UC-NRLF ^ THE [BASKERVILLE CLUB ■ ^./ No. I ^ THE BASKERVILLE CLUB Z " THE [BASKERVILLE CLUB: No. I. HANDLIST. ^^^^ CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS: 1904 IIBRAPJ SCHOOt MEMBERS. 4 October, 1903- A. T. Bartholomew. A. F. Cole. S. Gaselee. F. Jenkinson. J. M. Keynes. G. I. H. Lloyd. C. D. Robertson. C. Sayle. 28 October, 1903- THE BASKERVILLE BOOKS. [DNB. iii. 361.] I. Proposals for printing Virgil. 1754. 4°. Co/>_y: BLO. Birmingham Free Library (badly cut). 2. Specimen. For R. and J. Dodsley. 1754. F' Copies: Birmingham Free Library. St Bride Foundation. M651088 1757 Virgil. 1757. roy. 4°. Additional subscribers : four. Catchword (sig. b) : William. 143 printed '341.' Catchword 'Evade' 144 begins ' Ad soceros.' 316 printed '319.' See Dibdin, Introduction, 1827, vol. ii. p. 554. The Bibliographer, vi. 183'. Copies: A. F. Cole. Another state. 143 printed '341.' Catchword ' Evado.' 144 begins ' Ad soceros.' 316 correct. Copies: ULC. Another state. 143 printed '341.' Catchword 'Evado.' 144 begins ' Evado.' 316 correct. Copies: BM. Queens' College, Cambridge. ^ No detailed account is taken in tliis list of the various illustrations to be found inserted in occasional copies. This can only be given in a larger work. 1757 Virgil. Another state. 143 correct. Catchword 'Ad.' 316 printed '319.' Copies : BM. (No subscribers.) King's College, Cambridge. 7. Another state. 143 correct. Catchword *Ad.' 316 correct. Copies: Trinity College, Cambridge. J. M. Keynes. St Bride Foundation. Another state. Additional subscribers : twenty-one. Copies: Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. A. T. Bartholomew. S. Gaselee. S, ? 1757 9- Virgil. Another state. Additional subscribers : twenty-four. Catchword (sig. b) : Willam. See Dibdin, Introduction, 1827, vol. ii. p. 554, note, 224 printed ' 424.' 342. ..^^neidos Liber Decimus. 372. ^neidos Liber Undecimus. Copies : Birmingham Free Library. S. Gaselee. (Plates by Hollar.) 10. Another state. Additional subscribers : twenty-four. Catchword (sig. d) : William. Copies: S. Gaselee. C. D. Robertson, II. Milton. Proposals for printing In two volumes. ...1757. Eight leaves, unpaged. Copies: BLO. Birmingham Free Library. 1758 9 12. Milton. Paradise Lost. For J. & R. Tonson. 1758. sm. 4°. Portrait by Vandergucht. Preface. Subscribers. See Dibdin, Library Companioti^ 708. Copies: BM. (235 x 174mm.) Birmingham Free Library ? St Bride Foundation. J. M. Keynes, (No portrait.) 13. Paradise Regained. 1758. 4°. Head from a seal by Ryland. Life of Milton. Copies: BM. St Bride Foundation. J. M. Keynes. (No portrait.) 14. Paradise Lost. 1758. 8°. The same as no. 12 on octavo paper. No plates. Copies : BM. (226 x 143 mm.) S. Gaselee. C. Sayle. 2 — 2 lo 1758 15. Milton. Paradise Regained. 1758. 8°. 256 mm. No plates. Pagination irregular. Cf. 100-2, 165. Copies : BM. Cancel between 276-7, 354-S5 218-9. S. Gaselee. C. Sayle. 16. Huckell (Rev. J.). Avon. For R. and J. Dodsley. 1758. 4°. Pp. 78. No preliminary matter. Copies: BM. Aston Free Library. Birmingham Free Library. 17. Milton. Paradise Lost. 'Birmingham'. 1759. sm. 4°. New setting of type. Portrait. T. Miller sc. No preface. No subscribers. Life of Milton. Copies: Birmingham Free Library. Fitzwilliam Museum. (No portrait.) A. F. Cole. (No portrait.) 233 mm. S. Gaselee. (Portrait.) C. D. Robertson. 1759 II 1 8. Milton. Paradise Lost. 'Birmingham:'. 1759. sm. 4°. Copies: BM. 250 mm. Birmingham Free Library. 19. Paradise Regained. 1759. 