^ LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA GIFT OF MRS. MARY WOLFSOHN IN MEMORY OF HENRY WOLFSOHN :M=2ii^j&M'MW:M^Mli^:M M'M'M^M ^ M^^Jti jJ ^w*^*-.'*./**."*.**.''^'^' ■'X^1:^^^:^^rTTr:m^,tfS^ ^/Sg5ga;jSte)^?§g?g^-^ y^?7^^; Ar.^ ' •' i>CiSto^^^3 >c»s«e«* ij THE BOOK OP LIFE. 194 ON LEAVING THE CEMETERY. "Then shall the dust return to the earth whence it came, and the spkit shall return unto God who gave it." (Ezek. xii, 7.) Peace be with you, all whom death has united in this field, the last home of so many departed ones. Peace be with your souls, which have been recalled by the voice of God to eternal life. Amen. ksnr OF THE END. 193 THE BOOK OF LIFE. ON SETTING A TOMBSTONE. "A mere sliadow are our days upon tlie earth." (Job viii, 9.) Naught is left to me of him who has gone "to the valley of the shadow of death" but a stone bearing his name. This is aU we have to mark the spot where his mortal remains are laid, to re- mind us of what we too shall soon become. In the grave aU our efforts end. Here is nothing but a fragile stone or a nameless grave, to recall to us the memory of those whom we leave behind, unless we sow the seed of goodness and useful deeds in om- earthly career, the fruits of which we shall reap in heaven. O thou! who sleepest in the dust, this monument •was not needed to recall thy name, for thy precious memory is enthroned in the hearts of many ; but thy gentle quahties and kind friendship have so endeared thy image to my soul, that death alone can efface the remembrance of the loss I have sustained in thy decease. May thy body rest in peace. Lord! in setting this stone to the memory of I beseech Thee to grant repose to his (her) soul, give him (her) the peace of the righteous, and admit him (her) to the joy of contemplating Thy divine presence. Vouchsafe Thy mercy to me, O Lord! that my spirit may one day also enjoy eternal beatitude, and make my memory worthy of being honored and pro- served among those whom I shall leave behind. Amen. THE BOOK OF LIFE. 192 AT A GEANDPARENT'S GEAVE. With deep veneration I approach thy tomb to do homage to thy memory, dear grandfather (grand- mother), and recall to my mind thy many \drtues. May this tribute of love and respect be a worthy offering to thy memory, which shall keep me m the path of rectitude, that I may follow the example of piety and goodness thou hast left to our family. I win strive, with the help of God, to leave a like her- itage to my children. May my vow to honor thy memory by the practice of virtue be acceptable to God, and may He aid me in my righteous endeavors. Amen. AT A FEIEND'S OE EELATIVE'S GEAVE. Mayest thou rest in peace, dear friend! Death has severed the tie that united us in this life, to be renewed everlastingly in a happier world, whither I shall one day follow thee. Now, faithful to thy memory, I implore God to grant repose unto thy soid ; and to vouchsafe to me the grace of a reunion when His holy will shall call me hence. My God! permit that the soul of him (her) for whom I mourn, freed from earth's painful struggles, dangers and difficulties, and purified through thy mercy, may share the joys of the blessed in eternity. Amen. 191 THE BOOK OF LIFE. seize mine, and lead me up, -and show me the way unto purer light, unto higher joys. — O Lord! may my (brother s — sister's) spirit have attained to eternal peace, that {Ms — her) heart, satisfied by Thy river of love, be filled with the highest clearness and cheered by the highest salvation ! Peace be unto this conse- crated spot that contains these remains. Amen. AT A BROTHEE'S OR SISTER'S GRAVE. May peace be thine, dear friend of my youth! What gentle memories and bitter regrets cluster around this tomb. Alas! death claimed thee too soon, and removed thee too early from those who loved thee. What grief! to think that we, whom one roof sheltered, one mother nourished, the same hearts cherished and the same hands blessed, are forever separated! We were so hapjoy together; thy friendship was so sweet a support. Alas! thy departure has turned our joy into mourning. Noth- ing on earth is lasting. I grieve in my selfishness at having lost , thee ; but thou art happy near our Heavenly Father, and this thought wUl inspire me with courage and resignation, as likewise the glorious hope of meeting thee again in a better world, where eternal joy awaits the righteous. O my God ! grant unto my brother's (sister's) soul the happiness of the righteous ; grant that, purified by death, he (she) may rejoice in the beatitude of Thy divine presence. Amen. THE BOOK OF LIFE. 190 day of my life, when I shall hope to join thee in the dweUing-place of the Most High. May thy dust repose in peace, and thy spirit enjoy eternal beatitude. Amen. AT A BKOTHEK'S OR SISTER'S GRAVE. Full of loving recollections I draw nigh unto ihe grave of my beloved {brother — sister) whose memory can never cease. Oh ! that thou hast departed from me, that thou hast been taken from me, with whom I was united by the most tender bonds of blood and love. My spirit wanders back to the days of our childhood which we passed together, in joy and sorrow, with the most fervent devotion and attach- ment, when, faithfully clinging to