonstration. Let the function Xdx -j- Ydy + Zdz be an exact difference, which by article 75 will always be the case when the forces X, Y, Z, are attractive, and their intensities func- tions of the mutual distances of the particles. Assume =f(Xdx + Ydy + Zdz), (53) being a function of j, y, z ; then equation (52) becomes dp:=p.d(p. (54) The first member of tliis equation is an exact differential, and in order that the second member may also be an exact differential, the density p must be a function of 0. The pressure p will then be a function of also ; and the equation of the free surface of the fluid will be =r constant quantity, as in the case of homogeneity'. Thus the pressure and the density are the same for all the points of the same layer. The law of the variation of the density in passing from one layer to another depends on the function in which expresses it. And when that function is given, the pressure will be obtained by integrating the equation dp =: jid. Chap. VI.] ON THE EQUILIBRIUM OF FLUIDS. 116 241. It appears from the preceding investigation, that a homo- geneous liquid will remain in equilibrio, if all its particles act on each otlier, and arc attracted towards any number of fixed centres ; but in that case, tlie resulting force must be perpendicular to the surface of the liquid, and must tend to its interior. If there be but one force or attraction directed to a fixed point, the mass would become a sphere, having that point in its centre, whatever the law of the force might be. 242. When the centre of the attractive force is at an infinite dis- tance, its direction becomes parallel throughout the whole extent of tlie fluid mass ; and the surface, when in equilibrio, is a plane per- pendicular to the direction of the force. The surface of a small ex- tent of stagnant water may be estimated plane, but when it is of great extent, its surface exhibits the curvature 6f the earth. 243. A fluid mass that is not homogeneous but free at its surface will be in equilibrio, if the density be uniform throughout each inde- finitely small layer or stratum of the mass, and if the resultant of all the accelerating forces acting on the surface be perpendicular to it, and tending towards the interior. If the upper strata of the fluid be most dense, the equilibrium will be unstable ; if the heaviest is undermost, it will be stable. 244. If a fixed solid of any form be covered by fluid as the earth is by the atmosphere, it is requisite for the equilibrium of the fluid that the intensity of the attractive forces should depend on their distances from fixed centres, and that the resulting force of all the forces which act at the exterior surface should be perpendicular to it, and directed towards the interior. 245. If the surface of an elastic fluid be free, the pressure can- not be zero till the density be zero ; hence an elastic fluid cannot be in equilibrio unless it be either shut up in a close vessel, or, like the atmosphere, it extend in space till its density becomes insensible. Equilibrium of Fluids in Rotation. 246. Hitherto the fluid mass has been considereil to be at rest ; but suppose it to have a uniform motion of rotation about a fixed axis, as for example the axis oz. Let u be the velocity of rotation common to all the particles of the fluid, and r the distance of a par- I 2 116 ON THE EQUILIBRIUM OF FLUIDS. [Book I- tide dm from the axis of rotation, the co-ordinates of dm being X, y, z. Then wr will be the velocity of dm, and its centrifugal force resulting from rotation, will be w'r, which must therefore be added to the accelerating forces which urge the particle ; lience equa- tion (53) will become rf0 = Xdx + Ydy + Zdz + a.« rdr. And tlie differential equation of the strata, and of the free surface of the fluid, will be Xdx + Ydy -f Zdz + wKrdr = 0. (55) The centrifugal force, therefore, does not prevent the function from being an exact differential, consequently equilibrium will be possible, provided the condition of article 238 be fulfilled. 247. The regularity of gravitation at the surface of the earth ; the increase of density towards its centre ; and, above all, the corre- spondence of the form of the earth and planets witli that of a fluid mass in rotation, have led to the supposition that these bodies may have been originally fluid, and that their parts, in consolidating, have retained nearly the form they would have acquired from their mutual attractions, together with the centrifugal force induced by rotation when fluid. In this case, the laws expressed by the pre- ceding equations must have regulated their formation. 117 CHAPTER VII. MOTION OF FLUIDS, General Equation of the Motion of Fluids. 248. The mass of a fluid particle being p dx dy dz, its momentum in, the axis x arising from the accelerating forces is, by article 144, 3 X — — > p dx dy dz. But the pressure resolved in the same direction is (I) "^ 'y "- Consequently the equation of the motion of a fluid mass in the axis ox, when free, is In the same manner its motions in the axes y and z are \y - ^y\p-^jL = 0, I dt^Vdy / Z- ^U-^ = 0. I dtn'^ dz (56) And by the principle of virtual velocities the general equation of fluids in motion is {XJx+YSy + ZJ4 - ^ = ^^ Sx + -^ 5y + ^ Jz. (57) p d(} dt- dl* This equation is not rigorously true, because it is formed in the hypothesis of the pressures being equal on all sides of a jmrticle in motion, wliich Poissoiv has proved not to be the case; but, as far as concerns the following analysis, the effect of the inequaUty of pressure is insensible. 249. The preceding equation, however, does not express all the circumstances of the motion of a fluid. Another equation is requisite. A solid always preserves the same form whatever its motion may be, which is by no means the case with fluids ; for a jqass 118 MOTION OF FLUIDS. [Book I. ABCD, fig. 57, formed of particles possessing perfect mobility, changes its form by the action of the forces, so that it always continues to fit into the intervals of the surrounding molecules without leaving any void. In this consists the continuity of fluids, a property which furnishes the other equation necessary for the determination of their motions. Equation of Continuity. 250. Suppose at any given time the form of a very small fluid mass to be that of a rectangular parallelopiped ABCD, fig. 57. The action of the forces will change it into an oblique angled figure N E F K, during the indefinitely small time that it moves from its first to its second position. Now N E F G may differ from ABCD both in form and density, but not in mass ; for if the density depends on the pressure, the same forces that change the form may also produce a •^9' ^^' change in the pressure, and, conse- quently, in the density ; but it is evi- dent that the mass must always remain the same, for the number of molecules in ABCD can neither be increased nor diminished by the action of the forces ; hence the volume of A B C D into its primitive density must still be equal to volume of N E F G into the new density ; hence, if p dx dy dz, be the mass of A B C D, the equation of continuity will be d.pdxdy dz = 0. (58) 251. This equation, together with equations (56), will determine the four unknown quantities x, y, «, and p, in functions of the time, and consequently the motion of the fluid. Developement of the Equation of Continuity. 252. The sides of the small parallelopiped, after the time dt, become dx -^ d.dx, dy + d.dy, dz + d.dz; or, observing that the variation of dx only arises from the increase of x, the co-ordinates y and z remaining the same, and that the varia- tions of dy, dZy arise only from the similar increments of y and z ; Chap. VII.] MOTION OF FLUIDS. * 119 hence the edges of the new mass are A- 58. If the angles GNF and FNE, fig, 58, be repre- sented by and yff, the volume of the parallelopiped NK will be NE.NGsin^.NFsinV; for Fa = NF. sin f m = NG. sin 0, Fa, N6 being at right angles to NE and RG ; but as and y were right angles in the primitive volume, they could only vary by indefinitely small arcs in the time dt ; hence in the new volume = 90'' ± dQ, V' = 90" ± df, consequently, sin = sin (90° ± d0) = cos d9 = 1 - yo* + &c. sin V = sin (90° ± df) = cos df— 1 - irff*+ &c. and omitting d, the primi- tive density, is a function of t, j:, y and z, and after the time rf/, it is f + ±dt + ±dT + ^dy+ ±dz; dt dx dy dz consequently, the mass, being the product of the volume and density, is, after tlie time dt, equal to dntT^ p.dxdy dz fl+ ±dt+±dx+if dy+±dz y dt dx dy dz . d^x , d-y , d*2 \ 120 MOTION OF FLUIDS. [Book I. And the equation d.p. (dj dy dz) = J dx J dy J dz , d.p — d.p-^ d.p — becomes ^ + ' ^ + ^ + ^ =0 (59) "^ da: dy dz as will readily appear by developing this quantity, wliich is the general equation of continuity. 253. Tlie equations (56) and (59) determine the motions both of incompressible and elastic fluids. 254. When the fluid is incompressible, both the volume and density remain the same during the whole motion ; therefore the increments of these quantities are zero ; hence, with regard to tlie volume d^x ^. ^ + _£l. = 0; (60) dx dy dz and with regard to the density, ± + ±dx + ±dy+±dz = 0. ^ (61) dt dx dy dz 255. By means of these two equations and the three equations (56), the five unknown quantities p, p, x, y and z, may be determined in functions of t, which remains arbitrary ; and therefore all the cir- cumstances of the motion of the fluid mass may be kno\vn for any assumed time. 256. If the fluid be both incompressible and homogeneous, tlie density is constant, therefore dp = 0, and as the last equation becomes identical, the motion of the fluid is obtained from the other four. Second form of the Equation of the Motions of Fluids. 257. It is occasionally more convenient to regard x, y, r, the co-ordinates of the fluid particle dniy as known quantities, and dx dy dz T"' ~iT' TT' dt dt dt its velocities in the direction of the co-ordinates, as unknown. In order to transform the equations (56) and (59) to suit this case, let dx dy dz « = — , 7f r= -li, r = — ; dt dt dt those quantities being functions of x, y, z, and t Tlie diflercnlials of these equations when x, y, z, and t, vary all at once ; and when Chap. VII.] MOTION OF FLUIDS. 121 sdly iidl, vdl, are put for dx, dy, dz^ become ds =: — dt + — .sdt + —.-udt +_.rrf/, dt d.v dy dz du = —dt+ — .sdl + ^.udt+^.vdi, (62) dt dx dy dz dr = — dt + — .sdt + — udt + — .vdt, dt dx dy dz And as ds = J^, du = -^, dv = ^"^ dt dt dt the equations (56) become, by the substitution of the preceding quantities. dp fvr ds ds ds ds ] ox I dt dx dy dz j dp fv du du du du 1 /^„>. -i-=:pJi— • — — — .s— — .u~ — . V \ (63) dy ^\ dt dx dy dz j ' dp (y^ dv __ dv _dv _dv 1 dz I dt dx dy dz j and by the same substitution, the equation (59) of continuity becomes ^ + LH + Leu + i^ = 0, (64) dt dx dy dz which, for incompressible and homogeneous fluids, is it + ^ + ^ = 0. (65) dx dy dz The equations (63) and (64) will determine s, w, and v, in func- tions of J, y, X, /, and then the equations dx = sdt dy = udt dz = vdl will give X, y, r, in functions of the time. Tlic whole circumstances of the fluid mass will therefore be known. Integralion of the Equations of the Motions of Fluids. 258. The great difficulty in the theory of the motion of fluids, con- sists in the integration of the partial equations (63) and (64), which lias not yet been sunnountcd, even in the most 8iini)lc problems. It may, however, be eficctcd in a very extensive case, in which sdx + udy + vdx 122 MOTION OF FLUIDS. [Book I. is a complete differential of a function 0, of the tliree variable quan- tities x,y, z ; so that sdx + udy + vdz = d + —.dx + -^.dy + Ji dz dt at dt It will still be an exact differential, if *Ac+^d3/+ — d3beone. dt dt dt Now the latter quantity being equal to d._, equation (67) gives dt ±dx+^y+^z=dW^±^ yi(^± + ^ + ^\ dt dt ^ dt p ^ ydjd" dy^ dz'J And if the density ^ be a function of j> the pressure, the second mem- ber of tliis equation will be an exact differential, consequently the first member will be one also, and thus the function adx + udy ~{- vdz is a complete differential in the second instant, if it be one in the first ; it will therefore be a complete differential during the whole motion of the fluid. Theory of small Undulations of Fluids. 261. If the oscillations of a fluid be very small, the squares and products of the velocities a, m, v, may be neglected : then the pre- ceding equation becomes dV^± = ±.dx+±dy+^dz. f dt dt " dt If j> be a function of p, the first member will be a complete dif- ferential, therefore the second member, and consequently sdx + udy + vdz is one also, so that the equation is capable of integration ; and as its last member is equal to (2.—^, the integral is dt y_rd_p^d^ (69) p dt This equation, togetlier with equation (68) of continuity, contain the wliole theory of the small undulations of fluids. 262. An idea may be formed of these undulations by the effect 124 MOTION OF FLUIDS. [Book t of a stone dropped into still water ; a series of small concentric cir- cular waves will appear, extending from the point where the stone fell. If another stone be let fall very near the point where the first fell, a second series of concentric circular waves will be produced ; but when the two series of undulations meet, they will cross, each series continuing its course independently of the other, the circles cutting each other in opposite points. An infinite number of such undulations may exist without disturbing the progress of one another. In sound, which is occasioned by undulations in the air, a similar effect is produced : in a chorus, the melody of one voice may be distinguished from the general harmony. Coexisting vibrations may also be excited in soUd bodies, each undulation having its per- fect effect, independently of the others. If the directions of the undulations coincide, their joint motions will be the sum or the dif- ference of the separate motions, according as similar or dissimilar parts of the undulations are coincident. In undulations of equal fre- quency, when two scries exactly coincide in point of time, the united velocity of the particular motions will be the greatest or least ; — and if the undulations are of equal strength, they will totally destroy each other, when the time of the greatest direct motion of one undulation coincides with that of the greatest retrograde motion of the other. The general principle of Interferences was first shown by Dr. Young to be applicable to all vibratory motions, which he illustrated beautifully by the remarkable phenomena of two rays of light pro- ducing darkness, and the concurrence of two musical sounds pro- ducing silence. The first may be seen by looking at the flame of a candle through two extremely narrow parallel slits in a card ; and the latter is rendered evident by what are termed beats in music. Tlie same principle serves to explain why neither flood nor ebb tides take place at Batsham in Tonquin on the day following the moon's passage across the equator ; tlie flood tide arrives by one channel at the same instant that the ebb arrives by another, so that the interfering waves destroy each other. Co-existing vibrations show tlie comprehensive nature and ele- gance of analytical fonnidic. The general equation of small undu- lations is the sum of an infinite number of equations, eacli of which gives a single series of undulations, like the surface of water in a shower, wliich at once contains an infinite number of undulations, and yet exhibits each independently of the rest. Chap. VII.] MOTION OF FLUIDS. 125 Rotation of a homogeneous Fluid. 263. If a fluid mass rotates unifonnly about an axis, its compo- nent velocity in the axis of rotation is zero ; the velocities in the other two axes are angular velocities — independent of the time, the motion being uniform : indeed, the motion is the same with that of a solid body revolving about a fixed axis. If the mass revolves about the axis z, and if w be the angular velocity at the distance of unity from that axis, the component velocities will be s zzz — wy, u = wx, r = ; • and from equations (63) it will be easily found that -^ = dV + w' {xdx + ydy) ; f and if j> be constant, the ! integral is JL = V+^(.. + 2/0- The equation (65) of continuity will be satisfied, since *=0, dx du _ dy dv _ dz 0. 264. Tliis motion of a fluid mass is therefore possible, although it is a case in which the function sdi + udy + vdz is not an exact diflerenlial ; for by the substitution of the preceding values of the velocities, it becomes sdx + udy + vdz =: w {xdy — ydx)., an expression that cannot be integrated. Therefore, in the theory of the tides caused by the disturbing action of the sun and moon on the ocean, the function adx + udy + vdx must not be regarded as an exact diflerential, since it cannot be integrated even when there is no disturbance in its rotatory motion* 265. Tims a fluid mass or a fluid covering a solid of any form whatever, will rotate about an axis without alteration in the relative position of its particles. This would be the stiite of the ocean were the earth a solitary body, moving in space ; but the attractions of the sun and moon not only trouble the ocean, but also cause commotions in the atmosphere, indicated by the periodic 126 MOTION OF FLUIDS. [Book I. variations in the heights of the mercury in the barometer. From the vast distance of the sun and moon, their action upon the fluid particles of the ocean and atmosphere, is very small in comparison of that produced by the velocity of the earth's rotation, and by its attraction. Determination of the Oscillations of a homogeneous Fluid covering a Spheroid, the whole in rotation about an axis} supposing the fluid to he slightly deranged from its state of equilibrium by the action of very small forces. 266. If the earth be supposed to rotate about its axis, uninfluenced by foreign forces, the fluids on its surface would assume a spheroidal form, from the centrifugal force induced by rotation ; and a particle in the interior of the fluid would be subject to the action of gravitation and the pressure of the surrounding fluid only. But although the fluids would be moving with great velocity, yet to us they would seem at rest. When in this state the atmosphere and ocean are said to be in equiUbrio. Action of the Su7i and Moon. 267. The action of the sun and moon troubles this equilibrium, and occasions tides in both fluids. The whole of this theory is perfectly general, but for the sake of illustration it will be con- sidered with regard to the ocean. If the moon attracted the centre of gravity of the earth and all its particles with equal and parallel forces, the whole system of the earth and the waters that cover it, would yield to these forces with a common motion, and the equili- brium of the seas would remain undisturbed. The difference of the intensity and direction of the forces alone, trouble the eqiulibrium ; for, since the attraction of the moon is inversely as the square of the distance, a molecule at m, under the moon M, is as much more attracted than the centre of gravity of the earth, as the square of EM is greater than the square of mM : hence the particle has a tendency to leave the earth, but is retained by its gravitation, which this tendency diminishes. Twelve hours after, the particle is brought to m' by the rotation of the earth, and is then in Chap. VII.] MOTION OF FLUIDS. 127 opposition to the moon, which attracts it more feebly than it attracts the centre of the earth, in the ratio of the square of EM to the square of m'M. The surface of the earth has then a tendency to leave the particle, but the gravitation of the particle retains it ; and gravi- tation is also in tliis case diminished by the action of the moon. Hence, when the particle is at m, the moon draws the particle from the earth ; and when it is at m', it draws the earth from the particle : in both instances producing an elevation of the particle above the surface of equilibrium of nearly the same height, for the diminution of the gravitation in each position is almost the same on account of the distance of the moon being great in comparison of the radius of tlie earth. Tlie action of the moon on a particle at n, 90° distant from m, may be resolved into two forces — one in the direction of the radius nE, and the other tangent to the surface. The latter force alone attracts the particle towards the moon, and makes it slide along the surface ; so that there is a depression of the water in n and n' ., at the same time that it is high water at m and m'. It is evident that, after half a day, the particle, when at n', will be acted on by the same force it experienced at n. 268. Were the earth entirely covered by the sea, the water thus attracted by the moon would assume the form of an oblong spheroid, whose greater a.\is would point towards the moon ; smce tiic column of water under the moon, and the direction diametrically opposite to her, would be rendered lighter in consequence of the diminution of their gravitation : and in order to preserve the equilibrium, the axis 90° distant would be shortened. The elevation, on account of the smaller space to which it is confined, is twice as great as the depres- sion, because the contents of the spheroid always remain the same. If the waters were capable of instantly assuming the form of a spiieroid, its summit would always be directed towards the moon, notwithstanding the earth's rotation ; but on account of their resistance, the rapid motion of rotation prevents them from assuming at every instant the form which the equilibrium of the forces acting on them requires, so that they are constantly approaching to, and receding from that figure, which is therefore called the momeii' tary equilibrium of the fluid. It is evident that the action, and consequently the position of the sun modifies these circumstances, but the action of that body is incomparably less than that of the moon. 128 MOTION OF FLUIDS. [Book I. Determination of the general Equation of the Oscillations of all parts of the Fluids covering the Earth. 269. Let/)EPQ,fig. 60, be the terrestrial spheroid, Eo the equatorial radius, Pp the axis of rotation. Suppose the spheroid to be entirely covered with the fluid — the Jiff. 60. — ^ /y ocean, for example ; and let ^eP, or pEF, represent the bottom of the sea, CD its surface, PD its depth ; also let o be the centre of the spheroid and origin of the co-ordinates, and om the ra- dius. Imagine w to be a fluid particle at any point below the surface of the fluid — at the bottom, for example. It is evident that this particle, moved by rotation alone, would be carried to B without changing its distance from the centre of the spheroid, or from the axis of rota- tion ; so that the arcs Pm, PB, are equal to each other, as also the radii om, oB. If j^eP be assumed as a given meridian, the origin of the time, and 7 the first point of Aries, then 7PB is the longitude of the particle when arrived at B, and EoB is its latitude. Now, if the disturbing forces were to act on the particle during its rotation from m to B, they would cause it to move to b, some point not far from B. By the disturbing forces alone, the longitude of the particle at B would be increased by the very small angle BP6 ; the latitude would be diminished by the very small angle Bob, and its distance from the centre of the spheroid increased by/6. The angle 7PB is the rotation of the earth, and any may be represented by nt + rs, since it is proportional to the time, (by Article 213 ;) but in the time t, the disturbing forces bring the particle to 6 : therefore the angle nt + ra must be increased by BP6 or v. Hence 7P6 = 7J< -f CT + r. Again, if 6 be the complement of the latitude EoB, and u^ its very small increment, B06, the angle PoB = + u. In the same manner, if « be the increment of the radius r, then ob ^ r ■\- s. Chap. VII.] MOTION OF FLUIDS. 129 Hence the co-ordinates of the particle at b are, cr = (r + s) cos {0 + u), 2/ = (r + s) sin (9 + u) cos (n< + w -f- v), z r= (r + *) sin (0 -{- m) sin (ni + 'sj + v). 270. u and m very nearly represent the motion of tlic particle in longitude and latitude estimated from the terrestrial meridian TEp. These are so small, compared with nt the rotatory motion of tlie eartli, that their squares may be omitted. But although the lateral motions v, u of the particle be very small, they are much greater than s, the increase in the length of the radius. 271. If these values of j:, y, z, be substituted in (57) the general equation of the motion of fluids ; and if to abridge XJx + YJy + ZJz = Jr, then r*50{/'.^-2nsin0cos0('^^^l + ...{sin.(|^)+2nsin.cos.(|^) + H^^(|)}(70) +^..{(-)-2«.sin«.(^^)| = fl S{(r + sin (0 + m)}' + 5^-^, 2 p will determine the oscillations of a particle in the interior of the fluid when troubled by the action of the sun and moon. This equation, however, requires modification for a particle at the surface. Equation at the Surface. 272. If DH, fig. 60, be the surface of the sea undisturbed in ita rotation, the })articlc at B will only be aff'ected by gravitation and the pressure of the surrounding fluid ; but when by the action of the sun and moon the tide rises to y, and the particle under consideration is brought to 6, the forces which there act upon it will be gravitation, the pressure of the surrounding fluid, the action of the sun and moon, and the pressure of the small column of water between H and y. But the gravitation acting on the particle at 6 is also diflcrcnt from that which aficcts it when at B, for 6 being farther from the centre of gravity of the system of the earth and its fluids, the gravity of the par- ticle at 6 must be less than at B, consequently the centrifugjil force K 130 MOTION OF FLUIDS. [Book I. must be greater : the direction of gravitation is also different at the points B and b. 273. In order to obtain an equation for the motion of a particle at the surface of the fluid, suppose it to be in a state of momentary equilibrium, then as tlie differentials of v, u, and s express the oscil- lations of the fluid about that state, they must be zero, which reduces the preceding equation to !^ S{(r + s) sin (0 + u)Y + (JF) = 0; (71) for as the pressure at the surface is zero, Ip = 0, and (SF) repre- sents the value of ST corresponding to that state. Thus in a state of momentary equilibrium, the forces (JF), and the centrifugal force balance each other. 274. Now JF is the sum of all the forces acting on the particle when troubled in its rotation into the elements of their directions, it must therefore be equal to (5F), the same sum suited to a state of momentary equilibrium, together with those forces whicli urge the particle when it oscillates about that state, into the elements of their directions. But these are evidently the variation in the weight of the little column of water Hy, and a quantity which may be represented by SP, depending on the difference in the direction and intensity of gravity at the two points B and 6, caused by the change in the situa- tion of the attracting mass in the state of motion, and by the attrac-' tion of the sun and moon. 275. The force of gravity at y is so nearly the same with that at the surface of the earth, that the difference may be neglected ; and if y be the height of the little column of fluid Hy, its weight will be gy when the sea is in a state of momentary equilibrium ; when it oscil- lates about that state, the variation in its weight will be g-Sy, g being the force of gravity ; but as the pressure of this small colunm is directed towards the origin of the co-ordinates and tends to lessen them, it must have a negative sign. Hence in a state of motion, whence- (iF) = ST — SP -f gly. 276. When the fluid is in momentary cquilibrio, the centrifugal force is Chap. VII.] MOTION OF FLUIDS. 131 but it must vary with Sy, the elevation of the particle above tlie sur- face of momentary equilibrium. The direction Hy does not coincide with that of the terrestrial radius, except at the equator and pole, on account of the spheroidal form of the earth ; but as the compression of the earth is very small, these directions may be esteemed the same in the present case without sensible error ; therefore r + s — y may be regarded as the value of the radius at y. Consequently — Jy . m* sin* 6 is the variation of the centrifugal force corresponding to the increased height of the particle ; and when compared with — g^y tlie gravity of this little column, it is of the order — , the same with the ratio of g the centrifugal force to gravity at the equator, or to , and there- 288 fore may be omitted ; hence equation (71) becomes Sr - $r + g^ + I^ ^(r + ») sin (p + m)}*= 0. 277. As the surface of the sea differs very little from that of a sphere, ir may be omitted ; consequently if . — J{(r + 0)^X1(0+ «)}» be eliminated from equation (70), the result will be Jdvs + r»S« {8in«0 f—^ -f 2« sin ^ cos f^\ + 2« sin* d f—\\ = - g^y + ir, (72) whicl) is the equation of the motion of a particle at tlie surface of the sea. The variations Sy, ST' corresj)und to the two variables andcr. 278. To complete the theory of the motions of the atmosphere and ocean, the equation of the continuity of the fluid must now be found. Continuity of Fluids. Suppose m'h, fig. 61, to be an indefinitely small rectanfrular portion of the fluid iHiiss, situate at B, fig. 60, and suppose the solid to be formed by the imaginary rotation of the arc&Bnhh' about the axisoz ; the centre K 2 r-i9{f^\-2nsin0cosofii^\ 132 MOTION OF FLUIDS. [Book I. of gravity of Unhh' will describe an arc, which on account of the small- ness of the solid, may without sensible error be represented by mn, its radius being wiA ; hence the arc Tnn is m\ X mn. Now the area "Rnhh' multiplied by wiA X win, is equal to the solid m'A, supposing it indefi- nitely small and rectangular. The colatitude of the point B or Aom = 6, the longitude of B is nt + CT, then the indefinitely small increments of these angles are m'oK! = do, m'oB = drs, for as the figure is independent of the time, nt is constant. Hence if the radii oB, on, be represented by r' and r, the sectors BoA', noh, are r'^dQ and rHO ; hence the area BnM' = ^illHl!) dS = (r^ + r)(r^-r) ^^ 2 2 But as the thickness is indefinitely small, r' -\- r = 2r, r' — r = c?r ; therefore the area Bnhh' = rdr.dO. Again, Am = r sin 6, consequently, Am.mn = rdcr sin 0, and thus the volume m'h r= i^drdQdts sin ; and if p be the density, dm = fr'drdddvj sin 0. But in consequence of the disturbing forces, r, 0, and cr, become r + s, + M, CT + r, after the time t, and dr, dd, dzj, become dr -j- — dr, dd + — . dO, da + — .dvs ; dr dd dvj also the density is changed to p + j)'. If these values be put in the preceding expression for the solid dm, it becomes after the time t equal to (P + f') (r + *') (1 + ?Vl + ^^ (1 + -^ V^^^^^ s'" (^+ «)' or / dO/ dvs J but tliis must be equal to the original mass ; hence (/+/) (r+O (1 + $-Vl+ — ^ (1 +-^^ sin (0+7O-/>'-'8inO. dry rfyy dvsj Chap. VII.] MOTION OF FLUIDS. 133 If the squares and products of ds du dv s — — — ^— . dr do dvs be omitted, and observing that o . ids d.r^s 2rs + r — = , dr dr and sin (0 + ?/) = sin + u cos B ; for as u is very small, the arc may be put for the sine, and unity for the cosine, the equation of the continuity of the fluid is expressed in polar co-ordinates. 279. The equations (70), (72), and (73), are perfectly general ; and therefore will answer either for the oscillations of tlie ocean or atmosphere. Oscillations of the Ocean. 280. The density of the sea is constant, therefore yj' = ; hence the equation of continuity becomes In order to find the integral of this equation with regard to r only, it may be assumed, that all the particles that are on any one radius at tlie origin of the time, will remain on the same radius during the motion ; therefore r, v, and u will be nearly the same on the small part of the terrestrial radius between the bottom and surface of the sea ; hence, tlie integral will be =: r*« — (r's) + r*7 Kdu\ , du , u cos 0) do) dCT "*" sin^ J (r**) is the value of r*» at the surface of the sea, but the change in the radius of the earth between the bottom and surface of the sea is so small, that r*(») may be put for (r's) ; then dividing the whole by r*, and neglecting the terms -lifi , which is the ratio of the deptl of the sea to the terrestrial radius, and therefore very small, the mean depth even of the Pacific ocean being only about four miles, whereas 134 MOTION OF FLUIDS. [Book I. the mean radius of the earth is nearly 4000 miles ; the preceding equation becomes .» = ^-« + M(r:) + (^) + ^T ^"' ^^ Now y + s — (s) is the whole depth of the sea from the bottom to the highest point to which the tides rise at its surface of momen- tary equilibrium ; and y varies with the angles cj and 6 ; hence at the surface of equilibrium, it becomes , dy , d"/ and as y is the height of a particle above the surface of equilibrium, it follows that 7 + «-(«)=-3/+7+w-^ + V -1, dd dns or 8— {s)=z-~y-\'U-l-\~v —X. dd dut Whence the equation of continuity becomes V = — ^^'^''^ — ^^'^^^ - "y^^ ^°^ ^ (75) de dxa sine * 281. In order to apply the other equations to the motion of the sea, it must be observed that a fluid particle at the bottom of the sea would in its rotation from m to B always touch the spheroid, which is nearly a sphere ; tlierefore the value of s would be very small for that particle, and would be to u, u, of the order of the eccentricity of the spheroid, to its mean radius taken as unity ; consequently at the bottom of the sea, s may be omitted in comparison of u, v. But it appears from equations (74), that « — (s) is a function of it and v independent of r, when the very small quantity '^'■'^^ is omitted : r hence « is the same throughout every part of the radius r, as it is at the bottom, and may therefore be omitted throughout the whole depth, when compared with u and v, so that equation (72) of the surface of the fluid is reduced to + r*5GJ {sin* e (-^^ + 2« sin 9 cosof—^ | = _ ^Sy + jp. Chap. VII.] MOTION OF FLUIDS. 135 282. When the fluid mass is in momentary equilibrium, the equa- tion for the motion of a particle in the interior of the fluid becomes = in»5 { (r + 8) sin (0 + «)}«+ (^V) - ^M, where (5F), (j^p), are the values o(^V and ^p suited j But we may suppose that in a state of motion, Sr =: (JF) + 5r', and Jp = (Jp) + 5p' ;''^^^^^^t!f^RNl^ whence QV) = JF - SP, Qp) = Jp - ^p', and i;i«J{ (r -f s) sin (9 + «) }' = SF' - JF + ?P - ^ . 283. If the first member of this expression be eliminated from equation (70), with regard to the independent variation of r alone, it gives 5;r^ = {-dF) - «»'• ™' » U) ^"> 284. Nownf— jis of the ordery, «,or !3L; for if the co-efl5- \dt / r cients of S0, Jcr, be each made zero in equation (76), it will give add the diflcrcntial of the last equation relative to <, to the first equa- tion multiplied by — 2/i sin 6 cos 6 and let the second member of this equation be represented by y'.r^ sin'0, then divide by r* sin* 0, and put 2/i cos =: a, and there will be found the linear equation (^)^»'Gt)-'- The value of — obtained from the integral of this equation will dt be a function of y', and as y' is a function of y and F', each of which is of the order s or X_, JL ; consequently, r dt rf(F'- K\ dr 136 MOTION OF FLUIDS, [Book I. is of the same order. If then equation (77), be multiplied by dr its integral will be ^'- ?=/*{(§)- -"'-(1)} + ^- 285. Since this equation has been integrated with regard to r only, X must be a function of 6, tj, and t, independent of r, according to the theory of partial equations. And as the function in r is of the order — it may be omitted ; and then r by whicli equation (70) becomes .^{(^)-.,.si„.cose(f)|, + r'Jnr {sin' f ^'^ \ + 2n sin cos of^^^ = J\. 286. But as SX does not contain r, s, or y, it is independent of the depth of the particle ; hence this equation is the same for a particle at the surface, or in its neighbourhood, consequently it must coincide with equation (76) ; and tlicrefore S\ = W - g^y. 287. Thus it appears, that the whole theory of the tides would be determined if integrals of the equations ..5.|(^)-2,.si„.cos»(^)} + r'SCT {sin' /^^ + 2/1 sin B cos 6 (^^ = - gly -^ IV> __ d(yn) _ rf(7y) 7WCOS0 dd dvj sin. could be found, for the horizontal flow might be obtained from the first, by making the co-eflicients of the independent quantities 10, JcT, separately zero, then the height to which they rise would be found from the second. This has not yet been done, as none of the known methods of analysis have hitluirto succeeded. 288. These equations have been formed on the hypothesis of the earth being entirely covered by the sea ; hence the integrals, if they Chap. VII.] MOTION OF FLUIDS. 137 could be found, would be inadequate to determine tlie oscillations of the ocean retarded or accelerated by the continents, islands, and in- numerable other causes, beyond the reach of analysis. No attempt is therefore made to integrate the equations ; but the theory of the tides is determined by comparing the general relations which sub- sist between the observed phenomena and the causes wliich produce them. 289. In order to integrate the equation of continuity, it was assumed that if the angles Po6, mFb, or rather du dv u, — , V, — , dt dt be the same for every particle situate on the same radius throughout the whole depth of the sea at the beginning of the motion, they will always continue to be the same for that set of particles during their motion, therefore all the fluid particles that are at the same instant on any one radius, will continue very nearly on that radius during the oscillations of the fluid. Were this rigorously true, the horizontal flow of the tides would be isochronous, like the oscillations of a pendulum, and their velocity would be inversely as their depth, provided the particles had no motion in latitude ; and it may be nearly so in the Pacific, whose mean depth is about four miles, and where the tides only rise to about five feet ; but it is very far from being the case in shallow seas, and on the coasts where the tides are liigh ; because the condition of isochronism depends on tlie omission of quantities of the order of the ratio of the height of the tides to the depth of the sea. 290. The reaction of the sea on the terrestrial spheroid is so small that it is omitted. The common centre of gravity of the spheroid and sea is not changed by this reaction, and therefore the ratio of the action of the sea on the spheroid, is to the reaction of tlie spheroid on the sea, as the mass of the sea to the solid mass ; that is, as the depth of the sea to the radius of the earth, or at most as 1 to 1000, assuming the mean depth of the sea to be four miles. For that reason m, r, express the true velocity of the tides in longitude and latitude, as they were assumed to be. 138 MOTION OF FLUIDS. On the Atmosphere. [Book I. 291. Experience shows the atmosphere to be an elastic fluid, whose density increases in proportion to the pressure. It is subject to clianges of density from tlie variation of temperature in different latitudes, at different heights, and from various other causes ; but in this investigation the temperature is assumed to be constant. 292. Since the air resists compression equally in all directions, the height of the atmosphere must be unlimited if its atoms be infinitely divisible. Some considerations, however, induced Dr. Wollaston to suppose that the earth's atmosphere is of finite extent, limited by the weight of ultimate atoms of definite magnitude, no longer divisible by repulsion of their parts. But whether the particles of the atmos- phere be infinitely divisible or not, all phenomena concur in proving its density to be quite insensible at the height of about fifty miles. Density of the Atmosphere. 293. The law by which the density of the air diminishes as the height above the surface of the sea increases, will appear by consi- dering p, p' p", to be the densities of three contiguous strata of air, the thickness of each being so small that the density may be assumed uniform throughout each stratum. Let p be the pressure of the superincumbent air on the lowest stratum, p' the pressure on the next, and p" the pressure on the third ; and let m be a coefficient, such that^ = ap. Then, because the densities are as the pressures, p' = ap\ and p" = ap". Hence, p — p' ^=^ a- {p — p') and p — p =z a{p' — p"). But p —p' is equal to the weight of the first of these strata, and p' — p" is equal to that of the second : hence p-p' : /-/' :: p : /; consequently pp" = p'*. The density of the middle stratum is therefore a mean proportional between the densities of the other two ; and whatever be the number of equidistant strata, their densities are in continual proportion. 294. If the heights therefore, from the surface of the sea, he taken in an increasing aritlmietical progression, the densities of the strata Chap. VII.] MOTION OF FLUIDS. 139 of air will decrease in geometrical progression, a property that logarithms possess relatively to their numbers. 295. All the circumstances bolli of the e(iuilibrium and motion of the atmosphere may be determined from equation (70), if the quan- tities it contains be supposed relative to that compressible fluid instead of to the ocean. Equilibrium of the Atmosphere. 296. When the atmosphere is in equilibrio r, m, and » are zero, which reduces equation (70) to — . r».8in»0+ r- r^= constant. 2 J J> Suppose the atmosphere to be every where of the same density as at the surface of the sea, let h be the height of that atmosphere which is very small, not exceeding 5^ miles, and let g be the force of gra- vity at the equator ; then as the pressure is proportional to the den- sity, p=: h . g . p, and r^ = hg . log. f, consequently the preceding equation becomes 71* hg . log j> = constant + f + — . r* . sm» $. At the surface of the sea, V is the same for a particle of air, and for the particle of the ocean adjacent to it ; but when the sea is in equi- 71* librio F + — . r- . sm* = constant, 2 therefore f is constant, and consequently the stratum of air contigu- ous to the sea is every where of the same density. 297. Since the earth is very nearly spherical, it may be assumed that r the distance of a particle of air from its centre is equal to /J + r', H being the terrestrial radius extending to the surface of the sea, and r' the height of the particle above that surface. V., which relates to the surface of the sea, becomes at the height / ; r = K + r' (^-^) + &C. by Taylor's theorem, consequently the substitution of Jl + r' for r in the value of hg log. f gives 140 MOTION OF FLUIDS. [Book I. hg . log = constant + V + r'(—) + !L ( _ ) \drj 2 \dr*/ + H-.RK sin* 0+w«. Rr'. sin*0 2 '•(f) , &c. relate to the surface of the sea where V + JL . Jl« sin" = constant, 2 and as ^j __ j — 71* . Jl . sin* 6, is the effect of gravitation at that surface, it may be represented by r'* /d^F\ g', whence hg, log p = constant —r'g' + — . ( — ) . 298. Since [ — j is multiplied by the very small quantity r", it may be integrated in the hypothesis of the earth being a sphere ; but m that case - 1 ) = §•' = — \drj ^ R* m being the mass of the earth ; h /rf«F\ _. _ 2wi _. _ 2g' . \d^J "" "B' "~ fi" ' consequently the preceding equation becomes whence p:^ f' . c kg '\ r) ; an equation which determines the density of the atmosphere at any given height above the level of the sea ; c is the number whose loga- rithm is unity, and p' a constant quantity equal to the density of the atmosphere at the surface of the sea. 299. If g' and g be the force of gravity at the equator and in any other latitude, they will be proportional to t' and /, the lengths of the pendulum beating seconds at the level of the sea in these two places ; hence I' and /, which are known by experiment, may be substituted for g' and g, and the formula becomes pTT p' .c-lJ-^^n) (78) Whence it appears that strata of the same density are every where very nearly equally elevated above the surface of the sea. Chap.VII.J MOTION OF FLUIDS. 141 300. By this expression the density of the air at any height may _/ be found, say at fifty-five miles. — is very small and may be neg- R lected ; and I may be made equal to /' without sensible error ; r' hence j> =: ^'c~* . Now the height of an atmosphere of uniform density is only about ^ = 5^ English miles ; hence if r' = I0h= 65,/) = p'c-'\ and as c = 2.71828, p = — £-_, ^ 22026 so that the density at the height of 55 English miles is extremely small, which corresponds with what was said in article 292. 301. From the same formula the height of any place above the level of the sea may be found ; for the densities j>' and />, and consequently A, are given by the height of the barometer, I' and /, the lengths of the seconds' pendulum for any latitude are known by experiment ; and R, the radius of the earth is also a given quantity ; hence r' may be found. But in estimating the heights of mountains by the barome- ter, the variation of gravity at the height r' above the level of the sea cannot be omitted, therefore — H- r' must be included in the pre- l' ceding formula. Oscillations of ike Atmosphere. 302. The atmosphere has the form of an ellipsoid flattened at the poles, in consequence of its rotation with the earth, and its strata by article 299, are everywhere of the same density at the same elevation above the surface of the sea. The attraction of the sun and moon occasions tides in the atmosphere perfectly similar to those of the ocean ; however, they are probably affected by the rise and fall of the sea. 303. Tlie motion of the atmosphere is determined by equa- tions (70), (73), which give the tides of the ocean, with the ex- ception of a small change owing to the elasticity of the air ; hence the term -£, expressing the ratio of the pressure to the density P cannot be omitted as it was in the case of the sea. 142 MOTION OF FLUIDS. [Book I. Let p = (p) 4- p' ; {p) being the density of the stratum in equi- librio, and p' the change suited to a state of motion ; hence p — hg ((p) + /), and ?P = ^^)+.!(V).. Let ^ = y', then ^ = A^- ^ + gSy'. 304. The part hg—^iL vanishes, because in equilibrio (/) ^ 5{(r + sin {0 + «)}> + (J&V) - Ag M = 0. therefore ££ = g-Sy'. , Let be the elevation of a particle of air above the surface of equi- librium of the atmosphere whicli corresponds with y, the elevation of a particle of water above the surface of equilibrium of the sea. Now at the sea = y, for the adjacent particles of air and water are sub- ject to the same forces ; but it is necessary to examine whether the supposition of = y, and of y being constant for all the particles of air situate on the same radius are consistent with the equation of continuity (73), which for the atmosphere is If the value of -L-from this equation be substituted in h J— = y', it becomes The part of s that depends on the variation of the angles 6 and cj is 80 small, that it may be neglected, consequently a =: ; and if 0=y then ( _ I = 0, Since the value of is the same for all the parti- cles situate on the same rachus. Also y is of the order A or — ; g consequently y'=-h. {(^^')+(^)+!l-£i^'} (79) Chap. VII.] MOTION OF FLUIDS. 143 then u and v being the same for all the particles situate primitively on the same radius, the value of y' will be the same for all these particles, and as quantities of the order Is are omitted, equation (70) becomes r^le ^(^\ - 2n sin cos (^£\\ . + r»5w {sin^^ (?^ + 2n sin cos e (^^ (80) = JF - gly' - gly. Thus the equations that determine the oscillations of the atmosphere only differ from those that give the tides by the small quantity gly', depending on the elasticity of the air. 305. Finite values of the equations of the motion of the atmos- phere cannot be obtained ; therefore the ebb and flow of the atmos- phere may be determined in the same manner as the tides of the ocean, by estimating the effects of the sun and moon separately. This can only be effected by a comparison of numerous observations. Oscillations of the Mercury in the Barometer. 806. Oscillations in the atmosphere cause analogous oscillations in the barometer. For suppose a barometer to be fi.xed at any lieight above the surface of the sea, the height of the mercury is pro- portional to the pressure on that part of its surface that is exposed to the action of the air. As the atmosphere rises and falls by the action of the disturbing forces like the waves of the sea, the surface of the mercury is alternately more or less pressed by the variable mass of the atmosphere above it. Hence the density of the air at the surface of the mercury varies for two reasons ; first, because it belonged to a stratum which was less elevated in a state of equilibrium by the quantity y, and secondly, because the density of a stratum is aug- mented when in motion by the quantity ^^ . y. Now if h be the h height of the atmosphere in cquihbrio wlien its density is uniform, and equal to (/), then h:y::(p):y^^, the increase of density in a state of motion from the first cause. In - * 144 MOTIONS OF FLUIDS. [Book I. the same manner, j/'. ^fL is the increase of density from the second h cause. Thus the whole increase is n And if H be the height of the mercury in the barometer when the atmosphere is in equilibrio, its oscillations when in motion will be expressed by £y (y + 2/) ^ /gj^ h The oscillations of the mercury are therefore similar at all heights above the level of the sea, and proportional in their extent to the height of the barometer. Conclusion. 307, The account of the first book of the Mecanique Celeste is thus brought to a conclusion. Arduous as the study of it may seem, the approach in every science, necessarily consisting in elemen- tary principles, must be tedious : but let it not be forgotten, that many important truths, coeval with the existence of matter itself, have already been developed ; and that the subsequent application of the principles which have been established, will lead to the contemplation of the most sublime works of the Creator. The general equation of motion has been formed according to the primordial laws of matter; and the universal application of this one equation, to the motion of matter in every form of which it is susceptible, whether solid or fluid, to a single particle, or to a system of bodies, displays the essential nature of analysis, which comprehends every case that can result from a given law. It is not, indeed, surprising that our limited faculties do not enable us to derive general values of the unknown quantities from this equation : it has been accomplished, it is true, in a few cases, but we must be satisfied with approximate values in by much the greater number of instances. Several circumstances in the solar system materially facilitate the approximations ; these La Place has selected with pro- found judgment, and employed with the greatest dexterity. 145 BOOK II. CHAPTER I. PROGRESS OF ASTRONOMY. 308. The science of astronomy was cultivated very early, and many important observations and discoveries were made, yet no accu- rate inferences leading to the true system of the world were drawn from them, until a much later period. It is not surprising, that men deceived by appearances, occasioned by the rotation of the earth, should have been slow to believe the diurnal motion of the heavens to be an illusion ; but the absurd consequence which the contrary hypothesis involves, convinced minds of a higher order, that the apparent could not be the true system of nature. Many of the ancients were aware of the double motion of the earth ; a system which Copernicus adopted, and confirmed by the comparison of a series of observations, that had been accumulating for ages ; from these he inferred that the precession of the equinoxes miglit be attributed to a motion in the earth's axis. He ascertained the revolution of the planets round the sun, and determined the dimensions of their orbits, till then unknown. Although he proved these truths by evidence which has ultimately dissipated the erro- neous theories resulting from the illusions of the senses, and over- came the objections which were opposed to them by ignorance of the laws of mechanics, this great philosopher, constrained by the prejudices of the times, only dared to publish the truths he had dis- covered, under the less objectionable name of hypotheses. In the seventeenth century, Galileo, assisted by the discovery of the telescope, was the first who saw the magnificent system of Jupiter's satellites, which furnished a new analogy between the planets and the earth : he discovered the phases of Venus, by which he removed all doubts of the revolution of that planet round the sun. Tlie bright spots which he saw in the moon beyond the line which separates the enlightened from the obscure part, showed the existence and height L 146 PROGRESS OF ASTRONOMY. [Book II. of its mountains. He observed the spots and rotation of the sun, and the singular appearances exhibited by the rings of Saturn ; by which discoveries the rotation of the earth was confirmed : but if the rapid progress of mathematical science had not concurred to establish this essential truth, it would liave been overwhelmed and stifled by fanatical zeal. The opinions of Galileo were denounced as heretical by the Inquisition, and he was ordered by the Church of Rome to retract them. At a late period he ventured to promulgate his dis- coveries, but in a different form, vindicating the system of Coper- nicus ; but such was the force of superstition and prejudice, that he, who was alike an honour to his country, and to the human race, was again subjected to the mortification of being obliged to disavow what his transcendent genius had proved to be true. He died at Arcetri in the year 1642, the year in which Newton was bom, carrying with him, says La Place, the regret of Europe, enlightened by his labours, and indignant at the judgment pronounced against liim by an odious tribunal. Tiie truths discovered by Galileo could not fail to mortify the vanity of those who saw the earth, which they conceived to be the centre and primary object of creation, reduced to the rate of but a small planet in a system, which, however vast it may seem, forms but a point in the scale of the universe. The force of reason by degrees made its way, and persecution ceased to be the consequence of stating physical truths, though many difficulties remained to impede its progress, and no ordinary share of moral courage was required to declare it : ' prejudice,' says an emi- nent author, ' bars up the gate of knowledge ; but he who would learn, must despise the timidity that shrinks from wisdom, he must hate the tyranny of opinion that condemns its pursuit : wisdom is only to be obtained by the bold ; prejudices must first be overcome, we must Icam to scorn names, defy idle fears, and use the powers of nature to give us the mastery of nature. There are virtues in plants, in metals, even in woods, that to seek alarms the feeble, but to pos- sess constitutes the mighty.' About the end of the sixteenth, or the beginning of the seven- teenth century, Tycho Brahe made a series of correct and nume- rous observations on the motion of the planets, which laid the foundation of the laws discovered by liis pupil and assistant, Kepler, Chap. I.] PROGRESS OF ASTRONOMY. 147 Tycho Brahe, however, would not admit of the motion of the earth, because he could not conceive how a body detached from it could fol- low its motion : he was convinced tliat the earth was at rest, be- cause a heavy body, falling from a great height, falls nearly at the foot of the vertical. Kepler, one of those extraordinary men, who appear from time to time, to bring to light the great laws of nature, adopted sounder views. A hvely imagination, which disposed him eagerly to search for first causes, tempered by a severity of judgment that made him dread being deceived, formed a character peculiarly fitted to investi- gate the unknown regions of science, and conducted him to the dis- covery of three of the most important laws in astronomy. He directed his attention to the motions of Mars, whose orbit is one of the most eccentric in the planetary system, and as it approaches very near the earth in its oppositions, the inequalities of its motions are considerable ; circmnstances peculiarly favourable for the deter- mination of their laws. He found the orbit of Mars to be an ellipse, having the sun in one of its foci ; and that the motion of the planet is such, that the radius vector drawn from its centre to the centre of the sun, describes equal areas in equal times. He extended these results to all the planets, and in the year 1626, published the Rudolphine Tables, memorable in the annals of astronomy, from being the first that were formed on the true laws of nature. Kepler imagined that something corresponding to certain myste- rious analogies, supposed by the Pythagoreans to exist in the laws of nature, might also be discovered between the mean distances of the planets, and their revolutions round the sun : after sixteen years spent in unavailing attempts, he at length found that the squares of the times of their sidereal revolutions are proportional to the cubes of the greater axes of their orbits ; a ver\' important law, which was afterwards found equally applicable to all the systems of the satellites. It was obvious to the comprehensive mind of Kepler, that motions 80 regular could only arise from some universal principle pcr\ading the whole system. In his work De Stella Martis, he observes, that * two insulated bodies would move towards one another like two magnets, describing spaces reciprocally as their masses. If the earth and moon were not held at the distance that separates them by some L 2 148 PROGRESS OF ASTRONOMY. [Book II. force, they would come in contact, the moon describing H of the distance, and the earth the remainder, supposing them to be equally dense.* ♦ If,' he continues, ' the earth ceased to attract the waters of the ocean, they would go to the moon by the attractive force of that body. The attraction of the moon, whicli extends to the earth, is the cause of the ebb and flow of the sea.' Thus Kepler's work, De Stella Martis, contains the first idea of a principle which Newton and his successors have fully developed. The discoveries of Galileo on falling bodies, those of Huygens on Evolutes, and the centrifugal force, led to the theory of motion in curves. Kepler had determined the curves in which the planets move, and Hook was aware that planetary motion is the result of a force of projection combined with the attractive force of the sun. Such was the state of astronomy when Newton, by his grand and comprehensive views, combined the whole, and connected the most distant parts of the solar system by one universal principle. Having observed that the force of gravitation on the summits of the highest mountains is nearly the same as on the surface of the earth, Newton inferred, that its influence extended to the moon, and, combining with her force of projection, causes that satellite to de- scribe an elliptical orbit round the earth. In order to verify this conjecture, it was necessary to know the law of the diminution of gravitation. Newton considered, that if terrestrial gravitation re- tained the moon in her orbit, the planets must be retained in theirs by their gravitation to the sun ; and he proved this to be the case, by showing the areas to be proportional to the times : but it resulted from the constant ratio found by Kepler between the squares of the times of revolutions of the planets, and the cubes of the greater axes of their orbits, that their centrifugal force, and consequently their tendency to the sun, diminishes in the ratio of the squares of their distances from his centre. Thus the law of diminution was proved with regard to the planets, which led Newton to conjecture, that the same law of diminution takes place in terrestrial gravitation. He extended the laws deduced by Galileo from his experiments on bodies falling at the surface of the earth, to the moon ; and on these principles determined the space she would move through in a second of time, in her descent towarJs the earth, if acted upon by the earth's attraction alone. lie had the satisfaction to find that the action of the Chap. I.] PROGRESS OF ASTRONOMY. 149 earth on the moon is inversely as the square of the distance, thus proving the force which causes a stone to fall at the earth's surface, to be identical with that which retains the moon in her orbit. Kepler having established the point that the planets move in ellipses, having the sun in one of their foci, Newton completed his theory, by showing that a projectile might move in any of the conic sections, if acted on by a force directed to the focus, and in- versely as the square of the distance : he determined the conditions requisite to make the trajectory a circle, an ellipse, a parabola, or hyperbola. Hence he also concluded, that comets move round the sun by the same laws as the planets. A comparison of the magnitude of the orbits of the satellites and the periods of their revolutions, with the same quantities relatively to the planets, made known to him the respective masses and densities of the sun and of planets accompanied by satellites, and the intensity of gravitation at their surfaces. He observed, that the satellites move round their planets nearly as they would have done, had the planets been at rest, whence he concluded that all these bodies obey the same law of gravitation towards the sun : he also concluded, from the equality of action and re-action, that the sun gravitates towards the planets, and the planets towards their satellites ; and that the earth is attracted by all bodies which gravitate towards it. He aftenvards extended tliis law to all the particles of matter, thus esta- blishing the general principle, that each particle of matter attracts all other particles directly as its mass, and inversely as the square of its distance. These splendid discoveries were published by Newton in his Prin- cipia, a work which has been the admiration of mankind, and wliich will continue to be so while science is cultivated. Referring to that stupendous effort of human genius. La Place, who jwjrhaps only yields to Newton in priority of time, thus expresses himself in a letter to the writer of these pages : ' Je public succcssivement Ics divers livres du cinquieme volume qui doit terminer mon traite dc Mecaniqxie Celeste, et dans lequel je donne I'analyse historique des recherches des g^om^tres sur cette matiere. Cela m*a fait relire avec une attention particulierc I'ouvrage incomparable des Principes Mathematiques de la philosophic natu- relle de Newton, qui contient le germe de toutes ces recherches. Plus \ii^ PROGRESS OF ASTRONOMY. [Book II. j'ai etudi^ cet ouvrage, plus il m'a paru admirable, en me trans- portant surtout h T^poque oh. il a (ite public. Mais en m^me tems que j'ai senti I'tJl^gance de la mt^thode sjTithetique suivant laquelle Newton a prtlsentfe ses dtJcouvertes, j'ai reconnu I'indispcnsable necessity de I'analyse pour approfondir les questions tres difBciles qu'il n'a pu qu'effleurer par la synthase. Je vois avec un grand plaisir vos mathematicians se livrer maintenant Si I'analyse ; et je ne doute point qu'en suivant cette m^thode avec la sagacite propre a votre nation, lis ne soient conduits h d'importantes de- couvertes.' Tlie reciprocal gravitation of the bodies of the solar system is a cause of great irregularities in their motions ; many of wliich had been explained before the time of La Place, but some of the most im- portant liad not been accounted for, and many were not even known to exist. The author of the Mecanique Celeste therefore undertook the arduous task of forming a complete system of physical astronomy, in which the various motions in nature should be deduced from the first principles of mechanics. It would have been impossible to accompHsh this, had not the improvements in analysis kept pace with the rapid advance in astronomy, a pursuit in which many have acquired immortal fame ; that La Place is pre-eminent amongst these, will be most readily acknowledged by those who are best acquainted with his works. Having endeavoured in the first book to explain the laws by which force acts upon matter, we shall now compare those laws with the actual motions of the heavenly bodies, in order to arrive by analytical reasoning, entirely independent of hypothesis, at the principle of that force which animates the solar system. The laws of mechanics may be traced with greater precision in celestial space than on earth, where the results arc so complicated, that it is diificult to unravel, and still more so to subject them to calculation : whereas the bodies of the solar system, separated by vast distances, and acted upon by a force, the effects of which may be readily estimated, are only disturbed in their respective movements by such small forces, that the general equations comprehend all the changes which ages have produced, or may hereafter produce in the system ; and in explaining the pheno- mena it is not necessary to have recourse to vague or imaginary causes, for the law of universal gravitation may be reduced to calcu- Chap. I.] PROGRESS OF ASTRONOMY. 151 lation, the results of which, confirmed by actual observation, afford the most substantial proof of its existence. It will be seen that this great law of nature represents all the phe- nomena of the heavens, even to the most minute details ; that there is not one of the inequalities which it does not account for ; and that it has even anticipated observation, by unfolding the causes of several singular motions, suspected by astronomers, but so complicated in their nature, and so long in their periods, that observation alone could not have determined them but in many ages, By the law of gravitation, therefore, astronomy is now become a great problem of mechanics, for the solution of which, the figure and masses of the planets, their places, and velocities at any given time, are the only data which observation is required to furnish. We proceed to give such an account of the solution of this problem, as the nature of the subject and the limits of this work admit of. 152 [Book II. CHAPTER II. ON THE LAW OF UMVERSAL GRAVITATION, DEDUCED FROM OBSERVATION. 309. The three laws of Kepler furnish the data from which the principle of gravitation is established, namely : — i. That the radii vectores of the planets and comets describe areas proportional to the time. ii. That the orbits of the planets and comets are conic sections, having the sun in one of their foci. iii. That the squares of the periodic times of the planets are pro- portional to the cubes of their mean distances from the sun. 310. It has been show-n, that if the law of the force which acts on a moving body be known, the curve in which it moves may be found ; or, if the curve in which the body moves be given, the law of the force may be ascertained. In the general equation of the motion of a body in article 144, both the force and the path of the body are indeterminate ; therefore in applying that equation to the motion of the planets and comets, it is necessary to know the orbits in which they move, in order to ascertain the nature of the force that acts on them. 311. In the general equation of the motion of a body, the forces acting on it are resolved into three component forces, in the direc- tion of tliree rectangular axes ; but as the paths of the planets, satel- lites, and comets, are proved by the observations of Kepler to be conic sections, they always move in the same plane : therefore the component force in the direction perpendicular to that plane is zero, and the other two component forces are in the plane of the orbit. 312. Let AmP, fig. 62, be the elliptical orbit of a planet m, hav- ing the centre of the sun in the focus S, which is /Iff. 62. jjjgQ assumed as the ori- gin of the co-ordinates. Tlie imaginary line Sm joining the centre of the sun and the centre of the planet is the radius vec- tor. Suppose the two Chap. II.] LAW OF UNIVERSAL GRAVITATION. 153 component forces to be in the direction of the axes Sx, Sy, then the component force Z is zero ; and as the body is free to move in every direction, the virtual velocities Sx, 5y are zero, which divides the general equation of motion in article 144 into d'X _ Y ^ dy _^ Y" . W ' IF^ ' giving a relation between each component force, the space that it causes the body to describe on ox, or oy, and the time. If the first of these two equations be multiplied by — y, and added to the second multiplied by x, their sum will be djxdy^ydx) _ y^ _ xy. di?- But xdy — ydx is double the area that the radius vector of the planet describes round the sun in the instant dt. According to the first law of Kepler, this area is proportional to the time, so that xdy — ydx == cdt ; and as c is a constant quantity, djxdy — ydx) _, ^^ therefore Yx — Xy = 0, whence X : Y : : j; : y ; 80 that the forces X and Y are in the ratio of x to y, that is as Sp to «m, and thus their resulting force mS passes through S, the centre of the sun. Besides, the curve described by the planet is concave towards the sun, whence the force that causes the planet to describe that curve, tends towards the sun. And thus the law of the areas being proportional to the time, leads to this important result, — that the force which retains the planets and comets in their orbits, is directed towards the centre of the sun. 313. The next step is to ascertain the law by which the force varies at different distances from the sun, which is accomplished by tlie consideration, that these bodies alternately approach and recede from him at each revolution; the nature of elliptical motion, then, ought to give that law. If the equation f!!i = X df^ be multiplied by dx, and -^ = Y, 1-54 LAW OF UNIVERSAL GRAVITATION. [Book II. by dyj their sum is drd^x + dyd^y ^ xdr + Ydy, dt^ ^ and its integral is the constant quantity being indicated by the integral sign. Now the law of areas gives ^f — xdy - ydx c which changes the preceding equation to In order to transform this into a polar equation, let r represent the radius vector Sm, fig. 62, and v the angle mSy, then Sp = cc = r coa v; pm = y = rsinv, and r = Vj« + y* whence dx^ + dy^ = r'du" + dr*, xdy — ydx = r'dv ; and if the resulting force of X and Y be represented by F, then F : X :: SmiSp :: i : cost?; hence X = — Fcos v\; the sign is negative, because the force Fin the direction mS, tends to diminish the co-ordinates ; in the same manner it is easy to see that Y = - Fsin » ; F= VX« -f-Y* ; and Xdx + Ydy = - Fdr ; so that the equation (82) becomes = ^{^^"' •+ d^\ + 2/Frfr. (83) whence rfu=:. ^ ^ r Aj-c*-2r'fFdr 314. If the force F be known in terms of the distance r, this equation will give the nature of the curve described by the body. But the differential of equation (83) gives ( dr» I F= — - ^dUw£. (84) ^ '^ dr Thus a value of the resulting force F is obtamed in terms of the variable radius vector Sm, and of the corresixjnding variable angle mSy ; but in order to have a value of the force F in terms of mS alone, it is necessary to know the angle ySm in terms of Sm. Chap. II.] LAW OF UNIVERSAL GRAVITATION. 155 Tlie planets move in ellipses, having the sun in one of their foci ; tlierefore let ts represent the angle 7SP, which the greater axis AP makes with the axes of the co-ordinates Sx, and let v be the angle fySm. Then if _, the ratio of the eccentricity to the greater axis be e, and CP the greater axis CP = a, the polar equation of conic sections is „^ a(l-e^) / ^— ^j l+eco8(t?— tlT) which becomes a parabola when e = 1, and a infinite ; and a hyper- bola when e is greater than unity and a negative. This equation gives a value of r in terms of the angle ySm or v, and thence it may be found tliat di^i __ 2 _ J_ _ 1 r*dxi* aril - e^) r» o*(l - e*) which substituted in equation (84) gives P = — ^_. -L. c' The coefficient b constant, therefore F vanes m a(l - O versely as the square of r or Sm. Wherefore the orbits of the planets and comets being conic sections, the force varies inversely as the square of the distance of these bodies from the sun. Now as the force F varies inversely as the square of the distance, it may be represented by — , in which A is a constant coefficient, r* expressing the intensity of the force. The equation of conic sections will satisfy equation (84) when — • is put for F ; whence as h = a(l - «•) forms an equation of condition between the constant quantities a and e, the three arbitrary quantities a, e, and vy, are reduced to two ; and as equation (83) is only of the second order, the finite equation of conic sections is its integral. 315. Thus, if the orbit be a conic section, the force is inversely as the square of the distance ; and if the force varies inversely as the square of the distance, the orbit is a conic section. The planets and 156 LAW OF UNIVERSAL GRAVITATION. [Book II. comets therefore describe conic sections in virtue of a primitive im- pulse and an accelerating force directed to the centre of the sun, and varying according to the preceding law, the least deviation from which would cause them to move in curves of a totally different nature. 316. In every orbit the point P, fig. G3, which is nearest the sun, is the perihelion, and in the ellipse the point A farthest from the sun is the aphelion. SP is the perihelion distance of the body from the sun. 317. A body moves in a conic section with a different velocity in every point of its orbit, and with a perpetual tendency to fly off in the direction of the tangent, but this tendency is counteracted by the attraction of the sun. At the perihelion, the velocity of a planet is greatest ; therefore its tendency to leave the sun exceeds the force of attraction : but the continued action of the sun diminishes the velocity as the distance increases ; at the aphelion the velocity of the planet is least : therefore its tendency to leave the sun is less than the force of attraction which increases the velocity as the distance diminishes, and brings the planet back towards the sun, accelerating its velocity so much as to overcome the force of attraction, and carry the planet again to the perihelion. This alternation is continually repeated. 318. When a planet is in the point B, or D, it is said to be in quadrature, or at its mean distance from the sun. In the ellipse, the mean distance, SB or SD, is equal to CP, half the greater axis; the eccentricity is CS. 319. The periodic time of a planet is the time in which it revolves round the sun, or the time of moving through 360°. The periodic time of a satellite is the time in which it revolves about its primary. 320. From the equation p_ c 1_ a(l -c*) ' r»' it may be shown, that the force F varies, with regard to different planets, inversely as the square of their respective distances from the Bun. The quantity 2a(l — c*) is 2SV, the parameter of the orbit, which is invariable in any one curve, but is different in each conic section. The intensity of the force depends on c* c« or — — -, fl(l - eO bV Chap. II.] LAW OF UNIVERSAL GRAVITATION. 157 which may be found by Kepler's laws. Let T represent the time of the revolution of a planet ; the area described by its radius vector in this time is the whole area of the ellipse, or where t = 3.14159 the ratio of the circumference to the diameter. But the area described by the planet during the indefinitely small time dt, is If cdt ; hence the law of Kepler gives ^cdt : ira« V 1 - e* ;: dt : T ; whence c But, by Kepler's third law, the squares of the periodic times of the pla- nets are proportional to the cubes of their mean distances from the sun ; therefore k being the same for all tiie planets. 2Ta= Vl -c' (85) Hence 2ir Va(l - e*) but 2a (1 — e") is 2SV, the parameter of the orbit. Therefore, in different orbits compared together, the values of c are as the areas traced by the radii vectores in equal times ; consequently these areas are proportional to the square roots of the parameters of the orbits, either of planets or comets. If tills value of c be put in F = it becomes F= J- • = /i JL Ax* in which or A, is the same for all the planets and comets ; the force, therefore, varies inversely as the square of the distance of each from the centre of the sun : consequently, if all these bodies were 158 LAW OF UNIVERSAL GRAVITATION. [Book II. placed at equal distances from tlie sun, and put in motion at the same instant from a state of rest, they would move through equal spaces in equal times ; so that all would arrive at the sun at the same instant, — properties first demonstrated geometrically by Newton from the laws of Kepler. 821. That the areas described by comets are proportional to the square roots of the parameters of their orbits, is a result of theory more sensibly verified by observation than any other of its consequences. Comets are only visible for a short time, at most a few months, when they are near their perihelia ; but it is difficult to determine in what curve they move, because a very eccentric ellipse, a para- bola, and hyperbola of the same perihelion distance coincide through a small space on each side of the perihelion. The periothc time of a comet cannot be known from one appearance. Of more than a hundred comets, whose orbits have been computed, the return of only three has been ascertained. A few have been calculated in very elliptical orbits; but in general it has been found, that the places of comets computed in parabolic orbits agree with observa- tion : on that account it is usual to assume, that comets move in parabolic curves. 322. In a parabola the parameter is equal to twice the perihelion distance, or o(l -e«)= 2D; hence, for comets, c = — V 2D. For, in this case, c =: 1 and a is infinite ; therefore, in different parabolae, the areas described in equal times are proportional to the square roots of their perihelion distances. This affords the means of ascertaining how near a comet approaches to the sun. Five or six comets seem to have hyperbolic orbits ; consequently they could only be once visible, in their transit through the system to which we belong, wandering in the immensity of space, perhaps to visit other suns and other systems. It is probable that such bodies do exist in the infinite variety of creation, though their appearance is rare. Most of the comets that we have seen, however, are thought to move in extremely Chap. II.] LAW OF UNIVERSAL GRAVITATION. 199 eccentric ellipses, returning to our system after very long intervals. Two hundred years have not elapsed since comets were observed with accuracy, a time which is probably greatly exceeded by the enormous periods of the revolutions of some of these bodies. 323. The three laws of Kepler, deduced from the observations of Tycho Brahe, and from his own observations of Mars, form an era of vast importance in the science of astronomy, being the bases on which Newton founded the universal principle of gravitation : they lead us to regard the centre of the sun as the focus of an attrac- tive force, extending to an infinite distance in all directions, de- creasing as the squares of the distance increase. Each law discloses a particular property of this force. The areas described by the radius vector of each planet or comet, being proportional to the time employed in describing them, shows that the principal force which urges these bodies, is always directed towards the centre of the sun. The ellipticity of the planetary orbits, and the nearly parabolic motion of the comets, prove that for each planet and comet this force is reciprocally as the square of the distance from the sun ; and, lastly, the squares of the periodic times, being proportional to the cubes of the mean distances, proves that the areas described in equal times by the radius vector of each body in the different orbits, are proportional to the square roots of the parameters — a law which is equally applicable to planets and comets. 324. The satellites observe the laws of Kepler in moving round their primaries, and gravitate towards the planets inversely as the square of their distances from their centre ; but they must also gravitate towards the sun, in order that their relative motions round their planets may be the same as if the planets were at rest. Hence the satellites must gravitate towards their planets and towards the sun inversely as the squares of the distances. The eccentricity of the orbits of the two first satellites of Jupiter is quite insensible ; that of the third inconsiderable ; that of the fourth is evident. Tlie great distance of Saturn has hitherto prevented the eccentricity of the orbits of any of its satellites from being perceived, with the excep- tion of the sixth. But the law of the gravitation of the satellites of Jupiter and Saturn is derived most clearly from tliis ratio, — that, for each system of satellites, the squares of their pcriotlic times are as tlie cubes of their mean distances from the centres of their respective 160 LAW OF UNIVERSAL GRAVITATION. [Book II. fig. 64. planets. For, imagine a satellite to de- scribe a circular orbit, with a radius PD = a, fig. 64, its mean distance from J, the centre of the planet. Let T be the duration of a sidereal revolution of the D satellite, then 3.14159 = ir, being the ratio of the circumference to the diameter, a 2v f will be the very small arc Dc that the satellite describes in a second. If the attractive force of the planet were to cease for an instant, the satellite would fly off in the tangent De, and would be farther from the centre of the planet by a quantity equal to aD, the versed sine of the arc Dc. But the value of the versed sine is a. , which is the distance that the attractive force of the planet causes the satellite to fall through in a second. Now, if another satellite be considered, whose mean distance is Pd = a', and T^ the duration of its sidereal revolution, its deflection will be a' — in a second ; but if F and P be the attractive forces of the planet at the distances PD and Pd, they will evidently be pro- portional to the quantities they make the two satellites fall through in a second ; 2t* hence F: F' Tf or F:F::ii Jig _• but the squares of the periodic times are as the cubes of the mean distances ; hence whence F'.F' ::— : JL- Thus the satellites gravitate to their primaries inversely as the square of the distance. Chap. II.] LAW OF UNIVERSAL GRAVITATION. 