4°. Copies: BM. Birmingham Free Library. FitzvviUiam Museum. A. F. Cole. C. D. Robertson. 20. Bible. Title and proposal for printing. 1759. F°. Copy : Cambridge University Press. 12 1760 2 1. Bible. Proposals for printing. 1760. F°. One leaf. Copies : Birmingham Free Library. Sir E. Sullivan. 2 2. Common Prayer. Cambridge. 1760, imp. 8°. Single column plain. For this and the following editions, see Dibdin, Library Companion^ p. 43, note. Copies: BM. 23. Common Prayer. 1760. imp. 8' Single column with borders. Copies: BM. BLO. F. Jenkinson. C. D. Robertson. C. Sayle. 1760 13 24- Common Prayer. 1 760. 8° . Double column plain. See Dibdin, Library Companion, pp. 43 — 4, note. Copies: BM. 25. 1760. 8°. Double column with borders. Copies : Birmingham Free Library. 26. Mallet (David). Edwin, and Emma. For A. Millar. 1760. r. 4°. Copies: BM. BLO. ULC. Birmingham Free Library. 14 1760 27. Mallet (David). Edwin, and Emma. 'Baskerville's original edition. ..illustrated. ..by George Arnald... 1810.' By G. Longman. 100 copies. Copies: BM. Birmingham Free Library. St Bride Foundation. 28. Milton. Paradise Lost. For J. and R. Tonson. 1760. 4°. Portrait, and twelve plates. See Dibdin, Library Companion. Copies: Birmingham Free Library. TCD. ULC. (No plates.) 29. Paradise Regain'd. 1760. Copies : Birmingham Free Library. ULC. (No plates.) 1761 15 2,0. Addison (Joseph). Works. For J. and R. Tonson, 4 vols. 1 76 1, r. 4°. Portrait ' G. Kneller "Rar*^. pinx. T. Miller sc.', and plates by Grignion after Hayman. Dibdin, Zt^. Com/., p. 604. (' A glorious performance.') 'Copies of these, as well as the other works printed by Baskerville, are seldom found free from stains ' (Lowndes). Copies: BM. Birmingham Free Library. Trinity College, Cambridge. S. Gaselee. J. M. Keynes. 31. y^sop. Select Fables of Esop and other Fabulists, For R. and J. Dodsley. 1761. s. 8°. 'The paper is better and thicker than that of 1764 (no. 51), and it has eighteen more pages.' (DNB.) The engravings are without names. Copies: BM. BLO. S. Gaselee. i6 1761 32. Common Prayer. Cambridge. 1761. imp. 8°. Single column, with borders. Copies: BM. Birmingham Free Library. S. Gaselee. 33. ' Cambridge... and by B. Dod, Bookseller... London.' 1 76 1, imp. 8°. Double column, with borders. %s. 6d. unbound. Copies: BM. ULC. Sig. B 7 a cancel. C. D. Robertson. 34. Congreve (William). Works. For J. and R. Tonson. 3 vols. 1 761. 8". Portrait after Kneller l)y T. Chambers. Five engravings by Grignion. Copies: BM. Birmingham Free Library. Trinity College, Cambridge. lySi 17 35. Juvenalis et Persius. Satyrae. 1761. r. 4". 'End pages always soiled' (C. D. Robertson). Copies: BM. BLO. Birmingham Free Library (two copies). S. Gaselee. (Presentation copy by Baskerville to Shenstone.) C. D. Robertson. J. M. Keynes. 36. ' An Ode upon the fleet and royal Yatch i^sic) going to conduct the Princess of Mecklenberg to be Queen of Great Britain.' For R. and J. Dodsley. 1761. 4°. ' Believed to be unique,' DNB. Copy : Late S. Timmins. 37. Brady (N.) and N. Tate. A new version. 1762. 12' Sold at \s. 6d. in sheets. Copies: BM. ULC. Birmingham Free Library. / i8 1762 38. Common Prayer, with Psalter. Cambridge, for them and B. Dod. 1762. r. 8°. Single column. No borders. Copies: BM. ULC. 237 mm. St Bride Foundation. Birmingham Free Library. Fitzwilliam Museum. 39. 1762. 12°. Double column with borders. Priced ^s. Dibdin, Library Co?iipaniofi, 44. Copies: BM. 40. 1762. 