1' r I .y ■■■■■ .; \ ■ ''■ /■ / \\ N ' '\ 1 f V. , ^ I .1 /-^ •\.'. ) :: ^'. y 1 ' i. ) K- ^^7 :\" X)~. ••■' \ I / /I \ / / \ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofarchiOOmartrich THE ARCHIVES IN THE MUNIMENT ROOMS OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE CATALOGUE OF THE ARCHIVES IN THE MUNIMENT ROOMS OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE PREPARED BY CHARLES TRICE MARTIN, F.S.A. SPOTTISWOODE & CO., NEW- STREET SQUARE, LONDON, E.G. 1877 PEEFACE. ■h»* VI PREFACE. useless after the change in studies produced by the Eeformation. At this period the College was involved in heavy lawsuits about their lands at Whadboroudi and elsewhere, which accounts for the care taken in cataloguing the title deeds. The condition in which the archives were found, at the commence- ment of this work, was on the whole satisfactory. Neither the windows of tlie room nor the doors of the presses were proof against dust, which had accumulated to such an extent in some of the drawers, that on opening them, the contents were completely concealed by a thick black layer, but when this was removed and the outsides of the documents cleaned, the insides were generally found to be clean, and the ink still black and clear. This was more especially the case with the older deeds, for the quality of vellum and ink gradually deteriorated as the world grew older. Very few documents, either charters or letters, were found illegible or rotten from damp. The state of the account books was not quite so satisfactory. Several buttery books had lost their covers, and the leaves were found lying in a heap half rotten, and among them the bursar's book for 1450, thirteen years after the foundation of the College. This is the earliest of the series, which is tolerably complete up to 1C45, when their place is taken by the steward's books. One case of mutila- tion is much to be regretted, that of a book ^ containing inventories of chapel furniture, and of the books in the library from the foundation of the College till Hoveden's time. About half the book has been destroyed, apparently by burning, but it is possible that some of the information contained in the lost portion may be found in the other inventory of 1585, also mentioned on page 416, and in the draft inventories and roll mentioned at p. 393. The presses in the archive room are divided into drawers marked with the name of some college estate or of some class of documents, and these are in many cases sub-divided into partitions, similarly marked. In this catalogue care has been taken to preserve the original arrangement as nearly as possible, consistently with arranging each division of docu- ments in chronological order ; and the headings of the divisions of the catalogue are taken from the labels on the drawers. A considerable ' P. 410. PREFACE. portion of the correspondence and papers was found in bundles, with endorsements mostly of the time of Wardens Gardiner and Niblett. These bundles have usually been catalogued separately, and loose papers inserted among them in their proper places. The lands which the College held at, or soon after, its foundation were at Alberbury in Shropshire ; Crendon, Foxcote, Morton, and Padbury in Buckinghamshire; Edgeware, Kingsbury, Harlesden, and Willesden in Middlesex ; Googy Hall, Hope All Saints, Ivychurch, Brenset, Halstow, Horsham, Boywurth, Newenton, Eeynham, Hertlepe, Wade, Bobbing, Deptling, Scotney, Bleching, Okeholt, Lyde, Promhill, Upchurch, and the Priory of Eomney, in Kent ; Lewknor, Aston's Eyt, and the town of Oxford ; the Priories of St. Clere and Llangenith in South Wales ; Salford in Bedfordshire ; and Weedon Pinkeuey, and .Whadborough in Northamptonshire. Many of these estates were purchased by Archbishop Chichele or his executors, surrendered to Henry VI., and then granted by him under the Great Seal to the College. Among the Foxcote deeds is a receipt for 1,000/. paid by Chichele to Henry VI., which is perhaps the purchase money for the alien priories, which he presented to the College. Other property has been acquired by purchase or gift at various times down to the present century. The title deeds in many cases give the descent of tlie land fi'om the fourteenth century, while in some they go back to the thirteenth and those of Salford and Whadborough to the twelfth. Some of the undated Alberbury deeds may, perhaps, lay claim to the same antiquity. The earhest dated deeds are a grant by Roger of Salford to Walter Rufus in the year 1189, and the charter of exemption granted by King John to the friars of Grandemont in 1203, to which a fragment of the King's great seal is still attached.^ There are a few undated deeds of a still earlier date, of which the letter from Henry II. to the Bishop of Lincoln - in favour of the Priory of Launde ; the grant of Whadborough by the same king to Fulk Fitzwarin, tlie hero of the French romance which bears his name ; and the letter from William of Anjou to King John,^ are the most interesting. The last is extremely curious, as letters from private })ersons of this date are of the highest rarity. Tlie William of ' P. 8. " p. i>.j7. 3 P. 204. PREFACE. Foiigeres mentioned in this letter was a member of the family which founded the Abbey of Savigny, in Normandy, and he is referred to in the patent roll of 8 John as being patron of the church of Tuiford. The local deeds are a mine of information for county and family history, and some use has already been made of them. Dugdale prints one of the Alberbury charters in his 3Ionasticon,^ and Nichols' Leicestershire '"^ contains several others relating to the Priory of Launde, which were communicated to the author by the Eev. Mr. Williams of Eaton, from the MSS. of Mr. Dodsworth. While speaking of these houses, it is worth while to call attention to the fact that Eobert de Norhampton, who is mentioned as prior of Launde on p. 262, is not included in Dugdale's Ust (Mon. Angl. vi. 187), which gives no name between those of Thomas Frysseby and John Lancaster, the last prior, who was pensioned off with 60/. a year at the Suppression. The names of the priors and correctors of Alber- bury, which occur in the Alberbury and Whadborough deeds, are not given either in Dugdale or in Ey ton's History of Shropshire. Similarly, a gap at the year 1274, in the list of Mayors of Oxford, in Sir J. Peshall's edition of Wood's ' Ancient and Present State of the City of Oxford,' is supplied by the name of William le Especer, who is men- tioned in an undated document on p. 152. The year 1278 is also vacant in the list, but as Philip de Eu appears in the deed as bailiff, its date is probably anterior to his holding the office of Mayor in 1276. The correspondence includes signed letters from eight sovereigns of England, all of them being requests to the College for favours, either on behalf of the writer or of some dependent. Edward IV. desires Warden Stokes to grant a lease to one Eichard Harowedon, which was complied with. Henry VII. asks Warden Hobbes for a loan for the invasion of Scotland, which was apparently refused. Henry VIIL applies to the College for a loan of 100/. for the invasion of France, whether successfully or not the archives do not show. This letter has lost its signature. Queen Ehzabeth presses the College to grant a lease of their woods in Middlesex to Lady Jane Stafford, who is supported by several great personages as well as by the queen, and even offers ^ I. 1032. 2 jii^ 302. PREFACE. Hovedeu a bribe of 100/. as an additional inducement to consent.^ The correspondence on this subject includes letters from Lord Burleigh, Sir Walter Ealegh, Lord Hunsdon, and other courtiers. The tone of Ealegh's letter is characteristic of the man whose ' nccve was that he was damnable proud,' but he expresses some sort of obligation to Hoveden. The William Eawley who was bursar in 1596 may have been a relative of his. Among the Lansdowne MSS.^ in tlie British Museum, are the original letters from Hoveden and the College to Lord Burleigh, of which the drafts are noticed in this catalogue at pp. 284 and 285, Nos. 79, 84, and 92 ; and also a copy of the Eeasons (No. 77). In another volume of the same collection ^ there is a paper headed ' The State of All Soln Colledge for expenses and recciptes these xv. yeres past, and what stead their woodes have stoode them in in Midelsex,' in which it is shown that, between 1572 and 158G, the exj^enses frequently exceeded the receipts, and that the balance was made up by the sale of the woods. This demand of Queen Elizabeth's was refused, and so was the recommendation of James I. to the College, to elect Dr. Beaumont Warden. Of the two letters from the King on this subject, only one is an original. This incident was afterwards referred to by Archbishop Sancroft as a precedent for the College to refuse the application of a candidate for a fellowship who had surreptitiously obtained a dormant mandate in his favour. Charles I., during his stay at Oxford, writes to ask for a loan of the College plate, and this request was acceded to, as appears by the receipts of the King's Commissioners, which were found carefully preserved among the 'Jocalia,' although they never were of the value which was hoped when they were first put away. The only other royal letters are fi'om Charles II. and James 11. The former recommends Peter Pridcaulx as a fellow, the latter Leopold Finch as Warden, and both recommendations were successful. As the Archbishops of Canterbury were the visitors of the College, there are letters from nearly all of them after the time of Warham, as well as one from Cardinal Bourchier. Laud's letter is interesting as having been written during his imprisonment in the Tower. » P. 283. 2 Lansdowne MS. 54, ff. 37, 41, G6. 3 Laiipdowue MS. 50', f. 140. PREFACE. The chief topics of the correspondence during the eighteenth century, are the attempt of the fellows to resist the statute enjoining the taking of Holy Orders, and the questions of Founder's kin, and the Warden's vote at the elections. The difficulty about Holy Orders had really been on the tapis for some time before there is any notice of it in the archives. There is still extant a correspondence^ between Hoveden, Archbishop Parker, and Lord Burleigh, about a Mr. Henry Wood, who had obtained letters from Queen Elizabeth ' to continue as physician not entering the ministry,' although ' his time was expired to be minister or leave the College,' Hoveden's reluctance to grant this indulgence is chiefly based upon Wood's personal character, but Parker writes to Burleigh in very much the same tone that Warden Gardiner used long after in similar circum- stances. He says : ' Indede the saide Wood is stept in a manifest perjurie to sue for any dispensations agaynst the founder's ordinance, willing them all to be inclyned to be preistes and at convenient tyme to take the same order. They be so moche offended now with the ministerye, that of fortie suche fellowes in the house, there are but two preistes, and whether this be a good example to the Universitie for men to runne in open perjuries, and whether it be good to the governaunce, that so few preistes and preachers (specially in the Universitie) shoulde be, I leave that to her majesties consideration and your wisdome. Yf her highnes will take it upon her conscience to breake suche ordinance, I referr it to her majestic. Beside this cause touched, I se more inconveniences that will followe bothe in this and in other Colleges, if this be wonne by importunitye, but as for myself, I cannot beare with it in reason, prayinge your lordship not to be offended withe this my writinge.' Warden Gardiner was especially harassed by continual attempts to evade this Statute, and to annul it by Act of Parliament. A bundle of papers^ on the subject is endorsed by him with a severe reflection on Archbishop Tenison for complicity in ' the ruin brought on the faculty of Divinity and other discipline of the College.' Among the Miscellanea, there will be found some curious inventories > Lansdowne MS. 15, ff. 73, 114-1 2;3. ^ p. 332. PREFACE. of the plate and vestineuts in the chapel, which once possessed a tooth of St. John the Baptist and a piece of the true cross, the objects of the adoration of the pilgrims who worshipped there on Eelic Sunday and All-Souls Day. These relics do not appear to be mentioned in the correspondence about the ' Monuments of Superstition ' in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, nor does Professor Burrows refer to them in his ' Worthies of All Souls.' It is probable they had been already destroyed during the reign of her father. TJie crumpled leaf from a service book, with the names of bene- factors, was no doubt torn out when the mass books were given up after the long struggle with the Commissioners, which Professor Burrows describes in his sixth chapter. Among the seals attached to the charters, there are some very fine specimens of mediaeval work, both ecclesiastical and heraldic. The seal of Archbishop Chichele, of which there are two or three exanijiles, bears two swans as supporters, confirming the statement in Harris's History of Kent, quoted by Professor Burrows, and settling a point about which there has been some controversy. Errata. Page'36. No. 31 should follow No. 33. 40. Line 2, for 'Delaware ' read ' Dolamare.' 44. No. 6, for '3 Edw. III.' read '23 Edw. III.' The deed rs oi;t of place, and should follow No. 12. 55. No. 16, for ' Sir John Northwode ' read ' Sir Eoger Northwodc.' 57. No. 44, /or ' Edw. duke of York ' read ' Edm. duke of York.' 178. No. 3, for ' Wm. F. Haldoe' read ' Wm. Faldoe.' 194. No. 194, after ' of insert ' three.' 245. No. 22 should precede No. 21. 297. Nos. 103 and 106, for ' Meng's ' read ' Mengs'.' 328. No. 37, for ' Windsor, Herald ' read ' Windsor Herald.' 344. Footnote, for ' night ' read ' a fortnight.' 378. No. 262. This entry should have followed No. 236 on page 377. 396. No. 262,/or [1454-76] read [1454-71]. 403. No. 357, line 4, for ' Mr.' read ' Mrs.' CONTENTS. ">®ic Alberbury ...... Barford, Chelsfield Barking . .... BOSYATE . . • . . BUOKLAND, LOCKINGE, HaRDINGE, alias HaRPSDEN . Crendon ...... Edgeware . . . . . • , FOXCOTE ...... GooGY Hall, Hope Omnium Sanctorum . Grantham Manor in Moreton, Bucks Harrietsham, Elmly .... Horsham, Upchurch, Halstow, Newington Hokspath ...... Kingsbury Manerium, Terkje in Hendon . Lang LEY Marsh ..... Le Milbury, Kembell's Lands, Padbury . Lewknor, Astons Eytb .... Llangenith, St. Clere, Penarth . Malorie Manerium, Terr^ in Willesden et Hallesden Newlands, Midley, Old Romney . Newton Bromshold .... Tenementa in Oxonia .... Penhow ...... Purchase of Land, Redemption of Land Tax page 1 . 18 . 20 . 22 . 23 . 27 . 34 . 44 . 47 . 53 . 54 . 54 . 71 . 71 . 87 . 93 . 121 . 128 . 132 . 140 . 147 . 151 . 169 . 171 CONTENTS. , Berkiiamstead RoMNEY, Harrietsuaji, UrCllURCH. Salford, Holcote Schools of Feversham, Bedenden, SCOTNEY, BlECHING, OkEHOLT South Petherton Stanton Harcourt. Wedon Pinkney Welwyn Whadeorough Whateley . Weston Turville Yarnton Abstsacta Chartardm spectantium Accounts of Wood Sales . Terriers of Divers Lands Chart.e Fundationis Collegii et ejusdem Privilegiorum Papers concerning the Building of the College Exhibitions, Benefactions, etc. ..... Injunctions, Mandates, Letters, etc., of Kings, Archbishops, etc. Appeals and Visitors' Injunctions Bonds for Battells, etc. . Resignations, etc., of Fellows . Jocalia .... Miscellanea Rolls and Books in the Lower Room Terras Collegii PAGE . 180 . 184 . 215 . 222 . 229 . 232 . 237 . 256 . 257 . 277 . 278 . 279 . 279 . 280 . 286 . 289 . 291 . 297 . 300 . 325 . 370 . 379 . 384. . 385 . 405 INDEX 418 CATALOGUE OF TIIE AEGIIIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. ALBEBBUEY. 'ALBERBURIE, WTLASTOlif, PECKENHALL, ET EYTOI^.' ALBEBBUBY. [1 225-1255.] 1. Confirmation by Fulco ' filius Warini tertius' to the Monastery of Alberbury of tlie order of Grandemont, of the peaceable possession of lands held by them in the fee of Alberbury and Balisleg, or Pekenhale or Svotynton 2. Similar grant by Falco Fitzwarin to the House of Alberbury, but differently worded 3. Grant by Hugh, son of William de Yvenhale, to William le Marschal, chaplain of Alberbury, of 2 messuages and laud at Alberbury for life 4. Grant by William le JNIareschal to Hugh, son of Wm. de Yvenhale, of 3 messuages and lands at Alberbury 1262. 5. Confirmation by Thos. Corbeth of the grant by Fulco Fitz- 1 3 April. warin of land at Alberbury ; grant of land at Pekenhale, and of the advowson of 2 prebends at Alberbury church, to the Convent of Alberbury ' WYLASTOX. 6. Grant by Robert Pigot to Richard, son of Elias de Willaston, of half a virgate of land in Willaston 7. Grant by Richard, son of Helyas de Wylauston, to ihe INlonastery of Alberbury of his land in Wylauston 8. Similar grant ' Printed by Dugdale iu the Monasticon, vol. vi. p. 1032. B ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 9. Grrant by William Pigot to Matthew, son of Matthew de Auneberie, of a meadow in Cadavelesmor 10. Grant by Eobert Pygot, lord of Willaweston, to Eoger, son of Matthew de Eyton, of a field in Kadathellesmor 11. Grant by Eobert Pygod, lord of Willaii stone, to the Monas- tery of Albeburi, of a field formerly held by Eeinfrei in Willau stone 1262-3. 12. Grant by Eobert, son of Wm. Pygot, of the same field 2 Feb. 13. Grant by Eobert Pygot to the House of Alberbury of a field formerly belonging to Eoger, son of Matthew de Eyton, in Cadavellesmor 56 Hen. III. 14. Confirmation by Eobert Pygod, lord of Wylauston, of a 29 Sept. grant by Helyas de Wylauston to the Convent of Alber- bury of land in Wylauston 1274. 15. Lease by Eobert Pygot, of Wylauston, to the Convent of 1 May. Alberbury of 3 parts of Heylesmare, in Wylauston FECKENHALL. 16. Grant by Eynon, son of Gronov, son of Outred, to the House of Alberbury, of land in Pekenhale, held by his father from Fuleo Fitzwarin 17. Grant by Eynon, son of Kenewiech of Balislehe, to the Monastery of Alberbury, of all his land at Pekenhale 18. Quitclaim by Eynon, son of Kenewreth of Balislehe, to the Monastery of Alberbury, of land in Peckenhale 19. Grant by Madoc Goche and Mabel his wife to the Monastery of Alberbury, of their houses with land at Pekenhale 20. Grant by Eiyerid, son of Henry, to the Monastery of Abbes- bury, of his land near the moor of Pekenhale 21. Quitclaim of an acre called ' Maysy lidiard,' at Pekenhale, by Philip, son of Yorvord of Ballisley, to the Convent of Alberbury 1 259. 22. Grant by Philip, son of Yarvord, to the House of Alpis- bury of an acre of land at Pekeuale 1343. 23. Grant by Eobert Corbet of Mmton to the Prior of Alber- 14 Sept. bury of all the lands which the Prior holds in Ballisley and Pekeuale, within certain bounds named 1373. 24. Grant by Eichard de Hat ton, prior, and the brethren of the 47 Edw. Jir. cell of Alberbury, to Catlogan Ap Jevan Lloyt de Har- 21 May. greave, Jevan Micchan, Gruftin Ap Howel Crouthe, and others, of all their lands at Pekenale, except the woods, at a rent of 4 marks a year ALBERBURY. EYTOK 25. Grant by Gricia Manscl, widow, to Ric. Traynel of Aldemar, of her estate in waste land, and in a rent belong- ing to Ric. Mansel, at Eyton 26. Grant by Mabel Mansel of Norton to her daughter Cecilia of lialf a virgate of land at Eyton 27. Grant by Richard Mansel of Horton to his sister Cecilia of the same land at Eyton 28. Sale by Cecilia iMansel to Wm., son of Adam of Alberbury, of the same land 29. Another deed of sale of same land to Wm., son of Adam of Alberbury 30. Grant by Richard, son of Robert of Ondislawe, to Wm., son of Adam de Alberbury, of his lands in Eyton 31. Grant by Wm., son of Adam de Alberbury and ]Mab?l his wife, to St. Mary's Church, Alberbury, of half a virgate of land at Eyton 32. Grant by Philip, son of Terri, to St. ^Mary's, Alberbury, of his estate in the land mentioned in the previous deed 33. Grant by Cecilia Mansel to the IMonastery of Alberbury of ■| virgate of land in Eyton, and the 4th part of a mes- suage, and of tlie lordship of Eyton, in return for 6 marks and 2 cows 34. Copy of the preceding 35. Grant, by Wm. Alein of Rolingale, of | a virgate of land in Eyton to the Monastery of Alberbury, for 3 marks and 2 cows 36. Release of ^ a virgate of land in Aitunt, formerly held by Wm., son of Adam, by Wm. Alein de Bolinga and Cecilia Mansel his wife, to the Monastery of Alberbury 37. Quitclaim of ^ a virgate of land, formerly lield by Wm., son of Adam de Alberbury, to the jNIonastery of Alber- bury, by David, sou of James of Alberbury, with the consent of his lord and lady, Wm. and Cecilia Mancel 38. Release by Philip Tirry of the land formerly held by William, son of Adam, to the Monastery of Alberbury 39. Release by Ric. Ondeslawe of the ^ virgate of land formerly held by Roger Velleyn, to the Monastery of Alberbury 40. Another copy of the same gi*ant 41. Grant by William, son of Ric. le Mylde of Ondeslawe, to the Monastery of Alberbury of his estate in the laud formerly held by Roger le Veleyn in Eytou B 2 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 42. Quitclaim by Hysabell de Horton, widow of Eic. Milde of Ondeslawe, to the Monastery of Alberbury, of the lands held by lier husband in Eyton 43. Grant by Matthew de Eyton to his son Roger of all the land he bought from Roger Purcell in Eyton 44. Grant by Roger, son of Matthew de Eyton, to the Convent of Alberbury of one acre in Eyton, ' ad cordas magnse clochise dictoe abbatise imperpetuum fideliter sus- tinendas ' 45. Grant by Roger, clerk, son of Matthew de Eyton, to the Convent of Alberbury, of all his land at Eyton 46. Grant by Roger, clerk, son of Matthew de Eyton, to the Convent of Alberbury, of his portion of waste land at Eyton 1267. 47. Indenture by which Roger, clerk, son of Matthew de Eyton, grants to the Convent of Alberbury his land in Eyton, in return for entertainment at the convent when he wishes for it. ' Fr. Ramhuulfus corrector ejusdem domus' 48. Grant by Roger de JNIersse to the Convent of Alberbury of an acre of land in Eyton 49. Grant by Roger de Merclie to the Convent of Alberbury of ■^ an acre of land near the Severn 1272. 50. Bond of Thos. Hord to the Convent of Alberbury for 21s. 8d. In default of payment tlie convent to have his mother's land in Eyton 51. Grant by Thos., son of William Hord, to the Convent of Alberbury, of 8 acres in Eyton 52. Grant by Thos. Hord to the Convent of Alberbury of 5 acres of land in Eyton 53. Grant by Thos. Hoorde to the Convent of Alberbury of his part of the waste laud at Eyton 54. Quitclaim by William, son and heir of Thos. Hord, of 13 acres in Eyton, and I acre of newly inclosed land near the Severn 55. Grant by Wm., son of Tlios. Hord, to the Convent of Alber- bury, of three acres in Eyton 1.301. 56. Release of land previously granted to the Convent of 29 Edw. I. Alberbury by William de Eyton, son of Roger de 9 June. Marsche 57. Grant by Roger, son of Robert de Eyton, to the Convent of Alberbury of an acre of land at Eyton 58. Grant l)y Roger, son of Robert de Eyton, to the Convent of Alberbury of 1^ acre at Eyton 59. Grant by Roger, son of Robt. Parfey of Eyton, to the Convent of Alberbury of liis part of the waste land at Eyton, and license to make a pond and mill on the rividet between their garden and Eyton ALBERBURY. 60. Grant by jNIaurice Vayan of Balisleg to the Convent of Alberljury of an acre of land near the road to Eyvode, and his part of the land enclosed by the convent 61. Cfrant by Phylipp ab Yarvorth ab Yoaf to the Convent of Alberbury of an acre of land called ' Ylette Vyn Veyel ' BALLISLYE, SUOTTIITON, SALOPIA, LOUGHTON ET WODMORE.' BALLISLYK 62. Grant l)y Eynon ab Meuricli ab Yarvord to the Convent of Alberbury of an acre of land near the stream of Balisleg 63. (Quitclaim by Eynon ab Meurich ab Yarvord of an acre of land granted by his father to the Convent of Alberbury 64. Grant by Levelin, son of Ryerith, son of Wyn, to the Convent of Alberbury of an acre of land between Koytna and the brook of Balisleg 65. Grant by Lewelyn, son of Eynon, son of Twyssan, to the Monastery of Alberbury of an acre of land in Balisleye 66. Grant by Lewelin, son of Eynon, son of Tewissen of Balislee, to the Convent of Alberbury of 12 seliones in Balislee 67. Grant by Lewelyn, son of Twisan and Christiana his wife, to the Convent of Alberbury of an acre between the moor of Pekenale and the brook of Balislee 68. Grant by Madoc Goh, son of David, son of Griffin, to the Convent of Albei-bury of an acre of land called ' Ernruht,' in Balisleye 69. Grant by Eynon and Tuder, sons of Garvord Vachan, to the Convent of Alberbury of an acre of land called ' Thloyn scybor,' near Veragron and Balisleg brook 70. Grant by the same of an acre adjoining ' Ytloyn Scybor ' 1 248. 71. Indenture between Peter, ' corrector,' and the Convent of Alberbury, and Kadugan, son of Gurgenei, who lets them land at Balisley at the rent of 1(^. a year 72. Lease of 20 acres at Balisle by Heylin, Ythel, Philip and Wronow, sons of David, and Kadugan and William, sons of Urgena, to the Convent of Alberbury 73. Grant by Philip ab Yarvorth ab Yoaf to the Convent of Alberbury of an acre of land near the boundary of Bragin- ton and Balisles: ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 74. Grant by Wasanfred, son of Grifri of Guldefeld, to the Con- vent of Alberbury of two acres near the road and brook of Balislelie 75. Quitclaim of the same land 76. Grant by Gervase, son of Madoc, to the Convent of Alber- bury of 2 acres in Bach Licard 1 34f . 77. Kecord of the court at Ballislee, deciding against a claim of 16 Edw. III. the tenants to ^ a carucate of land at Ballislee held by the 1 6 Jan. Convent of Alberbury 1374. 78. Mortgage by Jevan ap Jorum to the Convent of Alberbury 48 Edw. IIL of three seliones of land between le Coydna and Ballisley 9 Julv. brook SUOTINTON. 79. Grant by Madoc Goch ab Tuyssan to the Convent of Alber- hnvy of 9^ acres in Suotynton 80. Confirmation of the preceding by Levelin ab Eynon ab Tuyssan, Houel ab Eynon ab Tuyssan, and Eynon ab Eynon ab Tuyssan 81. Grant by Lewelin ab Twyssan to the Convent of Alberbury of 8 acres in Suotinton 1270. 82. Grant by Levelyn ab Tuyssan to the Convent of Alber- 1 June. bury of 8 acres of land in Suuotinton 83. Grant by Lewelyn ab Twyssan to the Convent of Alberbury of 4 acres in Swotinton for 1 mark and 4 bushels of corn 84. Confirmation of preceding grant by Yarvord Leweljni ab Twyssan 85. Grant by Lewelyn ab Twyssan to the Convent of Alber- bury of an acre of land in Suotinton 86. Grant by Lewelyn, son of Twyssan, Yarword his son, and others, to the Convent of Alberbury, of land in Schotynton 87. Grant by Philip ab Yarford ab Yoafi of 3 acres near Le Codina to the Convent of Alberbury SIlIiEM'SBUliY. 88. Grant by Richard, sou of Peter le Palmer, to the Convent of Alberbury of a messuage in Salopsbury 89. Grant by Nicholas the younger of Salop, chaplain, to the Prior and Convent of Alberbury, of a curtilage in Kocka- bitenstret 90. Excliangc of lands in Shrewsbury between Gerard, prior of Alberbury, and William Vaglian, burgess of Shrewsbury ALBERBURY. 91. Grant by Gilbert, son of Gilbert Meoverel of Shrewsbury, of a rent of 5s. to the Convent of Alberbury 92. Counterpart of the preceding 93. Bond of Hildebrand and Petronilla his wife to pay the said rent from the lands given them by Gilbert Meverel be- fore he entered religion 94. Confirmation of their grant of the said rent 95. Confirmation of the same grant by Petronilla, widow of Hildebrand LOUGETON. 96. Grant by Kadogan, son of Howe],to the Convent of Alber- bury of an acre of land in Lochton 97. Grant by Wenhover, daughter of Kadugan ab Griffin, to the Convent of Alberbury of an acre in Luchton 98. Counterpart of the above 99. Grant by Yevaf, son of Ythael of Kegitua, to the Convent of Alberbury of an acre at Luchton 12.S9. 100. Grant by John, son of Hytel, to the Convent of Alberbury 5 June. of 2 acres between Luchton and Le Hope WOODMOBE. 101. Grant by Richard, son of Roger Treinel, to the Convent of Alberbury of land bought from Grithia Mauuncel, near the Severn, at Woodemare 102. Similar grant 1 262. 103. Grant by Roger de Merse to the Convent of Alberbury of 1 6 Nov. half an acre at Wodemare 104. Grant by Roger de Merce to the Convent of Alberbury of all his land at Wodemare 105. Grant by Roger, son of Matthew de Eytone, to the Convent of Alberbury of 10 acres at Wodemare 106. Grant by Roger, clerk, son of INIatthew de Eyton, to the Convent of Alberbury of all his portion of land at Wode- mare ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. SPECIALES ET YAEM CAETiE ALBEMTJET COl^CERNEITES.' 107. Foundation charter of the Convent of Alberbury by Fulco Fitzwarin 108. Copy of foundation charter of Alberbury Abbey 4 John. 109. Exemption by K. John from tallage, pontage, &c. for the 31 March. friars of Grrandemont Great seal {broken) Rouen. [1219-1234.] 110. Confirmation by Hugh Foliot, bp. of Hereford, of the foun- dation of the Convent of Alberbury by Fulk Fitzwarin 17 Hen [III.] 111. Confirmation by Henry III. of Fitzwarin's charter to the 12 Dec. Convent of Alberbury Great seal {broken) Hereford. [Hen. III.] 112. Resignation by William Abbot of Lilleshull of the right of visiting the house of Canons, built by Fulk Fitzwarin in Auberbiry, granted by agreement between Fulk Fitz- warin and Alan, late abbot of Lilleshull 1245. 113, Settlement of a dispute concerning the tithes of Halreton, July. on behalf of the priory of Alberbury and Hugh Corbet, rector of Wethyn 29 Hen. III. 114. Exemptionfromtallage, pontage, &c. for the friars of Grande- 28 Aug. mont In castris apud Gannock. 1252. 115. Fulco Fitzwarin leaves his body to be buried at Alberbury, and grants a messuage in Wytinton to the convent 1259. 116. Grant by Peter [Egeblaunch], bp. of Hereford, to the Con- 30 Sept. vent of Alberbury, of the church there Episcopal seal {broken) 1259. 117. Peter, bp. of Hereford, orders Guichard of Lyons to resign 30 Sept. his prebend at Alberbury church to the Convent of Alber- bury for a pension of 12 marks 118. Resignation by William, abbot of Lilleshull, of the cus- tody of the Convent of Alberbury [1279-80.] 119. Brief of Nicholas [III.] to the Prior of St. Peter's, Shrews- 3 Pont. bury, to decide the dispute about tithes, &c., between 22 March. the Convent of Alberbury, Sir F'ulco Fitzwarin, Sir Odo de Hodenet, Sir Robert dictus Corbet, and others 1316. 120. Helyas, newly elected prior of Grandemont, desires Arnold 7 March. Rissa, corrector of Alberbury, to receive the obedience of liis Inethren ALBERBURY. 122. 123. 1338. 1 Feb. 1359. 16 Sept. 1364. 30 July. ' In abbatia Grandemont.' 2 Hen. V. 124. 5 Hen. V. 125. 1 Oct. Langley. 1421. 126. 9 Hen. V. 24 Sept. 1441. 127. 19 Hen. VI. 10 May. 1441. 128. 19 Hen. VI. 11 May. 19 Hen. VI. 129. 11 May. 130. 131. 1474. 132. 19 July. Lambeth. 133. 121. Bond by Nicliolas le Maresclial, chaplain to Arnald, prior of Alberbury, for 15 qrtrs. of wheat and 15 qrs. of oats for tithes of Trefnant 1521. 12 April. 134. Commission of Ademar, abbot of Grandemont, to Robert de Newton to visit the Houses of the Order in England Permission by Ademar, abbot of Grandemont, to the offi- cials of Coventry, Stafford, and Shrewsbmy to examine the accusations of Richard de Hackton against Richard de Stricton, and if they are unfounded to restore the latter to the Priory of Alberbury Copy of the Act of Parliament granting the possessions of the alien priories to the king Warrant of Joan, queen of England, to the receivers, &c. of the new abbey near Alberbury to pay a pension of 20 pounds to Simon Secherie, monk of St. Albans Fine seal (broken) Bond of Robert, warden of the new abbey at Alberbuiy, to John and Thos. Corbet of Stanford for 20/. Surrender by Henry, abp. of Canterbury, John, bp. of Bath and Wells, John, bp. of St. Asaph, William, bp. of Salis- bury, William, Earl of Suffolk, and others, to Henry VI. of a rent of 42 marks, payable by John Sutton, Lord Dudley and Thos. Bradley for the priory of the new abbey of Alberbury, and of the priory itself Grant by Henry VI. to All Souls' College of the priory of the new abbey near Alberbury, on surrender of patent of 19 May, 16 Hen. VL, granting it for term of years to Lord Dudley and Thos. Bi-adley, and on the surrender of the reversion which was granted to Chichele and others Copy of the preceding Another copy Another copy of same grant with recipes for ointment on back Inhibition and citation by Thos. [Bourchier], archbp. of Canterbury, of Thos. Fawconer, monk of Grandemont, Richard Wild, vicar of Alberbury, and others who lay claim to the fruits of the church of Alberbury ; on the dorse memorandum of the citation Archiepiscopal seal (broken) Award of Thos., bp. of Hereford, that All Souls' College is to keep up a chapel on the site of the Monastery of Alberbury, and other provisions Copy of appropriation or incorporation of priory near Alberbury, and parochial church there to All Souls' College, with a translation of the same ]0 ARCHIV^ES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 'YAEIA SCRIPT! ALBEEBUKY COlfCEENENTIA.' 135. Copies of deeds concerning Alberbury 136. Abstract of the grants of Fulk Fitzwarin and Henry III. to the Priory of Alberbury 1439. 137. Copy of the bull of Eugenius IV. in favour of All Souls' 21 Jime. College 3 Edw. IV. 138. Extract from sheriff's accounts of Shropshire concerning Alberbury 33 Hen. VIII. 139. Order of the Commissioners of the Welsh Marches to Adam 13 June. Mytton and others to take evidence [concerning the case between Humphrey Heynes and David and John Harris relating to land at Alberbury] P. 1 33 Hen. VIII. 140. Order of the Commissioners of the Welsh Marches that the 20 Nov. said case shall be referred to Adam Mytton and others 33 Hen. VIII. 141. Deposition of Llewellyn ap Jevan in the same case 16 Jan. 33 Hen. VIII. 142. Statement by Llewellyn ap Evan that he held the vicar's 16 Jan. yard at Alberbury of the college at the rent of 4s. P. 1 34 Hen. VIII. 143. Summons by the Commissioners of the Welsh Marches to 24 June. John Lyster and others to appear before Adam Mytton and others, to give evidence in the case between Himi- phrey Heynes and John Harris 34 Hen. VIII. 144. Depositions of John Lyster and others concerning the 28 June. college land in Alberbury 145. Complaint of Humphrey Heynes that Thos, Alcock, vicar of Alberbury, has seized part of the abbey croft, notwith- standing the order of the Commissioners dated 10 July, 34 Hen. VIII. P. 1 146. Answer of Thos. Alcock P. 1 35 Hen. VIII. 147. Order of court for the examination of witnesses in the case 8 June. between Alcock and Heynes P. 1. Mutilated 148. Interrogatories ministered on behalf of Humfrey Heynes, farmer of the college land at Alberbury Pp. 2 35 Hen. VIII. 149. Bundle of papers concerning the suit of Humphrey Heynes V. Thos. Alcok, vicar of Alberbury, about the abbey croft [35 Hen. VIII.] 150. Expenses of a journey to Alberbury 'about a commission 8 Jan. for knowyng and meryng our landes of the abbey there, tlic warden and master Shalcrossc with tlievr servamites ' Pp. 6 ALBERBURY. 11 6 Edw. VI. 151. Decree of the Court of Auf^mentations confirming to All 20 May. Souls' College a rent of 51. from the church at Alberbury, formerly allowed them for an additional curate Vellum () Edw. VI. 152. Bond of Geoffrey Gruff and \Vm. Cleton to abide by the 26 July. award of Nicholas Purcell and Thos. Kerry, arbitrators between him and Wm. Spencer concerning their right to Pecknal 6 Edw. VI. 153. Award of Nic. Pursell and Thos. Kerye, arbitrators between 21 Aug. Wm. Spenser of Mountgomerye and Geffrey Lloyd of Ballisleye, concerning their right to Pecknall Fields 6 Edw. VI. 154. Grant by All Souls' College of the rent of 5^. to Thomas Key, 18 Nov. farmer of Alberbm-y, on the condition that he pays the expenses of the suits concerning it Vellum I Mary. 155. ' A note out of the Exchequer for the half of the tithe of Carson ' Torn 156. Extract from the register of Thos. de Cantilupe, bp. of Hereford, concerning Cardeston 3&4 Phil. &M. 157. Bond of Jeffery Lloyd ap Gruffith Vaughan of Balislee 31 Dec. to Joan Spencer and John Hedley to abide by the award of Roger Jones concerning . their rights to Pecknall's farm 3&4P.&M. 158. Arbitration between Joan Spencer and John Headley her 26 Febr. son, of Shrewsbury, and Geoffrey Lloid ap Gruff Vau- ghan of Ballesley, concerning Pecknalles ferm in Bal- lesley, Montgomery 159. The answer of Ellice Lloid and Thos. Ellice to the bill of complaint of All Souls' College concerning title to lands at Pecknall 1570. 160. Complaint of the parishioners of Alberbury to the Bishop 24 July. of Hereford against All Souls' College for neglecting tlie parish With the ansiuer of the College 1570. 161. A final order taken before the council in the Marches of 1 2 Eliz. Wales between Alex. Wood and Ellys Lloyde and others, I I Nov. concerning their right to Pecknalls 14 Eliz. 162. Inspeximus, at the request of Alexander Woodde, of the 5 May. confirmation by Henry III. of Fitzwarin's charter 1572. 163. Inspeximus, at the request of Alexander Woodde, of the dopo- 14 Eliz. sitions in a suit between him and Thos. ap Jeffery and 23 June. others concerning lands at Alberbury 20 Eliz. 164. Order of the council of the Welsh Marches, which ' over- 7 March. throweth the prescription for service in the chappell of Wilaston in Alberburie ' ' Prooffes that the viccar of Alberburie is not to finde and mayntaine service at the chappell of Willaston ' 1 580. 165. Ways laid out to the Abbey of Alberbury by commission out 22 Eliz. of the Chancery in consequence of the suit with Edward 19 Jan. Leigh ton Two copiea, one imperfect 12 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 22 Eliz. 166. Bond of Jas. Edwardes presented to the vicarage of St. Michael's, Alberbury, by All Souls' College, to be content with his profits and seek no increase 1579-80. 167. Bundle of papers concerning a suit by which .John Brighte and Eic. Hughes, church wardens of Alberbury, claim from All Souls' College a pension of 51. for the school- master 1579-80. 168. Bundle of papers connected with the college's suit against Edw. Everall, Moryce Baughe, and Wm. Brytten for enclosing Eyton's Leyes or common 1582. 169. Papers concerning a suit of the college against Thomas 25 Eliz. Eynes and Eobert and Grriffiths Williams for a right of way at Alberbury 1584. 170. Bundle of papers. All Souls' College i?. Thos. Eynes, Robert and Griffith Williams, concerning right of way at Alber- bury 27 Eliz. 171. Papers concerning a suit between John ap Richard of 16 Dec. Baleselye and William Fermour, for the wrongful taking of cattle belonging to the latter 1579-92. 172. Bundle of papers concerning the suit of Sir Edw. Leighton against All Souls' College for Peckenall 173. Answer of Edward Leighton, Roger Pothon, and others to the bill of complaint of All Souls' College, and other papers concerning the suit Pp. 53 29 Eliz. 174. Bond of Wm. Price, principal of Hart Hall, and Henry 22 April. Jones, M.A., presented to the vicarage of Alberbury 30 Eliz. 175. Edward Leighton v. Alexander Wood and others, for 23 Nov. trespass at Alberbury 176. Two sets of articles containing the troublesome life and evil behaviour of Alexander Wood, farmer of Alberbury. W^ith his answers 177. Bill of complaint of David Morrice against Alexander Wood, farmer of Alberbury, with his answer and a brief of the witnesses 1593. 178. Award of Sir Richard Shuttleworth between Sir Edw. 35 Eliz. Leighton of Watlesborough and All Souls' College, con- 19 Marcli. cerning their estates at Alberbiu-y 179. Copy of the above 180. Sir Richard Shuttlewortli's award between All Souls' College and Sir Edward Leighton about land at Alberbury, with papers containing an account of the claims on both sides 35 Eliz. 181. Release by Sir Edw. Jjcighton of tlie claims of liiraself and 23 May. his tenants at Watlesborough to Pccknals, &c. 1593. 182. Release by Tlios., son of Sir Edw. Leighton, of Pecknals, 35 Eliz. liyde Pecknals, and Pecknal's More to All Souls' 23 May. College ALBERBURY. 13 [1593.] 183. The state of the cause in variance between Reginald Williams of Great Willaston, in the parish of All)er- bury, and Henry Jones, vicar of Alberbury Two copies 6 & 7 Jac. I. 184. Bill of Mr. Carter for costs of the college's suits against Leighton, Bull, Astell, and others 161|- 185. Inspeximus of an order of Ric. Swinfield, bp. of Hereford, 2 Jan. fixing the tithes to be paid to the church of Alber])ury, 1289 Endd. Mr. Clark's composition 21 Jac. I. 186. Bond of Thos. Clarke, S.T.B., vicar of Alberbury, to hold 30 Oct. hims(3lf content with his tithes and other profits 1667. 187. Agreement between Alexander Woodd of Black Abbey, 27 March. Salop, and John Blodwell of the Criggeon in IMont- gomery, that the said Blodwell shall gather all the tithes of the Criggeon being parcel of the Rectory at Alber- bury, for which he is to pay to said A. Wood the yearly sum of 24^. 1831-2. 188. Bill for enclosing land in Ballesley, a^ms Bausley, in the parish of Alberbury Printed 1832. 189. Copy of the Act passed 6 June, 1832, with notice of the Commissioner's sittings COURT BOLLS, VALOES, ETC. 44 Edw. III. 190. Extent of the Priory of Alberbury . 3 March. Copy 191. Four court rolls of Ballesley : 2-3 Hen. VI., 3-4 Hen. VI. 192. 8-9 Hen. V., 1 Hen. VI., 1473. 192. Account of mortuaries and tithes ; receipts and expenses of the administrators, the fruits being sequestered ;<€xpenses of the prior in victuals ; repair of the chancel, &c. 193. ' Sir Edw. Leighton's lands and tenements' P. 1 194. List of the college lands detained by Acton. Boundaries of lands in Eyton Fields detained from the college Two papers 195. The value of the vicarage of Alberbury 196. Computation of the payments for tithes made by tenants of Alberbury 197. Statement of ' whole value of lands and tithes [in Alber- bury] as they were set for in the yeare 1708 ' LETTERS. [1516.] 198. John Pole to All Souls' College: — Gives an account of an 29 June. interview with Sir Edw. Leighton, who stated his inten- tion of disputing the title of the college to the lands of the abbey of Alberbury 14 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1572. 26 Dec. 1572. 29 Dec. 1580. 199. 1585. May. 1587. 8 June. 1587-8. 6 Feb. Lambeth. 1588. 30 Oct. 1591. 3 Sept. 1591. 22 Jan. Abbey. 1592. 17 Sept. Shrewsbury. 1593. 23 April. Lambeth. 200. 203. 204. Alexander Wood to Warden Hoveden : — Concerning a quit- rent and a tack-hogg, challenged by Mr. Leighton in Pecknalls Pp. 2. Add. endd. Hoveden to Alexander Wood: — Thinks he ought not to pay what Leighton demands Draft, P. 1 201. Privy Council to Sir Henry Sidney, President of the Council of the Welsh Marches : — In favour of Alex.Woode and other tenants of All Souls' College at Alberbury. Desire him to dismiss the suits of David Morris, David Joyner, and others, to the common law Copy 202. Another copy, with interrogatories to be administered in some suit concerning Alberbury A copie of a supplication to my lordes of the Councell, touching injuries done by Mr. Lay ton at Allberberie ' Copie of my LI. of the Privie Councell to Mr. Laiton for an arbitrement of all causes between him and the college ' Tivo copies 205. Sir Edw. Leighton to the Archbp. of Canterbury : — Defends his conduct concerning Alberbury Signed All Souls' College to [John Whitgift] Archbp. of Canter- bury: — Eemarks uponLeighton's letter, which the archbp. had sent them Copy [John Whitgift] Archbp. of Canterbury to Sir Edw. Leighton : — Advises him to accept the reasonable offers for ending the dispute between him and the college Copy [Chr. Hatton] Lord Chancellor to Sir Edw. Leighton : — Desires him to stand to the order made by the archbp. to abide by an award, which Sir Edw. refuses to do Copy All Souls' College to Sir Ric. Shuttleworth : — Request him to fix some day before Christmas to give the award between them and Leighton Henry Jones and Alex. Woodd to All Souls' College : — Con- cerning the time to be fixed for Shuttleworth's award 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. Henry Jones, vicar of Alberbury, to JNIr. Benman or Mv. INIeredith, at All Souls' College : — Arrangements with Sir Richard Shuttleworth concerning the award 212. Archbp. Whitgift to the College : — Sends the following petition Signed. P. 1. Add. endd. 213. Petition of Thos. and Reignold Williams of Alberbury to the archbp. : — Harry Jones, vicar of Alberbury, refuses to perform service at St. John's Cliapel in Willaston, belonging to them. Request the archbp.'s interference P.l 214. Petition of Peter Wood to the college to present him to the vicarage of Alberbury, of which he rents the impro- priation l^p' 2 ALBERBURY. 15 [1618-1635.] 29 June. Black Abbey. 1622. Oct. 4. Alberbury. 1624. 1 July. Alberbury. 1624. 28 Oct. Alberbury. 1624. 29 Oct. Alberbury. 1704. 7 Oct. 1707. 24 April. Whitbourne. 1707. 12 Sept. Alberbury. 1749. 1 May. Alberbury. 1763. 19 Sept. Pentou. 215. Peter Woodd to Warden Astley : — Answers to the demands of Mr. Clarke for tithes at Woollaston 1579. 1852. 216. Copy of the nomination of Nicholas Billingsley, B.A. schoolmaster at Alberbury as 217. Copy of petition from parishioners at Alberbury to All Souls' College to nominate Mr. Joseph Speake as school- master, and ratify the yearly payment of five marks to him 218. Agreement of parishioners of Alberbury with All Souls' College to pay five marks per ann. to the schoolmaster 219. Churchwardens of Alberbury to All Souls' Coll. : — They have paid the stipulated sums to Joseph Speake, the school- master 220. Joseph Speake to the Warden and P'ellows of All Souls' College : — Acknowledges the receipt of the above stipu- lated sum 221. Jeremiah B. Wood to Dr. Gardiner, warden of All Souls' Coll.: — Explaining and refuting the charges made by Tlios. Hotchkis, Vicar of Alberbury, against Mr. Wood 222. Humphrey Humphreys, bp. of Hereford, to Dr. Grardiner, Warden of All Souls' : — Sends the particulars of the lands and tithes belonging to All Souls' at Alberbury, and heartily commends the petition of the poor vicar at Alberbury to the Warden and P'ellows List of tithes enclosed 223. Thos. Hotchkis, vicar of Alberbury, to Dr. Gardiner, warden of All Souls' : — Is willing to stand by the valua- tion of Alberbury impropriation, and encloses particulars of the tithes and college lands at Alberbury 224. Revd. M. B. Faussett to Dr. Nililett, warden of All Souls' College : — Answers questions of the warden about felling of timber and otiier matters at Alberbury, and sends copy of agreement between himself (on behalf of the college) and Mr. Corfield for sale of trees to Mr. Corfield for ml. 18s. 6d. 225. G. Strother to Warden Niblett : — Concerning j\Ir. Faus- sett's intention of claiming tithe hay at Woollaston, and ' breaking all the modus's in the parish ' JDBAWINGS. 226. ' A plateforme of Aberberie Abbye made 1579, when the wayes stopped to the site, and thereuppon suite [com]- menced in the Chauncerie ' 227. Drawing of a window presented to Alberbury Church by Mrs. Lloyd of Rowton 16 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 19 Hen. VI. 16 July. 36 Hen. VI. 4 June. 2 Edw. IV. 21 March. 10 Edw. IV. 21 March. 15 Edw. IV. 16 March. 12Hen.VIIL 19 May. 12Hen.VIIL 24 May. 21Hen.Vin. 15 Nov. 30 Hen. VIII. 11 Jan. 35 Hen. VIIL 3 Nov. 2 & 3 P. & M. 19 Dec. 1 Eliz. 27 Aug. 8 Eliz. 5 April 10 Eliz. 16 Oct. 10 Eliz. 16 Oct. 18 Eliz. 1 3 Sept. LEASES. 1. Lease by All Souls' College to John Sutton, Lord Dudley, and John Chamberleyn of the priory of the new abbey near Alberbury for 16 years at a rent of 24 marks 2. Of the Priory of Alberbury to Humphrey Hardegrave and Owen ap David 3. Of the Priory of Alberbury to Sir John Burgh of Watles- borgh 4. Of the New Abbey near Alberbury (excepting the advowson of the church there) to Sir John Burgh, of Watlesborgh, Shropshire On the hack are instructions referring to a riot at Alberbury 6. Copy of the preceding with Sir Edmund Dudley's name substituted for that of Sir John Burgh, and other altera- tions 6. Lease of Alberbury to Sir Edmund Dudley 7. Power of attorney by Henry Knyght of Leckhampton to deliver leases of the ' White ' or the ' Black Abbey ' to the college 8. Lease of ' Blake Abbey,' Alberbury, to Humphrey Thomas and Henry Knyght 9. Of the ' Black Abbey ' to Alan Hord 10. Of the ' New Abbey, alias the Blake Abbey,' to Alan Hord. 11. Of the ' Black Abbey ' to Thos. Key of Oxford 12. Of the ' Black Abbey ' to James Shallcrosse of Netley 13. Of the ' Black Abbey' to James Shallcrosse 14. Of the ' Black Abbey ' to Alexander Woodd of the Middle Temple 15. Similar lease 16. Bond of the college to Alexander Woodd to perform the above indenture 17. Lease of the ' New otherwise the Jilack Abbey ' to Alexan- der Woodd Bond enclosed ALBERBURY. 17 18 Eliz. 18. Release of covenants to the college by Alexander Wood 15 Sept. 28 Eliz. 19. Lease of the ' New or Black Abbey ' to Alexander Woodd 10 Sept. 31 Eliz. 20. Similar lease 4 Nov. Both parts, and poiver of attorney to deliver seisin 35 Eliz. 21. Similar lease 24 May - 35 Eliz. 22. Similar lease 29 Oct. 40 Eliz. 23. Similar lease 1 Oct. 2 Jac. I. 24. Similar lease 28 Mar. 4 Jac. I. 26. Similar lease 28 Nov. 7 Jac. I. 26. Similar lease 20 Nov. 10 Jac. I. 27. Lease of the same to Peter Wood 28 Oct. 14 Jac. I. 28. Similar lease Both parts 8 Oct. 17 Jac. I. 29. Similar lease Both parts 22 Oct. 17 Jac. I. 30. License to Peter Wood to alienate the lands he holds of 22 Oct. the college 20 Jac. I. 31. Lease of the New or Black Abbey to Peter Woodd 9 Oct. Both parts. Bond enclosed 1 Car. I. 32. Similar lease Bond enclosed 24 Nov. 4 Car. I. 33. Similar lease Bond enclosed 30 Oct. 7 Car. I. 34. Similar lease Bond enclosed 31 Oct. 10 Car. I. 35. Similar lease 28 Oct. 19 Car. I. 36. Lease of the New or Black Abbey to Peter and Alexander 4 Jan. Wood Bond enclosed 37. Lease of the New or Black Abbey to Basil Woodd Date cut off 1783. 38. Of New or Black Abbey and Peccenhalls to Wm. Con- 22 Oct. stable of Burwash, George Courthope of Danny, and Joseph Calverley of Hellingiy c 18 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1783. 22 Oct. 1787. 28 April 1797. 3 Nov. 1801. 6 April 1804. 20 Oct. 1808. 25 April 1811. Nov. 2. 1815. 28 April 1818. 2 Nov. 39. Lease of the New or Black Abbey and Peccenhalls to Wm. Constable, Geo. Courtbope, Jos. Calverley, and James Philcox of Burwash 40. Similar lease 41. Similar lease 42. Similar lease 43. Similar lease 44. Similar lease With license to let Both parts and license to let Both parts and license to let With license to let 45. Lease of the same to the Eevd. John Constable of Eingmer Both parts 46. Similar lease 47. Similar lease Both parts and license to let 1624. 21 Jas. I. 31 Aug. 16 Car. n. 30 Sept. 1687-8. 2 Marcli 1707-8. 6 Anne 20 Feb. 1713-14. 22 P^eb. 1713-14. 23 Feb. BAEFOED, CHELSFIELD. BABFOBD. Box labelled ' The conveyance of the advowson of the rectory of Barford St. Martin's, Wilis, from Mr. Hersent, &c. to the College of All Souls, a.d. 1718-19,' containing the fol- lowing : — 1. Sale by Temis Jordan, Richard Hunton, and Henry Cusse of land at Barford St. JNIartin, Wilts, and the advowson of the church there, to John Bowles, of South Burcome 2. Grant by John Bowles of the said parsonage to Wm. Clark, of Sarapford Bickford 3. Will of Wm. Clark, of the Middle Temple Copy 4. Sale by John Clark, of East Overton, of land at Barford, and the advowson of tlie church, to Edward and Jolni Foyle, and Kichard Fleming, of the Middle Temple 2\uo deeds 5. Sale of the same by E. and J. Foyle and Fleming to Peter Hercent, of Durley, clerk 6. Release of the same by E. and J. Foyle and Fleming BARFORD, CHELSFIELD. 19 1718. 7. Sale by Peter Hercent and John Clark, of East Overton, 1 Dec. and others, to All Souls' College, of the same land and advowson 1718. 8. Another indenture concerning the same sale 2 Dec. 1747. 9. Receipt of 8s. S^d. for the poor's rate at Barford 28 Feb. Tom in half 10. Extracts from the registers of the Bishop of Salisbury, 1637-1713, concerning Barford St. Martin's LEASES. 1774. 11. Lease by Thos. Morgan, D.D., prebendary of Chesenbury and 1 Nov. Chute, of the tithes of St. Dioness farm, in the parish of Barford St. Martin, Wilts, to All Souls' College 1783. 12. Lease of the same by the Rev. Herl^ert Randolph, prebendary 22 Dec. of Chesenbury and Chute, to the College 1790. 13. Similar lease I Nov. 1801. 14. Lease by All Souls' College of the said tithes to the Rev. 1 6 May Edward Pole, rector of Barford St. Martin's 1811. 15. Lease of the same by the Rev. Robert Cliarles Blayney, pre- I I Nov. bendary of Chesenbury and Chute, to the College CHELSFIELD. 1674. 1. Grant of the next avoidance of the church of Chelsfield by 16 May Graveley Norton to Wm. Wall 1727. 2. Release by Graveley and William, sons of Graveley Norton, 10 Jan. to Thos. Norton his heir, of the right of gavelkind to the advowson 1728. 3. Grant by Thos. Norton to Adolphus Meetkirke of the advow- 21 June son for 12 years 1753. 4. Agreement between Gislingham Cooper and Thos. Saunders 10 May for the purchase of the advowson 5. Abstract of the title of Thos. Saunders to the advowson 1753. 6. Agreement between Gislingham Cooper and Wm. Blackst one 12 May on behalf of All Souls' College, touching the purchase of the advowson of Chelsfield Tivo copies 1754. 7. Grant by Thos. Saunders, of Cheapside, haberdasher, exccu- 27 Geo. ir. tor of Thomas Norton, late of Clifford's Inn, to All Souls' 7 Feb. Colli ge, of the advowson of Chelsfield With a copy c 2 20 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1754. 8. Declaration of trust to Gislingbam Cooper, of St. Clement 7 Feb. Danes, banker, in pursuance of preceding grant 1754. 9. Declaration of trust by All Souls' College to Mr. Cooper. 7 Feb. Appended to it is the release by the Rev. Edw. Cooper, executor of Anne, widow of Gislinghain Cooper, of his title to the advowson of Chelsfield-cum-Farnborough, dated April 15, 1772 1754. 10. Bond of All Souls' College to Mr. Gislingham Cooper 7 Feb. 1754. 11. Fine for the conveyance of the advowson of Chelsfield-cum- Feb. Farnborough by Thos. Saunders to Stephen Niblett, Warden of All Souls' Ttvo copies 1772. 12. Release by Edward Cooper of his title to the advowson; and 20 Jan. demand of G30L of the College. 13. Bill of costs delivered by Mr. Sherwood, the attorney em- ployed for the purchase Two copies 1493-1571. 14. List of rectors 15. List of documents concerning Chelsfield BAEKING-. 1557. 1. Collation of the parsonage and vicarage of Barking by Sir 1 July Wm. Petre, Dr. Cooke, and Edward Napper to All Souls' College 1557. 2. Composition between Petre, Cooke, and Napper, All Souls' 10 Dec. College, and John Gregill, vicar of Barking, concerning the grant of the vicarage of Barking to All Souls' College, with confirmation by the bishop and dean and chapter of London 30 Eliz. 3. Inspeximus of a record in the Exchequer of the same year 26 June assuring to the vicar of Barking the pension of 10/. origi- nally paid by the abbess of Barking, and now to be paid by the Exchequer 31 Eliz. 4. Grant of the rectory of Barking by All Souls' College to 15 July Richard Wignall Not scaled 5. Another draft of the same graiit 36 Eliz. 6. Lispeximus of fine for conveyance of the rectory of I^arking 17 April by Tlios. Baron, alias Barn, to Petre, Cooke, and Napper 36 Eliz. 7. Confirmation by Sir John, son and lieir of Sir Wm. Petre, of 1 1 May the grant of the rectory of Barking to All Souls' College 8. Copy of the preceding 1595. 9. Power l)y the College to Richard Wignall, vicar of Barking, 37 Eliz. to collect tithes 2 Nov. BARKING. '21 1605-6. 4 Jas. I. 24 March 18 Jac. I. 17 May 10 Geo. I. Feb. 1738. 15 April 1756. 15 July 1764. 13 July 1781. 10 Oct. 1787. 2 Oct. 1789. 23 March 1789. 24 March 1794. 28 March 10. Confirmation by John Overall, dean, and the chapter of St. Paul's of a confirmation by Henry Cole, dean, and the chapter, of a composition between All Souls' College and John Gregill, vicar of Barking, dated March 12, 1557 11. Grant by All Souls' College of the rectory of Barking to Ixicluird Hall, clerk, B.D., at a rent of 71. 6s. 8d. 12. Fine for conveyance of a messuage in Barking by John Ixosendell to George and Sibella Green 13. Kelease by John and JNIartha Joyner to Jeremiah Bentham, sen., of a windmill and other messuages in Barking Enclosed is the deed of sale 14. Kelease by Ealph Cleghorn and Jeremiah Bentham of a piece of land in Wyfield Street Four enclosures relating thereto 15. Grant of the rectory of Barking to Christopher Musgrave, D.D., vicar of Barking 16. Similar grant to Eev. Peter Rashleigh, JNI.A., vicar of Barking 17. Sale of Upheld, in Barking, by John Strntt and Joseph Gascoigne to Peter Eashleigh, vicar of Barking Enclosed are copies of the luill of Sir Crisp Gascoigne and of a release of lands belonging to Crisp Gascoigne 18. Lease by Jeremiah Bentham of a messuage and land in Wyfield Street to Thomas Jelfe 19. Release by Bentham to Jelfe of the same 20. Conveyance by John Collier and others of the messuage in Wyfield Street to the Eev. Peter Rashleigh in trust for All Souls' Collea-e 1588. 2 Dec. 1793. 11 June 21. Three memoranda concerning the documents relating to Barking ; one by Mr. Carter 22. Receipt by Richard Wignall, vicar of Barking, from the bursars, of 13s. 4cZ. to be given to the poor on Christmas Day 23. Particulars of the sale of the estates of the late Thomas Jelfe Two papers 24. Abstract of the title to the said estate LETTERS. 1750-1 . 25. R. Carter, curate of Barking, to the College : — Dr. Stephens, 27 Jan. vicar of Barking, died this morning Barking ^ol- P' 1 » <^^^<-^' endd. 1782. 26. Messrs. Brograve and Lyon to ]Mr, Ligram, Innvar : — Two letters concerning the purchase of the property of the late Dr. Musgrave, in Barking 22 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. BOSYATE. 22 Edw. IV. 1. Grant by Wynemer Forster and John Brygges of Boseyat to 22 Jan. Roger Salesbury of a messuage in Boseyat, Northants. 10 Hen. VII. 2. Release by Simon and Joan At the Wode to John Ball of 1 1 Jan. Lynford INIagna, of their title to a messuage in Boseyate 10 Hen. VII. 3. Grant by John Ball of Lynford to Simon and Joan At the 1 2 Jan. Wode, of a portion of his messuage in Boseyate 10 Hen. VII. 4. Bond of John Ball of Lynford to pay 40cZ. annually to "VVm. 1 4 Feb. Salesbury during the life of Alice Creke 1498-9. 5. Will of John Balle of Lynford Magna 2 Feb. 5 Hen. VIII. 6. Grant by Ric. Balle of Oxford to Ric. Andrews of a tene- 6 Sept. ment and 15 acres in Boseyate 6 Hen. VIII. 7. Sale by Thos. Andrews to Ric. Andrews, his son, Dr. Wm. 24 April Broke, John Godfraye, and others, of tenements in Great Lynford and Bosyatt 6 Hen. VIII. 8. Grant by Richard Andrews of a tenement in Bosyatt to Dr. 20 May Wm. Broke, John Godfrey, John Broke, and others LEASES. 23 Eliz. 1. Lease by All Souls' College of lands in Boseyeat to Wm. 1 Nov. Bettell, of Boseyeat 41 Eliz. 2. Of lands in Bozeyate lately held by his father Wm. Bettle to 1 Oct. Wm. Bettle of Bozeyate 7 Jac. I. 3. Of lands in Bozeate to Wm. Bettle of Bozeate Both parts 20 Nov. 17 Jac. I. 4. Of lands in Boziate to Wm. Bettle 22 Oct. 1790. 5. Of lands and house in Boziate, lately in the occupation of 20 Oct. Wm. Bettel, to Thos. Hackney, of Boziate 1 804. 6. Of house and lands in Boziate, Northants, to William Church, 20 Oct. yeoman Both parts 1 807. 7. Of the same to the same 2 Nov. 1818. 8. Of the same to the same Both parts 2 Nov. 1825. 9. Of the same to the same Both parts 3 Nov. BUCKLAND, LOCKINOE, HARDINGE. 23 1832. 3 Nov. 1839. 1 Nov. 10. Of a house and land in Bosyate to Wm. Church, of Eastern Maudit Both jjarts 11. Of a house and land in Bosyate to AVm. Church 7 Jac. I. 1, 20 May 6 Car. I. 2. 2 June 6 Car. I. 3. 1 9 June 6 Car. I. 4. 23 June 5. 14 Car. I. 6, 1 Oct. 14 Car. I. 7. Michaelmas 14 Car. I. 8. Mich. 14 Car. I. 9. 18 Feb. 18 Feb. 10, 1713. 11. 26 Nov. 1778. 12. 11 July BUCKLAND, LOCKINGE, HABDINGE alias HAEPSDEN. BUCKLAND. OflRce taken after the death of John Lord Lumley, patron of Buckland Church Copy Demise by Henry Lloyd, alias Fludd, of the demesne lands of West Cheam to Sir Eic. Mynshall and others Cojiy Hen. Lloyd, alias Fludd, to Mary Parkins and others. Declaration of new uses in consideration of a marriage of Henry Lloyd, jun., to Isabella Parkins Copy Henry Lloyd to Sir Ric. JNIynshall. Covenants that the jointure shall be of 100^. value ' The case of Buckland upon the Estate taile ' Sale by Henry Lloyd of the advowsons of West Cheam and Buckland to Benj. Holford Fine for the conveyance of the advowsons to Holford Recovery of the churches of West Cheam and Buckland against Hen. Lloyd, sen. and jun. Sale by Henry Lloyd, jun., of the advowson of Buckland, Surrey, to All Souls' College for 335/. 2wo copies Similar deed of Henry Lloyd, sen., with receipt enclosed Opinion of J. Ward concerning the College's title to the advowson of Buckland Charles Rugge to Dr. Tracy, Warden of All Souls': — Desires to borrow money from the College to rebuild Buckland par- Bonage, pulled down by Dr. Price, the late incumbent LOCKINGE BECTOBY. 1 2 Eliz. I. Sale of the advowson of Lokyng, Berks, late belonging to the 31 Jan. Monastery of Abingdon, by John Wynchecombe, of Buckle- bury, to Wm. Forster, of Aldermaston Easter 2. Fine for the conveyance of the above 1573. 3. Extract from Wm. Forster's will, bequeathing the patronage 28 Dec. of Lockinge to his son John 24 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 17 Eliz. 30 April 23 Eliz. 23 May 24 Eliz. 5 July 26 Eliz. 28 June 31 Eliz. 17 June 1589. 31 Eliz. 17 June 1601. 43 Eliz. 7 June 17 Jac. L 14 Jan. 5 Car. I. 1 March 6 Car. I. 30 March 1630. 6 Car. I. 31 March 6 Car. I. 10 May 1630. 6 Car. T. 16 June 8 Car. I. 10 June 8 Car. I. Trinity Term 8 Car. I. Mich. 1632. 8 Car. T. 1 3 Car. I. 30 Nov. 4. Sale of the advowson of Lokinge by John Forster to Wm. Cater, of Lokinge 5. Sale of the advowson of East Lockinges by Wm. Cater, of Bawkyn, to Wm. Watson, of Loudon 6. Sale of the advowson of Lokinge by Wm. Watson to Hen. Philippes, of Hackfield, Second Clerk of the Queen's kitchen 7. Sale of the advowson of Lockinge by Hen. Philippes to John Underbill, rector of Lincoln College 8. Sale by John Underbill, rector of Lincoln College, of the rectory of Lockinge to Kobt. Rolle, parson of Stoake Clymeslande 9. Bond of Dr. Underbill to Dr. Robt. Rolle to perform inden- ture of bargain and sale of the same date 10. Copy of the will of Robt. Rolle, D.D. of Locking to his son Gabriell Bequeaths advowson 11. Robt. Chaloner to the Bp. of Salisbury. Presents Gabriel Rolle to the church of Lockinge vice Robt. Wilson, de- ceased Copy 12. License to Gabriel Rolle to alienate the advowson of Lockinge to Roland Loseley 13. Grant of the advowson of Lockinge by Gabriel Rolle to Rowland Loseley 14. Lidenture between Wm. Seymour and Samuell Cowley, Rowland Loosely and Gabriell Rolle, for the transfer of the advowson of Locking to Looseley 15. Recovery of the advowson of Lockinge against Rolle 16. Sale of the advowson of East Locking by Gabriel Rolle to John Poole, alderman of London Ttuo deeds 17. Sale of the advowson of Lockinge by Gabriell Rolle to All Souls' College for 540/. With a draft of the deed and Rolle's bond for the performance thereof 18. Two copies of a fine for the conveyance of the advowson of Lockinge 19. Bill of All Souls' College complaining that Rolle refuses to deliver deeds concerning Lockiuge 20. Gabriel Rolle's answer to the College's Bill in Cliancery 21. Sale of the advowson of East Lockinge by Sir John and dame Anne Ramsden and others to Martin Ailewortli, John Watkins, and Jas. Chesterman Both pdHs BUCKLAND, LOCKINGE, HARDINGE. 25 13 Car. I. 22. Indenture by which All Souls' College promises to do nothing 1 Dec. to the prejudice of John Kous, wlio holds lands, lately be- longing to Gabriel liolle, in Okingham and East Hamp- stead With a draft 1637. 23. Release to Gabriel Rolle by Sir John Ramsden and the other 1 Dec. executors of John Poole 13 Car. I. 24. Indenture by which Ayleworth, etc., state that their purchase 20 Dec. of the advowson of East Lockinge was for the use of All Souls' College With a draft 13 Car. I. 25. Conveyance of the advowson of Lockinge to the College by 20 Dec. Dr. Martin Aileworth 1632. 26. Receipt for 330^. by Gabriel Rolle from All Souls' College 13 July 1726-66. 27. An Act for annexing the rectory of East Lockinge, in the county of Berks, to the oflBce of Warden of the College of the Souls of all faithful people deceased of Oxford {Kiblett, Warden) 1862. 28. East Lockinge Rectory. Bishop of Oxford to Governors of 8 Nov. Queen Anne's bounty. Counterpart of mortgage for securing the payment of 1,680/. with interest 29. ' Lockinge Rectoria. Abstracta Cartarum ' LAND IN LOCKINGE. 1701. 1. Mortgage of Roger House Close, Lockinge, by John Cheare 5 June to Henry Knapp 1714. 2. Sale of ^Yest North Leaze, in East Lockinge, by Francis 21 April Prouze to John Aldworth 3. Transfer of the same to Susanna Hester, sister of John Aldworth 1716. 4. Sale of West North Leaze by John Aldworth and Susan 22 & 23 Hester to All Souls' College, with certain trusts concerning Oct. the parish of Lockinge Three deeds 1716-7. 5. Bond of John Chear to Henry Knapp 22 Jan. 1716-7. 6. Indenture between John Chear and Mr. Knapp for securing 23 Jan. 20/. due by bond 1722. 7. Sale of 7 acres in West Lockinge by John, Jane, and William 29 April Cheare and others to John Aldworth 1722. 8. Knapp's assignment of John Cheare's mortgage to Mr. 30 April Collins in trust for ]\[r. Aldworth and his heirs 1722. 9. Assignment of 7 acres in West Lockinge by Mr. Collins 21 Aug. and Mr. Aldworth to Mr. G revile in trust for All Souls' College Both parts 26 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1722. 10. Settlement by Mr. Aldworth of 7 acres at Lockinge on All 21 Aug. Souls' College 1728. 11. Sale by Dr. Greo. Clarke and others to William Ives, 1 Nov. apothecary, and Giles Bennett, manciple of All Souls', of 2 Nov. West North Leaze, for the use of All Souls' College Two deeds „ 12. Appointment of trustees to Mr. Aldworth's benefaction Draft 1780. 13. Sale by Sarah Wymondesold to John Tracy, warden of All 21 March Souls' College, and rector of Lockinge, of a barn in Chalk- hill bottom Tiuo deeds LETTERS. 1722. 14. Rev. John Aldworth to Warden Gardiner: — Sends John 8 Oct. Chair's receipt for the sale of seven lands Hoi. _p. 1, add. endd. 1722. 15. Same to Same: — Hopes Dr. Bertie's name will be put in 13 Oct. the trust. Sends Knapp's assignment of his three mort- gages and other deeds Hoi. p. 1, add. endd. 16 Jac. L 29 May 1639. 15 Car. L 22 May 15 Car. L 10 Sept. 1639. 13 Sept. 31 Oct. 15 Car. I. March 1639. 30 Oct. HABPSDEN. 1. Memorandum of the institutions of Robt. Blithman and Jolm Webb to the rectory of Harpsden, 24 July, 1585, and 27 Oct. 1614 2. Inquisitio post mortem W. Forster, who died seised of the Manor of Harpsden 3. Humphrey Elmes to the Bishop of Oxford. Presents Herbert Croft to the church of Harpsden, alias Hardinge, Oxon, vice John Webb resigned 4. Sale of the rectory of Harpsden, alias Harding, to All Souls' College, by Humfrey Elmes and Sir Humfrey Forster 5. Two drafts of the same 6. Receipt by Humfrie Elmes of 230^., part payment for the parsonage of Harpsden 7. Receipt for the remaining lOOl. 8. Two copies of the fine suffered for its conveyance 9. Copy of a recovery of the same 10. Bill of complaint of the College against Sir Humfre}- Forster and Humfrey Elmes concerning the advowson of Harps- den 11. The answer of Elmes and Fori^ter to the College's bill of com- plaint CRENDON. • 27 12. Packet endorsed *Harpsden, Dec. 1856' 13. Another packet endorsed ' Harpsden, exchange of lands, 1856, Dec. 17' CEENDON. 1349. 1. Grant by John de Stratford of land in Charndon to Ric. 23 Edw. III. Eartelot 24 July 1402-3. 2. Grant by William Toiirseye and John Hood, clerk, of land in 4 Hen. IV. Crendon to John West and Thos. Stevene 1 Feb. 5 Hen. IV. 3. Grant by Eobt., bp. of London, and Sir Gerard Braybrok, of 16 Feb. the manor of Crendon, Bucks, to Nic. Bradshawe, Tlios. Peyner, Edw. Hampden, John Broghton, William Vans, and Thos. Derham 5 Hen. IV. 4. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 16 Feb. 1404. 6. Release by Reginald de Grey, lord of Weysford and Ruthyn, 6 Hen. IV. of his rights in Crendon to Bradshawe, etc. 6 Oct. 1405. 6. Grant by Ric. and Kath. Wylkyn to John Barton, sen., John 6 Hen. IV. Barton, jun., and John Sporte, chaplain, of land in 4 May Crendon 7 Hen. IV. 7. Agreement between Nic. Bradshawe, Thos. Peynre, etc., 6 Sept. concerning the partition of Crendon „ 8. Counterpart of the above 12 Hen. IV. 9. Grant by John West and Thos. Stevenes of a tenement in 17 May Crendon to John Child 9 Hen. V. 10. Grant by Robert and Cristina Evot of land in Crendon to 27 July William Tirk 5 Hen. VI. 11. Grant by Robt. Dacy, John Bryt, Robt. Yve, and Peter 17 April Canon to John Tirk, of land in Crendon, held by gift from him 5 Hen. VI. 12. Release by Dionisia, widow of W. Salman, to W. Tyrke of 6 June her title to land in Crendon 12 Hen. VI. 13. Grant by Thos. Deram, of Kymbelle, to Thos. More, Thos. 12 Jan. Dode, clerk, and John Arderne, of the manor of Crendon 12 Hen. VI. 14. Release by Thos. Deram to Thos. More, etc., of his estate 16 Jan. in Crendon 14 Hen. VI. 15. Grant by William and Dionisia Salman to William Tyrk of 22 April land near Haddenham's Lane, in Crendon 28 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 14 Hen. VL 16. Kelease by W. and D. Salman of their estate in the same 22 April land 1436. 17. Grant by Thos. More, Thos Dood, rector of Thorueton, and 15 Hen. VL John Arderne, of the manor of Crendon to John Horwood 13 Sept. and Kobert Somerey 15 Hen. VL 18. More and Dood's power of attorney to deliver seisin 13 Sept. 1436-7. 19. Grant by Horwood and Somerey of the manor of Crendon to 15 Hen. VL John Cottusmore, Elizabeth Blaket, Thos. Wykham, Robt. 9 Jan. Coneere, and Andrew Sperlyng 1 5 Hen. VL 20. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 9 Jan. 1 7 Hen. VI. 21. Lease by Isabel Barton to William Pede, Ric. Wynter, Wm. 1 Aug. Pudenale, and John Hill of land in Crendon 18 Hen. VI. 22. Sale by Isabel, widow of John Barton, to Ric. Andrews, 3 July Warden of All Souls' College, of lands in Crendon, Fox- cote, and Morton, with conditions for the saying of masses for herself and husband, and the keeping of their obits 19 Hen. VL 23. Release by Sir Robt. Coneere of his title to Crendon to 12 Feb. Elizabeth Blaket and Sir Thos. Wykham „ 24. Similar deed 20 Hen. VI. 25. Grant by Sir Thos. Wykham and Eliz. Blaket of the manor 1 April of Crendon to Henry VI. „ 26. Power of attorney to deliver seisin „ 27. Release by Thos. Dodde, rector of Thorneton, of his title to Crendon to Henry VL 20 Hen. VL 28. Grant by John Chyld to Wm. Tyrke, Henry Bryt, and Thos. 6 May Hykkj^s, of land in Crendon 20 Hen. VL 29. Grant by Henry VI. to Ric. Andrews, Warden of All Souls' 7 May College, of Crendon, Foxcote, land in Moorton, called Grenehammes, Salford, and messuages in Oxford 20 Hen. VI. 30. Indenture between Ric. Andrewes, Warden, and Isabel Barton 24 May concerning the performance of masses, etc., in considera- tion of her grant of lands in Crendon 20 Hen. VL 31. Grant by Ric. Andrewes, Warden of All Souls' College, to 26 May Isabel Barton, of Crendon, Foxcote, and Morton, for life 5, 32, Counterpart of tlie above „ 33. Power of attorney to deliver seisin „ 34. Isabel Barton's power of attorney to receive seisin 33 Hen. VI. 35. Release by Jolni Cliyld to Jolm and Petronilla MoityuKM- of 11 May his title to land acquired by tliem from Bryt and Hykkys 14 Edw. TV. 36. Grant by Wra. Rogate to Jolin Tyrke of lands in CnMhlon, 22 Aug. which he acquired from William, fatlier of John Tyrke CRENDON. 29 1 6 Edw. IV. 37. Grant by Jolm Tyrke of land in Crendon to Richard Hode 16 Nov. and John Nele 23 Edw. IV. 38. Grant by Ric. Hode and John Nele of land in Crendon to 3 April Joan, wife of Hen. Byrte, dangliter and heir of John Tyrke 23 Edw. IV. 39. Release of the same by Hode and Nele 4 April 1 Ric. III. 40. Grant by \Vm. Hood to Henry Russell of lands in Crendon, 25 Nov. in exchange 3 Hen. VII. 41. Grant by Joan Byrte to Henry Byrte, her husband, of land 12 April in Crendon 4 Hen. VII. 42. Grant by Henry Byrte to Ric. Hickys and Robert Darell of 27 Nov. lands in Crendon 15 Hen. VII. 43. Grant by Ric. Hicks to Henry Birt of land in Crendon, held 7 March by gift from him 15 Hen. VII. 44. Grant by Henry Birt, of Crendon, of land in Crendon to 23 April Henry Birt, of Shobyndon 18 Hen. VII. 45. Grant by John Magge, of Wodnewenton, of land in Crendon 3 Nov. to Henry Birt 21 Hen. VII. 46. Grant by John Dynchc of land in Crendon to Henry Byrtt 28 Oct. 15 Hen. VIII. 47. Sale by Henry Byrt of his lands in Crendon to Dr. Wm. 12 June Broke, Warden of All Souls' College 48. Duplicate of the above 1 5 Hen. VIII. 49. Grant by Henry Byrt of land in Crendon to Dr. Broke and 12 June others 50. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 15 Hen. VIII. 61. Receipt by Harry Byrte, of Chelton, Bukks, of 17^. 13s. 4:d. 12 June from All Souls' Coll. for lands in Crendon sold by him PAPERS. 7 Edw. VI. 62. Agreement between the Dean of the Chapel Royal at "Windsor, 25 May the Warden of All Souls', and William Dormer, lords of the manor of Crendon, and the customary tenants Copy, mutilated 1586-7. 53. ' A note of all the demayne landes belonginge to All Sowlles 12 INIarch Colledge,' in Crendon Pp. 4 [1571-1614.] 64. 'A note of all the treese in the coppiholders grouude about Longe Crendon ' P. 1 56. Memorandum from deed 3 Nov. 44 Eliz. concerning Dor- mer's lands 1604. 66. ' Crendon and what was made of it by Mr. Hollines' 1669. 67. Bill of complaint of Thos. Browne. Amy, widow of Thos. 26 Oct. Burnham, detains from him certain property at Crendon 30 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 68. Abutments, etc., of meadow, said by Mr. Chambeiiayne to have been purchased by Mr. Dormer of Mr. Grenvile, 1610 Anne 69. Temlett v. Neighbour, for lands at Crendon. Brief for the plaintiff . Pjp. 4 1708. 60. Bill in Chancery. William Meade's claim to tenements in 16 Feb. Long Grandon 1709. 6L Appointment by Bernard Gardiner, Warden of All Souls' 14 April College, of John Spindler as gamekeeper of Crendon 1752. 62. Copy of memoranda concerning Tetherhills 20 June 63. Abstracts of deeds relating to the manor of Crendon, Bucks, and to the college estate at Alberbury, Shropshire 64. Map of Tetherhill woods COURT BOLLS. 7 Edw. III. 65. Abstract of court rolls of Crendon Pp. 25 38 Hen. VIII. 6-1 1 Eliz. 66. Minutes of courts of the manor of Crendon Paper hook 1617. 67. Bundle of minutes of court rolls, lists of residents, and other papers referring to the manor of Crendon, 1617-1668, and list of court rolls, 1588 1692. 68. Court roll of Crendon Vellum, mutilated 19 May 1 748. 69. Copy of the court roll of Crendon Vellum 2 June 1752. 70. Draft of court roll 21 May LETTERS. 1641. 71. Dean and Chapter of Windsor to Mr. Chesterman : — Desire 28 June him to give free admission to tenants who have com- Cliapter House pounded with the Dean and Chapter for their copyhold lands and paid their lines Signed, p. 1, add. 1668. 72. Brune Eives, dean of Windsor, to Mr. Austen : — Desires him 1 1 May to admit Thos. Simms as tenant at Crendon Haseley 1684. 73. John Spindler to Warden James: — Information about an 15 Sept. estate at Crendon P. l^add. Crendon 1758. 74. [Warden Niblett] to Mr. Rose : — Gives an account of the por- 26 May tion of Tetherhill woods, now let to Mrs. Baker, and for- merly to the Dormer finiily. A meadow claimed by Sir Clement Dormer was originally part of the wood Draft, pp. 2 MORETON, CRENDON, TETHERHILL, ETC. 31 'MOBETON, CRENDON, TETBEBIITLL, BBENTMILL. OLD leases: 1 Ric. III. 1. Lease by All Souls' College of the Brend Mylle in Morton to 1 Nov. \Vm. Wodeward 19 Hen. VII. 2. Of the lordship of Morton, Bucks, to Robert Wodeward, 24 Sept. j'iw-> of Buckingham 9 Hen. VIII. 3. Of the lordship of Maydens Morton to John Harrys 23 March 9 Hen. VIII. 4. Of lands in Crendon to Harry Baldwyn, Richard Harwood, 29 March and Thomas Apulford 29 Hen. VIII. 6. Of the lordship and manor of Crendon to William Walkley 8 Jan. and Thos. Apulford 33 Hen. VIII. 6. Of the lordship and manor called Greenehammes, in Mayd's 12 Dec. Morton, to Thos. Harrys, of Padburye 33 Hen. VIII. 7. Of the lordship of Greenehammes and Brentemyll to Thos. 8 Jan. Harrys, of Padbury 2 Edw. VI. 8. Of the manor of Crendon to John Watson 22 Dec. 3 Edw. VI. 9. Of the same to Thos. Harries 7 May 6 Edw. VI. 10. License to Thos. Harris to alienate the same 16 Nov. 1 Eliz. 11. Lease of ' Mortimer's tenement,' in Crendon, to Thos. Hor- 7 April wood 1 Eliz. 12. Of the manor and lordship of Crendon to Sir John Mason, 30 Oct. treasurer of the Queene's Highnes' Chamber 2 Eliz. 13. Of the lordship and manor of Greenehames, in Maydes 14 June Moorton, to John Harries, of Moorton 1565. 14. Of lands in Tetherhill or Totherhill to Hugh and Elizabeth 8 Eliz. HoUiugshed 21 Nov. 1566. 15. Of the lordship and manor of Crendon to Dr. William 8 Eliz. Auberie, of London 15 Nov. 1 3 Eliz. 16. Of the lordship and manor of Crendon to John Gurganye 3 Jan. 13 Eliz. 17. Of the lordship and manor of Greenehames, in Maydes 27 Oct. Moorton, to John Harris, of Moorton 18 Eliz. 18. Of the same to the same 24 Nov. 21 Eliz. 19. Bond of Thos. West, of Crendon, to the College 10 Jan. 32 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 21 Eliz. 20. Lease of Mortimer's tenement ' in Crendon to Thos. Weat Jan. 28. 26 Eliz. 21. Of Totherhill or Titherhill to John Dormer, of Thame 27 Nov. 29 Eliz. 22. Of the manor of Crendon to John Gurgainy, of Crendon 19 Nov. 30 Eliz. 23. Of the portion of lands called Totherhill, near the forest of 8 Nov. Barnwood, to John Dormer, of Thame 31 Eliz. 24. Of the manor and lordship of Mayds Morton, called Greene 27 Nov. Hames, to John Harris, of Moorton 38 Eliz. 25. Of ' Mortimer's tenement ' in Crendon to Thos West 22 Nov. 42 Eliz. 26. Of the lordship and manor of jNIayd's Moorton, called Greene- 5 April hames, to Henry Estou, of Mayd's Moorton 45 Eliz. 27. Of the lordship and manor of Crendon to John Parker, of 13 Dec. Lambeth 2 Jac I. 28. Of the manor of Crendon to John Parker, of Lambeth 1 April With bond 3 Jac. I. 29. Of lands called Totherhill to Sir John Dormer, of Donrton 8 Oct. 4 Jac. I. 30. Of the manor and lordship of Maidesmorton, called Greene- 23 Oct. hames, to Henry Eston, of May dens Morton 4 Jac. I. 31. Of Mortimer's tenement in Crendon to Thos. West 28 Nov. 9 Jac I. 32. Of the lordship and manor of Crendon to George Benson, of 8 Oct. London 10 Jac. I. 33. Of the lordship and manor of Maides Morton, called Greene- 26 Oct. hames, to Henry Eston, of Maydes Morton With license to let 14 Jac. I. 34. Of Mortimer's tenement to Wm. West for 20 years 16 Oct. Both parts and license to let 17 Jac. I. 35. Of the manor of Maides Morton, called Greenehams, Bucks, 26 Oct. to John Eston 18 Jac. I. 36. License to Geo. Benson, of London, to let [the manor of 25 Oct. Crendon] 19 Jac. I. 37. Lease of ' Mortimer's tenement ' to John Spindler, of Cren- 20 April don, shepherd Bond enclosed 3 Car. I. 38. Of the manor of Crendon to George Benson, of London 29 Oct. 4 Car. I. 39. Of Mortimer's tenement to John Spindler 18 April 4 Car. I. 40. Of Greenhams to John Eslon 30 Oct. 5 Car. I. 41. Bond of Sir Robert Dormer to perform Ids iutlontinv of the 29 Oct. same date ' with All Souls' College ' Probalily a. lenso of Tithci-hill. MORETON, CRENDON, TETHERHILL, ETC. 33 13 Car. r. 42. Lease of Mortimer's tenement to John Spindler 20 April 13 Car. I. 43. Of Greenham's to John Easton Bond enclosed 3 Oct. 14 Car. I. 44. Of the manor of Crendon to Richard Eldridge, of Shotover 2 Nov. Lodge, ' keeper ' Bond enclosed 1708. 45. Of Tetherhill, in Crendon, to John Dormer 20 Oct. 1724. 46. Of half tlie manor of Crendon to Mary Raudolpli 30 Oct. 1 770. 47. Of Tetherhill, in the manor of Crendon, to the Riglit Honour- 1 8 Oct. able George Grenville, of Downing Street 1773. 48. Of Mortimer's tenement to Wm. Gibson, of Long Crendon 3 Nov. 1780. 49. Of the manor of Crendon to Mary Burrows Both parts 24 Oct. 1784. 50. Of Tetherhill, or Totherhill, parcel of tlie manor of Crendon, 22 Oct. to Geo. Nugent Grenville, Earl Temple, with the fishing in Crendon river Both ])arts 1787. 51. Of Mortimer's tenement, Crendon, to Josepli Gibson, yeo- 24 Oct. man Both p<('rts „ 62. Of the manor of Crendon, with underwoods called P^urthage, to Phillis West 1791. 53. Of Tetherhill to Geo. Nugent Grenville, Marquis of Buckiug- 11 Oct. ham 1794. 54. Of the park belonging to Greenham to Richard Geast, of 3 Nov. Blyth Hall, near Coleshill, with assignment thereof to Edward Oakley Gray 1794. 55. Of the manor of Crendon to Phillis West 3 Nov. „ 56. Of Mortimer's tenement to Joseph Gibson 1798. 57. Of Tetherhill to the Marquis of Buckingliara 31 Oct. 1801. 58. Of Mortimer's tenement to Anne Gibson Both parts 20 Oct. 1801. 59. Of the manor of Crendon to Pliillis West Both parts 29 Oct. 1801. 60. Of the manor of Greenhams, Maid's Morton, to Edward 29 Oct. Oakley Gray, of Buckingham With license to let 1808. 61. Of Mortimer's tenement to Mary Gibson Both parts 25 Oct. 1808. 62. Of the manor of Crendon to Richard Randolph and Benjamin 25 Oct. Capper, of the Strand, in trust for Thos. Huxley, of tlie Middle Temple, and Mary his wife, daughter of Phillis West Both parts 4) 34 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1808. 63. Lease of the manor of Greenhammes to Edw. Oakley Gray 29 Oct. Both 'parts, and license to let 1812. 64. Lease of Tetherlnll to the Marquis of Buckingham 2 Nov. 1815. 65. Of the manor of Crendon to Benj. Capper, in trust for ]Mr. 2 Nov. and Mrs. Huxley 1815 66. Of Mortimer's tenement to Marji Gibson 2 Nov. 1815. 67. Of Greenham to Edw. Oakley Gray, Esq. 2 Nov. Both parts, and license to let 1817. 68. License to let the same to Sir Warren Peacocke . 1819. 69. Lease of Tetherhills to Eic. Grenville Chandos Temple, 2 Nov. Marquis of Buckingham 1822. 70. Of half the manor of Crendon to Ralph Ellis, in trust for 2 Nov. Thos. and Mary Huxley Both parts 1822. 71. Of Greenhams to Joseph Gray Both parts 2 Nov. 1825. 72. Of Mortimer's tenement to Mary Gibson Both parts 3 Nov. 1829. 73. Of Greenham to Thos. Hearn Both parts 3 Nov. 1830. 74. Of half the manor of Crendon to Henry Thos. Huxley 3 Nov. Both parts 1836. 75. Of Mortimer's tenement to James Frj'er Both parts 3 Nov. 1836. 76. Of half the manor of Crendon to Benjamin ]Matthe\vs, in 3 Nov. trust for jNIary Huxley Both parts, and license to let 1836. 77. Of Greenham to Thos. Hearn Both parts 3 Nov. 1843. 78. Of Greenham to Ivicliard Plantageuet Temple Nugent 3 Nov. Brydges Chandos Grenville, Duke of Buckingham and Chandos EDGEWAEE. 5 Edw. HI. 1. Grant l)y VAw. III. to Ebulo and Elesia Lestraunge of the IG Erl). manors of Colhara and Eggewer, Middx., and other lands in Oxon, Lincolnsh. and Northamptonsh., the manor of Holeburn, London, and tlie castles of Cliflord and Glas- bury, Wales 36 Edw. III. 2. Sale of wood at Eggeswer by Sir Roger Straimge to John 6 March Whitlok EDGEWARE. 35 51 Edw. HI. 3. Grrant of the manor of Eg-geswer by Roger Lestraunge, lord 2G Feb. of Knokyn, to his son Koger, for life „ 4. Counterpart of the above 1 Hen. V. 5. Grrant of the reversion of a rent in Eggeswere by Richard 30 Sept. Lestraunge, lord of Knokyn, to John Savage, Richard Vernon, and others 9 Hen. V. 6. Grrant of the reversion of the manor of Eggeswer by 4 Jan. Richard Lestraunge, lord of Knokyn, to Ric. Ulverston, Richard Coif ox, and John Wythynton 4 Hen. VL 7. Extract from the act of parliament in favour of All Souls' 13 Jan. College 9 Hen. VL 8. Grant of the manor of Eggeswere by Richard Lestraunge, 10 Dec. lord of Knokyn, and Constancia his wife, to Will. Darell and Eliz. his wife „ 9. Power of attorney to deliver seisin „ 10. Power of attorney to receive seisin 9 Hen. VL 11. Grant by Richard Lestraunge, lord of Knokyn, of a rent of 1 June 100 mks. from his manor of Dunham to Wm. and Eliza- beth Darell, not to be paid as long as they hold the manor of Edgeware 20 Hen. VI. 12. Grant of the manor of Eggewer by Wm. and Eliz. Darell to 11 Dec. Thos. Chichele, John Birkhede, John Bolde, and Robt. Dan vers „ 13. Power of attorney to deliver seisin „ 14. Power of attorney to receive seisin 20 Hen. VL 15. Fine for the conveyance of Eggewer to Thos. Chichele and 2 Feb. others „ 16. Another copy 20 Hen. VI. 17. Surrender of Edgware to Henry VI. by Thos. Chiclieley, &c. 5 Feb. Abstract ivith note: — 'The deade itselfe is in the box of Langenith ' 4 Hen. VII. 18. Indenture for the performance of the surrender mentioned 4 Sept. in the following deed 4 Hen. VII. 19. Extract from a court roll of the manor of Eggesware, being 28 Oct. the surrender of Frogpole, Threacres, G'attesfeldes and Rokes Hawes, by John Smyth to John Elyot and Reginald Pegge 7 Hen. VII. 20. Copy of court roll. Surrender of Frogpole, &e., by John 1 May Elyot and Reginald Pegge to Ric, Kath. and Thos. Auusham 8 Hen. VII. 21. Sale by Harry Osborn to Edmund Stephens of lands in the 4 JNIay lordship of Edgeware, parish of Kyngesbury 8 Hen. VII. 22. Conveyance by John Goodere, Bartholomew Burton alids 1 Aug. Holbek, Hen. Wheler, and Wni. Rol>erdes, of a tenement called Berfordes in Edggeware and Hendon to Wm. and Agues Goodere Coj:)]/ on a paper roll D 2 36 ARCHIVES OK ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1514-5. 23. Will of Eic. Aunsham, senior, citizen and mercer of London 1 7 Jan. Notarial copy 10 Hen. VIII. 24. Greneral release by Tlios. Smyth, of Heston, to Thos. 14 July Amisham, citizen and mercer of London 11 Hen. VIII. 25. Sale of Frogpole, Threacre, Cattesfeldes and Eokyshawe, 31 Oct. by Thos. Aunsham to Wm. Holgill [Master of the Savoy] 12 Hen. VIII. 26. Copy of court roll. Surrender by Tlios. Aunsham, of 1 May Frogpole, &c., to Eic. Bartelot, Dr. in medicine 17 Hen. VIII. 27. Copy of court roll. Surrender of Berylandes by Geo. 1 May Carleton to Dr. Eic. Bartelet 29 Hen. VIII. 28. Inspeximus of proceedings in the Court of King's Bench, by 3 July which the manor of Edgeware was secured to the College 2 & 3 P. & M. 29. Surrender by Dr. Bertelet, of Frogpole, Three acres, Catis- 7 May felde, Eokishawe, and Berylandes to All Souls' College, where he was educated, in consideration of masses to be said for himself and family „ 30. Counterpart of the above „ 31. Letter of attorney by the College to take possession of Frogpole, &c. „ 32. Another copy with the College seal „ 33. Counterpart of the preceding 2 & 3 P. & M. 34. The warden's bond to Bertelet to perform the indenture of 16 May 7 May 6 Eliz. 35. Order of the Court of Eequests. Chr. Hoddesdon v. Nic. 20 June Hoddesdon. Touching Harrowesfelde and Harrowes Meade in Edgeware 19 Eliz. 36. Eelease by John Page, of Warenshaw and Hamonds Meade 6 May in Edgeware, to All Souls' College 1578. 37. Order to the bailiffs of Edgeware to levy certain sums men- 13 March tioned 1661. 38. Power to Edw. Astin and Fras. Sury to take possession of 15 June Berry Bush, Blanketfiehl Combe, and other land in Earls- bury „ 39. Similar power to take possession of Brockliill Woods and Eush Wood, in Edgware 1668. 40. Copy of court roll of Edgeware. Surrender of Doustfeild by 1 May Wm. Dudley 1745. 41. Appointment of Joseph Lawrence as bailiff of Edgeware and 4 ^lay Kingsbury Draft [1745] 42. An act for vesting part of the estates of Henry, Duke of Cliandos, &c. Printed 1783. 43. Appointment by All Souls' College of George Viscount Lewisham, to be gamekeeper of Edgware and Earlsbury EDGEWARE. 37 1786. 44. Appointment of Thos. Milles, fellow of All Souls', to be 1 8 Dec. steward of Edgeware 1829. 46. Certificate of the contract for the redemption of the Land- 18 Aug. tax 1436. 46. Computus of Richard Broke, pra^positus of the College, at Edgeware 16 & 19 Eliz. 47. Copies of inquisitions at Edgeware relating to the bridge over the Brent, and ' quidam truncus vocatus a whelms ' 1577. 48. Memoranda about lawsuits connected with Edgeware 19 Eliz. Parchment roll of 3 membranes 1580. 49. Memorandum a})out lawsuits for Edgeware 50. Pleading of Sir Gilbert Gerrard, Attorney-General, in a suit against the College 1571-1614. 51. 'Edgeware. Presentment of Bartlet's landes to be concealed ' P. 1, endd. by Hoveden 1599. 52. Ren tails and other notes that concern Edgware, Wilsden, &c.. [Eliz.] 53. Account of the tenants of the manor of Edgeware Paper book 7 Car. I. 54. Survey of Edgware and Kingsbury 6 Sept. A book with vellum covers „ 55. Another copy 1662. 56. Survey of timber belonging to the College at Edgeware July 1715. 57. 'Edgware. The case touching a parcell of land called Loane Oct. field ' 58. ' A terrier of the estate of Mr. Francis Peter's, purchased by him of Mrs. Rogers ' 1724. 59. 'Mr. Peter's account of his lease at Edgeware, and fine, in 1724' 1760. 60. Particulars of sale of Hill House, Edgware Printed 20 May 1764. 61. Particulars of sale of farms at West Green and Wood 5 July Green, near Tottenham, and at Edgeware Printed LETTER. 1662. 62. John Heme [to Warden Meredith] : — Explains his valuation 28 July of trees at Berry Hill and other parts of the College estate London in Edgware. Asks the Warden's favour for his son William, whom he intends to make a scholar Hoi. pp. 2 38 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. * EBGEWABE, EAELSBUBY, GEOEGE INN, NOVA CLAUSUBA. OLD LEASES.' 22 Hen. VI. 1. Lease by All Souls' College of the manor of Erlesbury, Mid- 31 Oct. dlesex, to Eichaid Wing, of Aldenam, Herts 32 Hen. VI. 2. Of the house called ' Le George,' at Eggewere, to Henry Abell 2 July 1 Edvv. IV. 3. Lease of a house called the ' George,' in Edgeware, to Peter 29 Sept. Saykyn 24 Hen. VIII. 4. Of the inn called the ' George,' in Edgeware, to Henry Hod- 15 Nov. desdon, alius Byrd, and Katherine his wife 31 Hen. VIII. 5. Of the manor of Erlesbery, in the parish of Edgeware, to 4 Feb. Richard Neteldene and Henry Haylye 33 Hen. VIII. 6. Of the ' George ' to Henry and Catherine Hoddesdon 12 Dec. 2 Edw. VI. 7. Of the ' George' to Nicholas Fynch, of Stanmarre the Moor, 5 March late of Strond Inne, in Strond, beside London 2 Edw. VI. 8. Of the quitrents of the manors of Edgeware and Kingsbury, 2 April 12c?. due from Chalkhills lands, with half the profits of the manors, to Nicholas Finch, whom the College appoints bailiff 2 Edw. VI. 9. Of the manor of Erlesburie to Henry Hayly 22 Dec. 6 Edw. VI. 10. Of the ' George ' to Nicholas Finch, of Bedburn, Herts 16 Nov. 1 & 2 P. & M. 11. Of the * George ' to Wm. Hoghton Inventory of the implements on the dorse 2 & 3 P. & jAI. 12. Of tlie manor of Erlesburie to Henry Haylye 12 Nov. 2 & 3 P. & M. 13. Of Frogpole, &c. to Dr. Bertelet 22 June BotJc parts, letter of attorney to receive seisin and mem. thereof 8 Eliz. 14. Of the ' George ' to Henry Halie. Pent eight pounds 21 Nov. 17 Eliz. 15. Bond of Pobert Stransham, lessee of lands in Edgware and 8 April Kingsbury 22 Eliz. 16. Ivcase of the woods on the College lands in Middlesex to Chr. 2 Sept. Hovenden, B.A. 26 Eliz. 17. Of the ' George ' to Peter Pory, of Oxford, serving man, at a 10 Dec. rent of 51. 6s. 8d. 4 qrs. of wheat and 5 qrs. 3bs. of malt 26 Eliz. 18. Of the manor of Erlesburie to Edward Archer, of Edgeware, 20 Aug. yeoman 28 Eliz. 19. Of the ' George ' to Henry Jackson, manciple of All Souls' 18 .luly EDGEWAKE. 30 34 Eliz. 20. Lease of tlie manor of Earlsburie to Edward Archer 24 Nov. 45 Eliz. 21. Of the manor of Earlsburie to Edward Archer Both parts 30 Nov. 3 Jac. T. 22. Of the ' George ' to Eichard Wickham, of London, gentleman 7 April 6 Jac. I. 23. Of the ' George 'to Henry Haily, jun., of AVillsden 7 April 9 Jac. I. 24. Of the manor of Earlesburie to Edward Archer 19 Dec. 1 1 Jac. I. 25. Of the ' George ' to Henry Hayly the younger 1 April 16 Jac. I. 26. Of tlie manor of Earlsburie to Edward Archer 27 Oct. Bond enclosed „ 27, Of the ' George ' to Henry Plaley Bond enclosed 1 Car. I. 28. Of the ' George ' to Henry Haley, of Edgeware 24 Nov. With license to let 3 Car. I. 29. Bond of Edward Archer, of Earlsbury, to a lease of the same 20 April date 7 Car. I. 30. Lease of the ' George ' to Henry Haley With license to let 31 Oct. 11 Car. I. 31. Of the manor of Earlsbury to Edward Archer 30 Oct. Bond enclosed 1729. 32. License for Peter Lepiper and Phillis and Anne Burton to 24 Dec. let the ' George ' 1761. 33. Bond of James Weedon, of Eickmansworth, to whom a moiety 1 May of the ' George,' Edgeware, has been assigned by Peter le Piper, to perform covenants 1779. 34. Lease of 12 acres, parcel of the ' George ' farm, to James 31 Oct. Weedon, of Eickmansworth „ 35. Of the ' George Inn ' to James Weedon 1784. 36. Of the manor place of Earlsbury to Joseph Gibbs, of Old 20 Oct. Broad Street, and Chas. Whishaw, of Castle Yard, Holborn Both parts „ 37. Of 18 acres in Edgeware, called the Inclosure, to Gibbs and ^^'hishaw Both parts „ 38. Of Bury Bush, Blanketfield Combe, &c., to Gibbs and Whi- shaw 1793. 39. Of twelve acres, parcel of the ' George ' farm, to Joseph Stone, 4 Nov. of Pinner, and James Dunton Stone, of Eickmansworth With license to let „ 40. Of certain lands, usually let with the ' George,' to J. and J. D. Stone With license to let 1795. 41. Of Brockhill Wood, Eush Wood, and Eush Mead Wood, to 21 Oct. Thos. Driug Both parts, and license to let 40 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1798. 42. Lease of eighteen acres, called the Inclosure, in Edgeware, 27 Nov. to Isaac Delaware, of Eubourne, Herts Both 'parts „ 43. Of Bury Busli, Blanketfield Combe, and certain hedgerows in Earlsbury, to Isaac Delamare Both parts „ 44. Of the manor place of Earlsbury to Isaac Delamare Both parts 1800. 45. Of the ' George ' to Stephen Salter, of Rickmansworth 23 Oct. Both parts, and license to let „ 46. Of the lands usually let with the ' George ' to J. and J. D. Stone Both parts 1802. 47. Of Brockhill Wood, &c., to Thos Cooper, of the Privy Council 23 Oct. Office, and others, executors of Thos. Dring, late of the Privy Council Office Both parts 1805. 48. Of the manor place of Earlsbury to Thos. Withers, of Edge- 4 Nov. ware Both parts „ 49. Of the Inclosure to Thos. Withers „ 50. Of Bury Bush, &c., to Thos. Withers Both parts 1807. 51. Of the land late held by the Stones to William Smith, of 20 Oct. Curzon St., May Fair „ 52. Of the ' George ' to Stephen Salter Both paints, and license to let „ 53. Of land usually let with the ' George ' to James How „ 54 Of laud usually let with the ' George ' to Wm. Smith, of Curzon Street 1809. 55. Of Brockhill Wood, Rush Wood, and Rushmead Wood, to 25 Oct. Thos. Smith, of Belmont House, Vaiixhall 1812. 66. Of the manor place of Earlsbury to James How 2 Nov. „ 57 Of the Inclosure in Edgeware to James How Both parts „ 58. Of Bury Bush, &c., in Earlsbury, to James How Both parts 1814. 59. Of the ' George ' to Samuel Salter, of Rickmansworth 2 Nov. „ 60. Of land usually let with the ' George ' to James How „ 61. Of land usually let with the ' George ' to Wm. Smith Both parts 1816. 62. Of Brockhill Wood, Rush Wood, and Rushmead Wood, to 2 Nov. Thos. Smith, late of Belmont House, Vauxhall Both parts 1819. 63. Of the manor place of Earlsbury to Eleanor How 2 Nov. Both parts , 64. Of the Inclosure to Eleanor How Both parts ,, 65. Of Bury Bush to Eleanor How Both parts 1821. 66. Of half the laud late let with the ' George ' to Eleanor How 2 Nov. EDGE WARE. 41 1821. 67. Lease of the ' George ' to Samuel Salter Both parts 2 Nov. „ 68. Of part of the land usually let with the ' George' to Wra. Smith Both jparts 1826. 69. Of the manor place of Earlsbury to Eleanor How 3 Nov. Both parts, and license to let 1828. 70. Of Leather Bottle Fields and Frog Pools, in Edgeware, to 29 Oct. James How 1828. 71. Of land usually let with the ' George' to Eleanor How 3 Nov. Both parts, and license to let „ 72. Of the ' George ' to Samuel Salter „ 73. Of the land usually let with the ' George ' to Wm. Smith Both parts 1830. 74. Of Brockley Hill Farm, in Edgeware, to Thos. Carter 30 April Both parts 1831. 75. Of Brockley Hill Farm to Thos. Carter 17 Dec. 1833. 76. Of the manor place of Earlsbury to James How Both parts 4 Nov. 1835. 77. Of Warren Shaw and Hammond's jVIead, in Edgeware, to 3 Feb. Thos. and Edw. John Lack Both parts 1835. 78. Of the ' George ' to Thos. Fellows Both parts 31 Oct. „ 79. Of land usually let with the ' George ' to Bright Smith Both parts 1837. 80. Of Frog Pools in Edgeware to John and Benjamin Weall 15 May „ 81. Of Leather Bottle Field in Edgeware to Henry "Wylde 1838. 82. Of land near Brockley Hill to Judith Buer 3 Nov. „ 83. Of the manor place of Earlsbury to Judith Buer „ 84. Of Warren Shaw and Hammonds Mead to Samuel Dendy Both parts 1842. 85. Of the land usually let with the George to Bright Smith 3 Nov. 1849. 86. Of the land usually let with the George to Bright Smith 3 Nov. EjDGWAEE and KINGSBURY COURT ROLLS. 1. 4-8 Edward III. 6. 9-10 Hen. V. 11. 10 Hen. VIL 2. 13-24 Edward IlL 7. 1-13 Hen. VL 12. 13 Hen. VIL 3. 33 Edward IIL 8. 19-37 Hen. VL 13. 1-38 Hen. VIIL 4. 2 Richard II. 9. 2-22 Edward IV. 14. 10 Hen. VIIL 5. 17 Richard IL 10. 1 Ric.IIL-1 Hen.VIII. 15. 14 Hen. VIIL 42 AECHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 16. 1 Edw. VL— 4 and 5 55. 1750-1753. 97. 1801. Phil. & Mar. 66. 1754-56. 98. 1802. 17. 4aiid5Phil. &Mar. 57. 1757-58. 99. 1803. mutilated 58. 1761. 100. 1803. 18. 1-44 Elizabeth 59. 1762-63. 101. 1804. 19. 1 Jac. I.-3 Car. I. 60. 1764-65. 102. 1805. 20. 1618-1619.and an extract 6L 1766-68. 103. 1806. dated 1 May, 14 Eliz. 62.1769-70. 104.1807. 2L 1652-1657. 63. 1771-73. 105. 1808. 22. 1660. 64. 1773-75. 106. 1809. 23. 1669. 65. 1776-77. 107. 1810. 24. 1671. 66. 1778. 108. 1811. 25. 1672. 67. 1779. 109. 1812. 26. 1673. 68. 1780-82. 110. 1813. 27. 1674. 69. 1783-84. HI. 1814. 28. 1675. 70. 1785. 112. 1815. 29. 1676. 71. 1786. 113. 1816. 30. 1677. 72. 1787, May 114. 1817. 3L 1678. 73. 1787, Nov. 115. 1819. 32. 1679. 74. 1787, Dec. 116. 1820. 33. 1680-1683. 75. 1788. 117. 1820. 34. 1684. 76. 1789, May 118. 1821. 35.1685. 77. 1789, July 119.1822. 36.1692. 78. 1790, May 120.1822. 37. 1693. 79. 1790, July 12L 1823. 38. 1694. 80. 1791. 122. 1824. 39. 1695. 8L 1791. 123. 1825. 40. 1696. 82. 1792. 124. 1826. 41. 1697. 83. 1793, May 125. 1827. 42. 1698. 84. 1793, June 126. 1828. 43. 1699. 85. 1794, May 127. 1829. 44. 1700. 86. 1794, May 128. 1830. 45. 1701. 87. 1795, May 129. 1831. 46. 1702. 88. 1795, June 130.1832. 47. 1703. 89. 1796. 131. 1833. 48.1704. 90. 1797, May 132.1834. 49. 1705. 91. 1797-98. 133. 1835. 60. 1706-1715. 92. 1798, May 134. 1836. 5L 1726-1729. 93. 179S, May 136. 183". 62. 1729-1741. 94. 1798, June 136. 1838. 53. 1742-1744. 95. 1799, Feb. 137. 1S.'^9. 54. 1745-1749. 96. 1799-1800. 138. 1840. EDGEWARE. 43 139. 1841. 147. 1849. 155. 1857. 140. 1841-42. 148. 1850. 156. 1861. 141. 1843. 149. 1851. 157. 1868. 142. 1844. 150. 1852. 158. 1869. 143. 1845. 151. 1853. 159. 1870. 144. 1846. 152. 1854. 160. 1871. 145. 1847. 153. 1855. 161. 1872. 146. 1848. 154. 1856. COPIES AND MINUTES OF COURT ROLLS. Eic. II.-Eliz. 1. Memoranda from court rolls of Kingsbury 2. Later copies from court rolls of Edgeware, 14 Hen. VII. to 31 Hen. VIII., with remarks Endd. Cogdale's Close, pp. 6 Hen. VII.-Eliz. 3. Extracts from court rolls of Edgeware and [Kingsbury] 1516-1685 4. Bundle of 23 copies of court rolls, vellum 5. Bundle containing copies and extracts from court rolls of the 15th and 16th centuries relating to Nichol's claim of lands 6. Bundle containing surrenders and other proceedings at the courts baron, with two lists of the tenants of the manor 7. Bundle of minutes of court rolls 13-34 Eliz. 6. 1617-23 7. 1629-1639 8. 1642 9. 1649-1653 10. 1660-1669 11. 1670-1679 12. 1681-1689 13. [19th cent.] 14. Minutes of a court at Edgeware Pp. 10. Commencement lost RENTALS. VELLUM ROLLS. 1. 43-44 Edw. III. 6. 22 Edw. IV. 2. 4 Hen. VI. 7. 22 Edw. IV. 3. 4 Hen. VI. 8. [Hen. VII.] 4. [Hen. VI.] The commencement lost 9. 17 Hen. VIII. 5. 22 Edw. IV. 10. 20 Hen. VIII. 44 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 11. 20 Hen. VIIL 20. 1672. 12. 20 Hen. VIIL 21. 1674. 13. 1613. 22. 1676. 14. 1613 (a vellum book). 23. 1682. 15. 1619. 24. 1684. 16. 1620. 25. 1698. 17. 164L 26. 1705. 18. 1668. 27. 1745. 19. 1669. 28. 1745. RENTALS. PAPEB. 29. 1574-1584. 35. 1633. 30. 17th cent. 4 fragments. 36. 1633. 31. 1613. 37. 1680. 32. 1619. 38. 1683. 33. 1620. 39. 1735. 34. 1631. 40. 1751. FOXCOTE. [1209-1218.] 1. Kelease by John de Haia, rector of Foxcote, of the tithes of Morton Park to Walter de Haya, patron. William [Bleys] archdeacon of Buckingham is one of the wit- nesses 2. Grrant by John, parson of Foxcote, to Walter de Haia of a pond in exchange for I^ acre of land granted to St. Leonard's Church. John, dean of Preston, is a witness [1253-77.] 3. Grant by Stephen, son of Stephen del Haie, of a messuage in Foxcote to Eoger, son of Jordan Frendevile. Eusta- chius [de Kochford], parson of Foxcote, is a witness 31 Edw. I. 4. Covenant for the conveyance of the manor of P^oxcote by 1 6 Feb. John de la Haye to Ric. de Boy vill, rector of Crawenho 31 Edw. I. 5. Indenture between Eic. de Boy vill, rector of Crawneho, and 17 Feb. John de la Haye, lord of Foxcote, for the conveyance of the manor of Foxcote to the former 3 Edw. III. 6. Release by Joan, widow of Adam de Wesburi, to Richard de 7 May Sancto Lucio, son of Ivete de Seytun, of tenements in Foxcote 5 Edw. III. 7. Release by William le Vavasoiu-, of Lethamstede, to Agnes, 4 April widow of John de la Haye, and liis son Tliomas, of all claims for debt of the said John FOXCOTE. 4o 6 Edw. III. 8. Eeceipt of 40Z. to trade with by Tbos. de Tutbury from 6 March Simon de Saleford, fisherman of London 14 Edw. III. 9- Grant by Thos. de la Haye, lord of Foxcote, to Thos. de 8 May Sancto Lucio, rector, of a piece of land at ^Nlanslade in ex- change 17 Edw. III. 10. Grant by Thos. de Sancto Licio, parson of Foxcote, to Thos. 2 June de la Haye of a piece of land to enlarge his pond 17 Edw. III. 11. Indentm-e between Thos. de la Haye, lord of Foxcote, and 2 June Thos. de Seynt Lyz, parson, concerning the right to a ditch between their gardens 23 Edw. III. 12. Grant of a cottage in Foxcote, by Adam de Westburi and Joan 26 Feb. his wife, to Richard de Sto. Lucio, son of Ivete de Seytun 24 Edw. III. 13. John Bore, of Foxcote, chaplain, appoints Stephen Hillis 25 May heir to his property in Foxcote 25 Edw. III. 14. Grant by Agnes, d. of Geoffrey Dalvag, of Foxcote, of her 6 July lands in P'oxcote to Thos. de la Haye 9 July 15. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 25 Edw. III. 16. Release of lands in Foxcote by John Lynet to Thos. de la 6 July Haye, lord of Foxcote 36 Edw. HI. 17. Release of Foxcote and West Wykhara by Ric. Duraunt, of 1 May Beurton, to Willm. Willeby and Thos. Clappe 36 Edw. III. 18. Release by Thos. Clappe, of Morton, to Will. Wilby, vicar of 1 May Stowe, of his estate in the manors of Foxcote, Bucks, and West Wykham, Cambridge 36 Edw. III. 19. Grant by Will. Willeby, vicar of Stowe, and Thos. Clappe, 8 May of Morton, to Agnes, widow of Thos. del Haye, of the manors of Foxcote and West Wykham 43 Edw. III. 20. Grant by Margaret Corour of land in Foxcote to her sister 4 Feb. Agnes 44 Edw. III. 21. Letters of attorney of John Darderne, John Atte More, and 1 May John Tykynge, parson of Shaldeston, to receive the manors of Foxcote and West Wykham from Aleyn and Agnes Aytte, of Shaldeston 44 Edw. III. 22. Confirmation by Aleyn and Agnes Ayete of the grant of the 6 ]May reversion of Foxcote and West Wykham by John Kynne to Jolm Darderne, John Atte More, and John Tykynge 44 Edw. III. 23. Surrender by Aleyn and Agnes Ayete, of Shaldeston, of the 7 May manors of Foxcote and West Wykham to John Darderne, John Atte More, and John T^'kynge, parson of Slialdeston 44 Edw. III. 24. Grant by Margaret Corour, of Newportpaynel, of her lands 2 July in Foxcote to Alan and Agnes Ayete, of Shaldeston 44 Edw. III. 25. Another grant of the same lands to the same 3 July 44 Edw. III. 26. Fine for the conveyance of the reversion of Foxcote and West Jan. Wykham to John Arderne, John Atle More, and John Tykynge 46 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. Eelease of the manors of Foxcote and Wykham by John and Helen Kyme, of Maydeford, to Alan Ayete, lord of Shal- deston Grant by William Atte Welle, vicar of Stowe, and Eobt. Pageyn, chaplain, to Alan de A.yete, jun., and Alionora his wife, of a rent of Si. from the manor of Foxcote Eelease of the manor of Foxcote by Eobt. Pageyn, chaplain, to John Barton, sen. and jun. Eelease of the manor of Foxcote by Alan de Ayete to John Barton, senior and junior Similar release by William, vicar of Stowe, David, rector of Shaldeston, and John Smyth, of Buckingham Grant by the Bartons of a rent of 8 marks from the manors of Thorenton and Foxcote to Alan de Ayete Counterpart of the above Surrender to the king of the manor and advowson of P'oxcote by Thos. More, Thos. Dodde, and John Arderne Power of attorney of Thos. More, Thos. Dodde, and John Arderne, to surrender the manor and advowson of Foxcote to Hen. VI. Eeceipt by Wm. Wenflete, provost of Eton, of 1,000/. from Henry Chichele, arclibishop of Canterbury, for the use of the king Bond of William Purefey to agree to arbitration between himself and Sir Eobt. Shotesbroke, concerning the posses- sion of the manor of Foxcote Award of arbitrators adjudging the possession of the manor of Foxcote to Sir Eobt. and Isabella Shottesbrok Grant by William Purefey of the manor of Foxcote to Sir Eobt. and Isabella Shotesbroke, for a rent of 8 marks Power of attorney to deliver seisin Power of attorney to receive seisin Writ of John, bp. of Lincoln, to make inquisition concerning the vacancy of Foxcote cliurch, to which All Souls' College has presented Master Walter Hopton Bontl of Jolm Warner and William Hill to Eic. Engeham to abide by the award between All Souls' College and Engeham Eeceipt for 10s. by Thos. Fanshawe, executor of Thos. Fan- shawc, from Warden Hovendeu 49 Edw. III. 27. 1 July 7 Hen. IV. 28. 25 April 3 Hen. V. 29. 1 April ?5 30. 5> 3L 3 Hen. V. 32. 6 April 55 33. 20 Hen. VI. 34. 1 April 20 Hen. VI. 35. 1 April 21 Hen.VL 36. 31 Jan. Lambeth 28 Hen. VI. 37. 29 Nov. 28 Hen. VI. 38. 2 Dec. 29 Hen. VI. 39. 4 Nov. j> 40. 55 4L 145G-7. 42. 10 March 29 Hen. VIII. 43. 23 Nov. lGOl-2. 44. 27 Jan. 1373. 45. Computus of John 'SVavd, prcGpositiis of Foxcote G Eic. II. 46. Computus of Simon Child for sale of trees at Foxcote GOOGY HALL, HOPE OMNIUM SANCTORUM. 47 8 Hen. V. 47. Court roll of Foxcote Vellum 19 Oct. 4 Hen. VI. 48. Court roll of Foxcote 11 Oct. 15th cent. 49. Foxcote. ' F"irraa; terrarum tie dominicis dimissis ' 50. List of documents concerning P'oxcote GOOGY HALL, HOPE OMNIUM SANCTOKUM. 'SPEGIALES CABT^: 1361. 1. Grant by Agnes, d. of Wm. Friland of Newechirch, to Jolm 35 Edw. TIL and Joan Lynot, her mother, of a portion of all her lands 7 Oct. in Ivechirch, Nevvechirch, Snaves, Kokyngham, Bilsynton, Estbruggh, and Apuldre 40 Edw. III. 2. Partition of Gokyeshalle and other lands l)etween John and 30 April Joan Lynot, and Margery, daughter and coheir of Wui. Friland „ 3. Covmterpart of the above 4. Copies of the two preceding documents 41 Edw. III. 6. Grant by jNIargery, d. of Wm. Friland of Newechirch, to John 10 Jan. Lynot and Will, de Maton, of all her inheritance in Newe- chirch and Snaves 42 Edw. III. 6. Release by Margery Friland of her inheritance to John Lynot 8 Jan. 23 Ric. II. 7. Grant by Elias Lynot to John Lawney, chaplain, of all his 10 July property in Kent 2 Hen. IV. 8. Grant by Helias Lyuet, of Ivechirche, to Sir Wm. Echyng- 1 Aug. ham, Sir Nicholas Hawton, Sir Thos. Erpyngham, Robt. Passheley, Wm. Boteler, and others, of all his lands in Ivechirche, Newechirche, Broklond, Snave, Brendeset, Synt Marechirche, Rokynge, Stowtyng, Postlyng, Stanford, Gy^mynge, and Westpi hanger, Kent 10 Hen. IV. 9. Grant by Elias Lynot to John Lawne and John Whithed, of 4 Oct. Great ]Mungeham, of his lands in Ivechirche, Niewecherche, &c., and the reversion of them 10 Hen. IV. 10. Release of the lands mentioned in the preceding to Lawne 6 Oct. and Whithed 14 Hen. IV. 11. Grant by John Lawney to John Knoldane, Ric. Parnelet, 1 Feb. and Stephen Wynday, of his lands in Newecherche, formerly belonging- to John Lvnot 48 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1412-3. 12. Grant by Knoldane, Parnele, and Wynday to John Lawney, 22 March Thos. Wythot, Thos. Chestre, and Alan White, of their lands in Newecherche 2 Hen. V. 13. Eelease by Sir Elias Lynet to John Lawney of his estate in 20 April the said lands 2 Hen. V. 14. Grant by John Lawney to Robt. Clifford, Ric. Weyvyle, 18 July Thos. Wolbald, Adam Chaimceler, Ric. Pernele, Robt. Byrchele, John Knoldane, and John Waryn, of all his tenements in Newechirche 3 Hen. V. 15. Release by Ric. Weyvyle, Adam Chaunceler, Ric. Pernele, 5 March Robt. Byrghele, and John Knoldane to Robt. Clifford and John Waryn of the lands in Newecherche, granted to them by John Lawney 4 Hen. V. 16. Release by Sir Thos. Erpyngham, John Sayer, John Brygge, 1 May and others, of a messuage and 800 acres in Newecherche, called Gokyhalle, to Robt. Clifford and John Waryn 4 Hen. V. 17. Release by Sir Thos. Erpyngham to Clyfiford and Waryn of 19 May his estate in Gokyhalle 4 Hen. V. 18. Release by Sir Elias Lynot to Robert Clyfiford and John 1 March Waryn of his estate in a messuage and 1 60 acres in Newe- cherche, granted to them by John Lawney 4 Hen. V. 19. Grant by Sir Elias Lynot and John Lawney to Roger 1 March Kye? John Seyntcler, Wm. Ikham, and Ric. Prat, of 2 messuages in Hope All Saints and Ivecherche, late belonging to John Lynot 4 Hen. V. 20. Indenture between the same parties to give efifect to the 1 March preceding 6 Hen. V. 21. Grant by Robt. Clyfiford, of Welle, and Jolm Waryn, of 20 Jan. Heriettesham, to Roger Rye, of Egethorn, Wm. Ikham, and others, of the lands granted to them and others by John Laweney in Newechirche 6 Hen. V. 22. Power of attorney by Robt. Clyfford to deliver seisin 20 Jan. 6 Hen. V. 23. Grant of Cokyhall by Sir Elias Lynot of Lyde, his daughter 6 March Mary, and John Laweney to Roger Rye, Wni. Ikham, and others 6 Hen, V. 24. Grant by the same to the same of 2 messuages, land and rents 6 March in Hope All Saints, Ivecherche, and Brensete 4 Hen. VI. 25. Grant of Gokyliall by Wm. Barbour, Ric. Seyntcler, and 15 April Wm. Chilton to John Bysshop, of Canterbury, goldsmilli 4 Hen. VI. 26. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 15 April 4 Hen. VI. 27. Grant of Gokyhalle by John Bysshop to Wm. Chilton, Ric. 16 April Seyntcler, Wm. Barbour, Jolni Seyntcler, John Dreylond, John Ccl}^ and others 5 Hen. VT. 28. Release by Jolm Adam to Seyntcler, Chilton, Barbour, and 1 May others, of his estate in lands in Neweclierclio ((lokyhalle) GOOGY HALL, HOPE OMNIUM SANCTORU^f. 49 6 Hen. VI. 15 Jan. 16 Jan. 6 Hen. VI. 21 April 7 Hen. VI. 1 2 Jan. 21 Hen. VI. 16 March 21 Hen. VI. 18 Marcli 29. Grant by Chilton, Barbour, and Seyntcler to Henry Chichele arclibisliop of Canterbury, Eoger Heron, and John DarelK of Gokyliallo, and otlier lands in Hope All Saint j, Ivc- cherche, and Brenscte 30. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 31. Power of attorney to receive seisin 32. Grant by Eobert Armenard, of Hope All Saints, to Ric. Clytheroe, of Eomney, of three acres in Hope All Saints 33. Grant by Ric. Clytherowe of three acres in Hope All Saints to Hen. Chichele, archbishop of Canterbury, John Darell, and Roger Heron 34. Grant by Archbisliop Chichele to Wm. Ryconyll, John Birkhede, John Bolde, Robt. Danvers, and Wm. Bnris, of 2 messuages and land in Hope All Saints, Iveclierche, and Brensete, and 1 messuage and 160 acres of land, called ' G-okyhall ' Seal of Chichele with sivans as supportersj broken 35. Power of attorney to receive seisin 36. Abstract of the power of attorney to deliver seisin, tlic original of which is ' with the evidence of Newlandes and is numbered 46 ' 30 Hen. VI. 37. 2 Feb. 30 Hen. VI. 38. 2 Feb. 32 Hen. VI. 39. 9 Oct. 13 Eliz. 40. 26 May 13 Eliz. 41. 31 May ?» 42. 13 KHz. 43. 16 Aug. 13 Eliz. 44. ]\Iich. ' TEBEJS OLIM COBBES: Grant by Henry Goddard to John Cobbes, of 4 acres of land adjoining Gogy Halle, between it and the road leading from Millebergh to Benequikescroche Grant by Henry Goddard to John Cobbes, of 2 pieces of land in Newcherche, containing 4 acres Grant by Stephen Portcer, Henry Aleyn, Roger Jamys, and Stephen Harynden to John Cobbes, of 7 acres in New- chyrche Fine for the conveyance of 16 acres in Xewchurche by Reynold and Joan Scott, Jas., Edith, and Thos. Cobbe to Roger Boyle and Thos. Hovenden Tivo copies Sale by Reynold and Joan Scott, Jas., Edith, and Thos. Cobbe of their lands in Newchurche, Romney Marsh, to Roger Boyle and Thos. Hovenden Bond of the vendors Sale by Thos. Cobbe, of Aliugton, to Roger Boyle and Thos. Hovenden, of his estate in 16 acres in Newechurche, lying intermingled with the lands of Gogihall Fine for the conveyance of the above land Two copies 50 ARCPIIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 14 Eliz. 45. Sale by Roger Boyle and Thos. Hovenden to All Souls' lOFelj. College of tlieiv lauds in Newechurclie, lying intermingled with (jugyhall „ 48. Counterpart of the above *TE11E2E NUPEB MASTERS: 12 Edw. lY, 47. Grant by Hen. Baldwyn, Robt. Whyte, and Adam Parnell, 1 Feb. of Snave, to Roger Sexby, of Newcherch, of two acres in Newcherch, adjoining the lands of All Souls' College 23 Hen. VII. 48. Grant by Ric. Tille, of Stanford, to Wm. Willys, of New- 1 Dee. cherche, of six acres abutting on the College lands on the north 35 Hen. VIII. 49. Grant by V/illiam Donkjm, of Werehorn, to Robt. Master, 6 June of Wilsborough, of two acres of land in Newchurch, adjoin- ing the College lands on tlie north 6 Edw. VI. 50. Grant by Robt. Willes, of Warehorn, to Robt. IMaster, of 10 Dec. Willesborough, of five acres of marsh in Neucherche 36 Eliz. 51. Sale by Robt. i^Iaster, of Willesborough, to All Souls' Col- 8 July lege, of six acres in Newcherche, adjoining the College land 36 Eliz. 62. Power of attorney by the College to receive seisin 10 Sept. .^6 Eliz. 53. Release by Robt. Master, of Willesbourgh, to All Souls' Col- 27 Sept. lege of his estate in the same land 8 Hen. VI. 64. Bailiff's accounts for Googie Hall, Ivychurch, and Hope All Saints 14G3. 65. Note of quit rents out of Googie Hall 1467. 1549. 66. ' Note of the quit rents going out of Googie Hall, taken out 1 579. of certain Bursars' rolls ' 1571. 57. Quittance for lands bought of the Cobbes in Googie Hall, 5 June 90/. 13 Eliz. 58. Quittance for a fine of Cobbes' lands 31 Eliz. 59. ' The description of diverse parcelles of land liciuge in the March parishes of Ivychurch, Hoape, and Appledore, in the county of Kente, belonging unto Alsolne Colledg in Oxon, and in tlie tenure of Mr. Clir. Hoveden, made according to the platte of j\Ir. Thos. Cleilve, drawn in ^larche, Anno Eliz. etc. xxxj., by Tlio. Langdon ' 1845. 60. Ivicense by Arclibp. Howley to the College to unite the 18 Nov. rectory of Hope with the vicarage of Romney VcUuin. Sealcil GOOQY HALL, HOPE OMNIUM SANCTORUM. 51 LEASES. 9 Hen. VII. 1. Lease by All Souls' Colleg-o of the manor of Cfogy Hall, Kent, 11 May to Wm. Browning. Eent 11/. 6s. Sd. 26 Hen. VIII. 2. Of two pieces of land called Hope All Saints, in Eomney, to 8 Nov. Tbos. Strogall, of Lydd, in Kent, for a term of 20 years 27 Hen. VIII. 3. Of Gogy Hall to Robert .Alaister, of Wyllysborow 20 Jan. Boih jjaHa 31 Hen. VIII. 4. Of (rogy Hall, in tbeparisb of Xcwcburcli, to Robert Master, 8 Sept. of Willysberth 34 Hen. VIII. 6. Of tbirty-six acres of land sometime part of Gogy Hall, in 11 Nov. tbe parisbes of Ivycbm-cb, Apuldore, and Erokcland, to Sir Jobn Baker, of Kent 2 Edw. VI. 6. Of Gogy Hall to Robert :\Iaster, of Willysbertb, and Ricbard, 2 April bis son, of Oxford 3 Edw. VI. 7. Of land called Hope Omnium . Sanctorum, or Hope of All 7 May Saints, to Jobn Jenkin, servant of Warden Warner 1 Eliz. 8. Of the land mentioned in No. 5. to Etbelbert Burdett 9. Sale by Jobn Jenkin to Ricbard Engcliam of tbe lease of tbe lands in Hope All Saints wbicb be bolds of tbe College 10. Lease by tbe College of Gogy Hall to Ricbard Master, Doctor of Pbysic, of London Bond enclosed 11. Of land formerly in tbe manor of Googie Hall, and lately occupied by one Harte, of Ivycburcb, to Wm. Lovelace, sergeant-at-law, of Canterbury 12. Of Gogy Hall and Cob's Lands to Wm. Hovenden, of Cantei- bury, clotbmaker 13. Of Gogy Hall and Cobbes' Lands to Wm. Hovenden 14. Of land lately beld by Wm. Lovelace and Hope Omnium Sanctorum to Cbristopber Hovenden, of tbe 3Iiddlj Temple 15. Of Gogy Hall and Cobbes' Lauds to Roger James, of London, brewer 16. Of tbe same land as in lease No. 14, to Cbristopber Hovenden 17. Of Googy Hall and Cobbes' Lands to Robert :\Iaster, of Willysborougb 18. Renewal of lease to Cbr. Hovenden^ 19. Lease of Googy Hall and Cobbes' Lands to R. Master 30 Oct. 1 Eliz. 5 Nov. 5 Eliz. 20 Nov. 1 1 Ebz. 14 Nov. 37 Eliz. 8 June 27 Eliz. 9 Oct. 28 Eliz. 10 Oct. 33 EHz. 9 Nov. 35 Eliz. 20 Oct. 36 Eliz. 9 July 43 Eliz. 9 Nov. 45 Eliz. 29 Nov. 52 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 6 Jac. I. 20. Lease of CJoogy Hall and Cobbes Lands to Robert Master 8 Oct. 8 Jac. L 21. Renewal of lease to Cbr. Hovenden Bond enclosed 16 Oct. 8 Jac. I. 22. Lease hj Robert Hoveden, administrator of tbe estate of 18 Dec. Christopber Hoveden, late of Stanton Harcourt, of tbe lands be lield in Ivycbiircb &c. to Morris Merrick, of Long Hanborougb, Oxon 13 Jac. I. 23. Lease by tbe College of Groogy Hall and Cobbes' Lands to 13 Oct. Robert Master, of Wilsburrowe 18 Jac. I. 24. Of tbe lands late beld by Hovenden to Morris Merrick, of 25 Oct. Blaydon Both parts 20 Jac. I. 25. Of Googy Hall and Cobbes' Lands to Micbael Master, of Wil- 14 Oct. lesborougb 5 Car. I. 26. Of tbe same to tbe same Both parts and bond 29 Oct. 9 Car. I. 27. Of lands in Ivycburcb ct«., being part of Groogy Hall and 2 May Hope All Saints, to Walter Carie, of Great Wickbam, Bucks, and Henry Jones of Maidstone Both parts and bond 16 Car. I. 28. Of tbe manor of Googie Hall and Cobbes' Lands to Edward 28 April Fincli, of Gray's Inn 17 Car. I. 29. Of land in Ivycburcb, Appledoore, and Brookeland, part of 21) Oct. tbe manor of Googy Hall, to Walter Carie and Henry Jones 1723. 