161 825. As the earth has but one satellite, this comparison cannot be made, and therefore the ellipticity of the lunar orbit is the only celestial phenomenon by which we can know the law of tlie moon's attractive force. If the earth and tlic moon were the only bodies in the system, the moon would describe a perfect ellipse about the earth ; but, in consequence of the action of the sun, the path of the moon is sensibly disturbed, and therefore is not a perfect ellipse ; on this account some doubts may arise as to the diminution of the attractive force of the eartli as the inverse square of the distance. The analogy, indeed, which exists between this force and the attractive force of the sun, Jupiter, and Saturn, would lead to the. belief that it follows the same law, because the solar attraction acts equally on all bodies placed at the same distance from the sun, in the same manner that terrestrial gravitation causes all bodies in vacuo to fall from equal heights in equal times. A projectile thrown horizontally from a height, falls to the earth after having described a parabola. If the force of projection were greater, it would fall at a greater distance ; and if it amounted to 30772.4 feet in a second, and were not resisted by the air, it would revolve like a satellite about the earth, because its centrifugal force would then be equal to its gravitation. This body would move in all respects like the moon, if it were projected with the same force, at the same height. It may be proved, that tlie force which causes the descent of heavy bodies at the surface of the earth, diminishetl in the inverse ratio of the square of the distance, is sufficient to retain the moon in her orbit, but this requires a knowledge of the lunar parallax. On Parallax. 326. Let m, fig. 65, be a body in its orbit, and C the centre of the earth, assumed to be spherical. A person on the surface of the earth, at E, would see the body m in the direction EmB ; but the body would appear, in the direction CmA, to a person in C, the centre of the earth. The angle CmE, which measures the difierence of these directions, is the parallax of m. If 2 be the zenith of 162 LAW OF UNIVERSAL GRAVITATION. [Book II. an observer at E, the angle zEm, called the zenith distance of the body, may be measured ; hence mEC is known, and the difference between zEm and zCm is equal to CmE, the parallax, then if CE = R, Cm = r, and zEm = z, R sine CmE = — sin z ; r hence, if CE and Cm remain the same, the sine of the parallax, CmE, will vary as the sine of the zenith distance zEm ; and when zEm = 90°, as in fig. 67, T) R 8m P = — ; r P being the value of the angle CmE in this case ; then the parallax is a maximum, for Em is tangent to the earth, and, as the body m is seen in the horizon, it is called the horizontal parallax ; hence the sine of the horizontal parallax is equal to the terrestrial radius divided by the distance of the body from the centre of the earth. 327. The length of the mean terrestrial radius is known, the hori- zontal parallax may be determined by observation, therefore the dis- tance of m from the centre of the earth is known. By this method the dimensions of the solar system have been ascertained with great accuracy. If the distance be very great compared with the diameter of the earth, the parallax will be insensible. If CwE were an angle of the fourth of a second, it would be inappreciable; an arc of 1" = 0.000004848 of the radius, the fourth of a second is there- fore 0.000001212 = — ^ ; and thus, if a body be distant from 825082 •' the earth by 825082 of its semidiameters, or 3265660000 miles, it will be seen in the s.ime position from every point of the earth's surface. The parallax of all the celestial bodies is very small : even that of the moon at its maximum does not much exceed 1°. 328. P being the horizontal parallax, let jj be the parallax EmC, fig. 66, at any height. When P is known, p may be found, and R the contrary, for if — be eUminated, then sin p =: sin P sin z, and r when P is constant, sin p varies as sm z. Chap. II.] LAW OF UNIVERSAL GRAVITATION. 163 329. Tlje horizontal parallax is determined as follows : let E and E', fig. 66, be two places on the same meridian of the earth's surface ; ^ gg that is, which contemporaneously have the same noon. Suppose the latitudes ^' of these two places to be perfectly known ; when a body m is on the me- ridian, let its zenith distances rEm = z, z'E'm = 2', be measured by two observers in E and E'. Then ECE', the sum of the lati- tudes, is known, and also the angles CEm, CE'm ; hence EmE', EmC, and E'mC may be determined ; for P is so small, that it may be put for its sine ; therefore sin j9 = P sin z, sin p' = P sin 2' ; and as p and p' are also very small, j5 + 7?' = P { sin 2 -f- sin 2'.} Now, p + p' is equal to the angle EmE', under which the chord of the terrestrial arc EE', which joins the two observers, would be seen from the centre of m, and it is the fourth angle of the quadri- lateral CEmE'. But CEwi = 180° - 2, CE'm = 180«> - 2', and if ECm + E'Cm r= 0, then 180^— 2 + 180°-5' + p+y + 0=360°; hence p + p' zz z + z' — 0; therefore the two values of p -\- p' give p_ 2 + Z — sm z + sm 2' which is the horizontal parallax of the body, when the observers are on different sides of Cm ; but when they are on the same side, p_ 2 - 2' - sin 2 — sin 2' It requires a small correction, since the earth, being a spheroid, the lines ZE, Z'E' do not pass through C, the centre of the eartlu Thc parallax of the moon and of Mars were determined in this manner, from observations made by La Caille at the Cape of Good Hope, in the southern hemisphere ; and by Wargesten at Stock- M 2 164 LAW OF UNIVERSAL GRAVITATION. [Book II. holm, which is nearly on the same meridian in the northern hemi- sphere. 330, The horizontal parallax varies with the distance of the body from the earth ; for it is evident that the greater the distance, the less the parallax. It varies also with the parallels of terrestrial lati- tude, the earth, being a spheroid, the length of the radius decreases from the equator to the poles. It is on this account that, at the mean distance of the moon, the horizontal parallax observed in dif- ferent latitudes varies; proving the elliptical figure of the earth. The difference between the mean horizontal parallax at the equator and at the poles, from this cause, is 10". 3. 331. In order to obtain a value of the moon's horizontal parallax, independent of these incquaUties, the horizontal parallax is chosen at the mean distance of the moon from the earth, and on that pa- rallel of terrestrial latitude, the square of whose sine is ^, because the attraction of the earth upon the corresponding points of its sur- face is nearly equal to the mass of the earth, divided by the square of the mean distance of the moon from the earth. This is called the constant part of the horizontal parallax. The force which retains the moon in her orbit may now be determined. Force of Gravitation at the Moon. 332. If the force of gravity be assumed to decrease as the inverse square of the distance, ■ it is clear that the force of gravity at E, fig. 67, would be, to the same force at m, the distance of the moon, as the square of Cm to the square of CE ; but CE divided by Cm is the sine of the horizontal parallax of the moon, the constant part of which is found by observa- tion to be 57' 4". 17 in the latitude in question ; hence the force of gravity, reduced to the distance of the moon, is equal to tho^force of gravity at E on the earth's surface, multiplied by sin' 57' 4". 17, the square of the sine of the constant part of the horizontal parallax. Since the earth is a spheroid, whose equatorial diameter is greater than its polar diameter, the force of gravity increases from the equa- Chap. II.] LAW OP UNIVERSAL GRAVITATION. 165 tor to tlie poles ; but it has the same intensity in all points of the earth's surface in the same latitude. Now the space through which a heavy body would fall during a second in the latitude the square of whose sine is ^, has been ascer- tained by experiments with the pendulum to be 16.0697 feet; but the effect of the centrifugal force makes this quantity less than it would otherwise be, since that force has a tendency to make bodies fly off from the earth. At the equator it is equal to the 288th part of gravity ; but as it decreases from the equator to the poles as the square of the sine of the latitude, the force of gravity in that latitude the square whose sine is ^, is only diminished by two-thirds of -^^ or by its 432nd part. But the 432nd part of 16.0697 is 0.0372, and adding it to 16.0697, the whole effect of terrestrial gravity in the latitude in question is 16. 1069 feet ; and at the distance of the moon it is 16.1069 . sin* 57' 4'M7 nearly. But in order to have this quantity more exactly it must be multiplied by ^|-^, because it is found by the theory of the moon's motion, that the action of the sun on the moon diminishes its gravity to the earth by a quantity, the constant part of which is equal to the 358th part of that gravity. Again, it must be multiplied by ff , because the moon in her rela- tive motion round the earth, is urged by a force equal to the sum of the masses of the earth and moon divided by the square of Cm, their mutual distance. It appears by the theory of the tides that the mass of the moon is only the i^ of that of the earth which is taken as the unit of measure ; hence the sum of the masses of the two bodies is 75 75 Then if the terrestrial attraction be really the force that retains the moon in her orbit, she must fall through 16.1069 X 8in«57' 4". 17 X ^^ X — = 0.00448474 358 75 of a foot in a second. 333. Let mS, fig. 68, be the small arc which the moon would de- scribe in her orbit in a second, and let C be the centre of the earth. If the attraction of the earth were suddenly to cease, the moon woidd * 166 LAW OF UNIVERSAL GRAVITAXION. [Book H. fig. 68. go off in the tangent mT ; and at the end of the second she would be in T instead of S ; hence the space that the attraction of the earth causes the moon to fall through in a second, is equal to mn the versed sine of the arc Sw. The arc Sm is found by simple propor- tion, for the periodic time of the moon is 27^^'. 32166, or 2360591", and since the lunar orbit without sensible error may be assumed equal to the circumference of a circle whose radius is the mean distance of the moon from the earth ; it is 2Cm . ir, or if be put for », 2Cm . , 113 113 therefore 2360591" : 1" : : 2Cwi -i£l : Sm 1 lo ^ Sm = 2(355). Cm. 1- ^ 113(2360591") The arc Sm is so small that it may be taken for its chord, therefore (toS)" = Cm . mn ; hence 4(355)MCm)« ^gCm.mn; (113)» (2360591")* ,, 2(355)« . Cm consequently mn= — ^^ :- — . ^ ^ (113)* (2360591")* Again, the radius C£ of the earth in the latitude the square of whose sine is |-, is computed to be 20898700 feet from the mensuration of the degrees of the meridian : and since CE = 8in57'4'M7, r = m- 174 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS OF LBook II. The wliole motions of the planets and satellites are derived from these equations, for S may either be considered to be the sun, and m, m', &c. planets ; or S may be taken for a planet, and m, m', &c. for its satellites. If one planet only moved round the sun, its orbit would be a perfect ellipse, but by the attraction of the other planets, its elliptical motion is very much altered, and rendered extremely com- plicated. 348. It appears then, that the problem of planetary motion, in its most general sense, is the determination of the motion of a body when attracted by one body, and disturbed by any number of others. The only results that can be obtained from the preceding equations, which express this general problem, are the principle of areas and living forces ; and that the motion of the centre of gravity is uni- form, rectilinear, and in no way affected by the mutual action of the bodies. As these properties have been already proved to exist in a system of bodies mutually attracting each other, whatever the law of the force might be, provided that it could be expressed in functions of the distance ; it evidently follows, that they must exist in the solar system, where the force is inversely as the square of tlie distance, which is only a particular case of the more general theorem. As no other results can be obtained from these general equations in the present state of analysis, the effects of one disturbing body is estimated at a time, but as this cJin be re- peated for each body in the system, the disturbing action of all the planets on any one may be found. 349. The problem of planetary motion when so limited is, to de- termine, at any given time, the place of a body when attracted by one body and disturbed by another, the masses, distances, and positions of the bodies being given. This is the celebrated problem of three bodies; it is extremely complicated, and the most refined and labo- rious analysis is requisite to select among the infinite number of in- equalities to which the planets arc liable, those that arc |x;rceptible, and to assign their values. Although this problem has employed the greatest mathematicians from Newton to the present day, it can only be solved by approximation. 350. The action of a planet on the sun, or of a satellite on its Chap. III.] MUTUALLY ATTRACTIVE BODIES. 175 primary, shortens its periodic time, if the planet be very large when compared with tiie sun, or the satellite when compared with its pri- mary ; for, as the ratio of the cube of the greater axis of the orbit to the square of the periodic time is proportional to the sum of the masses of the sun and the planet, Kepler's law would vary in the dif- ferent orbits, according to the masses if they were considerable. But as the law is nearly the same for all the planets, their masses must be very small in comparison to that of the sun ; and it is the same with regard to the satellites and their primaries. The volumes of the sun and planets confirm this ; if the centre of the sun were to coincide with the centre of the earth, his volume would not only include the orbit of the moon, but would extend as far again, whence we may form some idea of his magnitude ; and even Jupiter, the largest planet of the solar system, is incomparably smaller than the sun. 351. Thus any modifications in the periodic times, tliat could be produced by the action of the planets on the sun, must be insen- sible. As the masses of the planets are so small, their disturbing forces are very much less than the force of the sun, and therefore their orbits, although not strictly elliptical, are nearly so ; and the areas described so nearly proportional to the time, that the action of the disturbing force may at first be neglected; then the body may be estimated to move in a perfect ellipse. Hence the first approxima- tion is, to find the place of a body revolving round the sun in a per- fect ellipse at a given time. In the second approximation, the greatest effects of the disturbing forces are found ; in the tliird, the next greatest, and so on progressively, till they become so small, that they may be omitted in computation without sensible error. By these approximations, the place of a body may be found with very great accuracy, and that accuracy is verified by comparing its computed place with its observed place. The same method applies to the satellites. Fortunately, the formation of the planetary system affords singular facilities for accomplishing these approximations : one of the prin- cipal circumstances is the division of the system into partial systems, formed by the planets and their satellites. These systems are such, that the distances of the satellites from their primaries are very much less than the distances of their primaries from the sun. Whence, the action of the sun being very nearly the same on the planet and on 17G DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS OP [Book II. its satellites, the satellites move very nearly as if they were only influenced by the attraction of the planet. Motion of the Centre of Gravity. 352. From this formation it also follows, that the motion of the centre of gravity of a planet and its satellites, is very nearly the same as if all these bodies were united in one mass at that point. Let C be the centre of gravity of a system of bodies m, m', m", &c., as, for example, of a planet and its satellites, and let S be any body not belonging to the system, as the sun. It was shown, in the first book, that the force which urges the centre of gravity of a system of bodies parallel to any straight line, Sx, is equal to the sum of the forces which urge the bodies m, m', &c. parallel to this straight line, multiiilied respectively by their masses, the whole being divided by the sum of their masses. It was also shown, that the mutual action and attraction of bodies united together in any manner whatever, has no effect on the centre of gravity of the system, whether at rest or in motion. It is, there- fore, sufficient to determine the action of the body S, not belong- ing to the system, on its centre of gravity. Let I", y, 5, be the co-ordinates of C, /^« 70. fig. 70, the centre of gravity of the sys- tem referred to S, the centre of the sun ; and let x, y, z, x', y', z', &c., be the co- ordinates of the bodies m, m', m", &c., referred to C, their common centre of gravity. Imagine also, that the dis- P « lances Cm, Cm', &c., of the bodies from their centre of gravity, are very small in comparison of SC, tlie dis- tance of the centre of gravity from the sun. The action of the body m on the sun at S, when resolved in the direction Sx, is m.(x 4- x) in which m is the mass of the body, and r = 'J {x + xy -{■ (3 + yy + {z + zy. But the action of the sun on m is to the action of m on the sun, as Chap. III.] MUTUALLY ATTRACTIVE BODIES. 177 5, tlie mass of the sun, to m, tlie mass of the body ; hence the action of these two bodies on C, the centre of gravity of the system, is m (J + x) - s. zzzi. m The same relation exists for each of the bodies ; if we therefore represent the sum of the actions in the axes ox by .y m(x + x) ^' 7—' and the sum of the masses by 2.m, the whole force that acts on the ceytre of gravity in the direction Sx will be m(x+ x) -s. ■ 2.W Now, X + X, fig. 70, is equal to Sp + pa, but Sp and pa are the distances of the sun and of the body m from C, estimated on Sx; as pa is incomparably less than Sp, the square of pa may be omitted without sensible error, and also the squares of y and 2, together with the products of these small quantities ; then if f = SC = V 3» + y» + ?, the quantity ~^'^ becomes X + X ., or(l + x){r« + 2(Ij + ^ + 5z)}-f. And expanding this by the binomial theorem, it becomes ^ ^ _ 3x{7x-^yy + zz} Now, the same expression will be found for x\ y', r', &c., the co- ordinates of the other bodies ; and as by the nature of the centre of gravity S.ttu: = 0, 2.wjy = 0, 2.»J2 = 0, the expression y m(I-}-x) ? S.I- — S V becomes — — r-, S.2. -^ 7^ S.J or — 27/1 ~ F • that is, when the squares and products of the small quantities x, y, z, &c., are omitted ; hence the centre of gravity of the system is urged N 178 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS OP [Book II. by the action of the sun in the direction Sx, as if all the masses were united in C, tlieir common centre of gravity. It is evident that are the forces urging the centre of gravity in the other two axes. 353. In considering the relative motion of the centre of gravity of the system round S, it will be found that the action of the system of bodies m, m', m", &c., on S in the axes ox, oy, oz, are x.^m^ 3/.2m^ 5.2m when the squares and products of the distances of the bodies from their common centre of gravity are omitted. Tliese act in a direc- tion contrary to the origin. Whence the action of the system on S is nearly the same as if all their masses were united in their common centre of gravity ; and the centre of gravity is urged in the direction of the axes by the sum of the forces, or by -{S + 2.m} ^, -{S + 2.m}^, (88) r and thus tlie centre of gravity moves as if all the masses »n, m', m", &c., were united in their common centre of gravity ; since the co- ordinates of the bodies m, m', m", &c., have vanished from all the preceding results, leaving only x, p, z, those of the centre of gravity. From the preceding investigation, it appears that the system of a planet and its satellites, acts on the other bodies of the system, nearly as if the planet and its satellites were united in their common centre of gravity ; and this centre of gravity is attracted by the different bodies of the system, according to the same law, owing to the distance between planets being comparatively so much greater than that of satellites from their primaries. Attraction of Spheroids. 354. The heavenly bodies consist of an infinite number of particles subject to the law of gravitation ; and the magnitude of these bodies Chap. III.] MUTUALLY ATTRACTIVE BODIES. ^?^ bears so small a proportion to the distances between them, that they act upon one another as if the mass of each were condensed in it6 centre of gravity. The planets and satellites are therefore considered as heavy points, placed in their respective centres of gravity. This approximation is rendered more exact by their form being nearly spherical: these bodies may be regarded as formed of spherical layers or shells, of a density varying from the centre to the surface, whatever the law may be of that variation. If the attraction of one of these layers, on a point interior or exterior to itself, can be found, the attraction of the whole spheroid may be determined. Let C, fig. 71, be the centre of a spherical shell of homogeneous matter, and CP = a, the distance of the attracted point P from the / ^ ^ ^ fig. 71. centre of the shell. As every- thing is symmetrical round CP, the whole attraction of the sphe- roid on P must be in the direction of tliis line. If dm be an element of the shell at m, and /=: wiP be its distance from the point attracted, then, assuming the action to be in the inverse ratio of the distance, — — is the attraction of the particle on P ; and if CPm = y, this action, resolved in the direction CP, will be . cos 7, and the P whole attraction A of the shell on P, will be Vm.cos 7 =/^ p The position of the element dm, in space, will be determined by the angle mCP =: 6, Cm = r, and by w, the inclination of the plane PCm on mCx. But, by article 278, dm = r* sinG drdvs d6 ; and from the triangle CPm it appears that a — r cobO f a— r CO8 y« — a' — 2ar cos + r* ; cos 7 = hence A "= fr^ waO.drdrsd^ . is the attraction of the whole shell on P, for the integral must be taken from r = CB to r = CD, and from = 0, Sp, according as it is estimated on the orbit, or on the ecliptic ; and mSp, the angular height of m above the plane of the ecliptic, is its latitude. As the position of the first point of Aries is known, it is evident that the place of a planet m in its orbit is found, when the angles opSm, mSp, and Sm, its distance from the sun, are known at any given time, or cf>Sp, pSm, and Sp, which are more generally employed. But in order to ascertain the real place of a body, it is also requisite to know the nature of the orbit in which it moves, and the position of the orbit in space. This depends on six constant quantities, CS AP, the greater axis of the ellipse; — __, the eccentricity; cipSP, the longitude of P, the perihelion ; SN, the longitude of N, the ascending node; ENP, the inclination of the orbit on the plane of the ecliptic ; and on the longitude of the epoch, or position of the body at the origin of the time. These six quantities, called the yig. 72. elements of the orbit, are deter- mined by observation ; therefore the object of analysis is to form equations between the longitude, ^| latitude, and distance from the sun, in values of the time ; and from them to compute tables which will give values of these three quantities, corresponding to any assumed time, for a planet or satellite; so that the situation of every body in the system may be ascertained by inspection alone, for any time past, present, or future. 363. Tlie motion of the earth differs from that of any other planet, only in having no latitude, since it moves in the plane of the 184 ELLIPTICAL MOTION OF THE PLANETS. [Book II. ecliptic, which passes through the centre of the sun. In conse- quence of the mutual attraction of the celestial bodies, the position of the ecliptic is variable to a very minute extent ; but as the varia- tion is known, its position can be ascertained. 364. The motions of the celestial bodies, and the positions of their orbits, will be referred to the known position of this plane at some assumed epoch, say 1750, unless the contrary be ex- pressly mentioned. It will therefore be assumed to be the plane of the co-ordinates x and y, and will be called the Fixed Plane, Motion of one Body. 365. If the undistiurbed elliptical motion of one body round the 8un be considered, the equations in article 146 become ^ + ^ = 0, ^ + ^ := 0, (89) ^ + ^ = 0, where ^ is put for S + m, the sum of the masses of the sun and planet, and r = V ^* +.y* + z*. In these three equations, the force is inversely as the square of the distance ; they ought therefore to give all the circumstances of elliptical motion. Their finite values will give x, y, z, in values of the time, which may be assumed at pleasure : thus the place of the body in its elliptical orbit will be known at any instant; and as the equations are of the second order, six arbitrary constant quanti- ties will be introduced by their integration, wliich determine the six elements of the orbit. 366. These give the motion of the planet with regard to the sun ; but the equations ^ d}x ___ mx ^ Q __ d'y __ my . « _ ePz ^ mz ^IF "r^' ~d^ V ~ dl* W Chap. IV.] ELLIPTICAL MOTION OF THE PLANETS. 185 of article 346, give values of J, 37, 2, in terms of the time which will determine the motion of the sun in space ; for if the first of them be multiplied by S + m, and added to multiplied by m, their sum will be (S + the integral of which is (S + VI) -^ + m £1. = 0, dt* di* X =: a + bt — S +m' in the same manner, y = a'+b't -- "^y , S +w 5 = a"+5'7- *"^ S + m These equations give the motion of the sun in space accompanied by m ; and as they are the same for each body, if 2m be substituted for m, they will determine the absolute motion of the sun attended by the whole system, when the relative motions of m, m', m", &c., are known. 367. But in order to ascei^ain the values of x, y, 2, the equations (89) must be integrated. Since these equations are linear and of the second order, their integrals must contain six constant quantities. They are also symmetrical and so connected, that any one of the vari- able quantities x, y, z, depends on the other two. M. Pontecoulant has determined these integrals with great elegance and simplicity in the following manner. 368. If the first of the equations (80) of elliptical motion multi- plied by y, be subtracted from the second multiplied by x, the result will be x£y^-y£x_ ^^ dt* • ., xdy — ydx consequently, — ^ — =: c. dt 186 ELLIPTICAL MOTION OF THE PLANETS. [Book IL In the same way it is easy to find that zdx — xdz , , ydz — zdy _ ,, dt ' di where c, &, c", are arbitrary constant quantities introduced by inte- gration. Again, if the first of the same equations be muUipUed by 2rfx, the second by 2dy, and the third by 2dz, their sum will be 2dxd^x+2dyd'y+2dz£z 2/t (xdx+ydy + zdz) _ q But r« = a:* + y« + s* ; whence rdr = xdx + ydy + zdz ; and the integral of the preceding equation is dx^+dy^+dz^ - H^ + A = 0, (90) d(^ r a ^ JL being an arbitrary constant quantity. a If ^ = - ^. multiplied by c" = tlZl^, dt^ r" dt be subtracted from d'x luo K- V 1 1. / zdx — xdz liz = — CI, multiphed by c' = , dt' r^ ^ ' dt the result will be c'd^x-c"d^y _ f^x ^^^, _ ^^^) _ fH (^^y _ y^^) dt r^ ^ __ fijrdz-zdr) _ ^^ ^ _z^ r* r Whence ^ ^ ,J^ ^ c'dx^c"dy , r dt and by a similar process values of fi . d -i., andjttd — , r r may be found, the integrals of which are r., ,IJ^y __ d'dz—cdx . />/ , /iJ _ cdy—ddz r dt r dt 369. Thus the integrals of equations (89) are, __xdy—ydx , , ^ zdx — xdz , ,,_ ydz — zdy ^ d< ' d< dt Chap. IV.] ELLIPTICAL MOTION OF TUE PLANETS. 187 /. , ^z _ c'dx — c"dy J ~r — — 3- » r dt f + f^=z ^"^^ ~ ^'^^ ^ (91) r dt fit ^ (^ —. ^dy — c'dz r dt J^ __ ^ ^ dj^±dy^±d^ ^ Q --" a r dt* containing the seven arbitrary constant quantities c, c', c", /, f, /'', and a. 370. As two equations of condition exist among the constant quantities, they are reduced to five that are independent, consequently two of the seven integrals are included in the other five. For if the first of these equations be multiplied by z, the second by y, and the third by x, their sum is cz + c'y + c"x = 0. (92) Again, if the fourth integral multiplied by c, be added to the fifth multiplied by c*, r dt but cz + &y ts ^ c"x ; hence Jttfl + /i -1 = '^1^:^ ; c" ^ r dt but this coincides with the sixth integral, when yvr _ _ fc + f'c'^ or/V +fc' +/c = 0. c" The six arbitrary quantities being connected by this equation of con- dition, the sixth integral results from the five preceding. If the squares of/,/', and/", from the fourth, fifth, and sixth in- tegrals be added, and f'+f* +/"= ?, they give P -^• = (c«+c'«+0 { d^ + dy*+dz^ _2f.] ( cdz+ c'dy+ c"dx Y but CZ + c'y-\-(/'x=zO; hence cdz + c'dy + c"dx = ; 188 ELLIPTICAL MOTION OF THE PLANETS. [Book II. consequently, if c' + c" + c"« = h*, Q _ di" + dy^ + rfz* - 'la -L. /-^' and comparing this equation with the last of the integrals in article 369, it will appear that h* a ' thus, the last integral is contained in the others ; so that the seven integrals and the seven constant quantities are in reality only equal to five distinct integrals and five constant quantities. 371. Although these are insufficient to determine x, y, z, in func- tions of the time, they give the curve in which the body m moves. For the equation C2 + c'y + c"j? = is that of a plane passing through the origin of the co-ordinates, whose position depends on the constant quantities c, &, c". Thus the curve in which m moves is in one plane. Again, if the fourth of the integrals in article 269 be multiplied by r, the fifth by y, and the sixth by x, their sum will be fz+f'y +f"x+ /*(^+y'+''') = f.' (zdx-.xdz) ^^, (ydz-zdy) -J- c dt dt {xdy - yds) dt but in consequence of the three first integrals in article 369, it be- comes o = fir - {c* + c'» + c"«) +fz +fy +f% or = /tr - A« + /z +fy + f'x. This equation combined with cz + c'y + c"x = 0, and r* = j?' -|- y' + z', fig- 73. gives the equation of conic sec- tions, the origin of r being in the focus. 372. Thus the planets and comets move in conic sec- tions having the sun in one of their foci, and their radii vectores describe areas proportional to Cbap. IV.] ELLIPTICAL MOTION OF THE PLANETS. 189 tlic time ; for if dv represent the indefinitely small arc mb, fig. 73, contained between Sm = r and 86 = /- + dr, then imby = dx« + dy« + dz^ = r'^dv^ + dr' ; but the sum of the squares of the three first of equations (91) is (x* + y« + 2') (dx' + dy' + dz') _ {xdx+ydy + zdzY _ ^, di^ or hence dC dC dl^ dv r= hdt (93) 373. Thus the area i^r^dv described by the radius vector r or Sm is proportional to the time dt, consequently the finite area described in a finite time is proportional to the time. It is evident also, that the angular motion of m round S is in each point of the orbit, inversely as the square of the radius vector, and as very small intervals of time may be taken instead of the indefinitely small instants dt, without sensible error, the preceding equation will give the horary motion of the planets and comets in the different points of their orbits. Determination of the Elements of Elliptical Motion. 374. Tlic elements of the orbit in which the body m moves de- pend on the constant quantities c, c', c", /, f',f'\ and JL. In a order to determine them, it must ji^. 74. be observed that in the equa- tions (89) the co-ordinates x, 3/, z> are SB, Bp, pm, fig. 74 ; but if they be referred to 7S the line of he equinoxes, so that SD = x'. Dp = y', pm = 2', and if 7 SN ENP, the longitude of the node and inclination of the orbit on the fixed plane be represented by and ; it is evident, from the method of changing tlie co-ordinates in article 225, that 190 ELLIPTICAL MOTION OF THE PLANETS. [Book It x' = a: cos 6 + y sin 0, y' =z y cos — X sin 0, z' :=: y tan 0, consequently z = y cos 6 tan — 2? sin tan ; but if this be compared with = c"x + c'y + cz, it will be found that (/ =z — c cos 6 tan 0, c" =: c sin tan 0, c" whence tane=-_ (9^) tan = '^ c** + g'^' c Thus the position of the nodes and the inclination of the orbit are given in terms of the constant quantities c, , o „ + &c. &c. indty Values of u, sin ti, sin 2m, &c., may be determined from tliis ex- pression by making successively equal to nt, « , sin nt, &c. The substitution of these, and of the powers of X, will complete the development of v, but the same may be effected very easily ftovk the expression dv =: — — of article 372, or rather from 202 ELLIPTICAL MOTION OF THE PLANETS. [Book II. dv = '/T^ . ^ . 7idL 390. If r' = a* (1 - c cos iit)' be put for r = a (1 - c cos 7i<), id ia* (1 - e cos nty~ article 387, it becomes s i.e^.sm'.nt (1 — e cos.7i<)*~' and ia* (1 - e cos nt)*~^ . e sin n< for — in the development of r in ndt — = (I - c cos TiO* + i.e'.sin'.n^ (1 -c cos. «<)*"* + 2/id< , i.c*d*.sin*.7J<(l-eco8.7i<)^* » 2.3.n*di» whatever i may be. Let i = - 2, then a' e* — = 1 + 2e . cos . n< + — . (1 + 5 . cos . nt) r* 1.2 + J (13 . cos . 3n< + 3 . cos . nt) + — —^ — (103.cos.4n<+8.co8.2n<+9) L • jv • o + &c. If this quantity be substituted in the preceding expression for dv, when the integration is accomplished, and the approximation only carried to the sixth powers of e, the result will be 5 V =i nt + {2e — 4e*+ — e*| sin nt ^ * 96 ^ + |Ae«-ii:e*+_lI-. ensin2n< l4 24 192 ^ + il^c»-.l!^}8in3;i< 112 64 ^ e*— e"} sin 4nt, 96 480 + &c. &c. 391. The angles v and 7it which are the true and mean anomaly, begin at the perihelion ; but if they be estunated from the aphelion, it will only be necessary to make e negative in the values of r and v, or to add 180° to each angle. This expression gives » — Tii the equation of the centre. Chap. IV.] ELLIPTICAL MOTION OF THE PLANETS. 203 Tnte Longitude and Radius Vector in functions of the Mean Longitude. 392. Instead of fixing the origin of the time at the instant of the planet's passage at tlie perihelion, let it be fixed at any point what- ever, as E, fig. 76, 80 that /ig, 76. nt = ECB, then by adding the consfcmt angle cysCE represented by e, the whole angle cyaCB = nt + e is the mean longitude of the pla- net, op being the equinox of Spring ; and if the constant angle CP, which is the longitude of the perihelion, bo represented by tsr, the angle «< + e — ct = PCB must be put for nt, and if v be estimated from , then v — is must be put for V, and the preceding values oft? and r become, t> = «/ + 6 + {2e - i e»} sin (n< + 6 — w) (97) + |Ae»- li c«} sin2(n< + e - ot), + &c. &c. -L = 1 + ie« — {e - -!. e»} cos (nt + e - w) (98) a 8 - {i ^' — i «*} COS 2 (n< + 6 — w), — &c. &c. 393. V is the true longitude of the planet and nt -^ e its mean longitude both being estimated on the plane of the orbit. The angle g = CE is the longitude of tlie point E, from whence the time is estimated, commonly called the longitude of the epoch. 394. In astronomical scries, the quantities which multiply the sines and cosines are the coefficients ; and the angles are called the arguments : for example in (2e - ^ e*) sin («< + e — ttt) the part 2e - \ e* is the coefficient, and nt + e — ta is the argument. 395. Although tlie time increases without limit, these series con- verge : for, as a sine or cosine never can exceed the radius, the values 204 ELLIPTICAL MOTION OF THE PLANETS. [Book II. of the sines and cosines in these series never can be greater tlian unity, however much tlie time may increase, and as the powers of e soon become extremely small, they converge rapidly. 396. The values off and r answer for all the planets and satellites, since they are independent of the masses, for the mass of a planet is so inconsiderable in comparison of that of the sun, that it may be omitted, and as the mass of the sun forms the standard of compari- son for the masses of the other bodies of the system, it is assumed to be the unit of measure. The same holds with regard to a planet and its satellites. Determination of the Position of the Orbit in space. 397. The values of v and r give the place of a body in its orbit, but not its position in space ; they however afford the means of ascer- taining it. For let NjpnG, fig. 77, be the plane of the ecliptic, or fixed plane at the epoch, on which the plane of the orbit P^tAN has /y* 77. a very small inclination ; then N» is the line of the nodes ; S the sun, and if mp be a perpendicular from the planet on tlie plane of the ecliptic, it will be the tan- gent of the latitude mSp. Let cipSN the longitude of the node be represented by Q when estimated on the plane of the orbit, and let 6 represent the same angle when projected on the plane of tlie ecliiHic ; also let Vj=:opSp be the true longitude of>Sm or r, when projected on the plane of the ecliptic. Then NS/? = i\ - 0, NSw = v - Q,. And if be the inclination of the two planes, it appears from the right angled triangle />Nm, that tan (v, — 0)= cos tun (r - €). (99) Projected Longitude in Functions of true Longitude. 398. This gives o, in terms of r, and the contrary. But these two Chap. IV.] ELLIPTICAL MOTION OF TIIE PLANETS. 205 angles may be obtained in terms of one anoilier in very converging series by means of the expression, ^i; = ^u + \ sin u + — sin 2u + — sin 3m + &c. 2 3 wliicli was derivetl from tan ^r = ^/ Lt_f tan §?^, by making \ = If v^ — be put for ^u, u — C for ^m, 1+ Vl-e^ and cos for / ilLf ; ^ 1-e then X=^-£i^JLi = -tan«i0, cos + 1 and the series becomes »,-0=tJ-C-tan»i0.sin2(p-e)+itan* J^0.8in4 (tJ-C)-&c. (100) True Longitude in Functions of projected Longitude. On the contrary, if t? — C be put for i^r, and r — for i^u, the rcsuh will be v-C=r,-e+tan'i0.8in2(i;,-0) + itan«|0.sin 4(t;,-0 + &c. (101) Projected Longitude in Functions of Mean Longitude. 399. A value of v, — 0, or NS/?, may be found in terms of tlie sines and cosines of tj/, and its multiple arcs, from the scries vzznt ■\-e +{2e-\^} sin {nt + g - cr) + 11. e« - 11 e\ sin 2{nt + e — ct) + &c. which may be written r = n/ + 6 + eQ. If Q be subtracted from both sides of tliis equation, and the sines taken in jdace of the arcs, it becomes sin (tj - f) = sin (n< + e - C + ''Q). wliicli may be expanded into a series, ascending, according to the powers of e, by the method already employed for tlie development of V and r ; if = sin (o - O = sin {nt + e - C + cQ). Whence it may be found that, 206 ELLIPTICAL MOTION OF THE PLANETS. LBook II. Bin t (u - O = sin i (nt +e-€+eQ) = { l-!!£^*4- ^^^ — &c.} ^ ^1.2 ^ X sin i(nt + c - +{i«Q " ^2£^+ ^f!9L_ - 8fC.} X ^ ^ 1.2.3 ^ cos i (nt + e ~- €) + &c. Latitude. 400. If mp, the tangent of the latitude, be represented by s, the right-angled triangle mNp gives a = tan sin (v, — 6). Curtate Distances. 401. Let r, be the curtate distance Sp, then Spm, being a right angle, Sp : Sm : : 1 : Vl + «*; hence Sp = — ^^ ; Vl + «* or r, = r(l +s*)-i = ^{l — is' + i^^-SfC.} (102) 402. Thus r„ s, and r,, the longitude, latitude, and curtate dis- tance of the planet are determined in convergent series of the sines and cosines of nt and its multiples; if therefore the time be assumed, the place of the body will be known, and the means are thus fur- nished for computing tables of the motions of the planets and satel- lites, from which their elliptical places may be ascertained at any instant. 403. A particular period is chosen as an origin from whence the time is estimated, which is called the Epoch of the tables : the ele- ments of the orbits are determined by observation ; and the longi- tude, latitude, and distance of the body from the sun are computed for that jMjriod, and for every succeeding day, hour, and minute, if necessary, for any number of years ; these are arranged in tables according to the time ; so that by inspection alone the corresponding place of the body referred to the fixed plane, or position of the ecliptic at the epoch, may be found. Fortunately for the facility of astronomical calculations, the orbits of the celestial bodies are either very nearly circular, as in the Chap. IV.] ELLIPTICAL MOTION OF THE PLANETS. 207 planets and satellites, or very eccentric, as in the comets. In both circumstances the series vvhicli determine the motions of the body may be made to converge rapidly, whicli would not be the case if the eccentricity bore a mean ratio to the greater axis. Motion of Comets. 404. If the ratio of the eccentricity to the greater axis be made very nearly equal to unity, instead of a very small fraction, the preceding series will then give the place of a comet in a very eccentric orbit, with this difference, that the terms have the increas- ing powers of the difference between unity and the ratio of the eccentricity to the greater axis, as coeflScients, instead of the powers of that ratio itself. Tliis difference is zero in the parabola ; then the value of the radius vector becomes cos* . )g V D being the perihelion distance : hence, in the parabola, the distance Sm is equal to the perihelion distance SP, divided by the square of the cosine of half the true anomaly PSm. If, then, the true anomaly were known, the distance of the comet from the sun would be deter- mined from this equation. When the botly moves in a parabola, the equation between the mean and true anomaly is reduced to a cubic equation between the time and the tangent of half the true anomaly PSm. Arbitrary Comiant Quantities of Elliptical Motion, or Elements of the Orbits. 405. Tliere are six elements in the orbit of each celestial body: four of elliptical motion, namely, the mean distance of the planet from the sun ; the eccentricity ; the mean longitude of the planet at the epoch ; and the longitude of the perihelion at the same epoch. Tlie other two elements relate to the position of the orbit in space, namely, the longitude of the ascending node at the ci)och, and the inclination of the orbit on the plane of the ecliptic. The mean values of all these must be determined by observation, before the 208 ELLIPTICAL MOTION OF TIIE PLANETS. [Book II. motion of tlietbdy can be ascertained, or tables computed. Hence there are forty-two elements to be determined for the seven principal planets, and twenty-four more for the four new planets, Ceres, Pallas, Juno, and Vesta, besides those of the moon and satellites. Tables have been computed for most of these bodies ; some of the satel- lites, however, are but little kno>vn, and the theory of the four new planets is still imperfect. Tlie same scries that determine the motions of the planets answer equally well for the elliptical motion of the moon and satellites, only the mass of the planet is to be employed in place of that of the sun, omitting the mass of the satellite. Co-ordinates of a Planet. 406. The simplicity of analytical expressions very much depends on a skilful choice of co-ordinates, which are arbitrary and infinite in number, but so connected, that any one set may be expressed in values of any other. For example, the place of the planet m has been determined by the angles cyaSm, mSp, and Sm, fig. 77, but these have been changed into cyoSj?, pSm, and Sp, which are the heliocentric longitude, latitude, and curtate distance of m. Again, from the latter, the geocentric longitude, latitude, and distance may be de- duced, that is, the place of m as seen from the earth ; and, lastly, the right ascension and declination of m, or its place referred to the equator, may be obtained from its geocentric longitude and latitude. Tliese quantities are given in terms of the mean longitude or time, since the first co-ordinates are given in scries of the sines and co-. sines of that quantity. In the theory of the moon, the series are found to converge more rapidly, if the mean longitude, latitude, and distance are determined in functions of the true longitude. All these co-ordinates are connected by spherical triangles, so that they are easily deduced from one another. Determination of the Elements of Elliptical Motion. 407. AVere the primitive velocity with which the bodies of the solar system projected in space known, the values of the elements Chap. IV.] ELLIPTICAL MOTION OF THE of their orbits might be determined ; for if the resumed, and if the first member, which is the square of the velo- city, be represented by F*, then Ir a } in which r is the radius vector, and a is half the greater axis of the conic section, /x being the masses of the sun and planet. Thus the velocity is independent of the eccentricity of the orbit. If u be the angular velocity which the planet would have if it de- scribed a circle at the distance of unity round the sun, then r = a = 1, and the preceding expression gives u* sz fi; hence l r a J V being the primitive velocity with which the body moved in a conic section. Tliis equation will give a value of a by means of the primi- tive velocity of m, and its distance from S, fig. 78. a is positive in the ellipse, infinite in the parabola, and negative in the hyperbola ; thus the orbit of m is an ellipse, a parabola, or hyperbola, according as V is less, equal to, or greater fig.n. than /2 remarkable that the direction of the primitive impulse has no influence on the nature of the conic section in which the planet moves ; the intensity alone has that effect. To determine the eccentricity of the orbit, let a be the angle TwS, that the direction of the relative motion of m makes with the radius vector r ; then mn '. mv :: ds : dr :; I i cos a ; then hence be put for V, ifco8a = ^, but^=r, dt dt dt V cos-a= ; or if u < — — — > de ^\r a) 210 ELLIPTICAL MOTION OF THE PLANETS. [Book II. rfr* = /»•{ — — — >cos*a; \r a) but by article 377, ~dF = fia(l- ^); hence a (1 - e«)« = r* sin'a {A — —I, \ r a ) The equation of conic which gives the eccentricity of the orbit sections, gives cos V = — i— 1 + e cos V e*) - r Tlius the angle v, that the radius vector makes with the perilielion distance, is found, and, consequently, the position of the perihehon. The equations (96) will then give the angle m, or eccentric anomaly, and, by means of it, the instant of the passage at the perihelion. In order to have the position of the orbit, with regard to a fixed plane passing through the centre of S, fig. 77, supposed immoveable, let be the inclination of the two planes, and C = mSN ; also let mp = 2 be the primitive elevation of the planet above the fixed plane, which s supposed to be kno\vn ; then r sin f sin = 2. So that 0, the inclination of the orbit, will be known when C shall be Jiff. 79. determined. For that purpose, let \ = jnRp, fig. 79, be the angle made by mR, the primitive direction of the relative motion of m with the plane ENB ; then the triangle mSR, in which SmR = «, NSm r= C, and Sm = r, gives r sin f mRs then sin (C + a) ' = sin \, mR which is given, because X is supposed to be known ; therefore 2 sin a tanC = r sin \ — 8 COB. Chap. IV.] ELLIPTICAL MOTION OF THE PLANETS. 211 The elements of the orbit of the planet being determined by these formulae in terms of r, z, the velocity of the planet, and the direction of its motion, the variations of these elements, corresponding to the supposed variations in the velocity and its direction, may be obtained ; and it will be easy, by means of methods that will be hereafter given, to have the differential variations of these elements, arising from the action of the disturbing forces. Velocity of Bodies moving in Conic Sections. 408. As the actual motions of the bodies of the solar system afford no information with regard to their primitive motions, the elements of their orbits can only be known by observation ; but when these are determined, the velocities with which the bodies of the solar sys- tem were first projected in space, may be ascertained. If the equa- tion F«=M«|— - 1] Ir a } be resumed, then in the circle r =za, since the eccentricity is zero ; hence v = u v — ; therefore V : u '.'. 1 ; aTF. r thus the velocities of planets in different circles are as the square roots of their radii. In the parabola, a is infinite ; hence 1 . .^ A — 18 zero, and F = \/ — . Thus the velocities in different points of a parabolic orbit are recipro- cally as the square roots of the radii vectores, and the velocity in each point is to the velocity the planet would have if it moved in a circle with a radius equal to r, as V 2 to 1. 409. When an ellipse is infinitely flattened, it becomes a straight line ; hence, in this case, F will express the velocity oim, if it were to descend in a straight line jig, so. towards the sun ; for then Sm, fig. 80, would coincide with SA. If m were to begin to fall from a state of rest at A, its velocity would be zero at. that point; 2 1 hence _ = 0. r a P 2 212 ELLIPTICAL MOTION OF THE PLANETS. [Book II. Now, suppose that, in falling from A to n, the body had acquired the velocity F, then the equation would be and eliminating a, which is common to the two last equations, '2(r - /) rr in which /•' = Sn. This is the relative velocity the body m has acquired in falling from A through r — r' = Aw. Imagine the body vi to have acquired, by its fall through A?j, the same velocity with a body moving in a conic section ; the velocity of tlie latter body is /2 — r ^ r a If these two be equated, An = (r-/) = !l!!^m>. Aa — r This expression gives the height through which a body moving in a conic section must fall, from the extremity A of the radius vector, in order to acquire the relative velocity which it had at A. In the circle a:=z r^ hence An = ^ r ; in the ellipse, An is less than \r: m the parabola, a is infinite, which gives An =r ^ r ; and in the hyperbola a is negative, and therefore An is greater than ^r. Chap, v.] 213 CHAPTER V. THEORY OF THE PERTURBATIONS OF THE PLANETS. 410. The tables computed on the theory of perfectly elliptical mo- tion, are soon found inadequate to give the true place of a planet, on account of the reciprocal disturbances of the system. It is there- fore necessary to investigate what these disturbances are, and to determine their effects. In the first approximation to the celestial motions, the mutual action of the sun and of one planet was considered : it then appeared that a planet, m, moves round the sun in an ellipse NmPn, fig. 81, inclined to the ecliptic NB;i, at a /y. 81. very small angle Pup. Now, if m 3r^^^ ---^X be attracted by anothe|y)lanet m', // \ ^A„^ which is much smaller than the sun, // \ 1 Ap it will no longer go on in its clhp- [ / sWuT'TT'' 7\ I tical orbit Nmn, but will be drawn \ \^~^^^'^^~liiA/\l out of that orbit, and will move in I \^ \ a^/^y^ some curved line, caD, which may \ ^ — ^" either be nearer to, or farther from, ^ ^ the plane of the ecliptic, according to the position of the disturbing body. In the first infinitesimal of time, the troubled orbit coincides with the ellipse through an indefinitely small space ca ; in the second infinitely small interval of time, am will be the path of the planet in the ellipse, and aD will be its path in its troubled orbit : am is de- scribed in consequence of the action of the sun alone ; aD by the combined actie a of the sun and of the disturbing botly : am, is the second increment of the space ; aD is the second increment of the space, together with some very small space, FD, introduced by the action of the disturbing force. In consequence of the addition of FD, the longitude of m is increased by B6 ; its latitude is changed by the angle DSE, and the radius vector is increased by the differ- ence between SD and Swi, — these three quantities are the pertur- bations of the planet in longitude, latitude, and distances. 411. It is evident that the perturbations are true variations; and as the longitude, latitude, and radius vector of a planet moving in 214 PERTURBATIONS OF THE PLANETS. [Book II. an elliptical orbit, have been represented by v, s, and r, tlie arcs B6 = Jt>, ED = Js and SD — Sm = Jr, are the variations of these co-ordinates, 412. The perturbations in longitude, latitude, and distance, depend on the configuration of the bodies ; that is, on the position of the bodies with regard to each other, to their perihelia and to their nodes. These inequalities, after going through a certain course of increase and decrease, are renewed as often as the bodies return to the same relative positions, and are therefore called Periodic Inequa- lities. 413. Thus the place of a planet, m, moving in its troubled orbit caD, will be determined by the co-ordinates r + 5t>, « + 5«, r -f- Jr. These, however, are modified by a variation in the elements of the ellipse ; for it is evident that, the path of the planet being changed from aE to aD, the elements of the ellipse NmE must vary. The variations of the elements are independent of the configuration or relative position of the bodies, and are only sensible in many revolu- tions; whereas those depending on the configuration, accomplish tlieir changes in short periods. Thus v + ^v, s + h, r + 5r, may be regarded as the co-ordinates of the planet in its true orbit, pro- vided the elements contained in these functions be considered to vary by very slow degrees. Tliis perfectly accords with observation, whence it appears that the perihelia of the orbits of the planets and satellites have a very slow direct motion in space ; that the nodes have a slow retrograde motion ; and that the eccentricities and incli- nations are perpetually varying by very slow degrees. These very slow changes are really periodic, but many ages elapse before they accomplish their revolutions ; on that account they are called Secular Inequalities, to distinguish them from the Periodic Inequalities, which pass rapidly from their maxima to their minima. Thus the Periodic Inequalities only depend on the configuration of the bodies, whereas the Secular Inequalities depend on the configuration of the perihelia and nodes alone. 414. La Grange took a new and very elegant view of the sub- ject : — he considered the changes Su, J«, Sr, to arise entirely from periodic and secular variations in the elements of elliptical motion, thus referring all the inequalities, to which a planet is liable, to changes in the elements of its orbit alone. In fact, as the curve aD Chap, v.] PERTURBATIONS OF THE PLANETS. 215 very nearly coincides with the ellipse, it may be regarded as a por- tion of a new ellipse, having elements differing from those of the original one by infinitely minute variations. Of these a portion will be compensated in a whole revolution, or many revolutions of m, and of the disturbing planet constituting the Periodic Inequalities ; but a portion will remain uncompensated, and entirely independent of the position of the bodies with regard to each other. These uncompensated parts increase and diminish with extreme slowness ; their effects on the motion of m partake of that character, and con- stitute what are called Secular Inequalities. Thus, in La Grange's view, the co-ordinates of m in its elliptical orbit are modified, both by periodic and secular variations, in the elements of the ellipse. 415. The secular inequalities depend on the ratio of the dis- turbing mass to that of the sun, which, by article 350, is a very small fraction. Tlieir arguments are not only different from those of the periodic inequalities, but, though also periodic, their periods are immensely longer. 416. Both periodic and secular inequalities may be represented by supposing a point p to revolve in an ^ff- 82. ellipse AP, fig. 82, where all the elements ^--- r\^^ are perpetually varying by very slow de- X VL^ grees. Then, suppose a planet m to oscil- A/ W, late round the moveable point p in a, curve mab, whose nature depends on the disturb- ing forces : tlxis oscillating motion will re- present the periodic inequalities, and the whole compound motion m represents the real motion of a planet in its troubled orbit. :^v_y Demonttration of La Grange's Theorem. 417. The equations which determine the real motion of m in its troubled orbit are, by article 347, d»x . f^ ^ / dR \ 1^ ~ {CdT/ d(* d'y dt* IF r* \dz )' 216 PERTURBATIONS OF THE PLANETS. [Book II. If K = 0, these equations would be the same with those in article 365, already integrated. Let a be one of the arbitrary constant quantities, or elements of the orbit of m, introduced by integration. When H = 0, then Ti / dx dy dz ,~. dt dt dt may represent any one whatever of the integrals (91) ; or, if to abridge ^, = ^ y,:=^ 2, = ^, dt dl dt a = Func. (x, y, z, x„ y„ z„ t). (103) During the instant dt, the ellipse and troubled orbit coincide j there- fore X, y, r, x,,yt, z, have the same values in both, and a is constant. But at the end of the instant dt, the velocities Xy, y„ Zp are respec- tively augmented, from the action of the disturbing forces, by the indefinitely small quantities dR ., dR , dR ., at, . ' dt ; dx dy dz then a is no longer constant; and when x^, y^, Zj are increased by those quantities, the correspondmg variation of a is da==(±.. i^ + i^. ^ + ^. J?-\dt. (104) \dxj dx dy, dy dzj dz J If equation (103) be regarded as the first integral of the equations (87), when JR r= 0, it will evidently satisfy the same equations when R is not zero, because the values o(xiy,z, Xjdt, y,dt, z^dt, are sup- posed to be the same in each orbit, since these quantities only differ in the two curves by their second differentials. Hence, if (x,), (y^), (z,) be the values of x^, y„ Zy, when Jl = 0, then X, = (x,), i// = (y,), z, = (z^), and dxj = (dx,) + Jx^, dy, ■— (dy,) + ^y„ dz, = (dz,) + ^z,. Let func. (x,y,z,x„y,,z^tt) be the differential of equation (103) when R s 0, then will = func. (x, y, z, x„ y, z„ t) and the differential of the same equation, when R is not zero, will be da r= func. (x, y, z, x,, y„ z„ t)+(-^^x, + -^^y, + ^ iz, ) , \dx, dy, dz, J because, in the latter case, all the quantities var)\ If the first dif- ferential be subtracted from the second, the result will be Chap, v.] PERTURBATIONS OF THE PLANETS. 217 da = (^ 5x, + ^^y,^^ ^z\ (105) \dT, dy, dz, ) But if (rfjr,) + Sx„ (dy,) + 5yy, (^Z/) + ^«/, be put, in equations (87), in place of their equals, d*.r d^y d^z dt ' "rfT' ~dF' they become Ix, = -^ dt, ^, = -^ d<, Iz, = -^ d<. dx dy dz Since (dx^), (dyj, (d«;), are supposed to satisfy these equations when /?= 0. If the preceding values of Jar^, Jyy, 5?/, be put in equation (105), it becomes identical with equation (104). Hence the integral (103) satisfies the equations (87), whether the disturbing forces be included or not, the only difference being that, in the first case, a must be regarded as a variable quantity, and in the last it is constant. The same may be shown of all the first integrals of equations (87), when R is zero. 418. It appears, from what has been said, Ist, that as the motion is i)erformed in the unvaried ellipse during the first element of time, J, y, 2, dx, dy, dsf, are alike in the varied and unvaried ellipse. 2nd, That as the motion is performed in the variable ellipse during the second element of time, if d*x, d'y, d'z, be considered as belong- ing to the unvaried ellipse, d'x + d^x, d'y + d^y, drz + dlz will belong to the variable orbit of m. Hence the differential equation of the first order, which determines the motion of the body, answers for both orbits during the first instant of the time, Uie elements of the orbit being constant ; in the second increment of time, the equa- tions of elliptical motion have the form -^ + n'v = 0, d(* the elements of the orbit being constant ; but in the troubled orbit they have the form ^ + n»r + R = 0, do where the elements of the orbit are variable, and R is the part con- taining the disturbing forces. 218 PERTURBATIONS OF THE PLANETS. [Book II. 419. As the elements of the orbit only vary during the second increment of the time, their variation is of the first order ; that is, the eccentricity e becomes e + de, the inclination becomes -f d0, &c. &c. 420. The elegant theory of the variation of the arbitrary constant quantities is due to Euler. La Grange first applied it to the celestial motions. 421. It is proposed, first, to determine the periodic and secular variations of the elements of orbits of any eccentricities and inclina- tions ; in the second place, to find those of the planets and satellites, all of which have nearly circular orbits, slightly inclined to the plane of the ecliptic ; and then to determine the periodic inequalities, Jc, Ss, Jr, in longitude, latitude, and distance. Variation of the Elements^ whatever the Eccentricities and Inclinations may he. 422. All the elements of the orbit have been determined from the seven arbitrary constant quantities, c, c', c",yi /",/", and a, intro- duced by the integration of the equations (87) of elliptical motion ; but it was shown that the elements of the orbit, as well as the diffe- rentials di, dy, dz^ vary during the second element of time by the action of the disturbing forces, and then the differentials of the equa- tions (91) will afford the means of finding the variations of the elements, whatever the eccentricities and inclinations of the orbits may be. Equations (87) give which are the changes in dx, dy, dz, due to the disturbing forces alone, the elliptical part being omitted. If, therefore, the differen- tials of equations (91) be taken, considering c, c', c", /,/',/", a, dr, dy, dz, alone as variable, when the preceding values of d^x, d'y, d'z are substituted, they become — {<^)-<-^> Chap, v.] PERTURBATIONS OF THE PLANETS. 219 <'>"-^{<4^)-<^)}--{<^)-<^)} +«"(^)-^'<4^> d . A = - 2dil. a 423. If values of c, -e»)« at; = , r* = i c , r* (1+e cos(o — oy))* it is evident that dv. llr-^! = **. (1+e cos (u— cj))* a" But A= V/ia(l — e»); __ = a"^A^7''^^Cl-e*) = n Vl - e«; or hence 3 therefore ndl = dv. L_Zl2 • (1 + c cos (y-vs)y Ca»ap. v.] PERTURBATIONS OF THE PLANETS. 22l 2 be put for cos (t? — w), a/I - e* _ 2 Vl — e« 1 + c cos (v — ct) 2 + e{c^''~*°^'^'^+c"^''~*'^'^'~^^* Again, if X = ^ . ; then e = , which, substituted in the second member of the last equation, gives 1 _ 1 f 1 - X ' 1 l + ecos(u-CT) Vr^ U + >-* + >- [c^'^^'^^ + c-^"-^^^}]' The numerator of the last term is 1 — x« = (1 + xc-^"-^^^) - xc-('^>^^ (I + ^c<'^)^'^) And the denominator is equal to (1 + \ c^"-*^'^"^) (1 + Xc-^*^^^^) hence 1 ]^_ f 1_ _ Xc-^'-^^^ 1 l+eco3(t;-CT) V^^^\l + ^c("-«>^^^ 1 + Xc-^"'-"^^'^]' By division, i = 1 - Xc^—'^^'^ + XV^"-"^^^ — &c, 1 + Xc^"-"),^! 1 + Xc-<''-**^-i And the difference of these is ^ = ^ { 1 - X (cC^)^^ + c-<''-*'>'^^} 1 + ecos(w-t«T) Vl-e* + X« (c« <'-^'J=T + c-*c>-«)^ — &c.} ; but c'C^«>^/=T + c-'<-«)'v^ = 2 cos i (u - ct) ; hence = — ■==: { 1 - 2x cos (u - w) l + eco3(o-oj) ^i_e* + 2x« . cos 2 (w — cj) — &c. } ; or = — ___. iip 2 cos t (u - w) H-ccos(i;-ct) VlT? Vl-e' which is the general form of the series, i being any whole positive number. 222 PERTURBATIONS OF THE PLANETS. [Book II. Now,! -» * - 1 ^ de 1 + e cos (u — ct) (1 + e cos (w— to))* i_ . / d — i ± 2 cos (t>-CT> . d — !^U1 ; but d . ^ = ^^ . and d ^^' = -f ^M 1 + i Vn^ } de Vl-e* (l-e*)^ Vi-e* (l_e«)t(l + ^i^I^7 the sign + is used when i is even, and — when it is odd. Hence if to abridge ECO = ± !fMi±i^^Zl, (1 + Vl -e')' the value of ndt becomes, 7idt = dv{l + E« cos (u — ct) + E^*^ cos 2 (u- ct) + &c. } ; (108) the integral of which is fndt + ez=v+ £(') sin (u - -nr) + JE^*' sin 2 (u -to) + &c.}, e being arbitrary. This equation is relative to the invariable ellipse ; but in order that it may also suit the real orbit, every quantity in it must vary includ- ing e, cr, and e ; and this differential must coincide with (108) since they arc of the first order, and the two orbits coincide during the first element of time. Their difference is de s= de l/^^\ sin (v - zs)+^f^^^ sin 2 (» - ©) + &c.} - dcT {E^'^ cos (r - ct) + £(*> cos 2 (w - ro) + &c.} u - CT is the true anomaly of m estimated on the orbit, and cr is the longitude of the perihelion on the orbit. Now equation (101) is v — C =v,— + tan* 1^ sin 2 (r, - e) + &c. V being the longitude on the orbit, and v^ its projection on the fixed plane. If cr be put for v and ct^ for Vj ; then CT-C=CT,— + tan' 1^ sin 2 (■ex, — 0) + &c. Again, if we make v and v, zero in equation (101), it becomes C=e + tan* i sin 20 + i tan*^ sin 40 + &c. hence tj =: cr^ + tan*i^ {sin 20 + sin 2 (cr, — 0)} + &c. therefore dcr r= da, {1 + 2 tan* ^ cos 2 («t, — 0) + &c. } + 2d0 tan* ^ {cos 20 - cos 2 (cr, - 0) + &c.} + ^"^^^"^^ {sin 20 + sin 2 («t, - 0) + &c.} cos* i Tlius drs,, do, d0, being determined, we shall have dcr from this equation, and from thence de. Ch4p.V.] PERTURBATIONS OF THE PLANETS. 223 427. It appears from the preceding investigations, that the ex- pressions in series given by the equations in article 392, and tliose following, of the radius vector, of its projection on the fixed plane, of the longitude, and its projection on the fixed plane, and of the latitude in the invariable orbit will answer for the disturbed orbit, provided nl be changed into J'jidt, and all the elements of the variable orbit be determined by the preceding equations; for the finite equations between r, v, s, jr, y, r, andj'ridtf are the same in both cases, and all the equations in the articles alluded to are deter- mined independently of the constancy or variation of the elements, consequently these expressions will still answer when the elements are variable. These investigations relate to orbits of any inclination and eccen- tricity ; but the orbits of the planetary system are nearly circular, and very little inclined either to one another, or to the plane of the ecliptic. Variations of the Elliptical Elements of the Orbits of the Planets. 428. The equation n = a « \^ shows that the mean motions and greater axes of the orbits of the planets are so connected, that one cannot vary independently of the other ; and as A=-2/dJl, a it is clear that the differential of R is taken only with regard to nt the mean motion of m. If the mass of the sun be assumed as the unit, and the mass of the planet omitted in comparison of it, /* = 1, and da = 2a«dR ; 2a being the major axis. 429. Tlie inequalities in the eccentricity and longitude of the peri- helion are obtained from tant^, =^^, /»e = V/» + /'«+/'" w^ being the longitude of the perihelion of m when projected on the fixed plane of the ecliptic. If the orbit of the planet m at a given epoch be assumed to be the fixed plane containing the axes j and y, any inclination the orbit may have at a subsequent period being entirely owing to the action of the disturbing forces must be so small, that tlie true longitude of the perihelion will only differ from 224 PERTURBATIONS OF THE PLANETS. [Book II. its projection on that new fixed plane, by quantities of the order of the squares of the disturbing masses respectively multiplied by the squares of the inclinations of the orbits, therefore without sensible error it may be assumed that ct, = cj ; ct being the longitude of the perihelion estimated on the orbit ; thus f tan V3 = iL-, /" whence sin vs = _ /' V/"=+/" /" and cos cr = V/« + /"« But by article 370 /= ^f'^+f"^". Now c, c', c" are the c areas described by the radius vector of m on its orbit, when projected on tlie co-ordinate planes ; but as the orbit nearly coincides with the fixed plane of the orbit at the epoch containing the axes x and y, the other two co-ordinate planes are nearly at right angles to it ; hence c' and c" are extremely small, and as y is of the same order in con- sequence of the preceding equation it may be omitted, so that e = V/"« + /'« whence f":=e cos cr ; /' = e sin cr, and ede = f'df + fdf ; e'dr^ = f'df - f'df", making /*=:!. 430. Since /is very small df'xi still smaller, therefore the fourth of the equations (91) may be omitted as well as ddt = zdx — xdz^ and d'dt = ydz — zdy, on account of the smallness of & and c". Also 2, the height of the planet above the fixed plane of its orbit, is 80 small that its square may be neglected ; therefore quantities having the factors zdz, or dz( — j may be omitted, which reduces the values of the fifth and sixth of equations (106) to ''/'-*Kf)-, ; z = r^s. Since x is a function of r, and v„ OR _ dR dr, dx dr, dx dR _ dR dv, dx dVf dx But ^' = _1_: ^' =z - ^ dx cosu^ dx Tf sin v, hence ^ = ^. _L_; ^ = - ^. _i_. dx dr, cos u^ dx dv, r, sin t?/ If the first equation be multiplied by co8*r/, and the second by sinV^ their sum will be, dR _ /dR\ /dR\ sinu, = ( JCOSt)^ — ( ) '-. dx \dr,/ \dv'J r, In like manner it may be found that dR _ (dR\ gjj^ , (dR\ coso, . dy \drj ' \dvj r, whence ,(^N-,(f) = f, \dy J \dx J dv/ consequently, but dx = d(r, cos vj) : dy = d(r, sin v,), and cd^ = xdy — ydx = r/dv/ ; so that df" := + {dr, sin V) + 2r,dc, cos r^} ( — ) + rj'dv^ sinv, ( — ) \dvj \drj df ^ — {dff COS V, - 2r,dV/ sin vA ( — )-r/do^ cos vJ — ). \dvj \drj 432. Tlie values of r^, dr,, dv, f—-\ ( — \ are the same from \dr,J \dv,J whatever point the longitudes may be estimated ; but by diminishing the angle v, by a right angle, sin t>, becomes — cog v, ; and cos Vf 226 PERTURBATIONS OF THE PLANETS. [Book II. becomes sin v„ so that tlie expression of rf/"is changed into that of df, whence it follows, that if the value of df" be developed into a series of sines and cosines of angles increasing proportionally with the time, and if each of the angles e, e', w, zs', 0, S', be diminished by 90°, the value of df will be obtained. 433. By articles 398 and 401, the projection of the longitude on the fixed plane of the ecliptic, and the curtate distance are, Vj — d = v—Q- tan*i0 sin 2(w - O + &c. r, =: r{l - is« + &c.} But when the orbit of m at the epoch is assumed to be the fixed plane, any inclination it may have at a subsequent period, arises entirely from the action of the disturbing forces, and is so very small that the squares of the tangent of that inclination may be neglected, whence, r^ — = r — C, r^ = r, U; = v, and = C. In the invariable orbit, fl(l — e') , T^dv .e sin (w — cr) 1 + e cos (u — cj) a(l — e*) r'rfw = a^.n.dt ^/ 1 — c-, But these equations answer also for the variable orbit, since the two ellipses coincide during the first element of time, and when substitu- tion is made for r, dr, and r*rfr in the last values of df" and df, they become 'dR\ ) + aKndl'Jv—e sin r (^^^\ df = ^-^^^ {2 sin u + 4e sin w + ie sin (2y — zs)] (—\ Vl-e« * \^V — a^.ndt'J\ — e* cos v ( — V \drj But /" = e cos CT, /' = e sin ts and by means of these equations the expressions ede—f'df+fdf and e'dcT =r f'df — fdf in consequence of cos (2v - 2cj) = 2 cos' (u — fff) — 1 , become de = -4l?£^{2cos(t'-cj)+c+eco3'(«-w)}.f— ^ (109) + cfl.ndt \^1 — c* sin (u— cr) ( -r- \ df = ^'" {2 cos tJ + 4c cos CT + ie cos (2i; — w)} | __ ^ Chap, v.] PERTURBATIONS OF THE PLANETS. 227 edsT = .- £■• ^'^^ sin (w-ct) {2 + cco3(u- cj)}^^^ (110) — a^ndt Vl-e* cos (u — i^)} ( — )• The variation of tlie eccentricity however may be obtained under a more simple form from tlie equation c = ^^^0(1— e-) article 422, c' and c" being zero, for dc _ f/rt *Jri{\ — e*) _ e^e \/~a 2« Vl - t'* dt \dyj \dx) \dv) hence by comparing the two values of rfc, atid observing that -^=dB, 2a^ ■ ede=z- a.ndt>>rr7*f—\+ a{\ - e'')m. (Ill) 434. The variation in the longitude of the epoch may be found by the preceding equaticms (109) and (110). For it was shown in article 392, that if the mean anomaly be estimated from any other jMjint than the perihelion, nt •\- e — x^ may be put for nt^ or rathery/irfi + e — cj; hence the equations in article 385 are J^ndt + 6 — CT r= 7f - e sin M, r = rt (1 — e cos u), tan i (t> — ct) = /l+_f tan ^j/, ^ 1 — e and . - <1 - ^') 1 + e cos (y — ct) In the invariable orbit, ndt = (/m (1 — e cos u), in which u varies with the time. But if we suppose the time con- stant, and u to vary only in consequence of the variation of e and cr, then in the troubled orbit, tf« — dra = dtt (1 — e cos t<) — de sin «. From the third of the preceding equations, dra __ du /T+e j_ 2r/e tan^M cos« i (r _ c) cos»iti V i_e (I-e)/r^ Q2 228 PERTURBATIONS OF THE PLANETS. [Book II. and substituting for cos* ^(v — ct), its value from the same equation, the result is , dtj (1 — e cos ?/) __ de sin u , """" j]^- ~r^^^' hence de-dsrr:- <^«^(l-g co3uy _ de sin n(2-c'- - e cos ii) , or de— rfcT+rfCTVi-e' = . {2 cos u — e — e cos^ u} 4 — sin M (2 — e' -- e cos v). Now . r = ^^^ "" ^'^ = a(l -' e cos u), l+ecos(r— to), whence cos u = g+^os (r-r^)^ ^j^ ^ _. A/frp sin (j'-ct) . l+ecos(c-cT) 1 + e cos (u — ro) And substituting these, ^ (1 + e cos (t) — ro))* r; 1 \2 + c cos (v—rs)} , • / n - vl-e*i — ■ ^^ <-i- de sm (u— w). { 1 + /\T?(dR\ ; \de) whence de = a/'d< Vl - e' (i _ VTZ^) . (^^^2a^(^\ndt, By article 424, df = — Sfandt.dR ; the integral of which is the periodic inequality in the mean motion. 439. The differential equations of the periodic variations of the elements of the orbit of m are therefore da = 2a'dR ; df = - Sfandt.dR; de = - f^^^I^' a^^^^^^;^)dil- g»<^^^i - g' ('J?Y (ih) ■e* e dra= andt-Jl-^ (^^\ Vl- e*\d9/ dg = - «"^< (dR\ Because e always accompanies nt, ^ = ^; Whence ndrr:r;^ rdF\ . , andt /dF\ The integrals of these equations are the secular variations of the elements of the orbit of»i. 442. In the determination of the periodic variations of the ele- ments, all terms of the series R, that do not contain the time, must be omitted ; and in the secular variations, all terms of that scries that do contain the time must be rejected. Thus the periodic varia- tions in the elements of the planetary orbits de])end on the configu- ration, or relative position of the bodies, and their secular variations do not. 443. These periodic and secular variations, in the elements of elliptical motion, are sufficient for the determination of all the ine- qualities to which the bodies of the solar system are Uable in their revolutions round the sun. On the same principle, the periodic and secular variations in tlie rotation of the earth and planets may be Chap. V.J PERTURBATIONS OF THE PLANETS. 233 found from the variation of the six arbitrary constant quantities introduced by tlie integration of the equations of rotatory motion. The expressions of these variations are identical in the motions of translation and rotation ; and as the perturbations in these two mo- tions arise from tlie same cause, they are expressed by the same fonnulue. The analysis by which La Grange has united the two great problems of the solar system is the most refined and elegant in the science of astronomy. 444. Observation shows the inclinations of the orbits of tlie planets on the plane of the ecliptic to be very small ; hence if EN, fig. 83, be the fixed plane of the ecliptic at a given epoch, PN the orbit of m, P'N' the orbit of m', ENP = EN'P' = 0', the inclination of these orbits on tlie plane of the ecliptic ; and cpSN = 0, cpSN' = d\ the longitudes of their ascending 'YV nodes on the same plane, then if the planet m were moving on the orbit PN, the tangent of its latitude would be z = EP = tan sin (iit + e — 0). And if it were moving on the orbit P'N', the tangent of its latitude would be z' = EP' = tan 0* sin (nt + e — ©') . Hence if 7 be the tangent of the inclination of the orbit P'N' on the orbit PN, and n the longitude of the line of common intersection of these two planes, or of the ascending node of the orbit of m' on that of m, Uien tan 0' sin (nt + c — 0*) — tan sin (nt + e — e) = 7 sin (nt + e — 11) z= z' — z = PP' nearly. If then as before q = tan cos 9 ^ = tan 0' cos 6' ; ;j = tan sin p' =: tan 0' sin 0' there will be found 7 sin n =: ^' — p (116) (117) 7 cos n = 5' — Sp'y £^ be the projected longitudes of m and m' on the fixed plane, and let r, = Sp r/ = Sp' be their curtate distances; then I sin Vj ; y' = r'^ sin v', ; hence m'(ryf. cos (v'^'-v^)+zz') Vr'/— 2r,r'/ . cos(v'j-v) + r, ^ m'.22' _^_ Zm'r, . z''cos(v\ - 1\) __ r,.cos(i/t—v).m' m'{2'~zy 2{r'/-2r'r'^cos(o'-r/) +r/}| +&C. Chap, v.] PERTURBATIONS OF THE PLANETS. 235 Because the eccentricities and inclinations of the orbits of the planets and satellites are very small, it appears from tlie values of the radius vector and true longitude in the elliptical orbit developed in article 398, and those following, that r, = a(l+M); r'/ = a' (1 + uO ; v,=: nt + e+v; i/, = n't + e' + v' ; u, u\ V, v', being very small quantities depending on the eccentrici- ties and inclinations, and a, a' the mean distances of m and m', or lialf the greater axes of their orbits. If these quantities be substituted in B, and if to abridge n'i - n< + 6' — e = ^, observing also that, cos (y3 + 1>' - 1?) = cos /8 . cos (o' — t?) — sin /8 . sin (t)f - u) =s cos /8 — (tj' — v) sin /8, because o' — v is so small that it may be taken for its sine and unity for its cosine, thus Rz:z^m'.^ . J-tJi . co8)8+m' . — . Jl±Ji . (tj'-») . sin/S a'« (l+u')' a" (1+M')« 7n/ ^__ {o'(l + uy - 2aa'(\ + u) (1 + u') . cos^S + o'* (1 + M')*ji m' . zz' , 3m' . ar" - — + . cos/8 m'jz — ap* ~ 3m^ . az'*{v' -v) . sin /8 « 2{o'(l+w)*-2aa'(l + «)Cl + M').co8i8 + a'*(l + M')*}i 446. The expansion of this function into a series ascending, ac- cording to the powers and products of the very small quantities tt, u\ r, r', 2, and z' is easily accomplished by the theorem for the development of a function of any number of variables, for if R' be the value of R when these small quantities are zero, that is, sup- posing the orbits to be circular and all in one plane, then R^R' + au . + a V . +(.v-v) . da da' ndt , aV d*R' , a^ £R' ^^ 2 * da* 2 * da" because a is the only quantity that varies with u, a' with u', and t with (i/ - v). But R'czm! { (o« - 2aa' cos j8 + a'*)"^—^ cos /S} ; o" 236 PERTURBATIONS OF THE PLANETS. [Book II. and if («'* — laa' cos ^ + a*) be developed according to the cosines of the inultij)les of the arc )8, it will have the form (a" - 2aa' cos y8 + a*)"^ = \A^ + A^ cos /8 + J, coe 2/J + A^ . cos 3/6 + &c. in which Aq^ A^ &c., are functions of a and a' alone ; in fact if to abridge — = «, the binomial theorem gives .. = |o-H(l)W(ii)V...(i-J. ....... the other coefficients are similar functions of the powers of u ; bat a general method of finding these coefficients in more convergent series will be given afterwards. Thus, R' = m' {^Ao + (^1 - — V cos /8 + Jg . cos 2fi + &ic.} a"/ and if i represent every whole namber either positive or negative including zero, the general term of this series is R' = !^, 2 , Ai. COS ifi, 2 provided that when i = 1, Jj — — be put for Ai. a" Again, if (a'* — 2aa' . cos /8 + a«)~^ = ii?o + I?, . cos /3 + B, . cos 2/8 + B, . cos 3fi + &c its general term is — .2.1?,. cos //8 ; and as dR da dR ' ^ m' ^ / dA,\ .« dR' m' ^ ( dA^ \ ^^„ ._ . - = — . i , ( \ . cos ifi; _- — = 2 . 1 *- ) cos ifi 2 \da J "^ da' 2 \ da' J _=— — . 2 . t^( . sm ^ : = — .Z. I 1 . cos tp; t 2 ' da" 2 \da*J ndt &c &c. The development of R is R = — . Z • ^4 . cos i (n't - 71^ + e' — 6) Chap, v.] PERTURBATIONS OF THE PLANETS. 237 + — . u .2. a( i ) . cos i(n'l — /i< + c' — e), 2 \ da J + ^.u'.l..a!( Ml\ . cos iin't - nt + e' - e), 2 \da' J - ^ . (t)' — r) . 2 . i .^. . sin f (ii't - 7i< + c' - e), + ?^ . M» . 2 . rtY-^^ • COS I (n7 - 7i< + c' - €), + — . WM' . 2 . fla' T-^^^ • cosz (n't - w^ + c' - e) 2 \da.da'J + ^' . m'«. 2. a« (^-^^^ . cos i (n't - nt + e' - «), 4 \ da'* / - — .u . (v' — v) . 2 . m ( i 1 . sin f (n7 — n<+e' — e) 2 ^ '^ V <^a y ^ - ^ . m'. (u' — r) . 2 . ia'( -] . s'mi (nt'—nt+e'—e), 2 \ da' J - — .(v'-vy.I,. i^Ai . cos i (n't - nt + e' - e), 4 m'.zz' , 3m'. a. z'* , ,, i . , v + . cos (n't - nt + c' — c), a'^ 2.«'* - *"'^''~^)' . 2 . B, . cos i (7t7 - nZ + 6' - £) 4 + ^'•"•^'' . (u' -r) . 2 . JB< . cos i (n7 - nt + e' - c). 4 + &c. &c. a series that may be extended indefinitely. 447. If Vt be the projection oft?, by articles 398 and 401, v, and tlie curtate distance are r, = r(l -i^+i«* - &c.), V, rzv — tan*i { sin 2o + ^ tan* . sin 4y + } &c. or, if tl:e values of r and r, in article 392, be substituted, r, = a (1 + i e» - e cos (nt + c - ct) + &c.) . (1 - i «' + &c.), Vi = nt '\- e + 2t? sin (nt + e — ta) + &c. — tan*i^0 {sin 2p + ^ tan* sin Av + &c.