each other, we entered upon the paths of life, and strove towards our aim, and endured together, with the most sin- cere mutual sympathy, all suffering and trials. Yerily, life was of value to us because we enjoyed it together. And though now and then differences of opinion and intentions would separate us, how quickly would we again extend our hands to each other, and forget all! All at once thou wast taken from me — relentless death tore thee from my arms. Thy picture stands before me and fills me with unutterable woe and longing. Alas! thou shalt never return unto me, and I must wait for the time when we shall be re- united. Then thy spirit — as once thy hand, — will 189 THE BOOK OF LIFE. AT A CHILD'S GRAVE. Here lies the hope and joy of my hfe. O God! to overcome thoughts of despair, and to learn resigna- tion, I must pour out my heart to Thee, and implore thy pardon ; for how gi'ievously must I have sinned to be so sorely smitten ! And yet, O Lord ! I recog- nize Thy love, and humbly bow to Thy holy wdll; Thou hast deprived me of my child. Not for him, but for myself do I grieve. He is near Thee. {For a child of tender age: He has quitted this life be- fore he could experience its sorrows or passions ; his pure soul has returned to its Source, in the abode of purity and eternal joy.) What Thou doest, Lord ! is well done. Thou didst give, Thou hast taken away, blessed be Thy name. Yet, O Lord ! it is for my own heart that I moui-n, it still bleeds at its bitter loss. I strive to submit with resignation ; yet my strength will sometimes fail to bear the burden of my grief. Aid me, O God ! for Thou knowest the strength of my faith and tinist in Theo. Thou viilt not condemn a father's {mofhei-'s) tears; for Thou, God! didst endow me with tender affections. O Thou! beloved child, who, although so young, didst awaken so much joy and love, receive this tribute of thy parent's sorrow. Thou art now among the angels that serve near the throne of our Heaven- ly Father; yet will thy memory endure to the last THE BOOK OF LIFE. 188 able woe ! Alas ! the blossom that death broke off, was my happmcss, and the hfe which was extin- guished at Thy command, filled my heart with cheering hopes. By the side of my darling child, taken away so soon, I hope to enjoy the dehght of existence in double measure, to endure more easily all sufferings, and to look towards my end without fear and trembling ; for I hoped that (Ids — Aer) hand would close my eyes. But Thy thoughts, O Lord, are not our thoughts, Thy ways are not our ways. Thou hadst given me my beloved child, Thou hast taken (Jiim — Jier) away, Thy name be praised ! Tea, even from the depth of my grief I worship Thee with reverence. Whatever Thou doest is well done ; Thou art our loving Father when Thou blessest and when Thou chastisest, when Thou givest and when Thou takest away, when Thou grantest life and when Thou sendest death. Thou woundest and bindest up again. Thou strikest, and Thy hand healeth again. Therefore, I pray unto Thee, Eternal God ! fill Thou my saddened heart with consolation. Strengthen my confidence in Thine all- just ordinations, preserve me in obedience to Thy holy will. Forgive my sins, O Lord! and deliver me from all evil. Let the spirit of my child enjoy fullness of joy in Thy glorious habitation of peace ; open unto it the soui'ce of tnith and light, and let it ascend higher and higher in its everlasting salvation. Amen. 187 THE BOOK OF LIFE. AT A WIFE'S GEAYE. Beloved wife! mj lieart is sorely grieved; my whole earthly hapiDiness lies entombed with thee. O thou ! whose confiding love was the crown of my ex- istence, whose kindness and devotion formed the joy of my heart ! how can I avoid grieving, when I think that our children are deprived of thy tender affection and watchful care? O watch over them in thy blessed state ! May thy memory guide them to do what is good, and be a protection for them against temptation and sin. May they always remember, and strive to imitate, thy gentleness, piety and virtue. O God ! grant unto her for whom I mourn, all the joys of eternity : grant that her soul may watch as a guardian angel over my bereaved children; remove every evil influence from them, and lead them in the way of righteousness, so that we may one day be all deemed worthy of being numbered among the blessed. Repose in peace, beloved spirit! and may we meet in eternity. Amen. AT A CHILD'S GRAVE. Sweetly slumbering the darling of my heart rests here — my dear, early departed child; peace unto (his — her) soul ! God of grace and mercy ! forgive the depressed heart of a mother trembling in unutter- THE BOOK OP LIFE. 186 AT A HUSBAND'S GRAVE. Thou sleepest beneatli this tomb, dear husband; thou canst not hear me, neither canst thou see my tears. It has pleased God to remove thee from my love. My existence is now a void; joy and happi- ness have fled with thee, and I must bear the burden of life alone ; for thy hand can no longer protect me, nor my heart repose on thine. All is cold and dreary, and I come to pour out my grief at thy grave. Here, near thy lifeless clay, I seem to be, for a moment, united with thee again; thy spirit com- munes with mine, joins me in