BRET HARTE fin?n-Rmi?, . 2. with .ns. Vbbey> and 2 (2s. 6d. each). The Forty -five Guardsmen. Romance of War. The Aide-de-Camp. Scottish Cavalier. I Bothwell. [vol. Jane Set on ; or, The Queen's Advocate. Philip Rollo. Legends of the Black Watch. Mary of Lorraine. Oliver Ellis ; or, The Fusiliers. Phantom Regiment. By JAMES GRANT. Lucy Arden, or Holly- wood Hall. Frank Hilton ; or, The Queen's Own, The Yellow Frigate. Harry Ogilvie ; or, TheBlackDragoons. Arthur Blane. Laura Everingham. Captain of the Guard. Letty Hyde's Lovers. Cavaliers of Fortune. Second to None. Constable of France. King'sOwnBorderers. The White Cockade. Dick Rodney. [Love. First Love and Last The Girl he Married. Lady Wedderburn's Jack Manly. [Wish, Only an Ensign. Adventures of Rob Roy. Under theRedDragon The Queen's Cadet. Published by George Routledge and Sons. NOVELS AT TWO SHILLINGS. Continued. By FIELDING and SMOLLETT. FIELDING. Tom Tones. Joseph Andrews. Amelia. SMOLLETT. Roderick Random. Humphrey Clinker. Peregrine Pickle. By AMELIA B. EDWARDS. The Ladder of Life. | My Brother's Wife. | HalfaMillion of Money. By Mrs. CROWE. Night Side of Nature. Susan Hopley. Linny Lockwood. By Miss FERRIER. Marriage. Inheritance. Destiny. By CAPTAIN CHAMIER. Life of a Sailor. | Ben Brace. | Tom Bowling. | Jack Adams. By CHARLES LEVER. I By S. LOVER. Arthur O'Leary. Rory O'More. Con Cregan. Handy Andy. By CAPTAIN ARMSTRONG Two Midshipmen. | Medora. | War Hawk | Young Commander By Mrs. GORE. Mothers and Daughters. Soldier of Lyons. By Lad/ C. LONG. First Liei tenant's Story. Sir Roland Ashton. Country Curate. A Wife to Order. Two Convicts. By Rev. G. R. GLEIG. | Waltham. | The Hussar. By GERSTAECKER. Feathered Arrow. Each for Himself. Stories of Waterloo. Brian O'Linn ; or, Luck is Everything. Captain Blake. The Bivouac. By W. H. MAXWELL. Hector O'Halloran. Stories of the Penin- sular War. Captain O'Sullivan. Flood and Field. the Wild Sports in Highlands. Wild Sports in the W T est. By LANG. By EDMUND YATES. Will He Marry Her. Running the Gauntlet. The Ex- Wife. | Kissing the Rod, By THEODORE HOOK. Peregrine Bunce. The Widow and thei Passion and Principle. Cousin Geoffry. Marquess. Merton. Gilbert Gurney. Gurney Married. Gervase Skinner. Parson's Daughter. Jack Brag. Cousin William. Ail in the Wronjr. I Maxwell. Fathers and Sons. | Mm of Many Friends. Published by George Routledge and Sons. NOVELS AT TWO SHILLINGS. Continued. By G. P. R. JAMES. The Brigand. Morley Ernstein. The King's Highway. Castle of Ehrenstein. Cowrie. The Robber. Darnlcy. The Stepmother. The Smuggler. Richelieu. Forest Days. Heidelberg. The Gipsy. Arabella Stuart The Huguenot The Man-at-Arms. The Forgery. The Gentleman of the The Woodman. A Whim and its Con- Old School. Agincourt Russell. sequences. The Convict. Philip Augustus. The Black Eagle. By RICHARDSON, (as. 6d. each.) Clarissa Harlowe. | Pamela. | SirCharlesGrandison. By Mrs. TROLLOPE. Petticoat Government Widow Married. Widow Barnaby. Barnabys in America. Love and Jealousy. By VARIOUS AUTHORS. Caleb Williams. The Attache, by Sam Cruise upon Wheels. Scottish Chiefs. Slick. False Colours, by Torlogh O'Brien. Hour and the Man, Matrimonial Ship- wrecks. Annie Thomas. Nick of the Woods; or, by Miss Martineau. Lewell Pastures. theFightingQuaker Tylney Hall. Zohrab, the Hostage. Stretton, by Henry Ladder of Gold, by The Two Baronets. Kingsley. R. Bell. Millionaire (The) of Whom to Marry, with Cruikshank's plates. Mabel Vaughan. Banim's Peep-o'-Day. Mincing Lane. Colin Clink. The Man of Fortune. Letter Bag of the Smuggler. Stuart of Dunleath,by Salathiel,byDr.Croly Clockmaker. (2s.6d.) Great Western. Black and Gold. Hon. Mrs. Norton. Adventures of a Strol- ( Manoeuvring Mother. Fhineas Quiddy. The Pirate of the Vidocq, the French Police Spy. Singleton Fontenoy. ling Player. Solitary Hunter. Kaloolah, by W. S. Mediterranean. The Pride of Life. Lamplighter. Gideon Giles, the Mayo. Patience Strong. Who is to Have it ? Roper. Cavendish, by author 'The Bashful Irishman. Deeds, not Words. Guy Livingstone. Sir Victor's Choice. of " Will Watch." Will Watch, by ditto. The Secret of a Life. Outward Bound. Reminiscences of a The Iron Cousin ; or, The Flying Dutchman | Physician. Mutual Influence. Dr. Goethe's Court- Won in a Canter, by The Young Curate. ship. Old Calabar. , The Greatest Plague of Life, with Cruik- shank's plates. Clives of Burcot. The Wandering Jew. Mysteries of Paris. Mornings at Bow i Street, with plates by Geo.Cruikshank The Green Hand. Land and Sea Tales. Published by George Routledge and Sons. THE LUCK ROARING CAMP AND OTHER SKETCHES. BY BRET HARTE, \ an Entroimrtion anU Glossary TOM HOOD. LONDON: GEORGE ROUTLEDGE AND SONS, THE BROADWAY, LUDGATE. 5 '41- ,\ LONDON : PRINTED BY WOODFALL AND KINDER, MILFOED LAKE, STRAND, W.a Bancroft Librarr CONTENTS. PAGE EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION iv A GOSSIPING GLOSSARY ........ i AUTHOR'S PREFACE 7 SKETCHES. THE LUCK OF ROARING CAMP 9 THE OUTCASTS OF POKER FLAT 26 MIGGLES 43 TENNESSEE'S PARTNER 61 THE IDYL OF RED GULCH 76 BROWN OF CALAVERAS 92 HIGH-WATER MARK . . . . ** 109 A LONELY RIDE 122 THE MAN OF No ACCOUNT 132 STORIES. MLISS 141 THE RIGHT EYE OF THE COMMANDER 182 NOTES BY FLOOD AND FIELD 195 BOHEMIAN PAPERS. THE MISSION DOLORES 231 JOHN CHINAMAN 235 FROM A BACK WINDOW 240 BOONDER 245 ADDITIONAL SKETCHES. MR. THOMPSON'S PRODIGAL 251 THE ILIAD OF SANEY BAR ..... 264 INTRODUCTION. T7 ARLY in the January of 'sixty-nine, I received a batch of new magazines, which on inspec- tion proved to be the first five numbers of " The Overland Monthly," which had been started at San Francisco in the July preceding. I had been for some time acquainted v/ith that most clever and audacious print, " The San Francisco News- letter," and was therefore prepared to find merits in the new periodical. Nevertheless, to eyes accustomed to the gorgeous covers and superfine getting-up of our English magazines, the appear- ance of the new-comer was not attractive. It was printed on paper seemingly related to that species in which Beauty puts away her ringlets for the night, and its brown wrapper was of texture and tint suggestive of parcels of grocery. The title, plainly set forth in ordinary type, ran " The Over- land Monthly, devoted to the Development of the Country," with a small vignette of a grizzly bear crossing a railway track. But if the exterior was unpretentious, the contents were attractive enough. The magazine had, as it were, a fragrance of its Introduction. V own, like " a spray of Western pine." The articles were fresh and original, the subjects they treated of were novel and interesting. I believe I read every page of those five numbers, and looked forward anxiously for the arrival of the sixth. One feature in the magazine I commend to the consideration of Editors generally. Each monthly number had its table of contents, wherein the articles were anonymous : but in the Index in the sixth, and last in each volume, the names of the authors were given. It gave a peculiar relish to one's reading, after one became acquainted with the various styles of the writers, to guess the authors, and compare conjectures with the Index. The Editor's name did not appear, but in a gossip entitled " Etc." at the end of each number, he from time to time inserted little bits of verse, that had a local flavour that was very agreeable. In the " Etc." of Number One appeared the " Mud Flat " poem. The second number contained " The Luck of Roaring Camp." The critiques on new < books here and there betrayed his hand. The " Etc." in Number Five opened with a quaint men- tion of " an earth-wave, which, passing under San Francisco, had left its record upon some sheets of the number, by the falling of the roof of the build- ing in which they were stored," and asking readers, it having been too late to reprint, to pardon " any blemishes on those signatures to which the great earthquake had added its mark." The sixth number arrived, and turning to the B vi Introduction. Index, I found that the authors' names were given there, and that the writer of the articles which had interested me most was " F. B. Harte." With the first number of the second volume, " the Holi- day Number," he resumed the " Roaring Camp " vein, in "The Outcasts of Poker Flat." From that time he became a writer to be looked for, and he never disappointed me. In prose or verse he was sure to be good, whether he was humorous or pathetic. In Vol. 3, the Index made a further revelation of his name as "Fr. Bret Harte." In the number for September, 1870, appeared, not the best, but the most popular of his writings, " Plain Language from Truthful James," or, as it is now called, "The Heathen Chinee." It came at a time when all America was debating "the Chinese cheap labour " question, some of the dis- putants appealing to such strong arguments as brickbats and revolvers. But the poem had a vitality beyond the mere timeliness of its appear- ance, or it would scarcely have achieved the imme- diate success which it won in England. At the close of 1870, Bret Harte's connection with " The Overland " came to an end. It was hardly to be expected that a genius so distinc- tively American, could escape being drawn to the intellectual capital of the country. Messrs. Osgood and Company (late Ticknor and Fields), of Boston, lost no time in securing the new writer's exclusive services, and " Tjbe Atlantic Monthly " is enriched Introduction. vii by his pen. Bret Harte is a native of the state of New York, and was born, I believe, in Albany. While still a young man, he went out West, and became connected with a San Francisco paper. When " The Overland Monthly " was started by Messrs. Roman & Co., he was installed in the Editorial chair ; from which we may fairly con- clude that he had made his mark while working on the paper, or at any rate had shewn to the experienced the promise that was in him. I do not think that as yet the public had discovered him ; for Joaquin Miller, when in London, told me a volume of his poems entitled " The Lost Gal- leon," published in 1867, had not met the success it deserved. It was for the journal I have mentioned that if rumour tells truth " The Heathen Chinee " was written, but the printer's foreman * protested against its being thrown away on a daily paper, and it was accordingly transferred to the maga- zine, to establish its writer's reputation and for- tune. As he is still a young man (hardly thirty, I am told), we have reason to expect even greater things, and to regard him with a liberal gratitude for favours to come. The genius of Bret Harte is distinct and origi- nal. Its most marked characteristic is its dramatic * It is to be noted, that many American writers have worked at case, and served their apprenticeship to literature in the composing-room. Artemus Ward had been a "type-sticker," and Mr. Leland's know- ledge of the mystery is clearly shown in his famous "Battle in the Printing Office." B 2 viii Introduction. vividness. As in "Jim," the few lines of apo- strophe or " aside " to the bar-keeper, put before us at once the effect which the news of his friend's death has on the speaker ; so in his other writings, a few happy words here and there paint a picture to the mind's eye, which it would take others a page to conjure up. In " Brown of Calaveras " not before published in England, I believe this dramatic vigour is strongly evidenced. I may note -also, that the "Iliad of Sandy Bar" and "Mr. Thompson's Prodigal," will be found new to English readers. I must, in concluding this brief Preface, acknow- ledge my indebtedness for the chief facts in it to my friend Mr. Justin McCarthy, who on his recent return from America, brought a few pleasant words from Bret Harte to me, in allusion to my having been one of the first to take note of his work in England, a fact due rather to my good luck in receiving early copies of " The Overland," than to any merit in recognizing what any one who read his contributions must have recognized the un- doubted genius of Bret Harte. T. H. A GOSSIPING GLOSSARY. P H E remarkably miscellaneous assemblage which Bret Harte describes as sitting out- side the cabin of Cherokee Sal, in the first story in this volume, comes opportunely, as at once the figure and the reason of the strange varieties of slang which occur in these pages. Almost every nation and almost every human pursuit, as they gave individuals to the gold-seeking, contributed, like the visitors of the new-born Tommy Luck, something towards the support of the infant language. The technical phrases of the miner, and the formulae of the gambler, are the most liberal subscribers ; the travellers of a very loco- motive race have given their mite ; and the French settlers of Canada, and the Spanish settlers of Mexico, flung in a few foreign coins to the general pile. The result of the accumulation is a lan- guage very rich and very vivid in a word, thoroughly poetical. For. after all, if the lan- guage of poetry is, as it is defined, essentially picturesque and figurative, slang is decidedly the language of poetry ! But, seriously, it is the 2 A Gossiping 1 Glossary. happy use of a bit of slang which often gives such force to Bret Harte's poems. It seems to me that the simplest way of getting over the ground will be to take the slang of each various source as it flows from its native fount ; and that of course " mining ' should have the place of honour. The localities of mining are described in these tales as " Flats," low-lying alluvial lands ; " Bars," of which no definition seems necessary ; and " Gulches," that is to say " Gorges " (which words oddly enough in their first meaning apply to the throat) wherein gold is deposited. It is worked by "flumes,", or washing in "ditches" ("flumes," or watercourses, apparently being at times rough wooden aqueducts), or in " tunnels." The gold may be found in " streaks," or in " pockets," both self-explanatory terms. The " sluice-robber " is the man who helps himself to the gold in his neighbour's "ditch," from which, at the end of work, the water is " let out " when the " clean-up," has given its contribution to the " pile." To "strike a lead" is to find indications which lead to a discovery of gold ; whereon the miner " goes for it," "goes through it," and "strikes luck." The nuggets or dust he procures are "specimens." After a longer or shorter time, he gets down to the " bed-rock ; " that is, exhausts the find, which then "peters out," a term which seems to point to a derivation (probably through the Spanish) from petra. Of course, when the ditch is ex- A Gossiping Glossary. 3 hausted, it "dries up." I don't know whether I am right in also attributing the frequent use of the word " mean," as a depreciatory adjective, to the miner's opinion of Mother Earth's conduct in withholding her wealth. Another not uncommon operation in mining was "jumping a claim." The adventurer was allowed to stake off the amount of unoccupied land he meant to work ; but it was possible for the unscrupulous either to move the stakes, and encroach on his " lot," or to possess themselves of it in any way by fraud. But this was a perilous game, in such disodour as to be punishable (by Judge Lynch and a Vigilance Committee) with death. Gambling, with its two chief games at cards, " Euchre," which is a sort of Piquet, and " Poker," which is a sort of Brag (not to name Rondo, a sort of roulette), supplies much Californese. In the latter game, the covering of the last player's stake throws a light upon the motive of the gentleman who "saw the pin, and went two diamonds better," as it also explains how a street in Roar- ing Camp could " lay over," i.e., cover, a street in Red Dog. To " give a show " is to take a hand, in which a "bower" is the best card of a suit, a " right bower " the best card in the best suit. I think " laying for a man and fetching him " must also owe its origin to the finesse of gambling. " Playing it low down " on any one certainly does. The horse of Mr. Oakhurst who is a portrait from 4 A Gossiping Glossary. life, as I am informed is called " Five Spot," after the cinque. As the song says : " Oh, the five spot takes the four, And the four spot takes the three ; And since we all are gathered here, We'll drink in company ! " Apropos of the nag, I may mention that " bucking against faro " is a horsey metaphor, due, no doubt, to the rough-riding of " mustangs," or wild-horses, who are, of course, accomplished buck-jumpers. Travelling gives us first of all derived from pre- steam days, when goods were carried on pack- saddles by mules the expression, " I packed him on my back." The Pacific Railway has abolished the mule, but it was preceded by the expression " sending in your checks ;" in other words, claiming your baggage and finishing your journey. " Running free," used by Tennessee's pardner, is a nautical term, which deserting ships' crews carried to the gold-fields, as it is probable they did also the word " rum " as a generic term for liquor. To the Spanish language are due " corral," the enclosure for cattle ; "canon" (pronounced canyon), a water- worn gorge with perpendicular sides ; " ranch," a farm ; " casa," a house ; " vaquero," an oxherd ; " riata," a lasso ; and " coyote," the grey prairie wolf the ciiip-che-pu-kos of the Indians. " Tule " is the swamp grass which overruns the marshes. " Las mariposas," literally " butterflies," give a name to a district and a flower. From the French we can trace " cache" d." for A Gossiping" Glossary. 5 "hidden," due to the days when explorers concealed from Indians and other wild animals, on their out- ward course, stores for their home voyage. " Savey," as meaning " sense," is also obviously French. Foot-hills to come at last to terms which do not range themselves under any particular head- ing are not lowlands at the foot of the hills, but '-baby-hills lying below the loftier eminences. They are distinctive features in the Californian landscape, I am informed by Mr. Kingston, to whom I am otherwise indebted for information in these pages. A " Grocery " in America does not confine itself to tea, but combines a bar with the counter, as a rule, especially when it is a " corner grocery." A "stated preacher" is the regularly appointed minister, as distinguished from irregular and un- ordained holders-forth. Saleratus is " digger " for " Sal aeratus," a preparation of soda, used in lieu of yeast for the saving of time in baking, and seem- ingly also employed in the teapot to soften the spring-water of the mines. The "Buckeye" (which gives its name to Ohio and the natives thereof) is the horse-chestnut. " Greaser " is an opprobrious name for the sleek, but not clean, Mexican. A " Derringer," it is hardly necessary to say, is a revolver. " Nigger-luck," which means as one would scarcely guess "good luck," owes its origin to the fact that " nought is never in danger," and a negro can fall from the top of a house, and alight on his head with perfect impunity. " To go back upon " a man, means to betray him, after having 6 A Gossiping' Glossary. been in his confidence, and to become, in Ameri- can phrase, " States' "not Queen's" Evidence." It so clearly depicts the encouraging of the victim up to a certain point, and then the desertion of him, that I don't attempt to trace it to " mining " or " gambling," but lay it to the general account of human nature. Tharfks to the notorious Fisk and his doings, few will need to be told the meaning of a " Ring " in politics or finance. Thence comes the verb; and when Roaring Camp thought Red Dog, if entrusted with the baby, would " ring in somebody else upon it," it meant, "would by combination and fraud impose somebody else upon it." " Skeesicks " the word Yuba Bill applies to Miggles's Jim is a word whose derivation no one knows. Mr. C. G. Leland, who has kindly given me the aid of that universal knowledge of lan- guages whereof " Hans Breitmann " makes only a partial revelation, tells me it shows " a good- natured contempt," and that it made its first ap- pearance in the following story : " At a political meeting, a noisy fellow continued to bawl for '' * Smith ! Smith ! ' ' Why, that's Smith now speak- ing,' said a by-stander. ' He be darned,' was the reply ; ' why, that's the little skeesicks who told me to holler for Smith.' " I trust the reader will find in this desultory gossip a key to the dialect in which Bret Harte writes. T. H. AUTHOR'S PREFACE. A SERIES of designs suggested, I think, by Ho- garth's familiar cartoons of the Industrious and Idle Apprentices I remember as among the earliest efforts at moral teaching in California. They represented the respective careers of The Honest and Dissolute Miners : the one, as I recall him, retrograding through successive planes of dirt, drunkenness, disease, and death; the other advancing by corresponding stages to affluence and a white shirt. Whatever may have been the artistic defects of these drawings, the moral at least was obvious and distinct. That it failed, how- ever, as it did, to produce the desired reform in mining morality may have been owing to the fact that the average miner refused to recognize himself in either of these positive characters ; and that even he who might have sat for the model of the Dissolute Miner was perhaps dimly conscious of some limitations and circumstances which partly relieved him from responsi- bility. " Yer see," remarked such a critic to the writer, in the untranslatable poetry of his class, " it ain't no square game. They've just put up the keerds on that chap from the start" 8 Preface. With this lamentable example before me, I trust that in the following sketches I have abstained from any positive moral. I might have painted my villains of the blackest dye, so black, indeed, that the originals thereof would have eontemplated them with the glow of comparative virtue. I might have made it impossible for them to have performed a virtuous or generous action, and have thus avoided that moral confusion which is apt to arise in the contemplation of mixed motives and qualities. But I should have burdened myself with the responsibility of their creation, which, as a humble writer of romance and entitled to no par- ticular reverence, I did not care to do. I fear I cannot claim, therefore, any higher motive than to illustrate an era of which Californian history has preserved the incidents more often than the character of the actors, an era which the panegyrist was too often content to bridge over with a general compliment to its survivors, an era still so recent that in attempting to revive its poetry, I am conscious also of awakening the more prosaic recollections of these same survivors, and yet an era replete with a certain heroic Greek poetry, of which perhaps none were more unconscious than the heroes themselves. And I shall be quite content to have collected here merely the materials for the Iliad that is yet to be sung. SAN FRANCISCO, December 24, 1869, SKETCHES. THE LUCK OF ROARING CAMP. HPHERE was commotion in Roaring Camp. It could not have been a fight, for in 1850 that was not novel enough to have called together the entire settlement. The ditches and claims were not only deserted, but " Turtle's grocery" had contributed its gamblers, who, it will be remem- bered, calmly continued their game the day that French Pete and Kanaka Joe shot each other to death over the bar in the front room. The whole camp was collected before a rude cabin on the outer edge of the clearing. Conversation was carried on in a low tone, but the name of a woman was frequently repeated. It was a name familiar enough in the camp, " Cherokee Sal." Perhaps the less said of her the better. She was a coarse, and, it is to be feared, a very sinful woman. But at that time she was the only woman in Roaring Camp, and was just then lying in sore extremity, when she most needed the ministration of her own sex. Dissolute, aban- doned, and irreclaimable, she was yet suffering a martyrdom hard enough to bear even when veiled by sympathizing womanhood, but now terrible in IO The Luck of Roaring Camp. her loneliness. The primal curse had come to her in that original isolation which must have made the punishment of the first transgression so dread- ful. It was, perhaps, part of the expiation of her sin, that, at a moment when she most lacked her sex's intuitive tenderness and care, she met only the half-contemptuous faces of her masculine associates. Yet a few of the spectators were, I think, touched by her sufferings. Sandy Tipton thought it was " rough on Sal," and, in the con- templation of her condition, for a moment rose superior to the fact that he had an ace and two bowers in his sleeve. It will be seen, also, that the situation was novel. Deaths were by no means uncommon in Roaring Camp, but a birth was a new thing. People had been dismissed the camp effectively, finally, and with no possibility of return ; but this was the first time that anybody had been intro- duced db initio. Hence the excitement. "You go in there, Stumpy," said a prominent citizen known as " Kentuck," addressing one of the loungers. " Go in there, and see what you kin do. You've had experience in them things." Perhaps there was a fitness in the selection. Stumpy, in other climes, had been the putative head of two families ; in fact, it was owing to some legal informality in these proceedings that Roaring Camp a city of refuge was indebted for his company. The crowd approved the choice, and Stumpy was wise enough to bow to the majority. The Luck of Roaring Camp. II The door closed on the extempore surgeon and midwife, and Roaring Camp sat down outside, smoked its pipe, and awaited the issue. :i The assemblage numbered about a hundred men. One or two of these were actual fugitives from justice, some were criminal, and all were reckless. Physically, they exhibited no indication of their past lives and character. The greatest scamp had a Raphael face, with a profusion of blond hair ; Oakhurst, a gambler, had the melan- choly air and intellectual abstraction of a Hamlet ; the coolest and most courageous man was scarcely over five feet in height, with a soft voice and an embarrassed, timid manner. The term " roughs " applied to them was a distinction rather than a definition. Perhaps in the minor details of fingers, toes, ears, &c., the camp may have been deficient, but these slight omissions did not detract from their aggregate force. The strongest man had but three fingers on his right hand ; the best shot had but one eye. Such was the physical aspect of the men that were dispersed around the cabin. The camp lay in a triangular valley, between two hills and a river. The only outlet was a steep trail over the summit of a hill that faced the cabin, now illumi- nated by the rising moon. The suffering woman might have seen it from the rude bunk whereon she lay, seen it winding like a silver thread until it was lost in the stars above. A fire of withered pine-boughs added sociability 12 The Liick of Roaring Camp. to the gathering. By degrees the natural levity of Roaring Camp returned. Bets were freely offered and taken regarding the result. Three to five . that " Sal would get through with it " ; even, that the child would survive ; side bets as to the sex and complexion of the coming stranger. In the midst of an excited discussion an exclamation came from those nearest the door, and the camp stopped to listen. Above the swaying and moan- ing of the pines, the swift rush of the river, and the crackling of the fire, rose a sharp, querulous cry, a cry unlike anything heard before in the camp. The pines stopped moaning, the river ceased to rush, and the fire to crackle. It seemed as if Nature had stopped to listen too. The camp rose to its feet as one man ! It was proposed to explode a barrel of gunpowder, but, in consideration of the situation of the mother, better counsels prevailed, and only a few revolvers were discharged ; for, whether owing to the rude surgery of the camp, or some other reason, Cherokee Sal was sinking fast. Within an hour she had climbed, as it were, that rugged road that led to the stars, and so passed out of Roaring Camp, its sin and shame forever. I do not think that the announcement disturbed them much, except in speculation as to the fate of the child. " Can he live now?" was asked of Stumpy. The answer was doubtful. The only other being of Cherokee Sal's sex and maternal condition in the settlement was an ass. There was some con- The Luck of Roaring Camp. 13 jecture as to fitness, but the experiment was tried. It was less problematical than the ancient treat- ment of Romulus and Remus, and apparently as successful. When these details were completed, which ex- hausted another hour, the door was opened, and the anxious crowd of men who had already formed themselves into a queue, entered in single file. Beside the low bunk or shelf, on which the figure of the mother was starkly outlined below the blankets, stood a pine table. On this a candle-box was placed, and within it, swathed in staring red flannel, lay the last arrival at Roaring Camp. Be- side the candle-box was placed a hat. Its use was soon indicated. " Gentlemen," said Stumpy, with a singular mixture of authority and ex officio complacency, " Gentlemen will please pass in at the front door, round the table, and out at the back door. Them as wishes to contribute any- thing toward the orphan will find a hat handy." The first man entered with his hat on ; he un- covered, however, as he looked about him, and so, unconsciously, set an example to the next. In such communities good and bad actions are catch- ing. As the procession filed in, comments were audible, criticisms addressed, perhaps, rather to Stumpy, in the character of showman, " Is that him?" " mighty small specimen;" "hasn't mor'n got the color ; " " ain't bigger nor a derringer." The contributions were as characteristic : A silver | tobacco-box ; a doubloon ; a navy revolver, silver c 14 The Lttck of Roaring Camp. mounted ; a gold specimen ; a very beautifully embroidered lady's handkerchief (from Oakhurst the gambler) ; a diamond breastpin ; a diamond ring (suggested by the pin with the remark from the giver that he "saw that pin and went two diamonds better ") ; a slung shot ; a Bible (con- tributor not detected) ; a golden spur ; a silver teaspoon (the initials, I regret to say, were not the giver's) ; a pair of surgeon's shears ; a lancet ; a Bank of England note for $ ; and about $200 in loose gold and silver coin. During these proceed- ings Stumpy maintained a silence as impassive as the dead on his left, a gravity as inscrutable as that of the newly born on his right. Only one incident occurred to break the monotony of the curious procession. As Kentuck bent over the candle-box half curiously, the child turned, and, in a spasm of pain, caught at his groping finger, and held it fast for a moment. Kentuck looked foolish and embarrassed. Something like a blush tried to assert itself in his weather-beaten cheek. " The d d little cuss ! " he said, as he extricated his finger, with, perhaps, more tenderness and care than he might have been deemed capable of show- ing. He held that finger a little apart from its fellows as he went out, and examined it curiously. The examination provoked the same original re- mark in regard to the child. In fact, he seemed to enjoy repeating it. " He rastled with my finger," he remarked to Tipton, holding up the member, " the d d little cuss ! " The Luck of Roaring Camp. 15 It was four o'clock before the camp sought repose. A light burnt in the cabin where the watchers sat, for Stumpy did not go to bed that night. Nor did Kentuck. He drank quite freely, and related with great gusto his experience, invariably ending with his characteristic condemnation of the new- comer. It seemed to relieve him of any unjust implication of sentiment, and Kentuck had the weaknesses of the nobler sex. When everybody else had gone to bed, he walked down to the river, and whistled reflectingly. Then he walked up the gulch, past the cabin, still whistling with demon- strative unconcern. At a large redwood tree he paused and retraced his steps, and again passed the cabin. Half-way down to the river's bank he again paused, and then returned and knocked at the door. It was opened by Stumpy. " How goes it ? " said Kentuck, looking past Stumpy towards the candle-box. "All serene," replied Stumpy. "Anything up?" "Nothing." There was a pause an embarrassing one Stumpy still holding the door. Then Kentuck had recourse to his finger, which he held up to Stumpy. " Rastled with it, the d d little cuss," he said, and retired. The next day Cherokee Sal had such rude sepulture as Roaring Camp afforded. After her body had been committed to the hillside, there was a formal meeting of the camp to discuss what should be done with her infant. A resolution to adopt it was unanimous and enthusiastic. But an animated discussion in regard to the manner and C 2 1 6 The Luck of Roaring Camp. feasibility of providing for its wants at once sprung up. It was remarkable that the argument partook of none of those fierce personalities with which discussions were usually conducted at Roaring Camp. Tipton proposed that they should send the child to Red Dog, a distance of forty miles, where female attention could be procured. But the unlucky suggestion met with fierce and unani- mous opposition. It was evident that no plan which entailed parting from their new acquisition would for a moment be entertained. " Besides," said Tom Ryder, "them fellows at Red Dog would swap it, and ring in somebody else on us." A disbelief in the honesty of other camps prevailed at Roaring Camp as in other places. The introduction of a female nurse in the camp also met with objection. It was argued that no decent woman could be prevailed to accept Roar- ing Camp as her home, and the speaker urged that "they didn't want any more of the other kind." This unkind allusion to the defunct mother, harsh as it may seem, was the first spasm of pro- priety, the first symptom of the camp's regene- ration. Stumpy advanced nothing. Perhaps he felt a certain delicacy in interfering with the selection of a possible successor in office. But when questioned, he averred stoutly that he and "Jinny" the mammal before alluded to could manage to rear the child. There was something original, independent, and heroic about the plan that pleased the camp. Stumpy was retained. The Luck of Roaring Camp. 17 Certain articles were sent for to Sacramento. " Mind," said the treasurer, as he pressed a bag of gold-dust into the expressman's hand, " the best that can be got, lace, you know, and filigree-work and frills, d the cost ! " Strange to say, the child thrived. Perhaps the invigorating climate of the mountain camp was compensation for material deficiencies. Nature took the foundling to her broader breast. In that rare atmosphere of the Sierra foot-hills, that air pungent with balsamic odour, that ethereal cordial at once bracing and exhilarating, he may have found food and nourishment, or a subtle chemistry that transmuted asses' milk to lime and phos- phorus. Stumpy inclined to the belief that it was the latter and good nursing. " Me and that ass," he would say, "has been father and mother to him ! Don't you," he would add, apostrophizing the helpless bundle before him, " never go back on us." By the time he was a month old, the necessity of giving him a name became apparent. He had generally been known as "the Kid," "Stumpy's boy," "the Cayote" (an allusion to his vocal powers), and even by Kentuck's endearing diminu- tive of " the d d little cuss." But these were felt to be vague and unsatisfactory, and were at last dismissed under another influence. Gamblers and adventurers are generally superstitious, and Oak- hurst one day declared that the baby had brought " the luck " to Roaring Camp. It was certain that 1 8 The Liick of Roaring Camp, of late they had been successful. "Luck" was the name agreed upon, with the prefix of Tommy for greater convenience. No allusion was made to the mother, and the father was unknown. "It's better," said the philosophical Oakhurst, "to take a fresh deal all round. Call him Luck, and start him fair." A day was accordingly set apart for the christening. What was meant by this cere- mony the reader may imagine, who has already gathered some idea of the reckless irreverence of Roaring Camp. The master of ceremonies was one "Boston," a noted wag, and the occasion seemed to promise the greatest facetiousness. This ingenious satirist had spent two days in pre- paring a burlesque of the church service, with pointed local allusions. The choir was properly trained, and Sandy Tipton was to stand godfather. But after the procession had marched to the grove with music and banners, and the child had been deposited before a mock altar, Stumpy stepped before the expectant crowd. " It ain't my style to spoil fun, boys," said the little man, stoutly, eyeing the faces around him, " but it strikes me that this thing ain't exactly on the squar. It's playing it pretty low down on this yer baby to ring in fun on him that he ain't going to understand. And ef there's going to be any godfathers round, I'd like to see who's got any better rights than me." A silence followed Stumpy's speech. To the credit of all humorists be it said, that -the first man to acknowledge its justice was the satirist, thus The Luck of Roaring Camp. 19 stopped of his fun. " But," said Stumpy, quickly, following up his advantage, "we're here for a christening, and we'll have it. I proclaim you Thomas Luck, according to the laws of the United States and the State of California, so help me God." It was the first time that the name of the Deity had been uttered otherwise than pro- fanely in the camp. The form of christening was perhaps even more ludicrous than the satirist had conceived ; but, strangely enough, nobody saw it and nobody laughed. " Tommy " was christened as seriously as he would have been under a Chris- tian roof, and cried and was comforted in as ortho- dox fashion. And so the work of regeneration began in Roar- ing Camp. Almost imperceptibly a change came over the settlement. The cabin assigned to "Tommy Luck" or "The Luck," as he was more frequently called first showed signs of im- provement. It was kept scrupulously clean and whitewashed. Then it was boarded, clothed, and papered. The rosewood cradle packed eighty miles by mule had, in Stumpy's way of putting it, " sorter killed the rest of the furniture." So the rehabilitation of the cabin became a necessity- Trie men who were in the habit of lounging in at Stumpy's to see " how The Luck got on " seemed to appreciate the change, and, in self-defence, the rival establishment of " Tuttle's grocery " bestirred itself, and imported a carpet and mirrors. The reflections of the latter on the appearance of 2O The Luck of Roaring Camp. Roaring Camp tended to produce stricter habits of personal cleanliness. Again, Stumpy imposed a kind of quarantine upon those who aspired to the honor and privilege of holding "The Luck." It was a cruel mortification to Kentuck who, in the carelessness of a large nature and the habits of frontier life, had begun to regard all garments as a second cuticle, which, like a snake's, only sloughed off through decay to be debarred this privilege from certain prudential reasons. Yet such was the subtle influence of innovation that he thereafter appeared regularly every afternoon in a clean shirt, and face still shining from his ablutions. Nor were moral and social sanitary laws neglected. " Tommy," who was supposed to spend his whole existence in a persistent attempt to repose, must not be disturbed by noise. The shouting and yelling which had gained the camp its infelicitous title were not permitted within hearing distance of Stumpy's. The men conversed in whispers, or smoked with Indian gravity. Pro- fanity was tacitly given