}. 296 PERTURBATIONS OF THE PLANETS. [Book II. "Where a is half the greater axis of the orbit of m, e the eccen- tricity, zs the longitude of the perihelion, the longitude of the ascending node, the inclination of the orbit of m on the fixed ecliptic at the epoch, and 7i< + e the mean longitude of m. But r, = a (1 + m), d^ = n< + e + r ; hence m = — e cos {iii + 6 — 'cr)4-Je*(l— cos 2 (/?< + e — w)) - \ tan* . sin* (jit + e), t) = 2 e . sin (7j/ + c — cj) + f e' . sin 2 (7i< + e — cr) — tan* \ and cosines of the form cos {£ (n't — n< + e' — c) - n't + ;i< — e' + c + w' — ro} become cos {i (n't — n< + c' — e) + ta' — cj}, by the substitution of t + 1 for t. 449. Attending to these circumstances, it will be found that Jl = !^ . 2 y^i . cos i (n't - nt + e' _ c), (118) + — . JIfo . e . cos \i (n't —■ nt + c' — e) + 7i< + «? — w}, + — , M^,e' . COB {t (n't - 7i< + 6' — e) + w< + c - to'}, fit Chap, v.] PERTURBATIONS OF THE PLANETS. + _ . iVo . e« . cos {iin't — nt + ^ — e) + 2nt + 2e - 2ct}, + —..Ni.ee'. cos {i(n't — nt + e' — e) + 2nt+2e - ct - w'}, + -. . iV, . e'« . COS {i(n'< - n< + e' - e) + 2n< + 2e - 2w'}, + !!l . N, . (e» + e") . COB » (7i'< - 7i< + e' - e), + _ . iV^ . ee' . COS {t (n't — n< + e' — e) + cj — cj'}, + — . iV, . ee' . COS {i(n't — n< + e' - e) — cj + ra'}, m' . zz' , Sm' . a .z'* , ,. ... n — + . cos (n't — n< + e' — e), — *"' ^^ ~ ^'^* . 2J?i . cos I (n't — 71/ + c' - e), 4 m' + Qo . e" . cos {i («'< - «< + e' - e) + 3n< + 3c - 3ra'}, 4 ^ + _ . Qi . «" . e . co8{t(n'<-7i<+«'— e) + 3n< + 3e-2cT'— ct}, 4 + ^' . Q, . e' . c« . co8{J(n'<-n<+6'-c)+3;i<+3e-ta'-2cj}, + ^ . Q, . c» . cos {i(n't - 71/ +e' - 6) + Znt + Sc - 3ct}, + !^ . z'* . (Z . 2 . i5< . cos{i(7i'< - nt +£'-c) + v!t + e'-w'}, 4 + ^ . /• . e . 2 . Bi . C08{t(7l7 - n<+ e' - e) + 7i< + € -o}, 4 + &c. &c. The coefficients being 240^ PERTURBATIONS OF THE PLANETS. [Book II, , N,= - i{4(i- DH.i) + 2 (i - 1) a (j^f-^ ^ \ da' J \dada' Jj N, = l{(i- 2) (4t - 3) ^,.„ - 2 (2i - 3) a' (^^^ ^; = i {4 (i - lyj,^,, - 2 (z - 1) « (^^%^) ^ ^ \ da' J^ Kda.da'Jj &c. &c. 450. But z =1 r^ = r, tan sin (u/ - 9), by article 435, or sub* stituting the values of r/ and V/ in article 447, and rejecting the pro- duct e tan 0, it becomes z =: a . tan sin (n< + t — 0) ; also z' — a' . tan 0' sin (7i'< + e' — 0O» and 0' being the inclinations of the orbits of m and m' on the ecliptic These values of z and z' are referred to the ecliptic at the epoch; but if the orbit of m at the epoch be assumed to be the fixed plane, 0=0, tan 0' = Y, the mutual inclination of the orbits of m and 7n', then II being the longitude of the ascending node of the orbit of to' on that of m, 2 = 0, 2' = a'y sin (/t7 + c' - n), consequently the terms of R depending on z' with regard to 7', cy*, and e'7*, become Cbap. v.] PERTURBATIONS OF THE PLANETS. 241 in' + — . iV. . 7" . COS {» (ii't - lit + c' - c) + '2nt + 2e - 2n}, + — - . iVy . 7' . C03 ) (7i7 — nt + 6' — c), + !^ . Q* . 7V . co8{t(7i7 — 7i<+6'-6)+3/ti + 3e - 13' - 2n}, 4 + ^. Qj. 7«e. C08{i(n'i — n<+6'-e)+3«<+3e — cj — 2n}. 4 451. It appears from this series that the sum of the terms iude« pendent of the eccentricities and inclinations of the orbits, is — 1., Ai cos t (jl't — 7l< + 6' — e), which b the same as if the orbits were circular and in one plane. The sum of the terms depending on the first powers of the eccen- tricities has the form ^ 2 . M cos {i {n't - n< + e' — e) + n< + e + ^}. > Those depending on the squares and products of the eccentricities and inclinations may be expressed by — Z2V . cos {t (ri't - 7i< + e' — e) + 2nt + 2« + L} + ^ 2 iV' . cos {i {n't - 71/ + c' - e) + L'}. Those depending on the third powers and products of these elements are ^ 2 Q . cos {i {n't - n< + e* - c) + Znt + 3e + C/} 4 + — 2 . Q' . cos {»• {n't — w< + €' - e) + Tii + e + 17'}, 4 &c. 8cc. It may be observed that the coefficient of the sine or cosine of the angle ct has always the eccentricity e for factor ; the coefficient of the sine or cosine of 2ct has e* for factor ; the sine or cosine of SsT has e*, and so on : also the coefficient of the sine or cosine of B has tan.0 for factor ; the sine or cosine of 20 has tan*. for factor, &c. &c. • 11 242 PERTURBATIONS OF THE PLANETS. [Book II. Determination of the Coefficients of the Series R. 452. In order to complete the developement of jR, the coefficients Ai and B{, and their differences, must be determined. Let (a" - 2aa' cos ^ + a*)"* = A"* = i^o + ^i cos fi + A» . cos 2/3 + &c The differential of which is A-^^ 2saa' sin y8 = Ji sin /3 + 2^^ sin 2/3 + 3Aa sin 3/3 + &c. multiplying both sides of this equation by A, and substituting for A"^, it becomes 2saa' sin ^ {i ^o + A^ cos fi + At cos 2/3 + &c.} = (a" — 2aa' cos /3 + a*) {A, sin/S + 2Aa sin 2/8 + &c.} If it be observed that cos )8 sin i8 = i cos 2/8, &c. when the multiplication is accomplished, and the sines and cosines of the multiple arcs put for the products of the sines and cosines, the comparison of the coefficients of like cosines gives J _ (fls* + «'*) Ai - saa' Ao . ' aa! (2 - s) ' ^ _ 2(a«+g^M8-(l +s)aa'Ay, . ' aa' (3-~«) and generally j^^ (t-1) (a'+a^')^(i-,)-(i+^-2)ag^i4(i_,) . ^j^g^ . (i — «) aa' in which i may be any whole number positive or negative, with the exception of and 1. Hence At will be known, if .^o, Ai can be found. Let A-^» = i^o + Bi cos /8 + B, cos 2/8 + &c. multiplying this by (a' — 2aa' cos /3 + d'^, and substituting the value of A"* in series ^Ao + A^ cos fi + At cos 2fi + &c. = (a« - 2aa' cos /3 + a'«) (J^ Co + B, co8/3 + B, cos 2/8 + &c.) the comparison of the coefficients of like cosines gives Ai = (a* + a") . Bi - aa' . B^^.,) - « (120) (f — *) aa' If tliis quantity be put in the preceding value of ^., it becomes I - or if ; + 1 be put for i, ^_^ = 2.aa-i?.--.9(a' + a-')B,,., . ^^^g^ t - s + \ whence may be obtained, by the substitution of the preceding value of fi(^.,) , {i - «) (t - s + 1) • flfl' If i?(,_i) be eliminated between this equation and (121), there will result, J- (i + «) (a« + a'*) ^i - 1. (i - « + 1) . aa . J(^i) 2?, = ^ i , (a'« - ay or substituting for ^(^.i) its value given by equation (119), fl,= ± — (« - 1) (a' + o'*) . ^. + -1 (i + s - 1) . aa'^(i_,) (a'* - a")* If to abridge — = «) the two last equations, as well as cqua- a' tion (119), when both the numerators and the denominators of their several members are divided by o*", take the form ji^^ a - 1) (1 + «')yf(.-,) - (i + a - 2) . ot . ^(i^i) ^^23) (i - s) a — 0" + «) (1 + «*) ^, - -i(i - * + 1) «' . ^(un) ^= -^ ,1 ^x, ^ 5 (124) (1 - «*)*a'* J-(«-i) (1 +«0.^< + — (« + «- 1). «'.^(^,) £.= _£ ? , (125) which is very convenient for computation. All the coefficients A^, Aa, &c., B^, jB,, &c., will be obtained from equations (123) and (125), when Aq, Ai are known ; it only re- mains, therefore, to determine these two quantities. R 2 244 PERTURBATIONS OF THE PLANETS. [Book II. 454. Because COS ^ = , c being the number whose hyperbolic logarithm is unity ; therefore a'* - 2aa' cos/8 + a« = {a' - ac^"^"} . {a' - ac-'"^} consequently, A-* = {a' - ac^^~}-'. {a' -ac-^'^]—. but (a' - fffr'^- = J-(l+ s «c^^^+ fL*jti2 cc'c^'^ + &c.}, a" 2 (a' - ac-^^^)- = Jl_{ 1+ s «c-^V^+l^i±l2 o?c-^^'^ + &c.} ; a'^ 2 the product of which is «'*• \ \ .2 J \ \ . 2 . Z J a«' ^ ^ 1 . 2 ^1.2 1.2.3 ^ (c^^/^ + c-'"^/^) + &c. whence it appears that c'^"^, and c'^^"^ have always the same coefficients ; and as c****^ -j- c~'^'^~ ^ = 2 cos //J, it is easy to see that this series is the same with A-* = (a'« - 2aa' cos)8 -f a*)"' = ^ Jo + ^i cos )8 + &c. consequently, a'«'^ V 1 • 2 y V 1.2.3 J ^ a'*' ^ 1.2 1.2 1.2.3 ^ Tliese series do not converge when « == ^ ; but they converge rapidly when s = — ^ ; then, however, Ao and -(4i become the first and second coefficients of the development of (a'« — 2aa' cos fi + a*)^. Let S and S" be the values of these two coefficients in this case, then Chap, v.] PERTURBATIONS OF THE PLANETS. 245 „,_ ., 1.1a 5 ^y,^, t ^ 2.4 and as the values oi Aq, A, may be obtained in functions of S and S', the two last series form the basis of the whole computation. Because A^^ At become S and S' when s r= - j^, and that /?< becomes Ai\ if s = — i^, and i = 0, equation (124) gives J =2 (! + «') g' + 3«'S\ ** * (l-«*y.a'* and if s =: - J^, and i = 1, equation (125) givc^ A - ^« ^ + 3 (1 + «^) .S' ' ~ (I - «*)* . a'* If s = ^, and i = 0, equation (125) gives n _ (l+«-)^o - 2«^,. a'Hl-«*)* and substituting the preceding values of Aq and y/,, it becomes 2.S " a'- (1 - «')*' In the same manner it will be found that 451. It now remains to determine the difTerences ofyfjandl?< with regard to a. Resume A-* = i ^0 + ^i cos fi + Ai cos 2^ + &c. and take its differential with regard to a, observing that ^ = 2(a - a') cos /8 ; da then - 2a.(a - a') 008/8 .A—^ = ^ . J?^ + -^ . cos ^ aa aa + .^ . cos 2;8 + &c. da But A = a" — 2fla' . cos ^ + a' A + rt' - «'• . a — a' cos /J = — ; crivcs _ - — ,- 24G PERTURBATIONS OF THE PLANETS. [Book II. therefore A"* + (a« - a'") A"*"* r= - ^ . ^ . Ml. s da — — . — L cos ^ — — . i cos 2fi — &c. s da s da or, substituting the values of A~* and A~*~' in series iiAo+ Ay cos fi + A^ cos 2/8 + &c. + (a* - a") x {^Bo + Bi cos fi + Bi cos 2/8 + &c.} = — ^ . — . L — — . L cos /8 — — . i cos 2^ - &c. s da » da s da and the comparison of like cosines gives the general expression, dA^ = ^ + ji + 2.0) . a» \ ^ _ / 2(i - ;» + l)a' \ ^ I \ aia'^ - a*) J ' \ a'* - a« J (H-i)' da If the difiFerentials of this equation be taken with regard to a, and if, dA dA in the resulting equations, substitution be made for -, ^'+'^ . da da ^ from the preceding formula, the successive differences of Ai, in functions of ^(<+,), ^(i+s), will be obtained. Coefficients of the series R. 455. If }g be put for « in the preceding equation, and in equation (123), and if it be observed that in the series R, article 446,-^^ da d'A is always multiplied by a, L by o*, and so on ; then where i is do' successively made equal to 0, 1, 2, 3, &c. the coefficients and their differences arc, J _ 2(l+a')S + 6«S^ J _ 4«S-H3(1+««)S^ ' a'^Cl-a)" Chap, v.] PERTURBATIONS OF THE PLANETS. 247 y|, =: J-. {2(1 + «*)J,-«^o} 3a A, = 1. {4(1 + «V« - 3a^,} 5a A, = — . {6(1 + oc')A., - 5ckA^} Toe. A, =1. {8(1 + (^)A,~7uA,}, &c. &c. a (i:jdi) = J- {(l'+ 20 ^. - 3«^4 \ da J I -or a (i:^ = J_ {(2 + 3«') A, - 5«J,} \ da / i-or a (^\ = _1_ {(3 + 4«') J, - 7«J,], &c. &c. /)} &c. &c. When « = 1, 2V« = iaa' jBq — i — , and i — must be added to Nj. a* a'* 460. The series represented by S and S' which are the bases of the computation, are numbers given by observation : for if the mean distance of the earth from the sun be assumed as the unit, the mean distances of the other planets determined by observation, may be expressed in functions of that unit, so that u = — , the ratio of the a' mean distance of m to that of m' is a given number, and as the functions are symmetrical with regard to a and a', the denominator of — may always be so chosen as to make » less than unity, therefore if eleven or twelve of the first terms be taken and the rest omitted, the values of S and S' will be sufficiently exact ; or, if their sum be found, considering them as geometrical series whose ratio is 1 — «*, the values of S and S' will be exact to the sixth decimal, which is sufficient for all the planets and satellites. Thus A,, Bi, their dif- ferences, and consequently the coefficients Mo, My, No, &c. of the series R arc known numbers depending on the mean distances of the planets from the sun. 461. All the preceding quantities will answer for the perturbations of m' when troubled by m, with the exception of ^4,, which becomes a' ^1 — — ; and when employed to determine the perturbations of a* Jupiter's satellites, the equatorial diameter of Jupiter, viewed at his mean distance from the sun, is assumed as the unit of distance, in functions of which the mean distances of the four satellites from the centre of Jupiter are expressed. 251 m^'l^T'^ tKJVERSITY CHAPTER VI. SECULAR INEQUALITIES IN THE ELEMENTS OF THE ORBITS. Stability of the Solar System, with regard to the Mean Motions of the Planets and the greater axes of their Orbits. 462. When the squares of the disturbing masses are omitted, how- ever far the approximation may be carried with regard to the eccen- tricities and inclinations, the general form of the series represented by R, in article 449, is m'k . cos {i'n't — int + c} =: R, k and c are quantities consisting entirely of the elements of the orbits, A; being a function of the mean distances, eccentricities, and inclina- tions, and c a function of the longitudes of the epochs of the perihelia and nodes. The differential of this expression, with regard to nt the mean motion of m, is (\R = m'kindt sin {i'n't — int + c}. Tlic expression AR always relates to the mean motion of m aloue ; when substituted in da =: 2a*dJl, it gives da = 2a^m'ik . ndt . sin {i'n't — int + c}, the integral of which is * — 2a^im'nk t-i n - i , i Sa = — . COB {ihi'i — vit + c}, i'n' — in It is evident that if the greater axes of the orbits of the planets be subject to secular inequalities, this value of la must contain terms independent of the sines and cosines of the angular distances of the bodies from each other. But a must be periodic unless i'n' — in =: ; that is, unless the mean motions of the bodies m and in' be commensurable. Now the mean motions of no two bodies in the solar system are exactly commensurable, therefore 252 SECULAR INEQUALITIES IN THE [Book II. i'n' — in is in no case exactly zero ; consequently the greater axes of the celestial bodies are not subject to secular inequalities ; and on account of the equation n = a~^, their mean motions are uniform. Tlius, when tlie squares and products of the masses m, m' arc omitted, the differential dil does not contain any term proporlional to the element of the time, however far the approximation may be carried with regard to the eccentricities and inclinations of the orbits, dil or, which is the same thing, does not contain a constant term ; ndt for if it contained a term of the form m% then would a = 2/a* . dR = 2a^m'knt, and g" = - 3 ffandt . dR would become f = — 3/faji^m'kdt^ = — 3anhn'kt^, 80 that the greater axes would increase with the time, and the mean motion would increase with the square of the time, which would ulti- mately change the form of the orbits of the planets, and the periods of their revolutions. The stability of the system is so important, that it is necessary to inquire whether the greater axes and mean motions be subject to secular inequalities, when the approximation is carried to the squares and products of the masses. 463. Tlie terms depending on the squares and products of the masses are introduced into the series R by the variation of the ele- ments of tlie orbits, both of the disturbed and disturbing bodies. Hence, if Sfir, Jc, &c. be the integrals of the differential equations of the elements in article 489, the variable element* will be a + Ja, e + Se, &c. for m, and a' -j- 5a'. e' + 5e', &c. for m' ; and when these are substituted for a, e, a', e', &c. in the series R, it takes the form R, = R + m + yR; and from what has been said, the greater axis and mean motion of m will not be affected by secular inequalities, unless the differential dR, = dR + d.5R + d.5'R contains a term that is not periodic. dR is of the first order relatively to the masses, and has been provctl in the preceding article not to contain a term that is not periodic. d.SR andd.S'R include the squares and products of the masses; the first is the differential of iR with regard to tlic elements of the Chap. VI.] ELEMENT.? OF THE ORBITS. 253 troubled planet m, and d. J'H is a similar function with regard to the disturbing body m\ It is proposed to examine whether either of these contain a term that is not periodic, beginning with d . ^R. 464. The variation ^R regards the elements of m alone, and is da rft de da dp dq If the values in article 439, be put for Sa, Se, &c. this expression becomes 5R = 2a' {^ r^ «di- *? r*?.»*} \da J de de J da +_aVw (1 _ VIT?) \dJl r^R ndl- ^ C-- ndt} g [ de J de de J de a^)T? \dR rdR^^^^_^dR fdR ^^^. g Iricj J dc de J dvj + e ^'^'' ^_a_\dRrdR^^^^_dR M_R^^^^^ Vl3> ydpj dq dq J dp And its differential, according to the elements of the orbit of m alone, is obtained by suppressing the signs y introduced by the integration of the differential equations of the elements in article 439, which reduces this expression to zero ; therefore to obtain d.lR, it is sufll- cient to take the differential according to nt of those terms in ^R that are independent of the sign f. When the series in article 449 is substituted for If, JH will take the form P ./. Qdl - Q ./. Pdt. Where P and Q represent a series of terms of the form Ar. ^g?^ (i'tit - int + c), i' and i being any whole numbers positive or negative. Let k cos {in't — int + c) belong to P, and let k' cos (^i'71't — int + &) be the corresponding term of Q, A, k', c, c', being constant quantities. A term that is not periodic could only arise in d^R - d{PfQdt - QfPdl}, if it contained such an expression as kk> cos { t'n'<-t/t<+c} cos {i'n't - int + c' } = JU-' cos (c — c') + iU-' cos {2i'n't - 2inl + c + c'j ; or a similar product of the sines of the same angles. But when 254 SECULAR INEQUALITIES IN THE [Book II. Ar cos (i'n't — int + c) is put for P, and k' cos {i'n't — int + c') for Q, dJi? becomes d.^R = kindi . sin {i'n't — int + c) .fk'dt . cos (i'n't — «n< + c') —k'indt . sin (i'n7 — zn< + c') . fkdt . cos (i'n't — int + c), which is equal to zero when the integrjitions are accomplished. Whence it may be concluded that d. 5/2 is altogether periodic. 465. It now remains to determine whether the variation of the ele- ments of the orbit of m' produces terms that are not periodic in d.^'R. Tliis cannot be demonsti-ated by the same process, because the function R, not being symmetrical relatively to the co-ordinates of m and m', clianges its value in considering the disturbance of m' by m. Let li' be what R becomes with regard to the planet m' troubled by m ; then/2' = m\ ^ - ^fltyyl+f^l {^{x'-jry+iy'-yy+iz'-^f ^* ' hence R= — R'-{- m'(rj' + yy' + zz') (— - 1 and ^'R = !!i!j'il' + m'J'{(xaf'.j-yy'+2z')f— - — M- m \r' r'v j If the differential of this equation according to d be periodic, so will d . yR. Now in consequence of the variations of the elements of the orbit of m, I'R'^^^la' + ^}^^e'^•^^l.' + ^ w+ ^'v + "^Hl da' de de' dvs' dp' ^ dq' And as this expression with regard to the planet m' is in all respects gimilar to that of 5/? in the preceding article with regard to m, by the same analysis it may be proved, that d . S/2' is altogether periodic. Tiius the only terms that are not periodic, must arise from the differ- ential of »n'S'{xr' + yy' + zz'f^ - \\\. Let m'{xx' + yy' + zz'} ("1 - l^ = L. X m' /dR\ T "^ ~s\diy fl + ^i! ( dR'\ r'-' S ' \ dx' J Then by article 346, m'x m' d}x mm' r' .S dt* S ... m'x' _ m' d'x' likewise = — — . r"* H dP 771 " Chap. VI.] ELEMENTS OF THE ORBITS. 255 The co-ordinates y z, y z', furnish similar equations. Thus, L r= ^' \ ^ ^^^ " ^^ ^ y^y' " y'^y ^ ^^^' ' ^'^^"^ X + N where AT _ *"'* f ^^' "^ yy' + 22'\ __ mm! /xx! + yy' + zz\ --(f)}- If iV be omitted at first, y T _ m' ,( d (a/dx — xdxl + y'Ay — ydy^ + ^dz — zdz') 1 • ~ " "s" * 1 d^ J ' 466. Tlie elliptical values of the co-ordinates being substituted, every term must be periodic. For example, if X = a . cos (?j< + c — ■ct) y = a' . cos (ii't + e'— ro') j/(/j - xdx' _ 1^^//^ _ nf^ . sin { n7 - w/ + t' - 6 - to' + CT } ; a quantity that must be periodic unless n't - nt = 0, which never can happen, because the mean motions of no two bodies in the solar sys- tem are exactly commensurable ; but even if a term that is not periodic were to occur, it would vanish in taking the second differential ; and as the same thing may be shown with regard to the other products y'dy - ydy' z!dz - zdz', dL is a periodic function. AVith regard to the term dL = diV, if the clli])tical values of the co-ordinates of m and m' be substituted, it will readily aj)pear that this expression is periodic, for the equations of the elliptical motion of m and m', in article 36.5, give xj f + tfy' + zz' ___ __ x'J^x + y'd' y + z'd^z ^ (6* + m)dt* ' xx' + xjy' -\-zz' _ _ xd^x' + yd^y'+ zd^z' . ?* (S + m')d<* 10 that the function N becomes _ m" f xd'x' + yd*y' + zd'z' \ "" S (S + m) \ df* J mm' / x'd^x + y'd^ + z'd'z \ m' j ^, fdR \ _ , /r//?'\ S{S + m)\ dl* ysr\dx) \dx'J 256 SECULAR INEQUALITIES IN THE [Book II. 467. From what has been said, it will readily appear that the terms of this expression, consisting of the products x'<^x, xd^x\ &c. &c., are periodH|f»ehen the elliptical values are substituted for the co- ordinates, and their differentials. 468. Tlie last term of the value of N is also periodic ; for, if the elliptical values of the co-ordinates of m and m' be put in jR, it may be developed into a series of cosines of the multiples of the arcs nt and n't, and the differential may be found by making jR vary with regard to the quantities belonging to m alone ; hence this differential may contain the sines and cosines of the multiples of n/, but no sine or cosine of n't alone ; and as x' = r' cos (n't + e' — ct'), the mean motions nt, n't, never vanish from a/ ( — ], which is conse- quently periodic ; and as the same may be demonstrated for each of the products not only N but its differential are periodic, and consequently d . 5'R. Tlius it has been proved that when the approximation is carried to the squares and products of the masses, the expression dR, = dR + d.m + A. ^'R relatively to the variations of the mean motions of the two planets m and m' is periodic. 469. These results would be the same whatever might be the num- ber of disturbing bodies ; for m" being a second planet disturbing the motion of m, it would add to R the term fn" ^ m"(xx" + yy"+zz") .Jix" - x)« + (y" - yy + {z" - zy r'» The variation of the co-ordinates of m! and m" resulting from the reciprocal action of these two j)lanets, would produce terms multiplied by mm" and m"* in the variation of R ; and by the preceding ana- lysis it follows that all the terms in d . i>"R are periodic. l"R re- lates to the variation of the elements of the orbit of m". Tlie variations of the co-ordinates of m' arising from the action of m" on m', will cause a variation in the part of R depending on the action of m' on m represented by Chap. VI.] ELEMENTS OF THE ORBITS. 257 There will arise terms in il, multiplied by m'm"., which will be functions of «/, n'^ 7i"f, when substitution is made of the elliptical values of the co-ordinates ; and as the mean motions cannot destroy each other, these terms will only produce periodic terms in dil. Should there be any terms independent of the mean motion nt in the development of JR, they will vanish by taking the differential djR. And as terms depending on nt alone will have the form m'm" . dP, P being a function of the elliptical co-ordinates of m . , there will arise iny*d . R terms of the form m'm"fAP = m'm" . P, since dP is an exact differential. These terms will then be of the second order after integi'ation, and such terms are omitted in the value of this function. The variation of the co-ordinates x, y, z, produced by the action of m" on m only introduce into the preceding part of R terms multi- plied by m'm" and functions of the three angles nt, n't, n"t ; and as these three mean motions cannot destroy each other, there can only be periodic terms in dil. Tlie terms de})ending on nt alone, only produce periodic terms of the order m/m," in dR. Tlie same may be proved with regard to the part of JR depending on the action of m" on m. 470. Hence whatever may be the number of disturbing bodies, when the approximation includes the squares and products of the masses, the variation of the elliptical elements of the disturbed and disturbing planets only produce periodic terms in dR. 471. Now the variation of f = - Zf fundi . dR is Jf = - Sanffdt . d.SR + Zaffindt . dR ./dR). It was proved in article 464 that dSR = in considering only secu- lar quantities of the order of the squares of the masses. It is easy to see from the form of the scries R that diiydR = with regard to these quantities, consequently the variation of the mean motion of a planet cannot contain any secular inequality of the first or second order with regard to the disturbing forces that can become sensible in the course of ages, whatever the number of planets may be that trouble its motion. And as da = 2a*dil becomes S 258 SECULAR INEQUALITIES IN THE [Book II. 5a = { 2a'fAR + Sa'fimfdR) } , by the substitution of (a + Sa*) for a*, Sa cannot contain a secular inequality if ^^ does not contain one. 472. It therefore follows, that when periodic inequalities are omitted as well as the quantities of the third order with regard to the disturbing forces, the mean motions of the planets, and the greater axes of their orbits, are invariable. The whole of this analysis is given in the Supplement to the third volume of the Mecanique Celeste; but that part relating to the second powers of the disturbing forces is due to M. Poisson. Differential Equations of the Secular Inequalities in ike Eccentri' cities, Inclinations, Longitudes of the Perihelia and Nodes, which are the annual and sidereal variations of these four elements, 473. That part of the series JR, in article 449, which is independent of periodic quantities, is found by making i = 0, for then Sin 'i (n't - nt + e' - c) = 0, Cos t (n'< — n< + e' — e) = 1 ; and if the differences of A^ A^ with regard to a' be eliminated by their values in article 458, the series R will be reduced to - —aa'B.y*, 8 But the formulae in articles 456 and 457 give a(^\ + ^a^(^^\^-.j5£.L^^ \daj ' "" \da*J 2 (a" -ay' >4,-af^Via«/'^^ = S(aci'S+(a'+a")S') \daj \da* J {a'* -ay aa By = — consequently Chap. VI.J ELEMENTS OF THE ORBITS. 2{H» Sm'.aa'.S' f^,,« 2. 4. («'«-«*)* -(/>'■ -;>)•- (9'- 9)'} 3m'(a'a.S+(a« + a'*)S') ^^, , 2 (a* - ay :os (cj' -t^) 5 for by article 444 whence 7« = (p' - ;>y + (9' ■ -9)N dF __ d«T 3m'(aa'S+(a»+a'«)S') ^^ 2 (a'* - ay ' . sin (t^'- ■T.) dF __ Sm'aa'S' 4(«'«- a')* ^ 2(a»-o«)'' '^ ^ df 4 (a » - a*)' • ^^ ■" ^^ dF 3m 'aa' . S' , , . — = — (9 — 9). dg 4(a'«-a«)' 474. Wlien the squares of the eccentricities are omitted, the diffe- rential equations in article 441 become de an dF ^ dvs __ an dF^ dl e dc3 dt e de dp dF. dq _ ^„ dF dt dq dt dp If the differentials of F, according to the elements, be substituted in these, and if to abridge - ^rn'.naWS' _ y 3m' . an.(aa'S-\-ia'+a'*)S') _ r^-p . 2(a'» - ay "■ L-iil ' they become ^ = rO c' sin (o' - ct) . dt ' ^' ^ = (0.1) - loTlj — cos (w'-w) (127) dt e ^ = - (0 . 1) (g - 9) Of ^ = (0 . 1) (p - po. dt S 2 26Q SECULAR INEQUALITIES IN THE [Book II. 475. But tan = Vp* + 9" and tan = ^, and when the 9 squares of the inclinations are omitted cos = 1, hence d<^= dp sine + dq co,e; de = ^/>cos0-d9sin0 . tan and substituting the preceding values of dp, dq, the variations in the incUnations and longitude of the node are, ^ = (0 . 1) . tan . sin (6 - 6') dt ' ^ = -(0.1)+ (0.1). ^^IL^. cos (9-0'). dt ^ ^ ^ ^ tan 0' ^ ^ 476. The preceding quantities are the secular variations in the orbit of 771 when troubled by m' alone, but all the bodies in the sys- tem act simultaneously on the planet m, and whatever effect is pro- duced in the elements of the orbit of m by the disturbing planet m', similar cftects will be occasioned by the disturbing bodies m', m", &c. Hence, as the change produced by m' in the elements of the orbit of m are expressed by the second terms of the preceding equations, it is only necessary to add to them a similar quantity for each disturbing body, in order to have the whole action of the system on m. The expressions (0 . 1), J0.i[ have been employed to represent the coefficients relative to the action of m' on 7n ; for quantities rela- tive to m which has no accent, are represented by ; and those re- lating to m' which has one accent, by 1 ; foUowmgthe same notation, the coefficients relative to the action of m" on m will be (0 . 2), J0.2I ; those relatmg to m'" on m by (0 . 3), |0.3J ; and so on. Therefore the secular action of m" in disturbing the elements of the orbit of m will be IM e" sin (tsj"- CT) ; (0 . 2) - I^Ol — cos (©"-©) e (0 . 2) tan sin (6 - 0") ; - (0.2) + (0.2) Ifli^ cos (0 - 6"). tan0 477. Therefore the differential ecjuations of the secular inequalities of tlie elements of the orbit of tw, when troubled by the simultaneous action of all the bodies in the system, are Chap. VI.] ELEMENTS OF THE ORBITS. 261 + |0-3 | e'" sin (ta'"— w) + &c. ^ =: (0 . 1) + (0 . 2) + &c. - |Tl) i!- cos (w' - w) - IdTa — cos (ct" - ct) - &c. (128) ^=(O.l)tan0'sin(0-e') +(0. 2) tan0"sin((?-O'O + &c. dt ^=-{(0. l)+(0.2)+&c.}+(0. l)^!ill^cos(0-0') dt / V / J V ^ tan0 + (0.2) ^^^ cos (0 - 9") + &c. tan0 478. All the quantities in these equations are determined by ob- servation for a given epoch assumed as the origin of the time, and wlien integrated, or (which is the same thing) multiplied by /, they give the annual variation in the elements of the orbit of a planet, on account of the immense periods of the secular inequalities, which admit of one year being regarded as an infinitely short time in which the elements e, w, &c., may be supposed to be constant. 479. It is evident that the secular variations in the elements of the orbits of m', m", m"\ &c., will be obtained from the preceding equations, if every Uiing relating to m be changed into the corre- sponding quantities relative to m', and the contrary, and so for the other bodies. Thus the variation in tlie elements of m', in", &c., from the action of all the bodies in the sj'stem, will be — = [l3 . e . sin (w - ra') + (TT^ • e" • 8in(CT"-ro') + &c. ^' = rO . e . sin (ct - o") + IJjl . e' . sin (T3'-Ta")+&c. dt ' &c. &c. ^ = (1 . 0) + (1 . 2) + &c. - [To) . ^ . cos (CT - 1=0 dt ^ — 113 • ■^C08(ra"-ro') . - &C. 262 SECULAR INEQUALITIES IN THE [Book II. *^ = (2 .0) + (2 . 1) + &c. - [273 . -^ . cos (w - cj") dt e' — 1^1 . £l . cos (ro' - w") - &c. (129) &c. &c. ^'= (1 . O).tan0. sin(0'-0) + (l .2). tan0". 8in(0'-^O+&c- dt ^ = (2 . 0) . tan . sin (0"-0) + (2.1). tan 0' . sin (0"- 0') +&c. di &c. &c. ^=-{(1.0) + (1.2)+&c.} + (1.0). !f!L| cos(0'-0) at tan 0' + (1.2) H1!L^ . cos (6'- 0") + &c. tan 0' f^ = - {(2 . 0) + (2 . 1) + &c.} + (2 . 0) . *J1!L^ . cos (0"-0) vi tan 0" + (2 . 1). ^^L^ . cos (0" - 00 + &C, tan 0" &c. 8k;. As these quantities do not contain the mean longitude, nor its sines or cosines, they depend on the configuration of the orbits only. Approximate Values of the Secular Variations in these four Ele- ments in Series, ascending according to the powers of the Time. 480. The annual variations in the elements are readily obtained from these formuUe ; but as the secular inequalities Vary so slowly that they may be assumed to vary as the time for a great many cen- turies without sensible error, series may be formed, whence very accu- rate values of the elements may be computed for at least a thousand years before and after the epoch. Let the eccentricity be taken as an example. With the given vahies of the masses and mean longi- de dt the variation in the eccentricity, be computed from the preceding tudes of tlie perihelia determined by observation, let a value of ^ , dt Chap. VI.] ELEMENTS OF THE ORBITS. 263 equation for the epocli, say 1750, and another for 1950, If the lat» ter be represented by ( — ), and the former by — , then \dt J dt f^V-=200.^"; or/^^ = ^ + 200 . ?£ \dtj dt dt^ \dtj dt df the quantities -f , — , being relative to the year 1750. Hence, e dt d^ bemg the eccentricity of any orbit at that epoch, the eccentricity e at any other assumed time t, may be found from dt ^ dP with sufficient accuracy for 1000 or 1200 years before and after 1750. In the same manner all the other elements may be computed from t^ = e + ^. dt .< + i dt' .<« + &c. dt i + h- dF ' C + &c. dt .t + h d'd "dp' t^ + &c. t-\-h- d*7 dt' <« + &c. (130) dt ^ dP For as and d are given by observation, f and If, which are func- tions of them, may be found. All the quantities in these equations are relative to the epoch. These expressions are sufficient for astronomical purposes ; but as very important results may be deduced from the finite values of the secular variations, the integrals of the preceding differential equations must be determined for any given time. Finite Values of the Differential Equations relative to the eccen- tricities and longitudes of the Perihelia. 481. Direct integration is impossible in the present state of ana- lysis, but the differential equatiojis in question may be changed into 264 SECULAR INEQUALITIES IN THE [Book IL linear equations capable of being integrated by the following method of La Grange. Let A =: e sin w i := e cos cj h! •=! d sin cj' V zz ef cos to', &c. &c. *i,„„ dh de . , drs *nen . — =: — sm cr + — . e cos ct, dt dl dt dl de driT — = — cos rs — — . e sin tiT ; dt dt dt and substituting the differentials in article 477, the result will be ^ = {(0 . 1) + (0 . 2) + &c.} / - [oTTI ^' - IHhI I" - [o3 I'" - &c. ^=-{(0.1) + (0.2) + &c.}/i- \oT\\ h' + [o^l h" dt + WM ^'"' + &c. (131) like^vise ^={(1.0) + (1.2)+&c.}r- [O/ - ITI/" at ■ ' - (TT3| I'" - &c. fit/ , ^ = -{(1.0) + (l.2) + &c.}A'+ Ij^l A + [TJ h" + [iT§ h'" + &c. &c. &c. It is obvious that there must be twice as many such equations, and as many terms in each, as there are bodies in the system. 482. Tlie integrals of these equations will be obtained by making h =z N sin (gt + O I = N cos (gt + Q) h' = N' sin {gt + f) /' = N' cos {gt + Q) &c. &c. It is easy to sec why these quantities take this form, for if h! = 0, h" = 0, &c., / = ; i' = 0, &c., then ^=(0.1)/;^= - (0.1) A. at dt Chap. VI.] ELEMENTS OF THE ORBITS. 265 Let but dh _ dt gl dl _ __ dt gh, dt^ • g dl dt' , therefore d*h dt* + g'h = 0. And by article 214 h = N sin (gt + C), N and f being arbitrary constant quantities. In the same manner I = iVcos {gt + C). 483. If the preceding values of A, k', h", &c., I, l',l"y &c.,and their differentials be substituted in equations (131), the sines and cosines vanish, and there will result a number of equations, A'5'={(0.1)+(0.2)+(0.3)+&c.}iV- (oTTi N' - [Ol iV"-&c. ^'5={(l-0)+(1.2)+(1.3)+&c.}iV'- [rg N- [TT2I iV"-&c.(132) &c. &c. equal to the number of quantities iV, JV, JV", &c,, consequently equal to the number of bodies in the system ; hence, if iV', N", N'", &c., be eliminated, N will vanish, and will therefore remain indeterminate, and there will result an equation in g only, the degree of which will be equal to the number of bodies m, m', m", &c. The roots of this equation may be represented by g, g-,, §•„ &c., which are the mean secular mo- tions of the perihelia of the orbits of m, m', m", &c., and are func- tions of the known quantities (0.1), |0.l | , (1.0), U.o| ,&c.,only. When successively substituted in equations (132), these equations will only contain the indeterminate quantities N, N', JV", &c. ; but it is clear, that for each root of g, N, N', N", &c., will have different values. Therefore let N, N', N", &c., be their values corresponding to the root g ; JV„ iV,', N/', &c., those corresponding to the root g ; Nt, Nt, iV,", &c., those arising from the substitution of g^, &c. &c. ; and as the complete integral of a differential linear equation is the sum of the particular equations, the integrals of (131) arc * = iVsin (gt + O + -^1 sin (ff,<+C,) + iV.sin (f^+Q + &c. h'=N' sin (£t + C) + iVi' sin (g,t + Q + N,' sin (gM<^,) + &c. (133) &c. «ec. I =zN cos (gt + O-h N, cos (g^t -f-eo + N, cos (g^t + Q + &c., 266 SECULAR INEQUALITIES IN THE [Book II. l'= N' cos igt ^- C) + N,' cos Cg^t + f .) + 2V,' cos (g,t + Q + &c. &c. &c. for each term contains two arbitrary quantities N, € ; N^, Ci, &c. 484. Since each terra of the equations (132) has one of the quan- tities iV,2V', &c., for coefficient, these equations will only give values N' N" of the ratios — - ; — - &c., N N' 80 that for each of the roots g, g-,, g'j, &c., one of the quantities N, Ni, iVg, &c., will remain indeterminate. To show how these are determined, it must be observed that in the expression of article 474, S and S' are the coefficients of the first and second terms of the development of (a*-2aa' cos ^8 + a'*}^, which remains the same when a' is put for a ; and the contrary, that is to say, whether the action of m! on m be considered, or that of m on m'. Hence if m, 7i', and a', be put for m', 7i, and a, consequently |0.1 | »)i . n'a' = |l.0j . m' . na. It is also evident that (0 . 1) wi . n'a' = (1 . 0) m' . na. But if the mass of the planet be omitted in comparison of that of the sun considered as the unit, n* =: J-; n" =z -L,&c. ; a^ a" therefore |oTl| mj~a - [TT§ m' ^~a/ = 0, |0.2| m^a - 1 2^ m" ^o" = 0, &c. &c. (0 . 1) m v^T -(1.0) mV"^ = 0, (0 . 2) m -/a" - (2.0) m"\^'^' =: 0, &c. &C; Chap. VI.] ELEMENTS OF THE ORBITS. 267 485. Now let those of equntions (131) that give dh dh' o — , — , &c., dt dt be respectively multiplied by Nm 'fa, N'ln' 4^, N"m" JaF', &c. ; then, in consequence of equations (132), and the preceding relations, it will be found that ^ ^ m f^ ■\- N'—m' f^+N" — m" V^ + &c. dt dt dt = g{Nlm ^~a + m'm!'/^ +N"l>'m" Va^ + &c. } ; if the preceding values of A, h\ h'\ &c., /, /', 8cc., be put in this, a comparison of the coefficients of like cosines gives Qrz NNym 'JT + N'N\m' ^'+N"N'\m" fa" + &c. = NN^m fa -\-Wir^w! f^''\-N"N\m' fa" + &c. Again, if the values of A, A', A", &c., in equations (133) be respec- tively multiplied by Nm fa, N'm' faf, &c. they give Nmk 'J'a + Wm'h' f^' + N"m"h" fP + &c. =s (134) { N*m fa + iV^W f7 + N"^m" ^/^ + &a } sui (g<+C), in consequence of the preceding relations. By the same analysis the values of/, /', i", &c., give Nml fZ + iV'm7' V7+ i\r"m'7" f7> + kxi. =i { Nhn Va + N'^m' fa< +N"*m" f^ + &c.} cos {gt + f)- Tlie eccentricities of the orbits of the planets, and the longitudes of their perihelia, are known by observation at the epoch, and if these be represented by e, e', &c. ©. ^y &c. by article 481, A = e sin ©, h' = e' sin ro', &c., I sz e cos «, I' = e' cos to', &c. ; therefore A, A', &c., 2, l\ &c., are give^i at that period. And if it be taken as the origin of the time f = 0, and the preceding equations give m /o _ N.e sin «.m fa+ N' .e' sinfH^ .m' fa' + &c. N.ecoa&.mfa-\-N' ,e' cos ^'.m'fa! + hc. 268 SECULAR INEQUALITIES IN THE [Book II. But, for the root g, the equations (132) give N' = CN, N" = C'N, N'" = C"N, &c., C, C, C" being constant and given quantities ; therefore e sin CT . m ^fa+C.e' sinw'.m' -/IT' -f &c. tan b = ~; ^^ y= j= . e cos CT.m V a +C^.e'cosro'.m' V a' + &c. If these values of iV', N", &c., be eliminated from equation (134), it gives ^ g sin €» m V a + Ce' sin ctW '/a/ -|- &c. ~ {mV~^+ CW Va^ + C'^m" Va^+&c.} sin C* Thus tan € and iST are determined, and the remaining coefficients iV, N"i &c., may be computed from equations (132), for the root g. In tliis manner the indeterminate quantities belonging to the other roots §■„ g-j, &c., may be found. Tlius the equations (133) are completely determined, whence the eccentricities of the orbits and the longitudes of their perihelia may be found for any instant Zf t, before or after the epoch. 486. The roots g, g^, g,, &c., express the mean secular motions of the perihelia, in the same manner that n represents the mean motion of a planet. For example, the periodic time of the earth is about 365^ days ; hence n s= , which is the mean motion of the earth for a day, 365i' ^' and nt is its mean motion for any time t Tlie perihelion of the terrestrial orbit moves through 3C0° in 1 13270 years nearly ; hence, for the earth, g = J^ = 19' A". 7 ^ 113270 in a century ; and gt is the mean motion for any time t ; so that nt -\- e being the mean longitude of a planet, g< + C is the mean longitude of its perihelion at any given time. 487. The equations (133), as well as observation, concur in proving that the perihelia have a motion in space, and that tlic eccentricities vary slowly. As, however, that variation might in process of time alter the nature of the orbits so much as to destroy the stability of Uie system, it is of the greatest importance to inquire whether these variations are unlimited, or if limited, what their extent is. Chap. VI.] ELEMENTS OF THE ORBITS. 269 Stability of the Solar System with regard to the Form of the Orbits. 488. Because A = e sin CT, Z = e cos ct, e* = A' -|- ^ J and in consequence of the values of h and I in equations (133), the square of the eccentricity of the orbit of m becomes e« = 2V+ iV.» + 2V/ + &c. + 2NN, cos {(g, - ^)< + C, - C} + 2NN, cos { (g, - g)< + C, - f } + &c. ( 1 35) When the roots g, g,, &c., are all real and unequal, the cosines in this expression will oscillate between fixed limits, and c" will always be less than (2v + ^; + jv, + &c.)» = iv» + iv;« + &c. + 2Nn, + 2Nn^ + &c. taken with the same sign, for it could only obtain that maximum if (fi-. - ff)< + f . - ? = 0, (g'. - ff)< + f , - e = 0, &c. , which could never happen unless the time were to vanish ; that is, unless gi - g- = 0, g, - ^ = 0, &c. ; thus, if g, g„ g-,, &c., be real and unequal, the value of c" will be limited. 489. If however any of these roots be imaginary or equal, they will introduce circular arcs or exponentials into the values of A, A', &c., /, l\ &c. ; and as these quantities would then increase indefi- nitely with the time, the eccentricities would no longer be confined to fixed limits, but would increase till the orbits of the planets, which are now nearly circular, become very eccentric. The stability of the system therefore depends on the nature of the roots g, gr„ ^j, 8tc. : however it is easy to prove that they will all be real and unequal, if all the bodies m, m', m", &c., in the sys- tem revolve in the same direction. 490. For that purpose let the equations — = roTT l e' sin (w' — ct) -f [O^ e" sin (to" — ra>) + &c. dt — = rrrol e sin (cr — ct') + (TTl"! e" sin (ct' - ta") + &c. &C &c. 270 SECULAR INEQUALITIES IN THE [Book II. be respectively multiplied by me W, m'e' -Tdy m'V V^, &c., and added ; then in consequence of the relations in article 484, and because sin («T — ct') = — sin (cr' — «y) sin (o — ct") = — sin (cj" — cr), &c. &c., the sum will be = eie.m -/a+e'de' . fn' J~a'-{-e!'de" .m" JV' -\- &c. ; and as the greater axes of the orbits are constant, its integral is e*m V^+ ^m' 'fa' + e"^" V^ + &c. = C. (136) 491. The radicals 4~a, 'To/, &c., must all have the same sign if the planets revolve in the same direction ; since by Kepler's law they depend on the periodic times ; and in analysis motions in one direction have a different sign from those in a contrary direction : but as all the planets and satellites revolve from west to east, the radicals, and consequently all the terms of the preceding equations must have positive signs ; therefore each term is less than the con- stant quantity C. But observation shows that the orbits of the planets and satellites are nearly circular, hence each of the quantities e'm vo, e'*m' V «'> &c. is very small ; and C being a very small constant quantity given by observation, the first number of equation (136) is very small. As C never could have changed since the system was constituted as it now is, so it never can change while the system remains the same ; therefore equation (136) cannot contain any quantity that increases indefinitely with the time ; so that none of tlie roots fir> g"i» gti &C'> are either equal or imaginary. 492. Since the greater axes and masses are invariable, and the eccentricities are perpetually changing, they have the singular pro- perty of compensating each other's variation, so that the sum of their squares, respectively multiplied by the coeflUcients m 'J~a, m' '/aF, &c., remains constant and very small. Chap. VI.] ELEMENTS OF THE ORBITS. 271 493. To remove all doubts on a point so important, suppose some of the roots, g-, gi, g^, &c., to be imaginary, then some of the cosines or sines will be changed into exponentials ; and, by article 215, the general value of A in (133) would contain the term Cc'', c being the number wiiose hyperbolic logarithm is unity. If Dcr't C'(f\ D'C", &c., be the corresponding terms introduced by these imaginary roots in A, h', l\ &c., then e* would contain a term (C* + D*) c*"*, e'* would contain (C* + D'*)c*^, and so on ; hence the first number of equa- tion (136) would contain C^{m ^/V(C« + D«) + m' Va' (C" + D«) + &c.}, a quantity that increases indefinitely with the time. If C** be the greatest exponential that h, I, h', V, &c., contain, C" will be the greatest in the first member of equation (136); therefore the preceding term cannot be destroyed by any other term in that equation. In order, therefore, that its first member may be reduced to a constant quantity, the coeflicient of C*^ must itself be zero ; hence m \r7(C» + DO + m' 'fa' (C + D'*) + &c. = 0. But if the radicals V a, V a'» &c., have the same sign, that is, if all the bodies 7h, m', &c., move in the same direction, this cocflScient can only be zero when each of the quantities C, D, C, D', &c., is zero separately ; thus, A, /, A', l\ &c., do not contain exponentials, and therefore the roots of g-, g,, &c., are all real. If the roots g and g, be equal, then the preceding integral becomes A = (6 + h') C-* = (ft + 6') (1 + fi + _f^ + &c. Thus the general value of A will contain a finite number of terms of the form Cf , which increases indefinitely with the time ; the same roots would introduce the terms Dr, CT, D't\ &c., in the general value of/. A', /', &c. j therefore the first member of equation (136) would contain the term 1* {m J~a(C' + D«) + m' V a^ (C* + D'«) + &c.} ; and if f be the highest power of t in A, /, A', /', &c., /*■ will be the highest power of t in equation (136) ; consequently its first member can only be constant when mW{0 + jy) + m' a/'o' (C« + D'*) + &c. = 0, 272 SECULAR INEQUALITIES IN THE [Book II. which cannot happen when all the planets revolve in the same du'ec- tion, unless C = 0, D r= 0, C = 0, D' = 0, &c. Thus, A, I, h', l\ &c., neither contain exponentials nor circular arcs, when the bodies of the solar system revolve in the same direction, and as they really do so, the roots g, §•„ gr,, &c., are all real and unequal. 494. Because the equation (135) does not contain any quantity that increases with the time, on account of the roots g, g^, &c., being real and unequal, and that the eccentricities themselves and their variations are extremely small, the eccentricities increase and de- crease with the cosines, between fixed but very narrow limits, in immense periods : for, considering only the mutual disturbances of Jupiter and Saturn, the eccentricities of their orbits would take no less than 70,414 years to accomplish their changes ; but if more than two planets be taken, and compound periods esta- blished, they would evidently extend to millions of years. 495. The positions of the perihelia now remain to be considered. e sin zs =: h, e cos cr = i give tan cr =: — , and substituting the values of h and / in article 483, tan CT - ^ sin (gt + C) + N, sin (g,t + Q + &c. . "* NCOS igt-\-C) + N, cos {g,t + C) + &c. ' or, if gt + C be subtracted from vj, , , /o\ tan CT — tan (gt + C) tan (ct — g< — t) = ^:^^^ — - — ^- ; 1 + tan CT tan (gt + f ) and when substitution is made for tan t7, tan (ra - gt " C) - iV sin {(g, - g)t + C - C} + N, sin {g, - g)t + C, - C} "" N+Kcos{{g,-g)t-^C,-C}+N,coB{ig,-g)t+C,-0-\-^-y Tliis tangent never can be infinite, if the sum N + N^ + N^ + &c., of the coefficients in the denominator be less than N with a positive sign ; for in this case the denominator never can be zero ; so that the angle in — gt — C never can attain to a quadrant, but will oscil- late between •\- 90° and — 90° ; hence the true motion of the peri- helion is g( -f- C. Chap. VI.] ELEMENTS OF THE ORBITS. 273 From this equation it appears that the motions of the perihelia arc not uniform, and that they may experience variations in tlie course of ages, to which no limits can be assigned, though observation shows that the variations are very slow. 496. Because the equations which give the secular variations in tlie eccentricities and longitudes of the perihelia do not contain the mean longitudes nor the inclinations of the orbits, they are inde- pendent of the configuration of the planets, and would be the same if all the bodies revolved in one plane, at least when the approxima- tion does not extend to the higher powers of the eccentricities, incli- nations, or masses. Tliese secular inequalities depend on the angular' distances of the perihelia of all the planets taken two and two, that is, on the configuration of the orbits. 497. It may be concluded from the preceding analysis, that when jKjriodic inequalities are omitted, the mean motions of the planets are uniform ; and that the system is stable with regard to the species of the orbits, which, retaining tlie greater axis invariable, deviate but little from the circular form ; the eccentricities being subject to the condition expressed by equations (136)— that the sum of their squares, multiplied by the masses of the bodies, and the square roots of the greater axes of their orbits is invariably the same. Tlie i)eri- helia alone are subject to unlumited variations. Secular Variatiom in the Inclinations of the Orbits and Longitudes of their Nodes. 498. In order to determine the secular inequalities in the inclina- tions of the orbits and longitudes of the nodes, let the equations in article 474 be resumed at and ^=-(0.1)(p'-p). at which express the variations in the position of the orbit of w, when troubled by m' alone. But as all the bodies in the system act simul- taneously on m, each of them will produce a variation in the inclina- tion of its orbit, and in the longitude of its nodes, similar to those caused by the action of m ; hence T 274 SECULAR INEQUALITIES IN THE [Book II. ^ = (0.1) iq -q) + (0.2)(9" - q) + &C. at ^=z-i0.l)ip' -p)- (0.2) (p"-p) - &c. at will express the whole action of the system on the position of the orbit of m. Similar equations must exist for every body in the system : there will consequently be the following series of equations, ^ = - {(0.1) + (0.2) + &c.}g + (0.I)^'+(0.2)9"+ &c. dt ^ = {(0.1) + (0.2) + &c.};)-(0.1)p'-(0.2)/'-&c. (137) dt ^= - {(1.0) + (1.2) + &c.}9' + (1.0)9+(1.2)9"+&c. dt ^={(1.0) + (1.2)+&c.}p'-(1.0)i7-(1.2)y-&c. dt &c. &c. These equations are perfectly similar to those in article 481, and may be integrated on the same principle ; whence p zz N sin (gt + + N, sin (g,t + C) + &c. q =N cos (gt + C) + iV, cos (§■/ + O + &c. (138) p' = N' mn (gt + -\- N; sin (g,t + C) + &c. g' = N' cos (gt + + N/ cos (g/ + C) + &c. Siabiliiy of the Solar System with regard to the Inclination of the Orbits. 499. Tlic equation in g resulting from these, has g-, f„gri, &c. for its roots, and the constant quantities N,N„ &c. and C, Cj, &c. are de- termined in a similar manner to what was employed for the eccentri- cities. For since 0, 6, &c. are the values of 0, 0, &c. when < = 0, p =z X&nip cos 6 9 =: tan sin 6 » p' = tan 0' cos W 9' = tan 0' sin 0'» &c. &c. hence, if all the inclinations of the orbits of the planiets, and the lon- gitudes of their nodes be known by observation at any given epoch, Chap. VI.] ELEMENTS OF THE ORBITS. 276 when < = 0, there will be a sufficient number of equations to deter- mine all the quantities N, JV^, &c. and C, C> &c. 500, Also the roots g, g^, &c. are real and unequal, for if the equa- tions (137) be respectively multiplied by m 4~a,. p\m ^J a . q; m! »J a' . y' \ m *j a' . q, ^c. and added, the integral of their sum will be (j3« + 7») m V~^ + (p" + g'«) m' V «' + &c. = C (139) in consequence of the relations (0.\)m>ra = (l.O)m' 'fa' i0.2)m'/~a = (2.0)m"Vo^» &c. &c. Whence we may be assured by the same reasoning employed with regard to the eccentricities, that this equation neither contains arcs of circles nor exponentials, when the bodies all revolve in the same direction, so that all the roots are real and unequal. 501. Now tan r= ^P' + g*, and if the values ofp and q be substituted tan = Vp*+g' = ^{JV + N* + &c. + 2NN, cos {(g, - g)t + C - C} H- 2NN, cos {(g, - g)t + f, _ f } + &c.}. The expression »Jp*+^ is less than N + iV, + iVj + &c., on account of these coefficients being multiplied by cosines which dimi- nish their values. The maximum of tan would be iV" + ^/ + &c., which it never can attain, since the differences of the roots g, — g, gi — g are never zero ; and as the inclinations of the orbits of the planets on the plane of the ecliptic are very small, the coefficients Ny Ni, &c., wliich depend on the inclinations, are very small also, and will always remain so. And the inclinations of the orbits will oscil- late between very narrow limits in periods depending on the roots 502. The plane of the ecliptic in which the earth moves, changes its position in space from the action of the planets, each producing a retrograde motion in the intersection of the plane of the ecliptic, and that of its own orbit ; whence it appears, that if EN be the orbit of T 2 276 SECULAR INEQUALITIES IN THE [Book IT. the earth at a given epoch, AN' will be its position at a subsequent period, and so on. The secular inequality in the position of the ter- restrial orbit changes the obliquity of the eclip- tic ; but as it is determined from equations (138) it oscillates between narrow limits, never exceeding 3°, therefore the equator never has coincided, and never will coincide with the ecliptic, supposing the system constituted as it is at present, so that there never was, and there never will be eternal spring. 503. Since p'' + q" — tanV, p'^ + q'* = tan*0', &c. equation (139) becomes m 4~a tanV + m! sTa' tan*0' + &c. =r C. (140) Whence it may be concluded that the sum of the masses of all the bodies in the system multiplied by the square roots of half tlie greater axes of their orbits, and by the squares of the tangents of their incli- nations on a fixed plane, will always be the same. If this sum be very small at any one period, and if all the radicals have the same sign, that is, if all the bodies revolve in the same direction, it will always remain so ; and as in nature, the inclinations of all the orbits on the plane of the ecliptic are very small, and the bodies revolve in the same direction, the variations of the inclinations compensate each other, so that this expression will remain for ever constant, and very small. 504. Other two integrals may be obtained from the equations (137). For if the first be multiplied by m V a, the third by »t' Va', the fifth by m" JaP, &c. &c. their sum will be at (It dt in consequence of the relations in article 484, the integral of which is m-Ja . p -f- mVa' . p' + in >Ja" p" + &c. = constant. In a similar manner the difiercntial equations in g, q\ give fmTa.q + m'^J c^ q' + m"'/^ ^' + &c. r= constant. 505. With regard to the nodes tan = JL, and substituting for 9 p and 9, Chap. VI.] ELEMENTS OF TIIE ORBITS. 277 tan e = ^ ^'" ^^^ + O + ^/ si" (g.< + C,) + &c. , N cos igt + + N, cos (g,t + C) + &c. • or subtracting gi + C from 0, ^ ^ N+N,cos\{g,-g)t+i:,-C\+N,co8{(g,-g)t+C,-C\+&c. If the sum of the coefficients N + Ni + N^ + &c. of the cosines in the denominator taken positively be less than iV", tan (0 — gt— C) never can be infinite ; hence the angle — gt — C will oscillate between + 90° and — 90°, so that g< + f is the true motion of the nodes of the orbit of m, and g- =: As in gene- period of SI of m. ral the periods of the motions of the nodes are great, the inequalities increase very slowly. From these equations it may be seen, that the motion of the nodes is indefinite and variable. The method of computing the constant quantities will be given in the theory of Jupiter, whence the laws, jieriods, and limits of the se- cular variations in the elements of liis orbit, will be determined. 506. The equations which give p, 7, p' q' may be expressed by a diagram. Let An be the orbit of the planet m at any assigned time, as the beginning of January, 1750, which is' the epoch of many of the French tables. After a certain time, the action of the disturbing body m' alone on the planet m, changes the inclination of its orbit, and brings it to the position Bn. But m" acting simultaneously with m' brings the orbit into the position Cn : m" acting along with the pre- ceding bodies changes it to Dn", and so on. It is evident that the last orbit will be that in which m moves. So the whole inclination of the orbit of m on the plane An, after a certain time, will be the sum of the finite and simultaneous changes. Hence if N be the inclina- tion of the circle Bn on the fixed plane An, and ySn =z gt + Cthc longitude of its ascending node ; N' the inclination of the circle Cn' on Bn, and ySn' =: g't + C' the longitude of the node n' ; N" the inclination of the circle Dn" on Cn', and ySn" = g^t + C, the longi- tude of the node n" ; and so on for each disturbing body, the last circle will be the orbit of m. .0" 278 SECULAR INEQUALITIES IN THE [Book XL 507. Applying the same construction to h and I (133), it will be found tliat the tangent of the inclination of the last circle on the fixed plane is equal to the eccentricity of the orbit of m ; and that the longitude of the intersection of this circle with the same plane is equal to that of the perihelion of the orbit of m. 508. The values of p and q in equations (138) may be determined by another construction ; for let C, fig. 90, be the centre of a circle whose radius is N ; draw Sn 87 * any diameter Da, and take the arc on C as a centre with radius equal to N^, de- scribe a circle, and having drawn Ca' parallel to Ca, take a'C = g,t + C • ow C" as a centre with radius equal to Ng, describe a circle, and having drawn C"a" parallel to Ca, take the a" C" = g»t + Ci, and so on. Let a" C" be the arc in the last circle, then if €'"6 be perpendicular to Ca produced, it is evident that C'^6 =zp,Cb = q, and if CC be joined, tan = Vp^+q*, tan G =: L., 9 e being the angle C'Cft. 509. The equations which determine the secular variations in the inclinations and motions of the nodes being independent of the eccen- tricities, are the same as if the orbits of the planets were circular. Annual and Sidereal Variations in the Elements of the Orbits, with regard to the variable Plane of the Ecliptic. 510. Equations (128) give the annual variations in the incHna- tions and longitudes of the nodes with regard to a fixed plane, but astronomers refer the celestial motions to the moveable orbit of the earth whence observations are made ; its motion occasioned by the action of the planets is indeed extremely minute, but it is important to know the secular variations in the position of the orbits with Chap. VI.] ELEMENTS OF THE ORBITS. 279 regard to it. Suppose AN fig, 88, to be the plane of tlie ecliptic or orbit of the earth, EN the variable plane of the ecliptic in which the earth is moving at a subsequent ^X period, and m'N' the orbit of a pla- net ;»', wliose position with regard to EN is to be determined. By article 444, EA = q sin (n't + e') — p cos (n't + e^ is the latitude of m above AN ; and the latitude of m' above AN' is Am' = q' . sin (n't -f- «') — p' cos (n't + c'). As the inclinations are supposed to be very small, the difference of these two, or m'A -- EA is very nearly equal to m'E the latitude of m' above the variable plane of the ecliptic EN. If 0* be the inclination of m'N' the orbit of m' to EN the variable ecliptic, and & the longitude of its ascending node, then will tan 0* . sin 6" = p' — p; tan 0* cos 0' z= q' — q. tan 9*=^-^ Whence tan 0* = tj(p'^py + (cjf—qy q'^q If EN be assumed to be the fixed plane at a given epoch, then p =: 0, q := 0, but neither dp nor dq are zero ; hence d0' = (dp' - dp) . sin 0' + (dq' - dq) cos 6', dd" = (<^y •— dp) . cos e' - (d qf — dq) sin d' tan 0'/ and substituting the values in article 498 in place of tlie differentials dpf dq, &c. there will result ^ = {(1.2) - (0.2)} tan 0" sin (d' -0")+ {(1.3) - (0.3)} dl X tan 0'" sin (0' - 0'") + &c. ^ = - {(1.0) + (1.2) + (1.3) + &c.} - (0.1) (141) at + {(1.2)-(0.2)}. tan 0" tan 0* + {(1.3)-(0.3)}.J^' tan 0' + &c. cos (0' - e") cos (0' - 0'"), 280 SECULAR INEQUALITIES IN THE [Book II. Motion of the Orbits of two Planets. 511. Imagine two planets m and m' revolving round the sun so remotely from the rest of the system, that they are not sensibly disturbed by the other bodies. Let 7 = ^y {p'-pY + iq'—qy be the mutual inclination of the two orbits supposed to be very small. If the orbit of m at the epoch be assumed as the fixed plane = 0, 7=0', i»=0, g=0, and tan* 0' = tan« 7 = p'« + 5^. In this case, equations (140) and (128) become m' 'fa' tan« 0' = C, — = - (1.0). dt Since the greater axes of the orbits are constant, the first shows that the inclination is constant, and the second proves the motion of the node of the orbit of m' on that of m to be uniform and retrograde, and the motion of the intersection of the two orbits on the orbit of m, in consequence of their mutual attraction, will be — (1.0)<. Secular Variations in the Longitude of the Epoch. 512. The mean place of a planet in its orbit at a given instant, assumed to be the origin of the time, is the longitude of the epoch. It is one of the most important elements of the planetary orbits, being the origin whence the antecedent and subsequent longitudes are estimated. If the mean place of the planet at the origin of the time should vary from the action of the disturbing forces, the longi- tudes estimated from that point would be affected by it ; to ascertain the secular inequalities of that element is therefore of the greatest consequence. The differential equation of the longitude of the epoch in article 441, is de = gnVrr^ .d . VT^"?). — dt - 2a'n ^dt. » de da Chap. VI.] ELEMENTS OF THE ORBITS. 281 By article 473, dF__m!^ / 3a'S' + 2aS \ da 2 ' \ (a'« - a*)* J — — . — . ( i iJ 1 ee cos (ct' - xa) ^ a \ {a'*-a*y ) ^ m' ^^, ^ /6a;S-3aS'\ ^^ . _ ( ,_p)._(g.«5).} 2.4 \(^a'*—d?y ) dF___ 3m'aa'.S' de ~4(a'«-a*)* + — fir {(«'« + a^)S' + fla'Slc' cos (ra' - ro). If these be put in the value of de, rejecting the powers of c above the second, and if to abridge ^_ m^yta^(2aS+3a^S0 {a!* -ay ^ _ _ 3m\ na^a'i^aa'S - (3g'" a") SQ ' 2.4. (a'«-a*y ' ^ _ _ 3m\wg.{(o»--5a^«)aa^ S+(a* +6a*a"-5a'*)S^} ■ 4.(a'«-a*)' ' ^ _ 3m\7m''aX2a'S-gS0 ' 4(a'«-ay ' de becomes ^ = C + Cjc" + C^e cos (tB'-w) + C.{(p'-p)'+(9'-9)«-c"}. But A := e sin CT / = e cos t>T, h' = «' sin o' i' = e' cos tsj' ; hence ^ = C + Ci (A« + T) + C, (AA' + «0 + c?. {(/>' -?)• + (g' - g)* - A" - ^'•}. 513. This equation only expresses the variation in the epoch of m when troubled by m! ; but, in order to have the effect of the whole system in disturbing the epoch of m, a similar set of terms must be added for each of the planets ; but if the two planets m and m' alone be considered, their mutual inclination will be constant by article 511, hence 7' = (p' - p)* + (g'-g)* = M*, a constant quantity. Agun by article 483, A« + /• = iV« + iV,« + 2NN, cos {{g, - g)t + C - C} h'*+ i'« = iV* + 2V;'« + 2N'N/ cos {(^g,'S)t + C, -C} hh'-^-W = NN'+N,N/+iNN',+N'N,) coi {§, -«)< + C/-C}. 288 SECULAR INEQUALITIES IN THE [Book II. Substituting these in de, and to abridge, making A'n= C+ C, (N' + N;) + C^iNN' + N'NJ) + C^(M* - N" — iV/0, B = 2C,NN' - 2CaN'N/ + C^iNN/ + N,N'), it becomes de=z A' . ndt + B cos {{g, - ^) < + €"/- C) di. The integral of vvlxich is Je = Ant + ^ sin {(g, - g)« + C, - C} 514. The term A^7it only augments the mean primitive motion of the planet m in the ratio of 1 to 1 + ^'. so that the mean motion which should result from observation would be (1 + A')ntf cor- responding to the mean distance Knowing this distance, which is given by a comparison of the periodic times, the primitive distance a may be determined ; but as A*' is an infinitely small fraction of the order of the masses m and m', this correction in the mean distance is insensible. The term Ant may therefore be omitted, so that the secular variation in the epoch is Se = _JL sm{(ff/ - g) <+ r - C.} (142) gt-g The variation in the epoch, like the other secular inequalities in article 480, may be expressed in series ascending according to the powers of the time ; but as the term depending on its first power is insensible, it will have the form Se = If <« + &c. This inequality is insensible for the planets ; its greatest effect is produced in the theory of Jupiter and Saturn : but even then it is only Se =: - 0". 0000006301.^ for Jupiter, and for Saturn ie'ss+0". 00000 15114. <*, ^beiugany number of Julian years from 1750. This inequality is not tlxe 60th part of a sexagesimal second in a century, a quantity altogetlier insensible. Like ail other ine- qualities it is periodic ; but its period, which depends on g^-g-, is for Jupiter and Saturn no less than 70414 ^'cars. The variation Se, though of the order of disturbing forces, mjiy, in tlie course of many centuries, become sensible, on account of the small divisor g^—g in- troduced by integration ; but although it is insensible with regard to the planets, it is of much importance in tlic theories of tlie Moon and of Jupiter's Sateliitefi. Chap. VI.] ELEMENTS OF THE ORBITS. 283 Stability of the System, tchatever may be the powers of the Disturbing Masses. 515. The stability of the system has been proved with regard to tlxe greater axes of the orbits, even when the approximation extends to the squares of the disturbing forces, and to all powers of the eccentricities and inclinations. Its invariability with regard to the other elements has only been proved on the hypothesis of the orbits being nearly circular, and very little inclined to each other and to the plane of the ecliptic ; but as the same results may be derived from the general ecjuations of the motion of a system of bodies, they equally exist whatever the eccentricities and inclinations may be, and when the approxhnation includes the squares of the disturbing forces, and they remain the same whatever changes the secular in- equalities may introduce in the lapse of ages. 516. If the equations of the motion of a system of bodies in article 346 be resumed, and the equations in x, x\ &c., multiplied respec- tively by 2m . y , , , 2m . y ^ my — m . x- ; m'y' — m' . —^ ; &c. 4> +2m "^^ ' i^)d those in y, y', &c., by — mx + m . ; — m'x' + m' . ; &c. S+lm S+lm their sum will be / xfPy - yJ~a' . q' + m" 'Ja!' q" + &c. = constant, m vo . p 4- w»' iJaJ . p' -|- m" *JaP p" + &c. = constant. 520. Since the eccentricities and inclinations of all the orbits in the solar system are very small, the constant quantities in all the pre- ceding equations of condition must be very small, provided the radi- cals wa, Vo^ &c., have tlie same signs, that is, if the bodies all move in one direction, which is the case in nature ; it may tlierefore be concluded that the elements vary within very narrow limits. 521. Let there be only two bodies m and m', the mutual inclina- tion of their orbits being cos 7 =r cos cos 0' + sin sin 0' cos (0' — 6) ; then if the squares of the equations (144) and (145) be added, the result will be m«a(l -e«) + m'a' (1 - e'«)+27nmVa(l - e*). Va'(l— e'*) X COS Y = constant. (146) Neglecting quantities of the fourth order, and putting all the con- stant quantities in the second member, it becomes I — i> I / rr n I 47nm' ^faa' sin' i v . . m w a . (* + m . 1(«'-7Z) ^ ■\V1ien e*, ey, e'y, are omitted, tlie differentials of p and 9 in ar- ticle 437 become dp = ahidt sin (tj^ -f e) i? dz dq = a'wd< cos (nt + c) '!^. Chap. VII.] ELEMENTS OF THE PLANETARY ORBITS. 293 When the orbit of m at the epoch is assumed to be the fixed plane, z = 0, and z' = a'7 sin (n't + e' — 11). the products of the inclination by the eccentricities being omitted. dR Now although z be zero, its differential is not, therefore — - must dz be determined from ■ R rr + — i L 2 Bi cos t (n't — «< + e' — c) ; a" 4 whence — = — 2. Jfi cos t (n't — 7J< + e' — €J, and dR — m' ' r / /. 1 I TT\ __ = __ y sm { (n't + e' - n) az a'* + ^ a'l I?(^_.) Ysin { i(?i'i - 7i< + e' - 6) + w<+e-n } where £ may be any whole number, positive or negative, except zero. When this quantity is substituted in dp, dq, tlieir integrals are So = - ^. ^y\-}—sm(n't- nt + e' - e-II) - L_x sin (rt7 + 7t'/ + 6' + e-n)}}, + ^ aV«2 5c^,) Y \—-l sin ( i (n't - nt + e'- e)_ ri) 4 u («' — n) ' — 1 sin { I (n't -nt + ii' '-e) + 2nt + 2€^m\ Iq =. — . ^ y [-}— cos (n't + W< + £' + e - II) 4- . _?_ cos { n't - nt + e' - e) - n}| 7^'-7» J - ^ aV/j2 5(,_,) 7 I — L_ cos (i (n't - 7i< + e' - e) + H) 4 u(;i'— n + 1 cos { i (n't _ 71/ + e' - c) 4- 2nt + 2e - n } |. i(n' — n) + 2n i 530. Tlie equations which determine the variations in the greater axes and mean motion show that these two elements are subject to very considerable periodic variations, depending on the con- 294 PERIODIC VARIATIONS, &c. [Book II. ^gurations of the bodies, when the divisor i (ii' — w) + w or iV — in b very small. There is no instance of the mean motions of any two of the ce- lestial bodies being so exactly commensurable as to have i'7i' — in=0, therefore the greater axes and mean motions have no secular in- equalities, but in several instances this divisor is a very small frac- tion, and as a quantity is increased in value when divided by a frac- tion, the divisor i'nf — in, and still more its square, increases the values of these periodic variations very much. For tliis reason the periodic variation in the mean motion is much greater than that in the greater axis, evidently arising from the double integration in the former. 531. It is unnecessary to add constant quantities to the preceding integrals, for they may be included in the elements of elliptical mo- tion, which then become a + a„ e + e^, CT -f CT/, 6 -f e^, p+p„ q + q,\ and in the troubled orbit they are a + Of + la; e -{- e^ + Se ; cr -J- t»y^ -|- Scr ; e + «/ + Je ; p+ p,-\-lp\q-\- q, + tq. Since a,, e„ &c., Ja^, Je, &c., are very small quantities of the order to', o -f ff;, e + e„ &c., may be substituted in the latter quantities in- stead of a, e, &c., tliey will then be functions of the time and of the six constant quantities a + a^, e + e^, &c. : so that the formulae of troubled motion in reality contain but six arbitrary constant quanti- ties, as they ought to do. In order to determine cfy, e^, &c., suppose the }>erturbations of the planet m were required during a given inter- val of time. The quantities a, c, &c., are given by observation at the epoch when < = in the elliptical orbit, that is, assuming the dis- turbing force to be zero ; but as a^ + 5a, e^ + Je, &c., arise entirely from the disturbing force, they must also be zero at the epocli ; therefore, values of tlic arbitrary constant quantities a^, e^, &c., are obtained from the equations a, + Sa = 0, e, f- SJ = 0, ct^ + Jct = 0, &c., Ja, Je, &c., being the values of 5a, 5e, &c., at the epoch. The effect of tiie disturbing forces upon each of the elliptical ele- ments will be completely expressed by a, + Sa, e, + 5e, &c. during the time under consideration. Thus both the periodic and secular, variations of the elements of the orbits are determmed. 295 CHAPTER VIII. PERTURBATIONS OF THE PLANETS IN LONGITUDE, LATITUDE, AND DISTANCK 532. The position of a planet in space is fixed when its curtate dis- tance Sp, fig. 77, its projected longitude ySp, and its latitude pm, are known. The determination of these three co-ordinates in func- tions of the time is the principal object of Physical Astronomy ; these quantities in series ascending according to the powers of the eccen- tricities and inclinations are given in article 399, and those following, supposing the planet to move in a perfect ellipse ; but if values of the elements of the orbits corrected by their periodic and secular varia- tions be substituted instead of their elliptical elements, the same series will determine the motion of the planet in its real perturbed orbit. 533. The projected longitude and curtate distance only differ from the true longitude and distance on the orbit by quantities of the second order with regard to the inclinations ; and when the orbit at the epoch is assumed to be the fixed plane, these quantities as well as those of the latitude that depend on the product of the inclination by the eccentricity are so small that they are insensible, as will readily ap- pear if it be considered that any inclination the orbit may have acquired subsequently to the epoch, can only have arisen from the small secular variation in the elements ; besides the epoch may be chosen to make it so, being arbitrary. Hence the perturbations in the longitude and radius vector may be determined as if the orbits were in the same plane, and the latitude may be found in the hypothesis of the orbits being circular, provided the orbit at the epoch be taken as the fixed plane : circumstances which greatly facilitate the deter- mination of the perturbations. The following very elegant method of finding the perturbations, by considering the troubled orbit as an ellipse whose elements are varying every instant, was employed by La Grange ; but La Place's method, which will be explained afterwards, has the advantage of greater simplicity, especially in the higher approximations. 534. In the elliptical hypothesis the radius vector and true longi- tude are expressed, in article 392, by , 296 PERTURBATIONS OF THE PLANETS IN [Book II. r = functions . (a, S", e, e, cr), V = functions . (f, c, e, «3), but in the true orbit these quantities become a + Jo, 2" + ^r, e + Se, e + ^e, ct + Sar ; therefore da d^ de de dru rff rfe de drs and if the values of the periodic variations in the elements in article 529 be substituted instead of ia, J^, &c., the perturbations in the radius vector and true longitude will be obtained ; the approximation extending to the first powers of the eccentricities and inclinations inclusively. 535. The perturbations in longitude may be expressed under a more simple form ; for by article 372, dv = Vg(i- O . dl, r* an equation belonging both to the elliptical and to the real orbit, since it is a differential of the first order ; on that account it ought not to change its form when the elements vary ; hence and neglecting the squares of the disturbing forces, the integral is Su=Jl. Aa.rfu- -f— ./de.du-2. C^.dv. 2a J 1 — e* J T But A = Va.(l-c*), then^ = —.U- — ^5c ; ' h 2a 1-e* therefore Xo = Cf^ - ^\dv (148) will give the perturbations in longitude when those in the radius vector are known. Perturbations in the Radius Vector. 536. By article 392, r s= a (1 + Je* — e cos (n< + — ©) — Je» cos 2 (n/ + e — o)) ; Chap. VIII.] LONGITUDE, LATITUDE, AND DISTANCE. 297 whence Jr = (Sa - aje cos (;i<+e - to) - ae Jw sin (/tf+c^cr)) ( H-2e cos (7j<+6-ct)) — 3e^a cos (nt + e — rs) + 2ae^e+ae (^(T+^O sin (/J< + e— cr). If the values of Ja, Se, 5ct, Sf, Je, from article 529, be substi- tuted in this expression, after the reduction of the products of the sines and cosines to the cosines of multiple arcs, and substitution for JWo, Ml, N^, Ni iVj, from article 459, it becomes ^ = ^ . 2.Ci. cos i {7i't - vt + e> - c), (149) + m' . , oA, - 2A i(ft'— 7l)+7ll 7l'— 7i i{/(;i' — n) —n} +67i ^1 2^ ' I jy = ^ i(7i' — 7l) + 71 ^ f - 0- l)(2z- l)7iaJ(i.i) - (i- l)wa' ^'"'^ 1 i- ± 2E \ l 2 (i (n' - n) + 7i) 'J 538. In these values of &r and Jr, i includes all whole numbers, either positive or negative, zero excepted : Sr and Jt> will now be determined in the latter case, which is very important, because it gives the part of the perturbations that is not periodic. 539. If i rr in the series R in article 449, the only constant term introduced by this value into Jr will be 2 \ da J Again, in finding the integral Sa the arbitrary constant a^ that ought to have been added, would produce a constant term in Jr. In order to find it, let 'the origin of the time be at the instant of the conjunc- tion of the two bodies 7n and 7n', when 7i't — 7j< + e' -— 6 = ; whence cos = 1, and the first term of Sa in article 529 becomes Sa = - 27w'o2 -JL. 2 Ai, ii'-n whence Ir = ^ a" Ml. - 27n'a« JL- 2 A^, 2 da n'*-n where 2 extends to all positive values of i from z = 1 to i = oo. 540. If these values of Sr and la be put in equation (148), the result will be Iv = m'a \.^^Ai-a(M±^ . nU ■ Kn'-n \ da J) Chap. VIII.] LONGITUDE, LATITUDE, AND DISTANCE. 299 And as by article 392 the elliptical parts of r and v that are not pe- riodic, or that do not depend on sines and cosines, are r =i a, and »=«< + «: those parts of the radius vector and true longitude that are not periodic are expressed by n'—n \ da J \n'-n \ da J) in the real orbit. Tims the perturbations in longitude seem to contain a term that increases indefinitely with the time ; were that really the case, the stability of tlie solar system would scon be at an end. This term however is only introduced by integration, since the differential equations of the perturbations contain no such terms ; it is therefore foreign to their nature, and may be made to vanish by a suitable de- termination of the arbitrary constant quantities. In fact the true longitude of a planet in its disturbed orbit consists of three parts, — of the mean motion, of the equation of the centre, and of the perturba- tions. The mean motion of the planet is the only quantity in the problem of three bodies that increases with the time : the equation of the centre is a periodic correction which is zero in the apsides and at its maximum in quadratures ; and the perturbations being functions of the sines of the mean longitudes of the disturbed and disturbing bodies are consequently periodic, and are applied as corrections to the equation of the centre. All the coefficients of these quantities are functions of the elements of the orbits, which vary periodically but in immensely long periods. The arbitrary constant quantities introduced by integration, must therefore be determined so that the mean motion of the troubled planet may be entirely contained in that part of the longitude represented by v. 541. The values of a, n, e, c, and ct, in the preceding equations, are for the epoch < = 0, and would be the elliptical values of the ele- ments of the orbit of m, if at that instant the disturbing forces were to cease. Let ii/l be the mean motion of m given by observation, then the second of the equations under consideration gives 300 PERTURBATIONS OF THE PLANETS IN [Book II. and let a, be the mean distance corresponding to n, resulting from the equation, n* = If in this last expression n + n^ — ?;, and a + a, — a, be put for W/ and ttj, and if (;iy - 7i)*» (<^/-^)*> which are very small be omitted, then 2/1 (n^ — n) = — — (a^ — - a) ; a and substituting for n^ it becomes 2m'a' «5 — C , = (n'—yi \ da J) and as a may be put for a, in the terms multiplied by m', the equa- tions (150) become r-i-^r = a,-^mW^^ r -j- St> = n^< + 6. Thus So no longer contains a term proportional to the time, and the mean motion of the disturbed planet is altogether included in the part of the longitude expressed by v, in consequence of the introduction of the arbitrary constant quantities n^ and a^, instead of n and a. The part of 5r depending on the first powers of the eccentricities may be found by making i = in the values of Sa, 5e, &c., in article 529 ; after which their substitution in Jr of article 536, will give The corresponding part of So from article 535 is + |a^{2A-2.(^)-K(^)} Bin („* + . -.'). 542. If the different parts of the value of Sr and iv be added, and if Chap. VIII.] LONGITUDE, LATITUDE, AND DISTANCE. 301 r=i{3«A-3..(^)-ia.(^)} The periodic inequalities in the radius vector and true longitude of m when troubled by m', are J_- = a/( °- ] + .2. Cj. COSl{7l't-~7lt-\-c' — e) a 6 \daf J 2 — m'.e.f. cos (nt + e — cy) — m'e'f cos (lit + e— cr') + m'.e.2.Z>i.C08{l(7l7— n< + e'— e) + 71< + e — ct} + m'.e'.2.Ei. cos {i (/*'<- 71/ + c' -e) + 7j< + c-cj'}, W it? = _ .2.F<. sin I (n'< - 7i< + c' - 2 + 2m'. e./. sin(7if + c - w) + 2m' .e'.f". sin (n« + c-ct') + m'.e.2. Gi. sin { i {ii't — nt + e.' — t) + nt ■\- e -rs} + m'.e'.2.H<. sin { i (ti'^ - 7i< + e' - e) + 7i< + e - ra'}. The action of each disturbing body will produce a similar effect on the radius vector and longitude of m, and the sum of all will be perturbations in these two co-ordinates arising from the disturbing action of the whole system on the planet m. 543. It has been already observed that each of the periodic varia- tions Sfl, 5e, &c., ouglit to contain an arbitrary constant quantity a^, f^, tjp &c., introduced by their integrations, so that their true values are a^ + Sa ; e^ -\-'te; cr^ + Sci ; &c. &c. Now, if the values of 5r, 5», arc to express the effects of the dis- turbing forces on the radius vector and longitude during a given time, these constant quantities must be so determined, that when < = 0, they must give c^ ■\- U— 0, ci^ -f id r= 0, &c. &c., as was done with ia. Substituting these values in place of 5e, Sct, &c., in equation (149), the resulting values will complete those of 5r and Iv, which will no longer contain any arbitrary quantity, but will express the whole change in the longitude and distance arising from the action of the disturbing forces. Hence, if (r) (») be the elliptical values of r and r, given ^^ i^rticle 392, byt corre then — = Sg.sin (nt + e) — 5|p cos (nt + «)> a and substituting the values of Sg, ^p, from article 529, h = "^'-'^^ . f! 7 sin (n't + e' - n) »i'« ~ n' a'*' ^ ^ ^m'.n\a'a' ^^ B^^ sin{i(n't'nt+^'-€)+nt+€^n). 