prayer, and comforts me with the hope of another existence. May God support me in this heavy trial ; may He in mercy pardon the words of bitterness which have escaped from my widowed heart. {If there he chil- dren, say: O God protect my bereaved children, deprived of their earthly father's care. Heavenly Father ! extend Thy omnipotent protection, and in- spire them with a love of duty and fidelity to our holy faith, and veneration for their father's memory.) O my God ! permit that my tears and son'ow may serve as an expiatory sacrifice for my sins, and for those of my family. May my endeavors to practise what is good atone for my errors, and be accepted in order to secure the salvation of my soul. May my husband, O God! repose in eternal peace, and may it be Thy holy will to unite those in heaven whom Thy blessing had joined on earth. Amen. 185 THE BOOK OF LIFE. is written in Thy holy book. To this hope and promise I shall ever cleave. The thought that death cannot have altogether destroyed the bond of our hearts shall be my comfort in my mourning, balm to my wounded soul; and as my love follows him into yonder world, thus he will — I am convinced thereof — look down, with his love and his blessing, upon me (and my children whom he has left behind in orphaned condition) ; and as I raise my tear- moistened eye iu fervent prayer to Thee, my God, to implore heavenly salvation upon him, he will, in return, invoke Thy mercy and grace upon me {us), and thus our souls -^dll meet before Thy throne. But unto Thee, O All-good Father ia heaven ! who art a father to the orphan and a judge to the widow in Thy sacred height, unto Thee I confide my life now deprived of its earthly protection, and my children bereaved of then- guide and supporter. May Thy love surround me, Thine almightiness strengthen me, Thy wisdom enlighten me, that I may walk through life strong and courageous ; that I may be enabled to fulfill the duties and obligations which are now my lot in double measure, Avith a manly spirit and a womanly heart, and to preside over my house with understanding and strength, and satisfy all its wants. Amen. THE BOOK OF LIFE. 184 Mayest Thou, O Father of all, not be angry witli me, that I lament thus bitterly, that my soul mourns so deeply over that which Thou hast ordained. My God ! I do not take upon myself to murmur against Thy dispensations and to censure Thy ways. Thou art the God of love and wisdom ; what mortal could perceive and understand Thee? Who could pre- sume to judge Thy ways and ask Thee: "What doest Thou?" Whatever Thou doest is well done, — therefore do I in the dust adore Thee and in humil- ity pay homage to Thine inscrutable counsel. But can I command my heart not to feel my misfortune? Can I say to my grief: "Flee from me!" to my mourning soul: "Be cheerful!"? And why should my soul not mourn, now that its other half has been separated from it ; why should mine eyes not be filled with tears, now that the most brilhant star of my days is extinguished, now that the prop and pillar of my house is broken, the blossom and adornment of my life withered, and the most precious treasure of my heart given up to decay? But no! only his earthly part, his body, his tenement of dust has been returned unto dust whence it was taken, but his nobler being, his im- mortal part, his spirit continues to live with all its thoughts and feelings, -^dth all its faithfulness and love. " The dust returneth tmto the earth as it ivas, and the spirit ascendeth unto God who gave it." Thus it 183 THE BOOK OF LIFE. My heart seems to feel that thy tender love still watches over me ; thy dear voice still appears to bid me follow the duties of religion towards God and mankind. O may I in performing good deeds on this earth, and following thy bright example, prove my veneration for thy memoiy, and obtain forgive- ness for the pains and tears I have cost thee. O deeply loved mother! may thy pure soul, now released from its earthly bonds, experience heavenly joy? and look on me with love and pity. Merciful Father ! hearken to the prayers of a child, who implores Thy favor for his {lier) mother. Have compassion, judge her leniently, and receive her soul in mercy into the home of the blessed, so that she may rejoice eternally in Thy goodness. Amen. AT A HUSBAND'S GRAVE. Hither, unto the silent dweUing-place of death, my heart, sad and dreary even as this place, feels attracted. Surrounded by the night of the grave my beloved husband rests here, and my burning tears may flow upon his tomb, my lamentation be poured forth in undisturbed currents. Far from the tumult of life, no stranger's eye, no unsympathetic word desecrates my grief; Thou alone, O my God, art witness to the pain that has taken root in the depth of my soul, causing life with aU its beauties to appear dark to me, and all its joys to seem covered as with a veil of mourning. THE BOOK OF LIFH. 182 honor and satisfaction. Whatever dispensation may come upon me, I will endure it in memory of thee, as though thou still didst walk before me, admonish and warn me, — as though thine eye did still see all my actions, until my hour of departure also shall come, and my spirit ascend to yonder heights, there to