m ■CR .•SI' l' Lf^ « Wi i ^HNDUSTANi AND ENGLISH i)ICTIONARY, DESIGNED FOB THE USE OF SCHOOLS, AND FOR VERNACULAR STUDENTS OF THE LANGUAGE. OOMPTLED BY NATHANIEL BRICE. A NEW EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED. LONDON : TUCBNER a CO., 60 PATERNOSTER ROW; R. 0. LEPAGE & a> AND OTHER BOOKSELLERS. CALCUTTA; AND NATHANIEL BRICE. DINAPORE. 18C4. LOAN STAtr LONDON. PRINTED BY J. HADDON, 3 BOUVEBIE STREET, FLEKT STREET. .^T^^^'^S PKEFACE TO THE FIKST EDITION. Since the time when the practicability of applying tl Koman Character to the languages of India, and particular to the Urdu, or Hindustani, was brought to the test by IM Trevelyan and his coadjutors, a considerable number of Boo^ has been published in Romanized Hindustani, and introduc into Schools, particularly in Upper India ; but with the exce tion of the English and Romanized Hindustani and Bang^ Dictionary, published some twelve years ago by Mr. P. D'Rozario, nothing has been done to provide those engaged learning or teaching the language through the medium of Rom I nizcd books, with a Dictionary in that character, or at loj prepared on the same system of orthography. At an oar jH riod the want of such a Dictionary was strongly felt, o] » very year has added now proofs of the uooossity that o should bo provided. It was with a view to supply this desid ratirni, and furnish schools and the public with a Dictiona small in dimension, but comprehensivo in matter and cheap .price, that this work was undertaken. It has been the author's endeavour to render the Dirtioiiu M complete as possible, he has therefore not 8cruj)lrd to intr duco many words of Hindi or Sanskrit origin which he fouj current either in books or the spoken language. f 656 (iv) The author commends the little work to the favourable re- gard of the public generally, and particularly to the long-tried friends and advocates of the Eoman character, as applicable to the Hindustani language, of the immense advantage of which this little Dictionary is no mean evidence. In the compass of 346 duodecimo pages, the author has been able to introduce upwards of 20,000 Hindustani words with their renderings in English, which in the native character would in all probability have filled four times that number of pages. NATHANIEL BEIGE. Dinapore. PKEFACE TO THE PRESENT EDITION. Thf. first edition of my Romanized Hindustani and English Dictionary having been appreciated by the public in India, and copies of it being no longer procurable, I have availed myself of my visit to England to republish it in a more compact and portable form ; and whilst the number of pages are but few in excess of the former edition, by economizing space, several more current and useful words have been added, with the view of making it more useful. The object I had in view in the compilation was to furnish a Dictionary of only the words in most general use ; and it is lH;li( v( (I that there is scarcely a word in it but is most nsefal in tlic acquisition of the vernacular language. Great attention has been given to have this edition ortho- graphically correct ; yet there are some mistakes which in the oorroction of proofs escaped detection. These are noted in a list of ^' corrections," and by it any one might, in a few minutes, with a pen and by erasures, make the neoessary correotions. This stop will prevent any one being aften^ards misled by an itirorrcct orthography; and it is of importance, as a ooneet liography in accordance with the system used, is a sore guide (yi) to correct pronunciation, as eacli letter is a representative of " only one sound. It is probable that all copies have not some of tlie ortbor graphical errors in the list of " Corrections," as in the process of printing diacritical marks occasionally break off. In cases where the letter i has no dot it is most probable that it is properly i, NATHANIEL BEIGE. THE ANGLO-HINDUSTANI ALPHABET, WITH THE POWERS OP THE LETTERS. A'' a pro- j nounced>a in woman, as 1 ¥ n „P^^".lrt in the French nounced ^^rds sans. bon. K a a in art. , , in no. Al ai , , ai in aisle. p P , , p in pun. AUau , , ou in our. Q q , , somewhat like q in B b , , h in but mioit, and uttered by pressing buck CHch , , ch in c^urcb. D d ' » witb the point of tbe tongue pressed on the upper fore the root of the tongue on tbe throat. teeth, similar to d R r , , r in ran. in " dew." R X , , similar to r in eter- I) d ' * with the point of the tongue struck back on tbe pa- late, similar to d nal, and uttered by striking the point of the tongue on the palate. in had. S s , , « in sin. J-: e , , e in there. SH sb , , «/» in »/iine. ¥ f , , / in find. T t , , with tbe point of the C^ R , , g in go. tongue pressed on Gligli " somewhat like g in gargle. It repre- sents the Arabic tbe upper for© teeth, and nearly as t in /c 1.- -The vowels, whetlirr lonir or abort, witb the point under thn^^ •s 4. i. t. V. C«, n^prcsent tlio btU«r nin, ui )d Imvo a peculiar guttural aoond. liole^.- -lMi,dib,(lb,(][b. gb,jb. kb, pb, r 1. tb tb. arereBpectiyelytheaspi- rutod of b, ch, d, «.!, g,j.k, p, r, t.ani It. md ( ^ii ) The following are the initial letters or abbreviations for the parts of speech, grammatical terms and other purposes : — • s, or suhst. for substantive. V. for verb. adj. for adjective. conj. for conjunction. adv. for adverb. part, for participle. pron. for pronoun. prep, for preposition. postpos. for postposition. interj. for interjection. m. or mas. for masculine. /. for feminine. a. for active. n. for neuter. poss. or posses, for possessive. sm^. for singular. pi. or pZwr. for plural. compar. for comparative. superl. for superlative. corrupt, for corruption. compos, for composition. contract, for contraction. inflect, for inflection, me^. for metonymically. j^^. for figuratively, j^rop. for properly. improp. for improperly. i?t*l^. for vulgarly. reZ. for relative. correl. for correlative. c?em. for demonstrative. indef. for indefinite. interrog. for interrogative. imper. for imperative, we^. for negative. j9ass. for passive. object, for objective. gen. for gender, pers. for person. Eng. for English, COERECTIONS. Page. Col. Line. 2 1 15, for Ab-i-gliost, read Ab i gosht. 5 2 15 Aghaz Aghaz. 6 2 14 blackhead blockhead. 7 2 2 ^jis Ajis. 7 2 18 Ajogya Ajogya. 8 1 43 Alaliida Altihida. 9 2 13 Amber Ambar. 11 2 44 Ankh Aiikh. 12 1 41 Antachit Antiichit. 12 1 43 Aiitaghar Antaghar. 13 1 48 Ar' Ar.' 16 2 20 Athwin Athwan. 17 1 2 Atna Atna. 20 2 4 marna mania. 20 2 10 Baghicha Baghicha. 23 1 1 azmdi azmai. 24 2 19 best plot. 25 1 25 thann^ thamia. 28 2 22 Balis Batis. 29 1 1 Batta Batta. 32 2 48 Be ebimr Be shuiir. 33 1 17 Be t^hm Bo tah'm. 33 1 31 Be tawaqqii Bo tawaqqu. 33 2 3 Be wastil Ik) wasta. 46 2 27 Cbampiit Champat. 47 2 33 Chapqimlish Chapqaliflh. 47 2 41 Chapta Ohap^i. 49 2 44 slate hlab. 57 1 18 Choiwja ('lumchi. Gl 2 14 Ddiya Daiya. 66 2 24 Datna Uatirn. 06 2 25 Dat^im Duttui. 69 1 4 l^haIuu(llmln I)haiuadiiain 69 1 33 Dhii a IMiaiia. 77 1 4 1 )uiuba DuiMb;). 79 2 8 l^Mhain I'M,,,::,. 81 2 82 F»itakliu l'..ialvi,:,. 82 1 41 Fiiil Fi^il. 82 1 43 Fi^l V\(i\. 82 2 13 Fildandjiti V\\ih\Uih'u}. 82 2 47 Firga ri,.,;. 83 2 6 PbiiUi I'llillM. 90 2 27 Qlianigin (;l:ai,l-:n. 91 1 30 Qlmr (.hal. 91 •2 3(? (.iliarib (ilianb. 91 •J 40 (^burib (,;hanb. I'ao-e. Col. Line. 104 25, /o rHaim read Haifa. 105 11 Humtlra Hamarsi. 109 5 ra^miil mamiil. 121 3 mani mani. 123 45 Jafari Jafari. 125 12 Jalsaz Jalsaz. 125 13 Jalsazi Jalsazi. 126 24 Jammdar Jamiudar. 138 7 Jura Jura. 142 16 Qaim Qaim. 145 47 Kamij Kamij. 146 25 Khacliaiii Kanchani. 153 28 Kaura Kaura. 169 32 Kishtikari Kislitkari. 173 5 Kunwari Kunwari. 176 38 Lagwana Lagwana. 177 42 Lakharai Lakharaj. 182 37 Lfe ' Li'e. 185 22 Mdibud Mabud. 190 2 6 Maliim Malum. 190 2 9 Malum Malum. 190 2 10 Mdlum Malum. 190 2 48 Malum Malum. 194 2 23 M^rifat M^rifat. 195 1 M^ruf Mariif. 195 3 Maruz M§,ruz. 199 23 M^iir Mazur. 204 20 Muddai Muddai 205 30 dafter daftar. 217 43 Namumkiu Namumkiu. 225 44 Niranjan Nii-anjan. 232 33 Paisna Paisna. 250 39 Phnt Phut. 255 38 Pajari Pujari. 256 24 Pushtanga Pushtanga. 286 1 Sarsarahat Sarsarahat. 291 11 Shanama Shdhnama. 295 31 Shamar Shumar. 297 26 Sikna Sikna. 297 26 Sildma Sikhna. 299 38 Sivaratri Sivaratri. 303 2 Suj Silj. 308 7 Tabi Tabi. 302 8 Tabiat Tabiat. 315 14 Tamtam Tamtam. 325 23 Teroas Teoras. 328 35 Thiliyji Thiliya. 349 26 Wazir Wazir. 350 30 altogether all together. 357 7 Zulmiyal Zulmiyat. EOMANIZED SCHOOL DICTIONARY, HINDFSTANI AND ENGLISH. I ABD 5 A, a short vowel, pronounced as u i in up. In composition it gives ■4 the word it precedes a privative, I negative or diminutive meaning : I an is substituted for it wlien it I precedes a vowel. lu Hindi words i at the end, it may be usud to form f- tho diminutive of a noun, or ad- {s jectives from substantives. I* A, a long vow(*l, pronounced as a V in father : (imper. sing, of dna), ■' come. ij Ab, adi\ now, presently, just now. Ab, 8. m. water ; splendour, dignity, honour ; lustro or water, (in gems;) temper, (of steol, &c.) and edge or sharpness, (of a sword.) i Abii, 8. (plur. of ab"), fathers. Abiibi'l, «. in. a swallow. AlMid, H. m. ett'rnity, without end. Aluid, (tdj. populous, civili/.rd, cul- tivatiMl, inhid)ited ; i)ruspcroua : I rumpoH. a city. M, ti. populiition. Alnuli', adj. ctcnjal, without oud. Ab:id kunui, r. a. to buiUl, to culti- vate, to civilize, to make a place habitable. J^\xi», adj. vain, absurd, prolitlesa : adv. in vain, idly. \ JS^\, 8. m. a servant (of God), a ABH Abdiina, s. m. drink and food. Abdiir, 8. m. tiie person entrusted with the charge of water for drinking : adj. well-tempered, (as steel.) Abdiin', 8. /. brilliancy, (of gems ;) temjier or polish, (of steel.) Abddrkhuna, s. m. a room whore water for drinking is kept. Abdast, 8. m. tlie ablution or wash- ing after easing nature. Abdida, (idj. in tears. Ab(\ iuterj. hollo, you Allow, you rascal I Aber, 8.f. delay, latent Abe tabu karnti, to tbic mm uiou a person. Abbiig, ti. in. misfortune. Abluigii, ) adj. unfortunate, desti- Abluigi', f tuto. Ab-hi, udr. just now, exactly now, imiiHiliately. Abhidiiu, «. in. a dictionary. Abhiltik, 8. in. wisb, desire. Abbimjin, 8. in. pride haughtinc«». art«»;^ance. Abliiiutiui, adj. proud, haughty. Al)liipraya, «. in. meaning, iiitcuiii»:., design. Abbishek, 8. m. installation to of- llct», usiially by anointing. Abbisiiikt, adj.' anointed to office, iusUdlcd. ABR [ 2 ] ACH Abhiikhan, s. m. jewels, ornaments. Abliyas, s. m. study, practice, ex- perience. Abliyasf, adj. studious. Abf, adj. aquatic, watery. Abibek, 6:. m. want of discrimina- tion, indiscretion. Abibeki', adj. indiscreet, incon- siderate. Abichar, s. m. want of consideration, injustice. Abicliari, adj. inconsiderate, unjust. Abid, s. m. an adorer, a votary, a devotee. Ab-i-gliOftt, s. m. gravy, brotb. Ab-i-hayat, s. water of life. Abila, s. m. a blister. Abinasf, adj. incorruptible, imper- isliable, eternal. Abir, s. m. a red powder, thrown about in the Holi. Abiswas, s. m. want of confidence, distrust. Abiswasi, m. j adj. without con- Abiswasin, /. > fidence, distrust- Abiswasini, /. ) ful. Abka, abke, abki, adj. of the present time, now. Abkar, s. m. a seller or distiller of wine ; a water-carrier. Abkan', s. f. the business of a dis- tiller, or water-carrier; duty le- vied on distilleries, Abklmra, s. m. a narrow-mouthed vessel for drinking out of. Ablah, adj. foolish, silly. Ablalii, s. /. folly, silliness. Ablaq, adj. pyebald, black and white. Abluqa, s. m. a bird of the maiua kind, a starling. Abniis, s. m. ebony. Abnusf, adj. made of ebony. Ab-o-dana, s. m. drink and food. Ab-o-hawa, s. /. air, atmosphere, cli- mate. Abr, s. m. a cloud. Abra, s. m. the outer fold of a dou- ble garment. Abrak, s. m. talc, mica. • Abrf, adj. clouded, variegated. i Abru, s. /. eyebrow. Abru,s./. honour, character, renown. Abrii barbad denf, v. a. to lose one's own character, to destroy one's character. Abrii denf, v. a. to impart honour or reputation to any one. Abru leni, v. a. to take away cha- racter or reputation. Abru utarni, v. a. to dishonour, to disgrace. Ab se, adj. hence, from tliis time. Abshora, s. water cooled with salt- petre. Abtab, s. /. splendour. Ab tab, adv. presently. Ab tab bona, to be at the point of death. Ab tal?' ! ^^^' ^^^^ ^^^^'' hitherto, Abtala'k, ) >^^*' Abtar, adj. ruined, spoiled, worth- less, dissolute. Abtari, s. f. worthlessness, &c. Ab ten, adv. from tliis time, hence- fortij. Ab torf, adv. till now, hitherto, yet. Achakke men, all at once, suddenly. Achal, adj. immoveable, incapable of motion. Achaman, s. m. sipping water before religious ceremonies, meals, &c. from the palm of tlie hand and spitting it out again. Achambha, s. m. wonderful things, astonishment. Achana, v. a. to rinse the mouth after eating, Achanak, \^adv. suddenly, una- Aclianchak, j wares, unexpectedly, Achar, 1 - ^^ „ Achar! / '• ^- P^^^'^'^'- Acharaj, s. m. a Hindu doctor, a learned pandit. Achar, banana, v. a. to pickle. Achchha, \ adj. good, excellent, Achchha, / healthy, well, sound. ADA [ 3 ] ADH Acholiha hona, v. n. to recover. Achcliha karna, v. a. to cure. Achchlja Ingna, to become, to be- seem, to be pleasing. Aclichhar, s. m. a letter of the al- pliabct. Acholihat, 8. m. wliole rice used in religious ceremonies. Achchlie, se achcljha, adj. superl. best, best of all. Aeliclihi', tarah, well, right, properly. A;'hhen, 'ulj. ylur. good. A(;}i(!t, adj. out of mind or senses, Mselesss, stupiiied. Iirauti', 8. f. orthography. .\' hhtiina pachhtana, v. n. to repent, to grieve, to be soriy. Achliwiini', s. f. caudl*.'. Acliraj, 8. m. wonder, admiration. Aflitana paclitami, v. n. to repent, lo lament some neglect, to grieve. A( liiik, adj. unerring, undeviuting. ^ ' in compos, half. , K. m. a perch for pigeons, tlie reh in a bird cage, an iron perch which parrots are chained ; a lice station in the country; a ■d i)lace for unemployed palki irers and qiilis. 8. m. ginger in the undried ite. . X. /. performance, payment .\(i.l), 8. m. politenes**, civility, ef>«irt('Hy, urbanity, rule. AMal), 8. m. {plur. of udiib), cero- >iii(;s, politeness, civilities, in- . iiit-cH, rules. A(i;\l) bajahinii, to pay one's respects, to bi'liavc courU'ou.sly. Adal) karuti, tu respect, to behave politely. A.(lad. 8. m. number. Ada hoiui, to bo p(»rformod, to be i\y. t ^(lalat, 9. f. ft court of justice, juaticc, law, equity. Adam, n. prop, Adam, the first man ; man. Adamkhor, adj. a cannibal. Adamzad, s. m. f. man, mankind. Adan, 8. /. Eden, paradise. Adar, s. m. respect, veaeration, esteem. Adarman, 8. m. respect and honour. Adarsa, 8. m. n sweetmeat. Adat, 8. /. hal>it, custom, usage. Adat kanui, to adopt a habit, to in- I troduce a custom, to accu>tom. Adawat, 8. /. enmity, hatred, strife, spite. Adh, \ . 1 ^c */. 1, ' > in compos, half. Addhi', 8.f. hidf a damri". Adhii, adj. half: in compos, it be- comes lidh, or adh, or ad. Adham, adj. inferior, low, vile, despicable. Adlmn, s. m. boiling water. Adhangi', adj. palsied, paralytic. Adhiir, 8. m. fooftin aflW-ting tlio half of the luMvu, homicninia. Adhauri', 8. /. Imlf of a hide (of a thick strong kind.) Adhela, 8. m. half a {miiui. Adheli, s. /. half a rujK'e. Aii-her, adj. midtlle-agtd, just jxv-t the priujo of life. Adliik, adj. exce«>tUng, gRtitor, moi. ad«iitioual, (itiint with honour. Ag barnsnd, v. n. to rain Are (ap- plied in tiio oxtremo heat of the sun, &c.^ Ag d(ii!i, i urn a Hindii corpsr. Ago, adv. Ik furr, in front, beyond, formerly, onwards, hence, for- wards, iu future. Age, interj. voc. O ! used to a fe- male. Kge dhar lena, to get before, to out- strip, to surpass. K'^G jana, to go before. Kf^e lana, to bring forward. Aggya, "1 8. /. command, order, per- Aggya, / mission. Aggyakari', adj. obedient. Aghii, s. m. lord, chief, master. Aghan, s. m. the eighth Hindii montli. Aghiina, v. n. to be satiated. Agluiri', adj. greedy. Aghaz, 8. m. beginning, commence- ment. Aghlab, adv. most likely, probably. K'*, homi, 8. to get into a passion. Aghori", 8. m. See Aghorjmnthi'. Aghorpanth, s. m. a particular reli- gious order among Hindu's. Aghorpanthi', s. m. a faqir who cats everything however tilthy, even human carcases. Agin, 8. m. name of a bird, a kind of lark. Aginbot, 8. a steamer. Agia, adj. prior, first, former; an- cestor ; other, next. X*;^ lagtimi, v. a. to set on fire, to i; flame ; to onitige. Ag lagnii, V, u. to bo enraged, to 1 iiungiy. X*^ meu prtni dillmi, to extinguihli v lire ; to appt ase a tumult. Agm', g.f. fire. Agoriyii, 8. m. a watchman. Agornii, r. a. to wati'h. Agnim Iwgnuu, «. m. odiis and ends, tnwh. Ag Hulgjinii, r. U»fore. Agiiii. <. m. a gtiide, ono who i\ ju.stH a nmrriagt*. Agihl janii, to go to nuvt a jxyrson. Ag u^hunti, r. a. to enmgi«. Agwii, 8. in. a guide, a foroninnr- litirbinger. AHK [ 6 ] AIN Agwalif, s. /. conflagration, Agwaf, s. /. guidanre. Agwara, s. m. the front, the fore- part, the space in the front of a house. Agyan, ) adj. witless, ignorant ; a Agyani, / simpleton. Agyanpan, s. m. ignorance, foolish- ness, stupidity. Agyiirf, s. f. kindling the fire by Hindus at the time of worshiji- ping. Ah, s. f. a sigh : interj. alas ! Ahaliaha, interj. expressive of sur- prize, pain, pleasure, &c. Ah ! alia ! Ahan, s. m. a mixture of straw and earth for building walls. Ahani, adj. of iron, made of iron. Ahankar, s. m. pride, haughtiness, conceit. Ahankari, adj. haughty, arrogant, proud, an egotist. Ahar, s. m. aliment, food, victuals ; starch. Ahat, s. m. sound, noise. Ah bharna, v. n. to sigh, to sob. Alid, s. m. f. contract, compact, promise, treaty; time. Alidnama, s. m. contract, an agree- ment in writing. Abe, interj. voc. O ! holla. Aher, s. f. prey, game, the chase, hunting. Aheri, 1 s. m. a sportsman, a Aheriya, / hunter. Ahir, s. m. a coAvherd, a caste whose business it is to attend on cows. Aliiri, s. /. a female of the Ahir caste. Ahista, adv. gently, slowly, softly, tenderly. Ahistagf, s. /. gentleness, softness, slowness. Ahil'-ahiste, }-'-g-«y.«>fay- Ahkam, s. (plur. of hukm), orders, commands, decrees. Ahl, s. m. people : adj. fit, capable, worthy : in compos, possessed of, endowed with. Ahl i aql, wise. Ahl i ilm, scientific. Ahl i kar, a workman, a clerk. Ahl i kitab, a learned man, a person of any religion revealed and con- tained in books. Ahl i shara, a legislator, a lawyer, one who observes the law of Mu- hammad. Ahmaq, adj. very or most foolish, fool, blackhead. Ahmaqana, adv. foolishly, stupidly. Ahmaqpan, s. m. j ^' ^"^ ^* Ah marna, v. n. to groan, to sigh. Aho, m. interj. voc. O ! holla ! Ahra, s. m. a reservoir for collecting rain water to water the fields. Almt, s. m. incense used in burnt- otfe rings. Ahwal, s. m. condition, circum- stances, events, state. Ahwal batlana, to state one's condi- tion. Ahwal puchhna, to inquire after health, &c. Ai, interj. O ! used in calling to or addressing. Aib, s. m. fault, defect, a vice, ble- mish. Aibgiri", s. /. finding fault. Aibi, adj. faulty. Aib lagiina, to defame, to slander. Aigun, s. m. defect, blemish, vice. Ain,a, \ adj. rare, wonderful, • tarah, / stmnge. li, 'is. (plur. of ajib), wonders, l»it, / curiosities. i I o ghaniib, wonders, curiosities, r:ingu things. , K. f. a natural death. I, adj. ignorant, simple. II, r. n. to come suddenly, to be- ll, tx) happen, to come unawaivs. , adj. inluiuous, disreputable. . adj. expelletl from his caste man.) I, «. {plur. of jadd), nnocstors. r, ». m. a largo serpent, tliu boa iistrietor. III, adj. extraordiuar)', surpris- ing. Aj-hu, adv. yot, irametlintoly. Aj-hUo, iidv. yet, hitherto, this very day. Aji, an interjection to call or bespeak attention. Aji'b, adj. wouderful, nstouialiiug. Aji'ran, s. m. indigestion. Ajit, adj. invincible. Aji'z, adj. impotent, weak, exhausted, helpless. Ajizi', 8. f. weakness, humility, hope- lessness. Aj ke din, I ^ A] ke roz, j -^ Ajkal, adv. now-a-days, in a few days. aSS} to P-ra.ti„ato. Aj ki nit, to-night. Ajnabf, adj. foreign, strange, un- known person.; Ajniis, 8. (plur. of jins), kinds, sorts^ species. Ajogya, adj. improper, imbecoming. Ajor, adj. without joining. Ajr, 8. m. retribution, hiiv, fare. Ajiira, 8. ?/t. hire, rent, wnges, fare. Ajiimdar, 8. m. a labourer for hire. Ajwiiyan, 8. f. the seed of a plant of the dill kind. Ajz, 8. m. weakness, wretchotlness. Vk^l' 1 ^' ^' ^*^"^^"^» scarcity, pine! Akiir, 8. m. form, shape. Akar, 8. /. erooktHlness ; strut. Akarath, adj. proiitlesy, in vain. Akfiratb, or Ak»irthe mama, die by accident. Akarbai, h. /. the cramp. Aliurlmz, »'.m. an uflbcted i)er» : a fop. Akarbjizi*. »./. Hwajjpering. stnitting. Akami, «. m. Uid action, sin, viw, wick(Hlnesj<. Akarnmk, adj. intmnsitive, (a verl Akarmi, adj. wntch, unpriucipliHl. Aktirnti, V. n. t4> writhe, to ache, ti» be cramiHMl, to ^lrut. Aku.M, i K. VI. the sky, the attnor Aku.H, / Kplure, the licaveiw, llr- luanient, .H|>ace. Akiislnini, 8./. a voice fmm hcaveiu Akiijidiya, «. tii. a lamp hunihI in the uir by tho Hindus in iho muuUi I of Kiirtik. ALA [ 8 ] ALL Akasmat, adv. immediately, sud- denly. Akbar, adj. greater, very great, greatest. Akela, adj. alone, single, solitary. Aklia, s. m. a bag in which grain is carried on bullocks. Akhara, s. m. a place for wrestling. Akhbar, s. (plur. of khabar), news, a newspaper. Akhir, s. m. the end, completion. Akhir, adj. last, latter: s. m. end, issue : adv. at last, finally. Akhirash, adv. at the end of it, finally, after all. Akhirat, s. f. futurity, a future state. Akhiri", adj. last, final. Akhlaq, s. (plur. of khulq), virtues. Akhor, s. f. refuse, otfal, filth. Aklirot, s. m. a walnut. Akhta'.} «''i- a gelding. Akhta murgh, s. m. a capon. Aks, s. m. the contrary, opposite; spite, opposition. Aksar, adv. generally, for the most part, usually, often. Aksar auqat, at most times, gene- rally, frequently. Akulana, v. n. to be agitated, to be confused, to be distracted. Akwand, s. m. the swallow wort. Akwar, s. f. embrace. Akwar bhet, s.f. meeting and em- bracing. Al, prop. Yal, s. f. a horse's mane ; the name of a tree from which a red colour is extracted. Ala, adv. above, on, upon. Alag, adj. separate, apart, distinct. Alag alag, adv. separately. Alag karna, to separate. Alahida, adj. or adv. separate, apart, distinct. Alaihi, on him. Alaihira, on them. Alaihis salam, blessing on him. Alaish, s. f. pollution, contamination, filth. Alakh, adj. invisible, unseen. Alam, s. m. the world, universe, con- course. Alam, s. m. colours, standard. Alambardar, s. m. standard-bearer. Alaman, s. m. a German. Alamat, s. /. a mark, a sign symptom. Alan, s. straw, &c. mixed in eartl for building. Alan, s. m. the brushwood used foi creepers to run on. Alang, s. f. side, way, quarter. Alao, s. m. a bonfire. Alapna, v. a. to pitch the voice, t( sing. Alas, s. m. laziness, slowth, drow' siness. Alasyf, adj. drowsy, slothful. Alawa, adv. besides, in addition. Alaya, s. m. an affix signifying th( abode of; as, Himalaya, the abod( of snow. Albatta, adv. certainly, indeed verily. Albela, adj. a simpleton. Altelpana, s. m. a piece of folly foolishness. Alfaz, s. m. (plur. of lafz), words articulate sounds, terms. Alfin, s. m. a pin. Algaf, s. f. separation. Algana, v. a. to separate, to put oi one side. Algani", 8. f. a line for hanging. clothes on. Algharaz, adv. in short, upon the whole, in a word. Algoja, s.in.a, whistle, pipe, flageolet Alhamdu lillahi, God be praised. Alhar, adj. young, untaught, un skilful. All', a proper name, Muhammad's son-in-law. Alif be, s. f. the alphabet. Ah'l, adj. indisposed, weak, sick. Alim, adj. learned, knowing. Allah, s. m. God. AMA [ 9 ] AMR AUiih allah ! an interjection expres- sive of surprise and approbation. Allulm akbar, God is great. Allah re, God! ray God ! A 11am ghallam, s. m. random, &c. Almas, s. m. a diamond. Almasf, adj. cut into facets (like a diamond.) Almasf ranpc, s. m. a bright clear white colour. Al o atftil, 8. /. family. Alol kalol, 8. f. gambols, playsome- iicss, wantonness. I, adj. not salt, fresh, insipid. .. < houa, V. n. to disappear, to vanish. Alpin, 8. m. a pin. A 1 i!'• , s. /. linseed. 8. m. an esculent root, a i>wtiito. Alii, Hukhiira, 8. m. a kind of plum. Alii hi, (ulj. defiled, foul, smeared; \i,red. >i. m. the mango fruit ; the iiigo tree. I I. H./. arrival, income, coming. I () raft, \ 8.f. coming and go- 1 o shud, I ing, access and I raft, I egress, inter- 1 shnd, j course. I. 8. in. intr^xicatio!!. I, 8. m. action, work, practice, la, "I tho native ofHccre in A ma hi fiiil, f civil couHh. Amahhir, H. m.n native »u))altcm, an olliccr in the army. jjLinaldain', f. f. tlio bu8ine88 of an amaldiir. Anmli, adj. artificial, pmcticnl. Anuin, «. /. safety, Boinirity, protec- tion, quarter. Amana, v. n. to bo containctl, to go in. '^ itiat, 8. f. deposit, any thing von in trust. Amanatdar, s. m. a trustee. Amanatdari, 8. f. guardianship, agency, trust. Amanya, adj. undeserving of credit. Amar, adj: immortal, deathless, ever- lasting. Amarpad, «. m. the state of an im- mortal, immortality. Amawas, s.f. the day of the new moon. Amawat, s, m. the inspissated juice of the mango. Amber, 8. m. ambergris. Ambari, adj. odour of ambergris. Ambari', 8. f. a covered litter for an elephant. Ambiya, s./. a small unripe mango : 8. (plur. of nabi), prophets. Amlx>h, 8. m. a crowd, multitude, mob, concourse. Amchur, 8. m. parings of the mango dried in the sun. Amdan, adv. purposely, designedly, i^mdam', «. /. imjx)rt, income, reve- nue. Amez, in compo8. mixed, mixing. Amezish, 8. /. mixture, intercourse. Amin, adj. ameti, so bo it. Ami'n, 8. m. a commissioner, a tru- tree, an oversei^r and invtstigat<.»r, a superintendent. Ammi', 8. f. the ottico of a commis- sioniT, ovcrsrcr, &c. Amnj, adj. deep, profound. Amir 8. in. a nobleman, u gran»lt < . a |K>rson of eminence. Aminina, ndj. primvly, lonlly. Amiri', 8. f. nobility, groatnes.««, swu} lordnhip. Amirziida, nobly lK>rn. Amif, adj. indelible. And ka/nti, to net, to npemtc. AmniA, 8. /. mother. Amn, 8. in. security, safety. Ammi stinma, 9. mi. confronting. Amne stimne, adv. op)K)Hito, faoo to face. Amr. 8. m. tlio im]vnitivo mood in grammar ; an afi'iur. a trunsactioQ. AND [ 10 ] ANG Amra, s. m. the liog-plum. Am lit, s. m. nectar. Amrud, s. m. a guava. An, a prefix of negation, privation, or diminution. An, adj. other, another. Ana, V. n. to come : s. m. the six- teenth part of a rupee, or gene- rally a sixteenth part. Anadar, s. m. dibrespect, affront. Anadi, adj. without beginning, eternal. Anaj, s. m. grain, corn. Anakani, s. /. turning a deaf ear. Anakani karna, to overlook, to turn a deaf ear, to connive at. Anand, s. m. f. happiness, joy, ease. Anandit, adj. joyful, glad. Anannas, s. m. a pine-aiDple. Anannasi, adj. made like a pine- apple. Anant, adj. boundless, endless: s. m. a cord with fourteen- knots which the Hindus tie on the arm on the fourteenth day of Bhadon. Anar. s. m. a pomegranate ; a kind of fire-works. Anari, \ adj. unskilful, clumsy, in- Anari, j expert. Anarpan, s. m. unskilfulness, clum- siness, ignorance. Anarth, adj. absurd, improper. Anath, adj. husbandless, destitute, forlorn, orphan. Anbiyaha, adj. unmarried. Anch, s.f. heat, flame of a fire (not of a candle.) Ancha], ) s. m. the end 6r border of Anclial, / a cloth, veil, shawl, &c. Anchit, adv. unawares, suddenly. Anchla, s. m. see Anchal. Anda, s. m. an egg. Anda dena, to lay an Qg^. Andaj, adj. oviparous. Andar, prep, within, in the inside. Andarsa, s. m. a kind of fried sweet- meat. Anda, sewna, to incubate. Andaz, s. m. measure, weighing, conjecture, guess. In compo&. throwing. Andaza, s. m. measure, valuation, guess. Andekha, adj. unseen, invisible. Andel, adj. oviparous ; with egg (a bird.) Andesha, s. m. thought, concern, care. Andesha karna, to reflect, to hesi- tate, to fear. Andha, adj. blind, dark. Andlia dhund lutana, to squander, to spend extravagantly. Andha kiia, s. m. a dry well. Andhan, s. m. wealth in both grain and specie. Andher, s. m. injustice, violence. Andhera, adj. dark : s. m. dark- ness. Andlif, s. f. storm, gale, tempest. Andhkar, s. m. darkness. Andhla, adj. blind. Andhlapan, s. m. blindness ; intel- lectual blindness. Andhoa, adj. unwashed, unclean. Andhyani, adj. dark, blind : s. m. darkness. Anek, adj. many, much, abundant. Ang, s. m. the body, a limb, a member. Anga, s. m. a coat, a kind of spen- cer. Angan, s. m, a court-yard. Angara, s. m. embers, a firebrand. Angarha, adj. unformed, unwrougl it. Angarkha, s. m a kind of jacket. Angethf, s.f. a chafing-dish. Angez, in compos, exciting. Angfkar, s. m. an agreement, n promise, acceptance of a pro- posal. Angina, I ,. nup^^erless, innu- f^^^^^^l merable. Angmti, j Angiya, s. f. bodice, stays. ANK [ lA ] ANK ^^'•^^'^^«-^;\ a court-yard. lii^oclilia, s. m. a cloth with which Hindus wipe themselves after batldng ; a towel. \ngrai', s.f. stretching the limbs, a yawning. fVngrana, v. n. to stretch the limbs, to yawn. \ngrezi, adj. English, the English I'j^uago. 1 1 , «. m. a finger's breadth. ill', 8./. a finger or toe. 1 r, 8. m. a grape ; granulations u healing sore. i\iii^Miri', adj. of or relating to the grape. iiigushtnuma, one who is pointed at. ingushtiina, «. m. a thimble, a ring. •Vngiitha, «. m. tlie thumb, ^n^aithr, «. /. a ring worn on the linger. \nli(>na, adj. impossible, not to be. VnliwiiTui, V. a. to cause to be l)athed. \nr, H./. the point or edge of any Ihing sharp, A.niti, ». /. unmanncrlinc'HS, rudc- n' sH, injustice, impropriety. .\njali, H. /. the cavity formed by pulling the two hands together. (Vnjiini, a. m. end, termination. Anjan, 8. m. a collyrium or applica- tion to the eyelids when iuilumud, or to improve ihem. \nian, adj. uawilting, itnintonUon- 1 : a. a stranger. .\niana, adj. unknown, ignorant .Vnjiuu', a. I (u/r. ignorantly, im- Anjiln be, / wittingly. Anjir,8. 7*1. a llg. jAiik, \ «. m. llguro, number, mark i/Vnk, / on cloth to show tlic price. A'nkli, ». f. the eye. Aukli linj', to 1)0 blour-oyod, to have an inllammatiou in the oyca. Ankh bachaua, to steal away pri- vately and unseen. Ankh badalna, to withdraw one's favour or affection from any one. Ankh band kar leni', to turn from another; to die. Ankh bharke dekhna, to look till one's curiosity is fully satisfied. Ankh bhar land, to be ready to cry. Ankh chi'r chir dekhna, "I to look Ankh chirke dekhna, j with great attention and deep meditti- tion, or with anger. Ankh churani, to avert tho eyes through shame, to avoid the sight of any one. Ankh dab(labana, to be in tears. Ankh dikhlani, to frighten, to brow- beat. Atrivh ghurakna, to look at with anger. Ankh lagiini, to fall in love, to con- tract friendship for any one. Ankh nnirni, to wink. Ankh michauli, s. f. | blindmans Ankh michauwal, 8. m. I butt*. Ankhou nu'O charbf chhiina, to be wilfully blind, to pretend from pride not to know one's old uo- (luaintiuice. Ankhou nieu ^h^k dldlni', to com- mend or part' wares of an inferi(»r quality; to pilfer ami .snatch away anything ipiickly auil pri- vately. Ankhoo inco khapikn^ to bo Kct tt with envy and dislike. Ankh piuHarnii, to oih^u one's eye ^ to htjii-e. Aukh phor lenii, to turn away th eves (^as from grief, ilitiplea£>uri &c.) j\nkh phofti. 8. m. u midgo said to lly in the eyes. Ankh phorni, to muko blind. Anknu, r. n. to bo viUucil, • prized, to bo marked. ANT [ 32 ] APA Ankna, v. a. to value, to prize, to mark (the price on cloth.) Anksf, s. f. a hook, tenter. Ankur, \ . Ankus, s. m. the hook or iron with which elephants are driven. Ankwar, s. /. embrace. Anmel, adj. discordant, heteroge- neous. Anmol, adj. invaluable, beyond price. Ann, s. m. food, victuals, grain. Anna, v. a. to bring. Annf, s. f. a nurse for a child. Annjal, | s. m. victuals and Annpanf, / drink. Anokha, adj. rare, uncommon, won- derful. Anparha, adj. illiterate, uninformed. An parna, v. n. to happen, to come suddenly. Anqabiit, s. / a spider. Anqarib, adv. near, soon, shortly, • nearly. Anrit, s. f. unmannerliness, ill be- haviour. Ans, s. m. part, division, share. Ansamjha, adj. not imderstood, not knowing. Ansamjh karna, to pretend not to understand. Ansdhari, adj. becoming incarnate. Ansu, s. m. a tear. Ansuna, adj. unheard. Ansuni karna, to pretend not to hear. Ant, s. m. end, completion: adv. after all, at last. Ant, s. f. entrails, gut, tripe. Auta, 8. m. a ball, a marble. Antachit bona, to trip up, to fall down. Antaghar, s. m. a billiard-room. Antakaran, s. m. the understanding. Antarberl, n. prop, name of the country between the Ganga and Jamuna rivers. Antardhyan, out of sight, vanished, disappeared. Antanchh, s. m. vanishing. Antarichh ho jana, to vanish. Antarjamf, adj. knowing the heart. Anthi, s. f. stone of fruit. Antf, s. f. a skein of thread, a bundle of grass, &c., a small faggot. Antkal, s. m. dying moment, hour of death. Antna, v. n. to be contained. Antri, s. f. entrails, intestine, bowels, gut. Antriyan jalna, ) to be very Antriyon men ag lagna,/ hungry. Antwana, v. a. to make contain. Anuchit, adj. improper. Anugrah, s. m. favour, grace, kind- ness. Aniip, adj. incomparable. Aniitha, adj. rare, wonderful, un- common. Anw, s. m. the glutinous whitish matter or mucus voided by people afflicted witii a tenesmus. Anw girna, v. n. to void white glu- tinous stools. Anyae, | s. m. injustice, oppres- Anyaya, / sion. Anyayi, adj. unjust, oppressive. Ap, pron. self, selves, yourself, you sir, used respectfully and po- litely instead of the second per- sonal pronoun. Apahaj, adj. cripple. Apajas, s. m. ignominy, dishonour. Apajasi, adj. ignominious. Apaman, s. m. contempt, disrespect. Apan, pron. reclp. self. Apar, adj. boundless, excessive. Aparadh, s. m. transgression, crime. Aparadhf, s. m. ) a criminal, sinner, Aparadhin, s. f. j offender. Aparampar, adj. boundless, infinite. Apas, pron. recip. themselves, one another. Apas men, mutually, among our- selves, themselves, &c. Apavitr, adj. unclean, defiled, im- pure. AR C 13 ] ARD ipavitrata, s. f. uucleanness, defile- ment, impurity. Vphania, v. n. to gormandize. ^'\ '!'^^ \ adv. spontaneously. \phiin, 8. f. opium. Yplal j, \ adj. attending to one's own ^pkajr, / business, engaged in one's o^vn affairs. \pna, pron. pass, of or belonging to self, own. ipniina, v. a. to make a thing one's own, to convert to one's own use. A-pnayat, s. f. family relations, kindred. Apranuin, adj. without proof, untrue. A])nip, 8. m. and adj. self, self- Ibrmed, the Deity, J^ ^^' , \ adv. spontaneously. /C|).swartli, 8. m. selfisliness. Alp.swurthr, adj. selfish, seeking the ini(;re.st()t's('lf. Ai|:i, H. 711. master, owner. A'|:il», adv. behind, after : s.m. the I'iir. jA<]«l, 8. m. a knot; a marriagc-com- piict, a^^^recment. /<[il»nl, 8. f. tiie end, future state. ^se. Anim piina, v. n. to recover. Apmg, 8. /. a deiMjt. Araq, «. m. juice, essence, spirit, sap, sweat. Apiru, 8. m. high steep banks of a • river. Arasta, adj. prenanxl, dresseeforu tho palk &,{\ of a rich man. Ardawji, 8. m. coarsely ground me«i made of parched barley oud other grain. Anlluinir. 8. m, half tho body ; luniiplegia. Anihiingi, adj. ono ofUictcd witli hemiplegia. ARS [ 14 ] ASA Are, m. interjection used in calling to or addressing;, commonly in a disrespectful way, Holla ! ho ! O ! hear you ! Argani", s. f. a line for hanging clothes on to dry. Argha, s. m. a vessel used by the Hindus for performing libations in their devotions. Argh dena, to pour out water to the sun. Arhaf, two and half ; or when used with a noun of number, twice and half tlio aggregate number, Arhaiya, s. m. a weight of two and a half sers, a measure containing two and a half sers. Arhar, s. f. a species of pulse. Afhat, 8. /. sale by commission, commission. Arhatiya, s. m. a broker, one who sells on commission. An', s. f. a small saw, a hand-saw. Ari, interj. f. see Are, Ariyat, s. f. a loan, anything bor- ^ rowed. Ariyutf, adj. borrowed, assumed. Arjan, s. m. gain, earning. Arkatf, s. m. a pilot. Arman, n. "prop. Armenia. Armani', adj. Armenian. Arna, v. n. to stop, to be restive or halt (as a horse.) Arna, s. m. a wild buffalo. Ami', s. f. a female wild buffalo. Aros pares, s. m. neighbourhood. Arosi parosf, s. neiglibour. Arpan, s. m. an otieiing. Arsa, s. m. a space of time, period, interval. Arsatl), adj. sixty-eight. Arsh, s, in. a throne ; the ninth heaven. Arsi, s. f. a mirror (particularly one woi-n on the thumb.) Arta, s. m. a ceremony attending marriage. Arspars, s. m. touching. Artala, s. m. screen, shelter, a covert. Artalis, adj. forty-eight. Arth, s. m. intention, object, mean- ing. Arthat, adv. namely, that is to say, videlicet. Artf, s. /. a ceremony performed with a lamp in adoration of the gods. Artis, adj. thirty-eight. Aru, covj. and ; more, again. Arils, s. f. bride. Arwah, s. (plur. of ruh), spirits, soul. Arwf, s. f. a vegetable, the root oi which is used in food. Arz, s. f. a petition, request, re- presentation ; breadth, latitude. Arzan, adj. cheap. Aizani, s. f. cheapness, abundance of provisions, Arzdar, adj. broad ; a petitioner. Arzi, s. f. a representation, memo- rial, a written petition. Arz karna, to represent, to offer, to propose. Arzii, s. f. wish, desire. Arzumand, adj. desirous, eager, longing. As, '\ s. f. hope, desire, trust, re- Asa, / liance, Asa, s. m. a statf, mace. Asabardar, s. a mace-bearer. Asad, s. m. the lion, Leo (the sign of the zodiac.) Asal, s. f. see Asl. Asalatan liazir bona, to be present in person. Asami", s. m. or /. a defendant (in a lawsuit), a tenant, renter, client. Asan, s. m. a stool, a seat, a carpet to sit on ; attitude, posrture, espe- cially those adopted by jogis in their devotional exercises ; the name of a tree on which the ta- sar silkworm feeds. ASH [ 15 ] ASH PLn-cin, adj. e£tsy, convenient, com- modious; r, s.f. a small carpet on wliicli iiiidiis sit at worship. ' .' ' . \ s.f. facility, easiness. ! , 8. m. an impression, effect. A.surli, 8. m. the name of the third Hindu month. Asas ul bait, household furniture. Asiit, adj. untrue, false. A.sb.U), s. m. goods and chattels, irniture, apparatus, bnggage. Ill', 8. /. a line for hanging .u'.ncs on. Ashurfi', 8. /. see Aslimfi'. Ashcharj, 8. m. amazement, asto- nishment, surprise. A^!l i jau, barky- water, water- ,h(, adj. eight. A.sii(an>, 8. m. the eighth iluy of the iiiorcaso or dccrcuwo of the moon ; dale. Ashufta, adj. distressed. Asf, adj. disobedient, rebellious : 8. in. and /. a rebel, a sinner. Asikii, 8. m. blessing, benediction. Asil, adj. well-bom, noble, genuine : 8. f. a kind of lady's maid. Asin, 8. m. the sixth Hindu month. Asir, 8. m. a prisoner, a captive. AsirWid, \ s. m. a benediction, a Asirbad, / salutation, blessing. Asiri, 8. /. imprisonment, captivity. j^\^' \ s. f. blessing, benediction. Askat, 8. /. laziness, tardiness. Askatiinii, v. n. to be lazy. Abkati, adj. lazy, remiss. Asl, 8. /. root, origin, lineage ; ca- pital, stock in traile. Asian, adv. by no nuans, never. Ash', m/j. original, radical, essentiaV genuine, fundamental. Asniiin, s.m. the sky, the firmament. heaven. Asmani', adj. heaveidy, colestial, azure, sky-coloured. Asmuni rang, a(}j. sky-blue. Asniin, 8. m. bathing. AwoQ, lulv. this year. Aspiis, 8. m. vicinity, circumference adj. uround, on all sides. A.sr, 8. in. time, age; tiio time of prayer before suns<»t. Asni, 8. in. trust, reliance, hop< usyluin, retreat^ hiding-plttco. Asrait, adj. an expectaut. Aksi', adj. eighty. Ant. 8. m. st»tting of the sun. Astidiai, 8 m. a stable. Astaglitir ullah, I ontrt^ai for^venen of Ciutl, (an expression signifying a negation.) A^Uilla, } *• '"• * thrcsliolil Astar, 8. m. lining. Aste, adj. gently, softly. As^h, (i<^'. eight. A$(iham, adj. the oightli. Ashtami, 8. /. the eighth day of the iuuar fortnight. ATA [ 16 ] ATM Astlian, s. m. place, abode, resi- dence. Astliir, adj. properly restless, un- steady, but generally used in the sense of at rest, at peace. Ast bona, to set (the sun.) Astin, s. /. a sleeve. Astut, s. /. praise, a song of praise. Asiida, adj. at rest, quiet, tranquil, satisfied, contented. Asudadil, adv. quiet or easy in mind, composed. Asudagr, s. /. quiet, peace, content. Asiidahal, full, at ease, contented. Asudh, adj. unholy, incorrect. Asudhta, s. /. impurity, an error, a mistake. Asugan, s. m. bad omen. Asur, s. m. a sort of evil spirit. Aswar, s. m. cavalry, a horseman ; riding on any thing fas a ship, &c.) Aswari, s. f. a cavalcade, horseman- ship, riding. Ata, s. m. a kind of custard apple. Ata, s. f. a gift, present, favour. Ata, s. m. flour, meal. Atak, s. f. prevention, stop, obstruc- tion, obstacle. Atakna, v. n. to be stopped, to be prevented, to stick, to stop. Atal, adj. immoveable, steadfast. Atal, s. f. a stack, a rick (of grass, corn, &c.), a heap of baggage, &c. ■ Atala, s. m. a heap ; furniture. Atari, s. /. a thatched upper room. Atash, s. f. fire ; anger. Atashak, s. /. the venereal disease. Atashbaz, s. m. a player or maker of fireworks. Atashbaz f, s. f. exhibition of fii'C- works. Atashdan, s. m. a chafing-dish, any receptacle for fire. Atashmizaj, adj. fiery-tempered. Atashparast, s. m. a worshipper of fire. Atashparastf, s. f. the worship ol fire. Atfal, s. (plur. of tifl), children. Ath, adj. eight. Athah, adj. bottomless, unfordable, unfathomable. Atliais, adj. twenty-eight. Athanavwe, adj. ninety-eight. Atharah, adj. eighteen. Athasi, axlj. eighty-eight. Athava, conj. or. Athawan, adj. fifty-eight. Athhattar, adj. seventy- eight. Athon pahar, ^ day and night, con^ Athpahar, j stantly. Athsath, adj. sixty-eight ; more commonly arsatli. Athtalis, adj. forty-eight. Athtfs, adj. thirty-eight. Ath wan, adj. eighth. Athwara, s. m. the eighth day afte: any other ; a week. Athwati khatvvati, s. f. the state o being confined to bed througl sickness, &c. Ati, j jprep. exceeding, surpassing Atf, j very. Atisar, s. m. dysentery, diarrhoea. Ati't, s. m. a wanderer, pilgrim, s Hindii faqir. Atka, s. m. name of the pot in whicl victuals are dressed at Jagannatli Atkal, s. f. conjecture, opinion guess. Atkalbaz, adj. adroit at guessing an apj^raiser. Atkalna, v. a. to guess, to conjee ture, to judge, to think. Atkal pachcliu, s. m. one wb guesses at a venture or withou ground on which to judge : cwZi at random. Atkami, v. a. to stop, to prevent, t liinder, to restrain, to detain. Atkiio, ) s. m. stop, preventior Atkaona, j hindrance. Atlas, s. m. satin. Atma, s.f. the soul, the spirit, tli mind. ATTN [ 17 ] AWA Atmik, adj. spiritual. Attia, V. n. to be contained, to be filled. Atpattingi, adj. inconsiderate, irre- gular. Atpati bat, nonsense, prevarication. Atr (prop, itr), s. m. perfume, fra- grance, essence, ottar (of roses, &c.)" Atraf, 8. /. (plur. of taraf ), sides, enviruns, skirts, districts. Atrdiin, s. m. a perfume box, or T' ceptacle for perfume. \v, 8. m. a perlumer, a druggist. •li", 8. /. the business of a per- liniier or druggist. Atur, adj. annoyed, distracted, per- pl( xcd. Aiw'ilt klia^wat, s. f. the state of a jxrson who in great affliction r( mains bed-rid. Atyant, adj. very much, excessive, groat. An, rorij. and. Aiibash, 8. m. a rake, a de])aucbee. Aiibat, adj. unfrequented (road.) Auhhngat, 8. /. civil reception or salutatou. Aticliat-, adj. suddenly, unawares. Atidhiit, H. m. a class of faqi'rs. Aiigliat', adj. unfnqnentod. An'j:un, H. rn. defect, blcini&h, vice. A iikiiH, 8(e AvnktiH. Aukhnd, 8./. remedy, mectter, l)e«t. Aulivn, 8. {})hir. of wuli), the wiint«, tlu'' holy. Aundhii, adj. iipMido down, over- turned, inverted. Aundlmml, r. a. to turn upsido down, to reverse, to overturn. Aunehiir, adj. futim\ Aune panne, adr. more or less. Anutua, r. >i. to bnil ms luilk^, to evuporuto over a tii Auqat, s. f. fplur. of waqt), times, circumstances. Auqatbasarf, s. f. pastime, amuse- ment, employment. Aur, conj. and, also : adj. more, other. Auras chauras, «. m. level. Aurat, 8. f. a woman, a wife. Aur hf, quite different. Aur koi, any one else, other. Aur kya, adv. certainly, what else. Aur nahi'n, adv. only, no more. Aur nahi'n to, and otherwise. Austin, 8. m. courage, presence of mind. Ausar, s. in. occasion, opportunity, leisure. Autiina, v. a. to cause to boil, to make hot. Autiir, 8. 7w. birth, descent incarna- tion of the Deity. Autna, V. a. see Auotna. Auwal, adj. first, best, prime : 8. w. beginning : adv. at first, in tlio first place. Auwaliyat, 8. /. priority, pre-emi- nence, excellence. Auziir, 8. plur. arms, tools, appara- tus ; sicknes.s disease. Avakiis, alias Aukiis, >• ■" ' '-vre. oi)port unity. Avarthi, $. /. ago. Aviwliya, adv. tvrtainly, necvikjarily, positivt ly. Avnstiui, 8. /. stato, condition, star^ of life. Avatiir, 8. m. hoc Autiir. Awii, 8. m. ti ))otter'8 kiln. Awndh, $. f. ngn'tmont, cngT\ nient. Awajju, 1 8. /. coming and Awtignman, / g*nng. Awiigiiwan, 8. m. tmi).* i? J. r Babur > ^' ^' name of a tree of Baburr, ) *^^^ ^^^^^ k^^^- Bach, s. /, orris root. Bacha, s. m. a child, the young of any animal. Bacha, s. /. promise. Bachan, s. m. speech, talk, word; promise, agreement, Bachana, v. a. to save, to preserve, to spare, to guard. Bachan band karna, to bind by pro- mise. Bachan dena, to promise. Bachan harna, to promise, to give one's word. Baclian lena, to receive a promise. Bachan manna, to obey. Bachan nibliana, \ to abide by a Bachan palna, / promise. Bachao, s. m. protection, defence. Bachcha, s. w. an infant, a child, the young of any creature. Baehchagana, adj. fit for children, puerile. Bachch]', s. /. see Bachcha, Bachha, s. w. a calf. BAD [ 19 ] BAD Bachbera, 8. m. a colt. ]5achl)eri', «. /. a filly. ]iachliiya, s. f. j Bachhia, s. m. > a calf. Bachhrii, s. m. ] Baehkansi, adj. small (generally ap- plied to shoes and clothe?'.) Buchnti, V. n. to be saved, to escape, to remain unexpended, to recover. Bachpan, s. m. childhood, infancy. Bad, s. /. wind, air, breeze, pjale : s. m. rheumatism ; a deduction. B;i«l, post, after, afterwards, subse- ([Uent. Bud, adj. evil, bad. Bada, adj. predestined. BmiUi, adj. great. r Id, 8. m. a cloud. '■'■ l;d, 8. m. exchange, substitution. i 111 lend, V. a. to exchange, to ke ill exchange. 1 ! ilmi, r. n. to ciiange, to alter. I lam, 8. TO. an almond. i i:imi', culj. almond-coloured, al- iiioud-shaped. Biidan, H. 111. the body. Bud andeah, adj. evil-minded, ini- mical. B.ular, 8. m. a cloud. Biuiastiir, as usual, according to cuslom, l?ii(l niwiir, adj. ill-mannered. !l5iuiuulat, l>y the auspices, by the Itoimty, by the mcauH. ' ]iad bujcht, adj. unlucky, unfortu- nate. Rid l)i{, adj. fetid : »./. an offensive MM.-ll. r>ud oluiir, 8. f. bad conduct, niis- eoiiduct. Bad dastur, s. in. an evil custom or iial)it. Buldht', 8./. a kind of sash. Hid duji, 8./. u curse, imnreontlon. liiid tial. H, m. ovil deeds: «tligaio person. Bad mazii, adj. Uul-flavoured, out of iiumour. Bad mizjij, adj. ilI-t s. m. a tiger. Bagh a, j ^ Bagliair, part, without, except, be- sides : improp. Bigar. Baghal, s. /. the armpit, embrace. Baghal hojana or jana, v. n. to go out of the way. Baghal men dabana, I *" ,*=°™"'^1 Ba|l,al men marna, ™derones ® - ) arms. Baghan, s. f. a t'gress. Bagiiar, s. m. seasoning. Baghaina, v. a. to season. Baghban, s. m. a gardener. Baglibani", s. f. gardening. Baghicha, s. m. a garden. Baghni, s. f. a tigress. Bagf, s. /. a gig with a hood, a bnggy. Bagla, s. m. name of a bird, a species of heron. Bngla bhagat, a hypocrite. Bag morna, v. a. to turn the reins. Baha balia phima, v. n. to w^auder, to be in a distressed condition. Baha dena, v. a. to destroy, to ruin. Bahadur, adj. brave : s. m. a her^, a champion. Baliaduri, s. f. bravery, valour. Bahai^na, v. n. to be deceived, to stray. Bahal, s. f. a two-wheeled vehicle for riding on. Bahal hona, to be reinstated. Bahal karna, to reinstate. Balialna, v. n. to be diverted, to bo amused. Baham, 1 adv. together, one with Baliam, / another. Baham iina or pahunchna, v. a. to gei, to acquire. Bahan, s. f. a sister. Bahan, s. m. a vehicle, any animal or conveyance on which a person rides. Bahana, s. m. pretence, evasion, contrivance. Ball ana, v. a. to make flow, to launch ; to pour forth. Baliangf, s. /. a stick with ropes hanging from each end for sling- ing baggage to, which is carried on the shoulder. BAH [ 21 ] BAI Balia phirna, v. n. to wander, to be ill a distressed condition. Buhar, s. f. a fleet of boats. Bahiir, s. /. spring, prime, bloom, beauty, enjoyment. Bahar, adv. without, abroad. Baharhal, adv. by every means, somehow or other. Bahari, adj. vernal, of the spring. Baliasna, v. a. to argue, to dispute. Bahattar, adj. seventy-two. Baheliya, s. m. a fowler. Bahf, 8. /. a book stitched at the ends f(jr keeping accounts, au ac- count book. Biihi jana, v. n. see Bahjana. ]5ahila, adj. f. barren. ]iuhin, 8./. hister. Biiliir, adv. witliout, abroad. Biihi'r, I s. f. the baggage, &c., of an lialii'f, ( army. ]{ahira, adj. deaf. BSliin', adj. outward, foreign. ]3iilij;ina, v. n. to flow, to go or Hwim witii the stream ; to bo ruined. Balikanti. v. a. to balk, to disappoint, to mislead, to deceive. JJaliliina, v. a. to divert, to amuse. Biliinan. n. m. a brtihman. Iiiliamam'. «. /. tlie wife of a brdh- inaii. Bahnd, v. a. to flow, to glide ; to llout : to blow. ]>uitnor, «. m. a sister's husband, a l)n)tl»('r-in-lu\v. B ihr, H. in. a sea ; a fleet. ' ii:i, down, to seat, to Baitharna, ) place. Baithka, s. m. a bench, &c. See Baitliak. Baithna, v. a. to sit, to be unemployed or idle. Bait ul mal, s. m. an escheat. Baiza, s. in. an egg. Baj, s. m. a tax, duty, toll, tribute. Baja, s. m. a musical instrument. Baja, adj. in place; fit, accurate, true. Baja lana, v. n. to perform, to ac- complish, obey. Bajan, s. m. musical instruments. Bajana, v. a. to sound, to play upon an instrument of music, to per- form (music.) Baj baj ana, v. n. to effervesce with noise in putrefying. Bajdar, s. m. a tax-gatherer, a col- lector of revenue or tribute. Baj h ana, v. n. to entangle, to en- snare, to entrap (as game). Bajhna, v. n. to be ensnared, to be caught (as game.) • Bajidd bona, to be importunate. Bajins, by kind, in detail, particu- larly. Bajna, ) v. n. to be sounded, to Bajna, / sound. Bajr, s. m. a thunderbolt. Bajra, s. m. a kind of grain, millet. Bajra, s.m. a kind of pleasure boat. Bajr pare us par, may lightning fall on him, (an expression used in cursing any one.) Bajuz, prep, with the exception, besides. Bajwana, v. a. to cause to play on an instrument of music. Bak, s. f. prattle, cliat, foolish talk. Bakal, s. the outside cut of a piece : of timber. Bakayan, s. f. name of a tree. Bakbak, s. f. see Bak. Bakbakana, "1 v. 7i. to prattle, Bakbak karna, / to chatter. Bakhan, s. m. explanation, praise, description. Bakhanna, v. a. to praise, to com- mend ; to explain, to define. Bakhar, s. m. ] Bakhan, s./.}^g>''^""y- Bakhera, s. m. wrangling, a tumult, contention, dispute. Bakheriya, adj. quarrelsome, a wrangler. Bakherna, v. a. to scatter. Baklii, s. f. the side under the arm- pit. Bakhil, adj. miser, niggard. Bakhilf, s. /. stinginess, niggardli- ness. •p 1 -I • ] s. m. kind of stitch, Bakhlyd,! ^trong quilting stitch- Bakhiyana, v. a. to stitch, to quilt. Bakhra, s. m. share, portion. Bakhrait, adj. sharer. Bakhsh, in compos, imparting, be- stowhig, forgiving. Bakhshana, v. a. to cause to give, to procure pardon for another. Bakhsh dena, v. a. to give, to bestow, to forgive. Bakhshf, improp. Baksi, s. m. a pay- master. Bakhshi khana, s. m. pay office. ' Bakhshinda, part. ad. giving, giver, bestower, pardoner. Bakhshi sahib, s. m. paymaster. Bakhshish, s. f. gift, grant, forgive- ness. Bakhshish dena, v. a. to give a pre- sent, to reward. Bakhshna, v. a. to give, to forgive. Bakht, s. m. fortune; luck, pros- perity. Bakhtawar, adj. fortunate. BAL [ 23 ] BAN Bakht azmaf, «. /. the trying one's fortune. Biikhiibr, well, in a good manner. 3>:ikliu(l, ill self, by self, of self. Baidiiidana, v. n. to come to (one's) sdf. Bttkla, 8. m. rind (of fruit, &c.) Mikna, v. n. to prate, to chatter. : ; ;'»t,iia, V. a. to scratch (with nails.) 1 a, 8. m. a he-goat. 1 1', 8./. a she-goat. ^liti, 8. m. a buckle. I' la, 8. m. a speaker in general: cidj. loquacious, elof[uent. Baktar, «. m, a coat of mail. T^ ' wad, 8. f. foolish talk. '1 '' ( o,clj. a chatterer, an idle ;;;u:n t'''^-- \ as, 8. /. prattle. 8. in. a coil, twist ; power, length ; an offering, a sacrifice. I ' ', s'. m. hair : 8. /. an ear of coru ; a crack in a cup or glass. Bahi, «. /. a calamity, misfortune. Biilti, prttp. above, up : adj. high. Biilabar, «. in. tiie })art of a dress that lai)s over the thighs. l{:tlii(!0 Icnii, to draw the hands over tilt! head of another in tok(;n • >f tdcing all his misfortunes upon liiinnelf. I5al;ik, h. m. a young child, an in- fant. Biil)iki)an, ) i m n i Bulakimna, / '• "»' cl»W1^00htr. ciiildren, hmta. Bullml, (olr. hair by hair, every Iniir. every whit. IVildt&r, adj. crooked, twisted, coih'd. V ^ denii, r. a. to sacrifice. Balgham, s. m, phlegm, a running at the nose from cold. Balghamf, adj. phlegmatic. Ball', adj. strong, powerful. Balidan, s. m. an offering. Baligh, 8. a youth just arrived at the age of maturity ; an adult Balisht, 8. f. a span. Balki, adv. moreover, but, nu}'. Ballii, 8. m.\ , BallU./. I a prop, a pole. Ballam, «. m. a spear. Ballambardar, s. m. a spearman. Balmi, v. n. to burn. Balna, v. a. to kindle. Baltor, \ • 1 1 -1 Biiltor, / *• *"*• ^ P""P^^' ^ ^^^• Biilii, 8. f. sand. Baliiti, adj. sandy. Balwiila, I lialwan, > adj. powiriui, siiong. Balwant, ) Bam, 8. f. a fountain ; a fathom ; a measuring rod ; shaft (of a car- riage, &c.\ an interjection ad- dressed to Shiva. Bam, 8.f. an eel. Baman, 8. m. vomit, emetic. Baman kaniii, v. a. to vomit. Bamlini', 8. f. a stye on the eye- lids ; a lizard ; tlie wife ut' a brahman. Ilainiijib, by reason. Ban, 8. m, an arn>w ; a rrniket used in hittle : 8. /. habit ; ^wmA as an altix in annpoti. only), keep* guartlian. Bjtn, *. /. a forest, a wtxf*]. Btiiul, 8. in. dresit, fasliion ; the woof in weaving: a kinil of wca|Kjn : r. rt. to oixMi. Banii, iotW. of b:inn<(, made, pre|iartMl. IJjinii iMiiuiyti. reatly made. Btioiiu. . name of Bengal. I Bang dena, v. a. to call Muiiam- madans to prayer, to crow (a cock.) Bangf, s. m. one who intoxicates himself with bang. Bangi, s. f. a pattern, a muster. Bangla, s. m. a kind of thatched or tiled house. Bang marna, v. n. to cry out, to call. BAN [ 25 ] BAR 3anli, 8. f. the arm. iiiiili pakarna, v. a. to protect. iuiii', s. f. speech, laiigiiiige. >uin', s. m. (plur. of ibn), sons. Jiini Adam, sons of Adam ; men. iuni Israil, children of Israel, Israelites, l^iini'kar, s. m. an arcliitcct. [ianjara, s. m. a grain-merchant, a carrier of grain. f3anjli, adj. barren. [Jan jharna, to beat the forests. Blink, «. m. a bending; a reach or turning of a river ; an ornament worn (lialf circle) on the arms; a kind of dagger. Bankti, «. m. a fop, a coxcomb : mlj. cnx)ked, foppish., I'- 'leaf, s.f. bending, curvature. ! ■ Iv pan, H. m. foppishness. I iiiinukh, ) 8. m. a wild man, ii:inn.s, / an orang-outang. 1- I mi, V. n. to be n)ade, to be mended ; to answer, to succeed. Baima thanna, adorned, decked out. 'Jun parmi, r. n. to succeed, to an- swer, to snit. Buns, 8. in. lineage, race, offspring. Biins, 8. m. a bamboo ; a meuauro of ul)()Ut ten fe(!t. Biuisiiwali, H. /. a genealogy. Bunsi, H. /. 11 Ihite; a fishing-hook. Bnij-ili', "./. a llut(>, ite. Baysphor, 8. in. name of a custo who work on bamb(X)H. Biiijsn', 8. f. ii lluU', life, pipo. B lilt, s. m. shap', (Hstribulion. JJiniami, V. a. to sliare, to divide. Jianj, chon(, «. m. share, distribu* tion. Baiif.nti, v. a, to share, to distribute, to - 3ai(|a!ar. ^teadfastue.sH, lirniiio.-. Biir lakliiia, r. a. to shariKJU !)y giin.lin,^'. Uanuuti, v. a. to- talk in one's l.vp. hai.sjina, v. a. to cause to rain. IJaisjit, 8. /. Uio ruiny seiwon, the rains. narsjUr, 8. /. j)roonli», to colonize. Bas unti, v. u. to \ki obtaiiunl, to come into one's |H)Wer. Bu.Hant, 8. /. the spring, from' th< middle of March to the luiildle « t ]\luy. Basan t», adj. n light-yellow colour. H;isar linti, r. n. to ctmiu to an cud, to Im) accontplishod. Bosar honu, r. x. to bo eodcd, to be finished. BiiMir kunui, r. n. to bring to an enil. to HiHMuU to |mss. Biisath, adj. sixty-two. lias(*ni, «. m. a night's loilging ; a bird's roost. BAT [ 28 ] BAT Basera karna, v. n. to roost. Basgit, 8- f. residence. Bashar, s. m. man, mankind, a hu- man being. Basharat, 8. /. news, intelligence. Basharteki, on condition that, pro- vided that. Bashiddat, with violence, exces- sively, violently. Bashinda, s. inhabitant: adj. residing. Bashn', adj. human, relating to man. Basi", adj. stale, fusty ; perfumed : s. an inhabitant. Basi karna, v. a. to make stale. Bas karna, v. n. to overpower, to bring to submission; to stop, to have done. Basna, v. n. to dwell, to abide, to be peopled. Bast, s. f. chattels, things, baggage. Basta, \ s. m. the cloth in which a Basta, / bundle is tied up, a wrapper, Bastar, s. m. cloth, raiment. Basti. s. /. a small town, a village. Basilla, s. m. a kind of axe used by carpentei-s, an adze. Basiiir, s. f. an instrument for cut- ting bricks. Bat, 8. /. speech, word ; account, subject, thing, aifair, matter. Bat, s. f. a road, a highway : s. m. a weight. Bat, s. m. the banyan tree. Bata, s. m. a latJi made of the large kind of bamboo. Batai, s. f. hire paid for twisting ropes, &c, Batak, s. f. a goose, a duck. Batana, v. a. to point out, to ex- plain, to teach. Batang hona, to be distressed. Batar, adj. very bad, worse. Bataraf, aside, apart. Batarana, v. n. to talk, to converse. Batariq, by tlie way. Batas, s. f. wind, air. Batasa, s. m. a kind of sweetmeat. Bataur, by the way, in tlie manner. Bat banana, to make excuses. Bat barhana, v.n.io prolong a con- test. Bat bigarna, to spoil, to mar a plot. Bat chalana, to start a subject. Batchit, s. f. conversation, chitchat. Baten sun ana, to abuse. Bater, s. f. a kind of quail, a par- tridge. Bathua, s. m. a kind of potherb. Bati, 8. f. tlie wick of a lamp; a tent or bougie put into a wound to keep it o])en. Bati, 8. /. a lath made of the small kind of bamboo. See also Bata. Batika, s. m. a garden. Batil, adj. false, vain, useless. mtim; } «^^' ^^*^"^^i- Batin men, adv. internally. Batis, adj. thirty-two. Batiyana, v. a. to speak, to talk, to converse. Bat ka batakkar karna, to talk much on little. Batkaha, adj. conversable. Bat karna, to converse, to talk. Bat katna, v. a. to interrupt, to con- tradict. Batkhara, s. m. a weight. Bat ki bat men, in an instant. Bat Lagana, to calumniate. Batlana, v. a. to shew, to explain, to teach, to inform. Batlohi, s. /. a brass vessel in which Hindus cook. Batniar, s. m. a highwayman. Batna, v. a. to twist (as ropes, &c.) : V. n. to be divided ; to be twisted. Biitohi', 8. m. a traveller. Bator, 8. m. a gathering, a crowd. Batorna, v. a. to gather up, to col- lect, to purse. Bat pherna, to equivocate. Bat raima, to succeed, to get th,e better in an argument. Bat rakhna, to comply. BAZ [ 29 ] BEA Jaffa, 8. m. deficiency ; discount ; de- icet, injury. iid talnii, V. to put off, to excuse me's self, ^attelxiz, a juj^gler, a cheat. Jattclmzi', «. /. jugglery, deception, sleight of hand. ^itti', 8. f. a candle, a wick. Jatti's, adj. thirty-two. liat'iia, 8. m. a purse, a small bag used for betel-nut, &c. ; a Hindu } trass vessel. Batu'iii", adj. talkative. Biitwiina, v. a. to cause, to twist. Bat wiira, 8. m. a share. Bauchhar, 8. f. driving rain, wind uiil rain. Baiil, 8. m. urine. Baiihi, adj. mad, insane. Banna, 8. m. a dwarf. iJauiii', a female dwarf. Banniiyana, v. n. to run irregularly, to stagger ns a drunken man. Baiini, (ulj. mad, insane. Biiuiar, 8. f. madness, insanity. Ban ulna, v. n. to bo mail, to madden. Baurapan, «. m. madness. Bawiihii, adj. attccted with the vcnc- rciil diseas'.\ Bawan, adj. lifty-two. fBawandar, 8. in. a whirlwind. Bawar, «. m. belief, cnidit. Bawarclu', H. in. a ('k. Bii/, 8. in. a hawk, a female falcon, iiaz jimi, to decline, ia leave olV, to desist from. Ba/iir, 8. m. public streets coutttiiiing shops. Bazan', adj. common, wares made for sale ; a market person. Bazi, s.f. play, sport, a tumble over (as pigeons do.) Bazi'gar, s. m. 1 a tumbler, one who Biizigarni, s. /. / exhibits feats of activity. Bazi harmi, 1 x i / i, x \ Bazikhona, | ^ lose (a3 a bet.) Bazi' lagana, to bet. Bazi lejana, to win. Bazkhwtist, s. f. investigation. Biiz rakhnii, to hold back, to pre- vent. Bazii, 8. m. the arm ; door-jambs ; the side of a bedstead. Bazztiz, 8. m. a doth-merchant, a mercer. Be, a priv. parficle or prepos. witl out. When prefixed to wonls i is equivalent to the English in, un, im, ir, less, &c. Be abrii, adj. ili.sgraeed, dishononretl Be adal), adj. rudf, ill-mannered. Bo adabi', «. /. ruilcness, ill-maniui Bo (idad, adj. not counted or ouleu- latod. I^ adl, adj. unjust. Be ahwiil. adj. wretched. Be ail), «///. faultleiis, without blom- ibh. Bo ajal, adj. untimely (deatli. ■ Be ftliiqa, mlj. uucounoctoil with, not relatitl to. Ik'ulis, a(//. forty-two. Bo andiiz, adj. imnuxlemto. Bo ^t]!. adj. i^iomnt, stupi«l unmannerly. Be wpif, prop. Bo wuqUf, which see. I >o aqiifr, prop. Bo wuqiifi', which sell. I Bo tinim, d({i. roetloss, uneasy. [ \k> tinim I, *. /. rcHtU'ssnejw. Ik) iiaar, adj. without improssioD or elVeet, inetViH'tuul. Be nulud. adj. without oftspring. Bo nultidi, J. /. childlcssucas. BED [ 30 ] BEH Be ayami, being out of time or season. Be bak, adj. fearless. Be bandobast, adj. unsettled, with- out order. Be baq, adj. completely paid off or settled. Be barakat, adj. without a blessing. Be bas, adj. without power, help- less. Be chain, adj. uneasy. Be chain f, s. f. uneasiness. Be chal, adj. unprincipled. Be chara, adj. without remedy, help- less, poor. Be charagh, adj. desolate, childless, (from bereave«nent.) Bechna, v. a. to sell. Be choba, s. m. a kind of tent, pitched without a pole. Bed, 8. m. the name of the four Hindu Scriptures. Be dagh, adj. spotless, sound (as a horse.) Be dahshat, adj. fearless, Be daklil karna, v. a. to dispossess. Be dam, adj. breathless. Be dami, s. f. breathlessness. Bedana, s. f. pain, ache, pains of child-birtlj, Bedant, s. m. the name of a Hindu philosophical system. Bedant r, s. m. one who is conversant ill the Bedant system. Bedar, adj. watchful, wakeful, on the alert. Be dard, adj. unfeeling. Be dardi, s. f. unfeelingness. Be dastkhatt, adj. without signature, unsigned. Be dast o pa, adj. helpless, without power. Be dastiir, adj. not customary, un- usual. Be daul, adj. shapeless, ill-bred. Be daulat, adj. unfortunate. Be dawa, adj. incurable. Bedh, .s. m. a hole bored. Be dhab, adj. ill-shaped, awkward. .! Bedharak, adj. without fear oi doubt, fearless. Bedhna, v. a. to pierce, to perforate; Bedi, s. /. an altar. Be dil, adj. heartless. Be dill, s. f. heartlessness. Be din, adj. irreligious. Be diyanat, adj. unfaithful, un- worthy of trust. Be faida, adj. profitless, useless, vain. Be fikr, adj. thoughtless, uncon- cerned; in independent circum- stances. Be fikr/, s. f. thoughtlessness. Beg, s. m. a moglial title correspond- ing with the JEnglish, Lord : adv. soon, quickly. Begam, s. /. a lady, a queen, Begana, adj. not related, a stranger. Beganagf, s. f. the not being related or acquainted. Begiir, s. m. a person forced to work with or without pay. Beg'ciri, s. /. the act of pressing or forcing to work. Begari pakarna, v. a. to take forcibly or press, with or witliout pay. Be ghairat, adj. shameless, impu- dent, rude. Be gham, adj. without anxiety. Be gliaraz, adj. disinterested, inde- pendent. Be ghaur, adj. without considera- tion. Be gunah, adj. innocent, guiltless. Be gunahi, s. f. innocence. Be hadd, adj. boundless, infinite. Be hal, adj. ill-circumstanced, in- disposed. Behar, adj. uneven, rugged. Beharf, s. f. a subscription. Be hasil, adj. unproductive, unsuc- cessful. Be hawass, adj. senseless from in- toxication or any other cause. Be haya, adj. shameless, impudent. BEK [ 31 ] BEM 5c Lijiib, adj. immodest, shameless. jg liimmat, ailj. without spirit, iiii.scrly. k Ijosh, adj. senseless, stupid, in- toxicated. >c hoshi', s.f. senselessness, stupidity, intoxication. >('huda, adj. absurd, vain, fruitless, unprofitable, pliiidagi', s.f. absurdity, nonsense, I foolery. Jc hukm, adj. contrary to or with- J out orders. pc liunar, adj. unskilful, unskilled. "nirinat, adj. disgraced, innatr, s.f. disgrace. tibiir, adj. of no credit or esti- ■ ilion. ie iat ih;tn', 8. f faithlessness. ic i.itiqad, adj. incredulous, dis- btiieving. 3e iatiqadf, s. f. incredulity, un- Ixl'icf Jc ikhtiyar, adj. without choice, ' clpiesM. iuiin, adj. faithless, dishonest, lilni', s.f. dishonesty, shuflling, ivligion. 3<' iiuliyiiz, a/lj. rude, imjiertinent, unmannerly. 3«; inssif, adj. unjust, not cquitablo. J«' insiifi', s.f. injustice ]i- istiftmiil, adj. not accust^^imed tii. ii- intihii, adj. boundless. inUnit**. ic j/./at, ailj. without honour, iUs- gran.iMTly. ^' jiin. (/(/j. faint, lifeless; intrepid, liravc. It" Uuj, (/^//.useless. {»• kal, adj. n'stleiw, uncttsy. ic l<:di. H. f. r(\sth\s.sne8s. >«' it maut of 8(?nson, at an I unm>ual hour, premature. Be waris, adj. destitute of a master not claimable by an heir. Be wasta, adv. without cause or reason. Be watan, cwT/. of another country'. Be wazau, adj. un weighed, unmea- sured. Be wuqiif, adj. ignorant, inexperl, stupid. Be wuqufr, 8. f. ignorance, stupidity. Be zar, adj. without money. Bezar, adj. displeased, angry, out of liuraour. Bezari, s. /. anger, bad humour, displeasure. Be zin, adj. unsaddled. Be zor, adj. weak, impotent. Bliabakna, v. n. to rage as fire.) Bhabhar, s. m. a sudden fright, a panic. Bhabharana, v. n. to swell (parti- cularly the face.) Bhabhukii, adj. red (as a coal.) Bhabhiit, s. /. ashes of cow-dun u^ which fakii-srub ovt r tlieir IhkIIo. Bhabkti, 8. m. a tHstilling maeliiue. Bhabki, ».f. a threat. Bhachakna, r. n. to be astonished or amazed. Bhachh, s. in. fixxl. "{'«;}•."•/• j Uio noise of tl t'l' „ falling of frui IShadaku, tt. m. I « ** IMuul bhutl. 8. j ***• Bhuddii, adj. stupid. seuRcIcss; dull. Bliudou «. m. the lliudii litUi solar montli. Bliiulni, 8. f. an unlucky moment, hour. day. ^:c. Bhudr hoim, r. n. to be sIuivihI. lMia«, M. m. hlmiv, portion; cJianct fortune, dejstiny. Bhagul, $. m. deception, impr ture. Bhiigalptin', «. m. a kind of clotii fnun Bhagulpiir. Bluigandnr. <<. m. a fintida. BhuggU, Qulj. a runaway. BHAK [ 34 ] BHAN Bliagana, v. a. to cause to flee, or run away. Bhagat, s. m. a devotee, an adorer. Bhagawat, s. m. God, the Deity, the Supreme Being. Bhagi, s. m. a partner, a sharer, an accomplice : adj. fortunate. Bhagini, s. /. a niece, a sister's daughter. Bhag jana, v. n. to run away, to flee. Bhagman, adj. fortunate, rich. Bliagmani, s. f. good fortune, pros- perity. Bhagna, v. n. to flee, to run away. Bliagora, s. m. a runaway, a de- serter. Bhagtai, s. f. piety, devotion, re- ligion. Bhagwan, s. m. God, the Supreme Being. Bhagwan, adj. fortunate, rich. Bhai, s. m. fear. Bhai, s. m. a brother. Bhaiband, s. m. brothers, relations, people of the same caste. Bhaichara, s. m. brotherhood, fra- ternity. Bbai khana, v. n. to be frightened or afraid. Bhaiman, adj. terrified, afraid. Bhains, s. f. a female buffalo. Bhainsa, s. m. a male buffalo. Bliaiya, s. m. brother. Bhajan, s. m. adoration, worship ; a hymn. Bhajan karna, v. a. to sing, to worship, &c. Bhajf, s. f. greens. Bhajna, v. n. to flee, to run away : V. a. to fry. Bhajna, v. a. to worship, to count one's beads, to adore : v. n. to flee, to run away. Bhajnik, s. m. a singer. Bhak, s. m. flash in the pan, or ex- plosion (of a gun, &c.) Bhaklia, s. /. speech, language, dialect. Bhakosna, v. a. to devour, to stuff. Bhaksi, s. f. a dun,o-eon. Bhakt, 8. m. an adorer, a devotee, &c. Bhakti, s. f. religion, faith, devoted- ness. Bliakua, adj. foolish. Bhakuaua, v. n. to be stupified. Blia], adj. good, well : s. m. side direction. Bbal, s. /. the point of an arrow : s. m. a bear. 1 Bhala, s. m. a spear. *! Bhala, adj. good, healthy, virtuous,] sound (as a horse, &c.) 1 Bhala admi, s. m. a gentleman ; (ironically) a silly fellow. Bhala changa, adj. in good order, in heal til. Bhalaf, s. /. goodness, welfare. Bhalait, s. m. a spearman. Bhala manna, to take well. Bhala manus, adj. courteous, polite. Bhalmansi, I '- / good-nature, i Bhalmansat, good manners, ci- ) vility. Blialmanus, adj. courteous, polite. Bhalna, v. a. to see, to perceive. Blialii, ) 1 Bhaluir, r- ^- ^ ^^^^- Bhambheri, s. f. a red butterfly. Bhambhorna, v. a. to bite and mumble fas a dog), to worry. Bhana, v. n. to like, to be approved of. Bbanak, s. f. a distant sound. Bhanbhanana, v. n. to hum (as a bee), to buzz (as a fly, &c.) Bliand, s. m. a mimic, an actor. Bhanda phiitna, to be disclosed (a secret.) Bhandar, 8. m. a store, a storehouse. Bhandari, s. m. a house steward, a treasurer. Bhandela, s. m. an actor. Bhandelan,"! - Bhandin, /^••^• Bhandna, v. a. to abuse. Bhang, s. f. the leaf and liquor of the hemp plant. . an actress. BHAR [ 35 ] BHAR I'ang, s. f. tliG hemp plant and the liquor extracted from its leaves, linngan, 8. /. the wife of a sweeper flialalkhor); a female drinker of l)l)ang, ; ani^'eni, 8. m. a vender of bhang or bhang, iliaiigeran, s. f. a female seller of bliang. Hiaiigf, 8. m. a cast of sweepers or lialalkhors ; a drinker of bhang. {liaiijii, 8. m. a sister's son, ne- jillcW. »h:iiijaud, V. a. to change money. ►Iiiinjr, 8. f. a sister's daugliter ; iiicoe ; interruption, hindrance, title-bearing. Ilicinji' deiui or marnsi, v. a. to inter- rupt, to jnit a stop to. iHiijiklior, 8. m. an interrupter, a til It -bearer. uliijiia, V. a. to put into circular motion, to lathe. Miaiijwand, v. a. to cause to change .iioy. iiiatr, «. /. a female juggler. mi, V. n. to float. .1, 8. f. manner, kind, sort. Jliaiil binint, adj. various. iiiiiiwar, 8. /. revolution, circula- tion. H 11 II war, «. m. a whirlpool, an eddy ; largo black bee. ill iiiwarkuli', «./. a collar (for a dog, at.&C.) Jlaiiwni, 8. in. ft largo black beo. Jliiiiwri phirnti, v. a. to make a cir- 11 i I, to go roimd. Mi;iM, s. m. mte; friendship. Jliao lutaiui, r. a. to gehtieulftto in dancing, lluiph, s.f. stoam, vaixnn. Jliapiuiru, 8. m. Htoain, vapour. lliar, ^^ m. a limd or burden, weight ; 'liarg(», tru.st. lliar, H. m. a furnaoc, kiln (i>arti- «ri'hing grain); price of lorn ioat ion. Bhar, adj. full, as much as, whole. Bliar, s. m. a large boat, a lighter. Bhara, s. m. hire, the rent of any thing. Bliara, adj. full. Bharabhar, adj. completely full. Bharaiti", 8. m. a tenant. Bharak, s. /. splendour, show ; start- ing, shyness (in animals.) Bharakna, v. n. to start, to shrink, to be alarmed; to blaze fortli (fire.) Bharam, s. m. error, mistake, doubt ; credit, reputation. Bharam gafiwana, v. a. to lose cha- meter. Bhariina, v. a. to fill, to cause to fill ; to cover (a mare.) Bharariya, 8. m. a fortune-toller. Blianiwat, 8. f. filling, stuffing. Biiarbharana. v. n. to swell and be gloHsy (particularly the face.) Bliarbliariya, a^lj. open-hearted. Bhafbhunja, s. m. a man who parches grain. Bharbhiinjan, 8. f. a woman who j)arehes grain. Bhar denii, v. a. to fill, to pay, to rcimbur.se ; to ilarn. Bhan', adj. heavy, weighty; impor- tant, big, fat, stnuig, loud, our- densome, sjid, serious. Bhan', 8. /. tho weight of a ruj)CO. Bharjanii, r. a. to b<» filled, to bo fatiguetl ; to bo coveretl . u mare, &c.) Bharkii, «. m. slaked lime. Hharkaml, r. a. to Hlake (limo.) Bharkiina, v. a. to frighten ; to blow up into a llaiuu, to kiudlo (a firo.) Bharkel, a to, to close ; to aiuso to fight. Bhifbhar, 8, /. ) a crowd, a Bln'rblmrakka, 8. m. ] multitude, bustla Bhifna, v. n. to cloeo fas two ar- mies), to oomo together, to bi joiuetl, to join. Bhit, 8./. a wall, or breadth of wall. Bin tar, adv. witliin. Bhitariyu, «. m. a domc8tic prlt a c.s. Bidat, g. /. violonct\ oppnvsion. Bidjjtr, (tilj., a tyrant, an opprensor. BidoH, 8. m. a fonigu t»r (listnut country, a distant part of tho same country. Bi: cept, besides. Bigar, 8. m. a misunderstandinjj, falling out. Bigarna, v. n. to fall out with. Bigiirna, v. a. to spoil, to damage ; to cause misunderstanding between friends, to break Ca custom.) Bi'gliu, 8. m. a measure of laud vary- ing in difterent parts. Bfgna, V. a. to throw away. Bigf i', 8. f. a quarrel. Bilian, «. m. seed. Bihdn, 8. m. to-morrow morning. Bihane, adv. early in the morning. Bihar, n. jyrop. name of a provinc< 8. m. diversion, amusement. I^^ Sair. Bihasn^, v. n. to smile, to laugh ; t cnick of itsolf (as an earthm vessel.) Biliar, adj. uneven, rugged. Bilif, «./. a quince. Bill in, 8. in. sixhI. Soc Bihnn. Bilmhai, ». m. Thursday. 8co B ))luii. Bilin, ». /. a subscription, contrihi; tioii. Bihisht, «./. Paradiso. Bihishtf, ». m. a Mu)\anuii ! water-iMirricr. Bihtur. adj. C(nn})ar. bi>tt«'r. very giKnl, preferable. Bihtnn, *./. welfare, advnntav: Bij, n. w. mmhI, stone of fruit. Bijnk, «. m. mark on elotli. show tiio price. Bijlikrlmi, r. a. to frighten. Bijlt, $. /. lightning, u Umndoi bolt. BIL [ 40 ] BIR Bijog, 8. m. separation, misfortune. Bikal, adj, restless, uneasy. Bikana,-?;. a. to sell. Bikar, s. m. deterioration, sickness. Bikau, adj. saleable, for sale. Bikh, s. m. venom, poison. Bikhai, s. m. an object of sense ; affair, matter. Bikhai, adj. sensual. Bikna, v. n. to be sold, to sell. Bikral, \ j- > -n ^ Bikrar, ( ''^^' *^'''^^' "^^y* Bikri, s. f. sale, a sale. Bikwana, v. a. to cause to be sold. Bil, s. m. a hole, burrow. Bila, prep, without. Bilaband, s. m. settlement, regula- tion. Bllahra, s. m. a basket for holding pan. Bilaf, s. f. a she-cat. Bilakna, v. n. to sob (as a child.) Bilalla, adj. foolish, silly. Bilamb, "I -, , Bilambh, I '' '^' ^^^^y- Bilambna, v, n. to stay, to tarry. Bilana, v. n. to disappear, to be lost, to be extinguished. Bilao, s. m. a tom-cat. Bilap, 8. m. lamentation, a loud mourning. Bilas, 8. m. pleasure, delight. Bilasht, s. f. a span. Bilas f, adj. voluptuous, addicted to pleasure. Bilatna, v. n. to become bad. Bilayat, s. /. prop. Wilayat ; a coun- try ; it is often applied to Europe, and sometimes only to England. Bilayati, ad. belonging to a country, European, English. Bilbilana, v. n. to lament, to be restless from pain : to weep. Bildar, s. m. prop. Beldar, a pioneer, a digger. Bil-fial, adv. now. Bilisht, 8. /. a span. BilkuU, adv. enthely, wholly. Billti, s. m. a tom-cat ; a large bolt for a door. Billar, s. m. a tom-cat. Billaur, s. m. a kind of stone,' crystal. Billauri, adj. made of crystal or glass. Billf, 8. f. a she-cat ; the bolt of a door. Bilmana, v. a. to delay. Bilni. 8. f. a sty or stithe. Bilona, v. a. to churn. Bima, s. m. insurance. Bi'mar, adj. sick, indisposed. Bimari, s. f. sickness. Bi'markhana, s. m. a hospital. Bimukh, adj. unfavourable to an object, having the face turned from an object, averse. Bin, s.f. a lute, a kind of fiddle ; in compos, seeing, looking. Bin, I adv. without, except, un- Bina, j less. Bma, adj. clear-sighted, intelligent. Binai, 8. f. sight. Binds, 8. m. destruction, Binaula, s. m. the seed of the cotton tree. Binauir, s. f. hail. Binawat, 8. f. weaving, texture. Binda, s. /. see Bintha. Bindhna, v. n. to sting, to bite. Binna, v. a. to knit, to weave. Bintha, 8. m. a roll of cloth or straw put on tlie head by those who cany burdens, a roll of straw upon which pots are set to keep them steady. Bintf, 8. f. an apology, solicitation, request. Binwai', s. /. price paid for weaving. Bipat, 8. f. adversity, calamity, mis- fortune. Bipliai, 8. m. Thursday. Bipharna, v. w. to be excited. Bir, 8. m. a champion, a hero, a va- liant man. Bira, 8. /. seed-bed, seed-plot : s. m. BIS [ 41 ] BO a betel-leaf made up with spice, &c. r>i radar, 8. m. a brother. Biridurana, adj. brotherly. Biradan', s. f. brotherhood, rela- tionsliip. Binih, 8. m. absence (especially of lovers) ; distance, loneliness. Birajna, v. n. to be conspicuous; to reside ; to live in health, ease, (;r)ntent and indopendence. Biiana, adj. stranp;e, foreign, belong- ing to another : v. a. to mock. Biniriawe, adj. ninety-two. JJiriisf, adj. eighty-two. Bnii utliana, v. a. to undertake a business. Bnbahutr, «. /. a scarlet insect. Birinj, «. m. rice. Birinjr, adj. brazf?n, of brass. Biriyao, «. /. a time. Birhi, adj. scarce, rare, uncommon. Biriu, 8. f. a wasp. Birodli, 8. m. opposition, contra- jicty. Biiodhi', adj. opposed to. Birmi, 8. f. see Bi'otl'ii- Biruddh, adj. contrary to, hostile to, iigaiij«t, Binip, adj. disfigured, deformed, iiudy. B rvan, adj. fried, roast^Ml, grilled. Bi.s. 8. m. poison, veuom of rep- lih'H, &e. V- . ndj. twenty. iiid. 8. f. iV(idne8.s, stink, hindii, adj. fetid, htinking. linii, V. a. to buy, to piirchnsu. rnri, r. a. to forget. I>is irnii.r. n. to torgt^t. Hiwit, 8. f. means, ability, diflbronoe, conHiMiuenee. liisutt', 8. m. a |XMllar. one who sells every kind of things, l^ishisunji, r. n. U)h[\vu (as a wound.) r>iM'Uh. adr. paitienlnrly, .>.jH'eiully. r>i.slui, adj. venomous (as reptilud.j Bisluif, adj. senaual, worldly. Bishan, n.prop. the Deity in the cha- racter of Preserver. Bishtha, 8. f. ordure, Bi'si, 8. /. a score. Bisniillah, in the name of God. Bismillah karna, v. a. to begin, to commence. Bism', 8. m. a rake, a debauchf e. Bisnini, s. in. refreshment, ease? rest after fatigue. Bisram lena, v. n. to rest, to pass tlie night. Bisrana, v. a. to cause, to forget, to mislead. * Bistar, 8. m. bedding, carpetting, a bed, &c. Bistara, «. m. a bed, &c., peculiar to faqirs ; the abode of a laqfr. Bistarf, adj. extensive, ditVnse. Bisti", improper: see Bihishti. Biswd' I ** ''*• *^*® twentieth part. Biswas, 8. m. trust, confidence, faith, credence. Biswasi', mfj. confidential, trust- worthy. Bit, 8. f. dung of any animal. Bi^and, v. n. to pass. Bi^awd, «. in. a little son. Biihanii, r. a. to ctiusc to sit down, to sit, t^) seat. Bithanui, v. n. to bo scattered or («prinkU- Hprinkle. Bijldunii, V. a. tns<^t, to cause to sit. Biilimnu, v. a. to siiitt. r d snria- kle. Bitiytl, s./. a daughter. B tins. 1 «'• '♦• ^ ^"^ Bitonti, I*, in, a son. Bittti, 8. m. a span. I Biwji'. 8./. a blister or chop on t; j foot. I Biyii, 8. in. tun^l. Biytilma, v. n. se<' llj. ;........ Bo, $. /. corrup. of bd, joucll. iik-, 8. m. a blow with the fist, iiikhar, 8. m. fever, jiikhar nikalna, to break out (as an irruption on the skin.) Bakka, «. m. a hfendful. [3ukkat, 8. m. a claw. Bukkf, 8. f. a cloth brought over l| tlio shoulders under the armpits <1 tied behind; a handful. i;i, V. a. to reduce to powder, to I verize. I I r, 8. /. powder, bhcjna, v. a. to send for. hat, 8./. calling, a summons. liina, V. a. to summons. I III, to call, to invite, to bid. I id, adj. high, exalted, sublime, 11. ndr, 8. /. height, elevation, ex- lation. id, 8. /. a species of l)ird oneously called the nightin- xMA 8. m. a bubble. iiiiiwiiini, V. a. to cuude to call or to srnd f,,r. Uiiiid. (kIJ. hi^h, soaring, (j?:oncnilly applied to kites) : «./. a drop. "niiiulii, H. m. u dot. '' h!iI, 8. m. a largo drop. li, 8./. droj)H of rain. liyu, 8./. a kind of sweetmeat ko dropH.) I, 8. m. a kind of pulse, gram. nuiiytid, 8. /. fonndatiou, Uusin, origin, groninhvork. Hmjcha, 8. m. a wrapper. Bilni, 8. in. coarse kind of sugar, Hand-diKst. l^irii, (nlj. bad, worse, alxmiinable. Jhinidrt, 8. m. lilin^s. IhinU', 8. /■. .■■; i; •• ,-v'. wirluHi- neas. Burafpar kamar bandhna, ) to re- Burai par uthna, / solve on mischief. Bura lagna, v. n. to be unpleasant. Bura manna, v. a. to take amij-s, to be displeased. Buranii, v. a. to cause to sink. Biirha, adj. old, an old man. Burhapa, s. m. old age. Burhbhas, adj. aftecting in old age the manners of youth. T>"^'^' ' M- /• an old woman. Burhiya, j •' Burj, 8. m. a bastion, a tower ; a sign of the zodiac ; a large track-rt>pt\ Burjf, 8./. a small tower, a turret. Buf mama, v. n. to be drowned, to drown. Bilinjl., V. n. to drown. Burqa, 8. m. a dress or kind of veil with eye holes to it. Burqaposh, one who wears a burqa. But, 8. m. an iilol, an image. But, 8. '^>'- ft l^i'»^l <^>f puKso \^for cat- tic, &c.) gram. See Biint-. Biitii, «, VI, strength, power, abi- lity. Biitti, 8. m. flowers wrought in cloth. Butuona, r. a. to oxtingni ' Butat, 8. m. Iionsehold • Biitodar, adj. flowered • Biiti, 8. /. nioiiieinal nntta ; ilowcrs or sprigs wnmgliton iiuusliii. But^htina, 8. m. an idoUtomple. Hutpuni.Ht, 8. ail idolat<>r. Butparasti, ». /. idolatry. Buttu denu, t'. a. to t^iko a pennon in. ButtanUh, 8. m. an idol srtilptor. Huttiinishr. 8./. iilol K'ulpturi'. Buzurg, luij. groat : $. au amvator, a senior, a stunt. Buzurgi, 8. /. gn atitcss, cniinonco. Btizurgwiir, a€{j, older; great (^a man.) Byiidli, 8. m. dismsp, sicknoss. Byuilhu, «. m. a fowler. CHAB [ 44 ] CHAH Byadhi, adj. ill, sick. Byah, s. m. marriage. Byaha, adj. married. Byahanjog, adj. marriageable. Byah lana, v. a. to bring home a wife. Byahna, v. n. to be delivered of yomig (an animal) : v. a. to give or take in marriage. Byah rachana, v. a. to celebrate a marriage. Byahta, adj. married. Byaj, s. m. interest on money. Byajkhor, s. m. one who takes in- terest, a usurer. Byajii, s. m. the principal sum put out to interest. Byakaran, s. m. grammar. Byakarni, s. m. a grammarian. Byakul, adj. perplexed, disturbed, restless, agitated (in mind), un- easy. Byan, s. m. tlie giving of young. Byana, v. n. to be delivered of young (animals.) Byapna, v. a. to pervade, to occupy space, to penetrate. Byarf, s. /. supper. Byarth, adj. vain. Byasf, adj. eighty-two. Byoliar, s. m. trade, calling, profes- sion. Byontna, v. a. to cut or shape clothes. C. Cha, a particle fixed to Persian nouns to form diminutives, as Baghfcha, a little garden. Cha, 8. /. tea. Chabana, v. a. to chew, to masticate, to bite (the lip.) Ohabf, s. /. a key. Chablana, v. a. to chew slowly. Chabna, v. a. to chew, to masticate, to gnaw. Chabuk, s. m. a horse-whip, a whip, a scourge. Chabuk marna, v. a. to whip, to lash. Chabuk phatkarna, v. a. to crack a whip. Cliabuksawar, s. m. a horse-break v_r, a jockey, a good rider. Chabuksawari, s. f. jockeyship. Chabutara, s. m. a terrace, &c. to sit and converse on, a police otlice. Chabvvana, v. a. to cause to chew^^ &c. Chaclia, I s. m. an uncle, a father' Chacha, / brother. \ Chachera, adj. descended from ori related to a paternal uncle. Chachera bhaf, cousin, son of a pa- ternal uncle, Cliacheri bahin, daughter of a pa- ternal uncle. Chaciif, Is./, a father's brother's Chachi", / wife, an aunt. Chachorna, v. a. to scratch. Chadan, s. m. a tea-bax. Cnadar, s. /. a sheet, a covering or bed-sheet. Chadar bichhana, to lay the cloth. Chaddar, s. f. a sheet, a table-cloth, a cloth of more than one breadth. Chaddar bichhana, to lay the cloth. Cliaddha, s. m. the groin ; a bubo. Chah, 8. f. desire, wish, want, love, affection, choice : s. m. a well. Chahakna, v. n. to whistle or chhp (as birds.) Chahar, s. the large kind of bamboo. Chahar. adj. four. Chaharum, adj. the fourth. Chahbachcha, s. m. a vat, a cistern. Chahchaha, s. m. th(i song (^f a bird. Chahchahahat, 8. f. the singing, &c. of birds. Chahchahana, v. n. to sing (as a nightingale), to whistle (as birds.) Chahchahe marna, v. n. to sing (as birds.) Chahe, conj. either, or. Chahita, s. m. a sweetheart. CllAK [ 45 ] CHAL blii'iln'tf, 8. f. a mistress, a sweet- ! l:oart. Oh ihkarnu, v. n. to whistle or chirp IS birds.) ihria, v. a. to love, to desire, to hoose, to lo. Clinpnisr. 8. m. a servant wearing a cliapruM, a jKJon. Cliapta ktkTui, \ ., . a^ fl„»*„« Chu(i^u. 8. in, a olasp-knifo, a pen- kin fe. Chiir, adj. four. Ciiar, 8. m. a shoal, an islniul. Char. 8. VI. sound made by breaking a brunch. CHAR [ 48 ] CHAR Chara, 1 s. m. remedy, cure, help, Chara, j aid. Chara, s. 7n. forage, fodder, food for cattle; bait for fish; a seedling, a plant. Cliara dalna, v. a. to bait. Cliaraf, s. f. the price paid for pasturage; grazing, feeding. Charak, s. m. wiiite leprous spots. Cluiran, s. m. the foot, a poetical foot. Charana, v. a. to graze, to pasture. Charand, 1 s. m. a beast, au ani- Charan-da, / nial that grazes. Charas, s. m. a kind of intoxicating drug. Charbi, .s. /. fat, suet, grease. Charbidar, adj. fat, not lean. Charbi ki jhilli", s. /. caul. Charcha, s. m. f. talking over past events, mention, mentioning. Charchar, s. m. prating, cliatter- ing. Charcharana, | v. n. to crack, to Charcharana, / sputter (as wood in the fire.) Chard ivvari, s. f. the wall by which a court-yard is enclosed. Charguna, adj. four-fold. Charhai, s. /. ascent, acclivity, embarkation, attack ; price paid for ascen(iing, riding, embark- ing, &c. CharJiana, v. a. to make ascend, em- bark, &c. ; to offer up oblations ; to string a bow ; to brace a drum. Charhandar, s. m. a passenger, a supercargo. Charhao, s. m. ascent, acclivity, attack. Charhna, v. n. to ascend, mount, ad- vance, embark, climb, soar, ride. Charhta, s. m. increase of price. Charliti, s. /. advantage, gain. Charhwaiya, s. m. one wlio ascends, mounts, &c., a rider. Charhwan, adj. riising up (a shoe over the heel of the wearer.) Charhwana, v. a. to cause others to: raise or to make ascend or to pull on, &c. \ Charitr I ^' ''^' ^o^^^^*' custom. Ciiarjama, s. m. a kind of saddle. Charka, adj. white spotted (as from a leprosy) : s. m. a small wound, scratch. Charkata, s. m. the person who cuts forage for elephants. ;' Charkh, s. m. a wheel, circular motion. ' Charkha, s. m. a spinning wheel, a reel. Charkhana, s. m. cloth ornamented with squares, check muslin. Charkhi, s. f. a spinning-wlieel, a cotton machine, a kind of fire- work. Charkh marna, v. n. to turn round, to wheel. Charkhpuja, s. f. the religious ce- remony of swinging with iron hooks passed through the mus- cles of the back. Charna, v. n. to graze, to feed ; s. m. half trowsers. Charpai, s. f. a bedstead. Charpara, adj. acrid, hot Tas pep- per) ; smart (in conversation.) Charparana, v. n. to smart. Cliarpariya, adj. active, ingenious. Cliarpaya, s. m. a quadruped. Charrana, v. n. to burst, to ache, tc smart. Charsa, s. m. a hide, a skin. Charti, s. m. one who does no! fast. Charua, s. m. a large earthen pot. Charungal, s. m. the breadth oi four fingers. Charwa, s. m. a horse. Cliarwaha, s. m. a grazier, a shep- herd. Charwai, s. f. price paid for pastur- age, keeping or feeding cattle. Charwana, v. a. to graze, to pasture. CHAT [ 49 ] CHAU rirziinii, a mode of sitting, as luilors sit at work, is, .s./. ploughin•,^ sa, 8. m. a ploughman, a hus- uidman. Awn, s. m.f. the eye. i>linia, 8. ra. spectacles ; a foun- ain. ^ ishni, 8. /. a specimen ; syrup, an karna, . > -y. a. to pl( ouo:h. at. Iv. quickly, instantly : 8. /. xcoriation, a sore. '^•. /. relish, taste for. . H. /. a mat. . s'. /. ghtter, splendour. 8. /. a crash, ati explosion. iiii, V. n. to crackle, to crack whip, to splinter, to split. lat'i'i, ><•/• block of stone, rock. i»|;iiiu, V. a. to make lick or lap h'- b|iva, 8. m. a pupil or scholar. lifttkii, 8. m. a liabit. itkimif, 8. m. a sLip, a box, a 5uir. :iind, V. a. to crack (as a whip) ; ij) the fingers (in rejoicing) ; r:ige. lui, V. a. to urge cattle by licking noise nuido by draw- I' tongue fn)rn the palate. 