2 n* — (n+i(n'—n)y Now if a plane very little inclined to the orbit of //i be assumed for the fixed plane instead of that of the orbit at the epoch, and if 0, 0', 6, 0', be the inclinations and longitudes of the nodes of the orbits of m and m' on this new plane ; then as y is the tangent of the mutual inclination of the two orbits, and 11 the longitude of their mutual in- tersection, by article 444, Y sin n = y — jj ; y cos U =: q' — q. If these values be substituted in 5s, and if (.«) -f- 5s r= s be the whole latitude of m in its troubled orbit above the fixed plane, then will « = 9 sin (nt + e) — p cos (nt + e) + -^T^ • -^ {(«' - 9)8'nC"'< + ^') - (P' -P) cos (n7 + 6')} n'* — n a'* mn I {i(7i'—n) + n\*—n' 2 sin (i(n't — nt + e — e) ■{■ nt + e) 2 {i(/»'-n)*-l-n)*-n* gin (i{jU — nt 4" « — + »»' 4" *)• Chap. VIII.] LONGITUDE, LATITUDE, AND DISTANCE. 303 Tlie two terms independent of in! are the latitude of m above the fixed plane when m remains on the plane of its primitive orbit. If the exact latitude of m be substituted for these two terms, tliis expression will be more correct. Each disturbing planet will add an expression to s similar to Is ; the sum of the whole will be the true latitude of m when troubled by all the bodies in the system. 545. By a similar process, the perturbations depending on the other powers and products of the eccentricities may be obtained, but it would lead to long and intricate reductions, from which La Place's method, deduced directly from the equations (87), is exempt. 304 CHAPTER IX. SECOND METHOD OF FINDING THE PERTURBATIONS OF A PLANET IN LONGITUDE, LATITUDE, AND DISTANCE. Determination of the general Eqttations. 546. To determine the perturbations h\ ^r, h from the three general equations, ^ + f^ = ^ d(^ r" dx d^z , fiz dR It 1^ ~ dz' Tlie sura of these equations respectively multiplied by dx, dy, dz is dxd^x + d y d^y + dzd^z , fijxdx + ydy + zdz) ,^^^^ dt* r' Tlie integral of which is evidently d^+_dyl + d£ _ 2^ + Ji ^ayj^^ (152) dt* r a Tlie differential of R is only relative to the co-ordinates of w, because the motions of that body alone are under consideration ; a is an arbitrary constant quantity introduced by integration ; it is half the greater axis of the orbit of m when R is zero. Again, the same equations, respectively multiplied by j, y, and z, and added to the preceding integral, give xd^x + yd'y + zd^z dx* + dy* + dz' , /*(j' + y* + a?*) d^ " dl* r» Chap. IX.] SECOND METHOD. 305 The two first members of this equation are equal to J , the third is -lL, and if to abridge rR' be put for - . ^r + 2r . d^r} - dl^jS/dR + 2rR') r'dv 548. The integral of the angle dv = mSh does not lie all in one plane, but it is easy to obtain a value of that indefinitely small angle in functions of its projection pSB = dv'. For let pB be the projec- tion of the arc mh on the fixed plane of the ecliptic, then Sm := r, mp = s, the tangent of the latitude, and the curtate distance r J!ff. 89. Sp= Draw inE at Vl + right angles to BA ; and de- scribe the arc pc with the ra- dius Sp. Now the arc mh being indefinitely small, its projection ^B is indefinitely small, there- fore both may be taken in place of their sines ; also mh* = mE» + EA« and as mE = pB, pc» + cB* + EA» = mh\ rdv' „ , r __ dr(l-\-s*) — rsds V1 + *' cB = J. Again And hence but mp ^ sr (I + O^ Vl + s* mh* = J-£^ + dT^+ (1 + «')i mA« = i^dv -f dr». and lastly, dv' = cio ^-.. v/o + «•)«- (154) Vl + s» Thus rfo' is known when dt is determined ; however, if the latitude be estimated from a known position of the orbit of the planet itself at any given epoch, instead of from the fixed plane of the ecliptic, it will be zero at that instant ; and any latitude the i)lanet may have at a subsequent period, can only arise from the disturbing forces, and must on that accoimt be very small. Ch»p. DL] THE PERTURBATIONS OF A PLANET. 307 . 549. Assuming therefore NpB, fig. 89, to have been the orbit of the planet m at any given time, 8 and ds will be so small, that their squares may be omitted, and then dv = dv'. Also the radius vector r, only differs from the curtate distance — by the extremely small quantity i^ra* which may be omitted, and then the true longi- tude V may be estimated on the plane NpB without sensible enor ; so that SN =r x = r cos » ; Nj/ s= y = r sin u ; and as z ( — ] is so small that it may be omitted, hence, the equation which determines the perturbations in the radius vector becomes d«« r» -^ \drj .550. It was shown in article 372, that r'dv is the area described by the body in the indefinitely small time dt, therefore i^dv = \//*a(l — e*) dt = na* Vl — e* . d< hence the value of rfSi? becomes and its integral is ^r= ^ i2rd.^r+dr.^r_an ^s/fdt.dR-i-2rr(^)dt)}(lb6) which determines the perturbations of m in longitude. 551. Since the orbit of m at the epoch is taken as the fixed plane, the only latitude the planet will have at a subsequent period must arise from the perturbations, and may therefore be represented by J« ; hence a := ri*. And substituting this value of z in the third of the equations of motion in article 546, it becomes £^s /i_^ _ ^ = 0. (157) dt* r» dz A value of h may easily be found from this ; and if it be then desired to refer the position of the planet to a plane which is but little inclined to that of its primitive orbit, it will only be necessary X 8 308 SECOND METHOD OF FINDING [Book II. to add to this value of is the latitude of the planet, supposing it not to quit the plane of its primitive orbit. Perturbations in the Radius Vector. 552. These arc obtained by successive approximations from the equation ^ + ^ = 2/dR + r (^\ A value of Ir is first determined by omitting the eccentricities ; that value is substituted in the same equation, and a new value of Ir is found, including the first powers of the eccentricities ; that is again substituted, and a third value of Jr is obtained, containing the squares and products of the eccentricities and inclinations, and so on, till the remaining or rejected quantities are less than the errors of observation. 553. Supposing the orbits to be circular, then r~' = a~^ ; and by article 383, A — n*. And if the mass of the planet be omitted when compared with that of the sun taken as the unit, the preceding equa- tion, after tiiese substitutions, becomes m' and in this case 11= — ^Ai cos j (/// - nt + e' — «). When i = 0, cos i {n't - n< + «' — c) = 1, JR = — A^ + — . 1. . Ai C09 i (n't — n< + *' — «), and as HR is the diflerential of JR with regard to nt alone, therefore 2/dil + r f^\ = cos i (n't — nt + e' — c) ; whence ^ + n^rir = 2m'g + !^ « . (^) df} 2 V da J + n^rSr = 2m f + — a . ( — - ) dt^ ^2 \daj + "^^llJlL A,-i-a(^-dl)\ cos i (n't - «<+e'-e). 2 ln-7i' \daj\ Chap. IX.] THE PERTURBATIONS OF A PLANET. 309 The integral of this equation is -—=: B + B' . cos i Oi't — nt + e' - e), a* B and B' being indeterminate coefficients, then + B'a* (n* - »• (7i' - 71)*) cos i {n't - 7i< + e' - e). And comparing the coefficients of like cosines, B^2m-€) + nt+e-w} -j- — 2 Aft c'co8{t(7t7— n<+o'— €)+n< + 6 — w'} therefore 2/dJl + r ('^^ = ^ 2{-l(!zI>L. Af,+ a f ^^iMc cos{i(n'<-n«+«'-e)+n<+«-«) 2 \x{ji—n')—n \da J) ' + ^x{ 20-l)n M. + af4£LM. e>.cos{»(nV-r.He^-0 2 u(7i — 71')— 71 \ da /J + n< + « — o'}. ft 310 SECOND METHOD OF FINDING [Book II. By the substitution of this quantity, and of the preceding value of — 1, a de 2 ^ i („_„') _n da j X . e cos { I (7i't — nt + e' — e) + nt + e ^ cs] 2 li(n-7i')-« \ da J) e' . cos { i (^n'l — n< + e' — e) + n< + « •— t«y'}. Let — = — 5e cos { i {n't — n< + e' — e) + w< + e ■— cr} a* 2 + — B'e' cos { i (ji't - n« + €' — e) + 7i< + e — ct'} B and B' being indeterminate coefficients, then i-HS + 7i*rSr = dt* VL . Ba«{n«-(i(n'-n)+n)'}.c.cos{i(n7-7J<+6'-€)+7i<+€-.w} + ^'.B'a«{n*-(t(7»'-n)+7i)"} e'co8{z(7i7-n<+e'-6)+7i< + 6-tD'} If to abridge i(7i— n') — 71 da i(/i — 7i')— 71 da 7l«-{z(/t-7l') + 7i}«' 7i*-{2(7i-7l') + 71 }» ' and because a*ii* = 1 , r5r__y m'n^ f +^i.cco8{t(«'^-7i<+e'-e)+7i<+e-t*y}1 a* "~ 2{Krt'-70+n}«-2»»\+2,^.e/cos{i(7i7-n<+«'-e)+7i<+e-cj'} J where i may have any whole value, positive or negative, except zero. But in order to have the complete value of — , according to the theory of linear equations the integral of — — + Ti'rJr = dl* must be added. The true integral of this equation is I^ = m'fe . cos (7i<(l+c) + c-ci) + m'/V. cos (/i/(l + c') + e-cj') tr where c and & are given functions of the elements ; but if it be assumed as is generally done, that the elliptical elements have already been cor- rected by their secular variations c and c' may be omitted, and then Chap. IX.] THE PERTURBATIONS OF A PLANET. 311 ^ z= m'fe COS (nt ■{■€-. rs) + m'f'e' cos {ixt + e ~ ro'). a* If all the parts of that have been determined in this and in the a* first approximation be collected, and if a (1 — cos {nt + e - cr) be put for r, then will — = '2m'ag + — aM — ? ) a 2 \da J + "HL. ^! 2|-^«^,+a'^^Mcos {n't-nt+.'^e) 2 {n^-iXn'-Jif) \n-n' \da J) + m'f. e . cos (n< + e — ct) + m'f' . e' . cos (nt + c — cr') +^ .2. |c, + ^J?i \.e.cos{i(n't-nt+B'-€)+nt+*^in} 2 I i'w -n)+n}*-n*J + ^ .1. 1 !iJ^f l.e'.cos{z(n'<-7i/+6'-6)+n<+6-CT'}. If substitution be made for Ki and Z,,-, it will be found that the coeffi- cients in this expression are identical with those in article 536, so that n«2:|^aJ.. + a<-^^l l/t-n' \ da Ji ^ 71* — J* («' — 7/)* C,+ !!!^^ =rA; { i (/t' — 7i) + 71 }* — W' consequently ?L = 2m'<7^+ n^ . a« /'-^^ + ^ 2 C, cos t (/I'i - n< + ^' - a 2 \ rfa / 2 + m' .fe . cos (7i< + e — ct) + in' . /' . c' . cos (n< + e — w) + m' . 2 . D< . c . cos { i (n't — nt-^e' — e) +nt + e -- rs] + tn' .1. Fi. e' .cos {i (n't — n< + e' — e) + 7t/ + e - w'}. Perturbations in Longitude. 555. The perturbations in longitude may now be found from equa- tion (156) ; which becomes, when e' is omitted, and fi — or'n' = 1, 5r = ^rd.^r+dr.ir _ g^^/j^^^jj^ _ ^anfr (^^ dt. a*.7idt -^-^ ^ \drj By the substitution of the preceding values of R and ir it will be found that the perturbations in longitude are 312 SECOND METHOD OF FINDING [Book II. St) = - m'a (3s- + a ( Ml\ . nt \ da J f 2,Al±-aA, + a,(^^\] 2 I i (71 - n'Y i {n—Ji') [li'-i^in'- «> } J sin i {n't — nt + t' — c) + m'f,e sin (nt •{• e — zj) + wi'/V . sin {nt + c — w') + m'e 2 Gj sin { i {nt —nt+e — vj^+nt + e — ct} + rn'e' 2 i/j sin {i (nt — nt -^ e — ts') ■\- nt + e — rs'] -{■ C, where / = Za'^Ml. + a^ ^ + 2^^ - 2/ da rfa* f' = i_a^^ - i. a' J^ - as .^ - 2/'. •^ 2 2 da da* 556. If all the periodic terms be omitted in the expressions r -^ "^r and v + ^f . they become r + lr=ia-\- 2m'ag + i^m'a'* f-^^ r + S» = n< + 6 - m'(3ag + a' T-^^") • ^' 5 t) + Su is the mean longitude of the planet at the end of the time t ; and if it be asumed that this longitude is the same as the elliptical orbit of the planet, and in the orbit it really describes, this condition will determine g. Whence g = ^^af.^\ and, as before, r + ^r = a - —a' (^:d±\ 6 \ da J which is the constant part of the radius vector in the troubled orbit. Tims a is not the mean distance of the planet from the sun in the troubled orbit, as it is in the elliptical orbit. In the latter case a is deduced from the mean motion by the equation 1 a' whereas in the troubled orbit it is 6 \da J Therefore the mean motion and periodic time are different from what Chap. IX.] THE PERTURBATIONS OF A PLANET. 313 they would have been had there been no disturbance; but wlien once they are produced they are permanent, and unchangeable in their quantity by the subsequent action of the other bodies of the system. The perturbations in the co-ordinates of a planet depend on the angular distances of the disturbed and disturbing bodies, that is, on the differences of their mean longitudes ; but terms of the form ffi sin {lit + e - ■cT),//'e' sin (nf -f s - cr') belong to elliptical motion ; they form a part of the equation of the centre, but they will vanish from tv if f, and //, which are per- fectly arbitrary, be made zero ; in that case da da* '' »^J ' ^ ^a da*) and as the arbitrary constant quantity C may be made zero, the per- turbations in the radius vector and longitude of m are 5r = - !!L' o» (M£\ + ^ 2 C, cos i (n't - nt + e' - e) (158) 6 \ da J 2 + m'ft cos (nt + 6 — ct) + m'f'e' cos (nt + e — cj') + m'e^Di cos { i (n't — n< + e' — e) + 7j< + « — ct} + m'e' 2 El cos { i (n't — nt + e' — e) + jit + e — ra'} ; Jo = ^ 2 Fj sin i (n't — nt -{■ t' — t) (159) + m'e 2 Gi sin { i(n7 — 7J< + «' — e) + n< + « — «»} + m'e' 1 Hi sin { t (71't — nt + e' - c) + nt + s - ct'}. The coefficients being the same as in article 537, and i may have any whole valu&, except zero. 557. The integral !!^=m' ./. c.cos (/j/(l +c) +e-w)+m'./'. c'. cos (w<(l+c')+c-ro'), a* by the resolution of the cosines becomes !^ = m' .f.e. co&(nt+€-i3) -\-m' .f . e! . cos (/»<+«— w') a' — m' .f.e . cnt . ain (nt+e-vs) —m' . f .e' . c'nt. 8in(«<+e— ra') ; and as it is given under this form by direct integration, it was very very embarrassing to mathematicians, because the tcnns containing 314 SKCOND METHOD OF FINDING [Book II. the arcs cnt, c'nt, as coefficients, increase indefinitely with the time, and if such inequalities really had existence in our system, its sta- bility would soon be at end. The expression (98) for the radius vector does not contain a term that increases with the time, neither does the series R ; consequently the arc nt could not be introduced into the differential equation (155), unless R contained terms of the form A . ( ^' .aJy+a». ^ . ^Jt I. X 2 Y(n'-n) + 2ny da i(n'--7i) + 2nj gin { »(n'<-7i< + 6 - e) + 2n< + i}, 2 U (ti' - 7i) da i {ji' - 7i)» sin { i (n't - n< + e' - e) + L'}}. 561. The inequalities of this order are very numerous, it is there- fore necessary to select those that have tlie greatest values and to reject the rest, which can only be done in each particular case from the values of the divisors t(n'-n)+37i, t(n'— n) + 2n, {(n'-n^-^-n, Rndi(n' -n). For if the mean motions of the bodies m and m' be so nearly com- mensurable as to make any of these a small fraction, the inequality to which it is divisor will in general be of sufficient magnitude to be computed. 562. The inequalities in latitude will be determined afterwards. Perturbationt depending on the Cubes and Products of three Dimensions of the Eccentricities and Inclinations. 563. These perturbations are only sensible when the divisor t (n' - n) + 3n, is a very small fraction, that is, when the mean motions of the two bodies are nearly commensurable ; but as tliis divisor arises from the angle i (nft - 7i< + e' - e) + 37it + 3e alone, the only part of the series R that is requisite by article 451, is Rzz — Qoc" cos {i(n'<-n<+«'-e)+3/U+3e - Sua'} 4 Chap. IX.] THE PERTURBATIONS OF A PLANET. 319 + — = m'P sin {i(7i't — n< + e' — f ) + 2nt + 26} + m'P' cos {lin't — n< + e' — e) + 2nt -f- 26} ; P and F' being functions of the elements of the orbits of m and m' determined by observation for a given epoch, say 1750. Since P and P' are known quantities, let £^ = tan L', and Vj«_j.p'« — J? P sin E having the same sign with F' and cos E wiih P ; hence h = m'F sin {i(n't - «< + e' - «) + 2«< + 2e + £} Chap. IX.] DURING THE PERIODS OF THE INEQUALITIES. 323 are the perturbations in question for the epoch 1750. Now if the time t be made equal to 500 in the expressions for the elements in article 480, values of P and P' will be found for the year 2250, with which new values of F and E may be computed for that era. Again, values of P and P' may be obtained from the same formulae for the year 2750, and by the method employed in article 480, the series E = S + ^ < + i^<« + &c. dt ^ d(^ will give values of the variable coefficients for any time t during many centuries, consequently iv = m' {F+ r£ t-{. 8fc.} sin {i(n7-wf + e'-O + 2nt + 2e + E dt + ^^+&c.} , (171) will give the perturbations, including the secular variations in the elements of the orbits during their periods, P, E and their differences being relative to the epoch 1750. 570. The formula: that have been obtained will give the places of all the planets at any instant with great accuracy, except those of Jupiter and Saturn, which are so remote from the rest, as to be almost beyond the sphere of theirdisturbing influence ; but their proximity to one another, and their immense magnitude, render their mutual disturb- ances greater than those of any of the other planets. They may be regarded as forming with the sun a system by themselves ; and as there are some circumstances in their motions peculiar to them alone, their theory will form a separate subject of consideration. Y 2 324 CHAPTER X. THE THEORY OF JUPITER AND SATURN. 571. By comparing ancient with modern observations, Halley dis- covered that the mean motion of Jupiter had been accelerated, and that of Saturn retarded. Halley, Euler, La Grange, La Place, and other eminent mathematicians, were led by their researches to the cer- tain conclusion that these inequalities do not depend on the configu- ration of the orbits ; and as La Place proved that they are not occasioned by the action of comets, or bodies foreign to the system, he could only suppose them to belong to the class of periodic inequalities. Observation had already shown that five times the mean motion of Saturn is so nearly equal to twice the mean motion of Jupiter, that the difference of these two quantities, or bn'— 2«, is an extremely small fraction, being about the 74th part of the mean motion of Jupiter. La Place perceived that the square of this minute quantity is divisor to some of the perturbations in the longitude of Jupiter and Saturn, which led liim to conjecture that the nearly commensurable ratio in the mean motions might be the cause of this anomaly in the theory of these t>vo planets ; a conjecture which computation amply confirmed, showing that a great inequality of 48' 2". 207 at its maxi- mum exists in the theory of Saturn, which at the present time increases the mean motion of the planet, and accomplishes its changes in about 929 years ; and that the mean motion of Jupiter is also affected by a corresponding and contrary inequality of nearly the same period, only amounting to 19' 46". 62 at its maximum, which diminishes the mean motion of Jupiter. These two inequalities attained their maximum in the year 1560 ; from that period, the apparent mean motion of the two planets ap proached to their true motions, and became equal to them in 1790, wlilcU accounts for Halley finding the meau motion of Saturn slower, Chap. X.] THEORY OF JUPITER AND SATURN. 325 and that of Jupiter faster, by a comparison of ancient with modem observations, than modern observations alone showed them to be : whilst on the other hand, modern observations indicated to Lambert an acceleration in Saturn's motion, and a retardation in that of Jupi- ter ; and the quantities of the inequahties found by these astrono- mers are nearly the same with those determined by La Place. Recorded observations of these mean motions at very remote periods enable us to ascertain the chronology of the nations in which science had made early advances. Tims the Indians determined the mean motions of Jupiter and Saturn, wlien the mean motion of Jupiter was at its maximmn of acceleration, and that of Saturn at its greatest retardation ; the two periods at wliich that was the case, were 3102 years before the Christian era, and 1491 years after it. The formulae of the motions of Jupiter and Saturn determined by La Place, agree with their oppositions, the error not amounting to 12". 96, when it is to be recollected that only twenty years ago the errors in the best tables exceeded 1296". These formula? also repre- sent with great precision the observations of Flamstead, of the Arabian astronomers, and of Ptolemy, leaving no grounds to doubt that La Place has succeeded in solving this difficulty, by assigning the true cause of these inequalities, which had for so many ages baffled the acuteness of astronomers ; so that anomalies which seemed at variance with the law of gravitation, do in fact furnish the strongest corroboration of the universal influence it exerts throughout the solar system. Such, says La Place, has been the fate of that brilliant dis- covery of Newton, that every difficulty which has been raised against it, has formed a new subject of triumph, the sure characteristic of a law of nature. The precision with which these two greatest planets of our system have obeyed the laws of mutual gravitation from the earliest periods at which we have records of tlieir motions, proves the stability of the system, since Saturn has experienced no sensible action of foreign bodies from the time of Hipparchus, although the sun's attraction on Saturn is about a hundred times less than that exerted on the earth. 326 XnEORY OF JUPITER AND SATURN. [Book II. Periodic Variatiom in the Elements of the Orbits of Jupiter and Saturn, depending on the First Powers of the Disturbing Forces. 572. If / be made equal to 5 in equation (169), the great inequa- lity of Jupiter, including the secular variations of the elements of both orbits during its period of 9-29 yeajrs, is Ju = 5^-= • (172) , ^"''''' { aP' + ^±L^_ _ &c.}.8in (5n7-2/i<+56'-26) {aP — _______ - &c.}.C03 (5/i7-2n<+6e-26) (5/1'- 2/1) 2m'7i b7i'-2n m/ (5/1'- 2n)dt a* . _ . cos (bn't - 2nt + be' - 2e) da -o'.^.sin (bn't - 2nt + Be' - 26) da -r J — 11 . cJT . sin (bn't - 2nt + 5e' - 2e - «? + /8) 2 + 5^'. eK. sin (bn't - 2nt + 5e' - 2c + ^ + ^8) 2 + m'.He . sin (5/i7 — 2nt + be' — 2e + ct + /8); >vhich must be applied as a conrection to the mean motion of Jupiter. 573. Because of the equality and opposition of action and re- action, the great inequality in the mean motion of Saturn may be determined when that of Jupiter is known, and vice versd ; for by article 546, df ' r may be assumed to belong to Jupiter, and to Saturn, dil and dR' relate to the co-ordinates of m and m'. Their sum, when the first equation is multiplied by m, and the second by m', is Chap.X.] THEORY OF JUPITER AND SATURN. 327 2m/dfl + 2m/dil' = - 2m <^^±!!}) +m ^^^ + dy' + ^=' ^ i r dt^ r' dV> Tlie second member of this equation does not contain any term of the order of the squares of the disturbing masses having the divisor bn' — 2/1, whiclx can only arise from tlie integration of the sines or cosines of the angle bn't — 2nt ; because, when tlie elliptical values are substituted instead of x, y, z, the part 2m(s + 7n) , dx* + dy^ + rfz* — ~ + m ~ — ! , r dt^ will only contain the sines or cosines of the angle nt, and the re- maining part of the second member is a function of n't only ; and as such terms as have the square of the divisor bn' — 2/t are alone under consideration, the second member may be omitted, then m/dH + m'fAR' = 0. (173) 574. Wlien S' + wi = /* is restored, which has hitherto been assumed equal to unity, the general expression for the periodic inequality in the mean motion of Jupiter is o+m Tlie corresponding inequality in the mean motion of Saturn is ^.,^_^rr a'n'dtAW -'-' S+m' From these two it is easy to fmd miS + m) . a'n'. ig" + m'iS + m') ,an.l^ + 3m . a'li'ffandt . dR + 3m'. an .ffa'n'dt . dR' = .0. And in consequence of equation (173) miS + m) . a'n' . Sf + m'(S + m') . an . Sf = 0. But n = V ^'+ fn „/— 'fs'+ m' . a^ a'^ and if the masses m and m' be omitted in (S + ;«), (S + m') ; in comparison of the mass of the sun taken as the unit, the preceding equation becomes m -vT^ . 5? = - m' /^ . if. 328 THEORY OF JUPITER AND SATURN. [Book II. Tims the periodic inequality in the mean motion of Jupiter is con- trary to that in the mean motion of Saturn when n and n' have the same signs, which must always be the case, because both planets revolve about the sun in the same direction, so that one body is ac- celerated when the other is retarded, which corresponds with observa- tion. These inequalities are in the ratio of mva to m' "^a'; hence, if the inequality in the mean motion of Jupiter be known, that in the mean motion of Saturn will be found from Sr' = - ^'^ K (174) m'wa' 575. As the whole of the following analyses depend on the angle bn't - 2nt + Se' — 2c, it will be represented by X for the sake of abridgment. If i be made equal to 5 in equation (167), it becomes R - m'P . sin\ + m'P'. cos \. From this, values of d/?, — , — may be found ; but equations de dtsy (165) and (166), show that \dtnj \dcj \daj \de J dR dR conse(juently, by the substitution of dK, — , — in equations (1 14), de dzs the periodic variations in the eccentricity, longitude of the perihe- lion, and semigreater axis of Jupiter's orbit, depending on the third powers of the eccentricities and inclinations, are easily found to be ^ , m'.an [dP • . , dP* ,. , ,,»,^v Se^ r= + } — . sm X -f — . cosX} (175) bn' — 2n \ de de eJcT, = — { — . cos \ — . sm X}. (176) ' bn'- 2n\dc de ^ ^ ^ 576. The periodic inequalities in 7 and U, the mutual inclination of the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn, and the longitude of the ascend- ing node of the orbit of Saturn on that of Jupiter, are obtained from R^—.Q, e'y*. cos (\ - 2n - vs') 4 + _ . Qj cy». cos (\ - 2n - o) ; or 4 Chap. X.] THEORY OF JUPITER AND SATURN. 329 Ji = ^ . 7« cos2n {(?< . c'cos (\-'cs') + Q, . c cos (x-ro)} + ^ . 7« sin 2n { Q, . e' sin (x— ct') + Qj . '-/))*; 7* sin2n=2(g'-9) (p'-p); whence 4 4 and ^ = V^(p'-p).A-'^(q'-q).B, dp 2 2 or _— = 7 sin n . ^ — 7 cos n . B ; dp 2 2 restoring the values of A and J5, and reducing the products of the sines and cosines, ^= - ^ .Q«.e'v.sin(X-cj'-n)- — . Q, . ey .sm(X—aj- U). dp 2 2 But sin (\ — ct' — ri) = sin (X + II) . cos (CT + 211) — cos (\ + H) . sin (ct + 2n), hence ^ = ^{Q«.ex. 8in(t3'+2n) + - When this quantity is substituted in equation (181), instead of the sine, its integral ,.^. (3m'.an'.2Q)« f .'>m^/7+2mV?l . o/r. .. o . . r / ^^®!^ ^^f^= --W^^^'X m'^' ]' '" 2(5n7-2.^+5e'-2e-/J) is the variation in the mean motion of Jupiter, and on account of the Chap. X.] THEORY OP JUPTTER AND SATURN. 333 relation in article 574, the corresponding inequality in the mean motion of Saturn is 2(5n' - 2/0* m'V7' WT' sin 2{bn't — 2nt + 5e' — 2e}. (183) These inequalities have a sensible effect, on account of the minute divisor (5n' — 2;j)*. 579. The great inequalities in the mean motions also occasion variations in the eccentricities and longitudes of the perihelia, de- pending on the squares of the disturbing forces. Tlie principal term of the great inequality is sufficient for this pur- pose ; and if the secular variations in the elements of the orbits during the period of the inequalities be omitted, the first term of the great inequality in the mean motion of Jupiter (172), when \ is put for bti'l - 2nt + S./ — 2e, is, - _^^l-_Lf^{Pcos\-P'sinX}. (5/1' — 2ny ^ The correspondmg inequality in the mean motion of Saturn is ^ _6m^._^.i^|Pcos\-P'sinX}. (5/t' - 2/0* m' yf a' If these be applied as corrections to nt and n't, in the differential of equation (175), or f dP dP' d^e = + m' . andt . \ . cosX — —- — sin X}, I de de it will be found, by the same analysis that was employed in the last article, that {dP dP' — . cos X — sin X} de do ,, dP\ 6m'. an* bni' »/a' + 2m 'J a~] — m! . andt . ——<- — -— • -= > • X d 8in« X) } (184) ,, dP' ( 6m\an* bm^+2jn /a'] - M . andt . — < ; — • . — z } • A de l(5/t' - 2/1)* m' 4^' J {P . co8« X — P' COS X sin X)}. 334 THEORY OF JUPITER AND SATURN. [Book II. But P COS X sin X - 1* sin'x = i P sin 2X + i P' cos 2X - ^ F P C08« X - F cos X sin X = i Poos 2X - J P' sin 2X + i P ; arid, as terms depending on the first powers of the masses arc to be rejected, the periodic part of the preceding equation is le -,_ 3m^'.aV 5 m>/g'+2mVa^ [p ^ + p ^'Iv ' "2(5re'-2n)'* ~ m' 'J~^ '^ * ^^ * '^^ ^ sin 2(5n7 - 2n< + be' - 2c) (185) 2(5;i' - 27i)' ' m' 'fa' I * de de J cos 2(57i'< - 2n< + Be' - 26). By the same process it may be found that the periodic variations of 7i<, and n'<, produce the periodic variation Irs = ^^"^ • «'^' 5m \r^ + \tm' 'J~a' f p dP _ p, dP\ ' 2e(pn'-2ny ' ^> ^ ' I ' rfe ~ de J Bin 2(5n7 - 2ni + 5e' - 2c) (186) 3m" . g'/t" bm fl -{■ 2m' V~^ fp ^ . p . ^'1 2e(5/i'-2«)' ' m' >ra' "^ ^^ ' ^^^ cos 2(5/i7 — 2nt + Be' - 2c), in the longitude of the perilielion of Jupiter. These are thfe only sensible periodic inequalities in the elements of Jupiter's orbit of this order. Corresponding variations obtain in those of the orbit of Saturn. Secular Variations in the EhmenU of the Orbits of Jupiter and Saturn^ depending on the Squares of the Disturbing Forces. 580. The secular variations in the elements of the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn depending on the first powers of the disturbing forces, are determined by the formula (130), in common with the other planets ; but to these must be added their variations dependiiig on ^he squares of the masses, quantities only sensible in the motions of Jupiter and Saturn. Chap. X] THEORY OF JUPITER AND SATURN. 335 The secular part of equation (184), arising from the corrected values of nt, n't, is ^ ibn'-2ny' ' ri=' ^ '' my a {P.^ - P' . ^\. (187) de de J and the corresponding variation in the longitude of the perihelion of Jupiter's orbit, depending on the squares of the disturbing forces, is (Sct)= ^^"°'"' t bm 'fli-\-2m' ^~^' ^ e(5n'-2;0*- ' ^77^^ * The corresponding inequalities for Saturn are, Qc'^ — ~ ^^'-^'""-^ 5 m 'fa + 2 m' Y— M aV(5n'-2/0« ' m>r^ '\'^'/ ^''*'/J (194) • I 338 THEORY OF JUPITER AND SATURN. [Book II. e'{bn' - 2n)X\de') ' \de"J \de' J ' \de'* J \dy J ' [de'dyj /dP'\ /d^P'\\ , rnin .au .Tin . ^ mm'.aa'.nn' e'ib7i'-2n) (/dP\ fd^P\ , /dF\ fd^\ /dP\ f_d^\ \^dej' \dede'J "^ \ de J ' \dede'J \dyj ' \de'dy) 583. Secular variations, depending on the squares of the disturbing forces, arise from the same cause in the mutual inclination of the orbits, and in the longitude of the ascending node of the orbit of Saturn on that of Jupiter. These are obtained from equations (178), considering the elements to be variable ; then the substitution of their periodic variations will give, in consequence of \dy) WJ \dyj \drj .^ V 3m". a*n^ . wV~a+m'\^a' bm^/~a 4- ^m'^Taf (5/t'-2/i)« m' Af^' m'-Td bn' - 2n ^, ^ „. iV'rfc"/ KdiTdy) ~ \de)' \dUTy)\ , mm'.aa'.nn' . m,'/~a' bm*r~a-\-2m'>J~a' ,,->_. y{bn'-2ny jn'^i ^V „/ 7(5«'-2n) * • ^'/^ * [\Te J ' \dtdyj Chap. X.] THEORY OF JUPITER AND SATURN. 339 mm' . aa' . mi' . m »fa + m' 4~a' \fdP\ ( d^P \ 7(5«'-2») ;;77^> \\j;') ' \de'.dj 584. These are the variations with regard to the plane of Jupiter's orbit at a given time, but the variations in the position of the orbits of Juj)itcr and Saturn with regard to the ecliptic may easily be found, for 0, 0', being the inclinations of the orbits of m and m' on the fixed ecliptic at the epoch, and 6, 6' the longitudes of the ascend- ing nodes estimated on that plane, by article 444, p' — |) = 7 sin II ; q' — q := r^ cos 11 ; or 0' sin 6' — sin 6 = 7 sin 11, 0' cos ff —

fdP\\ y cos {5n7 — 10n< + be' — lOe - o} <^'»'-2«)'' — w^^^ — vde; Uyi sm {57i7 - 10/1/ + 5e' — 106 - cr}. (199) The corresponding inequahty for Saturn is found from v' = 2e' sin {n't + 6 - ta')- 589. Tlie radii vectores and true longitudes of m and m' m their elliptical orbits have been represented by r, r', v, u', but as Jr, ir', Jr, ie' are the periodic perturbations of these quantities, these two co-ordi- nates of m and m! in their troubled orbits, are r + 3r, r' + Jr', © + Sr, »' + Su'. When these quantities are substituted in P__ m'(rr' cos (u'— c))+ 22' __ m' (r"+2'*)t »^r*- 2rr' cos (v' - t>)-f r'»* 12 becomes a function of the squares and products of the masses, it consequently produces terms of that order in the mean motion ^ = "Sff.andt.dR 342 THEORY OF JUPITER AND SATURN. [Book II. having the factor (5»'— 2/t)* ; they tlierefore form a part of the great mequalities in the mean motions of Jupiter and Saturn. A mistake lias been observed in La Place's determination of these inequalities, which has been, and still is, a subject of controversy between three of the greatest matliematicians of the present age, MM. Plana, Poisson, and Pont^coulant, to whose very learned papers the reader is re- ferred for a full investigation of this difficult subject. 590. The numerical values of the perturbations of Jupiter in longi- tude are computed from equations (159), (164), (172), (182), and (199), together with some terms depending on the fifth powers of the eccentricities and inclinations which may be determined by the same process as in the other approximations ; his perturbations in latitude arc computed from equations (160) and (177), and those in liis radius vector from (158) and (163). 591. Hitherto the mass of the planet has been omitted when compared with that of the sun taken as the unit ; so that half the greater axes has been determined by the equation a^ = — , whereas its real value is found from l±^ = 71% or a = n"^ (1 + im) ; a* the semigreater axes of the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn ought there- fore to be augmented by ^ma, lm'a\ quantities that are only sensible in these two planets. 343 CHAPTER XI. INEQUALITIES OCCASIONED BY THE ELLIPTICITY Or THE SUN. 592. As the sun has liitherto been considered a sphere, his action was assumed to be the same as if }us mass were united in his centre of gravity ; but from his rotatory motion, his form must be spheroidal on account of his centrifugal force, therefore the excess of matter at his equator may have an influence on the motions of the planets. In the theory of spheroids it is found that the attraction of the redundant matter at the equator is expressed by Where p is the ellipticity of the sun, y the ratio of the centrifugal force to gravity at the solar equator, ij the declination of a planet m relative to this equator, R' tlic semidiameter of the sun, his mass being unity. Tlierefore, the attraction of tlie elliptical part of the sun's mass adds the term r to the disturbing action expressed by the series R in article 449. If this disturbing action of the sun's spheroidal form be alone consi- dered, omitting i/*, and substituting 1(1 -|e«),fori-, it gives, with regard to secular quantities alone, F=z -i(/-iV)~*(l-F)> and _ = e(^-J^V)— , . 344 EFFECTS OF THE SU^'S ELLIPTI CITY. [Book II. Tlie substitution of wliich in , andt dF ara =r . , e de gives by integration, «• Thus the action of the excess of matter at the sun's equator produces a direct motion in tlie perihelia of the planetary orbits. 593. The effect of the sun's ellipticity on the position of the orbits may be ascertained from the last of equations (115), J y^ dF or dp St andt. — . dq Since v is the declination of the planet m on the plane of the sun's equator, if the equator be taken as the fixed plane, then will '?•= — ♦ And if the eccentricity be omitted, therefore ^^ a 2. (p - ^y). E\t. dz a' ^ . dF ^ dF dz ^ dF .. / . . v Bui = = a sin (n< + dq dz dq dz on account of equation, consequently. — = g. sin (7i<+e) — p cos (nt + e) a ~«=2.(i>-iV).^'.«.«in(n«+«) or substituting a . tan 0. sin (n< + • — B) for z, dF R" = -(/>- iV').—- . cos e. tan 0, dq a' whence dp = " ndt . (/> — ^y^) . cos 9 . tan (b. a* But p == tan . sin d ; whence dp ^ dQ , t&h . cos Q. Chap. XI.l therefore and EFFECTS OF THE SUN'S ELU dd =: — ndt . (p — ^f) . : Se = - 7J< . (;> - j^f) . ii" Thus the nodes of the planetary orbits have a retrograde motion on the plane of the solar equator equal to the direct motion of their perihelia on tlie same plane, both so small that they are scarcely perceptible even in Mercury. As neither the eccentricities nor the inclinations are affected by this disturbance, it has no influence on the stability of tlie system. 346 CHAPTER XII. PERTURBATIONS IN THE MOTIONS OF THE PLANETS OCCA- SIONED KY THE ACTION OF THEIR SATELLITES. 594. The common centre of gravity of a planet and its satellites very nearly describes an ellipse round the sun. If that orbit be considered to be the orbit of the planet itself, the respective posi- tions of the satellites with regard to each other, and to the sun, will give that of the planet with regard to their common centre of gravity, and consequently the perturbations produced by the satellites on their primary. Let G, fig. 90, be the common centre of gravity of a planet, and of - QQ its satellites, S the sun, y the equinoc- tial point, and x, y, z, the co-ordi- nates of G, so that SG = x, and z -oe perpendicular to the plane of the orbit. Then if x, y, z, be the co-or- "'' ^y dinates of a satellite m, and v = 7SG, U = 7Gm, the longitudes of G and m ; it is evident that G^=x--J, and r being the radius Gm^ Gp := x - S = r . cos (U — v); hence, if 2m be the sum of the masses of the satellites, and P that of their primary, Sni . ar = X . P -f 2m . r cos (17 - r), or, Jmx = I . P + mr . COS (17 — r) + mV . cos ( C/ - t/) -J- &c. In the same manner 2my =z y . P + mr . Bin (U — v) + m'r' . sin (17— v') + &c. Imz = sP 4- m . rs -f- m' . r' «' 4- &c. «, y, »", &c., being the latitudes of the satellites above the orbit of Chap. XII.] ACTION OF TUE SATELLITES. . 347 their common centre of gravity. But by the property of the centre of gravity, 2m . X = 0, 2m . y = 0, 2m .2 = 0; consequently, = 5 . P + mr . cos (U — v) + &c. = y . P + mr . sin (?7 — t?) + &c. 0=zz.P + mr.s + m'r's' . + &c. By article 353 the centre of gravity is urged in a direction parallel to the co-ordinates, by the forces -(P+2m)x; .(£±2^; .(P+Mf. 7 f 7 = SG, the radius vector of the centre of gravity. Tliese forces vary very nearly as ^, —^ and ~ ; 7 r therefore the perturbations in the radius vector SG are very nearly proportional to ir, that is, to — — . r cos (U—v) - — . r' cos (U-v') - &c. Tlie perturbations in longitude are nearly proportional to — — sm (L7 - v) — —. . — Bin (U — if) — iic. ; P r P r and those in latitude to ___ m *■* „ m'rV ^_ „ P" * T *" f Tlic masses of Jupiter's satellites compared with the mass of that planet are so small, and their elongations seen from the sun subtend so small an angle, that the perturbations produced by them in Jupiter's motions are insensible ; and there is reason to beheve this to be the case also with regard to Saturn and Uranus. 495. But the Earth is sensibly troubled in its motions by the Moon, her action produces tlie inequalities Jr s= — — . r cos (17 - r) E f ». __ m r ¥ T ' 348 ACTION OF THE SATELLITES. [Book II. or, more correctly, Mr 5r = — . r cos (XJ - v) E + VI 5u = - -JUL- . 4- . sin (C7 - v) (200) E + m r E +m f in the radius vector, longitude and latitude of the Earth, E and m being the masses of the Earth and Moon. 349 CHAPTER XIII. DATA FOR COMPUTING THE CELESTIAL MOTIONS. 596. The data requisite for computing the motions of the planets determined by observation for any instant arbitrarily assumed as the epoch or origin of the time, are Tlie masses of the planets ; Their mean sidereal motions for a Julian year of 365.25 days ; The mean distances of the planets from the sun ; The ratios of the eccentricities to the mean distances ; The inclinations of the orbits on the plane of the ecliptic ; The longitudes of the perihelia ; The longitudes of the ascending nodes on the ecliptic ; The longitudes of the planets. Masses of the Planets. 597. Satellites afford the means of ascertaining the masses of their primaries ; the masses of such planets as have no satellites are found from a comparison of their inequalities determined by analysis, with values of the same obtained from numerous observations. The secular inequalities will give the most accurate values of the masses, but till they are perfectly known the periodic variations must be em- ployed. On this account there is still some uncertainty as to the masses of several bodies. It is only necessary to know the ratio of the mass of each planet to that of the sun taken as the unit ; the masses are consequently expressed by very small fractions. 598. If T be the time of a sidereal revolution of a planet m, whose mean distance from the sun is a, x the ratio of the circumference to the diameter, and /i* = V »« + S the sum of the masses of the sun and planet, by article 383, 350 DATA FOR COMPUTING [Book II. T = 2ir . a^ /7 From this expression the masses of such planets as have satellites may be obtained. Suppose this equation relative to the earth, and that the mass of the earth is omitted when compared with that of the sun, it then becomes T = 2v . a^ Again, let fjt =1 m + m' the sum of the masses of a planet and of its satellite m', T' being the time of a sidereal revolution of the planet at the mean distance a' from the sun, theti and dividing the one by the other the result is, m+m' _ af^ T^ S a^ * r»' If the values of T, T, a and a', determined from observation, be substituted in this expression, the ratio of the sum of the masses of the planet and of its satellite to the mass of the sun will be obtained ; and if the mass of the satellite be neglected when compared with that of its primary, or if the ratio of these masses be known, the preceding equation will give the ratio of the mass of the planet to that of the sun. For example, 599. Let m be the mass of Jupiter, that of his satellite being omitted, and let the mass of the sun be taken as tlic unit, then a" r* m = — . 5m the mean radius of the orbit of the fourth satellite at the mean distance of the earth from the sun taken as the unit, is seen under the angle JEm = 2580".579 The radius of the circle reduced to seconds is 206264". 8 ; hence the mean radii of the orbit of the fourth satellite and of the terrestrial orbit are in the ratio of these two numbers. The time of a sidereal revolu- fig. 91. Chap. XIII.] THE CELESTIAL MOTIONS. 351' tion of the fourth satellite is 16.6890 days, and the sidereal year is 365.2564 days, hence a = 206264.8 a! = 2580.58 T = 365.2564 r'r= 16.6890. With these data it is easy to find that the mass of Jupiter is 1 m = . 1066.09 The sixth satellite of Saturn accomplishes a sidereal revolution in 15.9453 days; the mean radius of its orbit, at the mean distance of the planet, is seen from the sun under an angle of 179" ; whence the mass of Saturn is . 3359.40 By the observations of Sir William Herscliel the sidereal revolu- tions of the fourth satellite of Uranus are performed in 13.4559 days, and the mean radius of its orbit seen from the sun at the mean dis- tance of the planet is 44".23. With these data the mass of Uranus 1 is found to be 19504 600. This method is not sufficiently accurate for finding the mass of the Earth, on account of the numerous inequalities of the Moon. It has already been observed, that the attraction of the Earth on bodies at its surface in the parallel where the square of the sine of the lati- tude is ^, is nearly the same as if its mass were united at its centre of gravity. If R be the radius of the terrestrial spheroid drawn to that parallel, and m its mass, this attraction will be e = — ; whence m = §• . JR*. ^ R* Then, if a be the mean distance of tlie Sun from the Earth, T the duration of the sidereal year, 2» . a^ r = and, by division. S 4t« . a» R, gy r, and a, are known by observation, therefore the ratio of the 352 DATA FOR COMPUTING [Book II. mass of the Earth to that of the Sun may be found from this ex- pression. The sine of the solar parallax at the mean distance of the sun from the earth, and in the latitude in question, is sin P = :5. = sin 8".75 ; a tlie attraction of the Earth, and the terrestrial radius in the same parallel, are g =2. 16.1069 = 32.2138 R = 2089870, and the sidereal year is T = 31558152".9 with these data the mass of the earth is computed to be 1 337103' the mass of the sun being unity. This value varies as the cube of the solar parallax compared with that adopted. 601. The compression of the three larger planets, and the ring of Saturn, probably affect the values of the masses computed from the elongations of their satellites ; but the comparison of numerous well chosen observations, with the disturbances determined from theory, will ultimately give the masses of all the planets with great accuracy. The action of each disturbing body adds a term of the form m'^v' to the longitude, so that the longitude of m at any given instant in its troubled orbit, is V + m'^v' + mJi'iv" + &c. r„ Sy', Su", &c. are susceptible of computation from theory ; and as they are given by the Tables of the Motions of the Planets, the true longitude of m is V -r m'^v' + m"^v" + &c. = L. When this formula is composed with a great number of observations, a series of equations, m'h' + m"^v" + &c. = L — r, m'iiV + m"Jrg" + &c. = L' - ©», &c. = &c. are obtained, where m', 7)i", &c., are unknown quantities, and by the resolution of these the masses of the planets may be estimated by the perturbations they produce. 602. As tlicre are ten planets, ten equations would be sufficient to CSiap. XIII.] THE CELESTIAL MOTIONS. 353 give their masses, were the observed longitudes and tlie computed quantities t), Su', ^v", &c., mathematically exact; but as that is far from being the case, many hundreds of observations made on all the planets must be employed to compensate the errors. The method of combining a series of equations more numerous than the unknown quantities they contain, so as to determine these quantities with all possible accuracy, depends on the theory of probabilities, which will be explained afterwards. The powerful energy exercised by Jupiter on the four new planets in his immediate vicinity occasions very great inequalities in the motions of these small bodies, whence that higldy distinguished mathematician, M. Gauss, has obtained a value for the mass of Jupiter, differing considerably from that deduced from the elongation of his satellites, it cannot however be regarded as con- clusive till the perturbations of these small planets are perfectly known. 603. The mass of Venus is obtained from the secular diminution in the obliquity of the Ecliptic. The plane of the terrestrial equator is inclined to the plane of the ecliptic at an angle of 23° 28' 47" nearly, but this angle varies in consequence of the action of -the planets. A series of tolerably correct observations of the Sun's altitude at the solstices chiefly by the Chinese and Arabs, have been handed down to us from the year 1100 before Christ, to the year 1473 of the Christian era ; by a comparison of these, it appears that the obliquity was then diminishing, and it is still decreasing at the rate of 50".2 in a century. From numerous observations on the obliquity of the ecliptic made by Bradley about a hundred years ago, and from later observations by Dr. Maskelyne, Delambre determined the maximum of the inequalities produced by the action of Venus, Mars, and the Moon, on the Earth, and by comparing these observations witli the analytical formula;, he obtained nearly the same value of the mass of Venus, whether he deduced it from the joint observations of Bradley and Maskelyne, or from the observations of each separately. From this correspondence in the values of the mass of Venus, ob- tained from these different sets of observations, there can be little doubt that the secular diminution in the obliquity of the ecliptic ia very nearly 50",2, and the probability of accuracy is greater as it agrees with the observations made by the Chinese and Arabs so • 2 A 354 DATA FOR COMPUTING tBoo^^ "• many centuries ago. Notwithstanding doubts still exist as to the mass of Venus. 604. The mass of Mars lias been determined by the same method, though with less precision than that of Venus, because its action occasions less disturbance in the Earth's motions, for it is evident that the masses of those bodies that cause the greatest disturbance will be best known. The action of the new planets is insensible, and that of Mercury has a very small influence on the motions of the rest. An ingenious method of finding the mass of that planet has been adopted by La Place, although liable to error. 605. Because mass is proportional to the product of the density and the volume, if m, m', be the masses of any two planets of which p, f', are the densities, and F, P, the volumes, then mim! -.ip .Vij/ . v. But as the planets differ very little from spheres, their volumes may be assumed proportional to the cubes of their diameters ; hence if D, D', be the diameters of m, and m', mim' ::p . D^ :p' . jy*; whence 2. = £!! . ^. (201). * * The apparent diameters of the planets have been measured so that D and D' are known ; this equation will therefore give the densities if the masses be known, and vice versa. By comparing the masses of the Earth, Jupiter, and Saturn, with their volumes. La Place found that the densities of these three planets are nearly in the inverse ratio of their mean distances from the sun, and adopting the same hypothesis with regard to Mercury, Mars, and Juj)iter, he obtained the preceding values of the masses of Mars and Mercury, which are found nearly to agree with those determined from other data. Irradiation, or the spreading of the light round the disc of a planet, and other difHcultics in measuring the apparent diameters, together with the uncertainty of the hypo- thesis of the law of the densities, makes the values of the masses obtained in this way the more uncertain, as the hypothesis does not give a true result for the masses of Venus and Saturn. Fortunately the influence of Mercury on the solar system is very small. Chap. XIII.] THE CELESTIAL MOTIONS. 356 606. The mass of the Sun being unity, the masses of the planets are, ^^^^"'^ "202^ 1 Venus The Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus 405871 1 354936 1 2546320 1 1070.5 1 3512 1 17918 Densities of the Planets, 607. The densities of bodies are proportional to the masses di* vided by the volumes, and when the masses are spherical, their volumes are as the cubes of their radii ; as tlie sun and planets are nearly spherical, their densities are therefore as their masses divided by the cubes of their radii ; but the radii must be taken in those parallels of latitude, the squares of whose sines are |. The mean apparent semidiameters of the Sun and Earth at their mean distance are, Sun 961". The Earth 8". 6 Tlie radius of Jupiter's spheroid in the latitude in question, when viewed at the mean distance of the earth from the sun, is 94".344 ; and the corresponding radius of Saturn at his mean distance from the sun is 8".l. Whence the densities are. Sun 1 The Earth .... 3.9326 Jupiter 0.99239 Saturn 0.59496 Thus the densities decrease with the distance from the sun ; how* ever that of Uranus does not follow this law, being greater than that of Saturn, but the uncertainty of the value of its apparent diameter piay possibly account for this deviation. *2 A a 358 DATA FOR COMPUTING [Book II. Mercury 87.9705 Venus 224.7 The Eartli . . 365.25G4 Mars 686.99 Vesta . . 1592.69 Juno 1331. Ceres . . 1681.42 Pallas . 1686.56 Jupiter . 4332.65 Saturn 10759.4 Uranus . 30687.5 Whence it will be found by sunple proportion that the mean side- real motions of the planets in a Julian year • of 365.2564 days, or tlie values of w, n'y &c., are Mercury . . 5381034".99 Venus . . 2106644".82 The Earth . 1295977".74 Mars . . 689051 ".63 Vesta . . 355681".17 Juno . 297216".21 Ceres • 281531".00 Pallas . . . 280672". 32 Jupiter . 109256".78 Saturn . . . • 43996".13 Uranus » • • 15425".64 Tliese have been determined by approximation, continually cor- rected by a long series of observations on tlie oppositions and con- junctions of the planets. Mean Distances of the Planets^ or Values ofa^ a', a", &c. 611. The mean distances arc obtained from the mean motions of the planets : for, assuming the mean distance of the earth from the sun as the unit, Kei)ler*8 law of the squares of the periodic times being as the cubes of the mean distances, gives the following values of the mean distances of the planets from the sun. Chap. XIII.] THK CELESTIAL MOTIONS. 869 Mercury 0.3870981 Venus 0.7233316 The Earth 1.0000000 Mars 1.5236923 Vesta 2.3678700 Juno 2.6690090 Ceres 2.7672450 Pallas 2.7728860 Jupiter 5.2011524 Saturn 9.5379564 Uranus 19.1823927 Ratio of the Eccentricities to the Mean Distances, or Values of e, e\ he, for 1801. 612. The eccentricity of an orbit is found by ascertaining that heliocentric longitude of the planet at which it is moving with its mean angular velocity, for there the increments of the true and mean anomaly are equal to one another, and the equation of the centre, or difference between the mean and true anomaly is a maximum, and equal to half the eccentricity. By repeating this process for a series of years, the effects of the secular variations will become sensible, and may be determined ; and when they are known, the eccentricity may be determined for any given period. The values of c, c', «", Sec, for 1801, are Mercury .... 0.20551494 Venus The Earth Mars [Vesta I Juno Ceres ■Pallas Jupiter . Saturn Uranus . 0.00686074 0.01685318 0.09330700 0.08913000 0.25784800 0.07843900 0.24164800 0.04816210 0.05615050 0.04661080 360 DATA FOR COMPUTING [Book II. Inclinations of the Orbits on the Plane of the Ecliptic, in 1801. 613. When the earth is in the line of a planet's nodes, if the planet's elongation from the sun and its geocentric latitude be ob- served, the inclination of the orbit may be found ; for the sine of the elongation is to the radius, as the tangent of the geocentric latitude to the tangent of the inclination. If the planet be 90° distant from the sun, the latitude observed is just equal to the inclination. By tliis method Kepler determined the inclination of the orbit of Mars. The secular inequalities become sensible after a course of years. The values of 0, 0', 0", &fc. were in 1801 Mercury Venus .... Mars .... rVesta .... I Juno .... [Ceres L Pallas .... Jupiter .... Saturn .... Uranus .... Longitudes of the Perihelia. 614. The angular velocity of a body is least in aphelion, and greatest in perihelion ; consequently, if its longitude be observed when the increments of the angular velocity are greatest or least, these points will be in the extremities of the major axis : if these be really the two observed longitudes, the interval between them will be exactly lialf the time of a revolution, a property belonging to no other diameter in the ellipse. As it is very improbable that the observa- tions should differ by 180°, they require a small correction to reduce them to the true times and longitudes. On this principle the longitudes of the perihelia may be determined, and if the observations be con- tinued for a series of years, their secular motions will be obtained, whence their places may be computed for any epoch. The longitude of the perihelion is the distance of the perihelion from the ascending node estimated on the orbit, plus the longitude of the node. In the beginning of 1801, the values of ex, vs\ vj"^ &c., were, 7 9 .1 3 23 28, .5 1 51 6 .2 7 8 9, ,0 13 4 9. ,7 10 37 26. 2 34 34 55, .0 1 18 51. ,3 2 29 35. 7 46 28, .4 Chap. XIII.] THE CELESTIAL MOTIONS. 301 Mercury . Venus . The Earth Mars . i Vesta Jimo . Ceres . Pallas . Jupiter Saturn Uranus . Longitudes of the Ascending Nodes. 615. When a planet is in its nodes, it is in the plane of the ecliptic ; its longitude is tlien the same with the longitude of its node, and its latitude is zero. The place of the nodes may therefore be found by a series of observations, and if they be continued long enough, their secular motions will be obtained ; whence their positions at any time may be computed. In the beginning of 1801 the values of ^, 6*, 6", &c., were, o i // 74 21 46.8 128 43 53.0 99 30 4.8 332 23 56.4 249 33 24.2 53 33 46.0 147 7 31.1 121 7 4.3 11 8 34.4 89 9 29.5 167 30 23.7 Mercury Venus Mars . r Vesta I Juno . I Ceres ' Pallas . Jupiter Saturn Uranus e / // 45 57 30.9 74 54 12.9 48 3.5 103 13 18.2 171 7 40.4 80 41 24.0 172 39 26.8 98 26 18.9 111 56 37.3 72 59 35.4 616. Mean longitudes of the planets on the Ist January, 1801, at midnight, or values of c, e', e", &c. Mercury . Venus . The Earth o / // 163 56 26.9 10 44 21.6 100 9 12.9 360 DATA FOR COMPUTING [Book II. Inclinations of the Orbits on the Plane of the Ecliptic, in 1801. 613. When tlie earth is in the line of a planet's nodes, if the planet's elongation from the sun and its geocentric latitude be ob- served, the inclination of the orbit may be found ; for the sine of the elongation is to the radius, as the tangent of the geocentric latitude to the tangent of the inclination. If the planet be 90° distant from the sun, the latitude observed is just equal to the inclination. By this method Kepler determined the inclination of the orbit of Mars. Tlie secular inequalities become sensible after a course of years. The values of 0, 0', 0", &c. were in 1801 O t II Mercury Venus .... Mars .... rVesta .... I Juno .... I Ceres .Pallas .... Jupiter .... Saturn .... Uranus .... Longitudes of the Perihelia. 614. The angular velocity of a body is least in aphelion, and greatest in perihelion ; consequently, if its longitude be observed when the increments of the angular velocity are greatest or least, these points will be in the extremities of the major axis : if these be really the two observed longitudes, the interval between them will be exactly half the time of a revolution, a property belonging to no other diameter in the ellipse. As it is very improbable that tlie observa- tions should differ by 180°, they require a small correction to reduce them to the true times and longitudes. On this principle the longitudes of the perihelia may be determined, and if the observations be con- tinued for a series of years, their secular motions will be obtained, whence their places may be computed for any epoch. The longitude of the perihelion is the distance of the perihelion from the ascending node estimated on the orbit, plus the longitude of the node. In the beginning of 1801, the values of w, w', xa", &c., were, 7 9 .1 3 23 28, .5 1 51 6, .2 7 8 9. ,0 13 4 9. ,7 10 37 26. 2 34 34 .')5, .0 1 18 51. ,3 2 29 35. 7 46 28, .4 Chap. XIII.] THE CELES riAL MOTIONS. o / // Mercury . . 74 21 46.8 Venus . 128 43 53.0 The Earth . 99 30 4.8 Mars . 332 23 56.4 Vesta . 249 33 24.2 o Juno . 53 33 46.0 SjCercs . . . . 147 7 31.1 Pallas . 121 7 4.3 Jupiter . . 11 8 34.4 Saturn 89 9 29.5 Uranus . . 167 30 23.7 361 Longitudes of the Ascending Nodes. 615. When a planet is in its nodes, it is in the plane of the ecliptic ; its longitude is then the same with the longitude of its node, and its latitude is zero. The place of the nodes may therefore be found by a series of observations, and if they be contmued long enough, their secular motions will be obtained ; whence their positions at any time may be computed. In the beginning of 1801 the values oiO, 6', ©", &c., were, Mercury Venus Mars . 1 Vesta Juno . Ceres Pallas . Jupiter Saturn Uranus o / // 45 57 30.9 74 54 12.9 48 3.5 103 13 18.2 171 7 40.4 80 41 24.0 172 39 26.8 98 26 18.9 111 56 37.3 72 59 35.4 616. Mean longitudes of the planets on the Ist January, 1801, at midnight, or values of e, e', c'', &c. Mercury . Venus . The Earth 163 56 26.9 10 44 21.6 100 9 12.9 / 64 6 59.9 278 30 0.4 200 16 19.1 123 16 11.9 108 24 57.9 112 12 51.3 135 19 5.5 177 48 1.1 362 DATA FOR COMPUTING [Book II. Mars e-rVesta .... §!|j"i^o 2||Cere8 .... SlPallas .... Jupiter .... Saturn ..... Uranus .... All the longitudes are estimated from the mean equinox of spring, the epoch being the 1st January, 1801. 617. With these data the motions of the planets are computed ; they are, however, only approxunate, since each element is deter- mined independently of the rest ; whereas they are so connected, that their values ought to be determined simultaneously by equa- tions of condition formed from thousands of observations. 618. Elements of the orbits of the three comets belonging to the solar system. Halley's Comet of 1682, Period of revolution 76 years, nearly. Instant of passage at peri- helion 1835, October 31st, 2. Half the greater axis .... 17.98355 Eccentricity 0.967453 Longitude of perihelion on orbit . . 304° 34' 19" Longitude of ascending node . , 55 6 59 Inclination 17 46 50 Motion retrograde. Enke's Cmnetof\Q\9. Anyt. Period of revolution 1203.687. Passage at perihelion 1829, January 10th, 573. Mean diurnal motion .... 1069". 557 Half the greater axis . . . 2.224346 Eccentricity 0.8446862 Longitude of perihelion . . . 157° 18' 35" Longitude of ascending node . . 334 24 15 luclinatiun 13 22 34 Chap. XIII.] THE CELESTIAL MOTIONS. 363 Claussen and GamharVs Comet 0/1825. yoars. Period of revolution 6, 7. Passage at perihelion 1832, November 27th, 4808. Half the greater axis .... 3.53683 Eccentricity 0.7517481 Longitude of perilielion . . . 109° 56' 45" Longitude of ascending node . . 248 12 24 Inclination . . ... .• . 13 13 13 The computation, in the next Chapter, of the perturbations of Jupiter and Saturn will be sufficient to show the method of finding their numerical values, especially as there are many peculiar to these two planets. 364 CHAPTER XIV. NUMERICAL VALUES OF THE PERTURBATIONS OF JUPITER. 619. The epoch assumed for this computation is that of the French Tables, namely, the 31st of December, at midnight, 1749, mean time at Paris. The data for that epoch are as follow : — Values of e, e', &c. Mercury Venus The Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Mercury Venus The Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Mercury Venus Mars . Jupiter Saturn Uranus 0.20551320 0.00688405 0.01681395 0.09308767 0.04807670 0.05622460 0.04G69950 Values of CT, ra', cj", &c. Valuesof^, 0', 0", &c. 73°. 5661 127.9117 98.6211 331.473 10.3511 88.1519 166.614 7° 3.3931 1 . 8499 1.3172 2.4986 0.7736 Chap. XIV.] PERTURBATIONS OF JUPITER. 365 Values of 0, e\e", &c. Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus 45°. 3452 74.4384 47.6438 97.906 111.5064 72.6314 The longitudes are estimated from the mean equinox of spring. 620. The series represented by S and S' in article 453 form the basis of the whole computation, but twelve or fourteen of tlie first terms of each will be sufficiently correct for all the planets. The numerical values of the coefficients, A^, Ai, &c. Bq^ 1?i, &c,, and their differences, for Jupiter and Saturn, are obtained from the formulae in article 455, and those that follow. Tlie mean disUinces of these two planets are, according to La Place, a = 5.20116636, a' = 9.5378709, whence a = 0.54531725. S = 10.2612 S' = — 4.99987, = 0.228576 A, =0.065071 A, =0.027012 ^0 A, A, A dA da dA = 0.012369 = 0.001458 r= 0.000189 i = 0.008891 A, At, = 0.005929 Aj = 0.000738 Au = 0.000091 "^' =r 0.016305 A^ = 0.002918 A = 0.000376 Au = 0.000034 dA 1. = 0.007987 da dA, _ da = 0.001798 da dA ° * = 0.004983 da dA "^^ = 0.001056 i = 0.012149 dA, _ da d'A, = 0.000364 da dA da dA , __ da dA, da = 0.00302 = 0.000617 da 12 = 0.000223. da* £. = 0.003314 da' = 0.004070 ^A} = 0.002942 da* £^ = 0.003453 da* ^j1i = 0.004058 da* £A, _ da' = 0.002654 366 da" rfa» da" (PA, da^ da" dMo da* d*A, da* d*A, da* NUMERICAL VALUES OF THE^ d?A, 0.001919 -TJ!!! = 0.001319 da" 0.000559. 0.001466 = 0.001069 da" d'A, __ da> d'A, da'' Bo J5» B, B. dBp da dB» 0.000993 0.001044 = 0.001212. da dB, da dB, da £a da* d?A, _ da" 0.001556 0.001868 °- * = 0.002061 da' 0.001808 £^ = 0.001478 da" °^' = 0.001064 da* 0.001138 ^-* =: 0.001234 da* 0.001503 £^ = 0.001469 da* °^^ =0.001001 da' if-^ = 0.001088 da» 0.005026 I?, = 0.003674 0.001493 B^ = 0.000904 0.000315 I?7 = 0.000183 0.000062. 0.001774 ^ = 0.000184 da = 0.000128 -^ = 0.000943 da = 0.000448 i^ = 0.000448 da = 0.000189. = 0.001225 £^ = 0.001203 d«« oa* d^A^ _ da" d»^ da" (PAs da'' d*Ai d*A, da* d?A^ da" £A, da» [Book II. 0.000&77 0.001551 0.002013 0.001156 0.001107 0.001808 0.001011 0.001175 B, = 0.0024 B, = 0.000537 B, = 0.000107 dn, da = 0.000162 dB, da = 0.000661 dDs da = 0.000293 d*B, da* = 0.001181 Chap. XIV.] PERTURBATIONS OF JUPITER. 3G7 d'B, da'' = 0.001101 drB^ da* = 0.000951 d'B, da* = 0.000602 d'B, da"^ = 0.000453. iPBo = 0.001102 d?B, dri j-^jj . m' -/ a' m'^Ta' if tlien, the quantities (202) relating to Jupiter, be multiplied by J — ^ ^ » those corresponding to Saturn will be found, and the for- Tn''J~a' mulae (128) give for Saturn ^^' = 16".1127 — = 0''.54021 dt dt d^ = 0".099741 ^ = - 9".0053. dt dt By article 444, 0* sin 0'— sin s= Y sin jB* 0' cos 0'--0 CO80 =: 7 COS fi ; and by the substitution of the numerical values of article 613 and 615, it will readily be found, that in 1750 f = 1° 15' 30" n = 126° 44' 34", 7 being the mutual inclination of the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn, and n the longitude of the ascending node of the orbit of Saturn on that of Jupiter. If the differential of these equations be taken and the numerical values of d^ dd dt' dt* d0 d^ dt substituted, it will be found, that ^ c: - 0".000105, dll _ « a6".094. «^ dt 623. The variations in the elements that depend on the squares of the disturbing forces must now be computed, and for that purpose the numerical values of P, P', and their differences, must be found from equations (165) and (166). The coefficients Qo. Qn &c., are given by the expansion of il, article 446 ; so that Q, = _ JL {389J, + 201a . ^dl. + 27a». ^ +a* .^l. da da* da* j Q, = i {402J, + 193a . ^ + 26a\£^ + =/+{169".2659-<.0".004277} . sin (3«'< - bnt + ^^' - Se + 55°. 6802 -f t . 50".5084) + 1".64714 . Bin (6n'<-4M<+6eM6-54°.43) + 2".4764 . sin (n'<-7j<+e-e'+43°2836) - 5".288 . sin (2;i7-2/i<+2e'-26+42° 6789) 0.000082242 . cos (2n'<+26+ll°0153) + 0.000022625 . cos {Zn't — ni + Se' - 2e - 21°.7884) -0.0001010533 . cos {in't - 2nt + 4e'— 2e - 51° 0677) -{0.00211145— <. 0.00000005323}. cos (3n't-bnt+3e'-be + 55°. 597 . + 50".4144 .<) -0.0000652204 . cos (2 n't - 2nt + 2«' - 3e + 54°.1477). Perturbations depending on the Third Powers and Products of the Eccentricities and Inclinations. 628. These are contained in equation (172). But, in order to find the numerical value of the principal term, the differences of P and P' must be computed. By article 623, P = 0.0000114596, P' = - 0,000107267 5v={ Chap. XIV.] PERTURBATIONS OF JUPITER. 377 are the values of these quantities in 1750; but their values in the years 2250, and 2750, will be obtained by making t successively equal to 500 and 1000, in equations (204) ; whence the elements of the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn at these two periods will be known ; and if the same computation that was employed for the determina- tion of P and P' be repeated with them, the results in 2250, and 2750, will be P = - 0.000008407 P' = _ 0.00010552 P = - 0.000027365 P' = - 0.00010009; and, by tlie method of article 480 -^ = — 0.000000040645; dt ^EL = — 0.0000000002249 ; dt ^^ =1 — 0.000000000003642 ; dt dP — 0.000000000014865 ; dt with these data the principal term of the great inequality put under the form of equation (171) becomes 5y = {1263".79967 - 0".008418 . t— 0".00001925 . <«} sin (bn't — 2nt + be' — 2t) + {119".52695 - 0".473686 . t - 0".0O0078562 . <«} cos (5rt'< - 2nt + 5e' - 26). In order to compute the inequality dP 2m'n bn' - 2« cos ibti't — 2/i< + 5e - 2e - a« -^ . sin {bn't - 2nt + 56' - 2fl da dP' da equation (165), gives -f^ = ^ . e » sin 3ta' + ^ . r- . e . sin (ra' + w) da da da 878 NUMERICAL VALUES OF THE fBook II. + JSl. . e'e« sin (ct + 2ct') + ASl . e^ sin 3ci da da + -^ . e'7« sin (2n + ^0 + — • ey . sin (2n + w). The quantities — —^ &c. are obtained from the values of Qo> Qw da &c. in article 623, With which and the numerical values of the elements at the epoch 1750, the preceding value of — gives da 2m' . n ■ dP ,»« a' . — = — 17". 5/1' — 2/t da 22886 ; and, by changing the sines into cosines, the same expression gives 2m'n ^^ dP' __ 5/^360016. 5rt' — 2rt da If < be made equal to 200 in the equations (204), and the com- putation repeated with the resulting values of the elements, it will be found that in 1950 2m'n ^ „« ^ -. _ 16^836801 bii' — 2n da 2m'n „j rfJ^ _ 6",449839 ; bn' — 2/t da ^^^ -17-.22886 + 16.83680 ^ __ o..o019603, 200 and 6^449839 - 5360016 ^ o".O054491 ; 200 hence Jr = - {17".229862 - 0".0019603 . < } . sin (5«'<-2//<+5c'-2e) + {5".360016 + 0".0054491 t . } . cos(5n7-2//< + 5e'-26), "Hie only remaining inequalities of tliis order are, - m'Ke . sin {bn't - 2nl + 5e' - 2c - w + U) + i^ . Ke . sin (5/17 - 2nt + 5c - 2e + ct - J3) 2 + m'He . sin (5«7 - 2nt +5<:' - 2e + ci + B), Chap. XIV.] PERTURBATIONS OF JUPITER. 379 the numerical values of which may easily be found equal to 5» = (0".8203-0".00059324 . t) . sin {bn't - 2nt+be'-2e) - (1".83796-0".00000149 . <) cos (bn't- 2nt + ht'-2e) + 10".0847 . sin (4n<-5n7+46' - Be - 45°. 36225). The great inequality of Jupiter also contains the terms Iv = (12".5365-0".001755 . <) • sin ibn't^2nt + be'-^^e) — (8".1211 +0".004885 . <) • cos (bn't - 2nt + 5e'~2e) ; depending on the fifth powers and products of the eccentricities and inclinations, the computation of these is exactly the same with the examples given, but very tedious on account of the form of the coefficients of the series R, If all the terms depending on the argu- ment bn't — 2nt + be' — 2e be collected, it will be found that the great inequality of Jupiter is {1261".56— 0".013495 . t - 0".00001925 . <«} . sin (biH - 2nt + 5e' - 26) + {96".4e61 - 0".47466 . i + 0".00007856 . <«} . cos (brJt — 2/j< + 5e' — 2e) Iv- Inequalities depending on the Squares of the Disturbing Force 629. Tliese are given by equations (182) and (199) : their nume- rical values are Jr = 4".0248 . sin (bnt — lOn't + 5e - lOe' + 61°.3653) — 13".2389 sin (twice the argument of the great inequality of Jupiter). The inequahty mentioned in article 589, according to Pont^- coulant, is Sr = 2". 16304 . sin (bn't - 2nt + 5e' - 2e) + 16".9712 x cos (b'nt — 2nt + 5c' — 2e) for Jupiter ; and Sg-' = 3".4645 . sin (bn't — 2nt + be' - 26) - 40".3437 x cos (bn't - 2nt + be' - 2e), for Saturn. 380 NUMERICAL VALUES OF THE [Book IL Periodic Inequalities in the Radius Vector, depending on the Third Powers and Products of the Eccentricities and Inclinations. 630. These are occasioned by Saturn, and are easily found from equation (168) to be . _ f — 0.0003042733 . cos (bn't - 2nt + ^e' - Se - 12°.l46941 '^""t + 0.0001001860 .cos {bn't - 2nt + be' -2e ■{■ ib°. 27 97 2) Periodic Inequalities in Latitude. 631. These are obtained from equations (160) and (177). = 1°.3172, is the inclination of Jupiter's orbit on the fixed ecliptic of 1750, _ = — 0".07821 is its secular variation, dt and ^ = — 0".22325, dt is the same, with regard to the variable ecliptic ; also = 97°.906, is the longitude of the ascending node of Jupiter's orbit on the fixed JQ ecliptic ; — = 6".4571, is its secular variation with regard to that d& plane, and — = — 14 ".6626 is its secular variation with regard to dt the variable ecliptic. Equations (197) give (50) = - 0.0000726, and QiO) = 0.0008113, for the variations depending on the squares of the disturbing forces ; hence ^ = - 0".078283, — = 6".457, dt dt with regard to the fixed ecliptic, and ^ = - 0".22325, —= - 14".6626. dt dt With these it will be found that ".564458 . sin (n't + c' — D) + 0".663927 . sin (2/i7 - nt + 2e' - € - H) + I'M 19782 . sin (3h7 - 2nt + 3e' _ 26 — H) .279382 . sin (4«7 — 3/j/ + 46' _ 3e — H) 0".269l3 . sin (2//< — «'< + 2e - e' — n) + 3 ".9 41 68 . sin (3n< - bn't + 3g — 5e' + 59°. 5097 ; which are the only sensible inequalities in the latitude of Jupiter. J« = - + 1". - 0".; I — 0" Chap. XIV.] PERTURBATIONS OF JUPITER. 381 C32. Tlie action of the earth occasions the inequalities J _. f 0".120833 . sin (n't - nt + e' - e) ) '^ "" I — O".0O0086 . sin 2 (n't - iit + e' — e) I in the longitude of Jupiter, 71' being the mean motion of the earth, and the action of , Uranus is the cause of the following perturba- tions in the longitude of Jupiter, 0".051737 . sin (n't — nt + e' - e) — 0".427296 . sin 2 (n't - nt + e' - e) — 0".044085 . sin 3 (n't - vt + «' — e) — 0".005977 . sin 4 (n't - nt + e' — e) S» = ^ + (yM23506 . sin (n< + e - ct) — 0".23524 . sin (ni + e - w') — 0".53308 . sin (2n't — nt + 2c' — c — ct) + 0".102673 . sin (2n't - nt + 2e' — e - ra') ~ '.127963 . sin (Sn't - 2nt + 3e' - t - ct') wliere 7i' is the mean motion of Uranus. Tliese are all the inequalities that are sensible in the motions of Jupiter ; those of Saturn may be computed in the same manner. On the Law8j Periodsy and Limits of the Variatiom in ike Orbits of Jupiter and Saturn. 633. ^Vhen the values of p, p'y q, 9^, are substituted in equations (137) they give gN = (4. 5) (JV' - iVT) ; e^' = (5.4) (2V - N') ; and as (5.4) = (4.5) ^^^ m''/a' gt ^ frj m'ynp + w/ff "! (4 5) __ q 1 m'^' J The roots of which are, ^1 = 0; g = - Wj2M^m^(4 5) m'^/^ so that equations (138) become p = N . sin (gt + Q + N,. sin C^ 382 NUMERICAL VALUES OF THE [Book II. q = iV . cos igt + Q + iV,. cos C (205) p' = N'. sin igt + O + ^,' sin C q' = N'. cos (g:/ + O + ^/- cos Cy. Whence, p'-p = (iV^- JV) sin (gt + C) ; 7'- g = (-^T'- iV) cos {gt + O, and at the epoch when < = q'-q But as iV' =: — -I — • •'^ > and p' — p r=i {W —N) sin f, so i\r=- "^' "^' ^P' ~ ?^^ ' (in^/a + my/ a') sin ^ Again, by article 504,. ms/a . p + ?u' w~a' . p' =: constant, mva. q •\- m' fj a' . q' z=. constant ; or in consequence of Nmwa + N'mW a' = (m\fa + ni'va') N^.sin. C^ = constant, (m-^a + mV cr') iV; . cos €, = constant. whence tan C = m^-P + m'>fa'.p' m so, . q + mV a' . 7' and iV; = ni'/a.p+m'*ra'.p' (mwa + mWa') sinC/ and as at the epoch p = tan . sin ^ g = tan . cos p' = tan f// . sin 0' r/ = tan 0' . cos «' are given, all the constant quantities g-, §•,, C, C iV, iV, and iV^, are obtained from the preceding ccjuations. The variations in the inclinations are at their maxima and mi- nima when st-\-Q — C/ is either zero or 180° ; hence if C^ be sub- Btituted for ^l + ^, equations (205) give Chap. XIV.] PERTURBATIONS OF JUPITER. 383 tani> = N + Nr, tan 0' = iV' + N, for the maxima of the inclinations ; and when d + 180° is put for gt + f , they give for the minima, tsiu (/) - N - N' ; tan 0' = ;V' - iV;. Tlie maxima and minima of the longitude of the nodes are given by the equations dd = 0, dd' = 0, or d.tanO = 0, whence dt ^ dt and therefore pp' + qq' = p* + q*, and by the substitution of the quantities in equations (205), it becomes N-\- N, .cos (gt+€- Q = 0, or cos (gt + Q — C) = - -^• If N, be greater than N independently of the signs, the nodes will have a libratory motion ; but if N, be less than N, they will circulate in one direction. Tan = JNj* — iV corresponds to the preceding value of cos igt + Q — C;) ; it gives the inclination corresponding to the stationary points of the node. These points are attained when COS (ff< + f - C) = - -^, whereas the maxima and minima of the inclinations happen when cos (gt + C - O = ± 1. Tlie stationary positions of the nodes therefore do not correspond either to tlie maxima or minima of the inclination, or to the semi- intervals between them. In 1700, by Halley's Tables, 0=1° 19' lO' = 97° 34' 9" 0'= 2° 30' 10" 0' =: lOr 5' 6" ' hence at that time. 384 NUMERICAL VALUES OF THE [Book II. p = 0.02283 q — — 0.00303 p' =: 0.04078 q' = — 0.01573, with these values, Mr. Herschel found N^ = 0.02905 N' = 0.01537 iV == - 0.00661 C = 125° 15' 40" C; = 103° 38' 40" g =: - 25". 5756, consequently for Jupiter tan = . 02980. Vl-0. 43290. cos{21°37'- t X 25". 5756} and for Saturn, tan N'. The extent of its librations in Jupiter's orbit will be 13° 9' 40", and in Saturn's 31° 56' 20", on cither side of its mean station on the plane of the ecliptic supposed immoveable. The period in wliich the inclinations vary from their greatest to their least values, and the nodes from their greatest to their least longi- tudes, is by article 486 360° _ 360° -„.-Q J y = = = 50673 Julian years. S 25". 5756 ^ 634. The limits and periods of the variations in the eccentricities and longitudes of the perihelia are obtained by a similar process, from equations (133), and those in article 485. The quantities /* =: c sin CT, / = e cos ct, A' = e' sin ta', V •=. d cos to', are known at tlie epoch, and equations (132) give ff'-ff< -= >(4.5) = — { I4k5j -(4.5)«j; I »n'v a' J m'v a' whence g = 3" . 5851 g^ = 2 1 " . 9905, Chap. XIV.] PERTURBATIONS OF JUPITER. 385 iV=- 0.01715; iV, = 0.04321; iV' = 0-04877; iV^,'= 0.03532; C/ = 210° 16' 40" ; f = 306° 34' 40" ; and equation (135) gives e = V A* + i*, or c = 0.04649 Vl +0.68592 cos (83° 42'— M8". 4054) for the eccentricity of Jupiter's orbit ; and e' = *J'hJ*~+T\ or e' = 0.06021 VI - .95009 cos (83° 42' — t . 18" . 4054) for that of Saturn for any number t of Julian years after the epoch. The longitudes of the perihelia are found from the value of tan tsj in article 495. The greatest deviation of these from their mean place will happen when If this fraction be less than unity, the perihelia will llbrate like the nodes about a mean position, if not, they will move continually in one direction. In the case of Jupiter and Saturn gN'^ + g, N,'* is greater than (g + gi) N'.N/ ; so that the perihelia go on for ever in one direction. The period in which the eccentricities accomplish their changes is 360° _ 360° -70414 Julian years. g-g, 18". 4054 The greatest and least values of the eccentricities are expressed by N' ± N/&ndN±Nj. For Saturn these are 0.08409 and 0.01345, and for Jupiter 0.06036 and 0.02606; the maximum of one planet corresponding to the minimum of the other. The numerical values of the perturbations of the other planets will be found in the Mecanique Celeste; it is therefore only necessary to observe the circumstances that are peculiar to each planet. • 2 C 386 PERTURBATIONS OF MERCURY. [Book II. Mercury, 635. The motions of Mercury are less disturbed than those of any other body, on account of his proximity to the sun, his greatest elongation not exceeding 28°. 8. His periodic inequalities are caused by Venus, the Earth, Jupiter, and Saturn, those from Saturn are very small, and Mars only affects the elements of his orbit. The secular variations in the elements of Mercury's orbit were in the beginning of the year 1801, in the eccentricity 0.000003867; secular and sidereal variation in the longitude of the perihelion, 9' 43". 5; secular and sidereal variation in the longitude of the node, - 13' 2"; secular variation of the inclination of the orbit on the true ecliptic, 19".8. 636. Mercury sometimes appears as a morning and sometimes as an evening star, and exhibits phases like the moon. He occasionally is seen to pass over the disc of the sun like a black spot: these transits are true annular eclipses of the sun, proving that Mercury is an opatjue body shining- only by reflected light. The recurrence of the transits of Mercury depends on his periodic time being nearly equal to four times that of the earth. Tliis ratio can be expressed by several pairs of small whole numbers, so that if the planet be in conjunction with the sun while in one of his nodes, he will be in con- junction again at the same node, after the Earth and he have com- pleted a certain number of revolutions. The periodic revolutions of the earth have the following ratios to those of Mercury : Periods of the Earth, 7 = 29 periods of Mercury. 13 = 54 33 = 137 &c &c. Clup. XIV.] TRANSITS OF MERCURY. 387 Consequently transits of Mercury will happen at intervals of 7, 13, 33, &c. years. Had the orbit of Mercury coincided with the plane of the ecliptic, there would have been a transit at each revolution ; but in conse- quence of the inclination of his orbit, transits do not happen often ; for when a transit takes place, the latitude of Mercury must be less than the apparent semi-diameter of the sun. The return of the transits are also irregular from the great eccentricity of the orbit, which makes the motion of Mercury very unequal ; the retrograde motion of the nodes also prevents the planet from returning to the same latitude when it returns to the same conjunction. A transit of Mercury took place at the descending node in 1799,. the next that will happen at that node will be in 1832. Transits happened at the ascending node in the yean 1802, 1815, and 1822. The mean apparent diameter of Mercury is 6".9. Fenus. 637. ' The Morning Star' is the only planet mentioned in the sacred writings, and has been the theme of the poet's song, from Hesiod and Homer, to the days of Milton. Venus is next to Mercury, and exhibits similar phenomena. Like him she is alternately an evening and a morning star, has phases, and when in her nodes, occasionally appears to pass over the sun's disc, though her transits are not so frequent as those of Mer- cury. The returns of the transits of Venus depend on five times the mean motion of the earth being nearly equal to three times that of Venus : this however cannot be expressed by pairs of small whole numbers as in the case of Mercury ; therefore the transits of Venus do not happen so often. It appears from the ratio of the periodic time of Venus to that of the earth, that eight periods of the earth's revolution are nearly equal to thirteen periods of the revo- lution of Venus, and 235 periods of the earth are nearly equal to 382 of Venus ; hence a transit of Venus may happen at the same node after an interval of eight years, but if it does not happen, it -2 C 2 388 TitANSITS OF VENUS. [Book 11. cannot take place again at the same node for 235 years. At present, tlie heliocentric longitude of Venus's ascending node is something less than 75°, and that of her descending node is about 164°. The earth, as seen from tlie sun, has nearly the former longitude in the beginning of December, and the latter in the beginning of June; hence the transits of Venus for ages to come will happen in De- cember and June. Those of Mercury will take place in May and November. Table of the Transits of Venus. Ymt. 1631 6th December, ascending node, 1639 4th „ same. 1761 5th June, descending node. 1769 3d „ same. 1874 8th December, ascending node. 1882 6th „ same. 2004 7th June, descending node. Tlie transits of Venus afford the most accurate metliod of finding the sun's parallax, and consequently his distance from the earth, from whence the true magnitude of the whole system is determined ; for unless the actual distance of the sun were known, only the ratios of the magnitudes could have been ascertained. 