be received by thee ! Eternal Father in heaven ! preserve peace on this consecrated gi^ave which I irrigate with my tears, that the honored remains of my beloved mother may rest therein undisturbed! And unto her glorified soul mayest Thou vouchsafe an eternal abode of bliss, in which the noble, pure spirit may behold Thy countenance in everlasting joy. Amen, AT A MOTHEK'S GRAVE. "The Lord gave, the Lord hath taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord." (Job i, 21.) It has been Thy wiU, O God! to take my beloved mother from me. This earth covers the precious re- mains of her who was devoted during her earthly existence to the well-being of her children. She re- joiced with us in our joy, and sorrowed with us in our grief; she lived only to promote our happiness. Her body lies here, beneath this cold earth, and I only shed fiuitless tears on her silent tomb. I come hither, O mother! to honor thy revered memory, and to commune, in thought, with thy spuit. ISl THE BOOK OF LIFE. tlij tear shed at mj error was at the same time a tear of forgiveness — sacred spirit of my mother! behold the tears flowing forth from the eye of thy child in the memory of thee, — they are all that I can yet offer unto thee, accept them as a sacrifice of thanks and love ! — Didst not thou teach my hps the first word of prayer and du'ect the child's emotions up to God? Didst not thou implant pious thoughts in the heart of thy child? Didst not thou guide my first steps in life, and watch over me day and night? Tea, unto thee I am indebted for the germs of all that is good, for the indestructible seeds of piety, religion and virtue ! Tea, here I confess it and spread my confes- sion as a lucid shroud upon thy grave. How couldst thou be separated fi'om me, though removed from this earth? I feel thy presence by the warm stream of feelings flowing through my soul at this moment. Tea, thou dost still bear with me all my grief, rejoicest in my joys, mournest over my aberrations — but thou dwellest in the light of know- ledge and tnith, and knowest the end, and the eva- nescence of all that is earthly, and art conscious of the mercy of God, and, therefore, at ease on account of all my destinies, and in^-isibly inspirest me with comfort and courage. Thus then I will agam, near this thy sleeping-place, resolve firmly and solemnly, to live in thy spirit, to walk in the path of duty and virtue, piety and rehgion, worthy of thee, unto thy THE BOOK OF LIFE. 180 I beseech Thee! receive my father's soul among Thy faithful servants; and when my hour shall come, grant that my spirit may likewise be united with these in a life which is unending. Kest in peace, O my father! and may thy spirit enjoy, in eternity, the contemplation of the living God. Amen. AT A MOTHEE'S GRAVE. My dear, beloved mother, who sleepest beneath this sod, for ever laid at rest in the lap of earth — thy child draws nigh to thee with the tear of mourning in her eyes, burning even as on the day when they brought thee hither. Thy spirit sojourns upon the heights of eternal light, but couldst thou ever forget thy child, still walking in the shadows of earth ? No ! a mother's love is everlasting, eternal, even as her soul is eternal, even as God is eternal who implanted that love in her heart ! In pain thou gavest me life, and yet thou didst greet me with a gladsome smile when I lay in thy arms ; — thus thou didst ever endure the sufferings of life and accept them with a mother's smile. — What trouble is there, that thou wouldst shun, what care that thou wouldst not endure for me? As thou wouldst watch at my bed of sickness, — as thou woiddst sacrifice aU for me, — as thy first and thy last glance at me was full of self-sacrificing love, — as thy heart excused even my failings, and 179 THE BOOK OF LITE. eartli, and graciously forgive whatever sia and trans- gression ho may have committed from human ■wcak- ness. And may all his sufferings, troubles, tribula- tions and hardships which he had to endure during his earthly sojourn, be his atonement and propitiation before Thee, that he may be a partaker of eternal peace, beatitude and salvation in Thy divine pres- ence. Amen. AT A FATHER'S GRAVE. My father, my kindest friend, my dearest benefac- tor, whom God had appointed to love and protect me, reposes in this silent grave. I shall never hear again his dear voice; death has stUled his loving heart; his friendship and kindness can no longer comfort, neither can his counsels and example guide me. Alas! I cannot now make a return for his de- votion or loving kindness, nor have the happiness of surroimding his old age with marks of respect and solicitude ; but I will strive to show my respect for his memory by deeds of righteousness and obedience to his expressed wishes while he was yet on earth, and this endeavor will surely bring me consolation. Assist me in this, O God ! with Thy counsel, inspire me with wisdom and inteUigcnco, and enhghten me that I may follow the right path. Cause my works on earth to reflect honor on my father's memoiy, and do Thou, Lord! accej^t them as an expiatory sacrifice for any sins ho has committed. THE BOOK OF LIFE. 178 once possessed in him. He, tlie faithful guide of