1, (ulj. Hphindid, guu, to start up at. Chaunk parna, v. n. to bounce, to start up. Chaunk utlma, v. n. to stai-t, to wince. Cbaunri, g. /. an instrument for driving away flies, a fly-flapper. Chaunsar, s. m. the name of a gam Chaunsath, adj. sixty-four. Chauntara, s. m. a terrace, &c. S( Chabutara. Chauntis, adj. thirty-four. Chauwa, s. m. a hand-breadth. Chauwan, adj. fifty-four. Chawal, s. m. rice s^arated fro: the husk but not cooked. Chawanr, s. /. see chaunri. Chechak, s. f. the small -pox. , Chela, s. m. a pupil, a disciple,: slave brought up in the house. Cheli, s. /. a slave-girl. Chenchen karna, v. n. to chatter, 1 chirp. Chera, s. m. a slave-boy. Cheri, s. /. slave-girl. Chet, s. m. memory, remembranc thought. Chetan, s. m. a sentient or ration being. Chetna, v. a. to remember,* to thir of, to reflect, to recover tl senses, to be roused. Chha, adj. six. Chhab, s. /. beauty, splendoii shape, form. ' Chliabbis, adj. twenty-six. j Chhabila, adj. handsome, comely. Chhabis, adj. twenty-six. Chhachh, s.f. buttermilk. Chhadam, s. m. the fourth part of paisa. Chhail, Chhaila, Chhailchikniya, Chhajja, s. m. gallery. Chhafro^' } '' ^- consumption. Cliha jana, v. n. to be spread ; to 1 thatched; to be overcast (tl clouds.) Chhakana, v. a. to pamper, to clo to satiate. Chhakkapanja karna, to deceive, play tricks. s. m. fop, bea a coxcomb. ; CHHAN [ 51 ] CHHAP blow, /. a slap, a cart, a wheel car- lakkar, uir. lakr^, 8. m. age. lial, «. m. fraud, a stratagem, ►rotence, artifice, a trick, a ^lot. iial, 8. /. peel, skin, rind, bark, "lalii, 8. m. a blister, skin, haiiik, 8. /. running over, halakna, v. w. to be spilt, to over- jiow. ,1 bal, «. m. force and fraud, ratagcra, trick. Iclilialana, v. n. to undulate, dena, v. a. to deceive, to i. karna, to practice deceit, lend, V. a. to cloud, to ovcr- lad, to darken ; to tliatcli ,1, \ adj. deceitful, fraudu- Jiya, / lent, treacherous, art- ^!, false, perfidious. hiiliyii, K. /. a kind of betel-nut. Iuilk:uui, V. a. to spill. ;liiillii, H, m. a ring worn on the toe ^r linger. lialiii, «./. a sieve. lial.ti-r, H.f. a whitlow ; felon. ha I iitiirnu, v. a. to i)€el, to docor- •Jrntc. liaiiirlihumitnd, r. n. to shine, to rliitrr ; to wmnd. nan, X. m, a sound inmle by the lulling of a droj) of water u|Km a waiiii plate ; u moment or iu- itaiit. ban, H. /. u roof, a fnuno of bam- l>«»«> lor tlmlciiiiig. laiMii, v, a. to timtch, to tile, to r'M»f. to shadi', to cover, to spread. ilianak, H. tii«> sound (hissing) of u ani. to sinnuer, to cmeklo (ua in frying.) Clihand, s. f. a tether, a trammel, a net. Chhtinda, ) i, _x Ci.handa, | «•«»• a share, part. Chhandna, v. n. to tether, to fasten, to tie, to bind. Chhanh, s. f. shade, shadow; the reflection of any object in a mirror. Chlian lenii, v. a. to choose, to select. Chhiin miima, v. a. to search, to rummage. Chhanna, -y. n. to be strainetl is. m. a sieve, a cloth through which any- thing is strained or sifted. Chhanna, v. a. to strain, to sift, to search. ChhtinoQ, 8. f. shade, shadow. See Chhauli. Chhiint, 8. /. refuse. Chhiint karnii, v. a. to vomit, to dis- gorge. Chilling; lend, to elect, to choose. Chhanlua, v. n. to be extnu'teil, or 8ei)aratotl (by |x)unding.) Chhandna, r. a. to husk rice, to wash (clothes) by beating ; to j)are, to prune, to lop, to crop, to trim, to select ; to vomit. Chhan^wana, r. a. to cause to hiwk rice or wash clothes ; tt) cause to jmre, crop, trini, &c. Chluiuw, 8./. shade, shadow. ^*» Ohluioh. Chhanwanii, r. a. to cause t< • Cliliunvo, adj. iunoty-»ix. Clihdonu, r. a. to thatch, tile, &c. S(n) Chlmnii. Cliluioni, II. /, auitonmentM, bor- racks or huts for soldiers; UiRtching, tiling. &c. Cidiiin, «. /. Htamp. print, ct>py, a seal, impnssion. Chiiapti, ^t. m. tnlition, print, M}al : adj. print4il. Cbliaimi. f. /. edition, the prico of Srinting. lapukji. n. m. tlic s«>uml pro- ducxxl by striking watc sound lire CHHAT [ 52 ] CHHE Chhapana, v. a. to cause to print ; to conceal, to hide. Chhapekhana, s. m. a printing office. Chhapewala, s, m. a printer, a press- man. Chhapria, v. a. to print, to impress a figure, to stamp. Chhapna, v. n. to be printed, to be concealed, to lie hid, to dis- appear. Chhappan, adj. fifty-six. Chliappar, s. m. a thatched roof. Chhapparband, s. m. a thatcher. Chliapparbandf, s. f. thatching. Clihapparkhat, \ s. m. &. bed with Chliapparkhat, / curtains. Ghhapwana, v. a. to cause to print. Chliar, s. f. the pole of a spear. Chhara, ) -,.1 Chharachatank, | ^^> ^^^^^^ Chharchobi, s. f. a privy, a neces- sary. Chhari, s. /. a switch, a twig, a thin stick. Chharra, s. m. small shot. Cliha sat, trick, cheat, juggle. Chhat, s. f, a roof, a cloth ceiling, Chhat, s. f. the roof of a house. Chhata, s. m. an umbrella. Chhataba, adj. waspish, peevish. Chhatauk, s. /. the sixteenth part of ter, two ounces, t banana, v. a. to ceil, to cover the inner roof a building. Chliatli, name of a fast. Chliatha, adj. sixth. Chhathi, adj. f. sixth : s. /. a reli- gious ceremony performed on the sixth day after childbirth. Chhati, s. f. the breast, the bosom. Chhati bhar, adj. breast-high. Chliati jalna, to have the heartburn. Chhati lagana, v. n. to clasp to the breast, to fondle. Chliati kholke milna, to meet frankly. Chhati nikalke chalna, to stalk, to strut. Chhati par patthar rakhna, to hav patience. Chhati phatni, to break the hear with grief or sorrow. Chhati pitna, to beat the brea^ from sorrow. Chhati se lagana, to fondle. Chhatr tharidi bona, to be pleased c overjoyed. Chliat lagana, \ v. a. to ceil, to cove Chhat patna, / the inner part ( a building. Chhatpatana, v. n. to toss, to tun ble about, to flounder. Chhatrf, s. f. a small umbrella ; i awning ; a frame made of bain i for pigeons to settle upon: s. ,, a man of the second or Milita] tribe of Hindus. Chhatridar, adj. having a hood < covering (as a carriage, &c.) I Clihatta, s. m. a honeycomb. ' Chhattar, s. m. an umbrella, a plfic of pilgrimage. Chhattis, adj. thirty-six, Chhattrsi, adj. /. prude, prudish, Chliatwan, adj. sixth. Chhauna, s. m. young (of any an mal.) Chhaunf, s. f. barracks, canto} ments. Chhaunkna, v. a. to season. Chhawaiya, s. m. a thatcher. ChheJ, s. m. a hole, an orifice. Chhedna, v. a. to pierce, to bore. Clihekiia, v. a. to detain, to stop, & iSee Chhenkna. Chhem, 1 „ r ^r^if««^ Chhenk lena, v, a. to distrain (f rent, &c.), to confiscate. Chheni, s. /. a chisel for cutting ii' or stone. Chhenkna, v. a. to prevent, to sti ' to retain, to restrain, to distra (for rent, &c.) Chhenkwaiya, s. w. a preventer, confiscator. CHfflN [ 53 ] CHHIT heo, 8. /. a mark, a cut, a piece of 'ood cut off. heo mama, v. a. to line out, to nark. heond, v. a. to pierce or to bleed 1 tar, to extract tayi ; to mark. licr, 8. f. the act of irritating, vexing, &c. 'ilicri', s.f. a goat, heriia, v. a. to irritate, to exas- 'pcTiite, to annoy, to trouble. 'ili< tr, 8. m. a pure or sacred spot, ja ])liice of pilgrimage. ih'i'ohhr,} *'"^^'^'- ^y® ' ^^^ ^^^^^ ^ ili!k»'ts. See Chhi'nka. hliikiinf, 8. /. a wand, stick. hill Ian, 8./. parings. lilul (dihdl karnd, v. a. to jmre, to p.-l. hhilka, 8. m. crust, husk, shell, p' . 1, Hcale, rind, burk, skin. hliilkii utiirmi, I v. a. to pt»ol, to liliihiii, / skin, to pare. ^ hhihui, r. n. to bo cxcoriaUMl. hhilwiina, r. a. to oauso to skin or ccoriate, &c, Jliliima, 8./. jiardon, forgivonoM. /hhiimi kanui, a. to pardon, to for- give, lilnnii', 8. /. a i>o infl* <'.T g(Mxls. Chliirnknil, r. o, to sprink Chhinikwttnu, W. «i. t i:ut Cbldrkjiiui. / 1- Clihirkao, H.m. sprinu ring. Cldiit;, n./. 8|x>t, »[H!ivk ; ciinil^. Chhi(aknii, r. n. to bo scuttcrvd or dissipatod, to sproad. CHHU [ 54 ] CHIK Chhitkana, v. a. to disperse, to scat- ter, to sprinkle. Chliitkani, s. f. a bolt. Chhitki, s.f, speck, spitting or dash- ing of rains. Chhitna, v. a. to scatter, to sprinkle. Ciihitrami, v. a. to scatter, to spread. Chhiyalfs, adj. forty-six. Chhiyanauwe, adj. ninety-six. Chhiyasath, adj. sixty-six. Chhiyasi, adj. eighty-six. Chhoa, s. m. treacle. Chhokra, s. m. a boy. Chhokri', s. /. a girl. Chholna, v. a. to pare, to scrape. Chholnf, s. /. a scraper. Chhop, s. m. a coat of paint, plaster &c., a colour. Clihop chhap karna, \v. a.to plas- Chhopua, / ter or re- pair a wall. Chhora, s. m. a boy. Chhora, ) s. m. release, omission, Chhorao, > deliverance, letting Chhorawa, ) go. Chhorna, v. a. to let go, to forsake, desert, pardon, release ; shoot. Chhota, adj. little, small, younger, mean, low. Chhota bar a, adj. varied, variegated, great and small. Chhotai, s. /. smallness. Chhotpana, s. m. minority, child- hood. Chhiiana, v. a. to cause to touch. Chhuchha, adj. empty, hollow : 8. m. conjuration. Chhiichhi, adj. empty, mean. Chhuchhundar, s. /. a musk rat. Chhuchhundari, s. f. a squib. Chhuchkarna, v. n. to whistle. Chhudr, adj. mean, low. Chhuhara, s. m. a dry date. Ghhulakna, v. n. to make water slowly (as mares, &c., in heat.) Chhulana, v. a. to cause to touch. Chhulchhulana, v. n. see Clihulakna. Chhuna, v. a. to touch, to meddle with, to feel. Chhura, s, m. a large knife. Chhurana, v. a. to set free, to de- liver, to dismiss, to separate, to except. Chhurawa, s. m. a deliverer, setter free. Chhuri, s. f. a knife. Chhuri tale dam lena, to be patient in difficulties. Chhurwana, v. a. to- cause to let go ; or set free. Chhiit, s.f. defilement, contamina- tion, touch. Chhutahra, adj. defiled by touching, polluted (as persons or vessels.) Chhutka, adj. see Chhota. Chhutkara, s. m. deliverance, sal- vation, exemption, liberty. Chhutna, \ v. n. to be adrift, to be Chhutna, / discharged, to escape, to be liberated, to be loose, to cease, to leave, to remain, to slip away, to spout. Chhutpana, s. m. childhood, infancy. Chhutti, s.f. discharge, leave, leisure, disengagement, permission, free- dom. Chichinda, 8. m. the name of a vege- table. Chichiyana, v. n. to squeak, to sliriek, to bleat. Ghihra, s. m. face, visage, counte- nance, description roll. Chihra likhana, v. a. to enlist ; to - take service and horses. Chihra likhna, v. a. to write a de- scription roll (soldier's.) Chik, s. m. a butcher who kills only goats, sheep, kids, and lambs. Cliikan, s. m. /. embroidery on mus- lin or cloth. Chikandoz, s. m. an embroiderer. Chikarna, v. n. to squeak. Chikat, 8. /. a mixture of oil and dust, greasy or dusty (as clothes. ) Chikh, s.f, a scream, a screech, a shriek. CHTL [ 55 ] CHIN Chikh mdma, v. n. to scream, to screech, to roar, to cry. Chikhna, v. a. to taste. Ciiikkat, adj. filtliy, covered with grease and dirt. Chikkf, 8./ a rotten betel-nut. Chikna, adj. beautiful ; greasy, oily : 8. m. oil, lard. Chiknahat, s. f. cleanness, smooth- ness, f)olish ; greasiness ; beauty. Chiknai', 8. /. fat of meat; gloss, smoothness. Chikniina, v. a. to clean, to polish, tosmootli. Cliikni mtitr, \ s. f. clay, potter's Chikni mitti, / clay. (Jhikni supari, 8. /. a kind of betel- nut prepared by boiling. (aiiktlui, wlj. filthy, greasy. (Jliil, 8./. a kite. Chilam, 8./. tlio part of a huqqa whicli contains the tobacco and fire. Cliilamchi', 8. /. a metal washing- bason. (Jhilchilana, v. n. to shreik, to scream, to screc;ch. ( 'liilghoza, 8. m. a kind of nut. ( -hi'liiar, 8. /. a louse. (Iiilliwaos, «. m. screaming like a kite. ( 'hil jliapaf^a mamii, to snatch away {[\H kites.) ('liillii, 8. m. quarantine ; the string of a bow. ('Iiillil charhanil, r. a. to bond a 1m)W. ( liilhiliat, ^- .f' ^'ry, outcry, screnm. niiliil khaiticlimi, v. a. to bond a l)0\v ; to preparo for battle ; to keep (pianintino. Chillunii, r. n. to scream, to shriek. Chilhir, 8./. a loUHO. Cluiniha, adj. lousy. ( 'liiltii, 8. /. a coat of mail. Chihvun, «. /. a screen tor kiM^ping out tlio glare, a Venetian blind, u lattice. Oliiraarna, v. n. to be tough, to grow tough. Chimatna, v. n. to adhere, t) stick. Chimra, adj. tough, flexible. Chimrana, v. n. to toughen, to grow tough. Chimri, adj. infrangible (as a quill^\ hard. Chimta, «. m. tongs, forceps or pincers, a pair of nippers. Chimtana, v. n. to adhere, to cling to. ' Chimtha, adj. elastic, tough. Chimti katnii, v. a. to pinch. Chin, 8. m. China. Chindi', 8. piece, fragment, &c. Chindi chindi karna, to break or tear to pieces. Chingan', 8. /. a spark or coal (of fire.) Chingliar, 8. /. scream, screech, clamour. Chinghareo mdma, to scream, to roar. Chinghdrnd, r. n. to scream, to screech Tappliod properly to the elephant.) Chingi', 8. /. sjiark (of fire.) Chingi jharmi. \ ^ „ ^^ j^i, Chmgi nikalna, j * Chingni, 8. /. a chicken. Chini^ru, 8. in. a i)rawn, a shrimp. Chinn, 1 «. m. a Hcar, a mark, sign, Chinh, / syndK)!, token by whicli anything is known ; signature. Chinhar. ) Chinlmn', 8. /. acquiiintnnce. Cluiihna, r. liurt, to ruct^ive a blow, to sufter loss. Cho^ par choj, ono niisfortuuo ful- low.s anotlier. Choffii, 8. m. a thief, a mblHT. Chiibh, 8. m. prick, puncture. Chubhanti, v. a. to stick into, to piertv, to goad, to stab, to prick. Chubhna, ) v. n. to be stuck into, Chubhna, / to be pierced, goaded, stabbed, to penetntte. Cliubhona, v. a. see Chubhana. Chubkf, 8. /. a plunge in water, dip. Chiichi, s. /. breast. Chuchkama, v. n. to fondle, to chirp to. Chuchuhana, v. n. to sing, whistle, warble (as birds) ; to glow as a colour, to dye a deep colour. Chugana, v. a. to cause to peck (as a hen her chickens.) Ciiughli, 8. /. tale-bearing, back- biting. Chughli khana, v. n. to backbite, to tell tales, to inform. Chughul, j 8. m. a tell-tale, tale- Cliughulkhor, / bearer, backbiter, informer. Chughulkhori, s. /. the act of back- biting. Chug lena, v. a. to select, to choose. Chugna, v. n. to peck, to pick up food with the beak. Chuiia, 8. in. a rat, a mouse. Chuhal, 8. /. cheer, jollity, mirth, festivals. Chuhal kamii, v. n. to make merr}-, &c. Chuhedan, 8. m. a mouso «t trap. Cliiihemdr, 8. m. a mt-cateher. Chi{hi,8. /. a mouse. Chuhiy^, $. a little mouse. Ciiiihrtt. «. ni.\ X !>,, , Chuhri. 8./ 1 ^ 8^<»I»'' hahlUchor. C'liiik, 8. /. nn error, fault, a blun- der, an ovorsiu'ht, u mistake : luunu of a nunlieiiie f«»r imligestion. Cliukttua, r. o, to fiuLsh, to com- plete, to settle, to ui^UHt, to fix the pri(\^ of. Chukuuiii. 8. m. a task, agreemont, settlement. Ghukki, ^ t. m. an c wound. Chiilar, H. m. the buttockn, the back- side, brtsech. ( 'Initila, (ulj. wounded, bniisod. (!liujiyanjl, v. a. to wound. C'lnitki, 8. /. a pinch; snapping of ti>o fingers. Cluitki kutnti, v. a. to pinch. Chuikiya, s. f. a lock of huir lofl ^ on the head when tho rest is shayod. Chutkiyon men urana, to turn into ridicule. Chuza, 8. m. a chicken. Chiizabaz, s. f. an old woman fond of striplings. Chyunta, «. m. a black ant. Chyunti, g. m. a small ant. D. Dab, 8. m. a small leathern vessel for holding oil. Dab, 8. m. a sword-belt; unripe cocoanut. Dabak bai^ihna, 1 v. n. to crouch, to Dabakna, / lie in ambush. Daba lend, to encroach upon. Daba mama, to overcome, to crush to death. Daband, v. a. to press down; to chide, to keep wider. Dabang, 1 adj. ill-bred, brutish, Dabanga, j clownish. Dabiio, 8. m. submissivencss ; over- laden. Dabbil, 8. m. a leathern vessel for holding oil. Dabbii, «. m, a largo iron spi^on. Dalxlabiina, v. a. to fill with tears. Dabel, 8. m. subject, ik-Ts-oii under dominion. Dabe pao^, adj. with silent steps, softly, gently, pabgiir, 8. m. the person who mokes tho (Jab or (.labbti. Dabjiiiul, to bo murtifiod, to bo stip- preosod. Dabkiind, r. a. to conooal, to hide. \)abku. 8. m. fresh wati»r dmwn from a Well. Datiki maniti, to lie in ambu.sli. Dab nmrnd, to U» cru-shcd to death. Dubnti, r. n, to be HnublHil, to croucli, \A^ Ik! pn\Hi«Hl ring, arriving : ai^*. entered, recvived. DtiHliila, «. m. a rooeipt for money, &c. D^l^iil honii, V. ft. to enter, to bo iii.s'rt«Hl. DaVhil. karnti, v. a. to hand in (as money into Uie IroaBury), to enter DAL [ 62 ] DAM (as accounts), to insert, to cause to enter or arrive. Dakliil, s. m. entrance; interfer- ence, the meddling with an af- fair; possession, income. Dakhl karna, v. a. to meddle, to interfere, to concern one's self, to take possession, to enter. Dakhl pana, v. a. to have access. Dakhna, adj. southern : s. /. south- erly wind. Dakkhan, | s. m. south, the south- Dakkhin, j em part of India. Dakkhina, adj. southern : s.f. south- erly wind. Dak mahsul, s. m. the postage of a letter or parcel. Dak piyada, s. m. a postman, a letter-carrier. Dciku, s. m. a robber, a pirate. Dakwala, s. m. a postman, a let- ter-carrier. Dal, s. m. thickness. Dal, s. f. a branch, a bough. Dal, s. f. pulse or vetches, or peas split. Dala, s. m. a large basket, a tray of wicker-work. Dala, s. m. a large lump, a clod. Dal ail, s. (plur. of Dalil), proofs, arguments. Dalan, s. m. a hall. Dalbadal, s. m. a mass of clouds ; a large army ; a large tent. Dalchmf, s. f. cinnamon. Daldal, s. f. a quagmire, a bog. Daldala, adj. swampy, quaggy, boggy. Daldalahat, s. f. tremor. Daldalana, v. n. to shake. Daldali', adj. see Daldala. . Daldar, adj. thick. , Dal dena, v. a. to throw away. Dalhara, s. m. j Dalharan, s. f. > one who sells dal. : Dalhari, s. f. \ i Pair, s. /. a lump (of sugar, meat, • &c.) Dalf, s. / a basket full of any ar- ticles, or of fruits, &c., for a pre- sent ; a branch, a bough. Dalidr, j s. m. wretchedness, po- Dalidr, / verty, indigency. Dalidri, j adj. poor, wretched, in- Dalidri, / digent, unfortunate. Dalil, s. f. argument, proof, de- monstration. Dalili, adj. argumentative : s. m. a good arguer. Daliya, s. m. a basket (without a cover, like a tray.) Dallal, s. m. a broker, an appraiser. Dallali, s. /. brokerage, the business of a broker. Dal masal karna, v. a. to thrash, to crumple, to rumple, to ruffle. Dalna, v. a. to grind coarsely, to split pulse. Dalna, v. a. to throw down, to fling, to cast, to pour, to thrust, to throw away. Palwa, s. m. a large basket (with- out a lid.) Dalwaiya, s. m. one who grinds. Dalwana, v. a. to cause to be coarsely ground. Dam, s. m. a net, a snare; the twenty-fourth part of a paisa ; the price of a thing, value. Dam, s. m. breath, life ; boasting ; a moment ; deceit. Dama, s. m. asthma. Damad, s. m. a son-in-law. Damadf, s. f. state, quality or right of a son-in-law. Damak, s. f. ghtter. Damakna, v. n. to shine. Damama, | ^^ .^ kettle-drum. Damama, j Daman, s. m. the skirt of a gar- ment ; ^^. protection; the foot of . a mountain. Damangir, adj. attached to, an ad- herent, a dependent. Damangiri, s. f. dependence. Daman pakarua, v. a. to take pro- tection. DAN [ C3 ] DAN Diimar, «. m. resin. Diimaru, 8. ra. a sort of drum beat- en with the fingers. Dcini ba dam, adj. every moment, constantly. Dambaz, s. m. a wheedler, a de- ceiver. D.im biizi', «. /. wheedling, deceiv- ing. ^ Dam bharna, to boast. ' Dam charhna, v. a. to pant, to respire. l>5im chhorna, v. a. to expire. Dam deua, v. a. to coax, to deceive, to keep warm (as meat after having been cooked.) Damdilasa, «. m. encouragement, comfort, soothing, coaxing. Dam bona, v. n. to be left on the tire after cooling (us a puliio.) Damini', 8. f. lightning. Diimini damakmi, y. n. to lighten. D.imkalii, s. m. a screw-jack used to raise weights ; a fire-engine. Dam karnii, to IjIow (as a conjuror when juggling or exorcising.) Dam kha jtiua, j to remain silent, Dam kluina, / to bear insults patiently and without retidiating. Dam Una, v. n. to take breath, to rest. Dam manui, v. n. to waste one's breath in Hpi'uking ; to lx>a.st. ] )am njik mcu »inii, to Im) fatigued to death, to ganp for life. Dam nikalnii, v. n. to die. Dam phiilnii, v. n. to lirtatho short Damru 8. /. tlio oightli |>art of u I)aiKu. Dami'i ko tin tin homi, to be ruinon feigning death. 1 >am tuimi, to dit*. Din, H. m. a donation, a gift, a prcMMit, alms ; an atllx ook, pimplo. Dana badalna, v. a. to caress as birds do by joining bills, to bill. Dana badlauwal, billing, caresaing as birds do by joining bills. Diinadar, having the appearance of being granulated. Danaf, 8./. wisdom. Dana pani', s. m. food, victuals, mciit and drink. J., 'l' > 8. m. fine, punishment. Dand, «. m. the arm above the el- bow ; a kind of bodily exercise. Diind, 8. m. retaliation, punish- ment, genalty ; an oar ; the back- bone. Danda, 8. to. landmarks. l)anda, 8. m. a staft', an ensign stafl^ the j)Osts of a Ix'dstead. Dandamina, v. n. t«.) enjoy one's self, to live at one's ease. Dandawat, 8. /. Hindii salutation, bow, obeisance. Diind bharml, v. a. to pay a fine. Diindi, 8. in. a rower, a boatman. Dandr, «./. a handle; the beam a pair of scales. Dandidiir, 8. in. a weigher. Dandiyii, 8. in. a collector of market duties. Dtind lenti, to take a fine, to fine. ^)and|K'l, adj. one who (xoroisofi himself at the (.land. Dundni. «. m. lanihnarks. DatigH, in. m. wmngling, mu- Dangd fosdd, | tiny, seilition, a tllHturUmeo, an U|)mar. Di\ngal, 8./. a crowd, ptingtir, ailj. thin, lean : t. m, n Ioa:i l>ca.Mt, a Ht4irveling. Dangi»baz, tulj. mutinous, turhul. Dtini, «<(/. choritable. lilH»nd, Ixnin- tifid : 8. /. in r«>m/>o8. ilnnin. of diin, receptiiele, stauvi, placi-, i^c Daniel, $. /. wiadom, knowlodgo. DAP [ 64 ] DAK Danislimand, adj. wise, sensible. Danishmandi, s. /. learning, wis- dom. Danist, s. f. knowledge, opinion. Dank, s. m. the sting of a reptile, particularly of a scorpion. Danka, s. m. a double kettledrum. Daukini, s. f. a witch. Dank mama, v. a. to sting, (as a reptile.) Danpattar, s. m. a deed of gift. Danpun, s. m. charity, alms. Danr, s. m. an oar. Danri, s. m. a rower, a boatman. Dans, 1 s. m. the sting of ^ reptile ; Dans, / a large musquito. Dant, s. m. a tooth. Dantakilkil, s.J. a quarrel. Danthi, s. f. a straw, stubble, stalk. Danti, s. /. the tooth of a saw or other instrument. Danti lagna, to have a locked jaw. Dant kachkachana, 1 v. n. to grind Dant katkatana, / the teeth. Dant lagna, to have a locked jaw. Dantna, v. a. to snub, to rebuke, to threaten, to browbeat. Dant nikalna, v. n. to laugh, to grin. Dant nikalna v. n. to teeth. Dantpir, s. /. the tooth-ache. Dant pisna, to gnash the teeth. Danw, s. m. ambuscade, ambush ; opportunity ; a stake, a wager. Danwandol, s. m. wandering with- out house or home. Danw chalana, v. a. to take advan- tage of. Danw chalna, to have the advan- tage. Danwrii, s. m. a tiger's cub or whelp. Dao, s. m. a bill-hook, a sickle. Daona, v. a. to thi-ash. Dapat, s. f. course, gallop. Dapatna, v. n. to gallop, to rush ; to rebuke, to reprimand. Daptana, v. a. to gallop. Dar, s. m. a dwelling, a mansion, an abode ; a gibbet, a gallows : s. f. pulse, vetches ; in compos, having, possessing, master, keeper, lord. Dar, s. f. branch, bough. Dar, s. m. a door ; price, rate : prep. » in, at, on, into. Dar, s. m. fear, dread, awe. Daraj, s. m. Eng. drawers. Darakna, v. n. to split, to rend, to be torn, to crack. Darakht, s. m. a tree. Dar ana, v. n. to come in, to engage (in), to arrive, to penetrate. Parana, v. a. to frighten, to scare, to alarm, to deter : adj. frightful, terrible. Daranti, s. /. a sickle. Darar, s. m. a crack, a fissure, rent. Darawna, v. a. to frighten : adj. frightful, terrifying. Daraz, adj. long. Darazi, s. f. length, extension. Darb, s. m. wealth, property ; metal. Dar ba dar, from door to door. Darban, s. m. a door-keeper, a por- ter. Darbani, s. f. the office of a door- keeper, Darbar, s. m. a court, a hall of audi- ence, house ; the holding of a court. Darbar bandna, to bribe, to give bribes. Darbari, s. m. a courtier : adj. attend- ing court. Darciiini, s. /. cinnamon. Dard, s. m. pain, affliction ; pit3% sympathy, compassion. Dardalan, s. m. an outer hall. Dard ana v. n. to be affected with compassion. Dardara, adj. half-pounded, coarsely ground. Dard i sar, s. m. the head-ache. Dard i shikham, s. m. colic. Dard khaua, v. a. to feel compas- DAR [ 65 ] DAR 8ion or pity, to feel the pains of cliild-birth. Durd lap:na, v. n. to feel the pains of cliild-birtii. Danlrnand, adj. compassionate, sym- l)iitliizing. ^ Dardjnandi', s. f. compassion, feel- ing. Daregh, «. w. a sigh, sorrow, re- • pugnance. Dargah, s. /. a palace, court, thresh- old, door ; a mosque ; presence. Daiguzar karna, v. a. to pass over, to neglect, to excuse. Durguzariia, v. n. to decline, to leave otti to refrain from, to pass by. Dafh, s. f. a jaw-tooth or grinder. DdrhU'--^-^^^'^- Dafhi banana, 1 . ■, D'lu.', '. ;j ' t ^'- «• to shave, aflii mundiui, j Darliiyal, ailj. having a long beard. paflimuiidii, (ulj. beard-shaven. Dan', «. /. a small carixjt. Dari', «. /. in compos, the having, holding, jxjssessing. Dan'clia, s. m. a window. Djiridr, )8. m, wretclieduess, poverty, Daridr, / indigency. Daridn', | mJj. poor, wretched, in- Daridri, / digcnt. Darind, | adj. rapacious, fierce, Darinda, / ravenous : «. ravenous boost. Darj, «. m. prop. Durz, a crack, cleft. Haw (in woixi) l>.irja, «. in. step, etair, degroo, rank ; a d<'^ree of a circle. Darja ba darja, adv» stop by step, gnuUially. Darjawiib, ». in. a rejdy, a rejoiiuh'r. Darkur, wij. necessary, wauling, requisite. Darl^hwiiat, «. /. rt^juest, j)otition, a|)poal or petition of appeal ; wish, desire. Darnuihii, ». m. monthly wages, Sidary. Darraahadar, «. one who receives monthly wages. Darmandagi', 8. /. misery, distress, penury, misfortune. Darmiyan, s. m. interval, middle: adv. postpos. or p/repos. in the midst, between. Darmiyan dena, to employ as a mediator. Darmiyani, s. m. a mediator. Darna, v. n. to fear, to he frighten' ' Darobast, adj. whole, all, eutii'e. Darodgar, s. m. a Ciirpenter. Darogh, s. m. a lie, falsehood : adj. false. Diirogha, \ s. m. a peace officer, the Durogha, j name of an othcer in cliarge of the police, a superin- tendent. Darogh go, s. m. a liar. Daroghgoi, s. /. lying, false sjx^ak- Darpai, in the footstep, in pursuit, intent on, following. Darpai liomi, to follow, to be in pur- suit or in search. Darpan, «. m. a mirror. Darparda, adj. concealed, secrtil\. Darpesh, in front, before, iu tlie presence. Darpesh homi, r. n. to be in front, bo necessary, to be in hand. Darpe.sh Itiim, to adduce. parpoknii, adj. a cowanl. Darranii. adj. going etruight and quickly. Darsan. », in. interview, a viait vision. Darsan 1 huncli'. «. /. a bill of ehaiigo {Miyablo nt sight. Darsiimt, adv. u cuut woid, iu uuks provide*!. Duni, «. /. spirituous liquors ; medi- cine. Diirii dnrman. applimition of medi- cine, njotUcino. Dariid bhejnii, to blr^^ Dorussaltunat, I) AS [ 66 ] DAU the I empire, the royal residence, capital. Darwaii, s. m. a door-keeper, a porter. Darwaiif, s. f. the office of a door- keeper. Darws'za, s. m. a door, a gate. Darwaza chunna, to close a door with bricks. Darwaza mamur karna, to close or shut a door. Darwaza thokna, v. a. to knock at the door, or gate. Darwesh, s. m. a dervis, a Muham- madan devotee. Darya, s. m. the sea, a river. Daryai, adj. of the sea or river, maritime. Daryaft, s. /. conceiving, under- standing, discovery. Daryaft hona, v. n. to be disco- vered. Daryaft karna, v. a. to conceive, to understand, to discover. Darz, 8. m. see Darj. Dai-zi, s. TO. a tailor. Das, adj. ten. Das, s. m. a male slave, or servant. Dasa, s. m. a small rafter. Dasa, 8. f. condition, state, circum- stances. Dasahra, s. m. name of a Hindu feast. Dasami, s. f. the tenth day of the lunar fortnight. Dasaratli, n. prop, name of an an- cient Raja, father of Rama. Dasi", s. f. a maidservant. Daskhatt, s. m. signature. Dasna, v. a. to bite or sting (as a venomous animal.) Dason disa, the ten regions, sides or quarters. Dast, s. m. the hand; stool, purge, evacuation. Dasta, s. m. a handle ; a pestle ; a quire of paper. Dastak, s. f. a pass for goods, a pass- port, a writ. Dastan, s. f. a story, fable, tale. Dastana, s. m. a glove. D.istar, s. f. a turban. Dastarband, s. m. a person whose business it is to make up the turban. Dastarkhwan, s. to. a table-eloth. Dastawez, s. f. a note of hand, bond, title-deed, certificate, &c. Dastkhatt, s. m. a signature ; a manuscript. Dastkhatt karna, v. a. to sign. Dastmal, s. m. a handkerchief Dastpanah, s. m. tongs. Dastiir, s. to, custom, fashion, usage, manner, regulation. Dastiiri, s. f. custom, perquisites paid to servants by one who sells to their masters. Daswan, adj. tenth. Data, s. TO. a giver, a liberal or bountiful person. Datha, s. m. a stalk. Datna, v. n. to stand still. Datna, v. a. to snub, to check, to threaten, to browbeat. Datwan, s. to. a tooth-brush made from the branch of a tree. Daud, n. ijrop. name of the pro- phet David. Daiidf, s. /. a shrub that bears a flower like camomiles, a kind of firework. Daul, s. TO. manner, method, mode. Daulat, s. f. wealth, treasure, riches. Daulatkhana, s. to. a mansion, a palace, a house. Daulatmand, j adj. rich, wealthy, Daulatwala, / opulent. Dauna, s. to. a leaf folded up to hold a parcel of betel, fiowers, food, &c. Daur, 8. f. a race, a career, a run- ning, endeavour, attack, assault. Daur, s. m. time, age, revolution (of time or any body), circular motion. DEB [ 67 ]: DES Daiini, s. m. a lar«:e basket (without cover) ; going the circuit (judges.) Dauradaurf, s, /. exertion in run- ning, hurry. Dauraha, 8, m. a messenger, a courier, a guide. Daunina, v. a. to cause to run, to drive, to expedite. Daurdhiip, 8. /. labour and fatigue. Daurdhup kunia, v. a. to use great labour and exertion for the ac- complishment of any thing. Daurhii, m. \ adj. half as much Dauyhf, /. / again. Daun', 8. /. a basket (without a lid), a rope wherewith a string of cattle are bound togetlu r. Daufna, v. n. to run, to gallop, to invade. Daurna dhupnd, v. n. to run vio- lently, to use great exertion, to toil. Duwii, 8. m. a large wooden spoon. i)awa, 8. /. vdg. Dawiii", medicine, a remedy. Dawii, 8. m. a lawsuit, claim, pre- tension, plaint. Diwiii', 8. /. 8t!o Dawji. D;iwa karna, v. a. to administer medicine. Dawakluina, «. w. a room for me- dicines, an ai)othecury'8 shop, disp'-nsary. nawau(.loI, adj. see Diiowdocjiol. 1 )uwat, 8. /. an inksUmd. Dawat, 8. /. invitation. Dawat karni', to invite. I)aw:(lar,8. m. aplaintilT.a clainuuit. l>ayii, 8./. i)ity, compassion, kimi- ncHs, tenuern(5SH. 1 >iiyak, 8. m. in compos, giver, donor, idving. Dayiil, adj. jutifiil, gracious, com- passionate. Pjivan, 8. /. a witch. Day a want, «((/. charitable, merci- i'ld, kind. Debi, 8./. a Iliudii goddcas. Deg, s. /. a kettle, pot, caldron. Peg, s. m. step, pace. Degcha, s. m. a pot, a small caldron. Deh, 8. f. the body. Dekhadftkhf, adv. witliin siglit : 8. f. the imitation of another person ; competition. Dekhlana, v. a. to show, to exhi- bit, to point out. Dekhna, v. a. to see, to look at, to observe, to inspect, to behold, to perceive. Dekhna bhalna, v. a. to see, to look at. Dekhwaiya, s. m. a spectator, an observer. Dela, 8. m. see Dhela. De mama, v. a. to dash on the ground, to tlirow, to stamp. Dend, V. a. to give, to grant, to yield; to lay (eggs.) Denapdmi, 8. in. traffic, profit and loss. Dengi', 8. /. a small Ixmt, a whm v. pengiwiila, s. m. a boatman Denlen, 8. in. debts and tmffic, barter. Der, 8. /. tlehiy, tanliness, a long time : (ulj. h\U\ slow. Deni, «. in. a dwelling, a tent Pent, It. in. a ilwelling, a tent adj. R|uint-cyesio, 8. in. tliroo-iMghtha, J. Prrh iMUiwil, 8. in. a weight tlireo- eighths of a ser. Den', 8. /. lateness, delay, slownoas. Den lionii ttr lagmi, r. w. to Ihj Into, slow, &c. Deri kanni, v. a. to delay, to dally, l^r tnk, j for a long' lime. ti'U Der talnk, J late. Dc». 8. in. countr}*, tcrrit gion. Diwilwnr, 8. in. a foreign country. Di^i, adj. lielonging to a country, indigenous, homo-made. DHAT [ 68 ] DHAL Desnikala, an exile. Devf, s. f. a Hindu goddess. Dew, \ s. m. a god, a demon, a Dewa, j heathen god. Dewala, s. m. bankruptcy. Dewali", s. /. a Hindu festival. Dewaliya, adj. bankrupt. Dewar, s. m. husband's younger brother. Dewasthan, s. /. a place of idols, a temple. Dewhra, s. m. a temple where idols are worshipped. Dewli', s. f. the scab of small-pox. Dewruni, s. /. husband's younger brother's wife. Dewrha, s. m. half as much again, a mode of reckoning. Dewrhana, v. a. to take once and a ' half. Dewrhi, s. /. a threshold, a door. i)ewrhidar, j s. m. a door-keeper, a Dewriwan, j porter. Dewta, s.f. a heathen god, a divi- nity. Dewthan, s. /. a place of idols, a temple, phab, s. m. shape, manners, be- haviour, method, fashion, posi- tion, phaba, s. m. a net, the eaves of a house, extending three or foui" cu- bits beyond the wall, piiabbiis, adj. fat, corpulent, awk- ward, uncouth, phabiia, s. m. a copper coin equal to a paisa. Dhadhakna, v. n. to blaze. Dhaen dhaen, s.f. the report of a cannon heard at a distance. Dhaga, s. m. thread. Dhalf?' } ^- ^- ^ paramour. phaf, adj. two and a half. phai dena, v. a. to forc^ an invita- tion, by lixing one's self in a house till dinner comes on table. phaiya, s. m.. a measiu-e or weight of two and a half ser. Dhaj, s. m. shape, attitude, figure, ap- pearance. Dhaja, s. f. a slip of cloth, a stand- ard, a flag. Dhajji, s. f. a slip of cloth or paper. Dhaiii karna, ] . . . - Dha.ijiyankamai*° *<''''■ '"P"^- phak, s. m. name of a tree. i)hakar, s. m. a clown who is tall and stout. Dhakar, s. f. a belch, phakar lena, v. n. to belch. Dhakdhakana, v. n. to palpitate. Dhakel,) s. m. a shove, a push, a phakel,/ thrust. i)hakel or phakel dena, v. a. to push, to precipitate. Dhakelna,) v. a. to shove, to push, phakelna,/ to jostle. Dhakka, s. m. a shove, jolt, push. Dhakka dena, v. a. to shove, to push. Dhakkamdhakka, s. m. shoving and jostHng. phakna, v. a. to cover, to conceal : s. m. a lid, a cover, a pot-lid. Dhaknf, s. /. a lid, cover (of a pot.) Dhakiyana, v. a. to shove, to thrust forwards, phal, s. m. declivity, slope : s. /. shield, target, phalait, s. m. a person armed with sword and buckler, phalakna, v. n. to roll, phalana, -y. a. to cause to cast (metal), to cause to pour, phalkana, v. a. to tilt, to overturn, to spill, to pour, to roll, phalmalana, v. n. to move from side to side, to stagger, to totter. ' phalna, v. 7i. to be cast (as metal), to be poured out, to spill, to de- cline (the day.) phalna, v. a. to cast (metal in fu- sion) ; to pour out, to spill, phalli, adj. slant, sloping: s. m. one who casts metals, piialwac, o,dj. sloping, declivity ; (cast metal.J DHAX [ 69 ] DHAR Dham, s. m. a dwelling, a house, a place. Dhamachaukri', s. f. noise, tumult, phamadham, s. m. the sound of stamping, thumping. Dhamdhiisar, aJj. corpulent. Dhamak, 8. /. noiise of footsteps over- head, thumping, &c. Dhamaka, 8. m. a kind of cannon carried on an elephant. Dhamakna, v. n. to throb, to shoot ( as the pain of a headache^ ; to thump ; to palpitate. Dhamdhamana, v. a. to make a noise (as over-head with the feet) ; to be feverish. Dhamin, s. m. a harmless kind of serpent. Dliamkiina, v. a. to threaten, to chide, to snub. Dhamki, «. /. threat, menace, phamltina, v. n. to roll. Dhammiil, s. n. running through fire on religious occasion (amoug 3Ius- almiin faqirs.) pliauipnii, V. a. to cover, to con- ceal, nimn, 8. m. wealth, property, richos ; an expression of praise, thanks. Dhajj, H. in. tlio rice plant, or rice in hu.^k. Dlijiii, V. n. to run, to make haste. Ohanii, v. n. to Ix) demolittliod, ra/cd, dc8troyeth worn round the waist, jMiMiiing U'tween the lop* and fastening behind. phiiii, 8. m. a l>ank, a mom. Dhublti, 8. m. a {H'ttieotit < . <.,,j. l(K>Hu ganneut for covering the logj*. phukiinti, v. a. to causi« to enter or go in. Dhukdhuki', b. f. pcrturbati anxiety, apprehen-sion ; an or meat worn on the breast. Dhukari', *•./*• ** beggiirs bag. Dhukki laguiui, r. d. to take aim. DHUN [ 72 ] DIH pliulcna, ^v. n. to go into, to enter, phukna, j to take aim. Dhukur pukur, s. palpitation, agita- tion. Dhiil, s. /. dnst. Bhulai, s. f. washing; price of phulaf, s. f. act of carrying; price paid for carrying, phulana, v. a. to cause to be carried. Dhulana, ) , , , Dhiilana, / ^. «• to cause to wash. Dhulendi, s. /. the second day of the hob; phiili', s. f. a bundle of one hundred betel-leaves. Dhulf, s. /. dust. Dhillkheir, see Dhulendi. Dhulwana, v. a. to cause others to wash. phulwana, v. a. to cause to be car- ried. Dhum, s. f. tumult, bustle, noise, fame. Dhiimdham, s. f. pomp, parade, tu- mult, bustle, noii^e. Dhun, s. f. sound, musical sound. Dhiina, s. m. rosin. Dhunakna, v. a. to card or comb cotton. Dhunan, 8. m. smoke. Bhund, s. thought. Dhuiidh, s. m. dim-sightedness ; haziness. Dhundh dhand, s. m. search. Dhiindhiinkal, | s. m. strong tem- Dhundhiinkar, / pestuous wind. Dhundhla, adj. foggy, misty, dull. Dhiindhna, ) v. a to seek, to search phunrihna, / for. phundhna dliandhna, v. a. to seek for, to search. Dhiindhra, adj. foggy, dull, gloomy. Dhundhrana, v. n. to be dull, misty. phundhwana, v. a. to cause to seek or search. Dhungiir, s. m. seasoning. Dbunf, . s. m. a baid;:, a mound. Diliat, 8. m. the country. DIL [ 73 ] DIX Dihatr, 8. m. a countryman Diliqan, 8. m. a villager, a husband- man. Dihqanf, 8. m. f. a villaj^er, a hus- l)andman ; ap:riculture, bubbandiy. Dihlf, 8. f. a threshold : s. m. name of a city.- See Dilli. Dihinda, part. act. giving, giver. Dihura, 8. m. an idol temple. Dikhai dena, v. n, to appear. Dikhanii, v. a. to show, to exhibit. Dikhlai dena, v. n. to appear, to be apparent, to seem. Dikhlana, v. a. to show, to exl libit. pn, 8. m. stature, body, l)ulk, size. Dil, 8. m. heart, mind, soul. Dilana, v. a. to cause to give, to occa- sion, to cause to give up. Dilasa, 8. m. comfort, encourage- ment, consolation. Dilawar, ath. Donoo, / '' Donoo wa(it mihie, cxpreHs(^H i\w evening twiliglit, when day ami night motit. Dour, ) H. VI. name of a spocios of pour, / Himkc. Douni, 8. m. a pur«<\ Dopahar, h, /. midiluy, n'>«" Dupastii, adj. pregnant. Dopatl^i, 8. in. a pitH-c oi nmn oi two brcuildis, thrown loosi^ly ovor i ilie sliouldcrs or litiul. 1 >opiyazu, ^ 8. w. a kind of dish Dopiyu/u, / without gravy, meat (Iivssrd dry with onions. Dnr. s. /• D.-ni. .•^. I)..n, .V. string, wrd, UirCxid, line, rope. Doriya, s. m. striped muslin ; a dog- keeper. Dos, 8. m. see Dokh. Dosad, s. m. a low caste of Hindus. Dosala, adj. of two years, two vears old. Dos dena, v. a. see Dokhna. Dosh, 8. m. see Dokh. Doshala, s. m. a pair of shawls. Dosi ^' I ^^^' ^'^^^' criminal. Dosna, v. a. to accuse, to blame. Dost, 8. m. a friend, a lover, a swc * heart Dostdiir, s. m. a friend. Do t ' r ** •^' friendship, love. Dosti kariui, v. a. to form acquaint- ance. Dost mohim, 8. m. 'a friend, an ac- quaintiinco. Dost rakhna, to like, to hold dear. Dotahi", 8. /. cloths that are lined. Dotuk, adj. clear, plain. Doyam, adj. second ; inferior, se- cond sort or (piality. Doz, part. art. in compos, sewing, ono wiio sews, Dozalch, 8. m. liell, (mot) belly. Doza^h bharnii, v. n. to bo ouough for support. Do/jiVhi, adj. hellish, damned; a glutton. l)ozu\j[h, nuiniid, to bo satisfiixl wi; Dozunii liaithuti, r.n. to kneel an i hit on the two fivt behind. Drirl), atlj. Hrm, stnuig. Drislit, «. /. sight, view. Drishtaint, t. m. itaruble, sim exiun])le. Du^ *. /. benediction, blos-^i prayer. Du^ donii, to give a blessing, to bh«3 or pray for. I)u; t' II It iithifii str.m. or b<'l DUG [ 76 ] DUL Dub, s. f. name of a grass. Duba dena, I v. a. to cause to sink, Dubana, > to immerse, to drown ; Diibana, #) to ruin, to destroy. Dii ba du, face to face. Dubao, adj. out of man's depth, deep (enough to drown in.) Dubar, adj. weak, lean. Dubara, adj. twice. Dubdlia, 8. f. doubt, suspense, un- certainty. Dubki, s. f. a dip, a dive, a plunge. Dubki dena, v. a. to dip, to im- merse. Dubla, adj. thin, lean, poor, barren, weak. Dublapa, | s. m. thinness, lean- Dublapana, / ness. Dubna, ^ v. n. to drive, to be drown - Diibna, / ed, to be immerged or deluged; to set, to sink; to be absorbed in business or study. Dubo dena, v. a. to exhaust, to ruin, to demolish ; to drown. Dubrii ghusrii, adj. under obliga- tion, dependent. Dubwana, v. a. to cause to drown, &;c. Duchit, ^ adj. of two minds, wa- Duchita, / vering. Diidh, s. m. milk, tne juice (or milk) of certain trees and bushes. Diidh barhana, v. a. to wean. Dudhail,') Dudhar, \ adj. milch, giving milk. Diidhar, ) Diidhbhai, s. m. a foster-brother. Dudhhandi, s. f. a milk-pan, a milk- pail. Dudhi, ) adj. milky, containing Dudhiya,/ milky juice. Dudhiya patthar, a. kind of white stone. Diidh kichiknai, cream. Dudhpilai, s. f. a wet-nurse. Diidh pilana, v. a. to suckle. Diidh pina, v. n. to suck. Dugana, s. m. two prostrations at prayer. Dugdugf, s. f. pit or hole at the bottom of the throat. x\^^ '^ \ adj. double, two-fold. Duguna, j -^ ' Duhai tihai kania, to make reite- rated complaints. Duhana, v. a. to cause to milk. Duhna, v. n. to be milked. Duliia, adj. double. Duhrana, v. a. to fold, to double, to repeat. Duk, s. m. a blow with the fist. Dukan, I /. i Diikaiidar, s. m. a shopkeeper. Diikandarf, s.f. shopkeeping. Diikani, adj. what is sold in shops. Dukh, s. m. affliction, distress, trouble, annoyance, suffering, la- bour, fatigue. Dukliana, v. a. to inflict pain, to torment, to grieve. Dukh dena, v. a. to afflict, to cause distress. Dukhf, Dukhiva ^^^*- ^fflic^ed, dis- Dukhiyak, tressed wretehed, Dukhiyari. / miserable. Dukh kamara, / Dukiina, v. n. to ache, to pain, to smart. Dukh pan a, to be afflicted. Dukhra, s. m. labour ; misfortune. Dukh tar, s.f. a daughter. Dukra, s. m. the fourth part of a paisa. Dulana, v. a. to move, to shake, to swing. Dular, s. m. love, affection. Dulara, adj. beloved. Dnliim, s. m.y a necklace of two Dulari, s. f. j rows or strings. Dulha, "1 , . 1 D Iha \ ^- '^' ^ bridegroom. Dulhin,' }«-/-abride. Dulki, s. f. trot. DUR C T7 ] DWA •Tk 11 ' - ' '>tj. n. to trot. Dulki jana, / Duni, s. f. a tail. Dumba, s. m. a species of sheep with a thick tail. Durnbal, 8. m. a bile, a boil, a bubo. Dumchi, 8. f. a crupi^er ; a small tail. Dam dabajana, v. n. to ran away. [r Dum dabana, v. n. to run away, to ; put the tail between the legs. I Dummal. «. m. a bile, a boil, a swel- ling ; a felon. Dumuijlia, adj. having two mouths : 8. ia. name of a snake which has two mouths. Diina, w.lj. double, two-fold. Dunya, s. J\ the world, the uni- verse. Dunyadsir, adj. worldly, engaged in busin<.'ss. Dunyadiiri', «. /. worldlinoss, atten- tion to the eoncems of the world. Dunyawi',) (uij. worldly, belonging Dunyawi,/ to this world. Dupaliriyii, «. m. a kind of flower ; mid- day, nocm. Dupattti, ) «. m. a piece of linen of Dim^a, / two breadths worn thrown over the shoulders or h(rad. Dur. prep, bad, evil, ill, with difli- eully : interj. avauiit I Dur, «. /. dislanco : adj. far, distant, remote. Dunichur, h. m. a iMirklutcr. Dunieiuin'. h. f. buokbitini:. Diirandcsh, adj. provitlmt, forcwM*- ing, su^^aciims, wi.s«', prudiMit. Diirandeslii', /». /. foresighl, lin iim- spection, sagacitv. Durbachan, «. m. abuse. Durbal, adj. weak, infirnj, taint, |)oor. Diir biuignil, to abstain from, to ublior, to avoid. Diirbm, «. m. a spy-glnsu, a tclo- scope. Diirdiiruz, adj. far, di:itaut, long. Durga, 8.f. a Hindii goddess, one of the names of Bhawani". Durgandh, s. f. stink, stench. Diir ho, begone, avaunt/ii)e off! Dur bona, ?;. n. to be removed. Dui'iya leua, | v. a. to lead about (as Duriyana, / a horse), to lead in the hand. Diir kariia, v. a. to remove, to dispel, to reject, to keep at a distance. Durmus, s. m. an instrument for beating floors, &c., a rammer. Durr, 8. m. a pearl. Duru?)t, aJj. riglit, proper, true, ac- curate, sound. Durusti', 8. /. rectitude, propriety, soundness. Durust karna, v. a. to armnge, to adjust, to put in order, to rectify, to mend. Dushiila, 8. in. two shawls (worn together by natives.) Dushman, 8. m. /'. an enemy. Dushmanagi', s.f. enmity, hntriHl. Dushmani, 8. /. hatred, hostility, en- mity. Dushman i jiim', «. a deadly foo. Dtishiuutnjiinr, 8./. deadly enmity. Diisht, ttdj. bad, wicked. Dushj, baehan, bad woixl, s|XXX3b, or language. Dushwar, adj. dilllcult, arduous. Dushwiin', ». f. »litlleulty, trouble. Diisni, adj. setxMul, <»tlier. Du>uti, 8./. a ci»ur«u cJotli made of tloubio tliiTmls. Dut inltrj. away, begone, aviiunt ! Dut, 8. m. a mrs.H«ngi»r, un amkis- Hndor, un angt>l. Dutkiir, 8. m. i |. l>ulk«nul, V. a. to reprove. Du/.d, «. If), a thief, a mblMT. Duzdi', 8./. theft, n>bb<»ry. Dwiipar, 8. m. the third ugi> u.'.nr I- ing ti> tho Hindus. Dwilr. 8. m, a door, u frntt^wa} . Dwiiru, 8, III, rt door : a4{;. by, thruui^ by moaud uf. EKH [ 78 ] EKS Dwarika, s. /. the name of a city re- nowned to have been the residence of Krishna. Dwarikanath, s. m. a name of Krish- na. Dwarpal, s. m. a doorkeeper. E. E, a vowel ; pronounced invariably as a in name ; one. Egana, s. m. relation, kindred. Eganiyat, s. /. relationship. Ego, one person or piece. Ek, adj. a, an, one, only, single ; when used after a numeral it signifies about, as, bis ek, about twenty. Ekad, adj. some, some few. Ekaek, ) adv. all at once, sudden- Ekaeki, / ly. Ekais, adj. twenty-one. Ekant, 1 adv. aside, apart, a- Ekant men, / lone. Ekanwe, adj. ninety-one. Ekasi, adj. eighty-one. Ekattha karna, to gather, to collect. Ek aur, adj. another, one more. Ekawan, ailj. fifty-one. Ekbachan, adj. singular ^number). Ekbaghal, adv. on one side. Ekbar, 1 Ekbargf, > adv. once, all at once. Ekber, ) Ek bis, adj. twenty, a score. Ekchoba, one-poled (a tent.) Ekdafa, adv. once, all at once. Ekdal, adj. of one piece, without joining. Ekdam, one moment, one breath. Ekdaul, adj. uniform, of one make. Ekdesi, adj. belonging to the same place or country. Ekdi], adj. unanimous, of one mind. Ek ek, adv. severally, one by one. Ekela, adj. alone, single, unmarried. Ekela dukela, adv. one or two to- gether. Ek'hara, adj. single, one. Ekhatta, in one place, together. Ekhattar, adj. seventy-one. Ekhi, adj. alike,j similar, the same, the self-same. Ekin, prop. Yaqin, confidence, as- surance. Ekindar, adj. prop. Yaqmdar, true, honest, trusty. Ekis, adj. twenty-one. Ekja, in one place, together. Ekjan, one soul, a true friend. Ekjor, adj. of two pieces (a table, &C.3 Ekka, s. m. a one-horse vehicle. Ek kori, a score, a corge. Ekla, adj. alone, single, solitary. Eklai, s. f. veil, cloak, sheet or plaid. Eklakht, adj. of one piece, without joining. Eklauta, adj. only, single (child.) Eklohiya, made of one piece (of iron.) Ekmana, s. m. a bag holding a maund ; of a maund weight. Ekmat, adj. unanimous, of one ac- cord. Ekmusht, ) all at once, prompt pay- Ekmuth, j ment. Ekmuwafiq, adj. alike, similar. Ek na ek, one or other. Ek pal men, in a twinkling. Ekpecha, j adj. opening at one Ekpencha, / turning (applied to a lock.) Ekpet, adj. unanimous, of one mind. Ekqalam, one hand -writing (a letter or book); all, entirely, altogether. Ekrang, adj. of one colour ; sincere. Ekrup, adj. like, similar, resem- bling. Eksaman, adj. uniform, even, smooth. Eksan, adj. alike, similar, level. IS } too-''^- Eksath, adj. sixty-one. ETW [ 79 ] FAL Ekta, adj. unrivalled, unparalleled. Ektala, adj. having only one floor or story. Ektalis, adj. forty-one. Ektaraf, adj. on the same side, partial. Ek^ha, adj. together, collected : s. m. a small bout made of a tree scooped out. Ektliam, together. Ektha karua, v. to gather, to collect. Ektliae, one, one place, together. Kkthan, in one piece. Ektis, adj. tliirty-one. Ekwaqt, adj. simultaneous, coeval, at one time. Ekzaban, of one voice or tongue, l^lachi', 8. f. cardamum. Elachidiina, 8. m. a kind of com- fits. Elaj, 8. m. /. i^fop, Jlaj, medicine, remedy. Elchi', 8. m. an ambassador, envoy. Eman, s. m. pro}). Iman, faith, belief, cx)nscionce. Emandiir, adj. trusty, honest, con- scientious. Em ki sal, 2>rop. Irasdl, this year. Enfjibendr, «. /. trick, subterfuge, lazincs-M. Endilxindi kama, to do eye service. Ef, 8. f. striking with tho heel, spurring, spur. r Enipher, s. m. \ exchange, int<'r- Eniphcn', 8. /. j cliange, dimcing attendance. Erf, interj. a vocative iMiriiclo for females. En, «./. the heel. Er murnii, to Hpur. Etd, adj. M) much, so many, 80. Et-hdio, adv. here. Ethf, what do you call it (used when the name of u thing is not nnuiubered.) EIiIht, so liiti>, yet, now. Etnii, adj. so much, so many, so. Etwur, «. m. Puuday. Ewaj, 8. m. prop. Iwaz, a substitute a change, exchange. Ewajf, prop. Iwazi, adv. instead of, in lieu : 8. m. a substitute. Fagiia, see Phagiia. Fiigun, 8. m. see Phagun. Faham, prop. Falim, s. m. under- standing, intellect, comprehension. Faida, s. m. profit, gain, advantage, utility. Ftiida liona,,to reap benefit. Fiiida karna, to benefit, to profit. Faidamand, adj. profitable, useful. Faidamandi, 8. f. profit, advantage. Fiiida u^ihana, to reap benriit. Failanii, v. a. prop. Phailana, to spread, expand, widen, public! > branch out. Failna, v. n. prop. Phailna, to 1 spread, &c. Fuiisuf, 8. m. a philosopher : adj. cunning, artful, cmfty. Failsiifr, 8. /. cunning, artfulness. Faisala homi, to be decided or sottli Faisida karnii, to settle, to deci.; to adju.st. 1^'njr, **. /. moniing, dawn of iL. early. Ftik, 8. m. seo Phdk. FaVlir, 8. in. boosting, pridf, . ten tat ion. Fu^htai', 8. /. tlovtM*oIour. Fu^hta urjuuii, to lx> (H)nfoundt'd. Fa I, 8. Ml. prop. Plml, fruit. Fiil, »./. an omen, prvsjigo; enchoiit- ment. Faliik, 8. in. tho heavens, (he .'^hy the firnmnient. Fulaki', adj. heavenly, cclr;^ti;il. Fahina, seo Fuhina. Faliitiiu, N. prop. Plat<\ Falitii, ». m. match, tor* ii, » i. k. Falnti, s. vu prop, Phaluu, to be fruit. FAQ [ 80 ] FAE Faltii, s. m. spare, surplus, extra. Faluda, s. m. a kind of flummery. Fana, .9. /. mortality, frailty, death. Fana hojana, to perish, to die. Fanda, s. m. prop. Phanda, per- plexity, difficulty. Fani, adj. frail, transitory, perish- able. Fank, s. f. see Phank. Fanka, s. m. prop. Phanka, which see. Fanka marna, prop. Phanka marna, which see. Fankna, v. n. prop. Phankna, which see. Fann, s. m. science, art, skill, sa- gacity. Fannfareb, s. m. art and cunning. Fannfarebi, adj. artful, cunning. Fansi, prop. Phansi, a noose, stran- gulation. Fansi dena, v. a. prop. Phansi dena, to hang. Ftinsi parna, v. n. prop, Phansi par- na, to be hanged. Fansna, v. n. prop. Phansna, to be entangled, to stick. Fansvvana, v. a. prop. Phanswana, to cause to strangle, to cause to be ensnared or entrapped, &c. Fanus, s. /. a table-shade, a kind of lantern. Faqa, s. m. poverty, necessity, want, fasting (from want.) Faqa karna, to fast from necessity or ill-health. Faqakash, adj. one who fasts, famished. Faqakashi, s. /. fasting, endurance of hunger. Faqa khainchna, v. n. to starve. Faqamast, one who is starving. Paqat, adj. merely, simply, only, . solely. Faqir, s. m. a beggar, a dervis : adj. poor, indigent. Faqirana, adv. poorly, beggarly. Faqirdost, friendly to the poor. Faqir fuqara, s. plur. beggars, der- vises, &c. Faqiri, s. f. poverty, indigence, life of a dervis or beggar. Faqirni, s. /. a female beggar. Faqon mania, v. n. to die with hunger. Faqr faqa, s. m. poverty. Faraghat, s. f. leisure, disengage- ment, abundance, affluence, free- dom from care, repose. Faraghat karna, to finish and cease (from.) Faramosh, adj. forgotten, forgetful. Faramoshi, s. f. forgetf ulness. Farang, s. m. Europe. Farangf, s. m. a Frank, a European. Farangistan, s. m. Europe. Faraq. See Farq. Faraq karna, to make distinction or difierence, to separate. Faras, s. m. Persia. Farasis, adj. French. Farbih, ^ j- e 1. i i. Farbihdur, / «''> f'^*' <:°>P"lent. Fard, s. /. a sheet (of paper) : adj. one, single, odd. Fareb, s. m. deceit, fraud, deception, roguery. Fareb dena, to deceive, to delude, to allure, to cheat, to beguile. Farebi, s. m. a cheat, an impostor, an artful person. Fareb khana, to be deceived or de- luded. Farghul, s.f. a great-coat, a cloak. Farliang, s. f. a dictionaiy, a voca- bulary. Fiirigh, adj. free, disengaged, at leisure, absolved, discharged. Farigh bona, to be at leisure. Farighkhatti, s.f. a deed of release or discharge. Farmaish, s. /. an order (particu- larly for goods, &c.), commission. Farmaislii, adj. particularly ordered (any thing excelleutj, made to order. FAR [ 81 ] FAU Farma, 8. Eng. a mould, a form. Farman, s. m. a mandate, command, order. Farmana, v. n. to order, to com- mand (speaking with great re- spect), to say. Farmanbardar, adj. subject to or- ders, obedient, a servant. Farmanbardari, s. /. obedience, sub- jection, allegiance. Fayna, v. a. prop. Pharna, which see. Farokht, s. f. sale, selling Faroklit karna, v. a. to sell. Farosh, in compos, selling, a seller. Faroshi, in compos, s. f. selling. Farotan, adj. humble. Farotani', h. f. humility. Farq, s. m. difference, distance, dis- persion : arf/. distant, separate, distinct : interj. away ! aside ! Farrdsh, s. m. a servant who cleans the shades, spreads the carpets, &c. , Farrashi', «. /. the business of a farnish. Famishkhana, «. w. the room where carpetH, sliadcs, &c., are kept. Farratu, h. m. tlic? soimd of anytliing rushing or Ihittering in the air; a piece of baiiil)r)0. Fars, «. m. Persia. Farsh, s. m. a wirpet, a flooroloth. FurHhi', /». /. a kindof huqqa. Far.sh kunui, to Hf)ria cUsclose. Fasii), adj. eloquent, sweet-tongued. Fasila, «. ?>i, space, distance. Ftial, 8. /. season, crops, harvest. Fasna, v. n. see Phasnti. Fatah, prop. Fath, «. /. victory, cc.; quest. Futah bona, to be conquered. Fatidi karmi, to conquer. Fut-;dnnand, adj. victorious. Fatahmandi, s. /. victory, conquest. Fatuhnishiin, «. in. a victorious standard. Fahdqx'ch, a moer. Gaehnach, adj. crowded, stutfetl t gether, close, thick. Gad. 8./. leis, dregs, sediment. GmUi, 8. in. a U»ggar: adj. jMjor, i"- digent. Gadiii, 8. /. begging, meiulicii , poverty. (uului kurnti, to beg. (iudariyti. ». rii. a dliephcrd. Giulbm), 8. /. higgloily-piggledy.o': fusion. (iuddur, a(^. turbid, muddy, a chtirm: it denotes aW t! numlxT four. Gnndid)iro7ji, 8. in. boo GnnV *" (tandailahan, adj. stinking ) (tandutiro/n. ». in. the nai drug, a kind of remn. (landak, 8 /. briniHtone. (lanihri, 8./. u cut or {lortion of the hnwir-eane. (Jundghalat, adj. dead, stupid. (lundli, 8. / |K>riunie, otiour, scont. Gandiiak, 8./. brimstone. Gaudhak kii (jitr, sulphuric acid. GAN [ 86 ] GAR Gandhi, s. m. a bug, a flying bug ; a druggist, a perfumer. Gandliila, adj. stinking. Gandii, s. m. a catamite. Gandum, s. m. wheat. Gandum rang, adj. swarthy, brown, russet. Gaiies, s. m. the Hindu god of wisdom. Gang, s. /. a river, a stream. Do- :, g'^-ng. ill two streams (a river.) !| Ganga, s, f. the sacred river of the ! Hindus, the Ganges. [ Gangabasi", adj. residing near the ^i Ganges. Ganga jal, s. m. the water of the Ganges. Gangajalf, s. f. swearing by the water of the Ganges. Gangajali uthana, Uo swear by the Gangajal uthana, / water of the Ganges. Gangajamni, s. /. a kind of orna- mental work. Gangakinara, 1 s. m. the shore or Gangakinare, / bank of the Ganges. Gangapar, s. m. the opposite side of the Ganges. Gangasagar, s. m. the place where the Ganges disembogues itself into the ocean. Gangasnan, s. m. ablution in the Ganges. Gangatir, s. m. the shore or bank of the Ganges. Gani, adj. prop. Ghani, rich, weal- thy, independent. Ganj, s. m. a granary, heap, trea- sure, market, mart. Ganja, adj. scald-headed, bald. Ganja, s. m. the hemp plant. Ganjawala, s. m. a seller of hemp. Ganj ha, s. m. the hemp plant. Ganjhail, adj. addicted to the use of i ganj ha. I Ganjifa, ]^ 8. w. a pack of cards ; ;! Ganjifa, / a game at cards. Ganjifa khelna, to play cards. Ganjina, s. m. a treasure, a maga- zine. Ganjiya, s. f. the bag in an Ekka in which the driver carries things. Ganna. s. m. sugar-cane : -y. a. to count, to reckon, to number. Ganr, s. /. the anus. Ganru, s. m. a catamite. Gansa, s. m. the space at the root where the finger and toes sepa- rate. Gdntii, } «-/aknot,ajoint. Ganthdar, adj. knotty. Ganthi, s. f. a knot. Gantiijora, knot-joining. Ganthjora bandhna, to tie together the skirts of the mantles of the bride and bridegroom. Ganth ka piira, rich, wealthy. Ganthkata, s. m. a cut-purse. Ganthna, v. a. to lay bricks in mortar ; to string. Ganw, s. m. a village, a town. Ganwana, "1 v. a. to lose, to throw Gan wanna, j away, to get rid of, to squander, to pass, to trifle. Ganwar, s. m. a countryman, a clown, a stupid person : adj. ignorant, clownish. Ganwari", adj. countiy (language.) Ganwaii, adj. squanderer. Ganwm, "1 .n Gamvinganw, | «• »• a viUage. Gaoghap, ,ooa- nut: in comjios. acting, making, office. Gin', $. f. abuse : in amjHit. dniDg, making. (Jaifi'. *./. a cart, a cnrriagi', iklmckcry. Ciarib, mij. prop. (.Jhurili, pt»or, neinly, mild, iuunblo, meek; free from vice (a horse). Oarnnina, adj. pn^p. Qlmrilnina, fit for tbo iHM>r. Garibi. 8. /. pnyp. Qharibi, poverty, humility, mildness. Garn)mJir, ». /. prop, Qliartbmir, which see. GAR [ 88 ] GAU Garibnawaj adj. see Gliaribnawaz, Garibnawaji, s. f. prop. Ghanbna- wazi, hospitality. Garibparwar, adj. prop. Gharibpar- war, cherishing the poor, chari- table. Gariwan, s. m. a carter, a coachman. Garjan, s. m. a kind of tree which produces oil. Garm, adj. hot, warm, fervent ; pas- sionate, fiery, ardent; thronged or crowded fas a market.) Garmagarm, adj. hot and hot. Garmana, v. n. to be angry ; to be- come enlivened ; to become warm. Garmbazar, s. m. ) throng or much Garmbazari, s. f. ) business in a market. Garm bolna, to speak roughly and angrily. Garm hona, v. n. to be angry ; to become hot ; to be thronged (a market.) Garmi, s.f. the hot season ; warmth, ardour, heat; the venereal dis- ease. Garmjoshi, s. /. warmth, affection, cordiality. Garm karna, to warm, to make hot. Garmmizaj, adj. passionate, hot- headed. Garmumkin, prop. Ghairmumkin, adj. impossible. Garna, v. n. to penetrate, to be driven into the earth (as a stake), to be buried. Garna v. a to bury, to set, to drive down, to fix. Garna, v. a. to strain, to squeeze, to milk. Garoh, see Guroh. Garona, v. a. to pierce, to perforate, to bore, to stick into. Garthop, s.f. burying, burial. Gariir, s. m. a large kind of heron, gigantic crane or adjutant bird. Garwajibi, adj. prop. Ghairwajibi', wrong, improper, unjust. Garwana, v. a. to cause to be buried or driven into the earth. Gas, s. m. prop. Ghash, stupor, faint- ing. Gas ana, v. n. prop. Ghash ana, to faint. Gasht, s. m. walking, going round (especially of guards.) Gashti, \ s. m. watch, sentinel, Gashtiya, / pati'ol. Gas parna, prop. Ghash parna, to faint, to swoon. Gast, s. m. prop. Gasht. Gastangar, adj. clownish, ignorant, foolish. Gat, s. f. state, condition ; salvation. Gata, s. m. pasteboard. Gatarmal, s. m. a nickname for a monkey. Gathar, s. m. a large bundle, a bale, a pack. Gathbandhan, s. m. tying the knot, a Hindu ceremony attending mar- riage in which the mantles of the bride and bridegroom are fastened together. Gathi, s. f. a bale, pack. Gathila, adj. knotty, robust. Gathiya, s. f. pains in the joints ; a bag, sack. Gathiyabao s. f. rheumatism. Gathjora, s. m. see Gathbandhan. Gathri, s.f. a bundle, packet, parcel. Gathri bandhna, v. a. to pack up. Gathri karna, v. a. to add ( figm-es). Gathua, s. m. knots in cloths. Gati, s.f. state, condition ; salvation. Gatiya, s. f. a small bundle. Gatpat, s. f. higgledy-piggledy, con- fusion. Gatta, s. m. the part of the pipe which fixes into the top of the metal part of a huqqa. Qattha, 8. m. a bundle, package, pack^; root of onion, &c. Gau, s. f. a cow. GAY [ 89 3 GHA Gauchi", «. /. a hole or pit. Gaudaii, 8. in. gilt of a cow. Gaugii, 8. m. prop. Ghauglia, noise, disturbance, uproar, clamour. Gaubar, 8. m. essence, substance ; a pearl, a jewel, a gem. Gaukh, 8. m. a portico. GauQ, 8. /. opportunity, advantage. Gauua, «. m. bringing home a wife. Gauoghat, s. f. power, opportunity. Gaur, 8. in. an ancient city, for- merly the capital of Bengal. Gaur, 8. f. prop. Ghaur, which see. Gaura, s. /. a name of tlie goddess Parwati : «. m. a cock-sparrow. Gauraiya, 8. f. a hen-sparrow; a huqqa made of earth. Gauri, 8. f. a name of the goddess Parwati. Gaur karnti, v. a. prop. Ghaur kamd, to reflect, consider, meditate. Gausdla, s. f. a cow-house. Gaut, 8. fodder. Gaw, 8. f. a cow. Gtiwii glii.s. m. cow's clarified butter. Gawiih, 8. in. a witness, an evidence. Gttwahi, 8. f. evidence, testimony, witness. Gawiih i denti, to witness, to testify. Gawaiyti, ». in. a singer. Gawiiim, v. a. to cause to sing. (Tlawara, I adj. palatable, agreeable, (lawiirii, I i)leiiHunt. Gawiini knriia, to i'hooHc, to like, to take upoiKHic'swlf truublf, &<\ (lawdi, lulj. a siinplotoi), bloi'khead. (i^wdida, 8. in. a kintl of broad, (idwdum, adj. tlnck at tlie one end and thin ut tlio other, tii|Hc«t. Qhachipdra, f. m. name of a guuie» GhiU*, «. m. a wound, a wirt*. (jiiiaffiir, adj. forgiving (tho deity.^ (jihafll, adj. negiigi«nt, indolent, re* miss, can.do«.s tlioughtle.HS. (jrhulil houa, v. n. to bo uegligenti indolent, sensulcbs. GHAL [ 90 ] GHAM Ghafili, "Is. /. carelessness, negli- Ghaflat, / gence, neglect. Qhafs, adj. tliick, close (as cloth), compact, substantial. Ghafiir, adj. clement, merciful, for- * giving. Ghagas, s. m. a large kind of fowl. Ghagb, adj. old, aged, sly, wily, shrewd. GMghS;}^- ^- ^ petticoat. Glial, s. f. number five (in reckon- ing), tbe interval between the fingers or toes. Ghaib, adj. absent, concealed, in- visible ; (substantively) the third person in grammar. Q-haib. adj. latent, concealed, absent, invisible, mysterious. Ghaibdan, adj. skilled in discover- ing mysteries ; omniscient. Ghaibdani, s. /. knowledge of mys- teries. Ghaibghulla bona, "prop. Ghaibghu- lela bona, to be lost or absent. Ghaib bona, to vanish, to disappear. Ghaibi, adj. absent, invisible. Ghail, adj. wounded. Ghair, adj. improp. Gar, other, dif- ferent, foreign: adv. besides, without, except. Ghairat, s. f. modesty. Ghairatmand, adj. modest, bashful. Ghairhazir, adj. absent, away. Ghairhaziri, s. f. absence, non-ap- pearance, non-attendance. Gbairmumkin, adj. impossible. Ghairmunasib, adj. unfit, improper. Ghairwajib, adj. wrong, unjust, un- reasonable. Ghau'wajibf, s. /. injustice, unrea- sonableness. Ghalaba, s. m. superiority, pre-emi- nence, conquest. [conquer. Ghalaba, karna, to overcome, to Gbalat, adj. wrong, erroneous : s. m. error, mistake. Ghalatfahami, s. f. mistake, mis- conception. Ghalatf, s. f. a mistake, an error. Ghalib, adj overcoming, victorious, predominant. Ghalib bona, to overcome, to con- quer, to excel. Ghaliclia,! s. m. a particular kind Ghalicha,) of carpet. Ghaliz, adj. dirty, filthy : s. m. filth, mud, dirt, human excrement. Ghalla, s. m. grain or corn (in ge- neral.) Ghallafarosb, s. m. a grain-merchant . Ghalmel, adj. jumbled. Ghalna, v. a. to make water, &c., muddy by stimng it. Ghalti, 8. /. a mistake, an error. Gham, s. f. sunbeams, sunshine. Gham, s. f. grief, sorrow, concern. Ghamaliida, adj. grieved. Ghamana, v. n. to sun, to bask in the sun. Ghamand, s. m. pride, haughtiness. Ghamandi, adj. haughty, proud. Gliamar, adj. simple, artless ; a blockhead. [afflicted. Ghamdida, adj. accustomed to grief, Ghamgin, adj. sorrowful, dispirited. Ghamgusar, an alleviator of grief, an intimate friend. Ghamgusarf, s. /. alleviation of grief, friendship. Ghami, adj. sorrowful, grieved : s. /. grief, sorrow. Ghamir, "i adj. patient, enduring ; Ghamira, / deep (as water.) Gham karna, to lament, to grieve. Gham khana, to grieve, to mourn, to have patience. Ghamkhwar, adj. condoling, pity- ing, a comforter; afflicted, sad; an intimate friend. ■ Ghamkhwari, s. f. affliction, com- miseration. Ghamnak, adj. sorrowful, sad. Ghamnaki.s./.sorrowfulness, sadness. Ghamori, s. /. tbe prickly heat. Ghamrasida, adj. afflicted. Ghamsan, s. m. battle engagement. Gham ut liana, to suffer grief. GHAR [ 91 ] GHAR Ghamzada, adj. grieved, afflicted. Gban, s. f. as much as is thrown in at one time into a mill or mortar, &c. Ghan, 8. m. a sledge-hammer. Ghana, adj. thick, close, confused, numerous, many. Ghanera, adj. much, many. Ghangliolnti, v. a. to rinse ; to mix any liquid by stirring it about. Ghani, 8. /. see Ghan. Ghani, aclj. rich, wealthy, indepen- dent. Qhanim, s. m. an enemy, an adver- sary. Qhanimat, s. /. plunder, gain, good fortune, a blessing. Qhanirnat jiinna, v. a. to regard as prey, or as what cost nothing. Gliags, 8. m. grass, straw, hay, fodder. Ghantii, «. m. a IjcU, clock, hour. Ghantaii,"! - n i n Ghanti, |«-/-aBmallbell. Gliiio, 8. m. wound, sore. Gliaj), 8. m. brag, boast. GhMpi', lioastor, bragger. C^liap mama, to brag, to boast, to swagger. Qhar, «. m. house, apartment, par- tition (in a box, &c.), drawer, groove. Ghiir, 8. m. a cavern, a cave, a grotto, a ])it. Ghapi, 8. m. a water-pot, an oartlion-pot, a pitcher. GImninif, 8. m. a thatclier, a hut- ])uil(l('r. (ihaniiui, 8. m. family, household. Ghani ra, 8. m. a large sjick. (.iharat, 8, /. rapiuc, plundtT, doviw- tation, ruin, (U struct ion. Qharatgar, 8. ?/i. a plundoror, an oppressor. Qhamt karnd, v. a. to plunder, to ravngc, to 8i>oil. Ghnraniulii, ». m. a small house which childi-ou make to play in. Gharaz, «./. wish, view, design, oc-* casion, interestedness ; adv. in short, in fine. Gharaz nikalna, to be successful in a design. Gharaz nikalna, to make a design, succeed. Gharaziimez, ) adj. designing, sel- Gharazashna, / lish, interested. Gharb, s. m. the setting of the sun ; the west. Ghar ba ghar, adj. from house to house. Ghar baithna, to be tumbled down (as a house); to be out of em- ploy. Gharbar, 8. m. family. Gharbiir basiinii, v. a. to consum- mate a marriage, to establish a family. Gharbar bona, v. r?. to undergo the consummation of a marriage. Gharbari, s. f. house wil'ory, domes- tic concerns. Ghar bastinji, to estiiblish a family. Gharbi, adj. western, occidental. Ghar diibnii, to be ruinetl. Ghar dubona, v. a. to ruin one's self and children. Gharela, (idj. domestic, tame. Giuirghalii, adj. ruining. Ghar ghar, adv. from house to house. Ghari", 8. /. a clock, a watch, an hour, the space of twenty-four minutes. (ihanb, adj. ix>or, needy, mild, meek, hunibl<», ipiiet, fn^e from vice (a horse) ; 8. in. a ytninger. Ghari'lmna. «(//. for the [hmjt. Gharib ghumba, the |>oor. (^hanbi', 8. /. liuinility, mildnosSt nuH-knt'ss, j)«)verty. (.Iharibmar, 8. /. oppn'8sion, tyranny, oppression of Ujo iH>or. Qharibnawtiz, adj. courteous to strangers, kind to tlie {>oor, ho»> piUible. Qharibuawazi', «./. ho,si»it:ilitv GHAS [ 92 ] GHAT Gharibparwar, adj. cherislier of the poor, charitable. Gharibparwari, s.f. cherishing the poor. Ghariwak,/ «• ^. a watch-maker. Ghariya, s. f. a crucible. Ghariyal, s. m. a crocodile. Ghariyali, s. m. the person who attends the Ghari and strikes the time. Ghar karna, to fix, to settle, to establish a family. Ghar ki log, a wife, family, house- hold. Gharna, v. a. to make, to form, to forge, to work (metals.) Gharnai, s. /. a raft made of pots, a float (of pots.) Gharoncha, s. m.| a stand for water- Gharonchi, s. /. / pots, &c. Ghar par jana,! to become pits or Ghar parna, / caverns (spoken of wounds that become great.) Gharq, adj. drowned. Gharqab, s. m. deep water. Gharq bona, to be drowned. Gharqi, s. f. flooding lands, inunda- tion. Gharra, s. m. a rattling noise in the throat which dying people are afflicted with, pain, agony, pang. Gharra, s. m, pride. Ghariir, s. m. pride, vain-glory. Gharur men ana, to become proud. Gharwala, s. m. a housekeeper, a master of a house. Gharzi, adj. interested, selfish, de- ' signing. Ghas, s. /. grass, straw, hay, fodder. Ghasab, s. m. violence, oppression, injustice. Ghash, 8. m, stupor, fainting. Ghash ana, \ v. n. to faint, to Ghash parna,/ swoon. Ghasitna, v. n. to be dragged, to be trailed. Ghasitna, v. a. to pull, to drag, to trail. Ghasiyara, s. m. a grass-cutter. Ghasiyarin, s. f. a female grass- cutter. Ghasna, v. n. to be rubbed : v. a. to rub. Ghaspat, s. m. sweepings. Ghassal, s. m. one whose business it is to wash the bodies of the dead. Ghat, s.f. aim, design, snare, am- buscade; killing, slaughter. Ghat, adj. deficient (as in weight), dear (rate), low (price) : s. m. a landing-place, ferry, a quay, a bathing-place on a river-side. Ghat. s. f. mind, heart, soul, thought: adj. dear (rate), low (price.) Ghata, s. f. cloudiness, clouds. Ghata, s. m. deficiency, abatement, reduction. Ghatana, v. a. to decrease, to dimi- nish, to allay, to lessen. Ghatao, s. m. reduction, falling (as of a river or of the price of any thing.) Ghatarghiin, s. cooing (^as of doves.) Ghatarghun karna, to coo, to bill. Ghatatop, s. m. a covering of a palki or carriage. Ghatawna, v. a, to reduce, to cause to subside or fall. Ghat barh, adv. more or less. Gliati, s. /. a strait, a pass (in a mountain, &c.) Ghati. s. f. diminution, decrease, abatement, loss (in trade.) Ghatiya, adj. low-priced. Ghatiya, s. m. a brahman who sits in a Ghat to keep the clothes, &c. of those wlio resort to make ablu- tion. Ghat karna, v. a. to kill, to waylay, to lie in ambush. Ghatmar, s. m. a snuiggler. Ghatna, v. n. to abate, to decrease, to lessen, to be depressed. Ghai]>at, s. m. congression, shock, conflict. GHER [ 93 ] GHIS Ghatta, 8. m. a corn (on the foot.) Ghattr, 8. f. decrease, alleviation, abatement, loss (in trade, &c.) Ghatii, (idj. deceitful, treacherous. Gliatwal, \ 8.m. wharfinger, a ferry- Ghat war, / man. Ghaud, 8. f. a bunch or cluster of grapes, dates or plantains. Ghaugha, 8. m. noise, disturbance, uproar, clamour, alarm. Ghaughiii, adj. noisy, clamorous : s. m. a disturber ; name of a bird. Ghaughap, adj. deceitful, knavish. Ghaur, s. f. refiection, consideration, deliberation, meditation. Ghaur karna, v. a. to reflect, con- sider, meditate. Ghaurpardukht, «. /. attention to, attention on. Ghaw, 8. m. a wound, a sore. (Thiiyal, adj. wounded. Ghazab, 8. m. violence, oppression, vengeance, anger, curse, cala- mity. Gliazab karnii, v. a. to oppress, to tyrannise (over) ; to offer a low pricci for any thing. Gliazjil, 8. f. an ode, an amatory p(Kjni. Qiiiizi, 8. m. a cx»nqueror, a hero; one wlio tights against infidels. Qhazunard, «. m. a lioro, a liorso. Giicga, \8.m. a swollen or Derby- (ilicgha, / shire neck. Giienchna, v. a. to pull, to draw, to tighten, to paint. Ghepnd, v. a. to mix, to minpflo, to unite into a paste (as flour and water.) Ghor, adj. round, surrounding, loose (as a rolH)), winding : s. in, circuit, cireumferenco. Glieni, adj. round, aurroundod : ii.m. a circle, a fence, a siege : a hoop. Gheni djilnu, v, «. to 8urn)uud, to lay a siege Ghordiir, mlj. full, loose (as a robe), circular, ©xteusive. Ghere mea parna, to be sur- rounded. Gher ghar kama, v. a. to surround, to stop or hinder. Gherna, v. a. to surround, to encircle, to fence, to enclose, to blockade. Gherni, 8. f. a handle for turning a spinning-wheel. Ghetla, 8. m. a kind of shoe. Ghewar, 8. f. a kind of sweetmeat. Gliibat, 8. /. speaking ill of any one behind his back, backbiting, slander. Ghibat kama, to slander, to traduce. Ghiclipich, adj. ^ick, confused, muddy. Ghigana, v. n. see Ghighiyana. Ghighi bandli jana, v. n. to fiilter, t<^ be unable to speak (from shame or fear, &c. j Ghighiyana, v. n. to falter ; to appear very humble ; to coax, to wheedle ; to implore. Ghikuwiir, «. m. name of a medicinal plant. Ghilaf, 8. m. a case, a cover, a sheatli, an outer garment. Ghin, «. /. disgust, shame, Ixishful- ness. Ghintinil, v. n. to bo disgustetL Ghinauna, adj. disgusting, uboi nable, fultM)me. Ghinchnti, v. a. to pull, to draw. tight«in. (ihin khiiiui, r. n. to bo disgusted , i" have the stomach turned. Ghirtinii, v. a, to cause to surrouuil or enclose. (fhiriKi, r. »i. to bo sum^undcd ondoMod ; to gatluT (as Uio oloud.«. Qlurni. «. /. a pulley, on iiuinimeDt for twisting n>|H'H. Ghirni khami, to go round. CJhisiinji, r. ». to ctiusc to rub, to wear. Ghistio, «. m» \ attrition, rubbing, Ghisiiwa^,*./. / friotiou. Ghisiyauu, v. a. to trail, to drag. GHOT [ 94 ] GllUX Gliisna, v. n. to be rubbed, to be abraded : v. a. to rub, to whet, to beat. Gliiya, s. m. name of a vegetable, a pumpkin. Gliiza, s. /. aliment, diet, provision, food. Ghol, s. m. butter-milk. Ghol, s. m. a crowd, a gang. Ghola, s. m. an intoxicating potion made of bhang or opium. Ghol ka ghol, crowd upon crowd. Gholmel, s. m. mixture, mixing. Gholua, V. a. to mix with a liquid, to dissolve. Ghompna, v. a. to thrust, to stab. Ghouga, s. m. a cockle, a cockle- ^ shell, a snail, ^honsla, s. m. a bird's-nest. Ghonti, s. /. a decoction for infants. Ghontnii, v. a. to polish by rubbing ; to investigate ; to strangle. Ghor, adj. gloomy, dark, horrible, awful. Ghora, s. m, a horse ; the cock (of a gun), the knight (at chess.) Ghora charhana, to cock a gun. Ghore ko sarpat phenkna, to force a horse to his utmost speed. Ghoresawar, s. m. a horseman. Ghori, s. f. a mare. Ghos, s. m. name of a caste, a cow- herd. Ghosi", s. m. a Muhammadan milk- man, a cowherd. Gliot, s. /. polish. Ghota, s. m. dipping, diving ; a dip, a dive. Gliotabaz, s. m. a diver. Ghota dena, v. a. to dip, to plunge under water, to baptize. Ghota khana, v. n. to be dipt, to dive, to dip. Ghotakhor, s. m. a diver. Ghotakhori, s. f. dipping, being dipt. Ghota marna, see Ghota khana. Gliotam ghata, s. m. a game in which swimmers dip one another under water. Ghot marna, to disappear. Ghot men ana. *to faint. Ghot men jana, Ghotna, u. a. to polish, to shave. Ghotni, s. f. a rubber. Ghubar, s. m. dust, clouds of dust. Ghubara, s. m. a kind of firework. Ghubaraliid, ) covered or polluted Ghubaraliida, / with dust. Ghughii, s. m. an owl ; a blockhead. Ghul, s. m. f. noise, din, outcry, tu- mult. Ghulam, s. m. a slave, servant. Ghulam iiona, to be a slave. Ghulami, s. /. service, slavery. Ghulana, I u a. to allure, to deceive, Ghulana, j to dissolve, to melt. Ghulel, s. /. a pellet-bow. Ghulela, ) ha Ghulela, r-'"-^P«"'^*-' Ghulelbaz, s. m. a pelleter (with a bow.) Ghulelbazi, s. /. pelleting. Ghulghapara, s. m. clamour, dis- turbance. Ghul raachana, to make a noise, outcry or tumult ; to hoot. Ghulna, v. n. to melt, to be dissolved ; to rot (as fruit) ; to become lean, to waste. Ghulwana, v. a. to cause to mix with a liquid, to cause to dissolve. Ghiim, back, round, about. Glmmana, v. a. to turn round, to whiii round, to circulate, to encir- cle ; to delude. Ghumana phirana, to prevaricate. Ghumghumala, adj. loose (as a robe); full. Ghiimna, v. n. to go round, to re- volve, to turn, to roll, to wheel, to whirl. Ghumri, s. f. the vertigo, swimming of the head. Ghun, s. m. name of an insect de- structive to wood, grain, &c., a weevil. Ghuna, adj. wood, grain, &c. de- stroyed by the Ghun ; weevil-eaten. GHUR [ 95 ] GHUS Oiiuncha, 8. m. a bud, blossom. (iliuiichadahan, 8. m. with a mouth like a rosebud. Gliunda, 8. m. a fop. (ihundi 8.f. a button. Gliiingar, s. w. a curl. Gliiingarwala bal, curled hair. Gliungch/, 8. /. a small red and black seed. Ghiinghat, 8. /. a veil. Ghiinghat ktlrhna, to draw a veil over the face. Ghunghut kama, to veil. Gliuiighciir, 8. /. a small red and black seed. Ghunghunanii, v. n. to hum, to buzz. Ghiingiii', 8. /. a sort of stir-about, or grain of any kind (pulse or wheat, (fee.) boiled whole with sugar. Ghiingru, 8, m. name of an orna- ment worn round the ankles, with )>clls fastened to it ; a small l^ell. Ghunnii, v. n. to become worm or weevil eaten (as wood, grain, &c.) : culj. reserve (as a person.) Qhunna, 8. m. a sound through ilio nose, the buzzing of flies: adj. quiescent, nasid (the letter oO Ghiius, 8. m. a baudicote rat; a })ril)e. GliiiQHii, 8. VI. the clinched fist. (ihiios demi, to give bribes. (iiiuuHo liinui, to ligiit with the lists, t(» box. GhiiOskkanu. |totakobrilH38. (liiiiiit, 8. m. u gulp, a draught, pull. Ghiinii, g.f. a decoction for infnntjt. (Jhuniua, v. a. to gulp, to drink, to H will low. (ilmp, (ulj. dark. (iliupchup, adj. silent, mule. (iliuj-, 8. in. conimrt. of Ghopi, a horsf, UHtul in e()ini)o.sition. (ihuni, «. m. a dunghill, a heap of sweepings. Qhunilu. 8. pi. (of ghariV, stran- gers, the poor. Ghurakna, v. a. to browbeat, to reprimand, to frown at. Ghurbahal, s. /. a four-wheeled car- riage drawn by horses. Ghufcharha, s. in. | a rider, one on Ghurcharhi, 8./. | horseback. Ghurdauf , 8. /. a race-course. Ghurghura, s. m. the mole-cricket. Ghurki, 8. /. rebuff, browbeating, rebuke, frowning at. GhurmuQliii, adj. horse-faced. Ghiirnii, v. a. to stare at, to fix the eyes on, to look at angrily. Ghurra, 8. m. the first day tlio new moon is seen: adj. vacant, void, unemployed. Ghurnimi, v. n. to frown. Ghurriiz, adj. frowning, haughty. Ghufsiil, I „ ^ „ Ghurs^ila, /'-^-^ stable. Ghuriib, 8. m. setting (of the sun, &c.) ; the west. Ghuriib honii, v. n. to bo set (tho sun, moon, &c.) (xhiis, 8. m. a baudicote rat; a bribe. (Jhusii, 8. m. tho clinchetl fi.st. (fhusal, 8. )/), see Qhusl. (ihus:unghusii, 8. vk ihuiiiping and pulling, lM>xing. Ghustinu, v. a. to thrust in, to stuff in, to cram, to force in. Ghuscfnti, v. u, to cnuu, to Uirust, to stutV, to foreo. Ghusipni, v, n. to be thrust or Htufted in. (,ihu.sl. 8. m. Inthing, ablution. Oluisl kanui, to Imthe. (.thusl^^uiuu, 8, m. a bath, a buthi room. Ghusnii, v. iu to bo Uirust in, to enter, to itcnotrnte, to muddle. Ghusiwi^h, 8./. ncc€«8. (^hussti, 8. m. anger, passio; ^hus^a liomi, to bu iu a p. bo ougry. GIN [ 96 3 GIK Ghussa karna, to rage. Gliussanak, | adj. passionate, hot- Ghussawar, j headed. Gliusse, adj. angry. Ghusse se, angrily, Ghusse se bhiit hojana, to rage like a fiend. Ghiit, s. m. gulp, draught. Ghutai, 8. /. polish. Ghutana, v. a. to shave clean, to polish. Ghuti, 8. /. the ankle. Ghutna, v. a. to gulp, to drink, to guzzle. Ghutna, s. m. the knee : v. n. to be rubbed. Ghutni chalna, | v. n. to walk Ghutnon chalna, / on the knees, to crawl about on the knees (as a child.) Ghutti, 8. /. the ankle. Ghuwa, 8. m. a coarse kind of cotton. Gidar, s. m. a jackal. Gidarbhabki, 8. /. bullying, bluster, bravado. Giddb, 8. m. a vulture. Gila, j 8. m. complaint, lamentation, Gila, / reproach, blame. Gila, adj. moist, damp, wet. Gilahri, s. /. a squirrel. ^ Gilauri, s. f. betel-leaf prepared and folded up. Gill, adj. of earth or clay, earthen. Gillawa, 8. m. prepared mud for plaster. Gilti, adj. gilded. Gimti, 8. /. a kind of cloth. Gfn, a particle which added to nouns, denotes possessed of, full of, affected with. Ginana, v. a. to cause to count, &c. Gmjua, V. n. to crumble, to rub with the hands. Ginna, v. a. to count, to reckon, to number, to calculate, to com- pute. Ginti", 8. /. number, reckoning, ac- ■ count, muster; the first day ofi the month. Ginti karna, to muster, to count. Ginti lena, to have anything count- ed, to have muster taken. Ginwana, v. a. to cause to count. Gir, in compos, taking, seizing, hold- ing, holder, catcher, conqueror. Gira dena, see Girana. Girah, s. /. see Girih. Girahbaz, s. m. a kind of pigeon. Girah parna, dissension arising be- tween two people. Giran, adj. heavy, important, precious, dear. Girana, v. a. to cause to fall, to let down, to throw down, to spill. Girani, s. f. scarcity, dearth ; weight, importance. Girau, s. m. improp. Giro, a pledge, a pawn. Gird, 8. m. round, circuit, circum- ference, environs. Girda, s. m. a circle, a circular form, a ring, a hoop; a round cake of bread, a wafer : adj. round. Girdagird, j s. m. all roundj Girdbagird, / round about, a- round, about. Girdnawah, s. /. environs. Gireban, s. m. a collar (of a gar- ment), cape. Gireban men munh dalna, to confess and be ashamed of one's faults. Girewan, s. m. see Gireban. Girgirana, v. a. to beseech, to im- plore earnestly and humbly. Girgit, 8. m. a large kind of lizard. Girhast. s. m. a householder, a peasant, a husbandman. Girhasti", s. /. husbandry, house- keeping. Girhist, s. m. see Girhast. Girhistf, s. /. see Girhasti. Giri, 8. /. in compos, taking, seizing. GO [ 97 ] GOL (;-iiift, a. f. taking, capture, seizui'e ; an objection, criticism. Giriftiir, adj. vulg. Giripdar, ar- rested, seized, Ciiptive, prisoner, involved (in trouble, &c.) Giriftiir bona, to become a prisoner. Giriftan', s. f. seizure, imprisonment, embarrassment. Giriftar karna, to arrest, to seize, to capture, to captivate. Giriftar pakarna, to catch a run- away prisoner. Girih, «. /. a knot, knuckle, joint; a division of a gaz or yard. Giripdar, adj. see Giriftiir. Giripdar karnii, see Giriftar karna. Giriya, «. m. crying, weeping, la- mentation, plaint. Giriya karna, to weep, to cry, to lament. Giriya o zdri, 8. f. bewailing. Girja, «. m. a Gliristian place of worship, divine service, preach- ing, prayer. Girmi, v. n. to fall, to drop, to sink, to tmnble down. Giro, s. m. see (xirau. (iir i)arna, v. n. to fall or tumble down. Girto parte, with difficulty, witli much ado. (iirwanu, v. a. to cause to tlirow tlown, ifcv. (lirw'u. } '''^. Pl^^lK«. /. a bullet, a lull, a pill, a marble (for playing with.) GoU4<^4>^ *• ***• namu of a game. GOS C ] GUCH Goli mama, to shoot a ball (at.) Golniirch, s. f. black pepper. Golsa, adj. roundish. Gomiifr, s. m. the urine of a cow. Gon, s. f. a sack, bag (of coarse canvas), the sacks in wliich bullocks carry grain. Goncl, s. /. gum. Gonddanf, s. f. a vessel for holding gum. Gontlia, s. m. dried cow-dung, Gop, s. m. a cowlierd, a dairyman: s. f. a gold necklace. Gopal, s. m. a cowherd, one of the names of Krishna. Goplian, 8. f. a sling (for throwing with.) Gopf, s. f. the female of Gop. Gor, s. /. a tomb or grave. Gor, s. m. the leg, foot. Gora, adj. white, fair (complex- ioned; : s. m. a European soldier. Gora it, s. m. a watchman. Goras, s. m. milk, butter-milk, curdled milk. Gorh, s. m. the leg, foot. Gori', s. f. taking away. Gor-i-ghariban, a burying-ground for strangers. Gori karna, to take away, to steal, to walk off wit] 1. Goristan, s. m. a burying-ground. Gorkan, s. m. a grave-digger. Gorki lar, s. m. a wild ass. Gorii, s. m. /. an ox, a cow. Goriiadhukan, s. m.evening twilight. Gosa, adj. prop. Ghussa, which see. Gosafn, s. m. the Deity, a saint, a holy person. Gosainya, s. m. the Deity. Gosfand, s. f. a goat. Gosh, 8. m. the ear; corrup. of Gosht, meat, flesh. Gosha, 8. m. a corner, closet, cell, retirement, an angle. Gosliagir, s. m. a hermit. Goshaiiishin, retired, a hermit, so- litary. Goshanishi'ni, s. f. life of a hermit. Gosli guzar bona, to be heard. Goshguzar karna, to make pass into the ear, to hear, or to make to hear. Goshmali, s. f. rebuke, chastisement by pulling the ears. Gosht, 8. m. meat, flesh. Gosliwai-, adj. prop. Ghussawar, passionate, hot-headed. Goshwara, s. m. an e ar-ring ; boring the ears (of female children) ; an abstract of an account. Gospand, s. /. a goat. Got, 8. f. the hem of a garment ; a counter piece or man at back- gammon, cliess, &c. Got, 8. m. parentage, lineage, pedi- gree. Gota, 8. m. prop. Ghota, dipping, diving, a dip, a dive. Gota, 8. m. gold or silver lace or edging; person. Gota khana, see Ghota khana or mama. Gotakhor, 8. m. prop. Ghotaklior, a diver. Gota mama, see Ghota khana. Goti, 8. f. the small-pox, a pock. Gotiya, s. m. a relation, a kinsman. Goya, part. act. speaker: adv. as you would say, as if, one would say, thus. Goyai, 8. f. conversation, eloquence. Goz, 8. m. a fart. Grah, s. m. a planet. Grahan, s. m. an eclipse ; seizing, taking, accepting. Grahan karna, v. a. to accept, "to consent to. Granth, s. / a book, particularly the book of the Sikh religion. Gii, 8. f. human excrement, dung, filth. Gubliana,! v. a. to thrust, to stick Gubhona,/ into. Guchchha, s. m. a cluster (of fruit), a bunch (of keys.) GUG [ 99 ] GUL Giida, 8. m. brain, man-ow, kernel, pith, crumb. Gudakra, s. m. lap, bosom, embrace. Gudal, 8. f. a tumult, a noise, uproar. Gudiim, 8. m. a warehouse, a go- down, a magazine, a storehouse. Gudaf, 8. m. a quilt, a bundle of old clothes, old tattered clothes; a kind of silk stuff. Gudara, «. m. prop. Guzara, a ferr}-, a ferry-boat. Gudardtis, see Gudayiya. Gudiire ka ghat, landing-place of a ferry-boat. Gudiir(! ki niio, a ferry-boat, (iudariya, adj. clothed in patched garments or in rags. Gudaf sina, v. a. to make patchwork. Gudast, 8. m. prop. Guziisht, the past. (iuddf, 8. f. a chil\vder whicU IIinr, Giiru,/ teacher, sch(xjlmaster. Gurumid^h honti, v. n. to become a scholar or disciple. Gusal, 8. m. prop. Qhusal, bathing, ablution. Gusal karna, prop. Ghusal kamd, to bathe. GusaHchana, a. m. prop. QhusaHdiana, a bath, a batliing-room. Gussa, 8. m. prop. Qhussa, anger, passion, rage. Gusse, adj. prop. Ghusso, angry. Gustiiyi, adj. presumptuous, rude, insolent, saucy, uncivil. Gustiikhi, 8. /. presumption, inso- lence, saucine^s, rudeness. Gustti\|[hi karnii, to proouuio, to be arrogjint, rude, &c Gutakmi, r. ». to swallow ; to coo. (iuthlii, adj. being set on uii tnlgi^ (the Uvtii) : «. m. ttwdliug (from a blow.) Guthli*. »./. Uio stone of a fniit. n ball or jKilh't of anything. Giithmi, r. a. to string pearls, \ to spit or put on a spit. Gutluui, r. N. to Ih) strung. Gutkii, 8. in. a pill. (tUAar, 8. m. admission, appn^eb. (fU/4ir, in rominm. (KTforming, exe- cuting, paying. Guziim, 8. TM. ru/rop. Hazjiri bdairi, which see, Uiijut, 8. f. need, want, noccsaity. Hajatmand, adj. necessitous, indi- gent. Hajat rafa karna, to go to the neces- sary. Hajr, 8. m. a pilgrim to Mecca. Hajir, adj. prop. Huzir, which see. Hiijir houii, prop, llazir bona, which see. Hiijiri, 8. f. prop. Hazirf, which see. Hajiri khami, prop. Haziri khana, to breakfast. Hajir jawab, adj. prop. Hazir jawdb, pert, answering wittingly. Hajir o najir, prop. Hiizir o nazir, present and st eing. Hajir rahnii, prop. Hazir rahn.'. attend, to wait on. Hajir jamin, «. w. prop. Hazir 7.amiii. which see. Hajir jamini', «./. prop. Hazir ziimi- which see. Hajj, s. m. pilgrimage to Mecca. Haj[iara, «. m. a barber, a shaver. Hajjumin, «, /. a barbers witt . female of the barber ciK->te. Hajm, 8. 7/1. prop. Hazm, digostion. Huim karna, prop. Hazm karnii, to digest, to embezzle. Ha jo, 8.f. satire. Hajo karnsi, to siitirize. Hajrat. prop. Hazrat, whioli see. llujmt fsii, prop. Hazrut fsii, Jt. . Chri.st. Hajrat sahimat, pn>p, Hazrat saM< mat, whioli hce, Hak, prop. Ha. in rt»ulity. Hakim. ». m. a ruler, a governor, a monitor. HAL [ 104 ] HAL Hakim, s. m. a doctor, a physician. Hakim bona, to become a ruler. Hakimi', s.f. the practice of medicine. Hakimf, s.f. rule, government, do- minion. Hakim waqt, the present ruler or rulers. Hakkabakka, adj. confused (when any tiling is to be done.) Hakkak, s. m. a cutter and polisher of precious stones, Sec. Haklaha, s. m. a stammerer. Haklana, v. n. to stutter, to stammer, to falter. Hak marna, prop. Haqq, &c., to de- prive one of his rights. Hak men, prop. Haqq men, with respect to, in behalf. Hak na hak, prop. Haqq, &c., adv. rig] it or wrong, for nothing. Hal, s. m. a plough. Hal, s. m. state, condition, the pre- sent time ; ecstacy ; tire (of a wheel) : adv. now, soon. Hala, s. m. a halo, or circle round the moon. Halabi, adj. from or jDelonging to Aleppo. Halabi aina, s. m. a kind of looking- glass of very thick glass. Haldhal, s. m. poison. Hala hall chalna, to go or walk in haste or quickly. Halak, adj. lost, destroyed : s. m. perdition, ruin, destruction, death. Halakat, s.f. ruin, destruction, death. Halak hona, v. n. to be killed, to perish, to be fatigued. Halaki, s. f. perdition, ruin, destruc- tion. Halak karna, v. a. to destroy, to distress, to kill. Halal, adj. legal, lawful, allowable, (to eat, &c.) Halal karna, v. a. to slay according to the forms prescribed by the Muhammadan religion, to slaugh- ter ; to marry. Halalkhor, s. m. a Muhammadan sweeper ; a person of the lowetit caste who cleans the privy, &c. Halalkliorin, s. f a Muhammadan female sweeper. Hal ana, to be thrown into ecstacies. Halanki, adv. whereas, though, al- thougli, notwithstanding. Halapna, v. n. to toss and tumble about, to shudder in a fever. Halaq, s. m. the windpipe. i Halat, s. f. state, condition, posture of one's affairs or case. Halat, s. (plur. of Halat), states, &c. Halawat, s. f. sweetness, freshness'; condition, strength. Halbalabat, s. /. hurry, confusion. < Halbalana, v. n. to hurry, to be con- fused. Hal be hal hona, to be out of condi- tion, to be in bad circum,stances. Hal charhana, to tire (a wheel.) Haldi, s. /. turmeric. Half, s. an oath. Haifa, s. m. a billow, a wave, a surge, Haifa marna, to billow, to wave. Half uthana, to swear (bj the Quran.) Halbalana, v. n. to shake or tremble from -the effect of an ague, &c. Hal hall, s. f. an ague. Half, adj. modern, new : adv. now, soon. Hall hall chalna, to go or walk in haste or quickly. Hall hall karna, to make haste, to work expeditiously. Halim, s. m. cress, cresses. Halim, adj. mild, meek, gentle : s. m. a kind of food. Haljota, s. m. a tiller, a ploughman. Hal jotna, v. a. to plough. Halka, s. m. prop. Halqa, which see. Halka, adj. light (in weight or character); mean, lively, silly, easy, cheap, Halkaf, s. /. lightness, levity. Halka janna, to disdain to disesteem. HAL [ 105 ] HAM Halka karna, to lighten, to ease, to debase, to abase, to aftront. Halkan, adj. confounded, confused, tired, wearied. Ilalkapan, s. m. despicableness, meanness. Halkhor, s. m. prop. Halalkhor, which see. Halkorna, v. a. to gather, to collect. Halla, ) 8. m. uproar, tumult, assault, ► Halla, / attack. Hallakalla, «. m. loquacity, foolisli talk. HalM karnd, to make an uproar, to assault, to attack. Hall kania, to dissolve, to pulverize, to discuss, to solve (a question or difficulty.) Hal o qiU ana, to be thrown into ecstacies. Halora, g. m. wave, billow, surge. Halorna, v. a. to collect, to gatlier. Halpha, s. m. a billow, a wave. Halq, 8. m. the windpipe. Halqa, «. m. a hooj) ; a horse''8 collar ; a string of cattle. Halq par clihuri cliahina, to annoy (for payment), to dun. HtU sal, this year. Hiil se behiil hond, to K; uiiL uf condition, to bo in bad circum- Bt4inC(!H. Iliil shikasta, adj. ruined, distressed, wretched. Haluk, (ulj. 800 Hnlk'd. Huluk jiinna, nee Ilulkti jiiniui. Hnlukpan, see llalkii[)an. Ilalwil, (t. in. a kind of Hwootmcat mnde of tiour, ghi, an t«ko one's yMti, jiuini lionti, to l>ocomo a friend and protiH3U,»r. Hiinnln, adj. f. pregnant. Hiimila hoiui, to c<.>neeiTo, to bo |)n?gnaiit. Htimil so, })n«gnant. Hdnul 80 homi, to W pregnant, Hanii'o. we ourselves. Hamjawiir, a townsman, a neigh- bour. Hamjins, of the same kind or spe- cies ; homogem^nis, fillow-orea- ture. HAM I 106 ] HAN Hamjolf, equal, peor, coeval. Hamkalam, conversing together. Hamkinar, embracing. Hamkhwabf, a bed-fellow, spouse. Haml, 8. m. pregnancy. Hamla, s. m. an attack, an assault. Hanila karna, to attack, to assault, to assail. Hammaktab, a schoolfellow. Hammam, s. m. a bath, a hot bath. Hamniashwarat, adj. of the same counsel, confederate. Hammaslahat, confederated, Hammazhab, of tlie same religion. Hamnam, a namesake, of the same name. Hamnasl, of the same breed. Hamnawiila, a mi^ssmate. Hamiiishin, one who sits with ano- ther, a companion. Hamnishmf, s. f. companionship. Hanipesha, of the same trade. Hamphail, adj. short-winded. Hamplma, 1 v. n. to be out of breath, Hamphna, / to pant. Hampiyala, a pot companion, Hampna, v. n. to be out of breath, to pant. Hamqadd, of equal stature. Hamqaum, of the same tiibe. Hamrah, s. m. a fellow-traveller : adv. with, together with, along with. Hamrahi', s. /. company, society in travelling. Hamrang, adj. of the same colour or disposition. Hanmlz, acquainted with one ano- ther's secrets, agreed. Hamrikab, fellow-rider, attendant. HaiMsabaq, a class-fellow. Hamsafai', a fellow-traveller. Hamsar, an equal, a peer, Hamsaya,a neighbour, neighbouring. Hamsayagf, s. f. neighl;ourhood. Hamshahn', a fellow-citizen. Hamshakl, of the same appearance, alike. a sister. Hamshir, \ Hamshira, j Hamsinn, of equal age. Hamsuhbat, of the same society. Hamumr, of the same age, coeval. Hamwar, adj. even, level, smooth. Hamwara, adv. always. Hamwar karna, to level, to smooth. Hamwatan, a fellow-countryman. Hamwatanf, the being of the same country. Hamwazn, of the same weight. Hamyani, s. f. a purse. Hamzaban, of the same language. Hamzat, of the same caste. Hamzulf, a wife's sister's husband. Hirin, adv. yes, ay, indeed. Handa, s. m. a cauldron. Handasa, s. m. geometry, arithmetic. Handi, "1 s. f. an earthen pot, a Handi, / small cauldron; a kind of a hanging lamp. Hangama, s. m. a crowd, tumult, uproar, riot, diriturbance, assault. Hangama karna, to raise a tumult, to riot. Hank, s. f. cry, bawling, calling to, driving. Hankahank, s. m. driving. Han kahna, to agree. Hankana, v. a. to drive away. Hankarf, adj. proud, self-conceited. Hankarna, v. a. to drive away, to expel, to bawl, to call; to hui«t sails, &c. Hank lana, to fetch (a flock or herd.) Hanklana, v. n. to stammer, to stutter, to speak with difliculty. Hank marna, to bawl after, to call to. Hankna, to drive ; to bawl to. Hank parna, to call after. Hankpukar, s. /. calling ont, call- ing for. Hanoz, adv. yet, hitherto, still. Hanri, | s. f. an earthen pot, Hanriya, / small cauldron. HAQ [ 107 ] HAR i 1 r?"