up in these sacred pre- cincts, and throughout the camp a popular form of expletive, known as " D n the luck ! " and " Curse the luck ! " was abandoned, as having a new per- sonal bearing. Vocal music was not interdicted, being supposed to have a soothing, tranquillizing quality, and one song, sung by " Man-o'-War Jack," an English sailor, from Her Majesty's Australian colonies, was quite popular as a lullaby. It was a lugubrious recital of the exploits of " the The Luck of Roaring Camp. 21 Arethusa, Seventy-four/' in a muffled minor, end- ing with a prolonged dying fall at the burden of each verse, " On b-o-o-o-ard of the Arethusa." It was a fine sight to see Jack holding The Luck, rocking from side to side as if with the motion of a ship, and crooning forth this naval ditty. Either v through the peculiar rocking of Jack or the length \ of his song, it contained ninety stanzas, and was continued with conscientious deliberation to the bitter end, the lullaby generally had the desired effect. At such times the men would lie at full length under the trees, in the soft summer twilight, smoking their pipes and drinking in the melodious utterances. An indistinct idea that this was pas- toral happiness pervaded the camp. "This 'ere kind o' think," said the Cockney Simmons, medi- tatively reclining on his elbow, "is 'evingly." It reminded him of Greenwich. On the long summer days The Luck was usually carried to the gulch, from whence the golden store of Roaring Camp was taken. There, on a blanket spread over pine-boughs, he would lie while the men were working in the ditches below. Latterly, there was a rude attempt to decorate this bower with flowers and sweet-smell- ing shrubs, and generally some one would bring him a cluster of wild honeysuckles, azaleas, or the painted blossoms ot Las Mariposas. The men had suddenly awakened to the fact that there were beauty and significance in these trifles, which they had so long trodden carelessly beneath their 22 The Luck of Roaring Camp. feet. A flake of glittering mica, a fragment of variegated quartz, a bright pebble from the bed of the creek, became beautiful to the eyes thus cleared and strengthened, and were invariably put aside for "The Luck." It was wonderful how many treasures the woods and hillsides yielded that "would do for Tommy." Surrounded by playthings such as never child out of fairy-land had before, it is to be hoped that Tommy was content. He appeared to be securely happy, albeit there was an infantine gravity about him, a contemplative light in his round gray eyes, that sometimes worried Stumpy. He was always tract- able and quiet, and it is recorded that once, having crept beyond his " corral," a hedge of tessellated pine-boughs, which surrounded his bed, he dropped over the bank on his head in the soft earth, and remained with his mottled legs in the air in that position for at least five minutes with unflinching gravity. He was extricated with- out a murmur. I hesitate to record the many other instances of his sagacity, which rest, unfor- tunately, upon the statements of prejudiced friends. Some of them were not without a tinge of super- stition. " I crep' up the bank just now," said Ken- tuck one day, in a breathless state of excitement, " and dern my skin if he wasn't a talking to a jay- bird as was a sittin' on his lap. There they was, just as free and sociable as anything you please, a jawin' at each other just like two cherry-bums." Howbeit, whether creeping over the pine-boughs The Luck of Roaring Camp. 23 or lying lazily on his back blinking at the leaves above him, to him the birds sang, the squirrels chattered, and the flowers bloomed. Nature was his nurse and playfellow. For him she would let slip between the leaves golden shafts of sunlight that fell just within his grasp ; she would send wandering breezes to visit him with the balm of bay and resinous gums ; to him the tall redwoods nodded familiarly and sleepily, the bumble-bees buzzed, and the rooks cawed a slumbrous accom- paniment. Such was the golden summer of Roaring Camp. They were " flush times," and the Luck was wrth them. The claims had yielded enormously. The camp was jealous of its privileges and looked sus- piciously on strangers. No encouragement was given to emigration, and, to make their seclusion more perfect, the land on either side of the moun- tain wall that surrounded the camp they duly' pre-empted. This, and a reputation for singular proficiency with the revolver, kept the reserve of Roaring Camp inviolate. The expressman their only connecting link with the surrounding world sometimes told wonderful stones of the camp. He would say, "They've a street up there in ' Roaring/ that would lay over any street in Red Dog. They've got vines and flowers round their houses, and they wash themselves twice a day. But they're mighty rough on strangers, and they Worship an Ingin baby." With the prosperity of the camp came a desire 24 The Luck of Roaring Camp. for further improvement. It was proposed to build a hotel in the following spring, and to invite one or two decent families to reside there for the sake of " The Luck," who might perhaps profit by female companionship. The sacrifice that this concession to sex cost these men, who were fiercely sceptical in regard to its general virtue and use- fulness, can only be accounted for by their affection for Tommy. A few still held out. But the resolve could not be carried into effect for three months, and the minority meekly yielded in the hope that something might turn up to prevent it. And it did. The winter of 1851 will long be remembered in the foot-hills. The snow lay deep on the Sierras, and every mountain creek became a river, and every river a lake. Each gorge and gulch was transformed into a tumultuous watercourse that descended the hillsides, tearing down giant trees and scattering its drift and debris along the plain. Red Dog had been twice under water, and Roar- ing Camp had been forewarned. " Water put the gold into them gulches," said Stumpy. " It's been here once and will be here again ! " And that night the North Fork suddenly leaped over its banks, and swept up the triangular valley of Roar- ing Camp. In the confusion of rushing water, crushing trees, and crackling timber, and the darkness which seemed to flow with the water and blot out the fair valley, but little could be done to collect the The Luck of Roaring Camp. 2$ scattered camp. When the morning broke, the cabin of Stumpy nearest the river-bank was gone. Higher up the gulch they found the body of its unlucky owner ; but the pride, the hope, the joy, the Luck, of Roaring Camp had disappeared. They were returning with sad hearts, when a shout from the bank recalled them. It was a relief-boat from down the river. They had picked up, they said, a man and an infant, nearly exhausted, about two miles below. Did anybody know them, and did they belong here ? It needed but a glance to show them Kentuck lying there, cruelly crushed and bruised, but still holding the Luck of Roaring Camp in his arms. As they bent over the strangely assorted pair, they saw that the child was cold and pulseless. "He is dead," said one. , Kentuck opened his eyes. "Dead?" he repeated feebly. "Yes, my man, and you are dying too." A smile lit the eyes of the expiring Kentuck. "Dying," he re- peated, " he's a taking me with him, tell the boys I've got the Luck with me now ; " and the strong man, clinging to the frail babe as a drowning man is said to cling to a straw, drifted away into the shadowy river that flows forever to the unknown sea, THE OUTCASTS OF POKER FLAT. A S Mr. John Oakhurst, gambler, stepped into L the main street of Poker Flat on the morning of the twenty-third of November, 1850, he was conscious of a change in its moral atmosphere since the preceding night. Two or three men, conversing earnestly together, ceased as he ap- proached, and exchanged significant glances. There was a Sabbath lull in the air, which, in a settlement unused to Sabbath influences, looked ominous. Mr. Oakhurst's calm, handsome face betrayed small concern in these indications. Whether he was conscious of any predisposing cause, was another question. "I reckon they're after some- body," he reflected ; " likely it's me." He returned to his pocket the handkerchief with which he had been whipping away the red dust of Poker Flat from his neat boots, and quietly discharged his mind of any further conjecture. In point of fact, Poker Flat was "after some- body." It had lately suffered the loss of several thousand dollars, two valuable horses, and a prominent citizen. It was experiencing a spasm of virtuo\is reaction, quite as lawless and ungovern- The Outcasts of Poker Flat. 27 able as any of the acts that had provoked it. A secret committee had determined to rid the town of all improper persons. This was done perma- nently in regard of two men who were then hang- ing from the boughs of a sycamore in the gulch, and temporarily in the banishment of certain other objectionable characters. I regret to say that some of these were ladies. It is but due to the sex, however, to state that their impropriety was professional, and it was only in such easily established standards of evil that Poker Flat ven- tured to sit in judgment. Mr. Oakhurst was right in supposing that he was included in this category. A few of the com- mittee had urged hanging him as a possible ex- ample, and a sure method of reimbursing them- selves from his pockets of the sums he had won from them. " It's agin justice," said Jim Wheeler, " to let this yer young man from Roaring Camp an entire stranger carry away our money." But a crude sentiment of equity residing in the breasts of those who had been fortunate enough to win from Mr. Oakhurst overruled this narrower local prejudice. Mr. Oakhurst received his sentence with philo- sophic calmness, none the less coolly that he was aware of the hesitation of his judges. He was too much of a gambler not to accept Fate. With him life was at best an uncertain game, and he recog- nized the usual percentage in favor of the dealer. A body of armed men accompanied the de- 28 The Outcasts of Poker Flat. ported wickedness of Poker Flat to the outskirts of the settlement. Besides Mr. Oakhurst, who was known to be a coolly desperate man, and for whose intimidation the armed escort was intended, the expatriated party consisted of a young woman familiarly known as " The Duchess" ; another, who had won the title of "Mother Shipton" ; and " Uncle Billy," a suspected sluice-robber and con- firmed drunkard. The cavalcade provoked no comments from the spectators, nor was any word uttered by the escort. Only when the gulch which marked the uttermost limit of Poker Flat was reached, the leader spoke briefly and to the point. The exiles were forbidden to return at the peril of their lives. As the escort disappeared, their pent-up feelings found vent in a few hysterical tears from the Duchess, some bad language from Mother Ship- ton, and a Parthian volley of expletives from Uncle Billy. The philosophic Oakhurst alone re- mained silent. He listened calmly to Mother Shipton's desire to cut somebody's heart out, to the repeated statements of the Duchess that she would die in the road, and to the alarming oaths that seemed to be bumped out of Uncle Billy as he rode forward. With the easy good- humor characteristic of his class, he insisted upon exchanging his own riding-horse, " Five Spot," for the sorry mule which the Duchess rode. But even this act did not draw the party into any closer sympathy. The young woman readjusted her T/te Outcasts of Poker Flat. 29 somewhat draggled plumes with a feeble, faded coquetry ; Mother Shipton eyed the possessor of "Five Spot" with malevolence, and Uncle Billy included the whole party in one sweeping anathema. The road to Sandy Bar a camp that, not having as yet experienced the regenerating in- fluences of Poker Flat, consequently seemed to offer some invitation to the emigrants lay over a steep mountain range. It was distant a day's severe travel. In that advanced season, the party soon passed out of the moist, temperate regions of the foot-hills into the dry, cold, bracing air of the Sierras. The trail was narrow and difficult. At noon the Duchess, rolling out of her saddle upon the ground, declared her intention of going no farther, and the party halted. The spot was singularly wild and impressive. A wooden amphitheatre, surrounded on three sides by precipitous cliffs of naked gr^mce, sloped gently toward the crest of another precipir.e that overlooked the valley. It was, undoubtedly, the most suitable spot for a camp, had camping been advisable. But Mr. Oakhurst knew that scarcely half the journey to Sandy Bar was accomplished, and the party were not equipped or provisioned for delay. This fact he pointed out to his ccm- panions curtly, with a philosophic commentary on the folly of " throwing up their hand before the game was played out." But they were furnished with liquor, which in this emergency stood them D 30 The Outcasts of Poker Flat. in place of food, fuel, rest, and prescience. In spite of his remonstrances, it was not long before they were more or less under its influence. Uncle Billy passed rapidly from a bellicose state into one of stupor, the Duchess became maudlin, and Mother Shipton snored. Mr. Oakhurst alone remained erect, leaning against a rock, calmly surveying them. Mr. Oakhurst did not drink. It interfered with a profession which required coolness, impassive- ness, and presence of mind, and, in his own lan- guage, he " couldn't afford it." As he gazed at his recumbent fellow-exiles, the loneliness begot- ten of his pariah-trade, his habits of life, his very vices, for the first time seriously oppressed him. He bestirred himself in dusting his black clothes, washing his hands and face, and other acts charac- teristic of his studiously neat habits, and for a moment forgot his annoyance. The thought of deserting his weaker and more pitiable companions never perhaps occurred to him. Yet he could not help feeling the want of that excitement which, singularly enough, was most conducive to that calm equanimity for which he was notorious. He looked at the gloomy walls that rose a thousand feet sheer above the circling pines around him ; at the sky, ominously clouded ; at the valley be- low, already deepening into shadow. And, doing so, suddenly he heard his own name called. A horseman slowly ascended the trail. In the fresh, open face of the new-comer Mr. Oakhurst The Outcasts of Poker Flat. 31 recognized Tom Simson, otherwise known as " The Innocent " of Sandy Bar. He had met him some months before over a " little game," and had, with perfect equanimity, won the entire fortune amounting to some forty dollars of that guile- less youth. After the game was finished, Mr. Oakhurst drew the youthful speculator behind the door and thus addressed him : " Tommy, you're a good little man, but you can't gamble worth a cent. Don't try it over again." He then handed him his money back, pushed him gently from the room, and so made a devoted slave of Tom Simson. There was a remembrance of this in his boyish and enthusiastic greeting of Mr. Oakhurst. He had started, he said, to go to Poker Flat to s^ek his fortune. " Alone ? " No, not exactly alone ; in fact (a giggle), he had run away with Piney Woods. Didn't Mr. Oakhurst remember Piney ? She that used to wait on the table at the Tem- perance House ? They had been engaged a long time, but old Jake Woods had objected, and so they had run away, and were going to Poker Flat to be married, and here they were. And they were tired out, and how lucky it was they had found a place to camp and company. All this the Inno- cent delivered rapidly, while Piney, a stout, comely damsel of fifteen, emerged from behind the pine- tree, where she had been blushing unseen, and rode to the side of her lover. Mr. Oakhurst seldom troubled himself with sen- D 2 32 The Outcasts of Poker Flat. timent, still less with propriety ; but he had a vague idea that the situation was not fortunate. He retained, however, his presence of mind suffi- ciently to kick Uncle Billy, who was about to say something, and Uncle Billy was sober enough to recognize in Mr. Oakhurst's kick a superior power that would not bear trifling. He then endeavored to dissuade Tom Simson from delaying further, but in vain. He even pointed out the fact that there was no provision, nor means of making a camp. But, unluckily, the Innocent met this objection by assuring the party that he was pro- vided with an extra mule loaded with provisions, and by the discovery of a rude attempt at a log- house near the trail. " Piney can stay with Mrs. Oakhurst," said the Innocent, pointing to the Duchess, " and I can shift for myself." Nothing but Mr. Oakhurst's admonishing foot saved Uncle Billy from bursting into a roar of laughter. As it was, he felt compelled to retire up the canon until he could recover his gravity. There he confided the joke to the tall pine-trees, with many slaps of his leg, contortions of his face, and the usual profanity. But when he returned to the party, he found them seated by a fire for the air had grown strangely chill and the sky overcast in apparently amicable conversation. Piney was actually talking in an impulsive, girlish fashion to the Duchess, who was listening with an interest and animation she had not shown for many days. The Innocent was holding forth, ap- The Outcasts of Poker Flat. 33 parently with equal effect, to Mr. Oakhurst and Mother Shipton, who was actually relaxing into amiability. " Is this yer a d d picnic ? " said Uncle Billy, with inward scorn, as he surveyed the sylvan group, the glancing firelight, and the teth- ered animals in the foreground. Suddenly an idea mingled with the alcoholic fumes that disturbed his brain. It was apparently of a jocular nature, for he felt impelled to slap his leg again and cram his fist into his mouth. As the shadows crept slowly up the mountain, a slight breeze rocked the tops of the pine-trees, and moaned through their long and gloomy aisles. The ruined cabin, patched and covered with pine- boughs, was set apart for the ladies. As the lovers parted, they unaffectedly exchanged a kiss, so honest and sincere that it might have been heard above the swaying pines. The frail Duchess and the malevolent Mother Shipton were probably too stunned to remark upon this last evidence of sim- plicity, and so turned without a word to the hut. The fire was replenished, the men lay down before the door, and in a few minutes were asleep. Mr. Oakhurst was a light sleeper. Toward morning he awoke benumbed and cold. As he stirred the dying fire, the wind, which was now blowing strongly, brought to his cheek that which caused the blood to leave it, snow. He started to his feet with the intention of awakening the sleepers, for there was no time to lose. But turning to where Uncle Billy had been 34 The Outcasts of Poker Flat. lying, he found him gone. A suspicion leaped to his brain and a curse to his lips. He ran to the spot where the mules had been tethered ; they were no longer there. The tracks were already rapidly disappearing in the snow. The momentary excitement brought Mr. Oak- hurst back to the fire with his usual calm. He did not waken the sleepers. The Innocent slumbered peacefully, with a smile on his good-humored, freckled face ; the virgin Piney slept beside her frailer sisters as sweetly as though attended by celestial guardians, and Mr. Oakhurst, drawing his blanket over his shoulders, stroked his mustaches and waited for the dawn. It came slowly in a whirling mist of snow-flakes, that dazzled and confused the eye. What could be seen of the landscape appeared magically changed. He looked over the valley, and summed up the present and future in two words, " snowed in!" A careful inventory of the provisions, which, fortunately for the party, had been stored within the hut, and so escaped the felonious fingers of Uncle Billy, disclosed the fact that with care and prudence they might last ten days longer. " That is," said Mr. Oakhurst, sotto voce to the Inno- cent, " if you're willing to board us. If you ain't and perhaps you'd better not you can wait till Uncle Billy gets back with provisions." For some occult reason, Mr. Oakhurst could not bring himself to disclose Uncle Billy's rascality, and so offered the hypothesis that he had wandered from The Outcasts of Poker Flat. 35 the camp and had accidentally stampeded the animals. He dropped a warning to the Duchess and Mother Shipton, who of course knew the facts of their associate's defection. "They'll find out the truth about us all when they find out any- thing," he added, significantly, " and there's no good frightening them now." Tom Simson not only put all his worldly store at the disposal of Mr. Oakhurst, but seemed to enjoy the prospect of their enforced seclusion. "We'll have a good camp for a week, and then the snow'll melt, and we'll all go back together." The cheer- ful gayety of the young man, and Mr. Oakhurst's calm infected the others. The Innocent, with the aid of pine-boughs, extemporized a thatch for the roofless cabin, and the Duchess directed Piney in the rearrangement of the interior with a taste and tact that opened the blue eyes of that provincial maiden to their fullest extent. "I reckon now you're used to fine things at Poker Flat," said Piney. The Duchess turned away sharply to conceal something that reddened her cheeks through its professional tint, and Mother Shipton requested Piney not to " chatter." But when Mr. Oakhurst returned from a weary search for the trail, he heard the sound of happy laughter echoed from the rocks. He stopped in some alarm, and his thoughts first naturally reverted to the whiskey, which he had prudently cached. " And yet it don't somehow sound like whiskey," said the gambler. It was not until he caught sight of the blazing fire 36 The Outcasts of Poker Flat. through the still-blinding storm and the group around it that he settled to the conviction that it was " square fun." Whether Mr. Oakhurst had cached his cards with the whiskey as something debarred the free access of the community, I cannot say. It was certain that, in Mother Shipton's words, he " didn't say cards once" during that evening. Haply the time was beguiled by an accordion, produced somewhat ostentatiously by Tom Simson from his pack. Notwithstanding some difficulties attending the manipulation of this instrument, Piney Woods managed to pluck several reluctant melodies from its keys, to an accompaniment by the Innocent on a pair of bone castinets. But the crowning festivity of the evening was reached in a rude camp-meeting hymn, which the lovers, joining hands, sang with great earnestness and vocife- ration. I fear that a certain defiant tone and Covenanter's swing to its chorus, rather than any devotional quality, caused it speedily to infect the others, who at last joined in the refrain : " I'm proud to live in the service of the Lord, And I'm bound to die in His army." The pines rocked, the storm eddied and whirled above the miserable group, and the flames of their altar leaped heavenward, as if in token of the vow. At midnight the storm abated, the rolling clouds parted, and the stars glittered keenly The Outcasts of Poker Flat. 37 above the sleeping camp. Mr. Oakhurst, whose professional habits had enabled him to live on the smallest possible amount of sleep, in dividing the watch with Tom Simson, somehow managed to take upon himself the greater part of that duty. He excused himself to the Innocent, by saying that he had " often been a week without sleep." "Doing what?" asked Tom. "Poker!" replied Oakhurst, sententiously ; " when a man gets a streak of luck, nigger-luck, he don't get tired. The luck gives in first. Luck," continued the gambler, reflectively, "is a mighty queer thing. All you know about it for certain is that it's bound to change. And it's finding out when it's going to change that makes you. We've had a streak of bad luck since we left Poker Flat, you come along, and slap you get into it, too. If you can hold your cards right along you're all right. For," added the gambler, with cheerful irrele- vance, " * I'm proud to live in the service of the Lord, And I'm bound to die in His army.' " The third day came, and the sun, looking through the white-curtained valley, saw the out- casts divide their slowly decreasing store of pro- visions for the morning meal. It was one of the peculiarities of that mountain climate that its rays diffused a kindly warmth over the wintry land- scape, as if in regretful commiseration of the past. But it revealed drift on drift of snow piled high 38 The Outcasts of Poker Flat. around the hut, a hopeless, uncharted, trackless sea of white lying below the rocky shores to which the castaways still clung. Through the marvel- lously clear air the smoke of the pastoral village of Poker Flat rose miles away. Mother Shipton saw it, and from a remote pinnacle of her rocky fastness, hurled in that direction a final maledic- tion. It was her last vituperative attempt, and per- haps for that reason was invested with a certain degree of sublimity. It did her good, she private- ly informed the Duchess. " Just you go out there and cuss, and see." She then set herself to the task of amusing "the child," as she and the Duchess were pleased to call Piney. Piney was no chicken, but it was a soothing and original theory of the pair thus to account for the fact that she didn't swear and wasn't improper. When night crept up again through the gorges, the reedy notes of the accordion rose and fell in fitful spasms and long-drawn gasps by the flicker- ing camp-fire. But music failed to fill entirely the aching void left by insufficient food, and a new diversion was proposed by Piney, story-telling. Neither Mr. Oakhurst nor his female companions caring to relate their personal experiences, this plan would have failed, too, but for the Innocent. Some months before he had chanced upon a stray copy of Mr. Pope's ingenious translation of the Iliad. He now proposed to narrate the principal incidents of that poem having thoroughly mas- tered the argument and fairly forgotten the words The Outcasts of Poker Flat. 39 in the current vernacular of Sandy Bar. And so for the rest of that night the Homeric demi- gods again walked the earth. Trojan bully and wily Greek wrestled in the winds, and the great pines in the canon seemed to bow to the wrath of the son of Peleus. Mr. Oakhurst listened with quiet satisfaction. Most especially was he inte- rested in the fate of " Ash-heels," as the Inno- cent persisted in denominating the "swift-footed Achilles." So with small food and much of Homer and the accordion, a week passed over the heads of the outcasts. The sun again forsook them, and again from leaden skies the snow-flakes were sifted over the land. Day by day closer around them drew the snowy circle, until at last they looked from their prison over drifted walls of dazzling white, that towered twenty feet above their heads. It became more and more difficult to replenish their fires, even from the fallen trees beside them, now half hidden in the drifts. And yet no one com- plained. The lovers turned from the dreary pros- pect and looked into each other's eyes, and were happy. Mr. Oakhurst settled himself coolly to the losing game before him. The Duchess, more cheerful than she had been, assumed the care of Piney. Only Mother Shipton once the strongest of the party seemed to sicken and fade. At midnight on the tenth day she called Oakhurst to her side. " I'm going," she said, in a voice of querulous weakness, " but don't say anything 40 The Outcasts of Poker Flat. about it. Don't waken the kids. Take the Bundle from under my head and open it." Mr. Oakhurst did so. It contained Mother Shipton's rations for the last week, untouched. " Give 'em to the child," she said, pointing to the sleeping Piney. " You've starved yourself," said the gam- bler. " That's what they call it," said the woman, querulously, as she lay down again, and, turning her face to the wall, passed quietly away. The accordion and the bones were put aside that day, and Homer was forgotten. When the body of Mother Shipton had been committed to the snow, Mr. Oakhurst took the Innocent aside, and showed him a pair of snow-shoes, which he had fashioned from the old pack-saddle. " There's one chance in a hundred to save her yet," he said, pointing to Piney ; " but it's there," he added, pointing toward Poker Flat. " If you can reach there in two days she's safe." " And you ?" asked Tom Simson. "I'll stay here," was 122e curt reply. The lovers parted with a long embrace. " You are not going too ?" said the Duchess, as she saw Mr. Oakhurst apparently waiting to accompany him. "As far as the canon," he replied. He turned suddenly, and kissed the Duchess, leaving her pallid face aflame, and her trembling limbs rigid with amazement. Night came, but not Mr. Oakhurst. It brought the storm again and the whirling snow. Then the Duchess, feeding the fire, found that some one had The Outcasts of Poker Flat. 41 quietly piled beside the hut enough fuel to last a few days longer. The tears rose to her eyes, but she hid them from Piney. The women slept but little. In the morning, looking into each other's faces, they read their fate. Neither spoke ; but Piney, accepting the position of the stronger, drew near and placed her arm around the Duchess's waist. They kept this attitude for the rest of the day. That night the storm reached its greatest fury, and, rending asunder the protecting pines, invaded the very hut. Toward morning they found themselves unable to feed the fire, which gradually died away. As the embers slowly blackened, the Duchess crept closer to Piney, and broke the silence of many hours : " Piney, can you pray ? " " No, dear," said Piney, simply. The Duchess, without knowing exactly why, felt relieved, and, putting her head upon Piney 's shoulder, spoke no more. And so reclining, the younger and purer pillowing the head of her soiled sister upon her virgin breast, they fell asleep. The wind lulled as if it feared to waken them. Feathery drifts of snow, shaken from the long pine- boughs, flew like white-winged birds, and settled about them as they slept. The moon through the rifted clouds looked down upon what had been the camp. But all human stain, all trace of earthly travail, was hidden beneath the spotless mantle mercifully flung from above. 42 The Outcasts of Poker Flat. They slept all that day and the next, nor did they waken when voices and footsteps broke the silence of the camp. And when pitying fingers brushed the snow from their wan faces, you could scarcely have told from the equal peace that dwelt upon them, which was she that had sinned. Even the law of Poker Flat recognized this, and turned away, leaving them still locked in each other's arms. But at the head of the gulch, on one of the largest pine-trees, they found the deuce of clubs pinned to the bark with a bowie-knife. It bore the following, written in pencil, in a firm hand : t BENEATH THIS TREE LIBS THE BODY OF JOHN OAKHURST, WHO STRUCK A STREAK OF BAD LUCK ON THE 230 OF NOVEMBER, 1850, AND HANDED IN HIS CHECKS ON THE 7TH DECEMBER, 1850. And pulseless and cold, with a Derringer by his side and a bullet in his heart, though still calm as in life, beneath the snow lay he who was at once the strongest and yet the weakest of the outcasts of Poker Flat. HIGGLES. "\1 J"E were eight, including the driver. We had not spoken during the passage of the last six miles, since the jolting of the heavy vehi- cle over the roughening road had spoiled the Judge's last poetical quotation. The tall man be- side the Judge was asleep, his arm passed through the swaying strap and his head resting upon it, altogether a limp, helpless-looking object, as if he had hanged himself and been cut down too late. The French lady on the back seat was asleep, too, yet in a half-conscious propriety of attitude, shown even in the disposition of the handkerchief which she held to her forehead and which partially veiled her face. The lady from Virginia City, travelling with her husband, had long since lost all indi- viduality in a wild confusion of ribbons, veils, furs, and shawls. There was no sound but the rattling of wheels and the dash of rain upon the roof. Suddenly the stage stopped and we became dimly aware of voices. The driver was evidently in the midst of an exciting colloquy with some one in the road, a colloquy of which such frag- ments as " bridge gone," " twenty feet of water," " can't pass," were occasionally distinguishable 44 Higgles. above the storm. Then came a lull, and a myste- rious voice from the road shouted the parting ad- juration, " Try Miggles's." We caught a glimpse of our leaders as the vehi- cle slowly turned, of a horseman vanishing through the rain, and we were evidently on our way to Miggles's. Who and where was Miggles ? The Judge, our authority, did not remember the name, and he knew the country thoroughly. The Washoe tra- veller thought Miggles must keep a hotel. We only knew that we were stopped by high water in front and rear, and that Miggles was our rock of refuge. A ten minutes' splashing through a tan- gled by-road, scarcely wide enough for the stage, and we drew up before a barred and boarded gate in a wide stone wall or fence about eight feet high. Evidently Miggles's, and evidently Miggles did not keep a hotel. The driver got down and tried the gate. It was securely locked. " Miggles ! O Miggles ! " No answer. " Migg-ells ! You Miggles ! " continued the driver, with rising wrath. ' Migglesy ! " joined in the expressman, persua- sively. " O Miggy ! Mig ! " But no reply came from the apparently insen- sate Miggles. The Judge, who had finally got the window dawn, put his head out and propounded a Higgles. 45 series of questions, which if answered categorically would have undoubtedly elucidated the whole mystery, but which the driver evaded by replying that " if we didn't want to sit in the coach all night, we had better rise up and sing out for Higgles." So we rose up and called on Higgles in chorus ; then separately. And when we had finished, a Hibernian fellow-passenger from the roof called for " Maygells ! " whereat we all laughed. While we were laughing, the driver cried " Shoo !" We listened. To our infinite amazement the chorus of " Higgles " was repeated from the other side of the wall, even to the final and supplemen- tal " Maygells." " Extraordinary echo," said the Judge. " Extraordinary d d skunk! " roared the driver, contemptuously. " Come out of that, Higgles, and show yourself ! Be a man, Higgles ! Don't hide in the dark ; I wouldn't if I were you, Higgles," continued Yuba Bill, now dancing about in an excess of fury. " Higgles !" continued the voice, "O Higgles !" " Hy good man ! Hr. Hyghail ! " said the Judge, softening the asperities of the name as much as possible. " Consider the inhospitality of refusing shelter from the inclemency of the weather to help- less females. Really, my dear sir " But a succession of "Higgles," ending in a burst of laughter, drowned his voice. Yuba Bill hesitated no longer. Taking a heavy E 46 Miggles. stone from the road, he battered down the gate, and with the expressman entered the enclosure. We followed. Nobody was to be seen. In the gathering darkness all that we could distinguish was that we were in a garden from the rosebushes that scattered over us a minute spray from their dripping leaves and before a long, rambling wooden building. " Do you know this Miggles ? " asked the Judge of Yuba Bill. " No, nor don't want to," said Bill, shortly, who felt the Pioneer Stage Company insulted in his person by the contumacious Miggles. " But, my dear sir," expostulated the Judge, as he thought of the barred gate. " Lookee here," said Yuba Bill, with fine irony, " hadn't you better go back and sit in the coach till yer introduced ? I'm going in," and he pushed open the door of the building. A long room lighted only by the embers of a fire that was dying on the large hearth at its fur- ther extremity ; the walls curiously papered, and the flickering firelight bringing out its grotesque pattern ; somebody sitting in a large arm-chair by the fireplace. All this we saw as we crowded together into the room, after the driver and ex- pressman. "Hello, be you Miggles I" said Yuba Bill to the solitary occupant. The figure neither spoke nor stirred. Yuba Bill walked wrathfully toward it, and turned the eye Higgles. 47 of his coach-lantern upon its face. It was a man's face, prematurely old and wrinkled, with very large eyes, in which there was that expression of per- fectly gratuitous solemnity which I had sometimes seen in an owl's. The large eyes wandered from Bill's face to the lantern, and finally fixed their gaze on that luminous object, without further recognition. Bill restrained himself with an effort. " Higgles ! Be you deaf ? You ain't dumb anyhow, you know " ; and Yuba Bill shook the insensate figure by the shoulder. To our great dismay, as Bill removed his hand, the venerable stranger apparently collapsed, sinking into half his size and an undistinguishable heap of clothing. " Well, dern my skin," said Bill, looking ap- pealingly at us, and hopelessly retiring from the contest. The Judge now stepped forward, and we lifted the mysterious invertebrate back into his original position. Bill was dismissed with the lantern to reconnoitre outside, for it was evident that from the helplessness of this solitary man there must be attendants near at hand, and we all drew around the fire. The Judge, who had regained his au- thority, and had never lost his conversational amiability, standing before us with his back to the hearth, charged us, as an imaginary jury, as follows : " It is evident that either our distinguished E 2 43 Higgles. friend here has reached that condition described by Shakespeare as ' the sere and yellow leaf/ or has suffered some premature abatement of his mental and physical faculties. Whether he is really the Higgles " Here he was interrupted by " Higgles ! O Hig- gles ! Higglesy ! Hig ! " and, in fact, the whole chorus of Higgles in very much the same key as it had once before been delivered unto us. We gazed at each other for a moment in some alarm. The Judge, in particular, vacated his posi- tion quickly, as the voice seemed to come directly over his shoulder. The cause, however, was soon discovered in a large magpie who was perched upon a shelf over the fireplace, and who imme- diately relapsed into a sepulchral silence, which contrasted singularly with his previous volubility. It was, undoubtedly, his voice which we had heard in the road, and our friend in the chair was not responsible for the discourtesy. Yuba Bill, who re-entered the room after an unsuccessful search, was loath to accept the explanation, and still eyed the helpless sitter with suspicion. He had found a shed in which he had put up his horses, but he came back dripping and sceptical. "Thar ain't nobody but him within ten mile of the shanty, and that 'ar d d old skeesicks knows it." But the faith of the majority proved to be securely based. Bill had scarcely ceased growling before we heard a quick step upon the porch, the trailing of a wet skirt, the door was flung open, Higgles. 