638. The sun's parallax E^nE', fig. 65, which is the angle sub- tended at the sun by the earth's radius, can be found, if another angle EmE', fig. 66, subtended by a chord EE' lying between two known places on the earth's surface be known ; that is, if the sun's parallax at any one altitude be known, his horizontal parallax may be deter- mined, as it has been shown in article 329. However, the method employed in that number is not sufficiently accurate when applied to the sun, because in measuring llic zenith distances, an error of three or four seconds might hajjpen, which is immaterial in the case of the moon, whose parallax is nearly a degree, but an error of that magnitude in the parallax of the sun, which is less than nine seconds, would render Chap. XIV.] TRANSITS OF VENUS. 389 the results useless ; hence, astronomers have endeavoured to compute the angle E»iE' instead of measuring it. Let AB, fig. 92, represent the equator, S and V the discs of the sun and Venus ' ^.— ^ perpendicular to it : suppose them both to be moving in the equator, the motion of Venus retrograde, that of the sun direct. To a person at A, the internal contact, or total ingress of Venus on the sun commences, when to a spectator at B, the edge of Venus's disc is dis- tant from the sun by the angle VBS. The difl'erence between the times of total ingress as seen from B and A is the time of describing VBS by the approach of the sun and Venus to each other. Hence from the difference of the times, and the rate at which Venus and the sun approach each other, the angle VBS may be found, because the mo- tions of both the sun and Venus arc known. And sine VBS is to sine VSB, as Venus's distance from the sun to Venus's distance from the earth. But the ratio of Venus's distance from the sun to her distance from the earth is known, therefore the angle ASB is found, and CSB, the parallax of the sun may be computed, and from that his horizontal parallax ; whence the distance of the sun from the earth may be deter- mined in multiples of the terrestrial radius, or even in miles since the length of the radius is known. The computation of the transit is complicated chiefly on account of the inclination of Venus's orbit to the ecliptic, and the situations of the places of observation A and B being always at different distances from the equator. The investiga- tion of this problem, and the computation of the parallax, will be found in B lot's and Woodhouse's Astronomy. The times of internal contact can be observed with much greater accuracy than any angular distance can be measured, and on this depends the superiority of the preceding method of finding the parallax. At inferior conjunction, the sun and Venus approach each other at the rate of 4" in a minute ; hence, if the time of contact be erroneous at each place of observation 4" of time, the angle VBS, fig. 92, may be erroneous = V'- of a second, therefore the 60 390 TRANSITS OF VENUS: [Book IL limit of the error in ASB is about -^ of a second, and thus by the transit of Venus, an angle only -j^ of a second can be measured, a less quantity than can be determined by any other method. 639. The preceding method requires the difference of longitudes of the two places A and B to be accurately known, in order to com- pare the actual times of contact. In 1761 a transit of Venus was observed at the Cape of Good Hope, and at many places in Europe, the longitudes of all being well known : by comparing the observa- tions the mean result determined the parallax to be 8".47 ; this is only an approximate value, but it was useful in obtaining the true value from the transit of 1769, which was observed at Wardhus in Lapland, and at Otaheite in the southern hemisphere ; but as the longitude of the latter was unknown, astronomers avoided the diffi- culty by changing their method of calculation. In place of observ- ing the ingress only, they observed the duration of the transit, and from the difference of duration at different places, they deduced the parallax. Let P be Venus, E the earth, W Wardhus towards the north pole ; Jig, 93. O Otaheite towards v*^-—.^^ the south ; and VA the (r T~3II ~~^ 1' * ^^""^ I — ^C^^ju' the true line of transit o"^ \ N. /^ ^®®" ^^°°^ ^' *^® centre ^~ of the earth, would be VA, at W the transit would appear to be in the line t>fl, and from O it would be seen in c'a'. If T be the true duration of the transit, or the time of describing VA, then the time of describing va nearer to the sun's centre, and therefore greater than VA, would be T -f- < ; whilst that of describ- ing v'a', which is farther from the centre, and therefore less than VA, would be T — t'. The difference of the durations of the tran- sits seen from O and W isT + t — (T-f) = t + t', which is entirely the effect of parallax. With an approximate value of the parallax, t and <', the differences in the durations at W and O from what they would have been if observed at C, the centre of tiie earth may be computed ; then comparing the computed value o( t + t' witii its observed value, the error in the assumed parallax will be Chap. XIV.] TRANSITS OF VENUS. 391 found. With the parallax 8".83 it has been calculated that at Wardhus the duration was lengthened by . . 11'.16".9 And diminished at Otaheite by . . 12. 10 Sum< + <' 23'.26".9 But by observation . . . 23. 10 Difference 16".9 Consequently the parallax 8".45 is less than that assumed ; therefore to make the observed and computed differences of diurations agree, the parallax must be 8".72. This does not differ much from what is given by the lunar theory 8".6, but an error recently detected by M. Bessel, reduces it to 8".575. The transit commenced at Otaheite at half past nine in the morning, and ended at half-past three in the afternoon. 640. Venus is by far the most brilliant and beautiful of the pla- nets, but her splendour is variable. Her phases increase with her distance from the earth, and therefore she ought to become brighter as her disc enlarges ; but the increase of the distance diminishes her lustre, since the intensity of light decreases proportionally to the square of the distance : there is, however, a mean position in which Venus is more brilliant than in any other; the interval of her returns to that position is about eight years, depending on the ratio of her jKjriodic time to that of the earth. She is then visible to the naked eye during the day, but she is also visible in daylight every eighteen months though less distinctly. The variations in the apparent diameter of Venus are very great ; she is nearest the earth in her transit ; her apparent diameter is then 61". 236. M. Arago has found its mean value to be 16". 904. Shroeter, by obser\'ing the horns of Venus, determined her rotation about an axis, considerably inclined to the plane of the ecliptic, to be performed in 23'' 21'; he discovered also very high mountains on her surface. 641. Venus is too near tlie sun to be very irregular in her mo- tions, her greatest elongation not exceeding 47° 7'. In 1801, tlie secular variation in the eccentricity of her orbit was 0.000062711. In the longitude of the perihelion, 4' 28". In the longitude of the ascending node, — 31' 10" In the inclination on the true ecliptic, 4". 5. 392 PERTURBATIONS OF THE EARTH. [Book II. The Earth. 642. Uranus' is too distant to have a sensible influence on the earth. Besides the disturbances occasioned by the other planets, there are some inequalities produced by the moon which are to be found in article 498. It will be shown in the theory of the moon, that if 17 — tic, and to 394 PERTURBATIONS OF TEE EARTH. [Book II. ." = i' l( descend below it by the distiirbance in latitude. The perturbations in latitude, by the action of the planets, are computed from (160), and are [0". 991803 sin (2n"t — n't + 2e" - e' - 0) iO". 234256 sm (4n"< - Sn't + 4e" - 3e' - e') + (0" . 164703 sin (2»"< — n'ft + 26" - e'' - &^) ; this, added to - 0.61377 sin (U — SO, is the whole periodic disturbance in the earth's motion in latitude, taken with a different sign. It affects the obliquity of the ecliptic, determined from the observations of the altitude of the sun in the solstices ; it also has an influence on the time of the equinoxes, determined from observations of the sun at that period, as well as on the right ascensions and declinations of the fixed stars, deter- mined by comparison with the sun ; for it is clear that any inequa- lities in the motion of the earth will be referred to the observations made at its surface. Considering the great accuracy of modem observations, these cir- cumstances must be attended to. It is easy to see that tliis variation in the sun's latitude will increase his apparent declination by __ h". cos {obliquity of ecliptic} cos {declination of sun} and his apparent right ascension by ^s" . sin {obliquity of ecliptic } . cos { sun's R.A. } cos { declination of O } The observed right ascensions and dechnations of the sun must therefore be diminished by these quantities, in order to have those that would be observed if the sun never left the plane of the ecliptic. Secular Inequalities in the Terrestrial Orbit. 646. The eccentricity and place of the perihelion of the terrestrial orbit may be detennined with sufficient accuracy for 1000 or 1200 years before and after the epoch 1750, from e= 2e - ".187638 t - 0".000006721 <«, and «y=5 « + 11".949588 t + 0".000079522 <», Chap. XIV.] INEQUALITIES IN THE EARTH'S ORBIT. 395 e and & are the eccentricity and longitude of the perihelion at the epoch. The secular diminution of the eccentricity is 18". 79, about 3914 miles, in reality an exceedingly small fraction in astronomy, though it appears so great in terrestrial measures. Were the dimi- nution uniform, which there is no reason to believe, the earth's orbit would become a circle in 36300 years ; its variation has a great in- fluence on the motions of the moon. The longitude of the perihelion increases annually at the rate of H".9496,sothat it accompUshes a sidereal revolution in 109758 years. 647. A remarkable period in astronomy was that in which the greater axis of the terrestrial orbit coincided with the line of the equi- noxes, then the true equinox coincided with the mean. This occurred 4084 years before the epoch in which chronologists place the creation of man ; at that time the solar perigee coincided with the equinox of spring. This however" is but an approximate value, on account of the masses of the planets and the doubts as to the exact value of precession; the error may therefore be 80 years, which is not much in such a quantity. Another remarkable astronomical period was, when the greater axis of the terrestrial orbit was perpendicular to the line of equinoxes ; it was then that the true and mean solstice were united ; this coin- cidence took place in the year 1248 of the Christian era. It is evi- dent that these two periods depend on the direct motion of the peri- helion and precession of the equinoxes conjointly. 648. The position of the ecliptic is changed by the reciprocal action of the planets on one another, and on the earth, each of them producmg a retrograde motion in the intersection of the plane of its own orbit with the plane of the ecliptic. Tliis action also changes the position of the plane of the ecliptic, with regard to itself, a change that may be determined from the values of p and q by for- mulae (138), or rather from p = 0".0767209 t 4- 0".000021555 . <«, 9 = - 0".5009545 t + 0".000067473 . t}. These will give the variation of the ecliptic, with regard to its fixed position in 1750, for 1000 or 1200 years, before and after that epoch. This change in the ecliptic alters its position with regard to the earth's equator ; but as the formulae in article 498 are periodic, these 396 PERTURBATIONS OF MARS. [Book II. two planes never have and never will coincide. It occasions also a small motion in the equinoxes of about 0".0846 annually. Both of these variations are entirely independent of the form of the earth, and would be the same were it a sphere. However, the action of the sun and moon on the protuberant matter at the earth's equator is the cause of the precession of the equinoxes, or of that slow angular mo- tion by which the intersection of the equator and ecliptic goes back- ward at the rate of 50".34 annually, so that the pole of the equator describes a circle round the pole of the ecliptic in the space of 25748 years. This motion is diminished by the very small secular ine- quality 0".0846, arising from the action of the planets on the ecliptic. The formulae for computing the obliquity of the ecliptic and precession of the equinoxes depend on the rotation of the earth. Mars. 649. Mars is troubled by all the planets except Mercury. Jupiter alone affects the latitude of Mars. The secular variations in the ele- ments of his orbit were, in 1801, as follow: In the eccentricity .... 0.000090176 In the longitude of the perihelion . . 26 '.22 In the inclination on the true ecliptic . . 1 '.5 In the longitude of the ascending node . — 38' 48" The eccentricity is diminishing. The greatest elongation of Mars is 126.°8. By spots on his sur- face it appears that he rotates in one day about an axis that is in- clined to the plane of the ecliptic at an angle of 59°.697. His equa- torial is to his polar diameter in the ratio of 194 to 189 ; his apjiarent diameter subtends an angle of 6".29, at his mean distance, and of 18".28 at his greatest distance, when his parallax is nearly twice that of the sun. The disc of Mars is occasionally gibbous. Spots near his poles that augment or diminish according as they are exposed to the sun, give the idea of masses of ice. The New Planets. 650. The orbits of Vesta, Juno, Ceres and Pallas are situate be- tween those of Mars and Jupiter. Ceres was discovered by Piazzi, at Palermo, on the first day of the present century ; Pallas was dis- covered by Olbers, in 1602 ; Juno in 1803, by Harding; and Vesta Chap. XrV.] THE NEW PLANETS. 397 in 1807, by Olbers. Tliese bodies are nearly at equal distances from the sun, their periodic times are therefore nearly the same. The eccentricities of the orbits of Juno and Vesta, and the posi- tion of their nodes are nearly the same. These small jjlanets are much disturbed by the proximity and vast magnitude of Jupiter and Saturn, and the series which determine their perturbations converge slowly, on account of the greatness of the eccentricities and inclinations of their orbits. The inclination of the old planets is so small, that they are all contained within the zodiac, which extends 8° on each side of the ecliptic, but those of the new planets very much exceed these limits. They are invisible to the naked eye, and so minute that their apparent diameters have not yet been measured. Sir William Herschel estimated that they cannot amount to the fourth of a second, which would make the real diameter less than 65 miles. However, Juno, the largest of these asteroids, is supposed to have a real diameter of about 200 miles. Jupiter. 651. Jupiter is the largest planet in the system, and with his four moons exhibits one of the most splendid spectacles in the heavens. His form is that of an oblate spheroid whose polar diameter is 3 5". 6 5, and his equatorial =: 3S".44 ; he rotates in 9 hours 56 minutes about an axis nearly perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic. The cir- cumference of Jupiter's equator is about eleven times greater than that of the earth, and as the time of his rotation is to that of the earth as 1 to 0.414, it follows that during the time a point of the terrestrial equator describes 1°, a point in the equator of Jupiter moves through 2°.41 ; but these degrees are longer tlian the ter- restrial degrees in the ratio of 11 to 1, consequently each point in Jupiter's equator moves 26 times faster than a point in the equator of the earth. In the beginning of 1801 the secular variations of his orbit were, In the eccentricity . . . 0.00015935 In the longitude of the perihelion . 11' 4" In the longitude of the ascending node . - 26' 17" In the inclination on the true ccli^-tic . 23" 3>9S SATURN. [Book II* Saturn. 652. Viewed through a telescope Saturn is even more interesting than Jupiter : he is surrounded by a ring concentric with himself, and of the same or even greater brilliancy ; the ring exhibits a variety of appearances according to the position of the planet with regard to the sun and earth, but is generally of an elliptical form : at times it is invisible to common observation, and can only be seen with superior instruments ; this happens when the plane of the ring either passes through the centre of the sun or of the earth, for its edge, which is very thin, is then directed to the eye. On the 29th September, 1832, the plane of the ring will pass through the centre of the earth, and will be seen with a very high magnifying power like a line across the disc of the planet. On the 1st December of the same year, the plane of the ring will pass through the sun. Professor Struve has dis- covered that the rings are not concentric with the planet. The in- terval between the outer edge of the globe and the outer edge of the ring on one side is 11".037, and on the other side the interval is 11".288, consequently there is an eccentricity of the globe in the ring of 0".215. In 1825 the ring of Satura attained its greatest eUip- ticity ; the proportion of the major to the minor axis was then as 1 000 to 498, the minor being nearly half the major. Stars have been observed between the planet and his ring. It is divided into two parts by a dark concentric band, so that there are really two rings, perhaps more. These revolve about the planet on an axis perpen- dicular to their plane in about lO*" 29" 17', tlie same time with the planet. The form of Saturn is very peculiar. He has four points of greatest curvature, the diameters passing through these are the greatest ; the equatorial diameter is the next in size, and the polar the least ; these are in the ratio of 36, 35, and 32. Besides the rings, Saturn is attended by seven satellites which reciprocally reflect the sun's rays on each other and on the planet. The rings and moons illuminate the nights of Saturn ; the moons and Saturn enlighten the rings, and the planet and rings reflect the sun's beams on the satellites when they are deprived of them in their conjunctions. Tlie rings reflect more light than the planet. Sir William Herschel observed, that with a magnifying power of 570, the colour of Saturn was yellowish, Chap. XIV.] URANUS. 399 whilst that of the rings was pure wliite. Saturn has several belts pa- rallel to his equator : changes have been observed in the colour of these and in the brightness of the poles, according as they are turned to or from the sun, probably occasioned by the melting of the snows. Saturn's motions are disturbed by Jupiter and Uranus alone; the secular variations in the elements of his orbit were as follows, in the beginning of 1801. Eccentricity .... 0.000312402 Longitude of perihelion ... 32' 17" Longitude of ascending node . . - 37' 54" Inclination on true ecliptic . . 15' b" Uranus, or the Georgium Sidiu. 653. This planet was discovered by Sir William Herschel, in 1781. The period of his sidereal revolution is 30687 days. If we judge of the distance of the planet by the slowness of its motion, it must be on the very confines of the solar system ; its greatest elongation is 103^.5, and its apparent diameter 4" : it is accompanied by six satellites, only visible with the best telescopes. The only sensible perturbations in the motions of this planet arise from the action of Jupiter and Saturn ; the secular variations in the elements of its orbit were, in 1801, as follow : Eccentricity .... 0.000025072 Longitude of perihelion . . .4' Longitude of ascending node . — 59'.57" Inclination on true ecliptic . . . 3".7 The rotation of Saturn has not been determined. 654. It is remarkable that the rotation of the celestial bodies is from west to east, like their revolutions ; and that Mercury, Venus, the Earth, and Mars, accomplish their rotations in about twenty-four hours, while Jupiter and Saturn perform theirs in ^ of a day. On the Atmosphere of the Planets. 655. Spots and belts arc observed on the discs of some of the planets varying irregularly in their position, which shows that they are surrounded by an atmosphere ; tliese spots appear like clouds driven by the winds, especially in Jupiter. The existence of an atmosphere round Venus is indicated by the progressive diffusion of 400 ATMOSPHERES OF THE PLANETS. [Book II. the sun's rays over her disc. Schroeter measured the extension of light beyond the semicircle when she appeared like a thin crescent, and found the zone that was illuminated by twilight to be at least four degrees in breadth, whence he inferred tliat her atmosphere must be much more dense than that of the earth. A small star hid by Mars was obser\'ed to become fainter before its appulse to the body of the planet, which must have been occasioned by his atmosphere. Saturn and his rings are surrounded by a dense at- mosphere, the refraction of which may account for the irregularity apparent in his form : his seventh satellite has been observed to hang on his disc more than 20' before its occultation, giving by computation a refraction of two seconds, a result confirmed by ob- servation of the other satellites. An atmosphere so dense must have the effect of preventing the radiation of the heat from the surface of the planet, and consequently of mitigating the intensity of cold that would otherwise prevail, owing to his vast distance from the sun. Schroeter observed a small twilight in the moon, such as would be occasioned by an atmosphere capable of reflect- ing the sun's rays at the height of about a mile. Had a dense atmosphere surrounded that satellite, it would have been discovered by the duration of the occultations of the fixed stars being less than it ought to be, because its refraction would have re ndered the stars visible for a short time after they were actually behind the moon, in the same manner as the refraction of the earth's atmosphere enables us to see celestial objects for some minutes after they have sunk below our horizon, and after they have risen above it, or distant objects hid by the curvature of the earth. A friend of the author's was astonished one day on the plain of Hindostan, to behold tlie chain of the Himala mountains suddenly start into view, after a heavy shower of rain in hot weather. The Bishop of Cloyne says, that the duration of the occultations of stars by the moon is never lessened by 8" of time, so that the hori- zontal refraction at the moon must be less than 2" : if therefore a lunar atmosphere exists, it must be 1000 times rarer than the atmos- phere at the surface of the earth, where the horizontal refraction is nearly 2000". Possibly the moon's atmosphere may have been withdrawn from it by the attraction of the earth. The radiation of the heat occasioned by the sun's rays must be rapid and constant, and must cause intense cold and sterility in that cheerless sateUite. <:;hap. XIV.] THE SUN. 401 The Sun. 656. The sun viewed with a telescope, presents the appearance of an enormous globe of fire, frequently in a state of violent agitation or ebullition ; black spots of irregular form rarely visible to the naked eye sometimes pass over his disc, moving from east to west, in the space of nearly fourteen days : one was measured by Sir W. Herschel in the year 1779, of the breadth of 30,000 miles. A spot is surrounded by a penumbra, and that by a margin of light, more brilliant than that of the sun. A spot when first seen on the eastern edge, appears like a line, progressively extending in breadth till it reaches the middle, when it begins to contract, and ultimately dis- appears at the western edge : in some rare instances, spots re-appear on the east side ; and are even permanent for two or three revolu- tions, but they generally change their aspect in a few days, and dis- appear : sometimes several small spots unite into a large one, as a large one separates into smaller ones which soon vanish. The paths of the spots are observed to be rectilinear in the begin- ning of June and December, and to cut the ecliptic at an angle of 7° 20'. Between the first and second of these periods, the lines described by the spots are convex towards the north, and acquire their maximum curvature about the middle of that time. In the other half year the paths of the spots arc convex towards the south, and go through the same changes. From these appearances it has been concluded, that the spots are opaque bodies attached to the surface of tlie sun, and that the sun rotates about an axis, inclined at an angle of 7° 20' to the axis of the ecliptic. The apparent revolution of a S|x)t is accomplished in twenty-seven days; but during that time, the spot has done more, having gone througli a revolution, together with an arc equal to that described by the sun in his orbit in the same time, wliich reduces the time of the sun's rotation to 25'* 9" 36'. These phenomena induced Sir W. Herschel to suppose the sun to be a solid dark nucleus, surrounded by a vast atmosphere, ahnost always filled with luminous clouds, occasionally opening and disco- vering the dark mass within. The speculations of La Place were dilTcrcnt: he imagined the solar orb to be a mass of fire, and that the violent effervescences and explosions seen on its surface arc occ«« 2D 402 THE SUN. [Book II. sioned by the eruption of elastic fluids fonned in its interior, and that the spots are enormous caverns, like the craters of our vol- canoes. Light is more intense in tlie centre of the sun's disc than at the edges, although, from his spheroidal form, the edges exhibit a greater surface under the same angle than the centre does, and therefore might be expected to be more luminous. The fact may be accounted for, by supposing the existence of a dense atmosphere absorbing the rays which have to penetrate a greater extent of it at the edges than at the centre ; and accordingly, it appears by Bouguer's observa- tions on the moon, which has little or no atmosphere, that it is more brilliant at the edges than in the centre. 657. A phenomenon denominated the zodiacal light, from its being seen only in that zone, is somehow connected with the rotation of the sun. It is observed before sunrise and after sunset, and is a luminous appearance, in some degree similar to the milky way, thougli not so bright, in the form of an inverted cone with the base towards the sun, its axis inclined to the horizon, and only inclined to the plane of the ecliptic at an angle of 7° ; so that it is perpendi- cular to the axis of the sun's rotation. Its length from the sun to its vertex varies from 45° to 120°. It is seen under the most favourable circumstances after sunset in the beginning of March : its apex ex- tends towards Aldebaran, making an angle of 64° with the horizon. The zodiacal light varies in brilliancy in different years. It was discovered by Cassini in 1682, but had probably been seen before that time. It was observed in great splendour at Paris on the 16th of February, 1769. 658. The elliptical motion of the planets is occasioned by the action of the sun ; but by the law of reaction, the planets must disturb the 8un, for the invariable point to which they gravitate is not the centre of the sun, but the centre of gravity of the system ; the quantity of motion in the sun in one direction must therefore be equal to that of all the planets in a contrary direction. Tlie sun thus de- scribes an orbit about the centre of gravity of the system, which is a ▼ery complicated curve, because it results from the action of a system of bodies, perpetually changing their relative positions ; it is such however as to furnish a centrifugal force with regard to each planet, ■ Bufficient to counteract the gravitation towards it. Chap. XIV.] DISTURBING EFFECTS OF FIXED STARS. 403 Newton has shown that the diameter of the sun is nearly equal to 0.009 of the radius of the earth's orbit. If all the great planets of the system were in a straight line with the sun, and on the same side of him, the centre of the sun would be nearly the farthest possible from the common centre of gravity of the whole ; yet it is found by computation, that the distance is not more than . 0085 of the radius vector of the earth ; so that the centre of the sun is never distant from the centre of gravity of the system by as much as his own dia- meter. Jnjluence of the Fixed Stars in disturbing the Solar System. 659. It is impossible to estimate the effects of comets in disturbing the solar system, on account of our ignorance of the elements of their orbits, and even of the existence of such as have a great perihelion distance, which nevertheless may trouble the planetary motions ; but there is every reason to believe that their masses are too small to produce a sensible influence ; the effect of the fixed stars may, however, be determined. Let m' be the mass of a fixed star, x', y', z', its co-ordinates re- ferred to the centre of gravity of the sun, and r' its distance from that point. Also let x, y, 2, be the co-ordinates of a planet m, and > hs radius vector ; then the disturbing influence of the star is P __ m' __ m'(xx+yy+z2') ^ "" \^ix'-xy+iy'-yy+ {z'-z)* ^* ^r il=+^>i^ + i m' <^^ + yy' + ^"> - ^^>' -f &c. / 2r'» ^ r'* when developed according to the powers of r*. The fixed plane being the orbit of m at the epoch, then « =: r cos tJ, y = r sin t), z = r«, let / be the latitude of the fixed star, and u its longitude, then x' =1 r' . cos Z. cos w, y' — i^ . cos /. sin w, r' = ¥. sin / ; and if all the powers of /above the cube be omitted, it will be found that B = + !!i: - ^i!rL{2-3co8«/ r' 4r« ^ — 3 COB* /. 008 (2» - 2w) - 6a. sin 2Z. C08 (© — «)}. D 2 404 DISTURBING ErFECTS OF [Book II. But neglecting *, the substitution of this in equation (155) gives — = - -— — — .{(l-|cos*/)e8in(r-cT)-|cos*/.e.sin(w+cj-2«)}. But r = a (I + e cos (v — cr)) ; v_ whence — = Je cos (v — ts) + ejzsx. sin (c — cr) ; a and comparing the two values of —-, there will be found a 5w = — . n< { 1 — i cos*/ — I cosV. cos (2ct — 2m)} Je = cos^/ nt . e . sin (2ct — 2m). 4./" Whence it appears, that the star occasions secular variations in the eccentricity and longitude of the perihelion of m, but these varia- tions are incomparably less than those caused by the planets. For if m be the earth, the distance of the star from the centre of the sun cannot be less than 100,000 times the mean distance of the earth from the sun, because the annual parallax of the nearest fixed star is less than 1"; therefore assuming r' = 100,000. a the coefficient -—^ni does not exceed 0". 00000000 13. m'<,f being any number of Julian years. This quantity is incomparably less than the corre- sponding variation in the eccentricity of the earth's orbit, arising from the action of the planets, which is -0". 093819 1.<, unless the mass m' of the fixed stars be much greater than what is probable. Whence it may be concluded that the attraction of the fixed stars has no sensible influence on the form of the planetary orbits ; and it may be easily proved, that the positions of the orbits are also uninfluenced. Disturbing Effect of the Fixed Stars on the Mean Motions of the Planets. 660. The part of equation (156) that depends on R, when /i=l, is d.Sf = - 3afjidl.dR - 2a.ndt.r f—\ Chap. XIV.] THE FIXED STARS. 405 The preceding value of il gives rf.Sf = ^!^ ndt (2 - ScosH) - ^^'"' . «.sin 21. cos (v-u) — — m' .a^.ndtjd. cos [y - m), which is the whole variation in the mean motion of m from the action of the fixed stars. The parts will be examined separately. Let r" and V be the distance and latitude of the star at the epoch 1750, and let it be assumed, that these quantities diminish annually by tt and fi, then t being any indefinite time, r' and I become r' = r"{\ - cd), 1 = r(l - /SO whence the first term of d.Sf becomes d.5?= ?^^' (1 - ^ cos' /') ant* - .?!^ . sin 21' . fi , nO. We know nothing of the changes in the distance of the fixed stars ; but with regard to the earth, they may be assumed to vary 0".324 annually in latitude ; hence /8 =: 0".324, r" = 100.000a, go that . S .n^ becomes r'* ^ m't*. 2^^0357 10'* a quantity inappreciable from the earliest observations. With regard to the terms in *, »=<._:? sin t> — t. -Icosv; dt dt consequently, rejecting the periodic part, , «.sin2/ / V Bin2/ {dp • da y d ..cos (»-«) = -^-i-. sm M — — L.cosu}, r^ ^ ^ 2r'» \dt dt * so that d . 5r =--.—. n . e change 5".l 17". 1 8 e = - 0".2969 e. Ilepce the sum of the three errors is equal to E, the error of the tables e + 0".3133 P — 0".29C9 e =i E. Chap.XIVJ IN ASTRONOMICAL TABLES. 409- This is called an equation of condition between the errors, because it expresses the condition that the sum of the errors must fulfil. As there are three unknown quantities, three equations would be sufficient for their determination, if the observations were accurate ; but as that is not the case, a great number of equations of condition .must be formed from an equal number of observed longitudes, and they must be so combined by addition or subtraction, as to form others that are as favourable as possible for the determination of each element. For example, in finding the value of P before the other two, the numerous equations must be so combined, as to ren- der the coefficient of P as great as possible ; and the coefficients of e and 6 as small as may be ; this may always be accomplished by changing the signs of all the equations, so as to have the terms con- taining P positive, and then adding them j for some of the other terms will be positive, and some negative, as they may chance to be ; therefore the sum of their coefficients will be less than that of P. Having determined this equation, in which P has the greatest coefficient possible, two others must be formed on the same principle, in which the coefficients of the other two errors must be respectively as great as possible, and from these three equations values of the three errors will be easily obtained, and their accuracy will be in proportion to the number of observations employed. These valuea are referred to the mean interval between the first and last observa- tions, supposing them not to be separated by any great length of time, and that the mean motion is perfectly known. Were it not, as might happen in the case of the new planets, an additional error may be assumed to arise from this source, which may be determined in the same manner as the others. This method of coiTCCting errors in astronomical tables was employed by Mayer, in computing tables of the moon, and is applicable to a variety of subjects. 663. The numerous equations of condition of the fonn E =z£ + 0".3I33 P + 0".2969e, may be combined in a different manner, used by Legendre, called the principle of the least squares. If the position of a point in space, is to be determined, and if a scries of observations had given it the positions n, n\ n", &c., not differing much from each other, a mean place M must be found, which differs as little as possible from the observed positions n, n\ 7i", 41(1 AffTRONOMICAL TABLES. [Book II. &c. : hence it must be so chosen that the sum of the squares of its distances from the points n, n\ n", &c., may be a minimum ; that is, (Mjiy + (Mn'y + iMn"y 4- &c. = minimum. A demonstration of this is given in Biot's Astronomy, vol. iL ; but the rule for forming the equation of the minimum, with regard to one of the unknown errors, as P, is to multiply every term of all the equations of conditions by 0".3133, the coefficient of P, taken with its sign, and to add the products into one sum, which will be the equa- tion required. If a similar equation be formed for each of the other errors, there will be as many equations of the first degree as errors ; whence their numerical values may be found by elimination. It is demonstrated by the Theory of Probabilities, that thift greatest possible chance of correctness is to be obtained from the method of least squares ; on that account it is to be preferred to the method of combination employed by Mayer, though it has the dis- advantage of requiring more laborious computations. The [principle of least squares is a corollary that follows from a proposition of the Loci Plani, that the sum of the squares of the distances of any number of points from their centre of gravity |is ft minimum. 664. Three centuries have not elapsed since Copernicus intro- duced the motions of the planets round the sun, into astronomical tables : about a century later Kepler introduced the laws of elliptical motion, deduced from the observations of Tycho Brahe, which led Newton to the theory of universal gravitation. Since these brilliant discoveries, analytical science has enabled us to calculate the nu- merous inequalities of the planets, arising from their mutual attrac- tion, and to construct tables with a degree of precision till then unknown. Errors existed formerly, amounting to many minutes ; which are now reduced to a few seconds, a quantity so small, that a considerable part of it may perhaps be ascribed to inaccuracy in observation. 411 BOOK III. CHAPTER I. LUNAR THEORY. 665. There is no object within the scope of astronomical obser- vation which affords greater variety of interesting investigation to the inhabitant of the earth, than the various motions of the moon : from these we ascertain the form of the earth, the vicissitudes of the tides, the distance of the sun, and consequently the magnitude of the solar system. These motions which are so obvious, served as A measure of time to all nations, until the advancement of science taught them the advantages of solar time; to these motions the navigator owes that precision of knowledge which guides him with well-grounded confidence through the deep. Phases of the Moon. B66. The phases of the moon depend upon her synodic motion, that is to say, on the excess of her motion above that of the sun. The moon moves round the earth from west to east ; in conjunction she is between the sun and the earth ; but as her motion is more rapid than that of the sun, she soon separates from him, and is first seen in the evening like a faint crescent, which increases with her dis- tance till in quadrature, or 90° from him, when half of her disc is enlightened : as her elongation increases, her enlightened disc aug- ments till she is in opposition, when it is full moon, the earth being between her and the sun. In describing the other half of her orbit, she decreases by the same degrees, till she comes into conjunction with the sun again. Tliough the moon receives no light from the sun when in conjunction, she is visible for a few days before and after it, fcn account of the light reflected from the earth. 412 PHASES OF THE MOON. [Book III. The law of the variation of the phases of the moon proves her form to be spherical, since they vary as the versed sine of her angu- lar distance from the sun. If E be the earth, fig. 94, m the centre of the moon, supposed to be spherical, and Sm, SE parallel rays from tlie sun. Then, if AB be at right angles to the ray mS, BLA is the part of the disc that is enlightened by the sun ; and CL, being at right angles to niE, the part of the moon that is turned to the earth will be CNL; hence the only part of the enlightened disc seen from the earth is LA; or, if it be projected on CL, it is PL, the versed sine of AL. But AmL is complement to AmN, and is therefore equal to DmN, or to mES, the elongation or angular distance of the moon from the sun. When the moon is in quadrature, that is, either 90° or 180° from the sun, a little more than half her disc is enlightened ; for when the exact half is visible, the moon is a little nearer to the sun than 90° ; at that instant, which is kno\vn by the division between the light and the dark half being a straight line ; the lunar radius E7n, fig. 95, is per- pendicular to mS, the line joining the centres of the sun and moon ; hence, in the right-angled triangle EmS, the angle E, at the observer, may be measured, and therefore we can de- termine SE, the distance of the sun from the earth, by the solution of a right-angled triangle, when the moon's distance from the earth is known. The difficulty of ascertaining the exact time at which the moon is bi- sected, renders this method of ascertaining the distance of the sun incorrect. It was employed by Aristarchus of Samos at Alexan- dria, about two hundred and eighty years before the Christian era. fig. 95. Chap. I.] CIRCULAR MOTION OF THE MOON. 413 and was tlie first circumstance that gave any notion of the vast dis- tance and magnitude of the sun. Mean or Circular Motion of the Moon. 667. Tlie mean motion of the moon may be determined by com- paring ancient with modern observations. The moon when eclipsed is in opposition, and her place is known from the sun's place, wliicli can be accurately computed back to the earliest ages of antiquity. Three eclipses of the moon observed at Babylon in the years 720 and 719 before the Christian era, are the oldest observations re- corded with sufficient precision to be relied on. By comparing these with modem obser\'ations, it is found that the mean arc described by the moon in one hundred Julian years, or the difference of the mean longitudes of tlie moon in a century, was 481267°. 8793 in the year 1800 ; it is called the moon's tropical motion, which, omitting 1336 entire circumferences, is 307°.8793 ; and dividing it by 365.25, the number of days in the Julian year, her diurnal tropical motion is 13°. 17636, about thirteen times greater than that of the sun. 668. From the tropical motion of the moon, her periodic revolu- tion, or the time she employs in returning to the same longitude, may be found by simple proportion ; for 481267°. 8793 : 360° :: 365.25 : 27.321582, the periodic revolution of the moon, or a periodic lunar month. 669. By subtracting 5010", or the precession of the equinoxes for a century, from the secular tropical motion of the moon, her sidereal motion in a century is 481266°. 48763; or, omitting the whole circumferences, it is 306°. 48763 ; whence, by simple pro- portion, her sidereal revolution is 27'' 7^ 43' 11". 5. These two motions of the moon only differ by the precession of the equinoxes : her sidereal daily motion is, therefore, 13° 10' 35". 034. 670. The synodic revolution of the moon is her mean motion from conjunction to conjunction, or from opposition to opposition. The mean motion of the moon in a century being 481267°. 8793, and that of the sun being 36000°.7625, their difference, 445267°. 1 168, is the excess of the moon's motion above the sun's in one hundred Julian years; hence her motion through 360° is accomplished in 414 ELLIPTICAL MOTION OP THE MOON [Bopk III. 29^ 12h 44' 2". 8, a lunar month. The lunar month is to the tror pical as 19 to 235 nearly, so that 19 solar years are equal to 235 lunar months. The mean motion of the moon is variable, which affects all the preceding results. 671. The apparent diameter of the moon is either measured by a micrometer, or computed from the duration of the occultations of the fixed stars. Its greatest value is thus found to be 2011". 1, and the least 1761". 91. The analogous values in the apparent diameter of the sun are 1955". 6 and 1890". 96; whence the variations in the moon's distance from the earth are much greater than those of the Bun ; consequently the eccentricity of the lunar orbit is much greater than that of the terrestrial orbit. 672. It appears from observation, that the horizontal parallax of the moon takes all possible values between the limits 1°.0248 and 0°.6975 which give 55.9164 and 63.8419 for the least and greatest distances of the moon from the earth ; consequently, her mean dis- tance is nearly sixty times the terrestrial radius. The solar parallax shows, that the sun is immensely more distant. Because the lunar parallax is equal to the radius of the terrestrial spheroid divided by the moon's distance from the earth, it is evident that, at the same dis- tance of the moon, the parallax varies with the terrestrial radii ; consequently, the variations in the parallax not only prove that the moon moves in an ellipse, having the earth in one of its foci, but that the earth is a spheroid. Elliptical Motion of the Moon. 673. The greatest inequality in the moon's motion is the equation of the centre, which was discovered at a very early period : it is by this quantity alone that the undisturbed elliptical motion of a body differs from its mean or circular motion ; it therefore arises entirely from the eccentricity of the orbit, being zero in the apsides, where the elliptical motion is the same with the mean motion, and greatest at the mean distance, or in quadratures, where the two motions differ most. Its maximum is found, by observation, to be 6° 17' 28". This quantity which appears to be invariable, is equal to twice the eccentricity ; and if the radius be unity, an arc of , 8° & 44" = 0.0549003 = e, Chap. I.] ELLIPTICAL MOTION OF THE MOON. 415 the eccentricity of the lunar orbit when the mean distance of the moon from the earth is one. 674. In consequence of the action of the sun, the perigee of the lunar orbit lias a direct motion in space. Its mean motion in one hundred Julian years, deduced from a comparison of ancient with modem observations, was 4069°. 039 5 in 1800, with regard to the equinoxes, which by simple proportion gives 3231<*.4751 for its tropical revolution, and 3232'^. 5807, or a little more than nine years for its sidereal revolution ; hence its daily mean motion is 6' 41". Tlicse motions change on account of the secular vari^^^Q ^n ^h? motion of the perigee. 675. The anomalastic revolution of the moon is her revolution with regard to her apsides, because the moon moves in the same direction with her perigee ; after separating from that point, she only comes to it again by the excess of her velocity. That excess is 477198°. 69184 in one hundred Julian years; therefore by simple proportion, the moon*s anomalastic year is 27"*. 5546. 676. The nodes of the lunar orbit have a retrograde motion, which may be computed from observation, in the same manner with the motion of the perigee. Tlie mean tropical motion of the nodes in 1800 was 1936°. 940733, which gives 6788**. 54019 for their tropical revolution, and 6793"'.421 18 for their sidereal revolution, or 3' 10".64 in a day ; hence the moon's daily motion, with regard to her node, is 13° 13' 45". 534. The motion of the perigee and nodes arises from the disturbing action of the sun, and depends on the ratio of his mass to that of the earth ; this being very great, is the reason why the greater axis and nodes of tlie lunar orbit move so much more rapidly than those of any other body in the system. Lunar Inequalities. 677. Tlie moon is troubled in her motion by the sun ; by her own action on the earth, which changes the relative positions of the bodies, and thus affects her motions ; by the direct action of the planets ; by their disturbing action on the earth, and by the form of the terrestrial spheroid. 678. Previous to the analytical investigations, it may perhaps be 416 LUNAR INEQUALITIES. [Book in. of use to give some idea of the action of the sun, which is the prin- cipal cause of the lunar inequalities. Tlie moon is attracted by the sun and by the earth at the same time, but her elliptical motion is only troubled by the difference of the actions of the sun on the earth and on herself. Were the sun at an infinite distance, he would act equally and in parallel straight lines, on the eartli and moon, and their relative motions would not be troubled by an action common to both ; but tlie distance of the sun although very great, is not infinite. The moon is alter- nately nearer to the sun and farther from him than the earth ; and the straight line Syn, fig. 96, which joins the centres of the sun and moon, makes angles more or less acute with SE, the radius vector of the earth. Tlius the sun acts unequally, and in different directions, on the earth and moon ; whence inequalities result in the lunar motions, depending on TnES, the elon- gation of the sun and moon, on their distances and the moon's latitude. When the moon is in conjunction at ni, fig. 97, she is nearer the sun than the earth is ; his action is therefore greater on the moon than it is on the , earth ; the difference of their actions tends to dimi- nish the moon's gravita- tion to the earth. In op- position at m', the earth is nearer to the sun than the moon is, and therefore the sun attracts the earth more powerfully than he attracts the moon. The difference of these actions tends also to diminish the moon's gravitation to the earth. In quadratures, at Q and q, the action of the sun on the moon resolved in the direction of the radius vector QE, tends to augment the gravitation of the moon to the earth ; but this increment of gravitation in quadratures is only lialf of the diminution of gravitation in syzigics ; and thus, from the whole action of the sun on the moon in the course of a synodic revo- lution, there results a mean force directed according to the radius J!g. 97. Chap. I.] LUNAR INEQUALITIES. 417 vector of the moon, whicli diminishes her gravity to the earth, and may be determined as follows : — 679. Let M, fig. 98, be the moon in her nearly circular orbit wMN ; E and S the earth and sun in the plane of the ecliptic ; nmN the moon's orbit projected on the same. Then M/n is the tangent of the moon's latitude, and Em her curtate distance. Let SE, Em, be represented by r' and r, and the angle AEm by x, m' being the mass of the sun. m' The attraction of the sun on the moon at M is (SM)« Tliis force may be resolved into three ; one in the direction Mm, which troubles the moon in latitude ; another in mE, which, being directed towards the centre E, increases the gravity of the moon to the earth, and Jiff. 98. does not disturb the equable description of areas ; and into a third in the direction mS', the excess of which^above that by which the sun attracts the earth disturbs the relative position of the moon and earth. Tlie inclination of the lunar orbit is so small that it may be omitted at first, and then the force , fig. 99, is resolved into (Sm)« two, one in the direction mE, which only increases the gravity of the moon, and the other in mS', which disturbs her motion. Let ma represent this last force, and suppose it resolved into mb and mc. Tlie force mb accelerates the moon in the quadrants CA and DB, 2 E 4l8 LUNAR INEQUALITIES. [Book IIL and retards her in the other two ; the force mc lessens the gravity of the moon. 680. The analytical expression of these forces is readily found. m' For the action of the sun on the moon in the direction Sm, is , (pmy but on account of the great distance of the sun, Sm =: SE — mp = r* — r cos x, nearly, hence the action of the sim on the moon in Sm is (r' — r cos xy which, resolved in the direction SE, is — + — Zr cos X, nearly. ♦»' But the action of the sun on the earth is — , and their difference r'« Sm' . r cos X is the force ma. Now — . Zr cos' X. is the force ma resolved in mc. and — . 3r sm a? cos j; = — . 4r sm 2x, J.I9 j.n ^ ' is the same resolved in inh. But the force in mE which in- creases the moon's gravity to the earth, is evidently — ^; hence the whole force by which the sun increases or diminishes the gravity of the moon to the earth is, force in mE — force in mc^ or ^ (1—3 cos« . ar). In syzigy x = 0°, or 180°, and cos' a: = + 1 ; thus tlie action of 1 • • • -I • • 2wi'f* the sun m conjunction and opposition is — - — 1. In quadratures X = 90°, or 270° ; hence cos x = 0, and the sun's action at these pomts is -^. The mean value of Uie force ~ (1 — 3 cos' x) for Chap. I.] LUNAR INEQUALITIES. 4id an entire revolution, is the integral of -jj. (1 — 3 cos' x) dx = — (1 — 1^ — f cos 2x) dx, or - __ (^x + I sin 2x) ; and when x r= 360°, it becomes — — T, which is the mean disturbing force acting on the moon in the direction of the radius vector. 681. In order to have the ratio of this mean force to the gravity of the moon, we must observe that if E and m be the masses of the earth and moon, — — — is the force that retains the moon in her orbit, and — is the force that retains the earth in its orbit. But these r "' forces are as to (27.321661)* (365.25)* which are the radii vectores of the moon and earth divided by the squares of their periodic times, whence mV _ 1 m + E . P»" ~ 179 ' /•* ' and thus it appears that the mean action of the sun diminishes the gravity of the moon to the earth by its 358th part, for m'r ^ 1 m+E 27» ~" 358 * ~~? 682. In consequence of this diminution of the moon's gravity by its 385tli part, she describes her orbit at a greater distance from the earth with a less angular velocity, and in a longer time than if she were urged to the earth by her gravity alone ; but as the force is in the direction of the radius vector, the areas are not affected by it ; hence, if her radius vector be increased by its 358th part, and her angular velocity diminished by its 1 79th part, the areas described will be the same as they would have been without that action. The 2 E 2 420 LUNAR INEQUALITIES. [Book III. force in the tangent mb disturbs the equable description of areas, and that in mM troubles the moon in latitude. The true investiga- tion of these forces can only be conducted by an analytical process, wliich will now be given, without carrying the approximation so far as may be necessary, referring for the complete developement of the series, to Damoiseau's profound analysis in the Memoirs of the French Institute for 1827. 683. The peculiar disturbances to which the moon is liable, and the variety of inferences that may be drawn from them, render her motions better adapted to prove the universal prevalence of the law of gravitation, than those of any other body. The perfect coinci- dence of theory with observation, shows that analytical formulae not only express all the observed phenomena, but that they may be em- ployed as a means of discovery not less certain than observation itself. 684. Although the motions of the moon be similar to those of a planet, they cannot be determined by the same analysis, on account of the great eccentricity of the lunar orbit, and the immense magni- tude of the sun, which make it necessary to carry the approximation at least to the fourth powers of the eccentricities, and to the square of the disturbing force ; and although the smallness of the mass of tlie moon compared with that of the earth, enables us to obtain her perturbations by successive approximations, yet the series converge slowly when the disturbing action of the sun is expressed in functions of the mean longitudes of the sun and moon ; and as the facility of analytical investigations, and the fitness of formulse for computation, depend on a skilful choice of co-ordinates, the motions of the moon are first determined in functions of the true longitudes, and then her co-ordinates are obtained by reversion of series in functions of the mean longitudes of the two bodies. 685. The successive approximations are determined by the mag- nitude of the coefficients. Those terms belong to the first approxi- mation which have for coefficients, either the ratio of the mean mo- tion of the sun to that of the moon, or the eccentricities of tlie earth and moon, or the inclination of the lunar orbit on the ecliptic. Those terms belong to the second approximation, which have the squares of these quantities as coefficients ; those which have their cubes belong to the tlurd, and so on. Chap. I.] LUNAR INEQUALITIES. 421 _ 1 The terms havinff the constant ratio — = — of the parallax of "* a! 400 the sun to that of the moon for coefficients, are included in the second approximation, and also those depending on the disturbing force of the sun, wliich is of tlic order , or m' ; for it has been observed that a permanent change is produced by the disturbing forces in the mean distance : hence if a', o, n', 7/, m', m, be tlje mean distances, mean motions and masses of the sun and moon, and a the value of a in the troubled orbit, so that a r= d when there is no disturbing force, then will =5 — , and as — = n ', a or if a" =: m> *m« _ m* a a therefore -^ . fl =i "^ =z (^_J_Y= 0.005595; a« d 7i« V13.368y but the mass of the moon is m = 0.0748013, consequently m*= 0.005595, so that a" then 686. By arranging the series according to the magnitudes of their terms, each approximation may be had separately by taking a certain part and rejecting the rest This process must be continued till the value of the remainder is so small as to be insensible to observation ; but even then it is necessary to ascertain not only that it is so at present, but that it will remain so after the lapse of ages. Besides selecting from the innumerable terms of the series those tliat have considerable coefficients, it is requisite to examine what values the diflcrent terms acquire m the determination of the finite values of the perturbations from tlieir indefinitely small changes, for it has been shown that by integration some of the terms acquire divisors, which increase their values so much that great errors would ensue from omitting them. ANALYTICAL INVESTIGATION OF [Book lU. Analytical Investigation of the Lunar Inequalities. 687. Suppose the motion of the earth to be referred to the sun, and that both sun and moon revolve round the earth assumed to be at rest in E, fig. 100. Let M be the moon in her orbit, m her place pro- jlg. 100. jected on the plane of the ecliptic, so that Em is her curtate distance ; and let Ej9, pm, Mm, or x, y, z, be the co-ordinates of the moon, and x', y\ z', those of the ^ sun in S, both referred to the centre of the earth, and to the fixed ecliptic at a given epoch. If m'y E, m, be the masses of the sun, the earth, and the moon, the equations of article 347 are = dtt = de = -_ jE + w E + m E + m )■' - Lf— m \dx m \dzj In which r = i/ x* + y* + 2* is the radius vector of the moon, mm' \ = ^/(x'-xy+iy'-yy-^{z'-zy' and the element of the time is assumed to be constant in taking the differentials ; but if that element be variable, and if R ss ^^'^"^) __ m'jxx+yy + zz) ^' r (x'* + 3/'*+z'*H V(j."-x)* + (y-3/r+(2'-;r)» the relative motion of the moon and earth will be determined by the following equations, d*j: dxd^t _ / dR\ \dx J dp de (i*y __ dyd't _ ~d^ dC dp dzd^t ~dF \dy ) \ dz )' Chap. I.] THE LUNAR INEQUALITIES. 4^ 688. In very small angles the arc may be taken for its sine ; hence the lunar parallax is the radius of the terrestrial spheroid divided by the moon's distance from the earth, and thus the parallax varies in- versely as the radius vector. Then if R be the radius of the earth, IV irnd r the radius vector of the moon, the lunar parallax will be — , r which thus becomes the tliird co-ordinate of the moon. But if the earth be assumed to be spherical, its radius may be taken equal to unity, and then the lunar parallax will be — . Therefore let ?£ = — ^ r r REm = V ; and mM =: «, the tangent of the moon's latitude ; tlien r = Vj«+y^+r» = -5lL±^, u cos V sin » J « j: = , y =: , and « = — . U u u But in taking the differentials of these, dv must be constant, since dt is assumed to be variable. 689. Let the first of the preceding equations multiplied by — sin v be added to the second multiplied by cos v ; and let the first multi- plied by cos V be added to the second multiplied by sin v ; then, if the foregoing values of x, y, z, be substituted, and if to abridge / dR\ . / dR\ I I sm o — ( 1 cos o = » \dx J \dy ) (■?-)""'+ (■f-)™''="' the result will be d'v 2dvdu dvd't — iru ; d^ udl* d^ u.de d(* u*dl} vde d*« , sdv* dsd*v ds „ i df* dP dvdt* dv "("> The first of these equations multiplied by — —, and integrated, is 424 ANALYTICAL INVESTIGATION OF [Book III. h* being a constant quantity ; whence dt = ■ . «V*'-2/-^ The elunination of d^t between the first and second of equations (206), gives dud^v d^u dv^ Tf — ""^^ u^dvdP u^dl^ udP udv and if dv be assumed to be constant, and substituting for dl its pre- ceding value, it becomes TT <^" d^u , udv In the same manner the third of equations (206) gives fdR_\ ^\ dz ) TT , "fds lis + d's ^ \ dz J dv + s dv' u»(A«-2/J!^) NOW - = -(^).^ — ( ) cos u } + — ( ). u {\ dx / \ dy / u \ dz J - - = -(^)+-(-f-) + *(^)^ hence, by comparison, dR \ \f dR\ , / dR\ . . / rfJl \ , dR I U / 0 } dR 8U m'u"" 3m'u'* , ,. r— — =: — T— — . s — . 8 . cos (v — V ) ; da (1 -f s')^ u* u' ^ V >» . Chap. I.] THE LUNAR INEQUALITIES. 427 and if the approximation be only carried to terms of the third order inclusively, the co-ordinates of the moon in her troubled orbit will be (Pu ^ _ 1 m'u^ dv* hXl + s')^ 2hhi* 2h'ti,^ . cos (2v — 2v') . 3ni'u" du • .n o f\ /-o/^nv + -TTITT • T ^'" (2^ - 2'' ) (209) 2/iV dv — — cos (o — v') 8 A*w« + J|_i_ - H!^ - ?^^cos(2. - 2t/) lA*(l + s»)f 2AV 2AV + . — sm (2u — 21/) 2A*M* du - ^!1!l!L_ {3 cos (» - t/) + 5 cos (3u - 3rOI _«V* ^ f 3 gi,^ ^„ _ ^.) ^ 15 gj,^ (3 _ 3 ,x| 8A«u» do ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ + ^' {^ + t.} { TJ^ d. . 5 sin (3. - 3.')}}. — + » = — « - < . cos (2t) — 2t/) dv* 2hUi* 2h*u* + . sm (2v — 2v') 2AV dv ^ ' + |^{ll«*co8(r-r') + i^8in(t,-«')} (210) z/i^u du ^mf/'drs , . /^"do , 9mr f dra . . /^"do . /^ o ^ 428 ANALYTICAL INVESTIGATION OF [Book III. -M ~ s -f- ^ — cos {2v — 2ir ) 2AV 2h^u' 3m'u'^ ds 2AV * dv . sin (2r — 2v') dl^ dv (2n) A'Cu+Sm)' v^l-— r!^{sin(2r-2y') +_!^ sin (r-r')}. 696. These equations contain five unknown quantities, u, v, u', i/, and s ; but u' and v' may be eliminated by their functions in v by integrating the equations (207) when il = 0, that is, assuming the moon to move without disturbance. By the method already em- ployed, the two last of these equations give s = 7 sin (r - 0) u = { Vl+«* + « cos (t> — w) } A^(l+7«) ^ V y/ Y being tlie tangent of the inclination of the lunar orbit on the ecliptic, 6 the longitude of the ascending node, e the eccentricity, and w the longitude of the perigee. 697, In these equations the lunar orbit is assumed to be immove- able, but observation shows that the nodes and perigee have a rapid motion in space from the action of the sun; the latter accom- plish a revolution in a little more than nine years, so that the lunar ellipse revolves in its own plane in the same direction with the moon's motion ; hence if c be such that 1:1 — c :: v, the moon's motion in longitude, is to the motion of the apsides, then v (1-c) will be the angle described by the aj)sis, while the moon describes v. Assuming the instant when the apsis coincided with the axis of x as the origin of the time, then r - r (1 — c) = cp will be the moon's true ano- maly. In the same manner (g — 1) u will represent the retrograde motion of the node, while the moon moves through v. Hence if gt> and cv be put for v in tlie preceding values of » and m, they become « = 7 . sin {gv - 0) (212) " = .../, .. { 1 + i Y* + ^ cos (cr - ct) - ^ 7« cos 2 (§•» - e) } « ( 1 + 7 ) Chap. I.] THE LUNAR INEQUALITIES. 429 which are the latitude and parallax of the moon in her orbit con- sidered as a revolving ellipse. This value of m put in dl = , which is the first of equations (207), when R = 0, gives f 1 + |(e« + -y«) - 2e (1 +f e«+f y«) cos (cr - cr) ^ dt = h^dd +^e«cos(2cu-2CT)-e''cos(3c»-3t!T)+iY«cos(2g-u-20)V '>— JeY*{co8(2^u+cy— CT-20)+cos(2gt>-CD+CT-20)}J its integral is t = constant + /»' {v (1 + |e' + f y*) - — (l+f e*+f7*) sin (cu-cr) c + — sin (2cy-2cT)— _ sin (3co - 3ct) + -L sin (2^y - 20) 4c 3c 4^ - — ?ll! — sin (2^i;+cy-CT-2e)- — ?fZ! — x 4(2ff + c) 4(2ff-c) sin (2gr — cy + ct — 20) }. 698. The coefficients are somewhat modified by the action of the sun. In elliptical motion the coefficient of dy is a^; a being half the greater axis of the lunar orbit, hence h' (1 + |e» + ^7*) = «^- 699. Again, because m = 0.0748013 c = 1 - ^m» = 0.991548, g = 1 + |7n« = 1.00402175, nearly, therefore c and g may be taken equal to unity in the coefficients of the preceding integral, which becomes, when quantities of the order e* are rejected and n put for a~^, 7J< + e = u — 2e sin (cv — o) (213) + |e* sin (2cy — 2ct) + iY« sin (2ffD - 20) — |ey* sin (Jigv - cv - 26 + ro), 6 being the arbitrary constant quantity. 700. Now, when quantities of the order 7* are omitted, the coeffi- cient of the second of equations (212) becomes 1 = A-2 (1 - 7«) ; 430 ANALYTICAL INVESTIGATION OF [Book III. but A-2 = i-(l + e*+7*+0, a C being the remaining part of the developement of h~^ , and therefore of the fourth order in e and y, consequently and the parallax becomes M == J- { l+^+ly^+C+e (l+e«) cos (cr-w)-i7«cos i2gv29)} a the constant part of which is - (1 + e' + h' + ; a but as this is modified by the action of the sun, it will be expressed by i (1 + c» + ir' + C), a so that without that action — = — ; a a and when quantities of the fourth order are omitted, « = JL{l+e«+iy»+e(l+e*)cos(eo-tiy)-i7«co8(2^~2e)}. (214) d 701. If accented letters be employed for the sun, his parallax and mean longitude will be, m' = J- { 1 + e« + e'(l + e") cos {c'v' - zs') } (215) a' n't + «' = «'- 2e' sin (c'r' - vs') (216) + I e" sin {2c'v' - 2m'). For 7' = since the sun moves in the plane of the ecliptic, and g' = I, c' = 1 without error in the coefficients. In order to abridge, let n't + c' = r' + 0', and for the same reason, equation (213) may be expressed by n< + e = t> + 0. For the elimination of r', suppose the sun and moon to have the same epoch ; hence e = 6' = 0, and comparing their mean motions n' v' = m(tJ + 0) — 0', since — == m. n By the substitution of this in 0' = - 2e' sin (c't;' - tsy') + | c'* sin (2e't>' - ts% Chap. I.] THE LUNAR INEQUALITIES. 431 it becomes 0' = — 2e' sin {c'mv — vj' + {c'm<^ — c'0')} + le" sin {2c'mv - 2w' + 2(c'm0 - c'0')} ; or 0' = — ge' sin (c'mu — ra' -{■ c'm(p) cos c'0' + 2e' cos (c'mu — is' + c'm(p) sin c'0' + |(?'* sin (2'cmi; — 2ct' + 2c'm0) cos 2c'0' — fe" cos (2c'mo— 2tij' + 2c'm0) sin 2c'0'. But if c' = 1 and cos c'0' = 1 - Ji0'« + &c. sin c'0' r= 0' - ^0'3 + &c., then omitting 0'* the result will be, 0' = — 2e' sin (c'mv — w' + dnK/)) + 2e'(/y cos {c'mv — vs' + c'm — 2ts' + 2c'm0) &c. &c. If substitution be again made for 0', and the same process repeated, it will be found, that 0' = — e'(2— ^e'*) sin (c'mu— t«T')— e'(2— ^e'*)m0 co3(c'mu — c/) — Ae'« sin (2c'mo — 2xs') — |m'e*0 cos (2c'mu — 2cj'). If tliis value of 0' be put in i/ = m(r + 0) — 0' the value of restored, and the products of the sines and cosines reduced to the sines of the sums and differences of the arcs, when e* is rejected, the result will be t/ = mo — 2me sin (cv — cr) + ^e'm sin (2cc — 2ct) + Imy^ sin (2gv — 20) (217) — fmcY* sin (2gv — cv + is — 26) + 2fi'(l - -^(Z*) sin ((/mi? — zs') — 2mee' sin (cu + c'mv — ci — ta') — 2mce' sin (cu — c'mv — ct + t«y') + |c'» sin (2c'mo - 2ct')- 702. If this value of v' be expressed by t/ = mr + Y'* "*•! sub- stituted in equation (215) it becomes m' = J. { I + e" + c'(l + C) cos (c'mo - cj' + c'V)}. 432 ANALYTICAL INVESTIGATION OF [Book III. It will readily appear by the same process, when all powers of the eccentricities above the second are rejected, that f — 1 fl+e'(I-^e'*)cos(c'mt)-cT')+e"co8(2c'mu-2cj')l /-oiQ^ '^ \+rne^co%{cv-drrvi>-ts-\-r3')-meefco%{cv-\-cmv-Ta-Ts')] 703. By the same substitution, cos {y — v') = cos (u — m'v) cos y + sin {y — mv) sin Y^ ; but cos y =r 1 - ^f « + &c. sin -^ =i f — lY + &c. hence cos (u — v') = cos (i? — mv) + Y' sin {v — mv) — Jy* cos (u — mv) ~" i V'* ^^^ (" — *^^^ + &c. &c. ; and cos {v — v') = cos (t? — mv) (219) — 77ie cos (w — mu — c» + w) + me cos (u — wir + cu — ct) + f me' cos (2cv — v + mv — 2cj) — ^7«e* cos (2c» 4- V -mv — 2cj) + ^my^ cos (2gv — v + mv - 26) — ^wiy* cos (2gv -\- V — mv — 26) — ^mey* cos (v—mv — 2gv + cv — 'C3 + 26) + fwe*)* cos (y—mv-\-2gv — cu+ct-20) + c'(l— ^V) cos (v — mv — c'mv+Ts') — c'(l— ^e'*) cos (f— mp-j-c'mu— ct') + &c. &c. Tlius the series expressing cos (»-»') may extend to any powers of the disturbing force and eccentricities. 704. Now cos (2j;-2«') = cos (2t)-2m») -f 2x1^ sin (2d — 2mv) — 2f* cos (2v - 2mv) — ^f" sin (2v - 2mv) &c. &c. which shows that cos (2i; - 2v') may be readily obtained from the developcmcnt of cos (» — v) by putting 2v for r, and 2^ for Y' ; and the same for any cosine, as cos i(y — v'). 705. Again, if 90" + c be put for r, cos (u — mt)) becomes cos {(t) + 90°) (1 - 7n)} = - sin (u — mv) ; Chap. I.] LUNAR INEQUALITIES. 433 hence also the expansion of sin (v — vf) may be obtained from the expression (219), and generally the developement of sin i{v — v') may be derived from that of cos i(y — v'). Thus all the quantities in the equations of the moon's motions in article 695 are determined, except the variation 5m, hi', S»', and S«. 706. It is evident from the value of — 4- m in equation (209), do* that u is a function of the cosines of all the angles contained in the products of the developements of «, u', cos (v — t/) cos (2v — 2c') &c. ; and 5u, being the part of t« arising from the disturbing action of the sun, must be a function of the same quantities : hence if A^, Ai^Afy 8ec. be indeterminate coefficients, it may be assumed, that * alu = Aq cos (2u— 2mu) (220) + Ai e.cos (2u— 2mi;-ci;+cr) + At e.cos (2i>— 2mu+ci;— ct) + A, e'.cos (2«— 2mu+c'mu— cj') + A^ e'.cos (2o — 2mt'— c'mu+ta') + Ai ^ . cos {dmv — ct') + A^ ee'.cos (2tJ-2m» — co+c'mr+CT— ra') + A^ ee' cos (2u — 2my— cu — c'mu+tj+cj') + A^ ee'.cos (ci?+c'mc-CT— to') + At ee'.cos(ct>— c'mo— tsx+o') + ^,0 e'.cos (2ct;— 2cy) -h Axx e'.cos (2ci;— 2u+2me — 2ct) + ^uy'.cos (2g^-20) + .(4u 7« cos (2gr»-2i7+2mw— 20) + ^14 e^cos (2c'mr— 2cj') + J,j t-f cos (2gTJ — c»— 20+ct) + Ju CY» cos (2u — 2/nr— 2fft>+cu+29-CT) + ^,y — cos ijo-mt) d + ilu — c'.co8(»-mtJ+c'm»-t3') a' + i4,» — c'.cos (©-mc-c'mr+w') a' + ■'Im— 7 cos (3o-3mtj). a 2 F 434 ANALYTICAL INVESTIGATION OF [Book III. The tenn depending on cos {cv - zs) which arises from the disturb- ing action of the sun is omitted, because it has already been included in the value of u. 707. It is evident from equation (210) that 5», the variation of the tangent of the latitude, can only have the form S« = i^ 7 sin i2v-'2mv-gv + B) (221) + Bi Y sin (2v — 2mv+^ — d) + Bi ey sin (gv+cv—Q—is) 4- Ba cy sin (gr— cu— 0+tsj) + Bt ey sin (2v—2mv — gv+cv+6—rs) + Bi ey sin (2v—2mv+gv — cv—d+cy) + Be ey sin (2w— 2mt>— gy— cu+0+oj) + Bj e'y sin (gv+c'mv—d-zs') + Bg e'y sin (gv-drnv-O+'st') + Bg e'y sin (2v—2mv—gv+c'mv-^d'~vy') + B,o efy sin (2v-'2mv-^gv-cfmv~0+vj') + 2?i, e*7 sin (2cu-gv-2cT+0) + Bi, e*y sin (^2v~2mv-2cv+gv + 21^-6) -f J3,8 e'7 sin (2ci;+gT;-2v+2»i«-2«i-0) + B^_-7 sin (gw-v+mv-e) + ^15— rYsin (gy+D-mv-^), a' Bj, J5„ &c. being indeterminate coefficients. 708. The variation in the longitude of the earth from the action of the planets troubles the motion of the moon. Equation (216), when S(/j< + e) is put for Su, gives 3i/ =mS(7J< + e){ 1 + 2e' cos (c'mu-roO-^e" cos (2c'm»-2t3') }(222) But iv or S(«< +«)» arising from the disturbing force, is entirely in- dependent of equation (213), wliich belongs to the elliptical motion only ; and from equation (211) it appears that if C,, C„ &c. be in- determinate coefficients, i(nt + e) = C, sin (2t;-2mu) (223) + C»c' sin (2w-2mu+c'mr-i!T') -I- C„e'8in (2t>-2TOv-c'mv+ro') + &c. &c. Chap. I.] THE LUNAR INEQUALITIES. 435 By this value, equation (222) becomes Ju' = m{Ca + C, - tO (226) u in the solar parallax. 711. Lastly, _ is obtained from equation (214), dv 712. Thus every quantity in the equation of article 695 are de- termined, and by their substitution, tlic co-ordinates of the moon will be obtained in her troubled orbit in functions of her true lon- gitude. The Parallax. 713. The substitution of the given quantities in the differential equation (209) of the parallax is extremely simple, though tedious. The first term /*«(I+»*)t •^* when the higher powers of «* are omitted ; putting 2 F 8 436 THE PARALLAX. [Book IIL i- (1 + e' + 7' + for A-* d and hf - ir* cos (2^ - 26) for «' becomes 1 =- — {l+e«+iY'+f+Ml+e=-i7«)cos(2ff»-20)}. Again, m« = J_ {1 + | c'* + 3e' cos (c'mv - 1*7') + &c.} vr* = a^ {1 — Iy' - 3e cos (eu — w) + &c.} ; and as by article 685, — — = m* .',..8 = ^{1 +e* + ^/ + |e'« 2A*m8 2d - 3e (1 + ie« + |e'2) cos (cu— cr) + &c.} In this and all the other terms, Q is omitted, being of the fourth order in e and 7. 714. Terms of the form cos (v — v') become 8A«w* £^ . ^ (1 + 2e» + 26^0 cos (v - mv) 8d a' 9wi* a + . — e' cos (c — mo + c'mv — ct') 8d a' , 27ot* (t j f , X _/\ + . — e cos \v — «iu — c mu + W) ; 8d a' and, by comparing their coefficients with observation, serve for the determination of — , the ratio of the parallax of the sun to that of a' the moon ; but as it is a very small quantity, any error would be sensible, and on that account the approximation must extend to quantities of the fifth order inclusively with regard to the angle v-v' \ but in every other case, it will only be carried to quantities of the third order. 715. Attending to these circumstances, and observing that in the variation of the square of Is must be included, so that /i'(H-s')7 A* 2a Chap. I.] THE PARALLAX. 437 J 771* m' and as — = — , a a it will readily be found, that 0=4^+w (227) — bi e cos (eu — ct) + 6, cos {2v — 2mv) + b, e cos (2v — 2mv - cu + cr) — 64 e cos (2v - 2mtj + cu — w) — bi c'cos (2w - 2mv + c'mv - to') + 6a e' cos (2» - 2mv - c'mu + W) + 67 e' cos (c'mu - -a') + bg eef cos (2v - 2mv - co + c'mw + ct - t3') •- 69 ce' cos (2v - 2»ntJ - cu - c'mv + ^ + ^) — 6,0 ee' cos (ew + c'mu - tsr - ct') — 6„ ee' cos (cu - c'mu - ct + w') 4- 61, e« cos (2eu - 2r>j) + but? cos (2cu - 2u + 2mu - 2ct) — 6,4 y' cos (2^u - 20) + fcu 7» cos (_2gv — 2u + 2mu - 26) 4- 6„ e^ cos (2c'mu - 2©') — 6,7 ey* cos (2^ - cu - 20 + w) — bu ©7* cos (2u - 2mu - 2gv + cu + 2d - w) + bit — cos (u - mv) a' 4. btt^' — cos (v " mv + c'mv - ro') a' + ft,, e' — cos (u - mu - c'wu + cj'). a' 716. The coefficients being 6,= i. {1 + e« + i/+ C} - ^ {I + e« 4- i7' + f^?"} a 2a 4- !^* (4-3m-m0 ^.(l-|0 - 45o'.7» 4d 4o 438 TUR PARALLAX. [Book IIL , 8mV 4a ^ 6,= 3m« "2a 2 + t«+3e'«-2(Z?8+Z?3) ^ + (1 + ^^n-c) J„(l- |e'*) -4{l+2m+(4(l-m)*-l)fJ-^ + -l::i^?— ^l X ^« (1 - |e«) + -J_{(H-6m+c)(l-m)+7+(2-2TO-c)«}^i(l-|e'«) 1 — m - h(9 + m + c) A-e'^ + U9 + Sm + c)Aje'^ + 3(^8 + ^9).e'^ l+(l+2m)e«+i7'-f e^+r^ (1 + 3e» + i^'-^O 1— m 1.— 3m» a S ic{l +i!.(2-19m)-ie'«} 4 - K3 + 4m) (1 + ie« - |e«) + 1-c* 4(1 - w) 2(1 + wi) (1 + le» - 4e«) 2-2m-c - i (^. - 2Jo) + icB, - 5.) x; m" , 3m' f „ , . , 8(l-m) , „ ^ , 4a 12— m m* 4a I 2-3m m* l + e«+i/+^e«4-(i3,+ 5a) 'A - Kl + 2m)J„ m 3m» _2(l-2m)(3-2m)(3-m) ' 2al (2-3m)(2-m) + {B» + D,,)Bo iL- A,- 11C« - 2C, + 2C, 6m + !Zi {4Jo + A," A," 10^,e« + 1(^7 - .4,)e*} Chap. I.] THB PARALLAX, 4^ 2a I 4 2-m-c ^ V 2 2-7n-cJ ^ 2a I 4 2-3/n-<; ^ V 2 2-3m-cy ^ 2a I 2 V 4 c+my V 2 c+m/ ^ 2a I 2 \ 4 c-m/ \ 2 c-m) t„ = ^'{l-B,..^-^„} Ou = -J- < 4a 2 + llwt+8m» _ (10+19m+8m') . . 2 2C-2+-2W ' _^ {8^.0+10^.'} _2^^^ 2c— 2 + 2m 6u = f- {1 + e«- i7' - i«i* + 2mM.,} 4a . 3m* 4a l + 2m-2g (4g'-l) _ (2 + m) 4 4(1 -m) 2g-2 + 2m + i?' - 2^3 + ^'^" m» 2g—2+2m 2a m* 4 + (5 + w) i4„ - -1- i?o. i?j + ^13 4o I 1- 2m 3 - 2m m« l-2m . 3m» 2a < , m* 6 19 ^^ . 2(l-m) _ (36+2lm-15m«)^ (57-38m) ^„+. («.^+z,.,)ll 4(1 -m) 4(1-7/0 * m« 440 THE PARALLAX. [Book IIL i„ = ^'j^(' -^^> - A,.+ i*+ril A„ - (5 + ») A„ ] 2a \ 4 4 0.1 = )\ 4 4 2o(l-2m)i 717. The integral of the preceding equation is evidently u = — {1 + e* + J7« + C 4- e(l + e«) cos (cu — ro) (228) a - h' (1 +e' - i 7') cos i2gv - 20) } + Su. Where Su is given by equation (220.) 718. In order to find values of the indeterminate coefficients Ao, Ai, &c., this value of m must be substituted in equation (227) ; but to determine the unknown quantity c, both e and ct must vary in the term e(l + c*) cos (co — cj), which expresses the motion of the perigee. d± Hence, when — — is omitted, a comparison of the coefficients of corresponding sines and cosines gives = 1 + e« + i 7« + C - oio (229) = 1 - (c - ^^\ - '^^^ dv/ l+c» d.e^l±£l — g (1 + e^) d^ __ 2/-g _ dzj \ a a dv* dv ) dv 0=zAoil-A (l-m)«) + ab» =? ^1 (1 - (2 -2m - c)«) + aK = ^, (1 - (2-2TO + c)*) -a6, = ^, (1 -(2-m)«)-a65 = ^, (l-(2-3m)0 + aba = ^j (1 - m») + abj = A,{1 -(2-m-c)«) 4-a68 = ^, (1 - (2-3m-c)«)-a6, = Je(l-(c+m)«)-a6.o = ^, (1 _ (c - my) - abn = A.oil-ic') + fl6„ = y<„(l - (2c -2 + 2m)i) + a6„ = ^„(I-4g«) + ci^, Chap. I.] SECULAR INEQUALITY IN THE PERIGEE. 441 = ^.3(1 -(2g-2+ 2my) + ab,, = ^u(l -4m«) +abi, 0=zA,,il-(2g-cy)-ab,r = A,s(l - (2-2m-2g + c)«) - ab^^ = J,;(l-(l-m)«) +a6i9 =: 0620 = ^„ (1 - (1 - 2my) + abii, = ^«.(l-(3-3m)0. 719. The secular inequalities in the form of the lunar orbit are derived from the three first of these equations ; from the rest are obtained values of the indeterminate coefficients ^o> -^n &c. &c. It is evident that these coefficients will be more correct, the farther the approximation is carried in the developement of equation (209). Secular Iiiequalities in the Lunar Orbit. 720. "When the action of the sun is omitted, by article 685, JL = _ ; and C, being of the fourth order, may be omitted : a d hence 1 + e' + ^ 7' — abo = becomes -L = -L - ^ (1 + 10 + i^ (1 - le'^) (4 - 3m- m«) A a a 2d 4d -Imy*' (230) 4a Since a is the mean distance of the moon from the earth, or half the greater axis of the lunar orbit, the constant part of the moon's parallax is proportional to — But the action of the planets pro- a duces a secular variation in e\ the eccentricity of the terrestrial orbit, without affecting 2a', the greater axis. The preceding value of must therefore be subject to a secular inequality, in consequence a 3m* of the variation of the term — e" ; but this variation will always 4d be insensible. 721. The. motion of the perigee may be obtiuned from the second of equations (229), put under the form 1 - (c -^^'-;J- pV«s= 0; (Ivy 442 SECULAR INEQUALITT IN THE PERIGEE. [Book III. for since 6, is a function of e'», the quantity ! — may be ex- 1 + e* pressed by ;; + p'e'^. If _. be omitted, c = *J\ — p ^ p' . ' may be regarded as constant, \vithout sensible error, as appears from the value of 6i, and e is a constant quantity, introduced by integration ; hence cos (ct) - cj) = cos {v Vl - p - — f' fe'^dv - e}. (231) 2*J\ -p 722. Thus, from theory, we learn that the perigee has a motion , , f equal to (1 — Vl — j?) w + — . fe'^dv, 2 Vl -i? which is cotifirmed by observation ; but this motion is subject to a secular inequality, expressed by P' .fe'^dvy (232) 2Vl —p on account of the variation in c'*, the eccentricity of the earth's orbit. In consequence of the preceding value of c, w is equal to the constant quantity e, together with the secular equation of the motion of the perigee. 723. The eccentricity of the moon's orbit is affected by a secular variation similar to that in the parallax, and proportional to — , dv but as the variations of the latter are only sensible in the integral dv, the eccentricity of the lunar orbit may be regarded as dv f- constant. Chap. I.] LATITUDE OF THE MOON. 443 Latitude of the Moon. 724. The developement of the parallax will greatly assist in that of the latitude, as most of the terms differ only in being multiplied by s, its variation, or its differentials ; and by substitution of tlie requi- site quantities in equation (210), it will readily be found, when all the powers of the eccentricities and inclination above the cubes are omitted, that = ^ + , (233) + flo 7 sin igv — 0) — fli 7 sin (2u — 27no — go + 0) + Oi 7 sin (2v — 2mv + g» — 0) + fls ^7 sin (gu 4- «? — — ct) + fl^ ey sin igv — cv — -^ vs) + 05^7 sin (2u — 2mt> — gt> + «J + — w) + Oj 67 sin (2y — 2mo + gv — co— + cr) + o, C7 sin (2u — 2mv — gu — co + + cr) + /rTq which accords with observation. This motion is not uniform, but is affected by a secular inequality expressed by — i! fe*dv, (236) 2V1 + g corresponding to the secular variation of e\ the eccentricity of the terrestrial orbit. 728. The first of the equations (234) determines the incli- nation of the lunar orbit on the plane of the ecliptic. Its in- tegral is H being an arbitrary constant quantity. Chap. I.] MEAN LONGITUDE OF THE MOON. 447 Hence it appears that the inclination is subject to a secular inequa- lity ; but as it is quite insensible, the inclination 7 may be regarded as constant, which is the reason why the most ancient observations do not indicate any change in the inclination of the lunar orbit on the plane of the ecliptic, -although the position of the ecliptic has varied sensibly during that interval. The Mean Longitude of the Moon. 729. When the square root is extracted, equation (211) becomes at ^ 1 1 — 1 sm (2v — 2v) A'(M« + 2u^u + 5«*) ^ h'' J u* ^ ^ and, making the necessary substitutions, there will result J, a'dv ( , f . dt = — — - {Xq + *! c cos (^cv — ct) + Xg e* cos (2cy — 2ci) (237) + iTj c* cos (3ct) — Sct) + X4 7* cos (2gv — 20) + X, ey* cos (2gy — cu — 2© + tsr) + X, ey* cos (2gv + cv — 29 — zs) + Xj COS [2v — 2mv) + Xa e cos (2r — 2mv — cu + w) + 3:96 cos (2y — 2mv + cv — w) + a:,o e' cos (2y — 2mv + c'mu — ct') + *a e' cos (2i; — 2mv — dmv + US') + Tu e' cos {c'mv — cr') • + x„ ee' cos (2j> - 2tnv — c» + c'mu + oj •— cr') + Xii, ee^ cos (2d — 2mv — cv — cmv + or + cr') + x„ ee' cos (co ^ (/my — «r — cr') + x,j ee' cos (cu — (/mv — ct + tnO + J,7 e» cos (2ci) - 2c -f 2mv — 2ta) + Xia 7* cos (2^ — 2v + 2mv — 26) + «tt e^ cos (2c'my - 2ct') 448 MEAN LONGITUDE OF THE MOON. [Book III. a + JTso — ; COS (r — mv) a + a-j, — cf cos (u — 7WU + c'mv — vs'). } a 'a' 780. The coefficients of which are 64(1 — w)* 4(1 — m) 1 'Sm^ ^. = - 2(1 ^l^') + -4^^^i + 3Jo . A, 4(1 — TW) jg = - 1 ^4 = HI + I c» - i7' - 2^18 + 3-4« e« iTj = - I - 2^,5 iTa = - I _ 3m'(l+2^+K) _3^«^f ^+^ + ^-^ 1 4(l-m) |2-2wi-c 2-2m+cJ - 2^0 (1 + i e» - i 7") + 3eM, + 3e*^, ^ __ 3mXHh2£-i7^|0 _j_ 3m'(l+m) (l+|e«- jy'-fe^') ' 4(1— m) 2 - 2w-c 3mV(10 + 19m + 8m') „ , ., 4.JLe«-4.