12°. Double column without borders. Priced 5X. In half-sheets. Copies: ULC. BLO. Cambridge University Press. Fitzwilliam Museum. Trinity College, Cambridge. Birmingham Free Library. J. M. Ke>nes. C. D. Robertson. 1762 19 41. Common Prayer, with Psalter. 1762. 12"^ With slightly dififerent title, and priced 4^. 6d. Copies: A. Harvey. 42. Dalby (Joseph), surgeon. The Virtues of Cinnabar and Musk against the bite of a mad Dog, illustrated in a letter to Sir George Cobb, Bart. For the Author. 1762. 4°. Copies: BM. ULC. Birmingham Free Library. Gardiner (Capt. R.). An Account of the Expedition to the West Indies, against Martinico, with the reduction of Guadelupe, and other the Leeward Islands ; subject to the French King. Third Edition. For G. Steidel. 1762. 4°. With four copper plates of the squadron and forts. Copies: BM. Birmingham Free Library. 20 1762 44- Gardiner (Capt. R.). Relation de I'expedition aux Indes- Occidentales.... 1762. 4°. A French edition of the preceding. The only French book issued by Baskerville. Copies: BM. Birmingham Free Library. 45. Psalms. Sternhold and Hopkins. Birmingham. 1762. 12° Sold at \s. 6d. in sheets. Copies: BM. ULC. (two copies). C. D. Robertson. S. Gaselee. J. M. Keynes. 1763 21 46. Horatius. 1762. 12°. Dedicated to Lord Bute by John Livie. Frontispiece and vignette by S. Wale and C. Grignion^ See Dibdin, Introduction^ 1827, vol. ii. p. III. Copies: BM. BLO. ULC/ Birmingham Free Library (two copies). St Bride Foundation. A. F. Colel J. M. Keynes. C. D. Robertson. See no. 69. 47. Bible. Cambridge. 1763. r. F°. Subscribers ending ' Winwood.' Copies: BM. BLO. Birmingham Free Library, Fitzwilliam Museum. S. Gaselee. J. M. Keynes. (No subscribers.) 1 ' Frontispiece by Picard and Duflos' (DNB.). - No frontispiece nor vignette, but hand-drawn illustration of a vase in Indian ink on the title, and Lord Bute's arms above the dedication. ^ With a leaf at the end giving a priced list of books printed and sold by Baskerville. 22 1763 48. Bible. Another state. Subscribers ending ' York.' Copies: ULC. Birmingham Free Library. A. Harvey. Sir E. Sullivan. 49. N. T. (Gr.). Oxonli. Sumptibus Academiae. 176^ Pp. 415. See DNB. Measure : 155 mm. Four wonis omitted in Matt. vi. 5. Copies: BM. BLO. Birmingham Free Library. C. W. Moule. 292 mm. 1764 23 50. N. T. (Gr.). mm. Oxonii. Sumptibus Academiae. 1 763. 8' 24j Pp. 676. See DNB. Measure : 92 mm. Copies: J. M. Keynes. (Uncut.) BM. ULC. St Bride Foundation. Birmingham Free Library. A. F. Cole. S. Gaselee. C. D. Robertson. 51. yEsop. Select Fables. ' Baskervlle '. For R. and J. Dodsley. 1764. s. 8°. Frontispiece unsigned. Ed. 2. The first edition was published in 1761 (no. 31). Plates. Tail-piece by S. Wale and Grignion. Copies: BM. BLO. ULC. Birmingham Free Library. 24 1764 52. Jennings (Rev. David). An introduction to the knowledge of medals. For T. Field. 1764. s. 8°. A second edition was issued by Sarah Baskerville in 1775 (no. 83). Copies: Birmingham Free Library. (Two copies, one uncut.) BM. BLO. S. Gaselee. 53. Dalby (Joseph). The virtues &c. 1 764. 4°. Ed. 2. The first edition was pubUshed in 1762 (no. 42). Copies: ULC. Birmingham Free Library. 54. Barclay (Robert). An apology for the true Christian Divinity. Ed, 8 in English. For the booksellers of London and Westminster. 1765. r. 4°. 313 mm. Copies : C. Sayle. Blue boards. Paper label. A. Harvey. Original boards. BM. Birmingham Free Library. Aston Free Library. S. Gaselee. (Presentation copy by David Barclay, grandson, 1806.) J. M. Keynes. 