49 and with a flash of white teeth, a sparkle of dark eyes, and an utter absence of ceremony or diffi- dence, a young woman entered, shut the door, and, panting, leaned back against it. " O, if you please, I'm 'Higgles ! " And this was Higgles ! this bright-eyed, full- throated, young woman, whose wet gown of coarse blue stuff could not hide the beauty of the femi- nine curves to which it clung ; from the chestnut crown of whose head, topped by a man's oil-skin sou'wester, to the little feet and ankles, hidden somewhere in the recesses of her boy's brogans, all was grace ; this was Higgles, laughing at us, too, in the most airy, frank, off-hand manner imaginable. " You see, boys," said she, quite out of breath, and holding one little hand against her side, quite unheeding the speechless discomfiture of our party, or the complete demoralization of Yuba Bill, whose features had relaxed into an expres- sion of gratuitous and imbecile cheerfulness, " you see, boys, I was mor'n two miles away when you passed down the road. I thought you might pull up here, and so I ran the whole way, know- ing nobody was home but Jim, and and I'm out of breath and that lets me out." And here Higgles caught her dripping oil-skin hat from her head, with a mischievous swirl that scattered a shower of rain-drops over us; at- tempted to put back her hair ; dropped two hair- pins in the attempt ; laughed and sat down beside 5O Higgles. Yuba Bill, with her hands crossed lightly on her lap. The Judge recovered himself first, and essayed an extravagant compliment. " I'll trouble you for that thar har-pin," said Higgles, gravely. Half a dozen hands were eagerly stretched forward ; the missing hair-pin was re- stored to its fair owner ; and Miggles, crossing the room, looked keenly in the face of the invalid. The solemn eyes looked back at hers with an ex- pression we had never seen before. Life and in- telligence seemed to struggle back into the rugged face. Miggles laughed again, it was a singularly eloquent laugh, and turned her black eyes and white teeth once more toward us. "This afflicted person is " hesitated the Judge. "Jim," said Miggles. "Your father?" "No." " Brother ? " "No." "Husband?" Miggles darted a quick, half-defiant glance at the two lady passengers who I had noticed did not participate in the general masculine admira- tion of Miggles, and said, gravely, "No; it's Jim." There was an awkward pause. The lady pas- sengers moved closer to each other ; the Washoe husband looked abstractedly at the fire ; and the Miggles. 51 tall man apparently turned his eyes inward for self-support at this emergency. But Miggles's laugh, which was very infectious, broke the silence. " Come," she said briskly, " you must be hungry. Who'll bear a hand to help me get tea?" She had no lack of volunteers. In a few mo- ments Yuba Bill was engaged like Caliban in bearing logs for this Miranda ; the expressman was grinding coffee on the veranda ; to myself, the arduous duty of slicing bacon was assigned ; and the Judge lent each man his good-humored and voluble counsel. And when Miggles, assisted by the Judge and our Hibernian " deck passen- ger," set the table with all the available crockery, we had become quite joyous, in spite of the rain that beat against windows, the wind that whirled down the chimney, the two ladies who whispered together in the corner, or the magpie who uttered a satirical and croaking commentary on their conversation from his perch above. In the now bright, blazing fire we could see that the walls were papered with illustrated journals, arranged with feminine taste and discrimination. The furniture was extemporized, and adapted from candle-boxes and packing-cases, and covered with gay calico, or the skin of some animal. The arm-chair of the lelpless Jim was an ingenious variation of a flour-barrel. There was neatness, and even a taste for the picturesque, to be seen in the few details of the long low room. The meal was a culinary success. But more, it 52 Higgles. was a social triumph, chiefly, I think, owing to the rare tact of Higgles in guiding the conversa- tion, asking all the questions herself, yet bearing throughout a frankness that rejected the idea of any concealment on her own part, so that we talked of ourselves, of our prospects, of the journey, of the weather, of each other, of every- thing but our host and hostess. It must be con- fessed that Miggles's conversation was never ele- gant, rarely grammatical, and that at times she employed expletives, the use of which had gene- rally been yielded to our sex. But they were delivered with such a lighting up of teeth and eyes, and were usually followed by a laugh a laugh peculiar to Miggles so frank and honest that it seemed to clear the moral atmosphere. Once, during the meal, we heard a noise like the rubbing of a heavy body against the outer walls of the house. This was shortly followed by a scratching and sniffling at the door. " That's Joa- quin," said Miggles, in reply to our questioning glances ; " would you like to see him ? " Before we could answer she had opened the door, and dis- closed a half-grown grizzly, who instantly raised himself on his haunches, with his forepaws hang- ing down in the popular attitude of mendicancy, and looked admiringly at Miggles, with a very singular resemblance in his manner to Yuba Bill. " That's my watch-dog," said Miggles, in explana- tion. " O, he don't bite," she added, as the two lady passengers fluttered into a corner. " Does he. Miggtes. 53 old Toppy ? " (the latter remark being addressed directly to the sagacious Joaquin.) " I tell you what, boys," continued Higgles, after she had fed and closed the door on Ursa Minor, " you were in ! big luck that Joaquin wasn't hanging round when you dropped in to-night/' " Where was he ?" asked the Judge. "With me," said Miggles. "Lord love you ; he trots round with me nights like as if he was a man." We were silent for a few moments, and lis- tened to the wind. Perhaps we all had the same picture before us, of Miggles walking through the rainy woods, with her savage guardian at her side. The Judge, I remember, said something about Una and her lion ; but Miggles received it as she did other compliments, with quiet gravity. Whether she was altogether unconscious of the admiration she excited, she could hardly have been oblivious of Yuba Bill's adoration, I know not ; but her very frankness suggested a perfect sexual equality that was cruelly humiliating to the younger members of our party. The incident of the bear did not add anything in Miggles's favor to the opinions of those of her own sex who were present. In fact, the repast over, a dullness radiated from the two lady pas- sengers that no pine-boughs brought in by Yuba Bill and cast as a sacrifice upon the hearth could wholly overcome. Miggles felt it ; and, suddenly declaring that it was time to " turn in," offered to show the ladies to their bed in an adjoining room. 54 Higgles. " You, boys, will have to camp out here by the fire as well as you can," she added, " for thar ain't but the one room." Our sex by which, my dear sir, I allude of course to the stronger portion of humanity has been generally relieved from the imputation of curiosity, or a fondness for gossip. Yet I am con- strained to say, that hardly had the door closed on Higgles than we crowded together, whispering, snickering, smiling, and exchanging suspicions, surmises, and a thousand speculations in regard to our pretty hostess and her singular companion. I fear that we even hustled that imbecile paralytic, who sat like a voiceless Memnon in our midst, gazing with the serene indifference of the Past in his passionless eyes upon our wordy counsels. In the midst of an exciting discussion the door opened again, and Higgles re-entered. But not, apparently, the same Miggles who a few hours before had flashed upon us. Her eyes were downcast, and as she hesitated for a moment on the threshold, with a blanket on her arm, she seemed to have left behind her the frank fearless- ness which had charmed us a moment before. Coming into the room, she drew a low stool beside the paralytic's chair, sat down, drew the blanket over her shoulders, and saying, " If it's all the same to you, boys, as we're rather crowded, I'll stop here to-night," took the invalid's withered hand in her own, and turned her eyes upon the dying fire. An instinctive feeling that this was only premoni- Higgles. 55 tory to more confidential relations, and perhaps some shame at our previous curiosity, kept us silent. The rain still beat upon the roof, wander- ing gusts of wind stirred the embers into momen- tary brightness, until, in a lull of the elements, Higgles suddenly lifted up her head, and, throw- ing her hair over her shoulder, turned her face upon the group and asked, " Is there any of you that knows me ? " There was no reply. "Think again! I lived at Marysville in '53. Everybody knew me there, and everybody had the right to know me. I kept the Polka Saloon until I came to live with Jim. That's six years ago. Perhaps I've changed some." The absence of recognition may have discon- certed her. She turned her head to the fire again, and it was some seconds before she again spoke, and then more rapidly : " Well, you see I thought some of you must have known me. There's no great harm done, anyway. What I was going to say was this : Jim here " she took his hand in both of hers as she spoke " used to know me, if you didn't, and spent a heap of money upon me. I reckon he spent all he had. And one day it's six years ago this winter Jim came into my back room, sat down on my sofy, like as you see him in that chair, and never moved again without help. He was struck all of a heap, and never seemed to know what ailed him. The doctors came and said 56 Higgles. as how it was caused all along of his way of life, for Jim was mighty free and wild like, and that he would never get better, and couldn't last long anyway. They advised me to send him to Frisco to the hospital, for he was no good to any one and would be a baby all his life. Perhaps it was something in Jim's eye, perhaps it was that I never had a baby, but I said ' No.' I was rich then, for I was popular with everybody, gentle- men like yourself, sir, came to see me, and I sold out my business and bought this yer place, because it was sort of out of the way of travel, you see, and I brought my baby here." With a woman's intuitive tact and poetry, she had, as she spoke, slowly shifted her position so as to bring the mute figure of the ruined man be. tween her and her audience, hiding in the shadow behind it, as if she offered it as a tacit apology for her actions. Silent and expressionless, it yet spoke for her ; helpless, crushed, and smitten with the Divine thunderbolt, it still stretched an in- visible arm around her. Hidden in the darkness, but still holding his hand she went on : " It was a long time before I could get the hang of things about yer, for I was used to company and excitement. I couldn't get any woman to help me, and a man I dursent trust ; but what with the Indians hereabout, who'd do odd jobs for me, and having everything sent from the North Fork, Jim and I managed to worry through. The Higgles. 57 Doctor would run up from Sacramento once in a while. He'd ask to see * Miggles's baby,' as he called Jim, and when he'd go away, he'd say, ' Miggles ; you're a trump, God bless you ' ; and it didn't seem so lonely after that. But the last time he was here he said, as he opened the door to go, ' Do you know, Miggles, your baby will grow up to be a man yet and an honor to his mother ; but not here, Miggles, not here!' And I thought he went away sad, and and " and here Mig- gles's voice and head were somehow both lost completely in the shadow. " The folks about here are very kind," said Mig- gles, after a pause, coming a little into the light again. " The men from the fork used to hang around here, until they found they wasn't wanted, and the women are kind, and don't call. I was pretty lonely until I picked up Joaquin in the woods yonder one day, when he wasn't so high, and taught him to beg for his dinner ; and then thar's Polly that's the magpie she knows no end of tricks, and makes it quite sociable of even- ings with her talk, and so I don't feel like as I was the only living being about the ranch. And Jim here," said Miggles, with her old laugh again, and coming out quite into the firelight, "Jim why, boys, you would admire to see how much he knows for a man like him. Sometimes I bring him flowers, and he looks at 'em just as natural as if he knew 'em ; and times, when we're sitting alone, I read him those things on the wall. Why, Lord ! " 58 Higgles. said Higgles, with her frank laugh, " I've read him that whole side^of the house this winter. There never was such a man for reading as Jim." " Why," asked the Judge, " do you not marry this man to whom you have devoted your youthful life?" "Well, you see," said Miggles, "it would be playing it rather low down on Jim, to take advan- tage of his being so helpless. And then, too, if we were man and wife, now, we'd both know that I was bound to do what I do now of my own accord." " But you are young yet and attractive " " It's getting late," said Miggles, gravely, " and you'd better all turn in. Good-night, boys " ; and, throwing the blanket over her head, Miggles laid herself down beside Jim's chair, her head pillowed on the low stool that held his feet, and spoke no more. The fire slowly faded from the hearth ; we each sought our blankets in silence ; and presently there was no sound in the long room but the pat- tering of the rain upon the roof, and the heavy breathing of the sleepers. It was nearly morning when I awoke from a troubled dream. The storm had passed, the stars were shining, and through the shutterless window the full moon, lifting itself over the solemn pines without, looked into the room. It touched the lonely figure in the chair with an infinite compas- sion, and seemed to baptize with a shining flood the lowly head of the woman whose hair, as in Higgles. 59 the sweet old story, bathed the feet of him she loved. It even lent a kindly poetry to the rugged outline of Yuba Bill, half reclining on his elbow between them and his passengers, with savagely patient eyes keeping watch and ward. And then I fell asleep and only woke at broad day, with Yuba Bill standing over me, and "All aboard" ringing in my ears. Coffee was waiting for us on the table, but Higgles was gone. We wandered about the house and lingered long after the horses were harnessed, but she did not return. It was evident that she wished to avoid a formal leave-taking, and had so left us to depart as we had come. After we had helped the ladies into the coach, we returned to the house and solemnly shook hands with the paralytic Jim, as solemnly settling him back into position after each hand-shake. Then we looked for the last time around the long low room, at the stool where Higgles had sat, and slowly took our seats in the waiting coach. The whip cracked, and we were off! But as we reached the high-road, Bill's dexterous hand laid the six horses back on their haunches, and the stage stopped with a jerk. For there, on a little eminence beside the road, stood Higgles, her hair flying, her eyes sparkling, her white hand- kerchief waving, and her white teeth flashing a last " good-by." We waved our hats in return. And then Yuba Bill, as if fearful of further fasci- nation, madly lashed his horses forward, and we 60 Higgles. sank back in our -seats. We exchanged not a word until we reached the North Fork, and the stage drew up at the Independence House. Then, the Judge leading, we walked into the bar-room and took our places gravely at the bar. "Are your glasses charged, gentlemen?" said the Judge, solemnly taking off his white hat. They were. "Well, then, here's to Higgles, GOD BLESS HER!" Perhaps He had. Who knows? TENNESSEE'S PARTNER. T DO not think that we ever knew his real name. Our ignorance of it certainly never gave us any social inconvenience, for at Sandy Bar in 1854 most men were christened anew. Sometimes these appellatives were derived from some distinc- tiveness of dress, as in the case of " Dungaree Jack " ; or from some peculiarity of habit, as shown in " Saleratus Bill," so called from an undue proportion of that chemical in his daily bread ; or from some unlucky slip, as exhibited in "The Iron Pirate," a mild, inoffensive man, who earned that baleful title by his unfortunate mis- pronunciation of the term " iron pyrites." Perhaps this may have been the beginning of a rude heraldry ; but I am constrained to think that it was because a man's real name in that day rested solely upon his own unsupported statement. " Call yourself Clifford, do you ?" said Boston, address- ing a timid new-comer with infinite scorn ; " hell is full of such Cliffords!" He then introduced the unfortunate man, whose name happened to be really Clifford, as " Jay-bird Charley," an unhal- lowed inspiration of the moment that clung to him ever after. F 62 Tennessee's Partner. But to return to Tennessee's Partner, whom we never knew by any other than this relative title ; that he had ever existed as a separate and distinct individuality we only learned later. It seems that in 1853 he left Poker Flat to go to San Francisco, ostensibly to procure a wife. He never got any farther than Stockton. At that place he was at- tracted by a young person who waited upon the table at the hotel where he took his meals. One morning he said something to her which caused her to smile not unkindly, to somewhat coquet- tishly break a plate of toast over his upturned, serious, simple face, and to retreat to the kitchen. He followed her, and emerged a few moments later, covered with more toast and victory. That day week they were married by a Justice of the Peace, and returned to Poker Flat. I am aware that something more might be made of this epi- sode, but I prefer to tell it as it was current at Sandy Bar, in the gulches and bar-rooms, where all sentiment was modified by a strong sense of humor. Of their married felicity but little is known, perhaps for the reason that Tennessee, then living with his partner, one day took occasion to say something to the bride on his own account, at which, it is said, she smiled not unkindly and chastely retreated, this time as far as Marysville, where Tennessee followed her, and where they went to housekeeping without the aid of a Justice of the Peace. Tennessee's Partner took the loss Tennessee's Partner. 63 of his wife simply and seriously, as was his fashion. But to everybody's surprise, when Tennessee one day returned from Marysville, without his part- ner's wife, she having smiled and retreated with somebody else, Tennessee's Partner was the first man to shake his hand and greet him with affec- tion. The boys who had gathered in the canon to see the shooting were naturally indignant. Their indignation might have found vent in sar- casm, but for a certain look in Tennessee's Part- ner's eye that indicated a lack of humorous appreciation. In fact, he was a grave man, with a steady application to practical detail which was unpleasant in a difficulty. Meanwhile a popular feeling against Tennessee had grown up on the Bar. He was known to be a gambler ; he was suspected to be a thief. In these suspicions Tennessee's Partner was equally compromised ; his continued intimacy with Ten- nessee after the affair above quoted could only be accounted for on the hypothesis of a copartnership of crime. At last Tennessee's guilt became fla- grant. One day he overtook a stranger on his way to Red Dog. The stranger afterward related that Tennessee beguiled the time with interesting anecdote and reminiscence, but illogically con- cluded the interview in the following words : "And now, young man, I'll trouble you for your knife, your pistols, and your money. You see your weppings might get you into trouble at Red Dog, and your money's a temptation to the evilly F 2 64 Tennessee's Partner. disposed. I think you said your address was San Francisco. I shall endeavour to call." It may be stated here that Tennessee had a fine flow of humor, which no business preoccupation could wholly subdue. This exploit was his last. Red Dog and Sandy Bar made common cause against the highwayman. Tennessee was hunted in very much the same fashion as his prototype, the grizzly. As the toils closed around him, he made a desperate dash through the Bar, emptying his revolver at the crowd before the Arcade Saloon, and so on up Grizzly Canon ; but at its farther extremity he was stopped by a small man on a gray horse. The men looked at each other a moment in si- lence. Both were fearless, both self-possessed and independent ; and both types of a civilization that in the seventeenth century would have been called heroic, but, in the nineteenth, simply "reckless." "What have you got there? I call," said Ten- nessee, quietly. "Two bowers and an ace," said the stranger, as quietly, showing two revolvers and a bowie-knife. " That takes me," returned Tennessee ; and with this gamblers' epigram, he threw away his useless pistol, and rode back with his captor. It was a warm night. The cool breeze which usually sprang up with the going down of the sun behind the c/iafiarral-crested mountain was that evening withheld from Sandy Bar. The little Tennessee's Partner. 65 cafion was stifling with heated resinous odours, and the decaying drift-wood on the Bar sent forth faint, sickening exhalations. The feverishness of day, and its fierce passions, still filled the camp. Lights moved restlessly along the bank of the river, striking no answering reflection from its tawny current. Against the blackness of the pines the windows of the old loft above the express-office stood out staringly bright ; and through their curtainless panes the loungers below could see the forms of those who were even then deciding the fate of Tennessee. And above all this, etched on the dark firmament, rose the Sierra, remote and passionless, crowned with re- moter, passionless stars. The trial of Tennessee was conducted as fairly as was consistent with a judge and jury who felt themselves to some extent obliged to justify, in their verdict, the previous irregularities of arrest and indictment. The law of Sandy Bar was im- placable, but not vengeful. The excitement and personal feeling of the chase were over ; with Ten- nessee safe in their hands they were ready to listen patiently to any defence, which they were already satisfied was insufficient. There being no doubt in their own minds, they were willing to give the prisoner the benefit of any that might exist. Secure in the hypothesis that he ought to be hanged, on general principles, they indulged him with more latitude of defence than his reckless hardihood seemed to ask. . The Judge appeared to 65 Tennessee's Partner. be more anxious than the prisoner, who, otherwise unconcerned, evidently took a grim pleasure in the responsibility he had created. " I don't take any hand in this yer game," had been his invariable, but good-humored reply to all questions. The Judge who was also his captor for a moment vaguely regretted that he had not shot him "on sight," that morning, but presently dismissed this human weakness as unworthy of the judicial mind. Nevertheless, when there was a tap at the door, and it was said that Tennessee's Partner was there on behalf of the prisoner, he was admitted at once without question. Perhaps the younger members of the jury, to whom the proceedings were becoming irksomely thoughtful, hailed him as a relief. For he was not, certainly, an imposing figure. Short and stout, with a square face, sunburned into a preternatural redness, clad in a loose duck "jumper," and trousers streaked and splashed with red soil, his aspect under any circumstances would have been quaint, and was now even ridicu- lous. As he stooped to deposit at his feet a heavy carpet-bag he was carrying, it became obvious, from partially developed legends and inscriptions, that the material with which his trousers had been patched had been originally intended for a less ambitious covering. Yet he advanced with great gravity, and after having shaken the hand of each person in the room with labored cordiality, he wiped his serious, perplexed face on a red ban- Tennessee's Partner. 67 danna handkerchief, a shade lighter than his com- plexion, laid his powerful hand upon the table to steady himself, and thus addressed the Judge : " I was passin' by," he began, by way of apology, "and I thought I'd just step in and see how things was gittin' on with Tennessee thar, my pardner. It's a hot night. I disremember any sich weather before on the Bar." He paused a moment, but nobody volunteering any other meteorological recollection, he again had recourse to his pocket-handkerchief, and for some moments mopped his face diligently. " Have you anything to say in behalf of the prisoner ? " said the Judge, finally. " Thet's it," said Tennessee's Partner, in a tone of relief. " I come yar as Tennessee's pardner,- knowing him nigh on four year, off and on, wet and dry, in luck and out o' luck. His ways ain't allers my ways, but thar ain't any p'ints in that young man, thar ain't any liveliness as he's been up to, as I don't know. And you sez to me, sez you, confidential-like, and between man and man, sez you, ' Do you know anything in his behalf ? ' and I sez to you, sez I, confidential-like, as between man and man, * What should a man know of his pardner ? ' " " Is this all you have to say ? " asked the Judge, impatiently, feeling, perhaps, that a dangerous sympathy of humor was beginning to humanize the Court. " Thet's so," continued Tennessee's Partner. 68 Tennessee's Partner. " It ain't for me to say anything agin' him. And now, what's the case ? Here's Tennessee wants money, wants it bad, and doesn't like to ask it of his old pardner. Well, what does Tennessee do ? He lays for a stranger, and he fetches that stranger. And you lays for him, and you fetches him ; and the honors is easy. And I put it to you, bein' a far-minded man, and to you, gentlemen, all, as far-minded men, ef this isn't so." " Prisoner," said the Judge, interrupting, "have you any questions to ask this man ? " " No ! no ! " continued Tennessee's Partner, hastily. " I play this yer hand alone. To come down to the bed-rock, it 's just this : Tennessee, thar, has played it pretty rough and expensive- like on a stranger, and on this yer camp. And now, what's the fair thing? Some would say more ; some would say less. Here's seventeen hundred dollars in coarse gold and a watch, it's about all my pile, and call it square ! " And before a hand could be raised to prevent him, he had emptied the contents of the carpet-bag upon the table. For a moment his life was in jeopardy. One or two men sprang to their feet, several hands groped for hidden weapons, and a suggestion to " throw him from the window " was only overridden by a gesture from the Judge. Tennessee laughed. And apparently oblivious of the excitement, Tennes- see's Partner improved the opportunity to mop his face again with his handkerchief. Tennessee s Partner. 69 When order was restored, and the man was made to understand, by the use of forcible figures and rhetoric, that Tennessee's offence could not be condoned by money, his face took a more serious and sanguinary hue, and those who were nearest to him noticed that his rough hand trembled slightly on the table. He hesitated a moment as he slowly returned the gold to the carpet-bag, as if he had not yet entirely caught the elevated sense of justice which swayed the tribunal, and was perplexed with the belief that he had not offered enough Then he turned to the Judge, and saying, " This yer is a lone hand, played alone, and without my pardner," he bowed to the jury and was about to withdraw, when the Judge called him back. " If you have anything to say to Ten- nessee, you had better say it now." For the first time that evening the eyes of the prisoner and his strange advocate met. Tennessee smiled, showed his white teeth, and, saying, " Euchred, old man ! " held out his hand. Tennessee's Partner took it in his own, and saying, " I just dropped in as I was passin' to see how things was gittin' on," let the hand passively fall, and adding that "it was a warm night," again mopped his face with his hand- kerchief, and without another word withdrew. The two men never again met each other alive. For the unparalleled insult of a bribe offered to Judge Lynch who, whether bigoted, weak or narrow, was at least incorruptible firmly fixed in the mind of that mythical personage any wavering JO Tennessee's Partner. determination of Tennessee's fate ; and at the break of day he was marched, closely guarded, to meet it at the top of Marley's Hill. How he met it, how cool he was, how he refused to say anything, how perfect were the arrangements of the committee, were all duly reported, with the addition of a warning moral and example to all future evil-doers, in the Red Dog Clarion, by its editor, who was present, and to whose vigorous English I cheerfully refer the reader. But the beauty of that midsummer morning, the blessed amity of earth and air and sky, the awakened life of the free woods and hills, the joyous renewal and promise of Nature, and above all, the infinite Serenity that thrilled through each, was not re- ported, as not being a part of the social lesson. And yet, when the weak and foolish deed was done, and a life, with its possibilities and responsi- bilities, had passed out of the misshapen thing that dangled between earth and sky, the birds sang, the flowers bloomed, the sun shone, as cheerily as before ; and possibly the Red Dog Clarion was right. Tennessee's Partner was not in the group that surrounded the ominous tree. But as they turned to disperse attention was drawn to the singular appearance of a motionless donkey-cart halted at the side of the road. As they approached, they at once recognized the venerable "Jenny" and the two-wheeled cart as the property of Tennessee's Partner, used by him in carrying dirt from his Tennessee's Partner. 71 claim ; and a few paces distant the owner of the equipage himself, sitting under a buckeye-tree, ; wiping the perspiration from his glowing face. In answer to an inquiry, he said he had come for the body of the " diseased," " if it was all the same to i the committee." He didn't wish to " hurry any- thing " ; he could " wait." He was not working ' that day ; and when the gentlemen were done with the " diseased," he would take him. " Ef thar is any present," he added, in his simple, serious way, i " as would care to jine in the fun'l, they kin come." Perhaps it was from a sense of humor, which I have already intimated was a feature of Sandy Bar, perhaps it was from something even better than that ; but two-thirds of the loungers accepted the invitation at once. It was noon when the body of Tennessee was delivered into the hands of his partner. As the cart drew up to the fatal tree, we noticed that it contained a rough, oblong box, apparently made from a section of sluicing, and half filled with bark and the tassels of pine. The cart was fur- ther decorated with slips of willow, and made fragrant with buckeye-blossoms. When the body was deposited in the box, Tennessee's Partner drew over it a piece of tarred canvas, and gravely mounting the narrow seat in front, with his feet upon the shafts, urged the little donkey forward. The equipage moved slowly on, at that decorous pace which was habitual with " Jenny " even under less solemn circumstances. The men half curi- 72 Tennessee's Partner. ously, half jestingly, but all good-humoredly strolled ak>ng beside the cart ; some in advance, some a little in the rear of the homely catafalque. But, whether from the narrowing of the road or some preseut sense of decorum, as the cart passed on, the company fell to the rear in couples, keeping step, and otherwise assuming the external show of a formal procession. Jack Folinsbee, who had at the outset played a funeral march 'in dumb show upon an imaginary trombone, desisted, from a lack of sympathy and appreciation, not having, per- haps, your true humorist's capacity to be content with the enjoyment of his own fun. The way led through Grizzly Canon, by this time clothed in funereal drapery and shadows. The redwoods, burying their moccasoned feet in the red soil, stood in Indian-file along the track, trailing an uncouth benediction from their bending boughs upon the passing bier. A hare, surprised into helpless inactivity, sat upright and pulsating in the ferns by the roadside, as the cortege went by. Squirrels hastened to gain a secure outlook from higher boughs ; and the blue-jays, spreading their wings, fluttered before them like outriders, until the outskirts of Sandy Bar were reached, and the solitary cabin of Tennessee's Partner. Viewed under more favorable circumstances, it would not have been a cheerful place. The unpic- turesque site, the rude and unlovely outlines, the unsavoury details, which distinguish the nest-build- ing of the California miner, were all here, with the Tennessee's Partner. 73 dreariness of decay superadded. A few paces from the cabin there was a rough enclosure, which, in the brief days of Tennessee's Partner's matrimonial felicity, had been used as a garden, but was now overgrown with fern. As we approached it we were surprised to find that what we had taken for a recent attempt at cultivation was the broken soil about an open grave. The cart was halted before the enclosure ; and rejecting the offers of assistance with the same air of simple self-reliance he had displayed throughout, Tennessee's Partner lifted the rough coffin on his back, and deposited it, unaided, within the shallow grave. He then nailed down the board which served as a lid ; and mounting the little mound of earth beside it, took off his hat, and slowly mopped his face with his handkerchief. This the crowd felt was a preliminary to speech ; and they disposed themselves variously on stumps and boulders, and sat expectant. " When a man," began Tennessee's Partner, slowly, " has been running free all day, what's the natural thing for him to do ? Why, to come home. And if he ain't in a condition to go home, what can his best friend do ? Why, bring him home ! And here's Tennessee has been running free, and we brings him home from his wander- ing." He paused, and picked up a fragment of quartz, rubbed it thoughtfully on his sleeve, and went on : " It ain't the first time that I've packed him on my back, as you see'd me now. It ain't 74 Tennessee's Partner. the first time that I brought him to this yer cabin when he couldn't help himself; it ain't the first time that I and 'Jinny' have waited for him on yon hill, and picked him up and so fetched him home, when he couldn't speak, and didn't know me. And now that it's the last time, why " he paused, and rubbed the quartz gently on his sleeve "you see it's sort of rough on his pardner. And now, gentlemen," he added, abruptly, picking up his long-handled shovel, " the fun'l's over ; and my thanks, and Tennessee's thanks, to you for your trouble." Resisting any proffers of assistance, he began to fill in the grave, turning his back upon the crowd, that after a few moments' hesitation gradually withdrew. As they crossed the little ridge that hid Sandy Bar from view, some, looking back, thought they could see Tennessee's Partner, his work done, sitting upon the grave, his shovel between his knees, and his face buried in his red bandanna handkerchief. But it was argued by others that you could n't tell his face from his handkerchief at that distance ; and this point remained undecided. In the reaction that followed the feverish excite- ment of that day, Tennessee's partner was not forgotten. A secret investigation had cleared him of any complicity in Tennessee's guilt, and left only a suspicion of his general sanity. Sandy Bar made a point of calling on him, and proffer- Tennessee's Partner. 75 ing various uncouth, but well-meant kindnesses. But from that day his rude health and great strength seemed visibly to decline ; and when the rainy season fairly set in, and the tiny grass- blades were beginning to peep from the rocky mound above Tennessee's grave, he took to his bed. One night, when the pines beside the cabin were swaying in the storm, and trailing their slender fingers over the roof, and the roar and rush of the swollen river were heard below, Ten- nessee's Partner lifted his head from the pillow, saying, " It is time to go for Tennessee ; I must put ' Jinny ' in the cart " ; and would have risen from his bed but for the restraint of his attendant. Struggling, he still pursued his singular fancy: " There, now, steady, ' Jinny,' steady, old girl. How dark it is ! Look out for the ruts, and look out for him, too, old gal. Sometimes, you know, when he 's blind drunk, he drops down right in the trail. Keep on straight up to the pine on the top of the hill. Thar I told you so ! thar he is, coming this way, too, all by him- self, sober, and his face a-shining. Tennessee i Pardner ! " And so they met THE IDYL OF RED GULCH. O ANDY was very drunk. He was lying undei an azalea-bush, in pretty much the same attitude in which he had fallen some hours before. How long he had been lying there he could not tell, and did n't care ; how long he should lie there was a matter equally indefinite and un- considered. A tranquil philosophy, born of his physical condition, suffused and saturated his moral being. The spectacle of a drunken man, and of this drunken man in particular, was not, I grieve to say, of sufficient novelty in Red Gulch to attract attention. Earlier in the day some local satirist had erected a temporary tombstone at Sandy's head, bearing the inscription, " Effects of McCor- kle's whiskey, kills at forty rods," with a hand pointing to McCorkle's saloon. But this, I imagine, was, like most local satire, personal ; and was a reflection upon the unfairness of the process rather than a commentary upon the impropriety of the result. With this facetious exception, Sandy had been undisturbed. A wan- dering mule, released from his pack, had cropped the scant herbage beside him, and sniffed curiously The Idyl of Red Gulch. 77 at the prostrate man ; a vagabond dog, with that deep sympathy which the species have for drunken men, had licked his dusty boots, and curled him- self up at his feet, and lay there, blinking one eye in the sunlight, with a simulation of dissipa- tion that was ingenious and dog-like in its implied flattery of the unconscious man beside him. Meanwhile the shadows of the pine-trees had slowly swung around until they crossed the road, and their trunks barred the open meadow with gigantic parallels of black and yellow. Little puffs of red dust, lifted by the plunging hoofs of passing teams, dispersed in a grimy shower upon the recumbent man. The sun sank lower and lower ; and still Sandy stirred not. And then the repose of this philosopher was disturbed, as other philosophers have been, by the intrusion of an unphilosophical sex. "Miss Mary," as she was known to the little flock that she had just dismissed from the log school-house beyond the pines, was taking her afternoon walk. Observing an unusually fine cluster of blossoms on the azalea-bush opposite, she crossed the road to pluck it, picking her way through the red dust, not without certain fierce lit- tle shivers of disgust, and some feline circumlocu- tion. And then she came suddenly upon Sandy ! Of course she uttered the little staccato cry of her sex. But when she had paid that tribute to her physical weakness she became overbold, and halted for a moment, at least six feet from this G ;8 The Idyl of Red Gulch. prostrate monster, with her white skirts gathered in her hand, ready for flight. But neither sound nor motion came from the bush. With one little foot she then overturned the satirical head-board, and muttered " Beasts ! " an epithet which pro- bably, at that moment, conveniently classified in her mind the entire male population of Red Gulch. For Miss Mary, being possessed of certain rigid notions of her own, had not, perhaps, properly appreciated the demonstrative gallantry for which the Californian has been so justly celebrated by his brother Californians, and had, as a new-comer, perhaps, fairly earned the reputation of being " stuck up." As she stood there she noticed, also, that the slant sunbeams were heating Sandy's head to what she judged to be an unhealthy temperature, and that his hat was lying uselessly at his side. To pick it up and to place it over his face was a work requiring some courage,- particularly as his eyes were open. Yet she did it and made good her re- treat. But she was somewhat concerned, on look- ing back, to see that the hat was removed, and that Sandy was sitting up and saying something. The truth was, that in the calm depths of San- dy's mind he was satisfied that the rays of the sun were beneficial and healthful ; that from child- hood he had objected to lying down in a hat ; that no people but condemned fools, past redemp- tion, ever wore hats ; and that his right to dispense with them when he pleased was inalienable. This The Idyl of Red Gulch. 