>«^ 4- Sv4 4- q#.M 8(2c-2+2m) 2^,(1 +^^-^7 ) + 3Jo+3. ^„ J, = 3m« ^ ?^^!az-_^.2A + 3A-3Ac» 4(1 - m) 2 - 2m + c a-,0 = — ?^^^ — - 2^, + 3Ja e« 4(2 -m) j„ = - ^^'^' - 2^4 + ZA: e« 4(2-3m) Xu = - 3m { 4yfo + ^3 - ^4 - lOJ, e' + f (^r - A,) e'} J 3mM, 27m* \ J 7 _ 1__1 I 4 32(1-771)112 -3m 2-m) + JT7^^ + 3A}{^. + ^4}-2^.(l+ie«-h*) (4(1 — m) + 3 (^8 + J.) e' + 3J, (^, + ^0 e« + ^'{UC. + 2C, -2C.o} 4 Chap. I.] MEAN LONGITUDE OF THE MOON. 449 4(2— 7n— c) 4(2 — m) = 21m'(2+ Jm) 21m' _ ^^ 3^ 4(2 - 3m — c) 4(2-3m) J^u ^ ~" 2^8 "1" 3^j J^w = — 2J, + 3-4j _3m«(l0+19m+8m«) 3m5(l+7n) 9m« JlT — — , 8(2c-2 + 2m) 2-27n-c 16(l-m) - SJ. + ZA, - 2^„ - 3^^^-^.o+"^^-^»' 2c — 2+2m ^ _ 3m«(2 + m) _ 3m' _.^^ _3 4 _ 3mMig " 8(2^-2 + 2m) 16(l-m)" ""* ''"2fir-2+2m 3m' , 3m'(5+3m) . nA /ij^LoS 1 ^^ 8(1 — m) 4(1— nj) j„ = - 2 A a. 731. Now if quantities of the order m* be omitted, a^dv , a'cfy Jo becomes — ^^^ ; a V " but in this case equation (230) is reduced to 1 = i_{i-?^ - i^c"}, ad 2 4 because m' differs very little from m*, whence f ^ J = 1 + m' + | mV*, and f^ = (a)^ { (1 + m«) + ^ m«e'' } dt\ (238) so that varies with e', the eccentricity of the terrestrial orbit ; a but if that variation be omitted, the part that is not periodic of =(«)- (I + m*)dv. >fd If the action of the sun be omitted o = d, and if — be put for a», n then the part that is not periodic becomes — -- =: — =r a'' (1 + vv) . or, J a « 2 G 450 MEAN LONGITUDE OF THE MOON. [Book III. and equation (238) is transformed to ^ = ^ + i^ e'^dv, and dt =: — 'a becomes ndt =: do + f m'e^dVf the integral of wlxich is 7j< + G = t) + f m*f(^e'^ - e«) dv, P being a constant quantity equal to the eccentricity of the earth's orbit at the epoch. 732. Thus the mean longitude of the moon is affected by a secu- lar inequality, occasioned by the variation of the eccentricity of the earth's orbit, and the true longitude of the moon in functions of her mean longitude contains the secular inequality - f »w»/(e'2 - e') dv, or - im«/(6'« - e*) ndt, called the acceleration ; hence the secular inequalities in the mean longitude of the moon, in the longitude of her perigee and nodes, are as the three quantities 3m«, It is true that the terms depending on the squares of the disturbing force alter the value of the secular equations in the mean longitude a little ; but the terms of this order that have a considerable influ- ence on the secular equation of the perigee have but little effect on that of the mean motion. 733. Thus the integral of equation (237) is n< + e :=: t) + I w*/ (e'« - e*) dv (239) + Cq e sin (c» — cj) + C, e* sin (2cv - 2ct) + Cg es sin (3cw — 3ct) + Q Y« sin (2^0 — 20) + C4 cy" sin (2gv — cv '—26 +©) + Cj ey* sin (2gu + cy — 29 — ct) + C, sin (2y — 2mv) + Cj e sin (2y — 2mv —• cv + ta) + Cg e sin (2v — 2mv + cv — cr) + Cg c' sin (2u — 2mv + c'mv + ta') + Cu e' sin (2t; — 2mtJ — ') + C,j eef sin (2r — 2mu — ew + c'mu + cr — cj') + C,8 ce' sin (2u — 2mtJ — cy — c'mv + ct + to') + C,4 ee' sin (e» + cwu — ct — cr') + C,j ee' sin (ey — cmv — ct + W) + Cij e« sin (2eu — 2u + 2wu — 2cy) + C,7 7« sin (2gy — 2o + 2my — 20) + Ci9 e'^ sin (2c'my — 2ot') + C,9 — sin (u — my) a' + Cm -fL e' sin (t? — my + c''^'' — ^O* a' 734. If tlie differential of this equation be compared with equation (237), the following values will be obtained for the indeterminate coefficients— Co = C c. = X, 2c c. = *8 3c Ca = 2ff c. = 2gr-c c. = 2ff+c Ci = JT, ^« 2 — 2m r = J^8 2-.2m— c r„ = .T, 2— 2m+c c. 5= X,o ^10 — 2 — 3m c„ = J?,8 m c.» -* ■^18 '-'li 2 — m— c c„ — Xu 2-3m-c c. — Xm c + m r,» — J^ie c — m Cm — x„ 2c-2+2m C,, z= •Tib 2g^— 2 + 2m c,« = *i» m c.,= Xto 1 - m C« = - 2A, 2 02 452 CHAPTER II. NUMERICAL VALUES OF THE COEFFICIENTS. 7S5. The following data are obtained by observation, m = 0.0748013 e = 0.05486281 7 = 0.0900807 c = 0.99154801 g = 1.00402175 c' =: 0.016814, at the epoch 1750, I e and y result from the comparison of the coefficients of the sines of the angles cv - zs and gv - 0, computed from observation with those from theory. With these data equation (230) gives i- = JL . 0.9973020 ; -^ = 1.0003084 = -L ; whence 2. —. V «'(1.0003084)\ « ^ 0.9973020 With these the formulse of articles 718 and 726 and 734 give Jo = 0.00709262 J,i = 0.349187 ^, = 0.201816 ^u= 0.0026507 A^ =- 0.00372953 ^,8 = 0.0077734 A = -0.00300427 Ai, = -0.012989 A, = 0.0284957 A^, — - 0.742373 A =-0.00571628 ^,, = -0.041378 A, =:- 0.0698493 A„ = - 0.1 13197 Aj = 0.516751 ^,e= 1.08469 ^B =-0.20751 A^»= 0.001601 A» = 0.274122 Do = 0.0282636 yf.o = 0.0008107 7?, =- 0.0000024 Chap. II.] MOON'S CO-ORDINATES. 453 B, = - 0.0055075 C, = 0.722823 B, = 0.019553 Cj = - 0.250034 B, = 0.0063661 C, =-0.0091988 B, = - 0.0013668 Cj =- 0.414046 B, = - 0.021272 Ce = 0.0129865 Br = 0.07824 Cb = 0.0039255 B. = - 0.0833684 Co = - 0.0387853 B. = -0.0327678 Ca= 0.196755 B.o = 0.0720448 Cu = 0.12765 5..= 0.491954 C,8 = - 1.081734 Bu = 0.0061023 Cu=: 0.373115 B.3 = 0.0920621 C,5 = -0.616738 Bu = -0.0125619 Cu = 0.272377 B,,= 0.0038663 C„ = 0.033825 Co = -2.003974 C,8 = 0.173647 C. = 0.752886 Ci, = - 0.236616 c, = - 0.336175 Cjo= -2.16938 c, = 0.243118 736. If these coefficients be reduced to sexagesimal seconds, the mean longitude of the moon will become nt + e=: V + \w?fiff^ -eO dv -22677".5 . 8in(etJ - o) + 467. 42 . sin 2 (cD -T.) — 11. 45 . sin 3 (cu -x;.) + 406. 92 . sin {2gv. -20) + 66.37 . sin (2gv. - cv + 13 -20) - 22. 96 . sin (2gT + cy - CT — 20) — 1906. 93 . sin (2r- - 2mv) (240) — 4685. 46 . sin i2v- - 2mv — ct) + w) + 147. 68 . sin (2v - - 2mv + cv — rs) + 13. 61 . sin {2v - - 2mv + cniv — ia') — 134. 51 . sin (2v - - 2mv — cmv + w') + 682. 37 . sin 1 {&VW — c»') + 24 . 29 . sin i2v- ■ 2mv — cv + c'mv + vs — ta') — 205. 82 . sin {2v- - 2mv -' cv — c'mv + cj + to') + 70. 99 . sin (co + c'mv — xn — Tt') - 117. 35 . sin (_cv - - c'mv — cj + ro') 454 NUMERICAL VALUES OF THE [Book III. + 169. 09 . sin (2eu — 2v + '2mv - 2ts) + 56. 62 . sin (2gv - 2v + 2mv - 26) + 10. 13 . sin (2c'mw — '2^') + 122. 0l4. (1 + sin (u - mv) — 18. 81 . (1 + i) sin (u — mv + (/mv — ra'). 737. The two last terms have been determined in supposing a_ _. (1 + a' 400 This fraction is the ratio of the parallax of the sun to that of the moon ; it differs very little from , but for greater generality it is multiplied by the indeterminate coefficient 1 + i ; and by comparing the coefficient of sin (v — mv) with the result of observations the solar parallax is obtained, as will be shovVn afterwards. 738. It has been shown that the action of the moon produces the inequality /i . — sin (t) — mv) a' in the earth's longitude. This action of the moon changes the earth's place, and, consequently, the moon's place with regard to the sun, so that the moon indirectly troubles her own motion, producing in her mean longitude the inequality 0.54139 . /ti . iL . sin (y - nv). of Thus tlie direct action of the moon is weakened by reflection in the ratio of 0.54139 to unity. 739. Equation (233) gives the tangent of the latitude, but the expression of the arc by the tangent s is * - V + i»^-SK. Tlius the latitude is nearly 7 (1 - i f) sin (gv - ^) + J, X {I - i?" + i7* cos {2gv - 20) + 3^7" sin (3^r - 30)}. And from the preceding data the latitude of the moon is easily found to be s =: 18542''.0 . m\ (gv — 6) (241) 4- 12. 57 . sin (3^i; - 30) + 525. 23 . sin (2r — 2mv - gv + 0) Chaf). li.] MOONS CO-ORDINATES. 456 + 1".14 . sin (2u — 2mv + gv - 6) — b. b3 . sin igv + ct — 6 — vy) + ISf. 85 . sin (g'y — cr — + w) + 6. 46 . sin {2v — 2mv — gv 4- cv + B — rs) — 1-. 39 . sin (2v — 2mv + gv — cv — O + ts) — 21.6 .sin (2v — 2mv — gv — cv + 6 + ts) + 24. 34 . sin (§y + c'mv — 6 — cr') — 25. 94 . sin (gv - c'mv — d + w') — 10. 2 .sin (2v — 2mv — gv + c'mv + — cr') + 22. 42 . sin (2r — 2mv — gv — cmv + + ro') + 27. 41 . sin (2cu - gv — 2ny + 0) + 5 . 29 . sin (2cv + gr^ — 2« + 2mv — 2ct - 0). 740. The sine of the horizontal parallax of the moon is »• V 1 4- ««' R being the terrestrial radius, but as this arc is extremely small, it may be taken for its sine ; hence, if -L{l + e*+i7''+c(l + e*)cos(cu— w) ^ ly* cob (2gv -26)} + iu a be put for m, and quantities of the order — e* rejected, the parallax a wUlbe E = -^^=: »• Vi + »« — (l + c'Xl+eU-iY'+i'y'cos (2gy-2e)]cos(ey-t!j)+aiM-«J«}. a In the untroubled orbit of the moon the radius vector, and, conse- quently, the parallax, varies according to a fixed law through every point of the ellipse. Its mean value, or the constant part of the horizontal parallax, is — , to which the rest of the series is applied a as corrections arising both from the ellipticity of the orbit and the periodic inequalities to which it is subject. 741. In order to compute the constant part of the parallax, let a be the space described by falling bodies in a second in the latitude, the square of whose sine is ^, I and K the corresponding lengths of the pendulum and tcnestrial radius, r the ratio of the sumicircumfcrence 456 NUMERICAL VALUES OF THE [Book III. to the radius, E and m the masses of the earth and moon ; then, sup- posing £ + m = 1, _ = 2o" = ir7, also 7i=: — , iE+m)R* T T being tlie number of seconds in a sidereal revolution of the moon ; and by article 735 J_ -. Vn* (1.0003084)*^ « ^ 0.9973020 therefore ^ ~ y E R 4(1. 0003084)\ « "^ E + vi ' I ' r* 0.9973020 Now the length of the pendulum, independent of the centrifugal force, is I =32.648 feet, also R = 20898500 feet, T = 2360591".8; and if m = 58.6 it will be found that ^ = 0.01655101, and therefore — (l+c«) =: 8424'M6; a a this value augmented by 3".74, to reduce it to the equator, is 3427".9 ; hence the equatorial parallax of the moon in functions of its true longitude is — = 3427".9 . T + 187. 48 cos (cu — tn) + 24 . 68 cos (2u — 2mr) + 47. 92 cos (2t? — 2f/it) — cy + cj) — 0. 7 cos (2y — 2mv + cu — cj) — 0. 17 cos (2y - 27MU + c'mv — cr') (242) + 1 . 64 cos (2r — 2my — c'm}) + c^') — 0. 33 cos (c'7?ir — cr') — 0. 22 cos (2tj — 2;/ir — cu -f c'mv + cr — w') -|- 1. 63 cos (2y — 2mu — ct? -- cmv) + lu + ct'> Chap. II.] MOON'S CO-ORDINATES. 457 — 0".45 cos (cv + c'mv — cr — ct') + 0. 86 cos (cv — c'mv — ct + cj') + 0. 01 cos (2ou - 2ct) + 3.6 cos (2cv - 2v ■{■ 2mv — 2nT) + 0. 07 cos C2gv - 20) — 0. 18 cos {2gv — 2v + 27nv — 20) — 0. 01 cos (2c'mu — 2ro') — 0. 95 cos (2gv — cr — 20 + ct) — 0. 06 cos (2u — 2mv - 2gv + cv + 20 — nt) — 0. 97 (I -f i) cos (v — mv) + 0. 16 (1 + i) cos (v — mv + c'mv — gj') — . 04 cos (2y — 2mv + cv — c'mv — ct + ra') — 0.15 cos (4w — 4mv — cv + is) + 0. 05 cos (4y — 4my — 2cv + 2ct) + 0. 13 cos (2cv - 2r -f 2my + c'mv — 2ns — vs') -f 0. 02 cos (2ey + 2t> — 2»Jt> — 2ct) — 0. 12 (1 -j- i) cos (cu — V -\- mv — zs). The greatest value of the parallax is 1° 1' 29 ".32, which happens when the moon is in perigee and opposition ; the least, 58' 29 ".93, happens when the moon is in apogee and conjunction. E 742. With m = — , Mr. Damoiseau finds the constant part of the equatorial parallax equal to 3431 ".73. 743. Tlie lunar parallax being known, that of the sun may be determined by comparing the coefficients of the inequality 122".014 (t + 1) sin (i> - mv) in the moon's mean longitude with the same derived from observa- tion. In the tables of Burg, reduced from the true to the mean longitude, this coefficient is 122".378 ; hence i + 1 = 1H12Z! = 1 -.00298, and ± = il2£!L». 122".014 «, 400 4S6 NUMERICAL VALUES OF THE [Book III. But the solar parallax is R .^ ^ a _ W_ 1^00298 ~a' a "a' a ' 400 ' but — = 0.01655101^ a hence £ = i:^£??£i2Sf£l£^21 = 8".5602. a' 400 which is the mean parallax of the sun in the parallel of latitude, the square of whose sine is ^. Burckhardt's tables give l22".97 for the value of the coefficent, whence the solar parallax is 8".637, differing very little from the value deduced from the transit of Venus. This remarkable coincidence proves that the action of the sun upon the moon is very nearly equal to his action on the earth, not differing more than the three millionth part. 744. The constant part of the lunar parallax is 3432".04, by the observations of Dr. Maskelyne, consequently the equation 4 (1.0003 084)' r«(0.997302d)' 3432". 04 = y E ^ ^ E + m ' I gives the mass of the moon equal to 1 74.2 of that of the earth. Since by article 646, zL = 0.01655101, in the latitude the square a of whose sine is ^ ; if R\ the mean radius of the earth, be assumed as unity, the mean distance of the moon from the earth is 60.4193 terrestrial radii, or about 247583 English miles. 745. As theory combined with observations with the pendulum, and the mensuration of the degrees of the meridian, give a value of the lunar parallax nearly corresponding with that derived from astronomical observations, we may reciprocally determine the mag- nitude of the earth from these observations ; for if the radius of the Chap. 11.} MOON'S CO-ORDINATES. 459 earth be assumed as the unknown quantity in the expression in article 646, it will give its value equal to 20897500 English feet. ' Thus,' says La Place, * an astronomer, without going out of his observatory, can now determine with precision the magnitude and distance of the earth from the sun and moon, by a comparison of observations with analysis alone ; which in former times it required long voyages in both hemispheres to accomplish.' 746. The apparent diameter of the moon varies with its parallax, for if P be the horizontal parallax, R the terrestrial radius, r the radius vector of the moon, D her real, and A her apparent dia- meters ; then P=: — , A = — ; whence — = — r r AD a ratio ttiat is constant if the earth be a s|)here. It is also constant at the same point of the earth's surface, whatever the figure of the earth may be. If P = 57'4'M68 and i^A = 31' 7". 73; then _ = . 27293 = -A- nearly ; thus if y be multiplied by the moon's apparent semidiametcr, the corresponding horizontal parallax will be obtained. Secular Inequalities in the Moon's Motions. 747. It has been shown, that the action of the planets is the cause of a secular variation in the eccentricity of the earth's orbit, which variation produces analogous inequalities in the mean motion of the moon, in the motion of her perigee and in that of her nodes. The Acceleration. 748. The secular variation in the mean motion of the moon de- nominated the Acceleration, was discovered by Halley ; but La Place first showed that it was occasioned by the variation in the eccentricity in the earth's orbit. The acceleration in the mean mo- 460 ACCELERATION OF THE MOON. [Book III. tion of the moon is ascertained by comparing ancient with modern observations ; for if the ancient observations be assumed as observed longitudes of the moon, a calculation of her place for the same epoch from the lunar tables will render the acceleration manifest, since these tables may be regarded as data derived from modern observa- tions. An eclipse of the moon observed by the Chaldeans at Babylon, on the 19th of March, 721 years before the Christian era, which began about an hour after the rising of the moon, as recorded by Ptolemy, has been employed. As an eclipse can only happen when the moon is in opposition, the instant of opposition may be computed from the solar tables, which will give the true longitude of the moon at the time, and the mean longitude may be ascertained from the tables. Now, if we compare this result with another mean longitude of the moon computed from modem observations, the dif- ference of the longitudes augmented by the requisite number of cir- cumferences will give the arc described by the moon parallel to the ecliptic during the inten^al between the observations, and the mean motion of the moon during 100 Julian years may be ascertained by dividing this arc by the number of centuries elapsed. But the mean motion thus computed by Delambre, Bouvard, and Burg, is more than 200" less than that which is derived from a comparison of modem observations with one another. Tlie same results are obtained from two eclipses observed by the Chaldeans in the years 719 and 720 before the Christian era. Tliis acceleration was confirmed by com- paring less ancient eclipses with those that happened recently ; for the epoch of intermediate observations being nearer modem times, the differences of the mean longitudes ought to be less than in the first case, which is perfectly confirmed, by the eclipses observed by Ibn-Junis, an Arabian astronomer of the eleventh century. It is therefore proved beyond a doubt, that the mean motion of the moon is accelerated, and her periodic time consequently diminished from the time of the Chaldeans. Were the eccentricity of the terrestrial orbit constant, the term ^w»/(e'» - e*) dv would be united with the mean angular velocity of the moon; Chap. II.] MOTION OF THE MOON'S PERIGEE. 461 but the variation of the eccentricity, though small, has in the course of time a very great influence on the lunar motions. The mean motion of the moon is accelerated, when the eccentricity of the earth's orbit diminishes, which it has continued to do from the most ancient observations down to our times ; and it will continue to be accelerated until the eccentricity begins to increase, when it will be retarded. In the interval between 1750 and 1850, the square of the eccentricity of the terrestrial orbit has diminished by . 0000014059b. Tlie corresponding increment in the angular velocity of the moon is the 0.0000000117821th part of this velocity. As this increment takes place gradually and proportionally to the time, its effect on the motion of the moon is less by one half than if it had been uniformly the same in the whole course of the century as at the end of it. In order, therefore, to determine the secular equation of the moon at the end of a century estimated from 1801, we must multiply the secular motion of the moon by half the very small increment of the angular velocity; but in a century the motion of the moon is 1732559351".544, which gives 10". 2065508 for her secular equation. Assuming that for 2000 years before and after the epoch 1750, the square of the eccen- tricity of the earth's orbit diminishes as the time, the secular equa- tion of the mean motion will increase as the square of the time : it is suflScient then during that period to multiply 10 '.2065508 by the square of the number of centuries elapsed between the time for which we compute and the beginning of the nineteenth century ; but in com- puting back to the time of the Chaldeans, it is necessary to carry the approximation to the cube of the time. The numerical formula for the acceleration is easily found, for since |m/(e'* - e')dv is the acceleration in the mean longitude of the moon, the true lon- gitude of the moon in functions of her mean longitude will contain the term - |w«/(e'« - P)ndt, e being the eccentricity of the terrestrial orbit at the epoch 1750. If then, t be any number of Julian years from 1750, by article 480, 2e' = 2e - 0".171793< - 0". 000068194^ 462 MOTION OF THE MOON'S PERIGEE. [Book III. is the eccentricity of the earth's orbit at any time t, whence the acce- leration is 10. "1816213 . T' + 0". 018538444 . T', r being any number of centuries before or after 1801. In consequence of the acceleration, the mean motion of the Vfiqqn is 7' 30" greater in a century now than it was 2548 years ago. Motion of the Moo7i's Perigee. 749. In the first determination of the motion of the lunar perigee, the approximation had not been carried far enough, by which the motion deduced from theory was only one half of that obtained by ob- servation ; this led Clairaut to suppose that the law of gravitation was more complicated than the inverse ratio of the squares of the dis- tance ; but Buffon opposed him on the principle that, the primordial laws of nature being the most simple, could only depend on one prin- ciple, and therefore their expression could only consist of one term. Although such reasoning is not always conclusive, Buffon was right in this instance, for, upon carrying the approximation to the squares of the disturbing force, the law of gravitation gives the motion of the lunar perigee exactly conformable to observation, for e' being the eccentricity of the terrestrial orbit at the epoch, the equation c = »/V^p-p'e^ when reduced to numbers is c =: 0.991567, con- sequently (1 — c)v the motion of the lunar perigee is 0.008433 . v ; and with tiie value of c in article 735 given by observation, it is 0.008452 . u, which only differs from the preceding by 0.000019. In Damoiseau's theory it is 0.008453. r, which does not differ much from that of La Place. The terms depending on the squares of the disturbing force have a very great influence on the secular variation in the motion of the lunar perigee ; they make its value three times as great as that of the acci^leration : fqj: tlje secular inequality in the lunar perigee is — ^/(e" - S')ndt, 2Vi+p or, wlien the coefficient is computed, it is 3.00052 f m«/(e'* - e*)ndt, and has a contrary sign to the secular equation in the mean motion. Chop. II.] MOTION OF NODES OF THE LUNAR ORBIT. 463 The motion of the perigee becomes slower from century to cen- tury, and is DOW 8'. 2 slower than in the time of Hipparchus. Motion of the Nodes of the Lunar Orbit. 750. The sidereal motion of the node on the true ecliptic as deter- mined by theory, does not differ from that given by observation by a 350th part ; for the expression in article 727 gives the retrograde motion of the node equal to 0.0040105r, and by observation (g - l)tJ= 0.00402175r, the difference being 0.00001125. Mr. Damoiseau makes it g - 1 = 0.0040215. Tlie secular inequality in the motion of the node depends on the variation in the eccentricity of the terrestrial orbit, and has a con- trary sign to the acceleration. Its analytical expression gives — ;£=/(«" - ^) d^ = 0-735452 Im'/CC* -e*)dv. 2 Vl + 9 As the motion of the nodes is retrograde, this inequality tends to augment their longitudes posterior to the epoch. 751. It appears from the signs of these three secular inequalities, as well as from observation, that the motion of the perigee and nodes become slower, whilst that of the moon is accelerated ; and that their inequalities are always in the ratio of the numbers . 735452, 3.00052, and 1. 752. The mean longitude of the moon estimated from the first point of Aries is only affected by its own secular inequality ; but the mean anomaly estimated from the perigee is affected both by the secu- lar variation of the mean longitude, and by that of the perigee ; it is therefore subject to the secular inequality — 4 . 00052 ^ni^J^{e'* - e*) dv more than four times that of the mean longitude. From the pro- ceding values it is evident that Uie secular motion of the moon with regard to the sun, her nodes, and her perigee, are as the numbers 1; 0.265 ; and 4 ; nearly. 753. At some future time, these inequalities will produce variations equal to a fortieth part of the circumference in the secular motion of the moon ; and in the motion of the perigee, they will amount to 464 MOTION OF NODES OF THE LUNAR ORBIT. [Book III. no less than a thirteentli part of the circumference. They will not always increase : depending on tlie variation of the eccentricity of the terrestrial orbit they are periodic, but they will not run through their periods for millions of years. In process of time, they will alter all those periods which depend on the position of the moon with regard to the sun, to her perigee, and nodes ; hence the tro- pical, synotlic, and sidereal revolutions of the moon will differ in dif- ferent centuries, which renders it vain to attempt to attain correct values of them for any length of time. Imperfect as the early observations of the moon may be, they serve to confirm the results that have been detailed, wliich is surpris- ing, when it is considered that the variation of the eccentricity of the earth's orbit is still in some degree uncertain, because the values of the masses of Venus and Mars are not ascertained with precision ; and it is worthy of remark, that in process of time the developement of the secular inequalities of the moon will furnish the most accurate data for the determination of the masses of these two planets. 754. The diminution of the eccentricity of the earth's orbit has a greater effect on the moon's motions than on those of the earth. This diminution, which has not altered the equation of the centre of the sun by more than 8' . 1 from the time of the most ancient eclipse on record, has produced a variation of 1° 8' in the longitude of the moon, and of 7°. 2 in her mean anomaly. Tkus the action of the sun, by transmitting to the moon the inequalities produced by the planets on the earth's orbit, renders this indirect action of the planets on the moon more considerable than their direct action. 755. Tlie mean action of the sun on the moon contains the incli- nation of the lunar orbit on the plane of the ecliptic ; and as the position of the ecliptic is subject to a secular variation, from the action of the planets, it might be expected to produce a secular variation in the inclination of the moon's orbit. This, however, is not the case, for the action of the sun retains the lunar orbit at the same inclination on tlic orbit of the earth ; and thus in the secu- lar motion of the ecliptic, the orbit of the earth carries the orbit of the moon along with it, as it will be demonstrated, the change in the ecliptic affecting only the declination of the moon. No perceptible Cai»p. II.] THE LUNAR ORBIT. 465 change has been observed in the mclination of the lunar orbit since the time of Ptolemy, which confirms the result of theory. 756. Although the inclination of the orbit does not vary from the change in the plane of the ecliptic ; yet, as the expressions wliich determine the inclination and eccentricity of the lunar orbit, the parallax of the moon, and generally the coefficients of all the moon's inequalities, contain the eccentricity of the terrestrial orbit, they are all subject to secular inequalities corresponding to the secular varia- tion of that quantity. Hitherto they have been insensible, but in the course of time will increase to an estimable quantity. Even now, it is necessary to include the effects of this variation in the inequality called the annual equation, when computing ancient eclipses. 757. Tlie three co-ordinates of the moon have been determined in functions of the true longitudes, because the series converge better, but these quantities may be found in functions of the mean longi- tudes by reversion of series. For if nt, ct, 6>, and c, represent the mean motion of the moon, the longitudes of her perigee, ascending node and epoch, at the origin of the time, together with their secular equations for any time t, equation (240) becomes V " («< + c) = — { Co. e. sin (cu — "o) + C^ . e* sin 2 (cy — cr) + Cg . e* . sin 3(co — o) + &c. } or to abridge v — {id -}- e) = S, The general term of tlie series is Q . sin(Cu+V)- And if Q' be the sum of the coefficients arising from the square of the series S, and depending on the angle ^v + Y'' ; Q' the sum of the coefficients arising from the cube of S, and depending on the angle Cv + y, &c. &c., the general term of the new scries, which gives the true longitude of the moon in functions of her mean Ion' gitude, is - {Q + K-Q'-i ^- Q" - -h: f*-Q"'+ &c.} . sin {C{nl + e) + v) La Place does not give this transformation, but Damoiseau has computed the coefficients for the epoch of January Ist, 1801, and lias found that the true longitude of the moon in functions of its mean longitude nt + e =z\'\% 2H 466 PERIODIC INEQUALITIES [Book HI. V = lit + e + 22639". 7 . sin { cX - w} + 768 ".72 8in(2cX - 2w) + 36". 94 sin (3c\ - 3ct) — 411". 67 sin (2gX — 26) + 39". 51 sin (c\ — 2ff\ — ct + 20) — 45". 12 sin (cX + 2gX - ct - 20) + 2370". 00 sin (2\ - 2m\) + 4589". 61 sin (2X - 2mX -- c\ -\- vr) + 192". 22 sin (2X — 2mX + cX - ct) — 24". 82 sin (2X — 2mX + c'mX - cr') + 165". 56 sin (2X — 2mX — c'm\ + o') — 673". 70 sin (c'wX - cj') — 28". 67 sin (2X - 2mX — cX + c'm\ + ct — ct') + 207". 09 sin (2X - 2mX — cX - c'mX + ct + w') — 109". 27 sin (cX + cmX _ cj — cr') + 147". 74 sin (cX - cmX _ cr + cr') + 211". 57 sin (2X - 2mX - 2cX + 2cj) + 54". 83 sin (2X - 2mX — 2g:X + 20) — 7". 34 sin (2e'mX — 2xs') — 122". 48 sin (X - m\) — 17". 56 sin (X — mX + c'mX — cr')- This is only tlie transformation of La Place's equation (240), but Damoiseau carries the approximation much farther. 758. The first term of this series is the mean longitude of the moon, including its secular variation. The second term 22639". 7 sinjcX- xs) is the equation of the centre, which is a maximum when Bin (cA — CT ) r= ± 1, that is, when the mean anomaly of the moon is either 90° or 270°. Thus, when the moon is in quadrature, the equation of the centre is dt 6° 17' 19".7. double the eccentricity of the orbit. In syzigies it is zero. 759. The most remarkable of the periodic inequalities next to the equation of tlic centre, is the evection 4589". 61 sin {2a - 2m\ — cA + w), Chap. II.] IN LONGITUDE. 4G7 whicli is at its maximum and = ± 4589". 61 , when 2X - 2m\ - cX+w is cither 90° or 270°, and it is zero when that angle is either 0° or 180°. Its period is found by computing the value of its argument in a given time, and then finding by proportion the time required to describe 360°, or a whole circumference. The synodic motion of the moon in 100 Julian years is 445267°. 1167992 = \ - mX and 890534°.2335984 = 2 {X - mX} is double the distance of the sun from the moon in 100 Julian years. If 477198°.839799 the anomalistic motion of the moon in the same period be subtracted, the difference 413335°.3937994 will be the angle 2X — 2mX — cX + cr, or the argument of the evection in 100 Julian years : whence 413335°.3937994 : 360° ;: 365">.25 : 31''.811939 = the period of the evection. If t be any time elapsed from a given period, as for example, when the evection is zero, the evection may be represented for a short time by 4589".61.sin|-?«21^l. 131.8119391 Tliis inequality is a variation in the equation of the cei\tre, de- pending on the position of the apsides of the lunar orbit. When the /ig. 101. apsides are in syzigies, as in figure 101, the action of the sun increases the fH' eccentricity of the moon's orbit or the equation of the centre. For if the moon be in conjunction at m, the sun draws her from the earth ; and if she be in opposition in m', the sun draws the earth from her ; in both cases increasing the moon's distance from the earth, and thereby the eccentricity or equation of the centre. When the moon is in any otlier point of her orbit, the action of the sun may be re- solved into two, one in the direction of the tangent, and the other according to the radius vector. The latter increases the moon's gravitation to the eartli, and is at its maximum when the moon is in quadratures ; as it tends to diminish the distance QE, it makes tlie 2 U 2 468 PERIODIC INEQUALITIES [Book III. ellipse still more eccentric, which increases the equation of the centre. Tliis increase is the evection. Again, if tlie line of apsides be at fig. 102. right angles to SE, the line joining the centres of the sun and the earth, the action of the sun on the moon at m or m', figure 102, by increasing the distance from the earth, augments the breadth of the orbit, thereby making it approach the circular form, which diminishes the eccentricity. If the moon be in quadratures, the increase in the moon's gravitation diminishes her distance from the earth, which also diminishes the eccentricity, and consequently the equation of the centre. This diminution is the evection. Were the changes in the evection always the same, it would depend on the angular distances of the sun and moon, but its true value varies with the distance of the moon from the perigee of her orbit. The evection was discovered by Ptolemy, in the first century after Christ, but Newton showed on what it depends. 760. The variation is an inequality in the moon's longitude, which increases her velocity before conjunction, and retards her velocity after it. For the sun's force, acting on the moon ac- cording to Sm, fig. 103, maybe resolv- ed into two other forces, one in the direction of mE, which produces the evection, and the other in the direction of mT, tangent to the lunar orbit. The latter produces the variation wliich is expressed by 2370" sin 2 { \ - wiX }. This inequality depends on the angular distance of the sun from the moon, and as she runs through her period whilst that distance in- creases 90°, it must be proportional to the sine of twice the angular distance. Its maximum happens in the octants when \ - mX = 45°, it is zero when the angular distance of the moon from the sun is either zero, or when tlie moon is in quadratures. Thus the vari- Chap. II.] IN LONGITUDE. 469 ation vanishes in syzigies and quadratures, and is a maximum in the octants. The angular distance of the moon from the sun depends on its 360° synodic motion : it varies daily, and 29^530588 ^ o /'^ ^^ 2.360° 2 (X - m\) = 29^530588 hence its period is 29">. 530588 _ i^irjQ^294. 2 Tims the period of the variation is equal to half the moon's synodic revolution. Tlie variation was discovered by Tycho Brahe, and was first determined by Newton. 761. The annual equation 673".70 sin {(/mx - cj'} is another remarkable periodic inequality in the moon's longitude. The action of the sun which produces this inequaUty is similar to that which causes the acceleration of the moon's mean motion. The annual equation is occasioned by a variation in the sun's distance from the earth, it consequently arises from the eccentricity of the terrestrial orbit. When the sun is in perigee his action is greatest, and he dilates the lunar orbit, so that the angular motion of the moon is diminished ; but as the sun approaches the apogee the orbit contracts, and the moon's angular motion is accelerated. This change in the moon's angular velocity is the annual equation. It is a periodic in- equality similar to the equation of the centre in the sun's orbit, which retards the motion of the moon wlien that of the sun in- creases, and accelerates the motion of the moon when the motion of the sun diminishes, so tliat the two inequalities have contrary signs. The pcriotl of the annual equation is an anomalistic year. It was discovered by Tycho Brahe by computing the places of the moon for various seasons of the year, and comparing them with observa- tion. He found the observed motion to be slower than the mean mo- tion in the six months employed by the sun in going from perigee to apogee, and the contrary in the other six months. It is evident that as the action of the sun on the moon varies with his distance, and 470 PERIODIC INEQUALITIES [Book III. therefore depends on the eccentricity of the earth's orbit, whatever affects tlie eccentricity must influence all the motions of the moon, 762. The variation has been ascribed to the effect of that part of the sun's force that acts in the direction of the tangent ; and the evection to the effect of the part which acts in the direction of the radius vector, and alters the ratio of the perigean and apogcan gravities of tlie moon from that of the inverse squares of the dis- tance. The annual equation does not arise from the direct effect of either, but from an alteration in the mean effect of the sun's disturb- ing force in the direction of the radius vector wliich lessens the gravity of the moon to the earth. 763. Although the causes of the lesser inequalities are not so easily traced as those of the four that have been analysed, yet some idea of the sources from whence they arise may be formed by con- sidering that when the moon is in her nodes, she is in the plane of the ecliptic, and the action of the sun being in that plane is resolved into two forces only ; one in the direction of the moon's radius vector, and the other in that of the tangent to her orbit. AVhen the moon is in any other part of her orbit, she is either above or below the plane of the ecliptic, and the line joining the sun and moon, which is the direction of the sun's disturbing force, being out of that plane, the sun's force s resolved into three component forces ; one in the direction of the moon's radius vector, another in the tangent to her orbit, and the third perpendicular to the plane of her orbit, which affects her latitude. If then the absolute action of the sun be the same in these two positions of the moon, the component forces in the radius vector and tangent must be less than when the moon is in lier nodes by the whole action in latitude. Hence any inequality like the evection, whose argument does not depend on the place of tlie nodes, will be different in these two positions of the moon, and will require a correction, the argument of which should depend on the position of the nodes. This circumstance introduces the in- equality 54'',83 . sin (2g\ — 2^ -f- 2mX - 26) in the moon's longitude. The same cause introduces other inequa- lities in the moon's longitude, which are the corrections of the varia- tion and annual equation. But the annual equation requires a cor- Chap. II.] IN LONGITUDE. 471 rection from another cause which will introduce other terms in the perturbations of the moon in longitude ; for since it arises from a change in the mean effect of the sun's disturbing force, which diminishes the moon's gravity, its coefficient is computed for a certain value of the moon's gravity, consequently for a given dis- tance of the moon from the earth ; hence, when she has a different distance, the annual equation must be corrected to suit that distance. 764. In general, the numerical coefficients of the principal in- equalities are computed for particular values of the sun's disturbing force, and of the moon's gravitation ; as these are perpetually changing, new inequalities are introduced, which are corrections to the inequalities computed in the first hypothesis. Thus the pertur- bations fire a series of corrections. How far that system is to be carried, depends on the perfection of astronomical instruments, since it is needless to compute quantities that fall witliin the limits of the errors of observation. 765. When La Place had determined all the inequalities in the moon's longitude of any magnitude arising from every source of disturbance, he was surprised to find that the mean longitude com- puted from the tables in Lalandc's astronomy for different epochs did not correspond with the mean longitudes computed for the same epochs from the tables of Lahere and Bradley, the diflFerence being as follows : — Epochs. Errors. 1766 . . . . . - S" 1779 9".3 1789 17". 6 1801 28" 5 Whence it was to be presumed that some inequality of a very long period affected the moon's mean motion, which induced him to revise the whole theory of the moon. At last he found that the series which detennines the mean longitude contains the term 3^ a sin {Sv-Zmv+3c'mv-2gv—cv+'2e-\-vj^Zra'} ^ ^'~a' ' {3-3m-|-3c'm— 2^-c}« .- a sin {20-f-w-3cT'} ii' {3-3m-j-3c'm-2g-c)* 472 LATITUDE. [Book III. depending on the disturbing action of the sun, that appeared to be the cause of these errors. Tl>e coefficient of tliis inequahty is so small that its eflfect only becomes sensible in consequence of the divisor {3 — 3w + 3c'm - 2^ — c}* acquired from the double integration. Its maximum, deduced from the observations of more than a century, is 15". 4. Its argument is twice the longitude of the ascending node of the lunar orbit, plus the longitude of the perigee, minus three times the longitude of the sun's perigee, whence its period may be found to be about 184 years. The discovery of this inequality made it necessary to correct the whole lunar tables. 766. By reversion of series the moon's latitude in functions of her mean motion is found to be s=z 18539". 8 sin {g\ - 6} + 12". 6 sin {3g\— 39} + 527". 7 sin {2x - 2mx — gx + 6) + 1".0 sin {2\ - 2mx + gx - e) — V.3 sin {gx + ex — CT — e) — 14". 4. sin {cfi — gx — rs + 6) + 1".8 sin {2x - 2m^ — g^ + c^ — cr + 0) — 0".3 sin {2x — 2m\ + gx - cx + t? — 0) — 15". 8 sin {2x — 2mx -^ gx — cx + zs + 0) + 23". 8 sin {g\ + c'mx — rs' — 6) — 2b". I sin {gx — c'mx + ct' — (?) — 10". 3 sin {2\ ~ 2mx —gX + c'niX — ro' + 6) + 22". sin {2x - 2m\ — g\ — cm\ + to' + e) + 25". 7 sin {2cx — gX - 2tj + 6) — 5". 4 . sin {2x — 2mx — 2cX - gx + 2t!r + 6) 767. The only inequality in the moon's latitude that was disco- vered by observation is 527". 7 sin (2X - 2mX - gX + 6). Tycho Brahe observed, in comparing the greatest latitude of the moon in different positions with regard to her nodes, that it was not always the same, but oscillated about its mean value of 5° 9', and as tlie greatest latitude is the measure of the inclination of the orbit, it Chap. II.] PARALLAX was evident that the inclination varied penSdwBliyi "IteT^riod is a semi-revolution of tlie sun with regard to the moon's nodes. 768. By reversion of series it will be found that the lunar parallax at the equator in terms of the mean motions is — = 3420". 89 r + 186". 48 cos {c\ — ro} + 28". 54 cos {2\ - 2m\} + 34". 43 cos {2X. — 2m\ — c\ + w) + 3". 05 cos {2\ — 2m\ + c\ — w) — 0".26 cos {2\ — 2m\ + dm\ — zs>] " + 1''.92 cos {2X — 2m\ - c'mX + ra'\ — 0".32 cos {c'mX — w'} — 0".24 cos {2X — 2m\ — c\ + dmX + ct — ct'} + I". 45 cos {2\ — 2mA. — cX. — dmX + cr + tn'} + 1".20 cos {c\ — dm\ — cr + ct'} — 0".92 cos {c\ + c'm\ — ct - w'} + 10". 24 cos {2cX - 2ct} — 0".41 cos {2c\ - 2\ + 2m\ - 2ct} + 0".03 cos {2ff\ - 20} — 0". 15. cos {2\ — 2m\ - 2g\ + 29} — 0". 70. cos {cX, - 2g\ - cj + 20} — 0".06 cos {2\ — 2m\ - 2^\ + c\ + 20 - cr} — 0".98 cos {X — mX} + 0".14 cos {\ — mX + dm\ - to'} + 0". 18 cos {2X — 2mX + cX — c'mX — w -\- cr'} + 0".57 cos {4X — 4mX - cX, + cr} + 0".4 cos {4X — 4mX - 2cX + 21a} — 0". 03. cos {2X — 2mX- 2cX — c'mX + 2ci + ra'} + 0". 14 cos {2cX + 2X — 2mx — 2ct}. 769. Tlie planets are at so great a distance from the sun, and from one another, that their form has no perceptible effect on their mutual motions ; and, considered as spheres, their action is the same as if their mass were united in their centre of gravity : but the satel- lites are so near their respective planets that the ellipticity of the latter has a considerable influence on the motions of the former. This is particularly evident in the moon, whose motions are troubled by the spheroidal form of tlie earth. 474 CHAPTER III. INEQUALITIES FROM THE FORM OF THE EARTH. 770. The attraction of the disturbing matter is equal to the sum of all the molecules in the excess of the terrestrial spheroid above a spliere whose radius is half the axis of rotation, each molecule being divided by its distance from the moon ; and the finite values of this action, after it has been resolved in the direction of the three co- ordinates of the moon, are the perturbations in longitude, latitude, and distance, caused by the non-sphericity of the earth. In the de- termination of these inequalities, therefore, results must be antici- pated that can only be obtained from the theory of the attraction of spheroids. By that theory it is found that if p be the ellipticity of the earth, R its mean radius, the ratio of the centrifugal force at the equator to gravity, and v the sine of the moon's declination, the attraction of the redundant matter at the terrestrial equator is the sum of the masses of the earth and moon being equal to unity. Hence the quantity R which expresses the disturbing forces of the moon in equation (208) must be augmented by tlie preceding ex- pression. 771. By sj)herical trigonometry v, the sine of the moon's decli- nation in functions of her latitude and longitude, is V = sin w Vl — «* sinyi) + a cos w, in which w is the obliquity of the ecliptic, « the tangent of the moon's latitude, and fv her true longitude, estimated from the equinox of spring. The part of the disturbing force R that depends on the action of the sun, has the form Qi* when the terms depending on the solar parallax are rejected. Hence Chap. III.] INEQUALITIES FROM THE FORM OF THE E.VRTII. 475 R := Qr* — (j> — i0) . -r- (sin* w . sm*fv+2s sin w . cos to . smfv) very nearly ; but s = y sin (gv — 0) by article 696, and if — be put for — fi = Q/-« — ( p — 40) — sin w . cos w . 7 cos (gv —fu—O); a' when all terms are rejected except tliose depending on the angle gv - fv — 0, which alone have a sensible effect in troubling the motion of the moon. 772. If this force be resolved in the direction of the three co- ordinates of the moon, and the resulting values of dR dR dR du dv ds substituted in the equations in article 695, they will determine the effect which the form of the earth has in troubling the motions of that body. But the same inequalities are obtained directly and with more simplicity from the differential of the periodic variation of tlie epoch in article 439, which, in neglecting the eccentricity of the lunar orbit, becomes Now 20^ ( ] ■=. 4ar'Q + 6it> — \). muD .coito .'fCo%{gv—fv —0). \daj a* But by article 438 the variation of dR is zero, consequently the co- eiUcient of cos (gv —fv — 6) must be zero in R. Then if 5. r*Q be the part of t'Q that depends on the compression of the earth, = J . r*Q — (oep — ^a0). — . sin tt» . cos to . y cos (gv—fv—6), a* and eliminating Jr'Q, 2Ja» (—^ = 10 (p - 5^) ^ . sin to . cos to . y cos (gv-fv-d). \da J a' And if dv be put for tidi, d« = - 10 (o — J^) . _ . sin w . cos w .<^dv, cos (jgv —fo - 0), 476 INEQUALITIES FROM THE [Book III. This equation is referred to the plane of the lunar orbit, but in order to reduce it to the plane of the ecliptic the equation (154) must be resumed, which is dv^ being the arc dv projected on the plane of the ecliptic, or fixed plane. By article 436 s =z q sinfv — p cos/y, whence ^=(fq ^ ^^ coBfv + (fp + ^) sin/. + &c. dv dv J dvj and neglecting periodic quantities depending onfv, dVf s= du + 2^ ^_i, very nearly. Hence, in order to have d . ^v, it is only necessary to add 'iJPZl^ to d . Iv. 2 For the same reason the angle dc will be projected on the plane of the ecliptic if ^ P~V ? )je added to it, so that de, = dc + , the compression, which may therefore be determined by comparing tlie coefficient, computed with these data, with the coefficient of the same inequality given by observation. By Burg's Tables, it is — 6". 8, and by Burckhardt's, — 7".0. The mean of these - 6". 9 gives the compression _ 1 ^~ 303.22* By the theory of the rotation of spheroids, it is found that if the earth be homogeneous, the compression is Consequently the earth is of variable density. That the inequalities of the moon should disclose the interior structure of the earth, is a singular instance of the power of analysis. 478 INEQUALITIES FROM THE [Book III. 775. The inequality in the moon's latitude, depending on the same cause, confirms these results. Its coefficient, determined by Burg and Burckhardt from the combined observations of Maskelyne and Bradley, is — 8".0, which, compared with the coefficient of — LL ±11 . — sm oj cos w Y sm jv, computed with the preceding data, gives for the compres- sion, which also proves that the earth is not homogeneous. 776. Since the coefficients of both inequalities are greater in sup- posing the earth to be homogeneous, it affords another proof that the gravitation of the moon to the earth is composed of the attrac- tion of all its particles. Thus the eclipses of the moon in the early ages of astronomy showed the earth to be spherical, and her mo- tions, when perfectly known, determine its deviation from that figure. The ellipticity of the earth, obtained from the motions of the moon, being independent of the irregularities of its form, has an advantage over that deduced from observations with the pendulum, and from the arcs of the meridian. 777. The inequality in the moon's latitude, arising from the ellip- ticity of the earth, may be represented by supposing that the orbit of the moon, in place of moving with the earth /ff. 104. on the plane of the ecliptic, and preserving the ^,^^ same inclination of 5° 9' to that plane, moves //^^^^^^''''e^ with a constant inclination of 8" on a plane NMn passing between the ecliptic and the equator, and through 7tN, the line of the equinoxes. The inequality in question diminishes the inclination of the lunar orbit to the eclip- tic, when its ascending node coincides with the equinox of spring ; it augments it when this node coincides with the autumnal equinox. 778. This inequality is the re-action of the nutation in the terrestrial axis, discovered by Bradley ; hence there would be equilibrium round the centre of gravity of the earth, in consequence of the forces which produce the terrestrial nutation and this inequality in the moon's latitude, if all the molecules of the earth and moon were fixedly united by means of a lever ; the moon compensating the smallness of the force which acts on her by the length of the lever to which she U attached, for tlic distance of the common centre of gravity of Chap. III.] FORM OF THE EARTH. 479 fig. 105. the cartli and moon from the centre of the earth is less than the earth's semicliameter. Tlie proof of this depends on the rota- tion of the earth ; but some idea may be formed of this re -action from the an- nexed diagram. Let EC be the plane of the ecliptic, seen edgewise ; Q the earth's equator ; E its centre, and M the moon. Then QEC is the obliquity of the ecliptic, andMEC tlie latitude of the moon. The moon, by her action on the redundant matter at Q, draws the equator to some point n nearer to the ecliptic, producing the nuta- tion QE« ; but as re-action is equal and contrary to action, the mat- ter at Q draws the moon from M to some point r, thereby producing the inequality MEr in her latitude, that has been determined. La Place finds the analytical expressions of the areas MEr and QEn, and thence their moments ; the one from the preceding inequaUty in the moon's latitude, the other from the formulae of nutation in the axis of the earth's rotation from the direct action of the moon. These two expressions are identical, but with contrary signs, proving them, as he supposed, to be the effects of the direct and reflected action of the moon. 779. The form of the earth increases the motion of the lunar nodes and perigee by 0.000000085484r, an insensible quantity. The ellipticity of the lunar spheroid has no perceptible effect on her motion. JTtv 480 CHAPTER IV. INEQUALITIES FROM THE ACTION OF THE PLANETS. 780. The action of the planets produces three different kinds of inequahties in the motions of the moon. The first, and by far the greatest, is that arising from their influence on the eccentricity of the earth's orbit, which is the cause of the secular inequalities in the mean motion, in the perigee, and nodes of the lunar orbit. The otlier two are periodic inequalities in the moon's longitude ; one from the direct action of the planets on the moon, the other from the perturbations they occasion in the longitude and radius vector of the earth, which are reflected back to the moon by means of the sun. For, let S be the sun, E and m the earth and moon, P a planet, and 7 the first point of Aries: then, if P be the mass of the planet, its direct action on the P fig. IOC. moon 18 (P«0 ., which alters the position of the moon with regard to the earth. Again, the disturbing action of the jp planet on the earth is ^ , which changes the position of the earth with regard to the moon, in each case producing inequalities of the same order. The latter become sensible from the very small divisors they acquire by integration. The direct action will be determined first. If A", F, Z", J, y, i, be the co-ordinates of the planet and moon, CJhap. IV.] ACTION OF THE PLANETS. 481 referred to the centre of the earth, and/ the distance of the planet from this centre, tlien /= ^/(x - xy + (r- yr+ iz- - zy. But if X', P, Z', x', y', z', be the co-ordinates of the planet and the earth referred to the centre of the sun, y = AT' - y, r = y - y', Z* = Z' - 2' ; and /= J(X'-ix'+x)y+iY'-{y'+y)y+(Z'^(z'+z)y', and the attraction of the planet on the moon is il - i^ + ,^p (X'x+Y'y + Z'z-xx'-yy'-zz'y ^ ^^^ The ecliptic being the fixed plane, v! Then, if "R, = SP^ U = ySP, and S, be the radius vector, longi- tude, and heliocentric latitude of the planet, it is evident that cos V sin v' Vl + «* "^ ~ u' ' '^'~- 71' ' '"' - w ■ X' = R, cos U, Y' = R, sin U, Z< - R,S ; hence /= J il*(l +S*) + r'* - 2Rr' cos (IJ-t'') ; therefore the action of the planet on the moon is P_ ^P(l-f «*) p (/?,co8(t--t7)-rcos(t->-r')+Jl,<»S)' ^^^ / uT ^ «•/» or, omitting S*, it is Z + £lLi^ + &c. &c. The first terra does not contain the co-ordinates of the moon, and therefore docs not aflect her motion ; and the only term of the re- P mainder of the series that has a sensible influence is — , wliich, therefore, forms a \niri of R in (208) ; and, with regard to the p action of the planets alone, fi = . But, by article 446, the developement of /"is i^w + A^'^ cos iU-v') + ^w cos 2iU-v') + &c. If i be the ratio of the mean motion of the planet to that of the moon, by equation (212) U =: iv - 2ie sin (cu — tn) -j- &c. 2 I h\ du ^ 482 INEQUALITIES FROM THE [Book III Hence, if iv be put for U, and mv for v', it is evident that R = _£_ (i^w+^c) cos (f— m)y+^^*^ cos2(i-m)u + &c.} The only temi of the parallax in which tliis value of R is sensible is -) which becomes ££_ + _f_. {^w cos (t-w)y + ^^'^ cos 2(t-m)u+&c.} ; 4A*m' 2AV or, if c* and 7* be neglected, u~^ zz a", and the periodic part of h*\duj P„3 JItl. {^« cos (i-m)v + A^"^ cos 2(i — m)v + &c.} But, by the second of equations (209), — — ( — ) contains the A* \du J variation of which is 2AV ; — 5 M = — . 5m. 2AV 2 Let Jm = G, cos (t- m)tj + G, cos 2(i — 7n)i-f G3 cos 3(i— m)t>+ &c. Tlierefore the direct disturbance of the planets gives — + M = do* — — [A^ cos (i — m)v + -^s cos 2(z — m)v + &c. } + -— {G, cos (i — m)y + G^ cos 2(i — m)v + &c. } = G, (1-0-777)*) cos(t -m)y+G,(l-4(i-777)*)cos2(i-7M)r+&c. And comparing similar cosines, G, = - ^P-^i'g' 1— ^771*— (i— 7/7) liP.A^.a' G« = - 1— |m* — 4(i— 771)'- G = _ j^P.^.-fl" * l-|7n*-9(i-»7i)* &C. &c. Chap. IV.] ACTION OF THE PLANETS. 483 and tlius the integral u or (228) acquires the term _,p 8 f AiCos (i—ni)v , A^ cos 2(i — m)v i «, i consequently, the mean longitude nt + e contains the term Pa^ f Ai sin (i — m)v , ^A, sin 2(i—m)v . c^^ i i — mjl— |m*— {i—my 1 — |m*— 4(t — m)* or if a* be eliminated by ^^ = m* ^ a'" p m' j A^jin_ii—m)v_ , j^^sin 2(i-w)u . g.^. i /245) IZ:^ |l-^m«-(i-m)« l-fm»-4 (t-m)« '^ fw' being the mass of the sun. If B„ i?„ &c., be put for Ai, A^, &c., it becomes ^ f B. sin(t-m)u ^ i?, Bin20- m)u j. &c i (246) 73^ ll-fw*-(i-m)* l-fm*-4(/-m)« *^ which is the inequality in the moon's mean longitude, arising from the action of a planet inferior to the earth. And if a be tlie ratio of the mean distance of the planet from the sun to that of the sun from the earth, the substitution of «*Bi, c^Bt, Sec, for ^„ At, &c., inequation (245), gives i?tsin(t-m)p _^ ^Z?, sin (z-wt)t' <^^ | .g^^v x-m 0-fm*-(i-w)« l-4m'-4(/-nO* "^ for the action of a superior planet on the mean longitude of the moon. 781. Besides these disturbances, which are occasioned by the direct action of the planets on the moon, there are others of the same order caused by the jicrturbations in the radius vector of the earth. Tlie variation of u' was omitted in the developement of the co- ordinates of tlie moon, but 2AV 2^*^" and when the eccentricities are omitted, h^ = o, and ss arrc. 212 484 INEQUALITIES FROM THE [Book III. So S^' =^^Su'; v_/ since Sm' = — are the periodic inequalities in the radius vector of a' the earth produced by the action of a planet, they are given in (158), and may be represented by p allu' =r — — {^j cos (i — 7n)v + K^ cos 2(t — m)v.+ &c.} m' where the coefficients K^ K^, &c. are known, and (i — m)u is the mean longitude of the planet minus that of the earth. Tlius iu' = — -^ . — {K^ cos (J. — m)v + Kt cos 2(i— m)tJ+&c.} 2a 2a mf By the method of indeterminate coefficients, it will be found that a^u contains the function 3m* P ( KtCos(i — 7Ti)v , K^ cos 2(i — m)v , o ■, ~2~ * m' |l-fm*-(l-w)* i_^m*-4(i-w)* * ^ and the mean longitude of the moon is subject to the inequality _ 3m' ^ f JK", sin (i—m)u , KiSin2(i — myv , o.^, \ (2iS\ i -m'm' |l-^m*-(f-m)* l-|m»-4(i-m)* Numerical Falues of the Lunar Inequalities occasioned by the Action of the Planets. 782. Witli regard to the action of Venus, the data in articles 611 and 610 give a= 0.7233325 ; i-m = 0.04679 and — =: ; hence because m' 356632 a^BiSr 8.872894, a«l?, = 7.386580, a'»J5, rr 5.953940, function (246) becomes +0". 62015 8in(i-tn)c+0". 25990 8in2(j-m)i<+0". 14125 8in3(f-m)u which is the direct action of Venus on the moon. Now 5r' = - _, 1 \ J and when the eccentricity is omitted, «"= _ ; hence _ = -a'lu'. a'* a' But if tlie action of Venus on the radius vector of the earth be com- puted by the formula (158), it will be found that Chap. IV.] ACTION OF THE PLANETS. ^485 a'iu' =: 0.0000064475 cos (i -m)v -0.0000184164 cos2(£-m)u 4- . 000002908 cos 3(i - m)v. This gives the numerical values of the coefficients JiC", Jt', &c. ; hence formula (248) becomes + 0". 482200 sin (i-m)u — 0". 69336 . sin 2(i- m)y — 0". 07380 . sin 3(i - m)v, which is the indirect action of the planets on the moon's longitude. Added to the preceding the sum is + 1". 10235 . sin (i - w)u — 0". 43336 . 8in2(i-m)tJ + 0". 06745 . sin3(i-w)r, the whole action of Venus on the moon's mean longitude. 783. Relative to Mars : cc = 0.65630030 a'^Bi r= 5.727893 a'^B, = 4.404530 . i - m = - 0.0350306 a"i?8 = 3.255964 £. = 1 m 1846082 * and by formula (158) with regard to Mars, afW = + 0". 00000017778 cos (f - m)v + . 0000026121 cos 2(t - m)v + . 000000111 cos 3(i-m)v; whence the action of Mars on the moon's mean longitude, both direct and indirect, is + 0". 025583 sin (i-m)t> -f 0". 389283 sin2(t-m)t) — 0". 027337 sin 3(t-m)y. 784. With regard to Jupiter, a = 0.192205 a"B^ = 0.618817 a''B, = 0.147980 a^B, = 0.0331045 i-m=z -0.06849523 m 1067.09 .486 ACTION OF THE PLANETS. [Book III. And formula (158) gives for the action of Jupiter on the radius vec- tor of the earth, a'H' = - 0.0000159055 cos (t - m)v -0.0000090791 cos 2(t-m)u -0.00000064764 cos3(i-m)i;. Whence it is easy to see that the whole action of Jupiter on the mean longitude of the moon, both direct and indirect, is 0". 74435 sin {i-ni)v - 0'^ 24440 sin 2(i - m)o -0'. 01282 sin3(i-m)t7. If all these inequalities, resulting from the action of the pla- nets on the moon, be taken with a contrary sign, we shall have the inequalities that this action produces in the expression of the true longitude of the moon, (i - 7n)v being supposed equal to the mean motion of the planet minus that of the earth. 785. Tlie secular action of the planets on the moon, and the ele- PA" ments of her orbit, may be determined from the term ; but as ' 4AV it is insensible, the investigation may be omitted. 487 CHAPTER V. EFFECTS OF THE SECULAR VARIATION IN THE PLANE OF THE ECLIPTIC. 786. Having developed all the inequalities to wliich the moon is subject, we shall now show that the secular variation in the plane of the ecliptic has no effect on the inclination of the lunar orbit. The latitude of the earth s', being extremely small, was omitted in the values of H, No. (208) : it can only arise from disturbances either secular or periodic : both oscillate between fixed limits ; but we shall suppose «' to relate only to the secular variations in the plane of the ecliptic, and according to equations (138) shall only assume it to be equal to a series of terms of the form, 2/ir.sin(t;' + it + e), i bemg a very small coefficient. Then omitting quantities of the order's*, the tangent of the moon's latitude is « = Y sin (gy - 0) + 2^ sin (y + it + c) + J« ; equation (205), which determines the latitude, is = — - +« + z — — — cos(u-y')+ 04. Now — - — = — . — zK sni (v + it + e). Tlie following term gives the same quantity with a contrary sign. And if Sa = IbKsin (v + it + e), the last term gives — — ^Kein (v + it + «), 2 a so that the differential equation of the moon's latitude becomes = £i + 8 +— , ^lbKsm(v+it + c) dv* 2 a and if l.bK sin (o + it ^- e) be put for — f- + *, the equation dv* becomes =: Z (1 + 6) iC {1 + (1 + 0*} "» (» + »"«' + 488 VARIATION IN THE PLANE OF THE ECLIPTIC. [Book III. _j_ 3m« a; 26/^ sin (v + iv + e) 2 a for iv may be put for it, wlience - ,, , NO , 3m* a' 3hi* a' o- •« l-(l + 0* + -r- • — — -2i-i* 2 a 2 a Hence the variation of *, the moon's latitude, with regard to Uie secular motion of the ecliptic is 2 {2i + I*) JiTsin (u + iv + e) 37?l* 2 a' _ a 2z - z2 This quantity is insensible , for iv 3m« 2 is only about 16" a' a a year. and being nearly 40** 37', the value of the factor 2e + i* 3m» 2 a' _ a - 2i - 1« is only 0". 00022. So that the ecliptic in its motion carries the orbit of the moon along with it 787. Tlie coincidence of theory with observation, in explaining the inequalities in the motions of the moon, affords the most conclusive proof of the universality of the law of gravitation. Having deduced all these inequalities from that one cause, La Place established the correctness of the results obtained by analysis by comparing them with the lunar tables computed by Mason from 1137 observations made by Bradley between the years 1750 and 1760, and corrected by Burg by means of upwards of 3000 observations made by Maske- lyne between the years 1765 and 1793. He had the satisfaction to find that the greatest difference did not exceed 8" in the longitude, while the difference in latitude was only 1".94, a degree of accuracy sufficient to warrant the tables of latitude being regarded as equiva- lent to the result of theorj' : the approximations in latitude, indeed, are more simple and convergent tlian those in longitude. The in- equalities in the lunar parallax are so small, that theory will deter- mine them more correctly than obsen^ation. Accurate as these re- sults are, it is still possible that the motions of the moon may be affected by the resistance of an ethereal medium surrounding the sun. 480 CHAPTER VI. EFFECTS OF AN ETHEREAL MEDIUM ON THE MOTIONS OF THE MOON. 788. In order to determine its effects in the hypothesis of its exist- ence, let X, y, z be the co-ordinates of the moon referred to the centre of gravity of the earth, and j/, y', 2' those of the earth re- ferred to tlie centre of the smi. The absolute velocity of the moon round the sun will be dt If AT be a coefficient depending on the density of the ether, on the surface of the moon, and on her density ; and if the resistance of the ether be assumed proportional to the square of the velocity, it will be K\{dx-\- dx'y + (dy + di/y + (dz + dz'*) } . dt* In the same manner K' (dx'* + dy'* + dz'* dl* is the resistance the earth experiences from the ether, JC being a coefficient for the earth similar to, but different from K. In the theory of the moon the earth is assumed to be at rest, therefore this resistance must be in a contrary direction from that acting on the moon, consequently the whole action of the ether in disturbing the moon will be the difference of these forces : so with regard to the action of the ether alone, (208) becomes R =r K'(dx'*-{-dy'*+dz") _ K{ (dx+dx'y+(dy+dy')*+ (dz-{ dz')*} de d(* and because the resistance is in the plane of the orbit, its component forces are parallel to the axes x and y only ; hence ^ = JK"' ^ . 'Jdxf* + dy'* + dz'* dx df 490 EFFECTS OF AN ETHEREAL MEDIUM [Book III. - K (^■^+^^') . ^f{dx+d3/y + idy + dy'y+{dz-\-dzJ d(^ ^^ K' ^ . ^dj/' + dy'* + dz'* dy dP ^ - K (<^y + ^y') . ^/(dx+dx'y + {dy+dy'y + {dz + dz'f dt^ But in the theory of the moon cos V sin « s , cos x/ , sin vf X = , y = , z = _, a: = — _, y u u u u u- and if the ecliptic of 1750 be assumed as the fixed plane a:* r: : i/ is the heliocentric longitude of the earth. Let »Jdjt^* + dy'* + dr'S the little arc described by the earth in the time dl be represented by r'ds!. Tliis arc is to that described by the moon in her relative motion round the earth as ^L^ to unity, con- a sequently at least thirty times as great. If the eccentricity of the terrestrial orbit be omitted, dsf = mdt. If these quantities be sub- stituted for the co-ordinates ^idx-icdjc'y+{dy-\-dyy+{dz^-dz'y = ma'dt — dx . sin v' ■{■ dy , cos v' ; and if quantities depending on the arc 2vf be rejected, dR __ iK^K')m* . . 3Km dx • ^^ - ■ • Sin V "" ^ • — — dx w'* 2ii' dt (249) dR _ (K'-K)m^ ^^^ , 3Km dy — — = ^ — . cos v' — . _£ . dy m'* 2m' dt BM di- = -2.fi=-.d.(^)-2.,(^). (.50) •od d _ = — — !1 . {dx . sint/ -dy . cos t/} (251) ^ 3Km^ \d£_+d^-\ w ' I di y The different quantities contained in this equation must now be determined. 789. The distance of the moon from the earth is Em = JL, that of Chap. VI.] ON THE MOTIONS OF THE MOON. - 491 the eartli from the sun is ES = — , and that of the moon from the u' sun is mS = u' /\ +3^ _ 2 Ji' cos(u-u') but — is a very small fraction that may be omitted ; consequently, when the square root is extracted, the distance of the moon from the sun is mS =z 11' — — . cos (v — v'). u If wc assume the density of the ether to be proportional to a func- tion of the distance from the sun, and represent that function by («')> with regard to the moon, it will be u'* («') — . 0'(m') . cos (v — V') u 0' (ji') being the differential of («') divided by dfw'. As Jf is a quantity depending on the density of the ether it is variable, hence it may be assumed that K = H .

sin U 1/11 /• w But asx =1 , y = , u =1 — (I + « cos (cv — ct)), u u a therefore dx = — a' {udv . sin r + du . cos u) . (1 — 2 — dw • sin r) . (1 — 2e cos (cu — ct)), also dt = dy (1 — 2e . cos {cv — cr)). 790. By the substitution of these quantities in equation (241) it will be found, after rejecting periodic quantities, and integrating, that J_=-7/ma'j!l(!i2.m.0'(iO}.« a I m' + Hma* 1^^^ _ L m.0'(u')}.e sin (ctj - w), which is the secular variation in the mean parallax of the moon in consequence of the resistance of the ether. In order to abridge, let 492 EFFECTS OF AN ETHEREAL MEDIUM [Book III. I ii' 2 then A = - or + C . e sin (cu - w). a Tlie value of — in equation (225) will be augmented by vr, there- a fore a will be diminished by or. Smce d JL = - 2dil, a therefore dJl = — dv — — do . e . cos (cv—nr'). 2d 2d Consequently, when periodic quantities are omitted, ^=: — Sfadv . dR t, 3a( , gives g^ = — — au' 4d or, omitting the action of the sun, Tims the mean motion is affected by a secular variation from the re- sistance of the ethereal medium ; but it may easily be shown, from the value of R in article 788, that this medium has no effect whatever on the motion of the lunar nodes or perigee. However, in consequence of that action the second of equations (224), which is the coeffi- cient of sin (cu - tas)^ ought to be augmented by Q . e\ hencej rejecting c*, dcr, and making c = 1 it gives C . edv> =: 2 . d — , a or — =: constant (1 + ^ Qv) ; a but as — must be augmented by »t?, if the square of © be omitted, e = constant (!-(«- \Q) r). Thus the eccentricity of the lunar orbit is affected by a secular in- equality from the resistance of ether, but it is insensible when com- pared with the corresponding inequality in the mean motion. It appears then that the mean motion of the moon is subject to a secular variation in consequence of the resistance of ether, which neither affects the motion of the perigee nor the position of the orbit ; and, as the secular inequalities of the moon deduced theoretically Chap. VI.] ON TH^ MOTIONS OF THE MOON. 493 from the variation of the eccentricity of the earth's orbit are perfectly confirmed by the concurrence of ancient and modern observations, they cannot be ascribed to the resistance of an ethereal medium. 791. The action of the ether on the motions of the earth may be found by the preceding formulae to be — = K'm'a'* . sin v' dx — = — K'm'a'* , cos v' ; rfy wlien the eccentricity of the earth's orbit is omitted, so tliat W = 1. a' Consequently tlie general equation (250) gives dRs= — K'.a!^.m?.dU and therefore s.= -!^.//cf^dB=t^i^::^ir. m' m' m' being the mass of the sun. If (lU) be a function of the distance of the earth from the moon, then must K' = H' . (f) {u'), H' being a constant quantity depend- ing on the mass and surface of the earth. Whence it may be found by the same method with that employed, that tjie resistance of ether in the mean motion of the earth would be «*— 3 H'a'*m*P.<^(u') m' Whence it appears that the acceleration in the mean motion of the moon is to that in the mean motion of the earth as unity to 2H' . ni . (/> (up /f{30(u') - ^ 0' (u')} a or as unity to J m . —, if - ^ 0' (m') H a' be omitted, and because rr m'. Now H' and H depend on the masses and surfaces of the earth and moon ; and as the resistance is directly as the surface, and in« versely as the mass, therefore „ surface mass 494 EFFECTS OF THE RESISTANCE OF LIGHT [Book III. But by article 652, if the radius of the eartli be ynity, the moon's true diameter = j^ moon's apparent diameter , moon's horizontal parallax hence surface of moon r= (apparent diameter)' (lunar parallax)* , „ {j^ apparent diameter of moon}* mass of moon ( lunar parallax ]*' But as the terrestrial radius is assumed = 1, the earth's surface is unity ; 80 H' =: ; hence mass of earth H' mass of moon square hori zontal parallax of moon H mass of earth square of ^ moon's apparent diameter From observation half the moon's apparent diameter is 943 '.164, her horizontal parallax is 3454 . 16, and her mass is -^ of that of the earth, so — = 0.17883 ; and as m = — — , it follows that the H 13.3 acceleration in the mean motion of the eartli from the resistance of ether is equal to the corresponding acceleration in the mean motion of the moon multiplied by 0.008942, or about a hundred times less than the acceleration of the moon from the resistance of ether. No such acceleration has been detected in the earth's motion, nor could it be expected, since it is insensible with regard to the moon. In the preceding investigation, the resistance was assumed to be as the square of the velocity, but Mr. Lubbock has obtained general formulic, which will give the variations in the elements, whatever the law of this resistance may be. 792. Although we have no reason to conclude that the sun is surrounded by ether, from any effects that can be ascribed to it in the motions of the moon and planets, the question of the existence of such a fluid has lately derived additional interest from the retardation that has been observed in the returns of Enke's comet at each revo- lution, which it is difl^cult to account for by any other supposition than this existence of such a medium. Mr. Enke has proved that this retardation does not arise from the disturbmg action of the planeb. But on computing Chap. VI.] ON THE MOTIONS OF THE MOON. 495 the effects of the resistance of an ether diffused through space, he found that the diminution in the periodic time, and on the eccen- tricity arising from the ether, supposing it to exist, corresponds exactly with observation. This coincidence is very remarkable, because ignorance of the nature of the medium in question imposes the necessity of forming an hypothesis of the law of its resistance. Future returns of this comet will furnish the best proof of the exist- ence of an ether, which, by the computation of Mazotti, must be 360,000 millions of times more rare than atmospheric air, in order to produce the observed retardation. The existence of an ethereal medium, if established, would not only be highly important in astro- nomy, but also from the confirmation it would afford of the undu- lating theory of light ; among whose chief supporters we have to number Huygens, Descartes, Hooke, Euler, and, in later times, the illustrious names of Young and Fresnel, who have applied it with singular success and ingenuity to the explanation of those classes of phenomena which present the greatest difficulties to the corpuscular doctrine. 793. La Place employs the same analysis to determine the effects that the resistance of light has on the motions of the bodies of the solar system, whether considered as propagated by the undulations of a very rare medium as ether, or emanating from the sun. He finds that it has no effect whatever on the motion of the perigee, cither of the sun or moon ; that its action on the mean motions of the earth and moon is quite insensible ; but that the action of light, on the mean motion of the moon, in the corpuscular hypothesis, is to that in the undulating system as — 1 to 0.01345. 794. If gravitation be produced by the impulse of a fluid towards the centre of the attracting body, the same analysis will give the secular equation due to the successive transmission of tlie attractive force. The result is, that if g be the attraction of any body as the earth ; G the ratio of the velocity of the fluid which causes gravita- tion to that of the moon, at her mean distance, and t any finite time, the secular equation of the mean motion of the moon from the trans- mission of the attractive force is 4 s — ^ aG The gravity of a body moving in its orbit is equal to its centri- fugal force ; and the latter is equal to the square of the velocity 496 EFFECTS OF THE RESISTANCE OF LIGHT [Book III. divided by the radius vector ; and as the square of tlie moon's velo- city is a«(27.32166)« its centrifugal force is (27.32166)*, whence g = (27 . 32 1 66)* ; and the secular equation becomes ^ / 27.32166)' \ ^ ^ Since G is the ratio of the velocity of the fluid in question to the velocity of the moon G= ^el. fluid a(27. 32166) ' hence the velocity of the fluid is (27.32166)aG. j£ r __ velocity of the fluid velocity of light then the velocity of the gravitating fluid is equal to L velocity of light; whence L. vel. light = (27.32166)aff ; but by Bradley's theory, the velocity of light is (365.25)g tan 20". 25 * a' being the mean distance of the earth from the sun ; whence L . iEi:l£)5l = (27.32166)«C, tan 20". 25 ^ G = L(365.2b)a' (27.32166)a. tan20".25' And the secular equation of the moon from the successive trans- mission of gravity becomes (27.32166)' a^^.^„^„„.3^ 365.25 a' Now, if the acceleration in the moon's mean motion arises from the Buccessive transmission of gravity, and not from the secular variation in the earth's eccentricity, the preceding expression would be equal to 10". 1816213, the acceleration in 100 Julian years. Tlierefore, making t = 100, L=z i— (ili?£l^' 10000 tan 20". 25 . *o' 365.25 10". 1816213 ' but — = ^ ; whence L = 42145000; a' 400 thus the velocity with which gravity is transmitted must be more than forty-two million times greater than the velocity of light; Chap. VI.] ON THE MOTIONS OP THE MOON. 497 the velocity of light : hence we must suppose the velocity of the moon to be many a hundred million times greater than that of light to preserve her from being drawn to the eartli, if her acceleration be owing to the successive transmission of gravity. The action of gravity may therefore be regarded as instantaneous. 795. These investigations are general, though they have only been applied to the earth and moon ; and, as the influence of the ethereal media and of the transmission of gravity on the moon is quite insensible, though greater than on the earth, it may be concluded, that they have no sensible effect on the motions of the solar system ; but as they do not affect the motions of the lunar perigee and the perihelia of the earth and planets at all, these motions aflTord a more conclusive. proof of the law of gravitation, than any other circumstance in the system of the world, Tlie length of tlie day is proved to be constant by the secular equation of the moon. For if the day were longer now than in the time of Hipparchus by the 0.00324th of a second, the century would be 11 8". 341 longer than at that period. In this interval, the moon would describe an arc of 173". 2, and her actual mean secular motion would appear to be augmented by that quantity ; so that her acceleration, which is 10". 206 for the first century, beginning from 1801, would be in- creased by 4", 377 ; but observations do not admit of so great an increase. It is therefore certain, that the length of the day has not varied the 0.00324th of a second since the time of Hipparchus. 796. It is evident then, that the lunar motions can be attributed to no other cause than the gravitation of matter: of which the concurring proofs are the motion of the lunar perigee and nodes ; the mass of the moon ; the magnitude and compression of the earth ; the parallax of the sun and moon, and consequently the magnitude of the system ; the ratio of the sun's action to that of the moon, and the various secular and periodic inequalities in the moon's motions, every one of wliich is determined by analysis on the hypothesis of matter attracting inversely as the square of the distance ; and the results thus obtained, corroborated by observation, leave not a doubt that the whole obey the law of gravitation. Thus the moon is, of all the heavenly bodies, the best adapted to establish the universal influence of this law of nature ; and, from the intricacy of her mo- tions, we may form some idea of the jxiwers of analysis, that inar- • 2 K 498 NEWTON'S LUNAR THEORY. [BookJII. vellous instrument, by the aid of which so complicated a theory has been unravelled. 797. Bef9re we leave the subject, it may be interesting to show that the differential equations of the lunar co-ordinates, given in (207), may be derived from Newton's theory. If the inclination of the lunar orbit be omitted, the whole force which disturbs the moon may be resolved into two ; one per- pendicular to the radius vector, and another, according to the radius vector, and directed towards the centre of the earth. Now, — ( ) is the first of these forces, and — ( j is the other. r \dv J \dr y The force — ( — \ multiplied by dt, gives the increment of the r \dv y velocity of the moon perpendicular to the radius during the instant dt ; and when multiplied by J^ rdt, it becomes ^ ( — )dt = the in- \dvj crement of the area described by the radius vector in the time di. It must therefore be equal to J . : ; dt hence d . r'rf. ^ /rfE \ ^^ dt \dv J If this equation be multiplied by and integrated, the result dt will be (r'rfr)' = h'dl^ (1 + -^ f(~^ ^^^^ ' and as r = — , it becomes u dt = ^ hu^ yi + 1 r(i£\ ^ ^ h^J \dv) w« wliich is the first of equations (207). Again, if ds be the element of the curve described by the moon, — will be the square of her velocity ; and, substituting the preceding value of dty the square of the moon's velocity will be Chap. VI.] NEWTON'S LUNAR THEORY. 499 Av.^. {1 + A /T^V-V dr« ^ h'J\dvJ «*J If r^ be the osculating radius of the orbit, the expression of the radius of curvature, in article 83, will give, when substitution is inade for x, y, 2, in supposing dv constant, 1 = dv'S^ I. r u^d^ Hence the square of the moon's velocity, divided by the radius of curvature, is ds \dv^ ^ ^ h*J \dv) M«j ^ ^ By the theorems of Huygens, this expression must be equal to the lunar force resolved in the radius of curvature, and di- rected towards the centre of curvature. Now, if the force -- [ — - j be resolved into two, one parallel to the element of tlie curve, and the other directed to the centre of curvature, the latter 'dR\ du ^du ) ds ing to the radius of curvature, will be — — ( ]. The sum of uds \dv J these two forces directed towards the centre of curvature is will be u ( ^ 1 . ^ . Also the force — [ — Y resolved accord- dv/dR\ _ ds \du) du /dR\ uds \dvj If the square of this expression be made equal to that of (252), then \dv' '^ h*j\dvju*j h\duj h*u'dv\dvj which is the same with the second of equations (202), when the inclination of the orbit is omitted. The equation in latitude is not so easily found as the other two ; but the method followed by Newton was to resolve the action of the sun on the moon into two, one in the direction of the radius vector of the lunar orbit, the other parallel to a line joining the centres of the sun and earth. Tlie difference between the last force and the action of the sun on the earth, he saw to be the only force that could change the * 2 K 2 600 NEWTON'S LUNAR THEORY. [Book III. position of the lunar orbit, since it is not in that plane. He deter- Jig. 107. mined the effect of tliis force, by supposing AB, fig. 107, to be the arc described by the moon in an instant ; then ACB is tlie plane of the orbit during that time ; in the next in- stant, the difference of the two forces causes the moon to describe the small arc BD in a >D different plane ; then if BD represent the dif- ference of the forces, and if AB be the velo- city of the moon in the first instant, the dia^ gonal BD will be the direction of the velocity in the second instant ; and ACD will be the position of the orbit. Newton deduced the horary and mean motion of the nodes, their principal variation, and the inequalities in latitude, from these considerations. La Place con-» sidered the theory of the moon as the most profound and ingenious part of the Principia. 