my youth, my monitor and counsellor, did attend, with wise circumspection to the ennoblement of my spirit and the strengthening of my body ; he illumined my mind and filled my heart -odth love ; he submitted joyfully to all the struggles of life, in order to procure to his child the joys of life. O my dear father — while I remember thee, my tears are streaming forth, and my heart is overflowing with love and grief. But what can my love profit thee now? It can no longer cause thee earthly joy and earthly happiness, who art far removed from all earthly wishes, earthly wants, and earthly cares ! But doing good, practising charity, ennobling the heart — these are heavenly joys which a child may prepare for his glorified and sainted father. And these joys I will prepare for thee, by performing good actions in thy name and in thy sphit ; —these shall be the sacrifices to be ofi"ered up by me upon the altar of my filial love, — may God record them in His book of eternal life, unto thy beatitude and sal- vation in thy heavenly habitation ! O God of heaven and earth ! as my sainted father has left behind, in paternal love, his blessings, thus do I, in return, from flial love, bless his memory before Thee, and pray unto Thee for the salvation of his soul. Oh ! mayest Thou also remember him in love and mercy, mayest Thou remember every noble deed, every good action which he performed on this 177 THE BOOK OP LIFE. sainted spirit is fanning upon me. How could the memory of the glorified being ever vanish from my heart and soul? As long as I shall walk upon this earth, this sacred memory shall be faithfully en- shrined within the inmost recesses of my soul, until I also shall conclude my earthly career and meet again the loving and loved being whose loss I deeply mourn. Father of life ! I pray Thee to vouchsafe rest unto the soul of my sainted (fatJier — motlier). May {his — ^.er) spirit have found peace upon the heights of eternal hght, — pure, undimmed peace unto all eter- nity ! May Qiis — her) soul be bound in the eternal bond of life. May it tarry before Thee in purity and salvation ! And for me, (Jiis — her) earthly child, who still walks in the shadows of this world, subject to changing fortune, to error and sin, may that sainted soul intercede before Thy throne, that I may be pro- tected upon all my ways and deserve Thy grace. O Lord! Thou givest. Thou takest away. Thy name be praised for ever and ever. Amen. AT A FATHEE'S GBAVE. All-merciful God! In this silent field, where the earthly remains of my departed father rest, I will dedicate my fiUal tears and emotions unto his mem- ory. Now, that I have lost him, the dear one, for this earthly life, I fully know what treasure of love I THE BOOK OP LIFE. 17G These consoling thoughts dispel the gloom of this mournful spot, where I, in my turn, must one day seek my rest. The grave is the gate which opens for us a new state of existence, where our good works are our only true possessions ; these are never lost, and will obtain for us grace in the sight of Him who is our impartial Judge. O God! regard with pity those who sleep here in theu' last resting place ; may their good deeds, their earthly sufferings, and the pangs of death, be regarded by Thee as a ransom for their souls; and may it please Thee to appoint their portion in eternal bhss. Guide me, O Heavenly Father ! during my earthly pUgrimage ; so that when it shall please Thee to call me hence, my soul may appear worthy of Thy salva- tion. Amen. ON THE ANNIVEKSAEY OF A PARENT'S DEATH. (JAHRZEIT.) This day recalls to my miud the solemn and sor- rowful day on which the soul of my beloved [father — mother) departed from its eai*thly tenement, on which the eye broke that once so lovingly and ten- derly rested upon me, on which the hand was palsied in death that once so faithfully guided and supported me — a day of paiaful recollection, of ever renewed mourning! The ever honored picture of my dear parent appears before my soul, the breath of the 175 THE BOOK OF LIFE. . MEDITATIONS AND PRAYEKS ON VISIT- ING THE GRATES OE THOSE WE LOVED. My soul is fiUed witli sadness on entering this mournful abode of the dead. Here are ended aU human projects and desires, passions and endeavors ; pride and lowHness, wealth and poverty, love and hate, aU sleep here alike in peace. How terrible would be our anguish and despair, if faith did not reveal to us the immortal destiny of the soul ! Were we not to acknowledge a future re- sponsibility, there would be no such impulse as duty; the loftiest sentiments, therefore, the hoUest affections, would lose their incentive, and remain un- cultivated as useless emotions. But all ends not here. Death is not annihilation ; it is but the entrance to a better existence, and loads to eternal life; for in death the soul casts off its material garment to enter the abode of immortahty. Those loved ones, whose ashes repose beneath this sod, are not eternally lost to us ; they live in the presence of our Creator, and their graves sen^c as a memorial to those who loved them in life, and hope to be united to them in eternity. O ye whom I have loved so tenderly ! although you repose now on your last bed of rest, you will hve