30. License to Jobn Lukin, of Canterbury, to let land in Ivy- 30 Oct. cburcb &c., sometime parcel of tbe manor of Googy Hall 1786. 31. Lease of tlie lands in Ivycburcb &c., and Hope All Saints, 16 Oct. to Anna Maria Lnkyn, of Canterbury 1793. 32. Of tbe manor of Googy Hall and Cobbes' Land to Benjamin 6 June Cobb, of New Romney 1793. 33. Of land in Ivycburcb &c. to Anna Maria Lukyn 4 Nov. Both parts 1 800. 34. Of Googy Hall &c. to B. Cobb Both parts 28 April. 1800. 35. Of tbe land in Ivycburcb &c., and Hope All Saints, to 23 Oct. Samuel Giles, of Canterbury 1807. 36. Of Googy Hall etc. to B. Cobb Both parts 13 April 1807. 37. Of land in Ivycburcb &c. to Sam. Giles Both parts 20 Oct. 1814. 88. Of Googy Hall &c. to B. Cobb 29 April 1814. 39. Of lauds and marslies in Ivycburcb, Applcdorc, and Brock- 2 Nov. lands, once part of tbe manor of Googy Hall, and lands called Hope of All Saints to John Giles of Asbford Brth parti* GRAN'THAM MANOR IN MORETON, BUCKS. 53 1821. 40. Lease of Googy Hall to Benjamin Cobb Both parts 28 April 1824. 41. Of lands in Ivychurch &c. to John Giles 3 Nov. 1828. 42. Of Googy Hall to Benjamin Cobl) 28 April Buth parts and license to let 1828. 43. Of land in Ivychurch &c. to John Giles Both parts 3 Nov. 1835. 44. Of Googy Hall to Benjamin Col.h 25 April Both parts and license to let 1835. 45. Of land in Ivychurch &c. to John Giles Both parts 31 Oct. GEANTHAM MANOE IN MOEETON, BUCKS. 8 Ric. II. 1. Release by John Warde, of Buckingham, of lands in Moreton, 22 Dec. Bucks, to Hugh de Grenham and Katherine his wife 8 Heu. VI. 2. Grant by Thomas Grenham, of Ketton, to Sir John Basyngcs 4 May and others, of the manors of Ketton, Bolnehurste and Caysowe, Morton, Denton (Hunts), and lands in South Luffenham, Pilton, and Skulthorp (Rutlandshire) 1 1 Hen. VI. 3. Release by Sir John Basynges &c. to Thos. Grenneham of 1 April their title to the manors of Ketton, Morton, &c. 11 Hen. VI. 4. Grant by Thos. Greneham to Wm. Purefey and others, of 7 April lands in Moreton „ 6. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 6. Grant by Wm. Purefey and otliers of the manor of Moreton to John Horwood and Robt. Somerey 7. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 20 Hen. VI. 8. Grant by Robert Somerey of the manor of Moreton, called 1 April ' Grenehammes,' to Henry VI. „ 9. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 4 Edw. IV, 10. Grant by Wm. Moore, of Boorton, to William and Joan Terre, 26 Feb. of tenements in Moorton 18 Edw. IV. 11. Grant by William Terry to Paul Darell and others of lands 10 April in Morton „ 12. Power of attorney to deliver seiijin 2 Edw. VI. 13. Court roll of Morton 17 Sept. 54 ARCHIVES OP ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. [18tli cent.] 14. Memoranda about Maid's Morton Court Kolls, temp. Henry VIII. and Edw. VI. 1572-1 Gil. 15. Tliirty-nine receipts for crown rents for Barton's Chantry, in Maid's Moreton.^ HAEEIETSHAM, ELMLY. l.'^OO. 1. Institution by Eobt. Winclielsey, archbp. of Canterbury, of 2n Sept, William de Scapeya to the church of Elmele, on the pre- sentation of the convent of Leeds 27 Hen. VI. 2. Power of attorney of Thos. Chicheley, Ric. Andrewe, John 4 April Birkehed, John Wraby, Robt. Danvers, and \Vm. Balle to surrender the advowsons of Herietisham and Helmeley to the king 42 Eliz. 3. Exchange of lands at Harrietsham between Geo. Hovenden, 25 July parson, and William Stede 1703. 4. Commission of the Archbp. of Canterbury to Sir Robt. 25 March Filmer and others to inspect the parsonage of Harriets- ham, and their reply 1724. 6. Resignation by Thos. Machen Fiddes of the rectory of 2 May Elmeley 1839. G. Provisional articles of agreement for the commutation of 22 March the tithes of Harrietsham, with letter from Weller Norwood [15th cent.] 7. Paper with following memorandum: * The advowsons of Hereitshani and Ehuly is graunted in the dede of the King to the College of Sittney {sic) and Bleching court, &c.' IIOESHAM, UPCIIUECH, HAL- STOW, NEWINGTON. 'CABT2E MANEBTI DE UOESnAM ET ALIORUM TENEMENTOEUM IN UPCHUBGE, UALOEESTO, NEWYNTON, EEYNEAM, nERTELEEE, WAVE, BOBBING, DETTELING, OLDI EICnxlBDI DE iioesiiam: 1351. 1. Grant l)y Walter le Wyse, of Upchurch, to Wm., son of John 25 Edw. III. Symmc, of Renham, of all his lands in Upoherch, and 28 Dec. messuages in Willy ngham and Canterbury ' Thcro nro a few timilar rcc-eipts in the last two buudlca of receipts for routs iu Oxford. HORSHAM, UPCHURCH, HALSTOW, NE WING TON. 55 1351. 2. Grant by Walter le Wyse to Wm. Michel, chaplain, Jo'lm 25 Edw. III. his brother, Wra. Boclier and Wm. Symme, of all his lands 28 Dec. in Newynton, Halg-liisto, and Hertlepe 26 Edw. III. 3. Eelease by Wm. Michel and Wm. Bocheir to Wm. Symme, 12 Oct. of the lands mentioned in the preceding 29 Edw. III. 4. Grant by Bartholomew de Tanet, of Upchurch, to Wm. 6 July Symme, of a meadow and pond near Apewelle „ 5. Release of the same 44 Edw. [III.] 6. Grant by John Bryce, of Hamme, to John Dangeys, of 29 Dec. Halgesto, of 2 acres at Upecherche 9 Ric. II. 7. Lease by Ric. Horshamme to Will. Cleppo of land in 29 Sept. Halghesto 1 3 Ric. II. 8. Grant by Wm. Symme of all his tenements in Kent to Robt. 28 Aug. Corby, of Boctone Malherbe, Hugh Boyz, and Wm. S)Tnme, of Renham 13 Ric. II. 0. Release by Corby &c. to Wm. Symme, of Horshamme, of 24 Oct. their estate in the lands in Kent granted to them by him 14 Ric. II. 10. Grant by Wm. Ricard to Ricliard do Horshamme, of an 1 May annual rent of 12 bushels of barley from land at Up- cherche 15 Ric. II. 11. Release by Sir Roger Northwode to Richard Horshamme, of 30 Sept. his title to Northwodes Heyliamme 15 Ric. II. 12. Release of all actions &c., by William Symme, of Upchurch e, 24 Jan. to John Chyke 1 5 Ric. II. 13. Grant by Thos., son of John Dangeys, of Halghesto, to Ric. 20 April de Horshamme, of Dangeysecroft and other laud in Halghsto 16 Ric. II. 14. Grant by John "Wilmet to his son John and Elena his wife 22 Sept. of his portion of a messuage in Halwysto 17 Ric. II. 15. Copies of a grant by Richard Blakel)roke to Ric. Horshamme Sept. of 4 acres of land, and a grange at Frydayes doune, in the parish of Renham, dated 20 Sept. ; and of a lease by Ric. Horshamme to Ric. Blakebroke of the land mentioned in the preceding, and of a messuage and land in Newenton, dated 30 Sept. 17 Ric. II. 16, Grant by Joan, widow of Sir John Northwode, to Thos. 27 Feb. Jekyn, Emeric de Stokebery, and Nic. Ate Coiirte, chap- lains, of the reversion of a marsh called Northwodes Heyham 18 Ric. II. 17. Grant by John Bradefelde, of Newynton, to Richard 29 Dec. Horshamme of an acre in Halwysto 18 Ric. II. 18. Grant of Northwodes Heyhamme by Thos. Jakyn, vicnr of 1 Feb. Newyntone, Nic. Atte Curt, vicar of Hertlepe, and Emerye, vicar of Stokebery, to Ric. Horshamme 18 Ric. II. 19. Grant by John Cok, of Halwysto, to Ric. Horshamme, of an 4 Feb. acre of laud in Scoldemere, Halwysto 56 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. , Release of Northwodesheyhamme by Joan, widow of Sir Roger Northwode, to Ric. Horshamme Grant by John Wylmet, of Newyntone, to bis cousin, John Wylmet, of Halghesto, of his portion of a messuage in Halgliesto Strete Grant by Richard Horshamme to John Wilmet, of land at Halwesto Grant by John Radenore to Ric. Horshamme, of 3 virgates of land in Kywode, Halwysto Grant by John Cowleye to Ric. Horshamme, of an acre of land in Kywode, Halwysto Grant by John Copelonde to Ric. Horshamme, of three virgates of land in Halwysto Grant by Adam Chyke to Richard Horshamme, of an acre of land in * Kywode' Grant by John Wadewelle, of Halwysto, to Ric. Horshamme, of 6 acres in Halwesto Grant by Margaret, widow of Edw. Checheley, to Ric. Hor- shamme, of ' Clyftones Crofte ' in Halghesto Grant by John Polard to Ric. Horshamme, of a croft called Potewatere, in Plalwysto Grant by Jas. Godwynne, skinner, to Ric. Horshamme, of 1^ acre in Upcherche, ' in loco vocato Ate Bose ' Grant by John Copelond and Elias Martyn to Helena, widow of John Wylmet, of the lands and tenements granted to them by her husband Grant by Helena, widow of John Wilmet, to Ric. Horshamme, of a tenement in Halghsto, granted to her by Elias Martyn and John Copelonde Lease by Richard Horshamme of land near the manor of Barkesore, Halghesto, to John Berche Power of attorney of Ric. Horshamme to receive seisin of a messuage in Borden from John Spilleborowe Grant by Margaret Chechelay to Ric. Horshamme, of a piece of land in [Halstow] Grant by INIichael Godwynne to Ric. Horshamme, of an acre in ' La Hclde ' in Upchirche Grant by William Chyke to Ric. Horshamme, of an acre in Scoiddemere in exchange for land at ' Tyrlokkys ' Grant by William Atte Broke to Ric. Horshamme, of 2 acres at * Ate Breeche,' Ui^cherchc Lease by Ric. Horshamme to William Atte Broke of the same land Release by Stephen Pot\vorde to Ric. Horshamme of a marsh in Upcliirche, held by Richard since the death of his father, ^^'m. Symme 18 Ric. IL 20, 5 P^eb. 18 Ric. IL 21. 1 2 April 18 Ric. IL 22. 26 May 19 Ric. IL 23, 4 Oct. 19 Ric. IL 24. 10 Oct. 19 Ric. IL 25. 24 Oct. 19 Ric. IL 26. 31 Oct. 19 Ric. IL 27. IG Dec. 19 Ric. IL 28. 16 April 19 Ric. IL 29. 17 June 20 Ric. IL 30. 25 July 20 Ric. IL 31. 29 Aug. 20 Ric. IL 32. 14 Sept. 20 Ric. IL 33. 20 Sept. 20 Ric. IL 34. 28 Sept. 20 Ric. IL 35. 21 Dec. 20 Ric. IL 36. 20 JNIarch 20 Ric. IL 37. 20 April 20 Ric. IL 38. 20 April 20 Ric. IL 39. 25 April 20 Ric. IL 40. 14 June HORSHAM, UPCHURCH, HALSTOW, NEWINGTON. 21 Ric. ir. 24 Sept. 21 Ric. ir. 27 Sept. 22 Ric. ir. 7 Aug. 22 Ric. ir. 1 9 Feb. 22 Ric. II. 6 April 1 Hen. IV. 11 Oct. 2 Hen. IV. 8 Sept. 4 Hen. IV. 24 June 4 Hen. IV. 2G Juno 9 Hen. IV. 1 May 9 Hen. IV. 24 May 9 Hen. IV. 28 May 11 Hen. IV. 2 July 8 Hen. V. 12 Dec. 1 Hen. VI. 8 Jan. 41. Lease of land near the manor of Gore by Richard Horshamme to Nicholas Dod 42. Lease of a piece of land near the above by Horshamme to Dod 43. Grant by Thop. Atte Broke, vicar of Halghesto, to Ric. Hor- shamme of the reversion o<" land in Ilalghesto 44. Bond of John Phillipot to Ric. Horshamme for 20L, to be paid at Upcherclie, to hold him harmless for rent due to Edw. duke of York, and Edw. duke of Albemarle 2wo deeds 45. Lease by Ric. Horshamme to Michael Godwynne of ' La Helde ' in Upchirche 46. Grant by Richard Horsham, of Upchirclie, of all his lands in Upchirche, Halwesto, Ncwenton, and Hertlepe, to Wm. Sevenokes, Wm. Symmes, grocers of London, and Thos. Broke and Thos. Jekyn, clerks 47. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 48. Grant by Thos. Mayner, of Newynton, to Sevenokes, Symmes, Jekyn and Broke, of 5 virgates of land in Halgsto 49. Fine, by which John and Joan. Warrewyk of Gillyngham, convey to Symmes, Sevenoke, Jekyn, and Broke, vicar of Halghesto, a messuage and 44 acres in Upclierch and Halghesto Tivo copies 50. Release by John and Joan Warrewyk of the lands of John Tenet, her father, in Upchirche, Halgesto, Newenton, Hertelepe, and Reynham, to Sevenoke, Symmes, Jekyn and Broke 51. Release by Wm. Symmes to Sevenoke, Broke, and Jekyn, of his estate in lands in Upchirche, Halvesto, Newenton, and Hertelepe, granted to them by Ric. Horshamme 52. Grant of the same lands by Sevenoke, Broke, and Jekyn to Thos., son of Ric. Horsham Grant of the same lands by Thos. Horsham to John Frenyng- ham, Stephen Betenham, Thos. Jekyn, Nic. Grafton, Wm. Sevenoke, Wm. Symmes, and Wm. Cauntbrigg Attestation, with full particulars, of the granting of the manor of Horsham by Thos. Horsham during his minority to John of Freuyngham, Stephen Betenham, Wm. Seven- oke, Thos. Jekyn, Nic. Grafton, Wm. Symmes, and Wm. Caumbregge 55. Lease by Frenyngham, &c., to Walter and jVLargaret Roo, John Seintclere, Nic. Berners and others, of the manor of Horsham with appurtenances in Upchurch 56. Release by John BewQtz, of Gillyngham, to Wm. Cauntbrigg, Wm. Sevenoke, and Wm. Symmes, of his title to a rent from 6 acres in Roberdishull and Broekysdele, Newjmton 57. Release by Wm. Sevenoke to Wm. Cauntbrigg and Wm. Symmes, of lauds granted to them and others by Thos. Horsham 53. 64. 58 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. Eelease by Wm. Fynclie, and Agnes his wife, late wife of Thos. Horsham, of her claim to her late husband's lands, to Thos. Catworth, Wm. Symmes, John Bacoun, and Thos. Selove Release of the same lands by Wm. Cauntbrigg and Wm. Symmes to Robert Oteleye and Joan his wife, sister and heiress of Thos. Horsham Fine for the conveyance of Horsham and lands in Upchnrch, &c., by Robert and Joan Otteleye to Thos. Aleyn, Wm. Symmys, Thos. Catworth, Robert Cawode, Thos. Grybbys, and Wm. Greteham Release by Wm. Gretham to Aleyn, &c., of his estate in the said lands Indenture between Robert and Joan Oteleye, and Aleyn, &c. for the reconveyance of the land to Robert and Joan Oteleye Counterpart of the above Grant by Aleyn, Symmes, &c., of Horshamme and its appurtenances in Upchurche, Halglisto, Newenton, Rayn- ham, Hertlepe, Wade, Bobbyug, and Dettelyng, to Kathe- rine, widow of Robt. Otteley Release of the same lands by Robert Cawode to Catworth, Symmes and Aleyn Release by Joan, widow of John Horner, cousin and heir of Ric. Horsham, of the manor of Horsliam, to Cawode, &c. Release by John, son of Wm. Cambrigge, of his estate in Horsham to Cawode, &c. Fine, by which Cattewurth, Edm. Kervyle, and Gybbys sur- render the reversion of tlie land in Uppechirclie, &c. (Horsham), held by Catherine Ottely, to Thos. Chicheley, John Byrkheed, John Bolde, and Robt. Danvers Release of their estate in Horsliam by Thos. and Elizabeth Hodysdon to Henry Chicheley, archbp. of Canterbury Release by Saier Akre, grocer of London, to Cawod, Catte- worth, Symmes, and Thos. Gybbes, of his estate in the manor of Horsham Release of tlieir estate in Horsham by John and Joan Hunte to Archbp. Chicheley Power of attorney by Catherine Otteley to deliver seisin of Horsliam to Thos. Chicheley, John BrikheJe, John jiolde, and Robt. Danvers Power of attorney to receive seisin 4 Hen. VI. 58. 2-i Oct. 7 Hen. VI. 69. 22 Jan. 7 Hen. VI. 60, G May 7 Hen. VI. 61. 12 June 7 Hen. VL 62. 4 July >» 63. 15 Hen. VL 64. 18 June 15 Hen. VL 65. 28 June 17 Hen. VI. 66. 10 Dec. 17 Hen. VL 67. 30 March 17 Hen. VL 68, June 17 Hen. VI. 69, 1 6 July 17 Hen. VL 70, 1 April 18 Hen. VL 71. 2 Sept. 18 Hen. VL 72. 5 ^lay 73. HORSHAM, UPCHURCH, HALSTOW, NEWINGTON. 59 'TEBBJi] PEBQUISIT2E FEB EOBEBTUM OTELEY: 2 PTen. VI. 74. Grant by John Hethe, of Newenton, to Robert and Joan 8 March Oteleye, and Saier and Joan Acre, of an acre of land in Hcrtk^pe, in exchange for 3 roods in Newenton 75. Power of attorney to receive seisin 76. Grant by Robt. Oteleye and Joan his wife, Saier Acre and Joan his wife, to John Ilethe, of Newenton, of tliree roods at Newenton in exchange for 1 acre at Hertlepo 77. Grant by Rnljcrt and Joan Oteleye, and Saier and Joan Acre, to John Hethe, of an acre in Hertlepo 78. Fine by which Wra. and Agnes Pynche release a rent in Upchyrche, Halgystowe, Newenton, Raynam, and Herte- lepe, to R. and J. Oteleye, and to S. and J. Acre 79. Grant by William Cohere to Robt. Otlee, Sayer Acre, and Jolni Lawneye, vicar of Upchirche, of all his lands in Up- chirche, Halghstoo, Newenton, Reynham, and elsewhere in the lumdred of Middelton, except 3 acres and 3 virgates in Upchnrclie and Halghsto 80. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 81. Release of the same land by Cohere 83. Bond of Wm. Coker to grant the land excepted in the deed of 4 Dec. to Otlee, Sayer Acre, and Lawneye 83. Duplicate of the above » 2 Hen. VI. 14 March 4 Hen. VI. Mich. 4 Hen. VI. 4 Dec. 4 Hen. VI. 6 Dee. 30 Edw. III. 84. Grant by Wm. Hwyte, of Newenton, to "SVm. do Fioggonhale, 18 Dec. of 3 roods in Chacheleye 31 Edw. III. 85. Lease liy Wm. de Froggenlialo to Wm. Hwyte and Isabella 5 Feb. his wife, of 2 acres in Newenton near Chacheleye „ 88. Counterpart of the above 6 Ric. II. 87. Grant by Walter Hwyte to Adam Lydesingg of 2 acres in 5 Oct. Chechelay 3 Hen. V. 88. Grant by Thos. Lydesyng to Simon Wast and Thos. Atte 16 ]March Vyse of all his lands at Newenton and Hertlepe 9 Hen. V. 89. Grant by Tho?. Froggenale to Thos. Vyse of rent from land 30 Jan. in Newenton 5 Hen. VI. 90. Grant by Thos. Atte Vise to John Kyppyng, of Lambardo's 25 March acre in Berstedele 6 Hen. VI. 91. Release of lands at Berstedele in Newenton by Richard and 6 Feb. Thos. Froggenhale to Thos. Atte Vise 6 Hen. VI. 92. Grant by Thos. Atte Vise to Robert Otleye of 2 acres at 23 Feb. Berstedele 60 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 6 Hen VI. 93. Power of attorney to receive seisin 23 Feb. 7 Hen. VL 94. Grrant by John Kyppyng, of Newynton, to Robt. Oteleye and 3 Nov. Edm. Kerville, of Lambardesacre at Berstedele, Newyn- ton „ 95. Power of attorney to receive seisin 14 Hen. VI. 96. Grant by Ric. Froggenhale to Robert Otteleye of a rood of 23 July meadow at Newyngton „ 97. Power of attorney to receive seisin 10 Hen. IV. 98. Grant by Wm. Chirche alias Bocher, and Joan his wife, d. 27 June and h. of John Michell, to Wm. INIiller, John Downham, Robert Pilgryms and John Redyng, of Michelle's lands in Etterham 13 Hen. IV. 99. Release of the same land to Miller, &c. by Thos., son of 6 ]May Wm. Chirche 7 Hen. VI. 100. Grant by John Redynge to Wm. Coker and John Sprever 15 Oct. of lands formerly belonging to John Micliell in Etterham 12 Hen. VI. 101. Grant by Wm. Cokere to Oteleye, Catworth, Symmes, and 5 Feb. Cavvode, of Michelle's land in Etterham, in the parish of Upchurch „ 102. Power of attorney to receive seisin „ 103. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 4 Hen. V. 104. Grant by Ric. and Thos., sons of Wm. Frognale, to Wm. 1 Nov. Cokere of 1-^ acre of meadow in Padbroke, in Upcherche and Halgshtoo 7 Hen. V. 105. Grant by John de Kent, of Hoo, to Wm. Cokere and Wm. 7 Oct. Thomelyn, of 1^ acre in Upcherche 6 Hen. VI. 106. Grant by Wm. Coker to John Grandon and Henry Wrogh ton 19 May of all his lands in Upcherche and Halghsto „ 107. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 6 Hen. VI. 108. Release of land at Padbroke by R. and T. Frognale to 1 July Grandon and Wroghton „ 109. Release by John Quynchant, of Hertlepe, to John Grandon and Henry Wroghton, of 1^ acre of meadow at Padbroke 7 Hen. VI. 110. Grant by John Grandon and Henry Wroughton, of Up- 5 Sept. chirclio, to Robt. Oteleye, of three acres at Pudbrook 9 Hen. VI. 111. Release by Agnes, widow of Wm. Frognale, to Robt. Oteleye, 29 March of her estate in the acre and a half of meadow at Padbrook HORSHAM, UPCHURCH, HALSTOW, NKWINGTON. 01 'MANERTUM BE ETTEREAMS COURT, ET DE TERRTS IN UrCnURCU, lIALOnESTO, NEWYNTOX, RAYN- II AM, OLIM BARTHOLOMJEI BE TAXET.' 1 Edw. III. 112. Release by Ric, son of John de Tanetb, to his brother John, 19 Oct. of 32 acres of marsh in Bardesflete, Upecherche 2 Edw. TIT. 113. Grant by William, son of John Pye, to Wm. and Ric. Tanet, 13 Marcli of 3 acres in Brodestrete 4 Edw. III. 114. Lease by Sir William and Juliana Clynton to Bartholomew 29 Sept. de Tancto, of a messuage and 7 acres in Upcherch, formerly held by Isabella de Wattone 8 Edw. III. 115. Lease by Robt., son of Thos. Post, of Checheloye, to Wm. and 3 May Joan Atte Broke, of two acres in Halywelle, Opecherche 10 Edw. III. 116. Release by Wm., son of Elyas Atte Broke, to Ric. de Tanet, 29 Feb. of two acres in Halywelle 10 Edw. III. 117. Grant by Richard de Tanet to his son John of 2 acres and a 23 Dec. rood in Brodesti'cte and Cleyhamme, Upecherche 1 1 Edw. III. 118. Grant by Robt. Post to William de Tanet of a rent from 19 Jan. land at Halywelle in Opecherche „ 119. Indenture between Robt. Post and W. de Tanet, with further conditions for the receipt of the same rent 15 Edw. III. 120. Release by Robert le Post of the same rent to Thomasyne, 1 Feb. widow of Richard de Tanet, and Will., Thos., and Richard, his sons 20 Edw. III. 121. Grant by Barth. de Taneth, of Upecherche, to Thos. Batecok, 29 Sept. of his manor of Fermenessch, in Upecherche 21 Edw. III. 122. Grant by John ate Noke, of Upecherch, to William de Tent, 4 INIay of a rood of land at Lanoke, in Upecherch 25 Edw. III. 123. Quitclaim by John Mathew to Thos. de Tanet of his estate in 3 Feb. Landmersch, Etterham 28 Edw. III. 124. Release by John, son of John de Thanct, of a mill at Eter- 10 Nov. ham to Bartholomew de Thanet 30 Edw. III. 125. Release of Fermenessch by Barth. de Taneth to Thos. 31 Jan. Badecok 32 Edw. III. 126. Grant by Bartholomew de Thanet to Richard Atte Bower, 4 April draper of London, and Lucy, Thanet's daugliter, of a share of a messuage in Upcherche and lands in Upcherche and Renham 32 Edw. III. 127. Grant by Ric. Sraelt, fishmonger of London, to Juhn de 31 July Myddelton and Wm. Symme, of his estate in the lands of John de Tent, seized by the Sheriff of Kent for the pay- ment of an obligation 32 Edw. III. 128. Grant by Barth. de Thanet to Richard and Lucy Atte Boure 9 Oct. of all his lauds in Renham and Upecherche 62 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 33Edw. IIL 129. P^ine, by which Ric. and Lucy Atte Rouro surrender to 16-23 June Richard Clerk 2 messuages with lands and rents in L^p- cherche and Reynham 34 Edw. IIL 130. Grant by Richard Clerk of all his lands in Upchircli and 21 Dec. Reynham to Wm. Dray cote and Nic. Molessh „ 131. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 34 Edw. III. 132, Grant by Edm. Atte Breche of his inheritance in Halghesto 26 Dec. to Ric. Atte Boure 35 Edw. III. 133. Lease of the same lands by Ric. Atte Boure to Edm. Atte 10 Feb. Breche 36 Edw. III. 134. Grant by Richard Atte Crouche, senior, William Goryng, 29 Aug. John Atte Hacche, and Richard Atte Crouche, junior, to Will. Draycote, clothier of London, of all the lands in Upecherche, Reynham, and Halghesto granted to them by Draycote and ]\Iolessch „ 135. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 38 Edw. III. 138. Grant by Nic. IMolessch to Richard Atte Boure of a share of 20 Dec. a messuage in Brokestrete, Upcherche 39 Edw. III. 137. Grant by John Bryce, of Upecherche, to Ric. Atte Boure of 1 April 1 acre and 7 ' daywerce ' of land at Chealdecote 41 Edw. III. 138. Lease by Thos. de Albertone to John Michel, of Upecherche, 1 Aug. of the lands in Upecherche, Halghesto, and Renham granted to him by Thos. de Brokhulle 44 Edw. IIL 139. Lease by Mary, widow of Thos. Alberton, to Ric. Michel, of 12 July all her lands in Upcherche, Halghesto and Renham 6 Ric. 11. 140. Lease by Sir William Moigne, and Mary his wife, to Wm. 15 Nov. Symme, of all their lands in Upcherche, Renham, and Halgsto 6 Hen. IV. 141. Grant by Cecilia Bracy to Wm. Monk, of Grene, of all her 27 July lands in Upchirche 7 Hen. IV. 142. Grant by John Colepepir, John Lucas, Roger Louth, and John 16 Feb. Stodele to Sir Adam Coker, of the lands lately belonging to jNIary Moigne, widow of Thos. Alberton 1 1 Hen. IV. 143. Grant by William INIonk, of the Isle of Grean, to Sir Adam 26 May Coker, of a parcel of land in Etterham 13 Hen. IV. 144. Release by Joan Broklielle, widow of Thos. Brokhelle, to Sir 31 Jan. Adam Cokur and his son William, of her estate in Aterham „ 145. Duplicate of the above, with the names of witnesses added 14 Hen. IV. 146. Lease by Sir Adam and Wm. Coker to Walter Roo of the 12 Jan. manor of Etterham 1 Hen. V. 147. Grant by Sir Adam Coker to Henry Wroghton and John 5 Feb. ()c])ourne, of tlio manor of Elterliara(>scoiu-t, in Upcherche, Halghcstoo, Newenton, and Reynham 1 Hen. V. 148. Gr.ant by Willi;im IMcllero to Walter Roo, of an acre of land 24 Feb. in la Dau(>, near El!euebus:;h, lipchirche HORSHAM, UPCnURCH, HALSTOW, NEWINGTON. 03 Grant of Etterhamescourt by Henry Wroghton to Wm. Cokei', Kic. Burys, and liic. Bere, elk. Grant of Etterhammescourt by Wm. Coker, Eic. Burys, and Eic. Bere to ^^'alter and Margaret Eoo Counterpart of the above Promise of Wm. Coker, Eic. Burys, and Eic. Bere to defend Walter and IMargaret Eoo, to wliom they have granted Etterhammes Court, against a claim of rent by John Philpots Counterpart of the above Power of attorney by Wm. Coker to receive 87 marks from \\' alter and Margaret Eoo Grant by Walter Eoo to Eobt. Grandon and Will. Tomlyn of all his lands in the hundred of Middelton and the parish of Swanescomp, lately belonging to John Davy Power of attorney to deliver seisin Grant of the same lands by Grandon and Tomlyn to Mar- garet, widow of Walter Eoo Grant by Margaret Eoo of the same lands to Grandon, John Franceys, and Hen. Wrowton Grant of Etterhamescourt by William Coker to Conand Aske, John Tyrell, John de Clynton, squires of Humfrey, duke of Gloucester, Thos. Stanbregge, and Eic. Pakelesham Grant of Etterhammescourt by Grandon, Fraunceys, and Wroiigliton to Wm. Sevenoke, Wm. Cavmtbrigge, John Bambourgh, John Laweney, and Wm. Cotysbrook Eelease of Etterhammescourt by Conand Ask &c. to Wm. Sevenoke, Wm. Cauntbrigg, John Bamburgh, John Laweney, and Wm. Cotysbrook Eelease of Etterhammescourt by Wm. Coker, of Shopelond, Essex, to Wm. Sevenoke, Cauntbrigg &c. Eelease of Etterhammescourt by Wm. Sevenoke to Caimt- brigg, Bambourgh, Lawneye, and Cotysbrooke Eelease by Eobt. Chapmannysford of all claims upon Jolm Lawney, vicar of Upcliirche, and John Fraunseys, of Hal- gestowe, executors of Margaret Eoo Grant of Etterhammes Court by Cauntbrigg &c. to Eol)t. Otleye, Thos. Aleyn, ^^'m. Symmes, Thos. Catworth, Eobt. Cawode, Thos. Gybbes, and Edm. Kerville One of the seals is an antique ijigure of Eros ?) Power of attorney to deliver seisin Eelease by Thos., grandson of Sir Jolm Pliilpot, of the pos- sessions of Barth. Tenet and Will. Tenet in Upchirclie to Eobt. Oteleye, Thos. Aleyn, William Symmes, Thos. Catworth, Eobt. Cawode, Thos. Gybbes, and Edm. Kervyle 5 Hen. V. 149. 11 May 5 Hen. V. 150. 15 May J? 151. 5 Hen. V. 152. 18 May 5J 153. 5 Hen. V. 154. 1 Nov. 5 Hen. V. 155. 2 Jan. ?5 156. 7 Hen. V. 157. 12 Oct. 8 Hen. V. 158. 28 May 9 Hen. V. 159. 2 Feb. 10 Hen. y. 160. 3 June 10 Hen. V. 161. 6 June 10 Hen. V. 162. 13 June 1 Hen. YI. 163. 8 Jan. 3 Hen. VI. 164. 14 June 7 Hen. YI. 165. 23 Oct. ?i 166. 14 Hen. YI. , 167. 8 Jan. 64 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 14 Hen. VI. 168. Bond of Ric. Bamme to Robt. Otteley, alderman of London, 26 June to assent to the decision of certain arbitrators as to matters in dispute between them 14 Hen. VI. 169. General release by Ric. Bamrae, John, Thos. and Edw. 6 July Philpot, to Aleyn, Symmes, Catworth, and otliers „ 170. General release by Ric. Bamme to Robt. Otteley and Thos. Philpot „ 171. Release by Richard Bamme of the lands of B. and \V. Tenet to Otteley, Aleyn, Symmes, &c, 19 Hen. VI. 172. Release by Robt. Chapmanesford, s. and h. of Margaret Roo, 1 July to Thos. Chicheley, Birkheed, Bolde and Danvers, of Etter- hammes Court and other lands in Upchirche, Halghstoo, and Reynham ' CABT2E MANEBII DE BOYWUFTH, MOLENDINI DE HALGHESTO, TENEMENTI BIGABDI BOOBE, ET TEBB^ V0GAT2E " GBEAT GOSNEY." ' 21 Ric. II. 173. Grant by John ate Hethe and Elias ^lartyn, of Halgsto, to 1 3 Aug. Ric. Poor, of a tenement in Halgsto 21 Ric. II. 174. Release of the same 14 Aug. 1 Hen. IV. 175. Grant by James Borne, of Sidyngbourne, to Richard and 23 Feb. Isabel Blakbroke, of a watermill and land at Hal- ghesto 4 Hen. IV. 176. Grant of the same mill by Isabella Blakebroke to \Vm. 12 May Swyffth, John Large, and Giles Parker 5 Hen. IV. 177. Grant of the same mill by Swytfte, Large and Parker, to 16 Aug. John Sidyngborne, alias Sokelyng, and Ric. Lynne 10 Hen. IV. 178. Grant by John Julyan, of Halghesto, to Wm. Bereforde, 1 Feb. John Cornwaleys, John Sokelyng, and Wm. Eweyn, of a virgate of land at Halghesto 10 Hen, IV. 179. Grant by Richard, s. and h. of Richard Poor, to Wm. Berford, 25 Feb. of a messuage in Halghsto, near Ballokkymelle 2 Hen. V. 180. Grant by Margaret Harry, of Halghstoo, to Thos. Cryps and 9 March Wm. Cheke, of all her lands in Upcherche, Halghstoo, and elsewhere in the hundred of Middelton 4 Hen. V. 181. Grant of Ballokcsmelle, at Halghesto, byLymne and Sydyng- 23 April bourne to Wm. Bereforde 12 IL'n. VI. 182. Grant by John Harry, of Halgsto, to John Grandon, of 16 Oct. Hertlepe, of a messuage and land at Halgsto and Hamme 18 Hen. VI. 183. Grant by Wm. Bereford to Thos. Chichele, Birkhede, Bolde, 5 Aug. and Danvers, of Ballokkesmellc, at llalgcsto 18 Hen. VI. 184. Fine by which Sir Robt. Ponjmges, and Margaret his wife, Oct. release the manor of Boywurth to Tl.os. Chicheley, Byrk- heed, Bolde aud Dan\-ers 2wo cojjies HORSHAM, UPCHURCH, HALSTOW, NEWINGTON. G5 19 Hen. VI. 185. Release of a messuage and land in Halewesto byWm. Ewen, 25 Oct. of London, to Tbos. Chichcle, Eirkhede, Bolde, and Danvers lOHon. Vr. 186. Release by \Vm. Waldyng, of Codreth, to Thos. Chichele, 24 Feb. Jolm Eirkhede, John Eolde, and Robt, Danvers of his estate in a water mill and land at Halgsto 20 Hen. VI. 187. Grant l)y Alexander Cheyne to Thos. Chichele, Eirkhede, 20 Dec. Bolde, and Danvers, of 7 acres called Grete Goseney, in Opcherche „ 188. Pov?er of attorney to deliver seisin „ 189. Power of attorney to receive seisin 20 Hen. VI. 190. Abstract of the surrender of the manor of Boyworth by Thos. 5 Feb. Chichele, Eirkhed, Eolde, and Danvers to Henry VI. 20 Hen. VI. 191. Release of Grete Goseney by Alex., s. and h. of Thos. Iden, 10 Feb. of Middelton, to Thos. Chichele, Eirkhede, Eolde, and Danvers 20 Hen. VI. 192. Abstract of the grant by Henry VI. to All Souls' College 24 April of the manor of Boyworth, Horsham, lands, a mill, and rents in Upchurch, Halghesto, Newonton, Reynham, Hert- lep. Wade, Bobbing, Etterham,' and Detling 27 PIcn. VI. 193. Release by John and Margaret Harry to John G-randon, of 1 April his lands in Upcherche, Halghsto, and elsewhere in tlie hundred of Middelton 29 Hen. VI. 194. Release by John G-randon of a croft at Halghesto to William 6 March Kele, clerk ' CARTJ^ BE EEDDITU 12 SUMMABUM FALMALIS HORBEi: 28Edw.III. 195. Grant by Bartholomew de Taneto to Robt., son of Robt. 6 Feb. Beaufitz, of Gyllingham, of a rent of 1 2 quarters of barley (duodeclm summas ordei palmalis) from his lands in Upecherche 30Edw. III. 196. Grant of the same rent by Robt. Beaufitz to Richard Smelt, 10 June fishmonger of London 37 Edw. III. 197. Release by John Litle and Richard Letecombe of the same 3 July rent to Ricliard Atte Boure 37 Edw. III. 198. Grant of the same rent from tenements at Eterham, La Hoke, 8 Sept. Donhammelle, La Brede, Walebacliefifelde, la Thorne, Southdane, la Eekenhull, Eterhamhethe, Farmamessli, Atte Breche, Werdewode, and Eardeflete, by Ric. Atte Boure to John Litle and Ric. de Letecombe 12 Hen.[VI.] 199. Declaration of William Cokerethat he never paid a rent ' of 2 July beer or barley to John Philpot or any other occupier or tenant of the manor of tlie Grange ' This paynieut is entered in No. 235, as ' nianerio de Grange xij. q. ordei.' - F 66 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 'VABI^ GABTJE BE TEB.BI8 IN UPCnUECR, EALGHESTO ET ALIBi: 1292. 200. Grant by Simon de Quercu to Nic. de Sutbingtoune of i an 20 Edw. I. acre and 6 ' daywerkes ' of land in Berwffdd, Upcliircbe 15 Sept. 5 Edw. II. 201 Grant by Eobt., son of Eylmer Ate Hetbe, to John, son of Wm. Peticlerk, of an a.-re in ' Ate Doune,' Uppecherche 12 Edw. II. 202. Grant by William Peteclerk, of Upecherch, to bis son John Lundinneys, of his property in Gosele Marsh, Upecherch 12 Edw. III. 203. Grant by Stephen Lefrich, of Newenton, to John de 2 Jan. Mockingge, fishmonger of London, of 5 acres in Roberdis- helle, Newenton 13 Edw. III. 204. Grant by John de Mockyngge to Stephen Leverych, of 5 acres 14 March at Roberdeshulle, Newenton 18 Edw. III. 205. Grant by John de Mokkynge to Joan Leverich, of an acre at 25 July Brockysdele 18 Edw. III. 2C6. Grant by Joan, widow of Stephen Leverich, to John de 29 Dec. Mokkynge, of an acre in Brockisdele, Newynton 24 Edw. III. 207. Grant by John Longe, of Chetham, to Thos. Atte IMelle, of 5 March a tenement at Medfeld, in Upecherch 7 Ric. II. 208. Grant by John Ferbras to William de Upcherch, 'bocher,' 3 July of his portion of a messuage at Etterham 2 Hen. IV. 209. Grant by Thos. Atte Broke, vicar of Halgsto, and Wm. 11 April Bocher, of Upcherche, to John Cheke, of five virgates of land at Berchesfeld, Hamme MISCELLANEA. 1 1 Hen. IV. 210. Accoimt of the expenses of Walter Roo in taking the manor Mich. of Horsham 1 Hen. VI. 211. Memorandum of a judgment in the Exchequer Court con- cerning land at Upchurch belonging to John Michell „ 212. Sums spent by John Lawney for Robt. Oteley about the repairs of the manor of Horsham Pp. 2 2 Hen. VI. 213. Lawney's account of money spent for Robt. Oteley and Saier Ackre Pp. 2 214. Sums received by John Lawney for Robert Oteley. F. 1 6 Hen. VI. 215. Memorandum of a bond of Thos. Atte Vyse, of Stokcbery, 1 2 Fein ta enfeoff Robt. Oteley in 2 acres at Berstedele 14 Hen. VI. 216. ' Bille de divers covenanntes ffait a Horshnm ove divers gentz.' Chiefly for repairs of houses Pp' 3 217. ' Costes at the chapell of Athyrluim ' for labourers and building materials P- 1 HORSHAM, tJPCHURCH, HALSTOW, NEWINGTOX. 07 [1414-46.] 218. List of names for a jury in the liberty of Humfrey duke of Grioucester, in the hundreds of INIiddelton and Merdon 219. Another similar list, endorsed ' le copy del vieil panelle pase a JNIaydeston ' 220. List of 28 names, probably of a jury, beginning with Thos. Catworth and Wm. Symmes Hen. VI. 221. ' A copie of a certeine bill made by Robert Grandon of divers fermes leased by him out of the manor of Horsham ' IGth cent, copy 16 Hen. VI. 222. A relation of the fraudulent manner in whicli Wm. Sevenoke 16 Nov. and Thos. Horsham obtained the manor of Atterham from Margaret Roo on her death-bed 1440-64. 223. Receipts by Katherine Ottley for the rent of Horsham and for an annuity of 20l. per annum 4 Hen, VII. 224. Abstract of the confirmation by Act of Parliament of the 13 Jan. possessions of All Souls' College 1571. 225. Account of the sale of trees in Horsham ground, with half 25 May tlie grove at Brome down, which the writer bought from Dr. Barbour, 25 May, 1571 Fp. 9. Attached to the above is a letter from Roht. Bull to Roht. Stransam, at Feversham 18 Eliz. 226. Bond of Thos. Butte, of Upchurch, to Clement Milwaye to 24 JNIay abide by arbitration in the controversy between them Eiicld. by Iloveden 1576. 227. Arbitrement l^etween Thos. Butt and Clement Milwaie con- 1 1 June cerning land in Longcroft 18 Eliz. 228. Writ exempting All Souls' College from the payment of a 4 July fifteenth and tenth for their lands at Horsham, Xewland Marshe, and Grodehall (Groogy hall) [1588.] 229. Culpeper's evidence concerning a piece of ground in contro" circa. versy between the College and the heirs of ]Mr. Holbroukej of Newington 38 Eliz. 230. Bundle of papers referring to a suit of the College against Thos. Knyght for trespass at Detlyng, and other suits con- nected with it [27 Car. II.] 231. ' Cook agst. Bradley in ejectment. For the plaintiff. Breife.' The land in question is in Upchurcli, and held by Am- brose Mellway from All Souls' College 232. Memoranda from deeds referring to Etterham's Court, and the rent of 12 qrs. of barley Two pap^ers 15th cent. 233. List of documents relating to Horsham BJENTALS, ETC. 30 Edw. III. 234. ' Tenementa quce fuere Bartholomaji de Tanet,' in Upchurch. Extent of the lands of Jolni de Tent, 29 and 30 Edw. III. Imperfect *f2 G8 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. [Edw. IIL] 235. ' Kesolutio reddituum manerii de Etterham' Vellum roll 9 Hen. V. 236. Eental of Etterhames Court Vellum roll 30 Sept. 237. Account of the descent of the lands held by Adam Coker Two copies, one on 'parchment, one on paper 15th cent. 238. 'En paroche de Upchirch, Halj^isto, Newnton, Reyuham, Hertelep, Wade, Bobbyng^ et Dettlyng ' List of lands, including Fermanesshe and ' the place of Horsham ' P. 1 239. ' En Upch' et Halgisto pertinantes al maner de Horsham ' Account of the extent of the lands P. 1 5 Hen. VI. 240. Lands in Newynton belonging to the manor of Horsham held by Robt. and Joan Otele Paper roll, pp. 2 241. A modern translation of the preceding Paper roll 15th cent. 242. Memoranda of rents at Etterham and elsewhere, and of deeds relating to Upchurch and Halstow Pp. 2. Lat. [9-12 Hen. 243. Accounts of John Grandon, farmer of the manor of Horsham VL] A bundle o/ 10 papers 15th cent. 244. Rentale de Horsham 245. Rentale de Horsham Pp. 3 8 Hen. VIL 246. Rents in the yokes of Herbertham, Bell-a-Brook, and 3 other yokes in Upchurch 247. ' The names of those that have landes at Cockherst ' P. 1 9 Eliz. 248. Extract from a rental of East Court, Dettlynge, relating to Mich. Cockherst Endd. ' Mr. Wehbes note ' LETTERS. 1595. 249. Richard Potman to Mr. Carter, in Rode Lane, London : — In- 15 July formation about the stealing of wood belonging to Thos, Melway P. 1. With a draft of another letter on the same subject 1758. 250. Edward Hasted to Dr. Niblett : — The terrier of Horsham 23 July lands is now finished. Asks how he shall send it Sutton Dart- ford. LEASES. 21 Edw. IV. 1. Lease by All Souls' College of a parcel of land in Chircli- 20 Sept. strete, Upcluircli, to Valentine Grymston 9 Hen. VIII. 2. Of a piece of land called Stonfyld, in Upchurch, to John 28 Jan. Burbage HORSHAM, UPCHURCH, HALSTOW, NEWINGTON". 69 9 Hen. VIII. 3. Lease of the manor of Horsham, for 20 years, to Wm. 29 March Godyn, of Upchurch „ 4. Of two acres in Key felde to Stephen Thomson, carpenter, of Upchurch, for 20 years 26 Hen. VIII. 5. Of Clarke's house, in Upchurch, to Thos. Yonge 8 Nov. 34 Hen. VIII. 6. Of the manor of Horsham to John ]\Iason, of London 30 June 34 Hen. VIIL 7. Of Halgstow Mill to Christopher Arundell, of Moore, Oxon 20 March 5 Eliz. 8. Of Halstow Mill to Ch. Arundell 20 Nov. 6 Eliz. 9. Of tlie manor of Horsham to Clement Mylwaye 2 Nov. Bond enclosed 12 Eliz. 10. Of the manor of Horsham to Clement Milway 3 Nov. 25 Eliz. 11. Of Halstoe Mill to Wm. Langharne, of London, B.C.L. 1 April 25 Eliz. 12. Of Horsham to Clement Milwaie for 20 years 3 June Bond enclosed 32 Eliz. 13, Of a tenement and land in Church Street, Upchurch, to 2 Dec. Robert Freeman, of the University of Oxford, yeoman 35 Eliz. 14. Of Horsham to Thos., son of Clement Milwaye, for 20 years, 31 Oct. at a rent of 26/. 13s. 4.d. Bond enclosed 45 Eliz. 15. Of Horsham to John Milway, son of Thos. Milway 1 1 Dec. Bond enclosed 45 Eliz. 16. Of a tenement in Church Street to Robert Freeman 30 Dec. 5 Jac. I. 17. Of the manor of Horsham to John ]\Iillwav for 20 years 12 Oct. 10 Jac. I. 18, Of Horsham to John Milway 28 Oct. „ 19. Of Halstow Mill, for 20 years, to Thos. Coper Both parts 12 Jac. I. 20. Of Halstow Mill to Robert Bradenham, jun., of Oxford, for 10 Oct. 20 years Both parts and bond 17 Jac. I. 21. Of Horsham to John Milway With license to let 22 Oct. 18 Jac. I. 22, Of Halstow Mill to John Thomas, of Halstow, for 20 years 25 Oct. Both parts and license to let 2 Car. I. 23. Of the manor of Horsham to John Milwaie, of Upchurch, 2 Nov. yeoman 3 Car. I. 24. Of Halstow Mill to John Thomas, of Halstowe 29 Oct. Bond enclosed 9 Car. I. 25. License to John ^lillwaie to let the manor of Horsham 31 Oct. 70 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 17 Car. I. 26. Lease of tlie manor of Horsbam to Sir Clieney Ciilpeper, of 30 April Hollingborne Bond enclosed 166L 27. Power to Edward Astyn and Francis Sury, of Oxford, to 15 June take possession of Crockham Paik and Coney Heath, in Upchurch, let to Grilbert Eoope, 31 Dec. 1G57 1721. 28. Lease of the manor of Horsham to Joseph Hasted, of 1 1 Nov. Chatham Bond enclosed 1765. 29. Of Crockham Park and Coney Heath, in Upchurch, to 4 Nov. Edward Hasted, of Sutton 1784. 30. Of Halstow Mill to Wm. Smart, of Rainham 20 Oct. 1785. 31. Of the manor of Horsham to Edward Hasted 24 Oct. 1789. 32. Of the manor of Horsham to Edw. Hasted, of Sutton, Kent 1 6 Oct. 1791. 33. Of Halstow Mill to Wm. Dodd, of Throwley, Kent 11 Oct. 1795. 34. License to James Wilkins to let Chinkwell and College 21 Oct. Heath Woods, in Newington, Upchurch, &c. 1798. 35. Lease of Halstow Mill to Wm. Dodd, of Rainham 31 Oct. With license to let 1802. 36. Of Clinkwell Wood^ College Heath, and other woods in 23 Oct. Newington, L^pchurch, Halstow, Hartlep, Detling, Rain- ham, and Masborowe, to James Wilkins Both jparts 1805. 37. Of Crockham Park and Coney Heath to John Williams 4 Nov. 1809. 38. Of Clinkwell Wood, &c., to Francis Smith, of Harbledown „ 39. Of Crockham Park and Coney Heath to John Williams, of Dartford „ 40. Of the manor of Horsham to John Williams 25 Oct. 1812. 41. Of Halstow Mill to William Dodd, of Rainham 2 Nov. 1816. 42. Of Chinkwell Wood, College Heath, &c., in Newington, Up- 2 Nov. church, and otlier parishes, to Francis Smith, of Harbledown ]\"iih license to let „ 43. Of Horsham Farm, in Upchurch, to Robert Hind and Wm. Jordan, trustees of Wm. Ludgater Both parts „ 44. Of Crockham Park and Coney Heath to Robert Hind and Wm. Jordan Both parts 1819. 45. Of Halstow Mill to Wm. Dodd Both parts 2 Nov. 1820. 46. Of Crockham Park and Conev Heath to Daniel Jarvis, of 2 Nov. Margate KINGSBURY, HENDOX. 71 1820. 47. Lease of Horsham Farm to Daniel Jarvis 2 Nov. 1826. 48. Of llalstow .Mill to Penelope Hulks, of Chatham, and tlie 3 Nov. other executors of Edward Hulks Both parts 1832. 49. Of Crookhara Park and Coney Heath to "SVm. George 3 Nov. Lord Harris With license to let 1833. 50. Of Haktow Mill to Penelope Hulks, &c. 20 Oct. Botli imrts and license to let HOESPATH. 1722. 1. Lease by Dr. Geo. Clarke to Wm. Cox, of his tenement and 6 Oct. pastm-e in Horspath Draft 1730. 2. Lease by John Mather, president, and Corpus Christi College 26 March of their lands in Horspath to Geo. Claike, fellow of All Souls' College 1765. 3. Lease of the same by Thos. Randolph, president, and Corpus 2 April Christi College, to All Souls' College, with license to let 1772. 4. Lease of the same to the same 3 April [18th cent.] 5. Memoranda of a lease of property at Plorspath P. 1 1828. 6. Receipt by the Commissioners of Woods and Forests of 15 July 13^. 5s. from All Souls' College, for the purchase of a rent of 10s. from Horsepath pastures KINGSBUEY MANEEIUM. TEEEiE IN HENDON. MANOR OF KINGSBUEY. 10 Edw. II. 1. Grant by Baldewin Poleyn, of Tebbeworth, to Jas. le Palmer, 1 May of London, and Sarah, his wife, of his manor in K3'nge3- burie for life 19 Edw. II. 2. Lease by Baldwin Poleyn to Jas. le Paumer of all his lauds 20 Oct. in Kynkesburie 19 Edw. II. 3. Indenture between Poleyn and Palmer for the seciuity of tlie 27 Oct. preceding 3 Edw. III. 4. Grant by Baldwin Poleyn to "Walter de Salynge, of the 17 Dec. manor of Kyngesburi 72 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 4 Edw. III. 5. Indenture with stipulations for the lease of Kyngesburie by 14 Dec. Baldwin Polein to Walter de Sellynge 4 Edw. III. 6. Fine for the conveyance of Kyngesburie by Pole}Ti to Sellynge 20 Jan. 5 Edw. III. 7. Surrender by Sarra, widow of Jas. le Palmere, to Walter de 22 Oct. Salynge, of her property in Kyngesbury 13 Edw. III. 8. Lease by Thos. Page to Roger de Salyngge of ' le Faytys- 31 Dec. lond' in Kynggesbury 13 Edw. III. 9. Grant by Robt. Rose, of Eggesware, to Roger de Salyngge, of 1 2 Jan. a messuage and land in Heudon, held by John' ' dictus Cocus,' by gift from Baldwin Poleyn 14 Edw. III. 10. Release by Cristiana, widow of Walter de Salyngge, to her 22 Feb. daughters Alice, Matilda, and Isabella, of her estate in the manor of Kynggesbury 1346. 11. Indenture between the abbot and convent of Westminster 19 June and Thos. Page, of Eggeswer, concerning the payment of money owed to him by the convent 24 Edw. III. 12. Grant by the prior and convent of St. Bartholomew's, Smethe- 28 Aug. fold, to Ric. Raven, of the marriage of William, s. and h. of Thos. Page, of Stanmere Parva, with wardship of his lands in Stanmere Commit seal, broken 30 Edw. III. 13. Grant of lands in Eggeswere, Kyngesbury, and Hendon, by 16 Nov. Wm. Page to Simon de Kegworth and Ralph Thua- molow 31 Edw. III. 14. Release by Henry Faytyf, of Kyngesbury, to Wm., son of 1 Oct. Thos. Page, of Kyngesbury, of his estate in ' Faytyfifes- londe,' Kyngesbury 31 Edw. III. 15. Grant by Wm. Page to Ric. Raven, of Berkhampstead, and 4 Dec. Randulph de Twomelowe, of all his lands in London and Middlesex 32 Edw. III. 16. Grant by Raven and Twomelowe to Wm. Page and Cristina 12 March his wife, Raven's daughter, of the lands granted to them by Page „ . 17. Grant by Ric. Raven and Ralph de Twomelowe to Wm. and Cristina Page, of the goods, chattels, and crops on the lands granted to the latter by the former in Loudon and Middlesex 36 Edw. III. 18. Grant by Wm. and Cristina Page to John Pcnne, John Raven, 31 Jan. Blaise de Bury, and Robt Raven, of all their lands in Eggeswere, Kyngesbury, Hendon, and Stanmere, JMagna and Parva 41 Edw. III. 19. Grant by Blaise de Bury, skinner of London, to Wm. and 7 Feb. Cristina Page, Elizabeth their daugliter, John do Swan- bourne, and Wm. Penne, of lands in Middlesex granted to him by Wm. Page 44 Kdw. III. 20. Lease of the manor of Kyngesbury by Wm. Page to Frere 18 April Robt. Hales and John Raven KINGSBURY, HENDON. 73 21. Counterpart of the aLove 44 Edw. III. 22. Lease by Wm. and Cristina Page to Fr. EoLt. de Hales and 1 July John Raven, of all their lands, &c., in Hendon 44 Edw, III. 23. Grant by Wm. Page to John and Eobt. Raven of all his 10 July property in Kyngesbury and Hendone „ 24. Indenture between Page and the Ravens, that if they hold the lands for 9 years, the preceding grant shall be void 7 Ric. II. 25. Grant by Wm. and Cristina Page to John Raven, Wra. Py- 2 Feb. chelesthorn, and Ric. Atte Hil, of the manor of Kynges- bury 9 Ric. II. 26. Release by Richard Atte Hill to Sir John de Worth, John 1 April Raven, and Will. Pistorn, of his estate in Kyngesbury 19 Ric. II. 27. Grant by John and Margery Haldenby, of Northamptonshire, 26 March to Ric. Clifford, keeper of the king's great wardrobe, Walter Duuwell, Wm. Farendon, rector of Harpeden, and Walter Norman, vicar of Hendon, of the manor of Kyngesbury, &c., which belonged to Margery Haldenby by right of her father, John Raven 19 Ric. II. 28. Release of Kyngesbury, &c., by Joan, widow of John Raven, 4 April to Ric. Clifford, &c. 11 Hen. IV. 29. Grant of the manor of Kyngesbury by Ric. Clifford, l)p. of 25 Sept. London, Walter Dunwell, and Walter Norman, to William and Juan Bury 11 Hen. IV. 30. Letter of attorney of Ric. Clifford, bp. of London, to deliver 26 Sept. possession of Kyngesbury to William and Joan Bmy Fine seal tuith the bishop's ai^ns 12 Hen. IV. 31. Release of the manor of Kyngesbury by Wm. Page to Wm. 3 Oct. and Joan Bury 1423-4. 32. Notarial attestation of the grant of the lands of Wm. Page 10 Feb. to Walter Norman and Ric. Clifford to the use of Walter and Margaret Bury, and of the grant of Kingesbury manor to them by Wm. Page 1425. 33. An attestation of the same facts by the bp. of London 25 April Episcopal seal, broken 4 Hen. VI. 34. Bond of Wm. Bury, of Kyngesbury, to abide by the award 1 Nov. of arbitrators in the dispute between him and John Penne 4" Hen. VI. 35. Release by Wm. Bury, Roger Saperton, and others, of their " 1 Feb. estate in Kyngesbury, Hendon, Eggeswere, and Stanmere, to John Penne, of London 4 Hen. VI. 36. Receipt by Wm. Bury for 8^. os, rent from John Penne 10 July 5 Hen. VI. 37. Similar receipt of 55s. 9 Oct. 5 Hen. VI. 38. Similar receipt 26 Dec. 74 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 8 Hen. VI. 39. Grrant by John Penne, lord of the manor of Kyngesbiiry, to 17 'Nov. Margaret wife of Ivo de Thorn, draper of London, of 3 messuages, viz. Eobertishawe, Cockishouse, and Holdehawe, in Kyugesbury 40. Exemplification of the preceding, dated 12 Feb., 18 Hen. VIII. 8 Hen. VI. 41. Grant by John Penne, grocer of London, to Thos. Rolf, 3 May serjeant at law, John Fernyclouth, vicar of Hendon, and others, of the manor of Kyngesbury, &c. 10 Hen. VI. 42. Release by Thos. Rolf, John Fernyclough, and others, of 20 May their estate in the manor of Kyngesbury to John Bernevyle 10 Hen. VI. 43. Grant by John Bernevyle of the manor of Kyngesbury, &c., 5 June to John Penne, grocer of London 11 Hen. VI. 44. Grant by John Penne to John Stokes, rector of Denham, 19 Aug. Nic. Conyngeston, Robt. Foster, and Wm. Mersshe, of the manor of Kyngesbury, &c. 11 Hen. VI. 45. Release of his estate in the manor of Kyngesbury by Nic. 29 Aug. Conyngeston to John Stokes, Robt. Foster, and Wm. Mersshe 1 2 Hen. VI. 46. Grant by John Stokes, rector of Denham, Nic. Conyngeston, 6 Sept. Robt. Foster, and Wm. Mersshe, of the manor of Kynges- bury, &c., to John Penne „ 47. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 12 Hen. VI. 48. Release by John Fernyclough to John Penne of his estate 20 Sept. in Kyngesbury, &c. „ 49. Counterpart of the above 12 Hen. VI. 50. Grant by John Penne to Robt. Clopton, John Kendale, an 20 Dec. John Bengeworth, chaplains, of the manor of Kynges- bury, &c. „ 51. Counterpart of the above 1 2 Hen. VI. 52. Bond of Penne to Clopton for 2001. 1 2 Jan. 1 2 Hen. VI. 53. Obligation of John Penne not to sell the manor of Kinges- 14 Jan. bury to any one but Robert Clopton, or by his consent, for 10 years, on forfeiture of the preceding bond „ 54. Counterpart of the above 12 Hen. VI. 55. Surrender by Jolni Bemevile and Wm. Bray to Clopton, 12 Ain-il Kendale, and Jiengeworth, of their estate in the manor of Kyngesbury, &c. „ 56. Counterpart of the above 12 Hen. VI. 57. Release of the manor of Kyngesbury by John Penne to 20 April Clopton, Kendale, and Bengeworth „ 58. Counterpart of the above 12 Hen. VI. 59. Grnnt by Clopton, Kendale, and Bengeworth of the manor 3 May of Kyngesbury, &c., to John Penne KINGSBURY, HENDOK 75 12 Hen. VI. . 3 May 13Hen. VI. 1 Jan. 13 Hen. VI. 20 April 13 Hen. VI. 27 April 14 Hen. VI. 29 Sept. 14 Hen. VI. • 1 Oct. 14 Hen. VI. 20 Jan. 14 Hen. VI. 4 Feb. 14 Hen. VI. 5 Feb. 14 Hen. VI. 6 Feb. 14 Hen. VI. 20 Feb. 14 Hen. VI. 1 ISIarcb 14 Hen. VI. 23 Marcb 15 Hen. VI. 1 Oct. 16 Hen. VI. 5 Feb. 10 Hen. VI. 12 Feb. IG Hen. VI. 31 May 60. Lease by Clopton, Kendale, and Bengeworth to Penne of the manor of Kyngesbury, &c. 61. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 62. Receipt by Robt. Clopton for 151. in part payment of 220^. from John Penne, in accordance with previous indentures 63. Grant by John Penne to Robt. Clopton of an annual rent of 100s. from the manor of Kyngesbury 64. Release by Clopton of a bond of 200 onls. of Jolm Penne, on condition of receiving a rent of 100.S. from Kyngesbury 65. Counterpart of the above 66. Receipt by Clopton of 50s. of the rent granted him by Penne 67. Grant by John Penne to Ric. Barnett, Thos. Nichol, of Barnet, John Bernevile, and Wm. Bray, of the manor of Kynges- bury, &c. 68. Receipt of Robt. Clopton of 15^. from Jolm Penne in part payment of 220l. 69. Release by John Penne to Ric. Barnett of his estate in the manor of Kyngesbury, &c. 70. Grant by Robt. Clopton of the rent he receives from Penne to Mary, widow of John Barnett, and Wm. Chedworth 71. Release by John Penne of his estate in Kyngesbury to Clop- ton and Kendale 72. Grant by Clopton and Kendale of the manor of Kyngesbury, &c. to Ric. Barnett, alias Somry, and Robt. Wyght, chaplain 73. Similar grant 74. Release by Penne of his estate in Kyngesbury to Clopton, Kendale, and Bepgeworth 75. Release by John Penne to John Barnett, alias Somry 76. General release by John Stanet to Ric. Somry, alias Barnett 77. Release of all actions by John Stanet to John Penne 78. Receipt by John Stanet of 15^. 15s. 4(/. from Ric. Somery, alias Barnet 79. Grant by Thos. Xicholl, of Barnett, John Bernevile, and Wm. Bray to John Stannet and John Besteman, of the manor of Kyngesbury, &c. 80. Release of the manor of Kyngesbury by Thos. Nicholl to Stannet and Bestman 81. Grant by John Penne of tlie manor of Kyngesbury to Peter Stucle, Tlios. Glouceter, Walter Taylard, John Pembertou, Wm. Meiwode, Ric. Weye, John Pratt, and John Wode 76 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 16 Hen. VI. 82. Eelease by Jolm Penne to John Stannet of his estate in the 5 June manor of Kyngesbury 17 Hen. VI. 83. Grant by Stannet and Bestman of the manor of Kyngesbury 4 Nov. and lauds in Hendon to Thos. Chichele, Jolm Brikliede, Eobt. Daunvers, jun., John Drayton, and John Beruevyle 17 Hen. VI. 84. Eelease of his estate in the manor of Kyngesbury by John 7 Nov. Penne to Chichele, &c. 1 7 Hen. VI. 85. Eelease by Stannet and Bestman to Chichele, &c. 8 Nov. „ 86. Eelease by Eic. Barnet, alias Somery, and Eobt. Wyght, of their estate in the manor of Kyngesbury to Thos. Chi- chele, &c. „ 87. Eelease by INIary Barnet and Wm. Chedworth to Thos. Chi- chele, &c. of a rent of 100s. from the manor of Kyngesbury 17 Hen. VI. 88. Eelease by Peter Stucle, &c. to Thos. Chichele, &c. of their 9 Nov. estate in the manor of Kyngesbury 20 Hen. VI. 89. Surrender by Thos. Chichele, Birkhede, &c. to Hen. VI. of 5 Feb. Edgeware, Kyngesbury, and Willesden, with other lands in various places Copy „ 90. Abstract of the preceding 20 Hen. VI. 91. Memorandum of the granting of Kingsbury, &c. to All 24 April Souls' College by Hen^ VI. 27 Hen. VI. 92. Eelease by Eic. Walssh to All Souls' College, of his estate in 1 April the manor of Kyngesbury, &c. 4 Hen. VII. 93. Memorandum of the confirmation by Parliament of the 12 Jan. grants to All Souls' College ARNOLD'S LANDS IN UENDON. 35 Edw. I. 94. Lease by Eichard Arnold, of Hendon, to Wm. and INIarg. Page, of Eggeswere, of his hereditary property in Hendon 3 Edw. II. 95. Grant by Eic. le Eous, lord of Hendon, to Matilda, d. of 21 June Eic. le Herberger, of a messuage and garden formerly held by Wm. Ernold, and land in Popescroft and Otefeld 5 Edw. II. 96. Grant by Eichard, son of Thos. Arnold, of Heendone, to 11 July Wm. and Margaret Page, of his inheritance in Heendone „ 97. Grant by Eic. Arnold, of Heendon, to Wm. Page, of Egges- were, and jNlargaret his wife, of a messuage and land in Heendone, inherited from his father 5 Edw. II. 98. Eelease by Arnold to W. and M. Page, of his lands in Hendon 19 Dec. 5 Edw. IL 99. Indenture containing further covenants concerning the traus- 25 May fer of land by Arnold to Wm. Page „ 100. Counterpart of the above KINGSBURY, HENDON. l^J 7 Edw. ir. 101. Eelease by Alice, daughter of Thos. Arnold, to Wm. Page, of 7 Oct. a messuage and lands held by him by gift of her brother Eichard „ 102. Similar release by Isabella Arnold 103. Grant ])y Sir Ric. le Rous, lord of Heendon, to Wm. le Page and Margaret his wife, of the land granted them by Thos. Arnold, and the land which le Rous will inherit from Arnold 7 Edw. II. 104. Release by Sir Richard le Rous to Wm. Page, of lands in 13 Dec. Hendon granted to them by Ric. Arnold 15 Edw. II. 105. Release by John de Mordone to Wm. and Marg. Page of 2 1 1 Feb. acres in Hendon formerly belonging to Ric. Arnold 17 Edw. II. 106. Release by Matilda, widow of Sir Richard le Rous, to Wm. 15 June Page? of a messuage in Hendon, formerly held by Ric. Arnold, and land in Popescroft and Otefield 2 Edw. II. 107. [24] June 3 Edw. II. 108. 19 Oct. 8 Edw. II. 30 Nov. 10 Edw. II. 21 Oct. 10 Edw. II. 1 Nov. 13 Hen. VI. 11 March 109. 110. 111. 112. VETiniQ'RO'FT. Lease by John de IMordon to Wm. Page of ' Piricroftes ' in Hendon Grant by Roger and Alice Ardeme to John de Mordon of land granted them by Mordon's father in Hendon Endd. ' Le Fyricroft in Hendon ' Grant by John de Mordone to John Seward of ' Pyrifeld ' in Hendon Grant by Geoffrey Fitzwaryn to Wm. Page and Margaret his wife, of ' le Piryfeld ' in Hendon Release by John Seward to Wm. and Margaret Page, of his estate in ' le Pyrifeld ' Lease by John Penne to John Stannet and Anne his wife, of a tenement in Stanmere Parva, and ' le Gardyn mede,' * le Brodefeld,' and ' le Parescroft,' in Eggeswere BEYLONB. 113. Grant by Henry de la Haye to Robt. Fitz Geffrey, of land formerly belonging to Edwi in Kingesberi 114. Grant by John, son of Reginald de la Haie, to Geoffrey, son of Hemmig, of land in Kingesburi in the tenement of Gilebert de Tebwrthe, in Paidene and Epsforlung 29 Edw. I. 115. Lease of le Haylond, in Kyngesbury, by William Aunsel and Christiana his wife to John Blackers 34 Edw. I. 116. Lease by Agnes Atte Heye to Wm. Page, of Eggeswere, of [29 Sept.] land in 'Heylond,' Kyngesbury 3 Edw. II. 117. Grant by Will, and Christina Aunsel, of Kinneton, to Wm. 9 Dec. Page, of Eggeswere, of a messuage and 10 acres in Kyngesbury 78 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 4 Eic. II. 17 March 1 1 Ric. II. 3 Dec. 118 EYDOMMEDO. Grant by John Bereford, of Hendon, to William de Staunton, chaplain of Stanmere Parva, of all his lands in Kynges- bury, called ' Eydommedo ' 119. Grant by Wm. Staunton, chaplain, to John Raven, John Lyoun, and Wm. Chapman, of land in Eydommede for- merly belonging to John Berford 'CABT^ TEBBABUM VOGATABUM CULLINGES IN HENDON.' 5 Edw. II. 120. Grant by Simon, ' dictus le Kyng,' carpenter, and Mariota 19 March his wife to John and Mabilla Collinges, of a tenement in Hendon which they hold of John Collinges 19 Ric. II. 121. Grant by Thos. and Alice Forstere, of Lalam, to John 26 Sept. Fremle of all his lands in Hendon and Kyngesbmy „ 122. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 123, Grant by Alice, widow of Thos. Forester, of Laleham, to John Fremele, of all her husband's lands in Hendon and Kyngesbury Grant by John and Agnes Fremle to John Fremle, their son, of all their lands in Hendon and Kyngisbury Grant by John Atte Wode, of Hendon, to John Smith, Thos. Shippard, of Finchley, and John Marsshe, of his lands in Hendon and Eggeware Grant by Henry Fremley, of Laleham, to Edmund Stephens, John Orme, and Peter Hyll, of ' Cullynges ' in Hendon Grant by Jolm Smyth, Thos. Shepard, and John INIarsshe, of ' Cullynges ' to Edm. Stephens, John Orme, and Peter Hill Release by the same to the same Grant by Edm. Stephens, &c. of ' Cullynges ' to Thos. Hobbes, Edw. Maleerbe, Thos. Judde, alias Kcmpe, and Thos. Hoddesdon, jun. Receipt by Edm. Stephens of 80^. from All Souls' College for lands in Kyngesbury held of the College's manor of Edge- ware, and for freehold lands called ' Cullynges ' G Hen. VIIL 131. Grant by Thos. Judde, late of London, to Wm. Broke, Thos. 23 Oct. Payne, John Godefrey, and others, of land called ' Cul- lynges ' in Hendon 16 Hen. VI. 124. 25 Feb. 7 Hen. VII. 125. 19 May lOHen.Vn. 126. 14 March llHen.VIL 127. 23 March llHen.VIL 128. 11 April 18Hen.VIL 129. 26 April ISHen.VIL 130. 1 May 'VABI^ 0ABT2E IN KINGSBUBY ET ALUS.' 22 Edw. I. 132. Release by Ralph Page, of Hendon, to Wm. Page, of his 3 Dec. estate in the tenements of Ph. le Rous and John Page in Hendon KINGSBURY, HENDON. 79 23 Edw. I. 133. Grant by William Page to Wm. Pypard of land called 20 Oct. Anedemereslond in Stanmore 134. Grant by Eoger de Fleg of all his lands in Kingesbyri to Henry de Affeyte, Alice Pelthindon, and Joan and Cecilia her daughters 28 Edw. I. 135. Grant by Cecilia, d. of Alice Pelyndone, to Wm. Page, of 29 Sept. Eggeswere, of the lands granted to her and others by Roger de 1^'leg 136. Grant by Eichard, son of Simon of Kyngesbury, to Wm. Page, of land in Apfurlonges, Kingesbery 34 Edw. T. 137. Release by Ric, son of Ric, son of Simon, to Wm. Page, of 2 April his estate in the land granted to Page by his father 34 Edw. I. 138. Grant by Simon and Isabella le Taillour and others to Wm. 22 May Pi^ge? of three acres in Strete furlonges, Kyngesbery 3 Edw. IT. 139. Mortgage by John Barnevile to Wm. Page, of his inheritance 29 Sept. in Parva Stanmere 9 Edw. II. 140. Grant by Elena, widow of Ric. Atte Hyd, to Wm. and Mar- 12 Marcli garet Page, of 1^ acre in Thayden, Kyngesburie „ 141. Grant by Alice, d. of ]\Iichael Atte Hyde, to Wm. and Mar- garet Page of land in Kyngesbury 9 Edw. II. 142. Grant by Simon and Isabella le Taillour, of la Hyde, to 14 March Wm. Page, of land in Kyngesburie 10 Edw. II. 143. Grant by Wm. Page to Walter de Bredou of a messuage 2 Nov. and lands in Eggeswere, Kyngesburi, and Stanemere 144. Grant by Walter de Bredou of tlie same lands to Wm. Page and Margaret la Rous his wife 10 Edw. II. 145. Sale by Wm. Page, of Eggesware, of his crops and move- 3 Nov. able goods at Heendone to Walter de Bredowe 10 Edw. II. 146. Fine for the conveyance of messuages in Hendon by Walter 9 Feb. de Bredou to Wm. and Margaret Page 17 Edw. II. 147. Grant by Wm. Page to his son Tliomas, of his land and 6 Jan. houses in the demesne of Henry de Lacy, late earl of Lincoln, in Eggeswer 11 Ric. II. 148. Letter of attorney of John Gerveys, of Hendon, to deliver 16 March seisin of ' Schooland,' in Hendon, to Wm. Page 34 Eliz. 149. Release by Thos. Sheppard of his estate in Bassett's, Kyngs- 2 Nov. burio, to All Souls' College COPIES OF COURT ROLLS. 33 Edw. III. 150, Surrender by Robt. and Marion Wrenche of land in Eve- 3 May croft, and grant thereof to Simon Derman 4 Hen. IV. 151. Surrender of land in Shortescrofte by Hen. Warryn to the 3 May use of John Derman, and the grant to the latter of a cottage and land in Evecrofte and Perycrofte Tiuo copies 80 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 17 Hen. VI. 152. Surrender by Greoffrey Wrenche of a messuage late held by 3 May John Moseliacche, to the use of John Lyon 24 Hen. VI. 153. Surrender by Roger Carpenter of ' Clarkescrofte,' ' Warle,' 1 2 Oct. ' Longecroft,' and other land to the use of John Mushacche 18 Hen. VII. 154. Surrender by Wm. Edrigge of ' Lytelwai^ens,' in the lord- 1 May ship of Kyngesbury, to the use of Robt. Shepherd 21 Hen. VII. 155. Payment of a fine by John Shepard for a tenement called 1 May ' Grarrigottes ' 22 Hen. VII. 156. Surrender by Robt. Shepard of Lytell Warens, in Kynges- 28 Oct. b'^iry, to the use of John Shepard 1 Edw. VI. 157. Admission of Thos. Shepard, son of John Erley, as tenant of 2 May Randolfes, Aldhawes, and other tenements 16 Eliz. 158. Release of John Fisher from suit of court for a tenement 21 Sept. called Seikins, alias Fythells 14 Jac. I. 159. Surrender by Henry Downer of Groodwyn's tenement, Coll- 1 May mand landes, alias Beanecroft, to his own use and, after his death, that of Henry and Anne Edlyne and others 11 Car. I. 160. Surrender by Joan Hall of two crofts in Piggesland to the 1 May use of Wm. Jackett 1652. 161. Surrender of lands at Kingsbury by Richard Franklin to 10 April Henry Haley Mutilated MISCELLANEA. 5 Edw. II. 162. The descent of Simon and Mariot Kyng, and copy of their 26 March grant to CoUynges 6 Hen. IV. 163. Bond of Reginald Sheffeld, of Berks, to Robt. Childwell, of 1 March London, for 201. for goods bought at Westminster 10 Hen. VI. 164. Bond of John Penne to Edm. Chertesey, of Herts, and John 20 Nov. Martyn, for 60^. 10 Hen. VI. 165. Bond of John Penne for 200^. to Ric. Keterich, grocer of 5 June London 13 Hen. VI. 166. Bond of John and Wm. Penne to Nic. Yoo, clothier of 10 Feb. London, for 100/. 13 Hen. VI. 167. Bond of John Penne to John Stanet and Anne his wife for 10 March 100 mks. 13 Hen. VI. 168. Letters of attorney of Richard Keterich, to receive 200/. 17 April from John Penne 15 Hen. VI. 169. Receipt by Robt. Marchall, grocer of London, of 41. from 6 Oct. Ric. Wode, of Kyngesbmy, and John Stanet, of Stanmere 16 Edw. IV. 170. Receipt by Bartholomew Wilsdon from John Stokes, warden 9 Oct. of AH Souls' College, of 4 shillings for the rent of Arnoldes landes in Hendon 6 Hen. VII. 171. Copy of an inquisition concerning Kingsbury 23 June Paper roll, imperfect. KmOSBURT, HENUON. 81 1550. 172. Will of Eichard Sheperd, of Kyng-esbury. Leaves Lange- 16 Au<;'. crofte, wliicli be holds of All Souls' College, to his wife [I536-<)5,] 173, All Souls' College v. Alan Nicholl. Interrogatories on the behalf of the defendant ; his answer to the bill ; the reply of the warden [Warner], and the defendant's rejoinder. The suit is for land in Kingsbury [1536-05.] 174. All Souls' College v. Thos, Shepperd. Similar documents to the last Vellum [1536-65.] 175, 'Nomina juratorum inter Wm. Nicoll querentem et Jo- hannem Taylor defendentem ' Endd. 'Nomina jiu-atorum pro collegio pro Hendon' Add. 'To the riglifc honourable Sir Wm. Cecill, Lord Treasurer' 1565, 176. Keccipt from Tlios. Shepherd of 5s. for the quit-rent of a 21 Oct, parcel of tiie Hyde Farm ground called Cullins 1574. 177. Receipt for quit-rent for Hamondes and Colleins from Thos. 27 Oct. Sliepherd 1584. 178. JMemoraiida by Hovenden from an old rental of Hendon showed him by Robt. Nicoll 38 Eliz. 179. Agreement between the College and John Chalkhill, of 2 Nov. Kingsbury, for keeping the footbridge over the Braynt in repair Both parts 1661. 180. Power to Edward Astin and Francis Sury to take possession 27 May of Bush Grrove, Hendon, on behalf of the College 1661. 181. Similar power to take possession of the Hoses and the Heys 15 June iu Hendon 1661. 182, Similar power to take possession of Stratford Longs, Mace- 29 June field. Islands field, and Crockwood, in Kingsbury 1714-5. 183. Bill in Chancery. John James Nicoll, of Hendon, v. All 24 Feb. Souls' College, concerning Olderhills, at Hendon RENTALS, ETC. 17-20 Hen. 184. Account of Richard Atte Wode, farmer of the manor of VI. Kyngesbury [15th cent.] 185. Rental of Kingsbury Paper roll mutilated [1435.] 186. Two rentals of Kyngesbury, on paper, mucii mutilated. Barnett alias Somery mentioned 1609. 187. Rental of Edgeware and Kingsbury LETTERS. 2 Hen.yill. 188. [Warden Broke] to ... . The College is willing to let 2 Dec. liim Crykyll Wood for 71. 6s. 8d., with certain stipulations Draft, mutilated, p. 1 On the back is the return to a writ of dedimus potestatem by Wm. Porter, warden of St. Mary's College, and Wm. G 82 AECHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. Broke, warden of All Souls', concerning a case between Wm. Bulkun and Thos. Woodward 1746. 189. A portion of a letter to Warden [Niblett] concerning tlic renewal of the lease of Olderhills, in Hendon KINGSBURY, HENDON, HAMMONDS, AND COLLINS. OLD LEASES. 22 Hen. \1. 1. Lease by All Souls' College of tlieir lands in Hendon to 14 Nov. Eobert Smyth and John Legat 32 Hen. VI. 2. Similar lease ■ 28 June 35 Hen. VI. 3. Of the manor of Kyngesbury, Dermannes londes, and Hedes 22 Nov. londes to John Bernevylle and William Shepherd 8 Edw. IV. 4. Of the manor of Kingsbury, Dermannes londes, and Hedes 29 Nov. londes to Wm. Shepherd 15 Edw. IV. 5. Of 'Godewhill,' ' Blowershawe,' ' Eedyng,' ' le Hay,' and 10 May ' Wilpittes Mede,' in Hendon, to John Legate 11 Hen. VII. 6. Of lands in Hendon, late held by Wm. Nycollys, to Richard 29 Oct. Nycollys 1 1 Hen. VII. 7. Of tlie College lands in Hendon, late held by Aleyn Nicoll, 27 Nov. to Thos. Hoddesdon, alias Byrde, of Edgeware 20 Hen. VII. 8. Of the same land to Eichard Eice, of London 29 March 24 Hen. VII. 9. Of the manor of Kingsbury, with Dermannes londes and 1 Oct. Hedes londes, to John Shepherd Both parts 17 Hen. VIII. 10. Of the manor of Kingsbury, (fcc, to Thos. Schepherde 16 Sept. 26 Hen. VIII. 11. Of the messuage called Hamondes, beside Ox Street, in 30 April Kingsbury, to Eichard Shepherd 29 Hen. VIII. 12. Of the bailiwick of Kingsbury and of Edgeware to Thos. 12 April Norwode, of Pinner 30 Hen. VIII. 13. Of the manor of Kingsbury, &c., to Eichard Lyell, of London 1 Jan. 1 Edw. VI. 14. License to Eichard Lyell to let tlie lands he holds of the 13 Sept. College 2 Edw. VI. 15. Lease of 'Hamondes' to Eichard Sbeparde 5 March 2 Edw. VI. 16. Lease of lands in Hendon, late held by Eichard Eise, to Thos. 2 April and Ellen Norwood KINGSBURY, HENDON, HAMMONDS, AND COLLINS. 83 5 Edw. VL 17. Of the manor of Kingsbury, &c., to Thos. Shepherd 24 Jan. With bond I & 2 P. & M. 18. Of ' Hamondes ' to Wm. Slieppard 19 April 2 Eliz. 19. Of the manor of Kingsbury, &c., to Thos. Shepard 24 April 8 Eliz. 20. Of the lands in Hendon now held by Tlios. Xorwode to John 14 March Tomworth, gentleman of the Queen's Privy Chamber 8 Eliz. 21. Of a messuage in Kingsbury called Hamondes and Collins 16 May beside Ox Streete, to George Kingesmill 10 Eliz. 22. Of the manor of Kingsbury to Thos. Sheppard 6 Nov. 17 Eliz. 23. Of the lands in Hendon leased to John Tamworth to Robert 8 April Stransham, of Wilton Bond enclosed 25 Eliz. 24. Of the manor of Kingsbury to Francis Mylles 10 July 26 Eliz. 25. Of Hammons and Colins to Thos. Sheapard 10 April 34 Eliz. 26. Of the Common AVood, near Brockhill Woods, Cogdale's 24 Nov. Close, \N^arrenshaw and Hammon's mead in Edgeware to Robert Stransham „ 27. Of the manor of Kingsbury to Thos. Shepherd 36 Eliz. 28. Of Hammons and Colins, beside Ox Street, to Michael 10 July Page 45 Eliz. 29. Of the manor of Kingsbury to Thos. Sheperd 30 Nov. 2 Jac. I. 30. Of Hammons and Collins to ]Michael Page, of Kingsbury 6 Oct. 3 Jac. I. 31. Of the lands held by Robert Stransham to Thos. Stransham 6 April 9 Jac. I. 32. Of the manor of Kingsbury to Thos. Sheapheard 19 Dec. „ 33. Of Hammons and Collins to Michael Page 16 Jac. I. 34. Of the manor of Kingsbury to Thos. Shejiherd 27 Oct. 17 Jac. I. 35. Of the lands in Hendon, previously held by Robert Stran- 22 Oct. sham, to Thos. Stransham 18 Jac. I. 36. Of Hammonds and Collins to Micliael Page Bond enclosed 25 Oct. 2 Car. I. 37. Of lands in Hendon, late held by Tlios. Stransham, the 10 Nov. Common Wood, Cogdale's Close, and other land in Edg- ware and Kingsbury to Edmund Batemau Bond enclosed G 2 84 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 10 Car. I. 38. Lease of the lands late held by Thos. Stransham, the Com- 28 Oct. mon Wood, Hurst, and other land to Edmund Eateman Bond enclosed 17 Car. II. 39. Of Hammonds and Collins to Margaret Stockdale, of Kings- 13 Jan. bury 1779. 40. Of Hammonds and Collins in Kingsbury to Maximilian 31 Oct. Western, of Mortimer Street 1782. 41. Of lands in Hendon late held by Thos. Stransham, Common 22 Oct. Wood, Cockdale's CloPe, &c., to John Crosse Crooke, Esq. 1784. 42. Of the woodground called Olderhills, in Hendon, to Joseph 20 Oct. (ribbs, of Old Broad St., and Charles Whishaw, of Castle Yard, Holborn Both parts „ 43. Of Padford Grove to Joseph Gibbs, of Old Broad Street, and Charles Whishaw „ 44. Of Hoses and Heys to Gibbs and Wishaw 1786. 45. Of woodgrounds about Symond's Mead, Chickley Field, and 16 Oct. Three Crofts, Kings])uiy, to Maximilian Western, of Mor- timer St. 1788. 46. Of the manor of Kingsbury, Dorman's lauds, and other pre- 20 Oct. mises to James duke of Chandos „ 47. Of Eobertsfield Grove, Old Field Grove, Kingsbury, and other woodgrounds and springs in Kingsbury, Wilsden, Chelsea, and Fulliam, to James duke of Chandos 1789. 48. Of land lately held by Thos. Stransham in Hendon, land 20 Oct. near Bi'ockhill Woods and Cockdale Close, and elsewhere in Edgeware, to John Crosse Crooke, of Hendon 1792. 49. Of the manor of Kingsbury, Dorman's lands, &c., to Anne 20 Oct. Elizabeth duchess of Chandos License to let enclosed „ 50. Of Eobert's Field Grove, Old Field Grove, &c., to the duchess of Chandos License to let enclosed 1793. 51. Of Hammonds and Collins and two acres of woodground in 4 Nov. Kingsbury to Maximilian Western Both parts and license to let „ 52. Of woodgrounds al)out Housecroft, Symond's Mead and Three Crofts in Kiugsbiu-y to Maximilian Western Both parts 53. Of Rushgrove, in Hendon, to Andrew Burgess, of Kensington, butterman, and Wm. Shaddock, farmer Both parts 54. License to Hannah Harris, of Hendon, widow, to let Bush- grove in Hendon to John Nichol, of the Hyde 55. Lease of woods on Burgrovc, Hendon, to John NicoU, of Hendon 56. Of tlie lands late held by Thos. Stransham in Hendon, Com- mon Wood, and Hurst, Cockdale's Close, &c., to Jolni Crosse Crooke r 24 794. April 1794. 13 Dec. r 21 795. Oct. i: 1 r96. Nov. KINGSBURY, HENDON, HAMMONDS, AND COLLINS. 85 1797. 67. Lonse of Upper and Netlier Padford Grove and Hammond's 31 Oct. land Grove to PVancis Whishaw, of Woolverton Bulk jntrts „ 58. Of Olderliills, Hendon, to Francis Whishaw, of Woolverton, Hants „ 69. Of Ho?es and Heys to the same „ 60. Three licenses to Francis Whishaw to let the laud mentioned in the three preceding leases 1800. 61. Lease of the manor of Kingsbury, Dorman's lands, Hedge 23 Oct. lands, Hillhurst Croft, and other land in Kingsbury to Sir Richard Gamon and Henry Leigh License to let eiu-lused „ 62. Of Hammonds and Collins, &c., to Maximilian Western Both parts ISOl. 63, Of Rushgrove, in Hendon, to Andrew Bui-gess, butternian, f) April and Wm. Shaddock, farmer 1802. 64. Of Burgrove to John NicoU Both ijarts 23 Oct. 1803. 66. Of Stransham's lands to John Crosse Crooke 4 Nov. 1804. 66. Of Upper and Nether Padford' Grove to Francis Wlushaw 4 Nov. Botlt parts „ 67, Of Oldevh ills to Francis Whishaw Both parts „ 68. Of Hoses and Heys to Francis ^Mushaw Both parts 1807. 69. Of Hammonds and Collins to Robert Selliy, of Kingsbury, 20 Oct. yeoman Both parts 1808. 70. Of Rush Grove in Hendon to Andrew Burgess, of Kensington, 25 April and Wm, Shaddock, of Shepherd's Bush Both paints and license to let 1808. 71, Of the manor of Kingsbury and Dorman's land to Sir Richard 25 Oct. Gamon and Henry Leigh „ 72. Of Robertstield Grove, Oldfield Grove, and other woods in Kingsbury to Gamon and Leigh WitJi license to let 1809. 73. Of Burgrove to John Nicoll Both parts 25 Oct. 1810. 74. Of the lands late held by Thos. Stransham, ^*v:c., to John 2 Nov. Crosse Crooke Both parts 1812. 76. Of the manor of Kingsbury, &c., to Sir Richard Gamon and 2 Nov. Henry Leigh Both parts and license to let „ 76. Of Ro))ertsfield and Oldfield Groves, &c., to Sir Ric. Gamon and Henry Leigh „ 77. Of Padford Groves to Francis Whishaw Both parts „ 78. Of Olderliills to the same „ 79. Of Hoses and Heys to the same Both parts 1814. 80. Of Hammonds and Collins to Robert Selby Both pjarts 2 Nov. 80 AECHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1816. 81. Lease of Burgi'ove and Woodgrove to John Nieoll, of Ilondon, 2 Nov. fiirmer Both parts 1817. 82. Of Stransham's lands, &c., to John Crosse Crooke 3 Nov. „ 83. Of the land late held by Thos. Stransham, &c., to John Crosse Crooke 1818. 84. Of the manor of Kingsbury, Dorman's lands, Hedge lands, 2 Nov. &c., to Ric. Grenville Chandos Temple, marquis of Buck- ingham Both parts „ 85. Of Robertsfield Grove, Oldfield Grove, and other land to the marquis of Buckingham Both parts 1819. 86. Of Padford Groves to Wm. Geeves Both parts 2 Nov. „ 87. Of Olderhilh to Wm. Geeves Both parts „ 88. Of Hoses and Heys to John Whishaw Both parts ami license to let 1821. 89. Of Hammonds and Collins to Eobt. Selby Both parts 2 Nov. 1823. 90. Of BurgTove, Hendon, to John Nicoll Both parts 3 Nov. 1824. 91. Of the lands late held by Stransham and others to John 3 Nov. Crosse Crooke Both parts 1826. 92. Of Hoses and Ileys to Thos. Nicholls Both parts 3 Nov. 1827. 93. Of pasture near Burroughs to Wm. Geeves Both parts 3 Nov. „ 94. Of Olderhills to ^^'m. Geeves Both jMrts „ 95. Of the manor of Kingsbm-y to the duke of Buckingham With license to let 1828. 96. Of Hammonds to Robert Selby Both parts 3 Nov. 183L 97. Of Stransham^s lands, &c., to Elizabeth Crooke 27 Oct. 1831. 98. Of wood on Burgrove to John Nicoll Both parts 3 Nov. 1833. 99. Of the manor of Kingsbury to the duke of Buckingham 26 Oct. 1835. 100. Of Stransham's lands, &c., to Thos. and Edw. John Lack 3 Feb. Both parts „ 101. Of Townfiold to Messrs. Lack Both parts „ 102. Of a meadow near Burroughs to the same Both j^cirts „ 103. Of Broad Field, Collin Deep Field, &c., to th- same Both p)n^'ts 5, 104. Of land in Cool Duck J^ane to the same Both parts LANGLEY MARSH. 87 1835. 105. Lease of Hammonds and Collins to Eobt. SelLy 31 Oct. Both parts and license to let 1835. 106. Of a meadow in Dearficld Lane to Thos. Greeves 3 Nov. Both parts and license to let „ 107, Of a meadow near Burroug-lis to Thos. Geeves 1837. 108. Of Olderbills to Eoger Gadsden Both parts 3 Nov. 1838. 109. Of land near Bm-rowes to Joseph Neeld Both parts 3 Nov. „ 110. Of woodgTounds on Burgrove to Samuel and Henry Nicoll Both parts 5, HI. Of land in Cool Duck Lane to Wm. Nicholls Both parts „ 112. Of land in Burrow's Lane and Collin Deejj, &c., to Samuel Ware BotJt parts „ 113. Of Sfcransham's land, t'tc, to Samuel Ware Both parts 1841. 114. Of land in Dearfield Lane to Thos. Geeves 3 Nov. LANGLEY MAESH. 'SPECIALES CAETJE BE TEEJRIS IN LANGELEV MAllIS: 18 Edw. IT. 1. Fine for the transfer of land at Langley, Upton, Wexham, Easter Term Dachet, and Fulmere by John Germayn to John and Margery Lam-ence 8 Ric. IL 2. Grant by John Laurence, of Dorneye, to John Boneyr, vicar 3 April of Burham, and Eobt. Thomas, of all his property in Langeley, Wexham, Foulmere, and Ever 9 Ric. IL 3. Grant by John Boneyr and Robt. Thomas to John Laurence 2 April of all the lands recently acquired from him 9 Ric. II. 4. Grant by John Laurence of all his tenements in Langeleye 29 April Mareys, Wexham, and Foulmere to Henry Atte Watre, of Evere 9 Ric. II. 6. Grant of two acres in Langley Marsh by Henry Atte Watre 1 7 June to John Longeforde „ 6. Grant by Henry Atte Watere to John and Joan Lane of a messuage and garden in Langele Marreys 10 Ric. II. 7. Grant by Henry Atte Watre to John Squyer of lands in 14 April Wexham and Dacchet, near the land of the prior of Southwark ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 12 Kic. II. 8. Grant by Robt. Squyer, of Lee, to John Smart, chaplain of 12 Dec. Langelee JNIareys, and \Vm. Squier, of his inheritance in Buckinghamshire 5 Hen. IV. 9. Release by John Smart to Thos. Squyer of his title to the 20 May lands gianted him by Robt. Squyer 9 Hen. IV. 10. Grant by Thos., son of Robt. Squyer, to Thos. Hale and Wm. 9 Oct. Parker, of all his lands in Langeley Marreys, Wexham, and Fulmere 1 Hen. V. 11. Grant by Hale and Parker to "\Vm. Wyot, John Grantham, 9 July and others, of the lands formeily belonging to Squier 1 Hen. V. 12. Release by Wyot, Grantham, &c., to Thos. Squyer of their 20 Sept. lands in Wexham and Fulmere 8 Hen. V. 13. Praecipe for the surrender of two acres in Langley Marsh by 8 Feb. Margaret Longford to Katherine, widow of Robert Scot 10 Hen. V. 14. Release of lands in Wexham and Dachet by Thos. Squiere to 3 Aug. Katherine, widow of Robt. Scot „ 15. Release of Brokehousand Brokecrofte in Langele Marreys by Walter and Joan Pynnore to Katherine and Thos. Scot HASCIIE FOELONG, 11 Ric. II. 16. Grant by Henry Atte Watre to John Rounde, of Haschefor- 15 Nov. long? ill Fowlmere „ 17. Duplicate of the preceding 17 Ric. II. 18. Grant by John Rounde, parker of Langele Marreys, to 3 Nov. William and Juliana Tame, fishmongers, of his lands in Upton and Foulmere, late belonging to Henry Atte Watre 21 Ric. II. 19. Grant of Assheforlong by Thos., son of William Thame, to 6 Sept. Thomas Melrcth, John Tylneye, and John Sandon „ 20. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 7 Hen. IV. 21. Grant of Hachefurlong by Thos. Melreth to Nicholas Wexham 8 Jan. 9 Hen. V. 22. Release of 8 acres of wood in Fouletner by Tht*s. Melrcthe to 20 Aug. Katherine Scot „ 23. Release of 10 acres in Foulemer by Nicholas Wexham to Katherine, widow of Robt. Scot CANONES LOND. 19 Ric. II. 24. Grant of Canones loud in Langeleye Marreys by William 12 Jan. Atte Borne, of Okeley, to Will. Lincoll, John Mogynhod, and John Lylly, of Dachet LANGLET MARSH. 89 20 Ric. II. 25. Eelcase l:)y Mogynhod and I^ylly of their estate in Canones 10 May lond to Wm. Lincoll 22 Ric. II. 26. Release by Thos. and Joan Knight, of Okeley, to Wm. Lyn- 5 March coll, of their estate in Westfeld and Canones lond 3 Hen. IV. 27. Grant by William Lincoll of Canones lond (20 acres) to 5 Oct. Richard and Joan Atte More and Hugh Atte AVelle 10 Hen. V. 28. Release by Richard and Joan Atte More and Hugh Atte Welle 3 Aug. to Katherine Scot, of their estate in Canonlond 10 Hen. V. 29. Grant by Catherine Scot of her lands in Langele ]\raneys, 2 Aug. Upton, Wexham, Dachet, and Fulmer to her son Thomas 1 Hen. VI. 30. Grant by Thos. Scot, clothier of London, to Robt. Tatersale, 14 Jan. John Xewenliam, Ric. Skrayth, and others, of all his lands in Langele Marreys, &c. 2 Edw. IV. 31. Grant by Ric. Skrayth to Thos. Scot, alderman of London, 4 June his wife Edith, and Robt. Skreyngtham, of the lands in Langele Marreys acquired from Thos. Scot „ 32. Power of attorney to deliver seisin „ 33. Power of attorney to receive seisin 5 Edw. IV. 34. Grant by Thos. and Edith Scotte and Robt. Skreyngham, of 2 July Brokehouse and Brokecrofte in Langeley Marreys to William and Joan Smyth, of Plummouthe „ 35. Duplicate of the preceding „ 36. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 16 Edw. IV. 37. Indenture between Tho;;. Scotte and Wm. Smytli for the 1 Jidy payment of the rent of tenements in Langley Marys 19 Edw. IV. 38. Release by Wm. Smyth of his estate in a messuage in Lang- 24 iNIay ley Marreys to John Scotte 20 Hen. VII. 39. Lease by John Scotte, of Dorney, to Jolm Gladwyn, per- 21 Aug. petual vicar of Dorney, and Robt. Rede, of all his lands in Langley Marres, &c. 21 Hen. VII. 40. Lease by Gladwyn and Rede to John Goryng, Ric. Fitzwater, 28 Jan. and Jas. Michenale, to the use of Ric. Fitzwater, of their lands in Langley, &c. „ 41. Duplicate 3 Hen. VIII. 42. Release by Robt. Rede to Ric. Fitzwalter of his estate in 29 April the said lands 8 Ifen. VIII. 43. Crrant by Ric. Fitzwater to Thos. Hawkyns of his lands at 20 May Langley uNIarres, &c. 8 Hen. VIII. 44. Grant by Thos. Hawkyns to Ric. and Joan Fitzwater and 21 May others of the lands granted him by Fitzwater 9 Hen. VIII. 45. Lease by Ric. Fytzwater to Robt. Thedome, of Canon's londes 21 March in Langley Marres 90 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 10 Hen.VIIL 46. 30 April Sale by^Ric. Fitzwater to Robt. Ilonywod of lands in Langley Marres, Vrexliara, &c. 10 Hen.VIIL 47. Release by Ric. Fytzwater of his estate in the lands of the 19 July late John Scot in Langele Marreys, &c., to Robt. Ilony- wod, clerk 48. Two copies of a fine for the conveyance of the said estate lOJTcn. VITI. 49. Grant by Robt. Honywod to Wm. Broke, Thos. Payne, and 23 July others of the lands bought from F}tzwater VAJRIuS CABT^. 60. Grant by IMartin de Pleystonwe to Walter de Langelee of a messuage at Pleystonwe in Langelee 1 2 Ric. II. 51. Grant by Henry Atte Wattre to John and Joan Lane of land 6 Jnne in Gates and Gnekescroft, in Langeley 9 Hen. IV. 62. G-rant by John Frensh and Thos. Uphous to Wm. Langeley 26 June of ^ acre of land in Langeley Marsh 2 Hen. V. 53. Grant by John "VVyltshyr, lord of Bradenham, to John Atte 1 Nov. Spene, of a tenement in Bradenham held by John Pymlot, ' nativus mens,' deceased 2 Hen. VI. 64. Partition of the lands of John Laurence at Langley amongst 25 Feb. his heirs 5 Hen. VI. 55. Inquisition held at Maidenhith, concerning the state of the 18 Aug. high road at Wexham, by which it appears that Thos. Scot is not bound to make certain repairs 22 Hen. VI. 56. Grant by Jolm Erby, of Langeley Mareys, of his lands in 10 Jan. Colbroke to his son William 29 Hen. VI. 67. Release of all actions by Wm. Setheryngton, executor of 7 Aug. Geoffrey Robins, of Stoke Verdun', Wilts, to Tiios. Scotte, clothier of London 5 Edw. IV. 58. Grant by Ric. and Catharine Savage of a piece of laud in 18 Oct. Wycombe to Thos. Cottobery 5 Edw. IV. 69. Bond of Ric. Savage, of Harnesey, to Thos. Cottobery 20 Oct. 12 Edw. IV. 60. Grant of Wydcroftsmede, in Wycombe, by Ric. Carre, Thos. 29 June Broun, and others, to Thos. Cotbury 14 Edw. IV. 61. Grant by Ric. Gary, Willm. Brusshewode, and otliers to 29 Sept. Robt. Est, of a piece of land at Wycombe „ 62. Grant by the same to the same of Wydcrof i mede, in Wy- combe 17 Edw. IV. 63. Power of attorney of Ric. Andrew to receive seisin of tenc- 17 April ments in East and West Wycombe from Thos. Gotbury 19 Edw. IV. 64. Letters of attorney by Ric. and Agnes Reve to deliver seisin 1 5 April of a tenement in Dedcworth to John Robyns L ANGLE Y MARSH. 91 19 Edw. IV. 65. (iraiit })y Eobt. Este to John Hawkyns, John More, John 16 May Play ford, and others, of Wydcroftmede 1 Ric. III. 66. (rrant by William Er})y, of Langley Marreys, to John Scot, 3 INIay of a messuage at Pleystouwe 2 Hen. VII. 67. Release by Wm. Erby to John Scotte of 20d. of rent from 15 Oct. a messuage near Playstowe 13 Hen. VII. 68. Grant by Charles and Eliz. Rypon and Jolm Rekis of a mes- 30 July suage in Clewar, called Milleborns, to John and Anno Downrych 21 Hen. VII. 69. Receipt by Robt., son and heir of Wm. Fytzwater, from 11 July Richard Fytzwater of the bequest of John Scott, of Dor- ney, i^art of tlie reversion of lands in Langley, Wexham, Upton, Dachett, and Fullmer 10 Hen. VIII. 70. Release by Thos. Benet and Wm. Bound of their estate in 4 May Uxo binds sold to them and Ilonywod in Clewar by Ant. Dunrige lOHen.VIII. 71. Lease of lands in Langley Marrcs, Wexhara, Dachett, and 16 March Fulmer, by Dr. Robt. Honeywood to All Souls' College, for 99 years, for the support of a priest to celebrate service for Honeywood's welfare lOHen.VIII. 72. Sale by Thos. Bennet to Robt. Ilonywod of lands in Clewar 1 April bought of Antony Dunri gge „ 73. Release of the same lands by Thos. Bennet and Wm. Bound to Robt. Honywod 14 Hen. VIII. 74. Grant by Robt. Honywood, canon of Windsor, of three tene- 16 Sept. ments in Clewer, 'Milburns,' 'Bakers,' and ' GefFreyes,' to Wm. Broke, Roger Lupton, Will. Wyneard, and others 32 Hen. VIII. 75. Bond of John and William Style, of Langley Marres, to All 1 7 June Souls' College 1604. 76. Warrant for the survey of the king's manors of Datchet, Dat- 20 Feb. diet St. Elyns, Ditton, Wiardesburye, and Langley Copy 7 Ric. II. 77. Rental of land in Langley Marreys, the property of John, 5 Jan. son and heir of Matthew Laurence [Hen. VIII.] 78. A rental of Langley ^Nlarres John, Thos., and Rob. Hawkyn, Robt. Calvet LEASES. 29 Hen. VIII. 1. Lease by All Souls' College to Thos. Balburrowe, of Chep- 6 March inge Wyckham, of lands in the parishes of Langley ^Nlarsh, Wexham, Upton, Dachett, and Fowlmor, in Buckingham- shire 1 & 2 P. & M. 2. Of lands at Langley :\Iarsh to Mr. Roger Eliot, late fellow 1 Oct. of the College 92 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 2 & 3P. & M. 3. Lease of lands at Langley jNIarsh to Roger Elyott 28 Oct. 7 Eliz. 4. Of lands at Langley JNIarsb to John Nashe, bntler of the 16 Nov. College 24 Eliz. 5. Of lands in Langleye Marrysbe to Jolm Smithe, of Chelsfield 6 Sept. 30 Eliz. 6. Of lands in Langley Marishe to Tlios. Duckett, of Stoke 9 Nov. 2 Jac. I. 7. Of lands in Langley Marsh to Thos. Duckett, of Stoke Oct. 14 Jac. I. 8. Of lands in Langley Marsh, &c., to John Newton, of Lang- 16 Oct. ley Marsh 14 Jac. I. 9. Bond of John Newton to All Souls' College to let tl;e above- 2 Nov. mentioned lands to Thos. Duckett, son of Elizabeth, wife of John Newton 1 Car. I. 10. Lease of lands in Langley ^larsh, Wexham, Upton, Dochett, 6 Dec. and Fulmer, to James Chapman Bond enclosed 1778. 11. Of Hath Furlong and Bendall's, in the parish of Fulmore, 13 Oct. to the Rev. Thos. Slatter, of Keynsam, and Mary and Elizabeth Slatter, both of Windsor Castle Both parts „ 12. Of lands in Langley Marsh, Waxham, Upton, Dotchet, Wick- ham, and Fulmore, and Woodcroft, and a meadow in Chip- ping Wickham to Thos., Elizabeth, and Mary Slatter Both parts 1784. 13. Of lands in Langley Marsh, &c., for 20 years, to Rev. Thos. 24 Oct. Slatter, of Keynsham, Eliz. Slatter, and Mary Slatter, both of Windsor Castle, spinsters 1780. 14. Of Hath Furlong and EendalFs, in Fulmore, to Rev. Thos. 24 Oct. Slatter, of Keynsham, and Elizabeth and INIary Slatter, of Windsor Castle 1792. 15. Of lands in Langley JMarsh, Waxham, Upton, Docliett, Wick- 20 Oct. ham, and Fulmore, to Mary Slatter, of Windsor Castle, and James Slatter, of the Tower Both parts „ 16. Of Hath Furlong and Bendalls to Mary and James Slatter 1799. 17. Of the same to tlie same Both parts 12 Oct. „ 18. Of land in Langley Marsh, S:c., to the same License to let 1 806. 19. Of ILitli Furlong, &c., to Mary and James Slatter 3 Nov. With license to let J, 20. Of land in Langley IMarsli, S:c., to tlie sanie 1827. 21. License to James Slatter to let Hath Furlong and Bendalls 3 Nov. LE MILBURY, KEMBELL'S LANDS, PADBURY. 93 LE MILBUEY, KEMBELL'S LANDS, PADBUPiY. LE MILLBUBT. 1. Grant by Willliam, son of Hamon, to Simon de Achingham, of Padbury mill with meadow, pond, and appm-tenances 5 Edw. T. 2. Grant l)y Jordan de Hastinges, of Stoke Hamunde, of a rent 7 Nov. of 2 capons to James and Galiana Koc. 3. Grant by Nicholas le Bretun, of a messuage and 6 acres at Padbiri, to James and Galiana Koc, of Padbiri 4. Grant by Jas. Koc, of Padebm-i, to Sir Wm. de Echingham, of a messuage and 6 acres, called ' Collelond,' at Padeburi G Edw. [ri.] 5. License to John de Wolverton to grant the manor of Pade- 21 Jan. bury, which is held in chief of the crown, to his son John and Joan Pecche Great seal G Edw. IL 6. Grant of the manor of Padebury by Sir John de Wolverton 28 Jan. to his son John, and Joan, daughter of Bartholomew Pecche „ 7. Indenture between Sir John de Wolverton and Bartholomew Pecche to the same effect 49 Edw. IIL 8. Grant of the manor of Padbury by Alice, widow of Eichard 26 ]March Duraunt, to Wm. Walton 49 Edw. IIL 9. Grant by Sir Wm. Echinghame of tlie manor of Paddebm-i, 4 April Bucks, to Wm. Mulsoo, Robt. Ecliynghame, Robt. de Ore, Ralph Black, rector of Ywherst, John Wyttlyve {sic\ vicar of INIaghefeld, and Walter Atte More 49 Edw. III. 10. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 6 April 49 Edw. IIL IL Grant by Wm. Mulsoo, Robert Echyngham, Robert Ore, 1 5 Aug. Ralph Black, John Wyccly\'e, and ^^^alter Atemore, of a rent of 10 marks from the manor of Padebury to Roger Asshbournham 51 Edw. III. 12. Lease by Alice, widow of Ric. Duraunt, of a cottage and land 26 April at Padebury to John Colles 1 Ric. IL 13. Power of attorney by Robert de Echyngham, Robert de Ore, 20 Aug. Ralph Blake, John Wycclive, aud Walter Attemore to deliver the manor of Paddebmy to Robert Lyndeseye, Gilbert INIaghefelde, John Chiverele, and John Sergeant 1 Ric. II. 14. Grant of the manor of Paddeburi by Robt. de Echjnighara, 29 Aug. Robt. de Ore, Ralph Blake, John Wycclyve, and Walter Atte More, to Robt. Lyndeseye, Gilbert Mafeld, John Cheverel, and John Sergeant, of Essex 94 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1 Eic. II. 15. Release of the manor of Paddebury by William de Ecliing- 7 Sept. ham to Robt. Lyndeseye, &c. 1 Eic. II. 16. Release of Paddebury by Robt. Echyngliam, Robt. de Ore, 10 Sept. Ralph Blake, John Wycclyve, and Walter Atte More, to Robt. Lindeseye, &c. 1 Ric. II. 17. Similar release by John Echyngham 1 Ric. II, 18. Sale by Sir Wm. de Echyngham to John Sergeaunt of 3 20 Sept. tassa of pease standing in Padbury 1 Ric. II. 19. Grant by Robt. Lyndeseye, John Cheverel, and Gilbert oNIau- 28 Nov. feld, of London, of the manor of Padbm-y to John Hawk- wode, senior, John Sergeaunt, of Hethingham, Essex, Robt. Payn and John Cavendissh „ 20. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 2 Ric. II. 21. Grant of a piece of land called Nerbury, near Le Mellebury, 18 April. by Alice, widow of Ric. Duraunt, of Bourton, to John Haukwode, sen., Thos. Ewe, and John Sergeant 2 Ric. II. 22. Release of Nerbury by Thos., son of Alice Duraunt, to 9 May Hawkwode, &c. 10 Ric. 11. 23. Grant l)y John Haukwod and John Sergaunt, of Hengham 9 Sept. Sibill, of the manor of Padbury to John Palmere, of Gos- feld, and John W^aryn, chaplain „ 24. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 10 Eic. II. 25. Grant of the manor of Padbery by John Palmer and John 19 Sept. W^aryn to John de Haukwode, Eobt. Rykedon, John Serjeaunt, John Sampson, Robt. Lyndeseye, Henry Huwe, and Roger Somenouor „ 26. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 9 Hen. IV. 27. Lease by John, son and heir of Sir John Haukewode, of two 30 Sept. parts and the reversion of the third part of the manor of Padbmy to John Barton, jun. 10 Hen. IV. 28. Release of Paddebury by John Haukewode to John Barton 15 Feb. 10 Hen. IV. 29. Lease of the third part of the manor of Paddebury by 9 March Elysabeth, widow of Sir W^m. Echynghame, to John Barton, jun. 10 Hen. IV. 30. Release of the manor of Paddebury by John, son of Sir 21 July John Haukwode, and Robt. Rykedon, to John Barton, jun. „ 31. Release by Robt. Rykedon and John Sampson to John Barton, jun., of the manor of Paddel)ury 10 Hen. IV. 32. Similar release by Rykedon, Henry Howe, and John Sampson 12 Sept. 13 Hen. IV. 33. Grant by John Barton of the manor of Paddebury called 2 July Millebury to Sir Thos. Wykham, Sir Wm. ByssliO]ipeston, Thos. and John Wylcotes, John I?arton, senior, and Jolin Gyffard LE MILBURY, KEMBELL'S LANDS, PADBURY. 95 2 Hen. V. 34. Grant of Padbiuy by Sir Tbos. Wykbam, &c., to Jobn 4 July Barton, jun., and Isabella his wife „ 35. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 16 Hen. VT. 36. Release of tbe manor of Paddebury called ' le Millebery,' by 30 Sept. Sir Thos. Wykeharn and John Eysshopeston, to Isabella, late wife of John Barton 37. Grant by Isabella Barton to Richard Forstere, of BristoU, John Forstere, and Geoffrey Gryffyth, of Bristol, of the manor of Padbury called * le Millebury ' Power of attorney to deliver seisin Release by Geoffrey Griffeth, of Bristoll, to Ric. Forster, of his estate in the manor of Padbury Seal of the mayoralty of Bristol Grant of Le Milbury by Richard and John Forster to John Birkhede, Robert Danvers, and John Bulde Power of attorney to deliver seisin Power of attorney to receive seisin Grant of a rent of 28 marks from Milbury, by Byrkhede, Danvers, and Bolde, to Isabella, widow of John Barton Indenture between Isabella Barton and Birkhede, &c., con- cerning the payment of the rent Receipt by Sir Robert and Isabella Shottesljroke from All Souls' College of the annuity due to her from Padbury Receipt by Sir Robert Schottesbroke from Wm. Kele, warden of All Souls' College, of an annuity of Al. 1 3s. 4cZ. from the manor of Padbury 47. Receipt by Sir Robert Schotesliroke frcmi All Souls' College of the annuity granted to his wife Isabella 16 Hen. VL 37. 12 Nov. ?> 38. 18 Hen. VI. 39. 17 Oct. 18 Hen. VL 40. 26 Nov. ?5 41. 18Hen. VL 42. 1 8 Dec. 18 Hen. VI. 43. 12 Dec. 18Hen. VL 44. 6 July 28 Hen. VI. 45. 30 Sept. 32 Hen. VL 46. 4 May 33 Hen. VL 47. 10 March KEMBELL'S LANDS. 48. Grant of land at Padebury by John, son of Robert le Bretun, of Leckhamstead, to Nicholas, his son 49. Grant of land at Padebury by Ralph de Padebury to Nicholas le Bruton 50. Grant of a croft at Padebury by Wm. Pacy to Nicholas le Breton, and Nicholaa his wife. 9 Edw. 11. 51. Grant of half a virgate of land at Padebury by Agnes de 8 Oct. Solario to Wm. le Lacy, of Buckingham 9 Edw. II. 62. Grant of 6 acres at Padebury by John le Bretoun to Wm. 20 March Ostage, parson of Addestok 1 . Edw. IL 53. Release of the same land by Nicholaa, daughter of John le 20 Oct. Bretun, to Wm. Ostage 96 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 12 Edw. II. 54. Grant of the same land by Wm. Ostage to Wm. de Kynebelle 18 Mardi 13 Edw. II. 55. Grant of a mes?nage and land in Padebury by Henry Bretoun 4 May to Wm. de Kenebelle „ 56. Sale by Henry Bretonn to Wm. de Kenebelle of his goods in a messuage at Padbury, and a virgate of land, for 100 shillings 13 Edw. II. 57. Grant of a messuage and land at Padbury by Wm. de Kene- 1 1 May belle to Heniy le Bretoun 58. Grant of land at Patebiri by Allan, son of Hamon, son of Meinfel, to Walter the Miller 14 Edw. II. 59. Grant of the moiety of a messuage in Padebury by Lora, 1 Fel ), daughter of Eichard the Miller, to Wm. de Kynebelle „ 60. Grant of the moiety of a messuage at Padebury by Wm. and Dyonisia Attehay, of Buckingham, to Wm. de Kynebelle 14 Edw. II. 61. Grant of the land mentioned in No. 51, by Wm., son of Wm. 30 June le I^acy, to ^^^m. de Kynebelle 16 Edw. II. 62. Lease of a virgate of land at Padebury by John Lynet to 6 Oct. Wm. de Kynebelle 16 Edw. II. 63. Release of the same land by John Lynet to Wm. de Kyne- 2 April belle 17 Edw. II. 64. Grant by Wm. de Kynebelle of all his lands in Padebury to 29 Sept. Adam Skyret, of Buckingham, chaplain 17 Edw. II. 65. Grant of the same land by Adam Skyret to Wm. and Edith 19 Jan. de Kynebelle 22 Edw. III. 66. Grant of land at Padbury by Wm. de Kynebelle to Hugh 25 April and Isabella Tomelyn 30 Edw. III. 67. Lease by Wm. and Ethid de Kynebelle of 2 messuages and 27 March land at Padbury to Robert le Brasiere 31 Edw. III. 68. Lease of the manor of Padbury by Ethid, widow of Wm. de Kynebelle, to Roger, her son, parson of Horton Grant by Roger de Kynebelle of all his lands in Padebury to John Hugges, Walter de Swalcleve, and John Skyret Grant by Jolm Skyret, parson of Horwod IMagna, John Hugges, vicar of Padebury, and Walter de Swalclivo, of the same lands to Agnes, daugliter of the late Joan de jMorton Two counterparts of the same Grant by Alice, daughter and heir of Richard Kynebelle, of all her lands in Padebury to John Skyret, and Roger Skyret, his fatlier, and Lctitia his wife 49 Edw. III. 73. Release of lands in Padebury by John Skyi'et to Roger and 8 Nov. Letitia Skyret 50 Edw. III. 74. Release of lands in Padebury by Agnes Morton to Roger 3 Feb. and Letitia Skyret 5 Feb. 35 Edw. III. 69. 10 Aug. 37 Edw. III. 70. 1 Oct. . » 71. 49 Edw. III. 72. 8 Oct. 50 Edw. in, 15 June 1 Ric. II. 1 July 2 Ric. II. 8 Sept. LE MILBURT, KEMBELL'S LANDS, PADBURY. 97 75. Release by Katherine, daughter and heir of Rosia, wife of John Bars, of her lands in Pudebury to Roger and Letitia Skyret 76. Grant by Roger and Letitia Skyret of all their lands in Paddebury to John Hawkwod, sen., Thos. Tiiwe, John Sergeant, Robert Payne, and John Cavendissh 77. Release of the same by Cavendish to Hawkwod, Tuwe, Sergeaunt, and Payne 78. Notes concerning Kynbelle's lauds in Padbury 'CABT^ BE OVEBBUBY: 33 Edw. III. 79. Release of a fourth part of the manors of Padebury and 29 March Chalfhonte St. Giles by Costancia, daughter of Sir Jolm de Wolferton, to Sir Hugh Wake, of Clifton 33 Edw. III. 80. Grant of the same 30 Marcli 34 Edw. III. 81. Pardon to Hugh Wake for acquiring the 4th part of Padbury 18 May and Chalfhunt St. Giles from Constantia de Wolverton without licence 44 Edw. III. 82. Grant of three parts of the manor of Paddebury by John, 31 July son and heir of Sir Hugh Wake, to John, son of Richard de Olneye, and John Frethorn, chaplain 45 Edw. III. 83. Pardon for the conveyance of part of the manor of Padde- 29 April bury by John Wake to John Frethorn and John Fitzre- chard of Olneye Great seal 49 Edw. III. 84. Release by Adam Basyng of his estate in Sir John Wolver- 11 Jan. ton's lands in Paddebury, to John Fiz Richard de Olneye and Jolui Frethorn 51 Edw. III. 85. Grant by John Wake, of Clifton, and Adam Basynges, of part 1 2 June of the manor of Paddebury to John Frethorn, chaplain, and Thos. Coupere, vicar of Paddebury 51 Edw. III. 86. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 17 June 51 Edw. III. 87. Release of the manor of Paddebury by Wake and Basynges 28 June to Fitz Richard and Frethorn 1 Ric. II. 88. Similar release to Fitz Richard 18 June 20 Ric. II. 89. License to John Frethorn to grant the manor of Overebery, 12 June in Paddebury, to Walter and Margaret Fitz Richard, of Olneye Great seal 20 Ric. II. 90. Grant by John Frethorn, rector of Petsho, of the manor of 13 Jiuie Ovorebury to Walter and Margaret Fitz Richard 5, 91. Power of attorney to deliver seisin H 24 Hen. VI. 98, 28 Feb. J9 99 24 Hen. VI. 100. 10 April 98 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 12 Hen. [IV.] 92. License to Walter Fitz Richard, of Olneye, to grant the 23 Oct. manor of Overbery to John Olneye, of Weston, and Roger Flore, of Okehana Great seal 12 Hen. IV. 93. Grant by Walter Fitz Richard, of the manor of Overbery to 1 2 Nov. Olney and Flore 12 Hen. IV. 94. Grant by John Olneye and Roger Flore, to Walter and 24 Sept. Margery Fitz Richard, of the manor of Overbury „ 95. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 17 Hen. VI. 96. Release of ' The Overbury ' by Isabella, widow of John Whit- 23 Sept. hill, daughter and heir of John Fitz Richard, jnn., and Walter her son, to Walter and Margery Fitz Richard 24 Hen. [VI.] 97. License to Walter and Margery Fitz Richard to grant ' The 21 Nov. Overbury' to John Basyngges, Joan his wife, John Ayle- ward, John Laweney, and John Basyngges, jun. Great seal Grant of ' The Overbury ' by W. and M. Fitz Richard to Basyngges, &c. Counterpart of the above Receipt by Walter Fitz Richard from John Basyngges of rent for Le Overbury 25 Hen. VI. 101. Similar receipt 7 Dec. 25 Hen. VI. 102. Similar receipt 22 June 26 Hen. VI. 103. Similar receipt 20 Dec. 26 Hen. VI. 104. Similar receipt 22 June 27 Hen. VI. 105. Similar receipt 16 Dec. 27 Hen. VI. 106. Similar receipt 23 June 28 Hen. VI. 107. Similar receipt 20 Dec. 32 Hen. VI. 108. License to John Basyngges, John Ayleward, John Lawney, and 1 Sept. John Basyngges, jun., to alienate ' Tlie Overbury ' to Thos. Billyng, Wm. Baroune, Ric. Pynkard, John Scotte, jun., and John Miller Great seal 32 Hen. VI. 109. Power of attorney by John Basyng, Ayleward, &c., to deliver 10 Sept. the manor of Overbury to Thos. Billyng, Wm. Baron, &c. 32 Hen. VI, 110. Grant by John Basyngges, &c., in accordance with the 22 Sept. license of 1 Sept. „ 111. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 32 Hen. VF. 112. Power of attorney to receive seisin 15 Oct. 1453. 113. Releuae of ' Le Overbury' by John Basynges, sen., to his sou 13 N(.v. LE MILBURY, KEMBELL'S LANDS, PADBURY. 99 32 Hen. VI. 114. Indenture between John Basyng, of Holcote, and Wm. Kele, 4 Feb. warden of All Souls' College, about the sale of his lands in Padbury 32 Hen. VI. 115. License to John Basynges to grant ' The Overbury ' to Wm. 4 June Kele, Thos. Wynterbourne, Thos. Leomystre, and John Dryel Great seal 32 Hen. VI. 116. Grant of ' The Overbury ' by John Basynges to Wm. Kele, &c. 6 June „ 117. Duplicate of the above 33 Hen. VI. 118. Release of Overbury by Wm. West, cousin of John Basynge, 16 April to Wm. Kele, &c. 35 Hen. VI. 119. Fine for the conveyance of ' The Overbury ' to Kele, &c. 3 Feb. Two copies 13 Hen. VII. 120. Release of Overbury by Thos., son of John Basyng, to Thos. 28 Oct. Hobby s, warden of All Souls' 'BAKEB8 ET MANEETUM PEBQUISITUM BE Tn02rA BABBIS: 32 Hen. VI. 121. Grant by John Basynge of 7 acres in Padbury to John 21 Dec. Baker le Smyth 14 Edw. IV. 122. Grant by Joan, widow of Wm. Baker, to her son Thos. of a 20 Nov. tenement and land near the rectory of Padbury 14 Edw. IV. 123. Release of the same tenement 7 Jan. 1 Ric. III. 124. Grant by John and Elizabeth Baker of a messuage and land 20 June at Padbury to Thos. Baker 1 3 Hen. VII. 125. Grant by Thos. Baker to John and Alice Baker of a messuage 10 Feb. at Padbury 15 Hen. VII. 126. Grant of the same messuage by Thos. and Alice Baker to 10 March Thos. and Rose Baker 15 Hen. VIII. 127. Grant of the same messuage by John, son and heir of Jolin 4 Aug. Baker, to Thos. Nycollys and Thos. Walcott 16 Hen.VIII. 128. Grant of the same messuage by Thos. Nycols and Thos. Wal- 20 May cott to John and Alice Bratforde „ 129. Deed of sale between the same parties „ 130. Counterpart of the above 24 Hen.VIII. 131. Bond of Thos. and John Bratford, of Nasshe, Bucks, to 11 May convey their lands in Padbury to All Souls' College 24 Hen.VIII. 132. Grant by Alice Bratforde to Robert Wodeward, John Warner, 25 June and Richard Lyell, of the same messuage 24 Hen.VIII. 133. Release of the same messuage by Thos. and John, sons of 28 Jime John and Alice Bratford H 2 100 ARCHIVES OR ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 12 Edw. II. 134. Fine by which John and Elizabeth Cok acknowledge the right 20 Jan. of John Wakefield to a messuage and lands at Padebury 17 Edw. II. 135. Indenture between John, son of Ealph Koc, and John, son 8 Sept. of Sir John de Wolvertone, settling their claims to the wardship of John, son and heir of Eobert, son of Henry Athetounesende, of Padebury 136. Release by James Cok of a rent of 4 shillings from Ealph Cok 9 Edw. III. 137. Grant by Peter, son of Ealph Cock, of 2 messuages and land 9 July in Padebury, with Walter Holasho and John Page, who hold them in villenage, to Henry Breton and Eicliard de Sodelowe „ 138. Grant by Peter Cock to Eichard de la Yille, Tl)os. and Eoesia Leycestre, and Eliz. her sister, of 2 messuages and land at Padebury, with John Holasho and Hugh le Gynour, who hold them in villenage 9 Edw. III. 139. Grant by Peter Cok of his father's messuage in Padebury, with 12 July the land held by the above-mentioned villeins, to John de Walton, T. and R. de Leycestre, and Eliz. her sister, Eic. de Sodelowe, and Eichard de la Ville 9 Edw. III. 140. Grant by Ealph Cok of a messuage, land, and rent in Pade- 19 July bury to John de Walton, Thos. and Eoesia de Leycestre, and Elizabeth, sister of Eoesia 9 Edw. III. 141. Eelease by Peter Cock of his father's messuage in Padebury 27 July to Eoesia and Elizabeth de Leycestre 9 Edw. III. 142. Grant by Thos. and Eoesia de Leycestre to Elizabeth her 29 Sept. sister, of the portion of Eoesia in the lands of Ealph Cock, her father, in Padebury 10 Edw. III. 143. Eelease by Thos. and Eoesia de Leycestre to Elizabeth her 1 9 May sister of the lands which the latter holds in Padbury 1 Edw. III. 144. Power of attorney to receive seisin 5 Aug. 10 Edw. III. 145. Fine for the conveyance of land in Padebury by Thos. and Oct. Eoesia Leycestre to Elizabeth her sister Two copies 11 Edw. III. 146. Grant by Elizabeth, daughter of Ealph Cock, of all her lands 31 Aug. in Padebury to Eobert Hawys, chaplain 12 Edw. III. 147. Fine for the conveyance of the same land by Eobert Hawys 12 April to John and Elizabeth de Walton Ttuo copies 39 Edw. III. 148. Eelease by Elizabeth, wife of John Cok, to Eichard and 19 April Alice Durrant of her estate in the lands held by them in Padebury 2 Eic. II. 149. Grant by John Ilaukwode, sen., Thos. Tewe, and John Ser- 18 April geant of 12 acres in Padebury, in exchange, to Alice, widow of Eichard Duraunt, of Bowerton 16 Hen. VI. 150. Eelease l)y Wm. Savage, heir of Thos. Duraunt, to Tlios. 7 March More and Alice his wife, widow of Thos. Duraunt, of his title to land in Padebury LE MILBURT, KEMBELL'S LAXDS, PADBURY. 101 31 lien. VI. 151. Release of a rent from land in Padbury by John Lawney, 6 Feb. John Basynge, sen., and John Basynge, jun., to Thos. and Alice More 31 Plen. VI. 152. Grant by John Lawney, John Basynge, sen., and Jolm 6 June Basynge, jun., of a messuage and land at Padbury to Thos. and Alice More „ 153. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 32 Hen. VI. 154. Grant by John Basyng, jun., of Le Holme, in Padbury, to 5 Dec. Thos. and Alice More 32 Hen. VI. 155. Release of the same 6 Dec. 32 Hen. VI. 156. Release by John Basyngges, jun., of a messuage and land at 10 July Padbury to Thos, and Alice More 11 Edw. IV. 157. Grant by \Vm., son of John Carter, of 5 acres in Padl)ury to Ric. More 158. Fine for tlio conveyance of the manor of Padbury by Ferdi- nando Pultun to Thos. and Kath. Harrys 159. Padherie. ' Copy of a fine of Thos. Harris his landes in Padberie, late Moore's ' 160. Sale of the manor of Padlmry l)y Ferdinando Pulton, of Desborowe, to Thos. and Katharine Harrys 161. Bond of F. Pulton to perform the above 162. Grant of Padebury to Harrys 163. Exemplification of a recovery suffered for the same purpose 164. Exemplification of proceedings in the Court of Exchequer between Ferdinand Pultun and Thos. and Katharine Harrys concerning the manor of Padbury 165. Grant by Wm. Peirson, of Addyngton, of land in Paddebury to Thos. Harrys 166. Lease by Thos. Harrys, of Padbury, to John Harris, grocer of London, of messuages and land in Padbury 167. Sale by Thos. Harrys to All Souls' College of the manor of Padbury 30 April 5 Eliz. 6 May 5 Eliz. 5 Eliz. 1 1 May 5 Eliz. 17 June 5 Eliz. 18 June 6 Eliz. 15 May 7 Eliz. 11 Feb. 29 Eliz. 2 July 33 Eliz. 1 Oct. 33 Eliz. 10 Oct. 'DEMISSIONES ET VAEI2E CAUTJE: 168. Grant by "William, son of Hamon, of land acquired from Alan, son of Robert, to Gilbert de Thorentonia, clerk 169. Grant by Ralph de Shaldeston, vicar of Thorneberge, to Gilebert de Thorenton, of a messuage and laud in Padeburi 102 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 170. Graiit by Alan, son of Robert, to Gilbert de Torentun, of the lands held of him by John le Bretun, William Wildelw, and the heirs of Goman and Wm. Duy 171. Release by Wm. Wildelow of tlie homage and service of John le Bretun and Stephen the Miller to Gilbert de Thorenton 172. Release by Isabella, daughter of William Dun, to G. de Thorenton of the third of a virgate of land in Padebiri 173. Grant by Isabel, d. of Wm. Duu, to Hugh the Hunter, of Hudesdon, and Beatrix his wife, of a messuage in Padbury 174. Grant by Gilbert de Thorenton to Thos. le Freman, of 3 roods of land in Padebiri 175. Grant by William Pacy to Ralph, son of Gilebert de Torne- ton, of part of a messuage and croft in Padeburi 176. Grant by James de Thorentone, of a messuage called Le Bympey, in Padibyri, to Wm. de Nortone 177. Gi'ant by William de Nortone to Jas. de Thorenton, of 3 messuages and land at Padbyri, and a field called ' Wydenhale ' 178. Grant by James de Thorneton to Alice, d. of Ralph Kynge, of Stepel Cleydon, of a messuage and croft in Padbury 179. Grant by Alice Kynge, of Stepel Cleydon, to her daughter Isabel, of a messuage and croft in Padbury 180. Grant by Isabella, widow of Simon Oke, of Paddebury, of half an acre in Le Dene in Addestok, to Richard Eyr, her brother, and Isabel his wife 181. Grant by Thos. Stanford of freedom to Thos., son of Robert of Padebury, for a rent of twopence a year 182. Grant by Wm. Pacy, of a messuage in Padbury to his son Eustace 26 p]dw. I. 183. Grant by Nicholaa, widow of Nicholas le Breton, to Henry 30 ]March her son, of a garden in Padebury bought from Wm. Pacy 3 Edw. II. 184. Grant by Eustace Pacy to Juliana his daugliter of a tene- 10 June ment in Padebury 6 Edw. II. 185. Release by Sarra, widow of Gilbert Chichele, of Thorn burg, 25 Feb. to Agnes her daughter, of half a virgate of land in Pade- bury 9 Edw. II. 186. Grant by John Koc, of 4 acres at Padbiu-y to Hugh, son of 10 June Thos. le Freeman 187. Grant by Matilda, d. of Hamon Hasteng, of Wlfreton, of a messuage in Padbury to Richard, son of Thos. son of Edyt of Padebury 188. Grant by John, so.n of John, son of Alan of Wlverthon, to Ricliard, son of Thos. son of Edith of Padeburi, and Agues his wife, of 3 acres in Padeburi LE MILBURY, KEMBELL'S LAXDS, PADBURY. 103 16 Edw. ir. 30 June 18 Edw. ir. 2 March 6 Edw. III. 21 July 9 Edw. III. 12 March 22 Edw. III. 24 April 46 Edw. III. 24 June 46 Edw. III. 4 July 50 Edw. III. 7 May 6 Ric. II. 26 June 14 Hon. IV. 1 () Jan. 4 Hen. V. 8 April 9 Hen. V. 29 Oct. 1 Hen. VI. 18 Nov. 6 Hen. VI. 1 2 ]\Iay 17 Hen. VI. 20 Sept. 26 Hen. VI. 8 Jan. 23 Hen. VII. 27 Sept. 189. Release Ijy Hug-h, son of Thos. lulit, of Padebury, of his estate in the same land to Jolm, son of his brother Richard 190. Grant of land at Padbury by John, son of Ralph Koc, to Hugh and Alice Thomelin 191. Grant by Eliz., d. of Ralph Cock, of lands in Padebury, granted to her by AValter de Sydeneham, to John de Walton, \Vm. de Osberston, Richard de Dalton, and John de Tervyn 192. Release by Jolm de Bedeforde of tenements in Denham, Bucks, late held by Maurice Drauserd 193. Grant by John and Elizaljeth de Walton of 2 messuages and land in Padebury to Juhn and Agnes Aumfrey 194. Grant by Hugh and Agnes Deye to John Martyn, of ' Lytle Mede ' in Padebury 195. Indenture between the parties mentioned in the preceding concerning the tenure of ' Lytelmede ' 196. Release by Thos. Couele to Roger Wyat of all claims on the goods of Wm. Barz 197. Grant by John Martyn, late rector of Lyllyngston Dayrell, of the reversion of a messuage and land in Padbery to Thos. Scheperde 198. Grant by John West and Jolm Grentham to Thos. and Alice Freman, of lands in Paddebury previously acquired from them 199 200. Grant by Richard Padworth, of Woketon, of ail his lands in Padbery to Alan Sutton and John Partrj^ch, chaplains Indenture specifying the conditions of a grant of land at Boxford, by John Westwode and Jolm Howat, to Robert Cloptou, Thos. Martell, and John Turk 201. Fine for the conveyance of land at Padbury by Thos. and Alice Somnour to John, Margaret, and Robert Horwod Two copies 202. Power of attorney by Robert Horewod, John Kyngeswode, and Wm. Wilkyns to receive seisin of lands in Borton and Padbury from John and Margaret Horwod 203. (irant by Robert Horwod, John Kyngeswode, and Wm. Wylkyns, to John and Isabel Horwod of lands in Padbuiy and Burton 204. Power of attorney to deliver seisin Tvjo copies 205. Grant by Wm. Stretele, John Prentys, Ric. Parker, and Thos. Prentys, of lands in Padebury to Thos. and Alice More 206. Lease by John Sonell to Wm. Cockeman of Padbury Mill, with land in Rowslade 104 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 23 Hen. VIII. 207. Bond of Eic. Andrews, of Yernton, to surrender to All Souls' 21 May Collet^e bis right to a tenement called ' Colly er's House,' lying in the prebend end of Buckingham at the west end of the church „ 208. Eeceipt by Eic. Andrews of 30^. from All Souls' College, in full payment of 100^. for Collyer's House and a coppice 24 Hen.VIII. 209. Eeceipt by John [Longland] bp. of Lincoln, of 3^. from All 1 2 Sept. Souls' College for a fine of ' Collars ' 4 Edw. VI. 210. Sale by Thomas and James Gredge, of Cheddington, Bucks, to 8 Feb. Greorge Annesley, of Newport Pagnall, of a meadow called Le Holme in Newport Pagnall and 19 acres in Tyckford, Portfield, and Caldecott, late l)elonging to the chantry of Newport Pagnall Copy 20 Eliz. 211. Sale by Gfeorge Annesley, of Tickforde, of a cottage and 10 April lands in Padbury, parcel of the possessions of the late monastery of Myssenden, and a tenement and land late belonging to the guild of the Holy Trinity, Buckingham, to William and Amy Peerson, of Addington „ 212. Deed concerning the same sale 36 Eliz. 213. Indenture for the sale of tenements by William Pierson, of 1 5 Oct. Padbury, to William Parker, of Bodicott, clerk With Fiersoii's bond „ 214. Indenture between William Pierson, of Padbury, and William Parker, of Bodicott, clerk, for the transfer by the former of property bought from Geo. Annesley to Eichard Ward and JNIatthew Wyse 36 Eliz. 215. Grant of the above by William Pierson to Ward and Wyse 18 Oct. 37 Eliz. 216. P^ine for the conveyance of 2 messuages and land at Pad- 6 Oct. bury by Wm. and Anne Pierson to Eichard Warde and Matthew Wise 40 Eliz. 217. Sale by Bartholomew Clark of a cottage in Padbury to 30 Oct. Francis Stodder 1602. 218. Agreement between [All Souls' College] and their tenants at [Padbury] concerning common rights Mutilated 1 Jac. I. 219. Sale by Frauncis Studder, of Padbury, of his tenement &c. 6 June in Padbury to Bartholomew Lee for the sum of 30^. Two deeds 8 Jac. I. 220. Sale by Thos. Harrys, senior, to Bartholomew George, alias 10 Jan. Hobbes, of a rood of land in Padburye Endd. ' Padberie. Colledg land sold by Harris to George.' 9 Jac, I. 221. Indenture for the sale by ^^'iiliara Parker, of Hastings, clerk, 1 May of a tenement held by Henry Eussell to Thomas JMerrey and Thomas George 9 Jac. T. 222. Sale by Mcrrey and George of land in Westfield, Brogmore 22 May Furlong, and elsewhere in Padbury to John Snowe, jun. LE MILBURY, KEMBELL'S LANDS, PADBURY. 105 9 Jac. I. 223. Sale by Thos. IMerrey and Thos. George, of Padbury, of a 22 May messuage and tenement in Padbury to John Bmice and Eobert Adams for I2ll. „ 224. Bond of Thos. Merrey to Thos. Carter for the secure possession of lands in Padbury granted by the former to the latter „ 225. Sale of land in Hedgefield and elsewhere in Padbury, by Thos. Merrey to Thos. George „ 226. Sale of land in Hedgefield, &c., Padbury, by Thos. Merrey to Thos. George 9 Jac. T. 227. Sale of land in Le Westfield, Padbury, by Thos. Merrey and 26 June Thos. George to Thos. Hillesdon 9 Jac. I. 228. Sale of land in Hedgefield, &c., by Merrey and George to 1 Nov. Thos. Reade With Merrey's bond 1 1 Jac. T. 229. Sale of land in Padbury by Thos. Merrey and Thos. George 23 Sept. to John Snowe 12 Jac. I. 230. Lease of the same land by John Snowe to Thos. Hillesden 20 March „ 231. Lease of land in Padbury by John Bunce to Thos. George „ 232. Lease of land in Padbury by John Bunce to Robert Adams „ 233. Lease of land in Padbury by Thos. Hillesden to John Snowe ,, 234. Lease of land in Padbury by Thos. Carter to Thos. Reade 1 .3 Jac. L 235. Sale by John Snowe to All Souls' College of land in Hcdge- 20 July lield, Foxeholes, Cockmoor Hill, Water Furrowes, Stretch- moor, and other places in Padbury „ 236. Powers of attorney of the College to take possession of the land bought from John Snowe „ 237. Sale by John Bunce to All Souls' College of land in Hedge- field, Potter's Lane, Dunstall, and other places in Pad- bury „ 238. Power of attorney to receive seisin „ 239. Power of attorney to receive seisin of lauds in Padbury purcliased from John Bunce and Robert Adams „ 240. Sale by Thos. Hillesden to All Souls' College of 1 acre and 2 roods in Padbury „ 241-3. Three powers of attorney by the College to take possession of land in Padburv lield by Thomas Hilsden (241), Thomas Reade (242), andThomas Carter (243) 13 Jac. T. 244. Sale by Richard Lee to All Souls' College of a cottage and 10 Oct. land in Padbury „ 245. Power of attorney to receive seisin 13 Jac. I. 246. Sale by Wm. Lee, of Adstock, to John Bunce of the lease of 17 Nov. a tenement and land in Padbury 1G52. 