501 BOOK IV. CHAFfER I.; THEORY OF JUPITER'S SATELLITES. 798. Jupiter is attended by four satellites, which were discovered by Galileo on the Ist of June, 1610 ; their orbits are nearly in the plane of Jupiter's equator, and they exhibit all the phenomena of the solar system, on a small scale and in short periods. The eclipses of these satellites afford the easiest method of ascertaining terres* trial longitudes ; and the frequency of the occurrence of an echpse renders the theory of their motions nearly as important to the geo« grapher as that of the moon. 799. The orbits of the two first satellites are circular, subject only to such eccentricities as arise from the disturbing forces ; the third and fourth satellites have elliptical orbits ; the eccentricity however is so small, that their elliptical motion is determined along with those pertiurbations that depend on the eccentricities of the orbits. 600. Although Jupiter's satellites might be regarded as an epitome of the solar system, they nevertheless require a new inves- tigation, on account of the nearly commensurable ratios in the mean motions of the three first satellites, the action of the sun, the ellipti- city of Jupiter's spheroid, and the displacement of his orbit by tho action of the planets. 801. It appears, from observation, that the mean motion of the first satellite is nearly equal to twice that of the second ; and that the mean motion of the second is nearly equal to twice that of the third ; whence the mean motion of the first, minus three times that of the second, plus twice that of the tliinl, is zero ; but the last ratio is so exact, that from the earliest observations it has always been zero. 502 THEORY OF JUPITER'S SATELLITES. [Book IV. It is also found that, from the time of the discovery of the satellites, the mean longitude of the first, minus three times that of the second, plus twice that of the thinl, is equal to 180°: and it will be shown, in the theory of these bodies, that even if these ratios had not been exact in the origin of their motions, their mutual attractions would have made them so. They are the cause of the principal inequalities in the longitude of the satellites ; and as they exist also in their synodic motions, they have a great influence on the times of their eclipses, and indeed on their whole theory. 802. The prominent matter at Jupiter's equator, together with the action of the satellites themselves, causes a direct motion in the apsides, which changes the relative position of the orbits, and alters the attractive force of the satellites ; consequently each satellite has virtually four equations of the centre, or rather, that part of the longitude of each satellite that depends on the eccentricity, consists of four principal terms ; one that arises from the true ellipticity of its own orbit, and three others, depending on the positions of the apsides of the other three orbits. Inequalities perfectly similar to these are produced in the radii vectores by the same cause, consisting of the same number of terms, and depending on the same quantities. 803. Astronomers imagined that the orbits of the satellites had a constant inclination to the plane of Jupiter's equator ; however, they have not always the same inclination, either to the plane of his equa- tor or orbit, but to certain imaginary fixed planes passing between these, and also through their intersection. fig. 108. Let NJN' be the orbit of Jupiter, NQN' the plane of his equator ex- tended 80 as to cut his orbit in NN' ; then, if NMN' be the orbit of a satel- lite, it will always preserve very nearly the same inclination to a fixed plane NFN', passing between the planes NQN' and NJN', and through the line of their nodes. But although the orbit of the satellite preserves nearly the same inclination to NFN', its nodes have a retrograde motion on that plane. The plane FN itself is not absolutely fixed, but njoves slowly with the equator and orbit of Jupiter. Each saleU Chap. I.] THEORY OF JUPITER'S SATELLITES. 603 lite has a different fixed plane, which is less inclined to the plane of Jupiter's equator the nearer the satellite is to the planet, evidently arising from the attraction of the protuberance at Jupiter's equator, which retains the satellites nearly in the plane of the equator ; fur- nisiiing another proof of the mutual attraction of the particles of matter. 804. The equatorial matter of Jupiter's spheroid causes a retro- grade motion in the nodes of the orbits of the satellites ; which alters their mutual attraction, by changing the relative position of their planes, so that the latitude of any one satellite not only depends on the position of the node of its own orbit, but on the nodes of the other three ; and as the position of Jupiter's equator is perpetually varying, in consequence of the action of the sun and sateUites, the latitude of these bodies varies also with the inclination of Jupiter's equator on his orbit, and the position of its nodes. Tims, the principal inequalities of the satellites arise from the compression of Jupiter's spheroid, and from the direct and indirect action of the sun and satellites themselves. 805. Tlie secular variation in the form and position of Jupiter's orbit is the cause also of secular variations in the motions of the satel- lites, similar to those in the motions of the moon occasioned by the variation in the eccentricity and position of the earth's orbit. 806. The position of the orbit of a satellite may be known by supposing five planes, of which /y.l09. FN, passing between JN and QN, the planes of Jupiter's orbit and equator, always retains very nearly the same inclination to them. The second plane Aw moves uniformly on FN, retaining nearly the same inclination on it. The third Bn' moves in the same manner on An ; the fourth Cn" moves similarly on Bn' ; and the fifth Mn"', which has the same kind of motion on Cn", is the orbit of the satellite. Tlie motion of the nodes are retrograde, and each satellite has a set of planes peculiar to itself In conformity witli this, the latitude of a satellite above the variable orbit of Jupiter, is expressed by five terms ; tlie first of which is xelative to the displacement of the orbit and equator of 504 THEORY OF JUPITER'S SATELLITES. [Book IV. Jupiter ; the second is relative to the inclination of the orbit of the satellite on its fixed plane ; and the other three terms depend on the position and motion of the nodes of the other three orbits. The inequalities which have small divisions, arising from the configuration of the bodies, are insensible in latitude, with the exception of those produced by the sun, which modify the preceding quantities. 807. For the solution of the problem of the satellites, the data that must be determined by observation for a given epoch, are, the compression of Jupiter's spheroid, the inclination of his equator on his orbit, the longitude of its nodes, the eccentricity of his orbit, its position, and its secular variations; the masses of the four satellites, their mean distances, periodic times, the eccentricities and incUnations of their orbits, together with the longitude of their apsides and nodes. The masses of the satellites and the compression of Jupiter are determined from the inequalities of the satellites them- selves. 808. The orbits of the four satellites may be regarded as circular, because tlie eccentricity of the third, and even the fourth, is so small, that their equations of the centre will be determined with the pertur- bations depending on the eccentricities and inclinations. Thus, with regard to the two first, and nearly for tlie other two, the true longitude is the sum of the mean longitude and perturbations ; and the radius vector will be found by adding the perturbations to the mean distance. 809. A satellite m is troubled by the other three, by the sun, and by the excess of matter at Jupiter's equator. The problem however will be limited to the action of the sun, of Jupiter's spheroid, and of one satellite ; the resulting equations will be general, from whence the action of each body may be computed separately, and the sum will be the effect of the whole. 810. Let m and m^ be the masses of any two satellites, x, y, z, x', y, z', their rectangular co-ordinates referred to the centre of gra- vity of Jupiter, supjwsed to be at rest ; r, r' their radii vectores ; then the disturbing action of m< on m is mXxx' + yy' + zs') m^ ^ . ^'' V(x'-x)«+(y'-y)» + (^'-r)« consequently tlie sign of A must be changed in equations (155) and (156), since it is assumed to be negative in this case. Chap. I.] THEORY OF JUPITER'S SATELLITES. 506 The satellites move nearly in the plane of Jupiter's equator, which in 1750 was inclined to the plane of his orbit at an angle of 3° 5' 30"; and as the fixed planes pass be- h- 110. tween these two, the inclinations of the orbits of the satellites to them are very small ; con- sequently » =r mP, s, =: m^P', fig. 110, the tangents of the latitude of the two satellites on PJP', the fixed plane of m, are very small. If Y be the vernal equinox of Jupiter, the longitudes of the two satellites are '^JP = u, 7JP' = r^, and therefore r cosr y = V I + «• V 1+ s* V 1 + «• If j:', y, r', the co-ordinates of m^, be equal to the same quantities accented, the action of m, on m, expressed in polar co-ordinates, will be R = ^{M,-t-(l-i««-iV)cos(c,-tj)}- 771/ V 1*- '^rr, cos {v>,-v) + r/ __ m, .rr, . { w^ — j^ («* + »/) cos (»/ — »)} {r*-2rr, . cos {v,— v) -h r/}i when **, i* are neglected. 811. If S' be the mass of the sun, and X\ Y\ Z', his co-ordinates, his action upon m will be expressed by R = ^'i^^+Y'y+z'^) ^ ^ V(Ar'-x)«-|-(F-y)«+(Z'-z)«' D being his distance from the centre of Jupiter. Let Jupiter and his orbit be assumed to be at rest, and let his motion be referred to the sun, which is the same as supposing the sun to move in the orbit of Jupiter with the velocity of that planet ; if S be the tangent of the sun's latitude above the fixed plane PJP\ and 17= ySJ, his longitude seen from the centre of Jupiter when at rest, then D cos U ,r, D sin rr „, D . S 2C =. Vi-f &• Frr Vi + s* Z'= Vi + s« 506 THEORY OF JUPITER'S SATELLITES. [Book IV. and i2= - — - S!^{1'3s*-3S'+12sS(cos{U-v)+3cob2(U-v)}, which is the action of the sun on the satellite when terms divided by D* are omitted, for tlie distance of the satellite from Jupiter is incomparably less than the distance of Jupiter from the sun. 812. The attraction of the excess of matter at Jupiter's equator is expressed by if = — (/ — i 0) (i- - J'*) • — > in which v is the sine of the declination of the satellite on the plane of Jupiter's equator ; J the mass of Jupiter ; 2R' his equatorial diameter ; j) his elUpticity, and the ratio of the centrifugal force to gravity at his equator. Now it may be assumed that J= 1, i? = 1 ; and if s' be the tangent of the latitude that the satellite would have above the fixed plane if it moved in the plane of Jupiter's equator, and as s is its latitude above that plane, when moving in its own orbit, !/ = « — «' nearly ; hence 813. Tims the whole force that troubles the motion of m is R = J!1jL {sa, + (1 _ j^,« ^i^s;) cos {v,-v)} tjf* — 'irTf cos {v, — v) + r,* _ mjrf { sSf — i (s' + s,*) cos («, — v)} {r* — 2rr^ cos (v^ - «) -f- »'/*)}^ -.^^.2^{l-3a*r-3S*+12«Scos(f7-r) +3 cos 2 ((7- p)} J) 42)3 I V / 1 . V >fj r* 814. If the squares of S, s, and «' be omitted, the only force that troubles the satellites in longitude and distance is R= — i— cos(r, — r)- 'Jr- — 2rrj cos (», — v) + r* ^ - Z!:!{i + 3co82(l7-r)}-klLM). I) 4^^* 3r» Chap. I.] THEORY OF JUPITER'S SATELLITES. 607 When the eccentricities are omitted, the radii vectores, r and r', become a, a,^ half the greater arcs of the orbits, and that part of R that depends on the mutual attraction of the satellites, is „, m.a /All \ f^i IV = —!— cos (n;<-»n«+e/ — e) — — <^/* V«'-2aa^ cos (/»,<- ;j<+e,-e)+o/ w/+o, ny<+e/, being the mean longitudes of m and m^. Tliis ex- pression may be developed into the series l{'=m,{^^o+^l.CO"(«/'-W<+e;-e)+>4aCOs2(7^^<-nf^-t'-e) + &C.} Tliis is the part of K that is independent of the eccentricities, and is identical with the series in article 446 ; therefore the coeflicients A^^ Aiy &c,, and their differences, may be computed by the same formulae as for the planets, observing to substitute A^ - — for A^. But, by article 445, r = a (1 + w) r/ = a, (1 + «,) V = lit + e + v' Vj != Uit + C/ + t//, where w, w^, «', v'„ are the elliptical parts of the radii vectores, and of the longitudes of m and fWy. By the same article, the general for- mula for the developement of Jl, according to the powers and pro- ducts of these minute quantities, is » D/ . dR' , dR' f , ,^ dR' , „ R=i R' +au^ + fl/My • + (v/ — v') + &c, da dttj ndt flJj' flW From the preceding value oi R' tlie quantities , , &c., may da du/ be found ; and, when substituted, it will be seen afterwards that the only requisite part of il is JR=m/{^ylo+>. + —L . au . + m,au L . cos 2(n,t — nt + e- — e) 2 da da ^ ' ^ ' f dA + m,a,u' — — !- . cos {nf, — nt + e^ — e) daf — m^v,' A I . sin (n^t - nt -{- e^ — e) + 2m,v' At . sin 2{njt — nt -\- e, — c). Because the satellites move in nearly circular orbits, u, ti„ «', andr/, may be regarded as variations arising cither entirely from the dis- turbing forces, as in the first and second satellites, or from that force conjointly with a real but very small ^Uipticity, as in the tltird and fourth; therefore 508 THEORY OF JUPITER'S SATELLITES. [Book IV. r = -« (1 + Sm), r, ~ a,{\ + 5w,) tj = nt + 6 + So, XI, — n,t + e,-\- Iv, Now, r=z a (1+u) gives r^=a^ (1 +2m) ; for t£ is so small, that its square may be omitted ; hence 5m = — : consequently Juy =: LlUj. ; and when il = 0, equation (156) gives, for the elliptical part of rlr only, J„ =51(1^, and 5r,= ^^^^^. a* . 7id< a/ . n,dt when the squares of the eccentricities are omitted. 815. If these quantities be substituted in R instead of u, u,, t/, and v/, it becomes R:=m,{^Ao+AiCOs(nji-nt+ej-e)+AiC082(7i,t~nt+e,-e) + &c.} m, r^r ^ f dAo \ 2 * a* ' \ da J + nij . . a [ ) . cos 2(7i,t — 7it + e, — e) a* \ da J + m, . ^J^ . a, (M£\ . cos injt - nt + «^/ - (253) -f- 4m, . — ^^ — L . A^ , sin 2(n^< — nt + «/ — c) a* . ndt — 2my . — ^'' . .<4i . sin {ii,t — 7i< + «/ — e). + &c. 816. If — and the eccentricity be omitted, the action of the sun on m is E = - ^^ {1 + 3cos2(3/<-7i<+£-e)}; where D' is the mean distance of Jupiter from the sun, and Ml + E his mean longitude referred to the sun. In the troubled orbit a, nt + 6, and D' become fl (1 + , 7J/ + 6 — — i .•', and D' (1 — 1 ; a" y a* . ;«/< D'* J and as, by article 383, — ;- = M*, when the mass of Jupiter is Chap. I.] THEORY OF JUPITER'S SATELLITES. 509 omitted in comparison of that of the sun, the whole disturbing action of the sun is R = — — — . rSr — . cos 2 uit — M< + e — £;) 4 2 4 - 4APa« . — - M» . — . cos 20it -Mt + e-E) (254) + 3M« . £il^ . sin 2(7i< - Mt-^e- E) . ?idt when the squares of the eccentricities are omitted. 817. In the same manner it is easy to see that the effect of Jupi- ter's compression is 3a» a* The three last values of R contain all the forces that trouble the longitude and radius vector of m. FIRST APPROXIMATION. Perturbations in the Radius Vector and Longitude ofm that are independent of the Eccentricities. 818. Since R has been taken with a negative sign, equation (155) becomes ^+..*+2/aH + r(f) = 0. (255) The mass of each satellite is about ten thousand times less than the mass of Jupiter, and may therefore be omitted in the comparison, and if Jupiter be taken as the unit of mass /« = 1. Wlien the eccentricity is omitted r =z a; but by article 556 tlie action of the disturbing forces produces a permanent increase in a, which may be expressed by 5a, therefore if (a + Sa)~' be put for ^ll^ + . r^r (I -S^V 2/dR + r (^^ = 0. (256) 819. When the eccentricities are omitted, il = TW; { i^o + -^i cos (n,t - 111 + C/ - t) + At cos 2(n,t — 7it + c^ — c) + &c. } 510 THEORY OF JUPITER'S SATELLITES. [Book IV. 2 ' a^ ' \daj _ 1 jVPa« — i M* . I^ — I APa^ cos 2 (w^ - Mt + € - E) a* ^ (jLuM + LPJILM) . rSr. (257) 3a' a* Since d/? relates to the mean motion of m, the term 2 ' a* ' \da ) gives 2/dil = m, . r^ . f ^A ; a \ da y moreover the same term gives \dr ) 2 ' a \da da^ i' With regard to Jupiter's compression consequently Attending to these circumstances, and observing that 1 _ ,__ 1 + m "a» ~ ^ — a' ' it will be found, when the eccentricities are omitted and the whole divided by a*, that ^^1± + N*.±+ 2n^K + 7i« . -L:^ - AP (258) + 2.!^ . a* (^di) - 3iW» . ^"—^ . COB 2 int-Mt+c-^E) + S.wy . {a« f ^^ + -?^ . a^j } . cos (n,t - vt + «, - \da J n-n, + 2.m,n« {a« (^4^ + -^ . a^, } . cos 2 («,< - «< + e, - e) \ da J n-iif + &c. &c. = 0. + a (?"' Chap. I.] THEORY OF JUPITER'S SATELLITES. 511 Where to abridge iV« = «« (1 - ?^ - ^/^~^> _ ^^ 4- 2 ^ ( 3 (^id^ ^ a a* 7i« 2 ^ \da ) a quantity that differs little from n', for the last term is extremely small in consequence of the factor m, : the variation of the mean distance a is very small, and so are the other two parts depending on the compression of Jupiter and the action of the sun. Indeed M and N — n may be omitted, in comparison of n in the terms aris- ing from the action of the sun after integration, for the motion of Jupiter is much slower than the motion of his satellites. 820. The preceding equation may be integrated by the method of indeterminate coefficients, if it be assumed that —L = B-{-in,b co8(;/y<-7i<+6^-6)+m;6(,)C032(n - m _ The preceding value of Su, deprived of its first term, contains all the perturbations in longitude that are independent of the eccen- tricities ; and as the square of s, the tangent of the latitude, is omitted, by article 548 tlie very small angle Su may either be estimated on the orbit of the satellite, or on the fixed plane, since it coincides with its projection. The term depending on the action of the sun corre- sponds with the Variation in the motion of the moon. 822. If the masses of the four satellites be tn, m,, m,, 7^,, the per- turbations that m experiences by the action of tiie other two will be found by changing successively the quantities relative to w, into those belonging to tw, and 77?8, and the sum of these will be the action of the three satellites 7n„ tn,, and mg on m. Tlic perturbations of the oUiers are found by making similar changes. 2L 514 THEORY OF [Book IV. 823. Hereafter the four satellites will be represented wi, nii, tti,, TWg. AVhere m is the first, or that nearest Jupiter, and TWg is the fourth and the most distant, all quantities relating to them will be accented in the same manner, except it be stated to the contrary. 824. Because 2n^ = n = N nearly, 2m,n . N^ „ — i = m^n*, and the perturbations expressed by ± = "f {a- m) + -£!L.„^.}.COS(«/-„(+e^e) a (/t— nj — ■iV* \ da J n-7ij + ^ {a« (^^ + -^ oJ,} .cos 2 (n,t-nt+e'-€) 4(71— 71;)*— iV» \ da / n-n, y 2m^7i' f i / dAi\ , 2n ^ , • / ^ j ■ \ (n— TiJ* — iV* \ da J n-iif + .. ^T' Tvr. ^^' f-^^ + JlLa^a.sin2(7i,<-7«<+e,-e) 4(h — ?jj — iV^ \ da J ii-n, are the greatest to which the three first satellites are liable, on account of the very small divisors arising from the nearly commen- surable ratios in the mean motions of these three bodies. 825. The greatest inequality in the first satellite is occasioned by the action of the second, and expressed by a 4{n — 7ijy—N* \ da J n-n, 4(«-/0*--ZVi \daj 71-71, ^ ^' ^^ Because the mean motion of the first satellite is nearly double that of the second, n = 2rt„ and as iV r= 71 = 2/iy nearly, the divisor 4 (71 — n,)« - N'= {(2/1 - 2/j,) - N } {(,2n - 2;j,) + iV } = 2/1 . (2/1 — 2»^ - N) ; and if to abridge \ da / n — n, the greatest inequalities in the motion of the first satellite are rlr ^_, Tn,n.F fl« 2(2/1 -2/j,-JV) . cos 2 (7i,< - vt + 6/ - e) (260) Jt? = mfli^ g.^ 2 ^^^^ _ ^^^ + e' - c). 2/1 — 2/». — N Chap.VIJ JUPITER'S SATELLITES. 826. The principal inequalities in the second satellite the action of the first and third. Those occasioned by the first depend on the terms that have the divisor (ti — n^y — iV/; the quantities having one accent belong to m^, the second satellite. Let Ai^^^ be the value of ^i when the second satellite is troubled by the first ; then if \ da, J n — Tiy the principal inequalities in the second satellite occasioned by the first are -W- = "■ -TTi ■ ^JFT • ^°^ (n<-w/+e-6,) (261) d; 2(n—n,—Nt) Iv, = . sin {nt — 11,1 + e — «j n — n, — N, for 11 = 2;j^, N, = n^, and (71 — 7i,y — N* =: {n^—n- N,} . {n, - 71 + N,} = 2n, (/i - v, - N,.) Tlie action of the third satellite on the second is perfectly similar to the action of the second on the first, on account of the ratios n = 2n, and n, r= 2n, in theur mean motions ; therefore, the in- equalities in the motion of the second, occasioned by the action of the third, will be obtained from equations (260), by changing what relates to the first and second into the quantities relative to the second and third. In this. case let At^'-*^ be the value ofAi, and let \ aUf J «/ — Wi be the value of F, then !i!!l = - "^'^^ cos 2 (/!,< - Tx^i + c, - c,) (262) «,* 2(2/».-2««-iV,) "^ ' / «/ V y U, = ^ '"*"'^^, . sin 2 (;;,< - v^t + ^, - c,) By observation, 7xi - 3/»,< + 2w,< + e — 3e, + 2e, =r 180°, consequently, 2 {lit, - 7l»t + e, - e.) = Tit - n.t + € - e, - 180*'; for 7i = 2n, V, = 2nt nearly, 2 L 2 (8J5 516 THEORY OF JUPITER'S SATELLITES. [Book IV. the two last inequalities may be added to the preceding, since they depend on the same angle ; the principal inequalities in the motion of the second satellite from the action of the first and third are therefore ^Ali = - "Hi {mG-m^F'}.(cosni-n,i+c-c;) (263) Jt>, = ^ {mG-nitF'} . sin (nt-n,t+c — e,). In consequence of the ratios in the mean motions these inequalities will never be separated. 827. The action of the second satellite produces inequalities in the theory of the third, analogous to those occasioned by the action of the first on the second ; hence, if all the quantities in equations (261) relating to the second and first be changed into those belong- ing to the third and second, and if ^/*^^ and G' be the values of ./4/'"*^ and G in this case, so that (2.3) the resulting equations for m^ will be and G' = - a\(^^^^ + ^"' . a,^/ \ dOg y 71, — 7Js le or AfA cos(;?j<-.w,+ Ci-c,) (264) 5Ug = !-? . sm {7iit — Vit + c, — Cg). 71, — 7/, — Na These inequalities have only been detected by observation in the motion of the first satellite. 828. G, which is a function of A/^^\ may }>e expressed by a func- tion o( A^y for a* a* whence on account of and that ?i = 2/i; it may be found that Chap. VI.] 517 SECOND APPROXIMATION. Inequalities depending on the First Powers of the Eccentricities. 829. If a + LS. be put for r, equation (255) becomes a 0=.^^ + ':^[l-^] + 2fdR + rl-\ dR\ dr) or as — = n* = A^*, very nearly, o" = ^ + N^rlr {1 - ^l + 2fdR + r(^. (265) If the action of the sun be omitted, the only part of the preceding value of R, that has a sensible effect on the radius vector is R =z nif {J, cos (njt-nt+ej-t)+ -1 — L . a, L co8(n;<-n<+6^-e) af da, - 2J,^l!!i^ sin in,i - n< + e^ - e)} ; a*. n,dt but these terms are very important, because they serve for the deter- mination of the secular inequalities in the eccentricities and motions of the apsides. AVith regard to the terms depending on nt,J^dR=Rj substituting for R, and dividing the whole equation (265) by a', it becomes, when ( ) is omitted, (^J'= + ^l d'diy ' a* m,n* r>^ { '2aa,(^ + '''''' (c^' )i *'''* {n,t-nt+e-e) - ^JUjI^l^lp. { 2aA, + a'(P)\ sin {n^t - nt + e,-e) a*.n,dt \da J) 830. In order to integrate this equation, it may be assumed that !!^r= /» co8(/j<+€-g/-r) ; !i^'=A/C08 {n,t + e,-gt-T), &c. ; A and h, are indeterminate coefficients, and g< + F is the motion of the apsides of the orbits of the satellites. 518 INEQUALITIES OF [Book IV. "When these quantities and their differentials are suhstituted, the square of g neglected, and those terms alone retained that depend on the angle nt + • — gt — T, a comparison of the coefficients of similar cosines gives 7n w. '\da,J \dadatj\ but by article 458, and if the value of iV* in article 819 be substituted, this coefficient DCCOII163 + 42„,AW,-.'(^)-k(^)}. And as in article 474, if and if (0) = klLi*)„; 0=1^'. a* — n this equation becomes = A { g- - (0) - [0] - (0.1) } + \o;T\h, with regard to the first satellite troubled by the second; but the action of w, and m^ produces terms similar to those caused by m, ; and if the same notation be used that was employed for the planets, this equation, when m is troubled by the other three satellites, by the Bun, and by the compression of Jupiter, becomes (266) 0=A{g-(0)- |T| -(0.1)-(0.2)-(0.3)}+[OT| A.+ro:2l h.Mj^h^ A similar equation exists for each satellite, and may be determined Chap. VI.j THE ECCENTRICITIES. 519 from this by changing the quantities relative to m into those relating to mi m, mg, and reciprocally ; hence, for the others, (267) 0=A,{g-(l)-|T|-(1.0)-(1.2Hl.3)}+ [T0]A+[T2]A,+ \T3\h,, 0=A,{^-(2)- [2]-(2.0)-(2.1)-(2.3)} + [2;ojA+*[2T[Ai+ flTf^, 0= A,{g^(3)- |g-(3.0)-(3.1)-(3.2) } + [3:o]h+ [3A\ h,+ [3^^- By (484) (0.1) m -/a" = (1.0) m, ^Ta,, &c. and also [0.1 j m V^ = 1 1«0 ' w»y -/o^* &c. for any two satellites, so these functions are easily deduced from one another, which saves computation. Tliese results are perfectly similar to those obtained for the planets, A Ay, &c., correspond to iV iV', &c. 831. It has already been mentioned that the part of the longitude of each satellite depending on the eccentricity consists of four terms, of one that is really the equation of the centre, and of three others arising from the variations in the orbits, chiefly induced by the action of the excess of matter at Jupiter's equator. The coeflicients of these sixteen terms are obtained by the aid of the preceding equa- tions, and also of the annual and sidereal motions of the apsides of the orbits. The variations in the radii vectores depend on the same cause, contain the same values of g-, and have the same coefficients, /i, Ai, Aj, As, are the real eccentricities of the four orbits, and if they be eliminated there will result an equation of the fourth degree in g. These four values of g-, which will be represented by g-, g„ §-„ g^,, are the annual and sidereal motions of the apsides of the orbits of the four satellites. 832. Let gr, the annual and sidereal motion of the first satellite, belong to the first of the preceding equations, and assume h^ = QJ% ; A, = C|A ; Ag = f a/t ; then the substitution of these in equation (266) will make A vanish, and f i, Cg, C, will be given in functions of §■. Tlius A, wliich may be regarded as the real eccentricity of the orbit of m, is an arbitrary quantity, known by observation. Again, if g/ be the value of g: in the second of the preceding equations, and if A = f i('> A„ A, = e/'> A., K = f/'^ ^M by tlie substitution of these, Ai will vanish from the equation in ques- tion, Ci^'\ C,^'^ CP, will be given in functions of g, ; and Ay, the 520 INEQUALITIES OF [Book IV. real eccentricity of the orbit of m^, is determined by observation. In the same manner, if C^^'\ C^^^\ C*^ C,^'\ C/'\ C,^'\ be the quantities corresponding to gi and g^, h^ and h^ will be arbitrary constant quantities, which vanish from the two last of equations (267) ; whence f .», fg«, C8^*\ and C,^^\ Q^^\ C,^'\ will be given in functions of gt and ^3. Thus the coefficients of the sixteen terms of the equations of the centre, corresponding to the four values of g", are h, hi, h^, h^, Cih^ CJii, Cg^i, Ci^'^Aj, &c. &c., of which h, hi, h^, ha, are the real eccen- tricities of the orbits of the four satellites, and are determined by ob- servation : by means of these, and the equations (266) and (267), values of C, f 1, &c. will be obtained ; and also the four roots of g. Observation shows, however, that h and h^ are insensible. 833. It was assumed, that I^ = A cos (nt + e - gt-T); and as g has four roots, to each of which there are four correspond- ing values of h, this expression becomes — =: h cos (h< + e — gt — r) + hi cos (nt+e — g^t — r,) a* + hi cos ini + c — Sit — T^) + h^ cos (jit + e— gg^ + Tg) : thus the whole variation in the radius vector of the first satellite depends on h, the eccentricity of its own orbit, on g the motion of its own nodes, and on those of the other three. The corresponding inequalities in the radii vectores of the other three satellites are, ^'^^' - C,.h.co%(^nit-\-^i-gt-T)-\-QWfi^.coi(nit+ei-git-Ti), a, + C.«A,.cos(Wi<+Ci-gr,<~r,) + C/»>A,.cos (ni<+ei-g3<-r,) t:^ = CJi. co8(«,< + e^-gt-T) + C,(% cos (w^+ 6,-g^<-ro + C,^«)yi. cos («g<+es-g'.<-rO+C,^«A3.cos(n,<-|-c,-g3<-r8) ^ = Cji. cos(7/,<+c,-g-<-r) + C.<')A, COS („at+c,-git + Ti) + C,(«A, COS (/7,< + eB-g,<-r,) + Cyi8 COS (Vat + e^-g^t-T,). These equations contain the perturbations in the radii vectores of the four sateUites, depending on the first powers of the eccentricities, and are the complete integrals of the differential equation (265), Chap. VI.] THE ECCENTRICITIES. 521 when applied to each satellite, since they contain the eight arbitrary constant quantities A, hi, h^, h,, T, r„ Tj, Tg, all of which are known by observation. The four last are the mean longitudes of the lower apsides of the orbits of the satellites at the epoch. 834. If the orbits be considered as variable ellipses, ae being the eccentricity of the orbit of the first satellite, and or the longitude of its lower apsis, estimated from the origin of the angles, T^r f 1 , N =— e cos {lit + e— Ct) ; a* ^ comparing this with the preceding value of — , the result is a' c cos CT = — A cos {jgt + r) — A, cos (^i< + Tj) — &c. e sin CT = — h sin {j^t + T) — A, sin (g-i^ + T,) — &c. whence e and us may be obtained ; and for the same reasons, e^, cTi, <■«> '^%-> and e,, w,. 835. When the squares of the eccentricity are omitted, the ellip- tical part of the longitude is u = 2e sin {nt + e — cr) by 392 ; or representing it by Iv for the satellites, where it chiefly arises from the disturbing forces, it gives Iv =: 2e cos ta sin (jit -f e) — 2e sin ts cos {nt + e) ; and substituting for e cos vs, and e sin vs, iv = — 2h sin (n^ + « — gt—T)—2hi sin (7it + e — ^,<— T,) — 2A, sin {nl+e — ^4< — Fj) — 2A3 sin (nt+e—g^t-r^), which is the equation of the centre of the first sateUite. It appears, that the first term depends on the eccentricity and apsis of its own orbit, the second term arises from the action of the second satellite, and depends on the eccentricity and apsis of the orbit of that body ; the other two inequalities arise from the attraction of the third and fourth satellites, and depend on the eccentricities and apsides of their orbits. The corresponding inequalities in the longitude of the other three satellites are, ir, = — 2Cih sin (/i,<+6,-g<-r)-2C,^'> A,8in(7i,<+e,-g-,<— r,) - 2C,(«>A, 8in(;i,<-|-c,-g,<-rO-2C/»)A,sin(H,< + e,-g,<-r,) ivt = - 2CJi sin (w,< + e,-g<-r)-2f/')A,sin(w^+e,-g,<-r,) - 2^,«A, sin(w,<-|- 6, -g,<- r.) -2C,^«A, sin(;M-f-e,-g,<- T,) 5r, = - 2C8A8in(»a< + c,-g<-r)-2C,^'>A,sin(/»8<+c3-g'i<-r,) - 2Ca^'>A,sin (rr,r+«,-gg<-rO-2C*^A»8in(/j,<-e,-g^,<-r8). S2S& : INEQUALITIES OF [Book IV. These inequalities are very considerable in the motions of the satel- lites in longitude. The whole then depends on the resolution of the equations (266) and (267) ; these, however, are not complete, as several terms arise from the perturbations depending on the squares and products of tlie disturbing forces. Action of the Sun depending on the Eccentricities. 836. The part of R depending on the action of the sun in the elliptical hypothesis is R = -|M*a«. :^ - ^!^M' cos (2nt - 2Mt + 2e - 2E) + IH JW«. ^!^ sin C2nt - 2Mt + 26 - 2£). 4 ndt But = h cos (nt -\- e — gt — r) ; and 5^ = AT cos iMt + E - n), H being the eccentricity of Jupiter's orbit, and 11 the longitude of the perihelion ; hence R = - |MV.H. cos (Mt + E - U), - ^M*.a\h cosXnt - 2Mt -{- e - 2E + gt + F); and therefore, equation (265) becomes = ^ +N*.— {I - Sh cos (ut + ^ - gt-r)} - |M» . H .cos(Mt + E — n) - 9M* . h. coa Oii - 2M< + c — 2E + gt + T). rh By article 820, it appears that — contains the terms - _ . cos (2;i< - 2Mt + 26 - 2JB) ; hence - 8iV> . I?l . /i . cos («< + 6 - g< + r) a* contains f Al». A. cos (n< - 2Mt + * — 2£ + g< + r). Chap. VI.] THE ECCENTRICITIES. 523 iV^ being very nearly equal to 7i', so that — =: 1 : thus, = ^I^+N*.— - — .MKh.cos(nt-2Mt+e-2E+gi+T) a*dO a* 2 — f M». H . cos (M< + E - n), whence by the method of indeterminate coefficients, the integral is r^r IbMKh a* 4/1 {2M + N -n-g) , 3M« . H cos (nt - 2Mt+e - 2E+gi -j- r) . cos (Af< + £; - n), 2/1* which is the effect of the sun's action on the radius vector ; and if it be substituted in equation (259), the perturbations in longitude de- pending on the same cause will be 15M» . h 2ni2M+N-n-g) . sm (nt - 2Mt + e - 2JS + g:< + T) -^ , H. mi(Mt + E-Il). n 837. The first term of the second number of this expression cor- responds to the evection in the lunar theory, and is only sensible in the motions of the third and fourth satellites ; but it is not the only inequality of this kind, for each of the roots g-,, gg, g-g, furnishes another. The perturbations corresponding to these for the other satellites are found, by reciprocally changing the quantities relative to one into those relating to the others. Inequalities depending on the Eccentricities which become sensible in consequence of the Divisors they acquire by double integra- tion. 838. It is found by observation, that the mean motion of the first satellite is nearly equal to twice that of the second ; and that the mean motion of the second is nearly equal to twice that of the third ; or 11 = 2//i, Til = 2;is. In consequence of the squares of these nearly commensurable quan- tities becoming divisors to the inequalities by a double integration, they have a very sensible effect on the preceding equations in longi- tade. 624 INEQUALITIES OF tBook IV. 839. The only part of equation (259) that has a double integral is 3affndtAR; and as the divisors in question arise from the angles nt - 2nit, riit - 2n^ alone, it is easy to see that the part of R containing these angles is, R = m,!^ .a/^^ . cos (n.t-nt + e,-e) a* \daij _ 2m\. ^:(!i^ . A^ . sin in,t -nt + c,-c) a^.n^dt a* \ da 4. nit . '-H- a . ( 1111! j . cos 2{n,t - n< + e^ - e) + 4m/. _1± — L ,Ai . sin e(n/ - nt + e^ - e). a* . ?idt With regard to the action of m^ on m, if A/ cos (n,t + 6/ — g< — r), be put instead of -!—\ and a* h cos (nt + e-gt-r) instead of ; and as by articles 828 and 82G a* observing that n = 2ny nearly, the result will be B = -!!}i. {Fh + — Gh,} . cos (w<-2w,< + 6-26, +gt + r), 2a a, which substituted in Zajjndt . dBi and integrated, gives for the first satellite, Ju = ~ ^"^' ' "' — . {Fh + — GhA.6mint-2n/+€-2e,+gt+r). 2(/i - 2n, + gy a, Again, since n, = 2)1^ nearly, the action of m, on m, produces in it?/ an inequality similar to the preceding, which is ^"' = 0/ ""^o"'"r^\. {^'*/ + — G'A.}8in(7^<-2«,<+6.-26,+g<+r). 2(n,-2/i,+^)« «, An inequality of the same kind, and from the same cause, is produced also in the equation of the centre of m, by the action of m, for with regard to the inequalities we are now considering, article 574 shows that %v,-=. — m'fa^ ^y m, V a^ Chap. VI.] THE DISTURBING FORCE. 525 whence the inequality produced by the action of m on m^ is ^v, = 3m.n«/r ^ {Fh + — Gh,}sm(ni-2n,t+e-2€,+gt+r). 20i-2n, + g)WJ, "'' This inequality may be added to the preceding, for nt - 2n,t + 6 - 2e^ = n^t - 2n4, -\- ^x — 2e^ + 180°, and as n = 2n, nearly, and ( — ) = ( — ) ; therefore a/ — « and thus the two terms become !m{Gh,->r ^Fh\ ) 2 a, ; Lastly, the action of m, on Wj produces an inequality in Wj, analo- gous to that produced by the action of m on m^^ which is therefore Sr, = -_?^'l! — {G'A,+ ^F'A,}8in(»<-2;7,<-l-6-26,-fff<+r). (ni-2//g+^)* a, We shall represent the preceding inequalities by Ju = - Q sin (/j< — 2ii.t + c - 2€, + ^< -f- r) (268) Jr, = + Q, sin («/ - 2/i,< + « - 2e^ + gr< + T) (2G9) 5p, = - Q, sin (»< - 2/i,< + e - 26/ + ^^ + T) (270) These inequalities are relative to the root g', but each of the roots S\i Sti g»t give similar inequalities in the motions of the three first satellites. No such inequality exists in the motion of the fourth satellite, since its mean motion is not nearly commensurable with that of any of the others. Inequalities depending on the Square of the Disturbing Force. 840. On account of the nearly commensurable ratios in the mean motions of the three first satellites the preceding equations must be added as periodic variations to the mean motions, as in the case of Jupiter and Saturn, by means of them several terms are added to equations (266) and (267), which determine the secular variations in the eccentricities and longitudes of the apsides. For if the eccen- 626 INEQUALITIES OF [Book IV. tricities be omitted, and /t = 1, the equations d/j df in article 433 relative to the planets, become d(e cos cj) = — andt {2 cos u /^ — j -f- a sin v [ — \\ d(e sin isy) = — andt {2 sin » ( — j — acQ%v f — jl . The secular variations with regard to the first satellite will be found by substituting ij = - fci^ + tru ^acos 2(v, - v) 3r' in the first of the preceding equations, and putting nt + e + ^v for r, and cfl 4- 2rJr for r« ; whence d(e cos cj) = ^andt . m^J,. sin (2u — 2v,) cos t> — a'nd< . wi/ 1 ^ 1 cos (2o— 2t>/)sin v \ da J - 7id« . ^^ ~ ^'^^ . sin {nt + e) a* _ ndt . ^^^ " ^? Ju cos (7i< -f e) + 4nd/. i£Z:il^ i:^ sin («< + 6). Then only attending to the terms depending on nt - 27X^1 + e- 2c/, if the values of -— and Jv given by (260) be substituted ; and as a* the result will be d(eco8w) = -2i£:!li^{l (^L_l.8in(7j<-2/i,< + 6-2e,) in which (0) = i£zM w. a* Since the mean longitudes ixt -\- e and n^^ + «/ •'^re variable, these angles must be augmented by the values of 5v, Su^, in equations (268) and (269), so that 7i< + e + Q sin (m/ - 2n,t + £-2e^ + gi + T) n^t + ey + Q, sin (n< - 2ii,t -^ c-2e, + gt + V) must be substituted in the sine of the preceding equation, which becomes, in consequence, Chap. VI.] THE DISTURBING FORCE. 527 d{e cos «t) = ^4^-{l- f^ J .(2Q. - Q) . sin (^i + T) when the periodic part is omitted. But by article 834, e cos ct = - A cos (gt + F) ; hence d(e cos vs) :n hg . dt . sin (g< + r), and thus t2^.{i-_mi.(-2o,-Q) 4 2;i-2n,-iVj must be subtracted from equation (266). 841. The same analysis applied to d(e, cos vs,) will determine the increment of the first of equations (267), with regard to the second sateUite. But, in this case, B = _ ^£zM +m^i(^)co8(tj-r,)+?n,^*''cos2(r,-r,), 3r* and equations (269) and (270) must be employed. The result is, that 4 7i — 71^-iVJ 4 n — rit-NA must be added to the first of equations (267). For the same reason ^•.G'.(2Q.-Q.).{1- ^^^\ 4 11, — 7/g — iVgJ must be added to the second of equation (267). As these quantities only arise from the ratios among the mean mo- tions of the three first satellites, the secular variations of the fourth are not affected by them. In consequence of these additions, equa- tions (266) and (267) become 0=A{g-(0)-[o;|-(0.1)-(0.2)-(0.8)}+|on]A.+|o3A,+|Oj)A, --^{1" , f^ ^ |f(2Q.-Q); 4 2« - 2/1^ —NA o=M^.-(i)-ITi--(i.o)-(i.2)-(i.3)}+|T;g;»+ir3A,+li:3)A, - ^ {1 11L_1 G (2Q.-Q) 4 11—71,— Nf j + !!!l!ll{l ^^^l F' (Q.-yj (271) 4 n-n,-N, J 528 INEQUALITIES OF [Book IV. 0=A,{ff-(2)-[2]-(2.0)-(2.1)-(2.3)}+|2^A+|27r[Ai+(223]Aj + 3!!! (1 - ^^^-^) G' (2Q.-Q0 ; 0=A3|g-(3)-|T[-(3.0)-(3.1)-(3.2)}+|3:olA+|3:TT/^+|3T2]^, 842. An inequality which is only sensible in the theory of the second satellite may now be determined ; for, by (260), Su = '1 sin (2/2< — 2?/i+2e— 2e,) ; or 2ii--2n,-N ' Si'rr i {cos {lit — 2n,t ■\-e — 26,) . sin (lit + «) 2n-2n,-N, + ^m(jit—2nt +£—26) . cos (n^+e)} ; but as r = 2e sin (?j< + e — cr), and for the variable ellipse which we are now considering, 5tj=:2S.(ecoscT) . sin (n^ + e)— 2J.(esin tj).cos (ni+O* By comparing these two values, 2S(e sin cr) =- ''Ilj^L sin (n/-27J,< + 6-26,) 2S(eco8 0T) = ^!i£ cos (n<-2n,<+e-26,). 2n — 2n,—N/ But the elliptical expression of v contains the term f e« sin {2nt +2e- 2ct), or ^ (e* cos' ct — e' sin'cj) . sin 2{nt 4- e) — ^ . e' sin CT . cos ct . cos 2{iit + e). If e sin CT + S(e sin cj), and e cos cr + S(e cos cr) be put for e sin CT, and e cos ct, it becomes Iv = f {S . e cos cj)* — (S . e sin ci)-} sin 2(h< + e) — ^ i . e cos CT . S . e sin CT . cos 2{iit + 6) ; and in consequence of the preceding values of S(c cos cr), 5(csin cr), there is the following inequality in the longitude of the first satellite, By the same process the corresponding inequalities in the second and third satellites are found to be 5y/ = I'f — -^^^-— {m(?-m,F'}« sin 2(H<-;»,< + t-6,) Iv, = ^5^ ( *^'">G' Y sin 2(ni<-w.<+e,~c,). Chap. VI.] THEORY OF JUPITER'S SATELLITES. ^29 Lihrationa of the three first Satellites. 843. Some very interesting inequalities arising from the equation nt - 3/ht + 2nJ + e — 3ei + 2e8 = 180°, are found among the terms depending on the squares of the disturb- ing forces, that affect the whole theory of the satellites, in conse- quence of the very small divisor (n - 3w, + Sn^)* which they acquire by double integration. If the orbits be considered as variable ellipses, and if f, f„ ^„ be the mean longitudes of the three first satellites, it is clear that the terms having the square of n-3/ii + 2na, for divbor, can only be found from (f C = 3andt . dR -a;r!i_, and 7?s r= ^ 7J„ tliat the variation in the mean motion of the second satellite from the action of the first must be — — — _ sm (7i<-3«/<+2/i,<+e— 3c. - 2e8)- 16(rt— 7i/— iV/) Again, if — = - — rr> cos (H<-7J,<+e-c,), a, 2(/t— «/ — iV/) and Iv, = ^— — —- sin {ixt—n,i-\-^ — C/), n—n^—N, Chap. VI.] THEORY OF JUPITER'S SATELLITES. 531 from article 826, be substituted in the differential of Rz=:m^ if^d^\ 5r, cos (2n,t - 2n^t+2e^ - «,) - 2^/'*^ . ^v, sin (2n,t - 2n^t + 2e, - 26,)}, which is the value of R with regard to m^ and m„ observing that n = 2wy ; and, by article 826, the part of — ^, arising from the action of m^ on m,, will be found equal to 3771 . nioT? F'G sin (n<-3;j^+2w8<+6-3e, + 2€g) ; Z2{ji-n,-N,) and the whole variation in the mean motion of »>/, from the combined action of m and fn^, is —^ = __ — I -_ sm (/t<-3n,<+2/;^+6-.36i+26,). dP 32 {n—rij—N/) With regard to the action of nii on TWg H = 7n, { —2A^^-*K hj, sin 2(//i<-ns<+€i — c^) + r ±2l_ j . Sr^ . cos 2in,t - n^ + c, - e,)}. If the same values of Jp^ and ^r, be substituted in the differential of tliis with regard to nj,, it will be found that the action of w, and m^ produces the inequality — nr- = •" ^77 —TT^ ' — "" (w<-3/i,<+2n^+e-3e,+26,). dr 64(/i— /jy-JV,) a 845. As .£^ = 3a;jd< . dil ; dl* -^ = 3a,7i,d/ dfi„ £^ = 3^,«,d/ . iR, ; d^ ' d^ by comparing the values of these three quantities in the last article the result is mdR 4- m.dRi = 0, and m,dR, + rn^dRt = 0, whioli is conformable with what was bhown in article 573, with re- gard to the planets. 2M2 532 THEORY OF JUPITER'S SATELLITES. [Book IV. 846. As the three first satellites move in orbits that are nearly circular, the error would be very small, in assuming nt + e, ii^t + c^, ?Ui + c^, to be tlieir true longitudes. The preceding inequalities in the mean motions of the three first satellites are therefore 3n'm,m, ±F'G ^ = — "l- sin (u-3i\H-2t',) ^ = 9»' . vifn^F'G ^j^ („_3^ + 2tg (272) dt* 32in-ii,—N,) dt* 64 {71-71,- N,) a, 847. In order to abridge, let = u — 3ui + 2vi, ; whence (f*0 __ d*u __ g d^p, , 2 d'v^ de di* dt* dt^ If tlie preceding values be put in this, and if to abridge, ^ ^ __ 37,F'G f_a ^^^^ + 1;;,;;,^+ J!l ;;,„,J, 8 (n— 71,— 2^,) [ a/ 4 a, the result will be J^ = K.n* . sin (p. df K and 71* may be assumed to be constant quantities, their variations are so small ; hence the integral of this equation is Vc — 2K71* cos c is a constant quantity introduced by integration, the different values of which give rise to the three following cases. 848. 1st. If c be greater than 2ifn', without regard to the sign, it must be positive ; and the angle d: will increase indefinitely, and will become equal to one, two, three, &c., circumferences. 2d, If A" be positive, and c less than 2/t' A", abstracting from the sign, tlie radical will be imaginary when ± is equal to zero, or to one, two, three, &c. circumferences. The angle must therefore oscillate about the semicircumference, since it never can be zero, or equal to a whole circumference, which would make the time an ima- ginary quantity. Its mean value must consequently be 180°. Chap. VI.] THEORY OF JUPITER'S SATELLITES. 533 3(1. If c be less than 2AV, and K negative, the radical would be imaginary when the angle i is equal to any odd number of semi- circumferences ; the angle (p must therefore oscillate about zero, its mean value, since the time cannot be imaginary. However, as it will be shown that K is & positive quantity, the latter case does not exist, 80 that must either increase indefinitely, or oscillate about 180°. In order to ascertain which of these is the law of nature, let = ir i CT, » being 180° and xsj any angle whatever ; hence dt = ^^ (273) •/c + 2Kii* cos CT If the angles d: and w increase indefinitely, c is positive, and greater tlian 2Kn* ; hence, in the interval between cr = 0, and its increase to 90°, dt ig less than '^^ and < < "^ n */2k n aJ2K Thus the time t that the angle ct employs in increasing till it bo equal to 90°, will be less than . 2n^/2k This time is less than two years : but from the discovery of the satellites the libration or angle cr has always been zero, or ex- tremely small ; therefore this angle does not increase indefinitely, it can only oscillate about its mean value of zero. The second case, then, is what really exists, and the angle V - 3,»i + 2vt, must oscillate about 180°, which is its mean value. 849. Several important results are given by the equation V — 3i', + 2t'j = ir + CT. If the insensible part t? i)e omitted, iU — Stilt + 2/j,< + « — 3ci + 2c, =r T. Wlience n - 3«, + 2^4 = c — 3e, + 26, = 180°. These two equations are perfectly confirmed by obscn'ation, for Delambre found, from the comparison of a great number of eclipses of the three first satellites, tliat their mean motions iu a hundred Julian years, with regard to the equinox, are 534 THEORY OF JUPITER'S SATELLITES. [Book IV. let satellite 7432435°. 46982 2d . . . 3702713°. 231493 3d . . . 1637852°. 113582 whence it appears, that the mean motion of the first, minus three times that of the second, plus twice that of the third, is equal to 9".0072, so small a quantity, that it affords an astonishing proof of the accu- racy both of the theory and observation. Delambre determined also, from a great number of eclipses, that the epochs of the mean motions of tlie three first satellites, at midnight, on tlie first of January 1750, were € = 15°. 02626 «' = 311°.44689 e" = 10°. 27219, whence « - 3e, + 26, = 180° 1' 3", a result that is less accurate than the preceding ; but it will be shown, in treating of the eclipses of the satellites, that it probably arises from errors of observation, depending on the discs of the satellites, which vanish to us before they are quite immersed in the shadow. 850. The same laws exist in the synodic motions of the satellites ; for in the equation nt - 3n^t + 2n^ + 6 - Se, + 2e, = 180°, the angles may be estimated from a moveable axis, since the posi- tion of the axis would vanish in this equation : we may therefore suppose that nt + e^ Tilt + e„ 7j,< + eg, are the mean synodic longitudes. This has a great influence on the eclipses of the three first satellites, as will appear afterwards. 851. On account of these laws the actions of the first and third satellites on the second are united in one term, given in article 826, which is the great inequality in that body indicated by observations. These inequalities will never be separated. 852. Without the mutual attraction of the satellites the two equa- tions n — 3/1, + 2nt = « — 3e, + 2e, = would be unconnected. It would have been necessary in the begin- ning of their motions that their epochs and mean motions had been 80 arranged as to suit these equations, which is most improbable ; Chap. VI.] THEORY OF JUPITER'S SATELLITES. S35 and in tliis case the slightest action from any foreign cause, as the attraction of the planets and comets, would have changed the ratios. But the mutual action of the satellites gives perfect stability to these relations, for, at the origin of the motion, when < rr 0, do __ Q dvi + ^ M< " * v/;l-2Kco,(.-2.. + S..) ndt n^dt c being less than 2Kn\ It would be sufficient for the accuracy of the preceding results that the first member of this c(j[uation had been comprised between the limits + 2K sin (ie - |€, + 6,) — 2K sin (Je — |e, + eg) at the origin of their motions, and it is sufficient for their stability that no foreign force disturbs it. 853. It appears tlien, that if the preceding laws among the mean motions of the three first satellites had only been approximate at their origin, their mutual attraction would ultimately have rendered them exact. 854. The angle cr is so small, that we may make cos oy = 1 — ita* ; and if to abridge C" = rr?— i 71 K C being arbitrary, on account of the arbitrary constant quantity c that it contains, equation (273) becomes CT =: C sin (nt 'J~K + A)^ A being a new arbitrary quantity. 855. As the motions of the four satellites in longitude, latitude, and distance, are determined by twelve differential equations of the second order, their integrals must contain twenty-four arbitrary quantities, which are the data of the problem, and are given by ob- servation. Two of these are determined by the equations n — 3«, -f 2«, = e - Be, -f- 2e, = 180° ; they are, however, replaced by C and A, the first determines the extent of the libration, and A marks the time when it is zero: neither are determined, since the inequality ci has as yet been insensible. 53^ THEORY OF JUPITER'S SATELLITES. [Book IV. 856. The integrals of the three equations (272) may now be found, for'^s w - Sui + 2y, = TT + cj = TT + C sin (nt >JY-\- A), sin . (u - 3»,+ 2rj) = sin { ir + f sin {nt 'JY -{. A) } != — C. %\n {nt 'JY + A) ; hence the first of equations (272) becomes the integral of which is „ „ C sin (n< VF+ ^) In the same way C sin (7i< VF+^) . !^ 4am^ 9a,?n , flfgw 1 + ^"'^^ + Sffm, 4aOTi 4ami Q sin (w< isfJc+A) 2 , 9«im a^m 4aw, 4amg which arc the three equations of the libration. They have hitherto been insensible, but they modify all the inequaUties of long periods in the theory of the three first satellites. 857. For example, the inequality «' = -~Hmi{Mt + E- n), gives ~= + ?^'//8in(MZ+E_II); But the differential of the first of the equations of libration is ^ _ _ AV sin (« - 3r. + 2t?,) . I ^ ^«l7/t ^ 4ff»i, 4a»?j or, if to abridge, 6=1+ ^"'^ + "*^ ianii 4am, Chap. VI. J THEORY OF JUPITER'S SATELLITES. 637 cPv Kn* . , _ .ON or and adding the two values of — (274) — = - — sin (r- 3di + 2r,) + — . //sin (3/<+E - II). To integrate this equation let o = ^ sin (M< + £ - H), t>, = ^l sin (M< + £ - D) rj = X, sin (Mi + £ - n), hence, V - 3i', + 2r8 = (x - 3^l + 2X,) . sin (JJf < + £ - D), and !H = j ^^"'-^ - :^^A-3^.+2^)}8in(M< + £-n) and if \ sin (M< + £ — 11) be put for y, X = — ^^-^ + :^ (\ — 3X,+ 2\). In the same manner it may be found that x. = - ^^'^^ - ifl^ . :^(\-3x, + 2x,) 71 4 ami ^^* X. = - iHi? + -f^£!i- . :^.(\ - z\ + 2X0, 9M'.// whence \ — 3\ , + 2X, = 7/(a:u''-mo 80 that equation (274) becomes £g = !^|l+ ^^-^^ l//.sin(M<+£-n) and S. = - H{l + _!^l!^l // . sin (i»/< + £ - n). 'fhe inequalities in tlie longitude of m, and wi, are found by the same analysis, consequently 5i, = -^|l + ^^"' l//.Bin(3/^ + £-n) 7t I ^ 6(3/'-A:7i*)J 538 THEORY OP JUPITER'S SATELLITES. [Book IV. j..= - )^h+ ^■^'"■^f }H.in(af< + £ - n). This inequality replaces the term depending on the same angle in article 836. It corresponds with the annual equation in the lunar theory, and its period is very great. 858. The variation in the form and position of Jupiter's orbit is the cause of secular inequalities in the mean motions of the satellites, similar to those produced by the variation of the earth's orbit on the moon ; hitherto, however, they have been insensible, and will remain so for a long time, with the exception of one depending on the dis- placement of Jupiter's equator, and that is only perceptible in the motions of the fourth satellite ; but these cannot be determined till the equations in latitude have been found. 539 CHAPTER VII. PERTURBATIONS OF THE SATELLITES IN LATITUDE. 859. The perturbations in latitude are found with most facility from = *^'* n — -1 rf—\ — \ - ^ ^ fdR\ 1? * T»J \dvj ' u*f h'u* ' dv ' \dt) h*u\duj h*v? \ds/ which was employed for the moon, but in that case R was a func- tion of M, tJ, and », and the differential — was taken in that hypo- da dW thesis, which we shall represent by , but now H is a function of ds r, t), and a, hence and as and comparing the coefficients of da in these two equations m f dR\ , d^ ^ / dR\ 1+««V du J ds \ ds / so the preceding equation of latitude, when v^+** is put for w, and r the product of the disturbing force by s*. — omitted, becomes do dv* h* \ da J h* dv\ dv J 860. Tlie only part of the disturbbg force that affects the latitude 640 PERTURBATIONS OF THE [Book IV. |g It — ^ ?^/?-/ {sn, — ^«' cos (t\ -v) } {r* — 2rrj cos (y, — v)+rf^}^ + — L {s^« + s*co8 (2v — 2u) — 4w/ cos(t; - «)} a* If the eccentricities be omitted, r = a, r, =■ a,^ and (r« — 2rrt cos {v, — v) + r/)f {a* — 2aa, cos (V/ — r) + cf/*}~^ = ^B^ + B^ cos (u/ — v) + &c. as for the planets ; hence B = — '^m,(;^a, \ss, - i^s* cos (r^ - r) } B, cos (u/ — r) + !^ {i« - 4sS cos (u - t/)} + ^^^ ~ ^'^^ (,s - sj. 4n' a* Whence = ^+ .il+2kjli£) + 4 *^*+ J2m,a'a, . B.} af* a* 2 7r _ ^(j'-^'?^) s' __ £M.' S' cos ( 17 - r) - 2 m/t* . a,B,s, cos (v, -t>). 861. In order to integrate this equation, let s ■=. I . sin (t) + />< + A) Sg= /j. sin (t'g + yi + A) S=L'. sin(l7 + p< + A) . + T^' + A), 1-, l\i 'si 4» if' and L being the inclination of the orbits of the four satellites, of Jupiter's orbit and equator on the fixed plane, jj and A, quantities on which the sidereal motions and longitudes of the nodes depend. If the motion of only one satellite be considered at a time, then substituting for «, z, and S, also putting — for <, and omittmg p', n the comparison of the coefficients of sin («+/)< + A) gives = ( P _ (J-ZJ*) - 1 . ^' - i2m,a..«,B.} (275) In or 4 IV a* 4 n' Cliap.vn.] SATELLITES IN LATITUDE. 541 If JSL = cr, andw< — u = n,t — ni + e, ~ e=: fi a/ { 1 - 2« cos i8 + «• }~^ = a; (iBo + ^i cos fi + B^ cos 2fi + &c.,) which is identical with tlie series in article 446, and therefore the formulae for tlie planets give by article (0.1') = ^'>^^ • ^^i ^« 4 consequently equation (275) becomes 0=:l{p-(p)- \0\ - (0.1)}+L(0) + L' in + (0.1)/„ l)ut the action of the satellites wig and m^ produce terms analogous to those produced by wi, ; so the preceding equation, including the dis- turbuig action of all the bodies, and the compression of Jupiter, is = l{p-{0)- \0] - (0.1) - (0.2) -(0.3)} (276) + (0)L+ [Oj L'+ (0.1) /.+ (0.2)/, + (0.3)4. By the same process the corresponding equations for the other satel- lites are = M;;~(1)- m - (1.0) -(1.2)- (1.3)} + (1)L + |T1L'+(1.0); + (1.2) Z,+ (1.3)4; = /.{p-.(2)- g -(2.0)- (2.1) -(2.3)} (277) + (2) L + [2] L'+ (2.0) I + (2.1) /. + (2.3) /,; = /,{;>-(3)- [3] -(3.0) - (3.1) -(3.2)} + (3) L + [31 I.' + (3.0) / + (3. 1) h + (3.2) I,. 862. Tlicsc four equations determine the coefficients of the latitude ; they include the reciprocal action of the satellites, to- gether with that of the sun, and the direct action of Jupiter con- sidered as a spheroid, but in the hypotliesis that the plane of his equator retains a permanent inclination on the fixed plane : that, however, is not the case, for as neither the sun nor the orbits of all the satellites arc in the plane of Jupiter's equator, their action on the protuberant matter causes a nutation in the equator, and a precession of its equinoxes, in all respects similar to those occasioned by the action of the moon on the earth, which produce sensible inequalities in the 542 PERTURBATIONS OF THE [Book IV. motions of the satellites. Tims the satellites, by troubling Jupiter, indirectly disturb their own motions. The Effect of the Nutation and Precession of Jupiter on the Motion of his Satellites. 863, The reciprocal action of the bodies of the solar system ren- ders it impossible to determine the motion of any one part indepen- dently of the rest ; this creates a difficulty of arrangement, and makes it indispensable to anticipate results which can only be ob- tained by a complete investigation of the theory on which they de- pend. The nutation and precession of Jupiter's spheroid can only be known by the theory of the rotation of the planets, from whence it is found that if 6 and y be the inclinations of Jupiter's equator and orbit on the fixed plane, yff the retrograde motion of the descending node of his equator on that plane, and estimated from the vernal equinox of Jupiter, 7 the longitude of the ascending node of his orbit, it the rotation of Jupiter, and A^ B,C, the moments of inertia of his spheroid with regard to the principal axes of rotation, as in article 177, the precession of Jupiter's equinoxes is do _ 3{2C - A -B) { M* Y sin (7 + f) di 47c )f M«Y8in(7 + V') 1 "1 + 2 mn^y' sin (7' + f ) j whence M*y sin (7+"^) is the action of the sun, and l.mn'^y' sin (I'+f) that of the satellites. The nutation is . [ + 2mn«y'co8(7' + f) ) The first of these equations, multiplied by sin f, added to the second multiplied by cos Y'j gives d (e sin yr) _ 3(2C-A-n) j (M« + 2 mn*) sin V' 1 .^7^) dt AiC \+M*7Cos7+2nm«Y'cos7'J likewise d (6 cos V) _ 3('2C-A-n) f - {M* + J,mn*) 6 sin y dt iiC f-(W* + 2m7i«)0 8inVr 1 \ + M*y sin7+2mn»y' sin 7'j Chap. VII.] SATELLITES IN LATITUDE. 543 864. Now, in order to have some idea of the positions of the dif- ferent planes, let JN be the orbit of Jupiter, QN the plane of his Jtg.lU. equator, FN the fixed plane, and mN the orbit of a satellite. Then the integrals of ?9 these equations may be found by considering Y that as = QNF is the inclination of Jupi- !>i^ ter's equator on the fixed plane, — sin (o + yr) would be the latitude of a satellite if it moved on the plane of Jupi- ter's equator, for the latitudes are all referred to the fixed plane FN ; and if they are positive on the side FJ, they must be negative on the side FQ ; but by the value assumed for «, in article 86 J, that lati- tude is equal to a series of terms of the form L sin (u + p< + A), hence sin V = — 2'. L sin {pt -f A) (280) cos y = — 2'. L cos (j)t + A). 865. Likewise, y =r JNF, being the inclination of Jupiter's orbit on the fixed plane, y sin (17 — 7) is the latitude of the sun above the fixed plane, by article 863 ; but by the value assumed for S, in article 861, it is easy to see that 7 sin 7 = - 2'. L' sin (pt + A) (281) 7 cos? = - 2'. L' cos (pi + A). In the same manner y' =: mNF being the inclination of the orbit of a satellite on the fixed plane, its latitude is y' sin (v + /,), and by article 861 y sin 7' = — 27 . sin (pt + A) (282) y' cos 7' = 27 . cos (pt + A). 2' denotes the sum of a series, but 2 is the sum of the terms relating to the different satellites. AVTien these quantities are put in equations (279) and (278), a comparison of the coefilicients of similar sines and cosines gives = pL + 3 O^f^-^-B) {M* (U - L) + 2 mn* (I - L)}, which equation determines tlie effect of the displacement of Jupiter's equator. 544 PERTURBATIONS OF THE [Book IV. 866. If Jupiter be an elliptical spheroid, theory gives 2C-A- B _ 2(p-ii-(2) - li:i-(2.0)-(2.1)-(2.3)}(L-/,) (283) + (2.0)(L-Z)+(2.1)(L-O + (2.3)(I-Z3)+ lAl iL'L')-pL) = b-(3) - lU -(3.0)~(3.1)-(3.2)}(L-4) + (3.0)(L-/) + (3.1)(L-O + (3.2)(I-g+ [3j (L-L')-pL', OrrpL - 3(2C!-^-i?) {M' (L-LQ+m/t* (J^-Q + tn,Wi« (L - /,) + Tn^n," (L - /,) + tn^v^* (L -/,)}; which determine the positions of the orbits of the satellites, including the effects of Jupiter's nutation and precession. Iiiequalilies occasioned by the Displacement of Jupiter's Orbit. 869. The position of Jupiter's orbit is perpetually changing by very slow degrees with regard to the ecliptic, from the action of the planets. In consequence of this displacement the inclination of the plane of Jupiter's equator on hii) orbit is changed, and a correspond- Chap. VII.] SATELLITES IN LATITUDE. 545 ing change takes place in the precession of the nodes of the equator Jig, 112. on the orbit, wliich may be represented by considering JN to be the orbit of Jupiter, and y A the plane of his equa- ,■»' tor at the epoch, 7 being the ascend- ing node of his equator at that period. After a time tlie action of the planets brings the orbit into the position J'N, which increases the inclination by JNJ', and the node, which by its retrograde motion alone would come to B, is brought to 7', so that the motion of the node is lessened by BC. Thus the inclination of the plane of Jupiter's equator on his orbit is affected by two totally different and unconnected causes, the one arising from the direct action of the sun and satellites on the pro- tuberant matter at the equator producing nutation and precession, and the other from the displacement of his orbit by the action of the planets, which diminishes the precession : both disturb the motions of the satel- lites ; but in order to determine the effects of the displacement of the orbit, it must be observed that if the inclinations of the orbits were eliminated from the equations (283) the result would be an equation in p, the roots of which 'p, p„ p^^ pa, would be the annual and sidereal motions of the nodes of the satellites depending on their mutual attrac- tion and that of the sun, but there would also be very small values of j» of the order BC, fig. 112, depending on the displacement of the orbit and equator of Jupiter. Now if we regard the equations (283) as relative to the displacement of the orbit and equator of Jupiter alone, omitting, for the present, the mutual action of tlie sun and satellites, these very small values of p may be omitted in comparison of (0), (0.1), &c. ; and if it be assumed that L - I = \ (L - L') L - /,= \, (L - U) (284) L - U= \(L - L) L — /,= X, (L - L% the four first of equations (283) become = {(0) -H Ul -f (0.1) + (0.2) -f (0.3)} \ - (0.1) X, - (0.2) X, - (0.3) X, - {0| 2N 546 PERTURBATIONS OF THE [Book IV. = {(1) + d] + (1-0) + (1.2) + (1.3)}\, - (l.O)X - (1.2)\- (l.3)X,- [1] (285) = {(2) + ID + (2.0) + (2.1) + (2.3)} X, - (2.0) \ - (2.1) \y - (2.3) \3 - [2] = {(3) +13 + (3.0) + (3.1) + (3.2)}X, -(3.0)\ - (3.1) X^ - (3.2) X, - [3], which are relative to the displacement of tlie orbit and equator of Jupiter ; by these, X, Xj, X^ Xj, may be computed, whence the rela- tions among the inclinations will be known. On the Constant Planes. 869. The preceding equations afford the means of finding the per- manent planes mentioned in article 803, for I = mNF and L'=JNF, fig. Ill, are the inclinations of the satellite and Jupiter on the fixed plane ; I - L' :=. mNJ is the inclination of the orbit of the satellite on that of Jupiter, by article 864 ; hence, the latitude of the satellite m above the orbit of Jupiter is equal to a series of terms of the form (J, - L') sin {v + pt -^ A). But the first of equations (284) gives / - L' = (1 — X) (L - I/) ; thus, with regard to the displacement of Jupiter's orbit and equator, 2' (/-L') sin (w+;?<+A)=(l_X) 2' {L-L) sin (v+pt+A). Again, L =z QNF, L, — JNF being the inclinations of Jupiter's equator and orbit on the fixed plane ; L — L' = QNJ is the inclina- tion of his equator on his orbit, for L = QNF is a negative quantity by article 864, therefore 1' (L — LO sin (v + pt + A) would be the latitude of the satellite m above the orbit of Jupiter, if it moved on the plane of his equator. But the inclination (I— X) x (L — L') is less than L - U = QNJ, both being referred to the plane of Jupiter's orbit ; hence, (I — X) (L — U) =1- U <.L-L'; therefore the plane having the inclination / — L', or (1 - X) {L-L') must come between the equator and orbit of Jupiter ; and as A and p, the longitude of the node and its annual and sidereal precession, are Chap. VII.] SATELLITES IN LATITUDE. 547 the same in both, this plane passes through NP, the line of the nodes. But L-U : (l-X) (L-L') M 1 : 1-x :: QNJ : FNJ, and the plane FN always retains the same inclination to the equator and orbit of Jupiter, since \ is a constant quantity : each of the other satellites has its own permanent plane depending on \„ \, X.3. It is hardly possible that these planes could have been discovered by ob- servation alone. 870, If 6' = QNJ = L — L' be the inclmation of Jupiter's equator on his orbit, and — f =1 pi + A the longitude of its de- scending node on the orbit estimated from the vernal equinox of Jupiter, the preceding expression, with regard to that part of the latitude of m above the orbit of Jupiter which is relative to the dis- placement of his orbit and equator, is (\ _ 1) e' sin (u + \(f')y for \0' = FNQ, the inclination of the constant plane FN on Jupi- ter's equator, therefore (\ - 1) 0' = FNJ, is the inclination of the same constant plane on Jupiter's orbit, and (\ — 1) 6' . sin (o + y) is the latitude the satellite would have if it moved on its constant plane. To determine the Effects of the Displacements of the Equator and Orbit of Jupiter on the quantities r= QNF, 0' = QNJ, f, f, and A. 871. The displacements of the equator and orbit of Jupiter affect the quantities 0, y^, 6', yf/, and A. The general equations which de- termine this effect may easily be found ; but if the values of these quantities be obtained in functions of the time, it will be sufficiently correct for astronomical purposes for several centuries, before or after any period that may be assumed as the epoch. It will answer the same purpose, and facilitate the determi- nation of these quantities, if Jupiter's orbit be assumed to coincide with the fixed plane FN ; for the whole effect of its displacement will be referred to the equator, which will then vary both from nutatio n 2 N 2 548 PERTURBATIONS OF THE [Book IV. and the variation in the orbit of Jupiter. In this case L' =: 0, and equations (284) give Z = (1-X)L; /. = (1-X,)L; Z, = (1-X,)L; kz^ il-\) L. In consequence of these, the four first of equations (283) vanish, and L remains indeterminate, and may be represented by - 'JL, and the last of the same equation becomes 4iC' which may be expressed by "p, and relates to the displacement of the equator of Jupiter. 872. Since JN coincides with FN, fig. Ill, - *!, = QnJ is the inclination of the equator on the fixed orbit of Jupiter and — *L sin (v + ''pt + 'A) would be the latitude of the satellite if it were moving on the equator of Jupiter, *A being an arbitrary quantity, or the longitude of the node of the equator corresponding to p. But this latitude has also been expressed by — sin (y + '^'). Whence sin V = 'L sin (pt + 'A), (286) 6 cos ^ zn^L cos (pH + *A), ''pt being the mean precession of the equinoxes of Jupiter. Again, since 6 = QNF, y = JNF are the inclinations of the equator and orbit of Jupiter on the fixed plane ; — sin (t? + V^) - y sin (r - 7) is the latitude the satellite would have above the orbit of Jupiter, if it moved on the plane of his equator, but - 0' sin (v + V'') is the same ; so sin (t? + V) + 7 sin (u -7) = 0' sin (v + y')* V being indeterminate. If it be successively made equal to ~*pt and to 90° -• *p/, the preceding equation gives 6' sin (f - pt) = e sin (f - 'pt) - y sin (7 + 'pt) (287) e' cos if - "pt) = e cos (^-"pt) + y cos (7 + "pt). The sum of the squares of equations (286) gives 6 r= "L, and as by this sin tj/ = sin Qpt + *A) ; therefore yff - "pt = "A. In consequence of this, tlie first of equations (287) b3come8 6' sin (f - "pt) = "L sin *A - y sin (7 -j- "pt), or 6' sin f cos"pt - Q, cos y^ sin'p^ - "L sin 'A + 7 sin 7 cos "pt + Y cos 7 sin "pt = 0. Chap. VII.] SATELLITES IN LATITUDE. 549 Tliis expression must be zero, whatever the time may be, wliich can only liappen when sin *A = 0, for *L = ; consequently, 'A = 0, and therefore Y^ = ^pt. 873. In order to determine 6' and f, let the orbit of Jupiter in the beginning of 1750 be the fixed plane, let that period be the epoch, and the line of the vernal equinox of Jupiter the origin of the angles. Then at the epoch < =: 0, whence equations (287) become 6' sin Yr' = e sin Y^ — y sin 7 6' cos f = 6 cos Y' + 7 cos 7. Now Y'' and y are so small, that the arc may be put for tlie sine, and unity for the cosine ; also y cos 7, y sin 7 may be expressed by series increasing as the powers of the time for many centuries to come ; tlierefore let 7 sin 7 = a' y cos 1 =z bt then, because 6 = *L, Y' = 'P^y *^ = 0, (288) ey = *L .>/ -at; e' — 'L + bt whence Y'' = ^pt - ^ — , when the square of tlie time is neglected. 874. Since y sin 7, y cos 7, relate to the change in the position of Jupiter's orbit from the action of the planets, they are determined by equations (137); but as Jupitor's orbit is principally disturbed by the action of Saturn and Uranus, if 0, 0' be the inclinations of the orbits of Saturn and Uranus on the orbit of Jupiter in the beginning of 1750, and Sl^ Sl\ the longitudes of the ascending nodes of the two orbits on that of Jupiter at the same epoch, estimated from the equinox of spring of Jupiter ; then will a = (4.5) cos J^ -f (4.6) 0' . cos SI' b= - (4.5)0 sin Ji- (4.6)0'. sin ^', where (4 . 5), (4 . 6), are given by equations (202). 875. It only remains to determine the effects of the displacement on 7' sin 7', y' cos 7', the inclination and node of a satellite m with regard to its fixed plane. By equations (248) I = (\ -\) L + XL'. If this value of I be put in the equations (282) they become 7'»in7'= - 2'.(1 -X).L.sin(p< + A)- 2'. XL'. sin(p/ + A) -y'cos? = 2'.(1 - x).L. cos (pt + \) + ^'. XL', cos ipt + A), 660 PERTURBATIONS OF THE [Book IV. and in consequence of equations (280) and (281) 7' sin 7' = (1 — X) . sin y + X . 7 sin7 7' cos 7' = (X — 1) . cos V + X . 7 cos 7, but = 'L, f = ^pt, 7 sin 7 = at, y cos 7 = 6< ; and putting 'pt for the sine and unity for the cosine ; with regard to the displacement of Jupiter's orbit and equator, y' sin 7' =: (1 - \yL . 'pt + \ . at y' cos 7' = (X -\yL + \ . bt (289) Thus the quantities relating to the displacement of the orbit and equator are completely determined. 876. With regard to the values of p, which depend on the mutual action of the satellites, L' is zero, since the action of the satellites has no sensible effect on the displacement of Jupiter's orbit. The values of L may be omitted relatively to I, Zi, /j, /,; and since by the last of equations (283), pL is multiplied by 2C A—B , it is of the order of the product of the ellipticity of Jupiter by the masses of the satellites ; and therefore it may be omitted also, which reduces equations (283) to 0=1 {p~(0)-fO]-(0.1)-(0.2)-(0.3}+|Q7r|^+ToT2|/,+Io:3]^ 0=/,{;?-(l)-]T|-(1.0)-(1.2)-(1.3)}+iro]Z+niE^+IIIHi (290) =Z, {i>-(2)-llI-(2.0)-(2.1)-(2.3)}+l2T0|Z +l2]T|^+[^/, =Z, {p- (3)- [3[-(3.0) - (3.1)-(3.2)}+f370l/ +[3A\l,+[3:^l, 877. These equations determine the annual and sidereal motion of the nodes and inclinations of the orbits, and are precisely similar to those which determine the eccentricities and motions of the apsides, for if the terms depending on the displacement of the orbit of Jupi- ter be omitted, each satellite has four terms in latitude similar to the four equations of the centre, and arising like them from the clianges in the positions of the orbits by the action of the matter at Jupiter's equator and their mutual attraction, they therefore depend on the inclinations and motions of the nodes of their own orbits, and on tliose of the other three. Hence, with the values of /, l^, /„ 4, known by observation, these equations will give the four roots ofp. Chap. VU.] SATELLITES IN LATITUDE. 551 the annual and sidereal motion of the nodes and the coefficients of the sixteen terms in the latitudes ; for if it be assumed, that these quantities will make I vanish from the preceding equations ; the result will be four equations between g",, ^« g"„ and p, whence p will be obtained by an equation of the fourth degree. Let p, pi. Pi, p,, be the roots of that equation, and let ri^'\ r."\ r.^'' ; rI'•^ r.^'^. r.^*' ; fl'''^ r.^"'. r.® ; be the values of ^i, t»i fs. wlien p is successively changed topi,pt,Ptt they will give the coefficients required. 878. In article 861, it was assumed, that the latitudes of the satel- lites above tlie fixed plane were $ =z I sin (v + pt + A) s, = I, sin (v, + pt + A) s, =z It sin (vt + pt + A) Sg = 4 sin (r, + jp< + ^) ; but if we refer them to the orbit of Jupiter, the term arising from the displacement of that orbit must be added to each, and if the different values of ^ be substituted, and the corresponding coefficients, the lati- tudes of the satellites above JN, the orbit of Jupiter at any time t, will be s =z (\ — 1)9' sin (t) + ^') + / sin (v -\- pt + A) + /, sin (u + Pit + A,) + 4 sin (u + ptt + Ag) + 4 sin (w 4- p»t + Ag) s, = (\ — 1)0' sin (y, + ^ + ^il sin (r, + pt + A) + r/'^4 sin (r, + p,t + A,) (291) + r»48in(o, +;>^+ AO + ti^'V, sin («, + />a< + A,) #, = (\, - 1)9' sin (u, + y) + (r«^ sin (c, + p< + A) + Ct"'4 sin (», + pi< + A,) + r.^«4 sm (r, + p^ + A.) + r.^'^4 sin (p, + ;,,< + A.) 4, = (X, ~ 1)0' sin (r, + y) + f,/ sin (r, + ;)^ -f- A) + r.^'>/, sin (r, + Pit + A.) + C,<*>/,sin (», +p^+ A^ + r.^'^4 sin (r, + p,t + A,). 552 PERTURBATIONS OF THE [Book IV. 879 Tlie first term of each depends on the displacement of Jupi- ter's orbit, and the eight quantities ^> 'l» '*> '8» ■'^J -^H ^it -^85 are determined by observation ; the first are the respective inclina- tions of the four satellites on Jupiter's orbit, and the last four are the longitudes of the nodes at the epoch. If it be required to find the latitude of the satellites above the fixed plane, it will be neces- sary to add to these the values of the latitudes, supposing the satel- lites to move on the orbit of Jupiter. 880. The inequalities in latitude which depend on the configura- tion of the bodies that acquire small divisors by integration are in- sensible, with the exception of those arising from the action of the sun depending on the angle 2v — 2U. The part of the disturbing force whence these come is R r= ifl {«« cos 2(v—U) — AsS cos (v - U) - cos 2(v- U)} An* omitting the squares and products of -S and s, — = sm 2(v - U) dv 2/i* ^ ^ = ^ {s cos 2(v- U} - 2Sco8 (cos (v - 17)} ds 2n* but S z= L' sin (v + pt + A) ; « = / sin (v + pt + \) ds and — := I cos (v + pt ■{■ a), dv and if — be put for t, observing that 71 ~" 17 = M< = :^ r, 11 the equation in article 859 becomes Os= —- + N;8+ ___ (L' - /) sm (v- v — JLv- A), dv* 2n* 71 n in which N* = 1 ^2il:iM + ^^ + lm,a*a,Br, a* 7i» rror, 2V/ = 1 + iUzJ^. a; but, without sensible error. Ch«p. VII.] SATELLITES IN LATITUDE. ^53 In order to integrate this equation, let « = A . sin (tJ V - j£- u - A), n n K being an indeterminate coefficient. If that value of » be put in the equation, it will give ^_ W£_ h '-l n n J But in the divisor, E- is very small, and U, differs but little from unity ; hence n 1 - 2 ^ - Z. + iV; = 2, nearly ; 11 n therefore » = i i 8m(r-2 — V — J—v - h)\ 4n'(2^ + i^+iNr,-l) ^ "" n n a similar inequality exists for each root of p, including *p, which is the value of p depending on the displacement of the equator and orbit of Jupiter. Now, JL + N, = I, nearly ; n consequently, « = — i^'-l) . sin (v-2U-pt-A). (292) 8n Secular Inequalities of the Satellitea, depending on the Variations in the Elements of Jupiter's Orbit. 881. Tlie secular inequalities in the elements of Jupiter's orbit, occasioned by the action of the planets, produce corresponding va- riations in the mean motions of the satellites, which, in the course of ages, will have a considerable effect on the theory of these bodies. These arc obtained from B = - -^{l-3««-3S« + 126>co8(l/-v)} 55*. PERTURBATIONS OF THE [Book IV. But, by articles 864 and 865, « = 7'8in(t;-r), S = 7 sin (t7- 7), «' = — sin (v + V') ; and as the periodic inequalities are to be rejected, ^ = -^ {1 + S^^Yl = M*{l+3fP sin« (3f< + E - n)} = M» (1 + f //*)• For the same reason, r« =: a* (1 + i e* - c cos (n< + 6 - ct))« = a* (1+ f e') ; and if it be observed that 3^!!!^=[ol; (£:iMn = (0), 4 I — 'a* the value of anJR is anR = ^i^ [0] {e« + H* - 7« + 277/ cos (7' - 7) - y,'} - i (0) {e' + 207/ cos (7' +f) + 7/* - e*}. If this quantity be put in equation (259), the result will be IjL?^ =- 2 [0] {c*+H«- 7"+ 277' cos (7'-7)-y«} dt + 3 (0) {0» + 207' cos (7 + V) + y"-€*}. This, however, only gives the inequalities on the orbit ; but its projection on the fixed plane, by article 548, is Now, s = 7' sin (t)-70 = 7' sin v cos 7' — 7' cos u sin 7'. The substitution of this quantity, and of its differential, gives J / J 1 1 f ; • 0^*^(7' cos 7) , nid(y' . 8in7')l dc'rr dv+fi{y'. sin 7' —^ — 7'. cos 7 — li iU d^ dt \ the value of dy' projected on tlie fixed plane ; therefore 1 - 2 [0] {e« + lr« - 7« + 277' cos (r - 7) - 7"} + J (0) {e» - 0« - 207' cos (7' + V) — 7'*}- Since all the quantities 7 sin 7, 7 cos 7, 7/ sin 7y, 7^ cos 7' Y^ and ^, are given in the f>receding articles, it may be found that iih. = 4 . [0] . (1 - X)« . 'Lbi - 6 . (0) . \« . *JL. 6« ±}l =M7' Bin r ^^^' • ^°^'^'> -y . COB 7- ^<^^ • ^'" ^^> l (293) d^ d^ d^ Chap. VII.] SATELLITES IN LATITUDE. 555 + (1-X).\.{(0) + r?l + (0.1) + (0.2)+ (O.S)}:L.bt -iX(0).'L6<-i(l-X). \0] .'L . bt + i (0. 1) . {(X - 1) X' + (X, - 1) \} . 'L . ht + i (0.2) {(X-1) X, + (\,- 1) x}rL . ht + i(0-3){(X-l)X,+ (\,-l)X}'L. bl- 2[0\ H\ But in consequence of the relations between X, Xi, X,, X,, in article 859, tlh = 4(1 - X)« . [0] . *L6< - 6 (0) X«*L6< -2H« . |0] . dt In considering the action of Saturn only, equations (204) give the numerical value oi H ; to abridge, if e be the value of H at the epoch, then // =: e + cf + &c. ; and omitting the square of the time, H*=2ect, and the integral becomes Jr = 2(l-X)«(g . *I,6<«-3(0)X«*L6<«-2ec<«fq] . (294) This inequality in the mean motion of m varies with the eccentri- city of the orbit of Jupiter, and is similar to the acceleration in the mean motion of the moon, but it will not be perceptible for many years, nor has it hitherto been perceived. 8S2. If there was but one satellite, the first of equations (285) would give r^ X = ' [Jl + (0) In the theory of the moon, [o] is vastly greater than (0), so that X =: 1 — i— L differs but little from unity, which reduces the equa- tion (294) to $o = — 2 [(T) « . c<*, where e is the eccentricity of the earth's orbit at the epoch ; and substituting f __ for [o] , it n becomes S» s •— ^ — e c^ ; n which it the same with the acceleration of the moon. 556 PERTURBATIONS OF THE [Book IV. 883. One secular variation alone is sensible at present, and that only in the mean motion of the fourth satellite ; it is derived from equation (293), each term of which must be determined separately. When e* and IP are omitted, its second term i{7'*- 277* cos (7' -7) + 7*} is the square of that part of the latitude of the satellite m above the orbit of Jupiter, which is independent of v ; therefore the expression is equal to the square of s in article 861, where v is omitted ; but as /, /y, &c., are very small, their squares and products may be neg- lected, so that the quantity required, after the reduction of the pro- ducts of the sines to the cosines of the differences of the arcs, is 7* - 2yY' cos (7' - 7) + 7'* = (i-x)'. d^+2(\'-i)e'{i . cos (pi+A-y)+i, cos(p,/+A'-V'0+&c.} hence ^ = 4(\ - 1) e' [0] {; . cos (pt+A- V') + &c.}. Again, e* + 2^7' cos (7' + V) + t'S the third term of equation (293), is the square of the latitude of m above the equator of Jupiter, when v is omitted, and is therefore equal to the square of \6' sin f + I sin (pt + A) + I, sin (p,t + A,) + &c. which is given by the first of equation (291). AVhence ^1^ = - 6(0) Xef {I coa (pt + A - f) + &c.}. In the third place the Same expression of s gives 7' sin 7' = (^' - I) e' cos V' + ^ cos (pt + A) + &c. - 7 cos 7 7' cos 7' = - (X - I) 6' sin y — I sin (pt + A) - &c. - 7 sin 7. By means of these values the first tenn of equation (293) becomes i[^ = - i (\ - 1) . 0'{;,Z cos (;,< + A - VO + &c.} at When these three parts are added, they constitute the whole of equation (293), the integral of which is io = - {6 (0)X + 4(1 - X) |T }. e'\L Bin (pt + A- V'; + [p -Lain (p,t + A,-\f/) + &c.} Pi + h (l->^)e'{/ . Bin (pt-^A-f) + l,6m (p,/+A,-v') + &c.} Chap. VII.] SATELLITES IN LATITUDE. 557 The only part that has a sensible effect is {4(1 -X.) i3]-i(l-X)3)ps+6(3)\3} Si>= e' 4 X sin (p,t + A, - -^^ (295) and that in the motions of the fourth satellite only. 884. With regard to the moon, \ = 1 -_^ differs but little from unity, and p = [o] nearly ; hence, for that body, Sr=- — .(0).— sin iv +pt--f), 2 p which coincides with equation (244), supposing the obliquity of the ecliptic to be very small. 558 CHAPTER VIII. NUMERICAL VALUES OF THE PERTURBATIONS. 885. It is known by observation that the sidereal revolutions of the satellites are accomplished in the following periods; — Dajrt. 