^' } «. »w- a swan, a goose. lIuriBa'', 8./. ridicule. Hansaiia, v. a. to turn into ridicule, to cause to laujj^li, to please, lliiosf, j s. /. lau<2:liter, HaQsi', > laui^hin^-, joke, HaQSi thattha, ) fun, spurt, de- rision, jesting, ridicule, scorn. HaQSi tliattlia karna, to make fun or sport of, to make ligut of, to ridicule. Haosiya, «. m. a sickle. Ha;isli, 8. f. the collar-bcme, a col- lar of gold or silver, &c,, worn round the neck. Haosmukli, adj. elieerful, merry, facetious, jovial, blithe, lliinsna, v. n. to laugli, to deride. Hausof, adj. see Ilausmukh. Ilaosofpan, «. m. fucetiousness, mirtli. Ilanumiin, «. m. the deified monkey who was the ally of Rum; a species of monkey. Ila])hlmpliansi, v. n. to pant, to bo out of 1)11 ath. Ihupqat, H. f. account, narration, state, condition, ability; truth, nidity, fact. Iliui (latan, a(li\ really, truly. 1 lacjujat mcQ, in n ality. Ilaiptp', (ulj. rud, true; own. lIiKpqi l)lmi, a full lirofluT. Ihupr, ailj. mrun, coMtcmptiblf. Jliupr jaumi, to conU'nuj, to dc- Hj)i.se. llutiii, adj. just. Right, true: «. m. tin- Deity: the truth; juhtiee, roc- titu(h', riglit, tluc, ju.st clu.m. lia)mfiture. Hiif, 8. m. a bone. HiUii, adj. gieen, fresh, verdant. Hani, iu comj/os. denotes the per- former of any act, dealer in any article. Harai', s. f. greenness, freshnesji, venlure. Hariikat, 8. /. motion, procedure, action, (usually imi)roper); pre- vention ; hindmnce ; u sh'it vowel. Harakat, s. (plur. of Harak i Vowel points, &c. Hjirakati, 8. m. an interrupter. Harakat karmi, to interrupt, .*• hinder, to do or commit uu im- proper action. Haram, 8. f. concubino ; semglio. Haniuj, «<][/. unlawful (to «u), j hibited. HaciiHl, ilhgitimate. Ilanim', 8. r/i. a ba.'itaid : a rascal. llarami pillii, 8. m. a baMnnl. llanimkar, 8. m. a foniinitor. llar.Mnkari.^ 8./. fornication, ad Ilunimkuri./ tery. llaram kluina, to receive or the wngeB of iniquity. Hunini^iior, «. m. one who livens the wagcM of ini()uity. Haninuuiisj;)!/, .^piual marrow. Ilaraniwal, adj. illegitimate. liaiam/aula, adj. unlawfully be- gotten, bo^tainl; viciou.s (,a horse); luiatddevous : t. im. a wicked niguo, raacal. HAR [ 108 ] HAR Haramzadagf, s. f. rascality, base- ness, villany. Haramzadagi karna, to behave ill, to behave in a rascally manner. Haran, s. m. a deer, an antelope, a hart. Harana, v. a. to win, to overcome, to beat (at a game), to weary, to worst. Hararat, s. /. heat, warmth, burning fever. Harautr, s. /. a cane, a staff; a kind of bamboo. Harba, s. m. arms, warlike appa- ratus. Har bab, every chapter, every cir- cumstance. Harbabi, master of knowledge of every kind ; a factotum. Harba karna, to attack, to thrust at. Har bar, every time. Harbarana, v, n. to be confused, to hurry. Harbari, s. /. hurry, confusion, hasti- ness. Harbariya, adj. easily agitated, irri- table. Harchand, adv. howmuchsoever, howsoever, although. Harchandki, adv. notwithstanding, although. Har dam, every moment. Hard war, s. prop, a famous place of pilgrimage. Har ek, every one, each. Harera, adj. green. Harf, s. m. a letter of the alphabet ; a particle (in grammar ^ ; blame, censure, infamy. Harfaleuri, see Harpharauri. Harf ana, to be incurred (infamy, &c.) Harf ashna, being just able to read, knowing the letters. Harf baithalna, \ to compose for Harfjaraana, j printing. Harf lana, to asperse, to defixme. Harf pakarna, to censiu'e, to criti- cise. Har gah, axJw. whenever, wherever, everywhere. Har ghari, adv. at every hour, often. Hargiz, adv. ever. Hargiz nahin, never. Harguni', adj. skilful, clever. Harharahat, s. f. a crack, crash, sound. Harbarana, v. n. to shudder, to shiver, to crack, to rattle. Har'' I ^" P^^P' ^ Tiame of Vishnu. Haribhajan, s. m. adoration of Vishnu.] [Vishnu. Haribhakt, s. m. a worshipper ci" Haridas, s. m. a servant of Vishnu. Haridwar, n. prop, a famous place of pilgrimage. Harif, adj. clever, cunning : s. m. a rival, an enemy, an adversary. Harila, adj. verdant, green, grassy. Harir, s. m. silk-cloth. Harira, s. m. a kind of pap, a caudle given to lying-in women. Haris, adj. covetous, greedy, glut- tonous. Hariyala, adj. verdant, green, grassy. Hariyana, v. n. to become green, to wax green. Harj, s. m. hindrance, interruption. Harjai", adj. vagabond, stroller; a strumpet. Harjit, s. m. gambling, hazard. Harj it karna, to gamble. Harj marj, s. m. trouble, affliction. Harjora,! s. m. name of a medicinal Harjora,/ plant. Harjota, s. m. a ploughman. Har kahm, everywhere. Harkana, v. a. to frighten awft^ Harkara, s. m. a running footman, a courier, a messenger. j Har koi, every one, whoever. Har lahza, adv. momentarily, eve] y i moment. ^ Har man lena,Uo give up a dispute, Har manna, / or in despair to acknowledge all lost. HAS [ 109 ] HAT Harmuslita, adj. stout, robust, strong, j Hiirinushti', s.f. robustness, strength. Hania, v. n. to be overcome, to be unsuccessful ; to lose, (in play) ; to be tired out : v. a. to lose. Hama, 8. m. a stag, a buck, a male antelope ; a pommel of a saddle. Harnauta, 8. m. a fawn. Harni, 8. f. a doe, a hind. Harraf, adj. ingenious, clever; wicked ; abandoned. Har roz, adv. every day, daily. Har sal, adv. yearly, every year, annual. Harsingar, ) «. m. name of a tree Harsingar, j which bears a flower the stem of which is used in dye- ing. Hartal, «. /. orpiment. Har taraf, adv. every side. Harii, 8. m. a loser. Hariiu, n.prop. Aaron, the brother of Moses. Harwaha, 8. m. a ploughman. Har waqt, adv. always, at all times. Hafwar, A. m. a fanuly burial-placo. Jluryii, adj. green. Har yak, ev<;ry one, each, apiece. Ilaryii kaddii, greeu pumpkiu or l><)ttle gourd. Has, K. in. a consonant JIasab o nnsab, a. m. pedigree, lineage. Ilasad, «./. onvy, malice, emulation, ambition. Hhsui, 8./. sec HuDsdu U^^i'ii. »' in. a pro])er namo, a son of IltiHtind, V. a, to mako or oauao to latigh. lluwh, adv. agreeably, ncconling to, in conformity with. Hash i diH^hwttii, agreeably to ouo's desin>. Hash i hiil, agreeably to oircum- stuucos, as exigoucy may require. Hash ul amr, 1 agreeably to ^" - Hash ul hukm, I ders. Hash ul imkan, as far as possible . Hash ul irshad, agreeably to orders. Hash ul mamiil, agreeably to cus- tom. Hasha lillah, interj. God forbid ! by no means. Hasharat, s. f. the buzzing noise of a crowd. Hasharat ul arz, reptiles, insects, animalcules. Hashiya, 8. in. a margin, hem, bor- der. Hashmat, 8. f. state, dignity, equi- page, retinue. Habhr, *«■. / tlie resurrection. Hashshiish bashshash, adj. joyful. Htisid, 8, m. an enemy. Hasil, 8. m. produce, profit; result, inference, acquiring ; revenue. Hasil, honti, v. n. to be acquiretl, to accrue. Hiisil i kalam, \ . , * i • « H>i8ilkul«m '}"• short. bru.ny. Htisil karmi, to acquire, to gain protluce, to coll* ct, to loaiu. Hnsi'n, adj. btautifiil. Hasiyii, 8. in. a uaping-houk. Hush, a. in. the collar-Unn' ; an or- nament worn nmiut the neck. IlaMui, I'. II. to laugh, to deride. Hiisrat, a./, regn-l, grief. Iliwt, a. f. heing, <>xi>tent. Hat, f ii/*t/. Im' gonu ! fye! HuK a. /. insiiitiiig upou, obstinacy, porversencwj. Hat, a. m. the hand. HiUi 8. /. a market, a moToablo market or fair. Uiita, a. /. prop. Iluitn, a sur- rounding, an oaclosun>, a fence, a compound. IlAt^ik. n. m. uiftoni, d\t^Tvs\K^i. HatakaUi, (u{j. stout aud ucl..., lobust Hat^ni. V. o. to repoU to drivo back- wards, to bock, to wont. HAT [ 110 ] HAT Hatberi', s. f. Imndciiffs!, manacles. Hath, contraction of Hath. Hath, s. m. tlie hand; a cubit; possession, power. Hath, s. w. /. see Hat. Hath, s. f. see Hat. Hatha, banhi karna, to scuffle or strup:ij:le together. Hatli ana, to come into one's pos- session or power, to be obtMined. Hathaura, s. m. a sledge hammer. Hatliaun, s. /. a small liammcr. Hathauti, s. f. dexterity, art, skill. Hath baitlmti, to acquire perfection in any art Iw practice. Hath band bona, to be much en- gaged in business, to have no leisure. Hath band) ma, to supplicate, to entreat earnestly. Hath barhana, to endeavour to get anything, to gain possession of the property of others. Hath bazar, s. m. see Hat. Hatli bazar karna, to market. Hath liajhna, to have the hands full of work. Hath bhar, a full cubit. Hath chalaki, s. /. expertness. Hath chatna, to relish food much. Hathchliiit, s. m. a beater, a striker. Hath dalna, to meddle, to interfere (in.) Hath dena, to concern one's self in or about. Hath dho baithna, to give up in Hath dhona, to be disappointed, to be hopeless, to relinquish. Hathelf, s. f. the palm of the hand. Hathf, s. /. a hair glove for rubbing down horses, a rubber. Hathi adj. peevish, obstinate, per- verse. Hathi, s. m. an elephant. Hathidant, s. m. ivory. Hathi hath karna, to act in con- cord, to pull together. Hathi la, adj. perverse, obstinate, ccmtuniacious. Hathiwan, s. m. an elephant-driver. Hathiya, s. m. the thirteenth man- sion of the moon. Hathiyana, v. a. to seize. Hathiyar, s. f. see Hatiiyar. Hath jhiitl a bona, to have the hands defiled, to miss (as with a sword.) Hath j.>rna, to supplicate, to en- treat (.ariKstly. Hath kamar par rakhna, to be very feeble. Hath kanon par rakhna, to be as- tonished, to deny vehemently. Hatlikara, s. m. \ a handcuff, fetter, Hathkari, s. m. j manacle. Hath karna, to subdue. Hath karna, see Hat kirna. Hath kliainchna, to refrain, to de- sist, to abstain. Hathkhanda, s. m. dexterity, art, knack, style. Hath lagana, to be employed in any business. Hath'lagna, to be employed, to be got, o])tained, acquired. Hath lapak, s. m. a thief, a pilferer. Hath malna, v. n. to regret, to repent, to lament. Hath marna, to plunder, to wound. Hath men ana, see Hath ana. Hath men rakhna, to possess, to hold in subjection. Hath milana, to claim equality, to prepare to wrestle, liathnf, s. /. a frmale elephant. Hatlion hath, quickly, expeditious, out of hand. Hathon hath lejana, to carry away quickly. Hath pahunchna, see Hath ana. Hath pakre lejana, to hand or lead a person. Hathpana, s. m. obstinacy, per- verseness. Hath panw phailana, to extend one's business or schemes. HAU [ ni ] HAW Ilath parna, to come into one's pos- session. I hitli pasarna, to ask, to beg. I lath patthar tale dabiia, to be help- less, to be unable to aet. I latli phenkna,to fence, to be restless. Hatlipber, borrowing. Hatiipher lena, to borrow. Hath pherna, to stroke, to caress, to coax. Htithpliul, a kind of firework. Hath roknii, to prevent. Hath saf karna, to learn, practise, or exercise any art; to slay. Hath sametna, to refrain from giv- ing, (fee. Hath ut-hand, to leave off, to refrain from; to salute by raising the hand to the head ; to beat. Hathyar, 8. m. a tool, arms, im- plements. Hatiiyurl/and, armed. Hathyar batidhnii, to arm. Hiitr, «. m. an elephant. Hatidiint, s. m. ivory. [tiful. lliltim, adj. liberal, generous, bouii- llatiyu, «. /. a market. ilat jiinii, v. n. see Ha{;na. Hat Uarnii, to resist or disolx-y ob- stinately, to insist upon, to be per- vers(5 or pievi>h. Uatnii, V. a. to kill. Ilat.iui, V. n. to go h.u ... . - i.. *...., .. I)aek, to ri'tirc; to budge, to flinch, to be defoatttl. ilatm, H. f. a fi'iualc elrphant. Ilalt4il miupliir,^ adr. to the l)08t of llattal wu>a, / ohc'h ability, to omi's utmost. I I attlui, «. in. a shovol, a liakor's |)ocl. Matyji, «. /. nnutler, HlnughUT. II atyura, «. m. a munlerer, n»«is«in, ! villain. i I latyiin', h. /. a fomah? murdenr. ' II ityjir|)ansi, g. m. wickednosH. - II inda. \ ». m. u litter carritHl by | lliiudnj, / elepimnts or camels, llanj, jtrttp. Hauz, which boo. Hauka. ) s. m. greediness, covet- Haukha, / ousness. Haul, s. m. terror, horror. Haulii, adj. see Halka. Hauldil, terrified; hypochondriac, affection, mulanclioly. Haule'hanle,} «*'• K^""?' ^f^'y- Haul hojana, to become flurried. Haulnak, adj. frightful, terrible, dreadful, dismal, dreary. Haulzada, terrified, aghast. Hautditir, adj. see Honhiir. llaunkna, v. a. to blow or fan (tho fire, (fee.) HanQs, 8. /.desire, wish, ambition, lust. HauQs karna, to desire. Haurahauri', ». f. striving to tho b of one's j>ower. Hausila, s. in. the stomach, maw ; capacity, ambition, resolution. Hausilamand, ackot. Ihiwii kar'nti, to fan. Huwii khanti, to tnko Uio air. walk aljfmt idly. Huwala, f. m. cusUxly, charge, car , |MHMCS»«ioll. Huwula karmi, to deliver in rhnr:: Hawaldilr, n.m. a military ufllcii inferior rnuk, havddar. Httwile, adf). in tho cluirgc, care, \c. HAZ [ 112 ] HIGH Hawale kama, to give in charge or possession, to intrust, to deliver. Hawan, s. m. a mortar for pound- ing in. Hawan dasta, mortar and pestle. Hawa o hawas, lust, concupiscence, sensuality, vanity. Hawari, s. m. a disciple or apostle of Jesus Christ. Hawas, s. /. desire, lust, ambition ; inordinate desire. Huwasdar, adj. desirous. Hawa se bat karna, to rival the wind in speed. Hawasnak, adj. full of desire. Hawass, s. m. plur. the senses. Hawass baklita, adj. out of one's senses, crazy. Hawass i khamsa, the five senses. Hawazadagi, s. f. the cholera. Haweli, .s\ /. house, dwelling, habita- tion, mansion. Hawwii, 71. prop. Eve, the mother of mankind. Haya, s. f. modesty, shame. Hayadar, adj. modest. Hayat, s. f. life. Hazam, s. m. see Hazm. Hazar, adj. tliousand. Hazara, 1 s, m. a kind of double Hazara, / flower. Hazar dastan, a kind of nightingale. Hazarha, thousands, by thousands. Hazari bazari, high and low, people of sorts. Hazarpae, s. m. a centipede. Hazima, s. m. the digestive powers. Hazm, adj. sorrowful. Hazir, adj. present, ready, at hand ; willing, content; the second per- son in grammar. Hazirat, s. m. commanding or im- prisoning demons, &c. ; raising the devil. Hazirbash, adj. attendant. Hazubashi, s. f. constant attendance. Hazir bona, to be at hand, to be ready, to consent. Haziri, s. f. breakfast, dessert ; pre- sence, attendance ; muster-roil ; an ottering made to a saint. Haziri khana, to breakfast. Hazujawab, adj. pert, answering wittingly. Hazirjawabi, s. f. repartee. Hazir o nazir, adj. present and seeing. Hazir rahna, to attend, to wait on. Hazir zamin, s. m. bail, security for the appearance of another ; a bondsman. Hazir zamini, s. f. the act of giving bail for another, a bail-bond, Hazl, s. m. a jest, a joke. Hazlgo, an idle talker. Hazliyat, jests, jokes, nonsensical talk. Hazm, s. m. digestion. Hazm bona, to be digested. Hazm karna, to digest, to embezzle. Hazrat, majesty, highness, &c. (a title addressed to superiors,) Hazrat Isa, Jesus Clirist. Hazrat salamat, sir; a respectful mode of salutation. Hazz, s. m. enjoyment. He, a vocative particle, O ! Hech. adj. nothing ; worthless, good for not! ling, Hekar, adj. incapable, simpleton. Hela marna, v. n. to launch, to dash through water. Helna, v. n. to swim. Henbena, adj. spoiled, ruined ; dis- tressed. Heta, 1 adj. insolent, pusillani- Hetha, j mous, inferior. Hi', s. m. heart, mind, soul : empha- tic affix or adv. very, exactly, even, indeed, truly. Hiba, s. m. a gift, a bequest. Hiba karna, to bequeath or devise. Hibanama, s. m. a deed of gift. Hichakna, v. n. to draw back from, to decline, to waver. Hichar michar, s. m. dispute, cavil, excuse. HIL [ 113 ] HIN Hichkana, r. n. to jolt. Hicliki, 8./. the hiccough. Hichkichana, v. n. to doubt, to hesi- tate, to be in suspense. llidayjit, 8. /. guidance, direction in the right way, especially to salva- tion. Hifazat, s. /. cu.stody, care, guardian- ship, protection. Hifazat karaa, to preserve, to defend, to take care of. Hifz, 8. m. memory. llifz karna, to repeat from memory, to keep in memory. Hijab, 8. m. modesty, bnshfulness, shame ; a veil, a cui*tajn. Hijab karnti, to cover, to hide, to conceal ; to shame. Hijab khana, to blush. Hijtib uthna, to be lost (the sense of shame.) llije, 8. m. spelling. Hijiii, \ 8. m. an hermaphrodite, a llijfa, / eunuch, (met.) pusillani- mous, unmanly. Ilijn', adj. of the Muhamnuulan em. Hik, 8. in. uicknesH at the stomach, di.sgust. Hik lina, to feel sick ; to be disgusted. llikdyat, 8. /. a hi&tory, story, Uile, narnition. ] I ikhilni, h. in. n uttimmerer. ilikhlnti, V. 11. to stummer, to stutter, to falter. llikmut, 8. /. wisdom, skill, clovcr- lu'ss, knack, c(»ntrivanuo, device ; a treatise on nu'dicine. llikmati, lulj. clover, ingonioua akil- ful. 1 1 ihi, adj. domostirntiHl, tamo. Hila, 8. in. stratagem, doooit, pro- tcncn, trick, mmns. H ilabiiz, adj. artful, insidious, wily, (hreitful. llilubazi. 8. /. artfulness, stmtagem, trick, wiliness. Hilagar, oast- ing, l)ragging. Himiiyat, s. f. countenance, jMitn^n- age. Himtiyati', a. in. f. defender, patron. Hinuiyat karna, to defend, tojitUrr'n- ize, to countenance. Himmat, 8. /. spirit, resolution, bravery, courage, liberality, mag- nanimity. Himmat i'. adj. bold, dfiring. llimmatwahi, adj. high-mind liUind, brave. Himyoni, «. /. |>rop. Hamyiui', a purm'. Hio, an emplmtio partielf% venr exactly. Set' Hi'. H>n, TtM//. delleirnt, little. nUitctl. Hiiia, / h'ft. nuitt«Hl, voiti of. Hin s. m, heart, mind, soul, lya, j Hiyao, s, m. courage, bravery. Ho ana, v. n. to have gone to and returned. Ho chukna, v. n. to be finished. Ho jiina, v. n. to have happened, to become. Hoke, adv. through, by. Hola, s. m. the chickpea ; a kind of boat. [follow. Ho lena. v. n. to be completed, to HUB [ 115 ] HUL Hoir, 8. f. a Hindu festival ; the song which is sung in the Hoh'. Horn, \ 8. m. an oblation, a Homkd, / bumt-oflfering. Hoinna, v. a. to perform the sa- crifice of the Horn. Hona, V. n. to be, to exist, to become, to bi long, to have, to do, to stand ; to die. Honehara, | adj. expected, about Honewalii, J to be. Honhar, adj. possible, what is to happen. 1 Ions, 8. m. 'prop. Hosh, which see. Honth, }'•'"■*''«"?• Hon till', 8. m. the bit of a bridle. Ho ralinii, v. n. to be, to become. Hon', 8. f. see IIoli'. IIos, 8. m. jirop. Hosh, which see. Ho sakna, it. n. to be possible. Hosh, 8. m. understanding, sense, intelU;ct, mind, soul. Hoshdiir, \ adj. intelligent, i)ru- Hoshm.md, / dent, wise. Hoshmaniir, ». /. intelligence, un- derstanding. Hosh nuiu unii, to come to one's self, to recover one's senses. Hosh pnkarna, to recollect. Hoshyiir, adj. intelligent, cautious, alert, watciiful, pruilent, clever, sensible. Hosiiyiln', «. /. sobriety, ouution, carefulncHS, Uiking nm% prudeiux). Hosliyiir karnii, to make aci|Uuint«Hl, to caution, to put one on \\\a guard. Ho(, 8, m. the lip. llottl jiihi, coining and going. Hoto, iuh\ in the being, during, in tljo pre8(!nee. lloto bote, adv. gradually. llo(l), 8. in. the lip. IIo na ho, it must Ik). llo t<) ho. it may 1h\ llulnib. 8. in. a i»uhhle. Uubiib uMnui, to bubble. Hubdbr, tt(^'. bubble-like (weak.) Hu ba hu, adv. quite, perfectly, exactly. Hub bul watan, love of one's coun- try, patriotism. Hud(la, ) 8. m. business, office, a} Hudda, / jDointment ; j^op. Uhda. Huddadar, adj. holding an office, a native officer of the anny. Hudhud, «. m. name of a bird. Huyat, 8. f. an argument, proof, altercation, disputation. Hujjatr, adj. di.sputatious, obstinat . 8. m. a sophist, a wrangler, u.i obstinate person. Hujra, 8. m. a cell, a closet, u chamber. Hujiim, «. m. a crowd, a mob, a throng, an assault, attack. Hujum kanui, to rush (upon.) Hiik, 8.f. pain. Hukam, «. m. prop. Hukm, which sec. Hukamii, x. (plur. of Hakfm), phi- losopliers, sages, physicians. Hiik luik kar ronii, to weep with sobbing or from much pain. Hukkti, 8. m. prop. Ihuiqa, which SCO. Hukkiibardar, a. m. prop. Unqqa Imrdiir, which 8ch>. Hukm, 8. m. a command, an onlor, a th'crce, sentence, award, au- thority, prtivpt, permission. HukinlMinlur. adj. obedient. obcyiuK an order. HttkmlMirdari, 8./. olKnlience. Ilukm kurnti. to commaud, to onl }iukm miinnu, to obey. Hukmnuma, 8. m. written orders. Hnkmnini, 8./. sway, authority. Huktimat. 8. /. dominion, sovc- wignty. govermnent, jurisiliotiou. Hukiliuat kariiii, to govern, to rule. liiil, 8. f. a thrust, stab ; sicknciis at the stomueli, qualm. HiXl linu, to fwl ^iek, Hiilar. 8. m. tunmlt, uproar, db- turlxiuce, confusion, bustle. HUE [ 116 ] lAT Hulasna, v. n. to be pleased, de- lighted. Hulkarna, -y. a. to set on (as a dog or bull), to instigate, to halloo on. HuUar, s. m. «ee Hiilar. Hiilna, v. a. to goad, to push. Hulsana, v. a. to cheer, to deliglit. Humakna, v. n. to stretch forward. Humma, s. m. high tide. Hiin, adv. too, also, yes ; (I) am. Huuar, s. m. art, excellence in any art, skill, ingenuity, cleverness. Hunarmand, adj. clever, skilful, in- genious. Hunarmandr, s. /. cleverness. Hunarwar, adj. skilful, clever, in- genious. Hunda bhara, s. m. contract for transportation of goods, includ- ing the payment of duties ; settle- ment for j)rice or hire. Hundar, ^s.m. a wolf. See Hun- Hilndar, / rar. Hundiiwan, s. m.. exchange, or price paid for a bill of exchange. Hundr'' }«•/• a Wll of exchange. Hundiwal, an excliange merchant. Hundiyawan, s. m. see Hundawan. Hunkar, | s. m. cry, outcry, alarm, Hunkara, / uttering the sound liun, to terrify, &c. Hiin karna, to assent, to consent. Hunrar, s. m. a wolf. Hunud, s. plur. the Hindus. Huqqa, s. m. an apparatus for smoking. Huqqabartlar, s. m. the servant who prepares to Huqqa. Huqqabaz, a great smoker of the Huqqa. Hiir, s. /. a virgin of paradise, a black-eyed nymph. Hurdanga, mlj. turbulent. Hurdangi', s, /. turbulence. Hiirf, S.J. see Hur. Huika, s. m. a bar for a door or gate, a bolt. Hurmat. s. /. dignity, character, honour, chastity, reputation, re- verence, esteem. Hurmatdar, adj. respectable, ho- nourable. Huimat ^dena, to bestow honour, to exalt; to incur disgrace, to lose one's character. Hurmat karna, to treat honourably and respectfully. Hurmat lena, to violate, to ravish, to disgrace. Hurmat torna, to disgrace. Hurmatwaia, adj. possessing dignity or reputation. Hiirna, v. a. to beat down (as paviers), to strike (a blow.) Huruf, s. {plur. of Harf}, letters. Huruf tahajji, the letters of the al- phabet. Hurukna, v. n. to pine away. Husain, a proper name, a son of All. Husaini kabab, a kind of roast meat. Hushyar, adj. see Hoshyar. Hushyari, s. /. see Hoshyari. Hushyar karna, see Hoshyar karna, to rouse. Husn, s. m. beauty, elegance, good- ness. Husul, s. m. profit, advantage, gain. Hut, s. f. the sign Pisces. Huzilr, s. m. presence ; used also respectfully for the second per- sonal pronoun. Huzuri, s. /. presence. I, a short vowel, pronounced in- variably as I in pin. r, a long vowel, pronounced inva- riably as ee in reed. ladat, s. f. visiting the sick. laraf, s. m. purgatory. iatibar, s. m. confidence, faith, be- lief, reliance. IFA [ 117 ] IJJ latibari, adj. of credit, trustworthy. latibur kama, "I to ^ive credit, to latibar raklma, / trust, to believe. latikaf, 8. m. continuing in the temple or mosque at the end of Ramazan. latimad, 8. m. reliance, trust, con- fidence. I^timsid karna, ) to rely, to de- latimad rakhiui, / pend (on), to believe, to trust. latiqiid, 8. m. dependence, belief, c/)niidenre, trust. latiqad rakhna, to rely, to depend (on), to trust. latiraz, «. /. objection, opposition, discussion, criticism. latiraz karnii, to object, to discuss, to criticise. Ibadat, 8. f. divine worship, adora- tion. Ibiidatj:^ah, «./. a place of worship. jbadjiti, 8. rn. a devotee, a religious pen-son. Ibiirat, 8 /. style, idiom. Fbli's, 8. m. Satan, the />. Abraham. fbrani, adj. Hebrew. {brat, 8. /. wiiniiji^. ibtida, 8. /. Ixjginning, commoncc- lIKfUt. IWtidti karmi, to begin, to oom- menc^\ lohchhti, 8. /. wish, dcHim. W, 8. /. fcHtivul, holy-lo. Ihtimiil karna, to doubt. Fhtimiim, ». f. m. care. d»lip»nco. Ilniyjij. 8. /. necessity, want* ooca sioii, uetHl. Ilitiyjit, 8. /. caution, care. Ilitiyiit kanui, to take rare, fjji, 8. /. im>p. fzii, wliich »ce. fjail, 8. m. invontiini, ountrivancc «(//. inventeti. Pjii (feu fjii (lemi. itrop. Paul dentl. wliidi 860 Pjad houii. to U' invcntod. Pjtid kurntt, to invent, to oontriv* dovi»o. Ijarn, 8. m. hire, rent, a !«»«». [juradiir, 8. rn. a farmer of land. of revenue. Ijiizat, $. f. |X'nni.'i«inn. leave, huic tion eommamls. I,ia7i\t demi, to y * ' Mow. IjMuir, ]m>p. 1/ 8. m. light. I i\ ji 8. m. moonlig" li.liur, 8. m. denial, nrirnii'n. «i allowance. Inkur kitrnii, to deny, to disallow, lor^ «• m> see IndUiL InmSf, 9. m. d(H;ision (of a oauso or question'*, eijuity. justice. Insttf karnti, to deeiile (a oanao) tNjuitid)ly. Instill. 8. m. a nmn, a huninn W\n^, Insiini', adj. human. Relating t«) man. Inttiniyat, 8. f. liumanity, good- bretMling, poiifenrs}*. lu shii allahu tu^Iii, God willing, if Qod please. ISA [ 120 ] ISL Tntawala, s. m. a brick-maker, I'litgarf, s.f. brick- work. Intifa, s. m. profit, advantage. Intiha, s.f. termination, end, extrem- ity, utmost verge, summit. Intikliab, s. m. selection, making ex- tracts from books. Intikhab karna, to select, to make extracts (from books.) Intiqal, s. m. decease, dying. Intiqal hona I J. Intiqal karna,/ Intizam, s. m. arrangement, order, regularity, management, admi- nistration. Intizar, s. m. 1 expectation, looking Intizari, s. /, / out for. Intizari karna, ^ to expect, to look Intizar karna, / out for. Tntwala, s. m. a brick-maker. Iqbal, s. m. prosperity, good fortune, auspices. Iqbalmand, adj. prosperous, fortu- nate. Iqrar, s. m. confession, acknovir- ledgments, avowal, promise, agree- ment. Iqrar karna, to confess, to acknow- ledge, aver, declare ; to promise. Iqrarnama, s. m. written agreement, bond, contract, &c. Iqtidar, s. m. power, authority. Irada, s. m. desire, inclination, pur- pose, design, plan, intention. Irada karna, to form a design, to make an attempt, to intend or purpose. Iran, n. prop. Persia. Irani, adj. Persian. Prkha, s. /. envy, spite, emulation. Irshad, s. m. direction, command, order. Irshad karna, to direct, to command. Is, pron. dem. sing, inflec. tliis. I's, 8. m. Lord, a name of Shiva. Isa, n. prop. Jesus. Tsai, adj. Chrislian. Is alang, on this side. I'sawi, adj. belonging to Jesus, of Jesus, Christian. Is dam, adv. this moment, directly. Islia, s. m. the first watch of ti e night, the prayers suid when going to rest. Is'hal, s. m. purging, flux, diarrhoea. Ishaq, n. prop. Isaac. Ishara, s. m. sign, wink, mark, signal, hint. Ishara karna, to beckon, to make a sign or signal, to hint. Ishq, s. m. love. Ishqbaz, s. m. a gallant, a rake. Isliqbazi', s.f. gallantry, &c. Ishraq, s. m. sun-rismg. Ishrat, s. f. vulg. Aslirat, pleasure, delight, enjoyment, mirth. Isht, s. m. a god, a deity. Isht dew, s. m. a god, a deity. Ishti^l, s. m. f. lighting a fire or candle, fomenting or instigating a quarrel. Ishtial dena, v. a. to foment (quar- rels), to make a light burn brightly. Ishtiha, s. f. appetite, desire, hunger. Ishtihar, s. m. proclamation, publi- cation, advertisement, fame, re- nown. Ishtihar karna, to publish, to make a proclamation, to advertise. Ishtihamama, s. m. a written pro- clamation. Ishtiyaq, s. m. wish, desire, strong inclination. Ishwar, s. m. God. Iskandar, n. prop. Alexander. Islah, s.f. correction, amendment. Islah dena | ^^ ^^^.^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^,^^ Islah karna, j Islam, s. m. the Muhammadan re- ligion. Islami, s. m. f. a Muhammadan. Is liye, for this reason, hence, be- 1ST [ 121 ] ITT Ism, 8. m. name, a noun. Ismail, n. prop. Islimael, son of Abra- ham. Ism ba musamma, a name fitly de- noting the qualities of the named. Is mcQ, in the mean time. Ispaghol, s. m. seed of fleawort or plantain. Is par, for this reason, hence, on this. Is par bhf, moreover, nevertheless, yet. Ispat, «. m. steel. Is qadar, adv. thus much, to this degree, so mucli, thus. Israfil, 8. m. the name of the angel who, it is said, will sound the last trumpet at tlui resurrection. Istabal, vuUj. Astubal, «. m. stable. Is talak, to this degree. Isto. Itiluis, 8. m. history, story, fable. Itminiin, ». j. tmniiuillity, p*^*. r<^- l>08e, quiet, oontiiit. Itmiuan liona, to Ih> tnuxiuil Itintniin i Vluitir, {huu'i' ot ntind. Itnti, adj. ns much as this, tl mucli, so nmch, so manv. It no meu, in Uio mcnn time, moan- whilu. |tr, riUg. J^ir, jHrftmic, fragrance, cBsunoo, ottar (of nv**«.) Itninii, v. a. to give one's self airs, to iuisumo airs, {tnliin, u. m. a |HTfumo-lH)X. Ittii, adj. see Una. Ittifiii], 8. m. Agreement, concord, friendship, chance, accident, in- cident, opportunity. Ittifaqan, adv. a^vitleutallv, bv chance. IZZ [ 122 ] JAB Ittifaq bona, to happen, to be agreed. Ittifaq kania, to accord, or agree toofether, to concur, to unite. Ittihad, s. m. amity, friendship. Ittilaa, s. /. notice, notification, infor- mation, knowledge. Ittilaa karna, to acquaint, to inform, to apprize. Itwar, s. m. Sunday. Iwaj, s. m. prop. Iwaz, which see. Iwaji, see Iwazi. Iwaz, s. m. reward, return, recom- pense : prep, instead, for. Iwazi, adv. instead, for : s.m. proxy, substitute. Iwazi dena, to supply a substitute (as a servant.) Iwazi rakbna, to take a substitute. lyadat, s. f. visiting of the sick. lyal, 2^'i'op. Ayal, s- f. horse's mane. lyal, s. m. family, children,doiueatics. lyaldar, having a family. lyal o atfal, see lyal. Iza, 8. f. pain, distress, trouble, oppression. Tza dena, to pain, to trouble, to vex, to distress. Izafa, s. m. addition, annexation, aug- mentation. Izafat, s. f. the i. between two Per- sian nouns, corresponding to the English genitive, of. Izar, s.f. drawers, trowsers. Izarband, s. m. the string with which drawers are tied. Iz'har, s. m. declaration in a court of justice or before police officers. Iz'har karna, to disclose, reveal, notify. Izrail, n. prop, the angel of de ith. Iztirab, s. m. agitation, perturbation, trouble. Iztirabi, s. f. agitation, impatience. Izzat, s. f. grandeur, power, honour, respect, glory. Izzatdar, adj. honourable, respect- able. Izzat karna, to honour, to dignify. Ja, s. /. a place ; (in Braj.) pron. rel. inflect, sing, whom, that, which, any one. Jab, s. m. muzzle for large cattle. Jab, adv. when, at the time when, as soon as. ' [slaughter. Jabah, s. /. prop. Zabh, sacrifice, Jabah bona, see Zabh bona. Jahah karna, see Zabh karna. Jcibaja, adv. everywhere, here and there. Jalmn, s. f. prop. Zaban, which see. Jal)an dena, | prop. Zaban, &c., to Jaban harna, / promise. Jabar, adj. prop. Zabar, which see. Jabardast, adj. see Zabardast. Jabardastr, s. /. see Zabardasti. Jabardasti karna, see Zabardasti karna. Jabardasti se, see Zabardasti se. Jabar bona, see Zabar liona. Jabat, s. m. prop. Zabt, which see. Jabat bona, see Zabt bona. Ja!)at karna, see Zabt karna. Jabhi, adv. at the very time. Jabhra, s. m. the jaw. Jabf, s. f. muzzle for small cattle. Jiib jab, j Jab kabhf, > adv. whenever. Jab kabhu, j Jab kti tab, adv. at the time when, at til e proper moment. Jab ki, adv. at the time when, when. [}or\g a^. Jab lag, adv. till when, whilst, as Jab na tab, adv. perpetually, now and then. Jabr, s. m. oppression, violence, force, power. Jabra, s. m. the jaw. Jabi'ail, 1 Jabrail, J Jabran, adv. by violence, forcibly. Jabril, the archangel Gabriel. Jabr 80, adv. see Jabran. Jab se, since. the archangel Gabriel. JAG [ 123 ] JAH Jab tab, adv. now and then. T \ 4.^1 'i <^d^- till when, whilst, as .Jab talak, > , Jttbtori, I '""S^^' Jabiin, adj. prop. Zabiin, which see. Jabiini", 8. f. see Zabilni. Jaclia, j 8. /. a woman in child- Jachcha,/ birtli and for forty days after, a lying-in woman. Jad, adv. as, while, wliilst, when, as soon as, so soon, at the time when. Jiidad, 8. /. lionsehold and landed property. Jadapi, covj. thou^rh, although. Jadd, 8. m. a grandlatlier, ancestor. Jaddf, adj. ancestral, belonging to ancestors. Jad lag, adv. see Jad tak. Jad na tad, adv. constantly. Jad tak, \ adv. till, until, yet, Jad talak, / whilst, as long as, while. Jiidu, 8. in. magic, enchantment, in- cantation, juggling. Jiidii chahinii. to practice incanUi- tion, to conjure, to enchant. Jiidilgar, 8. m. an enchanter, magi- cian, sorcerer, Judiigun', 8.f. the art of sorcery, ne- cromancy. Jiidu'garni', 8. f. a Horcercss. Jiidii karmi, wh* Jadii chahiuji. Jjulwal, 8. f. lines drawn in a book (as ruling, or to Hcjiaratr the nmrgin.) |lHX)k.) Jndwali, adj. marked witii Vuhh (u .Tndyapi, conj. though, although. ■'' < f. u place. d,"! 8./. hou.'vhokl and landed •■ -it, / juoperty. JatMuunii/, 8. f. a cnr|H't, mat, or cl<»th on which pi-aycrs an" said. Jiiephal, $. m. u nutmeg. Jae/4iriir, <». /. the uiHx^snry. Jjifan'. 8.f. a bort of screen, lattice- work. Jag, 8. m. the world, universe ; sacri- lioo. Jagadis, 8. m. lord of the world. Jagah,) 8. f. place, station, room. Jagah,/ vacancy, stead. Jagah chhorna, v. a. to leave a blank. Jagah sir kharachna, to expend to advantage. Jagana, v. a. to awake, to wake, to rouse from sleep. Jagaran, 8. m. waking, watchful- ness. Jagat, 8. m. the world, the universe. Jjigatujagar, enlightening the world Jagir, 8. f. land given by govern ment as a reward of service, < i as a fee ; pension in land. Jiigi'rdar, 8. m. the holder of a jagi'r. Jii girna, v. n. to full. Jagjngii, 8. m. brass-tinsel, veiy thin plates of brass used iu deco- ration. Jagjagiihat, «# /. splendour, much light, glitter. Jagmagii, adj. glittering, splendid. .Jagmagiilmt, 8. / fiee Jagjagiihat. Jagmagiina, v. n. to glitter, to shiiu\ Jngna,| v. n. to awake, to be awakr. Jiigna,/ to wake, to watch. ihig jMirnji, V. u. to awake. .higri, 8. / trench', n>fuso of su^if. Jagtijot, adj. poHM«8stHl of or cxert- ing miraculous |H)Won«. Jiig uthna. v. n. to uwnko. .lahaj. jtntp Juhtiz, which ace, •hdiaji. prop, .lahii/.i, which m'O. JuiiaWt, 8. / ignonuuH\ hruUdity. tlahiui, 9. in. i\w world. Jahtiu. (ulr. whoa% in which place, which place. Jahtindulti. one who hoa 8oon tho w«»rUl. a gnat tmvellcr. .Tahtin iahan. \ i t .I..lmu^«l,>U. }"•''•• *'«•'"*•'■'• Jahiio kii tnhuo. odr. evcrywhera, in the same place ns before. Jahannam. 8. m. hell. Jahannanu, adj. hellish, belonging tohcU. JAI [ 124 ] JAL Jahan panah, refuge of tlie world ; his majesty, your majesty. Jahan se, adv. whence, from which place, where. Jahan tahan, adv. here and there, everywhere. Jahan tahan phirnti, to straggle, to wander. Jahan tak, adv. as far as. Jahar, s. m. prop. Zahr, poison. Jaharmnhra, s. m. prop. Zahar- muhra, a bezoar. Jahaz, 8. m. a ship. Jahazi, s. m. a sailor : adj. naval, nautical. Jahaz par, adv. aboard a ship. Jahez, s. m. a bride's portion, dower. Jahil, adj. ignorant, illiterate. Jahil hona, to be ignorant. Jahm, adv. wherever. Jiihir, adj. prop. Zahir, apparent, evident, open. Jahir hona, see Zaliir hcna. Jab in", adj. see Zahirf. Jahir karna, see Ztihir karna. Jahir men, see Zahir men. Ja"i, s. f. oats. Jai, s. f triumph, victory, bravo ! adj. as many as. Jai", s. f. a daughter. Jaiber. adj. as many times, as often as. Jaif, adj. prop. Zaif, which see. Jaijaikar, s. m. rejoicings, exulta- tions, triumph. Jaiman, adj. victorious. Jaisa, adj. in the manner which, as, what like, such as, according as. Jaisa chahiye, as may be desired, as it ought. Jaisa ka taisa, adv. precisely the same as before. Jaisa ki, as, though, as if. Jaisa taisa, as well as, so so. Jaise ka taisa, ^ such as before, tlie Jaiise ka waisa, j tered. Jait, 8. m. name of a plant. self same, unal- Jaiz, adj. lawful, permitted, right, proper, allowable. Jajak, 8. m. an officiating priest. Jajam, s. f. a cloth thrown over the carpet to sit on, a floor-cloth. Jajat, prop. Jadad, which see. Jajman, s. m. a customer, a person to whose custom brahmans, bor- bers, and some other persons, have a legal claim. Jajmanf, s. f. the stipend paid by a Jajman; wife of a Jajman. Jakam, s. m. f. prop. Zakhm, wliicb see. Jakami, adj. see Zakhml. Jakam khana, see Zakhm khana. Jakar, s. m. goods taken away ]\v pedlars for sale, but returned if not sold. Jakarband, adj. tight. Jakar bechna, to sell on commis- sion. Jakar lejana, to take away goods to sell on commission. Jakarna, v. a. to tighten, to draw tight, to bind, to pinion. Jakat, 8. f. prop, Zakat, alms. Jai, adj. forged, counterfeit : s. /. forgery. Jai, s. m. a net, a snare ; a cobweb ; a sash. Jai, 8. m. water. Jala, s. m. a cobweb ; a jar ; a speck on the eye. Jala, 8. m. a lake. Jala bala, adj. fretful, passionate; scorched. Jala bhuna, adj. passionate, hot- tempered. Jala dena, v. a. to bum. Jalag, adv. till when, as long. Ja lagna, v. a. to arrive at. Jala'i, 8. f. a kind of nail us(k1 f)r seaming the boards of boats, &c. Jalal, 8. m. dignity, majesty, splen- dour, grandeur, power, glory. Jalamai, s. m. flood, inundation. Jalan, s. m. burning, heat, passion.. JAL [ 125 ] JAM Jalana, v. a. to burn, to kindle, to inflame, to light ; to make jealous. j;:l;:;;dhar.}*---t'^^'i"p^y- Jalapa, 8. m. envy, anger. Jalilwan, 8. f. fire worn!, fuel. Jalbal, burnt up, consumed with fire. Jal bujhna, to burn to ashes. Jalchar, adj. aquatic (as birds, but not fish), moving or going in water. Jald, adj. quick, nimble, speedy, ex- peditious, alert : adv. quickly. Jaldbtiz, a//j. expeditious, fleet, hasty. JaUlbazf, 8. f. haste, quickness, briskness. Jiildar, adj. reticulated. Juldi', 8./. quickness, haste, hurry, celerity, rashness, impetuosity : adv. quickly, soon. Jaldi karnii, to make haste, to huiTy ; to be ])rec'ipitate or rash. Jald jiina, to go (juickly. Jahhiiiziij, (idj. passionate, hasty. Jald (pidam, adj. ileet. Jalcbi, «./. a kind of swcetrnoat. Jale par non lagiina, to triumj))! over, to insult. Jail', adj. coimtfrfeited, forged. Jail, H. f. network, a web; a caul; lattice, grate; a n(;tbag for ciiafl*. Jiilini, 8. m. prop. Zalim, whi(di see. Juli papui, to iHH'omo hanl (the stone of a mungcx;.) Jiiliya, «. m. a forger. . Jalivji, 8. m. a lishennan. Jab I, adj. prop. Zalil, wliich 8oe. Jah'l honii, see Zali'l lionii. Jaiil karnti, see /:dil kanui. Jal jal, adj. fidl of water. Jaljala, adj. indignant, oxcossivcly iiot (the weather.) Jaljalami, v. n. to Ik? indignant IJaljantu, n. m. an aquatic tminial (as por|Knsi», shark, &e.) Jal la, ». m. a lake Jal lad, H. in. an executioner, a Imng- ( man : venue. Jama.liir, 8. m. a native officer of tlio army so calUnl, tho head uf iwxf IkxIv of jM'oph;. J ima Ian', 8. /. the bu8ine>« of a Janiijidar. Januihi, 8./. gaping, yawning. Jani^i hoiui, to lie collectiii. to a9- H«>inble, to ll.M'k. .lanmi, 8. m. u 8on-in-law. ^x\\\\t^ kanui, to a)llect, !*» nnm.>* to odd tn set*-!. Janmu,8. /. a fruit and tre<»8oci\lle Januinii, v. ll(et, to suni ti; to iHtagulate, to ct>ugiul ; aI»o I Ziimiiim, whicli ace. Jrtinao, 8, «». a crowd, a collcctio; ct»ngulation. Janio o \^harch, 8. m. neoount of r< eeipt and dLibursciiicnt, accoui current. JAN [ 126 ] JAN Jama o kharch karna, to make up, or baltmce an account. Jamaora, s. m. a collection, a crowd. Jamawar, s. m. a kind of chintz in which the flowers are woven. Jama wasil baqi, an account stating payment periodically due, with the amount received and the ari'ears. Jambhin', s. f. a fruit of the lime kind. Jamdanf, s. f. a kind of cloth with flowers interwoven : adj. flowered, emliossed. Jamghat, s. m. crowd, multitude. Jamhai, s. /. gaping, yawning. Jamliai leua, v. n. to gape, to yawn. Jami, adj. all, universal. Jamidar, _prop. Zam ndar, whicli see. Jamin, s. f. prop. Zamin, wliich see. Jamin, s.f. prop. Zaniin, which see. Jamin dar, s. m. prop. Zamindar, surety. Jammdar, s. m. prop. Zamindar, which see. Jamindari, s. /. prop. Zamindari, suretyship. Jammdari, s. f. see Zammdari. Jammdarni, s. /. see Zammdarni. Jamini, s. f. prop. Zamini, surety, bail. Jamini kabiil karna, prop. Zamini qabiil karna, to admit as bail. Jamjam, adv. always, constantly, perpetually. Jamna, v. n. to germinate, to grow ; to be coagulated, to be collected ; to adhere, to stick. Jamuna, n. prop. f. name of a river. Jan, s. f. life, soul, spint, mind ; a sweetheart. Jan, s. m. man, a person, an indivi- dual. Jaiia, V. n. to go, to be, to pass, to continue. Janab, majesty, liighness, excellency. Janab i dili, your majesty, your or his excellency. Janai, ) . • ^ -i- Janaidai,r-/-^""^^^^^- Janak, n. prop, the father of Sita. Janakpur, s. m. the name of a city the metropolis of Raja Janak. Janam, s. m. birth, life. Janambhum, s. / V)irthplace. Janamdin, s. m. birthday. Janamna, v. n. to be liorn. Janampatri, s. f. horoscope, nativity Janamswarth, a fortunate, or well spent life. Janana, v. a. to deliver, to bring t<^ bed ; to inform, to remind, to tell to point out, to seem, Janana, prop. Zanana, whicli see. Janawar, s. m. an animal, a bird. Janaza, «. m. a bier, a funeral. Jan bachche, oSspring, family, Janbakshi, s. f. pardon of a capita crime. Jan balab, adj. at the point of ex piring. Jan baJab bona, to be at the point o death. Janbaz, adj. risking life, venture sojne, daring. Janbazi, s.f. risking life (in battle) working at any thing as if lif( depended on success. Jan bujhke, adv. wilfully, purposely Janch, s. m. trial, examination, test proof. Janchna, v.a.io examine, to inquire into, to ascertain, to approve, t( assay. Jandar, having life, active, spirited lively (as a horse.) Jane anjane, wittingly or unwittingly Jane dena, v. a. to liberate, to let go to excuce, to pass over (as a fault. Jane do, never mind, let alone, don't Janera, s. a tall species of the mille kind. Janeu, s. m. the brahmanical thread a flaw in a diamond. Janfishani, s.f. very hard labour, eX' treme diligence, devotion. JAN [ 127 ] JAN Jaiifishani karna, to strain every nerve. Jang, 8. /. battle, war, combat, fight : 8. m. prop. Zang, rust. Jangal, 8. m. verdigris, canker (of eopperj. See Zangal, Jangal, 8. m. a forest, a woofl, a wil- derness, weeds, any bushy place. .Tangala, 8. m. palings. Jangal jjina, \ v. n. to go into the Jangal phirna, / fields to ease nature. Jnngal tan gal, s. m. weeds and bushes. Jangamushti", 8. f. boxing. Jangar, 8. m. the thigh and leg. Jangar to^nii, to Libour hard for one's living. ^"f't'' )«./ the thigh. Jangha, j •' ° Jiingliiya, 1 «. ?n. a kind of short Janghiya, / drawers or breeches. Jangliiyal, 8. m. a kind of lieron. Jani^r, H. in. a combatiint : culj. war- like, h()>til(', (pmrrelsome. Jang knrna, t(/tight. Janghl, 8. m. palings. Jang lagnti, jmjp. Zang lagnii, whicih mi'.. JaiiLdf, adj. wild, savage, clown, "T. li billi', 8./. a wild cat. .Iingli kuuwa, 8. m. a raven. Jamg <> jadal, «. m. brawl, aquabblo, altercation. Junhiir, adj. going, passing away, precarious. Jiini', adj. of tlio heart, dear, belov- ed : 8. in. a lovrr. Jiinib, 8. /. i)art, sitlo. Jiini (hislinian, un enemy desirous of one's Hfe, a mortal (Miemy. Janjul, 8. in. trouble, dinieulty, cm- barmssmeni, |M»rplrxity. dan jiinwar, 8. m. num and beo^t. d.injir, 8. J. prop. Zanjj'r, a chain. J:inkan s. f. matted hair of a devotee. Jatadhari, adj. wearing a head of matted hair : s. /. the cockscomb flower. Jatal, s.f. see Zatal. J^^^^^-'M^-/ spikenard. Jatamasi, j Jata rahna, to be lost, to be missing, to disappear, to go away, to die. Jat bhai, persons of the same caste. Jat dena, v. a. to give up one's caste. Jath, s. m.the cylinder of an oil mill. Jatlia, s. m. a company, band, party, class. JAW [ 129 ] JET Jathti bandlina, to form a party. Jatlit'irtlj, adv. in fact, exactly, truly. J.iti', 8. m. a religious mendicant. Jut janii, V. n. to lose caste. Jiit lena, see Zat lena. Jiit mama, v. a. to destroy one's caste. .Tcitpant, s. f. pedigree. Jatra, «./. a pilgrimage, a journey, march ; a festival, a procession. Jiitra karna, v. a. to go on pilgrimage, to march. Jatri, 8. m. a pilgrim. [time. Jau, 8. m. barley : adv. when, what Juuhar, 8. m. f. a gem, jewel, pearl, essence, substance : adj. well-tem- pered. Jauliarat, 8. pi. jewels. Jaulian', 8. m. a jeweller. Jau jau hisab lena, to take a strict account. Jaukob, adj. half-pounded, bruised. Jau lauo. [ "''^- """^ ^ ^°°^ "'• JauQ, jiron. rel. who, what, which. Jaun, adv. us, when. Juumir, 8. /. a feast. .Jauslian, «. m. ornament. .Taiilaci, \ 8. /. mace, tiio spice so 11, / called. I Ilk, «. m. dower, nuptial present. «Kiwa, 8. m. a clove of gjirlic, u kind of Htit(!li ill n( edl(!Work. Jawiib, 8. in. an unswer, a reply, any- thing answering to Hiiotlier. Jawub d(!na, to Iteuccounhiblo for, to re[)ly, to uiiHwer, to dischurgu from ofllce. J.iwuhi, K. ?/». rt>8pon 8. TO. youth. Jawanpaiia, j ^ Jawtir, 8. TO. tiood-tide. Jawatn', s.f. mace, tlie spice so ciilletl. Jawedar, adj. sewed in a particular manner. Jazti, 8. /. retaliation, requital, re- ward, compensation. Jiizam, 8. /. tee Jajam. Jazb, 8. TO. allurenuiit, altercation, n ' sorption, drawing us of a plast : Jazba, 8. TO. passion, rnge, fury. Jazb bona, to he absorbed. Jazb kariiii. Ut attract, al)oorb, imbil to dniw las a plaster.) JaziraM«. to. an island. Jeb, 8. /. a piK'ket. Jebkatni, 8. to. a | ' J« hal|;diana, 8. in. Jehar, 8./. tw«» poi and phu'til one o\er thu uii. JelVlnum, «. m. Kmj. jail. Juonii, r. a. to i<«it. Jeontir. $. /. a trttit, fi*ast, entertain- iiient. Jcrltfind. «. tn. prop. Zorband, a tun tingal. JrrUir hon»i. wm» Zerlulr lu>n:i. Jerilutit, adj. .me Zenla.st. Jer karna. ;>n'/). /'V 1"" ^^ Jetii, adj. \\» iiiu« i ^ita ki, adr. thou Jc(h, 8. TO. husUiud ;> I KK 1 i M thcr, name of the KVi>nd Hindu month, Jc{hu, adj. ilKr. tirstboru; Uio tint JHAK [ 130 ] JHAN and strongest tint obtained from the flower kusnm. Jetluini, s. f. the wife of a husband's elder brother. Jethi madh, s. m. liquorice root. Jetik, adj. see Jeta. Jewar, s. m. ]pro]p. Zewar, jewels, orna- ments. Jewar pahinna, to put on jewels, to adorn. Jewna, v. a. to eat. Jewnar, s. f. a feast, entertainment. Jhabba, s. m. a tassel. Jhabiya, s. m. the name of an orna- ment. Jhabra, adj. long-haired, shaggy. Jhagarna, v. n. to wrangle, to quarrel, to dispute, to cavil, to contend, to squabble. Jhagra, s. m. wrangling, quarrelling, contention, squabble, strife. Jhagra karna, v. a. to quarrel. Jhagralin,! adj. quarrelsome, con- Jhagralii, / tentious. Jhagrana, v. a. to set a wrangling. Jhagra ragra, s. m. squabbling and wrangling, squabble. Jham, s. f. freckles on the skin. Jhajha, s. m. see Jhanjhat. Jhajhakna, v. n. see Jhijhakna. Jhajhkarna, v. a. to browbeat, to speak snappishly. Jhajjhar, s. m. a goglet. Jhak, s. f. passion, nonsense, rant. Jbalcajliak, adj. shining, glittering with gold and silver. Jliaki, adj. passionate, raver, ranter. Jhakjhori', s. f. scrambling and wrangling, snatching. Jliakhna, v. n. to lament, to grieve. Jhakkar, s. m. a squall, a storm, a tempest. Jliakna, v. n. to lament, to grieve. Jhakmargi, s, /. the acting fruit- lessly or absurdly, nonsense. Jhak marna, to act fruitlessly or absurdly, to talk nonsensically, to rant. Jhakola, s. m. see Jhakora. Jhakolna, v. a. to shake. Jhakora, s. m. a squall, a gust, j shaking. Jhakorna, v. a. to shake. Jhal. 8. m. sharpness, fieriness (ai of pepper), hot (as with spices.) Jhal, s. /. passion, anger, jealousy the heat from fire. Jhalabor, adj. shining, splendid covered with jewels and orna ments. Jhalajhal, adj. luminous, resplen dent, embroidered. Jhalak, s. f. brightness, glitter, glare reflection of light. Jhalakna, v. n. to shine, to glare. Jhalar, s. f. fringe, frill. Jhalardar, adj. fringed. Jhaljhal, s. m. glitter. Jhaljhalahat, s. f. glitter, splendom Jlialjhalana, v. n. to glitter, to glar( Jhalkana, v. a. to cause to shine. Jhalki, s. f. a glance. Jhalna, v. a. to polish, to clea (plate) ; to solder. Jhalna, v. a. to fan, to move to an fro (as a fan) : v. n. to be soldere or repaired. Jhalwana, v. a. to cause to fixn ; t cause to be soldered or repaired. Jhama, s. m. pumice-stone, brick burnt to cinder. Jhamajham, adv. incessantly (s rain.) Jhamaka, s. m. a heavy shower haste. Jhamakna, v. n. to glitter ; to danc< Jhamakra, s. m. splendour. Jhamar jhamar, adv. drop by dro (rain.) Jhamjham, adv.' incessantly (t rain.) Jhamp, s. m. a matted shutter ( door. Jhampna, v. a. to cover, to shut. Jhan, s. m. used to express tl clanking of metallic bodies. JHAP [ 131 ] JHAR Jlmriak, «,/. ringing, tinkling, jingle, clinking. .lli;uida, 8. m. a banner, fi^^^, ensign. .IJmiidula, adj. with a fine head of iiair (a child.) Jliangti, «. m. an upper garment or vest. Jhdnjh, 8. m. cymbals; horse-bells. Jhanjlianana, v. n. to tinkle, to clink, to tingle, to nng, to rattle. .Thanjhar, adj. tliin fas cloth.) Jhanjiiat, s. m. wrangling,perplexity. Jhanjhati', adj. jx^rjdexing, difficult, vexatious. Jhanjhkar, 8. /. clinking, tinkling, ringing. Jhanjliri, 8./. a lattice; a kind of play with a boat by twirling it round. Jhank, 8. m. bougli of a tree, under- wood ; a herd of deer, flock of ]>irds, &c. .lliiinka jhonki', 8./. peeping. Jhankar, x. m. buslies, brambles, underwood. Jliaidtar, 8. /. clinking, tinkling, ringing, chink, jingh\ rattk\ «lliankliani,l 8. m. a tree without tlhankiiani,/ IcavcH. Jiianklma, v. ii. see Jhakmi. .Ihankmi, v. n. to spy, to poop. .liiaoHH, 8. m. deceit, trick, deception. Jliausmi, v. a. to drink anything in- toxicating ; to decfivc. Jitant, 8./. thu Imir uf tho private parts, pubes. JiiauNviiu, s, m. bricks burnt to rindrr. .lluiuwlii, adj. sunbijmt, fa to make haste in travelling. Jhapattii, s. in. the spring of a tiger ; a snatch. Japatta mania, to snatch, to dait (as a kite on its prey.) Jhajxjt men lina, to become pos- sessed or bewitched. Jhap jhap, adc. hastily, quickly. Jhapki', 8. /. a spring (as of a tiger) ; drowsiness, doze. Jliapsa, 8. /. miny weather. Jhap se, adv. quickly, in a trice. Jhar, 8. /. heavy rain, a storm, a tempest ; a kind of lock. Jhiir, 8. m. bushes, bnunbles, uu- derwood ; a lustre or chantlelier. Jhafii, 8. TO. a stool, a purge ; search. Jhani demi, to submit to sciirch. JInifa Icnii, to search. Jhaia jhapte janii, to go to the ne- cessary. Jhapijhai*, adv. hastily, rapidly. Jhapl jhajka phirmi, to go to tli necrsjyu'y. ;»;;;g;./}.m.»,,oo.l.h».to...urr, Jhiiran, s. /. sweepings ; a conrx cloth for wiping furuiiuro, Ac. Jharana, r. o wild bor-tree. Jhar (Jiilna,^ r. a. to swct'p, to .Iluif demi, / brush, to clear awny. Jhiin', «. /. a water vc8si.«l, with 'a 8|X)Ut. Jhiifi', *. /. forest, wood, bru*hwoS0. JHAT [ 132 ] JHOK Jhari, s. f. continued rain, wet weather, showers. Jliar jhankhar, s. m. brambles, large dry bushes. Jharjharana, v. n. to shake, to jerk. Jliar jhatak, s. /. sweeping. Jhar jhiir, s. f. sweepings ; thicket. Jliarkajharki, s. /. mutual, wrang- ling. Jharkhand, s. m. the forest of • Baijnath. Jharna, s. m. a skimmer ; a spring, a cascade ; v. n. to flow. Jharna, v. n. to fall off (as fruit from a tree), to drop, to shake, to fall, to pour, to be sounded (the naulDat.) Jharna, v. a. to sweep, to brush, to clean, to knock off, to strike fire (as with a flint), to exorcise. Jharna phunkna, to exorcise, to re- peat spells or charms. Jbaroklia, s. w. a lattice, a window. Jhar pahar, digression. Jharpajharpi, s. /. fighting (as of birds ""j sparring, contention. Jliar philnk, s. /. juggling, conjuring, hocus pocus (particularly to cure the bite of a snake or a disease.) Jhar tiifan, s. m. a hurricane, a tem- pest. Jharii, s. m. a broom, a besom ; a comet. Jliiirubardar, s. m. a sweeper. Jharwana, v. a. to cause others to sweep. ,Jliat, adv. quickly, instantly. Jhatak, s. /. twitch. Jhatakna, v. a. to twitch, to jerk : V. n. to become lean, to shake, to stride out in walking. Jliatas, s. /. driving rain, wind and rain. Jhat jhat, adv. quickly, hastily. Jhatka, adj. slaughtered by cutting off the head, brt)ken asunder or torn by a sudden jerk ; a squall of wind. J^lre!'}^^^*^"^^^^^'^^^*^^^- Jhaii, s. m. name of a tree similar to fir. Jhaur, s. /. squabbling. Jhauwa, s. m. see Jhaii. Jhijhak, s. f. start. Jhijhakna, v. n. to start or boggle. Jhikhna, j v. n. to grieve, to lament, Jhikna, / to think of anything with sorrow. Jhfl, s. f. a lake. Jhilam, s. /. armour, a coat of mail. Jhilam ka top, an iron helmet. Jhilanga, | s. m. the netted bottom Jhilga, / of a bed or couch when worn out and separated. Jhillf, s. /. a thin skin, the caul. Jhilmila, adj. sparkling. Jhilmilana, v. n. to undulate as the flame of a candle or as water, to twinkle, to scintillate. Jhilmili, s.f. a Venetian blind, a shutter. Jhma, adj. fine, subtile, thin. Jiiinga, s. f. a shrimp, a prawn. Jhmgur, s. m. a cricket. Jhinjhorna, v. n. to shake, to break or tear or worry with the teeth. Jhinjhri, s. f. see Jhanjhri. Jhinka, s. the quantity of grain put at once into a hand-mill. Jhfnkna, v. n. see Jhikna. Jhirak, s. f. threat, jerk. Jhirakna, v. n. to browbeat, to threaten, to speak snappishly, to jerk. Jhirjhir, adj. running in a slender stream (water, &c.) Jhirjhirana, v. n. to trickle, to rill. Jhirki, s. /. rebuff, snappishness, frowning, jerk. Jhfsi, s. m. mizzling rain. Jhojh. s. m. a pendulous belly. Jhok, s. f. a jolt, a puff or gust. Jhoka, s. m. a contact, collision ; a gust, a blast, breeze or current (of wind.) JHUL [ 133 ] JHUT J]inlvna, V. a. see Jhonkna. .Iliol, 8. m. puckering or wrinkling ■m of new-made clothes) ; cobweb, ' >t ; a litter, brood, farrow, hatch, . birth. Jhola, 8. m. a stroke of the sun ; the palsy ; a wallet ; a knapsack. .Tlioli, 8. f. a wallet. Jholjhal, 8. m. soot and filth. .Thorapra, s. m. "I a cottage, a shed, Jhompfi, 8, /. J a hut. Jlionk, 8. /. a shove or push in swinging, the impulse of a squall or sudden blast of wind, a jolt, a jerk. Jhonk dena, to throw dust, &c. ; to tlirow away (tlio lives of men use- lessly.) Jhonkna, v. a. to push ; to throw ; to cast fuel into an oven or fire- place. Jhonta 8. m. 1 the hair of the back Jiiontf, 8. /. / part of the neck. .Ihopfa, 8. m. 'I a cottage, a hut, a .lliopn, 8. /. / shed. Jliukil (lend, 'i * v „ i 11 ... - , . ' > 17. a. to bond. Jhiikaiui, V. a. to cause to stoop, to b(M»d forwards ; to make to ntxl. .Tiiuk jiina, I r. n. to ikhI, to Ik)w, to .liiuknii, ) stoop, to Ki bent down- wurds, (as the bough of a tree.) .11 1 111, 8. /. body clotheH of cattle, houHJngs. .Ilitiltl, 8. m. a swing; n kind of gar- ment, .lliuldna, V. a. to swing, to 8ho\'0 a swing, to rock (a cnullr), to f poem. Jliulsiimi, r. a. to cause to singe, to I hinge, to sear, to scorch. Jhumak, 8. /. j the bell-shaped pen- Jhumka, 8. m. > dant of an ear- Jhumka, 8. m. ) ring ; a bunch of flowers or fruit ; name of a flower. Jhiirakr, 8. /. a kind of ear-ring. Jhumna, v. n. to wave, to move the head up and down, to slumber, to gather (the clouds.) Jhiina s. m. a kind of muslin. Jiiund, 8. m. a crowd, swarm, flock, troop, a clump (of trees.) Jhunjhltihat, 8. /. peevishness, ra- ging, storming. Jhunjlilana, r. n. to be peevish or fretful, to be petulant or irritable. to rage, to storm. Jhunjliunti, s. m. a child's rattle. Jhunjlium', 8./. little bells worn on the fei't; the tingling sensation felt when a limb is asleep. Jhiicmna. v. n. see Jiiiimna. Jhiiusna jhaQsna, i\ a. to deceive. Jhiiotha, see .Ihiitlul. Jhuoihftii jhiintiian, 8. n». leaving Jhu'pri, 8./. see .Iliopn. Jhiir, 8. m. brninble. Jliiira, adj. witiienxl. .Ihuri', 8./. wrinkle. Jhurma^, 8. m. a multitude, a crowd; a row, a conflict .Ihurnii. r. it. to witlicr, to ftulo (iVom grief , to pine, tllulruii, r. a. to shake fruit ftt>m the tree : r. n. to pino. J\\\i{, adj. faltft^ : 8. m. u V *' ' ' " tlluijnlnii, v. u. to \^v\\ to prove one in tlu' \\ . luU' vietutilH bv Unioliiiig them, jio« JiiU^h, lulj. »vvi .finit. JluijIiH, adj. liar. \ ' TT iliis) that whj< and therefore i fu8i», left (food) : », m. leavings of fi)od. [v»'ry wr« .Thutha jlititn, 8. m. kA\ I. Jhiiih bohia, to lie, to i ..^, to speak falsehood. JIG [ 134 ] JIL Jlmthlana, v. a. to belie, to falsify. Jhuth miith, lie, lying, falsehood; deception, falsely. Ji, yes, sir, master, madam : s. m. life, soul, spirit, mind. Ji a jana, to have the mind suddenly jEixed (on anything.) Jib, s. / the tongue. Ji bahlana, to amuse one's self, to dissipate reflection. [ous. Ji bar liana, to be moderately desir- Jibh, s. /. the tongue. Ji bliar jana, to be at ease or con- tented. Jibh barhana, to be loquacious and abusive; to punsue pleasures be- yond one's reach. Jibh dabke bat kahna, to speak with reserve. Jibhi, s. m. an instrument for clean- ing the tongue ; a bit of a bridle. Jibh katna, to forbid by signs. Jibh nikalna, to be extremely fa- tigued or thirsty. Ji bura karna, to vomit, to have a nausea, Ji chahna, Ji chalna, ■ to desire. Ji chhipana, j to do a work careless- Jichurana, / ly and lazily; to neglect. Jidd, 'proi:). Zidd, which see. Jiddi, adj. 'prop. Ziddi, which see. Jidd karna, see Zidd karna. Jidhar, j adv. where, wherever, whi- Jidhar, / tlier, there. Ji dharakna, to have a palpitation of the heart. Jidhar tidhar, odv. hither and tlii- ther, here and there, everywliere. Ji diib jana, to faint. Jigar, s. m. the Uver, vitals, heart, mind, courage. Jigar chak, adj. heartbroken. Jigarf, adj. belonging to the liver or heart. Jigari dagh, s. m. indelible stain or mark, inconsolable grief. Jihad, s. m. war (especially against infidels.) Jihalat, s. f. ignorance, barbarism. Jihan, s. m. prop. Zihn, which see. Ji^ harna, to be discouraged, to be spiritless. Jihat, 8. /. cause, reason, account. Ji liat jana, to detest. Ji jalana, to befriend ; to plague, to perplex. [mind. Ji jalna, to be vexed or troubled iii Jikar, s. m. prop. Zikr, which see. Jikar karna, see Zikr karna. Ji ke badal ji den a, to take up the cause of another. Ji kholke kuchh karna, to do with pleasure or cheerfully. Jil, s.f. a high note or tone in music, the treble. See Zil. Jila, s.f. splendour, lustre, bright- ness ; scouring, polishing : s. m. for Zila, a district, a division. Jiladar, s. m. a person who superin- tends tlie fulfilment of engage- ments of agriculturists. Ji lagana, to place or fix the mind. Ji lagna, to contract affection for any person or thing; to love; to hanker after. Jilana, v. a. to give life to, to vivify, to recover any thing almost dead ; to foster, to patronize. Jilawatan, s. m. emigration, leaving one's country. Jilawatan bona, to emigrate or aban- don one's country, to be exiled. Jilawatan karna, to abandon one's country, to exile. Jild, s. f. the binding of a book, a volume, a book. Jildband, adj. bound (a book.) Jildbandf, s. /. bookbinding. Jildgar. s. m. a bookbinder. Jildgari, s. f. bookbinding. Ji lena, to kill. Jilwa, s. m. the meeting of the bride and bridegroom (in presence of the relations.) JIP [ 135 ] JIT Jima, 8. /. copulation. Jiniana, v. a. to feed, to entertain. Jfinar, adj. mortifying one's desires. Ji marna, to mortify one's desires. Ji meo ana, to come into the mind, to occur to the recollection. J I men jal jana, to be tormented with envy and jealousy. Ji men ji ana, to be comforted. J I milana, to contract friendship. JImma, 8. m. prop. Zimma, which see. Jhnme karna, \ „^^ ry-^^ i,«„„^ y. 1 . } see Zimme karna. Jimme lena, / J nana, v. a. to eat. [what. Jin, pron. rel. plur. inflect, whom, Jin, 8. w. j/rov. Zin, a saddle. Jinii, V. n. to nve : 8. m, living. Jina, 8./. prop. Zina, which see. Jiniikar, 8. m. see Ziniikiir. Jiniikari, 8./. see Zintikari. Jin bandlina, prop. 'Lin bandhnd, to saddle. Jinda, adj. prop. Zindn, alive, living. .lindagani, ».J. sec Zindagiini. I ilinda<:;i, 8./. see Zindagi. Ji nikalnii, t-o die; to fear exceed- ing' ly. Jinirt, 8./. irrop. Jina, which sec. Jinn, 8. m. a genius, demon, one of ilio genii. Jinnnt, 8. {plur. of Jinn), genii. Jinposh, 8. m. prop. Ziniwah, which see. Jins, 8./. g(;tion. .h phat jjinri, to be broken-hcorted, to ho «»m luled. M pliir jjinu, to bo satiated or dis- ^nist.d. .Ii i>i!;hal jiinii. \ to be comi^assionato, Ji pi-li;ihi:i. I to feel atlectiou. Jira, 8. m. cummin-seed. Jis, pron. rel. sing, inflect, of Jo, tlat, what, who, whom, which. Jis dam, adv. when, while, whilst, any one. Ji se mama, to kill. Ji se utar jiina, to sink in the opinii of another. Jis jagah, adv. where, wherever. Jis jis, whichevtr, each of which. Jis ka, pron. rel. sing, whose, of whom. Jis kisi ka, of whomever. Jis kisi ko, to whomever. Jis ko, to whom. Jism, 8. m. body of any being. Jismani, adj. belonging to Ixxly, cor- poreal, material. Jisnuiniyat, I ^ ^ ^^^^^jj^ J ism ly at, j -^ ^ Jis qadr, adv. to what degree, as, a^ much as, whatever, what^cver. Jis taraf, adv. where, even. Jis tju'ah, adv. according to, a«: wiiat manner or fasliion, {in) what manner. Jis tjiur, adv. in what motle. Jis tin, whi»mever, whatever, some or other. Jis watjt. when, since, wluit time, at what tinjo, wlierever. Jit, 8./. winning, victory. [nun JiUi, adj. alive, living ; over, ubo\ Jitjib, 8. III. life, ( xiHtenoe. Jitii homi, to bo over, to exceed. JiUina, V. a. to cuuuo to win or ct): qucr. Jite ji, adj. ttlive, living, lifotime, Jiti-k, adj. as nuieli an, us many as. Ji^liuni, 8./. husband's elder br<^ ther's wile. Jitiyu, s. /. name of a HindU fast. J Una, r. a. to win, to conquer, ' ovircome. Jit mi, wi.l adj. how much, ko mm Jitm',/. j uH nnich a.**, as Many. Jitne nu'U in as much i^tiuie , ua. Jitto, atO*. see Jitui. JOK [ 136 ] Jitwaiya, ) Jitwant, I «• ^- a winner. Jiii, s. m. see Jiw. Jiiigar, adj. resolute, bold. Ji nth ana, to raise to life ; to cure. Jivika, s. f. pension, livelihood. Jiw, s. m. life, soul ; animal ; a sweetheart : interj. bravo ! Jiwan, s. m. livelihood, living. Jiwana, v. a. to feed, to entertain. Jiwar, s. m. neighbourhood, vicinity. Jiwat, adj. brave, courageous, reso- lute. Jiwgar, adj. resolute, bold. Jiwna, V. 71. to live. Jiwra, s. m. life, soul. Jiyada, s. m. prop. Ziyada, whicb see. Jiyada bona, see Ziyada bona. Jiyada karna, see Ziyada karna. Jiyafat, s.f.prop. Ziyafat, which see. Jiyan, s. m. prop. Ziyan, which see. Jiyana, v. n. to cause to live. Jiyara, s. m. life, soul. Jiyarat, s. /. prop. Ziyarat, which see. Jiyiira, s. m. life, soul. Jo, in compos, seeking, seeker : pron. rel. who, what, which : conj. if, that. Joar, s. f. the name of a grain, In- dian corn, maize. Joban, s. m. puberty, prime, youth, breast. Jo chiz, what thing, wliatever. Jodha, s. m. a hero, a warrior, a brave fellow. Jog, s. m. junction, fitting ; intense devotion : adj. possible, capable, fit ; in compos, able, worthy. Jogi, s. m. a Hindu faqfr, a devotee. Jogin, s. f. female of Jogi". Jogni", s. f. a class of female deities attendant on the goddess Debi; spirits governing periods of good ami ill luck. Jogya, adj. accomplished, fit, capable. Johna, V. a. to expect, to lookout for. Jojan, s. m. a measure of four kos. Jo jo, whoever, whatever. Jok, s. f. a leech. JOR Jokh, s. f. weight. Jokhim, s.f. risk, venture, danger, i] jury ; easily broken or injured. Jokhim uthana, to run the hazard, risk, to suffer loss. Jokhimf, 8. m. one who risks. ] Jokhna, v. a. to weigh. Jokhon, s. f. see Jokhim. Jo kof, whoever. Jo ki, though, although. Jo kuchh, whatever. Jola, s. m. fraud, deceit. Jola dena, to deceive. Jolah, s. m. a weaver. Jon, adv. as, when. JonhiQ, adv. as soon as,^xactly whei Jonk, 8. f. a leech. Jon ka ton, in the same way as : was, as before, unaltered. Jonk lagana, to apply leeches. Jon ton, adv. in some way. Jon tonkar, 1 adv. in any way, b Jon tonkarke, f some means, some how or other, as it could be don( Jor, 8. m. prop. Zor, which see. Jor, 8. m. junction, joint, joining, cor nexion ; a patch, a seam. Jora, 8. m. a joining, a pair, a coupk a pair of shoes ; a suit (of clothes, Joran, s. m. solder ; runnet. Jora war, adj. see Zorawar. Jorawari, s. /. see Zorawari. Jor dena, to cast up, to add the sun Jori, 8. f. a pair, a couple. Joriyana, to put together in order. Jor jar, s. m. savings, scraping together. Jor karna, ) gee under Zor. Jor marna, J Jorna, ) v. a. to join, to mend, to ad( Jorna, I together, iio reckon, to cas or sum or add up ;__to solder, t* cement, to set (a bone, &c.) Jorti, 8. f. calculation, reckoning. Jor tor, 8. m. contrivance, arrange ment. Jorii, 8. /. a wife. Jorii larka, wife and children, family JUG [ 137 ] JUN Josh, 8. m. ebullition, effervescence, heat, passion, lust. Joshiinda, s. m. a decoction. JohIi denii, to cause to boil, to boil. .Josh khiiiui, to boil or bubble up. Jot, «./. cultivation, cultivated land, tillage ; brilliancy, light, lustre ; the sunbeams, the Hame of a candle or lamp ; vision. Jotf, 8. f. the string which suspends the scale of a balance. V t'ki f *• ^' ^'^^rology, astronomy. Jotikhi ) 8. m. an astrologer, an Jotikr, I astronomer. Jotish, 8. m. see Jotikli. Jotiswurup, 8t,*lf-resplendent ; an epithet of God. Jotna, V. a. to yoke ; to plough, to till. Jiia, 8. w. a yoke ; playing with dice, &c., gunihliiig. Jiia khclna, to gam})le. Juan', 8. m. a gambler. Jubdn, 8. f. prop, Zul)an, which see. .Iiihb;i, a kind of long vest resembling :i siiirt. .Iiniii, adj. separate, distinct, away, apart, aside, )usuiid(;r, ditlbrent. Judii honii, to Ix; Hcparatod. Judaf, «. /. w^paration. Jud;i judii, adj. various, one by one, sevtrally. Huparatt'ly. Judii judii kahmi, to i)articularizc. Judti kariui, to m-parate, tt> disjoin, to piirt, (o iliscngagi', to part with, to di.sjM).st« of. U) wll. Judli, 8. VI. l)attl<', war, fight.; Jilubdz, 8. m. a gaml)ler. Jiie||chati)i, m. in. a gaming-hnuflo. Juft, H. in. cveMnasH; a party; a wuplc, a matcii. Jufti khilna, r. a. to pair (as hinls.) Jug. 8. m. a p(Mi(Hl, an agisonoof tho four great Hindu peritKls. .lugali. 8.f. tho cud. Jugiihiii, r. a. to cliew tlio cud. Jiiganii, r. a. to bo careful of, tokocp with care. Jugat, 8. f. contrivance, dexterity. Jiigat, 8./. a pun or double meaning. Jugatbaz, a punster, one who is fond of uttering double meanings. Jugat i', arlj. artful, clever, cunning, facetious. Jughrafiya, 8. m. geography. Jug jug, adv. constiintly, eternally. Jug jug jinii, to live for ever. Jugni, 8. f. a glowworm. Jugnu, 8. m. the firefly ; a jewel worn about the neck. Jugttiua, V. a. to procure, to get. Juhar, 8. /. Hindu salutation, obci- Siince. Juhr, 8./. jasmine, a kind of firework. Jujh marnii, j v. n. to die fighting, to Jiijhna, / be killed in battli . ^1, 8. m. deceit, cheating, a trick. Juhif, «. /. prop. Zulf, which see. Juliih, ) 8. m. a Muhammadan Julaha, / weaver. Julam, 8. m. prop. Zulm, which see. Julamaua 8. in. prop. Janmana, a fine, piiially. Julam houii, see Ztdm hona. Julami, adj. see Zuhni'. Julam kariui, s^'o Zulm kurnii. .JulliiK 8. in. a purgi\tive nie 1 •« Jyiin, P^^^ ^^' ^^ ^^- Jyiin jyiin, at what time. Jyunkar, as. Jyun ka tyun, adv. precisely tlie same. Jyun tyun, somehow or other. K. Ka, postpos. of, belonging to; in Braj. pron. inflect, sing, of Kauu, whom, what, which. Kab, adv. wlien ? Kaba, s. m. the temple of Mecca. Kabab, s. m. roasted meat, a roast, roasted. Kababchmi, s. f. cubebs. Kabab bona, v. n. to burn, to be roasted, to be enraged. Kababi, adj. fit to be roasted, roast- ing fowl. Kabab karna, v. a. to burn, to rOast. Kabaddi, s. f. a game among boys. Kabahat, s. f. prop. Qabahat, per- plexity, inconvenience. Kabail, s. m. prop. Qabail, which see. Kabaj, s. f. prop. Qabz, costiveness, gripes. Kabaj karna, see Qabz karna. Kabalsiirat, adj. prop. Qabiilsurat, handsome. Kabalsiiratf, s. /. see Qabulsurati. Kabar, s. f. prop. Qabr, a grave, a tomb. Kabargali, s. f. prop. Qabrgah, a burying-ground. Kabaristan, s. f. prop. Qabristan, a burying-ground. Kabhi', ad^v. ever, sometime or other, sometime. KAB [ 139 ] KACH Knbhi kabhf, adv. sometimes, now and tlien, at times. K;il)lii ke, of somt time. \\:\\)hiY\,adv. see Kabhi'. !\;il)'ii naln'n, adv. never. lv;il>hi na kablii, sometime or other, first or last. Kabhii, | adv. even, sometime or Kabhiin, / other, sometime. Kabhun iiahm, adv. never. Kabi, s. m. a poet. Kabr, wlv. see KabliT. Kabil, adj. itrop. Qdbil, which see. Kabila, «. /. proj). Qabi'la, wife. Ktibil bona, prop. Qabil bona, to de- serve, to merit. Kabi'r, n. prop, name of a faqi'r. lOibirpantbi, 8, m. a follower of Kabi'r. Kabi'swar, 8. m. an eminent poet Kabit, 8. TO. poetry, verso. Kabitti, 8. m. a poet. Kii]))!!, 8. m. prop. Qabza, which see. ■ i;i karmi, j p*02>. Qabzn, &c., j ' lut'o karnd.i t^) seize, to take i i\:il)j(! nu'uhina, ) possession of. Kahjiyat, 8. f. i/rop. Qabziyat, which I Kjib ka, adv. since when ? of what time ? Kid) kab, when. Ivub k(\l adw «inco when? of what Kab Ui,) time? [IJjI'I till when? how long? lyibni, adj. j^ray, dirty whito. Kiib 8o, Hinco when ? Kabaiirat, prop. tChubHiimt, which see. ' Kab tai'o, ) , ,.,, , ... Kab ink "t' <'," "'"" ' '"^^^ Kabtdak. ) ^""S- Kubii, ado. 8(»o Kablui. Kabii, 8. m. prop. Qi\\m, whij'h mh\ ( Kabii chahina, sie Qjibu chalunii. Kubiirhi, adj. prop. Qabiichi*. de»- potic. tyrannical. Kabiiohipanti, 8. in. tyranny. i Kabuk, s. f. a pigeon- house, a box I for pigeons. j Kabul, n. prop, name of a country ! and city, Cabool. I Kabiil, 8. in. prop. Qabiil. which S( ; Kabul I, 8. f. a kind of pea. Kabiiliyat, 8. f. prop. Qabuliyat, u written agreement. Kabul karna, see Qiibul karnii. Ktibiipana, prop. Qabiipanti, which see. Kabii tar, 8. m. a pigeon. Kabutjir])az, one who rears pigeons. Kabiitarkliana, s. m. a dove-cot, a pigeon-house. Kiicli, 8. in. glass. Ktichii, adj. si e Kachcha. l\ivcha)iri, «. /. a hall of justice, court, an office for transacting busiut - Kachjii, 8. /. rawness. Kachak, «. /. pain from sprain, &c., spniin. Kachakmi, v. n. to strain, to 8i>ruin, to twist, to Ump, to pain. Kacban', «. m. name of a fruit, j Kachar kachar, «. supping sound i:i ! eating. j Kachaun', 8./. a kind of cake. I Kadibacl), ». in. plur. iufiuita, bmts, I children, family. I Kacbba<'hiyu, the plciiulos. Kadu-lui, adj. unri|HN crude, mv built of unlMiktHl (arih; Hilly, uu oxpcricncvd; faW; iH-nmUi A ci rtitin Htundnrd of wiighU* anil b mil, to got into a ragtv U ....|...iia, 8. Ml. rttwnc«»,rruuity. Kaohchhnp, 8. in. a tortoiM), :i turtle. Kacjuldn, a kind of horaj (with a hollow back.) K ' ' ' m. n tortoise, a t •"'' In a 4*'r which is I tarvl of cijjhty i . wci^ltl. Knchchi taul, beneath tho atoudanl weight. KACH [ 140 ] KAF Kachchu, s. m. name of a plant with an esculent root. Kacheri, s. f. see Kachahri. Kachh, s. m. a tortoise, a turtle. Kaclih, I s. m. a cloth worn round Kachha,/ the hips passing between the legs and tucked in behind the upper part of the thigh. Kachharna, v. a. to wash, to rinse. Kachhautf, s. f. a cloth worn be- tween the legs to conceal the pri- vities. Kachhlampat, adj. incontinent, lecherous, libertine. Kachhna, v. a. to bind on or tie up the Kachh ; to skim up, to wipe up anything that is spilled with the hand ; to half wash or rinse (cloth.) Kachhna, | s. /. a cloth worn be- Kachhrn', i tween tlie legs to con- Kachhuf, ) ceal the privities. Kachhiia, 8. m. a tortoise, a turtle. Kachhuadahar, adj. deep and shal- low alternately. Kachh waha, s. m. a tribe of Kajputs. Kachiya, s. m. a reaping-hook or sickle. Kachiyana, v. n. to be frightened, to draw back. Kachkacli, s. m. debate, altercation. Kachkachahat, s. f. the act of de- bating, &c. Kachkana, v. n. to strain, to sprain, to twist. Kachkara, s. m. whalebone. Kaclikela, s. m. a kind of plantain dressed as a vegetable. Kachko, adj. not well-burnt, as tiles, bricks, &c. Kachlohf, ) /. . -, . Kachlohiya, / '• f' ^^^tempered iron. Kachnal, | s. f. a tree whose buds are Kachnar, / a delicate vegetable. Kachpach, adj. close, thick, stuffed together. Kachpachiya, the pleiades. Kachpan, s. m. rawness, simplicity. Kaclira, s. m. a kind of melon ; a rope used in boats, a tethering rope. Kachur, s. m. the name of a poison- ous plant or drug. Kad, adv. when? also for Qadd, which see. Kada, s. m. slime, mud, mire, soft clay. Kadachit, adv. should, sometimes, perhaps. Kadalf, s. f. a plantain tree. Kadam, s. m. the name of a tree ; also for Qadam, which see. Kadapi, adv. see Kadachit. Kadar, s. f. prop. Qadr., which see. Kadawar, adj. prop. Qaddawar, tall. Kadda, s. m. prop. Qadah, which see. Kadhi, ] Kadhm, I adj. ever, sometime oi- Kadhii, j other. Kadhun, j Kadim, adj. prop. Qadim, ancient, old. Kadima, s. m. a kind of pumpkin. Kadir, adj. 'prop. Qadir, which see. Kadjawab, a rejoinder. Kado, s. m. slime, mud, mire. Kadu, s. m. a pumpkin, a pumpion, a gourd. Kadiidana, s. m. the name of a disease, tape- worms. Kaephal, s. m. name of a medicine. Kaf, s.f. foam, froth, spittle, phlegm. Kafan, s. m. a winding-sheet, a shroud. Kafanchor, a shroud-stealer ; caitiff, miscreant. Kafanf, s. f. a garment worn by Muhammadan mendicants. Kaftira, s. m. atonement, expiation for sin. Kaff, s. m. Eng. coffee. Kafgir, s. m. a skimmer. Kafil, security. Kafila, s. m. prop. Qafila, a body of travellers, a caravan. KAH [ 141 ] KAI 8. m. a crow. Kafir, adj. infidel, impious : s. m. an infidel, one who is not a Muham- mad an. Katiri, n. prop, a Caffre, a native of a part of Africa. Kafnana, v. a. to shroud, to dress for the grave. Kafiii, 8. f. a dress worn by Faqirs. ^ Katilr, 8. m. camphor. Kiifiir liojana, \ to run away, to Kafur hoiui, / disappear, to scamper off, to vanish. Kafiin', adj. camphorated, made of caniplior. Kafiiri batti, a camphor-wick candle. Ka{?, 1 Kaga, / ^ '^ • \ 8. m. paper. Kagaj. / * ^ Kagajf, see Kaghazu Kagar, «. m. edge, border, archi- trave. KiiL^haz, H. in. paper. Kagliazf, a kind of lime ; a stationor, a pai>er -maker : adj. delicate, soft, thin. Kiigijazr lembii, \ ». m. a lime with Kiigliazi ncinbu, ) a very thin riud. Kiigiiazpatr, h. m. a written docu- ment, a di'txl. Kah, imper. shuj. (of Ivahud), speak, Kiilui, K. m. order, saying, word. KuiaiUiiiii, fl. /. ultercutiou, cxikhj- tuhition. Kiiiialut, «. /. indoloucc, tdotb, in- activity. Kahulati, adj. lazy, slothful. Kahiiu, (idi\ whfre? Kaiiiina, r. a. to cauM) to speak, to must! to till: to 1k) odletl. Kahani, 8. /. a Uilo, story, fublo. Kuliiiu kji kahau, to what degree, rxtrcnu'ly, innni'n.s(>ly. Kaiiiiu s*\ udi\ where? Kahau tak, \ how far? how Kaluiu talak, / long? to what degree 'i Kahar, «. m. a palanquin-bearer; name of a caste. Kaharin, s. f. the feminine of Kahar. Kaliarna, v. n. to groan. Kahasuni, s. /. repetition of what one has heard. Kahawat, 8. /. a proverb, an adage, a saying. Kah dena, to tell, bid, order, &c. Kahe, pron. injlect. what? which? why ? wherefore ? Kahe ko, for what? why? where- fore? Kahgil, 8. f. mud plaster for walls. Kahi. 8. f. a foraging party. Kiihi ka gosht, grass-feil meat. Kiihil, adj. slow, indolent, lazy, languid, sick, tardy. Kahili, 8. f. indolence, sloth, tardi- ness. Kiihil mizaj, adj. indolent Kaln'u, adv. stmiewhere, tuiywhero, wiii'rever. Kahiu aur, elsewhere. Kahiu nahiii, nowhei-e. Kaliiu ua kahio, somcwhcro or other. Kahili bhejna, r. ti. U^ send a nios- stige, to send and tell, to inform. Kahltintt, v. a. to eaUM3 to ^ay ; tu bo culUxi. Kuhni&, V. a. to tell, to say, recount, state, bid. onhT. athrni, usHcrt, aver, advisis speak : ». m. saying, advice, unler. eonimand. Kahiio. adv, soniewhejns anywhetf Kahwtt, «. m. prttp. Qahwu, vsaXk v. Kahwadan, «. ti*. prtiy. Qahwadan. o.tV.t-iH.t. Knhwuna, t\ a. to C4iuse to 8}M>ak. Kui, «. /. jtrop. Qui, voniiting. K^i', ft. /. Uio green mould tl sticks to wall.s and {laveuient.-^ ; si'um, fur ; the gnH>n mmuii on the surface of st^ignant water. Kai, \ pron^ how nmuy? a4i* 00- Kai', / veral, sonic. Koid, 8. /. pwp. Qaid, which see. KAJ [ 142 ] KAL Ivaida, s. m. prop. Qaida, which, see. Kaid hona, see Qaid hona. Kaidi, s. m. see Qaidi. Kaid kama, see Qaid karna. Kaidkhana, s. m. a prison. Kaid men rakhna, see Qaid, &c. Kaid lahna, see Qaid, &c. K ^' \' I ^^^^' ^°^® ^®^' ^ ^®^' Kaifiyat, s. f. relation, statement. Kai karna, prop. Qai karna, to vomit. Kail, p'op. Qail, which see. Kail hona, see Qail hona. Kail karna, see Qail karna. Kaim, 1 adj. prop. Qaim, which Kaimi, / see. Kaim mizaj, see Qaim mizaj. Kaim karna, prop. Qaim karna, to establish. Kainchi, s. /. prop. Qainchi, scis- sors, shears ; an oblique cross. Kainchi 1, s. /. the slough of a snake. Kairi, s. f. a small unripe mango. Kairiankh, a wall-eye, an eye the pupil of which is grey. Kaisa, pron. adj. how? in what manner ? what sort of ? what like? Kaisa hi, howsoever. Kaisen, adv. how ? ■ir^^-^u ' > s. m. name of a tree. , Kaiya, s. m. a tool for soldering. Kaiyal, s. m. a weigher of grain. Kaj, s. m. crooked, curved, awry. Kaj, s. m. business, occupation, an action, affair ; by reason (of), for the sake (of) ; a button-hole. Ivaia, s. /. ])ro'p. Qaza, death. Kajai, s. /. prop. Qaiza, the short rein of a harness ; the bridle used wlien the horse is curried. Kaj Ilk, s. m. prop. Qazzak, a robber. l\ajal, s. w. lampblack (applied to the eyes.) Kdjaldan, s. m. a box for holding lampblack. Kajawa, s. m. a camel's saddle ; ai pannier ; a kind of box for keep- ing vessels, &c., in. Kajaya, prop. Qazaya, Avhich see. Kaji, s. m. prop. Qazi, a Muham- madan judge. Kajf, s.f. crookedness, crossness. Ka^iiya,s. m.prop. Qaziya, which see. Kajiya karna, see Qaziya karna. I^^Hs. m. seeKajah Kajlauti, s. /. an iron instrument! like snuffers, used to receive smoke for preparing lampblack. Kaka, s. m. a paternal imcle. Kakahra, s. m. the alphabet. Kakatua, a cockatoo-parrot. Kakhaurf, s. /. a painful suppurating tumor in the armpit. Kakhorna, v. a. see Kakoma. Kakf, s. /. a paternal aunt. Kakna, s. w^. )^ a ring worn on the Kakni, s. f. ] wrist, a bracelet, Kakoma, v. a. to scratch ; to scrape (the earth as fowls), to hollow, to excavate. Kakreza, s. m. name of a colour approaching to purple. Kakrezi, adj. purple-coloured. Kakri, s. /. a kind of cucumber. Kal, s. m. to-morrow, yesterday : s. /. ease, tranquiUity, quiet, rest; a trap, a machine. Kal, s. m. death; (met.) a snake; time, season, dearth, famine, ca- lamitv; to-morrow. Kala, adj. black, dark : s. m. name of a snake. Kalaba, s. m. see Kalawa. [belly.. Kalabal, s. m. the lower part of the Kalabattu, \ s. m. twisted silver Kalabattiin,/ and silk thread. Kalabazf, s. f. turning over head and heels, tumbling, juggling. Kaladana, s. name of a purgative seed. Kalali, s. m. quarrel. [vixen. Kalahi, s. /. a scold, a termagant, a KAL [ 1^3 ] KAL Kalahkar, «. m. a quarrelsome man. Kalahkarini, 8. /. a quarrelsome woman. Kaliir, 8. f. wrist ; a kind of pulse. Kalai, 8. f. prop. Qalaf , which see. Kalaigar, ^/rop. Qalafgar, wliich see. Kalai kania, to tin (vessels.) Kalajira, 8. m. black cummin-seed. Kala kos, a great distance. Kalai, 8. m. see Kaliir. ICalalin, «. /. see Kalarin. Kalam, «. /. prop. Qalam, which see. Kalcim, 8. m. a word, speech, talk, conversation. Kalamdan, «. m. prop. Qalamdan, which see. Kalamf, cuij.prop.QjsXami^ which see. Kalamtarasli, 8. in. prop. Qalam- tariish, a pcnknit'e. Kulii muoh karnu, to disgrace, to ■ xIKjI. iin ul lali, the word of God ; 111(3 Qiinin is so cidled. Kala na lagmi, not to have an advantage, not to avail. Kala namak, ««. m. a kind of rock salt; black salt. Kalank, «. m. calumny, suspicion, scandal, brand, stigma, obUKpiy, defamation, a moral stun or taint, guilt. Kulanki', titlj. liabh; to reproocli, blcmislu'd, Iv.ilap, H. m. starch. Kuhipan, «. m. bluekueiii}. Ivulapiit, I Kalupiit, > i(. m. Q calkor. Kidiipjdi', I K ;da[)nii, v. n. to ho grieved, to pn'i<'Vo. Kaltir, n. m. u distiller ; a BcUur of .spirituous li(|uors. Kalarin, ». /. female of Kaliir. Knlus, 8. m. tlio Bpire or orimincni on the top of u dome or [)illar, a ^pire. Kala.siimp, j 8. m, a very vonomous Kalasarp, / blsvck suakc. Kalaii, s. m. naiuu of the fourth ago. Kalaunji, s. /. the name of a medi- cinal seed. Kalawa, many colours worn round the neck in the Muharram. Kal bas bona, to be in the hands of death. Kill bitiina, to waste one's time, to spend time. Kiilbud,^ 8. m. last, a mould for Kalbut, / shoes ; the hmuan body ; a figure, form. Kiilebaran, of the colour of a snak Kaleja, 8. m. the liver, courage, spirit, magnanimity. Kaleja kiimpnii, to be afraid, to suffer cold. Kaleja meo dal rakhnd, to love or esteem exceedingly. Kaleja phatna,to bo disturbed with grief. Kaleja par samp phim^, to suffer jealousy or envy. Kaleja tlianilhii kamii, to obtain oiu''s wishes, to get eaijo. Kaleja ulatnii, to be fatigued with excessive vomiting. Kalej<^ se lagii leua, to caress, to em- brace, to love exceedingly. Kalejo sc^ lagii rakhnti, to take gri care of, Kiilo kos, a great distance. Kales, 8. tr», sickness, |kuii, tronbl torment. KaU li, \ $. fi». stale victiuds, a hm- Kalewii, / elieon, a bnnikfast. Ktil piQwana, to wasto one's tint to H|K.*nd time. Kalgln, 8. /. an ornament worn on tile tiirlxm, a plumo ; the comb of a iHX'k. Kali, adj./. black: «. /. a Hindd gotlde.-«s: ink, blacking; name of I a fabulous snake witii one hu I dreil and ten IuhhIs. I Kalt', 8. /. a buti, an unblown flowti . ! quicklimo, wet liiuo. I Kalijug. 8. 111. the fourth or present Uiudii ago; KAL [ H4 ] KAM Kalik, s. f. blackness, soot. Kalika, n. prop. f. name of the Hindu goddess. Kalikh, s. /. stain, spot, soot, dis- grace, stigma. Kalima, s. m. the Muhammadan confession of faith. Kalima parhna, to make the Mu- hammadan confession of faith. Kali mirch, s. /. black pepper. Kali mitti, s. f. a black earth. Ivalim ul lah, the speaker with God, Moses. KalLTya, } «• ^- ^ Christian church. Kalitulsi, s. /. the name of a plant. Kaliya, adj. black (complexioned.) Kaliyana, v. n. to blossom, to bloom, to bud. Kaliyug, s. m. see Kalijug. Kaliziri, s. f. name of a medicine. Kaljibha, adj. malignant ; whose curses prevail. Kal ka admi, a puppet. Kalkal, s. m. wrangling. Kal katna, to waste one's time, to spend time. Kal ki bat, news of yesterday, some- thing that happened very lately. Kalla,| s. m. the head, cheek, the Kalla,/ gills (of a fish.) Kallakar, adj. noisy, tumultuous. Kallakhushk, lantern-jawed. Kallapaya, the head and feet. Kalledaraz, adj. talkative. Kalledarazi, s. /. talkativeness, lo- quacity. Kalma, s. m. see Kalima. Kalmakal, s. /. uneasiness, disquiet, distraction, trouble. Kalmalana, v. n. to fidget, to writhe. Kalme ki ungli, s. f. the forefinger. Kalmi, 8. f. name of a creeper. Kalol, 8. f. wantonness, friskiness, frolic, gambol, play, sport. Kalor. s. /. a heifer. Kal parna, to happen a famine. Kalsa, s. m. a kind of water-pot. Kal si", s. f, a water-pot. See also Kalas. Kalwar, s. m. a distiller, a vender of spirituous liquors. Kalyan. s. m. welfare, happiness, prosperity. Kam, adj. deficient, less, little, abated, scanty, rarely, seldom. Kam, 8. m. business, action, act, deed, affair, occupation, work, use, employment ; lust. | Kamai, s./. earnings, gains, savings, | work. Kamal, s. m. perfection, excellence : adj. complete, entire, perfect. Kamal, s. m. a blanket. Kamal wala, s. m. a wearer or seller of blankets. Kaman, s./. a bow ; Eng. command ; a cannon. Kam ana, to come into use, to be of use, to avail, to stand in stead. Kamana, v. a. to earn; to work, to perform; to clean (leather, or a privy.) Kaman daghna, to fire (the gun.) Kamani, adj. bowed, bent: s. f. a spring; the sticks of a paper kite ; a carpenter's bow for bor- ing. Kaman jana, to go on command (as soldiers.) Kaman ke tarke, early, morning gunfire. Kamaql, adj. stupid, ignorant. Kamaqli, s. f. want of understand- ing, stupidity. Kainar, s. /. the loins, waist. Kamara, s. m. a chamber, a room, an apartment, a European's resi- dence. Kamar baithna, to become weak. Karaaiband, s. m. a girdle, a zone, a waistband, a long piece of ciotii girt round the loins. Kamar bandhna, to begird, to get ready, to resolve, to be intent, to arm. KAM [ 145 ] KAM Kamarbasta, adj. having tho loins girt, ready. Kumar khol baithna, to sit at ease. Kainar khohia, to quit service. Kainar mazbiit karna, to undertake a work of expense. Kamar pakarke uthna, to be weak. Kiuuar rah jana, to have a pain in the loins (from long standing, &c.) Kauidrthi, \ a person who carries Kiimai-thu, / baskets filled w^th tlie water of the Gangc.'s. Kamar ^utmi, to be liopeless, to be a skulker, amclior, j Kiiiu dcklimi, to come into use. Kiimdew, n. yroi). Cupid; lust. Kiim faluun, adj. stupid. Kiim fursjit, \ s. J. want of opi)or- Kiim fiirsati, / timity, leisure or Kam ^li( r, adj. Bcanty, not full (a rob,..) Knm hi mmat, a((/. spiritless, munn- -I)irited. Kam homi, v. n. to lessen, to do- it use. to ul)ati\ to fail. Kumi, adj. lil)idinons, lustful; busy. Kami, .S-. /. detieienoy, loss, paucity, il>at»>im'nt, diminution, decrease. ;Kamij, «. m. prop. Qami'z, a shirt or dhii't. Kamil, m. ) adj. perfect, complete, Kamila, /. / accomplished, learned. Kamila, 8. m. name of a drug. Kamin, 8. /. a beautiful woman. Kami'na, adj. mean, base, ijnioble, wicked, vile, of low condition, vulgar or common ^person.) Kamini', 8. /. a beautiful woman. Kamkiij, business, occupation. Kamkiiji', ac?/. laborious, active, alert. Kam kam, a httle, little by little. Kam karna, v. n. to diminislj, t<^ lessen ; to depreciate. Kiim kania, to labour, to work, to accomplish a bu^^ilJess. Kamkeli, amorous dalliance, coition. Kumyiarch, adj. parsimonious, mo- derate expenditure. Kamyiarchi, s. f. parsimony. Kamkhoriik, abstemious, eating little. Kamkhwtib, «. m. silk worked witli gold and silvir flowers, brocado. Kamir, »./. a small bhnd;eL Kannnal, 8. m. a blanket. Kam mejj himi, to emplov, to use. Kannui, ». j. desire, wisli, inclina- tion. Kam nasib, adj. unfortunate. Kam nasil)!*, «. /. misfortune, bad lu.'k. Kiim nikiilnti, to make answer one's pur{)ose, to accomplish ouo*8 di sires. Kam o ziyiid. '. vs. Kamp. *. f. 1 It very fine for making .. , . A:e. Kampti. *. m. a trap to eatoh binis. Kampiilui, «<(/. tremulous, fearful. KamiMimi, r. «. to ciuuie to tremble, to shake, to a^it4\te. Kampas, u |>»ir of ctMU|Kisses; a shaft for one horse. Kampaswiilii, n. tii. a land-survejfir. Ktun])hna, I v. n. to shiver, t Kampmi, > tremble, to ; quak' Kiuupiui, I to shake. K;im (pidam, ac^*. slow-paoed. ^ KAN [ 146 ] KAN Kam qadr, adj. worthless. Kam qfmat, adj. low-priced, of little value. Kam qiiwat, adj. feeble, powerless, weak. Kamrakh, s. m. the name of a fruit. Kam rakhna, to be difficult to bo done. Kamrf, s. f. a small blanket : adj. weak in the loins (a horse.) Kam se kam, very little, least. Kam sliauq, adj. indifferent. Kam sinn, adj. young, prime (of life.) Kam sukhan, adj. taciturn, speak- ing little. Kam talash, adj. scarce. Kam tamam hona, to be finished, killed or made away with. Kam tamam karna, to accomplish, to finish ; to kill, to make away. Kamtar, adj. less, least. Kamtarm, adj. least, meanest. Kamtha, s. m. a bow. Kamtf, s. f. deficiency, scarcity, abatement. Kamti karna, to lessen, to decrease. Kamwana, v. a. to cause to work; to make one pay his debt by labour. Kam zarf, adj. ignoble, vile. Kam zat, low-bred, of low caste. Kam zihn, forgetful, without abili- ties. Kam ziyad, more or less. Kamzor, adj. weak, powerless, in- firm. Kamzorf, s. /. weakness, infirmity, debility. Kan, in compos, digging, digger : s. m. rice-dust ; appraisment of a crop on the field, valuation. Kan, s. m. the ear. Kana, adj. blind of one eye, one- eyed ; rotten in part (fruit, nuts, &c.) Kana kanaura, adj. favoured, stand- ing in awe of or afraid to meet another. Kan ametna, to pull the ears, to chastise. Kanan, 71. prop. Canaan. Kana phusf, s.f. whispering. Kanat, s. f. prop. Qanat, which see. Kanaura. wJj. weak, delicate. See also Kana kanaura. Kanaura karna, to gain ascendancy over another, or to make him stand in awe. Kanautha, s. m. any situation in an apartment close to an angle of a wall. Kan buchiyana, see Kan dabana. Kan bhar dena,| to excite dissen- Kan bharna, / sion by tale bear- ing. Kanch, s. m. glass ; a disorder in which the intestinum rectum is prolapsed. Kanchan, s. m. gold. Khachanf, s. f. a dancing girl. Kand, s. m. an esculent root, loaf- sugar. Kand, s. m. a section, part, division. Kanda, s. m. dry cow-dung used for fuel. Kan dabana, to turn back the ears as a horse does when about to bite, to turn a deaf ear. Kan dena, to hear, to be attentive. Kan de sunna, to hear attentively. Kandha,| ^_ ^^^ shoulder. Kand 1 1 a, j Kandha dena, to assist, to carry away the dead. Kan dharna, to hear, to listen, to attend, to be attentive. Kandu, s. m. a caste whose business it is to parch corn. Kane, postpos. m. near, to, with, at, &c. Kanel, s. f. the name of a ti-ee. Kanen, see Kane. Kaneti, s, /. pulling the ears. KAN [ 147 ] KAN il, adj. poor, friendless, needy, ii^ent. ,;;iir, adj. see Kangal. Kiuigalimiia, s. m. want, indigence, poverty, penury. Kaiigan, «. m. an ornament for the wrist. Kanghr, 8. f. a comb. Kaiighi karna, to comb. Kangnd, 8. m. a thread tied round the bridegroom's wrist. Kangni', a. f. a small grain, millet ; a small bracelet. Kangojar, *t. m. a centipede. , .,,..,( *• '"*• ^ pinnacle, a turret. u radar, adj. spired. in. jtrop. the name of Krishna. iiihiiui, to acquiesce. Iioiui, t() understand, to be \\!inicd or take example. Kani, 8. /. a spark of a diamond or "ihcr gem. adj. a woman blind of ono K:iiii kauri', a kaufi or shell with a hole in it; a bit of money of tho lowest value {Jig.) a farthuig. sii, H. /. SCO Kanya. yanrt, r. a. to |jo ono side, to ;ivoid one. to dixlge, to hhun. Kanjar, *i. in. name of a caste pono- > •lly eni|iloycHi in ttclling utriu)^, king ropes, &c. ilinkana, to desire to hoar. Ivaiiji, f,f. Htarch, rico-wutcr, rico- grncl, conget\ '"^ "it' haus, a congto-hou.«»c ; a pound cattle. IS. 8. in. a miser, a niggard. ivaiijiisi, *i. /. UtinginesN meuu- Kunjii.wpanii, g. m.j ne^i}, jwunrious- uebs, niggiirdlincss. Kankan, s. m. a bnicclet Kankani', 8. f. piercing cold. Kankar, 8. m. a nodule of limestone, stone, gravel. Kankari', s. f. a small stone or pebble. Kan karna, to appraise (a crop.) Kankar patthar, precious stones. Kankata, adj. ear-cropt, earless. Kiin kiitna, to get the better of, to surpass, to outwit. Kankh, 8. f. the armpit. Kankhajura, 8. m. centipede. Klin kliare bona, to be alarmed. Kankh i', «. /. a side glance, ogle, squint, wuik. Kjuikhi miirna, to wink, to ogle. Ktinkhmi, v. n. to scream (a pig.) Kanki, 8. f. broken rice, the scraps that lly otf in j)ouni^riii^ to bo be: s|)eeoh.) Kan nu'U tel dtilko so nihnu, t*^ sKm^p soundly. Kan nieu tol (lulnd, to pretend not to hear. Klin meu unglt du rahnti, to stoj one's oarx, to turn a deaf uu* to what is 8i\id. Kannii, k. tii. the part of a imfvr kite to wiiich the string is tied. Ktin par luith dharnti. to deny. Kanpu^i. 8./. tlie It tuple. Kanphata. 