1766 25 55- Barclay (Robert). An apology etc. Another state. With errata list. Copies : ULC. (Presented by David Barclay, grandson, 1789.) A. F. Cole. 56. A Vocabulary or Pocket Dictionary, to which is prefixed a compendious grammar of the English language. For Messieurs Dod etc. 1765. 12°. 165 mm. Copies : S. Gaselee. Original boards. BM. Birmingham Free Library. ULC. BLO. 57. Andrews (Robert). Odes, dedicated to Ch. Yorke. For the author. 1766. r. 8°. In DNB. this volume of Odes is not recorded, but he is credited with a volume of Eidyllia, 1757, 4°, dedicated to the Hon. Charles Yorke. Qu. if the contents of that and this are the same ? Copies: BM. 4—2 26 1766 58. Virgil. The Works... Englished by Robert Andrews. For the author. 1 766. r. 8°. Dedicated to the Hon. Booth Grey. Copies: BLO. Birmingham Free Library (two copies). S. Gaselee. J. M. Keynes. 59. Virgil. Bucolica, Georgica, et y^neis. 1766. Frontispiece by Grignion, and vignette on title. Copies: BM. Birmingham Free Library. A. T. Bartholomew. S. Gaselee. J. M. Keynes. C. D. Robertson. From 1766 to 1768 the type was in the possession of Robert Martin. See p. 39 (nos. 85—89). 1769 27 6o. Jackson (William). The Beauties of Nature, displayed in a sentimental ramble through her Luxuriant Fields. By W. Jackson of Lichfield Close. For the author, i 769. 8°. Contains some Greek. Copies: BM. Birmingham Free Library. 61. Bible. The Holy Bible, with Annotations. 1769. F°. O. T. dated 1769. N. T. 1771. With Grignion's plates. Frontispiece: 'J. M. Moreau le jeune del. Louis le Grand so.' Copies: BM. BLO. Birmingham Free Library. S. Gaselee. 62. Tyndal (Thomas). The Consideration of our latter end Sermon at Bromsgrove on the death of Mr John Spilsbury. 1 769. 4°. Copies: Birmingham Free Library. 28 1770 62). Horatius. 1770. r. 4°. ' The rarest of all Baskerville's editions. A very beautiful and extremely scarce work' (Dibdin, Introd. to Classics, 1827, ii. in). Frontispiece by B. L. Henriquez. Vignette on title by Le Grand. Four plates after Gravelot inserted in some copies'. Copies: BM. Birmingham Free Library. J. M. Keynes. (No plates.) 64. Free (J.). The Political Songster, addressed to the Sons of Freedom and Lovers of Humour. For the author. 1771. 12°. J. Free was pseudonym of John Freeth. Believed to be unique. In blank grey paper covers. Copy : Birmingham Free Library (S. Timmins' copy). 65. Bible. The Holy Bible... with annotations. 1772. F' O. T. dated 1772. N. T. 1771. With plates. Same frontispiece as no. 61. Copies: BM. Cambridge University Press. Birmingham Free Library. St Bride Foundation. ^ Plates by Pine in other copies. See Dibdin, /. c, p. 557, 1772 29 66. Lucretius. ' Birminghamae '. 1772. r. 4°. 312 mm. Contains some Greek (p. 172). Copies : S. Gaselee. Original boards. BM. Birmingham Free Library. J. M. Keynes. C. D. Robertson. C. Sayle. 67. Catullus, Tibullus et Propertius. Opera. 1772. r. 4^^ Copies: BM. Birmingham Free Library (two copies). S. Gaselee. J. M. Keynes. C. D. Robertson. 68. Catullus, Tibullus et Propertius, Opera. 1772. Large 12". 190 mm. Copies : S. Gaselee. Original boards. Marble paper. BM. A. F. Cole. C. D. Robertson. C. Sayle. 30 1772 6g. Horatius. 1772. 12°. ' Much inferior to the other Horaces.' (DNB.) 'A paltry book' (Harwood). Copies: Qu. if not no. 46? 70. Terentius. Comoediae. 1772. r. 4°. 313 mm. Copies : A. F. Cole. Original boards. C. D. Robertson. Original boards. BM. Birmingham Free Library (two copies). S. Gaselee. J. M. Keynes. C. Sayle. 71. 1 erentius. Comoediae. 1772. 12 Terentius. Comoediae. 