forever in my heart, I pray for you on earth ; as I feel that you watch over me in the abode of the blest, where I hope, one day, our souls will be united in glory. THE BOOK or LIFE. 174 this departs, what is left? Naught but clay and ashes. Of what avail therefore are dignity and riches? will they not be left to strangers? do we not return naked as wo came? why, then, should we listen to the voice of jjassion? why are we intoxicated with success, when such is sure to be our end? Let us cast aside all iniquity, amend our conduct, and return to our Father, the King of kings ; for re- pentence and prayer will obtain His mercy. Let us examine our ways, and think of our end, for we know not when the day of death will come. Let us hft up our hearts to God; for we have been led away by worldly illusions, and have been wandering astray, like sheep without a shepherd. May the death of him for whom we now mourn, cause us to repent while there is yet time ; for we know not when we may be summoned before the tribunal of the Most High. Grant, O Lord ! that this warning may not be lost to us ; but do Thou assist us to make a proper use of our days on earth, so that we may employ them righteously, and secure thus our salvation. Call us not unprepared, we beseech Thee, into Thy presence, until we shall have been able to efface our sins by pious acts and righteous deeds. Amen. 173 THE BOOK OF LIFE. which Thou hast made. Then shall I profit from my woes, and all times rest in Thy hands ; for Thou, O my God ! art my Savior and my living Redeemer. Amen. PEATEES FOB THE DEAD. EEFLECTIONS. How dare we, inhabiting this frail clay, raise our eyes in pride. Should we not rather remember that our body, like that of the crawhng worm, wiU soon be mingled with the dust? Man is vainly proud of his reason and intellect; yet these treasures cannot save him from the de- crees of divine justice, if he wickedly makes a wrong use of these possessions. Let us reflect then, whence do we come, and whither are we going. Human hfe is Hmited like that of the plant ; a day may destroy what the pre- ceding one has produced. Is it not better to die in righteousness, than to fall a prey to temptation and sin in the pursuit of the perishable wealth and fleeting power of this world? Frail from our birth, we consume our energies in toil after riches ; the body resists the call of religion so long as it remains animated by the soul ; but when THE BOOK OF LIFE. 172 dens that Thy paternal hands may impose upon me. In Thee, O God ! I trust, for Thou art nigh unto all who call upon Thee. Amen. PKATEK IN HEAVY SICKNESS. O Lord! answer and compassionate mc, for I am fuU of distress, and humbled in mine aiBictions. I am bowed down with weakness as a child, and without Thine aid, how shall I bear my troubles? Oh, that my deeds had been worthy of Thine appro- bation, then had my soul been satisfied and my heart rejoiced. Yet, do Thou, O God! regard my contri- tion, hear my prayer, and lend Thy mercy even as a staff for my support. O Lord! pains and evils are inherited with the nature of man, yet my soul shall not be shaken by their approach. For, on whom shall I call for help but on Thee? And where shall I rest my hope but in Thy mercies ? " Though my flesh and my heart fail, God is my consolation, my 'portion for ever ; for, lo, they that are far from Thee shall perish, they that go after the favor of others shall he destroyed.'' Ah! were my days of soitow length- ened to the number of mine offences, yet, O Lord 1 I would still bless Thy name, and Thy dispensations, for Thou art my consolation, the resting place of my soul. Then, wherefore should I complain? I will resign myself to Thy wiIl,for Thou, O Lord! art the Author of my being, and wilt not destroy the work 171 THE BOOK OF LIFE. good Father ! whenever and wherever Qie — she) may have erred, and remember all the good and charitable deeds which {he — she) may have performed, — Oh! let these deeds now intercede for {him — her) before Thy throne of justice and mercy. May my fervent prayer come before Thee, that the hovir of dehverance and salvation may soon arrive, and our tears of woe be turned into tears of joy and gratitude. Amen. PRATER FOR A SICK CHILD. O All-merciful Father! from the depth of my aggrieved heart I implore Thee : spare my child, do not take away this treasure that Thou gavest unto me from Thine boundless grace and goodness. I know this treasure is Thine, as all other boons which I call mine; Thou disposest of them according to Thy holy wUl. O ! may it be Thy holy will to pre- serve for me tliis precious jewel ! Once Thou spokest unto Thy suffering Congregation : " Call unto me in need, and I shall hear thee .'" And through the in- spu'ed Isaiah Thou gavest the consohng assurance unto Thy people Israel : "7 tvill pour my spirit upon thy children, and my blessing upon thine offspring!" Oh ! extend this paternal promise also upon my child, grant him {her) health and long hfe. And unto me grant strength in aU the cares and trials of life, fortify my courage in the fulfillment of my duties and in the endurance of all the heavy bur- /!,«<-> THE BOOK OF LIFE. 170 sacred bard teaches me : " He that trusteth in the