8. in. a kind of Jogi* rr Hiiuhi faijir with split Ktin phopui. to make a : Klin phiiukti: , * * " ' ciple. ■,ioU]\. KAP [ 148 ] KAR Kans, s. f. a kind of grass. Kails, n. prop, the tyrant whom Krishna was born to destroy. Kansa, s. m. bell-metal or white brass. Kansalai,"! s. f. name of an insect KansalaiJ said to get into the ear. Kanta, s. m. a thorn, a large nail ; spur (of a cock) ; a fork, a pitch- fork; small goldsmith's scales; the tongue of a balance ; a fish • bone ; pricker (of a gun) ; an instrument with hooks to catch hold of things mider water, a drag ; an enemy. Kanta bona, to prepare distress or misfortune for one's self or ano- ther. Kanth, s. m. the windpipe, throat, voice : adj. by heart, by rote, com- mitted to memory. Kantha, s. m. a necklace made of silver or crystal, &c., a collar. Kantha, s. m. a garment of shreds or rags worn by beggars called Gudardas. Kanthi, s. f. a short necklace of small wooden beads. Kanth karna, to get by heart. Kanthmala, s. m. a kind of necklace of gold and jewels. Kanth phutna, v. n. to be broken (the voice of a boy becoming hoarse as he approaches to puberty.) Kanti, s. f. a nail. Kanton par ghasitna, to drag upon thorns, to extol or exalt one above his merits. Kaniin, «. m prop. Qanun, which see. Kaniingo, s. m. see Qanungo. Kanwal, s. m. the lotus. Kanya, «. /. a girl not above ten years of age, a virgin, a daughter. Kanyadcin, the gift of a daughter or virgin in marriage. Kapal, 8. m. the forehead, the top of the head, the skull; fate, luck, destiny. Kapal khulna, to have a favourable turn of fortune. Kapal phutna, to be unfortunate. Kapar, s. m. see Kapal. Kapar chhan karna, to strain. Kapardhul, s. m. a kind of gauze. Kaparkut, clay pounded up with rags, cotton, &c., for making cru- cibles, &c. Kapas, s. /. cotton (undressed) ; the cotton plant. Kapat, adj. deceitful, designing, hy- pocritical : s. /. deceit, subterfuge, trick. Kapatbhek, an assumed character. Kapatf, adj. insincere, false, acting an assumed part. Kapat riipdhari, a hypocrite. Kapkapi, s. f. shivering, trembling, quaking. Kapna, \ s. m. to shiver, to tremble, Kapna, / to quake, to quiver. Kapra, s. m. cloth, clothes, dress, habit. Kapra orhna, \ to put on clothes, Kapra pahanna, / to clothe. Kapre, plur. dress, apparel. Kapre wapre, clothes. Kapron se hona, to liave the menses. K^pit' } '' ^- c^^P^^<^^- Kapuri, adj. a kind of betel leaf so called. Kaput, s. m. a degenerate or villan- ous son. Kapiiti, s. /. degeneracy, villany. Kaputr, s. m. see Kaput. Kar, s. m. the hand ; tribute, duty, custom, tax. Kar, 8. m. business, affair, work, la- bour. Kara, adj. black : s. m. a black snake. Kara, adj. stiff, hard ; austere, se- vere, harsh, cruel : s. m. a ring woni on the wrists, ancles, &c. ; the handle of a door, anything in the form of a ring ; a link (of a chain.; KAR [ 149 ] KAR Kara, 8. m. a young buffalo. Karaba, «. m. prop. Qaraba, which see. Kardbin, s.f.prop. Qarabm, a car- bine. Karah, 8. m. a shallow iron boiler (in which sugar, &c., is boiled), cal- dron. Karahna, v. n. to sigh and utter ah ! from pain, to groan, to moan. Karait, \8.m. a very venomous Karaitti, j kind of snake. Kiiraj, 8. m. business, alfair, work, profession. Karaj, «. m. j/rop. Qarz, which see. Karajdiir, prop. Qarzdar, which see. Karajdiiri, jyrop. Qarzilan', which see. Karaj deiui, prop. Qarz denii, to lend. Karaj leiui, \ prop, (^arz, &c., to Karaj maligna, / lx)rrow. Karaj rakhnii, prop. Qarz rakhnii, to ■\V(3. ik, 8. m. case (in grammar.) i\ ill ilk, 8. /. a crash, a cnick, forked liglitniiig. Kiu-jikii, 8. rn. the crash mndo by I'lcaking anything; a rigid faat lioni poverty.) Kiirakar, k. m. Kiiccessive orashoH. Karakmi, v. n. to lighU-ii ( tuiktd.) Kamknatli, «. naino nf u npecies of fowl wh«»Ho bont'H are hlaek. Kardkul, h. m. name of bird, a kind of heron or eurh^w. 1\aniin, x. m. st o Kami. Ivmiiuat, 8. /. a minu*h>. I mat, 8. plur. of Kartimat, mini- l\ iiaiubhog, 8. in. fuhilling of dewti- ny; tlio 8utVtriiig or enjoyment of ii.<' eonseiiucncts of evil or gooil (ions. iiiikalW, «. m. a cabbagt'. 1\ r;iinkarta,*j.7H. the .su|m rintcndeut "t any hn8inrs.H, u nmimgfr. Kaian, 8. m. making, doing, cause; lace, gold or silver lace used for or- namenting caps, shoes, &c. Karan, s. m. account, cause, reason. Karana, v. a. to cause to be done or made, to actuate, to effect. Karanae, «/. a kind of trumpet or clarion. Karanliar, s. m. doer, maker. Karanpliiil, 8. m. a kind of ear-rincr. Kanir, prop. Qariir, which see. Kanira, adj. hard, stiff. See Kan^ Karara, 1 «. m. the perpendicular Karara, j bank of a river, t&c. Kanir denii, prop. Qarar dena, which KAian', see Qariiri. [see. Kararmima, see Qamrniima. Karaundti, 8. m. name of a fruit. Karbala, 8.f. the place where Ilusain son of All was killed and buricil, the place where the t/iziya is bu- ried, any place where water --^ " ♦ procurable, a desert. Kiirbar, *t. m. busine.-^s, tmd(\ Ktirbari', adj. tit for business, aiti industrious, engaged hi busino- Karchlid, 8. ?». a large 8|X)on, a hu: Karchhtil, a.m. a riddle or cmi; sieve. Karohhi', h. /. a spoon. Karchhul, 8. f. an iron 8p(X>n. Kiirrhob, h. in. embroiiUry. I Kurelu)bi, adj. embroidertMl. Kardhaiii, n./. a gold or silver ginl Kurehi. 8. m. Die uame of a Itit i vegi'tiible. Kareni, adj. hunl, etifT, vohemeut. Kargidi, n. m. a weuvrr's shop; t hole in the ground iu which wenvor'a fwt play. Kiirlui, «. m. tt uecootioD, drinkHii Karin', *. /. a (iisli (Hin.si»ling of the meal of pulse dri'ssetl with »our milk. Kiirhnd, r. a. to draw forth (na a sword); to dmw, to dr.iw oil', to skin, to take out ; to delineate, to dniw, to |>aint ; to work llowcM on doth, &c. KAR [ 150 ] KAR Karhua, s. m. a loan, a debt. Kari, s. f. a young buffalo. Karf, in compos, making, maker, doer : adj. effectual, operating, penetrating ; the dish called curry. Kari, s. f. a rafter, a long piece of timber generally about three or four inches square ; a link (of a chain), a ring used to manacle or to fetter with. Karib, adv. iwop. Qarib, -which see. Karigar, s. m. an artisan, mechanic, artificer, a workman, a good expert workman. Karigari, s. f. masterly work, good worlmianship, manufacture. Karil, s. m. the name of a plant. Karim, adj. bountiful, gracious, li- beral ; an epithet of God. Karimi, s.f. grace, bounty, liberality. Karinda, s. m. a workman, a me- chanic, a manager, an agent. Karistani, s. f. cleverness. Kariya, adj. black. Karji, adj. prop. Qarzf, which see. Karkarahat, s. f. cracking. Karkarana, v. n. to give such a sound as oil or butter when boil- ing ; to make a noise like the roof of a house when falling. Karkarda, experienced in business. Karkas, adj. harsh, violent, sharp. Karkasa, s. /, a termagant, a scold. Karkha, s. m. stigma, stain, blame. Karkhana, s. m. a workshop, manu- factory, arsenal, any place where public works are carried on; a great work. Karkhaniya, s. m. a manufacturer, one who superintends a business. Kar lana, to effect, to settle. Karm, s. m. action, act, business, fortune, fate, destiny. Karm a r, s. m. a grating or cracking sound, the noise arising from a dogs gnawing a bone. Karmarana, to gnaw (as a dog does a bone.) Karmi", adj. doing works, a person who turns his hand to anything, ingenious. Karm karak, s. m. the accusative case. Kama, v. a. to do, to make, to form, to perform, to execute, to effect, to act : s. m. making, doing, &c., a kind of trumpet or clarion. Karnewala, a maker, doer. Kami, s. /. action, business ; a ma- son's trowel. Karnis, s. Eng. a cornice. Karobar, s. m. transaction, negotia- tion, business, concern. Karonda, s. m. name of a fruit, the corinda. Karor, j Karor, > adj. ten millions. Karor, ) [seer. Karora, s. m. kn inspector, an over- Karorpati, possessor of a karor. Karpardaz, a transactor or manager, one who superintends a business. Karrawai, s. f. carrying on of a busi- ness ; temporary arrangement or work. Karsaz, adj. adroit, dexterous : s. m. the Deity. •Karsazi, s. f. cleverness dexterity; artifice, trick. Karsi, s. /. small lumps of cow-dung. Karta, s. m. maker, author, creator ; nominative (in grammar.) Kartab, s. m. action, business, deed. Kartal, s. f. a kind of small cymbal. Kartar, s. m. the creator, maker, an author, doer. Kartik, s. m. n^me of a Hindu month. Kartiki, adj. of or relating to the month of Kartik. Kartus, s. m. a cartridge. Kartiit, s. f. action, business. Karua, s. m. a pot with a spout. Karua, adj. see Karwa. Karua kasela, adj. astringent ; bitter. Karwa, \ adj. bitter, acrid : strong Karwa, / virulent ; churlish, snap- pish. KAS [ 151 ] KAS Kaywahat, s. f. bitterness. Kaf wa liona, to be enraged. Karwa khand,, the food that is sent for three days from relations to a family in which one of the mem- bers has died. Karwan, s. m. a caravan. Karwana, v. a. to cause to make or do. Karwansara, 8. f. a caravansera. Karwas, 8. bitterness. Karwat, s. f. sideways, sleeping on the side, turning from side to side. Kaywa tel, mustard-oii. Karwat karna, to turn over. Karwat lenii, to turn (in bed.) Karwe kasele din, hard and cruel tunes. Kiis, 8. f. a kind of grass of which rofx^ is made. Kii.sab, «. m. see Kasb. Kasab karna, to i)lay the wliore. Kasad, 8. m. jn-o2>. Qasil, wliioh see. K'nsai', 8. m. prop. Qasiii', whicli sec. I a kasaya, adj. ready, prepared, I itj.l up. >ahi, «. m. affliction, distress. "sam, 8. f, jrrop. (Jasiim, an oath. .X i.sam d(Miii, to udjurc. Kusani dihiiia, toudmiiUMter an oath. Kasain klianii, to take an oatli, to wear. sam khildnd, to administer an onih. siina, V. a. to cauw to try, j)rove, •r asHay ; to cauM<< U\ UitightciuHl : ' . 71, to Ix'HiMnUsd by stanihng in u metal v<»8Hel. siio, 8. in. 8tM3 Knaawnf, ill. s. in. a kiuil of 8Wno. Kasjiwn.n. a handkerchief tied round the head on going to Ixxl, &c. Kasawat, s.f. tightness, compactness ; an astringent; bad taste. Kasaya, adj. ready tied up, Kasb, 8. m. trade, profession, employ- ment. Kasba, s. m. 'prop. Qasba, a small town. Kasbi, 8. f. a prostitute, a common strumpet. Kasbibiiz, «. m. a whoremonger. Kasbibazi, 8. f. whoredom. Kasbin, s. f. a prostitute, a common strumpet. Kase kasae, adj. tied up, preparetl, ready. Kaseni, «. m. a brazier or pewterer. Kaserii, 8. m. a kindofvegctahk' root, Kilsh, adv. would to (iod, Gotl grant. Kashr, s.f. the city of Benares. Kiishke, may it hapiwu ! God send I would ! Kashmiri, \ s. m. a Caslimerian : Kashmiri, j adj. producitl in Caslimero. Kashmirni, W./. a woraauof Gwh- Kashmiriii, j mure. Kasht, 8. in. want, ixjnury, distress, ditliculty, agony. Ktishto, cultivatiun. Kiishta kanui, tt^cuUivato Uio cartli. to pU»ugh, to sow. Kiisi, 8. J. ihe city of Hcnan's. Kasid, 8. in. prop. Qu^id, a mcsBuMi:: a courier. KuHis, «. in. martial vitriol, oop|>erus ! or griMii vitriol. I Ka.sktit, a. m. Ix'U-motiil. KMsiiiassinti, c. ii. to lieoumo fatigu i to move {iiw body.) Kasna, r. a, to tighten, to tie. brace ; to try, to assay, to pn»ve. amine ; to try in nu lt*tl butt^ i Kiisnu *. /. enaiil for cutting out. Katndce chalmi, to do.s<»rt one's companion, to cut tliu Hociuty of any one. Katnm, ». f. parings, clippings. Ivatniiui, v. a. to cause to clip, to cut (mt, to leave tho hij;h road, straling away by by-ixiths, to slink away from. I \at(al, « /. a lump or chip of stone, brick, &C. Kattar, adj. inclined or addicted to bite (a horse.) Katthd, 8. m. a measure of capacity which differs in different place - a land measure, the twentiei:. part of a bigha. Kattha, s. m. see Kath. Katthak, s. in. a kind of singer and dancer. Katwana, v. a. to cause to cut. Kaudan, adj. weak in mind, dull, stupid. Kaul, 8. m. prop. Qaul, which see. Kaula, 8. m. a kind of omnge. Kaul kariir, s. m. prop. Qaul qanir, which see. [karna. Kaul kanir karna, see Qaul qarur Kaum, 8. f. prop. Qaum, which see. Kaun, j*ro?t. wlio ? which? what? Kaundhii, 8. in. lightning. Kauola, «. m. see Kaula. Kaun sii, which ? what ? what 8ort< KauDsal, Kikj. council, the sitting vi a court of impiiry. Kauusal karnti, to sit (a court of inquiry.) Kaur, 8. m. a mouUiful. Kaura, 8. m. a sliell. Ivauff, 8. in. a small slu'U ii^ as i\)in : money, fan.\ hire. Kaurmla, ». in. a kind of snake. Kaufiwala, ». m. a rich man. Kausjil, A'/ij/. txjuncll. 8**0 Kauosal. Kauwti, 8. fM. a cn>w. Kauwa ^hentlu, «. /. name of a llowor. Knwii, «. /. prop. Qabii, which sco. Kiiwii d(*n(&, r. a. to trick, to sham. Kuwuid, prop, Qawiiiil, which hv. KuwiU^ «. m. prttp. Qubulu, whirl- aca Kiwar, «./. Uio baskets in which th Miiulus ctirr)' about tho C«angv,<^ water. Kawivrwtilii, «. ni, ono who carrice the Ka\>-ar. Kuyji, 8. /. tho bo»]y, nppearance, jjcraon. KHAB [ 154 ] KHAF Kayar, adj. coward. Kayasth, ) s. m. name of a tribe of Kayath, / Hindus, a person of the writer class. Ke, postpos. of, belonging to. Kechwa, s. m. an earthworm, a worm. Kedali, s. f. a plantain tree. Kehari, s. m. a lion. Kekra, s. m. a crab. Kel, s. f. amorous dalliance, coition. Kela, s. m. a plantain, banana. Keli, s. f. see Kel. Kenchli, |s. /. the slough or skin of Kencliul, / a snake. Kenchwa, s. m. an earthworm, a worm. Kendiiabagh, s. m. a species of ^ tiger. Kenkra, s. m. a crab. Keora, s. m. the name of a flower. Ke pas, near. Ker, s. m. penis. Kera, s. m. a sapling. Keraya, s. m. ;pro][>. Kiraya, which see. Kerayadar, see Kirayadar. Kes, s. f. the hair of the head, a cock's comb. Kesar, s. /. saffron. Kesariyabana, yellow or saffron-co- loured dress. Keta, adj. how much? how many? Ketab, s. /. prop. Kitab, a book Ke tain, \ postpos. to, up to, for, on, Ke tain, j at, or denoting the objec- tive case. Ketakf, s. f. name of a flower. Ketik, adj. some, a few, a little ; how much ? how many ? Kewal, adv. only, solely, peculiarly. Kewanch, s. /. name of a creeper. Kewar, Is. m. a wooden door Kewar, V which turns on a Kewara, ) wooden pivot. Khabar, adj. uneven, rugged. Khabar, s. f. news, information, in- telligence, care. Khabardar, adj. careful, cautious, active, attentive ; taking care, on (one's) guard ; informed, ac- quainted : interj. have a care ! Khabardar bona, to t)e on (one's) guard, to take care. Khabardar 1, s. f. caution, care, at- tention, taking care, carefulness. Khabardar kama, to put on (one's) guard, to guard, to alarm. Khabar dena, v. a. to apprize, to inform, to acquaint, to report. Khabargir, s. a protector, a patron. Khabargirf, s. f. aid, care, protection, the taking care of a person. Khabar bona, to be informed. Khabar karna, to apprize, to inform, to acquaint, to report. Khabar lena, to accommodate, to give, to take care or notice (of), to guard, to look after, to inquire into. Khabar rakhna, v. n. to be informed, or acquainted. Khabis, adj. wicked, malignant, im- pure : s. m. an evil spirit. Khachchar, s. m. f. a mule : adj. stupid. Khachra, adj. mongrel. Khad, s. f. dung, manure : s. m. a pit. Khadbadana, v. n. to simmer, to make a boiling noise. Khadda, s. m. pit, dimple, nick. Khadema, v. a. to pursue, to hunt. Khadim, s. m. a servant. Khadkhadana, v. n. to simmer, to make a boiling noise. Kliafa, \ adj. angry, wrathful, en- Khafa, / raged. Khafagf, s. f. displeasure, anger, pet. Khafaqan, s. m. palpitation, (a dis- ease of the heart especially.) Khafaqani, adj. subject to palpita- tion. Khafgf, 8. f. see Khafagf. Khafif, adj. light, of no weight or I consequence, of light cliaracter. Khafif hona, to be vilified, to be spoken ill of, to be put to shame, to be ashamed. KHAJ [ 155 ] KHAL Kliag,«. m. tlie horn of a rhinoceros. Khag, 8. m. a bird. Khages, s. m. tlie adjutant bird. Khagiiia, 8. m. a kind of didh made of eggs, an omelet. Khai, 8. /. a ditch, a trench, a moat. Khaichna, v. a. to pull, to draw, to tighten ; to strip oft*, to flay ; to delineate, to paint; to endure, to suffer. Khainch, «. /. pulling, drawing; scarcity ; a cross for lifting beams, ridge poles, &c. Khainchakhainch, j «. /. pulling Kliainchakliainchi, j and hauling, struggle, scuffle ; partiality. Khaincliiitani, 8, /. hauling, pulling and hauling ; disputation, con- tention. Khainch kama, to have one's own way (in argument, &c.) ; to stick to one's price. Kliainch kiiamct, «. /. struggle. Khuincli Icnii, to pull or draw out, to draw f a.1 a plaster), to extract, to extoil. Khainchiui, v. a. s(^e Khaichna. KiiaiiR'hwanu, v. a. to cauao to pull, draw, tighten, &c. Kliair, adj. grHxl, best, well: «. /. g(M)dncss, health, ha))pinc88. Kluiini, 8. m. a iish like a sprat: ailj. i)r(>wn. Khuirallyut, s. /. hoidth, wolfero. Khainit, 8. f. ahiis, ciiurity. Khrtiniti,a(/y. intendeil for elmriUiblo l)ur|)osc8, given (or to bo given; or received in charity. Kliairiyiit. 8./. wi'lfaro. Khair [diabar, 8./. uvvfB, K hair|ihw»ih, u fricmi, a wdl-wishrr. Khair\{h\vahi, 8. f. g»H)d-will, wiali- ing well, friendship. Kiiair o ^liyut, ^•. /. health, welfare. Khaiyjit^ j». in. a tailor. Khaj. 8./. the itch. I Jvhajii, 8. in. name of a swoctmoat j like pio-crust. Khajana, s. m. prop. Khaziina, wliich see. Khajanchf, 8. w. jpTop. ^azanchf, a treasurer. Khajla, s. m. j name of a swc < Khajla, 8. m.\ meat like pi Khajli, 8. /. ) crust. Khajiir, s. m. a date, or date tn wild date, a kind of sweetmeat. Khajiiriya, 8. m. a date. Kliak, 8. /. dust, earth, ashes, Khakiir, 8. m. pldegm. l\Jhakarna, v. n. to hawk (spit uj to hem. Khiik chhanna, to labour or to exi one's self to no puri)ose. Kliiik dalnti, to conceal a thing from which disgrace may be cxpccttHl. Kludiherna, v. a. to scaittcr abi- (as fowls in search of food.) Khtik hojtina, to moulder or pine away. Khakhornii, r. a. to scrape, to '*"'^?«'>'' Khiiki, adj. earthy, earthly. Klitiki andji, «. m. a windn'g- Khiik karnti, v. (u to waste, to ruin, to demolish ; to burn to aslies, to calcine. Khiik meu ntiltinii, to destroy, to h)K)il, to demolish. Khiik meu milnii, to dio, to iH»ri tti be niintHl or domolitUuHl. K' ' ' ikiui, to wander, to tdni} 1 m. HWlH'IXT. \\ I Ij. huuible. Kliukisiri, 8./. humility. rChak sir }>ar upinii, ti> lament. Khuk siyah karnti. to plunder :ind lay wiuito a cYvuntry, to np«>il. Klial, 8. 111. a wortideiw |»»m>oh. i inalicious {K*nH)n: a stoni- in<>: for grinding im««Ueint's. Khal, »./. skin, hide. U'llow.-* ; rivulet Khiiiti, \ It. /. maternal aunt, mo- Kluiltu / tiler's sister. Khalaiq, ». /. jJur. of Khalq. m p«xiple, creatures, tho crt^titm. ]h[halul, «. tik disturboucc, coufusi* KHAL [ 156 ] KHAM disorder, damage, injury, defect, ruin. Khalal 1 dimagh, adj. mad, hare- brained, hot-headed, brainsick. Khahis, adj. free, liberated, redeemed. Kliahis bona, v. n. to be freed, or set at liberty, to be released or dis- charged, to emit. Khalasf, s. m. a native artillery- man ; a tent pitcher. Khalas karna, v. a. to release, to liberate, to free. Khalati, adj. descended from or related to a maternal aunt. Khalati bahin, s. /. a first cousin, daughter of a maternal aunt. Khalati bhai, s. m. a first cousin or son of a maternal aunt. Khalbal, s. f. hurry, bustle, agitation, alarm, tumult. Khalbalana, v. n. to boil, to bubble; to be agitated or tossed up and down. Khalbali, s. /. see Khalbal. Khalera, adj. see Khalati. Khalera bahin, s. f. see Khalati bahin. Khalera bhai, s. m. see Khalati bhai. Khali, s. f. the dregs of mustard- seed, &c., after the oil is pressed out, oil-cakes. Khalf, adj. empty, vacant, void ; pure, mere, only, unmixed ; un- occupied, unemployed, without effect. Khalifa, s. m. a fencing master, a master wrestler ; cooks, tailors, &c., are so called. Khalihan, s. m. Ihreshing-floor. Khali liath, adj. empty-handed. Khali karna, to empty, to evacuate. Khaliq, s. m. the Creator. Khalis, adj. pure, genuine, unadul- terated. Khalisa, s. m. land held immediately under government. Khaliyan, s. m. a threshing-floor. 1 V. a. to a, / flay, to skin, to take tliG Khaliyana, Khal khainchna, skin off. Khalkhal, adj. loose (as a garment.) Khalkhalana, v. n. to boil ; to rum- ble, to grumble (the bowels.) Khalli, s. f. oil- cakes. See Khali. Khalli mitti, s. /. chalk. Khalq, s. f. the creation, the world, creature, people. Khalq ul lah, God's creatures. Khalra. s. m. skin, hide. Khalri, s. f. skin, hide ; the prepuce, foreskin. [tc r. Khalli, s. m. husband of mother's sis- Kham, s. m. a pillar, a post. Kham, adj. twisted, crooked, coiled : s. m. a coil, curve, crook, crooked- ness. Khamachf, s. f. a bamboo lathe. Khamaql]', folly, weak understanding. Khamba, s. m. a post, a pillar. Kham bajana, v. a. to strike the arms previously to wrestling, &c., to challenge (as wrestlers do.) Khambh, ) -n , Khambhi I «.^. a pillar, a post. Khamdiir, adj. twisted, curled, bent, crooked, curved. Khami, s. f. defect, fault, loss. Khamind, s. m. prop. Khawind, lord, master, husband. Khamindagi", ) s. f. dominion, mjis- Khamindi, / tership, authority ; kindness. Khamir, ^ s. m. leaven, whatever is Khamira, / used to ferment. Khamiri, adj. leavened. Kham karna, v. a. to curl, to coil, io crook. Kham marna, v. a. see Kham bajana, Ivhamna, v. n. to bow, to bend. Khamosh, "I adj. silent, dumb, si- Khamosh, / lence ! Khamso, adj. prop. Khamshob, half- washed, rinsed. Kham tliokna \ v. a. see Kham ba- Kham thonkna, / jana. KHAN [ 157 ] KHAP Khun, 8. m. lord, prince, a title prin- cipally used by Pathans. Kliau, s. f. a mine ; a heap, abun- dunee. Klian, 8. m. story, flight of rooms, f Khiina, v. a. to eat, to embezzle ; to suffer ; to get, to hold, to contain : 8. m. food, dinner, eating. Khiina, s. m. liouse, dwelling, cham- ber, a drawer, partition, compart- ment. Khana abad, (a benediction, mean- ing) may your liouse flourish. Kliunadaniiid, 8. vi. a son-in-law who lives in the house of his wife's fa- tlier. Khanadari', 8. f. housekeeping. Khiinajung, 8. a breeder of disturb- ances. Kluinajangi', 8. f. intestine broils, bickering, family strife. Kiiunakhiirid), ttdj. ruined. Kliiiiiakliarabi', «. /. ruin. Kluiiiakiiuda, a mosque. Kiianam, «. /. lady, princess. Kliilnji pinti, 8. m. meat and drink, i'(M)d, iMMird, fare. Klianaziid, the child of a slave. Jviiiincha, s. m. a tray, a basket, a pannier ; a Iicn-coop. KinuK.l, K. m. ])art, portion, division of a iioubo, apartment, division of tile earth. Khan(l, 8. m. ooarso sugar. Kluindii, «. m. u sword, cutlfUM), u cU>aver. Kliandii, «. m. piece, part, portiou. Kiiandan, 8. m, fiuuily, race, bouso- * huM. Khandan, 8. in. tlio refuting of an urgtunent, confutation. KliiUKJaii karnii, to refute, to confute. Kli;inda([, ». m, a ditch, a troucb, moat. Jvhantlar, ». m. a ruinous or broken* dow!i building. 3\handarj', s. /, housekeeping. Ivliand'liar, «. m. see Khanjar. Khandit karna, to prevent, to inter- rupt, to refute. Khandlti, 8. m. a slice (especially of fish!) Khiindna, v. a. to excavate, to pound, Khanehara, 8. m. eater, devourer. Kliangiil dalna, ) v. a. to wa.sh, to Khangiilna, / rinse. Khangar, s. m. semi-vitrified brick. Khiingi, 8. f. a prostitute. Khiinhiira, 8. m. eater, devourer. Khanjar, 8. m. a dagger. Khanjarf, s.f. a mode of staining silk. Khanjan', s. f. a small tamboiuin, a timbrel. Khank, adj. weak, feeble. Khankarna, v. n. to hem, to hawk, to expectorate. Khankliantina, v. n. to sound crazy (as cracked veMSols.) Khankhar, adj. dry and crackling (as a tne) ; decrepit. Khankhar, j «. m. anything | very Kiiankliar, / dry; not well filled (lis grain.; Khaukhar, ». m. anything very di a .skeleton. Khankharnii, sou Khankiirmi. Khaiupili, 8. f. a monastery. Kliuor. »• "»• coar.st) sugar. Kluiura. »' "». «e^' Kliuiulu. Khansiiiimu, I 8. m. a hoUM) bt<-\v: Khan.siniau, / butler. J\hans}un:n,» 9. ^. the wii. Khan.Hiiiiiin.f likluuitftimuu. K ha us I, 8./. cough. Klitiusna. r. n. tt> eou/h. Khaiitt, «./. a | making holi»« in tlie gi Klm|mch, 8./. a splinter. Klm|Min»i, r. a. to destroy, to luako away with; to mix things of a bod quality with betti'r. Khapiai, v. ii. to sell, to go ofT, to be exi)endrd or nitulo away with ; to mix with ; to die. Khnppar, 8. m. an oartlicn cup used by Jogis, the Toasel in wbicb the KHAK [ 158 ] KHAR blood of a victim is offered ; a chafing-dish. Khapra, 1 „ ^ „ +ile Khaprail, / «• ^' ^ ^^^®- Khapri", s. f. an earthern frying-pan, tlie bottom of a water-pot used as a frying-pan. Khapta, s. m. a broken tile ; a slice of mango ; bones of fish. Khapti, adj. insane, mad. Khar, s,f. coarse grass for thatching, straw. Khar, s. m. saltness, barrenness (of soil) ; alkali, potash. Khar, s. m. an ass. Khar, s. m. a thorn, a thistle, bram- ble ; a spur, a cock's spur. Khara, adj. salt, brackish. Khara, adj. pure, prime, best sort, genuine, honest, candid, sincere. Khara, adj. erect, upright, standing up, standing, steep, perpendicular. Kharab, a(Jj. bad, evil, depraved, wicked; ruined, depopulated, de- serted, abandoned, lost, miserable, spoiled, waste. Kharab ahwal, see Kharab hal. Kharabati, s. m. a rake, a debauchee. Kliarab hal, down (in circumstances), wretched, distressed. Kharabi, s. f. badness, depravity, de- struction, mischief, an ill or evil, wickedness, ruin, desolation, evil. Kharab karna, v. a. to deprave, spoil, corrupt, vitiate, mar, ruin, waste, depopulate, to lay waste, to desolate. [lated. Kharabkhasta, adj. ruined, deso- Kharach, s. m. see Kharch. Kharachna, v. n. to expend, to spend, to sell. Kharad, s. /. a lathe. Kharadi', 8. m. a turner. Kharadna, v. a. to turn in a lathe, to turn. Kharahind, s. f. stink (of urine, &c.) Khara bona, to stand up, to be erect, to rise, to stand. Kharahra, s. m. a currycomb. Kharai', s. /. probity, rectitude, trusti- ness, honesty, candour. Kharak, s. a cow-house or cow-shed ; a pound for cattle. Kharaka, s. m. a crashing noise. Khara karna, to raise, to station, to place, to stay or stop, to stick up, to place erect, to erect, to procure a fictitious person for some pur- pose. Kharak jana, to become dry (as a river) ; to become dear (as grain i • to take warning, to be apprised. Kharakna, v. n. to rustle, to rattu . to clank. Kharanja, s. m. masomy in which bricks are placed on their sides or ends (as in pavements, floors, arches, &c.) Khar ankhon ka, an eyesore, dis- agreeable. Kharanw, s. m. pattens (wooden.) Kbaranwdar, a kind of shoes fas- tened to pattens. Kharai, s. m. a stone for grinding medicine, a mortar. Kharapan, s. m. honesty, candour, sincerity. Kliara rahna, v. n. to stand, to stay, to remain standing. Kharaun, s. m. pattens (wooden.) Kharb, adj. a million million. Kharbar, s. /. sound of a horse's feet in galloping. Kharbarahat, \ s. f. tumult, uproar, Kharbari, j noise of horses' feet ; griping on going to stool. Kharbuja, | ^^ ^^ musk-melon. Kharbuza, j Kharch, s. m. expenditure, spending, disbursement, outgoing. Kharcha, s. m. expense, costs of law- suits. Kharchbardar, «. a servant whose office is to supply the household expenses. Kharch bona, to be expended. KHAR [ 159 ] KHAS Kljarcln', s. f. price of stupration, pn)vi.-.ion for a journey, daily ex- penses. Kluiivlii murghi, a young fowl. Kliarcli karna, to expend, disburse, spend. Khaf e kliare, adv. soon, immediately, presently, quickly. Kliarera, s. m. an iron instrument to rub horses with, a currycomb. Kliarg, 8. /. a sword. Six" }--aharc,ambbit. Khan', adj. salt, brackish : «. /. oil- cake, clialk. Khsirf, 8./. a cre(,'k, a gulf. Kluirid, bought : 8. /. purchase. Klianda, lulj. purchased, bought. Kliaridiir, 8. m. /. a jjurchasej, a buyer. Kliaridiin', «./. buying, purchasing. Klian'd faroklit, buying und selling, * trade. Kl iiii'd kii mol, 8. m. prime cost. !\' ridiia. V. a. to purchase. ' if, H. f. autumn, the autumnal rvest. iviiiiiij, adj. Ixnng out, external, out, witiioiit, outcast. Kliiirij karnii, to exclude, to expel, dispossess. Klinn n\\\\i, s.f. chalk, pipo-clay. Kliilrish, \ 8. /. the itch, «cab, Kharisht, / mange. [scabby. Khaiishti', adj. mangy, itchy, Khariyii, 8./. chalk. l\luirj. 8./. the bnt*8 (in music.) Kha|lothj)ick. Xhaikii jfalna, r. a. to sell. KUajkami, 1 r. a. to sell, to frighten Kliaikiina, / away, to put to lli-ht. Khaikhar, purring (of a cat>) Kharkhani, 8. m. a currycomb; adj. itMigh. Kliarkhapihaf^ 8. /. creaking, rat- tling, jarring '»\a*of a diK>r.; Kharkharana, v. n. to snore. Kharkharana, v. a. to rattle, to creak : to grind the teeth ; to snore. Kharkhariya, 8. f. a palanquin, a litter. Kharkhar karna, to purr. Khurkhasha, 8. m. riot, quarrelling. Kharkliiiwind, 8. m. master, owner, Kharmandal, 8. m. wrangling. Kharmast, adj. stupid : 8. m. a rake, a debauchee. Kharmastr, 8. /. baseness, wicked- ness, viciousness. Kharochna, ) v. a. to scrajxj, t" Kharoychna, / scratch, to claw. Kliarout, 8. /. a scratch with tho nail. Khariia, 8. m. a sandal; a kind of sewing under the armpit. Khari)ak, oilj. wull-burut (as tiU> bricks, &c.) Kharni, «. m. tho rough draft of a letter or anything written ; u sketch. Kharnit, «. /. a turners lath© : ». m a turner. Kharnija, 8. in. snoring. Kharni ju nuirna, to ^nore. Kluirrati', 8. m. a turner: adj. tunicil. Iviiartal, (k/;. Uul, depmvc«i. Kharuti, $. m, a coutm) kind of n 1 cloth. Kha*!, 8./. tho niimo of a grnss < the r:i:inl', 8. m. fear. K li luf kunui, 8. m. to fear. Kliiiufnak, (»((/. friglitfid. terrifying; li ight(>ned, afraid, territied. ' idmi, r. ii. to boil, to be ngitutcd V heat, limit, ailj, greedy. Khaundalna, 1 v. a. to trample, Khaundli dalna, \ to tread, to work Khaundua, ) with the feet. Khaur, s. f. the marks which Hin- dus make on their foreheads with sandal- wood, &c. Khauni, 8. m. tlie rot (among sheej > the falling otf of the hair. Khawind, I 8. m. lord, master, hus- Khiiwinda, / band. Kiiawinflagi.j 8. /. dominion, ma;*- Khiiwindi, / tership, authorit kindness. Khiiya, 8. in. testicle. [faw Khiiya banlari kamti, to cringe, ; Kliaya sjddiina, to curry favour. Khazan,8. /. autumn, the fulling the leaves. Khazana, 8. m. a treasury, a nuiL' zine, gmnary, reservoir; trttu'^Ui Khaztiuehi, 8. m. a treai*urer, eashi- Khazanehigjin. 8. /. treasuretJi cash-keei)ing. Khechui, v. a. to nin after, to pur- sue, to chase, to i)er!*ecute. Kheksji, 8. m. sin' Khik.sa. Khel, 8. m. play, game, sjx^rt, fii pastime, frolic. Khelna, v. a. to play, to Hfiort. KhemkiiHid, t. /. health. Kheiiehna, r.a. mv Khaiohiui. Kheonti, V. (I. to row. to pa«ldle. Kiiep, 8. /. a trip, a voyage. Khep hiirnii, tu suataiu u loss on a voyngi>. Khepiui, r. a, to ]VMi» the tiiiio. Kheri, i. /. a kind of in>n or tttoel. Khen', «. /. atlerbirth. KiuM, 8. m. a kind of rlnUi ; a nhi < or wntp|H>r of such cloth. Khi t 8. m. a field, a field of batth ground. Kliet linii. to bo killed. Khet chho|iui, r. a. to fleo twm t). battle. Khetr. 8. /. husbamlry: mij. KhetiUir'i *•/• husbandry, ;. turo. KHIK [ 162 ] KHIL Khetwala, s. m. a husbandman, Khewa, s. m. fare, ferry-money; price of passage in a boat, passage- money. Khewak, s. m. a rower, a boatman. Khewat, "I s. m. a caste of boat- Khewatiya, j men. Khichaw, s. m. drag, pull, draught, tenseness, tightness. Khichcha, adj. unripe (grain.) Khichna, v. n. to be pullld, to be drawn, to be extracted ; to be en- dured. Khichna, v. a. see Khaichna. Khichra, s. m. name of a dish made from rice, wheat and various sorts of pulse. Khichri, s. /. the same as Khichra ; earnest money given to dancing women when they are engaged for entertainments ; a mixed heap of gold and silver coin ; a barbar- ous mixture of two languages. Khicliwana, v. a. to cause to draw, &c. Khidar dena, v. a. to drive. Khidarna, v. a. to pursue. Khidmat, s. f. service, attendance, 1 ' employment, ministry, ofiSce, duty, use. Khidmatgar, s. m, a butler, a ser- vant, a table servant. Khidmatgari, s. /. attendance, mi- nistry, service. Khidmati, s. servant, attendant: adj. employed, in use. Khidmat karna, to serve, to attend, to wait on. Khij, s. f. anger, vexation, teasing. Khijana, v. a. to vex, to tease, to irri- tate. Khijhana> v. n. to fret, to be vexed. Khijlana, v. a. to vex, to tease, to irri- tate, to trouble : v. n. to get angry. Khijna, v. n. to be angry, to be vexed. Khikorna, ) v. a. to scrape, to Khikorna, / scratch, to scratch up earth, (as fowls, dogs,&c.), to scoop. Khiksa, s. m. a dish made with beist- ings, or the milk of a cow just calved. Khil, s. /. parched rice puffed out by heat so as to apjjear like froth. Khilaf, s. m. opposition, contrariety, contrary to ; falsehood, lie. Khilaf-i-aql, contrary to reason. Khilaf-i-mizaj, not agreeing with the habit of the body (medicine.) Khilaf-i-qiyas, improbable, absurd. Khilaf-i-shara, illegal, unlawful. Khilaf wada, promise-breaker. Khilai, \ s. f. charge of main- I Khilaipilai, / tenance. Khilai, s. m. a toothpick. Khilana, v. a. to feed ; to cause to suf- fer, to cause to take (an oath) ; to cause to play, to amuse, to play with. Khilar, adj. playsome ; an unchaste (woman), an adulteress. Khilari, adj. playsome. Khilat, s. m. f. a dress, a robe of honour. Khilat dena, | to invest with a Khilat pahrana, / robe of honour. Khilauna, s. m. a plaything, a toy, a bauble. Khili, s. /. betel-leaf made up with different ingredients. Khil jana, v. n. to blossom, to bloom, to laugh, to be delighted. Khilkhil, s. m. laughter, titter, giggle. Khilkhilana, v. n. to laugh heartily ; to giggle, to titter. Khilli, s. f. jest, joke, humour. Khillibaz, adj. humorous, playsome, funny. Khillibazi, s. f. humour, fun, play. Khilna, v. n. to blow (as a flower), to bloom; to burst (as grain when parched) ; to be delighted ; to laugh. Khilna, v. a. to tack, to stitch together. Khilona, s. m. see Khilauna. Khilqat, s. /. the creation, people, populace, the world. Khilwar, adj. humorous, playful. KHIS [ 163 3 KHO Khilwat, 8. f. retirement, solitude, a closet, a private conference. Khilwatkhana, s. m. a place of retire- ment, a private apartment, closet. Khi'ma, 8. m. a tent, a pavilion. Khimadoz. s. m. a tent-maker. Khimagah, s. f. a camp. Khinchana, v. a. to cause to draw or pull ; to draw, to tighten, Khinchna, -y. n. io be drawn, tighten- ed ; to be drawn or del ineated (a pic- ture, &c.) ; to be borne or suffered. Khinchna, v. a. see Kliaichna. Khinchwiinti, v. a. to cause to draw, pull or tighten, &c. ; to relieve pain (by cupping, &c.) Kniudanji, v. a. to scatter. Khindna, ?*. n. to be scattered. Khindrii, «. m. \ a pallet, a beggar's Khindfi', «. /. / bedding. Khingiui, H. m. an athletic clown: culj. able-bodied. Klu'r, fl. /. rice-milk. Ivhi'ni, «. m. a cucumber. Khinij, 8. m. tax, duty, revenue, • tribute. Kliinij laganJt, to tax, to assess. Iviii'ri, ». f. udder-flesh. Khirkf, H. a window, casement, wicket, Iwick door. Kliirnr, x. /. name of u ir«} and its fruit. Kiiirsii, H. m, a dish nuido withbcisi- ings, or the milk of a cow just cjilvcd. Khis, ». m. of inferior mmlity. Khi's, s. f. loss : grin, shrug. Khisji, H. VI. a iK)ckot. Khisjik jjimi, r. w. to slip away, to i sUial away, to slide. jKhisjikiui, r. n. to stir, to slip, to slioor I off. to slip away. iKhisaliui, r. ;(. tu slip, to lio indinod ' to a thing : iu{}. slippery. Jv'hisamt, 8./. I ^""^ ^"^"8«- Khisiiri, 8./. a kind of pulse, ivlii.siyahat,*./. vexation, frotfulncss. Khisiyana, v. n. to become displeased or vexed, to be angry. Khisiyanpat, «./. vexation,fretfulness. Khiskana, v. a. to remove, to shove away. Khiskat, 8. /.p-op.Khistak, drawers, trowsers. Khiskhisana, v. n. to grind the teeth. Khisna, v. n. to become old, to decline in years. Khi'sna, v. n. to grin : v. a. to rule (lines.) Khis nikiilmi, to grin. Khistak, s. f. drawers, trowsers. Khitiib, 8. m. a title. Khiyiil, 8. m. imagination, tliought, apprehension ; phantom, delusion, vision, whim, chimera. Khiytili', adj. fanciful, capricious. fantastical. Khiyal karnti, to imagine, to fan( to think. Khiyiil i)arna, to pursue an object Kliiyjiuji, r. n. to uo worn away, to bo abnuled. Khiyiinat, 8. /. perfidy, treaclu i knavery, eml)0zzlenu'nt. Kliiztlb, 8. m. a black Uucturo fur ilic hair, beani, &c. Khiztin, 8. /. autumn, tho fulling < ' the leaves. Khi/r. II. prop, a companion of &Io6« Phineaa. Kli(\ «./. liabit, cusioni, dispodiio: natun*. KluMi, *. m. a cement for nH>fs huusoH; milk inspissatcHl by boiling. Khaiii^ r. a. to mum) to lose. KlioUir. 8. wi. a pig*»tj*. Kho (jialnti, to hubitiuito. to adopt habit, to intriKluco a custom, t accustom. Khoiliinii, r. (I. to cnuso io dig. t cause to engmve. Kluxlaniyii, 8. uu a ganlener who soils flowers, a florist. Khotlani. lu^*. pook-markctl, nitt^nl. Kiiodmi, V. a. to dig, to delve, to KHON [ 164 ] KHUB hollow, to engrave, to carve, to inoculate, to vaccinate. Khogi'r, s. m. a saddle on which the sliafts of an Ikka rest. Kliogirdoz, s. w. a saddlemaker for an Ikka horse. Kholi, s. m. a cavern, abyss, a pit. Khoi, s. /. swollen parched rice. Khoiya, s. f. the dry part of sugar- cane after exi3rossmg the juice, husk, skin, rind ; refuse. Khoj, s. m. search, inquiry, quest. Klioja, s. m. a eunuch. Kho jana, v. n. to be lost. Khojiya, adj. a searcher, inquirer, in- vestigator, inquisitive. Khoj khaj, s. f. inquiry, search. Khoj khaj karna, ) v. a. to search for, KJiojna, / to inquire after, to seek. Khokhi, g. /. a cough. Khokbla, adj. hollow, excavated (as a tootli, or a tree, &c.) Khol, s. m. a case, a sheath ; hollow (as of a tree, &c.), a cavity ; the body or hull of a boat or ship. Khol an a, v. a. to cause to open, &c. Kholanliar, s. m. opener, loosener. Kholar, s. m. hollow of a tree. Kholna, v. a. to open, to loose, to shine, to untie, to disclose, to re- veal, to uncover ; to explain ; to unfold, to solve, to unravel ; to set sail or unmoor (a ship, &c.) Kholra, s. m. hollow of a tree. Khompa, s. m. the hair of the head braided or tied up on the top of the head. Khona, v. a. to loose, to part with, to waste, to squander. Ivhonch, s. /. a cut or rent in cloth, &c. Khoncha, s. m. a tlirust ; the clothes of women so an-anged in front as to make a pocket for holding grain, &c., for food. Khoncha khanchi, s. f. mutual Wi angling or quarrelling. Khoncha mama, to stab, to spear; to gore. Khonclii, s. f. a present given to a barber when he goes to invite guests ; part of grain which is to be parched taken as pay by the person wlio parches it ; a small round tray. Khonchna, v. a. to stuff in, to tuck in, to cram. Khondla, adj. toothless. Khonkar, see Kholar. Khonkhi, s. f. cough. Khonkhi ana, ) x i, Khoikhui, )''•»• to cough. Klionsna, v. n. to stuff, to tuck in, to thrust in, to cram. Kliont, blemish, defect ; flaw, de- ception. Khonta, adj. deficient, adulterated, bad (as coin) ; false, deceitful : s. m. a birds nest. Khonta aisa bal, thick, long, dirty and uncombed hair. Khopra, s. m. the kernel of a cocoa- nut. Khopri, s. /. the skull, pate. Khopri kha jana, v. a. to spend another's property, to weary by overmuch talk. Kliosha, s. m. a cluster, bunch, an ear (of corn.) Khosna, v. a. to tuck in, to push in, to cram. Khot, s. f. a blunder, vice, blemish, defect, fault. Khot'ci, adj. perfidious, counterfeit, base (as coin), false, defective. KhotaiVs. /. I g^ falseness. Khotapan, s. m. ) ^ ^ Khilb, adj. good, excellent, well, beautiful, pleasant, amiable. Khiibani, s. f. an apricot. Khubar khabar, see Khiibar. Kliublma, v. a. to affect, to pene- trate, to stick into ; to adorn. Khiibf, s. f. boauty, goodness, ex- cellence, pleasantness. KHUD [ 165 ] KHUN Khubna, v. a. see Kliubhna. Khilbsurut, adj. beautiful, handsome. Khubsiirati, «. /. beauty, handsome- ness. Khud, prcm. self. Klmda, 8. m. God. Khilda e tnala, the most higli God. Khudii hiifiz, God (is) the protector ; a^ieu, farewell. Khudai, g. /. godhead, divinity : adj. divine. Klmda ka nam lenti, to administer ju.stico, to decide. Kiiuda kuro, would to God. Khudii khudii kaike, with difficulty, by h(jok or by croc^k. Khudiinii, r. a. to cause to dig. Khudii na khwiistit, God forl>id. Khuda|)arast, adj. (jriKl-wor.shippcr. Khudaparusti, «. /. the worsliip of God. Khudatar.s, adj. fearing God, vir- tuous. Khudiiwand, «. m. posscss^jr, lord, ma-sU'r, husband. Khudiiwandi', «. /. sovereignty, lord- nhij), j)rovideucti. Klunlawaiid i nianiat, a form of luldrt'sH to HUiieriors ; beneticent mastrr or lord. Kliud ba daulat, you, your worship, sir; .his nuijcisty, your majesty, your iioiiour, &e. Khud ba khunces in u necOH- sary hetween i\w l;ttU' brick |mrti- tions ; the Kpjic<« U\m\ which u t)oMi has fallen otit or Ihh'U cx- tractitl ; the top «»f the hcuJ wlieli the hair is shaven ott'. Khuddi', H. f. broken rice. KliudL'harnz, udj. selfish, 'sc^lf-in- ttiisjeil, dcsigiiin;;. Klivulj.dinnizi, ». /. selfishness. Khuduii, r. n. to be dug, to be en- ^ravetl, to bo cnrvt-d. ; Kluidiianist, adj, sulf-couccited Khudparastr, «. /. self-sufficiency, self-conceit. Khudpasand, adj. self-complacent, self-conceited. Khudra, adj. self-conceited. Khudraf, 8. /. self-conceit. Khudwanti, v. a. to cause to deh dig, engrave or carve. Kdiujami, v. a. to scratch, to rub gently with the nails, to itch. Khujlahat, «. /. itching, titillation. Khujlana, v. n. to itch, to tickle, to scmtch. Khujli, «./. the itch, Khiik, 8. m. a hog, swine. Khukli, adj. fxwr. Khulana, r. a. to ojien or to cause open, &c. Khuliisa, 8. m. conclusion, inference, moral sum: adj. spacious, roomy. Khulasft liomi, to be mauitesteti. : become known. Khulfa, 8. m. y/roy). Khurfa, ])urshti.i. Khuliyti, 8./. a small eartlun jnit Khul jiiiui, to bo openinl, tt> bio>me manifot, to Ik< bmught to lijiht. Khul khelmi, to pnicti&e vico openlv. Khulla, adj. oinn. Khulnii, r. u. to o|)on, to bo oix^dihI, t*> be leveuletl, to ho until d or un- foldeil, to bo discloDiHl or unwwr- cd, to be lot loose or bo l(Hit>o ; to Ix^ dis|H>rsctl (Uio cloudsX to clcnr up (the sky or miu) ; to blow or oi>en (^ti flower.) ]}[hulq. $. m. nnturo, qunlity. good ili»)K)(Ut!on, civility, |Militonoss. Khulwunti, r. a. to cauM to bo opentnl. Kiuuuur, n. m. sicknotw, henducbe. &c. : the etVii'ts of drinking. Khumtiri, adj. dnniken, lan^ui.shj Khumni, *. m. an iuibilual «lrunkur»l. ^luiu, 8. III. blooil; munler. killing. Khunul^harubi', siv Kluin^jihaniUi, ^hiintiliidn, ailj. stained with bl< bloiMly. ]|flhiincha, $, m. a small tray. KHUR C 166 ] KHUS Khundalna, v. a. to trample, to tread, to beat or work with the feet. KhundMr' } '• ^- ^^1^^^ «^ ^ *^^^- Khundna, v. a. see Khaundna. Khiin hona, to be assassinated or murdered, to be committed (a murder.) Khuni, s. m. f. a murderer: adj. sanguinary, bloody. Khun i jigar pma, see Khun pma. Kliun karna, v. a. to assassinate, to kill, to murder. Khun khana, see Khiin pma. Khunkharaba, s. m. bloody work, deeds of death. Khiin pina, to forbear, to restrain one's anger. Khuns, s. m. animosity, spite, rancour. Khunsana, v. n. to be angry. Khun sir charhna, to be distracted by assassinating a person. Khun sufaid karna, to be unkind. Khunt, 8. m. a corner, an angle. Ivhunta, s. m. a tent-pin, a pin, a peg. Kliunti, s.f. a peg, a pin; the root ends of the stalks of grain. Khunukf, s. f. coldness, coolness. Khur, s. m. a (cloven) hoof, a hoof (in general.) Khurachna, v. a. to scrape. Khurak, | s. /. food, victuals, daily Khurak, / food, eatables, one meal, one dose (of medicine.) Khuraki, ) s. f. daily allowance of Khuraki, / food or of money to pur- chase it, subsistence-money. Khurant, adj. very old. [try. Khurasan, n. prop, name of a coun- Khurchan, s. f. pot-scrapings. Khurda karna, to cliange money. Kimrdani, s. f. the fee given to car- ters besides hire. Khurfa, s. m. purslain. Khuri, s. f. a cloven (foot.) Khuriya, s.f. a kind of bodice in which the breast is made to jjrotu- berate. Khurjf, s. /. a wallet, a sack. Khurkhura, adj. rough. Khurla, s. m. a hole (snake's, &c.) ; a hen-house. Khurma, ) -, , Khumat, adj. very old. Khurpa, s. m. an instniment for cut- ting grass for horses. Khurpi, s.f. a scraper, a weeding- knife, tlie tool with which grass is cut for horses ; a shovel for clean- ing out a bird cage. Khurra, s. m. a bedstead without mattress, bedding, &c. Khusar phusar, s. whispering. Khush, adj. pleased, delighted, plea- sant, good, willing, cheerful, gay, glad, happy, content, merry. Khushamad, s. f. flattery. Khiishamadi, s. f. flattery : s. a flat- terer. Khushamadi karna, to flatter, to compliment. Khush ana, to be agreeable or plea- sing (to) ; to be acceptable (to) ; to be delightful. Khushawaz, with a sweet voice. Khiishbo, adj. fragrant, sweet-smell- ing, odoriferous: s. /. perfume, odour. Khushbodar, adj. aromatic, odori- ferous, fragrant. Khushboi, s. f. perfume, fragi*ance. Khushbii, see Khiishbo. Khiishdaman, s. f. mother-in-law. Khushdil, adj. happy, pleased, de- lighted, cheerful. Khiishhal, adj. happy, in pleasant circumstances. Khush hona, to be pleased, to rejoice. Khiishf, s. f. delight, pleasure, mirth, joy, gaiety, happiness, .gladness; will, choice. Khiishi khushi, | adv. with pleasure, / Khushi se. joyfully Khushk, adj. di-y, withered, cheerfully, gladly, KHUT [ 167 ] KICK Khuslika, s. m. boiled rice. Khiish kariia, to gratify, to please, to delight, to amuse, to gladden, to rejoice. Khushkhabari", 8. f. glad tidings, good news. Khusli khari'd, s. f. paying ready money, purchasing in private sale. Khush khatt, elegant writing. Khushkf, 8.f. dry land; the flour sprinkled on tlie board, &c., on which dough is kneaded, to pre- vent its adhering to it. Kliushlibus, adj. well clad. Khiishmaztt, adj. delicious. Khiishnawi's, adj. writing an elegant hand, a fine penman. Khutihnumii, adj. pleasant to the sight ; beautiful, neat, pretty. Khu.sh o kluirram, adj. cheerful, gixy. Khiisliqita, adj. well-shaped, well arranged. Khu.shrang, adj. pleasant in colour. KhuHhrii, atJj. 'ijeautiful. KhuHlitabu, adj. jocular, merry. Khushtabai, «. /. jocularity, mirth, merriment. Kliuslitjiqri'r, adj. eloquent. KhuHhliinish, adj. well-made, de- fiant ly cut or shaped. Ivliiiwhwaqt, adj. happy, plcaaod, do- ' lighted. KhiiHhwaqtr, s. f. happiness. Khu'Hli/iii(]n, (tdj. high-flavourod, sa- voury, deliciou}?. Khuskhusiimi, to pound or bruise slightly. Klmwiis, "i adv. particularly, espe- Kliusiisan, ) cially. Kliw.sya, H. m. tewtielo, J\liutai*, 8. m. pertidy, fulsiMicss. )\hii(nknti, r. a. to nibble. )\lint:i|»ii, ft. in. ixrHdy, falsenoss. Klintkti, H. m. nee Khajku. Jvliuinn, r. a. to })luek, to pick the leaves, &e., of vegetables. Kliutthi, I *»./. the scab of a healing Kliiitii j sore. I Khutti', 8. f. a purse. Kliwiib, 8. m. sleep, a dream. Khwab dekhna, to dream. I Khwabkhiyal, ». m. a spectre, phan- tom, delusion. I Khwah, in compo8. wishing, desi- ring : conj. either, or, whether. i Khwahish, «. /. desire, wish, will, in- j elination. I Khwahish kamd, to wish, to desiri . Khwiihishmand, adj. desirous. Khwahish rakhnti, to wish, to desire. Khwiih ma khwah, ) adv. willing or Khwiih na khwah, / not willing ; nolens volens ; certiiinly, positively, absolutely, at all events. Khwaja, s. in. a man of distinctioD, a gentleman. Khwaja ^chizr, n. prop, a 8upiK)8cd pro})het to whom tiie Miiliamiuu- dans offer oblations of lamps, flowers, &e., plaeef, Inlonging to. Iviiuiiai, B./. prop. Qiyiimat, whi«'!> SCO, Kich, •./. dirt, mud, slirac, mire. Kiehar. J»./. dirt, mud, Hlimo. mir^ tile Nime nl.Ho as Kidipi. Kieliar pidiar houji, to U> vi>ry v (the ground. I Kidikiduinti, r. n. to grind or guuo . (the iQvtli.) KIN [ 168 ] KIR Kichra, s. m. the gummy substance that oozes from the eye. Kichraiia, v. n. to have a gummy run- ning at the eyes ; to be blear-eyed. Kidar, j Kidhar, \ adv. where ? whither ? Kidhar, ) Kidhar se, whence ? from where ? Kifiiyat, s. f. gain, profit, gain on trade ; sufficiency, abundance : ctdj. cheap. Kifiiyatr, adj. cheap, purchased for less than its value, saving, profita- ble, gainful, economical. Kifiiyat karna, to save, to lower the price, to come down in price. Kikar, s. m. the acacia tree. Kikiyana, v. n. to shriek, to scream. Kil, s.f. a small nail, peg, tack, wedge, a bolt, the core of a boil ; the axis on which a hand-mill turns. Kila, s. m. prop. Qila, a fort. Kiladar, see Qiladar. Kilaf, s. m. prop. Khilaf, which see. Kil kanta, tools, apparatus, accoutre- ments. Kilkilana, v. n. to be fretful, to snap, to snarl, to be peevish. Killi, s. f. a bolt. Kilna, V. a. to charm a sn.ike, so as to prevent its biting. Kilni, s. f. a tick (insect that infests dogs, &c.), dog louse. Kima,s. m.prop. Qima, minced meat. Kimat, s. f. prop. Qimat, price, value. Kimati, adj. prop. Qimati, which see. Kimiya, s. m. alchemy, chemistry. Kimiyagar, s. m. a chemist, an al- chemist. Kimiya karna, v. a. to work miracles ; to adulterate. Kimkwab, | s. m. silk worked with Kimkhwab, / gold and silver flowers, Kimukht, s. m. the leather of a horse or ass, shagreen. Kimukhti, adj. made of Kimukht. Kin, pron. interrog. plur. injied. whom ? what ? Kina, s. m. malice, spite, rancour, hatred, grudge, animosity. Kinar, g.»/. side, margin, edge, aside. Kinara,| s. ra. margin, sliore, coast, Kinara,/ bead), boundary, edge, brim, hem, border. Kinara karna, v. a. to abstain, to re- frain, to lay aside, to keep aloof. Kinara khainchna, to give up, to quit, to leave. Kinare, aside, ashore. Kinare ho jana,to retire, to withdraw. Kinare par, ashore. Kinari, s.J. (gold or silver) lace. Kinchli, 8. /. the slough of a snake, &c. Kingn', s. f. a sort of fiddle. Kinkini, s. f. bells or tinkling orna- ments. Kinna, v. a. to purchase, to buy. Kinwaiya, adj. a purchaser. Kira, s. m. a worm, an insect, a mag- got, a reptile, a snake. Kirae karna, to let, to hire. Kiraha, adj. wormy, worm-eaten. Kiran, s. f. the sunbeams, tiie rays of the sun, moon, &c. Kirana, I p Kiranachiz,/ «• m. grocery, &c. ■ Kirani, s. m. a clerk, a writer, a per- son not in the first society. Kirat, s. /. fame, renown. Kiraw, s. m. a small pea. Kiraya, s. m. hire, fare, rent. Kiraya chalana, to let out on hire. Kirayadar, a tenant, one who hires anything. Kiraya karna, to hire, to rent. Kiraya lena, to rent, to hire, to take on hire. Kirch, s. f. a splinter. Kirha, adj. wormy, worm-eaten. Kirich, s. f. a kind of sword. Kiriya, s. /. see Kriya. Kiriya karm, see Kriya karm. Kiriya khana, v. n. to swear. Kiriya khilana, v. a. to swear a per- KIS [ 169 ] KOE Kiikira, adj. gritty, sandy. Kirkirahat, s. f. grittiness. Kirkirana, v.n. to be gritty, to grate. Kirkirana, to gnash tiie teeth from rage. Kirrn, s. m. a worm. Kirmich, s. m. a kind of canvas. Kirpa, s./. see Kripa. Kirpal, adj. compassionate, benevo- lent, kind. Kis, pron. inierrog. inflect, whom? which? wliat? Kisa, s. m. a purse. Kisam, s.f. 'prop. Qism, which see. Kisan, s. m. a liusbaiidman, plough- man, pea.sant, farmer. Kisan', a kind of pulse. Kisbat, 8. f. the case (or bag) bar- bers, surgeons, &c., keep their in- struments in ; a piece of leatlier worn by a biliisti or waterman on which lie rests the bag containing water. Kisbi', 8. m. a dyer. Kise, prog, inierrog. sing, to wliom ? to what? to wiiich? ' Kishan, ?/. prop, a name of Krishna. Kisliniisli, n.f. currants, small dried grapes without stones. Kishtr, 8./. a vesscil, boat, a tray ; a b('gj:ar s plate or pot. Kishtikiiri, «. /. husbandry, agricul- ture. Kisi', inflect. o/Kof, somo any. Kisi aiiuwan so, | somehow, Kisi g,iiwan 80, > eonio way or Kisi' na kisi tanih so,) other, some manner. Kisi tiiraii, ^ l\i.si' hirah S(\ I Konichow, in sonu' Ivisi'taur, j manner. Kisi taur so, ) Kis live, why? wherefore? Kisniat, prop. Qismat, s.f. fate, fbr- Uuw. Kisnuiibiizi', «. f. sec Qismatlnizi'. KiH qach, how much ? to what de- gree ? Kissa, s. m. prop. Qissa, which see. Kissa kahani, see Qissa kahaui'. Kist, prop, Qist, which see. Kis tarah, "I • i - o i. •} Kis taur, / ^^ ^^^* ^^^^^' ' ^^^ " Kistbaudi. s. /. an agreement to pay by instalments. Kisti, 8. f. see Kishti. Kistkiliif, 8. f. see Qistkhilaf. Kisu, pron. indef. some, any. Kis waste, why? wherefore ? on what account ? for what reason ? Kit, 8. m. an insect ; the dregs of oil in a lamp, or that collected in a huqqa. Kita, 8. m. prop. Qita, which see. Kitiib, 8. m. a book. Kitabi', adj. of a book. Kitabi chilira, a long or oval face. Kitabiyti, s. /. a book. Kitabkhana, s. m. a libmry. Ki tai'o, podpos, to. See Ke tai'u. Kitak, adj. si'O Kitek. Kitii kita, see Qita qita. Kit*' '( ^'^^* ^^^wmuch? how iw..;. Kitna, how many? how mm some, several. Kitiui hi, howsoever, howaoovor mu or many. Kitno ok, some, somo few. KittiU Boe Kituu. Kiwtinch, k. m. name of a plant. Kiwar. \ »• f>»- i^ ^l<*<>c wiiicli tunui Kiwui'ii, j on a pivot. Kiyii, mirt. inntt. or 8. m. done, made, (UhhI, ju't, dt»inj?. Kiyiiri". h. f. a IhhI of a pp^rdon mado to facilitiito irrigation. Ko, /;ro«. who? postp<)». to, for. Kott, B. m. angle or corner \o{ the oyo) ; slice, division of the jack fruit: coo(x)n (c.f the »ilk worm Kohl, ». /. a cabhige. Kochmi, V. a. to stulT, to cram, u. tuck in. Kn is in tlio wnuv. Krit, (ulj. mad(>, ihmv, performanco of obeo- (plies. Krodh, d, m. anger, passion, rngr*. Knxlhi', \ adj. angry, wnithful, KitMlhwiin, / passionate, choleric. Knir, adj. cruel, pitiless, luird- luarted, seven', harsh. Ku. (r in-rpottitiir particle^ implying bad, ill, vile, Uttle, mean. Kua. ' 8. m. a well. KiiaB, / ^ Kiiar, 8. m. name of the sixth Hindu month. Kuara, 8. m. an unmarried person, a bachelor. Kiiari, \ «• /• a maid, a vi; Kuari kanya, / gin. Kuat, s. /. prop. Quwat, which see. Kub, 8. m. a hump. Kubachan, 8. m. indecent or j^ur- rilous language, ob3cenit)\ Kubar, 8. m. a hmnp. Kuber, adj. late. Kubhtirja, 8. /. a bad wife. Kubichar, 8. m. an unfair judgment, a wrong decision. Kubja, Kubra, > adj. hump-backed. Kubra, ) Kucli, 8. m. marching, march, dr cumpment, dci)artun'. Kuchiil, 8./. misbehaviour, miscon duct. Kuchal diilmi, ) v. a. to bniiiiD, to Kufhal drnii, ) crush, to overhiy. Kuchuli, adj. ill-U-havt d. Kuchalmi, r. a. to bruise, to orutili. Kuchli, any, anytiiing. aught, houx something, !M»m«'wh«t, a little. Kuchh aur IT > u faUo ex- phmation, ' !• n-nt Mtory. Kurhh ek, s' :.. « me lew. Kuehh ho, wltatever may hup|Hr what nmy ou finind a trtnisure ? Kiiehi*. H. /. a mason's brush, u l»rti>li for while washing, a bru>h made < : tl»o ouUt rind of tlie e depart ; to die. KUK [ 172 ] KUL Kuchla, 8. m. a vomic nut, nux vo- mica. Kiid, s. /. spring, jump, leap, bound. Kudekna, v. n.to frisk. Kudal, s. m. a lioe or kind of spade, a pickaxe or mattock. Kudali, 8. /. a small mattock. Kudana, v. a. to dandle ; to cause to leap. Kudar, s. m. see Kudal. Kudayti, s. m. a kind of dove. Kudhab, adj. ill-shaped, ill-minner- ed, ugly, rude. Kudhang, adj. unmannerly, ill-bred, rude. Kudin, 8. m. an evil or unlucky day, a day of calamity. Kudna, v. n. to leap, to bound, to jump, to rejoice. Kudna phandiia, to jump about, to leap about (as for joy.) Kiid phand, s. m see Kild. Kudrat, s.f. 'prop. Qudrat, which see. Kudrati, adj. see Qudrati. Kudrdtwala, s. m. one who has power, an able man. [leap. Kudwana, v. a. to cause to dandle or Kufr, s. m. infidelity. Kufr bakna, to talk irreligiously, or in opposition to religion. Kufristan, the land of infidelity. Kuhni, s. f. the elbow. Kuhram, s. m. lamentation, grief. Kuhuk, 8. /. the notes of the kokil. Kuhukna, v. n. to sound as the koyals do, Kujiit, adj. base, of mean extraction or bad caste, one who has lost his caste, an outcast. Kukar, 8. m. a dog. Kukarm, s. m. an evil action, wicked- ness, sin. Kukarmi, adj. wicked, vicious. Kukarmuta, s.m. a mushroom, a toad- stool. Kiik marna, to crj, to sob. Kiilcri, 8. /. a spindle of thread ; In- dian corn. Kukronda, s. m. name of a plant. Kukii, 8. m. cooing (a dove.) Kukur, s. m. a dog. Kul, 8. m. family pedigree, race, household. Kula, 8. m. the joint of the hip. Kulachhan, s. m. misconduct, bad temper. Kulaf, s. m. corrupt, of Qulf, a pad- lock. Kulang, s. m. a fowl of a large breed. Kulawant, adj. of a good or noble family, of noble descent. Kulawaiiti, adj. f. of pure or noble descent, a gentlewoman. Kulbor, adj. one who disgraces his family. [family. Kul borna, v. a. to dit^gi-ace one's Kulbulahat, 8. /. vermicular motion. Kulbulana, v. n. to itch, to fidget, to writhe (as a worm or snake), to grumble or rumble (the bowels.) Kulcha, 8. m. a kind of bread, biscuit. Kulfat, s.f. trouble, vexation, distress. Kulhara, s. m. } i x i, x Kulharts./. }anaxo,l,atchet. Kulhiya, s. /. a cup, a small round vessel. Kiili, 8. m. prop. Quli, which see. Kulicha, 8. m. a kind of bread, biscuit. Kulijan, 8. m. name of a drug. Kulin, adj. noble, of respectable descent, of good family. Kulmai, 8. /. nobility, gentility, respectability of descent. Kull, adj. all, universal : s. m. sum. Kulli, s.f. gargling or rinsing the mouth, washing the mouth. Kull jama, sum total. Kulma, 8. m. a sausage. Kulpuj, the object of worship of a family, family priest. Kultaran, s. m. a youth who is a credit to his family. Kulukh, 8. m. a clod of earth used by Muhammadans after making urine^ KUN [ 173 ] KUR Kiimait, ,<5. m. a bay-coloured horse. Kumak, s. /. aid, assistance. Kumba, 8. m. tribe, caste, family, broth ertiood. Kumhar, s. m. a potter. Kumharf, 8. /. an insect resembling a wasp which builds its house of clay. Kumharnf, s. f. a potter's wife, a fe- male potter. Kumhlana, v. n. to wither, to droop, to fade, to dry up, to be blighted. Kun, 8. f. podi'X. Kilnch, 8. in. see Kiich, Kiinchi', 8. /. a mason's brusli, the outer rind of a cocoa-nut used as a brusli, Kund, adj. bhmt ; stupid, slow. Kuiif), 8. 111. a [Miol, a well, a spring, or ba.sin of water, especially con- secrated to some holy puriK)se. Kilndu, 8. m. a vessel (earthen) for kneading bread in. KiHida, 8. m. a block, a gunstock, u bilh't of wo(jd. Kunda charhana, ) , , -, ,' , , ; - ' > to stock a gun. Kunda lagaim, J ° Kuiidan, 8. ni. pure goM. J\uiuli', 8. f. a aUmo mortar for grind- ing snurt', bhang, &c. Kuiidi', 8. /. the act of calendering N'loth.) Kimdi' kanui, to calender (cloth.) Kundli', 8./. a coil, ring, curl, hoop. Kungni, v">i" Kuriz, 8. /'. moulting {v\' Kuriz kanui, to m«udt 1> Kurk, 8. m. prop. Qunj, Nvhuh *ce. Kurki, adj. mv ii\m\t. Kurkupuui, r. n. to cluek, to cock! (as a hiiO; to sixuk angrily, t murmur, to grumf'l. . Kuikut, 8. /. HWt« j Ku|-nm, 8. III. triU . Kuraii, It. m.i\ triUci i.ii>t.aii«ui.< Kiirni, n. /. n KHH>p. Kurni, n. /. u eluiir, a »t«)ol. a 8« at, v tlirtmu : tt nuM^ti fittmdntion ; tho ixisi* or foot ot n pillar. Kurtm \ t. m. n kind of tunic, a Knrtii. / wuistcont, n jo*kut. 8. m. tlic tlirusli. Kurtliil, \ Kurthan j ' Kurthi, »./. ft kind n( vrt«^h Kuril, n. /. n women, n Kufuk, adj. I . ... Kur up,ar/; .ilMoruieci, ugly, duformcvi KUT [ 174 ] LAB Kiis, s. m. name of a grass, the sacred grass of the Hindus. Kusal, is./, welfare, well-bein g, Kusalchhem,> health, prosperity, Kusalkhem, ) safety. Kiish, s. m. see Kiis ; also improp. for Khiish. Kushada, adj. expansive, wide, spa- cious. Kiishal, s. f. see Kusal. Kushti, s. f. wrestling. Kushtibaz, a wrestler. Kushtibazi, s. /. wrestling. Kushtigir, s. m. a wrestler. Kushti karna, to wrestle, to struggle. Kusum, s. m. name of a flower; safflower. Kusilr, s. m. prop. Qusur, which see. Kusiir karna, see Qusiir karna. Kut, s. m. survey, guess, appraise- ment, measurement (of boats), boat-toll. [board. Kut, s. m. paper used to make paste- Kut, 8. m. name of a medicine. Kutama, v. a. to cut with the teeth. Kuti, 8. /. a hut. Kutil, adj. perverse, untoward, cruel. Kutiya, s. /. a bitch. Kutka, s. m. a short stick, a cudgel. Kut karna, v. a. to appraise, to guess the weight or capacity of things ; to measure (the tonnage of boats.) Kutki, s. /. see Kut ; also a gnat. Kutna, V. a. see Kut karna. Kiitna, V. a. to pound, to beat, to bray, to macerate^ to cudgel. Kutna, s. m. a pimp. Kutnai, s. f. the wages of a pimp. Kutnana, v. a. to entice, to seduce, to inveigle, to wheedle, to coax. Kutnapa, s. m. pimping. Kutni, s. f. a bawd, a procuress. Kutran, that which is gnawed or bitten off with the teeth. Kutta, 8. m. a dog. Kuttan, s. m. a pimp. Kuttani, s. f. a procuress, a go- between. Kuttan pesha, s. m. pimping. Kutti', *•. /. stalks of grain cut for fodder for cattle. Kuttf, 8. /. a bitch. Kutiibkhana, s. m. a library. Kutum, j 8. m. kin, family, tribe, Kutumb, / caste, relative. Kutwal, 8. m. see Kotwal. Kuwat, 8. f. prop. Qiiwat, which see. Kya, what ? how ? why ? whether, or. Kya khiib, brave, well done, how excellent ! Kyarf, s. f. a bed (of a garden or field) made for irrigating. Kyun, ) adv. why ? wherefore ? how ? Kyon, / well ? then, because. Kyu£ke, I *'*"'«• Kyunki, conj. because, that. Kyun nahm, why not? certainly, surely. Kyun na ho, why not ? Kuza, s. m. a goglet, an earthen pot for water ; a lump of sugar which has been crystalUzed in an earthen pot. La, a negative or privative particle, no, by no means, without, un, ir, in, im, il. Lab, 8. m. see Labh. Lab, s. m. lip, brim, edge, verge, mar- gin, shore, coast, brow (of a hill.) Labada, s. m. a kind of cloak or great coat. Labalab, adj. brimful, running over. Labar, s. m. a liar, a talker. Labarkhanda, m. ) nonsensical, mis- Labarkliandi, /. / chievous, fool- ish, jester. Labarsabar, | s. m. tittle-tattle, non- Labarsabar, / sense. Labba, s. m. kernels in fat of meat. Labcdii, s. m. a club or short stick. Laben lena, to shave or prune the beard of the upper lip. LAD [ 175 ] LAG uhiia, 8. m. \ the pot in which tari is collected from tlie Lahh, 8. m. gain, profit, advantage, ]>(;uofit, an acquisition. Labli kurna, | to attain, to gain, to Liihh iithana, / make profit. Ijub i (luryii, the sea-shore, river-side. Lai )I aba, 8. m. sweetbread. lAih lena, to shave or prune the beard of the upper Up ibiia, 8. m. \ Lalmi', «./. / tree. Labra, "I ,. ^ ,,, Labrii, f ^-^-^ liar, a tattler. La))rez, adj. brimful, overflowing. Lac'hak, 8./. spring, elasticity, beud- ^ in;,'. I^cliakmi, V. n. to sprinp^, to bend. Laciiami, v. a. to Ixjud, to bow, to crook. Liifliar, adj. without remedy, Iielp- Icss, destitute, forh^rn, poor. Lacharagi; \ 8.f. forlornness, lieh)- Liwlisiri, / fessnesH. La(!licl)lui, K. m. a ])undlo Tof thread), al»all (.r skein of tlirmd, &c. r^ichchhan, \ ». m. Ml<,ni, murk, symp- Livclilian, / torn, fentun-. Lacliliman. ». m. name of tlio half- brother of Ilamacliaudm. Liu'hhiui. K./. the g(Mldes8 of abun- r Hi Ivor) lace, fia^likiiim, v. a. to ji.lt, to Htmin. [iiirliklijimi. \ . , , . [.Mchiui, / ^' "• "* "^'"•'' to Ih)W. Lii'l. ."'./. a loud, bunhMi; bowek- tlie contend* of Iho bowels. adiimi, v. a. to loml. ilii<». «./ a load. l.'wji, without claim or tlcnmnd. lawa, rcnu>(lilo8s, incumblo. <]'lii, ". m. a kind of swootineat. diyji, 8. m. a loa^lcr. (llii, (ufj. darling, dtuir. dnii, r. u. to bt> loaded, to he laden. Ulna, r. a. to KmuI, to latlo, to freight L^ phand, g. f. lading and packing. Ladu, adj. accustomed to carry a load (as a bullock.) Ladwana, v. a. to cause to load or la Hi«t, to ill i to fuHton. to lOlJI put to work, to I to UM}, to impuu. !.• tiling in tho way of malice. I^igtoli bujhanji. to cxcit*- ipiarrvU lAg^ #. in. i>«lation, comuxion. ud- herDDce, intcriHnireo. Laai ralimi, to Ite oooaptod or busy (in.) littgarna. r. a. to ruK Ugat' } *• /• «*P<»i*'- co«*A LAH [ 176 ] LAI TiOgatar, adj. successive, incessant. liUgawat, s.f. connexion, application. La^bhag, adj. close, near, about, al- most, by, tliereabout, bard by. Lag chalna, to follow closely, to court friendsbip. Lagga, s. m. affection, attachment ; a pole with wbicbaboat is impelled. Lagga na khana, to be not compara- ble (with.) Lagging./, a staff, a pole with which a boat is impelled. Lagham, s. /. see Lagam. Tjagliar, adj. lean, thin, meagre. I/ighari", 8. /. leanness, meagreness. Lagho. adj. preposterous, contempt- ible, absurd, false. Lagliii, adj. short. Laghzish, s. /. a slip, slipping, tum- bling. Lagit, s. f. expense, costs. Laglagi, s. /. affection, love. Lag lagna, to fall* in love. Lagna, v. n. to be applied, to apply, to begin, to be fixed, to be attached, to be close (to), to adjoin, to touch, to be employed, to be imputed, to reach, to suit, to join, to close, to be, to become, to happen, to befall, to seem, to taste, to be connected rwith.) Lug rahna, to continue without in- terruption, to continue fixed. l'^I ^'' f ^*^> desirous, adhering to. Lagiia, s. m. a paramour, a tradesman with whom one always deals. Lagwana, v. n. to apply, to fix, to cause to apply, to cause to put or plant, &c. Lah, s. m. lac. Lahad, s. f. a place where the dead are washed. Lahak, s. f. glitter, flash, glare. Lahakna, v. n. to glitter, to shine ; to be kindled or lighted ; to burn up into a flame; to wave (as herbage before the wind.; La hall, adj. not to be solved, ab- struse, difficult, indissoluble. Lahanga, s. m. a petticoat or mere skirt wiiicli is tied round the loins and extends to the feet or ground. Lahar, s. f. a wave ; the effect of the . poison of a snake ; great heat (in the bowels) ; a waving pattern in embroidery ; emotion. Lahasf, s. f. a cable-rope ; a rope for fastening a boat to the shore, &c. La hasil, adj. unproductive, profit- less, abortive. La haul wa la qiiwata ilia bi-l-lah]', there is no power or vijtue but in God ; ^.^., there is no striving against iate. It is said also toi drive away evil spirits. Lahbar, s. m. a kind of paroquet. Lahesna, v. a. to plaster. Lahi, s. f. name of a plant ; a fine sort of cloth ; mildew ; fowls' dung. Lahja, prop. Lahza, which see. Lahkana, v. a. to cause to shine or glitter ; to blow up a fire. Lahlahana, v. n. to bloom, to be verdant, to flourish. Lahna, s. m. outstanding debts. Lahsan, s. m. garlic ; a freckle. Lahsora, s. m. name of a fruit. Lahii, s. m. blood. Lahii luhan, adj. covered or be smeared with blood. Lahza, s. m. moment, the twinkling of an eye ; improp. Laja. Lai, absorbed (as in the Deity.) Lai', s. f. parched rice mixed with coarse sugar; bliglit, mildew. Lai bona, v. n. see Lin bona. La ilaj, adj. incurable, without remedy. Lam, adj. accursed. Laiq, 1 adj. worthy, deserving, a-< Laiqa, / dapted, proper, fit, appo.site, becoming, exi)etlient, suitable, able- capable, qualified, decent. Laiq bona, to deserve, to merit. Lais, adj. ready, finished. LAK [ 177 ] LAL . ^•./. bashfulncss, modesty, shame. Ui. 8. m. the name of a kind of ii.sitive plant. ,, iiui, V. n. to be ashamed or ahasljed, to blush. La jawab, adv. incapable of answer- ing, silenced, speechless, discon- certed, confuted. T-iajliti, 8. m. viscosity, glutinousness. I.ajiyana, v. n. to be abashed, to be ashamed, to blush. liajja, 8. /. bashfulness, modesty, si'.ame. I>ajjaman, adj. ashamed, abashed. liaj^jat, prop. Lazzat, wliich see. L:ijjit, adj. ashamed, abaslied. liiijuban, prop. Ijiizaban, which see. LaJ Will 111, V. a. to shame, to cause to blush, to put to siiame. La j want, adj. modest, bashful, chaste, decent. T/.'ik, (tdj. a hundred thousand : ». m. sealing-wax. Tiak, adj. a liun (as iron); darling, dear: s m, infant 1n»v, a turn ; the name oi small bin! ; u ruby. I^ilii, 8. m. a ik*hoolnm.x(or ; the name of u lierb; n luiid M'n'fuii. a major-tit >m«». lAihi, 8. m. u Un*. liiihi, 8. in. a tni.t. I^dach, » ticM), grc<> uvttti^ Ion- I^daeh kurua, lu cuwt, to long for I.td» impwi* to bo Miinty {\mv Umx\, Ac.) Tijihir, H.m, the f' is)], grvitly, a\'uricious. N LAM [ 178 ] LAN Lale parna, to be scanty (water, food, &c.) Lalganda, s. m. sl monkey. Lali, s. f. a girl. Lali, s. f. redness, ruddiness. Lai kaddu, s. m. a kind of pumpion. Lalkana, v. a. to excite quarrels, to set on to fight. Lalkar, s. /. call, bawl, challenge. Lalkarna, v. a. to call, to bawl after, to challenge, to set up the war whoop, to bawl out insultingly. Lallo pati, s. /. ) wheedling, coaxing, Lallo patto, s. m./ flattering, &c. Lai mirch, s. f. capsicum or red pepper. Lalri, s. /. a kind of ruby ; a false stone resembling a ruby. Lalsa, I f ardent desire. Lalsa, j ^ Lai sag, s. m. a kind of greens. Liim, s. m. a division of an army, a brigade. Lamba, adj. long, tall. Lambai, s. /. length, height. Lambai chaurai, s.f. size, length and breadth; pomp, glory, pride. Lamba karna, v. a. to lengthen, to extend. Lamban, s. m. /. length, tallness. Lambar, s. m. Eng. number; an English yard. Lambi, adj. f. long, tall ; a kind of bounding pace in a horse. Lambi sans bharni, to regret, to lament. Lambot, s. m. a longboat, ship's boat. Lamehiiar,^ | ^^j ^^^^ ^ Lamchhara. j "^ ' & Lamdor, s. f. a fishing line. Lamha, s. m. a moment, minute, a glance or twinkling of an eye. Lamha lamha, every moment, con- stantly, perpetually. Lam kaf kahna, to abuse, to give abuse. Lamkana, v. n. to stretch out the Iiauds to take anything. Lampat, adj. false, lying, adulterous, dissolute, libertine. Lan, s. /. cursing, imprecating. Lana, v. n. to bring; to adduce, to introduce, to persuade; to breed, to produce. Lanat, s. f. an imprecation, curse, anathema, execration. Lanati, adj. cm'sed, execrable. Lanat karna, to curse, to imprecate. Land, s. m. penis. Landura, adj. tailless, docked ; (a person) without friends, forlorn. Lang, s. m. lameness : adj. lame. Langar, s. m. an anchor ; an alms- house; victuals given to the poor; tacking (in sewing.) Langar dalna,] , , , Lanlarkarnair^'^^'*^^^^'^'- Langarkliana, s. m. an almshouse, a house were the poor are pro- vided with food. Langarna, v. n. to limp, to walk lame. Langar par bona, to be at anchor. Langar uthana, to weigh anchor. Langhan parna, to catch (as a dis- order.) Langhna, v.n. to be jumped over,' to pass : v. a. to jump or leap over. Langhna, v. a. to leap or jump over. , Lang khana,! v. n. to halt, to limp.i Lang marnti,/ to be lame. Langot, \ s. m. a cloth worn ,be- Langota,/ tween the legs to con- ceal the privities. Langolband, a bandage to which thei langot is fastened. Langoti, s. f. see Langot. Langotiya yar, s. m. an old friend (from childhood), a very intimate Langra, adj. lame, cripple, [friend. Langrai, s. f. lameness. Langrana, v. n. to limp. Langur, s. m. a baboon, a monkey. Lanka, n. prop. Ceylon. Laii tan, s. f. cursing and taunting. Lantarani, s. f. boasting, aii'S, con- ceitedness. LAR [ 179 ] LAS Lao, imper. plur. of Lana, bring. Lao laslikar, s. m. an army. Tiap, 8. f. handful, the space in the I)ahn of the hand closed so as to hold water. Liipak.g./. a Hash (of lightning, &c.); the spring (of a tiger, &c.), bound, a snatch. LniKikna, v. n. to flash (as light- ning, &c.), to attack, to spring or rush forth or upon, f" t'H.l<<- haste, to run, to snatch, Lapat, 8. f. odour. Laptitr, «. /. lying, tattling. Lapatiya, s. m. a tattler, a liar. Lapajna, V. ?i. to cling; to stick, to adhen? togetiier, to cleave to. LajKit, 8. /. a fold ; girt, circumfe- rence, deception. Ijape|;na, v. a. to wrap up, to fold, to enclose, to mil, to pack. Lapetwiln, tnfJ.ovimiuvnUHl with gold or silver thread wound round it. Tiai)jhai), adj. niml>le, quick, fa.st. Lapk;inii, v. a. to Ktr('t<;h out the hands to take anything. Lap lap, <((lj. ninihlc, (piick. lijip lap kluina, to eat quickly. J-.ai)pa, 8. m. brocade, gold or silver cloth. I-.apHi, 8./. a glutinous kind of fcKxl, pollugc, |)iip, sjHH)nnu-at. Ijipjunil, V. u. SCO l>a|»i4im. I ><[al>, 8. m. a title, Hurnainc, nick- nanie. (laqM, 8. m. pronunciation. |(pi, 8. in. a kind of pii^ron. 4wa, 8. m. u Hpnsaiuilio dii^turtiou <'f the fac(». 1 :•!'. 8' /. a strinpf (of pourlii, 8cc,\ a tlueud, a row ; a Htmnd of a rop(^ or cord ; a jjariy. ' 1 , 8. m. slaver, spittle. . 8. m. loviMgtKvng, tlwur. Lar lueu nihnm tu W" in ouo'n portr. Lupui, r. M. to light, t«> quam'K lo itMitend, to Uittlc, t«i vv luifwaiyu, adj. fond ot ti tlghtiT. I/irxa, «. m. Hlmktng. ithi wring. ' mor : an wirthqtutktv I^inuinii, r. n. t ■ Mimke. quivi t 1^18, n. m. t4>Uav,.,. ^... ....Mi. claniminess. I^i«i, $. m. anything rlanuny or ^tt' Uuous, Iho milk uf plan lime. Ldittaii', adj. incomtxirablo. LAT [ 180 ] LAT Lasdar, adj. viscous, glutinous, clam- my, [cass. Lash, s. f. a dead body, corpse, car- Lashkar, s. m. an army. Laslikan', adj. belonging to an army, * military : s. m. a soldier. Lashtam pashtam, adj. with diffi- culty ; with much ado. Lasiyana, v. n. to be viscous, to be clammy. Laslasa, adj. viscous, clammy, gluti- nous, adhesive. Laslasana, v. n. to be clammy or glu- tinous, to agglutinate. Lasora, s. m. name of a glutinous fruit. Lassan, adj. eloquent. Lassi, s.f. a running sore. Tjasukhan, s. m. abuse, improper talk. Lasiin, s. m. garlic. Lat, s.f. bad habits* whim ; in com- pos, contract, of Lat, a kick : s. /. the hanging branch of a creeper. Lat, s. f. a kick. Lat, s.f. tangled hair, a clotted lock. Lat, s. f. an obelisk, a pillar. Lata, s. m. a kind of cheap food. Lata, s. /. a creeper, a vine, Latafat, s.f. deliciousness, pleasant- ness, facetiousness, wit. Latai, s. f. a kind of roller on which the string of a kite is wound. Lataif, pi. pleasantries. Lat:ikna, v. n. to liaiig, to dangle. Latiir, s. m. a kick, Latar, s. f. a creeper, a vine. Latama, v. a. to tread down, to af- front, to insult. Lath, s. f. an obelisk, a club or sfafF; the vertical part of an oil mill, a machine for drawing w^ater. Lath, s. m. a stick, club, cudgel. Liitha, s. m. a machine for drawing water ; a large club or stick. Latha, s. m. a beam, a post. Lathalatham, s, m. \ . , , , . Lathalathi,8./. niutual beating Lathalathi,«./. ) with cudgels. Latharna, v. n. to be draggled. Latharmi, v. a. to draggle or be- smear with dirt. Lathbaz, 8. m. a cudgeller, a person who thrashes people with a stick. Lathbazf, s. f. cudgelling. Lather ua, v. a. see Latharna. Lathf, s. f. a staif, club, stick, crutch. Latinpatlii, s. f. beating with sticks, a club or stick. Lathiyana, v. a. to belabour, to cudgel. Lathmar, see Latlibaz. Latlipath, adj. wet, soaked. Liitif, adj. elegant, agreeable, kind, courteous, minute, subtile, fine, de- licious, exquisite, witty, facetious. Latifti, s. m. a pleasantry, jest, joke, raillery, elegance. Latifago, a facetious person, a jester : adj. witty. Latiya, adj. a person of bad habits. Latiyana, v. a. to kick, to beat. Lat jana, to become entangled. Latka, s. m. incantation : adj. hung, suspended. Latkan, s. m. anything hanging, a hanging lamp ;_ drops worn in the ears, a pendant; the drops of a crystal lustre; cLippur (of a bell.) Latkana, v. a. to hang, to dangle, t(# append, to suspend. Latkao, s. m. suspension, hanging. Latkhor, adj. kicked, beaten. Latmardan karna, v. a. to trample, to tread on. Latmardan men parna, to be tram- pled under foot or disgraced. Lat marna, v. a. to kick. Latpat, adj. staggering, ti-ipping. tangled ; folded, tangled. Latpatana, v. n. to stagger, to trip. Lutraha, adj. kicking (a horse.) Lattii, s, m. a rag, a sciap of clotli. Lattha, s. m. a beam, timber. Latti, s.f. a skein; a kick when swimming. Lattii, s. m. a child's top. LAW [ 181 ] LEP Lnttudar pagri, a kind of turban. Lattii liona, v. n. to fall in love. I.iiizada, adj. of bad habits. 1 jiiu, s. f. tiie flame of a candle, any pointed flame ; desire, wish. T.aiih, s. m. a plank, a table; a board or table on which anything is written. Jjau liona, see Lm bona. T^auka, s. m. \ ^ • ^ c Lauk,-,«./. fakindofpomiHon. Laukik, adj. ceremonial, ceremo- nious ; mundane, worldly. Lauknti, v. n. to shine, gU tter, lighten, to become visible, to be seen from a distance. [devotion, &c. I/au lagana,to be constant in prayer, Lau lagiiii, to have a conshmt de- sire or craving (for anything.) Laun, till, to, up tio ; a hot wind, liauna, v. a. to reap, liaund, 8. m. nn intercalary month. J.aunda, 8.m. a boy, a slave boy, lad, })rat. Laundabtiz, 8, m. a sodomite, liaundalnizi', 8. /. sodomy. liauiHJbaz, 8. m. a sodomite, l.nundhazi', 8. f. stHlorny. l.aundi', ) 8./. 11 girl, a slave girl, LauiKJiyii, / a servant girl, nijiung, 8./. a clove. Launi, 8./. wages in kind to roiijxjrs in harvrst time. Laura, 8. m. mt-mbrnm vorile. 1 iuus, 8. m. Kuij. gi)ld or bilvcr loco. I aut, 8. m. turning over, inverting, n^tuming. Lautiina, r. a. to turn over, invert, to ttun back, to return, t<> give buck. I .autiui, 8. >u. u yoini" nn.n • mii ac- iiuaintnncc. 1-aut jiimi, to return. Lautuji, V. u. to turn over; to twm back, to return. 1 -aw, 8. m. H rope, the cable of n boat. I .awii.s. m. parched and putVeil gmin. l.awalad, adj. without otlspring, childless. Lawanii, v. a. to bring. Lawaris, adj. friendless, one whoso friends are all dead; without an , owner or heirs. Lawarisi, adj. without an owner. Lawaris mtil, propeity to which tliere is no heir. Lawazim, ) 8. m. necessary things, Lawazima, / requisites, baggage. Lazaban, adj. abusive, improper talk ; silent, speechless. Lazim, adj. incumbent (on), neces- sary, requisite, uigent, suitable, proper, expedient, indispensable, meet, flt. Laziz, adj. delicious, hiscious, sa- voury, nice. Lazubtin, si c I/izabttn. Lazzat, 8. f. pleasure, enjoyment, de- light, flavour, Uistc, savour, dcli- ciousness. Le, having taken, taking ; till, to, Tx) ami, v. n. to bring, to fetch. Le bhagnii, to run away with. Ltt chalnii, to takt» awny or alontr. to carry, to conduct, to lea! Lei', 8. f. paste. Le jiimi, r. »i. to tiiko awiiy. ti) cany, to run away with, to win. I/*kli», 8. m. utH'ount, n ckouing. Iiukhak,«. m, u writt^r, an ttci^ouiitnnt. I Akhtiki', *./. the bn>(in4>m4 of n writer. lickin, coiij. bul. I>o IcUii. r. (I. t . to acctjpt of, to Li.. . jwiort, to bereave, Le mAmi, r. n. to calumniate. Ia'uiiI, «. m, u line. [ Ix'Uii, r. (I. to t4)ke, to accept, to ft»- bume, to rucoiw, to buy. Leni doni, \ $. m. tn*ink\ tnwic, Len den, / barter, buyini: nnd soiling; borrowing and lending. Lencjii', *. f: gont'8 dung; a cur, a countn*' lasttTing ; ointment L(>)itilak, 8. til. an adopted child, I adopted. I LIH [ 182 ] LIP Le palna, v. a. to adopt, to rear, to bring up. Le parna, v. a. to lie with ; to in- volve another in one's disgrace. Lepna, v. a. to plaster, or smear over. Le rahna, v. n. to cheat, to pilfer. IjC rakhna, v. a. to provide, to keep ready, to procure, to reserve. I:f4}a.«..acalf. Lesna, v. a. to plaster, to spread, to daub. Letna, v. n. to repose, to lie down, to lie, to rest. I^ewa, s. m. one who takes; that which is spread on the outside of a new pot. licwadei, s. /. traffic, trade. Lewar, s. m. mud to plaster a wall with. Lezam, s. f. a kind of bow with an iron chain instead of a string, with which the natives exercise their bodies, liibar, s. m. rheum (of the eyes.) Libas, s. m. apparel, clothes, dress, attire, robe. Libasi", adj. false (a witness.) Libas poshak, s. m. see Libas. Lichar, adj. obstinate, determined to have something given (as beggars.) Lichar, adj. stingy, niggardly. Lichf, s. f. name of a fruit. Lichik, s. m. a sprain, a bruise. Lid, s. f. the dung of horses or ele- phants. Lf e, for, on account of. Lifafa, s. m. the cover of a letter, an envelope, a wrapper, outward case ; outward show. Ijifafa karna, to wrap up, to enclose. Lihaf, s. m. a coverlet, a quilt; a quilted upper garment. Lihara, adj. vile, base, mean, con- temptible. Lihaz, s. m. a look, view, respect; regard, observing attentively ; shame. Lihaz karna, to observe, to behold, to look (to or at), to advert (to), to regard, mind, observe, notice. Lijana, see Le jana. Lijliri, s. f. afterbirth, placenta. Lik, s. f. the marks of a carriage - wheel, track, rut ; ignominy, stain. Likanhara, s. m. a writer. Likh, ) s. /. a nit, the egg of a Likh, / louse. Likha, s. m. fate, predestination, destiny, writing: adj. written. Likhcli, s. f. the wages or labour of writing. Likhana, v. a. to cause or teach to write, to get written. Likhant, s. m. writing ; fate. Likhao, s. m. \ the act of writing, Likha wat, s. f. j writing. Likh deua, ) . 4. '^ Likhlena, /^•"•*^^^P5^'*^™*^- Likhna, v. a. to write ; to paint. Likhni, s. f. a pen. Likhtang, s. m. a writer. Likhwana, v. a. to cause to be deli- neated or written out. Likna, v. a. to write. Lil, s.f. indigo : adj. blue. Lila, adj. blue, of indigo colour : s. /. play, sport, diversion. Lilana, v. n. to long for. Lilar, j s. m. the forehead ; fate, des- Lilat, / tiny, fortune. Lilkanth, s. m. name of a bird, Li-l-lah, to God. Lilna, V. a. to swallow, to gulp. Y-^^^^' I s. m. a lime, a lemon. Limu, j Lm, adj. immersed, absorbed. Ling, \ s. m. membrum verile, tho^ Lingn, / emblem of Mahadeva. Lm bona, to be immersed, to be Jib- sorbed (in meditation, &e.) Lipana, v. a. to cause to smear or plaster. Lipatna, v. n. see Lapatna. Lipna, v. n. to be plastered, smeared, or washed over. LOH [ 183 ] LUG J.ipna, V. n. to wash with cow-dun^ and water, to plaster. Liprf, 8. f. an old ragged turban, the rags in a turban. Tjipttina, v. n. see Lapatna. ].i])wana, v. a. to cause to plaster, Hinear, or wash over. liirana, to cast their young (as ani- mals), to miscarry. Li tuna, v. a. to cause to lie or repose, to lay : v. n. to become besmeared. Tiitharnu, v. a. to draggle. Litliaj-ua, v. n. to be tlraggled. Littr,«./. tliick cakes baked on coals. Livvaiyti, «. m. a taker. Liwa Iiimi, v. a. to bring, to procure. T^iwana, v. n. to cause to take. Liytiqat, 8. /. merit, worth . skill, abilities, dignity. Liye, for, on account of. Lo, imper. of I^;na, take, hold: inierj. lo ! look, see, there now. Lobiiii, 8. m, a kind of gum, incense, Iwnzoin. [greedinesa. Ijo}>h, 8. m. avarice, covctousness, Lohhr, (uJj. covetous, avaricious. liobhiui, V. n. to Ik) enamoured. Lobiyti, 8. m. a kind of bean. ^ liochan, 8.111. iron lilings; lljo oyo. l^odhii, 8. m. name of a tril)e of hus- bandmen. TiOg, 8. m. people, folk, mankind. Ijogiii', 8. f. woman. lioiiii, 8. in. iron. Loluin. (tilj. bloody. [l*ft[hanH. Loluini, 8. m. name of a (ttttto uiuuiig Jiohar, 8. m. a blaek.smith. l.oluirin, 8./. a bliieksmitli'.s wifo. l-oh:irkhrma,H. 7/i.a blaeksmitli'sHhop. liohbandii, 8. in. a stick ln»oped with iron, used us a weai)on. Lohchun, 1 . ,,,. roh.hiir, ; *• '^' '^'" "'"'-^• lioliiya, adj. made of iron. JioliMir. 8./. an iron mine. Loll 11. .•'. m. bloini. lohiilnhjin, tuij. covered witli blood, ' hloo.lv. Lohu phatna, to have leprosy. Loi, 8./. blanket, flannel. Lok, s. m. people, a world, region. Lokachiiri, s.f. way of the world. Lokhar, s. m. cobbler's tools, liard- ware. Lokna, v. a. to catch. Lorn, 8. m. hair. Lomfi, 8. f. a fox. Loo, adv. till, to, up to. Lon, 8. m. sjdt. Lonii, adj. salt, brackish ; barren or salt ( land j : the salt that efflorescti* from walls, &c. Lontir, 8. m. salt lands ; a place whore salt is i)rr>duced. Ldy. Iy>tnti, V. M. to wallow, to mil about, to Hpmwl. [or tuin < lx)[nu {M^ui^ V. n. to wallow, to lioipo^, uiij. w " - and to^Hing. i lAi^h, f. m. vi.-r. tits n)UCU.>i. NlllVU. Lulnin, «. It. frankinoenae, Ixmit : I^tubhiinti, r. n. to excite do&irt . i • allurL\ to ontico. Lueiichii. ». vt. a VMgnl>oml, a liK i tine, a rako, a protlipito. LuehchapauiL, ^ «. rii. liU'rtini'-i' Lue)i|mn. ( ki.-^hnex-. ousnt'8.«<. liUghat, 8. /. a dictionary. Lughuwi, (uij. lit<>nil, verbal. Lughawi ni.uii, literul or Terbal meaning. Lu>r [ 184 ] LUT Liih, s.f. a hot wind. Ijulian, adj. bloody. Luhanda, s. m. an earthen vessel for keeping salt in, an iron bucket for drawing water. Luliar, s. m. a blacksmith. Luharin, s.f. the wife of a black- smith. Luhu, s. m. blood. Luliii luhan, adj. covered with blood, bloody. Liif, s.f. a round lump of dou2:h pre- pared for making into bread or cakes. Lujluja, adj. weak, frail. -/ q ' > s. m. a falling star. Liika, s. m. pieces of burning matter thrown out from a conflagration. Luka lagana, to inflame or excite quarrels. T 1 , ' ' . } v.a.to hide, to conceal, l^ukawana, j ' Liikh, s.f. a flame. Liikhti, s. f. see Lilkti. Luk luk karna, v. n. to glitter. Lukna, v. n. to lie hid, to be con- cealed. Luknat, s.f. stuttering, lisp, stanti- mering. Luksan, s. m. injury, defect, detri- ment, damage ; also irniwop. for Nuqsan, which see. Liiktf, s. f a wooden poker, or stake burnt at one end, a firebrand. Lula, adj. lame-handed, maimed. Lunda, adj. tailless, tail-cropt, dock- ed. Lunda munda, adj. tailless and bald, Lunrihna, v. n. to roll. Lundi, s. f. a ball or spindle of cord. Lunriiyana, to wind (cord.) Lund mund, adj. tailless and bald. Lung, s. m. I a cloth worn round the Lungi, s. f. } loins with the end passed between the thiglis and tucked in behind, or a cloth worn between the legs. Lunf, s. f that salt which effloresces from walls, &c. Liiniya, adj. salt, brackish : s. m. a salt-maker. Lunj, I adj. having lost the Lunj munj, / use of hands and feet. Luqandra, s. m. a rake, a profligate. Luqma, s. m. a mouthful, a morsel. Luqman, n. prop, a famous eastern fabulist. Lui akhna, 1 v. n. to roll, to fall or Ijurakna, j roll off", to slip, to slide. Lurhakna, v. n. to roll ; to be spilt, to be upset. Lurhana, v. a. to cause to roll, to spill, to upset. Lurhiya, s. f. see Lorlia. Lurhiyana, v. a. to double hem a garment. Lurh jana, v. n. to die. Lurhna, v. n. to roll ; to be spilt. Lut, s. f. plunder, pillage, prize. Lutaf, s.f. plunder, pillage, booty. Lutalut, s. f. plundering. Luta luta kar marna, to beat severely. Lutana, v a. to squander, to spend or expend, to cause to plunder or be plundered ; to cause to wallow or roll about. Lutas, s. f. plundering, ruin, devas- tation. Liitbaz, s. m. a plunderer. Lutera, s. m. a squanderer, a prodigal, a spendthrift, a plunderer. Lutf, s. m. courtesy, favour, kindness, gentleness ; pleasantry, wit ; the beauty or best (of a thing.) Lutiya, s. f. a small pot. Lutnti, V. n. to be sacked or plundered, to be squandered. Lutna, V. a. to plunder, to pillage, to spoil, to squander. Lutpat, s. f. plunder and sacking. Lutra, s. m. tell-tale, babble^, a tattler, a backbiter. Lutwaiya, s. m. a plunderer, a spend- thrift, [dered. Lutwana, v. a. to cause to be plun- MACH M. [ 185 ] MAD IVIh, 8. f. mother ; it is often used as an aftectionate or respectful ad- dress to aged women and elder relatives, also to Ganga, and other goddcKf^es, or to a cow ; when a man calls his wife by this appella- tion it is considered as relinquish- ing her society as a wife. IMa, prep, witli, together, along with. ]Maa.sh, s. f. landed proix?rty, sub- sistence. Ma(iwh(hir, adj. possessed of landed property. IMa^sh niilki'yat, s.f. landed property. M-.iiiz alhili, God be tlie refuge! God forbid ! Mabadii, he it not; by no means, (ilod forbid ! lest. Mil blip, 8. m. parents, mother and father. M(d)ud, adj. adored : «. m. God, deity. ]M;u'lialna, v. n. to be i>erverse, re- fractory, disobe/>.Mida. Miida, \ adj. female : #. /. a female Mailu, J animal. Madad, «. /. assistance, hel|>, aitl, succour ; In^tvi-leaf mixctl with onium and usetl for smoking. Mmladgiir, an asjUdtor, protector, aider, ally, hel|H»r. Madadgari, *. /. a^histance. help. Madud kariia, to n^sist, to nid» tu helj), to 8U(HX)iir. [aiuv. Mailad^hwuli. one who n.sks n«idxt* Madak. «. /. )M'ti«l-h>af uiixkI witll opium u ' ' '■ r }t]uokiug. Madur, 8 I plant. Mtidnr, 8. J Miwiari. adj. tiinUriinl. motherly. Madiiri, 8. in. n juggler. Miidanuid. adj. hd )>om of t!.c uiotiier, naketl. Mmld. 8. /. the mark plnccil somi^ times over alif, thu.«», ^ when t!i»» letter is pronouniHxl long nod brt^ul. Maddi), adv. amidst, amid; oe mid.llo : *. m. honey. Maddham, adj. middling, temperate, middle: utir. dimly burning (us a caudle.) MAG [ 186 ] Madera, s. f. spirituous liquor. Madfan, s. m. a burying-place. Madfun, adj. buried, interred. Madhu, s. m. honey. Madhumakhf, j ^. /• a l^oney bee. MAH Madm, s. /. a female. Madma, s. m. name of a city in Arabia. Madira, s. /. spirits, wine. Madkhula, s. /. a concubine. Madrasa, s. m. a college, a public school for Muhammadan learning. Madwan, s. /. a mare. Mae, s. f. mother. Maf, prop. Muaf, which see. Mafik, prop. Muwafiq, which see. Mafliij, adj. paralytic. Maful, accusative case, the participle passive. Mag, s. m. name of a people. Magadh, s. m. name of a country, including Patna, Gya, &c. Magaj, s. m. prop. Maghz, which see. Magan, adj. delighted, pleased, glad, happy, cheerful, joyful. Magana, v. a. to send for. Magar, coiij. unless, perhaps, except, but : s. m. an alligator. Magarmachh, s. m. an alligator. Magdiir, s. m. prop. Maqdiir, whicji see. fraoiith. Magh, s. m. name of the tenth Hindu Magha, s. m. name of tlie tenth man- sion of the moon. Mag'haiya, s. m. an inhabitant of Magadh. Maghfirat, s. p absolution, remis- sion, pardon. Maghfiir, pardoned ; met. applied, to one who is dead, in the sense of the late, the deceased, &c. Ma?hi, adj. anytliing belonging to Magadh (a thing.) Maghlub, adj. conquered, overcome, disconffited, subdued. Maghmum, adj. grieved, mournful. Sorrowful, sad. Maghrab, 1 s. m. the west, tlie west- Maghrib, / em regions. Maghribi, adj. western, occidental. Maghrur, adj. proud, arrogant, self- important, haughty, fastiiiious. Maglirurr, s. f. pride, arrogance, self- importance. Maghz, s. m. the brain, marrow, kernel, pith. Maghz bhinnana, to have a buzzing in tlie ears. Maghzi', 8. f. edging, border, hem. Maghz kliiili karna, to distiact, to talk much and fooUshly. Maghz k liana, | to tease, to diy- Maghz phircina, j tract. Magji, s. f. prop. Maghzi, which sec. Magrti, adj. proud, haughty, cross*, obstinate, headstrong, stubborn, refiactory. Magrahi", s. f. arrogance. Magrai, ) s. f. haughtiness, ob- Magi-apan, / stinacy, refractori- ness, insolence. Magrela, s. m. a small black seed of a very pungent smell. Magri, adj. see Magra. Magrur, adj. prop. Maghrur, which see. Magriiri, s. f. prop. Maghriiri', wliich see. Mali, s. m. tlie moon ; a month. Maha, adj. great, illustrious ; very, extremely. Mahabbat, s.f. friendship, love. Mahabliarat, s. f. the great war of the descendants of Bharat; the name of an epic poem. Mahabir, s.m. a great hero. Mahadcv, s. m. name of one of tlie principal Hindu divinities. Mahajal, s. m. a net used in fishing, a seine. Mahajan, s. m. a banker, mom y dealer, merchant, a creditor. Mahajani, s. /. the business of a Ma- hiija'n ; interest on money lent. Maliak,s./. odour, pejfume, fragiance. MAH [ 187 ] MAU Mahaknii, v. n. to exhale agreeable siMclls, to emit odour, to perfume. ^laliiikorh, s.m. a species of leprosy. Mahalit, 8. m. the story of a building:. -AI ihaldar, «. m. the watchman of a I^lahimidar, n.a monthly MTvant. ISlahkama, «. m. a tribunal, i*outt «•! justice. Mahkaiui, r. a, to exliale (a^rnt-cibU^ scent), to jxTfume. Malikilii, m/;.