1772. Copies : BM. BLO. Birmingham Free Library. A. F. Cole. C. D. Robertson. 1773 31 72. Ariosto. Orlando Furioso. Per P. Molini e G. Mollni. 4 vols. 1773. 8°. 233 mm. Portrait of Ariosto painted by Titian, Fiquet sculp., engraved by Eisen. Engravings by Bartolozzi, Cochin, Moreau, Cipriani, etc. Subscribers' names. The only work in ItaHan printed by Baskerville. Copies: BM. Birmingham Free Library. (Portrait but no plates.) St John's College, Cambridge. S. Gaselee. C. Sayle. (No portrait nor plates.) ^2^. Ariosto. Orlando Furioso. 4 vols. ^']']l- r. 4°. 309 mm. Large paper copy of no. 72. 'The impressions of the plates inferior. Brunet says that certain copies of the first volume have a bordered page.' Without the ' Cinque Canti.' Copies: BM. S. 32 1773 74- Lucretius. 1773. 12°. Contains some Greek (pp. 130 — 131). Copies: BM. BLO. Birmingham Free Library. St Bride Foundation. A. T. Bartholomew. C. D. Robertson. 75. Sallustlus and Florus. 1773. r. 4°. Copies: BM. Birmingham Free Library (two copies ; one ruled). S. Gaselee. J. M. Keynes. C. D. Robertson. 76. Shaftesbury (Earl of). Characteristicks. Ed. 5. 3 vols. 1773. r. 8°. 198 mm. Frontispiece. Vignettes and head and tail-pieces by Sim. Gribelin. Vol. ii. has only one leaf (a title) between pages 176 and 181, as in edition 4, 1727. Vol. iii. p. 395 follows 391. Copies: BM. ULC. Birmingham Free Library. S. Gaselee. J. M. Keynes. 1774 33 ']"]. Shaftesbury. Another state. With leaf of Errata at end of vol. iii. Copies : A. F. Cole. (No frontispiece to Vol. i. Bowlker (Charles). The Art of Angling. Ed. 2. For the author. [1774.] 12°. Copies: BM. Birmingham Free Library. 79. Hunter (William). Anatomia uteri humani gravidi tabulis (34) illustrata. 1774. Atlas F°. Line engravings by Strange and others. Reprinted in 1828 from lithographic transfers, and in 1851 by Day and Sons for the Sydenham Society. Copies: BM. BLO. Birmingham Free Library. 5 — 2 34 1774 So. Sallustius and Florus. 1774. 12°. Copies: BM. ULC. Birmingham Free Library. 81. A Specimen. [1762.^] F°. Nine sizes of Roman and Italic (Double Pica to Nonpareil), with border. Single leaf. Copies: Birmingham Free Library. 82. A Specimen. [1762?] larger F°. Eight sizes of Roman type (Double Pica to Brevier) and six sizes of Italic type (Double Pica to Long Primer). Without border. Single leaf. Copies : Birmingham Free Library. "^m 35 SARAH BASKERVILLE. !3. Jennings (David). An introduction to the knowledge of medals. Ed. 2. For J. Johnson. 1775. 4°. The errata are corrected. See no. 52. Copies: BM. Birmingham Free Library. A. Harvey. 84. Horatius. 1777. 12°. This is the Horace of 1762 with new title-page (no. 46). Copies: Trinity College, Cambridge. C. Sayle. 36 1767 ROBERT MARTIN. [DNB. iii. 363. Dibdin, Introduction^ ii. 555.] 85. Somervile (W.). Chase. 1767. 8°. Copies: BLO. ULC. Birmingham Free Library. 86. Ancourt (Abbe d'). The Lady's Preceptor. ... By a Gentleman of Cambridge. Ed. 7. R. Martin, with Mr Baskerville's types. 1768. 8°. Price \s. DNB. says ' editions ' of this were printed by him. Copies: Birmingham Free Library. 87. Shakespeare. 9 vols, 1768. 12°. Copies: Birmingham Free Library. N. D. 37 88. The Christian's Useful Companion. 1776. 4". Copies: Birmingham Free Library. 89. A Specimen. By Robert Martin, Birmingham. F°. Seven founts of type and five rows of ornaments. Copies: E. G. Duff. 38 1776 T. CHAPMAN. [1776.] 90. Sherlock (W.). A practical discourse on death. Ed. 2>7- 1776. 8°. Copies: Birmingham Free Library. 