247. Agreement between Ric. Smyth, of Padbury, gent., and Thos. 25 April Bunce and other inhabitants, concerning the annexation of land occupied by Smyth to the cow pasture Paper 106 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1662. 248. Assignment by Leonard Tompson and Eichard Righton of 26 Dec. their lease of land in Padbury to John Read Paper 1672. 249. Agreement between the tenants of Padbury and Ric. Smyth 8 April concerning the cow pasture ^opy 1796. 250. Award of the commissioners for enclosing land at Padbury 26 Aprl 'BOTULI CUBTABUM. BENTALES ET ALIA SGBIPTA: 251. Extract from Domesday Book about Padbury 252. Copy of a grant by Geoffrey, son of Angod, of 2 acres in AVycumbe to the Hospital of St. Giles at Wycumbe. (One of the witnesses is ' Gilberto decano de Wycumbe ') [15th cent.] 253. Padbury. Account of the descent of Wm. and Thos. Liiyton Small slip of parcJtment 254. Extract from the fine-rolls of Trinity Term, 5 Eliz., con- cerning the manor of Padbury 1595. 255. ' Thos. Harris, his freehold in Padeberi' Pp. 3 1602. 256. Memorandum of the delivery to Mr. Bristowe of the counter- 1 Dec. panes of 1 9 leases of Padbury Jac. I. 257. ' Briar's note of land in question between the College and Peddar ' Pp. 2 7 Car. I, 258. 'Exemplification of the verdict for a cottage in Padbury 31 Oct. which was Francis Studder's ' [1635-1660.] 259. Suggestions about the College lands in Padbury 17th cent. 260. Opinion of Thos. Crewe about a College lease at Padbury Pp. 2 25-26 [Edw. 261. Computus of John Carter, bailiff of Padbury IIL] 1429. 262. Computus of John Carter, collector of Padljury 1449. 263. Computus of John [Carter], collector of Padbury 264. Bundle of court rolls of Padbury for the following years : — 5 Hen. IV., 10 Ifen. IV., 24 Hen. VIl., 15 Hen. VIII., 5 Edw. VI., 32 Eliz. 1590, 33 Eliz. 1591, 35 Eliz. 1593 265. Bundle of 9 court rolls, 36-44 Eliz. Vellum 266. Bundle of 11 court rolls of Padbury, 1-10 Jac. I. and 1757 Vellum 267. Paper roll of minutes of courts at Padbury, 14 Hen. VII.- 38 Hen. VIII. ' Torn 268. Bundles of minutes of court rolls of Padbury, 36 Eliz.- 22 Jac. I. 1625-1641. 269. Similar bundle 1662-1682. 270. Similar bundle LE MILBURY, KEMBELL'S LANDS, PADBURY. 107 [14th cent.] 271. Rental of John de Walton in Padeburi Vellum roll [15th cent.] 272. Rental of Burton, Morton, Padbury, Adyngton, . . . Buck- ingham and Hyllesdon Vellum 1591. 273. 'A note of the rents of Padbury' P. 1 [1571-1614.] 274. Rental of Padbury Pp. 3 [Jac. I.] 275. Rental of the College tenants in Padbury Pp. 2 „ 276. Three memorandum books containing the names of the te- nants and the acreage of their holdings in Padbury „ 277. ' A note of the content of acres in the several occupation of the tenants there,' i.e. Padbury Pp. 2 278. Leaseholders and cottagers of the College P. 1 With endorsement by Thos. Carter, of the Middle Temple 279. Survey of Padbury. T[homas] H[arrisl F[armer] Long paper, pjp. 5 * 280. A bundle of rough calculations for tlie survey of Padbury 1G06. 281. 'A note of all the trees which rcmenes in Padburye' P. 1 LETTERS: [34Hen.VIII.] 282.Wra. Blakwell to [John Warner] warden of All Souls' College: — Sends a copy of IMr. More's avowrye concerning Padbury, and desires the warden to send him evidences Enclosed are : ' Copie of jNloore's avowrie.' ' A receipt of Thos. Basyng of 33s. 4d. for a release of Overbury to All Souls' College, 29 Oct., 13 Hen. VII.' Receipt by Blak- well of deeds from the College, 5 Oct., 34 Hen. VIII. 8 Jac. I. 283. Michell Kente to Warden Hovenden : — Informs him that 25 INIarch Thos. Harris has sold to Thos. (sic) George his own Padbury tenement and a piece of land which Kente holds of the College 1638. 284. Warden Sheldon to the tenants of Padbury: — Desires them 9 April to assist in the defence of the tellers who are sued by Thos. Maye for impounding his sheep P. 1. Add. Signed. Signatures of 14 tenants are appended 285. The College tenants of Padbury to the warden [Sheldon] and the College : — Sir Richard Minshull has endeavoured to supplant them in their estates by rendering them enemies to the College, and charging them witli being rebels to the king. The loss of their goods and liberties is a proof of their loyalty. Not one of them ever armed against his prince, or refused his taxes for his garrisons. They have always conformed to the established religion and the laws. Beg the College to show them favour Signed by IS of the tenants 108 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 6 Edw. IV. 29 Sept. 9 Hen. VII. 10 March 9 Hen. VIII. 25 April 9 Hen. VIII. 3 Nov. 33 Hen. VIII. 7 Jan. 3 Edw. VI. 7 March 2 Eliz. 14 June 11 Eliz. 27 Oct. 12 Eliz. 26 May 18 Eliz. 24 Nov. 33 Eliz. 30 Sept. 33 Eliz. 1 Oct. .34 Eliz. 29 Nov. PABBUEY LEASES. 1. Lease by All Souls' College of the watermill at Padbury to John and Wm. Bodynton 2. Of Millbery Farm, Heggeleys, and Padbury mill to John Sonell for 20 yrs. at a rent of 100s. Both parts 3. Of Padbury mill and the Goseacre to Wm. Cokman 4. Of Padbury water to Thos. Langston, of Stow Both parts and draft 5. Of the manor and water to Thos. Harrys, whom the College appoints bailift" * 6. Of the same to the same 7. Of the manor of Padbury to Joan Harryes, widow, and Thos. her son 8. Of the manor to Joan and Thos. Harris 9. Lease by Joan and Thos. Harris of a messuage in Padbury to Tlios. Bunse 10. Lease of the manor to Thos. Harris, whom the College appoints bailiff 11. Lease to Thos. Harris of a tenement in Padbury, now occu- pied by him, and Hedgeley Meadow, Welshe Meade, and other land 12. Lease by Thomas Harris of a messuage and land in Padbury to John Harris, citizen and grocer of London 13. Lease to John Wacott of the messuage and land now occu- pied by him Leases of tenements in Padl)ury to 14. Joan and William Narcott 15. George Bud 16. John Colye 17. Thomas Bunse 18. Thomas Cockes 19. William Mery 20. Thomas Carter, of Padbury 21. Edw. Sprig-nell 22. Thos. Spratley 23. Wm. Snow 24. John Snowe PADBURY LEASES. 109 34 Eliz. 25. Thomas Greorge 30 Nov. „ 26. Robert Scott „ 27. Thomas Reade, husbandman, son of the vicar „ 28. Of half a yard land to John West 34 Eliz. 29. Lease of a tenement to John Fowlkes, of Buckingham 7 Nov. 36 Eliz. 30. Lease of a tenement and 2 yard lands to William Aubry, 27 jMay D.C.L., Master of Requests 45 Eliz. 31. Lease of a messuage, Hedge Leyes, Welsh Mead, Smith 10 Dec. Mead, Westhill Leyes, the Town House, the mill and water, &c., to Thomas Harris Leases of tenements to „ 32. Thomas Harris, alias Smith ,, 33. William Narcott „ 34. Greorge Bud „ 35. JohnColy „ 36. Thomas Bunse „ 37. William Mery „ 38. Thomas Carter „ 39. Thomas George „ 40. Robert Scott „ 41. Thomas Reade „ 42. John West „ 43. John Fowlkes „ 44. Thomas Allen „ 45. John Snowe ,. 46. John Snowe, junior „ 47. Thomas Hilsden „ 48. Thomas Spratley „ 49. Bartholomew Lee 4 Jac. I. 60. Lease of Hedge Leyes, &c., to Thomas Harris Both parts 24 Oct. 9 Jac. I. 51. Lease of pasture land abutting on tlie street of Padbury, 9 Oct. and a way leading towards Blackman's Corner, to William Swannell „ 52. Lease of | of an acre at Padbury to Michael Kent 12 Jac. I. Leases of tenements at Padbmy to 10 Oct. 53. John Bunse Both parts and bond „ 54. Thos. Harries, alias Smith Bond enclosed „ 55. Thos. Harryes, of Padbury, yeoman Both parts and bond „ 56. Georae Bud Bond enclosed 110 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1 2 Jac. I. 67. \Vm. Norcott Both parts and bond 10 Oct. 58. Joseph West Both parts and bond „ 59. John ]Menie Both parts and bond „ 60. Eichaixl Laye Bond enclosed „ 61. Ric. Laye (another messuage) Both parts and bond ,5 62. John Snowe Both paHs and bond „ 63. John Snowe, junior Both parts and bond „ 64. Thos. George Both parts and bond „ 65. Thos. Carter Both parts and bond „ 66. Thos. Hilsdon Both parts and bond „ 67. Thos. Read Bond enclosed „ 68. John Colley Bond enclosed „ 69. Thos. Groodchild Both parts and bond „ 70. Thos. Merrey Both parts „ 71. Robt. Scott Both parts 1 2 Jac. I. 72. Lease by Thomas Reade of land in Hedge Field and Lott 20 March Meadow to Thomas Carter Both parts 16 Jac. I. 73. Lease of a tenement to William Judge Bond enclosed 27 Oct. 17 Jac. I. 74. Lease of | acre of pasture to Thomas Kent Both parts 22 Oct. 18 Jac. I. 75. Bond of John Bowell, of Wendelberie, to observe his cove- 21 Oct. nant with the College of the same date 20 Jac. I. 76. Lease of a messuage in Padbury to William Chaplen, gent. 28 Oct. Both parts „ 77. Lease of a messuage in Padbury, Hedge lease, &c., to Thos. Harris 1 Car. I. 78. Lease of a messuage at Padbury to Edward Robyns, of Stow 24 Nov. Bond enclosed 2 Car. I. Leases of messuages at Padbury to 10 Nov. 79. John Merrie „ 80. John Snow 81. John Snow, jun. 82. Thos. Hilsdon 83. Richard Gibberd 84. William Swannell 85. Richard Ley 86. John Runse 87. Thos. George 88. Wm. Norcott 89. Thos. Harris, alias Smith The lessee's bond is enclosed in each of the above PADBURY LEASES. lU 2 Car. I. Leases of messuages at Padbury to 2 Dec. 90. John West „ 91. Thos. Carter „ 92. Tbos. Goodchild „ 93. John Robms 5, 94. William Clarke „ 95. John Merrie All these contain bonds, except the last „ 96. Lease of a tenement called Foulks yard land in Padbury to Eic. Gibberd 5 Car. L 97. Lease of a messuage at Padbury to John Eeade 31 Oct. Bond enclosed 7 Car. I. 98. Lease of a tenement and two yard lands in Padbury to 7 Nov. William Barnes Tiuo copies, one cancelled 10 Car. I. Leases of tenements at Padbury to 3 Nov. 99. Eichard Ley Bond enclosed „ 100. Theodore Gibbert „ 101. William Judge Bond enclosed 13 Car. I. 102. Bond of Sara Merrie, of Padbury, to a lease of the same date 20 April 14 Car. I. 103. Lease of a messuage and land at Padbury to Thos. Carter 7 Nov. 15 Car. I. 104. Lease of a messuage and land at Padbury to Sara ^Merrie 28 Oct. Bond enclosed 15 Car. I. Leases of tenements and land at Padbury to 31 Oct. 105. John Bunce With bond „ 106. Thomas Carter „ „ 107. John Emerton „ 108. Thos. George ^¥ith bond „ 109. Thos. Goodchild „ „ 110. Thos. Harris, alias Smith „ „ 111. Thos. Hilsden „ 5, 112. Eic. Ley „ „ 113. Sarah Merrie Both parts „ „ 114. John Eobins „ „ 115. John Snow „ „ 116. Thos. Snow „ „ 117. William Swannell ,» „ 118. William Swannell, of another piece of laud 1689. 119. Lease of a messuage at Padbmy to Eichard Ley 27 April 1700. 120. Of a messuage at Padbury to Thos. Goodchild, of Middle 4 Nov. Claydon 112 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1709. 121. Lease of land at Padbury to Martha Clarke 8 Oct. 1710. 122. Of land at Padbury to William Seere 9 Oct 1716. 123. Of two cottages at Padbury to Mary Inns 10 Oct. 1717. 124. Of land at Padbury to Edward George Both parts 19 Oct. 1718. 125. Of Fulkes yard land in Padbury to Charles Whitehall 22 Oct. 1767. 126. Of a tenement in Padbury to John Bunce 19 Nov. 1774. 127. Of one yard land in Padbury to James Budd 3 Nov. „ 128. Of a half yard land in Padbury to Thos. Bunce and Thos. Addams „ 129. Of a half yard land in Padbury to Wm. Merry „ 130. Of a quarter yard land in Padbury to Richard Read, black- smith „ 131. Of a tenement in Padbury to John and Hester Turnbull, of Tingwick ,5 132. Of three-quarters of a yard land in Padbury to John and Hester Turnbull „ 133. Of a house and Fvilk's yard laud in Padbury to John Turner 1775. 134. Of a cottage in Padbury to Joseph Eayrs 29 April 1775. 135. License to let for John Bunce 25 Nov. 1777. 136. Lease of one rood and three-quarters of an acre in Padbury 3 Nov. to John Hamilton, of Newport Pagnell 1780. 137. Of land in Broadmoor Mead and elsewhere in Padbury to 24 Oct. Sarah Boughton „ 138. Of a messuage and land in Padbury to Wm. Dixon, of Tliornton „ 139. Of a messuage and land in Padbury to Thos. Merry 1781. 140. Of a messuage in Padbiuy to John Betts Both parts 30 Oct. 141. Of one yard land in Padbury to James Budd Both parts 142. Of a messuage and 1^ yard land in Padbury to Elizabeth Bunce Both j^arts 143. Of a half yard land in Padbury to Tlios. Bunce and Richard Harper, of Twyford 144. Of a messuage and two yard lauds in Padbur}" to Thos. Bunce and Richard Harper PADBURY LEASES. IK 1 781. 145. Lease of one yard land in Padbury to John Clark Both parts 30 Oct. „ 146. Of one yard land in Padbury to Henry Cooper, of Barton „ 147. Of a half yard land in Padbury to Eichard Corbett, of Ad- stock „ 148. Of a messuage and laud in Padbury to George Harris Both parts „ 149. Of three-quarters of a yard land in Padbury to William Har- wood Both joarts „ 150. Of a messuage and two yard lands in Padbury to Wm. Har- wood Both parts „ 151. Of a half yard land in Padbury to Wm. Harwood Both parts „ 152. Of a half yard land in Padbury to Thos. Merry Both J) arts „ 153. Of a cottage and quarter of a yard land in Padbury to Thos. Merry „ 154. Of a half yard land in Padbury to Wm. Merry „ 155. Of a half yard land in Padbury to Eichard Read, butcher Both parts „ 156. Of a quarter yard land in Padbury to Richard Read Both parts „ 157. Of a messuage and two yard lands in Padbury to Robert Read, of Bottle Claydon „ 158. Of a messuage and one and a half yard land in Padbury to Joseph Russell, of Badby Both parts „ 159. Of I yard land in Padbury to John and Hester Tumbull Both parts „ 160. Of a messuage and half a yard land in Padbury to John and Hester Turnbull Both parts „ 161. Of a house and Fulk yard's land in Padbury to John Turner „ 162. Of a messuage and one yard land in Padbury to John \Miite- hall, miller Both parts „ 163. Of a messuage and one yard land in Padbury to John White- hall 1782. 164. Two licenses of alienation to John Whitehall 22 Jan. 1 782. 165. Lease of a tenement and one and a half yard land in Padbury 22 Oct. to Katherine Read 1783. 166. Of a messuage and one yard land in Padbury to Wm. Harrup 26 April „ 167. Of one yard land in Padbury to Wm. Harwood, jun. 1783. 168. Of a cottage and | yard land in Padbury to ]\Iary Judge 22 Oct. 114 AECmVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1783. 169. License of alienation to Mary Judge Dec. 1784. 170. Lease of a messuage and one and a half yard laud in Padbury 20 Oct. to Mary Watson, of Southampton Eow „ 171. Of a messuage, Hedge leaze, &c., to Mary Watson „ 172. Of a messuage at Padbury to Mary Watson, of Southampton Eow 1784. 173. License to let for Mary Watson 18 Nov. 1785. 174. Lease of a messuage and 2 yard lands in Padbury to Thos. 24 Oct. Flowers, of Buckingham „ 175. Of half a house and land in Padbury to Thos. and Hester JNIerry Both joarts „ 176. Of half a house and land to Inns and Eliz. JNIerry 1786. 177. Of two cottages and a half yard land to Thos. Merry 2 Nov. „ 178. Of a messuage and land late held by Thos. Edgerton to Thos. Flowers, of Buckingham, dairyman 1787. 178. Of ^ yard land at Padbury to Charles Dixon 3 Nov. 1787. 180. Of a messuage and f yard laud in Padbury to Thos. Budd 8 Nov. 1787. 181. Of land in Broadmore Mead, Fourlott's Mead, aud One 10 Nov. Horse Common to Eichard Boughton, yeoman 1787. 182. Of a messuage and a half yard land to Thos. Merry 14 Nov. 1787. 183. Of land at Padbury to Thos. Budd 14 Dec. 1788. Leases of messuages at Padbury to 20 Oct. 184. Thos. Bunce Both j^rts „ 185. Thos. Bunce, another piece of land „ 186. Jas. Budd „ 187. John Betts „ 188. Joseph Piddington _ Tivo leases „ 189. William Clarke „ 190. Lease of a messuage and land late held by Eichard Lee, half a cottage, and another land to Farmer Shillingford, Esq. „ 191. Of one yard of land to Thos. Flowers, jun. „ 192. Of a messuage late occupied by John and Esther Turnbull to Wm. Harwood „ 193. Of land late held by John Snow and J. and E. TarubuU to Wm. Harwood Both parts „ 194. Of a messuage late demised to Wm. and Susannah Baldwin to Wm. Harwood PADBURY LEASES. 115 1788. 195. Lease of a half yard land to Susannah Keade Both paHs 20 Oct. „ 196. Of a half yard land to Wm. Read and Thomas Adams Both parts „ 197. Of a quarter yard land to Richard Read, blacksmith Both parts „ 198. Of a messuage and 2 yard lands to Catherine Read „ 199. Of a quarter yard land to Thos. Merry, sen. Both parts „ 200. Of a half yard land to Thos. Merry, sen. 1790. 201. Of one yard land to Wm. Harwood 28 April 1790. 202. Of a tenement and land held by John Boughton, deed., to 20 Oct. Ann Boughton, widow „ 203. Of a messuage and land to Mary Judge, widow 1791 . 204. Of a messuage and land previously leased to Simon Pfarris to 1 1 Oct. Thos. Shillingford 1792. 205. Of the capital messuage and manor of Padbury to Thos. 15 July Shillingford „ 206. Of a messuage and land now held by Matthew Swanncll to Thos. Shillingford 1792. 207. Of a messuage and land held by Thos. Merry to Wm. 20 Oct. Plowers, of Preston Capes, son and executor of Thos. Flowers „ 208. Of half a house and land to Inns and Eliz. oMerry „ 209. Of half a house and land to Thos. and Hester Merrey Both parts 1793. 210. Of Padbury Mill to Thos. Shillingford 20 Dec. 1795. 211. Of tenements late held by the Turnbulls to Wm. Harwood 21 Oct. „ 212. Of tenements in Padbury late held by Wm. Baldwin, John Snowe, and Charles Whitehall, to Wm. Harwood „ 213. Of half a yard land to Tlios. Merry, sen. Both parts „ 214. Of a messuage and land to Thos. Flowers „ 215. Of a messuage and land to Mary Judge, widow „ 216. Of a messuage late held by the Turnbulls to Wm. Tompkins Leases of messuages at Padbury to „ 217. Esau Clark, of Barton Hartshorn Both parts „ 218. William Clark, of Padbury „ 219. Thos. Hearn, of Buckingham „ 220. Matthew Devarell, of Swanbourne „ 221. Richard Taylor „ 222. Catharine Read I 2 116 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1795. 223. Lease of messuage at Padbiiry to Eev. Samuel Greatheed, of 10 Nov. Newport Pag-nell 1798. 224. Lease of land at Padbury to James Bayley 9 March 1802. 225. Of two messuages, half a house, and four plots of land to 23 Oct. Thos. Flowers, of Barton Hartshorn, dairyman „ 226. Of three cottages, half a house, three plots of land, and a homestead to \Vm. Flowers, of Preston Capes, farmer „ 227. Of a messuage and land in Upper Notcut Furlong, Blannel Leys, Harborough, and Portway Furlongs to Hannah Read „ 228. Of a tenement held by Catherine Eead and land in Stockway, Fryers Gore, Harborough, Lower Nottcutt, and Nomin- moor Furlongs, Blanhill and Nominmoor Leys, to Robert Read, of Addington With license to let „ 229. Of a messuage and land in Backside Furlong, Lower Dun- stall, &c. (90 acres 6 p.) to Thos. Harwood „ 230. Of a messuage and land in Backside Furlong, Hay Mead, and Long Furlong to Robert Merry „ 231. Of a messuage and land in Hoo Furlong, and Westhill Leys to Benjamin Judge, of Hilsden, tanner Leases of messuages and land in Padbury to „ 232. Daniel Gutteridge, of Biscott „ 233. William Tompkins „ 234. Esau Clarke „ 235. John Clarke „ 236. Mary Turner „ 237. Thos. Bunce „ 238. Richard Archer „ 239. Of Padbury Mill to Thos. Bates „ 240. Of a messuage and land in Padbury to Rev. \Vm. Eyre, of Buckingham „ 241. Of a messuage and land in Padbury to Ann Boughton ,, 242. License to Thos. Shillingford, of Towcester, to let his tene- ments in Padbury [No date.] 243. Lease of a cottage to — Butler 1 809. 244. License to William George to let his tenement in Padbury 1 April to Lieutenant Henry Dayrell, a letter from whom to the bursar is enclosed 1 809. Leases of messuages and land at Padbury to 25 Oct. 245. Thomas Bates „ 246. Anne Boughton, of Buckingham „ 247. Esau Clarke Both parts „ 248. Ijieu tenant Henry Dayrell, R.N. „ 249. Rev. Wm. Eyre PADBURY LEASES. 117 1 809. 250. Thos. Flowers, of Barton Hartshorn Both parts 25 Oct. 251. William Flowers jj „ 252. Daniel Gfuetteridge, of Biscott „ 253. Henry Gweden, of Towcester, and Alex. Norton, of Biick- ingliam Both jjarts „ 254. Benjamin Judge, of Hillsden „ 255. Eichard King „ 256. Robert Merry „ 257. Gabriel Parker and Joshua Capon, of Tingcwick „ 258. Hannah Read „ 259. James Read, of Addington „ 260. Robert Tomkins „ 261. Mary Turner Mut'daled „ 262. Edmund Walker, baker 263. William Wilmore 1810. 264. License to William Barnes to let his tenement in Padbury 12 Oct. 181 G. 265. Lease of a messuage in Padbury to Rev. Wm. Eyre 2 Nov. Both parts „ 266. Of a messuage and land in Backside Furlong, AIjcI's Way, &c., in Padbury, to Thos. Harwood Both parts „ 267. Of a messuage and land in Windmill and Hollow F'urlongs, Padbury, to Wm. Harwood Both parts „ 268. Of a messuage and land in Hoo Furlong and Westhill Leys, Padbury, to Benjamin Judge, of Hillsden Both parts „ 269. Of three cottages, &c., to Thos. Flowers „ 270. Of a messuage and land to Thos. Flowers, of Barton Harts- horn, dairyman „ 271. Of land mentioned in No. 227 to Robert Read, of Bar- hampton Leases of messuages and land at Padbury to „ 272. Thomas Bates With license to let „ 273. Anne Boughton Both parts „ 274. Esau Clarke Both parts „ 275. William Cross Both jjarts „ 276. Mary ]Merry and Martha Ridgway Both parts „ 277. William WiUmor „ 278. Of a messuage and land in Padbury to John King, of Buck- ingham Both parts „ 279. Of a messuage and land in Prince Hades, &.c., to Richard King „ 280. Of land in Long How Slade Furluug, Padbury, to Parridge Laniiton 118 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1816. 281. Lease of land in Upper Copland Furlong, &c., in Padbury, to 2 Nov. Grahriel Parker and Joshua Capon, of Tingewick, executors of Wm. Clark Both parts „ 282. Of two messuages and land in Padbury to Robert Tompkins Both parts „ 283. Of a house and land in Prince Hades, Padbury, to Wm. Turner Both parts „ 284. Of a messuage and land in Flatt's Butts, Padbury, to Ed- mund Walker, baker Both parts 1817. 285. License to Wm. Turner to let a house and land in Padbury 30 Oct. to Charles Willis, of Winslow 1820. 286. License to Wm. Barnes to let his tenement to John Quainton 17 Aug. 1820. 287. Lease of a messuage in Padbury to Wm. Barnes Both paHs 2 Nov. 1821. 288. Of two cottages, land in Backside and Absolways Furlongs, ?> Nov. &c., in Padbury, to Thos. Flowers, dairyman 1823. 289. Of messuages and land in Windmill, Shellard Furlongs, &c., 3 Nov. Padbury, to Wm. Clark Both parts „ 290. Of a tenement and land to William Cross „ 291. Of a messuage and land in Padbury to Rev. Wm. Eyre „ 292. Of land in Upper Copland Furlong, &c., in Padbury, to Rev. Wm. Eyre Both parts „ 293. Of a messuage and land late held by Thos. Flowers to John Flowers „ 294. Of a messuage and land in Backside Furlong, &c., in Pad- bury, to Thos. Harwood Both parts „ 295. Of a messuage and land in Windmill Furlong, &c., in Pad- bury, to Wm. Harwood Both parts „ 296. Of a messuage and land in Blacksmith's Corner and Hobb's Meadow, in Padbury, to Wm. Harwood Both parts „ 297. Of a messuage and land in Hoo Furlong and Westhill Leys, in Padbmy, to Benjamin Judge Both parts „ 298. Of a messuage and land in Great Bambridge and Dog Kennel Furlongs, &c., Padbury, to John King Both parts ,, 299. Of a messuage and land in Prince Hades, &c., to Richard King Botli parts „ 300. Of land in liong How Slade Furlong in Padbury to Parridge Langton Both parts „ 301. Of a messuage and land in Upper Notcut Furlong and Blannel Leys, &c., in Padbury, to Robert Read, of Buck- ingham Both parts „ 302. Of a messuage and land in Backside Furlong, &c., in Pad- bury, to Mary Merry and Martha Ridgcway Both parts PADBURY LEASES. 119 1823. 303. Lease of messuages and land in Standbills Common, in Pad- 3 Nov. bury, to Eobert Tompkins „ 304. Of a messuage and land in Padbury to Edmund Walker Both -parts „ 305. Of a house and land in Prince Hades, Padbury, to Charles Willis, of Winslow Both jjcirta „ 306. Of land in Great Whittel, Row Slade, &c., in Padbury, to Susannah Willmore 1824. 307. License to Wm. Barnes to let his tenement to John Quainton 29 April 1824. 308. Lease of a messuage and land in Backside Furlong, in Pad- 2 Nov. bury, to James Burgess 1824. 309. Of a wheeler's shop to Simon Baughan 3 Nov. „ 310. Of a butcher's shop to Tlios. Holdam Both parts „ 311. Of a cottage and land in Norhorough Slaunts, in Padbury to Wm. Law and Kichard Henson 1830. 312. Of messuages and land in Windmill Furlong, Szc, to Wm. 3 Nov. Clarke „ 313. Of a messuage and land in Stockway, &c., to Wm. Cross Both parts „ 314. Of a messuage and land in Wadden Way Furlong, &c., to Sir James Eyre Both parts 5, 315. Of land in Upper Copland Furlong, &c., to Rev. Wm. Thos. Eyre Both parts and license to let „ 316. Of messuages and land in Gathering Hill Furlong, &c., to John Flowers Bothjja'ts „ 317. Of a cottage and land in Backside and Absolways Furlongs to Thos. Flowers Both parts „ 318. Of a messuage and land in Backside and Ablesway Furlongs, &c., to Thos. Harwood „ 319. Of cottages and land in Windmill Furlong, &c., to Wm. Harwood „ 320. Of a messuage and land in Blacksmith's Corner to Wm. Harwood „ 321. Of a house and land in Blind Lane to Joseph Holtom, wheel- wright Both parts „ 322. Of a tenement and land in Hoo Furlong, &c., to Benjamin Judge Both parts „ 323. Of a messuage and land in Prince Hades, &c., to Richai'd King Both parts and license to let „ 324. Of land in Long How Slade Furlong to Parridge Langton Both parts „ 325. Of a cottage and laud in Norhorough Slaunts, &c., to Wm. Law and Richard Henson Both parts 120 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1830. 326. Lease of a messuage and land in Grreat Bambridge and Dog 3 Nov. Kennel Furlong to Greorge Nelson Both parts „ 327. Of a messuage and land in Upper Notcut Furlong, &c., to Eobert Eead Both parts „ 328. Of a messuage and land in Backside Furlong, &c., to Martha Eidgeway Both parts „ 329. Of messuages and land in Standhills Common, &c., to Eobert Tompkins Both parts „ 330. Of a messuage and land in Flatt's Butts to Edmund Walker „ 331. Of a house and land in Prince Hades to Charles Willis Both parts 1837. 332. Of a messuage and land in Prince Hades, &e., to Francis 3 Nov. Dagley Both 'parts and license to let „ 333. Of a messuage and land in Waddon Way Furlong, &c., to Sir James Eyre Both parts „ 334. Of land in Upper Copland Furlong, &c., to Eev. W. T. Eyre Both parts „ 335. Of land in Backside and Absolways Furlong, &c., to Thos. Flowers Both parts „ 336. Of tenements and land in Oathering Hill Furlong, &c., to Mainwaring Davies, gent. Both parfs „ 337. Of a messuage and land in Blacksmith's Corner to John Harwood „ 338. Of a messuage and land in Backside and Ablesways Furlongs to Thos. Harwood „ 339. Of a messuage and land in Windmill Furlong, &c., to Thos. Harwood, jun. „ 340. Of a house in Blind Lane to Joseph Holtom „ 341. Of a messuage and land in Hoo P\irlong, &c., to Benjamin Judge Both parts and license to let „ 342. Of land in Long How Slade Furlong to Parridge Langton „ 343. Of a messuage and land in Backside Furlong, &c., to Par- ridge I^angton Both parts „ 344. Of a cottage and land in Norborough Slaunts to Wm. Law, Joseph Goodman, and John Malsbury Cooke Botli parts „ 345. Of a messuage and land in Stockway, Friars' Gore, &c., to Wm. Nash Both parts „ 346. Of a messuage and land in Great Bambridge and Dog Kennel Furlong to Thos. Nelson Both parts „ 347. Of a messuage and land in Upper Notcut Furlong, &c., to Eobert Eead „ 348. Of messuages and land in Standi lills Common to Wm. Tompkins „ 349. Of messuages and land in Flatt's Butts to Edmund Walker 350. Of a house and land in I'rince Hades to Charles Willis LEWKNOR, ASTON'S BYTE. 121 LEWKNOE, ASTON'S EYTE. 1412. 1. Inspeximiis by Philip [de Repin^don] bp. of Lincoln, of an 20 Nov. entry in the register of Robert Grostete, late b]). of Lincoln, fixing the tithes and dues of the vicar of Lewknor Cupy „ 2. Modern copy of the preceding 18 Hen. VI. 3. Grant by \Vm., abbot of St. Mary's, Abingdon, to Richard 24 P'eb. Andrew, warden, and All Souls' College, of the advowson of the rectory and vicarage of Leukenore, a pension of 10s. from the same church, a field called Astones eyte, Berks, and two messuages in St. Aldate's, Oxford Seal broken „ 4. Power of attorney by the abbot of Abingdon to Richard Rotherham, chancellor of the Univei'sity of Oxford, and Thos. Chichele, archdeacon of Canterbury, to deliver seisin 18 Hen. VI. 5. License by Henry VI. to the abbot and convent of Abingdon 1 3 iNlay to grant the rectory of Lewknor, &c., to All Souls' College Windsor 1440-1. 6. Exemplification by Reginald Kentwode, dean of St. Paul's, 20 Feb. commissary of Eugenius IV., of a bull of the same pope, dated 3 id. Jul. 1440, annexing the rectory of Lewknor to All Souls' College ; and of other documents concerning the grant thereof to the College 1463. 7. Petition of Thos. Roger, late sheriff of Oxon and Berks, 3 Edw. IV. stating that Lewknor, as belonging to All Souls' College, is not liable for the tenth due to the king lo03. 8. Receipt by Henry Martyn, receiver of the Archdeacon of 13 Nov. Oxford, of 7s. I^d. from All Souls' College for procurations for the chiu'cli of Lewknor 31 Hen. VIII. 9. Order of the Court of Requests enforcing the payment of a 20 May rent of 12s. from land called Shoullers in Hannilton, Bucks, to \Vm. Richardson, vicar of Lewknor Paper roll 1 8 Eliz. 10. Bond of Richard Wright, vicar of Lewknor, to hold himself 4 April content with the titlies, &c., received by his predecessors 22 Jac, I. 11. Bond of Thos. Lawrence, M.A., vicar of Lewknor, to be con- 15 July tent with his emoluments 22 Jac. I. 12. Bond of John Potter, B.A., presented by All Souls' College to 21 March the vicarage of Lewknor 3 Car. I. 13. Grant by Samuel and Sarah Heyward, of Lewknor Farm, to 20 March Edward Wray and Lady Elizabeth his wife 4 Car. I. 14. Sale by Edward and Lady Elizabeth Wray of the lease of 8 Feb. the manor of Moor Court, Oxon, and otlier lauds, to James Winch „ 15. Extract from the preceding 122 AECHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 4 Car. I. 16. Sale of iNIoor Court by Edward and Lady Elizabeth Wray to 9 Feb. Wm. Kendrick, of Reading „ 17. Coimterijart of the preceding 4 Car. I. 18. Fine for the conveyance of Moor Court Hilary Terna 4 Car. I. 19. Sale by Winch to Kendrick of his unexpired term of Moor 14 Feb. Court 16 Car. ir. 20. Indenture between William Kendrick, Wm. Reeves, and 19 Jan. Edward Hopkins for barring all estates tail of the manors of Stokenchurch, Mallet Court, Moor Court, and other lands Fine levied in pursuance of the above indenture Tivo copies Indenture between John Bowell and Charles Adkins, lessee of Aston Eight, for the repayment of money lent by the former to the latter Both parts 23. Sale by John and Anne Flight, of Lewknor, to Richard Win- low, of a tenement and laud in Lewknor 24. Another indenture for the same purpose Bond of Flight enclosed 25. Another indenture for the better assurance of the said pro- perty 26. Fine levied for the same purpose Ttvo copies 27. Lease for a year by John Flight, of Shaldon, clerk, to Richard Winlow, of Shillingford Mead and other land in Lewknor 28. Sale of the preceding by Flight to Winlow Bond and receipt by Flight enclosed 29. Mortgage by Sir Wm. Kendrick of Stokenchurch, Mallet Court, and Moor Court, to John Stone, of New Inn 30. Another indenture for the same purpose Enclosed are a bond of Sir Wm. Kendrick and his release of errors in a judgment obtained against him by Stone 31. Release by Sir Wm. Kendrick of his equity of redemption in the same property to Stone Enclosed is a receipt by Kendrick for 3,000^. consideration money 32. Lease by George Tipping, of the Middle Temple, of Lewknor Farm to Richard Winlow 33. Agreement between Sir William, son of the late Sir Wni. Kendrick, and Jolin Stone, concerning the property mortgaged by his father 34. Sale by Richard Winlow to Jolm Ovey and Richard Barral)y of a cottage and land in Shillingford Mead and Lewknor Copy 17 Car. II. 2L Hilary Term 18 Car. II. 22. 30 Sept. 34 Car. II. 19 April 34 Car. 11. 20 April 34 Car. 11. 21 April 34 Car. 11. Easter 1682. 24 May 1682. 25 May 1682. 6 July 1682. 7 July 1684. 21 June 1686. 2 April 1686. 22 June 1687. 3 June LEWKN^OR, ASTON'S ETTE. 123 1689. 35. Sale by Greorg'e Tipping- to John Billers and Nicholas Baker 12 Nov. of Longiey Green and other land in Lewknor, with proviso of redemption 1691. 36. Indenture relating to the mortgage of Kendrick's property 12 June to Stone 1 3 June 37. Another indenture to the same effect 3 W. & M. 38. Exemplification of a common recovery in pursuance of the 1 July preceding covenants 1695-6. 39. Aj2;-reeraent of G-eorge Tipping to convey Lewknor Farm to 9 Jan. liichard Winlow Both parts 1697. 40. Grant by George Tipping of his property in Lewknor to 15 June Eichard Baughe, with certain conditions 1697. 41. Another indenture for the same purpose 16 June 1697. 42. Agreement of Thos. and George Tipping to levy a fine of tlie 19 Nov. premises 9 Will. III. 43. Two copies of the fine Mich. 10 Will. III. 44. Indenture between Sir Wm. and Mary Kendrick, John and 10 Jan. Elizabeth Stone, and others, for barring the estates tail, and settling Sir William's land . Botfc parts 10 Will. III. 45. Fine levied in pursuance of the above agreement Hilary Term 1698. 46. Agreement of John and Ursula Flight to levy a fine of their 19 May land in Lewknor, for Richard Winlow 1698. 47. Lease by Sir William Kendrick and others to John Bushell of 15 Aug. a cottage at Lewknor for one year 1698. 48. Release from Kendrick to Bushell of the same 16 Aug. 1698. 49. Lease for a year by Sir Wm. and Mary Kendrick and John 22 Nov. Stone to Richard Winlow, of Moor Court and other lands 1698. 50. Release of the same 23 Nov. 24 Nov. 51. Mortgage of Moor Court by Richard Winlow to John Stone Both parts. Winlotv''s bond enclosed 1709. 52. Will of Richard Winlow, of Lewknor, proved 29 Dec. 1709, 29 Dec. and a copy on paper 1711. 53-54. Indentures for the settlement by ]Mrs. Winlow of her lands 3 & 4 Aug. on Francis Bernard, her son-in-law With a copy oj each 1711. 55. Articles of agreement concerning the settlement Both parts 4 Aug. 1715. 56-57. Indentures between Moses Terry and Sarah his wife, 1 9 & 20 April daughter of Richard Winlow and Francis Bernard, for the settlement of Moor Court on the latter 124 AECHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1716. 58-59. Sale by Thos. Bushell to Wm. Ljscomb of a cottage in 28 & 29 Dec. Lewknor adjoining the vicarage 1725. 60-61. Conveyance by Edward Merrett and Frances his wife, 25 & 26 Mar. daughter of Richard Winlow, to Jane Hartlib, widow, of her share of a cottage and land at Lewknor 1730. 62-63. Conveyance by Jane Beresford, a granddaughter of 16 & 17 ^lay Richard Winlow, to Jane Hartlib, of her share in the same premises 1734-5. 64. Agreement of Edward and Francis Merrett and others to levy 8 Feb. a fine of the premises to the use of Jane Hartlib 1735. 65. Fine levied accordingly Tivo copies Easter 1735. . 66-67. Conveyance by Mrs. Hartlib to Francis Bernard of the 13 & 14 May same property 1742. 68-69. Conveyance of Moor Court by Francis Bernard, Moses 30 & 31 July Terry, and others, to John Wright „ 70-72. Conveyance by Francis Bernard to All Souls' College, of his land at Lewknor 1742. 73. Indenture between Sir Miles Stapylton, Thos, Smith, Francis 31 Jtdy Bernard and others, All Souls' College, and Robert Coxe, being the assignment of a term of 500 years in trust for the College to attend the inheritance 1742. 74. Assignment by Sir Miles Stapylton, Smith, and Bernard, of 4 Aug. Moor Court to the Hon. Anne Needham 1742. 75. Indenture between Bernard, Terry, the College, and others, 5 Aug. concerning the settlement of jNIoor Court 1742. 76. Fine levied accordingly Trinity Term 1742-3. 77. Miss Needham to Mr. Coxe: — Assignmentof land in Lewknor 16 Feb. in trust to attend the inheritance to the College 1744. 78-80. Conveyance by Francis Bernard to All Souls' College 12 & 13 June of the manor of Moor Court 1744. 81. Hon. Miss Needham to Robert Coxe: — Assignment of Moor 13 June Court in trust for All Souls' College 1751. 82. Conveyance by Wm. Lipscombe of a barn and ground in 19 & 20 Aug. Lewknor to All Souls' College Schedule of deeds enclosed 1763. 83. Conveyance by Mary Lipscombe and others to Zachary East, 15 Sept. of a cottage and land adjoining the vicarage Lease and final agreement enclosed 1770. 84. Conveyance l)y Elizabeth Croxford to the Rev. Benjamin 13 April Buckler, of All Souls' College, of a cottage adjoining the vicarage at Lewknor LEWKNOR, ASTON'S EYTE. 125 LETTERS AND TATEES. 1582. 85. A note concerning tithing in Lewknor Pp.2 6 April 1592. 86. The points wherein Mr. Whitton and Mr. Wright, parson of Lewknor, disagree concerning the tithes 1 G02. 87. Memorandum of the payment hy John Brook, of Lewknor, of 6s. Sc/. to the poor on behalf of All Souls' College 1707. 88. Jolm Bushell to Warden Grardiner, concerning the valuation 11 Oct. of the tithes at Lewknor Pp. 3. Add. endd. Lewknor 1721. 89. Proposal for letting the lease at Lewknor run out and 6 Oct. applying part of it to the improvement of the vicarage Fp.2 90. Abstract of Mr. Bernard's titles to Moor Court 91. Abstract of his title to the jointure lands in Lewknor 92. Abstract of his title to Tipping's Farm 1737. 93. Fras. Bernard to [Warden Niblett], concerning the value of 3 May] the parsonage at Lewknor ' P^d. 3. Endd. Gray's Inn 1740. 94. Lease of Tipping's Farm by P'ras. Bernard to Sylvanus 11 Marcli Seymour and John Quartermain 1740. ■ 95. James Grilpin to Niblett : — Sends particulars of the Tipping 1 5 Dec. and jointure estates Pp. 2. Add. endd. 1741. 96. Lease of Tipping's Farm by Francis Bernard to John 10 March Quartermain and Eichard Allom 1742. 97. Eobert Coxe to Niblett : — Concerning the purchase of land 27 May from Mr. Bernard P. 1. Add. endd. Lincoln's Inn 1742. 98. [Niblett] to Bernard Draft. P. I. Endd. 30 May 1742. 99. Bernard to Niblett Pp. 2. Add. endd. 1 June Lincoln's Inn 1742. 100. Coxe to Niblett P. 1. Add. endd. 3 July 24 July 101. Same to same P. 1. Add. endd. 31 July 102. Same to same P. 1. Add. endd. 14 Aug. 103. Same to same Pp. 2. Add. endd. 16 Dec. 104. Same to same P. 1. Add. endd. 105. Bill sent with the preceding 1743, 106. Fras. Bernard to Mr. Henchman, bursar Pp. 2. Add. 10 Aug. 126 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1743-4. 107. Bernard to Niblett. P. 1. Add. endd. 5 March These letters (97- 107) all refer to the purchase of Mr.Bernard'sland 108. Extract from the conveyance of Moor Court 1744. 109. Receipt hj J. A. Pusey for part of the purchase money 20 July 1772. 110. Particulars given by Mr. Jodrell, lord of the manor of Lewknor, concerning the tithes of Moor Court ; and con- cerning an intended enclosure by him 1773. 111. Map of Lewknor Warren and Cowleaze 1852. 112. London Gazette containing an order in Council assigning a 2 April consolidated chapelry to the new church at Cadmore End, Lewknor. W^ith letter from the Church Commissioners' Office ■ LEASES. 19 Hen. VI. 1. Lease by John Druell, overseer of the works at All Souls' 24 Feb. College, to Richard Long, chaplain, and John Symeon, husbandman, of the rectory of Lewknor 22 Hen. VI. 2. Lease by Roger Keys, warden of All Souls' Coll., to Bartholo- 16 Oct. mew Westcombe and John Tovy, of the rectory of Lew- kenor, for 10 years, at 261. 13s. 4:d. 24 Hen. VI. 3. Lease by Wm. Kele, warden, and the College, to John Brad- 28 Feb. ley and John Herbiger, alias Mylton, ' iremongerer,' of Astonysete, Berks 32 Hen. VI. 4. Lease by All Souls' College of the meadow called Astonseyte, 30 July near Oxford, to John Page and Richard Bustard, of Oxford 11 Edw. IV. 5. Lease by John Stokes, warden, and the College, of the 7 Dec. rectory of Lewknor, to Robert Knody, vicar there 22 Hen. VII. 6. Lease of the parsonage of Lewknor, Oxon, to John Scoles, 6 March of Aston Rowell, husbandman Bond enclosed 21 Hen. VIII. 7. Of the parsonage of Lewcner to Robt. Reynaard, husband- ]ONov. man, and Alice his wife 27 Hen. VIII. 8. Of Astonseyght, Berks, to Edw. Napper, of Holywelle, Ox- 6 Jan. ford 27 Hen. VIII. 9. Of the parsonage of Lewknor to Robert and Alice Reynaard 1 1 Jan. 36 Hen. VIII. 10. Of the parsonage of Lewknor to Thos. Whytton, of Aston 29 Nov. Rowen 2 Edw. VI. 11. Of Aston's Ayte and the tithes thereof to Edward Napper, of 22 Dec. Holywell, Oxford 5 Edw. VI. 12. Of the parsonage of Lewknor to Thos. Whitton, of Lewknor 10 Nov. 1 & 2 P. & M. 13. Agreement of Thos. Whitton to build a new kitchen, well- 8 Jan. house, and other houses at the form at Lewknor 4 & 5 P. & M. 14. Lease of Astou's Ayte to Edw. Napper, of Holliwell 5 April lewk:n'or, aston's eyte. 127 9 Eliz. 15. Lease of the parsonage of Lewknor to Thos. Whitton 9 Nov. 10 Eliz. 16. Bond of Whitton 10 Dec. 13 Eliz. 17. Lease of the parsonage of Lewknor to Thos. "VSTiitton 3 Jan. - 18 Eliz, 18. Of the same to the same Bond enclosed, dated 12 April 24 Nov. 20 Eliz. 19. Of Aston's eight, containing by estimation 40 acres, to 4 i\lay William Napper, of Holliwell 25 Eliz. 20. Of the parsonage of Lewknor to Thos. Whitton 1 7 Jan. Bond enclosed 28 Eliz. 21. Of the same to the same 10 Nov. 33 Eliz. 22. Of the same to the same Bond enclosed 5 Nov. 40 Eliz. 23. Of Alston's eight to Thos. Powys, M.A. 6 June 40 Eliz. 24. Of the parsonage of Lewknor to John Brooke, of Lewknor, 9 Nov. yeoman 2 Jac. I. 25. Of the same to the same 30 March „ 26. Of Alston's Aight to Thos. Powes, M.A. 4 Jac. I. 27. Of the parsonage of Lewknor to John Brookes 28 Nov. 6 Jac. I. 28. Of the same to Ralph Gobbet, of Morton, yeoman 7 April 7 Jac. I. 29. Of the same to the same 20 April 7 Jac. I. 30. Of the same to the same 20 Nov. „ 31. Of Aston's Aight to John Yonge, of Newington, Oxon, gent. 10 Jac. I. 32. Of the same to the same 28 Oct. „ 33. Of the rectory of Lewknor to Ralph Cobbet 14 Jac. I. 34. Of Aston's Ayght to John Yonge, of Little Balden, Oxon, esq. 8 Oct. Both parts and bond, ivith two papers about money bor- roived by Yonge from the College 15 Jac. I. 35. Of the parsonage of Lewkenor to Thos. Gwine, D.C.L. 29 Oct. Both parts 16 Jac. I. 36. License of alienation to Dr. Grwynn 1 9 Jac. I. 37. Lease of the rectory of Lewknor, Oxon, to Dr. Thos. Gwynne 6 Nov. Bond enclosed 20 Jac. I. 38. Of Aston's Ayght to John Young, of Little Balden 28 Oct. Both parts 128 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1 Car. I. 39. Lease of the rectory of Lewknor to Thos. Gwin, D.C.L. 24 Nov. Both parts, bond, and license to let 4 Car. I. 40. Of the same to the same Bond and license to let enclosed 30 Oct. .5 Car. I. 41. Of Aston's Eight to John Younge, of Great Milton, gent. 29 Oct. 6 Car. I. 42. Of the rectory of Lewknor to Dr. Gwin 30 Oct. Both parts. Bond and license to let 1744. 43. Of the rectory of Lewknor to Edward Kinaston, Wriothesley 27 April Digby, and others 1786. 44. Of Aston's Eyott to William Jackson, of All Saints, Oxford, 2 Nov. printer 1793. 45. Of the same to the same 4 Nov. 1800. 46. Of Aston's Eyot to William Elias Taunton, of Oxford 23 Oct. Both parts 1807. 47. Of Aston's Eyot to Thos. Smith, of Chimney's Farm 20 Oct. 1814. 48. Of Aston's Eyot to Thos. Smith, of Chimney's Farm, near 2 Nov. Garsington Both parts 1815. 49. License to Thos. Smith to let Aston's Eyot to Eic. Fletcher, 28 April of Charingworth, Wm. Fletcher, of Stoke, and Joseph Smith, of Saintbury, Gloucester 1821. 50. Lease of Aston's Eyot to Eev. Thos. Symonds and John 22 Oct. Brooks Both parts 1828. 51. Of the same to the same Both parts and license to let 3 Nov. 1842. 52. Of Aston's Eyot to John Early, of Newland and Witney, 3 Nov. blanket manufacturer With license to let LLANGENITH, ST. CLEEE, PENAETH. 1 1 Hen. VI. 1. Grant by Henry VI. to Hortonk van Clux, knt., of an an- 8 July nuity of 50l. from the alien priory of Pembroke Great seal 19 Hen. VI. 2. Surrender by Henry [Oiichele] archbp. of Canterbury, John 16 March bp. of Bath and Wells, John bp. of St. Asaph, William bp. of Salisbury, Wm. earl of Suffolk, John Somerseth, Thos. Bekynton, Ric. Audrewes, and others, of the priories of St. Clare and Langennyth to Henry VI. LLANGENITH, ST. CLERE, PENARTH. 129 19 Heu. VI. 3. Grant by Henry V^I. of the priories or manor of St. Clare and 18 March Llangennyth to ArchLp. Chichele, John Byrkheed, John Bolde, clerks, Kese ap Thomas, *esoud of Evan Price, vicar of St. Cleres, to be content with 27 June the vicarage at its present rate 27 Eliz. 16. Similar bond of John Hayle, vicar of St. Cleeres, and of 13 Sept. Garbrand Harkes, bookseller, for him 17 Jac. I. 17. Similar bond of Walter Evans, vicar of St. Cleres 11 Sept. 1624. 18. Sale by Roger Thomas ap Jevan, and Anne his wife, to All 21 Oct. Souls' College of a piece of land near Ravenswell, in the manor of Prior's towne or Eastowne of Langenith ' These two documents are now missing, l.iit arc raculiouecl in the old list among 'AUstraeta Cliai'taviim." - This document is nlso mi^sinsr. 130 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. LETTERS. [15th cent.] 19. Petition of Harry Hopkin, vicar of Penarth, to the king's commissary at Swansey for an augmentation of his living. The church, vicarage, glebe land, and part of the parish have been destroyed by drift sand P. 1 [1445-59.] 20. Warden Kele and the College to Henry VI.: — Complain that Hugh Haddelsey, priest, and Sir Hugth John, knt., taking advantage of the great and inconvenient riots of late fallen within the realm, have seized on the priory of Lan- genith, and they beg the king's interference Drafts mutilated 21. Another draft of the same petition, with a draft of an ob- ligation by Haddelsey enclosed Paper roll LEASES. 24 Hen. VI. 1. Lease by All Souls' College of the priory of St. Clare and 21 Sept. the chapel of St. Kenin to Owen Don and William ap Jankyn ap Jevan ap Hoell 32 Hen. VI. 2. Of the same to Wm. Morys, of Kedwilley, jNIaurice Eede, 1 March and John Morys, of Oxford 20 Hen. VIII. 3. Of the rectory of St. Clare to John Broke, clerk, and Thos. 28 Sept. Gwine, M.D., of Oxford 26 Hen. VIII. 4. Of the same to Dr. Grwyne, of Aldermanbury, and Elenore, 14 April his wife 34 Hen. VIII. 5. Leases of the parsonages of Llangenith and Pennarde to John 8 Sept. Roo, M.A., late fellow, and of the parsonage of Upchurch to Richard Holbroke, yeoman of the King's Pantry, dated 13 Oct. Copies. Pp. 4. Evidently torn out of a book 35 Hen. VIII. 6. Of the rectory of St. Clare to William Marten, of London 7 Nov. 1 Mary. 7. Of the parsonage of St. Clare and St. Kennyns to Wm. 30 Nov. Marten, of Garsington 10 Eliz. 8. Of the parsonage of St. Clere and St. Kenveus to Robt. 1 June Lougher, D.C.L. 12 Eliz. 9. Of the same to the same 1 July 21 KHz. 10. Of the same to the same 25 March 25 Eliz. 11. Of tlio same to the same 15 June LLANGENITH, ST. CLERE, PENARTH. 131 33 Eliz. 12. Lease of the parsonage of St. Clere and St. Kenvens to Kobt. 1 6 Oct. Lougher, gent. 38 Eliz. 13. Of the same to the same 16 Nov. 45 Eliz. 14. Of the same to the same 30 Nov. 6 Jac. I. 15. Of the same to the same 12 April 9 Jac. I. 16. ( )f the same to the same 19 Dec. 16 Jac. I. 17. Of the same to Wra. Baker, of Lambeth Bond endoscd 27 Oct. „ 18. License to Sir Thos. Mansell, of Margam, to let the parson- ages of Langenith and Penarth 19 Jac. I. 19. Lease of the parsonage of St. Clere and St. Kenvens to Wm, 26 Oct. Baker With license to let 2 Car. I. 20. Of the parsonage of St. Cleres and St. Kinnes, with the 1 Nov. portion of pachiefranke due to t'ne College, to Wm. Baker Both 'parts and bond 6 Car. I. 21. Of the parsonages of Langeneth and Penarth, with[in] the 29 April lordship of Grower, and the prior's lands of Langeneth, to Sir Thos. Mansell, of Morgam, Bart. Both parts 6 Car. I. 22. Of the parsonage of St. Cleres, &c., to Wm. Baker, of Lara- 30 Oct. beth 17 Car. L 23. Of the same to the same Bond enclosed 30 April 1727. 24. Of the same to Walter Howel, vicar of Llaudilo Vawr, and 4 May John Evans, of Llanraarlais, Pembrokeshire 1772. 25. Of the parsonages of Llangenith and Penarth to Martha, 15 April widow of Thos. Popkin, of Kittlehill 1780. 26. Of the parsonage of St. Clere and St. Knives to the Rev. 24 Oct. John Phillips, of Llwynerwn, Caermarthen Both parts 1781. 27. Of the parsonages of Llangenith and Penarth to Griffydd 30 Oct. Price, of Lincoln's Inn Both jjarts 1782. 28. License to John Bennett Popkin to let the said parsonages 26 April 1783. 29. Lease of the parsonage of St. Clere and St. Knives to Rev. 22 Oct. John Phillips Both parts 1786. 30. Of the same to Rev. ,Tohn Phillips, of Lhwnorum, Caermar- 2 Nov. then 1789. 31. Of the same to the same Both parts 20 Oct. 1792. 32. Of the same to the same Both parts and license to let 20 Oct. K 2 132 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1795. 33. Lease of the parsonage of St. Clere and St. Knives to Eliza- 21 Oct. beth Phillips, of Llyn Crwu, widow 1798. 34. Of the same to the same 31 Oct. 1799. 35. Of the parsonages of Langenith and Pennarth to Samuel 12 Oct. Hawkins, of Pall Mall, gent. Both parts and license to let 1801. 36. Of the parsonage of St. Cleeres to John Lewes Philipps, of 29 Oct. Llwyn Crwn 1804. 37. License to Samuel Hawkins to let the parsonage of Lange- 16 April nith and Pennarth 1807. 38. Lease of the parsonage of St. Cleres and St. Knives to 20 Oct. John Lewis Phillips, esq., of Elwin Crwn Both parts and license to let 1808. 39. Of the parsonages of Llangenith and Penarth to John Landeg, 25 Oct. of Brinwillach, and Samuel Hawkins 1810. 40. Of the parsonage of St. Cleres and St. Knives to John Lewis 2 Nov. Phillips, of Elwin Crwn MALOEIE MANEPilUM, TEER^ IN WILLESDEN ET HAELESDEN. ' SPECIALES CART^: 28 Edw. in. 1. Release by Will, de Northwelle, clerk, to Sir Bartholomew 10 JNIarch de Burghersshe, jun., of his estate in Willesdon, Harles- don, and Chelchethe 28 Edw. III. 2. Grant by Sir Bartholomew de Burgherssh, jun., to John 18 April Pecche, clothier of London, of all his lands in Willesdon, Harleston, and Chelchehethe „ 3. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 11 Hen. IV. 4. Grant by John Pecche to Wm. and Katherine Costantyn of 6 March the manor of Malleres, Middx. 13 Hen. IV. 5. Grant by Pecche of the reversion of Malerys, with appur- (3 Dec. tenances in Willesdon, Padyngton, Harleston, Chilcehith, and Fulham, to Elias Davy, mercer of London 13 Hen. IV. 6. Fine for the conveyance of INIalres by Wm. and K. 1 3 May Costantyne to Elias Davy Tivo copies 13 Hen. IV. 7. Grant by Thos. Cook of the reversion of Mai res to W. and 20 June K. Costantyn „ 8. Counterpart of tlie above MALORIE MANERIUM, TERR^ IN WILLESDEN ET HALLESDEN. 133 1 Hen. V. 9. Fine for the conveyance of Malres by Elias Davy to William Easter and Katherine Const an tyn 1 Hen. V. 10. Release by John Pecche to Elias Davy of his estate in the 1 8 Oct. manor of Mallory s 3 Hen. V. 11. Fine for the conveyance of JNlalres by Wm. and K. Con- Easter stantyn to Elias Davy 9 Hen. V. 12. Fine for the conveyance of Maleryce by John and Katherine 11 Nov. Pecche to Elias Davy 7 Hen. VI. 13. Grant by Elias Davy of the manor of Maleryce to Rubt. 7 March Large, Thos. Bataill, Thos. Osbarn, and Thos. DoUay „ 14. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 10 Hen. VI. 15. Fine for the conveyance of JMaloryes by Elias and Matilda Hil. term Davy to ^yva. Hardevvyk, John Leveryngton, and John Wassheburne Three copies 10 Hen. VI. 16. Grant by Hardewyk, &c., to Wm. Crowmere, John Brokle, 7 June John Carpenter, and others, of the manor of Maloryes „ 17. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 10 Hen. VI. 18. Release by Elias Davy of his estate in Maloryes to Crow- 15 June mere, Brokle, &c. 10 Hen. VI. 19. Release of Maloryes by Robt. Large, Thos. Bataill, and 27 June others, to Crowmere, Brokle, &c. 16 Hen. VI. 20. Grant by John Brokle, John Carpenter, and others, to Thos. 27 May Cliichele, Hen. Penwortham, and Robt. Danvers, of the manor of Maloryes „ 21. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 3 Hen. V, 22. Grant by John Algar to Robt. Algar of the reversion of a 25 Dec. messuage and laud in Shepcote, Chirchefeld, Hungerhill, and Fortonfeld, in WiUesdon 10 Hen. VI. 23. Grant by Robt. Algar, of Yelling, to Wm. Crowmere, Brokle, 16 July and others, of a messuage in Harleston and Willesdon given him by his brother John 1 Hen. VI. 24. Grant by Thos. Fylkes, « peautrer,' and Thos. Daunt, ' peyn- 4 Nov. tour,' to Sir Thos. Charleton, Thos. Frowyk, Hen. Frowyk, Robt. Warner, and others, of all their lands in Willesden 11 Hen. VI. 25. Grant by Sir Thos. Charleton, Thos. and Hen. Frowyk, &c., 15 Jan. to Crowmere, Brokle, &c., of all their lands in Wil- lesdon „ 26. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 134 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 3 Hen. VI. 27. Grant by Elias Davy, John Welles, John Wasshebourne, 6 Feb. and Ric. Osbarne, to Peter Weston, Thos. Sampson, Wm. Sydenay, John Hervy, and Ralph Holland, of their lands in Willesdon 3* Hen. VI. 28. Release of the lands mentioned in the preceding by Elias 10 Feb. Davy to Peter Weston, &c. 10 Hen. VI. 29. Grant by Weston, Sampson, &c., of their lands in Wil- 1 7 Dec. lesden to Robt. Clopton, Robt. Colbrook, Nic. Yoo, and John CoUop „ 30. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 10 Hen. VI. 31. Release by Peter Weston to Clopton, &c., of his estate in 26 Dec. the same lands 16Hen. V^I. 32. Grant by Clopton, Yoo, and Collop to Thos. Chichele, 27 May Penwortham, and Danvers, of their lands in Willesdon „ 33. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 10 Hen. VI. 34. Grant by Richard Cok and John Hergeste to Clopton, Col- 3 April brook, and Collop, of ' Nethirshirwykfeld,' in Willesdon 10 Hen. VI, 35. Release by Robt. Wraton, John Penne, and Robt. Wade to 6 April Clopton, Colbrook, and Collop, of their estate in Nethir- shirwykfeld iGHen.VI. 36. Grant by Clopton and Colop to Thos. Chichele, Penwor- 27 JNIay tham, and Danvers, of Nethirshirwykfeld „ 37. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 20 Hen. VI. 38. Memorandum of the surrender of Malloryes to the king by 5 Feb. Tlios. Chicheley and Danvers ' The letters patentes hereof are with the evidence of Lange- nith ' 20 Hen. VI. 39. Memorandum of the surrender of JNIalloryes to the king, 24 April and the grant thereof by him to All Souls' College 'Note that this surrender under seale is with the evidence of Langennyth ' 4 Hen. VII. 40. Memorandum of the Act of Parliament confirming their 13 Jan. possessions to All Souls' College ' Note that this Act of Parliament under seale remayneth with the evidences in Whadborowe boxe ' 'CABT2E BIVEliSAUUM TERRABUM IN HABLESTON ET willesden: 20 Kdw. T. 41. Grant by Ralpli, son of Thos. Tyrrel, of Wyledene, of his 21 Dec. nativus^ John, son of Peter de Odwyk, with all his pro- geny, and land in Wyledene, to Wm. de Northoue and Alice Tyre), his wife MALORIE MANERIUM, TERR^ IN WILLESDEN ET HALLESDEN. 135 27 Edw. 1. 42. Release by Robt. Algor, of Stebenhetb, to his brother Roger 24 May Swctiiig, of a messuage in Twyford, Middx., formerly be- longing to Algor Atte Brok 12 Edw. II. 43. Grant by William le Barber, of Harlestone, to William 26 March Wbitteye, of a messuage and lands at Willesden 44. Grrant by Peter de tSternie, formerly rector of St. Mary's Westuyford, to Stephen and Alice le Webbe, of a messuage, land, and rent in Westuyford 19 Edw. [III.] 45. Grant by John de Ompyngliam, of Ilarleston, to John and 29 Aug. Margaret Kneyth, of land at Mochelbruk 25 Edw. III. 46. Grant by John Erlich, of Harleston, to John Knyft, of land 7 July in ' la Dene ' 27 Edw. III. 47. Grant by John Schirloc to John and Alice Knyt, of land in 11 May Wyllesdon Mersch 33Edw.III. 48. Grant by John Cornehull, of Pynnore, to John Knyt, of a 10 May messuage on Willesdone Grene 33 Edw. III. 49. Grant by John Elrich, of Harleston, to John and Alice Knyt, 4 Aug. of land in Fortonefeld, Harleston 33 Edw. III. 50. Release by Wm. and Rose Symond, Ric. and Matilda Hervy, 25 Nov. and Andrew Atte Elme, of all actions against John and Alice Knyght 34 Edw. III. 51. Grant by John Elrich, of Harleston, to John Knyht of a 2 Feb. croft at Harleston 34 Edw. III. 52. Grant by Thos. Fitter to John Knyt, of ' Liphokgesmede,' 1 Marcli in Wilesdou Mersh 37 Edw. III. 53. Grant by Peter Atte Hacche to John Knight of land in 12 March Cherchefeld, Willesdon 38Edw.II[. 54. Grant by John Erlich to John Knyt of land in Fortonfeld 23 May 8 Ric. II. 55. Grant by John Knygth, of Harleston, to William, vicar of 14 Feb. Willesdon, and John Twyford, jun., of all lands acquired from Adam Schurlok and John Cornehylle „ 56. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 10 Ric. II. 57. Grant by William, vicar of Willesdon, and John Twyford to 8 July Alice Knyghte, of the land granted to them by John Knyght 1 Hen. IV. 58. Grant by Agnes Knyghte, of Chelchehyth, to William 8 June Wyldschyr, carpenter of London, and Thos. Est, mercer, of the lands inherited from Alice Knyght, deceased 8 Hen. IV. 59. Grant by Wyldschyr and Est to John and Agnes Algar, of 5 Sept. Willesdon, of the lands inherited by the said Agnes from Alice Knyght 136 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. Grrant. by William Walker, rector of Baldok, to John Est, of Chelcbythe, John Kyngwode. Thos. de la Down, of Wil- lesdon, and Hugh Hunte, of Chelchithe, of lands granted him hy John Knyzt, of Harlyston Grant by John Algar to Elias Davy, John Fray, and others, of the lands in Willesdon granted liim by Wyldschyr and Est Grant by Davy, Fray, &c., to Wm. Crowmere, John Brokle, and otbers, of the lands acquired by them from John Algar Power of attorney to deliver seisin Grant by Lawrence Hierde, Wm. Atte Wode, Hen. Trevow- lance, and others, to Crowmere, Brokle, &c., of Prentyse- crofte and Rogeres Crofte, in Willesdon Power of attorney to deliver seisin Grant by Herde, Atte Wode, &c., to Clopton, Crowmere, Brokle, &c., of tenements and land at Harleston Green, called Ramsistris and Teynacris 3 Hen. V. 60. 10 Sept. 3 Hen. V. 6L 20 Sept. 10 Hen. VL 62. 7 June ?5 63, 10 Hen. VI. 64. 6 July »? 65. 11 Hen. VI. 66. 31 Oct. 7 Hen. V. 67. Release by Elias Davy, John Carpenter, and otliers, to Robt. 21 March Malton, Wm. Maun by, and Thos. Willesdon, of a rent of \Sd. from Netherfeld, Willesdon 36 Hen. VI. 68. Sale by William Leke, warden of All Souls, to Bartilmewe 23 Oct. Wyllesdon of the wood and underwood in Stylecrofts, Wyllesdon 38 Plon. VI. 69. Release of all demands by Henry Aubre, of Halywell, 20 April ]Middx., to Wm. Poteman, warden of All Souls' College 5 [Edw. IV.?] 70. Writ to All Souls' College to give up 10 acres in Wyllesdon to Bartholomew Wyllesdon 5 Edw. IV. 71. Receipt by Bartholomew Willesdon, of London, of 46'. quit 18 Oct. rent of Arnoldislandes, Hendon, from All Souls' College 8 Edw. IV. 72. Receipt by Bartholomew Willesdon, of London, of 4.s'. quit 18 Oct. rent of Arnoldeslondes, Hendon, from All Soids' College 14 Edw. IV. 73. Receipt by B. Willesdon from All Souls' College of 46". quit 18 Oct. rent of Arnoldislondes 21 Edw. IV. 74. Release by Sir Thos. Frowyk, Ric. Foorde, Bartholomew 20 Nov. Willesdon, and Roger Frende, to All Souls' College, of their estate in Nethyrfelde, Willesdon [Edw. IV.] 75. Bounds of Nethyrfeld. ' Pro Bartholomieo Willesdon ' 1818. 76. Receipt by the Commissioners of Enclosures of Wille.«den 25 May of \70L 13s. 3d. from All Souls' College for 2 pieces of land 1835. 77. Conveyance of two pieces of land on the south side of the 29 Sept. Harrow Road liy Thos. Harrison to All Souls' College 2\vo deeds MALORIE MANERIUM, TERRvE IN WILLESDEN ET HALLESDEN. 137 16-19 H. VI. 78. Court roll of Harleston and Willesden 21 Hen. VI. 79. Bond by Eobert Fish, of Harleston, to Henry arcbbp. of 29 Nov. Canterbury for 29^. 1457. 80. Computus of John Carley, farmer at Harlesden 81. ' Tlie quit rent that All Souls' College doth paie for thare landes lyinge in the parish of W'illisden, FuUam, and Chelsy ' C^py of an older pajjer 1569. 82. Memorandum of 14s. rent for Brokefeild, Ashehill, Malories 29 Sept. garden and croft, due to John Walljank, farmer of Cham- bre's prebend at Willesdon 13 Eliz. 83. A roll of three papers ' touching a suit for lands in Fidlam,' of which one is ' a copie of the eurowlment of Robert Sandwith intitleing my lord of London to the Collegd lands in Fulham, sliewing what was done touching that matter ' 1608. 84. Receipt for 10s. by Wm. Marsh, collector for the poor at 22 Sept. Willesden, from the riding bursar of All Souls' College 85. List of trees remaining at Mr. Francklin's, at Willesdon 'HALLESDEN, PEBBYCBOFT, WILLESDEN. OLD leases: 32 Hen. VI. 1. Lease by All Souls' College of the manors of Harleston and 6 July Wyllesdon, Middx., to William Dalton and John Frankeleyn 36 Hen. VI. 2. Of the manors of Harlston and Wilsdon to John Bernefile, 19 Dec. Wm. Bernefile, and Jolm Carley [1466-94.] 3. Draft of a lease by Warden Stokes of the College lands and tenements in Willesden to Wm. Redyng Paper roll 19 Hen. VII. 4. Lease by All Souls' College of a rood of land at Wyllysdon I ]\Iay to Wm. Hursley 9 Hen. VIII. 5. Of lands and tenements at Harleston and Willesdon to Wm. 29 ]March Cade, of Harleston 10 Hen. VIII. 6. Of the farm called Perrycrofte in Willesdon to Dr. Robert I I Nov. Honywoodde, archdeacon of Taimton 10 Hen. VIII. 7. Of the same land to Master Wm. Broke, doctor, for a term 30 Nov. of 60 years 27 Hen. VIII. 8. Of lands in Harleston and Willesdon to Wm. Walker, B.C.L., 6 Jan. fellow of the College 1 Edw. VI. 9. Of the manor of Harleston to Wm. Shepperd ; and part of 16 May another deed about Kingsbury Copy. Pp. 4 6 Edw. VI. 10. Of the manor and farm of Harleston to Wm. Sheparde, of 16 May Wylsdon Both parts 10 Eliz, 11. Of tlie manor and farm of Harleston io Thos. Shepparde, of 6 Nov. Kingsbury, yeoman 138 ARCHfVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 16 Eliz. 12. Lease by All Souls' College of the manor and farm of 9 Jan. Harlsden in Wilsden to John Frankelin, of Stanmer the Less 1 7 Eliz. 13. Of the farm of Harlsden and Wilsden called Pericrofte to 14 Oct. Henry Jackeson, servant to the warden and College 26 Eliz. 14. Of the manor and farm of Harlesden to John Franklin, of 20 Aug. Stanmore the lesser 32 Eliz. 15. Of the farm of Harlsden and Wilsden called Perricrofte to 2 Dec. John Franklin, of Oxford 34 Eliz. 16. Of the same land to John Franklin, of Stanmore the less 30 Nov. 3 Jac. I. 17. Of the farm called Perrycrofte in Willesdon and Harlesden 6 April to Kichard F'ranklin 4 Jac. I. 18. Of the farm of Harlesden to Richard Franklin 29 Oct. 6 Jac. I. 19. Of the farm of Harlesden, with lands belonging thereto 8 Oct. in Willesden, Chelsea, and Fulham, to Ric. Francklin „ 20. Bond by Francis Jackson, of London, to All Souls' College, for the performance of a lease of the same date to Franklin 9 Jac. L 21. Lease of Perrycroft to Richard Franklin, of Dalley's Hill 19 Dec. Bond enclosed „ 22. Of the farm of Harlesden and lands in Wilsden, Chelsea, and Fulham, to Richard Franklin 16 Jac. I. 23. Of Harlsden Farm, with lands in Willsden, Chelsea, and 8 Oct. Fulham, to Sir John PVanklin, of Willsden Bond enclosed V 24. Of Perrie Croft in Wilsden, Kate Field, Beaver Lands, the Hether Low, and Frog Pooles, to Sir John Franklin, of Dalleyes Hill Bond enclosed 1 Car. I. 25. Of a house and groimd called Perrie Croft, in the parish of 24 Nov. Wilsden, to Sir John Franklyn, of Dallyes Hill Both ijai'ts and bond „ 26. Of the farm of Harlsden and the lands thereto belonging in Wilsden, Chelsay,Fullham, and elsewhere in Middlesex, to the same Both ^jarts and bond 8 Car. I. 27. Of Perriecroft to Sir Jolin Franklin, of Willesden 30 Oct. Bond enclosed „ 28. Of Harlsden to the same 15 Car. L 29. Of tlie same to the same 31 Oct. „ 30. Of Perricrofts to the same 1724. 31. Of Turners Field Grove in Willesden, and Bushlield Queacli 30 Oct. in Fulham, to Thos. Bird, of Keusiuglou HALLESDEN, PERRYCROFT, WILLESDEN. OLD LEASES. 139 1776. 32. Lease of Cricklewood, the Bushfield Haught, and other 3 Nov. woods in Willesden, Chelsea, and Fulham, to Wm. God- frey, of Westbourne Green 1782. 33. Of Turner's Field Grove and Bushfield Grove, Willesden, 26 April and Bushfield Meade in Fulham, to Jonathan Alderton, of Westminster 1789. 34. Of Turnersfield grove and Bushfield Queach to Jonathan 25 April Alderton, of Westminster Both parts 1794. 35. Of Harlesden Farm to Wm. Godfrey, of Westbourn Green 3 Nov. „ 36. Of Berrycroft and four closes in Edgware to W. Godfrey „ 37. Of Cricklewood, Bushfield Haui^hts, Buslifield Queacli, and other land in Willesden, Chelsea, and Fulham to Wm. Godfrey 1796. 38. Of Turnersfield grove, &c., to Jonatlian Alderton 22 April Both parts 1801. 39. Of Harlesden Farm to Wm. Godfrey 29 Oct. Both parts and license to let „ 40. Of Berrycroft, &c., to the same Both parts and license to let „ 41. Of Cricklewood, &c., to the same Both parts and license to let 1803. 42. Of Turnersfield Grove, &c., to Jonathan Alderton 29 April Both parts 1808. 43. Of a messuage and Berry Croft to William Godfrey 25 Oct. „ 44. Of Cricklewood, &c., to Wm. Godfrey 1810. 45. Of Turnersfield Grove, &c., to Evan Edwards, of Oxford 1 1 April Street, butcher Both parts 1817. 46. Of Turnersfield Grove, &c., to Evan Edwards 30 April 1824. 47. Of Turner's Field Grove, &c., to Joseph Smith 29 April. Both parts and license to let 1826. 48. Of Turner's Field Grove, &c., to Joseph Smith 1 3 April Both parts 1826. 49. Of Turner's Field Grove, &c., to Joseph Smith 10 Nov. 1828. 50. Of land at Neasdou to James Hall 29 Oct. „ 61. Of Kelsal Green Farm to Mary Carty „ 52. Of Cricklewood Farm to Lieut. Benjamin Lewis, E.N. 1828. 53. Of land at Church End, Willesden, to Wm. Bean 5 Dec. „ 54. Of Willesden Green Farm to Wm. Dickenson „ 55. Of land at Willesden to Thos. Philpott 140 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 183L 56. Lease of Turner's Field Grove to Joseph Smith Both parts 23 April 1832. 57. Of Cricklewood Farm to James Bennett 21 April 1 833. 58. Of Willesden Green Farm to Wm. Dickenson 26 Dec. 1836. 59. Of land at Willesden Green to James Read 24 June 1838. 60. Of Turner's Field Grove, &c., to Joseph Smith 3 Nov. CHELSEA. 1826. 61. Lease of part of Bushfield Grove, in Chelsea, to Richard 13 April Pitman, solicitor Both parts 1828. 62. Of four closes in the parish of St. Luke, Chelsea, to Thos. 5 Dec. Knight, of St. George's, Middx. 1831. 63. Of part of Bushfield Grove to Ric. Pitman Both parts 16 April 1838. 64. Of the same to the same 27 April FULHAM. 1826. 65. Lease of Bushfield Mead, Fulliam, to John Burleton 10 Nov. Both parts 1831. 66. Of the same to the same Both parts 16 April NEWLANDS, MIDLEY, OLD EOMNEY. 27 Edw. III. 1. Grant by Robert and Joan de Portismouwe and others, 29 Nov. to Henry de Geseborne, of lands in Myddele 29 Edw. III. 2. Grant by Stephen, son of Roger de Hope, to Henry and 16 June Celestria Goldyne, of 14 acres in Middele 36 Edw. III. 3. Grant by Henry Aucher, of Newynden, of all his tenements 22 Dec. in Middele and Old Romeni to John Lambsyn, jun., of Fairefelde „ 4. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 36 Edw. III. 5. Grant ])y Jolm Lambsyn, jun., to Henry Aucher, of 10 26 Dec. marks annual rent from liis lands in Middele, Faircfeld, and Old Romene NEWLANDS, MIDLEY, OLD ROMNEY. 141 Henry Aiiclier accepts 40^. from John Lambsjoi in lieu of the rent of 10 mks. Indenture between John Lainbsyn and John Atte Wode con- cerning the rent payable by the former for land in Middele and Aldyngton Lease of the churches of Komenal by Eobt. de Eoureto, procurator of the abbey of Pontigny, to John de VVymborne, rector of Westwell, and Win. le Clerk, of Eomene Grant by John Lampsyn to Thos. Birlyng, of 4 acres of land in ^Nliddele and Aldyngton Grant by Alexander and Idonia Taillour to Thos. Birlyng, of all their lands in Lyde and New Langport Grant by Thos., son and heir of the late Tlios. Hope, of Eomene, to Thos. and Joan Birlyng, of 11^ acres of land in Middele Grant by Tlios. Byrlyng to John Lampsyn, of 8 acres of land in Middeley Grant by John Lampsyn to Thos. Birlyng, of Lyde, and .loan his wife, Lampsyn's daughter, of all his lands in Old Eomene and Middele Counterpart of the preceding Grant by John Lampsyn to Thos. Byrlyng, of 8 acres in Newland, Middele Grant by Eic. Dieryng, of Lyde, to Eobt. Cokkyl, of 2 acres in Middele, in the tenure of the heir of Hen. Auclier Grant by William Grenstrete to Eobt. Cokkyl, of land in St. Clement's, Eomene Grant by Thos., son and heir of Hamo Lonecok, of Eomene, to Eliz., widow of John Davy, of 2 acres in ^Middele Grant by KHz., widow of John Davy, to Thos. Godefrey, of 2^ acres in Middele Grant by John Byrlyng to Thos. Godfrey, of ' Prestfelde,' in Lede Grant by John Byrlyng to Thos. Warde, of Oldromne, and John Eeve, of liis lands in Lede and ^Middele Power of attorney to deliver seisin Eelease of lands in Lede and ^Middele by John Byrlyng to Thos. Warde Grant by Agnes, daughter of .Matthew Goldyne, to Simon Spite, of all the lands inherited from her father in Promhell, and in the tenure of the Courts of Blecchyng and the convent of Eobertsbridge 36 Edw. III. 6. 26 Dec. 38 Edw. III. 7. 20 April 40 Edw. III. 8. 28 April 42 Edw. 1 1 1. 9. 5 Dec. 40 Edw. IIL 10. 2 Feb. 46 Edw. III. 11. 22 May 47 Edw. III. 12. 16 May 47 Edw. III. 13. 11 Sept. ?? 14. 1 Eic. II. 15. 24 Nov. 3 Eic. II. 16. 25 July 5 Eic. II. 17. 9 Feb. 5 Eic. II. 18. 15 March 13 Eic. II. 19. 10 April 17 Eic. II. 20. 3 April 18 Eic. II. 21. 4 June 55 22. 18 Eic. II. 23. 5 June 19 Eic. IL 24. 10 Dec. 142 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. Power of attorney to deliver seisin Grant by Thos. Ward and John Eeve to Thos. Godefrey, of 11^ acres of land in Middele Grant by Thos. Ward and John Rieve to Thos. Godefrey, of the lands acquired by him from John Birlyng Anotlier deed with further stipulations concerning the same lands Counterpart of the above Grant by John Davy of 5 acres in Middele and Old Romene to Thomas Godefrey Grant by Walter Menyl, William Swon, and others, to Thos. Godefrey, of 14 acres called Goldyneslaudes Grant by Stephen Fuete to Simon Spite of land in Lyde Release by Stephen Pypere, Wm. Wodeman, Thos. Chep- man, and others, to Hamo Aleyn, of lands granted to him and them by Thos. and Joan Godfray Fine for the conveyance of a messuage and 100 acres in Old Romene, Lyde, and Middele, by Thos. and Joan Godfrey to Hamo Aleyn and Thos. Chapman Grant by Peter Bokefunte, Thos. Davy, and Wm. Palmer to John Jamys, of Hethe, and Alice Fleger, of 7 acres in Myddelee Partition of the lands of John Davy, of Olde Romene, be- tween Wm. and Avicia Yonge and John Smyth, of Bil- syngtone Settlement between Thos. Godfray and Wm. and Avicia Yonge, concerning the lands of John Davy Grant by Alicia, widow of John Jamys, to Thos. Godfray and John Massey, of 2 messuages in St. Martin's, Romene Grant by Ricliard Aleyn and John Andrew to Hamo Aleyn and Thos. Philip, of land in Myddelee, in the tenure of the heirs of Henry Aucher Grant by Ric, son of Simon Berlyng, of 8 acres in Middele and Lyde to Thos. Godefray Grant by Ric, son of Simon Berlynge, to Thos. Godefray, of the reversion of 8 acres of land in Middele and Lyde Release by Hamo Aleyn and Matthew Randolff to Thos. Godffray, of laniis and tenements in Old Romeney, Mydele, and Stone, granted to tliem by him Grant by Hamo Aleyn, of Mydle, to Thos. Godfrey, of 1 3 acres on the high road from Le Sumpe to lirokebregge, and \^ acre near the road Release l)y Thos. Philyp to Thos. Godfrey, of tenements in Old Romene, Middelo, iind Stone, granted to tlie former and others liy tlie hitter 19 Ric. IL 10 Dec. 25. 19 Ric. II. 30 Jan. 26. 19 Ric. IL 4 Feb. 27, 19 Ric. IL 6 Feb. 28. 1 Hen. IV. 10 Oct. 29. 30, 2 Hen. IV. 30 Oct. 3L 2 Hen. IV. 3 June 32. 6 Hen. IV. 28 June 33. 7 Hen. [IV.] Midi. 34. 8 Hen. IV. 12 Oct. 35. 8 Hen. IV. 3 June 36. 8 Hen. IV. 8 Sept. 12 Hen. IV. 10 May 37. 38. 7 Hen. V. 26 May 39. 7 Hen. V. 24 June 40. 7 Hen. V. 25 June 41. 9 Hen. V. 31 May 42. 9 Hen. V. 27 Nov. 43. 10 Hen. V. 28 Aug. 44, NEWLANDS, MTDLEY, OLD ROMNEY. 143 1 Hen. VI. 45. Grant by Hamo Aleyn to Tbos. Godfray of the reversion of 24 July 63 acres of land in Old Romene and Middeley 3 Hen. Vf. 46. Grant by Will. Partrycb,of Tonebrcgge, and Jobn Swanne- 16 July feld, of Eurgberssb, to Simon Newlond, of tbe reversion of lands granted tbem by Wra. Spete 5 Hen. VI. 47. Grant by Thos. Godefray to Andrew Eyllewen, clerk, John 19 Dec. Galewey, Ric. Glovere, and John Shalwell, of Lyde, of all his lands in Kent, Sussex, and elsewhere „ 48. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 5 Hen. VI. 49. Release by Thos. Godfrey of his lands to Eyllewyn, &c. 4 Jan. 5 Hen. VI. 50. Grant by Andrew Aylewyn and others to oNIargery Ciuip- 20 Jan. man, daughter of Nich. Godefray, of the rent from the lands in Stone late belonging to her father 6 Hen. VI. 51. Release by Ric, son of Simon Birlynge, to Andrew Eylle- 7 Oct. wen, Ric. Glovere, John Galewey, and John Shalwell, of 8 acres in Middele and Lyde 6 Hen. VI. 52. Grant by Aylewyn, &c., to^''m. Tumour and Stephen 16 April Wayte, of the lands granted to them by Thos. Godefray 6 Hen. VI. 53. Grant by Wm. Tumour of half Thos. Godefray's lands to 25 April Andrew Aylewyn and Ric. Glover 7 Hen. VI. 54. Release by Alex. Cheyne and Nic. Hawden to Wm. Tumour 20 July of their title to Godfrey's lands 9 Hen. VI. 55. Release by John Baker and John Blakeman to Wm. Tur- 6 Dec. nour of their estate in Godefrey's lands 9 Hen. VI. 56. Grant by Aylewynne and Glovere of half Godefrey's lands 12 Dec. to Abp. Chichele, Thos. Broun, Roger Heron, and John Piers „ 57. Grant by William Tournour of half Godefrey's lands to Abp. Chichele and others 20 Hen. VI. 58. Grant by Thos. Warde, John Holneherst, and Thos. Shrym- 12 Feb. pyndon to Aylewyn, of land and salt marsh in Mydlee 20 Hen. VI. 59. Release by Tlios. Halle, of Hothfeld, to Andrew Aylewyn, 1 Aug. of llokymouris jNIarssh, alias Midle jNIarsh, in Mydlee 21 Hen. VI. 60. Abp. Chichele's power of attorney to deliver seisin of lands in 18 March Hope All Saints, Ivecherche, and Brensete, in Romney, to Wm. Biconyll and others Seal iv'ith Chichele's arms 3.5 Hen. VI. 61. Fine for the conveyance of salt marsh in Ivechirche, Mich. Broklonde, Pounteney, ]Midley, Romney, Old Romney, Brenset, Snargate, and Fairfeld, by Thos. and Elisota Stukpeny, to John Engeham 35 Hen. VI. 62. Fine for the conveyance of marsh in Mydle, by John and 18 Nov. Alice Joseph, to Andrew Aylewyn 37 Hen. VI. 63, Grant by Thos. Aylewyn to John Engeham, of Wodechirche, 1() .Tune of 40 acres of salt marsh in Mydlee, and the quarter of 14 acres in Neweland 144 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 6 Edw. IV. 64. Grant by Peter and John Presden, of Wodechirche, and 24 Feb. John Swan, of Lyde, to John Engeharn, of 9 acres in Newlond, Mydlee 19 Edw. IV. 65. Grant by Ric. Derynge, of Pbikle, to John Engeharn, of 14 I Aug. acres in Newelond, parish of Mydle 19 Edw. IV. 66. Release by John Derynge, of Godmodrysham, younger 3 Aug. brother of Ric. Derynge, of his estate in the same land to John Engeharn 2 Ric. III. 67. Grant by John Playford, alias Newlond, to John Hawkyns, II Oct. Thos. Love, and Hen. Weston, of all his lands in Lyde and Promhell, except a garden called ' Popinjay ' 25 Hen. VIII. 68. Sale by Ric. Engeharn to Win. Mershe of his estate in 160 20 Feb. acres of marsh in Mydle and Promhyll 28 Hen. VIII. 69. Indenture between All Souls' College and Walter and Thos. 3 July Henle, of Cranbrook, concerning the settlement of their variance about lands in Midley 28 Hen. VIII. 70. Release^f 20 acres of marsh in 'le Newlande,' by Walter 7 July and '.^ps. Hendle, to All Souls' College 29 Hen. VIII. 71. Award of arbitrators between All Soids' College and Ric. 21 Nov. Engeham concerning 200 acres called Newland 22 Nov. 72. Deed declaring the above 29 Hen. VIII. 73. Release of his estate in ' Newland ' by Ric. Engeharn to All 23 Nov. Souls' College „ 74. Receipt by Ric. Engeham of 30/. from All Souls' College in pursuance of the award 29 Hen. VIII. 75. Another receipt by Ric. Engeham of 26/. 13s. 4,d. from All 26 Jan. Souls' College 29 Hen. VIII. 76. Another receipt by Ric. Engeham of 30/. from All Souls' 28 Jan. College 1 Mary. 77. Ric. Engeham will accept a lease of pastures in the parish 6 June of Hope, in lieu of the 40/. due to him by the College 1 Mary. 78. Release by Ric. and Vincent Engeham of lands in Newe- 1 2 June lond to All Souls' College, in consequence of the arbitra- tion 31 Eliz. 79. Exemplification of No. 34 at the request of Robt. Hoven- 10 June den 31 Eliz. 80. Exemplification of a verdict in the King's Bench against 21 Oct. John Eppes, who claimed lands within Newlahdes 35 Eliz. 81. ' Mr. Eppes, his release of his pretended right in Newe- 7 April landes' 44 Eliz. 82. Bond of Wm. Towse and Clement Stuppeny to save the 20 Nov. College harudess from damages for an entry to be made on the lands of Ric. Smyth NEWLAXnS, :\nDLEY, OLD ROMNEY. U5 6 Edw. IV. 83. Copies of writs to the sheriff of Kent to distrain upon the lands of the late priory of Eomney, held by All Souls' College 14G7. 84. Certificate by George ITouton that the accounts of the 7 Edw. IV. College's collector at Lydde for the past year have been 6 Dec. examined before the auditors of the Archbp. of Canter- bury 15th cent. 85. Rental of Newlands An imperfect vellum roll 5-6 Edw. ^'I. 86 Memorandum of the mersslie land and watering scotts paid at Romney Marsh and Brencett 87. Bundle containing a draft indenture with the College and other papers connected with their variance with Ric. Engeham 1571-1578, 88. Four receipts for rents for Midley meadows, &c. 1585. 89. ' Touching arrerages of lands in Wickam ' 30 Eliz. 90. ' Romney. Maxtedes lease proving a way ' 10 Dec. [1571-1614,] 91. ' Mr. Stafifordes notes for a way to 5 acres land of the par- sonage of Newe Romneye ' Endd. by Hoveden 92. Another copy, endorsed ' Romnye. Proofes for a waie ' 1589. 93. A bundle of briefs, law proceedings, and notes of evidences relating to a claim of John Eppes to land in Neweland belonging to the College [1571-1614.] 94. ' The contents of the acres in Newlandes' Tivo jjajpers LETTERS. [1466-94.] 95. John Engeham to Warden Stokys : — Concerning Epps' 20 Aug. claim to lands in Newlands [1526-33.] 96. Richard Engeham to Dr. Woodward, warden: — Sends his 1 5 Dec. cousin with evidences concerning 200 acres in Newlonde which the College has long time wrongfully withheld from him. Great Chart 18 Feb. 97. Ric. Engeham to Mr. Ric. Master: — The warden is beyond sea. Desires him to cause the ' bowlsers ' to sue out a writ of dedimus potestatem to Sir Thos. Movie and Mr. Toke 1556. 98. Stephen Thornherst to [Seth Holland], warden of All 20 Aug. Souls : — Concerning their controversy with Ric. Engeham 99. Another letter from the same, not dated [1558-65.] 100. Ric. Engeham to [Warden Warner]: — Sends his son Vin- 22 May cent with copies of evidences of the lands lately in traverse between him and the College 146 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1 Nov. 101. Vincent Engebam to Warden Warner : — His father and he are content to make what assurances he wishes, and he has money and an obligation to pay the College for the release and indenture 24 Nov. 102. Ricliard Engebam to Warden Warner : — Desires to sue out a dediravs potestatem,^ if they wish liim to do any act for assurance of the bargain between them LEASES. 8 Hen. VIIL 1. Lease by All Souls' College of their meadows called New- 20 Feb. lande in Medley to Richard Stuppeny, of New Rumney 25 Hen. VIIL 2. Of Newelande to Richard Engebam, of Great Chart 18 Jan. Paper, addressed to Warden Woodward 28 Hen. VIIL 3. Of the Newe lande to John Baker, general attorney of the 1 July duchy of Lancaster, and Stephen Thornherste, of Apul- dro 34 Hen. VIIL 4. Bond of Thos. Dygges, of Newyngton, Walter Moyle, and 30 June Antony Aucher, for the observance of the covenant of John Mason with the College 34 Hen. VIIL 5. Lease of the Newland to Stephen Thornherst 10 Nov. 2 Edw. VI. 6. Of the same to the same 9 Oct. 1 & 2 P. & :\L 7. Of the same to the same 22 April 1 Eliz. 8. Of the same to the same 27 Oct. 10 Eliz. 9. Of the Newe Land to Francis Culpeper, of the Inner Temple 1 5 Oct. Bond enclosed 1 2 Eliz. 10. Of the same to the same 7 Oct. 30 Eliz. 11. Of the New Lande to Francis Culpeper, of Greynewaye 13 Jvme Court, Kent 13 Jac. I. 12. Of tlie New Land to Thos. Knight, of Lydd, and Sir Wm. 13 Oct. Steed, of Harison 17 Jac. I. 13. Of the Newe Lande to Sir Wm. Steede and his son ^^'illiam, 3 April B.C.L. Both parts 1 Car. I. 14. Of the New Land to William Steede, D.C.L. 24 Nov. Both parts and bond enclosed 8 Car. L 15. Of the New Land to Wm. Steede, of Stoc(h' Hill 31 Oct. NEWTON BROMSHOLD. 147 16 Car. I. 16. Lease of the New Land to Wm. Steede 30 Oct. 1779. 17. Of Newlands to Mark Skinner, of Lydd, Eliz. Belcher, of 21 Oct. Maidstone, Eev. Joseph and Saiah Milner, and Wm. Belcher 1800. 18. Of Newlands to Robt. Cobh, of Lydd, John Parker, of Bank 23 Oct. Buildings, London, Eliz. Belcher, Sarah, widow of Rev. J. Milner, and Wm. Belcher With license to let 1807. 19. Lease of Newlands to John Parker, Andrew Bayne, M.T)., of 20 Oct. Bruton St., Thos. King, of Dover, and Wm. Bcdclier, of Barrow Hill Both parts 1814. 20. Of the same to Parker, Bayne, and King Both parts 2 Nov. 1821. 21. Of the same to Parker, &c. 2 Nov. 1828. 22. Of the same to Parker, &c. 3 Nov. 1835. 23. Of the same to Rev. John Clarke Russell, Jolm Robinson, 31 Oct. and others Both parts and license to let 1842. 24. Of tlie same to the Rev. J. C. Russell, Katherine Stringer, 3 Nov. and others 1726. 2 Nov. 1731. 10 July 1746. 21 Aug. 1749. 6 July 1752. 20 April 1753. 11 Dec. 1763. 4 April NEWTON BEOMSHOLD. 1832. 1. Abstract of the title of Mr. James Fortescue to a freehokl farm in Newton Bromshold 2. Extract from tlie will of Henry Lamb, of Newton Broms- hold 3. Extract from the will of Alexander Lambe, son of Hen. Ivambe 4. Mortgage of Drewell's Manor, farmhouse and land, by Arthur and Ann Wright, to Catharine marchioness dowager of Carnarvon 5. Assignment of the mortgage to Rev. John Sharpe, of Wellingborough 6. Indenture between Arthur Wright and Rev. J. Sliarpc, being a further charge upon the premises 7. Further charge upon the same premises 8. Mr. .luhu Sharpe Palmer to Mr. Thos. Maior, in trust for ( )liver Wright. An assignment to attend the inheritance 148 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1763. 9. Settlement on the marriage of "SVm. Cooper with Eliz. 3 Nov. Matthews, niece of Alex. Lambe Two deeds 1767. 10. Sale of Drewell Manor, &c., by Oliver Wright, to Edw. 9 & 1 Oct. Bollard and John Throsby Tivo deeds 1767. 11. Sale by Edw. Waldo and John Walker of their estate in 26 Nov. Newton Bromshold to Bollard and Throsby Ttuo deeds 1767. 12. Mortgage by Bollard to Edmund Frenche, of Market Har- 27 Nov. borough 1775. 13. Extract from the will of Edm. Frenche 17 June 1780. 14. Sale bv Edw. Bollard to Wm. and John Bollard Tvh^ deeds 1 6 lAIay 1782. 15. Conveyance by Edw. Bollard and Throsby to W. and J. 17 Sept. Bollard ' Ttuo deeds 1794. 16. Extract from the will of ]\Iary Maior 10 Nov. 1803. 17. Extracts from the award under the Enclosure Act relating 7 April to allotments to Mr. John Bollard „ 18. Extracts from the award relating to Mr. William Bollard 1803. 19. John Bollard to Edmund Maior. Security for 1,850?. in 8 April trust for Wm. Frenche Maior „ 20. Wm. Bollard to Edm. Maior. Similar deed 1812. 21. Edm. Maior to John Bollard. Keconveyance of a mortgage 8 July ■ in fee. Also, Wm. French Maior to Wm. Gray. Assign- ment of a term of years in trust to attend the iulieritance in Mr. John Bollard 1812. 22. John Bollard to Jas. Fortescue. Mortgage of premises in 12 Oct. Newton Bromshold „ 23. Thos. Wade, surviving executor of Thos. Maior, to Wm. Day and John Tenney. Assignment of a term of 1 ,000 years in trust for Mr. James Fortescue for better securing of the mortgage, in trust to attend the inheritance in Mr. John Bollard 1814. 24. John Bollard to Jas. Fortescue. Fiu-tlier charge on the 12 Oct. same estate 1816. 25. John Bollard to Jas. Fortescue and his trustees. Release 24 Feb. of the same premises, and assignment of an outstanding term to trustee to attend the inheritance, and with de- claration of the trusts of another outstanding term Tivo deeds 1832. 26. Abstract of title of Mr. Wm. Gray to a fncliold farm in Newton Bromsliold NEWTON BROMSHOLD. U9 1811. 27. Tbos. Wade, executor of Thos. Maior, to Wm. Day and 24 May Jolm Tenney. Assignment of a term of 1 ,000 yeais in trust for Mr. Gray, for better securing 3,150^., in trust to attend the inheritance in Wm. Bollard „ 28. Wm. Bollard and otliers to Wm. Gray. Eelease of estate at Newton Bromshold to the use of Wm. Gray 1818. 29. Wm. Bollard and others to Jas. Fortescue for Wm. Gray. 30 Oct. Conveyance of the same estate 1820. 30. John Bollard, at the request of Wm. Bollard, to Jas. For- 22 Nov. tescue for Wm. Gray. Conveyance of land at Newton Bromshold 1832. 31. Abstract of the title of Thomas Penrice to two freehold farms at Newton Bromshold 1832. 32. Jas. Fortescue, Wm. Gray, and others, to Thos. Penrice. 29 Sept. Conveyance of estates in Newton Bromshold and Higham Ferrers „ 33. Wm. Day and Wm. Gray to a trustee for Thos. Penrice. Assignment of two several terms of 1,000 years in the same estates in trust to attend the inlieritance 1838. 34. Declaration of Thos. Blood\yorth, land surveyor, and Wm. 20 June Diiy» solicitor, concerning the farm 1839. 35. Executors of John Jenkins and Thos. Penrice to Geo. P. 24 Jan. Hester, in trust for the warden and fellows of All Souls' College. Assignment of two terms in an estate in Newton Bromshold and Higham Ferrers, and of a bond of in- demnity against dower BUNDLE OF FAFEUS. 1755. 36. Extract from the will of John Sharpe 8 April 1760. 37. Baptismal certificate of John Cooper 30 April 1762. 38. Extract from the will of Arthur Wright 13 Feb. 1763. 39. Extract from the letters of administration to the effects of 1 8 Feb. Elizabeth Palmer 1763. 40. Extract from the letters of administration to the effects of 2 April the Rev. John Sharpe 1780. 41. Extract from the will of Thos. Maior 28 Feb. 1800. 42. Certiticate of burial of William Wartnabv 17 May 150 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1828. 43. Eegister of marriage of Daniel, and baptism of Thos. Harper 12 July 1831. 44. John Gates to Messrs. Berrington, Jenkins, and Berrington : 31 March Particulars of presentations to the living of Newton Broms- wold 1831. 45. John Gates to Messrs. Berrington: — Sends a copy of the 9 April presentation of Jeffery Fisher to Newton Bromswold, 14 March, 1748 1831. 46. Mr. Richard Holmes Coote's opinion on the abstract of the IG April title to Newton Bromswold, and the answers thereto 1832. 47. \Vm. Gray and Thos. Penrice. Contract for sale and pur- 1 6 March chase of estate at Newton Bromshold 1832. 48. Fortescue and Gray to Thos. Penrice. Bond against dower 29 Sept. „ 49. Certificate of the burial of John Tenney 1832. 50. Wm. Adams to Thos. Penrice. Certificate of burial of • 4 Oct. Elizabeth Bollard, 19 June, 1809 1832. 51. Instructions for Major Penrice on the completion of his purchases at Newton Bromshold 1838. 52. Penrice and All Souls' College. Opinion of Bellenden Ker 18 April 1838. 53. Penrice and All Souls' College. Further opinion of Bellenden 7 Jime Ker 1838. 64. Wm. Adams to Thos. Penrice. Certificate that Rev. John 9 June Cooper was never married 1838. 55. Penrice and All Souls' College. Further opinion of Bel- 12 June lenden Ker 1838. 56. An act for effecting an exchange between the warden and 27 July fellows of All Souls' College and Thos. Penrice, esq. PHnted 57. Schedule of deeds and wills to be proved before the judges and Houses of Parliament 1838. 58. Receipt by the Bank of England of 794/. 8s. paid to the 6 Nov. accountant-general of the Court of Chancery by Thos. Penrice, pursuant to the above act TENEMENTA IN OXONIA. 151 TENEMENTA IN OXONIA. ' speciales cabt^ tenementobum vivebsobum in pabochia beatje mable vibginis, ubi col- legium animabum omnium nunc situm est, in oxonia: 50 Edw. III. 1. Grant by Jolm cle Northampton and others of Cherletones 15 March In, in St. Mary's parish, Oxford, to William de Mulsho, Edw. de Cherdestoke, and others 9 Hen. VI. 2. Grant by Robt. Skeron, of Berfordhalle, lately called Cherle- 23 Dec. tonsyn, with tenements and shops annexed in Catstret and Seint Marie Strete, to John Brome, of Warwick, sen., and John Brome, jim. „ 3. Indenture between Skeron and tlie Broraes for the perform- ance of the former's grant of the same date 16 Hen. VI. 4. Grant of Berfordhalle by the Bromes to Thos. Chicheley, 14 Dec. archdeacon of Canterbury, Hen. Penwortham, and Thos. Danvers „ 5. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 16 Hen. VI. 6. Release of tenements in Catstrete and St. Marie Strete by 23 Dec. John Sperman, dean of Warwick, John Throgmerton, and others, to Thos. Chicheley, archdeacon of Canterbury, H. Penwortham, and Robt. Danvers 20 Hen. VI. 7. Surrender to the king, for the use of All Souls' College, 5 Feb. by Thos. Chichele, John Birkhede, and others, at the de- sire of Abp. Chichele, of Boy^vorth, Kent ; lands in Up- churche, &c. ; a tenement in St. Peter's parish, Garlondes Place in St. Mary's parish, Grassewell Place and Lollyes Place in St. Micliael's parish, messuages in St. ^Martin's, St. Peter's, and St. Ebbes, Oxford; the priories of St. Clare and Langenyth ; the manors of Eggewere, Kyngesbury, and jNlalloryes in Willesdon ; a tenement in St. jNlaryes Strete, and Berfordhall, Oxford ; and the manor of Padbury Grant by Michael, prior of Scyreburne, to Roger le Sclatere of land in St. Mary's parish, Oxford, late held by John de Stanlee, between the tenements of the prioress of Stodle and Geoffrey Torbeville 152 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 3 Hen. V. 9. Grant by Roger Botiler to Thos. Naffreton and David Brade- 19 May well of a tenement in St. Mary's parish, between the tene- ments of the prioress of Stodele and the chantry of St. Mary 4 Hen. V. 10. Release of their tenement in Oxford by Naffreton and 1 Dee. Bradwell to John Gibbys, burgess and alderman of Oxford 4 Hen. V. 11. Grant of the same tenement by Thos., brother of John 16 March Gibbys, deed., to John Tanner, of Winchester 7 Hen. V. 12. Grant of the same tenement by Jolm Tanner to Robt. and 1 April dementia Lambert 7 Hen. V. 13. Release of the same tenement by Tanner to Robt. and 9 April dementia Lambert 13 Hen. VI. 14. Grant by Robt. Lambert of his tenement in St. INIary's to 10 April Roger Skibbowe 13 Hen. VI. 15. Release by Robt. Lambert of his tenement in St. Mary's to 20 April Roger Skibbowe 15 Hen. VI. 16. Grant of his tenement in St. Mary's by Roger Skibbowe to 20 Dec. Walter Waryne, Jas. Job, John Ly, and John Michell 16 Hen. VI. 17. Release of the same tenement by Walter Waryne, &c., to 2 July Roger Skibbowe 16 Hen. VI. 18. Grant of his tenement in St. ]\Iary's parish by Roger Skib- 4 July bowe to Thos. Chicheley, archdeacon of Canterbury, Hen. Penwortham, and Robt. Danvers 16 Hen. VI. 19. Receipt by Roger Skibbowe of 16 marcs from John Druell 5 July [1274.] 20. Grant by Thos. Lysewys, burgess of Oxford, and Alicia his wife, to Thos. Balle of a tenement between the land of the prior of St. Frideswides and that of John Blake- halle in Catstrete Wm. le Especer is mentioned as mayor of Oxford, and Pli, de Eu as one of the bailiffs 2 Edw. II. 21. Grant of a messuage in Catestrete by William 'dictum Oerl 26 May , de Glovernia,' Rose Balle, his wife, and others, to Thos. de Stanlak 3 Edw. II. 22. Release of a tenement in Cattestrete by ' Willelmus dictus 26 jNIay Palmare,' and Cecilia de Mereston, his wife, widow of Thos. Balle, to Rose, Joan, and Alice, daughters of Thos. Balle 3 Edw. II. 23. Release by Wm. ' dictum Oerl de Glovernia,' his wife. Sec, 31 May of a tenement in Catestrete to Thos. de Stanlak 4 Edw. II. 24. Chant of rent from a tenement in Cattestrete by Thos. and Alice Lusewy to Thos. de Stanlak TENEMENTA IN OXONIA. 1d:j Eelease by Alice, widow of Thos. Lesewys, to Thos. Stanlak of a tenement held by him in Katestrete Another copy Kelease by John Oneby and Matilda his wife, daughter of Thos. Lesewys, to Thos. de Stanlak ' dicto de Graunt- pont,' of the rent of his tenement .Surrender of the tenement in Cattestrete by Emma, widow of Tlios. de Grauntpoinit, to Walter de Farendon Grant of Grauntpounl Hall by Jolin de Olney to Reginald Atte Hulle Hale of Graimtpounthall, in Cattestrete, by Ric. Herdewyk, executor of Nic. de Kylingham, to William le Hunte Grant of Grauntpoimthall by Wm. le Hunte to John de Olneye Grant of Grauntpounthalle by Reginald Atte Hulle to Ric and Matilda de Lynne and their son John Grant of a tenement in Cattestrete by John Clyfton, clothier of London, and Joan, daughter of Ric. Lynne, his wife, to John and Thomasine Water Grant of the same tenement in Cattestrete by John Water to John Eereford, senior ■ Grant by John Berforde of a chamber in his tenement in Catstrete to his son John and his wife Joan Grant of a chamber in his house in Cattestrete by John Rerford to his son John and his wife Joan Bond of John Fy^le, of le JNIore, Oxford, to John Berford, senior, to perform indentures between them Release by William Kyngesmyll of a tenement in Catstrete to John Berford Grant of a tenement in Cattistrete by John Berford, senior, and Joan his wife, to John Gotehull and John Godsend Lease of their tenement in Catestret by Gotehull and Godsond to Joan, widow of John Berford Grant by John, son of John Berford, and Joan his wife, to Thos. Chicheley, John Byrkhed, John Druell, and Robt. Danvers, of her tenement in Catestret, in exchange for another in the same street called Grauntpoundliall Release by John Berford to Chicheley, &c., of his right to his tenement in Catestret Release of all actions, &c., by Joan Berford, of Oxford, to John Druell, dean of Sowth Mallyng License to the prior and convent of St. Frideswides to let to All Souls' College two tenements in St. ]\Lary and Cat Streets, on which part of All Souls" College is built, at a rent of 346'. 8 Edw. II. 25. 9 Dec. >j 26. 5? 27. 2 Edw. III. 28. 27 June 15 Edw. III. 29. 29 xMarch 27 Edw. III. 30. 16 Dec. 28 Edw. III. 31. 10 Feb. 29 Edw. II I. 32. 24 Nov. 8 Ric. 11. 33. 2() Feb. 21 Ric. IL 34. 5 May 1 Hen. V. 35. 6 May 1 Hen.V. 36. 29 May 4 Hen. VI. 37. 31 July 12 Hen. VI. 38. 19 March 13Hen.VL 39. 28 Feb. 17 Hen. VI. 40. 2 May 17Hen. VL 41. 5 May 17 Hen. VI. 42. 8 iAlay 17 Hen. VL 43. 11 June 20 Hen. VL 44. 17 Mav 154 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 21 Hen. VI. 45. Lease of two tenements in St. Mary St. and Catstrete by 1 1 Sept. Eobt., prior of St. Frideswides, to All Souls' College „ 46. Lease of a tenement lately called St. Thomas Halle, in Catstrete, on which tenement the College chapel is built, by Thos., abbot of Oseneye, to All Souls' College „ 47. Another copy 22 Hen. VI. 48. Eelease of land on which the eastern part of All Souls' 1 Nov. College is built, by Walter Ligiiert, provost, and the fellows of King's College,' proprietors of St. Mary's Church, at a rent of 1 8s. 23 Hen. VI. 49. Eelease of the land on which the eastern part of the 4 May College is built by Philij:) Mercheam and John JMore, proctors and parishioners of St. Mary's Church 30 Hen. VI. 50. Lease of a farm and gardens in Catestrete to All Souls' 16 Dec. College by Gilbert Kymer, chancellor of the University, Willm. Ketell, and Thos. Balsehall, proctors, and convo- cation 12 Edw. IV. 51. Grant of Stodeleys Entre in High St. {alto vico) by 29 Sept. Alianora, prioress of Stodeley, to All Souls' College for a rent of 26s. Sd. 2 Eic. III. 52. Eeceipt by Alianora, prioress of Stodeley, from John Stokes, 19 July warden of All Souls' College, of 10^. for Stodeley 's Entry in Oxford 2 Eliz. 53. Sale of the rent of 26s. Sd. formerly paid to the convent of 1 5 Oct. Stodeley, and now held by Ric. Grunter, to the College, for 26/. 13s. Ad. „ 54. Duplicate of the above „ 55. Copy of Gunter's bond 2 Eliz. 56. Eelease of the said rent by Gunter to the College 16 Oct. THE ROSE. 16 Edw. IV. 57. Grant of a messuage formerly called ' le Wynraylle,' now 4 Dec. ' le Eedehous,' in High St., by John Marcham, chaplain, to Eic. Mylet 58. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 16 Edw. IV. 59. Award of John Bourchier, at Bekys Inne, against a claim of 1 Feb. Thos. Boon to ' le Eedehous ' 17 Edw. IV. 60. Eelease of ' le Eedehouse ' by Eic. Bennewell to Eic. Mylet 20 April 3 Hen. VIII. 61. Eelease by William Marcham of ' le Eed Howse' and 22 July another tenement in All Saints parish to Eic. Myllett, vintner of Oxford > Oriel. TENEMENTA IN OXONIA. 15o 22 Hen. VIII. 62. Sale of Mylett's tenement in High St. Ijy Hen. Umfrey, of 1 March Dartford, and Eliza his wife, cousin and heir of Kic. Mylett, to Dr. Robt. Woodward 23 Hen. VIII. 63. P'ine for the conveyance of the tenement to Woodward Easter Tivo copies 23 Hen. VIII. 64. Grant hy Dr. Robt. Woodward to Robt. Hale, Nic. Freman, 12 May William Tukker, and others, of tlie house which he bought from Henry Umfrey Eiidd. ' The house named the Rose in Oxon.' „ 65. Indenture stating that the grant of a piece of land next to All Souls' College by Dr. Robt. Woodward to Robt. Hale and others is in consideration of the burning of a taper of wax of 1 lb. weight before Seynt Jerham in the same College, at the cost of the College Endd. ' For the Redehowse, alias the Rose ' 28 Hen. VIII. 66. Grant by Robt. Woodward of the tenement bought from 15 Jan. Umfrey to Wm. Cooke, John Jamys, Seth Holland, and others „ 67. Duplicate of the above „ 68. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 1419. 7 June 1427. 9 Jvme 11 Hen. VI. 17 Sept. 1 1 Hen. VI. 2 Jan. 1 1 Hen. VI. 3 Jan. CAUT^ biveesoeum tenementobum olim speontes et hales in paeogeiis sancti petei in ballivo, beat^ maei^, sancti miceaelis, sancti albati, sancti maetini et sancti ebbjs in oxonia: 69. Will of John Sprunt, burgess of Oxford. Proved 7 Hen. V. 70. Will of John Spront, burgess of Oxford. Proved 9 Hen. VI. 71. Release of Sprount's tenements by John Sprount, of Orkes- ley, brother and heir of John Sprount, late burgess of Oxford, to the earl of Stafford and Thos. Bourgchier 72. Another copy of the above 73. Sale by Thos. Chestrefeld, executor of Jolm Sprunt, to Hum- frey earl of Stafford, and Thos. Bourgchier, of a tenement in St. Peter le Bailly, and tenements called Garlandis- place, Crassewelplace, and Lollyplace, late belonging to John Spnmt 74. Chestrefeld's power of attorney to deliver seisin 15G ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 75. Earl of Stafford's letters of attorney to receive seisin Gront of the same tenements by the earl of Stafford and Thos. Bourehier, bp. of Worcester, to Thos. Chichele, Birkhede, Bolde, and Danvers Power of attorney to deliver seisin Power of attorney to receive the tenement in Fisshstrete late belonging to John Sprunt, surrendered to the king by Thos. Chichele, &c. 1 1 Hen. VI. 75. 5 Jan. 18Hen. VL 76, 1 June rj 77. 20 Hen. VI. 78, 3 May 26Edw.III. 79. Sale by Alex. Spereman, Jolm de Falle, and others, exe- 22 Feb. cutors of Eichard Gary, of a messuage in St. Martin's parish to Eichard and Matilda \\'akeman 44Edw.III. 80. Grant by Eic. Wakeman of his tenement in St. Martin's 4 Feb. parish to John Langrissh and .John Grey 44Edw.III. 8L Grant by John Langrissh and John Grey to Eic. and xVlice 7 Feb. Wakeman of the tenement lately acquired from him „ 82. Duplicate of the above 9 Eic. II. 83. Grant of their tenement in St. Martin's by Eic. and Alice 1 Dec. Wakeman to Walter Bone, draper of Oxford, and Agnes his wife 84. Two copies of a fine for the conveyance of the above 9 Eic. 11. 85. Eelease by John Faukener, of Denton, of Wakeman's tene- 3 Dec. ment to Walter Bone 9 Eic. II. 86. Agreement between Walter and Agnes Bone and Eichard 6 Dec. Wakeman for the conveyance to the latter of a chamber in their house in St. Martin's 6 Eic. II. 87. Grant of messuages lately belonging to John le Sealer by 3 July Thos. de Covele, Eoger Chicliestre, and John Pirye to Eic. de Garston, .Tohn Gibbes, Willm. de Codeshele, Wm. le Northern, and Thos. Baret 16 Eic. II. 88. Lease of three messuages, four cottages, and eight shops in 27 Sept. St. Ebbe's parish, High Street, the Shambles, St. Clary's parish near the tenements of the provost and scholars ' de Loriele,' and one in the subin-bs, by Eic. Garston and Thos. Baret, burgesses, to Walter Downe, burgess 21 Eic. IT. 89. Eelease by Eic. Garston of the tenements granted liy liirato 13 Marcli Walter Downe 3 Hen. IV. 90. Sale })y John Grover, parson of St. Martin's, Jolm Morston, 30 Nov. alderman, and Eobt. Eawlyn, executors of Walter Downe, of his tenements in Oxford to John Greene, of Abyndon, mercer TENEMEXrA IX OXONIA. 157 3 Hen. IV. 91. Eelease by John Grrover and Jolm Diirand of Down's lands 10 Jan. to John Greene 5 Hen. IV. 92. General release by Jolm Grover to John and Matilda 24 Feb. Greene 9 Hen. IV. 93. Grant of shops near ' Excestre halle' by Thos. Forsthill, 1 5 Aug. burgess of Oxfoi'd, to John Grene, of Abyndon 9 Hen. IV. 94. Grant by John Grene, of Abindon, merchant, of 3 shops 18 Aug. and a curtilage in the parish of St. Peter in the Bailey, to Thos. Forsthill, burgess of Oxford 1 1 Hen. IV. 95. Grant by John Grene, of Abyndon, of all his property in 14 Oct. Oxford to John Seward, of Chylton, and William (u)ld- smyth, of Oxford „ 96. l\)wer of attorney to deliver seisin 1 1 Hen. IV. 97. Release by John Grene, of Abyndon, to John Seward and 16 Oct. \Vm. Goldsmytb of his property in Oxford 12 Hen. VI. 98. Release by Wm. Houchons alias Goldesmyth, and Isabella 15 Oct. his wife, to Matilda, widow of Jolm Grene, of tlieir title to Greene's property in Oxford 20 Hen. VI. 99. Grant of messuages in St. Martin's, St. Peter's in the Bailey, 20 Sept. and St. Ebbes, late the property of John Grene, by Win. Houchons to Wm. Hales, mercer of London, and Matilda his wife 20Hen.VL 100. Grant of the same messuages by W. Hales to Thos. 23 Sept. Chichele, Birkhed, Bolde, and Danvers „ 101. Fine for their conv^eyance 20 Hen. VT. 102. Fine by which Wm. and Matilda Hales acknowledge 5 Feb. messuages and 7 tofts in Oxford to belong to John Bold ' CABTjE divebsobum tenementobum et TEBBAHUM IN C WIT ATE OXONIA ET SU BUB BUS EJTJSBEM, SED QUOMODO DEVENERUNT AP COLLEGIUM AD. HUG NON constat: [Hen. III.] 103. Grant by Agnes de Welles to Isolda de Brailles and others, of a wall between their tenements in St. Martin's parish 23 Edw. T. 104. Grant by Wm. le Especer to his son Richard, of rent from a 22 April tenement in St. Mary's, near that of the prioress of Stodleyo 1313. 105. Will of Alice, daughter of William le Wylde, who held 28 March property in the parishes of St. Eltbes and St. Thomas the Martyr. Proved (j non. Mai, 1313 1 1 Edw. III. 106. Lease by Wm. and Catherine Atte Hole, of Botelee, to John 24 March and Cristina Peggy, of two cottages in St. Peter le Bayley, opposite ' les Barbekanes ' 158 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1 1 Edw. III. 107. Grant by Geoffrey de Warmwell and John de Langryssh 31 July to John Peggy, of a piece of land in St. Michael's parish near the South Gate 12 Edw. III. 108. Eelease by Wm. Atte Hole, of Botele, of two messuages in 13 July St. Peter's in the Bailey to John Peggy 16 Edw. III. 109. Eelease of a messuage in All Saints parish by Lucy, widow 11 Jan. of Ric. le Spicer, to John Peggy 18 Edw. III. 110. Lease by John de Stafford of a shop, and half the fruits of 4 Jan. his vineyard in the High Street, to Alice de Merston 19 Edw. III. 111. Grant by John Stafford of a shop in the High Street to 21 Sept. Richard and Isabella de Eynesham „ 112. Duplicate of the above 20 Edw. III. 113. Grant of a messuage in St. Mary's parish by John de 14 Feb, Stafford to Richard and Isabella Eynesham „ 114. Duplicate of the above 23 Edw. III. 115. Grant by Wm. le Mason, of Oseney, and John Atte Hulle, 22 April of Wolgarcote, executors of John de Brokhole, of a mes- suage in St. Ebbes to John Peggy, cordwainer of Oxford 24 Edw. III. 116. Sale of a messuage and seven shops in St. Ebbes, by 12 July William de Aleston, executor of John de Aleston, to John de Olneye, John de Bedeford, John le Sealer, and Thos, de Appelton 25 Edw. III. 117. Sale of tenements and reversions of John de Bibury, de- 8 April ceased, by Edm. de Tershawe, his executor, to John Wyndout, chaplain, and Petronilla and John de Tershawe 25 Edw. III. 118. Grant by John Wyndout, &c., of the lands late belonging 12 Nov. to John de Bibury to Robt. Wrythelok, of Cirencester, chaplain, Alex. Sporeman, chaplain, and John le Seler 29 Edw. III. 119. Grant by Reginald Atte Hulle to John de Olneye, of a piece 20 Sept. of land in St. Mary's parish 35 Edw. III. 120. Release of her tenement in St. Mary's parish by Isabella, 13 May widow of John de Olneye, to John Baret 37 Edw. III. 121. Grant by Isabella, widow of John Olneye, of two messuages 29 July in St. Mary's parish to Wm. and Maigery Hod, of Eton 44 Edw. III. 122. Covenant concerning the transfer of a messuage and shop 6 Aug. in St. Mary's, by Wm. and Margery Hood, to Wm. Duramit, John Maundour, Thos. Swyndon, and John Dosyere 45 Edw. III. 123. Release of tlie messuage and shop by W. and M. Hood to 6 Marcli Duraund, &c. 45 Edw. III. 124. Grant by Matilda Lynne, widow of Ric. Wodehay, burgess 17 July of Oxford, of a tenement in Cattestrete to Alexander Spurmau, parson of All Saints, Roger Sourdeval, chaplain, and Rol)t. Butyrwyk, bedell of the University 1386. 125. Will of .Tclni P.aret 29 Nov. TENPJMENTA IN OXONIA. 159 1386-7. 15 March 18 Ric. II. 13 April 7 Hen. IV. 6 Sept.. 8 Hen. IV. 22 March 10 Hen. IV. 10 Jan. 13 Hen. IV. 20 March 7 Hen. V. 16 Jan. 9 Hen. V. 1 Sept. 7 Hen. VI. 9 Oct. 10 Hen. VI. 19 JNIay 13 Hen. VI. 2 Jan. 28 Hen. VI. 9 Sept. 38 Hen. VI. 3 Aug. 39 Hen. VI. 26 Nov. 126. 127 128. 130. 131. Certificate of the official of the chanceUor of the University that Thos. Boteler, executor of John Baret, has faithfully administered his will Grant by John Dosyer to John Dyke, vicar of Merton, and John Crochyn, chaplain, of a shop in High St. and two tenements in Catte Strete Grant by John Dosyer to Nic. Colvet and "Will. Doffeld, of a tenement and shop in the High St. 129. Release by John Dosyer to \Vm. Doffeld, of his tenement and shop in High St. Release by John Grochyn, chaplain, to \Vm. Duffeld, clerk, of the tenements of the late John Dosyer Grant by Thos. Seward to Thos. Tykyll, mercer of London, of tenements in Oxford and Hedington acquired from John Dosyer 132. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 133. Grant by Alice, widow of Roger Latener, to John Horn, John Nafferton, and others, of her lands in Oxford, Kydelington, and Thomeley 134. Grant by John Elys, Hen. Wodecherche, and others, to Wm. Duffeld, of the tenements in Oxford and the sul)urbs lately acquired from him 135. Release by John Quarame and Stephen Braywell to Thos. Wythigge, of tenements in Oxford and Barton late be- longing to Margaret Asshebury 136. Grant by Robt. Lamberd to John Lye, of a messuage in St. Mary's near the tenement of the prioress of Stodeleye 137. Grant by Robt. Wakefelde, of Oxford, of all his lands, &c., in Oxford and Oxfordshire, to John Telme, Thos. Deene, and Robt. Hoore Grant by Thos. Wythyg, alderman of Oxford, and ^Margaret his wife, of tenements in Oxford and Grauntpont^ni, Berks, to Walter bp. of Norwich, Sir Robt. Shotesbroke, John Feteplace, John Elmes, and John Haynes Grant by John Feteplace and John Heynes, to John, son of Thos. Wythig, of the tenements granted to them, the bp. of Norwich, and others Grant of all his tenements in Oxford and Gramrtpont by John Wythyg to Edw. earl of ]March, Edw. Boucher, Edmund Stradlyng, and others 138. 139. 140. 160 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. ' cabt^ bivebsoeum tenementobum et bed- dttuum exeuntium ex illi8 tene mentis et alus, et vacu2e pecije tebbm in pauoghia beat^ mabije vibgini8 et sanctje magdalen.e, cum extbactis gabtabum tenementobum in oxonia: 31 Edw. I. 141. Grant by Geoffrey le Mercer and Roesia his wife, of the 17 May rent of a tenement in St. Martin's to William de Wy- cnmbe, rector of St. Martin's [1305-9] 142. Release by Roesia de Billynt*" to William de Wycumb, of or a little the rent from Nic. de M^elles', tenement in St. Martin's, later Dokelinton is mentioned as Mayor of Oxford 3 Edw. II. 143. Grant by Nicholas de Welles to Reginald Ives, mercer, of 6 F'eb. a messuage in St. Martin's parish 7 Edw. II. 144. Will of Wm. de Wycombe, rector of St. Martin's, Oxford 18 May 10 Edw. II. 145. Grant by Nic. de Welles to Adam Voller, of a messuage in 27 July St. Martin's „ 146. Grant by Nic. de Welles, of Oxford, to Adam le Voller, of the rent and reversion of a messuage in St. Martin's 10 Edw. II. 147. Grant by Edward le Voller to Ellen, widow of Nicholas de 13 Aug. Welles, of a rent of 46s. 8tL from a messuage in tlie parish of St. Martin, Oxford „ 148. Grant by Adam le Voller to Ellen, widow of Nic. de Welles, of a messuage in St. Martin's „ 149. Grant of the same tenement by Ellen Welles to Richard and Joan Overhee „ 150. Counterpart of the above „ 151. Another counterpart 10 Edw. II. 152. Ellen Welles' release of the same tenement 20 Aug. 10 Edw. II. 153. Grant by Ellen, widow of Nicholas de Welles, to Richard 27 Aug. and Joan Overhee, of the rent granted her by Edward le Voller 10 Edw. II. 154. Grant by Ric. and Joan Overhee to Ellen Welles of a rent 30 Sept. of IBs. from the tenement acquired by them from her 14 Edw. II. 155. Indenture between John and Joan de Abyndon and Richard 4 Jan. and Joan Overhee for the conveyance of a rent in St. Martin's parish by the former to the latter [1311-33.] 156. Quit claim by John de Wycombe, of the rent of Joan Overhec's tenement in St. Martin's parish. Wm. de Bur- cestere is mentioned as mayor TENEMENTA IX OXONIA. IGl 10 Edw. III. 167. Release by John de Wycounlbe, brother and heir of William 1 Aug. de Wycoumbe, of the rent of Joan Overhee's tenement 10 Edw. III. 158. Grant by John de Puseye to John and Alice de \Miytele of 16 Nov. tiie messuage in St. Ebbes parish in which Puseye resides 35 Edw. III. 159. Receipt by Nicholas and Joan Kyng for the rent of a piece 6 March of land in St. Martin's parish from Richard and Matilda Wakeman 3() Edw. III. 160. Lease by Ric. de Wodehay and John de Hertwell, proctors 25 July of the chantry of St. Mary, in All Saints Church, Oxford, of 4 cottages in St. Ebbes parish to John Tutte and Walter de Romesham 40 Edw. in. 161. Lease by John Sealer, John Pirye, and Roger Chichestre, to 17 Aug. Adam Brackele, slater, of a messuage and tive shops in St. Ebbes 47 Edw. III. 162. Lease of two shops in All Saints parish by Thos. Covele, 1 Sept. John Pirye, and Roger Chichestre, to Thos. Aylesbury 8 Ric. II. 163. Grant by Ric. Mercer and Thos. Baret, proctors of St. 4 April Mary's Chantry in All Saints Chiu-ch, of all the tenements belonging to the chantry in St. Peter le Bayley, to Wm. and Alice Codeshale „ 164. Duplicate of the above 27 Hen. VI. 165. Lease by John May fey, of Hedyndon, and William Rottey, of 12 Jan. Berton, to Wm. Kele, warden, and the College of All Souls, of an acre of quarry land at Hedyndon 13 Edw. IV. 166. Lease by Thos. and Alice Brygear, of Hanburgh, to Ric. 20 July and Isabella ^lylet, of Oxford, of a tenement in Hanbiu'gh 4 & 5 P. & M. 167. Grant by Sir William Petre to All Souls' College, of a piece 12 Feb. of land near the College, lately occupied by the College, and formerly belonging to Oriel College (CoUec/io Regal'i) Endd. ' Sir Wm. Peter's grant of a \oid piece of land to the College within the Rose' „ 168. Duplicate of the preceding, endorsed ' Sir Wm. Petre, for the gyfte of the Rose.' ' Now part of ^Mr. Warden's garden.' 1566. 169. Release by Sir Wm. Petre, of Ging Petre, alias Ingacston, 8 Nov. to All Soids' College, of a rent of 41s. paid by them to the late College of King Henry VIII., and now in Petre's possession 26 Eliz. 170. Grant by Sir Chr. Brome, of Plalton, to Wm. Giles, of a 15 April portion of land in St. Mary Magdalene's parish, near the house which he now inhabits, belonging to All Souls' College 27 Eliz. 171. Power of attorney to take possession of the land granted to 8 Oct. tli(> Collogo by Wm. Giles M 1G2 ARCHIVES OF ALL 80ULS' COLLEGE. 27 Eliz. 172. Grant by Wm. Giles, barber, to All Souls' College, of a void 16 Nov. piece of land granted to him by Sir Cbr. Brome, 15 April, 26 Eliz. 17 Hen. VI. 173. Sale by Edmund Eede to John Druell, Master of the Works 26 Oct. of All Souls' College, of a part of his quarry at Hedendon 15th cent. 174. Fragment of a bill for repairs at houses in Oxford 26 Hen. VI. 175. Copy of court roll of Hedyngdon. Surrender by Walter 21 Dec. and Agnes Frencli of land near ' le Wharre,' to the use of All Souls' College 1 455. 176, Computus of Thomas Noreys, the College's receiver in Oxford 25 Hen. VIII. 177. Sale by All Souls' College to Thos. Munday, butcher, of the 23 Nov. implements in their brevvliouse in the parish of St. Peter in the Bailey for \5l. 25 Eliz. 178. Bond of Henry Jackson, manciple of All Souls' College, 6 April and Eichard Smoot, to collect the rents in Oxford 29 Eliz. 179. Lease by Walter Baylie, Doctor 'of Physic, Antony Blincoe, 1 Feb. provost of Oryall College, James Almontt, and other parishioners of St. Mary's, to Jolm Hollwaye, of Oxford, of a garden ground lying by Kate's Street, adjoining the common garden of All Souls' College, the garden of Hart Hall, &c. 1 Jac. I. 180. Sale by John Smith, M.A., to All Souls' College of a garden 5 Feb. ground in St. Mary's adjoining the south side of the common garden 1614. 181. Order by George Abbot, abp. of Canter])ury, for pulling 20 June down a house commenced by John Munson, in the ceme- tery of St. i\Iary's, Oxford 1615. 182. Lease by Sir Wm. Greene, Sir Michael his son, and Anne 26 Nov. his daughter, to Luke Wrench, of Little Milton, Oxon, Sibell his wife, and Thos. his son, of a cottage in Little Milton 13 Jac. I. 183. Sale by Jenkin Vaughan, ]M.A., and Matthew Anderton, 4 .Alarch LL.B., late bursar of All Souls' College, to Warden Mokett, of their estate in a garden ground in St. INIary's parish on the south side of tlie common garden of All Souls' College 4 Car. I. 184. Power of the mayor and commonalty of Oxford to Timothy 20 May Carter to enter into the site of the college commonly called St. Mary's Corporation seal, broken 19 Car. I. 185. Sale by Elianor Farmer, executrix of lier husband Pic. 13 March Farmer, of the lease of 'the Crowne,' in St. Martin's parish, which she holds of University College, to Henry Coxiter, of Barapton 1657. 186. Lease by Robert Saye, provost of Oriell, and other parish- 18 Sept. ioners of St. Mary's, to John Palmer, warden, and All Souls' College, of the Parish Orchard TENEMENTA IN OXONIA. 1G3 1 Jac. II. 187. Lease by Robert Say, provost of Oriel College, and the 18 Feb. parishioners of St Mary's to All Souls' College of the Parish Orchard in St. Mary's 1698-9. 188. Lease by St. Mary's parish to Sarah Fulcke of a house in 28 Feb. Cat's Street 1704. 189. Lease by Ric. Gardiner, Thos. jNIinn, and other feoffees 4 April of the parish of St. Peter in the East, to Warden Gar- diner and the College, of a tenement in St. Mary's parish, between All Soids' College on the west, and a tenement belonging to Magdalen College on the east, abutting on tlie College garden northward and on the High Street southward 1707. 190. Conveyance of a house in Cat's Street to the College by 25 March Elizabeth and Christopher Sclater through Peter White- head „ 191. Peter Whitehead's declaration of trust for the same house 1 Greo. I. 192. An act for vesting in the warden and College of All Souls' certain houses and grounds in St. Mary's jjarish 1718. 193. Lease by Jacob Bobart, Henry Clements, and other feoffees 14 April of the parish of St. Peter in the East, to All Souls' Col- lege, of a tenement built by the College on the site of the tenement demised by No. 189. 1723. 194. Agreement by John Dormer to convey Warren Hill and 29 April Tanner's Mead, in Holcomb, Oxon, to Edw. Spencer on behalf of the College 1753. 195. License to Rev. F. White to assign the tenement mentioned 12 April in the following 1753. 196. Assignment by Rev. Francis Wliite, rector of Christian 17 May Malford, to All Souls' College of tlie lease of a tenement in St. Mary's parish belonging to Magdalen College 1776. 197. Release by Magdalen College to All Souls' College of a 22 March tenement in the High Street 1786. 198. Sale by Ann North, executrix of Henry North, executor of 6 Dec. Samuel Keck, executor of Thos. Sayer, to ]Moses Keates, carpenter, of three tenements on a garden ground in St. Peter in the Bailey let to Sayer by All Souls' College 1798. 199. Sale by the College of a piece of ground whereon three 14 & 15 May tenements lately stood, being part of the churchyard of St. Mary Magdalene, to the Rev. Charles Barker, vicar of St. JNlary Magdalene Tiuo deeds BECEIPTS FOE EEXTS. 29 Hen. VI. 200. Receipt by Gilbert Kymer, chancellor of the University, for 3 Oct. the rent of Tynchewykesyn 164 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 22-37 Hen. VI. 201. By Eichard Vyse, master of the Hospital of St. John's, for rent of a tenement within the precinct of the College 25-39 Hen. VI. 202. By the Abbey of Osney for rent of St. Thomas' Hall and another tenement in St. Peter le Bailey 32-33 Hen. VI. 203. Five receipts from St. John's Hospital, Osney, University College, and St. Frideswide 36 Hen. VI. 204. By Thos. Wodehyll and Thos. Bemysley, proctors of the 29 Sept. University, of 17 s. A.d. for Cathall and Tenche wynke Inne 37 Hen. VI. 205. By Martin Junour and .John INIolyneux, of 17s. 4cZ. for 4 Dec. certain halls annexed to the College Hen. VI.