(Hloriferous,8p: Malinuih, adv. niontlily. I^Ialimudi, «. /. a thie M>rt of miu!; Maiinti. r. ci. to churn. Mahr, ». m. u marriugo |>orti*>n gilt sottlcMl ufMin the Wife U«|. marriage, jointure. Mahni, N. m. a |»tdki )>• an r. Mahmni. ii. /. ImvIu. t,,. in ..? .» woman sim'Mt are contlned ; Malinim i rnx. u ouUiLiUt. u cu. dentiul |api>ointi-d. I^Iahtihar, »./. tlio lout judgment. MidiKiil. «. fit. tax, duty. excia0,eil»> toin. |N)stnge. m"m*!M »-"».""^ "Hxm. .AiahUib, j Mabt4ibi. $./. belonging lothcmr- like the moi>n : a kind of ri Miihtabi. It. /. a kind of U bluo light; a Largo ktud ui u s. m. flour twice sifted. Maidan, s. m. a plain, open field, area ; a field of battle. IMaika, s. m. parents, family. Mail, adj. inclined, inclined towards. Mail, s. m. Eng. mile : s. f. dirt, filth, rust, scum. Maila, adj. dirty, defiled, nasty, foul. Maila hojana, to become turbid, to be dirty. Maila karna, to dirty, to tarnish, to foul. Maila kuchaila, adj. dirty. Mail baithna, to gather a crust. Mail chhautna, to fine, strain, pu- rify, clarify. Mail bona, v. n. to incline. Mail karna, to incline, to bend, to bias. Mail katna, to refine, to purify. Mailkhora, an apron ; a garment which from its colour hides the dirt. Mail rakhna, to associate with. Main, pron. I. Maina, s. f. name of a bird. Main phal, s. m. name of a fruit used in medicine. Majshat, s. /. property ^of all kinds), subsistence, livelihood. Maiya, s.f. mother. ]\Iaja, s. m. prop. Maza, which see. Migadar, adj. prop. Mazadai*, whicl see. Majaf, adj. born of the same mother Majal, s. f. power, ability, strength, Majara, s. m. state, condition, cir cumstance, incident, occurrence an event, adventure, accident. Majaya, adj. see Majai. Majbiir, adj. constrained, forced helpless, oppressed. Majbiiri, s. f. constraint, compulsion subjection. [see Majbut, adj. prop. Mazbut, whirl Majbuti', s.f. see Mazbuti. Majdur, prop. Mazdur, which see. Majdurf, s. f. see Mazduri, Maj'hab, i s. m. prop. Maz'hah Maj'ham, j which see. Majhar, s. m. the middle, centre ; ii the middle. Majhdhar, s. f. the mid-stream, mid sea. Majhla, ^ adj. middling, middk Majhola, j middlemost. Majholi, adj. see Majhola : s. f. ', small cart. Maj'hul, adj. unknown, littl known ; indolent, lazy, idle suhst. passive voice. Majira, s. m. small cymbals. Maji'th, s. /. name of a drug used fo dying red. Majkur, see Mazkur. Majlis. 8. /. an assembly, a companj congregation, convention. Majliim, adj see Mazlum. Majma, s. m. an assembly, a collec tion; rendezvous, assemblage. Majnnia, s. m. a compound perfume adj. collected, assembled. Majmiin, prop. Mazmiin. which see Majniin, adj, insane, in love; th name of a celebrated lover. Majrilh, adj. wounded. Majun, s. /. an electuary medicine. Majuphal, s. m. a galnut. Majiir, 1 s. m. prop. Mazur, whic Majiira, j see. MAK [ 189 ] MAL JMs) jiiri', 8. f. see Mazun. ]\l;i jiis, 8. m. the religion of the magi, 1!i<' mairi. IMiijii.si, adj. relating to the Majus. (iiic of the magi. ^] .ikcim, 8.m. prop. Maqiim, which see. Makun, 8. m a place, station, dwell- iiijj:, abr)de, home, a country. ATiikaiidiir, owner of a place. I\l;ik;ir, 8. m. see Makr. iNlukhan, 8. m. butter. Makhami, 8. m. name of a plant. Makhdiiiii, adj. served, obeyed : «. m. lord, iiia.ster. Mukiilusi, «./. deliverance, liberation, lilx'rty, release. Mukhluq, adj. created, formed: «. prcnturc. i 111 liqiit, things created ; creation. imal, 8. m. vclvtt. ..i..i>iimali', adj. of velvet. Makiiiisi, 8. m. a kind of elephant witliout tubks. Mnkhri', 8. f. a spidiT. MakhsuH, adj. i)e<'uliur, especial, par- ticuUir. Makka, ». m. Mecca. Mukkiir, 8. m. I a clieat, impostor, a Makktira, 8. f. j knave : a(i[/. deceit- ful, insidious. Miikkiin, 8. /. fmud, iinpostui-e, c'licating, rognciy. artilice. IM ikkliau, 8. tn. butter. Ivhaniyu, 8. in. a butU^nnnn. k\ii,8./. a lly : tln'HJjrhtfifn t*nn. kliu'hu's, a niiHl. M Udii urtiua.to have ulcera on Uio 1 »iy, HO OH to Ih3 constantly om- 1 loyt**! i" driving awuy tho flies "•ni tluin. II**' > 8. m. tho Tnclian gooseberry. M ikofii, 8. m. a lnrg«> nnt iNlikr, 8. m. fraud, deceit, evasion. iSIakfa, 8. m. a spider. Makrchakar, «. m. fraud an, t«' : Mnlanii, r. a. to ouuno tu ruK ^ri or scour. Mnlang, II. m, a kind of »'• '»•- Malar, 8,/. name of a n Malat, f.fii. a worn ni|v • Maldal, nibbing, irrindiii:;. MnUliir. adj. wealthy, rich. Malcchh, udj. nn :v ' " •" --r MAL [ 190 ] MAM Malepanj, adj. aged, above five years (a horse.) Malfiif, adj. wmpped up, enclosed ; the enclosure in a letter, &c. Malglioba, s. m. name of a dish. Malguzar, s. m. a tenant, a land- holder, one paying rent or taxes. Malguzarf, s.f. land revenue, ground rent. [ment. Malham, s. m. salve, plaster, an oint- Mali, 8. m. a gardener, a florist. Malichh, adj. an unclean race. Malida, s.m. bread or cakes made with flour, milk, butter, sugar, &c. Malida, s. m. a khid of woollen cloth. Malik, s. m. master, lord, possessor, proprietor, owner. ]\Talik, s. m. a king. ji Malika, s. /. a queen. \ Malikana, s. m. an annual or month- ly allowance paid to a Zammdar by the person who occupies his lands, whether state or a Jagirdar. jNIalin, s. f. a gardener's wife, female gardener. Malm, adj. filthy ; sad, vexed, trou- bled. Mtilish, s.f. rubbing, friction, polish- ing, furnishing. IMalish karna, to rub, &c. Maliya, s. m. a small vessel of wood, or of the shell of a cocoa-nut. Miiliyat, s. f. price, value. I; Malkhawind, a proprietor. J ' Mali, s. m. a hero. Mallah, s. m. a boatman, a sailor, ma- riner, name of a caste who are boat- men. Mallahi, s.f. the business of a Mallah. Ivlallahin, s. f. a boatman's wife. Malljuddli, s. m. wrestling. IMalmal, s. f muslin. INIalmast, adj. purse-proud. Mai mata, s.f. merchandise, goods, chattels, furniture, &c. i Malmet, adj. ruined. f Malmet bona, to be ruined, to perish. Malmet karna, to destroy, to raze. Malna, to rub, tread on, to anoint. Malola, s. m. vexation, grief, afflictioi sadness. Malpiia, s.m. n kind of sweet cake, pancake. Maliim, adj. known, notorious, ev dent, apparent, obvious, acquainte with : s. the active voice of a verl Malum hona, to appear, to seem. Malum karna, to find out, disco vei understand, know, deem, suppose Maliin, adj. cursed, execrated, ex communicated. Malvvai, s. /. price of scouring, rul bing, &c. Mai w ana, v. a. to cause to rub. Malwar, adj. wealthy. Malzadi, s. f. a bawd, a whore. Malzamin, a security, for property o money. Malzamin 1, s.f. suretyship for pre perty. Mama, s. m. a maternal uncle Mamera, adj. relating to the paterna uncle. Mamera bhaf, mother's brother's sor first cousin, (male.) Mameri bahin, mother's brother* daughter, first cousin, (female.) Mami, s.f. an aunt, maternal uncle' wife. Mami pma, v. a. to show partiality. Mamiya sas, husbands or wife's ma ternal aunt. Mamiya susur, husband's or wife' maternal uncle. Mam la, s.m.prop. Mnamala,which see Mamlat, s.f. prop. Muamalat, whici see ; Eng. omelet. Mamlati, adj. see Muamalati. Mamora, s. m. twist, ache, pain (par ticularly the bowels), gripes. Maniii, s. m. an uncle, mother'! brother ; a snake ; plmise used a night when it is deemed unlucky to call a serpent by its propel name. Mamul, adj. customary, established I^IAN [ 191 ] MAX .s. m. custom, practice, fixed al- lowance or gratuity. ]\];uiiuli', adj. customary, practised. M.limlr, adj. in full, complete, re- plete. Mcln, ». /. mother. Mcin, 8. m. character, dignity, hon- our, respect, haugiitiness, pride. Man, 8. m. mind, heart, soul, spirit, inclination ; the name of a weight (forty ser) ; a gem, a jewel. 3Iana, «. m. prohibition, forbidding, refusal, hindrance. Mamidi, s. f. proclamation. ]M;inati, 8. ])r(»lit, advanta^'C, gain. Maiiahi', 8./ i)rohibited things; pro- hibition. Miina karnii, to forbid, to prohibit. iSIanana, \ v. a. to jx^rsuade, jManana dananti, / to cnuHO to agree (to anything), to conciliate, to propitiate, to assuage, to soothe, t^) appeaac. i^Iiinand, «. /. m. like, resembling, n Hcmblance. Miiniir, 'I 8. m. a minaret, a turret, Maniirn, / a steeple. Mniiirth, 8. m. intention, desire, |>ur|K).so. IM;iuasib, adj. jrrop. Mundsib, which M.iiiautf, 8.f. bail, security, boodi- luan, Hurety. INIaiuiwna, v. a. see Manunii. !Maii bhiina, v. ii. to bo ugnt»nblo to the mind. Miiihluiwan, \adj. aceept^iblc, ai;nM«- iM iiilijulwiui, j able, phiusaut, uuiuh- i'lg. ^I tnbhog, a delicious kiml of plan- I tin. Ml id, a particU% which, uddtvl iioiins, iinplirs ondowetl witli. Iiaving; faded, u dull colour. I md, ».f. tlui den of a wihl boaia iKxik. drum, «Scc., with pare! Maiuli, 8./. a market, a |ki: market for any oue thing. Mandil, \ . , Mu.Hlir. I •• "'• " '<^'"l''°- Maudiyiina, r. a. to sttrch. Man(]ilana, r. n. to mako a circuit, ' hover (as birds, &c.) ^lane, ». m, moaning, aonae, li^i: cation. Maufa^t,!!./. nrofit, gain, nd\ Miing, N. /. a line on thu to]> head whore tlio hair in |Hir:< Manga bhejiui, to M*nd for. Maiigal. It. • ■ ' '•' • ' Tu«n«l»y. Matigal NUi the (i ank fiir and giviv MiiugelHJ, n. til. /. Olio tu whom wiiuuin is U*tnitlicHl. *! lomi, r. II. to Inirrow. i:», \ r. (i.totLnk lor. l4) M ; u», j to demand. l«< pray. cMve. solioittto waiii. sire, to betniUi. Mangui'. n. /. betrothing. a»k.i\:r m marriiige ; a hxui : ing, to one's heart's Manmantii, ) wish or content. Man marna, to resist one'^ own in- clinations, to be grieved or troubled in mind. Man mar rahna, to suffer pain or grief with patience. Manmata, s. m. human opinion. Manmauji', adj. self-conceited. Manmohan, s. m. a sweetheart, u name of Krishna. Mann, s. m. manna. Manna, v. n. to be soothed, to be pro- pitiated. Manna, v. a. to respect, regard, mind, attend, to observe, obey, heed, be- lieve, accept, acknowledge, agree> allow, accede, assent, confess, con- sent, grant, admit, trust, yield, sub- mit, suppose, own. Mannat, s. /. a vow, a promise. MAP [ 193 ] MAR Manorath, s. m. desire, wish, inten- tion. Manp, 8. m. measure. Miinr, s. m. rice-water, rice-gruel, stiirch. Maura, s. m. film, speck (on the eye.) Mcinri', s. /. starch, rice-water, rice- :ruel. ]M;iri.s, 8. m. fiesli, meat. jNliui.sa, 8. f. wish, desire, intention. ]\Iansiib, 8. m. dignity, office, IVIansabdiir, s. m. a magistrate, a man of rank. Munsilb, adj. related, belonging to, allied, betrothed. M!insii])a, s. m. contrivance, design, ])rojcct, Mflu'iue, plan. Mansiiba baiidhna, to contrive, to eonspiro. MaiiHiIlmbaz, wlj. considerate, pni- driit, Hui^rinus, ingciiious ; con- triver, Heheiner. Mausiikli, (njj. cancelled, obliterated, alK)liwhed, annulled. Manta, s. /. vow, promise. IMiiiilar, "i 8. m. a charm, spell, IMaiiiar jantar, ) incantation. jM:iiiti08e, object, desiiX' aim, scope, wisli. Ma(isuni. 8. m. fate, destiny. Maqiil, adj. reasonable, just, perti- nent, pro|)er. Miir, 8./. beating; alNittle; u ■ Miini, (u/y. !>oit»»n. "^Inin ; foui..; orovertuii; ' ' ..to. i Mani, part, i ui, dead. Maiiid. 8. m ! iij, u ht-ro. Miirafat, mh< Maninu Maiag, 8 III. u rxKul, i>nth, a way. M iraitim. adj. lM>und round. Manij. 8. i«. prop. Munu, nickncatv ho slain : to K ovorromo ; to \h^ nvrrttmu^l .r u. out oft* (a cara\'an. ■ i Mamkii. *. m. » li ! M^iraka knnia, t«« ; Maiani, 8. m. a s*xm. . or pur|)a8t\ M ini mara phiniii, to wander. Miinimar chalna, to piLsh on wtuicu delay. Muranuin', 8. /. mutual beating, acuf- lie, I'my. o MAR [ 194 ] MAK Mararamat, s. f. mending, repairing, repair. Marammati, adj. requiring repair. Marammat karna, v. a. to mend, to repair. Maraiumat karvvana, v. a. to cause to mend, or repair. Marammat talab, adj. out of repair, requiring repair. INIaran, s. m. death. Maranhara, s. m. smiter, slayer. Mara parna, to be killed or slain. Maraz, s. m. sickness, disease. Marbliukkha, adj. starved to death, greedy, voracious, ravenous. Mard, s. m. a male, a man, a hero. Mardak, s. m. a low fellow, a puppy, a rascal. Mar dalua, to kill, to smite. Mardan,s. rubbing, anointing, tramp- ling, treading down. Mardana, adv. manly, manlike, brave : adj. male. Mardanagi, s. f. manliness, bravery. Mardiini, s. f. a masculine (woman) : adj. used or worn by women. Mard bachcba, the son of a brave man. Mard e adnijf, s. m. a gentleman. Mar dena, to smite, to btat, to kill. Mdrdhar, s.f. thumping and beating severely. [rility. Mardf, s.f. manhood, manliness, vi- Mard i ad mi, s. m. a gentleman. Mardua, s. m. (used by way of con- tempt), man. [eluded. Mardiid, adj. repulsed, rejected, ex- Mardumf, s. /. manliness, bravery. Mare, s. m. (by) reason, on) account, (for) the sake, for. Marfa, 8. m. a kind of drum. Marg, s. f. dt ath. Marghat, s. m. the place where Hin- dus buiii their dead. Murghub, ) adj. desirable, de- Marghiib taba,/ sired, amiable. Margf, 8. f. the plague, pestilence. Muig i muftijat, sudden death. Mar girana, to knock down, to win (the battle.) Marha, adj. lined, headed, covered or topped y^as a drum with parch- ment ) Marhaba, irderj. hail ! welcome ! bra-^ vo! Marliaiya, s. /. a small cottage or hut. Marliam, 8. m. a plaster, saive. Marhan, s /. lining, heading (of a drum, &c.) Marhata, s. m. a Maharatta. Mar hatana, to overcome, to beat and drive back. Marhatta, s. m. a Maharatta. Marhi, s.f. a cottage, a temple. Murhna, v. a. to cover (as a book with leather or a drum witli parcii- ment ), to gild, to case. ; Marhum, adj. who has found mercyj i.e , deceafecd. j Mari, s.f. plague, pestilence ; carrion] Marifat, s. /. knowledge ; account] cause, (l)y) reason, (by) meantj (through) the means, by. * Mariyal, adj. lean, emaciated, much reduced by sickness. Mariz, adj. sick, diseased. Marja, s. m. loss. [respect. Marjad, s. f. station, rank, dignity, Mar jana. v. n. to die Marji, s. f. prop. Marzi, which see. Markar, adv. with difficulty. Markaz, s. m. the upper stroke oi the letter kaf. Markhaha, ar/J. addicted to beating, striking, or butting ;a man or aiu- mal.) i Mar khani, to get a drubbing. ' Mar khapna, v. n. to die. Mar kutiii, s. f teating and bruising Mar land, to rob, to take by robbery Miir lemi, to smite, to conquer. Marmar, s. m. marble. Marmarana, v. n. to crack (as any thing going to break.) Mar marna, to fall in battle afte killing fcome of the enemy. MAR [ 195 ] MAS Miinui, V. n. to die, to expire ; to ;ro vehemently, to set one's it upon anything. Miinia, V. a. to smite, to strike, to hit, kill, slny, beat, bang, l>iiig. dar .-akna, to bo able to beat. darsiya, «. m. un elegy, a dirge, a I funeral lulogium. ylarsiyakhwaii, a n«[)oator of an clei^y or till' Marsiviu darsiya|<[.iwani. rriwatinj? or sing- ing an elegy or tlio Marniya. larlabu, «. m. stop, degno, digiutv, <»llU'e, raidc «if hontiur. tinm. turn. [artaiiiin, h. m. a jar fi>r keeping preserves in. arluul, \ . . ..r }»•♦'*• J^ hammer, arhiul, j r.utol, «. m. a hnnuuer. la rna, s.m. name of a gmin of which \n\ ad is mnile. Mdriif, adj. known, celebrated; tho active voice of a verb. M^riiz, adj. presented offered, sub- mitted: 8. in. a represeututiou, u petition. Marwiina, v. a. to cause to be beaten, to cause to be killed. Mufwar, n. prop, name of a countri-. Mafwan, 8. in. \ un inhabitani < Mafwafin, 8./. j Miirwar. INIarz, 8. m. sickness, disease. Marzi, 8. /. will, assent, oomtent, plea- sure. Mas, «. m. a month ; flesh, meat Masiiiir, 8. m. prop. Musuflr, which see. Masahani, «. m. prop. i^Iiishuhara. which see. Masalmri, ». /. curtains (of a bed . mu-quito curtains, Masiiil, 8. itlur. of MasU, tlio pn- cepts of Sluluminail. Masak, 8.f. prop. Mashk, which •»•«• Musakat,^./. prop, Mushnqq^iit, ^^ 1 > ; • ' i HOC. fl'UI ■ Masaknd, vn * ' ' ' ; . Masai, 8. /. n i>. . simile, prt>\ . , Musul, «./. prop. Mnifii^l, n Uircli, n flnndvtin M />n>/>. MaMilth,>Khiol)it«v M .1 . . > r. o. to •«*««•»♦>« Mnstilchi, «. m /^r Ma>«ilih II, «. m rr M >u) work to crtbiii, t> Mii.tan. «. m. n phuv whori> n den I bndy is burnt: an evil spirit. Mahatiwir, «. m. a ptiiutor, liiuocr. drawer. Masuu win', t. /. i! i-n 'v ; • •' i • Masdar, $. m. Hrnii tivo or noun ot mar.) Mast 0. «. /. down. Muall luiini on Uio lips bcforu Uiti bourd gruwa. MAS [ 196 ] MAS Mash-, s. m. a' vetch : s.f. prop. Mad,sh, landed property. Masha, s. m. name of a small weight consisting of eight rattis. 4 ' Mashaikh, s. plur. of Shaikh, olgl men ; holy persons, dervises. Mashalchi, ^ s. m. a torch-bearer ; a Mashalchi, / servant who cleans knives, forks, and plates, &c. ; a scullion. Mashaqqat, s. f. trouble, labour, toil, assiduity, distress. Mashdar, adj. prpp. Ma^shdar, which see. '. Mashghul, adj. employed, occupied, busy. Mash'hur, adj. celebrated, published, famous, well-known, noted, no- torious. Mash'hur karna, to publish, to pro- claim. • Mashk, s. f. a leather bag, especially for carrying water, a water-bag. Mashkira, s^;m. a small leather bottle. Mash milkiyat, s. /..,_^rop. Maash milkiyat,' landed projperty. ♦ , Mashq, s.f. exercise, practice, usage, use. '*'■ ' Mashrfq, s. m. the east': Mashru, s,. m. a kirid t)f cloth made of silk and cotton mixed. Mashshaqf, s. f. practice, constant or great practice. Masht, 1 /. -1 * Mashti, } '• f' ''^^^' Mashti marna, Masht marna, l^' ) to a, / remain silent. Mashuq, s. m. la beloved object, a Mashuqa, s. /. j sweetheart, a mis- tress. Mashwara, s. m. \ counsel, consulta- Mashwarat, s. f. j tion, advice. Mashwarat karnd!, to consult, to advise (with.) Masfhk, } "• P'^^^' ^^ssiah, Christ. Masihaf, adj. Christ-like : s. /. office or works of the Messiah. Masin, 1 Mas ma, i s. m. a quicksand. Masina, ) Masjid, s. f. a mosque. Maskabar, the last day of the month Maskan, s. m. an abode, a dwelHng a habitation. Maskana, -y. a. to tear, to rend. Maskhara, s. m. a di-oU, a jester, j buffoon. Maskharagi, s. /. | buffoonery, drol Maskharapan, s. m.\ lery, jesting Maskhargf, s. /, j jest. Masla, s. m. a precept of Muhammad Maslahat, s. /. counsel, advice. Maslahatan, adv. advisedly. Maslahat kafna, to consult, to a4 vise, to conspire, to combine. Maslan, adv.ioY example, e.g. namelj Masliib, adj. crucified. ^ Masnad, s. f. a cushion of state, j Masnavi, s.^/. tfie sort of verse | which 'tile couplets rhyme reg^ larly, as in' English heroic versei a poem in that verse. Masosa, s. m^ affliction, remorsf ' regret. Masosna, v. a. to regret, to grieve. Masraf, s. to. expenditure, expense disbursement. j Masruf, adj. expended, employe^ .engaged, occupied, busy. , Masriir, adj. glad, cheerful, gaj delighted, pleased. [cresenct Massa, s. m. a wart, a fleshy es Mast, adj. drunk, intoxicated; t bidinous, lustful, lascivious, prou Mastak, s. m. the forehead of elephant. Mastaki, s. f. mastic. Mastana, adv. like one intoxicate! axij. drunken. Mastani, adj. intoxicated, lustf lecherous, salacious (woman.) Masti, 8. f. drunkenness; intoxi* tion, lust, wantonness. I MAT [ 197 ] MAT (fastul, s. m. mast of a ship. Hastuni, 8. /. a chaste woman. klastiiiat, 8. plur. women (of the Haram.) lasiilv, 8. m. prop. M^shiiq, which see. lasiil, 8. m. prop. Mahsiil, which see. ladiim, adj. innocent, simple : s. an infant. [tjity. '^ ' rii'yat, 8. f. innocence, simpii- . .s. m. a kind of pulse. a, 8. m. the gums of the teeth, iat, 8. f. system, opinion, counsel, advice, a particular sentiment; uiidcratanding, intellect : nehana, «. m. houdtMif mourn- itaiupursi', oblatiouH, condolence. itainzjida, adj. mourning, atVeoliHl with grief on account of Uiu doath of some relativ«s at ir. 8. m. a |)ea. ui ii. .s. m. a convent for the oBCoiics, Itt pagan temple, ithsi, 8. in. butti'rmilk. Stihii, I «. in the fon^hcad, prow; Mha, I th<» ridgi' of a i"oof. Mhaii, 8. in. cliurnini,'. iithaniyu, «. /. a churu. Matha ragafnd, to implore humbly. Mtitha thanaknti, implies a prcjscnti- ment of a conclusion from ccrtuin marks observed in the commence- ment. Mat bin, void of understandinsc. Mathiya, 8. m. name of an ornament. Mathna, v. a. to chum ; to kne;id, to work : 8. m. a cimrning st^itl*. Mathni', 8./. a ehurning-stiiff. Miitliii, 8. m. a buflbon, (a term of reproach.) Matiiura, 8. /. name of a city, tlio birth-place of Kri:ihua. Mjitliuriyii, ». m. name of a caste of Brahmans of Mathnm. Ma^r, «./. eartli. Mati. 8. /. see Mat. Ma^iyana, v. n. to grumble, to do u tiling unwillingly. Mat^iytira, ». m. arable land, rich sotL Mat jiio, don't go. Ala^kii, 8. in, a largo oiirthon jar. Maikaiui, v. a. to wink, to oglo, ti> twinkle. Mat kariui, to win, to oi^tdo, to bout (at che.H8.) ', Ma^lg, M. /. t snuill jar;. a wink, a twinkle. Matl di. B. m. intention, wiiih, dcatn*, giaced. Matti parna, to be buried. Matwala, j adj. intoxicated, drunken, Matwara, j drunk, Mauj, s.f. a wave, a surge, billows. Mauja, s. m. prop. Mauza, which see. Mauj mama, v. a. to billow, to wave ; (met.) is applied to express self- enjoyment without restraint. Maujud, adj. existing, present, at hand, existent, standing before, ready. Maulavi, s. m. a learned man. Maulna, v. n. to bloom, to blossom, to bud (the mango tree.) Maulsari, s. f. name of a tree. Maun, s. m. silence, taciturnity. Mauni, s. f. a small round basket. Maun sadhna, to remain silent. Mauqa, adj. proper, fit, suitable: s. m. a fit place or time. Mauqiif, adj. stopped, deferred, de- layed, postponed, fixed or depen- dent (on.) Mauquf bona, to depend or rest (on), to be stopped, to cease. Mauquf karna, to cease, to leave off, to lay aside, to abolish, to abro- gate, to an^ul. Maur, s. m. a kind of high turban worn by the bridegroom at tlie time of marriage. Maurana, v. n. to blossom (as the mango tree.) Mauri', s. /. see Maur. Mausii, s. m. an uncle, mother's sis- ter's husband. Mausera, adj. mas. belonging or related to the mother's sister's husband. Mausera bhaf, a cousin, son of a mother's sister. Mauseri bahin, daughter of a mo- ther's sister. Mausi', 8. /Tan aunt, mother's sister. Mausim, s. m. season, time. Mausimi, adj. seasonable. Mausim i bahar, the season of spring. Mausuf, adj. described, celebrated, praised, before-mentioned ; a noun substantive qualified by an adjec- tive. Maut, s. /. death. Mauta, a calamity. Mautad, s. /. quantity. Mauwat, s. /. prop. Maut, death. Mauza, s. m. a village. Mawa, s.f. substance, essence, leaven, milk inspissated with boiling. Mawashi, s. pi. quadrupeds, cattle. Maya, in compos, composed of; chiefly consisting or made of. Maya, is./. kin(Uiess, compassion, Maya, / mercy, aftection ; illusion, idealism, a deception, depending on the power of the deity, whereby mankind believe in the existencQ of external objects, which are in fact nothing l)ut idea. Mayiib, adj. wicked, vicious, infa- mous, reprehensible. Maza, i s. m. taste, flavour, relish, Maza, / dehglit, pleasure, enjoys i ment, anything agreeable to the palate or mind, &c. ; a delicacy. Mazadar, adj. delicious relishing, tasteful, palatable, well-tasted, sa- voury. Mazakh, s. m. a jest, a joke, plea- santry, [jest Mazakhen karna, to make jokes, tc Mazallat, s. /. baseneness, contempt abjectness. Mazamm, s. plur. of Mazmun, thi contents. Maziir, s. f. sepulchre, tomb, o siirine of a saint. Mazarat, s. f. apology, excuse. Mazbah, s. m. an altar for sacrifice. Mazbiit, adj. strong, firm, fixed, fas Miizbuti', s. f. strength, durabilit] firmness. Mazdur, s. m. a labourer, a carric a porter ; improy. Majdur. MEN [ 199 ] MICH Mazdun, «. /. the price of labour, J wagcH ; laoour, labfnirine:. jMazediir, afJj. see Mnzadar. JMazliab, 8. m. religion, sect. Maz'haka, s.m. humour, fun, drollery. IMazi', 8. m. preterite tense : adj. past time. Mazkiir, adj. forementioned, afore- Biiid, mentioned : «. m. mention, discourse ; imjorop. Majkiii-. Mazkur karna, to mention. IVFazliim, adj. injured, oppreased. Mazniiiii, s. m. sense, sigiiitication, meaninf?, tenour, contents (of a letter, &c.); improp.^lnjnnm. Miiziil, adj. dei)osed, displaced, dis- missed, degraded, removed fiom office. Mi'zul kamii, to discharge, dismiss, remove (from office, i ^laziir, «. m. a lal)ourer, a carrier, u ))()rter ; wiprop. Majiir. M.-lziir, (uJj. excused, < xcuaablo. Miizu'n, «. /. see Mazdiiri. IVI« ;^h, «. m. a cloud. Mcf^liUiran, adj. of the rflour of the clouds. Mcli, «. m. rnin. lM<^man, f. m. a j^io^t. IVb^ H.f. ^mq). M( z, a table. M( kh, H.f. a nail, a wedge, a tont- pin, a pejr. Mckhi ru|iniyd, a rup'<» wbi
  • en li(»ll(»\V(>(i and then tllUsl with 1( ad, copper, &c., adulU-mted. Mrkli [honkna, to nail. Mel, H. 111. connexion, agnn'mrnt, conibiiaitiou, concord, n-condilio- tion, union, mixture, mixing. ]\lthi, fi.m.n fair, an a."KMuhly,a crowd, !i concourst> of people ft)r religious or commercial j)ur|)oecs : adj. frieuillv. Mela theljt, «. TO. a crowd, a conoouno of p« ople. l^Teb', ailj. friendly. wM'inblc. I^lemna, h. w. a kid. Mell. }><«(>>,,< in ninnn.. 1». tWCCD, Ot. Mend,«./. a bank (raised to separate fields), a border (of a pond, tank &c.) Mendak, «. m. a frog. Mendhii, s. m. a ram. Mendki', «. /. a frog. Mengni, s.f. the dung of goats, sbcc] camels, &c. Meyh, a. in. rain. M«uh barasmi, to rain. Meoh barsiinii, v. a. to cause to rain. Meohdr, «./. the name of the plant with which the natives stain their hands and fe<'t. INIeukli, 8. /. see MeVk. Meur. «• /• MJc Mend. Meo se, from within, out of. Meni, pron. \d ]>en. po$g. nM$. m} . mine. l^Ierha, 8. TO. a ram. ^letar, «. m. prop. Mildnr. a sweep* r Metanim, «. /. prop. MihtAnini. a ft male swtvpt r. Metln, «. /. the plant fenuirn« annihilaU\ ti aniud, to can<\>l, to atulio fur. Mewa, 8. 111. fruit. Mewadiir, (! M»>«. 8. / a Udile. Mey.lMin. 8. m, an rntf*rlainrr, a ht>t>- Meslmni, ». / ' " ' * tneiit Met Uii-huii . cloth. \ M( z bioldiAn^ to lay th<^ doth. i Me/.niiin. 8. in. a wm-hi-lnw. M ^d, 8. m. the time of pmmifO or imprisonment. Michnr niiclmr. tiling without an apivtitc. Micidmii, W. rt. t yc«, to MtcliMii, j »h\\' . M "'->". -. .1. lofti.-.., . MIL [ 200 ] MIN Michrana, v. a. to eat without an ap- . petite. Mida, s. m. the stomach. Mighnatis, s. m. the magnet or load- stone. Mihdf, s. /. name of a plant. See Menhdi. Mihin, adj. thin, subtile, fine (not coarse.) Mihman, s. m. /. a stranger, a guest. Mihmandar, s. m. an entertainer, host. Mihmaiidari', 8. f. entertainment, hospitality. Mihmandost, adj. hospitable. Mihmani, s. f. see Mihmandari. Mihmani karna, to entertain. Mihnat, s. f. labour, toil, industry, trouble, difficulty, calamity, afflic- tion, trial, perplexity, sorrow. Mihnatana, s. m. Ijire, wages. Mihnati, adj, laborious, labouring, industrious, labouring per-son. Mihnat karna, to labour, to toil. Mihndi, s. /. see Menhdi. Milir, s. /. love, friendship, kindness. Mihrab, s. /. a bower, an arcli. Mihrabdar, adj. arched (as a door- way.) Mihrarii, s. f. a woman. Mihrban, adj. kind, friendly, indul- ' gent, gracious. Mihrbanagi", Mihrbangf, Mihrban I, Mihrbani karna, to favour, to confer favour (pn), to befriend. Mihriya, } s- /• a woman, a wife. Mihtar, s. m. a sweeper. Mihtarani, s. f. female of Mihtar ; a female innkeeper. Mijaj, s. m. prop. Mizaj, which see. Mijna, V. a. to rub with the hands. Mijrab, s./. j9rop.*Mizrab, which see. Mikhiyana, v. a. to beat, to subdue. Milan, s. comparison, collection ; the making of things agree with one another. /. friendliness, kindness, favour. Milana, v. a. to mix, to blend, to caus-e to meet, to join, to attach, to connect, to unite, to cement, to close, to compare, to reconcile. Milansar, adj. civil, affable, sociable, friendly, familiar. Milansari, s. f. sociableness, friend- liness, affability, civility. Milao, s. m. mixture, mixing : adj. adulterated. Milap, s.f. agreement, reconciliation, union, concord, adjustment. Mile jule rahna, to live together in harmony. Milk, s. /. possession, property, right. Milkf, s. m. a (large) farmer. Milkiyat, s. f. property, possession. Milna, v. a. to be mixed or confound- ed, to blend, to meet, to join, to be met with, to attain, to be got, to agree, to accord, to tally, to be, united, to become connected (with;,] to coalesce, to correspond. ; Milna julna,to meet cordially ,to have '^ unrestricted intercourse. j Miloni, s. f. admixture. j Mihvana, v. a. to cause to mix, &c. ' Mimbar, s. m. a pulpit. ^i^!>'^^^')^.n.tobleat(akid^ Mimiyana, j ^ ^ Minakari, s.f. the embellishing of things with green colours, ena- melling. -jyj-l^^^' I s. m. minaret, obelisk, stco- Minara, ) P^®' Mingni, s. f. goat or sheep's dung. Minh, s. m. rain. Miidia, 8. m. deduction, subtraction ; remission of revenue, &c. Minhai, s. f. land released from as- sessments : adj. subtracted. Minhdf, s. f. see Menhdi. Minjna, v. a. to rub, to scour. Minjumla, adv. out of or upon the whole; universally. Minnat, s. m. entreaty, humble and earnest supplication. MIR [ 201 ] MIT IMinnat karna, to entreat, to make earnest supplication. 3Iiiiti', 8. /. an apology, submission, solicitation. Miqnatis, 8. m. the magnet, the load- stone. Miqraz, s.f. scissors, shears. Mir, 8. m. a chief, a leader ; a title by which Saiyids are called ; a winner at play; among school- boys he that says hislesaon lirst. Mira, pron. my, mine. Miraj, «. /. ascent, ascension. Miruii, H. m. a portion paid to the head of a department out of the fees received by the inferior oliicers. Minis, 8. /. heritage, patrimony, Le- reditaiy estate. Minisjin, «. /. a woman who plays and sings. Mirasi', adj. hereditary, inherited : 8. f. a kind of nuisician. Miriisin, 8. f. see Mirusan. Mirch, 8. f. pepper. Minihu, \ s. m. chili-popper, capsi- IMirchiir,/ cum. Mird:iiig, «, /. a kind of drum. Mirdaiigi', «. m. a In-ater of the Mir- daiig ; an Indian shade to protect the lump or candle fioni the wind. Minlangiyji, 8. m. u beater of tlie IMinlang. Mirg, H. m. a deer. Mirgehhalii, the skin of u divr. worn and used a« a IhhI by devoteoj*. Mirgi', H. f. tl»e epilepHV. INIirgihii, «. m. onu uniictod with iho cpilep.sy. .Mir i niajliij, tho raaater of Uio coro- inonics. Mirjiii, 8./. prop. Mirziii', a kind uf j.ieket. Mushikar, a bird-oatchor, a buuto- man. M lit. *./. death. >lirtha, a<(/. fal8t\ lying, untrue. MiizU *• ''*' * ^^^^' of Musalmaus. Mirzaf, «./. a kind of jacket Misal, 8./. simile, likeness, simil tude, parable. Misar, «. m. Egypt. See Mishar. Mishar, s. m. a title of Urahuiina; a Hindu physieian. Misi', 8. /.a black jxjwder withwUii : the teeth are tinged. Misir, 8. m. see Misliar. Miskin, fu//. poor, miserable, hui: ble, wrelched, indigent Miskini', B.f. poverty, indigence, bi mility. ^lisl, 8.f. similitu I ISIitslaiK^u/o. for ex Misniiir honii, to U I^lismur karnti, to levtl. [v« ri/< I. Mij^nu, V. M. to be ground, to l>«- pwl- Mtsna, V. a. to grind, to pulvuri. to cruud>le. Misr, 8. wi. Kgypt. Mi.sni, 8. m. a liemisticli, a ain^- line in imh try. Misri, »./ Hugarrundy. Miitrit, (ulj. mixetl. Mis**!, »./. see Mi- Mititiir, 8./. lint > MiHwdk, « /. a t' UHV4l iw a (liMitifnet-. Mit «. ii». a fr t«iii|, n li>v. r Mitii, 41. m ii Mitnn, *. / Mitaiui. t. • obliti-ratv, tu blui out, tn Hbtv^it ^* * ' A : $.wi,uyvt\ >>n. ni* > Mitlitiu^ Mi{bu«. } Milhait, ) •. fM. 8\vet tnejw. Mitbi, «./. a ktML Miiln n>t'. tt kind of brvat. Mithiyii, ». m. a kisti, Mitliyu, adr, fubcly : tii(;. (also, counterfvit. MOCH [ 202 ] MOM Miti, s. /. (late ; interest. Mitin, s. f. a female namesake. Mitna, v. n. to expire, to be etfaced. Mitr, I . . , Min;,/ '' '^' ^ f^"^^^^- Mitr t a, s. /. friendship. Mittlia, adj. sweet ; slow. Mitt/, 8. /. earth. See Matti. Miyan, s. f. a scabbard. Miyan, s. m. sir, an address expres- sive of kindness ; husiband, master. Miyana, adj. middling, moderate: s. m. a kind of sedan or palki. Miytin admi', a respectable person. Miyana qadd, of middle stature. Miyani, s.f. a cod -piece. Miyan jr, s. w. a mediator, a school- master. Miyan tahf, s. f. the middle fold of any garment which consists of three. Mizaj, s. m. temperament, liabit of body ; temper, hmnour, disposition. Mizaj 1, a(^J constitutional, habitual. Mizan, s. /. a balance, a pair of scales ; tlie sign Libra ; addition in arithmetic. Mfzan dena, \ , j i +^ ^„,,+ „^ M. 1 / . > to add, to cast up. izan lagana, j ^ Mizrab, s. /. the quill with which a stringed musical instrument is struck. Mo, pron. (in Braj) me. Moafakat, s. /. prop. Muwafaqat, which see. Moalik,af/J. yro'p. Muwafiq, which see. Mocli, s. m. strain, sprain, twist. Mochan, s. m. see Mociili. Mociih, 8. in. release, deliverance, sal- vation, final and eternal happi- ness; mustaches. Mochi, s. m. a saddler, a shoemaker, a cobbler. Mochin, s. f. a saddler's or shoe- maker's wife. Moclma, s. m. pincers, tweezers. Mochras, s. m. gum of the silk-cotton tree. Modf, s. m. a retail shopkeeper, a grain merchant, a grocer. Modikhana, 8. m. a pantry. Mogal, s. m. prop. Mugiial, a Moghul. Mogra, s. m. a mallet, a rannner ; name of a flower. Moh, s. f. fainting; pity, compas- sion, allurement, sympathy, kind- ness, love. Mohanbhog, s. m. a kind of sweet- meat. Mohanf, s. f. fascination, a charm. Mohanmala, s. /. a necklace com- posed of gold beads and coral. Mohar, s. f. prop. Muhr, which see. Mohavera, s. m. prop. Muhawara, wliit-h see. Moh lena, to attach, to allure, to captivate. Moh men ana, to be in love. Mohna, v. a. to fascinate, to enchant, to charm, to allure. Moja, prop. Moza, wiiich see. Mukaddama, s. m. prop. Muqadda- ma, which see. Mokam, s. m. prop. Maqam, which see. Mo kaun, to me, me. Mokha, s. m, a small hole in a wall for admitting ligat and air, an air hole; a bamboo or grass tied lengthways on the eaves of a house, &c. Mokhlar, prop. Mukhtar, which see. M^kol }'--.-• Mol, s. m. purchase, price. Molaheja, s. m. prop. Mulahaza, which see. Molaim, adj. prop. Mulaim, which see. Mol barhana, v. a. to enhance, Mol lena. v. a. to buy, to purchase. Mol thaharana, v. a. to appraise, to estimate, to value. Moltol, s. m. fixing a price, pur- chasing. Mom, s. m. wax. MOT [ 203 ] MTW MomTmtti', «. /. a wax candle. Moiridil, adj. tender-hearted. Mom I, adj. waxen. Moniiyai', 8. /. name of a medicine. IVIonijiima, s. in. wax-cloth. Mom ki batti, a wax candle. Mom ki Tiak, a person of a fickle disposition. Mora raughan, ^ 8. m. wax and oil Mom roj;^haii, / mixed together. Moo, see Mcq. Morja. V. a. to steep. Moiulhti, 8.m. the shoulder ; a stool, a footstool. Moohri', 8. /. see Mori. Mor, \ 8. m. twist, turn, writhe, i\lor, / sprain. Mor, 8. m. a peaeock : pron. my, mine. Morii, pron. my, mine. [sre. IMorabliti, h. m. prop. ]\rurubbd, which Morclia, «. m. rust ; a battery. Moreliang, «. /. a jew's-harp. Morchhal, 8. m. . a fan for drivin«^ away flies (o>i>ecially of i)eacock's feathers) ; a brush. IMofliii, 8. m. a fiM)tstool ; the shoulder. Mori", 8. /. a pijK) or drain, a sub- Icrnincous pasjsiijjje (for water.) ^Morinukut;, a crown or crest like that of the j)i acock. Mormi, \v. a. to twist, to turn, to Mortui, / bcnb)tai, 8./. tatncNS, airpulmcy, lldck- ness, eoarseiiess, biguetui, bulk, bulkiness. MotVimi, V. a. to fatten, to feed. ;j;;|;;|:;-,}..,.aeoMo,Ai Moj^i tii/.a, adj. fat, welI-ci»nditiom*; o; ■ ;..-e in horses, splint, sixivin. Moti', 8. m. a pearl. Moticluir, 8. m. a kind of sweetmeat. Moti ki SI lib utarni, to be diagixkced. M(4iy5i, «. w. a jx^rter. Motiya, 8. m. name of a flower. Motiyabind, 8. m. the name of a kind of blindness. Motki, 8. /. a fat woman. I Motra, 8. m. s* e Motlini. Motni, 8. m a buudU>. Mofn', 8. /. a sm dl bundle, a parcel. Moza, 8. m. a sock, a htm hmiI t4ix : 8. /. a >jn»iit of luii«l fr »oviT« i^ni trw of tax : exenip* feniiicsion. |mrxl«tn. Mu^f kiinm, r. «i. t»» forjjiw, to pttr- «Uui. to t xcumv I Muf^iyan. adj. o«Ubli«hod. fixed, ap- imtuted. Mu^i>iin knnul, fo f!». f^ nrtnMli»h. to up|Miint. t.> Mu^jiui, 8. IN n 1 Muf^i - '■• . :.; ..^ ;. 1 I.. ly. j Mu.ii . t.i liml. rtirr. n\' I (a.H a phy»u-i. I Mui^llnq, adj. I hunj? up. I Mu^llim. 8. m. an instradm-. a i tnu'her, a prt*coplnr. ; Mu^nmla, 8. m. trenty, aflair, htm- MUB [ 204 ] MUF ness, negotiation, behaviour, pro- cedure, cause or suit (in hrw.) Muamaladan, adj. see Muamalati. Muaraala karna, to deal with, treat with, to negotiate. Muamala miiqaddama, s. m. cause or suit (ill law.) Muamalat, s. f. see Muamala. Muamalati, adj. fit for business, ac- tive, able to manage business ; acquainted with the law. Muamma, s. m. an enigma, a riddle. Muannas, adj. feminine. Muassir, adj. penetrating, mnking an impression, effecting, efficacious. Muatabar, adj. confidenlial, respect- able, reputable, worthy of con- fidence, creditable, trustworthy. Muatabari, s. f. confidence, reliance. Muatad, s. f. quantity, or measure, dose. [moderate. Muatadil, adj. temperate, tolerable, Muataqid, s. m. a believer, an ad- herent. Muattal, adj. unemployed. Muattar, adj. perfumed, fragrant. Muazzaz, adj. honoured, revered. Muazzin, s. m. a public crier to prayers. Mubaddal, adj. changed, exchanged, altered. Mubaf, s. m. a fillet or riband for the hair. Mu ba mu, hair by hair. Mubarak, adj. happy, fortunate, blessed; blessing, congratulation; welcom.e ! hail I all liail ! Mubarakbad, may it be fortunate 1 hail ! congratulation. Mubarakbadi, s. f. congratulation, benediction, welcome. Mubarakbadi dena, \ to congratu- Mubarakbadf kahna, / late, to give joy, to hail, to compliment. Mubaiaki", s.f. auspiciousness, happi- ness, congratulation, benediction. Mublagh, s. m. ready money : adj. much, many. Mubtadi, s. m. a young scholar, tjTO, a beginner. ::}' Muchalka, / hand, an agreement, a written obligation. Muchcha, s. m. a large lump of flesh or meat. Muchh, \ s. f. the hair of the upper Miiciih, I lip, mustaches. Muchhail, adj. having much hair on the upper lip. Miichkana, v. a. to sprain. Mudam, adv. or adj. eternally, al- ways, perpetual, lasting, eternal. Mudami, adj. eternal. Muddaa, s. m. desire, wish, meaning, view, object, scope. Muddai, s. m. f. a plaintiff, suitor, prosecutor, an accuser, an enemy. Muddaf alaihi, a defendant (in law.) Muddat, s. /. a space or length of time, a long time, antiquity. Muddat guzarna, v. n. to be spent (time.) Muddat 1, adj. of old standing, bear- ing authority for a lime. Muddat i madid, a long space of time. Mudri, s. f. a ring, a finger-ring. Mufaraqat, s. f. separation, aliena- tion, absence. [terval. Mufasala, s. m. distance, space, in- Miifassal, adj. distinct, full, ample, detailed: adv. particularly, dis- tinctly, in detail, fully : s. m. the country in opposition to the town. Mufat, jprop. Muft, which see. Mufid, adj. ]»rofi table, useful, salu- tary, beneficial. Mutiis, aJj.poor, wretched, indigent ; unmarried (a man.) Muflisf, s.f. poverty, indigence. Mut'rad, adj. solitary, alone, single, simple. Mufradat, s. plur. of Mufrad, sim- ples, uncompounded (medicines.) Mufsi'd, a seditious person, author of evil, mischief-maker. MUH [ 205 ] Mujn Muft, adv. gratuitously, for nothing, gratis, acquired witiiout cost or labour, given away without re- turn or benefit. Muftari, 8. m. a slanderer, a calum- niator, false accuser. Muftr, 8. m. a superior Muhamma- dan law officer. Muftkhora, adj. living at free cost. Muft men, gratis, for nothing. Mugdar, 8. m. a club used to exer- cise with in the manner of dumb- bells. Mughaiyar, adj. changed, altered. Mughal, 8. m. a Moghul. Mughali", adj. of the Moghuls; «./. tying the neck and to(is aa a pun- ishment. Mughhinf, 8./. the female of a Mog- liul ; a needle- woman. M ligri', 8. /. a mullet for beating clothes with. Mull, 8. m. see Muoh. M iihabbat, 8. /. friendship, love, af- fection. Muhiifn, 8. m. a kind of imlki', a litter in which women travel. Muhdfazat, 8./. preservation, protec- tion, guardianship, eusUHly, care. Miiliali/. daftx'r, s.m. a record- kecjHjr. Muhaiy»i, adj. prepared, roady, ar- ranged. Mulmiya karnfi. *! to))r«'iMirc,tomako Muliuiyti rukhnti,/ n ad v. Muluil, adj. iniiH»s«ible, absurd. Muluuuniiid, II. jirop. natuo of tho And)ian pro])h('t. Muhammadi. adj. Mtihnnunndnn. Muhanii, 8. m. \\\r mouth of a river. &c., inht, outh t. Muhar, 8./. see Muhr. Muhiirrani, 8. in. tho first Muhnm- niadnn month — hold baorvd in ho- nour of I lu.sain. Muharrir, 8. m. a writer, a clerk. Muhns<». 8. III. a pimple ^^on the fact' in youth.) Muhusabu, 8. vi. computation, ac- count, settlement or audit of ac- counts. Muiiasaba len^ to settle or ou'i« (accounts.) Muhassil, 8. m. a bailiff. Muliawara, 8. m. idiom, usage, phra- seology. Muhchang, s.f. a jew's-harp. Muhibb, 8. 7/1. a friend, a lover. Muhimm, a///. im|X)rtant, seri" 8.f. urgent, momentous busin important afi'air, affair of co: quence. I^Iuhlat, 8. /. respite, time, leisur- Muhr, 8. /. a tMiil ; a gold coin. Muhru, 8. m. \*an, vunguaitl. Muhra, ff. m. a rubber, tho inMni- ment with which native iiaper,&ei, is |K)li8hed. Muhredtir, adj. 8nK)othe. "!", or < ttltut'hi^i U>, u U'tiipU'. Muiuwin. f. /. cniMtaiit attendaiM* MujUsj/rvN. lUi MUKH [ 206 ] MUL Miijib, 8, m. cause, reason, motive, account. Mujra, s. m. obeisance, respects, vi- sit; allowance, deduction. Mujra karna, to visit, to puy respects, to make obeisance. Mujra lena, to deduct, to subtract. Mujrim, adj. criminal : s. m. a sinner. Miika, s. m. the fist; a thump, a blow. Sue Mokha. Mukabala, s. m. see Muqabala. Mukabala kai-na,seeMuqcibala karna. Mukaddama, see Muqaddama. Mukaddar, aJj. muddy, troubled, dis- turbed, vexe 1. Mukar. jprop. Miiqarrar, which see. Mukariui, v. a. to deny. Mukarrar, adj. repeated again. Mnkarrar karna, to repeat. Mukarrar sakarrar, adv. repeatedly. Mukh, s. m. the moutli, the face. -Mukhaivar, adj. bountiful, chari- table, liberal. [enmity. Mukhalafat, s./. opposition, variance, Mukhalnfat karna, to oppose, to envy. Mukhalif, adj. opposite, contrary ; an opponent, adversary, an enemy. Mukhammas, s. m. a kind of verse containing five lines. Mukhannas, adj. effeminate : s. an hermaplirodite, a eunuch. Mukhatab, s.m. the person spoken to or adi iressed ; tiiC second person in s^rammar. Makhatib, s. m. the speaker, the per- son who addresses another. Mukhatib bona, to turn towards in spiaking, to address. Mukii bhir, adj. opposite, in front. Miikhf, s.f. a thump; a kind of pigeon. Mukhlis, 8. m. a sincere friend. Mnkhlisana, adv. friendly, sincerely. Mukhra, s m. the mouth, the face. Mukhtalif, adj. diverse, discordant, different. Mukhtar, adj. invested with autho- rity : s. m. an agent, an attorney. Mukhtciri, s. f. power, authority, at- torneyship. Mukhtarkar, s. m. an attorney. Mukhttiikari, s. f. attorneyship. Muklitarnama, s.m. a written autho- rity, a power of attorney. Muklitasar, adj. abbreviated, ab- ridged: s. m. a compendium, epi- tome, abridgment. Miikf, s.f. a thump, a blow of the fist. Mukka, s. m.\ a thump, a blow with Mukkf, 8. /. j the fist, the fist. Mukt, adj. released, absolved, freed from corporal existence : s. m. par- don, salvation, absolution from sin. Mukta, 8. m. a pearl. Mukti, 8. m. see Mukt. Mukut, 8. m. a crown, a diadem, a cresifc. Mill, s. m. origin, root, generation, principal or capital sum of money. Mulabbab, adj. brimful. Mulahaza, s. m. looking at, contem- plation, perusal, view, regard, ntj- tice. Mulai, 8. f. appraisement, valuation, asking above its value (for any- thing.) Muliiini, adj. soft, tender, gentle, mild, afl:able. Mulaim bona, v. n. to become soft, to soften. Mulaim karna, v. a. to soften, to mollify. Mulamma, adj. plated, covered with gold or silver. Mulana, v. a. to appraise, to inquire the price of anything. Mulaqat, s. /. a meeting, interview, visit. Mulaqat karna, to visit, to meet, to have an interview with. Mulatala, s. m. roll of letters. Muliiyamat, s. f. softness, tenderness^ gentleness. Mulazamat, s.f. paying respects i) a superior. Mulazun, s. a servant, attendant. MUN [ 207 ] MUX Mulhattf, 8. f. name of a medicinal root, liquorice. Miiii', 8./. a rafi'r;, s.f. political utl'aira ; going the circuit. Mulkr, adj. belonun out, protractcul. Muiuk, 8. m. pntp. Mulk» winch sec. Muizam, adj. convicted, convinced, confuted, Manienhlo. Mumani„«. /. an aunt, mother's bro- ther's wife. INIiitnin, x. m. a Musnlman weaver. Minukiii. (//(/. |K)-.sihlu. MiMuUin homi, to be |M)ssil)le. Miiu, «. m. 8«e Muuh. IMiiiui, V. V. to die. Miiiuidf, 8./. proclamation. Mimafa, 8. m. pnilit, advanta;^, pain. Munaiuj, a.m. a hypocrite, intldel, atiicist. IMunajat, «. /. prayer, mipplication. ^liinHJjim, i, m. an astninoiuor, tuh irolopr. MMna(|(|u. 8. m. a hivcIcm nf ritMUii. MMna>il), adj. pnijH'r, |H»rtiiient, fit, suitable, meet, becuniinp, ex|>vtli- (M»f, apposite. ^IuMii/iira,f<. m. a disputation, disdUA- Hi sh;iv.\ Mundnmj, \ adj. • i, Mundarij, } iur Mundasii, 8. m. a k. _ ai. MuikW, 8./. copmg ot a wall. Mundhnii, v. a. see Miindnu. 3lundi.8./. name of a medicinal plar Miincuu>< Miinp, «. /. name of u K Miliigu, 8. in, f*oml. Muyh, \ 8. in. mouUi. face, ootni' Muyh, I nunee. ••riHiv. Miiuhiimuuh. (i o|H>n llto n • Muoii KinUnii, to nmlco faixn ui UKMlUlM. Muuii laud kamit, t'» '• ' i •'**• lonuue. M\i\i\\ biirnti, to rpfVnin Muyli bi^rtn^n. to fh)un, to uuk0 faces : lo punisli. >!■••• '■ •■ '■■•- '^f lasttt Muuhboli UUtU). nL MUN [ 208 ] MUN Munh chalana, to bite (as a horse) ; to eat. Munhchang, a jew's-harp. Munh charhna, to become too fami- liar, to be saucy, to presume. Munh chhipana, to hide one's face (from baslifuhiess.) Munh chirana, to make mouths. Munhchor, shame - faced, bashful, timid. Munhchori, bashfulness. Munh diilna, to heg. Munh deklikar bat karna, to flatter, to speak what one supposes will be agreeable to one's liearers. Munh dekhna, to look up to (for aid, &c.) ; to be astonished or helpless; to be partial. . [surprise. Munh dekh rahna, to stare at with Munh dcna, to familiarize, to favour, to countenance. Munhdikhai', s. f. a present given by the friends of the family and the women of the neighbourhood on their first visit to a bride. Munh dikhana, to show one's face. Munh jhutalna, to eat sometiiing. Munh kala karna, to incur disgrace ; to punisli, to disgrace. Munh ka phuhar, abusive. Munh karna, to tm-n one's face or direct one's steps towards any par- ticular object or place. Munh kliolna, to abuse. Munh lagana, to familiarize, to be intimate with inferiors. Munh lagna, to become too familiar, to presume, to be saucy. Munh latkana, to be down in the mouth, to make a long face. Munh leke rah jana, to be silent from shame. Munhmanga, requested or asked for by word of mouth. Munh morna, to turn away, to ab- stain or desist from anything. Munhnal, s. m. the mouthpiece of a huqqa., Munh pana, to get into one's good graces. Munh par fakhta ur jana, to change colour. Munh par lana, to tell, to relate. Munh pasarna, to gape (with sur- prise, &c.) Munh phailana, to presume, to de- sire much. Munii pherna, to abstain from. Munh pliirna, to turn away from, tc be displeased with, to be disgusted, Muni I su karna, to change coloui from cold or shame. Munh terhakarna, to make wry faces Munh torna, to punish. Munh utar jana, to have the face shrunk or withered by weakness oi emaciation. Munhzor, adj. headstrong, obstinate Munhzori, s.f. headstrongness, ob stinacy. Munhzubani, adj. verbal (message or evidence.) Muni, j s. m. a holy man, a sage, a Muui, / devotee. Munib, s. m. a master, a client, r patron. Munibi', s. f. mastership, lordship. Munim, s. m. a benefactor. Munis, s. m. a saint, a chief of the saints. Muniya, s. /. the female of the little bird called amadavats. Munj, s. /. the name of a grass oi which ropes are made. Munje, jpron. me, to me. Munjh, yron. me. Miin ka sagga, a flatterer. Munkh, s. m. the face. Miinki, s. f. a blow with the fist. Munkir, adj. denying, rejecting ; one who denies, denier. Munkir bona, to deny. Munkir Nakir, the names of twc angels, who, agreeably to the Mu- hammadan creed, examine the spirits of the departed in the tomb. MUQ [ 209 ] MUR Miinlriyana, v. a. to beat or knock witli the fist. Miin jmr muhr karna, to be silent. Munqutj, adj. broken off, terminated, iiiiislied. Munqutj bona, to be cut off, to be linisheil, to be settled, terminated. Miinr, «• "*• the bead. Munriina, v. a. to shave. Munri', 8. f. the head. IMunpla, adj. bead-shaven. INIiinrna, v. a. to shave. [shaved. Mnnnviina, v. a. to cause to be Mu'nsiil, 8. m. see Musal. MuMshi, ». m. a writer, a secretary; a tutor, a teacher. Mun.shi;^(irr, «. /. the business of a iimiislii', secretaryship. M uiisi, 8. in. 2>r()y. MutihIii'. which see. MiiDHif, adj. ju.st, ((juitable: 8. m. a jud^o, an arbitrator. MiuisilV, 8. f. decision, justice, judg- nicnt. Miui^if nn'/iij, jjist in temiu'mmcnt, a person of jnopriety and la.sU'. Miiij H'.na, to be silent. VluM.shi, «. m. see Musal. VliiiiJashar kanui, v. a. to scntlrr, to iisjx'rso. tfuiitazir, adj. expecting witli im- IMiticnoe, waiting, tairrying for, lot)kin<^ out lor. kliiij/or, adj. luudstronjf, olintinuto. klu(i;ihn, \ g. m. a dnHJting-box or iTu(|)il)ii, / ea>o. ^luqabaln, «. m. compuriEon, colln- tioii, ojtiMwition, confronting. c*>ii- t*st, contending, couiiiariug, |iro- iikabala karnii, to contti' - apiK)inted, employwl : adi . tainly, assuredly, jHwitively. Muqarrar hojiinu, ^ to be cfU-tAin or Mu(jarrar J»on»i, ^ I ' ' pointtMl, Mucpirrnn, «<(/. fix- , /. a tlxetl btiiKiuL Muqarrar karml, in fix. In i»Ul(», U* establish, (<> to assign. Muqbara, «. m Muqirr, adj i. aMH'rter. n\ M . M' 1 r INI I Muquni. e. tii. a lauduut* an inliabi- tiint. Mur, «. m. Uie bead. Mumbba, i. m. a pf««nro, jam, con- fwtion. ]^lur»bl>9, adj. M]tm|p, (|aiidraiigular. Murab)*^ kaniii, to Mpiuro. Alumbbi, tf. «•, a iutur, guanlian, |iittrt)n, fiithor. Murud, «./. dodrr, wi^b, Intention, design, imriMtrt. Mumi, $,/. nidish. Mdmk. \ nd' u*l^ Murakh, f MurnVb^haK. , .oir«d (to do|)art.; F MUR [ 210 ] MUS Murakhpana, s. m. j barbarism, folly, Murakhta, s. /. > ignorance, stu- Murakhtai, s. f. \ pidity. Murakkab, adj. compounded, com- posed, combined, mixed. Murakkabat, s. 'plur. of Murakkab, compounds (in medicine), not simple. Murakna, v. n. to be twisted, to be sprained. Muranda karna, to tie. Muraqaba, s. m. contemplation. Miirat, s.f. a statue, an image, an idol, a person (term used by Bai- ragfs.) Murattab, adj, arranged, regulated, prepared. Murauwaj, adj. current, saleable, usual. Murcliang, s. f. jew's-harp. Murchha, \ s. f. a swoon, stupefac- Murchlia, / tion. Murchha jana, to swoon, to faint. Murclihit, adj. fainted, in a swoon, entranced, Murda, adj. dead : s. m. a corpse, a dead body. Murdafarosh, name of a caste whose business it is to carry the dead. Murdani, adj. fit to die, having the symptoms of deatli. Murdar, adj. polluted, impure ; dried or dead (skin) : s. m. carrion. Murdarsang, j Muidasang, > s. m. litharge. Murdasang, ) Murdusho, one who washes the dead. Murde gliatf, s. /. see Marghat. Murgh, s. m. fowl, bird, cock, (par- ticularly house-fowl.) Murgha, s. m. a cock. Murghabi, s. f. a water-fowl. Murglibaz, s. m. a cock-fighter. Murghi, 8. f. a hen. Murgli i khangi, the domestic cock or hen. Muro-hiwala, s.m.\ ,, Murihiwali.*./. I a poulterer. Miirh, adj. foolish, stupid, ignorant. Murha, s. m. a squib. Muri, s. f. a radish. Murid, s. m. a disciple, a scholar, a follower. Muridi, s. f. tuition, instruction. Murjhana, v. n. to wither, to fade, to pine, to droop, to be dejected or dispirited. Murkana, v. a. to twist, to writhe. Murki, s.f. an ornament worn in the ear. Murli, s. f. a fife, flute, pipe. Murna, v. n. to be turned back, bent, twisted, turned ; to turn. Murra, s. m. a squib. Murshid, s. m. an instructor, a spirit- ual guide. Muruwat, s. f. manliness, virility, fortitude, affection, generosity, ur- banity, affability. Muruwatdiir, adj. generous, affable, affectionate. Muruwat torna, to cease behaving affectionately. Miisa, s. m. a mouse, a rat : n. jprop. Moses. Musabbar, s. f. aloes. [cause. Musa})bib, s. m. the causer, the fii^st Musabbib i liaqi'qi, God. Musabbib ul asbab, the causer of causes, i.e., God. '■ Musataiia, s. m. shaking hands. Musafamt, s. f. travelling, travel, journey. Mufeaffa, adj. clean, clear, clarified. | Musafir, s. m. a traveller, passenger, stranger. ,. Musafirana, adv. traveller-like. Musafirat, s. /. travelling, journeying. Musafirf, s. /. travelling. Musaliabat, s. f. companionship, society. Musahib, s. m. f. a companion, friend ; aide-de-camp, associate. Musal, ) s. m. a wooden pestle used Miisal, / in cleaning rice from' the husk, &c. a MUS [ 211 ] MUT Musalitii suD dhol bajana, to feast, to make merry. . Paeavily. Musaldhar barasna, v. n. to rain very Musalla, «. m. a carpet to pray on. Musallah, culj. armed for war, in armour. Musalir, adj. one who prays. Musalman, «. m. a believer in Mu- liammad. IMusalnuiiii', «. /. circumcision; a female Musalman. Musalmi'ii, Muhammadans or a Mu- hammudan. Musaintna, adj. named, denominated, iititled, called. Musainniam, adj. fixed, concluded, letermiued. '* IVIiisaiia, r. n. to cause to steal. Miisunnaf, lulj. com|)08ed. MiisuMiiif, «. m. comjK)8er, an author. Ikliisanwada, h. m. a sketch or rough Iniiif^'lit of a l('tl(.'r, kc. Mii.vaiiwir, «. m. a limner, a drawer. Mnsniiwirr, <<./. drawing, figuring. ^Iiisuwat, ». f. ecjuation, evennoHM, juality. [convenient. Ikltisiiwi, (idj. equal, all one, suitable, Miisli, K. m. a mouse. Mn-li;ll)iilui, B. in. ) similitude, ro- Mu.-!i!il)jiiiat, *. /". / semblnnco. Miisluibiii, adj. like, n'.sembling : III. resem])lat»ee, Himilitudo. Mii^'liaf, H. m. the Qunin. Miisliiilinni, «. m. muntlily aalary, pay, wages. Mu-li!iijar, H. m. a kind of brocade. ^Iiishiitii, s. f. a woman who mako8 or coiieerts marriages, a go-bo- I ween. iHlMitagjin', j «. /. the making or II liatsi ri. \ concerting of a 1u-!i;il i:,irr, ) nmrringv*. lii^ liil, ««(/. a purgative. Jii Inr. s. Hi. a eeunsellor, a senator. ishk, H. m. musk. I hkeu biindhmi, 'I r. n. to pinion, lii^likei) ehaiiuina»/ to tlO Uio liaiuls behind the back. Mushkr, adj. dark bay, approaching to black (colour of a horse.) Mushkil, adj. diflicult, intricate, hard, painful : «. /. difficulty. Mushrik, s. m. an idolater, a pol} theist. Mushtiiq, adj. full of desire, dcdrom, wishing, longing. Mushtari, «./. tlie plam 1 Musi'bat, 8./. a mi.Nfori r, affliction, calamity, uii,. ..-.i>,^,.j. misery, ill. jMusibatzada, adj. unfortunate. Muskati, «./. a umile, a grin, ^luhkanti, r. n. to smile, to grin, to smirk. Muskuniha^ | *./. Hmiling, grinniii Muskunii, / nmirk. laughing. Muttkunina, v. n. to uuilc, to grin, to smirk. iMiishi, 8. m. see BIuhU. Mu.sliulliiir, 9. m. ruining. Mu'sladhar barasiiii, to rain very heavily. MuMUti, r. a. to nil for, to «t«ttl, to tUeli, to defrauti. Miirini, «. m. tlte axis of a haml mill tile ***'rt U III :l lll.ll'lMtli< iir \ i(N the . MtiMrii. M 1. ijwv iA ■ 1. -Mi. ij. gaining, i quirtng. M«?ni»v. BfujitanuM, m(;. returnee'. Miit, «. m. urine Mut;^ It. m. t atomnorai} Muin^uid, aaj. uuxu^^^ MUT [ 212 ] MUW Mutaaiyin, adj. appointed, fixed, con- stituted, deputed. Mutaaiyin karna, to appoint, to de- pute, &c. Mutaajjib, adj. wonderful, aston- ished, amazed, admiring. Mutaajjib bona, v. n. to be astonished. Mutaalliq, adj. connected with, at- tached to, occupied or engaged (in.) Mutaalliq bona, to depend. Mutabaqat, s. f. conformity, equality, analogy. Mutabarrak, adj. fortunate, blessed, holy. Mutabiq, adj. conformable, suitable, answering, correspondent, agree- able to. Mutafakkir, adj. contemplative, thinking, reflecting, thoughtful, serious, pensive, grave. Mutafannf, adj. vicious. Mutafarriq, adj. separate, distinct, dispersed. Mutafarriqat, plur. of Mutafarriq, various and scattered things. Mutaghaiyir, adj. changed, altered. Mutaf, s. f. see Motai." Mutakallim, s. m. a speaker ; the first person in grammar. Mutalaa, s. m. reading, study, perusal. Mutalaa karna, to study, to read, to peruse. Mutalashr, s. m. an inquirer, searcher. Mutanaffis, adj. solitary, single. Mutanjan pulao, s. m. a kind of dish. Mutapa, s. m. fatness, plumpness, bigness. Mutaraddid, adj. irresolute, per- plexed, hesitating, wavering. Mutari, s. f. see Mutihri. Mutarjiin, s. m. an interpreter, a translator. Mutas, s. /. desire or inclination to make urine. Mutasa, adj. desirous of making urine. Mutasaddi, 8. m. an accountant, a clerk, a writer. Mutasaddi gar i", s. /. ofiice of a clerk. Mutawajjih, adj. turning or looking towards, attentive, favouring, countenancing, intent on. Mutawajjih bona, to turn the face (towards), to attend (to), to look (towards), to regard, to ho intent (on.) Mutawatir, adj. successive, succes- sively. Mutawattin, s. Inhabitant, a native of any country. Muth, s. m. the fist. Miith, s. f. handle, hilt ; fist ; name of a game. Miithf, s. f. the fist. Muthi, s. f. fist, handful. Muthiya, name of a sweetmeat. Mutihrf, s. f. a hole in a stable in which the urine collects. Mutiya, s. m. bearer of burdens, a porter. Mutlaq, adv. wholly, not in the least, never, entirely. Mutlaqan, adv. absolutely (not) at all. Mutna, adj. one who makes much urine, a piss-a-bed, Miltna, V. n, to make urine, to make water. Muttafiq, adj. agreeing, concurring, united: s. an accomplice, co-ope- rator. Muttafiq bona, to agree together, to accord, to concur, to co-operate. Muttaqi, adj. abstinent, abstemious, temperate, pious. Muttasil, adj. joined, near, contigu- ous, adjoining. Mutthf, s.f. fist, a handful. Mutthi bhar, a handful. Muwafaqat, s. /. conformity, analogy, agreement, acquaintance, friend- ship. Muwafaqat karna, to enter into friendship, to conform, &c. Muwafiq, adj. conformable, like, suiting, analogous, fit, agreeing, ac- cording to, congruous, favourable. NAB [ 213 ] NAP Miiwakkal, «. m. a vicegerent, a su- pfTintendcnt. Muyassar, adj. attainable, attained, procurable obtainable. Mnyassar ho jiina, ) v. n. to be at- Muyassar bona, / tained or got. Muzabzab, aflj. doubtful, ambigu- ous : 8. doubt, suspens-e, Muzahamat, «. /. prevention, impedi- ment, hindrance. Muzdliim, 8. m. a preventer. Muzakkur, adj, masculine (in gen- dor.) Mnziirj, 8. m. the aorist (in grammar.) Muzayaqa, 8. m. moment, conse- quence, significance. Muzhda, «. m. joyful ftidings, good news. Muzi', adj. hurter, vexer, tormentor, p( stercr, fronbler. !\lnzirr, (iflj. pernicious, hurtful, bale- ful, injuriou.s, noxious. Muztarii), adj. agitated, disturbcil, (iistracted, afllictcd. Wyuo, 8. m. see MiyuQ. N. Niibud, annihilated, vani.-li' ' non-existence. Nabiiwat, 8. f. prophecy. Nabz, 8. f. tlie pulse. Nabz dckhna, to feel tho pulse. Nach, 8. m. a dance, the act of dan ing. Nachana, v. a. to make tn dance. Ntichar, adj. renndiless, ]i« Iplos. Tr- lorn, distressed, witliout rt-sounv. Nachari, «./. helplessness, impot4ai« necessity. Nachghar, «. m. a dancing-room, a ball-room. [moon. Nachhattar. «. m. a mnnsion of the Niichiz, adj. of no con«>«iucnco, in- signitlcant. worthh^sM, ctmtimpt- ible; aba • ■!.•. Niicluzr, *. iico. Njichmi, r. /.. ; Ntich nacliunn, r. a. to nmko to danc4», tf> trtuio. Nnchwaiyii, «. m. a dnncor. Nachwiinii, r. a. to nmko to dance. Nucr, imi»«rr.vi. ivii^r- fwt, Niidunutti'. j». f. inin!»<> NiSf.ii./. tb Nufii, $. m. Nafi^ *. ru. interest. NAG [ 214 ] NAI Nafa hona, to be benefitted. Nafa karna, to profit, to benefit, Nafa nuqsan, profit and loss. Nafar, s. m. a servant ; an individual or person. Nafarman, adj. disobedient ; name of a flower; name of a beautiful purple colour. Nafarman bardar, adj. disobedient. Nafarman bardari, s.f. disobedience. Nafarmanf, s. f, disobedience: adj. of the colour of the Nafarman. Nafas, see Nafs. [quisite. Nafis, adj. precious, delicate, ex- Nafl, s. m. a work of supererogation. Nafrat, s. f. abomination, aversion, abhorrence, disgust. Nafs, s. m. the soul, spirit; concu- piscence, sensuality ; penis. Nafsani, adj. sensual, carnal, lustful. Nafsaniyat, s.f. sensuality, carnality. Nafsi, adj. of the soul, carnal, sen- sual, animal or beastly. Nafskashf, s.f. temperance, self-re- straint. Nag, s. m. the stone of a ring, or a stone on which a name, &c., is cut, a jewel. Nag, s. m. a snake, a serpent. Naga, s. m. a class of Hindu faqirs ; jprajp. Nagha, which see. Nagad, s. m. 'prop. Naqd, which see. Nagada nagadi, see Naqdanaqd. Nagadi, adj. see Naqdi. Nagah, \ adv. suddenly, unawares, Nagah, j unexpectedly, all at once. Nagahan, | adj. sudden, unexpect- Nagahani, / ed, accidental: adv. suddenly. Nagani, s. /. a serpent (female.) Nagar, s. m. a city, a town. Nagari, s. f. a town, a village : adj. of or belonging to a city. Nagari, the most common Hindi character of writing; called also Deva-nagari. Nagarmotha, s. m. name of a sweet- smelling grass. Nagaur, s. m. name of a country near Marwar. Nagaura, adj. a fine breed of bul- locks so called. Naga war, adj. unpleasant, unaccept- able, unpalatable. Nagchana, v. n. to approach. Nagda, s. m. prop. Naqd, which see. Nagesar, s. f. name of a flower. Nagha, adj. vacant, void, unem- ployed, absent : s. m. adjournment, Nagich, prop. Nazdik, which see. Nagin, s. /. a serpent (female.) Nagm, \ s. m. the stone of a ring, Nagina, / &c. Naginf, s. f. a serpent (female.) Nahak, prop. Nahaqq, which see. Nahalwana, v. a. to cause to be bathed or washed. Nahan, s. m. bathing, ablution. Nahana, v. n. to bathe, to wash. Nahanf, s. f. an instrument for cut- ting nails ; a kind of chisel. Nahaqq, adj. unjust, improper, wrong, undeserved: adv. unjustly, im- properly. Nahari, s. f. breakfast. Naharmunh, adj. without eating. Naharni, s. f an instrument with which the nails are pared. Nahf, \ Nahin, I Nahin, \adv. no, not, nay, no indeed. I Nahm, 1 Nahin, J Nahm nihm, not at all. Nahm to, co7ij. otherwise, else. Nahiyar. s. f. wife's family. Nahlana, v. a. to cause to bathe. Naho, s. f. syntax, grammar. Nahr, s.f. a stream, a rivulet, a canal (of running water.) Nahurna, v. n. see Nihurna. Nai, s. m. a barber. Na'i, adj.f. new, produced in the present year. Nai, s. f. a reed. [substitute. Naib, s.m. a deputy, a superintendent, 1 NAK [ 215 ] NAK !N'ail)(liwan, s. m. the deputy-trea- surer or accountant. Niiibi', «. /. deputyship. Naiclia, ». m. a huqqa-snake or tube. Naichaband, s. the person who makes liuqqa-snakes. Nailiar, s.f. a wife's mother's family. Niiin, 8. f. a barber's wife. Nuin, 8. m. the eye. Nainsaf, adj. unjust. Ndinsiifr, s.f. injuHtice, Nainsukh, 8.m. a tine sort of muslin. Niii .sliiikiir, 8. m. sugar-cane. Naiysi, «. m. a boatman, ferryman. Niijais, adj. unsuitable, unlawful. Niijar, 8. /. prop. Nazr and Nazar, which see. [see. Najanina, 8. m. prop. Nazarana, which N;ijarl)an(l, g. m. soo Nazarl)and. NiijarlMndi', «. /. 800 NazarUiUili. Kiijat, 8./. freedom, liberation, deli- verance, pardon, sidvation. Niiik * \ P^^'P' Nazdik, wliich see. Najins, strange in kind, of another •rt or species. Niijin, (idj. dirty, filthy, unclean. N;i jiri, 8. m. a star, a horoscope. Najiilv, adj. prop. Niizuk, wliich see. Niil<, H.f. the iKwo. Nalc, in compos, (as an affix), full, ntldcUnl with, &c, : 8. /. the m)««.'. NuUii, 8. w. the extremity of a ruid; llic eye of a nee«llo. NallesM, wwrtlile«, fit .akai-a, \ adj .'akdm, / fi for notliing, invalid. Nakebandi, shutting up a road. Nakel, 8. /. the wooden or iron in- strument fixed to a camel's nose, and to which the string by which he is led is fastened. Nakghisni, 8. f. rubbing the nose on the ground in prostraiioQ or by way of humility. Nakii, 8. m. a finger or too nail ; the string of a paper kite. Nil ^halaf, adj. degenerate, wicked, uiidutiful (son.) Niikhanda, prop. Ni^winda, which see. Nal>h}|:haj4, «. in. a market for alare* or cattle. NakluMlii, jm*p. Nu^hudii, which ace. Nakhra, i n. m. trick. arlifict\ joke, NaJkhni, / waggery, iibaui, pRftenoe^ fvxjuftrv. N adj. waggiib, ihaining, N - /• ,.lV.-,»« iJrtii i^.witi.^tfy. \ '..H. N -\ Nukh '•) friMii •a tli« > Nu\fb.; ol a .; liod. N o finger, lue. \ \^a9 (be wiUa; to .» hi •r*.-.^ \ rttniPlit N .• want t»l plinifurtt tit Joy. NtikhUMli kania, r. a, to dt«ph-^^'»'. Nal^hwitndn, (t4(/. unnMid, unhnnM^l illiterate, one who auitiut rxml. Naki. adj. nntftU. Nakir.9. »n. noiiu' ' Nakiit. «<(/. prop. N NtiLk ka bal, at{j, rc»puvu.xj, uonuuivd. NAL [ 216 ] NAM Nakkadua, a kind of game at dice. Nak katna, to dishonour. Nakki, s.f. speaking through the nose, nasal sound. Nakki munth,s,/.thename of agame. 'NEikoSit,adj.prop. Naquwat,\Yhicli see. a ra, i ^^ inflammation in the JNakra, > NakraJ "°^'^- Nak rakhna,to preserve one's honour. Naksan, s.m.prop. Nuqsan, which see. Naksha, s.m.prop. Naqsha, which see. Nakta, adj. nose-clipt, noseless. Naktora, adj. droll, waggish. Nal, s. m. a tube, spout, joint of bam- boo, &c. ; large tiles. Nal, s. m. a tube, barrel or tube of a gun ; the navel string. Nal, s. m. a horse-shoe, a hoof. Nala, s. m. a rivulet, a brook, a ravine (dry but in the rainy season.) Nala, s. m. lamentation, moan. Nalaiq, adj. unworthy ,unfit, improper. Nalaiqi, s.f. un worthiness, impro- priety. Naiaiqpana, s. m. unworthiness, im- propriety, wickedness. Nala karna, to lament, to complain, to moan. Nal anwal, s. /. navel-string and afterbirth. Nalband, s. m. a farrier, a shoeing smi th, Nalbandi, s. f. shoeing, giving a horse new shoes ; a light tribute. Nail, s. f. a tube, spout ; a gun-bar- rel ; the bone of the leg. Nail, s. f. a drain, a gutter, a sluice. Nal is, s. f. prop. Nalish, a complaint. Nalisli, s. f, a complaint, accusation in a law court. [tiff. Nalishi, adj. a complainant, a plain- Nalish karna, to complain against. Nalisii karnewala. s. m. a complainer, plaintiff. Nalki, s. /. a sort of sedan or litter. Nal puren, s.f. navel-string and after- birth. Nam, adj. moist, damp, wet. Nam, s. m. name, character, fame, re- putation, honour. Nama, s. ra. a letter, writing, treatise; in compos, a book, history, account. Namahram, not a confidant. Namaliim, adj. unknown. Namaj, s. f prop. Namaz, which sec. Namak, s. m. salt ; bread, subsist- ence ; {met.) spirit, animation. Namakdan, s. m. a saltcellar. Namak'halal, adj. loyal, faithful, grateful, submissive. Namak'halali", s.f loyalty, fidelity, gratitude. Namak'haram, adj. disloyal, wicked, disobedient, perfidious, ungrateful. Namak'harami^, s. f perfidy, unfaith- fulness, disloyalty, treachery, in- gratitude. Namak ka tezab, muriatic acid. Namak mahall, revenue derived from salt. Namanzur, adj. unwilling, unap- proved, null, void, not agreed, not accepted. . Namaqiil, adj. irrational, absurd, un- reasonable, improper. Namard, adj. unmanly, a coward ;? impotent. Namard 1, s.f. cowardice, impotence^ unmanliness. Namaskar. s. m. salutation, adoration^ Namawar, adj. famous, renowned. ^ Namaz, s. f. prayer ; the Musalma^ repetition of prayers. ; Namazgah, the place in a mosqu^ where prayers are read. ™ Namazi, s. m. a person who prays adj. devout. Namaz karna, to pray. Namda, s. m. felt, or a coarse woollen cloth used as coverings for horses, &c. Namdar, adj. famous, celebrated. Nam dharna,to name,to fix a name on. Nam dharwaiia, to give a name to u child ; to be defamed. NAM [ 217 ] NAN Nam flubond, to lose one's reputa- tion, to (lisjcp-ace. Naiiict, culj. Malmet, ruined. Nanif^i'ni, 8. m. a canopy, an awning. Niiin iiona,to be famous or renowned, to be conspicuous. Niinii, adj. illustrious, celebrated. Nami', 8. f. coolness, moistness. Niimf bona, to be celebrated. Nuniihrban, adj. unkind, unfriendly. xr. ., , . '"}■«•/• unkmdness. Naniihrbuni, j '' Niim i Kliucla, in God's name. Nam karnii, to make famous, to es- tablish a name. Nanikin, adj. salt, salted, corned, savoury, saline, brackish ; hand- some. Nan I kin 1, s.f. saltness, agrcoableness, sweetness. N^iuiiki'n pani', ])rino, pickle. N^iitii Ickar man^klnina, to beg alma ill the name of another. Niiin k'Tui, to praise, to repeat tho niinie of God. Nam nikiilnii, to become celebrated, to investigate, tho perpetrator of any crime, Niini nishiin nihna,to boorcontinuo nnownrd. ^uiu () nislidn.namo and vostigo, or (ItlrcsM. Sn\\\ rakhml, to name. Vainubiinik, adj. unfortunato. Vannid, «./. show. upi>oaninoo .* (k(/. a])parent, public, fiuuuuii, consfti- (Mious, noted. Sfanuid honii, to bo celobrot• '»-««'•* Nangii jlmru ••/• ■Mfohing, maut\- ining (as a people ksriiig a work shop to proToni pilfering.) Nanga kami, to fasM, to uncoTor. Nangi roidanid, sterk naked. Nangii munangtf,^ «(/. utterly mi Nanga nuingii, / ko«l. Nangpir, «. m. an anrltor. Nangi air, baro-h«Miod. •'•} banhfu N rt. to »trp uepiwii, Xn to leap oYrr. N r. n drawn swor^L \ i. ««(;. imkixl. N . «i*/r. no, niix. Naiuhiil. \ $. f. \\\\Ur\\-\\ j:r:%n«l- Niinhiyiil.l futher'j* f«nuly. Nam', *. /. mntenml pn»udmoUirr. Ntio i uahHri, break hit4. Nankii, n. »i. a litttic chiUl. a una. NMMiatdi. f./. a kind of aweeUneat. NAQ [ 218 ] NAR Nannhan, adj. small, neat, natty ,tiny. Nanw, s. m. a name. Nao, s.f. a boat, sliip, vessel : s. m. a barber. See Nam. Naon, s. m. see Nam. Naona, v. a. to bend downwards, to bow, to cause to stoop. Nap, s. /. measure. Napaedar, adj. unstable, frail, fickle, unsteady, transitory, inconstant. Napaid, 1 lost, not to be found, miss- Napaida, / ing. Napak, adj. polluted, dirty, filthy, impure, unclean, defiled. Napaki, 8. /. impurity, uncleanness, defilement. Napak karna, to pollute, to defile. NapasandjUnacceptable, disapproved of. Naped, adj. see Napaid. Napjokh, measuring and weigliing. Napna, v. a. to measure, to weigh. Napunsak, adj. neuter (gender) : s. m. an hermaphrodite. Naqab, s. m. a veil. [less. Naqabil, adj. unfit, incapable, wortli- Naqabul, adj. unacceptable, reject- ing, refusing. Naqal3ul karna, to reject, to deny. Naqara, s. m. a kettle-drum. Naqara bajate phirna, to publish, to make celebrated. Naqarchi, \ s. m. one who beats the Naqari, j kettle-drum. Naqarkhana, s. m. the place at the porcli of a palace where drums are beaten at stated intervals. Naqb, s. a hole dug in a wall by thieves. Naqda } ^' '^' ^^^^^ money, cash. Naqdanaqd, j prompt payment, Naqdanaqdi", / ready money. Naqdi, adj. relating to cash (paid, &c.); in cash, possesshig ready money. Naqib, s. m. a servant whose business it is to proclaim the titles of his master, and to introduce those who pjiy their respects to him. Naqis, adj. bad, vile, worthless, de- fected, deficient, mutilated, imper- fect. Naqis i akl, adj. deficient in under- standing, foolish, ignorant. Naqis bona, to be spoiled, to want. Naqis karna, to mutilate, to spoil. NaqI, s. m. a tale, narration ; a tran- script, a copy ; copying, counter- part, mimicing. : Naqli, adj. artificial, copied, ficti- tious, traditional : s. m. a butfoon. Naqliya, adj. mimicing, imitating, copying. Naqliyat, s. plur. stories, tales. Naql karna, to relate, to narrate, to copy, to act ; to represent (a cha- racter.) Naqliiavis, s. m. a copyist. Naqlnavisi, s. f. copying. Naqsh, 8. m. a picture, portrait, map, drawing, painting, delineation. Naqsha, s. m. feature, visage ; map, plan, pattern, model, chart ; a por- trait. Naqsh karna. to imprint, to impress. Naquwat,a(^j.weak, impotent, infirm. Naqiiwati, s.f. weakness, impotency. Nar, s. m. a man, a male : adj. mas- culine. Nar, s. m. the navel string. Nara, s. m. clamour, noise, shout. Nara, s. m. red thread. Naraj, adj. 'prop. Naraz, which see. Naraji', s.f. see Narazi. Narak, s. m. hell. Narakgami', adj. going to hell. Naraki, adj. hellish. Narakkund, a well or pit in hell. Narangi", s. /. an orange. Naraiiji, adj. orange-coloured. Narawa,tt(Z;'. unworthy, inadmissible, " no go." [deity. Narayan, s. m. a Hindu name for the NAS [ 219 ] NAS Nai:iyanr, s. /. the wife of Narayan : adj. of or relating to Narayan. Niiruz, adj. dissatisfied, displeased, discontented, unwilling; not pleased or satisfied. <:\r'dzn.'^{,\ 8. f. displeasure, dissatis- saiiizf, / faction. \:intji, s.m.\.-, , . 1 . SMdi,s.f. I throat, windpipe. Vareti' dabanii, to throttle. Vargis, «. /. a narcissus. S'ari, K. /. a weaver's shuttle, a kind of Icatlier, skin. >I^uri', 8. /. a woman in general ; the pulse, an artery. ^liri dekhna, to tcel the pulse. ^ariyii, «./ ji tile. Liriyul, H. 7/1. a cocoa-nut, a haqqa made of u r(KV)a-nut. Uariyali', s. f. a hucpja made of cocoa- nut. "Jiiriyar, 8. m. see Nariyal. ^arkat, «. m. a reed of whicli mats made. <(arkr, adj. hellish, infernal. 'farlok, «. 7/1. till) earth, tho world in- hahitiMl by man. ^aiii), adj. HofI, t(?nder, miltl, jjfontlo, hiimhlc, HUj)plc, pliant^ easy ; do- f'ctive (coin), inferior (^(juuiity.) J^aniia, adj. Hoft. iuiriiai', M. /. HoftneHH, tondomess* ^'annana, v. a. to 8oft(*n. Unu\,H.f. softuess, tondumoM, milil- licss. ftrmiyat, j«. /. soflncHM. [Inp. •trm mizjij, adj. genth*, mook.yiold- larra, H.m. a kiml of Hrtmork. fa 1 1 up, H. m. tlio human ft>rm. raisiiigii, s. in. a horn, a wind in> sliiiiuci.l. iisiiiLrh. ti. III. th« nnmo of tho riiiutli incarnation of Vitthnu. U. Naumf, ) s. f. ninth day of a lunar Naumin, j fortnight. NAW [ 221 ] NAZ Naumraaid, adj. hopeless, despairing. Nauiiimuidr, s.f. hopelessness.despair. Naumined, adj. hopeless, despairing. Nauiui, V. n. to beiid, to bow, to iu- cline downwards. Nauntua, v. a. to invite. Nauratan, a bracelet consisting of nine jewels. Naurhana, v. a. to bow, to bend. Nausadar, «. m. sal ammoniac. Naushah, «. m. a bridegroom. Nausikh, s. m. a novice, a student. Nauta, 8. m. invitation. Nautna, v. a. to invite. Nauwii, 8. m. a b.irber. Nauwab, «. m. a nabob, a governor of a town or district. Nauwiibi, s.f. deputyship; adj. re- lating to a Nabob. NauwaQ, adj. ninth. Nauwiisi, adj. eighty-nine. Nauwi', adj. ninety. Naved, s. m. invitation. Navi's, in compoH. writing, writer. Navishta, adj. written : «. in. writing. Navisi', «./. ill coutpus. writing. Navve, adj. ninety. N6w, 8. /. a l)uat, a vessel. [cinity. Nawali, «. /. distiict, environs, vi- Nawalii, 8. m. a morsel, a mouthful. NawjUr, 8. f. a titbit, a small morsel. Nawiiu, '"(/. ninth. Nnwunii, V. a. to bend downward, to bow, to eauiM) to Hubmit to, to causH) to stoop. Nuwrupr,a//j.unskillctl,uiuu'quaintod witli, ignorant, unexprricuc«Hl. Nuwa(}t, adj. out of tiiue, unsctuiOQ- ahli!. Nuwlsji, I g.m. a gmmlsou, a dxtugh- Nuwiisa, / ter's son. Nawjist', 8. f. u grjindilaughtiT, a duuglitcr's daughter. Nawiiz, in rompos. cherishing, caress- ing, soothing; playing. Nawazi', 8. /. in compo8. chiTishing. Nawiizish, 8. /. caresses, kiuduoa, favour, patrouagc. Nawazish karna, to caress, to fayour. to patronize. Nawazna, v. a. to cherish, to caress, to favour. Nawna, v. a. to put one thing iuto another. Nawwab, 8. m. see Nauwab. Nawwtibi, see Nauwiibi'. Nawwiisi, adj. eighty-nine. Nawwe, adj. ninety. Naya, adj. new, novel. Naytib, adj. scarce, rare, difficult to be found or got *Nayak, s.m. a corporal in native corps. Nayan, «. m. the eye. Naye panj, «. m. a horse und-r fiv.> years old. Nayo sir se, anew, afresh. Niiyikii, «./. mistress of a br Naz, 8. m. blandishments, < playfulness, amorous pla\ :.. Niiza, 8. m. the uiethni. Naziikat, »./. delicacy, delirai. :;- . softness. Nazar, 8./. a look, sight, glance, < servation, regard. Soo also Nu.r. Naziini, 8. in. sight, view. Nazar ami, to come tu sight, to ap- |)ear, to come in tiight. Nuzanina, k. m. scu Nuznina. I Nayuir bachtimi, tt) avoid the tii:;ht. Na/arband, «. m. fiuiutuatitui ,of ixin- jurors) : at{j. fascinutol, slrictlv wutohod (Without being iui) Bono«1.^ Na7.;ii' ' iLCOuflDcni* an Naziii. . • " J" •••'• ' Naxurbuxi, »,/. . I>osing U]H)ii ti Nazar knrmi, to lo. k, to m;c, to ' hold, v^c. Nazar miltimi, to Uxik ?•• •'" • • ' Nazarou Ht» ginui. to 1 Ntuuir 80 gini demi, t«> . Kaz bardiir, ouo who bcura li.u wLuo^ of another. Nuzbo, 8. m, name of n ?- '*v NEG [ 222 ] NES Nazdik, adj. near, hard by, with, close to, in the vicinity, contigu- ous, neighbouring. Nazdikf, s. f. propinquity, vicinity, proximity, approximation. Nazil, descending, dismounting. Nazil hona, to descend. Nazir, s.m. example, in stance, parallel. Nazir, s. m. an officer in a court of justice superior to the bailiffs and peons, a sheriff. Naziri, s. f. the business of a Nazir. Nazla, s. m. a defluxion of humours, rheum, a catarrh. Nazm, s. /. poetry, verse. Nazni, i adj. delicate, lovely : s. f. Naznin, j a delicate woman. Naz nakhra, s.m, coquetry, dalliance. Nazr, s. f. a present, a gift (offered to a superior), an offering. Nazrana, s.m. present, presents given and received when persons of rank meet or pay their respects to a prince ; a kind of tribute. Nazuk, adj. thin, light, subtle, deli- cate, brittle, fragile, nice, tender, elegant. Nazukbadan, a^ij. delicate. Nazukbadani, s.f. delicacy of form or body. Nazukmizaj, adj. delicate in con- stitution or complexion. Naz uthana, to bear with the airs or whims of another. Nazzam, a governor, a ruler ; the title of the prince of Hyderabad. Ne, a particle affixed to the name of the agent with a transitive verb in a past tense : adv. no, not, neither, nor ; nay. Nebu, s. m. lime or lemon. Nefa, 8. m. a breeches belt, the part of the drawers through which the string runs to tie them round the loins with. Neg, ) s. f. presents at marriages Neg jog, / and on other festive oc- casions made to relations and par- ticular servants, and considered by them as perquisites which they are entitled to. Neh, s. /. affection, love, friendship. Nek, adj. good, lucky, pure. Nekbakht, adj. fortunate, virtuous, happy. Nekbakhti, s.f. virtue, good fortune, felicity. Neki, s.f. goodness, piety, purity, virtue, probity. Nekkhaslat,) /. , -,. ... Nekkho of good dispositions or Nekkhulq, ) ^^'^^' good-natured. Nekmard, a good man. Neknam, a good name, of good cha- racter or repute, renowned. Neknami, s.f. good character, re- nown, praise. Neknazar, sharp or clear sight. Nekniyat, well-meaning. Nekniyati, s. f goodness of intention. Nekokar, of good actions, a benefi-' cent person, benefactor. Nekokari, s.f beneiicence,doing good. Nekpak, adj. virtuous. Nekzat, of good disposition. Nem, s. m. a vow, resolution, devo- tion, piety. Nemdharm, s. m. abstinence, good conduct. Nemi, adj. conscientious, continent, abstemious. Neota, s. m. an invitation. Nepal, n. prop, name of a country. Nere, beside, near, close by. Nesh, s. m. sting (of a venomous rep- tile.) Nesha, s.m. prop. Nasha, which see. Neshabaz, s. m. a drunkard. Neshabazi, s. /. drunkenness, ine- briety intoxication. Neshtar, s. m. a lancet. Nest, naught, non-existence. Nest hona, to perish. [stroy. Nest kama, to annihilate, ruin, de- Nest nabiid hona, to perish, to bo annihilated, to be ruined. NICH [ 223 ] NIG , I to d na, / to demolish, annibi^ Nest nabud kama, Nest o iiabiid karna, late, to ruin, i'Netii, 8. m. snot, snivel. Nctr, s. m. tbe eye. New, 8. /. tbe foundation of a house, &c. Newal, I «. m. a weasel, a ferret, a Newala, / mongoose. Newana, v. a. to bend, to bow down. Newar, 8. f. tape. Newarna, to smear with a wash of red enrth fa wall, &c.) New daliia, to found, to lay (a foun- dation.) Newna, v. n. to stoop, to bow. Neza, 8. n. a spear, lance, javelin, dart, pike ; a piece of reed from which pons are made. "V'/obardar, 1 J. f ^ si)earman. iiind, adj. small, little. :l preiix to words to denote ne- ition, contraction of Nir. mat, H. f. iuvour, giaciousncss, •ueiit. ill, «. m. accomplishment, por- Minuncc, supply, muintenance, rfonuing an engagement. iliini, ?). (/. to accomplfHli/ to por- it,to perform : toprotcct, to tuko iR! of; tx) krrp oiui'h faith. 1 1, (ulj. Weak, powerless. irn»». V. n. U> 1h< spent, to bo itlrd, to be accomplihhotl. iriui, r, a. to accomplish, to por- nii, to end, to spend. Iiiinsi, V. a. to pcrfonn, &c, Seo I bill I mi. ^ll'lllirna, V. a. soo NilMir"so. Nidiigh, adj. sp.t ulato. Nidani, ailj. bnuii Nidiin, adv. ut luhU ul ii Uf;ih. lust' after all ; an end. Nitlar, m//. feurb H.'<, dauntless: «<( without fear. teurles.sy. Nidari, 8.J. iVarleHMUHs. Nidhaii, $. m. a pluoe, hou.si, mnn.Hi< abodo. \ !' ' * '• without U t \ ^ . . .■ iieKM. I NiK»ii* ('^/•» i*>^'^> »ight: watch- Niwjih. I ing. ctuttndy, curt*. I \ In. m, a gt»^^K «» ktH>i»« N in WMl<'h, u pn»tivt. .... . . • er. Niguhb.uii. ) ». /. watching, guar Nig)ihUini. J ing, 8U|HTint»'udcii» Inking eaie of. cu."«t*Hly. Nignbdar.ii. m. a watohiuau, an ovt ' tioer, u guanliiiu. NIK [ 224 ] NIK Nigahdari, s. f. watching, superin- tendence ; observation. Nigali karna, to observe, look, re- gard, view, oversee. Nigah rakhua, to take care of, to lay by, to guard. Nigali, s. /. the wooden pipe of a huqqa-snake. Nigalna, v. a. to swallow, to gulp down. Nigora, s. m. wretch. Nihai, s. f. an anvil. Nihal, s. m. a young plant, a sucker, a shoot: adj. exalted, pleased, happy. Nihali, s. f. a kind of quilt. Nihan, s. m. bathing, ablution. Nihana, v. a. to bathe, to wash. Niharna, v. a. to look at, to watch, to look after, to spy, to see. Nihattlia, adj. unarmed. Nihayat, adj. very, exceeding, much, excessive, remarkable : adv. at the utmost, extremely. Nihayat kahna, to ask a fair price. Nihchai, s. m. see Nischai. Nihora, s. m. begging, requesting humbly, coaxing. Nihurana, v. a. to cause to crook, to bend, to bow. Nihurna, 1 v. n. to condescend, to Nihurna, / incline or bend down- wards, to stoop, to bow. Nihurna, \ v. a. to bend downwards, Nihurna, / to bow down, to in- cline, to stoop. [personal. Nij, adj. own, particular, individual, Nijgut, adj. true, correct (as infor- mation.) Nijjot, lands ^cultivated by the pro- prietors, [belonging to self. Nijka, adj. own, peculiar, pergonal, Nika, s. m. -prop. Nikah. Nikali, s. m. a kind of marriage. Nikah i', ddj. married (a woman.) Nikai, s. f. the price paid for weed- ing a field, the act of weeding. Nikal, s. m. outlet, issue, vent. Nikala jana, to be put out, or away. Nikal bhagna, to run away, to get, off, to be off. Nikal chalna, to escape; (met.) to surpass another. Nikal dalna, to deduct, to strike out. Nikal dcna, to expel, to eject, to dis- card, to drive or turn out, to ex- clude, to cashier. Nikal jana, to escape, to go away. Nikal lana, to bring off. Nikal lena, to dig up, to take out, to extract. Nikalna, v. 7i. to issue, to go forth or out, to be extracted, drawn, pulled, or taken out, to come or get out, secede, depart, to be performed or accomjilished, to exceed, to be ut- tered, to be produced, to result, to prove, to turn out, to escape. Nikalna, v. a. to cause to issue, to take out, to turn out, to expel, to cause to exceed, to utter, to dis- cover or find out, to invent, to take off", to exclude, to extract, to pro- trude, to deduce, to extricate, to exhibit, to produce, to hatch, to pull, to do, to accomplish, to pick. Nikal parna, v. n. to come out, to be drawn forth. Nikal wa demi, to expel, to banish. Nikal wana, v. a. to cause to issue, to cause to go out or come out, to expel, &c. Nikamma, adj. useless, good for nothing, base, worthless. Nikana, v. a. to weed. Nikapat, adj. without deceit or fraud, sincere, candid. Nikarua, v. n. see Nikalna. Nikas, g. m. skirts, suburbs, issue, outgoing, discharge, outlet, vent ; adjustment of accounts, c Nikasi, s. f. taxes collected on goods passing out of a town. Nikiis karna, v. a. to liberate, to set free. [Nikalna. Nikasna, y. n. to issue, &;c. See NIM [ 225 ] NIB Nikasna, v. a. see Nikalna. Nikaswana, see Nikalwana. Nikaf, adv. near, proximate, about, i with, close by. Ir Nikauni', «. /. weeding, tlie act of u weeding. ' Nikhalis, adj. prop. Klialis, pure, genuine, unadulterated. Niiharach, without discount or de- duction. Nikhamti, v. a. to strain, to bleach. Nikhatar, adj. implacable. Nikhrana, v. a. to settle, to purify, to clear. Nikosna, v. a. to grin. Niktf, 8. /. small sailes, a balance. IS^il, 8. m. indigo, blue ; the indigo plant : v. prop, the river Nile. Nilii, t/(Z/. blue, dark blue. Nilajjii, adj. shameles.s, barefaced, bold, rude, impudent. NHam, K. m. auction. Ni'lsim ghar, «. m. an auction-room. Nilti pila, black and blue. NHii thotlui, «. m. blue vitriol. Nribari', 8. f. a ball or squaro of in- digo, [gliau. Ni'lgjiw, 8. /. name of an animal, Nyl- NHkanth, ». m. nanu5 of a ])ird. Nilwiila, 8. m. an indigo planter. Ni'm, 8. in. namo of a tree : adj. lialf, the miildle. N.'nui listin, hnlf-Hlceved,a particular kind of jacket. Ninulj, if. f. prop. Namtiz, wliich S4 «'. Niniak. 8. m. m\i. Niniakdiin, s. m. a fmlt/'* H Nimnk'haliil. . , *' ,ial. Kiiniik'haliili, 8. /. ■ dull, Nimak'iiamni,«(/y.>- N . uunini. , Kinuik'hardmi', «. /. Beo Noinuk'ha- | Ninian, \ adj. strong, wdid, stout, "Ninian, ) tight, good. Nimasluim, «. evening, envK- ii> il».« evening. Nnubu, 8. lemon, limo.* Nimohtt, 8. m. a dagger, a haugcr. | Ni'mjdn, half dead Twith fear, &c.) Nimkr, adj. salt, 8( privation, abtMUOV, or negutiiui Nir, «. m. tiara. Nir.;. '• -^ - " ^^M. .lll^ iiutiriMireul. I ■' ■<•. Nil to ItHtk at. Nii.i . , : tireil, luueh . ; unuiixed, unalloyed. v-*^!/*'. } aiwrt, aside, in pri\ Nirtth*nieo,f * * N Iran {an. wlj. pure, fro© fn^m ^; l>olv; the SiiimMU" '^^ »'> ' Niran'kal. \ adj. in ^itii- Nimnkur. I out P j .tY.> Nirus, mlj. dry, tustt^lv^, in^pid. Q NIS [ 226 ] NIS Niras, ) adj. hopeless, despairing, Nirasa, / desperate. Nirasf, s. /. despair. Nirbal, adj. weak, strengthless. Nirbalta, s. f. weakness, impotence. Nirbans, adj. childless, without off- spring, extinct (a family.) Nirbas, adj. powerless, enfeebled. Nirbliai, adj. fearless, undaunted. Nirdaya, } adj. pitiless, merciless, Nirdayf, / hard-liearted, unfeel- ing, inhuman, cruel, relentless. Nirdhan, adj. poor, needy. Nirdokh, I adj. blameless, free from Nirdosh, > fault, innocent, with- Nirdoshi, ) out defect or blemish. Nirgun, adj. without passions or human qualities (an epithet of God) ; worthless, useless. Nirkh, s. m. price current ; price (fixed by the officers of the police) ; tariff. Nirkhnama, s. m. an account of cur- rent market prices. Nirlajj, adj. shameless, impudent. Nirlajja, s. m. want of shame, im- modesty. Nirlobbi, adj. not covetous, void of avarice, contented. Nirmal, \ adj. pure, clear, clean, Nirmala, / transparent, limpid. Airmail, s. /. name of a seed with which water is cleared. Nirmul, adv. wholly, entirely : adj. destitute of a root or origin. Nirog, ) adj. free from disease, in Nirogi, / high health and spirits, healtliy. Nirphal, adj. fruitless, unprofitable. Niriip, adj. without form, incorporeal. Nirupan, s. m. the establishing of a rule, the appointing of any circumstance or thing, determin- ing. Niruttar, adj. without answer, un- able to answer. Nis, a privative particle used in compos, without, &c. : s. f. night. Nisandeh, adj. free from doubt : adv, undoubtedly. Nisar bona, to be sacrificed. Nisar karna, to scatter, strew or throw (as a public donation, &c.) ; to sacrifice. Nisbat, s. f. relation, affinity, refer- ence ; espousal : postpos. respect- ing, regarding. Nisbati, adj. related, having refer- ence to: s. m. a brother-in-law. Nischai, s. m. certainty, clear know- ledge of a thing : adj. indubitable, certain : arZv.ceitainly, indubitably. Nischar, s. m. man or animal that prowls about at night ; a demon. Nisf, adj. half. Nisf a nisf, halved, in halves, half and half. [halves. Nisf a nisfi, adv. half and half, in Nisfi, adj. halved, half. Nisha, s. m. see Nasha. Nishabaz, see Nashabaz. Nid|abazi, s. f. drunkenness, &c. Nisna karna, v. a. to be responsible. Nishan, s. m. a mark, sign, an ensign, flag, standard, colours. Nishana, s. m. a mark, a butt. Nishanbardar, s. m. a standard bearer, one who carries the colours, Nishan dena, to point out. Nishani, s. /. a token of remem- brance, a keepsake, a mark. Nishast, s. f. sitting. Nishasta, s. m. a kind of paste. Nishastbarkhast, s. /. manners, good breeding, etiquette. Nishastgah, s. /. a place where peo- ple meet to sit and talk. Nisi last karna, to sit. Ni hchai, see Nischai.^ Nishchar, s. m. a prowler. Nishe men bona, to be drunk or in- toxicated. Nishin, in compos, sitting, seated on, dwelling in, &c. Niskalank, adj. spotless, unstainec immaculate. NIY [ 227 ] NUQ NjW. \ adj. sinless. Nispapi, j "^ Ni.sphal, adj. see Nirphal. Nistar, 8. m. release, acquittal, salva- tion. Nisti", «./. a catalogue, a list. Nisyan, s. m. forgetfulness, oblivion. Nit, 8.f. conduct, morality, manners. '^it, adj. or adv. always, continually, ever, constantly. Nithariia, v. a. to purify water or otlier liquid by letting tlie feculent matter subside and pouring off the clear. Nithni, adj. clear ("water whose im- purity has subsided.) Nithur, adj. hard, relentless, cruel. Niti, 8. /. small scales, such as gold- smiths use. Nihrf h' ( "^^- Perpetually, con- Xltuthke, I «^-^>y. always. Niw, 8. /. the foundation of a house, &c. Niwalu, 8. m. a morsel. Niwdnu, i v. a. to bend downwanls, Niwuoiui,/ to Ijow ; to cause to sub- mit, U) cause to stoop. Niwiir, 8. /. tape (of a coarse kind.) Viwiini, i 8. in. a boat, a particular \iw«n*Ji. J '<•"•! of boat. NTiwarlmf, a tajHi- wcuvit. Miwilnui, r. a. to smear or wash over witii a washofcurtli or cow-tlung. &c. Xiwarnii, v. n. to bend, to stoop. Niyjie, h. m. justice, «|uity. Niyar, adv. luar, IwHide, cloeo by. Niyjinit adj. hoc Nyiini. Niyiire, adv. n\mtt, H4»i>iimtely. Niynt, »./. intention, design, purpoeo, (k\sire. \iyati'. aaj. intontionnl. Nivat karnti, v. a. to design, to pur- pos(>. Niyiiya, k. m. justice, equity. Niyaz, «. /. a thing dedicated, an of- fering. Niyaz kamd, to dedicate, to devote. Niziim, 8. in. a ruler. Niztimat, 8. f. the administration of criminal justice, government. Noch, 8. m. a pinch, a scratch. Noclma, v. a. to pinch, to scratch, to claw. Nok, 8. /. a bill, a beaV nil)- end, point, tip ; angle. Nokdiir, adj. pointed. Nokilti, adj. shjirp-pointed. Nok jhok, s.f. pulling and hauling. Non, 8. m. salt. Nomi, adj. salt, brackish. [wall. Noni', 8. /. etiloresoenco of salt on a Noniyii, 8. m. a maker of or dealt r salt, a sjdtpetre- maker. Noniytir, 8. m. name of a caste. Noniyii sag, 8. m. a kind i)f gnxjns. Nosli, «. m. a drink, a drauglit. Nosh farmanii, \ Noshijanfarnuina. L^ ,.^t,to drink. Nosh I jan karna, ? >»"^»"*. Nosh karnii, I Nuchnii, r. n. to l>e pinched or scmtclicf Nujm. aUw^ m. MX nittixilc^r, an uth NuktU, (i<(/. SCO Nnkilit. Nuktachin, a caviller, a critic. Nuktnchtiii. *. /. rtivii, critiiiiun. Numsi, in rom^MW. xliowini*. rxh ting, ap|M>ariug; an tndrx. Nuniiii, in corn^Nif. s.f. di8})laY. ^l in^. Nuniyji, ». m. h^ ^ Nuql, 8. Ill, a s« r >^!