1 St satellite in 1.769137787 2d 3.551181017 8d 7.154552808 4th 16.689019396 The values of n, Ui, n^, n, being reciprocally as these periods, n =: n^. 9.433419 ni = 71, . 4.699569 n, = Wg . 2.332643. And as the sidereal revolution of Jupiter is Daji. 4332.602208, M = Wa . 0.00385196. 886. The mean distances of the satellites from Jupiter are known from observation ; with them, by a method to be shown afterwards, the equations (271) and (290) give the following approximate values of the masses of the satellites, and of the compression of Jupiter m = 0.0000184113 m, = 0.0000258325 7ng= 0.0000865185 fn,= 0.00005590808 ^ -^0 = 0.0217794, the mass of Jupiter being the unit. 887. The mean distances of the three first satellites cannot be measured with sufficient accuracy for computing the inequalities ; it is therefore necessary to determine them from the value of a, by Kepler's law. Chap. VIII.] NUMERICAL VALUES OF PERTURBATIONS. 559 At tlie mean distance of Jupiter from the sun, his equatorial diameter is seen under an angle of 38".99 ; taking this diameter as the unit, the mean distance of the fourth satellite in functions of the diameter is Oa = 25.43590. By article 818 the mean distance of a satellite is a + Sa, in con- sequence of the action of the disturbing forces ; but as the variation Ja is principally owing to the compression of Jupiter, the only part of ia in article 821 that has a sensible effect on the mean distances is a ^ ^ y^^ hence a := n~* becomes 3a« .= „-*(! + *(^)). also . a.= n7^(l + i(L:LM.\y and thus, by Kepler's law, . = + H.-i*)(l-I)}«.V^ in whicli — "" (a. ^>•5)• whence, with the preceding values, it is easy to find that a = 5.698491 a, = 9.066548 a,= 14.461893 «,= 25.43590; with these the series S and S' in article 453 may be computed, and from them all the coefl5cients A^, ^„ &c. ; B,. ^i. &c. ; and their differences may be found by the same method of computation, and from the same formula;, as for the planets ; and thence N =z n, . 9.4269167 iV; = w, . 4.6979499 N, = n,. 2.332309 iVs = w, . 0.9999070. 888. With these quantities the perturbations in longitude and dis- tance computed from the expressions in articles 820 and 821 are fm NUMERICAL VALUES OF [Book IV. Sr = mi < + frii 5r = 771, 60".7333 . sin {7iit - nt + Ci — «] -- 7042".63 . sin ^{iht - nt + c, - e] - 22".949 . sin 3{7ii< - nt + e, — e - 5".2464 . sin A{n,t + nt + e, - e} (296) - 1".7518 . sin 5{/i,< — nt + e, — c' - 0".69443 . sin 6{7Ji< - nt + e, - e] 7". 1065 . sin [nj. — nt -\- c^ — e] - 6'. 0005 . sin 2{iiJ. - nt ■\- e^ — e - 0".6162 . sin 3[M — nt + f* - 0".1156 . sin 4[7J4< - nt + c, + 0".04731 . sin {2nt - Mt + 2e - c£} The inequalities depending on 77?s are insensible. + 0.000084865 + 0.00046652 . cos {n^t - 7i< + c, - c} - 0.09764199 . cos 2{n^t - 7i< + 6, - e} - 0.00040917 . cos 3{n^t - ?it + e, - 6} - 0.00010761 . cos 4{7Ii< - nt + e, - e} - 0.00003824 . cos 5[n,< - w< + e, - e} 1^ _ 0.00001642 . cos 6{7iit - nt + e, - e} f 0.00000703 + 0.00007780 - 0.00010631 - 0.00001310 - 0.00000269 0.00000113 + 0.00001478 - 0.00000968 - 0.00000078 + 0.00000095 - 0.00000095 . cos {2Mt-7it+2E-2e} -2252".28 .sin {7it - ti^t + e - e^} - 17'.053 . sin 2{n<- 7J,< + e -c,} - 3".4102 . sin 3{nt - 7»i< + e- e,} (297) - 1".0837 . sin 4{7J,< - 7it + c, - c} - 0".4202 . sin b{7it - n^t + e - e^} 59".784 . sin {7itt-7iit+ e, -«,} 3923".3 . sin 2{7i^ - 7^1 + ««-£»} + W»j + wis " cos {7l8<-7?< + ^« — «} COS 2{nit- 7i< + e^-e} cos 3{7Jg< -7lt + €f — e} COS A{7l,t - 7lt + e^ -A COS {7lg<-7l< + C8~^} COS 2{7lat-nt + e^^e\ C0s3{nat-1lt+eg-e] iv, = 771 + 77? •{- Chap. VIII.] THE PERTURBATIONS. 661 + Wa + m. Sr, = m < + w, ■■ - 22".318 sin ^(iij. - n,t -{■ e^ - €,) - 5". 1076 sin 4 (ji^t - n.t + £« - e^) - 1".7041 sin 5 (M - "i^ + c* - ^i) - 0".6744 sin 6 Ohi " nj, + e, - e^ + 4".0098 sin (n^t - n,t + C3 - e^) - 3 ".5108 sin 2 (7?8< - «i< + H- ^i) - 0".3449 sin 3 {nj. - iht + e, - ej) + 0".1906 sin (2ni< - 2Mt + 2ey- 2E) - 0.00044608 + 0.05069318 cos (nt - 7ii< + e - Ci) + 0.00059197 cos 2 (7i< - n,t + e - e,) + 0.00014002 cos 3 {nt - ihi + c ^ e^) + 0.00004784 cos 4 (/i< - Uxt + e - e,) + 0.00001928 cos 5 {nt - 7Ji< + £ - ^i) .0.00006497 + 0.00073255 cos (Mj^ - 77i< + Cg - e,) - 0.08670960 cos 2 («g< - n^t + Cg - e,) - 0.00063398 cos 3 (v^t - nj + eg - ei) - 0.00016685 cos 4 (/?«< - 7li< + e, - e,) I. — 0.00006067 cos 5 (ti^I - n^t + e^ - e,) 0.00000798 + 0.00007146 cos {ixjt - iiyl + C3 - ^i) - 0.00010133 cos 2{iht - ii^t + Ca - ^i) - 0.00001169 cos 3(m3<-2Ii< + «3 - Ci) + 0.00000609 - 0.00000609 cos (2Mt - 2iht + 2£ - 2e,) 7 ".862 sin (nt-nj^ •\- ^- eg) (298) Sr, = 771 ^ — 0".228 sin 2(h< - 7Jg< + <= - e») - 0".0414 sin 3(7t< - ii^t + e - c,) ^ - 1126".96 sin in^t - nj, + e< - e,) - 16".504 sin 2(n,< - 7»g< + 6, - 6,) - 3".2995 sin 3(n,< - nj. + e, - €«) - 1 ".0467 sin 4(/i,< - Wgi + c, - c,) - 0".4067 sin ^{n^t - v^t + ^i - 'i) I - 0".1767 sin 6(w,< - nJt + -, - ««) J 34".396 sin {nj. - Vtt + Cs- ^d ■^ *"' I - 117".32 sin 2{v^t - v^t + c, - c.) 2 O + m, ' + »», ' 562 NUMERICAL VALUES OF [Book IV. + m. Sr, = m t + m^ - 8".251 sin 3 {n^t - n^t + e^- €,) - 1".919 sin 4 (ii^t - n^t + 63 - e,) - 0".609 sin 5 {n^t - v,t + 63 - c,) - 0".227 sin 6 (n^t - nj + €^- e,) + 0".7734. sin (2n,< - 2Mt + 2e, - 2E) - 0.00054798 + 0.00059147 cos (jit - n^t + e - e,) + 0.00001906 cos 2(nt - vj + 6-6.) + 0.00000348 cos 3int - nj + e- e,) - 0.00070942 + 0.04137743 cos (n,t - n^t + e, - ej + 0.00091726 cos 2(n,t - n^t + e^ - 6,) + 0.00021712 cos 3{n,t - «,< + e^ - e,) + 0.00007409 cos i(n,( - 71^ + e, ^ e,) + 0.00002980 cos 5(?i,t - «,< + e, ^ e,) + 0.00001318 cos 60ht - n,t + e. - c,) 0.00006850 + 0.00075191 cos (n,t - v^t + e^ - c,) - 0.0044961 cos 20i,t - «,< + e^ - 6,) - 0.00039801 cos 3(^3^ - n,t + c, - e^ - 0.00010474 cos 4(7,,t - v,t + e, ^ c,) - 0.00003569 cos b(n,t - n^ + c, ^ e.) I - 0.00001379 cos 6(n,( - v,t + e, « c,) + 0.00003944 - 0.00003944 cos {2Me - 2n^t + 2E — 2€,} H, = m.i + 4"-6156.8in (nt - n,t + c - e.) I - 0".0067.sin 2(nt ~ n^t + e - c,) + 7".2745 .sin (w,< - v,t + c, - c,) + »»a < (299) + >Wi + W2, { 1 - 0".09995.sin 2{n,t - v,t + c, - r,) - 0".0175 .sin 3{n,t - n^t + e, - 63) - 11 ".482 .sin in J, — n,t + f, — e^) - 5".1701.8in 20,,t - 7»3< + c, - 63) - l".0787.sin 3(«,< - vj + e, - c,) - 0".3304.sin 4(/,,< - „,< + c, _ e.) - 0".1210.8in 5(n^ -«.< + «, _ .,) + 4".2082,8in 2(«,< - Jtf< + e, - £) + m. Chap. VIII] THE PERTURBATIONS. 563 f - 0.00088152 Sr, = m.l + 0.00057018. cos («< - v^i + 6 — 63) V + 0.00000113. cos 2(nt — Wg^ + e - e^) - 0.00093981 , + 0.00091758. cos (n^t - n^t + c. - e,) ^ + 0.0000 1095. cos 2{n^t - v^t + e, - €3) + 0.000001 66. cos 3(Wi< — njt + ej - Cg) - 0.00114443 + 0.00326071. cos {nj. - «8< + e« - 'a) + 0.00057836. cos 2(nJ, — 7t8< + Cg - e,) + 0.00013614. cos 3(w,< - 7/3^ + Cj - ^3) + 0.00037741 - 0.0003774 1. cos 2(M< - tj^^ + £ - 63). Tliese inequalities in the circular orbits are independent of their positions. Determination of the Masses of the SaiellUes and the Compression of Jupiter. 889. Approximate values of the masses of the satellites, and of the compression of Jupiter, are sufficiently accurate for calculating the periotUc inequalities in the circular orbit ; but it is necessary to have more correct values of these quantities for computing the secular variations. The periodic and secular inequalities determined by theor}', when compared with their observed values, furnish the means of finding the true values of these very minute quantities. The prin- cipal periodic inequality in the longitude of the first sateUite is, by observation, 1636".4 at its maximum ; but by article 888 tliis inequality is, by theory, 7042".6m„ whence m^ =0.232355. Tlie greatest periodic inequality in the longitude of the second satellite is, by observation, 3862''.3 at its maximum ; the s.irae, by (298), is m . 2252".28 + W7, 1 3923".3, which arises from the combinetl action of the first and third satel- lites, Iience m = 1.714843 - m^ . 1.741934. (300) 2 2 ^^ NUMERICAL VALUES OF [Book IV. The other unknown quantities must be computed from equations (271) and (290). For that purpose let /) - i0 =/t . 0.0217794, /I being an indeterminate quantity depending on the compression of Jupiter's spheroid. Then from the expressions and the formulae in article 474, it will be found that (0) = 179457". /. [0] = 83".47 (1) = 35317". fi |Tj r= 67".16 (2) = 6889".6 /i [2] = 135".31 (3) = 954".82 ytt (3] = 315".64 (0.1) = m, 12903".6 [oT] = m, . 9563".2 (301) (0.2) = m,. 1686".44 [oT2] = m^ . 813".69 (0.3) = ,;,, . 248".57 |^ = ^^ , e9U6 (1.0) = m . 10229 '.9 |To] = m . 7581".6 (1.2) = m, . 6539".61 jXg = m, . 4688".2 (1.3) = m, . 584".554 [O] == ^3 . 256".I2 (2.0) = m . 1058".6] gTo] = ,„ . 510".77 (2.1) = ,n. . 5019".6 IJA] = m, . 3712".! (2.3) = ,;,3 . 1907 ".3 1 (13 = m, . 1294".4 (3.0) = m. 117'. 64 j 3;;o] = ;„ . 32^74 (3.1) = m, . 348".99 \SA\ ^ m, . 152".9» (3.2)=:ni,. 1438".2 ( S^T = ;;,, . 975^0! Cbap. VIII.] THE PERTURBATIONS. 565 The numerical values of F, G ; F\ G', arc determined from articles 825, 826, and 827, to be F = 1.483732 G = - 0.857159 F'= 1.466380 G' = - 0.855370 and with the same quantities the coefficients Q, Qi, Qj, of the equa- tions in article 839 are found to be 16.850204.^-6.118274.^,1 Q — - m^ f l6. 850204. fe-6. Ill (1+ ^ Y '■ 972421" y a . 133080 .^1- 1.511476.^, 4- m 972421" '13. 307450. A- 4. 831907. A, | 13. 307450. fe- 4.83 (i + — 1— Y I 972421" J Q, — nil 3.248934.^1 - 1.188133A, (1 + 972421' Not only these quantities, but several data from observation are requisite for the determination of the unknown quantities from equa- tions (271) and (290). 890. Tlie eclipses of tlie third satellite show it to liave two distinct equations of the centre ; the one depending on the apsides of the fourth satellite is 2A, = 24 5". 14. The other datum is the equation of the centre of the fourth satellite, which is, by observation, equal to 3002".04 = 2Aa. Again, observation gives the annual and sidereal motion of the apsides of the fourth satellite equal to 2578".75, which, by article 831, is one of the four roots of g in equation (271), so that ga = 2578".75. And, lastly, observation gives 43374" for the annual and sidereal motion of the nodes of the orbit of the second satellite on the fixed plane, which is one of the roots o( p in equation (290), so that p, = 43374". 891. If the values of m^ and 7w, as well as all tlie quantities that precede, be substituted in equations (271) and (290), they become, when the first are divided by h^, and the last by /„ 566 NUMERICAL VALUES OF ' [Book IV. = 2182". — 954".81^ - 117".64m + 32".73.»n. A (303) - 1358'.5»?, + 35".533 . ^L. K = - A {8040".9 + 179457 fi . + 51581".5 m + 1686".44 w?, + 248".55 WJ3} (304) + {4977".22 + 18729". m — 16020".3mJ h. + 544".86 wt2 + 69".16 m^. 0={183a5".3 77i+72999".2 m«-63180".4 mm^) A (305) A3 f 25ll".6-35317"./*-l4128m— 13455". 7Ws,-584".554«j3l_^ [— 26505".7 m* + 45344'^8 mm^ - 19393".4 m^ J ''3 4- 594".41 m". + 256".12 m^ - 677".04 mm, + 592".6 m/. 0=483l".9m . A +{1352".8 - 1569 '. m + 1342". «»jA (306) K //a + 89 '.7 — 562".6/i - 86".44 m — 40". yn^ + 1138".7m,. 0=:43306".9 - 35317"./*— 10229".9 m (1 — -L^ (307) -6339'.6m,(l- A^ — 584".554 m^ (1 — AY (308) = 299S".23 + (40342^'.3-179457"./i-1686''.44mg-248".57m8)A •I + 1686".44 fw, . A + 248". 57 w, . A. 0= 1166".5 + 1058".6 m . A + 1907".34 m^ . A (309) + {42072".4 — 6S69".6 /i - 1058".6 m— 1907".35 w,} A = 8r'.09 + 117".64 »i . A + 1438".2 m^ . A (310) + {42976".3 — 954".82/t— 117".64m - 1438".2m,}A. 892. These arc the particular valuea of equations (271) and (290) Chap. VIII.] THE PERTURBATIONS. 567 corresponding to the roots g^ = 2578''.82^ and pi t=: 43374" alone. By tlie following method of approximation, nine of the unknown quantities are obtained from these eight equations, together with equation (300). The iuclinatious of the satellites are very small, and the two first move nearly in circular orbits, therefore the quantities A .^ i. A A, *s ^B A h 'i are so minute that they may be made zero in the equations (308), (306), (307), in the first instance ; and if m be eliminated by equa- tion (300), these three equations will give approximate values of the masses m,, »},, and of ft, and then m will be obtained from equation (300). But, in order to have these four quantities more accurately, their approximate values must be substituted in equations (304), (305), (308), (309), and (310), whence approximate values of h hi I It It fh ht li /, /, will be found. Again, if these approximate values of h hi I /g 4 h, ha li li A be substituted in equations (303), (306), and (307), and if m be eliminated by means of equation (300), new and more accurate values of the masses and of ft will be obtained. If with the last values of the masses and of ft the same process be repeated, the unknown quantities will be determined witii still more precision. Tliis process must be continued till two consecutive values of each unknown quantity are nearly the same. In this manner it is found that /* = 1.0055974; VI — 0.173281 ; mi=i 0.232355 ; »n,= 0.884972 ; 77Ja= 0.426591 ; h = 0.00206221 A, ; / rr 0.0207938 I, ; A» = 0.0173350 . /*3 ; /, = - 0.0342530 I, ; \ = 0.0816578 . 7/3 ; /, = - 0.000931164 I,. 893. fi determines the compression of Jupiter's spheroid, for ^ - J^0 = ^.0.0217794, whence y) — ^ =: 0.0219012. 568 NUMERICAL VALUES OF [Book IV. If t be the time of Jupiter's rotation, T tlie time of the sidereal revo- lution of the fourth satellite, then is the ratio of the centrifugal force to gravity at Jupiter's equator. But 03=25.4359, T = 16.689019 days; and, according to the observations of Cassini t = 0.413889 of a day, hence = 0.0987990, and j> = 0.0713008. As the equatorial radius of Jupiter's spheroid has been taken for unity, half his polar axis will be 1 — p = 0.9286992. Tlie ratio of the axis of the pole to that of his equator has often been measured : the mean of these is 0.929, which differs but little from the preceding value ; but on account of the great influence of the matter at Jupiter's equator on the motions of the nodes and apsides of the orbits of the satellites, this ratio is determined with more pre- cision by observation of the eclipses than by direct measurement, however accurate. The agreement of theory with observation in the compression of Jupiter shows that his gravitation is composed of the gravitation of all his particles, since the variation in his attractive force, arising from his observed compression, exactly represents the motions of the nodes and apsides of his satellites. 894. If the preceding values of the masses of the satellites be divided by 10,000, the ratios of these bodies to that of Jupiter, taken as the unit, are Ist . . . 0.0000173281 2d . . , 0.0000232355 3d , . . 0.0000884972 4th . . . 0.0000426591. 895. Assuming the values of the masses of the earth and Jupiter in article 606, the mass of the third satellite will be 0.027337 of that of the earth, taken as a unit. But it was shown that tlie mass of the moon is — = 0.013333, &c. 75 of that of the earth. Thus the mass of the third satellite is more Chap. VIII.] THE PERTURBATIONS. 569 than twice as great as that of the moon, to which the mass of the fourth is nearly equal. 896. In the system of quantities, g-s =r 2 578". 82 h = 0.00206221 Ae = C^"' K A, = 0.0173350 Aa = C.^»> ^3 hi = 0.0816578 A3 = fgW A, A3 may be regarded as the true eccentricity of the orbit of the fourth satellite, arising from the elliptical form of the orbit, and given by observation. And the values of A, A„ Aj are those parts of the eccen- tricities of the other three orbits, which arise from the indirect action of the matter at Jupiter's equator ; for the attraction of that matter, by altering the position of the apsides of the fourth satellite, changes the relative position of the four orbits, and consequently alters the mutual attraction of the satellites, and is the cause of the changes in the form of the orbits expressed by the preceding values of A, Aj, A^. This is the reason why these quantities depend on the annual and sidereal motion of the apsides of tlie fourth satellite- 897. A similar system exists for each root of g, arising from the same cause, and depending on the annual and sidereal motions of the apsides of the other three satellites. These are readily obtained from the general equations (271), which become, when the values of the masses and of the quantities in equations (301) are substituted, 972421"/ 9724217 + {270".l + ^ilH^j:^ 1a, + 29". 5 A,; A. (311) (1 + 972421' 0=:{1313".7— ^^'ll_|A+(g-43214"-_J^£!?:i!_k (1 + _X_Y^ (1+__£__V 972421"/ 972i2l"J (312) + {4148". 9 + 21^-1 Ia, + 109". 3A,; (1 + — ^-V 972421 '7 570 NUMERICAL VALUES OF [Book IV. = {89".5+ '^^^"'^ U+{862".5+ llH!l^ k (1+.— ^— Y^ (1+ ^ ^"-^ 972421' 7 ^ 972421"^ (313) + {ff-9227'M 616" A U+559".2A,; (1 + 972421" = 5".7 h + 35". 53^1 + 8G3".74//g + (g - 2650". 1) ^3. (314) 898. As the motion of the apsides of tlie orbits of the satellites is almost entirely owing to the compression of Jupiter, in tlie first ap- proximation the coefficient of h^ may be made zero in equation (311); whence 616". 4 g = 9227".l + ^ 972421"/ or, omitting g in the divisor, g = 9843". 5 r= 10000" nearly ; hence, if 10000" be put for g in equations (311), (312), (314), they will give values of — , — !, _i ; hi hi hi and, by the substitution of these in equation (311), a still more ap- proximate value of §• will be found. This process must be continued till two consecutive values of g are nearly the same. In this man- ner it may be found that ^, == 9399''.17 h = 0.0238111^, = C'*^A, A, = 0. 2152920 Aa = Cj,^*V/s A8=: 0.1291564 A, = C^Aa A, may be regarded as the true eccentricity of the orbit of the third satellite, and h, /t„ h^ are those parts of the eccentricities of the other three orbits, arising from the action of Jupiter's equator on the apsides of the third, and depending on §•, = 9399". 17, their annual and sidereal motion. 899. Again, if h and//, be made zero in equations (311) and (312), and g omitted in the divisor, then will ff = 35114".7, g, = 59152". 3, and by the same method it will be found that •Chap. VIII.] THE PERTURBATIONS. -571 g = 19G665', gr/ = 0.57718" //. = 0. 0185238. /i=C,/i; //, = - 0. 0375392. /i, = C,(')Ai A, = -0. 0034337. /i=CiA; /;,= - 0.0436686. /f,=C8^'> A, A, = -0. 00001735. A=C8A; As = 0.00004357. ^1=^3^'^ A. In tliese A and A, are the real eccentricities of the orbits of the first ami second satellites, and the other values, /?, fi^, fi^, Ii^, Sec, arise from the action of the other satellites corresponding to the roots g: and g,. 900. With regard to the inclinations of the orbits and the longi- tudes of their nodes, it appears, from article 892, that the system of inclinations for the root p, is p, = 43374". 01 I = 0.0207938./, = t/'\ // /, =: - 0.0342530 . l^ ;= fj('>. I, ^3 = - 0.00093116 . t, = fa^". /, t, is the real inclination of the orbit of the second satellite on its fixed plane, passing between the equator and orbit of Jupiter ; and /, /j, 4, are those parts of the inclination of the other three orbits depending on the root p,, and arising principally from tlic action of Jupiter's equator ; for the attraction of that protuberant matter, by changing the place of the nodes of the second satellite, alters the relative position of the orbits, which changes the mutual attraction of the bodies, and produces the variations in the inclinations expressed by /, It, /, ; and it is for this reason that these quantities depend on the annual and sidereal motion of the no, that is, on the annual and sidereal motions of the nodes of the orbits of the other three satellites. Tlicse are obtained from equations (307), &c. ; for when the values of the masses and of ft are substituted, they become 0=(;j -185091")/-!- 2998". 23/.+ 1492'. 5 /s+ 106". 03/3 0= 1772". 6 /+0?— 43214") ^1 + 5610". 4/,+ 249". 4/, 0= 183".44H1166".3/,+ (jj-9227".2)/, + 813".7/3 (315) 0= 20". 4 /+8l".09/i+1272".8/,+ (p-2650")/3. 902. The first approximate value of;; is found by making the coeffi- cient of I zero in the first of equations (315) ; whence;; =185091" ; and if this value of p be put in the three last of tlicse equations divided 572 NUMERICAL VALUES OF [Book IV. by I. values of — , —i, -_L, will be found ; and when these last ^ III quantities are put in the first of equations (315), a new and more correct value of p will be found : by repeating the process till two consecutive values of p nearly coincide, it will be found that p = 185130'M4 A = - 0.0124527 .l = Cii /j = - 0.0009597. I =1 ^J 4 = - 0.0000995. / = ^3^ I is the inclination of the first satellite on its fixed plane, arising chiefly from the attraction of Jupiter's equator, and given by obser- vation ; and /„ /„ 4 are the parts of the inclination of the other three orbits depending on p, the annual and sidereal motion of the nodes of the first satellite. 903. The third and fourth roots o( p will be obtained by making the coefliicients of 4 and 4 respectively zero in the third and fourth of the preceding equations ; and, by the same method of approxima- tion, it will be found that p, =: 9193 ". 56, jj, = 2489". 2 I rr 0.0111626 . 4 = fi^*^ 4, I = 0.0019856 . 4 = f ^ 4 4 = 0.164053 . 4 = fg^*^ 4, li= 0.0234108 . 4 = W^ 4 4 =- 0. 196565 . 4 = Ts^'^ '*. 4= 0.1248622 . 4 = ^,^'^1,, where 4 ai^^l 4 are the real inclinations of the third and fourth satel- lites on their fixed planes, given by observation. 904. It now remains to compute the quantities depending on the displacement of Jupiter's equator and orbit, namely, the four values of \, e' = *L + 64 and f = 'pt - ^. The first are found by X/ the substitution of the numerical values of the masses and of/) - J 0, in equations (285). Whence \ = 0.00057879 \, = 0.00585888 X, = 0.02708801 K~ 0.13235804. Again, Chap. VIII.] THE PERTURBATIONS. 573 As ^, B, C, are the moments of inertia of Jupiter's spheroid, as- sumed to be elliptical, the theory of spheroids gives 2C-A-B _ 0.14735; C and by observation, it is known that Jupiter's rotation is performed in 0.41377 of a day; and that his sidereal revolution is 4332.6 , ,, - M 0.41377 days ; therefore — = ; •^ i 4332.6 then, by the substitution of the numerical values of the other quan- tities, all of which are given, it will appear that 'p = 3". 2007. By observation, the inclination of Jupiter's equator on his orbit was, in 1750, *L = 3°. 09996, and as dt dt are given by the theory of Jupiter at that epoch, — = 2". 93314, b = 0^.02279 ; whence & = 3°. 09996 + 0". 02279 .t\ f = 0".2676, which is nearly the annual precession of Jupiter's equinoxes on his orbit. — Y*' expresses the longitude of the descending node of Jupiter's equator on his orbit, 190° - y-' = 11 will be tlie longitude of his ascending node ; consequently sin (r A- y') = sin (v - 11). By observation, it is known tliat, in the beginning of 1750, n = 313°. 7592; whence V' = 46°. 241 + 0".2676 . t ; and, witli the preceding value of 6', it will be found that (1 _ X) 0' = 3°. 0899 (I - X,)0' r= 3°. 0736 (1 — X,)0' = 3°. 0079 (1 - \,) e'=: 2°. 6825. 905. It appears, from observation, tliat the two first satellites move in circular orbits, and that the first moves sensibly on its fixed plane, from the powerful attraction of Jupiter's equator; conse- quently h and h,, corresponding to the roots g and g„ are zero, as well as the inclination /, depending on the root p. Hence the ays- 674 NUMERICAL VALUES OF [Book IV. terns of quantities in articles 899 and 902 are zero; and as, by observation, the real equations of the centre of the third and fourth satellites are 2h^ - 245'M4, 2K = 553". 73, 2h = 3002". 04 ; and the real inclinations of the second, third, and fourth on their fixed planes, are /i=-1669".31, 4=— 739".98, 4= -897". 998. By the substitution of these quantities in the different systems, Ci^*>Ag, C/'^As, &c. &c. it will be found that the equations in articles 835 and 878, Sy = 13". 18 . sin Oit + « - g^t - T^) - 6". 19 . sin {nt + e - g^t — T^) h, = 119". 22 . sin (n,t + e^ — g^t - Tj - 52". 04 . sin {n,t + e, - gj. ~ r^) (316) hvi = - 552". 02 . sin {n^t + cg — gj. - T^ — 244". 38 . sin {i^t + e^ - gj, - Tg) Sug = — 3002". 04 . sin {n^t + e^ — g-Jt - Tg) - 71". 52 . sin in,t + e. - fft^ - Tg). s = 3°. 0899 . sin (v + 46°. 241- 49". 8 - 34". 03 . sin (r ■{■p.t + A,) + 8" . 26 . sin (v + p^t + A,,) »,= 3°. 0736 . sin (r, + 46°. 241 - 49".8 /) (317) - 1669". 3 . sin (u, + pj. + A,) 12] ''.4 . sin (ri + pj, + A,) 21 ".02. sin (r. + p^t + A3). «g = 3°. 0079 . sin (r, + 46°. 241 - 49". 8 /) - 739". 98 . sin (r, + Ps< + Ag) 112". 13 . sin (r. + p.Ji + A3) 57". 18 . sin (r^ + p,< + A,). «3 = 2°. 6825 . sin (r, + 46°. 241 -49". 80 - 897". 998 . sin (v^ + pjt + A3) + 145". 45 . sin (t'a + pj. + Ag) -f- 1".6 . sin (rg + p^t + A,). 906. The following data are requisite for the complete determi- nation of the motions of the satellites, all of them being estimated from the vernal equinox of the earth ; the epoch being the instant of midnight, December 31st, 1749, mean time at Paris. Cbap. VIII.] THE PERTURBATIONS. 575 The secular mean motions of the four satellites. n = 7432435°. 47 Wi= 37027 13°. 22 15 Wj = 1837852°. 112 7/8 = 787885°. The longitudes of the epochs of the satellites, estimated from the vernal equinox, were e = 150. 0128 6i = 131°. 8404 e, = 10°. 26083 6,= 72°. 5513. Longitudes of the lower apsides of the third and fourth satellites. r, = 309°. 438603 Ta = 180°. 343. Longitudes of ascending nodes. A, = 273°. 2889 A, = 187°. 4931 A8= 74°. 9687. The values of gj, gg, &c., p, p,., &c., arc referred to the vernal equinox of Jupiter ; but in order to refer them to the vernal equinox of the earth, the precession of the equinoxes, = 50", must be added to the first and subtracted from the second ; and as all the quantities in question have already been given, it will be found that the annual and sidereal motions of the apsides were ff, = 2628". 9 g., r= 9449". 28. The annual and sidereal motions of the nodes were p, = 43324". 01 pg = 9143''. 56 p^ = 2439". 08. Also the annual and sidereal motion of Jupiter's equinox, with regard to tlie vernal equinox of the earth, is 49". 8. The longitude of Jupiter's vernal equinox at the epoch was 46°. 25, consequently f = 46°.25 + <.49".8, and the eccentricity of Jupiter's orbit at the epoch was e =. 19831". 47. In order to abridge gJL + T,. gJ.-\- r,, pt + A, &c., will be re- presented by w„ w,, J|, ^„ J^„ Slw 576 NUMERICAL VALUES OF [Book IV, Theory of the First Satellite. Longitude. 907. Since h and h, are zero, equations (302) give only the two following values of Q ; Q = 0.208780 . Aj= 57". 8 Q = 0.016482 . h^ = 24". 7 ; consequently equation (268) becomes Su =: - 57". 8 . sin {nt — 2n/ + e — 2^, + CTj) — 24". 7 . sin (nt — 2n,t + f — 2e^ + STg) If equation (296) and tlie first of equations (316) be added to this, observing that 2nt + 2e - 2hs< - 268 = 180° + 3w< + Se — ^nj. — Ze^, it will be found that the true longitude of the first satellite in its eclipses, is r = n< + e + 13". 18 . sin (iit + e — ct^) + 6". 19 . sin (w< + 6 - OTs) — 14".ll . sin {nt — n,t + e — c,) — 6".29 . sin | (nt - n,t + 6-6,) (318) + 1636".39 . sin 2 {nt — n,t + e ^ e) + r'.22 . sin 4 {nt — ii,t + c - ej + 0.".512. sin 5 {nt — n,t + e — c) — 57".8 . sin {nt - 2n,t + e — 26^ + rs^) — 24". 7 . sin {nt — 2n,t + e — 2c, + cr,) for in the eclipses of the satellites by Jupiter, or of Jupiter by the satellites, the longitudes of both bodies are the same ; the Earth, Jupiter, and the satellites being then in the same straight line, con- sequently Mt + E = nt + c, U = V, consequently the term depending on the argument 2 {iit—Mt+e—E) vanishes. Latitude. 908. By article 880 the action of the sun occasions the inequality » = - .±i!i {L' - I) sin {v^2U-pt - A) 8/t Chap. VIII.] THE PERTURBATIONS. 677 but in the eclipses 17 = v, therefore 8 = — (L' - O sin (v + pt + Ay, 8/t and as / - L' = (1 - \) (L - L% and that (I — X) (L - L') sin (v + pt + A) is the latitude of the first satellite above its fixed plane, which was shown to be 3°.0899 sin (u + 46°. 241 - 49".8 0. therefore the preceding inequality is - 8 = V'.7 . sin (w + 46°. 241 - 49'^8 0- When this quantity, which arises from the action of the sun, is added to the first of equations (310), it gives 8 = 3°. 0894 . sin (u + 46°.241 - 49 '.8 — 34".03 . sin (0 + Sl^ - 8".26 . sin (» + Sid for the latitude of the first satellite in its eclipses. The inclination of the fixed plane on the equator of Jupiter is 6".48, which is insensible ; and as the orbit has no perceptible inclina- tion on the fixed plane, the first satellite moves nearly in a circular orbit in the plane of Jupiter's equator. Theory of the Second Satellite. 909. Because h and h, are insensible, equations (295) give Q^ = - 0.662615 . h, Q/ = — 0.055035 A,; therefore equation (260) becomes ^Vf = 183 '.46 . sin {7it — 2n,t + e - 2c, + cr,) + 82".6 . sin («i — 2/i,< + rn.7i*K 1 jj gj^ .^^ ^ £._„) ' 7t 8am,6.(AP-AV)J in articles 766 and 752, have a sensible cfTect on the motions of the second satellite, and in consequence of 7i< + G =: 180° - 2/J^ + 3«i< - 2f, + Sci, 2 P 578 NUMERICAL VALUES OF [Book IV. they become, by the substitution of the numerical values of the quantities, ^V/ = 22". 61 . sin 4 (wi< - n^t + e^ — e^) - 36".07 . sin (3ft + £ - n). If to these the second of equations (309) be added, together with equation (290), it will be found, in consequence of the relation, nt — n,t + 6 - e^ = 180° + 2»i< — 2;is< + 2e^ — 2e, that the true longitude of the second satellite is, in its eclipses, Sv/ = n,t + €,+ 119".22 sin (n^t + e, — CTg) + 52".04 . sin (n^t + ej - cr,) sin (nj, — ngt + e, — eg) sin 2(nit — v^t + e^ — 6g) sin 3(?i^t - 7i^t + 6g — eg) (319) sin 4(?iyt — n^t + e^ — e^) sin 5(wi< - n^t + e^ - e,) sin 6(«i< - 7isi< + e, ~ eg) sin (7ii< - 7?8< + e, — e,) sin 2(ni< - n^t + e, - eg) sin (nt - 27i,t + e - 2c, + Wg) sin (7Ji< - 2/igi{ 4- G, _ 2cg + W3) - 36 ".07 . sin (Mt + E -^ n), for the last term of equation (290) vanishes. The Latitude. 910. The equation (284), ' 8n, has a different value for each root of p, including > the root, that de- pends on the displacement of Jupiter's orbit and equator ; but because t;, = 17, (/.-i') = (I-\)(L-L'), — 52".91 + 3862 ".3 + 19'.75 + 24". 18 + 1".51 + 1".19 — 1".71 + l".b + 183".46 + 82 ".6 "' r— {L' - /J sm iv, -2U-~pt~A) and tnat (1 — \) (L — L) sin (V, + pt + A) IS the latitude of the second satellite above its fixed plane, which is 3° 0736 . sin (v, + 46°. 241 - 49".8 /) the equation in question becomes «, = S".4 sin (t)/ + 46°.241 - 49".8 t). Chap. VIII.] THE PERTURBATIONS. 579 Tlie only remaining root of p that gives the preceding equation a sensible value in the theory of this satellite is p, = 43324''*9 ; and by tlie substitution of the corresponding values s, = 0".512 . sin (v, + Si,)- In consequence of these two inequalities the second of equations (310) becomes s^ = 3^07262 . sin (v, + 46°.241 - 49".8 t) - 1669 ".3 . sin (t>, + Sid (320) - 121 ".4 . sin [v, + Six) - 21".04 . Bin {v, + Sl^. Tlie inclination of the fixed plane on the equator of Jupiter is 63". 124. Tlie orbit of the satellite revolves on this plane, to which it is incUned at an angle of 27' 48".3, its nodes completing a revolution in 29^'. 914. Theory of the Third Satellite. 911. Tlie inequalities represented by Si'g = - Q, . sin (nt — 2n,t + c - 2e, + g< + T) have a very sensible influence on the motions of the third satellite, because observation proves that body to have two distinct equations of the centre, one depending on the lower apsis of the orbit of the second satellite, and the other on that of the fourth. Consequently hi and Ag in the coefficient (3.248934 A,- 1.188133 A,) Qj = - 7n, (1 + ^)" 972421' have respectively two values, namely, A, = 0.2152920 A„ and A, = - 276".865 ; corresponding to §■, and r,, also hi = 0.0173350 K, and A, = 0.0816578 h, corresponding to gj and Tg ; therefore the preceding inequality, in consequence of the relations among the mean longitudes of the three first satellites, gives 5rj = — 30".84 . sin inj. - In J. + Cj - 2c, + c^g) + 14".12 . bin (till - 271,1 +ci - 26, + CI,) 2 P 2 580 NUMERICAL VALUES OF [Book IV. By articles 766 and 747 the action of the sun occasions the in- equalities J,, = - 1!^ {1 + 3a^!^!i^ |e 8in(M< + E-II) 15MA, sin (n,t — 2Mt+c^2E + gt+ T) In consequence of the two values of Ag, and because 9.Mt + 2JB = 2na< + 26j, in the eclipse's these give Iv^ =: 1".71 . sin {nj, + Cg — Wg) + 0".76 . sin {nj, + Cg — Wg) — 47".76 . sin (M< + £ — H). Adding the preceding inequalities to those in (291), and to the third of (309), it will be found that the longitude of the tliird satellite, in its eclipses, is I'g = Hit + cg + 552".031 . sin {nj, + eg — CTg) + 244".38 . sin («,< + Cg - ^3) — 26r'.86 . sin (ri^t - v^ + c^ — e,) — 3". 84 . sin 2(w,< — v^t + ^i — tg) -- 2".13 . sin 3(7i,t — n^t + e^ — .e.) (321) — 14". 6 5 . sin (ii^t — 7/3^ + Cg — Cg) + 50".06 . sin 2(ng< — n^t + e^ — £3) + 3". 52 . sin 3(ji4 — v. J. + eg — €3) 4- 0".82 . sin 4(?/g< - n^t + e, — Cg) + 30".84 . sin (nj, - 2nJ, + c, - 26g + cTg) + 14".I2 . sin {u^t - 2«g< + e, - 26g + CT8) — 47".76 . sin (M< + JB - H). 912. Tlie double equation of the centre occasions some peculiarities in the motion of the third satellite. By a comparison of cTg = 9449".28 t + 3090.438603 W3 = 2628".9 t + 180°. 343, it appears that the lower apsides of the third and fourth satellites coin- cided in 1G82, and then the coefficient of the equation of the centre was equal to the sum of the coefficients of the two partial equa- tions. In 1777 the lower apsis of the thurd satellite was 180° before that of the fourth, and the coefficient of the equation of the centre was equal to the diflcrcnce of the coefficients of tiie partial equations ; results that were confirmed by observation. Chap. VIII.] THE PERTURBATIONS. 581 Latitude. 913. The only part of the equation s, = - -i^ (L' - k) sin (r, - 2U - pt - \) 2nt that is sensible in the motions of the third satellite is that relating to the equator of Jupiter, whence it is easy to sec that «, = - 6".7068 . sin (r« + 46°.24I - 49". 8 ; the same expression with regard to the third satellite, gives 0".46.sin(r, + ^,), the first subtracted from the third of equations (310), gives the latitude of the third satellite equal to *, = 3°.0061 . sin (y, + 46°.251 - 49".8 - 739".53 . sin (i\ + Sl») (322) — 112". 13. sin (r« + SIb) + 57".18 . sin (r, + Sid in its eclipses. The inclination of the fixed plane of the third satellite on the equa- tor of Jupiter is 301".49 = Xg0,. Its orbit revolves on this plane, to whicli it is inclined at an angle of 12' 20", the nodes accomplishing their retrograde revolution in 14 P". 739. Theory of the Fourth Satellite. 914. By article 746 the action of the sun occasions the inequalities Sr, = 1^ . J^ . sin («,< + fa + ^8 - 2Mt - 2E) 4 7ta ^^ . e . sin (Mt + E- H), and the secular variation in the inclination of the equator and orbit of Jupiter, by article 792, occasions the inequahty {4 (1 - X.) f3l - i (1 -X3) ;;3+6(3)\3} ^ Jr,= = .0'/,.8in(p,<+A3-V') It is easy to see that the two first inequalities arc, Jr. = 21". 69. sin (vj + * , + cr, - 2Mt - 2E) — 133". 33 sin (Mt + E - H) ; but in the eclipses Mt + E zz vj + ^3. 682 . JJUMERICAL VALUES OF [Book IV. So St'a = — 21". 69 sin (v^t + f. - ^d - 133". 33 sin (M< + E - II), and the third inequality is Sua = — 16.04. sin (28°. 812 + 2488". 910- If these be added to equation (292), and the last of equations (309), the longitude of the fourth sateUite in its eclipses is, ^3 = 7J8< +68 + 2980". 35 sin {n^t + e^ - cr^) + 13". 65. sin 2in^t + e^ - ^0 + 0".09. sm 3(n3< + £3 - ^a) — 71". 28. sin («»< + ^a — ■^t) — 10". 16. sin (7/8< — W8< + 63 - €j) (323) — 4". 58 sin 2(nst — n^t + £3 — Cj) — 0".96 sin 3(na< — nj, ■\- Pi — ^d — 0".29 sin i(n^t - riit + e^ — e^) — 0". 11 sin 5(n3< — Hit + c^ — cg) — 113". 33. sin {Mt + E - U) — 16". 04. sin (2488". 9 1< + 28°. 73). The terms having the coeflScients 13". 65 and 0".09 belong to the equation of the centre, which in tliis sateUite extends to the squares and cubes of the eccentricity. Latitude. 915. Tlie inequality of article 789 «3 = — (^3 — ■t'O sin (t'a — 2U — pt — A), 8713 arising from the action of the sun, has two sensible values, one aris- ing from the displacement of Jupiter's orbit, and the other depending on the inclination of the orbit of the fourth satellite on its fixed plane. Because /, - L' = (1 - \) (L - L') = 2°. 6825, the first of these inequalities is S3 = 13". 98 sin (r, + 46°. 241 — 49". 8/), in the eclipses when U = V3, and the other depending on p^ = 2439". 08 is in the eclipses s^ = 1".3 sin (I'j + Sla)- Chap. VIII] THE PERTURBATwJlJ'^ j y'^,"^ ^ ; ^,\^. 583 Adding these to the last of equations (310) me^l|^*id^firf^ fourth satellite in its eclipses is »3 = 2°. 6786 . sin (r, + 46°. 241 - 49". 80 — 896". 702 . 8in(t'a + Si) + 145". 46 . Bin (v^ + Si) (324) + 1"6 . sin (rs + Si)- 916. The inclination of the fixed plane of the fourth satellite on Jupiter's equator is \Q' = 1473". 14. The orbit of the satellite revolves on that plane to which it is inclined at an angle of 14'. 58"; its nodes accomplish a revolution in 531 years. 917. Tlic preceding expression for the latitude explains a sin- gular phenomenon observed in the motions of the fourth satellite. The inclination of its orbit on the orbit of Jupiter appeared to be constant, and equal to 2°. 43 from the year 1680 to 1760 j dur- ing that time the nodes had a direct motion of about 4'. 32 an- nually. From 1760 the inclination has increased. The latitude may be put under the form A sin t'a — B cos t'a ; A and B will be determined by making rs = 90°, and Vg = 180° successively in the expression s^ ; — will be the tangent of the lon- A gitude of the node and »J A* + B*, the inclination of the orbit. If then t be successively made equal to — 70 ; — 30 ; and 10 which corresponds to the years 1680, 1720, and 1760, estimated from the epoch of 1750, the result will be Inclination. Longitude J^. 1680 . . 2°. 4764 . . 311°. 4172 1620 . . 2°. 4489 . . 313°. 3067 1760 . . 2°. 4411 . . 317°. 0914 If the inclination be represented by 2°. 4764 ■\-m-\- pe I being the number of years elapsed since 1680. Comparing this formula with the preceding inclination 2V= - 0°. 0009315 P = 0°. 000061313. 584 NUMERICAL VALUES OF PERTURBATIONS. [Book IV. The minimum of the formula corresponds to <= 75 . 953, or to the year 1756. Tlie mean of the three preceding values is 2°. 4555, and the mean annual motion of the node from 1680 to 1760 is 4'. 255. These results are conformable to observation during this interval, but from 1760 the inclination has varied sensibly. The preceding value of S3 gives an inclination of 2°. 5791 in 1800, and the longitude of the node equal to 320°. 2935 ; and as observation confirms these re- sults, it must be concluded, that the inclination is a variable quantity, but the law of the variation could hardly have been determined inde- pendently of theory. 585 CHAPTER IX. ECLIPSES OF JUPITER'S SATELLITES. 918. Jupiter throws a shadow behind him relatively to the sun, in which the three first satellites are always immersed at their conjunc- tions, on account of their orbits being nearly in the plane of Jupiter's equator ; but the greater inclination of the orbit of the fourth, to- gether with its distance, render its eclipses less frequent. 919. Let Sand J, fig. 113, be sections of the sun and Jupiter, and mn the orbit of a satellite. Let AE, A'E' touch the sections internally, and AV, A'V exter- nally. If these lines be conceived to revolve about SJV they will form two cones, aVa' and EBE'. The sun's light will be excluded from every part of the cone aVa', and the spaces Ea'V, E'aV will be the penumbra, from which the light of part of the sun will be excluded : less of it will be visible near aV, a'V, than near dE', o'E. 920. As the satellites are only luminous by re- flecting the sun's rays, they will suddenly disap- pear when they immerge into the shadow, and they will reappear on the other side of the shadow after a certain time. The duration of the eclipse will depend on the form and size of the cone, which itself depends on the figure of Jupiter, and his distance from the sun. 921. If the orbits of the satellites were in the plane of Jupiter's orbit, they would pass through the axis of the cone at each eclipse, and at the instant of heliocentric conjunction, the sun, Jupiter and the satellite would be on the axis of the cone, and the duration of the eclipses would always be the same, if the orbit were circular. But as all the orbits are more or less inclined to the plane of Jupiter's orbit, the durjition of the eclipses varies. If the conjunction happened in the node, the eclipse would 586 ECLIPSES OF JUPITER'S SATELLITES. [Book IV. /y.ll4. still be central ; but at a certain distance from the node, the orbit of the satellite would no longer pass through the centre of the cone of the shadow, and the sateUite would describe a chord more or less great, but always less than the diameter ; hence the duration is vari- able. The longest eclipses will be those that happen in the nodes, whose position they will determine : the shortest will be observed in the limit or point farthest from the node at wliich an eclipse can take place, and will consequently determine the inclination of the orbit of that of Jupiter. With the inclination and the node, it will always be possible to compete the duration of the eclipse, its beginning and end. 922. The radius vector of Jupiter makes an angle SJE, fig. 114, with his distance from the earth, varying from 0° to 12°, which is the cause of great variations in the dis- tances at which the eclipses take place, and the phenomena they ex- hibit. 923. The third and fourth satellites always, and the second sometimes dis- appear and re-appear on the same side of Jupiter, for if S be the sun, E the earth, and m the third or fourth satellite, the immersion and emersion are seen in the directions Em, En '■> only the immersions or emersions of the first satellite are visible according to the position of the earth ; for if ah be the orbit of the first satellite, before the opposition of Jupiter, the immer- sion is seen in the direction Ea, but the emersion in the direction E6 is hid by Jupiter. On the contrary when the earth is in A, after the opposition of Jupiter, the emersion is seen, and not the immersion ; it sometimes happens, that neither of the phases of the eclipses of the first satellite are seen. Before the opposition of Jupiter the eclipses happen on the west side of the planet, and after opposition on the east. The same satellite disap pears at different distances from the primary according to the relative positions of the sun, the earth, and Jupiter, but they vanish close to Chap. IX.] ECLIPSES OF JUPITER'S SATELLITES. 587 the disc of Jupiter when he is near opposition. The eclipses only happen when the satellites are moving towards the east, the transits only when they are moving towards the west ; their motion round Jupiter must therefore be from west to east, or according to the order of the signs. The transits are real eclipses of Jupiter by his moons, which appear like black spots passing over his disc. 924. It is important to determine with precision the time of the disappearance of a satellite, which is however rendered diflScult by the concurrence of circumstances : a satellite disappears before it is en- tirely plunged in the shadow of Jupiter ; its light is obscured by the penumbra : its disc, immerging into the shadow, becomes invisible to us before it is totally eclipsed, its edge being still at a little distance from the shadow of Jupiter, although we cease to see it. With re- gard to this circumstance, the different sateUites vary, since it depends on their apparent distance from Jupiter, whose splendour weakens their light, and makes them more difficult to be seen at the instant of immersion. It also depends on the greater or less aptitude of their surfaces for reflecting light, and probably on the refraction and ex- tinction of the solar rays in the atmosphere of Jupiter. By compar- ing the duration of the eclipses of all the satellites, an estimate may be formed of the influence of the causes enumerated. The variations in the distance of Jupiter and the sun from the earth, by changing the intensity of the light of the satellites, aff'ects the apparent durations. The height of Jupiter above the horizon, the clearness of the air, and the power of the telescope employed in the observations, like\vise afliect their apparent duration ; whence it not unfrequently happens that two observations of the same eclipse of the first satellite differ by half a minute : for the second satellite the error may be more than double ; for the third, the difference may exceed 3', and even 4' in the fourth satellite. When the immersion and emersion are both observed, the mean is taken, but an error of some seconds may arise, for the phase nearest the disc of Jupiter is liable to the greatest uncer- tainty on account of the light of the planet ; so that an eclipse may be computed with more certainty than it can be observed. Although the eclipses of Jupiter's satellites may not be the most accurate method of finding the longitude, it is by much the easiest, as it is only requi- site to reduce the time of the observation into mean time, and compare it with the time of the same eclipse computed for Greenwich in the 588 ECLIPSES OF JUPITER'S SATELLITES. [Book IV. Nautical Almanac, the difference of time is the longitude of the place of observation. The frequency of the eclipses renders this method very useful. The first satellite is eclipsed every forty-two hours ; eclipses of the second recur in about four days, those of the third every seven days, and those of the fourth once in seventeen days. The latter is often a long time without being eclipsed, on account of the inclination of its orbit. Of course, the satellites are hivisible all the time of Jupiter's immersion in the sun's rays. 925. Let mn, fig. 113, be the orbit of the satellite projected on the plane of Jupiter's orbit, then Jn will be the curtate distance of the satellite at the instant of conjunction, and mm' the projection of the arc described by the satellite on its orbit in passing through the shadow. In order to know the whole circumstances of an eclipse, the form and length of the shadow must first be determined ; then its breadth where it is traversed by the satellite, which must be resolved into the polar co-ordinates of the motion of the satellite ; whence may be found the duration of the eclipse, its beginning and its end. These are functions of the actual path of the satellite through the shadow, and of its projection mm'. If Jupiter were a sphere, the shadow would be a cone, with a circular base tangent to his surface ; but as he is a spheroid, the cone has an elliptical base ; its shape and size may be jjerfectly ascertained by computation, since both the form and magnitude of Jupiter are known. 926. The whole theory of eclipses may be analytically determined, if, instead of supposing the cone of the shadow to be traced by the revolution of the tangent A F, we imagine it to be formed by the suc- cessive intersections of an infinite number of plane surfaces, all of which touch the surfaces of the sun, and Jupiter in straight lines AaV. 927. A plane tangent to a curved surface not only touches the surface in one point, but it coincides with it through an indefinitely small space ; therefore the co-ordinates of that point must not only have the same value in the finite equations of the two surfaces, but also the first differentials of these co-ordinates must be the same in each equation. Let the origin of the co-ordinates be in the centre of the sun ; then if his mass be assumed to be a sphere of which R' is the radius, the equation of his surface will be *'* + y'* + z" = R'K Chap. IX.] ECLIPSES OF JUPITER'S SATELLITES. 689 The general equation of a plane is X = ay + bz + c, a and b being the tangents of the angles this plane makes with the co-ordinate planes. In tlie point of tangence, j, y, z must not only be the same with a/, y', 2', but dx, dy, dz must coincide with dx", dy'y dz' ; hence the equation of the plane and its differential become x' = ay' + bz' + c dx' = ady' + bdz'. If this value of dxf be put in x'dx' + y'dy' + z!dz' = 0, which is the diflferential equation of the surface of the sun, it becomes ax'dy' + bx'dz' + y'dy' + z'dz' = 0, wliatevcr the values of dy' and dz' may be. But this equation can only be zero under every circumstance when ay + y' = 6j/ + 5' = 0. Thus the plane in question will touch the surface of the sun in a point ^, when the following relations exist among the co-ordinates. ^* + y + 2'» = il" ax' ■\- y< =0, jy + 2' = (325) x' = ay' + bz' + c. 928. This plane only touches the surface of the sun, but it must also touch the surface of Jupiter, therefore the same relations must exist between the co-ordinates of the surface of Jupiter and those of the plane, as exist between the co-ordinates of the plane, and those of the surface of the sun. So the equations must be similar in both cases. Without sensible error it may be assumed that Jupiter's equator coincides with his orbit. Were he a sphere, there would be no error at all, consequently it can only be of the order of his ellip- ticity into the inclination of his equator on his orbit, which is 3° 5' 27". The centre of the sun being the origin of the co-ordinates, if SJ, the radius vector of Jupiter, be represented by D, the equation of Jupiter's surface, considered as a spheroid of revolution, will be (.r, - DY + 3// + (1 + />)* (^^* - R,') = 0, (326) B., being half his polar axis, and p his cUipticity. The equations of contact are, therefore. 590 ECLIPSES OF JUPITER'S SATELLITES. [Book IV. il+j>yz, + b(x,-D)=0 (327) Xf — D r= aj/j + bz / + c — D. 929. Tliese eight equations determine the line AaV, according to which the plane touches the sun and Jupiter ; but in order to form the cone of the shadow, a succession of such plane surfaces must touch both bodies. The equations J? = ay + 6r + c, and dx = ady + bdz^ both belong to the same plane, but because one plane surface only differs from another by position, which depends on the tangents a and 6, and on c, the distance from the origin of the co-ordinates ; these quantities being constant for any one plane, it is evident they must vary in passing to that which is adjacent, therefore dx =: ady + bdz + yda + zdb + dc ; and subtracting dx = ady + bdz, there results r, , db , dc = y + 2_ + — , da da in which 5 and c are considered to be functions of a. If values of 6, c, — , — -, be determined from (325), (327), and da da substituted in this equation, and in that of the plane, they will only contain a, the elimination of which will give the equation of the shadow ; hence, if to these be added X = ay + bz + c (328) = y +z^ + ^ (329) da da they will determine the whole theory of eclipses. If the bodies be spheres, it is only necessary to make /> = 0. 930. In order to determine the equation of the shadow, values of , db dc o, c, — , -_, da da must be found. The three first of equations (325) give j/*(l +a' + 6«)=il'«, and the three last give x' (1 + a« + 6«) = c ; Chap. IX.] ECLIPSES OF JUPITER'S SATELLITES. 591 whence crrH' Vl + a* + 6*, and c - D = /?' Vl + a» + 6* - D; but from equations (326) and (327) ^ (l+i>)' the square of j> bemg neglected. r=i ?! - 1, (330) •^ il"'(l-X)'' it may easily be found that whence c = -^ - Xp . — (/« - a') ; ^ l-y JfTZr^* da ^ D da " 1 — \y ^ and the equation _ , db , dc da da becomes ^-y^Jp^a* ^ In order to have the equation of the shadow, a value of a must be found from tliis equation ; which, with 6 and c, must be put in equa- tion (328) of tlie plane. This will be accomplished with most ease by making ^ = in the preceding expression ; whence o = — , ~ is the value of a in the spherical hypothesis ; but as Jupiter is a spheroid, fy a = — •^^ + qp ; consequently, 6=(l- ±L\ v/TTZT^z: /- - i^ ^'^f ' 592 ECLIPSES OF JUPITER'S SATELLITES. [Book IV. If this expression, together with the last value of a, and tliat of c be put in equation (328), it becomes (I-\) ^/ + 2« 1 -^ D (y* + z*) whence (i-\)y i-x x)^2/* + .« 931. At the summit of the cone y and z are zero, hence X =^ = sr,%113, 1 —A. but for every other value of y and 2, x is less than , consequently I — \ the square root of/* in (330) must have a negative sign ; and as D is very much greater than JR', R* (1 — \)* may be neglected in comparison of D*, hence equation (330) becomes therefore the equation of the shadow of Jupiter is and that of the penumbra is £i^(. - « Y=y.+..+j^^ . f.'{^=+l} (332) 932. In order to know the breadth of the sliadow through which the satellite passes, and thence to compute the duration of the eclipse, it is necessary to determine the section made by a plane perpendi- cular to SF, fig. 1 1 3, the axis of the cone, and at the distance r from Jupiter. In this case j? = S» = D + r, and the equation of the sliadow is ^{D\~r(l-^)P = y' + r^ + JL.^2«|_^L^ - 1}. If at first/* = 0, If this be put in the term which hasy> as a factor, and if to abridge Chap. IX.] ECLIPSES OF JUPITER'S SATELLITES. 593 ^^'*i) the result will be (l+/>yil/{l -!lli^y = y«+2«+22y, the equation to an ellipse whose eccentricity is j/, and half the greater axis, = (1 + p) B, {1 - Liln^l = « (333) = (1 + ,)B,{,-'JL±)} = (1 +f)R, is the equatorial radius of Jupiter ; hence the section of Jupiter's shadow at the distance of the satellite is «« - y' = (1 + p'y z\ and 2a is its greatest breadth. 2» is the actual path of the satellite through the shadow, and mm', fig. 113, is its projection on the orbit of Jupiter. If X be made negative in the values of « and p\ the preceding equation will be the section of the penumbra at the distance r from the centre of Jupiter, the difference of the two sections (1 + ;>) JR, = __ nearly, D\ ' D is the greatest breadth of the penumbra at that point, R' being the semidiameter of the sun. 933. To express the section of the shadow in polar co-ordinates of the motion of the satellite, let z be the height of a satellite above the orbit of Jupiter at the instant of its conjunction, r its radius vector, the projection of which on the orbit of Jupiter is Jn = J r* — z*, fig. 113. Let »' be the angle described by the satellite from the instant of conjunction by its synodic motion, and projected on Jupiter's orbit, of which db mn is the corresponding arc ; and let SFbethe axis of the co-ordinates x, then y* = (r* - z*) sin * i/ wliich makes the equation of the section of the surface of the shadow (r» - i») sin «»' = «« - (1 -f p'y z\ or rejecting quantities of the order z*, z' sin * o', r«8in«D' = ««-(! -f />')' z*. 2g 594 ECLIPSES OF JUPITER'S SATELLITES. [Book IV. But as r is nearly constant, we liave 2=:r{« + 8int/. ^ + ^ sm«»'.^ + &c.}, (334) ^ dv' dv' s being the tangent of the latitude of the satellite above the orbit of Jupiter at n at the instant of conjunction sds 1 r' = r» (s* -f 2 sin t?' . — -I nearly, hence r«8in««' = 0? - (l+/)«r»««-2r«(l+/)«!^8int>' diy from which sds sin „'=-(i+,.)..^± y 1^.(1 +/).,.} "With the positive sign of the radical this formula is the sine of the arc nm' described by the satellite in its synodic motion from conjunc- tion to emersion on the orbit of Jupiter, and with the negative sign it is the arc mn from immersion to conjunction. 934. In order to find the duration of the eclipse, let The the time employed by the satellite to describe », half the breadth of the shadow on its orbit by its synodic motion, and let t be the time it takes to describe its projection v'. Then 7it and Mt being the mean motions of the satellite and Jupiter, it is evident that dt/ the arc described by the satellite during the time dt, must be equal to the difference of the mean motions of the satellite and Jupiter, or dv' ^ dt (n — M), if the disturbing forces be omitted ; but if w be the indefinitely small change in the equation of the centre during the time d<, then dv' = dt (n ^ M) {1 + w}y or '- = 1+10. (n - M)dt Again, since a has been taken to represent the mean distance of the satellite m from Jupiter, JL is the sine of the angle under which «, a half the breadth of the shadow, is seen from the centre of Jupiter. LetC be this angle, which is very small, and may be taken for its sine, then ^ ^ TV jl - w) But Vf is so small that , _ r (1 - M?) sin v' ^ i Chap. IX.] ECLIPSES OP JUPITER'S SATELLITES. 595 and if the preceding values of sin v' be substituted, putting also aC for «, the result will be '= ^('-'■) <- (' +'->■ • ^ ± y{^-(i+/).^|. If all the inequalities be omitted, except the equations of the centre, r = a (1 — ^) ; and as the same equation exists, even including the principal inequa- lities <=r(l-tt;){-(l+/)«. 4- • ^ ± (335) v/{i+i«) + (i+/>')f}{i + i«'-0+/)f}| and if <' be the whole duration of the eclipse, '' = 2^ <^ - "') >v/{l+i^+(l +/)y}{l H-i"' - (1+/) -^} whence may be derived 8=z g ^4r'(l -w) -^t'\ Since « is given by the equations of latitude, this expression will serve for the determination of the arbitrary constant quantities that it con- tains, by choosing those observations of the eclipses on which the constant quantities have the greatest influence. 935. Both Jupiter and the satellite have been assumed to move in circular orbits, but «, half the breadth of the shadow, varies with their radii vectores. D' being the mean distance of Jupiter from the sun, D' — SD may represent the true distance, so that equation (333) becomes (l+/)i?.{i«--p7|— ^CO^ ^tois always much less than ^ = H cos (]tf< -f- E - n) = /f cos r, eo the change in a is nearly -alLzi^.iLifcosr; 2 Q 2 5% ECLIPSES OF JUPITER'S SATELLITES, [Book IV. and the value of — becomes C (1-X) a fLll - ilZ^. JiHcosr}. C ^ \ D' ^ In this function C is relative to the mean motions and mean dis- tances of the satellite from Jupiter, and of Jupiter from the sun. 936. Since the breadth of the shadow is diminished by this cause, the time T of describing lialf of it will be diminished by (Iji^ iLflcosF; \ D' but as the synodic motion in the time dt is nearly in-M)dt{i + w --^^HcoiV], the time will be increased by 2M {• H cos V — w]. M Omitting w, the time T on the whole will become from these two causes T {1 + ( ^M _l:±^f\H cos F}; (336) but this is only sensible in the fourth satellite. 937. The arcs v, and C are so small, that no sensible error arises from taking them for their sine, and the contrary ; indeed, the ob- servations of the eclipses are liable to so many sources of error, that theory will determine these phenomena with most precision, notwith- standing these approximate values ; should it be necessary, it is easy to include another term of the series in article 933. 938. The duration of the eclipses of each sateUite may be de- termined from equation (335). Delambre found, from the mean of a vast number of observations, that half the mean duration of the eclipses of the fourth satellite in its nodes, isr= 3204". 4, which is the maximum ; f = 7650". 6 is the mean synodic motion of the satellite during the time T. In article 893, /> = 0.0713008. The scmidiameter of Jupiter is by observation, 2(1 + f) R^ = 39". R' is the scmidiameter of the sun seen from Jupiter. Tiie seniidiumeter of tlie sun, at the mean dis- Chap. IX.] ECLIPSES OF JUPITER'S SATELLITES. 597 tance of the earth, is 1923'^ 26 ; it is therefore : — , when ' D' seen from Jupiter; D' = 5.20116636, is the mean distance of Ju- piter from the sun, and as Oa = 25.4359, it is easy to find that \ ' D' becomes p' = . 0729603. w = — — is the indefinitely small va- riation in tlie equation of the centre during the time dt ; and if the greatest term alone be taken, to = 0.0145543 cos (flat + ^s - •CTg) ; but the time T must be multiplied by + f-^^-lLz^.^liycosr, jrta - M \ D'j H being the eccentricity of Jupiter's orbit ; as the numerical values of all the quantities in this expression are given, this factor is 1 — 0.0006101 cos F; and if Ca ^ , «, being the latitude of the fourth satellite, given in (324) ; then S*3 = 1.352380 sin {v., + 46°. 24 1 - 49" . 80 - 0.125759 sin (c, + 74°. 969 +2439" . 07^ + 0.020399 sin (r, + 187°. 4931 +9143" . 6/) + 0.000218 sin (I'a + 273°. 2889 +43323" . 9/). If the square of w be omitted, it reduces the quantity under the radical in equation (327) to 1 + «?-$*; and if the products of to and H by ifzSf be neglected, the expression (335) becomes /=— 118". 9^!^' ±3204". 4(l-tr-0. 0006101 sin V) Vl+to-r.'- dvt From this expression it is easy to find the instants of immersion and emersion ; for t was shown to be the time elapsed from the instant of the conjunction of the satellite projected on the orbit of 698 ECLIPSES OF JUPITER'S SATELLITES. [Book IV. Jupiter in w, which instant may be determined by the tables of Jupi- ter, and the expressions in (323) and (324) of Va and Sg, the longi- tude and latitude of the sateUite. The whole duration of the eclipses of the fourth satellite will be 6408". 7 (I —w - 0.0006101 &in V) . ^/ I + w - fg*. 939. With regard to the eclipses of the third satellite, r=2403".8, which is the maximum. The mean motion of the satellite, during the time T, is f = 13416". 8, a^ = 14.461893 ; whence p' = 0.07223&; and if only the three greatest terms of v„ in equation (321) be em- ployed, w zz i- becomes V) = 0.00268457 cos (^n^ + e, — vs^) + 0.00118848 cos {njt + e, - cr,) — 0.00126952 cos («i< - n^ + c, - e^). The factor in (336) becomes, with regard to this satellite, - 0.00039871 sin V. Then, if ^g = LjLfil*, «, being the latitude of the tliird satellite, f, = 0.864850 sin (vg + 46°. 241 - 49" . 80 - 0.059101 . sin (r, + 187°. 4931 + 9143" . 60 - 0.008961 . sin (r, + 74°. 969 + 2439". 080 + 0.004570 . sin (o, + 273°. 2889 + 43323" 90- Hence <=-167".64. I*^'±2403".8(I-«J-0.00089871 sin V)^\+w-tl; dva from whence the instants of immersion and emersion may be com- puted, by help of the tables of Jupiter, and of the longitude and lati- tude of the third satellite in (321) and (322). The whole duration of the eclipses of the third satellite is 4807". 5 (1-tc-0. 00039871 sin F) Vl+MJ-^l- 940. The value of T from the eclipses of the second satellite, is r= 1936". 13 ; and f, the synodic mean motion of the second satellite during the time T, is C = 21790". 4; a, =9.066548, Chap. IX.] ECLIPSES OF JUPITER'S SATELLITES. 599 / = 0.0718862. If we only take the greatest terms of V/ in (319) w = — will be n,dt w = 0.00057797 cos (Wi< + e, — CTj) + 0.0187249 cos 2(7i,< ~ nJL + e, - e,). The factor (336) has no sensible effect on the eclipses, either of this satellite or the first, and may therefore be omitted. jf g. _ (t + />')*/^ j,^ being the latitude of the second satellite in (320); then f^= 0.507629 sin(r, + 46°. 241 -49". 8 - 0.076569 sin {v, + 273°. 2889 + 43323". 9 - 0.005571 sin {v, + 1870.4931 + 9143 ".6 - 0.0009214 sin {v, + 75°. 059 + 2439". 07 t = - 204". 54 %^ ± 1936". 13 (1 - w) Vl+to-r/* dv, and the whole duration of the eclipses of the second satellite is 3872". 25 (1 — w) VH- M) - f,'. 941. The value of T from the eclipses of the first satellite, is r=I527", and the mean synodic motion of the first satellite during the time T, is C = 34511". 2; and as a = 5.698491, / = 0.0716667. If only the greatest term of « in (318) be taken w = — ^ becomes ndt w = 0.0079834 cos 2(n<- 7i,< + c - «/) ; and if f = ^ "^ ^^*, a being the latitude of the first satellite in article 908, then f = 0.345364. sin (0+ 46°. 241 - 49". 80 - 0.001057 sin (v -f 273°. 2889 + 43323". 9 - 0.000256 sin (y + 187*'. 4931 + 9143". 6 ; r^r also t = - 255". 49 -kTi. ± 1527' (1 - w) ^Jl + w - ^, dv and the whole duration of the eclipses of the first satellite is 3054" (1 - w) Jl + w- C- 942. Tlie errors to which the durations of the eclipses are liable, may be ascertained. £<^uation (333) divided by a, or which is 600 ECLIPSES OF JUPITER'S SATELLITES. [Book IV. the same thing — is the sine of the angle described by each a satellite during half the duration of its eclipses, supposing the satellite to be eclipsed the instant it enters the shadow. This angle, divided by the circumference, and multiplied by the time of ft synodic revolution of the satellite, will give half the duration of the eclipse ; and, comparing it with the observed semi-duration, the errors, arising from whatever cause, will be obtained. If ^, (/i, g^, q^ be this angle for each satellite, equation (333) gives a+/>)R. [a^ __ (1-X) aA ^ ^.^ a^ \a \ D'j a, \a, X D') flg I «g A. D') 312 Artoif principle of, in a system of bodies . . .73 in a rotating solid ... 85 consists in . . . .77 exists, when centre of gravity moves in space . 79 in the elliptical motion of the planets . . 185 the first of Kepler's laws . . . 152 Areas, variation of, a test of disturbing forces . . 80 sum of, zero on two of the co-ordinate planes and a maximum on the third ... . . ' 79 Argument, defined ..... 203 ^n><, first point of . . . . .182 Atlronomy, progress of . . . . 145 Attronomical tables, formation of . . . 406 correction of . . . . 407 Atmosphere, density of . . . . . 138 height and oscillations of . . . 140 Atmospheres of planets . . ... 399 ^//rac/ion of spheroids ..... 178 of a planet and its satellites . . .178 2 R 2 G12 INDEX. Axes of co-ordinatfs , , . 7 » 7 method of changing . ^^, 92 ^jret, permanent, of rotation .... 87,90 .<^jrtf, instantaneous, of rotation .... 92, 9C .^xi«^ tnn;or o/oriiV*, not affected by secular variations . . 251 periodical variations of . . 223, 231 permanent change in . . 312 JSorom^/er, oscillations of * . 1 . 143 Centre o/ gravity, of a system . , . . C4 position and properties of . . . G5 conservation of . . . .79 motion of, in a solid ... 83 motion of the same, as if the masses of the planets were united in it . . . 177 of a planet and its satellites . . 178 distance of primitive impulse from . . 101 0>eti/ 478 not homogeneous «... 477j ^78 Eccentriciti/, defined ..... 156 Eccentricitie* of planetary orbits .... 359 Ecflptet, general theory of . . . . 588 of Jupiter's satellites . , . . 585 Ecliptic, defined ..... 182 obliquity of, its secular rariatiun ... 395 Eiemenl* of the orbits of three comets . . . 362 Elements of planetary orbits defined . • • . 183 enumeration of . . .193 determination of, from the arbitrary constant quantities of elliptical motion . 189 from the initial velocity and direction of projection . 208 from observation . 356 variations of, whatever be the eccentricities and inclinations . 218 when the eccentricities and incli- nations are small . 223 differential equations of the periodic variations of . 231 secular variations of . 232 annual and sidereal variations of . . 258 ditto, with regard to variable ecliptic 278 integrals of ditto . . 265, 274 approximate values of, in functions of the time 263 secular variations of, depending on the square of the disturbing forces . . 334 EUipliciltf of sun, effects of on the motions of the planets . . 343 Epoch, defined . . . . .183, 203 longitude of, defined • . • • 183 secular variation of • • . 280 equation of • ■ • . 282 Equator, defined . • • • . 91 EquatiuH of centre, Ae&nei. » . • . 194 expression of . . • • 202 of Jupiter's satellites . • • 521 ^l^tMfioru of condition . . . . .112 Equinoctial points defined . . • • 182 614 INDEX. Vagi EquilArium, general principles of . . • i ) 1 of a particle . . . . . , 7> 17 of a particle on a surface . . ^ 14 of a system of bodies . . • 64, 57 of a system invariably united . . . 6| of two bodies . . . t 56 of a solid ..... 67 of fluids .... . . 110 of homogeneous fluids .. . f 118 of heterogeneous fluids . . . 1 14 of a fluid mass in rotation . ^ . 116 Etheretd medium, effects of, on i^lar system . , . 489 Falling bodies, theory of . ^ . . .42 Fixed plane delined . . . . . 184 Fluids, small undulations of .... 123 oscillations of, covering the earth . . . 126 Force, exerted by matter . . . . .4 analytical expression of . . . . 6 direction and intensity of . . . .6 central ..... 19 a function of the distance . . . . 12 of gravity, instantaneous transmission of . . . 496 of gravity, varies inversely as the square of the distance . 168 centrifugal . . . . .34 moving . . . . . .54 living, or impetus of a system • • . 70 conservation of . . . .27 proportional to velocity . , . .6 Forces, resolution and composition of . . . 6 Gravitation . . . . , .152 proportional to attracting mass . . . 167 at surface of sun and planets . . . 356 intensity of at the moon .... 164 intensity of on earth, determined by the length of the seconds pendulum .... 48 varies as the square of the sine of the latitude . . 47 Gj/ratioH, centre and radius of . . . . I0| Homoffcn^otu spheroid, its compression . . . 477 Impetus, definition of, true measure of labour . . . 'J9 INDEX. ^1^ hnpetui of a rerolring solid • • f f 97 Inclination of an orbit defined . . • |88 jHclinationt of planetary orbits . . . • 360 of lunar orbit constant . . . • 447 Invariable plane, defined, its properties • . .81 in a revolving solid • . t 98, 101 of solar system . . i . 289 UochronouM curve ... , . 48 Jupiter ...(.. . SQ7 compression of . . . • . 585 Jupiter and Saturn, Theory of , . . . 324 computation of the perturbations of . 3G4 great inequality of, analytical and numerical 326, 379 periodical variations in the elements of the orbits of 326 same depending on the squares of the disturbing forces 331 secular variations of, depending on the squares of the masses . . . 334 limits and periods of the vecular wi^Uons of . 381 Jupiter't tatelUtet, Theory of • • « . 501 relation among their mean motions and longitudes 501 orbits of, nearly circular . . . 504 move nearly in the plane of th^ planet' s equator 503 fixed planes of . . . 502, 546 motion of nodes and apsides of, chiefly occasioned by the compression of their primary . . £02 development of the disturbing forces acting on '. 504 perturbations in the longitudes and radii vectores of 509 equations, whence are obtained the secular variations in the form pf the orbits of . « 527 libration of . t t • M9 perturbations of, in latitude « * M0 equations, which give the secular variations in the poai. tions of the orbits of . . . 550 effects of the precession and nutation of their pri- mary on the motions of . • 542 effects of the di.opiacement of Jupiter'i orbit on the motions of . . . 644 numerical values of the perturbations of . • 558 determination of the masses of . * 607 eclipses of . • 6W KeplerU problem of finding the true anomaly of a planet * . 200 laws . . . . • 152, 150 satellites obey . . • • 159 616 - INDEX. Za Gran^^« theorem of the Variation of elliptical elements • • 215 X«^i7u(/e defined . . . . . 182 of a planet • . . • • 206 perturbations of the planets in . . . 315 of Jupiter and Saturn in . • 330,331 of the moon . • . • • 472 of Jupiter's satellites . . . .651 Lecut action, principle of . . < • .27 Lever ...... 59 Ughl, principle of least action, applied to the refraction of . . 29 velocity of . . . • • 604 effects of the velocity of, on the solar system . . 495 longitude^ defined . . . . . 182 mean, defined ... . • 203 true, defined .... 203 true, in functions of mean . . . 203 projected, in functions of true longitude, and vice versd . 205 true, of moon .... 466 true, of Jupiter's satellites . . . 513 of the perihelion, node and epoch defined . . 183 Longitudes of the perihelia, nodes and epochs . . . 361 Lunar theory . . . . . 411 equation of the tables of the sun '. . . 393 Magmiude oUhe two. . • • • . 175 Mart ..••... 396 Mats, definition of . . . . .55 proportional to the product of the volume and density . . 56 of moon • - . ( « • 458 Mattes of the planets ..... 349 Mean place of a planet, defined .... 194 motion of a plemet, defined . . . 1 94 motions of planets ..... 358 motions, ratio in those of Jupiter and Saturn . . 324 distance of a planet, defined ... 196 distances of planets . • • « . 358 Mercury ...... 386 transits of , . * , . 386 Meridian^ defined . . . . .163 jl/omm/um, defined . . . . .54 Momentt of inertia, of a solid . . . .85 greatest and least, belong to the principal axes of rotation 90 Ifeon, phases of ..... 411 circular motion of. • • • •413 INDEX, iv ^r / 617 Moon, elliptical motion of . • • . 414 effects of Min's action on . . . « 415 analytical investigation of the inequalities of . . 423 co-ordinates of . . . . . 425 secular variations in the form of the orbit of the . . 441 position of the orbit of the . . 446 mean longitude of, in functions of her true longitude . 453 true longitude of, in functions of her mean longitude • 466 latitude of, in functions of her true longitude . . 454 mean longitude . . 472 parallax of, in functions of her true longitude . . 456 mean longitude . . 473 constant part of equatorial parallax of . . 457 distance of, from the earth .... 458 ratios among the secular variations of . • 463 immense periods of secular variations of . • • 463 apparent diameter of ... . 459 acceleration of . . . . . 459 motion of perigee of • . • . 462 nodes of .... 463 effects of the variation in the eccentricity of the earth's orbit on motions of • . . . . 464 variation of «... . 468 evection of . . • • . 466 annual equation of • . . . 469 lesser inequalities of .... 470 inclination of orbit of, constant . . . 464, 487 inequalities of, from the spheroidal form of the earth . . 474 nutation of the orbit of, from the action of the terrestrial equator 478 inequalities of, from the action of the planets . . 480 effects of secular variation in the plane of the ecliptic on . 487 of an ethereal medium on motions of . • 489 of the resistance of light on the motions of the . > 494 of the successive transmission of the gravitating force on tlie motions of the .... 496 Newtonian theory of . . . . 496 JUoon't perigee and nodes not affected by the ethereal media, nor by the transmission of gravity ... 495 ilfo/ioN, defined ..... 4 uniform . . • . . .6 variable . • • . • •19 of a free particle .... 21 of a particle on a surface • . • • 30 of projectiles • • • • • • 38 618 INDEX. p»«« Alirfjow of a system of bodies . . • » 69 of centre of gravity of a system of bodies . < 71 of centre of gravity of a solid . . • .83 of a system, in all possible relations between force and velocity 81 of a solid . . . • .82 rotatory . . • • • °" of fluids . . . ♦ • 1^7 in a conic section . . . . ,156 of a system of bodies, mutually attracting each other . . 170 of centre of gravity of solar system . . • 176 elliptical, of planets . . • ,182 general equations of . . • ,184 finite equations of . . . 19* perturbed, general equations of • . ,173 of comets . . . • • 207 of sun in space ..... 185 of a planet and its satellites, the same as if they were all united in their common centre of gravity . . 178 of celestial bodies, determined by successive approximations . 175 New planets . . ? • • • 306 iVWe« of a planet's orbit defined . . . .182 line of .... • 182 Normal ...... 13 Numerical values of the perturbations of Jupiter . . . 364 of the motions of Jupiter's satellites . • 568 of the motions of the moon . . t 452 Nutation of the earth's axis . • . . « 91 Obliquity of ecliptic . . • . . • 353 variation of • . • • 395 limited .... 396 Obtervation, elements of the planetary orbits determined by . . 349 Orbitt of planets and comets, conic sections • . . 152 position of, in space .... 204 of Jupiter and Saturn, variations of . . • 381 determination of the motion of two, inclined at any angle , 280 Orbit, terrestrial, secular variations of . . . 394 Parallax, defined . . . . ' • . 161 horizontal defined . . ' . . 162 lunar . . . . ' . . 473 solar, determined from the transit of Venus . . 391 lunar inequalities , . 458 INDEX. 619 Pag* PtndiUtfm, simple . . . « 44 oscillations of t . . t • 48 compound . . . . • 107 Penumbra ...... 693 Period of an inequality depends on its argument . . . 321 of gre^t inequality of Jupiter and Saturn . . 324 of secular variations of the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn . . 384 Periodic time defined . . . . , 150 ▼aviations in the elements of the planetary orbits . . 291 depend on configurations of the bodies . . 214 general expressions of , . . 231 Periodicity of sines and cosines of circular arcs . . #104 Perihelion defined ..... 156 Perlurbatiotu o/ p/tmett, Theory o[ . , , .213 determination of . . ^ 304 by La Grange's method 295 depending on the squares of the eccentricities and > • inclinations . . . 315 depending on the cubes of the same . 318 arbitrary constants of , « 298 from the form of the sun . , 343 action of the satellites . 346 P/an« of greatest rotatory pressure . . . .99 invariable, always remains parallel to itself , . 289 PUoKti . . . . . .386 mean distances of ... . 358 mean siderial motions of . , . . 358 longitudes of, at epoch . . . . 5G1 massesof . . ■ . . . 355 densities of .... . 355 periodic times of . . . , . 358 Precession of equinozM • . * • 896 Pressure . . . . , ,13 of a particle moving on a surface • . . S4 Principal axis of a solid . . . . • 86 properties of . . . #90 Primitive fanpulse . . . . . 100 Problem of the three bodies . . . .174 equations of ... 21ft solution of approximate . • I75 Projectiles . . . . . .98 Projection of lines and surfaces . . . • 00 QiMtfro/MrM, defined * • • ^ ^ 166 620 INDEX. P»ge Radius of curvature defined . . . . .32 its expression ..... 33 Hadius veclor de&ned , . . . .152 finite value of . . . . 155 in functions of mean anomaly . . .199 longitude . . 203 in a parabola ...» 207 Relation of a solid . . . . .85 nearly about a principal axis . . . 104 and translation independent of each other . . 85 of a homogeneous fluid . . . . 125 of the same when disturbed by foreign forces . • 126 stable and unstable .... 86 of the earth, the measure of time . . .6 Rotatory pressure defined . • . • 59 zero in equilibrio . • . .61 Saturn * • • • • • 398 SaieUites, observe Kepler's laws .... 159 of Jupiter, theory of . . • . 501 of Saturn . . . . .608 of Uranus ..... 609 do not sensibly disturb their primaries with the exception of the moon . . . t . 346 Secular variations defined . . • . 214 depend on configuration of orbit . . 214 general expressions of . . . 232 of elements during the period of the perturbations . 320 depending on squares of disturbing forces . 336 in the earth's orbit ... 394 Sidereal revolutions of planets .... 358 Semi-diameters of sun and planets .... 355 Specific gravity ..... 56 Stability of solar system^ with regard to mean motions and greater axes 251 with regard to the forms of the orbits . 269 positions of the orbits . 274 whatever may be the powers of the disturbing forces 283 Stars, fixed, their action on the solar system . . 403 Sun . . . . . , .401 Tide* , . . . . , 127, 133 Ttme, its measure . • . . . 6 convertible into d^rees .... 102 of the oscillations of a pendulum ... 47 of falling through circular arcs * • , 61 INDEX. G21 Page VranuM •.*••• 39!) satellites of . • • . .609 FitrialioH, tecu/ar, of the plane of the ecliptic . . . 48? of the arbitrary constant quantities determines the periods and secular changes, both of translation and rotation 232 Fariations, method of . . . . . 17 Fe/odty, defined . . • . . .6 variable • .... 19 uniform . . • . . 6 angular . . . . • 82 in a conic section . . , •211 FirlutU velocitiet defined . . * . .16 real variations .... 18 Fenut . . . . . .387 transits of . . • • • 388 IVeiyht defined . . . . • 65 y<»r, Julian .••••• 356 ERRATA. T^ Line 47 27 /or gravitation read gravity. 56 30 for amn read amn -\- am'n. 71 26 for Sj; read Xr. 97 21 for this equation read equa- tion (46). 155 4 interi half after and. 156 29 read c* for c. 157 26 read ^ for . a(l-c«) a(l-e* 159 5 r«?fl£;. 167 4 dele principal. 20 read exert /or exact. 30 read the /or this 171 28 read axis/or axes. 173 last read iff. for ^. ^ r» 177 19 read -f- for P. 179 last rearf semi-drcumference /or semicircle. read M^ for 146. 184 190 193 12 last 18 4 194 197 last 9 198 8 11 for read _! for — . r« d<« rfad 369 /or 269. in the denominator read 1 + c cos (e — cb), for 1 — « cos (t> — es). read A = 0, for / = 0. delei. for read r. a dr' de readi^. de 211 227 230 234 244 1 4, 1 5 &1 7 , read a cos nf for cos n/. 16 read ffor ». 1 read edn = -f &c. instead of edn = — &c. 13 and 14 read a* for a. 8 read m' for m. 1 rra4vi/+n-e8+£f } must replace the last term in the preceding value of h), &c. 326 11 read £ for /S. ERRATA. 326 327 328 329 331 332 340 341 347 352 357 362 365 368 377 378 Lin* 12 read |m'e K' . siu(5ii'/-4«/+5i'^«+eH-B); and dele line 13. 21 and 24 read »»»'(» + m')a«3?' for 10 rrcu/ depends /or depend. 18 read -^&c. for + ^&c. 2 '2 1 & 2 read ^ for 1^ and rice dy dy venA. 24 read (3m'.an«2Q) instead of its square. 24 read n for ?. 19 and 21, read 5/i/-10»'/-f-5i-10i'-ea in- stead of 5«'/-10«/-(-5i'-10i-«a. 19 read -.^L::^ for -"l:!!'. fP r 29 read compared/or composed. 4 read equator for ecliptic. 1 7 read superior conjunction. 28 read 1 205">«y« 33 for 1 203"^ 687. 19 read .,^,=0.0078973. 23 readl2j=: 0.00531108. da 16 read inclination of the orbit. last read 4^ for £f!. da da 16 and 18, read 0". 000449 1 /or 0". 0054491. 378 5m' T" 381 383 384 388 390 415 461 463 490 491 492 494 496 instead of line 22 read K'e. 8in(5n'/-4«/-j-5i'_4i-j-eB-j-B) and dele last line, instead of line 7, read 1". 051737 sin 2(«'/-«/-f-,'-i). 4 read N- N, for N- N'. 28 and 29, read 6 and fforOSa 0'. last read g, for g, and vice vertd, last intert finding after in. 35 read E for C. 12 and 17, read anomalistic /»* auomalastic. 28 read m* for m. 14 read m^ for w?. 20 read >i- A' for*. 19 rear . ^^tls-« *E'.