- 206. File of receipts from University College for rent of Skybbo's Edw. IV. and Spront's tenements Mutilated 1 2-14 Edw. IV. 207. Three receipts by John Westebury, prior of St. Frideswide's, of an annual rent of 25s. 15-18 Edw. IV. 208. Four receipts from John "Westebury, prior of St. Frideswide Mutilated 6 Hen. VII. 209. Eeceipt by Edmund Hampton, squire of the king's body, 10 Jan. of 20s. for the rent of North Yate, Oxford 18 Hen. VII. 210. Eeceipt from the churchwardens of St. Mary's for a rent of 23s. 18 Hen. VII. 211. Eeceipt from John Eokysborow, master of University Col- 6 Oct. lege, of rent for Skybbo's and Spront's tenements 212. Eeceipt for the rent of Tynswick Hall, 13s. 4(^. 1503-25. 213. Eeceipts by Wm. of Durham, master of University College, for rent of Skybbo's and Spront's tenements Mutilated 7 Hen. VIII. 214. Eeceipt l)y Ealph Hampsterley, master of University Col- 1 Oct. lege? for rent 31 Hen. VIII. 215. Eeceipt by Leonard Hucheson, master of University College, 5 April for rent 1540. 216. Eeceipt by Wm. Huckle, of Mart on College, from Master James, of All Souls' College, of 1 3s. 4.d. for the rent of Tinswicke Hall 32 Hen. VIII. 217. Eeceipt of As. for half a year's rent of Skybbo's and Spront's 8 Oct. tenements 5 Edw. Vr. 218. Eeceipt by Eichard Salvayn, master of University College, 2(] March for rent of Skibbo's and Spront's tenements 5 Edw. VI. 219. Eeceipt of 23s., the quit rent of St. Mary's 24 Oct. 1 Mary 220. Eeceipt of Wm. Standishe, registrar of the [University], of 13,s. Ad. fur [rent] of Tynswyke Hall Mutilated 15 75- If) 12, 221. Seventeen receipts from the University for the rent of Tinswick Hall, 13s. 4(Z. 157G-1()12. 222. Forty-five receipts for quit rent from University College TENEMENT A IN OXONIA. 105 1579-l()2(). 223. Twenty-six receipts for quit rent payable to the dean and chapter of Christchurch 1580 4. 224. Two receipts for rents for Bullingdon Hundred 1584-1612. 225. Four receipts for rents due to St. Peter's in the East 1584-1612. 226. Seven receipts of rents from St. Mary's 1610-1. 227. Two receipts from Jesus College 1608 24. 228. Bundle of 41 receipts from University College ; from the University, for Tinswick Hall ; from Jesus College ; for the rent of Maid's Morton, &c. 1613-29. 229. Bundle of 17 receipts for the chantry rent at Maid's Morion; for rents from University College ; from Clirist cluu-cli and St. Mary's parish ; for the salary of Matthias Pasor, lectvn-er on Oriental languages, and other expenses LEASES. 6 Edw. IV. 1. Lease by All Souls' College to Ric. and Joan Frier of a 1 Sept. brewery in St. Mary's parish, with the utensils, of whicli a list is given 18 Hen. Vll. 2. Of a curtilage and garden in Granipond, near the south gate 2 Oct. of Oxford, to John Hede, aklermau 26 Hen. VIII. 3. Of a house and garden in St. Mary's, Oxford, to Wm. and 15 Sept. Katherine Chamber 5 Edw. \l. 4. Of a void place in Graundepont where a house formerly 10 Nov. stood, to Laurence Lye 6 Edw. VI. 5. Of a tenement next to St. Martin's Churchyard to Nicholas 30 INIarcli Chapman, brown baker 1 ^Nlary 6. Of a tenement and garden in St. Mary's to John Hill 30 Nov. Bond of John Hill and Nicholas Todd enclosed 2 & 3 P. & M. 7. Of a tenement and garden in St. Aldates to John Warner, 6 Nov. Doctor of Physic, and John Jenkin 4 & 5 P. & INI. 8. Of a brewhouse in St. Peter's in the Bailey to Christopher 12 Nov. Arundell, manciple of the College 10 Eliz. 9. Of a house and garden in St. Mary's to James Almond, 18 Nov. draper lOEliz. 10. Of two houses in St. Ebbes to John Redshaw, glover 2 April 11. Of three houses in St. Ebbes to Thos. Crane 12. Of two houses in St. Ebbes to Matthew Atkins, slater 13. Of two liouses abutting on tlie churchyard of St. ^lary iNlagdalene to William Bremston, shoemaker 14. ( )f a tenement in Graundpont to Thos. Stile, slater 15. Of a tenement in tlie parisli of St. Mary Magdalene to William Giles, barber 166 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1 1 Eliz. 16. Lease of a tenement in St. Martin's to Nicholas Chapman 26 Oct. 17 Eliz. 17. Of a house in St. Mary's to James Almont 10 March 20 Eliz. 18. Of a tenement in St. Aldate's adjoining the site of the hall 1 2 Nov. belonging to the Hospital of St. John to Henry Mill- ward, late manciple of the College Bond of Henry Millward^ dated 8 Jan. 21 Eliz. ^enclosed 20 Eliz. 19. Of a void piece of ground in Graundpont to William 16 March Gilliard, tailor 25 Eliz. 20. Of a tenement in St. Aldate's to Henry Millward 22 Jan. 27 Eliz. 21. Of four tenements in St. Ebbes to John Redshaw, glover 8 Oct. 28 Eliz. 22. Of a tenement in the parish of St. Mary Magdalene to 27 Nov. William Giles, barber 28 Eliz. 23. Of a tenement in Grandpont to Thos. Style, slater 16 Nov. „ 24. Of three tenements abutting on St. Ebbes Church to Richard Brown, baker 29 Eliz. 25. Of two houses in St. jNIary Magdalene's parish, without the 27 July North Gate, to John Ranken, lletcher 32 Eliz. 26. Of three houses abutting on St. Ebbes Church to Richard 10 Oct. Brown, baker Both parts 33 Eliz. 27. Of a tenement in St. Aldate's to Henry Millward 24 Nov. 33 Eliz. 28. 0^ a tenement adjoining St. Martin's Churchyard to Thos. 16 Oct. Barton, freemason 34 Eliz. 29. Of a house in St. Mary's to James and iNIargaret Almund 30 Nov. 38 Eliz. 30. Of a tenement in St. Mary Magdalene's to John Coulton, 22 Dec. tailor 40 Eliz. 31. Of a tenement in St. Mary's to Margaret Almund, widow 9 Nov. 42 Eliz. 32. Of a house in Grandpont to John Middleton, of the Uni- 19 Dec. versity of Oxford Botli parts 2 Jac. L 33. Of a void piece of ground in Grantpont to Peier Porie, 1 April baker 3 Jac. I. 34. Of a house abutting on the c]uucli3'ard of St. Mary Mag- 13 April dalene to Ricliard Dice „ 35. Of a house in the parisli of St. Mary Magdalene to Lawrence Griffin 3 Jac. L 36. (Jf a tenement ;ind garden in St. Aldate's, next to the site 7 Sept. of the hall belonging to the Hospital ui St. John, to Alls Millward, widow TENEMENTA IN OXONIA. 1G7 4 Jac. I. 37. Lease of a tenement in the parish of St. Mary IMagdalene to 27 Oct. John Coulton, tailor Both parts 4 Jac. I. 38. Of four tenements in tlie parish of ' St. Tabbs' to Robert 28 Nov. Freeman 5 Jac. I. 39. Of a new liouse in the p:irisli of St. Peter in the Eaj^ie to 10 Oct. John Wylles, of tlie University of Oxford, brewer 5 Jac. I. 40. ( )f a tenement in Grrandpond to Barnard Banger, gent. 13 Oct. 7 Jac. I. 41. Of four tenements in ' St. Tabbs ' to Thomas Weatherdll, 20 Nov. mason Buth parts 9 Jac. I. 42. Of a tenement in St. Aldate's, next to the site of the hall 19 Dec. belonging to the Hospital of St. John, to Diuuise Edwards, B.A. „ 43. Of a garden ground in t]ie parisli of St. Peter in the Bailyes to Raphe Ratcliff, of the University of Oxford 10 Jac, I. 44. Of a house in the parish of St. Mary JNIagdalene to Laurence 2H Oct. Griffin 14 Jac. I. 45. Of a house in tlie parish of St. .Mary Magdalene to Ric. l()Oct. Dice „ 46. Of a garden ground in St. Peter's in the Baylies to Raphe Radcliffe Both parts 15 Jac. 1. 47. Of a tenement in the parish of St. Mary Magdalene to Greo. 29 Oct. Raynsby, of Kingston, Berks Both parts 16 Jac. I. 48. Of a brewhouse in the parish of St. Peter in the Baylie to 27 Oct. Marteene Willis, of the University of Oxford, ale brewer Both parts 17 Jac. I. 49. Of a tenement adjoining St. Martin's Church to Thos. 22 Oct. Barton 18 Jac. I. 50. Of the brewliouse in St. Peter's to John Bowell, of 1 1 April Wendleberie 19 .Tac. L 51. Of a void piece of ground in Grandpont to Thos. Smith, 20 April scholar of Lincoln College Bond enclosed 20 Jac. I. 52. Of a tenement in the parish of St. Mary Magdalene to 28 Oct. Lawrence Griffin 22 Jac. I. 53. Of the tenement in St. Mary's late occupied by Margarett 30 April Almond to John Browne, mercer Bond enclosed 22 Jac. 1. 54. Of a tenement in the parisli of St. Mary ]\lagdaleue to Edw' 28 Oct. Smyth, butcher, and Elizabeth his wife 3 Car. I. 55. Of seven tenements in St. Ebbes parish to Alice Weatherall, 13 Oct. widow 3 Car. I. 56. Of a tenement in Grand pont to John Eeley, of Overton, 29 Oct. Hants 6 Car. 1. 57. Of a tenement in Grandpont to Francis Seiimore, of the 30 Oct. University of Oxford, yeoman Bond enclosed 1<;8 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 6 Car. I. 58. Lease of the house late occupied by Mrs. Almond to John 30 Oct. Browne, mercer Bond enclosed 7 Car. T. 59. Of two tenements in the parish of St. Ebbs to Trustram 4 Ma_y Clementes, mason Bond enclosed „ 60. Of five tenements in St. Ebbs to Alice Wethera'l, widow 10 Car. I. 61. Of tlie rectory of Oddington, Oxon, to Eobt.Walkett, yeoman 31 May Paper 1 1 Car. I. 62. Of a tenement adjoining St. Martin's Churcliyard to Jnmes 8 April Steele, butcher Both parts and bond 1 4 Car. I. 63. Of a tenement in Grandpont to Thos. Seymor, of the Uni- 2 Nov. versity of Oxford, yeoman 1690. 64. Of the tenement on the site of the hall of the Hospital of 15 April St. John to Pembroke College 1707. 65. Of a tenement in the parish of St. jNIary Magdalene to 10 Oct. Roger Judge, carpenter 1717. 66. Of a tenement abutting on tlie chtu'chyard of St. Mary 24 Apiil Magdalene to John Brickland, tailor 1718. 67. Of a parcel of ground in Grandpond to John Lindsey, of 26 April x\l)ingdon, coachmaker 1763. 68. Of the tenement in St. Aldate's on the site of the hall to Pembroke College 1763. 69. Of a tenement in the parish of St. Mary Magdalen to Wm. 16 April and Eliz. Ivory 1765. 70. License to Thos. Sayer to let three tenements in the parish 22 April of St. Peter in the Bailey 1772. 71. Lease of three houses in St. Ebbes to Ann Castell 14 Oct. 1773. 72. Of two tenements in St. Marj Magdalen to Joseph Bard- 3 Nov. gett, schoolmaster „ 73. Of four messuages in St. Ebbs parish to George Ducker, cordwainer 1782. 74. Of three houses in St. Ebbes to Jolm Hirons, of Hampton 22 Oct. Poyle, in trust for the children of George Castell 1783. 75. Of two tenements and a malthouse in Grandpond to Ben- 22 Oct. jamin Tubb, baker „ 76. Of two tenements in the parish of St. Mary Magdalen to Joseph Bardgett 178."). 77. Of four tenements in the parisli of St. Ebbes to Jeffrey 15 Ai)rii Neal, butler of Jesus College, and Richard Wall, victualler 1796. 78. Of four tenements in the parisli of St. Ebbe to George Ducker 30 Ai)ril l''ig8'5 tailor 1803. 79. Of tlirec messuages in St. Ebbes to George Hirons Castle 29 April TENEMENTA IN OXONIA. 1(39 1815. 80. Lease of the same to John and Eichard Castell Both parts 28 April 1815. 81. Of four messuages in St. Ebhes to James Huggins, of 22 April Al)ing(lon, gardener 1821. 82. License to Jas. l[uggins to let the four messuages Aug. 1827. 83. Lease of three messuages in .St. Ebbes to J. and K. Castell 28 April „ 84. Of two tenements in St. Ebbes to Ann White and oihers 18,37. 85. Of four messuages in St. Ebbes to (fuy Thomson, banker 3 Nov. B(jth parts and license to let „ 86. Of three houses in St. Ebbes to Geo. Castell, tailor PENHOAV. 34 Eliz. 1. Ivelease by Thos. W'ilkins, of Lanvaire, of a tenement in 2 F'eb. Penhow to William David, of Penhow 20 Jac. T. 2. Grant by John Thomas, of St. Brides, of the same tenement, 2 July called Groyes Wenn, to John Harrys „ 3. Bond of John Thomas 20 Jac. r. 4. Eelease by John Thomas of Groyes Wenn to John Harrys 10 July 6 Car. I. 5. Sale by Eie. Batherne of a messuage in Penhow to Dr. Thos. 1 April Gwynne 6 Car. I. 6. Fine for the conveyance of the same tenement Mich. 7 Car. L 7. Covenant for the conveyance of the same tenement by Dr. 20 Jan. Gwynne to All Souls' College 7 Car. I. 8. Fine for the conveyance of the above tenement Tivo copies 3 Feb. 23 Car. I. 9. Grant by John Harris and others of Y Groyes Wen to Henry 21 March Basset 1657. 10. Grant by Henry Basset, of Llandafif, of Y Groyes Wenn to 23 Sept. John Palmer, warden, and All Souls' College 11. Power of attorney to John Plewis to receive seisin 1693. 12, Bond of Sir Roland Gwynne, of Llenelhvitli, to Warden Finch, 6 Dec. to pay the arrears of his rent for a farm in ]\Ioumouth 170 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 11 Will. IIL 13. Grwynne's warrant of attorney to confess judgment 5 July 1702. 14. Similar warrant 12 May PAPERS AND LETTERS. 1715. 15. • Thos. Sherwood to Mr. Tringbam: — Has presented his peti- 10 March tion against Sir Eoland Grwynne to the Board of Green Cloth P. 1. Add. 1718. 16. Sir Eoland Gwynne to Warden Gardiner : — Understands that 13 May the College prosecutes its petition against him. Is using all honest means to pay his debts. If the College wish to put him in prison, he will surrender P. 1. Add. 17. Account of Gwynne's debts to the College P. 1 1702-26. 18. ' Memorandums with relation to Penhow ' 1729-30. 19. Cann Wilkins toMr. Wynn : — Sends a copy of an agreement between William Langley and Thos. \\'ilkins concerning a lease of College land at Penhow Pp. 2 Add. 1730-1. 20. Francis Baker to Dr. Niblett, warden : — Account of the Col- 9 March lege's estate at Penhow, and the bad conduct of the tenant. Bristol Hoi. pp. 3 Add. 1763. 21. Memorandum by Warden Niblett concerning Penhow 25 Oct. LEASES. 1693. 1. Surrender by Sir Kowland Gwin, of Llenelwith, to All Soids' 6 Dec. College of his lease of a farmhouse and land and a house called Cross Wenne at Penhow Mutilated 1784. 2. Lease of Cross Wenne and lands in Penhow to John Bagster 20 Oct. 1788. 3. License to John Bagster, of Penhow, to let the same premises 10 Nov. to Wakeman Long, of Upton-upon-Severn 1791. 4. Lease by All Souls' College of the same to Wakeman Long 11 Oct. 1798. 5. Lease of the same to the same 31 Oct. 1 805. 6. Lease of the same to Wakeman Long, of Pershore 4 Nov. 1812. 7. Lease of the same to William Fryer, of Caerleon 12 Nov. J>'^t^> parts PURCHASE OF LAND, ETC. 171 PUECHASE OF LAND. EEDEMPTION OF LAND TAX. ' TITLE DEEDS OF THREE ALLOTMENTS OF LAND ON EDGEWABEBURY COMMON PURCHASED BY ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1854.' 1853. 1. Conveyance by Thos. Sbarpe Smith to All Souls' College 13 Dec. of an allotment under the Edgware Inclosure Act 1853. 2. Conveyance of another allotment by Bright Smith 16 Dec. 1854. 3. Conveyance of another allotment by the trustees under the 20 Jan. will of Chas. Day 'DEEDS RELATING TO PJJRGIIASE FROM MESSRS. HOLMES AND CLE Y'E LAND.' 1800. 1. Conveyance by Isaac Delamare of a field called Newlands, in 29 March Edgware, to Thos. Withers, of Earls bury 1820. 2. Wm. How, by direction of Messrs. Withers, to Cbas. Green. 26 Feb. Kelease in fee of hereditaments in Willesden upon certain trusts Copy 1841. 3. The devisees under the will of Thos. Withers to Kic. Cleve- 3 Aug. land and Jas. Homes. Eelease in fee of Xewlands, Edgware 1844. 4. Conveyance of Newlands by Cleveland and Homes to All 13 Aug. Souls' College 1825. 5. In Chancery: Withers v. How. Copy of a report 25 June 1839. 6. Sale catalogue of land at Edgware, sold pursuant to a Aug. decree of Chancery in the above cause 1839. 7. Payne v. How, and Withers v. How. Master's Keport 2 Nov. 1839. 8. Payne v. How, Withers v. How. Order. 14 Nov. 1839. 9. Payne v. How, and Payne v. Withers. Affidavit of Geo. 29 Nov. Wm. Prescott 1839. 10. Payne i\ How. Order in Chancery 2 Dec. 172 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1840. 11. Payne v. How. Order for payment of James Home's pur- 7 May chase money 1840. 12. Payne v. How. Keceipt for Mr. Home's purchase money 30 May. 1843. 13. Order in Chancery in the matter of the London and Bir- 21 July mingham Railway, ex parte All Souls' College 1844. 14. Order in Chancery in the matter of the Act of 1 Vic. and 9 Feb. the London and Birmingham Eailway Act 1844. 15. Order for settling conveyances in re London and Birming- 3 Aug. ham Kailway Act 1844. 16. In re All Souls' College Exchange Act and London and 13 Aug. Birmingham Railway Acts. Report of execution of con- veyance 1844. 17. Order in Chancery in tlie matter of the London and Bir- 19 Dec. mingham Railway 1845. 18. Bill of costs of Messrs. Parker and Hayes May ' DEEDS RELATING TO CHILD'S VUTXEASE: 1802. 1. Copy of court roll of Edgware. Surrender by Daniel 1 iNlay Nathaniel Weedon of Margery Mead to Thos. ^^■ithers 1810, 2. Copy of court rolL Admission of James How on the death 1 May of Thos, Withers 1822. 3. Copy of court roll. Admission of James, heir of James 1 May How 1842. 4. Surrender of Margery Mead by Jas. How to Henry Child 6 Sept. 1844. 5. Agreement between Henry Child and All Souls' College for 31 Aug. the purchase of Margery Mead 1844. 6, Agreement between Child, Wm. Butcher Axford, and the College, for the said purchase Not executed 1844. 7. Copy of court roll. Surrender of Margery Mead by Hen. 31 Aug. Child to the College 1845. 8. Agreement between Hen. Child and jNIr. and ]Mrs. Hook, 10 Feb administratrix of W. B. Axford, and All Souls' College PAPERS. 1841. 9. Particulars of sale of Margery Mead. Prlided. 24 March 1841. 10. Payne v. How. Report of purdiase bv Mr. Child of Lot 1. 31 March PURCHASE OF LAND, ETC. 173 1841. 11. Payne V. How. Order to confirm report of purchase abso- 7 June lutcly 1841. 12. Payne v. How. Order for payment of i\Ir. Child's purchase 21 Dec. money into Court 1842. 13. Payne v. How. Affidavit of amount of interest on Mr. 19 Jan. Child's purchase money 1842. 14. Payne V. How. Certificate of purchase money paid in 28 Jan. 1842. 15. Conditional surrender of Margery Mead by Henry Child to G Sej^t. the use of W. B. Axford (^'opU 1845. 16. Warrant to enter satisfaction on the above surrender Copy 10 Feb. ' DEEDS RELATIVE TO THE PURCHASE OF A PIECE OF LAND LATELY COPYnOLV, BUT NOW EN- FRANCniSED, AT HENDON.' 1820. 1. Admission of \Vm. Geeves to a piece of waste at Holder's 16 May Hill 1828. 2. Sale by Samuel Dendy, lord of the manor of Hendon, to 2 June \Vm. Geeves of a piece of land at Holder's Hill 1828. 3. Deed of covenant for the production of title deeds 3 June „ 4. Deed of appointment, release, and enfranchisement of the said land 1829. 5. Conveyance by Wm. Geeves to All Souls' College of the said 1 & 2 Oct. land Two documents ' HENDON. TITLE DEEDS TO LAND FORMERLY WASTE AT COLLIN DEEP.' 1 8.30. 1. License to Wm. Smith TootcU, trustee for All Souls' College, 17 May to enclose a piece of land near Burroughs Lane, and his admission thereto 18.39. 2. Sale by Samuel Dendy, lord of the manor of Hendon, and 21 Nov. Wm. Stevens, of Dorking, of a piece of waste land on tlie road from the Edgware Koad to Burroughs in Hendon, to Wm. Smith Tootell 1839. 3. Deed of covenant for the production of title deeds 22 Nov. 22 Nov. 4. Release and enfranchisement of the said land by Dendy to Tootell 174 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1839. 5. Conveyance of the said land by W. S. Tootell to All Souls' 30 & 31 Dec. . College Two documents 1843. 6. Lord of the manor of Hendon to W. S. Tootell. Appoint- 29 Sept. ment and release for enfranchising a piece of land at Collin Deep „ 7. Deed of covenant for production of title deeds 1843. 8. Appointment and release of the same land by ^Y. S. Tootell 7 Dec. to All Souls' College ' TITLI} DEEDS TO BACON LANE CBOFT, PUECUASED OF F. STUBBS'S DEVISEES: 1822. 1. Copy of court roll of Edgeware. Admission of John Denyer 1 May Wright to a close called Old Haws in Kingsbury 1827. 2. Agreement by John Denyer Wright to surrender Old Haws 11 Aug. to Francis Stubbs 1828. 3. Admission of Fras. Stubbs to Old Haws 1 May 1843. 4. Admission of John Collier, Geo. Hen. Hooper, and Fras. 1 May Edw. Scott to Old Haws 1845. 5. Surrender by Collier, &c., of Old Haws to the lord of the 1 jNIay manor 1845. 6. Chas. Collier, G. H. Hooper, and F. E. Scott, to All Souls' 2 May College. Deed of covenant for title to Old Hawes PAPERS. 1759. 7. Certificate of marriage of John Wright and Dennis Denyer 20 May 17G0. 8. Baptismal certificate of John Wright, son of the above 20 April 1768. 9. Admission of John Wright to Old Hawes 2 I\Iay 1781. 10. Certificate of marriage of John Wright and Ann Harding 7 Jan. 1783. 11. Baptismal certificate of John Denyer Wright, son of thepre- 20 Marcli ceding 1799. 12. Copy of contract for the redemption of land tax on land in 25 June Kingsbury held by John Wright 1800. 13. Certificate of the burial of John Wright 18 Nov. 1818. 14. Copy of tlic will of John Wright 30 June PURCHASE OF LAND, ETC. 175 1825. 15. Memorandum of agreement between John Denyer Wright 28 Nov. and Ric. Andrewd for the sale of a field near Pipers in Kingsbury 1827. 16. Affidavit of Ann, widow of Jolm Wright 27 Aug. 1840. 17. Abstract of the will of John Collier 11 May 1845. 18. Abstract of tlio title of the devisees of Francis Perry Stubbs to Old Haws ' TITLE DEEDS TO TIIBESUBEINGS ACHE AT KJNdS- BURY, FUBOHASED OF SAMUEL AND HENRY NJCOLL. 184-2.' 171!). 1. Admission of Daniel and John Weedon to Thresbeings 1 jNIay Acre 1726. 2. Admission of .John Weedon on surrender by Daniel Weedon 2 May 1732. 3. Admission of Daniel Weedon on the death of John Weedon 1 May 1842. 4. Contract for sale of Thresbeings Aero by Samuel and Hen. 17 Aug. Nicoll to Richard Berens on behalf of All Souls' College FxiFERS. 1842. 5. Deed of covenant for the purchase 24 Oct. 6. Abstract of title 7. Plan of Thresbeinffs Acre ' TITLE DEEDS RELATING TO THE PURCHASE OF LAND OF THE EXECUTORS OF W. STUBBS, ESQ., AT KINGSBURY: 1759. 1. Admission of Thos. Sutton to a cottage, orchard, and pightle, 1 May parcel of Newlands 1774. 2. Lease of the pasture field, Grreat Warren, Black lands, c^c, 14 Oct. in Kingsbury by Thos. Thorpe to Wm. Harrison 1782. 3. Admission of the executors of Thos. Tliorpe to Payee's tene- 1 jNIay ment, Osborne's Croft, and other land 178.3. 4. Admission of Thos. Furnell to Blacklauds and other lands 1 May 176 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1802. 5. Admission of Wm. Cook in trust on Furnell's death 1 May 1816. 6. Admission of John Stent to the cottage in Newlands 1 May 1817. 7. Admission of Francis Stubbs to closes called Wilkins and 1 May Beanhill, with grant of waste 1819. 8. Wm. Cook to Fras. Stubbs. Deed of covenant to surrender 12 June his copyhold lands in Kingsbury 1820. 9. P. Rundell to F. Stubbs. Deed of covenant for production 10 March of deed of 17 Jan. 1814 1820. 10. Surrender by Wm. Cook and Rev. L. Clutterbuck to Fras. 1 May Stubl)s 1822. 11. Admission of Wm. Stent to the cottage 1 May 1823. 12. Wm. Stent and others to Fras. Stubbs. Deed of covenant to 30 April surrender his cottage, &c. 1823. 13. Admission of Stubbs to Stent's cottage 1 iMay 1835. 14, Lease of a house in Salmon St., Kingsbury, by Francis Perry 29 Sept. Stubbs to Wm. Nicholls 1843. 15. John Collier, Greo. Hen. Hooper, and Fras. Edw. Scott to All 2 Aug. Souls' College. Deed of covenant for title to Beanhill, Wilkins, and other land „ 16. Surrender by Collier &c. PAPERS. 1713. 17. Marriage certificate of Wm. Thorpe and Eliz. Henley 1 9 April 1714. 18. Baptismal certificate of Thomas, son of tlic above Sept. 1731. 19. Inscription on the tomb of Eliz. Thorpe 11 Sept. 20. Pedigree of the Thorpe family 1736. 21. Surrender of a messuage, with Blacklnnds, &c., by Wm. 1 May Tliorpe, and admission of himself, Tlios., and Mary Thorpe 1742. 22. Register of burials of Mary, Elizabeth, and .Mary Thorp, 1738-42 1745. 23. Surrender by Thos. Thorpe to uses 1 May 1758. 24. Admission of James Clutterbuck lo (ueat Framesland, 19 .1 line I'ipcrs, ;uid riigcfii'ld PURCHASE OF LANDS, ETC. 177 Admission of John and Charlotte Carter to Wilkins, Beane- liill, &c. Copy of the will of Thos. Thorpe Admission of Thos. Lytmell and John Chaloner to Payee's tenement, held by Thos. Thorpe .Surrender by Lynnell and Chaloner to Thos. Furnell Surrender by Thos. Sutton of the cottage to Wm. Stent Admission of Thos. Furnell to Crabsland Admission of Rev. Lewis Clutterbuck, son and heir of James Clutterbuck Copy of contract for redemption of land tax on AVilkins and Beanehills Copy of contract fur the redemption of the land tax on Newlands and Little Bush Farm Copy of the contract for the redemption of the land tax on Pagefield Surrender by Carter of AVilkins, &c., to Wm. and Sarah Evans Copy of the will of William Stent Tothill V. Rhodes. Order in Chancery Affidavit of Ann Addison Two copies Tothill V. Rhodes. Order in Chancery Tothill ?'. Rhodes. Certificate of payment by Fras. Stubbs Admission of John Collier, Geo. Hen. Hooper, and Fras. Edw. Scott to the estates of F. P. Stubbs Particulars of sale of the estates of F. P Stubbs Printed Abstract of title of the executors of F. P. Stubbs Valuation of timber in Kingsbury purchased by the College Receipt by Collier, Hedges, and Steel, for the purchase money of Stubbs' estates Declaration of Margaret Higham that F. P. Stubbs was never married Schedule of deeds and documents N 1773. 25. 9 Nov. 1782. 26. 11 March 1782. 27. 1 May 1783. 28. 1 May 1786. 29. 1 May 1786. 30. 30 May 1792. 31. 1 May 1799. 32. 14 May 1799. 33. 22 June 1799. 34. 9 Aug. 1806. 35. 1 May 1816. 36. 1 9 Feb. 1818. 37. 30 May 1819. 38. 11 Feb. 1819. 39. 17 June 1819. 40. 23 June 1843. 4L 1 May 1843. 42. 22 June 1843. 43. 11 July 1843. 44. 3 Aug. 1843. 45. 17 Aug. 1844. 46. 13 Jan. 47. 178 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. THE ADVOWSON OF NEWTOX BUOMSEOLB. 1689. 1. Conveyance by Thos. Wrootham of a messuage and land in 29 April Newton Bromshold to Wm. Faldoe 1 690. 2. Conveyance of the advowson of Newton Bromsliold by Edw. 16 & 17 April Trott to Thos. Bletsoe 1690. 3. ]\Iarriage settlement between Wm. F. Haldoe and Frances, 19 & 20 June daughter of Eobert Lambe 1710. 4. Conveyance of messuage and land in Newton Bromshold by 1 & 2 Aug. Thos. and Wm. Faldoe to Hen. Lambe 1713-4. 5. Conveyance of the moiety of the manor of Newton Brom??- 3 & 4 Feb. hold by Chas. Gery to Henry Lambe 1719. 6. Feoffment of premises in Newton Bromshold by John Trott 1 JMareh to Henry Lambe 1721. 7. Conversance of a messuage and land in Newton Bromshold 29 & 30 JMareh by Henry Wyckly to Henry Lambe With copy of fine enclosed 1778. 8. Conveyance of tbe advowson of Newton Bromshold by Eliz. 21 & 22 Dec. Bletsoe to Rev. David Tanqueray 1788. 9. Grant of the advowson by Rev. Edw. Tanqueray to Rev. 2 June John Cooper 181.'^. 10. Grant of the r.dvowson by Rev. J. Cooper to Chas. Hewitt 12 Oct. 1818. 11. Grant of tlie advowson by Chas. Hewitt to Daniel Harper 31 Dec. and his trustee 1831. 12. Conveyance of the advowson by the assignees of Thos. £0 & 31 jNL'irch Harper and others to Thos. Penrice PAPERS. 1708. 13. Copy of the will of Thos. Bletsoe, of Bozeat 10 July 1739. 14. Copy of the will of Rev. Tlios. Bletsoe, sen. 22 March 1745. 15. Copy of the will of the Rev. Thos. Blet.soe 22 INIarch 1782. 16. Copy of the will of Rev. Thos. Tanqueray 23 Oct. 1800. 17. Act for enclosing common at Newton Bromshold and Higham Ferrers Printed 1815. 18. Rev. Edw. Tanqueray to Ric. Watson: — Sends certificates of 1 Se^t. burial of his lather and his own birth. Tingritli PURCHASE OF LANDS, ETC. 179 1815. 19. T. Times to Ric. Watson: — Information about the Tanque- 5 Sept. rays. Bedford 1815. 20. Edw. Tanqueray to Ric. Watson: — Information about bis 6 Sept. family. Tingritb 1815. 21. Date of the will of John Cooper 18 Sept. „ 22. Pedigree of the Tanquerays 1818. 23. Daniel Harper to Chas. Hewitt : — Asks particulars about the 5 Nov. rectory of Newton Bromshold 1818. 24. C. Hewitt to Daniel Harper : — States the age of the present 27 Dec. incumbent. Tamworth 1819. 25. Probate of the will of Daniel Harper 16 April 1824. 26. Agreement between Thos. Harper and Messrs. Haynes, Day, 9 Oct. & Co. for tlie purchase of the advowson 1828. 27. Abstract of title to the advowson 22 JNIay. 1832. 28. Sketch of the rectory farm 1839. 29. J. G-wyn Jeffreys to Geo. P. Hester : — Sends deeds relating to 2 Feb. the purcliase from Thos. Penrice. Swansea 30. Abstract of title of Thos. Penrice to the advowson of Newton Bromshold 31. Schedule of deeds and papers in the hands of Kay, Price, & Co. to secure a debt from Thos. Harper MELWAY'S CLOSE, NEW BOMNEY. 1819. 1. Copy of the conveyance of Melway's Close in New Romney 5 June by Mrs. Eliz. Loftie Eaton and others to Edw. Rowe Mores to the use of Mr. Withy, and Mr. Geo. Masey 1839. 2. Mortgage of Melway's Close by Geo. Masey to Wm. Stringer 17 May 1841. 3. Conveyance of part of Melw^ay's Close by Geo. Masey and 11 Oct. another to All Souls' College 1841. 4. Abstract of Masey's title ' DEEDS RELATING TO rUECHASE FROM ASSIGNEES AND MORTGAGEES OF DENEW: OF LAND GALLED THE DEAN AT WILLESDEN. 1843. 1. Henry Plumptre Gipps and All Souls' College. Deed of 31 Dec. covenant for production of title deeds 1844. 2. Ratification of the sale of the Dean to All Souls' College by 8 Jan. Anne Moore, Eliz. Gray, and others interested in it K 2 180 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1844. 3. Conveyance of the Dean by J. G. Wright Biddulph, John 10 Jan. Wright, and others, to All Souls' College REDEMPTION OF LAND TAX. 1798. 1, Copy of contract by the Marquis of Buckingham for redemp- 22 Dec. tion of land tax at Long Crendon 1804. 2. Certificate of contract for redemption of land tax on the 26 jNIay library of All Souls' College and all land in the parish of St. jNIary the Virgin, Oxfoid 1828. 3. Account of expenses attending sales made by the College for the purpose of redeeming the land tax 18.31. 4. Certificate of contract for the redemption of the land tax on 16 Aug, a farm near Wilsdon Green „ 5. Similar certificate for land near Neasdon „ 6. Similar certificate for land between Kensal and Harlesden Greens „ 7. Similar certificate for land in Sherrick Green Fields and near Willcf^den Church „ 8. Similar certificate for land in Lower Brent Field and For- tune Field 1831. 9. W. Smith Tootell to E. Berens :— About the sale of land for 6 Dec. redemption of tlie land tax. Edgware 1831. 10. ' ]\lems for Mr. Berens information,' on the same subject „ 11. Statement of account by W. S. Tootell 1835. 12. Certificate for the redemption of the land tax on laud at 21 .luly Wappenliam EOMNEY, HAEEIETSHAM, UPCHUECH. 1420. 1. Will of Margaret Roo, of Upchurch. Bequests to St. 28 May Mary's Church, where she desires to be buried 17 Hen. VI. 2. Grant by Henry VL to Ric. Andrews, Warden of All Souls' 21 Nov. College, of the rectory of Upchurch, lately belonging to the priory of St. Mary de Insula Dei, Normandy 17 Hen. VI. 3. Grant by Henry VI. to Ric. Andrews, warden, and All Souls' 20 May College, of the priory of Romney, Kent 18 Hen. VJ. 4. Grant by Henry VI. to All Souls' College of tlie priory of 13 March Romney and rectory of Upchurch, with license of impro- priation ROMNEY, HARRIETSHAM, UPCHURCH. 181 19 Hen. VI. 5. Tlios. and John Chapman, heirs of Thos. Chapman, escheator Feb. of Kent and Middlesex, ask exoneration from the dues of the rectory of New Romney, in the king's hands since the death of Joan, queen of England 1521, 6. Confirmation by W. Warham, archbp- of Canterbury, of the 16 May approjiriation of the rectory of Upehurch and priory of Romney to All Souls' College Seals of the archbp. and archdeacou, and of the prior of Christchurch 8-9 Hen. V. 7. Extract from the computus of the lands of Joan, late queen of England, concerning the priory of Romney and the church of Upchurch [Jac. I. ?] 8. ' Representation from Upchurch, concerning the poor's corn used to be distributed ' [Jac. I.] 9, A note of the glebe lands belonging to the parsonage of Up- church [circa- 1G36.] 10. Account of lands and tithes at Upcliurch BONDS OP VICARS. 1576, 11. Bond of Henry Stafford, vicar of New Romney, to be content 4 April with his tithes, and seek no augmentation thereof 1608 9. 12. Similar bond of Thos. Long, vicar of Upchurch 16 Feb. 1613. 13. Similar bond of Peter Knight, vicar of New Romney 2 6 April 1619, 14. Similar bond of Fras. Bond, M.A., vicar of Upchurch 29 May 1630. 16, Similar bond of Christopher Collard, vicar of Upchurch 1 3 Nov. 1666-7. 16. Similar bond of Benjamin Rhinnies, vicar of Upchurch 26 Feb. LETTERS. 1443. 17. John [Stafford] arcJibp. of Canterbury, to tlie treasurer and 18 Nov- barons of the exchequer: — Gives the result of a search in his registers for the contribution to the tenth payable by the churches of Romenal and Upchurch Copy 1575. 18. Henry Stafford to Warden Hoveden : — An accoimtof asearch 1 1 April among the records at Dymchurcli and elsewhere, about the assessment of land for repairing the wall, and portions of land which he thinks formerly belonged to the College, New Romney Pp. 2. Add Endd. 182 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1765. 19. K. Brereton to Niblett : — Information about tlie vicarage of 7 Pec. Upclmrch. Recommends Mr. Coke of Derby, a candidate for a fellowship. Derby Pp. 3. Add. LEASES OF THE BEGTOBY OF NEW BOMNEY. 23 Hen. VIII. 1. To John Toser and Thos. Ligham 10 Jan. 2 Edw. VI. 2. To Edw. Pie, of Oxford 22 Dec. 6 Edw. VI. 3. To Edw. Pye, of Oxford 1 6 Nov. 5 Eliz. 4. To Christopher Arundell, of Oxford 20 Nov. With two copies of the bond of Joan his widow, dated 25 May, 1563 10 Eliz. 6. To John Nashe, butler of the College 6 Jan. 18 Eliz. 6. To John Yonge, of Balden 25 Oct. 20 Eliz. 7. To Alex. Smith, of Canterbury 24 Nov. 29 Eliz. 8. To Wm. Baker, son of Wm. Baker, parson of Hope All 1 Oct. Saints 29 Eliz. 9. To William Baker 12 July 37 Eliz. 10. To Richard Clarke 10 April 41 Eliz. 11. To Richard Clerke Bond attached 1 Oct. 3 Jac. I. 12. To Ric. Clark 1 June 15 Car. I. 13. To Edward Master, of Willsborough 28 Oct. Bond enclosed LEASES OF TEE BECTOBY OF UPCHUBCH. 1 3 Hen. VII. 1. To Lawrence Gfrenestrete, of Upchurch 16 Oct. „ 2. To John Hollforthe, yeoman 19 Hen. VII. 3. To John Haynes, perpetual vicar 20 May 9 Hen. VIII. 4. To John Burbage 29 March ROMNEY, HARRIETSHAM, UPCHURCH. 183 20 Hen. VII I. 5. To Thos. Hogeson 31 Jan. 2G Hen. VIII. 6. To Eic. Holbrooke, groom of the pantry to the king 27 Nov. 34 Hen. VIIL 7. To Rie. Holbrooke* 13 Oct. 3 Edw. VI. 8. To liic. IIol1)rooke 13 March 2 Eliz. 9, To Clement ]\Iyll\vaye Buml enclosed 24 April 9 Eliz. 10. To John Griffith, of London, D.C.L. 10 Oct. 12 Eliz. 11. To John Griffitli, D.C.L. 14 Aug. 21 Eliz. 12. To Thos. Kandolphe, of London 14 Sept. 24 Eliz. 13. To William Lewin, of London, D.C.L. 3 April 28 Eliz. 14. To Wm. Lewin 10 Nov. 33 Eliz. 15. To Wm. Lewin 24 Nov. 37 Eliz. 16. To Wm. Lewin 10 April 42 Eliz. 17. To Anne Lewin, widow 3 April 5 Jac. I. 18. To Sir Justinian Lewin 9 April 14 Jac. I. 19. To Sir Justinian Lewin Both parts and bond 16 Oct. 18 Jac. I. 20. To Ladv Lewin, widow of Sir Justinian 21 Oct. 22 Jac. I. 21. To Ralph Hopton, esq., husband of Lady Lewin 10 Nov. 5 Car. I. 22. To Sir Ralph Hopton Bond enclosed 29 Oct. 13 Car. I. 23. To Sir Ralph Hopton Bond enclosed 3 Sept. 17 Car. I. 24. To William Allen Bond enclosed 29 Oct. 1786. 25. To John Packman 16 Oct. 1794. 26. To Jolm Packman 3 Nov. 1798. 27. To John Packman 31 Oct. 184 AECHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1802. 28. To John Packman BotJt parts and license to let 23 Oct. 1806. 29. To John Packman 10 Nov. 1817. 30. Of the parsonage farm to John Amher-st Wjilter, Wm. Jordan, 13 July Thos. Stanley AN'akeley, \Vm. Pell, and \Vm. Tress, farmers 1823. 31. Of the parsonage farm to the same 17 Dec. SALFOED, HOLCOTE. ' SPECIALES OABTJS BE TENEMENTIS IN SALEFOBDE.' 1. Grant by Wido de Sancto Walerico to Hugh de Salegford of a tenement and lands in Salegford 2. Settlement of a dispute between Simon Passelewe and Hugh de Saleforde concerning the commons between Holecothe and Saleforde 3. Grant by Eeginald de Wavendon to Nigel, son of Hugh de Saleford, of the service of Simon, son of Tent, for his tenement 4. Grant by Nigel, son of Hugh de Saleford, to Benedict the smith, son of Simon of Crancfeld, of the messuage which he held of the said Hugh 6. Release by Peter le Carponter, of Saleford, to Nigel, son of Hugh de Saleford, of the tenement which he formerly held of Nigel's father 6. Release by Wm. Grimbald, of Saleford, to Nigel de Saleford, of the tenements in Saleford granted to him by NigeFs father 7. Grant by ]\Iabel, dauglitor of Wm. Grumbaut, of half an acre in Saleford to Nigel, son of Nigel de Saleford 8. Grant by Hugh de Saleford of a mill at Saleford to Osebert de la Mare and Matilda, sister of Hugh 9. Grant by Matilda de la Mare to her son Nicliolas of the mill at Salford, given her by her brother Hugh de Saleford on her marriage with Osebert de la Mare 10. Grant by Hugh de Saleforde of the mill to Nicholas, son of Osebert de la Mare 11. Grant by Hugli de Saleford of a virgate of land and ' Paga- nus Prnppositus,' who now holds it, to Nicholas de la Mare SALFORD, HOLCOTE. 185 12. Grant by Hugh, son of Nigel de Saleforde, of divers lands in Saleford to Nicholas, son of Osbert de la Mare 13. Grant by Hugh, son of Nigel de Saleford, of the court held ])y his mother in Saleford, the mill and other lands to Nicholas de la Mare 14. Grant by Hugh de Saleford to Ivichard, son of Osbert the chaplain, of lands in Saleforde 16. Grant of lands in Saleforde by Hugh, son of Nigel, to Richard, son of Osebert 16. Grant by Wm. Passelewe, of Holecote, of a meadow in Sale- forde to Eobert de la Mare 17. Grant by Gilbert, son of Walter de Crancfeld, uf UukI in Lyn- croft, Salford, to John Cady, of Salford 18. Grant by Gilbert, son of Walter de Crankfeld, of 4^ acres in Saleforde, to John, son of Nigel de Salitbrd, and Joan his wife 19. Grant by Gilbert de Crankfeld of a piece of land in West- field, Salford, to John, son of Nigel de Saleford, and Joan his wife 20. Grant by Kobert Hereward of a messuage and land at Sal- forde to John, son of Nigel de Salford, and Joan his wife 21. Grant by William, son of Reginald and Smania his wife, of half an acre in Lyncroft to John, son of Nigel de Saleford 22. Grant by Ismena de Horle to Jolin and Joan de Saleforde of a rent of Ad. due to her from Geoffrey Coflfiug, with her other claims on his estate 23. Grant by Ymena de Horlee to John le Dossere, of Crancfeld, and Alice his wife, of ' unum bottum terrge ' in Saleford 1 5 Edw. I. 24. Grant by Ysmayna de Horle, widow of Robert, son of Thos. 23 Jan. de Cranfeld, to John de Saleford, of her estate in six acres in Salforde 25. Release by Adhelina, widow of Gilbert de Crauncfeld, to John Polcyn and Joan de Saleford, of her right to tenements granted to them by her husband 20 Edw. I. 26. Quitclaim by Adhelyna, widow of Gilbert, son of Walter de 25 June Crancfeld, of a messuage in Saleford to John the miller 24 Edw. I. 27. Grant by Wm and Agnes de Hampslape of half an acre in 14 Feb. Saleforde to Roger, son of Nigel de Saleford 27 Edw. I. 28. Grant by Richard de la Mare of his messuage, land, and mill 23 Dec. at Saleford, to Nigel, son of John de Saleford 27 Edw. I. 29. Grant by Richard de la Mare of a messuage, lands, and two 30 Dec. mills in Saleford to Nigel, son and heir of John de Saleford 27 Edw. I. 30. Grant by Agnes, widow of Richard de la Mare, of the same 12 June tenements to Nigel de Saleford 186 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS* COLLEGE. 27 Edw. I. 31. Grant by John de la Mare of a tenement in Saleford to Nigel, 14 June son of John de Saleford „ 32. Eelease by John de la Mare of the same tenement „ 33. Duplicate of the preceding 31 Edw. I. 34. Eelease by Agnes de la ]Mare of her tenement in Saleford to 25 Dec. Roger, son of Nigel, John the chaplain, of Bedeford, and Hugh de Rothewell 31 Edw. I. 35. Grant by Hugh de Rouwelle and Agnes de la Mare, his wife, 3 Feb. of 1 3 acres in Salforde to Roger, son of Nigel de Salf ord 31 Edw. I. 36. Grant by Hugh de Rothewell and Agnes de la Mare, of ames- 27 June suage in Salford to Roger, son of Nigel 32 Edw. I. 37. Grant by Roger, son of Nigel de Saleforde, of a portion of his 7 May croft there to his son Nigel 32 Edw. I. 38. Grant by Baldwin, son and heir of John Poleyn, of Tebworth, 30 Aug. of Le Brodemade in ' prato de Hare,' to Roger, son of Nigel de Saleforde 34 Edw. I. 39. Release by Roger, son of Gilbert de Cranfeld, of all his tene- 5 April ments in Salford, to Nigel and Margery de Saleforde 40. Grant by Hugh de Saliford of a messuage and land in Saliford to Walter Peissun Not sealed 4 Edw. II. 41. Grant by Walter Peissun to John atte Water of a messuage 17 Aug. and land granted him by Hugh Salford 4 Edw. II. 42. Grant by Wm., son of Ralph, apparitor, of a rood in West- 25 June field, Saleforde, to John de Saleforde 5 Edw. 11. 43. Fine by which Hugh, son of Nigel de Saleforde, surrenders Oct. the manor of Salforde to Nigel, son of John de Saleforde and Margery his wife 6 Edw. II. 44. Grant by Wm. Le Dole, of Segenho, to John de Saleforde, of 14 July an acre of land in Esthothul, in Saleforde 6 Edw. II. 45. Grant by John, son of Hugh the smith, of Saleforde, and 20 Oct. Agnes his wife, of a rood of land in Dich Forlong, Saleford, to John de Salforde 6 Edw. II. 46. Grant by Ricliard Clerk, of Saleforde, of the messuage granted 21 Feb. him by John Hereward, to John, son of John de Saleforde 8 Edw. II. 47. Indenture between John de Redeswelle and Sir Nigel de 24 Feb. Saleford fur the payment of 20 marks by tlie latter 10 Edw. II. 48. Grant by John, son of Hugh the smith, of his messuage in 3 Jan. Le Brokhende, Saleforde, to John, son of John, late lord of Saleforde 10 Edw. II. 49. Grant by Nicholas Coffin of a messuage in Le Brokhende to 5 June John, son of John, late lord of Saleforde 13 Edw. II. 50. Grant by Hugh de Rothewell and Agnes de la Mare of all 8 July their tenements in Salforde, with reservations, to Sir Nigel de Salforde 13 Edw. II. 51. Lease by Hugh and Agnes de Rothewell of all their tenements 25 March in Saleford to Sir Nigel de Saleford SALFORD, HOLCOTE. 187 52. Grant by Imayna, daughter of Hugh, parson of Holecote, of an acre of land at Salford, to Hugh and Christina de Bocherne 17 Edw. II. 53. Lease of a virgate of land at Salford by Thos. de Bocchirn to 22 Dec. John de Saleforde 18 Edw. II. 54. Sale by Thoj^. Boccliirne to John de Saleforde of a virgate of 4 Oct. land in Westmede, Saleforde 18 Edw. II. 55. Lease of a messuage and land at Salforde by Thos. de Bocchirne 15 Fel). to John de Saleforde 1 9 Edw. II. 56. Grant by Agnes Colyn, of Saleforde, of half an acre in Mechel- 26 Jan. lowe, Saleforde, to John de Saleforde 2 Edw. III. 67. Eelease by Simon, son and heir of Roger de Saleforde, to 14 June Nigel de Saleforde of his estate in his father's tenements 4 Edw. III. 58. Eelease by Simon, son of Roger de Saleford, of a messuage 25 July and land in Saleford to Sir Nigel de Saleford 6 Edw. III. 59. Grant by Agnes Colyn of half an acre in Wodeforlonge, Sale- 13 Dec. forde, to John de Saleforde 9 Edw. III. 60. Release by John de Saleforde of his estate in Leverowne 4 June Dyches to Sir Nigel de Saleforde „ 61. Release by John de Saleford of ' Leverone dyches ' to Peter, son and heir of Sir Nigel de Saleford 11 Edw. III. 62. Grant by Agnes, daughter of Mary de Heywode of Holecote, 17 Aug. of an acre at Saleforde to Sir Peter and Joan de Saleford 27 Edw. III. 63. Grant by Edward III. to Peter de Salford of free warren in 8 Nov. his lands at Salford Great seal 29 Edw. III. 64. Release by jNIariota Pessaun of a rent of 2d. for two acres in 14 April Saleforde to John de Saleforde 33 Edw. III. 65. Grant by Sarra Millewarde of a messuage and land late 30 Oct. belonging to Thos. de Boccherne, in Salford, to Sir Peter de Saleford 47 Edw. III. 66. Grant by John Porter, John Morton, and Richard de 28 Feb. Craunfeld, of the manor of Salford, to Peter and Katharine de Salford 49 Edw. III. 67. Record of proceedings in the Court of Assize at Bedford, in 4 May which the manor of Salford was adjudged to Peter, son of Nigel de Salford, against John and Katharine Porter, of Wouburn Chapel 2 Hen. V. 68. Grant by Peter Salford of the manor of Salford to Sir Thos. 4 Oct. Aylesbury, Oliver Groos, Walter Bosom, and others „ 69. Counterpart of the preceding 2 Hen. V. 70. Declaration of Peter Salford's intention in making the pre- 11 Nov. ceding grant 4 Hen. V. 71. Memorandum of the payment of 19^. 9s. llcZ. by the attor- 29 May neys of Ankeretta Drakelowe, to Margaret, widow of Peter Salford, and John Lynford, to pay the said Peter's debts. 188 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 4 Hen. V. 72. Gfiant by Sir Thos. de Aylesbury, Wm. Bosom, &c., of the 20 June manor of Salford to Ankeretta, widow of Sir Thos. Drake- lowe and sister of Peter de Salford 5 Hen. V. 73. Grant by Ankeretta Drakelowe of the manor of Salford to 25 April Thos. Wydevylle of Grafton, Reginald Kagaun, John Barton, jun., and others „ 74. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 5 Hen. V. 75. Declaration of the intention of Eichard Wyde\7-lle concerning 4 May the preceding grant 5 Hen. V. 76. Eeceipt by Ankeretta Drakelowe of 40 marks for the manor 12 Oct. of Salford from Thos. Wydevylle, &c. 10 Hen. V. 77. Eeceipt by the attorney of Margaret, widow of Peter Salford, 8 July from Eichard Wydevyle, of 11 marks for the rent of her portion of the manor of Salford 7 Hen. VI. 78. Eelease by Oliver Groos, John Lynford, and Thos. Stodhagh, 24 Nov. of the manor of Salford to Thos. Wydevylle, John Barton, John Giffard. and Wm. Fortho 15 Hen. VI. 79. Indenture by which Eichard Wydevyle agrees to convey the 13 May manor of Salford to Henry [Beaufort] cardinal and bp. of Winchester, Henry [Chichele], archbp. of Canterbury, and Sir Walter Hungerford 15 Hen. VI. 80. Grant by Elizabeth, widow of Eeginald Eagoun, sister and 20 May heir of Thos. Wydevylle, and John Heldwell, son of Agnes, sister of the said Elizabeth, of the manor of Salford to Eichard Wydevylle „ 81. Power of attorney to deliver seisin „ 82. Power of attorney to receive seisin 1 5 Hen. VI. 83. Eelease by Elizabeth Eagoun and John Heldwell of the 1 June manor of Salford to Eichard Wydevylle 15 Hen. VI. 84. Grant of the manor of Salford by Eichard Wydevylle to 1 2 June Cardinal Beaufort, Archbp. Chichele, and Sir Walter Hun- gerford „ 85. Counterpart of the above „ 86. Power of attorney to deliver seisin „ 87. Power of attorney to receive seisin 20 Hen. VI. 88. Eelease by Cardinal Beaufort and Sir Walter de Hungerford 1 Feb. of the manor of Salford to Archbp. Chichele 20 Hen. VI. 89. Eelease by Joan, widow of Eichard Wydevyle, of the manor 25 Feb. of Salford to Archbp. Cliichele 20 Hen. VI. 90. Similar release by Sir Eichard Wydevyle 1 IMarch 20 Hen. VI. 91. Surrender by Archbp. Chichele of the manor of Salford to 1 May Henry VI. Chichele's seal with swans as supporters ihroken) „ 92. Power of attorney by Henry Chichele, abp. of Canterbury, to deliver seisin of Salford to Henry VI. SALFORD, HOLCOTE. 189 20 Hen. VI. 93. Power of attorney to receive seisin 3 May 20 Hen. VI. 94. Grant by Henry VI. of the manors of Crendon, Foxcote, 17 May Moorton, and Salford, and a messuage in St. Mary's Street, Oxford, to All Souls' College Copy 95. Copies of documents concerning Salford, temp. Edw. III. ParchTnent roll 'SPEC TALES CABTJ^ BE TENEMENTIS IN ASPLYE.' 96. Grant by Reginald de Sancto Walerico to Hugh, chaplain of Saleford, of a meadow and island at Holecote 97. Release by Hugh the chaplain of tlie lands mentioned in the preceding to Falcho de J^reauter 98. Grant by Hugh Hacun of Aspele to Simon le Someter and Edith his wife of 2 roods of land in Aspele 99. Grant by John Kille, clerk of Aspele, to Simon le Someter and Edith his wife, of 6 roods in Aspele and in Alumbrigg- Mede 100. Grant by Richard le Veil of 6 acres in Aspele to Walter, son of Richard of Saleford, deacon [1217-33] 101. Release by Richard, abbot, and the convent of Woburn, of all tlieir land in Aspele to Hugh de Saleford 102. Grant by G-regory de Stondon to William the miller, of Sale- ford, of an acre and a rood in Aspele 103. Grant by Robert the miller to Nicholas the merchant, of Sale- forde, of a rood of land at Aspele 104. Grant by Hugh de Foteseia to Nicholas the merchant of 4 roods in Aspele 105. Grant by Hugh deFoteseie to Osebert, merchant of Saleford, of 3^ roods in Aspele 106. Grant by Robert Pefot, of Aspele, to Osebert, merchant, son of Ralph the merchant, of an acre at Aspele 7 Edw. I. 107. Grant by William ' dictus le Bole,' of Segenho, of half an 1 1 jNIay acre of land at Aspele to John, son of John, late lord of Saleforde 16 Edw. I. 108. Quitclaim by Peter, son and heir of Wm. de Holeborne, to 8 April Emma and Sabiua, daughters of Hugh de la Bouwye, son of Osebert the merchant, of his claim to the property of tlie latter, his grandfather 23 Edw. I. 109. Grant by Juliana, widow of Michael Rachel, of a rood of land 30 Jan. at Aspele to John Attebroc 30 Edw. I. 110. Grant by Ralph Clerk of Saleforde, and I\Iary his wife, of land 24 May in Saleforde and Aspele in exchange for the moiety of a messuage at Saleforde, to Wm. and Agnes le Bole, of Sea'enho 190 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. Division of a messuage in Salford belonging to the late Amabilla le Brun between Sabina and Emma, lier grand- daughters Grant by Wm. le Bole of half an acre in Aspele to Roger, son of John ate Brok Grant by Hugh, son of Matilda, of half an acre at Aspele to John de Saleforde Grant by William, son of Wm. le Bole, to John, son of John, late lord of Saleforde, of a tenement at Aspele, near Husse- borne Grant by Robert de Wymundham of land in Aspele to John de Saleford Grant by Hugh, son of Matilda, of 2| roods in Aspele to John de Saleforde Grant by Wm. David of a rood of land at Aspele to John, son of the late John de Saleford Grant by John the smith, son of Hugh and Agnes his wife, of all his land in Aspele to John, son of John, late lord of Salford Grant by Wm. Davy of a rood and a half at Aspele to John, son of John, late lord of Saleforde Grant by the same to the same of 2 roods of land at Aspele Grant by John Sesse, son of Philip of Lambecokshull, of an acre in Aspele to John, son of John, late lord of Saleforde Grant by Richard de Hoclive of 2 acres at Aspele to Jolm de Saleford Grant by John Permau of land in Aspele to Roger, son of the late John ate Brok Release by Roger, son of Wm. le Bole, of all his lands in Aspele, and an acre in Salford, to John de Salforde Grant by Ralph le Cyir of a rood of land at Aspele to John de Saleforde Grant by Thos., son of Edith Rachel, of a meadow in Le Erode mede, in Aspele, to John de Saleforde Grant by Ralph le Cyir of a rood of land at Aspele to John de Salford Grant by Roger de Mydeltone of 3 roods of land in Aspele to John de Saleforde Grant by Roger, son of the late Jolm ate Brok, of 3^ roods at Aspele to John de Saleforde Grant by Ralph Clerk of Saleforde, of 3 roods at Aspele to John do Saleforde Grant by Peter le Comaundour do Rollebrichulle and Felicia his wife, of 3 roods in Aspele to Peter Goze of Wavendon Grant by Peter Goce of 3 roods in Aspele to John de Saleforde 30 Edw. I. 111. 9 June 5 Edw. II. 112. 29 June 8 Edw. IL 113. 15 Nov. 8 Edw. II. 114. 24 Jan. 9 Edw. II. 115. 14 March 9 Edw. II. 116. 12 Nov. 9 Edw. II. 117. 21 Dec. 9 Edw. II. 118. 11 April 9 Edw. IL 119. 26 April »? 120. 10 Edw. IL 121. 18 Nov. 10 Edw. IL 122. 20 March 10 Edw. II. 123. 1 May 1 1 Edw. II. 124. 29 May 12 Edw. IL 125. 13 Jan. 13 Edw. IL 126. 28 Oct. 1 3 Edw. IL 127. 3 Feb. 14 Edw. XL 128. 8 Feb. 14 Edw. II. 129. 29 INIarch 1 5 Edw. II. 130. 20 Dec. 131. 15 Edw. IL 132. 30 Marcli SALFORD, HOLCOTE. 191 15 Edw. II. 133. Grant by Wm. Davy of 5 roods of land in Aspele to John de 7 April Saleforde 16 Edw. II. 134. Grant by Kichard de Ilamslape of 4 acres in Aspele to Jolin 6 Feb. de Saleforde 18 Edw. II. 135. Grant by Eoger le Shepherde of a rood of land at Aspele to 29 July John de Saleforde 2 Edw. III. 136. Grant by Alice, daughter and heiress of Robert de "Wymund- 9 Dec. ham, to John de Saleforde, of the lands she inherits from her fatlier 4 Edw. III. 137. Quitclaim })y Joan, widow of Richard de Hokelyve, to Jolin 22 Aug. de Saleforde, of the land at Aspele mentioned in No. 122 12 Edw. III. 138. Grant by John de K3^nebelle of a rood of land at Aspeleghto 10 Feb. John de Saleforde 17 Edw. III. 139. Release by William, son of Alice de AVymundham, of his iu- 25 iNIarch heritance from his grandfather to John de Saleford 5 Ric. II. 140. Release by Robert and Katharine Oxynford to Peter, son of 30 Sept. Peter de Saleforde, of the lands in Asple acquired Ijy Jolin de Salford ' SrEGIALES GAUTjE DE TENEMENTIS IN EOLECOTE, 8EGENH0, ASPLIE, WANINDON,^ CBANKFELD, ET HEYWOOD.' 33 Edw. I. 141. Partition of the lands of Sir Ralph le Buteler in Broughton, 24 Nov. Mullsho, and Craunfeld, between his heiresses, Lucy, wife of Wm. Passelewe, and Matilda, wife of Wybert de Irtlyng- burg 7 Edw. II. 142. Grant by Wm. and Licia Passelewe, of Broucton, of all their 2 May lands in Craunfeld to John de Saleforde 4 Edw. III. 143. Grant by Wm. Withe Berd of 10 acres in Houcroft and 26 March Craunfeld and rent in Salford to John de Saleford and Joan, daughter of Agnes le Smethes 5 Edw. III. 144. Grant by Gilbert, son and heir of Ralph Passelewe, to John 1 Nov. de Saleforde, of his lordship of Wavyngdon with the ad- vowson of the church 6 Edw. III. 145. Grant by John, son of Wybert Champyoun, to Jolm de Sale- 1 3 Dec. forde of 5 acres in Craunfeld 146. Grant by Custancia, daughter of Hamon de Heywode, to Benedict her son, of an acre and a half of land in Holechote 147. Grant by Benedict, clerk, son of Custance de Saleforde, to . Richard de Heywode, of the rent and service of Hugh de Bogchirne ' Sic. The place meant is Wavendon, in Buckinghamshire. 192 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 148. Quitclaim by Ciistancia, widow of Eichard le Sergaunt, of the tenement of her son Benedict in Holekote to Richard de Heywode 149. Similar deed 150. Grrant by Sara, wife of William, son of Peter of Holechote, of land in Holechote to William de Heywode 151. Grrant by the same of land in Holechote to Alice, daughter of Hamon de Heywode 2 Edw. I. 152. Release by Margery, daughter of Nigel Currey, of a tenement 1 Aug. in Holekote to Wm. de Heywode 153. Quitclaim by Wm. de Heywode of a tenement in Heywode to Richard and Alice de Heywode 154. Quitclaim by Nigel de Holcote of land in Aynham, Stoni- lond, and La More, to Richard de Heywode 155. Grrant by Jordan de Heywode of land in Holecote to his sister Alice 15 Edw. I. 156. Quitclaim by Simon, son of Jordan de Heywode, of a messuage 21 Feb. and land in Holcote to his brother Richard 23 Edw. I. 157. Grant by Nigel, son of William, son of Peter de Holecote, to 6 May Richard, son of Jordan de Heywode, and Mary his wife, of a field held by his father 23 Edw. [I.] 158. Grrant by John Poleyn, of Tebworthethe, to his daughter 1 1 Jinie Agnes, of a messuage and land in Hare 159. Grant by Nigel, son of Wm. de Holekote, of half an acre in Holecote to his daughter Agnes 24 Edw. I. 160. Grant by Agnes, daughter of Nigel, of the same land to 28 March Richard and Mary de Heywode 24 Edw. I. 161. Grant by Nigel de Holecote of land in Holecote held by his 25 April grandfather from the convent of Caldewelleto Richard and Mary de Heywode 31 Edw. L 162. Quitclaim by Agnes, daughter of John Poleyn, of Tebworthe, 3 Feb. to her brother Baldwin, of tlie land mentioned in No. 158 13 Edw. IL 163. Grant by Ralpli Clerk of Saleforde, of land in Holecote to 23 Sept. John, son of the late John de Saleforde 16 Edw. TI. 164. Grant by Nigel de Heywode of land called Overehul to John 9 March de Saleforde 19 Edw. IL 165. Indenture between Jolm de Saleforde and Nigel de Heywode 19 Jan. specifying the conditions of tlie preceding grant Both parts 19 Edw. IL 166. GrantbyBaldwinPoleyn, of Tebworthe, of William ate Halle, 14 March his free tenant, to John de Saleforde 8 Edw. III. 167. Grant by Simon, son and heir of Agnes Poleyn, of his tene- 14 Aug. ment in Wavyngdon and Holecote to John de Saleforde 11 Edw. III. 168. Lease by Thos. de Bocchirne to Peter, lord of Saleforde, of 24 Dec. Bocchirne Mede, in Holecote SALFORD, HOLCOTE. 193 22 Eflw. III. 169. Exchano^e of lands in Holcote by Peter de Saleforde with 9 March John Scarlet 170. Quitclaim by Nigel, son of William, son of Peter de Holcote, to Kichard and Alice de Heywode, of land in Ayham, Holcote and Chyldebrugehale 171. .Quitclaim by Claricia de Heywode to her son Ricliard and his wife Alice, of le Hedgemede and rent in Aspele 172. Grant by Wm. Passelewe, son of Grilebert, of land in Hole- cote to Peter Passewe of Wavendon 11 Edw. II. 173. Grrant by William Passelewe, of Wavendon, sen., of all his 14 Aug. lands in Holcote and Segenho, to Sir Nigel de Saleforde 1 1 Edw. II. 174. Release of the same 23 Dec. 16 Edw. II. 175. Release by William, son of Wm. Passelewe, of the same lands 14 Nov. to Sir Nigel de Saleforde 1 Edw. III. 176. Grrant by Sir Nigel de Saleforde of all his lands in Holecote 6 Dec. and Segenho to Nicholas de Saleforde, rector of Wakurle 7 Edw. III. 177. Grant by Nicholas de Saleforde, rector of Wakurlegh, to Sir 14 Nov. Nigel de Saleforde, of all his lands in Holecote and Segenho 7 Edw. III. 178. Release of the same by Nicholas de Saleforde 29 Nov. 34 Edw. III. 179. Grant by Peter Salford, of Salford, of all his lands in Hol- 21 Nov. cote, Segenho, Aspele, and Wavynden, to John Porter and John Morton of Woubornechapel „ 180. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 35 Edw. III. 181. Grant of the same lands by Porter and Morton to Peter 12 June Salforde and Katherine, his wife 7 Ric. II. 182. Grant by John Bei'nevyle, of Holkote, of a messuage and 1 5 Aug. croft there to Jolm Decun, chaplain 26 Hen. IV. 183. Grant by William Colles of a cottage and land at Holcote to 28 Feb. Thos. and Helen Goodman, of Woketon 17 Edw. TV. 184. Grant by Thos. Valet of a cottage and land in Holcote to 25 Jan. Wm. Kokman, John Knygth, and Wm. Goodman 16 Hen. VIII. 185. Release of a cottage and croft at Holcote by Walter Charge 14 Dec. to Thos. and Matilda Soythwell 16 Hen. VIII. 186. Grant by Thos. and Matilda Soythwell, of Gayhurst,to Thos. 15 Dec. Cowper, Ric. Fayre, and Ric. Eyton, of a cottage and croft at Holcote 187. Grant by Nigel de Saleford, son of Hugh, to Simon de Suth- wod, of 4 acres at Heiwod 194 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 188. Grant by Hugh de Saleford to Jurdan, son of Engeuulf, of Holecote, of his land in Heiwode 189. Grrant by Jordan de Hey wode, of ' le Eldewik ' in Heywode to his brother William 190. Grant by Jordan de Heywode of land near Gore to Beatrix his mother 191. Quitclaim by William de Heywode of a tenement in Heywode to Eichard and Alice de Heywode 192. Quitclaim by Claricia, widow of Jurdan de Heywode, of land in Holecote and Heywode, to her son Eichard 193. Grant by Jordan de Heywode of a rood of land in Bradicroft to William de Heywode 194. Grant by Eichard de Heywode to John de Seybroc of roods of land in Holecote 195. Grant by William de Hejrwode to Eobt. de Bardmade of a rood of land in Bradecrofte 7 Edw. I. 196. Quitclaim by Eobert Salet of land in Bradecroft to Eichard 28 Eeb. de Heywode 15 Edw. II. 197. Grant by Nigel de Heywode of a rent of 6 marks to Sir 18 April Nigel de Saleforde „ 198. Similar grant „ 199. Similar grant 19 Edw. 11. 200. Grant by John Gerin of Carltone to Nigel de Heywode of 26 Jan. land in Bradecroft previously granted to him by the said Nigel 1 Edw. III. 201. Eelease of the same 18 April 6 Edw. III. 202. Grant by Nigel de Heywode to Adam Bacoun, senior, of the 1 April manor of Heywode 6 Edw. III. 203. Grant by Adam Bacoun, senior, to Peter, son and heir of Sir 1 7 May Nigel de Salford, and Joan his wife, of the manor of Hey- wode 'raei2e caetze be tenementis in salfobbe, holecote, cbanfield, segenho, et waning- don: 204. Grant by William de la jNIare to William, son of Ealph de Saleford, of an island opposite the mill called *Hulli- holm' 205. Grant by Ymeua de Saleford, daughter of Hugh, late parson of Holecot, of an acre of land at Saleford to Nicholas, the merchant, of Saleford SALFOED, HOLCOTE. 19- 18 Edw. I. 206. Grant by William of Brerheg, in Holecote, to his son 1 Oct. Walter, of a messuage in Salford granted to liim by Symon de Suthwode 26 Edw. I. 207. Grant by Ralph, ' Apparitor de Saleford,' of a rood of land 7 Oct. in Saleford to Eichard, son of William the miller 2 Edw. II. 208. Grant by Matildis ate Broke to Alice, daughter of the late 2 Feb. Ralph le Soininour, of land in Banlond, Salford 3 Edw. III. 209. Grant by Agnes Colyn, of Saleford, of her tenement in Sale- 1 Oct. ford, with reservations, to Nicholas le Clerkes 3 Edw. III. 210. Grant by Nicholas le Clerk, of Saleford, of the tenement 15 Oct. mentioned in the preceding, to Agues Colyn and Henry and Agnes her children 6 Edw. III. 211. Grant by Agnes Colyn to Adam Banastre, of Carltoun, Lan- 8 March cashire, of half an acre in Langenheg, Saleford 11 Edw. III. 212. Grant by John and Matilda Streyt to their eldest son John 1 9 May of a house at Saleford 20 Edw. III. 213. Grant by Matildis. Colyn to her son John of a messuage and 12 March land in * le Dene ' and ' Westmede,' Saleford 20 Edw. III. 214. Grant by Henry, son of Agnes Colyn, to John Streyth, of a 6 Nov. rood of land in ' le Dene ' and ' \Vestmede,' Saleford 22 Edw. III. 216. Grant by Henry, son of Agnes Colyn, to John, son of John 22 Jan. Streyt, and Alice his wife, of a parcel of a messuage in Saleford, granted to him by Nicholas le Clerk 25 Edw. III. 216. Grant by John de Brerheg, chaplain, to Thos. Wodcock, of 1 March Craunfeld, of all his lands in Saleford 25 Edw. III. 217. Grant by Thos. Wodekoc, of Cranfeld, to William Wydel, of 13 July Holcote, of the lands granted to him by John Brereheg 26 Edw. III. 218. Grant by Piers de Saleford to John de Heywod, of the lands 30 June in Saleford, late belonging to Niel de Heywod 30 Edw. III. 219. Grant by Adam Banastre, of Carltoun, to William and Alice 6 Aug. Bedyl and Joan Colyn, of half an acre in Langenheg, Sale- ford 12 Hen. VI. 220. Grant by John Pope, of Woburn CI lapell, to Isabella Coupere, 6 Jime of a messuage and land in Salford 1 Hen. VII. 221. Grant by Alecia, widow of John Astelden, to John Pedler, 19 Dec. Robt. Wendilborgh, Nigel Couper, Thos. Dekon, John White, and Thos. Couper, of a messuage and land at Salford 4 Edw. VI. 222. Grant by Thos. Cowper of a messuage and land in Saulford 8 Jan. and Holdcott to John White and Henry Cowper 6 Edw. III. 223. Grant by John att Water of lands in Salford called ' Reynold ' 1 May to John Couper 3 Ric. II. 224. Grant by Jolin Couper to his son Richard and grandson 5 March Thomas, of his lands called * Reynoldes,' in Salford o 2 196 ARCHIVES OF xVLL SOULS' COLLEGE. 225. Counterpart of the preceding- 226. Gfrant by John Couper, of Salford, of lands called ' Keynoldes,' to John Pope, of Oburne Chapell 227. Eelease of the same lands by Couper 10 Hen. V. 30 April 2 Hen. VI. 4 Oct. 36 Eliz.. 20 March 36 Eliz. 21 March 37 Eliz. 16 June 38 Eliz. 30 Sept. 38 Eliz. 15 Oct. 38 EHz. 12 Nov. 39 Eliz. 1 Dec. 228. Copy of the preceding 229. Sale by Eobert and Mary Pickeringe, of Wotton, to Edward Butterfield tlie elder, of Salford, of a messuage called ' Eeignoldes,' in Salforde 230. Sale by Eobert and Mary Pickeringe to Edw. Butterfield of a messuage in Salford called ' Eaignoldes ' 231. Fine for the conveyance of the said messuage Two copies 232. Lease by Edward Butterfeild the elder, of ' Eeignoldes,' to Edward Butterfeild the younger 233. Sale by Edward Butterfield to Martin Sheene, of a tenement called ' Eeignoldes,' in Salford Both parts 234. Fine for the conveyance of a messuage in Salford and Hold- cote, by Edward and Joan Butterfield, to Martin Sheene Tivo copies 235. Sale of ' Eeignoldes,' in Salford, with land in Holdcott, by Martin Sheene to All Souls' College 236. Grant by Bald[win], son of William de Segenho, of half a vir- gate of land and a house in Segenho to Eobert Schir- misewr 237. Grant by Margaret, daughter of Eobert le Scirmesor, of her land in Seggenho to Henry de Norwode 1 Edw. II. 238. Quitclaim by Agnes, widow of John Pokepuht, of Waven- 28 Oct. done, to John, son of Walter de Graunhurst, of land in Depelaze, Hullemade, La Duthe, and Brugham 239. Grant by Eobert, son,of Simon Payn, of Crancfeld, of land in Newelonde to John, son of Christiana 7 Edw. II 240. Grant by Joan Payne, of Craunkfeld, to Thos. Saunson, of land 20 July in Newelonde, Craunkfeld 4 Edw. III. 241 Eelease by Tlios. Iwajni, of Magna Croule, of a messuage in 5 Aug. Le Wodende, Crauufeld, to Thos. Sampson SALFORD, HOLCOTE. 197 24 Edw. III. 242. Grrant by Wm. le Wodeward, of Holcote, of land and a cot- 15 Nov. tage near Marioun Lane, to John, son of Wm. le Lord and Margery his wife 24 Edw. III. 243. Grant by Thos. Frost, chaplain, of all liis lands in Holcote, 6 Dec. with reservations, to John, rector of Holcote 'vabije cabtje de tenementis in bidbenham, bb ughton, sgabnebbook, eusband-cba ul- eye, tebwoobth, bbeohlye, bugemonb, et chableton: 9 Edw. III. 244. Grant by John Pyroth of his tenement in Sydenham to Peter 1 Oct. de Saleforde 15 Edw. III. 245. Grant by John de Beby of land in Broughton to Peter de 11 Aug. Salford 21 Edw. III. 246. Grant by Thos. and Katharine Quarel of land in Broughton 1 Jan. to Peter de Salford 17 Edw. II. 247. Grant by Lambert de Bolnho, of Bletnesh, of land in Scharn- 1 Sept. brok to Sir Nigel de Salforde 3 Edw. III. 248. Grant by Eobert, son of Henry ate Water, of a rood of land 4 Feb. in Scharnebrok to Peter and Joan de Salford 6 Edw. III. 249. Kelease by Thos. atte Water of land in Langilonde to Peter 13 Dec. and Joan de Saleforde 4 Edw. III. 250. Grant by Wm. de Norton, of Bletnesho, of a rent of a pair of 1 Aug. gloves for land at Hussebom-ne to John de Saleforde 251. Grant by Kichard de Budewelle of a messuage in Eugemund to Wm. Soule, of Holekote 18 Edw. II. 252. Grant by Eobert and Sibilla Partricli, of Eugemunde, of a 2 1 April messuage late belonging to Lucy Oseberne, of Eugemunde, to Henry de Dragenham 1 Edw. II. 253. Grant by Eichard de Harecourt, of Suthmulue, to Alice his 19 Auo-. daughter, of a rent in Cherleton Mogerhanger 2 Edw. III. 254. Mortgage by HamundCampyon of land in Watelond, in Car 1- 29 Jan. ton, to John Cuddyng 10 Edw. III. 255. Grant by John del Haye, of Wilden, to Eoger, son of Simon 19 Jan. Yongehosebond, and Beatrix his wife, of a messuage in Cherleton 198 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 256. Grrant by Helias de Flaunvile to Joan his daughter, of a messuage in North Cave 18 Edw. II. 257. Release by John, son of Simon de Pateshull, of the manor of 17 Feb. North Cave to Wm. de Thorntoft 258. Quitclaim by John de Ayswelle of a tenement in Herefeld to Walter de Saleforde 259. Grrant by Alina de Ayswelle of a tenement in Herefeld to Walter de Saleforde 260. Grant by John de Ayswelle of land held by his father in Herefeld to Walter de Saleford 27 Edw. I. 261. Grant by Walter de Saleforde of the land in Herefeld granted 3 Nov. him by John de Heswelle to his brother, Roger de Sale- forde 262. Grant by Philip and Herbergia de Chaignes of half the manor of Wileg' to Roger de Salefort ' vabije cabtze de tenementis in bontoveb, pabva paxton, bbentingelthobp, wellam, sad- pington: 263. Grant by Richard le Parker, of Sturt, of half an acre in Bontover to Robert and Juliana Bedeford 264. Grant by Joan Thoneman, of Blecheso, of land in Blecheso to Philip, son of William Spiul' 10 Edw. III. 265. Grant by Simon Roberd to Cecilia Waget of a rent from land in Creaston 266. Grant by Philip, son of Wm. de Gines, to Thos. and Ysoude de Weleham of land in Brantingestorp 267. Grantby Philip de Gwynes of land in Brentingestorp to Roger, son of Thos. de Wellam 268. Grant by Philip de Gwines to Roger de Wellam of land in Brentingestorp 269. Grant by Adam de Lanketun to Roger, son of Thos. de Wele- ham, of a messuage in Brantingisthorp 270. Grant by Henry Troke, of Parva Petling, of land in Bran- tingestorp to Rogei-, son of Thos. de Adingtou SALFORD, HOLCOTE. 199 271. Grant by Robert, son of Reginald de Brantingestorp, to Thos., son of Roger de Weleham, of a messuage in 13ran- tingestorp 34 Hen. III. 272. Grant by Wm. Tuluse to Roger, son of Thos. de Welham, of land at Brentingestorp 273. Grant by Wra. Tuluse of other land in Brentingestorp to Roger de Welliam 274. Grant by Robert Tuluse to Roger de Sadinton of land in Brentingestorp 275. Grant by Robert, son of Gregory de Brentingistorp, of lialf an acre there to Roger de Sadinton 276. Grant by William, son of William de Brentingestorp, of four acres there and the advowson of the church to Roger de Saddinton 277. Grant by Simon Partricli of laud in Parva Paxton to Robert de Bedeford 278. Grant by Richard the miller, of Bontover, of land in Parva Paxton to Robert de Bedeford 279. Grant by ^Margaret, daugliter of Robert Fin, of Huntingdon, of a rent in Parva Paxton to Robert and Juliana de Bedeford 280. Grant by Thos. . . . nard of land in Parva Paxton to Robert and Jvdiana de Bedeford Much decayed 281. Grant by Ralph Starker to Robert and Juliana de Bedeford of an acre of land in Parva Paxton 282. Grant by Richard de Hirecestre to Robert de Bedeford of a rood of land at Parva Paxton 283. Grant by John Baldwin, of Parva Paxton, to Robert and Juliana de Bedeford of land in Parva Paxton 284. Quitclaim by Alice, widow of Hugh de Wolff hey, of an acre of land at Parva Paxton to Robert and Juliana de Bedeford 285. Grant by Alice, daughter of John Stevine, of a messuage in Parva Paxton to Hugh de Mara 286. Grant by Hugh de la Mare to Robert de Bedeford of a rent paid by Geoffrey le Moyne, of Parva Paxton 287. Grant by Hugh de Mara to Robert de Bedeford of a rent of a capon paid by iNlabilia, daughter of Hugh Partricli 288. Grant by Hugh de la Mare of land in Parva Paxton to Robert de Bedeford 289. Grant by Alice, daughter of John, son of Stephen, of a- meadow in Parva Paxton to Robert de Bedeford 290. Grant l)y Roger le Kenith and Agnes his wife of a rood of land in Parva Paxton to John, sou of Elias, of Parva Paxton 291. Lease by Margery le Cuper to Robert and Juliana Bedeford of land in Parva Paxton 200 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. ' VABI^ DEMISSIONES BE TENEMENTIS IN 8ALF0BD ET ALUS VILLI8 ADJACENTIBUS: 292. Grrant by Hngh, son of Walter de Digeliile, of a virgate of land in Heitwne to Aielwan de Hotune 3 Edw. II. 293. Lease by Eoger de Saleforde to John Lecke of the land in 29 Sept. Holekote which he holds from the abbot of Woubourne 18 Edw. II. 294. Lease by Thos. de Boccherne of 8 acres in Holecote to John 21 Feb. de Salforde 1 9 Edw. II. 295. Indenture between John de Salford and Thos. de Boccherne 26 May concerning a mortgage of land 20 Edw. III. 296. Lease by Peter de Salford of Le Estendenefeld, in Holekote, 25 May to Eeginald the archer and Matilda his wife 36 Edw. III. 297. Lease by Peter and Katharine de Salford of a messuage and 2 Nov. land in Holcote to John, rector of Holcote, for life 45 Edw. III. 298. Lease by Piers de Selford of a messuage in Holcote called 28 April Passelewes, with land, to Kichard le Sweyn 16 Ric. II. 299. Grrant by Robert and Katharine Oxenford of a messuage 30 Sept. called Le Innynge, in Hulcote, rent from the prior of Dim- stable, &c., to John and Amice Payn and Alice their daughter 1 Edw. III. 300. Grant by John de Saleforde of land in Aspele to Wm., son of 27 March Robert le Hunte, and Margery his wife, of Hussburn Craule 301. Lease by Nigel de Heywode of half his lands in Heywode feld to Adam le Long, of Segenho 4 Edw. III. 302. Lease by Nigel de Heywode of his lands to John de Schal- 31 March ford 7 Edw. III. 303. Lease by John de Saleford of 2 acres in Aspele Gyse to Henry 30 May and Margery de Thoternho 19 Edw. in. 304. Similar lease 24 March 15 Edw. II. 305. Mortgage by John, son of Roger le Wyte, of an acre at 25 Jan. Wavyngdon to John de Saleford 10 Edw. III. 306. Grant by Agnes, widow of John le Webbe, of Lougton, to 2 June Sarra, daughter of John de Salford, of the lands in Lougton, which she had from Thos. de Lougton, prior of Bradewell, and the prior of Snelleshale 16 Edw. in. 307. Lease by Thos. and Joan le Deye of a messuage at Brougthon 29 Sept. to Robert and Alice le Vant 20 Edw. III. 308. Lease by John and IMatilda de Hule of lands in Pollescroft, 27 May Turneye, and Stachesden, to Peter de Salford SALFORD, HOLCOTE. 201 22 Edw. III. 309. Lease by Wm. le Warde of land in Wavyngdon and Holle- 29 May bricbuUe and a pasture called Le Menge to Peter, lord of Saleford 1189. 310. Grant by Eoger de Saleforde of bis tenement of Stotfalde to 9 April Walter Eufus 31 Edw. I. 311. Grrant by Nigel, son and heir of John de Saleford, of a mes- 28 April STiage and land at Chalnecroft to Hugh the smith, of Sal- ford, and Agatha his wife 35 Edw. I. 312. Lease by Hugh and Agnes de Rothewelle of lands in Saleford 1 6 April to Nigel, son of John de Saleford 2 Edw. II. 313. Grrant by Nigel de Saleford of a messuage and land in Stoni- 25 March field, Lane-furlong, and other places to Isabel Drye, of Bletun 6 Edw. II. 314. Grant by Nigel, lord of Salford, to John Persoun, of Sal- 26 June ford, of an acre of land there 10 Edw. II. 315. Lease by Nigel, lord of Saleford, of land there to Agnes and 17 Nov. Joan Smith Both parts 14 Edw. II. 316. Lease by Joan, widow of John, late lord of Salford, of half 21 June her virgate of land there to Deonisia, daughter of the late John Miller, and Sarra her sister Both parts 14 Edw. II. 317. Grant by Sir Nigel de Saleforde and Margery his wife to 24 June Deonisia Miller, and her sister Sarra, of the land mentioned in the preceding Both parts 8 Edw. III. 318. Grant by Peter, son and heir of Sir Nigel de Saleforde, of a 20 March cottage in Saleforde to John de Wyleby 9 Edw. III. 319. Lease by Dame Margery de Saleford of a tenement and land 19 Feb. in Saleford, to Hugh, Agnes, and John Scarlat 9 Edw. III. 320. Grant by Peter, son and heir of Sir Nigel de Saleforde, of 24 Feb. the reversion of the same lands to Hugh Scarlat, &c. 9 Edw. III. 321. Release by Peter, son and heir of Sir Nigel de Saleforde, to his 4 June uncle, John de Saleford, of his estate in a messuage and land in Saleford, late belonging to Agnes de la Mare „ 322. Grant by the same to the same of the same messuage and land 18 Edw. III. 323. Grant by Peter, lord of Saleforde, of a cottage in Saleforde to 1 3 Jan. Henry de Goldyngton 20 Edw. III. 324. Grant by John Streit to Matilda his mother, of a parcel of a 1 2 March messuage in Saleforde Both parts 21 Edw. III. 325. Lease by Peter, lord of Salford, to Wm. le Bedul and Agnes 31 May his wife, of a cottage and land in Saleford Both parts 27 Edw. Ill, 326. Lease by Peter, lord of Salford, of the tenements in Salford 25 March held by Agnes, daughter of Hugh the Smyth, to Eoger de Salford 33 Edw. III. 327. Lease by Peter de Salford of a messuage and land in Salford 16 Dec. and Aspele to Alice and John atte Lake Hen. V 8 July 8 Eliz. 27 Aijril 23 Eliz. 19 Sept. 24 Eliz. 12 Feb. 24 Eliz. 15 Feb. 202 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 328. Lease of the manor of Salford by Margaret, widow of Peter Salford, to Eichard Wydevile 329. Lease by John, son and heir of Thos. Cowper, of Walton, of a messuage in Salford and Holcott in the tenure of Thos. Rogers, to John Coke, of Salford 330. Sale by Wm. Leaclie, of Calcott, of a meadow called Leaches Hooke, in Salford, to Peter Porey 331. Sale of Leaches Hooke by Peter Porie to All Souls' College 332. Power of attorney to deliver seisin ' botul^ cubiabum, bentales, et alia sgbipta spegialia: 7 Edw. I. 333. Bond of \Vm. Passelewe to John de Saleford for 100s. 4 May 9 Edw. IL 334. Indenture concerning a bond of Sir Nigel de Saleford to 20 Nov. Simon de Swanlund and Henry Darci, drapers of London 10 Edw. IL 335. Bond of John Sesse, son of Philip of Lambcoteshull, of 28 Nov. Husseboiu'ne Crawele, to John, son of John, late lord of Salford, for 100s. 12 Edw. II. 336. Bond of Baldwin Coffing, of Saleford, to John de Saleford, 14 Jan. for 10 marks 1 3 Edw. II. 337. Indenture between Hugh and Agnes de Rothewelle and Sir 26 March Nigel de Saleford concerning an obligation of the latter 14 Edw. IL 338. Bond of Nigel de Heywode to Sir Nigel de Saleford 18 April 4 Edw. III. 339. Receipt by Thos. and Alina de la Hay of 20 marks from Sir 4 April Nigel de Saleforde 4 Edw. III. 340. Grrant by Sir Nigel de Saleforde of all his goods moveable 6 May and immoveable to his son Peter 4 Edw. III. 341. Release of all claims on Sir Nigel de Saleford by Wm. de 25 July Beuchamp, of Bedeford 8 Edw. III. 342. Receipt by Simon de Salford, of London, valet of Henry 17 March Brenche, fishmonger of London, of 109/., from Hugh le Benere, Benedict de Suffolk, and Wm. atte Halle, vintners of London, to trade witlial 10 Edw. III. 343. Bond of Thos. Pollard and John Cok, of Eton, to Peter de 14 March Salford, for 20 marks 10 Edw. IIL 344. Grant by John'de Molesho, of Wouburn Chapel, to John de 28 Sept. Saleford of the wardship and marriage of the heir of Bar- tholomew de Flittewik 18 Edw. III. 345. Release by Sir Henry de Schalflumt, sheriff of Bedford, of a 2 Aug. bond of Walter Sporoun, Walter Blaunfroun, and John de Salford SALFORD, HOLCOTE. 203 29 Edw. III. 346. Grant by Peter Salford, escheator of Bedford, to Thos. Eowe 3 Nov. of the custody of the lands of John le Huliare, of Traneye, during the minority of ^Margery his heir 3 Edw. IV. 347. General release by John and Margaret Basjmge, of Hulcote, 1 June to the College 3 Jac. I. 348. Appointment by All Souls' College of Kobert Woodward as 2 April bailiff of the town and manor of Salford 1607. 349. Receipt by Wm. Bryers of a terrier of the college lands in 16 March llolcote 10 Jac, I. 350. ' Mr. Langford's bond for Widdowe Butler's maintenance ' 6 Nov. 351. Copies of early Salford deeds Tiuo sheets of parchment 352. ' These are the persselles of groundes that Pedder cleymythe ' in Salford 1584. 353. Suit of the College claiming exemption from the exactions of Easter the Sheriff of Bedford^ in Salford 36 Eliz. 354. ' A controversie for tithes of Winterwood at Saulford.' Lang- ford V. Stone Paper roll. Inside is a vellum roll sealed 355. Langford v. Stone. Three bills of costs [1626-39.] 356. A Bill in Chancery of All Souls' College against John Lang- ford for enclosing College land at Salford. Thos. lord Coventry lord-keeper 1639. 357. Three papers concerning the College's suit against John Langford, one of their tenants at Salford 358. ' Notes of wronges done in Saulford,' by Jhonsone of Chamocke P. 1 359. Two papers containing memoranda from deeds concerning Salford. One is endorsed, ' Salforde landes to the use of the poore, to s[ee] the College writinges and maps ' COUBT BOLLS. 7 Ric. II. 360. Court roll of Bydenham, Hulcote, Tinneye, and Wroxhull 361. Court rolls of Salford :— 4 Ric. IL-2 Hen. VIIL One vellum and the rest paper 362. Bundle of court rolls of Salford :— 6 Hen. VIIL-2 Edw. VI. Faper 363. Bundle of court rolls of Salford:— 3 Eliz.-26 Eliz. Paper and vellum. Mutilated 12 Eliz. 364. Court roll of Salford Paper, mutilated 1574-1579. 365. Court rolls of Weedon-Weston, Padbury, and Salford Paper book 204 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1581-1590. 366. Bundle of court rolls of Weedon Weston, Padbury, and Sal- ford Vellum 1592. 367. Court roll of Salford Vellum 368. Bundle of 8 court rolls of Salford for 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, and 44 Eliz. Vellum 369. Another bundle of 9 rolls for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, and 10 Jac. I. 14-17 Jac. I. 370. Court roll of Salford Vellum 18-19 Jac. L 37L Court roll of Salford Vellum. Imperfect 372. Bundle of court rolls of Salford on paper, for 17, 19 and 20, 21, 22 Jac. I. ; 1, 2, 3, 4 Car. L; 1662, 1663, 1667, 1668, 1671, 1674, 1682, and 1685 14 Car. L 373. Court roll of Salford with minutes enclosed Vellum 1609-1641. 374. Bundle of minutes of courts of Salford 20-21 Hen. 375. Computus of Thos. More, collector of rents at Salford VI. Paper' roll. Mutilated [Hen. VI.] 376. Eental of Salford Mutilated 31 Hen. VI. 377. Eental of Salford Mutilated 1606. 378. ' Trees remaininge in Salford ' P. 1 379. William of Anjou to King John: — The dispute between him and his brother, William of Fougeres {de Filegeriis), con- cerning the manor of Tuiford, was settled at Fougeres before the death of King Eichard. Eequests the king to grant seisin of the said manor to the abbot of Savigny 1598-9. 380. Eichard Stone to Mr. Wm. Wattes, proctor in the Commis- 29 Jan. saries' Court at Ampthill : — Desires him to let his suit with Mrs. Langford for tithes of Wiuterhowe be dismissed, as he has received his due P. 1 . Overleaf is a bill of his expenses 1598-9. 381. Copy of the preceding, and of the proceedings of the court at 8 Feb. Ampthill, 8 Feb. 1598 1747. 382. John Perry to [Niblett] :— Has sold his lease at Salford to 22 Oct. Mr. Woodward, of Calverton LEASES. 20 Hen. VII. 1. Lease, by All Souls' College, of Salford Mill, to John Leghe . 1 Nov. and John Pedder for 10 years, at a rent of 26s. 8d. 20 Hen. VIII. 2. Of the manor of Salford to Thos. Pedder for 20 years, at a 21 Nov. rent of 20^. Pedder coveuantb to build a new hall aud parlour SALFORD, HOLCOTE. 205 26 Hen. VIII. 3. Lease of the manor of Salford to Thos. and Elizabeth Pedder 8 Nov. 2 Mary. 4. Of the manor of Salford to Thos. Foster 19 July 10 Eliz. 5. Of a tenement in Salford containing a house and outbuild- 10 Jidy i"S'^? ^wd I'^^wfi iii tlie Low Pasture, the Common-fields, Mill-lease-Pighill, Barton's Leye, the Dole Mead, Brook- feld, and other fields, to John Stubbes, of Oxford, serving- man „ 6. Of a house in Salford to -Thos. Deane, of Oxford, serving-man „ 7. Of a house and lands at Salford to John Medberye, of Salford, yeoman „ 8. Of a house and land at Salford to Thos. Butler, husbandman „ 9. Of a house and land at Salford to John Letten, husbandman „ 10. Of a house and land at Salford to Eobert Woodward, hus- bandman „ 11. Of a house and land at Salford to Kichard Woodell, husband- man „ 12. Of a mill at Salford to John Hillier, miller, for 14 years, at a rent of 26s. 8d. 12 Eliz. 13. Of the manor house of Sawford, with land in Sallford, Aspley 20 Oct. and Haulcott, to John Langford, D.C.L., for 3 years, at a rent of 24/. 14 Eliz. 14. Of a cottage near the town house at Salford, with 2^ acres, 16 July to Thos. Burgiss, husbandman, for 18 years, at a rent of 6s. 8d. „ 15. Of a cottage and an acre and a half of land to Eliz. Crutch, widow, for 18 years, at a rent of 5s. „ 16. Of a cottage at Salford, with commons for 10 sheep and 3 beasts, to Geo. Shefiford, husbandman, for 1 8 years at 5s. 27 Eliz. 17. Of two tenements and land at Salford, late held by John 9 Oct. ]Medbuiy and Thos. Rogers, for 20 years, at a rent of 61. 5s. 8d. and 4 qrs. 5 bush. 3 pks. of wheat, and 6 qrs. 3 bush, of malt, to Henry Jackson, manciple of All Souls' College „ 18. Of the tenements in Salford, late in the tenure of Thos. Butler and John Lettin, to Andrew Norwood, of St. Nicholas, Thanet 27 Eliz. 19. Of the mill to John Hillier 3 Nov. 20. Of a house to Eobt. Woodward 21. Of a house to Ric. Woodell 22. Of a tenement in Salford, late held by John Stubbes, to Robert Cooper, husbandman 206 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 29 Eliz. 28 July 31 Eliz. 5 Nov. 32 Eliz. 4 Sept. 36 Eliz. 31 March 37 Eliz. 14 Nov. 41 Eliz. 13 Dec. 41 Eliz. 1 July 43 Eliz. 2 Jan. 1 Jac. I. 30 April 2 Jac. I. 1 Oct. 3 Jac. L 28 March 4 Jac. I. 28 Nov. 23. Lease of the manor of Salford to Martha, widow of John Lang-ford, Chancellor of Worcester 24. Of a cottage at Salford to Thos. Burgis 25. Of a cottage at Salford to Geo. Shefford 26. Of a tenement in Salford to Wm. Farye, of Brogeborowe 27. Of a tenement in Salford, lately held by Thos. Eogers, to John Coxe, of Clapham, Beds., gent. 28. Of a cottage at Salford, late occupied by Henry Crouch, to Robert Freeman, of Oxford, yeoman 29. Of the Manor House of Salford, with land as before, to Mrs. Langford 30. Of a tenement in Salford, late occupied by Thos. Deane, to Henry Wheiller 31. Of the cottage in Salford, late occupied by Henry Crouche, to John Barnes 32. Of a tenement and land in Salford and Holcote, to Wm. Briar, liusbandman 33. Of a house to Eobt. Woodward 34. Of a house to Ric. Woodell 35. Of a tenement to Robt. Cooper 36. Of the mill at Salford to Thos. Hilliar, miller, for 20 years, at a rent of 17s. 9d. and 5 bush. 1 pk. of wheat, and 7 bush. 1 pk. 1 gal. of malt 37. Of a tenement in Salford in the tenure of Andrew Norwood, to John Butler 38. Of another tenement in Salford, late in the tenure of Andrew Norwood, to Giles Blowfield, of Mepershall, Beds. 39. Of a cottage at Salford, near the town-house, to John Crouch, labourer 40. Of the tenement called Reinoldes for 20 years, at a rent of 4s. id. and wheat and malt, to Edw. Butterfield, yeoman 41. Of the tenement and land in No. 32 to Wm. Briar 42. Copy of the preceding 43. Of a tenement and lands at Salford late occupied by Wm. Fairy to Henry House, of Weedou Weston, husbandman 44. Of the tenement late occupied by Henry Crouch to Alice Barnes 45. Of the tenement lately occupied by Giles Blowfield to Alice Pierce 46. Of a house and land at Salford to John Woodell SALFORD, HOLCOTE. 207 4 Jac, I. 47. Lease of a cottage to Thos. Shefford 28 Nov. „ 48. Of a house and land to Eobt. Woodward „ 49. Of a house and land to Eobt. Cooper „ 60. Of a tenement to Henry Wheiller „ 51. Of the mill to Thos. Hilliar „ 52. Of a tenement to John Butler 5 Jac. I. 53. Of a tenement at Salforde to Richard Gwynne, of London, 28 Oct. gentleman 7 Jac. I. 54. Of the manor of Salford to Nicholas Langeford, of the Uni- 20 Nov. versity of Oxford, for 20 years, at a rent of 16^., 12qrs. of wheat, and 16 qrs. of malt 9 Jac. I. 55. Of the manor of Salford for 20 years at the same rent to 19 Dec. Nicholas Langeford 9 Jac. I. 56. License of alienation to John Langford, tenant of the college 28 Dec. at Salford 10 Jac. I. 57. Lease of a tenement in Salford to John Langford, of Newnton 28 Oct. Both parts 10 Jac. I. 58. Of a tenement and lands to Henry House 4 Nov. 11 Jac. L 59. Of the mill to Thos. Hilliard 11 Oct „ 60. Of a tenement to Henry \Mieeler „ 61. Of a house and land to John Woodell „ 62. Of ' Reinoldes ' to Edw. Butter field „ 63. Of a hovise and land to Robt. Woodward „ 64. Of the tenement late occupied by Alice Pierce to Giles Pierce „ 65. Of the cottage late occupied by Henry Crouch to Wm. Smyth „ 66. Of the tenement lately occupied by John Stubbes and Robt. Cooper to Henry Cooper „ 67. Of a cottage at Salford to Geo. Crouch, labourer 11 Jac. I. 68. Of a tenement in Salford, with land in the Common-fields, 15 Dec. Winterwood, and elsewhere, to John Letten Bond enclosed 14 Jac. I. 69. Of a tenement in Salforde, late occupied by Wm. P"'ayry, 1 Oct. to Catherine Hoveden, of Little Balden, widow 16 Oct. 70. Of the manor of Salford to Nicholas Langeford, of the Uni- versity of Oxford 17 Jac. I. 71. Of a tenement at Salford to John Langford 22 Oct. With license to let 17 Jac. L 72. Of a tenement and land in Salford and Holcot, now or late 26 Oct. in the occupation of himself and of Edw. Butterfield, to Wm. Briar, of Pullockshill, gent. With tiuo bonds of Wm. Briar 208 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 18 Jac. I. 73. Lease of a tenement, pasture and arable land in tlie Low 25 Oct. Pastures, the Dole Mead, the Brook Field, and elsewhere in Salford, to Griles Pierce, yeoman Both parts 1 9 Jac. I. 74. Of a cottage and land in Salford to William Smith 26 Oct. „ 75. Of a mill and land in Salford to Thos. Milliard Both parts and bond „ 76. Of a tenement and land in the Brook Field and elsewhere to John Woodwell Both parts and bond „ 77. Of a tenement and land in Salford to Kobert Woodward Bond enclosed „ 78. Of ' Eeynolds ' to Edw. Butterfield „ 79. Of a tenement and land in Salford to John Letten Both parts „ 80. Of a cottage in Salford to Thos. Shefford „ 81. Of a cottage in Salford to Wm. Venter „ 82. Of a cottage to Greo. Crouch 19 Jac. I.. 83. Of a tenement and land in the Low Pastures, Dole Mead, &c., 6 Nov. to John Langford, of Newnton Both parts and bond 1^9 Jac. 1. 84. Of a tenement and land in the Low Pastures and elsewhere 8 Nov. to Henry Cooper Both parts and bond 21 Jac. L 85. Of the manor house at Salford to Nicholas Langford 29 Oct. 22 Jac. I. 86. License to Griles Pierce to dispose of his lease 30 June 1 Car. L 87. Lease of the tenement late in the tenure of Giles Pierce to 16 April John Winmeal, of Eichmond, Beds. Both parts and bond 1 Car. I. 88. Of a tenement and land in the Low Pastures and elsewhere 6 Dec. to Henry Wheeler Bond enclosed 3 Car. I. 89. Of a tenement in Salford, late in the occupation of Wm. 29 Oct. Fayre, to Sir Wm. Jones, Justice of the King's Bench, and Katlieriue his wife With bond and license to let 4 Car. I. 90. Of a tenement at Salford, and land in the Brook Field and 30 Oct. elsewhere, to Sir William Bryar, of Pullockshill Leases of tenements and land at Salford to „ 91. Henry Cooper, husljandman „ 92. John Langford, of Newnton With license to let „ 93. John Lettin Both parts and bond „ 94. John Odyll „ 95. Kobert Woodward Both parts and bond 31 Oct. 96. Edward Butterfield „ 97. George Croucli 3, 98. Thomas Hilliar SALFORD, HOLCOTE. 209 4 Car. I. 99. Lease of a tenement at Salford to J olni Windmill With bond 31 Oct. 5 Car. I. 100. Of a tenement late in the tenure of Henry Crouch to William 29 Oct. Smith Bond enclosed „ 101. Of the manor house at Salford to Nicholas Langford Bond enclosed 5 Car. I. 102. Of a cottage in Salford to Thos. Shefford 31 Oct. „ 103. Of a cottage in Salford to Wm. Ventor 7 Car. I. 104. Of a cottage and land in Erooksfield to William Barnes 7 Nov. With bond 9 Car. I. 105. Of a tenement and land in the Low Pastures, e^c, to 2 May John Odyll, jun. Bond enclosed 11 Carl. 106. Of a tenement, Barton's Ley, land in the Dole Mead and 30 Oct. elsewhere, to Henry Cooper „ 107. Of a tenement in Salford to William Ventour 12 Car. I. 108. Of a tenement and land at Salford to Sir William Jones, 29 Oct. justice, and Katharine his wife ] 5 Car. I. 109. Of a cottage and land in Salford to Henry Woodward 31 Oct. Bond enclosed 19 Car. I. 110. Of a tenement and land in Salford to Sir William Bryar 4 Jan. Bond enclosed „ 111. Bond of John Butterfield, of Salford, to a lease of the same date 1653. 112. Lease of a tenement and land late in the tenure of Sir Wm. 27 May Jones to Eobert Woodward 15 Car. II. 113. Of a cottage in Salford to Henry Woodward 16 April 1712. 114. Of a cottage and land in Brook Field and elsewhere to Anne 20 Oct. Barnes 1771. 115. Of land in the parish of Holcott de Huscott to Sir Villiers 10 April Chernocke 1775. 116. Of a cottage and land in the West Field and elsewhere in 3 Nov. Salford to the Rev. Edward Hervey ,, 117. Of Salford Wood to the Rev. Michael Woodward 1778. 118. Of the manor house of Salford to Sir Villiers Chernocke 16 April MutUated 1781. 119. Of a cottage and land in Salford to ^lary Page 30 Oct. 1782. 120. Of a tenement and land in the Low Pasture and elsewhere in 22 Oct. Salford to the Rev. Robert Woodward „ 121. Of a tenement in Salford to the Rev. Robert Woodward „ 122. Lease of Salford Wood to Frances Woodward, of Little Buck Hill r 210 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1783. 123. Of a tenement and land in the Low Pasture, &c., to John 26 April Ambridge 1783. 124. Of a cottage in Salford to John Barrett, smith Both parts 22 Oct. „ 125. Of a messuage and land in the Broad Field, &c., Salford, to Mary Page „ 126. Of a messuage and land in the Parish Fields, Salford, to INIary Page 1784. 127. Of the mill in Salford to John Groodman 20 Oct. 1786. 128. Of a house in Salford and land in the Common Field, Dole 18 April Mead, and elsewhere, late in the occupation of Ambrose Eeddall, to the Eev. Edw. Hervey, for 20 years, at a rent of 2l. 6s. 8d., 1 qr. 5j bush, of wheat, and 2 qr. 3 bush. of malt 1788. 129. Of a cottage and land in the Brook Field and the Cross 20 Oct. Furlong to Mary Page 1789. 130. Of another house and land at Salford, formerly in the tenure 19^ Geo. III. of Sir St. John Chernocke, to the Eev. Edw. Hervey 19 Oct. 1789. 131. Of a cottage near the town-house, 2^ acres, one hook and 29 Geo. III. 1 acre of land, late in the occupation of Sir St. John 19 Oct. Chernocke, with right of common, to the Eev. Edw. Hervey „ 132. Of a tenement at Salford, late in the occupation of Eliz. Woodward and Thos. Barrett, to the Eev. Edw. Hervey 1789. 133. Of a tenement and land in tlie Low Pastures and elsewhere 3 Nov. to John Odell, of St. Albans 1790. 134. Of a cottage in Salford to John Barrett, smith 20 Oct. 1791. 135. Of the mill at Salford to John Goodman 7 Oct. 1792. 136. Of the tenement late in the tenure of Sir \Vm. Jones to John 28 April Agutter „ 137. Of lands in Holcutt, late demised to Sir \Vm. Bryar, and since to Sir St. John Chernocke, and other fields held by Eobert Odell and others, to the Eev. Edw. Hervey „ 138. Of the manor of Salford to the Eev. Edw. Hervey 1795. 139. Of a tenement and land in Brook Field and Cross P\ulong to 2 1 Oct. Mary Page 1796. 140. Of a tenement and land in the Wood Field and elsewhere, 24 Oct. late in the tenure of Sir St. John Chernocke, to Jolm Agutter Both 2mrts ' Sic. An cri'iir for 29. SALFORD, HOLCOTE. 211 1796. 141. Lease of a tenement late in the possession of Sir St. Jolm 1 Nov. Cliernocke, to Wm. and Mary Adams, the Kev. Edw. Or- lebar Smith, and others Both parts „ 142. Of a tenement in Salford to the same Both parts „ 143. Of a tenement and land in the Low Pasture, Beasts' Pasture, Dole Mead, and elsewhere, to the same Both parts 1796. 144. License to Wm. and Mary Adams, the Rev. Edward Oriel lar 10 Nov. Smith, and others, to let the tenement late in the possession of Sir St. John Chernocko 1797. 145. Lease of a cottage in Salford to Thos. Clark Both parts 21 Sept. 1797. 146. License to John Ambridge to let the premises he holds of the College in Salford 1797. 147. License of alienation for Mary Page 10 Nov.' 1798. 148. Lease of the mill at Salford to Jolm Goodman 31 Oct. With license to let 1799. 149. Of the manor house or farm of Salford, with land in Salford, 27 April Apsley, Hollcutt, and Richmond, to the Rev. Orlebar Smith Both parts and license to let „ 150. Of land lately held by Sir St. John Chernocke, and other land in Holcutt and Salford to the Rev. Orlebar Smith Both parts and license to let „ 151. Of a cottage and land in Woodfield and elsewhere to John Aguttar „ 152. Of a tenement late in the tenure of Sir Wm. Jones to John Aguttar Both parts 1799. 153. A tenement and land in the Low Pastures and elsewhere to 12 Oct. the Rev. Orlebar Smith Both parts and license to let „ 154. Of another tenement and land in the Low Pastures, &c., to the Rev. Orlebar Smith Both parts and license to let 1 800. 155. Of a tenement and land late held by Sir St. John Chernocke 28 April to the Rev. Orlebar Smith Both parts and license to let „ 156. Of a tenement and land in the Low Pastures, &c., to the Rev. Orlebar Smith Both parts and license to let 1801. 157. Of a tenement and land in tlie Low Pasture, &c., in Salford, 20 Oct. to the Rev. Orlebar Smith 1802. 158. Of a cottage and land in Brookfield and Cross Furlong 23 Oct. INlary Page 1803. 159. Of the tenement late in the tenure of Sir St. John Chernocke 4 Nov. to John Aguttar Both p/arts „ 160. Of a tenement and land in the Cow Pasture, &.c., in Salford, to Wm. and Mary Adams, the Rev. Edward Orlebar and Charlotte Smith, the Rev. John Barton' and Barbara Watkin, and Elizabeth Hervey Both parts * Sic. But written 'Burton' in other leases. p 2 212 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1 803. 161. Lease of a messuage in Salford to Wm. Adams and others 4 Nov. Both parts „ 162. Of a cothage and land in the Cross P'urlong in Salford, &c., to Wm. Adams and others Both jjarts 1804. 163. Of a tenement and land in the Common Field, Dole Mead, 16 April &c., to John Ambridge Both parts 1804. 164. Of a tenement and land in the Broad Field and elsewhere, 12 Oct. being part of the lands formerly demised to Sir Wm. Bryar, of Bullock's Hill, and of the tenement called Rey- nolds, and other land in Salford, to Edward King, of "Wandon „ 165. Of a messuage and land in the Broad Field, &c,., Salford, to Edward King, of Wandon 20 Oct. 166. Of a cottage to Thos. Clarke 1805. 167. Of the mill at Salford to Henry Staines, of South Mills, 4 Nov. Middlesex Both parts 1806. 168. Of lands lately held by Sir St. John Chernocke, and other 12 April lands in Hollcutt and Salford, to the Rev. Orlebar Smith „ 169. Of the manor liouse in Salford, and land, to the Rev. Orlebar Smith, of Hollcutt „ 170. Of a tenement and land called Sitness to John Aguttar Both parts „ 171. Of a tenement late in the tenure of Sir Wm. Jones to John Aguttar Both paHs 1806. 172. Of a tenement and land in the Low Pasture, &c., in Salford, 20 Oct. to the Rev. Orlebar Smith With license to let „ 173. Of a tenement and land in the Low Pasture, &c., in Salford, to the Rev. Orlebar Smith Both parts 1 806. 174. Of a tenement and land in Salford to John Agutter 25 Oct. 1807. 175. Of a tenement and land in the Cow Pastures, &c., in Salford, 13 April to the Rev. Orlebar Smith Both parts and license to let „ 176. Of a tenement and land in the Low Pasture, &c., in Salford, to the Rev. Orlebar Smith Both parts 1 808. 177. Of a cottage and land in Salford to John Aguttar 25 Oct. Both parts „ 178. Of a tenement and land in the Low Pastures and elsewhere in Salford to John Ambridge Both parts 179. Of a tenement and Parsonage Close, &c., in Salford, to Mary Adams, of South Mimms Both parts 180. r)f a messuage and land in Upper Field, Lower P^ield, &c., in Salford, to John Aguttar SALFORD, HOLCOTE. 213 1 808. 181. Lease of a messuage late held by Mary Page, in Salford, to 25 Oct. Kohert Odell Agiittar „ 182. Of the Horse INIeadow and other lands in Salford to Elizabeth Hervey, of Apsley Griiise Both parts „ 183. Of tlie manor house, Jack Croft, Congree, and other laud in Salford to tlie Kev. E. O. Smith „ 184. Of Eotlen Ridge, &c., Salford, to the Rev. John Burton Wat- kin, of ]\Iarslifield Both pdrts „ 186. Of a mill and land (no place mentioned) to Wm. Goodman, of Wavenden, baker Both parts 1811. 186. License to George Rock and John Aguttar, executors of 2 Nov. Thos, Barrett Clarke, to assign his tenement to Thos. Bennett 1815. 187. Lease of the manor liouse of Salford, and land, to the Rev. 2 Nov. Edw. Orlebar Smith, of Hollcutt Both parts and license to let „ 188. Of the Horse Meadow and other land in Salford to Miss Eliza Diana Smith, of Apsley House With license to let „ 189. Of a farmhouse and land in Salford to Mary Adams, of Knight's House, South Mimms Both parts and license to let „ 190. Of a tenement and land in Salford to John Ambridge „ 191. Of a tenement and land in Salford to Robert Odel Aguttar Both parts „ 192. Of a messuage and land in Salford to John Aguttar „ 193. Of Rotten Ridge and other land in Salford to the Rev. John Burton Watkin „ 194. Of a mill and land (no place mentioned) to Wm. Goodman, of Wavenden, baker 1822. 195. Of a house and wheelwright's shop in Salford to George 24 Oct. Smith and Wm. Britain 1822. 196. Of a cottage in Salford to John Aguttar 2 Nov. 197. Of a mill at Salford to Thos. Goodman and Robert Odell Aguttar Both parts 198. Of a messuage in Salford to James Morris Both parts 199. License to Charlotte Smith, widow, to let her tenement in Salford 200. Lease of the Horse Meadow and other land in Salford and Holcutt to Miss Elizabeth D. Smith, of Aspley Hall Both parts 201. Of a messuage and land in Salford to the Rev. Edward Orlebar Smith 202. Of a messuage and land in Salford to Wm. Smith and the other trustees of the late John Ambridge 214 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1822. 203. Lease of a tenement and land at Salford to Eobert Summer- 2 Nov. ford Both parts 1829. 204. License to Bridget Watkin to let Eotten Eidge in Salford to 26 Oct. the Eev. E. 0. Smith 1829. 205. Lease of a cottage and land in Salford to John Aguttar 3 Nov. Both parts „ 206. Of a mill at Salford to Elizabeth Groodman Both parts . „ 207. Of five old enclosures in Eidgemont, part of Winterwoods, Beds, to Boteler Chernocke Smith Both parts „ 208. Of tenements in Salford, with Jack Croft, Congree, &c., to Charlotte Smith, widow „ 209. Of a farmhouse and land in Salford to the Eev. E. 0. Smith „ 210. Of tenements and land in Salford to the Eev. E. 0. Smith With license to let Of Eotten Eidge to the Eev. E. 0. and Julia Smith Of Horse Meadow to Miss Elizabeth Smith Of a tenement and land in Salford to Wm.. Smith and Edward Odell, trustees of the late John Ambridge Of a mill at Salford to Eliz. Goodman Both parts 215. Of a tenement at Salford to James Morris 216. Of a cottage and land at Salford to Wm. Simons and other executors of John Aguttar Both parts and license to let 217. Of a messuage and land in Salford to the Eev. Boteler Cher- nocke Smith Both parts and license to let 218. Of the enclosures in Eidgemont to the Eev. B. C. Smith Both 2^ctrts 219. Of a house, with Jack Croft, &c., to Charlotte Smith Both parts and license to let 220. Of a farmhouse and land in Salford to the Eev. E. 0. Smith Both parts and license to let 221. Of Eotten Eidge to the Eev. E. 0. Smith Both parts 222. Of Horse Meadow to Miss Eliz. D. Smith Both parts and license to let 223. Of a house and wheelwright's shop to Wm. Smith and other executors of George Smith 224. Of a messuage at Salford to Henry Summerford ?? 211. » 212. 95 213. 1836. 214. 3 Nov. SCHOOLS OF FEVERSHAM, BEDENDEN, BEEKUAJISTEAD. 215 SCHOOLS OF FEVEESHAM, BEDENDEN, BEEKHAM- STEAD. [Edw. Vr.] 1. Charter of foundation of the grammar school of Tonbridge, whicli is endowed by Sir Andrew Judd, after wliose death tlio government of the scliool is vested in the Company of Skinners and All Souls' College Copy, endorsed ivith memoranda about the school BEUKBAMSTEAB. 2 & 3 Edw. VI. 2. Act of Parliament for the foundation of a free grammar school at Berkhamstead Copy „ 3. Another copy 1668. 4. Copy of the proceedings at a visitation of the school April to Aug. 1704. 5. John Tlieed, master of the school, to [Warden Gardiner]: — 15 July Sends a copy of the act of foundation „ 6. Copy of the act, made by Theed 1707. 7. Visitation of the school Copy 30 April 1718. 8. Gardiner to Theed: — Monition of his intention to hold a 4 April visitation on 29th April 1718. 9. Tlie visitation 21) April „ 10. List of the boys 1728-9. 11. Tlie case of Francis Pigot, tenant of the master, and usher of "23 Feb. l^erkhamstead School „ 12. Questions al)out the school, in Niblett's hand, with answers appended 1729. 13. Warden Niblett to John Theed :— Will hold a visitation on 14 April the 2nd May 1729. 14. Account of the visitation, in Xiblett's hand 2 May 1743. 15. Henry Johnson to [Niblett] : — Complaints of Ewan Price, I Sept. the head master of the school, which is reduced from 144 boys to five. Berkhamstead House Pp. 3 „ 16. [Niblett to Johnson] : — Is ready to visit the school <>n a proper representation from the parishioners Draft. I\ 1 21G ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1744. 17. Johnson to Niblett : — Wishes him to visit the school ac- 26 April cording to the act of foundation, without a pul)lic repre- sentation from the parishioners Draft of Niblett's answer deferring his visit to next spring Fp. 3 1 744. 18. John Sayer to Niblett : — Will have his orders complied with 7 June if he will send his instruments. West Wycombe 1744. 19. Henry Brooke to Niblett: — Opinion as to the visitatorial 9 June power of the warden Pp. 5 1744. 20. Henry Johnson to Niblett : — Has- received his letter post- 1 July poning the visitation. ' Possibly by tbat time, as we have now neither school nor usher, we may require no master.' P. 1 1744. 21. Decree in Chancery relating to Berkhamstead School Copy 13 July 1744. 22. J. Sayer to Niblett : — Eemarks about the decree. Weston 17 July P. 1. Add. Endd. 1744. 23. Johnson to [Niblett] : — Encloses a copy of the decree. The 5 ()ct. master has turned out the usher. Berkhamstead Pp. 3. Endd. 1745. 24. Memoranda concerning the foundation of the school, in Niblett's hand 1745. 25. J. Sayer to Niblett: — Price, the master, turned out Allett, April the usher, by virtue of a deed executed by the latter at his nomination. Weston P. 1. Add. Endd, 1745. 26. Citation of Evan Price, governor, and Thos. Allett, under- 13 April master, to appear at a visitation on 29th April Coyy IG April 27. Johnson to Niblett: — Particvilars about the conduct of the masters. Berkhamstead Pp. 2 21 April 28. W. Hay ton to [Niblett] : — The citation has been executed. Hopes to receive him at his house. Ivinghoe P. 1. Endd. 29 April 29. Visitation of the school „ 30. Queries to be asked of Mr. Price, with his answers „ 31. Affidavit of John Topping that Mr. Price refused to admit a boy to the foundation witliout payment 8 June 32. Robert Coxe to Niblett : — Opinion about the Lord Chancel- lor's decree. Lincoln's Inn P.\. Add. Endd. 2 July 33. Thos. Allett to Niblett : — Piice refuses to pay him the salary assigned according to the order of the visitation. Berk- hamstead P. 1 22 July 34. Niblett to Allett :— Writes to Mr. Price concerning Allett's letter. Advises him to reside more constantly and agree better with the master Draft. Pp. 2 SCHOOLS OF FEVERSHAM, BEDENDEN, BERKHAMSTEAD. 217 [1 745.] 35. Niblett to Price : — Advises liim to pay Allett's salary as he 22 July promised to do, and to agree better with him and the neighbours Draft. Pp. 2 25 July 36. Allett to NilJett: — Asks him to recommend the master to pay him his salary and put him in possession of the apart- ments. London Pp. 2. Add. Endd. 8 Sept. 37. John Cowper to [Niblett] : — Defends ]Mr. Price, who has been his curate for 13 years. He will justify himself per- sonally. Berkhamstead Pjp. 2 I74fi. 38. Allett to Niblett : — Did not receive his letter dated 20 July 26 March till 23 Jan. "Would not have neglected his duty but for Mr. Price's conduct. Olney P. 1. Add. Endd. 24 April 39. Allett to Niblett : — Found Mr. Price gone to Oxford. There are but 4 or 5 boys at tlie school. The salary is so mean and the apartments so ruinous that he can neitlier live in them nor let them. Is willing to resign, and has under- taken a curacy at Newport Pagnell. Berkhamstead P. 1. Add. Endd. 14 Nov. 40. Memorial of Evan Price, subscribed by John Cowper, the rector, and others, representing the long absence of the usher, and asking Niblett to remedy it 18 Nov. 41. Henry Johnson to [Niblett] : — Allett is now resident, but is in great poverty and ill health. Asks him to cause Price to settle accounts with him Pjp. 4. Endorsed with memoranda of a letter to Price 28 Nov. 42. Niblett to Price : — Insists upon his advancing a part of Allett's salary to relieve his immediate want, and to send a statement of accounts Draft. Pp. 2. Endd. 9 Dec. 43. Henry Johnson to [Niblett] : — Price's conduct is inhuman. Yesterday he paid Allett's salary due in April 1745. Asks Niblett to write a line of comfort to Allett Pp. 3 1 740. 44. Henry Johnson to Niblett : — Thinks that the complaint 10 Dec. against Allett signed by Dr. Cowper and others is a piece of spite and an uni'air proceeding. It will probably be answered by another in a few days Pp. 3. Add. Endd. 14 Dec. 45. W. Hayton to [Niblett] : — Allett's health will cause a delay in answering Price's memorial. He is now resident in the usher's apartment. Ivinghoe Pp. 2. Endd. 1746_7. 46. Hayton to [Niblett] : — Encloses Allett's answer. Price is 13 Jan. suspected of a design to lock Allett out of his rooms. He is therefore advised not to stir without Niblett's leave. Ivinghoe Pp. 2. Endd. 1747. 47. Answer of Evan Price to Allett's answer to his memorial 13 July Signed. Pp. 9 218 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE, FEVEBSHAM. [Hen. VIII.] 1. Account by [the master of the school at Feversham] of the unjust ckiims of John, late abbot, and of the intentions of John Cole, sub-dean of the chapel royal, founder of the school Pp. 7. Endd. 1576. 2. Mayor and jurates of Feversham to the warden and seniors 1 7 June of All Souls' : — Intend to re-establish Cole's school, which was destroyed at the suppression of the abbey. Will refer the nomination of the schoolmaster to the College accord- ing to the old foundation, but wish to nominate Elias Meede as the first master P. 1. Add. Endd. 18 June 3. Wm. Lovelesse to the same : — To the same effect Hoi. P. 1. Add. Endd, 18 Eliz. 4. Transcript of the queen's letters patent founding the free 10 Aug. grammar school at Feversham, dated 14 July, 18 Eliz., sent by the mayor and jurates of Feversham to All Souls' College Under the seed of the corporation. Vellum 1576. 5. Mayor and jurates of Feversham to All Souls' College: — 1 7 Aug. Desire them to nominate Meede, the bearer, to the master- ship, and will henceforth refer the nomination to their discretion P. 1. Add. Endd. 19 Aug. 6. Same to the same : — Send the copy of the queen's charter of foundation Pp. 2. Add. Endd. 1582. 7. Same to the same: — Have received their letters of 18 Feb. 6 April concerning Meede's unfitness. He is willing to resign. Re- commend Robert Stone P. 1. Add. Endd. 12 April 8. Sir Francis Walsingham to the same: — In favour of Stone Sig7ted. P.\. Add. Endd. 9. Nomination by All Souls' College of John Sherwjm, M.A. of Magdalen Hall, as master of Feversham School, vice John Reader, resigned Draft. Endd. 10. The schoolmaster of Feversham to Peter [Waldo] : — Com- plains of his salary, and attempts to prove that he has a just right to the whole income of the estate Pp. 2. Imperfect. Add. 11. Warden [Grardiner] to [Thomas Lees, master of the school]: — Asks for information about the school Draft. P. 1. Endd, 1706-7. 12. Lees to Gardiner: — Information about the school estates. 31 Jan. Has been master 30 years, and never had more than 26 boys at once Pp. 2. Add. 1708. 13. Lees to Gardiner: — The mayor and governors are surprised 5 Aug. at his letter. They will answer it in about a inontli, when the fair is over P. I. Add. E)idd. • SCIiOOLS OF FEVERSHAM, BEDENDEN, BEllKHAMSTEAD. 219 [1709.] 14. Thomas Giljbs and Leonard Morres, governors of the school, 22 March to Gardiner : — Answer to his letter of 28 July. Informa- tion about the income and expenses of the school Signed. P. 1. Add. 1717. 15. Lees to Gardiner: — The governors intend to reduce the 15 July master's salary from 36L to 20^., which is the sum men- tioned in Q. Elizabeth's patent. Intends to resign at Michaelmas P. 1. Add. Endd. 29 July 16. Lees to Gardiner : — The town clerk tliinks the corporation will continue to pay the salary as formerly. Eemarks about the school and his work there. Thinks a man who studied physic might succeed well if he made up his own medicine, for the school itself will be but a bare mainte- nance P. 1 1717. 17. Corporation of Feversham to All Souls' College: — Inform 12 Aug. them of Lees' intended resignation, and hope they will supply a person of activity and diligence P. 1. Add. Endd. 1 3 Aug. 18. Stephen Napleton to Gardiner : — Most of the j urates and substantial townsmen are High Church, and are anxious for a master of the same principles P. 1 . Add. Endd. 14 Aug. 19. Lees to Gardiner: — The vicar wishes to have one in holy orders to succeed Lees. Thought they intended to apply part of the salary to the charity school P. 1. Add. Endd. 19 Aug. 20. Gardiner to the corporation : — Answer to their letter of 12 Aug. Wishes to know what advantages the master enjoys. On receiving their answer will immediately look out for a fit person Lraft. P. 1 23 Aug. 21. Eoger Kennett to Gardiner : — The corporation will allow the master 36L 13s. 4c^. a year P. 1. Add. Endd. 30 Sept. 22. Lees' resig-nation of the mastership of Feversham school 3 Oct. 23. Nomination by the warden and six senior fellows of Stephen Eowdidge Lloyd as master, vice Thorjias Lees 24. Form of an appointment for visiting Feversham school Pp. 2. Endd. by Niblett 25. Memoranda for the visitation P. 1 26. Heads of grievances P. 1 27. Queries relating to the schoolmaster, with memoranda of ex- pense of repairs, 1728-35 Pp. 3 1734-5. 28. Stephen Bowdidge Lloyd to Xiblett : — Intends to leave the 14 Feb. school at Lady day P. 1. Add. Endd. 17.34-5. 29. Stephen Bax, mayor of Feversham, to Niblett: — Informs 13 March him of Lloyd's intended resignation Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1735. 30. Lloyd's resignation of the mastership Signed 26 Marcli 220 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1735. 31. Appointment by the warden and six senior fellows of Daniel 29 March Hill, B.A., as master of P""eversliam School, vice Eev. S. B. Lloyd, resigned Copy. Pp. 2 1735. 32. Daniel Hill to Niblett : — Sends a cask of oysters, given him 9 Dec. by the ' Society of Drudgers.' The school begins to flourish P^^. 2. Add. E add. 1735-6. 33. Daniel Hill to Niblett : — Asks him to send an injunction to 12 Jan. the mayor and corporation to grant no leases of school lands without the concurrence of the College, and then to the highest bidder P. 1. Add. Endd. [1735-6.] 34. [Niblett] to the corporation : — Asks for information about [16 Jan.] the revenues of the school, and desires tliat, in granting leases, regard should be had to the highest bidder Draft. Pp. 2. Endd. 35. Extracts out of Feversham charter P. 1. Endd. 1735-6. 36. Daniel Hill to Niblett : — The corporation are put in no small 22 Jan. ferment by Niblett's letter. They say they would have given Hill what he desired, if he had not applied as he did, but now will spend the surplus in books and buying or building a house for the master Pp. 2. Add. Endd. 1735-6. 37. Isaac Jones, mayor of Feversham, to Niblett: — In answer 6 Feb. to his letter of 16 Jan. The power claimed by Niblett has never been exercised since the memory of man. To show how well they have discharged their trust, will send him an account of the revenues. Signed. Pp. 2. Add. Endd. 1735-6. 38. Daniel Hill to Niblett: — Denies the statement of the mayor 1 2 P'eb. in the previous letter that accounts were properly balanced with Mr. Lloyd. The grounds of the accusations of disre- spect and indecency made against him are that he did not take ofi" his hat to the mayor when he delivered Niblett's letter, and that he would not partake of their school feast Pp. 3. Add. Endd. 1735-6. 39. Isaac Jones, mayor, to Niblett : — Encloses the account of the 5 March school revenues for 20 years Signed. Pp. 5. Add. Endd. 1735-6. 40. Hill to Niblett: — He and all his acquaintance are of opinion 22 March that this account is a forged thing from tlie beginning to the end Pp. 3. A dd. Endd. 1736. 41. Hill to Niblett : — Asks him, being in town, to send for Isaac 12 May Jones and Kobt. Sharwood, who will be in London sliortly. Advises him to waive the accoiuits and contine his demands to a present augmentation of the salary Pp. 2. Add. Endd. 1736. 42. Hill to Niblett : — Fears he is displeased with him 14 July P. 1. Add. Endd. 1736-7. 43. Hill to Nililett: — The corporation have voted him an in- 26 Jan. crease of 10^. This is but a partial and precarious re- dress Pp. 2. Add. Endd. SCHOOLS OF FEVERSHAM, BEDENDEN, BERKHAMSTEAD. 221 1735-6. 44. Hill to Niblett : — Has arranged with Gwyn and Henley to 5 March visit Feversham Pp. 2. Add. Endd. 1737. 45. Hill to Niblett : — Has consulted with Henley about the in- 16. June tended visitation. London P. \. .Add. Endd. 1737. 46. Dr. Henry I^rooke to Niblett: — Opinion concerning the 1 July power of the warden according to the foundation charter of the school Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1738-9. 47. Hill to Niblett :— Sends a firkin of oysters. Asks him to 9 March inform the coi'poration of the time of Henley's visit. Faversliam P. 1. Add. Endd. 1741. 48. Hill to the Kev. Mr. Jacob : — The mayor's lease of the school 16 July lands has been improperly renewed, at a rent considerably less than the value Pjp. 2. Add. Endd. 1741. 49. Eichard Jacob to Niblett: — Mr. Hill's complaints are noto- 22 July riously true. A letter or two from the College, without entering into a Chancery suit, might make the corporation tremble. Canterbury P. 1. Add. 1741. 50. Niblett to the Mayor of Feversham: — Asks for an explana- 26 July tion of the proceeding mentioned in the two previous letters Copy. Pp. 2 1741. 51. Vincent Williams, mayor of Feversham, to Niblett: — The 30 Oct. late mayor, Mr. Bax, is willing to cancel the lease Signed. P. I. Add. Endd. 4 Nov. 52. Daniel Hill to the College : — Proposals for settling the dis- pute with the corporation Pp. 4. Endd. 6 Nov. 53. Hill to Niblett: — Offers to share the expenses of the visita- tion. Loudon Pp. 2. Add. Endd. 1 6 Nov. 54. [Niblett] to [the mayor] : — Is glad to find that the corpora- tion are well disposed to join with the College in the faithful discharge of their trust. They cannot give a better proof than by cancelling the lease to Mr. Bax Draft. P. 1 14 Dec. 55. Hill to Niblett : — Sends a firkin of oysters. The lease is publicly cancelled Ppi. 2. Add. Endd. 1741. 56. Vincent Williams, mayor, to Niblett: — The lease is can- 23 Dec. celled. The lands will be set up to the best bidder about jNIichaelmas Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1741. 67. Hill to Niblett: — Will consult a friend before advising him 31 Dec. about the new lease Pp. 2. Add. Endd. 1741-2. 58. Hill to Niblett : — Advises that the school estates be not put 28 Jan. up till one year before the expiration of the lease Pp. 2. Add. Endd. 1741-2. 59. R. Henley to Niblett : — Is willing to act at the visitation of 25 Feb. the school. Temple Pp. 2. Add. Endd. 1741-2. 