\{. Nuqrn, 8.nk a >v 1 1.. i l:or«Oi; giiver. OJA [ 228 ] OST Nuqra'i, adj. made of silver. Nuqsan, s. m. loss, defect, detriment, blemish, damage, mischief. Nuqsani, s. /. defect, injury, damage, &c. Nuqta, s. m. a point, a dot, a stain ; centre (of a circle), geometrical point. Nuqtachm, a caviller. Nur, 8. m. light, splendour. Niirani, adj. serene, bright, clear. Nuskha, s. m. recipe. Nutfa, s. m. seed, sperma hominis. Nyae, s. m. justice, equity, reason. Nyae kama, to judge, to administer justice. Nyaeshastr, s. m. logic. Nyai', 8. m. a distributor of justice. Nyara, adj. apart, aloof, separate, distinct, different. Nyare, adv. apart, separately. Nyautna, v. a. to invite. Nyaw, s. m. justice, equity, decision. Nyaw kama, to judge, to administer justice, to decide. Nyorana, v. a. to bend, to bow. Nyorhna,"! v. n. to bend, to bow, to Nyorna, / stoop. Nyota, s. m. an invitation. Nyotna, v. a. to invite. O. O, the vocative interjection O ! conj. and, too, also : pron. he, she, it, that ; a vowel pronounced as o in no. Ochha, adj. tight (as clothes) ; light, of little consequence, trifling, ab- surd, silly ; mean. Ochha hona, v. n. to want, to be de- ficient (in size or measure.) Oda, oA^j. wet, moist, damp. Oda chawal, s. m. moist rice. Ogairah, prop. Waghaira, which see. Oghra, s. m. a kind of food (for sick persons.) Oho, inter j. heigh ! ho ! Ojan, s. m. prop. Wazn, which see. Ojar, 8. m. prop. Uzr, which see. Ojha, 8. m. a snake-catclier, one who pretends to cure the bite of snakes and to cast out evil spirits by means of charms. Ojhai, 8. f. the profession of an Ojha. Ojhal, 8. f. privacy, retirement. See also Ot. Ojlial hona, to be concealed. Ojhal karna, to conceal, to screen. Ok, 8. f. sickness at stomach, inclina- tion to vomit, Okalat, 8.f.prop. Wakalat, which see. Okalatnama, s. m. prop. Wakalatna- ma, a power of attorney. Okhli, 8. f. a wooden mortar. Okna, V. n. to vomit. 01, s. m, name of a vegetable the root of wliich is eaten. Ola, 8. m. hail. Ola hojana, to become cold. Olak, 8. f. prop. Ulaq, a kind of boat. Olkobi, 8. f. knolcole. Olti, 8. f. the eaves of a roof. Omar, s. /. prop. Umr, which see. Onda, adj. deep. Ondha, adj. upside down. Onth, 8. m. the lip. Opar, 8. the opposite bank of a river or pond, the further side of any- thing. Or, 8. f. way, side (ward.) Ora, 8. m. a kind of basket. Orak, 8. m. prop. Waraq, which see. Orhna, v. a. to put on (dress) : s. m. a sheet, cloak or mantle. Orhnf, 8. f. a small sheet, a cloth used by Hindu women to liide their faces. Ori, 8.f. the eaves of a house. Oriya, s. /. a kind of basket. Or nibahna, to be constant to, to pro- tect (for ever.) Os, 8. f. dew. Osar, s.f. a heifer. Ostad, s. m. prop. Ustad, which see. Ostadi, s, /. prop. Ustadf, which see. PACK [ 229 ] PACH Ot, «./. screen, shelter, partition, pro- tection. Ota, 8. m. a raised entrance to a house. Otti, adj. 80 mucli, so many. Oto mcQ, in the mean time. Ot hoiui, to bo concealed, &c. Otik, adj. that much, so much. Ot kania, to conceal, screen, &c. O jna, .V. a. to separate the seed from cotton. Otna, that much, or many. P. Pa, conj. adv. or postpos. contract, of Par, but, yet, on, at, &c. Pii, s. m. the leg, foot ; a termination affixed to nouns to denote the ab- stract quality. Pti andiiz, s. m. a carpet spread at the entrance of a room for clean- ing the feet on. Ptiband, adj. engaged, employed, occupied. PubaiKl honii, v. n. to bo married. Pii ba zanjir, (ulj. fettered, in chains. Pabitr, mlj. pure, holy, undefUed. Pabitrtii, 8. m. holiness, purity. I'arhil iliilna, v. a. to digest, to em- Ix'zzle. Piichak, 8. m. a di<>^e.stivo, a sto- machic, a tonic, a solvent. Pachiiliyji, adj. talking in an ob- s(H!ne maniH^r. Pachtina, v. a, to digest, to formont. I'acluinauwe, adj. nin( io rue, iu gricvc. PAE [ 230 ] PAH Pachtao, ) . Paohta^a, | »• ™- ''<>P^'^i<'^<^- Pad, 8. m. the foot, footstep. Pad, s. m. wind expelled from be- hind, a fart. Padana, v. a. to caii«e to break wind. Pada non, s, m. a kind of black salt. Padar, s. m. father. Padarth, s. m. a rarity, delicacy, a good, a blessing ; the meaning of a word. Padas,s./. inclination to expel wind, flatulency. Padasa, adj. inclined to expel wind, flatulent. Padawi, ) s. f. rank, character, dig- Padbi, / nity, name, surname. Padghabra, adj. frightened out of one's wits. Padmani, s.f. a description of women. Pad marna, ^ v. n. to expel wind Padna, / backwards, to fart. Padna, ) •, . Padorf, 1 «*• '' Padshah, s. m. a king, a sovereign. Padshahana, adj. royal, imperial : adv. like a king, kingly. Padshahat, s.f. royalty, empire, king- dom, government. Padshahi, adj. royal : s. f. royalty, sovereignty. Padshahzada, s. m. a prince. Padvi, see Padawi. Pae, s. m. the foot, the stand of a table, chair, &c. Paeband, adj. fettered, tied by the leg ; encumbered with a family. Paedar, adj. firm, steady, permanent, durable, lasting, perpetual. Paedari, s. /. permanence, durability, stability, firmness. Paejama, s. m. drawers, long drawers or loose trowsers very wide in the legs. Paekhana, s. m. a necessary. Paemal, adj. trampled on, ruined. Paemali, s. f, destruction, ravage, ruin. Paemal karna, to trample on, to de- stroy, to lay waste, to ravage. Paemardi, s. f. courage, resolution. Paemoz, s. m. a kind of pigeon. Paetaba, s. m. a sock, short stocking. Paezanjir, adj. chained by the leg. Paezeb, s. f. anklets. Pag, 8. f. a thick syrup. Pag, 8. m. the foot. Paga, 8. m. a rope fastened round the neck of a bullock, a tether. Pagal, adj. insane, mad : s. m. a fool, idiot, madman. Pagalkhana, s. m. an insane hospital. Pagar, s. m. a bank raised to separate fields ; a path. Pagdandf, s. /. a by-path, a by-way, footpath. Pagha, 8. m. see Paga. Pagiya, s. /. a turban. Pagla, adj. foolish, silly. Pagri, 8. f. a tmban. Pagur, 8. m. act of chewing the cud, rumination. Pagurana, \ v. n. to ruminate, to Pagur karna, / ichew the cud. Pah, 8. f. dawn. Pahal, 8. m. a flock of cotton; be- ginning. Pahanana, v. a. to cause to dress or put on. Pahanawa, 8. m. clothing, dress. Pahanna, v. a. to put on, to wear, to dress. Pahar, s. m. a division of time con- sisting of eight gharis, a watch of three hours. Pahar, s, m. a mountain, a hill. Pahara, s. m. the multiplication tabic. Paharewala, s. m. a sentinel, a sentry, a guard. Pahari, s./. a hill, a small mountain. Pahariya, axij. belonging to or of u mountain : s. m. a mountaineer. Pahama, v. a. to put on clothes, to dress, to wear. Pahar si raten, long nights (especi- ally of sorrow.^ PAH [ 231 ] PAI Pahar tali", the foot of a hill or mountain. I*ahchaii, «./. acquaintance, know- led«^e, recognisance. Pahchanna, v. a. to know, to recog- niae, to discriminate, to distin- guish. Paheli, 8. f. a riddle, an enigma. I'aliichanna, v. a. see Pahclianna. Paliila, adj. first : adv. before, rather. I*ahilauta, adj. firstborn. Pahile, adv. see Palde. Pahiiuina, v. a. to dress, to cause to put on, l*ahinna, v. a. to put on, to wear, to dress. Pah i rand, v. a. to cause to dress, to clothe, to invest. Pahiriiwan, «. w. (kess, clothing, &c. I'ahirna, v. a. to put on clothes, to dress, to wear. Pahiya. «. m. a wheel. I'ahlii, atlj. first : adv. rather, before, soon, i'iihlauu^ha, adj. firstborn. 1 •iihlawiin, «. m. a hero, a champion, a stout fellow, a wrestler, ralilawiini', a. f. lien)isni. Palilr, adi). at first, in the first place, first, sooner, rather, Ixjfore, chiilly. Pahlu', «. m. the side, riihiiuna, V. a. to dress, to cause to put ou. Pall phatnii, r. n. to dawn. Pahrii, H.m. a wateh, a wntim-l ; t<»ur of wateh. I'ahrii denii, to wat' Pahnintl, r. a. to cm t > ;:. , i clothe, to invest, \'> <\y< . I 'ahrawu, s. /. tlrcss. raiiro nicu ddlnii, to givo in oliargo to u guani. i'ahn^ nuu impui, to bo given in charge to a guard. I'ahun, \ . 1 ahuuji, / '^ Pahuna i, s. /, hospitality, entertain- mcut. Pahunch, «. /. arrival, reacii, arc- - admittance; sagacity, penetr.iii Pahunclia, s. m. tiie wrist. Pahunchana, v. a. to cause to arrive, to convey, to transmit, to bring, to conduct Pahunchi', s. f. an ornament worn on the wrist. [to extend. Pahunchna, v. n. to arrive, to reach, Pahunchwana, v. a. to cause to ar- rive, convey, or conduct. Pahum', 8. f. a female guest. Pai', 8. f. a coin, tlie fourth jjart of an dnii, in accounts twelve pai are reckoned an ana ; pins used by weavers to wind oflf the warp from. Pai, 8. /. a fault, l*aida, adj. born, craitetl, pronient, cuui|«ttcL Painmun, $. m. a nH?4ktfuri . Puinii, f . til, u etick. Painiila, ». m, n gutter, n »|*oul. Paiuchtt, «. m. a loan ; one leg pair of IruwiKn. PAI [ 232 ] PAK Painchna, v. a. to winnow, to sift. Painsath, adj. sixty-five. Paintalis, adj. forty-five. Paintana, s, m. ) the foot of a bed, Painti, s. f. ) the side towards the feet. Paintis, adj. thirty-five. Pair, s. m. the foot. Pairahan, ^ s. m. a lon^ robe, or Pairahan, / shirt or shift. Pairak, s. m. a swimmer. Pairakf, s. f. act or art of swimming. Pairana, v. a. to cause to swim. Pairao, adj. beyond man's depth, where it is necessary to swim. Pairau, adj. following, follower. Pairau'i, s.f. following, imitation. Pairi, s. f. an ornament worn on the legs. Paima, v. n. to swim. Paisa, s. m. the name of a copper coin ; money, cash. Paisa diibna, to be sunk (money.) Paisa dubona, to sink money, to lay out money without return. Paisa khana, to spend extravagantly, to waste ; to take bribes. Paisa lagana, to lay out or expend money. [penny. Paisa pher phar karna, to turn the Paisa urana, to spend extravagantly. Paisewala, adj. moneyed. Paisna, v. n. see Paithna. Paitara, s. m. flourishing about before cudgelling, &c. Paith, s. m. entrance, ingress, ad- mission, access. Paithalna, v. a. to force in, to make, to penetrate, to thrust, to run in, to introduce. Paithna, v. n. to penetrate, to rush or run info, to enter, to pervade. Paiwand, adj. joining, joined, con- nected : s. m. conjunction, joint, a patch, graft. Paiwandi', adj. ingrafted. Paiwand lagana, to patch, to graft, to inoculate (a tree.) Paiwast, s.f. junction, connexion: adj. joined, penetrated. Paiya, s. m. a wheel. Paizar, s.f. a slipper, a shoe. Paizarapaizari, s. f. fighting or mu- tual beating with slippers. Paizar khana, to be beaten with slip- pers. Pajama, s. m. trowsera, long drawers. Pajaura, adj. mean-spirited, low. Pajawa, s. m. prop. Pazawa, a brick- kiln, [abject. Paji, adj. mean, contemptible, base, Pajimizaj, adj. mean-spirited, low. Pajipana, s. m. meanness. Pajora, adj. low, mean, shabby. Pak, s.f. sirup ; adj. pure, clean, holy, innocent, spotless, immaculate. Pakai, s.f the price paid for cook- ing, baking, &c. Pakana, v. a. to ripen, to dress vic- tuals, to cook, to bake. Paka pakaya, ready cooked. Pakar, s. f. seizure, capture, catch, hold, objection, difficulty. Pakar, s. m. the citron-leaved Indian fig-tree. Pakarna, v. a. to catch, to lay hold of, to seize, to apprehend, to take, capture, to gripe, to handle ; to ob- ject. Pakarwana, v. a. to cause to seize, &c. Pakbaz, adj. undefiled, honest, can- did, sincere. Pakbazi, s.f. purity, honesty, candour. Pakdaman, adj. chaste, pure, modest (woman.) Pakh, s. m. the first or second half of a lunar month. Pakha, s. m. see Pakhwa. '■ Pakhal, s.f. a leather bag for holding water, generally carried on bul- locks. Pakhan, s. m. a kind of fowl-house. Pakhancl, s. m. wickedness, deceit, hypocrisy. Pakhandf, | acZ/. hypocritical, deceit- Pakhandf, / ful, heretical. PAL [ 233 ] PAL I'akhawaj, «./. a kind of drum, a timbrel. Pukhawajr, «. m. one who beats the pakliawaj, a drummer. Pukheru, 8. m. a bird. l*aklirauta, 8. m. a bit of gold or sil- ver leaf (X)vering a bira or mouth- ful of betel. Pakhri', s. /. a nosegay. Pakhwa, «. m. ) side, flank, gable Pakliwiir, s.f. j end (of a house.) lYiki, 8./. purity, cleansing. Piiki lena, v. a. to shave the hairs of ' the privities. Pakiza, a/fj. clean, pure, neat, chaste. IMkiziigi', 8. f. cleanness, neatness, purity, chastity. Paki'za khaslut, of chaste habits or dispositions. Pakkii, adj. ripe, mature, matured ; boiled, dressed (opposite to raw), cooked, baked (as brieks\ made of l)riLk; cunning, knowing, in- stnuted, firm, strong, proved ex- pent, adept. I'akka karna, to establish a claim, agreement, or proposition, so that no doubt or subject of dLsj)uto can remain. Pakkii porhii karmi, h(h) Pakkii kamu. Paknii, v. n. to bo ti) Ik> drcatied or e(M)ked, to (Miuhu to ri|)en. Pal, «. in. a moment. Pal, 8. in. a anil ; small tent, layors of straw, louvos, &o., botwoeu wliich unripe mangos are ripened; i copulation of beasts. Pala, 8. m. frost, hoarfrost, snow ; a heap of earth made by children to separate the two parties in a game called Kabaddi. Paluk, 8. m. a kuid of greens; r! islier, protector, keeper. Palak, 8. f. the eyelid, eyelash; a moment. Palakbetii, an adopted son. Palak daryii, «. m. clouds. Palakjiihi, \ 8. /. name of a mt... Palakjiihf, / cinal plant Palak ke marte, in the twinkling of an eye. Palak lagn^, closing of tho eyes. Palak mtirnri, \ « „ i^ «.:„i, T, 1 1 .1 ' ' > t>. a. to wink. Palak matkana, J Palak meu, in the twinkliiirr^fi^Ti Palak putr, an n i Ptilan, ^. w*. brill rearing, brottlii.^, i.......-..i..^. l^ilang, «. in. a bed, a beilstoad, a couch, a cot (to slit»p on.) PalangiMisli, «.m. a ooverh-t, a count - pane. Palangf r, *. /. a small lHHl»U-n«l. Palanmi, r. a. to luddlu a bullm I • lUW, Ptilu impui^ r. ri '* to snow. I'aliis, «. m. naii >» which the lao iuiKM I lutva (hm- (losa.) PttU* p4|>r«. ». m. ♦>><» sr e di of IIm l^l ■ ittUcine. Pil iwaslior- uj.: ...iT Denon. Pala^iia, r. n. to roluni, to chaogo, to turn ovt»r. ' 1 m. : u mil. 1 .... ,.., • tidl ^i^tthin tho power of another. Ptucthan, «. m. (Iritnl flour laid over and under bread whou ii ia rolled* PAL [ 234 ] PAN Paletna, v. a. to fold, to wind. Pall, s. f. a ladle used to take out oil with. Palisht, adj. polluted, impure, un- clean. Palit, adj. unclean, polluted, impure, nasty. Palita, s.m. a match, a match of a gun. Palki, s. f. a litter, a sedan, palan- quin. Palkmishm, | one who rides in a Palkisawar, / Palki. Palla, ) s. m. one scale (or side of a Palla, / pair of scales.J Palla, s. m. space, distance ; a sheet (generally applied to chintz or a shawl); one shutter or fold of a door. Pallakash, s. m. a kind of hook for drawing the strings of the top of a tent through the holes in a wall of a tent. Palledar, a porter who has bags to carry burthens. Palledarf, s. /. the business of a porter. Pal marna, v. a. to wink. Pal marte, adv. in the twinkhng of an eye. Palna, v. n. to be reared, nourished, or fattened. Palna, v. a. to preserve, protect, to rear, to bring up, to cherish, to nourish, to breed : s. m. a cradle. Palra, s. m. a scale, i.e., one side of a pair of scales. Palta, s. m. recompense, revenge. Palta lena, to take revenge. Paltan, s. f. a regiment, a corps or body of troops, an army. Paltana, v. a. to turn, to cause to turn, to return. Paltaniya, adj. belonging to a regi- ment or army. Paid, s. m. a yoke (for oxen.) Pallida' I «• ^- ^ ^^^ ^^ flummery. Pal urana, to carry sail (a boat.) Palwal, s. m. the name of a veget- able and its plant. Palwal lati, s. f. the palwal plant. Palwana, v. a. to cause to nourish, to bring up, &c. Pal war, s. m. a kind of boat. Pamal, adj. trodden on, ruined, de- stroyed. Pamiili, 8. f. devastation, ruin, the being beaten down by treading. Pamardi, s.f. resolution, valour. Pamri, s. f. a kind of silk or woollen cloth used as a loose garment. Pan, s. m. butel-leaf; drinking in general. Pan, ^ a termination affixed to Pana, / nouns to denote the ab- stract quality, and answering to the English terminations, sMp, hood, ness, &c. Pana, v. a. to get, to acquire, to find, to obtain, to enjoy, to suffer, over- take, to reach, accept, attain. Panah, s. f. shade, shelter, protec- tion ; asylum, refuge. Panah dena, to protect, to harbour, to give shelter. Panalii, s. f. in compos, protection, or the being the protector of. Panah kisi sc mangaa, to seek pro- tection ; to avoid. Panala, s.m. | a pipe or drain fixed Panali, s. f. j under tlie eaves of a house to catch the water that falls from the roof and conducts it away. Panapna, v. n. to commence increas- ing in bulk (a man, tree, &c.) ; to become tut ; to prosper, to flourish, to thrive. Panari, s. /. see Panala. Panbatta, s. m. a betel-box. Panbhara, s. m. see Panhara. Panbharin, s. f. see Panharin. Panel 1, adj. five. Panch, s. m. a council, an assembly, a meeting ; arbitrators. Panchakki, s. f. a water-mill. PAN [ 235 ] PAN Panchamf, \ «. /. the fifth day of Paiichami'i}, / the lunar fortnight. Pauchawaii, adj. fifty-five. i Paiichayat, j 8. /. a meeting of any Panehayatr, / particular society (generally as a court of inquiry) ; a jury, an inquest, a council. Panchlu', s. m. a bird. Panchlafti, adj. of five rows or strings (a necklace, &c.) Panchoo, as.^iociates. Panchpiriya, any person, Hindu or other, who worships the five Pirs or saints of the Musahnans. Ptinchsat, 8. m. perplexity. Panchtjitwa, 8. m. the five elements, or i)rinciplesacconling to the Hin- dus, viz., fire, eartii, air, water, and ether or space. Punch wuQ, adj. the fifth. PanchwiQ, «. /. tlic- fiftli day of the mcxHi or of the half month. Pand, «. m. jwlvieo, admonition. Panda, 8. m. a lirahmun who pro- sides at tlie temples of an idol. IVindiin, s.m. a box for holding betel and its apparatus. raiKJav, di'scendant of Kajii PdndU. I'andr,, 8. in. see Piior^'. Tauclit, adj. wisi*. learned : «. m. a learned Bniiunan. Panditiii, 8./. tho learning of a Bnih- muii, leurning. raiK.lit^vhiina, 8. m. a priiK>u, a lock- up liouse. ramliyjiyan, 8./. the wife of a Paor^. I'liutlrah, tii//. fifttMH. ranilialiwjiu, adj. Uritvnth. I'iuulniwarm 8. m. a r«)rtni^lit, ramluliii, 8. m. a ghost siud to haunt tiio river-side. I'ant.iuhbi,) ». /. a water-fowl, the Pandubi, ) coot» the tUvor. PuM()uk, 8. in. a turtlo-tiovu. Panga, 8. in. culinary wdt. ranghat, ». m. a paswigi' to a rivor, a sttiir or quay {(or dmwiug wa- ter.) Panfu!' } ^> ^"PPl«» Panha, 8. m. width, breadth. Panhara, s. m. a man who carries water in pots on his head. Panhtin', \ 8. f. a woman who car- Panharin,/ ries water on her head. Paniii, 1 /. V Panhii./'--^-*'^PP^^- Paul', 8. m. water ; sperm ; lustre. Panflia, 8. m. an aquatic animal. Ptini karua, v. a. to abash, to facili- tate. Ptini na'mangna, to be so wounded as to die instantly. Pani par mi, r. n. to rain. Piini pi pi kosnii.to curse exces&ivt Panir, s. in. cheese. Panirmaya, 8. m. runnet. Piini so patla karmi, to abash, to put to shame. Piini tormi, to draw (wat4^r, a m &c.) Paniyii, 8. w». water. See PoinliA. Paniyala, «. m. name of a fruit unt! ita tree. Paniyiind, r. o.to irrig:ito, to wut to temper (steel, &c) Panj, a<(;. five ; of seven yean old (a horse.) Panju, «.m. u hand v lin- gers extondinl. v\n\s »w, gn - ' - ' • ,x... to h< i tort of til tlngonk Panjub, (i. ut. liuiitv ut u iHauitry. Panjtibi, lulj. an iuhabitunt uf the Punjab. Pau^u kurnii.^tti l»H'k tht» finp»r» t»>- I'unju Uifuik^ I p'llior ^two |»i*TM>U0 to try tlioir strength.) Palmar. If. ti*, the hIms (flic side: a Pun^ur./ sido or quarter. Panjan. ». /. a rib. Panjnyat, the tive chaptow f^f tlio Quniii, winch are niul ihiring ' mourning of a MuMilman. Pai^iiri; s. / a oaiidlc. PAN [ 236 ] PA? Panj roza, tlie space of five days. Panjsal, s. m. five years. Panjsala, adj. of five years. Panjshaklia, s. m. a sort or torch re- sembling the five fingers. Panjshamba, s. m. Thursday. Pauk, 1 s. m. a bog, mire, mud, Panka, j slough, quagmire. Pankh.s.m.a feather, a wiug ; quick- lime. Pankha, s. m. a feather ; a fan. Pankhf, s. f. a small fan ; a bird. Pankhrg ^•*^* ^ P^*^^' ^ ^ower-leaf. Panna, s.m. a beverage ; embroidery ; the upper part of a shoe ; an eme- rald ; a leaf. Panni, s, /. tinfoil. Panon, s. m. foot, leg, feet. Panonpanop, U<;-.o^foot. Panon piyada, j -^ Panp, sin, fault, crime. Panre, s. m. a title of Brahmans, a schoolmaster. Pansa, s. m. a die. Pan sai, five hundred. Pansal, j s. m. a stand where v^ater Pansala, i is provided for passen- Pansalla,) gers. Pansar hatta, s. m. a quarter where are many druggists' shops. Pansari, s. m. a druggist ; a grocer. Pan sau, five hundi-ed. Panseri, s. f. a weight or measure of five sers. Pansoi, s. f. a small boat so called. Pansu, s. /. a rib, the rib bones. Pant, s. /. a row, a line ; a rank of soldiers. Pant, s. m. a sect, a religious order. Pantar, s. m. a desert field. Panth, s. m. see Pant, a road. Panthi, s. m. a sectary, a follower. Panti, s. f. see Pant. Panti pantf, in rows. Panw, s. m. leg, foot. Panwari, s. /. a betel garden. Panwariya,i s. m. a bard, a story- Pan wariy a, / teller. Panw bhar jana, numbness of the feet, sleeping of the feet. Panw dalna, to prepare for and com- mence an undertaking. Panw sona, to sleep (the foot.) Panw digna, to slip. Panw jamana, to stand firmly. Panw ka angiltha, the great toe. Panw ki ungli, a toe. Pa^w lagna, to make obeisance by embracing the feet. Panw paidal, adj. a foot, on foot. Panw pakarna, to beseech submis- sively ; to prevent one from going. Panw panw, adj. a foot, on foot. Panw parna, to entreat submissively. Panw par panw rakhna, to sit at ease, to sit cross-legged. Panw phuk philk rakhna, to do any- thing carefully. Panw piijna, to honour another, to avoid another. Panwroti, s. /. a loaf of bread. Panw se panw bhirana, to be near. Piinw tale malna, to give any one pain, to annoy, Panw torna, to be tired. Panw utarna, to be dislocated Cthe foot.) Panw uthana, to go quickly. Panyati, s. /. the foot of a bed. Pao, s. m. a quarter, a fourth part. Paon, 8. m. leg, foot, feet. Pap, s. m. sin, fault, crime, guilt. Papaiya, s. m. a sort of child's whis- tle ; name of a tree and its fruit. Papar, s. m. a thin crisp cake made of any grain of the pea kind. Papar belna, to undergo great la- bour or pain. Papatma,acZ/.sinful,wicked ; a sinner. Papbhog, s. m. suffering the conse- quences or punishment of sin. Papi, adj. m. a sinner, a criminal. Papiha, s. m. a sparrow-hawk.^ PAK [ 237 ] PAR Papin, 1 adj. f. a sinner, a criminal, Papinrj wicked (woman.) Pupi.slita, very wicked. PapiVi, 8. m. name of a tree and its fruit. Papiydda, adv. on foot, walking. Papkarm, «. m. a sinful action. Pap karna, to commit sin. Piip katna, to atone for sin. Papni', 8. /. the eyelash. Paposh, 8. /. a slipper, a shoo. Papota, 8. m. tlie maw. Papra, 8. m. crust. Papfi', 8. /. scales formed by the dry- inj? up of moist earth ; thin cakes of bread. I'apriyakath, «. /. a kind of white- coloured kath. Par, adj. distant, remote, other, ano- ther, strange, foreign : adv. and conj. but, yet, however : prep, on, upon, at, notwithstanding : «. m. a feather, a quill, a wing ; a fm. Par, 8. m. the opposite; bank or shon; : adv. acroHH, over, on or to tho other side, through, beyond. IVipi, 8.7/1. a .small ItutValo calf. Pdrii, 8. VI. quicksilver, mercury; a sentinel, sentry. IMra, 8. m. (luicksilver, mercury. i*ara, 8. m. a company, a body (of troop.s; ; a rank, a lile. Punib, 8. m. a festivul, holiday, foast, a sacreector, an Parakhdar, / sayer. examiner, prover, a«^- Parakhdari, «. /. the bringing of things to the test, the making of experiments. Parakhnii, v. a. to inspect, to exa- mine, to prove, to try, to assay. Parakhwaiya, 8. m. see Pamkhaiya. Parakna, v. n. to be liabituated, to acquire a habit Panikram, 8. vi. great power, ability, force, strength, prowess, r>tn>Ti[r. Panikram 1, at^j. bold, | Panilabh, 8./. fate, predesti, Pamm, adj. first, supn^me, be>t, > cellent ; u.'^ed in compos. Pariimarsh, s. in. atlvict\ counsel. Pammesliwar, 8. in. the Aiuiig) the Chief or Supremo God. Paramhans, 8. w. an ascetic ; a very religious man. Parana, v. a. to lay down, to pnt i'^ sleep, to cause to re|)ose. Paraotl'»»» "•»»• •* Jurh. : Pur^H, 8. m. iwuuo of u tn^> : nul j made i>f tho bark of that tnn*. Panin. *. m, tho philotiopher'8 .stone ; j l*er»iiin. PMrasnii, r. a. to touch. ^pjir, niutUiUIy. rcoinrocnny. 1^ I>!»ttbwl. ) 8. w. flv* pbJlo«io- i'jii " ''uo I HI, V of i till ., mto gold. luij. a>-quirvd. PAR [ 238 ] PAR Parast, in compos, adorer, worshipper, devoted to. Parasti, in combos. worship, adoration. Parastish, s. f. worship, devotion, adoration. Parastishgah, s.f. a place of worship. Parastrigaman, s. m. adultery. Parastrigami, s. m. an adulterer. Parat, s. m. a fold, plait, ply, layer, crust, a stratum. Parat, s. /. a large plate. Paratha, s. m. bread made of butter or ghi, and like pie-crust. Parati, s. f. a small plate. Paraw, s. m. a halting place. Paraya, adj. strange, foreign, belong- ing to another. [the moon. Parba, s. m. the full and change of Par badahia, to change (clothes.) Parbas, adj. depending on the will of another, dependent. Parbasi, s /. tlie being subject to the will of another, dependence. Parbat, s. m. a mountain, a hill. Parbati, 1 s. w. a moimtaiiieer ; a Parbatiya, / production of the hills. Parbat pahar, a long distance. Parbhu, s. m. lord, master. Parbrahm, s. m. the Supreme God. Parcha, s. m. proof, trial, experiment ; a bit, scrap. Parcha, s. m. a piece of cloth, a frag- ment, a scrap ; cloth, clothing. Parchana, v. a. to introduce to a per- son. Parchar, s. m. publication, disclosure. Parchham, s.f. image, shadow, shade. Parchhai'a apne se bliagna, to be frightened at one's own shadow. Parchhati, s.f. the roof of mud walls. Parchhawan, s. /. image, shadow, shade. Parchuniya, s. m. a geneml merchant. Parda, \s.m. a curtain, a screen, Parda, / film ; secrecy, privacy, mo- desty, partition. Pardada, s. m. a great-grandfatlier by the Other's side. Pardadf, sf. a gi'eat-grandmother by j the mother's side. j Pardafash, betraying secrets. ' Parda karna, to conceal. Pardakht, s.f. patronising,supporting. Parda kisi ka kholna, to reveal the faults of another, Pardanishm, remaining behind the . curtain, modest. j Parda parda karna, to do a thing secretly or privately. Pardaposh, keeping a secret, a veil over faults. Pardaposhi, s. f. the throwing a veil | over a person's faults. »; Parda raklma, to give obscure hints, or to relate a matter in such terms as to be understood by part only of the hearers. Parde men surakh karna, spoken of women who secretly indulge in licentious practices. Pardes, s. m. a ]-emote or foreign country : adj. in another country, abroad. Pardesi, s. m. foreigner, stranger : adj. foreign. Pardhan,s.w.a president,leader, chief. Pardhan, s. m. another's wealth. Pare, adv. beyond, yonder, at a dis- tance. Pare rahna, to remain at a distance. Pare rahna, v. n. to be in a hopeless or desperate state. Pares h an, adj. perplexed, confused, troubled, afflicted, distracted, dis- tressed, ruined. Pareshandil, adj. troubled in mind. Pareshanhal, distressed in condition. Pareslianf, s. f. distress ; perplexity, distraction, trouble, destruction. • Pares! 1 an karna, to perplex, to con- found, to trouble, to distract. Pareshankhatir,a win ort'. Parkiis, adj. ap|)arent, conspicuous, cletir : «. m. light, dayli-ht. Parkhiii, n./. tlu« act ft the price piud for • trial, prtMif. Parkhuiyu, 8. m. oxnmiucr, prov» r fespi'cuilly of ooinH.) Parkhunii, r. (i. tu cauMo to iimpei t exuntiiio, try, m to nrovo. ral dudtruction (as r - ihcr world, a fulurti Htatu. Parmal, n. m. pAfchod grain of jck.-. or biijni. Parman, n. m. quantity; proof, at test^itiou, limit ; cMiiiH\ Pariuat, $. m. a dilVerxMit opinion. Parni, P. fi. to fall, to lie down, to ivposo, to oucuuip, to drop; to PAR [ 240 ] PAR happen, to befall, to be confined to bed by sickness. Parnala, s. m. la gutter, a di'ain, a Pamali, 8. f. j conduit. Parnam, s. m. salutation, bow, obei- sance. Parnana, s. m. a great-grandfather by the mother's side. Parnani, s. f. maternal great-grand- mother. Par nikiilna, v. a. to invent. Parojan, s. m. purpose, use, exigence, necessity. Parona, v. a. see Pirona. Paropakar, s. m. the helping of others. Paropakari, s./. aiding others. Pares, Pares, s.m. neighbourhood, vicinity. Parosaiya, s. m. a distributor of vic- tuals to guests, a waiter, aiosi, I ^^ ^ ^ male neighbour. Parosin, s. f. a female neighbour. Parosiya, s. m. a neighbour. Parosna, v. a. to serve up dinner, to distribute food to guests. Parpaneh, s. m. delusion, fraud, im- position, treachery, deceit. Parpanchf, adj. insidious, fraudu- lent, artful. Parparahat, s. f. acrimony, smart. Parparana, v. n. to smart. Parparana, v. n. to prattle, i^ chat- ter ; to throb (with pain.) Parpat maidan, a clean level field or plain. Parpota, s. m. great-grandson. Parpoti, s. /. great-granddaughter. Pars, s. m. Persia. Parsa, adj. abstemious, chaste. Parsad, s. m. viands, victuals, food j that has been offered to the deities. Parsai, s. f. chastity, abstinence, con- tinence. Parsal,)^ adv. last year, the year be- Parsal,/ fore last. Parsf, 8. m. a Persian, the Persian language. Parson,ad?;.the day before yesterday ; the day after to-morrow. Parsiiram, n. prop, the sixth incar- nation of Vishnu. Parsiit, s. m. the whites, flour albus. Partal, s. f. the baggage of a horse- ^ man carried all on one bullock or tattii. [belt. Partala, s. m. a sword belt, shoulder Partal ka tattu, a pack-horse. Partr, s /. waste or uncultivated land. Partrt, s. f. faith, confidence, trust. Partit karna, to believe, to trust. Par tutna, see Par jalna.' Parvat, s. m. a mountain, a hill. Parvati, s. /. Durga, the wife of Siva. Parwa, 1 s. f. care, conceni, anxiety, Parwah,/ inclination. Parwai, adj. necessitated, having oc- casion for, wanting. Parwana, s. m. an order, a pass, a command, a warrant ; a moth. ' Parwanagr,s./. command, order, per- mission. Parwanajat, s. m. orders, licences, Parwana kisi^ ka hona, to be despe- rately in love with any one. Parwan charlma, to grow up. Par war, adv. on both sides of a river ; quite through, through and through. Par war, s. m. name of a kind of goiH'd; in compos, a patron, pro- tector, nourisher, cherisher. Parwarda, brought up, nourished. Parwardigcir, s. m. an epithet of the Deity. Parwari, s. f. in compos, fostering, I nourishing, cherishing. Parwavish, s. f. fostering, nourish- I ment, maintenance, support, suste- I nance, rearing, protection.. Parwarish karna,to foster,to nourish, to maintain, to bring up, rear, support, &c. PAS [ 241 ] PAT .Parwarish pana, to obtain a liveli- liood. ^ Parwanti, 8. /. see Parwarish. I Parwati', «./. Durga, the wife of Siva. Pas, podpos. at the side, near, bes»ide, about, at, in the possession of. Pas, adv. after, behind, tlien, there- fore, consequently, iinally. l^iisa, 8. m. a die, a throw of dice. l*usana, v. a. to skim, to ix)ur off supei-fluous water. Pasand, «. / choice, approbation : adj. approved, gmteful, approv- ing, choosing, pleasing. . I'asjind ana,to be approved or chosen, to i)l(;a£0. Pasandjiz, 8. m. savings. [liked. Pasand ida, adj. chosen, approved of, Pasand iionii, tt) be plejised. Pasand karnti, to approve, to choose, to accede to, to like. IMsang, I 8. m. something placed in PahangaJ one scale to balance the other, a make- weight. Pasarf, «. m. one who sells 8j)icc8 ; a druggist, [out, expanded. Pasarnii, v. n. to bo spread, stretched Pasiirna, v. a. to spread, distend, stretcli out, oimju, exi>juiahhe(l. Pashemun lioiui. to 1m) UHhutnod. IWIiemiini', H. /. regnt, shunio. IVslnu, f<. /. w(H)l, iiuir, fur; tUo hair nlia. Pasli phafakni, a tliriliing over t Pasmanda, s. m. si4vings. [hi- l*a.s o pesh, 8. m. eviwiion, prevarica- tion, hesitation. Pawjadd, low of stature, a dwarf. Past, adj. low, abjirt, mean, U'h)\\ Pastiimi, r. w. to r^ ■ " Pasta wii, *». m. st > Past hinnnat, al :if. I'ftt* *• "» "f fnllinjf or beating; .. ,. .. ihc vulve of »» folding door: cu^'. u|Nudo ik>\> ovorturnc<). Put, •. m. a in tho U| ; Piit, *. III. . whieli \N bruudth • \S\\x\^ 8. tli. :»i^u, UuilU. y\ uddrcHS or place to whi* : diroctctl. Pa(4i, K. til. n foil, a wtmUen aeimitar fur cudgelling with. Piitttbtt, «. iH, A very i»i)ort aock. PAT [ 242 ] PAT •Pataila, 8. m. a flat-bottomed boat. Patak, s. m. sin, crime, vice. Pataka, 1 s. m. a cracker, a squib : Patakha, / s. /. a flag, a banner. Pataki, adj. sinner, criminal, wicked. Patakna, v. a. to dash against any- thing, to throw on the ground with violence. Patal, s. m. in Hindu mythology the infernal regions, hell. [garment. Patambar, s. m. silk, cloth, a silk Patau, ) s. m. roofing, flooring, &c. Patau, / (with planks or boards.) Patana, v. a. to irrigate, to water ; to place the beams on the roof of a house ; to pay money ; to besmear with a wash of clay. Pata na lagna, not to be found. Patang, s. m. a moth ; a child's kite. Patanga, s. m. a moth ; a spark. Patang urana, to fly a paper kite. Pataniya, adj. made at Patna : s. m. an inhabitant of Patna. Patao, s. m. irrigating. Patapat, s. m. the sound of beating or of the falling of drops of rain. Patar, adj. weak, lean. Patariya, s. f. a prostitute. Patariyabaz, a whoremonger. Patebaz, a fencer, a cudgeller. Patela, s. m.l a kind of flat-bottomed Pateli, s. /. j boat. Path, s. m. a reading, lecture, lesson. Path, s. m. road, path, highway. Patha, s. m. a young animal full grown (generally a goat or ele- phant) ; a youth or young wrestler. Pathan, n. prop, an Afghan. Pathana, v. a. to send, to despatch. Pathar, s. m. a stone. Pathauna, v. a. to send, to despatch. Pathi, s. f. a young she-goat. Pathinga, s. m. shelter, refuge, Pathiya, s. /. a young full-grown animal (applied to kids, &c.) Pathna, v. a. to make up cow-dung into cakes for fuel. Pathrana, v. n. to be petrified. Pathri, s. f. the flint of a musket; a gizzard ; gravel ; stone in the bladder. Pathrila, adj. stony (as soil.) Pathsala, s. f. a school, a college. Pati, s. m. a lord, master, husband ; a leaf. Pati, s. /. the side pieces of a bed- stead ; a kind of mat ; a board on which children learn to write. Pati, s. f. a letter, a note ; a leaf. Patibrata, adj. f. chaste (woman.) Patidin, adv.daily, always, constantly. Patil, adj. thin, fine : s. m. a wick. Patila, s. m. a pan, a pot. Patilsoz, s. f. the stand or support of a lamp. Patit, adj. abject, fallen, guilty. Patit pawan, purifying the guilty (an epithet of the Deity.) Patiyana, v. a. to confide in, to trust, to believe, to depend on, Patiyara, s. m. trust, confidence belief, dependence. Patjhar, adj. without leaves ; the fall of the leaves ; autumn. Patjhar hona, to lose its leaves in autumn (a tree) ; {7net.) to decay (a person from old age.) Patjhari, s. f. autumn. Patka, s. m. a girdle, a sash. Patka jana, v. n. to be dashed or thrown on the ground. Patkan, s. f. a knock, a fall. Patkana, v. a, to dash against any- thing, to throw on the ground witfc violence. Patkani dena, v. a. to dash on tlu ground, to throw against anythui j with violence. Patkan khana, to fall down. Patkarna, v. a. see Patkana. Patki! dena, v. a. to dash on the ground with violence. Patla, adj. fine, thin (cloth or liquids) lean, delicate, weak. Patlai, s.f. tliinness, fineness, meagre ness, weakness. TAT [ 243 ] PAY Patna, v, n. to bo paid ; to be watered ; ] to be covered, to be roofed : s. m. ' Ti.iiiie of a city. i I'lMia, V. a. to roof; to cover, to fill, ! lo till up ; to irrigate, to water. I Patni', «. /. a wife. I Patob, «. /. son's wife. I Patotan, 8. m. roofinp:, &o. ; floorinnj i with planks or l)o;irds, kc. ("plain. | ]*atpar maidiin, a clean level field or Patpat, the sound of beating. Piitr, \8.m. a vessel in general, a l*atra, / plate ; a leaf. Patra, g. m. an almanac, i'atra, «. m. a plank, a plank to sit \ on ; a bench, a stool ; a board on which dough is knejwled, &c. : adj. trampled under foot or de- ♦ stroycd by locusts, hail, &c. (as a field of corn.) Patia kar dcmi, v. n. to deprive one of liiK power or strength ; to shako or pelt the fmit off a tree. Ptttn', H. f. a plank to write on, a narrow slip or plank of wootl. Pnlri', «./. sec i*attal. Tilt sill, 8. m. a hc1kk)1, schoolhouso. PalUi, 8. m. a l«d'; a trinkitt Pullu, 8. m. a look of hair; a dog's collar; a blind halter; a dccnl, ])articularly a tith; lU.ed to land or :i (l<»ed of lease. i(hir, 8. m. a lea.seholder. 1 1. H. m. the infernal regions, or •I a pinci? nnder the earth. il|rat{nl, M. /. a plate or trencher formed I "i Unives. ir, H. m. a h^f; plate or damp moUi\ : a decMl, diMMUneiit. iriitta salujni', h. /. a present given !•» obtain a lease. II*"" !i. \ 8. m. a young HiU pn^wn ii:l. j aninud ; a yuutli, a stler. liar, *». m. a stone, harelmr. h. in. name of a plant til I tar honii, to be heavy; to stand Still ; to be unmerciful. Pattliarkala, s. m. cock (of a gun.) Patthar pasgnii, to be softened or melted (a stony heart.) [gizzar*! Patthn', s. f. the flint of a musket ; Patthrila, adj. stony. Patti, «. /. felly of a wheel; assess- ment ; a board to write on ; tli» side pieces of the frame of a bed- stead ; a bandage, a fillet ; a jilas- ter ; a row (of houses) ; deception, deceit Patti', 8. f. a leaf; hemp, of which an intoxicating potion is made. Pattiyji, s. m. a small leaf. Patt"» «• "*• ^ kind of woollen cloth . a cloth to cover with from rain, &c. Patiiii, 8. m. a man who strings pearls ; a kind of hemp for making ro{X's; the sorrel plant and flower. Patiika, «. m. a clotli worn round tl"^ waist, a girdle. l\ituriva, 8. /. a prostitute. Patwiil, 8. f. a rudder, a helm. Pa^wana, r. a. to rcx)f, to floor ; water. Pat war, «• / ft rudder, a helm. I'atwiin', 8. m. one who kce(>8 aivoir of lands, a land steward. Patyjina, r. a. see Patiyiint&. Pautlha, 8. m, a young treo or plai for transplantation. l*aulad, 41. rn. M*e l^oltiil. l*aun, OilJ. thrtHM|uart«'rs a quart' lesH than any giv<»n nmnlNT. Pauuehiut, r. n. ?« T ' Paunijla, 8. m. a K Pauue, adj. ..n. ., of one, «M which niM> Pan pha^tui, t>) ilawii. Pauwii, 8. m. a ipiarler, A weij;ht nu^uiuro o( a o1. Pcfhiyji, «./. a market, a Ixizjmr. Pcti, ». f. a Ix'lly-band, a girth- •• box, a tumbril. I'ti jiihni, to Ih3 very hungry. Vv\ jari homi, to bo lluxixl, tn 1 . purg«'d. IV^ ka (hikh denii, to Btnrvc. \\\, kiitnji, to pinch onoB bell stArvc on»' 8 self. IN'tka p;irda, ». m. tlie omentum. \\\ ki tig, tt, f. nrnternnl atli>ctioii ; hnni^i'r. Pt'i ki Imteo, "•/. l>oHom stij'n't*«. P( i lag jjinii, to be starving with hungiM'. Pet lag mlinrt, to bo very hungfty. Pei mtirni, to show partiality. Pet meo lena, to bear or put up with, to endure. Pet meo paithnd, to wonn one*! self into the secrets of another, to become intimate. Pet palna, to get a livelihood. Pei phiilna, to burst with laughter. Pei pi^h ek bona, to be greatly ema- ciated. Petponchhan, the last child of a woman. ^'tP"«'!t I adj. glutton. Petposua, j ^ ^ Pet rahm^ to be pregnant Pet raklidnd, to get with child. Pet se, adj. pregnant. Pet se homi, to be pregnant. Petii, adj. gluttonous, epicurean. Petwalj, adj. pregnant. Pewakkar, ". m. a tippler, a drink Pewp', M. /. see Peofi. Phabakna, r. n, tO slioot forth (at a plant) ; to grow, sprout. Phabnti, v. n. to beconio. to befit. Phabtii, adj. |)ertinent, fitting. Phabtf, 8./ conjtrturing wliat a pcx- son is by his ilress. Phabti kjlhmi. r. a. to wiy wluit it oonj«'<'tur«xi by oue'n ilre.tH. Phadphadumi. v. n. to itprttid (n« a sore) : to ferment (itiimtur ntilk./^) Phiig. H. m. the puuU>lN of the UollT. r'-vrnn, n. m. >«<*• Phtigun. liii, t. m. the mui«* ns IIol^. ini, tt. m. th<* nnuio of thf^ :• ventli Hindu' month. r. ihu. *. III. a fi«H«k of cotton ' ' f JNitttai wetted with fti water. I r. %^itleu, to stretch out, tit oxtetwl, to dintiMid, t4> publiuli, to pruolaiuu to branch out. Phuiliio, «. til. expnn^ Plmiln^r. n. to W Hpt to he ex|n»nd«*d, lo bo d. btct>nie public. Pludnau^ r. n. t " PHAN [ 246 ] PHAO Phainta, s. /. a small turban. Phak, s. m. a chasm, an aperture. Phakkar, s. m. wrangling, mutual abuse; raillery. Phakkarbaz, an abuser, an indecent chatterer. Phakri, s. f. the act of treating with rudeness. [betel-nut. Phal, s.f. a plough-share ; a lump of Phal, s. m. fruit, effect, advantage ; reward ; children, progeny ; the punishment of a crime ; the blade of a knife or other instrument ; a plough-share. Phalana, v. n. to cause to produce, to fructify. Phalang, s. f. a stride, leap, bound. Phaldar. adj. fruitful, bearing fruit. Phaldayak, adj, giving fruit, fruitful. Phali, s. f. a cod, a pod of any legu- minous plant, but particularly of peas ; a loop ; the head of a spear or arrow ; a plough-share. Phalikash, s. m. a hook for drawing the strings through the holes by which the walls of a tent are laced to the top. Phaliyana, v. n. to bear fruit. Phalna, v. n. to bear fruit ; to pro- duce ; to be fortunate. Phal pana, to reap the reward of (good or bad actions.) Phal phalari, fi-uits of various kinds. Phalsa, s. m. name of a fruit. Phaltar, s. m. the fruit bearing tar. Phal want, adj. fruitful, advantageous. Phamphar, s. m. a hole, an orifice. Phan, s. m. the hood of a snake, his expanded neck. [Phanda. Phand, s. m. circumference. See also Phanda, ^ s. m. a noose, a net ; per- I^handa, / plexity, difficulty. Phanda, s. m. the i:»lace in the string of a pellet-bow on which the pel- let is placed to fire it ofi'. Phandana, v. a. to cause to jump or leap over. [trap. Phajidlana, v. a, to ensnare, to en- J Phandna, v. a. to bound, to spring, to jump or leap over ; to ensnare. ■ Phanga, s. m. } , Phan|i,s./. I a grasshopper. Phani, s. m. a wedge. Phank, s. f. a slice, a piece of fruit • a part, a division. Phanka, s. m. a handful of anything eaten by being chucked into the mouth. Phanka mama, to eat by chucking into the mouth, to chuck food into the mouth. Phanki, s. f. a slice or piece of fruit. Phankna, v. a. to chuck into the mouth from the palm of the hand. Phanphanana, v. n. to hiss (as a snake.) Phans, s. m. a noose, a slip-knot. Phansana, v. a. to cause to be en- snared, caught or involved in, &c., to entrap. Phansao, "1 s. m. entanglement, stick- Pliansaw, / ing. Phansf, s. /. a noose, a loop ; stran- gulation. Phansi dena, v. a. to hang, to strangle. Phansigar, s. m. see Phansiyara. Phansi lagana, v. a. to kill one's self by hanging. Phansi parna, v. n. to be hanged. Phansiyara, s. m. a foot-pad who strangles passengers or travellers. Phansna, v. a. to noose, to ensnare, to entrap. Pliansna, v. n. to be entangled, to stick, to be involved (in calamity, &c.), to be ensnared, noosed, or entrapped, to be caught. Phanswana, v. a. to cause to noose, strangle, &c. Phan uthana, v. a. to spread the hood (a snake.) Pliao, s. 9|i. a small quantity given above the quantity purchased, to boot. Phaora, s. m. a mattock, a hoe. Phaorf, 8. f, an instrument like a PHAR [ 247 ] PHEK sinall rako or hoc for removing tilth, &c, ]'Kai)hola, 8. m. a blister. 1 'li;ipliole phiitna, to break (a blister.) JMiaplisa, wlj. insipid; swelled. i'liai>hundi', ) «. /. mouldiness ; Piiaphundj', / mould (on fruit, bread, &c., from dampness.) Phapola, 8. m. a blister. Phar, «./. a gaming-table, a particu- lar game ; the pole of a carriage. Phtira, j>ar<. pa88. torn, broken, split, rent. Phandirii, «. m. a vane, a pennant. Pharahn', adj. half-dried (as the ground after rain.) \ Pharakna, v. n. U) vibrate with con- [ vulsive involuntary' motion, as the ' eyelids and other muscles. Pharami, v. a. to cause to be torn, HI)lit, or cleavetl. [at dice. Pharljaz, s. m. a gamester, a player I'harbazi, «. /. gambling, playing at dice. Pharchii, «. m. clearing away or dis- p(!r«i<)n (of cloudw, Ac); fair weatlier; decision, definitive bcu- tence (of a judge.) Pharehiina, v. (i. to settle, to decide. riiurciilui, adj. fair (not clouily.) iMiarelihii honti, v. n. to clear up, lo iM'come fair (the wiather. ) IMiarchhii karnii, r. a. to biI .. I...S.. a. .!;..,,,. IMia^a, K. m. a cnu*k, a rt-uU IMnitak, s. to. a gate, a hirge di stocks, arrvst. Phatakha, *. to. a cracker (llrvwork.) Phat^dcmi, v. n. to winnow, tu ilutft, to shake or knot^k off any light thing : r. n. to l)o ik*|mnitixl. Phato nieo piiow deiui, to int*rf. in anything. Phatkari, «. /. alum. Phainti, r. ti. U* bi« torn, uplit, root. brr)kin), cmcktMi, torn u>undtr, to buntt. [pientil'uily. Piuit l>anM^. (*• **• to Im> pn<«UMt«l PhMt!'»--'- •" -' '■^- ■■' fht|l t).'' tu of a |M ii*'U \\ Phatuir, «. ff*. a PluiUnU H. TO. n III lii"^ 1^. It ti<>^ . Pluiw, $. m. M.V Phtti). Piitiyu, «. m. a tl«>ok of cottiui. Piieu. «. III. f««tm. fnith. I'hrnaiut. r. u. to fivtni. to fr>ilh. Plienk dena, to r' Phonkiui, r. (I. t .to dart, to let 11} mo at full »\M^^\ . to f^idU'p. Phiuik phaiik kariui. t«t ilm>v mwmj, Pbooppi, «. TO. the hiug«. PHIN [ 248 ] PHOR Phenta, s. f. a small turban; a waistband. Phenti', 8. /. a skein (of thread, &c.) Phontna, v.a. to mix, to beat (as eggs, &c.;, to triturate. Phenus, 8. m. biestings, the milk of a cow, &c., for some days after calving. Phephra, s. m. the liglits or lungs. Plier, s. m. turning, meander, twist- ing, circumference ; difficulty, dis- tance ; equivocation, ambiguity : adv. again, back. [nation. Phera pherf, s. /. alternating, alter- Pher dena, to return, restore, refund. Phen', s. f. hawking, going about (with commodities for sale.) Pheriwala, s. m. a pedlar. Pher kliana, to wind (as a river), to meander ; to go round about ; to meet with perplexities. Pherna, v. a. to turn, to turn back, to return, to invert, to reverse, to turn away ; to walk backwards and forwards ; to carry or bring back ; to plaster ; to stroke. Pher parna, to differ. Pherphar, adj. alternate. Pherpliar karna, to alternate. Pheta, s. m. a small tm-ban ; a waistband. Phetna, v. a. to beat up and mix, to froth, to mix by trituration. Phik, s.f. the point of a whip, 8l!c. Phika, adj. weak, vapid, tasteless, insipid, pale, sallow, light (in colour), saltless, weak (as tobacco, &c.) Phikait, s. m. a thrower (of a spear, &c.) Phikana, v. a. to cause to throw. Phikka, adj. see Phika. Philli, s. /. the leg. Phmch dalna,\i;. a. to wash cloth, to Phinchna, j rinse, to squeeze. Phinkna, v. n. to be thrown. Phinkwana, v. n. to cause to fling or throw. Phir, adv. again, then. Phirana, v. a. to cause to turn, to whirl, to wheel, to make to go about, to roll, to return, to wander. Phirat, s. m. rejected things ; money paid by a lewd woman to her pa- ramour. Phir jana, v. n. to return, to revolt ; to be distorted ; to go from one's word. Phirki, s. /. whirligig, anything turned as on an axis. Phirna, v. n. to turn, to return, to walk about, to go round, to whirl, to wheel, to wander, to travel, to ramble, to change, to revolt. Phirtabhara, s. m. return hire. Pliirta rahna, v. n. to wander, to pe- rambulate, to walk about. Phirti, 8. f. returning, return, home- ward-bound. Phirti ka bhara, the hire of a return boat, carriage, &c. [turned. Phirwana, v. a. to cause to be re- Phisalna, v. n. to slip, to slide; to err : adj. slippery. Phislaha, adj. slippery. Phislaiia, v. a. to cause to slip, slide, or err. Phisphisana, v. n. to be terrified. Phit, s.m.curse,malediction : adv. fie ! Phitana, v. a. to beat up and mix, to froth. Phitkar, s./. curse, malediction. Phitkarna, v. a. to curse. Phitkiri, 8. /. alum. Phok, adj. hollow. Phokna, s. m. the bladder. Piiola, s. m. a blistei', a gall. Phonk, adj. liollow, not solid (par- ticularly jewels.) Phonpar, adj. hollow. Phonphi, s. f. a pipe, a tube ; any- thing. perforated or hollow. Phonpra, adj. hollow. Phora, 8. m. a boil, a sore, an ulcer. Phorna, v. a. to break, to burst, to disclose, to divulge (a secret.) PHUL [ 249 ] PHUP Phiia, «. /. paternal aunt. Phudakna, v. n. to jump, to leap, to hop, to dance about in token of de- light. Phudki, 8. f. the name of a bird. Phiiha, 8. m. an artificial teat or pap, forrped of cotton or other sub- stance, by which milk is given to a young animal, when unable to suck its mother. Phuliar, adj. stupid, foolish ; a bad housewife, a slattern. Phiiharpan, ) s. m. stupidity, folly, Phuharpana,/ silliness. Phuhi, 8./. small rain. Phuknii, 8. m. the bladder : v. n. to be blown, to be blown up fa fire.) Phiikna, v. a. to blow, to inflate. Phukni, «. /. a blow-pipe. Phul,| 8. m. a fi()\V(;r, a blossom; a Phul,/ bunch of ribands, or a cock- • ade; a swelling; a kind of boll metal ; menses ; a ceremony pt^r- formcd in honour of a exult, rhnliio, 8. m. swelling. IMmlaurr, k. /. brisad (»r cake mfule of frnit. antl jJuKse, and fried in ghi or oil. Pliiil haithnii, r. n. to bo glad. ^ Phulcl, 8. m. oil inipregnutod with the e8.sonce of fiowurs by Hteiping them in it ; sweet-w^nhul oil. Phiili, 8./. a disonler in the fye, ilio albngo. riuil jiimi, V. n. to swell; to bo do- lighted« to be pleusod ; to l)Ocoine fat. Phiiijhari',"! 8. /. a kind of firework Phnljliiiri,! like a fonntain. Pluil jhafnA, wiu to speak eloiiuontly. Phulka, ac(/. inflated.puffed up . $. m. a kind of cake or small loaf; a blister. Phulkari, 8. m. flowered cloth. Phulki', 8. /. a cake of raised bread, fritters. Phiilkobi', 8. /. a cauliflower. PhuUa, 8. w. I a disease of the • _ Phulir, 8./. / catanict. Phulna,"! v. n. to blossom, to blow, Phiilna,/ to flower; to be pleased, to flourish ; to swell, to be puffed up (with pride, &c.) Phiil uthna, v. n. to bo perfonned (a ceremony in honour of the dead.) Phunang, s.f. the topraodt branch of a tree ; summit. Phundnd, 8. m. a tassel. Pliungf, 8./. a sprout, bud, the p of an ear of corn, &c. Phuohilr, 8./. small tlrops of mir Phuolnini, B.m. a fountun, a j<'t tl Phiiohi', 8./. small dri/^li»>g min Phuniyii, 8. /. jHMiis piuriliH. Piiu'nk, 8. /*. act of blowing; a pnflT, a blast, blowing up (fire, Ac.) Phnnkiiri miimiL, 1 v. fi. to \\\m :i Phunktimd, ] aiako.) Phiinkdeii^toaetoDilre: toohann : Uf blow. Pliunknfi,p.oppy-setd. Pinak, 8. /. intoxication and d^o^^ ness from opium ; drowsiness. Pinas, 8. m. a disciise in the no- . cold, catarrh; a kind of boat *r barge, a ninnace, Pind, 8. in. IxKly, person ; l>alls Qiado of flour or rice and oflertHl to tbo manes at a religious cerumouy of the Hindus. Pindti, 8. m. balls luado of flour, <^'' 8ee I'int.l. Pindiini, 8. m. a pbindoror, or i lager among M Pind chhurunii. < l*in eontninetl i . % ball of tolmeix); u »T bill of Dtrtng. Pindli. »./. Uh' wlf of llie Kg. Pin(,l imrnu. to follow, to purvui'. : U« intent on. Pinliiinii, r. d. to clotiie, to put on (oloUu«), to adorn, to dn «>r gntw Kan. Pink I, 8./. H»H' Pjuuk. i'innu, 8. III. n enko of niUj«liinl-««»tim of tho oil, and giwn to cowh, dc f f(XNl. Piupiudna^ r. n. tu Iwiuig. to wliiz. PIS [ 252 ] PIT Pio, 8. m. husband, lover, sweetheart. Pipa, 8. m. a pipe, a barrel, a cask. Pipal, 8. m. a species of fig-tree: s. /. long pepper. Pipla, 8. m. the point of a sword, &c. Piplamiil, I 8. m. the root of the Piplamiir, / long pepper-tree. Pir, 8. m. a saint a spiritual guide ; an old man ; Monday : s. f. pain, pity, feeling, compassion. Pira, adj. yellow. Pira, 8.f. pain, sickness, anguish. Pirana, v. n. to have pain, to be pain- ful, to i)ain, to ache. Pirha, 8. m. a stool, a chair, a seat. Pirhi, 8. /. a stool, a chair; a gen- eration of progenitors. Piri, 8. /. the act of making pro- selytes ; old age, decrepitude. Pirich, 8. a saucer. Pirona, v. a. to thread (as a needle) ; to string (as pearls), to spit. p. ., X '[s./. the earth, the ground. Pirwana, v. a. to cause to press, to squeeze or pound. Pisab, s. m. the act of making urine ; urine. Pisach, 8. m. an evil spirit of a par- ticular class, a demon, a spectre. Pisachn/, s. f. a female pisach. Pisai, 8. /. price paid for grinding. Pisan, 8. m. meal, flour, bottledust. Pisana, v. a. to reduce to meal, to grind. Pisar, 8. m. a boy, a son, a cliild. Pishab, 8. m. urine. Pishach, s. m. see Pisach. Pishwaz, 8./. a gown or female dress. Pislana, v. a. to cause to grind. Pisna, V. a. to grind, to triturate ; to bruise to powder; to gnash (the teeth.) Pisna, V. ii. to be reduced to meal, to be ground, to be bruised or broken to powder; to be ruined or dis- tressed. Pissii, 8. m. a flea. Pistil, 8. m. a pistachio-nut. Pista'i rang, s. m. pea-green. Pistaul, ) . , , Pistol, I '' ^- ^ P^^^^l- Pit, 8. /. love, affection, kindness. Pita, 8. m. a father. Pital, 8. m. brass. Pitam, 8. m. a lover, a sweetheart ; a husband. Pitambar, \ 8. m. a silk cloth of Pitambar, j yellow colour. Pitambar, a silk cloth. Pitana, v. a. to cause to beat, thrash, pound, &c. Pitara, s. m. a large basket, a port- manteau ; a kind of balloon. Pitari, 8. /. a small basket, a port- manteau. Piturpakh, 8. m. the first or dark fortnight of the lunar asin month. Pitarii, s. a glutton, a gormandizer. Pith, 8. /. the back. Pitha, 8. m. a kind of food made of rice and flour. Pithana, ^ , j a i a. i Pithauna, | ^•^- *^ ^^^^' *^ ^^espatcli. Pith den a, to run away, to flee ; to turn, to shrink fi-om. Pithiya, s. /. a market. Pithiya thoiik, adv. closely. Pith lagna, to have a sore on the W'k (a horse.) Pith par hath pherna, to pat on the back, to encourage. Prth pherna, to turn one's back, to depart, to flee, to withdraw. Pith thonkna, to animate, to encour- age, to pat on the back. Pitiya, s. m. a paternal uncle, a father's brother. Pitiya wat bhai', a first cousin (male). , Pitla, adj. brazen, made of brass. \ Pitlana, v. n. to be contaminated with verdigris (as food kept in coj)per vessels.) Pitna, V. a. to beat, thrash, da^li, strike, knock, pound. Pitna, V. n. to be beaten. POH L 253 ] POT PiU, s. m. bile, gall. Pittd, 8. m. bile, the gall-bladder; iinger ; emotion of the mind. IMtta marna, to subside (auger.) Pitta uikalna, to chastise. I'iltjwar, s. m. a bilious fever, l^itwana, v. a. to cause to be beaten or thrashed. Pi'u, j 8. m. husband, lover, sweet- Pi \v, / heart : adv. dear. Piwakkay, s. m. a tippler, a toper. IMya, \adj. beloved, dear : 8. m. hus- Piya, / band, a lover, a sweetheart. I'iyiitla, 8.m. a footman, a messenger. Piyadagfri, 8. /. the business of a lof)tman. Pivadai)a, adv. on foot. Piyaj, s.f. jjrop. Piyiiz, an onion. I'iyula, 8. 111. a glass, a cup ; priming pan ' of a muiikft.) Piyiilf, 8.f. a small glass or cup. Piytina, v. a. to give to or cause to driidc water ; to water, to irrigate. I'iyiir, 8. m. f. love, affection, loud- , ness. Piyiira, adj. beloved, a sweetheart Piyara janmi, to esteem. Piyiin', adj. beloved ; 8. /. a sweet- heart. Piyar karnii, to fondle, to caress. Piyas, «./. thirst, riyiisii, adj. thirsty. Piyiis ])njhanii, to 4n(iieli thirst. Piyiis laguii, to be thirsty. I'iyiiwanu, i'. a. see Piyiinii. Piyiiz, 8. f. an onion. I'iyazi rang, 8. in. u nnUllsh col J'oii, 8. in. tt very young soriH:. nin'siing of any uuimul. |::;;|[;},./.«tmw. Pi'chhna, v. a. to wipe, to clean. Poddar, 8. in. a ci\sh-KeeiHT ; u jJcrsKm whoso business is to reckon aud (>xamine money. Pod Ilia, 8. m. mint. Pt)t'. 8./. a kintl of vegetable. Pohdii, ji. m. SCO Paudhu. Pohna, V. a. to make bread. Poi's, interj. ho ! holla ! have a care. Pokhar, | «. m, a pond, a lake, a Pokliara, j tank. Polii, a/Jj. soft, hollow. Polad, 8.m. the finest l>.ini».^eu.s .steel. Pona, V. a. to make bread, to string (pearls.) Ponchhaii, s. m. wipings. Ponoldma, ) v. a. to wipe, to clbon, Poiichnti, / to expunge. Ponkii, 8. in. ihv. ship- worm. I'ontti, 8. m. snot. [out, toothlees. Poplii, adj. one whoso teeth are fallen Por, 8. /. the space or interval be- tween two joints ur articulations (of the IxmIv, or of a bamboo, sugar-Ciine, &c.) Pori, 8. /. a joint of liomboo, su.ij cane, &c. Por iK)r, adv. every joint Posh, in cl .to coneeiil. Mtt,i V. o. to brtixi to ntir. to :>.i, / nourlsl), to briu}; U|>, to tamo. Post, «. m. crust kIioD. skin, bark, hide, rind; |Mtppy«heiulur capon !•« I. 8. III. |K>ppvho.ul. • , !». Tff.onr w)it> ttttnxirr^t'H* \'. l'«»t. .< m r..t, .-./. a . Potn, 8. m. till- Potai, 8. Ml. gmn semtum, ibo laml.) Pot«» *. »n, Iho eyelid ; the ciop or craw (^of birds;; * PEA t 254 ] PEE Poth, s. m. a small glass bead. Potha, s. m. a large book. Pothi, s. /. a book ; a clove of garlic. Poti, s. f. granddaughter, son's daughter. Potla, s. m. a large bundle. Potli, s. f. a bundle, packet. Potna, V . a. to besmear, to plaster : s. m. the cloth with which walls or floors, &c., are besmeared with a wash of cow-dung and clay. p^/^' \ s. m. baby cloths, clouts. Poya, s. m. a kind of vegetable. Pra, pre'p. in compos, forth, forward, off, abroad, away. Prabes, s. m. admittance, access. Prabhii, s. m. lord, master, principal. Prabhuta, 1 s. /. government, supe- Prabhutai,/ riority, influence. Prag, s. m. the ancient name of Ila- habad. Pragat, adj. obvious, notorious, ap- parent, manifest, public. Pragat bona, to become public or manifest, Pragat karna, to publish, to show, to disclose, to reveal, t6 manifest. Praja, s. m. a subject, a tenant, a renter. Prakar, s. m. manner, method, kind, sort. ; Prakas, adj. apparent, conspicuous, l clear : s.m. light, daylight. Pralabdh, s. f. fate, lot, destiny, pre- destination. Praman, s . m. quantity; proof, verifi- cation, example. Pran, s. m. breath ; soul, life ; sweet- heart. Pran, s. m. promise, vow, resolution. Pranam, s. m. salutation, bow, obei- sance. Pranf, adj. having life, an animated being, a human being. Prapta, s. m. \ Prapti, s./. /^ Prasad, s. m. see Parsad. Prasadi, adj. offered to deities, &c. Prasann, adj. rejoiced, pleased. Prasann bona, to acquiesce ; to like. Prasann karna, to be pleased with, to like. Prasauti, s. /. a puerperal woman. Praschit, s. m. atonement, expiation. Prasbn, s. m. question. Prasiddh, adj. notorious, famous. Prasut, s. m. the whites, fluor albus. Prasutf, s. /. see Prasauti". Prat, s. m. morning, dawn of day. Pratap, s. m. auspices; splendour, glory. ?mli^^an]^^-l^^i^-^'P^^^^^- Pratham, adj. first, before. Prathmi, s. /. the earth, ground. Prati, jprep. again, against, back again, for, in exchange, instead, each, every. Pratidin, each day, every day, day by day, daily. Pratima, s. /. likeness, image. Pratipal, s. m. patronising, rearing, breeding, cherishing. Pratipalak, s. m. cherisher, patron. Pratipalan, s. m. see Pratipal. Pratipalna, v. a. to preserve, to keep, to cherish, to rear. Pratishtha, s. /. celebrity, renown ; consecration of a heathen temple or god. Pratkal, "1 s. m. morning, dawn of Pratsamai, j day Pratyachh, adj. perceptible, obvious, evident, apparent, public : adv. in the presence of, before, evidently, openly. Prayashchit, s. m. see Praschit. Prayag, s. m. see Prag. Pre«- ^ p^J||8.m.ana.l. Prem, s. m. love, affection, friend- ship, kindness. Premi, adj. affectionate ; a lover. Preran, s. m the act of sending. Prerit, sent, despatched. PUK [ 255 ] TVS Pict, 8. m. a spirit of the dead, ghost, « vil spirit, tiend. 1 '!( till', 8. /. a female ghost, ghostess. I'l it, 8. f. love, friendship, affection, l^ntiim, 8. m. a favourite lover, a sweetheart. Prithi, 8. f. the earth, ground. I'ritliiniith, «. m. lord of the earth ; sf)vereigii, a king. « l^rithwi', 8. f. the earth, ground. Priti, 8. f. see Prit. Priyii, adj. beloved, dear : «. m. a lover. Piia, 8. m. a kind of pancake. Puarii, 8. m. cxphination of a story. ' Pufliiini, 8.171. whitcwusi), a thin cojit of clay for laying on a wall or lloor ; the sjKjnge of a gun ; a brush for wiiite-washing. Puchani di-nti, ) to lay a thin coat Pucliaia phermi, I of clay, &c., on the walls or lloor, &c. ; to white- wash a wall ; to Hatter. Piichh, 8./. \ inquiry, invcstiga- Puchhar/g. m. j tion. Piiciihi', K.f. the tail of a fish. Piiciihmi,^ V. a. to a.sk, to inquire, to Puchiimi,/ (picstion, to interrogate. Pu'chhna piichhupiii, see Piiohluiti. Piiclih piichli, \ 8. /. inquiry, in- Piiciih puchiitir,/ terrofi^ation. PiK'hhwaiya, «. in. an iuipiirer. Piichhwiinu, r. to fill, or ci»nq)lot*\ riikar, \ «./. abawl.cry, call, shout, I'ukani,/ calling out. Pukiir dena, r. a. to proclaim pub- licly, to call. Pukama, v. a. to call aloud, to bav to cry out, to shout, to exclaim. Pukhraj, 8. m. a topaz, Pu^hta, €ulj. dressed (as victual.^ hiked (as bricks) ; of brick stone; ri|)e; sly, shrewd, kuo.. ing, expert, strong, solid. l\i^htji karna, to m:dce strong; to niiike shrewd ; to riiwn. Pu^hta paz kariui, see Pukkii kani. Pul, 8. m. a bridge. Pula, 8. m. a bundle of graas < - straw. Puhid, 8. m. st^^el i" '.twr,.! Puhio, «. m. a kill iiMuleciC lletih, &c., and I •gethflT. Pul biindhna.t'.a.tii abuiud . to limit. Piili', 8. J. a small bundle of any gnuM or stmw, &c. Pulindti, 8. m. a bundle. Pulint:, (ulj. the intLiindino gi'nUcr. Pnl|Mduhat. 8. J. fvur. Piilpulanii, r. n. to t'l ar, ti> dn^id. Pul hir * > > .> ov.r whi» » in : I ihunimatb tin- : , -Ht.. h.-ix and tntiu \%ltt«'l4 liio wi< ' fall into hell, on the iby numt Pun, •. m, virtue, virtuoun urt. morul or ivligioug luvni : »i again. Piio. i. /. a aound of fitftiog. j;"""- again. Punar, / ^* r hh . / atail. 1 r. a. MO rUohhn^ 1 .. { Puui. f,j. nilU of cotloo p^ppa^ for ii|>inning. ' P"-- - '■ itiU in traJcfloi-' . mrtml or rr!t;H^ Pun\ V PUR [ 256 ] PUT Pur, adj. full, complete. Pur, 'I s. m. a city, a town ; much Pura, / used in composition. Piira, adj. entire, complete, lull, per- fect; sufficient, just. [&c.) Pura, s. m. a large parcel (of physic, Pilrab, s. 7ri. east : adj. eastern ; for- mer, prior, preceding. Piira karna, v. a. to fill, to fulfil, to reimburse, to accomplish. Puran, s. m. Hindu mythological books. Puran, adj. full, filled, complete, per- fect, accomplisiied. Purana, v. a. to fill, to make full: adj. old, ancient. Puraniya, s. m. an old man, an elder ; name of a district and town. Piiran karna, v. a. to fulfil, to accom- plish, to perfect, to complete. Piiranmasf, ) s. f. the day of the full Puranwasi, / moon. Pura parna, v. n. to be successful. Sn";'}<"^i- old. ancient. Piirbi, adj. eastern, from the east. Puren, s. /. afterbirth. Piiri, s. /. a kind of cake fried in butter or ghi. Pui-i", a city, a town. Puriya, s. /. a dose; a parcel (of physic, &c.) Purkar, adj. thick, coarse, stout (as paper, &c.) Purkciri, s. /. thickness, coarseness. Purkha, s. m. an old man, an elder, an ancestor. Purkhe, s. m. ancestors, ancestry. Piirna, v. n. to be filled. Purohit, s. m. a priest, a family priest. Purs, in compos, asking, inquiring. Pursa, s. m condolence, kind inquiry. Pursa, s. m. condolence : adj. of ujan's height ; the extent of a man's reach in height, when extending the arms and fingers; a fathom. Pursish, s.f. inquiry (generally after health, &c.), questioning. s. m. a man, a male, hu- man being. Purukh, Purus, Puru«h, Purva, s. m. the east. Purvi, adj. oriental. Purwaiya, l'--^*'"''^^'*^'^^''''''^' Purwana, v. a. to cause to be filled. Purza, s. m..a scrap generally ap- plied to paper), piece, bit, rag. Purzarur, very necessary, most es- sential. Pus, 8. m. name of the ninth Hindu month. [ancestry. Pusht, s. f. the back ; progenitors, Pusht, adj. nourished, fat. Pushta, s. m. a buttress, prop, bank, glacis, dike. Pshtabandi, s. f. embankment. Pushta' f, adj. f. restorative, provoca- tive. Puslitak, s. m. a vice in horses, plunging and kicking up behind. Pubhtanga, adj. fat. Pusht ba pusht, generation by gene- ration. Pushtkhar, s. m. an instrument for scratching the back. Pushtpanah, s. m, an ally, a pro- tector. Pushtu, s. the Afglian language. Puspiit, s. m. adopted son. Pusput karna, to adopt (as a son.) Pustak, s. f. a book, a volume. Piit, s. m. a son. Put, s. m. a menstruum, solvent, flux. Putaf, s.f. price paid for besmearing walls, &c. Piitha, s. m. the paper or pasteboard cover of a book. Putki, s.f. a term of abuse ; the anus. Putla, \ s. 771. a puppet, an idol, an Putla, j image, effigy. Putir, I s.f. a small puppet or image ; Piitir, j the pupil of the eve. Putr, ) Putra, /^•'^•^^^^- Putri, s. /. a daughter. QAB [ 257 ] QAD Piitri, 8. f. a puppet, an image. Puttlia, 8. m. the buttock, the hip of an animal. Puttr, 8. /. felly of a wheel. Puwal, 8. f. straw. Piizi, 8. /. part of the ornamental accoutrements of a horse. Pyala, «. m. see Piyiila. l*ytln^, V. a. see Piyana. I'yiir, 8. m. love, attbotion, fondness. Pyara, adj. m. }x3lovo(l, pleasant. Pytini juimu, to esteem. Pyari, (idj. f. beloved ; sweetheart. Pyar kamii, to fondle, to love, to caress. Pyiis, 8. /. thirst l*y:isii, «. m. tliirst : ndj. thirsty. Pya.s l)ujliana, to quench thirst. Py;i.so marna, to be very thirsty. Pydsi', adj. f. thirsty. Vyna lu^nii, to ))e tliirsty. I'viis miima, to suftVr thirst. Pyiis mamti, appHed to thirst which vanishes without drinking. Q. Qdl), 8. f. a largo dish used for ser- ving rice, &c., in at a moal, or for kneading dough in, &c. Qiilui, 8. /. a jM^culiar kind of vent or uj)i)cr garment. Qaluihat, «. /. peri)loxity, incon- v(!ni(!neo. (^altilil, 8. m. family (wife and ohil- 'Irtai, &c.) il, utiv. boforo. I la, 8. m. a doud, writing, a deed "I sale. (,)il>il, adj. skilful, oapablo, able, •Irver, wortliy. hi la, 8./. a wife. I>il hom'^ to deserve, to merit liil)iliyiit, adj. skill, ou{)ability, l>ility. )nM, adi\ before. ,)ahr, 8. /. u grave, a tomb. v>iil)rg»ih, "I /. 1 • 1 lM»ii6tunJ '''A^hmym^iiwimd, Qdbu, 8. m. power, opportunity, po> session : adj. within the power < ; under the control of anoth«-r. Qabii chalani, to take advanuvjc ..f. to exercise one's power. Qiibuclii, adj. despotic, tyrannical. Qabiitthi'pana, 8. m. tyranny. Qabiil, 8. m. consent, favourable n - oeption, acceptance, approbation, assent : adj. accepted, approved, consented. Qabiil 1, 8. /. a kind of food; rice and pulse boiled together. Qabulivat, 8./. a written agreement Qabiil Kama, \v. a.io agree to ac- Qubiilna, / cept, to allow, to confess, to consent, to anent, to comply with, to reodye, to agree to, to promise, to make choioe oC Qabiil Hiirat adj. handaome. Qabiilsiiniti. «./. handaomeoeia. Qiihii ])tintl, to get adfantage or powi-r over. Qahz, 8. /. coeUyeneM. Qab/a, 8. m. gripe, poweMJon, wri^t . hantUe, hilt a hinge. Qabza karmt j ^ ^^ ^ ^^ Qiib/o mcu ItoiS. I * Qabztyat $. /. OQitiTeDOM, aatritt gouoy. Qabi kami, to be ooitiye^ to griptv Qadah, <. m. a goMet glaia, bowl, cii I Qttdum, f. m. a ifMioe* a 8tep» a fmi ttop: the foot Qadam ba qndam, itep by etr; gentlv. QadamMs, aiH. fleet Qadamboa, adj, kiMing the feet, pn> ing n'j«iMx;t«i. Qadan kiaatng tlio An lepp Qadam ennunn, ui toooh or embm*^ one*8 feet Qadam ehUmn<, to kias the feel, t. > bid adieu. Qadam lagnit to take protection ; to walk woU (a liorae.) 8 QAI [ 258 ] QAL Qadam ranja fannana or karna, to take the trouble of going or com- ing (spoken respectfully. ) Qadar, s. f. price, value, importance, dignity, quantity, size, measure, degree. Qadd, s. m. stature. Qaddawar, adj. tall. Qadd qamat, s. m. stature, figure (of a person.) Qadim, adj. ancient, old. Qadimi, adj. old, ancient, aged. Qadim se, of old, of former times, from ancient times. Qadir, adj. potent, powerful, capable, skilful. Qadr, s. /. see Qadar. Qadrdan, a just appreciator, one who knows the worth of a person or thing. Qadrdan 1, s. f. due regard to the worth of any one, patronage. O d^^' Y\ I ^^^' ^^"i^what, a little. Qafila, s. m. a body of travellers, a caravan. Qahar, s. m. see Qahr. Qahba, s. f. an adulteress, a whore. Qahqah, 1 j ^ laughter, horse Qahqaha, j - (iahqaha, ) ° Qahr, s. m. rage, fury, vengeance, in- dignation, calamity. Qaht, s. m. famine, dearth. Qahwa, s. m. coffee. Qahwadan, s. m. a coffee-pot. Qai, s. f- vomiting, sick at stomach. Qaid, s. f. imprisonment, an obstacle : adj. imprisoned. Qaida, s. m. rule, custom^ principle, manner ; tlie rules of grammar. Qaid bona, to be imprisoned, bound or fettered, &c. Qaidf, s. m. a prisoner, a captive. Qaid karna, to imprison, bind, fetter, captivate. Qaidkhana, s. m. a prison. [of. Qaid men rakhna, to take great care Qaid rahna, to remain in bonds, pri- son, &c. Qai karna, to vomit. Qail, agreeing, acknowledging, giv- ing up a point : adj. subdued, con- futed. Qail hona, to acquiesce, to acknow- ledge, assent, consent, yield, Qail karna, to confute, convince, con- vict. Qaim, ) adj. firm, fixed, durable, Qaimi, / lasting continuing. Qaim karna, to establish. Qaim maqam, a vicegerent, locum tenens. Qaim mizaj, of a settled temper. Qainchi, s. f. scissors, shears ; an oblique cross. Qaiza karna, v. a. to tie up a horse's head by passing the bridle to his tail to prevent his kicking, &c., while rubbing down. Qalal, s. f. the tinning of vessels. Qalafgar, a tinner of pots. Qalaigari, s.f. the business of tinning pots. Qalal khulna, the removing of the disguise of any one so that his real qualities appear. Qalam, s.f. a reed, a pen, cuttings of trees, &c.,for planting ; a set, a slip. Qalamdan, s. m. a box for holding pen, inkstand and paper, &c., a pen-case. Qalam f, adj. of the pen, written ; crystallized (saltpetre, &c.) Qalamkari, s. f. drawing. Qalam karna, to cut. Qalam lagana, to plant slips or cut- tings. Qalamtarash, s. m. a penknife. Qalaq, s. m. perturbation, anxiety, trouble. Qalb, s. m. the heart, mind, soul. Qalib, 8. m. a mould, model, form (used in masonry for making arches, &c.), the body. Qalicha, s. m. a small carpet. QAR [ 259 ] QAT Qaliya, s.m. the name of a dish, a stew. Qamchi", s. f. a twig, a tliin lath. Qamfz, 8. m. a shirt or shift. Qaiiaat, s. f. content, tranquillity. Qanaat kama, to be content (on.) Qanat, s. /. the walls of a tent, or canvas enclosure. Qand, s. m. loaf-sugar. Qandhar, n. prop, name of a city, Candahar. Q andn, s.f. a kind of paper lantern. Qaniiauj, n. prop, name; of a city. Qanun, s. m. rule, regulation, statute, canon. , Qanilngo, «. m. an officer in each dis- trict acquainted with its customs, &c. aqd kama, to croak (as a raven.) •araba, 8. w. a flagon (generally for rose-water.) mibat, «./. kin, affinity.relntionship. Qariibali, adj. related, relative, akin ; f substantively) a relatiou.a relative. Qiinibin, «. /. a carbine. Qarar, « m. retit, tranquillity, firmness, stability, agreement, engagement, promise, patience. Qarar demi, to fix, to establish, to pro- mise. Qanirf, adj. firm, stable, ratified, ngroed to, engaged for, pronused. Qanir i wii<|if, eiVectively, effwtually, nicaciously. Qai iirnama, s.m. a written ag^emont, treaty, &c. Ourauir, H. /. name of a weapon. (ifirib. adv. nrar, nigh, almost, about. [^;irnae, | ». f. a trumiict, a horn, a Qirnai, j clarion. lira, 8. m. an urinal ; bottlo (sent ) phy.sician8, &c.) ^rz, »\ m. a loan, debt, money bor^ rt>Nvoarzd»irr, ». f. IxMng iu di bt. >arz dtMui, to lend. iitfzi, adj. borrowed, being iu debt. Qarz i hasana, money lent without interest. Qarz lend, ) . i Qarz mangnd, | ^ ^'^^^ Qarz rakhna, to owe. Qasaba, s. m. a handkerchiti i, round the head. Qasai', 8. m. a butcher who kills oii bullocks : adj. cruel, hard-htart. Qasam, s. f. an oath. Qasam demi, to adjure. Qasam diliina, to administer an oath. Qassim khana, to take an oath, to swear. Qasam khilan^,to administer an Oiit Qasba, ». m. a tsmall town. Qasd, 8. in. desire, design, intenti< purpose, atUmpt. QiUMlan, adc. voluntarily, intcnii<>: ally, puriKisely. exf»n K«ly. Qasd karmi, to se Ut one's > tempt, to make .. Qasil tloine. Qat^ #. /. iiimiii;, lonu, cut ^of • OOQt, 6iC.) Qatf f, «. /. a tailor's mcnuunv Qut^ karmi, to cut, to cut out or < •' Qtitiir, «. /. a line, a rtring of a: nmls), rank, order, n)W. Qtitil. $. m. a numlort^r. nn uMng .i spirits or vinegar.) Qatl, 8.m. tduughter. enmagr, murdi . killing, as&asAinutiuu. QAZ [ 260 ] QIY Qatla, s. m. a slice. Q;itl,s2:ah, s. f. place of murder. Qatl hona, to be killed ; to be ruined. Qatl i ^mm, a general massacre. Qatl karna, to kill, to murder, to execute, to ruin one. Qatra, s. m. a drop. Qatt, s. m. making a pen, cutting transversely. Qatt lagana, to mend a pen. Qattzan, s. m. a pin or peg on which pens are cut. Qaul, s. m. agreement, promise, con- tract, a word, saying, assertion. Qaul bandhna, v. a. to promise, to make an agreement. Qaulnama, s. m. a written agreement. Qaul fial, s. m. word and deed. Qaul o qarar,\ s. m. agreement, com- Qaulqarar, j pact. Qaulqarar karna, to covenant, to stipulate. Qaum. ,s./. tribe, sect, caste, a people, nation, family. Qaumiyat, s. /. connexion, being of the same tribe, &c. Qawaid, s. pi. of Qaida, rules, cus- toms ; military evolution or exer- cise, drill, review. [singer. Qauwal, s. m. a kind of musician, Qawi, adj, strong, robust, powerful. Qaza, s.f. fate, destiny ; death ; say- ing a prayer after the time ap- pointed for it is passed. Qazakar, by chance. Qazalbashi, s. m. a kind of Mughal soldier. Qazaya, s. 'pl. of Qaziya, quarrels, &c. Qazi, s. m. a judge, a justice. Qaziya, s. m. a quarrel, wrangle, con- tention, broil. Qaziya karna, to quarrel, to wrangle. Qaziya mol lena, to take on one's self the quarrel of another, to in- terfere without cause in the dis- putes of others. Q^^^^i^''|s.m.arobber. Quzzaq, j Qazzaqi", s. f. pillage, brigandage. Qibla, s. m. that part to which Mu- hammadans direct their face in prayer, Mecca; (and by way of respectful address,) worship! fa- ther! &c. D'esty. Qibla e ^lam, his majesty, your ma- Qiblagah, a superior, father. Qiblanuma, the mariner' s compass. Qila, s. m. a fort. Qiladar, commandant of a garrison. Qiladari, s. /. the command of a gar- rison. Qima, s. m. minced meat, Qi'ma karna, to mince, to cut up meat very fine, to bruise much by beat- ing. Qimam,s.m.pro|). Qiwam,thick syrup. Qimapulao, a kind of dish. Qimat, s.f. price, value. Qimati, adj. valuable, high-priced. Qirmiz, s. m. crimson. Qism, s.f. kind, species, sort. Qismat, s. f. fate, fortune, lot. Qismatbazi, s.f. trying one's fortune or luck. Qissa, s. m. a tale, a story, a narra- tion ; a quarrel, a dispute. Qissa kahani, s. /. a tale, a story, a narration. Qissa kotah, in short, in one word. Qissa kotah karna, to settle a dispute. Qissa mukhtasar, in short. Qist, s. f. instalment. Qistbandi, s.f. a settlement by instal- ment. Qistkhilaf, s. f. failure in the pay- ment of an instalment. Qita, s. m. a share, a division, spot or parcel of land, portion. Qita qita, by shares, by lots or parts. Qita qita karna, to divide by shares, to distribute, to parcel out. Qiwam, s. m. thick syrup. Qiyam, s. to. standing erect, stabi- i lity, residence. Qiyamat, s. /. the general resurrec- tion, the last day, calamity. QUE [ 261 ] RAB Qiyaraat kam^, to oppress; to do anything wonderful. Qiyanai, «./. stability, steadiness. Qiyas, «. m. judgment, opinion, oppo- bition, guess. Qiyas karna, to guess, think, suppose. (^ubul, 8. m. see Qabiil. (iuddiis, adj. ])ure, holy. Qudrat,8./. power,authority, omnipo- tonce. Qudrati, adj. of omnipotence, not made or produced by man. Qudrati rang, natuml colour. ^)uds, adj. holy, pure. <,>ull, 8. m. a lock, Qiihiba, 8. m. a staple. Qulfr, 8./. a tin ])otfor moulding ice, &(',., f/rop. Qutli, a copper pijHJ for the curve of a hucjqa-snake. Qulfidar, huqqa-snako having the (Julfior copper pi[K3. Qiih, K. m. a shive, a labourer, porter, a eooly. Quhna, 8. m. a sauRago. Quhna kasnii, to stuff, to be a tight nt. Qidipil, 8. /. w. the noise mndo by water in the neck of a bottle when pouring out, guggling. QiiiiKpinia, a vchhcI in which the Kul mixture is put and thn)wn on jxTKonH ill the lloir. Qumri', 8/. a InrtliMlovo. a ringMlnvc. Quia, 8. in. a wagi-r, wagtTing, draw- ing lot^. Qmii (laliui, in draw lotH. <»Miran, h. m. tin- Koran. (,>iiraii kii jtinia puhiniu^toswoar ex- o«'Hsivrly. Qimln par hiitli <1Iirirnu,lto iwcar.to Qiinin utlianii, take an t)uth. Qurb, H. VI prnpiiiiiuiiN. proximity, vicinity ; kindnMl. reluti. Qurq, 8. m. contiBcation, ueizure, tiie distraining of goods. Qurqi', adj. confiscated. Qurqi' parwana, a wfurant Lssucil to sequester a property. Qusiir, 8. m. fault, defect, omissi failing, blame. Qusur kanui, to fail ; to do amiss. Qutb, 8. m. the jx>lar «tar, the nor {x)le ; a title or degrte among . igious mendicunt«. Qiiwat, g.f. p<)wer, virtue, autliori' strength, vigour, energy . B. Ra^iyat, »./. a subject, or the m: jectA, a tcDani. Uaaiyati, 8. /. uubjection. tenancy. Kaaiyat^viiana, «. m, a cuUedion hoUM4'M for hire. Rjifliiyatnawiix, chorisher of mibjiv' Ka(iiyntpurwar, pmtt»ctor of hubj* . • litUt, §. /. the liquid juitv v( i HUgiir-cune. Ktthiir, «. /. latigue, (VuttloM UU t tnidging. RjiU»ruii, r. N. to Bitigtio onc'« »• to nm about fhiithwly. Katmt, $. m. yntp. Itnbt, pniclt< habit, u«». Uabb, i. rii. Uml, prrm*rvor .* a iiai of(;hi) L luibit. lulj. pruduixxl in tiic vprir voriwl. Ilnbi ul nK! - •' ' * -nonUii.i the Mul> Kabf ui un onlh of the Mahal EAF .[ 2G2 ] EAG Eabf us sdni, the fourth month of the Muhammadan year. Eabrana, v. a. to fatigue, to cause to run about uselessly. Eabrf' f *• / ^ kind of food like pap. Eabt, s. m. practice, habit, use. Eachak, s. m, a maker, a composer. Eachana, v. a. to set to work, to set a-going, to make, to do ; to make merry, to celebrate. Eachana, 8. f. forming, creating, in- vention, created thing, workman- ship. Eachchha,''s. m. protection, guarding, keeping, preservation, safety. Eachchhak, s. m. a protector, a keeper. Eachhas, s. m. a demon, fiend, an evil spirit. Eachhasani, s./. a female of Eachhas. Eachhasi', adj. of or relating to a Eachhas, demoniacal : s.f. a female Eachhas. Eachit, done, made or written by. Eachna, v. n. to be made, to be created, to be employed, to be about (a business), to penetrate : V. a. to make, to form, to invent, to compose. Eadd, s. m. rejection, repulsion, refu- tation ; vomiting. Eadda, s. m. a layer of a wall, a row. Eadd badal, s. f. argument, discus- sion, altercation, controversy. Eaddf, adj. rejected: s. m. rejected things, refuse. Eadd i jawab, a reply, a rejoinder, retort. Eadd karna, to reject, to confute, to refute ; to vomit. Eadhanagarf, s. m. a kind of silk cloth made at Eadhanagar. Eae, a Hindu title, a chief; wisdom. Eaegan, adv. in vain. Eafa, s. m. finishing, decision; re- pulsion, [iiig- Eafa dafa, deciding, settling, finish- Eafa bona, to be decided (a suit) Eafa karna, to decide, to settle. Eafiq, s. m. a friend, ally, compa- nion, comrade, associate. Eafizi, 8. m. a heretic, particularly a Shia. Eaft, in compos, going, motion. Eaftagf, s. f. departure. Eafta rafta, adv. by degrees, gra- dually, in process of time. Eaft guzasht, ) , ^ EaftoguzaskjP^'*^^^^^^^- Eafii, s. m. darning, a darn. Eafil cliakkar, making one's escape, stealing off. Eafiigar, s. m. a darner. Eafiigari, 8. f. the employment of darning. Eafu karna, to darn. Eag, s. m. a mode in music, music. Eag, s.f. a vein, sinew, nerve, a fibre. Eagar, s. f. attrition, friction, rub- bing, abrasion. Eagara, s. m. quarrelling ; rubbing, polishing. Eagara ragari, s. f. a rubbing to- gether. Eagarna, v. a. to rub, scour, grate, to fret, to abrade, to excoriate. Eag charhna, to be obstinate, pet- tish, or proud. Eagedna, v. a. to pursue, to chase. Eag gan-ci, to sing a song. Eaghbat, s. f. strong desire, avidity, wish, curiosity ; pleasure. Eaghbat karna, to desire to covet. Eaghib, adj. desirous, desiring, wish- ing. Eagi, 8. m. a singer ; a lover. Eagini, s. /. a mode in music. Eag marna, v. n. to lose virility ; to become impotent. Eagra, s. m. see Eagara. Eagra jhagra, s. m. quarrel, discus- sion. Eagrang, s. m. music, gaiety. Eag resha, s. m. veins and fibres; everything, all. • I RAH [ 263 ] KAI Ra^^ utama, v. n. to have a rupture. Rcili, 8./. road, way; manner. Kali, 8. f. a road, path, way. lialiiii, s.f. Bce Rihai. lliihaiah, 8. /. etay, delay, halt, liuham, «. m. see Ralim. Ruhan, «. /. method, manner. Rahaut, 8. m. a wheel for drawing water with. Rahar, «. m. name of a pulse. Riihat, 8. f. quiet, repo&e, ease, tran- riuillity. Ralia^, 8. m. see Rahanf;. Rah btindliua, to Cbtabliah a custom. P-*lV^r* [*•*'*•* guide, a conductor. Rulihuri', \ 8. f. guidance, direction, 1 tail ban', / showing the roml. |Jiuli batan^ to diiicuarge, dJHmJHB ; to guide. R-.ih diulua, to traverse the roud. Ralidari, «./. a pa.s«iK)rt, a inriuit. Rail deklimi, to expect, to await Rail denii, to give place or way. Rah dhiiiidhna, ti) search for tlio way. Rah dikhanti, to make one wait for. RalijL^ir, ) s. m. a traveller, a way- Raligi'r, / farer. k;:& }••'»•"»*••''»'• Italii, 8. m. a traveller, wavfaror. Ralniu, adj. mtrciful (CJotl. ) Rahit. adj. destitute, voiil of. Rah jiiiui, r. n. to wait, st4iy, delay, (hsiht, give up: nuuain l^unduuu.y Rah katnii, to travel a nnu\. liiih ^liarch, $. in. wny*ohargarU»innor muon Uui I Me. Hiiiiwaiytt, dweller. lUhiiui, \ $. ni n iu.:[ii«iiynian, fool- Hahxani, j of p Rti'i. »./. achuni liai, i. /. a kiml oi miii»u\<\i mx^i. Itahftuii, / Uid. n i\ rut»U'fT. ad EAJ [ 264 ] EAK Raichhai, broken to small pieces or atoms. Ea'ij, adj. customary, usual, fashion- able, common, current. Ea'ij ul "waqt, present currency. Eain, s. /. night. Ea'is, s. m. a prince, a chief, principal, head, citizen, inhabitant, dweller. Eaitlia, s. m. name of the tree of a kind of vetch (rahar.) Eaiyat, s./.jjrop. Eaaiyat, which see. Eaj, s. m. government, sovereignty, reign, royalty, kingdom, empii-e, realm ; a mason, bricklayer. Eaj, s. f. dust ; the farina of flowers ; menses ; the quality of sensuality. Eaja, s. f. prop. Eaza, which see. Eaja, j s. m. a king, a prince, a king Eaja, j at chess. Eajab, s. m. the seventh month of the Muhammadan year. Eajai, s. f. prop. Eazaf, a quilt. Eajdharm, s. m. royal duty. Eajgadf, s. /. king's cushion, throne. Eaj 'bans, ) s. m. a goose, the fLamin- Eaj'hans, / go. Eaji, prop. Eazf, which see. Eaji bona, see Eazi bona. Eaji karna, see Eazi karna. Eiijinama, see Eazmama. Eajkanya, s. f. a princess. Eajkarj, s. m. state affairs. Eajkul, s. m. a royal family. Eajkumar, ^s.m. a king's son, a Eajkunwar, j prince. Eajmandir, s. m. &. palace, a royal residence. Eaj mistri, s. m. a head mason. Eajnrti,s./. political science, politics. Eajpat, s. m. sovereignty, reign; a royal throne. Eajpatni, s. /. a queen. a^ipu , I ^ ^ ^^^ name of a tribe. Eajpuc, J Eajpiitana, s. m. the province of Ajineer is so called. Eajsabha, s. f. the king's court or assembly. Eajtika, | s.f. the royal mark in the Eajtilak, / forehead, the coronation of a king. Eajwara, s. m. a king, a country under the control of a Eaja. Eakas, s. m. a demon, an evil spirit. Eakat, s. m. blood : adj. red. Eakat, s. /. bowing the body in prayer. Eakh, s. f. ashes. Eakha lena, to take in charge. Eakhana, v. a. to give in charge, to cause to keep, put, place. Eakh chhorna, to place, to keep, to have, to give in charge. Eakh dena, to put down, to place, to keep, to put by. Eakhi, s. f. an amulet or string wliich Hindus tie round their arms on a certain festival. Eakh lena, to take in charge, to take into keeping or service, to engage. Eakhna, v. a. to keep, put, place, have, hold, possess, preserve, re- serve, save, lay, set, station, apply, ascribe, impute, esteem, consider, leave, own, stop. Eakhna, v. a. to keep, to put. Eakht, s. m. goods and chattels, property, apparatus, furniture, ap- parel. Eaklit bandhna, to pack up. Eakhwai, s. f. the price paid for keeping, &c. Eakhwai, j s. w. a keeper, guard. Eakhwala, / shepherd, cowherd. Eakliwa lena, to take in charge. Eakhwai 1, s. f. keeping, guarding, custody, grazing cattle. Eakhwaiia, v. a. to cause to keep, place, &c. Eakhwara, s. m. see Eakhwai. Eakkas, ) s. m. a demon, an evil Eakshas, / spirit. Eakt, s. m. blood ; adj. red. Eaktalii, s. m. a sort of yam. Eaktchandan, s. m. red sandal- wood. RAN [ 265 ] RAN "Riil, s. / resin, rosin, pitch ; saliva. Rani, ) 8. m. the seventh Hindu llama, / incarnation; God. Ranial, «. m. geomancy, 'foretelling by figures. Ramanandi", «. m. a sect of Hindu faqi'rs, believers in Rama. I Ramavatar, «. m. the incarnation of of Vishnu in the person of Riiina. Riinuiwat, «. m. system of a sect of Hindu faqfrs. Runiiiyan, K. /. the great epic poem <»r the Hindus which treats of the })ij th and actions of Itama. Ramazan, «. m. name of the ninth Muhammadan month. lianK^liaiidra, n. prop, son of Da- Haiatlia, and con(iuerr>r of I^nkd or G(-'ylon ; the seventli avatar. Ramchcra, \ 8. m. o, common appel- Riimc'hora, / laticm of a slave. Kamdnliai', «. /. an asseveration, by Kiima, by God. Biimjani', 8. f. a Hindii dancing-girl, a pro8titut<\ Bumkahauu the lUimdyan ; a long story. Rimnuil, 8. m. a sof)thsayer, a fw^ tiiiie-teiier, a conjuror. Kiimua, V. n. to roaiu, to go, to range, to wander : 8. m. a park. Iliimm, 8. in. a jwirk. Iliimpi', 8./. aknifc for 1 ' ' '' Kaiii nihitii, Ut remain itiim ram, 8. m. a 1 1 Mihitatiou. (titi KanjluraT, 8./. the namo of a v« . U^\u,8.f. the thigh. I'an, 8. m. bulth>, war. liwux, /(. m. a Hiudii title uf a prinoe »r Ihijii. Unilihumi, »./. field ofUiittlo. Rtmd, it, in. the nititor-oil plant Utiiil. 8./. a widow, a wonuin. Itanda, \ 8. m. a plane (fur uuoottl- 1 Ian till, / ing wood.^ iUiuhi, odj. driven, orivon oot^ !•- jeotod, ex})ollcd. Randa kama, v. a. to plane a board, &c. Randiipd, | Randapa, > 8. m. ividowbood. Randa pan, | Randi,'8. /, a woman ; a pn i atiUU a Riindi^baz, 8. m. a whoremoogn'. Itandibtizi', 8. f. whoring, fornication. Rjindiya, ». /. a widow. Riind kii sand, son of a vridow, a apt . child. Randnti, v. a. to expel. lUindjMiros, 8. m. neighbourhood. Ranclsalii, 1 «. m. a widow's dit- Randmila, / widow's weeds. li^indiia, « m. a widower. Rang, 8. m. dye .cohmr), eoloir manner, nieUxxl. Hurt ; paint amuM'tnent, pleuMiin*. Rtingu, 8. m. tin, noldir. Raug^i, f./. the pricv |xiid fur dy Raiigiin^ r. '■ ♦ ' •" • • 'vij^r. Rangnt, «. i Rangilwaf, '.11'^. liang U\ r:< rtuusoofetir or Hortu : Baugdar, atij. (Tutiunii, ahonry^ tet^ Bang dekhntf, to look at or •iMDti the stato. ooodittoo^rMiill, tonelu Hton. (ir ronsrqiMiMM of anythisi; ItaiiLilhahiM. «.«•.» jfmmm ml- 'v«« arnamoQli, itc^ of HAiir ' 'III. '."»k lioiiinA. tt> im>w i«Ic» ""ftti iims ithowv. Raiifrfo, o4/* eoiovred, |Miinic«i tlLninitivi'. fliiiv fihowv. inttkU. r i; ol ph«J«UR\ Rang lagin4 r. a. to roKmr. t» |«ntnt. BttDg nutnUU to win L«.iii\.!s.- BingiA «c «. to <^ Bug ialiyio.« ./ ptoaire, uurtlu EAS [ 266 ] EAS Eangras, delight, melody, pleasure. Eangrez, s. m. a dyer. Eangrezi, s. f. dying, tinging. Rangrilp, «. m. colour, form, appear- ance. Eangtara, s. m. a kind of orange. Eang ur jana, to change colour, to be afraid. Eang utarna, to become pale ; to be . grieved. Eangwai, s. f. the price paid for co- louring, dying, &c. Eangwaiya, s. m. a dyer. Ill Jlani, s.f. a queen or princess. !j Eanj, s. m. grief, affliction, trouble, pain, anguish of mind, offence. ■ Eanjak, s./. priming-powder. Eanjakdan, s. m. priming-pan. Eanjak pilana, v. a.io prime. Eanjak urana, v. a. to burn priming, to flash in the pan. Eanjak urna, v. n. to flash in the pan (priming.) Eanj dena, to give pain. Eanjida, adj. afflicted, offended, dis- pleased, grieved, vexed. Eanjidagi, s. /. affliction, vexation. Eanjida karna, to afflict, to offend, displease, grieve. Eanjidakhatir, afflicted in mind. Eanjish, s.f. grief, affliction. See Eanj. Eanj uthana, to endure grief. Eaijr, 8. f. a widow. Eansawari, s. /. riding on horseback. Eanthi, s. /. a bier. Eanwas, s. m. the seraglio of a Euja. Eaora, 'pron. yours, of you. Eapat, s. m. fatigue, hard labour ; prcyp. Eabt, which see. Eapatna, v. n. to become tired. Eapi, s. /. a shoemaker's knife. Eaqam, s.f. handwriting ; character, manner, kind, sort ; grain. Eaqim, s. m. a writer. Eas, s.f. reins of a bridle : s. m. a head of cattle, (t.e., one ox, or one horse, &c.) Eas, s. m. the savour of a thing ; juice, humour, essence, relish, en- joyment ; the pith or marrow of a discourse. Easad, s. f. store of grain laid in for an army, &c., grain, provision. Easai, s. f. access, entrance. Easam, s. /. see Easm. Easaut, s. f. see Easwat. Easayan, s. m. slowness, mildness ; alchymy, chemistry, Easayanf, s. m. a chemist. Ease, adv. softly, gently. Easha, s. m. a tremom-, shaking, the shaking palsy. Eashk, s. m. malice, spite, jealousy. Easfd, s.f. acknowledgment of re- ceiving or arrival ; a receipt. Easida, n. compos, arrived. Easila, adj. juicy, luscious. Easiyana, v. n. to be moist ; to ooze. Easkapiir, s. m. corrosive sublimate. Easlila, s. m. a festival in honour of the lewd gambols of Krishna and the milk- maids. Easm, s.f. custom ; law ; model, plan. Easmasa, wet with perfumed essences or perspiration. Easmi", adj. customary. Easna, v. n. to leak, to ooze. Eas nikalna, v. a. to extract the juices of a thing. Easoi, s. f. victuals ; a kitchen. Easoighar, s. m. a cook-room. Easoiya, s. m. a cook. Easont, s. f. see Easwat. Easra, s. m. rope, a cable. Easrf, s. f. string, cord. Eassa, s. m. rope, a cable. Eassf, s./.string, cord, rope ; a serpent.? East, adj. right, true, just. -p^ ,^' I s.m. a road, a way, a path, a Easta! I "*'^^^- Easta katrana, to slink away. East ana, to be set to rights. Eastbaz, adj. faithful, honest, righte^ ous, to be depended on. ' Eastbazi, s. f. fldelity, fair play. | EAT [ 267 ] RAW "P'-^'j'o, adj. a speaker of truth. oi', 8. /.speaking truth. , ^. /. sincerity, tidelity. liuiL luudmala, adj. just, of good ac- tioiLS, of upright conduct. Riihil!, 8.7/1. a messenger, Muhammad. Uasiiiu, 2>Top. Ilusiim, whicli see. Ilaswat, «./. a kind of collyrium, a kind of root which is pounded aud used for calking boats. at, s. /. contraction of llut. tiit, .»•./. night. Uatal, 8. m. a larg6 beam (for scales.) lutiihi, «. m. a yum. atan, 8. m. a jewel, gem, a precious .stoiui ; the pupil of the eye. ^ Uiilaiia, V. n. to rut, t^) be lewd. Hiitaiijot, 8. /. name of a pluut, name of a medicine said to be good for > the eyes. Etutiuiimlla, B.f. a necklace of prc- i')Ms stones. R«t:irutr, adv. in the night, by night. Ilaluiudhii, «. m.) , ,. , „ ^a«:,k* „ , ,, .' f > blindness at nigut. Uatiumdhiyu, adj, blind at night lliilli, n. f. a tbur-wlict Inl carriage, a >acii ; the car of Jagiinniith. Eiillibiiii, ». m. u coachman, ttatlijiitru, «. m. the frstival of the jMoccshion of Jagainnjith's cur. Iliitluvan, ». 