79 was the statement of his inner consciousness. Unfortunately, its outward expression was vague, being limited to a repetition of the following formula, " Su'shine all ri' ! Wasser maar, eh ? Wass up, su'shine ? " Miss Mary stopped, and, taking fresh courage from her vantage of distance, asked him if there was anything that he wanted. " Wass up ? Wasser maar ? " continued Sandy, in a very high key. " Get up, you horrid man ! " said Miss Mary, now thoroughly incensed ; " get up, and go home." . Sandy staggered to his feet. He was six feet high, and Miss Mary trembled. He started for- ward a few paces and then stopped. " Wass I go home for ? " he suddenly asked, with great gravity. " Go and take a bath," replied Miss Mary, eyeing his grimy person with great disfavor. To her infinite dismay, Sandy suddenly pulled off his coat and vest, threw them on the ground, kicked off his boots, and, plunging wildly forward, darted headlong over the hill, in the direction of the river. " Goodness Heavens ! the man will be drowned ! " said Miss Mary ; and then, with femi- nine inconsistency, she ran back to the school- house, and locked herself in. That night, while seated at supper with her hostess, the blacksmith's wife, it came to Miss Mary to ask, demurely if her husband ever got G 2 80 The Idyl of Red Gulch. drunk. "Abner," responded Mrs. Stidger, re- flectively, " let's see : Abner has n't been tight since last 'lection." Miss Mary would have liked to ask if he preferred lying in the sun on these occasions, and if a cold bath would have hurt him ; b it this would have involved an explanation, which she did not then care to give. So she con- tented herseh with opening her gray eyes widely at xhe red-cheeked Mrs. Stidger, a fine specimen Oi South western efflorescence, and then dis- missed the subject altogether. The next day she wrote to her dearest friend, in Boston : " I think I find the intoxicated portion of this community,, the least objectionable. I refer, my dear, to the men, of course. I do not know anything that could make the women tolerable." In less than a week Miss Mary had forgotten this episode, except that her afternoon walks took thereafter, almost unconsciously, another direc- tion. She noticed, however, that every morning a fresh cluster of azalea-blossoms appeared among the flowers on her desk. This was not strange, as her little flock were aware of her fondness for flowers, and invariably kept her desk bright with anemones, syringas, and lupines ; but, on question- ing them, they, one and all, professed ignorance of the azaleas. A few days later, Master Johnny Stidger, whose desk was nearest to the window, was suddenly taken with spasms of apparently gratuitous laughter, that threatened the discipline of the school. All that Miss Mary could get The Idyl of Red Gulch. 8 1 from his was, that some one had been " looking in the winder." Irate and indignant, she sallied from her hive to do battle with the intruder. As she turned the corner of the school-house she came plump upon the quondam drunkard, now perfectly sober, and inexpressibly sheepish and guilty-looking. These facts Miss Mary was not slow to take a feminine advantage of, in her present humor. But it was somewhat confusing to observe, also, that the beast, despite some faint signs of past dissipation, was amiable-looking, in fact, a kind of blond Samson, whose corn-coloured, silken beard apparently had never yet known the touch of barber's razor or Delilah's shears. So that the cutting speech which quivered on her ready tongue died upon her lips, and she contented herself with receiving his stammering apology with supercilious eyelids and the gathered skirts of uncontamina- tion. When she re-entered the schoolroom, her eyes fell upon the azaleas with a new sense of revelation. And then she laughed, and the little people all laughed, and they were all unconsciously very happy. It was on a hot day and not long after this that two short-legged boys came to grief on the threshold of the school with a pail of water, which they had laboriously brought from the spring, and that Miss Mary compassionately seized the pail and started for the spring herself. At the foot of the hill a shadow crossed her path, and a blue- 82 The Idyl of Red Gulch. shirted arm dexterously but gently relieved hei of her burden. Miss Mary was both embarrassed and angry. "If you carried more of that for yourself," she said, spitefully, to the blue arm, without deigning to raise her lashes to its owner, "you'd do better." In the submissive silence that followed she regretted the speech, and thanked him so sweetly at the door that he stumbled. Which caused the children to laugh again, a laugh in which Miss Mary joined, until the colour came faintly into her pale cheek. The next day a barrel was mysteriously placed beside the door, and as mysteriously filled with fresh spring-water every morning. Nor was this superior young person without other quiet attentions. " Profane Bill," driver of the Slumgullion Stage, widely known in the news- papers for his " gallantry " in invariably offering the box-seat to the fair sex, had excepted Miss Mary from this attention, on the ground that he had a habit of " cussin' on up grades," and gave her half the coach to herself. Jack Hamlin, a gambler, having once silently ridden with her in the same coach, afterward threw a decanter at the head of a confederate for mentioning her name in a bar-room. The over-dressed mother of a pupil whose paternity was doubtful had often lingered near this astute Vestal's temple, never daring to enter its sacred precincts, but content to worship the priestess from afar. With such unconscious intervals the monotonous The Idyl of Red Gulch. 83 procession of blue skies, glittering sunshine, brief twilights, and starlit nights passed over Red Gulch. Miss Mary grew fond of walking in the sedate and proper woods. Perhaps she believed, with Mrs. Stidger, that the balsamic odors of the firs " did her chest good," for certainly her slight cough was less frequent and her step was firmer ; perhaps she had learned the unending lesson which the patient pines are never weary of repeating to heedful or listless ears. And so, one day, she planned a picnic on Buckeye Hill, and took the children with her. Away from the dusty road, the strag- gling shanties, the yellow ditches, the clamor of restless engines, the cheap finery of shop-windows, the deeper glitter of paint and coloured glass, ok after things. It did me an immense deal of good to make Rattler mix my drinks for me, Rattler I the gay, 136 The Man of No Account. brilliant, and unconquerable Rattler, who had tried to snub me two years ago. I talked to him about old Fagg and Nellie, particularly as I thought the subject was distasteful. He never liked Fagg, and he was sure, he said, that Nellie did n't. Did Nellie like anybody else ? He turned around to the mirror behind the bar and brushed up his hair: I understood the conceited wretch. I thought I'd put Fagg on his guard and get him to hurry up matters. I had a long talk with him. You could see by the way the poor fellow acted that he was badly stuck. He sighed, and promised to pluck up courage to hurry matters to a crisis. Nellie was a good girl, and I think had a sort of quiet respect for old Fagg's unobtrusiveness. But her fancy was already taken captive by Rattler's su- perficial qualities, which were obvious and pleas- ing. I don't think Nellie was any worse than you or I. We are more apt to take acquaintances at their apparent value than their intrinsic worth. It's less trouble, and, except when we want to trust them, quite as convenient. The difficulty with women is that their feelings are apt to get inte- rested sooner than ours, and then, you know, reasoning is out of the question. This is what old Fagg would have known had he been of any account. But he was n't. So much the worse for him. It was a few months afterward, and I was sit- ting in my office when in walked old Fagg. I was surprised to see him down, but we talked over The Man of No Account. 137 the current topics in that mechanical manner of people who know that they have something else to say, but are obliged to get at it in that formal way. After an interval Fagg in his natural manner said, " I'm going home ! " " Going home ? " Yes, that is, I think I'll take a trip to the Atlantic States. I came to see you, as you know I have some little property, and I have executed a power of attorney for you to manage my affairs. I have some papers I'd like to leave with you. Will you take charge of them ? " " Yes," I said. " But what of Nellie ? " His face fell. He tried to smile, and the com- bination resulted in one of the most startling and grotesque effects I ever beheld. At length he said, " I shall not marry Nellie, that is," he seemed to apologize internally for the positive form of expression " I think that I had better not." "David Fagg," I said with sudden severity, " you 're of no account ! " To my astonishment his face brightened. "Yes/* said he, " that's it ! I'm of no account ! But I always knew it. You see I thought Rattler loved that girl as well as I did, and I knew she liked him better than she did me, and would be happier I dare say with him. But then I knew that old Robins would have preferred me to him, as I was better off, and the girl would do as he said, 138 The Man of No Account. and, you see, I thought I was kinder in the way, and so I left. But," he continued, as I was about to interrupt him, " for fear the old man might ob- ject to Rattler, I Ve lent him enough to set him up in business for himself in Dogtown. A push- ing, active, brilliant fellow, you know, like Rattler can get along, and will soon be in his old position again, and you need n't be hard on him, you know, if he does n't. Good by." I was too much disgusted with his treatment of that Rattler to be at all amiable, but as his busi- ness was profitable, I promised to attend to it, and he left. A few weeks passed. The return steamer arrived, and a terrible incident occupied the papers for days afterward. People in all parts of the State conned eagerly the details of an awful ship- wreck, and those who had friends aboard went away by themselves, and read the long list of the lost under their breath. I read of the gifted, the gallant, the noble, and loved ones who had perished, and among them I think I was the first to read the name of David Fagg. For the "man of no account" had "gon^ home!" STORIES. MLISS. CHAPTER I. JUST where the Sierra Nevada begins to sub- side in gentler undulations, and the rivers grow less rapid and yellow, on the side of a great red mountain, stands " Smith's Pocket." Seen from the red road at sunset, in the red light and the red dust, its white houses look like the outcroppings of quartz on the mountain-side. The red stage topped with red-shirted passengers is lost to view half a dozen times in the tortuous descent, turning up unexpectedly in out-of-the-way places, and vanishing altogether within a hundred yards of the town. It is probably owing to this sudden twist in the road that the advent of a stranger at Smith's Pocket is usually attended with a pecu- liar circumstance. Dismounting from the vehicle at the stage-office, the too confident traveller is apt to walk straight out of town under the im- pression that it lies in quite another direction. It is related that one of the tunnel-men, two miles from town, met one of these self-reliant passengers with a carpet-bag, umbrella, Harper's Magazine, and other evidences of " Civilization and Refine- L 142 MKss. ment," plodding along over the road he had just ridden, vainly endeavoring to find the settlement of Smith's Pocket. An observant traveller might have found some compensation for his disappointment in the weird aspect of that vicinity. There were huge fissures on the hillside, and displacements of the red soil, resembling more the chaos of some primary ele- mental upheaval than the work of man ; while, half-way down, a long flume straddled its narrow body and disproportionate legs over the chasm, like an enormous fossil of some forgotten antedi- luvian. At every step smaller ditches crossed the road, hiding in their sallow depths unlovely streams that crept away to a clandestine union with the great yellow torrent below, and here and there were the ruins of some cabin with the chimney alone left intact and the hearthstone open to the skies. The settlement of Smith's Pocket owed its origin to the finding of a " pocket " on its site by a veritable Smith. Five thousand dollars were taken out of it in one half-hour by Smith. Three thousand dollars were expended by Smith and others in erecting a flume and in tunnelling. And then Smith's Pocket was found to be only a pocket, and subject like other pockets to depletion. Al- though Smith pierced the bowels of the great red mountain, that five thousand dollars was the first and last return of his labor. The mountain grew reticent of its golden secrets, and the flume steadily Mliss. 143 ebbed away the remainder of Smith's fortune. Then Smith went into quartz-mining ; then into quartz-milling ; then into hydraulics and ditching, and then by easy degrees into saloon-keeping. Presently it was whispered that Smith was drink- ing a great deal ; then it was known that Smith was a habitual drunkard, and then people began to think, as they are apt to, that he had never been anything else. But the settlement of Smith's Pocket, like that of most discoveries, was happily not dependent on the fortune of its pioneer, and other parties projected tunnels and found pockets. So Smith's Pocket became a settlement with its two fancy stores, its two hotels, its one express- office, and its two first families. Occasionally its one long straggling street was overawed by the assumption of the latest San Francisco fashions, imported per express, exclusively to the first families ; making outraged Nature, in the ragged outline of her furrowed surface, look still more homely, and putting personal insult on that greater portion of the population to whom the Sabbath, with a change of linen, brought merely the neces- sity of cleanliness, without the luxury of adorn- ment. Then there was a Methodist Church, and hard by a Monte Bank, and a little beyond, on the mountain-side, a graveyard ; and then a little school-house. " The Master," as he was known to his little flock, sat alone one night in the school-house, with some open copy-books before him, carefully L 2 144 Mliss. making those bold and full characters which are supposed to combine the extremes of chirogra- phical and moral excellence, and had got as far as " Riches are deceitful," and was elaborating the noun with an insincerity of flourish that was quite in the spirit of his text, when he heard a gentle tapping. The woodpeckers had been busy about the roof during the day, and the noise did not dis- turb his work. But the opening of the door, and the tapping continuing from the inside, caused him to look up. He was slightly startled by the figure of a young girl, dirty and shabbily clad. Still, her great black eyes, her coarse, uncombed, lustreless black hair falling over her sun-burned face, her red arms and feet streaked with the red soil, were all familiar to him. It was Melissa Smith, Smith's motherless child. " What can she want here ?" thought the master. Everybody knew " Mliss," as she was called, throughout the length and height of Red Moun- tain. Everybody knew her as an incorrigible girl. Her fierce, ungovernable disposition, her mad freaks and lawless character, were in their way as prover- bial as the story of her father's weaknesses, and as philosophically accepted by the townsfolk. She wrangled with and fought the school-boys with keener invective and quite as powerful arm. She followed the trails with a woodman's craft, and the master had met her before, miles away, shoeless, stockingless, and bareheaded on the mountain road. The miners' camps along the stream sup- Mliss. 145 plied her with subsistence during these voluntary pilgrimages, in freely offered alms. Not but that a larger protection had been previously extended to Mliss. The Rev. Joshua McSnagley, " stated '' preacher, had placed her in the hotel as servant, by way of preliminary refinement, and had introduced her to his scholars at Sunday school. But she threw plates occasionally at the landlord, and quickly retorted to the cheap witticisms of the guests, and created in the Sabbath school a sensa- tion that was so inimical to the orthodox dulness and placidity of that institution, that, with a decent regard for the starched frocks and unblemished morals of the two pink-and-white-faced children of the first families, the reverend gentleman had her ignominiously expelled. Such were the antece- dents, and such the character of Mliss, as she stood before the master. It was shown in the ragged dress, the unkempt hair, and bleeding feet, and asked his pity. It flashed from her black, fearless eyes, and commanded his respect. " I come here to-night," she said rapidly and boldly, keeping her hard glance on his, " because I knew you was alone. I wouldn't come here when them gals was here. I hate 'em and they hates me. That's why. You keep school, don't you ? I want to be teached !" If to the shabbiness of her apparel and uncome- liness of her tangled hair and dirty face she had added the humility of tears, the master would have extended to her the usual moiety of pity, and 146 Mliss. nothing more. But with the natural, though illogical instincts of his species, her boldness awakened in him something of that respect which all original natures pay unconsciously to one another in any grade. And he gazed at her the more fixedly as she went on still rapidly, her hand on that door-latch and her eyes on his : " My name 's Mliss, Mliss Smith ! You can bet your life on that. My father 's Old Smith, Old Bummer Smith, that's what's the matter with him. Mliss Smith, and I'm coming to school ! " " Well ? " said the master. Accustomed to be thwarted and opposed, often wantonly and cruelly, for no other purpose than to excite the violent impulses of her nature, the master's phlegm evidently took her by surprise. She stopped ; she began to twist a lock of her hair between her fingers ; and the rigid line of upper lip, drawn over the wicked little teeth, relaxed and quivered slightly. Then her eyes dropped, and something like a blush struggled up to her cheek, and tried to assert itself through the splashes of redder soil, and the sunburn of years. Suddenly she threw herself forward, calling on God to strike her dead, and fell quite weak and helpless, with her face on the master's desk, crying and sobbing as if her heart would break. The master lifted her gently and waited for the paroxysm to pass. When with face still averted she was repeating between her sobs the mea culpa Mliss. 147 of childish penitence, that "she'd be good, she didn't mean to," etc., it came to him to ask her why she had left Sabbath school. Why had she left the Sabbath school ? why ? O yes. What did he (McSnagley) want to tell her she was wicked for? What did he tell her that God hated her for ? If God hated her, what did she want to go to Sabbath school for ? She didn't want to be "beholden" to -anybody who hated her. Had she told McSnagley this ? Yes, she had. The master laughed. It was a hearty laugh, and echoed so oddly in the little school-house, and seemed so inconsistent and discordant with the sighing of the pines without, that he shortly corrected himself with a sigh. The sigh was quite as sincere in its way, however, and after a moment of serious silence he asked about her father. Her father? What father? Whose father? What had he ever done for her? Why did the girls hate her ? Come now ! what made the folks say, "Old Bummer Smith's Mliss!" when she passed ? Yes ; O yes. She wished he was dead, she was dead, everybody was dead ; and her sobs broke forth anew. The master then, leaning over her, told her as well as he could what you or I might have said after hearing such unnatural theories from childish lips ; only bearing in mind perhaps better than 148 Mliss. you or I the unnatural facts of her ragged dress, her bleeding feet, and the omnipresent shadow of her drunken father. Then, raising her to her feet, Ve wrapped his shawl around her, and, bidding her come early in the morning, he walked with her down the road. There he bade her " good night.' 1 The moon shone brightly on the narrow path be- fore them. He stood and watched the bent little figure as it staggered down the road, and waited until it had passed the little graveyard and reached the curve of the hill, where it turned and stood for a moment, a mere atom of suffering outlined against the far-off patient stars. Then he went back to his work. But the lines of the copybook thereafter faded into long parallels of never-ending road, over which childish figures seemed to pass sobbing and crying into the night. Then, the little school-house seeming lonelier than before, he shut the door and went home. The next morning Mliss came to school. Her face had been washed, and her coarse black hair bore evidence of recent struggles with the comb, in which both had evidently suffered. The old defiant look shone occasionally in her eyes, but her manner was tamer and more subdued. Then began a series of little trials and self-sacrifices, in which master and pupil bore an equal part, and which increased the confidence and sympathy be- tween them. Although obedient under the mas- ter's eye, at times during recess, if thwarted or stung by a fancied slight, Mliss would rage in un- Mliss. 149 provernable fury, and many a palpitating young savage, finding himself matched with his own weapons of torment, would seek the master with torn jacket and scratched face, and complaints of the dreadful Mliss. There was a serious division among the townspeople on the subject ; some threatening to withdraw their children from such evil companionship, and others as warmly uphold- ing the course of the master in his work of recla- mation. Meanwhile, with a steady persistence that seemed quite astonishing to him on looking back afterward, the master drew Mliss gradually out of the shadow of her past life, as though it were but her natural progress down the narrow path on which he had set her feet the moonlit night of their first meeting. Remembering the experience of the evangelical McSnagley, he care- fully avoided that Rock of Ages on which that unskilful pilot had shipwrecked her young faith. But if, in the course of her reading, she chanced to stumble upon those few words which have lifted such as she above the level of the older, the wiser, and the more prudent, if she learned something of a faith that is symbolized by suffering, and the old light softened in her eyes, it did not take the shape of a lesson. A few of the plainer people had made up a little sum by which the ragged Mliss was enabled to assume the garments of respect and civilization ; and often a rough shake of the hand, and words of homely commendation from a red-shirted and burly figure, sent a glow to I 150 Mliss. the cheek of the young master, and set him to thinking if it was altogether deserved. Three months had passed from the time of their first meeting, and the master was sitting late one evening over the moral and sententious copies, when there came a tap at the door, and again Mliss stood before him. She was neatly clad and clean-faced, and there was nothing perhaps but the long black hair and bright black eyes to remind him of his former apparition. " Are you busy ?" she asked. " Can you come with me ?" and on his signifying his readiness, in her old wilful way she said, " Come, then, quick !" They passed out of the door together and into the dark road. As they entered the town the master asked her whither she was going. She re- plied, " To see my father." It was the first time he had heard her call him by that filial title, or indeed anything more than " Old Smith " or the " Old Man." It was the first time in three months that she had spoken of him at all, and the master knew she had kept re- solutely aloof from him since her great change. Satisfied from her manner that it was fruitless to question her purpose, he passively followed. In out-of-the-way places, low groggeries, restaurants, and saloons ; in gambling-hells and dance-houses, the master, preceded by Mliss, came and went. In the reeking smoke and blasphemous outcries of low dens, the child, holding the master's hand, stood and anxiously gazed, seemingly unconscious Mliss. 151 of all in the one absorbing nature of her pursuit. Some of the revellers, recognizing Mliss, called to the child to sing and dance for them, and would have forced liquor upon her but for the interfer- ence of the master. Others, recognizing him mute- ly, made way for them to pass. So an hour slipped by. Then the child whispered in his ear that there was a cabin on the other side of the creek crossed by the long flume, where she thought he still might be. Thither they crossed, a toilsome half-hour's walk, but in vain. They were returning by the ditch at the abutment of the flume, gazing at the lights of the town on the opposite bank, when, suddenly, sharply, a quick report rang out on the clear night air. The echoes caught it, and carried it round and round Red Mountain, and set the dogs to barking all along the streams. Lights seemed to dance and move quickly on the outskirts of the town for a few moments, the stream rippled quite audibly beside them, a few stones loosened them- selves from the hillside and splashed into the stream, a heavy wind seemed to surge the branches of the funereal pines, and then the silence seemed to fall thicker, heavier, and deadlier. The master turned towards Mliss with an unconscious gesture of protection, but the child had gone. Oppressed by a strange fear, he ran quickly down the trail to the river's bed, and, jumping from boulder to boul- der, reached the base of Red Mountain and the outskirts of the village. Midway of the crossing he looked up and held his breath in awe. For 152 Mliss. high above him on the narrow flume he saw the fluttering little figure of his late companion cross- ing swiftly in the darkness. He climbed the bank, and, guided by a few lights moving about a central point on the mountain, soon found himself breathless among a crowd of awe-stricken and sorrowful men. Out from among them the child appeared, and, taking the master's hand, led him silently before what seemed a ragged hole in the mountain. Her face was quite white, but her excited manner gone, and her look that of one to whom some long-expected event had at last happened, an expression that to the master in his bewilderment seemed almost like relief. The walls of the cavern were partly propped by decay- ing timbers. The child pointed to what appeared to be some ragged, cast-off clothes left in the hole by the late occupant. The master approached nearer with his flaming dip, and bent over them. It was Smith, already cold, with a pistol in his hand and a bullet in his heart, lying beside his empty pocket. CHAPTER II. THE opinion which- McSnagley expressed in reference to a " change of heart " supposed to be experienced by Mliss was more forcibly de- scribed in the gulches and tunnels. It was thought there that Mliss had "struck a good Mliss. 153 lead." So when there was a new grave added to the little enclosure, and at the expense of the master a little board and inscription put above it, the Red Mountain Banner came out quite hand- somely, and did the fair thing to the memory of one of " our oldest Pioneers," alluding gracefully to that " bane of noble intellects," and otherwise genteelly shelving our dear brother with the past. " He leaves an only child to mourn his loss," says the Banner, " who is now an exemplary scholar, thanks to the efforts of the Rev. Mr. McSnagley." The Rev. McSnagley, in fact, made a strong point of Mliss's conversion, and, indirectly attributing to the unfortunate child the suicide of her father, made affecting allusions in Sunday school to the beneficial effects of the " silent tomb," and in this cheerful contemplation drove most of the children into speechless horror, and caused the pink-and- white scions of the first families to howl dismally and refuse to be comforted. The long dry summer came. As each fierce day burned itself out in little whiffs of pearl-grey smoke on the mountain summits, and the up- springing breeze scattered its red embers over the landscape, the green wave which in early spring upheaved above Smith's grave grew sere and dry and hard. In those days the master, strolling in the little churchyard of a Sabbath afternoon, was sometimes surprised to find a few wild-flowers plucked from the damp pine-forests scattered there, and oftener rude wreaths hung upon the 154 Mliss. little pine cross. Most of these wreaths were formed of a sweet-scented grass, which the chil- dren loved to keep in their desks, intertwined with the plumes of the buckeye, the syringa, and the wood-anemone ; and here and there the master noticed the dark blue cowl of the monk's-hood, or deadly aconite. There was something in the odd association of this noxious plant with these memorials which occasioned a painful sensation to the master deeper than his esthetic sense. One day, during a long walk, in crossing a wooded ridge he came upon Mliss in the heart of the for- est, perched upon a prostrate pine, on a fantastic throne formed by the hanging plumes of lifeless branches, her lap full of grasses and pine-burrs, and crooning to herself one of the negro melodies of her younger life. Recognizing him at a dis- tance, she made room for him on her elevated throne, and with a grave assumption of hospitality and patronage that would have been ridiculous had it not been so terribly earnest, she fed him with pine-nuts and crab-apples. The master took that opportunity to point out to her the noxious and deadly qualities of the monk's-hood, whose dark blossoms he saw in her lap, and extorted from her a promise not to meddle with it as long as she remained his pupil. This done, as the master had tested her integrity before, he rested satisfied, and the strange feeling which had over- come him on seeing them died away. Of the homes that were offered Mliss when her Mliss. 155 conversion became known, the master preferred that of Mrs. Morpher, a womanly and kind- hearted specimen of Southwestern efflorescence, known in her maidenhood as the " Per-rairie Rose." Being one of those who contend reso- lutely against their own natures, Mrs. Morpher, by a long series of self-sacrifices and struggles, had at last subjugated her naturally careless dis- position to principles of " order," which she con- sidered, in common with Mr. Pope, as " Heaven's first law." But she could not entirely govern the orbits of her satellites, however regular her own movements, and even her own "Jeemes" some- times collided with her. Again her old nature asserted itself in her children. Lycurgus dipped into the cupboard " between meals," and Aristides came home from school without shoes, leaving those important articles on the threshold, for the delight of a barefooted walk down the ditches. Octavia and Cassandra were "keerless" of their clothes. So with but one exception, however much the " Prairie Rose" might have trimmed and pruned and trained her own matured luxuriance, the little shoots came up defiantly wild and straggling. That one exception was Clytemnestra Morpher, aged fifteen. She was the realization of her mother's immaculate conception, neat, orderly, and dull. It was an amiable weakness of Mrs. Morpher to imagine that " Clytie" was a consolation and model for Mliss. Following this fallacy, Mrs. 156 Mliss. Morpher threw Clytie at the head of Mliss when she was " bad," and set her up before the child for adoration in her penitential moments. It was not, therefore, surprising to the master to hear that Clytie was coming to school, obviously as a favor to the master and as an example for Mliss and others. For "Clytie" was quite a young lady. Inheriting her mother's physical peculiarities, and in obedience to the climatic laws of the Red Mountain region, she was an early bloomer. The youth of Smith's Pocket, to whom this kind of flower was rare, sighed for her in April and languished in May. Enamored swains haunted the school-house at the hour of dismissal. A few were jealous of the master. Perhaps it was this latter circumstance that opened the master's eyes to another. He could not help noticing that Clytie was romantic ; that in school she required a great deal of attention ; that her pens were uniformly bad and wanted fixing ; that she usually accompanied the request with a certain expectation in her eye that was somewhat disproportionate to the quality of service she verbally required ; that she sometimes allowed the curves of a round, plump white arm to rest on his when he was writing her copies ; that she always blushed and flung back her blond curls when she did so. I don't remember whether I have stated that the master was a young man, it's of little consequence, however ; he had been severely educated in the school in which Clytie Mliss. 157 was taking her first lesson, and, on the whole, withstood the flexible curves and factitious glance like the fine young Spartan that he was. Perhaps an insufficient quality of food may have tended to this asceticism. He generally avoided Clytie ; but one evening, when she returned to the school- house after something she had forgotten, and did not find it until the master walked home with her, I hear that he endeavored to make himself particu- larly agreeable, partly from the fact, I imagine, that his conduct was adding gall and bitterness to the already overcharged hearts of Clytemnestra's admirers. The morning after this afTecting episode Mliss did not come to school. Noon came, but not Mliss. Questioning Clytie on the subject, it appeared that they had left the school together, but the wilful Mliss had taken another road. The afternoon brought her not. In the evening he called on Mrs. Morpher, whose motherly heart was really alarmed. Mr. Morpher had spent all day in search of her, without discovering a trace that might lead to her discovery. Aristides was summoned as a probable accomplice, but that equitable infant succeeded in impressing the household with his innocence. Mrs. Morpher entertained a vivid impression that the child would yet be found drowned in a ditch, or, what was almost as terrible, muddied and soiled beyond the redemption of soap and water. Sick at heart, the master returned to the school-house. As M 158 Mliss. he lit his lamp and seated himself at his desk, he found a note lying before him addressed to himself, in Mliss's handwriting. It seemed to be written on a leaf torn from some old memo- randum-book, and, to prevent sacrilegious trifling, had been sealed with six broken wafers. Opening it almost tenderly, the master read as follows : RESPECTED SIR, When you read this, I am run away. Never to come back. Never, NEVER, NEVER. You can give my beeds to Mary Jennings, and my Amerika's Pride [a highly colored lithograph from a tobacco-box] to Sally Flanders. But don't you give anything to Clytie Morpher. Don't you dare to. Do you know what my oppinion is of her, it is this, she is perfekly disgustin. That is all and no more at present from Yours respectfully, MELISSA SMITH. The master sat pondering on this strange epistle till the moon lifted its bright face above the dis- tant hills, and illuminated the trail that led to the school-house, beaten quite hard with the coming and going of little feet. Then, more satisfied in mind, he tore the missive into fragments and scat- tered them along the road. At sunrise the next morning he was picking his way through the palm-like fern and thick under- brush of the pine-forest, starting the hare from its form, and awakening a querulous protest from a few dissipated crows, who had evidently been mak- Mliss. 159 ing a night of it, and so came to the wooded ridge where he had once found Mliss. There he found the prostrate pine and tasselled branches, but the throne was vacant. As he drew nearer, what might have been some frightened animal started through the crackling limbs. It ran up the tossed arms of the fallen monarch, and sheltered itself in some friendly foliage. The master, reaching the old seat, found the nest still warm ; looking up in the intertwining branches, he met the black eyes of the errant Mliss. They gazed at each other without speaking. She was first to break the silence. " What do you want ? " she asked curtly. The master had decided on a course of action. " I want some crab-apples," he said humbly. " Sha'n't have 'em ! go away. Why don't you get 'em of Clytemnerestera ? " (It seemed to be a relief to Mliss to express her contempt in addi- tional syllables to that classical young woman's already long-drawn title.) " O you wicked thing!" " I am hungry, Lissy. I have eaten nothing since dinner yesterday. I am famished ! " and the young man in a state of remarkable exhaustion leaned against the tree. Melissa's heart was touched. In the bitter days of her gypsy life she had known the sensation he so artfully simulated. Overcome by his heart- broken tone, but not entirely divested of suspicion, she said, M 2 160 Mliss. " Dig under the tree near the roots, and you'll find lots ; but mind you don't tell," for Mliss had her hoards as well as the rats and squirrels. But the master, of course, was unable to find them ; the effects of hunger probably blinding his senses. Mliss grew uneasy. At length she peered at him through the leaves in an elfish way, and questioned, "If I come down and give you some, you'll promise you won't touch me ? " The master promised. " Hope you'll die if you do ! " The master accepted instant dissolution as a forfeit. Mliss slid down the tree. For a few moments nothing transpired but the munching of the pine-nuts. " Do you feel better ? " she asked, with some solicitude. The master confessed to a recuperated feeling, and then, gravely thanking her, proceeded to retrace his steps. As he expected, he had not gone far before she called him. He turned. She was standing there quite white, with tears in her widely opened orbs. The master felt that the right moment had come. Going up to her, he took both her hands, and, looking in her tearful eyes, said, gravely, " Lissy, do you remember the first evening you came to see me?" Lissy remembered. " You asked me if you might come to school, for you wanted to learn something and be better, and I said " Mliss. l6l " Come," responded the child, promptly. "What would you say if the master now came to you and said that he was lonely without his little scholar, and that he wanted her to come and teach him to be better ? " The child hung her head for a few moments in silence. The master waited patiently. Tempted by the quiet, a hare ran close to the couple, and raising her bright eyes and velvet forepaws, sat and gazed at them. A squirrel ran half way down the furrowed bark of the fallen tree, and there stopped. " We are waiting, Lissy," said the master, in a whisper, and the child smiled. Stirred by a pass- ing breeze, the tree-tops rocked, and a long pencil of light stole through their interlaced boughs full on the doubting face and irresolute little figure. Suddenly she took the master's hand in her quick way. What she said was scarcely audible, but the master, putting the black hair back from her fore- head, kissed her ; and so, hand in hand, they passed out of the damp aisles and forest odors into the open sunlit road. CHAPTER III. SOMEWHAT less spiteful in her intercourse with other scholars, Mliss still retained an offensive attitude in regard to Clytemnestra. Perhaps the jealous element was not entirely lulled in her 1 62 Mliss. passionate little breast. Perhaps it was only that the round curves and plump outline offered more extended pinching surface. But while such ebullitions were under the master's control, her enmity occasionally took a new and irrepressible form. The master in his first estimate of the child's character could not conceive that she had ever possessed a doll. But the master, like many other professed readers of character, was safer in d posteriori than a priori reasoning. Mliss had a doll, but then it was emphatically Mliss's doll, a smaller copy of herself. Its unhappy existence had been a secret discovered acci-j dentally by Mrs. Morpher. It had been the old-time companion of Mliss's wanderings, and bore evident marks of suffering. Its original complexion was long since washed away by the weather and anointed by the slime of ditches. It looked very much as Mliss had in days past. Its one gown of faded stuff was dirty and ragged as hers had been. Mliss had never been known to apply to it any childish term of endearment. She never exhibited it in the presence of other children. It was put severely to bed in a hollow tree near the school-house, and only allowed?] exercise during Mliss's rambles. Fulfilling a sterifi duty to her doll, as she would to herself, it knevi no luxuries. Now Mrs. Morpher, obeying a commendable impulse, bought another doll and gave it to Mliss. Mliss. 