Lord, mercy shall compass him about." Ketui'n, O God ! unto mj beloved husband, his former strength and vigor, return him unto his sacred duties, and let him work, yet for many years, for the welfare of our family ! Oh ! may this be Thy holy will. Amen. PEAYER FOE SICK PARENTS. More in tears than in words is my prayer poured forth this day, before Thee, All-merciful Father! in tears burning and abundant, produced by woe and anxiety ! For what is more saddening for the heart of a child than to know that a dear parent is jDros- trated upon the couch of sufferings and sickness? And however much I trust and hope in Thy mercy, yet with trembling and alarm I bow before Thee, to implore of Thee the life, the health of my beloved (father — mother). Thou hast proclaimed the word : " Ye shall seek my face /" I seek Thy face with a longing heart. Oh ! do not hide it from me. Hearken unto my fervent prayer, — let not my tears flow in vain before Thee, have mercy upon my dear (fatlier — mother), quicken (hivi — her) with the soft dew of Thy gi'ace, mercifully pour Thy healing balm upon (his — her) wounds, and let the rays of Thy goodness and compassion descend upon (him — her), that (he — she) may be uplifted by their warmth and restored to strength and vigor. Forgive {him — her), O All- ADDITIONAL PRAYERS. PEAYEES FOE THE SICK. PBATER FOR A SICK HUSBAND. From the depth of my heart I call upon Thee, O my Lord. Awful is the darkness that suiTounds me on account of the sickness of my beloved husband. With a contrite, anxious and lacerated heart I implore Thee, that Thou mayest preserve unto me, yet for many, many years, the precious treasure which Thou, in Thy grace, didst vouchsafe unto me. Refreshed by no slumber nor rest, the nights pass away before me ; bitter woe is my severe companion, for the happiness of my family Hes prostrate, the crown of my house is surrounded by dark clouds. O Lord! hearken unto my prayer, — remove this heavy weight from my heart ! Do not deprive me of the dearest and highest of all treasures, do not tear the heart from the heart ! But the hope written within my heart, by the beUef of my fathers, speaks imto me with consoling words: "Confide, — and endure, whatever the Lord may have ordained for thee!" Yes, I wait upon Thy paternal grace, I trust in Thy mercy, as the 167 THE BOOK OF LIFE. Witli a contrite heart I repent all I have done against thee, all I have thought against thee. O ! that thy pity may be moved and thy prayers may be active for me, that the Lord God, blessed be His name, may pardon all my sins : and all my transgressions against His law and against His creatures may be blotted out ; and that His help may be extended to me, that I may cling to His law without stint or hin- drance. And may the Lord lead me henceforth on the still waters of peace, and happiness and grace may be my portion all the days of my life, so that I may always dwell in the House of God. Amen. □ ' ' n n -I D D 16B n^xyv ny^m '^b)i^ hm fen' .tjudd^ nitL^VD ^jjn ]inD Ni>'i£^ ^n^py "i?;^^!'fel 'H^j^dq nynp npp^c^ "^^p.^i^l ♦ nniDj n^nn^ vbi; connnp -'jp^ np^zyi rh^rQ ilayni ^by Tj^pni '5'?^ ''I^.? r^^ nyrai Dlcoa?^pi ♦;'n'^p^-^3 d^i^ dj^s ray? PEAYEE FOE FOEGIVENESS OF SIN COM- MITTED AGAINST DEPAETED ONES. uhp\ mn^n) myn nn nm rfbv uh^ .TnnTinnup^TnDD^pnra ^hotj^i ?]^pj^ imj ^"'niDvyi ♦npn ^d^^^pp n^^yp^ ♦no^?; olppb n^n ^n^3 ♦d^^Ih!:^ Q'^'^^ni n^yf^sp Tjp.^D^T T]^ );:nnri'? -"^p^i^p n^D'pi "n^Dp n-ip "^::ni ,T]nini Tjinni T]rn ;]niDD "ij: Dn?i • :i- •; • ;i- : • V - t : Jt ; •• t : • •• v? 1G3 THE BOOK OF LITE. Thus rest, rest in peace, ye upright slumberers! Repose until the King of Ufe, the Lord of heaven and earth, will exclaim : " Rise, ye upright ones ! Rise to everlasting life ! " Source of life ! Grant that we may enter into a life of happiness and peace, until the faithful messenger win draw near, and the anointed of the God of Jacob, and affectionately restore the hearts of parents to children, and the hearts of children to parents, and when righteousness ■will precede us. We will then praise and adore our God with aU praises and glorifications ; for He is gi-eat, mighty and tremend- ous. He revives the dead by His mere word, who does great and unsearchable deeds, marvellous things without number. Blessed be He who reviveth the dead. PRATER FOR DAILY BREAD. To be recited on the graveyard. May it be Thy will, O Lord, our God, and God of our fathers, that my daily sustenance, and that of all thy people Israel, proceed from Thine hand, so that it always should be plentiful and honorable. Let me never depend upon tho gifts or loans of man : but let me ever depend on Thy bountiful hand. May all my labor be fruitful, and may it never be barren. May my work lead to life, not to death. May Thy sacred name never become desecrated through me ; and may I be one of those that pro- mote good among mankind. Fill my hands with Thy blessings, and my heart ivith Thy goodness. n ' ' n n i d d 162 ^■3n:^Jt_i :rnni ^Dipni ij^nni iii^j^n ]^i^ ^D^'in^ ciSn :^")p^' "i5^v^ -ly ,d1^^^t d^dIcd □'-nb' d:3J nlD^5 dS D^^m ,Dpy^ ^ri^v^^ n^ii^^D p^J "i^i? T : I -:- •• v: - r :. 