IBRARY motner shall be reverenced as the race preserver, and the life of every little one be guarded as a jewel of great price. What- ever our imperfections, it remains for us to Act and love, a closer link Betwixt us and the crowning race Of those that, eye to eye, shall look On Knowledge ; under whose command Is Earth and Earth's, and in their hand Is nature like an open book ; No longer half-akin to brute, For all we thought and loved and did, And hoped, and suffered, is but seed Of what in them is flower and fruit. PRINTED BY THE LONDON AND COUNTY FEINTING WORKS, DRURY LANK, LONDON, W.C., AND PUBLISHED FOR THE PROPRIETOR BY MESSRS. STUART AND WELLES, 9, ROLAND GARDENS, LONDON, ENGLAND. ^_ s IOS-ANGEI&> % 4S C3 <^ -Tl O A 000114028 in :