163 The child received it gravely and curiously. The master on looking at it one day fancied he saw a slight resemblance in its round red cheeks and mild blue eyes to Clytemnestra. It became evident before long that Mliss had also noticed the same resemblance. Accordingly she hammered its waxen head on the rocks when she was alone, and sometimes dragged it with a string round its neck to and from school. At other times, setting it up on her desk, she made a pin-cushion of its patient and inoffensive body. Whether this was done in revenge of what she considered a second figurative obtrusion of Clytie's excellences upon her, or whether she had an intuitive appreciation of the rites of certain other heathens, and, in- dulging in that "Fetish" ceremony, imagined that the original of her wax model would pine away and finally die, is a metaphysical question I shall not now consider. In spite of these moral vagaries, the master could not help noticing in her different tasks the working of a quick, restless, and vigorous per- ception. She knew neither the hesitancy nor the doubts of childhood. Her answers in class were always slightly dashed with audacity. Of course she was not infallible. But her courage and daring in passing beyond her own depth and that of the floundering little swimmers around her, in their minds outweighed all errors of judgment. Children are not better than grown people in this respect, I fancy ; and whenever the little 1 64 Mliss. red hand flashed above her desk, there was a wondering silence, and even the master was sometimes oppressed with a doubt of his own experience and judgment. Nevertheless, certain attributes which at first amused and entertained his fancy began to afflict him with grave doubts. He could not but see that Mliss was revengeful, irreverent, and wilful. That there was but one better quality which pertained to her semi-savage disposition, the faculty of physical fortitude and self-sacrifice, and another, though not always an attribute of the noble savage, Truth. Mliss was both fearless and sincere ; perhaps in such a character the adjectives were synonymous. The master had been doing some hard thinking on this subject, and had arrived at that conclusion quite common to all who think sincerely, that he was generally the slave of his own prejudices, when he determined to call on the Rev. Mc- Snagley for advice. This decision was somewhat humiliating to his pride, as he and McSnagley were not friends. But he thought of Mliss, and the evening of their first meeting ; and perhaps with a pardonable superstition that it was not chance alone that had guided her wilful feet to the school-house, and perhaps with a complacent consciousness of the rare magnanimity of the act, he choked back his dislike and went to McSnagley. The reverend gentleman was glad to see him. Mliss. 165 Moreover, he observed that the master was look- ing " peartish," and hoped he had got over the "neuralgy" and " rheumatiz." He himself had been troubled with a dumb " ager" since last conference. But he had learned to "rastle and pray." Pausing a moment to enable the master to .write his certain method of curing the dumb !"ager" upon the book and volume of his brain, Mr. McSnagley proceeded to inquire after Sister Morpher. " She is an adornment to Christo'anity, land has a likely growin' young family," added Mr. i McSnagley ; "and there's that mannerly young jgal, so well behaved, Miss Clyde." In fact, j Clyde's perfections seemed to affect him to such Jan extent that he dwelt for several minutes upon (them. The master was doubly embarrassed. In ithe first place, there was an enforced contrast with ipoor Mliss in all this praise of Clytie. Secondly, there was something unpleasantly confidential in (his tone of speaking of Mrs. Morpher's earliest born. So that the master, after a few futile efforts to say something natural, found it convenient to recall another engagement, and left without asking the information required, but in his after reflections somewhat unjustly giving the Rev. Mr. McSnagley the full benefit of having refused it. Perhaps this rebuff placed the master and pupil ;once more in the close communion of old. The child seemed to notice the change in the master's manner, which had of late been constrained, and 166 Mliss. in one of their long post-prandial walks she stopped suddenly, and mounting a stump, looked full in his face with big, searching eyes. "You ain't mad ?" said she, with an interrogative shake of the black braids. "No." "Nor bothered?" " No." " Nor hungry ?" (Hunger was to Mliss a sickness that might attack a person at any mo- ment) "No." "Nor thinking of her?" "Of whom, Lissy ?" "That white girl." (This was the latest epithet invented by Mliss, who was a very dark brunette, to express Clytemnestra.) "No." "Upon your word?" (A substitute for "Hope you'll die ! " proposed by the master.) " Yes." " And sacred honor ?" "Yes." Then Mliss gave him a fierce little kiss, and, hopping down, fluttered off. For two or three days after that she conde- scended to appear more like other children, and be, as she expressed it, " good." Two years had passed since the master's advent at Smith's Pocket, and as his salary was not large, and the prospects of Smith's Pocket eventually be- coming the capital of the State not entirely defi- nite, he contemplated a change. He had informed the school trustees privately of his intentions, but, educated young men of unblemished moral cha- racter being scarce at that time, he consented to continue his school term through the winter tp early spring. None else knew of his intention except his one friend, a Dr. Duchesne, a young Creole physician known to the people of Wing- dam as " Duchesny." He never mentioned it to Mliss. 167 Mrs. Morpher, Clyde, or any of his scholars. His reticence wa$ partly the result of a constitutional indisposition to fuss, partly a desire to be spared the questions and surmises of vulgar curiosity, and partly that he never really believed he was going to do anything before it was done. He did not like to think of Mliss. It was a selfish instinct, perhaps, which made him try to fancy his feeling for the child was foolish, roman- tic, and unpractical. He even tried to imagine that she would do better under the control of an older and sterner teacher. Then she was nearly eleven, and in a few years, by the rules of Red Mountain, would be a woman. He had done his duty. After Smith's death he addressed letters to Smith's relatives, and received one answer from a sister of Melissa's mother. Thanking the master, she stated her intention of leaving the Atlantic States for California with her husband in a few months. This was a slight superstructure for the airy castle which the master pictured for Mliss's home, but it was easy to fancy that some loving, sympathetic woman, with the claims of kindred, might better guide her wayward nature. Yet, when the master had read the letter, Mliss listened to it carelessly, received it submissively, and after- wards cut figures out of it with her scissors sup- posed to represent Clytemnestra, labelled "the white girl," to prevent mistakes, and impaled them upon the outer walls of the school-house. When the summer was about spent, and the r 68 Mliss. last harvest had been gathered in the valleys, the master bethought him of gathering in a few ripened shoots of the young idea, and of having his Harvest-Home, or Examination. So the savans and professionals of Smith's Pocket were gathered to witness that time-honored custom of placing timid children in a constrained position, and bully- ing them as in a witness-box. As usual in such cases, the most audacious and self-possessed were the lucky recipients of the honors. The reader will imagine that in the present instance Mliss and Clytie were pre-eminent, and divided public atten- tion ; Mliss with 'her clearness of material percep- tion and self-reliance, Clytie with her placid self- esteem and saint-like correctness of deportment. The other little ones were timid and blundering. Mliss's readiness and brilliancy, of course, capti- vated the greatest number and provoked the greatest applause. Mliss's antecedents had un- consciously awakened the strongest sympathies of a class whose athletic forms were ranged against the walls, or whose handsome bearded faces looked in at the windows. But Mliss's popularity was overthrown by an unexpected circumstance. McSnagley had invited himself, and had been going through the pleasing entertainment of frightening the more timid pupils by the vaguest and most ambiguous questions delivered in an im- pressive funereal tone ; and Mliss had soared into Astronomy, and was tracking the course of our spotted ball through space, and keeping time with A Hiss. 169 the music of the spheres, and defining the tethered orbits of the planets, when McSnagley impres- sively arose. " Meelissy ! ye were speaking of the revolutions of this yere yearth and the move-wr;//.? of the sun, and I think ye said it had been a doing of it since the creashun, eh ?" Mliss nodded a scornful affirmative. "Well, war that the truth ?" said McSnagley, folding his arms. "Yes," said Mliss, shutting up her little red lips tightly. The handsome outlines at the windows peered further in the school-room, and a saintly Raphael-face, with blond beard and soft blue eyes, belonging to the biggest scamp in the diggings, turned toward the child and whispered, "Stick to it, Mliss!" The reverend gentleman heaved a deep sigh, and cast a compassionate glance at the master, then at the children, and then rested his look on Clytie. That young woman softly elevated her round, white arm. Its seductive curves were enchanced by a gorgeous and massive specimen bracelet, the gift of one of her humblest worshippers, worn in honor of the occasion. There was a momentary silence. Clytie's round cheeks were very pink and soft. Clytie's big eyes were very bright and blue. Clytie's low-necked white book-muslin rested softly on Clytie's white, plump shoulders. Clytie looked at the master, and the master nodded. Then Clytie spoke softly : " Joshua commanded the sun to stand still, and it obeyed him ! " There was a low hum of ap- plause in the school-room, a triumphant expression 170 Mliss. on McSnagley's face, a grave shadow on the mas- ter's, and a comical look of disappointment re- flected from the windows. Mliss skimmed rapidly over her Astronomy, and then shut the book with a loud snap. A groan burst from McSnagley, an expression of astonishment from the school-room, a yell from the windows, as Mliss brought her red fist down on the desk, with the emphatic decla- ration, " It's a d n lie. I don't believe it 1 " CHAPTER IV. THE long wet season had drawn near its close Signs of spring were visible in the swelling buds and rushing torrents. The pine-forests exhaled the fresher spicery. The azaleas were already bud- ding, the Ceanothus getting ready its lilac livery for spring. On the green upland which climbed Red Mountain at its southern aspect the long spike of the monk's-hood shot up from its broad- leaved stool, and once more shook its dark-blue bells. Again the billow above Smith's grave was soft and green, its crest just tossed with the foam l>f daisies and buttercups. The little graveyard had gathered a few new dwellers in the past year, and the mounds were placed two by two by the little paling until they reached Smith's grave, and there there was but one. General superstition Mliss. 171 had shunned it, and the plot beside Smith was ivacant. There had been several placards posted about the town, intimating that, at a certain period, a I celebrated dramatic company would perform, for a few days, a series of "side-splitting" and " screaming farces " ; that, alternating pleasantly with this, there would be some melodrama and a grand divertissement, which would include singing, dancing, &c. These announcements occasioned a great fluttering among the little folk, and were the theme of much excitement and great specu- lation among the master's scholars. The master had promised Mliss, to whom this sort of thing was sacred and rare, that she should go, and on that momentous evening the master and Mliss " assisted." The performance was the prevalent style of heavy mediocrity ; the melodrama was not bad enough to laugh at nor good enough to excite. But the master, turning wearily to the child, was astonished, and felt something like self-accusation in noticing the peculiar effect upon her excitable nature. The red blood flushed in her cheeks at each stroke of her panting little heart. Her small passionate lips were slightly parted to give vent to her hurried breath. Her widely opened lids threw up and arched her black eyebrows. She did not laugh at the dismal comicalities of the funny man, for Mliss seldom laughed. Nor was she dis- creetly affected to the delicate extremes of the 172 Mliss. corner of a white handkerchief, as was the tender- hearted "Clytie," who was talking with her " feller" and ogling the master at the same moment. But when the performance was over, and the green curtain fell on the little stage, Mliss drew a long deep breath, and turned to the master's grave face with a half-apologetic smile and wearied gesture. Then she said, " Now take me home !" and dropped the lids of her black eyes, as if to dwell once more in fancy on the mimic stage. On their way to Mrs. Morphcr's the master thought proper to ridicule the whole performance. Now he shouldn't wonder if Mliss thought that the young lady who acted so beautifully was really in earnest, and in love with the gentleman who wore such fine clothes. Well, if she were in love with him it was a very unfortunate thing!' "Why?" said Mliss, with an upward sweep of the drooping lid. " Oh ! well, he couldn't support his wife at his present salary, and pay so much a week for his fine clothes, and then they wouldn't receive as much wages if they were married as if they were merely lovers, that is," added the master, " if they are not already married to somebody else ; but I think the husband of the pretty young countess takes the tickets at the door, or pulls up the curtain, or snuffs the candles, or does some- thing equally refined and elt-gant. As to the young man with nice clothes, which are really nice now, and must cost at least two and a half or three dollars, not to speak of that mantle of red Mliss. 173 drugget which I happen to know the price of, for I bought some of it for my room once, as to this young man, Lissy, he is a pretty good fellow, and if he does drink occasionally, I don't think people ought to take advantage of it and give him black eyes and throw him in the mud. Do you ? I am sure he might owe me two dollars and a half a long time, before I would throw it up in his face, as the fellow did the other night at Wingdam." Mliss had taken his hand in both of hers and was trying to look in his eyes, which the young man kept as resolutely averted. Mliss had a faint idea of irony, indulging herself sometimes in a species of sardonic humor, which was equally visible in her actions and her speech. But the young man continued in this strain until they had reached Mrs. Morpher's, and he had deposited Mliss in her maternal charge. Waiving the invi- tation of Mrs. Morpher to refreshment and rest, and shading his eyes with his hand to keep out the blue-eyed Clytemnestra's siren glances, he ex- cused himself, and went home. For two or three days after the advent of the dramatic company, Mliss was late at school, and the master's usual Friday afternoon ramble was for once omitted, owing to the absence of his trustworthy guide. As he was putting away his books and preparing to leave the school-house, a small voice piped at his side, "Please, sir?" The master turned and there stood Aristides Morpher. m 174 Mliss. , "Well, my little man," said the master, im tiently, "what is it ? quick !" " Please, sir, me and ' Kerg ' thinks that Mliss is going to run away agin." "What's that, sir?" said the master, with that unjust testiness with which we always receive dis- agreeable news. " Why, sir, she don't stay home any more, and ' Kerg ' and me see her talking with one of those actor fellers, and she's with him now ; and please, sir, yesterday she told ' Kerg ' and me she could make a speech as well as Miss Cellerstina Mont- moressy, and she spouted right off by heart," and the little fellow paused in a collapsed condition. "What actor?" asked the master. " Him as wears the shiny hat. And hair. And gold pin. And gold chain," said the just Aris- tides, putting periods for commas to eke out his breath. The master put on his gloves and hat, feeling an unpleasant tightness in his chest and thorax, and walked out in the road. Aristides trotted along by his side, endeavoring to keep pace with his short legs to the master's strides, when the master stopped suddenly, and Aristides bumped up against him. "Where were they talking?" asked the master, as if continuing the conversa- tion. " At the Arcade," said Aristides. When they reached the main street the master paused. " Run down home," said he to the boy. Mliss. 175 "If Mliss is there, come to the Arcade and tell me. If she isn't there, stay home; run!" And off trotted the short-legged Aristides. The Arcade was just across the way, a long, rambling building containing a bar-room, billiard- room, and restaurant. As the young man crossed the plaza he noticed that two or three of -the passers-by turned and looked after him. He looked at his clothes, took out his handkerchief and wiped his face, before he entered the bar- room. It contained the usual number of loungers, who stared at him as he entered. One of them looked at him so fixedly and with such a strange expression that the master stopped and looked again, and then saw it was only his own reflection in a large mirror. This made the master think that perhaps he was a little excited, and so he took up a copy of the Red Mountain Banner from one of the tables, and tried to recover his compo- sure by reading the column of advertisements. He then walked through the bar-room, through the restaurant, and into the billiard-room. The child was not there. In the latter apartment a person was standing by one of the tables with a broad-brimmed glazed hat on his head. The master recognized him as the agent of the dramatic company ; he had taken a dislike to him at their first meeting, from the peculiar fashion of wearing his beard and hair. Satisfied that the object of his search was not there, he turned to the man with a glazed hat. He had noticed the master, N 2 176 Mliss. but tried that common trick of unconsciousness, in which vulgar natures always fail. Balancing a billiard-cue in his hand, he pretended to play with a ball in the centre of the table. The master stood opposite to him until he raised his eyes ; when their glances met, the master walked up to him. He had intended to avoid a scene or quarrel, but when he began to speak, something kept rising in his throat and retarded his utterance, and his own voice frightened him, it sounded so distant, low, and resonant. "I understand," he began, " that Melissa Smith, an orphan, and one of my scholars, has talked with you about adopting your profession. Is that so ? " The man with the glazed hat leaned over the table, and made an imaginary shot, that sent the ball spinning round the cushions. Then walking round the table he recovered the ball and placed it upon the spot. This duty discharged, getting ready for another shot, he said, " S'pose she has ? " The master choked up again, but squeezing the cushion of the table in his gloved hand, he went on: " If you are a gentleman, I have only to tell you that I am her guardian, and responsible for her career. You know as well as I do the kind of life you offer her. As you may learn of any one here, I have already brought her out of an exist- ence worse than death, out of the streets and Mliss. \f] the contamination of vice. I am trying to do so again. Let us talk like men. She has neither father, mother, sister, nor brother. Are you seek- ing to give her an equivalent for these ? " The man with the glazed hat examined the point of his cue, and then looked around for somebody to enjoy the joke with him. " I know that she is a strange, wilful girl," con- tinued the master, " but she is better than she was. I believe that I have some influence over her still. I beg and hope, therefore, that you will take no further steps in this matter, but as a man, as a gentleman, leave her to me. I am willing " But here something rose again in the master's throat, and the sentence remained unfinished. The man with the glazed hat, mistaking the master's silence, raised his head with a coarse, brutal laugh, and said in a loud voice, " Want lr er yourself, do you ? That cock won't fight here, young man ! " The insult was more in the tone than the words, more in the glance than tone, and more in the man's instinctive nature than all these. The best appreciable rhetoric to this kind of animal is a blow. The master felt this, and, with his pent- up, nervous energy finding expression in the one act, he struck the brute full in his grinning face. The blow sent the glazed hat one way and the cue another, and tore the glove and skin from the master's hand from knuckle to joint. It opened up the corners of the fellow's mouth, and spoilt 178 MKss. the peculiar shape of his beard for some time to come. There was a shout, an imprecation, a scuffle, and the trampling of many feet. Then the crowd parted right and left, and two sharp quick reports followed each other in rapid succession. Then they closed again about his opponent, and the master was standing alone. He remembered picking bits of burning wadding from his coat- sleeve with his left hand. Some one was holding his other hand. Looking at it, he saw it was still bleeding from the blow, but his fingers were clenched around the handle of a glittering knife. He could not remember when or how he got it. The man who was holding his hand was Mr. Morpher. He hurried the master to the door, but the master held back, and tried to tell him as well as he could with his parched throat about " Mliss." "It's all right, my boy," said Mr. Morpher. "She's home ! " And they passed out into the street to- gether. As they walked along Mr. Morpher said that Mliss had come running into the house a few moments before, and had dragged him out, saying that somebody was trying to kill the master at the Arcade. Wishing to be alone, the master promised Mr. Morpher that he would not seek the Agent again that night, and parted from him, taking the road toward the school-house. He was surprised in nearing it to find the door open, still more surprised to find Mliss sitting there. The master's nature, as I have hinted before^ Mliss. 179 had, like most sensitive organizations, a selfish basis. The brutal taunt thrown out by his late adversary still rankled in his heart. It was possible, he thought, that such a construction might be put upon his affection for the child, which at best was foolish and Quixotic. Besides, had she not volun- tarily abnegated his authority and affection ? And what had everybody else said about her ? Why should he alone combat the opinion of all, and be at last obliged tacitly to confess the truth of all they had predicted ? And he had been a partici- pant in a low bar-room fight with a common boor, and risked his life, to prove what ? What had he proved ? Nothing ? What would the people say ? What would his friends say ? What would McSnagley say ? In his self-accusation the last person he should have wished to meet was Mliss. He entered the door, and, going up to his desk, told the child, in a few cold words, that he was busy, and wished to be alone. As she rose he took her vacant seat, and, sitting down, buried his head in his hands. When he looked up again she was still standing there. She was looking at his face with an anxious expression. " Did you kill him ?" she asked. "No !" said the master. "That's what I gave you the knife for !" said the child, quickly. "Gave me the knife?" repeated the master, in bewilderment. iSo Mliss. " Yes, gave you the knife. I was there under the bar; Saw you hit him. Saw you both fall. He dropped his old knife. I gave it to you. Why didn't you stick him ?" said Mliss rapidly, with an expressive twinkle of the black eyes and .a gesture of the little red hand. The master could only look his astonishment. "Yes," said Mliss. "If you'd asked me, I'd told you I was off with the play-actors. Why was I off with the play-actors ? Because you wouldn't tell me you was going away. I knew it. I heard you tell the Doctor so. I wasn't a goin' to stay here alone with those Morphers. I'd rather die first." With a dramatic gesture which was perfectly consistent with her character, she drew from her bosom a few limp green leaves, and, holding them out at arm's-length, said in her quick vivid way, and in the queer pronunciation of her old life, which she fell into when unduly excited, " That's the poison plant you said would kill me. I'll go with the play-actors, or I'll eat this and die here. I don't care which. I won't stay here, where they hate and despise me ! Neither would you let me, if you didn't hate and despise me too!" The passionate little breast heaved, and two big tears peeped over the edge of Mliss's eyelids, but she whisked them away with the corner of her apron as if they had been wasps. " If you lock me ap in jail," said Mliss, fiercely, Mliss. 181 "to keep me from the play-actors, I'll poison myself. Father killed himself, why shouldn't I ? You said a mouthful of that root would kill me, and I always carry it here/' and she struck her breast with her clenched fist. The master thought of the vacant plot beside Smith's grave, and of the passionate little figure before him. Seizing her hands in his and looking full into her truthful eyes, he said, " Lissy, will you go with me ? " The child put her arms around his neck, and said joyfully, "Yes." " But now to-night ?" " To-night." And hand in hand they passed into the road, the narrow road that had once brought her weary feet to the master's door, and which it seemed she should not tread again alone. The stars glittered brightly above them. For good or ill the lesson had been learned, and behind them the school of Red Mountain closed upon them for ever. THE RIGHT EYE OF THE COM- MANDER. year of grace 1797 passed away on the coast of California in a southwesterly gale. The little bay of San Carlos, albeit sheltered by the headlands of the Blessed Trinity, was rough and turbulent ; its foam clung quivering to the seaward wall of the Mission garden ; the air was filled with flying sand and spume, and as the Sefior Comandante, Hermenegildo Salvatierra, looked from the deep embrasured window of the Presidio guard-room, he felt the salt breath of the distant sea buffet a color into his smoke-dried cheeks. The Commander, I have said, was gazing thoughtfully from the window of the guard-room. He may have been reviewing the events of the year now about to pass away. But, like the garrison at the Presidio, there was little to review ; the year, like its predecessors, had been unevent- ful, the days had slipped by in a delicious monotony of simple duties, unbroken by incident or interruption. The regularly recurring feasts and saints' days, the half-yearly courier from San Diego, the rare transport-ship and rarer foreign The Right Eye of the Commander. 183 vessel, were the mere details of his patriarchal life. If there was no achievement, there was certainly no failure. Abundant harvests and patient industry amply supplied the wants of Presidio and Mission. Isolated from the family of nations, the wars which shook the world con- cerned them not so much as the last earthquake ; the struggle that emancipated their sister colonies on the other side of the continent to them had no suggestiveness. In short, it was that glorious Indian summer of California history, around which so much poetical haze still lingers, that bland, indolent autumn of Spanish rule, so soon to be followed by the wintry storms of Mexican in- dependence and the reviving spring of American conquest. The Commander turned from the window and Walked toward the fire that burned brightly on the deep oven-like hearth. A pile of copy-books, the work of the Presidio school, lay on the table. As he turned over the leaves with a paternal interest, and surveyed the fair round Scripture text, the first pious pot-hooks of the pupils of San Carlos, an audible commentary fell from his lips : " ' Abimelech took her from Abraham ' ah, little one, excellent ! ' Jacob sent to see his brother ' body of Christ ! that up-stroke of thine, Paquita, is marvellous ; the Governor shall see it ! " A film of honest pride dimmed the Commander's left eye, the right, alas ! twenty years before had been sealed by an Indian arrow. He rubbed it 1 84 The Right Eye of the Commander. softly with the sleeve of his leather jacket, and con- . tinued : " ' The Ishmaelites having arrived ' " He stopped, for there was a step in the court- . yard, a foot upon the threshold, and a stranger entered. With the instinct of an old soldier, the Commander, after one glance at the intruder, turned quickly toward the wall, where his trusty Toledo hung, or should have been hanging. But it was not there, and as he recalled that the last time he had seen that weapon it was being ridden up and down the gallery by Pepito, the infant son of Bautista, the tortilio-maker, he blushed and then contented himself with frowning upon the intruder. But the stranger's air, though irreverent, was decidedly peaceful. He was unarmed, and wore the ordinary cape of tarpauling and sea-boots of a mariner. Except a villanous smell of codfish, there was little about him that was peculiar. His name, as he informed the Commander, in Spanish that was more fluent than elegant or precise, his name was Peleg Scudder. He was master of the schooner " General Court," of the port of Salem, in Massachusetts, on a trading- voyage to the South Seas, but now driven by stress of weather into the bay of San Carlos. He begged permission to ride out the gale under the headlands of the Blessed Trinity, and no more. Water he did not need, having taken in a supply at Bodega. He knew the strict surveillance of the Spanish pott regulations in regard to foreign The Right Eye of the Commander. 185 vessels, and would do nothing against the severe discipline and good order of the settlement. There was a slight tinge of sarcasm in his tone as ; he glanced toward the desolate parade-ground of \ the Presidio and the open unguarded gate. The fact was that the sentry, Felipe Gomez, had dis- ; erectly retired to shelter at the beginning of the storm, and was then sound asleep in the corridor. The Commander hesitated. The port regulations were severe, but he was accustomed to exercise individual authority, and beyond an old order issued ten years before, regarding the American ship " Columbia," there was no precedent to guide him. The storm was severe, and a sentiment of humanity urged him to grant the stranger's request. It is but just to the Commander to say, that his inability to enforce a refusal did not weigh with 1 his decision. He would have denied with equal i disregard of consequences that right to a seventy- four gun ship which he now yielded so gracefully to this Yankee trading-schooner. He stipulated only, that there should be no communication between the ship and shore. " For yourself, ; Sefior Captain," he continued, " accept my hospi- tality. The fort is yours as long as you shall grace it with your distinguished presence ; " and with old-fashioned courtesy, he made the semblance of withdrawing from the guard-room. Master Peleg Scudder smiled as he thought of the half-dismantled fort, the two mouldy brass cannon, cast in Manila a century previous, and the 1 86 The Right Eye of the Commander. shiftless garrison. A wild thought of accepting the Commander's offer literally, conceived in the reckless spirit of a man who never let slip an offer for trade, for a moment filled his brain, but a timely reflection of the commercial unimportance of the transaction checked him. He only took a capacious quid of tobacco, as the Commander gravely drew a settle before the fire, and in honor of his guest untied the black silk handkerchief that bound his grizzled brows. What passed between Salvatierra and his guest that night it becomes me not, as a grave chronicler of the salient points of history, to relate. I have said that Master Peleg Scudder was a fluent talker, and under the influence of divers strong waters, furnished by his host, he became still more loqua- cious. And think of a man with a twenty years' budget of gossip ! The Commander learned, for the first time, how Great Britain lost her colonies ; of the French Revolution ; of the great Napoleon, whose achievements, perhaps, Peleg colored more highly than the Commander's superiors would have liked. And when Peleg turned questioner, the Commander was at his mercy. He gradually made himself master of the gossip of the Mission and Presidio, the " small-beer" chronicles of that pastoral age, the conversion of the heathen, the Presidio schools, and even asked the Commander how he had lost his eye ! It is said that at this point of the conversation Master Peleg produced from about his person divers small trinkets, kick- The Right Eye of the Commander. 187 shaws and new-fangled trifles, and even forced some of them upon his host. It is further alleged that under the malign influence of Peleg and several glasses of aguardiente, the Commander lost somewhat of his decorum, and behaved in a manner unseemly for one in his position, reciting high-flown Spanish poetry, and even piping in a thin, high voice, divers madrigals and heathen canzonets of an amorous complexion ; chiefly in regard to a " little one" who was his, the Com- mander's, "soul"! These allegations, perhaps un- worthy the notice of a serious chronicler, should be received with great caution, and are introduced here as simple hearsay. That the Commander, however, took a handkerchief and attempted to show his guest the mysteries of the sembi cuacua, capering in an agile but indecorous manner about the apartment, has been denied. Enough for the purposes of this narrative, that at midnight Peleg assisted his host to bed with many protestations of undying friendship, and then, as the gale had abated, took his leave of the Presidio and hurried aboard the " General Court." When the day broke the ship was gone. I know not if Peleg kept his word with his host. It is said that the holy fathers at the Mission that night heard a loud chanting in the plaza, as of the heathens singing psalms through their noses ; that for many days after an odor of salt codfish prevailed in the settlement ; that a dozen hard nutmegs, which were unfit for spice or seed, were 188 The Right Eye of the Commander. found in the possession of the wife of the baker, and that several bushels of shoe-pegs, which bore a pleasing resemblance to oats, but were quite inadequate to the purposes of provender, were discovered in the stable of the blacksmith. But when the reader reflects upon the sacredness of a Yankee trader's word, the stringent discipline of the Spanish port regulations, and the proverbial indisposition of my countrymen to impose upon the confidence of a simple people, he will at once reject this part of the story. A roll of drums, ushering in the year 1798, awoke the Commander. The sun was shining brightly, and the storm had ceased. He sat up in bed, and through the force of habit rubbed his left eye. As the remembrance of the previous night came back to him, he jumped from his couch and ran to the window. There was no ship in the bay. A sudden thought seemed to strike him, and he rubbed both of his eyes. Not content with this, he consulted the metallic mirror which hung beside his crucifix. There was no mistake ; the Commander had a visible second eye, a right one, as good, save for the purposes of vision, as the left. Whatever might have been the true secret of this transformation, but one opinion prevailed at San Carlos. It was one of those rare miracles vouchsafed a pious Catholic community as an evidence to the heathen, through the intercession of the blessed San Carlos himself. That their The Right Eye of the Commander. 