1785—9 39 PRINTED IN FRANCE. [Type sold 1779. See Dibdin, Introduction, ii. 555. DNB.] 91. Proposals for printing the works of Voltaire. Copy : Birmingham Free Library. 92. Voltaire. CEuvres. 70 vols. 1784. 8°. Copies: ULC (Acton Library). 93. 70 vols. Paris. 1785 — 9. Copies: BM. BLO. Birmingham Free Library. 40 1 785 94. Beaumarchais. La folle journee. 1785. 12". Copy : St Bride Foundation. 95. Alfieri. La virtu sconosciuta. Caratteri di Baskerville Kehl. 8°. Copies : St Bride Foundation. Bibliotheque Nationale. 96. Analyses et critiques des ouvrages de M. de Voltaire. Kehl. 1789. 8°. Copy: St Bride Foundation, 97. Voltaire. La Pucelle. 2 vols. 1789. 12* Copy : St Bride Foundation. i8o9 41 98. Alfieri, Del Principe e delle lettere. Kehl. 1 795. 8°. Copies: Biblioth^que Nationale. St Bride Foundation. 99. L'Etruria Vendicata. Kehl. 1800. 8' Copy: St Bride Foundation. 100. Delia Tirannide. Kehl. 1809. 8' Copy : St Bride Foundation, 6—2 42 1520 HARRIS, LIVERPOOL. 1820. [DNB. iii. 364.] lOI i827 43 LONDON. I02. Berners (Juliana). The treatyse of fysshyng with an angle. With the type of J. Baskerville. London. 1827. 12°. Printed by Thomas White, Crane Court. Copy : St Bride Foundation. 44 LIST OF BOOKS. Number Addison Works 1 761 4» 30 JEsop Fables 1 761 SO 31 1764 30 51 Alfieri La virtu 1789 8° 96 Del principe 1795 8° 98 L'Etruria 1800 8° 99 Delia Tirannide 1809 8° 100 Ancourt Lady's Preceptor 1768 8° 86 Andrews Odes 1766 8° 57 Virgil 1766 8° 58 Ariosto 1773 8° 72, 73 Barclay Apology 1765 4° 54> 55 Beaumarchais La folle journee 1785 12° 95 Berners Treatyse 1827 12° 102 Bible Proposals 1759 Fo 21 1760 Fo 22 1763 po 47> 48 1769(1771) po 61 1772 (1771) Fo 65 Bowlker Art of Angling [1774] 12° 78 Catullus 1772 4° 67 1772 12° 68 Christian's Useful Companion 1776 4° 88 Common Prayer 1760 8° 23—25 1761 8° 32, 33 1762 8» 38 1762 12° 39—41 Congreve Works 1761 8° 34 Dalby Virtues of Cinnabar 1762 4° 42 1764 4° 53 Free Political Songster 1771 12°' 64 Gardiner Account 1762 4° 43 Relation 1762 4° 44 Horatius 1762 12° 46 1770 4° 63 '1772' 12° 69 1777 12° 84 Huckell Avon 1758 4° 16 LIST OF BOOKS 45 Number Hunter Anatomia 1774 F» 79 Jackson Beauties 1769 8° 60 Jennings Introduction 1764 8° 52 1775 4° 83 Juvenalis Satyrae 1761 4° 35 Lucretius 1774 4° 66 1773 12° 74 Mallet Edwin and Emma 1760 4° 26 1810 4° 27 Milton Proposals 1757 8° II Paradise Lost 1758 4° 12 1758 8° 14 1759 4° 17, 18 1760 4° 28 Paradise Regained 1758 4° 13 1758 8° 15 ^759 4° 19 1760 4° 29 Ode 1761 4° 36 Psalms (Brady) 1762 12° 37 (Sternhold) 1762 12° 45 Sallustius 1773 4° 75 1774 12° 80 Shaftesbury Characteristicks 1773 8° 76, 77 Shakespeare 1768 12° 87 Sherlock Practical discourse 1776 8° 90 Somervile Chace 1767 8° 85 Specimen of type (Baskerville) Fo 81, 82 (Martin) F° 89 Testamentum Novum Graece 1763 4° 49 1763 8° 50 Tyndal Consideration 1769 4° 62 Virgil Proposals 1754 4° I Specimen 1764 Fo 2 Bucolica, etc. 1757 4° 3—10 1766 8» 59 (Andrews) 1766 8° 58 Vocabulary 1765 12° 56 Voltaire Proposals 1779 91 CEuvres 1784 1785—9 92 93 La Pucelle 1785 12° 94 1789 12° 97 Analyses 1789 8° 96 Cambvilige ; PRINTED BY J. AND C. F. CLAY, AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. RETURN TO LIBRARY SCHOOL LIBRARY 2 South Hall 642-2253 LOAN PERIOD 1 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS DUE AS STAMPED BELOW DEC i ^ 1984 FORM NO. DD 18, 45m, 6'76 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY BERKELEY, CA 94720 ® 1 U C. BtHKELtY LIBHAKItS CDEVSnflbD J '^ ■^■^ mm