60. Hill to Niblett : — Invites him to stop at his lodgings when 1 March he visits F'eversham Pp. 2. Add. Endd. 222 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1741-2. 61. Vincent Williams, mcayor, to Niblett :— Has advertised that 5 March the school lands will be let on 5 May to the best bidder, and hopes Dr. Niblett will be present Signed. Pp. 1. Add. Endd. 1742. 62. Commission by the warden and six senior fellows to Niblett 2 April and Thos. Wood, LL.D., to hold a visitation of the school Signed and sealed 1742. 63. Orders of the Common Council of Feversham concerning the 5 May school Pjp- 3. Endd. „ 64. Another copy 1743. 65. Hill to Niblett : — Remarks about the school accounts which 17 Oct. Niblett has sent him Pp. 2. Add. Endd. 1748. 66. Hill to Niblett: — Concerning Niblett's intended visit to 12 April Kent. Feversham 1749-50. 67. Hill to [Niblett] :— Account of wood sold Pp. ?,. Endd. 22 Feb. 1 752. 68. F. Buck to Ni])lett : — Sends the chamberlain's last account 19 April of the profits of the school land Signed. P. 1. Add, Endd. BEDENDEN. 1 1 Eliz. 1. License to Walter Mayney, sen., Walter Mayney, jun., and 19 July John Wylgoose, executors of John Mayney, to found a free grammar school in Bedenden, Kent 20 Eliz. 2. Grrant by John Wilgoose, of Saleherst, to All Souls' College of his estate in the lands left by John Mayney for the en- dowment of the school 3. Statutes for Bedenden School An endorsement stating that they ivere never sealed nor accepted by the College SCOTNEY, BLECHING, OKEHOLT. 15 Edw. IIL 1. Release by Ric. de Mereworth of rent in Scoteney to William 11 Nov. de Mereworth 22 Edw. III. 2. Partition of lands in All Saints' Marsh between Sir Will. 27 April Setvauntz and Wm. and Joan Claptus 43 Edw. III. 3. Grant by John Gisors,of London, to Henry Persay and others, 26 Nov. of lands in Okolte and Skoteneye, in the parishes of Jh'om- liill and Lyde SCOTNEY, BLECHING, OKEHOLT. 223 44 Edw. III. 4. Eelease by Henry Persaye and otliers to John Bays, Thos. 21 Nov. Ulf, of Santon, and John Witteneye, chaplain, of their title to Okolte and Skoteneye 44 Edw. III. 5. Eelease by Jolm Bays of his title to Okolte and Skoteneye to 23 Dec. Thos. Ulf, of Santon, and John Witteneye 44 Edw. III. 6. Release by Thos. Ulf to John Witteneye, chaplain, of liis 1 Jan. title to Okeholte and Scoteneye 49 Edw. III. 7. Grant by John Witteneye to Henry de Wakefeld and others, 22 Feb. of his lands in Okolte and Scoteneye 6 Ric. II. 8. Grant by Henry Medeburn to Sir Wm. de Walleworth, Roger 30 May Perers, John Sprotteburgh, and others, of his lands in Okolte, Blechyng, and Scoteneye 6 Ric. II. 9. Release by Hen. de Wakefeld, bp. of Worcester, John Holte, 1 June and John Carvel to Henry Medeburn, clerk, of his title in Okolte, Bleching, and Scoteneye „ 10. Power of attorney by Medeburn to deliver seisin 7 Ric. II. 11. Release by Sir Wm. de Walleworth, &c., to Henry de Mede- 31 Aug. burn 7 Ric. II. 12. Release by John de Nevill, lord of Raby, to Sir Wm. de 9 Dec. Walleworth and otliers, of his title to the said lands in Okolte, Blechyng, and Scoteneye 19 Ric. II. 13. Grant by Roger Perers, clerk, Robt. Sprotteburgh, and others 29 June to William Brenchesle and others, of lands in Okolte, Blechynge, and Scoteneye „ 14. Power of attorney to deliver seisin „ 15. Brenchesle's power of attorney to receive seisin 22 Ric. II. 16. Agreement between Sir William Septvanz and William 27 Sept. Brenchesle concerning the payment of certain rents 7 Hen. IV. 17. Grant by Thos. Waller, John Brok, and John Salerne to 18 Aug. Joan, widow of Sir William Brenchesle, of lands in Okolte, Blechynge, and Skoteneye „ 18. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 8 Hen. IV. 19. Joan Brenchesle's power of attorney to receive seisin 16 Dec. 9 Hen. IV. 20. Release by Thos. and Ric. Brenchesle, brothers and heirs of 28 May Sir Wm. Brencliesle, to Joan his widow, of tlieir title to Scoteneye and Blecchynge 5 Hen. V. 21. Grant by Thos. Wallere, of Lamberhurst, to Ric. ITuntyngdon 4 Sept. and Thos. Stonbregge, of the reversion of the manor of Skoteneye „ 22. Counterpart of the above 1 Hen. VI. 23. Lease by Joan, widow of Sir Wm. Brenchesle, of the manor 24 Aug. of Skoteneye, to Thos. Atte Bregge 9 Hen. VI. 24. Grant by Thos. Stonbregge to Sir Wm. Chayne, justice, Ric. 31 Jan. Wakehurst, and others, of the reversion of Skotneye, Okolte, and Blechyng 224 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 9 Hen. VI. 25. Confirmation of the preceding grant by Joan Brenchesle 4 Feb. 11 Hen. VI. 26. Eelease by Margery, widow of Eic. Orgar, of Ealdinge, to 19 April Joan Brenchesle, Wm. Cheyne, and John Martyn, justices, and others, of her title to the manor of Scoteneye 17 Hen. VI. 27. Lease of the manor of Scotney by Joan Brenchelse, Sir Wm. 24 March Cheyne, Thos. Horden, Thos. Bettenham, and others, to Thos. Osborn, of London, Thos. Pitlesden, and others „ 28. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 17 Hen. VI. 29. Eelease by Eic. Vincent and Stephen Slegge to Thos. Osborn, 10 July &c., of their title to Scotney and Bleching 17 Hen. VI. 30. Grant by Thos. Osborn and Thos. Petilesden to John Penylond 28 July and Thos. Hodyngfold, of the manor of Scotney and lord- ship of Blecchyng „ 31. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 17 Hen. VI. 32. Grant of Scoteneye and Blecchyng by John Penylond and 10 Aug. Thos. Hodyngfold to Thos. Osbarn, Thos. Petylisden, and others 21 Hen. VI. 33. Eelease by Thos. Petylisden, Wm. Bangor e, and others to 25 July Thos. Strykenbold, of Eolvynden, of their title to Scotneye and Blechyng 21 Hen. VI. 34. Grant of Scoteney and Blechyng by Thos. Strykenbold to 15 Aug. Thos. Petelysden, Nic. Wydmere, and others „ 35. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 22 Hen. VI. 36. Grant by Thos. Petelysden, &c., of Scotney and Blecchyng, to 15 Feb. John Fray, chief baron of the Exchequer, Sir John For- tescu, John Markham, justice of the King's Bench, and others „ 37. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 24 Hen. VI. 38. Eelease by Thos. Persons, of Ely, to John Fray, chief baron of 9 Feb. the Exchequer, of his title to Scotneye, &c. 24 Hen. VI. 39. Grant of the same lands by .Tohn Fray, Sir John Fortescu, 20 Feb. &c., to Eic. Andrew, Eic. Byconell, and others „ 40. Power of attorney to deliver seisin „ 41. Power of attorney to receive seisin 27 Hen. VI. 42. Surrender by Eic. Andrewe, S:c., to Henry VI. of the manor 4 Ajiril of Scotteney, Blecchyng, and Okeholte „ 43. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 27 Hen. VI. 44. Bond of Wm. Kele, warden of All Soids', to Thos. Chicheley, 16 May Eic. Andrinv, and the other executors of Archl)p. Cliicheley, to hold them harmless from any claims by the king for Okeholt, Blecchyng, and Scoteney SCOTNEY, BLECHING, OKEHOLT. 225 27 Hen. VI. 45. Copy of patent 27 Hen. VI. pt. 3. m. 7, granting to All Souls' 27 June College tlie manors of Scotney, Bleccbyng, and Okeholt, witl) lands in Lyde and Proraehill, wliicli liad been acquired by Cbicbolcy's executors, and surrendered by tliem to the king Endd. ' Scotney deed in the Towre of Loudon, which is missing in the CoUedg.' 46. Inspeximus of the above grant, dated 12 July, 12 Jac. I. 47. Grant by the abbot of St. Mary's, liobertsl)ridge, to Sir Kic. Guldeford, of salt-marshes in Promhill, adjoining the lands of All Soids' College Co^jy 48. Sale by George Harper to Henry VIII. of Broughtons, in Otford, salt-marshes in Promehill, and other tenements 49. Power of attorney by the warden of All Souls' College, to take possession of the manors of Scotney and Bleching ; endorsed with a memorandum of the entry, 24 March, 1588 14 Hen. VII. 2 March 33 Hen. VTII. 16 Marcli 31 Eliz. 6 March [Edw. III.] 2 Hen. V. 24-31 Hen. VI. 16 Hen. VII. 1 Oct. 1 Edw. VI. 38 Eliz. 1597. 10 Oct. 50. Memorandum of sums due to the lord of Bleccliynge 51. Three bailiff's accounts for Scotney. 35 Edw. III. and 17-19 Eic. II. 52. A bundle of three paper rolls containing lists of the tenants in Promhell Marsh, and their contributions for the repair of the wall. Hen. IV.-Edw. IV. 53. Note by Thomas atte Bregge of repairs at Scotney 54. Extracts from court rolls of Scotney. 5 Hen. V. to 14 Hen. \l. Tiuo docit7nents, one paper, one veUuni 55. Eolls of the manor of Blecching. 1 Hen. VI., 3 Hen. VI., 5 Hen. VI., 6 Hen. VI., 7 Hen. VI., 9 Hen. VI., and 1 1 Hen. VI. 56. File of 1 9 receipts for the rent of Scotney and Blechyng by Joan Brenchesle, Eic. Wakeherst, Thos. Hordenne, Thos. Bettenham, and John Congeherst, from the warden of All Souls' College 57. Eeceipt of John Hales, of Tenterden, ' servus Eicardi Guld- ford militis,' of 100s. for enclosing part of Eomney JVIarsh 58. Eental of Blechyng 59. Bundle of 10 papers concerning the College's suit against Henry Guldeford and Eic. Smyth for encroaching on their lands in Promehill 60. A bundle of drafts relating to the College's suit concerning Promehill 61. List of evidences relating to Scotney, &c. 226 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. Eliz. 62. 'Exceptions to the writ of riglit, if in jure Collegii had been in the writ ' All Souls' Coll. V. John Knight, touching Scotney T^vo copies 1622. 63. Will of Clement Stuppeny, of Lidd, a tenant of All Souls' 1 9 Aug. College 1589. 64. Map of the manor of Scotney, made hy Thos. Clarke Vellum coloured, on a roller LETTERS AND PAPERS. 1747. 65. Commissioners of Walland Marsh Pp.3. Endd. 1750-1. 66. Eic. Harvey to Mr. Musgrave, bursar of All Souls': — An 16 Jan. account of the inroad of the sea on the College land held by him and Mrs. Deedes in Walland Marsh. Barston Hoi. Pp. 3. Endd. 67. ' Jury's Gut watering scotted to Lydd Walls ' 68. ' List of o^vners of land scotted to Lydd Wall ' 1751. 69. Harvey to Niblett : — An account of his endeavours to get the 13 April land in the marsh scotted equally for the sea wall. Bar.ston Hoi. Pp. 2. Add. Endd. 1751. 70. Account of scots due from lands belonging to All Souls' Col- 23 April lege in Walland Marsh 1751. 71. Eev. Eic. Jacob to Warden Niblett: — An account of the 12 Oct. Kentish estates, their value, and the scots levied on them for the sea wall. Wateringbury Hoi. Pp. 2. Add. Endd. 1752. 72. Eichard Harvey to Warden Niblett: — -Concerning the scots 15 June payable by landowners for Lidd Wall. Barston 1752. 73. Same to same :— Concerning the estate he holds from the 29 July College. Barston 1752. 74. Memoranda about the estates of Godfrey, Stratford, Harvey, Michaelmas and Deedes 1752. 75. Harvey to Niblett: — Is discontented at the increase of the 19 Oct. fine for renewal of his lease. Barston 76. ' A true representation of an estate held by lease from All Souls' College ' in Scotney Endd. <■ Laid before the College 13 Nov. 1752' 77. Another copy, endorsed ' Scottney letter from Harvey and Deedes ' 1752. 78. Extracts from Harvey's and Deedes' leases 13 Nov. 1759. 79. Wm. Deedes to Eic. Bourne, bursar : — Mrs. Deedes is willing 15 Sept. to renew lier lease on reasonable terms. Considers the SCOTNEY, BLECHING, PROMHILL, OLD LEASES. 227 rent high, and gives reasons for an alleviation of the fine. The scots have been very high, and there is no prospect of their being less. Hythe Hoi. Pp. 2. Add. Endd. 1759. 80. W. [Blackstone] to Wm. Deedes : — Has received the 19 Sept. previous letter in Mr. Bourne's absence. Eequests answers to certain questions concerning INIrs. Deedes' and Mr. Harvey's estates Eol. Draft. Pp. 2 1759. 81. W. Deedes to Eic. Bourne: — Sends answers to the questions 27 Sept. mentioned in the preceding. St. Stephen's, near Can- terbury Hoi. Pp. 2. Add. Endd WOODEN BOX CONTAINING THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS. 39Edw. III. 1. Inspeximus of a commission and inquisition touching tlie 24 Oct. decay of the walls protecting Proomhelle ^Nlarsh 24 Hen. VIII. 2. Copy of a lease of the Prior's Marsh, Promhill, by Thus., 2 Jan. prior of Christ Church, Canterbury, to Thos. Struggill, of Lydde 3.3 Hen. VIII. 3. Lease by Thos. Colepeper, of Bekysbourne, to John Philypp, 10 Oct. of Tenterden, of salt-marshes in Promehill, pm-chased from Thos. Wryothesley 37 Hen. VIII. 4. Lease by John Phillypp of two houses called ' the Lade,' and 25 Jan. ' the GTardner,' the great barn in the manor of Scotney Court, and fresh and salt marsh in Lydd and Promehill, to Eichard Hardyman 38 Hen. VIII. 5. Copy of a lease of Scotney Court by John Phillipp to John 10 Jan. Bateman 2 Eliz. 6. Lease by Christopher Arundell to John Bateman of the manor 21 June of Skotney Court and 185 acres of marsh 'SCOTNEY, BLECHING, FBOMRILL, OLD LEASES: 12 Hen. VIII. 1. Lease by All Souls' College of their land called ' Blecchyng 26 Sept. Cowrtt,' and of land and appurtenances called Scoottiicv and Bromehill, to Vincent Daniell, of Lydde, in Kent 28 Hen. VIII. 2. Of Blechynge Court, Scotney Manor, and Promehill to Thos. 28 Nov. Culpei3er 34 Hen. VIII. 3. Eeceipt by Thos., son and heir of Sir Alex. Culpeper, of 20 23 Sept. mks,, 800 ewes, and 200 lambs from All Souls' College, of which the use was granted to him, together with the lea- - of Blechyng Court and Scotney Manor Q 2 228 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 2 Edw. VI. 4. Lease by All Souls' College to Christover Arndoll, of Bleehinge 21 June Cowert and Scotney, late held by Thos. Culpepper, for 20 years 1 & 2 P. &M. 6. Of the same lands with the use of 161. IS.s-. 4d., to Christofer 22 Dec. Arundell 6. Eeceipt by Christofer Arundell from All Souls' College for 76^. 13s. 4d 1563. 7. Copy of a lease by All Souls' College to Christofer Arundell, 5 Eliz. of Elechynge Cowert and Scotney Manor, dated 30 Oct. 24 Oct. 3 Eliz., attested by Joan Arundell, widow and executrix of the late Christofer Arundell Bond enclosed 1 3 Eliz. 8. Lease of Bleching Court and Scotney Manor, with the use of 4 Jan. 76^. 13s. 4d., to Andrew Watkyns 34 Eliz. 9. Lease of Scotney Manor to Wm. Towse, of Takelie, Essex, 26 Aug. and Clement Stuppenie, of Lydd 41 Eliz. 10. Lease of Blechinge Court and Scotney Manor to Wm. Towse 28 July and Clement Stuppenye Bond enclosed 3 Jac. I. 11. Bond of Wm. Towse and Clement Stuppeny to perform their 28 March indenture of the same date with All Souls' College 10 Jac. I. 12. Lease of Bleaching Court and Scotney jNIanor to Wm. Towse 9 Dec. and Laurence Stuppanye 1618. 13. Lease of Bleching Courte and Scotney Manor to Wm. Towse 27 Oct. and Clement Stuppany Both parts and bond „ 14. Copy of the above 7 Car. I. 15. Lease of Scottney, alias Bleching Court, to John Freebody, 31 Oct. of Udimer, and Stephen Gorton, vintner of London 1767. 16. Of the manor of Scotney to Eichard Harvey, of Barfreston, 1 3 Nov. and Wm. Deeds, of Hackington 1774. 17. Of the manor of Scotney to Richard and Wm. Curteis 3 Nov. 1781. 18. Of the same to the same 30 Oct. 1802. 19. Of the manor of Scotney to Robert Cobb, of Lydd, Robert 23 Oct. Maitland, of Greenwich, and Benjamin Way, of Denham, trustees for John Polhill Both parts 1810. 20. Of the manor of Scotney to Amy and Jolm Cobb and others, 1 Feb. executors of Robert Cobb, and James and Ursula Ware Both parts 1817. 21. Of half the manor of Scotney to Ursula Ware 3 Nov. „ 22. Of half of the manor of Scotney to Samuel Selmes, of Beckley, and Jeremiah Curteis, of Wartling 1823. 23. Of half the site of the manor of Scotney to Ursula Ware 3 Nov, With license to let SOUTH PETHERTON. 229 1823. 24. Lease of half the site of the manor of Scotney to Samuel 3 Nov. Selmes and Jeremiah Curteis Both parts and license to Let 1830. 25. Of half the site of the manor of Scotney to Ursula Ware 3 Nov. Both parts and license to let „ 26. Of half the site of the manor of Scotney to Selmes and Curteis 1837. 27. Of half the site of the manor of Scotney to Martin Ware 3 Nov. Both parts and license to let „ 28. Of half tlie site of the manor of Scotney to Selmes and Curteis 21 Eliz. Easter 21 KHz. 4 July 21 Eliz. 8 July 22 Eliz. 4 May 24 Eliz. 16 April 38 Eliz. 20 April 43 Eliz. 26 Oct. 44 Eliz. 1 1 Jan. SOUTH PETHEETON. 1.558. 1. Copy of the will of Edward Napper, of Holywell.' 19 Dec. 20 Eliz. 2. Grant by William Napper, of Holliwell, to Wm. James, 8 May master of University College, and others, of tenements in South Petherton Both parts „ 3. Indenture between Wm. James, master of University College, and others, Kohert Ho\'en(len, warden of All Souls' College, Wm. Napper, of Preston, and Wra. Napper, of Holliwell, for conveyance of land in South Petherton and Wheatley to All Souls' College Two counterparts^ 4. Fine for the conveyance of a tenement in South Petherton by W. Napper to W. James, master of University College 5. Lease by Wm. James, master of University College, and others, of tenements in South Petherton to PVancis Sandys 6. Lease of tenements in South Petherton occupied by Eras. Sandis, by Wm. James, master of University College, and others, to Wm. Napper, of Preston BotJt parts 7. Sale b}^ Wm. James, master of University College, of land in South Petherton and Whateley to Eobt. Hovendeu, warden of All Souls' College Copy 8. Conveyance by Wm. Napper, of Preston, of land in South Petherton to Morgan Hayne, of Waddon, Dorset 9. Lease by ]Morgan Hayne of a tenement in South Petherton to William Symes 10. Sale by Thos. Hayne of laud in South Petherton to John Thorne 11. Conveyance by Thomas Hayne of land in South Petherton to John Cabell - Other copies of these ducumeuts are aiuoug the Whateley deeds (p. 277). 230 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1 9 Jac. I. 12. Sale by John Cabell of land in South Petherton to Thos. 29 Sept. Bowring, of the University of Oxford PAPEBS. 1 Mary. 13. Grant by Edw. Cowper and Valentine Fairewether, of lands 16 Oct. in South Petherton, late the free chapel of St. John, to Edw. Napper • Copy 14. ' The answere of John Warn ere, warden of the Colledge of All Sayntz (sic) in the cytye of Oxon., to the charge of arrerages contained in the boke of the auditour of the Court of Wardes and Ly\' eryes ' 15. ' Mr. Dr. Warner's bill for arrerages to be signed by the queue [Mary], as yt was fyrst draweu, but afterwards cor- rected for lack of perfection ' 1 Eliz. 16. Extract from an Act of Parliament ' to annex to the Crown certain religious houses and to reform certain abuses in them and in chantries ' 1 Eliz. 17. luquisitio post mortem Edw. Napper Copy 5 April 4 Eliz. 18. Depositions taken at Oxford before John Wayte, mayor, and 14 Jan, John Cupper, feodary, concerning Edw. Napper's will 5 Eliz. 19. Eelease by Q. Elizabeth of arrears, &c., due from the College 10 May for Napper's lands in Whateley and South Petherton Copy 6 Eliz. 20. Eelease by Q. Elizabeth to the College of the dues from 30 April Napper's lands in South Petherton and Whateley 1573. 21. ' Extent out of the Court of Wards of Napper's lands given to the College, taken 1573' 22. Hoveden v. Napper. ' The case clere wry ten for JNIaster Secretary to see how he lyked it, befor yt was wryten for the queue to se ' 23. ' The case (concerning Napper's bequest) first drawn by Master Thornton and corrected by Master Plowden ' Imperfect 24. Bill in the suit of the College against Wm. Napper concern- ing the execution of his father's will 25. Hoveden v. Napper. ' Interrogatories to be ministred on the parte and behalfc of the warden and Colledge of the Soules of all faythful people deceased of Oxford ' 1575. 26. Hoveden V. Napper. ' Napper's first answer, not allowed ' Hil. Term 27. Hoveden v. Napper. ' Tlie answere of Wm. Napper, def., to the bill of complaint of Kobt. Hovenden, comp.' SOUTH PETHERTON. 231 18 Eliz, 1 3 Feb. ^^ 19 Eliz. 28 Nov, 28. Hoveden v. Napper. Copy of an injunction against Napper in the Court of Requests 29. Another copy 30. Order of the Court of Requests against Wm. Napper in liis suit with the Colleofe LETTERS. 1575. 31. Francis Sandys to Warden Hovenden : — Napper lias commenced 22 Oct. proceedings against him. Asks for advice and lielp. South Petherton Hot. Pp. 2. Add. 1806. 32. James Daniel to Messrs. Child : — Sends back an old lease. 9 June South Petherton LEASES. 8 Eliz. 1. Lease by All Souls' College of lands in South Pederton called 20 June St. John's lands, or the Chawntrie landes, to Edward Erasier, of Penstax 14 Eliz. 2. Of the same lands to Fraunces Sandes, of South Pederton 5 Nov. 2 Car. I. 3. Of a tenement in South Petherton to Thomas Rowring 1 Nov. Bond enclosed 5 Car. I. 4. Of two tenements and lands in South Petherton to Thos. 29 Oct. Bowring, of the University of Oxford, yeoman Both parts and bond 1 Car. I. 6. Of the same tenements and land to Hugh White, of Liddiard 28 Oct. Tregoze, Wilts Bond enclosed 1783. 6. Of 83 acres in South Petherton to John Elliot 22 Oct. Both parts „ 7. Of two tenements in South Petherton to Hannah Channing Both parts 1790. 8. Of two tenements in South Petherton to Hannah Channing 20 Oct. 1797. 9. License of alienation to Matthew Quantock and others, 2 Dec. executors of John Elliot „ 10. License of alienation to Roljert England and Richard Toller, executors of Hannah Channing 1797. 11. Lease of the tenement late held by Hannah Channing, to 21 Dec. James Daniell, mercer 282 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1797. 12. Lease of one tenement in South Petlierton to Kobert England 21 Dec. and Eichard Toller „ 13. Of 38^ acres at South Petherton to John Baker Edmonds, of South Petherton, being part of 83 acres divided between him and John Eason Both parts „ 14. Of 44|- acres at South Petherton to John Eason, of South Petherton, being part of 83 acres divided between him and John Baker Edmonds 1804. 15. Of the same land to John Eason, of South Petherton 20 Oct. „ 16. Of a tenement to England and Toller „ 17. Of a tenement in South Petherton to James Daniell „ 18. Of 38;| acres in South Petherton to John Baker Edmonds Both parts 181 1. 19. Of 44;^ acres in South Petherton to John Eason 30 Oct. 1811. 20. Of two tenements at South Petherton to James Daniel, of 2 Nov. South Petherton, mercer „ 21. Of 38;^ acres to John Baker Edmonds „ 22. Of two tenements in South Petherton to James Daniel 1818. 23. Of two tenements at South Petherton to James Daniell, of 2 Nov. South Petherton „ 24. Of 44^ acres in South Petherton to Miss E. Eason STANTON HAECOUET. 4 Edw. VL 1. Commission to Thos. [Cranmer], abp. of Canterbury, Nic. 12 Dec. [Ridley], bp. of London, and others, to proceed against Steven Gardiner, bp. of Winchester C^^pV 2. '' The artikles objected against Steven Gardiner, bishop of Wyn Chester' Copy 1 550-1 . 3. Record of proceedings at Lambeth against Gardiner 14 Feb. „ 4. Sentence of deprivation of Steven Gardiner, bp. of Winchester Copjj „ 5. Gardiner's appeal from the sentence definitive to the king's majesty Copy 5 Edw. VL 6, Translation of John [Poynet], bp. of Rochester, to the see of 23 March Winchester Copy STANTON HARCOURT. 233 5 Edw. VI. 7. Grant of the rectory of Stanton Harcoiirt to John [Poynet], 18 June bp. of Winchester Gopy 1 Mary 8. Commission to Hen., earl of Arundel, Edmund [Bonner] , bp. 16 Sept. of London, and others, to hear Gardiner's appeal for resti- tution to the bishopric of Winchester Copy 1553. 9. ' Articles alleged by Steven Gardiner against the sentence of 23 Sept. his deprivation' 1553. 10. Sentence of the earl of Arundel and his colleagues, restoring 28 Sept. Steven Gardiner to the see of Winchester 1557. 11. Presentment of Sir John Harcowrte, Wm. Bocher, and others I Sept. to 9 articles concerning the vicarage of Stanton Harcourt Vellum^ 2 membranes. Signed. Add. to the archbp. of York 1557-8. 12. Grant by Cardinal Pole to All Souls' Coll. of tithes, ' the Par- 22 March sons woode ' and the rectory house at Stanton Harcourt, formerly the property of Reading Abbey. Lambeth 1558. 13. Grant by Cardinal Pole, constituting Stanton Harcourt a rec- 26 March tory, and appointing John Gyll, late perpetual vicar, the first rector. Greenwich. A fine seed, but broken 4 & 5 P. & jNL 14. Indenture between Cardinal Polo, All Souls' College, and John 29 March ^^yll, parson of Stanton Harcourt, for the payment of annuities to Ric. Grene, Alice Parrot, and others, and the receipt by the College of the rent for the parsonage from Edw. Phetiplace 1 Eliz. 15. ' Actus parliamenti, anno primo Eliz.' Copy of a portion of 25 Jan. the act concerning the possessions of the bishopric of Winchester 8 Eliz. 16. Inspeximus of the record of proceedings in the Court of 20 June Exchequer concerning Stanton Harcourt, Easter Term, 2 Eliz. II Eliz. 17. Inspeximus of proceedings in the Court of Exchequer, 2 12 May Eliz., concerning the rectory of Stanton Harcom-t. Endd. ' Exoneratio pro Stanton in Scaccario ' 32 Eliz. 18. Grant by Queen Elizabeth to John [Underbill], bp. of Oxford, 29 Dec. of the rectory of Stanton Harcourt and other lands Tivo copies 32 Eliz. 19. Grant by Queen Elizabeth to All Souls' College of property in 4 March Stanton Harcourt, being tithes of hay and corn, the Par- son's closes, the Parson's wood, and the rectory 20. ' The copie of the queue's graunt of Stanton Harcourt to All Soulne College ' 21. 'A voyde draughte of a pattent for Staunton Harecourte graunted by Queene Eliz. to the warden and College' 34 Eliz. 22. Appointment by All Souls' College of attorneys to receive sur- 28 Oct. render of property in Stanton Harcourt, granted by William and Robert Albany, 13 June, 34 Eliz. 36 Eliz. 23. The bill of complaint exhibited by All Souls' College against Robert Albany and others 234 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 36 Eliz. 24. The answer of Wm., Fras., and Eobt. Albany and others, to Hilary Term the bill of complaint of Warden Hoveden 37 Eliz. 25. Inspeximus of a lease of Stanton Harcourt rectory to Edw. 20 Oct. Phetypace, 6 April, 33 Hen. VIII. ; of a grant of Stanton Harcourt and other places to Q. Elizabeth by Thos. [Cowper], late bp. of Winchester, 12 July, 26 Eliz.; and of the bishop's power of attorney to Edw. Downyng, 12 July, 26 Eliz. 37 Eliz. 26. ' A discharge in the Exchequer that the College is free from homage and fealty to the queen for Stanton ' 38 Eliz. 27. Appointment of Eobt. Master and others by the College, as 16 Nov. attorneys for their property at Stanton Harcourt 43 Eliz. 28. Award by Thos. Walmisley and Peter Warburton, justices? 13 June between All Souls' College and Wm. and Robt. Albany, concerning property at Stanton Harcourt 43 Eliz. 29. Release by Wm. and Robt. Albany and Jefifry Crichley of all 27 Oct. suits against All Souls' College „ 30. General release by the College to W^ill. and Robt. Albany and Jeffry Chrichley of Stanton Harcourt „ 31. General release by W. and R. Albany and Chrichley to Peter Pory „ 32. General release by Peter Pory to W. and R. Albany and J. Chrichley „ 33. General release by W. and R. Albany and Crichley to Roderick Lloyd „ 34. General release by Roderick Lloyd, of Oxford, to W. and R. Albany and J. Chrichley, of all actions, &c. PAPERS RELATING TO SUITS BETWEEN ALL SOULS' COLLEGE AND ALICE AND WM. BUTTLE AND JOHN SKINNEB CONCERNING TITHES AT STANTON HAR- COURT. [1571-1598] 35. The College's bill of complaint against William Buttell 36. Answer of Wm. Buttell to the bill of complaint of the Warden of All Souls' 37. ' Interrogatorise inter Coll. All Sowles et Buttle ' 7 Jac. I. 38. Writ of ejectment against Alice Buttle, occupier of the pro- 1 J uly pei'ty of the College in Stanton Harcoiut 39. Draft of a wi'it of ejectment against Alice Buttle. Endd. ' About possession of Stanton to the College ' 7 Jac. I. 40. ' Agreement with Skinner for dividing tithes ' 17 Aug. 7 Jac. L 41. 'Widdow Butle. Albanie. About Sir W. Greene and D. 25 Nov. Blincoes report ' STANTON HARCOURT. 235 7 Jac. I. 42. Writ of execution in favour of All Souls' College in their suit 27 Feb. with Alice Buttle and others 43. Case for Stanton. First draught. 44. ' Case for Stanton on our parte. First copie ' 45. ' Copie of Stanton case ' 46. ' Case of Stanton ' 47. ' Case of Stanton. Ex parte Skinner ' 1 8 May 48. Christopher Hoveden's affidavit against Skinner for his con- tempt 1610. 49. 'Order. Touching Skinner. Sir Mat. Carie. Concerning a 1 9 June contempt ' 8 Jac. T. 50. * Orders about Skinner, that neither D. Hunt, nor Carie, but 23 June D. Hoveden and D. Amy sliall order touching Skinner's better answeare to interrogatories ' 8 Jac. I. 51. ' For agreement with Skinner.' An indentiu*e between him 25 Aug. and Chr. Hoveden 52. ' Charges at law against Skinner ' 53. ' Charges against Skinner ' 29 June 54. Christopher Hoveden to Warden Hoveden : — Is glad to hear of his recovery. Gives particulars of tlie progress of the suit against Skinner Hoi. Pp. 2. Add. Endil. 9 Jac. I. 55. 'Brief for Stanton against Will, and Robt. Buttell's servants trespassing in taking away tithes ' 56. 'The case for the College about the tytheinge' 57. Warden Hoveden to Mr. Radcliffe : — ' A letter of infonnation for proceeding in Stanton,' against Buttle and Albany P. 1. Signed. Endd. 12 Jac. I. 58. Writ of execution in the suit against Alice and William 6 June Buttle and John Skynner 16th cent. 59. List of clothes, &c., belonging to Will. Walker, and memo- randa about houses LEASES. 12 Eliz. 1. Lease by All Souls' College of the tithes and other property in 16 Oct. Stanton Harcourt to Wm. Buttell 36 Eliz. 2. Of the tithes of Stanton Harcourt and Sutton, four closes, the 31 March Parson's Wood, and the mansion house belonging to the rectory, to Peter Pory, of Oxford, white baker 40 Eliz. 3. Of the tithes of Stanton Harcom-t, &c., to Peter Pory 14 June 286 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 40 Eliz. 4. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 15 June 40 Eliz. 5. Lease of the tithes and rectory of Stanton Hareourt to Peter 3 Aug-. Pory Both parts and power of attorney 43 Eliz. 6. Surrender by Peter Pory of his lease dated 14 June, 40 Eliz. 26 Oct. 27 Oct. 7. Power of attorney to receive Pory's lease 43 Eliz. 8. Lease of the tithes and rectory of Stanton Hareourt to 28 Oct. Christopher Hovenden, of the Middle Temple 43 Eliz. 9. Lease by Christopher Hovenden of the tithes and rectory 29 Oct. of Stanton Hareourt to William and Robert Albany of London 4 Jac. I. 10. Lease by the College of the rectory of Stanton Hareourt to 27 Oct. Christopher Hovenden 6 Jac. I. 11. Of the rectory of Stanton Hareourt to Christopher Hovenden 8 Oct. 8 Jac. I. 12. Of the rectory of Stanton Hareourt to Christopher Hovenden 16 Oct. 13 Jac. I. 13. Of the rectory of Stanton Hareourt to George Hovenden, 14 Oct. prebendary of Canterbury, Wm. Wickham, of Cowley, Maurice Meyricke, of Blayden, and Geo. Eatcliffe, of Gray's Inn Both parts, bond, and license to let 17 Jac. I. 14. Of the rectory of Stanton Hareourt to George Hovenden, 22 Oct. Wickham, Eatcliffe, and Meyricke 22 Jac. I. 15. Of the rectory of Stanton Hareourt to Geo. Hovenden, 30 April Wickham, Eatcliffe, and Meyricke Both parts and bond 2 Car. I. 16. Of the Parson's Wood to William Fisher Bond enclosed 1 Nov. 3 Car. I. 17. Of tlie rectory of Stanton Hareourt to Eobt. Hoveden, of 29 Oct. Abbington, Berks Wiih license to let 5 Car. I. 18. Of the rectory of Stanton Hareourt to Eobt. Hoveden 29 Oct. Bond and license to let 7 Car. I. 19. Of the Parson's Wood at Stanton Hareourt to John Phipps, 4 JNIay yeoman Bond enclosed 21 Car. II. 20. Of the parsonage house of Stanton Hareourt, with land and 29 Oct. tithes, to Eobt. Huntington, esq. 1727. 21. Of the parsonage house of Stanton Harcom-t witli the tithes 9 Nov. to Wm. Gibbons, M.D., and Elizabeth his wife 1775. 22. Of Parson's Wood in Stanton Hareourt to Thos. Foster, of 25 April South Leigh 1781. 23. License to the Eev. Sir Edward Ernie to let the parsonage 30 Oct. of Stanton Hareourt 1782. 24. Lease of Parson's Wood in Stanton Hareourt to Eihuund 26 April Watts, of Ensham Both parts and license to let 1785. 25. Of the parsonage of Stanton Hareourt to John Aruett 24 Oct. WED ON PINKNEY. 237 1789. 26. Lease of Parson's Wood to Edmund Watts, of Ensbam 10 April 1792. 27. Of the Parsonage House, Parson's Close, and other land to 20 Oct. Mary Arnett, widow With license to let 1799. 28. Of the Parsonage House, &c., to William Arnatt, of Stanton 12 Oct. Harcourt 1803. 29, Of Parson's Wood to Rachael Smitli, of Handborough, 29 April widow 1806. 30. Of the Parsonage House, &c., to William Arnatt, yeoman 20 Oct. . Both parts 1810. 31. Of Parson's Wood to Rachael Smith, of Handborougli 11 April 1813. 32. Of the Parsonage House, &c., to William Arnatt Both imrts 2 Nov. 817. 33. Of the Parson's Wood to Rachel Smith 30 April WEDON PINKNEY. ' spegiales gautj^ be manebto be webon pinkenye et alus tenementis ibibem et in weston: 24 &29 Edw. I. 1. Inspeximus dated 13 Aug., 39 Eliz., of an inquisition held 13 Aug. at Weedon, 16 Oct., 24 Edw. I., and of a grant of the manor by Henry de Pinckney to the king, 4 Sept., 29 Edw. L 6 Edw. II. 2. Exemplification, dated 24 Nov., 42 Eliz., of a grant of the 7 Sept. custody of the manor of Retheresfelde, Oxon, by Edward II., to Thos. Wale, in part payment for a wood near Wappenham, 7 Sept., 6 Edw. II. 12 Ric. II. 3. Release of a messuage in Wedon by Wm., son of Robt. 5 Oct. Wauncy, of Ostwelle, to Ric. Wariner, of Weston 9 Hen. IV. 4. Lease of a cottage and garden in Weston by Ralph and 25 April Cristiana Warryner to Agnes Warryner 13 Hen. IV. 5. Release of a messuage in Weston by John Marchall, smith, 1 9 Nov. heir of Robt. Marshall, to Thos. Whirgh 13 Hen. IV. 6. Grant of a messuage in Weston by John Marschall to Thos. 28 JNIay Wryghte 1 Hen. V. 7. Grant of the same messuage by Thos. Wright to Ralph 20 July Warncre n Hen. VI. 8. Grant of the reversion of tenements in Weston by John 30 April Waryner, chaplain, and Hen. Warde. of Atueston, to Wm., son of John Smyth, and Ag-nes, daughter of Ralph Warner 2-38 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1 1 Hen. VI. 9. Grrant of tenements in Weston by John Waryner, chaplain, 27 June and Henry Warde, of Atueston, to Christiana Ingelonde, widow of Ealph Waryner Hen. VI. 10. Release by Henry VI. of the rent of Wedon, due from Wm. Staunton, who has surrendered the manor to the king, that it may be granted to All Souls' College 18 Hen. VI. 11. Grant by Henry VI. to Ric. Andrewes, warden, and the 13 March College of All Souls, of the manor of Wedon and Weston, alias the manor of Wedon Pinkeney, alias the priory of Wedon Pinkeney, which came to the king on the death of Joan, late queen of England „ 12. Grant by Henry VI. of the manor of Wedon Pynkeney and the priory of Wedon Pynkeney to All Souls' College 24 Hen. VI. 13. Letters of attorney by Thos. Wright, of Wodezende, Blakes- 24 April ley, to deliver seisin of lands to Wm. and Agnes Smyth 33 Hen. VI. 14. Grant by Ric. and Cristiana Ingelond of their rights in 3 Feb. Weston, to Wm. and Agnes Smyth, of Muscote „ 15. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 18 Edw. IV. 16. Grant by Wm. and Agnes Smyth of their tenement in 1 Oct. Weston to their son John, and Elizabeth his wife, daughter of Giles Syllesey 5 Hen. VIII. 17. Sale of Staretons in Weston and other tenements by Thos. 11 Sept. and Agnes Knighte, daughter of John Smyth, to Edmund Haselwoode 6 Hen. VIII. 18. Sale of lands in Wappenham, Northamptonshire, by Thos. 20 June and Agnes Knighte, to Dr. Broke, warden of All Souls', Edmund Haselwood, and John Godfrey 6 Hen. VIII. 19. Recovery of lands in Weston, Midelthorp, Wedon, and 10 Nov. Wappenham, by Dr. Broke, &c., from Thos. and Agnes Knighte 8 Hen. VIII. 20. Receipt by Edmund Haselwode of 9/. lO.s., part of 171, due 24 Oct. for a messuage and lands in Wedon Weston and Middel- thorp 9 Hen. VIII. 21. Sale by Edmund Haselwood to Dr. Broke of his lands in 23 Oct. Wedon Weston and Model thorp 9 Hen. VIII. 22. Grant by Edmund Haselwode to Warden Broke of messuages 7 April in Weston and Wappenham, and lands in iAliddeltborp 10 Hen. VIII. 23. Grant by Warden Broke, Thos. Payne, and otliers, to Edw. 1 May Wotton, Ric. Mugge, and others, of the lands recovered from Thos. and Agnes Knight, except one toft WEDON PINKNEY. 239 'VAEI2E GABTyE ET DIMISSIONES BE TEBRIS ET TENEMENTIS IN WEDON PINKENYE ET WESTON: 17 Erlw. T. 24. Grant by Mathew le Mareschal, of Wappenham, to Gilbert, 16 May bailiff of John de Whygham in Weston, of a bouse and cnrtilage 4 Hon. IV. 25. Grant of a messuage in Weston by Robt. Barfoot to John and 2 Feb. Joan Addekyns 1 3 Hen. VI. 26. Grant of a house and land in Weston by John and Joan 30 Sept. Adekenes to their son William and his wife Isabella 20 Hen. VI. 27. Grant of a messuage and land in Weston by Robt. Wylkyns 28 June to Wm. Chery, of Plompton 30 Hen. VI. 28. Power of attorney by Wm. Chery to deliver seisin of a mes- 4 June suage in Weston to Robt. Wilkyns 37 Hen. VI. 29. Grant by Robt. Wilkyns of ' the easement against his mounds 12 Oct. wall,' to Robt. Jeffys, who has a 'seler' standing against the wall Both parts 5 Edw. IV. 30. Grant of land in Weston by Aloysia West, widow of Wm. 3 Nov. West, and Ric. Barfot, to Thos. Wilkyns „ 31. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 17 Edw. IV. 32. Grant of a messuage in Weston by Wm. Chery to Thos. 10 Feb. Wylkyns, son of Robt. Wilkyns 2 Ric. III. 33. Grant of a messuage and land in Weston by John Adkyns to 1 () Nov. Wm. Adkyns and Thos. Wylkyns 1 [Hen. VII.] 34. Quittance to the warden of All Souls' for the rent of Wedou 26 Dec. and W^eston 24 Hen. VIII. 35. Bond of Henry Wilkyns, to grant a mill and four acres to 23 April Jas. Lawe 8 Eliz. 36. Lease of land in Weeden Pinckeney by Wm. Watts to 8 Sept. Pinchpoole Lovett 16 Eliz. 37. Sale by Robt. Wilkyns of a messuage and lands in Wedon 25 July and Weston to John Astill Bond enclosed 16 Eliz. 38. Sale of tenements in Weston and Wedon by Robt. Wilkyns 1 Sept. to John Astyll 18 Eliz. 39. Lease of the Hulles in Weedon Pinckeney by Pinchpoole 13 Sept. Lovett to William Watts, of Blakesley 28 Eliz. 40. ' Astill's lease made to Smalebone of a tenement and laud in 2 Nov. Weedon, now sold to the College by Astill ' 29 Eliz. 41. Sale of tenements in Weston and Wedon Pinkeyny by John 26 Jan. Astill to All Souls' College With bond 29 Eliz. 42. Fine for the transference of the above property Two copies Easter 32 Eliz. 43. Grant by Margery Petiver, of Weston, to her son James, of 6 June all lier property in Weedon and Weston 240 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 'BENTALES TEBRABUM ET ALIA SGBIPTA BE TENE- 3IENTIS IN WEBON ET WESTON: 44. Nine copies of documents concerning Wedon from Hen. III. to Edw. IIL 1 8 Edw. II. 45. Extent of the priory of Wedon, Northamptonshire 1 Dec. 7 Edw. IV. 46. Eeceipt by Alan Boleyn, under-sheriff of Xorthants, of dues 10 July of the manor of Wedon Pinkney 1571 47. Will of Eichard Ward, of Weston Copy 1 8 JNIarch 1 580. 48. Rental of Wedon 1587. 49. Copy of part of a rental of Wedon Jac. I. 50. A note of waste lands at Weedon and Weston 1 Jac. I. 51. 'A Breviate, inter Coll. Animarum Oxon. pet. et Bull deft.' Trespass at Wappenham T/tree other papers on the same affair 2 Jac. I. 62. Exemplification of a verdict against Wm. Bull, late of 23 Jan. Wappenham, for trespass on the College's land there 63. Bundle of papers concerning a suit between the College and John Astell, who lays claim to the Forge House in Wedon ; with the depositions of witnesses Eleven papers 54. Bundle of papers relating to the suit of the College against Jolm Astell 2 Jac. I. 55. Exemplification of a verdict against John Astill for trespass 23 Jan. on the lands of Henry Howse at Wedon, 40 Eliz. 56. Knight v. IMyles. Trespass at Wappenham Four papers 15 Jac. I. 57. Exemplification of a verdict in favour of John Myles, sen., 1 May and John JMyles, jun., of Wappenham, for trespass on the lands of Thos. Knighte at Abthorpe, 14 Jac. I. 1 8 Jac. I. 58. Weedon Weston. A plea for the discharge of 22s. CkI. per annum for Castell Gruarde due to Windsor, with Mr. Attorney's confession With enclosure 17th cent. 59. A bundle of six papers concerning the title of the College to Wappenham Wild 60. Reply of Humphrey Elmes to the bill of tlie warden of All tSouls' concerning Wappenluun ^^'oods 1 666. 61. Bill of complaint of Theophilus Hart, Sir Lathiel Lovell, and 18 Feb. others against the College, concerning lands at Wappen- ham 1719. 62. Appointment of Jolm Cockerell, of Wappenham, ])ailifif of tlie 23 April manor of Weston and Weedon Draft 1748. 63. Inhabitants of Weston Wedon Four lists of various dates 21 April WEDON PINKNEY. 241 1769. 64. 'A fee boock for Wedon Wood and Weson Bushes yn 1769 mad by mee Richerd Besley ' 1771. 65. Bill for enclosing the common at Wedon and Weston 1775. 66. Bundle of 10 receipts from Nov. 26, 1774, to Nov. 1, 1775, by Eic. Beesly, for the poor's levy, church levy, land tax, higliway levy, constable levy, and for hedging and ditching in Wappenham Woods 67. Draft of an indenture concerning a lease of a house at Ibston by Merton College to W. Wilmott 68. Eight memoranda concerning evidences of Wedon 69. Eight papers with various memoranda about Wappenham LETTERS. [1534-6] 70. Thos. Cromwell to the Warden and Fellows of All Souls' :— 16 July Requests them to grant a new lease of Wedon Pinkney and Weston to Edmund Hasselwood. The Rolls P. 1. Signed. Add. Endd. 1664. 71. Hurafrey Elmes to Warden Meredith: — Mr. Hart wishes to 28 Feb. keep his lease of Wappenham in spite of the College. Has put him in Chancery. He has taken Elmes' goods on pretence of an execution. ' It is a harder tugge now for me with this knave than when I was sequestered for my fidelity to my Soveraigne.' London. Hoi. p. I. Add. 1742. 72. Edward Wills to Warden Niblett : — An account of the waste 27 April committed by the College tenants at Weston. Wedon Weston P. 1. Add. 1742-3. 73. M. Hiccocks to Warden Niblett: — Asks him to order repairs 14 March in a barn at Weston. Stratton Audley P. 1. Add. 1744. 74. John ElKs to All Souls' College: — Disputes their claim for a 12 Nov. chief rent for a house which he has purchased of one Gibbs. Moreton Pinkney P. 1. Add. 1744. 75. William King to Niblett : — Sends an account of the timber 13 Nov. on John ]Miller's ground Pp. 2. Add. 1744-5. 76. William King to the bursar : — Mr. Mobes has cut down trees 19 March belonging to the College. Wappenham P. 1. Add. 1746. 77. M. Hiccocks to Niblett: — Asks for timber for repairs. 29 March Gay ton P. 1. Add. 1746. 78. Nathaniel Kent to Niblett : — Asks for timber for repairs 8 April P. 1. Add. 1746. 79. Wm. King to Niblett :— His brother has caught Thos. 25 Nov. Colman and others cutting furze on the College land P. I 1746. 80. King to Niblett : — One of the trespassers has promised to 9 Dec. pay P. 1. Add. R 242 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1746. 81. Robert Cockerill to Niblett : — Has not eucourag-ed John 16 Dec. Bromar to stock roots in the Wild. Does not think the College has any right to break up the commoners' ground. Wappenham P. 1. Add. 1746. 82. Niblett to Cockerill : — Sends a copy of a verdict in an action 24 Dec. for trespass, 1 Jac. I., which shows the right of the College to cut thorns, &c. Tivo copies 83. Copy of the verdict referred to 1746-7. 84, Charles Gibbs to Niblett: — Advises an action at law against 6 Jan. the trespassers in preference to a prosecution at the sessions P. 1. Add. 174G-7. 85. Chas. Gibbs to Niblett: — The trespassers have submitted, 27 Jan. but the offence has since been repeated. Towcester P. 1. Add. 1746-7. 86. Robert Cockerill to Niblett: — Explains his conduct about 2 Feb. Wm. Broomer, the trespasser, and complains of the conduct of Wm. King P. 1. Add. I74f)_7. 87. King to Niblett : — Most of the commoners have promised not 10 Feb. to trespass P. 1. Add. 1 9 Feb. 88. Blackstone to Niblett : — Advises the College to bring an action of trespass to stop the encroachments at Wappenham. Temple Pp. 2. Add. 10 March 89. Chas. Gibbs to Niblett : — Has served the trespassers with writs. They seem much frighted P. 1. Add. 90. Copy of a curious letter from the trespassers to their lawyer P. 1 1747. 91. The trespassers to All Souls' College: — Believe in their 21 April ancient right to cut furze, fern, and thorns. Accuse King of waste P. 1 . Add. 1747. 92. Acknowledgment of the trespassers Ten signatures 24 April 1747. 93. John Wills to Niblett : — Asks for directions about the orders 15 May of the court. Millthrop Pp.2. Add. 1747. 94. Elizabeth Kent to Niblett: — Complains of being deprived May of part of her land Two sheets. Add. 1747. 95. Thos. Wood to [Niblett] : — Sends a copy of an order of the 3 June last court. Temple Pp- 2 1747. 96. John Wills to [Niblett] : — Comments upon the orders of the 1 1 July last court. Millthrop Pp. 4 1747. 97. John Wills to Niblett: — Complains about the mistakes of 25 Aug. the steward at the last court. Wishes for another court. Millthrop Pp. 2. Add. 1747. 98. Geo. Thomas to Niblett: — Concerning a license of alienation 29 Dec. for John Miller of Wappenham. Helmdon P. 1. Add. 1747_8, 99. Geo. Thomas to Niblett : — On the same subject. Helmdon 14 Jan. WEDON PINKNEY. 243 1747-8. 15 March 1747-8. 21 March 1747-8. 24 March 100. William King to Niblett : cut down certain trees Miller has sold liis land. Has P. 1. Add. 101. John Wills to Niblett : — Complains of certain grievances, and wishes another court to be held. ]Millthrop Pp. 2. Add. 102. King to Niblett: — John Miller has cut down a tree on the College land P. 1. Add. 'BOTULI CUEIABTTM MANERII DE EADEM PINKENYE.' 1. 21 Edw. IV.— 33 Hen. VIII. Tivo copies 2. 29 Hen. VIII.— 38 Hen. VIII. Pcqjer 3. 1 Edw. VI.— 4 & 5 Phil. & Mary Paper. Stitched together. Mutilated 4. 1-26 Eliz. Stitched together 6. 6 Eliz. Weedon and Padbury Mutilated 6.1580-1587 A paper booh Mutilated 7. 1592. 34 Eliz. 8. 1593. 35 Eliz. 9. 36 Eliz. 10. Extract from the preceding 11. 37 Eliz. Wedon and Salford ' 12. 38 Eliz. 13. 39 Eliz. 14. 40 Eliz. 15. 41 Eliz. 16. 42 Eliz. 17. 43 Eliz. 18. 44 Eliz. 19. 1 Jac. I. 20. 2 Jac. I. 21. 3 Jac. I. 22. 4 Jac. I. 23. 5 Jac. I. 24. 6 Jac. I. 25. 7 Jac. I. 26. 8 Jac. I. 9 Jac. I. 10 Jac. I. 13 Jac. I. 14-18 Jac. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 19 Jac. I. Weedon, Padbury, and Salford E 2 244 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 32. Minutes of court rolls. 30 Eliz. to 22 Jac. I. 33. „ „ 1625 to 1641 34. „ „ 1662 to 1722 35. Orders made at the courts of Weston and Wedon. 1679-1718 Seven papers LEASES. 1 3 Edw. IV. 1. Lease by All Souls' College of the manor of Wedon Pjmke- 30 Sept. ney, alias Wedon and Weston, to Ric. Harowedon of Estueston for 17 years at a rent of 151. 2. Draft of the preceding, corrected from a previous lease to John Leylond, dated 30 Sept., 5 Edw. IV. 8 Hen. VIII. 3. Lease of the manor of Wedon Pynkeney and Weston to 2 Sept. Edm. Hasylwode 33 Hen. VIII. 4. Of Wedon Pynkeney and Weston to Leonard Chamberleyne, 30 Dec. of Wodestocke, for 20 years at a rent of 19^. 15s. Both parts 5 Edw. VI. 5. Lease to John Wharton, of Wapnam, of the tenement in 10 Nov. which he resides 3 & 4 P. & M. 6. Lease of Wasshill Close, alias Church Close, Ryland Close, 1 Feb. Morles Close, and other land in Wedon, to Thos. Wattes, of Blakesley Bond enclosed 4 & 5 P. & M. 7. Of land in Wyndemyln piece and elsewhere in Wedon and 5 Nov. Weston to John Bull „ 8. Of land in Smallpathe furlong, and a medow called Wodwell Hey, in Wedon and Weston, to John Hynton „ 9. Of land in Longfurlong, land abutting on the Great Close, and land in Roulers Leys, to Patricke Petyver 4 & 5 P. &M. 10. Of Bulles tenement in W^edon to Geo. Tayllour 6 Nov. „ 11. Of land in Long and Small Pathe Furlongs andMavell Hockes in Wedon, to William Hall 4 & 5 P. & M. 12. Of land in Marley Furlonge, Wedon, to Thomas Warke- 11 Nov. worse „ 13. Of Cherys lande, the Wyndemyll piece, Lukyns, and other pieces of land in Wedon to James Lawe „ 14. Of land in Woodwell, Wedon, to Richard Paynter „ 15. Of land in Wedon to William HocnoU 16. Of land in Marly Furlong and land near Wodewell Heye and Boywell Leys to Richard Rychardes 17. Of a ' mese ' called Dayes, land in Golthorne, Boywell Leyes, and Home Corner in Wedon, to William Peren 18. Of a mese and land in Lease Weadon to Harric Adkyns 4 & 5 P. & M. 13 Nov. j> 10 Eliz. 18 Feb. WEDON PINKNEY. 245 10 Eliz. 10 July 10 Eliz. 24 July 11 Eliz. 12 May 11 Eliz. 19 Jan. 11 Eliz. 27 May 11 Eliz. 26 Oct. 11 Eliz. 1 Nov. 19. Lease of Wasshill Close, Eyland Close, Morles Close, Lonj^e Meade, and Eower Home, with herbage for 100 sheep in Wedon, to Thos. Wattes of Blacksleye, and Amphillis his wife Bond enclosed 20. Of a meadow called Fisher's Lake, in Wedon, to Edmond Dixon 21. Of Cherise lande, Luckyns, and other land in Wedon, to John Astyll 22. Surrender by Thos. Wattes of his lease dated 10, July 10 Eliz. 23. Lease of Bulles tenement in Wedon to George Taylor 24. Of Wasshill Close, &c., to Wm. Wattes, of Blackesley 25. Of land in Long Furlonge, &c., to William Halle, husbandman „ 26. Of a mese called Dayes, and land to William Peren „ 27. Of land in Marley Furlong, Woodwell Heye, and Boywell Lease to Richard Eichardes „ 28. Of land in Small Path Furlong to John Hingtou „ 29. Of land in Long Furlong and elsewhere to Patrick Petiver „ 30. Of land in Marley Furlong to Thos. Warkcworse „ 31. Of Windmill piece and other land to John Bull „ 32. Of land in Wodewell to Eichard Paynter „ 33. Of land in the South Field, the Lord's Acre, and elsewhere to Eichard Bayley 14 Eliz. 34. Of a tenement in Wapnam to John Warton, husbandman 16 July „ 35. Bond of John Warton, of Wapnam, to suflfer his mother, Agnes, to enjoy one half of a tenement in Wapnam which he holds of the College 16 Eliz. 36. Lease of housing and buildings in Wedon and Weston to 24 Nov. George Smith, M.A. 16 Eliz. 37. Of land called Clarkcs Musette in Wedon and Weston to 7 Nov. George Tayler Bond enclosed 5, 38. Of Day Close in Weedon and Weston to John Astyll Bond enclosed 18 Eliz. 39. Of Castle Hill, joining the church at Wedon, to John White 28 Oct. 21 Eliz. 40. Of land in Long Furlong, &c., to Eichard Hall, of Mylthropp 3 Jan. 28 Eliz. 41. Of Cherris Land and other land in Wedon to John Astvll 8 Nov. 28 Eliz. 42. Of Bulles tenement to George Tailor 10 Nov. 24.G ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 28 Eliz. 43. Lease of land at Marley Furlong- and elsewhere to Eichard 10 Nov. Kiehardes „ 44. Of land at Long Furlong and Rollers Leaz to Margery Petiver „ 45. Of land at Long Furlong, &c., to Eichard Hall „ 46. Of land at Small Path Furlong and Woodwell Hay to John Hinton „ 47. Of land in Marley Furlong to Thos. Warkeworse „ 48. Of land in the South Field, the Lord's Acre, Cox Leaz, &c., to Jane, widow of Eichard Balife ,, 49. Of Dayes, land in Golde Thorne, By well Leaz, &c., to Agnes, widow of Wm. Per in 28 Eliz. 50. Of Windmill Piece and other lands to John Bull 13 Nov. 29 Eliz. 51. Of Fisher's Lake and land in the South Field, to Edmund 19 Nov. Dixon, of Blakesley 29 Eliz. 52. Of Washill Close, &c., to William Wattes, of Blakesley 12 July 29 Eliz. 53. Of land in Leas Wedon to Henry Atkins, yeoman 13 Nov. 30 Eliz. 54. Of Washill Close to Wm. Wattes 4_Dec. 34 Eliz. 55. Of Dare Close and Clarkes jNIusett to William Aw^brey, of 8 May London, D.C.L. 35 Eliz. 56. Of a messuage in Wedon to PinchepoU Lovett, of Weston 24 Oct. 35 Eliz. 57. Of a tenement in Wapnam to John Warton 29 Oct. 36 Eliz. 58. Of a tenement in Weston to Eaphe Pigott, of Gray's Inn 8 Jan. 38 Eliz. 59. Of the town lands, or stray lands, and other lands wrongfully 11 Sept. detained from the College, to Thos. Carter, of the Middle Temple „ 60. Of the tenement surrendered by William Awbrey to Henry House 40 Eliz. 61. Surrender by Henry House of tenements in Wedon Pinkney 1 Aug. and Weston, late in possession of John Astyll and others 40 Eliz. 62. Lease of the same tenements to Henry House 5 Aug. 4Eliz. 63. Of Bull's tenement to John Taylor 10 Dec. 1 Jac. L 64. Of Windmill Piece and land in South Field to Henry Bull 30 April 65. Of land in North aud South Fields to Kicliard Hall WEDON PINKNEY. 247 Lease of Lord's Acre, Cox Leaz, &c., to Thos. LJaylifif Of land in Small Path Furlong and Wodwell Kay to John Russell Of Cherry Land, Windmill Piece, and Luckinges, to Thos. Carter, of tlie Middle Temple Bond enclosed Of tlie land late held by Agnes Adkins to ^lartin Sheene ( )f land in Marley Furlong to Henry Richards Of Dayes, &c., to Henry Perin Of land in Merley Furlong to Richard Werckwoorse Of the messuage held by John Astell to Henry Howse With jooiuer of attorney to deliver aeisin Of Dare's Close and Clarkes Musett to Henry Howse Of land in Long Furlong and Rollers Leaze to Thomas Willes Of a cottage to Robert Willis Of a cottage to John Knight ■ Of a cottage to Thomas Hall Of the messuage in occupation of John Astell (Ward House) to Robert Freeman Both parts and the Collegers potver of attornefj Of a messuage in Wapnam to John Wharton Both parts and bond Of Fisher's Lake and other land to I'rudence and Christian Jones, of Leichborowe Of Dayes, &c., to Henry Perin Of land in Long and Small Path Furlongs and IManwcll Hookes, &c., to Richard Hall, of Milltluop Of land in Marley Furlong to Richard Warcoust Of land in Marley Furlong, WoodwelFs Haye, and Boywelles Leaze, to Henry Richardes (^f tenement and land called Willkines, late held by John Astill, to Martin Sheene Of Bull's tenement to John Taylor Of land in South Field, Lord's Acre, and Cox Leaz to Thos. Bay life Of Windmill Piece, .^c, to Henry Bull Of land in Small Path Furlong and \N'ood\vell Hay to John Russell Both parts and bond 1 Jac. I. 66. 30 April 5? 67. 1 Jac. I. 68. 1 Oct. 2 Jac. I. 69. 28 March 55 70. 2 Jac. I. 7L 1 April 55 72. 2 Jac. I. 73. 23 July 3 Jac. I. 74. 27 March 3 Jac. I. 75. 2 April 3 Jac. I. 76. 30 April 55 77. 55 78. 3 Jac. I. 79. 6 Aug. 4 Jac. I. 80. 28 Nov. 55 81. 5 Jac. I. 82. 9 April 55 83. 55 84. 55 85. 7 Jac. I. 86. 20 April 55 87. 55 88. 55 89. 55 90. 248 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 8 Jac. I. 13 Oct. 9 Jac. I. 8 Oct. 9 Jac. I. 9 Oct. 10 Jac. L 28 Oct. 1 1 Jac. I. 11 Oct. 12 Jac. I. 8 Nov. 1 5 Jac. I. 5 Oct. 15 Jac. L 5 Nov. 17 Jac. I. 26 Oct. 20 Jac. I. 28 Oct. 22 Jac. I. 28 Oct. 1 Car. I. 24 Nov. 91. Lease of Loz Weedon, Washill Close, &c., to Sir George Paule, of Water Lambeth, and Richard Bancroft, of Wil- lesden Both parts and lessees' bond and license to let enclosed 92. Of Wylkyns, Cherry Lande, Lewkins, Windmill Piece, and other land to Thos. Carter 93. Of Ward House, Day and Dare Close, and other land late held by John Astill to Robt. Freeman With poiuer of attorney to deliver seisin 94. Of Dares Close and Clarkes Miisett to Henry House 95. Of Wilkins, &c., to Thomas Betham, of Rowington, Warwick- shire Both parts and license to let 96. Power of attorney to deliver seisin of Ward House, &c., to Robert Freeman 97. Lease of a cottage to John Knight 98. Of Dares Close and Clarkes Musett to Richard Howse 99. Of land in Long Furlong and Rollers Leaze to Cecily Willis, widow Both parts 100. Of land in Small Path Furlong and Woodwell Hay to John Russell 101. Lease of land in North and South Fields, and Manwell Hookes, &c., to Richard and William Hall, of Millthrop 102. Of land in Marley Furlong to Richard Warkhouse 103. Of land in Marley Furlong, &c., to William Clarke 104. Of Fisher's Lake, &c., to Prudence and Christian Jones, of Lichborough 105. Of Dayes, &c., to Henry Perrhin 106. Of land in the Lord's Acre, Cox Leaze and Millthrop to Thomas Bayley Both parts 107. Of Windmill Piece, &c., to Henry Bull 108. Of a cottage to Thomas Hall 109. Of a cottage to Nicholas Willis 110. Of Bull's tenement in Weedon Weston to John Taylor 111. Of land in Woodwell Hay to John Wills 112. Of a messuage and a half yardland in Wapnam to Watts Allen, husbandman BotJi. parts and bond 113. Of land in tlie South Field, the Lord's Acre, and elsewhere, to John ^^'illes 114. Of Dares Close and Clarkes Musett, to Ricliard Kowse Bond enclosed WED ON" PINKNEY. 249 1 Car. I. 115. Lease of land in the North Field, Long Furlong, and else- 6 Dec. where, to Eic. and Wm. Hall, of Milthrop Bond enclosed „ 116. Of Windmill Piece and otlier land to Henry Bull Both parts and bond „ 117. Of land in Marley Furlong to Eic. Warkhouse Both parts and bond „ 118. Of land in Marley Furlong, Woodwell Hay, and Boywell's Leaze, to Wm. Clarke Bond enclosed „ 119. Of a cottage near Westhill Close to John Knyght „ 120. Of land in Small Path Furlong and Woodwell Hay to John Wills Bond enclosed „ 121. Of land in Dayes, Gouldthome, Byvvell Leaze, &c., to Henry Perryn Bond enclosed „ 122. Of Bull's tenement to John Tayler, husbandman „ 123. Of a meadow called P"'isher's J^ake, and other land in the South Field, to Prudence Jones, of Lichborough, and Christian Hall, her daughter Bond enclosed „ 124. Of a tenement and a half yardland in Wapnam to John Myles, husbandman Bond enclosed 2 Car. T. 125. License to Sir George Paule, of Water Lambeth, and Eichard 12 Oct. Bancroft, of Willesden, to let Wasshill Close, Church Close, and other land held of the College 3 Car. I. 126. Lease of Wilkins, Cherric Land, Lewkins, Windmill Piece, 29 Oct. and other lands to John Wills Both parts 4 Car. I. 127. Of Wilkins, Cherrie Landes, &c., to William Losse 31 Oct. Bond enclosed 5 Car. I. 128. Of Windmill Piece and other land to Henry and Thos. Bull 31 Oct. Bond enclosed 10 Car. I. 129. Of Washill Close and other lands to Sir George Paul and 21 April Eichard Bancroft Bond and license to let „ 130. Of Bull's tenement to Geo. Tayler, husbandman Bond enclosed 10 Car. I. 131. Of Dares Close and Clarkes Musett in Weedon Weston to 3 Oct. Eichard Howse, yeoman Bond enclosed 15 Car. I. 132. Of Dares Close and Clarkes Musett to Eichard Howse, 31 Oct. yeoman Bond enclosed 1 7 Car. I. 133. Of Wilkins, Cherrie Lands, &c., to William Losse, clerk 29 Oct. 1656. 134. Of the Great Frith and other land in Wappenliam, to 4 Dec. Humphrey Elmes, of Kingsbury Copjy 1668. 135. Of land in Long Furlong, land abutting on the Great Close, 24 Oct. and Eollars Leaze, to John West, tailor 1 693. 136. Of Dares Close and Clarkes Musetts to Thos. Wills 14 Nov. 250 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1700. 137. Lease of Dares Close and Clarkes Musetts to Thos. Wills 4 Nov. 1706. 138. Of Windmill Piece and other land to Tliomas Kening 19 Oct. 1718. 139. Of land in Gouldthorne, RewellLeaze, Home Corner, and the 1 1 Nov. North P'ield, to Robert Grey Bond enclosed 1726. 140. Of a tenement and land in Marley P'urlong to Edw. Wills 7 Nov. Mutilated 1770. 141. Of Windmill Piece and other land in Wedon Weston to Wm. 17 Oct. Wills 1770. 142. Of a cottage in Wedon Pinkney to John Morris 18 Oct. 1772. 143. Of a cottage in Wedon Pinkney to James East 14 Oct. 1777. 144. Of a cottage in Wedon Pinkney to James Blincow 1 5 April Both parts „ 145. Of a cottage in Wedon Pinkney to John Ewick Both parts „ 146. Of a cottage in Wedon Pinkney to John Humphrey Both parts „ 147. Of a cottage in Wedon Pinkney to Wm. Lambard Both parts „ 148. Of a cottage in Wedon Pinkney to Wm. Thos. Mayo Both parts „ 149. Of a cottage in Wedon Pinkney to John Mobbs, sen., and Wm. Matthews Both parts „ 150. Of a cottage in Wedon Pinkney to John Robbince Both parts „ 151. Of a cottage in Wedon Pinkney to John Smith Mutilated. Both parts „ 152. ( )f a cottage called ' Tlie Crown ' in Weston to Wm. Tew „ 153. Of a cottage in Wedon Pinkney to Elizabeth Tucker Both parts „ 154. Of a cottage in Wedon Pinkney to John Warwick Both parts „ 155. Of a cottage in Wedon Pinkney to James Wills Both parts 1778. 156. Of an enclosure on Wappenham Wild to Jolm Atkins and 16 April John Fearns 1778. 157. Of Bull's tenement in Weedon Weston to George Thomas, of 13 Oct. Brackley „ 158. Of land in tlie Long Furlong, and elsewhere in Wedon Pink- ney, to George Thomas 1782. 159. Of Wedon Coppice to David Middleton, Surgeon Serjeant, 22 Oct. and Steven Beckingliam, of Bourne Place „ 160. Of Wasliill and Ryhnuis Closes, in Weedon, to .Middleton and Beckinsjliam WEDON PINKNEY. 251 1783. 161. Lease of a cottage in Weedon Weston to George Whitton 23 Oct. 1785. 162. Of Wilkins, Cherry Lands, "Windmill Piece, and other land 24 Oct. to Ann Treadwell, of Eodicoat „ 163. Of land in Windmill Piece and the South Field to tlie Kev. Edw. Harriott Both parts „ 164. Of a tenement and land in the Lords Acre and Coxes Leys to Mary Wills Both parts „ 165. Of Bull's tenement and land to Greo. Thomas, of Brackley Both parts „ 166. Of land in Long Furlong ]Moor, Small Batch Furlong, and elsewhere in Weedon Pinkney, to Geo. Thomas, of Brackley „ 167. Of a messuage and land in Wappenham to George Thomas, of Wappenham 5, 168. Of land in the Great Close, Long Furlong, and Koller's Leaze, to Benjamin Wills BotJt pjarts „ 169. Of Dares Close and Clarkes Musetts to John and Thomas Bleek Both parts „ 170. Of land in Marls Furlong, and elsewhere in Weedon Weston, to John Parish „ 171. Of land in Goldthorne Piece, and elsewhere in Weedon Weston, to Wm. Stanger „ 172. Of a cottage and land in Marley Furlong to Edward Wills 1786. 173. License to George Thomas to let Bull's tenement 14 Sept. 1786. 174. License to George Thomas to let his other land in Weedon 10 Nov. 1789. 175. Lease of Weedon Coppice to David ]\Iiddleton, Surgeon 3 Nov. Serjeant, and Stephen Beckiugham, of Bourn Place, Kent 1792. 176. Of Woodwell Close and Fisher's Lake to Susannah Hinton, of 20 Oct. Millthorpe „ 177. Of a homestead and orchard. Chattel and Kushy Closes, and other land, to Thos. Bleek „ 178. Of Matthew's Close to Thos. IMatthews „ 179. Of Bull's Mead and Manhill Ford to William Edmonds „ 180. Of First and Second Millthrop Closes to Jonas Malmsbury „ 181. Of a cottage to Morris, widow „ 182. Of a cottage to James Wills ;, 183. Of a cottage to Mrs. Lambard „ 184. Of a cottage to Henry Wills and Thos. Bleek „ 185. Of a cottage to East „ 186. Of a cottae-e to Elizabeth Tucker 262 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1792. 187. Lease of a cottage to William Humphry 20 Oct. „ 188. Of a cottage to John Ewick „ 189. Of a cottage to Thos. Mayo „ 190. Of a cottage to Ann Blincow „ 191. Of a cottage to John Eobbince „ 192. Of a cottage to Eic. Gribbs jj 193. Of ' The Crown ' to John Blackball „ 194. Of a cottage to Eidge 1794. 195. Of a tenement and land in Wappenham to Greorge Thomas 1795. 196. Of the Home Close, Boswell's Baulk, and other lands, to Thos. 4 June Kingston 1796. 197. Of Weedon Coppice to John Manship, of the India House, 29 Oct. Stephen Beckingham, of Portman Square, and Daniel Gregory, of Austin Friars 1799. 198. Of a farmhouse, the Home Close, Bealidge or Beanidge Close, 24 Oct. and other land, to Geo. Thomas, of Brackley „ 199. Of Millthrop Closes to Jonas Malmsbury „ 200. Of a homestead and orchard. Chattel Close, &c., to Thos. Bleek 1799. 201. Of a blacksmith's shop and land to John Bleek, maltster and baker „ 202. Of a tenement and Little and Great Home Closes to Elizabeth Heber „ 203. Of Matthew's Close to Thos. Matthews „ 204. Of a tenement, the Home Close, Boswell's Baulk, &c., to Aris 1803. 205. Of a homestead and orchard, Chattel Close, &c., to Thos. 2 Nov. Bleek 1803. 206. Of Washill or Church Close, Eylands Close, and other land to 4 Nov. John Manship, Stephen Beckingham, and Daniel Gregory ,, 207. Of Weedon Coppice to the same 1806. 208. Of Matthew's Close to Thos. Matthews 20 Oct. 209. Of a cottage called ' The CroAvn,' to John Blackall „ 210. Of a cottage to William Wilkinson „ 211. Of a cottage to Anne Witton „ 212. Of a cottage to Grace Eidge, of Brackley „ 213. Of a cottage to John Hewick „ 214. Of a cottage to Eic. Gibbs „ 215. Of a cottage to John Cooper „ 216. Of a cottage to Eichard Wills „ 217. Of a cottage to Henry Wills WEDON PINKNEY. 253 1806. 218. Lease of a tenement, and closes called Lukings, Hither 20 Oct. Close, the Great Close, and others, to Henry Willes „ 219. Of Millthorpe Closes to Jonas Malmsbiiry „ 220. Of a blacksmith's shop, Baxter's Close, Townsend Close, &c., to John Bleek 1810. 221. Of Weshill or Church Close, Eyland's Close, &c., to John 2 Nov. Aris Both parts 1813. 222. Of the House Close, Boswell's Baulk, Lower Mead, and 2 Nov. Middlethorpe, to John Aris „ 223. Of Woodwell Close and Fisher's Lake to Geo. Hinton, of Millthorpe „ 224. Of a blacksmith's shop and land to Geo. Bleek, farmer „ 225. Of a tenement, Lukings, Hither Close, &c., to Henry Wills „ 226. Of Millthorpe Closes to Edmund Potter, of Culworth „ 227. Of Bull's Mead and Manhill Ford to Alice Bull, William Potter, and Henry Newman „ 228. Of a farmhouse, the Home Close, Bealidge or Beanidge Close, &c., to William Stanbridge and ^Matthew Verney „ 229. Of a tenement. Great and Little Home Closes, Dead Queen's Close, and other land, to Harriet Wrightson „ 230. Of Matthew's Close in Weedon Weston to Eichard Potter 1813. 231. Of two meadows and a close in Wappenham to Henry 8 Nov. Matthews 1817. 232. Of Weshill or Church Close, Eyland's Close, and other land 3 Nov. to John Aris Both parts 1 820. 233. Of the House Close, Boswell's Baulk, &c., in Weedon Weston, 2 Nov. to John Airis Both parts „ 234. Of a cottage called ' The Crown ' in Weedon to John Black- hall Both parts „ 235. Of the blacksmith's shop, Bagster's and other closes in Wedon to George Bleek Both parts „ 236. Of Chattel Close and other land in Weedon Weston to Thos. Bleek Both parts „ 237. Of Bull's Mead and Manhill Ford, in Weedon' Weston, to Alice Bull, Wm. Potter, and Henry Newman „ 238. Of a tenement, Great and Little Home Closes, &c., to the Hon. Harriet Douglas „ 239. Of a cottage in Weedon Weston to Samuel Earl Both parts „ 240. Of a cottage in Weedon Pinkney to Jolni Leadbeater Both parts „ 241. Of Millthorpe Closes in Weedon Weston to Edmund Potter, of Culworth With license to let 254 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1820. 242. Lease of a cottage in "Weedon Pinkney to Greorge Potter 2 Nov. Both 'parts „ 243. Of Matthew's Close in Weedon Weston to Richard Potter Both parts „ 244. Of four cottages in Weedon Weston to Matthew Verney and Joseph Lovall, overseers, in trust for the poor Both parts „ 245. Of other cottages to the same Botlt parts „ 246. Of other cottages to the same „ 247. Of a cottage in Weedon Pinkney to Sarah Whitton Both parts „ 248. Of Hither, Great, Road Closes, &c., in Weedon Weston, to Henry Wills „ 249. Of a messuage and lands in Weedon Weston to Henry Wills „ 250. Of a cottage in Weedon Weston to John Cooper „ 251. Of Woodwell Close and Fisher's Lake in Weedon Weston to George Hinton, of Millthorpe „ 252. Of a farmhouse, Beliage Close, and other land in Weedon Weston to Wm. Stanbridge and Matthew Verney 1824. 253. Of Westhill, Ryland's Closes, &c., in Weedon Pinkney and 25 Oct. Weston to John Airis Both parts „ 264. Of Weedon Coppice to John Airis 1827. 255. Of a messuage, Boswell's Baulk, &c., in Weedon to John 3 Nov. Airis „ 256. Of Bagster's and Townsend's Closes, &c., in Weedon to George Bleek „ 257. Of Bull's Mead and Manhill Ford in Weedon Weston to John Leadbeater Both parts „ 258. Of Woodwell Close and Fisher's Lake in Weedon to George Nelson and otliers, administrators to the effects of Thos. Potter „ 259. Of Hither and Further Closes and Road Closes in Weedon Weston to the Rev. Wm. Pearson, of Kilworth „ 260. Of Millthorpe Closes in Weedon Weston to Edmund Potter, of Cul worth Both parts and license to let „ 261. Of jNIatthew's Close in Weedon Weston to Richard Potter „ 262. Of a farmhouse and Bealidge Close in Weedon to Matthew Verney „ 263. Of a messuage and Luking's Close in Weedon Weston to Henry Wills 1831. 264. Of Westhill and Ryland's Closes, &c., to John Airis 3 Nov. WEDON PINKNEY. 255 1833. 265. Lease of a farmhouse and Bealidge Close, &c., in Weedon to 26 Oct. James Lovell 1834. 266. Of a messuage, Boswell's Baulk, &c., in Weedon to John 20 Oct. Airis Both parts „ 267. Of a cottage called ' The Crown ' in Weedon to John Blackall „ 268. Of a cottage and blacksmith's shop, Bagster's Close, &c., to Oeorge Bleek Both parts and license to let „ 269. Of a cottage in Weedon Weston to John Brawnson „ 270. Of a cottage in Weedon Pinkney to Susannah Coles „ 271. Of Bull's jNIead and Manhill Ford, in Weedon, to John Lead- beater BotJi parts „ 272. Of a cottage in Weedon Pinkney to John Leadbeater „ 273. Of a farmhouse, Bealidge Close, &c., to James Lovell „ 274. Of Woodwell Close and Fisher's Lake, in Weedon, to George Nelson, banker, Greorge Bleak, and Richard Potter Both parts „ 275. Of cottages in Weedon Weston to Wm. Owen and Joseph Yann, overseers of the poor „ 276. Of cottages in Weedon Weston to Wra. Owen and Joseph Vaun, overseers of the poor „ 277. Of cottages in Weedon W'eston to Wm. Owen and Joseph Vann, overseers of the poor „ 278. Of Hither and Further Closes and Great Close in Weedon to the Eev. Wm. Pearson, of Kilworth „ 279. Of Millthorpe Closes, in Weedon, to Edmund Potter, of Culworth Both parts „ 280. Of Matthew's Close, in Weedon, to Eichard Potter Both parts 1834. 281. Of a cottage in Weedon Pinkney to Sarah Whitton 3 Nov. „ 282. Of a messuage and Luking's Close, in Weedon, to Henry Wills 1834. 283. License to Richard Heber Wrightson and others to let a mes- 1 1 Nov. suage and laud in Home Closes, &c., in Weedon Weston 1838. 284. Lease of Westhill, By land's Closes, &c., to John Airis 3 Nov. 1841. 285. Of a messuage and Bealidge Close, &c., in Weedon to James 3 Nov. Lovell 250 ARCHIVES OP ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. WELWYN. 10 Edw. III. 1. Inspeximus of charters of Eichard I. to the Nunnery of 29 May Hailiwell, granting tbem, among other things, the parson- age of Welwyn Co'py 31 Hen. VIII. 2. Memorandum from a record in the Exchequer of a grant by Henry VIII. of the advowson of Welwyn to Sir John and Joan Gfostwick 3 Edw. VI. 3. License to Grostwick to alienate the advowson 13 May 3 Edw. VI. 4. Grrant by William, brother of the late Sir John Gostwick, of 21 May the advowson of Welwyn to William and Thomas Wyl- shyre 3 Edw. VI. 5. Bond of William Grostwick to W. and T. Wylshyre 2 June 17 Eliz. 6. Writ for the delivery of the inheritance of Thomas, son and 1 4 May heir of the late Thomas Wylshyre 13 Jac. I. 7. License of alienation to Thomas Wylshyre 1 Sept. 13 Jac. I. 8. Indenture between Thomas, Joan, and John Wylshyre, con- 1 Oct. cerning the sale of their property at Welwyn Tivo copies „ 9. Sale of the advowson of Welwyn by Thomas Wylshyre to his son John 13 Jac. I. 10. Fine levied for the sale 13 Jac. I. 11. Sale by John Wylshyre of the advowson of Welwyn to All 1 March Souls' College 1 3 Jac. I. 12. The drafts of conveyance and bond on the College purchase 14 Jac. I. 13. Fine levied for the sale Easter Term 14 Jac. I. 14. Bond of Wylshyre for further assurance to the College 4 May 22 Jac. I. 15. Plea to a quo warranto for the rectory of Welwyn 16. Schedule of most of the preceding documents 1 540. 17. Note of the institution of Tliomas Cordall to the church of 2 Oct. Welwyn 1548. 18. List of patrons and incumbents 1575. 19. Note of the institution of Greorge Lewis 18 May 1 606. 20. Note of the institution of Thomas Wilshere 16 June WELWYN. 257 1707-90. 21. Certificates of baptism and testimonials for ordination and presentation of the following persons : — Joseph Betts, Edward Sacheverell Pole, Jolm Koopey, John Reynolds Batch, William Standish, Adam Ottley, John Henchman, William Simpson, Edward Lockwood, John White, Kad- cliffe Howard, Charles Congreve, Thos. Holland, William Smith, Wilughby Aston, Richard Graves, Ralph Freman, Thos. Potter, Edward BathTu-st, Edward Smith, John Frederick, Richai^d Jacob, Jolm Barton, Jonathan Shipley, John Gibson, Henry Allington, John JMack worth Praed, John Morison, Philip Bracebridge, John .Aliller, John Reynolds, Thomas Bathurst, and Charles AUicock 1862. 22. INI. F. Davidson to Warden Leighton :— Encloses a statement 7 Oct. relating to the fund belonging to the rectory of Welwyn WHADBOEOUGH. Hen. [II.] 1. Grant by Henry [II.] to Fiilco filius Guarini, of Wateberga, for a rent of 10/. Apud Douram in transitu regis Great seal, broken 2. Grant by Fulco Fitzwarren to the canons of St. John Baptist of Landa, of land called Burgthueit. Odo, Abbot of Osul- ueston, is one of the witnesses 3. Grant by P\ilk Fitzwarren to the church of St. John the Baptist, Launde, of land called Burgtueit and pasturage in his lands at Whatberge 4. Grant by Sir Fulk Fitz[warren] of a messuage and 30 acres in Whateberuw to Wm. Freney 5. Grant by Sir Fulk Fitzwarren, lord of Wateberew, to Wm. Firney, of the right of cutting wood and underw^ood in his manor 6. Grant by Eva, wife of Fulco Fitzwarin, to St. Nicholas of Weteburg and St. John Baptist of Lande, of a house in Weteburgh near the chapel 7. Grant by Peter de Neuvill, of Alexston,' to the prior and convent of Lande, of pasture between Lodinton and Helotcros [1162-66] 8. Henry II. to Robert [de Cheney], bp. of Lincoln: — Orders him not to allow the prior and canons of Landa to be troubled concerning their church of Tilton, contrary to the charters of the bishop, and of Everard, who gave it to them 9. Confirmation by R. [de Cheney], bishop of Lincoln, to the convent of Launde, of the property held by them, wliich is enumerated ' Forester of Leicestershire and Kutland, temp. Henry II, S 258 ARCHIVES OP ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 10. Confirmation by Fulco, son of Fulco filins Gwarini, to the church of St. John the Baptist, of Landa, of his father's gift of Burgthveit, and of his mother's gift before the churchyard {ante curiam ecdesice) ; and a grant by himself of land between Holebroc and the quarry Seal lost 11. Grant by Fulco, son of Fulco Fitzwarin, to the canons of Launde, comprising a few additions to the preceding grant 12. Grant by Eva, mother of Fulk Fitzfulk, to the church of St. John at Launde, of land between the church and Whad- borough Wood 1 7 [Hen. III.] 13. Copy of a grant by [Hen. III.] to the priory of Alberbury, of 1 2 Dec. the site of their house granted to them by Fulk Fitzwarin, and copy of a petition of the House of Commons for the suppression of the alien priories 14. Another copy of the above grant 15. Grant by John de Diggeby to the convent of Launde, of the church and lands in Tilton, and the right to enclose their land between Lodinton and Helotecros 16. Grant by John de Halstede to the convent of Launde of land in Halstede [1209-34.] 17. Confirmation by Hugh, bp. of Lincoln, to the church of St. John at Launde, of the grants of Lodinton, Launde, Friseby, the churches of Oudebi, Ketleby, Warle, Weled, Weston, Welleham, Tilleby, Blarwic, Grungworde, Burged, Glaest', Tilton, and Eisseby 18. Grant of land between Lambarow and Laund by Geoffrey, prior, and the convent of Alberbury to the church of St. John the Baptist at Launde 1245. 19. Indenture by which Geoffrey, warden, and the convent of Alberbury grant a mill and 58 acres at Whatebury to Reginald de Albo Monasterio and Emma Partrich, his wife 31 Hen. III. 20. Grant by Richard de Albo Monasterio, rector of Cumbe, 1 April farmer of the manor of Wateberge, to the convent of Lande, of a piece of land in Wateberge [1248-69.] 21. Agreement by which Robert [de Martival], prior of Launde, grants the right of pasture in Wateberge Wood to Reginald and Emma de Albo Monasterio 22. Agreement between Wm., prior of Grandemont, and Robert, prior of Launde, concerning their lands at Whadborough Vellu')n roll 23. Copy of the preceding and of an agreement dated Hokeday, 31 Hen. III., between Ricliard de Albo Monasterio, rector of Cumbe and farmer of Whadborough, for Peter London, warden of Alberbury, and the convent of Launde WHADBOROUGH. 259 32 Hen. III. 2 Feb. 1251. 3 Nov. 1255. 41 Hen. HI. 26 Edw. I. 11 March 26 Edw. I. 31 March 1299. 26 March 34 Edw. I. 8 Dec. 34 Edw. I. 12 Dec. 5 Edw. II. 20 May 6 Edw. II. 8 April 9 Edw. II. 27 July 1317. 27 March 24. Release Ly Robt., prior of Launde, to William, prior of Grandimont, and the warden and brothers of Alberbury, of his title to the wood of ^^'llateber', in return for land at Launde 25. Grant by Emma Patric, widow of Reginald Albi Monasterii, of land at Halstede, Leic, to the church of St. James, outside Northampton Copy 26. Grant by Peter, prior, and John, corrector of Albesbury, to Peter, abbot of Osoluoston, of the manor of Wateberge 27. Gerard, prior, and the convent of AUjerbury appoint \Vm, Burdet to levy the rent paid by the abbey of Oueleston in Wateberg 28. Grant by Gerard, prior, and the convent of Alberbury to John de Foxton and Agnes de Welham of a messuage and land in Whateberge 29. Lease by Roger, prior, and the convent of Alpesbury of their manor of Wathebore to Richard, rector of Ty 30. Grant by Robert, son of Richard Dispenser, to John and Mattlicw, sons of John Le Mey, of a virgate of land in Wateberewe 31. Grant by Matthew le Mai, of Halsted, to his brother John, of half a toft and croft, and a virgate of land in Watebrege and in Halsted 32. Grant by John Le Mey to Robert de Ailston, vicar of Lodington, of land in Longholme, Gildenthorn, and else- where in Whadborough 33. Bond of Robt. de Ailston, vicar of Lodington, to John and Agnes le Mey, of Halstead 34. Lease by Robert de Ayliston, vicar of Lodington, to Jolm and Agnes le Mey, of Halstede, of half a messuage and land in Wateberewe 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. Grant by Robert de Ayliston, vicar of Lochngton, to John and Agnes le Mey, of Halsteyde, of half a messuage and land at Wateberu Release by Gilbert, son of Robert de Hallsteyd, to Letitia, daughter of Roger Herneys, of land in Wateberewe Grant by Letitia, daughter of Roger Herneys, of Fryseby, to Ric. and Henry le ]Mey, of Hallesteyde, of 4 acres in Wate- berwe, granted to her by Robert, perpetual vicar of Lowseby Lease by the convent of Alberbury of the manor of Wateberug to the convent of Launde for a rent of 20 marks ' Terragium de terris et pasturis jacentibus in campo de Watte- barugh ad officium pietanciarii de Oselueston pertinentibus sive spectantibus.' On the back is an inventory of tlie goods of John de Saxeby, rector of Inckewelle (?) 133G. s 2 260 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. Grant by Wm. Freney, of Wateberew, of a messuage and land in \Vateberew to Simon Groddard, and Agnes, the grantor's daughter Grant by John le Mei of half a messuage and land in Whatebergh to Henry, son of Kichard Attekyrke, of Tilton, chaplain Release by Margery, widow of John le Mey, wife of William Taylour, of Eosworth, to Roger Attekyrke, of Tilton, of her late husband's tenements in Watebergh Grant by William, son of -Thomas of South JNIardfeld, to Robert Mey, jun., of land at Redhill and Holtforth hill, in Whatebergh Memorandum of the lands of Robert Meye in Wateberge Release by Robert and Anice Saundurresone to Robert Stocton of a messuage and land in Whatberew Grant by Robt. Nocton, of Erdeburgh, to Robt. Reweson, of Newton, of a messuage and land at Watteberowe Grant by Robt. Reveson, of Neweton, to Peter and Agnes Dikson, of a messuage and land at Whatebergh Grant by John Mey, of Lodyngton, to Robt. Mey, of Hal- stede, of a messuage and land at Wateburgh, acquired from Wm. Dalby, of Tylton Grant by Robt. Mey, of Cotesmore, to Ric. de Tilton, of Okham, John Skynnere, chaplain of Tilton, and others, of all his lands in Halestede, Whadbergh, and Tilton Indenture declaring that Mey intends the lands mentioned in the preceding to be settled on his wife after his death, and after her death to be sold, and the proceeds applied to a new chantry at St. Nicholas Church, Cotesmor Release of Lodyngton by Sir John, Sir Henry, and Thos. Neville, to Robert and Henry Mey Grant by Robt. Mey to Wm. Atte Brigge, of all his lands and tenements in Halsted, Watbergb, and Tylton Power of attoniey to deliver seisin Pair of indentures by which Robt. and Joan May grant to William Atte Brigge, of Tilton, all their lands in Tilton, Halstede, and Whadberghe Grant by Wm. Atte Brygge to Symon Goddard of 4 acres at Watebergh Grant by Wm. Attebrygge to Symon Goddard of a rood of land on the Rede hyl, Watebergh Release of lands in Tilton, Halstheed, and Wattebourg by Roger Flore, Nicholas Whythe, and John Sapkoe, to John Skynner, chaplain of Okeham 21 Edw. III. 40. 28 Oct. 21 Edw. IIL 41. 2 Jan. 25 Edw. IIL 42. 1 3 March 41 Edw. IIL 43. 8 Nov. 44. 2 Ric. II. 45. 2 March 2 Ric. IL 46. 8 March 3 Ric. II. 47. 22 Feb. 8 Ric. II. 48. 25 July 10 Ric. II. 49. 9 Sept. 10 Ric. IL 50. 13 Sept. 11 Ric. IL 51. 1 April 20 Ric. IL 52. 3 Oct. » 53. 20 Ric. IL 54. 14 Oct. 21 Ric. II. 55. 30 Sept. 22 Ric. IL 56. 21 Jan. 9 Hen. IV. 57. 24 Dec. WHADBOROUGH. 201 18 Hen. VI. 58. Grant l)y Kic. More, and Agnes, his wife, widow of Joliu 25 April Dixsun, of a messuage and land at Wbatbarough, to >Sir Jas. Ormound, Bartholomew Brokesby, Hen. Fillongley, and others „ 69. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 18 Hen. VI. 60. Grant by John atte Brygg, of Okeham, to Richard Palmer, of 8 May Babgrave, of all his lands in Halstead, Whadborough, and Tilton 29 Hen. VI. 61. Grant by John Boilers, Thos. Derby, and others, to Wm. 26 July Dalby, of Okeham, of a messuage and land in Tylton lately held by John Sliitwode, and lands in Wadbiugh 29 Hen. VI. 62. ' A seizure of the manor of Whadborowe by reason of an act of resumption, dated 29 Hen. VI.' 4 Edw. IV. 63. Grant by Thos. Frysseby, prior, and the convent of Launde, 4 Nov. to Wm. Yon, abbot, and the convent of St. James near Northampton, of all their lands in ArthyngAvorth, North- ants, reserving the advowson of tlie church 4 Edw. IV. 64. Grant by Wm. Yon, abbot, and the convent of St. James, to 6 Nov. the prior and convent of Launde of all their lands in Hallestede and Whaddeburgh „ 65. Power of attorney by Thos. Frisseby, prior of Launde, to receive seisin „ 66. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 4 Edw. IV. 67. Grant by Tlios. Frysseby, prior, and the convent of Launde 7 Nov. to Wm. Yon, abbot, and the convent of St. James near Northampton, of a rent of lis. 4d. from their lands at Halstede and Whaddeburgh 9 Edw. IV. 68. Grant by Thos. Frisby, prior, and the convent of Launde, of 1 May a messuage and land in Tilton and Skevington to Wm. Goddart, of Halstyd 9 Edw. IV. 69. Power of attorney by John Dansey and Thos. Nele to deliver 8 July seisin of a messuage and land at Whatbarough to Henry Sotehill, of Stokefaston, Thos. Grene, &c., and Ealpli Fraimces 9 Edw. IV. 70. Grant by Kichard, son and heir of Hugh Maye, late of Caswick, 30 Sept. to Henry Sotehill, Ralph Fraunces, Barth. Villers, and Nich. Bakster, of all his lands in Lodyngton „ 71. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 10 Edw. IV. 72. Bond of Ric. Mey, of Caswyke, to permit Thomas, prior of 1 May Launde, to hold peaceably the lands in Lodington acquired by him from Mey 11 Edw. IV. 73. Confirmation by Thos. Meyrs, Thos. Holand, John Bollis, 14 May Thos. Vynsent, and others, of the grant by Ric. ^laye, dated 30 Sept. 9 Edw. IV. 13 Edw. IV. 74. Release of land in Whadborougli by Wm. Dixson, of Tilton, 1 Jan. to Thos. Frisseby, prior of Launde 262 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 18 Edw. IV. 76. Lease by Ralph Fraunceys toEverard Dygby, Esq., and Peter 4 May Curteys, of the King's household, of a messuage and land in Halstede and Whatbarough, acquired from Ric. Xeel, justice of the King's Bench, Curteys, and others 18 Edw. IV. 76. License to Thos. Green, Ralph Frauncis, Peter Curteys, and Everard Digby to grant land in Merefeld North, Halstede, and Whatborougli to the convent of Launde 18 Edw. IV. 77. Grrant by Dygby and Curteys to Thos. Frysseby, prior of 1 2 May Launde, of a messuage and land in Halstede and What- barough 18 Edw. IV. 78. Release of the same by Dygby 20 May 18 Edw. IV. 79. Lease by Robt. Kyrkeby, abbot, and tlie convent of Osel- 30 Nov. weston, of land in Whatborough to Thos. Frisseby, prior of Launde 18 Edw. IV. 80. Fine for the conveyance of land in Halstead and Whad- Feb. borough by Peter Curteis and Everard and Jaquetta Digby to the prior of Launde 22 Edw. IV. 81. Bond of Wm. and Joan Whitwell, of Lodyngton, to Robt. 8 Feb. Norhampton, prior of Launde, and others, to give possession of the property in Lodyngton granted by them to Thos. Grrene, chaplain, and Ralph Fraunceys 20 Hen. VII. 82. Bond of the prior of Launde to perform his covenants Avith 28 Nov. All Souls' College Seal of the priory, broken 83. Four papers giving the boundaries of the priory of Launde and tlie College lands at Whadborough 22 [Hen. VII.] 84. License to Gilbert Smith, Wm. Skevyngton, and others, to 8 Feb. grant lands in Frisby-super-Wreke, Halsted, and What- barowe to the prior and convent of Launde 13 Hen. VIII. 85. Grant by Thos. Mody, chaplain of Exton, to Everard Dygby, 17 Sept. of land in South Marfeld, Leic. 1525. 86. Information of men of Halstead concerning the lands within the bounds and fields of Whatborow Vellum roll 19 Hen. VIII. 87. Inspeximus of the following documents: — A writ dated 16 26 Oct. Nov., 22 Hen. VI., and the reply of John archbp. of Canterbury, concerning the possession of the churches of Upchurch and Romenal by All Souls' College. Similar writs concerning Alberbury, 8 May, 1 Ric. III.; LTpchurch and the temporalities of the abbey of Idleden, 12 Feb., 17 Hen. VIII. ; the temporalities of the prior of Gromonde in Whadborowe, 25 Oct., 18Hen. VIIL, and the cluu-ch of Langenitli, 4 June, 19 Hen. VIIL, with the replies of the bishops of tlie dioceses in which (liese places are 26 Hen. VIII. 88. Valor of the late monastery of Laimdo from the records of 30 Jan. the Court of Firstfruits and Tenths Vellum 31 Hen. VIIL 89. Grant of an annuity of (iO/. to John Lancaster, prior of the 28 Jan. dissolved monastery of Launde WHADBOROUGH. 2G3 1540. 90. 'The copie of an act for the attainder of tlie Lorde Crome- well ' 33 Hen. VIII. 91. ^Ministers' account of the possessions of tlie kite priory of Launde in Leicestershire Paper roll „ 92. Extract from the records of the Court of Augmentation con- cerning the rent of Whadborough 34 Hen. VIII. 93. Lease by Gregory Lord Cromwell, to John Goodwyn, of Over- 24 Jan. wynchynden, of his close, &c., in Wliadborougli 5 Edw. VI. 94. The office found after the death of Lord Gregory Cromwell 18 Sept. 1 Mary. 95. Lease of Halsted and lands in Whadborough by Q. Mary to 8 Dec. Lady Elizabeth Cromwell C^py 1 «& 2 P. & M. 96. Insjjeximus of the proceedings in the Court of Exchequer, 12 Feb. 33 Hen. VI., by which the manor of Whatbarowe was re- stored to All Souls' College 1 Eliz. 97. Lease of Halstede by (^ueen Elizabeth to Lord St. John and 18 JNIarch Elizabeth his wife 2 Eliz. 98. Lease by Hemy Lord Cromwell to John Goodwyn, of Over- 2 May Avynchyngdon, of a close and pasture called ^^iKldborough 2 Eliz. 99. Bond of Eobert Erokesby to do his best to enter on the 29 Sept. manor of Whadborow and prosecute the title of the College 4 Eliz. 100. Sale by Wm. marquis of Winchester of his lands in Whad- 4 Dec. borough to Henry Lord Cromwell 4 Eliz. 101. Writ forbidding Robt. Brokesby to proceed in his suit against 17 June Henry Lord Cromwell and his tenants at Whadborough 6 Eliz. 102. Exemplification of proceedings against Lord Cromwell in the 12 Feb. Common Pleas 1558-65. 103. Bundle of 4 papers referring to a matter depending in the Court of Wards and Liveries between Lord St. John, in- former, and All Souls' College, defendants 104. Interrogatories for the witnesses on behalf of All Souls' College in the suit of Lord St. John against the College 6 Eliz. 105. ' The copie of tlie indenture of bargayne and sale, from the 26 P'eb. Earle of Lecester to Tamworthe of Hoisted' 15 Eliz. 106. Inquisitio post mortem Chr. Tamworth 8 April 1579. 107. Receipt by Wm. Buttell, of Stanton Harcourt, from Anthony 26 March Shorte, bursar, of 49 writings concerning the manor of AMiad])orougli 23 Eliz. 108. Indenture between Henry Lord Cromwell and John and Jas. 15 Nov. Claypoole, lessees of Whadborough, concerning a bond of Lord Cromwell's to them 24 Eliz. 109. Covenant of Henry Lord Cromwell and Lady Mary his wife, 1 Aug. to grant Whadborough to Koliert Osborne and Edward Bacon to the use of James and John Claypole 264 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 30 Eliz. 110. Exemplification of an Act of Parliament, 30 April, 2 Hen.V., 14 Oct. concerning the alien priories ; and of the grant of the custody of Alberbury to Sutton and Bradley, 9 May, 16 Hen. A'l. 30 Eliz. 111. Exemplification of proceedings and deposition in the College's 26 June suit against Lord Cromwell, concerning the plans produced by him Endd. ' Second commission ' 30 Eliz. 112. Extract from a grant of Queen Elizabeth to Edw. Wymarcke, 21 Oct. of lands in Hinckle, Leic, late belonging to the guild of the Holy Trinity there ; lands in Tylton, Halsted, and Whadborough belonging to the monasteries of St. James and Laund ; and lands in Lutterworth and Sapcote 32 Eliz. 113. Writ ordering Warden Hovenden and Tlios. Carter to stay 28 Nov. proceedings against Jas. Claypoole, tenant of Hen. Lord Cromwell 32 Eliz. 114. Bill in Chancery exhibited by John Tamworth against the College 1589. 115. 'The answer of the College to the bill of complaint of Tam- Hil. Term worth ' 32 Eliz. 116. Inspeximus of the entry in Domesday Book concerning 15 May Whadborough 32 Eliz. 117. Writ ordering the College to make a rejoinder in their suit 14 Nov. with Lord Cromwell [1588-91.] 118. Two copies of a bill of complaint of All Souls' College against Kenelm and Everard Digby, for encroachment on their lands at Whadboi"ough ; a copy of a writ and inquisition ad quod damnum, 27 Edw. IV., relating to the land in question; a terrier of Everard Digby's lands, and complaints of the prior of Launde 33 Eliz. 119. Information in the Exchequer Chamber on behalf of Lord Cromwell against John Tamworth and the College „ 120. Answer of All Souls' College to the above information „ 121. The demurrer of John Tamworth to Sir John Popham's infor- mation (No. 119) 33 Eliz. 122. Power of attorney by the College to enter into their lordship 1 8 March. at Whadborough 28 & 33 Eliz. 123. Three rolls of depositions concerning the College's suit with Lord Cromwell 33 Eli/. 124. Power of attorney by the College to prosecute their cause 17 April against John Tamworth for the manor of Whadborough 33 Eliz. 125. Writ issued on behalf of All Souls' College against Thos. Trinity Term Gribbyns, for a trespass at Wapnam, Northants 33 Eliz. 126. Exemplification of a verdict in the case of Carter v. Henry 23 June Lord Cromwell and others, for trespass at Whadborough 34 Eliz. 127. Inspeximus of two extents of the lands of the priory of Alber- 19 April bury in Leicestershire, dated 1 June, 44 Edw. III., and 24 Feb., 44 Edw. III. WHADBOROUGH. 2G5 128. ' To prove WTiadborowe a manor. Extenta terrarum prioratus de Alberbury.' 44 Edw. III. Copy 129. Power of attorney by All Souls' College to take possession of Whad borough A memorandum of the entry is appended 130. Fine by which John Tamworth releases the manor of Halsted to John Lutwyche and Tlios. Fermour 131. Writ forbidding \Vm. Carter to proceed in his suit against Jas. Cleypoole 132. Agreement between the College and Carter for the sharing of expenses of actions for the recovery of Whadborough 133. Notes about Lawne Hall, Lawne Field, and Hallfeelde 34 Eliz. 6 Nov. 35 Eliz. 23 Jan. 35 Eliz. 30 Jan. 35 Eliz. 23 Oct. 1594. 29 May 36 Eliz. 17 June 36 Eliz. 19 June 36 Eliz. 19 June 134. 135. 136. 1594. 17 Aug. 36 Eliz. 12 Oct. Inspeximus of charters of Hen. I., Hen. II., and Hen. III., to the priory of Laund, and the grants of the priory by Hen. VIII. to Thos. and Gregory Cromwell Exemplification of the bailiff's accounts of the possessions of the late priory of St. James, Northampton, 30 Hen. VIII. Inspeximus of an inquisition concerning the lands of the abbey of Oselweston, 28 Nov., 3 Hen. IV., 1401 137. Exemplification endorsed ' The suit at the Common T>aw, a verdict and judgment there, a writ of error brought in the King's Bench and the judgment affirmed ' 138. Inspeximus of proceedings in Brokesby's suit against Lord Cromwell 139. Inspeximus of the College's bill against Lord Cromwell, his answer, and the judge's order 140. Composition for tithes at Whadborough 141. Exemplification of the depositions of witnesses on behalf of the College, taken 13 Jan., 33 Eliz. Endd. ' Third commission ' 36 Eliz. 142. Carter v. Cleypoole. 1598 With extract from Cleypoole's will. Three papers 37 Eliz. 143. Exemplification of the depositions of witnesses on behalf of 10 Feb. Lord Cromwell Endd. 'First commission' 38 Eliz. 144. Inquisition taken after the death of John Tamworth, who 2 Nov. held the manor of Halsted 1588-98. 145. A book with a parchment cover containing copies of evidences relating to Whadborough and accounts of law suits 41 Eliz. 146. Grant by Edward Lord Cromwell to Edward Heron and 31 Jan. Eobert Lawsoun of his lands in Whadborough late belong- ing to the dissolved monastery of Osolveston, alias Owston, Leic. [Eliz.] 147. Account of the title of the College to their lands at Whad- borough Pp. 12 266 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1 Jac. I. 148. Sale of their lands in Whadborough by Edward Heron and 28 May Eobert Lawsoiin to Wm. Smyth 1 Jac. I. 149. Power of attorney by the College to take possession of Whad- 1 Dec. borough 1593-1604. 150, The orders of the Court of King's Bench between Carter and Claypool An agreement between All Souls' College and Thos. Carter, 19 Nov. 1602 151. Bundle of papers relating to the suits between the College and Lord Cromwell, and Lord Cromwell and Brokesbie, concerning Whadborough, consisting of legal proceedings and copies of documents 152. Eoll of papers, being memoranda relating to the same suit 153. Bundle of papers, consisting of law proceedings, drafts of indentm-es, and copies of evidence 154. Bundle of papers concerning the College's suit with Lord Cromwell 155. Bundle of papers consisting of evidence, proceedings, &c., in the same suit [1605.] 156. Commission to the Archbp. of Canterbury, Lord Treasurer, Earls of Northampton and Salisbury, and others, to decide the suit between the College and Lord Cromwell Copy 1605-6. 157. Award of the above Commissioners, signed by them. Lord Cromwell, Hoveden, and Anthony Davis [Jac. L] 158. Grant of the dissolved priory of Launde to Sir Wm. Smyth 9 Dee. Copy 1606. 159. Sale of lands in Whadborough late belonging to the monas- 30 March tery of Osolweston or Owston, by Sir Wm. Smyth to All Souls' College Two drafts 1606. 160. 'An indenture of bargain and sale between the Warden and College of All Soules of Oxford, and Sir Wm. Smith,' of land in Whadborough Draft [1606.] 161. Release by the Warden and College of All Souls' of Laund land, Leic, to Sir William Smith Copy 4 Jac. I. 162. Agreement of Edw. Lord Cromwell to assure the lands in 5 April Whadborougli, late belonging to Launde priory, and to the monastery of St. James, Northampton, witli those granted to Grregory Lord Cromwell by Henry VIII. , to Sir Edw. Coke and John Doddridge, to the intent tliat a common recovery may be had of them by William Birde, D.C.L. Both parts 4 Jac. I. 163. Fine for the conveyance of land at Whadborough by Lord Easter Cromwell to Coke and Doddridge 4 Jac. T. 164. Indenture between Lord Cromwell and All Souls' College, 15 April guaranteeing to the latter the peaceable possession of the above-mentioned land in Whadboroiisjfh WHADBOROUGH. 267 1606. 15 April 4 Jac. I. 16 April 1606. 4 Jac. I. 20 April 4 Jac. I. Easter 4 Jac. I. 19 May 4 Jac. I. 20 May 4 Jac. T. 2 June 4 Jac. I. 10 June 165 166 169 170. 4 Jac. I. 9 July 4 Jac. I. 14 July 4 Jac. I. 15 July 4 Jac. I. 1 Sept. 4 Jac. I. 15 Oct. 1607. 29 April 5 Jac. I. 12 March ' The indenture of covenants between the Lord Cromwell and All Soulne Colledge ' Copy Indenture for the conveyance of the lands of Owston priory in Whadborough by Lord Cromwell to Anthony Davyes, of Oxford, to the use of All Souls' College Botlb jjarts 167. ' A bargaine and sale of Owston lands ' to Wm. Byrde Imperfect draft 168. Sale of the lands of the late monastery of Owston by Lord Cromwell to Antony Davyes Fine for the conveyance of Owston lands to Davyes Tivo copies Grant by James I. to Coke and Doddridge of the lands in Whadborough late belonging to the priories of Launde and Northampton and to Gregory Lord Cromwell 171. Sale by Lord Cromwell to Sir Edw. Coke and John Doddridge of the lands in Whadborough belonging to the priories of Launde and Northampton, and those granted to Gregory Lord Cromwell by Henry VIII. 172. Exemplification of a recovery by Dr. Birde of the lands con- veyed to Antliony Davyes 173. Sale by Edward Wymarke, of London, to All Souls' College of his lands in Whadborough belonging to the late priories of St. James and Launde 174. Three drafts of the preceding, with a memorandum of entry 15 Sept. 1606, and an abstract of Elizabeth's grant of land to Wymark, 21 Oct., 30 Eliz. 175. Exemplification of a recovery by Dr. Birde of the lands in Whadborough granted to Coke and Doddridge 176. Wymark's deed of feoffment to the College 177. Grant by James I. to All Souls' College, of the lands in Whadborough belonging to the priories of Launde and Northampton, for a rent of 34^. 178. Power of attorney to receive seisin of the land bought from Edw. Wymarke 179. Power of attorney to enter into possession of lands at Whad- borough leased to John Yonge, of Newington 180. The list of the Committee of the House of Commons to con- sider a bill for the confirmation of certain lands to All Souls' College and of other lands to Sir Wm. Smith 181. The College's power of attorney to distrain on certain lands at Whadborough 182. Power of attorney by All Souls' College to distrain at Midle- barowe, Keddhill, and other lands at Whadborough 268 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1608. 1 3 June [1608.] Eliz. Jac. I. 6 Jac. I. 183. Exemplification of an act of parliament, 4 Jac. I., entitled 6 June ' An acte for confyrmacion of certayn landes to the "Warden and Colledge of the Soules of all faythefull people deceased of Oxon, and of other landes to Sir Wm. Smyth, knight.' „ 184. Draft of the preceding, with notes of the evidence to be shown to the committees in paidiament on behalf of the College 185. Information of Sir Cuthbert Pepper on behalf of the coheirs of John Tamworth against the College, whereupon the depositions of 7 Feb. 1610 were taken 186. Answer of Warden Hoveden and others to the said informa- tion 187. Bundle of 24 papers relating to the proceedings between the College and John Tamworth, for lands atTyiton in WTiad- borough 188. Bundle of papers concerning the suit between the College and Tamworth 189. Bundle of papers concerning a suit of Colby Tamworth and his heirs against the College for land at Halstead 190. Copy of a grant by John Askewe of Northborowe to John Cleypoole of a close at Whadboroughe, leased to him by Edw. Lord Cromwell, dated 1 1 Dec, 42 Eliz. 191. Copy of a deed of sale of Whadborough by Sir Wm. Smith to William Whalley 192. Copy of a lease of Whadborowe by Edw. Lord Cromwell to John Askewe, of Norborowe, dated 29 Jan., 41 Eliz. 193. Copy of the sale of the lease of Whadboroughe by John Cley- poole to Wm. Smyth, dated 16 Oct., 43 Eliz. 194. Eeplication of Sir James Ley, the king's attorney of the Court of Wards and Liveries, in the case of the coheirs of John Tamworth Jac. I. 1608-9. 24 Jan. 160'J. 3 June 1609-10. 7 Feb. 8 Jac. I. 1 June 1612. 1606-12. 195. Depositions of witnesses on behalf of the coheirs of John Tamworth against the College 196. Letter of attorney for entry at Whadborough 197. Power of attorney to John Boice and Martin Sheene to enter on the College lands at Whadborough Draft 198. ' Directions to make entry on Whadborough ' 199. ' The valuation of Halstead set down by Christoplier Allen, 1612, in progress' 200. ' Sergeant Nicoll's valuation of Halstead and part of Whad- boroug-ii claimed by All Souls' College' Five copies 201. Seven receipts for rents of Whadborough due to the king 202. Eight cojjies of fines for lands at Halstead, 33 Eliz. (o 1(» Jac. I. WHADBOROUGH. 269 Jac. I. 203. Four copies of a brief of the College against Lord and Lady Wharton, Sir George Dalston, and Wm. and Francis Nicliolls, a draft of interrogatories and a petition of the College to the Lord Chancellor in the same suit 15-20 Jac. I. 204. Bundle of papers containing proceedings, &c., in a suit of the College against Sir George Dalston and William NichoUs for a trespass at Whadborough 1620. 205. Bundle of papers concerning the Buit between Sir George Dalston, Wm. and Francis Nicolls, Philip Lord Wharton, and Dorothy his wife, heirs of Tamworth, and All Souls' College 206. Depositions on behalf of the College against Sir George Dalston and others 207. Depositions [referring to the same suit] [Jac. I.] 208. A paper giving particulars about Wappenham Wilde and Sir H. Wallop's property there P. I. Endd. 209. A list of writings and evidences concerning Whadborough, Parts I. and II. [Eliz.-Jac. L] 210. A l)undle of papers, being copies of documents, terriers, &c., numbered 1-31, concerning Whadborough, of which a list is given in the preceding catalogue. Part II. 1661. 211. Power of attorney by John Palmer, Warden, and the College 8 April to Edward Astyn and Francis Skury to take possession of the Great and Lesser Friths at \\'appenham Cojpy 24 Car. II. 212. Sale by Fras. Lord Hawley and the other trustees for the sale 1 9 March of crown rents, to Sir Joseph Sheldon, of rents in the manor of Rolleston, the vicarage of Husband Bosworth, the manor of Whitwick, Launde Park and Westwoods, the site of the priory of Launde, Whadborough, Lodington and Tilton, in Leicestershire 30 Car. II. 213. Conveyance of the feefarm rent of ^Vliadboroughe, &c., by 9 March Sir Joseph Sheldon to All Souls' College 1761. 214. Bundle of 16 letters and papers ' relating to the inclosure of Wappenham Wild,' with a printed copy of the act of par- liament for the enclosure 215. Seven papers, being lists and memoranda concerning the evidences of Whadborough 216. Copies of documents relating to Whadborough 217. Extract from Domesday Book of the entries concerning Alsted and Rotelye, Leic. 218. Extracts explaining the meaning of a carucate of land [16th cent.] 219. Coloured map on vellum entitled 'The Plat of Whate- boroughe ' 270 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. LETTERS. 220. The bursar of All Souls' College to : — Containing an offer of a lease of the lands held by the prior of Launde of All Souls' College Mutilated. Pp. 2 221. Wm. Yard to Mr. Lante, vicar of Tilton : — Grives names of occupiers of Whadborough House and Spot meadow field Mutilated 1559. 222. Thos. Parry to All Souls' College : — Desires them to favour 4 May Lord Cromwell's suit to them for lands which they claim in his close called Whadborough. The Court Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1559. 223. Hen. Lord Cromwell to All Souls' College :— Will be much 25 May obliged to them, and his friend Mr. Treasurer will also, if they will grant him the lease for which he has sued their favour. Launde Signed, P. 1. Add. Endd. 1559. 224. Dr. Warner to Lord Cromwell : — Has received his letter asking 26 May the College to come to some determination about their land in Whadborough. The prior of Launde had only leases from the College, but no estate of inheritance. If Lord Cromwell can get the lease in reversion granted to Rafe Chamberlain, the College may be able to satisfy him Pp. 2. Draft. Endd. 1562. 225. Dr. Warner to Robert Brooksby : — Has collected certain 10 May evidences of which he gives a list, and will send them if Brooksby will let him know the day of Leicester assizes Draft. Pp. 2 [1562.] 226. Robt. Brokesbye to Warden Warner : — Sends a copy of an 26 June injunction awarded to him in the Exchequer. Hopes to answer it more easily than Lord Cromwell expects. Sywol- bye. Hoi. P. 1. Add. Endd. 6 Feb. 227. Robert Brokesby to All Souls' College : — An account of the proceedings of Lord Cromwell against him touching Whadborough. Asks the College to take up his case. London Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 22 Oct. 228. Robt. Brokesbie to Humfrey Brokesbie : — Sends a servant to bring to London evidences which the College has prepared to prove their title to Whadborough Hoi. P. 1. Add. Endd. 229. [Hoveden] to Mr. Yelverton: — Accepts an offer to help them in their case against Lord Cromwell, on consideration of a lease of the land in question Draft. Pp. 2. Endorsed by Hoveden 1577. 230. Robt. Brookesbie to [Warden Hoveden] : — Will be in London 24 May next month, ready to produce evidence and information about Whadborougli. Sholbye Hoi. P. 1. Endd. WHADBOROUGH. 271 1 578-9. 231. Fras. Cave to Sir Fras. Walsingham : — Parted with his lease of 14 Feb. Wliadborough to Grregory, father of the present Lord Henry Cromwell. The College wished him to buy the lands. Baggrave Signed. P. 1 . With an attestation of its authen- ticity by Walsingham. Add. 232. A copy of the preceding 1582. 233. Lord Chief Justice and Justice Periam to Lord Cromwell : — 19 Nov. Have to report on his case with All Souls' College, to the Lord Chancellor. Declared their ojainions to his brother Thos. Cromwell, and ask for an answer. Hertford Draft. F.l. Endd. 1582-3. 234. Lord Cromwell to Chief Justice Sir Edm. Anderson and Wm. 20 .Ian. Peeryam, justice :— Has already answered their proposal. Is willing to pay the College rent for the land they claim, but not arrears. Northelmham. Sifjned. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1585 C). 235. Sir Fras. Walsingham to the Lord Treasurer [Burleigh] and 7 Fel). Sir Walter Mildmay : — The case between the College and Cj'omwell comes on shortly. Asks them to be present at the hearing. The Court Drafts. Pp. 2. Endd. „ 236. Francis Mylles to Dr. Hovendeji, in London : — Sends copies of his master's [Walsingham's] letters to Burleigh and Mildmay. Hoveden may use his o"svn discretion about the delivery. Greenwich Hoi. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1580. 237. Dr. Hoveuden to Mr. Carter: — Particulars about his health 9 Aug. and directions for the suit with Lord Cromwell. All Souls' College Hoi. Pp. 2. Add. 1586. 238. Henry Lord Cromwell to Sir John Harrington and Dr. Chep- 27 Aug. pingdale : — Complains of the defects in the ' plott ' made by Mr. Gierke, at the suggestion of Harrington and Chep- , pingdale. Lawnde Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1588-9. 239. Fras. Walsingham to the Judges of the Common Pleas: — 26 Jan. In favour of the College, whose case comes on on Thursday. Cave's letter to him of 14 Feb. 1578 is genuine. The Court Signed. P. 1. Add. 1593. 240. All Souls' College to the Earl of Bath :— Tlianks for evidences 15 Sept. lent by him at their last trial. Ask him to lend some for the new trial Draft. P. I. Add. 241. All Souls' College to the Earl of Bath:— Ask the loan of evidences for their new trial P. 1. Copy. Add. Endd. 1594-5. 242. Edw. Lord Cromwell to one of the jury : — Desires his appear- 10 March ance at the King's Bench on Monday, 19 May, in the suit of Thos. Carter against Cleypole, Lord Cromwell's farmer. Nortlielmham Signed. P. 1. Endd. 272 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1595. 243. Thos. Carter to Mr. Pepworth : — Sends money for his journey 14 April into Devon for Lord Bath's documents. Particulars about what is wanted from them. Cambridge Copy. P. 1. Endd. 1595. 244. All Souls' College to the Earl of Bath :— Ask if he will allow 9 April his evidences to be searched for Henry II.'s grant of Watebirge to Fulk Fitzwarren. Oxford Copy. P. 1. Endd. 1595. 245. Warden Hoveden to ' some of the jury': — Desire their at- 28 April tendance at the suit between Carter and Cleypole. Oxford P. 1. Draft. Endd. 246. The College to the Lord Treasurer [Bm-leigh] : — Beg his as- sistance in their suit with Lord Cromwell Latin. Draft. P.\. Endd. ' Supplicatio Domino Thesaurario cum esset Oxonise ' 247. Draft of a petition to the Lord Treasurer to procure a speedy end to their suit with Lord Cromwell Pp. 2. Endorsed by Hoveden [1595.] 248. Queen Elizabeth to : — Orders them to settle the case between the College and Lord Cromwell Copy. Pp. 2. Endd. ' The Queen's Maties. pleasure upon a peti[ti]on concerning Whadborough ' 1595. 249. John Whitgift, archbp. of Canterbury, to Mr. Harbert : — 18 June All Souls' College have lately exhibited a petition to the Queen about their case with Lord Cromwell. Asks him to show Her Majesty the full effect and truth of their cause P. 1. Endd. 250. Archbp. [Whitgift] to the Lord Treasiu-er : — Desires his further assistance and favour for All Souls' College in their suit with Lord Cromwell. They have sent a petition to the Queen Signed. P. 1. Endd. 1603. 251. Two drafts of a petition of All Souls' College to the Queen 15 Jan. to decide their suit with Lord Cromwell. To one draft is appended a declaration of their title 252. Drafts of 3 petitions from All Souls' College to James I. con- cerning their suit with Lord Cromwell 253. James I. to Sir John Popham and the other Justices of the King's Bench : — Commands them to grant execution ac- cording to the laws in favour of the College against Lord Cromwell Tliree copies 1605. 254. All Souls' College to the Lord Chief Justice: — Beg him to 3 June grant them execution in the same suit Draft. P. 1 1605-6. 255. All Souls' College to the arbitrators appointed by the com- 15 Jan. mission: — Complain of the injury thoy have suffered by the length of their suit with Lord Cromwell Latin. Copy. P. 1 WHADBOROUGH. 273 lfiO(). 256. All Souls' College to the Earl of Dorset: — Upon coming to 23 June an agreement with Lord Cromwell, petitioned the king for the extinguishing of a rent of 34^. unjustly laid upon their lands. Ask him to recommend their suit to the Barons of the Exchequer P.]. Note by Dorset at the foot. Add. Endd. 1600. 257. All Souls' College to the Barons of the Exchequer: — Ask 9 Nov. them to decide their petition about the rent of 34L shortly and favourably P. 1. Add. 1606-7. 258. All Souls' College to Sir Julius Casar, Chancellor of the Ex- 4 Feb. chequer : — About the rent of 34^. Beg his favour Draft. P.\. Add. 259. Draft of a letter concerning the rent of 34^. wrongfully im- posed on the College by their agreement with Lord Crom- well, endorsed ' A Certificate for All Souls' College in Oxford ' P. 1 1608. 260. Thos. Cromwell to Warden Hoveden : — States an offer of his 1 1 No\'. father to lay open his secrets and endeavour to procure some evidence for the good of the College. INIiddle Temple Signed. Add. P. 1 1609. 261. Henry House to Hoveden : — Sends the names of persons to l)e examined before the commissioners. Add. On the same 2)aper are drafts of two letters from Hoveden to House and Carter on the same suhject 1609. 262, Robert Pilkington to Mr. Mather : — A commission has l)een 19 Aug. appointed to examine witnesses in the College's suit con- cerning Whadborough, in the Court of Wards. Asks him to agree to Leicester, the 14th Sept., which are the time and place fixed Copy. P. 1 „ 263. Richard Mather to Mr. Pilkington :— The time fixed is too early. Lord Wharton and Sir Greo. Dalston, for whom he acts, and the other coheirs of Tam worth are altogether un- provided for this cause Copy. P. I 1609. 264. Robert Pilkington to [Hoveden] : — Sends copies of the cora- 21 Aug. mission to Beaumont, Haselrigg, and himself, and of letters passed between him and JNIather. Leicester P. 1 1609. 265. Hoveden to Pilkington: — Will be ready to meet the com- 25 Aug. mission on St. Matthew's Day and wishes him to inform Mr. Mather and persuade him to hold that day „ 266. Hoveden to House : — Is sorry the day proposed for the com- mission would not suit. Has wi-itten to Mr. Pilkington to say he will be content with St. INlatthew's Day 1609. 267. Pilkington to Mather ; — Wishes to know if he will consent to 27 Aug. the sitting of the commission on St. ^Matthew's Day Copy. P. 1 274 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1609. 268. Richard Mather to Mr. Pilkiiigton :— Will be ready by St. 28 Aug. Matthew's Day. Asks if he will compound for the diet of the commissioners and the witnesses Coi^y. P. 1 1609. 269. Pilkington to Hoveden :— Sends on Mr. Mather's letter to 29 Aug. himself. Has made arrangements for the attendance of witnesses P. 1. Add. 270. All Souls' College to Sir Thos. Beaumont and Sir Thos. Haselrigg ; — Request them to sit on the 14th or 15th Sept. Hoveden to Harry House : — Desires liim to deliver the above letters Three drafts. Pp. 3 [1605-12.] 271. All Souls' College to the Lord Treasurer (Salisbury):— Desire leave to proceed at the common law against the coheirs of Tam worth in spite of the order of the Court of Wards Draft. P. I. At the foot is a note signed by Salisbury 272. All Souls' College to the attorney of the Court of Wards : — On the same subject Draft. P. 1 1611-12. 273. [Hoveden] to Christopher Allen :— Desires him to help Mr. 5 Feb. John Whalye, who intends to take a view of Halstead which Sergeant Nicolls has purchased and offers to sell to the College. Draft of a receipt by Dr. Hoveden of a trunk of evidences from Ann, widow of Thos. Carter 1612. 274. All Souls' College to George Abbot, achbp. of Canterbury : — 29 April Ask whether their statutes allow them to submit to arbi- trators their suit with Sergeant Nicolls concerning Whad- borough. If so, wish the Archbishop and Lord Chancellor to be arbitrators on their part 1619. 275. Petition of All Souls' College to Lord Verulam, Lord Chan- cellor, for leave to bring an action of trespass against Lord Wharton and the other coheirs of Tam worth P. 1. Endd. 276. Ric. Towse to Warden Sheldon : — Information about a lane at Wappenham P. 1. Add, LEASES. 37 Hen. VI. 1. Lease by All Souls' College of the lordship of Whadborowe 10 Oct. to Thos. Neele, of Oselweston 1459-66. 2. Lease by Wm. Poteman, warden of All Souls' College, of the lordship of Watbarow, to Thomas [Frysseby], prior of Lawnde, for 1 years 2 Edw. IV. 3. Similar lease, rent 6^. 13s. 4d Both parts 23 Jan. WHADBOROUGH. 21 Hen. VIII. 4. Lease by All Souls' College, of lands in AVadborowe and else- 2 Nov. wbere in Leicestershire, to John Lancastre, prior, and the convent of Launde Cancelled „ 5. Similar lease Sealed 31 Hen. VIII. 6. Lease by All Suuls' College of their lands in Wadborowe 20 March and elsewhere in Leicestershire to Francis Cave, of London, LL.D. Both parts and a copy „ 7. Two bonds of Francis Cave G Edw. VI. 8. Lease of the College lands in Wadborowe, or elsewhere in 16 Nov. Leicestershire, to Rauffe Cliamberlen, of Beconsfelde 2 Eliz. 9. Of the manor of Whadborow to Robert Brokesby, of Siwolby, 29 Sept. alias Shewlby Both parts and bond „ 10. Copy of the preceding, Torn „ 11. Bond of All Souls' College to Robert Brokesby 28 Eliz. 12. Lease of the manor of Whadborough to Thos. Carter, of the 18 July IMiddle Temple Both parts and bond 28 Eliz. 13. Power of attorney of Thos. Carter to take possession of 20 Sept. Whadborough, leased to him by the College 32 Eliz. 14. Power of attorney by All Soids' College to receive from 21 July Thos. Carter the surrender of a lease of Whadborough 32 Eliz. 15. Lease of Whadborough to Thos. Carter 22 July 35 Eliz. 16. Lease of Whadljorough to Thos. Carter, of the Middle Temple, 22 Oct. for 20 years Both parts 36 Eliz. 17. Power of attorney by Thos. Carter to enter into the manor 8 June of Whadborough, leased to him by All Souls' College 45 Eliz. 18. Agreement between the warden of All Souls' and Thos. 19 Nov. Carter, of the Middle Temple, for the granting of a lease to him of lands in Weedon and Weston, on his surrender of the lease of Whadborough Both parts „ 19. Bond of the warden for the performance of the above 1 Jac. I. 20. Carter's release of Whadborough to the College 1 Dec. „ 21. Power of attorney by Thos. Carter to surrender the manor of Whadborough to All Souls' College „ 22. Power of attorney to receive Carter's surrender of the lease of Whadborough 4 Jac. I. 23. Power of attorney by All Souls' College to deliver to John 15 Oct. Yonge the lands of Launde Priory, at Whadborough, which they have let to him „ 24. Power of attorney to receive possession 14 Jac. I. 25. Lease of pasture at Whadborough to Wni. Paule, of London, 1 Oct. butcher Both pcirts T 2 27G ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 18 Jac. I. 26. Lease of Whadl)oi-ough Close to Wm. Paule Both j)arts 25 Oct. 18 Jac. I. 27. Bond of \Vm. Paule to the College 6 Dec. 3 Car. I. 28. Lease of tlie close called Whadborough, a tenement, and 29 Oct. other land, to Greo. Paule, of Westham, Essex, grazier, and William Paule, M.A. Both parts and license to let 8 Car. I. 29. Of a messuage in Whadborough, Whadhorough Great Close, 31 Oct. and other land, to Geo. Paule, of Oselweston, and Wm. Paule, D.D. Bond enclosed 1 3 Car. I. 30. Of a messuage in Whadborough, Whadborough Great Close, 31 Oct. and Brookborowe, to Geo. Paule, of Oselweston, and Samuel Clark, of King's Thrupp, D.D. 15 Car. I. 31. Of the same to the same Bond enclosed 28 Oct. 32. Of Whatborowe Great Close by Gilbert Sheldon, Warden of All Souls', to George Paule and Samuel Clerke 1781. 33. Of the east part of Whadborough Great Close, Brookborough, 30 Oct. and Woodmeadow, to Edward Cheselden, of Ouston 1795. 34. Of the west part of Whadborough Great Close and the Oat- 21 Oct. meadow. Great-meadow, Kam-meadow, and Long-meadow, to Mrs. Eawworth With license to let „ 35. Of a messuage and the east part of Whadborough Great Close, Brookborougli, and Woodmeadow, all in Whad- borough, otherwise AMiatbridge, to Edward Cheselden, of Somerby 1802. 36. Of the same to Edw. Cheselden Both parts 23 Oct. „ 37. Of the west part of Whadborough Great Close, the Oat, Earn, and Long Meadows, to Mrs. Mary Eaworth Both parts and license to let 1809. 