1 t v.v , • ipn i\^""iy rcbi:\ nm imb^h nsi^:^ b'^nji nl3,ini ^n^;in b^n ^^^in .ispp ^^'iv ni^^^DJi •nn^DD o'^HD npnp ,ra-]D Dn*,D^5 n^nn PEATER FOR DAILY BREAD. To be recited on the graveyard. "'^^l '"^7,^ Q'plVP'' °'P??^' ijy^s^i^i it)V^i T T T I" T : • : I IV T : : i- t v : r t •.-, ; ,nDn3 n^cp' ,r,CvN n:i^ .dpij^pt d^didd D^^n^ ,2)10 "lyi n:^ nin n:iz; ,nyn. n:iz; ,n^%Nj) n::;^ rHVity^. r\2p ,ny\\D r\:p .nnn n:ti^ ,jnii hjiz:^ n:ii^ ,nn:p n:s;^ n^d? r\:p nb^b^ nr^ : - : t; V - : t ; — - : t t v r\:p ,]1i^") n::^ '»^?lp ^^^ ''^RIV ^yp :nj-!3?o dul^d: n^^y^T -'^ nns -)i;:^v^^i ,n3"ily t t: • T : - T : t: t; t i- t v -;- : t iv '; 'JD^l ♦u^nvNtsn-H'sp i:nl>c in^^ »u^_b>y t: : T - ) • - : •• t t t ~ :. ■ D^jn^^n n'!:):^ \n^2 '^m D^iz^n^n di^^ ^:2b • T •• T T|- 1 VI T T V -: ■ '• ~ f "^ "^ "'• ' D^2pr\ nsy ^;p'":^2 HDoi anap ,7Dn ^"piD ,ijn^TO" uS n^ii^ni liini^p^? s^^pni -pni n™'-^3 ,ir^y ^^on com ,ijnnnv^ u^ D^com T - • I" T ! : : - - : I" •-; - it • •• : 157 THE BOOK OF LIFE. Grant to remove from us, and from all the people of the house of Israel, trouble, sorrow, auction and evil mishaps. Amen. PEAYER ON VISITING THE BURIAL GROUND ON THE DAY BEFORE NEW YEAR i^i^^ ti'^i 3iy) AND ON THE DAY BE- FORE YOM KIPPUR. May it be acceptable in Thy presence, Thou, eternal God of mercy and forgiveness, who sittest on the throne of mercy, to incline Thy tender compassion towards us, and to look down fi'om Thy celestial seat on Thy [servant] [handmaid], who with a trembling, heart and a contrite sphit ventures to approach this awful and sacred spot of the pious ones, who repose here in peace, to invoke Thy paternal forgiveness foi' the sins, iniquities and transgi'essions which I have committed. Enter not into rigorous judgment with us ; for no one can be justified before Thee. Alas, I feel my imworthiness, I am conscious of my ti'ans- gressions ; yet do it for Thy sake and for the sake of the merit of the holy ones, who slumber in the dust ; for, imto Thee and for Thy salvation are our eyes continually directed, that Thou mayest justify us in Thy judgment. [On the Day before the [On the day before the Day of New Year. ] Atouemeut. ] Grant that we may on Grant that we may on the ensuing morning of the ensuing morning, the the New Year, that day of fasting and atone- n n "I D D 156 T 7-;- I t: tt •• t : - t I • It- :]i2^ ,Yp^2 Yv^j2'bD] PEAYER ON VISITING THE BURIAL GROUND ON THE DAY BEFORE NEW YEAR {r\2ivr\ mi n-i;;) AND ON THE DAY BE- FORE YOM KIPPUR. • ; - : • -.- - T •• v: t: ) ivt : ) t • : ■ —. - •• • - •• - 1 VIT T 7 - JviV -b3 Tl-'JDb pili^ ^b ^D ,1J0y \DBm2 vNlDn-'Pv^l 7 ) IV 7 : ) - : • • 17 • 7 : • : 7 - : '"^pn") f^prSp 2p] ,T]T7 ?^ppp i}i2i rn jnpp i:"iDii ,T]05p^b a\^"!lpn ^r^r^V'bv nnii noy ^:?ii:^ ]vd?) Tjjpp^ ni^^l .'^;:3dS dIco u^r? Tjb -'p ,nsn yn^D -^p^i u^^pii^n iD-ui ,T]jnD i:pn^ ,nnp_p ^nvi'^'n^i nlbnip nDD3 Tr:^h onn:T idds ti''jdH5 Dn3:i VI" : I IV 7 : •• 7'-: VI- : l iv 7 : •• 7 • : V7 . - - ^ ^ . . . ^ . . . 7 - • ••. • - T 7 - VT 155 THE BOOK OF LITE. not my o^n mouth pronounce me guilty, sajing: Wherefore have thy children died dm-ing thy life? I will rise and justify myself before God. For, as for these lambs, what have they done to terminate then- earthly existence ? Yet for all this do we render our thanks unto Thee, and declare t!ie justice of Thy sentence, and tremble at Thy reverence. And Thou, Eternal God of my life! hearken unto my prayer, and may the pure soul of my beloved child rise and shine in the presence of Thy Divine glory, and in the assembly of the cherubim ! Thou, my child, who hast been entrusted to me but for a moment, rise with thy supplication before Him who hearkens to prayer, that He may deign to pardon my sins, the cause of thy early death! May His rod and dread not terrify me ; may my days be fulfilled in happiness, and my years iu pleasantness ! May naught but "happiness and tender mercy attend me all the days of my life, so that I may dwell in the house of the Eternal in length of days. May He in His mercy deUver me and the remnant of my children from death and baiTenness, fi'om disease and dejec- tion, fiom trouble and distress, and fi-om want and misery. May the Most Merciful, who bestoweth His infinite compassion on our righteous forefathers, lead thee, beloved soul, into the garden of Eden: there to defight in the fellowship of the righteous. May thy untimely death be considered as an offering for, and an expiation of my sins and of those of my household, so that He may not continue to afflict me. Grant to bless me with good children, who may enjoy good health, and delight in Thy sacred law. D ' ' n n n D D 154 T T •■ V -: T V ! - V •• : I iv v: •• ; ■ DniD i:njiS ^yrh^ ^-^ •:5-2n-by ^3 n^^^) i^^if^ : I — : I" v: t: - _ . j j . f T : - T T : - Tiv-:— .• - •■ : t • : • :- 7 - : • : - ; - : t iv -:-; • t t:t T • : • -; T 7 • : -7 : 7 7 - 7 r 7 v -: 7 •• : : ■ -I -:- : - : • iv • I : 7 | • : :7 V IV7 ) - • • : - - : - _T .. - . 7 • viv - : 7 • • ■ :- 7 : • •• -; nraro npDi *npii{i nni^-bai *nS-QT nbno )7 : 1 7 1 7 : 77 7 • V IV- 7 -: - :^r\D'h n^DV-^^1 *^jnn ^:iy Shot *np-5DDi • r: - : I • - : • : • -: - : • : 1 77 •. : ) 7 7 •— 7|- • - 7 17 7 7 -: - •• : • 7 7-:-; ?<"iro D-iDT * ^ jn^D ^c:^j^5-b bv) ^:bv ^^^dd ••7 7)7: 7 17 •• •• : - 7 -: 77-: 77- p)^pv ^