111. a eoiu'lnuun. iiiti. n. f. vencry, coition; a little, a trilling (pianlity. lijit ;, H. f. a wttight or moaMuru wjual to tight IxirhvcHiriiH ; fortune. Itiitib, ». m. a dailv alhrniincu of food (Id iiiiiiiuils), allownnoo. Rati ( ii iniuknii, to U'giu, to pru«|)Qr, ) llomisli. (titjiigu, watching all night on roU* lletiiii. r. (I. to I. ' ' * *' . to nl«r or dcniai mtoij nit, in tin i ;l»t. Ittttri, H./. the niglit. luitti, H. /. a weight. [frealinew. wutubut, 8./. humidity, uioisturc, Rau, in compos, going. ^ Iliiud, 8. solar heat, sunshine. Kaughan, s.m. gn-ase, oil, L. ;. I butter ; varnish, lacker. Raugham', adj. grea.sy, oily ; batten'. Raughan i tal^, 8. m. mustard oil. Kaughan i zard, 8. m. melted butter, ghr. Raula, 8. m. i liaunaq, 8. /. dour, orna i Raunaqdur, " liaundan, 8. // under foot. Raundhnd, \v.a. to trample on. to liaundmi, / tread dowii«to ride oier. Raiut, 8. /. a paeaagc, an ETenoe. lUiushan, adj. we Roaluuu Rauza, $. m. a mauaolvuin. Ravan, \ ruproo. Uio soTeraign of Rtivana, / Laulai, the gnml enemy of Ruma. Ravish, <. /. ctistom, law, ; rule : avenue, walk, ( Raw, in eompot. going, Rawii, adj. right, proptT. lawful, allowubiu : 8. m. gtiUl or silvef tiliiiga; agraiuur partklnofennd, UI|JOW(' RtiwiuUr, I RuwiUlari. t. /.'appniliation. lUiwij. «. m, UMg«s rtutmti : ai{f. oti*> * tirrrnl* veiMlibK\ l: gobig. moviuis. ttowiaf, l; 'I. n pnae, a ptaport: tobad, doMirted. liuwuiuigi. 9. /. i^ iw wn g, going* dt* parturui, travolhug. RawAna lionil, r. n. lu be despatdterf, to git, to |«iMi : to Dow. Kawuua karuii, U» act a going, to doapalch, to Kznd. Rawanna, #. ei. a paa^ a pennU. ^ Rawifau, \$./, going, prooc^ding, RawAniui, ( imvelling. Ri&wnt, f. m. a cnMip t»f •wwprtm. Rawu «. m. an biitonan, a namloft EEL [ 268 ] EIA Ra\»ya, s.m. custom, fashion, manner. Rawtf, 8. f. a kind of tent. Raz, s. m. a secret, a mystery. Raza, 8. f. acquiescence, consent, good pleasure ; permission, leave, Razai, 8. f. a quilt. Raza lena, to take leave, to go on leave. Razamand, adj. acquiescing, con- senting, permitting. Razamandi, s. f. consent, acquies- cence, permission. Razdar,acZ/. trusty,faithful, confidant. Razdari, s. /. keeping of secrets, se- crecy. Razi, adj. satisfied,contented,agreed, pleased, willing : s.f. good pleasure. Razi ba riza, resigned to the will of God. Riizi hona, to consent, to acquiesce, assent,accede, agree, to be content, to be satisfied. Razi karna, to content, to satisfy, please, gratify. Razmama, s. m. an acknowledgment, of a cause being finally settled, given by the plaintiff. Raziq, s. m. sustainer; affording sustenance, a title of the Deity. Razposhi, s. /. keeping or concealing secrets. Razzaq, adj. an epithet of the Deity ; provider of daily food. Re, m. a vocative used by way of disrespect or admiration : holla ! bravo ! O ! Reh, "l 8. f. fossil alkali, used for Rehf, / washing and making soap. Rekh, 1 8. /. stripe, line, mark, fate, Rekha,j destiny. Rekhta, s. m. the Urdii language is so called, being a mixed dialect ; mortar, plaster. Rcl, 8. m. abundance, plenty, Rela, 8. m. a flood ; rushing, shove ; a line or string of animals, &c. Relna, v. a. to shove, push, rush. Relpel, «./. abundance, plenty. Ren|;,}*-/-P^^^^^^^i«ti^ Rendi ka tel, s. m. castor oil. Rengna, v. n. to creep, to crawl ; to bray. RengnijS./. name of a medicinal herb. Renkna, v. n. to bray (as an ass.) Renr, s. m. \ palma christi ; the Renri, s. /. j castor oil tree. Renrika tel, s. ra. castor oil. Renta, 8. m. snot, snivel. Resha, 8. m. fibre, stringiness of a mango. Reshadar, adj. fibrous, stringy. Resham, s. m. silk. Reshmi, | adj. silken, woven or Reshmma,/ made of silk. Ret, 8 /. sand ; filings. [or filing. Retai, 8. /. price paid for polishing Retal, ac?j. sandy : s./.sandy ground. Reti, 8. /. sandy ground on the shore of a river ; a file. Retila, adj. sandy, gritty. RetJfa!''^'}^' "• *^ fi^^' *^ P^^^^- Rewand chini, 8. /. rhubarb. Rewri, 8. /. a kind of sweetmeat. Rez, in compos, pouring, scattering,, dropping, shedding, &c. Reza, 8. TYi. a scrap, piece, bit ; chil- dren employed on mason work, &c. ; boys who carry brick, mortar, &c. ; small silver coin. Reza reza, 8. m. scraps, pieces : mlj. in pieces, broken in pieces. Rezgf, small silver coin ; a scrap, a bit, a piece. Rez karna, to begin to speak or talk (as young birds.) Ri, /. a vocative particle used by way of disresiDcct or admiration : j holla ! bravo ! ! '■ Riaya, s. plur. of Raaiyat, subjects, tenants, peasantry. Ridyat, 8. /, kindness, favour, guard- '■ ing, protecting, taking care (of),i paying attention; remission, in-| dulgeuce. RIR [ 2G9 ] RIY ■Eiayat kama, to take off something from the price asked ; to guard ; to show kinduess. Riayati", «. m. a favoured person. lliclili, 8. m. a bear. [frieudsliip. Kita,(iat, 8./. society, companioHhliip, Rifiuiat karnii, to associate with. Riiiiii, «. /. liberation, escape, deli- verance*, discliarged, release. Riliiii ba^hshnti, U) deliver. Riliiii dena, «. m. to release, to acquit. Riliilm, «. m. tiie wonib. Rihl, 8. /. a supix»rt tor a book. Rihiut, 8. /. nuirching (particularly to tile other world) ; death. Jlihlut kama, v. n. to die. liiluii, 8. m. the womb. liilm, 8. m. a pb-dge, a pawn. Jtijalu, adj. mean, vulgar, vile, base. Itijli, 8. /. choiw!, appr(»batioii, dc- .^irc ; pleasing, satisrying. Ri jli:iiui, V. a. to pK^Juse. Rijluia, V. n. to Ixi pleased, to bo gratified, to be delightetl. Rikiib, 8./. a dish, a plate; u stirrup; qiiipage, tmin. Rikubdiir, ket))er of the dishoB. ^iikiibd(nil,8. /. a Htirru|)-leathor. Rikiibi, 8./. a dish, a plate. Eikabi mazhab. adj. panisitlcal, Hikcbi, 8. /. a dish, a plat^;. Rikh, J ... I J 8. m. a sage, a stunt Uim, X. /. miitUr, pua. kiiiii, lulj. purulent. Rill. 8./. Uirrowing. debt HiLH'hh, 8./. a Uuir, jliiid, 1 8. m. R rcprobatr, a drunkard, }>in la. j a deUiuehiM', u lilncicpUtnl. 2i lulhnil, v.a. to ., cook. liindi', 8./. trick, fraud, dohnuohery. fiiugmi,tJ.w, toennp, to emwl. Riiii. («(/. indebted : 8. rn, u dobtor. Biniyu, «. «»./. a tl«'bt<»r. Ill Hi. 8./. the btickbone. Ruiyana, V. u. to cry (n» ft child) ; to importimc, to U>g curucttUy. Ris, 8./. anger, wrath, passion/ Risala,8 .m. a book, a tn-ati.-^ , ;i .•.luall tract ; a troop of horsr, Risalatlar, the commandi r <.f a ir. *'p of horse. Risaladuri', 8./. the comiuaad of a troop of horse. Risiilat, 8./. mis.sion, apoetleship. Risalatpam'ih, a»ylum of prophecy. I.e., Muhammad. Risana, v. li. to be diqileaaed, to be angry, to be vexed. Rt'sh, 8./. beard. Ris' ha, adj. peKsionatc, wrathful. Rishi, 8. m. a aoge, a aaiut. RishtJ^ «. m. reUtionahip, connexkin< kin. Ri^ht4idar,«. m. a relatioB,* Idnanuiii* Rishtiulan, 8. /. rolationahip, aiUnity* Rishwat. 8./. a bribe. Rishwat dunii, to bribe. Rii«hwati. adj. a taker of bribes. RishuMt Ivi.iinii, to take bribi«. b' . adj. a taker of bnbsiL li' i. to take bribes. Ridiyuuu, r. n. to bo Texod,to bo angry, to be provoked. , Riiinii, r. fi. to diop akmly : to bo angry. Rt't, f. f. ntf^nm. mnffOi habit, nalo. l: uio %d ft fiih: Iho l: l: l; l: Ri)'u, «. Ml. 1 1 cvii>i Riyak:. Rivuk ^Uw, i: uoumuon, .•>«;»%. BOL [ 270 ] KOZ Riyasat karna, to govern. Riyazf, s. m. mathematics. Rizal, \ adj. mean, worthless, vile, Kizala,/ base. Rizal pan, \s. m. meanness, baseness, Rizalpana,! worthlessness. Rizq, s. m. food, wealth, subsistence, daily bread, support. Rizq dena, t to give food, to Rizq palmnchanaj support. Roab, s. m. 'prop. Ruab, which see. Roai, s. /. lamentation. Roan, s. m. hair of the body, down, wool. Roana, 'v. a. to make cry, to vex, to displease. Roas, s. f. inclination to cry. Rob, in compos, sweeping. Roda, ) s. m. (a sinew used as) a Roda, / bowstring ; a gut, catgut. Rodan, s. m. weeping, crying ; a tear. Ro dena, to cry, to weep. Roen, 8. f. the hair on the arms, &c., bristle, nap, down. Roen badalna, to become sleek and fat (a horse), to change his coat. Rog, s, m. sickness, disease. Roghan, s. m. see Raughan. T>^^\\^ I adj. sick, ailing; an in- ^S\K Valid. Rogiya, ) Rohani, s. f. see Rohini. Rohat, s. f. weeping, crying, tears. Rohini, 8. f. name of the fourth mansion of the moon. Rohii, s. /. the name of a fish. Roj, s. m. prop. Roz, day. Rok, 8. f. prevention, hindrance. Rokar, s. /. ready money, cash. Rokarbahi, s. /. a cash-book. Rokariya, s. m. a cash-keeper, a treasurer. Rokna, v. a. to enclose, surround, stop, prevent, restrain, hinder, de- tain, interrupt, prohibit. Rok tok, let, hindrance, opposition, resistance. Rolana, v. a. to cause to weep. Rom, 8. m. down, small hair of thd^ body. Rompna, v. a. to plant, to transplant. Rona, V. n. to cry, to weep : s. m. lamentation, grief: adj. addicted to crying. Rona dhona, to be bathed in tears. Roni surat, adj. of a sad counte- nance : 8. m. a melancholy or rue- ful countenance. Roiitiya, adj. treacherous. Rontna, v. a. to deny. Ropna, V. a. to plant, to transplant. Rora, s. m. a stone, a fragment of stone or brick, a brickbat. Rorokar, adj. with difficulty, with labour and pain. Roslian, adj. light, luminous, mani- fest, conspicuous. Roshanckauki, s. /. name of a mu- sical instrument. Roshandiln, s. m. a small hole for admitting light. Roshandil, adj. of an enlightened mind. Roshangar, s. m. an oilman. Roshani", 8. f. light, splendour. , j Roshan karna. to light, to illumi- I nate, to kindle. Roshnai, s. /. ink ; light, splendour. Roshni, 8. f. light, splendour, bright- ness. Rosna, v. n. see Rusna. t, 1 . Rota, / meats offered to Haniimaii. Rotf, 8. f. bread ; an unleavened cake. Rotiwala, s. m. a baker. Roya karna, v. n. to be ever crying. Roz, 8. m. a day. Roza, 8. m. fast, fasting ; Lent. Rozadar, 8. m. one who fasts. Roza i jaza, day of judgment. Roza kholna, to break a fast. Rozana, s. m. daily allowance ; daily. Roza rakhna, to keep a fast, to fast. Roz ba roz, adv. daily, constantly. Rozgar, s. m. service, earning. RUK [ 271 ] RUM Tlo?/rnT\, adj, one who earns. Kozj^'ar karmi, to serve to earn. Ilozi, 8./. daily food, employment. Koz.na, 8. m. daily food. Rozinadiir, 8. w. one who receives i ritual. Jtuluiniyat, 8./. hpirituality. Uiih ul liih, tlie iSpirit of Clod, JcflUD Christ. Ruh ul ({uds, the Holy Spirit. Kill, 8./. cotton. Jiiiidiir, adj. quilted or stufTed witli C4»tton. L'uju, 8. m. turning towanlu, bia«. Knju hoiia, to be incUued ur turn* .mI to. Ruju ktimii, to have rooourso to n Jiiglur authority, to rcimir to. nhjy Itiiiti, to turn towttnU, to side llvith, to submit, to yicKI. Ridvuuu, r. a. to cause to enclose, to surround, to stop, to hiudcr. Rukao, 8. m. /)■ hindrance, deten- Rukawa^, 8./. / tion, prevention. Rukh, 8. m. the cheek; face, 8i<: point, quarter. Riikh, 8. m. a tree. Kukha, adj. dry, plain, rough, har>; unkind ; unseasoned. Rukhai, I 8. f. plainness, drjmess (of Kiikhai', / bread), mikind looks, unfriendliness. Rukhiini, 8. /. a carpenter's chisel Kiikha siikha, adj. plain, bhii harsh (words.) Ru^h badalnii, to turn away fr (words, &c.), to be angry displeased. Ru'khi, 8./. a squirrel. Rukh karna, to turn Uio face (to* wards), to proceed (towards), tO attend to, to accede to. Ru^ii pheriui, to turn away from. bi! angry. Riikhra, adj. rough uneven. Riijvhsiir, I s. m. tlie clu<»k, fa- Rul^hstini, / miin, coiuplexion. Rujchsat, s. /. leave, liceiice, | « mission, dismissal. Ru^lisat di'iui, to permit, to diMui to give leave U> g«). RuVhsat Uouiy to do|)art, to hn^ hiivo to (lo|)firt RuVl»Hiiti, #. /. de|Kirturc, anytlu; given at |iarting. Ru^hsat kurnu, to jiermit, to gn \n\u\ to dimniim. Rul^lisat Imui, to take ono'^ leave. de|mrt. Rukiiti, r. n. to stop, to be hinder .,, ..,.. ),,».. I.. 1 . i.« 1^. fMicloueti. I von. (\ ' i - HJy in pn«> • Rukv . pixvcnter. Rulai iu«e to crv, to v. RUm, fi. J : Constant nople, til- I :npirp. Ruma), :) towel. RUS [ 272 ] SAB adj. silvered, made of silver. Kumali, s. f. a mode of exercising the arms by turning the mugdars over the head. Rumi, s. m. a Grecian. Rundna, v. n. to be trod or trampled on. Runghat, s. /. dirt, filth. Riingta, s. m. the short hairs of the body. Rungte khare hona, v. n. the stand- ing of the hairs on end (from cold, fear, &c.) Riip, s. m. countenance, form, shape, appearance, face ; beauty. Rupa, s. m. silver. Rupahla, Riipahra, Rupahra, Rupaiya, j Rupi, I s. m. a coin so called, a Riipiya, j rupee. Riipiya, j Rupjast, s. m. pewter. Riiposh, adj. hiding the face, con- cealed. Ruposh hona, v. n. to be concealed, to hide one's face, to abscond. Riiposhi, s.f. concealment, hiding. Riipwan, ^ adj. well-shaped, hand- Rupwant, j some, beautiful. Rupya, s.m. a coin so called, a rupee. Ruqa, s. m. a note, a letter. Ruqaat, s. 'plur. of Ruqa, notes. Rusana, v. n. to be displeased. Rusi, s. f. scurf. Rusiyah, adj. disgraced, criminal, un- fortunate. Rusiyahi, s. f. disgrace, criminality. Riisna, 1 v. n. to be angry, to be dis- Rusna, / pleased, to have a misun- derstanding with a friend. Rustam, n. 'prop, one of the twelve champions of Persia ; a hero. Rustami, s. f. valour, heroism. Rusum, s. f. plur. of Rasm, customs, tees, taxes, duties, postage. Ruswa, adj. infamous, dishonoured, disgraced : s. m. disgrace, infamy. Ruswai, s. f. ignominy, infamy, dis- honour, disgrace, &c. Rutba, 8. m. rank, degree, dignity, step, stair. Rutba barhna, to advance in dignity. Rutha ruthi, s.f. mutual coolness, misunderstanding. Ruthna, v. n. to have a misunder- standing with a friend, to be cool, to be angry or displeased. Ruthni, adj. quarrelsome : s. f. the name of a species of sensitive plant. Rutiibat, s. f. humidity, freshness. S. Sa, a prepositive particle, signifying with, possessed of, or related to. Sa, like, resembling ; an adjunct, the meaning of which is at times scarcely perceptible, though often it seems to give intensity to the preceding word, as Bara, large; Barasa, largish ; Kalasa, blackish. Saadat, s. f. fehcity, happiness, good fortune. Saadatmand, adj. prosperous, for- tunate, happy. Saadatmandi, s. f. prosperity. Saat. s. /. a moment, minute, hour. Sab, adj. all, every, the whole, total (in the inflection of the plural this word generally becomes sabhon.) Saba, s. f. a gentle breeze, morning breeze. Sabab, s. m. cause, reason, motive : postpos. on account of, by reason of. Sabad, s. m. see Sabd. Sabadhan, adj. see Savadhan. Sabaj, adj. prop. Sabz, wliich see. Sabal, adj. powerful, forcible. Sabalai, s. f. power, force, strength. Saban, adj. plur, all. Saban, s. m. soap. Sabaq, s.m. a lesson, lecture, learning. ; Sabaq lena, to take a lesson. t Sabaq parhna, to read a lesson. | Sabar, s. f. see Sabr. -J Sabar, s. m. a leather of elk's or anj| SAB [ 273 ] SAD kind of deer's hide for bedding ; an oik. R5il)a.sh, prop. ShaMsh, which see. Ishi', see Shabashi. 1, 8.m. sound in general, a sound, I word. Saber, adj. early, soon, in good time. Subera, «. m. morning dawn. Sab('re,arfy.intheniornirig,carly,soon. Sabhti, «. m. an asiicrably, meeting, company. Sabhiipati, «. m, chief or president of an asHombly. Sablu'. all. Sabhf»o, adj. plur. inflect, of Sab, all, tiio whole. Sibil, H.f. water distributed to thirsty tiavellcrM during the ten first days of Mnhamim. Siibiq, wlj. former, preooding, fon> going : (ulv. fonnerly, of yore, hero- t/)t'ore, ago, before time. S^l)i«|a, K. ni. former friendship, pre- viouH intimacy. Sdl>i([an, \ according to ancient Sabi(i (laHtifr,/ or former custom ; IS lx!for(5. Siibiq mcD, «^?». formerly, of yoro, h(r('lx)ron;, ago, Ixjforo time. S»d)ir, atlj. pntit, nx<>d. provini, tuk;erUiinod, CMtablislKHl, confliUKHl. Siibit h( •nii, to lie provinl or onnflrmed, t^) Im' tirm. Siibit karuii, to conflnn, establbh, Verily, pn)Vo by wilmiw. Siibji', H.f'. jtrov. Sib/.i, which i06. Si.l) kalnu, '"/''. every wlicn\ Sal. UjI sab, \ all, every one, every- Sal> k«» sab, / tiling, the wliolo. Sal) khauwii, ndj. oinnivt»n>UM. one who (>ats all kinds of fotnl witliout exccpii»>n. Sib koi. every one, rviTy body, oU. Sih knchh. everything, all. S:ilK>t4ir, aiij. «'vcrywhcro. Sabr, s.f. patience, enduranco. Sabr honti.to l)o sati^fRMlTrom fating.) Sabr karna, to wait, liavr jMtn nee, endure. Sabiij, adj. prop. Sabz, which aee. Siibiin, \ Sabun, I '• "• »«P- Stibiingar, «. m. a soap-boiler. Sabiir, adj. patient, mild, enduring. Sabiin', «. /. i)atience, forbcanince. Sabiit, «. / firmness, stability, coulir- mation by evidence. Stibiit, adj. whole, entire. Sabiit homi, to be tirm. Sabz, adj. green, verdant, ft-» rishing; grey -coloured (a i Sitbza, t. m. an incipient W^^id green Ktono worn in the cur aj) ornament ; ',-•■- Sabz bona, t Sabzi, n./ gi' culinary n. iii intoxicatm.: | i^. Sabziniandi, f.j. n ji mttable.s an* hoUI. 8aD3WiadanMi :itt«. Snclinu(i', « tt. SnohohA, .. ni rv,U^ honest, fa irv>: «. fit. a tru... ; Sarhot, a<(/. ^r witti mutton : .to iqimk truly. ■ \. to not truly. Ku'liiiiuch. at{j. or aih. truly, tnir. 8i«d, adj. hundrragii, adj. relateil, full, owu. •>Qgubliar, own brother. Sugiii, 8. /'. bctrotliing for marriago, second marriage of a woiuau of kiw tribe. [to bctiolh. 1 karn»i, to engage for marriage, 1 1, iulj. all, rvt'ry, the whole. , ,:ir, 8. in. a kiiui of cart, ugar, 8. m. the sea, the ucoon. -^igiuiti, \ 8. /. animal food, meat, >u^Ciiuti', / llrsll. Sn:',bun, 8. 7/*. a »l()g-krepor. ^a,:;; tiAniift. Sahara karnti, tu abet Sahargiihi, s '* •' ' 'ikcn at oariv dawn or a < r, od among Muhanun ue of Huiiing. Stihas, «. m. < tit vuluur. Saiiasi, tt(//. I vu. bulil. Sahniir, u<(/. a iSahi&yuta, 8. r'. .ii.l. i.. ;■,>. .i .i^i.^i,, ,•. SabeUlt./. irniai.- r.M.'i].a:,i..i:. iu A Bomglin, luuuliuaid, cuuvubua Saiii, »./ a poroupiuc. Siiiii. an eniphutical |Hirticlc: (it i> true or correct, truly, indeixl, a i tainly : straight Sal lib. It. m. loni, master ; (iu compa.* {HltMUtMUr. |K>SHviM)d of, CJldoWix, with. Saliiba, «. /. a lady, misiroAA, &c. SiihiUin, moHtors, gentlemen. Stihibi, «./. rule, ciaiinuunl, lordship. Sahib i Uj^htiyar. poasessud of ({«• eloctiou or optiou. SAH [ 276 ] SAI Sahib i jamal, adj. beautiful. Sahibi karna, to rule, lord, govern. Sahib i kliana, master of the house. Sahib iq^bal, adj. fortunate, prosper- ous, [a saint. Sahib kamal, adj. perfect, excellent, Sahib saliqa, endowed with taste, a man of taste. Sahibzada, genteelly born ; a young gentleman ; a son. Saliifa, s. m. a book, a leaf, a page. Sahfh, adj. accurate, just, perfect, entire, right, certain, authentic, correct, genuine ; a plumb-line. Sahih karna, to sign, to correct, to rectify. Sahil, s. m. a porcupine. Sahir, s. m. an enchanter, a magician, a necromancer. Sahirana, v. n. to thrill, to have the hair stand on end: v. a. to rub gently, to stroke. Saliirf, s. /. enchantment, magic, ne- cromancy, conjuration. Sahit, jpr^. with, together with, along with. Saliiyarna, v. a. to arrange. Sahjana, s. m. see Saliajna. Sahl, adj. easy, not difficult, simple : adv. easily. Sahlana, v. a. to stroke, to rub gently, to tickle. Sahmana, v. a. to frighten, to terrify. Sahmna, v. n. to fear, to be afraid. Sahn, s. m. a court-yard, area; a kind of cloth. Sahna, v. n. to bear, endure, support. Sahnak, s. f. a plate, dish, &c. Sahodar, adj. descended from one mother. Sahodar bhai, s. m. full brother, Salira. s. m. a desert, a plain. Sahrana, v. n. see Sahirana. Sahil, s.f. an error, mistake, blunder, inadvertency. Sahii, adj. honest : s. m. a merchant. Sahiikar, s. m. a great merchant, banker. Sahukari, s. f. traffic, trade, com- merce, exchange of money. Saliul, s. m. a plummet. Sahw, s. f. see Sahu. Sahwaiya, s. m. a sufferer. Sahwan, adv. erroneously, inadver- tently. Sai, s.f. endeavour, attempt, effort, enterprise. Sai, adj. hundred. Saif, s. f. a sword. Saihiin, Mount Sion. Saikara, adv. a hundred per cent. Sai karna, to endeavour, attempt, strive. Saikra, adv. a hundred per cent. Sail, s. m. an interrogator, asker. Sail, s. f. walking or going about for amusement. Sailab, adj. abounding with water : s. f. m. a flood, a torrent, a deluge. Sailani", adj. fond of going about for amusement. Sailsapata, s. m. walking or going about for amusement. Sam, s. m. lord, master ; a faqir, the Deity. Sain, s. /. a wink, sign, token, hint, a signal ; sleep, repose. Samji, s. m. a religious mendicant. Sain karna, to beckon. Sainkra, adv. hundred. Sainsath, adj. sixty-seven. Saintalis, adj. forty-seven. Saintis, adj. thirty-seven. ^ Saintna, v. a. to adjust, to put to rights. Saiqal, s. m. polish, lustre, furbish- ing ; the polishing instrument. Saiqalgar, a polisher, furbisher, bu?- nisher. Saiqal bona, to be burnished or po- lished. Saiqal karna, to polish, furbish, bu nish. Sair, s. f. perambulation, excursion tour, taking the air, recreatioaif amusement,moviug about; perusal. SAJ [ 277 ] SAK Siiir, 8. m. tax, duty levied on per- sonal property. Sairgalj, s. f. place for walking. Bair karna, to take the air, to per- ambulate, to travel; to read, to peruse. Sill's' [ *• ^' * groom, a horsckeeper. Sai'si', 8. f. the business of a groom. Saltan, «. m.prop. Shaitan, the devil, Satan. Saitna, v. a. to take care of, to hus- band; to kill. Raiyjili, «. m. a traveller, a pilgrim. Suiyiihr, 8./. travelling, voyage. *Saiyara, «. m. a planet. fcaiyid, «. m. a lord, a prince ; a dc- ' Hfcndant of Ilusain. 6uj, 8. /. HliajK), ornament, appear- ance, proj)a ration. Saj, 8. m. harness, accoutrements ; preparation. Siijai, 8. /. the nrico paid for making \y('\in or s<'jd)bardH ; preparation. Sojun, 8. m.f. a person of resiKJcta- bility. Biljan, 8. m. a swoethcart, a lover. Rn pimi, V. a. to cjinse to prepare. Sajuo, 8. m. i)rei>urati()n, ornament. Sajawa^, $. /. preparation; contri- vance. Sajdar, (idj, woll-sliaped, handsome. Saj dimj, 8. /. preparation and ap- ncaranee. Siijiui, 8. in. partniTship, niwociatloil. S.ijlii', 8. in. a partner, nn Hr»wwmt4'. »^!ijilii, (ulj. well hI taped, ImndMmie, j;raef a tpt-i*. Sakha wat, «. /. lil ' Sakhtiwat kania. Sakhi, «. m. aue\:^ Sukhi', «. /. a kind of fa(iir who dresses like a wonuui ; a friend, a companion. Sa^jLln, (uij. I il)oral, generous. Ba^lit, «./. nudce. fabrication, fuBliimi, construction. Suljdit, atlj. hanl, strong, tough, diffl- cult, olxJurale : stingy ; very cruel, au^tert*, H<>vert\ imndi (to the <-ar.) Si||diti. *./. hanlnem, hanthm*f«: ^ vi-nty, btiii;:iii< S.S ; hardship. durocy: BaViniiM-i" ISakin. esc' >iil not ! Snkiui, r. n, to U< i»t>lr. Siikofii^, r. H. t into a new sign. Baknintf, . Shalgham, a turnip. Sal girih, s. f. birthday, on the anni- versary of wliich a knot is annually added on a string kept for this pur- pose. Salha, plur. of Sal, years, for years. Salha sal, for years, annually. Sal hasil, yearly produce. Sail, s. f. sister-in-law, wife's sister. Sal i ayanda, next year. Sali'b, s. m. a crucifix, a cross. Sal i guzashta, last year. Salih, s. m. a man of probity and honour. Sali'm, adj. pacific, mild, affable. Sali'm ut taba, adj. affable, mild, | gentle, pacific. \ Sali'na, s. m. see Saliyana. Salmadar, an annuitant. Saliqa, s. m. method, knack, know- ledge, skill ; nature, genius, taste, , good disposition.- i Sails, adj. easy, not abstruse, simple. \ Salita, s. m. prop. Shalita, which yee. Saliyana, s. m. an annual stipend, ad annuity : adj. annual. \ Saliyanadar, an annuitant. v Sail ala, blessed, very fine. 1 Sallam, s. m. a kind of coarse cloth. | Sallii, s. m. thongs, narrow slips ofj leather for stitching shoes. | Salna, v. a. to perforate, bore, pierce : V. n. to ache, be in pain, to smart. SAM [ 279 1 SAM Salna, v. n. to pierce, to perforate. Salsji, 8. m. sarsaparilla. 8alsalana, v. n. to creep (as a emake, &c.), to pierce (a thorn), to rankle. Saltauat, «. /. empire, sovereignty, reign, dominion. Salii, 8. m. a kind of red cloth. Saliino, «. /. the time the rakhi is tied round the wrist. Sal war, culj. by or according to the year. Sal wat, 8. prayers, benediction ; abuse. Sara, adj. like, alike, similar. 8am, »./. a ferrule : prop. Sliim, even- ( in??. [ Sdmd, 8. f. provisions. - 8ama, 8. m. time, season; concord, Immiony, unison. " 'lui bandhiiii, v.n. to be in concert. . iiiiichjir, 8. in. nows, tidings, infor- mation ; account of cireumBtanoeg or health. Sdmudiin, 8. m. prop, Sharo^dto, a enndh'stick. Samadan, adj. everlasting, eiemnl. Bamjidh, 8.f.Um\h of a J«>gi, particu- larly whfri! IlindiiK, fn)m nOigious ;• motives, submit to Ik; buried alive. Sammli', «e<\ flnmaj, H. m. hocirty : multitude. Sanuijat, ». /. adulation, entreaty, no- lieit«tion. Haniajh, «. /. rompn^hension, under- I Btano«\ think, eon- <'(>ive, considtT, nd. know, oonie tO an untlrrstanding (^with.) Sanuiji, 8./. musicians Uiat attend alaneere. Samalii, 8. m. the name of a plant Saman, 8. m. furniture, apparata^ necessaries, tools. Saman, adj. equal, adequate, similar, alike, akin, one, uuifunn if equality, level. Samiio, 8. m. time, season. Samana, v.n. to be contained in. go into. Samdnatjl,'-/ likeness, rescmbla! equality. Saman i jang. 8.m. warlike app.^ tus, ammunition. Samiinta, 8. f. see StinuinatUUnii dnui:t,t. r's fntti. r in Inw •'I- Santblutltut, V, «i. (*• »up)«'rt« j^:* )k ■oatain, lioUl up. iij«»iiil. licip. shi«-ld. j»rot*M t, * ' SAmhhar, «. m. : Sambliamii, r. •: SamlHMihnn, #. f Samlmm, $. m, > Samdhi, a *■• ciinu » mtiuT-ui law ; SAM [ 280 ] SAN the relationship between two per- sons whose children are married to each other. Samdhin, s. f. child's mother-in-law. Samdhiyana, 8, m. the family of a child's father-in-law. Same, | s. m. time, season ; fit or Samen, / proper time. Samet, adv. with, along with, to- gether with. Sametna, v. a. to collect together, to amass ; to fold up (a carpet.) Samhalna, v. a. see Sambhalna. Samhna, s. m. encountering, front, confronting, facing, opposition. Samhna karna, to confront, oppose, encounter. Samhne, postpos. or adv. in front, fronting, before, confronting, op- posite. Sami', s. f. a ferrule. Samil, adv. and adj. prop. Shamil, which see. Samip, adj. proximate, at hand : postpos. mas. near. Sami'pf, 8. f. proximity, nearness. Samiyana, s. m. prop. Shamiyana, a canopy, an awning. Samjhana, v.a. to make comprehend, explain, account for, convince, describe, inform, warn, admonish, instruct, apologize.* Samjhauti, | s. f. act of explaining, Samjhawa, / convincing or giving confidence. Sammat, s. m. a year, an era. Samna, s. m. see Samhna. Samne, postpos. or adv. see Samhne. Samosa, s. m. pastry of minced meat. Samp, 8. m. a snake, a serpent. Sam pat, s.f. afiluence, wealth, riches. Sampera, s. m. a snake-keeper. Sampola, "1 , Sampoli;a.r-'^-^^^"°^'''^^'^- Sampuran, | adj. perfect, full, com- Sampiirna, / pleted, all, the whole. Samshan, «. m. a cemelei-y, a place where dead bodies are burnt, &c. Samt, 8. f. see Simt. S:imucha, | adj. entire, whole, full, Samucha, / complete. Samudr, ) Samudr;, | *' "^^ «^^' ^«^^^- Samudrphen, s. m. the dorsal scale or bone of the cuttle-fish. [cine. Samudrsokh, s. m. name of a medi- Samiih, s. m. assemblage, heap. Samulkhar, s. m. arsenic. Samundar, s. m. sea, ocean. Samundarkhar, s. m. arsenic. Samundarphal, s. m. name of a medi- cine. Samundar phen, s. m. foam of the sea. Scin, 8. f. a whetstone, a grindstone ; the whetting or grinding of a tool. San, s. m. a kind of flax ; a year. Sana, s. m. senna : s. /. praise, ap- plause. Sanad, s.f. signature, a deed, a docu- ment or proof, a warrant ; certifi- cate. Sanadi, adj. held by written deeds. Sanam, s. m. a lover. [fabrication. Sanat, s. f. art, make, workmanship, Sanatan, adj. eternal, everlasting. j Sanch, "I adj. true, proper, correct, "• \ Sancha, / exact, real. Sancha, s. m. a mould, a matrix. Sanchhep, adj. abridged, short. , Sand, s. m. a bull, a stallion; an 1 impudent extravagant fellow. j Sanda, s. m. name of an animal re- sembling a lizard. San(la, adj. strong, fat, stout. Sandal, s. m. san(ial-wood. Sandalauta, s. m. a stone on which sandal-wood is ground. Sandal 1, adj. made of sandal- wood ; of the colour of sandal-wood; 8. f. moveable steps. Sanda musanda, adj. stout, robust. : Sandas, «. m. a necessary, a sink. Sandasi', 8. w. a caste of HindtC faqirs. Sandeh, s. m. suspicion, doubt, ap- prehension, anxiety. i j SAN [ 281 ] SAN 'Baridelii', adj. doubtful, scrupulous. San dena, v. a. to grind. Sandes, \ 8. m. a message, news, N unlesa, / tidings, information. Siiidesi, 8. m. a messenger. I ►Sundhan, «. m. prying into secrets. I Sandhari paua, v. a. to trace to dis- cover. SanrUiya, 8. f. twilight. ISanchif, 8./. a female camel, a drome- dary. Sandnisawdr, one who rides on a dromedary. Saii(l>i', «./. small pincers, tongs. Sandiiq, «. m. /. a box, a trunk, caae, cliist, colfer, coffin. Sandiiiicha, s. m. u small box, a cjirtket. Sandiiqi, adj. like a box. SjiikIi, 8. m. friendship, love, affec- tion. Sunehf, 8. m. friend, lover. Sun-,', 8. m. a spdneM. Sii!i;;li!irnti, V. a, to kill, to make iwiiy with. Hjmi^dmti. «. in. a companion, n fViond. Saiii^hiya, 8. in. a com|»anion. •SuiiLCi, 8. in. a com|KUiion, n comrade, an iioconiplice : adj. lUony, of l^onc. B^jp^i', 8. /. a support on which the f^e of a C4»rt is prop|HMl. ang i marmar, 8 in. marble. Sang i miqnatiH, the loadstone. Sang i miisa, a black stone so called. Sangin, adj. sUmy, heavy ; solid : 8. f. a Ixiyonet. Sangini, «. / solidity. Sang i bulaimanf, 8. in. ngnie, o:i}\ Sang i sumiiq, jK)rpliyry. Sang i yashm, «. n. a kind of jai?] •■ or agate. Sting lana, to imitate, to mimic Sangrah, 8. m. compilation, abridg- ment; collection. Sangnim, 8. in. battle, war. Sangrcza, 8. m. gravel. Sangsar, «. m. stoning to deatli. Stmgsiir kania, to btone to death. Sanghi, 8./. jiiucers, fortvps. S^gtonli )«•»>• a kind of orangr. Sangtaniah« «. m. a stono-outtor. Saiigumun, uuderatauding aud ima- gination. Sangyii, *./. a noun. Sanhak, «. /. prop. Bahnak. a di>! plati', tILc. Sani, 8./. chaff or straw mixed with grain as fiMMi for cuttle. Sjinj, ji. III. if * 1 - - » , Suiiiehar. n Sanirhara, (cloUii*.; SHnjIiiikal. \ t hanii.kul. / '^ Suujttg. 8, m. acvidrnt. event, cbaiao hu|i, luck ; junction. S»»iijogi. a |HrM)ii who baa ever} thing in phuv and tinier. Stinjiiguti, r. «. to pni^n*. S«4njukt. rtdi. joined* jaiiiod witb. conipoumhHl. Sank, \ 8./. fear, Sauki, / pk:ioa. SAN [ 282 ] SAN Sankal, s. f. a chain. Sankalp, s. m. a solemn vow or de- claration of purpose. Sankat, s. m. vexation, misfortune, pang, anguish, pain. Sankh, s. m. a conch which the Hindus blow ; a shell. Sankho, s. m. a kind of timber. Sankhini, s. f. a description of a woman. Sankhya, s.f. a number : s.m. arsenic. Sankoch, s. m. shame, bashfulness, reserve, diffidence. Sankrant, s.f. the sun*s entering into a new sign. Sankri, adj. narrow, close, strait. Sanman, s. m. respect, esteem, re- verence, regard. Sanmuk, ^ adv. opposite, confront- Sanmukh, / ing, over against. Sanna, v. a. to be stained, soiled, to be kneaded, mixed up (as flour, dough, earth, &c.) Sanna, v. a. to knead, to mix up (flour, dough, earth, &c.) ; to stain, to defile ; to whet. Sannata, s. m. the roaring of the waves, rumbling noise made by- wind and rain at a distance, sound, bluster : adj. still, lonely, silent, dreary, dismal. Sannyas, s. m. abandonment of all worldly things. Sannyasi, s.m. a religious mendicant. Sanpat, s. m. the name of a disease in which the body is seized with universal chilliness. Sanr, s. m. see Sand. Sanrnf, s. f. a female camel ; a dromedary. Sanrsi, s. f. tongs, small pincers. Sans, s. f. breath, sigh. foansa, I ^^ ^ doubt, uncertainty; Sansai I apprehension, fear. Sansanana, v. n. to sing (as water about to boil) ; to simmer ; to faint. Sansar, s. m. the world. Sansarf, ^ adj. worldly, of this Sansarik, / world. Sans bharna, to sigh, to regret. Sanskar, s.m. an essential and purifi- catory rite among the Hindus. Sanskrit, the Sanskrit language. Sansna, v. a. to snub, to distress, to threaten. Sans rokna, v. a. to suffocate, to stifle. Sans rukna, v. n. to be smothered or throttled. Sans ulti lenf, to gasp or draw in the breath (as a person in agony. ) Sant, adj. calm, tranquil, pacified. Sant, s. m. a kind of faqir, a saint : adj. pious, virtuous. Sant, s. f. joining, sticking; con- federacy, collusion. Santa, s. m. a kind of whip. Santan, s. m. progeny, ofi*spring, children. Santap, s. m. sorrow, pain, affliction, distress, misery, repentance. Santapi, adj. sad, sorrowful, afflicted. Sante, adv. instead, stead. Sant bona, v. n. to be appeased or pacified. Sant kurna, v. a. to appease, pacify. Siintna, v. a. to join tliread, to join, to splice, to stick together. Santokh, s. m. content, patience. Santokhi, adj. patient, contented. Santokh karua, to be patient, to be content. Santusht, adj. satisfied, gratified, con- tent, delighted. Sanwa, \ s. m. the name of a very Sanwan, j small grain. Siinwan, s. m. the name of the fourth Hindu month. Sanwarna, v. n. to be prepared ori arranged, to be decorated ; to be- come reformed. Sanwarna, v. a. to prepare, to dress, decorate, adjust, adorn, arrange. Sanwla, ) adj. of a dark or sallovi^j Sanwra, / complexion. ' Sanyasi, s. m. see Sannyasi. JSS, ov^ J SAR [ 283 ] •Sanyog, 8. m. see Sanjog. 8aiiyo, 8. w. a snake; a curse. kSuj^urda, 8. m. a musician attending on singing women. Sapat or Haputh, «. /. an oath. Sapod, adj. wliite. Sapedi, «. /. whiteness, whitewash ; light of the dawn. Sap\m; } «./. a female snake. Hapild. }«-^- a dream. Sapnii, V. a, to curse. I bapolu, \8.m,B. young snake just t'8apf)liyji, / hatcljcd. i^apiiran, adj. see Sanipiiran. Hapiit, I «. m. a tractable or dutiful Supiitr, / son. " 1 1. 8. m. a cup-])car(r, a pnge. |il, adj. indigcHtible, heavy, lazv. haqil homi, I', n. to bo fallen, to be (IcgradtKi. Sjujiliit, 8. scarlet cloth. fijuiqa, 8. m. a water-carrier. Hiir, 8./. pith or sap of trees, Ac; e8.4('nce, (luintcsseuoe : «. m. ma- nure ; a cimu'l. Bar, 8. 7?*. tlie jjcad, summit, end, ]K)int, beginning, chief, principal. Sjira, 8. /. a caravanwiry. an inn : H. m. an farthon <'<»v»r of u jMit. Sara, adj. lottm, nuisty, Htiiiking. Bttia, adj. all, the whole ; 8. iii, wifu'a brother-in-law. Banih, 8. /. ;irnun(Midation. Sni'ahat, 8. y. n)ttennes8, nuiMlinotfi. 8aj-ahintl, 8./. a disagn ixible smoU, amell of putrid mciit. Sarahna, r.n. to praise, m comint mI, to applaud, to celehmte. Safak, 8.f. the high road. Sarakat,8./. prop. Sharakat, partii : ship. Saraknd, v. n. to be moved, to rcmr>% to move, stir, to get out of t. way, to budge. Saram, «./. prop. Sharm, which sf < Saranmna, v. n. prop. 8harmui which see. Saran, «./. rottenness, putrific.ition Baran, 8. /. an asylum, slielter, j>rv/- tetttion. Sanimi, r. a. see Snrdhna. Sartina, v. a. to cause to rot» to make ferment ; to steep. Samntignt, f. m. n "^ '•• - "^ — ' ^ comcj* for proti Siirang, 8. m. achi. Harangi', s. /. a mui»icul ai>'i like a fiddle. Sara!i;,'iya, 8. m. a fiddler. Saranjain. 8. m. eonehision, end ; v {HiratUj^ utensils, pxxU and cb tels, HtorcH, matenulDi, ingrvdicnu, r<»fpii^!tes. S oiicluded. I aro; fliiiali. >..:.., -i jttrprnt Samp, i. m. curaing, aii improctt* tion. Sar»|iii, adv. fVtim head to foi>l, |o- ttdlv : t. m. tho wholo fhmi hrml t«. hu.t. Kurwp deiiii, \ v. a. t<> run«t\ Snrupuu, I prttntto. SuniN adj UrnU prn mnn\id>t; ty. Bi&nM, ». «♦ .. -i" . .. - ••! bcnm. tiiuimr, adj. all. tho wholo, ontirHy, (W>n» one end to tiu- ot!n r. frtno beginning to end. Baniiiiin, adj. ^unlmarv Sanuiiwuti. - • of speech n Bomt, 8. / i - Iiiarb, titution. Sar i nib, «. m. tiie high read, the liigher part of the rood. fi ^r v'k I ^^' *^T^o'*^'» material. Sar i rii, 8. f, the cepbahc vein in the arm. Bar i sal, commencement of the year. Bur i sham, evening, early in the c'vc^ning. Buri.sh|;, «./. tlie creation, the world. BariHlit, ». f. nature, temporature, constitution, di.spo.sition. Biirisiita, 8. m. cUHU)in, UHago. Siuisbtadar, ». m. the chief under native olhcer in the courts. Bnriyiil, adj. rotttii, Mtinking. fc^aiiyanii, v. a. to armnge, to pack. Hiirianliar, ». in. cixnitor. Siujii, n.jrrop.f. ruuiw of a river. Sat Iviinil. V. a. to nniove, to put on oiu^ Hide, to remove out of the way. PiirhiiiK.bi, 8. in. a rritl. Sarkur, 8. /. the king'n court; go- vernment, a HU|H'rintend(iit, a title l>y way of re.'>|KH't given to a j).rsou prt•^ent or abikMit. ,Surkiiri, K.f. 8uj)orintondenco : a<(/. belonging to tiio stato or to tlio gi>vernment j^ir karnii, t«) obtain victorv. lirkaHli, adj. rearing the luwl, dia- A- ob(«ilient, refractory, rubeUiuua, in- . solent, mutinoujt. Sarkashi, s.f. disoluMlit^nce, mutiny, insolenco, rofractoruiOits. Sarkaslii kama, to disobey. Sarkhatt, 8. m. an agreement to hire, service ; bill of sale. Sarklnish, adj. cheerful, gay, merr} Sar^iishi, s.f. gaity, exhilaration. Sarma, «. m. winter ; the cold seaisoi Sarmai', «. /. winter-clothing. Sarmashq, «. /. copy lines ; a copy f- i writing. Sarmast, adj. intoxicated (with wine, lust, |)ower,&c.), dead drunk. Sarmastf, «./. intoxication. Sanmiya, «. m. stock in tn\df. « a- pital, funds, means. [win Sarmindu, adj. prop. Shat: Sarmi, 8. /.sea Saran. Sarna, v. a. to rot, to ferment. Sarnama, «. m. title, uddj\>st<, - ; scription of a letter. Sarni, *. /. a Mhe-caniel. Sarnigiin, hanging the h» nl. il ., : Saro, 8. m. the cypn'Kh-ti • Sarohr, #. /. a kimi of hmi • ^r Sarokar, K. m. bu.sint>Hi<. ii:< : 8aro{m,vht'l< , ir m ! . 1 to foot: 8. in. a vrt»l wiiJi \khi princH'M honour tlieir hubjtvtd. Sar o Hanuin. 8. m. anixintttut. Sarotu, 8. III. u kind of MMMcira i cutting lH*tel-nut. Samvar, «. in. a lake or large |K)nd. Ktirp. c in. a serftont Sarjtat. - II Sorpa »pn(r. Sar|»i< !iunlwoni Sar|H<»«li,) Uta> turlMii. SariMmh, f. m. a <\)vrr. lid, pol-li«L HcuTuf, «. IN. a banker, a moniv- olinnger. Sarrifa. *, fii.tht> j>l:ut> %\h. rt« l«uik* en* tni motet tii< Sj»rrufi.*ybM!»kt' 'vrin^. t!*ar»u. Sartur intJ. . Sana b/. I. •./. %enhm\ trriUuioM, > gi'tntion, flouriiUiihg hImIv. Saniuu, «. m. dclihum, (hsuiy. SAT [ 286 ] SAT Sarsarahat, s. f. creeping sensation. Sarsarana, v. n. to creep along (as a snake), to make the noise a snake does when creeping. Sarshar, adj. intoxicated ; brimful. Sarshari, «. /. intoxication; fulness. Sarson, s./. a species of mustard. Sartaj, s. m. a chief. Sariip, s. m. own or natural shape or form,appearance, sbape.form, with appearance, with form. Sarv, 8. m. the cypress-tree. Sarwa, s. m. wife's brother. Sarwan, s. m. a camel-diiver. [ing. Sarwan, s. m, the ear ; the actof hear- Sarwar, adj. equal. Sarwat, s. f. wealth. Sarzad, adj. happening. Sarzad hona, v. n. to happen, occur, come out, to come to light. Sarzamiii, s. f. the earth; country, region, territory ; limits, confines. Sarzer, adj. humbled. Sarzor, adj. mutinous, rebellious, dis- obedient, headstrong. [dience. Sarzor/, s.f. mutiny, rebellion, disobe- Sas, s. f. a mother-in-law. Sasarna, v. n. see Sarakna. Sasna, 'v. a. to chastise, to admonish. Sasta, adj. cheap, easy to procure. Sastai, or Sastagf, s. f. cheapness. Sastar, s. m. prop. Shastr, which see. Sasu, s. f. a mother-in-law. Sasur, s. m. father-in-law. Sat, s. m. virtue ; truth : adj. true, virtuous, right ; adv. actually. Sat,arf/. seven ; the same also asSath. Sata, s. m. a graft. Satak, 8. /. a rod. Satakna, v. n. to run away, to disap- pear, to flee, to sheer off. Satalii, 8. m. prop. Shaftalii, a peach. Satana, v. a. to tease, to vex, to fret, annoy, grieve, harass, gall. Satana, v. a. to unite, to stick, to make to adhere. Satar, s.f. a line, row, rank, series : s. m. privities, Sartarbandi, s./. lines for writing on. Satarohan, s. m. six wolves and a dog who associate together. Satasat, s. /. sticking or striking to- gether, adhering, uniting. Sataii, 8. vexer, teaser, tormentor. Satbadi, adj. speaker of truth. Satbat, 8. f. combination, collusion, confederating. Sath, adj. sixty. Sath, adj. with, together,along with : 8. m. society, company. Sathattar, adj. seventy-seven. Sath dena, to join, to associate with. Sathi, 8. m. a companion, comrade, accomplice, associate, ally. Sathi, 8. m. a kind of rice produced in the rains (so called because it ripens in sixty days from the time of sowing.) Sathin, s. /. a female companion. Sathisath, together, in one company. Sath iske, along with this, besides, moreover. Sathiyana, v. n. to be turned of sixty years, to be decrepit or in one's dotage. Sath lena, to take with. Satiionsath,together with,along with. Sath uske, along with that, although,, nothwithstanding. Sathwala, a comrade, a companion. Sati, postpos. from, with : 8. f. a wo- man who bums on her liusbanda funeral pile : adj. chaste, virtuous. Satichaunra, 8. m. the place where a Sati is burned. Satin, postpos. from, with. Satir, 8. m. prop. Shahtir, a beam. Satisati', adj. joined, glued, stuck to- gether, crowded. Satiwara, s. m. see Satfchaunrd. Satjug, 8. m. the age of virtue, the golden age. Satka, 8. m. a rod. Satkana, v. a. to balk, to disappoint, to cause to disappear. . Satkarm, virtuous action, piety. SAT [ 287 ] 8AU Sutkhand, adj. of seven divisions or stories (a house, &c.) Fatlara, adj. seven-fold, of seven ' rings (a necklace, &c.) iri, «./. necklace of seven strings. , .Uiuasa, 8. m. a feast given in the seventli month of pregnancy : adj. a ehild born in the heventh month. 8atrai, 8. /. the seventh lunar day. Bat-na, v. n. to join, to adhere, to stick, to unite. Stitpancii kurnti, to be in doubt, to be unable to decide what t*i do. Batpa^nd, v. n. to be coufuuuded, to be surprised. iBatrali, o/i/. seventeen, latrahwao, adj. sevente<*ntli. itranj, «. /. prop. Shntranj, ohett. itranjr, 8. f. prop. 8iiatraujf, a kind of earpet. ■ I'l, \ 8.f. the name of a book liy^. / written by liiiuirilal in iJr.ijbhakha^ IsatMing, 8. m. as80ciatlon with wise mt'ii. ,th, adj. sixty-BovoD. ilmtt^l, 8. in. an amour; com* liitioii, cf)lluHion, cabal, iiitrigue. MM, adj. twenty-HOven. iiiwe^' I "*^^' ">"<^^-*o^n' ir, adj. HfVenty. .^MiiiiHi, adj. eight y-wvcn. SjitUiwan, adj. liltv-iteven. Stittii. 8. m, imrefuHl gnun 'rodueod to UMiii\ and made intu a Battur, 8. in. an enemy. Hatiia, H. in, sie StUlii. ^^atuai44(knint, the enterififC nf tho «un into AriiM, on which day parche f a pw i in l, mm. Hangti M^Md. Httnk. t, iM. /^rw^. Si4niii|. whieh «a. Sauk in. ct. pn»fK 81vaU(|iti, whkh «e« /mi Battel: > ihatga, gifv« aooalgii, w%ii^ ontrusi, depuat 8anor4 «. «». a dark cokiitr. SnUr, «. M. iirtw. Hhu^r. whieh Mti Baut,«./. rival 'wil(«v coalcm|RHar7 wifi\ ^one wiio ia ami to another SanlaUU m(f. of ont lalliar hf di: SAY [ 288 ] SEK Sautela bliai', s. m. step-brotlier. • Sauteli bahin, s. /. step-sister. Sauteli ma, s. f. step-mother. Sautin. s. /. see Saut. Sautiyadab, s.f. malice of a rival wife. Savadhan, adj. with attention, cau- tious, cautiously. Savadhani, s. f. caution, care. Sawa, adj. with a quarter, a quarter more. Sawab, s. m. the future reward of virtue, a virtuous action, reward. Sawabi, adj. meritorious, virtuous. Sawad, s. m. relish, flavour, taste, sweetness; pleasure. Sawai, s. m. a quarter more. Sawain, s. /. venuicelli. Sawaiya, adj. a quarter more. Sawal, s. m. interrogation, question, query, proposition, request. Sawali, s. m. a questioner. Sawal karna, to beg, interrogate, question. Sawan, s. m. the name of the fourth Hindu month. Sawang, s. m. mimicry acting, imi- tation, disguise, sham. Sawangi, s. m. an actor, a mimic. Sawang lana, to imitate, &c. Sawar, s. m. a rider; mounted or riding (on a ship, horse, or any- thing eLe) ; cavalry, a trooper : adj. drunk, tipsy. Sawar hona, to ride. Sawari, s. /. riding ; equipage, suite, cavalcade. Sawaya, adj. a quarter added. Sawer, adj. early, soon, in good time. Sawera, s. m. morning, dawn of day. [soon. Sawere, adv. early in the morning, Saya, 1 s. m. shadow, shade, shelter, Saya, / protection ; an apparition, spectre ; a petticoat. Sayaban, s. m. a canopy ; an exten- sion to the fly of a tent. Sayad, adv. prop. Shayad, which see. Sayadir, adj. siiady. Saya kisi ka parna, to imitate the manner of another. Sayan, s. m. sleep, repose. Sayana, adj. see Syana. Sayanpan, s. m. cunning, art. Saya tale ana, to take protection. Saz, in compos, a maker, making : a. m. arms, accoutrements, apjjara- tus ; harness ; musical instruments. Saza, s. f. (literally) one's desei't ; (generally means) correction, punishment, retribution, chastise- ment, penalty. Saza dena, v. a. to punish. Saza karna, v. a. to punish, chastise. Saza milna, \ , x. ■ \. a Sazawal, s. m. a tax-gatherer, a land steward ; bailiff. Sazawalf, s. f. the business of Saza- wal. Sazawar, 1 adj. worthy, deserving, Sazawar, / fit, suitable, excellent. Sazawar hona, to deserve, to merit. Sazawari, s.f. worthiness, suitable- ness ; excellence. Saz baz, s. m. apparatus, accoutre- ments, &c. (the word baz being expletive.) Sazi, in compos, s. f. making, prepar- ing. Sazinda, s. m. maker ; musical per- former. Sazish, 8. f. combination, collusion, cabal, conspiracy. Sazwar, adj. agreeing, well-arranged Se, postpos. from, of, out of, by, witli, at, through, than; inflect, of Sa, like, &c. Seb, s. m. an apple. Sebi, s. f. a porcupine, hedgehog. Sej, s. f. a bed, a couch. Sejband, s. m. a cord for fastening bedding to the bedstead. Sekh, s. m. prop. Shaikh, which t'ce* Sekhi, s. f. prop. Shekhi, boastiug^^ bragging. Sekna, v. a. see Senkna. SES [ 289 ] SHAB Si la, a kind of rice. S< li, s.f. a necklace (of thread) worn l-y faqi'rs, I, 8. /. a kind of flat bean. Mill, ». m. a kind of silky cotton, or the tree producing it. Serabal, «. m. the silk-cotton tree. Seo (for Se). posipos. from, with, by. Sena, «. /. an army. Hendpat, | «. m. tlie commander of Sen^pati, / an army. Sendli, «. m. a hole made in a wall by tliievcri. Send ha, h. m. rock-fialt. Hendh den a, \ to make a hole in a Sendh nitirna,/ wall to enter by (as tljievcH.) f^'iidhna, V. a. to mine. w ... 1 ..}*'• "*• rtxl lead, minium. pcndur,) Kt;n(hiriyti, «. a sort of mango; one wlio m\\» red load, |K?r cont. Knk Kiiiik karna. to toatit, to warm. St 111, (1(1 n. j^ratJH, free cost. Sciifhii, ». in.\ a kind of rood, reed- Sf a betl-fmmo. s. m. remainder, end. ■^eahniig.'l 8. in. i\\r ki i^fflUlg, / pent race king of Uio aer- of a I heads, on one of which ho is said to support the world. Set, cuij. white : «. m. a bridge. Sefrli, s. ni. a wholesale merchant, a banker. Setr, \ poftpo». from, with. Ac. See Seti'o, / Se. Sew, 8. m. a kind of sweetmeat ; an apple. Sewti, «/. service, wondiip, attend- ance on a 8U|N>rior. Sewa'i'o, 8. m. vermioelli, macaroii: Sewak, ». m. a servant, a wunthip|M>r. Bewakiii', #. /. 8t»rvii*c. Sewir, i. in. green vi»gt»talion at thi bottom of i>o«»U or otluT \\ Sewtf n*. 8. / Hu«r»r that liuh 1 • rill ■ ' uar. Sewn :tend on, to M»r%i to b. , . alch, in.iiUa.- Sew]ii, «. m. wizanl. Sewtf, «./. a white ro»« Shab, 8. ?. night. Shabui). m. hi. y<»uth. pnmo i»f lif«v ShaUduit, *. /. Muulanty. run? itlanct-, likfiiriw, Sh^luiU. 8. lit. Uic eighth Arub;.. month. Shabiina rm, Uio civil day of twi nt Iwr I » • -•■•• Shal«. 8haU.< nlwuv», Sluiltniih.l iWrf^'. bmvo ! eicWlrti'. vi. .1. .1. .' I.. .. I , the nighl Utn. V /. pndan, a|)|*hiti». ^Imuullf*ll. one who etajra all mgii: A lodger. Shnl^uHiir. .«. r >tta\!iij; all ttigii:. > watrhiQg all nt^rnc, nUNpii'x-*. 8ha£iMUrf, «./. ilwpkMMm Shabd, t. m, Kmod, woid, foioeb Shabdcg. t. /. a dUh cnrnptnei of SHAF [ 290 ] SHAH meat and turnips dressed all night on the fire. Shab i barat, s. f. the fourteenth day of the month Shaban, on which the Muhammadans make offerings and oblations in the names (if not to the manes) of deceased rela- tions. Shabih, adj. like, resembling : s. /. a likeness. Shab i mail, s. f. light night, moon- light. Shabma, adj. last nigbt's, stale. Shab i tar, ) . ■, . , , Shab i tank, ^•^'""'^"g'^*- Shabkhiln, s. m. a night attack. Shabkhiini, s. f. robbery at night. Shabkhwabi, s.f. night-clothes. Shabnara, s. f. dew : s. m. a kind of fine linen. Shab o roz, night and day. Shad, adj. pleased, delighted, glad, cheerful, exulting. Shada, adj. joyful, glad. Shadab, adj. fresh, verdant, moist : s. m. fresh herbage. Shadda, s. m. the banners that are carried with the taziya in the mu- harram. Shaddil, adj. cheerful, delighted, happy. Shad bona, v. n. to be glad. Shadi, s. f. pleasure, delight, joy ; marriage, festivity. Shadi karna, to feast, to marry. Shadiyana, adj. relating to marriage or rejoicings. Shadiyana bajana, to triumph. Shad karna, v. a. to gladden, de- light, rejoice, exhilarate. Shadman, adj. pleased, delighted, joyful. Shadmani, s.f. pleasure, delight, joy. Shafa, s.f. cure, remedy, healing, con- valescence. Shafaat, s. f. intercession, entreaty, recommendation. Shafaat karna, to intercede. recover. Shafa bona, \ , Shafa pana. j Shafaq, s. m. evening, twilight. Shafaqat, s.f. clemency, compassion, mercy. [passion (i'op. Shahd, honey. Shahbala, s. m. the companion of < bridegroom. Shalibaz, s. m. a royal falcon. Shahd, s. m honey, Shahdara, s. m. the highway. Shahd ki makkhi, 1 /. i ^„^„ ■Uo Shahdnmkkh.-, j^-/- a honey-be. Shahf, s. f. reign, sovereignty, roy- alty : adj. royal, imperial, kingly, regal. U SIIAH [ 291 ] PIIAL Slr.'iliid, 8. m. a witness. Sliiiljul, «. 111. a martyr. Sliiiliid honii, to l)e killed. Shaliidi, 8. f. evidence, testimony, witness, attestation. Shaliid i hiil, a witness of facts. Sliahndi', «./. a kind of musical pipe, flute. Shahnai'chr, 8. m. a player on the shalniili'. Shiniinia, «./. a celebrated epic noem, containing a history of the kings of P( r.sia. Rhaiipar, I «. m, strongest, feather in SludiparJ a bird's wing. Siiuhr, 8. in. a city. , {Sliahr a])ud karnii, to causo to be pojmloUM or inhabited. Sliiihrng, «. /. the gnuit vein in the arm. SluUirali, 8./. tiie highway. Sliahr ])adar, an exile. Shahr badar karnii, to Ixinish. Hliaiir basjinii, t(» iniuse to bo popu- lous (}T iuhabitcil. Rhalin, 8. m. a citizen or anything Ixdonj^'ing U) the city, a towuMniaii. Shuiiikliabra, «. m. news-monger, an int<'llig('ncer. H.'ialirpanah, «./. wall, or outroQcli- incuts round a town. !lj"i'I"'"'U. m. name of a mcdiolno. Shalitara, / '/'' \ *•• «». ft l>cam. liir, I in. a mulU'rry. iQft, Sim Shai Shalitiil. 8. in. a mulU'rry. S 1 1 1 d I w a t , 8./. Goncu|)iMeeQC«i» Hrnsuulity. ^Iialiwatungez, adj/ lust-ezoitincf, lascivious. laliwuti, \ odj. lascivious, lusi- uUiwatpamst, / ful, (tonsual. lahwutpaituvti, 8./. wnsuality. lahzjida, \ n. wi. a prina» (^Konortilly l6h7,a«la, / means tiie prince royal.) r^h^hzadagj, 8./. the i)eriod of* tl^o minority of a prince. Uiahzadi, «. /. a princt ss. Shahzor, adj. stout, strong, biETc, heroic. Shahzon', s. /. valour, heroism. Shai, 8./. a thing. Shaikh, Sije|tli, wig. «. m. an • man, a venerable old man. Shajr, 8.m. a ytooi. Shajn, 8./. I ■" '■ Shaitan, «. Shaitiini, «'„ , Shajard, «. m. a list ot alj pro Sha^hs, It. fH. a |-. •.-■••. i^- vidual. BhaVhsiyat, #./. nobility, r manity. Shokil. \ adj. v Hhakiiti, I Shakk. 8. 11 tion. un< . ! Siiakkitr. n. /. Mi^ur. Shukki. tull. doubt(\il, prrpicxing. 81iakki mtMJ, ai(^*. wavwinic hMilsuiig. shiUci. -. r. ' ShnK! Hhiikinavtv Bhaktlf./ RhakwiUrr Hhukwii kumu. r. u. t<> Sluil. «. /. a lUuiwl : nn ShiiUmr, i. IM. u ^i uwl- Shaljfham. 8. IN. n t:.! • Shall, ». wi. ni>\ )• Shall tu, $. III. a • Uigpigi' or a t' Shal^n, «. /. a r &r.). a ditHhar SluUI.'^ ■'«■ - in! SHAR [ 292 ] SHAR Sham, s. f. evening : s. m. Syria. Shama, s. m. the name of a bird ; name of a grain. Shama, s. f. a lamp, a candle. Shamadan, s. m. a candlestick. Sliamat, s. /. bad luck, adversity. Shamati, adj. unfortunate. Shamba, s. m. Saturday. Shami, adj. Syrian, relating to Syria. Shamil, adv. together; prep, with, along with : adj. united, blended, confederated, included. Shami lagana, to shoe with iron. Shamilhal, connected from circum- stances, of similar circumstances ; general. Shamil bona, to be blended, to be united, to participate. Shamil karna, v. a. to blend. Shamil rahna, to live together. Shamla, s.m. the work or embroidered end of a turban or kamarband, sometimes tucked into the folds, and sometimes left flying loose ; a narrow kind of shawl for tying round the waist or the head. Shams, s. m. the sun. Shamshad, s. m. the box-tree. Shamsher, s. /. a scimitar, a sword. Shamsi, adj. solar. Shan, s. f. dignity, pomp. Shana, s. m. a comb. Shandar, adj. stately, a man of rank or dignity. Shanccarf, ) .,. ShanW, I '■ '"• ^«™il'™- Shanka, s. /. apprehension, fear; doubt. Shankh, s. m. a conch. Shaqq, s. m. a fissure, crack, rent. Shaqq bona, to be torn, splif, rent. Shara, s. m. the precepts of Muham- mad, law, equity; a high-road. Sharab, s. /. wine, spirituous liquor. Sharabau tahuni, nectar. Sharabi, s.m.a drunkard, wine-b\bber» Sharabkhana, s. m. a tavern. Sharabkhwar, drinking wine, wine- drinker. Sharabkhwan", s. /. drunkenness, wine-drinking. Sharabor, adj. soused, dripping wet. Sharaf, s. m. nobility, eminence, rank, honour. Sharafat, s. f. nobility. Sharah, s. /. Sharh. Siiarakat, s.f. partnership, participa- tion, fellowship. Shararat, s. f. wickedness, vice, de- pravity, villany, atrocity. Sharbat, s. m. sherbet, beverage, drink, sugar and water. Sharbati, s.f. a kind of lime or lemon. Sharh, s.f. explanation, commentary, annotation, description ; allow- ance, pay, rate. Sliarhwar, adv. explicitly. Shari, adj. conformable to the shara, lawful. Shariat, s.f. the laws of Muhammad, law, justice, equity. Sharif, adj. noble, eminent, honour- able, illustrious, a shell. Sharifa, s. m. a custard-apple. Shari i amm, s. m. a public road, highway. Sharik, s. m. a partner, an accom- plice, associate, comrade. Sharik hona,to partake,to participn to. Sharir, adj. vicious, wicked; also foi- Sarir. Sharm, s. f. bashfulness, modest} , shame. Sharmana, v. n. to be ashamed, i^ feel shame, to be abashed. Sharma sharmi, ado. modestly. Sharmfll' } ^'^^- ^^^^^'^^' abashed. Sharminda, adj. blushing, abashed, ashamed, modest. Sharmindagf, s. f. bashfulness, mo- desty ; shame, disgrace. Sharq,' s. m. the east ; rising. I SHAU [ 293 ] SHIK Sliarqi', adj. eastern, oriental. Sharr, e. f. wickedness, depravity, malignancy, evil. Shart, ». /. condition, stipulation, agreement ; a wager. Shart bandhna, to stipulate ; to bet, to wager. Sharti, adj. conditional. Shart karna, to stipulate, to agree,^to bargain. Sha.sii, cuJj. sL\. Shasli o panj, (sixes and lives), con- fusion, pcrphxity. Sliash palial, adj. having six sides, hexagonal ; a hexagon. Sliastr, \ 8.m. scripture, science, in- Shustra, / 8titut<3s of religion, law, or letters, e.*?pecially considered of (hvine origin. Sluishtnirth, x. m. the object or true intent of tho shistra, or sacred writings. Slui.>strr, adj. skillod in Hindu law or n ligious books, one skiliitl in holy science. | ilminctcr. Sliiistn' achohhar, tlu* Dcbiimigjin Sliati'r, «. 7/i. prop. Shahtir, a Kmiu. Sliatranj, h. /. chess. Slmtranjlhiz, a chcss-playt i Sliatranjr, **. /. a kintl of n.^. .. Slintranjibaf, k, in. a car(H>t-woaV6r. »S|mtru, H. in. an enemy. Slialrul;i, «. /. enuiity. Miattiili, adj. nuntricioua. lasoivioUB, ob.sci ne, K'Wil. Sliiiuhiir, n. in. a husband. Sliaukat, «./. sUite, dignity, roiigni> licence, majesty. j Shauq, «. in. ilcsire, inclinaiioD. lovo, { tuigerness, fondne.Hs ; gaiety, chocr- ' fulness ; curiosity. Shauq in, adj. ihsinnis, intont upon, ^ fond of pleasure or curiiwity ; guy ; i lascivious. I BluuKi vAxxui, ». vi. pleasuro, delight, i^rutilication. Shauwal, s. in, tho tenth nionih of Uio Muhammaduu year. Shayad, adv. possibly, I may be so, perchance, p< i Shayasta, adj. well-bred, po Shazz, adv. seldom. Shekh, 8. m. prop. Shaikh, au old man, a venerable old man, Shekhi, 8. /. boasting, bragging. Sher, 8. tn. a tiger, a lion. Sherni, 8. /. a lioness, a t gress* Shewti, \ 8. m. business, trade, pro- Shewa, / fession, habit, custom. SliJ^, 8. m. a follower of tho acct of All. Shi^r, 8. m. poetry, Terse. Shi^rljcliwani, «./. reading or study- ing poetry. Shiddat, «. /. violence, forre, vehe- mence; adverBity, afflictioD, diffi- cidty. Shifii, «. /. cure, remedy, hculinv'. convalescence. Shifd lioni, or piiii, to rero\ ShifuVI>una, 8. m. a hospitiU. . Shigaf, 8. m. split, n nt. i>lit, citli^ \ liNsuro, crack. Haw, crcvitv. Siughro, adj. cx|Kdilitm.H, qn lia-^ty, ftiat ; adr. M>»)n, qu irnti, to inako husto. bl. ShiK> til hliMaa. lu 1 Siiikum. 8. III. til wn 11 fl«n> buuWl^ i Shikar. «. game, ShikfirUind. #. m, cordn. Af., for tying game in or to ^titd t<> a hunius ttitddto.) ShikiirUix; ». m, a tporttftiut^ SIdkurgiiii, <«./. phux- for ir Shikiiri, ailj. ot tho cIuuh . to hunting, ^o. : «. m. .• hunter, apurtamau. SHIR [ 294 ] SHOKH Shikar karna, to hunt, to catch (as prey.) Shikar khehia, to go a hunting. Shikast, s. f. breaking, fracture, de- feat, deficiency, loss ; adj. broken. Shikastfi, adj. broken, dispersed : s. m. the Persian running-hand. Sliikastadil, adj. distressed, afflicted. Shikastadih', s. f. distress, affliction. Shikastagi, s. f. breaking, broken- ness ; defeat ; dejection ; affliction. Shikastahal, adj. distressed, wretch- ed, ruined. Shikastahalf, s. f. indigence, distress, wretchedness. Shikastakhtitir, adj. distressed in mind, afflicted, offended. Shiktiyat, s.f. a complaint,accusation. Sliikm, s. m. the belly. Shikoh, s. f. dignity, grandeur, pomp. Shikra, s. m. a hawk, a falcon. Sliikwa, \ s. m. complaint, upbraid- Skikwa, / ing. Shimal, s. m. the north ; the north- wind. Shimalf, adj. northern. Shimalnuma, s. m. the mariner's compass. Shimar, adj. vile, infamous. Shinakht, s. f. knowledge, imder- standing, acquainted with. ^hiii'ds, 'in compos, knowing, intelli- gent, intimate with. Shinasai", s. /. acquaintance, know- ledge. Shinasf, s. /. in compos, knowing. Shinawa, hearing, hearer. Shir, s. m. milk. Shira, s. m. syrup, juice of fruit. Shiraza, s. m. tlie worked head-bands in bound books. Shirazbandr, s. f. a style of binding books with worked head-band. Shirbirinj, s. m. rice-milk. Shirgarm, adj. milk- warm, luke- warm. Shirfn, adj. sweet, pleasant, gentle, affable. Shirmi, s. f. sweetness, eloquence. Shirmtaba, adj. of gentle manners, of mild disposition. Shirmzaban, adj. eloquent, affable, sweet-spoken. Shirk, s. m. polytheism, paganism; partnership. Shirkat, s. f. partnership. Shirkhurda, I Shirkhwar, > a suckling, an infant. Shirkhwara, ) Shirmal, s. /. bread made with milk. Shirni, s. f. sweetmeats, &c. offered in memory of saints, &c. Shisha, s. TO. glass, a bottle, a glass. Shishabasha, adj. very delicate, tender. Shishagar, a glass-maker. Sliishagari, s.f. glass-making. Shisham, s. f. a kind of wood. Shishamahall, a house or palace all hung with glass, a cabinet adorned with miiTors. Shishi, s. /. a small glass phial. Shist, s.f. aim; a large fishing hook, (not used in angling with the hand, but left attached to a strong line which is fastened to the shore.^ Shishtachar, s. to. see Sistachar. Shist bandhna, to aim. Shitab, s. m. haste, quickness ; adj. quick, speedy; adv. quickly, ex- peditiously. Shitabbaz, adj, hasty, expeditious. Shitabf, adv. quick, hastily; s. /. quickness, haste, speed, despatch. ^Z^"*^'. }■ s. TO. a name of Mahadeva. Shivrat, a night so called by the Hindus. Shiwala, s. in. a temple of Shiva. Shlok, s. TO. a verse, a stanza. Sho, in compos, washing, washer. Shob, s. m. washing. Shof, s. TO. /. in compos, washing. Shokh, adj. mischievous, pert, saucy, playful, wanton, prosuniptuous, insolent. SHUG [ 295 ] BHU8H Sho^hi, 8. f. mischief, playfulness, wantonness, sauciness, cf)quetry. Sholii, s. m. the name of a plant, the stalks of wliich, coninionly called light-wood, are used as floats for fishing nets, and fur • making a light kind of hat. Shola, 8. m. a dish consisting of rice and pulse lx)ilcd together and given to sick persons. Slior, «. m. cry, noise, outcry, clamour, '■ din, renown, uproar, tumult : adj. i salt, hrackish. I Shorn, K. m. nitre, saltpc^tre. [pctro. | Slioragar, n.m. a manufacturer of salt* ea:}'-'»-»'«>tb.so»p. Shorbor, culj. v ' ' * d. Shoriyat, «. /. Iioot. Rlior niaclian;i, '•, to ' li Mpusht, adj, (juurraiHuiiic, iifiiHy. . Mtrsliiir, «. Tw. noi«"', (nini4|i, diit- tiirl«iiicc, hii ■ * :i. Shorwa, J*, m. Shorzanun, k. y. .A. Mh ,sha, «. m. a particle, a port r inuhlha, 8. m. «ce Hnuldha. Slinim, 8. VI. fatigue, ti»il. Shn's(h, t, . ^ r. a. to doubt, t4> HUNIXVt. Slualuni, «.y*. oecurrtMHv, (*ondnff U> pass : adj. pmetioabU>. {towiM Shutll)ud, odr. so m». 1 'shujjjld *. III. oiXMiiMition, em h^iutgiifa Itina. to pnuhioe sonivtlua^ new and wonderful. Shuguftii, adj. v\\M\ni\iM\, blooming. Idown (^a« a flower.) Shugufta hoiui, to l>o blown (n llower), to bloom, to bo deligbieu. Shu--; • •'. 8./, blooming or « p;i I 1. Bhu-u 'iirv f.rn. 11 Shuiiada, 8.piui m. bhuhda, 8. m. . lo- baucbee, bhu •l.-u.-: . Irol. vagabond. Shulida}ian, «. • ' -'•- ness, debauch Shuhra, «. m. \ Shuhrnt, 8. /. ^ , brily, i«.|Aui, ia> mour, divul;:ing. Shuja^r^^■ ' ' • :... :i 1...1.I Shujiiat, . Sliukr, 8. > planet Vt^nui*. Shukniiui, «. m. gmtitudo, ackn< led^ieut of gTotitude, lbuik»< givmg. Sliukrtru/iir. ad! grnUfUUthAtikral. ~ . graUtudo, Ui*n tlmnk. t • t. turn ti. ■ ■.:^ i . ..-. ur. tti, to bo U^tiii or t' j:i, locnminmo\ lo beiri . «. /. imivUiu): a ckiv .;i, r M. tn mominige or ton dog lo Ibo cbaM^by iUii MUiid abitali. SIF [ 296 ] SIK Shutur, s. m. a camel. Shutiuban, a camel-driver (or keep- er.) Shuturmurgl], s. m. an ostrich. Slmtiirqatar, a string of camels. Shutursawar, mounted on a camel, rider of a camel. [er.) Sliuturwan, a camel-driver (or keep- Shuur, s. m. wisdom, intelligence, knowledge, discernment. Shyam, adj. black, or dark blue. Si, adj. three. Si, adj. thirty. Sibandf, s. m. a military soldier em- ployed in collecting ]-ents. Sichchha, s. f. tuition, teaching. Sichna, v. a. to water, to irrigate. Sidara, adj. three-doored (room, &c.) Siddat, s.f.prop. Shiddat, which see. Siddha, adj. ready, completed, ac- complished: valid (in law); proved (in logic) ; s. f. success, accomplishment of an object. Siddhant, s. m, result, consequence ; a system of science. Sidh, see Siddha. Sidh, adj. straight, accurate. Sidha, adj. straight, right, direct, op- posite ; simple ; fair ; candid, up- right; s. m. provisions, victuals (undressed.) Sidhai, s. f. straightness, simplicity, candour, uprightness. Sidha karna, to straighten, to disci- pline. Sidhapan, s. m. simplicity, candour. Sidharna, v. n. to go, to depart, to set off. Sidhawat, s. f. candour, simplicity. Sidq, s. m. truth, veracity, sincerity. Sifalf, adj. earthen, earthenware. Sifarisl), s. f. recommendation, inter- cession, introduction. Sifarishi, s. an intercessor. Sifiirish karna, to recommend, to in- tercede. Sitiirishnama, s. m. a letter of intro- duction. Sifat, s. f. praise : quality, attribute ; a noun adjective. Sifat, s. plur. of Sifat, qualities, &c. Sifl, s. m. sediment. Sifia adj. ignoble, mean, contemp- tible. Sighra, prop. Shighra, which see. • Sigha, s. m. a word declinable and derivative, the mood of a verb, conjugation, derivation ; a form of words used in marriage ceremo- nies, Sigosha, s. m. a triangle. Sigra, adj. every, the whole. Siharna, v. n. to shiver, to shake with cold. Sihhat, s. f. health, entireness, sound- ness, accuracy, correctness. Sihr, s. m. enchantment, magic. Sihra, s. m. a chaplet, a garland, wreath (worn on the head by a bridegroom and bride at the mar- riage ceremony.) Sihrana, v. n. see Sahirana. Sij. s. m. a species of Euphorbia, the milky hedge-plant. Sijda, s. m. bowing so as to touch the .ground with the forehead in adoration, especially to God, ado- ration. Sijdagah, s. f. the place of perform- ing the Sijda. Sijhana, v. a. to tan ; to boil, to seethe, to melt. Sijna, V. n. to exude, to sweat ; to seethe, to boil, to dissolve, to be- come soft by boiling. j Sikana, v. a. see Sikh ana. J Silvandar, n. prop. Alexander the Great. Sikandarf, adj. of or relating to Alex- ander; a kind of yard for mea- suring. Sikanjabm, s. /. lime -juice or other ] acid mixed with sugar or honey. Sikar, s. m. prop. Shikar, which see. Sikast, s. f. prop. Shikast, which see, Sikh, s. f. a spit, a skewer. SIL [ 207 ] SIN Sikh, 8. m. a disciple, a scholar, a pu- | pil ; a foll(jw('r of Niinak. Sikhdr, s. f. teacliing, instruction. I Sikhiina, v. a. to teach, to admonish, | to chastise. Sikhur, «. m. three or more strings ' tied together forming a support to hang anything on ; the cords of a ' buhangi', in which the bankets j rest. Sikhawana, r. a. see Sikhdnd. Sikhcha, «. m. a skewer, a small spit. ' Sikhiyakubiib, 8. m. meat rousted ou iiHpit. ' SHcliiuna,^ v. a. to teach, to admo- 1 Sikhlami,/ nish, to chastise. I Sikhnd, V. a. to learn, to acquire. Kiklipii, roaring (a horse.) Silikii, «. 7//. a coining roy<. Saicjul, whirh we. J^ikligar, iiro]>. Saitjalgar, which 800. I SilJi honii, see Sainal bona., BiKiui, V. a. two Hiklind. Bikiia, V. V. tt) bo toiistcnl or |Nirchcd : r. a. to learn, to acquin*. Rikri', «. /, a wirerhain. 8iktii, H. in. a ]K>U4ii(aint, &e, art> gnnmd. till, H. / a whetstonr, u hone : the Snik of a tree wh«'n enl tlown : ink ; tlu» heap of grain and ehuiV on the til reshing- Hour. 8ilpa^, adj. smootli. >\- 1 . !. Silsila, 8. m. a cli:i::i. •. ■ : • nation, bucct'sii«»i(, . . : • . : .. family, genealogy. Silsil i f)aul, h. in. a dial • t. -. a ; . r- bid copiousness of urii»r. Silwanii, v. a. to chum- t<» !»♦• .-. .. J^ilwant, adj. of goo . I- i- .■ • ■ :: .-. ^i. to • • I"- .•■•iiti.M-:. -I ,•: .; .uil togvthif, to shrivel. Si'mbadan. silver* bodied, with . fair as hilver. [towar Simt, ». /. a way. path, side*, auort' Sinilun, seu Sindnulnn. rfnift'' ^ >!i,'h, $. vu a falmlotu Wd, m >...-, r. CI. ti» mw, to ^titch. Nina, ji. III. breiuit. Uvumi. Stnabnnd. n. m. htaVH. IkhUco. Siiudctia, to blow the iioS(\ Sdifttani', «./. U*ntiii|; Uio bit<«st Similar, (t({/. robitat, |m»uil of Hlniigth. Sin.t/t>ri, f. /. ftrpn^h. robtulnri*, fore*' •'«■••' "f i^wrr. Stboli^ j.rico paid Ibr irri- gati< tinff. Hinehuu, r. a. tu brngBlf^ lo vstvc. Sintlh, «. m. mm, omrno : tbo nua» of rtHl lead, minhniL ' > «. M, A horn (tottiicAl.) *. PI. opjiim !it. dr^'fln, d- \tgor div»^ the ww^ng Ny- Mr's umlurtakinK. '^^ , >. in. the hciid. . X. m. lead ; prop. Shiaho, which Usiikiiti, V. n. to Bob. Mm!:i, n-fj. triennial. >i- ! ml, See Sir cliarlmntS. q-iii (111. H. m. see SiH^iicluir. 1)181, H. J. prop, Sh{si, a Hiuall glass j phial. -^Mii^: an almost impor- i 1 in a vrsHol, I'tc.) Jir iski. Sitaltii, «./. coolness. Sitam, 8. m. tyranny, opprossion, injury, violence. Sitamgar, \ 8. m. a tyrant, an op> Sitam>(ar, / pressor: adj. tyran- nical. Sitamgari, 8. /. see Sitam. Sitaphai, 8. m. the custanl-iipple. Si tar, «. m. a kind of guitar with three strings. Sitara, ». m. a st^ir : ' ' ' work; name of nu'iiL witii tiii-t . iskiyiiu liii.ii 111, to Hol». ISO, 8. m. a kiiul of wood or iiamo of a tree. .^piiiil, ». m. an ' for tlio lit'iul (worn b\ .--(uehar, /«. m. \' - - . oomplui- Mince, jr<)0 in;;, Siwuna, \ «. w. wrgo, liuiiu boitn ♦siw.iii-i. I .lirv. ^v•^. - . .mfuriunat(\ UmL Si)ah« adj. bLick. SOG [ 300 ] SON Siyaha, s. m. an account-book, or written book. Siyaha karna, to take an account of. Siyahdil, adj. black-hearted, malevo- lent. Siyahfiim, ad), black. Siyahgosh, s. m. name of an animal. Siyahi, s.f. blackness ; ink ; blacking. Siyah karna, see Siyaha karna. Siyahposh, adj. clad in black. Siyahru, adj. black-faced ; unlucky ; disgraced. Siyahtalii, adj. whose curses prevail. Siyal, s. m. a jackal. Siyan, ) 7. ci ' - Siyana.} «''^- see Syana. Siyaq, s. m. arithmetic by the Arabic alphabet ; accounts. Siyar, s. m. a jackal. Siyasat, s. f. punishment, pain, chas- tisement, pang, agony. Siyasat karna, to chastise, to punish. Siyasat men hona, to be in pain. Slok, s. m. see Shlok. Snan, s. m. bathing. Sneh, s, m. love, kindness, affection. Snehi, adj. kind, affectionate. • So, i3ro7i. correl, that, he, she, it ; so : posfjMS. from, &c. See Se. Soa, s. m. fennel. Sobha, s. /, beauty, splendour, orna- ment, dress, decoration. Sobhaw, s. m. nature, natural state, property or disposition, genius. Sobhna, v. n. to become, to befit. Soch, s. m. consideration, reflection, thought, meditation. Sochna, v. a. to consider, to think, to meditate, to reflect. Sodh, s. f. discharge (of debt) ; search, inquiry. Sodhna, v. a. to pay, to discharge (a debt), to liquidate; to refine metals. Sog, s. m. affliction, grief, sorrow, lamentation, anguish. Sogf, adj. afflicted, grieved. Sogwar, adj. afflicted, sorrowful. Sogwari, s. f. affliction, grief, sorrow. Sohaga, s. m. borax. [file, Sohan, s. f. a kind of sweetmeat ; a Sohi'n, adv. before, in front of. Solma, V. n. to become, to beseem V. a. to weed. Soi, that, very, he himself. Sojh, s. f. straightness, directness. Sojlia, adj. straight, direct. Sok, s. m. affliction, grief, lamenta- tion, sorrow. Sokh, adj. prop. Shokh, which see. Sokhi, s. /. prop. Shoklii, which see, Sokhna, v. a. to soak up, absorb. Sokht, adj. burnt : s. f. burning. Sokhta, adj. burnt, scorched : s. m. tinder. [iiig. Sokhtagi, s.f. vexation, heartburu- Solah, adj. sixteen. Solahwan, adj. the sixteenth. Som, s. m. the moon ; Monday. Sompna, v. a. to deliver over, commi^ to charge, give, consign, resign^ intrust, deposit. Somwar, s. m.. Monday. [See Se Son, s.f. an oath : postpos. from, &c Son, s. m. name of a river. Sona, V. 71. to sleep ; (met) to die s. on. gold. Sonahla, adj. golden. Sonahla pani, s. m. gilding. Sonahra, adj. golden. Sondha, s. m. smelling like that off new earthen .vessel when wetted or from parching of pulse. Sondhahat, s. f. fragrance ; a smel like that of new earth or anything burnt (as food, &c., from bein kept too long on the fire.) Sondhna, v. a. to rub cloth in muj preparatory to washing; to mi: to smear. Sone ka nawala, an expensive ba: quet, a delicious morsel. Sonh, s. f. an oath. Sonh dena, to adjure, to swear. Sonhm, ddv. face to face, opposite before, in front. STHA [ 801 ] srn Sonli khilami, to adjure, to make swear, to administer an oath. 8oiit, s. f. dry ;j^inger. Soil til, «. m, a club, mace ; peslle. Sontebardtir, a muce-ljearer. South, s.f. dry-ginger; a miser. SoFii, 8. m. prop. Shora, uitre, salt- p(jtrc. Sorah, adj. sixteen. Sorath, 8. /. name of a musical mode. Sosan, 8. f. a lily. p4osm', 8.f. a bluish colour. Sot, 8. m. f. ( a spring, a fountain, a 3ota, 8. m. / stn am, a rivulet. Sotii, jHivt. itre». asleep : «. m. aijleep, fik'''j>iiiLC. Joii, .sec Sol'. k)z, 8. m. a hUmza of a marsiya or iae iKK'ni. Jozalv, 8. in. a gonorrhaja, a clap. i^)/aii, 8./. pricker (of a gun.) Jo/.isli, 8./. burning, inllammalion, pain, vexation. oziu, K./. u kind of quilt***! eovirlet. iruddlia, 8. VI. fuiu-ial obsequioH, f consisting in the f«*eding of priestH, i and otinr prescribed ceremuuies honour of ancestors. 5r;iiii, 8. in. fatigiU', toil, paiuH. irap. 8. m. cursing, an imprecation. ?ra\van, «. m. tho ear, tho act of 111 nring. ^r( sli, 8. m. glue, tfrsiiili, (ulj. iM'st, most, ozcolloni: j)n-iniinrnt. i, 8. f. a word ahvavs written the beginning of tlu-Uindu prt»p nanioB of perooUH, like uuuitt'r sir. rislit, ) ft. /. tho croation, tl» ^rishii, / world. ;jin, (afilxed to ciTtAin words, do- (lofces) place, station: m llindd- BUin, Inilia. fwideucc. iJuin, 8. VI. place, station. •■» -• 'ui|>an. 8. »M. ca»i>ing to i)laoing, tixiug, founvlijig, « • Ithiipanii, «. /. ordering, arraugiug. StIuipit,;Kir/. , fixetl, fouii Stidr, adj. ?-. i . fixed ; mild, calm. Strf, 8. f. a woman or female in general ; a wife. Stuti, *'. /. praise, eulogy. Su, pr('po8. good, well, efu>y ; ,;:; Braj) jx>8tpo8, from or of whom, by, with, of, &c. Siiti, 8. m. a parrot; a imcking- ni>e- vinee; a military ufUoer amoog Indian tnxtps. Siibadiiri, «. / - nment of a province; \ Sn' ' :; (uiwo. s before daybreak, SuUiU i tuiiU(|, dttwn of day. Siibajtit, $. ftlur. of Siiki. pmviiKX**. HuboJriui« j «. w. pare gotU: «0* Siiboni, / golden. RulMiM.i «. /* f.\\i< i Muelli ftigiaaee« S rftimo* ^ i ■ aMnl, agre perfume, fragrance, adj. Sugandh,) fragrant, odoriferous. Sughar, adj. elegant, accomplished, beautiful, virtuous. Sughrai, s. m. 1 elegancy, accom- Sughrapan, s. f. j plishmeni Sugun, s. m. see IBugan. Suha, adj. red, crimson. Suhag, s. m. the red marks in the forehead of a woman whose hus- band is alive. Suliaga, s. m. borax. Suhagan, s. f. a married woman whose husband is alive. Suhagpura, s. m. a paper of ingre- dients for painting tlie head, pre-, sen ted by the bridegroom to the; bride. Suhal orSuhali,s./. bread (or cakes) fried in butter or oil. Suhana, adj. agreeable, pleasant,^ charming : v. n. to be agreeable, toj please, to be liked or approved of. Suhana, v. n. to become, to beseem : V. a. to weed ; see also Suhana. Suhata, adj. agreeable, charming. Suha wan, adj. agreeable, pleasant, charming. Suhawana, see Suhana. Suhbat, s. f. companionship, society, an assembly, a fair ; coition. Suhb;itdari,s./. associating, acquaint- ance. Suhbat f, s. m. companion, comrade, , Suhda, s.m. yrojp. Shuhda, which seel SUK [ 303 ] 8UL Riii', orSuiQ, «. /. a needle. l Suj, 8. /. swelling, rising. | Sii jii, s. m. a Ixirer, a gimlet, an awl. ' lu'Jan, B. f. swelling, rising. j ISujuna, V. a. to cause to swell. j Si I jam', «./. see Sozni". | Siijh, 8.f. sight, perception. t Sujluina, v. a. to show, to make un- icrstaiid. Siijlinu,) «. w. to bo visible, to be SiijUnti,/ sren, to appear, to seem, to be able, to be set* n. Sij jr, ».f. tin.' heart of wheat, 08 flour. 'lijna, V 11. tt) hwrll, to rise. I i^iiK, s.m. the planet Venus; Friday. ' Siika, adj. dry : «. m. a quarter of a rupee pieee. BuKai, atlj. white. f?ukiiliMichclih, 8.m. the light half of tlu; month, the fifteen days from new to full moon. 3uKar, ». in. prop. Shukr, thanks, ^^ rati tilde. Jukarna, v.n, to be shrunk or con- tracted, to sliriiik; to draw in, to (•(»llu(;t, to bhrivil. lukli, 8. VI. cn.se, tranquillity, enay eircumshiiu'eH, content, happincsH, pli'asure, d»'light. liikha,| luij. dry : 8. m. dry tobaoco Uikha.j 4uten with Ix^ttd-leaf. ^ukhaii, 8. in. Hpotch, language; a word. Klalnii, r. a. to dry, to oroadatc, to nnise to piiio away; to evaporato. iuVlian ihilna, r. (i. to aak, to qQO»- tioii, to iutern>gute. |nkhan tukiva, «. in. a cant word in- tro(lu((d Into ono'ii oonvorvatiun witiiout any lueuning, an cj^plotivo. iklianwar, <»((/. » lo.pu>nt. khnnwnri, >-./. el.».pienco. [llty. lohain, «. vi. eHM.\ xv»\, iranquil- :hdai*, adj. oasr, irivor of iuum\ ikln'arsan, 8. m a shrub, the juio^ Sukhi, adj. at case, happy, tmi»']M contented, comfortable. Sukhi' )chatai, a ver>' tliin peranu. Snkhit, adj. tranquil. Sukh kurna, to live at ca«»e. Sukhlami, v. a. see Sukhumi, Sukhmi, I t.n. to dry. dry up. t^x?^.- Sukhn I ' ;''•>> awa ^ Sukh 1 SukhtaU, *. m, a piccu «li«»\ SuVhun, see 6u)|[han. Sitki, 8. /. a quarter of n Siikna, r. n. to dry, to h Hukr, f.m. tlio planet Vi Snkrit, 8. f. virtue, a 1 ' 'lit, ^ in. tliin.dt Su..; ,. .>;in, tluu,dr\ 9. /. dry lUh. Snkuflinnti. ) r. n. to 1 of which is given for the car ache. ' hdiiyuk, actj* see Sukhdiii, ■pear. Sukchcbhaii ing mark • 8ulii to impale, bull dena, ) ^ Suljhana, v. a. to unravel, to disen- tangle. Sultan, s. m. a prince, a sovereign, an emperor, sultan. Sultani, adj. regal, princely : s. f. a kind of broad-cloth. Suliik, s. m. manner, mode, conduct, intercourse, treatment, civility, kindness, attention. Suluk karna, to treat, to proceed with, to treat with kindness. Sulwana, v. a. to cause to put to sleep. Sum, s. m. a hoof.j Sum, s. m. a miser. [see. Sumar, s. m. prop. Shumar, which Sumaran, s. m. remembrance : s. f. a small rosary, or string of beads. Sumarin, s. /. a niggard, a miser. Sumarna, v. a. to remember, to keep in memory ; to mention. Sumba, s. m. a sponge-staff, a ram- rod. Sumbul, s. m. spikenard (to whicli the locks of a mistress are com- pared.) Sumiran, s. m. see Sumaran. Sumima, s. m. see Sumarna. Sumni, s. /. a sow. Sumran, s. m. see Sumaran. Sun, adj. insensible, without sen- sation, palsied ; void, dreary, deso- late and silent. Sun, adj. silent, dreary, dismal. Siina, adj. empty, deserted, void. Sunahrt } ^^i-go^^en, made of gold. Sunana, v. a. to cause to hear, to in- form, to tell, to warn, to advise. Sunanliar, s. m. hearer. Sunar, s. m. a goldsmith. Sunarf, adj. clever, skilful : s. f. the business of a goldsmith. Sunarnf, s. f. a goldsmith's wife. Sunbahri, s. f. name of a disease. Siind, s. f. proboscis of an elephant. Siinda, s. m. a weevil, or small insect in grain. Sundar, adj. beautiful, handsome, comely, seemly, good, virtuous. Sundari,, s. f. woman ; beauty, come- liness ; name of an elastic timber tree. Sundarta, s.f. beauty, handsomeness. Sundhawat, s. m. smell, perfume, odour, scent ; an earthy smell. Sundka, s. m. a pillow under a saddle. Sunghana, v. a. to cause to smell. Sunghna, v. a. to smell. Siinghni, s. f. snuff. c^ ° / > V. a. to smell. Sungna, j Sungun lend, v. a. to act the spy. Sunidra, s. /. sound sleep. Sunna, v. a. to hear, to hearken, listen or attend to : s. m. hearing ; a dot, a cipher. Sunnat, s. f. circumcision ; the tra- ditions of Muhammad. Sunnata, s. m. see Sannata. Sunnat karna, v. a to circumcise. Sunni, s. m. an orthodox Muhamma- dan. Sunph, s. f. aniseed. Siinrf, s. m. a distiller and vender of spirituous liquors. Suns, s. m. a porpoise. Sunsan, adj. void, dreaiy, desolate and silent, still, lonely, dismal. Sunthna, \ v. a. to strip leaves offj" Silntna, j vegetables, &c., to draw^ (a sword.) Sunya, s. m. a dot, a cipher. Sup, s. m. a kind of basket for win- nowing corn with. Supabena, j s. m. name of a bird, ai Supabeni, / swallow. Supara, or Supara, s. m. gland penis. J SUB [ 305 ] 6UR Supan', 8. f. betel-nut ; glans penis. Sujtririsli, 8. f. see Sifarish. h;u}>ath, 8. TO. a good road, good con- duct. Suphal, adj, bearing good fruit, fruitful, profitable, ut«ful. Siipiyiiri', 8. f. betel-nut. Supiird, 8. f. charge, keeping, care, trust, custody. Supurd bona, to be consigned to one's care. Bupurdr, «./. the article, &c., given up. ^'"-Mrd karnd, to give iu charge, to oinuicnd to one's care, to oou- II, to intrust. »^uput, j «. m. a tractable or datifdl Sui)utr, / son. 6ui)y'y thieves), a subterraneous piUH Nuge : wij. light Itay ihone.) Supi|), 8. /. sipniug or aooldnff op (as ))rotli) ur the uuiae made tbere- by. Supipna, v. n. to sip. tSurul, 5. /". bto Surt. Siirat, «, /. form, figure, face, - tenance, jKirtmit, prr»b.i manner; condition, ntate, t ; st-ances. See altio Siim. Siiratan, adc. apiwinntly. Surutiishna, an ac«iuaintance. Sunitiislinai, «. /, aojuaintiiuv. Siirat i hal, 8.f\ a st^itcment of facts, written declaration. Siirbi'r, 8. m. a hero, a obanpion. Siirdfui, n. prop, name of a H poet and sing^ wtto was ' nenoe a blind man is called 8u. .... Sur^, adj. red. [red oolotii Sur^ia, «. m. a sort of pigeon of u Sur^i, adi, of a white, or giay, or cream colour (a horse.) Rnr)^h ^ l>old,bimftt. 8urtua, #. m, oollyrium. BumuuUn, \ a box foe hokUn,. BomMMUUki, / Burma. 8iiniiftlioiitf,lobtrsdiiosdloftii tan- palaoftbla powdsr. Barma U «(/. of tho colour of Burma, grojrish. Burmiiii, My. bmvt, bokL Bttrmtoaa, $, «. hamtf, Bnr mimadL-tn ainif in ttnm, Snrsiir^Uiat, o^ofanmlt. increepiiiK ..UKliQ|M%*i BarsiuAiia, t . n, lo orrrp along as a doss when oissfiliigi Sur«uri.«./.titUlatioii. Surt. «./rvcolleelioD,( reflecboo. SoriiUi,/ attentiva, pmdnii. Bttrttf, loo. msmonr. I a4^. minoAiL Bunt, «. «./. prop, Bhurd, whioh »< Bnmkni,^ v. a. to swallow by gulp.". Sunikni,/ lo gala SUT [ 306 ] SYU Surup, adj. handsome, beautiful. Suriir, s. m. pleasure, joy, ciieerful- ness. Suryani, adj. Syriac, the Syriac lan- guage. Sus, s. m. a porpoise. Susandes, s. m. good tidings. Susar, s. m. father-in-law. Susi", s. f. a kind of clotli. Susil, adj. well-disposed, goodna- tured, polite. Suskarna, v. n. to sibilate, to hiss. Susra, 8. m. father-in-law. Susral,^ s. /. father-in-law's house or vSusrar,/ family. Sust, adj. relaxed, weak, frail, lazy, negligent, slothful, idle, slow, in- dolent, inactive, languid, feeble. Sustana, v. n. to rest. Susthir, adj. firm, ready, stable. Sustf, s.f, relaxation, languor, lazi- ness, slothfulness, idleness, slow- ness, negligence, dilatoriness. Sust iatiqad, adj. lax in confidence, fickle. Sust, or Susti karna, to relax, to work lazily. Sustipana, s. f. see Susti. Susti torna, to break one's laziness. Sut, 8. m. a son, a male child. Sut, s. m. thread, yarn ; a tendril, a stamen (in botany.) Suta, s. /. a daughter. Sutar, 8. m. time, opportunity. Sutari, 8. f. an awl, a bodkin. Suthan, j Silthan,) s.m. drawers, trousers. Suthna,) Siithni, s.f. drawers ; an edible root. Suthra, adj. good, well, excellent, elegant, neat, beautiful, adorned. Suthrai, s.f. neatness, beauty, ele- gance. Suti, adj. made of cotton thread. Siitli, 8. f. string, twine. Sutna, V. w to sleep. Sutakna, v. a. to swallow by gulps with a noise, to become afraid. Suwai)^a, s. m. a sleeper. Suwal, 8. m. interrogation, question- ing, question, query, proposition, request, begging. Suwali, s. m. a questioner. Suwal karna, to ask a question, to interrogate, to beg. Suwana, v. a. to cause to sleep. Swad, 8. m. see Sawad. Swadit, adj. delicious, relishing, of high flavour. Swami, 8. m. a master, owner, lord, a husband, proprietor; the dandi faqirs are so called. Swan, s. m. a dog, a hound. Swang, 8. m. mimicry, imitation, dis- guise, sham. Swangi, 8. m. an actor, a mimic. Swang lana, to imitate, &c. Swapna, s. m. a dream. Swar, 8. m. a vowel. Swarg, 8. m. heaven ; the sky. Swarga lok, s. m. paradise. Swar^i'a } «^i- lieavenly, celestial. Swarth, s. m. self-interest, selfish- ness ; having one's own object. Swarthi, adj. selfish. Swarup, 8. m. see Sariip. Swas, 1 s. m. breath, respiration, SwasaJ breathing: life. Swati, 8. f. the fifteenth mansion of the moon. Swatibiind, a drop of rain fallen when the moon is in the fifteenth mansion, which, if into a shell, is believed to become a pearl. Swayambar, s. m. a girl's electing a husband for herself. Swet, adj. white. \ Syam, adj. black, or dark blue. Syana, adj. cunning, artful, shrewd, sly, knowing, sagacious, clever, mature (in understanding) ; growa up. Syuntha, s. m. tongs. ,1 TAB [ 807 ] TAB Ta, adv. to, mitil, aa fiar as, so far, wliilst, as long as, even to, in or- der that, to tne end that, in such a manner that. r i.itl'un, 8. m. btink, fetor, fetidness. J iiaiyun, «. m. appointing, appoint- ment, establishment, deputing. Taajjnb, «. m. wondering, admira- tion, iustoniHiiment, Burprise.ainazo. Tiiujjult lionii, to he astonished. J'n.'ij jub kiirmi, to wonder, to admire. Tfi.'iia, adj, most high. Ta(il alltih, mteri. good God I «. the most high God Taalluq, 8. m. rolationnhip, depen- dence, connexion, concern, apper- tiiining; a manor, a lordship, an estate. ra;illuqa, 8. m. landcvl property, ffeo, manor ; c(mn<-xion, rclationsliip. lalliupit, 8. jAur. oounuxiont, oon- vi'vuH. [oema. lalliiqat i dunyawi', worldly oon- rHallu<|r of an estate, the pro- pi icior of a taalliKi. PualbislisliM(i, «. m. fiUUng in lofe^ nitikni : love, beinff in love. auMsur. 8. m. brooding over aflUe> tion. pining, lamenting, grief, ro- grrt, romorso. aansuf kam^ to grieve, lament, pino, regret (over.) li^t. It./, devotion, obedienoei uqizznr, «. tm apology. tib, ». f. heat, light ; power ; endn* ranee; twisting; oontortion, Tab, (Kiv. then, at thati afterwards. Tab^ 8. / nature, genius tempen- ment, disposition. Tababat, $./. the practice of medicine. Tabaddul, 8. m, change, alteratioD. TabiUi,\ a4j. bad, wiolnd, depraved, Tabah,/ ruined, wietohed, noUed. Tabdhhdl, adj. ruined. Tabih hon^ to be dquaved. Tabdhi, «./. wickedneM^ depravity. ruin, perdition, wreck. TkibUif khini, tobe aflUoled. Tab&hfzada, a4f. mined, afllioled. diitieMed. Tab^ kar demi, to min. Tabih knmik to epoil. Tkbal, fl. m. a kind of axe. Tabaldir,!. m. a man who iMt the tabal or axe to eni down tieei or to cleave wood. T£ ba maqddr, to the vlaoil oT abi- litv, aa much aa poMlbla. Tabuioha,a m. a alapba blow.n bos. Tabanoha, a m. a pMol. Tibaa.am.gokl fearttefcO. ftti, a leaf; a layer ori aliouao. Tab4q, f . m. a ve«il doogb in. Tkbar, a m. H baloiiel, an om^ Tabarbardir,\a m. an i l^dianyr. / TabaklAr. TOjartor, nda. tedly. IWidUhfr. •. /. tht M^tf of llM I Tiibtrthi. tavwIfcML prodwUon ef prodneed Vf tliegenina. nmama Ti ba Stat, while lilb l>bbar. a m. AMaUy. Mir ^^VMIM T TOidfl kniiii» to okaMa^ to 1 TAD [ 308 ] TAG Tabela, s. m. a stable, a stall. Tab'lii, adv. at that very time. Tab'hi to, then, indeed. Tab' hi" se, thence, thenceforth. Tabi, adj. dependant, follower, sub- ject, [tional. Tabi, adj. natural, innate, constitu- Tabiat, s. f. genius, nature, disposi- tion, temperament, constitution. Tabib, s. m. a physician. [cian. Tabibi, s. f. the business of a physi- Tabidar, adj. dependant, follower. Tabidari, s. f. allegiance, obedience, fidelity, subjection. Tabidari karna, to obey, to serve, to submit. Tcibi bona, to be subject, to be de- pendent. Tabi karna, to control, to subject. Tabir, s, f. explanation, interpreta- tion (particularly of dreams. } Tablyat, s. f. nature, genius, disposi- tion, constitution. Tab khana, to be twisted. Tabla, s. m. a small tambourin. Tab lag, adv. till then, so long. Tablak, s. f, a little drum. Tab lana, to be able to bear. Tablaq, s. m. a paper in which a bundle of papers are bound and on which the kind of papers is written. Tab tarn, \ adv. till then, so long. Tab tak, / up to that time. Tabtaqat, s. /. power, ability. Tabtilli, s. f. an induration of the spleen attended with or preceded by fever ; splenetis. Tabtori, adv. till then, so long. Tabiit, s. m. a coffin, a bier ; the ark of the covenant. Tad, adv. tlien, at that time, after- wards, in that case, so soon. Tadad, s. f. number, computation, enumeration. Ta dam zist, while life remains. Tadaruk, s. m. remedy, an expe- dient, precaution, preparation (par- ticularly to obtain justice) ; chas- tisement. Tadaruk karna, to provide against, to make preparation, to take i^re- cautlon, to chastise. Tad bhi, adv. still, nevertheless, however, notwithstanding. Tadbir, s. f. deliberation, counsel, contrivance, expedient, advice, arrangement, order, management. Tadbirat, s. pi. counsels, delibera- tions, regulations. Tadfm, s. m. burial, sepulture. Tad' hi, adv. at that very time, in that case only. Tad se, adv. thence, since that time, Tad to, adv. then, in that case. Tafakhkhur, s. m. pride, boasting, arrogance. Tafakkur, s. m. reflection, medita- tion, cogitation, anxiety. Tafarqa, s. m. separation, dispersion, Tafarqa karna, to separate. Tafawut, s. m. distance, difference, disparity : adj. distant, separate, far away, remote. Tafawut bolna, to prevaricate. Tafrih, s. f. rejoicing, exhilaration, amusement, gratification. Tafrih i taba, ease of mind, cheer- fulness, hilarity. Tafriq, s. /, separation, division, mis- understanding. Tafriq karna, to analyse. Tafsil, 8. f. explanation, analysis, detail or particulars of an account. Tafsil karna, to detail, to explain iu full length. Tafsilwar, adv. distinctly, in detail. ^ Tafsir, s. f. explanation, commentarjl an interpretation of the Quran. \ Tag, adv. till, to, up to, while. S|d, } '' ^- *^'^^^- j Tagai, s. /. the price paid for quilij ing, &c. : the act of quilting. Tagana, v. a. to cause to be quiltei to get stitched together. ^ TAH [ 309 ] TAIt Taj^pii, 8. f. see Tap:dau. Tn<;;iruiia, v. a. to roll ; to spill. Tngama, v. n. to roll, to be spilt. Tagdau, 8. /. fatigue, running about on business or in search of employ- ment, great exertion. Taggf, 8. f. a kind of fishing line not used with a rod. T;i;;'liaiyur, «. m. change, alteration. T!iL,dialna, r. n. to be melted, to rarefy ; to roll. Taghur, 8. m. a tub, bucket, trough, platter. Tugharf, 8. f. a small tub, trough or ))ucket. Tij'jfljamd, v. n. to roll, to be spilt Tu','lirr, 8.f. alteration, change ; aHj. (>)inng(Ml, dischargcil, dismissed. Tai^iiir hona, r. n. to bu altered, re- moved or dismissed. Tii'.^liir kiimti, to remove (from an )ilice), to disnusfi, to ditoharge. I':!;^'!!!!!!!!!, V. a. to roll. Tn ^liinsi. «. m. a medal, device oo a shield, &C. Ti ^'lirana, r. a. to roll, to wpill. Tasini, r. a. to quilt, to stitch tt)- •tl.cr. T:i-Ma, V, a. to stitch, to thread. Tjii^ o dan, «. /. seo Tngdau. Tni^tor. 8. m. Inco, Tall, ». /. fold, plolt. ply; layer or stratum ; the l>ottom ; intent, nuaning. [Taliaif, 8. {j)lur. of Tuhfo). mritic«, curioHitios, protiouts, choice ar- ticles. 'uliaiya. 8. m. proparaUoo, profirion, piitling in onler. \ihaiytir. 8. in amaiement, wonder, astonishnu^nt. iha|ji, 8 /. spelling. ahnjii k.»rnii, to spell. [^aiiMJ^jn^i. 8. VI. a form of prayer Mid during the night, hal, yot, hitherto, till now. lal, 8./. h(»nscwifery, houaekcep* iDir : sc'r V ieo. ihi t v . work, dmdserv. Tahal kamd, to serve, to drodge. Tahal lagank, to danoe atteodanoe. Tahalnd, v. n. to walk backwani-' and forwards, to take the air, to rove, to ramble. Tnhalni', «. /. a housewife. tnhal t^ikor, s.f. see JwimL Tahal t^ikor Kami, to lerve, to drudge. T^ham, yet, nevertheless, still. Tahannnul. s. m. patience, endoranc' forlHMmnce, loiig>foflMng. Taliamniul kami, to t*ndur<», bciir. forbear, to bo patient. Tahio, tutv, thither. tli< i Tahani, t. m. a branch or large hough of a tree. Tahini, v. a. to foM. to plr, to wrap. Ti hanoi, vet, hilbi rtu, till now. Tahio tahao, in ftich plar<>. Tahiinit, a /. purity, clt'Mnlin<»« ablation, oeromoniul puntktittan. TubiahC t. ta. fear. Taliaa naliae, ortion. Jdnatjini, ». f. a reciprocal pulling : a rivalry in a tnuie. Tanatanz, adj. unfortunate, Tantiwul. $. m. eating. Tantiwul karna, to oat T^naznn, 8. m. a reproacher, a Uiunter. T^nazam', ».f. taunting, jeering, scoff- ing, reproaching. I'anol), (u(/. miflorly, hanl, untract- able. T^nch, adj. perverse, audacious, truubleauiue. i TAN [ 316 ] TAN Tan chhipana, to hide the body or one's self. Tanchra, adj. see Tanch. Tanda, "i «. m. a venture (of goods) ; Tanda, j the goods of a banjara. Tandih, a person of application. Tandihi", s. f. application, exertion, diligence, attention. Tandur, s. m. an oven. Tandurust, adj. healthy, vigorous. Tandurusti, s. f. health, vigour. Tang, adj. straight, tight, narrow, confined ; scarce ; distressed, sad : s. m. a horse-belt, a girth. Tang, or Tang, s. /. the leg. Tanga, s. m. a small two-wJieeled car without covering, and on which one person only can sit. Tanga, s. m. two paisa. Tangan, s. m. a kind of horse, a highland pony. Tang ana, to be distressed, to be exhausted, to be dejected. Tangari, s. f. a small hatchet. Tangchai, s./. stinginess, parsimony. Tangdast, adj. poor, distressed, miserly. Tangd.istf, s.f. parsimony, poverty, inability. Tang dena, v. a. to hang up, to hang ; to be a catamite. Tangdil, adj. narrow-hearted ; mi- serly, niggard. Tangdilf, 8. /. stinginess, parsimony, narrow heartedness, Tang'hal, adj. poor, distressed, strait- ened in circumstances. Tang'hal i', s.f. poverty, distress, nar- row circumstances. Tanghan, s. m. see Tangan. Tang'hausila, adj. unable to keep anything secret, blab. Tangf, s. f. a hatchet. Tangi, s. f. straiglitness, tightness, narrowness ; distress, poverty, want ; a bag, a sack. Tang jana, v. n. to be hung, to be suspended. Tang karna, to straiten, to tighten ;* to distress, to contract. Tangna, v. n. to be hung, to be sus- pended. Tangna, v. a. to hang up, to dangle, to hang by a string, &c. Tangri, or Tangri, s. /. the leg, the foot. Tanha, adj. alone, solitary ; private, apart : adv. only, single. Tanhai, s.f. loneliness, solitude. Tanf, 8. f. the warp of cloth ; the price paid for weaving. Tanik, adj. or adv. see Tanak. Tanis, s.f. feminine gender. Tan i tanha, adv. alone, solitary. Taniya, s. m. a kind of covering for the waist. Tank, s.f. a stitch ; an iron pin. Tanka, s.f. 