189 beloved Commander, the temporal defender of the Faith, should be the recipient of this miraculous manifestation, was most fit and seemly. The Commander himself was reticent ; he could not tell a falsehood, he dared not tell the truth. After all, if the good folk of San Carlos believed that the powers of his right eye were actually restored, was it wise and discreet for him to un- deceive them ? For the first time in his life the Commander thought of policy, for the first time he quoted that text which has been the lure of so many well-meaning but easy Christians, of being "all things to all men." Infeliz Hermenegildo Salvatierra ! For by degrees an ominous whisper crept through the little settlement. The Right Eye of the Commander, although miraculous, seemed to exercise a baleful effect upon the beholder. No one could look at it without winking. It was cold, hard, relentless and unflinching. More than that, it seemed to be endowed with a dreadful prescience, a faculty of seeing through and into the inarticulate thoughts of those it looked upon. The soldiers of the garrison obeyed the eye rather than the voice of their commander, and answered his glance rather than his lips in questioning. The servants could not evade the ever-watchful, but cold attention that seemed to pursue them. The children of the Presidio School smirched their copy-books under the awful supervision, and poor Paquita, the prize pupil, failed utterly in O The Right Eye of the Commander. that marvellous up-stroke when her patron stood beside her. Gradually distrust, suspicion, self- accusation, and timidity took the place of trust, confidence, and security throughout San Carlos. Whenever the Right Eye of the Commander fell, a shadow fell with it. Nor was Salvatierra entirely free from the baleful influence of his miraculous acquisition. Unconscious of its effect upon others, he only saw in their actions evidence of certain things that the crafty Peleg had hinted on that eventful New Year's eve. His most trusty retainers stammered, blushed, and faltered before him. Self-accusations, confessions of minor faults and delinquencies, or extravagant excuses and apologies met his mildest inquiries. The very children that he loved his pet pupil, Paquita seemed to be conscious of some hidden sin. The result of this constant irritation showed itself more plainly. For the first half-year the Commander's voice and eye were at variance. He was still kind, tender, and thoughtful in speech. Gradually, however, his voice took upon itself the hardness of his glance and its sceptical, impassive quality, and as the year again neared its close it was plain that the Commander had fitted himself to the eye, and not the eye to the Commander. It may be surmised that these changes did not escape the watchful solicitude of the Fathers. In- deed, the few who were first to ascribe the right eye of Salvatierra to miraculous origin and the The Right Eye of the Commander. 191 special grace of the blessed San Carlos, now talked openly of witchcraft and the agency of Luzbel, the evil one. It would have fared ill with Hermenegildo Salvatierra had he been aught but Commander or amenable to local authority. But the reverend father, Friar Manuel de Cortes, had no power over the political executive, and all attempts at spiritual advice failed signally. He retired baffled and confused from his first inter- view with the Commander, who seemed now to take a grim satisfaction in the fateful power of his glance. The holy father contradicted himself, exposed the fallacies of his own arguments, and even, it is asserted, committed himself to several undoubted heresies. When the Commander stood iup at mass, if the officiating priest caught that j sceptical and searching eye, the service was in- jevitably ruined. Even the power of the Holy ! Church seemed to be lost, and the last hold upon ! the affections of the people and the good order of the settlement departed from San Carlos. As the long dry summer passed, the low hills 'that surrounded the white walls of the Presidio 'grew more and more to resemble in hue the 1 leathern jacket of the Commander, and Nature i herself seemed to have borrowed his dry, hard glare. The earth was crocked and seamed with drought ; a blight had fallen upon the orchards land vineyards, and the rain, long delayed and ardently prayed for, came not. The sky was as tearless as the right eye of the Commander. O 2 192 The Right Eye of the Commander, Murmurs of discontent, insubordination, and plot- ting among the Indians reached his ears ; he only set his teeth the more firmly, tightened the knot of his black silk handkerchief, and looked up his Toledo. The last day of the year 1798 found the Com- mander sitting, at the hour of evening prayers, alone in the guard-room. He no longer attended the services of the Holy Church, but crept away at such times to some solitary spot, where he spent the interval in silent meditation. The firelight played upon the low beams and rafters, but left the bowed figure of Salvatierra in darkness. Sit- ting thus, he felt a small hand touch his arm, and, looking down, saw the figure of Paquita, his little Indian pupil, at his knee. "Ah, littlest of all,"< said the Commander, with something of his old tenderness, lingering over the endearing diminu- tives of his native speech, "sweet one, what doest thou here ? Art thou not afraid of him whom every one shuns and fears?" " No," said the little Indian, readily, " not in the dark. I hear your voice, the old voice ; I feel your touch, the old touch ; but I see not your eye, Senor Comandante. That only I fear, and that, O Senor, O my father," said the child, lifting her little arms towards his, " that I know is not thine own ! " The Commander shuddered and turned away. Then, recovering himself, he kissed Paquita gravely on the forehead and bade her retire. A The Right Eye of the Commander. 193 few hours later, when silence had fallen upon the Presidio, he sought his own couch and slept peace- fully. At about the middle watch of the night a dusky figure crept through the low embrasure of the Commander's apartment. Other figures were flitting through the parade-ground, which the Commander might have seen had he not slept so quietly. The intruder stepped noiselessly to the couch, and listened to the sleeper's deep-drawn inspiration. Something glittered in the firelight as the savage lifted his arm ; another moment and the sore perplexities of Hermenegildo Salvatierra would have been over, when suddenly the savage started and fell back in a paroxysm of terror. The Commander slept peacefully, but his right eye, widely opened, fixed and unaltered, glared coldly on the would-be assassin. The man fell to the earth in a fit, and the noise awoke the sleeper. To rise to his feet, grasp his sword, and deal blows thick and fast upon the mutinous savages who now thronged the room, was the work of a moment. Help opportunely arrived, and the un- disciplined Indians were speedily driven beyond the walls, but in the scuffle the Commander re- ceived a blow upon his right eye, and, lifting his hand to that mysterious organ, it was gone. Never again was it found, and never again, for bale or bliss, did it adorn the right orbit of the Com- mander. IQ4 The Right Eye of the Commander. With it passed away the spell that had fallen upon San Carlos. The rain returned to invigorate the languid soil, harmony was restored between priest and soldier, the green grass presently waved over the sere hillsides, the children flocked again to the side of their martial preceptor, a Te Deum was sung in the Mission Church, and pastoral content once more Smiled upon the gentle valleys of San Carlos. And far southward crept the " General Court " with its master, Peleg Scudder, trafficking in beads and peltries with the Indians, and offering glass eyes, wooden legs, and other Boston notions to the chiefs. NOTES BY FLOOD AND FIELD. PART I. IN THE FIELD. TT was near the close of an October day that I began to be disagreeably conscious of the Sacramento Valley. I had been riding since sun- rise, and my course through the depressing mono- tony of the long level landscape affected me more like a dull dyspeptic dream than a business journey, performed under that sincerest of natural phenomena, a California sky. The recurring stretches of brown and baked fields, the gaping fissures in the dusty trail, the hard outline of the distant hills, and the herds of slowly moving cattle, seemed like features of some glittering stereoscopic picture that never changed. Active exercise might have removed this Deling, but my horse by some subtle instinct had long since given up all ambitious enort, and had lapsed into a dogged trot. It was autumn, but not the season suggested to the Atlantic reader under that title. The sharply defined boundaries of the wet and dry seasons were prefigured in the clear outlines of the distant hills. In the dry atmosphere the decay of vegeta- 196 Notes by Flood and Field. tion was too rapid for the slow hectic which over- takes an Eastern landscape, or else Nature was too practical for such thin disguises. She merely turned the Hippocratic face to the spectator, with the old diagnosis of Death in her sharp, contracted features. In the contemplation of such a prospect there was little to excite any but a morbid fancy. There were no clouds in the flinty blue heavens, and the setting of the sun was accompanied with as little ostentation as was consistent with the dryly prac- tical atmosphere. Darkness soon followed, with a rising wind, which increased as the shadows deepened on the plain. The fringe of alder by the watercourse began to loom up as I urged my horse forward. A half-hour's active spurring brought me to. a corral, and a little beyond a house, so low and broad that it seemed at first sight to be half buried in the earth. My second impression was that it had grown out of the soil, like some monstrous vegetable, its dreary proportions were so in keeping with the vast prospect. There were no recesses along its roughly boarded walls for vagrant and unprofitable shadows to lurk in the daily sunshine. No pro- jection for the wind by night to grow musical over, to wail, whistle, or whisper to ; only a long wooden shelf containing a chilly-looking tin basin, and a bar of soap. Its uncurtained windows were red with the sinking sun, as though bloodshot and inflamed from a too long unlidded existence. The Notes by Flood and Field. 197 tracks of cattle led to its front door, firmly closed against the rattling wind. To avoid being confounded with this familiar element, I walked to the rear of the house, which was connected with a smaller building by a slight platform. A grizzled, hard-faced old man was standing there, and met my salutation with a look of inquiry, and, without speaking, led the way to the principal room. As I entered, four young men who were reclining by the fire, slightly altered their attitudes of perfect repose, but beyond that betrayed neither curiosity nor interest. A hound started from a dark corner with a growl, but was immediately kicked by the old man into obscurity, and silenced again. I can't tell why, but I in- stantly received the impression that for a long time the group by the fire had not uttered a word or moved a muscle. Taking a seat, I briefly stated my business. Was a United States surveyor. Had come on account of the Espiritu Santo Rancho. Wanted to correct the exterior boundaries of township lines, so as to connect with the near exteriors of private grants. There had been some intervention to the old survey by a Mr. Tryan who had pre- empted adjacent "settled land warrants," inter- rupted the old man. " Ah, yes ! Land Warrants, and then this was Mr. Tryan ?" I had spoken mechanically, for I was preoccupied in connecting other public lines with private sur- veys, as I looked in his face. It was certainly a 198 Notes by Flood and Field. hard face, and reminded me of the singular effect of that mining operation known as " ground sluic- ing " ; the harder lines of underlying character were exposed, and what were once plastic curves and soft outlines were obliterated by some power- ful agency. There was a dryness in his voice not unlike the prevailing atmosphere of the valley, as he launched into an ex parte statement of the contest, with a fluency, which, like the wind without, showed fre- quent and unrestrained expression. He told me what I had already learned that the boundary line of the old Spanish grant was a creek, described in the loose phraseology of the deseno as beginning in the valda or skirt of the hill, its precise location long the subject of litigation. I listened and an- swered with little interest, for my mind was still distracted by the wind which swept violently by tha house, as well as by his odd face, which was again reflected in the resemblance that the silent group by the fire bore toward him. He was still talking, and the wind was yet blowing, when my confused attention was aroused by a remark ad- dressed to the recumbent figures. " Now, then, which on ye'll see the stranger up the creek to Altascar's, to-morrow ? " There was a general movement of opposition in the group, but no decided answer. Kin you go, Kerg ? " "Who's to look up stock in Strarberry per-ar-ie?" This seemed to imply a negative, and the old Notes by Flood and Field. 199 man turned to another hopeful, who was pulling the fur from a mangy bear-skin on which he was lying, with an expression as though it were some- body's hair. " Well, Tom, wot's to hinder you from goin' ? " " Mam's goin' to Brown's store at sun-up, and I s'pose I've got to pack her and the baby agin." I think the expression of scorn this unfortunate youth exhibited for the filial duty into which he had been evidently beguiled, was one of the finest things I had ever seen. " Wise ? " Wise deigned no verbal reply, but figuratively thrust a worn and patched boot into the discourse. The old man flushed quickly. " I told ye to get Brown to give you a pair the last time you war down the river." " Said he wouldn't without'en order. Said it was like pulling gum-teeth to get the money from you even then." There was a grim smile at this local hit at the old man's parsimony, and Wise, who was clearly the privileged wit of the family, sank back in honorable retirement. " Well, Joe, ef your boots are new, and you aren't pestered with wimmin and children, p'r'aps you '11 go," said Tryan, with a nervous twitching, intended for a smile, about a mouth not remarkably mirthful. Tom lifted a pair of bushy eyebrows, and said shortly, " Got no saddle." 2OO Notes by Flood and Field. "Wot's gone of your saddle?" "Kerg, there," indicating his brother with a look such as Cain might have worn at the sacrifice. "You lie!" returned Kerg, cheerfully. Tryan sprang to his feet, seizing the chair, flour- ishing it around his head and gazing furiously in the hard young faces which fearlessly met his own. But it was only for a moment ; his arm soon dropped by his side, and a look of hopeless fatality crossed his face. He allowed me to take the chair from his hand, and I was trying to pacify him by the assurance that I required no guide, when the irrepressible Wise again lifted his voice : " Theer's George comin' ! why don't ye ask him ? He '11 go and introduce you to Don Fernandy's darter, too, ef you ain't pertickler." The laugh which followed this joke, which evi- dently had some domestic allusion (the general tendency of rural pleasantry), was followed by a light step on the platform, and the young man en- tered. Seeing a stranger present, he stopped and colored ; made a shy salute and colored again, and then, drawing a box from the corner, sat down, his hands clasped lightly together and his very hand- some bright blue eyes turned frankly on mine. Perhaps I was in a condition to receive the ro- mantic impression he made upon me, and I took it upon myself to ask his company as guide, and he cheerfully assented. But some domestic duty called him presently away. The fire gleamed brightly on the hearth, and, no Notes by Flood and Field. 20 1 longer resisting the prevailing influence, I silently watched the spirting flame, listening to the wind which continually shook 'the tenement. Besides the one chair which had acquired a new importance in my eyes, I presently discovered a crazy table in one corner, with an ink-bottle and pen ; the latter in that greasy state of decomposition peculiar to country taverns and farm-houses. A goodly array of rifles and double-barrelled guns stocked the corner ; half a dozen saddles and blankets lay near, with a mild flavour of the horse about them. Some deer and bear skins completed the inventory. As I sat there, with the silent group around me, the shadowy gloom within and the dominant wind without, I found it difficult to believe I had ever known a different existence. My profession had often led me to wilder scenes, but rarely among those whose unrestrained habits and easy uncon- sciousness made me feel so lonely and uncomfort- able. I shrank closer to myself, not without grave doubts which I think occur naturally to people in like situations that this was the general rule of humanity, and I was a solitary and somewhat gratuitous exception. It was a relief when a laconic announcement of supper by a weak-eyed girl caused a general move- ment in the family. We walked across the dark platform, which led to another low-ceiled room. Its entire length was occupied by a table, at the farther end of which a weak-eyed woman was al- ready taking her repast, as she, at the same time, 202 Notes by Flood and Field. gave nourishment to a weak-eyed baby. As the formalities of introduction had been dispensed with, and as she took no notice of me, I was enabled to slip into a seat without discomposing or interrupt- ing her. Tryan extemporized a grace, and the attention of the family became absorbed in bacon, potatoes, and dried apples. The meal was a sincere one. Gentle gurglings at the upper end of the table often betrayed the presence of the "wellspring of pleasure." The conversation generally referred to the labours of the day, and comparing notes as to the whereabouts of missing stock. Yet the supper was such a vast improvement upon the previous intellectual feast, that when a chance allusion of mine to the busi- ness of my visit brought out the elder Tryan, the interest grew quite exciting. I remember he in- veighed bitterly against the system of ranch-hold- ing by the " greasers," as he was pleased to term the native Californians. As the same ideas have been sometimes advanced under more pretentious circumstances, they may be worthy of record. " Look at 'em holdin' the finest grazin' land that ever lay outer doors ? Whar's the papers for it ? Was it grants ? Mighty fine grants, most of 'em made arter the 'Merrikans got possession. More fools the 'Merrikans for lettin' 'em hold 'em. Wat paid for 'em ? 'Merrikan blood and money. " Didn't they oughter have suthin out of their native country ? Wot for ? Did they ever im- prove ? Got a lot of yaller-skinned diggers, not Notes by Flood and Field. 203 so sensible as niggers, to look arter stock, and they a sittin' home and smokin'. With their gold and silver candlesticks, and missions, and crucifixens, priests and graven idols, and sich ? Them sort things wuren't allowed in Mizzoori." At the mention of improvements, I involuntarily lifted my eyes, and met the half-laughing, half-em- barrassed look of George. The act did not escape detection, and I had at once the satisfaction of seeing that the rest of the family had formed an offensive alliance against us. " It was agin Nater, and agin God," added Tryan. "God never intended gold in the rocks to be made into heathen candlesticks and crucifixens. That's why He sent 'Merrikins here. Nater never intended such a climate for lazy lopers. She never gin six months' sunshine to be slept and smoked away." How long he continued, and with what further illustration I could not say, for I took an early opportunity to escape to the sitting-room. I was soon followed by George, who called me to an open door leading to a smaller room, and pointed to a bed. " You'd better sleep there to-night," he said ; "you'll be more comfortable, and I'll call you early." I thanked him, and would have asked him seve- ral questions which were then troubling me, but he shyly slipped to the door and vanished. A shadow seemed to fall on the room when he 204 Notes by Flood and Field. had gone. The " boys " returned, one by one, and shuffled to their old places. A larger log was thrown on the fire, and the huge chimney glowed like a furnace, but it did not seem to melt or sub- due a single line of the hard faces that it lit. In half an hour later, the furs which had served as chairs by day undertook the nightly office ot mat- tresses, and each received its owner's full-length figure. Mr. Tryan had not returned, and I missed George. I sat there, until, wakeful and nervous, I saw the fire fall and shadows mount the wall. There was no sound but the rushing of the wind and the snoring of the sleepers. At last, feeling the place insupportable, I seized my hat and, opening the door, ran out briskly into the night. The acceleration of my torpid pulse in the keen fight with the wind, whose violence was almost equal to that of a tornado, and the familiar faces of the bright stars above me, I felt as a blessed relief. I ran not knowing whither, and when I halted, the square outline of the house was lost in the alder-bushes. An uninterrupted plain stretched before me, like a vast sea beaten flat by the force of the gale. As I kept on I noticed a slight ele- 1 vation toward the horizon, and presently my pro- gress was impeded by the ascent of an Indian mound. It struck me forcibly as resembling an island in the sea. Its height gave me a better view of the expanding plain. But even here I found no rest. The ridiculous interpretation Tryan had given the climate was somehow sung in my Notes by Flood and Field. 205 ears, and echoed in my throbbing pulse, as, guided by the star, I sought the house again. But I felt fresher and more natural as I stepped upon the platform. The door of the lower build- ing was open, and the old man was sitting beside the table, thumbing the leaves of a Bible with a look in his face as though he were hunting up prophecies against the " Greaser." I turned to enter, but my attention was attracted by a blan- keted figure lying beside the house, on the platform. The broad chest heaving with healthy slumber, and the open, honest face were iamiliar. It was George, who had given up his bed to the stranger among his people. I was about to wake him, but he lay so peaceful and quiet, I felt awed and hushed. And I went to bed with a pleasant im- pression of his handsome tace and tranquil figure soothing me to sleep. I was awakened the next morning from a sense of lulled repose and grateful silence by the cheery voice of George, who stood beside my bed, osten- tatiously twirling a "riata," as if to recall the duties of the day to my sleep-bewildered eyes. I looked around me. The wind had been magically laid, and the sun shone warmly through the win- dows. A dash of cold water, -with an extra chill on from the tin basin, helped to brighten me. It was still early, but the family had already break, fasted and dispersed, and a wagon winding far in the distance showed that the unfortunate Tom had p 2o6 Notes by Flood and Field. already " packed " his relatives away. I felt more cheerful, there are few troubles Youth cannot distance with the start of a good night's rest. After a substantial breakfast, prepared by George, in a few moments we were mounted and dashing down the plain. We followed the line of alder that defined the creek, now dry and baked with summer's heat, but which in winter, George told me, overflowed its banks. I still retain a vivid impression of that morning's ride, the far-off mountains, like silhouettes, against the steel-blue sky, the crisp dry air, and the expanding track before me, animated often by the well-knit figure of George Tryan, musical with jingling spurs, and picturesque with flying " riata." He rode a powerful native roan, wild-eyed, un- tiring in stride and unbroken in nature. Alas! the curves of beauty were concealed by the cum- brous machillas of the Spanish saddle, which levels all equine distinctions. The single rein lay loosely on the cruel bit that can gripe, and, if need be, crush the jaw it controls. Again the illimitable freedom of the valley rises before me, as we again bear down into sunlit space. Can this be " Chu-Chu/' staid and respect- able filly of American pedigree, " Chu-Chu," for- getful of plank-roads and cobble-stones, wild with excitement, twinkling her small white feet beneath me ? George laughs out of a cloud of dust, " Give her her head ; don't you see she likes it ?" and " Chu-Chu " seems to like it, and, whether bitten Notes by Flood and Field. 207 by native tarantula into native barbarism or emulous of the roan, " blood " asserts itself, and in a moment the peaceful servitude of years is beaten out in the music of her clattering hoofs. The creek widens to a deep gully. We dive into it and up on the opposite side, carrying a moving cloud of impalpable powder with us. Cattle are scattered over the plain, grazing quietly, or banded together in vast restless herds. George makes a wide, indefinite sweep with the "riata," as if to include them all in his vaquerds loop, and says, "Ours!" " About how many, George ? " " Don't know." " How many ? " "Well, p'r'aps three thousand head," says George, reflecting. "We don't know, takes five men to look 'em up and keep run." " What are they worth ? " " About thirty dollars a head." I make a rapid calculation, and look my astonish- ment at the laughing George. Perhaps a recollec- tion of the domestic economy of the Tryan house- hold is expressed in that look, for George averts his eye and says apologetically, " I've tried to get the old man to sell and build, but you know he says it ain't no use to settle down, just yet. We must keep movin'. In fact, he built the shanty for that purpose, lest titles should fall through, and we'd have to get up and move stakes further down." P 2 2o8 Notes by Flood and Field. Suddenly his quick eye detects some unusual sight in a herd we are passing, and with an ex- clamation he puts his roan into the centre of the mass. I follow, or rather " Chu-Chu " darts after the roan, and in a few moments we are in the midst of apparently inextricable horns and hoofs. " Toro ! " shouts George, with vaquero enthusiasm, and the band opens a way for the swinging "riata." I can feel their steaming breaths, and their spume is cast on " Chu-Chu's " quivering flank. Wild, devilish-looking beasts are they ; not such shapes as Jove might have chosen to woo a goddess, nor such as peacefully range the downs of Devon, but lean and hungry Cassius-like bovines, economically got up to meet the exigencies of a six months' rainless climate, and accustomed to wrestle with the distracting wind and the blinding dust. " That's not our brand," says George ; "they're strange stock/' and he points to what my scientific eye recognizes as the astrological sign of Venus deeply seared in the brown flanks of the bull he is chasing. But the herd are closing round us with low mutterings, and George has again recourse to the authoritative "Toro," and with swinging "riata" divides the "bossy bucklers" on either side. When we are free, and breathing somewhat more easily, I venture to ask George if they ever attack any one. " Never horsemen, sometimes footmen. Not through rage, you know, but curiosity. They think a man and his horse are one, and if they Notes by Flood and Field. 209 tneet a chap afoot, they run him down and trample him under hoof, in the pursuit of knowledge. But," adds George, " here's the lower bench of the foot-hills, and here's Altascar's corral, and that white building you see yonder is the casa" A whitewashed wall enclosed a court containing another adobe building, baked with the soiar beams of many summers. Leaving our horses in the charge of a few peons in the courtyard, who were basking lazily in the sun, we entered a low doorway, where a deep shadow and an agreeable coolness fell upon us, as sudden and grateful as a plunge in cool water, from its contrast with the external glare and heat. In the centre of a low- ceiled apartment sat an old man with a black silk handkerchief tied about his head ; the few gray hairs that escaped from its folds relieving his gamboge-colored face. The odor of cigarritos was as incense added to the cathedral gloom of the building. As Senor Altascar rose with well-bred gravity to receive us, George advanced with such a heightened color, and such a blending of tender- ness and respect in his manner, that I was touched to the heart by so much devotion in the careless youth. In fact, my eyes were still dazzled by the effect of the outer sunshine, and at first I did not see the white teeth and black eyes of Pepita, who slipped into the corridor as we entered. It was no pleasant matter to disclose particulars of business which would deprive the old Senor of 2IO Notes by Flood and Field. the greater part of that land we had just ridden over, and I did it with great embarrassment. But he listened calmly, not a muscle of his dark face stirring, and the smoke curling placidly from his lips showed his regular respiration. When I had finished, he offered quietly to accompany us to the line of demarcation. George had meanwhile dis- appeared, but a suspicious conversation in broken Spanish and English, in the corridor, betrayed his vicinity. When he returned again, a little absent- minded, the old man, by far the coolest and most self-possessed of the party, extinguished his black silk cap beneath that stiff, uncomely sombrero which all native Californians affect. A scrapa thrown over his shoulders hinted that he was waiting. Horses are always ready saddled in Spanish ranches, and in half an hour from the time of our arrival we were again "lopping" in the staring sunlight. But not as cheerfully as before. George and myself were weighed down by restraint, and Altascar was gravely quiet. To break the silence, and by way of a consolatory essay, I hinted to him that there might be further intervention or appeal, but the proffered oil and wine were re- turned with a careless shrug of the shoulders and a sententious " Que bueno ? Your courts are always just." The Indian mound of the previous night's dis- covery was a beaming monument of the new line, and there we halted. We were surprised to find Notes by Flood and Field. 211 the old man Tryan waiting us. For the first time during our interview the old Spaniard seemed moved, and the blood rose in his yellow cheek, I was anxious to close the scene, and pointed out the corner boundaries as clearly as my recollection served. " The deputies will be here to-morrow to run the lines from this initial point, and there will be no further trouble, I believe, gentlemen." Sefior Altascar had dismounted and was gathering a few tufts of dried grass in his hands. George and I exchanged glances. He presently arose from his stooping posture, and, advancing to within a few paces of Joseph Tryan, said, in a voice broken with passion, "And I, Fernando Jesus Maria Altascar, put you in possession of my land in the fashion of my country." He threw a sod to each of the cardinal points. " I don't know your courts, your judges, or your corregidores. Take the llano! and take this with it. May the drought seize your cattle till their tongues hang down as long as those of your lying lawyers ! May it be the curse and torment of your old age, as you and yours have made it of mine!" We stepped between the principal actors in this scene, which only the passion of Altascar made tragical, but Tryan, with a humility but ill con- cealing his triumph, interrupted : "Let him curse on. He'll find 'em coming 212 Notes by Flood and Field. home to him sooner than the cattle he has lost through his sloth and pride. The Lord is on the side of the just, as well as agin all slanderers and revilers." Altascar but half guessed the meaning of the Missourian, yet sufficiently to drive from his mind all but the extravagant power of his native invective. " Stealer of the Sacrament ! Open not ! open not, I say, your lying, Judas lips . to me ! Ah ! half-breed, with the soul of a cayote ! Car-r-r- ramba!" With his passion reverberating among the con- sonants like distant thunder, he laid his hand upon the mane of his horse as though it had been the gray locks of his adversary, swung himself into the saddle and galloped away. George turned to me : " Will you go back with us to-night ?" I thought of the cheerless walls, the silent figures by the fire, and the roaring wind, and hesitated. " Well then, good by." " Good by, George." Another wring of the hands, and we parted. I had not ridden far, when I turned and looked back. The wind had risen early that afternoon, and was already sweeping across the plain. A cloud of dust travelled before it, and a picturesque figure occasionally emerging therefrom was my last indistinct impression of George Tryan. Notes by Flood and Field. 213 PART II. IN THE FLOOD. THREE months after the survey of the Espiritu Santo Rancho, I was again in the valley of the Sacramento. But a general and terrible visitation had erased the memory of that event as com- pletely as I supposed it had obliterated the boun- dary monuments I had planted. The great flood of 1861-62 was at its height, when/obeying some indefinite yearning, I took my carpet-bag and embarked for the inundated valley. There was nothing to be seen from the bright cabin windows of the " Golden City " but night deepening over the water. The only sound was the pattering rain, and that had grown monoto- nous for the past two weeks, and did not disturb the national gravity of my countrymen as they silently sat around the cabin stove. Some on errands of relief to friends and relatives wore anxious faces, and conversed soberly on the one absorbing topic. Others, like myself, attracted by curiosity, listened eagerly to newer details. But with that human disposition to seize upon any circumstance that might give chance event the exaggerated importance of instinct, I was half conscious of something more than curiosity as an impelling motive. The dripping of rain, the low gurgle of water, and a leaden sky, greeted us the next morning as we lay beside the half-submerged levee of Sacra- tnento. Here, however, the novelty of boats to 214 Notes by Flood ani Field. convey us to the hotels was an appeal that was irresistible. I resigned myself to a dripping rubber-cased mariner called " Joe," and, wrapping myself in a shining cloak of the like material* about as suggestive of warmth as court-plaster might have been, took my seat in the stern-sheets of his boat. It was no slight inward struggle to part from the steamer, that to most of the passen- gers was the only visible connecting link between us and the dry and habitable earth, but we pulled away and entered the city, stemming a rapid cur- rent as we shot the levee. We glided up the long level of K Street, once a cheerful, busy thoroughfare, now distressing in its silent desolation. The turbid water which seemed to meet the horizon edge before us flowed at right angles in sluggish rivers through the streets. Nature had revenged herself on the local taste by disarraying the regular rectangles, by huddling houses on street corners, where they presented abrupt gables to the current, or by capsizing them in compact ruin. Crafts of all kinds were gliding in and out of low-arched doorways. The water was over the top of the fences surrounding well- kept gardens, in the first stories of hotels and private dwellings, trailing its slime on velvet car- pets as well as roughly boarded floors. And a silence quite as suggestive as the visible desola- tion was in the voiceless streets that no longer echoed to carriage-wheel or footfall. The low ripple of water, the occasional splash of oars, or Notes by Flood and Field. 215 the warning cry of boatmen were the few signs of life and habitation. With such scenes before my eyes and such sounds in my ears, as I lie lazily in the boat, is mingled the song of my gondolier who sings to the music of his oars. It is not quite as romantic as his brother of the Lido might improvise, -but my Yankee " Giuseppe " has the advantage of earnestness and energy, and gives a graphic de- scription of the terrors of the past week and of noble deeds of self-sacrifice and devotion, occa- sionally pointing out a balcony from which some California Bianca or Laura had been snatched, half clothed and famished. Giuseppe is other- wise peculiar, and refuses the proffered fare, for am I not a citizen of San Francisco, which was first to respond to the suffering cry of Sacramento ? and is not he, Giuseppe, a member of the Howard Society ? No ! Giuseppe is poor, but cannot take my money. Still, if I must spend it, there is the Howard Society, and the women and children without food and clothes at the Agri- cultural Hall. I thank the generous gondolier, and we go to the Hall a dismal, bleak place, ghastly with the memories of last year's opulence and plenty, and here Giuseppe's fare is swelled by the stranger's mite. But here Giuseppe tells me of the " Relief Boat " which leaves for the flooded district in the interior, and here, profiting by the lesson he has taught me, I make the resolve to turn my curiosity 216 Notes by Flood and Field. to the account of others, and am accepted of those who go forth to succor and help the afflicted. Giuseppe takes charge of my carpet-bag, and does not part from me until I stand on the slippery deck of " Relief Boat No. 3." An hour later I am in the pilot-house, looking down upon what was once the channel of a peace- ful river. But its banks are only defined by toss- ing tufts of willow washed by the long swell that breaks over a vast inland sea. Stretches of "tule" land fertilized by its once regular channel and dotted by flourishing ranches, are now cleanly erased. The cultivated profile of the old land- scape had faded. Dotted lines in symmetrical perspective mark orchards that are buried and chilled in the turbid flood. The roofs of a few farm-houses are visible, and here and there the smoke curling from chimneys of half-submerged tenements show an undaunted life within. Cattle and sheep are gathered on Indian mounds, waiting the fate of their companions whose carcasses drift by us, or swing in eddies with the wrecks of barns and out-houses. Wagons are stranded everywhere where the tide could carry them. As I wipe the moistened glass, I see nothing but water, patter- ing on the deck from the lowering clouds, dashing against the window, dripping from the willows, hissing by the wheels, everywhere washing, coil- ing, sapping, hurrying in rapids, or swelling at last into deeper and vaster lakes, awful in their sug- gestive quiet and concealment. Notes by Flood and Field. 217 As day fades into night the monotony of this strange prospect grows oppressive. I seek the engine-room, and in the company of some of the few half-drowned sufferers we have already picked up from temporary rafts, I forget the general aspect of desolation in their individual misery. Later we meet the San Francisco packet, and transfer a number of our passengers. From them we learn how inward-bound vessels report to having struck the well-defined channel of the Sacramento, fifty miles beyond the bar. There is a voluntary contribution taken among the generous travellers for the use of our afflicted, and we part company with a hearty " God speed" on either side. But our signal-lights are not far distant before a familiar sound comes back to us, an indomitable Yankee cheer, which scatters the gloom. Our course is altered, and we are steaming over the obliterated banks far in the interior. Once or twice black objects loom up near us, the wrecks of houses floating by. There is a slight rift in the sky towards the north, and a few bearing stars to guide us over the waste. As we penetrate into shallower water, it is deemed advisable to divide our party into smaller boats, and diverge over the submerged prairie. I borrow a pea-coat of one of the crew, and in that practical disguise am doubtfully permitted to pass into one of the boats. We give way northerly. It is quite dark yet, although the rift of cloud has widened. 218 Notes by Flood and Field. It must have been about three o'clock, and we were lying upon our oars in an eddy formed by a clump of cottonwood, and the light of the steamer is a solitary, bright star in the distance, when the silence is broken by the " bow oar": " Light ahead." All eyes are turned in that direction. In a few seconds a twinkling light appears, shines steadily, and again disappears as if by the shifting position of some black object apparently drifting close upon us. "Stern, all ; a steamer!" " Hold hard there ! Steamer be d d !" is the reply of the coxswain. " It's a house, and a big one too." It is a big one, looming in the starlight like a huge fragment of the darkness. The light comes from a single candle, which shines through a window as the great shape swings by. Some recollection is drifting back to me with it, as I listen with beating heart. " There's some one in it, by Heavens ! Give way, boys, lay her alongside. Handsomely, now ! The door's fastened ; try the window ; no ! here's another!" In another moment we are trampling in the water, which washes the floor to the depth of several inches. It is a large room, at the further end of which an old man is sitting wrapped in a blanket, holding a candle in one hand, and apparently absorbed in the book he holds with Notes by Flood and Field. 