38. Of the east part of Whadborough Great Close, Brookborough, 25 Oct. Wood Meadow, and other lands to Thos. Cross Both parts „ 39. Of the west part of the close to John Heycock and Henry Hensman, executors of Wm. Beaumont, late of Withcote Lodge 1816. 40. Of the east part of the close to Thos. Cross Both parts 2 Nov. „ 41. Of the west part of the close to Heycock and Hensman, executors of Wm. Beaumont 1823. 42. Of a messuage and the east part of the Great Close to Thos. 3 Nov. Cross Both parts 1825. 43. Of the west part of the Great Close to John Dawson Barnard 10 Nov. Both parts WHATELEY. 277 1830. 44. Of l]ic saiiK! to the same Both parts and license to let 3 Nov. 1837. 45. Of the same to the same 3 Nov. 21 Eliz. Easter 21 Eli/,. 4 July 53 22 Eliz. 4 May WHATELEY. 5 Edvv. VI. 1. (iianl, by George Owen, physician to Edward VI,, and Tlios. 25 July jMathewe, of Gurdin's land, in Cuddesdon and \\'liat('l('y, lately held by Thos. Day, to Edward Napper, of Ha]\ well „ 2. Copy of tlie above 1558. 3. Will of Edw. Napper, of Holywell. Bequeaths 3^. to All 8 Aug. Souls' College Chapel, to buy ornaments ; 6s. 8(Z. to the warden ; 406'. to the fellows, prol;ationers, and chaplains; lO.s". to tlie clerks, choristers, &c., present at the mass and (UrU/e simg for him ; and to the College, lands in South Petherton, Somerset, lately a cliantry of St. John's, worth 4l. 1 6s. yearly, and a tenement in Whateley, O.Kon, worth 31s. yearly, on condition of their keeping his obit, and giving lOs. to the poor Notarial copy 2 Eliz. 4. iNIeiuorandum of rent due from the College for a tenement Mich. at Whateley 20 Eliz. 5. Grant by Wm. Napper, of Ifoliwell, of a messuage and 100 8 May acres in NMieatley, lately held by Joan Day, to Wm, James, master of University College, and others Botli parts „ 6. Indenture between Wm. Janus, master of University Col- lege, and others; Robt. Ilovenden, ^^'arden of All SouLs' College, Wm. Napper, of Preston, and Wm. Na])per, of Holliwell, for conveyance of land in South Pethertnii and Wheatley to All Souls' College ' 7. i^'ine for the convej'ance of a tent mcnt in Wheatley by W. Napper to W. James, master of University College Tivo copies 8. Lease by Win. James, master of University College, and others, of land in ^^'heatley to James and Richard Day 9. Lease by W. James, master of University College, of land in Wheatley to Wm. Napper 10. Sale by Wm. James, master of University College, of land in South Petherton and ^\'l^ateley to Robt. Hovenden, warden of All Souls' College Both parts ' See • .*>outh rctherton,' under the sime date (p. l'2l)). ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 22 Eliz. 11. Sherifif's acquittance for a fine for land in Whateley 24 Eliz. 12. ' Napper's bond against his wife's dower in South Petherton 7 Sept. and WJieatley ' 1 Car. I. 13. Sale by Thos. and William Wildgoose of their lease of a 11 March tenement and 100 acres of land in Whateley, Oxon, be- longing to All Souls' College, to Eichard Powell, of Forrest Hill, Oxon LEASES. 12 Eliz. 1. Lease by All Souls' College of land in Wheat ley to James 4 Nov. and Richard Day Bo7id enclosed 15 Jac. I. 2. Of a tenement and 100 acres in Wlieatley to William and 29 Oct. Richard Wildgose Both parts and bond 10 Car. I. 3. Of a tenement and 100 acres in Wlieatley to Ric. Powell, of 20 April Forest Hill, Oxon 1771. 4. License to Wm. Brown, of the University of Oxford, cook, 10 April to let a tenement and a hundred acres in Whateley 1778. 5. Lease of a tenement and a hundred acres in Wheatley to IG April Wm. Brown 1806. 6, Of a tenement in Wheatley to William Davis 12 April 1810. 7 Of a tenement in Wheatley to William Davis 25 April 1817. 8. Of a tenement in Wheatley to William Davis 30 April WESTON TUPiVILLE. [1460.] 1. Complaint of William Walker, David William, executors of the late Warden Kde, parson of Weston Turvyl, and Oweyn Pole, against Sir Thos. Grenehylle, priest, and others, who assaulted Pole and detain the property of the deceased Vellum roll Car. I. 2. Lease by the Earl of Southampton and others to Sir Harry Baggot and others of the manor of Weston-upon-Trent, Staifordshire 28 Car. II. 3, Settlement by N\'m. Hill of the advowson of Weston Turville 7 Nov. on his son William 28 Car. IL 4. Fine for tlie conveyance of Weston Turville by Wm. and jNIary Hill to Wm. Durfy 2 W. & M. 6. Sale by Wm. Hill, jim., of the advowson of \\'e3ton Turville 15 Oct. to All Souls' College G. AiiMthci" deed concerning' the sale YAKKTON. 279 YAENTON. 1731. 1. Grant by Benjamin Sweete, of St. Clement Danes, to Dr. 7 Sept. George Clarke, of his right of patronage in the church of Yarnton 1734. 2. Printed copy of the will of Dr. George Clarke, witli an ex- 1 4 Dec. tract from the original will 1720-80. 3. Meuiorandum of presentations to Yarnton 1844. 4. Vaughan Thomas, vicar of Yarnton, to All Souls' College : — 10 July Encloses a printed statement of the Tithes Commissioners 1858. 5. Two letters of J. M. Davenport to Dr. Leigliton, with list of 5 & 6 Nov. incumbents, 1(U9-1803 ABSTEACTA CHAETAEUM SPEC- TANTIUM TEEEAS COLLEGII. These lists xoere made in the sixt-eenth and seventeenth centuries, and are tvritten on paj)er rolls, covered with the leaves of vellum mamiscripts, which, doubtless, once formed ^^rtr< of the College Library. 1. Charters of foundation, privileges, &c. 2. Alberbury, Shropsliire 3. Boseyat, Northamptonshire 4. Buckland, Surrey 5. Crendon, Buckinghamshire 6. Edgeware, JNIiddlesex 7. Googy Hall, &.c., Kent 8. Harpsden, alias Hardinge, Oxfordshire 9. Horsham, Upchurch, Halstowe, &c., Kent 10. Kingsbury, Edgeware, and Stanraore, Middlesex 11. Langenith and St. Clare, South Wales 12. Langley Marsh and Upton, Buckinghamshire 13. Lewknor, Oxfordshire 14. Lockinge, Berkshire 15. Mallories, ^Middlesex 16. ]Moorton, Buckinghamshire 17. Newlands, Kent 18. Oxford 280 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 19. Padbury, Buckinghamshire 20. Romney and Upcliurch, Kent 21. Salford, Bedfordshire 22. Scotuey, Blechinge, and Ockholte, Kent 23. South Pedderton, Somersetshire 24. Staunton Harcourt, Oxfordshire 25. Wedon Pinkne^^, Nortliamptonshire 26. Whateley and Cuddesdon, Oxfordshire ACCOUNTS OF WOOD SALES. Sales by the College of wood and underwood at the following- places : — 32 Hen. VL 1. At Hamelyn's londes, Godewyns, and Patforde's Grove, to 10 Aug. Thos. NichoU, of Hendon On the dorse ' Memoranda of sales in 1536 ' 49 Hen. YI. 2. At Mayesfeld and Alyenslonde, Kyngesbury, to Wm. 12 Nov. Shepard, of Kyngesbury 7 I'ldw. VI. 3. At Hamelyns londes, &c., to John Nicholl, John Lambe, and 3 March others 12 Hen. VIL 4, At Old Field Grove and Chery Loude, Kingsbury, to Johu 4 Nov. Hoddesdon and William Payne 9 Hen. VIII. d. At Wappnam Fretlie, to Eichard West 1 April 17 Hen. VIII. 6. At Crekyll Woddes, Middlesex, to William Eade Paper 26 Oct. 18 Hen. VIII. 7. At Grett Brokliyll Wood, Edgeware, to Pichard Nettylton 5 JNIay and John Warner Paper 20 Hen. VIII. 8. At Langley to Richard Cartar 22 March 24 Hen. VIII. 9. At Wakeman's Closes, Edgeware, to Henry Hoddesdon 18 Nov. 28 Hen. VIII. 10. At Prenteys Croftes, &c., in Willesden, Chelsehyth, Fulham, 1 Marcli and Paddington, parcel of tlie manor of ]\[alaroves, to Thos. Norwode and Wm. Slieperde 29 Hen. VIII. 11. At Sununer Croftes, Kingsbury, to Tlios. Erloy 30 Jan. 30 Hen. VIII. 12. At Hamondes Landes, S:c., in llcndon, to Tlios. Norwod 16 Nov. 32 Hen. VIII. 13. At Hatch Furlong and Pondalh's, in Fulmer and Wexham. 17 June Bucks, to John and Wm. Style 32 Hen. VIII. 14, At Three Crofts, Kingsl.urv, to Ixichard Shcperde 22 Oct. WOOD SALES. 281 32 lien. VIII. 15. At Great Brokyll Wood to Henry Hayly 12 Nov. 35 Hen. VIII. 16. At the Busshe, in Henclon, to John Warner and Henry Hayly 29 April 35 Hen. VIII. 17. At Myll Hylles, Kingsbury, to Eichard Shepard 2 May 35 Hen. VIII. 18. At Little Brockle Wode to John Warner, Thomas Norwode, 6 Nov. and Henry Ilaily 36 Hen. VIII. 19. At Wakeman's Closes to Henry Hoddesdon 20 Sept. „ 20. At Newlandes Close, Edgevvare, to William Creting, parson of Great Stanmarr, and Henry Downer 36 Hen. VIII. 21. At Wadley Closes, Stone and Howes Crofts, Kingsbury, to 4 Oct. Wm. Cooke 37 Hen. VIII. 22. At Short Dones, Stredforde, Longe Mayes Feld and Croker's 4 Oct. Land to Thos. Shepard 37 Hen. VIII. 23. At Bery Biisli, Bery Mede and Bery Hill Fyld, Edgeware, to 20 Oct. Henry llaily 38 Hen. VIII. 24. At Crokham Park, Upchurch, to Wm. Cooke 4 Nov. 1 Edw. VI. 25. At Mylpondc Combis, and the hedgerows in Earlesberye, to 21 Sejjt. Thos. Norwood and Henry Haylye With the purchasers bond 2 Edw. VI. 26. At Robertcsiilde, Coles Land, and Eydonsliot, Kingsbury, to 27 Sept. Thos. Shcphard 3 Edw. VI. 27. At Willesden and elsewhere in the manor of .Alalaroys to 7 i\Iay Wm. Shepard 4 Edw. VI. 28. At Rowscs, Hendon, to Thos. Norwood, of Motche Howghton, 1 ]May Northamptonshire Paper „ 29. At the Haye, Hendon, to Nicholas Fynche Paper 5 Edw. VI. 30. At the Westwood, Newington, to Sir John Mason 4 Nov. () Edw. VI. 31. At Honyeslow, Aleyns Land, and otiier closes in Kingsbury, 21 Sept. to Thos. Shepard Paper „ 32. At Three Crofts and Redinges, in Kingsbury, to Wm. Shepard 1 :\Iary. 33. At Crekle Woods to Wm. Sheppard 8 Dec. 1 & 2 P. & M. 34. At Great Brokhill Wood to Henry Haylye 1 ISIay 35. At Myll Hilles to Wm. Shepard 2&3P. &M. 36. At Little Brokliill Wood lo Chrislopher Arund.ll and Henry 3 Nov. Hayley Both pjarts 282 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 4 & 5 P. & M. 37. At Stone Howse and Wadlayefes Closes, Kingsbury, to \Vm. 11 Nov. Shepard 3 Eliz. 38. At Berye Bushe, &c., to Christopher Aruudell, of All Souls' 1 Dec. College 3 Eliz. 39. At Broadfield and Mill Pond's Coombcs, and elsewhere in 20 Dec. Edgeware to Harry Hayley the elder 4 Eliz. 40. At Wapnam Fryethe to Antony Leson 1 Nov. 1568. 41. At Old Hey Hills, Petfordes Closes, and Fardinge Hills, 5 May Hendon, to John Tamworth 12 Eliz. 42. At Little Brockle Wood to John Halye Bond enclosed 4 May „ 43. At Great Brockle Wood to John Dudley of Stoke Newington Bond enclosed 14 Eliz. 44. At the west part of Salford Wood, and other woods in Salford, 4 May to Richard Charnock, of Holcott 15 Eliz. 45. At Wadleyes, Stone, and House Crofts to Henry Maye, citizen 5 May and draper of London 15 Eliz. 46. At Fulmer, Bucks, to Ambrose Gyllinge Paper 8 Oct. 17 Eliz. 47. At Berye Coomes, Wakeman's, Cherry Landes, and other 9 Oct. places in Edgeware, Hendon, and Wilsden, to Robert Stransham, of Wilton 1576. 48. By Robert Stransham, of Berye Comes, to Heniy (ioodere and 10 Dec. Thos. Waters 20 l*]liz. 49. At Berrye Buslie to Wm. Wyghtman Paper 23 Sept. 20 Eliz. 50. At Grreat and Little Brokhill Woods to Christopher Hovenden, 24 Oct. of the Middle Temple 32 Eliz. 51. At Fullmer or Waxam, Bucks, to Eldmund Kedermister and 4 Feb. Thomas Duckett Paper 32 Eliz. 52. At Blanchettfeld Coomes, Edgeware, to Henry Gooder and 23 Oct. Edward Archer Paper 44 Eliz. 53. At Bushfield Queach, in Wilsden and Fulham, to Richard 25 Jan. Franklin 44 Eliz. 54. At Mallaries Crofl, in Wilsden and Fulluim, to Roger 29 Jan. Batt Paper 44 Eliz. 55. At Fartliinge Hills and the Hey, Hendon, to William 13 Feb. Turnor Paper 5 Jac. I. 56. At Pekenhalles and Lyde Pekenhalls, in Allierbury, to Thos. 14 July Daveys, of the Inner Temple 17 Jac. I. 57. At Cullyn Shottes (Kingsbury), to Michael Page 9 Auo-. WOOD SALES. 283 3 Edw. VI. 58. Thorns sold in Tytliershill Copies to the use of Windsor College, All Souls' College, and Master William Dormer, Esq. Pp. 9. 1571-86. 59. Expenses, receipts, and wood sales Endd. 1573-1 G()7. 60. Covenants entered into by the purchasers of wood at Alber- bury,Fulliam,Hendon,Brockell Wood, Horsham, Kingsbury, Berrymead, Blanchettield, and Newington 13 papers 1587-1 G 13. 61. Accounts of wood sold at Willesden and elsewhere in Middlesex; at Salford, Wappenham, Moreton, Horsham, Weedon, Berrymead, and Brockall Wood 37 papers 62. Cost of a dinner, and memoranda of receipts for wood sales Endorsed by Hoveden 63. Accoimt for hedging and ditching at Weedon IG 70-84. 64. Minutes of receipts for thorns and furze sold at Wappenham LETTERS. 65. All Souls' College to Sir Francis Walsingham : — Give reasons for nt)t complying with his request to them to ' impart some portion of our fines received for our manors of Crcndon and Salford towards the satisfying of Her Majesty's servants the Ilanipshires' Draft. P. 1. En. 2 1734-5. 33. Thos. [Tanner], bp. of St. Asaph, to Niblett :— Advises the 20 Feb. College to accept Lloyd's proposals of building part of the colonnade. New Palace Yard, Westminster Pp. 2 „ 34. Remarks about the buildings of the College, endorsed * Sent to Dr. Clark and Sir N. Lloyd ' 1734-5. 35. Lloyd to Niblett : — Remarks about Mr. Townsend's plans for 22 Feb. the new buildings Pp. 2 „ 36. Dr. Clarke to Niblett : — Has had an interview with JNIr. Hawksmoor about the buildings. The iron gate is not finished. London Pp. 2 1734-5. 37. Lloyd to Niblett : — Inconsequence of the difficulties about 25 P^eb. the colonnade, is totally off' from his last proposal. Doc- tors' Commons Pp. 2 1734-5. 38. Bishop of St. Asaph to Niblett:— Is glad that Lloyd's pro- 4 March ject is at an end. The petition from Widow Lush against the College for not renewing her lease of Sparsholt was yesterday rejected by the House of Commons. New Palace Yard P. 1 Lloyd to Niblett : — Concerning Dr. Clarke's benefaction to Worcester College. Sunbury Three copies of Sir Nath. Lloyd's will bequeathing 1,000^. to All Souls' College, bearing dates May 29, 1739 ; 2 June, 1740; and 2 Nov., 1740 Ten receipts from Lloyd Peirce Dod to Niblett : — ' Enclosed is the account of the produce of your stock ' Hoi. P. 1 1736. 39. 8 Nov. 1740. 40. 1736-40. 41. 1742. 42. 27 May 300 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. TWINING' S BENEFACTION. 1729. 43. Thos. Tanner to the Warden of All Souls' College:— Trans- 16 Feb. mits a proposal sent him by Thos. Twining for appoint- ing a sub-librarian 1731. 44. Thos. Twining to Dr. Niblett : — Declares his readiness to 23 June confirm the proposal made in his name by Dr. Tanner. Wilsford 1731. 45. Thos. Tanner to Niblett : — Forwards a letter from Thos. Twin- ing (28 July) in which is expressed a doubt that better security than the College Seal is wanting for the agree- ment about the sub-librarian. Dr. Tanner denies this 1731. 46. Rev. Thos. Twining to Dr. Niblett :— Encloses a draft of 15 Sept. an agreement relating to the appointment of a sub-librarian. Wilsford 47. Twining to Niblett : — Encloses a draft of an indenture re- lating to the same appointment 1731. 48. Thos. Twining to Niblett :■ — Answers his questions about an 5 Nov. estate he had bouglit, the remainder of which was settled on the College. Wilsford 1731. 49. Thos. Twining to Niblett: — The case at large has lain before 18 Dec. counsel in London ever since the date of his last letter. Wilsford 1731-2. 50. Thos. Twining to Niblett : — Discusses the means for paying 11 March the sub-librarian. Wilsford 51. Rev. Thos. Twining to Rev. Dr. Thos. Tanner, chancellor of Norwich : — States his intention of increasing his dona- tion for the appointment of a sub-librarian to All Souls' College from 208^. to 312^. Wilsford 52. Draft of the agreement between Thos. Twining, vicar of Wilsford, in Wiltshire, and All Souls' College, providing for the appointment of a sub-librarian at a salary of 15L, in consideration of 312^. given to the College by the said Twining 53. [Dr. Niblett to Rev. Thos. Twining] :— Thanks him for his benefaction for the appointment of a sub-librarian Draft 1732. 54. Twining to Niblett : —Consults him about the investment 4 April of his benefaction to the College. Wilsford 1732. 55. Wm. Smith to Niblett: — States that he has heard of a fee- 30 Nov. farm rent of 20^. 14,s. 5d., and wishes to know whether it is too much. Chancery Lane 1733. 56. Twining to Niblett: — States his intention of buying an 4 July advowson, and that he has 400/. ' ready to lay down for an annuity of 15/. p(>r annum for any member of the society that is a native of Gloucestershire.' Wilsford EXHIBITIONS, BENEFACTIONS, ETC. 301 1736. 67. Twining to Niblett : — Is hastening the remittance of the 6 May 100/. he has promised, and, in case a friend should not appear to act as bearer, will lodge it with Sir Francis Child at London. Wilsford 1736. 58. Twining to Niblett : — The 100^. has been paid to Sir Francis 31 July Child, in London, for the use of the College. Wilsford 1739. 59. Twining to Niblett: — States his reasons for having sent 23 Dec. 100/. to the College, and recommends the warden to take a boy from Cheltenham School. Wilsford 60. Clause out of a lease made to Sir T. White's heirs, of Gyfield 1750. 61. Extract from the will of Thos. Brotherton, of Hey, Lanca- 20 Nov. shire, bequeathing 100/. to All Souls' College, one half to be spent in books of divinity, the other half in plate 1751. 62. Gift by the Hon. Wriothesley Digby, of Merriden, Warwick, 24 June late fellow, of 250/. to the College for the benefit of the tutor of the clerks and choristers 1760. 63. Two copies of the account of the Hon. Wriothesley Digby 5 July with the College 64. List of benefactors for hanging on a wall INJUNCTIONS, MANDATES, LETTEES, ETC., OF KINGS, AECHBISHOPS, ETC. 27 Hen. VI. 1. Petition of All Souls' College to the King, complaining that the clause in their favour in the act of resumption is obscure, and suggesting a substitute Vellum. Endd. 'Anno xxvii. E. H. vi. Rot. xxxi.' 1456. 2. Thomas Bourchier, Archbp. of Canterbury, to Wm. Kele, 20 May warden, and the College: — Orders them to receive Thos. Leomyster, whom he has nominated sub-warden in conse- quence of their failure to elect. Otford Lat. Vellum. Seal broken. 1458-9. 3. Archbp. Bourchier to the College : — Some of the fellows refuse 20 Jan. to pay their battels. Orders payment to be made within three days after the end of each term. Mortlake Lat. Endorsed by Hoveden. 302 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1460. 4. Nomination by Archbp. Bourchier of Robert Elyott, M.A., 23 Nov. as sub-warden, on a devolution. Lambeth 3 May 5. Summons to appear before the king [Henry VI.] and council within seven days Endd. ' De Langeneth duci de Norfolchie ' 1474. 6. Nomination by the archbishop of John Bedowe as scholar of 1 Nov. the College, on a devolution. Lambeth 1479-80. 7. Nomination of Richard Ludewiche, M.A., and Thomas 27 Feb. Wotton, LL.B., as bursars, on a devolution. Knoll „ 8. Nomination of Nicholas Halswell, M. A., and William Fawley, LL.B., as deans, on a devolution. Knoll 10 Jan. 9. Edward IV. to John Stokes, warden : — Desires him to grant the farm of Wedon Pinkney to Richard Harowedon, John Laylond, late farmer, being deceased. Coventry ' Signed. Add, 22 Jan. 10. Archbp. Bourchier to the Warden : — Desires him to favour Robert Est in proving his cause in the College. Without Est's friendship, the archbishop's nephew, John Bourchier, cannot levy the pension due to the Dean of York for his archdeaconry. Lambeth Signed. Add. 1487. 11. Nomination by John [Morton], Archbp. of Canterbury, of 6 Dec, Thomas Markys, M.A., Thomas Stacey, B.A., and John Walker, as scholars, on a devolution. Lambeth Lat. 1493. 12. Nomination by Morton of Thomas Mark, M.A., and Walter 15 Dec. Stone, LL.B., as bursars, on a devolution. Lambeth Lat. 1 Dec. 13. Henry VII. to Thomas Hobbys, warden: — Requests a loan for an invasion of Scotland, to revenge the great cruelty and dishonour that the King of Scots has done to England. Westminster Signed Memorandum at the foot that the warden cannot lend 40s. without borrowing it Add. 1500. 14. Injunction by Morton concerning Divine service, fixing the 21 May persons who are to celebrate it at the various feasts. Lambeth Sealed. Lat. 18 Nov. 15. Prince [Arthur] to the Warden :- Desires that William Pickering, scholar of law, may be specially named at their next election. He is of alliance to their founder, and his father is in favour with the queen. Sonnyng Hill. Add. 1519.- 16. William [Warham] Archbp. of Canterbury. Statute ordering 25 Oct. disputations in theology to be held every Friday in term. Otford Sealed. Lat. ' See p. 241, No. 1. INJUNCTIONS, MANDATES, LETTERS, ETC. 303 1519. 17. Warham to Warden Broke: — Hears that ISIaster Leycetur 28 Oct. pretends to keep his fellowship while holding a benefice. Desires the warden to order him and others in like case according to the statutes. If they make any further busi- ness in the law, will so provide that they shall take little pleasure or advantage by so doing. Offers to bear the cost if they go to law. Knoll Signed. Add. 18. Modern copy of the preceding, and on the same sheet a copy of Whitgift's letter, 10 Jan. 1598 10 Nov. 19. Warham to the College : — Confirms the election of Robert Harrys, Nicholas P'reman, and John Sterteoute, as scholars, in spite of the absence of the dean, which was wilful. Blames them for their contention at elections, in con- sequence of regarding family more than merit. Threatens to apply to the Pope for a statute to remedy it. Lambeth Signed. Latin. P. 1. Add. Endorsed by Ilovedeii 16 Hen. VIII. 20. [Henry VIIL] to the Warden and College: — In consequence 6 Sept. of the success of his army in Provence under the Duke of Bourbon, intends to invade France on this side. Requests a loan of 1 OOZ., to be sent to Sir Henry Wyat, treasm-er of the Chamber. Windsor Signature cut off. Endorsed by Hoveden 20 April 21. Archbp. Cranmer to the Warden : — Desires him to send a demilaiuice and two geldings by the 4t]i or 5th May to ac- company the King to France. Lambeth. Signed. P. 1. Add. 1546-7. 22. Revocation by Cranmer, for last year only, of an injunction 7 March forbidding the livery to be paid in money. Lambeth 1 556. 23. Appointment by Reginald Pole, Archbp. of Canterbury, of 1 1 April Seth Holland as warden, vice John Warner, resigned Endorsed by Hoveden 1558. 24. Pole to the Sub-warden and College :— Orders them to elect 9 June a warden, vice Holland, resigned. Lambeth. Latin 1564. 25. Matthew [Parker], Archbp. of Canterbury, to the College : — 27 Nov. Reprimands them for ill attention to the statutes. Nomi- nates the following officers on a devolution : — Francis Milles, sub-warden; John Floyd, Humphrey Haule, ' bowsers ; ' John Sanders, Moderator of Divinity ; Andrew Kingesmill, dean of law ; Henry Cheetham, dean of art. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. 21 Nov. 26. Parker to the College :— Nominates, on a devolution, Roger Conyard, sub-warden ; Anthony Brasier and Richard Grene, deans ; Humphrey Halle and John Langford, bursars. Reprimands the College for their disputes. Lambeth Signed. Pp. 2. Latin, Add. 304 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. [1559-65]. 27. Parker to Warden Warner and the College: — Advises them 25 Oct. to sell superfluous plate for the purchase of land lying commodiously for the College, to which Sir Wm. Petre has promised to contribute. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 28. Copy of an injunction by [Parker] forbidding the use of inconvenient apparel Endd. 1567. 29. Parker, Grindall, Bp. of London, Sir Francis Knollys, and 26 March [Sir Ambrose] Cave, to the College : — Order them to send to the commissioners divers monuments of superstition which it is reported they retain. The warden, Humphrey Bronx bye, and Mr. Foster, must appear in person. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. 11 Eliz. 30. Inspeximus of the petition of the College to Hemy VII. 7 May Modem copy. Endd. with mem. about Blencoe's case 1572. 31. Matthew Parker, Archbp. of Canterbury, to the College: — 29 June Orders them to appoint a substitute for the dean when absent from the town. If absent more than three months, his substitute is to receive his wages. Signed. P. 1. Add. 1574. 32. Injunctions by Parker concerning the resignation of fellows, 1 Oct. and forbidding fines from tenants to be appropriated by individual fellows. Lambeth Sealed. Latin. Endd. 1574. 33. Parker to the College: — Nominates, on a devolution, Som- 30 Nov. master, sub-warden ; Webbe and Mousherst, bursars ; Lloyd and Owen, deans. Lambeth * Signed. Latin. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1 8 Eliz. 34. Nomination by Thomas Godwin, dean, and the Chapter of 28 Nov. Canterbury, sede vacante, of George Gorynge, Eobert Dowe, and Wm. Norwoode as scholars, on a devolution Sealed. Latin. Endd. 1578. 35. Edmund G-rindall, Archbp. of Canterbury, to the College : — 22 Nov. Nominates ]\Ir. Webbe sub-warden. Reprimands ]Mr. Waggestaffe for refusing to resign. Appoints Mr. Lyraiter and Mr. Stroude deans, Mr. Scriven and Mr. Shorte bmsars, and Mr. Powell rector of divinity. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1582. 36. Archbp. Grindall to the College : — Recommends the bearer, 14 April Mr. Stone, as schoolmaster of Feversham, in place of Mr. Meade. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1582. 37. Nomination by Edmund Grindall, Archbishop of Canterbury, 23 Nov. of Richard Masters, M.D., as a scholar, vice Wm. Lacharn, whose place is void from his neglect to take orders. Lam- beth Sealed. Latin. Endd. 1582. 38. Nomination by Grindall of Zacchaeus Medcalfe, vice Robert 24 Nov. Albani, resigned. Lambeth Sealed. Latin. Endd. 1582. 39. Injunction of Archbp. Grindall for))idding the increase in the 3 Dec. rate of commons until the improvement of corn is suffi- cient to bear it Tn^o copies. Endd. INJUNCTIONS, MANDATES, LETTERS, ETC. 305 1582. 40. W. Aubrey to the College: — Sends the noraiuations of 5 Dee. Masters and Medcalfe. Masters is recommended by the Queen. London Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. „ 41. Grindall to the College : — Nomination of Thomas Luck as sub-warden ; Ivichard "SVignall, dean in art ; Arthur Strowde, dean in law ; William Norwode, bursar in art ; Sir Byrde, bursar in law ; Henry Beamonte, rector of the disputations in theology ; Giles Thomson, reader in art ; and Sir James, reader in law. Lambeth Sifjned. P. 1. Add. Endd. 158,3. 42. Whitgift to the College : — Is of opinion that the statutes of 12 Nov. the College and the University exempt any of the faculty of law from the ministry. Eecommends that the book of the Institutes should be read after taking LL.B. Lambeth SU/ned. P. 1. Add. Endd. loSn. 43. Whitgift to Hovenden : — Empowers him to increase the 6 June commons during the present extraordinary dearth. Has ratified Grindall's injunction of Dec. 3, 1582. Sends certain notes to restrain corrupt resignations. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 44. Regulations for avoiding corruption in resignations Signed. P. 1. Endd. „ 45. Eatification by John [Whitgift], Archbp. of Canterbury, of an order of Griudall for increasing the rate of commons in proportion to the increase in the price of corn. Lambeth Signed and sealed. Latin. Endd. 158G. 46. Whitgift to the College : — Revokes Archbp. Parker's injunc- 5 Oct. tion concerning tines levied for leases. Asks them to grant a lease of a tenement in Oxford to Mr. Dowe, who is absent. Windsor Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1587. 47. Injunction declaring that the election of Overton as a 21 Nov. scholar in place of Anthony Shirley is void, as there is no information concerning Shirley's resignation. Lambeth Signed. Latin. Endd. 1587-8. 48. Interpretation by Whitgift of a statute concerning the elec- 22 Feb. tion of deans. Nomination of Thomas Edwardes. Croy- don Signed and sealed. Lat. Endd. 1588. 49. Nomination by Whitgift of Edmund Pope as scholar on a 3 Dec. devolution Signed. Lat. Endd. 1591. 50. Dispensation by Whitgift for Evan Morrice from taking his 29 June doctor's degree. Lambeth Signed. Lat. Endd. 1591. 61. Bancroft to Hoveden : — Recommends one Pursloe, of St. 3 Oct. Mary's Hall, for a fellowship. Ely House Hoi. P. 1. Add. Endd, X 306 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 159L 62. Nomination of Robert Masters as dean of law, on a devolu- 15 Dec. tion Sealed. Lot. Endd. 1592. 53. Another dispensation for Evan Morrice 4 July 1592. 64. Whitgift to the warden : — Asks his advice about a request 30 Aug. from certain fellows to alter the division of fines Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1592. 65. Order of tlie archbishop, allowing the fine of Scotnam to be 8 Sept. divided in respect of the extraordinary charges likely to be incurred by the College at the Queen's visit. Croydon Signed. P. 1. Endd. 1592. 56. Nomination of George Darrell, of the founder's kin, to a 28 Nov. fellowship on a devolution Signed and sealed. Lot. Endd. 1592-3. 57. Whitgift to the College: — Sends the rate of liveries for 12 Jan. the past year. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. „ 58. Injunction that fellows are to take their meals in hall, and forbidding all fellows except doctors to keep servants without leave „ 59. Nomination on a devolution of Henry Beaumont, sub-warden ; John Williams and Wm. Byrd, deans ; John Wibarn and Roderick Lloyd, bursars ; and Humphrey Hargrave, mode- rator in theology Signed and sealed. Latin. Endd. 1593. 60. Nomination by the archbishop of Paul Kysbye, bursar, and 20 Dec. John Williams and Roderick Lloyd, deans Signed and sealed. Lat. Endd. 1594. 61. Whitgift to the College: — Persons born in places now in the 23 Oct. province of York, but in the founder's time in that of Canterbury, are eligible to fellowships. Recommends Richard Astley, a kinsman of Justice Walmesley. Lam- beth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1594. 62. Nomination by Whitgift of Henry Beaumont, sub-warden ; 14 Dec. John Franklin and John Powell, bursars ; Thos. Draper and Wm. Rawley, deans ; and Paul Kisbie, moderator in theology Signed and sealed. Lat. Endd. 1596. 63. Nomination by Whitgift, on a devolution, of Robert Mais- 24 Dec. ters, sub-warden ; Thos. Brett and Wm. Rawley, bursars ; John Rowliffe and Edmund Pope, deans Signed and sealed. Lat. Endd, 1597-8. 64. Archbp. Whitgift to the College: — The divisions in the 10 Jan. College are no small discredit thereto. In the interpreta- tion of tlie statutes will not be influenced by the opinion of any lawyers, but by the meaning of the founder and the custom of the College. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endorsed by Ilovcden and Gardiner INJUNCTIONS, MANDATES, LETTERS, ETC. 307 1597-8. 65. Nomination by Whitgift on a devolution of James Bay ley 10 Jan. and John Kowliffe, bursars ; Wm. Osborne and Nicholas Wood, deans. Lambeth Signed and sealed. Lat. Endd. 1598. 66. Whitgift to the College: — Sends a decree touching the 13 May fines of College tenants. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1601. 67. \Miitgift to All Souls' College :— Notwithstanding the sta- 25 Oct. tutes and the care he has taken, understands that there is great suspicion that resigned places pass to scholars de- signed by the resigners, at a very excessive charge to their parents. No place resigned within three days of All Souls' Day shall be filled at that election. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1601-2. 68. Sir Daniel Dun to the College : — The archbishop agrees to 30 Jan. the increase of the livery this year to 200^. He wishes the College to provide new gowns and hoods for themselves • Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1602. 69. Archbp. Bancroft to the College: — Asks them to license 'my 1 6 July aunt Almond ' to demise the house she holds of the College. Fulham Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1602. 70. Injunctions of Archbp. Whitgift 11 Nov. Signed and sealed. Pp.17. Vellum 1602. 71. Nomination of Charles Twisden as dean on a devolution 23 Dec. Signed and sealed. Endd. 1 604. 72. Bancroft to the College :— In favour of :\Ir. Watts, of Black- 3 Nov. esley, who desires a renewal of his lease in Weston and Weedon. London Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1 604. 73. Bancroft to the College : — Hears that the king has com- 5 Nov. mended Robert Grentilis, the bearer, for a fellowship. Has been earnestly entreated to the same effect. They know his bringing up and his extraordinaiy towardness Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1604. 74. Bancroft to the College: — Recommends his chaplain, Mr. 12 Dec. Osborne, for the office of bursar. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1605. 75. Ai-chbp. Bancroft to the College : — The king recommends 26 Oct. Charles, son of Sir Julius Csesar, to be chosen fellow in place of Mr. Raleigh, who is willing to resign to him. Advises them to comply. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1605. 76, Bancroft to Hoveden : — Recommends Richard Astley as 29 Nov. bursar. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. X 2 308 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS* COLLEGE. ] 605. 77. Nomination by Richard Bancroft, Archbp. of Canterbury, of 29 Dec. Edmund Manwairing as dean, on a devolution. Lambeth Signed and sealed. Endd. 1605-6. 78. Bancroft to the College: — Requests them to renew the lease 24 March of the parsonage of Upchurch to Sir Justinian Lewin. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1 606. 79. Bancroft to the College : — Recommends Mr. Lee for the 17 Oct. office of biu-sar Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1606. 80. Bancroft to the College : — Nominates, on a devolution, 20 Nov. Robert, son of Dr. Albericus Gen tills, as fellow, vice John Sonibancke, deceased. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1606. 81. Nomination of Robert Grentilis as scholar, vice John Soni- 25 Nov. bancke, on a devolution Signed and sealed. Endd. 1606. 82. Bancroft to the College: — Hears they intend to disregard 4 Dec. his letter of October 17 in favour of Mr. Lee. Expects them to do as he wishes. Lambeth Signed P.S. — If Mr. Lee has refused to subscribe with the rest of the University, and still refuses, Bancroft revokes his re- commendation P. 1. Add. Endd. 1 606. 83. Bancroft to the warden and seniors : — Repeats his recom- 11 Dec. mendation of Lee. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1606. 84. Nomination of Edmund Manwairing as dean, on a devolu- 31 Dec. tion Signed and sealed. Endd. 1606-7. 85. Bancroft to the College : — Has consulted lawyers about the 1 Jan. objection urged against young Grentilis on the score of his age. Again requires them to admit him. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1607. 86. Bancroft to the College : — Recommends Bartholomew Mar- 1 5 Oct. tin, of Exeter College, M.A., for a fellowship. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1607. 87. Bancroft to the warden and officers :— Authorises Charles 19 Oct. Csesar, B.A. and law fellow, to take his M.A. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1607. 88. Bancroft to Hoveden : — Recommends Josias Birde, kinsman 4 Dec. of Dr. Birde, for a chaplaincy. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1607. 89. Bancroft to the College: — Recommends Mr. Osborne, his 14 Dec. chaplain, as bursar. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1608. 90. Bancroft to the College: — Recommends, as sub-warden, Mr. 1 Dec. Lee, who has taken much pains with Sir Robert Carre, a gentleman much esteemed by His Majesty. Desires the warden, if he cannot otherwise effect it, to devolve the election. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Note in the margin by Hoveden INJUNCTIONS, MANDATES, LETTERS, ETC. 3C9 1G08. 91. Nomination of John Lee, sub-warden; Tlios. Draper, rector 22 Dec. or moderator of theology; George Lawley and William Bin ion, deans ; Arthur Ducke and Eichard Moket, bur- sars, on a devolution. Lambeth Signed and sealed. Endd. 1608-9. 92. Bancroft to the College: — Requests them to elect to some 8 Feb. vacant fellowship a son of the Bishop of Exeter [Wm. Cotton], a student of Christ Church. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1608-9. 93. Bancroft to Hoveden : — Desires him to send to him Gentilis, 16 March who is in question for some disorder. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1609. 94. Bancroft to the College : — Eecommends Nicholas Dochen to 23 April a fellowship, vice Koderick Floyd, deceased. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1 609. 95. Bancroft to the College : — Desires them to give leave to 19 May Eobert Gentilis to visit his uncle Scipio in Germany. Lambeth Signed.- P. \. Add. Endd. 1609. 96. Bancroft to Hoveden: — Hears that the bursars have been 10 Aug. deceiving the College in their accounts. If they can gain 20/. by their traffic in coals, they will probably cozen the College still more in other accounts. This deserves ex- pulsion. Lambetli Signed. P. I. Add. Endd. ^ II annier and Mane ring ^ 1609. 97. Bancroft to Hoveden : — In favour of Sir George Paule, who 15 Sept. desires a lease. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1609. 98. Bancroft to Hoveden: — In favour of Humphrey Linde, who 27 Sept. has a suit in the College Court at Edgeware. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1609. 99. Bancroft to the College: — Allows them another fortnight 1 1 Oct. for making leases. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1 609. 100. Bancroft to the College : — Repeats his request in favour of 19 Oct. Cotton. Resignations must not be admitted. Laml)eth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1609. 101. Bancroft to Hoveden: — Intends to disallow resignations. 25 Oct. However, in consequence of a letter from the Earl of Montgomery, requests that a countryman of ]Mr. Han- mcr, a Welshman, may succeed him. Hanmer has named four, the worthiest of whom is to be chosen. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1 609. 102. George Paule to Hoveden : — Recommends Bayly for a 26 Oct. bursarship, at the archbishop's desire, who has also signed the letter. Lambeth Hoi. P. 1. Add. Endd^ 1609-10. 103. Bancroft to the College : — Asks them to give Gentilis some 2 Jan. allowance as a favour, which has been done on previous occasions. Lambeth Signed. P. I. Add. Endd. 310 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEaE, 1609-10. 104. Nomination byArclibp. Bancroft, on a devolution, of Ricliard 3 Jan. Astley, rector of theology ; Wm. Bennion, bursar ; Arthur Ducke and Wm. Kingsley, deans. Lambeth Signed and sealed. Lot. Endd. 1609-10. 105. Bancroft to the College: — Remarks about their failure to 5 Jan. elect the son of the Bishop of Exeter ; certain items in the warden's accounts ; decrements in the buttery ; double beer and feasting during the time of making up the accounts. Lambeth Signed. Pp. 4. Add. Endd. 1609-10. 106. Bancroft to the College: — Suspends the injimction of his 2 March predecessor to the effect that if any fellow practises the civil law in any court without the precincts of the University he shall lose his fellowship. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1610. 107. Bancroft to Hoveden : — Dispenses with Mr. Davies from 6 July proceeding Doctor this present Act. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1610. 108. Bancroft to the College: — Repeats his recommendation of 7 Oct. Mr. Cotton, son of the Bishop of Exeter. Desires their favour also for Sir James Paule and Richard Bancroft, his own nephew. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1610. 109. Nomination by the Dean of Canterbury, sede vacante, of 29 Dec. Arthur Duck, sub-warden ; Anthony Davis and Jenkin Vaughan, bursars ; Basil Wood and Wm. Brinker, deans ; and Wm. Bennyon, rector of divinity. Cambridge Signed. Endd. 1610-11. 110. Sir Daniel Dun to Hoveden : — His riglit to elect as official 5 Jan. of Canterbury is certain. Requires him to obey the con- tents of his instrument. The Court Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1610-11. 111. The Chapter of Canterbury to Hoveden : — Will not act upon 27 Jan. his bill of complaint during the dean's absence. The refractory fellows have shown great contempt both for the warden's authority and for theirs. Canterbury Eight signatures, including those of Isaac Casaubon and George Hoveden. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1611. 112. Nomination by George [Abbot], Archbp. of Canterbury, of 27 June Thos. Gwin as sub-warden ; Anthony Davis and Wm. Kingsley as bursars ; Basil Wood and Thos. Long, deans ; and Wm. Benyon, rector of tlieology. Lambeth Signed and sealed. Lot. Endd. 1611. 113. George [Abbot], Archbp. of Canterbury, to the warden and 1 G Aug. officers : — Orders Dr. Lloyd to be punished for using verba brigosa to the warden. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. INJUNCTIONS, MANDATES, LETTERS, ETC. 311 IGll. 114. Abbot to the College: — The Chancellor of the Exchequer 25 Oct. has bestowed on Mr. Dupper, an ancient servant to Queen Elizabeth, and now the King's brewer, his son's resigna- tion of his fellowship in favour of Sir Dupper, student of Christ Church. Lambeth Signed. ^. 1. Add. Eiuld. 1611-12. 115. Nomination by Abbot, of Basil Wood, and Eichard Williams, 10 Jan. bursars; Anthony Davis and Jenkiu Vaughan, deans ; and Thos. Draper, rector of theology. Lambeth Signed and sealed. Lot. Endd. 1611-12. 116. Abbot to the College: — Recommends Dr. James, Dr. 20 Feb. Edwardes, and Dr. Bird as arbitrators between the College and Serjeant Nicholls. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1612. 117. Abbot to the College :— Death of Williams, late bursar. 30 Dec. Reprimands the warden severely for unlawful division of money and other disregard of injunctions. The warden is not to accept resignations imtil the archbishop has been acquainted therewith. Lambeth Signed. Pp. 3. Add. Endd. 1613. 118. Nomination, on a devolution, of Matthew Anderton, dean of 8 Dec. law. Lambeth Signed and sealed. Lat. Endd. „ 119. Abbot to the College : — Directions for the distribution of the surplusage of last year's receipt. Lambetli Signed. Pp.2. Add. Endd. 1614. 120. Notarial attestation of the oath taken by Richard Moket on 21 April his election as warden Lat. 1614. 121. Attestation that Richard Moket has taken the oath and 8 May been admitted as warden Signed by 2Q felloivs. Lat. Endd. 1614. 122. Abbot to Dr. Moket, warden, and the College: — Desires 12 July proper respect to be paid to the warden, according to the old statutes. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1614. 123. Abbot to the College: — Dispenses with Mr. Haswell from 10 Sept. entering tlie ministry during one year, in consequence of an infirmity. Licenses Sir Steward, though a jurist, to take his M. A. Lambeth Signed. P. I. Add. Endd. 1614. 124. Abbot to Warden Moket: — Recommends the son of Thos. 19 Sept. Billingsle}^ of Oxford, for a fellowship. Croydon Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1614. 125. Abbot to the College : — Disapproves of the delay in finishing 2 Dec. the accounts. Lambeth Signed. Pp. 2. Add. Endd. 1614. 126. Nomination on a devolution of Anthony Davies, sub-warden ; 9 Dec. Thos. Draper and Chas. Ashburnham, bursars ; Edward Chaloner and Thos. Dingley, deans ; and Richard Astley, rector of theology. Lambeth Signed and sealed. Lat. Endd. 312 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1615. 127. Abbot to the College: — License for Dr. Bird's kinsman, a 7 April jurist, to take his M.A. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1615. 128. Leg-al opinion of Henry James, Thos. Edwardes, and Wm. 1 6 May Byrde, that using verba ignominiosa to the warden or officers is contrary to the statute requiring due reverence. Archbp. Abbot has appended a note expressing his approval of this judgment, and declaring that the fellows must be uncovered in the warden's presence within the College. l..ambeth With Abbot" s seal 16L5-6. 129. Abbot to the College :— Orders the statutes to be executed 3 Feb. against Mr. Mansell, guilty of disrespect to the warden. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1616. 130. Al^bot to tlie College: — Allows them to finish their accounts 21 Nov. in the warden's absence. Advises them to be peaceable in the election of officers. Those who neglect their studies and spend their time in taverns and alehouses are to be punished. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1617. 131. Al)bot to the College: — Advises them not to make them- 26 April selves a scorn to the University by their dissensions in nominating a proctor. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1617. 132. Abbot to the College: — Hears that two persons from their 15 May house stood for the proctorship. Disapproves of their conduct. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1617. 133. Abbot to the College: — Orders the seven, who made the 22 May rupture concerning the proctorship, to confess their fault in the chapel before the warden and fellows, after which the whole matter is to be forgotten. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 16 Jac. T. 134. James I. to the College: — Eecommends Dr. Beaumont as 9 July warden, vice Moket, deceased. Westminster Copy. P. 1. Add. 16 Jac. I. 135. James I. to the College :—Eepeats his recommendation of 18 July Beaiuuont. Westminster Signed. P. I. Add. Endd. 1618. 136. Wm. Baker to the sub-warden :— There is no incompatibility, 21 July according to the archbishop's opinion, in the sub-warden's ministering the oath at an election, and taking the votes of the scrutators. Lambeth Signed. P. I. Endd. 1 61 8. 137. Sub-warden and fellows to [the Marquis of Buckingham ?] :— 27 July Desire his mediation with the king if they fail to elect Dr. Beaumont according to His Majesty's recommendation Copy. P. 1 1 61 9. 138. Petition of the chaplains for an increase of their allowance 24 Aug. Signed by Archbp. Abbot and refeiTcd to Sir Wm. Bird and Dr. Duck, ichose opinion is favourable. P. 1 INJUNCTIONS, MANDATES, LETTERS, ETC. 313 1G19. 139. Archhp. Abbot to the College: — Encloses the preceding. 18 Nov. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1620. 140. Archbp. Abbot to the College: — Complains of their not 21 Nov. electing Timoleon Gorges, though he had the king's recommendation. Encloses a certificate in his favour from Ricliard Corbett, dean, and 24 Masters of Arts of Christ Church, dated Nov. 19, 1620. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. „ 141. Nomination by Abbot of Timoleon Gorges to a fellowship, on a devolution Signed. Seal gone. Lat. 1621. 142. Abbot to the College :-*— License to Thos. Lawrence to take 5 June his Master's degree before the time appointed by tlie statutes of the College. Lambeth Signed. P.l.Add. 1621. 143. Abbot to the College: — In favour of Sir George Paule 7 Oct. and Kichard Bancroft, tenants of the College at Wedon. liambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. 1622. 144. Abbot to the College : — In answer to their letters concerning 2 Dec. the dividend, approves of the distribution of 240/. The 13^. remaining shall be put into the tower. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. 1624. 145. Abbot to the College : — No man must proceed Master of Arts 30 June imtil four years from his Bachelor's degree ; and civilians must not take degrees in arts. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. „ 146. Abbot to Warden Astley : — Eecommends one Baily, tlie son of a minister, B.A. of Trinity College, as chaplain, in the room of Morris, if the place becomes void. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. 1 624. 147. Abbot to the College : — Orders that all debts of the bursars 15 Sept. shall be called in before the next election. Croydon Signed. P. 1. Add. 1624. 148. Abbot to the College :— Allows a division of SOOl. of the 27 Nov. sm-plus. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. 1625. 149. Injunctions by Abbot requiring oaths to be taken by fellows 18 June that their resignations and elections are not corrupt. Lambeth Signed. Seal gone. Endd. 1625-6. 150. Abbot to the College : — Suspends Mr. Jarvis from commons, 24 Jan. voice, and all benefits for four months, for taking a degree out of his own faculty. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. 1625-6. 161. Abbot to the College : — In favour of Sir George Paule, con- 22 March cerning his lease of Wedon. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1626. 152. Abbot to the College : — Orders Mr. Jarvis, before reinstate- 28 April ment, to make a public acknowledgment of his fault. Lam- beth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1626. 153. Injunctions by Abbot to prevent corruption at elections. 17 Oct. Lambeth Signed and sealed. Lat. 314 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1626. 154. Injunctions by Abbot requiring oaths of the fellows, to put a 31 Oct. stop to corrupt resignations and elections. Lambeth Signed. Seal gone 1626. 155. Nomination by Abbot of Richard Bathurst to a fellowship on 13 Nov. a devolution Signed. Seal gone. Add. Endd. 1627-8. 156. Abbot to the College : — Denies that the division of surplus is 8 Jan. their right. Desires them to send him their statutes and accounts for examination. Foorde Signed. Pp. 2. Add. Endd. 157. A case concerning the surplusage Pp. 2 1628. 158. Abbot to the College : — Orders the surplus money to be imme- 9 July diately conveyed into the treasury. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1628. 159. Abbot to the College: — Has expected for nearly a year the 21 Oct. laying up in the treasury of the surplus upon their accounts of November last. Orders this to be immediately done. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1628. 160. Wm. Baker to Warden Astley: — Has prevailed with the 28 Oct. archbishop not to be as severe as he intended. He will, however, give the College no further time, but takes their behaviour as a contempt. The archbishop will punish Mr. Kinaston's wilful breach of his injunction. Lambeth Hoi. P. I. Add. Endd. 1628. 161. Abbot to the College: — Has consulted lawyers, who think 1 Dec. the College has no right to divide the surplus. Orders the surplus of last year to be carried to the treasury. Com- plains of the management of the College. Lambeth Signed. Pp. 3. Add. Endd. 1628-9. 162. Wm. Baker to Astley: — The archbishop is contented with 10 Jan. the submission of the College. Mr. Kinaston shall not be admitted to Master's commons till the archbishop's further pleasure be known. Lambeth Hoi. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1629. 163. Wm. Baker to Astley : — Advises him to lay aside the petition 7 April to the archbishop for the dividing of the surplus till a more favourable time. Lambeth Hoi. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1629. 164. Wm. Baker to Warden Astley : — The archbishop was satisfied 12 Nov. JNIr. Morris had no right to stay, but would prefer that time was given him to depart rather than that he should seem to be thrust out. Wishes to know what the rent of St. Clere's is. Lambeth Signed. P. 1 . Add. Endd. 1629. 165. Baker to Warden Astley: — The archbishop is contented that 23 Dec. Mr. Kinaston shall be restored to his commons. The archbishop requires information about tlie surplus of tliis year and last year. Lambeth Hoi. P. 1. Add. Endd. INJUNCTIONS, MANDATES, LETTERS, ETC. 315 1629-30. 166. Abbot to the College :— Allows a double livery to be allotted 4 Jan. to the fellows, but this must not be drawn into a custom. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1630. 167. Abbot to the College : — Allows 400^. of the surplus money to 17 Dec. be distributed, and the remainder to be reserved for the purchase of an advowson, Lambeth Signed. P. 1 . Add. Endd. 1631. 168. Baker to Astley : — The archbishop orders 200^. of the surplus 1 5 Dec. to be laid up for the purchase of an advowson, and the remainder to be distributed. Lambeth Hoi. P. 1. Add. 1632-3. 169. Archbp. Abbot to the College:* — Eeprimands them for a 2 Jan. great outrage committed last year, when the doors and gates were torn off. * Civil men should never so far forget themselves under pretence of a foolish mallard as to do things barbarously unbeseeming.' Lambeth Extract by Nihlett. Pp. 3. Endd. 170. Ab])ot to the College : — Requests them to allow Sir Paule to take his Master's degree at the next Act. Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1633. 171. Abbot to the College : — Hears that the expense of their pro- 25 May gresses is exorbitant. The Kentish journeys must be held only once in three years, and those into Wales only once in six. The warden must warn bachelors of law of five years' standing either to proceed doctors or take on them the ministry Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1 633. 172. Wm. [Laud], Archbp. of Canterbury, to Warden Ashley :— 20 Dec. Concerning the surplusage. After making the Tower stock 1,000/., they may divide the rest. Will make no rule for the future. Has heard complaints that the scholar- like exercises required by statute are not duly kept, and that the fellows follow the fashions too much in their clothes. Encloses a petition for some youth. Lambeth Signed. Pp. 2. Add. 1 634. 173. Laud to Warden Ashley ^ : — Finds faidt with the College for 1 Aug. electing deans and bursars by seniority instead of merit. Desires the warden to forbid the fellows wearing long undecent hair, large falling bands, or boots under their gowns. Croydon Signed. Pp. 2. Add. Endd. 1635. 174. Laud to Warden Ashley: — Mr. Osborne, being about to 23 Oct. resign, has offered Laud the nomination of his successor. Is resolved to pitch upon ]Mr. Jeremy Taylor. Hopes that his having been brought up in the other L^niversity will be no prejudice to him. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. ' The original of this lottor is notieed at p. 326. "^ Tlioro is a copy amoug the papers collected by Gardiner, touching the warden's vote. (Appeals, Bundle I.) 316 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 175. Copy of Taylor's nomination enclosed in the preceding Endorsed by Laud, 21 Nov. 1635. 176. Nomination by Archbp. Laud of Jeremiah Tayler, M.A., to a vacant fellowship. Lambeth Signed, Lat. Seal gone. 177. Laud to Warden Sheldon : — Encloses a paper presented to the Lords' Committees by the King's Commissioners for depopulations. Sheldon must either come up next term or send some one fully instructed. Is a great hater of depopulations, and the parish in question is in his arch- bishopric. Lambeth Signed, F. 1. Add. 178. Charles I. to the Bp. of Worcester, Vice-Chancellor : — Requests him to signify to the University that any sums lent him by colleges or private persons shall be received as a very acceptable service, and repaid with an interest of 8 per cent. Dr. Ric. Chaworth, the bearer, is empowered to receive any such loans. York CopV' -?*• 1. 1635. 21 Nov. 1637-8. 2 March 1642. 7 July 1642-3. 6 Jan. 1666. 29 March 179. Charles I. to the College : — Requests them to lend him their College plate, to be repaid at 5s. the oz. for white and 5s. Qd. for gilt plate. Sir Wm. Parkhurst and Thos. Bushell are empowered to receive it. Oxford Signed. P. 1. Add. 180. Gilbert [Sheldon], Archbp. of Canterbury, to Warden Jeames : — License to exchange or sell such books of Mr. Digg's donation as are already in the library, unless they are of different editions. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. 1666. 181. Archbp. Sheldon to Warden Jeames: — His last letter was to 13 Oct. put a stop to the reproaches of some importunate suitors for the king's letters, who being hindered by Sheldon, gave out that the College could gratify their friends at elections, but must not be suffered to pay their duty to their king. Hopes the College will show that they need not be put in mind of their duty. Trusts that Jeames would not recommend his kinsman unless he were fit. Lambeth Hoi. P. 1. Add. 1666-7. 182. Archbp. Sheldon to Warden Jeames: — Permits them to 2 Feb. divide the surplus. So long as the College continues in good order, will give them this permission. Unless the College is careful to choose the best at elections, it will not be reasonable for liim to desire the king to withhold his letters of command, from which he has hitlierto kept them free. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1668. 183. Nomination l)y Arclibp. Sheldon, on a devolution of Fisher 9 Nov. Littleton to a fellowship, vice John Bayneham, deceased. Lambeth Signed. Seal gone. Lat. Mutilated. „ 184. Similar nomination of Henry Godoljihin, vice Jas. Bristt>w. deceased. Signed. Lat. Seal gone. INJUNCTIONS, MANDATES, LETTERS, ETC. 317 1668. 185. Archbp. Sheldon to Warden Jeames :^ Is not satisfied with 22 Dec. the account which he has sent. Sends a copy of a former account, the method of which he desires to be observed. Of the restate 800L may be divided and 94^. put in the tower. Wishes the fellows to be more unanimous in elections, that he may not be troubled with devolutions!. Lambeth Sif/ned. P. 1. Add. 1 669-70. 186. Charles II. to All Souls' College :— Desires them to admit Peter 25 Feb. Prydeaulx, of Exeter College, to the fellowship void by the death of Francis Talbot, notwithstanding any canon, sta- tute, custom, or constitution. Whiteliall Signed. Pp. 2. Add. 1 669-70. 187. Charles II. to All Souls' College :— A second letter in favour of 13 March Peter Prideaulx. Desires them forthwith, without difficulty or delay, to admit him to the vacant fellowship. Whitehall Signed. Pp. 2. Add. 1 670. 188. Charles.II. to Warden .Teames : — Wonders at the opposition of 8 April the College to his nomination of Prideaulx. Whully rejects the petition presented to him on the subject. Is offended at the undutiful conduct of the fellows, especially of those who were intruded into the places of loyal and honest persons during the late usurpations. They forget with how little right they are there to oppose his letters. Kequires the warden to admit him forthwith. Whitehall Signed. Pp. 2. Add. 1673-4. 189. Charles II. to the Provost of Oriel College: — Recommends 28 Jan. Thos. Twitty, B.A., for a fellowsliip. Whitehall 13 Feb. The same to the same: — Recalls his previous letter, having heard from the Bp. of Lincoln that Twitty is a person no way statutable. Whitehall Copies on the same sheet, made Nov. 28, 1710, from the originals at Oriel College 1675. 190. [Archbp. Sheldon] to Warden Jeames : — Mentions four can- 22 Sept. didates for fellowships — Richard Long and James Cressett, of Oriel ; Henry Newton, of St. Mary Hall ; and one Hammond. They are well recommended to him, but he leaves them to their trial. Lambeth Signature torn off. P. 1. Endd. 1676. 191. James, Duke of York, to All Souls' College : — Recommends 16 Sept. Wm. Osborne, B.A., of Exeter College, who is a candidate for a fellowship. St. James's Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd, 1676. 192. Duke of Ormond to Warden Jeames: — Has endeavoured to 25 Sept. prevent royal mandates being sent to the College to the prejudice of free election. Expects them sometimes to comply with his recommendations, and accordingly nomi- nates Gervais, son of Sir Adrian Scroop. Ewston Signed. Pp. 2. Add. Endd. 318 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1676. 193. Sir Joseph Williamson to Warden Jeames : — Sends the pre- 17 Oct. ceding letter from the Chancellor of the University. Eecommends Scroop. Whitehall Hoi. P. 1. Endd. [1680.] 194. Archbp. Sancroft to Warden Jeames: — In favour of Mr. Finch, son of the Lord Chancellor, who wishes to remove from the artists' to the jurists' line Signed. P. I. Add. 1680. 195. Injunctions by Sancroft, Archbp. of Canterbury, imposing 14 Oct. oaths on fellows to prevent corrupt resignations. Lambeth Signed and sealed. Lat. „ 196. Wm. [Sancroft], Archbp. of Canterbury, to Warden Jeames : — Concerning the oaths to be taken at elections. Sends an exemplification of Archbp. Abbot's injunctions on the same point. Censures the wicked and profane speech, ' that if this oath obtained they must resign to the devil.' Lam- beth Hoi. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1680. 197. Mandate by Sancroft forbidding the College to receive 25 Oct. corrupt resignations, and to elect persons nominated by fellows resigning. Lambeth Signed and sealed. Lat. 1680. 198. Sancroft to Warden Jeames : — Has received a remonstrance 11 Nov. from twenty-four fellows. Had previously received the instrument of devolution and the candidates' papers. The fellows complain that the warden would neither vote himself nor receive their votes. Lambeth Hoi. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1680. 199. Nomination by Sancroft, on a devolution, of Thos. Gardiner, 24 Nov. Oriel, Miles Stapylton, B.A., Univ., John Norris, B.A., Exeter, and Geo. Clerk, B.A., Brasenose, as scholars, vice Wm. Coker, Wm. Gise, Kic. Wynter, and Chas. Finch. Lambeth Signed and sealed. Lat. 1680. 200. Sancroft to Warden Jeames : — Sends an answer to the letter 7 Dec. of the College for Jeames's approval. Allows only two liveries. Wishes he had allowed commons in the hall to go on in the usual way. Is grieved to see Walter Horton's name among the twenty-four refractory fellows Hoi. P. \. Add. Endd. „ . 201. Sancroft to the College : — The protestations in their letter are contrary to fact. Never asked but one thing of them, which they refused. Can only allow 514^. to be divided. Their objection to married men as servants, compared with their breaches of other statutes, s straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel. Lambeth Hot Pp. 2. Add. Endd. 1680-1. 202. Sancroft to [Jeames] : — His lawyer is watching the season 29 Jan. for putting in an answer to the mandamus, but he thinks there will be no trouble about it. Sends Serjeant May- nard's opinion and other papers. Lambeth Hoi. P 1. Mutilated. Endd. INJUNCTIONS, MANDATES, LETTERS, ETC. 319 1680-1. 203. Nomination by Sancroft, on a devolution, of Antony Upton 29 Jan. and Geo. Gardiner as bursars ; and Geo. Oriebar as dean of art. Lambeth Signed and sealed. Lat. Mutilated 1681. 204. Sancroft to Jeames : — Advises him to write to Judge Dolben 25 Oct. desiring him to expedite the sentence in the suit in the King's Bench. Lambeth Hoi. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1681. 205. Archbp. Sancroft to Warden Jeames: — Finds that King 29 Oct. James I., in the sixteenth year of his reign, wrote to the College in favour of a candidate, whom they rejected, answering that they were bound to choose the best. Sends the letters, that they may see what courage their predeces- sors had, and what care to observe the statutes. The king has appointed six commissioners for ecclesiastical affairs, and will give no letters for preferment without their opinion. ' If young Sayers has a dormant mandate, it is surreptitiously gotten, and you see what may be answered to it, wherein the commissioners will doubtless assist you.' Lambeth Hoi. P. 1. Add. 1681. 206. Nomination by Sancroft, on a devolution, of Wm. Harrington, 10 Nov. Hart Hall, of the founders kin, vice Fred. Sagittary, deceased. Is surprised that his election was opposed. Lambeth Signed. Seal gone. Lat. Mutilated. 1681. 207. Mandate of Sancroft, permitting doctors in law to hold the 29 Dec. office of bursar. Lambeth Signed. Seal gone. Lat. „ 208. Sancroft to Jeames : — Sends an interpretation of the statute De electione bursariorum. Wishes to have the opinion of the warden and the fellows in whom he most confides, and also to know what reception it is likely to meet with, as he does not wish to hazard the raising of new storms. Lambeth Hoi. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1681-2. 209. Sancroft to Jeames: — Sends the bill of expenses in the law- 14 Jan. suit. Asks him to procure a copy of the ordinance by which Dr. Pierce reformed the corruptions in ^Magdalen College. Asks whether Mr. Clarke did not make his resignation in favour of Mr. L. Finch. Lambeth Hoi. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1682. 210. Sancroft to Jeames: — Advises letters and injunctions con- 11 Oct. cerning corrupt resignations to be registered. Lambeth Hoi. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1684. 211. College order, signed by Sancroft, that fellows leaving their 19 May places by death, resignation, or otherwise, shall have a rateable proportion of their allowances up to the time of leaving. Lambeth P- 1- 1686-7. 212. James II. to the College :— Recommends Leopold William 15 Jan. Finch, M.A., as warden, vice Dr. Thomas James, deceased, notwithstanding any custom, statute, or constitution of the College. Whitehall Signed. P. 1. Add. 320 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1694. 213. B. Fairfex to the College: — The archbishop desires that 1 7 April Mr. Hayley and Mr. Willis may enjoy the profits of their fellowships while serving as chaplains in the campaign in Flanders Hoi P. 1. Endd. 1695-6. 214. Brian Fairfax to Warden Finch : — The archbishop (Tenison) 7 Jan. has received the College accounts, and asks for informa- tion of how his predecessors disposed of the surplus ; and what amount there is in the College chest Hoi. P. 1. Add. With memoranduTn concerning the contents of the chest, enclosed 1696 1\ 215. Nomination by Thos. Tenison, Archbp. of Canterbury, on a 18 Feb. devolution, of Eic. Coleire, M.A., and Kic. Wood, B.A., as bm'sars. Lambeth Signed and sealed. Lat. 1699. 216. Archbp. Tenison to the Svib-warden : — Orders him not to 7 Aug. allow the warden [Finch] to battel more than 25s. a week, until his debts to the College are fully discharged Signed and sealed. P. 1. Endd. Memorandum by Gardiner, that the College lost only 40L by Finch 1702. 217. Nomination by Thos. Tenison, Archbp. of Canterbury, on a 21 Dec. devolution, of Wm. Worth, of St. Edmund's Hall, M.A., Thos. Dalton, Queen's, B.A., and Wm. Blencow, Magdalen, B.A., as scholars, vice Peter Priaulx, S.T.P., Thos. Tanner, M.A.J and John Levett, M.A. Lambeth Signed and sealed. Lat. Endd. 1708. 218. Archbp. Tenison to [Warden Gardiner]: — Has just received 10 Nov. the instrument of devolution and the exercises of the candidates. Will endeavour to do what is right Hoi. P. 1. 1708. 219. Nomination by Archbp. Tenison, on a devolution, of John 27 Nov. Wills, M.A., Trinity, and Edward Young, C.C.C, as scholars. Lambeth Signed and sealed. Latin. Endd. 1709-10. 220. Archbp. Tenison to Warden Gardiner: — Sends the interlo- 10 Jan. cutory decrees which he has made on the appeals brought by Mr. Dod and Mr. Stephens. There are other matters which he will reserve for a visitation to be held on June 1 . Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Endd. 1710-11. 221. Nomination by Archbp. Tenison, on a devolution, of James 22 Jan. Acton, B.A., Wadham, and ]Miles West, B.A., ^Nlerton, as scholars, vice Brian Broughton and Henry Newton. Lam- beth Signed and sealed. Lat. Endd. 1710-11. 222. Nomination by Archbp. Tenison, on a devolution, of Robert 17 Feb. Adderley, S.T.B., as sub-warden ; Richard Chichcle, M.A., and Barzillai Jones, LL.B., bursars ; P^isher Littleton, M.A., and John Willes, M.A., as deans. Lambeth Signed and sealed. Lat. Endd. INJUNCTIONS, MANDATES, LETTERS, ETC. 321 1710-11. 223. Injunction by Arclibp. Tenison, in interpretation of the 12 March statute exempting medical fellows from taking orders, and limiting the nun^iber to four. Nominates Stephen Naple- ton, M.l)., Philip Code, M.D., Peirce Dod, and Richard Stephens, to succeed to these fellowships. Dispenses with Peter Prideaulx from taking a medical degree. Lambeth Signed and scaled, Lat. Endd. 1711. 224. Fourteen injunctions of Archbp. Tenison, concerning attend- 13 Oct. ance at divine service, taking orders and degrees, elections, the servants, horses, and other matters. Laml)eth Signed and sealed. Lat. Endd. 171fi-7. 225. Confirmation by Archbp. Wake of the election of John 11 March Stead, M.A., as bursar. Westminster Signed and sealed. Latin. Endd. 1716-7. 226. Archbp. Wake to the College : — Encloses the above. Does 12 jNlarcli not, however, approve of Stead's answers to the warden's papers. Admonishes liim for his disrespect Signed. Pp. 2. Add. Endd. 171G-7. 227. Archbp. Wake to Gardiner: — When any attempt to regulate 21 JNlarch the University is made in Parliament, will do what he can to support its constitution and privileges Signed. Pp. 2 1719-20. 228. Deprivation, by Archbp. Wake, of Fisher Littleton and Thos. I March Newsham, for neglecting to take orders. Mandate to Thos. Machen Fiddes, to take priest's orders in six months. Summons to Barzillai Jones to appear at Lambeth for absenting himself from the visitation. Lam})eth Signed. Seal gone. Lat. Endd. „ 229. Constitutions by Archbp. Wake, concerning elections, ac- counts, taking degrees, &c. Lambetli Signed and sealed. Two skins of parchment. Lat. Endd. „ 230. Archbp. Wake to the College : — The visitation being nearly at an end, sends the above constitutions. Lambetli Sealed. Lat. P. 1. Endd. 1 720. 231. Nomination by Archbp. Wake, on a devolution, of John Sayer, 25 INIay as scholar. Lambeth Signed and sealed. Lat. Endd. 1723. 232. Decree of Archbp. Wake in favour of Robert Wood, ordering 5 June the warden to admit him. Lambeth Signed and sealed. Lat. Endd. „ 233. Copy of the preceding, executed June 8, 1723 1723. 234. Second decree of Archbishop Wake, ordering the admission I I July of Wood, and annulling the election of Thos. Wilbraham and Vs'm.. Wynne. Lambeth Signed and sealed. Lat. Endd. 1 723. 235. Nomination by Archbp. Wake, of Wm. Wynne, Jesus College, 3 Aug. to one of the fellowships, vacant by the decision against Thos. Wilbraham and Wm. Wynne. Croydon Signed and sealed. Lat. Endd. 322 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1725. 236. Nomination by Archbp. Wake, on a devolution, of Eobert 20 Nov. Trevor, B.A., of Queen's, Edward Wake, B.A., of Christ Church, and Savage Tindall, of Christ Church, as scholars. Lambeth Signed and sealed. Lat. Endd. 1726. 237. Institution by Archbp. Wake, of Stephen NilJett, M.A., to the 28 May. office of warden, vice Bernard Gardiner, LL.D., deceased. Lambeth Signed and sealed. Lat. Endd. „ 238. Mandate of Archbp. Wake to the College, to admit Stephen Niblett, jNI.A., to the office of warden, vice Bernard Gardiner, LL.D., deceased. Lambeth Signed and sealed. Lat. Endd. 1728. 239. Nomination l)y Archbp. Wake, on a devolution, of Tho8. 28 Dec. Wood, Christ Church, of the founder's kin, as perpetual fellow. Lambeth Signed and sealed. Lat. Endd. 1730. 240. Mandate of Archbp. Wake, to Warden Niblett, to admit 1 5 April Edward Bathurst to a fellowship as founder's kin. Lam- beth Signed and sealed. Lat. Endd. 1731-2. 241. Nomination by Archbp. Wake, on a devolution, of Edward 5 Feb. Smith, Queen's College, as a scholar. Lambeth Signed and seeded. Lat. Endd. 1733. 242. Decree of Archbp. Wake, allowing the claim of Humphrey 18 Dec. Henchman, of Christ Church, to a fellowship as founder's kin. Lambeth Lat. Vellum. Endd. 1733. 243. The College to Archbp. Wake : — Certificate that Henchman 26 Dec. has been admitted in pursuance of the archbishop's decree. Hoi. Draft. P. 1 . Enclosed in the -preceding 1735. 244. Nomination by Archbp. Wake, on a devolution, of Thos. 26 March Bathurst, of Trinity College, to a fellowship. Lambeth Signed and sealed. Endd. 1737. 245. Citation by Archbp. Potter, of Warden Niblett and the 24 Aug. College to answer to the appeal of Eichard Jacob, of Balliol College P. 1. Endd. 1737-8. 246. Nomination by Archbp. Potter, on a devolution, of Richard 19 Jan. Jacob, B.A., of Balliol, as founder's kin, and Eichard Smalbroke, University College, to fellowships. West- minster Signed and sealed. Endd. 1738. 247. Nomination by Archbp. Potter, on a devolution, of John 22 Nov. Gibson, B.A., Pembroke College, as scholar. Westminster Signed and sealed. Endd. 1738-9. 248. Nomination by Archbp. Potter, on a devolution, of Dr. 26 Feb. Powney, to one of Sir Wm. Petre's exhibitions, vice Rev. John Castelman. Westminster Signed and sealed. Endd. 1739. 249. Nomination by Archbp. Potter, of James Boulton Smith, 15 Dec. Henry St. Llo, and Benjamin Buckler, as scholars. Lambeth Signed and sealed. Endd. INJUNCTIONS, MANDATES, LETTERS, ETC. 323 1740. 250. Archhp. Potter to the Warden and Officers: — Does not con- 18 Nov. sider that holding the vicarage of Faringdon togetlier with a fellowship is inconsistent with the last injunctions of Archbp. Wake. Desires therefore that Dr. Baker may not be molested. Lambeth Signed. P. 1. Endd. 1746. 251. Mandate by Archbp. Potter, for the admission of Bryan 14 April Faussett, University College, to a fellowship, as founder's kin. Lambeth Signed and sealed. Endd. 1746. 252. Nomination by Archbp. Potter, of Justinian Kansford and 9 May John Tracey, as scholars. Lambeth Signed and sealed. Endd. 1749. 253. Mandate by Thos. [Herring], Archbp. of Canterbury, for tlie 30 May admission of Henry Bennett, Balliol College, to a fellow- ship. Kensington Signed and sealed. Endd. 1749. 254. Another mandate to the same effect. Kensington 1 3 June Signed and sealed. Endd. 1749. 255. Nomination by Archbp. Herring, of Eobert Vansittart, as a 4 July scholar. Kensington Signed and sealed. Endd. 1751. 256. Mandate by Archbp. Herring, for the admission of Richard 7 June Harvey to a fellowship, as founder's kin, and for the payment of his costs. Lambeth Sealed. Endd. 1751. 257. Nomination on a devolution, of James Clitherow and Alex- 22 June ander Popham, as scholars. l.y. P. 1 I 714. 185. Gardiner to [Tenison] : — Asks whether a deputy-biu-sar or 23 April pro-dean may act in cases felling within section 1 1 of the late injunctions. All Souls' College Copy. P. 1 1714. 166. Gardiner to [Tenison]: — Hoped to have had an answer to his 28 May letter of 23 April. The officers are frequently absent. ]\fr. Dalton lives publicly with his wife and child in Lon- don, and Mr. Stead with his wife within ten miles of Ox- ford. All Souls' College Copy. P. I 1714. 167. Dodington Grevile to Gardiner: — Sends a denial of the 19 Aug. presentment desiring the warden to declare his fellowship vacant in consequence of his holding an estate in land above the value allowed by tlie statutes P. 1. Add. llie denial is enclosed 1714. 168. Gardiner to [Tenison]: — Sends copies of affidavits in proof 27 Aug. of Mr. Dalton's marriage. All Souls' College Copy. P. 1. 2'he copies are enclosed 1714. 169, Offspring Blackball, Bp. of Exeter, to Gardiner: — Explains 18 Sept. the circumstances of his allowing Mr. Chichester to defer the institution to a living to which he had the presenta- tion. Exeter ' Pp. 2. Add, 1714. 170. Gardiner to [Tenison] : — Has received no answer to his letter 29 Nov. about ]Mr. Dalton. Mr. Steed has applied for dispensation from Holy Orders on false grounds. He cohabits with a young lady— ]Mrs. Barltnra Piers — but denies his marriage to her. Oxford Cop)y. Pp. 3 1714. 171. Gardiner to [Tenison] : — Corrects a mistake in his last letter 4 D( c. Copy. P. 1 z 2 340 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1714. 172. Sir Nathanael Lloyd to Grardiner: — Eeports an interview he 8 Dec. had with the archbishop about the letter from the College P. 1. Add. 1714. 173. Thos. Dalton to Gardiner: — Desires the warden to declare 25 Dec, his fellowship void, as he has been married six months. London P. 1. Add. 1715. 174. Gardiner to Henry Portman : — Thanks him for a gift of 2001. 9 April towards the decoration of the College chapel 1714. Gardiner to the Bishop of Exeter: — Asks for a copy of a 30 Oct. previous letter to the bishop On the same sheet. Copies. Pp. 2 1715. 175. Gardiner to [Tenison] : — Mr. Chichester, who has succeeded 27 April to his father's living, has deferred institution in order to retain his fellowship. Has corresponded with the Bishop of Exeter about it. Mr. Steed has been prosecuted in the Vice-chancellor's Court by the young woman's father. He says that he has appealed to the visitor and had a judg- ment in his favour Copy. Pp. 2 1715. 176. Tenison to Gardiner: — Is very ill. Has sent to enquire 5 May about Dalton. Has not countenanced Mr. Steed's case. Lambeth Hoi. P. 1. Add. 1715. 177. Gardiner to [Tenison]: — About the cases of Chichester and 7 May Steed. All Souls' College Copy. Pp. 2 1715. 178. Gardiner to Dr. Gibson : — Assures him that he has already 22 Nov. informed the archbishop of Steed's case. The archbishop never sent any decision about Chichester, which was very unkind. He has now resigned Copy. Pp. 2 1724-5. 179. Gardiner to • : — Imperfect draft of a letter about cases 2 Feb. before the University Court. All Souls' College Pp. 2 180. Queries relating to the visitor's power in case of appeal from the election made at College Pp. 15 181. Memoranda about appeals Pp. 4 182. Observations on the question whether an artist who has been dispensed with from taking orders, may take liis degrees in physic Pp. 17 'CONCERNING THE UNNECESSARY TROUBLE GIVEN TO MYSELF AND THE COLLEGE BY MR. WORTIU 1706-7. 183. Notarial attestation of the declaration of Warden Gardiner 7 Jan. that Mr. Wortli's fellowship was void in consequence of his being Archdeacon of Worcester, and his appeal P. 1 „ 184. The appeal of Wnu Worth Lat. Copy. Pp. 2 APPEALS AND VISITORS' INJUNCTIONS. 341 1707. 185. Citation ])y Archbp. Tenison, of Warden Gardiner, to answer 26 April Worth's appeal Lat. Copy. P. 1 1707. 186. Proceedings in the Archbishop's Court 8 i\Iay Lat. P. 1. With a note by Gardiner 1707. 187. Gardiner to Sir Nathanael Lloyd:— [Worth's] appeal runs 12 May upon a wrong supposition, that of expulsion, whereas I declared the place void by cession. All Souls' College Pp. 3. Add. 1707. 188. Gardiner to Lloyd: — Sends an account of the proceedings in 15 May the College in January against Worth Pp. 3. Add. 1707. 189. Gardiner to Lloyd: — The College has always gone by the 28 May king's books and present coin, in declaring places void for preferment, and the method Gardiner used has been always employed. All Souls' College Pp. 3. Endd. 1707. 190. Gardiner to Lloyd: — Is coming to town. Remarks about 2 Jmie the case. All Souls' College Pp. 3. Add. „ 191. Attestation of No. 183 P. 1 1707. 192. Gardiner to [Lloyd] : — The College have resolved to bear 3 June the expenses ot the appeal, except what the archbishop lays on Worth. All Souls' College Copy. P. ] 1707. 193. Gardiner to Lloyd: — Is sorry to lose the advantage of 8 June JJoyd's pleading this cause. All Souls' College P. 1. Add. 1707. 194. Worth's renunciation of his appeal Lat. Copy. P. 1 12 June CASE OF DR. BOWES' MABEIAGE. 1708. 195. Eichard Bowes to Gardiner :— Informs him of his marriage 22 Aug. to the widow of Warden Finch Pp. 3. Add. 1708. 196. Account of proceedings in the College, when Bowes was ac- 20-22 Oct. cused of having been married in February Pp. 2 197. Dr. Bouchier to Gardiner : — If the marriage was inchoated in January and not consummated till August, the time for the vacancy of the fellowship shoidd be computed from the latter 1708. 198. Proceedings against Bowes in the College. With memo- 22 Oct.- randa by Gardiner Pjj. 6 3 Nov. 1708. 199. Gardiner to Archbp. [Tenison] : — Sends an account of 23 Oct. Bowes' case Draft. Pp. 2 1708. 200. Production at Lambeth of the registry of Bowes' marriage 27 Oct. P. 1 201. Three copies of the marriage certificate, one on vellum 342 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1708. 202. Archbp. Tenison to Gardiner : — Sends the preceding 27 Oct. Pp. 2. Add, 1708. 203. Reply of Dr. Irish and Dr. Rivers to Dr. Bowes' answer to 28 Oct. their allegation Pp. 4 „ 204. Wm. Wright to Gardiner: — If Bowes insists upon his right, advises Gardiner to act as a judge on legal evidence P. I. Add. 1708. 205. Reply of Dr. Bowes Pp.2 I Nov. 1708. 206. [Gardiner to Archbp. Tenison] ; — Will be obliged to allow 29 Nov. Dr. Bowes his livery On the other side is a draft of a letter, dated Nov. 9, in- forming the archbishop of a devolution 9 Dec. 207. D. Grevile to [Gardiner] : — Gave the archbishop the College letter. When he saw it was in Latin he laid it aside, say- ing he was not good at extempore, and would take time to consider. ' When I delivered Dr. Bowes' proceedings he was in wratli, and said he knew Dr. Bowes was married as well as I knew what was a cat ; ' Bowes was a robber, and he would no longer be insulted ; the College estate ought to be managed by bailiffs. London Pp. 2 1708. 208. Arclibp. Tenison to Gardiner: — As some expenses in the accounts are questioned, he witliholds his approbation of them. Every penny that Dr. Bowes takes after the statu- table time of grace is against good conscience. The warden does not pursue the intention of the founder if he is not watchful in such cases, but purely passive. Hoi. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1709. 209. Richard Bowes to Gardiner: — Has received his letter con- I I Jan. taining the archbishop's iinal answer to his business. The reason which his wife is represented as having given for the concealment of the marriage is an impudent lie. Reigate Pp. 2. Add. ' LETTERS OF MB. BROMLEY AND OTHERS CON- CERNING AN ATTEMPT TO FROCURE AN ACT OF PARLIAMENT TO ALTER THE STATUTES OF COL- LEGES, ESPECIALLY AS TO THE OBLIGATION OF TAKING HOLY ORDERS. 1709.' 1708-9. 210. W. Bromley to Warden Gardiner: — Sends a paper on the 17 Feb. above subject, which is not yet publicly circulated. It will soon be delivered at the door of the House, with an application for a Bill P. 1. ^Idd. 1708-9. 211. W. Bromley to Warden Gardiner: — Expected tliis matter 22 Feb. would have been brouiilit into the House of Commons APPEALS AND VISITORS' INJUNCTIONS. 343 to-day, but other business prevented it. Sir J. Stonehouse will drop bis FAll P. 1. Add. 1708-9. 212. W. Uroinley to Warden Gardiner : — Finds a great disposition 2G Feb. in tliose engaged in the mutter of the College statutes to drop it. They now own it is on Grardiner's account that they have had thoughts of applying to Parliament for relief, and that if he would do what is reasonable, they would not prosecute the matter this session. They asked Bromley's mediation Pp. 2. Add. 1708-9. 213. Warden Grardiner to Archbp. Tenison : — Hears that some 2 March desperate men are about to solicit Parliament for an alteration in the statutes of colleges concerning taking Holy Orders. Begs the archbishop to give his assistance against this abominable design. Meredith, Blencowe, liittleton, and Dylton are the persons who openly solicit this matter Draft. P. 1 214. W. Bromley to Warden Gardiner : — The motion for the repeal of tlie statutes has been put off by other business. 8ome of those who solicit it proposed to me that if I can prevail with you to let the matter be considered as far as it concerns the College, they will forbear prosecuting it this session. Our best friends here think that, however unreasonable their attempt, they may prevail. Thursday night Pp. 2. Add. 215. Dodington Grevile to Warden Gardiner : — Did not receive liis commands from Mr. Bromley till the end of the week. This design has been in agitation these three years. About that time ago Dr. Tindal came to him with fallacious arguments, which are now urged as reasons. Opposed it then, and does so now. Mr. Denton told Grevile he did not design to make his motion this session. If he had, is sure it would not have passed. Will assist in the Bill for the highways. If Gardiner will think of some method to make those four gentlemen easy, Littleton will undertake that the design of altering the statutes will be set aside Pj:). 2. Add. 3 March 216. John Potter to Warden Gardiner :— The arclibishop writes that he never saw the paper of Reasons till it had been dis- persed over the town, and he believes it will die of itself, Christchm-ch P. 1. Add. 1708-9. 217. W. Bromley to Warden Gardiner: — Thinks the design of 3 March applying to Parliament is entirely laid aside. Some of both vmiversities have been very active in opposing it, and have collected materials for a paper in answer to the Eeasons.' Now it is dropped, they think it best to be silent P. 1. Add. ' ' Reasons for the liepeal of that part of the Statutes of CoUeyrs in the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge which require the Taking of Orders under a Tenaltij' Printed for Bernard Lintot, and sold for 'Id. A copj' of this pampklct is in Hiirleian MS. 7032, f. "2:>r>, in the British Museum. 344 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. [1708-9.] 218. Bromley to [Gardiner] :— Believes the Bill is dropt for this 5 March session. Advises that the instigators should not be told of their oaths, or otherwise irritated or provoked Draft. P.\ 1708-9. 219. Archbp. Tenison to Warden Gardiner: — Will by no means 5 March countenance the Bill he mentions in his letter. Thinks it will not be offered, and is confident it cannot pass. No man can foresee the consequences of such alterations, and therefore such dangerous experiments should never be tried Hoi. P. 1. Add. Endd, J, 220. William Bromley to [Warden Gardiner] : — Encloses a letter from Mr. Ward of Lincoln's Inn, dated Feb. 5, 1708—9, with particulars about Mr. Littleton's share in the intended Bill, and another from Littleton to Joseph Girdler, serjeant at-law, dated Feb, 27, 1708-9, asking him to support the Bill, which is only opposed by heads of colleges for their sinister purposes Pp. 2 221. Ward to Bromley Pp. 2. Add, 222. Littleton to Gii'dler P. 1. Copi/ 1708-9. 223. John [Hough], Bp. of Lichfield and Coventry, to Warden 10 March Gardiner : — Is sorry for the vexation he meets with in the administration of his office. There is no reason to appre- hend that the statute he at present asserts will be set aside by authority of Parliament. No one will have courage to move for leave to bring in a Bill till he has better reasons than those lately seen in print. All Souls' has less occasion for such a change than other colleges Hoi. Pp. 2. Add. 1 7Qg_9. 224. W. Bromley to [Warden Gardiner] :— The attempt at repealing 12 March the statutes is not now talked of. The origin of the attempt is said to be a remark of a certain bishop that it would be better to have a dispensation from the kingdom than from the visitor Pp. 2 1708-9. 225. Warden Gardiner to Dr. Potter: — Desires him to thank the 18 March archbishop for his kind letter about the late design against the statutes. INIr. Littleton says that he hears that the archbishop is not at all angry with them, and that a bishop advised them to go to Parliament Draft. P. 1 1709. 226. Dr. Potter to [Gardiner]: — Thanked the archbishop, as 26 March Gardiner desired. He need not doubt his Grace's readiness to assist him in the due execution of the statutes. Lam- beth P. 1. Add. 1709. 227. W. Bromley to Warden Gardiner : — The session is at an end, 23 April and tliere is nothing to fear from any attempt at repealing the statutes. ]\Ir. Littleton has given grave scandalnmy and deserves the severest censures. Advises that, if he is punished, it should be for some other offence. The D. of M. is come over ' Pp. 2. Add. Perhaps the Duke of Miirlliorough, who vibilud Eu^'laiul in March, but had returned to tho Hague iniufht bff'jiv the date ol' thib letter. APPEALS AND VISITORS' INJUNCTIONS. . 345 1709. 228. Ser. Goad to Gardiner: — Dr. Woodroffe seems to be at a 1 3 July stand. The order of last Thursday not being yet settled, cannot gi\'e an opinion what it is proper for the University to do. Inner Temple Hoi. P. 1. Add. 1709. 229. J. Brooks to Gardiner : — His letter to deliver the papers and 11 Aug. books to Mr. Goad did not arrive till he had left London. Has a copy of the order, the brief, and Sir Edward Northey's opinion P. 1. Add. 1709-10. 230. Bromley to Warden Gardiner: — 'Our noble friend' is of 7 Jan. opinion that if Gardiner has at any time dispensed with or connived at those who by tlie letter of the statute should have taken orders, he must not now refuse to comply with what is required of him. Eemarks about Dr. S[achevereirs] sermon about non-resistance Pp. 2. Add. 1710. 231. J. Brooks to Gardiner : — Has received certain documents 2 May from the archives in reference to the University and the Post Office Act. Oxford P. 1. Add. 1710. 232. J. Brooks to Gardiner: — Mr. Goad will peruse the papers. 16 May Staple Inn P. 1. Add. 233. Keasons against repealing the statutes about taking orders Pp. 4 1708-9. 234. Citation of Matthew Tindal, LL.D., fellow, for absence 14 March APPEALS OF BIGHABD STEPHENS, M.A., AND PIERCE BOB, BEING ABMONISHEB TO TAKE HOLY OBBEBS. 1709. 235. Appeal of Stephens Two copies. Endorsed by Gardiner 11 July „ 236. Appeal of Dod Tivo copies. Endorsed by Gardiner 1709. 237. Citation of Gardiner by the archbishop to answer Stephens' 19 Nov. appeal „ 238. Citation of Timothy Owen, dean, to answer Stephens' appeal „ 239. Citation of Owen to answer Dod's appeal 1709-10. 240. Interlocutory decree in favom- of Stephens 10 Jan. „ 241. Interlocutory decree in favour of Dod 1709-10. 242. Gardiner to Archbp. Tenison : — Has received the decrees. 12 Jan. Wrote to ask for Dod's appeal to be retiu-ned to him. Blencowe and others are yet unpunished for their behaviour at Wycombe Draft. P. 1 243. ' An account of what passed in the business of my admonishing INIr. Dod and Mr. Stephens ; as far as concerns his Grace of Canterbury ' Written by Gardiner. Pp. 3 346 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 244. Copy of the Act of Parliament, Jan. 3, 4 Hen. VII., in favour of the College, with remarks Pp. 4 'VH. BLENG0WW8 CASE: 8 Anne. 245. Warrant for the payment of a pension of 200^. to William 15 June Bleucowe, who is occupied in deciphering- letters for the Queen's service Copy. Pp. 2 1709. 246. Arebbp. Tenison to Gardiner: — Sends a copy of a letter from 19 Nov. the Earl of Sunderland, Secretary of State, dated Xov. 17, stating that the Queen desires the archbishop to restrain Gardiner from depriving Blencowe of his fellowship for not taking orders, as he is in her service. Considers this to be a just and lawful impediment. Requires the warden to allow Blencowe to retain his fellowship. Lambeth Pp. 4 1709. 247. Memoranda by Gardiner of his reading the letters of the 23 Nov. archbishop and Lord Sunderland to the College, and of a conversation with Blencowe and others about them Tivo papers 1709. 248. H. Bromley to Gardiner : — The Bishop of London has talked 20 Dec. with the Queen about Lord Sunderland's letter. Mr. Grevile and INlr. Owen can give Gardiner an account of what passed Pp. 2. Add. 1709-10. 249. [Gardiner to ] : — Compares Blencowe's case with Sir 13 Jan. Richard Vernon's. The latter was abroad in the service of the late King and of the Queen, and was a jurist, whereas Blencowe is an artist, and has time to go the circuits, and practises as a barrister Draft. Pp. 3 1 709-1 0. 250. Henry Corapton, Bp. of London, to Gardiner : — Has explained 3 Feb. Blencowe's case to the Queen, but she does not seem to see that it differs from those of ' the other two persons.' Fulham P. L Adii. 1710. 251. Gardiner to : — Explains Blencowe's case. Hopes the 5 July Queen will withdraw her letter. Sherbourn Copy. Pp. 4 1710. 252. [Gardiner to ]:— On the same subject Draft. Pp.4: 12 Sept. 1710. 253. Petition of Gardiner to the Queen to be allowed to execute Oct. the statutes of the College against Blencowe, notwith- standing the letter of the Earl of Sunderland, Secretary of State. Reference, dated Oct. 10, 1710, to the Attorney and Solicitor General Three copies, one ivith extracts from the statutes, arid the fellows'' oath APPEALS AND VISITORS' INJUNCTIONS. 347 1710. 254. John Forde to Gardiner: — This petition will take a great 17 Oct. deal of time and require many attendances on the Attorney and Solicitor General. Cannot undertake to solicit it. Six Clerks' Office P. 1. Add. 1710. 255. John Forde to Gardiner: — Sir Edward Northey, the new 23 Oct. Attorney General, says that he will hear all parties con- cerned, and act according to the best of his judgment. Six Clerks' Office 1710. 256. Constantine Phipps to Gardiner : — The Attorney and Solicitor 26 Oct. General say that they will wait Gardiner's leisure. Eecom- mends the son of Mr. Jodrell, clerk of the House of Com- mons, a candidate for a fellowship P. 1. Add. 1710. 257. Opinion of E. P. on Blencowe's case 3 Nov. Tivo copies. Pp. 4 each 1710. 258. Hill to Gardiner: — The Attorney General will finish liis 9 Nov. report when Gardiner desires it. Will take it himself to Lord Dartmouth. St. James' Pjj. 3. Add. 1710. 259. Notice that the Attorney and Solicitor General will hear the 18 Nov. case between the College and Blencowe on Tuesday next P. 1. 1710. 260. J. Brooks to Gardiner: — Sends the preceding. Has given 21 Nov. the Attorney and Solicitor General their five guineas apiece P. 1. Add, 1710. 261. Copy of a ' pretended appeal,' produced by Blencowe 22 Nov. Lat. P. I. With endorsement by Gardiner 1710. 262. Archbp. Tenison to the Attorney General : — Gives an account 24 Nov. of Blencowe's obtaining the letter from Lord Sunderland. Considers his occupation as a decipherer a lawful impedi- ment in his way to Holy Orders. Lambeth Tivo copies 263. Another copy, with observations thereon, made by order of the Attorney General Pp. 4 1710. 264. J. Brooks to Gardiner : — The Attorney General has received 27 Nov. the archbishop's letter. Cannot expect any report this busy week. Staple Inn P. 1. Add. 1710, 265. J. Brooks to Gardiner: — Encloses what was sent him from 30 Nov. the Attorney General. Staple Inn P. 1. Add. 1710. 266. H. Bromley to Gardiner: — Your affair stands so well that 2 Dec. there is no doubt of such a determination as you desire P. 1. Add, „ 267. .T. Brooks to Gardiner : — Sends what they call an appeal. [If Gardiner has anything more to observe, the Attorney wishes to have it, as they will soon be ready to make their report. Staple Inn P. 1. Add, 1710. 268. Bromley to Gardiner : — Has delivered the copy of the arch- 7 Dec. bishop's letter, with Gardiner's observations, to Mr. H. P. 1. Add. 348 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1710. 269. Gardiner to the Attorney General: — Observations on Archbp. 8 Dec. Tenison's letter of Nov. 24 Cojpy. Pp. 2 270. Copy of a similar letter sent to Lord Rochester, Lord Keeper, and Mr. Harley Pp. 2 271. Another copy of the preceding, with a copy of observations on the report of the Attorney and Solicitor General, dated Dec. 30 Pp. 2 1710. 272. Copy of the report of the Attorney and Solicitor General on 23 Dec. Gardiner's petition. On the same paper is the copy of a letter from Gardiner to the Lord President of the Council and Lord Dartmouth, dated Dec. 30, commenting on the report, and a copy of Blencowe's appeal Pp. 3 273. Copy of a portion of the report and of Blencowe's imperfect appeal 1710. 274. Geo. Clarke to Gardiner: — Mr. Blencowe is not satisfied 23 Dec. with the report, and tried to persuade the Solicitor General to alter it P. I. Add. 1710. 275. Wh. Kennett to Gardiner : — Great offence is taken at Gardi- 25 Dec. ner's complaint to the Queen and Council Pp. 2. Add. [1710]. 276. Fragment of a letter from [R. Brookes] : — Will send a copy [Dec] of the report on Monday 1710. 277. R. Brookes to Gardiner: — Sent the original report last night 28 Dec. and has sent the statutes and papers left with the Attorney. On the same sheet is a draft of a portion of the following Pp. 2. Add. 1710. 278. Gardiner to Lord Dartmouth : — Expresses his dissatisfaction 30 Dec. with the report of the Attorney and Solicitor General Copy. P. 1 „ 279. Observations on the report and di-aft of the preceding letter Pp. 2 1710-1. 280. Tho. Bouchier to Gardiner :— Asks him to advise and assist 10 Jan. his son. Mr. Blencowe has lately received two years' arrears P. 1. Add. 1710-1. 281. [Gardiner to Archbp. Tenison] : — Is waiting the issue of his 15 Jan. petition to the Queen about Blencowe. Will wait on him when he wishes Copy. P. I 1710-1. 282. R. Brookes to Gardiner: — Complains of his conduct to Mr. 23 Jan. Lang in Mr. Blencowe's affair P. 1 . Add. [Jan.] 283. R. Brookes to Gardiner : — Mr. Blencowe will not be in town till Tuesday, so the Attorney General has put off the business till Wednesday. He thinks it reasonable that Blencowe shoidd be heard before he makes any amend- ment to the report. At the foot is a draft of an answer by Gardiner Pp.2. Add. APPEALS AND VISITORS' INJUNCTIONS. 349 [1710-1.] [Jan.] 1710-1. 31 Jan. 1710-1. 5 Feb. 1710-1. 13 Feb. 1710-1. 15 Feb. 1710-1. 23 Feb. 1710-1. 24 Feb. 1710-1. 1 March [6 March] 1710-1. 6 March 1710-1. 8 March 284. Gardiner to Mr. Brookes : — Will not attend on the Attorney on Wednesday, lest he meet with the same rude treatment from Dalton and others. States hisoVyectionsto the report Draft. Pp. 3 285. R. Th-ookes to Gardiner : — Attended on the Attorney General to-niglit with Blencowe P. 1. Add. 286. Draft of a portion of a letter about the report Endd. ' Sent to Dr. Clarke, 31 Jan., 1710' 287. William Whitelocke to Gardiner : — Sends a copy of a letter from Lord Dartmouth to the Attorney General, stating that the Queen does not approve of Blencowe's excusing himself from conforming with the statutes, and desiring a letter to be drawn up to that effect P. 1. Add. 288. E. Brookes to Gardiner : — Called on the Attorney General for a declaration of her jNIajesty's pleasure, but could not see him. Staple Inn P. 1. Add. 289. Iv. Brookes to Gardiner : — The Attorney General will dispatch Gardiner's business as soon as possible. There is no need for him to come up. Staple Inn P. 1. Add. 290. H. Compton, Bp. of London, to Gardiner : — Is of Gardiner's opinion, that it was a very cold report which Mr. Attorney and Mr. Solicitor made in his case. Hopes they will make a better in the next by Lord Dartmouth's order. Fulham P. 1. Add. 291. Bromley to [Gardiner] : — Was aware of the provision in the Post Act to save the rights and privileges of the Univer- sities, and will take care to have a like reservation in the new Act. Asks what the privileges are. Mr. Attorney will prepare the letter to-night. The archbishop is ill, and not likely to continue long Pp. 2 292. Lord Dartmouth to Archbp. Tenison : — Desires him to trans- mit to All Souls' College the Queen's declaration that she does not approve of Blencowe's insisting on his being in her service to excuse him from conformity to the statutes of the College. Whitehall Pp. 4 293. Another copy, with note by Gardiner 294. R. Warre to [Dr. Clarke] :— Sends Lord Dartmouth's letter, which is in the terms of Mr. Attorney's draft, with a slight addition P. 1 295. Dr. Clarke to Gardiner : — Took Lord Dartmouth's letter back to Mr. Warre, and desired him to send it to the archbishop P. 1. Add. 296. John Haynes to Gardiner : — Sends a copy of Lord Dartmouth's letter. Gardiner seems surprised at tlie archbishop's not nominating a rector of divinity, but no mention was made to him of the vacancy. Lambeth P.\. Add. 350 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 297. Copies of the archbishop's letter, dated Nov. 19, 1709, of Haynes' letter, dated March 8, 1711, and of that of Lord Dartmouth, dated March l,with notes by Gardiner Pp. 3 298. Memorandum by Gardiner of the receipt of Lord Dartmouth's letter on March 9, his reading it at a meeting on March 12, and of the erasure of the copy of it in the statute book on March 27 1711. March 1710-1. 18 March 1711. 20 March 1711-2. 1 1 Feb. 299. Gardiner to the Duke of Buckingham : — Thanks him for his kind protection of the College in the controversy with Mr. Blencowe Draft On the same paper is a draft of a letter of thanks to [Harley] 300. Two bills for law costs, and receipt of J. Brooks. March 26, 1711 301. ' An account of the business of i\Ir. W. Blencowe's method of keeping out of orders, and the trouble I had with him ' P/9. 3 302. Memoranda about Blencowe's case P. 1 303. ' The case of the reception of a letter sent to All Souls' Col- lege, Oxon, signed by the Lord Dartmouth, then Secretary of State, containing the Queen's pleasure relating to Mr. Wm. Blencowe, a fellow of that College ; ' the copies of which entered in the statute book were erased by certain fellows Pp. 3 'CONCERNING THE POWER OF VISITORS: 1710. 304. H. Bromley to Gardiner: — Has received an answer from 12 Sept. Lambeth, that ' the Dr.' is prepossessed in favour of the warden's adversaries. Hopes he will not be driven to bring an appeal into Parliament. Baginton Pp. 2. Add. 27 July 305. Dr. Bouchier to Gardiner : — Eemarks about the archbishop's intended injunctions P. 1. Add. 1711. 306. J. Owen to Gardiner: — Mr. Bromley wislies Gardiner could 8 Aug. discuss the statute with him. It is difficult to express an opinion in writing. Combe Abbey P. 1. Add. 1711. 307. Gardiner to Sir Nathan Wright : — The arclibisliop's decrees at 1 Sept. his visitation are of such a nature tliat some of the College feel bound to resist them. Asks liis opinion. Combe Abbey 6 Sept. Gardiner to Lord Keeper Harcourt : — On the same subject. Oxford BotJi copies on the same sheet. 1711. 308. J. Owen to Gardiner: — The Lord Keeper thinks that the 10 Sept. only defence against the visitor is by an appeal to the House of Lords, l»ut he advises obedience. Combe Abbey Pp. 2. Add. APPEALS AND VISITORS' INJUNCTIONS. 351 1711. 309. Sir Nathan Wright to Gardiner: — Thinks he ought not 12 Sept. to dispute what the visitor has done. Caldecote P. I. Add. 310. [Wright to Gardiner] : — Remarks on the visitor's power, wliich lie considers to he absolute Imperfect. Pp. 4 1711. 311. [Gardiner] to : — Has received Owen's letter containing 14 Sept. the Lord Keeper's opinion. Mentions the opinions of others on the same point. Perhaps it is a case fit for the House of Commons to consider. All Souls' ('ollege Draft. Pp. 4 1711. 312. J. Owen to Gardiner: — Has written to the Lord Keeper, 25 Sept. enclosing a copy of the statutes and the charter. Mr. B[romley] does not know wliat power the law gives to a visitor, but thinks it imreasonable that he should not be bound to observe the founder's intention. Combe Pp. 2. Add. 1711. 313. T. B[ouchier] to Gardiner: — Hopes the enclosed will give 29 Sept. him a new light into matters P. 1 314. Opinion of Dr. Bouchier on the power of a visitor, and on decrees repugnant to the statutes P. 1 1711. . 315. H. Bromley to Gardiner: — Does not think his project of 3 Oct. obtaining an Act of Parliament to explain the power of visitors likely to succeed Pp. 2. Add. 1711. 316. Sir Nathan Wright to Gardiner : — Does not see any foundation 12 Dec. for Gardiner's claim of a negative vote for the warden. Answers four questions proposed to him by Mr. Owen concerning visitors' power. Caldecote Pp. 3. Add. LETTERS FROM SIR N. LLOYD, CONCERNmO BIS HOLDING HIS FELLOWSHIP WITH THE MASTER. SHIP OF TRINITY HALL, CAMBRIDGE. 1710. 317. Sir N. Lloyd to Gardiner :— Has a will of Mr. Codrington, 1 July dated Aug. 15, 1700, but hearing of a later at Antigua, has not opened it. ' I suppose six months more will put me out of the list of your children ' P. 1. Add. 1710. 318. Sir N. Lloyd to Gardiner: — Concerning the consistency 9 Dec. of holding his fellowship with the mastership of Trinity Hall, Cambridge. Hopes a good man as well as a righteous man may even hope to hold it. His being vice-chancellor cannot be a true cause of absence. Will not be in Cam- bridge eight weeks the whole year Pp. 2. Add. 1710. 319. Lloyd to Gardiner : — Understands the only clauses in the sta- 29 Dec. tutes which affect him are that in the fellows' oath,projDier quas causas, and Whitgift's injunction. Asks if there is anything else bearing on his case Pp. 2. Add. 352 ARCHIYES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1710-1. 3 March 1711. 16 Auff. 1711. 22 Sept. 1711. 27 Sept. 1711. 29 Sept. 1711. 9 Oct. 1713-4. 27 Feb. 1714. 27 March 320. Lloyd to Gardiner : — Does not hear that any legacies are paying yet, though the will ' has been fixed these six weeks. As to his own oath, does not think Gardiner's last letter affects it P. 1. Add. 321. Lloyd to Gardiner : — Is at Cambridge. Does not think his mastership faDs under either the head of fceduni scecidare or annuapensio. Originally thought that he should vacate his fellowship, but, on coming down in October, the opinion of the College seemed to be that he need not Pp. 3. Add. 322. Lloyd to Gardiner : — Doubts whether a headship held by a layman is therefore foeduni sceculare, or that distribu- tions in common are annua pensio. Could not talk with him about it last October, as it would have been like asking a judge his opinion in private of a case which might come before him Pp. 2. Add. 323. Lloyd to Gardiner : — Received from the bursar for his mastership 21. for the first half-year, and nothing this half-year Pp. 2. Add. 324. Lloyd to Gardiner : — Refers to his last letter. Granted that his mastership is annua pensio, it is under value P. 1. Add. 325. Lloyd to Gardiner: — Thanks him for the candour and just- ness of his proceedings. Gathers from the archbishop that he will leave the negative as he found it. Has told those who heard of his affair that matters had been mis- represented to Gardiner, and he had been compelled to examine the point Pp. 2. Add. 326. Lloyd to Gardiner : — Hopes he has put the case of Trinity Hall so as never to give Gardiner or the officers any trouble, or to be any offence to any one, or a violation of the statutes Pp. 2. Add. 327. Lloyd to Gardiner: — Cannot find out what is done or doing at Lambeth. Has laid an account of his case before the visitor, so that any particular complaint or procedure ex officio will be needless Pp. 3. Add. VISITATION BY AECEBISUOV TENISON. [1710.] 328. Sir N. Lloyd to Warden Gardiner :— The dean [at his [29 Sept.] intended visitation] is inclined to lodge at tlie College. Friday Approves of this Pp.2. Add. ' Codrinc'ton's. APPEALS AND VISITORS' INJUNCTIONS. 358 1710. 5 Oct. [1710.] [7 Oct.] ►Saturday [1710.] 16 [Oct.] Monday 1710. 7 No\'. 329. 330. 331. 332. 333. 1710-1. 334. 10 .March 1711. 335. 30 Maroli 1711. 336. 19 May 1711. 337. 17 July 1711. 338. 24 July 1711. 339. 15- Sept. 1711. 340. 12 (Vt. 1711. 341. 10 Nov. 1711-2. 342. 19 Jan. Sir N. Lloyd to the Warden : — The dean is comino; to hold a visitation on Wednesday. Tliinks it will be nothing but an inquiry and a paper transaction between the College and Lambeth Pp. 3. Add. Sir N. Lloyd to the Warden : — Concerning arrangements for the dean's visit Pp. 2. Add. Sir N. Llo3^d to the Warden: — The dean is much pleased with his visit and that matters went off so quietly P. 1. Add. John Bettesworth to the Warden: — His officer will be in Oxford on Thursday to administer the interrogatories to the fellows. Thanks the College for the kind reception he met with. Doctors' Commons Ppj. 2 Sir N. Lloyd to the Warden : — Literrogatories sliould have been sent within a month from Oct. 14. The visitation was adjourned to the Thursday after jNIarch 8 Pp. 2. .-1.^/. Sir N. Tiloyd to the Warden : — The dean will be at Oxford on Wednesday. He recpiires no ceremony at this adjourn- ment Pjy. 3. Add. Endd. John Bettesworth to the Warden : — Thanks him for his kind reception. Will do justice to him in the presentments and what else has been laid before him. Doctors' Commons Sir N. Lloyd to the Warden : — Mr. Long will send for Lis son on the plea of sickness, and will keep him from return- ing Pp. 2. Add. Sir X. Lloyd to the Warden :— The dean will he at Oxford on Thursday, and leave on Friday P. 1. Add. Sir N. Lloyd to the Warden : — The dean's visit is principally to save the commission by fiu'ther adjournment. He will not biurden the College with more than a supper and light dinner Sir X. Lloyd to the Warden : — Answers four questions con- cerning the authority of visitors. Doctors' Commons Pp. 2. Add. Sir N. Lloyd to the Warden : — Mr. Farrant promises a copy of the whole process. Nothing will be done upon the matter of scrutinies P. 1. Add. Sir N. Lloyd to the Warden : — The dean wonders that a meeting for a grace should be reckoned among the iiiajora negotia. The visitation is over P. 1. Add. Sir N. Lloyd to the Warden : — Farrant says the archbishop gave him leave to send the acts, but said there was no occasion to send the commission. Will mention the candles to Mr. Dean /'. 1. Add. A A 354 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1712. 343. Sir N. Lloyd to the Warden: — Begs the College's acceptance 13 Sept. of Mr. Codrington's picture P. 1. Add. 'Mr. Vice-Chancellor' 'PAPERS RELATING TO WILLES AND WESTS APPEAL AGAINST THE RESOLUTION OF THE WARDEN AND OFFICERS TOUGHING DR. BOUCHIEWS HOLDING HIS FELLOWSHIP AND HIS professorship: 1713. 344. Proceeding at the College respecting Mr. Bouchier. October and November 1713 Two copies 20 Nov. 345. Appeal of Willes and West 30 Nov. 346. Citation of Warden Gardiner and the officers 347. Draft by Gardiner of a speech to be delivered in the archbishop's court 348. Opinions and other memoranda about the case 1713. 349. W. Bromley to [Warden Gardiner] : — ' I have told our friend 24 Dec. at the Admiralty, and Mr. Ward, of the visitor's proceed- ing. They think you can have no relief if he persists ; and that the application you propose is very improper ' P. 1 1713. 350. Archbp. Tenison to Wm. Bromley: — Cannot refuse an 30 Dee. appeal which comes regularly to him. As the warden is a proctor of Convocation, it is no trouble to him to come to Lambeth Copy. P. 1 „ 351. Bromley to Warden Gardiner :- -Sends the preceding. The old gentleman seems to aifect being witty on this occasion. The queen is recovering her health. Whitehall P. 1 1713-4. 352. W. Strafford to Warden Gardiner: — The archbishop desires 5 .Tan. to know whetlier Gardiner intends to appear. Windsor Pp. 3. Add. [1713-4.] 353. Bettesworth to Warden Gardiner: — Desires him to name 11 Jan. a proctor. The archbishop will put off the case if requested Part of the letter is written hy Sir N. Lloyd. P. 1. Add. 1713-4. 354, Sir N. Llo3^d to Warden Gardiner :— The archbishop will 12 Jan. adjourn the case till the end of next month 1713-4. 355. Lloyd to Gardiner: — The case is adjourned till the 19th 19 Jan. [Feb.] APPEALS AND VISITORS' INJUNCTIONS. 355 1712. 356. Certificate, signed by D. Hulse, that Mr. Thos. Dalton is un- 22 Nov. able to do the duty of a clergyman in consequence of weak lungs P, 1. Endd. 1714. 357. ('itation of Thomas Dalton, M.A., who has been married 16 July more than six months 1715. 358. Citation of Fisher Littleton, M.A., to show cause why he 30 Dec. has not taken orders Two copies 359. ^Monition of R. Meredith, M.A., to renounce the study of law and to take orders Draft 1715. 360. Sir N. Lloyd to the Warden: — Concerning tlie College's 31 Dec. congratulation of Archbp. Wake. Advises the warden and two others to come up Pj). 3. Add. JOHN STEAD'S CASE. 1715. 361. Articles objected against John Stead, M.A., fellow of All 18 March Souls' College, for living with Barbara Piers Lat. Pp. 4 1715. 362. Answers of Stead to the above articles Copy. Pp. Z 27 May [1716.] 363. Draft citation of John Stead, M.A., to appear before the Aug. warden and officers, and answer a charge of having been married more than six months, and other accusations P. 1 1716. 364. Archbisliop Wake to Gardiner : — Is sorry to hear there is a 22 Dec. new occasion of differences among tliem. If the matter is brought before liim, will give it a fair examination P. 1. Add. 1716. 365. Ric. Cliicheley to Gardiner: — The archbishop has received 27 Dec. (iardiner's letter informing him of a devolution of the office of bursar of arts. Westminster P. 1. Add. 1716-7. 366. Rettesworth to Gardiner: — The Archbishop wishes to have 3 Jan. copies of the entries of Stead's impediments, the dispensa- tion and admonition. Doctors' Commons P. 1. Add. 1716-7. 367. Copies of letters from Thos. Newsham, .Jas. Bouchier, and 7 & 8 Jan. Philip Code, concerning Stead's election as bursar Pp. 2 1716-". 368. Retteswrrth to Gardiner : — The question seems to bewhetlier 19 Jan. the election of Stead as bursar by a majority, the warden disagreeing, is valid. The archbishop desires to have proofs of Gardiner's claim. Doctors' Commons Pp. 2. Add. 1716-7. 369. Copies of letters from John Aldworth and R. Wood support- Jan, ing the warden's claim to a necessary vote 22 Jan. 370. Jos. Woodward to Gardiner: — Account of the proceedings against Stead in 1715. Sends his answers to the articles P. 1. Add. 356 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1716-7. 371. Gardiner to Archbp. Wake: — Sends his reasons and autbo- 28 Jan. rities for not admitting Mr. Stead bursar of arts Pp. 3. Copy 1716-7. 372. Jos. Woodward to Gardiner: — Sends the articles against 29 Jan. Stead P. 1. Add. 373. Mr. Stead's answer to the warden's reasons for not admitting him bursar of arts Pp. 6 1716-7. 374. Bettesworth to Gardiner : — Sends Stead's answer. Doctors' 12 Feb. Commons P. 1. Add. 1716-7. 375. Gardiner to Bettesworth : — Remarks upon Stead's answer 20 Feb. Copy. P. 1 1716-7. 376. Bettesworth to Gardiner: — Sends a copy of a marginal note 21 Feb. by Hovenden to a letter from Whitgift, to which Stead refers in his answer P. 1. Add. 1716-7. 377. Reply by Gardiner to Stead's answer Pp. 19 23 Feb. 23 Feb. 378. Gardiner to Archbp. Wake : — Complains of expressions in Ster.d's answer referring to himself, which are contrary to debita reverentia Pp. 3 379. Copies of the statute 'De Bursariorum electione ;' of letters from Whitgift to All Souls' College, Jan. 8, 1597; and Sancroft to the Warden, Jan. 29, 1680 ; and of certiticates from Wm. Page and Thos. Smyth, Feb. 17, 1656, and Jan. 15, 1680, in support of the warden's negative [1718.] 380. Citation of Barzillai Jones, LL.D., for embezzlement Tivo copies CERTIFICATES BY FELLOWS OF TEE COLLEGE CONCERNING THE WARDENS NECESSARY VOTE IN THE ELECTION OF FELLOWS. Their names are as follows : — 381. W. T. [1654.] 382. Martin Aylworth and Francis Mansell 1 656-7. 383. Wm. Page, rector of Lockinge 17 Feb. 1680. 384. Tbos. Smyth 15 Jan. 1710. 385. Christopher Wren, with two letters from Charles Fox, one 7 Oct. from George Clarke, and one from Edmimd Halley, con- cerning bis testimony APPEALS AND VISITORS' INJUNCTIONS. 367 1710. 19 Nov. 386. Miles Stapylton 26 Dec. 387. H. (rodolphin 1710. 31 Dec. 388. Will. Ricliards 1710-1. 2 Jan. 389. \Vm. Trumbull 1710-1. 20 Marcli 390. Hugli Wynne 21 Maicli 391. The?. Bouchier 1716-7. 23 Jan. 392. K. Wood 24 Jan. 393. Jolm Aldwortli 1719. 394. Jolm Irish 17 Sept. 17 Sept. 395. George Clarke 1719-20. 396. Wm. Wright to Warden Gardiner :- Has perused the papers 16 Jan. and the Act of Parliament, and thinks the necessary vote without doubt P. 1 1719-20. 397. Wright to the Warden :— Advises him to take up the letters 21 Jan. patent and a copy of the statutes P. 1. Add. „ 398. Wright to the Warden : — His opinion concerning the neces- sary vote Pp. 2 1719-20. 399. Opinion of Sir Constant Phipps. Sent by Gardiner to the 4 Feb. archbishop. Middle Temple Pp- 2 1719-20. 400. E. Chichele to [Warden Gardiner]: — Returns the papers he 12 March sent for the archbishop to see, except Phipps' opinion. Lambeth P- 1 [1719.] 401. A bundle of papers of the time of Warden Gardiner, con- taining evidence, opinions, and memoranda of various kinds, touching the warden's vote in the election of fellows. Some of the papers are in the hand of Sir N. Lloyd. Among them is a rough account by Gardiner of the be- haviour of the fellows at the election in 1716 (?) 1719. 402. Interrogatories administered to the warden and fellows, 30 June with answers by Dr. Edward Kinaston Copy. Pp.3. Endd. „ 403. Answers of E. K., fellow of All Souls', to interrogatories administered by the Archbishop of Canterbury 358 ARCHIVES OP ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1719. 8 JMay 1719. 30 Oct. 1720. 6 i\Iay 1720. 1 July 1720. 8 July 1720. 9 Dec. 1720-1. 10 Feb. 1721. 19 May 1721. 30 June 1721. 20 Oct. 1721-2. 2 ISIarcb 1722. 15 June PROSECUTION OF COTES, BRIGHT, AND WILLIAMS, FOR DEFRAUDING THE COLLEGE IN THEIR BURSARSHIP. 404. Articles exhibited against Digl)y Cotes, principal of Mag- dalen Hall, late bursar of All Souls', Kobt. Bright, M.A., and Thos. Williams, LL.B., late bursars Fp. 7 405. Eeply of Digby Cotes ' Pp. 4 406. Eeply of Robert Bright Pp. 3 407. Additional article of accusation, with schedule of pretended arrears Pp. 3 408. Bright's answer to the additional article Pp. 2 409. Allegation of Cotes' proctor Pp.3 410. Allegation of Bright's proctor PjJ. 4 411. Cot3s' reply to the additional article Pp. 2 412. Appointment of Bernard Gardiner and John Irish as proc- tors for the College, and their replies to the above allega- tions Pp. 4 413. Allegations of Jas. Acton, LL.B., general syndic of the College ' Pp. 3 414. Further reply of Digby Cotes Pp. 4 415. Further reply of Robert Bright 416. Allegation of Cotes Pp. 2 Pp. 2 417. Reply of Jas. Acton, LL.B., general syndic of the College, to the allegation of Cotes P. 1 418. Further allegation of Cotes' proctor Pjj. 2 419. Further reply of Robt. Bright P. 1 420. Abstract of the articles of accusation Pp. 2 421. jAIemorandum of the proceedings from Oct. 30, 1719, to July 13, 1722 Pp. 2 422. Abstracts of the answers of the accused P/k 2 APPEALS AND VISITORS' INJUNCTIONS. 359 PAPERS CONCERNING THE RIOTOUS BEHAVIOUR OF MR. RICHARDSON, MR. BROTIIERTON, AND MR. GREEN AWAY. 1720-1 . 423. Deposition of William Kinfr, porter of All Souls' Colleo-e, con- 1() Jan. cerning an attempt of ]Mr. Richardson and ^Ir. Brotherton to get into College after the gates were shut P. 1 1720-1. 424. King's deposition on oath before the Vice-Chancellor P. 1 19 Jan. 425. King to [the Warden] : — Complains of having been assaulted by Mr. Richardson and Mr. Greenaway P. 1 1723. 426. Deposition of Wriglesworth Sanderson concerning Richardson's 10 Sept. and Greenaway's assault on King on Aug. 28 P. 1 13 Sept.— 427. Memoranda of the proceedings against Richardson in the 26 Oct. College. He promised not to repeat his offence, and was admonished 1723-4. 