'prop. Tankhwah, which see. Tanka,s. m. the jingle (of plates, &c.) Tanka, s. m. a stitcli ; solder. Tanka dena, Uq etitch, to tack. Tanka marna, ) ' Tanke lagana, to stitch ; to solder. Tankhwah, s f. wages, salary ; an order for mcmey. Tankhwahdar, one who receives salary, a> holder of an order for wages. Tanki, s.f. a chisel for stone- work; a venereal chancre, or sh anker ; a square piece cut out of a melon to examine its quality. Tankih, s. f. deciding disputes, in- vestigation. Tanka, v. n. to be stitclied. Tankna, v. a. to stitch, to cobble. Tanna,^ v. n. to stretch, to pull, to Tanna,/ sit upright. Tanna,) v. a. to extend, to stretch, Tanna,/ to pull, to row or pull an oar. Tan nana, v. n. to have a sharp prick- ing pain from inflammation ; to twang, to tingle, Tanniir, s. m, an oven, a stove. TAP [ 317 ] TAP I'un o man mama, to restrain one's desires and be silent. Tcint, «./. catgut, sinew, the string of a musical instrument. Tanta, U. m. wrangling, altercation, Tantal, / squabble, strife ; adj. heinous. Tan tan, a sound. Tantanahat, s.f. sliarp, pricking pain from inflammation. Tantanana, v. n. to pain. See Tan- nana. [solid. Tantha, adj. powerful, strong, firm, Tanthai, 8. /. solidity. Tanti, 8. m. a weaver. Tan toyna, to crack a joke, to strike up a tune. Tantr, js. m. name of a Hindu scrip- Tantra,/ ture; charm, euchantment. ^TuiHik, see Tanak. Til nilr, 8. m. an oven, a stove. 'J'iiiiwin, 8./. nunation. Taiiz, 8./. mirth, joking, pleasantry ; ridiculing, sneering, taunting. TanzTm, s.f. ordering, arranging. Tiio, 8. m. a sheet of paper; heat, passion, rage; twist, coil; proof, trial. dena, to twist; to stroke the iiiskcr ; to heat (as iron.) i...i klitiua, to be heated; to bo angry. Taoiia, V. a. to heat, to raise heat by blowing with bellows, to prove, to assay. T»p, 8. m. the fly of a tent. Tiip, 8./. fiver, warmth, heat Taj), 8. f. warmth, heat; a feyer ; tho hot season ; devout austerity, religious penance. 'Piip, «. /. a stroke with the forefoot of a iiorsf! ; ilu» sound of a liorso's hoof in travelling ; a frame made of l)and)oos for catoliing tish. Ti'pii, 8. m. a hen-coop; u musquito scnen for buhcs Tapak,^. /. pain, throbbing; sound made by dro])ping. Tapakna, v. n. to drop when ripe ; to drip, to distil ; to throb, to palpi- tate ; to leap over. Tapak parna, to drip. Tapa mama, to repair a tiled roof. Tapan, 8. f. heat, glow, fervour, warmth ; the hot season. Tapaua, v. a. to cause to jump over, to cause to leap or bound. Tapana, v. a. to make another warm himself at the fire or in the sun, to heat, to warm ; to cause to cover ; to pour a libation. Tapas, 8. /. religious austerity, pe- nance, self-denial. Tapashshi, 8. m. see Tapasi. Tapashshiya, 8. /. see Tapasiya. Tapasi, j 8. m. a devotee, a performer Tapassi,/ of austere devotion ; adj. devout, practising austere devo- tion, ascetic. Tapassi machhlf, 8./. the mango fish. Tapasya, 8./. austere devotion, reli- gious penance, mortification of self. Tiipatoi karnii, j to grope, to rum- Tiipatioiya karna,/ mage. Tap charhnti, to come on (a fever.) Tapi, 8. m. a devotee, a worshipper. Tiipi', 8. /. a bricklayer's wooden beater. Tap i diqq, «. /. a hectic fever. Tap i larza, 8. m. an ague. Tapish, «./. heat, warmth ; ofHibtion T>4> j»iiui, V. n. to jump over. Xaj)ku, 8. m. a drop of rain ; fniit falling when ripe (particularly mangoes) ; a windfall. [distil. Tiipkiina, r. a. to caust) to drip, to Tiipkao, 8. m. distillation, dripping. T«ipki, «./. a small drop. Tupna, V. n. to glow, to l>o heated to burn with pain or heat Tupna, V. u. to jump over. T^piid, V. a. to btuik in the mn «m belbre a fire, to warm one's self a. or over a fire; to wami.^to heat Tipni, V, n. to paw with tin* fore- feet (as a horse that ia impatiout) TAQ [ 318 ] TAR Tappa, 8. m. the name of a mode in music ; the bound of a ball, &c., a jump, a bound. [(a shot.) Tappa khana, to bound or ricochet Tappa marna, to sew or stitch with intervals ; to read in a desultory- manner. Tapsi, 8. m. and adj. see Tapasi. Tap tilli, \ 8. f. a disorder of the Tap tilli, / spleen. Tapu, 8. m. an island. Tap utarna, to go oflf (a fever.) Taq, 8. m. a recess in a wall, a shell, a niche; odd (not even); fold, ply- Taqaiyud, «. m. /. diligence, assi- duity, superintending, overseeing. Taqarrur, s. m. confirmation, ratifi- cation, [ability. Taqat, s. /. strength, power, force, Taqaza, s. m. dunning, urgency, im- portunity. Taqaza i shadid,inexorable dunning. Taqaza karna, to dunn or teaze. Taqcha, s. m. a small recess in a wall. Taqdir, s. f. fate, destiny, predesti- nation, lot ; the Divine decree. Taqdis, s. /. sanctification, sanctity, purity. Taqi, adj. defective (a horse), having the eyes of two difierent colours. Taq juft, 8. m. the game of odd or even. Taq par rakhna (to lay on the shelf) ; to refuse ; to neglect. Taqrib, s. f. recommendation, men- tioning one to another before meeting. Taqrib karna, to commend, to re- commend, to prepare a person for the reception of another. Taqrir, s. /. recital, narration, detail. Taqrir kama, to relate. Taqsim, s.f. division (in arithmetic) ; distributing, sharing, partition, di- viding. Taqsim karna, to divide, distribute, share, apportion. Taqsir, s. /. fault, error, crime. Taqsirat, s. plur. crimes, &c. T^nsfrTrTJiid ^^^' "blamable, crimi- ^'a^^frwS^'l -l,guilty, culpable. Taqwa, s. m. piety, abstinence, the fear of God. Taqwiyat, s. /. strength, invigora- tion ; reliance, confidence, trust. Tar, adj. moist, damp, wet, fresh, green, juicy; a particle which affixed to adjectives form the com- parative degree : postpos. under, • beneath. See Tale. Tar, 8. m. an imitative sound. Tar, adj. intoxicated, like one intox- icated, [palm-tree. Tar, 8. f. understanding : s. m. the Tar, 8. f. see Tal. Tar, 8. m. f. a thread ; a wire, the string of a musical instrument; the warp or threads placed length- wise in weaving ; a piece of cloth. Tara, s. m. a star. Tara, 8. m. see Tala. Taraddud, s. m. deep consideration, contrivance, debating, Taraf, s. /. side, quarter, direction ; towards. Tarafdar, s. m. a partisan, an assist- ant : adj. partial, prejudiced. •! Tarafdari, s./. partiality, attachment to a party, assistance. I Tarah, s. /. manner, mode ; position. 1 Tarah ba tarah, adv. various sorts, in ^ various ways. Tarahdar, adj. beautiful,well-shaped. Tarai, s. /. a marsh, mead, meadow ; the low ground at the foot of mountains. Tarain, s. m. stars. Taraiya, s. /. a star. Taraj, 8. m. plunder, devastation. Taraj karna, to lay waste, to spoil. Taraju, s. /. 'prop. Tarazii, a pair of scales, a balance. Tarak, s. m. a beam, a rafter; see also Tark. TAR [ 319 ] TAB jTaraM, 8. m. the sound of striking a blow ; adj. pretty, showy, gaudy. Tarakna, v. n. to be cracked, to be split ; to burst, to crack. Taramandal, s. m. the fbrmament, the starry sphere. Taran, 8. m. salvation, deUverance. Taran, s. m, passing over; escap- ing, being saved. Taran a, v. a. to cause to pass over or Bwim ; to save. Taraiig, s.f. wave, emotion. Taianjubin, «. m. honey mixed with lime-juice, &c. Tanip,«./.agitation, fury ; leap, jump. Taruplina, \ v. n. to flutter, to palpi- Taru])na, / tate; to be agitated, to writhe, to jump, to bound. Taiilq, 8. m. a crack, the sound of iiiiything splitting or breaking. Taruqa. adj. pretty, showy, gaudy; 8(0 Taraq. Tai-aqnd, v. n. see Taraknd. roiii(|qi, 8./. promotion, preferment, advancement; increase; making progress in learning, proficiency. Tixi-AH, 8./. thirst, riiiasli, in compos, cutting : «. /. cutting, paring, cut, shape, form, tiiHliion (of clotlies. &c.) rnnish diilnu, to jMirc ofl'or away, 'arashna, v. a. to cut, to clip, to jjiiino; to shape, to cut out. raraHlnia, to be cut or {Mired. runiHliwunu, v. a. to causo to be out r ]»an(l. Paras la iiii, to be thirsty. rara>iia, r. n. to long, to desire aii.\i(>ii>Iy. Tarawa, s.' iii. jeering; show, o«ten- ariwa iiianm, "i to rcproaoh, to 'arawa plienknd, / blunio. 'uiawut, «. /. freshnews, verdure, nioJHture, humidity, danipnuas. 'ui»'/,ii. 8./. n Hcale, a ImlunoOt 'lir bandiniii, to continiu^ or repeat an action witliout interru])Uoii. Tarbatar, adj. completely wet. Tarbatar bona, to drip with wet (but generally)to be covered with blood. Tarbaz, adj. intelligent, quick of ap- prehension, [sion. Taybazi, 8. /. quickness of apprehen- Tarbiyat, 8. /. education, instruction, tuition, bringing up, correction. Tarbiyat kama,toeducate,to instruct. Tarbiij, 8. m. see Tarbiiz. Tarbiija, 8. m. see Tarbuza. Tare, adv. under, see Tale. Tare ginna, v. a. to count the stars, I.e., to get no sleep. Tarera, 8. m. the falhng of water from a spout, or from any height ; a float of a fishing line, a float or buoy. Tarf, 8. /. see Taraf. Tarfain, 8. both sides, both parties. Targhib, 8. /. exciting desire, incite- ment, stimulation. Targhib dena, to set agog, to excite, incite, tempt, entice, induce. Tarh, «./. manner; see Tarah. Tari, 8./. moisture, freshness; water (in opposition to dry laud.) Tari, 8. /. the clapping of hands ; a key. Tari, 8. /. Uio juice of the palm-tree, vuUj. toddy. T^rif, 8. /. ])rai8e, praising ; a table of ratas of export and import duties. Tflinfi, adj. commendable, notable. Tank, 8./.way,nxid ; manner, custom. Ttink, adj. tlurk, obscure.^ Ttirika, $. /. a star ; anplo of tlio eye. Tari^Lh. «./. date, the day of tno month; annals, history. Tiiril^wiU', adv, daily ; at stated pe- riods, periodically, aocording to dates. Tdriki, t. /. darkness, obscurity. Tarin, a particle added to Persian adjectives, to form the superlative degree; most, very. TAR [ 320 ] TAR Tari'aa ( ^''^' ^^^^^^' custom ; rite, Tanqat, ( ^'^^igion, sect ; way, path. Tari se, adv. by water. » Tariwala, s. m. a man who climbs pahn- trees and extracts their juice, or who sells the juice. Tarjama, s. m. prop. Tarjuma, trans- lation, interpretation. Tarjih, s. f. gaining a superiority, preference, pre-eminence. Tarjih dena, to prefer. Tarjih rakhna, to excel, to surpass. Tarjuma, s. m. translation, interpre- tation. Tarjuma hona, to be interpreted or translated. Tarjuma kam^, to interpret, to trans- late. Tarjumanavis, s. m. a translator. Tark, s. m. abandoning, leaving, deserting, abdication. Tarka, s. m. dawn of day. Tarka, s. m. the estate of a deceased person. Tarkana, v. a. to cause to be cracked. Tarkarf, s. f. esculent vegetables. Tarkash, s. m. a quiver. Tarkash, s. m. a wire- drawer. Tarkashi, s. /. a kind of needlework ; wire-drawing. Tarkashi karna, to draw wires, to wiredraw. Tarke, adv. in the morning early, at dawn of day. Tarkha, adj. rapid (a stream.) Tark i adab, disrespect. Tarkib, s. f. composition, mixture, cement, make, form, mechanism. Tarkfbdar, adj. well-formed. Tarkibi, adj. composed, mixed, arti- ficial, artful. Tarkib karna, to organize. Tark karna, to abandon, leave, for- sake, cease, desert, resign. Tarkul, s. m. the fruit of tlie tar tree. Tarna, v. r*. to disappear, pass away, retire. Tarna, v. a. to move out of the way, see Talna. Tama, v. n. to pass over, to be fer- ried ; to be saved. Tarna, v. a. to free, to rid, to exempt from further transmigration, to absolve from sin, to save. Tarna, v. a. to understand, to con- ceive, to comprehend, to guess. Tarni, s. f. a ship, a vessel, a boat. Tarotaza, adj. new, fresh, cheerful, verdant, fresh and frisky. Tarotazagi, s. /. newness, freshness. Tarpana, ) v. a. to put in great Tarphana, / agitation ; to cause to flutter or stumble : to throw over, to cause to jump over. Tarpharahat, s. f. act of fluttering, palpitation. [pitate. Tarpharana, v. n. to flutter, to pal- Tarra, adj. wicked, vicious (particu- larly a horse) : stout. Tarrana or Tarrana, v. n. to grumble, murmur ; to chatter. TaiTar,acy. eloquent,fluent of speech. Tarrara, s. m. quickness, expedition, rapidity. Tarrara or Tarrara bharna, to gallop, to rush on at full speed. Tars, s. m. fear, terror ; compassion, mercy. Tarsana, v. a. to cause to long, to tantalize, to teaze. Tarsh, s. m. thirst, wish, desire. Tars karna, to compassionate. _ Tars khana, to compassionate, to pity. Tarsnak, adj. timid, cowardly. Tarson, adv. the tliird day past or to come (not including the present, i.e. two days intervening.) Tartar, s. f. chattering. Tartara, s. m. a kind of dish. Tartarahat, s.f. the act of dropping the sound of warping or cracki Tartarana, v. n. to warp or crack witl] noise (as a plank exposed to th( sun) ; to trickle, to drop. I TA8 [ liana, v. a. to chatter. '! urtarata, acT/. very greasy. Tartib, s. /. arrangemeut, disposition, order, method. Tartib dena, to put in order, arrange, compose, assort, &c. Tartibi, adj. orderly, methodical. Tar tutna, to be disjointed, to be separated. Tarii, s. m. the palate. Tarun, adj. young, juvenile, adult : 8. m. a young man. Tarunai, 8. /. ) adolescence, Tarunapan, s. m. j youth, puberty. ^JVuwar, 8. f. a sword, a scimitar. Tarwariya, 8. 7n. a sword; a swords- man, a fencer. Tarz, «. m. form, manner, fashion. Tils, 8. m. a cup, goblet, a leaden vessel in which water is cooled ; the carda ; a game at cards; bro- cade. Tasa, 8. m. a kind of drum. Tsisadduq, «. m. giving alms (particu- Luly witli a religious view) ; alms ; sacrificing, sacrifice, devoting. Tiisuddufi honii, to become a sacrifice. Tusaddui^ karna, to devote, to sacri- fice. Xasak, 8. f. shooting pain, stitcb, throb. TiJsakna, v. n. to liavo pain ; to move, to sliako. [lace, ri'salli, */. consolation, comfort, so- "isiilli dena, to comfort, toanimat«3, U) exhilarat(% to console. T;is;illi li«na, to be consoled or com- r.irtcd. T;i ulhit, 8. in, domination, away, ab- ohite nilo. i isiiiuT, 8. jAur. compositions, booksi. I -;i nil nil, n.m. the being or bucum- iiit; a sunni. I'll- !r,i 8. m. a kind of conrso ailk, ra.-ar,/ the produce of a [xirticular worm, rasunuf, «. 7u. possession; use, ex- pcniiiLurc, vxtmvagance. 321 ] ! Tasarruf karnd. TAS "1 to take or get Tasarruf men lana,/ possession of. to apply to one's purpose. Tasauwar, 8. in. imagination, con- templation, meditation, reflection, conception, apprehension. Tasauwar karna, to imagine, to fanc} Tasbfh, 8. f. praising God ; a rosar ; of beads. Tasdt, |s./ affliction, trouble, annoy- Tasdi'a,/ anee, vexation, perplexity, toil. Tasdi'a dena, to incommode, tronble, vex, tease, harass, distress, pester, plague, annoy. Tasdia karna, to take tlie trouble. Tasdfat, «. plar. troubles. Tasdiq, s.f. verifying, attesting, at- testation,, acknowledging as true. Tash, 8. m. cloth of gold, brocade. Tashaff., 8 f. consolation, ciUmness, Tashbil), 8. f. a simile, comparison, metaphor, allegory. Tashbih dena, to assimilate, liken, compare. Tashd:d, 8. f. the orthographical marlv^, which shows Uiat the letter underiuatU must bo pro- nounced double. Tashhir, «. /. pi-oclaiming, publish- ing ; marking a criminal, public exposure (of a criminal, &c., by carrying him on an as^i, Ac', through the city.) Tashliir iiond, to l^ publicly ox- |M)scd (usacriminan ii ' Tnshlichi's, «. /. di.stinu fectly a wonl much u . . . , .. Bicians to denote ilioir having a. oertaino»se9. rruiH, 8. m. a jicncock. [tion. iT, s.f. description, commenda- Tiiw, 8. m. Koe Tiio. rawii, 8. m. the iron plate on whicli l)i woMricd, to Tiuikna, / tire, to be fntigutcL Thak (hak, 8. m. a sound ; h iivl work. permanence, pre Thailii. 8. m. | Tlmili,*./. \^ Thailiyji, 8. f. \ THAK* [ 326 ] THAO Thakthakana, v. a. to tap, to pat. Tliaktliakiya, s. m. a stickler, a wran- gler. Thakur, s. m. the divinity ; an idol ; a lord, a master, chief (among Raj- puts) ; a landholder, a barber. Thakurai", s. /. divinity, lordship, chiefs hip, mastership. Thakurayan, s. /. a female divinity or idol. Thakurbari, s. f. \ -am. ^ thtlkurdwak,i. m.) an Idol temple. Thai, s. m. place, firm or dry ground, table-land. Thai, s. m. a large flat dish. Thala, 8. m. the place at the root of a tree for holding water ; the ex- cavation in which a tree is to be planted ; a large flat dish. Thali, s. /. a platter, a flat dish. Thaliya, s. /. a ^salver, generally of brass. Tham, s. m. f. place, place of resi- dence. Tham, s. m. a prop, a pillar. Tham, s. m. a pillar, a post ; a stem of a plantain tree. Thamana, v. a. see Thambhna. Thamb, ] Thamba, f -n , Thambh.h-^-^P^^^^^'^P^^*- Thambh, J Thambhna, v. n. to stop, to cease, to be restrained, to be supported. Thambhna, ) v. a. to support, to Thambna, / prop; to shield, to protect ; to restrain ; to stop, to pull up (a horse) ; to assist. *• Thamna, v. n. see Thambhna. Thamna, v. a. see Thambhna. Than, s. m. a piece of cloth ; a stall for cattle, a manger. Than, s. m. the udder. Than, s. m. /. \ place, place of resi- Than, s. m. ) dence. Thana, ) s. m. a station, a guard, a Thana, j police guard-house. Thanadar, j. m. the keeper of a guard-house ; a constable, the headman of a Thana. Thanadari, s. f. the office of a con- stable; the superintendence of a Thana. Tlianak, s. a jingle, tinkle, clink. Thanakna. v. n. to throb, to shoot (as the pain of headache.) Thand, ) s.f. coldness, cold, a cold ; Thand, J (met.) a refreshing sen- sation. Thanda, ) <^j. cold, refreshing, cool- Thanda, j ing. Thauda hona, to become cold, to cool ; to be comforted, to be paci- fied; to rest. Thandaf, s. /. refrigerant medicine ; the intoxicating drug made of bhang ; refreshing or cooling things. Thanriak, } '' f- coWness, coolness. Thanda karna, v. a. to make cold, to extinguish ; to pacify. Thanda parnti, to abate (anger, vi- rility, wantonness, &c.) Thandar, an animal with a large udder, or having an udder. Thand f, adj. f. cold. Thandi sans bharni, to sigh. Thanela, s. m. inflamed breast (of a I woman.) I Thang, s. f. a den of thieves. ' Thangf, s. m. a receiver of stolen goods. Thanka, s. m. a thunderbolt. Thai ma, v. n. to be fixed, to be as- certained. Thannii, v, a. to resolve or fix (in the mind), to determine, to be in- tent 01), to intend, to set one's heart on ; to settle, io perform. Thanon, s.f. see Tiianw. Thansna, v. a. to stufl', to cram. Thanthanana, v. n. to jingle, to rattle. Thanthii, s. m. the report of a musket. Tl ^^^^' I ^'/'^ residence, a place. THAT [ 327 ] THAU , I, s. f. a tap, a pat, a flap, paw ; i:;o sound ofji small drum. Tliapak, s. f. a pat, a tap. Thapera, s. m. a slap, a box, a clout. Thapf, 8. f. the instrument with whicli potters beat their earth, or with which terraces are bLaten. Thapna, v. a. to patch (as a wall witli cow dung) ; to tap. Thappa, s. m. ati iustrument for stamping leather with, a die, a stamp. TliuDrd^' f ^' '^- ^ ^^^' ^ ^^^P» ^ ^"ff* 1'haprana, v. a. to slap. Tliapri', 8./. the clnpping of hands. Thupfi bajana, to clap the hands. Thuijfi marna, to hoot. Tliiir, 8. m. a large flat dish, a tray. Ti ;ir, 8. m. snow, frost. ;1, adj. erect, standing. li, culj. steep, lolty. j''!' ^' > adj. erect, standing. i .....hnu, V. n. to be fixed, to stand, "i'liariyii, 8. m. a kind of huqqa. Tliarra,8. /. a kind of wine ur spirit- uous liquor. Tharnina, v. n. to tremble, to quiver. Tliartl;ar, a tin* form of pa.st s of (inmm('nt.s &i'. ; pride, vanity. Tiiiif, ^•. ;/i. the frame uf a ruof on which the straw is laid ; arrange ment, adjustment. Thatli, 8. m. throng, crowd; pomp. Thath, 8. m. state, dignity, equipage, pomp. Thathak jana, ] v. n. to stop short, Thathukna, > to stand amazed, Tiiatl.ak rahna, ) to draw back in surprise. Thathtina, v. a. to strike, to beat ; to beat one's own head, &c. (in token of vexation); to harass one's self. Thathera, 8. m. a brazier, a tinker; the stulk of the joar. Thatlieri, 8. /. a female brazier or tinker. Thiithi, 8. /. a trust, what is given in charge, a charge. Tliathol, adj. baiiterer, waggish, jocu- lar, jocobe, jester, wag. Thatholi", 8. /. fun, humour, sport, joking, jesting, jocularitv, derision. Thatlior, adj. tee TliuthoL Thathrf, s.f. the frame of a matted screen, the fiame (bamboo work) of a thatched roof; shell of a house, a bier ; a skeleton, a very thin person. Thatr, 8./. see Thathf. Thaj^ha, 8. m. tun, joking, jest. Thniihtibaz, see, Xl'ot (''<-' buz. Thajilii karnd, "I to je^t, joke, crack 'I'iiaiihtt mai;iul, / u joke, derid- ridicule. I'hatthar, 8. in. the frame nmde <>i bamboo for thatching, shell of a housi'. Xha^^hebuz, a jester, a humorous jierson, a funny fellow : ac^j, jo<'ular. ' 'n>'tO't'b»izj', 8. /. jesting, sporting, I joking, jocularity, fun. Tbaur, 8. /. place, residence: adv. I nport('d, proj)ped or pla.stored. T1h»S nn imitative sDund, as of a musket ill-charged or flashing in the pan. Thusaknti, v.a. to weep, but not louA Tiuisiina, r. a. to cauyi> to stuff. TIjuskr, 8.f. ventris er<|)itu.s surdos. jn uski' chhonui, to bacKi'ite. Tliusnti, V. n. to bo stutfod, to bo crammed. Tbiisna, r. a. to cnuii, to stuff. TIK [ 330 ] TIL the mouth of t horse, camel, &c. Thuthna, s. m. Thuthm'.s./. Thuthni, s./. Thuthra, s. m. the mouth. [fully. Thutkarna, v. a. to drive away scorn- Ti, adj. (ill Braj.) three. Tibara, 1 j- j.i • Tibara, | ^^> *'^^'^^^- Tibb, 8.f. medicine. Tibba, ,s. m. a height, rising ground. Tidarf, adj. three-doored. Tidda, s. m. a grasshopper. Tiddi, s. f. a locust. Tidhar, adv. there, in that direction. Tidhara, s, m. the meeting of three streams. Tifl, s. m. an infant, a child. Tifli, s. f. infancy, childhood. Tighalna, v. n. to be melted, to rarefy. Tiguna, adj. tlireefold. Tiliai", s. f. the third^part; the third part of a piece of cloth for making trousers. Tihal, s. f. the spleen, the milt. Tiharau, pro?i.(in Biaj.) your, of you. Tihattar, adj. seventy-three. Tihf, adj. empty, vain. Tihidast, adj. empty-handed, poor. Tihidasti, s. /. poverty, penury. Tihra, adj. triple, thi-eefold. Tihrana, v. a. to tertiate, to do the third time, to triple. Tihwar, s. m. see Tcohar. Tij, s. f. the third day of a lunar fortnight. Tija, s. m. the third day after the death of a relation, on which obla- tions are oflered ; (used among Muhammadans.) Tijarat, s. /'. trade, commerce, traffic. Tijarat karna, to trade. Tijari, Tijari, , Tika, s.f. a commentary ; a mark or marks made on tlie forehead by Hindus , an ornament worn on the forehead; the nuptial gifts; ino- culation, vaccination. - s.f. a tertian fever or ague. Tika bhejna, to send the nuptial gifts, which are presented by the relations of the bride to the bride-, groom. Ti'ka lena, to accept nuptial gifts. Tikana, v. a. to retain, to fix in any place, to stop, to lodge, to billet. Tikao, s. m. stability, residence. Tikaii, adj. durable, lasting. Tikha, adj. angry, passionate ; pun- gent. Tikhna, v. n. the calling (of a par- tridge), to call (a partridge.) Tikhur, s.f. a starchy substance ob- tained from the root of the Cur- cuma angustifolia. Tiki, s.f. a small loaf of 'bread. Tikiya, s.f. a small cale, a little cake of charcoal for the huqqa, a wafer, a bolus. Tikka, s. m. a small piece of flesh, a steak, chop, a collop, a slice. Tikkar, s. f. a thick loaf of bread. Tikk', s. f. see Tiki. [lihood. Tikki lagana, to earn a scanty live - Tikir, s.f. a wafer, a small round cake ; an ornament worn on tliu forehead. Tikna, v. n. to stop, to remain in any place, to be detained; to lodge, stay, to tarry. Tikoniya, adj. triangular. Tikn', s. f. a wafer ; a small round cake. [cart.,, Tik tik, a sound used in driving a Tiktiki,s./. a lizard. | Tikiir, s. f. see Tikhur. Til, s. m. the seed of the sesamum, or name of the plant ; a mole oi the face ; a moment, an instant. Til, s. f. a young hen ; a woman (sc named in contempt.) Tila, s. m. a rising ground, a smal hill, mound, a ridge, a hillock. Til^, s. m. gold; gold fringe; ai ointment, liniment, embrocation. Tilaf, adj. golden : s. /. a small fry mg-pan. TIN [ 331 ] TIR Tilak, s. m. the mark which Hindus make on their foreheads ; a dowry ; a gown. 'I'ilii kariia, to anoint, to embrocate. rilakna, v. n. to be gray (the hair.) Tilanga, s. m. a soldier ; a paper Idte. Tilangi, s. f. a kind of child's kite. Tikirii, s. m. ^ a necklace of three Tilarf, s. f. ) strings. Tiltiwat, 8. f. meditation, reading (particularly the Quran, as an act of religion.) Tilcliaoir, 8. f. mixture composed of rice and sesamum seeds. Tilchattii, 8. m. a cockroach, Tilcnda, s. m. see Tirenda. Ti'ir, 8. f. a bar (as of a cage, &c.) Tili.sm, s. m. a tidisman. Tili>matr, ar//. talismanic, magical. Tiliyu, 8. /. a young hen. Til kii tel, 8. m. sesamum oil. Tilkut, 8. m. the name of a sweet- moat composed of pounded sesa- mum and sugar. [turban. Till;!, 8. m. a goklen border of a rilhklani, 8./. a housewife or smidl bag for holding needles, tlireud, « &c. nihind, 8. m. a kind of song. Tillf, 8. /". tlie spleen or milt. rilmuolia, a<7/. spoken of a lamp) sloped HO tiiat the oil may rciich the witk. riliia, 8. m. a kind of sweetmeat. rilwilQ-su, m}j. SCO Tilmuohu. fiiiitilm, 8. m. drowsing, riiiitim, 8. w. a sound. ['iiiitimuna, v.n. to give a faint light. .'m, iu]j. tluee. [tlioso. v\\\, prou. ])lur. inflect, whom, tliciu, 'in;it, 8. /. nature, disjxxMtion, 'inlu'O, to tl.em, to those, &c. i'iiilva, 8. m. a straw, u bit of tho stulk of grass. inou lluiu, H. m. tlie private parts, in ti rah, lufj. dispiTsed, bcutleicd, ruined. Tin than, 8. m. the private parts. Tip, 8. /. a note of hand, a cheque ; raising the voice in singing; the act of pressing, compressing. Tipan', s. /. the Indian gooseberry. Tipna, V. a. to press, to compress, to squeeze, to grope, to feel. Tipttip, 8. /. ornament, the act of pressing or compressing. Tir, 8. m. an arrow ; the bank of a river, the shore of a sea; near. Tini, contract, of Tera, thy, thine. Tinij li, jprop. Tarazu, which see, Tirana, v. a. to cause to pass over or swim ; to save. Tiriinawwe, adj. ninety-three. Tinindaz, s. m. an archer, a bowman. Tirandazf, s. f. archery. Tirtis, 8. /. thirst. Tiras ami, to be thirsty. Tirasf, adj. eightv-three. Tiras lagna, to be thirsty. Tirath, 8. m. see Ti'rth. Tir eijahlna, ^. a. to slioot an arrow. Tirchhii, cuJj. crooked, across, bent, awry, askant ; perverse. Tirchhii deklimi, to squint. Tirehhi linkii karnti, to look angrily, to cast unkind looks. Tirchlii' nazar, leer, ogle, side glanci, squint. Tire hhiy una, r. »». to edge, to go ob- liquely. Tirendu, s. m. tlio flout of a lino, a float or buoy. Tiriiut, «. /. name of a district. Tirhutiya, adj. belonging to Tirhui, protluced in Tirhut. T»ri. ". /. a locust. Tin' bin', adj. di8))or8ed. Tiriyti, ». /. a woman, u fimnle. Tiriyii dmritr, 8. in. temulo wilea. Tiriyiiruj, s. in, petticoat govt niment. Tiikhii, 8. /. thirst ; desire. Tirlok, 8, tho Uirco worlds; t.f?-«-™- I a hollowed gourd. Toinri, s.f. ) ^ Ton, adv. so, in that manner, then. Tona, s. m. enchantment, foscination, sorcery, witchcraft ; v. a. to feci, to grope, to handle. Tona taman, s. m. \ hocus - pocus, Tona tiini, s. /. / juggling, ma- gic, sorcery, witchcraft. Toiid, s. /. a large l)elly, potbelly. TOR L 333 ] TOT Tondail, Toiidailu, Toiidala, adj. potbellied, gor- bellied, corpulent. Toiidr, 8. f. the navel. Tonlia, s. m. a juggler, a conjurer ; a wizard. Tonhar,s./. a female juggler or con- jurer ; a witch. Tonhi'n, adv. exactly then. Tonta, 8. m. a joint of bamboo; a cartridij^e ; a cracker, a serpent in fireworks : adj. handless. i Tontf, 8. f. a spout ; a round tile fixed on the eaves. [a stitch. : Top, s. m. a hat, a cap, helmet, cover ; I Top, s.f. a cannon, a gun. Topa, 8. m. a helmet, cap, liat. Topak, 8. f. a small c.mnon. Toi)ana, v. a. to have buried, to cause to cover. Top ohalana, ) v. a. to cannonade, -Top chhorna, /. to fire a cannon. Top chhutna, j to be fired (a can- Top daghna, / non.) Top diighna, to cannonade, to fire a cannon. Topf, 8. f. a liat, a cap, a cover. Tojjiwaia, one who wears a hat; an European in general. Topkhdna, s. m. a park of artillery, tlie place where cannon and artil- lery btores are kept, an arsenal. Top lagana. | ^ eannonado. lop inarna, J Topmi, V. a. to bury, to cover, '" , ■<./. a net tlirown over a woman's Iki : jtron. Ihy. tliino. , X. m. tlic strength of a cuiTont; I net throwa over a woman's pdlki. 'Wn-A, jrron. thy, tliino. 'J'(»r;i, «. m. a nuinbor of tmy?, con- iiiininu: v.iriou.s dislicsof fixxl, pro- sinted to others by gn-at ir\C'i. Tuiii, «. m. a purse, a bag containing one thousand rupees ; thu nmtcli of a gun ; an ornaineut like u clipi": ^ •■•;*-, w!'nt. Torabandf, s. f. the arrangement • sending out of trays of food ; presents. Toradar, a matchlock. Torana, v. a. to cause to be broken or changed (as money.) Toraposh, «. m. a covering for dishes, &c. [p^ll down. Toy dcilna, to break and destroy, to Tor d(^na, to break to pieces, to spoil. Toredar, a matchlock. Torhi, 8. m. a trumpet. Tori, 8. /. a kind of cucumber. Torf, ado. till, up to : 8. /. a kind of miLstard seed. [mode. Tori, 8. /. the name of a mu&ical Torjor, 8. m. cutting out (as cloth by a tailor) ; arranging a speech, &c. Tor karna, to make a breach (as a ball.) Tor lena, to gather, to pluck (fruit.'; Tornii, v. a. to break, tear, rend» burst, split; to change (as coin): to pluck or gather (fruit, flowers, &c.) Torphor, 8. m. breaking, plain speak- ing, [ing, Tortiir, 8. m. breaking and destroy- Torwiii', 8,/. price paid for changing money. Tofwaiiti, V. a. to cause to be broken or to bo change 1 (coin.) Tosak, 8./. prop. Toshak, which 8it\ Tosdan, 8. m. a cartridge-box. To.sha, «. m. pi-ovi»ion (particular of a traveller, or that which is c;ir- ried with the funeml of a deooased person, to sup|M)rt hiiu during hi- journey to the other world), viu cum. Toshak, «./. a bod, a mattress. To.'^halyhiina, «. m. u wardrolnj, phico wlicre furniture is krpt. TosluUn, 8. m. a pouob, a cartouch- box. [gwn* Totii, 8. m. a parrot ; tho cock uf a To^i, \ 8. m. loss, detUutucy ; a car- Totti, / tridgo ; a caudle's uud. TUF [ 334 ] TUK Totf, s. f. a female parrot. Totka, ^ s. m. a charm, an amulet, Totka, / a superstitions remed}'. Totla, adj. lispur, stutterer, stam- merer, speaking imperfectly Cas a child.) Totlana, 1 v. n. to lisp, to spenk im- Totrana, / perfectly (as a child.) m ,]^i '• \ interj. mercy ! save ! Tralii tralii karna, to cry out for mercy ; to repent of a sin. Tmn, s. m, safety, salvation. Trankarta, s. a saviour, a deliverer. Tras, s. f. thirst ; alarm, dread. Tras Ingiia, to be thirsty. Treta, s /. the name of the second Hindu jug, the silver age. Tribeni, s. f. the conflux of three sacred rivers. Tribhuwan, s. m. the three worlds, viz., heaven, earth, and the in- fernal regions : the universe. Trilok, s. m. see Tirlok. Trin, s. m. grass. Tripauliya, s. m. a building with thrc e doors or arches. Tripliala, s. m tlie name of a medi- cine composed of three kinds of myrobidans. [tied. Tript, adj. pleased, satisfied, grati- Trisul, s. m. a trident; a three- pointed pike or sj^ear. Triya, s. /. a woman, a female. Tu, pron. thou. [worthless. Tuchh, adj. contemptible, despicable, Tuchh karna, to despise, to contemn, to disregard. Tuchh samajlma, to think lightly of. Tilda, s. m. a mound, a heap, a stack ; a target. Tuda e tiifan, accusing, charging with crime ; a calumniatof. Tuf, s. m. spittle, .saliva; a cu'se. Tufail, by the means, through, for the sake. Tiifan, s. m. a storm, a tempest, a hurricane ; calumny, defamation. Tufang, s. f. a mu.sket, a tube for discharging arrows, &c. Tiifanf, adj. quarrelsome, boisterous. Tiifan lagana, to calumniate, to de-. fame. Tufuliyat, s. f. infancy, childhood. Tuhfa, s. m. a curiosty, rarity, tho best or beauty (of a thing) ; a piesent : adj. rare, uncommon, excellent, beautiful, wonderful. Tuhfagi, s. f. excel knee, rarity,. be;iuty, neatness, elegance. Tulifijjilt, s. plur. of Tuiifa, rarities, curiosities, present.^. Till if, thou tliysi If, thou even. Tuhmat, s.f. su^-picion of guilfc, false accusation, calumny, slander, falsely charging one with a crime, aspersion, imputation. Tuhmat dena, to belie, to calum-, niate, slander, asperse, traduce, accuse falsely. Tuhraati', adj. suspicious, ignomini- ous; a calumniator. Tuhmat lagana, see Tuhmat dena. Tuhukna, v. n. to- cry. Tujjar, s. m. a merchant. Tuk, \ . , Tuk I ^- /• ^ moment. Tuk, j s. m. a piece, a little, a par- Tiika, j tide, an atom, a bit. Tukam, s. m. proji.Tuld.m, which see. Tu karna, v. a. to thou. Tuk ek, for one moment. Tuk ek, a little way. Tiikhm, s. m. seed ; an eg^ ; sperm. Tukhm i balangu, s, m. a seed of a Cooing quality. Tukka, s. m. a sort of arrow blunt at tlie end. Tukkal, s. f. a kind of paper kite. Tukkash, s. m. a quiver. Tukla, s. m. a kind of paper kite. Tukir.s./. a child's kite. Tukina, s. m. a loop, an eye-loop, a button. Tiikra, 1 s. m. a piece, a portion, a Tukra, / bit, a division, a morsel. TUM [ 335 ] TUN Tulcfapurza, s. m. scraps, clippings, shavings. Tiilcra tukra, adv. piecemeal, in pieces. Tukra tukra kania, to cut to pieces, to shatter, to smasli. Tukrgada, a beggar for a bit of bread, &c. Tukrf, 8.f. see Tukra. Till, 8. w. leuiAth, prolixity: adj. long, tall, lasting long. Tul, adj. alike, like, resembling. Tula, s. f. the sign Libra of the zo- diac. iTulana, v. a. to cause to be weigh- I ed ; to tar, oil, or grease (wheels.) (Tulawa, s. m. part of a Hindustani carriaire, which rests on tin; axle- tree ai-m and supports the body of the carriiige. !Tul baithna, to sit straight and compact (as in a boat which might be overset by sitting uneven or carelessly.) Till i kaltim, prolixity, length of discourse, many words. Tulna, V. n. to be weighed or ba- lanced. Tulsf, 8. f. the name of a shrub wor- shipped by Hindus. Tulsidas, n. prop, name of a Gosii'o. Tultawil, adj. la.-ting long. Tultuliinn, v. n. to become soft (ns a sore or boil wlien suppurating.) Tuhi, «. rn. ri.sing (ns the sun, &c.) Tulu homi, to rise (the sun.) 'J'uni, jyrnii. you. Tuin. 8. m. tritles. ruiiiai', >t./. the j)ricc of carding. Tunmn, 8.m. troop, Mpmdron. Tmnanu, v. a. to cause to be carded. Tuiniindar, a m. the commander of a 'J'uman. fhim aj), you yoursc^lf. Nimani, pron. your. !tfmba, K. in. a IioIIowcmI gourd; tlio rind of a gourd, iu which bcggaiu Tumbi, 8. f. a small tumba ; a kind of pipe (chiefly used by those who exhibit suakcs.) Tumen, see Tumhen. Tuujhara, pron. 2nd pers. mas. gen. plur. yours, your, of you. Tumhen, pron. plur. object, case, to you, you. Tumhon ko, to you. Tumiya, s. m. thread made of carded cotton, in opposition to that made of what has been beat only. Tum ko, to you. Tiimua, V. a. to card or separate wool or cotton with the fingers, preparatory to conibing. Tiimri, s. /. the snout of a crocodile, alligator, &c. Tiimtiim, 8. m. a few trifles ; an or- nament. Tumtaraq, 8. m. magnificence, gran- deur, pomp. Tumtaraqi, adj. pompous, ostenta- tious. Tun,! 8. m. name of a tree from the Tun,/ timber of which furniture i^ made. Tlio, pron. thou. TuQ, 8. m. ventris crepitis. Tunak, adj. slight, weak, delicate, thin. Tund, adj. active, quick, awift, vio- lent, fierce, spiritLti, hot, acrid. Tunii, 8. m. a hand or bmnch that has iK'en cut olV. Tmidii, adj. Imndles8,ono bom with- out hands. Tund Iionti, to be angry, to be dis- plejucd, T"ndi, adj. J. bandless: /.the navel. Tundr, 8./. a ^mali bnmcli or htuinp of a tree broken at the end and leafless ; the navel. Tundi', »./. florconess, activity, im- prtuosily. ;r.m.l. l.»...ll.n,i.l „ „ ^ ^ TunilichHrhami,) i. , • i n » i TUR [ 336 ] TUT Tundiyan bandhna, ] to tie the hands Tuiidiyan charhaua,> behind the TundiyaQ kasna, ) back. Tundklio, adj. irascible, of a fiery disposition, furious, passionate. Tuudmiziij, adj. hot-lieaded, pas- sionate. Tundraftar, adj. fast-going. Tung, \ s. f. pecking, nibbling of Tungar,/ iruit, &c., more for a- musement than from appetite. Tunga tangi, s. f. pecking and nib- ' Wing! Tungna, v. a. to peck, to nibble, to chew straws, &c., for amusement. Tuniya, adj. tiny. Tuniya tota, a kind of parrot. Tuiikr, s. f. a line kind of bread or wafers thin as muslin. Tunn, s. m. see Tun. Tiin tan karna, to dispute, to wran- gle, to abuse. Tuntunana, v. a. to tune slowly. j?unuk, adj. slight, weak, delicate, thin, brittle. Tunukmizaj, adj. whimsical, cap- tious, peevish, fretful. Tunukmizaj 1, s.f. peevishness, cap- tiousness. Tupak, s.f. a small cannon. Tupana, v. a. to have buried, to cause to cover. Tur, s. m. a mountain ; Sinai. , Tura'i, 8. /. the name of a kind of cucumber. Turana, v. a. to cause to break, to change (as money.) Turang, s. m. a horse. Turant, adv. instantly, quickly, di- rectly. Turapua, v. a. to sew (in a particular manner), to stitch. Turat, adv. see Turant. Turbat, s.f. a tomb, a sepulchre. Turfa, adj. wonderful, strange, rare, agreeable .(anything.) Turiii, s. f. a trumpet, a clarion. Turk, s. m. a Musalman, a Turk. Turkan, ) j. m i • i Tm-kanr,r--^' ''^ T^'"^^^^ ^°^^"- Tuiki, adj. Turkish : s. m. a kind oi horse. Turkin, s. f. a Turkish woman Turksawiir, s. m. a horseman, a cava- lier. Turpan, s. f. a kind of stitch. Turpana, v. a. to stitch, to hem. Turra, s.m. an ornament worn in the turban ; a ringlet, a curl. Tursh, adj. sour, harsh ; ill-temper- ed, crabbed. Turshai, j s. f. sourness, acidity, Turshi, / har&hness. Turshmizaj, adj. sour - tempered, harsh, morose. Tm'ohrii, adj. cynical, morose, surly, stern; ugly. Turt, adv. instantly, quickly, imme- diately, presently, directly. Turtr phurti, adv. hastily, quickly, j Turt phurt, acZy. see Turt. I Turunj, s. w. a citron. Turwana, v. a. to cause to break, &e., to cause to be changed (money.) Tnsakna, v. n. to cry, to weep, to sob. Tiisi, s. f. a colour so called, a kind of purple colour. Tiisi, s.f. a bud, a young flower. Tut, s. m. a mulberry. Tut, s. f. fracture, breaking ; mis- understanding between friends ; harm, loss deficiency; a passage omitted in the writing of a book which is afterwards written in the margin. Tuta, adj. broken, decayed. Tiltan phat;,in, s. m. chips, clippings, tilings, fi agments. Tuta phiita, adj. fragments, broken to pieces. Tiiti, s. loss, failui-e, deficiency. Tiiti, s. f. a parrot, a paroquet. Tiitiya, s. m. blue vitriol, tutty. Tiit jana, to be broken ; to pine. Tutka, s. m. a charm, a supe; tious remedy. UBH [ 337 ] UCH T\ii\si,adj. lisping. * Tutlana, v. n. to lisp, to speak im- perfectly as a child. Tutli", adj. f. lisping. Tiitiia, V. n. to break, to be broken, to burst, to fail, to break forth, or rush upon, to assault ; to be help- less or destitute. Tiit parna, to break in upon, to rush in, to be collected in crowds. Tiit rahna, to be distressed, to be weary, to be reduced to poverty, to pine away ; to be separated. Tutrana, v. n. see Tutlana. ' Tii tii, sound of calling a dog. iTuzuk, s.m. retinue, pomp. Tyag, s.m, abdication, abandonment, ' leaving, renunciation. Tyag deiia, j v. a. to leave, to aban- Tyiig kama, > don, to desert, to for- Tyagna, ) sake, to quit, to abdi- cate, to resign. Tyag patr, s.m. a bill of divorcement. y/bo. I TJba, 8. J. prop. Wabti, wliich see. ITbachhna, v. a. to throw up water, to Vjalo. Ub;ikna, v. n. to vomit. in,alna,/^-''-*°^^^^°'^'^^P- llluilna, V. a. to l)oil, to make boil. TThaf kluibar, adj. utioven, ruggotl. Ubarmi, v. n. to Im) pet at liluirty ; to nsnuiin over and »lx>v(\ to excocd. Ulnirna, v. a. to set at lilxTty ; to economize, to resorvo, to keep in reserve. TJbasna, v.n. to rof, to putrefy. Ubhnrna, r. n. to swell, to oveiflow ; to bo uu laden {a cart or Ijoat.) Ubhama, v. a. to undo, to unravel. Ubhra, part, unladen (as a cart or boat.) Ubhra hona, to be unladen. Ubhrana, v. a. to lighten, to unload (a boat) ; to fill a vessel till it runs over. Ubkai, «. /. nausea. Ublana, v. a. to cause to boil (by the hands of another), to boil any- thing with such violence that it is spilled. Ubrana, v. a. to reserve, keep remain- ing, or in store. Ubtan, I «. m. a composition of per- Ubtana, / fumes, flour, &c., used to rub the body with. Uchakka, s. w. | a thief, a pickpocket, Uchakki, 8. f. j a swindler. Uchakna, v.n. to rise, to be raised or lifted, to leap, bound, spring up. Uchalna, v. n. to separate, to bo se- parated : V. a. to toss up (as corn in a sieve.) Uchana, v. a. to lift up a burden ; to wash the hands after eating. Uchat bona, to be tired, to be dis- gusted ; to be broken (sleep.) Uchtitr, 8./. the act of vexing or ren dering sorrowful, vexation. Uchakna, v.n. to be alienated; U* separate, to be separated (as plas- ter from a wall) ; to slip, to slide, to bound (as a sword striking n hard body obliquely) ; to bo bix)kuu or interrupted f sleep.) Ucluitna, v. a. to uivido, to separate. Uchcha, adj. liigh, lofty. Uchcluin, 8. /. height, elevation. Uclichar, \ «. m. proininoiation, ut- Uehehjiran, j tcrance, nrtioulution. Ueheharna, r. n. to si^paraU' (as the skin from the flesh, &c.) : to l>e uttered or pronounced : r spoiik, utter, pronouno«». Uehchilrna, r. a. to pron-u i . u> speak out, articulate. < \| i- . Uchchat-na, «. m. aoe Ueliu.i UDH [ 338 ] UGA Uchhalna, ^v.n. to leap, to bound, ITchhalna, j to spring or spout up (as water in a fountain), to spring or fly up ; to bounce up, to ascend, to beat (as a pulse.) Uchhalna, v. a. to throw up, to toss up a thing (as a ball, &c.), and catch it in the hand. Uchal parna, v. n. to become enrao^ed. Uchhkiin, s. m. anything placed un- der a vessel, &c., to prevent its oversetting ; a prop, a support. Uchhlana, v, a. to cause another to throw up anything. Uchit, adj. proper, fit, suitable. Uchkana, v. a. to lift or raise up. Uchlana, v. a. to order a person to separate (one thing from another.) Uchot, s. f. a trip, a stumble. Uchot khana, to trip, to stumble. Ud, s. m. an otter. yd, 8. m. the wood aloes. LTda, adj. of a light brown colour. Udai, 8. m. the rising of the sun or any of the heavenly bodies. Udai hona, to rise (the sun, &c.) Udar, 8. m. the belly. Udar pira, s.f. dysentery, a diarrhoea. Udas, adj. lonely, forlorn, dejected, sorrowful, sad. Udasf, adj. dejected, out of spirits, sad, lonely ; a class of faqirs. Udasm, adj. dejected, out of spirits, sad. Udaya, s. m. see Udai. Udbhav, s. m. act of springing up (as plants from seed.) Udbilao, 8. m. an otter. Uddiiar, s. m. rescue, deliverance, salvation ; debt, loan, credit. Uddim, 8. m. exertion, endeavour, la- bour ; calling, employment, trade. TTd ^* I *• '^' ^®^^» intelligence. Udham, «. m. noise, impudence, re- bellion, disturbance. Udhami, adj. making noise, impu- dent, rebellious. Udhar, s. m. sale on credit. Udhar, | adv. there, thither, on that Udhar, / side, that way. Udharna, v.a. to liberate,to discharge, to save. Udhar se, from that, or the other side. Udherna, v. a. to undo, to unravel, to unfold, to strip off, rip, skin, exco- riate. Udhir, adv. see Udhar. Udhra, adj. opened, undone, un- rolled (as the seam in a garment, or thread which has been rolled up in a clue.) Udhra pudhra, adj. see Udhra. Udit, adj. rising (as the sun) ; dis- tinguished, conspicuous. l/dsoz, 8. an utensil to bum wood of aloes (or gum benzoin) in. Udiil, 8. m. deviation, declining, re- fusing, disobeying. Udiil hukmi karna, to disobey orders. lldiil karna, to deviate from, dis- obey, decline, refuse. Udveg, 8. TO. agitation, consternation, anxiety, uneasiness, perplexity. Udyam, s. m. see Uddim. Uf, interj. fye ! poh ! for shame ! alas ! Uf karna, to lament, to disapprove nf. Uftada, adj. waste (land), fallen, ly- ing '^on the ground.) Ugahi, 8./. usury ; the trade of lend- ing money on interest of one- fourth, the payment of which is received by instalments. Ugahna, v. a. to gather, to collect, to accumulate. Ugaira, prop. Waghaira, which see. Ugal, 8. m. that which is spit out after chewing anything (as betel- leaf, &c.) Ugaldan, is.m.o. spittoon, a vessel Ugaldan, / for spitting in. Ugalna, v. a. to spit out, to vomit ; to refund property suireptitiously obtained. UJH [ 339 ] UKH Ugana, v. a. to cause to grow, &c. Ugliarna, v. n. to be uncovered, dis- covered, opened, pulled off. Ugharna, v. a. to uncover, discover, unveil, open, pull oft*, unclose, bare. Ugharii, s. m. one who uncovers or unveils. Ugna, V. n. to grow, to be produced, to spring (as plants), to rise (as the moon.) Ugte hi jaljana, to be withered im- mediately on springing up (is applied to a hope or expectation which is blasted in the bud.) Uh, an exclamation denoting pain,&c. Uhar, s. m. a covering, a cover of a palki for women. TJharna, v. n. to subside (a swelling or inundation.) yhda, 8. m. vulg. Hudda, a commis- sion ; business, office, post, ap- pointment. Vhdadar, ^ entrusted with a busi- yhdcdar, / ness, emplf)yed, hold- ing a commission, an officer. TTi", interj. oh ! oh fie ! Vyd(\(\,a(Ij. inconsiderate, rash, ignor- ant, clownish. Ujiigar, 8. m. splendour: adj. splen- did, famous. Tljiila, 8. m. \ splendour, brightness, rjiili, 8./. / light. Ujalnd, V. n. to become clean, to whine, to be bright. Ujan, 8. m. jrrop. Wazn, which see. Ujiin, 8. m. the direction or part of a river which is op|K)8it() to tlio course of tho stream, up the stream. jjjar, 8, m. prtip. l.Jzr, which see. Jjiir. «<0- drowsinckw, sleopmesti, Unghils, ) ilrooping. Unghna, v. n. to nod from sleepinaa^ to doze, to droop. [breadth. Ungli', 8. /. a finger; a finger's Unglf katna, to be astonished. Uniiattar, adj. sixty-nine. Unhin, for WonhiQ, exactly in the manner, even so. Unf, adj. woollen, made of wool. Unfda, a/ij. sleepless, unshut (eyes.) Unis, adj. nineteen. ^•'^^^\.]8.m\ig\ii. Unjiyala,/ *= Unmatt, adj. mad, insane, crazy. Unon, yron, they, them, he. Uns, s. m. friendship, love, aflfection. Unsath, aAj. fifty-nine. Uiisau, adj. ninetyuine. Unt, 8. m a camel. Untalis, adj. thirty-nine. Unti's, adj. twenty-nine. Unt katjira, 8. m. name of a thistle of which camels are fond. Uiitni, 8./. a female c;imel. Unwan, 8. m. mode, manner. Upa, prep, near, by, by the side of, with ; secondary to. Upadcs, 8. m. exliortiition, admoni- tion, instruction, preaching. Upadesak.U. in. f. instructor, moni- Upadesi', / tor. Upadh, 8. /. violence, injury, inju&« ticts tyranny. Upiidhi, adj. violent, unjust. Upudmv, injustice, tyranny, violence. U[)ae, 8. m. exjxjdient, plan, coutriv- aiiec, remrdy, niethoil, means. Upahas, 8. in. laughter, tun, sport. Upaj, 8./. Uie chorus of u song. U paj i t, adj. pnnl uced, propagated. Upajuii, V. u. to spring up, to g^w, to he prtKlucod, shoot fortli. Upnkiir, 8. m. utssibtance, benefit, kindncMS, favour. U{)akari', adj. assisting, helping ; b< nefuctor, biuethvnt. Upanui, \ »./. resemblnnoc, com|Kv- Upaman,/ rison, simiK* : Umttluhg to whiuh another is likoutxl. TJKA [ 342 ] USA TJpapati, s. m. a gallant, a paramour. Upar,| jprep. above, on, up, upon, Upar,/ upwards, over, atop. Uparawarf, adj. quarrel, wrangling. Upari, adj. upper or external; fo- reign, strange. Uparla, adj. superficial ; upper, the outside of a garment (opposed to the lining) : s. m. the moon. Uparna, v. n. to be rooted up, to be pulled out ; to be imprinted with the mark of anything. Uparna, v. a. to root up, to extir- pate, to eradicate. Upar se, from above, over. Uparwala, s. m. the moon. Upas, 8. m. a fast, fasting. Upasa, adj. hungry, one who fasts. Upasak, s. m. a worshipper. Upasana, v. a. to reverence, to wor- ship : 8. /. reverence, worship. Upasik, 8. m. a worshipper. Upasna, v. n. to become musty, to rot. Upasthit, adj. present, ready. Upaya, s. m. see Upae. Uphanna, v. n. to boil over. ITpjana, v. a. to produce, to make to grow, to cultivate. Upjaii, adj. fertile, productive. Upla, 8. m. ) cakes of dried cow- Upli, 8. f. j dung. Uprdnt, adv. after which, afterwards. Uprauncha, s. m. a towel or cloth for wiping the body. Upri, adj. foreign. Uptan, \s. m. a composition of per- Uptana, j fumes, flour, &c., used to rub tlie body with. Uptan malna, v. a. to apply or rub (the uptan.) Vqba, 8. m. futurity, future state. Uqda, 8. m. a knot. Ur, 8. m. tlie breast. Ufa dena, v. a. to leave off, abandon ; to squander. Urak, adj. capable of flying, fledged. Uran, s. f. act or manner of flying. Urana, v. a. to cause to fly, to squan- der or spend extravagantly ; dis- sipate, blow up or away, disperse, filch, entice. Urana purana, v. a. to squander. Uranchhii hojana, j v. n. to fly away, Uranchhu bona, j to disappear. Urarna, -y. n. to become abandoned (a woman.) Uras, s. m. a bug. Uraii, s. m. a spendthrift, an extra- vagant person, prodigal. Urbasi, 8. /. name of one of the cour- tezans of Swarga, or Indra's heaven. Ur chalna, v. n. to walk with a stately or affected gait ; to surpass, to excel. Urdabegani, s. /. a female armed at- tendant in the harem, Urddhabahu, adj. with arms aloft or raised up (a posture of Jogis.) Urdh, 8. m. a kind of vetch. Urdhsans, s. m. deep inspiration, gasp. Urdi, 8. /. livery. Urdii, 8. m. the dialect spoken by the Muhammadans in India. Urf, adj. known (by the name), commonly called, alias. Ufliaiya, s. a wearer or putter on of a dress. Urhakna, v. n. to overset. Urhana, v. a. to put a cloak, shawl, &c., on a person ; to cause to clothe. Urhauna, s, m. clothing. Urhna, v. n. to put on clothes. Urihna, s. m. reproach, reproof. Uris, 8. m. a bug. Ur jana, to fly away. Ur lena, to embrace, to caress. Urna, v. n. to fly, to soar. Urs, 8. m. oblations, offerings to a saint. Us, prrni. dem. sing, inflect, of Wuh, that, him, lier, it. Usana, v. a. to boil ; to winnow. Usanna, v. n. to boil, to simmer. usw [ 343 ] tTTH , TJsanwana, v. a. to cause to boil i' (meat, &c.) TJsar, adj. barren fland.) Usara, 8. m. a porch, portico, shed. Usama, v.n. to retreat, recede, shrink from. Usama, v. a. to remove, to put out of place. Usat, dflj. barren (land.) Use, pron. object, case. sing, of Wuh, him, to him. Usevna, v. a. to throw out the water from boiled rice, &c. Usijna, v. n. to boil, to simmer. Usisa, 8. m. a pillow, head of a bed. Urfkana, v. a. to light a fire or candle, ^ to blow up a fire, to trim a lamp ; to excite, to instigate, to stir up. Usliib, 8. m. manner, mode, method ; order, arrangement, form. Usliibdar, adj. well-arranged, well- proportioned ; symmetrical. Us meo, in that (time), meanwhile, ; meantime. Usiia, adj. boiled. Usnana, v. a to cause to boil. j Us ne, pron. he, she, it. [upon. Us par, on that, on it, on him, there- Ustd, 8. m. a barber. Ustiid, 8. m. a muster (in any art), an adept, a tcaclier, preceptor, artist: adj. skilful, compt;tcnt. Ustadf, 8. f. teaching, instruction, mastership, skill, art : adj. master- ly (as workmanship, &c.) Ustakhwan, «. m. a bone. Uslani, 8. m. a razor. Ustarah, in tliat manner. Uattiz, 8. m. see Unt^d. • Ustura, 8. m a nizor. Uwtuwiir, adj. strong, firm, stable, powerful. TTstuwarr, 8. f. strength, firmness, stuhility, resolution. T^siil, 8. jiur. of Asl, roots, causoa U.i waqt, then, at that time. Us wdste, on that account. Ut, 8. m. a camel. jj.\ \ adv. there, thither. Uta, so much, that much. Utakkarlais, adj. precipitate, rash, acting without consideration. Utan, a/^lj. lying on the back. Utaola, adj. m. swift, quick, speedy, precipitate, rash. Utaolepana, s. m. haste, rashness, precipitation, urgency. Utaoli, adj. f. swift, &c. : «./. haste, speed, rashness, impatience. Utar, 8. m. an answer ; the north. Utar, 8. m. descent, declination ; a copy, a duplicate, a letter. Utara, «. m. a descent; cast oif clothes ; ransom ; an answer (of a letter) ; a copy, a duplicate. Utaran, ) s.f. anything taken off; Utaran, / cast oif clothes. Utamn bona, to be freed (from debt.) Utiir dena, to bring down ; to dis- grace, to dishonour. Utargiih, «. /. a halting-place. Utiirid, 8. w.the planet Mercury. Utarna, v. n. to descend, to alight, to halt, disembark, land, dismount, subside, decrease, pass over, to cross, to go off (as flavour. Sec), to decay, to fade, to flag, to be freed from debt, to become insipid, to fall in value or dignity. Utarna, v. a. to cause to alight or descend, to bring down; to do- grade ; to cause to pass over, to convey over ; to take off, to strip off, to tear off, to cut oft* or break off (a portion of anything); to unlo»\d, disembark, dismount, discharge. Utarwdini, v. a. to cause to descend or alight, &c. Uthabaiihi>./. act of frequently ris- ing up and sitting down; rest- lessness, inconstincy. U^hd denjl, to remove away, aboUah, abrogate, exterminate. UTR [ 344 ] VISH Uthai'gira, s. m. a pilferer, a pur- loiner, a petty thief. Uthalna, \v.n. to turn over, Uthalna puthalna, / to overset, to be spilt. Uthan, s. m. expense ; an area or court, rising. Uthana, v. a. to lift, fake or raise up, to elevate, to lioist, to take or bear away, to produce, invent, gain, get, enjoy, abolisli, rouse, awake, support, bear.carry, remove, suffer ; to contract debts or purchase on credit, to expend. Uthan gan, s. m. see Uthgan. Utlibaith, s. /. restlessness. Uthgan, s. m. anytliinf^ placed under a vessel to prevent its oversetting ; a prop, a support. Uth jana, v. n. to depart. Uth khara liona, v. n. to stand up. Uthla, adj. shallow, slielving. Uthlana, v. a. to cause to turn over, or overset. Uthna, V. n. to rise up, be raised, spring ; to be abolished. Uthwana, v. a. to cause to lift or raise up, or remove, &c. Utiran, adj. worn, cast off (clothes, jewels, &c.) Utkana, v. a. to half shut (a door.) Utna, adj. as much as tl^at, so much, so many, that much. Utpann, adj. produced : s. proceeds, profit, produce. Utpat, s.m. violence, injustice, injury. Utpatang, s. m. absurdity, nonsense, what is without meaning or foun- dation, [considerately. Utpatangi, adj. one wiio speaks in- Utpatt, ) s.f. birth, origin, creation, Utpatti, / production. Utran, s.f. cast off clothes : liquida- ti(m of a debt. Utrana, v. a. to take down or pull down (by tlie hands of a fhird person ; as, to do it one's self is Utarna.) Utta, that much or many. Uttam, adj. excellent, best, principal, fiist, chief. [work. Uttamkarm, s. m. a good or excellent Uttampurush, an excellent man. Uttar, s. m. an answer; the north. Uttara, adj. northern, northerly : s. f. north wind. Uttaraha, adj. of, or belonging to, the north. Uttarstan, s. an inn. Uttii, s. m. plaits of cloth. Uttii kiirna, to plait. Uz:ik liizak, s. m. pomp, splendour. ' Uzbak, «. m. name of a Tartar tribe or nation ; a clown, a blockhead, a simpleton. Uzo, s. m. member, limb, joint. Uzr, s. m. excuse, apoh)gy. Uzr karna, to apologize, to make an apology or excuse, to ask pardon. Uzrkhwah, adj. an apologist. Uzrkhwahf, s. f. apology, excuse. Uzrkhwahi karna, see Uzr karna, V. Va, covj. or, either. Vachan, s. m. see Bachan. Vaidya, s. m. a doctor, a physician. Vais, s. m. a Vaisya, or man of tha third, or agricultural and mercan- tile tribe ; age. Vaisa, adw. or adj. in that manner, so, such. Vaishnav, adj. relating or belonging to Vishnu : s. in. a sectary or follower of Vishnu. Vaishya, I s.m. a Hindu of the third Vaisya, j class. Viistia, s. m. cloth, clothes. Vastu, s. f. thing, matter, substance. Ved, s. m. see Bed. Vedanta, s. m. see Bedant. Vedanti, s. m. ste Bedanti. Vesya, s. f. a hailot, a prostitute. Vidya, s. f. see Bi.lya. Vidyarthf, s. m. student, pupil. Vishnu, s. m. the name of the second WAH [ 345 ] WAI person in the trinity of the Hindus, and tlie preserver of the universe. Vislmu puraiia, 8. m. one of the sacred works of the Hindus. W. Wa, a copulative conjunction equi- valent to our and, with, but, now ; it is used in connecting words and phrases from the Arabic and Per- sian. When it merely connects two words it is sounded o, thus, Shab o roz. Wa, (in Braj.) prnn. Srd. pers. sing, inflect, him, her, it, that. Waba, 8. f. tiie plague or any pesti- lential disorder, pestilence. Wabal, 8. m. /. plague, vexation, misfortune. [pending on. Wab.ista, adj. related, connected, de- Wtichhire, 8. m. plur. firaising, ap- plauding ; l.rav(» ! well done I alas ! Wiida, 8.m. prop. Wat la, which see. Wada, 8. m. a promise, a vow, an en- gagement, agreement, bar^-^ain. Wada karna, to promise, to appoint, make an appointment, &c., make a bargain. Wadakhilaf, a false contract, a per- son who I Iocs not keep his promise. Wndakhilufr, k. /. breach of promise. Wa'lawaf i, obsi rvlng one's promise, punctual, true U) one's word. Wiidf, 8. f. a valley. Wafii, 8. f. obs<;rvati()n of faith, good faith, fidelity, sincerity. Wafadiir, adj. faithful, sincere. Wafiidiiri, 8. f. sincerity, fidelity. Walai', 8. f. fiilelily, hiicerlty. Wufii karnti, to suflico, to perform (a promise.) Wafiit, 8. f. doiith, dcconse. Wagar, ronj. and, if, but. Wiigiirna, and, if, not. Waidiaini, et cetera, anrl so forth. Wall, pron. \\i\ ahe, if, that, the. Wall, /. inter}, brnvo ! well done ! excellent ! aUuil fy ! Wahan, adv. there, thither, yonder.' Wahan ka wahag, everywhere, in that very place. Wahan se, thence. Walidanfyat, «./. unity; belief in th« unity of the Deity. Wahi, pron. he himself, that very (person) : 8. f. divine revelation, inspiration. [(premises.; Wahi, adj. weak, crazy, ill-founded Wahid, adj. one, sole, individual, single, singular. Wahid shahid, God is my witness. Wahi'B, adv. that very (time, place, &c.), immediately, exactly there. Wahi tabahi, \ s. f. absurdity, non- Wtihi wiihi, / sense. Wahiyat, 8. plur. of Wahi, absurd- ities, fit Idle faddle. Wahm, 8. m. conjecture, opinion, imagination, idea, fancy. Wahmi', adj. imaginary, conjectural, visionaiy, fanciful, ideal. Wahm karna, to indulge in whims, conjectures, &c. Wahsh, 8. m. a wild beast. Wahsliat, 8.f. timidity, dread, terror, loneliness ; a desert. Wahshatmik, adj. frightful. Wahshatzada, adj. aghast, terrified. Wahshi', oilj. wilil, savage, ferocions a wild beast, a savage. Wahshipami, ». m. wildness, ferocity, the savnge state. Wtih \s6\\,f inter j. bravo ! how excel- lent ! well d(me ! adminible ! ha Wail, 8. m. reprisal, revenge. Wairtehmi, v. a. to skin. Waiiiin, adj. desoUited, depopulat'sl>-°k or dignity. Walad uzzina, a son of a whore ; illegitimate. Walekiu, conj. but, yet, however. /"an, I in compos, possessing, en- /"ant, / dowed with, having. Wall, s. m. a prince, lord, master* a friend ; a saint. Wall, fern, of Wala, which see : s. m. a prince, a chief, a governor, sovereign, master. Waliahd, an heir. Walid, s. m. a father. Walida, s. f. a mother. Walidain, s. m. plur, the two parents. Walmiamat, a title of respect by which a father is addressed; a benefactor. Walte, s. f. eaves of a house. Warn, 8. m. debt, credit, lending, borrowing. Wan, adv. there, that place. Wan, ^ ■ Want, Wanta, m. \a particle in compos. See Wanti,/. / Wan. Wapas, 8. m. restitution, returning. Wapas dena, to return, to give back, to restore. Wapasm, adj. latter, last, hindmost. Wapas karna, see Wapas dena. Wapas lena, to take back. Wapas milna, to get again. Wapas rakhna, to detain, to retard. Waq, s. m. name of a bird. Waqaf, s. plur. of Waqia, news, events. Waqalnavis, an intelligencer. Waqat, s. m. see Waqt. Waqfa, s. m. delay, pause. Waqi, befalling, happening, occur- ring, appearing ; situate. Waqia, s. m. an event, occurrence ; news, intelligence ; death. Waqia hona, v. n. to befall, to hap- pen. Waqia navis, a news writer. Waqiat, s. f. plur. accidents, events, occurrences ; intelligence. Waqif, adj. acquainted, experienced, knowing, conversant, learned, sen- sible. Waqifdar, see Waqif i hal. Waqif bona, v. n. to be acquainted with, to be intelligent. WAR i 347 ] WAS Wiiqif i hal, adj. experienced, in- telligent, expert, connoisseur. Waqitiyat, 8. /, experience, know- ledge, intelligence, acquaintance. Waqitkar, adj. see Waqif i hal. jWuqifkari, 8. f. experience, inteUi- gence, knowledge. [Waqif, adv. really, truly, verily, in fact, certainly : adj. true, real. Waqr, 8. m. dignity, honour, cha- i-acter. Waqt, 8.m. time, season, opportunity ; adversity. Waqt ba waqt, from time to time. Waqt be waqt; in season or out of season, constantly, perpetually. Waqt i nazuk, delicate times. Wiiqtfya, adj. timely, seasonable. Waqt kat;na, to pass away the time. Waqt ke waqt, at all times. Waqt na waqt, occasionally, without any stated time. Waqt par, at (proper) time, season- ably, betimes ; in the nick of time. Waqt pafiui, to suffer misfortunes, to be distressed. Waqii, 8. m. see Wuqu. Waqiif, 8. m. see Wuqiif. W.Kiiitdar, see Wuqiifdar. \\ :i!, a tenninatian in compos, denot- ing place or enclosure. AV;ii, in compo8. like, resembling; wortliy of; having, possessing, ( udowed with: «. /. leisure; 8. m. :i l)low, a wound, a gasii ; u day of tlu! week : the near Ixink of a river ; on this side. War, addexl to nouns, implies pos- sessing, enjoying, having: oonj. and if, but. Wara, «. m. cheapness, benefit, gain : adj. cheap. Waram, ». m. a b welling, a tumour : adj. inllated, cumtgod. Waram honti, to bo inflatod, to be enragoil. Waram karnd, to swell (any part of the body.) Waran, 8. m, offerings, oblations, sacrifices. Warapar, adv. on this side and that, on both sides ; across. Waraq, s. m. a leaf (of a tree, book, &c.), a card, a slice. Waraqf, adj. leaf-like. Ware, adv. on this side, near. Ware girna, to fall short. Warghalana, v. a. to deceive, to in- veigle, to decoy, seduce, tempt. Wari, a termination denoting place or enclosure. Warid, adj. being present, coming, arriving, approaching. Waridat, 8. f. events, accidents, inci- dent, occurrence, casualty. Warid hona, to arrive, to come. Wari pheri hona, to go round any- body (as a sign of being an offer- ing or sacrifice for his welfare), to devote one's self for any one (a practice chiefly of women. ) Waris, 8. m. an heir ; master, lord, owner. Wtiris hona, to inherit. Warisi, «. /. heritage. Warnd, v. a. to offer (in sacrifice, &c.) War na, and if not, otherwise, al- though. Wtirptir, adv. see Wanipar. Warsa, «. m. heritage, bei|uest Waraadtir, «. an heir. Warzish, «. /. labour, exertion, exer- ciho. Wjisalat, t. f. see Wasatat Wiii^t, «./. see Wus.it. Wasat, 8. m. /. tlie middle, the centre : adj. centricjd. Wasiitat, «. /. means, mediation, medium, channel. Wiu^f, 8. m. praise, oncomiura, de- srription, <}u.ility, attribute. Wjwf karn»i, to pmijK>, to dt^arribe. Wnsi', 8. m. an oxwutor, admioistra- tor (of a will), pruct^ptor. WaH(. adj. extensive, large, tpaokms, roomy. WAW [ 348 ] WIL Wasila, s. m. a medium, means (of effecting anything), cause, media- tion, intervention ; affinity. Wasiladar, a client, dependent. Wasiladari, s. f. clientship, depend- ence. Wasilbaqi, collections and balances. Wasilbaqi karna, to state an account. Wasiqa, s. m. a bond, obligation, wiitten agreement. Wasiyat, s. f. a last will or testa- ment ; making a will. Wasiyat karna, to bequeath, devise, leave by will. Wasiyatnama, s. m. a last will or testament. Wasl,s,m.meeting,union,conjunction. Wasli, adj. copulative, conjunctive ; two pieces of paper, &c., pasted together for the purpose of prac- tising writing on. Wasl karna, to unite, to paste, to conjoin, annex, cement. Wasma, s. m. the leaves of indigo (with an extract of which the natives stain their beards, &c.) Wasta, 8. m. account, sake, cause, reason ; connexion, relation. Waste, postpos. on account of, for the sake, for ; in behalf. Wastf, 8. /. a reed, a pen. Waswas, s. m. the temptation of the devil, distraction of mind ; doubt, suspense, hesitation, suspicion, fluctuation (of mind.) Waswasa, s. m. temptation, evil sug- gestion. Waswasi, adj. doubtful, causing sus- pense, distracting, apprehensive, scrupulous. Wata, adj. that much, so much, so many. Watan, s.m. native country, country. Watani, adj. belonging to one's country. Watira, s. m. manner, habit, custom. Wawaila, 8. m. lamentation, bewail- ing : inierj. alas ! W?z, 8. m. advice, admonition, ^- hortation, preaching, i^ermon. Wazn, 8. f. state, condition, manner, mode, procedure, position, con- duct, behaviour. Wazaif, s. plur. of Wazifa, daily taskaf or duties. Waza karna, to deduct, to subtract, j Wazan, s. m. see Wazn. Wazi.adj. ignoble,ha!ee, plebeian, loti Wazifa, s. m. a daily performance duty or task. Wazih, adj. evident, apparent, mai^ fest, clear, obvious. Wazir, s. m. a minister of prime minister. Wazirf, 8. f. the office of a ministei- of state, ministry. Wazn, s. m weight, weighing, mea- sure ; metre, rliyme, verse ; repu-i tation, esteem, honour. j Waznf, adj. heavy, weighty. Wazii, 8. m. ablution (performed] before prayer ; and it consists in i cleaning the teetli, washing first! the hands, then the mouth inside, then throwing water on the fort - head, wasliing the wliole face, tha arms, and lastly the feet.) We, 2)^o?i. 2>Zwr. they, those. Weta, \ adj. so much, that much, Wetna, j that many. Wida, 8. m. farewell, adieu, biddiii'.r farewell. Widlf ' } «^^'- ^'^^^"^ farewell. Wida karna, to bid farewell or adieu, to dismiss. Wiladat, s. /. nativitv, birth. Wilayat, s. /. an inhabited country, a kinL'dofn, a foreign country, abroad ; Europe. Wilayatf, adj. European, foreign. Wilayati baingan, the tomata -t love-apple. Wilayati khatt, a kind of Persiuu Nast;liq character. Wilayati pani, soda-water, WUQ [ 349 ] YAF AVilayati sem, beans. nVin, (in Braj.) pron. Srd pers. plur. (same as uu) them, those. Winheo, pron. 3rd pers. plur. them, those, to them, or those. Wiran, adj. desolate, laid waste, de- populated, ruined. Wirana, «. m. a solitude, a desolated or desolate place. Wirani, s.f. desolation, depopulation, destruction, desert places. Wiran karna, to lay waste, depopu- late, desolate. Wird, 8. m. daily use, practice, task ; a portion of the Quran fixed for i-eading at a certain time. 'Wird kama, to repeat. Wis, pron. 3rd pers. sing, inflect. -line as us) him, her, it, that, &c. \, s.m. meeting, interview, con- -luxion, union. Wise, pron. 3rd pers. sing, him, her, it, to him, to her, &c. Witna, adj. that much, as much as that, so much, so many. Wizarat, s. f. the dignity of Wazir ; the office of prime minister or grand vizier ; ministry. Wo, for Wuh, pron. that, he^ those,&c. ^;;{;|^^ } adv. see WuQhiD. Worj, adv. in that manner, so. Woo ka woohf, exactly the same as i)efore or originally. Wuh, proii. l.e, siie, it, that, the. Wulii, pron. ho himself, that very. Wnjiid, 8. m, existence, essunoe, Ixjing, body. Wujuhiit, 8. plur. of Wajh, causes, reasons. Wu'o, adv. in that mnnner, so. Wiiuhi'D, adv. that very (time, place, ikc.\ ininu diatcly, exactly thoro, Ion tli(( spot, in that very nmnmr. Wu(in, K. m. a contin^'cncy, uccideiit, event, occurrence, tho liuppcuiiiij. Wuquf, 8. m. understanding, infor- mation, sense, experience, wisdon. Wuqiifdar, informed of, experienced Wuqiifi, adj. sensible, intelligent. Wuriid, 8. m. arrival, coming, ap- pearing, approaching, descending, alighting. [space, extent. Wusat, s. f. latitude, amplitude, Wusiil, 8. m. arrival, conjunction, acquisition or enjoyment (of any- thing desired) ; realization of revenue, &c Wusul bona, to get, to be arrived. Wusiil karaa, to collect. Wutna, adj. that much. Wuzara, s. plur. of Wazir, minis- ters of state. Wuzii, 8. m. see Wazii. Y. Ya, pron, this: conj. or, either; a vocative particle, oh ! O I In com- pos, a dealer or agent in anything, as Kapfiya, a cloth merchant. Yab, in compos, finding, getting. Yabi, 8. f. in compos, attaining. Yabii, 8. m. a pony, a galloway. Yachak, «. m. a mendicant. Yachna, v. a. to want, to need, im- plore, solicit, ask, beg. Yad, s.f. memory, recollection. Yad ana, to come to njind, to recur. Yadash ba^chair, an expression used when mentioning an abst^nt friend Yaddtisht, «. /. a memorandum, Yad diliina, to remind. Yadfariimosh, name of a game. Ytidgiir, s. m. anything givou as a memorial, a memorial. Yddguri, «. /. a keepsake, token, ro- membrance. YatU, conj. if, when, since. Y^ karmi, to recollect, to remember, to call to mind, to commit tu memory. Yadyapi, conj. if, even if, when. Yult, ^^ /. }H>rqui8ito, tifuruiugs, gains. iucumc, prul^t, fceii. YAK [ 350 ] YAK Yagana, s. m. kindred : adj. single, sole. Yaganiyat, s. f. kindred ; unanimity. Yah, pron. this, he, she, it, the. Yahan, adv. here, hither, at the abode, near, with. Yahan ka yahm, in the very same place, exactly here. Yahan lag, see Yahan tak. Yahan se, hence. Yahan tak, ) to this pitch, to this Yahan talak, / degree, thus far, hitherto. [this, to this. Yahi (in Braj.) pron. dem. object case, Yahi, this very, the same, itself. Yahm, adv. this very, in this very place, here. Yahin se, hence. Yah^di' f *• ^- ^ '^®'^' ^ Hebrew. Yahudiya, the land of Judea. Yahiin, thus, in this manner. Yajak, s. m. an officiating priest. Yajuj majiij, Gog and Magog. Yak, adj. one, a, an. Yaka, one, singular. Yakad \ Yakadii, / ^^> ^ ^^^' ^^^ ^^ *^^- Yakawan, adj. fifty-one. Yakayak, all at once, suddenly. Yakayak ana, to come immediately. Yakbar, ] Yakbara, I immediately, all at once, Yakbargi, j once. Yakbari, j Yak ba yak, successively, one by one. Yakchoba, one-poled (a tent.) Yakdil, adj. of one heart or mind, unanimous. Yakdili, s. /. unanimity, accord. Yakela, adj. alone, solitary, singular. Yakhatta, in one place, together. Yakhattar, adj. seventy-one. Yak hi, the same, equal, alike. Yakhni, s. /. gravy, sauce, stew, Yakhni pulao, a kind of pulao pre- pared with gravy. Yakis, adj. twenty-one. Yakja, together, in one place. Yakjan, of one soul, a friend. Yakjor, adj. equal, even. Yakka, adj. single, solitary : «. m. a one-horse vehicle : adj. unique, unequalled. Yakka sipahi, a single soldier. Yaklai, s. f. a breadth of cloth worn over the head and shoulders. Yaklakht, all at once, altogether, all,* one piece, entirely, wholly. Yaklauta, adj. a single child (with-* out brother or sister.) Yaklohf, s. f. a vessel made of ono^ piece of iron. Yakmartaba, one time, once. Yakmunh, unanimous. Yakmusht, | all at once, prompt Yakmuth, j payment ; a handful. Yak na yak, one or other. Yak qalam, all, altogether, total. Yakrah, going on the same road. Yakrang, adj. of one colour ; uniform. Yak rangi, s. f. uniformity. Yakru, adj. unanimous. Yakriif, s. f. unanimity, friendship. Yaksan, 1 equal, alike, even, in the Yaksar, j same manner, the same, plain, level, uniform, parallel. Yaksar, adj. single, in a body, alto- gether, Yaksath, adj. sixty-one. Yakshamba, s. m. Sunday. Yakta, adj. single, unique, singular, incomparable. Yaktai, s.f. the being unique, single or unequalled, unity. Yaktai IS, adj. forty-one. Yaktara, s. m. a Mnd of guitar with one string. Yaktaraf, aside. Yaktha, adj. collected, assembled in one place, together : s. a boat hol- lowed out of a tree. Yakthan, 1 adj. collected, assem- Yakthaun, / bled in one place, together. Yakzaban, of one voice, unanimous. YAT [ 351 ] rmf Yikzat, of the same caste or tribe. \ al, 8. f. a liorse's mane. Yam, 8. m. the angel of death. Yamuna, s. /. the river Jamuna. Yao, adv. contract, of Yaha^i, here, hither ; at the abode. Yaue, 1 adv. videHcit, viz., that is to Yani, / say, i. e., namely, to wit. Yaqin, a. m. certainty, assm-ance, truth ; adj. certain, true : adv, with certainty, truly. lYaqiiian, adv. certainly, assuredly, infallibly, verily. Yaqm bona, tx) become certain. Yaqini, «. /. certainty, truth: adj. tme, indisputable. Yaqin karna, to ascertain, to believe. Yaqin lana, to believe, to credit. lYa qismat, oh destiny! an excla- mation of one who in distress re- signs himself to the will of God. Yaqiib, n. prop. Jacob. I Yaqut, 8. m. a ruby, a precious stone. lYaqiiti', adj. of or relating to the ruby : «. name of a medicine. lYdr, 8. m. a friend, a lover, a para- mour ; an assistant ; companion. Ydra, «. w. power, strength. Ysinina, adv. friendly, like a friend. Yaibash, adj, voluptuous, sensual. Ytirbashi, 8. /. sensuality, &c. Ydrbaz, a wanton woman, a whore : adj. wantfHi. lYarbazi, «. /. fornication. lYdri, «. /. friendsliip, love, assiatanoe. ~'ir i ghar, a sincere friend. ix 1 wafadiir, a faithful friend, 'ixni^ 8. f. a female friend, a mis- tisss, a sweetheart. arqin, s. m. the yellow jaundice, ■fis, «. /. despair ; fear, terror, asaniun, ». in. f. jasmine, asiim, 8. m. a sort of agate. Yasmin, «. m. f. jaamino. [much. Yatii, (uJj. this much or many, ao \:iMui, iidv. an, according to, like. Yatliajdg, (ulv. as is proper, properly, Bullicicutly, Yatharth, see Jatharth. Yathasakti, according to power, to the utmost ability. Yatim, 8. m. an orphan. Yatn, 8. m. carefulness, remedy, care, effort, endeavour. Yatra, 8. f. pilgrimage, departure, march, journey ; a procession. Yatri, s. m. a pilgrim, a traveller. Yatta, adj. this much, so many, &c. Yaumiya, 8. m. daily food, allowance, pay, &c. YauQ, thus, in this manner. Yauvan, 8. m. youth, manhood. Yawa, adj. absurd, vain, futile. Yawa bakna, to talk nonsense. Yawago, an absurd talker. Yawagof, «, /. absurdity, talking nonsense, babble. Yawar, 8. m. an assistant, coadjutor. Yawarf, s. / aid, assistiince. Yazid, adj. wicked, cruel, execrable. Ye, pron. (jplur. of Yih), these, they. Yehi', these very (persons, &c.) Yih, pron. this, he, she, it, the. Yihf, this very, the same, itself. Yoddhi, 8. m. a warrior, combatant. Yog, 8. m. see Jog. Yogi, 8. m. see Jogf. Yogini, 8. f. see Jognf. YoD, thus, in this manner. Yoohfu, in this very manner, tlms, accidentally, by chance, ^cause- lessly, easily, cursorily. Yott tt)o, in various ways, somehow or other. Yotikh, 8. m. see Jotikh. Yotishf, 8. TO. see Jotikh i". Yuddh, 8. m. battle, war, fight Yug, 8. TO. SCO Jug. Yukt, adj. lit, proper, right, jomed : 8. /. contrivance, skill. Yuu, thus, in this manner. Ydnan, «. prop. Ionia, Greeee. Yuntini, «. to. a Grecian. Yiinas, n. prop, tiie prophet Juoah. Yiiuhiu, SCO Yuttliio. ZAB [ 352 ] ZAH Yun na yun, in one way or other, somehow or other. Yiisuf, n. prop, the patriarch Joseph, Yuva, s. m. a young man. Z. Zabah, s. f. a sacrifice, slaughter. Zaban, or Zuban, s. /. the tongue ; language, dialect, speech. Zaban b;irhana,to chatter, to prattle. Zaban chalana, to give abuse. Zaban dabna, to liold one's tongue. Zaban d.alna,to ask, to put a question. Zabandaraz, adj. abusive. Zabaudarazi, s. f. abuse. Zaban dena, ) . Zaban harnk, I*" ?■"»""'««• Zaban hilana, to speak. Zabani, adj. traditional, oral, verbal, by word ; from the statement (of any one.) [speech. Zaban katna, to interrupt one's Zaban kholna, to let the tongue loose, tc speak out. Zaban pakarna, to prevent one from speaking, to criticise. Zaban palatna, to retract, to equivo- cate, [mention. Zaban par lana, to speak, to say, to Zabar, adj. above, superior strong : s. m. the vowel point fatah pro- nounced a. Zabardast, adj. upperhanded, power- ful, strong, oppressive. Zabardasti, s. f. violence, force, op- pression : adv. forcibly, violently. Zabardasti karna, to oppress, to force, to act with violence. Zabardasti se, with violence, forcil)ly. Zabar bona, to have the upper- hand. Zabari, s. f. violence, oppression. Zabarin, adj. superior. Zabar karna, to oppress. Zabh, s. /. a sacrifice, slaughter. Zabh bona, to be sacrificed or killed. Zabli karna, to sacrifice, to kill, to slaughter. Zabita, s. m. canon, ordinance, rule, regulation. Zabt, s. m. possession, control, con- fiscation. Zabt bona, to be taken possession of, to be seized. Zabti, 8. /. confiscation, sequestra- tion : adj. confiscated, seized. Zabt karna, to tjxke possession, to restrain, to control, to confiscate. Zabun, adj. bad, evil, ill, wicked, depraved. Zabuni, s.f. violence, badness, wicked- ness, vice. Zabur, s. /. the psalms of David. Zacha, s. /. a lying-in woman. Zad, I in compos, born : s. w. a son, Zada, / a child. Zada, in compos, stricken, smitten, affected by ; arrayed. Zadagi, in compos, striking. Zadi, in compos born : s./.a daughter. Zad i rah, provisions for travelling, way charges. Zad o kob, s. m. beating. Zafar, s. m. victory. Zj.faran, s. f. saffron. Z-ifarani, adj. of saffron, yellow : s.f. a yellow colour. Zafil, s. a whistling, Zabar, s. m. poison. See Zahr. Zahid, s. m. a monk, a hermit : adj. religious, devout. Zahm, adj. sagacious, ingenious. Zahir, adj. apparent, manifest; th« outward or external appearance. Zahir, adj. reduced (by sickness), thin, emaciated. Zahiran, adv. outwardly, apparently, openly, evidently, seemingly. Zahirdar, adj. specious, plausible. Zahirdari, s. /. speciousness, plausi- bility. Zahir bona, v. n. to become public or manifest, to be revealed or dis- closed, to appear, to be evident. Zahiri, adj. external, apparent. Zahir karna, to pubUsh, to disclose, ZAL [ 353 ] ZAM to discover, to reveal, manifest, explain, to tell. Zahir men, openly, apparently, in public. Zahirparast, adj. a superficial ob- server, [grief. Zalimat, «. /. affliction, trouble, Zakmati, adj. afflicted, sick. Zahr, 8. m. poison. Zalirdar, adj. poisonous. Zahri, adj. venomous, poisonous. Zahr i halahal, 1 _ ^^„.n„ • ^^ Zuhriqatil, ' | «. m. deadly poison. Zahrmuhra, 8. m. the bezoar, an antidote to poison. Zai, adj. lost, destroyed, ruined, injured. Zaj karna, to lose, to destroy. Zaid, adj. redundant, superfluous. Zalf, adj. weak, infirm, emaciated, feeble, frail, old. Zaffi, 8. f. weakness, emaciation. Zaiqa, 8. m. the sense of tasting, the palate, relish, taste. Zaitiin, «. m. an olive, an olive-tree. Zak, 8. f. injuring, deceiving, dis- appointing, [see. Zakam, «. m. /. prop. Zakhm, wliich Zakar, a. m. membrum virile; the masculine gender. Zflkiit, 8. f. alms. ' Zak dend, to injure, to deceive. Zaklitim, 8. m. see Zukhdm. Zakhi'ra, 8. m. treasure, provisions. Zaklim, 8. m. f. a wound, a ^ore, scar, cut Zakhmf, adj. wounded. Zajchmi Iionti, to bo wounded. Zaklim i ktiri', a mort^d wound. Zaj^limf kanui, to wound. Zajthm khana, to l)o wounded, Zukr, adj. iicuU', ingenious, clover. Zak ut-luinii, t-o suttcr loss. Zalal, «. m. dtiicicncy, loss. Zali^^lia, n. prop, the name of Poti- phar's wife. Zaln, adj. abject, mean, contemptible, base, wretched. Zalil hona, to be disgraced. Zalil karna, to abase, to debase. Zalim, 8. m. a tyrant, an oppressor : adj. tyrannical, cruel, oppressive. Zalimi, 8. f. tyranny, oppression. Zalzala, 8. m. an earthquake. Zamana, 8. m. time, an age ; the world ; tense. Zamana muwafiq, adj. fortimate. Zamanan, adv. by way of security. Zamanasaz,a tuni-coat, a time-server. ZamanasazT, «./. turning with the tide, time-serving. Zamanasazi karna, to turn with the tide, to temporize. Zamanat, s.f. suretyship, a bailbond. Zambil, s. f. a purse, a wallet. Zambiir, s. m. an instrument for drawing teeth, forceps ; a hornet. Zambiira, 8. m. a hornet. Zambiirak, 8. f. a small gun or swivel, usually carried on a camel. Zamidar, prop. Zamiodtir, which see. Zamin, «. w. a surety, a censor, security, bail, bondsman. Zamin, «. /. the earth, ground, soil ; a region ; the ground of a picture or chintz, «Sfc. Zami'odar, «. m. a landlord, a land- holder, a fanner. Zamindar, «. rn. a surety. Ztimindari, «. /. suretyship. [fief. Ziimiodari', «. /. a landed estate ; a Zamiudarni, a. f. tlte wife of a land- holder or fanner. [earth. Zamini, a^lj. of or relating to the Ztiminf, ».f. surety, bail. Zaminuiabul kanui, to admit as bail. Ziinirn par so kuclth pupi ptimi, to be overjoyed at finding ui»exjKHJt- edly the object of one's wishi^s. Zamir, «./. a personal pronomi. Zanim, \ 8. tn. tlio short vowel ii, Zamma, / like u in pnsh. Zamurmd, «. m. an ememhl. Zamurrndin, «<(;. of the tx)Iour of nn emerald. [at Mwoa. Zumzam, «. m. the name of a well 2a ZAK [ 354 ] ZAT Zan, s.f. a woman, a wife ; in compos. beating, striking, smiting. Zanakli, ^ s. m. the chin, the pit Zanakhdan, / in the chin. Zanana, adj. female, feminine, effe- minate, womanly : s. f. a wife. Zananakhana, | «. m. female apart- Zananamakan, j ments, seraglio. Zanani, adj. of or relating to women of the seraglio, effeminate. Zang, s. m. rust ; a small bell. Zangal, s. m, canker (of copper), ver- digris, rust. [rust. Zangalud, adj. rusty, covered with Zangar, s. m. see Zangal. Zangari, adj. rusty, the colour of rust ; covered with verdigris. Zangazori, s. f. strife, quarrelling. Zangf, s. m. Ethiop, negro. Moor. Zang lagna, to become rusty or can- kered. Zani, 8. m. an adulterer, a whore- monger, a fornicator. Zani y a, s. /. a whore, a strumpet. Zanjabil, s. f. dry ginger. Zanjir, s. /. a chain, fetters. Zanmurida, adj. hen-pecked. Zanu, s. m. the hip, the lap. Zar, in compos, place, multitute; a groan, lamentation : adj. afflicted. Zar, s. m. gold, riclies, wealth, money. Zarafat, s. f. wit, humour, jocularity, facetiousness. Zarar, s. m. damage, injuiy, detri- ment, loss ; affliction, anguish. Zarar karna, to injure. Zarb, s. f. a blow ; violence, mul- tiplication ; stamping, coining (money.) Zarbafr, adj. brocaded, embroidered. Zarbaft, «. w. brocade, cloth of gold. Zarb dena, to coin. Zard, adj. yellow, pale, wan, livid. Zarda, s. m. a kind of pulao, dressed witli safiron. Zardalu, s. m. an apricot. Zardar, adj. wealthy. Zardchob, s. /. turmeric. Zardi, s. f. yellowness ; the yolk ot an egg ; the jaundice. Zardoz, s. m. an embroiderer. Zardozi, s. f. embroidery. Zard rang, adj. yellow. Zardru, adj. infamous, shameless. Zarf, s. m. an adverb ; a large vessel. Zarf i makan, an adverb of place. Zarf i zaman, adverb of time. Zargar, s. m. a goldsmith. Zargari, s.f. business of a goldsmith. Zari, s. /. crying, sighing, lamenta- tion, crying for help. Zarf, s. f. anything woven with gold thread. Zaribaf, a gold-lace worker. Zarif, adj. witty, jocose, comical, waggish. Zar i naqd, ready money, cash. Zarkharid, \ adj. purchased (as a Zarkharida, / slave.) [tile. Zarkhez, adj. rich (a country) ; fer- Zamigar, adj. gilt. Zamigari, s. f. gilding. Zarnildi, s. m. orpiment. Zarq barq, s. m. glitter, show ; splen- did clothes, gaudy apparel. Zarra, s. m. \ an atom, a i)article, a Zarra, s. m. } little, a jot, a tittle : adj. little, a small quantity. Zarra sa, a very little. Zarri, s. f, see Zarra. Zarrm, adj. golden. [unavoidable. Zarilr, adj. necessary, expedient, Zarurat, s. f. want, indigence, neces- sity, exigence. Zaruratan, adv. necessarily, of or by necessity, per force. Zarur bona, to be necessary. Zaruri,a4/. necessary, a thing needful. Zaruriyat, s.f. plur. of Zariiri, necesr sari^, requisites. Zarzar, great lamentation. Zasti, prop. Ziyada, which see. Zat, «. /. the essence, nature, sub- stance, race, breed, tribe, caste. Zatal, s. /. chattering, talking much and foolishly, tattle. ZHI [ 355 ' ] 7m ^atal hankna, \ to chatter, to talk Zatal mama, / nonsense. Zat bhai, a relative, a kinsman. Zat dena, v. a. to give up one's caste. Zatf, adj. essential, natural, innate. Zat jana, v. n, to become an outcast. Zat lena, 1 r. a. to deprive another Zat mama, / of caste, by touching his food, &c. Zauj, 8. m. a husband. Zauja, 8. f. a wife. Zauq, 8. m. taste, delight, pleasure, voluptuousness. Zauq se, adv. with pleasure, will- ingly, with all one's heart. Zawal, 8. m. decline, wane, declina- tion. Zeb, «./. ornament, elegance, beauty. Zeba, adj. adorned, beautiful. Zebdish, «. /, ornament, adorning, elegance. Zeb dend, to suit, to become. Zor, adv. under below : adj. inferior, lower: «. the vowel point pro- nounced like i in pin. Zerandaz, «. m. tlie cloth or carpet which is spread under a huqqa. Zerband, «. m. a martin e:al. Zcrbar Iwna, to be indebted, to under- go a great expense. Zcrbiry^B, s. m. name of a kind of dish or food. Zcrdast, adj. powerless, under com- mand : «. TO. a subject, a vassal. Zor hukm rahnd, to bo in subjec- tion. Zcr karnd, to overpower, to subdue. Zc^rmashq, something placed under paper for writing on. Zor o zabar, adj. topsy-turvy, over- turnod, ruined. Zowar, 8. m. jewels, ornament (of gold or silver.') Z(;wurat, plur. of Zowar, jewels. Zowar pahinnii, to put ou jewels, to adorn. -Ziiiydn, o^;. formidable, rnpaoious, terrible. Zf, a lord, a master ; in compos, pos- sessed of, endowed with. Zibaski, in as much as. Zidd, 8. f. the contrary, the opposite, contrariety, opposition, perversity. Ziddi, adj. perverse, contradictory, naughty and unmanageable (as a child.) Zidd karna, to persist, to persevere. Zi hay at, endowed with life ^an animal.) Zi hijja, 8. m. the name of the last month of the Muhammadan year. Zihn, 8. m. understanding, memory, genius, ability. Zihnnishin, impressed on the mind. Zihnnishin karna, to impress on the mind. Zi hosh, adj. sensible. ^ Zikr, s,m. remembrance, mention, V commemoration, praise, reading of the Quran and recital of the praise and names of God. Zikr karaa, to recite, to mention, to relate, express, &c. Zil, vulg. Jil, 8. /. the treble (in music.) [Zillali. Zila, 8. m. a district, a division, Ziladar, an officer who has charge of the revenues of a district; a person who superintends the ful- filment of engagements of agricul- turists. Zillat 8, f. baseness, monnn^ss, con- temptibleness, dishonour. Zillu, 8. f. a leech. ftion^ Zinima, k. m. trust, charge, obliga* Zimmo karna, to give iu charg«» Zinimo Icnti, to take in charge, to ttiko euro of, to take ui)on one's self. Zt'n, 8. m. a saddle. Zi'na, «. m. stairs, steps. Zini,«./. adultexy, fornication. Zindkir, «. m. an adulterer, a fomi cator. ZindkirC «. /. foraioation, adulter}, harlotiy. ZIY [ 356 ] ZUH Zina karna, to commit adultery. Zmat, s. f. ornament, beauty, ele- gance, decoration. Zm bandhna, to saddle. Zinda, adj. alive, living. Zindagclni, | s. f. life, living, exist- Zindagi, / ence. Zinda karna, to bring to life. Zindan, s. m. a prison, a jail. Zindani, adj. imprisoned, prisoner. Zingar, s. m. a saddler. Zinhar,)^ inter j. take care! beware : Zmhar,) adv. by no means. Zinjif, s. f. fringe, border. Zfnposh, s.m. a saddle-cloth, housing. Zir, s. /. the treble (in music.) Zira,l . , rr- ^ > s, m. cummm-seed, Zira,j Ziraat, s. /. agriculture, husbandry, sown field, sown land, tillage. Zirah, s. f. iron armour made with rings. Zirahposh, a man clad in armour. Zirak, adj. ingenious, intelligent, sa- gacious, acute, shrewd. Ziruh, a rational being. Zisht, adj. deformed, ugly, hideous. Zishtkho, of ugly habits or disposi- tion. Zishtni, adj. ugly, ill-favoured. Zishuiir, adj. intelligent. Zi'st, 8. /. life, living, existence. Zfst karna, to live. Ziyad, | s. m. augmentation, in- ZiyadaJ crease, excess : adj. more, . too much, too many, excessive. Ziyada bona, to exceed, to surpass ; to be increased. Ziyada karna, to augment, to in- crease ; to take away the dinner and table cloth. Ziyadati, 8. f. see Ziyad. Ziyafat, s. f. a feast, a banquet, hos- pitality; invitation. Ziyafat karna, to entertain, to feast, to treat. Ziyan, s. m. injury, hurt, harm, loss, damage, mischief, deficiency. Ziyan karna, v. a. to cause the harm, hurt, injury, damage, &c. (of), to injure, &c. Ziyarat, «./. pilgrimage, visiting. . Ziyarat karna, to go on pilgrimage. | Zor, 8. m. force, strength, power, vi- ■ gour; violence, effort: adv. for- cibly, violently. Zorawar, adj. powerful, strong. Zorawari, s. /.power, force. Zorazmai, s. /. trial of strength, wrestling. Zor dena, v. a. to aid, to support. Zor karna, to compel, to exercise, to use effort, to exert one's self. Zormand, adj. robust, powerful. Zormandi, s. f. strength. Zor marna, to endeavour, strive, toil, struggle. Zii, a lord, master ; in compos, pos- sessed of or endowed with. Zuban, or Zaban, s. f. the tongue, language, dialect, speech. Zuban chalana, to give abuse. Zubandaraz, adj. abusive. Zubandarazi, s. /. abuse. Zuban dena, \ , ^^^^- „ n -u^ 1, ' V > to promise. Zuban harna,j ^ Zubani, adj. traditional, oral, verbal, by word. Zuban katna, to interrupt one's speech. Zuban pakarna, to prevent one from speaking, to criticise. Zuban palatna, to retract. Zuban par lana, to speak, to say, to mention. Zud, adj. quick, swift, soon. Zudranj, adj. irascible, soon irritated. Zudtar, more speedily, very soon. Zudtarm, with all speed. Zuf, 8. w. infirmity, weakness, imbe- cility of mind or body. Zuhal, s. m. tlie planet Saturn. Zuhr, 8. m. a little after mid-day. Zuhra, s. f. the planet Venus. Zuhiir, s. m. appearing, arising, be- coming visible. ZUL [ 357 ] ZUR Zukiim, ) 8. m. defluxion. rheum, Zukham.f catarrh, a cold Zulal, adj. pure, hmpid, wholesome (water.) Zulara, 8. m. see Zulm. Zulf, 8. f. a curling lock, a ringlet, a side lock (of hair.) Zul jalal, possessed of glory, glorious, splendid. Zulm, 8. m. oppression, injustice, tyranny, injury, extortion. Zulmat, 8./. darkness. Zulmat, 8.f. a dark place where the water of immortality is said to be. Zulm hona, to befall one (a misfor- tune.) Zulmi, arlj. oppressive, tyrannical, unjust ; addicted to. tyranny. Zulmiyal, s.f. see Zulm. Zulm karna,to oppress, to tyranniz Zumurrud, «. w. an emerald. Zunnar, s.f. the Brahmanical thread. Zurafa, s. m. the giraffe. Zuriif, 8. plur. vessels ; adverbs, &c. tONDOV : PRQTTKD BT 3 HAODOK , 3 BOtTVBKIK BrBXIT, VLBR naUft I n 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. RENEWALS ONLY— TEL. 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