219 the other. I spring toward him with an ex- clamation : "Joseph Tryan!" He does not move. We gather closer to him, and I lay my hand gently on his shoulder, and say : " Look up, old man, look up ! Your wife and children, where are they ? The boys, George ! Are they here ? are they safe ?" He raises his head slowly, and turns his eyes to mine, and we involuntarily recoil before his look. It is a calm and quiet glance, free from fear, anger, or pain ; but it somehow sends the blood curdling through our veins. He bowed his head over his book again, taking no further notice of us. The men look at me compassionately, and hold their peace. I make one more effort : " Joseph Tryan, don't you know me ? the sur- veyor who surveyed your ranch, the Espiritu Santo? Look up, old man!" He shuddered and wrapped himself closer in his blanket. Presently he repeated to himself, "The surveyor who surveyed your ranch, Espi- ritu Santo," over and over again, as though it were a lesson he was trying to fix in his memory. I was turning sadly to the boatmen, when he suddenly caught me fearfully by the hand and said, "Hush!" We were silent. "Listen!" He puts his arm around my neck and whispers in my ear, " I'm a moving off 7" 220 Notes by Flood and Field. "Moving off?" " Hush ! Don't speak so loud. Moving off. Ah ! wot's that ? Don't you hear ? there ! listen!" We listen, and hear the water gurgle and click beneath the floor. " It's them wot he sent ! Old Altascar sent. They've been here all night. I heard 'em first in the creek, when they came to tell the old man to move farther off. They came nearer and nearer. They whispered under the door, and I saw their eyes on the step, their cruel, hard eyes. Ah ! why don't they quit !" I tell the men to search the room and see if they can find any further traces of the family, while Tryan resumes his old attitude. It is so much like the figure I remember on the breezy night that a superstitious feeling is fast overcom- ing me. When they have returned, I tell them briefly what I know of him, and the old man murmurs again, " Why don't they quit, then ? They have the stock, all gone gone, gone for the hides and hoofs," and he groans bitterly. " There are other boats below us. The shanty cannot have drifted far, and perhaps the family are safe by this time," says the coxswain, hope- hilly. We lift the old man up, for he is quite help- less, and carry him to the boat. He is still grasping the Bible in his right hand, though its Notes by Flood and Field. 221 strengthening grace is blank to his vacant eye, and he cowers in the stern as we pull slowly to the steamer, while a pale gleam in the sky shows the coming day. I was weary with excitement, and when we reached the steamer, and I had seen Joseph Tryan comfortably bestowed, I wrapped myself in a blanket near the boiler, and presently fell asleep. But even then the figure of the old man often started before me, and a sense of uneasiness about George made a strong undercurrent to my drifting dreams. I was awakened at about eight o'clock in the morning by the engineer, who told me one of the old man's sons had been picked up and was now on board. " Is it George Tryan ? " I asked quickly. " Don't know ; but he's a sweet one, whoever he is," adds the engineer, with a smile at some luscious remembrance. " You'll find him for'ard." I hurry to the bow of the boat, and find, not George, but the irrepressible Wise, sitting ' on a coil of rope, a little dirtier and rather more dilapidated than I can remember having seen him. He is examining, with apparent admiration, some rough, dry clothes that have been put out for his disposal. I cannot help thinking that circum- stances have somewhat exalted his usual cheerful- ness. He puts me at my ease by at once address- ing me : " These are high old times, ain't they ? I say, Q 222 Notes by Flood and Field. what do you reckon 's become o' them thar bound'ry moniments you stuck ? Ah ! " The pause which succeeds this outburst is the effect of a spasm of admiration at a pair of high boots, which, by great exertion, he has at last pulled on his feet. "So you've picked up the ole man in the shanty, clean crazy ? He must have been soft to have stuck there instead o' leavin' with the old woman. Didn't know me from Adam ; took me for George ! " At this affecting instance of paternal forgetful- ness, Wise was evidently divided between amuse- ment and chagrin. I took advantage of the con- tending emotions to ask about George. " Don't know whar he is ! If he'd tended stock instead of running about the prairie, packin' off wimmin and children, he might have saved suthin. He lost every hoof and hide, I'll bet a cookey ! Say you," to a passing boatman, " when are you goin' to give us some grub ? I'm hungry 'nough to skin and eat a hoss. Reckon I'll turn butcher when things is dried up, and save hides, horns, and taller." I could not but admire this indomitable energy, which under softer climatic influences might have borne such goodly fruit. " Have you any idea what you'll do, Wise ? " I ask. " Thar ain't much to do now," says the practical young man. " I'll have to lay over a spell, I Notes by Flood and Field. 223 reckon, till things comes straight. The land ain't worth much now, and won't be, I dessay, for some time. Wonder whar the ole man '11 drive stakes next." " I meant as to your father and George, Wise." " O, the ole man and I'll go on to * Miles's,' whar Tom packed the old woman and babies last week. George '11 turn up somewhar atween this and Altascar's, ef he ain't thar now." I ask how the Altascars have suffered. " Well, I reckon he ain't lost much in stock. I shouldn't wonder if George helped him drive 'em up the foot-hills. And his ' casa ' 's built too high. O, thar ain't any water thar, you bet. Ah," says Wise, with reflective admiration, "those greasers ain't the darned fools people thinks 'em. I'll bet thar ain't one swamped out in all 'er Californy." But the appearance of " grub," cut this rhapsody short. " I shall keep on a little farther," I say, " and try to find George." Wise stared a moment at this eccentricity until a new light dawned upon him. " I don't think you'll save much. What's the percentage, workin' on shares, eh ! " I answer that I am only curious, which I feel lessens his opinion of me, and with a sadder feel- ing than his assurance of George's safety might warrant, I walked away. From others whom we picked up from time to time we heard of George's self-sacrificing devotion, Q 2 224 Notes by Flood and Field. with the praises of the many he had helped and rescued. But I did not feel disposed to return until I had seen him, and soon prepared myself to take a boat to the lower "valda" of the foot- hills, and visit Altascar. I soon perfected my arrangements, bade farewell to Wise, and took a last look at the old man, who was sitting by the furnace-fires quite passive and composed. Then our boat-head swung round, pulled by sturdy and willing hands. It was again raining, and a disagreeable wind had risen. Our course lay nearly west, and we soon knew by the strong current that we were in the creek of the Espiritu Santo. From time to time the wrecks of barns were seen, and we passed many half-submerged willows hung with farming implements. We emerge at last into a broad silent sea. It is the " llano de Espiritu Santo." As the wind whis- tles by me, piling the shallower fresh water into mimic waves, I go back, in fancy, to the long ride of October over that boundless plain, and recall the sharp outlines of the distant hills which are now lost in the lowering clouds. The men are rowing silently, and I find my mind, released from its tension, growing benumbed and depressed as then. The water, too, is getting more shallow as we leave the banks of the creek, and with my hand dipped listlessly over the thwarts, I detect the tops of chimisal, which shows the tide to have somewhat fallen. There is a black mound, bear- Notes by Flood and Field. 225 ing to the north of the line of alder, making an adverse current, which, as we sweep to the right to avoid, I recognize. We pull close alongside, and I call to the men to stop. There was a stake driven near its summit with the initials, " L. E. S. I." Tied half-way down was a curiously worked " riata." It was George's. It had been cut with some sharp instrument, and the loose gravelly soil of the mound was deeply dented with horse's hoofs. The stake was covered with horse-hairs. It was a record, but no clew. The wind had grown more violent, as we still fought our way forward, resting and rowing by turns, and oftener " poling " the shallower surface, but the old "valda," or bench, is still distant. My recollection of the old survey enables me to guess the relative position of the meanderings of the creek, and an occasional simple professional experiment to determine the distance gives my crew the fullest faith in my ability. Night over- takes us in our impeded progress. Our condition looks more dangerous than it really is, but I urge the men, many of whom are still new in this mode of navigation, to greater exertion by assurance of perfect safety and speedy relief ahead. We go on in this way until about eight o'clock, and ground by the willows. We have a muddy walk for a few hundred yards before we strike a dry trail, and simultaneously the white walls of Altascar's appear like a snow-bank before us. Lights are moving in 2.26 Notes by Flood and Field. the courtyard; but otherwise the old tomb-like repose characterizes the building. One of the peons recognized me as I entered the court, and Altascar met me on the corridor. I was too weak to do more than beg his hos- pitality for the men who had dragged wearily with me. He looked at my hand, which still unconsciously held the broken " riata." I began, wearily, to tell him about George and my fears, but with a gentler courtesy than was even his wont, he gravely laid his hand on my shoulder. " Poco a poco Senor, not now. You are tired, you have hunger, you have cold. Necessary it is you should have peace." He took us into a small room and poured out some French cognac, which he gave to the men that had accompanied me. They drank and threw themselves before the fire in the larger room. The repose of the building was intensified that night, and I even fancied that the footsteps on the cor- ridor were lighter and softer. The old Spaniard's habitual gravity was deeper ; we might have been shut out from the world as well as the whistling storm, behind those ancient walls with their time- worn inheritor. Before I could repeat my inquiry he retired. In a few minutes two smoking dishes of "chupa" with coffee were placed before us, and my men ate ravenously. I drank the coffee, but my excite- ment and weariness kept down the instincts of hunger. Notes by Flood and Field. 227 I was sitting sadly by the fire when he re- entered. "You have eat?" I said " Yes," to please him. " Bueno, eat when you can, food and appetite are not always." He said this with that Sancho-like simplicity with which most of his countrymen utter a pro- verb, as though it were an experience rather than a legend, and, taking the " riata " from the floor, held it almost tenderly before him. " It was made by me, Sefior." " I kept it as a clew to him, Don Altascar," I said. " If I could find him " " He is here." " Here ! and "but I could not say, " well ! " I understood the gravity of the old man's face, the hushed footfalls, the tomb-like repose of the build- ing in an electric flash of consciousness ; I held the clew to the broken riata at last. Altascar took my hand, and we crossed the corridor to a sombre apartment. A few tall candles were burning in sconces before the window. In an alcove there was a deep bed with its counterpane, pillows, and sheets heavily edged with lace, in all that splendid luxury which the humblest of these strange people lavish upon this single item of their household. I stepped beside it and saw George lying, as I had seen him once before, peacefully at rest. But a greater sacrifice than that he had known was here, and his generous heart was stilled forever. 228 Notes by Flood and Field. " He was honest and brave," said the old man, and turned away. There was another figure in the room ; a heavy shawl drawn over her graceful outline, and her long black hair hiding the hands that buried her downcast face. I did not seem to notice her, and, retiring presently, left the loving and loved to- gether. When we were again beside the crackling fire, in the shifting shadows of the great chamber, Altascar told me how he had that morning met the horse of George Tryan swimming on the prairie ; how that, farther on, he found him lying, quite cold and dead, with no marks or bruises on his person ; that he had probably become ex- hausted in fording the creek, and that he had as probably reached the mound only to die for want of that help he had so freely given to others ; that, as a last act, he had freed his horse. These inci- dents were corroborated by many who collected in the great chamber that evening, women and children, most of them succored through the devoted energies of him who lay cold and lifeless above. He was buried in the Indian mound, the single spot of strange perennial greenness, which the poor aborigines had raised above the dusty plain. A little slab of sandstone with the initials " G. T." is his monument, and one of the bearings of the initial corner of the new survey of the " Espiritu Santo Rancho." BOHEMIAN PAPERS. THE MISSION DOLORES. '"THE Mission Dolores is destined to be "The Last Sigh " of the native Californian. When the last " Greaser " shall indolently give way to the bustling Yankee, I can imagine he will, like the Moorish King, ascend one of the Mission hills to take his last lingering look at the hilled city. For a long time he will cling tenaciously to Pacific Street. He will delve in the rocky fastnesses of Telegraph Hill until progress shall remove it. He will haunt Vallejo Street, and those back slums which so vividly typify the degradation of a people ; but he will eventually make way for improvement. The Mission will be last to drop from his nerveless fingers. As I stand here this pleasant afternoon, looking up at the old chapel, its ragged senility con- trasting with the smart spring sunshine, its two gouty *pillars with the plaster dropping away like tattered bandages, its rayless windows, its crum- bling entrances, the leper spots on its whitewashed wall eating through the dark adobe, I give the poor old mendicant but a few years longer to sit by the highway and ask alms in the names of the blessed saints. Already the vicinity is haunted with the shadow of its dissolution. The shriek of the locomotive discords with the Angelus bell. 232 The Mission Dolores. An Episcopal church, of a green Gothic type, with massive buttresses of Oregon pine, even now mocks its hoary age with imitation and supplants it with a sham. Vain, alas ! were those rural accessories, the nurseries and market - gardens, that once gathered about its walls and resisted civic en- croachment. They, too, are passing away. Even those queer little adobe buildings with tiled roofs like longitudinal slips of cinnamon, and walled enclosures sacredly guarding a few bullock horns and strips of hide. I look in vain for the half- reclaimed Mexican, whose respectability stopped at his waist, and whose red sash under his vest was the utter undoing of his black broadcloth. I miss, too, those black-haired women, with swaying unstable busts, whose dresses were always un- seasonable in texture and pattern ; whose wearing of a shawl was a terrible awakening from the poetic dream of the Spanish mantilla. Traces of another nationality are visible. The railroad "navvy" has builded his shanty near the chapel, and smokes his pipe in the Posada. Gutturals have taken the place of linguals and sibilants ; I miss the half-chanted, half-drawled cadences that used to mingle with the cheery " All aboard " of the stage- driver, in those good old days when the stages ran hourly to the Mission, and a trip thither was an excursion. At the very gates of the temple, in the place of those " who sell doves for sacrifice," a vender of mechanical spiders has halted with his unhallowed wares. Even the old The Mission Dolores. 233 Padre last type of the Missionary, and descend- ant of the good Junipero I cannot find to-day ; in his stead a light-haired Celt is reading a lesson from a Vulgate that is wonderfully replete with double r's. Gentle priest, in thy R-isons, let the stranger and heretic be remembered. I open a little gate and enter the Mission Churchyard. There is no change here, though perhaps the graves lie closer together. A willow- tree, growing beside the deep, brown wall, has burst into tufted plumes in the fulness of spring. The tall grass-blades over each mound show a strange quickening of the soil below. It is plea- santer here than on the bleak mountain seaward, where distracting winds continually bring the strife and turmoil of the ocean. The Mission hills lov- ingly embrace the little cemetery, whose decorative taste is less ostentatious. The foreign flavor is strong ; here are never-failing garlands of immor- telles, with their sepulchral spicery; here are little cheap medallions of pewter, with the adornment of three black tears, that would look like the three of clubs, but that the simple humility of the in- scription counterbalances all sense of the ridicu- lous. Here are children's graves with guardian angels of great specific gravity ; but here, too, are the little one's toys in a glass case beside them. Here is the average quantity of execrable original verses ; but one stanza over a sailor's grave is striking, for it expresses a hope of salvation through the "Lord High Admiral Christ"! Over the 234 The Mission Dolores. foreign graves there is a notable lack of scriptural quotation, and an increase, if I may say it, of humanity and tenderness. I cannot help thinking that too many of my countrymen are influenced by a morbid desire to make a practical point of this occasion, and are too apt hastily to crowd a whole life of omission into the culminating act. But when I see the gray immortelles crowning a tombstone, I know I shall find the mysteries of the resurrection shown rather in symbols, and only the love taught in His new commandment left for the graphic touch. But "they manage these things better in France." During my purposeless ramble the sun has been steadily climbing the brown wall of the church, and the air seems to grow cold and raw. The bright green dies out of the grass, and the rich bronze comes down from the wall. The willow- tree seems half inclined to doff its plumes, and wears the dejected air of a broken faith and vio- lated trust. The spice of the immortelles mixes with the incense that steals through the open win- dow. Within, the barbaric gilt and crimson look cold and cheap in this searching air ; by this light the church certainly is old and ugly. I cannot help wondering whether the old Fathers, if they ever revisit the scene of their former labors, in their larger comprehensions, view with regret the impending change, or mourn over the day when the Mission Dolores shall appropriately come to grief. JOHN CHINAMAN. HP HE expression of the Chinese face in the aggregate is neither cheerful nor happy. In an acquaintance of half a dozen years, I can only recall one or two exceptions to this rule. There is an abiding consciousness of degradation, a secret pain or self-humiliation visible in the lines of the mouth and eye. Whether it is only a modification of Turkish gravity, or whether it is the dread Valley of the Shadow of the Drug through which they are continually straying, I cannot say. They seldom smile, and their laugh- ter is of such an extraordinary and sardonic nature so purely a mechanical spasm, quite independent of any mirthful attribute that to this day I am doubtful whether I ever saw a Chinaman laugh. A theatrical representation by natives, one might think, would have set my mind at ease on this point ; but it did not. Indeed, a new difficulty presented itself, the impossibility of determining whether the performance was a tragedy or farce. I thought I detected the low comedian in an active youth who turned two somersaults, and knocked everybody down on entering the stage. But, unfortunately, even this 236 John Chinaman. classic resemblance to the legitimate farce of out civilization was deceptive. Another brocaded actor, who represented the hero of the play, turned three somersaults, and not only upset my theory and his fellow-actors at the same time, but apparently run a-muck behind the scenes for some time afterward. I looked around at the glinting white teeth to observe the effect of these two pal- pable hits. They were received with equal accla- mation, and apparently equal facial spasms. One or two beheadings which enlivened the play pro- duced the same sardonic effect, and left upon my mind a painful anxiety to know what was the serious business of life in China. It was notice- able, however, that my unrestrained laughter had a discordant effect, and that triangular eyes sometimes turned ominously toward the " Fanqui devil " ; but as I retired discreetly before the play was finished, there were no serious results. I have only given the above as an instance of the impossibility of deciding upon the outward and superficial expression of Chinese mirth. Of its inner and deeper existence I have some private doubts. An audience that will view with a serious aspect the hero, after a frightful and agonizing death, get up and quietly walk off the stage, can- not be said to have remarkable perceptions of the ludicrous. I have often been struck with the delicate pliability of the Chinese expression and taste, that might suggest a broader and deeper criticism John Chinaman. 237 than is becoming these pages. A Chinaman will adopt the American costume, and wear it with a taste of color and detail that will surpass those " native, and to the manner born." To look at a Chinese slipper, one might imagine it impossible to shape the original foot to anything less cum- brous and roomy, yet a neater-fitting boot than that belonging to the Americanized Chinaman is rarely seen on this side of the Continent. When the loose sack or paletot takes the place of his brocade blouse, it is worn with a refinement and grace that might bring a jealous pang to the exquisite of our more refined civilization. Panta- loons fall easily and naturally over legs that have known unlimited freedom and bagginess, and even garrote collars meet correctly around sun-tanned throats. The new expression seldom overflows in gaudy cravats. I will back my Americanized Chinaman against any neophyte of European birth in the choice of that article. While in our own State, the Greaser resists one by one the garments of the Northern invader, and even wears the livery of his conqueror with a wild and buttonless freedom, the Chinaman, abused and degraded as he is, changes by correctly graded transition to the garments ol Christian civilization. There is but one article of European wear that he avoids. These Bohemian eyes have never yet been pained by the spectacle of a tall hat on the head of an intelligent Chinaman. My acquaintance with John has been made up R 238 John Chinaman. of weekly interviews, involving the adjustment ol the washing accounts, so that I have not been able to study his character from a social view- point or observe him in the privacy of the domestic circle. I have gathered enough to justify me in believing him to be generally honest, faithful, simple, and painstaking. Of his simplicity let me record an instance where a sad and civil young Chinaman brought me certain shirts with most of the buttons missing and others hanging on delusively by a single thread. In a moment of unguarded irony I informed him that unity would at least have been preserved if the buttons were removed altogether. He smiled sadly and went away. I thought I had hurt his feelings, until the next week when he brought me my shirts with a look of intelligence, and the buttons carefully and totally erased. At another time, to guard against his general disposition to carry off anything as soiled clothes that he thought could hold water, I requested him to always wait until he saw me. Coming home late one evening, I found the household in great consternation, over an immovable Celestial who had remained seated on the front door-step during the day, sad and submissive, firm but also patient, and only betraying any animation or token of his mission when he saw me coming. This same Chinaman evinced some evidences of regard for a little girl in the family, who in her turn reposed such faith in his intellectual qualities as to present John Chinaman. 239 him with a preternaturally uninteresting Sunday- school book, her own property. This book John made a point of carrying ostentatiously with him in his weekly visits. It appeared usually on the top of the clean clothes, and was sometimes pain- fully clasped outside of the big bundle of soiled linen. Whether John believed he unconsciously imbibed some spiritual life through its pasteboard cover, as the Prince in the Arabian Nights im- bibed the medicine through the handle of the mallet, or whether he wished to exhibit a due sense of gratitude, or whether he hadn't any pockets, I have never been able to ascertain. In his turn he would sometimes cut marvellous imitation roses from carrots for his little friend. I am inclined to think that the few roses strewn in John's path were such scentless imitations. The thorns only were real. From the persecutions of the young and old of a certain class, his life was a torment. I don't know what was the exact philosophy that Confucius taught, but it is to be hoped that poor John in his persecution is still able to detect the conscious hate and fear with which inferiority always regards the possibility of even-handed justice, and which is the key-note to the vulgar clamor about servile and degraded races. R 2 FROM A BACK WINDOW. T REMEMBER that long ago, as a sanguine and trustful child, I became possessed ol a highly colored lithograph, representing a fair Circassian sitting by a window. The price I paid for this work of art may have been extravagant, even in youth's fluctuating slate-pencil currency; but the secret joy I felt in its possession knew no pecuniary equivalent. It was not alone that Nature in Circassia lavished alike upon the cheek of beauty and the vegetable kingdom that most expensive of colors, Lake ; nor was it that the rose which bloomed beside the fair Circassian's window had no visible stem, and was directly grafted upon a marble balcony ; but it was be- cause it embodied an idea. That idea was a hinting of my Fate. I felt that somewhere a young and fair Circassian was sitting by a window looking out for me. The idea of resisting such an array of charms and color never occurred to me, and to my honor be it recorded, that during the feverish period of adolescence, I never thought of averting my destiny. But as vacation and holiday came and went, and as my picture at first grew blurred, and then faded quite away between the From a Back Window. 241 Eastern and Western continents in my atlas, so its charm seemed mysteriously to pass away. When I became convinced that few females, of Circassian or other origin, sat pensively resting their chins on their henna-tinged nails, at their parlor windows, I turned my attention to back windows. Although the fair Circassian has not yet burst upon me with open shutters, some pecu- liarities not unworthy of note have fallen under my observation. This knowledge has not been gained without sacrifice. I have made myself familiar with back windows and their prospects, in the weak disguise of seeking lodgings, heedless of the suspicious glances of landladies and their evident reluctance to show them. I have caught cold by long exposure to draughts. I have become estranged from triends by unconsciously walking to their back windows during a visit, when the weekly linen hung; upon the line, or where Miss Fanny (ostensibly indisposed) actually assisted in the laundry, and Master Bobby, in scant attire, disported himself on the area railings. But I have thought of Galileo, and the invariable experience of all seekers and discoverers of truth has sustained me. Show me the back windows of a man's dwell- ing and I will tell you his character. The rear of a house only is sincere. The attitude of deception kept up at the front windows leaves the back area defenceless. The world enters at the front door, but nature comes out at the back passage. That 242 From a Back Window. glossy, well-brushed individual, who lets himself in with a latch-key at the front door at night, is a very different being from the slipshod wretch who growls of mornings for hot water at the door of the kitchen. The same with Madame, whose con- tour of figure grows angular, whose face grows pallid, whose hair comes down, and who looks some ten years older through the sincere medium of a back window. No wonder that intimate frieads fail to recognize each other in this dos a dos position. You may imagine yourself familiar with the silver door-plate and bow windows of the mansion where dwells your Saccharissa ; you may even fancy you recognize her graceful figure be- tween the lace curtains of the upper chamber which you fondly imagine to be hers ; but you shall dwell for months in the rear of her dwelling and within whispering distance of her bower, and never know it. You shall see her with a handker- chief tied round her head in confidential discus- sion with the butcher, and know her not. You shall hear her voice in shrill expostulation with her younger brother, and it shall awaken no familiar response. I am writing at a back window. As I prefer the warmth of my coal-fire to the foggy freshness of the afternoon breeze that rattles the leafless shrubs in the garden below me, I have my window- sash closed ; consequently, I miss much of the shrilly altercation that has been going on in the kitchen of No. 7 just opposite. I have heard From a Back Window. 243 fragments of an entertaining style of dialogue usually known as "chaffing," which has just taken place between Biddy in No. 9 and the butcher who brings the dinner. I have been pitying the chilled aspect of a poor canary, put out to taste the fresh air, from the window of No. 5. I have been watching and envying, I fear the real enjoy- ment of two children raking over an old dust-heap in the alley, containing the waste and debris of all the back yards in the neighbourhood. What a wealth of soda-water bottles and old iron they have acquired ! But I am waiting for an even more familiar prospect from my back window. I know that later in the afternoon, when the even- ing paper comes, a thickset, gray-haired man will appear in his shirt-sleeves at the back door of No. 9, and, seating himself on the door-step, begin to read. He lives in a pretentious house, and I hear he is a rich man. But there is such humility in his attitude, and such evidence of gratitude at being allowed to sit outside of his own house and read his paper in his shirt-sleeves, that I can picture his domestic history pretty clearly. Per- haps he is following some old habit of humbler days. Perhaps he has entered into an agreement with his wife not to indulge his disgraceful habit in-doors. He does not look like a man who could be coaxed into a dressing-gown. In front of his own palatial residence, I know him to be a quiet and respect- able middle-aged business-man, but it is from my back window that my heart warms toward him in 244 From a Back Window. his shirt-sleeved simplicity. So I sit and watch him in the twilight as he reads gravely, and wonder sometimes when he looks up, squares his chest, and folds his paper thoughtfully over his knee, whether he doesn't fancy he hears the letting down of bars, or the tinkling of bells, as the cows come home and stand lowing for him at the gate. BOONDER. T NEVER knew how the subject of this memoir came to attach himself so closely to the affec- tions of my family. He was not a prepossessing dog. He was not a dog of even average birth and breeding. His pedigree was involved in the deep- est obscurity. He may have had brothers and sisters, but in the whole range of my canine acquaintance (a pretty extensive one), I never de- tected any of Boonder's peculiarities in any other of his species. His body was long, and his fore-legs and hind-legs were very wide apart, as though Nature originally intended to put an extra pair between them, but had unwisely allowed herself to be persuaded out of it. This peculiarity was annoy- ing on cold nights, as it always prolonged the interval of keeping the door open for Boonder's ingress long enough to allow two or three dogs of a reasonable length to enter. Boonder's feet were decided ; his toes turned out considerably, and in repose his favorite attitude was the first position of dancing. Add to a pair of bright eyes ears that seemed to belong to some other dog, and a symmetrically pointed nose that fitted all aper- 246 Boonder. tures like a pass-key, and you have Boonder as we knew him. I am inclined to think that his popularity was mainly owing to his quiet impudence. His advent in the family was that of an old member, who had been absent for a short time, but had returned to familiar haunts and associations. In a Pythago- rean point of view this might have been the case, but I cannot recall any deceased member of the family who was in life partial to bone-burying (though it might be. post mortem a consistent amuse- ment), and this was Boonder's great weakness. He was at first discovered coiled up on a rug in an upper chamber, and was the least disconcerted of the entire household. From that moment Boon- der became one of its recognized members, and privileges, often denied the most intelligent and valuable of his species, were quietly taken by him and submitted to by us. Thus if he were found coiled up in a clothes-basket, or any article of clothing assumed locomotion on its own account, we only said, " O, it's Boonder," with a feeling of relief that it was nothing worse. I have spoken of his fondness for bone-burying. It could not be called an economical faculty, for he invariably forgot the locality of his treasure, and covered the garden with purposeless holes ; but although the violets and daisies were not improved by Boonder's gardening, no one ever thought of punishing him. He became a synonyme for Fate ; a Boonder to be grumbled at, to be accepted phi- Boonder. 247 losophically, but never to be averted. But although he was not an intelligent dog, nor an ornamental dog, he possessed some gentlemanly instincts. When he performed his only feat, beg- ging upon his hind-legs (and looking remarkably like a penguin), ignorant strangers would offer him crackers or cake, which he didn't like, as a reward of merit. Boonder always made a great show of accepting the proffered dainties, and even made hypocritical contortions as if swallowing, but always deposited the morsel when he was unobserved in the first convenient receptacle, usually the visitor's overshoes. In matters that did not involve courtesy, Boon- der was sincere in his likes and dislikes. He was instinctively opposed to the railroad. When the track was laid through our street, Boonder main- tained a defiant attitude toward every rail as it went down, and resisted the cars shortly after to the fullest extent of his lungs. I have a vivid recollection of seeing him, on the day of the trial trip, come down the street in front of the car, barking himself out of all shape, and thrown back several feet by the recoil of each bark. But Boonder was not the only one who has resisted innovations, or has lived to see the innovation prosper and even crush But I am anticipating. Boonder had previously resisted 'the gas, but although he spent one whole day in angry alter- cation with the workmen, leaving his bones un- buried and bleaching in the sun, somehow the 248 Boonder. gas went in. The Spring Valley water was like- wise unsuccessfully opposed, and the grading of an adjoining lot was for a long time a personal matter between Boonder and the contractor. These peculiarities seemed to evince some decided character and embody some idea. A prolonged debate in the family upon this topic re- sulted in an addition to his name, we called him " Boonder the Conservative," with a faint acknow- ledgment of his fateful power. But, although Boonder had his own way, his path was not entirely of roses. Thorns sometimes pricked his sensibilities. When certain minor chords were struck on the piano, Boonder was always painfully affected, and howled a remonstrance. If he were removed for company's sake to the back yard, at the recurrence of the provocation he would go his whole length (which was something) to improvise a howl that should reach tht performer. But we got accustomed to Boonder, and as we were fond of music the playing went on. One morning Boonder left the house in good spirits with his regular bone in his mouth, and apparently the usual intention of burying it. The next day he was picked up lifeless on the track, run over apparently by the first car that went out of the dep6t ADDITIONAL SKETCHES, MR. THOMPSON'S PRODIGAL. all knew that Mr. Thompson was looking for his son, and a pretty bad one at that. That he was coming to California for this sole object was no secret to his fellow-passengers ; and the physical peculiarities, as well as the moral weaknesses, of the missing prodigal were made equally plain to us through the frank volubility of the parent. " You was speaking of a young man which was hung at Red Dog for sluice-robbing/' said Mr. Thompson to a steerage-passenger, one day ; " be you aware of the color of his eyes ? " " Black," responded the passenger. "Ah," said Mr. Thompson, referring to some mental memo- randa, " Charl-es' eyes was blue." He then walked away. Perhaps it was from this unsympathetic mode of inquiry ; perhaps it was from that West- ern predilection to take a humorous view of any principle or sentiment persistently brought before them, that Mr. Thompson's quest was the subject of some satire among the passengers. A gratui- tous advertisement of the missing Charles, ad- dressed to "Jailers and Guardians," circulated pri- vately among them ; everybody remembered to have met Charles under distressing circumstances. 252 Mr. Thompson's Prodigal. Yet it is but due to my countrymen to state that when it was known that Thompson had embarked some wealth in this visionary project, but little of this satire found its way to his ears, and nothing was uttered in his hearing that might bring a pang to a father's heart, or imperil a possible pecuniary advantage of the satirist. Indeed, Mr. Bracy Tibbets' jocular proposition to form a joint-stock company to " prospect " for the missing youth received at one time quite serious entertain- ment. Perhaps to superficial criticism Mr. Thompson's nature was not picturesque nor loveable. His history, as imparted at dinner, one day, by him- self, was practical even in its singularity. After a hard and wilful youth and maturity in which he had buried a broken-spirited wife, and driven his son to sea he suddenly experienced religion. "I got it in New Orleans in '59," said Mr. Thompson, with the general suggestion of referring to an epi- demic. " Enter ye the narrer gate. Parse me the beans." Perhaps this practical quality upheld him in his apparently hopeless search. He had no clew to the whereabouts of his runaway son indeed, scarcely a proof of his present existence. From his indifferent recollection of the boy of twelve, he now expected to identify the man of twenty-five. It would seem that he was successful. How he succeeded was one of the few things he did not tell. There are, I believe, two versions of the Mr. Thompson's Prodigal. 