428. Affidavit by Charles Browne, concerning a disturbance caused 31 Jan. by Richardson, Greenawav, and Sanderson, on Aug. 28 last Pp. 2 1725. 429. Gardiner to the Sub-warden :^Has considered Richardson's 11 Sept. intention of taking Holy Orders, but does not think it advantageous either to him or to the College. Cowley Draft. P. 1 1725. 430. Statement by Wm. King, of ]Mr. Richardson's disorderly 18 Dec. behaviour on the 14th Pp. 3 21 Dec. 431. A similar statement Pp. 3 1725. 432. Memoranda of the proceeding of the College in Richardson's 15-19 Dec. case Pp. 3 1725. 433. Gardiner to Archbp. Wake : — Sends an account of Richard- 22 Dec. son's breaking his windows and assaulting the porter. Last February he became ' directly mad,' and was under keepers for about two months. He is now elected dean, but Gardiner has refused to admit him Draft. Pp. 8 1725. 434. Archbp. Wake to Gardiner: — If Richardson's conduct were 25 Dec. not excused by distemper, he would be fitter to be dis- missed the College than to hold office. Will settle the affair when the festivals are over. Lambeth P. 1. Add. 1725-6. 435. R. Chicheley to Gardiner: — The archbishop has received a 1 8 Jan. petition from Richardson, setting forth that he was duly elected. Lambeth Pp. 2. Add. 1725-6. 436. Joseph Woodward to Gardiner: — Sends a copy of an entry 20 Jan. in the records of the University Court, of the action brought by King against Richardson P. 1. Add. 360 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1725-G. 437. Gardiner to Cliiclieley : — Eemarks about the warden's nega- 21 Jan. tivein the election of a dean of arts. Has no doubt that Richardson's election was i]Jso jure null, from his known ineligibility Two drafts. Pp. 3 1725-6. 438. R. Chicheley to Gardiner : — The archbishop wishes to know 10 March whether lie intends to rest entirely upon Richardson's ineligibility. Lambeth P. 1. Add. 439. Two papers of memoranda about Richardson's conduct 440. Notes concerning the warden's power at an election, some being on the back of an application of F. Jetson for a fellowship 441. A draft citation of Richardson 442. Seven bills of expenses during a journey to London WOOD'S APPEAL. 443. ' A summary account of the great causo between the College and Mr. Robert Wood,' who was an unsuccessful candidate for a fellowsliip as founder's kin in 1722, and appealed against the election of W. Wynne, B.A., Jesus, and Thos. Wiibraham, B.A., Brasenose Pp. 55. Written by Gardiner 444. Another copy Pjj. 41 445. ' An account of the papers referred to in the summary ac- count of Mr. Wood's cause ' Pp. 4 446. Discussion by Warden Gardiner of the appeal of Robert Wood of Christchurch Pjj. 9. Large paper [1722.] 447. Admission of William Wynne and Thos. Wiibraham as fel- [Nov.] lows Lat. Drajt. With a note by Sir N. Lloyd 1722. 448. R. Wood to Dr. Irish: — Desires to know how his nephew 12 Nov. performed his examination. Doctors' Commons P. I. Add. Notes by Gardiner on the back 1722. 419. List of ])ooks, pedigrees, and papers sent up to JNIr. Greenly, 17 Dec. to be delivered to Randle Wiibraham, Esq. Pp. 4 1722-.3. 450. Proceedings in court Lat. Pp. 2 10 Jan. 1722-3. 451. Pleadings of Serjeant ('hessliyrc and Sir Coiistaut Phipps, 15 Jan. counsel for the warden and College .7^^. 3 1722-3. 452. Protestation of Edward Greenly, proctor of the College, 25 Jan. again>t the jurisdiction of the archbishop Pp. 3. Lat. ,, 453. Answers of the warden and Colk'ge to instances aHeged by the adverse counsel in Mr. ^\'(^ud's case Pp. 4. Eadd. APPEALS AND VISITORS' INJUNCTIONS. 3G1 1722-3. 454. The queries for the consultation drawn by Sir Nathanael 29 Jan. Lloyd, and other notes by Gardiner Pp. 4 1722-3. 455. E. Kiiiaston and Pierce Dod to Gardiner : — Advise going on 9 Feb. with the cause occasioned by Wood's appeal. Doctors' Commons P. 1. Add. [1722-3.] 456. Resolution of the College to make no further prayer in the [Feb.] proceedings, their repeated protestations against the archbishop's jurisdiction having been refused Draft. Pp. 2 1722-3. 457. Opinion of J. Willes to questions proposed to him by the 19 Feb. College concerning Wood's appeal Pp. 2 1722-3. 458. Opinion of W. Phipps and William Strahan to the same 20 Feb. questions. Doctors' Commons Pp. 2 1722-3. 459. Proceedings in court Lat. Pp. Z 28 Feb. 1722-3. 460. Kdw. Greenly to Gardiner : — Sends copies of the allegations 12 March on behalf of Wood, and of Wilbraham and Wynne. Doc- tors' Commons P. 1. Add. 461. ' Allegations on behalf of Wynne and Wilbraham, to which answers were made upon oath ' Pp. 2 1722-3. 462. Proceedings in court Lat. Pp.3 13 March „ 463. Citation of Gardiner and certain fellows to appear on April 3 Copy. Lat. Pp. 2 1722-3. 464. Edw. Greenly to Gardiner: — Sends an article added to 14 March Wood's allegation, and a letter from Irish to Wood dated Nov. 14, 1722. Doctors' Commons Pp. 2. Add. 1723. 465. Proceedings in court Lat. Pp. 3 3 April 3-5 April 466. Depositions on behalf of Wood Pp. 20 1723. 467. Edward Greenly to Gardiner : — Concerning Wood's case. Is 8 April coming to Oxford to take evidence. Doctors' Commons Pp. 2. xUld. 1723. 468. Edw. Greenly to Gardiner: — Is coming to Oxford to ex- 1 1 April amine witnesses. Comments on Wood's witnesses. Doc- tors' Commons Pp. 2. Add. 1723. 469. Depositions of witnesses on behalf of the College Pp. 40 1 8-20 April 1723. 470. Proceedings in court Lat. Pp. 2 27 April 1723. 471. 'Brief for Sir Const. Phipps for the hearing April 27, 1723, 29 April . upon the merits ' Laiye paper. Pp. 10 1723. 472. Commission by Arclibp. Wake to Dr. Geo. Carter, provost of 6 May Oriel, Dr. Samuel Lisle, and I\. Chicheley, Esq., to ex- amine Ivobt. Wood in Greek and Latin Copij. Pp. 2 362 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1723. 473. Certificate by Greo. Carter, Samuel Lisle, and E. Chicheley, 8 May of having examined Wood in Greek and Latin Cojpy 1723. 474. Greenly to Gardiner: — Sends an account of the days of at- 6 June tendance at Lambeth and Doctors' Commons ; the deposi- tions and the brief of Sir Constantine Phipps. Doctors' Commons Pp. 2. Add. 1723. 475. Protestation of Warden Gardiner Lat. 19 June „ 476. All Souls' College to Archbishop Wake : — Received on 8 June his sentence in favour of Wood, dated 5 June. The archbishop has not declared the election either of Wil- braham or Wynne to be void. It is therefore impos- sible to admit Wood into one of the places vacant at the last election Draft. Pp. 3 1725. 477. Greenly to Gardiner: — Sends a copy of the Act of Court of 10 July 22 Jan. 1722. Doctors' Commons Pp. 2. Add. DABELL'S APPEAL. 1727-8. 478. Proceedings in the appeal of Edw. Darell, an unsuccessful candidate for a fellowship. The appeal was dismissed Lat. Pp. 3. Endd. 1727. 479. J. Willes to Warden Niblett : — Advice on the conduct of 3 Nov. the case Pp. 2. Add. Endd. 1728. 480. Robt. Chicheley to Warden Niblett :— States the arch- 16 Nov. bishop's reasons for his dismissal of the appeal. Lambeth Pp. 2. Add. Endd. THE APPEALS OF JOHN ANSTIS AND EDW. DATEUBST. 1728. 481. John Anstis to : — His son will produce a certificate 29 Aug. of his descent from the founder's brotlier, with proofs. Speaks of his answer to a pamphlet entitled 'The Case of Founders' Kinsmen.' Mortlake Pp. 3. Endd. 482. An extract, enclosed in the preceding, of Anstis' answer to what Lord Clarendon says concerning Lord Say and Sele's relation to the founder of New College Lat. Pp. 2 1729-30. 483. Citation of the warden and College Copy 8 Jan. 484. The College to Archbishop Wake : — Defend their conduct in rejecting Anstis Draft. Pp. (> 485. Two papers of memoranda about the case APPEALS AND VISITORS' INJUNCTIONS. 363 486. Dr. Brooke to Niblett: — Concerning Anstis' case, with a statement by the latter added Pp. 3. Add. Endd. 1729-30. 487. Citation of Warden Niblett to answer to an appeal of Ed- 8 Jan. ward Batlnirst, E.A. Lat. Copy 1729-30. 488. Brooke to Niblett: — Citations are issued on the parts of 17 Jan. Anstis and Bathurst Ttvo copies. Pp. 3. Add. Endd. [1729-30.] 489. H. Brooke to Warden Niblett: — Concerning Anstis' case. 25 Jan. Thinks his appeal may be dismissed the first day. London Hoi. Pp. 3. Add. 1729-30. 490. J. Willes to Niblett :— Recommends comisel 30 Jan. Pp. 2. Add. Endd. 1 Feb. ^491. H. Brooke to Niblett : — An account of the reception of Anstis' appeal by the archbishop, and advice about the case Pp. 3. Add. 1729-30. 492. H. Brooke to Niblett: — Wants the original statutes and 2 Feb. charter. Will be ready to move on JNlonday Pp. 2. Add. 1729-30. 493. H. Brooke to Warden Niblett: — Concerning some lawsuit in 3 Feb. whicli the College is engaged ; [probably Edw. Bathurst's claim to a fellowship as founder's kin.] London Hoi. Pp. 2. Add. Endd. 6 Feb. 494. H. Brooke to Niblett : — Does not like the case. Has found no one to move Pp. 2. Add. Endd. [1729-30.] 495. H. Brooke to Niblett: — Particulars about some lawsuit in 7 Feb. which the College is engaged — probably Bathurst's claim as founder's kin. London Hoi. Pp. 4. Add. 9 Feb. 496. A draft suggestion, with Mr. Fazakerley's opinion Pp. 8 9 Feb. 497. H. Brooke to Niblett : — Fazakerley thinks the motion will not be successful Pp. 2. Add. 14 Feb. 498. H. Brooke to Niblett: — Wants Anstis' confession to the College Pp. 2. Add. Endd. 19 Feb. 499. Brooke to Niblett: — Dr. Andrew says we liave a good cause. The allegations of the College will be put in to-morrow P. 1. Adil 1729-30. 500. Edw. Greenly to. [Niblett] : — Account of the proceedings at 20 Feb. Lam])eth Pp. 2 20 Feb. 501. IT. Brooke to Niblett :— Thinks the College is ill-used in the affair of Bathurst P. I. Add. 23 Feb. 502. Hen. Brooke to Dr. Andrews : — Remarks about the case, with a reply from Andrews dated 25 Feb. Copies. Pp. 2. Endd. 26 Feb. 503. H. Brooke to Niblett :— Particulars about Anstis' patents Pp. 2. Add. 6 March 504. H. Brooke to Nil)lett: — In Anstis' case success is probable, but not in Bathurst's Pp. 2. Add. 364 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1729-30. 21 March 1730. 28 Marcli 1730. 29 May 505. H. Brooke to Niblett : — Does not think Anstis will have as- surance enough to appear at Lambeth on the day ap- pointed Pp. 2. Add. 506. H.Brooke to Niblett: — Anstis' answer is that, though he is in possession of the patents, he has never been sworn in to the offices Pp. 2. Add. 507. Paper on the disqualification of candidates for election, re- ferring- to the case of Anstis Pp. 3 508. Judgment in favour of the College 1735-6. 16 March 17 March 1736. 29 March 30 March 31 March 18 April 29 April 30 April TAPERS RELATING TO THE LIVINGS IN THE PATRONAGE OF THE COLLEGES IN OXFORD.' Letters from the heads of Colleges to Warden Niblett, Vice-Chancellor, givhyj information about the Livings and other 'property , Licences in Mortmain, and the number of Felloics, ^"c, in their respective Colleges. 509. Edw. Jones, Jesus College 510. Matthew Panting.^ Pembroke 511. Francis Wise, as to property of the University 512. Geo. Huddesford, Trinity 513. W. Wynne, All Souls' 514. John Mather, Corpus 515. Eobt. Wyntle, Merton 516. Euseby Isham, Lincoln 517. Theophilus Leigh, Balliol 518. John Coxed, New 519. John Conybeare, Christchiu'ch 520. Philip Barton, Christcluirch 521. Edw. Butler, Magdalen 522. Twenty-six papers containing similar information about the several colleges and the University 523. Thirteen accounts of the livings, revenues, etc., of the several colleges 524. Account of the present state of the licenses to purchase in mortmain belonging to the University and colleges in tlie University of Oxford Two copies APPEALS AND VISITORS' INJUNCTIONS. 305 PAPERS RELATING TO TEE MORTMAIN ACT AND RESTRAINING COLLEGES IN PURCHASING LIVINGS. 525. Draft of a I^ill to restrain the dispositions of lands whereby the same become unalienable Pp. 2 526. List of speakers on the Mortmain Bill P. 1 527. Fourteen drafts of amendments 173.5. 528. Petition of the University of Oxford against the Mortmain 2fi March Act Draft. Pp. 2 529. Eight papers with memoranda concerning the Act [1 T3G.] 530. Reasons humbly offered to the Honourable House of Commons against the Bill now depending, for restraining the dispo- sition of lands, whereby the same become unalienable ; so far as it relates to the University of Oxford Printed. Four copies 531. Four drafts of the above 173(). 532. Some plain reasons humbly offered against the Bill now de- pending in Parliament, etc. Printed 533. Eeasons humbly offered to the Honourable House of Com- mons for excepting the University of Cambridge and the several colleges therein out of the Bill now depending, &c. Printed. Four copies 1735-6. 534. Lord Cornbury to Warden Niblett: — Was at a meeting at 1 3 March Dr. Clarke's lodgings, where it was determined that a University petition against the Bill was not advisable, but it would be better to offer a clause saving to the Universi- ties a power to fill up their licenses in mortmain. Asks him to send information about these. London Pp. 5 1735-6. 535. W. Hodges to Niblett :— Hears from Dr. Barton that Mr. 21 March Sandys is against the Mortmain Act. Oriel Pp. 2. Add. 1735-6. 536. Dr. Clarke to [Niblett] :— The Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge 23 March complains of Niblett's not communicating to him the case of the LTniversity of Oxford P. 1 „ 537. TiOrd Cornbury to [Niblett] : — Expects a debate to-morrow in the House. Asks him to call. London P. 1 „ 538. .Tohn Mather, president of Corpus, to Niblett : — The petition is now engrossing for the seal.^ PVars petitions will avail but little P. 1. Add. ' The petition is nmong the misoellaiioous iloouments. 366 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1735-6. 23 March 1735-6. 24 March 539. Lord Cornhiiry to [Niblett] : — Dissuades him from presenting a formal address to Sir Robt. Walpole against the Bill Pp. 3 540. W. Wynne to Warden Niblett, in London : — About a lad recommended for a servitor's place. All Souls' P. 1. Add. 1736. 25 March 1736. 26 March 541. 542. 543. 544. T. Townshend to [Niblett] : — The Speaker wishes Niblett and his friends to put" off their visit to him till Friday P. 1 Dr. Mather to Niblett : — It is difficult to obtain the infor- mation about the colleges which Niblett wants P. 1. Add. Theo. Leigh, JMaster of Balliol, to [Niblett] : — Would send him the information he asks about the College estate, if he could come at the books, &c., in so short a time. Thinks some of the large colleges, whose governors are now in London, would better come up to the case in point. Balliol College P. 1 Lord Cornbury to Niblett : — A motion will be made in the House for the University to lay before the House their licenses in mortmain ; it being alleged that some colleges have exceeded their license. London P. 1. Add. 1736. 545. Edw. Butler to Niblett: — Recommends him to apply to Mr. 27 JNIarch Ecton's widow for information as to the number uf livings in the University. Her husband's papers are ready for the press P. 1. Add. 1736. 546. Dr. Clarke to [Niblett] : — Sends two sketches of a clause for 28 March Mr. Fazakerley to correct P. 1 [29 Marcl)] 547. Dr. Clarke to Niblett : — Sends a clause which he received from Lord Cornbury, who had it from the Speaker P. 1 548. Lord Cornbury to Niblett : — Expects from him full informa- tion as to the revenues, livings, and persons maintained })y the University. House of Commons Pp. 2. Add. 549. William Holmes, president of St. John's, to Niblett : — If the mortmains and list of college estates are necessary, he must insist upon them, as there is little inclination to send them. Oxford P. 1 . Add. 1736. 29 March 1736. 30 March 1736. 550. Dr. Mather to Niblett: — Connnissions from the Provost of 5 April Oriel. \N'hatever the success of tlie affair in Parlinment, the University is much obliged to Niblett and his col- leagues P. 1. Add. 1736. 551. Lord Cornl)ury to Niblett: — Wishes to see liim to-morrow. 6 April Hoars that a motion will bo proposed to prevent fellows being deprived for refusing to take onk'rs. London Pp. 2. Add. APPEALS AND VISITORS' INJUNCTIONS. 3G7 1736. 552. Dr. Holmes to Niblett: — If the question relating to the dis- 8 April posal of small livings could be carried, would acknowledge himself to be content. If nothing is gained, it may be ne- cessary to have a meeting to consider a petition to the House of Lords. Oxford P. 1. Add. 1736. 553. Dr. Holmes to Niblett: — A meeting was held yesterday, 11 April at which were present. Queen's, Merton, Balliol, Hart Hall, ]\Iagdalcn Hall, New Inn Hall, and proctors. There is a general inclination to petition the House of Lords for relief as to the disposal of small livings. Oxford P. 1. Add. „ 554. Dr. jNIather to Niblett : — Apprehends no good from a petition but what may as well be expected from private applica- tions P. 1. Add. 1736. 555. Dr. Smith to Niblett: — Thinks that too exact an account of 12 April their college livings may do harm. Will, however, send the paper he has prepared, if it is insisted on. Oxford P. 1. Add. „ 556. Dr. Mather to Niblett : — Does not see that the University is concerned in the clause relating to small livings, but only such colleges as have these small livings P. 1 . Add. 1736. 557. Dr. Mather to Niblett: — Asks for his opinion about the 13 April Charity School boys who are to be put to apprenticeships this year P. I. Add. 1736. 558. Watkin Williams Wynn to Niblett :— The Duchess of Beaufort 19 April is fallen ill of the small-pox, which will occasion the Duke's absence to-morrow. If the University clause is intended to be moved, some other lord nuist be thought of. Suggests the Duke of Leeds or Lord P'oley. Downing Street P. 1. Add. „ 559. Dr. Mather to Niblett : — Does not think the accounts of the livings will be of service, especially if, as he hears, the Bill is going in great haste through the other House. Particulars about the Charity School P. 1. Add. „ 560. Jo. Atwell to Niblett : — The Lord Chancellor will see them to-morrow morning P. 1. Add. 1736. 56L J. Fynes to [Niblett] :— Lord Abingdon thinks that if the 20 April Duke of Beaufort is not in the House, the Duke of Leeds, Lord Foley, and Lord Eomney will be very ready to offer the clause. It must be prepared to-day P. 1 JACOB'S APPEAL. 562. [Niblett] to : — Gives an account of Digges's failure to establish his kinship with the founder in 1685. He de- rived his claim from Sir Thos. Kempe. as Jacob does Draft. Pp. 4 368 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 563. [Niblett to ] : — Desires it to be explained to the arch- bishop that the Collepfe demanded from Mr. Jacob legal proof in support of his pedigree, which he did not produce Draft. Pp. 4 1737-8. 564. Decree of Archbishop Potter, deciding the appeal of Ric. 12 Jan. Jacob, of Ralliol College, who had been a candidate for a fellowship, in his favour Pp. 3 1737. 565. Minutes in the cause of appeal brought by Ric. Jacob Aug.- Jan. Pp. 6. Endd. FAUS SETT'S APPEAL. 1743. 566. College order that Bryan Faussett, M.A., of University 9 Sept. College, a candidate for a fellowship as founder's kin, be called upon to prove legally certain points in his pedigree 1744. 567. College order declaring that Faussett has not proved his 4 No\'. consanguinity to the founder 1745. 568. College order that Faussett be called upon to produce furtlier 20 Sept. proofs 569. Bundle of 20 testimonials and affidavits as to character, it having been stated that Faussett had been rusticated for immorality 570. The allegation of Faussett's proctor Pp. 32 571. Bundle of 20 papers in support of his pedigree 572. Another similar bundle of 1 1 papers 1750. 573. Opinion of N. Fazakerley on four points as to the arch- 13 June bishop's power to receive appeals against an election Signed. Pp. 3. Endorsed by W. Blachstone 1750. 574. A further opinion of Mr. Fazakerley 30 June Signed. Pp. 3. Endorsed by BlacJcstone 1750. 575. Opinion of R. Henley on the same points 5 July Signed. Pp. 3. Endorsed by BlacJcstone 1750. 576. Opinion of R. Wilbraham on tlie same points. Tiincoln's 1 Nov. Inn Signed. Pp. 3. Endorsed by Blachstone 577. Additional case for Mr. Wilbraliam's opinion Endorsed by Blackstone 578. Four papers, being extracts from charters referring to the previous cases APPEALS AND VISITORS' INJUNCTIONS. 309 HARVEY'S APPEAL. 1750. 679. Citation of the warden and College to answer the appeal of 17 Nov. Richard Harvey, of Hertford College. Lambeth Copy. Endd. 1750. 680. Hen. Stevens to Niblett : — Concerning the appeals of Messrs. 29 Nov. Harvey and Bennet ; in which he will appear for the College and for the newly elected fellows P. 1. Add. 1750. 681. Proceedings in Harvey's appeal Pp. 12 8 Dec. 1750-1. 682. All Souls' College to Archbp. Herring: — Request his per- Feb. sonal determination of certain points in the appeals of Bennet and Harvey Draft. Pp. 3. Endd. 1750-1. 683. Archbp. Herring to Dr. Blackstone : — Has received the above. 21 Feb. Would prefer to leave the case to the commissaries, but will be present if it is of any consequence to the College Copy. P. 1 1750-1. 684. Proceedings in Court Pp.3 14 March 1751. 685. Petition of Dr. Blackstone, syndic of All Souls' College, 26 April concerning the appeals of Harvey and Bennet Draft. P. 1. Endd. No answer 1751. 686. Report of J. Bettesworth and Gr. Paul, the archbishop's 20 May commissaries, on both cases Copy. Pp. 3. Endd. 687. Minutes of the Court, from 22 April, 1751, to 7 June. The decree was in Harvey's favour Pp. 2. Endd. APPEALS OF HENRY AND THOS. BENNET. 1749. 588. Proceedings in the appeal of Henry Bennet, of Balliol Jan. to May College Pp. 5 1749. 589. All Souls' College to Archbp. Herring :— Beg him to recall 10 June his monition of 30 May, ordering them to admit Heuiy Bennet to a fellowship. It is impossible to fulfil it without violating the statutes Draft. Pp. 2 1750. 590. Proceedings in Court. Allegation of Thos. Bennet, of Wad- 8 Dec. ham College Pp. 15. Endd. 1750-1. 591. Answer of the College. 14 March P. 1. Endd. Addressed to Dr. Blackstone 592. Minutes of proceedings, 8 Dec. to 14 March Pp. 2. Endd. 1751. 693. Proceedings in Court. Bennet's allegation Pp. 23 Easter Term B B 370 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1751. 7 June 1751. 29 June 1751. 9 Nov. 1752. 27 Jan. 1752. 26 Feb. 1752. 6 March Pp. 6. Endd. Pp. 4. Endd. 594. Allegation by the syndic of the College Pp. 3. Endd. 595. Answer of the College to Bennet's allegation 596. Personal answer of Bennet 597. Production of documents by Bennet's proctor Pp. 3. Endd. 598. Minutes of the Court, 14 March, 1750 to 27 Jan. 1752 Pp. 4. Endd. 599. Report of Geo. Paul and Geo. Lee, the archbishop's com- missaries Copy. Pp. 7 600. Interlocutory decree of the archbishop in favour of Bennet Pp. 4. Endd. 601. Bundle of 10 papers, being affidavits and copies of documents in support of Bennet's pedigree 602. Personal answers of Warden Niblett to the petition of John Frederick, bursar, now before the Archbishop of Canterbury, respecting artist fellows taking holy orders Draft 25 Hen. VIII. 23 June 2 Edw. VI. 2 April 1588. 7 Dec. 10 Dec. BONDS FOE BATTELLS, ETC, 1. Thomas Norton, rector of Dimchurch 2. Robert Master, of Willysberthe, Kent 3. Henry Norwood, chorister 4. George Porter, chorister 5. Christopher Elgar, clerk 6. Henry Norwood, chorister 7. Samuel Harris, chorister :V2 Eliz. 8. Richard Baylye, chorister 5 Nov. ■)i 9. Arthur Tyllard, chorister 34 Eliz. 10. William Osborne, ]\LA. 17 Jan. )5 11. George Voel, B.A. ?5 12. Thomas Frith, B.A. ?? 13. John Williams, B.A. ?» 14. Oliver Lloyde, scholar ?5 15. Anthony Daveys, scholar in law BONDS FOR BATTELLS, ETC. 371 34 Eliz. 16. John Rowliff, B.A. 17 Jan. „ 17. Charles Scott, scholar 35 Eliz. 18. George Darrell, scholar 16 Jan. „ 19. Richard Clutterbooke, B.A. 36 Eliz. 20. John Sonybanck, B.A. 16 Jan. „ 21. John Kyffin, B.A. „ 22. John Williams, B.A. „ 23. Richard Astley, B.A. 24. Thomas Denne, chorister 25. Francis Hoare, chorister 26. John Rice, B.A. 27. Richard Baylie, scholar in arts 28. Richard Shorte, chorister 29. Thomas Warmstry, scholar in law 30. Thomas Bisse, scholar in arts • 31. Jenkin Van^han, chorister 32. Thomas Blande, under-bntler 33. Thomas Gwynne, B.A. 34. John Lee, B.A. 35. Henry Butcher, scholar in arts 36. Richard Wickham, scholar in law 37. Hugh Bowen, cliorister 38. Roger Edwardes, porter „ 39. John Rice, M.A., chaplain 17 .Tan. 40. Thomas Long, B.A. „ 41. Richard Eugraham, B.A. „ 42. John Messenger, B.A. 23 Jan. 43. George Hilacre, chorister 41 Eliz. 44. Richard Mocket, B.A. 17 Jan. „ 45. Evan Price, B.A. 1 2 Oct. 46. Basil Wood, chorister 43 Eliz. 47. John Martin, chorister 14 Jan. 1 Feb. 6 July 37 Eliz. 16 .Tan. >9 15 March 38 Eliz. 17 Jan. ?» 39 Eliz. 18 Nov. 55 23 March 5? 5 April 40 Eliz. 22 Dec. 13 Jan. 14 Jan. ?5 25 Feb. ?j 27 Feb. 22 July i> 44 Eliz. 16 Jan. 10 March 45 Eliz. 1 Dec. 372 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 43 Eliz. 48. Jenkin Vaughan, scholar in arts 16 Jan. „ 49. Edmund Mainwayringe, B.A. „ 60. Morgan Walter, B.A. „ 61. William Kyndesley, B.A. 62. William Bennyon, B.A. 53. Glydd Beaumont, chorister 64. Eobert Edmunds, under-butler 55. Eobert Lewes, turnspit 56. Alexander Hendley, chorister 57. Richard Powell, chorister 58. John Kerley, porter 59. Michael Jenkynes, clerk 60. Richard Hanmer, chorister „ 61. John Gwyn, chorister 16 Jan. 62. Basil Wood, scholar in law „ 63. Glidd Beaumont, scholar in art „ 64. Abel Trefry, M.A. „ 65. Isaac Singleton, B.A. „ 66. George Lawlie, M.A. „ 67. John Hall, B.A. 1 Jac. I. 68. John Smitli, clerk 29 July 14 Jan. 69. John Boyse, M.A. „ 70. Christopher Pettie, B.A. „ 71. Arthur Ducke, M.A. 2 Jac. I. 72. Vincent Denne, scholar in law 14 Jan. „ 73. Richard Williams, B.A. „ 74. Matthew Anderton, B.A. „ 75. William Brinkyr, B.A. 3 Jac. I. 76. Edward Ashworth, B.A. 14 Jan. „ 77. Charles Csesar, B.A. „ 78. Thomas Clerke, B.A. 4 Jac. 1. 79. Robert Gentilis, B.A. 14 Jan. „ 80. Charles Ashbornhara, B.A. „ 81. Henry Ilalswell, B.A. „ 82. Thomas Amias, B.A. BONDS FOR BATTELLS, ETC. 3?3 5 Jac. I. 83. William Dolben, B.A. 1 7 Jan. „ 84. Edward Say, B.A. „ 85. Bartholomew Martin, M.A. 6 Jac. I. 86. Paul Clapham 9 Jan. 16 Jan. 87. George Preston, clerk 7 Jac. I. 88. Thomas Dingley, B.A. 14 Nov 8 Jac. I 19 Jan. 89. Nicholas Dochen, B.A. 8 Jac. I. 90. Thomas Salwey, B.A. „ 91. Morgan Winne, B.A. „ 92. Abraham Moket, B.A. „ 93. Edward Chaloner, M.A. „ 94. William Stede, B.A. „ 96. Thomas Benett, B.A. „ 96. Martin Aylworthe, scholar 9 Jac. I. 97. Thomas Bonell, chaplain 27 Aug. 10 Jac. 1 1 April „ 98. Basil Woodd, fellow 10 Jac. I. 99. Brian Duppa, B.A. 100. Andrew Maiu-ice, chaplain „ 101. John Chichele, scholar and fellow 17 July 102. William Morgan, chorister „ 103. Josias Byrd, chaplain „ 104. Henry Butterfyeld, chorister „ 105. Eichard Hall, M.A. 13 Jan. 106. Henry Mills, porter 19 Jan. 107. William Meredith, chorister 10 March 108. Thomas Anderton, chorister 15 March 109. William Byrde, B.A. „ 110. William Skynner, B.A. „ 111. William Morgan, chorister 11 Jac. I. 112. Eichard Steward, B.A. 14 June 14 Feb. 113. Francis Mansell, M.A. „ 114. William Stockman, B.A. „ 115. Henry Barkley, scholar 12 Jac. I. 116. Benjamin Cooke, chorister 14 Oct. 374 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 12 Jac. I. 117. William Morgan, chorister 10 Nov. „ 118. Thomas Anderton, chorister 14 Jan. 119. John Yate, scholar J, 120. Francis Webbe, BA. „ 121. Humphrey Evans, M.A. „ 122. Thomas Abbott, B.A. „ 123. Thomas Goddard, M.A. 13 Jac. I. 124. John Morris, M.A., chaplain 27 Oct. 29 Oct. 125. Nicholas Billingsley, chorister „ 126. Ealph Kuddle, chorister 14 Jan. 127. Henry Wiat, B.A. „ 128. David Lloyd, B.A. „ 129. William Osbern, M.A. „ 130. Hugh Halswell, scholar 1655. 131. Bond of Francis Hungerford, of the University of Oxford, 26 June and John Souch, of Oxford, mercer, to John Palmer, war- den, and the College, to indemnify the College against the ejected fellows from the repayment of 50^. received by Hungerford for expenses of the controversy between the College and the said fellows 1670-1. 132. Anthony Wollrich, B.A. 27 Jan. 1672-3. 133. John Aid worth, B.A. 15 Jan. 134. Edward Winford, B.A. „ 135. Charles Morley, scholar „ 136. John Irish, LL.B. „ 137. Thomas Wainewright, scholar 1673-4. 138. Anthony Upton, scholar 19 Jan. „ 139. Richard Adams, B.A. „ 140. George Dowdeswell, B.A. „ 141. William Gise, scholar 1675-6. 142. Thomas Baker, B.A. 15 Jan. „ 143. George Orlebar, M.A. „ 144. John Gibbes, scholar 20 Jan. 145. Thomas Pember, scholar 1676-7. 146. William Hayley, B.A. 16 .Trm. BONDS FOR BATTELLS, ETC. 375 1676-7. 147. Frederick Sagittary, B.A. 16 Jan. „ 148. Eichard Wyntlc, M.A. „ 149. John Walrond, scholar „ 150. George Gardiner, B.A. 1677-8. 151. William Osborne, B.A. 16 Jan. 152. John Webb, M.A. 1678-9. 153. Walter Horton, M.A. 16 Jan. 154. Matthew Tindall, B.A. 1679-80. 155. John Owen, M.A. 16 Jan. 17 Jan. 156. Nicholas Stanley, scholar „ 157. Charles Finch, B.A. „ 158. John Foster, scholar 159. Ralph Olliffe, scholar 1680. 160. Thomas Gardner, scholar 1 Dec. „ 161. Miles Stapylton, B.A. „ 162. George Clarke, B.A. „ 163. John Norris, B.A. 1681. 164. William Harrington, scholar 1682. 165. John Bale, B.A. Nov. 1683. 166. Gilbert William Jeames, B.A. 3 Nov. „ 167. Thomas Creech, M.A. 1684. 168. Richard Eyre, scholar 7 Nov. „ 169. Robert Grey, B.A. 1685. 170. Stephen Napleton, B.A. 7 Nov. „ 171. Edward Digges, scholar „ 172. Philip Bertie, B.A. 1686. 173. Roger Cooper, M.A. 8 Nov. „ 174. Peter Priaulx, B.A. In the case of choristers, the bonds are entered into by their friends on their behalf 376 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 175. Four undated of the 16th 45^. 13s. 4d.; and 53/. Os. 8c/. 176. [1528.] 45/. 8s. 8d. 177. [1532.] 178. 1533. 48/. 6s. 8f/. 49/. 2s. 179. [1536.] 42/. Is. 4d. 180. [1537.] 451. 18L [1538.] 451. 182. [1539.] 44/. 183. [1540.] 45/. 184. [1541.] 45/. 13s. 4d. 185. [1541.] 451. 13s. 4d. 186. [1542.] 187. [1543.] 188. [1543.] 52/. 3s. 4d. 42/. lis. \0d. 421. lis. 10(i 189. [1544.] 58/. 190. [1544.] 58/. 191. [1545.] 60/. 192. [1546.] 56/. 193. [1546.] 194. [1547.] 56/. 48/. 16s. 8c/. 195. [1548.] 196. [1548.] 197. [1549.] 198. 1551. 52/. 199. 1551. 52/. The dates in brackets are det( bursars 200. 1565. 65/. 201. 1566. 65/. 202. 1568. 60/. 203. 1571. 70/. 204. 1572. 58/. 205. 1573. 66/. 145. 206. 1575. 82/. 1 9s. 4d. 207. 1576.' 78/. 17s. LIVEBY PAPERS. century : — 83/. 8s. 7|c/. ; ' Inside the paper the date is 1575. BONDS FOR BATTEI.LS, ETC. 377 208. 1577. 80^. 7s. 209. 1578. 7:1. 6s. 210. 1579. 65^. 7s. 211. 1580. 65/. 7s. 212. 1581. 94/. Is. 4c/. 213. 1582. 101/. 214. 1583. 135/. 4s. ed. 215. 1583. 16 Nov. With a memorandum signed by the audi- tors to the effect that they would not allow the warden to deposit in the tower more than 100 marks of the surplus 216. 1584. 168/. 15s. 217. 1585. 185/. 17s. 218. 1586. 185/. 17s. 219. 1587. 186/. 220. 1588. 186/. 15s. 221. 1590. 189/. 222. 1591. 189/. 2s. 223. 1592. 200/.' 224. 1593. 213/. 2s.2 225. 1594. 219/. 14S.2 226. 1595. 250/.2 227. 1599. 291/. 5s. Ad. 228. 1601. 200/. 229. 1607. 52/. 7s. 230. 1607. 172/. 6s. 8d. 231. 1608. 198/. 232. 1611. 165/. 233. 1612. 182/. 13s. 4c/. 234. 1613. 72/. 13s. 4d. Signed by Archbp. Abbot 1584-5-8. 235. Auditors' stipulations touching liveries 1592. 236. Kates of the liveries for this year Signed by Whitgift PAPERS RELATING TO THE RATES OF COMMONS. 1574. 237. Order for the rate of commons. Annulled 23 Nov. 1577 Signed by the Warden and several fellows ' On this paper are memoranda about expenses, and about the matter of the liveries coming before the archbishop. - On these papers there are memoranda about the rate. 378 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1577. 8 ]May 1583. 21 Nov. 1584. 15 Dec. 1586. 18 Dec. 1588. 1589 1 1 Dec. 1591. 6 Dec. 1595-6. 1 March. 1595-6. 2 March. 1596. 1597. 1602. 1601-8. 1606. 26 June 1608-9. 14 Jan. 1609. 238. John Spencer to Hoveden : — States the opinions of the justices concerning the amendment of commons. London IIol. P. 1. Add. Endd. 239. Improvement of commons 240. Computus communarum et excrescentite frumenti, et allocatio communarum Paper roll. Signed by the Warden and five fellows 241. The same 242. A case concerning the statute 18 Eliz., for increasing the commons in colleges P. 1. Endd. 243. Mr. Brograve to [Hoveden] : — His opinion on the preceding. Throcking Copy. P. 1. Endd. 244. Allowance of commons Signed by the Warden and five fellows. Pp. 2 245. ' Increase of corn upon the statute for the year 1588 ' 246. ' A view for the improvement of commons ' 247. ' A view for the improvement of commons ' Signed by the Warden and ofiicers 248. Distribution of increase of commons Signed by the Warden and officers 249. A view for the improvement of commons 250. The same Signed 251. The same 252. The same 253. Paper concerning the necessity for the augmentation of commons P. 1 254. ' What lands are briefed for the College ' 255. View for the improvement of commons 256. ' Orders taken by the warden and the officers for the serving of commons and saving of losses in the kitchen ' Signed by Hoveden, two deans, and one bursar. Pp. 2 257. Increase of commons 258. ' The case for division of corn money upon the statutes ' 259. Another draft of the preceding 1577-1609. 260. Copies of resolutions for the increase of commons, and of letters from the visitors on the subject Pp. 4 1610. 261. Increase of the officers' stipends P. \. Mutilated 1741-77. 262. l^undle of 30 livery papers RESIGNATIONS, ETC., OF FELLOWS. 379 1743-76. 263. Bundle of 34 ' Debets and Debeturs ' 1749 76. 264. Bundle of accounts of ' money and bills turned over to the bursars,' with the bursars' paper of after accounts for 1759 29 papers EESIGNATIONS, ETC., OF FELLOWS. Eesignations of: — 1553. 1. David Pole 1556. 2. John Warner, warden With seal of the Dean of Canterbury, torn off „ 3. Robert Jonson „ 4. Eichard Catagray The above are on vellum 1580. 5. Thos. Wagstaff „ 6. William Grenewych „ 7. George Moyle „ 8. John Jhesope „ 9. Antony Short „ 10. Edward Price With letter to Reginald Screven 1581. 11. Sampson Strode „ 12. Christopher Horpole „ 13. Christopher Hovenden „ 14. John Sheterden 1583. 15. Arthur Strode „ 16. Erasmus Webbe „ 17. Kicliard Stuppenie 1585. 18. William Tovye 1592. 19. Henry Jones: — Resignation of the vicarage of Alberbury Vellum 1593. 20. William Carnsew „ 21. Robert Couney „ 22. Owen Meredeth 1594. 23. ZacheMetcalf 1595. 24. Edward Spurwaie „ 25. John Williams 26. Thomas Gwynne, sub-warden Kot dated 1603. 27. Francis Charlet 380 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1604. 28. John Williams >5 29. Richard Wickham 5? 30. W. Byrde 1605. 3L Thos. Frith »9 32. William Raleghe 1606. 33. Charles Twisden 1607. 34. George Darell 5» 35. Morgan Walter 59 36. Thomas Bisse 1610. 37. Isaac Singleton 5» 38. Edmund Manwairing 1611. 39. Charles Caesar ?5 40. John Hall ?» 41. Glid Beaumonte 1612. 42. Robert Gentilis 1613. 43. John Lee 55 44. Basil Woodd 1614. 45. John Eglesfeild J? 46. William Brinker 55 47. Edward Ashworth 1615. 48. Wm. Osbern 55 49. Matthew Anderton 55 50. Thomas Amias 1617. 51. Wm. Stockman 55 52. Jenkin Vaughan 55 53. Henry Wyat 1618. 54. Abraham Moket 55 55. Henry Barkeley » 56. Francis Webb 55 57. John Chichele 1620. 58. Ralph Freke 55 59. Thomas Salwey 5? 60. Richard Hall 1621. 61. Anthony Davis 1622. 62. Thomas Goddard 55 63. Edward Chaloner » 64. William Chapman »5 65. John Abbott 5» 66. Charles Ashbornham RESIGNATIONS, ETC, OF FELLOWS. 381 1622. 67. Morgan Winne 1623. 68. Thomas Clarke j> 69. Crofts Potts 1624. 70. Thomas Holloway 1625. 71. Charles Child 1626. 72. Timoleon Gorges 5> 73. Richard Steward ?' 74. Wm. Stede 1628. 75. Hugh Halswell 1629. 76. Charles Rives 1630. 77. Richard Bathurst 11 78. Thomas Crewe 1631. 79. Francis Meyricke ?» 80. Richard Naper »» 81. John Jarvis 1632. 82. William Paulo 55 83. Richard Packington 1634. 84. Gilbert Talbot 1653. 85. Samuel Basnet 5J 86. George Croke ?5 87. Thos. Smithsby 1654. 88. James Whitelock 5? 89. Robert Powell 1655. 90. Thomas Sydenham 1656. 9L Francis Johnson 55 92. John Rant 1657. 93. Francis Horton 5> 94. Henry Birkhed 5» 95. Samuel Rowe )? 96. Thomas Henshaw 5» 97. Higgins James 1660. 98. John Vincent ?? 99. Henry Coventry 55 100. Thos. Croft ?» 101. John Cawley 1661. 102. Christopher Wren 55 103. Timothy Baldwyn 55 104. John Berkenhead 55 105. Thos. Culpeper 382 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1661. 106. Cyril Wyche 5> 107. Greo. Stradling ?9 108. Henry Harington 1662. 109. William Bassett »> 110. Thos. Jeames 1663. 111. George Castle 5» 112. Gabriel Powerson 1664. 113. Thos. Henshaw 5? 114. George Owen 5» 115. Edward Greene 5? 116. George Brereton 5J 117. William Uvedale 1668. 118. Eichard Bowman 1672. 119. Thos. Bouchier 1675. 120. Nicolas Morice 1676. 121. Capell Wiseman ii 122. Edw. Scawen 1687. 123. Thos. Wainw right 1698. 124. John Gibbs 1703. 125. Samuel Sandford »? 126. Eic. Coleire 55 127. John Chicheley 1707. 128. Peter Waldo 1708-9. 129. John Samiders 1710. 130. Wm. Blea, of Horspath, gardener of the College 1712-3. 131. James Norreys 1718. 132. Eichard Chicheley 1718-9. 133. D. Grevile 1723. 134. Nathanael Lloyd 1736. 135. Charles Cotes 1747. 136. Wriothesley Digby 1749. 137. Thos. Wood „ 138. Francis Buller „ 139. Chas. Shuckbm-gh 1752. 140. John Nourse „ 141. Thos. Wilbraham With a letter to the Warden [Nibletf] 1753. 142. Thos. Bennet 1759. 143. R. Brereton 1866. 144. Frederick, Earl Beauchamp RESIGNATIONS, ETC., OF FELLOWS. 383 CERTIFICATES OF MATRICULATION. 1767. 145. John Tattersall, C.C.C. 1770. 146. Edw. Philips, Ch. Ch. „ 147. Ralph Sneyd, Brazenose 1771. 148. John Harding, Oriel „ 149. John Berkeley Burland, C.C.C. „ 150. Edw. Conyers, University „ 151. F'ras. Paul Stratford, St. Mary's Hall „ 152. Thos. Mostyn Edwards, Balliol TESTIMONIALS. 1774. 153. John Kynaston, Pembroke College 21-27 Oct. „ 154. Thos. Mostyn Edwards, Balliol „ 155. Christopher Mansel Talbot, Oriel „ 156. Edw. Conyers, University „ 157. John Harding, Oriel „ 158. John Tattersall, C.C.C. „ 159. John Bei^keley Burland, C.C.C. „ 160. Fras. Paul Stratford, Merton „ 161. „ „ from St. Mary's Hall „ 162. Ralph Sneyd, from Brazenose „ 163. „ „ from Christchurch „ 164. Edw. Phelips, Christcliurch , CERTIFICATES OF BIRTH AND BAPTISM. 1734-53. 165. Edw. Bathurst, of Finchcocks 166. Radcliffe Howard 167. John Tattersal 168. F. P. Stratford 169. John Kynaston 170. Ralph Sneyd 171. Edw. Conyers 172. Thos. iMostyn Edwards 384 ARCHIVES OP ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. JOCALTA. In addition to the ' Jocalia,' this drawer contains the follow- ing documents : — 24 Hen. VI. 1. Bond of John Basynges, of Towcester, Northants, and Thos. 7 May Wright, of Ofchirche, Warwickshire, to Walter Fitz- Eichard, of Olney, for 40 mks. Seal of the corporation of some town ? The counterseal has a figure of St. Andrew 24 Hen. VI. 2. Bond of Robt. Passemer, of Champneys, Herts, and Robt. 8 July Passemer, of Graddesden, to Thos. Chichele, Ric. Andrew, Wm. Byconyll, John Byrykheed, John Wraby, clerks, Robert Danvers and Wm. Balle, executors of Archbishop Chichele, for 5 marks „ 3. Similar bond „ 4. Similar bond 1503. 5. Bond of John Haynys, clerk, Thos. Laurens, waterman, 20 June Robt. Ryder, John Hynmarsh and. John Burbage, hus- bandmen of Kent, to Warden Broke, for 40^. These bonds are in a small wooden box 6. A book containing ' An Inventorye of all suche plate and other goodes whiche are in and belonge to the twoe chests in the Tower, taken the 12th of December, et anno 1588.' Memoranda of the annual examination to 1612. Signed by the Warden and officers At the other end is an entry concerning plate, dated 22 Oct. 1632 1622. 7. List of plate, with the names of the donors and the weights July Pp- 2 [1636.] 8. Inscriptions on the College plate Pp. 2 1642. 9. An inventory of such things as were found in the Tower. Endd. ' A note of the College plate.' Pp. 4 10. A similar inventory, without date Pp. 4 1642. n. Receipt by Richard Chaworth of 654L l-is. Sd. from All 11 July Souls' College for the use of Charles I. 1642-3. 12. Receipt by Wm. Parkhurst and Thos. Bushell of 1701b. 19 Jan. 8 oz. 19 dwt. of white plate, and 82 lb. 5 oz. of gilt plate, lent to Charles I. by the College MISCELLANEA. 385 MISCELLANEA. 21 Hen. VI. 1. 4 March 1450-L 2. 1 7 Fel). 1465. 3. 5 April 1466-7. 4. 11 March - 1471. 5. 26 Oct. 1487. 6. 1 1 Nov. 1488. 7. 13 Dec. 35 Hen. VIII. 8. 14 Nov. 2 Edw VI, 9. 2 March 8 Jac I. 10. 28 May 1628. 11. 18 April 1634. 12. 21 April COLLEGIA DEEDS. Grant by Warden Keys and All Souls' College of the advowson of Trenge, Line, dice, to Archbp. Chichele and his suc- cessors Agreement of the prior and convent of Christchurch, Canter- bury, to celebrate the obit of Archbp. Chichele on 12 April, the anniversary of his death, in consideration of an annuity of 7/. to be paid by All Souls' College T%vo copies, tJie seal of one heinrj lost Admission of Jolin Byrkheed, Chichele's executor, by All Souls' College, as brother ' quoad suffranla.'' Memorandum that he died Aug. 31 ' A°. Dni. MCCCLX". etc' Grant by the College of commons, as a fellow, to John Potter, servant of the College, for his good service in the chapel and in the superintendence of the buildings which have been and are about to lie built. He resigns his wages of 34s. 8(1^., but will retain his livery Agreement of Warden Stokys and the College to celebrate the obit of Richard Andrews, dean of York [late warden], in consideration of his services to the College Notarial instrument of the admission of Robt. Honywode, B.C.L., Wm. Broke, Ric. Cesson, B.C.L., Ric. Perse, Wm. Marble, and John Heynys, to fellowsliips Lat. Vellum Notarial instrument of the admission of John Webb, B.C.L., to a fellowship Lat. Vellum Notarial attestation of the admission to fellowships of Wm. Dudkyne, B.A., Ric. Wyntre, B.A., John Hodgis, B.A., Wm. Powis, B.A., Thos. Bastarde, B.A., Thos. Abbot, B.A., Humfrey Taylor, B.A., Geo. Bowles, B.A., Valentine Dale, and Giles Lawrence, scholars in law Appointment by the College of John Ince, of Oxford, sherman, as keeper and common minister of the chapel, with a stipend of \l. 14s. ^d. yearly Tlie warden's letter of attorney, to receive 5Z., bequeathed to tlie College by Ric. Greene, of Newente, deceased, and 5Qs. 6^d. due for battels Appointment of Wm. Page, M.A., and David Seys, M.A., as attorneys, to recover money due to the College Letters of attorney for Samuel Kinaston, M.A., and Wm. Bannester, B.A., to recover debts to tlie College c 386 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 20 Car. I. 13. Appointment of James Chesterman and Edward Astyn as 7 Nov. attorneys for the College to collect rents 21 Car. I. 14. Appointment of Chesterman and Astyn as attorneys Torn 28 Oct. 1692. 15. Appointment by Warden Finch of Ric. Clerke, of Horspath, 6 April as steward of the College 11 Will. III. 16. Power of attorney to Henry Newte and James Norreys, 29 July bursars, to collect arrears of rent 1705. 17. Appointment of Abraham Bulley, of Chadlington, as steward 31 July of the College 1718-9. 18. Appointment of Peter Whitehead and Giles Bennett to 9 Jan. recover the debts of Warden P'inch to the College Vellunfi 1725. 19. Appointment of Henry Brooke, LL.D., as steward of the Col- 18 Nov. lege. The name has been altered to Thos. Wood Velhini 1744. 20. Appointment of Thos. Wood, LL.D., as steward of the College 3 Nov. 1749. 21. Appointment of Wm. Blackstone, B.C.L., as steward of the 20 May College Vellum BONDS. 33 Edw. III. 22. Bond of John and Ric. Cave to Ric. de Crauufeld 30 Oct. 6 Hen. VI. 23. John Tyndall, fishmonger of London, to Thos. Scott, Salter 4 Dec. of Loudon 20 Hen. VI. 24. Wm. Amoy, of Chipstede, to Archbp. Chichele 16 Jan. 20 Hen. VI. 25. Wm. Edmund, of St. Nicholas, Tha[net], to John Birkhed 20 July 23 Hen. VI. 26. Robert Danvers to Richard Andrew, Wm. Byconill, &c. 20 May 32 Hen. VI. 27. Wm. Moris, of Kedwilley, Maurice Reed, and John Movys to 1 March All Souls' College 32 Hen. VI. 28. Wm. Dal ton, John Franklin, Richard Bennyse, and Henry 6 July Wakefeld to the College 29. ' These ben the parcells that Wm. Dalton hath paid to Maister Kelke, Warden of All Souls Colage, in Oxenford, for an obligacioun ' 33 Hen. VI. 30. Bond of Walter French, Richard Hyllys, and others to Sir 23 Jidy Thomas Blount 35 Hen. VI. 31. Tliree bonds of John Whnteman and James Frode to the 8 May College 37 Hen. VI. 32. Bond of John Frankleyn, Wm. Dalton, and otli(n-s to tlic 22 Nov. College MISCELLANEA. 37 Hen. VI. 33. Bond of Jolm Franklin and others to the College 22 Nov. 34. Jolm Frank 13m to the College 3 Edw. IV. 35. Wm. and Jolm Foliet, of Wells and Oxford, to the College 5 April 15 Edw. IV. 36. William Ap Jenkyn, of Caermarthenshire 8 Aug. 11 Hen. VII. 37. Kichard, John, and Kichard Nycollys, of Hendon 29 Oct. 13 Hen. VII. 38. Jolm Smith, Thos. Rohyns, and others of Lyde 15 Oct. 13 Hen. [^^II.] 39. John Holforth, Thos. Godfrey, and John Piatt, of Kent 16 Oct. 15 Hen. VII. 40. Matilda Lambe and John Shepard, of Kingsbury 30 Oct. 24 Hen. VII. 41. John Smith of Lyde, and others, for the store of Scotney 15 Oct. Manor 7 Hen. VIII. 42. Wm. Erockhill, of Apuldore, Richard Stuppeny, of Romney, 15 March and John at Hale, for enclosing a salt marsh 9 Hen. VIII. 43. Richard Stuppeny, of New Romney 6 Aug. 12 Hen. VIII. 44. Fras. Hai'corte and Henry Knyghte, esqs,, of Oxon and 24 May Grloucestershire, Umfrey Thomas, elk., of Shrewsbury, and John Lyft'e, yeoman, of Oxford, to Warden Broke, to observe-their covenants of the same date „ 45. Francis Holbrooke, Henry Knight, Humphrey Thomas, and Jolm Lyff, to the College, to perform their covenants of the same date 17 Hen. VIII. 46. Thomas Shepperd, of Kingsbury 16 Sept. 17 Hen. VIII. 47. Tlios. Shepard, of Kingsbmy 20 Sept. 18 Hen. VIII. 48. Wm. Jugam, of Brainford, and John Nieholl, of Hendon 12 Sept. 20 Hen. VIII. 49. Bond of Richard Mugg, of Gowdlierst, and Richard INIugg, 10 July D.D., his son, to the College, for the safe keeping of the goods and jewels of the College by Lewis Mugg, clerk of tlie chapel 22 Hen. VIII. 50. Bond of Warden Woodward and John Hale, rector of North- 23 March more, Oxford, to deliver to Sir Henry Wiat the advowson of the parsonage of Northmore under the seal of the Abbey of Tewkesbury 25 Hen. VIII. 51. Thomas ALuidav, of Oxford 20 Nov. 388 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 25 Hen. VIII. 52. Bondof Wm. Cooke and Nicholas Freeman, for James Hynxell, 4 April clerk of the College, for the safety of plate, &c., in his charge 26 Hen. VIII. 53. Of Wm. and Katherine Chamber, of St. Mary's, Oxford, and 20 Sept. James Collynson, bedylle 26 Hen. VIII. 54. Thos. Strogalle, of Lyde, and John Harte, of Ivychurch 8 Nov. 27 Hen. VIII. 55. James Edmundes, esquire bedell, and Wm. Chambre, glover, 14 July for the safe keeping- of the College property by Mark Winter, clerk of the Chapel 27 Hen. \'III. 56. Edward Napper of Holywell, and Thos. Monday, brewer 6 Jan. 27 Hen. VIII. 57. Robert and Alice Reynerde and Henry Kyne, of Lewknor 1 1 Jan. 28 Hen. VIII. 58. Richard and Roger Sheperd, of Kingsbury, and Henry Hodg- 20 Sept. son, of Edgeware 28 Hen. VIII. 59. Thos. Norwoode, of Pinner, and Wm. Sbepperd, of Kingsbury 1 March 29 Hen. VIII. 60. John Ince, of Oxford, sheerman, appointed keeper of the 18 Jan. altars and body of the church in the College 29 Hen. VIII. 6L Thomas Erley, of Kingston-upon-Thames 30 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII. 62. Thos. Balburrow, of Chepyng Wykham, Bucks 6 Marcli 30 Hen. VIII. 63. Wm. Shepperd, of Harleston I JMay 30 Hen. VIII. 64. Thos. Norwod, of Pinner 16 Nov. 30 Hen. VIII. 65. Richard Lyell, of London 1 Jan. 30 Hen. VIIL 66. Alan Horde, of London I I Jan. 32 Hen. VIII. 67. Richard Shepard, of Kingsburv 22 Oct. 33 Hen. VIII. 68. Edward Pye, of Oxford 24 April 33 Hen. VIII. 69. Leonard Chamberlain, of Woodstock, and Ricliard Crypps, of 30 Dec. Wliitfield 35 Hen. VIII. 70. John Warner, of Stanmar, and Henry Hayly, of Edgeware 29 April 35 Hen. VIII. 71. Richard Shepard, of Kingsbury 2 May 35 Hen. VIII. 72. John Warner and Thos. Norwodo, of Sianmar, and Henry C Nov. Hayl}^, of Edgeware MISCELLANEA. 389 36 Hen. VIII. 73. Bond of Henry Hoddesdon, of Edgeware 20 Sept. .37 Hen. VIII. 74. Henry Haylye, of Edgeware 20 Oct. 2 Kdw. VI. 75. John Kowe, M.A., late fellow 2 March 2 Edw. VI. 76. John Watson, M.A., fellow of All Souls', and John Rowe, late 22 Dec. fellow of All Souls', now of St. Mary's Hall 5 Edw. VI. 77. John Wharton, of Northants 15 Dec. I Mary. 78. VVm. Marten, of Garsington, and Christopher Arundell 30 Nov. I & 2 P. & M. 79. Thos. Whytton, of Lewknor 8 Jan. 5&6P. &jM. 80. Ivalph Purcell, of Llangenith, Uicliard Gwin, of Lincoln's 1 6 Nov. Inn, and Leison Ap Prise, of the Inner Temple 4 Eliz. 81. Antony Leson, of Northampton 1 Nov. 10 Eliz. 82. John Nash, butler of the College 26 Jan. 2 April 83. John Redshaw, of Oxford „ 84. .lohn Redshaw and Matthew Adkins „ 85. \Vm. Bremston and Wm. Fernshed „ 86. Thos. Crane, of Oxford 10 July 87. William Breer and Richard Wodell, of Salford „ 88. John Letten and John Medbury, of Salford „ 89. John Hilliard and Thos. Butler, of Salford „ 90. John ]\Iedbury and John Letten „ 91. Robert Woodward and Thos. Wheeler, of Salford „ 92. Kichard Wodell and Wm. Brier, of Salford „ 93. Thos. Butler and John Hilliard 10 Eliz. 94. Tlios. Shepard, of Kingsbury 6 Nov. „ 95. Thos. Shepard, of Kingsbury II Eliz. 96. John Astell, of Wedon Weston 12 May 1 1 Eliz. 97. Cxeorge Tailor, of Wedon Weston 27 May 11 Eliz. 98. Wm. Wattes, of Blakesley, Nortliants 26 Oct. 390 ARCHIVES OP ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 11 Eliz. 99. Bond of Tbos. Harris, of Padbury, and John Harris, of Maid's 27 Oct. Morton 12 Eliz. 100. Robert Lawgher, Hugli Davis, and William Hewstar, of I July Oxford 12 Eliz. 101. John Lloyd, vicar of Upcburch 26 Aug. 12 Eliz. 102. Francis Culpepper, of the Inner Temple 7 Oct. 12 Eliz. 103. Wm. Buttell, of Stanton Harcourt 16 Oct. 1.3 Eliz. 104. John Gurganye, of Crendon 3 Jan. 13 Eliz. 105. Jobn Griffitb, of London, D.C.L. 19 May 16 Eliz. 106. Jobn Franklin, of Stanmore Minor 9 Jan. 18 Eliz. 107. Eobert Stransbam, of Wilton, to save tbe College harmless 4 July from all chaiges by reason of a letter of attorney granted to him, and Henry Hayly, of Edgeware 32 Eliz. 108. Richard Jones, M.A., vicar of Upcburch, vice John Lloyd 27 April 5 Jac. I. 109. Of tbe warden and College to Dr. Williams, principal, and 10 May Jesus College, to pay 700^ within six months 6 Jac. I. 110. William David, of Penliow 23 Jan. 12 Jac. I. HI. Edmund Major, of Padbury, to educate Tlios. Harris, a 10 Nov. minor Paper 5 Car. I. 112. John Young, of Milton, Oxon 29 Oct. 1 2 Car. I. 113. Richard Berisford, of Hurley Hall, Kingsburie, Warwickshire 29 Oct. 12 Car. I. 114. Jobn West, of Padbury 29 Oct. 23 Car. I. 115. Jobn and William Harris, uf Penhow, and Rowland Harris, 21 March of Lanmarten, to Henry Bassett, of Wbitcclnucb, Gla- morgan 1718. 116. John Bunco, of Padbury * I I Nov. 1723. 117. Mary Inns, of Padbury 14 Nov. 1726. 118. Sir Pynsent Cbernocko, of Holcote 1 8 April ' Troin tliis dale llir IkhuIs arc on jmpor, and iiiot-t of tliciu liivvc liocii torn in lialf. MISCELLANEA. 391 1726. 119. Bond of Sir Pynsent Chernocke 18 April 1726. 120. Kobert Woodward, of Salford 1 Nov. 1732. 121. Joseph Sexton, of St. Anne's, Westminster 21 April 1744. 122. Elias Sawbridge and others „ 123. Joseph Thomas and others 1745. 124. ]\lazod Dawkin, widow, of Kettle Hall, Glamorganshire 1 Nov. 1 745. 125. Francis Newman 1746. 126. Mr. Cheselden 1749. 127. John Humphrey 128. Mr. Jacobs 129. Wm. Jenks 130. Jonah Malsbury 131. Charles Mayo 132. Pembroke College 133. John Smith 134. Elizabeth Tucker 135. Henry Turner 136. John Warwick 1750. 137. John Brett 138. Thos. Merry 139. Mr. Phillips 140. John Sarney 141. John Woodward 1751. 142. Mr. Cady 143. Matthew Clarke 144. Mr. Filks 145. John Lukyn 146. Ann Merry 147. Wm. Peters 148. Mary Wilmore 1 752. 149. John Boughton 150. Thos. Budd 151. Giles Burrows 152. John Dalby 153. Wm. Godfrey 154. Wm. Harvey 1752. 155. Wm. Holship 302 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1752. 156. John Miller 157. John Searer and Philij) Bates 158. Richard Smith 159. Johannah Spindler 160. Francis Stratford 161. Joseph Ashton 162. Wm. Wills 1753. 163. Thos. Baldwin 164. Thos. Budd 165. John Bunce 166. Henry Cooper 167. John Drummond 168. Thos. George 169. Richard Harris 170. Wm. Harrod 171. Thos. Shelswell 172. Wm. Tombs . 173. Chas. Whitehall 174. Mary Wilmore 1754. 175. Jonathan Alderton 176. Richard Chauncey and others 177. Francis Eyre 178. Thos. Foster 179. John George 180. Richard Gray 181. Dr. Ingram 182. Henry Odell 183. John Parish 184. John Phillips 185. Robert Read 186. Edward Wills 187. Michael Woodward 1755. 188. Richard Abel 189. John Barret 190. John Bouten 191. Edw. Butterfield 192. John Gregory 193. Mr. Harris 194. Mr. Napleton 1755. i95. Samuel Smith MISCELLANEA. 303 1756. 196. James Hallet 197. Wm. Ivory 198. Elizabeth Kent 199. Mr. Phillips 200. Mr. Tliomas 201. Nicholas Turner 1777. 202. Antony Clackson 203. Joseph Gifford 204. Edw. Hasted 205. Eic. Sheen 206. Elizabeth Slatter 207. Rlandina Woodward 208. Michael Woodward INVENTORIES AND ACCOUNTS. 209. Drafts of an inventory of the College property, soon after the foundation Four sheets of paper 1437—43. 210. A vellum roll containing an inventory of the goods, including the books, belonging to. All Souls' College 19-20Hen.VI. 211. 'Computus W. H. custodis hospicii domini M-auricii C. apud Stokes' Thi^ee sheets of paper 23 Hen. YI. 212. Eeceipt by Thos. Gogh, chaplain, and David ap Meredith, of 26 Aug. service books, vestments, and plate, including a cross con- taining part of the true cross. Alburbury 26 [Hen. VI.] 213. Parchment roll containing bailiffs' accounts for Harlesden, Willesden, Kingsbury, Lewkenor, Salford, Padbury, and Oxford 27 Hen. VI. 214. Indenture containing an inventory of the goods and jewels in 3 Nov. a chamber in the tower. These include images and church plate, among which is ' dentem S. Johannis Baptistae ten- tum inter duos angelos,' and a cross from Alberbury con- taining a portion of the true cross 29 Hen. VI. 215. Kough accounts of the College : — Battels, commons, coals, &c. P. 1 1444-51. 216. Six rolls of receivers' accounts, dated 23, 24, 25, & 29 Hen. VI. 32 [Hen. VI.] 217. Expenses of the warden's journey to North Wales Pp. 2. Lat. 3 Sept. 31-32Hen.VI.218. Computus of Thos. Noreys, receiver-general of the College Decayed [Hen. VI.] 219. Fragments of an account of the expenses [of the College]. The departments mentioned are the kitchen, the stables at Oxford and London, and the buttery 894 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 6-7 Edw. IV. 220. Computus of Thos. Hampden, Sheriff of Beds and Bucks, from the great roll of the Exchequer Vellum l7-18Ed\v,IV. 221. Fragment of the account of Richard Bustard for the rent of assize of All Souls' College 222. Indenture between M. Markys, dean of All Souls' College, and T. Roggerys, keeper of the six altars in the nave of the chapel, specifying the plate, books, and vestments which the dean has delivered to Roggerys 223. Expenses of James Letuse, bursar, going to Newbury P. 1 [Hen. VIH.] 224. Valor of the possessions of All Souls' College, temporal and spiritual, with the rates of diets, stipends, and other necessary expenses for the warden, forty fellows, two chaplains, three clerks, six choristers, and seven servants of the College and two of the warden [1533-6.] 225. Valor and extent of the lands of All Souls' College, during the wa^denship of Roger Stokley. At the end is a peti- tion to the king to allow them certain expenses Pp. 15 [1546.] 226. Account of the expenses of the College for a year. Wm. Dalby, sub-warden, John Lewis and John Fuller, bursars Pp. 4 1546. 227. Roll containing a list of the members of the College, with their stipends and allowances, and other information Paper 228. Account of the yearly expenses of All Souls' College, John Warner, warden, William Dalby, sub-warden A pajjer roll 1551-3. 229. Seven bills of repairs at Kingsbury, Hammonds and Collins, Upchurch, The George at Edgewaie, Horsham, Ivychurch, Scotney, and Bleching 1556. 230. Inventory of the goods, lands, rents, expenses, and debts of All 18 Aug. Souls' College, presented to the visitors of my Lord Legate (Reginald Pole) Vellum roll of eight membranes [16th cent.] 231. Annuitates firmarum quae singulis aunis lirmariis allocantur. Padbury, Edgeware, and other lands Vellunn roll [16th cent.] 232. Catalogue of books in the College library Pp. 8 1585. 233. Account of the warden's expenses in London, and of articles bought for his personal use Pp. 2. Toi'ni 234. Bill of law expenses P. 1. [16th cent.] 235. Bill for food and drink supplied to Mr. Chanseler, 1V.L-. Dene, and Mr. Deane P. 1 236. ' Expensse factse in visitatione archiepiscopi Cantuariensis hoc anno' P. \. Endorsed by Hoveden 44 Eliz. 237. Expenses of a journey to London and back 14 April [1571-1614.] 238. Bill of a smith for work done at All Souls' College, 57s. 7d. 239. Memorandum about the binding of books MISCELLANEA. 395 1622-3. 240. ' Computus Hugonis Alswell et Davidis Lloid bursarioruin.' A fragment 1588-1642. 241. Inventory of plate and other goods in the tower, with sig- natures of the warden and officers [17th cent.] 242. Computus of the receivers of the College in Oxford, Aston's Eyt, Weedon Weston, and other places 1703-4. 243. ' Computus Coll. Om. Animarum de Oxon. pro anno 1703 9 Jan. Summa receptorum . . . ^3047 19s. 5d. \q. Summa expensarum . . . £1787 17s. ^d.\ Jan. 9th, 1703-4. ' ' I allow of this acct. Thos. Cantuar.' 1705-6. 244. (Signature of Arclibp. Tenison to another similar statement 11 Feb. 1736. 245. Memoranda by Niblett, of expenses of a journey to [London] from 18 March to 24 April 1 736. 246. Memorandum book of expenses of a journey to London made 17 May by Niblett 247. Ten bills of expenses at inns, of which one is dated May 17, 1736 1736. 248. 'The Vice Chanceler's l)ill for shaveing and dressing of 20 May wiggs.' The persons named are : The Vice-Chancellor, tile Warden, the President, the Master of Bayly's College, Dr. Tuffee, and tlie Principal of Jesus College 1733-8. 249. l^'our receipts for books bought for the library VARIOUS DOCUMENTS AND PAPERS. 33 Edw. III. 250. Indenture of the delivery of the gaol at Bedford by John de 30 Oct. Hampden, late sheriff, to Peter de Salford, specifying the names of the prisoners and the contents of tlie gaol Lat. Vellum 1 Hen. IV. 251. Court roll of Horewode ]Magna 3 Jan. 1 Hen. VI. 252. Grant by Eliz. Wyllicotes, lady of AVenylcote, Oxon, widow, 1 June of her land in Northlye, Cherlby, Fynstoke, and Tapwell, Oxon, to Sir Wm. Moleyns, Sir John Blaket, Thos. Chaucer, and others 5 Hen. VIII. 253. Cfrant by Kic. Balle, of Oxford, tanner, of lands in Great 6 Sept. Lynford, Bucks, inherited from his father John, to Eic. Andrewys 10 Hen. VIII. 254. Sale by Dr. William Broke, of the University of Oxford, of a 28 Oct. tenement and land in Mych Lynford, called ' Potentes,' to Kic. Blundell, husbandman 39G ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 255. Terrier of the lands of Wm. Mason in Lynford Magna Lat. P. 1 ' These four deeds concern lands in Linford and other places, not belonging to the College, and therefore not briefed.' 1 6 Hen. VI. 256. Eelease of a tenement in the parish of St. Alphege, Canter- 20 April bury, in which John Colbroke held a grammar school, by John Berton and John Kollyng, to John Birkliede, Henry Penwortham, and John Bolde 28 Hen. VI. 257. Receipt by Thomas, prior of Christ Church, Canterbury, of 3 May Ql. 6s. 8cL from W'^arden Kele for tlie exeqtiies and chantry of the late Archbp. Chichele 258. Extracts from the great roll of the Exchequer concerning 29 Hen. VI. the assessment of the College and their tenants for the payment of the fifteenth and tenth Vellum 31 Hen. VI. 259. Mortgage by Wm. Sawer, of Harmey's Place, Headington, to 20 May Warden Kele 32 Hen. VI. 260. Release by Joan Stretyn, of Sevennoke, of a piece of land in 1 1 March Sevennoke to John Wybarn 33 Hen. VI. 261. Lease by John Stokys, rector of East Lavent, to John Ryver 29 Sept. and John Wolman, of the rectory of East Lavent [1454-76.] 262. A leaf torn out of a service book containing the names of the benefactors, living and dead, for whom prayers were offered. The living benefactors mentioned are — Henry VI. ; Tliomas [Bourchier], Archbp. of Canterbury ; Thomas Chichele, Archdeacon of Canterbury ; Richard Andrew, Dean of York ; Robert Danver, ' . . . . i regis ; ' Roger Keys, late warden ; John Byrkehede, rector of Harrow ; John Wraby, late rector of Lymmenge ; Thos. Ballard, esq., and Philippa his wife ; Wm. Halys and JMatilda liis wife ; Dame .loan Croxford, sister of the College, and her sons and daughters Mutilated and decayed 1459-60. 263. Memorandum of the sums received by Wardens Kele and Poteman from John Byrkhed, Chichele's executor. Total, 155^. 6s. M. ' Vellum 1460. 264, Mandate of Archbp. Bourchier ordering the clergy in his 16 Aug. province to summon all persons in his province concealing the goods of the late Wm. Kele, warden of All Souls', to produce them within 15 days, on pain of excommuni- cation 265. Roll containing extracts from the great roll of the Exchequer, concerning the collection of the fifteenth and tenth from the College and their tenants in the reign of Henry VI. 266. Inspeximus by Henry [VI.] of tlie charter granted by Edward I. to the barons of the Cinque Ports Imperfect copy on vellum. MISCELLANEA. 397 [15th cent.] 267. Petition of John More, who presented 201. to the chest, to be allowed commons during his life and burial at his death Lat. Vellum 3 Edw. IV. 268. Copy of the clause of the Act of Eesumption, in favour of AH Souls' College Paper roll, much decayed 4 Edw. IV. 269. Extract from the Exchequer roll concerning the payment of the fifteenth and tenth At the foot is lurittGii — ' Jhu, thy hyttur pascon and thy glorius resurreccon and the holy triuyte be betwyne this false fever and me ' 5 Edw. IV. 270. Eelease by Walter Lawrence, of Bucks, clerk, to the College 3 Nov. 6 Edw. IV. 271. Writs of certiorari and inquisitions concerning Llangenith, Komney and Wcedon Weston Copy 15 Edw. IV, 272. Release by Wm. Reedynge, of Kentish Town, to All Souls' 15 March College 1 6 Edw. IV. 273. Lease by John Stokys, John Peese, and Ric. Estemond, elks., 1 Sept. of a tenement in Batthcsore to Ric. and Willm. Fleccher, of Bourton, (ilouc. „ 274. Grant by John Stokys, John Peese, and Richard Estraond, clerks, of Perammes Thynge or Place and land in Bour- ton to Richard, Alice, and John Fleccher, of Bourton, Glouc. 1 G Edw. IV. 275. Release of a tenement in St. Olave's, Southwark, by John 15 Nov. Stoke, to Thos. Bledlowe, alderman of London, Thos. bp. of Lincoln, Ric. Charleton, and others 22 Edw. IV. 276. Grant by John Stoke and Ric. Estmond of lands in Battla^- 1 2 June sore to Ric, Alice, Wm., and Joan Fletcher 3 Ric. III.' 277. Release by Thos. Noreys, of Devizes, to the College 8 April 1485. 278. Institution by Robert bishop of Bath and Wells of John 4 Dec. Neweman, M.A., to the rectory of Yarlington, vice Thos. Chauntry, resigned, on the presentation of the king 8 Hen. VII. 279. Receipt by Robert Shyrburne for 10^. previously lent by liira 19 Dec. to the College IG Hen. VII. 280. Receipt by Tliomas, prior of Christ Church, Canter))ury, of 3 Oct. U. 6s. 8d. for Cliichele's obit Hen. VII. .281. Proceedings in the Exchequer, concerning the College estates Paper roll. Imperfect 1502. 282. Appointment by Stephen Bereworth, archdeacon of Berks, of 10 Sept. Dr. William Broke as his official A fine seal, broken 1508. 283. Release of all claims by INIiles Broun, Wntuer of London, to 22 Aug. John, son of Roger Coryngton ' Sic. The third year of Richard III. commenced on 20 June, 1485, and ended at his deatli uu 11 Aug. the same year, so that the date of this document is wrong. 398 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 7 Hen. VIII. 284. Receipt by Tbos. Cbettham, treasurer of Ledes, of 4l. -is. 8d. 1 1 March for the fourth dyme of Rysbourowe, Newnton, and the prior of Wallingford's portion 1522. 286. Appointment by John Longland, bp. of Lincohi, of William 18 Oct. Broke, warden of All Souls' College, and Jas. Moore, provost of Oriel {Collegii Regalls), as collectors of the sub- sidy in the University of Oxford 1525. 286. Extract from the will of Warden Broke, dated Sept. 7, 1525, and memorandum of the granting of letters of administra- tion to John, abbot of Faversham, and Robt. Broke, executors, on Feb. 9, 1525-6 1470-1540. 287. Copies of court rolls and other particulars about the manor of Emerton, belonging to Peter House, Cambridge Pp. 5 1540. 288. Receipt by Richard Smythe of his stipend, 22s. 8d. 1 3 Nov. 34 Hen. VIII. 289, Writ to the warden and College to pay to the Court of 20 June Augmentations a rent of 4cl. 6s. 8d., which was due to the late monastery of Christ Church, Canterbury, with a memo- randum of the receipt at the foot 36 Hen. VIII. 290. Grant by Henry VIII. to John Warner, his chaplain, of the 3 July manor of Sutton, Oxon, the manor of Roryngton, Salop ; the villages of Wynnesley and Aston Rogers, Salop ; land at Asturley and Ponsbury, Salop ; and Frerwoode, Stanton Harcourt, late belonging to the preceptories of Quenyngton and Dynmore, and to the monasteries of Shrewsbury and Haughmon, for a payment of 2001. 8s. 2^d. 37 Hen. VIII. 291. Receipt by Richard Gunter, collector of the benevolence 31 May granted to the king, of 20l. from the warden and College 292. Copy of an extract from the Charter of Exemption from toll, &c., 14th Aug., 20 Hen. VI., made by George Bingham, bursar, June 15, 1547 1581. 293. Subscriptions for Mrs. Bignon 16 July 1590. 294. Subscriptions of the College for ' Elliot, a convert, at Lord Chancellor's request.' Total, 24s. 9d. 295. Notes from the charters of the College Mutilated. Pp. 1 1 296. Notes about leases and charters of the College Pp. 4 297. Extract from the College's license in mortmain 298. Quotation from Doomsday Book, explaining a carucate of land 299. Draft of a speech for the opening of a Court Leet 77iree papers 300. Memoranda of documents taken out of the tower during Hovi^dcn's wardenshijj Tiro papers MISCELLANEA. 399 Jac. I. 301. Account of the fees of certain of the officers of the Koyal Household, and of the wages of the garrisons at Sandwic]i, Dover, and other forts Pp. 4. From a booh 1604. 302. Baptismal certificate of Matthew Anderton, at Leyland 1 Sept. 1604. 303. Note concerning the arclideaconries, once of Lichfield, now Nov. of Chester, brought to Warden Hovenden hy \Vm. Bird, to show tliat Matthew Anderton, of Leyland, which is now in the province of York, was eligiljle to a fellowship 1611. 304. Opinion of Ph. Gerrard, whether the goods of a tenant of the 19 Sept. manor of Crendon, heingfelo de se, belong to the lessor or lessee of the manor P. 1 1611. 305. Opinion of Henry Yelverton, to a similar question, con- 20 Sept. cerning the manor of Wilford P. 1 4 Car. I. 306. Lease by the mayor, bailiffs, and commonalty of Oxford to 20 May John Birde, jun., of the site of the late college commonly called St. Mai'y's College, in the parishes of St. Michael and St. Peter, Oxford 1630. 307. Will of John Bowell, of Wendlebury, Oxon. Bequeaths to 30 Oct. his family a brewhouse in Oxford, cattle at Dorsett in Warwickshire, and a tenement at Wendlebury 1 640. 308. Note by Mr. Hollingsworth of the kind of food and the pro- 29 Sept. portions for each member of the College, at the ancient gaudies Pp. 3. Endcl. Mutilated 1650-1. 309. Sale by Anne Coke, of Oxford, to Nicholas Darton, mercer, 1 Jan. of ' The Lawns ' in Yelford, Oxon 1664. 310. Proceedings in law cases, apparently unconnected witli tlie College Pp. 4 1 663-4. 311. Bundle of eleven papers, being agreements of workmen and receipts, for the repairs of Archbp. Chichele's monument at Canterbury 1671. 312. Will of Theophilus Howorth, of Howorth, Lancashire. Proved 31 March June 10, 1671 1679. 313. Depositions in a suit of the College against Lady Prestwich, Nixon and Swallow Ppj. 103 1696-7. 314. Induction of Warden Finch to the rectory of Brightwell, in 10 Feb. the archdeaconry of Berks Vellum, sealed 1703. 315. Assessment of the College by virtue of the Act of 1 Anne for granting an aid 1710. 316. Instrument devolving the election of a fellow on the Archbp. 7 Nov. of Canterbury Draft [18th cent.] 317. Two papers containing abstracts of deeds belonging to the College 1715-37. 318. Five drafts of instruments of devolution during the arehi- episcopates of Wake and Potter 400 ARCHIVES OP ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1720. 319. Note by Dr. Clarke concerning the removal of liis effects 10 Oct. from his lodgings after his death 1723. 320. Ajjplication of Henry Edmonds for an injunction to prevent Nov. the Bisliop of Lincoln from exercising visitatorial power at Oriel College Copy. Pp. 2. Laf. 1728. 321. Pedigree tracing the descent of Anstis from Chichele 3 Aug. Under the seal of the College of Arms. In a case 1729. 322. Sir Isaac Newton's table for renewing and purchasing leases Printed book 323. Memoranda concerning the nomination of stewards for College manors 2\vo scraps of paper endorsed by Niblett 1730. 324. 'An act for the more effectual preventing frauds committed by tenants, and for the more easy recovery of rents, and renewal of leases,' and an act for granting an allowance upon the exportation of British-made gunpowder Printed 1732. 325. Grant of arms to Warden Niblett 3 June Sealed. In a case 1735-6. 326. Petition of the University of Oxford to be excepted from the 23 JNIarch bill ' to restrain the dispositions of lands whereby the same hecome unalienable' Vellum, with the University seal, broken 327. Memoranda concerning the purchase of premises belonging to Alethea Claxton, during Niblett's wardenship Pp. 2 1739. 328. Lease by John Twining, of Painswick, to John Kemp, of 10 Sept. Hinton, Wilts, of a tenement and land in Hinton 329. Note concerning the will of Lady Mews, proved 27 July, 1751 P. 1 1758, 330. Memoranda for the progress 331. ' Eeasons humbly offer'd against the bill for ascertaining the tythe of hops' Printed 1774. 332. Scheme of the Wine Cellar Vellum roll 333. Scheme of Allocats 334. Pedigree of John Waldegrave On vellum 335. An imperfect list of bursars to 1785 1806. 336. Lease by William Lawrence, of a farm at Cowley, Gloucester- 1 5 June shire, to Wm. Newman 337. Six sketch maps — one of Halstead — the otliers witliout names MISCELLANEA. 101 LETTERS. [14th cent.] 338. A letter in French, with no names mentioned, about tlie illness of the person addressed, and a seal which he pro- mised to send to the writer Vellum [Hen. IV.] 339. Sir Adam Cokyr to a lady : — Is sorry to hear of her ilhiess SS. Simon and and offers his services. London Jude On the back is a copy of a confirmation by Ric. Atte Boure of a rent from land in Upchurch, to John Litle and Richard de Letecorabe, dated Sept. 8, 37 Edw. III. 1601. 340. [Hoveden] to Dr. Dunne: — Concerning a dispute between 29 Dec. Thos. Frith, B.A., and William Osborne, :M.A., as to seniority. A paper in support of Frith's claim accom- panies the letter Draft. F. 1 1609. 341. Henry Aimy to Hoveden: — Requests him to send back to 1 7 Aug'. Queen's College a young gentleman who has fallen into evil company, and is harboured in All Souls' College by Mr. Den and Mr. Long. Queen's College P. 1 342. Petition of Abraham Watts to [Hoveden] for a chorister's place 1664-5. 343. Wm. Jeeves to Warden Meredeth :^The inhabitants of 17 Feb. Walton Cardiff thank him for permitting them to con- clude with Tewkesbury concerning the appointment of a minister to officiate in their chapel, and request him to nominate Mr. Robert Eaton, vicar of Tewkesbury, to officiate. Walton Cardiff Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. 1707. 344. Dr. Bouchier to Warden Gardiner : — Reasons against Mr. 10 Aug. Sheldon's project of removing Arapthill Hospital to Cowley P. 1. Add. Endd. 1 709. 345. Duke of Ormond to [Warden Gardiner] : — Encloses a memorial 22 Oct. of Mr. John Noiu'se. St. James' Slf/ned. P. I. Endd. 346. A book containing the following papers : — i. Opinion of Dr. Bouchier, whether an artist, being dispensed with from taking orders, may take his degree in Physic Pp. 3 1702-. ii. Opinion of Dr. Bouchier on the 'New College Case of 8 May Valuation of Livings ' P^j. 2 iii. Opinion on the Chancellor's claim of the cognisance of a cause in the town sessions, concerning a matriculated person, a servant of a doctor P. 1 1704-5. iv. Dr. Bouchier to Warden Gardiner: — Advice about a pro- 14 Jan. posal of the College tenants at Crendon P. \. Add. V. Opinion of Dr. Bouchier that a person born in Wigan, for- merly, l)ut not now, in the province of Canterbury, is still eligible as a fellow Pp. 2 D D 402 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 169L vi. Copy of the certificate of baptism of Samuel, son of John 18 Oct. Dwight, secretary to the Bishop of Chester, at Wigan, on Dec. 23, 1668 1691. vii. Certificate by John and Lydia Dwight, that Samuel Dwight, 22 Oct. of Christ Church, was born at Wigan, on Dec. 17, 1668 viii. Opinion of Dr. Bouchier whether an elector may vote for the election of himself ix. Opinion of Dr. Bouchier whether two successively, of the same college, may be chosen lecturers on Sir W. Sedley's founda- tion P. 1 1707. X. Thos. Bouchier to Warden Gardiner : — The practice of calcu- 2 June lating the value of preferments in respect to the vacation of fellowships has for a long time been to go by the queen's books P. 1. Add. 1706. xi. Dr. Bouchier to Dr. Gardiner: — Remarks about the duty of 28 Oct. deans at a scrutiny. Advice about some case in the Archi episcopal Court P. 1. Add. 1707. xii. Copy of Serjeant Dobbin's opinion concerning the removal 27 Oct. of Ampthill Hospital at the request of Mr. Sheldon Pp. 3 1707-8. xiii. [Gardiner] to Dr. Gibson : — An account of the last election. 12 Jan. All the troubles in the College come from the attempt to evade Holy Orders and introduce the profession of the Com- mon Law. It is this has raised the ill blood against him. The juniors have become his enemies, having all an eye upon breaking through Holy Orders. An old former disciplinarian, Dr. Irish, runs in with them to make himself considerable, and Dr. Tindal shelters himself in the band. All Souls' Pp. 2. Copy xiv. ' The method of making the whole year's accounts of the College to be begun within eight days after All Souls' Day and finished before St. Andrew's Day, by the general accountants ' Pp. 8 1696-7. XV. Computus visus turris per custodem,"" vice-custodem, decanos, 1697-8. bursaries et clavigeros Pp. 3 1707. xvi. 'A proposal to get the College a living of above 200/. per Oct. annum for 200/., and at the same time increase their annual revenue near 30/.' Pp. 2 „ xvii. Account of the tithes, &c., of Lewkenor Pp. I 1713. xviii. 'The case of commutation of faculties in All Souls' College, 14 Aug. Oxford' Pri7ited xix. Memoranda in Niblett's hand a])nut taking Holy Orders 1748. 347. Geo. Bingham to Warden Niblett :— Was instituted to the 24 June rectory of Pimperne on May 23. All Souls' College Hoi. P. 1. Add. Endd. MISCELLANEA. 403 1759. 348. J. Stevens to All Souls' College : — Was instituted totherec- 27 March tory of Bradfield on April 24, 1758 Hoi. P. 1. Endd. TEE LEGACY LEFT BY NIBLETT TO HIS RELATIONS. WIFE'S 1766. 349. Extracts (signed by Mr. Tayler, vicar, and the churchwardens) 22 Oct. from the parish register, concerning the Whitfields, Har- veys, and Skinners [being relations of the late Mrs. Niblett]. Winchcomb 1767. 350. The account given by Mr. Bradley of his affinity with the 5 March late JMrs. Niblett. Winchcoml) „ 351. Extracts from the parish register of Winchcomb (made at Mr. Bradley's request by W. Tayler, the vicar) concern- ing the Harveys 1767. 352. Certificates signed by Mr. Tayler and the churchwardens, of 22 April the marriage of Edw. Harvey and Eliz. Skinner in Wincli- comb Church, July 4, 1675, &c. Winchcomb 1767. 353. Thos. Harvey to the Kev. J. White, of Lockinge, Berks: — 26 April Will send certificates and proofs of affinity to the late ^Irs. Niblett, to Mr. Morrell. Mr. and Mrs. AMiitfield always acknowledged Harvey's father to be their nearest relation. Winchcomb Pp. 2 1767. 354. Anthony Doherty to Mr. Morrell, attorney, at Oxford : — Has I May heard of Mrs. Niblett's bequest. Mrs. Niblett's mother was named Kobinson. Doherty's mother was tlie daughter of Mary Robinson, whose sister married Mr. Whitfield. Londonderry Pp. 2 1767. 355. Ann Skinner to Rev. Dr. White, at All Souls' College :- 4 May Claims to be the ' right person tliat ouglit to ha\e the money that was left by Madam Niblett.' "Winchcomb P. 1. 1767. 356. Certificate of marriage of Mr. Ric. Harvey and Mrs. Anne 6 May Ingles at the parish church of Tewkesbury on ]\Jay 29, 1712. Tewkesbury Signed by the minister, II. Jones, and the Churdnvardens 1767. 357. J. Tayler to Rev. Dr. White at Lockinge: — Has seen Ann I I May Skinner ' as she calls herself, though the widow of John Harding.' She is the same person you take her to be, and is related to Mrs. Whitfield (]Mr. Niblett's mother) as the Harveys are to Mrs. Niblett. She did not live with Mrs. Niblett as a servant, but with Mrs. Whitfield. She is not a legal claimant. Winchcomb Pp. 2 1767. 358. Richard Harvey, gunner, to Mr. Morrell, attorney, Oxford : — 14 May Has heard of Mrs. Niblett's bequest of 400/. Is one of her nearest relations, and eldest brother to Thos. Har- vey, who kept the Swan at Cheltenham, being at present very lame and infirm. Gosport P. I D D 2 404 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1767. 23 May 1767. 2 June 1767. 14 Aug. 1767. 9 Oct. 1768. 8 April 1768. 18 Oct. 1768. 20 Oct. 1768. 3 Nov. 359. 360. 361. 362. Eeport by Mr. Bush, of Gloucester, of his investigations con- cerning Mrs. Niblett's family. [Mr. Bush is the man who sent the certificates on stamped paper] James Morrell to the Eev. Dr. White : — Mr. Bush brought him the enclosed certificates. Encloses two letters. Did not receive Doherty's letter till 16th ult., so that it is too late for him to send proofs by the time required. Cannot understand his relationship. Oxford Pp. 2 Copy of assignment in trust. Dr. \Miite and Mr. Henchman, Niblett's executors, to John and James Searancke Power of attorney by Charles Harvey, late of Cheltenham, draper, to receive from Rev. Dr. White and Mr. Hench- man, executors of Dr. Niblett, his share of the 400^. to be distributed among Mrs. Niblett's relations 363. Power of attorney by Catherine Iremonger, of Sudeley Tene- ments in Winchcomb, to Thos. Harvey, of Sudeley Tene- ments, to receive her share 364. John Olney to Mr. John Bush, Bellman's Lane, Gloucester: — Empowers him to receive the money forming his share of the Niblett bequest. London Power of attorney by Richard Harvey, gunner, of Gosport, late butcher in Winchcomb, to his brother, John Bush, of Gloucester, to receive his share of the legacy Bond of Thos. Harvey and John Bush to indemnify Hum- phrey Henchman and John White against further claims 367. Extract from [Dr. Niblett's] will relating to the legacy 368. Accovmt of the relationship of the Skinners and Harveys with Mrs. Niblett Certificate signed by J. Tayler, minister, and the church- wardens of Winchcomb, of baptisms in the Harvey family Account of the Harveys' and Skinners' relationship with Mrs. Niblett, signed by John Bush, of Gloucester, and Thos. Harvey, of Winchcomb Account by Thos. Skinner, of Winchcomb, of his relationship with Mrs. Niblett Pedigree of the Skinners and Harveys Tiuo 'papers 365. 366. 369. 370. 371. 372. 1819. 373. C. Cartwright to the Bp. of Oxford : — Dawkins acquiesces in 6 March the proposed communication to Lord Grenville, which may be shown in confidence to leading persons in the University, and to Dickinson, a late fellow, that he may be prepared if the case comes up in Parliament. The Albany Hoi. Pp. 4. Add. 7 March 374. C. Cartwriglit to the Bp. of Oxford : — Lushington is de- cidedly against any communication to Sir Wm. Scott. He knows that Brougliam does not intend to propose any- thing beyond enquiry into parocliial schools at present. The Al])any Hoi. Pp. 4. Add. ROLLS AND BOOKS. 405 EOLLS AND BOOKS IN THE LOWEE EOOM. COMPUTUS AND EXPENSE ROLLS. There liave been originally two rolls for each year — the draft, on paper, and the clean copy, on vellum Fifteen imperfect drafts of the 15th century, and the commencement of the following century 1446, 1447, 1448, 1449, 1450, 1451, 1453, 1454, 1455, 1456, 1457, 1458, 1459, 1460. Fifteen rolls 1461, 1463, 1466, 1468, 1470, 1471, 1474, 1481, 1484, 1490, 1492, 1495, 1499. Sixteen rolls 1502, 1503, 1505, 1506, 1507, 1508. Seven rolls 1510-1519 (1514 missing). Ten rolls 1520-1529. Ten rolls The draft roll for 1525 is tied up with two rent rolls for the same year; see p. 406 1530-1539 (1532 missing). Thirteen rolls 1540-1548 (1549 missing). Nine rolls 1550-1559. Twelve rolls. 1560-1569 (1563, 1566, 1567 missing). Eight rolls 1571-1579 (1570 missing). Ten rolls 1580-1589 (1582 missing). Twelve rolls 1590-1599. Sixteen rolls 1600-1609. Twenty rolls 1610-1619. Twenty-one rolls 1620-1629. Eighteen rolls 1630-1639. Seventeen rolls 1640-1648 (1649 missing). Fifteen rolls 1650-1659 (1651 missing). Twelve rolls, all paper 1661-1669 (1660 missing). Thirteen rolls 1670-1679. Nineteen rolls 1680-1689. Thirteen rolls 1690-1699. Fourteen rolls 17th and 18th cents. Six undated rolls 1700-1709. Fifteen rolls. 1710-1719. Twenty-two rolls 1720-1729. Twenty rolls 406 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1 7 30- 1 7 39. Twenty rolls 1740-1749. Twenty-one rolls 1750-1759. Twenty rolls 1760-1769. Nineteen rolls 1770-1779. Seventeen rolls 1780-1788 (1789 missing). Eleven rolls 1791-1799 (1790 missing). Nine rolls 1800-1856. Fifty-seven rolls There are subsequent rolls in the l)ursary, down to 1868 inclusive. RENT ROLLS. 15th century. Undated. Sixteen rolls 1443, 1447, 1448, 1454, 1458, 1459. Eleven rolls 1460, 1461, 1462, 1463, 1465, 1466, 1467, 1469, 1470, 1473, 1483, 1486 Fifteen rolls 1502, 1503, 1509, 1510, 1513, 1515, 1523, 1524, 1525. Ten rolls. Two rent rolls and a computus roll of 1525, on paper, are enclosed with a letter from the Master of St. John's College, Cambridge, dated Jan. 31, 1863, stating that they had been found in the muniment room of that College 1536, 1537, 1538, 1543, 1544, 1546, 1547, 1550, 1552, 1557, 1559, 1561, 1568, 1572. Fourteen rolls 1590-1599 (1591 missing). Twelve rolls 1600-1609. Twenty rolls 1610-1619. Eighteen rolls 1620-1629. Sixteen rolls 1630-1639. Nineteen rolls 1640-1648 (1649 missing). Twelve rolls 1650-1659 (1651 and 1654 missing). Eight rolls, all paper 1660-1669. Seventeen rolls 1670-1679. Nineteen rolls 1680-1689. Sixteen rolls 1690-1699. Fifteen rolls 17th cent. Three imperfect, without date 1700-1709. Eighteen rolls 1710-1719. Twenty rolls 1720-1729. Twenty rolls 1730-1739. Twenty-one rolls 1740-1749. Nineteen rolls 1750-1759. Twenty rolls 1760-1769. Nineteen rolls ROLLS AND BOOKS. 407 1770-1779. Twenty rolls 1780-1789. Seventeen rolls 1790-1799. Nine rolls. There are two rolls dated 1794, one of which pro- bably belongs either to 1793 or 1795, as there are none with those dates 1800-1856. Fifty-seven rolls There are subsequent rolls in the bursary, to 186« inclusive. RENTALS. 1. 1631. 29. 1673. 57. 1704. 2. 1632. 30. 1674. 68. 1706. 3. 1633. 3L 1675. 69. 1707. 4. 1636. 32. 1676. 60. 1709. 5. 1637. 33. 1678. 61. 1710. 6. 1638. 34. 1679. 62. 1711. 7. 1640. 35. 1680. 63. 1712. 8. 1641. 36. 1681. 64. 1713. 9. 1642. 37. 1683. 65. 1714. 10. 1644. 38. 1684. 66. 1715. 11. 1645. 39. 1685. 67. 1716. 12. 1650. 40. 1686. 68. 1717. 13. [c»-ml651]. 4L 1687. 69. 1718. 14. 1653. 42. 1688. 70. 1719. 16. 1654. 43. 1689. 7L 1721. 16. 1655. 44. 1690. 72. 1722. 17. 1656. 45. 1691. 73. 1723. 18. 1657. 46. 1692. 74. 1725. 19. 1658. 47. 1693. 75. 1726. 20. 1659. 48. 1694. 76. 1727. 2L 1661. 49. 1695. 77. 1728. 22. 1662. 50. 1696. 78. 1729. 23. 1665. 51. 1697. 79. 1730. 24. 1666. 52. 1698. 80. 1731. 25. 1667. 53. 1699. 81. 1732. 26. 1669. 54. 1700. 82. 1733. 27. 1670. 55. 1701. 83. 1734. 28. 1672. 56. 1703. 84. 1735. 408 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 85. 1736. 124. 1775. 163. 1814. 86. 1737. 125. 1776. 164. 1815. 87. 1738. 126. 1777. 165. 1816. 88. 1739. 127. 1778. 166. 1817. 89. 1740. 128. 1779. 167. 1818. 90. 1741. 129. 1780. 168. 1819. 91. 1742. 130. 1781. 169. 1820. 92. 1743. 131. 1782. 170. 1821. 93. 1744. 132. 1783. 171. 1822. 94. 1745. 133. 1784. 172. 1823. 95. 1746. 134. 1785. 173. 1824. 96. 1747. 135. 1786. 174. 1825. 97. 1748. 136. 1787. 175. 1826. 98. 1749. 137. 1788. 176. 1827. 99. 1750. 138. 1789. 177. 1828. 100. 1751. 139. 1790. 178. 1829. 101. 1752. 140. 1791. 179. 1830. 102. 1753. 141. 1792. 180. 1831. 103. 1754. 142. 1793. 181. 1832. 104. 1755. 143. 1794. 182. 1833. 105. 1756. 144. 1795. 183. 1834. 106. 1757. 145. 1796. 184. 1835. 107. 1758. 146. 1797. 185. 1836. 108. 1759. 147. 1798. 186. 1837. 109. 1760. 148. 1799. 187. 1838. 110. 1761. 149. 1800. 188. 1839. 111. 1762. 150. 1801. 189. 1840. 112. 1763. 151. 1802. 190. 1841. 113. 1764. 152. 1803. 191. 1842. 114. 1765. 153. 1804. 192. 1843. 115. 1766. 154. 1805. 193. 1844. 116. 1767. 155. 1806. 194. 1845. 117. 1768. 156. 1807. 195. 1846. 118. 1769. 157. 1808. 196. 1847. 119. 1770. 158. 1809. 197. 1848. 120. 1771. 169. 1810. 198. 1849. 121. 1772. 160. 1811. 199. 1850. 122. 1773. 161. 1812. 200. 1851. 123. 1774. 162. 1813. 201. 1852. ROLLS AND BOOKS. 409 202. 1853. 204. 1855. 206. 1857. 203. 1854. 205. 1856. 207. 1858. In the Lursury there are rentals from this date to 1868 inclusive. BILLjE FUTUIilS BUBS ARILS. 1. 1570. 8. 1591. 15. 1603. 2. 1575. 9. 1593. 16. 1606. 3. 1579. 10. 1597. 17. 1607. 4. 1580. 11. 1598. 18. 1608. 5. 1583. 12. 1599. 19. 1609. 6. 1585. 13. 1600. 20. 1610. 7. 1590. 14. 1601. TBES BILLJE. 21. 1622. 44. 1653. 67. 1698. 22. 1623. 45. 1654. 68. 1699. 23. 1624. 46. 1655. 69. 1699. 24. 1626. 47. 1656. 70. 1700. 25. 1627. 48. 1667. 71. 1701. 26. 1628. 49. [1677]. 72. 1703. 27. 1629. 50. 1679. 73. 1704. 28. 1630. 51. 1680. 74. 1707. 29. 1632. 52. 1681. 75. 1708. 30. 1633. 53. 1682. 76. 1709. 31. 1635. 54. 1684. 77. 1710. 32. 1636. 55. 1685. 78. 1711. 33. 1637. 56. [1686]. 79. 1712. 34. 1639. 57. 1687. 80. 1713. 35. 1640. 58. 1688. 81. 1714. 36. 1641. 69. 1689. 82. 1715. 37. 1643. 60. 1690. 83. 1716. 38. 1645. 61. 1691. 84. 1717. 39. 1646. 62. 1693. 85. 1718. 40. 1648. 63. 1694. 86. 1719. 41.| 64. 1695. 87. 1720. 42. r Without dates 65.1696. 88.1721. 43.' 66. 1697. 89. 1722. 410 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 90. 1723. 129. 1761. 168. 1800. 91. 1724. 130. 1762. 169. 1801. 92. 1724. 131. 1763. 170. 1802. 93. 1725. 132. 1764.' 171. 1803. 94. 1726. 133. 1765. 172. 1804. 95. 1727. 134. 1766. 173. 1805. 96. 1728. 135. 1767. 174. 1806. 97. 1729. 136. 1768. 175. 1807. 98. 1730. 137. 1769. 176. 1808. 99. 1731. 138. 1770. 177. 1809. 100. 1732. 139. 1771. 178. 1810. lOL 1733. 140. 1772. 179. 1811. 102. 1734. 14L 1773. 180. 1812. 103. 1735. 142. 1774. 181. 1813. 104. 1736. 143. 1774. 182. 1814. 105. 1737. 144. 1775. 183. 1815. 106. 1738. 145. 1776. 184. 1816. 107. 1739. 146. 1777. 185. 1817. 108. 1740. 147. 1778. 186. 1818. 109. 1741. 148. 1779. 187. 1819. 110. 1742. 149. 1780. 188. 1820. m. 1743. 150. 1781. 189. 1821. 112. 1744. 151. 1782. 190. 1822. 113. 1745. 152. 1783. 191. 1823. 114. 1746. 153. 1784. 192. 1824. 115. 1747. 154. 1785. 193. 1825. 116. 1748. 155. 1786. 194. 1826. 117. 1749. 156. 1787. 196. 1827- 118. 1750. 157. 1788. 196. 1829. 119. 1751. 158. 1789. 197. 1830. 120. 1752. 159. 1790. 198. 1831. 12L 1753. 160. 1791. 199. 1832. 122. 1754. 161. 1792. 200. 1833. 123. 1755. ' 162. 1793. 201. 1834. 124. 1756. 163. 1794. 202. 1835. 125. 1757. 164. 1795. 203. 1836. 126. 1758. 165. 1797. 204. 1837. 127. 1759. 166. 1798. 205. 1838. 128. 1760. 167. 1799. 206. 1839. ROLLS AND BOOKS. 411 207. 1H40. 214. 1847. 220. 1853. 208. 1841. 215. 1848. 22L 1854. 209. 1842. 216. 1849. 222. 1855. 210. 1843. . 217. 1850. 223. 1856. 211. 1844. 218. 1851. 224. 1857. 212. 1845. 219. 1852. 225. 1858. 213. 1846. ROLLS FOB THE YEAH. 1. 1720. 16. 1762. 2. 1724. 17. 1763. 3. 1746. 18. 1764. 4. 1749. 19. 1765. 5. 1751. 20. 1766. 6. 1752. 21. 1767. 7. 1753. . 22. 1768. 8. 1754. 23. 1769. 9. 1755. 24. 1770. 10. 1757 (sic). 25. 1771. 11. 1757. 26. 1772. 12. 1758. 27. 1773. 13. 1759. 28. 1775. 14. 1760. 29. 1780. 15. 1761. 30. 1781. These are continued in the bursary till the year 1868 inclusive. 31. 1784. 32. 1787. 33. 1788. 34. 1790. 35. 1791. 36. 1792. 37. 1793. 38. 1794. 39. 1797. 40. 1799. 41. 1800. 42. 43. 44. 45. ] Undated— \- about the same period. BUBSABS' BOOKS. 1. 1450. 9. 1527-8, 17. 1541-2. 2. [1494-5]. 10. 1528-9. 18. 1543-4. 3. 1497-8. 11. 1529-30. 19. 1544-5. 4. 1504-5. 12. 1533-4. 20. 1545-6. 5. [1509-10]. 13. 1537-8. 21. 1546-7. 6. 1510-1. 14. 1538-9. 22. 1547-8. 7. 1519-20. 15. 1539-40. 23. 1548-9. 8. 1521-2. 16. 1540-1. 24. 1549-50. ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 25. 1569-70. 26. 1570-1. 27. 1572-3. 28. 1573-4. 29. 1574-5. 30. 1576-7. 31. 1578-9. 32. 1579-80. 33. 1580-1. 34. 1581-2. 35. 1582-3. 36. 1583-4. 37. 1584-5. 38. 1585-6. 39. 1586-7. 40. 1587-8. 41. 1588-9. 42. 1589-90. 43. 1590-1. 44. 1591-2. 45. 1592-3. 46. 1594-5. 47. 1597-8. 48. 1598-9. 49. 1599-1600. 50. 1600-1. 51. 1601-2. 52. 1602-3. 53. 1603-4. 54. 1606-7. 55. 1608-9. 56. 1610-1. 57. 1612-3. 58. 1613-4. 59. 1615-6. 60. 1616-7. 61. 1617-8. 62. 1618-9. 63. 1619-20. 64. 1620-1. 65. 1621-2. 66. 1622-3. 67. 1623-4. 68. 1624-5. 69. 1625-6. - 70. 1626-7. 7L 1627-8. 72. 1628-9. 73. 1629-30. 74. 1630-1. 75. 1631-2. 76. 1632-3. 77. 1633-4. 78. 1634-5. 79. 1635-6. 80. 1636-7. 81. 1637-8. 82. 1638-9. 83. 1639-40. 84. 1640-1. 85. 1642-3. 86. 1643-4. 87. 1644-5. STEWABD8' BOOKS. 1. 1 647-50. 14. 1679-^80. 27. 1707-12. 2. 1650-54. 15. 1680-82. 28. 1713-18. 3. 1655-56. 16. 1682-84. 29. 1718-24. 4. 1659-60. 17. 1685-86. 30. 1724-30. 5. 1661-62. 18. 1686-88. 31. 1730-36, 6. 1663-64. 19. 1688-90. 32. 1736-42. 7. 1665-66. 20. 1690-92. 33. 1742-48. 8. 1667-68. 21. 1692-94. 34. 1748-54. 9. 1669-70. 22. 1695-96. 35. 1754-60. 10. 1671-72. 23. 1696-99. 36. 1760-65. 11. 1673-74. 24. 1699-1701. 37. 1766-72, 12. 1674-76. 25. 1701-1705. 38. 1772-78, 13. 1676-78. 26. 1705-1707. 39. 1778-84, ROLLS AND BOOKS. 413 40. 1784-90. 44. 1811-18. 48. 1840-48. 41. 1791-96. 45. 1818-25. 49. 1848-56. 42. 1796-1802. 46. 1825-33. 50. 1856-66. 43. 1803-10. 47. 1833-39.. Tliis series is still continued. BUTTERY BOOKS. Eight 1659. undated in pieces, 1666. circa 1640 ? 1675. 1683. 1688. 1660. 1667. 1676. 1683. 1689. 1661. 1667. 1677. 1684. 1689. 1661. 1668. 1677. 1684. 1690. 1662. 1669. 1678. 1685. 1690. 1662. 1670. 1679. 1685. 1691. 1663. 1670. 1679. 1686. 1691. 1664. 1671. 1680. 1686. 1692. 1664. 1672. 1680. 1687. 1692. 1665. 1673. 1681. 1687. 1693. 1665. 1673. 1682. 1688. 1693. 1666. 1674. 1698. From this date the books are of a of several buttery books of this larger size, period. There are frag 1703- 4. 1712. 1720. 1740. 1749. 1704. 1712. 1725. 1742. 1749. 1705. 1713. 1726. 1742. 1750. 1706. 1713. 1727. 1743. 1750. 1706. 1714. 1729. 1743. 1751. 1707. 1714. 1730. 1744. 1751. 1707. 1715. 1730. 1744. 1752. 1708. 1716. 1731. 1745. 1752. 1708. 1716. 1731. 1745. 1753. 1709. 1717. 1732. 1746. 1753. 1709. 1717. 1733. 1746. 1754. 1710. 1718. 1734. 1747. 1754. 1710. 1719. 1734. 1747. 1755. 1711. 1719. 1736. 1748. 1755. 1711. 1720. 1737. 1748. 1756. 414 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. 1756. 1767. 1784. 1809. 1843. 1757. 1768. 1785. 1810. 1844. 1757. 1768. 1785. 1811. 1845. 1757. 1769. 1786. 1812. 1846. 1757. 1769. 1786. 1813. 1847. 1758. 1770. 1787. 1814. 1848, 1758. 1770. 1787. 1815. 1849. 1758. 1771. 1788. 1816. 1850. 1758. 1771. 1788. 1817. 1851. 1759. 1772. 1789. 1818. 1852. 1759. 1772. 1789. 1819. 1853. 1759. 1773. 1790. 1820. 1854. 1759. 1773. 1790. 1821. 1855. 1760. 1774. 1791. 1822. 1856. 1760. 1774. 1791. 1823. 1857. 1760. 1775. 1792. 1824. 1858. 1760. 1775. 1792. 1825. 1859. 1761. 1776. 1793. 1826. 1860. 1761. 1776. 1793. 1827. 1861. 1761. 1777. 1794. 1828. 1862. 1761. 1777. 1795. 1829. 1863. 1762. 1778. 1796. 1830. 1864. 1762. 1778. 1797. 1831. 1865. 1762. 1779. 1798. 1832. 1866. 1762. 1779. 1799. 1833. 1867. 1763. 1780. 1800. 1834. 1868. 1763. 1780. 1801. 1835. 1869. 1764. 1781. 1802. 1836. 1870. 1764. 1781. 1803. 1837. 1871. 1765. 1782. 1804. 1838. 1872. 1765. 1782. 1805. 1839. Still continued. 1766. 1783. 1 806. 1840. 1766. 1783. 1807. 1841. 1767. 1784. 1808. 1842. ROLLS AND BOOKS. 415 SONG BOOKS. [1646]. 1647. 1691. 1692. 1725. 1729 to 1800. 1821. In all 78, and the series is still continued. DAY OB CASH BOOKS. 1722. 1749-50. 1753. 1757. 1735. 1750-51. 1754. 1759 to 1809. 1748-49. 1751-52. 1755-56. Two of 1767. In all 62. NEW TITLTXG BOOKS. The other end is ' BORROWING BOOK.' 1730 to 1769. 1771 to 1809. 1811. 1812. 1687. 1696. 1716. 1689. 1699. 1724. 1691. 1700. 1727. 1695. 1713. 1729. And 'Borrow ing Books ' : — 1679. 1687. In all 96. 1692. MANCIPLES' BOOKS. 1. 1707. 2. 1732. 4. 1735. 5. 1737 3. 1733. COMMONS' BOOKS. 1. 1732. 3. 1747. 5. Without date. 2. 1735. 4. 1757. 6. Without date. WINE BOOKS. 1747. 1750. 1760. 1768. 1775. 416 ARCHIVES OF ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. PROVISION BOOKS. 1731. 1734. 1747. PLATE BOOK. 1732. LEIGER BOOKS. (Copies of Leases, &c.) 1. 1572-1607. 4. 1656-1684. 7. 1724-43. 2. 1608-1664. 5. 1684-1707. 8. 1744-53. 3. 1632-1663. 6. 1708-24 9. 1753-64. This series of books is still continued. ABSTEACTA CHART ABU M. [17th cent.] Two volumes. INVENTORIES. A vellum book, of which the lower half has been burnt away, containing inventories of the books in the Library and the furniture of the Chapel, from the foimdation of the College to the wardenship of Hoveden Three inventories dated 1585, 1631, 1666 1519-1688. Annual accounts of the money and plate in the chest 1699-1712. A book containing memorandaof books taken from the Library on a few pages at each end Catalogue of Sir Dudley Diggs' books bequeathed to the CoUeo-e THREE ACCOUNT BOOKS OF CODRINGTON'S LEGACY AND LLOYD'S BENEFACTION. 1716. 1724. 1729. nWTXG BURSARS' ACCOUNTS. 1758-1764. 1758-1768. 1765-1770. ROLLS AND BOOKS. 41' MISCELLANEA. 1590-1633. Notes of evidence taken out of the tower. 1734-35. Receipts. 1738-46. Sealings and Battels. 1738-60. Caution Money. 1740. Direction Book. 1687-1750. Account of money paid to the Library and list of officers. 1754. Parks' Account Book. 1766. Account of money received from the estate of the late Dr. Niblett. 1777. Lewknor Rents. 17th and 18th cent. Notes of evidence taken out of the tower. Memoranda of documents belonging to the College. Copies of documents. Cards (135) stating the prices of wheat, malt, and barley in Oxford Market, in April and October, for the years 1718 to 1856. One is without date, and the years 1719, 1721, 1723, 1724, and 1802 are missing. Each card is signed by the Clerks of the Market and the Warden. There are additional cards in the bursary down to 1868 inclusive. Copper plates of designs for the building of the large quadrangle, and of drawings of brasses and stained-glass windows, with an explanation of the designs by Hawksmoor, dated Feb. 17, 1715. In the bursary there are three volumes of 'Acta in Capitulis,' for the years 1601 to 1707 ; 1707 to 1753; and 1753 to 1800 : also a volume containing a copy of tlie Statutes of the College, copied in the 17th century, with entries of College Orders, etc., to 1711. B B INDEX. ABB ABBOTT, Geo. Archp. of Can- terbury (1611-1633), 162, 274, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 318, 325, 326, 327, 328, 32!), 377 ... ... letters from, 310, 31 1, 312, 313, 314, 315, 325, 326, 327 ." ... letters to, 274, 326, 328, 321) ... ... injunctions, 31.3, 314,318 ... John, Fellow of A. S. C. 380 ... Thos. B.A. 374 ... Thos. B.A. 385 Abell, Hen. 38 ... Ric. 392 Abint^'don, 156, 157, 168, 169, 236 ... St. Mary's Abbey, 23, 121 ... Wm., Abbot of, 121 Abingdon, Lord. See Bertie, Montague Abthorpe, Northants, 240 AbjTidon, Joan do, 160 ... John de, 160 Achingham, Simon de, 93 Acre, Joan, 59 ... Saier, 59, 66 Acton, 13 ... Jas., Scholar of A.S.C. 320 ... Jas., General Syndic of A. S. C. 358 Adam, John, 48 Adams, Mary, 211, 212, 213 ... Ric. B.A. 374 ... Robt. 105 ... R., Letter from, 327 ... Thos. 112, 115 ... Wm. 160, 211 Adderley, Robt. sub-warden of A.S. C. 320 Addington, 325 Addison, Anno, 177 Addvngton, Bucks, 101, 104, 107, 116, 117 Adinyton, Roger, son of Tliomas dc,''l98 Adk ins or Addekyns, Agnes, 247 ... Chas. 122 ADK Adkins or Addekyns, Ilarrv) 244 ... Isabella, 239 ... Joan, 239 ... John, 239 ... Matthew, 389 ... William, 239 Admiralty, Tiie, 351 Adstock, 95, 102, 105, 113 Alley te. Hen. do, 79 Aguttar, John, 210,211, 212, 213, 214 ... Robt. Odell, 213 Ailston, Robt. de. Vicar of Lodington, 259 Ailworth, Dr. Martin, 24, 25, 356, 373 Aimy, Hen., Letter from, 401 Aiscough, Wm., Bishop of Salisbury (1438-.50), 9, 128 Aitunt. See Eyton Akre. &eAcre Alan, son of Robert, 101, 102 Albani, Robt., Fellow of A.S.C, 304 Albanv, 235 ... Fras. 234 ... Robt. 233, 234, 236 ... Wm. 23.3, 234, 236 Albemarle, Edward Planta- genel, Duke of (1397-9) 57 Alberbury, Shropshire, 1, 30, 1 29, 258, 259, 262, 279, 282, 283, 288, 290, 393 ... letters and documents dated, 14, 15, 393 ... complaint of the parishion- ers, 11, 15 ... court rolls, 13 ... leases, 16 ... riot at, 16 ... schoolmasters, 15 ... terrier, 288 ... tithes, 13, 15 ... convent of, 1-11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 258, 259, 264, 265, 290 Arnold Rissa, corrector and prior of, 8, 9 E E 2 ALB Alberbury, convent, John> corrector of, 259 Beter, corrector of, 5 Ramhuulfus, corrector of, 4 Geoffrey, prior of , 258 Gerard, prior of, 6, 259 Peter, prior of, 259 Ric. de Hatton, prior of, 2 Ric.deStricton,priorof, 9 Roger, prior of, 259 Peter London, warden of, 258 Robert, warden of, 9 the bell, 4 ... map of, 15 ... St. Mary's Church, 1,3, 11, 13, 15 Gui chard of Lyons, pre- bendary of, 8 Wm. le Marschal, chap- lain of, 1 vicar of, 11 Thos. Alcock, vicar of, 10 Thos. Clarke, vicar of, 13 Jas. Edwardes, vicar of, 12 Thos. Hotchkiss, vicar of, 15 Hen. Jones, vicar of, 12, 13, 14 Ric. Wild, vicar of, 9 churchwardens of, 12, 15 rectory of, 13 vicarage of, 13, 14, 379 Alberbury, Adam of, 3 ... David of, 3 ... James of, 3 ... Mabel of, 3 ... William of, 3 Albertone, Mary and Tlios. de, 62 Albi Monasterii, Reginald, 258, 259 Albo Monasterio, Richard de, 258 Emma, 258, 259 420 INDEX. ALO ALL ALL Alcock, Thos., vicar of Alljer- All Souls' College, north (1618-1635) ; Sheldon, Gil- buiy, 10 quadrancjle. 295, 296, 417 bert (1035-1000) ; Palmer, Aldemar, 3 St. Jerham in, 155 John, aUas Vaux (1048- Aldenam, Herts, 38 site of, 151, 153, 154 1000) ; iMeredeth, John Aldermaston, Berks, 23 stables, 293, 393 (1000-1005) ; Jeames, Thos. Alderton, Jonatlian, loD, 392 tower, 31.3, 314, 315, (1665-1686); Finch, Leopold A'.dwor ill, John, fellow of A.S.C. 317, 377,384, 393, 395, 398, W. (1686-1702); Gardiner, 25, 26. 3oo, 357, 374 402, 417 Bernard (1702-1726); Xib- letter from, 20, 355 warden's garden, 101, lett, Stephen (1726-1700) ; ... Susanna, 25 291 Tracy, Jolm Viscount (1700- Aldvneton, Kent, 141 Wharton's buildings. 1793); Isham, Edm. (1793- Alein, Wm., 3 292, 29('), 298, 299 1817) ; Legge, Edw. (1817- Aleston, John de, 153 wine cellar, 400 1827) ; Leighton, F. K. ... Will, de, 158 attorneys, 385, 386 (1858) Alexston, 257 benefactors, list of, All Souls' College, warden's Alevn, Hamo, 142, 143 301, 396 vote, 336, 337, 351, 355, 356, ... Hen. 49 bursars, 313, 319 357, 300 ... Ric. 142 fraud bv, 309, 335, Acta in Capitulis, 417 ... Thos. 58, 6.3, 64 356, 358 Acts of Parliament Altrai-, Aunes, 135 letter from, 270 for, 25, 35, 67, 70, 129, 134, ... John, 133, 135, 136 lettersto, 226,241, 1.50, 163, 172, 207, 208, 290, ... Hobt. 133 297 301, 340. 397 Al^'or, Roht. 135 list of, 400 allocats, 400 Alice, d. of John, son of Stephen, l)ursars' books, 411 assessment of, 396, 199 butler, 182, 389 399 Alien priories, 9,128,145, ISO, chaplains, petition bequests to, 277, 292, 258, 264, 290 by, 312. See Proast, Jonas 297, 299, 301, 385. See also Alinsifton, 49 deans, 305 Codrington, Lloyd, Nath. Allan, son of Hamon, 96 ejected fellows, 374 bonds by, 20, 297, 298 Allen, Chr. 26S, 274 groom, 335 bonds to, 12, 13, 91, ... letter to, 274 manciple, 162, 165,166 92, 99, 104, 202, 370, 386 ...Thos. 109 mancii)les' books, 415 bulls in favour of, 10, ... Watts, 248 Master of the Works. 121, 289 ... Wm. 183 See Druell, John commons, 304, 377, Allett, Thos., under-master of medical fellows, 321, 393 Berkhamstead School, 216, 333, 334, 336, 337, 340 complaint against, 11 217 porter, 336, 359 exhibitions, etc. 297, ... letters from, 216, 217 receiver, 162,393,395 322 ... letter to, 216 rectors of Divinity, founder's kin, 324- Allicock, Chas. 257 336, 349 328, 3.30, 360, 362-4, 307, Allinpton, Hen. 257 sister of, 396 308, 370 AUom, Ric. 125 steward, 386 gaudies, 399 All Saints Marsh, Kent, 222 stewards' books, 412 grants and sales by, All Souls' Colleire, bursary. sub-librarian, 300 11, 20,21, 162,180,200, 283, 406, 407, 409, 411, 417 sub-warden, letter to. 385 buttery, 293, 295, 296, 320 grants, sales, etc. to. 310, 393 tutor of clerks and 9, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 20, 28, buttery books, 413 choristers, 301 29, 30, 50, 6.5, 71, 76, 78, chapel, 154, 277, 289, wardens. See An- 79, 101, 104, 105, 121, 124, 293, 294, 297, 312, 332, 336, drewe, Ric. (1437-1442) ; 129, 134, 136, 144, 149, 154, 340, 385, 387, 388, 393, 394, Keves, Roger (1442-1445) ; 101, 162, 10.3, 109, 171, 172, 416 Kele, Wm. (144.5-1459); 173, 174, 175, 170, 179, 180, chapel vestments, etc. Poteman, Wm. (1459-1460); 189, 190, 202, 203, 222, 22.5, 277, 304,394, 416 Stokys, John (1400-1494); 229, 230, 233, 238, 239, 256, cloister, 293, 294 Hobbys, Thos. (1494-1503); 266, 267, 209, 277, 278, 279, colonnade, 299 Broke, Wm. (1.50.3-1525) ; 283, 289, 290, 297, 397 common ^--arden, 162 Coale, John (1.525-1526); horses, 321, 334, 335, common room, 333 Woodward, Roljt. (1526- 336, 339 hall, 292, 293, 294, 1533) ; Stokelv, Roger (1533- indulgence for, 289 295, 296, 298 1530) ; Warner, John (1536- interrogatories to,357 kitchen, 293, 295, 1505) ; Holland, Scth inventories, 393-5, 378, 393 (1556-1558) ; ro[.e, John 416 library, 180, 279, (1558); Barber, Ric. (156.5- law suits, 11, 12, 13, 291, 292, 293, 29.5, 296, 316, 1571) ; Hoveden, Robt. 14, 15, 19, 24, 26, 36, 37, 67, 333, 336, 337, 393, 394, 395, (1571-1614); Moket, Ric. 81, 106, 136, 144, 145, 172, 416, 417 (1014-1618) ; Astlcy, Ric. 203 225, 226, 230 231. 233, I X E X. 421 ALL 231, 2'tO, 242, 203, 2CA, 265, 266, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 27i, 311, 333, 3avlej' Ball or Balle, Alice, 152 ... Joan, 152 ... John, 22, 395 ... Ric. 22, 395 ... Rose, 152 ... Thos. 152 ... Wm. 54, 384 Ballard, PJiilippa, 396 ... Thos. 396 Ballesley. See Bausley Balsehall, Thos. proctor, 154 Bamburgh, John, 63 Bamme, Ric. 64 Bampton, 162 Banastre, Adam, 195 Bancroft, John, Bp. of Oxford (1632-1640), 26 ... Ric. 248, 249, 310, 313 ... Ric. Archbishop of Canter- bury (1604-1611), 266, 305, 307, 308, 309, 310 letters from, 305, 307, 308, 309, 310 Banger, Barnard, 167 Bangore, Wm. 224 Bank of England, 150 Bannester, Wm. B.A. 385 Barber, Ric. warden of A. S. C. (1565-1571), 304 ... Wm. le, 135 Barbour, Dr. 67 ... John, 48, 49 Bardesfiete, Kent, 61, 65 Bardgett, Jos. 168 Bardmade, Robt. do, 194 Baret, John, his will, 158, 159 ... Thos. 156, 161 r.arfoot, Robt. 239 ... Ric. 23!» Sarford, Wilt.s, 18 ... St. Dioness farm, 19 I'.arfreston, 228 Barhampton, 1 1 7 Barker, Chas. vicar of St. Mary Magdalene, Oxford, 163 Barkesorc JIanor, 50 Barkingr, 20 ... letter dated, 21 ... abbess of, 20 ... UpHeld, 21 ... Wytield St. in, 21 Barklev, Hen. scholar of A. S. C, 373, 380 Barnard, John Dawson, 276, 277 ... Thos. 129 Barnes, Alice, 206 ... Anne, 209 ... John, 206 ... Wm. Ill, 117, 118, 119 ... Wm. 209 Barnet, 75 Barnett, alias Somery, Ric. 75, 76, 81 ... Jolin, 75 . . Mary, 75, 76 Baron, Thos. 20 Baroune, Wm. 98 Barnwood Forest, 32 Barraby, Ric. 122 Barrett, John, 210, 392 ... Thos. 210 Barrow Hill, 147 Bars, Jolin, 97 ... Katherine, 97 ... Rosia, 97 Barston, letter dated, 226 Bartelot, Ric. 27 Barton, 113, 159 Barton Hartshorn, 115, 116, 117 Barton, Isabel, 28, 95 ... John, 27, 28 ... John, junr. 46, 94, 95, 188 ... John, 257 ... Philip, of Christ church, 364, 365 letter from, 364 ... Thos. 166, 167 Barton's Chantry, 54, 165 Barty. See Bertie Barz, Wm. 103 Basnet, Sam. fellow of A. S. C. 381 Basset, Hen. 169, 390 Basselt,Wm. fellow of A. S. C. 382 Bastarde, Tiios. B.A. 385 Basyni<- or Basynges, Adam, 97 ... Jolin, 203 ... Margaret, 203 ... Joan, 98 ... Sir John, .53 ... John, 98, 99, 101, .384 ... John, junr. 98, 101 ... Thos. i»9, 107 Bataill, Thos. 133 Batch, John Reynolds, 257 Batecock, Thos. (il Bateman, Edmund, 83, 84 ... Jolin, 227 Bates, Ph. 392 ... Thus. 116, 117 INDEX. 423 BAT Bath and Wells, Bp. of. See Stafford, John (1425-144.3), Hlillington, Kobt. (1466- 1491) Bath, Earl of. See Bourchier, Wm. Batli, Roger, 282 Balherne, Ric. 169 Bathurst, Edw. fellow of A. S. C. 257, 294, 322, 36.3 ... Edw. of Finchcocks, 383 ... Ric. fellow of A. S. C. 314, .326, 381 ... Thos. fellow of A. S. C. 257, 322 Batthesore (Batsford ?), 397 Baughan, Simon, 119 Baughe, Ric. 123 ... Moryce, 12 Bausley, or Ballesley, Mont- gomery, 1, 2, 5, 6, 11, 13 Bawkyn, 24 Bax, Stephen, mayor of Fever- sham, 219, 221 letter from, 219 Bayley, Jas. bursar of A. S. C. 307, 309 ... Jas. 116 ... Ric. 245 ... Jane, liis wife, 246 ... Ric. chorister of A. S. C. 370, 371 ... Thos. 247, 248 Baylie, Waller, doctor of phy- sic, 162 Bayliff. See Bayley. Bayne, Andrew, M.D. 147 Bayneham, John, fellow of A. S. C. 316 Bays, John, 223 Beaconstield, 275 Beamonte, Henry, rector of theology in A. S. C. sub- warden, 284, 305, 306 ... letter from, 284 Bean, Wm. 139 Beauchamp, Frederick, earl of, 382 Beaufitz, Robt. 65 Beaufort, Hen. Card. Bp. of Winchester, 188 Beaufort, Duke of. See Somer- set Beaimiont, Glvdd, fellow of A. S. C. 372,"^3SO ... Sir Thos. 273, 274 letter to, 274 ... Wm. 276 ... Dr. 312. Seez\s,o Beamonte Beaver, Herbert, 323 Beby, John dc, 197 Beckingham, Stephen, 250, 251, 252 Beckley, 228 Bedburn, Herts, 38 Bedefoid, John de, 103, 158 BED Bedeford, Juliana, 198, 199 ... Robt. 198, 199 Bedenden Scbool, 222 Bedford, 179, 186, 187, 202 ... letter dated, 179 ... sheriff of, 202, 203, 394, 395 ... escheat or of, 203 ... gaol delivery, 395 Bedowe, John,scholarof A.S.C. 302 Bedul, John le, 201 ... Agnes, his wife, 201 Bedvl, Alice, 195 ... Wm. 195 Beesly, Kic. 241 Bekenliull, La. 65 Bekynton, Thos. 128 Bekys Inne, 154 Bekysbourne, 227 Belclier, Eliz, 147 ... Wm. 147 Bellers, John, 261 Bemysley, Thos. Proctor, 164 Benedict, the Smith, 184 Benequikescrocbe, Kent, 49 Benere, Hugh le, 202 Benet, Thos. 91 Benett, Thos. B.A. 373 Bengeworth, John, 74, 75 Benman, — , letter to, 14 Bennett, Giles, Manciple of All Souls' Coll. 26, 386 ... Henry, 323, 369, 370 apjieal of, 309 ... Thos. 213 ... Thos. 323,369, 370,382 appeal of, 369 ... Jas. 140 ... Dr. 297 Bennewell, Ric. 154 Bennion. See Binion Bennyse, Ric. 386 Benson, Geo. 32 Bentham, Jeremiah, 21 Berclie, John, 56 Bercliesfeld, Harame, 66 Berd, Wm. Withe, 191 Bere, Ric. 63 Bereford, Joan, 153 ... John, 153 ... John, his son, 153 ... John, 78 ... Wm. 64 Berens, Ric. 175, 180 ... letter to, 180 Beresford, Jane, 124 Bereworth, Stephen, Archdea- con of Berks, 397 Berisford, Ric. 390 Berkcnhead, John, fellow of A. S. C. 381 Bcrkhampstead, 72 ... letter dated, 216, 217 ... House, letter dated, 215 Berkbampstcad Scbool, 215 BIB Berkshire, 80 ... Archdeacon of. See Bere- worth, Stephen ... sheriff of, 121 ... archdeaconry of, 399 BerljTig. Sec Birling Bernard, Fras. 123, 124, 125, 126 ... letters from and to, 125, 126 Bernefile, .John, 137 ... Wm. 137 Berners, Nic. 57 Bernevyle, John, 74, 75, 76, 79, 82, 193 Berrington, .Jenkins, and Ber- rington, 150 Berrycroft, 139. See also VeTtj Croft Bertelet, Dr. Ric. 36, 37, 38 Bertie, Dr. 26 ... Montagu, Lord Abingdon, 367 ... Philip, son of the Earl of Lindsay, 327, 375 Berton, 161 Berton, John, 396 Bestman, John, 75, 76 Betenham. Stephen, 57 Bet ham, Thos. 248 Bettenham, Thos. 224, 225 Bettesworth, J. Dean of Arches, 294, 332, 33,5, 336, 337, 338, 339, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 369 ... letters from, 335, 337, 338, 339, 353, 354, 355, 356 ... letters to, 335, 336, 337, 339, 356 ... visitation by, 336, 352, 353 Bettle, Wm. 22 Betts, John, 112 ... Jos. 257 Beucham]), Wm. de, 202 Beurton, 45 Bewlitz, John, 57 Bibuiy, John de, 158 Biconyll, Wm. See Byconyll Biddenham, 197, 203 Biddulph, J. G. W. 180 Bignon, :\Irs. 398 Billers, John, 123 Billingsloy, Nic. schoolmaster of Alberbury, 15, 374 ... — sonof Thos. 311 Bilsynton, 47, 142 Billvng, Roesia de, 160 ... Thos. 98 Bingham, Geo. Bursar of A. S. C. 398 ... Geo., letter from, 402 Binion, Wm. Dean of A. S. C. 309, 310, 372 Birch, — , 330 Bird, or Byi'd, Mr. 284 ... John, jun. 399 421 INDEX. BIE Bird, Josias, cliaplain of A. 6. C. 308, 312, 373 ... Thos. 138 ... Wm., D.C.L. Dean of A.S.C. 2fi(j, 267, 300, 308, 311, 312, 373, 380, 399 ... — bursar of A. S. C. 305 Birkhed, Henry, fellow of A. S. C. 381 Birkhede, John, executor of Archbp, Chichele, 35, 49, 54, 68, 64, 65, 76, 95, 129, 151, 153, 156, 157, 289, 384, 385, 386, 396 Birlyng, or ByrhTig, Joan, 141 ... John, 141, 142 ... Thos. 141 ... Ric, son of Simon, 142, 143 Biscott, 116, 117 Bisse, Thos., scholar of A, S. C. 371, 380 Black (or Blake), Ralph, rector of Yvvherst, 93, 94 Blackers, Jolin, 77 Blackball, John, 252, 253, 255 ... Offspring, Bjj. of Exeter, (1707-1716), 339, 340 letter from, 339 letter to, 340 Blacknall, Mrs. S. 334, 335 letter from, 335 Blackstone, Wm. 19, 227, 242, 308, 369, 386 letter from, 227, 242 letter to, 369 petition of, 369 Blakbroke, Isabel, 64 ... Ric. 55, 64 Blakehalle, John, 152 Blakeman, John, 143 Blakesley, Northants, 238, 239, 244, 245, 246, 286, 307, 389 ... Wodezende, 238 ... letter dated, 286 Blaket, Eliz. 28 ... Sir John, 395 Blakwell, Wm., letter from, 107 Blande, Tims., underbutler of A. S. C. 371 Blarwic, 258 Blaunfroun, Walter, 202 Blaydon, 52, 236 Blayney, Rev. R. C, 19 Blea, Wm., gardener of All iSouls' College, 382 Blecheso, 198 Blechlngr, Kent, 141, 223 280, 287, 394 ... leasG'^, 227 ... terriers, 287 ... court rolls, 225 Blcching Court, 54, 227, 228 Blechlye, 197 lUcdliiwe, Tlios. Alderman of London, 397 Bleek, Goo. 253, 254, 255 BLE Bleradicroft, 194 liradley, — , (57 ... Thos. 9. 264 ... John, 126 ... Mr. 403 Bradshawe, Nic. 27 Bragintou, near liauyley, 5 Brailles, Isolda de, 157 I'>rainford, 387 Brant ingest orp or Brent ingel- thorp, 198, 199 ... church of, 199 ... Kobt., son of Reginald, 109 ... Robt., son of Gregory, 199 ... Wm., son of William, 199 Brasier, Antony, Dean of A. S. C. 303 Brasier, Edw. 231 Brasicre, Robt. le, 96 Bralforde, Alice, 99 ... John, 99 ... Thos. 99 Brawnsnn, Jolin, 255 Bray, Wm. 74, 75 Braybroke, Sir Gerard, 27 Braybroke, Robt. Bp. of Lon- don (1381-1404), 27 Braynt river. See Brent Braywell, Stephen, 159 Bi^eauter, Falcho de, 189 Brcche. Edra. Atte, 62 Brcde, La, 65 Bredou, Walter de, 79 Breer, Wm. 389 Bregge, Thos, Atte, 223, 225 Bremston, Wm. 165, 389 Brenche, Hen. 202 Brenchesle, Ric. 223 ... Thos. 223 ... Sir Wm. 223 ... Joan, his wife, 223, 224, 225 Brenset, Kent, 47, 48, 49, 143, 145 Brent river, 37, 81 BRE Brereton, Geo., fellow of A. S. C. 382 ... R., fellow of A. S. C. 182, 382 letter from, 182 Brerlicg, John de, chaplain, 195 ... Wm. of, 195 ... Walter of, 195 Brett, John, 391 ... Thos., bursar of A. R. C. 306 Bretun, Hen. le, 96, 100, 102 ... John le, 9.5, 102 ... Nicholaa, 95, 102 ... Nicholas le, 93, 95, li 2 ... Robt. le, 95 Briar, — , 106 ... Wm. 2()r., 207, 389 Brickland, John, 168 Bridges, ?,Iarslial, 327 Brigge, Wm. Atte, 260 Bright, Robt., bursar of A. S. C, prosecution of, 358 Brighte, John, churchwarden of Albcrbury, 12 Brightwell rectory, 399 Brikhede See Birkhead Brinker, Wm., Dean of A. S. C. 310, 372, 380 Brinwillach, 132 Bristol, 95, 170 ... letter dated, 170 Bristowe, Mr. 106 ... Jas., fellow of A. S. C. 316 Britain, Wm. 2L3 Brockliill, Wm. 387 Brogeborowe, 206 Broghton, John, 27 Brograve, i\Ir., letter from, 378 Brograve and Lyon, Jlessrs, letter from, 21 Brok, Algor Atte, 135 ... John Atte, 189, 190 ... Roger Atte, 190 ... Matildis Atte, 195 ... John, 223 Broke, John, 22, 130 ... Ric. 37 ... Robt. 398 ... Thos. 57 ... Wm. 78, 90, 91 ... Wm. fellow of A. S. C. 385 Broke, Wm. warden of All Souls (1503-25), 22, 29, 81, 238, 297, 303, 384, 387, 397, 398 ... letter from, 81, 297 ... letter to, 303 ... his will, 398 ... Dr. Wm. 137, 395 Broke, Elyas Atte, 61 ... Joan Atte, 61 ... Thos. Atte, 57 ... Wm. Atte, 56, 61 Brokebregge, 142 Brokesby, Bartli. 261 ... Humphrey, 270, 304 BRY Brokesby, Humj^hrey, letter to, 270 Brokesby, Robt. 263, 265, 266, 270, 275 ... letters from and to, 270 Brokhole, John de, 158 Brokle, John, 133, 136 Broklond. See Brookeland Bromar, John, 242 Brome, Sir Chr. 161, 162 ... John, 151 Bromedown, 67 ]5roni]iill, Kent. iSVoPromhill Broinlev, H., letters from, 346, 347, 349, 350, 351 ... Thos., Lord Chancellor (1579-1587), 271 ... W., letters from, 342, 343, 344, 345, 354 letters to, 344, 354 Brook, John, 125, 127 Brooke, Ur. Hen. 216,221,363, 364, 386 letters from, 216, 221, 363, 364 ... Wm. Lord Cobham, letter from, 283 Brookeland, Kent, 47, 51, 52, 143 Brookes, R., letters to, 349 letters from, 348, 349 Brooks, J. 345, 347, 350 letters from, 345, 347 ... John, 127, 128 Broomer, Wm. 242 IJrotherton, Thos. 301 ... — 359 Brougham, Hen. 404 Brought on, 191, 197, 200 Broughton, Brian, fellow of A. S. C. 320 Brought ons, Otford, 225 I'roun, Miles, 397 ... Thos. 143, 90 I'.rouxbye. See Brokesby Brown, Ric. 166 ... Wm. of the University of Oxford, cook, 278 Browne, CI. as. 359 ... John, 167, 168 ... Thos. 29 Browning-, Wm. 51 Brugham", 196 Brun, Amabilla le, 190 Bruton. See Breton Brussliewode, Wm. 90 Bryar, Sir Wm. 203, 209, 210, 212 Bryce, John, 55, 62 Brydges, Anne Eliz. Duchess of Chandos, 84 ... Hen., Duke of Chandos, 36 ... Jas., Duke of Chandos, 84 See Bridges Brycrs, Wm. ^203 Brygear, Alice, 161 426 INDEX. BRY BUR CAN Brygear, Thos. 161 Burgthueit, 257, 258 Cadavellesmor, Shropshire, 2 Bry.s:ge, John atte, 261 Burham, 87 Cade, Wm. 137 ... John, 48 Burland, John Berkeley, 383 Cadmore End Church, 126 Brygges, John, 22 Burleton, John, 140 Cady, John, 185 Bryt.^Hen. 28. See Byrt Burnham, Amy,widow of Thos, ... — .391 ... John, 27 29 Caisar, Sir Julius, Chancellor Brytten, Wm. 12 Buris, Wm. 49 of the Exchequer, letter to, Buck, F. letter from, 222 Burleigh, Lord. See Cecil 273 Biickingham, 31, 33, 46, 53, 95, Burrows, Giles, 391 ... Charles, his son, fellow of 96, 104, 107, 109, 114, 115, ... Mary, 33 A.S.C. 307, 308, 372, 380 116, 117, 118 Burton, «i!«.'e6'Tilliers,Geo. Bury, Blaise de, 72 ... letters dated, 351 ... Ric. I'lantagenet Temple ... Joan, 73 Caldewelle, convent of, 192 Nugent I'rydges Chandos ... Margaret, 73 Calverley, Joseph, 17, 18 Grenville, Duke of, 34, 86 ... Walter, 73 Calverton, 204 ... Geo. Nugent Grenville, Mar- ... Wm. 73 Calvet, Robt. 91 quis of, 33, 34, 180 Bush, John, letter to, 404 Cambridue, 272, 310, 351, 352 ... Eic. Grenville Cliandos Tem- Bushell, John, 123 ... letters dated, 272, 310 ple, Marquis of, 34, 86 ... letter from, 125 ... Peter Hoiise, 398 ... Duke of. See Shetfield, John Busliell, Thos. 124 ... St. John's Coll. letter from Buckinghamshire, 88, 397 ... Tlios. 316, 384 the master, 406 ... Sherilf of, 394 Bustard, Ric. 126, 394 ... Trinity Hall, 298, 351, 352 Buckland, 23, 279 Butcher, Hen. fellow of A. S. C. ... university of, 315, 323, 365 Bucklebury, Berks, 23 371 ... vice-chancellor of, 365 Buckler, Rev. Benj., fellow of Buteler, Sir Ralph le, 191 Cambridgeshire, 45 A. S. C. 124, 322 Butler, —,116 Campyon, Hamimd, 197 Bud, Geo. 108, 109 ... Edw., of Magdalen Coll., Canon, Peter, 27 Budd, Jas. 112, 114 letter from, 364, 366 Canterbury, 48, 51, 52, 54, 182, Budd, Thos. 114, 391, 392 ... Jas.,Duke of Ormondjletters 221, 227, 310, 331 Budewelle, Ric. de, 197 from, 317, 401 ... letters dated, 221, 310, 331 Buer, Judith, 41 ... John, 206, 207 ... St. Alphege parish, 396 Bulkim, Wm. 82 ... Thos. 205, 389 ... Archbishops of. See Win- Bull, — , 13 widow, 203 chelsey, Robt. (1293-1313) ; ... Alice, 253 Butt, Thos. 67 Chichele, Hen. (1414-1443) ; ... Henry, 246, 247, 248, 249 Buttell, Alice, 234, 235 Stafford, John (1443-1452); ... John, 244, 245, 246 ... Robt. 235 Bourchier,Thos.(1454-1486); ... Robt. 67 ... Wm. 234, 235, 263, 390 Warham, W. (1.504-1532); ... Thos. 249 Butterfield, Edw. senr. and Cranmer, Thos. (1533-1555) ; ... Wm. 240 junr. 196, 206, 207, 208, 392 Pole, Reg. (1555-1558) ; Buller, Fras. fellow of A. S. C. ... Joan, 196 Grindal, Edm. (1576-1583); 382 ... John, 209 WTiitgift, John (1583-1604) ; Bulley, Abraham, steward of Butterfyeld, Hen. chorister,373 Bancroft, Ric. (1604-1610); A. S. C. 386 Butyrwyk, Robt. bedell of the Abbot, Geo. (1611-1633) ; Bullingdon Hundred, 1 65 university, 158 Laud, Wm. ( 1 633-1 644 ) ; Bunce or Bunsc, Eliz. 112 Byconyll, Wm. 49, 143, 384, Sheldon,Gilbert(1663-1677); ... John, 105, 109, 110, 111, 386 Sancroft, Wm. (1691-1(!9I) ; 1 1 2, 390, 392 ... Ric. 224 Tillotson, John (1691-1694) ; ... Thos. 105, 108, 109, 112, r>yers, Jas. letters from, 297 Tenison, Thos. (1694-1715); 114, 116 r.yrchele, Robt. 48 Wake, Wm. (1715-1737); Burbage, John, 68, 1 82, 384 Byrd. See Hoddcsdon, and Potter, John (1737-1747) ; Burcestere, Wm. Mayor of Ox- Bird Herring, Thos. (1747-1757) ; ford, 160 Byrkheed. See Birkhede Seeker, Thos. (1758-1768); Burcome, South, 18 Byrte, Hen. 29 Cornwallis, Fred. (KtiS- Burdct, Wm. 259 ... Joan, 29. See Bryt 1783); Moore, John (1783- Burdett, Etlielbcrl, 51 ... See ulxo Bird 1805); Sutton, Chas. M. Burgess, Andrew, 84, 85 r.yssliop, John, 48 (1805-1828); llowley, Wm. ... Jas. 119 Byssliojipeston, Sir Wm. 94 (1828-1848); Sumner, J. B. Burgh, Sir John, 16 ... Joliu, 95 (1848-1862); Tait, A. (1868) Burgherssh, 143 ... auditors of the archbishop, Burgherssho, Sir Bardi.de, 132 n Mauricius, 393 ^'") Cabell, John, 229, 230 145 Burgiss, Thos. 205, 206 ... seal of the archbishopric,291 INDEX. 