253 story. One, that Mr. Thompson, visiting a hos- pital, discovered his son by reason of a peculiar hymn, chanted by the sufferer, in a delirious dream of his boyhood. This version, giving as it did wide range to the finer feelings of the heart, was quite popular ; and as told by the Rev. Mr. Gushington, on his return from his California tour, never failed to satisfy an audience. The other was less simple, and, as I shall adopt it here, de- serves more elaboration. It was after Mr. Thompson had given up search- ing for his son among the living, and had taken to the examination of cemeteries, and a careful inspection of the " cold hie jacets of the dead." At this time he was a frequent visitor of " Lone Mountain " a dreary hill-top, bleak enough in its original isolation, and bleaker for the white- faced marbles by which San Francisco anchored her departed citizens, and kept them down in a shifting sand that refused to cover them, and against a fierce and persistent wind that strove to blow them utterly away. Against this wind the old man opposed a will quite as persistent a grizzled, hard face, and a tall, crape-bound hat drawn tightly over his eyes and so spent days in reading the mortuary inscriptions audibly to him- self. The frequency of scriptural quotations pleased him, and he was fond of corroborating them by a pocket Bible. " That's from Psalms," he said, one day, to an adjacent grave-digger. The man made no reply. Not at all rebuffed, Mr. Thompson at 254 Mr. Thompson's Prodigal. once slid down into the open grave, with a more practical inquiry, " Did you ever, in your profes- sion, come across Char-les Thompson ? " " Thomp- son be d d," said the grave-digger, with great directness. " Which, if he hadn't religion, I think he is," responded the old man, as he clambered out of the grave. It was, perhaps, on this occasion that Mr. Thompson stayed later than usual. As he turned his face toward the city, lights were beginning to twinkle ahead, and a fierce wind, made visible by fog, drove him forward, or, lying in wait, charged him angrily from the corners of deserted suburban streets. It was on one of these corners that some- thing else, quite as indistinct and malevolent, leaped upon him with an oath, a presented pistol, and a demand for money. But it was met by a will of iron and a grip of steel. The assailant and assailed rolled together on the ground. But the next moment the old man was erect ; one hand grasping the captured pistol, the other clutching at arm's length the throat of a figure surly, youthful, and savage. " Young man," said Mr. Thompson, setting his thin lips together, " what might be your name ? " " Thompson ! " The old man's hand slid from the throat to the arm of his prisoner, without relaxing its firm- ness. " Char-les Thompson, come with me," he said, presently, and marched his captive to the hotel Mr. Thompson's Prodigal. 255 What took place there has not transpired, but it was known the next morning that Mr. Thompson had found his son. It is proper to add to the above improbable story, that there was nothing in the young man's appearance or manners to justify it. Grave, reti- cent, and handsome, devoted to his newly found parent, he assumed the emoluments and responsi- bilities of his new condition with a certain serious ease that more nearly approached that which San Francisco society lacked, and rejected. Some chose to despise this quality as a tendency to " psalm-singing ; " others saw in it the inherited qualities of the parent, and were ready to prophesy for the son the same hard old age. But all agreed that it was not inconsistent with the habits of money-getting, for which father and son were respected. And yet, the old man did not seem to be happy. Perhaps it was that the consummation of his wishes left him without a practical mission ; per- haps and it is the more probable he had little love for the son he had regained. The obedience he exacted was freely given, the reform he had set his heart upon was complete ; and yet, somehow, it did not seem to please him. In reclaiming his son, he had fulfilled all the requirements that his religious duty required of him, and yet the act seemed to lack sanctification. In this perplexity, he read again the parable of the Prodigal Son S 2 256 Mr. Thompson's Prodigal. which he had long ago adopted for his guidance and found that he had omitted the final feast of reconciliation. This seemed to offer the proper quality of ceremoniousness in the sacrament between himself and his son.; and so, a year after the appearance of Charles, he set about giving him a party. "Invite every body, Char-les," he said, dryly ; " every body who knows that I brought you out of the wine-husks of iniquity, and the company of harlots ; and bid them eat, drink, and be merry." Perhaps the old man had another reason, not yet clearly analyzed. The fine house he had built on the sand-hills sometimes seemed lonely and bare. He often found himself trying to re- construct, from the grave features of Charles, the little boy's, which he but dimly remembered in the past, and of which lately he had been thinking a great deal. He believed this to be a sign of impending old age and childishness ; but coming, one day, in his formal drawing-room, upon a child of one of the servants, who had strayed therein, he would have taken him in his arms, but the child fled from before his grizzled face. So that it seemed eminently proper to invite a number of people to his house, and, from the array of San Francisco maidenhood, to select a daughter-in- law. And then there would be a child a boy, whom he could " rare up" from the beginning, and love as he did not love Charles. We were all at the party. The Smiths, Joneses, Mr. Thompson's Prodigal. 257 Browns, and Robinsons also came, in that fine flow of animal spirits, unchecked by any respect for the entertainer, which most of us are apt to find so fascinating. The proceedings would have been somewhat riotous, but for the social position of the actors. In fact, Mr. Bracy Tibbets, having naturally a fine appreciation of a humorous situa- tion, but further impelled by the bright eyes of the Jones girls, conducted himself so remarkably as to attract the serious regard of Mr. Charles Thompson, who approached him, saying quietly : " You look ill, Mr. Tibbets ; let me conduct you to your carriage. Resist, you hound, and I'll throw you through that window. This way, please ; the room is close and distressing." It is hardly necessary to say that but a part of this speech was audible to the company, and that the rest was not divulged by Mr. Tibbets. who after- wards regretted the sudden illness which kept him from witnessing a certain amusing incident, which the fastest Miss Jones characterized as the " rich- est part of the blow-out," and which I hasten to record : It was at supper. It was evident that Mr. Thompson had overlooked much lawlessness in the conduct of the younger people, in his abstract contemplation of some impending event. When the cloth was removed, he rose to his feet, and grimly tapped upon the table. A titter, that broke out among the Jones girls, became epidemic on one side of the board. Charles Thompson, 258 Mr. Thompson's Prodigal from the foot of the table, looked up in tender perplexity. " He's going to sing a Doxology " " He's going to pray " " Silence for a speech," ran round the room. " It's one year to-day, Christian brothers and sisters," said Mr. Thompson, with grim delibera- tion, " one year to-day since my son came home from eating of wine-husks and spending of his substance on harlots." (The tittering suddenly ceased.) " Look at him now. Char-les Thomp- son, stand up." (Charles Thompson stood up.) " One year ago to-day and look at him now." He was certainly a handsome prodigal, stand- ing there in his cheerful evening-dress a repent- ant prodigal, with sad, obedient eyes turned upon the harsh and unsympathetic glance of his father. The youngest Miss Smith, from the pure depths of her foolish little heart, moved unconsciously toward him. " It's fifteen years ago since he left my house," said Mr. Thompson, " a rovier and a prodigal. I was myself a man of sin, O Christian friends a man of wrath and bitterness " (" Amen," from the eldest Miss Smith) " but, praise be God, I've fled the wrath to come. It's five years ago since I got the peace that passeth understanding. Have you got it, friends?" (A general sub-chorus of "No, no," from the girls, and " Pass the word for it," from Midshipman Coxe, of the U.S. sloop Wethersfield^ " Knock, and it shall be opened to you. Mr. Thompson's Prodigal. 259 " And when I found the error of my ways, and the preciousness of grace," continued Mr. Thomp- son, " I came to give it to my son. By sea and land I sought him far, and fainted not. I did not wait for him to come to me which the same I might have done, and justified myself by the Book of books, but I sought him out among his husks, and " (the rest of the sentence was lost in the rustling withdrawal of the ladies). " Works, Christian friends, is my motto. By their works shall ye know them, and there is mine." The particular and accepted work to which Mr. Thompson was alluding had turned quite pale, and was looking fixedly toward an open door leading to the verandah, lately filled by gaping servants, and now the scene of some vague tumult. As the noise continued, a man, shabbily dressed, and evidently in liquor, broke through the opposing guardians, and staggered into the room. The transition from the fog and darkness without to the glare and heat within, evidently dazzled and stupefied him. He removed his battered hat, and passed it once or twice before his eyes, as he steadied himself, but unsuccessfully, by the back of a chair. Suddenly, his wandering glance fell upon the pale face of Charles Thompson ; and, with a gleam of childlike recognition, and a weak, falsetto laugh, he darted forward, caught at the table, upset the glasses, and literally fell upon the prodigal's breast. " Sha'ly ! yo' d d ol' scoun'rel, hoo rar ye ! " 260 Mr. Thompson's Prodiga^ " Hush ! sit down ! hush ! " said Charles Thompson, hurriedly endeavoring to extricate himself from the embrace of his unexpected guest. " Look at 'm ! " continued the stranger, unheed- ing the admonition, but suddenly holding the un- fortunate Charles at arms' length, in loving and undisguised admiration of his festive appearance. " Look at 'm ! Ain't he nasty ? Sha'ls, I'm prow of yer ! " " Leave the house ! " said Mr. Thompson, rising, with a dangerous look in his cold, ( gray eye. " Char-les, how dare you ? " " Simmer down, ole man ! Sha'ls, who's th' ol* bloat? Eh?" " Hush, man ; here, take this ! " With nervous hands, Charles Thompson filled a glass with liquor. " Drink it and go until to-morrow any time, but leave us ! go now ! " But even then, ere the miserable wretch could drink, the old man, pale with passion, was upon him. Half carrying him in his powerful arms, half dragging him through the circling crowd of frightened guests, he had reached the door, swung open by the wait- ing servants, wh^n Charles Thompson started from a seeming stupor, crying " Stop ! " The old man stopped. Through the open door the fog and wind drove chilly. " What does this mean ? " he asked, turning a baleful face on Charles. Mr. Thompsons Prodigal. 261 "Nothing but stop for God's sake. Wait till to-morrow, but not to-night. Do not I im- plore you do this thing." There was something in the tone of the young man's voice something, perhaps, in the contact of the struggling wretch he held in his powerful arms ; but a dim, indefinite fear took possession of the old man's heart. ".Who," he whispered, hoarsely, "is this man?" Charles did not answer. " Stand back, there, all of you," thundered Mr. Thompson, to the crowding guests around him. " Char-les come here ! I command you I I I beg you tell me who is this man ? " Only two persons heard the answer that came faintly from the lips of Charles Thompson : "YOUR SON." When day broke over the bleak sand-hills, the guests had departed from Mr. Thompson's banquet- halls. The lights still burned dimly and coldly in the deserted rooms deserted by all but three figures, that huddled together in the chill drawing- room, as if for warmth. One lay in drunken slumber on a cour.h ; at his feet sat he who had been known as Charles Thompson ; and beside them, haggard and shrunken to half his size, bowed the figure of Mr. Thompson, his gray eye fixed, his elbows upon his knees, and his hands clasped over his ears, as if to shut out the sad, entreating voice that seemed to fill the room. 262 Mr. Thompsons Prodigal. "God knows I did not set about to wilfully deceive. The name I gave that night was the first that came into my thought the name of one whom I thought dead the dissolute companion of my shame. And when you questioned further, I used the knowledge that I gained from him to touch your heart to set me free only, I swear, for that ! But when you told me who you were, and I first saw the opening of another life before me then then . O, sir, if I was hungry, home- less, and reckless when I would have robbed you of your gold, I was heart -sick, helpless, and despe- rate when I would have robbed you of your love." The old man stirred not. From his luxurious couch the newly found prodigal snored peace- fully. " I had no father I could claim. I never knew a home but this. I was tempted. I have been happy very happy." He rose and stood before the old man. " Do not fear that I shall come between your son and his inheritance. To-day I leave this place, never to return. The world is large, sir, and, thanks to your kindness, I now see the way by which an honest livelihood is gained. Good- by. You will not take my hand ? Well, well. Good-by." He turned to go. But when he had reached the door he suddenly came back, and, raising with both hands the grizzled head, he kissed it once and twice. Mr. Thompson's Prodigal. 263 "Char-les." There was no reply. " Char-les ! " The old man rose with a frightened air, and tottered feebly to the door. It was open. There came to him the awakened tumult of a great city, in which the prodigal's footsteps were lost for ever. THE ILIAD OF SANDY BAR. "D EFORE nine o'clock it was pretty well known all along the river that the two partners of the " Amity " claim had quarreled and separated at day-break. At that time the attention of their nearest neighbor had been attracted by the sounds of altercations and two consecutive pistol- shots. Running out, he had seen, dimly, in the gray mist that rose from the river, the tall form of Scott, one of the partners, descending the hill toward the canon ; a moment later, York, the other partner, had appeared from the cabin, and walked in an opposite direction toward the river, passing within a few feet of the curious watcher. Later, it was discovered that a serious Chinaman, cutting wood before the cabin, had witnessed part of the quarrel. But John was stolid, indifferent, and reticent. "Me choppee wood me no fightee," was his serene response to all anxious queries. " But what did they say, John ? " John did not "sabc" Col. Starbottle deftly ran over the various popular epithets which a generous public sentiment might accept as reasonable provocation for an assault. But John did not recognize them. *' And this yer's the cattle," said the Colonel, with some severity, " that some thinks ought'er be The Iliad of Sandy Bar. 265 allowed to testify agin' a White Man ! Git you heathen ! " Still the quarrel remained inexplicable. That two men, whose amiability and grave tact had earned for them the title of " The Peace-makers/' in a community not greatly given to the passive virtues that these men, singularly devoted to each other, should suddenly and violently quarrel, might well excite the curiosity of the camp. A few of the more inquisitive visited the late scene of conflict, now deserted by its former occupants. There was no trace of disorder or confusion in the neat cabin. The rude table was arranged as if for breakfast ; the pan of yellow biscuit still sat upon that hearth whose dead embers might have typified the evil passions that had raged there but an hour before. But Col. Starbottle's eye albeit, somewhat bloodshot and rheumy was more in- tent on practical details. On examination, a bullet-hole was found in the door-post, and another, nearly opposite, in the casing of the window. The Colonel called attention to the fact that the one " agreed with " the bore of Scott's revolver, and the other with that of York's der- ringer. "They must hev stood about yer," said the Colonel, taking position ; " not mor'n three feet apart, and missed ! " There was a fine touch of pathos in the falling inflection of the Colonel's voice, which was not without effect. A delicate perception of wasted opportunity thrilled his auditors. 266 The Iliad of Sandy Bar. But the Bar was destined to experience a greater disappointment. The two antagonists had not met since the quarrel, and it was vaguely rumored that on the occasion of a second meet- ing, each had determined to kill the other "on sight." There was, consequently, some excite- ment and, it is to be feared, no little gratifica- tion when, at ten o'clock, York stepped from the Magnolia Saloon into the one long straggling street of the camp, at the same moment that Scott left the blacksmith's shop, at the forks of the road. It was evident, at a glance, that a meeting could only be avoided by the actual retreat of one or the other. In an instant, the doors and windows of the adjacent saloons were filled with faces. Heads unaccountably appeared above the river-banks and from behind bowlders. An empty wagon at the cross-road was suddenly crowded with people, who seemed to have sprung from the earth. There wag much running and confusion on the hill-side. On the mountain-road, Mr. Jack Hamlin had reined up his horse, and was standing upright on the seat of his buggy. And the two objects of this absorbing attention approached each other. " York's got the sun," " Scott'll line him on that tree," " he's waitin' to draw his fire," came from the cart and then it was silent. But above this human breathlessness the river rushed and sang, and the wind rustled the tree-tops with an indiffe- rence that seemed obtrusive. Colonel Starbottle The Iliad of Sandy Bar. 267 felt it, and, in a moment of sublime pre-occupa- tion, without looking around, waved his cane be- hind him, warningly to all nature, and said " Shu ! " The men were now within a few feet of each other. A hen ran across the road before one of them. A feathery seed-vessel, wafted from a wayside tree, fell at the feet of the other. And, unheeding this irony of Nature, the two opponents came nearer, erect and rigid, looked in each other's eyes, and passed ! Colonel Starbottle had to be lifted from the cart. "This yer camp is played out," he said, gloomily, as he affected to be supported into the " Magnolia." With what further expression he might have indicated his feelings it was impos- sible to say, for at that moment Scott joined the group. " Did you speak to me ? " he asked of the Colonel, dropping his hand, as if with accidental familiarity, on that gentleman's shoulder. The Colonel, recognizing some occult quality in the touch, and some unknown quantity in the glance of his questioner, contented himself by replying, " No sir," with dignity. A few rods away, York's conduct was as characteristic and peculiar. " You had a mighty fine chance why didn't you plump him ? " said Jack Hamlin, as York drew near the buggy. " Because I hate him," was the reply, heard only by Jack. Contrary to popular belief, this reply was not hissed between the lips of the speaker, but was said in an ordinary tone. But Jack Hamlin, who was an observer of mankind, 268 The Iliad of Sandy Bar. noticed that the speaker's hands were cold, and his lips dry, as he helped him into the buggy, and accepted the seeming paradox with a smile. When Sandy Bar became convinced that the quarrel between York and Scott could not be settled after the usual local methods, it gave no further concern thereto. But presently it was rumored that the " Amity Claim " was in litiga- tion, and that its possession would be expensively disputed by each of the partners. As it was well known that the claim in question was "worked out " and worthless, and that the partners, whom it had already enriched, had talked of abandoning it but a day or two before the quarrel, this pro- ceeding could only be accounted for as gratuitous spite. Later, two San Francisco lawyers made their appearance in this guileless Arcadia, and were eventually taken into the saloons, and what was pretty much the same thing the confidences of the inhabitants. The results of this unhal- lowed intimacy were many subpcenas ; and, indeed, when the " Amity Claim " came to trial, all of Sandy Bar that was not in compulsory attendance at the county seat came there from curiosity. The gulches and ditches for miles around were deserted. I do not propose to describe that already famous trial. Enough that, in the lan- guage of the plaintiff 's counsel, " it was one of no ordinary significance, involving the inherent rights of that untiring industry which had developed the The Iliad of Sandy Bar. 269 Pactolian resources of this golden land " and, in the homelier phrase of Colonel Starbottle, " a fuss that gentlemen might hev settled in ten minutes over a social glass, ef they meant business ; or in ten seconds with a revolver, ef -they meant fun." Scott got a verdict, from which York instantly appealed. It was said that he had sworn to spend his last dollar in the struggle. In this way Sandy Bar began to accept the enmity of the former partners as a life-long feud, and the fact that they had ever been friends was forgotten. The few who expected to learn from the trial the origin of the quarrel were disap- pointed. Among the various conjectures, that which ascribed some occult feminine influence as the cause was naturally popular, in a camp given to dubious compliment of the sex. " My word for it, gentlemen," said Colonel Starbottle who had been known in Sacramento as a Gentlemai of the Old School " there's some lovely creature at the bottom of this." The gallant Colonel then proceeded to illustrate his theory, by divers sprightly stories, such as Gentlemen of the Old School are in the habit of repeating, but vhidi, from deference to the prejudices of gentlemen of a more recent school, I refrain from transcribing here. But it would appear that even the Colonel's theory was fallacious. The only woman who personally might have exercised any influence over the partners, was the pretty daughter of '* old man Folinsbee," of Poverty Flat, at whose T 270 The Iliad of Sandy Bar. hospitable house which exhibited some comforts and refinements rare in that crude civilization both York and Scott were frequent visitors. Yet into this charming retreat York strode one even- ing, a month after the quarrel, and, beholding Scott sitting there, turned to the fair hostess with the abrupt query : " Do you love this man ? " The young woman thus addressed returned that answer at once spirited and evasive which would occur to most of my fair readers in such an exigency. Without another word, York left the house. " Miss Jo " heaved the least possible sigh as the door closed on York's curls and square shoulders, and then, like a good girl, turned to her insulted guest. " But would you believe it, dear," she afterward related to an intimate friend, " the other creature, after glowering at me for a mo- ment, got upon its hind legs, took its hat, and left, too ; and that's the last I've seen of either." The same hard disregard of all other interests or feelings in the gratification of their blind rancor characterized all their actions. When York pur- chased the land below Scott's new claim, and obliged the latter, at a great expense, to make a long detour to carry a " tail-race " around it, Scott retaliated by building a dam that overflowed York's claim on the river. It was Scott, who, in conjunction with Colonel Starbottle, first or- ganized that active opposition to the Chinaman, which resulted in the driving off of York's Mon- golian laborers ; it was York who built the The Iliad of Sanfy Bar. 271 wagon-road and established the express which rendered Scott's mules and pack-trains obsolete ; it was Scott who called into life the Vigilance Committee which expatriated York's friend, Jack Hamlin ; it was York who created the Sandy Bar Herald, which characterized the act as " a lawless outrage," and Scott as a " Border Ruffian " ; it was Scott, at the head of twenty masked men, who, one moonlight night, threw the offending " forms " into the yellow river, and scattered the types in the dusty road. These proceedings were received in the distant and more civilized outlying towns as vague indications of progress and vitality. I have before me a copy of the Poverty Flat Pioneer, for the week ending August 12, 1856, in which the editor, under the head of " County Im- provements," says : " The New Presbyterian Church on C Street, at Sandy Bar, is completed. It stands upon the lot formerly occupied by the Magnolia Saloon, which was so mysteriously burnt last month. The temple, which now rises like a Phcenix from the ashes of the Magnolia, is virtually the free gift of H. J. York, Esq., of Sandy Bar, who purchased the lot and donated the lumber. Other buildings are going up in the vicinity, but the most noticeable is the ' Sunny South Saloon,' erected by Captain Mat. Scott, nearly opposite the church. Captain Scott has spared no expense in the furnishing of this saloon, which promises to be one of the most agreeable places of resort in old Tuolumne. He T 2 272 The Iliad of Sandy Bar. has recently imported two new, first-class billiard- tables, with cork cushions. Our old friend, 'Mountain Jimmy/ will dispense liquors at the bar. We refer our readers to the advertisement in another column. Visitors to Sandy Bar can- not do better than give 'Jimmy' a call." Among the local items occurred the following : " H. J. York, Esq., of Sandy Bar, has offered a reward of $100 for the detection of the parties who hauled away the steps of the new Presbyterian Church, C Street, Sandy Bar, during Divine service on Sabbath evening last. Captain Scott adds an- other hundred for the capture of the miscreants who broke the magnificent plate-glass windows of the new saloon on the following evening. There is some talk of reorganizing the old Vigilance Committee at Sandy Bar." When, for many months of cloudless weather, the hard, unwinking sun of Sandy Bar had regu- larly gone down on the unpacified wrath of these men, there was some talk of mediation. In par- ticular, the pastor of the church to which I have just referred a sincere, fearless, but perhaps not fully enlightened man seized gladly upon the occasion of York's liberality to attempt to re- unite the former partners. He preached an earnest sermon on the abstract sinfulness of dis- cord and rancor. But the excellent sermons of the Rev. Mr. Daws were directed to an ideal congregation that did not exist at Sandy Bar a congregation of beings of unmixed vices and The Iliad of Sandy Bar. 273 virtues, of single impulses, and perfectly logical motives, of preternatural simplicity, of childlike faith, and grown-up responsibilities. As, unfortu- nately, the people who actually attended Mr. Daws' church were mainly very human, somewhat artful, more self-excusing than self-accusing, rather good-natured, and decidedly weak, they quietly shed that portion of the sermon which referred to themselves, and accepting York and Scott who were both in defiant attendance as curious examples of those ideal beings above referred to, felt a certain satisfaction which, I fear, was not altogether Christian-like in their " raking down." If Mr. Daws expected York and Scott to shake hands after the sermon, he was disappointed. But he did not relax his purpose. With that quiet fearlessness and determination which had won for him the respect of men who were too apt to regard piety as synonymous with effemi- nacy, he attacked Scott in his own house. What he said has not been recorded, but it is to be feared that it was part of his sermon. When he had concluded, Scott looked at him, not unkindly, over the glasses of his bar, and said, less irreve- rently than the words might convey : " Young man, I rather like your style ; but when you know York and me as well as you do ^God Almighty, it'll be time to talk." -~^ : And so the feud progressed : and so, as in more illustrious examples, the private and personal enmity of two representative men led gradually to the evolution of some crude, half-expressed 2/4 The Iliad of Sandy Bar. principle or belief. It was not long before it was made evident that those beliefs were identical with certain broad principles laid down by the founders of the American Constitution, as ex- pounded by the statesmanlike A ; or were the fatal quicksands, on which the ship of state might be wrecked, warningly pointed out by the eloquent B. The practical result of all which was the nomi- nation of York and Scott to represent the opposite factions of Sandy Bar in legislative councils. For some weeks past, the voters of Sandy Bar and the adjacent camps had been called upon, in large type, to " RALLY ! " In vain the great pines at the cross-roads whose trunks were compelled to bear this and other legends moaned and protested from their windy watch-towers. But one day, with fife and drum, and flaming transparency, a proces- sion filed into the triangular grove at the head of the gulch. The meeting was called to order by Colonel Starbottle, who, having once enjoyed legislative functions, and being vaguely known as a " war-horse," was considered to be a valuable partisan of York. He concluded an appeal for his friend, with an enunciation of principle, inter- spersed with one or two anecdotes, so gratuitously coarse, that the very pines might have been moved to pelt him with their cast-off cones, as he stood there. But he created a laugh, on which his candidate rode into popular notice ; and when York rose to speak he was greeted with cheers. But, to the general astonishment, the new speaker at once launched into bitter denunciation of his The Iliad of Sandy Bar. 275 rival. He not only dwelt upon Scott's deeds and example, as known to Sandy Bar, but spoke of facts connected with his previous career, hitherto unknown to his auditors. To great precision of epithet and directness of statement, the speaker added the fascination of revelation and exposure. The crowd cheered, yelled, and were delighted ; but when this astounding philippic was concluded, there was a unanimous call for " Scott ! " Colonel Starbottle would have resisted this manifest im- propriety, but in vain. Partly from a crude sense of justice, partly from a meaner craving for excite- ment, the assemblage was inflexible ; and Scott was dragged, pushed, and pulled upon the platform. As his frowsy head and unkempt beard ap- peared above the railing, it was evident that he was drunk. But it was also evident, before he opened his lips, that the orator of Sandy Bar the one man who could touch their vagabond sympathies (perhaps because he was not above appealing to them) stood before them. A con- sciousness of this power lent a certain dignity to his figure, and I am not sure but that his very physical condition impressed them as a kind of regal unbending and large condescension. How- beit, when this unexpected Hector arose from the ditch, York's myrmidons trembled. " There's nought, gentlemen," said Scott, leaning forward on the railing "there's nought as that man hez said as isn't true. I was run outer Cairo ; I did belong to the Regulators ; I did desert from 276 The Iliad of Sandy Bar. the army ; I did leave a wife in Kansas. But thar's one thing he didn't charge me with, and, maybe, he's forgotten. For three years, gentle- men, I was that man's pardner ! " Whether he intended to say more, I cannot tell ; a burst of applause artistically rounded and enforced the climax, and virtually elected the speaker. That fall he went to Sacramento ; York went abroad, and for the first time in many years, distance and a new atmosphere isolated the old antagonists. With little of change in the green wood, gray rock, and yellow river, but with much shifting of human landmarks, and new faces in its habita- tions, three years passed over Sandy Bar. The two men, once so identified with its character, seemed to have been quite forgotten. " You will never return to Sandy Bar," said Miss Folinsbee, the " Lily of Poverty Flat," on meeting York in Paris " for Sandy Bar is no more. They call it Riverside now ; and the new town is built higher up on the river-bank. By the by, 'Jo ' says that Scott has won his suit about the ' Amity Claim,' and that he lives in the old cabin, and is drunk half his time. O, I beg your pardon," added the lively lady, as a flush crossed York's sallow cheek ; " but, bless me, I really thought that old grudge was made up. I'm sure it ought to be." It was three months after this conversation, and a pleasant summer evening, that the Poverty Flat coach drew up before the verandah of the Union The Iliad of Sandy Bar. 277 Hotel at Sandy Bar. Among its passengers was one, apparently a stranger, in the local distinction of well-fitting clothes and closely-shaven face, who demanded a private room and retired early to rest. But before sunrise next morning he arose, and, drawing some clothes from his carpet-bag, proceeded to array himself in a pair of white duck trowsers, a white duck ovcrshirt, and straw hat. When his toilette was completed, he tied a red bandanna handkerchief in a loop, and threw it loosely over his shoulders. The transformation was complete : as he crept softly down the stairs and stepped into the road, no one would have detected in him the elegant stranger of the previous night, and but few have recognized the face and figure of Henry York of Sandy Bar. In the uncertain light of that early hour, and in the change that had come over the settlement, he had to pause for a moment to recall where he stood. The Sandy Bar of his recollection lay below him, nearer the river ; the buildings around him were of later date and newer fashion. As he strode toward the river, he noticed here a school- house and there a church. A little farther on, "The Sunny South" came in view transformed into a restaurant its gilding faded and its paint rubbed off. He now knew where he was ; and running briskly down a declivity, crossed a ditch, and stood upon the lower boundary of the Amity Claim. The gray mist was rising slowly from the river, 278 The Iliad of Sandy Bar. clinging to the tree-tops and drifting up the moun- tain-side, until it was caught among those rocky altars, and held a sacrifice to the ascending sun. At his feet the earth, cruelly gashed and scarred by his forgotten engines, had, since the old days, put on a show of greenness here and there, and now smiled forgivingly up at him, as if things were not so bad after all. A few birds were bath- ing in the ditch with a pleasant suggestion of its being a new and special provision of Nature, and a hare ran into an inverted sluice-box, as he ap- proached, as if it were put there for that purpose. He had not yet dared to look in a certain direc- tion. But the sun was now high enough to paint the little eminence on which the cabin stood. In spite of his self-control, his heart beat faster as he raised his eyes toward it. Its window and door were closed, no smoke came from its adobe chimney, but it was else unchanged. When within a few yards of it, he picked up a broken shovel, and shouldering it with a smile, strode toward the door and knocked. There was no sound from within. The smile died upon his lips as he nervously pushed the door open. A figure started up angrily and came toward him : a figure whose blood-shot eyes suddenly fixed into a vacant stare ; whose arms were at first outstretched and then thrown up in warning ges- ticulation ; a figure that suddenly gasped, choked, and then fell forward in a fit. But before he touched the ground, York had The Iliad of Sandy Bar. 279 him out into the open air and sunshine. In the struggle, both fell and rolled over on the ground. But the next moment York was sitting up, hold- ing the convulsed frame of his former partner on his knee, and wiping the foam from his inarticulate lips. Gradually the tremor became less frequent, and then ceased ; and the strong man lay un- conscious in his arms. For some moments York held him quietly thus, looking in his face. Afar, the stroke of a wood- man's axe a mere phantom of sound was all that broke the stillness. High up the moun- tain, a wheeling hawk hung breathlessly above them. And then came voices, and two men joined 'them. "A fight?" No, a fit; and would they help him bring the sick man to the hotel ? And there, for a week, the stricken partner lay, unconscious of aught but the visions wrought by disease and fear. On the eighth day, at sunrise^ he rallied, and opening his eyes, looked upon York, and pressed his hand ; then he spoke : " And it's you. I thought it was only whisky." York replied by taking both of his hands, boyishly working them backward and forward, as his elbow rested on the bed, with a pleasant smile. " And you've been abroad. How did you like Paris?" " So, so. How did you like Sacramento ? " " Bully." And that was all they could think to say. Pre- sently, Scott opened his eyes again : 280 The Iliad of Sandy Bar. " I'm mighty weak." "You'll get better soon." " Not much." A long silence followed, in which they could hear the sounds of wood-chopping, and that Sandy Bar was already astir for the coming day. Then Scott slowly and with difficulty turned his face to York, and said : " I might hev killed you once.'' " I wish you had." They pressed each other's hands again, but Scott's grasp was evidently failing. He seemed to summon his energies for a special effort. " Old man ! " " Old chap." " Closer ! " York bent his head toward the slowly fading face. " Do ye mind that morning ? " " Yes." A gleam of fun slid into the corner of Scott's blue eye, as he whispered : " Old man, thar was too much saleratus in that bread." It is said that these were his last words. For when the sun, which had so often gone down upon the idle wrath of these foolish men, looked again upon them reunited, it saw the hand of Scott fall cold and irresponsive from the yearning clasp of his former partner, and it knew that the feud of Sandy Bar was at an end. NOVELS AT ONE SHILLING. By CAPTAIN MARRYAT. Peter Simple. Jacob Faithful. Percival Keene. The King's Own. The Dog-Fiend. Valerie. Midshipman Easy. Japhet in Search of a Frank Mildmay. Rattlin the Reefer. Father. Olla Podrida. Pacha of Many Tales. The Poacher. Monsieur Violet. Newton Forster. The Phantom Ship. By W. H. AINSWORTH. Windsor Castle. Guy Fawkes. Mervyn Clitheroe. Tower of London. The Spendthrift. Ovingdean Grange. The Miser's Daughter. James the Second. St James's. Rookwood. Star Chamber. Auriol. Old St. Paul's. Flitch of Bacon. Jack Sheppard. Crichton. Lancashire Witches. By J. FENIMORE COOPER. The Pilot. The Waterwitcb. Homeward Bound. Last of the Mohicans. Two Admiral The Borderers. The Pioneers. 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