427 CAN Cantcr])ury, archdeacon of. Sec Cliichclc, Tlios. ... .seal (jf the arc! ideaconry, 181 ... cliaptcr of, ;{0t, .310 letter from, lilO ... Dean of, 810, 379. Sec also Godwin, Tho.s. ... prebendary of. Sec Hove- den, Geo. ... Christchurch, 181, .38.5, 398 Thos. Goldston, prior of, 397 Thos. Goldwell, prior of, 227 Thos. Goldston, prior of, 396 ... president of the arcliicpis- copal court. See Lj'ndeleld, John ... archiepiscopal court, 402 ... province, 30(5, 401 .. convocation of, 354 ... Chichele's monument, 399 Cantilupe, Thos. r>p. of Here- ford (127.5-1282), 11 Capon, Joshua, 117, 118 Capper, Benj. 33, 34 Cardeston, Shrojishire, 11 Carey, lien. Lord Hunsdon, letters from and to, 283 Carie, Sir Matt. 23.5 ... Walter, 52 Carleton, Geo. 36 Carley, John, 137 Carlton, 194, 197 Carltoun, Lane. 195 Carnsevv, Wm. fellow of A.S.C. 379 Carpenter, John, 133, 136 ... lloger, 80 Carpenter, Peter le, 184 Carre, Robt. Earl of Somerset, 308 See also Gary Cartar, Ric. 280 Carter, Anne, widow of Thos. 274 ... Charlotte, 177 ... Dr. Geo. provost of Oriel, 361, 362 ... John, 177 ... Jolm, bailitf of Padburv, 101, 106 ~ I ... R., curate of Barking, letter from, 21 ... Thos. 41 ... Thos. of Padburj', 105, 108, 109, 110, 111 ... Thos. of the Middle Temple, 107, 246, 247, 248, 264,266, 271, 272, 273, 275 letters to, 271, 278 letter from, 272 ... Timothy, 162 ... Wra. 101 ... Wm. 265 CAIi Cart Wright, C. letters from, 404 ... Thos., Bp.of.Chester(1686- 1689), 330 Carty, Mary, 139 Carvel, Jolm, 223 Cary, Ric. 156 ... or Carre, Ric. 90 Casaubon, Isaac, his signature, 310 Ca.stell, Ann, 168 ... Geo. 168, 169 ... Geo. IT irons, 168 ... John, 169 ... Ric. 169 Castle, Geo. fellow of A. S. C. 382 Castleman, Rev. John, 322 C'aswick, 261 (^atagray, Uic. fellow of A.S.C. 379 Cater, Wm. 24 Catworth, Thos. 58, 60, 63, 64, 67 Cauntbrigg, or Cambrigg, Jolin, 58 ... Wm. 57, 58, 63 Cave, Sir Ambrose, letter from, 304 ... Fras. letter from, 271 ... Fras. LL.D. 275 ... John, 386 ... Ric. 386 Cavendissh, John, 94, 97 Cawley, John, fellow of A.S.C, 381 Cawode, Robt. 58, 60, 63 Caysowe Manor, 53 Cecil, Robt., Earl of Salisbury, 266, 274 letter to, 274 ... Thos., Earl of Exeter, Lord High Treasurer, 266 ... Wm., Lord Burleigh, 81, 271, 272, 284, 285 letters to, 271, 272, 284, 285 letter from, 284 Cely, John, 48 Cesson, Ric, B.C.L. 385 Chachelay, or Chechelay, 59, 61 Chadlington, 386 Chaisines, Herbei-giade, 198 ... Philip de, 198 Chalfont St. Giles, 97 Chalkhill, John, 81 Chalkhill's Lands, Middlesex, 38 Chaloner, Edw., Dean of All S. Coll. 311, 373, 380 ... John, 177 . Robt, 24 Chamber, Kath. 165, 388 ... William, 165,388 Cbamberlayne, Mr. 30 CHE Cham1)erleyn, John, 16 Chamberleyne, Leonard, 244, 388 ... Rafe, 270, 275 Chambres Prebend, Willisdon, 137 Champneys, Herts, 384 Champneys, Mr. 332 Champvoun, Jolm, son of W'v- bert,'l91 Chancellor, Lord. ^S'ee Bromlev, Thos. (1579-1.587); Hatton, Chr. (1.587-1.591); Earerton, Thos, (160.3-1617); 'Bacon, Fras. (1618-1621); Talbot, Chas. (1733-1737) ; Hard- wicke, Philip (1737-1756) Chancery, 11, 15, 24, 30, 81, 150, 171, 172, 177, 216, 241, 264 Chandos, Duke and Duchess of. See Brydges Channing, Hannah, 231 Chanseler, Mr. 394 Chaplen, Wm. 110 Cli.apman, Jas. 92 ... John, 181 ... Margery, 14." ... Nic. 165, KW! ... Thos. 142, 181 ... Wm. 78 ... Wm. fellow of A. S. C. 380 Chapman nysford, Robt. 63, 64 Charge, Walter, 193 Charingworth, 128 Charles I. King of England, 107,241, 316, 384 letters from, 316 loan by the College to, 384 Charles XL, letters from, 317 Charlet, Fras. fellow of A. S. C. 379 Charleton, 197 Charlet on, Ric. 397 ...Sir Thos. 1.33 Charnocke, 203 Charnocke, Ric. 282 Chatham, 70, 71 Chaucer, Thos. 395 Chaunceler, Adam, 48 Chauncey, Ric. 392 Chauntrey, Thos. 397 Chaworth, Dr. Ric. 316, 384 Chealdecote, 62 Cheam, West, 23 Cheai'e, Jane, 25 ... John, 25, 26 ... Wm. 25 Checheley, Edw. 56 ... Marsraret, 56 Cheddington, Bucks. 101 Chedworth, John, Bp. of Lin- coln (14.52-1471), 46 ... Wm. 75, 76 428 INDEX. CHE cm CLY Cheetham, Hen. Dean of Chichclev, John, fellow of A. Clark, Martha, 112 A. S. C. 303 S. C. 325, 373, 380 ... Snmuel, D.D. 276 Cheke, John, 66 ... John, fellow of A. S.C. 382 ... Thos. 211, 212 ... Wm. 64. See also Chyke ... Philippa, 327 ... Thos. Vicar of Alberbury, Chelsea (-Chelcehytli), 84, 132, ... Kic. bursar of A. S. C. 320, 13, 15 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 331, 335, 355, 357, 359, 360, ... Wm. will of, 18 280 361, 362, 382 Clarke, Esau, 115, 116, 117 ... St. Luke's, 140 letters from, 355, 357, ... Dr. Geo. 26, 71, 279, 292-5, Cbelsfleld, 19, 92 359, 360 297, 299, 318, 328, 336, 348, Cheltenham, 404 letter to, 360 319, 356, 357, 365, 366, 375, ... School, 301 ... Ilobert, letter from, 362 400 ... the Swan at, 403 ... Sir Ilobert, brother of the letters from, 292,293,294, Chelton, Bucks, 29 Archbp. 326, 328, 362 295, 299. 328, 348, 319, 356, Cheney, Robt. de, Bp. of Lin- ... Sarra, 102 365, 366 coln (1 147-1 16G), 2.57 .. Tlios., Archdeacon of Can- letters to, 294, 349 Chepman, Thos. 142 terburv, 35, 54, 58, 64, 65, his will, 279 Cheppinydale, Dr. 271 76, 12"l, 133, 131, 151, 152, ... JIatlhew, 391 Cherdestoke, Edw. de, 151 15.3, 156, ].",7, 224, 381, 3;i() ... Thos. P.arrett, 213 Cherlby, Oxon, 395 ... Wm. 328 ... Thos. mapmaker, 50,226, 271 Clierleton Mogerhanger, 197 Chicliester, --, fellow of A. S. C. ... Thos. fellow of A. S. C. 381 Chernocke, Sir Pynsent, 390, 339, 310 ... Wm. HI, 114, 11.5,118,119, 391 Cliichestre, Roger, 156, 161 21>:, 219 ... Sir St. John, 210,211, 212 Chief Justice. Sec Popham ... — fellow of A. S. C. 319 ... Sir Villiors, 209 Cluld, Chas. fellow of A. S.C. ('laypnole. See Cleypole Chertesey, Edm. 80 381 (' ax on, Ale'hea, 400 Chcry, Wm. 239 ... Sir Fras. .301 Clevhorn, Ralph, 21 Cheselden, Edw. 276, 391 ... Jles-srs., letter to, 231 Clement, Henry, 163 Chesenbury and Chute, preben- ... Hen. 172, 173 Clement es, Trus;ram, 168 dary of, 19 ... -John, 27, 28 Clepi'C, Wm. 55 Chesshyre, Sergeant, 360 ... Simon, 46 Cler, St. See Seyntcler Chester, Archdeaconry of, 399 Cliildwell, Robt. 80 Clerk, ]\rarv, 189 ... Bp. of. See Cartwright, Chilton, 157 ... Raljih, 189, 190, 192 Thos. (1686-1689), Strafiord, Chilton, Wm. 48, 49 ... Ric. 62 Nic. (1689-1708) Chi])ping Wickham, 91, 92, 388 ... Ric. 182 Chesterman, Jas. 24, 30. 386 Chiijstcde, 386 ... Ric. of Salford, 186 letter to, 30 Chirchc, alias Bocher, Joan, Clerke, Ric. Steward of A. S. C. Chestre, Thos. 48 60 386 Chestrcfelde, Thos. 155 ... Thos. 60 ... Thos. B.A. 372 Chatham, 66 ... Wm. 60 ... Wm. le, 141 Chetlham, Thos. 398 Chiverele, John, 93, 94 Clerkes, Nic. le, 195 Clieyne, Alex. 65, 143 Chrichlej', or Crichley, Jeffery, C let on, Wm. 11 Cheyne or Chayiie, Sir Wm., 234 Cleveland, Ric. 171 Justice, 223, 224 Christian Jfalford, 163 Clewer, 91 Chiche, Alan, 327 Clmrch Commissioners, letter ClejiOTle or Claypole, Jas. 263, ... Valentine, 327 from, 126 264, 265, 266,' 271, 272 Chicheley, Agnes, 102 Church, Wm. 22, 23 ... John, 263, 268 ... Gilbert, 102 Churchill, John, Duke of Marl- Clifford Castle, Wales, 34 ... Hen., Archbp. of Canter- borinigh, 314 Cliiford, Ric. Bp. of London bury (1413-1443), 9, 46, 49, Cliykc, Adam, 56 (1407-1421), 73 58, 128, 129, 137, 143, 151, ... John, 55 his .seal, 73 188, 224, 225, 289, 294, 325, ... Wm. 56. See Cheke keeper of the King's 328, 334, 385, 386, 396, 397, Chyldeln-ugehalc, 193 Wardrobe, 73 399, 400 (!inque Ports, P.arons of, 396 ... Robt. 48 deeds executed by, 9, 49, Cirencester, 158 Clifton, 97 128,143, 151, 188 Clackson, Antony, 393 Clitherow, Jas. scholar of grants to, 49, 58, 129, Clajiham, Beds, 206 A. S. C. 323 143, 188, 385 Clapham, Paul, 373 Clopton, Robt. 74, 75, 10.3, 131, his executors, 224, 225, Clajipe, Thos. 45 136 384, 385, 396 Clai>tus, Joan, 222 Clutlerbooke, Ric. B.A. 371 his monument, 39!t ... Wm. 222 Clutlerbuck, Ja.s. 176, 177 his obit, 385, 396, .397 Clarendon, Earl of, 362. See ... Rev. Lewis, 176, 177 his pedigree, 328 also Hyde, Henry Clux, Hortonk Van, 128 his picture, 294 Clarges, Sir Thos. letters from. Clyfton, Joan, 153 his seal, 49, 143, 188 330 ... John, 153 ... Isabel, 327 Clark, P.arliiolomew, 101 Clyiilon. John de, 63 ... John, 18, 19, 11.3, 116 ... .luliana, 61 INDEX. 429 CLY Olynton, Sir Wm. 61 Clythcrowe, Ric. 49 Cobb, Amv, 228 ... Jolin, 228 ... licnjurain, 52, .^.3 ... Robert, 117, 228 Cobbc, Kdith, i'J ... Jas. 4y ... Thos. 49 C.ibbe's Lands, Kent, 49, .'52 Cdbbcs, John, 49 Cobbet, Ralph, 127 Cubliam, Lord, i^'ee Brooke, Wm. Cockeman, Wra. 103, 108 Cockcrell, John, 240 Cockerill, Robt. letters from and to, 242 Cockes, Thos. 108 Cocklicrst, G8 (^ocus, Jolm, 72 Cnde, Philip, M.D. fellow of A. S. C. :?21, .^r).-) Codeshale, Alice, Ifil ... Wra. de, 15G, 161 Codreth, 65 Codrington, Christopher, 291, 292, .351, 352, 354 his will, 351, 352 his picture, 354 accounts of his legacy, 416 Coffin, Nic. 186 Coffing, Baldwin, 202 ... Geoffrey, 185 Cok or Koc, Elizabeth, 100, 103 ... Galiana, 93 ... James, 93, 100 ... John, 55, 100, 102, 103, 202 ... Peter, 100 ... Ralph, 100, 103 ... Ric. 134 Coke, Ann, 399 ... Sir Edw. 266, 267 ... John, 202 ... — , of Derby, 182 Coker, Sir Adam, 62, 68, 401 letter from, 401 ... Wm., fellow of A. S. C. 318 ... Wm. 59, 60,62, 63, 65 Cokkyl, Robt. 141 Colbroke, John, 396 Colbrook, Robt. 134 Ct)le, Hen., Dean of St. Paul's, 21 ... John, Sub-dean of tlie Chapel Royal, founder of Feversham School, 218 Coleire, Ric, bursar of A. S. C. 320, 382 Colepeper, John, 62. See also Culpeper Coles, Susannah, 265 Coleshill, 33 CnlfoT Ric 35 COL Colham, Middx. 34 Collard, Chr. vicar of Up- church, 181 College of Arms, 400. /^'ee also Heralds Colles, John, 93 ... Wm. 193 Collier, Chas. 174 ... Jolm, 21 ... John, 174, 175, 176, 177 Collier, Hed^res and Steel, 177 Collinires, John, 78, 80 ... :\labilla, 78 Collins, — , 25 Colloji, John. 134 Collynson, Jas. bedylle, 388 Colman, Thos. 241 Colvet, Nic. 159 Colye, John, 108, 109, 110 Colvn, Agnes, 187, 195 ... ilen. 195 ... Joan, 195 ... Matildis, 195 Comaundour, Peter le, 190 ... Felicia, his wife, 190 Combe Abbey, letter dated, 350, 351 Common Pleas, Court of, 263 letter to the judges of, 271 Commons, House of. Sec Par- liament Compton, Hen. Bp. of London (1675-1713), letters from, 346, 349 Coneere, Sir Robt. 28 Congeherst, John, 225 Congreve, Chas. 257 Constable, Rev. John, 18 ... Wm. 17, 18 Convard, Roger, sub-warden of A. S. C. 303 Conybeare, John, of Christ Church, letter from, 364 Conyers, Edw. 383 (^onyuLreston, Nic. 74 Cook, Thos. 132 ... Wm. 155, 176 ... -, 67 Cooke, Benj., chorister, 373 Cooke, Dr. 20 ... Sir John, Dean of Arches, 335 ... John Malsbury, 120 ... Wm. 281 ... Wm. 388 Cooper, Anne, 20 ... Edw. 20 ... Gislingham, 19, 20 ... Hen., of Barton, 113 ... Hen. 392 ... Hen. 207, 208, 209 ... John, 149, 179, 252, 254 ... John, paviour, 295 ... Rev. John, 150, 178 ... Robt. 205, 206, 207 cov Cooper, Roger, M.A. 375 ... Thos. 40 ... Wm. 148 Coote, Ric. Holmes, 150 Copelondc, John, 56 Coper, Thos. 69 Corbet, Hugh, rector of Wethyn, 8 ... John, 9 ... Robl. 2, 8 ... Thos. 9 Corbet h, Thos. 1 Corbett, Ric. Dean of Christ Church, 313 ... Ric. 113 Corby, Robt. 55 Cordall, Thos. 256 Cordell, Nic. letter from, 326 Corfield, ]\Ir. 15 Cornlmry, Lord. See Hyde, Hen. Cornehull, John, 135 Cornwaleys, John, 64 Cornwallis, Frederick, Archbp of Canterbury (1768-1783), letter from, 324 injunction by, 324 Corour, Agnes, 45 ... Margaret, 45 Corvngton, John, son of Roger, 397 Costantyn, Katharine, 132, 133 ... Wm. 132,133 Cotes, Chas. fellow of A. S. C. 382 ... Digby, bursar of A. S. C, prosecution of, 358 Cotcsmore, St. Nicholas Church at, 260 Cottobery, Thos. 90 Cotton, — , son of Wm. Cot- ton, Bp. of Exeter, 309, 310 Cottusmore, John, 28 Cotj-sbrook, Wm. 63 Couele, Thos. 103 Coulton, John, 166, 167 Couney, Robt. fellow of A. S. C. 379 Coupcr, Thos. vicar of Pad- bury, 97 Coupere, Isabella, 195 ... John, 195, 196 ... Nigel, 195 ... Ric. 195 ... Thos. 195 Court, The, letters dated, 270, 271, 284, 310 Court, Nic. Atte, vicar of Hcrt- lepe, 55 Court hoj^e, Geo. 17, 18 Covele, Thos. de, 156, 161 C(n'entry, 9 Coventry, Hen. 381 Coventry, Thos. Lord, Attor- ney-General (1621-5), lord keeper (1626-1639), 203, 240 430 INDEX. cow CEO DAY Cowley, 236, 359, 401 Crofts, — , 326 Dalby, John, 391 ... letter dated, 359 Croke, Geo. fellow of A. S. C. Dalby, Wm. 2(i0, 261 Cowley, Gloucestershire, 400 381 ... Wra. sub-warden of A. S. C. Cowley, John, 56 Cromwell, Edvv. Lord, 265, 394 ... Samuel, 24 266, 267, 268, 271, 272, 273 Dale, Valentine, scholar of Cowper, Edvv, 230 letter from, 271 A. S. C. 385 ... Hen. 195 ... Lady Elizabeth, 263 Dalleys Hill, 138 ... John, 202 ... Gregory, Lord, 263, 265, 266, Dalslon, Sir Geo. 269, 273 ... Rev. John, letter from, 217 267 Dalton, Ric. de, 103 ... Thos. 193, 195,202, 286 ... Heiirv, Lord, 263, 264, 265, ... Thos. fellow of A. S. C. 320, ... Thos., Bp. of Winchester 266, 270, 271 339, 340, 343, 349, 355 (158.3-1594), 234 letter from, 270, 271 letter from, 840 Cox, Wm. 71 letter to, 270, 271 citation of, 855 Coxe, John, 206 ... Mary, Lady, 263 ... Wm. 137,386 ... Eobt. 124, 12.5, 216 ... Thos. SEarl of Essex, 241, Dalvag, Agnes, 45 letter from, 125, 216 263, 265 ... Geoffrey, 45 Coxed, John, of New College, letter from, 241 Dangeys, John, 55 letter from, 364 ... Thos., Lord, 271, 273 ... Tiios. 55 Coxiter, Hen. 162 letter from, 273 Daniel, Jas. 231, 232 Coydna, le, near Bauslcy, 5, 6 Crooke, Elizabeth, 86 letter from, 231 Cranbrook, 144 ... John Crosse, 84, 85, 86 Daniell, Vincent, 227 Crane, Thos. 16.5,389 Cross, Thos. 276 Danny, 17 Crankfield, 18.5, 191, 195, 196 ... Wm. 117, 118, 119 Dansey, John, 261 ... Newlond in, 196 Cross Wenne. See Groyes Danvers, Robt. 35, 49, 54, 58, ... le Wodende in, 196 Wenne 64, 6.5,9.5, 129,133, 134, 151, Crankfield, Gilbert of, 185, 186 Crouch, Geo. 207, 208 152, 153, 156, 157, 384, 386, ... Adijelina, his widow, 185 ... Hen. 206, 207, 209 896 ... Richard, 187,386 ... John, 206 ... Robt. jun. 76 ... Robert, 185 Crouch e, Ric. Atte, 62 ... Thos. 151 ... Roger, 186 Crouthe, GrufSn ap Howe ,2 Darci, Hen. 202 ... Simon, 184 Crowmere, Wm. 133, 136 Darderne, John, 45. See Ar- ... Thos. 185 Croxford, Eliz. 124 derne ... Walter, 185 ... Joan, Sister of the College, Darell, Edw. appeal of, 862 Cranmer, Thos. Archbp. of 396 Darell, Eliz. 35' Canterbury (1538 - 1555), Croydon, letters dated. 305, ... Geo. scholar of A. S. C.306, 232, 303 306, 311,313, 815, 821, 323, 371, 380 ... letter from. 303 326 ... John, 49 Craunfeld. Sec Crankfield Crutch, Elizabeth, 205 ... Paul, 53 Crawenho, 44 Crypps, Ric. 388 ... Robt. 29 Creaston, 198 Cryps, Thos. 64 ... Thos. 326 Creech, Thos. M.A. 375 Cuddesdon, 277, 280 ... Wm. 35 Creke, Alice, 22 Cuddyng, John, 197 ... Dr. 326 Crendon, Bucks, 27, 180, 189, Culpeper, — , 67 ... — 327 279, 283, 286, 287, 390, 399, ... Sir Alexander, 227 Darrell. See Darell 401 ... Sir Cheney, 70 Dartford, 70, 155 ... court rolls, 30 ... Francis, 146, 390 Dartmouth, Lord. See Legge, ... leases, 31 ... Thos. 227, 228 Wm. ... terriers, 286, 287 ... Thos., fellow of A. S . C. Darton, Nic. 399 ... letter dated, .80 381 Datchct, 87, 88, 89, 91, 92 ... Brentmill, 31 Culworth, 253, 254, 255 Datchet St. Elvns, 91 ... Furtliage, 33 Cumbe, rector of, 258 Daunt, Tlios. 133 ... Haddenham's Lane, 27 Cuper, Margery le, 199 Davenport, J. M. letter from, ... Mortimer's tenement, 31, Cupper, John, 230 279 32, 33, 34 Currey, Margery, 192 Daveys, Thos. 282. See Davis Crendon river, 33 ... Nigel, 192 David, Owen Ap, 16 Cressett, Jas. 317 Curteis, Jeremiah, 228, 229 ... Wm., of Tenhow, 169, 390 Creting, Wm. parson of Great ... Ric. 228 ... Wm. 190 Stanmore, 281 ... Wm. 228 Davidson, M. F. letter from, Crewe, Tlios. 106 Curteys, Peter, 262 257 ... Thos., fellow of A. S. C. 381 Cusse, Hen. 18 Davies, Mainwaring, 120 Cricklewood, Middx, 81, 139, Cyir, Ralph le, 190 Davis, Antony, fellow of All 140, 280, 281 Souls' College, 266, 267, 810, Criggeon, The, Montgom. 13 311, 370, 880 Crochyn, John, chaplain, 159 ... Hugh, 390 Crofte, IIerl)ert, 26 nACY, Robt. 27 -^ Dagley, Fras. 120 .. Wm. 278 ... Thos., fellow of A. S. C. 381 Davy, Elias, 132, 133, 131. l:!a INDEX. 431 DAV Davy, Eliz. widow of John, 141 ... John, 63, 142 ... Matilda, 133 ... Thos. 142 ... Wm. 190, 191 Dawkin, Mazod, 391 Dawkins, — 404 Day, Chas. 171 ... James, 277,278 ... Joan, 277 ... Ric. 277, 278 ... Thos. 277 ... Wm., 148, 149 Dayrell, Hen. Lieut. R.N. 116 Dean of Arches. See Bettes- worth, Cooke Deane, Thos. 205, 206 Deane, Mr. 394 Decun, John, 193 Dedeworth, 90 Deedes, Mrs. 226, 227 Deeds, Wm. 226, 227, 228 letters from and to, 226, 227 Deene, Thos. 159 Dekon, Thos. 195 De la Haye. See Haye Delamare, Isaac, 40, 171 Den, Mr. 401 Dendy, Samuel, 41, 173 Dene, Mr. 394 Dene, le, Addestok, 102 Denew, 179 Denliam, 74, 103, 228 Denne, Thos. chorister of A. S. C. 371 ... Vincent, scholar of A. S. C. 372 Denton, Himts, 53, 156 Denton, Mr. 343 Denyer, Dennis, 174 Depelaze, 196 Depopulations, Commission for, 316 Derham, Thos. 27 Derby, letter dated, 182 Derby, Thos. 261 Derman, John, 79 ... Simon, 79 Deryng, Jolm, 144 ... Ric. 141, 144 Desborowe, 101 Dettelyng, 58, 65, 67, 68, 70 ... East Court, 68 Devarell, Matthew, 115 Devizes, 397 Devonshire, 272 Deye, Agnes, 103 ... Hugh, 103 ... Thos., and Joan le, 200 Dice, Ric. 166, 167 Dickenson, Wm. 139, 140 Dickinson, — , fellow of A. S. C. 404 Diering. See Deryng DIG Dighe, or Dygby, Everard, 2G2, 264 ... Jacquetta, 262 ... Kenelm, 264 ... Hon. Wriothesley, 128, 301, 382 Digehile, Hugh, son of Wal- ter, 200 Diggeby, John de, 258 Digges, Sir Dudley, 316, 326, 328, 416 his bequest of books, 316, 416 ... Edw., scholar of A. S. C. 375 ... Thos. 326 ... — 327, 329, 3.30, 367 Dickson or Dixun, Agnes, 260, 261 ... John, 261 .. Peter, 260 ... Wm. 261 Dimock, Thos. 290 Dingley, Thos. Dean of A. S. C. 3il, 373 Dioness, St. farm at Barf ord, 1 9 Dispenser, Robt. son of Ric. 259 Ditchley, 323 Ditton, 91 Dixon, Chas. 114 ... Edm. 245, 246 ... Wm. 112 Dobbin, Serjeant, 402 Dochen, Nic. B.A. 309, 373 Dod, Dr. Peirce, 292, 293, 320, 321, 333, 338, 345, 361 .- letter from, 292, 293, 361 his appeal, 333, 345 Dodd, Wm. 70 Doddridge, John, 266, 267 Dode, Thos. rector of Thorne- ton, 27, 28, 46 Doff eld, Wm. 159 Doherty, Ant., 403, 404 letter from, 403 Dokelinton, — , Mayor of Ox- ford, 160 Dolben, Judge, 319 ... Wm., B.A. 373 Dole, Wm. le, 186 DoUav, Thos. 133 Domesday Book, 106, 264, 269, 398 Don, Owen, 130 Donhammelle, 65 Donkyn, Wm. 50 Dorking, 173 Dormer, Sir Clement, 30 ... John, 33, 163 ... Sir John, 32 ... Sir Robt. 32 ... Wm. 29, 283 Dorneye, 87, 89, 91 ... vicar of. See Gladwyn, John Dorset, Earl of. See Sackville, Thos. DUP Dorsett, Warw. 399 Dossere, John le. 185 ... Alice, his wife, 185 Dosyere, John, 158, 1.59 Dougla.s, Hon. Harriet, 253 ... — , 334 Dourton, 32 Dover, 147 ... document dated, 257 ... garrison at, 399 Dow, Mr. 285 Dowdeswell, Geo. B.A. 374 Dowe, Mr. 305 Dowe, Robt., Scholar of A. S. C. 304 Down, Thos. de la, 136 Downe, Walter, 156 his lands, 157 Downer, Hen. 80 ... Hen. 281 Downham, John, 60 Downrych, Anne, 91 ... John, 91 Downyng, Edw. 234 Dragenham, Hen. de, 197 Drakelowe, Ankeretta, 187, 188 ... Sir Thos. 188 Draper, Thos. Dean of A.S.C., 306, .309, 311 Drauserd, Maurice, 103 Draycote, Wm. 62 Draj'ton, John, 76 Drewells Manor, Newton Bromswold, 147, 148 Dreylond, John, 48 Dring, Thos. 39, 40 Druell, John, Overseer of Works at All Souls' College, 126, 152, 162 ... John,Dean of S.Mallyng, 153 Drummond, John, 392 Drj-e, Isabel, 201 Dryel, John, 99 Ducke, Arthur, Dean of A. S. C. 297, 309, 310, 312, 329, 372 letter from, 329 Ducker, Geo. 168 Duckett, Thos. 92, 282 Dudkvne, Wm., B.A. 385 Dudley, Sir Edm. 16 ... Jolin, 282 ... Robt., Earl of Leicester, 263 ... Wm. 36 Dudley, Lord. See Sutton, John Duffield. See Doffeld Dun, Sir Daniel, letters from, 307, 310 Dunham, 35 Dimne, Dr. letter to, 401 Dunrige, Antony, 91 Dunstable, prior of, 200 D unwell, Walter, 73 Duppa, Brian, B.A. 373 Dupper, — , brewer to James I. 311 432 INDEX. DUP EDO ENB Dupper, — his son, student of Edgeware, Berry Coomes, 282 Edward IV. letter from, 302 Christ Clmrch, 311 ... Berrv Hill, 37 See alto Jlarch, carl of Durand, John, 157 ... Berry Hill Field, 281 Edward VI. 277 Duraunt, Alice, 93, 94, IOC ... P.errvJands, 36 Edwardes, Roger, porter of ... Ric. 45, 93, 94, 100 ... Berry Mead, 281, 283 A. S. C. 371 ... Tlios. 94, 100 ... Blancheifield Coomes, 36, ... Thos. Dean of All Souls' ... Wm. 158 39, 40, 282, 283 Coll. 30.5, 311, 312 Durfy, Wm. 278 ... Broad Field, 77, 282 ... Mr. 334 Durham, Wm. of, Master of ... Br..ckhill Woods, 36,39,40, Edwards, Dionise, B.A. 167 University College, 164 83, 84 ... Evan, 139 Durley, 18 ... Brockley Hill, 41 ... Jas. vicar of Alberbury, 12 Duthe, la, 196 ... Cattesfeldes, 35, 36 ... Thos. Mostyn, 383 Duu or Day, Wm. 102 ... OialkhiU's lands, 38 Edwi, 77 ... Isabella", 102 ... Cherry lands, 282 Eeley, John, 167 Dwi,t,dit, John, 402 ... Cogdale's Close, 43, 83, F4 Egeblaunche, Peter, Bp. of ... Lydia, 402 ... Dousttield, 36 Hereford, 8 ... Samuel. 402 ... Frogpooles, 35, 36, 38, 41, Egerton, Thos. Lord Ellesmere, Dypffes, Thos. 146 138 Lord Chancellor (1603- Dyke, John, Vicar of Merton, ... Gardynmede, 77 1617), 274, 329 159 ... Great Brokhyll Wood, L80, letter from, 329 Dymclmrch, 181, 370 281, 282, 283 Egethorn, 48 Dynche, John, 29 .. The Ceorgre, 38, 394 Eglesfeild, John, fellow of Dynmore, precei^tory of, 398 ... Hamoud's Meade, 36, 41, A. S. C. 380 83 Eisseby, 258 ... Harowes Felde, 36 Eldewick, le, in Heywode, 194 ■p.VDE, Wm. 280 •^ Balding-, 224 ... Harowes Meade, 36 Eldridge, Ric. 33 ... Hill House, 37 Elgar, Chr. 370 Earl, Sam. 253 ... Inclosure, the, 40 Elias, John, son of, 199 Earlsbury, Middlesex, 36, 38- ... Leather Bottle Fields, 41 Eliot, Roger, fellow of All 41, 171, 281, 287 ... Little Brockle Wood, 281, Souls, 91, 92 Early, John, 128 282 Elizabeth, Queen of Henry Eason, John, 232 ... Loanfield, 37 VII. 302 ... Miss E. 233 ... Margery Mead, 172, 173 Elizabeth, Queen of England, East, Jas. 250 ... Millpond Combes, 281, 282 24,31, 83,218,2.30, 233, 234, ... — 251 ... Newland's Close, 171, 281 263, 264, 267, 27£, 283, 284, ... Zachar}', 124 ... Parescroft, 77 285, .30.5, 306, 311 Eastern Maudit, 23 ... Rokeshawes, 35, 36 letters from, 272, 283 Easthampstead, 25 ... Rushmead Wood, 39, 40 letters to, 272, 283, 285 East Lavent, rectory of, 396 ... Rush wood, 36, 39, 40 her visit to Oxford, 306 Easton, John, 33 ... Threacres, 35, 36 her secretary, 230 Eaton, Eliz. Loftie, 179 ... Wakeman's Closes, 280, 281, Ellesmere, Lord. See Egerton, ... Robert, 401 282 Thos. Eayrs, Joseph, 112 ... Warenshaw, 36, 41, 83 Ellice, Thos. 11 Echyngham, Elizabeth, 94 Edgewarebury Common, 171 Elliot, John, 231 ... John, 94 Edgeware Road, 173 ... — , a convert, 398 ... Robt. 93, 94 Edit, Agnes, 102 Ellis, John, letter from, 241 ... Sir Wm. 47, 93, 94 ... Hugh, 103 ... Ralph, 34 Ecton, John, author of the ... John, 103 Elme, Andrew Atte, 135 Thesaurus Rerum Ecclesias- ... Ric. 102, 103 Elmes, Humfrey, 26, 240, 241, ticarum, his widow, 366 ... Thos. 102, 103 249 Ed<,'erton, Thos. 114 Edlyne, Hen. 80 letter from, 241 Edgreware, Middlesex, 34 ,72, ... Anne, 80 ... John, 159 73, 76, 77, 78, 79, 81, 82 83, Edmonds, Hen. 400 Elmley, Kent, 54, 332 84, 139, 151, 171, 172, 174, ... John Baker, 232 Elrich, John, 135 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 287, ... Wm. 251 Elwin Crwn, or Llyn Crwn, 309, 388, 389, 390, 394 Edmund, Wm. 386 Caermarthen, 131, 132 ... letter dated, 180 Edmundes, Jas. esquire, bedell. Ely, 224 ... bailiwick of, 82 388 ... Bp. of. See Turner, Francis ... court rolls, 41 Edmunds, Robt. under butler (1684-1690) ... leases, 38 of A. S. C. 372 Elyot, John, 35 ... rentals, 43 Edrigge, Wm. 80 Elyott, Robt. M. A. sub-warden ... terriers, 287 Edward L King of England, of A. 8. C. 302 ... Enclosure Act, 171 237, 396 Elys, John, 159 ... Berfordes, 35 Edward II. 237 Emerton, 398 ... Berry Bush, 36, 39, 40, 281, Edward III. 34, 187 Emerton, John, 11 1 282 Edward IV. 290, 302 Enbourne, Herts, 40 INDEX. 433 ENO EXC FIS Enclosure Act, 148 Exchequer, baron of. See Fayre. See Fairy Enclosui-es, Commissioners of, Eraj', Jolin B'azakerley, N. 363, 366, 368 136 ... Chancellor of, 311. See opinion of, 363, 368 Engeham, John, 143, 144, 145 Ca;sar, Sir Julius Fellows, Thos. 41 letter from, 145 Exeter, letter dated, 339 Fearns, John, 250 ,.. Ric. 4(5, 51, 144, 145, 146 ... l?p. of. See Blackball, 0. Ferbras, John, 66 letter from, 145, 146 (1707-1716) Fermenessch, Manor, 61, 65, 68 ... Vincent, 144, 145, 146 Exton, 262 Fermour, Thos. 265 letter from, 146 Eyllewyn. See Aylewyn Fermour, Wm. 12 •England, Robt. 231, 232 Eynes,'Thos. 12 Fernshed, Wm. 389 Engraham, Ric, B.A. 371 Eynesham, IsaVrella de, 158 Fernyclouth, John, vicar of Ensham, 236, 237 ... Ric. de, 158 Hondon, 74 Eppes, John, 144, 14.5 Eynon, son of Gronov, son of Fcteplace, John, 1.59 Erby, John, 90 Outred, 2 Fever, prayer against, 397 ... Wm. 5)0, 91 ... son of Kenewreth, 2 Feversham, 67 Erdeburgh, 260 . ... ab Meurich ab Yarvord, 5 ... letter dated, 221, 222 Eriey, John, 80 ... ab Tuyssan, Levelin ab, 6 ... John, Abbot of, 218, 398 ... Thos. 280, 388 Houel ab, 6 ... Chamberlain, 222 Erlich, John, 135 Eynon ab, 6 . . . Maj'or of. See Bax, Stephen ; Ernie, Rev. Sir Edw. 236 EjT, Isabel, 102 Jones, Isaac ; Williams, Vin- Ernold, Wm. 76. See also ... Ric. 102 cent Arnold Eyre, Eras. 392 ... Mayor and Jurates of, 220, Ernruht, in Ballesley, 5 ... Rev. Wm. 116, 117, 118 221, 222 Erpyngham, Sir Thos. 47, 48 ... Rev. Wm. Thos. 119, 120 letters from, 218, 219 Especer, Wm. le. Mayor of ... Ric, scholar of A. S. C. 375 letters to, 219, 220, 221 Oxford, 152, 157 ... Sir James, 119, 120 their seal, 218 ... Richard, 157 Eyton, Shropshire, 3, 4, 13 ..." Society of Drud'jers," 220 Est, John, 136 Eytons Leyes, 12 Feversbam Scbool, 218 ,.. Robt. 90, 91, 302 Eyton, Matthew de, 2, 4, 7 Master. /S'^'e Hill, Daniel ; ... Thos. 1.3.5, 136 ... Robert de, 4 Lees, Thos. ; Lloyd, S.B. ; Estbruggh, 47 ... Roger de, 2, 4, 7 Meede, Elias ; Reader, Jolm ; Estemond, Ric. 397 ... William de, 4 Sherwyn, John Eston, Hen. 32 ... Ric 193 letter from, 218 ... John, 32 Eyvode, 5 governors, letter from. Estueston, 244 219 Eton, 158, 202 Fiddes, Thos. Machen, fellow ... Provost of. See Wenflete, ■PAIREFELDE, Kent, 140, 1 43 -*- Fairewet}>er, Valentine, of A. S. C. .54, 321 Wm. Figc, Geo. Ducker, 168 Etterham, 60, 61, 65, 66, 67, 68 230 Filks, Mr. 391 ,.. chapel of, 66 Fairfax, Brj-an, 320, 331 Fillongley, Hen. 261 Etterham's Court, 61, 62, 63, letter from, 320 Filmer, Sir Robt. 54 64, 67, 68 Fairv, Wm. 206, 207, 208 ... — , .329 Etterham heath, 65 Faldoe, Thos. 178 Fin, Margaret, daughter of Eu, Philip de, 152 Faldoe, Wm. 178 Robt. 199 Eugenius IV., Pope, 121, 289 Falle, John de, 156 Finch, Agnes, 58, 59 Evans, Humphrey, M.A. 374 Fanshawe, Thos, 46 ... Chas., fellow of A. S. 0,318, ... John, 131 Farendon, Walter de, 153 375 ,.. Sarah, 177 Farendon, Wm., rector of Har- ... Edw. 52 ... Walter, Vicar of St. Clere, peden, 73 ... Leopold, W., Warden of A. 129 Faringdon, vicarage of, 323 S. C. (1686-1702), 169, 318, ... William, 177 Farmamessh. See Fermenessch 319, 320, 327, 328, 330, 331, Ever (Iver), 87 Farmer, Elianor, 162 338, 386, 399 Everall, Edw. 12 ... Ric. 162 letters from, 3.30, 331 Everard, 257 Farrant, Mr. 353 letters to, 320, 328, 330 Evot, Christina, 27 Farye, Wm. See Fairy his debts, 320, 386 ... Robt. 27 Faukener, John, 156 his widow, 341 Ewe, Thos. 94 Faussett, Bryan, 323, 368 ... Nic 38, 281 Eweyn, Wm. 64, 65 his appeal, 368 ... Wm. 58, .59 Ewick, John, 2.50, 252 Faussett, Revd. M.B., letter Finchcocks, 383 Ewston, letter dated, 317 from, 15 Finclilev, 78 Exchequer, Court of, 11, 20, Fawconer,Thos.,Monk of Gran- Firnej', Wm.257 66, 101, 181, 233, 234, 2.56, demont, 9 Firstfruits and Tenths, Coa/t 263, 264, 270, 273, 290, 396, Fawlev, Wm., LL.B., Dean of of, 262 397 A. S. C. 302 Fish, Robt. 137 ... barons of, letters to, 181, Fayre, Ric. 193 Fisher, Jeflfi-ey, 150 273 Faytyf, Hen. 72 - ... John, 80 F F 434 FIS Fisher, Wm. 236 Fitter, Thos. 135 Fitzalau, Hen., Earl of Arundel, 233 Fitz Geffrey, Robt. 77 Fitz Richard, John, 97, 98 Mara-aret, 97, 98 Walter, 97, 98, 384 Fitzwarin, Eva, 257, 258 ... Fulk, 1, 2, 8, 10, 11, 257, 258, 272 ... Fulk, his son, 258 ... Fulk, his grandson, 1, 8 Fitzwater, Joan, 89 ... Ric. 89, 90, 91 ... Robt. 91 ... Wm. 91 Flanders, 320 Flaunvile, Helias de, 198 ... Joan de, 198 Fleetwood, Thos., fellow of A. S. C. 329 Fleg, Roger de, 79 Fleger, Alice, 142 Fleming, Ric. 18 Fletcher, Alice, 397 ... Joan, 397 ... John, 397 ... Ric. 397 ... Ric. 128 ... Wm. 128 ... Wm. 397 Flight, Anne, 122 ... John, 122, 123, 288 ... Ursula, 123 Flittewik, Earth, de, 202 Flore, Roger, 98, 260 Flowers, John, 118, 119 ... Thos. 114, 115 ... Thos. junr. 114, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120 ... Wm. 115, 116, 117 Floyd, John, bursar of A. S. C. 303 ... Roderick. See Lloyd Foley, Thos. Lord, 367 Foliet, John, 387 ... Wm. 387 Foliot, Hugh, Bp. of Hereford (1219-:i4), 8 Foorde, letter dated, 314 Foorde, Ric. 1 36 Forde, John, letter from, 347 Forrest Hill, Oxon, 278 Forster, Sir Humfrey, 26 ... John, 23,24 ... Wm. 2.3, 26 ... Wynemer, 22 Forstere, Alice, 78 ... John, 95 ... Ric. 95 ... Thos. 78 Forsthill, Thos. 157 Fortescue, Jas. 147, 148, 149, 150 ... Sir John, 224 INDEX. FOR Fortho, Wm. 188 Foster, John, scholar of A. S. C. 375 ... Robt. 74 ... Tlios. 205 ... Thos. 392 ... Thos., of South Leigh. 236 ... —, fellow of A. S. C. 304 Foteseia, Hugh de, 189 Fotherby, Martin, Bp. of Salis- bury (1618-1620), 24 Fou'i'eres, Normandy, 204 ... Wm. of, 204 Fowlkes, John, 109 Fox, Chas., letter from, 356 Foxcote, Bucks, 28, 44, 189 ... St. Leonard's ch. 44, 46 ... court rolls, 47 ... John, parson of, 44 Foxton, John de, 259 Foyle, Edw. 18 ... John, 18 France, invasion of, 303 Franceys, John, 63 Franklin or Frankeleyn, Jere- miah. 295. 296 ... John, 137, 138, 386, 387, 387, 390 ... Sir John, 138 ... John, bursar of A. S. C. 306 ... Ric. 80 ... Ric. 138, 282 Fraunces, Ralph, 261, 262 Fray, John, 136 ... John, Chief Baron of the Exchequer, 224 Frederick, John, bursar of A. S. C. 257, 370 Freebody, John, 228 Freeman or Freman, Alice, 103 ... Hugh le, 102 ... Nia 155, 388 ... Nic, scholar of A. S. C. 303 ... Ralph, 257 ... Robt. 69, 167, 206, 247, 248 ... Thos. le, 102, 103 Freke, Ralph, fellow of A. S. C. 380 Fremantle, Wm Henry, fellow of A. S. C. 324, 325 Fremle, Agnes, 78 ... Henry, 78 ^. John, 78 French, Agnes, 162 ... Edm. 148 ... Walter, 162, .386 Frende, Roger, 136 Frendevile, Jordan, 44 ... Roger, 44 Freney, Agnes, 260 ... Wm. 257, 260 Frensh, John, 90 Frenyngham, John, 57 Fre thorn, John, rector of Pel-- sho, 97 . , Frier, Joan. 165 GAR Frier, Ric. 165 Friland, Agnes, 47 ... Margery, 47 ... William, 47 Frisby super Wreke, 262 Friseby, 258, 259 Frisseby, Thos., prior of Laun- de, 261, 262, 274 Frith, Thos., B.A. 370, 380, 401 Frode, Jas. 386 Frosrsrenhale, Agnes, 60 ... Ric. 59, 60 ... Tho.s. 60 ... Wm. de, .59, 60 Frost, Thos., chaplain, 197 Frowyk, Hen. 133 ... Thos. 133 ... Sir Thos. 136 Frydayes Doune, Kent, 55 Fryer, Jas. 34 ... Wm., mercer, 129 ... Wm. 170 Fuete, Stephen, 142 Fulcke, Sarah, 163 Fulham, 84, 132, 137, 138, 139, 140, 280, 282, 283, 307, 346, 349 ... letter dated, 307, 346, 349 ... BushfieldMead,138, 1.39, 140 ... Bushfield Queach, 138, 1,39, 282 Fuller, John, bursar of A. S. C. 394 ... Wm., Bp.of Lincoln (1667- 1675), 317 Fulmer, Bucks, 87, 88, 89, 91, 92, 280, 282 ... Bendalls, 92 ... Hache Furlong, 88, 92, 280 ... Pondalles, 280 Furnell, Thos. 17.5, 176,177 Fylkes, Thos. 133 Fylle, John, 153 Fynch. See Finch Fynes, J., letter from, 367 Fynstoke, Oxon, 395 nADBURT, John, 288 ^ Gaddcsden, 384 Gadsden, Roger, 87 Galewey, John, 143 Gamon, Sir Ric. 85 Gannock, 8 Gardiner, Bernard, Warden of A. S. C. (1702-26), 15, 26, 30, 12.5, 16.3, 170, 21.5, 218, 219, 290, 292, 306, 320, 322, 332-362, 401, 402 letters from, 215, 218, 219, 292, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, .344, 34.5, 346, 348, 349, 350, 351, 356, 359, 360, 402 letters to, 15, 26, 125, INDEX. 435 GAll 170, 215, 218, 219, 320, 332, 333, 334, 335, 337, 338, 33!), 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 359, 360, 361, 362, 40], 402 Gardiner, Benianl, W,irde7i if A. S. C, citation of, 341, 345, 354, 361 endorsements by, 306, 320, 332, 339 his signature, 2 papers written by, 334, 338, 350. 357, 360, 361 ... Geo., bursar of A. S. C. 319. 375 ... Ric. 163 ... Steven, Bp. of Winclicstcr '(1531-1555), 232, 233 ... Thos., scholar of A. S. C.318, 375 Garsington, 128, 130, 389 ,.. Chimney's Farm, 128 Oarston, Ric. de, 156 <3rascoigne. Sir Crisp, 21 ... Joseph, 21 Oales, John, l.^O Gayhurst, 193 Gayton, letter dated, 241 Geast, Ric. 33 Gedge, Jas. 104 ...Thos. 104 Geeves, Thos. 87 ... Wm. 86, 173 Gentilis, Robt,son of Albericus Gentilis, fellow of A. S. C. 307, 308, 309, 372, 380 ... Scipio, his uncle, 309 Geoffrey, son of Angod, 1 06 Geoffrey, son of Hemmig, 77 George 11. King of England, 292 George, alias Hobbcs, Rarth. 104 George, Edw. 112 ... John, 392 „. Thos. 104, 105, 107, 109, 110, 111 ... Thos. 392 ... Wm. 116 Gerin, John, 194 Germany, 309 Germa.yn, John, 87 Gerrard, Sir Gilbert, Attorney - General, 37 Gerrard, Ph. 399 Gervase, son of Madoc, 6 Gerveys, John, 79 Gery, Chas. 178 Geseborne, Hen. de, 1 40 Gibberd, Ric. 110, 111 Gibbert, Theodore, 111 Gibbes, John, scholar of A. S. C, 374, 382 ... John, 156 Gibbons, Wm., M.D. 236 GIB Gibbons, Eliz., his wife, 236 ... — , 327 Gibbs, Chas., letter from, 242 .. J., letter from, 296 .. Joseph, 39, 84 .. Ric. 2.52 .. Thos., letter from, 219 .. — , 241 Gibbyns, Thos. 264 Gibbys, John, alderman of Oxford, 1.52 ... Thos. 1.52 Gibsfm, Anne, .33 ... John, fellow of A, S. C. 257, 322 ... Joseph, 33 ... Mary, 33 ... Wm. 33 ... Dr., letters to, 340, 402 ... — , 293, 298 Giffai-d, John, 188 Gifford, Jos. 393 Gilbert, bailiff, 239 ... Dean of Wy, 303 Lancast,er, John, last prior of Thos. (1464); Norhampton, Knollys, Sir Fras., letter from. Launde, 262, 275 Robt. (1483); Lancaster, 304 Landeg, John, 132 John (1513-1.540) Koc. See Cok Landmersch, Etterham, 61 Laurence, John, 87, 90, 91 Kokraan, Wm. 193 Lane, Joan, 87, 90 ... Joseph, 36 Koopey, John, 257 ... John, 87, 90 ... Margery, 87 Koytua. See Coydna Land Tax, 37, 174, 177, 180, ... Matthew, 91 Kydclingtou, 159 296 Laurens, Thos., waterman, 384 Kytttn, John, B.A. 371 Lang, Mr. 348 Law, Wm. 119, 120 Kylingham, Nic. de, 153 Langdon, Thos. 50 Lawe, Jas. 239, 244 Kymbelle, 27 Langford, John, bursar of Lawgher, Robt. 390 Kyme, Helen, 46 A. S. C. 303 Lawley, Geo., Dean of A. S. C. ... John, 46 ... John, of Newnton, 203, 207, 309 Kymer, Gilbert, Cliancellor of 208 Lawney, John, vicar of Up- the University, 154, 163 ... .John, D.C.L., Chancellor of church, 47, 48, 59,63,66 Kynaston. Sec Kinaston Worcester, 205, 206 ... John, 98, 101 Kyndesley, Wm., B.A. 372 ... Martha, his widow, 203,204, Lawrence, Giles, fellow of Kyne, Hen. 388 206 A. S. C. 385 Kynebelle. See Kenebelle ... Nic. 207, 208, 209 ... Thos., vicar of Lewknor, Kyng, Simon le, 78, 80 Langharne, Wm., B.C.L. 69 121, 313 ... Mariota, his wife, 78, 80 Langilondc, 197 ... Walter, clerk, 397 Kyugesmyll, Wm. 153 Langley, 9, 280 ... William, 400 Kyugeswode, John, 103 ... Gates, 90 Lawsoun, Robt. 265, 266 Kyngwode, John, 136 ... Gnekescroft, 90 Laye, Ric 110 Kynne, John, 45 ... deed dated, 9 Lay lond, John, 302 Kyppyng, John, 59, 60 Langley, Walter de, 90 Leache, Wm. 202 Kyrkeby, Kobt., Abbot of Osel- ..: Wm. 90, 170 Leadbeater, John, 253, 254, weston, 262 langley Marsh, 87, 279, 255 286, 287 Lecke, John, 200 leases, 91 Leckhampstead, 95 T ACHARN, Wm. 304 •*-' Lack, Edw. John, 41, 86 Brokecrofte, 88, 89 Leckhampton, 16 Brokehous, 88, 89 Le May. See Mey ... Thos. 41, 86 Canon's lond, 88, 89 Lee, 88 Lacy, Hen. de, Earl of Lincoln, West field, 89 Lee, Bartholomew, 104, 109 79 chaplain of. See Smart, ... Geo. Hen., Earl of Lichfield, ... Wm. le, 95, 96 John 323 Lake, Alice Atte, 201 parker of. See Round, ... Geo., Commissarj' of Arch- ... John Atte, 201 John bp. Herring, 370 Laleham, 78 Langrissh, John, 156, 158 ... John, bursar and sub-war- Lambard, Mrs. 251 Langston, Thos. 108 den of A. S. C. 308, 309, 371, Lambard, Wm. 250 Langton, Parridge, 117, 118, 380 Lambarow, 258 119, 120 ... Ric. 10.5, 114 Lambe, Alex. 147, 148 Lanketun, Adam de, 198 ... Wm. 105 ... Frances, 178 Lanmarten, 390 Leeds, convent of, 54: ... Hen. 147, 178 Lanvaire, 169 ... treasurer of, 398 . . John, 280 Lante, — , vicar of Tilton, Leeds, Thos. Osborne, Duke of. ... Matilda, 387 letter to, 270 367 ... Robt. 178 Large, John, 64 Lees, Thos, 218, 219 Lambecokshull, Philip of, 190, ... Robt. 133 Lefrich, or Leverich, Joan, 66 202 Latener, Alice, widow of ... Stephen, 66 Lamberhurst, 223 Roger, 159 Legal, John, 82 Lambert, dementia, 152 Laud, Wm., Archbp. of Canter- Lesffe, Edw., Bp. of Oxford, ... Robert, 152, 159 bury, letters from, 315, 316, Warden of A. S. C. (1817- Lambeth, 32, 131, 232, 330, 327 1827), 324, 404 341, 3.50, 352, 3.53, 362, 364 letter to, 327 letter to, 404 ... documents dated, 9, 14, 46, Launde, 258, 259, 270, 271 ... Geo., Viscoimt Lewisham, 233, 283, 302, 303, 304, 305, ... letters dated, 270, 271 36 444 INDEX. LEG Legee, Wm., B.A. 324 ... Wm., Lord Dartmouth, 336, 338, 347, 348, 349, 350 letter to, 348 letter from, 349,350 Legh, Eliz. 328 ... Ric. 328 Leghe, John, 204 Leicester, letter dated, 273 ... assizes, 270 ... Earl of. See Dudley, Robt. Leicestershire, 264, 275 Leichborowe, 247, 248, 249 Leigh, Hen. 85 ... Nic. 325 ... Theo., Master of Balliol College, letter from, 364, 366 Leighton, Sir Edward, 11, 12, 13, 14 letters from, 14 letters to, 14 ... F. K., Warden of A. S. C, letters to, 257, 279 ... Thos. 12 Leke, Wm., Warden of A. S. C, 136 Leomyster, Thos., sub-warden, 99, 301 Leonard, Dr. 329 Lepiper, Peter, 39 Lesewys. See Lysewys Leson, Ant. 282, 389 Lestraunge, Constancia, 35 ... Ebulo, 34 ... Elesia, 34 ... Ric. 35 ... Sir Roger, 34, 35 . . . See also Straunge Letecombe, Ric. 65, 401 Lethamstede, 44 Letten, John, 205, 207, 208, 389 Letuse, Jas., bvirsar of A. S. C. 394 Leverich. See Lefrich Levers, Thos. 286 Leveryngton, John, 133 Levett, John, M.A., fellow of A. S. C. 320 Lewes, Dr., letter from, 325 ... letter to, 325 ... Robt., turnspit of A. S. C. 372 Lewin, Anne, 183 ... Sir Justinian, 183, 308 ... Wm., D.C.L. 183 Lewis, Lieut. Benjamin, 139 ... Geo. 256 ... John, bursar of A. S. C. 394 Lcwisham, Visct. See Legge, Geo. Xewknor, Oxon, 121, 279, 2S7, 288, 388, 389, 393, 417 ... Cowloaze, 126 ... Tlie Glebe, 287, 288 ... Longley Green, 123 LEW Iiewknor, Moor Court, 121-6, 2S8 ... Tipping's Farm, 125, 288 ... The Warren, 126 ... letters dated, 125 ... leases, 126 ... map of, 126 ... vicars of, 121, 126 ... tithes, 402 Ley, Sir Jas., Attorney of the Court of Wards and Liveries, 268 Ley. See Laye Leycestre, Elizabeth, 100 ... Roesia, 100 ... Thos. 100 Leycetur, Master, 303 Leyland, 399 Leylond, John, 244 Lichlield, Arclideaconry of, 399 Liclitield, Earl of. See Lee, Geo. Hen. Lichfield and Coventry, Bp.of. See Hough, John (1699-1714) Liddiard Tregoze, 231 Ligham, Thos. 182 Lighert, Walter, Provost of Oriel College, Bp. of Nor- wich (1446-1472), 154, 159, 289 LilleshuU, Alan, Abbot of, 8 ... Wm., xVbbot of, 8 Lillingstone-Darrell, 103 Lincoil, Wm. 88, 89 Lincoln, Bp. of, 400. See Cheney, Robt. (1147-1166), Wallys, Hugh (1209-1234), Grosseteste, Robt. (1234- 1253), Repingdon, Philip (1404-1420). Chedworth, John (1452-1471), Rother- ham, Thos. (1472-1480), Longland, John (1520- 1547) . . . Earl of. See Lacy Lincolnshire, 34 Linde, Humphrey, 309 Lindsey, Earl of. See Bertie Lindsey, John, 168 Lipscombe, Wm. 124 ... Mary, 124 Lisle, Dr. Samuel, 361, 362 Litle, John, 65, 401 Little Balden, Oxon, 127, 207 Little Milton, Oxon, 162 Littleton, Fisher, Dean of A. S. C. 316, 320, 337, 338, 343, 344, 355 letter from, 344 citation of, 355 LlandafP, 169 Uandilo Vawr, vicar of. See llowoll, Walter Iilangrenltta, South Wales, 35, 128, 1;M, 151, 279, 290,302, 389, 397 LON Iilangenitb, South Wales, church, 262 ... farmer's account, 129 ... Eastoime, 129 Llanmarlais, Pemb. 131 Llenellwith, 169, 170 Llewellyn ap Jevan, 10 ... son of Eynon, 5 ... son of Ryerith, 5 ... son of Twisan, 5 ... Christiana, his wife, 5 Lloyd or Lloyt, Cadogan ap Jevan, 2 ... David, B.A., bursar of A. S.C. 374, 395 ... Ellice, 11 ... Geii'ery, 11 ... Henry, 23 ... Jolin, vicar of Upchurch, 390 Lloyd, Sir Nathanael, 292, 293, 297, 298, 299, 330, 334, 338, 340, 341, 351, 352, 353, 354, 335, 357, 360, 361, 382 letters from, 292, 297, 298, 299, 330, 334, 338, 340, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355 letters to, 341 his benefactions, 292 293, 297, 298, 299, 416 his will, 299 his portrait, 298 Mastership of Trinity Hall, 351, 352 ... Oliver, scholar of A. S. C. 370 ... Roderick, 234 ... or Floyd, Roderick, bursar of A. S. C. 306, 309 ... Steiihen Bowdidge, 219, 220 ... — , Dean of A. S. C. 304 ... Dr., fellow of A. S. C. 310 ... Mrs. 15 LlueljTi, Geo., letter from, 334 Llwjnierwm, or Elwin Crwn, Caormarthen, 131, 132 Xiocking-e, Berks, 23, 279, 298, 324, 403 ... Clialk Hill Bottom, 26 ... Roger House Close, 25 ... West North Leaze, 25, 26 ... Wm. Page, rector of, 356 Lockwood, Edw. 257 Lodington, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 269 London, 24, 31, 32, 36, 37, 39, 45, 51, 57, 58, 61, 62, 64, 65, 66, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 78, 80, 82, 89. 90, 94, 101, 108, 130, 132, 135, 136, 13S, 153, 157, 159, 183, 202, 207, 217, 220, 221, 222, 224, 228, 236, 246, 267, 270, 271, 275, 282, INDEX. 445 LON 283, 284, 285, 292, 293, 294, 295, 299, 300, 301, 305, 307, 339, 340, 342, 345, 360, 303, 305, 3fi(), 378, 386, 390, 394, 395, 397, 401, 404 London, letters dated, 37, 217, 221, 241, 270, 283, 285, 292, 293, 294, 295, 299, 305, 307, 340, 342, 363, 365, 366, 378, 401, 404 ... Albany, 404 ... Aldcrmanbury, 130 ... Austin Friars, 252 ... Bank Buildings, 147 ... Bruton St. 147 ... CastleYard, Holborn, 39, 84 ... Chancery Lane, letters dated, 300, 325 ... Cheapside, 19 ... Clill'ord's Inn, 19 ... Curzon St. 40 ... Doctors' Commons, letters dated, 298, 299, 325, 329, 338, 339, 353, 355, 356, 360, .361, 362 ... Downing St. 33, 367 ... Ely House, letter dated, 305 ... Esses St., letter dated, 292, 293 ... Gray's Inn, 52, 125, 236, 246 letter dated, 125 ... Heralds' Office, 327 ... Holeburn, 34 ... India House, 252 ... Lincoln's Inn, 125, 131, 216, 344, 368, 389 lettersdated, 125, 216, 368 ... Mortimer St. 84 ... New Inn, 122 ... Old Broad St. 39, 84 ... Oxford St. 139 ... Pall Mall, 132 ... Portman Square, 252 ... Rode Lane, 68 ... Rolls, The, 241 ... St. Bartholomew's convent, Smithfield, 72 ... St. Clement Danes, 20, 279 ... St. George's, 140 ... St. James, letters dated, 817, 347, 401 ... St. Paul's, 121 ... Six Clerks Office, letter dated, 347 ... Southampton Row, 114 ... Stables of the College, 393 ... Skinners' Co. 215 ... Staple Inn, letters dated, 345, 347, 349 ... Strand, 33 ... Strand Inn, 38 ... Temple, letters dated, 221, 242 LON London, Temple, Inner, 146, 282, 345, 389, 390 letter dated, 3 '5 Middle, 16, 18, 3.3, 51, 107, 122, 236, 246, 247, 273, 27.5, 282, 357 lettersdated, 273, 357 ... Tower, 92, 225, 327 letter dated, 327 ... Vauxhall, 40 ... Wiiitehall, letters dated, 317, 318, 319, 319 ... York House, 329 ... alderman of, 24, 89, 397 ... Bishop of, 20. See Bray- brook, Robt. do (1 381-1404) Clifford, Ric. (1407-1421) Ridley, Nic. (15.50-1555) Grindal, Edm. (1559-1570) episcopal seal, 73 dean and chapter of, 20, 21, 121 London Gazette, 126 London and Birmingham Rail- way, 172 London, Peter, warden of Al- berbury, 258 Londonderry, letter dated, 403 Lonecok, Hamo, 141 ... Thos. 141 Long, Adam le, 200 ... Ric. chaplain, 126 ... Ric, of Oriel Coll. 317 ... Thos., vicar of Ui)c]mrch, 181 ... Thos., fellow of A. S. C. 310, 371 ..." Wakeman, 170 ... Mr. 401 Long Hanborough, Oxon, 52 Longe, John, 66 Longford, John, 87 ... Margaret, 88 Longland, John, Bp. of Lincoln (1520-1547), 104, 398 Longley Green, Lewknor, 1 23 Lord, John, son of Wm. le, 197 ... Margery, 197 Loseley, Roland, 24 Losse, Wm. 249 Lougher, Robt., D.C.L. 130, 131 Lovighton, Shropsh. 7 Lougton, 200 ... Thos. de, prior of Brad well, 200 Louth, Roger, 62 Lovall, Jos. 254 Love, Se}Tner, fellow of A. S. C, 324 ... Thos 144 Lovegrove, — , 297 Lovelace, Wm., serjeant-at- law, 51 Lovelesse, Wm. 218 Lovell, Jas. 255 ... Sir Lathiel, 240 LTS Lovett, Pinchpoole, 239, 246 Lowe, John, Bp. of St. Asaph (143.3-1444), 9, 128 Lowseby, Robert, vicar of, 259 Lucas, John, 62 Luck, Thos., sub-warden of A. S. C. 305 Lucio, de Sancto. See St. Lys Ludewiche, Ric, M.A., bursar of A. S. C. 302 Ludgater, Wm. 70 Liikin, Anna Maria, 52 ... Jolm, 52, 391 Lumley, Jolin Lord, 23 Lundinneys, John, 66 Lupton, Roger, 91 Lusewys. See Lysewys Lush, widow, 299 Lushington, Godfrey, 324 ... —404 Lutterworth, 264 Lutwyche, John, 265 Luyton, Thos. 106 ...Wm. 106 Ly, .John, 152, 159 Lydd, Kent, 48, 51, 141, 142, 143, 144, 14.5, 146, 147,222, 225, 226, 227, 228, 3*7, 3S8 ... Popinjav, 144 ... Prestfelde, 141 ... Walls, 226 Lydesingg, Adam, 59 ... Thos." 59 Lye, Lawrence, 165 Lyell, Ric. 82, 99, 388 Ljife, John, 387 Lygon, Fred., Earl Beau- champ, 382 Lylly, John, 88, 89 Lyme, 328 Lvmiter, — , Dean of A. S. C. '304 Lymmenge, rector of, 396 Lyndefeld, John, president of the Court of Canterbury, 289 Lyndeseye, Robt. 93, 94 Lynet, or Lynot, Elias, 47, 48 ... Joan, 47 ... John, 45, 47, 96 ... Mary, 48 Lynford Magna, 22, 395, 396 Potentcs, 395 Lynford, John, 187, 188 Lynne, John de, 153 ... Matilda de, 153, 158 ... Ric de, 153 ... Ric 64 LjTinell, Thos. 177 Lyon. See Brograve Lyons, Guichardof, prebendary of Alberbury, 8 Lyoun, John, 78, 80 Lyscomb, Wm. 124 Lysewys, Alice, 152, 153 ... Thos. 152, 153 Lyster, John, 10 446 INDEX. MAG IVfAGGE, John, 29 -^ Maghefeld, 93 . . . vicar of. >S'(P6' Wyccly ve Maghefelde, Gilbert, 93 Magna Croule, 196 Maidenhithe (Maidenhead), 9u Maids Forton, 286, 390. See also Morton Maidstone, 52, 67, 147 Mainwayringe. See Manwair- ing Maior, Edm. 148 ... Mary, 148 ... Thos. 147, 148, 149 ... \Vm. Frenche, 148 Maitland, Robt. 228 Major, Edm. ;ii)0 Maleerbe, Ed. v. 78 Mallet Court, 1 22 Malmsbury, Jonas, 251, 252, 253 MCalorle Manor, Middlesex, 132, 151, 279, 280, 281 Malsbury, Jonah, 391 Malt on, Robt. 136 Mansel, Cecilia, 3 ... Gricia. 3, 7 ... Mabel, 3 ... Richard, 3 ... Sir Thos. 130 ... William, 3 Mansell, — , fellow of A. S. C. 312, 327 ... Francis, M.A. 356, 373 Manship, John, 252 Manslade, 45 Manwairing, Edmimd, Dean of A. S. C. 308, 309, 372, 380 Mapleton, — , fellow of A, S. C. 327 Mara. See Mare, de la Marble, Wm., fellow of A. R. C. 385 March, Edw. Earl of (King- Edward IV.), 159 Marchall, Robt. 80. See Mar- shall Marcham, John, 154 ... Wm. 1.54 Mare, Agnes de la, 185, 186, 201 ... Hugh de la, 199 ... John de la, 186 ... Matilda, 184 ... Nicolas de la, 184, 185 ... Osebertde la, 184, 185 ... Ric. de la, 185 ... Robt.de la, 185 ... Wm.de la, 194 Mareschal, Nic. le, chaplain, 9 ... Wm. le, chaplain of Alber- bury, 1 Marcschall, Matthew le, 239 Margam or Morgam, 130 MAB Margate, 70 Mark, Tlios., M.A., bursar of A. S. C. 302 Market Harborough, 148 Markham, John, Justice of the King's Bench, 224 Markys, Thos., M.A., Dean of A. S. C. 302, 394 Marlboroug-h, Jolm Churchill, Duke of,^ 344 Marsh, Wm. 137 Marsliall, John, 237 ... Robt. 237 Marsham, Robt., Earl of Rom- ney, 367 Marsshe, John, 78 Jlarshfield, 213 ]\Iartell, Thos. 103 ^Marten, Wm. 1.30, 389 Martin, Earth., M.A. 308, 373 ... John, chorister of A. S. C. 371 Martival, Robt. de. Prior of Laimde, 258, 259 Martyn, Elias, 56, 64 ... Henry, 121 ... John, 80, 224 ... .John, rector of Lillingstone Darell, 103 Mary, Queen of England, 230, 263 Masborowe, 70 Masej', Geo. 179 Mason, Sir John, Treasurer of Q. Elizabeth's chamber, 31, 281 ... John, 69, 146 ... Wm. 396 ... Wm. le, 158 Massey, John, 142 Master, Edw. 182 ... Eliz. 328 ... John Whalley, 328 ... Legh, 328 ... Michael, 52 ... Ric. 51. 145 ... Robt., B.A. 324 ... Robt. of Baliol College, 328 ... Robt. of Willesborougli, 50, 51, 52, 234, 370 ... Streynsham, 328 Masters, Ric, M.D. 304, 305 ... Robt. 306 Mather, John, Pres. of Corpus Christ! Coll. 71, 364, 365, 366, 367 letters from, 364, 365, 366, 367 ... Ric, letter from, 273, 274 letters to, 273 Mathew, John, 61 Mathewc, Thos. 277 Maton, Wm. de, 47 Matthews, Benj. 34 ... Eliz. 148 ... Hen. 2.53 MER Matthews, Thos. 251, 252 ... Wm. 2.50 Maufeld. See Maghefeld ]\Iaunby, Wm. 136 I\Iaunduur, John, 158 Maunxell, David, 129 ... Robt. 129 Maxtede, — , 145 Maydeford, 46 Maye, Hen. 282 ... Hugh, 261 ... Ric 261 ... Thos. 107 Mayew, Wm., President of A. S. C. 290 Mayfey, John, 161 Maynard, Serjeant, 318 Maj-ner, Thos. 57 Ma3Tiey, Walter, sen. and jun. 222 Mayo, Chas. 391 ... Thos. 252 ... Wm. Thos. 250 Maysy Lidiard, in Peckenhall, 2 Meachham, John, letter from, 296 Medberye, John, 205, 389 Medcalfe, Zaccheus, fellow of A. S. C. 304, 305, 379 Medeburn, Hen. 223 Meede, Elias, master of Fever- sham School, 218, 304 ... Wm. .30 Meetkirke, Adolphus, 19 Meinfel, 96 Meiwode, Wm. 75 Melle, Thos. Atte, && Mellere, AValter, 62 Mellway, Ambrose, 67 ... Thos. 68. See also Milway Melreth, Thos. 88 Menge, le, 201 Mengs, Antony Raphael, Pain- ter, 297 Menyl, Walter, 142 Meoverel, Gilbert, 7 Mepershall, Beds, 206 Mercer, Geoffrey le, 160 ... Roesia le, 160 ... Ric, Proctor of St. Mary's Chantry, 161 Mercliant, Nic. the, 189,194 ... Osbert, the, 189 ... Ralph, the, 189 Mercheam, Ph. 154 Merdon, hundred of, 67 Meredeth, Owen, Fellow of A. S. C. 379 Meredith, — , 14 ... David ap, .393 ... John, Warden of A. S. C. (1660-1665), letters to, 37, 241, 401 Meredith, — , fellow of A. S. C. 332, 343 INDEX. 447 MER MIL MOT Meredith, R., M.A., fellow of Miller, Sarra, her sister, 201 Mordone, John de, 77 A. S. C. 355 ... John, tlieir father, 201 More, La, 192 ... Wm., chorister of A. 8. C. ... John, 241, 242, 243, 392 More, Alice, 100, 101, 103 373 ... Jolm, 257 ... Joan Atte, 89 Merefeld North, 262 ... John, 98 ... John Atte, 45 Mereston, Cecilia de, 152 ... Lora, 96 ... John, 91, 154 Mereworth, Hie. de, 222 ... Wm. 60 ... John, .397 ... Wm. de, 222 Miller, Jolm the, 185 ... Ric. Atte, 89 Merrelt, Edw. 124 ... Ric. the, 96, 199 ... Ric 101, 261 ... Frances, 124 ... Robt. the, 189 ... Tlios. 27, 28, 46, 100, 101, Merrick, Morris, 52 ... Steplien Ihe, 102 103, 204 Merriden, Warwicl 134 ... letters dated, 301, 302 fellow of All Soids' Col- Odyll, John, 208 Ottlej', Adam, 257 leuc, 33t) junr. 209 Oudebi, church of, 258 Norris, John, B.A. 318, 375 Oerl de Glovernia, Wm. 152 Overall, John, Dean of St. Norlli, Anne, 163 Cfchirche, Warwickshire, 384 Paul's, 21 ... Henry, 163 Oke, Isabella, 102 Overbmy, Manor of. See Pad- Northampton, 389. ... Simon, 102 bury ... Earl of. /Sc« Howard, Henry Okeham, 98, 260, 261 Ovcrehul, 192 ... abbey of St. Jajncs, 259, 261, ... John Skjmner, chaplain of. Overhee, Joan, 160, 161 264, 265, 26(), 267 260 ... Ric. 160 ... abbot. See Yon, \Vm. Okeholt, Kent, 222, 280 Overton, East, 18, 19 Northampton, John de, 151 Okelcy, 88, 89 ... Hants, 167 Northamptonshire, 34, 73, 389 Okingham, 25 Overton, — , 305 ... Alan Boleyn, \mder-slierili Old Xtoiuney, 140 Overwj-nchynden, 263 of, 240 OlliJf e, Ralph, scholar of A. S. C. Ovey, John, 1 22 Northborowe, 268 375 Owen, Geo., physician to Ed- North Cave, 198 Olnej^ 97, 98, 217, 384 ward VI. 277 Northelmham, letter dated. ... letters dated, 217 ... Geo., fellow of A. S. C. 382 271 Olney, John, letter from, 404 ... J., letters from, 350, 351 Northern, Wm. le, 156 Olneye, Isabella de, 158 ... John, M.A. 375 Northey, Sir Edw., Attorney ... John de, 97, 98, 153, 158 ... Wm. 255 General, 335, 337, 345, 346, ... Ric. de, 97 ... Timothy, fellow of A. S. 0. 347, 348, 349 Ompyngham, John dc, 135 333, 334, 345, 346 letter to, 347, 348 Ondcslawe, 3, 4 ... — , Dean of A. S. C. 304 Northlye, Oxen, 395 Ondislawe, Ric. 3 Owston,or Osulweston, 274, 276 Northmore, parsonage of, 387 ... Rob. 3 abbey, 257, 259, 262, 26.5, Northone, Wm. de, 134 Ore, Robt. de, 93 266, 267 Northwelle, Wm. de, 132 Orgar, Margery, widow of Ric. Odo, abbot of, 257 Northwood, Joan, 55, 56 224 Peter, abbot of, 259 ... Sir Roger, 5.5, 56 Orkesley, 155 R. Kyrkeby, abbot of, Nort hwoods Hcyhamme, 55, Orlebar, Geo., Dean of A. S. C. 262 56 319, 374 pietanciarius of, 259 Norton, Alex. 117 Orme, John, 78 Oxford, 16, 28, 38,51, 70, 129, ... Gravcley, 19 Ormond^ Duke of. See Butler, 130, 138, 151, 182, 205, 206, ... Thos. 19 Jas. 217, 230, 234, 235, 267, 272, ... Thos. rector of Dimchurcli, Ormound, Sir Jas. 261 279, 284, 295, 305, 311, 310, 370 Orreby, John, 153 330, 335, 339, 345, 350, 353, ... Wm. 19 ... Matilda, 153 361, 366, 367, 374, 385, 387, Nort one, Wm. de, 102, 197 Osbarn, Ric. 134 388, 389, 390, 393, 395, 399, Norwode, Hen. de, 196 ... Thos. 133 403, 404 Norwode, Thos. 82, 83, 280, Osbern, Dr. 297 ... letters dated, 272, 284, 316, 281, 388 Osbern, Wm., jM.A. 374, 380 339, 345, 3.50, 366, 367, 404 Norwood, Ellen, 82 ... Wm., letter from, 328 ... accounts of college property ... Henry, chorister of A. S. C. Osberston, Wm. de, 103 at, 393, 395 370 Osbert, the chaplain, 185 ... leases, 165 ... Weller, 54 ... Ric, his son, 185 ... aldermen, 152,156, 16.5,291 ... Wm., bursar of A. S. C. 304, ... the merchant, 189 ... archdeacon of, 121 305 Osljorn, Harr}-, 35 ... bail ills, 1,")2 Norwoode, Andrew, 205, 206 ... Thos. 224 ... bedell of, 158 Nourse, John, fellow of A. S. C. Osborne, Robt. 263 ... Bishops of. See Underhill, 382, 401 ... Thos., Duke of Leeds, 367 John (1589-1592) ; Bancroft, NycoUys, John, 387 ... Wm., B.A. 317, 375 John (1632-1640); Parker, ...' Ric. 82, 387 ... Wm., Dean of A. S. C. 307, Saml. (1686-1688); Leirge, ... Thos. 99 308, 315, 370, 401 Edw. (1815-1827); Wilber- ... Wm. 82. See also Nicolls Oseberne, Lucj% 197 forcc, tiam. (1845-1869) G G 450 INDEX. OXF Oxford, burgesses, 152, 155, ir>r,, 157, ]58 ... Cliancellor of the Univer- sity, 401. See Rotberham, Ric. ; Kymer, Gilbert ; Lich- field, Earl of ; Butler, Jas. his official, 159 ... Convocation, 154 ... Coi-poration of, 162, 399 ... feodary of, 230 ... mayors of, 152, 160, 162, 230, 399 ... j)roctors, 154, 367 election of, 312 ... Registrar of the University, 164, 323 ... Vice- Chancellors, 354, 359, 395. See Frideaux, John ; Niblett, Stephen ... All Saints Church, 161 parish, 12S, 154, 158, 161 parson of. See Spereman, Alex. ... All Souls' College. See All Souls' College ... Baliol College, 322, 323, 328, 364, 367, 368, 369, 383 letter dated, .366 Master of, 395. See also Leigh, Theo. ... Barbekanes, Les, 157 ... BekJ^s lime, 154 ... Berfordlialle, late Cherle- tonsyn, 151 ... Brasenose College, 318, 326, 360, 383 ... Cat Hall, 164 ... Cat Street, 151,152, 153,154, 158, 159, 162, 163 ... Charity School, 367 ... Cherlet one's Inn, or Ber- fordhalle, 151 ... Christchurch, 165, 297, 309, 311, 313, 322, 324, 343, 360, 364, 383, 402 ... ... letter dated, 343 ... Corpus Christi College, 71, 320, 364, 383 president of. See Mather, John ... Crassewell Place, 155. See al.w Grassewell Place ... Crowne, 162 ... Exccslre Halle, 157 ... Exeter College, 308, 317, 318 ... Fish St. 156 ... Garlondes Place, 151, 155 ... Grassewell Place, 151. See also Crassewell Place ,,. Grampond, or GrandponI, 153, 15!>, 165, 166, 167, 168 .. Ciraunpount Hall, J 5 3 .. Hart Hal], 12, 162, 319, 3:n, 367 OXF Oxford, Henry VIII. 's College, 161 ... Hertford College, 369 ... High St. 154, 155, 156, 158, 159, 163 ... Holywell, 126, 127, 229, 277, 388 ... Jesus College, 165, 168, 321, 323, 360, 364, 390, 395 Ur. Williams, princi- I)al of, 390 ... Kate St. See Cat Street ... Lincoln College, 24, 167, 364 ... LoUj'^es Place, 151, 155 ... Magdalen College, 163,293, 319,'"320, 330, 364 ... Magdalen Hall, 218, 367 principal of . »b'ee Cotes, Digby ... Market, 417 ... Merton College, 164, 241, 320, 364, 367, 383 ... More. Le, 153 ... New College, 29^, 296, 335, 362, 364, 401 letter to the Warden, 292 ... New Inn Hall, 367 ... North^^ate, 164, 166 ... Oriel College {Collegium Iiefjale)'l5i, 1.56, 161, 162,163, 317, 318, 32.3, 383, 398, 400 ... ,, letter dated, 365 Provost of, 289, 366. See Lighert, W. ; Carter, Geo. ; Moore, Jas. Provost of, letter to, 317 ... Parks, 417 ... Pembroke College, 168, 322, 364, 383, 391 ... Queen's College, 320, 322, 324, 367, 401 ... Radcliife Library, 292 ... Rose, the, alias the Rede- house, 154, 155, 161 ... St. Aldato's, 121, 155, 165, 166, 167, 168 ... St, Ebbe's j.arish, 151, 15.5, 156, 157, 158, 161, 16.5, 166, 167, 168, 169 ... St. Ebbe's church, 166 ... St. Edmund's Hall, 320 ,c. St. Frideswides, prior and convent of, 152, 153, 164 Robt., Prior of, 154 ... St. John's College, Presi- dent of. See Holmes, AVm. .. St. John, Hospital of, 164, 166, 167, 168 .. St. Martin's church, 167 .. St. Martin's churchjard, 165, 166, 168 .. St. Martin's parish, 151,155, 156, 157, 160, 161, 162, 166 OXP Oxford, St. Martin's parish, ])arson of. See Grover, John ; Wycurnb, Wm. do ... St. Mary"s cemetery, 162 ... St. Mary's chantry," 152, 161 ... St. Mary's church, 154, 289 ... St. Mary's College, 81, 162, 399 ... St. Marj-'s Hall, 305, 317, 383, 389 ... St. Mary's parish, 151, 152, 155, 1.56, 157, 158, 159, 160, 162, 163, 165, 166, 167, 18(^ 289, 388 .. chm-chwardens of, 164 the parish orchard, 162, 163 ... St. Mary Street, 151, 153, 154, 189 ... St. Mary Magdalen church- yard, 165, 166, 168 ... St. Mary Magdalen, parish of, 160, 161, "^163, 165, 166, 167, 168 vicar of, 163 ... St. Michael's parish, 151, 155, 1,58, 399 ... St. Peter's parish, 151, 399 ... St. Peter-in-the-Bailev, 155, 157, 158, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 167, 168 ... St. Peter-in-the-East, 163, 165 ... St. Thomas Hall, 154, 164 ... St. Thomas the Martyr, parish of, 157 ... Shambles, 156 ... South Gate, 158, 165 ... Stodeley's Entry, 154 ... Tenchewynke Inne, or Tynchewvkesvn, 163, 164 ... Tiuswicke Hall, 164, 165 ... Town Sessions, 401 ... Trinity College, 313, 320, 322, 364 ... University of, 69, 164. 165, 207, 230, 231, 278, 305, 310, 312, 321, 334, 345, 366, 367, 374, 395, 404 archives of, 334 Court of, 340. .3i)9 propertj' of, 364, 366 jjctition by, 365, 400 subsidy, .398 ... Universitv College, 162, 164, l(i5, 229, 277, 318, 322, 323 368, 383 ... vineyard in the High St. 1 58 ... Wadham aillegc. 320, 369 ... Winton College, 337 ... Worcester College, 299 ... Wvnmvlle, le. iV6' Rose, the OxfordsliiVe, 34, 387 ... sheriff of, 121 INDEX, 451 OXY Cxynford, Katharine, li)I, 200 ... kobert, I'J], 200 P'U opinion of, 317 • ^'f Packin-i-lon, Jtic, fel- low of A. S. 0. :581 Packman, John, 183, 184 Pacy, Eustace, 102 ... Juliana, 102 ... Wra. ;>"), 102 Padhrokc, Kent, &) Padbury, I'-ucks, ;!1, 93, 12r>, l.Ji, 203, 201, 213, 2S0, 31)0, 3'J3, 3'J-l accounts, lOG, 121), 393, 394 coiu-t rolls, lOG, 203, 201, 243 leases, 108 rentals, 107 rectory of, 99 letters from and to the tenants at, 107 vicar of. See Coupere, Thos. Hugges, John Abels way or Absolway Furlong, 117, 118, 119, 120 , Backside Furlong, 110, 117, 118, 119, 120 Bakers, 99 Blackman's Corner, 109 Blacksmith's Corner, 118, 119, 120 Blannel Levs, 1 10, 118 Blind Lane, 119, 120 Broadmoor Mead, 112, 114 Brogmore Furlong, 104 Bj'mpey, Le, 102 Cockmoor Hill, 105 Collelond, 93 Dog Keanel Furlong, 118, 120 Dunstall, 105, 116 Flatts Bntts, 118, 120 Fourlotts Mead, 114 Fowlkes Yardland, 111, 112, 113 Foxholes, 105 Fryersgore, llfi, 120 Gathering Hill Furlong, 119, 120 Goseacre, 108 Great Bambridge Fur- long, lis, 120 Great Whittel, 119 Harborouah Furlong, 116 Hav :\Ieaa. 116 Hedgelield, lOo, 110 Hed.;eley Meadow, 108 Heggeleys, 108, 109, 110, 114 Hobbs Meadow, 118 Hollow Furlong, 117 Holme, le, 101 ' PAD Padbury, Bucks, Hoo Furlong, lie, 117. 118, 119, 120 Long Furlong, 116 Long How Slade Furlong, 117, 118, 119, 120 Lott Meadow, 110 F.vllemede, 103 M'ill, 93, 103, 108, 109, 115, 116 Nominmoor Furlong and Leys, 116 Norborough Slaunts, 119, 120 Notcut Furlong, 116,118 120 Overbury, 97, 98, 99, 107 Padbury Water, 108, 109 Portway Furlong, 116 Potter's Lane, 105 Prince Hades, 117, 118, 119, 120 Kowslade, 103, 119 .Shellard Furlong, 118 Smith Mead, 109 ' Standhills Common, 119, 120 Stockway, 116, 119, 120 Stretchmore, 105 Townhouse, 109 Upper Copland Furlong, 118,119,120 Wadden Way Furlontr, 119, 120 Water furrows, 105 Welslie Meade, 108, 109 Westlield, 104, 105 ... .".. West Hill Leaze, 109, 116, 117, 118 Windmill Furlong, 117, 118, 119, 120 Wvdenhale, 102 Padbury, Edyt of, 102 ... Kalph de, 95 ... liobt. of, 102 ... Thos. of, 102 Paddinyton, 132, 280 Padua, 329 Pad worth, Ric. 103 Paganus Pnepositus, 184 Paue, Christina, 72, 73 ..."Eliz. 72 ... John, 36 ... John, 78 ... John, 100 ... John, 126 ... Martraret, 76, 77, 79 ... Marv, 209, 210, 211, 213 ... Michael, 83, 282 ... Palph, 78 ... Tlios. 72, 79 ... Wm. 72, 73, 76, 77, 78, 79 ... Wm., M.A., 385 ... Wm., rector of Lockinge, 356 Pageyn, Robt., chaplain, 46 Painswick, 400 G G 2 Pakolesham, Hie. 63 Palmare, Wm. 152 Palmer, Elizabeth, 149 Palmer, John, Warden of All Souls' College (1648-1660), 162, 169, 269, 374 ... John Siiarpe, 147 ... Kic. 261 ... Ric, son of Peter le, 6 ... Wm. 142 Palmere, John, 94 Palmere or Paumer, Jas. le, 71 72 Sarah, 71, 72 Panting, Matthew, of Pem- broke College, 364 Parley, Robt. 4 ... Roger, 4 Parish, John, 251, 392 Parker, Gabriel, 117, 118 ... Giles, 64 ... John, 32, 147 ... Matthew, Archbp. of C:in- terbury (1559-1575), 303, 304, 305 letters from, 303, 304 injunctions, 304, 305 ... Ric. 103 ... Samuel, Bp. of Oxford, (1686-1688), 330 ... Wm. 88, 104 Parker and Hayes, Jlessrs. 1 72 Parker, Ric. le, 198 Parkhurst, Sir Wm. 316, 384 Parkins, Isabella, 23 ... Mary, 23 Parliament, and Acts of, 9, 13, 25, 35, 36, 67, 76, 129, 134, 150, 163, 171, 178, 215, 230, 233, 258, 263, 264, 267, 268, 269, 290, 292, 295, 299, 321, 342, 343, 344, 345, 349, 350, 351, 357, 365, 366, 397, 400, 401 ... House of Commons, letter dated, 366 ... House of Lords, 316, 350, 367 ... Speaker, 366 Parnelet or Pamela, Ric. 47, 48 Parnell, Adam, 50 Parrot, Alice, 233 Parry, Sir Thos., letter from, 270 Partrich, Mabilia, d. of Hugh, 199 ... Robt. 197 ... Sibylla, 197 ... Simon, 199 Partrvch, Emma, 258, 259 ... John, 103 ... Wm. 143 Parva Paxton, 198, 199 Parva Petling, 198 Pary, Blauache a, letter from 283 > 452 INDEX. PAS Pasor, Matthias, lecturer on Oriental languages, 1G5 Passelewe, Gilbert, 191, 193 ... Lucy, 191 ... Ralph, 191 ... Simon, 184 ... Wm. 185, 191, 193, 202 ... Wm., jun. 193 Passcmer, Robt. 381 Passe we, Peter, 193 Passheley, Robt. 47 Pateshull, John, son of Simon, 198 Patric. See Partrych Paul, Geo., commissary of Arch- bishop Herring, 3G9, 370 Paule, Geo. 276 ... Sir Geo, 248, 249, 309, 310, 313 letters from, 309 ... Wm , butcher, 275, 276 ... Wm., D.D. 276 ... Wm., fellow of A. S. C. 315, 381 Paulet, Wm., Marquis of Win- cliester, 263 Payn, Alice, 200 ... Amice, 200 ... John, 200 ... Robt. 94, 97 Payne, Joan, 196 ... Robt., son of Simon, 196 ... Thos. 78, 90, 238 ... Wm. 280 Payne v. How, 171, 172, 173 Paynter, Ric. 244, 245 Peacocke, Sir Warren, 34 Pearson, Rev. Wm. 254, 255 Pecche, Bartholomew, 93 ... Joan, 93 ... John, 132, 133 ... Katharine, 133 Peckenhall, Montsfomery, 1, 2, fi, 11, 12, 17, 18'; 282 Pecknal's More, 5, 12 Peclcler, Alice, 286 ... Elizabeth, 205 ... — , 203 ... John, 204 ... Tlios. 204, 205 Pede, Wm. 28 Pedler, John, 195 Peese, John, 397 Pefot, Robt. 189 Pegge, Reginald, 35 Peggy, Christina, 157 ... John, 157, 158 Pcirson, Amy, 104 ... Anne, 104 ... Wm. 101, 104 Peislcy, P.arlh. 292 Peissmi, Waller, 186 Pell, Wm. 184 Pelyndone or Peltbindoi:e, Alice, 79 Ciccilia, 79 PEL Pelyndone or Pelthindone, Joan, 79 Pember, Thos., scholar of A. S. C. 374 Pemberton, John, 75 Pemberton, Serjeant, 331 Pembroke, Priory of, 128 Penartb, 123 ... church of, 129 ... vicar of. See Hopkins Penfold, Sir Thos., his opinion, 328 P e n b o 'w, Monmouthshire, 169, 390 Penne, John, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 80, 134 ... Wm. 72, 80 Pennell, Edw., fellow of A. S. C. 329 Penrice, Major, 150 ... Thos. 149, 150, 178, 179 Penstax, 231 Penton, 15 Penwortham, Hen. 133, 134, 151, 152, 396 Penylond, Jolm, 224 Pepper, Sir Cuthbert, 268 Pepworth, Mr., letter to, 272 Perammes Thynge, 397 Peren, Wm. 244,^^245 ... Agnes, 246 Perers, Roger, 223 Periam, Wm. Justice, letter to, 271 Perin or Perrhin, Hen. 247, 248, 249 Perman, Jolm, 190 Perrott, E., opinion of, 335 Perry, John, letter from, 204 Persay, Hen. 222, 223 Perse, Ric, fellow of A. S. C. 385 Pershore, 170 Persons, Thos. 224 Persoun, John, 201 Pessaun, Mariota, 187 Peteclerk, John, 66 ... Wm. 66 Peter, Fras. 37 Peter, Abbot of Osolueston, 259 Peters, Wm. 391 Petiver, Jas. 239 Pctiver, Margery, 239, 246 Pctling, Parva. See Parva Pet- ling Petre, Sir Wm. 20, 161, 297, 304, 322 Petronilla, 7 Potsho, 97 Pettie, Chr., B.A. 372 I'ctylisden. See Pitlesdcn Petyver, Patrick, 244, 245 Pevner, Thos. 27 Phrt iplacc, Edw. 233, 234 I'liili]), son of David, 5 Phili]), son of Terri, 3 PLO Pliilip, son of Yarvord, 2, 5, 6 Pliilip, Thos. 142 Philij)pes, Hon., Clk. of Queen Elizabeths kitchen, 24 Phili]ipot. See Philjjot Pliilips, Edw., of Christchurch, 383 ... Elizabeth, 132 ... John, 392 ... Rev. John, 131 ... John Lewis, 132 ... Mr. .391, 393 Philpot, Edw. 64 ... John, 63, 64, 65 ... Sir John, 57, 63 ... Thos. 63, 64, 139 Philyjip, John, 227 Phinnies, Bcnj., vicai' of Up- church, 181 Phipps, Sir Constantino, 347, 357, 360, 361, 302 letter from, 347 opinion of, 357 Phipps, John, 236 ... W., opinion of, 361 Pickering, Wm. 302 Pickeringe, Mary, 196 ... Robt." 196 Piddington, Joseph, 114 Pie, Edw. 182, 388 Pierce, Alice, 206, 207 ... Giles, 207, 208 ... Dr. 319 Piers, Bai'bara, 339, 355 ... John, 143 Pigot, Fras. 215 ... Robt. 1, 2 ... Wm. 2 Pigott, Rajihe, 246 PiigrjTns, Robt. 60 Pilkinaton, Robt., letters from, 273, 274 letters to, 273,274 Pilton, Rutland, 53 Pimpcrne, 402 Pinckney, Hen. de, 237 Pinner, 39, 82, 135, 388 Piryc, John, 156, 161 Pistorn, Wm. 73 Pitlesden, Thos. 224 Pitman, Ric. 140 Pittaway, Edw. 295 Plantagenet, Edm., Duke of York, 57 ... Edw., Duke of Albemai'le, 57 ... Humfrey, Duke of Glou- cester, 63, 67, 129 Piatt, John, 387 Playford, John, 91, 144 Plcwis, Jolm, 169 Plcystouwe, 90, 91 Pk'ystouwe, JIartin dc, 90 Plonimcr, Wm. 129 Plomiittin, 239 Plowdcn, Master, 230 INDEX. 453 PLU Pluklo, 114 rimnmouthc, 89 I'okcipulit, Agnes, widow of .John, !!»(} Polurd, Jolin, r)6 Pole, David, fellow of A. S. C. 379 ... Kcv. Kdw. ];» ... Edvv. Siiclievcrell, 2.'')7 ... John, letter from, 115 ... Oweyn, 278 ... Reginald, Card. Archbp. of Canterbury, 2:5:5, .30.3, .394 letter fr(jm, ii03 visitation b}', .394 Polo, Wm. do la, Earl of .Suf- folk, 9, 128 Poleyn, Agnes, 192 ... Baldwin, 71, 72, 18G, 192 ... John, 185, 186, 192 ... Simon, 192 Polhill, John, 228 P(;llard, Thos. 202 Pollescroft, 200 Ponsbury, Salop, ;598 Pontigny, Abbey of, 141 Ponynges, Margaret, 64 ... Sir Kobt. 64 Poole, John, 24, 25 Poor, Hie. 64 Pope, the. See Eugeniua IV., Nicholas III. Tope, Edm., Dean of A. S. C. 305, 306 ... John, 195, 196 Popham, Alex., scholar of A.S.C. 323 ... Sir John, 264, 272 letter to, 272 Popkin, John r)ennett, 131 ... Martha, widow of Thos. 131 Porteer, Stephen, 49 Porter, Geo., chorister of A. S. C. 370 ... John, 187, 193 ... Katharine, 187 ... Wm., warden of St. Mary's College, 81 Port field, 104 Portismouwe, Joan do, 1 tO ... Ilol)t. de, 140 Portman, Plen., letter to, 340 Pory, Peter, 38, 166, 202, 234, 235, 236 Post, liobt. 61 ... Thos. 61 Postlyng, Kent, 47 Post Ofhce Act, 345, 349 Poteniau, Wm., AVarden of A. S. C. (1459-1466), 136, 274, 396 Pothon, Roger, 12 Potman, Ric, letter from, 68 Potter, Edmund, 253, 254, 255 ... Geo. 254 POT Potter, John, vicar of Lewknor, 121 ... John, Archbp. of Canterbury (1737-1747), 322, 323, 368, 399 letter from, 323 decree of, 368 ... i)r. John, of Chri.st Church, 343, 344 letter from, 343, 344 letter to, 344 ... John, servant of A. S. C. 385 ... Ric. 2.53, 254, 255 ... Thos. 254, 257 ... William, 253 Potts, Crofts, fellow of A. S. C. 381 Potworde, Stephen, 56 Pounteney, 143 Powell, John, biu'sar of A. S. C. 306 ... Ric. 278 ... Ric, chorister of A. S. C. 372 ... Robt. fellow of A. S. C. 381 . . . — , Rector of Divinity, 304 Powerson, Gabriel, fellow of A. S. C. 382 Powis, Wm., B.A. 385 Powney, Dr. 322 Powys, Thos., M.A. 127 Poynct, John, Bp. of Rochester, (1550-1551) and of Win- chester (1551-1553), 232, 233 Praed, John Mackworth, 257 Prat, Ric. 48 Pratt, John, 75 Prcntys, TIios. and John, 103 Prescott, Geo. Wm. 171 Prcsden, John, 144 ... Peter, 144 Preston, 229, 277 ... John, Dean of, 44 Preston Capes, 115, 116 Preston, Geo., clerk of A. S. C. 373 Prestwich, Lady, 399 Prestwick, — , 3.30 Priaulx, Peter, S.T.P., 320, 375 Price, Edw., fellow of A. S. C. 379 ... Dr., vicar of Bucklaud, 23 ... Dr., letter to, 297 ... Evan, B.A. 371 ... Evan, vicar of St. Cleres, 129 ... Ewan, I\laster of Berkhamp- .stead School, 215, 216, 217 letter to, 217 ... Griffydd, 131 ... Wm., principal of Hart Hall, vicar of AUierburj^, 12 Prideaulx, John, Bp. of Wor- cester (1641-1650), Vice- chancellor, letter to, 316 EAL Prideaulx, Peter, 317, 321 Priorstown, Tilangenith, 129 Prise, Leison ap, 389 Privy Council, letters from, 14 President of, 348 Privy Council Office, 40 Proast, Jonahs, chaplain of A. 8. C, letters from, 331 Promhell, 141, 144, 222, 225, 227 ... Prior's Marsh, 227, Prouze, Fras. 25 Provence, 302 Pudenale, Wm 28 Pullockshill, 207, 208, 212 Pultun, Ferdinando, 101 Purcell, Nicholas, 11 ... Ralph, 389 ... Roger, 4 Purefej'', Wm. 46, 53 Pursloe, — , 305 Pusey, J. A. 126 Puseye, John de, 161 Pychelesthorn, Wm. 73 Pye, Edw. 182, 388 ... John, 61 ... Wm. 61 Pygod. See Pigot Pymlot, John, ' Nativus,' 90 Pynkard, Ric. 98 Pynnore, Joan, 88 ... Walter, 88 Pypard, Wm. 79 Pypere, Stephen, 142 Pyroth, John, 197 QUAINTON, John, 118, 119 Quantock, Matthew, 231 Quarame, John, 159 Quarel, Kath. 197 ... Thos. 197 Quartermain, John, 125 Quenyngt on, precept ory of, 398 Quercu, Simon do, 66 Quynchant, John, 60 EABY, John de Nevill, Lord of, 223 Rachel, Edith, 190 ... Michael, 189 ... Juliana, his wife, 189 ... Thos. 190 Radclifle, Mr., letter to, 235 Radcnorc, John, 56 Ragaun, Eliz. 188 ... Reginald, 188 Raine, Dr. Ric, opinion of, 328 Rainham or Renliam, Kent, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 64, 65, 68, 70 Ralegh, Sir Walter, letter from, 284 letter to, 2S4 454 I N D E X. RAL Ralegh, Wm., fellow of A. S. C. 307, 328, 380 letter from, 328 Ralph, the merchant, 189 Ramhuulfiis, Corrector of Alberbury, 4 Ramsden, Anne, 2-t ... Sir John, 24, 25 Randolpli, Rev. Herbert, 19 ... Mary, 33 ... Mathcw, 142 ... Ric. 33 ... Thos., President of Corpus Christi College, 71 ... Thos. 183 Ranken, John, 166 Ransford, Justinian, scholar of A. S. C. 323 Rant, John, fellow of A. S. C. 381 Rashleigh, Peter, vicar of Bark- ing, 21 Ratcliffe, Geo. 236 ... or Radcliif, Rafe, 167 Raven, Joan, 73 ... John, 72, 73, 78 ... Ric. 72 ... Robt. 72, 73 Raveuswell, 129 Rawlej', Wm., bursar of A. S. C, 306. See Ralegh Rawlyn, Robt. 156 Rawi r^h, Mary, 276 Raymond, Robt., Solicitor- General (1710-1714), 34G, 347, 348, 349 Raynsbv, Geo. 167 Reiid, Hannah, 116, 117 ... James, 117, 140 ... Katherine, 113, 115, 116 ... Robt. 113, 116, 117, 118, 120, 392 ... John, 106, 111 ... Ric. 112, 113, 115 ... Susanna, 115 ... Thos. 105, 109, 110 ... Wm. 115 Reader, John, Master of Fever- sham scliool, 218 Reading, 122 . Abbey, 233 Reddall, Ambrose, 210 Rede, Edm. 162 ... Maurice, 130, 386 ... Robt. 89 Redeswcll, John de, 186 Redshaw, John, 165, 166, 389 Rcdyng, John, 60 ... Wm. 137 ... Wm., builder, 291 Reed. See Rede Reedyngc, Wm. 397 Reeves, Wm. 122 Regate, Wm. 28 Rcigate, ielfer d:itcd, 3f2 Reinfrei, 2 Rekitf, John, 91 Repingdon, Philip de, Bp, of Lincoln (1404-1420), 121 Requests, Court of, 36, 121, 231 Relhercsfelde, Oxon, 237 Reve, Agnes, 90 ... John, 141, 142 ... Ric. 90 llcweson or Reveson, Robt. 260 Reynaard, Alice, 126, 388 ... Robt. 126, 388 Reynolds, tiee Salford Reynolds, John, 257 Ricard, Wm, 55 Rice, John, Chaplain of A. S. C. 371 ... or Rise, Ric. 82 Richard I., King of England, 204, 256 ... John ap, 12 ... son of Simon, 79 ... rector of Ty, 259 Richardes, Ric. 244, 245, 246 Richards, Hen. 247 ... Wm. 357 Richardson, Wm., ricar of L«wknor, 121 ... — , fellow of A. S. C. 359, 360 Riclimond, Beds. 208, 211. See Rugemond and Ridge - mont Rickmansworth, 39, 40 Ridge, — , 252 ... Grace, 252 Ridgemont, Beds. 214, 286. See also Richmond Ridgway, Martha, 117, 118, 120 Righton, Ric. 106 Ringmer, 18 Rissa, Arnald, corrector and prior of Alberbmy, 8, 9 Rivers, Dr. 342 Rives, Brune, Dean of Windsor, letter from, 30 ... Ghas., fellow of A. S. C. 381 Riyerid, son of Henry, 2 Robbince, John, 250, 252 Roberd, Simon, 198 Roberdes, Wm. 35 Robert, vicar of Lowseby, 259 ... tlie miller, 189 Roberts, Thos., builder, 296 Robert sbridge, St. Mary's Abltey at,' 141, 225 Robins, Geotl'erv, 90 ... John, 90, 111 Robinson, John, 147 ... Mary, 40.3 Robyns, Edw. 110 ... Thos. 387 Roclieford, Eustace de, 44 Rochester, Bp. of . See Poyuol, John KOTV Rochester, Earl of. 130 ... Margaret, 57, 6.3, 64, 67 her will, 180 ... Walier, 57, 62, 63,66 Roope, Gilbei^t, 70 Rooper, family of, 325 Roryngton, Salop, 398 Rose, Mr., letter to, 30 ... Robt. 72 Rosendell, John, 21 Rotelye, Leic. 269 Rotherham, Ric, chancellor of the University of Oxford, 121 ... Thos., Bp. of 'Lincoln (1472- 1480), 397 Rothwell or Rouwelle, Agnes, 186, 201,202 Hugiide, 186, 201, 202 Rottey, Wm. 161 Rouen, 8 Rnunde, John, 88 Rhus, John, 25 ... IMargarot la, 79 ... IMatilda le, 77 ... Philip le, 78 ... Sir Ric. le, 76, 77 Rowe, John, M.A. 389 INDEX. 455 Rowe, Sam., fellow of A. S. C. 381 Eowe, Thos. 203 Rovvington, 248 Rowliife, Juhn, Dean of A. S. C. 300, 307, 371 Row ton, l.*) Royal Household, 399 Ruddle, Ralph, chorister of A, S. C. 374 Rufu.s, Walter, 201 Rugemond or Richmond, Beds. 197 Rugge, Chas., letter from, 23 Rundell, P. 176 Russell, John, 247, 248 ... Rev. J. C. 147 ... Hen. 29, 104 ... Joseph, 113 Rutland, 53 Ryder, Robt. 384 Rye, Roger, 48 Rykedon, Robt. 94 Rypon, Chas. 91 Rypon, Eiii!. 91 Rysbourowe, 398 Ryver, John, 396 CACHEVERELL, Dr. Henry, *^ 34.5 Sackville, Thos., Earl of Dor- set, letter to, 273 Saddington, 198 ... Roger de, 199 Sagittary, Fred., fellow of A. S. C. 319, 375 St. Albans, 9, 210 St, Andrew, ligure of, on a seal, 384 St. Asaph, Bp. of. See Lowe, John (1433-1449), Hanmer, John (1624-1629), Tanner, Thos. (1731-1735) St. Bride's, 169 St. Clere, pri(n-y of, 128, 151, 279, 290, 314 ... accounts, 129 ... leases, 130 ... parsonage, 130 . . . vicars of. See Hajde, .John ; Price, Evan ; Evans, Walter St. David's, Bp. of. See Wat- son, Thos. (1687-1699) St. Giles Ilosjpital, Wycumbc, 106 St. John the Baptist, a tooth of, 393 St. John, Oliver Lord, 263 St. Kenins, or St. Knives, 130, 131, 132 St. Llo, Hen., scholar of A. S. C. 322 Sancto Lucio, or St, Lyz, Ric. de, 44 Thos.de, 45 SAI St. Mary Church, Kent, 47 St. NichoJas, Tlianet, 205, 386 St^ Stephen's, near Canterbury, letter dated, 227 Saintlnny, Gloac. 128 Saleheisi, 222 Salerne, Jolm, 223 Salesbuiy, Roger, 22 ... Wm. 22 Salet, Robt. 194 Salford, Beds. 129, 184, 280, 282, 283, 286, 389, 391, 393 accounts, 129, 393 baililf of, 203 court rolls of, 203, 204, 243 leases, 204 rentals, 204 terriers, 286 woods, 282, 283 Banlond, J 95 Barton's Leye, 205, 209 Beast's pasture, 211 Broadtield, 210, 212 Brodemade, 186^ 190 Brokhende, 186 Brookfield, 205)208,209, 210, 211 Chalne Croft, 201 Common at, 184 Common fields, 205, 207, 210, 212 Congree, 213, 214 Cow pasture, 211, 212 Cross Firrlong, 210, 211, 212 Dene, le, 195 Dich Forlong, 186 Dole Mead,'" 205, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212 Esthothul, 186 Horse Meadow, 213, 214 Hulliholm, 194 Jackcroft, 213, 214 Lane Furlong, 201 Laugenheg, 195 Leacheshooke, 202 Leverowne Dvches, 187 Little Buck llill, 209 Low Pasture, 205, 208, 209, 210, 211,212 Lower Field, 212 Lvncroft, 185 Manor, 186, 187, 188, 189, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 210 Manor House, 206, 208, 209, 211, 212, 213 Mechellowe, 187 xMill, 184, 185, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214 Mill-lease Pighill, 205 Parish fields, 210 Parsonage Close, 212 SAL Salford, Beds. Reynoldes, 195, 196,206, 207, 208, 212 Rottenridge, 213, 214 Sitness, 212 Stonilond, 201 Stotfalde, 201 Townhouse, 205,206,210 UiJi>er Field, 212 Westlield, 185, 186, 209 Weslmede, 187, 195 Winterhowe, 204 Winterwood, 203, 207, 214 ... . Wode Forlonge, 187 Wood, 209, 282 Woodiield, 210 Salford, Benedict de, 191 Custance de, 191 Hugh de, 184, 185, 186, 189, 194 Joan de, 185, 194, 197, 201 John de, 185, 186, 187, 189, 190, 191, 192, 197, 200, 201, 202 ... ... Katharine de, 187, 193, 200 Margaret de, 187, 188, 202 Margery, 186, 201 Nicolas, rector of "Wa- kurlesih, 193 Nigel, 184, 185, 186, 187, 193 Sir Nigel, 186, 187, 193, 194, 197, 201, 202 Sir Peter, 187, 188, 192, 193, 194, 195, 197, 201, 202 Peter, his son, 191, 200, 203, 395 Ralph, 194 Richard, deacon, 189 Roger, 185, 186, 187, 198, 200, 201 Sarra, 200 Simon, 4.5, 187, 202 Walter, 189, 198 William, son of Ralphj 194 Ymena, 194 Salisbury, Bishop of. See Aiscoiigh, Wm. (1438-1450), Fotherb}', Martin (1618- 1620) ... episcopal registers, 19 ... Earl of. See Cecil, Robt, Salman, Dionisia, 27, 28 ... Wm. 27, 28 Salter, Samuel, 40, 41 ... Stephen, 40 Salvayn, Ric, Master of University College, 164 Salwey, Thos., B.A. 373, 380 Salyuge or Sellyiige, Alice, 73 Cristiana, 72 Isabe la, 72 456 INDEX. SAL Salynge or Selljmge, Matilda,72 Eoger, 72 Walter de, 71, 72 Sampford Bickford, 18 SamiDSon, John, 94 ... Thos. 134, 196 Bancroft, Wm., Archbp. of Canterbiu-y (1 G78-1693),318, 319, 327, 330, 356 letters from, 318, 319, 356 letters to, 327, 330 injunctions, 318 Sancto Lucio. See St. Lys Sancto Walerico, Reginald de, 189 Wido de, 184 Sanders, John, Moderator of Divinity, 303 Sanderson, Wrigiesworth, 359 Sandford, Samuel, fellow of A. S. C. 382 Sandon, John, 88 Sandwich, 399 Sandwith, Robt. 137 Sandys, Edwin, Bp, of London, (1570-1576), 137 ,.. Fras. 229,231 letter from, 231 ... Mr. 365 Santon, 223 Sapcote, 264 Saperton, Roger, 73 Sapkoc, John, 260 Sarney, John, 391 Saunders, John, Fellow of A. S. C. 382 Saunders, Thos. 19, 20 Saunson. See Sampson Saundarrcsone, Anice, 200 ... Robt. 260 Savage, Kath. 90 ... John, 35 ... Ric. 90 ... Wm. 100 Savigny, Abbot of (Nor- mandy), 204 Sawbridgc, Elias, 391 Sawcr, Wm. 390 Saxeby, John de, 259 Say, Edw., B.A. 373 Saye, Robt., Provost of Oriel College, 162,103 Saye and Sole, Lord, 362 Sayer, John, 48 ... John, scholar of A. S. C. 321 ... John, letter from, 216 ... Thos. 163, 108 Sayers, — ,319 Saykyn, Peter, 38 Scapeya, Wm. de, 54 Scarlat, At;nes, 201 ... Hugh, 201 Scarlet, John, 193, 201 Scarnebrook, 197 .SCA Scawen, Edw., Fellow of A.S.C. 382 Schalfliimt, Sir Hen. de. Sheriff of Beds, 202 Scliirlok, John, 135 Schirmesewr or Scirmesor,Robt. 190 Margaret, his daughter, 196 Schurlok, Adam, 135 Sclater, Clir. 163 ... Eliz. 163 Sclaterc, Roger le, 151 Scoles, John, 126 Scory, John, Bp. of Hereford (1559-1585), 11 Scotland, invasion of, 302 ... King of, 302 Scotnam, 306 Scotney, Kent, 222, 280, 287, 387, 394 accounts, 225, 294 Comt rolls, 225 leases, 227 map of, 226 terriers, 287 ' The Lade,' 227 ' The Gardner,' 227 Scott, Chas., fellow of A. S. C. 326, 371 ... Edith, 89 ... Fras. Edw. 174, 170, 177 ... Joan, 49 ... John, 89, 90, 91 ... John, junior, 98 ... Katharine, 88, 89 ... Reynold, 49 ... Robt. 88, 109, 110 ... Thos., Alderman of London, 88, 89, 90, 380 ... Sir Wm. 404 Screven, Reginald, letter to, 379 Scriven, — , bursar of A. S. C. 304 Scroop, Gervaise, son of Sir Adrian, 317, 318 Scyreburne, Michael, prior of, 151 Sealer, John le, 158,101 Seamore, Fras. 107 Scarancke, John and Jas. 404 Searer, Jolm, 392 Secherie, Simon, Monk of St. Albans, 9 Seere, Wm. 112 Seeker, Thos., Archbp. of Can- terbury (1758-1768), letters from, 323 Secretarj', Mr. (temp. Eliz). See Walsingham, Sir Fras. Sedley, Sir W., his fouiHlation, 402 Segonlio, 186, 189, 191, 193, 196, 200 ... Baldwin, son of Wm. de, 190 SHE Selliy, Robt. 85. 80, 87 Scllynge. See Salynge Selmes, Sam. 228, 229 Selove, Tlios. 58 Sergeant, John, 9,3, 94, 97, 100 Sergeaimt, Custancia, widow of Ric. le, 192 her son Benedict, 192 Sesse, John, 190, 202 Setherynton, Wm. 90 Setvaimtz, Sir Wm. 222, 223 Sevenoaks, 396 Sevenokes, Wm. 57, 63, 67 Severn, the, 4, 7 Seward, John, 77, 157 ... Thos. 159 Sexby, Roger, 50 Sexton, Jos. 391 Seybroc, John de, 194 Seymour, Sylvanus, 125 ... Thos. 168 ... Wm. 24 Seyntcler, John, 48, 57 ... Ric. 48, 49 Seys, David, M.A. 385 Seytun, Ivete de, 44, 45 Shaddock, Wm. 84, 85 Shalcrosse, Master, 10 ... James, 16 Slialdeston, 45, 46 . . . David, rect or of, 46 Slialdeston, Ralph de, vicar of Thorneberge, 101 Shaldou, 122 Shalwell, John, 143 Sharpe, Rev. John, 147, 149 Sharwood, Robt. 220 Sheen, Ric. 393 Shcene, Martin, 196, 247, 268 Sheffeld, Reginald, 80 Sheffield, Jolm, Duke of Buck- ingham, letter to, 350 Shefford, Geo. 205, 206 ... Thos. 207, 208, 209 Sheldon, Gilbei't, Archbp. of Canterbury (1063-1677), Warden of All Souls' Colleiie (163,5-48, 1600), 107, 274, 270, 297, 310, 317, ,327, 329 letters from, 107, 310, 317 letters to, 107, 274, 310, 327, 329 Sir Joseph, 269 Mr. 401, 402 Shelswell, Thos. 392 She2)Cote, 133 Shepherd, or Shcpard, John, 80, 82, 387 ... Ric. 81, 82, 280, 281, 388 ... Robt. 80 ... Roger, 388 ... Tlios. 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 103, 137, 281, 387, 389 ... Wm. 82, 83, 137, 280, 281 282. 388 INDEX. 457 SHE SKI SOT Shepherde, Roger le, 191 Skinner, Mark, 147 Smith, or Smyth, Thos. of Shcphcrcrs Bush, 85 ... Thos. 404 Chimneys Farm, 128 Sliorbourne, letter cUitefl, 3tG ... Wm., B.A. 373 Tho.s., fellow of A.S.C. Sherwood, Mr. 20 Skraj'th, Ric. 89 356 Shorwyn, John, Master of Skreyngtham, Robt. 89 Thos., of Lincoln College, Feversham school, 218 Skulthorp, Rutland, 53 167 Sheterden, John, fellow of Skury, Fras. 269. ^ee Sury Thos. Sharpe, 171 A. S. C. 371) Skynnere. Hec Skinner Wm. 207, 208, 209, 213, Shewlbyc. iice Sj'woldhj-c Skyret, Adam, 96 214, 2.57 Sliilliugford, Farmer, 1 1 1 ... Jolm, Parson of Horwood Wm., of Ciu-zon St.40, 41 ... Tlios. 115, 116 IMagna, 96 Wm., of Plummouth, 89 Sliillingford Mead, 122 ... Lfctitia, 96, 97 Wm., son of John, 237, Shipley, Jonathan, 257 ... Roger, 96, 97 238 Shippard. tice Shepherd Slatter, Eliz. 92, 393 Wm., letter from, 300 Shirley, Antony, fellow of ... Jas. 92 Sir Wm. 266, 267, 268 A. S. C. 305, 326 ... Mary, 92 ... — , 327 Shitwode, John, 261 ... Rev. Thos. 92 ... Dr., letter from, 367 Shohyndon, 29 Slegge, Stephen, 224 Smith. See Harris Shopclond, Essex, 63 Smalbroke, Ric. fellow of Smith, Benedict the, 184 iSliorte, Antony, bursar of A. S. C. 322 ... Hugh the, 186 A. S. C. 263, 301, 379 Smalebone, — , 230 ... Agnes, his wife, 186 Shorwood, Thos., letter from, Smart, John, 88 ... John his son, 186 170 ... Wm. 70 ... Hugh the, 201 Sliotover Lodge, 33 Smelt, Ric. fishmonger, 61, 65 ... Agatha, his wife, 201 Shottesbrok, Isabella, 46, 95 Smethes, Agnes le, 191 ... Agnes, his daughter, 201 ... Sir Ric. 46,95 ... Joan le, 191 Smithsby, Thos., fellow of ... Sir Robt. 159 Smith, or Smyth A. S. C. 381 Shoullers, Bucks, 121 Agnes, 201, 238 Smoot, Ric. 162 Shrewsbury, 6, 7, 9, 11, 14, 387 Aiex. 182 Snargate, 143 ... letter dated, 14 Boteler Chernockc, 214 Snave, Kent, 47, 50 ... Kockabitenstrct, 6 Bright, 41, 171 Snelleshalc, prior of, 200 ... Prior of St. Peter's, 8 Charlotte,211, 213, 214 Sneyd, Ralph, 383 ... monastery at, 398 Edw., ])utchcr, 167 Snow, John, 105, 108, 109, 110, Shropshire, Slieriff of, 10 Edw. 257 111, 114, 115 Shrympyndon, Thos. 143 Edw. fellow of A. S. C, ... John, junr., 104, 109, 110 Shuckburgh, Chas., fellow of ■322 ... Wm. 108 A. S. C. 382 Rev. Edw. Orlebar, 211, ... Thos. Ill Shuttleworth, Sir Ric. 12, 14 212,213, 214 Sodelow, Ric. de, 1 00 letters to, 14 Eliza Diana, 213,214 SokeljTig. See Sidyngborne Shyrburnc, Robt. 397 Elizabeth, 167 Solario, Agnes de, 95 Sidney, Sir Hen., President of Francis, 70 Solicitor-General. See Ray- the Council of the Welsh George, 21.3, 214 mond, Robt. (1710-1714) Marches, letter to, 1 4 George, M.A. 245 Talbot, Chas. (1727-1734) Sidj-ngborne, alias Sokeljnig, Gilbert, 262 Somenour, Roger, 94 Jolm, 64 Jas. Boulton, fellow of Somerby, 276 Simme, or SjTnme, John, 54 A. S. C. 322 Somerey, Robt. 28, 53. Sec Wm. 54, 55, 56, 61, 62 Joan, 89, 201 also I'arnett Simms or Symmcs, Thos. 30 John, 35, 78, 238, 250, Somerset, Hen., Duke of Beau- Wm. 57,58,60, 63,64,67 391 fort, 367 Simon, Ric, son of, 79 John of Bilsington, 142 his wife, 367 Simon, son of Tent, 184 Jolm of Buckingham, 46 Somerseth, John, 128 Simons, Wm. 214 John of Chelsrield, 92 Sometcr, Simon le, 189 Simpson, Wm. 257 John, clerk of A. S. C.372 ... Edith, his wife, 189 Singleton, Isaac, fellow of John of Lvde, 387 Sominour, Ralph le, 195 A. S. C. 329, 372, 380 John, M.A. 162 ... Alice, his daughter, 195 Sittingljournc, Kent, 64 Joseph, 128, 139, 140 Sommaster, — , sub-warden of Siltney (error for Scotney), 54 Julia, 214 A. S. C. 304 Skeron, Robt. 151 Rachel, 237 Somnour, Alice, 103 Skcvington, 261 Ric. 10.5, 106, 144, 225,392 ... Thos. 103 Skcvyugton, Wm. 262 Ric. 398 Sonell, John, 103, 108. See also Skibbow, Roger, 152, 164 Robt. 82 Swannell Skinner, Ann, letter from, 403 Sami;el, 392 Sonibancke, John, fellow of ... Eliz. 403 Tlios., 124 A. S. C. 308, 371 ... John, 234, 235 Thos., of Ileston, .% Sonnyng Hill, letter dated, ... John, chaplain of Tilton, ... ... Thos., of Belmont House, 302 260 40 Sotehill, Hen. 261 458 INDEX. sou Souch, John, mercer, 37i Soule, Wm. 107 Sourdeval, Roger, 158 Southampton, Earl of. See Wriotliesley, Thos. Soutli Burcome, 18 Southdane, 65 South Leigh, 236 South Luftenliam, 53 South Mallyng, Dean of. See Druell, John South Mardi'eld, Wm., son of Thomas of, 260 South Marfeld, Leic. 260, 262 South Mills, Middlesex, 212 South Mimms, 212, 213 Kiiighfs House, 213 Soutb Petherton, Somerset- sliire, 229, 277, 278, 280, 287, 288 letters dated, 231 Chapel of St, John, 230, 231, 277, 288 leases, 231 terriers, 287, 288 Southwark, Prior of, 87 ... St. Olave's, 397 " Soythwell, Matilda, 193 ... Thos. 193 Sparsholt, 299 Speake, Jos., schoolmaster of Alberbury, letter from, 15 Speakmann, — , 296 Spencer, Chas., Lord Sunder- land, 336, 338, 316, 347 ... Edw. 163 ... John, letter from, 378 ... WooUey Leigh, B.A., fellow of A. S. C. 323 Spene, John Atte, 90 Spenser, Joan, 11 ... Wm. 11 Spereman or Sporeman, Alex. 1,56, 158 Sperlyug, Andrew, 28 Sperman, John, Dean of War- wick, 151 Spete, Wm. 143 Sjiicer, Ric. le, 158. See also Especer ... Lucy, 158 Spilleborowe, John, 56 Spindler, John, 30, 32, 33 letter from, 30 ... Johannah, 392 Spite, Simon, 141, 142 Spiul, Ph., son of Wm. 198 Sporoun, Walter, 202 Sport e, Jolin, chai)lain, 27 Spratley, Thos. 108, 109 Sprever, John, 60 Sprignell, Edw. 108 Spront or Sprunt, John, 155, 156, 164 Spn.llel.urgl:, John, 223 SPU Spurman. See Spereman S^mrwaie, Edw., fellow of A. S. C. 285, 379 Squyer, John, 87 ... Robt. 88 ... Thos. 88 ... Wm. 88 Stacey, Thos., B.A., scholar of A. S. C. 302 Stachesden, 200 Stafford, 9 Stafford, Hen., vicar of New Romney, letter from, 181 Stalford, Humfrey Stall'ord, Earl of, 155, 156 Stafford, Lady Jane, 283, 284, 285, 286 letter from, 283 letter to, 285 Stafford, John de, 158 Stafford, John, Bp. of Bath and Wells (142.5-1443), Archbp. of Canterbury (1443-1452), 9, 128, 181, 262, 289 Stafforde, Mr. 145 Staines, Hen. 212 Stanbregge, Thos. 63 Stanbridge, Wm. 253, 254 Standish, Wm. 257 Standishe, Wm., Registrar of the University, 164 Stanet, John, 75, 76, 77, 80 ... Anne, 77, 80 Stanford, 9 ... Kent, 47, 50 Stanford, Thos. 102 Stanger, Wm. 251 Staniak, Thos. de, 152, 153 Stanlee, John de, 151 Stanley, Nic, scholar of A. S. C. 375 Staumore, 38, 72, 73, 79, 80, 279, 281, 388 ... Anedemereslond, 79 Stanmore Minor, 72, 77, 78, 79, 138, 390 Stanton Harcourt, Oxon, 52, 232, 263, 280, 288, 390 Jolm Gyll, pai'son of, 233 rectory, 233,234,235, 236 Frerwoode, 398 Parson's Wood, 233, 235, 23<), 237 Parsonage House, 233, 235, 236, 237 leases, 236 terrier of, 288 tithesof, 234, 23.5, 236 Sta])ylton, Miles, B.A., fellow of A. S. C. 318, 357, 375 ... Sir Miles, 124 Starker, Ralph, 199 Staunton, VVni. 238 ... Will. (Ic, 78 STO Stead, John, M.A., bursar of A. S. C. 321, 339, 340, 355, 356 proceedings against, 355 Stebenhethe (Stejaney), 135 Stede, Wm. 54 ... Wm., fellow of A. S. C. 297, 373, 381 Steede, Sir Wm. 146 ... Wm., D.C.L. 146, Ul Steede Hill, 146 Steele, Jas. 168 Stent, John, 176 ... Wm. 176, 177 his will, 177 Stephens, Edm. 35, 78 ... Ric, fellow of A. S. C. 321 ... Ric, fellow of A. S. C, his ajjpeal, 320, 333, 334, 345 ... Dr., vicar of Barking, 21 Steple Cleydon, 102 Sternie, Peter de, 135 Sterteoute, John, scholar of A. S. C. 303 Stevene, Thos. 27 Stevens, J., letter from, 403 ... Hen., letter from, 369 ... Wm. 173 Stevine, Alice, daughter of John, 199 Steward, Ric, fellow of A. S. C. 311, 373, 381 Stile, Thos. 165, 166 Stillington, Robt., Bp. of Bath and Wells (1466-1491), 397 Stockbury, Kent, 66 ... Emeric, vicar of, 55 Stockdale, Margaret, 84 Stockman, Wm., B.A. 373, 380 Stocton, Robt. 260 Stodder, Eras. 104, 106 Stodele, John, 62 Stodliagh, Thos. 188 Stoke, 92, 128 Stoke Climsland, 24 Stoke Fasten, 261 Stoke Hamunde, 93 Stoke Newington, 282 Stoke Verdun, Wilts. 90 Stoke, John, 397 Stokencliurch, Manor of, 122 Stokes, 393 Stokes, John, Warden of A.S.C. (1466-1494), 80, 126, 137, 145, 154, 239, 302, 385 letter to, 145, 302 ... John, rector of Denham, 74 ... John, rector of East Lavent, 396 ... John, 397 Stokley, Roger, Warden of A. S. C. (153;{_1536), 394 Stonbregge, Thos. 223 Stondon, (Jregorj^ do, 189 Stone, 142, 143 Stone, Eliz. 123 INDEX. 459 STO Stone, Jas. Dunton, 30, 40 ... John, 122, 123 ... Joseph, 3!), 10 ... Kic. 203, 201 letter from, 204 ... Kobt., Master oi Feversham School, 218, 304 ... Walter, LL.B., bursar of A. S. C. 302 Stonehousc, 8ir J. 313 Stonilond, 1!)2 Stotfaldc, 201 Blow, 108, 1 10 Stowe, 45 ... Wm., vicar of, 46 Stowtyng, Kent, 47 Stradling, Geo., fellow of A. S. C. 382 Stradlyng, Edm. 159 Stratford, Nic, Up. of Chester (1(589-1708), 402 Stratford, W., letter from, 354 Strahan, Wm., opinion of, 361 Stransham, llobt. 38, 67, 83, 282, 390 ... Thos. 83, 84, 85, 86, 87 Stratford, Fras. 392 ... Fras. Paul, 383 ... John de, 27 ... — , 226 Stratton Audley, letter dated, 241 Straunge, Sir Roger, 34. See also Lestraiinge Stretele, Wm. 103 Stretyn, Joan, 396 Strej't, John, 195, 201 ... Matilda, 195, 201 Stricton, Kic. de, prior of Alberburj', 9 Stringer, Kalh. 147 ... Wm. 179 Strode, Artlnu", fellow of A. S. C. 304, 305, 379 ... Sampson, fellow of A. S. C. 379 Strogall, Thos. 51, 388 Strother, G., letter from, 15 Stroude. iSee Strode Struggill, Thos. 227 Strykenbold, Thos. 224 Stubbes, John, 205, 207 Stubbs, Fras. 174, 176, 177 ... Fras. Perry, 175, 176, 177 ... W. 175 Stucle, Peter, 75, 76 Studder. See St odder Studlev, prioress of, 151, 152, 157,'l59 ... Alianora, pi-ioress of, 154 Stukpenny, Elisota, 143 ... Thos. 143 Stuppenny, Clement, 144, 226, 228 ... Laurence, 228 ... Ric. 146, 387 STU Stuppenny, Ric. fellow of A. S. C. 379 Sturt, 198 Style, John, 91, 280 ... Wm. 91, 280 Styles, — , brother of Sir Hum- ])lirey, 326 Sullolk, Archdeacon of. See Gold well ... Earl of. See Pole, Wm.de la Sutfblk, Benedict de, 202 Summerford, Ilcn. 214 Summerfcird, Robt. 214 Sumner, S. P>., Archbp. of Can- terbury (1848-62), 324, 325 Sumpe, Le, 142 Sunbury, letter dated, 298, 299 Sunderland, Lord. See Spen- cer, Chas. Suotintonor Schotinton, Shrop- shire, 1, 5, 6 Sury, Fras. 36, 70, 81, 269 Sussex, 143 Suthingtounc, Nic. de, 66 Sutlimulne, 197 Suthwode, Simon de, 193, 195 Sutton, Oxon, 235, 398 Sutton Dartford, 68, 70 Sutton, Alan, 103 ... Chas. Manners, Archbp. of Canterbury (1805-1828), 324 . . . John, Lord Dudley, 9, 16, 264 ... Thos. 175, 177 Swalcleve, Walter de, 96 Swallow, — , 399 Swan, John, 144 Swaubourne, 115 Swanbourne, John de, 72 Swanlund, Simon de, 202 Swannel'old, John, 143 Swannell, Matthew, 115 ... Wm. 109, no. 111 Swanscombe, Kent, 63 Swansea, 130, 179 ... letter dated, 179 Sweete, Benj. 279 Svveting, Roger, 135 Sweyn,"Ric. le, 200 Swinlield, Ric, Bp. of Here- ford (1282-1317), 13 Swon, Wm. 142 Swytf'th, Wm., 64 Swyndon, Thos. 158 Sydenay, Wm. 134 Sydeneham, Walter de, 103 Sydenham, Thos., fellow of A. S. C. 381 Syllesey, Elizabeth, 238 ..". Giles, 238 Sj'meon, John, 126 Symes, Wm. 229 Symond, Rose, 135 ... Wm. 135 Symonds, Rot. Thos. 128 Sywolhye or Sliolbye, 270, 275 ..'. ... letters dated," 270 TAY T W 356 -•-• "• Taillour, Alex. 141 ... Idonia, 141 ... Isabella le, 79 ... Simon le, 79 Tailor, Geo. 389 Tait, A. C, Arclibp. of Canter- bury (1868), 325 Takelie, Essex, 228 Talbot, Chas., Solicitor-General (1727-1733), Lord Chan- cellor (1733-1737), 293, 298, 367 ... Chr. Hansel, 383 ... Fras., fellow of A. S. C. 317 ... Gilbert, fellow of A. S. C. 381 Tame or Thame, Juliana, 88 Thos. 88 William, 88 Tamworth, letter dated, 179 Tamworth, Chr. 263 ... Colby, 268 ... John, Gentleman of the Privy Chamber of Queen Eliz. 83, 264, 265, 268, 282 heirs of, 269, 273, 274 Tanet, Thanet,or Tent, Bartho- lomew de, 55, 61, 63, 64, 65, 67 ... John de, 57, 61, 67 ... Lucy, 61 ... Ric. de, 61 ... Thos. 61 ... Thomasvnc, 61 ... Wm. 61^ 63, 64 Tanner, John, 152 ... Thos., Bp. of St. Asaph (1731-1735), 298, 299 letters from, 298, 299 ... Thos., Chancellor of Nor- wich, letters from, and to, 300 ... Thos., fellow of A. S. C. 320 Tanner's Mead, Oxon, 163 Tanqueray, Rev. David, 178 ... Rev. Edw. 178, 179 letters from, 178, 179 ... Rev. Thos. 178 pedigree, 179 Tapwell, Oxon, 395 Tatersale, Robt. 89 Tattersall, John, 383 Taunton, Archdeacon of, 137 Taunton, Wm. Elia;s, 128 Tawney, Robt. 296 Taylard, Walter, 75 Tavler, J., vicar of Winchcomb, 403, 404 letter from, 403 Tayllour, Geo. 244, 245, 249 Taylor, Humfrey, B.A. 385 ... Jeremy, M.A., fellow of A. S. C. 31.5, 316 ... John, 81, 246, 247, 248, 249 4G0 INDEX. TAY THO TRE Taylor, Ric. 115 Thomeley, 159 Tipping's Farm, Lewknor, 125, Taylour, Wm. 260 Thomelyn, Alice, 103 287 Tebbevvortli, 71, 186, 192, 197 ... Hugh, 96 Tirk or Tyi'ke, Wm. 27, 28 Tebvvrthe, Gilebert de, 77 ... Isabella, 96 John, 27, 28, 29 Telme, John, 159 ... Wm. 60, 63 Tirry, Ph., 3 Temlett, — , 30 Thomson, Giles, fellow of A. Tithes Commissioners, 279 Temlctt, Wm., groom of A. S. S. C. 305 Todd, Nic. 165 C. 335 ... Guy, banker, 169 Toddenham, Ciloucestershire, Temple. See London ... Stephen, 69 297 Temple, Geo. Nugent Granville, Thoneman, Joan, 198 Toke, Mr. 145 Earl, 33 Thorenton, 46 Toller, Ric. 231, 232 Temple. See Buckingham, Thorenton, Gilbert de, 101 102 Tombs, Wm. 392 Marquis of ... James, 102 Tomkins, Robt. 117, 118, 119, Tenet. See Tanet ... Ralph, 102 120 Tenison, Thos., Archbp. of Thornbery, Thos., Windsor Tomlyu. See Thomelyn Canterbury (1694-1715), 54, Herald, 328 Tunijjkins, Wm. 115, 116, 120 320,321,332-350, 352, 353, Thornborowe, Mr. 285 T(im])son, Leonard, 106 .354, 395 Thorne, La, 65 Toiuworth. See Tamworth letters from, 320, 333, Thorne, John, 229 Tonbridge, 143 334, 335, 340, 342, 344, 346, ... Ivo de, 74 ... school, 215 347, 350, 354 ... Margaret de, 74 Took, family of, 325 letters to, 332, 333, 334, Thorneberge, 101, 102 Tootell, Wm. Smith, 173, 174, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340, Thorneherst, Stexshen, 145, 180 341, 342, 343, 345, 348, 349 14G letter from, 180 injunction of, 321 letter from, 145 Topping, John, 216 visitation by, 352 Thorneton, 28, 112 Torbeville, Geoffrey, 151 Tcnney, John, 148, 149, 150 Thorntoft, Wm. de, 198 Toscr, John, 182 Tent. See Tanet Thornton, Master, 230 Tothill V. Rhodes, 177 Tenterden, 225, 227 Thorpe, Eliz. 176 Tottenham, 37 Terre or Terry, Joan, 53 ... Mary, 176 Tounesende, Henry Atte, 100 Wm. 53 ... Thos. 175, 176, 177 ... John Atte, 100 Terry, Moses, 123, 124 ... Wm. 176 ... Robt. Atte, 100 ... Sarah, 123 ... pedigree of, 176 Tourseyc, Wm. 27 Tershawe, Edm. de, 158 Thoternho, Hen. de, 200 Tovy, John, 126 ... John de, 158 . . . Margery, 200 Tovye, Wm., fellow of A. 8. C. ... Petronillade, 158 Throcking, letter dated, 378 379 Tervyn, John de, 103 Throgmerton, John, 151 Towcester, 116, 117, 242, 384 Tetherhill or Totherhill, Cren- Throsby, John, 148 ... letter dated, 242 don, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 286 Throwley, Kent, 70 Townsend, Wm. H., builder, Tetherliill Coppice, 283 Thuamolow. See Twemelowe 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 299 Tew, Wm. 250 Tille, Ric. 50 articles and accounts. Tewe. See Tuwe Tilleby Church, 258 295, 296 Tewkes1)ury, Abbey of, 387 Tillotson, John, Archbp. of Townshend, T., letter from, ... vicar of, 401 Canterbury (1691-1694), let- 366 ... church of, 403 ter to, 331 Towse, Ric, letter from, 274 Thame, 32. See Tame Tilton, Leic. 258,260, 261, 264, Towse, Wm. 144, 228 Tlianet. See Tanet, 205 268 Tracy, John Visct., warden of Tliedome, Robt. 89 ... church, 257, 258 A. S. C. (1766-93), 23, 26, Thecd, Jolm, Master of Berk- ... John Skynner, chaplain of. 323, 324 hamstcad scliool, letters 260 letter to, 23, 324 from and to, 215 ... Mr. Lante, vicar of, 270 Trade and Plantation, Com- Theobalds, letter dated, 284 Tilton, Ric. do, 260 mittee of, 291 Thloyn Scybor, in Ballesloy, 5 Times, T., letter from, 179 Traneye, 203 Thomas, Geo. 242, 250, 251, 262 Tindal, Matthew, fellow of Traynel or Treinel, Ric. 3, 7 letter from, 242 A. S. C. 336, 343, 345, 376, 402 Roger, 7 Thomas, Humphrey, 16, 387 citation of, 345 Tread well, Anne, 251 ... John, 69, 169 his book, 'the Right s of Treasiu-er,Mr. (Sir Thos.Parry), ... Joseph, 391 the Christian Church,' 3 36 270 ... Ilese ap, 129 Tindall, Savage, scholar of A. | Trefnant, 9 ... Robt, 87, 129 S. C. 322 Trefry, Abel, M.A. 372 ... Vanghan, vicar of Yarnton, Tindel, Rev. Mr., letter to. 296 Trenge, Line. dioc. 385 letter from, 279 Tingrith, Beds. 178, 179 Tress, Wm., 184 ... alias Plommcr, Wm. 129, Tingwick, 112, 117, 118 Trevor, Robt., scholar of A. S. C. 291 Tinncyc, 203 322 ... Wm. 329 Tip})ing, Geo. 122, 123 Trevor, Thos. Lord, 29.3, 294 ... — , .393 ... Thos. 123 Trcvowlance, Hen. 136 INDEX. 4G1 TRI TriiiKliam, Mr., letter to, 170 Trinity, Guild of, Buckingham, 101 Troke, Hen. ]'.)8 Trott, Edw. 178 ... John, 178 Trumbull, Wm. 357 Tuhl), IJenj. KiS Tucker, Eliz. 2.50, 251, 391 TulVce, Dr. 3'.J5 Tuiford Manor, 20i Tukker, Wm. 155 Tuluse, Robt. 1 !)9 Tuluse, Wm. lit!) Turk, .Jolm, 103 Turiibull, Hester, 112, 113, 111, 115 ... John, 112, 113, 114, 115 Turner, Fras., Bp. of Ely (1G81- IG'JO), 330 ... Hen. 31)1 ... John, 112, 113 ... Mary, 116, 117 ... Nic. 393 ... Wm. 118 Turncyc, 200 Turnour, Wm. 1 43, 282 Tutlmry, Tlios. de, 45 Tut to, John, 161 Tuwe or Tewe, Thos. 97, 100 Twemclowc, Kaljih de, 72 Twining, John, 400 Twining, Thos., vicar of Wils- ford, benefactor of A. S. C. 300, 301 letter from, 300, 301 letter to, 300 Twisden, Cbas., dean of A. S. C. 307, 380 Twissan, Levelin ab, 5, 6 ... Yarvord Lewelin ab, 6. See also Eynon Twitty, Thos., B.A. 317 Twomelowe. Sec Twemclowc Twyford, Middlesex, 135 Twyford, Bucks, 112 Twyford, John, 135 Ty, llichard, rector of, 259 Tyckford, 104 Tykyll, Thos. 159 Tykynge, John, 45 Tyllard, Arthur, chorister of A. S. C!. 370 Tylneye, John, 88 Tyndall, John, 386 Tvrcll, John, 63 Tyrlokkys, 56 Tyrrol, Alice, 134 ... Ralph, son of Thos. 134 TTDIMER, 228 *-' Ulf, Thos. 223 Ulvcrston, Ric. 35 Umfrcy, Hen. and Eliza, 1 55 UND Undcrhill, John, rector of Lin- coln Coll. 24 ... John, Bp. of Oxford (1589- 1592), 233 Upchercl), Wm. de, 66 TTpchurcli, Kent, 54, 129, 151, ISO, 279, 280, 286, 287, 394, 401 leases, 68 rentals, 67, 68 terriers, 286, 287 St. Mary's Church, 180, 262 rectory, 180, 181, 182, 290, 308 leases of, 182 vicarage, 130, 182 vicar of. See Lawney, John ; Lloyd, John ; Jone-s, Ric. ; Haynes, John priory, 129 Ate Boxe, 56 Atte Breechc, 56, 65 Atte Doune, 66 Bellabrook, 68 Berwfeld, 66 Brodestrete, 61 Brokestrcte, 62 Chirchstrete, 68, 69 Clarkcshouse, 69 Clejdiamme, 61 Coney Heatli, 70 Crockham Park, 70, 71, 281 Ellencbussh, 62 Goseley Mar.sh, 66 ...... Halywelle, 61 Herbert ham, 68 Keytield, 69 La Dane, 62 LaHclde, 56, 57 Lanoke, 61 Medfeld, 61 Stonfyld, 68 Upticld, Barking, 21 Uphous, Thos. 90 Upton, Bucks. 87, 88, 89, 91, 92, 279 Upton-npon-Severn, 170 Upton, Antony, bursar of A. S. C. 319, 374 Uvedale, Wm.,fellow of A. S. C. 382 yACHAN, Ej-non, 5 ' ... Garvord, 5 ... Tuder, 5 Vaghan, Wm., burgess of Shrewsbnrv, 6 Valet, Thos. 193 Vant, Alice le, 200 ... Robt. le, 200 Vaughan, Jeffrey Lloj'd 'ap Grutlith, 11 WAK Vauglian, Jenkin, bursar of A. S. C. 162, 310, 311, 371, 372, 380 Vann, .Jos. 255 Vansittart, Robt., scholar of A. S. C. 323 Vans, AVm. 27 Vavasour, Wm. le, 44 Vayan, Maurice, 5 Veil, Ric. le, 189 Velleyn, Roger, 3 Venter, Wm. 208,209 Veragron, near Ballesle^-, 5 Verney, Matthew, 253, 254 Vernon, Ric. 35 ... Sir Ric. 346 Verulam, Lord, See Bacon, Fras. Ville, Ric. de la, 100 Villers, Barth, 261 Villiers, Geo., Marquis of Buck- ingliam, letter to, 312 Vincent, John, fellow of A. S. C. 381 ... Ric. 224 Vise. See Vyse Voel, Geo. B.A. 370 Voller, Adam, 160 ... Edw. le, 160 Vynsent, Tlios. 261 Vyse, Ric, Master of St. John's Hospital, 164 ... Thos. 59 ... Thos. Atte, 59, 66 WACOTT, John, 108 '' Wade, Kent, 54, 58, 65, 68 Wade, Robt. 134 ... Thos. 148, 149 Waddon, Dorset, 229 AVadewelle, John, 56 Waget, Cecilia, 198 AVaggesl atfe, Thos., fellow of A.'S. C. 304, 379 Wainewrisfht, Thos., scholar of A. S. C.^374, 382 Wake, Edw., B.A. 322 Wake, Sir Hugh, 97 ... Jolm, 97 Wake, Wm., j\j.-chbp. of Canter- bmy (1715-1737), 294, 321, 322, 323, 35.5, 356, 357, 359, 360, 361, 362, 363, 399 letters to, 322, 356, 359, 362 letters from, 321, 355, 359 injunctions and man- dates, 321,322, 328 Wakefeld, Hen. 386 AVakefeld, Hen., Bp. of Wor- cester (1375-1394), 223 ... John, 100 ... Robt. 159 462 INDEX. " WAK WAP WEB Watehurst, Ric. 223, 225 Wapijcnham, Northants, letters Warton. See Wharton Wakeley, Thos. Stanley, 184 dated, 241, 242 Warwick, 151 "Wakeman, Alice, 156 Wappenham Wild, 240, 242, Warwick, Dean of. See Sper- Wakeman, Matilda, 156, 161 250, 269 man, John ... Richard, 156, 161 enclosure of, 269 AVarwick, John, 250, 391 Wakurleu-h, 193 Wajjpenham Woods, 241 Waryn, John, 48, 93 Walbank, John, 137 ... Great and lesser Friths, 269, Waryne, Walter, 152 Walcott, Thos. 99 280, 282 Wasanf red. See Guldefeld Waldegrave, John, 400 Warburton, Peter, Justice, 234 Wa.ssheburne, John, 133, 134 Waldo, Edw. 148 Warcoust. Hee Warkcvvorse Wast, Simon. 59 ... Peter, fellow of A. S. C. 218, Ward, J., opinion of, 23 Watelond, 197 382 ... John, 46 Water, John, 153 letter to, 218 ... Ric. will of, 210 ... John Atte, 186, 195 Waldynff, Wm. 65 ... Mr., letter from, 344 ... Robt., son of Henry Atte, Wale, Thos. 237 ... Mr. 354 197 Walebachcffelde, 65 Warde, Hen. 237, 233 ... Thos. Atte, 197 Wales, 329 ... John, of Buckingham, 53 ... Thomasine, 153 ... progress into, 315, 393 ... Ric. 104 Water Lambeth, 248, 249 ... South, chamberlain of, 129 ... Thos. 141, 142, 143 Watering-bury, letter dated, Walker, Edmund, 117, 118, 119, ... Wm. le, 201 226 120 Wards and Liveries, Court of. Waters, Thos. 282 ... John, 148 2.30, 263, 268, 273, 274 Watkin, Barbara, 211 ... John, scholar of A. S. C. Ware, Jas. 228 ... Bridget, 214 302 ... Martin, 229 ... Rev.^John Barton, 211, 213 ... Wm. 235 ... Sam. 87 Watkins, Andrew, 228 ... Wm., B.C.L., fellow of ... Ursida, 228, 229 ... John, 24, 297 A. S. C. 137 Warehorn, 50 Watlesboroiigh, 12, 16 ... Wm., executor of Warden Warham, Wm., Abp. of Can- Watre, Hen. Atte, 87, 88, 90 Kele, 278 terbury (1504-1532), 181, 302, Watson, Arthur Geo., fellow of ... Wm., rector of Baldok, 136 303 A. S. -C. 324, 325 Walkett, Robt. 168 his seal, 181 Watson, John, 31 Walkley, Wm. 31 letters from, 303 ... John, M.A. 389 Wall, Ric. 168 statutes of, 302 ... Mary, 114 Wall, Wm. 19 Wariner, Agnes, 237, 238 ... Ric, letters to, 178, 1. J Walland Marsh, 226 ... Christiana, 237, 238 ... Thos., Bp. of St. David"s Waller, Thos. 223 ... John, chaplain, 237, 238 (1687-1689), 330 Wallcvvorth, Sir Wm. do, 223 ... Ralph, 237, 238 ... Wm. 24 Wallingford, prior of, 398 ... Ric. 237 Wattes, Wm., letter to, 204 Wallop, Sir H. 269 Warkeworse, Ric. 247 Watts, Abraham, 401 Wallys, Hugh, Bp. of Lincoln Warkeworse,Tlios. 244, 245, 246 ... Edmund, 236, 237 (1209-1234), 258 Warkhouse, Ric. 248, 249 ... Thos. 244, 245 Walmisley, Tlios., Justice, 234, Warle church, 258 ... Amphillis, his wife, 245 306 Warmstry, Thos., scholar of ... Wm. 239, 245, 246, 286, 307, Walpole, Sir Robt. 366 A. S. C. 371 389 Walrond, John, scholar of Warm well, Geoffrey de, 158 letter from, 286 A. S. C. 375 Warner, John, Warden of A. Wattone, Isabella de, 61 Walsingham, Sir Fras., Secre- S. C. (1.536-56), 10, 46, Wauncy, Wm., son of Robt. tary of State, 218, 2.']0, 271, 5], 81, 107, 145, 146, 230, 237 283, 284, 286 270, 30.3, .304, 379, 394, 398 Wavendon, 190, 19 , 192, 193, letters from, 218, 271, letters to, 107, 145, 146, 196, 200, 201, 213 286 270, 304 ... Reginald de, 184 letters to, 271,283, 284 letters from, 270 Way, Benj. 228 Walssh, Ric. 76 ... John, Doctor of Phj-sic, 165 Wayte, John, Mayor of Oxford, Walter, John Amherst, 184 ... John, 99 230 ... Morgan, B.A. 372, 380 ... John, of Stanmore, 280, 281, Wayte, Stephen, 143 Walton, 202 388 Weall, Benj. 41 Walton, Elizabeth de, 100, 103 ... Robt. 1.33 ... John, 41 ... John de, 100, 103, 107 ... Dr. 333 Weatherall, Alice, 167, 168 ... William, 93 AVarre, R., letter from, 349 ... Tlios. 167 Walton Cardiff, letter dated, Warren Hill, Oxon, 163 Webb, John, rector of Harps- 401 Warrcwyk, Joan, 57 den, 26 Wandon, 212 ... John, 57 ... John, M.A. 375 Wappenhara, Northants, 237, Warryn, Hen. 79 ... John, B.C.L. 385 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 244, Warryner. >(inl, 269, 27.3, 274 V/lxateley or Wheat Icy, Oxon, 229, 230, 277, 280, 288 WHA Whateley or Wlieatley, leases, 278 terrier of, 288 Whaleman, John, 386 Wheeler, Thos. 389 Wheiller, Hen. 206, 207, 208 Wilder, Hen. 35 Wliirgh, Thos. 237 Whishaw, Chas. 39, 84 ... Eras. 85 ... Jolni, 86 Whitbourne, 15 Whitchurch, 329 White or Whyte, Alan, 48 Ann, 169 Rev. Francis, 163 Hen., Alderman of Ox- ford, 291 Hugh, 231 Jolin, 195 John, 245 John, 257 Revd. John, letters to, 403, 404 Robert, 50 Sir T. 301 Whitechurch, Glamorgan, 390 Whitehall. See Westminster Whitehall, Chas. 112, 115, 392 ... John, 113 Whitehead, Peter, 163, 386 Whitelock, Jas., Fellow of A. S. C. 381 Whitelocke, Wm., letter from, 349 Whitfield, 388 Whitfield, Mr. and Mrs. 403 Whitgift, John, Archbp. of Canterbury (1583-1604), 14, 272, 283, 284, 303, 305, 306, 307, 326, 328, 351, 356, 377 letters to, 14, 283, 284, 328 letters from, 14, 272, 283, 303, 305, 306, 307, 356 injunctions by, 305, 306, 307, 328, 351 Whitlied, John, 47 Whithill, Isabella, 98 ... John, 98 Whitlok, John, 34 Whitteye, \^'^n. 135 Whitton or Witton, Anne, 252 Whitton, Geo. 251 ... Sarah, 254, 255 ... Thos. 12.5, 126, 127, 389 Wliitwell, Joan, 262 ... Wm. 262 Wiiitwick Manor, 269 AVhygliam, Jolui de, 239 WhVteley, Alice de, 161 ... Jolin de, 161 Whyllie, Nic. 260 Whyitun. Sn: Whitton Wiat. See Wjat Wibarn, Jolm, bursar of A. S. C. 306 Wickham, 92, 145 ... (ireat, Bucks. 52 ... West, Camb. 45 Wickham, Ric. 39 ... Ric, Scholar of A. S. C. 371, 380 ... William, 2.36 Wigan, 401, 402 Wignall, Ric, vicar of Barking, 20, 21 ... Ric Dean of A. S. C. 305 Wilberforce, Sam., Bp, of Ox- ford, 25 Williraham, Randle, 360, 368 Wilbraliam, Thos., B.A. 321, 360, 361, 362, 382 Wild, Ric, Vicar of Alberbury, 9 Wildelow, Wm. 102 Wilden, 197 Wildgoose, Ric. 278 ... Thos. 278 ... Wm. 278 Wileg, Manor of, 198 Wilford, Manor of, 398 Wilkins, Cann, letter from, 170 ... Hen. 239 ... Jas. 70 ... Robert, 239 ... Thos. 169, 170 ... Thos. 239 ... Wm. 103 Wilkinson, Wm. 252 Willaston or Woolaston, Shropsh. 1, 2, 11, 13, 15 ... St. John's Chapel in, 11, 14 Willaston, Elias de, 1, 2, Richai'd his son, 1 Willeby, Wm. 45 Willes, John, Dean of A. S. C. 320, 334, 337, 354 ... J., opinion of, 361 letter from, 362, 363 ... Robt. 50 ... Thos. 247, 249, 250 ... Wm. 50 ... —,332 Willesborough, .50, 51, 52, 182 "Willesden, 37, 39, 76, 84,132, l.-.l, 171, 179, 248, 249, 280, 281, 282, 283, 393 ... bailiffs' accounts, 393 ... collector for the poor at, 137 ... leases, 137 ... rentals, 37 ... wood sales, 280, 281, 282, 283 ... Ashehill, 137 ... Beaver Lands, 138 ... Brokefcild, 137 ... Bushfiold llaught. 139 ... r.ushliold Crove, 139, 140 I N D E X. 4Go WIL Willesden, Chirchefeld, 133, 185 ... church, 180 ... Churchend, 139 ... Dean, the, 17!*, 180 ... Forton or Fortune field, 133, 135, 180 ... the Green, 135, 180 ... Hether Low, 138 ... Hungerhill, 133 ... Katefield, 138 ... Liphokgesmede, 135 ... Lower lirent Field, 180 ... Mallaries Croft, 282 ... Netherfeld, 136 ... Nethershirwykfelde, 134 ... Perricroft, 137, 138 ... Prenteys Croft, 136, 280 ... Rogerescroft, 136 ... Sherrick Green fields, ISO ... Stylecrofts, 136 ... Turnerslield Grove, 139, 140, 141 ... William, vicar of, 135 Willesdon, Barth. 80, 136 ... Thos. 136 William III., King of England, 346 William, prior of Grandemont, 259 William, son of Hamon, 93, 101 William, son of Ralph, 186 William, son of Reginald, 185 ... Smania, his wife, 185 William, son of Urgena, 5 William, David, executor of Warden Kc-le, 279 Williams, Griflith, 12 ... John, Dean of A. S. C. 306 ... John, B.A. 370, 371, 379, 380 ... John, 70 ... John, principal of Jesus Col- lege (1602-1613), 390 ... Reginald, 13, 14 ... Ric, bursar of A, S. C. 311, 372 ... Ric, son of Mr. Justice, 328 ... Robt. 12 ... Thos. 14 ... Thos., LL.B., bursar of A. S. C, prosecution of, 358 ... Vincent, mayor of Fever- sham, letters from, 221, 222 letters to, 221 Williamson, Sir Jos., letter from, 318 Willingham, 54 Willis," Chas. 118, 119, 120 ... Marteene, 167 ... Nic. 248 ... Robt. 247 ... —, fellow of A. S. C. 320 Wills, Benj. 251 ... Cecil V, 248 ... Edw. 241, 250, 251, 392 letter from, 241 Wills, Henry, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255 ... Jas. 250, 251 ... John, fellow "of A. S. C. 320 ... John, 248, 249 ... Jolin, letters from, 242, 243 ... Mary, 251 ... Ric. 252 ... Thos. 249, 2.50 ... Wm. 2.50, 392 Wilmet, Elena, 55, 56 ... Jolm, 55, 56 Wilmore, Mary, 391, 392 ... Susanna, 119 ... William, 117 Wilmott, W. 241 Wilsford, Wills, letters dated, 300, 301 ... vicar of. 6'ee Twining, Thos. Wilshere. See Wylshyre Wilson, Robt., rector of Lock- inge, 24 Wilton, 83, 282, .390 Winch, Jas. 121, 122 Winchcomb, 403, 404 ... letter dated, 403 ... Sudeley tenements, 404 Winchelsey, Robt., Archbp. of Canterbury (1293-131.3), 54 Winchester, 152 ... Bp. of. See Beaufort, H. (1405-1447) ; Gardiner, S. (1531-1550) ; Poynet, J. (1551-1553) ; Cowper, T. (1583-1594) ... W., Bp. of (Waynflete ?), 290 ... bishopric of, 233 ... Marquis of. See Paulet Windmill, John, 209 Windsor, letters dated, 121, 303, 354 Windsor Castle, 92, 240 ... Chapter House, 30 ... College, 283 ... Canon of. See Honywood, Robt. ... Dean of, 29. See Rives, Brune Winford, Edw., B.A. 374 Winir, Ric. 38 Winiow, Ric. 122, 123, 124 ... Mrs. 123 Winmeal, John, 208 Winne, Morgan, Dean of A. S. C. 329, 373, 381 Winslow, 118, 119 Winter, Mark, clerk of the chapel at A. S. C. 388 Wise, Fras., letter from, 364 ... Matthew, 104 Wiseman, Capell, fellow of A. S. C. 382 Withcote Lodge, 276 Withers, Thos"". 40, 171, 172 Withy, Mr. 179 Witney, 128 II H WOO Witteneye, John, 223 Wlfreton, 102 Wobum, Abbot of, 200 ... Ric, Abbot, 189 Woburn Chapel, 187, 193, 195, l!t6, 202 Wude, Joan At the, 22 ... John Atte, 78, 141 ... Ric. Atte, 81 ... Simon At the, 22 ... Wm. Atte, 136 Wodecherche, Hen. 159 Wodechirche, 144 Wodeliay, Ric 158. 161 Wodehyll, Thos. proctor, 164 Wodekoc, Thos. 195 Wodell, Kic 389 Wodcman, Wm. 142 Wodeward, Wm. le, 197 Wudeward. See Woodward Wodezendc, 238 Wodnewenton, 29 Woketon, 103, 193 Wolbald, Thos. 48 Wolfl'hey, Alice, widow of Hugh, 199 Wolgarcote, 158 Wollrich, Antony, B.A. 374 Wolman, John, 396 Wolverton, Const ancia de, 97 ... Sir John de, 93, 97, 100 ... John, his son, 93, 100 Wood orWode, Alex. 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17 leases to, 16 letters from 14 letters to, 14 ... Basil, 17 ... Basil, Dean and bursar of A. S. C. 310, 311, 371, 372, 373, 380 ... Jeremiah B., letter from. 15 ... John, 75 ... Nic, Dean of A. S. C. 307 ... Peter, 14, 15, 17 letter from, 15 ... Ric 80 ... Ric. B.A., bursar of A. S. C. 320 ... Robert, fellow of A. S. C. 321 his appeal, 360, 361, 362 ... R., letter from, 355, 357, 360 ... Thos., letter from, 242 ... Thos. LL.D. 222, 386 .. Thos., fellowof A. S. C. 322. 382 Woodcroft, Bucks, 92 Woodell, John, 206, 207 ... Ric 205, 206 Woodgreen, 37 Woodmore, near Albcrbury, 7 466 INDEX. wco Woodroffe, Dr. 345 Woods and Forests, Commis- sioners of, 71 Woodstock, 244, 388 Woodward or Wode.vard, Blandina, 393 ... Eliz. 230 ... Frances, 209 ... Henry, 209 ... John, 391 ... Joseph, letter from, 355, 356, 359 ... Rev. Michael, 209 ... Michael, 392, 393 ... Robt. 31 ... Robt. 99 ... Robt. 203, 20.5, 206, 207, 208, 209, 389, 391 ... Rev. Robt. 209 ... Robt., Warden of A. S. C. (1526-153.3), 14,5, 155, 387 letter to, 145 ... Thos. 82 ... Wm. 31 ... — , 204 Woodwell, John, 208 Woollaston. Sec Willaston Woolverton, Hants, 85 Worcester, Archdeacon of. See Worth, Wm. . . . Bp. of. See Wakefield, Hen. de (1375-1394) ; Bourchier, Thos. (1434-1443) ; Prideaux, John (1641-1050) ... Chancellor of. See Lang- ford, John Worth, Sir John de, 73 Worth, Wm., M.A., fellow of A. S. C. 320, 340, 341 his appeal, 340 Wotton, 196 Wotton, Edw. 238 ... Thos., LL.B., bm'sar of A. S. C. 302 Wraby, John, 54, 384, 396 Wraton, Robt. 134 Wray, Edw. 121, 122 ... Lady Eliz. 121, 122 Wren, Christopher, 356, 381 Wrench, Luke, 162 ... Sibell, 162 ... Thos. 162 Wrenche, Geoffrey, 80 ... Marion, 79 ... Robt. 79 Wri^rht, Anne, 147, 175 ... Arthur, 147 ... John, 124, 174, 175, 180 ... John Denyer, 174, 175 ... Sir Nathan, 350, 351 letters from, 351 letter to, 350 ... Oliver, 147, 148 ... Ric, vicar of Lewknor, 121 125 ... Robt., Chief Justice, 330 WRI Wri.ylit, Thos. 2 37, 238 ... Tlios. of Ofchirchc, 384 ... Wm., letters from, 342, 357 Wrightson, Harriet, 253 ... Ric. Heber, 255 Wronow, son of David, 5 Wrootham, Thos. 178 Wrout,'hton, Henry, 60, 62, 63 Wrox'hull, 203 Wryghte. See Wright Wryothesley, Thos. 227 ... Thos. Earl of Southampton, 278 Wrythelok, Robt. 158 Wyat, Sir Hen., Treasurer of the Chamber to Hen. VIIL 303 387 ... Hen., fellow of A. S. C. 374, 380 ... Roger, 103 Wybarn, John, 396 Wycclyve, or Wyttlyve, John, 93, 94 Wyche, Cyril, fellow of A. S. C. 382 Wyckly, Hen. 178 Wycombe, 90, 106, 334, 335, 345 ... letters dated, 334, 335 ... the Catharine Wheel, 334 ... Wydcroft's Mede at, 90, 91 ... Hospital of St. Giles at, 106 ... Gilbert, Dean of, 106 Wycombe, John de, 160, 161 ... Wm. de, 160, 161 his will, 160 Wydel, Wm. 195 Wydevvlle, Joan, 188 ... Ric' 188, 202 ... Tiios. 188 Wydmere, Nic. 224 Wyght, Robt. 75, 76 Wyghtman, Wm. 282 Wykham, Sir Thos. 28, 94, 95 Wylauston. See Willaston Wylcotes, Jolm, 94 ..."Thos. 94 Wylde, Alice, d. of Wm. le, 1.57 ... Hen. 41 Wyldschyr, Wm. 135, 136 Wyleby, John de, 201 Wylgoose, John, 222 Wylkyn, John, 27 ... Katharine, 27 Wyllos, John, brewer, 167 Wyllicotes, Eliz. 395 Wylshyi-e, Joan, 256 ... John, 256 ... Thos. 2.56 ... Wm. 256 Wyltsliyr, John, Lord of Bra- denham, 90 TON Wymarcke, Edw. 264, 267 Wymborne, John de, 141 Wymoudesold, Sarah, 26 Wymundham, Alice, 191 ... Robt. de, 190, 191 ... Wm. de, 191 WjTichecombe, John, 23 Wynday, Stephen, 47, 48 Wyndout, John, 158 Wyneard, Wm. 91 Wynne, Husrh, letters from, 332, 333, 337, 357 .. Luttrell, fellow of A. S. C. 323 .. Wat kin Williams, letter from, 367 .. Wm., fellow of A. S. C, letters from, 364, 366 .. Wm., B.A., Jesus College, 321, 360, 361, 362 .. —letter to, 170 Wynnesley, Salop, 398 Wynter, Ric. 28 ... Ric. fellow of A. S. C. 318 Wynterbourne, Thos. 99 Wyntle, Ric, M.A. 375 ... Robt., of Merton College, letter from, 364 Wyntre, Ric, B.A. 385 Wyot, Wm. 88 Wyrardisbury, Buckingham- shire, 91 Wyse, Walter le, 54, 55 Wyte, John, son of Roger le, 200 Wythigge, John, 159 ... Margaret, 159 ... Thos., alderman of Oxford, 159 Wythynton, John, 35 Wythot, Thos. 48 Wytinton, 8 VARD, Wm., letter from, 270 ■^ Yarlington, 397 Yarnton, 279. Yarword. See Philip, Ej-non, Twissan Yate, John, scholar of A. S. C. 374 Yelford, 399 Yelling, 133 Yelverton, Hen., opinion of, 399 ... Mr., letter to, 270 Yernton, 104 Yevaf , son of Ythael, 7 Ylatte Vyn Veyel, near Ey- ton, 5 Yon, Wm., Abbot of St. James, Norlliam])ton, 261 Yonge or Young, Avicia, 1 42 ... John, 127, 128, 182, 267 INDEX. 46 r YON TOR YWH Yonge, Thos. Oit York, Edmund, Duke of, 57 Young, John, 390 ... Wm. H2 ... James, Duke of. See Ythel, son of David, 5 Yongehosebond, Roger, son of James 11. Ytloyn Scybor. See Thloyn Simon, 197 ... Dean of, 302. See Andrews, Scybor ... Beatrix, his wife, 11(7 Ric. Yve, Robt. 27 Yog, Nicholas, 80, 334 Young, Dr. 298 Yvenhale, Wm. de, I York, letter dated, IIG Young, Ed w., scholar of A. S. ('. ... Hugh his son, 1 York, province of, 00, 399 320 Ywherst, 93 LOSDOS : PRISTED BT sroTTi.swoonB axd co., sew-strekt squarr AXl) PAULIAMEXT STRF.ET s^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. 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